^\J (t ^ "^ '-^ 0^ 5^^ .^^ y «^^-. -^ < > V • A *o. '•. ^^ :^»* o^c> .^ / >_ ^MiM^,^ ^^'' '^^^'^T'^^'^ ^<^ \i ^<' > ^. .^' ,>^^'>,v '-^ c:^ .^>^^'. -^ ^'^ .-" '-1^.^ o^- "'■'• ^^^^^ """"^' V^^ N ^O. .0" * .^"^ ^^. ■^: 3 ^ . V ^ '^ i^ f • ia &■ .0 t^-o^ r^ ■ ^^ o_ s^ ^0-n ■JV'^ ^^1^^$^' ■3^ °. o « o ' ^J,'^ V«» q/- ^^ ^ 'i .< .0' >o .-lO^ ■t)!?- ^O. /JjP^'* O ..<^ o •:^, o^O, 'bK o. -i^.^. ., i\ M A <" %' «^^ 0^ m. .9 ^'M No. 26— DEACON JOHN FROST. (From an old daguerreotype.) SEE PAGE 59. ^N V THE FROST FAMILY IN England and America WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO EDMUND FROST AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS BY THOMAS G. FROST, Ph.D., LL.D. AND EDWARD L. FROST, M.D. BUFFALO RUSSELL PRINTING COMPANY 1909 / / / /^ FOR the past several years Thomas G. Frost, Ph.D.. LL.D., of New York, and Edward L. Frost, M.D., of Bufifalo, have, as opportunity ofifered, interested themselves in the Frost Genealogy. The former made personal in- vestigation of the early English and American records, while the latter collected data from American sources. Neither knew of the work or existence of the other, until within a very recent period, when each had practically completed his manuscript. Upon comparing notes, it was deemed advisable to combine them in one publication, which has been done. For any peculiarities of arrange- ment, or undue repetition of statement, it is hoped that the original matter presented, particularly in Part I, will more than compensate. To those who have generously furnished many necessary records, we acknowledge our great obligation, and trust that they will find the subject-matter of sufficient interest to partially repay them for their labor. In the matter of publication, the following persons have cooperated: John E. Frost, LL.D., Topeka, Kan.; Dan Frost, New York; Wm. G. Frost, Montclair, N. J.; George H. Frost. Plainfield. N. J., and the writers. Considerable effort for accuracy of record has been made. If, however, errors are found to have crept in, we shall deem it a favor to be informed of the same. EDWARD L. FROST. 489 Plymouth Ave., Buffalo, N. Y., April. 1909. o ■i^ 'Uj./jj:Mjjjj:/ju:jiAUj^j£dkjjddA No. 20— REV. AMARIAH FROST. (From an oil painting, said to have been done by Benj. West in 1782.) SEE PAGES 10 AND 57. PART I THE ENGLISH ANCESTRY OF EDMUND FROST AND PEDIGREES OF THE FROSTS OF SUFFOLK, NORFOLK AND YORKSHIRE, ENG. BY THOMAS G. FROST, Ph.D., LL.D ■y 5-/ THE ENGLISH ANCESTRY OF EDMUND FROST OF CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS There has been nothing ptibhshed in this country relative to the English forbears of our common ancestor, Edmund Frost of Cambridge, Mass., which even bears the semblance of having been obtained through careful research and pains- taking investigation. Most of the standard authorities get the year of Edmund Frost's arrival in Cambridge correct, but in all else they are at fault. His port of sailing, his ship, and his English residence are all wrong. The facts briefly stated are as follows : During the years 1604-1607, the famous dissenting clergyman, John Robinson, preached secretly in the neighborhood of Norwich, County of Norfolk, England. There is considerable foundation for the belief that John Frost, the father of Edmund Frost of Cambridge, was a member of his congregation at one time. At this time, members of our branch of the family were located at Pulham, County of Norfolk, and at Bury St. Edmunds, Hartest and Bardwell, in the County of Suffolk, all places in close proximity to each other. The John Frost of Hartest, County of Suffolk, the probable father of Ed- mund Frost of Cambridge, was born about 1570. John Frost of Bardwell and Langham married Prudence Valyant (reported as Cage) on October 2nd, 1592. John Frost of Bury St. Edmunds married, February 16, 1595, at St. Michael's Church, Cornhill, London, Sarah Winthrop of Groton, County of Suffolk, sister of Governor John Win- throp. Each of these John Frosts belonged to the Suffolk branch of the family, and were certainly kinsman of more or less distant degree. It is not difficult to say which of these three John Frosts was the father of Edmund Frost. That he was the son of John Frost of Hartest is extremely probable for the following reasons : The records at Hartest show that the John Frost of that place had sons Edmund and John. There is no record of John Frost of Bury St. 8 THE FROST FAMILY Edmunds having a son Edmund. John Frost of Langham and Bardwell had no son Edmund, but he did have a grand- son by that name. So the sound conclusion appears to be that Edmund Frost of Cambridge (Mass.) was the son of John Frost of Hartest and possibly the brother of John Frost, who graduated from St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1635. ^ ' , .• X About the year 1627, Thomas Shepard, a native of Towcester, England, a graduate of Emmanuel College oi England (with marked sympathy for all dissenters), ac- cepted a so-called lectureship at Earles-Colne, County ot Essex, England. These lectureships were little more than thinly disguised pulpits for dissenting clergymen After having been at Earles-Colne for nearly three years, Shepard was so interfered with and persecuted by the ruling power in the established Church of England, that he had to flee to Yorkshire and remain there in seclusion for some time. Before he left Earles-Colne, the subject of an emigration to America on the part of Shepard and some of his friends at Earles-Colne had been discussed most seriously. But Shep- ard's sudden and enforced flight into Yorkshire postponed the execution of the plan for some tim.e. In Tune of 1634, Shepard sailed for Ipswich, Suffolk, from Newcastle, with his family. After remaining in hiding for some months, the ship Great-Hope was secured and on it some two hundred persons embarked from Ipswich, England, for America, October 16, 1634. Among this num- ber according to Rev. Thos. Shepard himself were brothers Champney, Frost and Goffe. The ship Great-Hope was wrecked two days afterward off Great Yarmouth, England, but all on it were saved. This voyage to America had been planned and arranged for during Shepard's absence, by John Norton of Suffolk County, England. The master of the ship Great-Hope was, according to Shepard himself, a personal friend by the name of Captain Curling. Later under the personal super- vision of Rev. Shepard, with powerful financial assistance of his warm friend, Roger Harlakenden of Earles-Colne, Essex the ship Defense was secured. Captain Bostock, master. Shepard and his party, which numbered sixty persons and included our ancestor, Edmund Frost saded from Gravesend, near London, on August 10th, 1635. A?ter a voyage lasting fifty-four days, the ship arrived hiBos^on ha?bor OctSber 2nd, 1635. The entire colony "ettled at once in Cambridge, whither Thos Hooker had 2 o ^ 6 ^ H 2 o 1£) 2 > H I ■ w t i— I o X > o w o (/I IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 9 ^^[^iP P\^<^^^^^ them with his colony. We have now established, beyond controversy, the following facts: 1. The name of our last English ancestor was John Frost. Frost ^^^ "^"^^ °^ ^"'^ ^^^^ American ancestor was Edmund 3. Edmund Frost was a prominent member of Thomas bhepards party and a close personal friend of the Rev bnepard. 4 Edmund Frost sailed from Gravesend, Kent County England, on August 10th, 1635, on the ship Defence. 5. Edmund Frost landed at Boston on October 2nd 1635 and settled at once at Cambridge, Mass. The above are facts. Now let us go further and learn what we can as to his English ancestry. Edmund Frost had undoubtedly, by reason of his pronounced and open sym- pathy and support of the dissenting clergymen in England, incurred the displeasure of the church party, which ruled in England. We know as a fact that this displeasure was vented in most serious form not only upon the dissenting clergymen themselves, but upon their lay supporters as welL Ihis probably accounts for the fact that Edmund Frost , '\r % iT^/'"^' ^""^ ^'^ "'^^"t ^"O" John, all embarked in the ship Defence under an assumed name. We know irom Kev. Thos. Shepard's own account and from contem- poraneous history, that this was done in the case of a number of the passengers of the Defence, and was frequently prac- ticed by others. Rev. Shepard himself came over under the name of his brother and was enrolled as a servant of Koger Harlakenden. Just what name Edmund Frost assumed is not known. But at the time the Defence sailed a 1 emigrants had to be registered and had to obtain so-called clearance papers from the local preachers and authorities m their immediate locality before they were allowed to sail I hen there were a set of government officers called f^oursuivants, who searched outgoing vessels for the ^^T""^- °^ ^.^if'^^'"^ ^"d capturing dissenters, who were embarking without proper authority. I have examined the full ist of all the passengers on the Defence, and while I hnd there a number of names which never reappeared among he members of the Shepard colony loctaed at Cambridge, I do not f^nd the name of Frost among them. But the very circumstances of his coming to America under an assumed A 10 THE FROST FAMILY name and the probability that he was wanted by the au- thorities in England for the sin of having joined the increas- ing number of dissenters, serves to explam, m a measure at least, the reticence that Edmund Frost seems ever to have observed relative to his English forbears. The reader will find it stated over and over agam that it is a tradition in one branch of the Frost family that the father of Edmund Frost was the Rev. John Frost, a silenced non-conformist minister of England. It is always difficult to ascertain the source of that dim and shadowy thing known as "Tradition," but in this case the writer has satis- fied himself, at least, that he has found the source of the tradition, which is this: Rev. Amariah Frost, a graduate of Harvard University and pastor at Mil ord. Mass. from 1743 to 1792, was the great-grandson of Edmund tvost. As the first college graduate among the Frosts m America and as a distinguished clergyman of his day and generation one would natSrally look to him for light on the subject of h"s ancestry. Among the records of the church of Mendon, now Milford, I find the following: "A record of my genealogy, so far as I can trace it back according to the best accounts received by tradition: John Frost of England, in the time of Non-Conformists, wherein a great number were silenced in England was one of them Two of his sons came to America-fled for refuge to this then savage wilderness to escape the more ravage oppres- sion and enjoy the freedom of Englishmen. (Written probably about 1790). A careful reading of the foregoing shows two errors If he means to assert that John Frost, the reputed father of Edmund Frost, was a clergyman (and this he doe. not assert specifically), he was mistaken in that, as will here- after be'shown. He was also clearly mistaken in asserting that two of John Frost's sons came to America. This last probably arose through the fact that Edmund Fro s. and his oldest son, John, came to America together. As to the t^^c/^tion that John Frost, the father of Edmund was a non- conformist clergyman, the following "^^^ .^e f id" A^l clergymen at that time in England were graduates of either Oxford or Cambridge. Thus the majority of the clerg)^.^^ who became dissenters were graduates of Caml dge^ I have made a careful examination of the h.t ot graduates of both Cambridge and Oxford from 161 d to 1635 TherTwere two John Frosts graduated at Cambridge but neither of ?hese could have been the father of Edmund, for IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 11 they must have graduated before they were married, and the father of Edmund could scarcely have married later than 1610. One of these graduates— John Frost, a graduate of St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1635,— afterwards be- came a dissenting Anglo-Presbyterian clergyman. He was probably a brother of Edmund Frost, our ancestor, the dissentmg clergyman to whom Amariah Frost refers. It IS probable that both John Frost and his son, Edmund, were dissenters and in all probability frequent attendants at the preaching of Rev. Thomas Shepard at Earles-Colne. This brings us now to some conclusion as to the place of origin of Edmund Frost. Without exception so far, as careful investigation of the place of origin of each of 'the passengers of the Defence shows (and in a number of instances I have been able to locate the place of their origin), they all came from the four counties of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridge. These are all four closely adjoining counties in England. Suffolk was known as the "cradle of the dissenters." Both Edmund Frost and his father were in all probability members of Shepard's con- gregation at Earle«-CoIne, or else friends of his made while he sojourned in Norfolk and Suffolk after he arrived in Ipswich in June, 1634, and before he sailed from London in August 1635. The question now arises as to when Edmund l^rost first made the acquaintance of Rev. Shepard. To understand this question it will be necessary to make some general statements as to the English Frosts located in Norfolk and Suffolk County, England. Careful research tends to show that the original home of the Frosts was in the vicinity of Cambridge. England. They were certainly in Cambridge as early as 1175. They early migrated to the county of Cambridge. In the fourteenth century one branch appears to have located in the vicinity of Hartest Suffolk, England. Another branch appears to have located m Hull, Yorkshire. Another branch at Palham, County Norfolk, and another at Whepstead, Suffolk County. An- other at Great Fakenham, Suffolk County, another at Nor- ton and another at Hepworth, County of Suffolk. All were unquestionably connected by relation to a common ancestor John Frost, the probable father of Edmund Frost, resided at Hartest, County Suffolk, in the year 1592. He had children. Edmund, Thomas and John, born somewhere be- tween 1592 and 1610. Hartest is not far from the border of Suffolk and about fifteen miles from Earles-Colne where Shepard preached from 1630 to 1633. It is also not more 12 THE FROST FAMILY than thirty miles from Chelmsford, where Rev Thos. Hooker (the great New England pastor) preached between 1615 and 1630. A lectureship such as Shepard held at Earles-Colne was in effect nothing but a dissentmg pulpit and as such was so highly prized that dissenters for miles around were in the habit of resorting thither to hear the Word of God preached by one of their own faith and doc- trine It was undoubtedly at Earles-Colne that the friend- ship between Thomas Shepard and Edmund Frost was formed, which resulted in the latter becoming a member of the former's party when it sailed for America in 163o. And now a word as to the origin of the Frost family in England. Careful research shows that the cradle of those members of the Frost family who are to be found even to this day in Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridge and York- shire, was in the vicinity of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Eneland. The first authentic record we have of the family is of Henry Frost, who founded there in 1135 the Hospital of the Brothers of St. John the Evangelist, out of which grew St. John's College, University of Cambridge. His son. Robert Frost, subsequently bestowed a messuage on the Priors of St. John. These are the only Frosts of whom we have any authentic and specific record in this locality in the twelfth century. In the thirteenth century we find Robert Frost and Galfriedo Frost located in Aslakeby, near Kirkby, in Norfolk County. We also find late in the 13th century a Walter Frost, located at Trekengham in the same county. During the fourteenth century the son or grandson of Walter Frost of Trekengham located at Hull England. He was mayor and bailiff of Hull, and was buried at St Marys, Hull, in 1372. But the majority of the direct descendants of Henry Frost of Cambridge^ settled early m the thirteenth century in the County of Suffolk. They prob- ably came first to Bury St. Edmunds and from there spread out into Hartest, Langham and other parishes. For the benefit of the American descendants of Ed- mund Frost of Cambridge, we now present the Pedig^^^ ^f several of the English branches of our fa^nily These were n^ost kindly furnished us by the Hon. Robert Frost of London, England. M W > O w > (—1 X o H PEDIGREE OF FROSTS OF COUNTY SUFFOLK, ENGLAND JOHN FROST of Langham, Co. Suflfolk. Died 1633. Mar. PRUDENCE, dau. of Henry Valyant of Lang- ham, Co. Suffolk: buried there, 7th July, 1641. Will in which she is described of Langham, Co. Suffolk, widow, dated 10th June, 1636; proved 9th Aug.' 1641, by her son James, iii the Archdeaconry Court of Sudbury. Children of the above JOHN FROST and wife PRUDENCE (I) IL THOMA.9 FPncT „r ^t^ ...... . THOMAS FROST of Langham Hall, Co. Suf- folk, Gent., Lord of the Manor of Hunston in that county. Died 15th and buried at Langham, 17th Sept., 1642. Will dated 3rd Sept., 1642; proved 3rd Oct. following by his brother Richard, sole ex'or, in the Archdeaconry Court of Sudbury. Inq. p. m. taken at Bury St. Edmund, 6th Nov., 1644. RICHARD FROST of Hunston Hall, Co. Suffolk, Gent., died there 14th and Duned 17th Jan., 1680, at Langham aforesaid. Will dated 25th Nov., 1679 proved 9th Jan., 1680-1, by his nephews, Edmund Frost and Rev. James Frost, the ex ors, m the Archdeaconry Court of Sudbury, Bury St Edmunds. REV. JOHN FROST, A. M, Rector of Great Fakenham Co. Suffolk, 1631; A B of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Mar. ANNE, dau. of Edmund Salter of South Lopham, Co. Norfolk, and sister of Rev. Edmund Salter of Brislingham, Co. Norfolk. Buried 12th Dec. 1639, at Hunston. Mar. ANNE BAKER, 20th Oct., 1629, at Langham. Buried there 11th Dec 1638. ' Mar. ELIZABETH, buried 3rd Dec, 1639, at Gt. Faken- ham aforesaid. 14 THE FROST FAMILY 1621 A. M. 1625. Buried at Great Fakenham, 3rd Nov., 1660. Will dated 22nd Aug^, 1659; proved 6th Nov., 166U in Archdeaconry Court of Sudbury. ABIGAIL, living 1636 buried 29th Dec, 1639, at Langham aforesaid. PRUDENCE, will proved in 1676, in the Archdeaconry Court of Sudbury. JAMES FROST of Norton Co. Suffolk, formerly of Ixworth Thorpe in that county. Buried 21st June, 1684 at Norton: will dated 31 St' Tan., 1683; proved 25th June,' 1684, by his son Rich- ard, sole executor, m the Archdeaconry Court at Sudbury. Children of the above THOMAS III. EDMUND FROST of Hunston Hall afsd., Gent only son and heir, aged lU years and 8 months at his father's death in 1642: prov- ed his uncle Richards will in 1681; died 21st of Nov., 1700 aged 68. Buried at S t . George's Tombland, Norwich, M. I. ANNE, bapt. 6th June, 1626, at Hunston; a minor and unmarried in 1642; married 21st Nov., 1648, at Faken- ham, to Richard Mattyard. BRIDGET, bapt. at Huns- ton, 29th Oct., 1629; a minor and unmarried JANE HOBSON, widow, married at Stoake, Co, Norfolk, 21st Oct. 1645. Registered at Great taken- ham. FRANCES, widow of Peter Spooner. Will in which she is described of Honing- ton. Co. Suffolk, widow, dated 8th March 1664 proved 23rd Jan., 1668, at Beecles. Mar. THOMAS RUSH- BROOKE of Great Faken- ham aforesaid. Will dated Pth March, 1655-56, prov- ed 24th Oct.. 1657, by Pru- dence, his relict and execu- trix. Mar DOROTHY, second dau. of the Rev. John Rout, in- cumbent of Tanton Down- ham, Co. Suffolk, by Han- nah, sister of Rev. John Page of Ixworth Thorpe, Co. Suffolk; bapt. in 1620, at Weeting, Co Suffolk Buried 2nd April, 1687, at Norton. FROST and his wife ANNE (II) Mar LETTICE, dau. of Rich- ard Moseley of Ousden Hall, Suffolk, Esq., and Judith, his wife, dau of Lady Abigal Pettus, bapt. at Ousden, 19th Aug., 1641; died 5th Nov., 1700, aged 58. Buried at St. George s Tombland in Norwich, M. I. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 15 1642; married Jonathan Bass. Both living 1679. MARY, bapt. 7th May, 1634, at Hunston; buried there May, 1636. ELIZABETH. bapt. 5th May, 1638, at Hunston, and buried there, 25th Dec. following. Childr^n^^f^the above REV. JOHN FROST and wife ELIZA- III. REV. JAMES FROST, A. M. Rector of Langham, Co. Suffolk, 19th Dec, 1660; bapt. there 19th Nov., 1637. Admitted to St. John's College, Cambridge, 3rd Nov., 1652, then aged 15 years; A. M. 1660; proved his uncle's will in 1681; buried 30th July, 1691, at Langham. Will dated 3rd May, 1686; proved 23rd June, 1692, in the Archdeaconry Court of Sudbury. ELIZABETH, bapt. 3rd April, 1623, at Langham afsd. PRUDENCE, bapt. 29th June, 1630, at Langham aforesaid. REV. THOMAS FROST of Great Fakenham afore- said D. C. L., bapt. 21st Feb., 1627, at Langham; matriculated a pensioner of St. John's College, Cambridge, 4th July, 1643; A. B. 1646; Foundation Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1649; A. M 1650; LL. D. 1665; Curate of Great Fakenham 15th Aug., 1662, and Rector of Bixley and Great Poring- land, Co. Norfolk, 27th April, 1672; died before 1679. Mar. ANNE, his wife, buried 23rd Feb., 1662, at Lang- ham. SUSAN SYER married 31st Dec, 1663, at Langham afsd., and buried there, 28th May, 1692. Mar. MARTHA. Children of the above JAMES FROST and his wife DOROTHY: 16 THE FROST FAMILY Mar. MARY. PRUDENCE, married 28th Sept., 1681, at Norton, Charles Fiske of Norton. She was buried there 25th May, 1689. DOROTHY, married 24th April, 1684, at Norton afsd., Thomas Brown of Norton, Junior. RICHARD FROST of Nor- ton aforesaid, eldest son, proved his father's will in 1684. lands at Langham. Children of the above EDMUND FROST and wife LETTICE (III): TV RICHARD FROST, bapt. ' 22nd April, 1664, at Huns- ton, and buried there 27th same month. EDMUND FROST, bapt. 7th July, 1665, at Hunston and buried there, 20th April following. THOMAS FROST, bapt. 27th Sept., 1670, at Huns- ton; died s. p. before 1706. RICHARD FROST, bapt. 27th of Dec, 1673, at Huns- ton, and died there s. p. before 1706. EDMUND FROST of Hunston Hall afsd.; Doctor o f Medicine, bapt. 7 1 h March, 1678, at Hunston; admitted an extra Licenti- ate of the College of Physi- cians of London, 26th April, 1704. Buried 6th Jan., 1742-3, at Hunston afore- said. Hunston sold in 1714. LETTICE, bapt. 7th April, 1668, at Hunston and buried there 28th Feb., 1671. Mar. REBECCA, second dau. of Rev. John Meadows, M. A., Rector of Ousden, Co. Suffolk, by Sarah Fairfax. Born 12th, and bapt. 26th Dec, 1682, at Stowmarket, Co. SuflFolk; marriage set- tlement dated l5th and 16th, and married 27th Aug., 1706, at St. Marys, in the Marsh, Norwich; buried 1st July, at Huns- ton afsd., 1713. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 17 LETTICE, bapt. 14th July, 1672, at Hunston. •^l^?7^T?iT ^^^^ ^?. ^?"'' ^^^^- DANIEL MEADOWS of 24th Inne^'^W^^'^-'/'!^ '^' ^'^^ <^f Norwich (sec- ^4th June, 1719, aged 41. ond son of Rev John Buried at _ St. George's, Meadows, M. A R.rtornf ^Buried at St George's, Meadows, M. A.. Rector of Tombland, m Norwich M. Ousden, by Sarah Fairfax, his wife); born Uth May 1678. Sheriff of Norwich 1718. Died in Lon., 27th Jan., 1739-40, aged 62, and buried at St. George's, Tombland, Norwich, M. I. Children of above REV. JAMES FROST and wife SUSAN (III): IV. REV. JOHN FROST, B. D. Rector of Cockley Cley, Co. Norfolk; bapt. 7th Oct., 1664, at Langham. Admitted to St. John's College, Cambridge, 4th Nov., 1680, then aged 16 years; A. B. 1684; A. M. 1688; D. B. 1696; sometime fellow of St. John's Col- lege; presented to the Rec- tory of Cockley Cley, Co Norfolk, 1701, by the Uni- versity of Cambridge; will dated 24th May, 1706, prov- ed 8th Oct., following, by his brother James, in the Archdeaconry Court of Sudbury. REV. JAMES FROST A. M. Vicar of Markham,' Co. Norfolk; bapt. 6th April, 1675, at Langham: admitted to St. John's Col- If gf' Cambridge, 28th April, 1693, and matriculated 8th July following, then aged j8 years. A. B. 1696; A. M. 1700. Proved his brother John's will in 1706. Will dated 20th Jan., 1729, prov- ed 14th Feb., 1729-30, at Norwich. ELIZABETH, b a p t . 8th May, 1666, at Langham atsd.; married there 27th Jan., 1685, Valentine Pell leaving his widow 1686 18 THE FROST FAMILY Children of the above THOMAS FROST and his wife MARTHA (III): IV. T H O M A S FROST, a a minor in 1679. JOHN FROST, a minor in 1679, admitted to St. John's College, Cambridge, 15th Sept., 1671, then aged 15; A. B. 1675. ELIZABETH, a minor in 1679; married 15th April, 1683, at Langham afsd., Thomas Bennet. MARTHA, bapt. 27th Oct., 1663, at Great Fakenham; died unmarried, and buried there 5th Feb., 1684-5. DOROTHY, bapt. 9th May, 1662, at Great Fakenham afsd.; married 22nd Sep., 1689, at Langham, Cor- nelius Ransford. Children of the above RICHARD FROST and his wife MARY (III) IV. DOROTHY, bapt. 29th Jan., 1688-9, at Norton, and buried there 21st May fol- lowing. MARY, bapt. 24th July, 1691, at Norton afsd. Child of above JOHN FROST and his wife MARY (III): IV JOHN FROST, bapt. 7th Feb., 1687-8, at Norton afsd. Children of the above EDMUND FROST and his wife REBECCA (IV): V. MEADOWS FROST of Mar. .AJ.ICE, dau. of Thomas Great Yarmouth, Co. Nor- Gibbons of Great Yar folk, only son and heir, "^°"t^•4"'■^^°"/ cS,"t ^^^^ born and\apt. 23rd Dec Dec 1765, aged 58, buried 1707, at Hunston; died 2nd ' at St Nicholas, Gt. Yar- Nov., 1782, aged 74; buried mouth, M. 1. at St. Nicholas, Gt. Yar- mouth, M. I. REBECCA, born 1st, and bapt. 21st April, 1710, at IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 19 Hunston, and buried there 26th July following. REBECCA, bapL 21st July 1/12, at Hunston afsd., and buried there 26th Oct., 1713. MARY, bapt. 1st July, 1713, at Hunston, and buried there 29th Sept. following. Children of the above REV. JAMES FROST and his wife (IV): V. JAMES FROST of Hep- worth, Co. Suffolk, a minor 1706; mentioned in his father's will, 1729; adm'on granted 22nd July, 1731, to Lydia, his relict. JOHN FROST, mentioned in his father's will in 1729. ELIZABETH, living 1729. ANN, living 1729. Children of the above MEADOWS FROST and his wife ALICE VI. MEADOWS FROST of Castle Rising, Co. Norfolk, died 14th Dec, 1802, aged 54; buried at St. Nicholas, Gt. Yarmouth, M. I. Will dated 10th Sept. 1794- proved 30th Dec, 1802, in the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich. Mar. MARY. dau. of Rev. Sam- uel Wood (Independent minister at Framlingham, Co. Suffolk), by Mary, youngest of three dau'rs and co-heirs of the Rev. John Meadows; marriage settlement dated 10th Feb, 1773. Died s. p. June, 1780,' age 29; buried at St. Nicho- las, Gt. Yarmouth, M. I. And ANNE, dau. of Henry Willis, married by license 26th Feb., 1783, at St. Peter's Ipswich; died 1st, and buried 5th Feb., 1811 aged 49, at Banham, Co! Norfolk. Child dren of the above MEADOWS FROST and his wife ANNE VII. MEADOWS FROST of Gibraltar, died there in 1828, aged 45, leaving an only son, John Meadows, who died, unmarried, 19th Mar. MARY FITZGERALD; died at Gibraltar in 1840. 20 THE FROST FAMILY April, 1842, aged 24, and was buried in the British Cemetery at Malaga. THOMAS GIBBONS FROST of the city of Chester, second son, bapt. 12th March, 1789, at Castle Rising; died, unmarried, 6th Dec, 1856; buried in the cemetery at Chester. FRANCIS ALYMER FROST of the city of Chester. Born 27th Feb., and bapt. 22nd March, 1792, at Castle Rising; died 19th June, 1860, and buried in the cemetery at Chester. JAMES GARRET FROST of the city of Man- chester, born 28th Nov., 1795; bapt. 26th Feb., fol- lowing, at Castle Rising. In the Commission of the Peace for Manchester. Died 17th July, 1840; buried in the Rusholme-road ceme- tery, Manchester. Mar. ANN, dau. of Peter Stubs of Warrington, Co. Lancas- ter; born 20th Nov., 1795, and bapt. 29th Jan. follow- ing, at St. James Church, Latchford; married 25th May, 1818, at the Old Church Warrington; died 29th Oct., 1861; buried in the cemetery at Chester. Mar. JANE, dau. of William Whitlev of Warrington, afsd.; born 7th May, and bapt. there, 5th June, 1795; married 10th May, 1819, at Winwich. Co. Lancaster. Died 1st May, 1866; buried in the Rusholme-road Cem- etery, Manchester. Children of the above FRANCIS ALYMER FROST and his wife ANN (VII): VIII. MEADOWS FROST of Meadowslea, in the Parish of Hope, Co. Flint, and of St. John"s House, in the city of Chester, in the Commission of the Peace for the said city, and for the counties of Chester and Flint; Mayor of Chester, 1858-59, and 1859-60; High Sheriff of Flintshire, 1879- 80; eldest son born 13th May, and bapt. 18th June, 1819, at St. Mary's, Chester; died at Meadowslea, 20th Jan. and buried 24th Jan., 1883, in the cemetery, Chester. Mar. MATILDA, only dau. of Samuel S. Berend of Liver- pool; born 1st March, 1819, married 25th May, 1842, at Liverpool; died at St. John's House, and buried 5th June, 1883, in the ceme- tery, Chester. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 21 SIR THOMAS GIBBONS FROST, Knt. of Dolcorsll- wyn Caemmaes, Co. Mont- gomery, and of Redcliff, in the city of Chester. Three times Mayor of the city, in the Commission of the Peace for the city and county of Chester, and Co. Montgomery; High Sheriff of Montgomeryshire, 1881- 2. Second son born 20th Sept., 1820, and bapt. at Chester 6th Aug. follow- ing. Entertained the Prince of Wales on his visit to Chester in 1869, and was Knighted at Windsor Castle, 11th Nov., 1870. FRANCIS ALYMER FROST of Spring Hill, in the Parish of Heaton Red- ish, Co. Lancaster, in the Commission of the Peace for the borough of Ashton- under-Lyne and for the Co. Lancaster. Third son born 25th May, and bapt. in Chester, 16th July, 1824; died at Spring Hill, 2nd July, and buried 4th July, 1885, in Willow Grove Cemetery, near Stockport. Mar. MARY ANN, dan. of Hen- ry Wood of Birkenhead, Co. Chester; born 10th June and bapt. 22nd Aug., 1833, in Liverpool; married 12th Sept., 1855, at Birken- head. Mar. MARY, dau. of Thomas Stubbs of Warrington, afsd.; born 20th Aug., and bapt. 7th Sept., 1818, at St. Peter, Liverpool; married 14th Feb., 1854, at Frod- sham, Co. Chester; cousin to her husband. Died 29th Nov. and buried 3rd Dec, 1884, in Willow Grove Cemetery, near Stockport. Children of the above JAMES GARRET FROST and wife JANE VIII. ROBERT FROST of Mar. JANE, only dau. of Wil- Lime Grove, in the city of Chester, and of Mount Kinnerton. in the Parish of Doddleston, Co. Flint; Sheriff of Chester, 1859-60, and Mayor of said city, 1863-4, 1864-5; in the Com- mission of the Peace for the Co. of Flint and for the city of Chester; High Sheriff of Flintshire, 1883-4. Fourth son born 3rd March, and bapt. at Ches- ter, 21st April, 1826. JAMES GARRET FROST of the city of Manchester, merchant, eldest and only liam, born 7th Sept., 1822, and bapt. at Manchester, 12th June, 1826; married 17th Aug., 1853, at Chester; cousin to her husband. 22 THE FROST FAMILY surviving son and heir, born 10th April, 1821, bapt. 12th June, 1826, at Man- chester; died 4th Sept., un- married. JOHN WHITLEY FROST, second son, born 26th Jan., 1830; died unmarried, 17th Oct., 1859; buried in the Rusholme-road Cemetery, Manchester. CHARLES WARD ELL FROST, third and young- est son, born 31st Jan., 1837; bapt. at St. Johns Church. Chester; died un- married, 20th Oct., 1862; buried in the Rusholme- road Cemetery. Children of above MEADOWS FROST and his wife MATILDA: MEADOWS ARNOLD Mar. FROST of Claughton, Birkenhead, Capt. late Earl of Chester's Yeomanry- Cavalry, born in Chester, 12th Aug., and bapt. 21st Sept., 1848. FRANCIS ALYMER Mar. FROST of Meadowslea, Co. Flint, in the Commis- sion of Peace for the said Co. and Major 2nd Volun- teer Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers; born 12th Aug., 1856, and bapt. 21st March, 1857. ELEANOR MATILDA, born in Chester, 17th April, and bapt. 25th May. FRANCES AMY, born in Mar. Chester, 10th Feb., and bapt. March, 1845; married at St. John the Baptist's, Chester, 14th Sept., 1880. ROSALIE GROSHAW ELIZABETH, eldest dau. of Rev. John Fuller Russel, B. C. L., F. S. A., Rector of Greenhithe, Kent; born 19th Aug., and bapt. 28th Oct., 1852, at St. James, Enfield, Middlesex; mar- ried 25th May, 1874, at St. Stephen's Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London. EMMA LOUISA, young- est dau. of the Rev. John Fuller Russel,, B. C. L., F. S. A., aforesaid; born 8th Dec, 1855, and bapt. 25th Jan., 1856, at St. James. Enfield; married 18th June, 1885, at All Saints, Margaret St., Lon- don. REV. JOHN ROW- LANDS, Rector of Hope, Co. Flint, son of the Rev. Wm. Rowlands, Vicar of Fishguard, Pembroke ; born 17th July, 1836. Schol- ar of Corpus Christi Col- IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 2Z lege; Cantab, Classical Prizeman, 1858; B. A., 1861- M. A., 1865. ^^''mARY (Vlliv"''" THOMAS GIBBONS FROST and wife IX. JOHN MEADOWS FROST, born at RedcLiff. Chester, 15th Sept., and bapt. 14th Jan., 1857. THOMAS GIBBONS FROST, born at Redcliflf, Chester, 5th Dec, 1860, and bapt. 18th Jan. following. CHARLES ALBERT FROST, born at Redcliflf, Chester, 29th May, and bapt. 10th Aug., 1872. HARRIET, born 20th Oct., and bapt. 29th Nov., 1857; married at St. John the Baptist's, Chester, 6th Sept., 1883. EVELYN, born 7th May, and bapt. 29th June. 1859; married at St. John the Baptist's, Chester, 1st Sept., 1881. BEATRICE, born 30th July. and bapt. 29th Aug., 1862. ANN LUCY, born 8th Dec, 1865, and bapt. 1st Jan. fol- lowing. EDMUND FROST, born 3rd May, and bapt. 28th May, 1857, at St. Michael's Ashton-under-Lyne. ROBERT FROST, born il7th June, and bapt. 8th Sept., 1859, at St. Michael's Ashton-under-Lyne. Mar. HENRIETTA, third dau. of Robert Kelsall of Deep- lish Hall, Rochdale, J. P.; born 16th Jan., 1857; mar- ried 17th April, 1884, at St. Oswald's, Chester. Mar. EDWARD HONORATUS LLOYD, Barrister at Law; born 7th May, and bapt. at Neston Church 15th June, 1860; of Trinity College, Oxford; B. A., 1882. Sec- ond son of Horatio Lloyd, Judge of the County of Courts and Recorder at Chester. Mar. REUBEN NORTON, Cap- tain Durham, L. I., born at White Hall, Ballylough- loughey, Co. Wheatmeath, 19th April, and bapt. May, 1853; son of the Rev. Wm. Norton, M. A. 24 THE FROST FAMILY FRANCIS ALYMER FROST, born 22nd Jan., 1861, and bapt. 22nd May following, at St. Michael's Ashton-under-Lyne. MARY, born 5th Nov., 1855, and bapt. 15th Jan. follow- ing, at St. Michael's Ash- ton-under-Lyne Children of the above ROBERT FROST and wife JANE (VIII) IX ROBERT FROST, born at Lime Grove, 5th Jan., and died 19th Aug., 1856; buried in the cemetery, Chester. JAMES GARRET FROST, Mar. MARGARET EMILE born at Lime Grove, 28th ^°"'"'\^""V°t ,w' otlSms- April, and bapt. 29th June, Barrister at Law ?f Rams .rKn gate, and niece ot the Kignt 1^^^- Rev. Wm. Stubbs, D. D., Lord Bishop of Chester; born 1st June and bapt. 25th July, 1866, at Christ Church, Ramsgate; married in the Cathedral, Chester, 28th Oct., 1885. ANNE JANE, born at Richmond Terrace, Chester, 7th Sept., and bapt. 20th Nov., 1881. HONORA, born at Lime Grove, 22nd April, and bapt. 17th Aug., 1885; mar- ried at St. Bridget's Church, Chester, 17th Aug., 1881. CONSTANCE LUCY, born at Lime Grove, 3rd Nov., 1860, and bapt. 18th Jan., following. FRANCES ALYMER, born at Lime Grove, 15th April, and bapt. 29th Aug., 1862. Children of the above MEADOWS ARNOLD FROST and wife ROSALIE (IX): X. MEADOWS FROST, born at Ormonde Terrace, Re- gent's Park afsd., 18th April, and bapt. at St. John the Baptist's, Chester, 24th June, 1875. Mar. JAMES JOHN MALLAN- D A I N E , Captain 60th Royal Rifles, the third son of Major-General J. W. Mallandaine; born 3rd Nov., 1848. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 25 EVELYN FAI RFAX MEADOWS, born at Claughton, Birkenhead, 14th April, and bapt. 5th June, 1878, at St. Saviour's, Oxton, Cheshire. GEOFFREY MEADOWS FROST, born at Claugh- ton, Birkenhead, 8th Feb., and bapt. 27th April. 1880, at St. Saviour's, Oxton, Cheshire. ROSALIE MEADOWS, born in Liverpool, 28th June, and bapt. 20th Sept., 1876. at St. John's, Frank- . by, Cheshire. Child of the above FRANCIS ALYMER and wife EMMA LOUISA (IX): ' X. LETTICE MAY, born at Meadowslea, 20th Nov., 1886, and bapt. 17th Dec. following, at Hope Parish Church. Children of the above FRANCES AMY and JOHN ROWLANDS (IX) : X. WILLIAM ALYMER ROWLANDS, born at Hope, 16th July, and bapt. there 24th Aug., 1881. JOHN MARTIN ROW- LANDS, born at Hope, 10th Nov.. and bapt. there 9th Dec, 1883. Children of the above JOHN MEADOWS and wife HENRIETTA (IX): X. JOHN MEADOWS FROST, born at Dee Lodge, Chester, 22nd April, and bapt. there 29th May, 1885, at St. Paul's, Chester. HUGH KELSALL FROST, born at Dee Lodge, Ches- ter, 29th May, and bapt. 7th July. 1886, at the Parish Church, Conway. Children of the above EVELYN and REUBEN NORTON (IX): 26 THE FROST FAMILY X WILLIAM REUBEN NORTON, born at Red- cliff, 20th June, and bapt. 30th July, 1884, at St. Bridget's, Chester. EVELYN MARY, born at Llanblethion, 29th May, and bapt. 18th June. 1887, at St. John the Baptist's, Llan- blethion, Glamorgan. Children of the above JAMES GARRET and wife MARGARET (IX): X. MARGARET CON- STANCE, born 12th Sept., bapt. 9th Oct., 1886, at St. Paul's, Chester. Children of the above HONORA and JAMES JOHN MALLAN- DAINE (IX): X. JOHN MEADOWS H A W K E S MALLAN- DAINE, born at Black- pool, Devon. 3rd June, and bapt. at St. Bridget's, Ches- ter, :15th Sept., 1882. HONORA FROST, born at Milford House, Surrey, 10th July, and bapt. 12th Sept., 1883. PEDIGREE OF FROSTS OF DOVETON HALL IN THE PARISH OF WHEPSTED, SUFFOLK I. ROGER FROST purchased Mar. ISABELLA. Will dated Doveton Hall by deed 18th Jan., 1590; proved 2nd dated 1st Nov., 4 Edw. IV. Dec, 1592. Bequeathed lega- Post-mortem inquisition 10 cies therein to her great- Eliz. 46 (1543). grandchildren. Child of the above (I): II. JOHN FROST, will datea Mar. KATHERINE. 27th Feb., 1557; proved 4th April, 1558. Child of the above (II): III. ROBERT FROST leceiv- Mar. MARGARET, ed Manor of Dovetcn 10 Eliz., 1543, then aged 13^^ years; died 12th Feb., 1567- 8. Eldest son. No issue. Second son of JOHN FROST and wife KATHERINE was: JOHN FROST received Manor 34 Eliz., 1567. Children of the above JOHN FROST and wife (III) were, first: IV. JOHN FROST received Mar. MARCIANA. See pat- Manor of Doveton 9, ent roll, 1, Chas. I, p. 8, No. Chas. I, 1609. Died 7th 34. Oct., buried in Whepsted Churchyard 21st Oct., 1631. Post-mortem inquisition (Court of Wards), 8 Chas. I, 1632. Second, ALICE. Third, ROBERT FROST. Children of the above John Frost and Marciana (IV) were: 28 THE FROST FAMILY V. JOHN FROST. Mar. FRANCES, daughter of William Harte. 