PS 635 .Z9 B9615 Copy 1 Fischer's Edition No. 3668 Seasons and Holidays EDITH M. BURROWS Author of "THEIR LORDSHIPS" and "DEAR CYRIL" J. FISCHER & BRO NEW YORK Copyright, 1913, by J. Fischer & Bro. British Copyright Secured Fischer's Edition, No. 3664 net .35 "THEIR LORDSHIPS" A Two-Act Comedy for Young People EDITH M. BURROWS Characters— Six males and six females Setting— A modern living room. Time— About one hour COSTUMES— Ordinary street dress. "RIVAL DEBATING CLUBS" By KA THARINE M. HA YES F^ GRAMMAR SCHOOL PUPILS (Boys and Girls) EIGHTH GRADE No Scenery No Ccstuming No Love Situations No Character Parts Fischer's Edition No. 3497 25 THE RURAL TELEPHONE Monologue for Lady By Jessie A. Kelley Susan Stubbs has just finished the morning's duties in her country farm-house home and has a little time at her disposal before beginning preparations for the noon- day meal. This time she intends to spend darning stockings and also enjoying the new telephone which has just been put in that morning. Susan has questioned great ideal whether to invest the (to her) large sum of twenty dollars a year for a telephone or not, but, finally, being a born gossip, and the agent being wise enough to discern it, she cannot resist when told that there will be twelve parties on the line, all of whom she knows, and that she can hear what any of ihem say at any time by simply tak- ing down the queer little thing called the receiver. Fischer's Edition No. 3497 Price .35 A NEW COMEDY. FOR GIRLS SEEING UNCLE JACK In Two Acts By Clara J. Denton Seven characters as follows : Mabel, Julia, Anna, Kate, Helen, pupils in a city school. Mabel, given to writing and reading poetry, very affected in voice and manner. Julia, fond of imitating Mabel. Kate very practical. ^ Helen, interested in natural history. , • Mrs. Miller, young widow, teacher in same school,* cRpp^roning the party while camping in woods. Nancy, country girl. , ^» • • Costumes: * Mabel : Light !=ummer gown elaborately lace trimmed, large picture hat to match. In second act, no hat. and white rufBed apron. Julia: Same as Mabel. Other girls : Neat wash gowns, plain straw hats. No hats in second act, and dark work aprons. Mrs. Miller: Summer mourning costume, fashionable mourning hat. In second act, wears no hat. Nancy : Faded calico dress, short and old-fashioned, hair in long braids, sunbonnet. Scene : THE WOODS. If the play is given where stage scenery ts impossible, cover the floor with green burlaps and tack the same around the walls. If there are woods near by, young trees may be brought and fastened in blocks of wood covered with any sort of greenery. If nothing else can be obtained in the shape of trees, secure some large olcender pleuits ; these placed at the rear of the stage will serve as a hiding place for Mabel. Arrange a mound in the center, cover it and the oleander pots with greenery. Fischer's Edition No. 3373 Price .25 Published by J. FISCHER & BRO., 7, 8 and 1 1, Bible House NEW YORK Fischer's Edition No. 3668 Seasons and Holidays EDITH M. BURROWS Author of "THEIR LORDSHIPS" and "DEAR CYRIL" J. FISCHER & BRO NEW YORK Copyright, 1913, by J. Fischer & Bro. British Copyright Secured / TMP92-00875'* ©Ci.D 3264 1 SEASONS AND HOLIDAYS Edith M. Burrows Series of eight tableaux, representing four seasons and chief holiday of each season. Verses to be read from behind the scenes before each picture is shown. Music, which is designated, should be played softly during each tableau. SPRING When skies are blue and winds are soft, And all the birds do sing, When the first shy flowers blossom fair, Why, then, we know it's Spring. TABLEAU 1 Young girl, tall and fair, in pale green costume, ivith garlands of cherry blossoms and arms full of same blossoms. Soft music, "Spring Song," Mendelssohn. J. F. & B. 36fi8 J. F. & B. 3668 MAY DAY And at this season of the year Of all, the fairest day, When round the May-pole gay we dance, it c(^nies the first of May. TABLEAU II .