T H 62,55 rT-^fi _. JUL 4 1864 i884^ IllMstrated Catalogue OF vVater-Lyloset and ijathing A rrangements FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PLACES, y\\. *y / Manufactured by The ME YER-SNIFFEN CO. limited, // New York. 46 & 48 Cliff Street. \ %'-!'^, luX^^^^Sit^'''' BRANCH SHOW ROOMS : 91 Adams Street^ Chicago. i P ember ton Square^ Boston. Entered^ according to Act of Congress., in the year 1884, by The Meyer-Sniffen Co. (Limited), in the Office 0/ the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. ,'"Av9- J^^v^'^ ^ f .p This Catalogue has been prepared to enable Architects and others to readily describe which of our Water Closet and Bathing Arrangements they want, and in a concise man- ner, so that there can be no misunderstanding on the part of contractors as to what is intended. At the bottom of each page is given the number of each Apparatus. When specifying or ordering, please be particular to give Number of Apparatus ; also Plate Number. We can supply the most approved forms of WATER-CLOSET APPLIANCES for either private or public use, and we invite correspondence from those who wish to arrange water-closet accommodation for public buildings. We wish all who can to visit our warerooms, and see our specialties fitted up, with water attached. To parties not in this city, or in Chicago and Boston where we have branch shozv- rooms, we will be glad to give addresses in their vicinity, where our goods can be seen in actual use. We manufacture a superior quality of PLUMBERS' BRASS AND PLATED WORK. To those persons anxious to use a better grade of goods than are usually sold, we will be pleased to quote prices j at the same time we respectfully ask parties who are merely looking for the cheapest articles, regardless of quality, not to write to us for catalogues and price lists, as we 7nake no pretensions to sell Brass Work of our manufac- ture as low as the lowest. When the quality of our productions is considered, it will be found that there are none cheaper. Ori9-&z/^an-. r'..U THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. We distinguish our Manufactures by various Trademarks^ viz.: — ^' DOHERTYr ''EM Essr '' tucker:' ''brighton:' " halls:' "Hellyer:' -fuller:' "Murdock:' THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. I JVater-Closet Apparatus, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, No. I. Plate I. In this Closet the Basin is kept about two-thirds full of water, and when the handle is pulled the deposit is carried right away by this body of water into the lower regions without touching the Basin or soiling the Apparatus. The inside of the Container is enameled and can also be ventilated. The Valve that holds the water in this Basin is constructed on a novel principle, and WITH GREAT CARE, so that no trouble will arise from the leaking of water from the Basin. _ One of the prominent and valuable features of this Water-Closet is the novel flushing-rim by which the water enters the bowl simultaneously at all sides. Unless adequately supplied, much of its efficiency is lost. Our Cistern is constructed in every particular to exactly meet the requirements of this Water Closet. For that reason we respectfully request Architects not to call for the Closet without the Cistern, as we prefer not to have the Closet put up, unless m such a manner as will give perfect satisfaction, which we guarantee when our instructions for setting them are carried out. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Go's Water-Closet Apparatus No. Plate THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. I Water-Closet Apparatus, Flushed from No. 4 " Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. Capacity 8>^ gallons. Size 25 x 14 x 10 inches. i.iiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiin.^ This Apparatus is the same as shown on preceding page, except that the Cistern is our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, the same as described on page 59. Plate 56. which adds $2.00 to the cost of Apparatus. For convenience in describing, please designate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water Closet Apparatus No. i, Plate 2. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. J IVater-Closet Apparatus, WITH IMPROVED FLUSHING RIM. For Stores, Tenement-Houses, Servants' Use, or any public place where people neglect to lift the handle or properly flush an ordinary Water-Closet. Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Patent Regulator No. 2 Waste-Preventing Cistern. Complete with Seat, and all attachments ready for putting up, except lead pipe. No. 3. Plate 3. -This Hopper is of Earthenware, of novel shape, and with improved flushing rim. When supplied and fitted up, as shown herein, it is always clean. When the seat is depressed, a valve is raised, and the Service-Box filled with water to the extent of two and a half gallons. When the seat is relieved of weight, the valve before referred to is closed, and another one opened, when the contents are suddenly delivered through an i^ pipe to the Hopper, carrying all solid matter through the trap. For convenience in describing please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water Closet Apparatus, No. 3. Plate 3. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. J IVater-Closet Apparatus, WITH IMPROVED FLUSHING RIM. For Stores, Tenement-Houses, Servants' Use, or any public place, where people neglect to lift the handle or properly fiuth an ordinary Water-Closet. Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s" Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Waste-Preventing Cistern. Complete with Seat, and all attachments ready for putting up, except lead pipe. No. 3. Plate 4. This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess Cast Lead-Lined, the same as described on page 58, plate 55. For convenience in describing please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water Closet Apparatus No. 3, Plate 4. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 3 A IVater-Closet Apparatus, Complete with Seat and all Attachments, ready for putting up, except lead pipe. No. 3 A. Plate 5. \ This shows an improvement on our No. 2 Cistern, which is used with Apparatus Nos. 3 and 5. Where Hopper-Closets are used, it is very desirable and important that the surface of the basin should be wet all over before any excreta touches it. It is well known that when these are brought in contact with a dry surface it is difficult to wash them off even with a copious after flush. In order to secure this first wash, we have hitherto arranged a trickling device in our No. 2 Cistern ; in practice, however, it was found that this would wet only the rear half of the basin, and if the seat was occupied a long time, would use considerable water. This improved Cistern entirely overcomes this difficulty, and seems to fully anticipate every want. In its normal condition the compartment holds two quarts of water — the valve being closed. When the seat is depressed this valve is lifted, releasing this water, which rushes through the pipe to the Hopper, with sufficient force to completely flush the basin. This is ample for the purpose, and more economical in the use of water than the constant trickle. The further action of the Cistern is the same as with the No. 2, namely: when the seat is depressed a valve closes the outlet pipe to the Hopper; a valve is also raised permitting water to flow frorn the Cistern proper into the Service-Box, in which the water is retained until the valve before referred to is raised by the seat being relieved of weight, at which time the water is rapidly delivered to the bowl, thoroughly flushing everything out of it. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 3 A, Plate 5. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. J A IVater^Closet Apparatus, Consisting of Hellyer Artisan Hopper, and "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. Size, 19^x13x11 inches. Complete with Seat and all Attachments, ready for putting up, except lead pipe. No. 3 A. Plate 6. -^ .■■■ This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, the same as described on page 59, Plate 57. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. ^A, Plate 6. lO THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. ATENT Seat Attachment, Plate 7. It will be seen that with this Attachment, (the seat resting as it does at its forward part on the two push-bars placed at a proper distance apart) the weight of the occupant will always be thrown on a point in the front of the seat, intermediate of the two supporting devices, thus avoiding the possibility of any uneven strain on the seat. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer- Sniff en Go's Patent Seat- Attachment^ Plate 7. Standard Seat Attachment. Plate 8. This Attachment is arranged so that the lever can be placed at any angle while the bar will be always in its proper position, pointing toward the center of the front of the seat. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer- Sniff en Go's Standard Seat Attachment^ Plate 8. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. II AN ADMIRABLE WA TER-CLOSET FOR PUBLIC PLACES . The Meyer-Sniffen Co;s No^ 4 IVater-Closet Apparatus, Just the arrangement for Factories, Railway Stations, Schools, &c., or any place where a water-closet will be in constant use by numbers of people. With this apparatus we send Service-Boxes, Valves, and all fittings, but not the tank itself. No. 4. Plate 9, The tanks can be made by the plumber of any required size, and lined with tinned copper or sheet-lead, in which case we furnish the Service-Boxes with the Valves, Levers, and all connections made specially for this descnption of Cistern, and for the proper flushing of the "Hellyer" Hoppers. For many places this is undoubtedly the best possible Apparatus. When properly fitted up it is sure to give the utmost satisfaction. These tanks can be made to extend over as many Hoppers as it is proposed to set in a row. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Go's Water-Closet Apparatus No. 4, Plate 9. 12 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. SECTION OF LONG TANK USED OVER The Hellyer Hoppers, As shown on the preceding page Plate TO. This is an end view of the Cistern shown on the preceding page, lined with lead or tinned copper ; the air and overflow-pipe is of brass. In ordering the fixtures for this tank, it will be necessary to give the inside dimensions of the tank. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 13 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 5 IV A TER-CLOSET APPARA TUS. Consisting of " HELLYER " SHORT ARTISAN HOPPER, With Earthenware Trap to set above the Floor. Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Patent Regulator No. 2 Waste-Preventing Cistern. No. 5. Plate 1 1. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 5, Plate 11. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'S No. 5 Water-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of "HELLYER" SHORT ARTISAN HOPPER, With Earthenware Trap to set above the Floor. Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. Capacity 6 gallons. Size 19^ x 13 x 11 inches. No. 5. Plate 12. This apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess " Cast Lead-Lined, the same as described on page 58, Plate 55. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Go's Water-Closet Apparatus No. 5, Plate 12. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 15 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 5 A Water^Closet Apparatus. Complete with Seat and all Attachments, ready for putting up, except lead pipe. No. 5 A, Plate 13- For description of this Cistern, see Apparatus 3 A, page 8. For convenience in describing, please designate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No, 5 A, Plate 13. i6 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. sA Water-Closet Apparatus. consisting of Hellyer Patent Short Hopper and Trap, "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. Size 19 j5^ X 13 X II inches. Complete with Seat and all Attachments, ready for putting up, except lead pipe. No. 5 A. Plate This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, the same as described on page 59, Plate 57. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Go's Water-Closet Apparatus No. ^A, Plate 14. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 17 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 6 Water-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HELLYER" SHORT ARTISAN HOPPER, With Earthenware Trap to set above the Floor. With this Apparatus we send Service Boxes, Valves and all Fittings, but not the Tank itself. No. 6. Plate 15. These Tanks can be made to extend over as many Hoppers as it is proposed to set in a row. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 6, Plate 15. i8 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 7 IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed^from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 4 Cistern. CUP, PULL, AND STANDARD. No. 7. Plate 16. This can be cased up like any Water-Closet, or set on a tile tioor with tile smes. By some it is preferred to either the Pan or the Modern Closets. The Handle should be lifted before as well as after use, to insure wetting the sides of the Hopper. For convenience in describing, please designate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 7, Plate 16. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 19 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 7 IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of "HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. CUP, PULL, AND STANDARD. No. 7. Plate 17- This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 59, Plate 56. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water -Closet Apparatus No. 7, Plate 17. 20 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'S No. 8 IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of " HELLYER " ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 4 Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. ',» I'liiiiiiffl No. 8. Plate 18. \ This arrangement is the same as that shown on page 18, without Cnp, Pull and Standard, making a saving of about two dollars. The cord should be pulled before as well as after use, to insure wettmg the sides of the Hopper. For convenience in describing, please designate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 8, Plate 18. \ THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 21 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No, 8 IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of " HELLYER " ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. ^^^i0i^fi No. 8. Plate 19. This Apparatus is the same as shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess " Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 59, Plate 56. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 8, Plate 19. i>r 22 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. g Water-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of " HELLYERf ^ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 8 Waste-Preventing Cistern. CUP, PULL, AND STANDARD, No. 9. Plate 20. { With this Apparatus is used a Waste-Preventing Cistern over the Hopper. The Handle should be lifted before as well as after use, to insure wetting the sides of the Hopper. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 9, Plate 20. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 23 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. g IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HEI.LYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s "Em Ess" Waste-Preventing Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. CUP, PULL, AND STANDARD. No. 9. Plate 21. This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 58, Plate 54. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 9, Plate 21. 24 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 10 WATER-CLOSET APPARATUS. Consisting of " HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Waste-Preventing Cistern. WITH CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. lo. Plate 22. This shows the Waste-Preventing Tank. The cord should be pulled before as well as after use, to insure the wetting of the sides of the Hopper. For convenience in describing, please designate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Wafer-Closet Apparatus No. lo, Plate 22. 1 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 25 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 10 IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Waste-Preventing Cistern. WITH CHAIN AND T.ASSEL. No. 10. Plate This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 58, Plate 54. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water -Closet Apparatus No. 10, Plate 23. 26 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. II IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting OF " HELLYER " SHORT HOPPER, With Earthen Trap to set above the Floor. Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 4 Pat. Regulator Sure-Supply Cistern. CUP, PULL, AND STANDARD. It will be noticed there is no space for foul matter to accumulate ; on that account, and for its improved shape and flushmg rim, it is preferred by some persons. The Trap is of Earthenware. The connection for Vent-Pipe is Brass. Clamps are provided to fasten Bowl to Trap. The Handle should be lifted before as well as after use, to insure the wetting of the sides of the Hopper. For convenience in describing, please designate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 11, Plate 24. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 27 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. II IVater^Closet Apparatus, Consisting of " HELLYER " SHORT HOPPER, With Earthen Trap to set above the Floor. Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. CUP, PULL, AND STANDARD. No. II Plate 25- This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 59, Plate 56. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 11, Plate 25. 28 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'S No. 12 IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of "HELLYER" SHORT ARTISAN HOPPER, With Earthen Trap to set above the Floor. Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 4 Patent Regulator Sure-Supply Cistern. WITH CHAIN AND TASSEL. •~N V No. 12. Plate 26. The cord should be pulled before as well as after use, to insure the wetting of the sides of the Hopper. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 12, Plate 26. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 29 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'S No. 12 Water-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of "HELLYER" SHORT ARTISAN HOPPER, With Earthen Trap to set above the Floor, Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. WITH CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. 12. Plate 27. This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 59, Plate 56. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 12, Plate 27. 3° THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. I J Water-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of RHOADS' PORCELAIN-SEATED HOPPER, With Flush-Tank for use in Exposed Places where Water is Liable to Freeze. No. 13. Plate 28. Rhoads' Flushing-Cistern. It discharges itself at regular intervals, as long or short as may be desired, into any form of bowl or hopper, avoiding all door, or treadle or seat-connection with an inlet valve, and requiring no action of the person using the closet, as the wash is purelj^ automatic. The regularly repeated flushing secures perfect cleanliness of hopper and trap. A good arrangement for Unnals in certain situations. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water- Closet Apparatus No. 13, Plate 28. \ THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 31 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 14 IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, With Flush-Tank, for use in Exposed Places where Water is Liable to Freeze. -X- No. 14. Plate 29. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water Closet Apparatus No. 14, Plate 29, 32 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. IS PVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Waste-Preventing Cistern. ARRANGED TO OPERATE BY THE DOOR. No. 15. Plate 30- The Hopper is flushed whenever the door is opened ; while if the door is held open, only a limited quantity of water can be drawn off. A Stop is put on the door to prevent its being opened too wide, and a Spring to cause it to close. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 15, Plate 30. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 33 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. IS IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Waste-Preventing Cistern. ARRANGED TO OPERATE BY THE DOOR. No. 15. Plate 31- This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is^our " Em Ess " Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 58, Plate 54. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Go's Water-Closet Apparatus No. 15, Plate 31. 34 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 1 6 IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of "HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, P'lushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. o Waste-Preventing Cistern. No. 1 6. Plate 32. This Cistern is arranged to be operated by a chain running through pulleys ; in many situations the most practicable method, especially when the Cistern is not directly over the Hopper. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 16, Plate 32. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 35 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 1 6 IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of "HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPPER, Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Waste-Preventing Cistern. No. l6. Plate This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess " Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 58, Plate 54. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water- Closet Apparatus No. 16, Plate 33. i 36 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. I J IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of RHOADS' PORCELAIN-SEATED HOPPER CLOSET, Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Waste-Preventing Cistern. No. 17. Plate 34. The Hopper is flushed whenever the door is opened. Only a limited quantity of water can be drawn at one time. A good arrangement where it is difficult to keep an ordinary Water-Closet clean. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 17, Plate 34. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 37 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 17 IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of RHOADS' PORCELAIN-SEATED HOPPER CLOSET, Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Waste-Preventing Cistern. No. 17. Plate 35- This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is oui ' Em Ess " Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 58, Plate 54. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Go's Water-Closet Apparatus No. 17, Plate 35. 38 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 1 8 IVATER-CLOSET APPARATUS. CONSISTING OF RHOADS' PORCELAIN-SEATED HOPPER CLOSET, FLUSHED FROM The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. o Waste-Preventing cistern. ARRANGED TO OPERATE BY THE DOOR. No. 1 8. Plate 36. For convenience in describing, please designate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water Closet Apparatus No. 18, Plate 36. J THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 39 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 1 8 IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of RHOADS' PORCELAIN-SEATED HOPPER CLOSET, Flushed from our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Waste-Preventing Cistern. ARRANGED TO OPERATE BY THE DOOR. No. 1 8, Plate 37- This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 58, Plate 54. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 18, Plate 37. 4° THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'S No. 2 J IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting or "HELLYER" LONG HOPPER, With "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Syphon Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. — s No. 23. Plate 38. .; I , I'l ! ' ''' 'iiji ' ' ' J 'PI. P' '■'■>■"■■"■■ JS /li; /:;;-'• 'I- ■■■■• y -y -■ y- For description of Cistern, see page 60, Plate 59. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 23, Plate 38. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 41 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 24 IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of "HELLYER" SHORT ARTISAN HOPPER, With Earthenware Trap to set above the Floor, and "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Syphon Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. 24. Plate 39- For description of Cistern, see page 60, Plate 59. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 24, Plate 39. 42 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 2s M/ater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of "HELLYER" LONG HOPPER, With No. 7 "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. 25 Plate 40. For description of Cistern, see page 60, Plate 58. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 25, Plate 40. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 43 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 26 Water-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HELLYER" SHORT ARTISAN HOPPER, With Earthenware Trap to set above the Floor. Flushed by No. 7 "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. 26. Plate 41- For description of Cistern, see page 60, Plate 58. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 26, Plate 41. 44 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co;s No. 2 J IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HELLYER" ARTISAN HOPrER, Flushed with Small "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, Air-Pipe, Valve Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. 27, Plate 42. • ■i,-;! l i";i..!i!'!!!. l^ For description of Cistern, see page 61, Platel6o. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Go's Water-Closet Apparatus No. 27, Plate 42. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 45 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 28 Water-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of "HELLYER" SHORT ARTISAN HOPPER, With Earthenware Trap to set above the Floor. Flushed with Small "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, Air-Pipe, Valve Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. 28. Plate 43- For description of Cistern, see page 61, Plate 60. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Go's Water-Closet Apparatus No. 28, Plate 43. 46 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 'pHE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSETS here illustrated are, we believe, the best Water-Closets, all things considered, yet made of the class known as without mechanical parts. The bottom of the bowl is covered with water, while the flush coming in through two arms, as shown, and the shape of the bowl is such, that the trunk on the back is kept perfectly clean. It is attractive in appearance, being all in one piece, of white earthenware. These Closets have had a large sale in England and the United States during the past seven years. We have had them in use in our factory, in some of the finest private and public buildings, and large Railroad Depots, nearly four years, and we now offer them to those who prefer a different form of Water-Closet than the '"'• Hellyer,'' which ^ by the way^ does not, in a single instance , so far as we know, fail to satisfy those who have it in use. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 47 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. JO PVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET, Cistern, Brackets, Patent Floor Flange, CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. 30. Plate 44- For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 30, Plate 44. 48 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. JO Water-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of the "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET. "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. 30. Plate 45- This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our " Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 60, Plate 58. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 30, Plate 45. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 49 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. J I IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of the "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET— To Work Automatically. Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Regulator No. 2 Waste-Preventing Cistern. Complete with Seat and all attachments ready for putting up, except lead pipe. For Stores, Tenement-Houses, Servants' Use, or any public place, where people neglect to lift the handle or properly flush an ordinary Water-Closet. No. 31. Plate 46. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 31, Plate 46. 50 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 31 IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET— To Work Automatically. Flushed prom our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. Complete with Seat and all attachments ready for putting up, except lead pipe. No. 31. Plate 47- This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that 'described on page 58, Plate 55. For convenience in describing, pleasejdesignate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 31, Plate 47. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 51 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 32 IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of THE "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET, WITHOUT TRAP, CISTERN, BRACKETS, CHAIN AND TASSEL. The " Brighton," without trap, is intended to be put in where the trap is already in, or where parties prefer it below the floor. No. 32. Plate 48. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 32, Plate 48 52 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. j2 IVater-Closet Apparatus, Consisting of the "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET, Without Trap. With "Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lined Cistern. CHAIN AND TASSEL. No. 32. Plate 49- ji"i""i' 'I nfnifHnpimnnrfinfffim; This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our * * Em Ess " Cast Lead-Lined, the same as that described on page 60, Plate 58. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 32, Plate 49. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 53 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 33 IVater-Closet Apparatus. Consisting of the "BRIGHTON" WATER-CLOSET, Without Trap. To Work Automatically. Flushed from The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Regulator No. 2 Waste-Preventing Cistern. Complete with Seat and all attachments ready for putting up, except lead pipe. No. 33. Plate 50- For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. t^T)', Plate 50. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 33 IVater-Closet Apparatus. CONSISTING OF THE " BRIGHTON " WATER-CLOSET, WITHOUT TRAP. To Work Automatically. FLUSHED FROM OUR " EM ESS " CAST LEAD-LTNED CISTERN. Complete with Seat and all attachments ready for putting up, except lead pipe. No. 33. Plate 51- This Apparatus is the same as that shown on the preceding page, except that the Cistern is our .'Em Ess" Cast Lead-Lmed, the same as that described on page 58, Plate 55- For convenience in describing, please designate as- The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Water-Closet Apparatus No. 33, ^^^^^ 5i- THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 55 A CARD. Plate J ^ • METAL CONNECTION Jt THE Plumbers and Architects of the United States are tolerably well aware that the undersigned and their predecessors in business have successfully introduced various appliances used in first-class plumbing work, and that their success in this direction has exerted more or less influence on the practice of other manufacturers of such goods. This success has been in a large measure due to the fact that the experimenting has been done at their own cost and not that of the public, and their failures are known only to them- selves, they having paid the bills. For obvious reasons, therefore, those who hitherto have been skeptical of the success of these ven- tures, speculated over and predicted their failure, have now adopted the other course of imitating, and in some cases infringing rights that have been protected by patents. Indeed, a neglect to copyright circulars and catalogues has resulted in the substantial appropria- tion of their subject-matter. Now, business men would be more than human if at times such occurrences did not annoy them, though they were in some degree anticipated, and friends have offered consolation by suggesting that the infiringement of a patent was the best evidence of the value of the thing patented, and the imitation of articles was a recognition of the discrimination and practical judgment displayed in the selection of the devices that the undersigned have asked the public to buy. Whatever gratification there may be in such reflections, our duty to ourselves as business men is to defend our just rights in pat- ented articles, whether of our own invention or acquired by purchase. The immediate purpose of this announcement, therefore, is to call the attention of architects, owners and plumbers to the fact that we own a patent for an improvement designed to secure a more perfect joint at the outgo of any form of earthenware Water-Closet in which the trap is placed above the floor, as in the case of the " Brighton " or " Hellyer " Short Hopper and Trap. By some this form of water-closet has been preferred, and recognizing this element of weakness in all closets where the joint is on the sewer side of the water-seal in the trap, we purchased a patent that we believe to be valid, and which, we are informed by competent counsel, secures to us the exclusive right to substantially the following : " The combination with the water-closet outlet and the flexible pipe leading to the soil-pipe of a metallic connection that is joined at one end to the water-closet and at the other end to the flexible connecting pipe ^ The following extract from the opinion of our counsel will also indicate that in defending our rights we shall be obliged to resort to the disagreeable course of proceeding against the plumber who carries out this method of construction, or the owner of the premises where it may exist : " You will understand, of course, that it is doubtful if you could enjoin under this patent the manufacturer or seller of the separate parts only of the contrivance ; but you can, in 7ny judgtnent, without doubt enjoin any one who either PUTS UP or USES a water-closet apparatus containing the cotnbination of devices which I have explained as being covered by the claims of the patent" As we desire to avoid putting individual owners who have comparatively little interest in contesting the validity of our patents to needless expense, it is suggested that they procure guarantees from those who furnish water-closets intended to be fitted up in a manner to infringe our patent. This will relieve them from any expense in a contest over the validity of its claims, which course seems only reasonable and proper, since otherwise manufacturers would reap the gains and incur none or few of the risks such infringements may involve. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. New York, December ist, 1883. 