2nd WIFE. Mar. MARY, died 2nd March, 1703, aged 78; buried at Whepsted. Children of the above JOHN FROST and wife FRANCES (V) 1st: ^ ' VI. LETTICE. Second, ANNE, bapt. 4th Aug., 1661, at Whepsted. Children of the above JOHN FROST and wife MARY, 1st: SARAH, bapt. at Whepsted, 31st Dec, 1663. Second, FRANCES, bapt. 14th Feb., 1666; married 14th May, 1691, Joseph Alexander. Doveton Hall was sold by deed dated 29th of Aug., 1702. PEDIGREE OF FROSTS OF PULHAM, COUNTY NORFOLK I. JOHN FROST, Lord of the Mar. THOMASINE. Manor of Pulham. Will dated 6th Nov., 1511; in Norfolk Archdeaconry Court. Children of the above JOHN FROST and wife THOMASINE (I): II. THOMAS FROST, buried Mar. JULIAN. at Pulham, 14th Jan., 1558. Will proved in Norfolk Consistory Court. ROBERT FROST. Children of the above THOMAS FROST and wife JULIAN (II): III. THOMAS FROST, ex'or Mar. JULIAN. of his father's will. ROBERT FROST, will pr. at Bury St. Edmunds. WILLIAM FROST. JOHN FROST, married (1st) Alys Russels on 22nd May, 1541; (2nd) Rose Brown on 26th May, 1545; he died 1581. ELIZABETH. Children of the above THOMAS FROST and wife JULIAN (III): IV,. ALICE, bapt. 19th Oct., 1561. WILLIAM FROST, bapt. Mar. MARGARET, dau. of 13th Dec, 1562; bur. 4th Thos. and Alice Crowe; Sep., 1625. bapt. 4th Sept., 1569; buried 11th Sept., 1638. Children of the above WILLIAM FROST and wife MARGARET (IV): V. WILLIAM FROST, bapt. Mar. SUSAN, dau. of Thos. and 26th July, 1607; buried 26th Mildred Maltiward; bapt. May, 1671. 5th July, 1604; married 7th Nov., 1627; buried 1st Jan., 1645-6. 30 THE FROST FAMILY Mar. ELIZABETH, dau. of Thos. Walne; married 24th Dec, 1674; died 31st Oct., 1709, age 67. Mar. DOROTHY PACKE, 8th Nov., 1659. Children of the above WILLIAM FROST and wife SUSAN (V): VI. SUSAN, bapt. 11th Dec, 1628, married Wm. Good- wyn. THOMAS FROST, bapt. 10th Oct., 1630; died 9th, buried 10th Nov., 1699. WILLIAM FROST, bapt. 18th April, 1633. MILDRED, bapt. 5th Nov., 1635; married Robert Malti- ward. STEPHEN FROST, born 1639; died 1659. PHILIP FROST, born 1643; died same year. Children of the above THOMAS FROST and wife ELIZABETH (VI): VII. ANNE, born 1679; mar. John Newson. THOMAS FROST, born 1675; died 1678. JOHN FROST, of Forncett & Tharston, born 1st Jan., bapt. 13th Jan., 1680; died 22nd July, 1724. Will pr. 14th Aug., 1724. Mar. TABITHA, dau. of Wm. and Tabitha Holmes; mar- ried at St. Mary in the Marsh, Norwich, 7th Aug., 1706. Her death was pre- sented at a court of the Manor of Pulham, 17th Oct., 1734. Children of the above JOHN FROST and wife TABITHA (VII): VIII. THOMAS FROST of Photesham, born 1707, died 1729. WM. FROST, born 1708, died 1709. ANNE, born 1700, died 1711. CHRISTOPHER FROST of Pulham, born 23rd July, bapt. 15th Aug. Mar. MARY DRANE, died 18th Dec, 1784, aged 65. Children of the above CHRISTOPHER FROST and wife MARY (VIII): IX. MARY, married John Denny, died 1809. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 31 CHRISTOPHER FROST, died unmarried 30th Dec, 1791, age 49. REV. THOMAS FROST, M. A., Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge. Set- tled in America, 1785. Rec- tor of St. Philip's, Charles- ton, S. C. Died 1804, age 46. WILLIAM FROST, who took the family estate un- der the will of Christopher Frost, died 2nd Jan., 1801, aged 37; buried in nave of Pulham Church. Will dated 17th Nov., 1795, pr. 14th Feb., 1801. Children of the above REV. THOS. FROST and wife ELIZA- BETH (IX): Mar. ELIZABETH, co-heiress of Richard Downs of Charleston, S. C. Married 15th Nov., 1784. Mar. ELIZABETH, dau. of Rev. Stephen Buckle, Rector of All Saints, Norwich; mar- ried 30th July, 1795. X. REV. THOMAS FROST, asst. Rector St. Philip's Church, Charleston, S. C. HENRY RUTLEDGE FROST, M. D., b. Charles- ton, S. C, 1795; M. D. Univ. Pa. Was a promi- nent physician in Charles- ton until his death; for more than forty years Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in Med. Coll., state of S. C. Died 1866. Mar. ANNE GRIMKE. Mar. MARY DEAS LESESNE, b. 1807; d. 1866. ELLEN LEGARE FROST. Mar. THOS. PARKER. HARRIET HORST, dau, Horry. Mar. about 1890. VANDER- of Elias 1826. Died EDWARD FROST, b. Mar. Charleston, S. C, 1802; grad. Yale; practiced law; mem. Legislature; Judge of the Sup. Court and Court of Errors of S. C; Prest. of B^ue Ridge R. R. Co., and held other offices of trust. Died 1868. Only son of WILLIAM FROST and wife ELIZABETH BUCKLE (IX): X. REV. WILLIAM FROST, B. A., of Pulham. St. Mary Magdalen, Rector of Thorpe, near Norwich. Mar. ELIZABETH, dau. of Richard Crawshay of Ot- tershaw Park, Surrey. 32 THE FROST FAMILY Child of the REV. THOS. FROST and wife ANNE GRIMKE (X): XI. MARIANNA FROST. Mar. LLEWELLYN HAS- KELL, had one son, Edward Frost Haskell, and two daughters, Daisy and Fredericka. Children of HENRY RUTLEDGE FROST and wife MARY DEAS LESESNE (X): XI. HENRIETTA FROST, Mar. J. F. M. GEDDINGS, b. Aug. 30, 1837; d. about M. D., Charleston, S. C. 1900. HENRY FROST, b. Nov. Mar. SABRA JANE WALK- 2, 1839; A. B. So. Caro- ER. lina Coll. 1859; M. D. S. C. Med. Coll. 1861; res. Mar- shall, Va. ANNA LESESNE FROST, Mar. RICHARD T. WALKER; b. 1841. res. Charleston, S. C. ELIZA ALLEN FROST, b. 1843; unmarried. ELLEN PARKER FROST, Mar. ISAAC HAYNE. b. 1844. THOMAS FROST, b. 1846; Mar. MARTHA CALHOUN d. about 1898. PARKER. Children of ELLEN LEGARE FROST and THOMAS PARKER (X): XL EDWIN PARKER, dead. Mar. EUGENIA CALHOUN. WM. HENRY PARKER, Mar. LUCIA WARDLAW. dead. EDWARD FROST PAR- Mar. LENA PARKER. KER. ARTHUR PARKER. FRANCIS LEJAU PAR- Mar. ELIZABETH FROST. KER. THOMAS PARKER. Mar. MARGARETTA FLEM- ING. JOHN REED PARKER. Children of EDWARD FROST and HARRIET HORRY (X): XI. ELIAS HORRY FROST, Mar. FANNIE RAVENEL. is dead. THOMAS FROST, is dead. Mar. ALICE WILLIAMS. n X > u X c w c o H C o IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 32a EDWARD DOWNS FROST, is dead. RICHARD DOWNS FROST, is dead. ELIZABETH FROST. Mar. FRANCIS LE JAU PAR- KER. FRANCIS LEJAU Mar. REBECCA PRINGLE. FROST. HENRY WM. FROST. Mar. SUSAN PRESTON. EDWIN PARKER Mar. DONELLA McKAY. FROST. WM. BRANFORD Mar. HUGER. FROST. ANNE BRANFORD Mar. THOMAS PINCKNEY FROST. LOWNDES. Children of the above REV. WM. FROST and wife ELIZABETH (X): XL ANNETE, mar. W. T. Collison, of East Bilney Hall. JANE, mar. Rev. R. F. Palmer, Rec. of Clopton. WM. BUCKLE FROST. THOS. CRAWSHAY FROST. MARIE LOUISE. REV. CHARLES HENRY Mar. LUCY VIOLET, dau. of FROST, M. A., Rector of Henry Stafford O'Brien de Foulsham, Norfolk. Stafford, of Blatherwycke Park, Northamptonshire. Children of HENRIETTA FROST and DR. J. F. M. GEDDINGS (XI): XII. HENRY DOWNS GED- Mar. TAFT. DINGS. RICHARD MANNING Mar. JENNIE FARROW. GEDDINGS. MARY GEDDINGS. DEAS FROST GED- Mar. S. Y. TUPPER. DINGS, is dead. ANNA LESESNE GED- Mar. JOHN WITHERSPOON. DINGS. 32b THE FROST FAMILY ELIZABETH FROST GEDDINGS. EDWARD GEDDINGS. GED- Mar. L. P. DOTTERER. Mar. ELIZABETH BAILEY. FREDERICK DINGS. HENRI ETTA DINGS. GED- Children of HENRY FROST and SABRA JANE WALKER (XI): XII. MARY DEAS FROST, b. Aug. 9, 1866; d. Mar. 4, 1904. HENRY PINCKNEY FROST, b. Oct. 10, 1868; M. D., Univ. of Md., 1889; Asst. Supt. Buffalo State Hospital. MARTHA LOUISA FROST, b. Dec. 28, 1870. ANNA LESESNE FROST, b. Mar. 31, 1872. THOMAS LOWNDES FROST, b. Oct. 28. 1874. Mar. MARGARET SAUN- DERS JOHNSON of Warrenton, Va. Mar. ELIZ. RAY. McGILL MUR- HARRIET FROST, June 14, 1877. b. WADE HAMPTON FROST, b. Mar. 3, 1880; A. B. and M. D., Univ. Va. U. S. Marine Hospital Ser- vice. JAMES HENDERSON FROST, b. July 24, 1882. Children of ANNA WALKER (XI): LESESNE FROST and RICHARD T. XII. HENRY FROST WALKER, is dead. ANNA LESESNE WALKER, is dead. RICHARD dead. Children of (XI): XII. ISAAC dead. WALKER, is ELLEN PARKER FROST and ISAAC HAYNE HAYNE, is IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 32c ELLEN FROST HAYNE. ALICE TRAPI ER HAYNE. EDMUND SHUBRICK HAYNE, is dead. HENRY FROST HAYNE. ELIZA FROST HAYNE. HENRIETTA GEDDINGS HAYNE. Children of THOMAS FROST and MARTHA CALHOUN PARKER (XI): XII. EUGENIA CALHOUN FROST. Children of HENRY P. FROST and MARGARET S. JOHNSON (XII): XIII. VIRGINIA DARE FROST, b. 1897. HENRY RUTLEDGE FROST, b. 1901. PINCKNEY LESESNE FROST, b. 1904. Children of THOS. LOWNDES FROST and ELIZ. McGILL MURRAY (XII): XIII. ELIZABETH LOWN- DES FROST, b. Sep. 28, 1902. THOMAS NE WTO N FROST, b. Apr. 5, 1905. ROB E RT MURRAY FROST, b. Jan. 18, 1907. No. 58— NELSON AMASA FROST. SEE PAGE 69. MERCY FULLER FROST. No. 158— REV. LEWIS P. FROST and wife MARIA GOODELL FROST. (Fro.-n a daguerreotype taken about 1850.) SEE PAGE 82. PEDIGREE OF FROSTS OF YORKSHIRE 1. WALTER FROST, buried Mar. ELLEN, in the Church of St. Mary, Hull. Mayor of Hull, 1372. Bailifif of the same, 1364. THOMAS FROST, buried in the Church of St. Mary, Beverly. Mentioned in his nephew's will. Children of the above WALTER FROST and wife ELLEN (I) were: IL THOMAS FROST, will Mar. KATHERINE, dau. of dated 8th Aug., 1421; buried William Kelk. at St. Mary's, Beverly. WILLIAM FROST, will Mar. ALICE. 1425, pr. 20th June, 1425-6; buried at St. Mary's, Hull. ELIZABETH, mar. Fund, of Hull. KATHERINE, mar. Robt. Morton, of Hull. Had a son, Henry Morton. JOAN, married Leeds. Had a son, Wm. Leeds. Children of the above THOMAS FROST and wife KATHERINE (11): III. THOMAS FROST, will 1476 (?). MARGARET. Children of the above WILLIAM and wife ALICE (II): WALTER FROST, died Mar. ALICE. 1477. (See Foster's Visit'n of Yorks, Brit. Museum.) Will 12th Dec, 1477. JOHN FROST. ELLEN, a nun at Nuncoton. 34 THE FROST FAMILY Child of the above WALTER FROST and wife ALICE (III): IV. THOMAS FROST of Bev- Mar. ELIZABETH, erley. Will dated 20th Oct., 1496. Buried at St. Mary's, Beverley. Children of the above THOMAS FROST and wife ELIZABETH (IV): V. JOHN FROST, mentioned in will of Walter Frost as having left money to the church at Fothersham, Co. York. Will mentioned in act book at York Probate Registry, as proved 15th June, 1519, in which he is . styled "of Rudstone." This will cannot be found. WILLIAM FROST died 22nd May, 1537; held lands in Aikton, Featherstone, etc., under the heirs of Walter Frost. Post-mor- tem inquisition 29 Hen. VIII. Will dated 22nd May, 1537, in which he desires to be buried at Featherstone Church, "in the Calderstone quire under my own stall." WALTER FROST of Westham, Co. Essex, where he was buried. Held Man- ors of Newland, Walton and Featherstone; also lands in Aikton, Hekk, Beverly, etc., jointly with his brother, William Frost. Appointed in 1495 Receiver for the Forest of Maccles- field, and in 1502 Receiver for the Lordship of Mac- clesfield. (See Records in Town Hall, Chester.) Died 20th March, 1528-9. Post- mortem inquisition 21 Hen- ry VIII. ELIZABETH, married John, son of John Rosse, of Routh. Mar. ANNE, (see Foster Vis- it'n of Yorke, Brit. Mu- seum), dau. of Richard Caley, Merchant of Staples, Calais. Died 1527. ANNE. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 35 ROBERT FROST, elk, Rec- to r of Thornhill, Yorks, Cannon of Bole, Archdea- con of Winchester and Stowe, Chancellor to Prince Arthur, son of Henry VII. Arms mentioned in Foster visit of Yorks, argent, a chevron gu between 3 tre- foils az. Mentioned in will of Walter Frost, 1529; mentioned also in Orme- rod's History of Cheshire (Vol. I, 68) as holding a Court in Chester. In the records in the Town Hall, Chester, we find that on the 20th Feb., 149^5, he was nominated Chamber- lain of the County Palatine of Chester, by Henry VII. On 24th May, 1495, he was named commissioner to in- quire of what lands Thomas Danyel of Tabley, died seized of. In 1499 he made a similar inquiry of Sir Thomas Cocksley, Knt. of Malpas. In 1503 he was constituted a Justice of the Forests of Mara and Mon- drem. Children of the above WILLIAM FROST and wife (V): VI. ROBERT FROST (see Mar. BEATRICE, mentioned in post-mortem inq. of William deed 29, Hen. VIII. Will Frost I Eliz.), by charter, dated 4th Jan., 1570; proved dated 18th May, 29, Hen- 6th Oct. following. ry VIII, received lands from his father. Will in which he is styled "of Baddesworth" dated 10th July, 1558. THOMAS FROST, born Mar. KATHERINE, mentioned 1497; died 13th Nov., 1549. in deed of John Frobisher, Post-mort. inq. 4 Edw. 20th July, 29 Hen. VIII. VI. Possessed the Manor of Aikton; also lands in Featherstone. Child of the above THOMAS FROST and wife KATHERINE (VI): VII. WILLIAM FROST, born Mar. CONSTANCE, dau. of 1519; died 28th Jan., 1558-9. George Hamerton of 36 THE FROST FAMILY Held lands in Aikton, Monkroyd. (See Paver's Featherstone. etc. Post- Visit'n Yorks: Vol. 2, No. mortem inq. dated I Eliz. 64.) Mentioned in deed of John Frobisher, 3rd Jan., 1538-9. (N. B.— There were two deeds of John Fro- bisher.) Children of the above WILLIAM FROST and Constance (VII): VIII. ROGER MALLET of Mar. AGNES, dau. and co-heir- Normantown. ess. THOMAS BECKWITH of Mar. FRANCES, dau. and co- Aikton. received Manor of heiress. Aikton from William Frost, by deed, dated 13th Jan., 17 Eliz. (See fine Rolls.) V r i Eh '•Jim aBI^^^^^^^^^^H Ko. 35— RUSSELL FROST. SEE PAGE 62. No. 94— CALEB ALLEN FROST. SEE PAGE 74. No. 245— RUSSELL FROST. SEE PAGE 89. No. 436— RUSSELL FROST. JR. PART II. THE FROST FAMILY IN AMERICA EDMUND FROST AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS BY EDWARD L. FROST, M.D. EXPLANATION OF GENEALOGICAL PORTION OF PART IL Where the personal data of an individual is not given in small type under the parents' name, follow the numbers in larger type, until individual number is found in the next generation. For example, under number 36, Na- than Frost, there are two children : 99, Nathan Richards, and 100, John Sheldon. Look for numbers 99 and 100, where their records will be found. ABBREVIATIONS USED. b., born. ch., child, children. d., died. dau., daughter. des., descendant. Fram., Framingham, Mass. grad., graduate. K'ville, Knowlesville, N. Y. liv., lives, lived. m., married. occ, occupation. pvt., private. res., resides, residence. s., son. w., wife. wid., widow. THE FROST FAMILY IN AMERICA The story of the Puritans in America, their motives and ambitions, the trials and vicissitudes through which they passed, their hopes, their fears, their affections, their jeal- ousies, and above all, their abiding' faith, always has been and always will be of vast interest to every American- born citizen. Even though we may criticise their religion, and smile at some of their absurd laws, it must be con- ceded that their success, like the inception of their under- taking, was due entirely and solely to their religious devo- tion. Of more than passing interest, therefore, to those whose personal ancestry in America is contemporary with and forms a part of the history of the Puritan's time, should be any records pertaining to the personal lives of those ancestors. It is not the purpose of this paper to attempt any complete biographical or genealogical record of the Frost family, but rather to assemble a few records of some inter- esting events in the life of Edmund Frost, who came to this country in 1635, and to publish the genealogical records of some of his descendants, which latter Ave have collected from various sources. Edmund Frost was among the first of the name to come to America. A study of his life, so far as it is possible, is profitable not alone on account of its own merit and peculiar interest, but also as a prototype from whom many family traits have descended to the succeeding generations. Characteristics prominent in his personality are more or less predominant all down the line. This is particularly true of his religious life. As will be related farther on, he was very active in church work. While no systematic effort has been made to ascertain to what extent this prevails among the present generations, it is noteworthy that not a few of his descendants have devoted their lives to the ministry, and many others have been prominent in church affairs. His devotion to principle and opposition to tyranny as expressed by his dissenting opinions at a time when to be a dissenter required no little moral courage, is seen in later generations, particularly during the early days of the Revolution. His persistence and determination as exemplified by the voyage 40 THE FROST FAMILY across the ocean, after a previous attempt had resulted in failure and a narrow escape from shipwreck and death, finds a suggestive parallel in a well-recognized trait of many of the tribe — an absolute unwillingness to acknowledge such a thing as defeat. Two reasons appeal to us as justification for the publication of matter which is manifestly incomplete and unfinished. First, it ofifers an opportunity to pay tribute to, and perpetuate the memory of dearly loved ones, who have recently departed this life ; and, second, it was felt that knowledge of the lives of our anteced- ents would be an incentive and inspiration, to those of us now carrying the Frost banner, in our poor endeavors to maintain the high standard of christian life and loyal citizenship exemplified in our forefathers. That some- one will eventually collect the data, and write the history of the Frost family in America, is something to be devoutly wished for; and when the wish becomes a realization, the resulting product will be a matter of patriotic pride to every bearer of the name. It will be found that the names of the descendants of Edmund Frost appear upon the muster rolls of the armies of every war from King Philip's to the present. Among the Minute-men who marched to the alarm on the memorable 19th of April, 1775, one of them, Samuel Frost, was taken prisoner, and remained in captivity forty-nine days. At the battle of Bunker Hill they were in evidence, and it will also be found that upon the records of the soldiers and sailors of the Revolution, of the State of Massachusetts, the name of Frost appears no less than one hundred and sixty-nine times. If to this be added the descendants through the female lines, a fair estimate of which would be as many more, making a total of three hundred and thirty-eight, some idea would be had of the part taken in the struggle for independence by the Frosts. These latter, however, were not all de- scendants of Edmund Frost. To the one who undertakes this task we will leave it to determine whether this fighting tendency was due to their Puritan strain, in that they had the courage of their convictions, or to the wild blood of their remote ancestors : Anglo-Saxons, Danes, or possibly of the more turbulent Normans, still flowing in their veins.* *Lest we credit too much to personal initiative, it is well to remember that during their time, military service was required of all able-bodied men ; such service commencing at the age of sixteen, with apparently no limit to the ac- quired age when it should be considered closed. No. 107— S. A. FROST. (1844). *3f ^Ik f LUCY B. FROST. (1844). No. 107— S. A. FROST. (1885). Died September 15. 1907. SEE PAGE 74. LUCY B. FROST. (1835). IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 41 That it was not hereditary belHgerency, but that they fought as patriotic citizens against oppression and tyranny, is probably borne out by the fact that it is in the quieter walks of Hfe where search should be made for records of the Frosts. 