^fay-pule, with eight younger girls in white dresses carrying May-baskets of flowers. Soft music for the dance. "Tra/tt oj iSAcLoc I. May-pole from which streamers extend to eight young girls in white frocks and holding May baskets of flowers. . F. & B. 3668 SUMMER \Mien drowsy bees are humming low And fragrance fills the air, When roses lift their lovely heads We know 'tis Summer fair. TABLEAU III Young girl in robe of palest pink, garlands of roses shading from pale pink to deep rose color. Arms full of roses. Soft music, "In the Good Old Summer Time" or "Sweet Roses That Wither." I. F. & B. 866H F. \ H. :)ii(is FOURTH OF JULY Then comes a day when flags are flung, To the breeze from South to North. When loudly, all their joy proclaim. For this is July Fourth. TABLEAU \\ In background, tall young girl dressed to represent "Liberty." Several children in foreground ivith flags, drums, horns and fire-crackers. Music. "Yankee Poodle" or "Star Spangled Banner." T^o/it of S/d^i 1. Denotes box covered with white cheesecloth and draped with American flag on which stands figure of Liberty. Young girl in white flowing costume like those worn by the Seasons, with a gold crown having one gold star in front, and draped with a large Amer- ican flag, represents Liberty. IL Small boy in white sailor suit, wearing a red, white and blue striped paper soldier cap and with his right hand raised to position of salute to Liberty and the flag. III. Small girl in white with striped paper cap and bending down to light firecracker held up by IV. Who is a small boy, also, in white with paper 'cap, kneeling and holding firecracker. V. A very small boy in white with paper cap — who has a drum hung around his neck and who is looking up at Liberty. VI and VII. Are girls in white with the paper caps and with red. white and blue horns which they hold at their lips. J. F. & B. 3668 For costumes, for the Seasons and for " Lii)- erty," use cheesecloth in dehcate colors and make them along very simple ( Jreek lines. The flowers can he made of paper. F. k B. 3668 AUTUMN When brisk winds blow from the treetops tall, Leaves that are yellow and sere, A\'hen ripen all the fruits of earth, 'Tis the Autumn time of the vear. TABLEAU V Young girl in costume of brown, yellow and red, /rimmed with Autumn leaves and berries and holding fruits. Music, " Novemhery J. F. >S: B. ;36tJ8 J. F. cS: B. :5()68 THANKSGIVING Then at this season all give thanks, And in our hearts we pray, For blessings rich in years to come. On glad Thanksgiving Day. TABLEAU \T Six younger girls in Pilgrim costume, ivith Bibles or Prayer Books in folded hands. Music, "Hymn of praise,'' " Praise to God, immortal praised ^roat oi ■S/'a.oc These marks indicate the positions of the six little Puritan maids in this picture. I. F. & B. 3668 WINTER A soft snow mantles all the earth And we hear this glad refrain, "Ho for the skates and sleds and sports, Old Winter's here again." TABLEAU VII Young girl in white robe trimmed with white fur, swansdown and sprinkled over with diamond dust, zvreath of holly and bunches of holly. Music, 'Jingle Bells." J. F. & B. 8668 J. F. & R. :}668 CHRISTMAS Then hark, on the chilly air ring out, Santa's sleigh bells merry and gay, All the stockings are hung on the chimney tall, 'Tis the night before Christmas Day. TABT.EAU VIII III backgroHiui open fireplace 7vith two or three small eJiildren hanging up stockings. In foreground, groups of older girls tying up packages and trimming tree. Music, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," also "Holy Night." ~T?x>/it o At the back center is the fireplace in which can be placed an imitation fire made by covering electric bulbs with red crepe paper and piling logs about them. In front of this stand two small children, a boy and a girl, in their night clothes, hanging up their stockings. To the right is a table at which two older girls are seated tying up bundles. Two smaller girls may stand behind them apparently helping. To the left is a step-ladder, on which stands a boy hanging a holly wreath over a picture or light fixture on the wall, while a little girl stands at the foot of the ladder handing him another wreath. To the left of this is the tree, partially trim- med, about which stand two older girls in the act of trimming it. while a boy on his knees hands them some ornaments. I^ditii M. Burrows. J. F. & P. 8668 I^AB 1913 FISCHER'S School Soncs For AM Grades Price per series 05 $4.00 per hundred SERIES I. Unison Songs Our Hag Goe> By or "Hat. Off My Boy." W. Rhys-Herbert Flag of the Brare Arr. by W. Rhys- Herbert The Flag of Freedom Arr. by