56 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. It is well known that in all water-closets when the trap, either of earthenware or metal, is placed above the floor, there is a possibility of a leak sufficient to permit the escape of foul gases at the joint where the outlet of the water-closet joins the branch to the soil-pipe. This result may occur through careless workmanship or because of the settlement or shrinkage of floors ; and this contingency has always been an objection to water-closets with a trap above the floor, even though they possess other advantageous features. With a view, therefore, to reduce this risk to a minimum, we have made a change in the construction of the outlet of The *' Brighton." From the illustrations it will be seen that the usual lead sleeve is soldered to the brass flange F, making an absolutely tight soldered joint. This brass flange is then bolted to the bottom of the earthen flange of the water-closet. The earthen flange having a groove in which is inserted a rubber ring, together with the projection " A " of the brass flange, making, at that point, an absolutely tight connection. Plate 53- Figure i. Figure 2. Figure 3. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 57 A NEW ARTICLE OF MANUFACTURE :— THE ''Em £ss" Cast-Lead Cisterns. Patented Oct. 31, 1882 ; May 8, 1883. We are now manufacturing under patents purchased by us, CAST LEAD-LINED WATER-CLOSET CISTERNS . The following advantages are claimed : 1. They are cast extra heavy ^ entirely in one piece ^ from Virgin Pig Lead, without any Seam, Joint or Solder. They are supported in Strong Wood Cisterns, and are not liable to burst, as would Iron Cisterns, if exposed to frost. 2. They are cast stronger at the Corners, tapered each way, and, it is believed, will last longer than any Cistern made from Sheet- Lead, burnt or soldered together. 3. The Working Parts have Brass Bearings. Should the Cistern get damaged, it can be easily repaired, whereas the Iron ones would have to be replaced. 4. Should the Cistern be pulled out, or repaired, the metal has some value, whereas broken Iron Cisterns are comparatively worthless. 5. These Cisterns will not rust and the water from them will not discolor the bowls of the Water-Closets. 6. The rush of water from a Wooden Cistern, lined with lead, occasions less noise than from a Cast Iron one. Referring to our Cisterns of three gallons capacity, experience has shown that for gen- eral use this size is ample, since when the water pressure is good, it is quickly filled through the ball-cock, and when the pressure is inadequate, large storage-tanks must be provided for the upper parts * of buildings from which water for all the lower fixtures can be taken. In either case it will be apparent that the three-gallon size, supplied with a good pressure of water, is ample, and admits of being inclosed in a neat cabinet, thus avoiding an unsightly tank in a bath-room, where water-closets are often placed, and where the usual cistern has often been objected to by householders. 58 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s ''Em £ss" Cast-Lead Cistern. No. I. Plate 54. Capacity 6 gallons. Size 19^ x 13 x 11 inches. This is a Waste-Preventing Cistern, constructed to secure the minimum tax under the New York Water Department Regulations, and especially designed for places where water-meters are required, since an ample flush is secured and waste prevented. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s ^^ Em Ess" Cast- Lead Cistern No. i, Plate 54. No. 2. Plate 55 • Capacity 6 gallons. Sixe 19^ x 13 x 11 inches. This is intended to take the place of our No. 2 Iron Cistern, which is used for flushing hoppers after weight is removed from seat, but has no preliminary flush. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s ^^ Em Ess'' Cast- Lead Cistern No. 2, Plate 55. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 59 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s ''Em Ess" Cast-Eead Cistern. No. 4. Plate 56. Capacity 8|^ gallons. Size 25 x 14 x 10 inches. These are intended for the " Hellyer" or any of the leading styles of modern water-closets. The service- box is made in one piece of heavy brass. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s '•''Em Ess " Cast- Lead Cistern No. 4, Plate 56. No. 5. Plate 57- Size 19)^ x 13 X II inches. This is constructed on the same principle as the cistern used in our No. 3A Apparatus. It secures a prelim- inary flush of half a gallon, which thoroughly wets the entire inner surface of a hopper, together with the two-gallon after-flush when seat is relieved of weight. This tank is not sold separate. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s ^^ Em Ess" Cast- Lead Cistern No. 5, Plate 57. 6o THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s ''Em Bss" Cast-Lead Cistern. No. 7, Plate 58. No. 7. Capacity 8)^ gallons. Size 25 x 14 x 10 inches. This is intended for the " Brighton," or any water-closet not requiring a service-box. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s ''Em Ess'' Cast-Lead Cistern No. 7, Plate 58. No. 9. Plate 59- No. g. Capacity 3 gallons. Size 19}^ x 7)^ x 11 inches. This is arranged to discharge a given amount of water by means of a syphon. The action of the syphon being started by the pulling up of a valve, a flush is sure to be obtained, since if, for any reason, the syphon should fail to act, a flush can be secured by holding the pull a few seconds, as with the ordinary cisterns. This cistern may be used with the Hopper and wash-out style of water-closets. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s ''Em Ess" Cast-Lead Cistern No. 9, Plate 59. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 6i The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s ''Em Ess' Cast- Ee ad Cistern. No. lo. Plate 60. No. 10. Capacity 3 gallons. Size 19)^ x 7>^ x 11 inches. This is the same as No. 11, except that it has the overflow arranged to go to the Hopper, as is the usual practice in this country. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s " Em Ess " Cast- Lead Cistern No. 10, Plate 60. No. II. Plate 61. No. II. Capacity 3 gallons. Size 19^ x 7^ x 11 inches. This is intended for flushing Hopper Closets; has an independent overflow, as required by the New York City regulations. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s '''■Em Ess" Cast- Lead Cistern No. 11, Plate 61. 62 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. We have acquired the sole agency in the United States for the ''Royal Porcelain Bath;' [moulded and glazed in one piece,] DESIGNED BY THE LATE PRINCE ALBERT. The Porcelain Bath in one piece was designed by the late Prince Albert, with the object of procuring a permanent non-absorbing porcelain surface, easily cleaned, imperishable, and that could not imbibe impurity or convey infection. These fine baths have for years past been used extensively in Great Britain. Among the many prominent persons and public institutions who have purchased and used them may be mentioned : THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA, THE EMPEROR OF GERMANY, THE LATE EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH, THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, THE DUKE OF WESTMIN- STER, THE DUKE OF ALBA (Spain), BARONESS BURDETT COUTTS, THE LATE LORD PALMERSTON, LORD DEAS, THE BRITISH WAR DEPART- MENT, THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, Etc.; Thirteen public Bathing Establishments in London, containing about 470 baths ; the Peabody Model Buildings ; St. George, Guys, and St. Thomas' Hospitals, Model Lodging Houses, Insane Asylums, etc. They are also used in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Sheffield, Bath, Bristol, Chester, Derby, Exeter, Hull, York, Norwich, Brighton, and in all the prin- cipal towns in the United Kingdom, as well as the leading cities of Europe. In a sanitary point of view, everything favorable is to be said of these baths. They are non-absorbent, clean, and will last a life-time. Those who can afford and are willing to pay for a first-class article should call and examine them. A personal inspection will convince any one of their superiority. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 63 Plate 70. < O > H K I O o o f o o w r > H > o > ► H a ft) o o z > o w o 64 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s ROYAL PORCELAIN BA TH and FITTINGS. [Molded and Glazed in One Piece,] OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS. Length, 5 feet 6 inches ; width at head, 2 feet 8 inches ; width at foot, 2 feet ; depth, i foot 11 inches ; thickness, 2 inches. We also carry in stock a Bath about eight inches shorter. Plate 71. PLAN. Showing dimensions of Wood Casing, where there is ample space. Showing Wood Capping with Levers and Plates, and giving extreme outside dimensions. V When space is limited the length of casing can be reduced nine inches, namely, to measure six feet three inches over all. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Royal Porcelain Bath and Fittings^ Plate 71. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 65 SECTION. n^^mmm. fMfmm^ FLOOR LINE. Where provision is made to accommodate the water and waste fittings below the floor, the tub can be placed on the beams. These Bath Tubs are sold only with the water fittings. Plate 72. END ELEVATION Of Royal Porcelain Bath and Fittings. For Hospitals and Public Places, we get up special water fittings suitable for the service required. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer- Sniff en Go's Royal Porcelain Bath Arrangement No. i, Plate 72. 66 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s PANELED Royal Porcelain Bath, Plate 73. These Baths are finished on the outside and admit of ornamentation, so that wood-work may be dispensed with. This Illustration shows a method of setting it, supported on brass feet, tiled walls, with tile, marble or slate floor. These Baths are only imported to order, consequently more time is required in executing an order. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Royal Porcelain Bath, Plate 73. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 67 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No, 8 Bathing Apparatus. Plate 76. This represents a Scotch Copper Hip Bath, with hot and cold wave and spray attachment. It should be seen to be appreciated. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Bathing Apparatus No. 8, Plate 76. 68 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 4 BATHING Apparatus Plate 77. This Bath must be seen to be appreciated, and we invite those who contemplate building or making alteration in their plumbing to call and examine it „„„„eH to furnish a Combination Plunge, Shower, Douche and We have gotten up special httings and ^f^l'^^^Zll ^^^^^^^i, and planished, or nickel-plated copper. r htX ircS:-r:nt fp7w:riu\X^ranTSrr^o::enror%huts the waste. For convenience in describing, please designate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Bathing Apparatus No. 4, Platte 77- THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 69 The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s No. 6 Bathing Apparatus Plate 78. This illustrates our Improved Copper Bath Tub, made after the design of the " Hellyer " Bath. In this the copper is tinned and planished, and fitted to the wooden tub, as is the custom in this country. The inside shape is an especially good one. It is two inches wider and deeper than the ordinary French pat- tern tub ; unless otherwise specified, its length is 5 feet 6 inches, outside measure. The copper is i8-ounce, and the capacity of the Supply Cocks \s> 1% inch ; all the fittings are gotten up from special patterns, to be in keeping with the character of the whole arrangement. The waste arrangement is so constructed as to empty the bath of fifty gallons of water in two minutes. The Supply Cocks are the " Fuller," of 1 14^-inch capacity, intended to properly fill a bath in two minutes. When a first-class article is wanted, and there is not room enough to accommodate a Porcelain Bath Tub, then we regard this as the next best thing, as they can be made any length desired. !For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Bathing Apparatus No. 6, Plate 78. 7° THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s A/o. 40 Slop Sink Apparatus. IN ONE PIECE OF EARTHENWARE. No. 40. Plate 80. When set on and surrounded by white glazed tile, as shown, it makes the cleanest and most useful slop sink arrangement we know of. It is provided with a flushing rim similar to the " Hellyer " Hoppers. It is sold with a flushing and water supply apparatus that is made of brass pipe, as illustrated. It is arranged so that no overflow can take place when a pail may be set over the outlet hole and the water carelessly left running. Persons wanting some such thing will find it worth while to take the trouble to call at our warerooms and examine it. For convenience in describing, please designate as— The Meyer-Sniffen Co.'s Slop Sink Apparatus No. 40, Plate 80. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 71 The Meyer-Sniffen Co/s No. 41 Slop Sink Apparatus. IN ONE PIECE OF EARTHENWARE. No. 41. Plate 81. When set on and surrounded by white glazed tile, as shown, it makes the cleanest and most useful slop sink arrangement we know of. It is provided with a flushing rim similar to the " Hellyer " Hoppers. This Hopper is the same as that shown on the preceding page, but instead of brass pipes exposed, we furnish a set of combination cocks to attach to lead or iron pipes that may be concealed behind the wall. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The Meyer-Sniffen Go's Slop Sink Apparatus No. 41, Plate 81. 72 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. Plate 82. SECTIONAL VIEW OF THE "MODEL" SLOP HOPPER, Showing Flush to Cleanse Hopper. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 73 The " TUCKER'' Grease Trap. The necessity for the use of a Grease Trap under kitchen and butler's pantry sinks is too well recognized by sanitary engineers and plumbers to require any argument. The frequent stoppage of drain pipes which receive the waste water from kitchens of hotels, restaurants and private houses where much dish-washing is done, is well known to those who have suffered the annoyance, and been obliged to pay for the frequent removal of the clogging grease. Believing that the "Tucker" Grease Trap is the best device yet designed for that purpose, we have arranged with its inventor to manufacture and supply the trade with this useful appli- ance. Mr. Tucker informs us that he has, among others, thus far fitted them up in the following buildings and residences : Cornelius Vanderbilt, 57th Street corner Fifth Avenue. Mills Building Restaurant. Theo. Havemeyer, 244 Madison Avenue. Mrs. R. L. Stuart, 68th Street corner Fifth Avenue. Adolf Kuttroff, 69th Street corner Madison Avenue R. L. Cutting, 141 Fifth Avenue. W. Butler Duncan, i Fifth Avenue. W. E. Bridge, 309 Lexington Avenue. August Richards, 69th Street near Madison Avenue. Chas. J. Fisk. 2069 Fifth Avenue. Harvey Fisk, Country Seat. A. P. Mann, 106 East 30th