'Tis said that "peaceful and contented lives make poor biographies." To this, may be attributed, perhaps, the scarcity of written records of mdividual members of this family. E. L. F. The vast majority of persons bearing the name of "Frost" in this country are the descendants of some one of the following persons who landed in America between the years 1634 and 1785. These, named in the order of their arrival, are as follows : I. Nicholas Frost, Kittery, Maine. (1634). II. Edmund Frost, Cambridge, Mass. (1635). III. William Frost, Fairfield, Conn. (1639). IV. William and James Frost, Plymouth, Mass. (1670). V. Rev. Thomas Frost, Charleston, S. C. (1785). Of these progenitors of the Frost family in America, only two, so far as known, were kinsmen even in a remote degree. The two here referred to were Edmund Frost, of Cambridge, and Rev. Thomas Frost, of Charleston. Both of these came originally from Suffolk County, Eng- land, and belong to the same original stock. T. G. F. Nicholas Frost, of Tiverton, Devonshire, England, with his wife. Bertha Cadwalla, and two children, sailed in the e-hip Wulfrana, from Plimouth, Devon, Eng., April, 1634; arrived America, June, 1634. He was the son of John Frost, who was born near Carnbre Hill, Cornwall, Eng., Nov. 17, 1558. Nicholas had a brother John, born in Tiverton, July 10, 1583. John lived contemporaneously with John Frost, of Hartest, father of Edmund, but so far as known they were in no way related. Nicholas Frost settled in Kittery (Eliot), Maine. He was the father of Maj. Charles Frost, whose courage and bravery as com- mander of militia in repelling attacks of Indians is a mat- ter of abundant record. His wife Bertha, and daughter Anna (aged 15 years), were killed by Indians on the night of July 4, 1650, while he and his son Charles were away from home. His son, Maj. Charles, met the same fate many years later, being killed by Indians in ambush, while returning from religious worship on Sabbath morning, July 4, 1697. The descendants of Nicholas Frost are numerous, 42 THE FROST FAMILY among whom are John Frost, the historian and author; A. B. Frost, the artist, and many other prominent citizens of this country. There was another Nicholas Frost, who preceded all the other Frosts to this country, and who should not be confused with the aforesaid Nicholas Frost, father of Maj. Charles. He was an outlaw, and Oct. 3, 1632, for stealing from Indians, and other less pardonable crimes, was sen- tenced "to be branded on the hand ; banished ; kept in bolts till fine of five pounds paid ; damages to Henry Way and John Holman forty pounds. If ever he returned to be put to death." As nothing further is to be found re- garding him, it is presumed that he reformed. William Frost, from Nottingham, Eng., settled at Fair- field, Conn., in 1639. "Evidently a man of good family, vho, from his religious principles and perhaps to escape per- secution, had sought to end his days peacefully in New England." His descendants settled on the shores of Long Island Sound, Conn. William and James Frost, two brothers, although orig- inally English, migrated from Wales to the Plymouth Col- ony, Mass., about 1670. James remained in New Eng- land. William, born at Brinstead, Hampshire County, Eng., was a Quaker, and was driven from the colony, first to Boston, 1671, and thence to Oyster Bay, L. I., where he settled in 1672, and where he "belonged to the meeting in that place." The old homestead in Locust Val- ley, L. I., "is now occupied by a direct descendant of Wm. Frost, 225 years in the uninterrupted possession of the family" (1894). That the descendants of this branch of the family in America are numerous, the following line of descent shows : William Frost married Rebecca Wright (dau. of Nicholas Wright of Oyster Bay, L. I.) They had three children. William, born 1674, Wright, and Mary. William married (about 1700) Hannah Price, of Killing- worth, L, I., and had ten children. The seventh child, Isaac Frost, born in 1716, married Mary Cook and had fourteen children : James, Isaac, Jordan, Obadiah, Solo- mon (b. 1756), Mordica, George, Elizabeth, Ethelanna, Rhoda, Hannah, Mary, Anna, and Sarah. Eight of these lived to be over eighty years old. Solomon married Anna Vail in 1781; had six children: Philo, Samuel, Solomon, Aaron, Henry and Anna. From the Rev. Thomas Frost came the distinguished Frost family of Charleston, S. C, and the southern branch. E. L. F. y-- EDMUND FROST OF CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS Edmund Frost was born in the neighborhood of Hart- est, County of Suffolk, England, about the year 1600. He must have early associated himself with the non-con- formist or dissenting portion of the Protestant element in England. Even attendance at such services to the neglect of the established church, was visited with the severest punishment, which sometimes did not stop short of fine and imprisonment. Mr. Clinsworth in his "Counterpoyson" refers to the fact that while the famous English divine, Mr. Robinson, was preaching secretly near Norwich, Norfolk County, England, (1600-4), certain members of his congregation "were excommunicated for resorting unto and praying with him." Edmund Frost married at Hartest, about the year 1630, a woman whose first name was "Thomasine." His first son, John, was born in England about the year 1632. In 1634 (October 16th), Edmund Frost, with his wife and son John, boarded the ship Great Hope (Captain Cur- ling) at Ipswich, England, for Boston, Massachusetts. He was one of the leaders of Rev. Thos. Shepard's party, whom religious persecution had driven to seek refuge in America. Rev. Thomas Shepard, in his autobiography, referred to him as "his most dear brother Frost." In the words of Edmund Frost's great grandson, Rev. Amariah Frost, "he came to the then savage wilderness of America to escape the more savage oppression of England." The Great Hope was shipwrecked off Yarmouth, but Edmund Frost and all the rest of the passengers on the ship were saved. After some delay the ship "Defence" was secured (Captain Bostock, master), and on this ship Edmund Frost sailed for Boston from Gravesend, Kent County, England, on the 10th day of August, 1635. Owing to the difficulties arising over the persecution of all dissenters by the govern- ment at that time, Edmund Frost, as well as Rev. Thomas Shepard himself and others, had to embark under an as- 44 THE FROST FAMILY sumed name, else they could not have escaped the "pour- suivants," as the officers were called. On October 2d, 1635, the ship "Defence" arrived in Boston Harbor. The' com- pany almost to a man at once moved over and located at Cambridge, Massachusetts. This place had already been settled by Rev. Thos. Hooker and his party, but the latter had made their plans for emigrating to Connecticut. It thus appears that the first real permanent settlement at Cambridge, Massachusetts, was made by Rev. Thomas Shepard and his colony of immigrants. This included rep- resentatives of the following families, all of whom are con- nected with the earliest history of Cambridge, to wit: Shepard, Frost, Champney, Goffe, Cooke, and Norton. In the first allotment of lands we find Edmund Frost located on what is known at this day as the westerly side of Dunster Street, between Harvard' Square and Mt. Au- burn Street. On March 3d, 1636. Edmund Frost was ad- mitted and enrolled as a freeman of Cambridge. The same year ht became one of the original members and first ruling elders of the First Congregational Church of Cambridge. Gov. Winthrop. in his Journal, speaks about attending on the 11th day of February, 1636. the installation of Rev. Thos. Shepard, as pastor, and his two elders into their re- spective offices in the first church at Cambridge. _ The two elders were, undoubtedly, Edmund Frost and Richard Champney. He describes the entire ceremony with great minuteness of detail. Then Colonel William Goffc, in his "Diary," speaks of visiting Elder Edmund Frost on August 23d, 1660, and observed to him that a glorious saint makes a lowly cottage a stately palace. "Were I to take my choice I would rather abide with this saint in his poor cottage than with any of the princes that I know of at this day in the world." Indeed, it appears from the records of Cambridge that Edmund Frost never prospered in the worldly sense, but always was poor in purse. But though not gifted with wealth, he was a most godly man and greatly respected. During his life at Cambridge, from 1635 until his death in 1672, eight children were born. His wife, Thomasine, died, and he remarried later. He ended his days at Cambridge, Mass., on July 12th, 1672. He was noted all his days as a most pious and humble Christian, a faithful disciple of the Master. In every way a worthy progenitor of the great family which bears his name. THOMAS G. FROST. 2 o I X > < o H k; o o < o IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 45 The following is from Rev. Thos. Shepard's memoirs : "And truly I found this time of my life, wherein I was so tossed up and down, and had no place of settling, but kept secret in regard of the Bishops (Laud), the most uncomfortable and fruitless time to my own soul especially, that ever I had in my life. And therefore I did long to be in New England, as soon as might be. * * * and there- fore there being divers Godly christians resolved to go toward the latter end of the year, if I would go, I did therefore resolve to that year. * * * The ship was called the "Hope" of Ipswich; the master, Mr. Gurling. * * * At the time appointed the ship was not ready, and we staid six or eight weeks longer than the time promised for her going; and so it was very late in the year, and very dan- gerous to go to sea. So that in the year 1634, about the beginning of winter, we set sail from Harwich." They had gone but a few leagues when they encountered a storm which drove them back to shallow waters near Harwich. During this storm a sailor was washed overboard, ana miraculously saved after having been in the water about an hour. This they regarded as an act of Divine Providence and symbolic of their ultimate success, one of their number saying: "This man's danger and deliverance is a type of ours ; for we did fear dangers were near unto us and that yet the Lord's power should be shown in saving us." The storm, however, did not abate, but continued with renewed force, so that during the next thirty hours they were driven considerably out of their course and obliged to cast anchor in Yarmouth Roads, "an open place at sea, yet fit for an- chorage, otherwise a very dangerous place. Which when we had done, upon a Saturday morning, the Lord sent a most dreadful and terrible storm of wind from the west, so dreadful that to this day the seamen call it "Windy Satur- day." Many ships with all on board were lost. As the storm increased in fury, the anchorage gave way, and the ship seemed doomed to certain destruction. Pieces of ordnance were fired, and thousands came upon the walls of Yarmouth, but were helpless to give assistance. "And the seamen presently cut down the mast aboard, just at that very time, wherein we all gave ourselves for gone, to see neither Old, nor New England, nor faces of friends any more, there being near upon two hundred passengers in the ship. And so when the mast was cut down, the master had one little anchor left, and cast it out. But the ship was driven away towards the sands still ; and the seamen 46 THE FROST FAMILY came to us and bid us look, pointing to the place, where our graves should shortly be, conceiving that the wind had broke off this anchor also. So the master professed he had done what he could, and therefore now desired us to go to prayer. So Mr. Norton, in one place, and myself in another part of the ship, he with the passengers and myself with the mariners above decks, went to prayer, and committed our souls and bodies unto the Lord that gave them. Im- mediately after prayer the wind began to abate and the ship stayed. For the last anchor was not broke, as we conceived, but only rent up with the wind, and so drave and was drawn along, ploughing the sands with the vio- lence of the wind ; which abating after prayer, though still terrible, the ship was stopped just when it was ready to be swallowed up of the sands, a very little way off from it. * * * This deliverance was so great that I then did think, if ever the Lord did bring me to shore again, I should live like one come and risen from the dead. This is one of those living mercies the Lord has shown me, * * * and my dear friends then with me, viz. : brothers Champney, Frost, Goff, and divers others, most dear saints ; and also to all with me. * * * I desire this mercy may be remem- bered of my children, and their children's children, when I am dead and cannot praise the Lord in the land of the living any more." "And so we continued that night, many sick, many weak and discouraged, many sad hearts. Yet upon the Sabbath morning we departed and went out of the ship." (Oct. 19, 1634.) Edward Johnson, in his history of New England, chap. 29, says: "The master and other seamen made a strange construction of the sore storm they met withal, saying the ship is bewitched, and therefore made use of the common charm ignorant people use, nailing two red-hot horse-shoes to their mainmast." They remained until the following summer, when, on Aug. 10, 1635, they sailed on the ship "Defence," of Lon- don, Capt. Thos. Bostock. "The ship we came in was very rotten, and unfit for such a voyage ; and therefore the first storm we had, we had a very great leak, which did appall and affect us. * * * We had many storms ; * * * and so the Lord, after sad storms and wearisome days, and many longings to see the shore, the Lord brought us to the sight of it upon IN ExNGLAND AND AMERICA 47 October second, 1635 ; and upon October the third we arrived, with my wife, child, brother Samuel, Mr. Harla- kenden, Mr. Cooke, &c., at Boston, with rejoicing in our God after a longsome voyage." "When we had been here (Boston) two days, upon the Monday, Oct. 5, we came, being sent for by friends at Newtowne (Cambridge), to my brother Stone's house." The arrival of Shepard's company at Cambridge was less than five years subsequent to the erection of the first dwelling, and less than five and a half years after the arrival of Gov. Winthrop and his party at Boston Bay. At Cambridge, they found quite a large party, headed by the Rev. Mr. Hooker (of whom Cotton Mather speaks as "the Light of the Western Churches"), preparing to move. "And that congregation being upon their removal to Hart- ford, at Connecticut, myself and those that came with me found many houses empty, and many persons willing to sell; and hence our company bought ofif their houses to dwell in, until we should see another place fit to remove unto. But having been here some time, divers of our breth- ren did desire to sit still and not to remove farther; partly because of the fellowship of the churches ; partly because they thought their lives were short, and removals to new plantations full of troubles ; partly because they found suffi- cient for themselves and their company. Hereupon there was a purpose to enter into church fellowship, which we did the year after, about the end of winter." (Feb. 11, 1636).* It was during this year, 1636, that it was decided to establish a school for higher education in America. That Cambridge was selected as its site, was due largely to the influence and leadership of Rev. Mr. Shepard. By reason of his office in the church, Edmund Frost became one of the governing body of Harvard. Gov. Winthrop writes: "The general court had settled a government, or superintendency over the college, viz. : all the magistrates and elders over the six nearest churches, and the president, or the greatest part of them." Under the charter of the Massachusetts colony, none were regarded as freemen, or members of the body politic, This society still continues its existence, under the name of the Shepard Memorial Church, having its place of worship at the corner of Market and Garden Sts. Their first house of worship, however, stood on the westerly side of Dun- ster St., a little north of a point midway between Mt. Auburn and Wmthrop Sts. 48 THE FROST FAMILY except such as were admitted by the general court and took the oath of allegiance to the government established. Ed- mund Frost was admitted and became a freeman Mar. 3, 1636. (The first printing done in the Colonies was this freeman's oath). The following records of real estate transactions may- be of some interest : "Edmund Frost bought of Thomas Blodgett, about 1639, an estate on the westerly side of Dunster St., between Har- vard Square and Mt. Auburn St., which he sold soon after- wards to widow Catherine Haddon ; he then bought a house on the westerly side of Garden St., which he occupied in 1642, but sold to Richard Eccles in 1646. His subsequent residence is not known wath certainty, but several cir- cumstances indicate that he occupied the estate on the northerly side of Kirkland St., extending from Divinity Hall Avenue to and beyond Francis Avenue, which estate remained in possession of his posterity until a very recent period." In the apportionment of the Shawshine territory (now Billerica), his share was two hundred acres. Lot No. 59. Following from town records, dated Jan. 8, 1646: "Lib- erty granted unto Edmund Frost, for to fell some timber for the building of an house before the last of the third month." From records of the church which show allowances to have been paid to him, it has been assumed that he "had trial of earthly poverty though rich in faith." The fol- lowing item is one of several, which shows that he received regular compensation for some service rendered: "1643, Item: Pay'd Elder Frost for a year's allowance, wch was due at midsomer, in the year 1643 — I say pd him by ten pounds. lO.L." Aug. 25, 1656, Edmund Frost's name, with those of Rev. Jno. Mitchell and Richard Champney, is signed to a letter of dismissal of the distinguished minister and teacher, Michael Wigglesworth, from membership in the church at Cambridge to that of Maiden, Mass. The records of numerous small bequests from deceased friends are of interest only as they testify to the high personal regard in which he was held by these friends. These are among the oldest wills on record in Middlesex county ; one of which was that of the Rev. Henry Dunster, o o IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 49 first president of Harvard. This friendship was evidently a most enduring one, and not affected by Dunster's depo- sition. Others were those of Matthew Day, dated May lO, 1649; Daniel Kempster; Roger Bancroft, and Wm. Wilcox. The latter dated Nov. 28, 1663. leaves legacies to "loving brethren that are of my family meeting;" among whom Edmund Frost was included. That the intrinsic value of some, at least, of these bequests, was insignificant, is true. They should, however, be regarded as simple expressions of esteem, or tokens of remembrance, and were, without doubt, accepted in the same spirit. The following from the last will and testament of Edward Skinner, dated Oct. 25, 1641, is sufficiently illustrative: "* *,* unto Jeremy Barber, one paire of shoes; unto his owne man, a paire ould briches, irckin waste cote, hatt, capp ; and for his time, he is to serve one year with elder Frost, and one yeare (with) Good Stoune." One item in the town records has a certain humor, and shows that he enjoyed no special privileges when he came into conflict with the village laws. "Sep. 4, 1646. Elder Frost, for letting his two oxen goe to feed on ye common, taken once, is fined: l.s. (There were some thirty-four other like offenders). The following estimate of his character previously re- ferred to is of particular interest : "It is related by Hutchin- son, under date of 1660, that in the ship which arrived from London, July 27, there came two of the late King's judges, Cols. Whalley and Goffe. They did not attempt any con- cealment of their identity, but immediately went to the Governor, Mr. Endicott, who received them very cour- teously. They were visited by the principal people of the town. They chose to reside at Cambridge, a village four miles distant, during their stay." The following is an extract from Colonel Goffe's journal : "23 d. 6 m. — In ye evening wee vissited Elder Frost, who rec'd us with great kindness and love, esteeming it a favour yt we would come into yr mean habitation ; assured us of his fervent prayers to ye Lord for us ; — A glorious saint makes a mean cottage a stately palace ; were I to make my choyce, I would rather abide with ys saint in his poor cot- tage, than with any one of ye princes I know of at ys day in ye world." 