W, Rhys-Herbert Medley of American Patriotic Songs S. T. Paul SERIES II. Unison Songs Straight Ahead March R. J. Powell Never Say Fail W. Rhys-Herbert Cradle Song H. Garcia Elliott The Bold Sailor Boy H. Garcia Elliott The Star. H. Garcia Elliott Ten Little Pigs H. Garcia Elliott SERIES III. Unison Songs My Doll's Name H. Garcia Elliott Daddy's Treasure Ship H. Garcia Elliott The Water Lily H. Garcia Elliott Young Spring H. Garcia Elliott Christmas Carol H. Garcia Elliott The Flight of the Birds H. Garcia Elliott Nonsense Rhymes H. Garcia Elliott Evening Hymn H. Garcia Elliott SERIES IV. Unison Songs Playtime Land W. Rhys-Herbert The Moon-Man W. Rhys-Herbert Our Flag the Best of All J, H. McKoan Captain Kidd R. R. Forman In Happy Moments W. V. Wallace Spring Heart R. R, Forman Fischer's Edition Plays, Dialogues, Drills, Monologues, Recitations, etc. 1456 Knaves and Fools. Comedy for males A. J. Schindler .25 1457 The Discontented Sisters. Comedy for females . . . A. J. Schindler .20 3259 Kris Kringle. Play for females A. J. Schindler .25 3260 Lily and Rosebud. Play for males and females A. J. Schindler .25 3261 Our Merry Making Minstrels. Play for males A. J. Schindler .25 3262 The Golden Slipper. Play for females A. J. Schindler .25 3263 Cousin Charlie. Play for male and females A. J. Schindler .25 3264 A Grain of Salt. Play for males A. J. Schindler .25 3265 Little Mischief. Play for females A.J. Schindler .25 3266 Tim and Tom. Play for males A. J. Schindler .25 3372 The Old Ship. Dialogue for 3 boys Clara J. Denton .20 3373 Seeing Uncle Jack. Comedy for females Clara J. Denton .25 ■21-7A The Hoe Drill. Drill for Boys } ^i i n» . oe ^^^"^ The Club Drill. Baseball Bat Drill \ ^'"* J" ^^"^'"^ '^^ 3377 Flower Drill. For girls . Clara J. Denton . 1 5 3378 The Birthdays. A Lincoln and Washington Birthday Dialogue for boys and girls Clara J. Denton .10 3379 Sammie's Lesson. Dialogue for boy and girl. For Flag- day etc Clara J. Denton . 1 5 3380 The Yellow Law. Play for girls and boys. For Thanksgiving day Clara J. Denton .20 3381 Three Recitations. For Washington-Lincoln, etc. celebrations Clara J. Denton .15 34"'7 A Rural Telephone. Monologue for lady .... Jessie A. Kelley .35 3556 De Trouble Begins at Nine. A negro farce for 2 males Chas. White .15 3557 The Train to Mauro. Comic Dialogue for males and female , . . S. A. Frost .15 3*^58 No Peddlers Wanted. Comic Dialogue for males. 15 3559 A Cup of Tea. A comedietta for males and female. .. . Albert Smith ,15 3560 The Great Arrival. A farce for males G. W. H. Griffin .15 3561 Aunt Charlotte's Maid. A farce for males and females J. M. Morton .15 3562 All that Glitters is not Gold. Comic Drama for males and females Thomas and J. M. Morton .1 5 3563 No Cure, No Pay. Farce for males G. W. H. Griffin .15 3564 Mischievous Bob. Comic Drama for males 15 3565 Aunt Vinegar's Money. A dialogue for females . . . Arzalea Hunt .10 3566 Handy Andy. Drama for males and females W. R. Floyd .15 J. FISCHER & BRO. NEW YORK All prices are strictly net LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 102 536 7 O YOUNG AMERICA ORCHESIKA SELECT COMPOSITIONS Specially Arranged for School and Amateur Organizations 10 14 Full Pia. Under the Palm Trees; Waltz. R. Sinnhold { ^^ gQ j qq Jq Alma Polka G. F. Alice Lagarde j • • • * Hosanna P. Wachs ) ^ , 0^ ^ The Perfect Day P. Scheuren ) Camellia; • • . . Melodie. . . .^ [g ^ Yon .90 J.JO J.25 .40 Kmckerbocker ; Intermezzo-Gavotte ) The Rally ; March. S. T. Paul 40 ,60 .15 Viennese Waltz. J. Lewis Browne 40 .60 .J5 A Nautical Knot ; Overture. W. Rhys-Herbert J. 00 J.25 J. 50 .30 The Harvest Moon; Waltz (from "Sylvia''). W. Rhys Herbert 60 .80 J. 00 .20 For Violin and Piano with Second Violin, Cello, Flute ad libitum FISCHER'S AMERICAN ALBUM Two Volumes MODERN RECITAL PIECES Voiumeii. The above mentioned volumes can be had in following arrangements s Violin and Piano 75 Two Violins & Piano 1.00 Violin, Cello & Piano 1.25 Two Violins, Cello & Piano J.50 Violin, Flute & Piano, 1.25 Two Violins, Flute & Piano J»50 Violin, Cello, Flute & Piano 1.75 Two Violins, Cello, Flute & Piano 2.00 Send for contents list ; also for catalogue of other collections for Violin & Piano, Two Violins & Piano, Violin, Cello & Piano, etc J. FISCHER & BRO. 7& ii, Bible House New York