Street. Jacob Ruppert, 93d Street corner Fifth Avenue. St. Vincent Hospital, West 12th Street. W. J, Hutchinson, 4 and 6 West 58th Street. New York Cotton Exchange, Kitchen. Chas. A. Post, 21 Washington Square. Wm. Schickel, Architect, 52 East 83d Street. The following letters explain themselves : New York, April 5, 1883. Messrs. MEYER, SNIFFEN & CO., Cliff Street, New York. Gentlemen: — Mr. Tucker has requested me to give you my opinion of, the " Tucker" Grease Trap. I have to say that the device has proved entirely satisfactory in my house, where I have been using it for some time. Previous to its introduction much trouble was experienced from the waste pipes in my house, and eventually they had to be cleaned out at very considerable expense. They were found to be entirely coated internally with grease. Mr. Tucker's device has completely obviated this difficulty ; the proof of the efficacy of his arrange- ment being that considerable quantities of grease are being regularly found in the trap and removed. I have, therefore, much pleasure in testifying to the excellence and complete efficacy of Mr. Tucker's invention. I am, gentlemen. Yours truly, THEO. A. HAVEMEYER. Mills Building Restaurant, \ New York, March 28, 1883. \ Mr. JOHN TUCKER. Dear Sir: — The Grease Traps you placed in the sinks in my kitchen have proved a great success, no more difficulties now by having pipes stopped, etc. ; they work splendidly if properly taken care of ; those in use now are cleaned every twenty-four hours, and retain any particle of grease which may be thrown in the sinks. I am greatly pleased with the arrangement, and hope every kitchen in the city will soon have one or more of your Grease Traps. Very truly yours, G. D. ORVILLE. 74 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The ''TUCKER'' Grease Trap. (Patented Sept. 25, 1883 ; Oct. 16, 1883.) No. I. Plate 83. FOR EARTHENWARE OR SOAPSTONE SINKS. For description, see succeeding pages. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 75 The -Tucker'' Grease Trap, (Patented Sept. 25, 1883; Oct. 16, 1883.) Nos. 2&3. Plate 84. TWO SIZES, FOR PRIVATE OR PUBLIC USE. For description, see succeeding pages. 76 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. Fig. 1. »jjAjjjffnr. zsa This Represents the Form used under and attached to a Kitchen or Pantry Sini When this style trap is used the sink must be ordered with it. Plate 85. Fig. 2. This Represents a Form to set on Floor, intended for Sinks not specially constructed for this Trap, and may be applied to any Sink now in use. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 77 SECTIONAL CUT. The greasejs retained in this Grease Trap in the following manner : L r— The waste water passes down the tube K, following the course shown by the arrow into the waste pipe D. The depth of the standing water is indicated by the line L. Cold water circulates in the jacket M. It enters from the cold water pipe A and passes out at B ; this has the effect of chilling the grease in the compartment N. The grease being on top naturally increases in depth until it occupies this space, when it prevents the water pass- ing into the pipe D. This will be indicated by its failure to run off. The chamber N with the tube K can then be Hfted out and the cake of grease removed. The parts may then be put back and again used until it is necessary to repeat the operation. « Plate 86. This Trap is made entirely of Copper, Tinned inside, the trimmings being of Brass Figure 4. Shows the shell of the trap with the grease collector removed. Figure 5. collector. Shows the removable part of the grease 78 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The ''Fuller" Faucets. SECTIONAL VIEW. It is almost needless to call public attention to the merits of this Faucet, which has been for so many years known as the best in the market. •• We give a guarantee to keep them in repair in this city for three years, but as there are several imitations which, of course, sell for less money and are not thus guaranteed, we would respectfully ask, that before sending to us to do repairs to faucets they may have in use, parties will make sure they are the genuine article bear- ing our stamp. We apply this principle to all styles of cocks used for water. Illustrated Cata- logue of different styles sent on application. For convenience in describing, please designate as — The ^^ Fuller,'" manufactured by the Meyer -Sniff en Co. Limited. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 79 The '' DOHERTY " Self-Closing Faucets Have been used for the last eight years, and although subjected to most severe usage, we have never had a complaint of their "sticking" or failure to give entire satisfaction. The ingenious application of the " double-lever " makes it the MOST EASILY OPENED Self-Closing Cock made that con- tains a spring powerful enough to stand the pressure of most Western Water Works. It is now the most popular self-closing faucet in the market, and its durability, simplicity and reasonable price has secured for it a large sale. In this city and vicinity we keep them in repair three years without charge. We adopt the '* Doherty " principle to all forms of self-closing cocks, although we here illustrate only a few of the leading styles. 8o THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The ^^Doherty" Self-Closing Bibb. (Patented April 6th, 1875.) Made for Lead, Brass, and Iron Pipe, Flange and Thimble, Flange and Bent Coupling, or in the various forms other Bibbs are. BRASS, FIRE-PLATED, NICKEL-PLATED. Size, Yz, Y% inch. These Cocks will not be sold in Brass to be plated elsewhere. In calling for these in specification, please describe as follows : The ''Doherty'' Self-Closing Bibb. When wanted plated, please state — ^^ Made and plated by The Meyer -Sniff en Co., and furnished with their guarantee.' THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 8i The 'Doherty'' Self-Closing Basin Cock, (Patented April 6th, 1875.) BRASS, FIRE-PLATED, NICKEL-PLATED. These Cocks will not be sold in Brass to be plated elsewhere. In calling for these in specification, please describe as follows : The ^^ Doherty'' Self -Closing Basin Cock. When wanted plated, please state — Made and plated by The Meyer -Sniff en Co., and furnished with their guarantee. 82 THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. The ''Doherty'' Self-Closing Urinal Cock. (Patented April 6th, 1875.) BRASS, FIRE-PLATED, NICKEL-PLATED. For lead or brass pipe. These Cocks will not be sold in brass to be plated elsewhere. We believe for a Urinal Cock the " Doherty " has no equal, as in opening it there is no strain on the putty joint that connects the Cock with the Urinal. In calling for these in specification, please describe as follows : The ^^ Doherty'' Self-Closing Urinal Cock. When wanted plated, please state — Made and plated by The Meyer-Sniffen Co., and furnished with their guarantee. THE MEYER-SNIFFEN CO. Limited. 83 The '' DoHERTY '' Self^Closing Hopper Cock. (Patented April 6th, 1875.) For Iron, Lead or Brass Pipe. Finished flange and handle. BRASS, FIRE-PLATED, NICKEL-PLATED. In calling for these in specification, please describe as follows : The '' Doherty'' Self -Closing Hopper Cock. When wanted plated, please state — Made and plated by The Meyer-Sniff en Co.^ and furnished with their guarantee. w^^^i'fm^ir. ■ ': \