50 THE FROST FAMILY At a meeting of the selectmen, Feb. 8, 1668, the town was divided into districts "for Katechising the youth of this towne." Among others appointed, "Captain Gookin and Elder Frost, for those familyes on ye east side of ye Comon Water Streete, leading from the meeting-house to ye water- side being the particeon." This was during a period of three years wdien the church was without a pastor. His death occurred July 12, 1672. Through the courtesy of Mr. George Henry Frost of Plainfield, N. J., we present a full copy of the last will and testament of Edmund Frost : The last will and testament of Edmund Frost of Cambridge in New England made and declared this 16th day of April! 1672: I Edmund Frost being stricken in yeares and at the present ill and weake daily expecting my disolucion yet through (the great favor of god having my minde and understanding cleare and sound as in former times I am desirous (according to my duty to set my house in order to settle that small estate that god hath graciously lent me so that strife and contencion may be prvented after my decease between my wife and children. In the first Place I desire to role, rest and resigne my precious and imortall soul to and upon my deare Lord Jesus Christ the great mediator of the covenant between God and man in and upon whome the free grace and favour of the eternall blessed one God father sonne and holy ghost is terminated for all power is given to him in heaven and earth and i.s declared in the Gospell that whoever beleveth in him shall receice remission of sins and injoy eternall life as for my body (wch God hath called a temple of the holy Ghost) I desire it may be decently interred in the earth in an assured hope of the happy and blessed resurection thereof in gods appoynted time. 21y. For my outward estate I dispose thereof as followeth. Impr. I give to my deare wife Reana the use of about two accres of planting land being more or less lyng in my feild on the west side of my orchard to have and to hold to her or assignes dviring life. Pro- vided that she allow my sones Ephraim and Thomas for two daies worke every yeare towards keeping the fence in good repair: It. I give to my wife the use of a percell of pasture land lying wthout ye feild during her life. It. I give to my wife on third part of ye fruit that growes yearely in the orchard during her life It. I give to my wife all the crop of Rye and wheat that is sowne and shall grow in my planting feild for this yeare. It. I give to my wife twenty shillings a yeare during her life to be paid in corne or cattle brought to her house at currant country price to be paid by my sonne Ephram and Thomas ten shillings a peece in pt. of consideracion of Legacy given them hereafter mencioned: It. I give to my wife twenty shillings a yeare more during her life to be paid by my sonne John in corne or cattle at currant country price brought to her house and this he is to pay in consideracion of lands bequeathed to him hereafter mencioned and in case he refuse or neglect to pay the twenty shillings pr Annun as aforesd my wife is to enter upon the land to him bequeathed and injoy it during her life. It. I give to my wife the use of all the salt marsh IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 51 being about 4: acres more or less bounded with m Pelhams marsh north and Brodish east, and the river south to have and to hold dur'ing her life It: I do order and my will is that my sonnes Ephraim, and Thomas shall plant their mothers Indian corne both at Watertowne lott, and in my feild this spring: Also they are to get on thousand of clapbords and deliver to their mother at the house for covering thereof which they are to get out of the timber bought of Philip Jones for that end: Also my will is that they get fencing stuf? of the common (by leave of ye selectmen) and fence in their mothers yards orchard or garden at her house. In consideracion of this worke they are to have ye use of my teame for three months after my death and during the time they are doing this work for their mother shee must provide them diett. It. I give to my sonne Jno: six accres of land yt he improveth of mine to him and to his heyres forever which land I had in exchange for other land lieing neare m Dunsters farme house, and now belonging to his heyres: and although no writtings or deeds passed betwene m Dunster & me aboute that exchange yet each of us have for a long time peaceably injoyed ye same, I trust their will be no question about it but if their should be any sonne Jno: is to cleare the difTerence if any be without any prjudice to any of his brothers. It. I give to my sonnes Samuell and Joseph after their mothers decease, that two accres of land more or less that lyes in my feild on the west side of my orchard equaly to be divided betwene them or their children. It. More I give to my sonne Joseph after my wife death on halfe of my marsh: It. I give to sonne Joseph one of my wood lotts beyond notimey (Arlington now called) which of the two he shall choose: It I give to my sonne James fower pounds to be paid in foure yeares after my wives death to be by my sonne, Ephraim and Thomas in consideracion of the pasture ground lyng without the fence wch I give to them after my wives decease. It. I give to Ephraim and Thomas equaly to be divided betwene them my dwelling house orchard and all the land within the inclosed feild and without not formerly disposed of for them to injoy and their heyres forever: It. I give to Ephriam my lott in the great swamp. It. I give to my sonne Thomas my other wood lott beyond notomy (Arlington now called), and if any other devisions of land shall fall due in the Towne after my decease I give them to my sonnes Ephraim and Thomas equally to be divided. It. I give to my two daughters the other halfe of my marsh after my wives decease, equally to be divided betwene them or their children or in case Sarah die before Marriage then her part of the said Marsh is to decend to Ephraim and Thomas equally divided It. I give to my daughter Sarah a feather bed and bolster and she is to have it a yeare after my death: I give and bequeath to my two daughters equaly to be divided betwene them a Kettle and all other house- hold goods that properly belong to me after my wives death: It. for some reasons best knowne to my selfe I order my executors after my death to sell for the best advantage my old mare and my young gelding and wt they shall produce to divide into five parts 2 parts of that five I give to Jacob French and his wife: and the other three parts I give to the Children of Golden More equally to be divided. It. I order my executors to sell my oxen and horses not disposed of and to pay my Just debts and in speciall forty shillings by me given to ye new Colidge (Harvard College) and twenty shillings to mr Alcocks sone at ye Colledge: Lastly I do appoint and ordaine my sones Jno: Samuell Joseph and Ephriam to 52 THE FROST FAMILY be executors to this my will and Testament. And I do humbly desire and intreate my honored and worthy frinds Capt Daniell Gookin and mr Thomas Danforth to be overseers of my will and if any difference should arise betweine my wife or children concerning any matter herein contained that they determine it and that all persons concerned acquiess in their determinacions: In testimony oi the truth of what is above declared I have hereunto set my hand and scale the day and yeare above written: Edmund frost and a Scale Signed Sealed & declared In ye presence of us Daniell Gookin William Manning Benonie Eaton. Upon after consideracion I do will and bequeath the reversion of the two acres of land given to my wife during her life lying within my planting feild on the west side my house unto my sonnes Ephraim and Thomas on condicion that in lew thereof they pay in money to their two brothers Samuell and Joseph foure pounds a peece in money vizt. twenty shillings to each pr ann to begine the first payment within one yeare after my wives death: Also my foure accr percell of marsh I do will that my sonne Joseph shall have that one moyty or halfe part thereof and Ephriam and Thomas shall have the other halfe equaly divided between them and in consideracion thereof they shall pay twenty pounds in money to their two sisters Mary and Sarah or to their children vizt Joseph foure pounds Ephriam foure pounds and Thomas foure pounds and the same to be paid within one yeare after my wives death or in default thereof their sisters shall have so much of the said Marsh as w'ill yeeld them the said money, dated Aprill the 17th 1672. Daniell Gookin Edmund frost William Manning. Benonie Eaton Cambridge Court, Octo: 1, 12. Attested on oath by the Wortt Danll: Gookin Esq. mr Wm Man- ning & Benoni Eaton. As attesteth. Thomas Danforth Recordr A true copy of record. Attest, (signed) S. H. Folsom. Register. The inventory of the estate of the widow was taken Nov. 3, 1675. A coat-of-arms has been accredited to Edmund Frost, and the same is described in "Crozier's General Armory" by Wm. Armstrong Crozier, F. R. S. ; pub. 1904. It is the coat armor of the Frosts of St. John's House of Chester, and the descendants of Edmund Frost have, strictly speaking, no right to its use. The following on Frost of St. John's House is qtioted from "Burke's Landed Gentry:" "The family of Frost is of 2 o w z o H O o r o < O IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 53 ancient and honorable origin, and they occur as possessors of the manor of Hunston, Suffolk, at the beginning of the ]7th century." (See Part I.) Among the many descendants of Edmund Frost, whose names do not appear in the following genealogical record because of its limited scope, are : The late Hon. Rufus Frost, Chelsea, Mass., who was a member of Congress from Mass., and founder of the Frost Hospital at Chelsea. George Henry Frost, 1838, founder and president of the Engineering News Pub. Co., New York; his sons, Charles H. Frost, 1870, editor Plainfield, (N. J.) Courier-News; Har- wood Frost, 1872, editor Engineering Digest, and secretary Engineering News Pub. Co. ; Edwin Hunt Frost, 1874, Bethlehem, Ct. ; Francis Willoughby Frost, 1876, treasurer Engineering News Pub. Co. His brothers (of Smith's Falls, Ont.) Chas. B. Frost, 1840, died April 20th, 1909; Francis T. Frost, 1843 (Senator for life. Dominion Senate), and William H. Frost, 1847. A sister, Clarissa H. Frost, 1834. Their lineage is: 6 Ebenezer, 1790; 5 Daniel; 4 Ebenezer; 3 Ebenezer; 2 Ephraim ; 1 Edmund. The late Hon. Geo. A. Frost, 1813-1892, of Springvale, Me., member of War-Governor Washburn's Council of Maine, 1861-3, had charge of equipping and forwarding regi- ments to Washington, some of which he accompanied. He was a great-grandson of Rev. Amariah Frost, being one of the eleven children of Deacon John Frost, of Sanford, Me. Hon. Charles H. Frost, of Springvale, Me., s. of Dea- John, ex-member of Maine Senate; now living at Old Or- chard, Me. Everett F. Rich, grandson of Dea. John, Treasurer of Bangor Savings Bank, Bangor, Me. John Elias Frost, of Newtonville, Mass., doubly de- scended from Rev. Amariah ; his father, Edwin Dorr Frost, s. of Elias, s. of Amariah; his mother, Charlotte Frost, dau. of Dea. John, s. of Amariah, Jr., s. of Rev. Amariah. He is Sec'y of the Frost Ass'n of the U. S. Alfred F. Rector, great-grandson of Amariah, a promi- nent lawyer and prosecutor, Marshall, Mo. Hon. John Rector, great-grandson of Amariah, Mayor at Slater, Mo. 54 THE FROST FAMILY Harold F. Frost, of Arlington, Mass., Past Prest. of the Frost Family Ass'n, who with Henry Frost, of Belmont, Mass., were its organizers some thirteen year ago. Charles E. Frost, of Central Falls, R. I., Prest. Frost Ass'n ; has been prominent in city government there. Edwin Collins Frost, novelist. Providence, R. I. J. Fred Frost, of the Board of Education, Almond, Wis. Charles Sumner Frost, 1856, architect, Chicago, 111.; his brothers, Frank L. Frost, 1858, Lewiston. Me. ; Walter A. Frost, 1861, Chicago; Woodbury G. Frost, 1868, Athens, Pa., and Wilfred P. Frost, 1875, Chicago. Their lineage, 8 Albert Ephraim, 7 Ephraim, 6 Ephraim, 5 Ephraim, 4 Joseph, 3 Joseph, 2 James, 1 Edmund. Lowell C. Frost. Los Angeles, Cal., son of the late Charles Hubbard Frost, of Buffalo. Frederick Eugene Frost, 1869, of Worcester, Mass., whose lineage is, 7 George Washburn, 6 Joseph. 5 Ebenezer, ^ Ebenezer, 3 Ebenezer, 2 Ephraim, 1 Edmund Frost. The late Dr. Carlton Pennington Frost, 1830, Hanover, N. H., for many years Dean of Dartmouth Medical College. His sons. Dr. Gilman DuBois Frost, 1864, Professor of Anatomy, and Sec'y to the Faculty, Dartmouth Med. Coll., and Edwin Brant Frost, 1866. Professor of Astronomy, and Director of Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago. Lineage: 6. Benjamin, 1802; 5, Elijah, 1771; 4, Jonathan, 1738; 3, Joseph. 1680; 2, Samuel, 1638; 1. Edmund. GENEALOGY 1. Edmund Frost, born in England about 1600; with wife Thomasine and infant child settled Cambridge, Mass., 1635. The date of his wife's death is uncertain, but some- time before 1669. he married Reana Daniel (widow suc- cessively of James, Wm. Andrew, and Robert Daniel), who survived him.* *Temple's "Genealogical Register of Framingham" states: "Fie married C2) about 1642, Mary ; (3) Widow Reana Daniels." The records show that James and Mary were born after this date to Edmund and Thomasine Frost, showing Temple's statement to be in error. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 55 CHILDREN : 2. John, b. Eng., about 1632. 3. Thomas, b. 1st mo. 1637, O. S. (Mar., 1637); d. 1639. 4. Samuel, b. 12th mo. 1638, O. S. (Feb., 1639). 5. Joseph, b. 13, 11, 1639, O. S. (Jan. 13, 1640). 6. James, b. 9, 2, 1643, O. S. (Apr. 9, 1643). 7. Mary, b. 24, 5, 1645, O. S. (July 24, 1645). 8. Ephraim, b. 1646, or later. 9. Thomas, b. 1647, or later. 10. Sarah, b. 1653. SECOND GENERATION. 2. John, son of (1) Edmund, m. Rebecca, dau. of Thos. Andrew, June 26, 1666, and had John, b. Nov. 19, 1667, was a mason and resided at Salem, 1696; Rebecca, b. Dec. 3, 1669, m. Dea. Joseph Coolidge, and d. July 1, 1750. (Her daughter Rebecca was w. to the first, and mother to the second Prof. Wigglesworth) ; Thomas, b. , was a weaver and resided here in 1696. John, the father, d. and administration was granted Sept. 30, 1672, to wid. Rebecca, for herself and her three children. The wid. m. George Jacobs, Jr., of Danvers village. Feb. 9, 1674, and was im- prisoned during the witchcraft delusion. 4. Samuel, s. of (1) Edmund, by wife Mary Cole, had in Cambridge, Samuel, b. Aug. 21, 1664; Isaac, b. Oct. 21, 1666; Edmund, b. Aug. 21, 1668; he removed to Billerica as early as 1674, at which time he had m. Elizabeth Miller, by whom he had John, b. April 2, 1678; Benjamin, b Aug. 10, 1683; Jonathon, b. Nov. 3, 1685; Daniel, b. April 12, and died April 14, 1689; Edmund, b. Mar. 1, 1691-2. A son, Edmund, had d. Feb. 12, 1690-1. Samuel, ihe father, d. at Billerica, Aug. 12, 1711, aged 7Z. 5. Joseph, s. of (1) Edmund, settled in Charlestown, m. Hannah Miller, May 22, 1666, and had Jabez. b. Dec. 12, 1667; Susanna, b. Jan. 27, 1668-9. Joseph, b. Feb. 15, 1670-1, perhaps the same who m. Sarah Whittemore, Jan. 12, 1707-8; Stephen, b. Mar. 9, 1672-3; Nathaniel, bap. May 7, 1676; Hannah, b. Aug. 30, 1677; Abigail, b. Mar. 12, 1679- 80; Miller, b. Feb. 28, 1682-3; Faith, b. Sept. 9, 1687. Joseph, the f., died about 1692, and administration was granted to wid. Hannah, Jan. IZ, 1692-3. He was a soldier in Capt. Jno. Cutler's Mt. Hope Company. 6. Jarnes, s. of (1) Edmund, settled in Billerica and m. Rebecca Hamlet, Dec. 17, 1664; she d. Aug. 20, 1666, and 56 THE FROST FAMILY he m. Elizabeth, dau. of Thos. Foster, Jan. 22, 1666-7. His children were James, b. Aug. 14, 1666; Thomas, b. Oct. 18, 1667; John, b. Nov. 14, 1668, d. Mar. 3, 1668-9; Samuel, b. Feb. 28, 1669-70; Elizabeth, b. Nov. 6, 1672, m. Peter Cornell; Edmund b. May 14, d. May 18, 1675; Sarah, b. July 15, 1678, m. Howard; Hannah, b. Jan. 31, 1680-1; Joseph, b. Mar. 21, 1682-3; Abigail, b. Aug. 23, 1685, m. Ephraim Kidder; Benjamin, b. Mar. 8, 1687-8, and Mary, who m. John Walker. James, the f., was deacon of the Billerica church and died Aug. 12, 1711, a. 71; his wife, Elizabeth, survived. He was a soldier against Weymesit Indians, Billerica garrison, 1675. 8. Ephraim, s. of (1) Edmund, by w. Hepzibah had Mary, b. May 20, 1678, m. Howard; Edmund, b. Mar. 14, 1679-80; Ephraim, b. Sept. 23, 1682; Thomas, b. prob. 1688; Ebenezer, bap. Jan. 17, 1696-7; Sarah, b. , m, Nathaniel Patten May 17, 1720. Ephraim, the f.. res. on the homestead, on the northerly side of Kirkland St., and d. Jan. 2, 1717-18, a. 72; his w., Hepzibah, survived. 9. Thomas Frost, eighth child of (1) Edmund, b. Cam- bridge, about 1647. He was a private from Cambridge, Capt. Jos. Sill's company of militia. On Nov. 2, 1675, Capt. Sill received orders from his commander. Major Gookin, to take charge of the soldiers raised in Charlestown, Water- town and Cambridge, and go forth against the enemy (King Philip), closing thus : "So desiring the ever living Lord God to accompany you and your company with his gracious conduct and presence, and that he will for Christ's sake appear in all the mounts of difficulty, and cover all your heads in the day of battle, and deliver the bloodthirsty and cruel enemy of God and his people into your hands, and make you executioner of his just indignation upon them, and return you victorious unto us, I commit you 2nd your company unto God, and remain your very loving friend, Daniel Gookin, Sen'r." Nov. 12, 1678, he married widow Mary Goodridge, daughter of Matthew Gibbs, whose mother was daughter of Robert Bradish, Cambridge, 1635. He was a townsman of Sudbury, 1685, lived at Lanhani; soon after this date built a house in Framingham, "about sixty rods up the hill from Liberty Chadwick's, and several rods north of that road." This was on Gov. Danforth's "wilderness" land, and the Governor executed a lease to Thomas Frost and Samuel W w > o w 2: o 00 00 C O w w w o CO IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 57 Winch, of 300 acres, more or less, on the west side of Sudbury River, which tract includes the present site of North Framingham. The lease ran for 999 years, at a year- ly rental of four pounds, ten shillings, and is dated Mar. 25, 1693. At a very recent period (possibly at present), a por- tion of this property was occupied by descendants of Thomas Frost. At the organization of the town in 1700, he was chosen constable ; tithing man in 1712, and was one of the eighteen original charter members of the First Congrega- tional Church. His wife, Mary, died Feb. 20, 1690-1 ; he married (2) July 9, 1691, Hannah Johnson, of Sudbury, who died May 3, 1712, and he m. (3) Sarah Singletary, Dec. 12, 1712. Flis will, made 1717, was proved 1724, which was probably the year of his death. CHILDREN : n. Thomas, b. Aug. 23, 1679. 12. John, b. Sep. 14, 1684; removed to Groton. 13. Samuel, b. Nov. 23, 1686. 14. Mary. b. Nov. 8, 1690. 15. Sarah, b. about 1692; married John Rice. THIRD GENERATION. 13. Samuel Frost, third s. of (9) Thomas, b. Sudbury. Mass., Nov. 23, 1686; m. Feb. 1, 1710-11, Elizabeth Rice fdes. of Edmund Rice, who came from Barkhamstead, Hert- fordshire, England, about 1638). He was a prominent mem- ber and elder of the church at Framingham, by occu- pation a farmer, and seems to have acquired considerable land for those times. He d. at Framingham, Aug. 2, 1736. CHILDREN : 16. Keziah, b. Dec. 1, 1711; m. Ebenezer Goodnow. 17. Bezaleel, b. Sep. 8, 1713; was in Pram. March, 1739. 18. Samuel, b. Dec. 13, 1715; m. Rebecca How, June 19, 1750; soldier from Pram., Capt. Brown's troop, old Prench and Indian war, ordered out Sep. 23, 1747. 19. Amasa. 20. Amariah, b. Oct. 4, 1720; grad. Harvard 1740; Cong'l min- ister, Milford, Mass.; he d. Mar. 14. 1792, in the 49th year of his ministry; he was "'reputed an excellent man, and one of the most popular preachers of his age." 21. Elizabeth, b. May 10, 1724; m. Isaac Cutler of Brookfield. 22. Lois, b. Oct. 3, 1732; m. Phineas Goodnow, Sudbury. Note — (18) Samuel Frost's grandson, Samuel, Jr., was a captain in rhe Revolutionary War. The Samuel Frost who was taken prisoner at Lexington, was another de- scendant of Edmund Frost, through (8) Ephraim Frost. 58 THE FROST FAMILY FOURTH GENERATION. (T. G. F.) 19. Amasa Frost, fourth s. of (13) Samuel, b. Pram. Jan. 24, 1717-18; said to have married when he was twenty-one, settling in Killingly, Conn., in 1739. His wife is reported to have died soon after, and this "Whetstone" country prov- ing unattractive he returned to Fram. and on Feb. 1, 1749-50 he married Abigail Livermore of Fram. (des. of John Liver- more, who came from England in 1634; and through female lines des. of Gregory Stone, 1635, and Elder Edward How, 1632). The ceremony was performed by his brother. Rev. Amariah Frost, of Milford, and he was received from the Fram. church into Milford church. May 26, 1751. Two children were baptized there: Nathan, bap. May 26, 1751; John, bap. Feb. 4, 1753 (prob. d. young). As Milford is only a few miles from Fram., and as he may have lived between the two places, probably sufficiently explains the occurrence of his name on a list of officers and soldiers in Col. Jos. Buckminster's company of militia, from Fram., April 26, 1757, French and Indian War. In 1765, with his wife, he was dismissed from the church in Milford to the church in Hatfield (near W'msburg.) He and Nathan Frost were probably the earliest settlers of W'msburg, Mass., where he was elected first deacon of the church, being elected to that office upon its organiza- tion in 1771. He was also the first constable of the village. In 1772 his name and that of Nathan Frost appear on an assessment list of the town. He was a man of influence in the community, and pos- sessed of some property. His wife, Abigail, died, and he is said to have married again before his death, which occurred at W'msburg, Jan. 6, 1795. CHILDREN : 23. Nathan, bap. May 26, 1751; d. in army. 24. John. bap. Feb. 4, 1753; prob. d. young. 25. Mary, m. Healy. 26. John. 27. Josiah. 28. Amasa, Jr. 29. Nehemiah. 30. Joseph. 31. Rhoda, m. Faxon; their son m. (151) Submit, dau. of (56) Chester Frost. 32. Bezaleel. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 59 •FIFTH GENERATION. 26. Deacon John Frost, s. of (19) Amasa, b. Framing- ham, Mass., Dec. 11, 1759. About 1765 his parents moved to Hatfield, Mass., from which place he enlisted in the army of the Revolution before he had completed his fifteenth year. April 12, 1781, at Williamsburg, he married Amy Tenant, b Feb. 22, 1761. For a number of years he kept a tavern in the "Bartlett House," on Meeting-House Hill; this was later known as the Francis Porter place. Early in 1795 they settled on a farm at Sandgate, Vt., •A'here he was elected deacon in the church, and prominent in the community. His children, Franklin and Norman, died, and their remains were buried on the farm. His wife died in 1816 at Sandgate, and he married (2) Mercy (Gray) Kent, widow, and mother of six children : Almirah, Milton, Trumbull, Hannah, Lorain, and Mesirah. No children were born by his second marriage. He continued his residence at Sandgate until 1833, when, with the family of his daughter Sophia, he removed to western New York, first to Knowles- ville, and later to Evans, Erie Co., N. Y., where he died, Oct. 16, 1853, in his ninety-fourth year. Following is a record of his military history: EnultmeSt or length ^^^-^ Officers Under Wbom Served State Appointment Service Captain Colonel Oct., 1775. IVz mos. Pvt. Stiles. Fellows. Mass. Feb., 1776. 1 year. " Israel Chapin. Porter. July, 1777. \y-- mos. " Samuel Fairfield. Moseley. 1778. 21/^ " Corp. " " Not stated. Battles engaged in: Three Rivers. Residence of soldier at enlistment: Hatfield, Mass. Date of application for pension: Aug. 1, 1832. Residence at date of application : Dorset, Vt. Age at date of application: 72 years; born Dec. 22, 1759, Framingham. His claim was allowed. CHILDREN : 33. John, Jr., b. Sep. 3. 1783, at Williamsburg, Mass. 34. Cloys, b. May 8. 1785, at Williamsburg, Mass. 35. Russell, b. Feb. 7, 1787, at Williamsburg, Mass. 36. Nathan, b. Sep. 10. 1789, at Williamsburg, Mass. 2,1. Rhoena. b. June 16, 1791, at Williamsburg, Mass. Note — The records which show Deacon John Frost to have lired at Wil- liamsburg, Mass., and Sandgate, Vt., are not inconsistent with his military rec- ord, as Hatfield is near Williamsburg, and Dorset near Sandgate. 60 THE FROST FAMILY 38. Franklin, b. Wmsburg, May 27, 1793, died April 26, 1796. 39. Norman, b. Wmsburg, Sep. 26, 1794. died young. 40. Benj. Franklin, b. May 27. 1796. at Sandgate. Vt. 41. Amy. b. Feb. 27. 1798. at Sandgate, Vt. 42. Stephen Amasa, b. May 25, 1801, at Sandgate,. Vt. 43. Sophia, b. July 6, 1804, at Sandgate. Vt. 27. Josiah Frost, s. of (19j A.masa, b. W'm.sburg, Mass., Mar. 1763: soldier Revolution, following record: "Private Capt. Joseph Clap's Co., Col. Israel Chapin's ('3d) Regt. ; enlisted Oct. 16, 1779; discharged Nov. 21, 1779; service 1 mo. 12 days, travel included at Claverack; regiment raised to reinforce Continental army for 3 mos. Also Capt. Ebenezer Strong's Co., Col. Sears (Hampshire Co.) regt., enlisted Aug. 10, 1781; marched to Albany, Aug. 17, 1781; dis- charged Nov. 20, 1781, service 3 mos. 10 days at Saratoga." He was. it will be seen but 16 years of age when he first enlisted. Jan. 11, 1787, he married Electa Paine (dau. of Dr. Elijah and Mary White Paine, des. of Daniel White, Hatfield, Mass.) In 1803 they moved to Marcelllus, N. Y., where four youngest children were born; others born at W'msburg„ Drover and farmer, he died May 3. 1826. CHILDREN : 44. Betsev, b. Oct. 10. 1787; d. (at Edward W. Frost's, Marcel- ius,) Mar. 27, 1839. 45. Seth. b. July 8. 1789; d. Mar. 22. 1795. 46. Josiah. 47. Weston. 48. Electa, b. Mar. 14, 1796; d. Aug. 15. 1823. 49. Seth (2d), b. Apr. 6, 1798; d. Feb. 15. 1806. 50. Amaziah. b. Apr. 17. 1800; d. Feb. 8. 1806. 51. Calvin Paine. 52. Edward White. 53. Mary. 54. Sophia, b. Dec. 30. 1810; m. Nov. 17, 1846, Norman Gregory, Millville, N. Y.; d. May 8. 1886. 28. Amasa Frost, s. of (19) Amasa, b. W'msburg, Mass., May 15. 1765. At age of 16 he enlisted as a private in Ebenezer Strong's Co., Col. Sears (Hampshire Co.) regt.; enlisted Aug. 10. 1781; marched to Albany, Aug. 17, 1781; discharged Nov. 20. 1781 ; service 3 mos. 10 days at Saratoga. Jan. 1, 1788, he married Rebecca Nash, b. Hatfield, Mass., Mar. 12, 1768; lived Hinsdale, Berkshire Co., Mass., where first five children were born. In 1806. he settled at Riga, N. Y. [See (29) Nehem.iah]. He died Aug. 14. 1829. No. 250— JAMES M. FROST. SEE PAGE 90. No. 439. RICHARD M. FROST. SEE PAGE 107. No. 441. FRANKLIN M. FROST. SEE PAGE 108. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 61 CHILDREN : 55. Submit, b. Hinsdale, Mass.. Nov. 4, 1790: m. Jacob Albright. 56 Chester. 57^ Naomi, b. Hinsdale, Aug. 5, 1794: m. Dr. Richard Dibble. 58. Nelson Amasa. 59. Talmon. 60. Angeline b. Riga, N. Y.. June. 1810; m. Philo Hall. 29. Nehemiah Frost, s. of (19) Amasa. b. W'msburg, Mass., Nov. 2, 1767, m. Elizabeth Nash, b. May 1. 1768, (old- est dan. of Dea. EHsha Nash, Hinsdale). In the winter, 1806, with his brother Amasa and some neighbors, left Hinsdale. Mass., and went to Riga, Monroe Co., N. Y., to locate land. One of the party (Mr. Church) took his family. The others all boarded with him. In Jan.. 1807. xNehemiah and Amasa Frost walked most of the way back to Hinsdale, cind in Feb.. 1807. moved their families to Riga. In the winter of 1811-12, Nehemiah. his wife, their children Betsy. Jewett. David, Jared, Dosia, and Azotus, were all stricken Vv^ith typhus fever. Celestia was taken to her Aunt Sylvia's to escape, but when she was taken home contracted the disease and died. His wife d. Sept. 5, 1840; he died June 30, 1850. CHILDREN : 61. William. 62. Sylvia. 63. Betsey. 64. Jared. b. Jan. 12. 1794; d. Dec. 21, 1811. 65. Dosia. b. Dec. 3. 1796: d. Jan. 11. 1812. 66. Jewett. 67. David, b. Oct.. 1801; m. (1) Sylvia Bennett, by whom one .son. Milton, b. about 1825. and lived in Calif.; he m. (2) Harriet King; d. Dec. 7. 1833. 68. Sophronia, b. Apr. 16. 1804: m. Harvey Webb, ship car- penter, Norwalk, O.: d. Jan. 10. 1875. 69. Azotus. 70. Celestia. b. Jan. 29. 1810: d. Mar., 1812. 30. Joseph Frost, s. of (19j .Amasa. b. W'msburg, Mass., Apr. 7. 1770; m. Sept. 29, 1791, Submit Allis. b. Conway, Mass., Sept. 22. 1772. About 1801 or '02 they moved to central New York. In 1812, with others, formed a "Society jf Friends" at Skaneateles. N. Y. His wife d. Scipio. Cay- uga Co.. N. Y.. June 17. 1820. CHILDREN : 71. Harriet. 72. Amariah. b. Conway. Mass., Jan. 25 1795; d. Jan 7. 1815. 73. Ansel. 74. Joseph Allen. 62 THE FROST FAMILY 75. Alonzo. 76. Caroline S. 11. Charles, b. June 24, 1807; m. Phoebe Frost; d. 1847; no children. 78. Mary, b. Jan. 16. 1810; m. in Rochester, N. Y., William Law; d. many years ago; no known children. 79. Edward, b. June 11, 1812; m. Parmelia Frink; d. 1861; no descendants living. 80. Hannah Maria, b. May 27, 1815; m. Sep. 20, 1837, Clark Wilber, Rochester; d. some years ago at her daughter's in the south. No children known to be living now. 32. Bezaleel Frost, youngest s. of (19) Amasa, b. W'ms- burg, Mass., Dec. 14, 1774; m. 1802 or '03, Nancy W. Luce, from Martha's Vineyard. He was a blacksmith and farmer; settled Hamilton. N. Y. ; later moved to Penn., with Amasa (83), where Xancy died, Mar. 16, 1843. He d. June 11, 1862, at Armada, Mich. CHILDREN : 81. Allen Luce. 82. James C. 83. Amasa. 84. Saloma. b. Dec. 25. 1813; m. Stowe; had one son, Albert F., b. Aug. 8, 1850, is unmarried and lives Los Angeles, Cal. SIXTH GENERATION. 33. John Frost, eldest s. of (26) John. (See biographical sketch, page 113, Part HI.) CHILDREN : 85. Sarah. 86. Mary. 87. Thomas Gold. 88. Harriet A. 34. Cloys Frost, second s. of (26) John, b. May 8, 1785; m. Miriam Morehouse. Late in life lived in Buffalo with son, R. M.; d. about 1859, buried at Angola, N. Y. CHILDREN : 89. Sherman. 90. Norman. 91. Caroline, m. Cullen Dibble. 92. Ransom Morehouse. 35. Russell Frost, third s. of (26) John, b. Feb. 7, 1787; m. May 11, 1811, at Sullivan, Mad. Co., N. Y., Louisa Allen (dau. of Caleb Allen) ; lived New Hartford, Oneida Co., until the fall of 1816, when they moved to Skaneateles, N. Y., purchased a farm and built their home on the west IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 63 shore of the lake. Here, in 1861, they celebrated their " golden wedding.'' They belonged to the Society of Friends. CHILDREN : 93. Edwin, died voung. 94. Caleb Allen. ' 95. Ani}' Ann, m. (1) Willis; (2) Anson Lapham, Skaneateles, N. Y. 96. Sarah, m. Joshua Brown. Brooklyn, N. Y. 97. Matilda, m. Daniel Robbins, Brooklyn, N. Y. 98. Elizabeth, d. unmarried. 36. Nathan Frost, fourth s. of (26) John, b. Sept. 10, 1789; m. May 28, 1812, Louisa Kurd, b. June 25, 1789. In 1827 they moved from Vermont to (what is now) North Evans, Erie Co., N. Y., clearing up land for a fann which is still occupied bv his descendants. He died Jan. 28, 1862. She d. Feb. ^11. 1849. CHILDREN : 99. Nathan Richards. 100. John Sheldon. 37. Rhoena Frost, fifth ch. of (26) John, b. June 16, '791; m. Sheldon Hurd (bro. of Richards Hurd), lived at N. Evans, N. Y. CHILDREN : (HURD). 101. Russell, m. Nancy Frost (See No. 148). 102. Cloys, married and always lived at N. Evans, where his only son Henry lives. 103. Amy Sophia, m. Zorrester Cleghorn: ch.: Edward. De For- est and Dewitt. 104. Horatio, lived at Evans Center, until moved west, where he died; m. (1) Abigail Clark, one ch., d. young; (2) Sarah Myers, ch.: Rhoena and three others. 105. Harriet, m. Milton Hill, four ch.; she d. Corry ,Pa. 106. Rhoena, m. Jas. Thompson; ch., Ella, Carrie and Allen. All dead except Allen, a telegrapher in Pa. 40. Benjamin Franklin Frost, s. of (26) John, b. Sand- gate, Vt., May 21 , 1796; m. Nov. 16, 1817, Fannie Smith, b. Dec. 1, 1797. youngest ch. of Polycarpus and Dolly (Otis) Smith. (See part HI, Smith.) At the time of marriage, she is said to have lived at Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y. ; however, in 1820, they were living at Bennington, Vt., whence, with their infant son, Allen, they moved, in 1821, to Riga, X. Y., with all their possessions, in a wagon drawn by one horse ; lived 64 THE FROST FAMILY There one season, on a farm owned by Nehemiah Frost; then they moved to Orleans Co., N Y.. bought and settled hi town of Shelby, one mile south of Millville, opposite burying ground; felled trees for their log-house, with its split log floor (space left in floor for fire, which was built directly on ground) : planted an orchard (which is still standing), money for the trees earned by wife making men's clothing; sold farm and in 1828 moved to K'ville; for one year kept the brick hotel owned by Dea. Knowles ; bought Pratt farm just east of village; in one or two years sold again and bought a farm, mostly forest, one mile north of K'ville. which farm still remains in the family. Here they built a frame house, which in 1850, with all its contents, burned ; family barely escaped, obliged to go barefooted and scantily clothed, through snow and bitter cold, to nearest neighbor, quarter of a mile distant. They rebuilt, and in 1867 celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. Soon afterward they moved to village of K'ville, where they spent remainder of their lives. He died Jan. 1, 1872. Since 1834, he had been an elder in the first Pres. church; his death occurred but a few days after that of Elder Knowles. and the session adopted the following joint reso- lutions : "Whereas it has pleased the Great Head of the Church to remove by death two venerable and venerated members of this session in rapid succession, Therefore, "Resolved : That in the death of Elder William Knowles and Elder Franklin Frost, this Church mourns the loss of two men of God, of faith and prayer. While some tears of thankfulness to God for sparing them so long to the Church and world, mingle with the tears of sorrow for their removal from the communion of the Church below, we cannot but feel that these bereavements furnish an occa- sion for this church and society to mourn the departure of two men of long tried integrity, great usefulness, and large liberality. P'or many years they were pillars in the Church, sustaining, by their means, their sympathies, their influence, and their prayers, the ordinances of religion. The life, the purity, and the prosperity of the Church of their choice were firmly bound up with every fibre of their hearts. They mourned over its languishment, they re- joiced in its revival ; and in all its varied experiences, their warm love, their wise counsel, their active co-operation were equal to every emergency. Their piety was quiet, o oo I n > w O o R "^ p W O w H I— I O Z p Cn C/i I > r r 2 W H H •Tj O Ol IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 65 uniform, and unobtrusive. They walked with God while on earth, and though not slothful in the affairs of this life their walk and conversation was that of men whose treas- ure was laid up in heaven, and whose hope entered in within the veil. Great length of days, increasing infirm- ities, the growth of a new generation around them, did not chill their love, or diminish their zeal. Their prayers, their sympathies, their generous aid survived the changes of time and condition and constituted to the last a rich treasury from which the Church drew supplies of comfort, en- couragement and cheer. Their end was peace ; death had no terrors for them ; having faithfully and cheerfully borne the burden and heat of the day, they calmly passed over the flood, folded to the bosom of that Saviour whom they loved and in whom they trusted. "Resolved: That the afflictions of the bereaved wid- ows, and bereaved children are held in affectionate remem- brance by this Church. With deep love, and strong faith, we commend them to the Father of the fatherless, and the widow's God. While we cannot heal the wound, and as- suage the grief, we would tenderly remind them that these aged fathers and companions are not lost, but gone before; and that while the separation is painful here, they may look forward to a blessed reunion in heaven." After the death of her husband, Fannie Frost continued her residence at K'ville. with her son, Wm. H., until her death, June 3. 1882. To those of us who came in daily con- tact with her, the following obituary from her pastor seems almost inadequate : "In moral and social qualities she w^as a fine represen- tative of the pioneers in this region. Numerous friends can testify to the grace with which she described the stirring reminiscences of an early time, and the uniform neighborly kindness of her daily fife. But though devoted as a wife and mother, amiable as a friend, the remembrance of her as a Christian affords the greatest pleasure. For 51 years she was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Knowlesville, quietly, unobtrusively, but zealously promot- ing the welfare of God's people. Not a few happily recall the earnestness with which, as a "sweet singer of Israel," she engaged in service of the sanctuary. Patient, hopeful, actu- ated by the spirit of the charity that "thinketh no evil," and "always abounding in the work of the Lord," she greatly encouraged pastors and other disciples. The pro- tracted illness which terminated her life was borne with 66 THE FROST FAMILY exemplary spirit. Steadily looking for that blessed hope, =he was upheld by "the everlasting arms" and borne gently to the "rest" which remaineth to the people of God. Her funeral took place on Sabbath day, and many relatives and other friends at home and from abroad, gathered at the little cemetery and thanked the "Giver of every good and perfect gift" for their association with a consecrated life." Twelve children were born, three of whom died in early infancy, during their early married life. The others were : CHILDREN : 107. Stephen Allen. 108. Daniel Smith. 109. Harriet Louisa. 110. John Andrew, b. July 16, 1826; d. Feb. 9, 1827. 111. John Franklin, b. Oct. 8. 1829; d. Oct. 17, 1831. 112. Harvev Franklin. 113. Caroline Sophia, b. Feb. 7, 1835; d. Sep. 13. 1847. 114. Mary Lucretia. lis. William Henry. 41. Amy Frost, ninth ch. of (26) John, b. Feb. 27, 1798; m. Truman Hurd. They lived and died at Sandgate. Vt., where their remains were buried. CHILDREN : (HURD). 116. Edwin, m. Jane Parsons: ch.. Ellis and Ida. 117. Albert, d. in Calif, unmarried. 118. Marilla, m. Arthur Smith, lived near Angola. N. Y.; ch., Emmons, d. unmarried: Fitch, d. young; Jane, m. Alburn Colvin, live on homestead, have ch. Emmons and Oscar. 119. Nathan, m. (1) Mary ; one ch. d. young. (2) Polly Bentley; ch.. Alma, Albert and George. 1. in Neb. (3) Mary Val- ance, no ch. He died in Neb. 120. Herman, m. (1) Florence Hilt; ch.. Arthur and Florence. (2) Mary Sage: ch., Laura. Amy. Ed., Marion and Lewis. Lives near Lincoln, Neb. 121. Amy Sophia, m. Isaac Skidmore; ch., Florence, William and Edwin. 42. Stephen Amasa Frost, tenth ch. of (26) John, b. May 25, 1801 ; m. Masira Kent (his step-mother's daughter). In 1827 they moved from Vermont to what is now North Evans, N. Y. He died there about 1833. After his death his widow returned to Vermont and married Hotchkiss. CHILDREN : 122. Mercy Ann, m. Goodrich; liv. May wood, III. 123. Harriet, m. Dr. Pierce. 124. Clarissa S., m. Hotchkiss. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 67 43. Sophia Frost, youngest child of (26) John, b. July 6, 1804; m. July 2, 1822,' Richards Hurd, b. June 18, 1796, bro. of (36) Nathan Frost's wife and (37) Rhoena Frost's hus- band. About 1833 they moved from Sandgate, Vt.. to a farm on the ridge road, near Knowlesville, Orleans Co., N. Y. After some two years they again moved, this time to the town of Evans. Erie Co.. where they settled upon a farm, which has remained in the family until a recent date. Here their three youngest children were born, the three eldest having been born at Sandgate, Vt. Richards Hurd died Aug. 8, 1872. She remained on the farm with her son Cloys, until 1892, when she went to live with her daughter Louisa, in Buffalo, where she died. Dec. 12. 18'^4. CHILDREN : (HURD). 125. Franklin C. 126. Caroline L.. b. Jan. 15. 1828: d. Nov. 24. 1846. 127. Fanny S... b. Oct. 9, 1831: d. Aug. 23, 1848. 128. Amy Ann. 129. Norman Richards. 130. Angeline A., b. Dec. 29. 1842: d. Tan. 4. 1843. 131. Louisa Amelia. 132. Cloys Nathan. 46. Josiah Frost, Jr., s. of (27) Tosiah, b. W'msburg, Mass.. June 28, 1791 ; m. May 20. 1814, Hannah Morgan Smith, b. June 17. 1794 (dau. of Ithamar Smith, Marcellus, N. Y.) She d. Mav. 1850. at Pontiac. Mich., buried there. He d. at Camillus. N. Y., Tulv 21. 1828; buried, Marcellus, N. Y. CHILDREN : 133. Alonzo Paine. 134 Lucy Ann, b. Jan. 3. 1818: d. Sep. 23. 1844. 135. Charles Henrv. 136. Electa Maria,' b. July 9, 1822. 137. George Smith. 138. Eugene B. 139. Horace Josiah. 47. Weston Frost, s. of (27) Josiah. b. W'msburg. Mass., Apr. 5, 1794; moved to Marcellus, N. Y., 1815, where he m., Mar. 18, 1817, Lucy Smith (dau. of Ithamar Smith); re- moved to Otisco and thence to Onondaga, N. Y. ; in 1835 to Pontiac, Mich. ; later to Farmer's Creek. Lapeer, and Sag- inaw, Mich.; and to Princeton, N. J., where he died. Aug. 1876. His wife died Pontiac, July 8, 1837. CHILDREN : 140. Frances Eliza. 141. Mahion Smith. 142. Henry Kirk. b. Onondaga. N. Y.. Sep. 10, 1827: d. at Alonzo P. Fro'st's, Pontiac, Mich.. Sep. 5, 1843. 68 THE FROST FAMILY 51. Calvin P. Frost, son of (27) Josiah, was born on "South Hill," Marcellus, Onondaga Co.. N. Y., Nov. 7, 1803. He and Edward W. were twins. In 1835 he moved to Ypsilanti, Mich., where, Nov. 30, 1837, he married Sarah Rice, formerly of East Sudbury, Mass. She d. Feb. 22, 1873. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church. In 1882 went to his son, Josiah B., at Jackson, Mich. He died May 21, J886, at Millville, N. Y., where he went to attend the funeral of his sister, Sophia Gregory. CHILDREN : 143. Edward P., d. at the age of 12. 144. Josiah B. 145. James C, d. in infancy. 52. Edward White Frost, s. of (27) Josiah, twin bro. of (51) Calvin P., b. Nov. 7, 1803 ; m. Oct. 28, 1847, Amanda A. Jenks, b. Homer, N. Y., April 9, 1816; was a carpenter and joiner, Marcellus, N. Y. ; d. Ian. 3. 1877. She d. Dec. 11, 1848. CHILDREN : 146. Amanda Jane, b. Marcellus, N. Y.. Dec. 11, 1848. In 1867 went to Council Bluffs, la., engaged in teaching; moved to Pueblo, Col., in 1878; m. May 1, 1878, Wm. J. Irvine, (s. of John Irvine, Pueblo); settled ranch near Green Horn Mts.; sold out 1887, moved to Rocky Ford, Col., where they were living in 1889. Children: Florence Maie, b. Feb. 16, 1879; Allan Boyd, b. Nov. 21, 1881; Ralph Bloomer, b. Mar. 29, 1889, d. July .31, 1890. 53. Mary Frost, dau. of (27) Josiah, b. July 20, 1807; m. Chas. Gilbert, Moravia, N. Y. ; d. 185—. CHILDREN : (GILBERT). 147. Sarah F., m. 1867, Mr. Morse. 56. Chester Frost, s. of (28) Amasa, b, Hinsdale, Mass., June 2, 1792; m. at Riga, N. Y., July 4, 1814, Elsia Cole, b. New Ashford, Mass., May 6, 1796; d. Yates, Orleans Co., N. Y., Aug. 24, 1844. She d. Olivet, Mich., Mar. 5, 1868. CHILDREN : 148. Nancy Ann. 149. Lorenzo, b. Shelby, N. Y., May 15, 1817; d. Nov. 8, 1817. 150. Fidelia E.. b. Shelby. N. Y., Sep. 1, 1818; m. Samuel Barry. 151. Submit, b. Shelby, N. Y., July 21, 1820; m. Reuben Faxon. 152. Augustus, b. Shelby, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1822 (no record). 153. L. Caroline, b. Shelby, N. Y., July 27, 1825; d. Shelby, Nov. 3, 1834. 2 p tSJ Cn I > o o > > H O M 2 > 2 S '^ w • o tr. O «3 IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 69 154. Mary H. 155. James A. 156. Jane R.. b. Shelby. Aue. 15. 1830: m. Joseph Spaulding. She d. Oct. 27, 1907; he d. Aug. 3, 1908. 157. Ansel J., b. Yates,, N. Y., Sep. 22, 1837; went west, died unmarried. 58. Nelson Amasa Frost, fourth child of (28) Amasa, t,. Mar. 20, 1802; m. Mercv Fuller; lived at Riga. N. Y., where he died Dec. 4, I860.' His wid. died Feb. 25, 1868. CHILDREN ; 158. Lewis P. 159. Rebecca Juliette, b. April 29, 1827; m. Albert Elmore. She d. Aug. 11, 1876. at Dallas. Tex. 160. Orlinda Minerva, b. Aug. 2, 1829; m. (1) Abe Walker, who died Apr. 27. 1855; m. (2) Wm. Clayton. 161. Wm. Newton, b. June 18. 1832; d. June 28, 1839. 162. Nelson Jerome. 163. Elmira Sophia, b. Tune 25. 1840; m. Warren Paine. 164. Franklin Merritt. b. June 27. 1844; d. Apr. 17. 1848. 59. Talmon Frost, s. of (28) Amasa, b. Hinsdale, Mass., Apr. 14. 1803; m. Diantha Badger; settled Flint, Mich. CHILDREN : 165. Lorenzo T. 166. Henry Dwight. 61. William Frost, s. of (29) Nehemiah. b. Hinsdale, Mass., Aug. 24, 1787: in 1807 came to Riga, with his par- ents, and located land for himself; taught school 1809-12, at Chatham. Columbia Co., N. Y. ; m. Oct. 15. 1812, Eunice Burgess, b. May 8, 1792 (dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah More- house Burgess) ; settled Riga, where he taught much of the time. In 1829, moved to Shelby, N. Y., in which township he lived until his death, ]\Iar. 17, 1842. His wid. died at Gaines, N. Y., April 5, 1854. The family were all members of the Presbyterian Church. Millville, N. Y. CHILDREN : 167. Celestia. 168. Lucy Burgess, b. Apr. 30. 1815; m. Oct. 10. 1838, Heman Coan; lived Lyndonville, N. Y.; d. Aug. 2, 1846. 169. Elvira, b. Jan. 12, 1817; m. July 22, 1841, John Rowley, Gaines, N. Y., where she d. July 15, 1855. 170. Betsey. 171. Sarah M. 172. William O. 173. Fidelia J. \ 70 THE FROST FAMILY 62. Sylvia Frost, dau. of (29) Nehemiah, b. June 25, 1789; m. Stephen Hill (s. of Thos. Hill, Rev. soldier), b. Pomfret, Conn., June 20, 1785. They lived and died at Millville, N. Y.. where all of their children were born. She d. Aug'. 21, 1834; he m. (2) Theadosia Strong. He d. Feb. 20, 1842. CHILDREN : (HILL). 174. Mary Ann. b. Oct. 30, 1808: m. Moses Rice; went west; ch., Adelia. Martha, Mary and Emerson. 175. Stephen W., b. Feb. 17, 1810; d. Dec. 28, 1833; unmar'd. 176. Dosia, b. Apr. 3, 1812; m. Rev. Jos. PearsalL ch., Aiice and Ella. 177. Rufus E., b. Feb. 11, 1814; m. OrriUa Perkins; lived Mill- ville, N. Y.; ch., Stephen (d.- in infancy), Adelaide, Agnes and Stephen 2. . 178. Robert L. 179. Elizabeth, b. June 27, 1820; m. Benjamin Goodrich; ch., Dosia, b. 1850; Delos, b. 1852, m. Agnes Baker; and Dwight, b, 1861, unmarried. Delos has five children and lives Adams Basin, N. Y. 180. Nehemiah, b. Feb. 22. 1824; d. July 21, 1843; unmar'ed. 181. Otto S., b. Dec. 7, 1826; m. 1849, Rosina GriswoM; one ch., William Howard. 63. Betsey Frost, dau. of (29) Nehemiah, b. June 15, 1791 ; m. Daniel Smalley, farmer; settled Riga, N. Y. ; moved to Elba, N. Y., thence to Randolph, O. She d. Mar. 1. 1846. CHILDREN : (SMALLEY). 182. Jared Frost. 183. Edmund Jewett. 184. Harvey Dwight. 66. Jewett Frost, s. of (29) Nehemiah, b. Hinsdale, Mass., June 20, 1799; m. about 1822, Eunice King, Riga, N. Y., b. Aug. 22, 1802 ; lived at West Richfield, O. ; was a deacon of Disciple Church, at Rovalton, O. ; d. Julv 10, 1845 ; his wid. d. Mar. 26. 1885. CHILDREN : 185. Sophronia. 186. Orrin. b. Mar. 23, 1826; d. Sep. 6. 1854 187. William. 188. Ansel. 69. Azotus Frost, s. of (29) Nehemiah, b. Sept. 12. 1806; m. Sophrona Healy. A physician and druggist in Medina, N. Y. In 1853, moved to Wheatland, la.: in 1854 to Big Rock. la.; physician and farmer: he d. Nov. 23. 1881. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 71 CHILDREN : 189. Orcelia L., b. 1829; d. 1842. 190. Jared A., b. 1833; lived Junction City, Kansas. 191. Rufus P., b. 1836; d. 1842. 192. Mary Louisa, b. 1842; d. 1858. 71. Harriet Frost, dan. of (30) Joseph, b. Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. IZ, 1792; m. 1819, Joseph Converse. CHILDREN : 193. Emmor. married and had children living in the west. 194. Maria, d. unmarried. yZ Ansel Frost, s. of (30) Joseph, b. Conway, Mass., Mar. 26, 1797; m. Minerva Noble; was in business in Skaneat- eles, N. Y., in 1829; d. in Syracuse, N. Y., March, 1865; his wid. d. Rochester, about 1873 ; no children. 74. Joseph Allen Frost, s. of (30) Joseph, b. Conway, Sept. 5, 1800; m. Louisa Healy in Rochester, N. Y. ; she died and he married again. He died 1869. CHILDREN : 1st WIFE. 195. Charles J., b. 1832; res. Rochester, N. Y.; no children. 2d WIFE. 196. Arthur, left Rochester some time ago; had three children. 197. Caroline, m. Warren White; is dead. Three children liv- ing. 198. Amy Ann, m. Frank Crittenden; is dead. One daughter jiving. 75. Alonzo Frost, s. of (30) Joseph, b. Whitestown, Mad- ison Co., N. Y., July 6, 1803 ; m. Sept. 3, 1829, at Friends Meeting House, No. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, Mary Tififany Frink (dau. of David and Wealthy B. Frink of Rochester). In 1827 came from Scipio, Cayuga Co., to Rochester, N. Y. He d. Apr. 16, 1873; his wid. d. Apr. 11, 1887. CHILDREN : 199. Joseph. 200. Edward Allen. 201. Henry Clay. 202. Cornelia, b. Oct. 8, 1837; d. July 14. 1864. 203. Sarah, b. Dec. 9, 1839; living at Rochester, with the widow of Edward A. Frost. 76. Caroline S. Frost, dau. of (30) Joseph, b. May 24, 1805 ; m. B. Renouf, of Troy, N. Y. ; they removed to a farm 72 THE FROST FAMILY in Gates, near Rochester, where she died fifteen or twenty years ago. CHILDREN : (RENOUF). 204. William, married and had a large family. 81. Allen Luce Frost, s. of (32) Bezaleel, b. June 28, 1804; m. Jan. 29, 1828, Mary Smith; she died Oct. 12, 1844, and he m. (2) Judith E. Phelps, Dec. 4, 1845. One of the first settlers of Armada, Mich., he was an active member of the M. E. Church for over fifty years. CHILDREN. BY FIRST WIFE : 205. Ama.sa, b. Dec. 18. 1828; d. in infancy. 206. Ezra. b. Dec. 20, 1831 >d. Mar. 14, 1851. 207. Joel^ b. May 2, 1837: soldier Civil War: killed in battle of Cedar Mt. He was a corporal in Co. L., First Mich. Cavalry, which acted as Gen. Banks' bodv-guard. 208. Mary A. CHILDREN, BY SECOND WIFE: 209. Edwin Allen. 210. Walter Irvins?. 211. Fred R. 82. James Cleveland Frost, s. of (32) Bezaleel, b. Apr.. 21, 1807; ni. Lucy Wells Broughton. Aug. 12, 1832; occ. farmer; res. near Armada, Mich. CHILDREN : 212. Nancy OriUia. b. May 5, 1835; d. 1876. 213. Roxanna. 214. Amasa. b. Sep. 11, 1839: d. 1906. 215. Alfred. 216. Benj. Franklin. 217. Geo. Washington. 218. Sarah Salome, b. Jan. 23, 1848; d. 1867. 219. Seth. 220. Marv Adelia. 221. Oscar. 222. Eugene, b. Jan. 2, 1855: m. Mary Flinn; res. Waiiawalla, Wash. 83. Amasa Frost, s. of [32) Bezaleel, b. May, 1809; m. Eliza . CHILDREN : 223. Mayhew Allen, died in Libby Prison. 224. Nancy Saloma. Thought to be still living. o r r W M > O o w o o o o I— I c ^ o H o IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 7Z SEVENTH GENERATION. 85. Sarah Frost, dau. of {7)^) Rev. John, married Rev. Andrew Hull, an Episcopal clergyman of Elmira, N. Y. Their only child, Thomas G. Hull, Baltimore, Md., married, Dec. 12, 1876, Anna M. A. Dent, to whom the following five children have been born : An infant son. born and died Sep. 10, 1877; Thomas Gold Hull, b. Oct. 20. 1879, died Feb. 11, 1885; Katherine Dent Hull, b. May 4„ 1882; Andrew Wilmer Hull, b. May 11, 1884; Anna M. Adium Hull. b. Jan. 25, 1888. 87. Thomas Gold Frost, s. of (33) Rev. John. (See biogfaphical sketch, page 114, Part III.) CHILDREN : 225. John Edward. 226. Louisa. 227. Elizabeth Bancroft. 228. Thomas Gold. Jr. 90. Norman Frost, second son of (34) Cloys, b. 1810; m.. Feb. 7, 1833. Eleanor Wimple; hotel proprietor. BuiTalo, He died Dec. 1. 1851; she, Nov. 2, 1870. CHILDREN : 229. Mary Jane. b. Feb. 25, 1834, Schenectady, N. Y.; d. Mar. 10, 1874, in Buffalo. She m. (1) June 28, 1855. Dan'l B. Williams; (2) Lucas. No children. 230. Elizabeth M.. b. Aug. 11, 1835. Hollidaysburg, Pa.; d. Jan, 3, 1883, Buffalo. She m. Mar. 2. 1857, A. J. Allen, a locomotive eng'r. No. ch. 231. Eleanor C. b. Mar. 3, 1838, Terre Haute. Ind.; m. Nov. 3, 1857, Robert Siddons, They live in Calif. No ch. 232. Wm. Henry Harrison, b. Akron, O., Sep. I. 1840; d. April 11, 1845. 233. Ransom Norman, b. West Troy, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1843; m. Persis Eastman; two ch., Allen and Francis. He was a locomotive eng'r. 234. Francis E.. b. Rochester, N. Y.. Sep. 28, 1845; d. in Buffalo, Apr. 7, 1863. 235. Anna Myers, b. Rochester, Sep. 16. 1847; d. Sep. 13. 1848. 236. James Wadsworth. 91. Caroline Frost, dau. of (34) Cloys ; m. Cullen Dibble; lived in Rochester, N. Y. ; died Jan., 1859. buried Riga, N. Y. CHILDREN : (DIBBLE). 237. Mary, m. Homer Carpenter, one son (possibly more). Ran- som, a telegh'r, later a civil eng'r; vet. war rebellion, civ. eng'r. 74 THE FROST FAMILY 238. John, no record. 239. Francis, no record. 240. Henry, no record. 241. Eugene, no record 92. Ransom Morehouse Frost, fourth child of (34) Cloys, b. Apr. 12, 1825; m. Apr. 1, 1847, Harriet Reed, of North- east, Duchess Co., N. Y. Lived in Buffalo, later in Salinas, Cal., where he died July 25, 1907. CHILDREN : 242. Cloys Miles. 243. Evelyn Miriam. 94. Caleb Allen Frost, s. of (35) Russell, b. New Hart- ford, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1814; m. iMary Griswold, Delhi, N. Y., (dau. of Horace and Mary Eells Griswold). They lived in Delhi, N. Y., where all their children were born. He died Dec. 30, 1892. CHILDREN : 244. Howard Griswold, b. Mar. 28, 1848; d. Nov. 19, 1892. 245. Russell. 246'. William Edwin, b. Apr. 17, 1855; d. Feb. 5, 1876. 247. Mary Louisa. 248. John Henry, b. Jan. 12, 1864; res. New York City; occu- pation, clerical work. 99. Nathan Richards Frost, eldest son of (36) Nathan, b. Jan. 21, 1816; m. Mar. 4, 1840, Rebecca Finney Storrs, b. Dec. 31, 1815. Thev lived North Evans, N. Y., where he d. April 12, 1885. She d. May 10, 1902. CHILDREN : (TWINS). 249. Jennie Maria. 250. James Madison. 100. John Sheldon Frost, son of (36) Nathan, b. July 23, 1821 : m. Nov. 12, 1845, Emily S. Clark, b. Mar. 31, 1824, near Northampton, Mass. She d. Mar. 31, 1896. They lived N. Evans, until her death. He now lives West Mentor, O., with son. CHILDREN : 251. Norman Clark. 107. Stephen Allen Frost, eldest son of (40) B. Franklin, was born at Bennington, Vt., June 28, 1820; m. Sept. 4, 1844, Lucy A. Bottum. (See Part HI, Baker). When he was but two years old, his parents moved to town of Shelby, IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 75 Orleans Co,, N. Y., where they lived six years, then moved to Knowlesville. Upon reaching his maturity he started in business selling goods to merchants in Western New York. This being before railroads were built to any extent, he used a large wagon drawn by four horses to convey the goods, from the distributing point, Batavia. About 1850 he went to New York and became a member of the wholesale dry- goods firm of Buckley Sheldon & Co., continuing with them until their liquidation in 1875, after which time he carried on a strictly Indian business, handling only goods going to the wild Indians. He remained in active business until 1900, when he retired at the age of eighty years, being suc- ceeded by his son Dan. He was the last of the old-time wholesale drygoods merchants who were in business in New York City before and during the rebellion. In politics he took an interest, but no active part; voted every year of his life, until failing health prevented, first the Whig, later the Republican ticket. During the rebellion he outfitted a number of young men who enlisted in the army, and he was noted for his high sense of honor and liberality. The example of his life has been an influence for good upon each and all of his friends and associates. He died Sept. 15, 1907, at his home in Jersey City, where he lived for over fifty years. He is survived by his widow, Lucy, the com- panion of his life for over sixty-three years. His remains were buried on the family lot at Mt. Albion, N. Y. CHILDREN : 252. Amelia, b. May 4, 1846; d. Sep. 9, 1847. 253. Caroline. 254. Dan. 255. Allenette. 108. Daniel Smith Frost, s. of (40) B. Franklin, b. Feb. 16, 1823;; m. spring of 1849, Henrietta Goodrich; d. K'ville, Sept. 15, 1850. Memorial resolutions Ridgeway Lodge, No. 283, Odd Fellows, of which he was presiding officer, speak of him as "an able and efficient officer, worthy and beloved ; a devoted and exemplary member of the Church of Christ ; kind and affectionate husband, and a much esteemed citizen and neighbor." His wid. d. Whitesboro, •80-'85. CHILDREN : 256. Frederic W., b. Aug. 28, 1850; d. Sep. 9, 1850. 109. Harriet L. Frost, dau. of (53) B. Franklin, b. July 76 THE FROST FAMILY 16, 1826; m. Hervey Hill, Medina, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1844; d. Nov. 27, 1857. CHILDREN : (HILL). 257. Frank, residence unknown; prob. dead. 258. Ella. 259. Harriet. 112. Harvey Franklin Frost, s. of (40) B. Franklin, b. K'ville, June 11, 1832; m. Jan. 20, 1857, Emily Grover. In 1856 commenced active business life as a merchant in K'ville, when he bought the store of Dr. L. C. Grover; sold out in 1862; in the spring of 1863 established a dry- goods store, and the same year bought the farm upon which he still lives ; sold the drygoods store two years later. An influential member of the community; has been trustee of the Presbyterian Church for over fifty years. Emily Grover Frost, wife of Harvey F., b. at AUoway (South Lyons), N. Y., Mar. 8, 1837; dau. of L. C. Grover, M. D. (See Part HI. Grover family). She died Jan. 16, 1907. Had life been spared to her four days longer she would have reached the 50th anniversary of her marriage, the celebration of which she anticipated with much pleas- ure. Her entire life was one of devotion to her family and friends, to whom she was not only an inspiration, but an ideal of kindness and good cheer. To this wide circle of relatives and friends her death was a great loss, softened only by grateful memories of her life. Her remains were buried at Mt. Albion, N. Y. CHILDREN : 260. William George. 261. Harry Smith. 114. Mary Lucretia Frost, youngest dau. of (40) B. Franklin, b. Sept. 1, 1837; m. Sept. 23, 1856, John Howe, farmer, Knowlesville, N. Y., where they lived until his death, Oct. 1, 1896. She now lives with her son, Dan R., Medina, N. Y. ; is active in church and social circles. Member of the Presbyterian Church and church choir, K'ville, for over fifty years. CHILDREN : (HOWE). 262. Carrie. 263. Frank Allen, b. Aug. 9, 1863; d. Mar. 16, 1864. 264. Fannie. 265. Allen Frost, b. Aug. 18, 1867; d. July 22, 1886. 266. Eugene Franklin, b. Sep. 23. 1871; d. May 2, 1877. 2 p to > w 2 JO o O ■■■■^^■l. '*'' 'HHH ^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^K ^^H ^^^H ^^H w ^^^^^ni "* ^I^H^H ^^^^^^^1 ^^^^^H s *, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^^^^H s ^Bip*' 7 "'X^ "• -^■■yijl H^^^^H ^^^H^^^^^H I^^^^^^H > ^^^K^ i,^^^ ,^m ^^^^^^Hl ^IHH^pHpHH ^^^^^^^^H ffi ^^IHI^K' ft m! ' I^K JM*"" ^^°^^^|^| HH^^H > ^^RPWr "^ ' ^ iJfP'' .^ L.i|f*«iir I^kI^^^^^H CO ^|^^*.<-*-^^ 1' "^ 'kSi, '^ f) , In O ■P^^ , ^ BH^^^^^I CO • ^^'..■•■. V -ImI EV^^^^l^^H HPS^T-' ■■•' '' ' ^^ ^^HL^ t '^^^li^B H^jv>ij^^^^H f/ ' "yj ^^^Bl ^■■^H o ^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^^^^^^HJ^BHiu^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H vo fli ■■ ■ IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 11 267. Mary Ethel. 268. Dan Raymond. 115. William Henry Frost, youngest ch. of (40) B. Franklin, b. K'ville, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1840; m. Oct. 9, 1862, Cecelia Grover (See Part III. Grover family) ; d. May 15, 1904. Lived entire life place of his birth. First a farmer, then many years a merchant, then farmer on the homestead. Affectionate by nature, he loved his family, his friends, his church. A favorite saying of his was, that he was rich in his relatives and friends ; that no one ever had better than he. He was for over forty-one years an elder, and over fifty years a member of the choir of the Presbyterian Church, a service which he esteemed a great privilege, and which he honored in his daily life. It was said of him : "By dispo- sition and practice he was wont to think well of all, and to speak only kind words. He passed away in the midst of his usefulness, but his fidelity has rendered his life longer in deeds than in years." "The following resolutions were adopted by the session of the Presbyterian Church : "Having been called to part with our fellow worker and venerated senior elder, William H. Frost, who died Sabbath afternoon, May 15th, 1904, after a continuous service in the session of this church for over forty-one years : therefore, deeply sensible of our loss, we would record our appreciation of his worth. Resolved : that we call to mind his faithfulness and earnest prayers so fervently pleading for the quickening of the church and the salvation of souls ; that we give hearty thanks to Almighty God, who has strengthened his church by the noble example and continued activity of his servant; That we rejoice in the glorious hope of a happy future, which came with such timely comfort and cheer to him, and is set before us in the Word of God ; That we sympathize with the family in their sorrow and commend them to the loving care of the God who is ever ready to comfort ; That we hear in this event the call of God to us to be constant and faithful in our activity, that it may be our happy lot to receive the blessing promised of the Lord to those who are found "so doing." CHILDREN : 269. Edward L. 270. Mary Emily. 78 THE FROST FAMILY 125. Franklin C. Hurd, s. of (43) Sophia, b. Oct. 30, 1824; he m. (1) Hannah Hurd; she died and he m, (2) Emehne Stanton. They lived at Brant, Erie Co., N. Y. He d. Dec. 23, 1894; survived by his widow. CHILDREN, 1st WIFE : 271. Almon, d. 1872. 2d WIFE : 212. Ella. 128. Amy Ann Hurd, dau. of (43) Sophia, b. Sept. 26, 1834; m. Sept. 24, 1854, Wm. Wallace Hammond (s. of Chas. and Clarissa (Clark) Hammond), Brant, N. Y. She died Aug. 9, 1860. CHILDREN : (HAMMOND). 273. Rosabelle Amy Ann. 129. Norman Richards Hurd, s. of (43) Sophia, b. April 13, 1839; m. Sept. 30, 1866, Martha W. Boyd, b. Clinton Co., la., Oct. 21, 1846. He d. Allendale, Mo., Sept. 30, 1899; she d. Oct. 1, 1899. CHILDREN : 274. Harvey J., b. Sep. 4, 1867, Clinton Co., la.; liv. Allendale, Mo. 275. Estelle M., b. Sep. 6, 1869; d. Nov. 5, 1890, Boone. la. 276. Sophia, b. Sep. 9, 1872: d. Sep. 11, 1872, Boone, la. 277. Amy L., b. April 23. 1874, Boone, la. 278. Cloys B.. b. Feb. 26, 1879, Boone, la. 279. Marian W., b. Apr. 17, 1884; d. May 20, 1884. 280. Lulu E., b. Oct. 12, 1886. 281. Louise M., b. Oct. 12, 1886; d. Jan. 15, 1887. 131. Louisa Amelia Hurd, youngest dau. of (43) So- phia, b. Mar. 16, 1844; m. July 21, 1861, Wm. W. Ham- mond; lived in Angola, and Farnham, N. Y., until 1877, when he became county judge of Erie County and they moved to Bufifalo, where they still live, he having retired to private practice, after a distinguished service of twelve years as judge. CHILDREN : (HAMMOND). 282. Lillie May. 283. Clark Hurd. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 79 132. Cloys Nathan Hurd, youngest child of (43) So- phia, b. May 20, 1849; m. Mar. 17, 1874, Cora Ames, b. Dec. 7, 1855. They Hved on the homestead until 1892, Buffalo until 1900, then at Elmira for one year, thence to their present residence, Napanoch, Ulster Co., N. Y., where he has charge of the school at the Reformatory. CHILDREN : 284. Clayton, b. Sep. 17, 1886; d. Oct. 1, 1894. 285. Frank DeF., b. Sep. 22, 1891. 133. Alonzo Paine Frost, s. of (46) Josiah, Jr., b. Dec. 6, 1816; m. Mar. 1, 1838, Nelly Voorheis. They lived at Pontiac, Mich., until 1884, when they moved to Cheboygan, Mich. He was deacon Congregational Church for at least fifty years and church clerk for over 50 years, first at Pontiac, later at Cheboygan; he died Feb. 21, 1899. CHILDREN : 286. Francis Eugenia, b. Oct. 12, 1839; d. Apr. 24. 1841. 287. Emma Louisa, b. Dec. 28, 1841; res. Roseville, 111. 288. Egbert Howard, b. Nov. 14, 1843; d. Oct. 3, 1862, in Civil War; was attached to 22d Mich. Inf. 289. Henry Josiah, b. Aug. 5, 1846; d. Mar. 18, 1852. 290. Mary Plat. 291. George Edward. 292. William Alonzo. 293. Frederick Smith. 294. Charles Leonard. 295. Ellen Electa. 135. Charles Henry Frost, s. of (46) Josiah, Jr., b. Syra- cuse, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1820; m. Jan. 9, 1851, at White Lake, Mich., Laura A. Crittenden, b. Richmond, Mass., Apr. 9, 1826; he was a farmer at Pontiac, Mich., where he d. Nov. 27, 1884. His wid. d. Oct. 10, 1905. CHILDREN : 296. Ella E., b. Mar. 12, 1852; m. Sep. 18, 1874, Asbury A. Shank, Pontiac, Mich. 297. Ida C, b. Aug. 26, ; lives at Pontiac. 298. Mildred W., b. Apr. 29, 1865; lives in Detroit, Mich. 137. George Smith Frost, s. of (46) Josiah, b. Mar- cellus, N. Y., June 14, 1824; m. Oct. 12, 1852, at Monroe, Mich., Ellen Electra Noble, b. Aug. 7, 1832, (dau. of Chas. and Eliza Symmes Wing Noble). He was private sec'y to General Cass. Was elder First Presbyterian Church, De- 80 THE FROST FAMILY troit, for over 30 years. He died Detroit, Nov. 17, 1890; his wid. died at Rome, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1900. CHILDREN : 299. Lewis Cass, b. Detroit, Aug. 24. 1854; d. Jan. 26, 1854. 300. Charles Noble. 301. Caroline Noble, b. Detroit, May 11, 1859; d. Oct. 26, 1890. 302. George Canfield. 303. Eliza Wing. b. Detroit, July 28, 1862; d. Mar. 25, 1871. 304. Conway Alonzo. 305. Ellen Elizabeth, b. Detroit, Jan. 29, 1873; d. May 9, 1874. 138. Eugene B. Frost, s. of (46) Josiah, Jr., b. Marcellus, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1826; m. Dec. 13, 1848, Sarah Jane Andrews, b. Whitestown, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1828; lived at Frankfort, Mich.; occupation fruit grower; was deacon Congrega- tional Church at Frankfort for many years. He d. Mar, 11, 1899. CHILDREN : 306. Eugene Buel. 307. Clara Jane. 308. Horace Clifford, b. Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 24, 1855; d. by drowning, July 22, 1867. 309. Newton Andrews, b. West Bloomfield, Mich., June 24, 1862; res. Frankfort. Mich.; occ. Photogh'r. 310. Ellen Noble, b. Frankfort, Mich., Nov. 22, 1867; res. Frankfort; occ. Music Teacher. 139. Horace Josiah Frost, s. of (46) Josiah, Jr., b. July 20, 1828; m. ; no children; was an elder in Dr, Sunderland's Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C, for a great many years. He d. at Washington Oct. 21, 1890. 140. Frances Eliza Frost, dau. of (47) Weston, b. Onon- daga, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1820; m. July 4, 1849, Farmer's Creek, Mich., Stephen B. Knapp, of Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y. ; b. Sept. 13, 1814; d. E. Saginaw, Apr. 9. 1869; she d. Pon- tiac, Mich., Aug. 4, 1892. 141. Mahlon Smith Frost, s. of (47) Weston, b. Mar- cellus, N. Y., May 2, 1823; m. Oct. 21, 1848, Frances Har- riet Foster, of Adrian, Mich., b. Oct. 5, 1824; they lived at Detroit, Mich. ; Cleveland, O. ; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; New York City; Princeton, N. J.; Attica, N.Y. ; and at Chicago, 111., where he died Mar. 13, 1897; she died at Hornellsville, N. Y., June 11, 1891 ; they were buried Detroit. CHILDREN : 311. Edward Inglis. 312. Ellen Phoebe, b. Detroit, Dec. 8, 1855; d. Nov. 24, 1857. 313. Henry Weston Folger. z o > u w > S w > 2 O > r o IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 81 144. Josiah Bent Frost, s. of (51) Calvin P., b. Ypsi- lanti, Mich., Nov. 21, 1840; m. Sept. 25, 1867, Ellen C. Mills, b. Nov. 28, 1842 (dau. of Philo and Sarah Winchester Jus- tin Mills, Groveland Township, Livingston Co., X. Y.) A druggist, Ypsilanti (cert, fom Phar. Dept. Univ. Mich.). In 1869 moved to Jackson Mich. ; mechanical draughtsman and County Surveyor; 32d degree Mason and Knight Tem- plar; member Congregational Church; d. March 6, 1907, survived by his wid. and children, all of whom live at Jackson, Mich. CHILDREN : 314. Eloise Almira. b. Ypsilanti, July 14, 1868; grad. Olivet Coll. 1896, degree of A. B. 315. Edward Justin. 316. Herbert Mills, b. Mar. 21, 1872; d. Apr. 8, 1872. 317. Charles McNaughton. 148. Nancy Ann Frost, dau. of (56) Chester, b. Riga, N. Y., Sept 7, 1815; m. Feb. 25, 1835, (101) Russell Frost Kurd. CHILDREN : (HURD). 318. Levi Parsons, b. Dec. 12, 1836; vet. Civil War, 3 years' service, 17th N. Y. Ind. Batty; d. Newark. N. J., Oct. 28, 1901. 319. Harlan Page. 320. Edward Pavson, b. Dec. 10, 1839: d. young. 321. Henry Martyn. b. Sep. 16. 1842 :_d. young. 322. Frances Caroline, b. July 7, 1845. 323. Edward Payson, b. Apr. 9. 1847. 324. James Brainerd, b. Feb. 11, 1849. 325. Emma Jane, b. July 19, 1852; d. young. 154. Mary H. Frost, dau. of (56) Chester, b. Shelby, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1827; d. Oct. 7, 1865; m. Seymour A. Hurd, b. Aug. 10, 1821 ; d. July 16, 1886. CHILDREN : (HURD). 326. Frank H., b. Aug. 7, 1847; m. May 22, 1874. F. Louise Williams; she d. Jan. 3. 1883. and he m. June 24, 1885, (2) Dolores E. Frary. He is editor Medina (N. Y.) Tribune. 327. Jay S., b. July 1, 1851; m. Hattie B. Johnson, June 28, 1874; res. Corry, Pa. 328. Charles F., b. Apr. 17, 1853: m. Mar. 9, 1884, Katie Brown- cU; children: Frank Brownell, b. June 16. 1886; Charles Frost, Jr., b Nov. 11, 1888. He is a jeweler in Medina, N. Y. 329. Mary C, b. Dec. 12, 1854. 330. S. Wright, b. Sep. 19, 1856; m. Apr. 25, 1883, Belle A. Paxon: children: Louise M., b. Apr. 20. 1884. He is a grad. Hahn. Med. Coll., Phila., class of "80; med. practitioner, Lockport, N. Y. 155. James Amasa Frost, s. of (56) Chester, b. Shelby, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1830; m. 1852, Cornelia E. Bidleman, at 82 THE FROST FAMILY Medina, N. Y. A carpenter by trade, which he did not fol- low long, but entered the express business, in which most of his hfe was spent. When he married, moved to Canada thence to Buffalo, to Saginaw, Mich., to Tiffin, O., to Cleve- land, where he died, aged 65. A devoted husband and father honored and beloved by all who knew him. He was a deacon m the Euclid Ave. Baptist Church. CHILDREN : 331. Lizzie K. 332. Willie C, b. 1859. 333. Charles L. 334. Frank W., b. 1862; res. Cleveland, O.; unmarried. ,^< if",!"-'^ b- ^- ^^^^' '■^^- Cleveland, O.; unmarried. 336. Nelhe M., b. 18/0; m. E. D. Stow, res. Cleveland; ch., Helen L., b. 1903. ' 158 Lewis P. Frost, eldest ch. of (58) Nelson Amasa, b. Oct. 20, 1824; m. Maria Goodell (dau. of Clarissa [Cady] Goodell, g-dau. of Fred'k Goodell, a revolutionary soldier and direct descendant of one who came from Ipswich Encr to Danvers, Mass.. 1634). Grad. Oberlin, '48; entered Cong ministry; had pastorates at Leroy, Arcade, Rushford, An- gola, N. Y., Emerald Grove and Raymond, Wis., and Grand Blanc, Mich. He d. Janesville, Wis., Feb. 22, 1893. CHILDREN : 337. Wm. Goodell. 338. Lewis Clayton. 339. Harriet Maria, b. Aug. 24, 1861 ; d. 1863 340. Nelson Amasa. 341. Willard Jerome. 162. Nelson Jerome Frost, fifth ch. of (58) Nelson Am- asa, b. Dec. 27, 1835; m. (I) Oct. 21, 1863, Emma Machin She d. May 24, 1871. and Oct. 9, 1878, he m. (2) Nellie M Ayre. He d. Jan. 10, 1900. CHILDREN : 1st WIFE 342. Nellie C. 343. Franklin M. 2d WIFE. 344. Emma L. 345. Ralph Jerome. 165. Lorenzo Talmon Frost, s. of (59) Talmon. b Shelby Orleans Co., N. Y., Apr. 8, 1824; m. Martha Custis, b. 1826; they lived and died at Burton. Genesee Co., Mich. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 83 CHILDREN : 346. Delia Angelina. 347. Willis Arthur. 348. Carrie, b. 186—; d. 186—. 349. Charles, b. 186—; d. 190—. 166. Henry Dwight Frost, s. of (59) Talmon, b. Aug. 26. 1825; m. Nov. 5, 1856, Cornelia E. Judson ; he d. Aug. 27, 1875; his wid. survives him; res. Rochester, N. Y. CHILDREN : 350. Alice C, b. Sep. 13, 1857. 351. Gertrude E., b. Sep. 17, 1866; d. Nov. 20, 1872. 167. Celestia Frost, dau. of (61) William, b. Sep. 10, 1813 ; m. Dec. 12. 1831, Guy W. Loomis ; lived at Wilson and- Lockport, N. Y. ; d. Mar. 24, 1901, at Ionia, Mich. CHILDREN : (LOOMIS). 352. Anista Marie, b. May 22, 1833; m. Dec. 19, 1871. Richard Cox Holmes; he d. 1887. 353. Eunice. 354. Lucy Elvira. 355. Eugene Walker. 170. Betsey C. Frost, dau. of (61) William, b. Oct. 15, 1819; m. Oct. 30, 1839, Richard Cox Holmes, b. Dec. 21, 1813; lived Wilson, N. Y., where she d. Mar. 5, 1871. CHILDREN : (HOLMES). 356. Wm. Howard, served entire Civil War; res. Wilson, N. Y. 357. Richard Payson, deceased. 171. Sarah Morehouse Frost, dau. of (61) William, b. Dec. 6, 1821 ; m. Aug. 20, 1850, Edward Walker Davis, b. Oct. 31, 1821. She died Nov. 30, 1870; he d. Oct. 16, 1894. CHILDREN : (DAVIS). 358. Sarah Armenia, b. July 31, 1851; m. Sep. 17, 1884, J. R. Johnson; res. Fruita. Col. 359. William Edward. 172. William Orville Frost, s. of (61) William, b. Riga, N. Y., May 20, 1823; m. (1), Nov. 28, 1849, Nancy Ander- son; (2), Jan. 1, 1868, at Albion, N. Y., Susan Clark Tappan ; lived successively at Albion, Lima, Avon and Leroy, N. Y., where he died Aug. 4, 1884. 84 THE FROST FAMILY CHILDREN : 1st WIFE. 360. Amelia J. 361. William Brainerd, b. Jan. 11, 1853; d. Mar. 29, 1853. 2d WIFE. 362. Lewis Tappan. 173. Fidelia J. Frost, dau. of (61) William, b. Mar. 11, 1825; m., Gaines, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1854, Andrew J. Rowley, b Apr. 12, 1825; lived Gaines, N. Y.; she d. May 20, 1890; he d. Feb. 3, 1900. CHILDREN : (ROWLEY). 363. Elbert Andrew, b. Feb. 27, 1858; m. May 12,1886, Lockport, N. Y., Adelaide E. Trude, (dau. of Elias and Emma Trude). b. July 16, 1864; live on the "home" farm, Gaines, N. Y.; one son, Walter Andrew, b. Apr. 30, 1894. 364. Carrie Elvira, b. Dec. 2, 1859; m. Jan. 30. 1896, William H. Seward, b. Nov. 9 1840; res-. Gaines Village, N. Y. 178. Robert L. Hill, s. of (62) Sylvia, b. Aug. 31, 1818; m. Oct. 8, 1840, Adelia Wood, b. Aug. 16, 1820. He kept a dry-goods store K'ville ; afterwards dealt in general produce there; then went to Medina, N. Y., in milling business. He d. Aug. 22, 1871 ; his wid. d. July 16, 1891. CHILDREN : 365. Albert J. 366. Graham H., b. Nov. 7, 1843; m. (1) Isabelle B. Geagan; (2) Augusta Van Duzen. No ch. 367. Cora A. 368. Helen A. 182. Jared Frost Smalley, s. of (63) Betsey, b. Riga, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1815; m. Cordelia Lewis; d. Sheboygan, Wis., Apr. 19, 1853; occ. farmer. CHILDREN : 369. Eugene Virgil. 183. Edmund Jewett Smalley, s. of (63) Betsy, b. Riga, N. Y., July 6, 1817 ; m. W'msville, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1840, Fanny Frick, b. Erie Co., N. Y., Jan. 17, 1821 ; d. Manitowoc, Wis., Aug. 21, 1898; she d. Oct. 28, 1883. He m. (2) Ellen Harnet. He was a farmer and manuf'r. CHILDREN : 370. Palemon J. 371. Herschel D. 372. Clarence C. 373. Edmund H. 374. Charles F. No. 466. No. 467. ALLEN HUGH FROST. (1909.) CARL GROVER FROST. (1909.) SEE PAGE 93. SEE PAGE 93. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 85 184. Harvey Dwight Smalley, s. of (63) Betsey, b. Dec. 25, 1825; m. Mar. 26, 1846. Sophronia Cleverly; (2) Nov. 11, 1896, Eliza Laughlin; (3) Nov. 13, 1899, Eliza Cleverly Garrison. No children ; occ. farmer, and teacher for over thirty years; res. Randolph, O., for over seventy years, then moved to Junction City, Kan., his present res. 185. Sophronia Frost, dau. of (66) Jewett, b. Nov. 15, ^824; m. Sep. 10, 1844. Henry A. Carter, farmer; res. Royal- ton, O. Henry A. died Mar. 25, 1895. CHILDREN : (CARTER). 375. Bertha, b. Sep. 1, 1846; m. Apr., 1865, E. F. Payne; d. Mar., 1902. ^ 376. Elwin L. 187. William Frost, s. of (66) Jewett, b. June 15, 1830; m Dec. 14. 1857. Roxcv Kent, b. July 13, 1834; res. Gran- ger, O. She d. Oct. 18,' 1902. CHILDREN : 377. Herbert. 378. Cecil, b. May 17. 1865. 379. Clyde, b. Aug. 31, 1869. 188. Ansel Frost, s. of (66) Jewett, b. June 14, 1838; m. Abigail Kent; he is dead; lived at Chatham, O. CHILDREN : 380. Onie, m. Frank Branch; res. Jasper, Mo. 381. Effie, m. Will Richardson; res. Lodi, Ohio. 199. Joseph Frost, eldest s. of (75) Alonzo, b. Rochester, Apr. 26, 1830; m. Feb. 24, 1858, Harriet J. Bradstreet, Danvers, Mass. ; lived at Rochester, N. Y. ; he died suddenly, Sep. 26, 1865, in St. Louis, where he had gone on business. His wid. m. Charles L. Lane, who d. later. She lives in Boston, Mass. CHILDREN : 382. Albert Gallatin, b. Roch.. Dec. 11, 1858; grad. Univ. Roch., '81; m. and living in Chicago. No children. 383. Cornelia, b: Aug. 16, 1860; res. Boston, Mass. 200. Edward Allen Frost, s. of (75) Alonzo, b. Jan. 14, 1832; m. at Geneva, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1859, Mary Wing, formerly of Albany; She d. Apr. 8. 1867; their two ch. d. m infancy. He m. (2) Apr. 5, 1888. Isabelle M. Eastman, (dau. of Jos. A. Eastman, a prominent Rochester lawyer). 86 THE FROST FAMILY He was twice elected Clerk of Monroe County; was promi- nently engaged in the nursery business, which his father, Alonzo Frost, established in 1846, taking the three sons into partnership as they reached maturity. The firm was known as Frost & Co., Genesee Valley Nurseries. He died Jan. 24, 1900. No children. 201. Henry Clay Frost, s. of (75) Alonzo, b. Jan. 2, 1834; enlisted 8th N. Y. Cavalry, Civil War, 2d Lieut., Nov., 1861 ; was in many engagements but not wounded ; contracted physical ailments, from exposure and hardships, from which he never fully recovered. Was promoted to Captain, and Major; mustered out on expiration of term of service, Dec. 8, 1864. He d. Rochester, Aug. 9, 1908. 208. Mary A. Frost, dau. of (81) Allen L., b. July 28, 1839, m. Newman B. Freeman, a farmer living near Armada, Mich. CHILDREN : 384. Elva A., m. Horace Barringer. 209. Edwin Allen Frost, s. of (81) Allen L., b. Jan. 11, 1848; m. May 23, 1872, Laura J. Grout (lineal des. of a Gaul who fought Julius Caesar) ; farmer, at Armada, Macomb Co., Mich. CHILDREN : 385. Harriet Eliza, b. Feb. 15, 1873; grad. Armada High School, University of Valparaiso. Ind., and Mich. State Normal Coll.; occ. teacher; res. Jackson, Mich. 386. Joel Edwin, b. