PS 1294 .C28 R8 Copy 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©|H|t (i!xipi|n9|t j|ij Shelf...... UNITED STATES OF A3IERI(A. Jhis^LxiHG fefiyes. o (usSLiinG jefiyes. / ELIZABETH BORRODAILE ■U&&^-^^^''*- ^ May Christmas chimes bring Christmas Joys To light the closing year. May Ne7v Year echoes Jill your heart With Brightness, Hope, and Cheer.. J -t'-v^^S--^*/^-^ HARD & PARSONS; NEW YORK. C]^2>^:3 /// a ^ TS 12-'\H' C "K 'Copyright 1886. HV ■Hard & Parsoms. :i CHRIS 7 'MA S BEL L S. ylNG out, wild bells, to tl;e wild si^y, %^\)Q fl/ing f loud, tl;e frosty \\a\)\ : ^\)Q year is dyina in \\)Q nlajjt — l\ing out, wild bells, and let l^iin die. I\inp in tf^e valiant man and free, (ibe larger beart, \\)q bindlier band ; l\inci out tbe darkness of ttje land, — l\ing in tl;e 6brist t^at is to be. '['knnvscn. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS. T IS 1l;)e cnim and solemn nigbt ! O 1l;ousancl bells rina out, and ]|;row (^beip loyous peals abroad,, and smile (^)be darbness, — cbarmed and boly now I .(^be nigbt 1|-;at erst no name l^ad worn, (^o it a bappy name is aiven, •-Hor in 1bat stable lay, new born, ■^b-e peaceful i rince of eartb and l;eaven, an tbe solemn midniabt centuries aao. AlIKEU l)t>M.MK'r t. MESSIAH. \^ ARK! a ^lacl voice tl^e lonely desert cl)eers I repare tr}e way I a b^od, a (^od appears vil (:^od, a trod ! \\)Q vocal l;^ills reply, (^96 rocr?s proclaim il;e approacl^ing deity. Qo, earti; receives mm from tbe bending sbies, ^^nl? down, ye mountains, and ye valleys, rise Witf; oeads declined, ye cedars, l^omaae pay I De smooti}, ye rocr?s ; ye rapid floods give v %^\)Q ^aviour comes! by ancient bards foretold - near [;im, ye deaf; and all ye blind, bel^old I ^ee neaven its spar'dmg portals wide disploy, cind breal? upon t!}ee m a flood of day! POPK. PEACE AND GOOD- WILL. r\ \ A / HAT si^all we bnina unto our i^ina Por a ol^nstmas offering ? W breast w[)ere love, Qii?e a Drooclmg dove, rrfeal^es earti) lil?e l;eaven to prove. (^Ipis sr}all we bring . tdnto ,our Y\\ViC^ nor a or^nstmas offering : (l^rood-will increase, cind all strife cease, Ond every peart be filled W1I9 peace. Jui.ii; Leonard. CHRIS TS NA TI VI T Y. % UT peaceful wos 1be ni^l^l Wberein tl;e Prince of light Mis reign of peace upon tl;e eartl; becian. (^96 winds witl; wonder wl;ist, ^mootbly \\)Q waters mssed, Wbispenna new joys to tl^e mild ocean, Wbo now baib quite fornot to nave, Wbile birds of calm sit brooding on tbe cbarmed wave. Mii.roiv. A NEW LIGHT. c — ' HE time draws near tl^e birtl; of ol;;rist : (^pe moon is 91a ; \\)Q niabt is siill, ^\)e otrlstmas bells from bill '^o \)\\\, Onswer eacp otrjen m ir)e mist. I \ise r;appy morn ! rise holy morn ! Draw fortb tl^e cbeerful cloy from niapt ; y natter, toucb tl^e east, and lig^t (i^\)Q Iigbt tl^at sbone wben Hope was born. Tknnvson. CHRIS TMA S OFFERINGS. ^*«>.AY, siyall we yield 91m in cosily devotion, ydors of bdom and offennas divine, (;::;rems of \\)q mountain, and pearls of tbe ocean, lilyrrt; from ll^e foresi, and aold from \\)Q mineV Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Yainiy W1I9 aold would l;is favon secure, I \icl;er by far is tl;e f^eart s adoration. Dearer to (q^od, are ll;e prayers of t[;e poor. Ke<.INAI.O HfcUEK. THE NEW YEAR. THQR year! anoil^er year! ^)';e unceasina rusl^ of lime sweeps on, Wl;elm d in its suraes, disappear I Kan s i^opes and fears, forever aone ! ^wift years ! but teac!^ me 90W to bear, (^o feel and act sn\\\) strenati; and sbill, (4^0 reason wisely, nobly dare, Ond speed your courses as ye will. Anbrews Noktom. THE MUSIC OF THE SEASONS. ^HEi year leads round tl;e seasons in a cl;oir Rorever cparming, and forever new, Diending tl;e arand, \\)Q beautiful, \\)Q gay, Jr^e mournful and ll}e tender, m one strain, Wl^icr? steals into trje beart, lil?e sounds tbat rise nar off, in moonlmbt eveninas, on il^e sl^ore tl^e wide ocean resting after storms. J. (1. I'KKCIV.M- FL YING HO URS. "^BJOICE, prievinp beant ! ^\)Q l}ours fly fast — Witr) eacr} some sorrow dies, Witr) eacr} some sl^aclow flies ; felntil at last (^9e reel dawn in tl^e east Dids weary nia^t depart, (:^nd pain is past; iyeioice, tpen, c^rievma [jeant ! ^)be l^ours fly fast ! Anonymous. A NEW YEAR WISH. 3 may 1l;e rosy-fmaer cl bours Qead on \\)g various vear: cind ev ry loy, wbicl) now is yours. Qxtend a Iar9er sphere. Ond suns to come, as round tbey wbee!, Your aolden momenis bless, Witb all a tender beart can feel, Ur lively fancy nuess. COU'I'EK. CHRISTMAS BELLS. HEARD tbo bells on Bbnstmas Bay ^i}3ir old, familiar carols p'ay, Ond wild and sweet (^l^e words repeat Uf peace on eantl^, aood-will to nnen ! * % -X- (^ill, nnaina, sinama on its way, \^\)Q world revolved from niapt to day, O voice, a CQime, c1 ci^ant sublime y f peace on eart[j, aood-will to men ! LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 211 653 8 #i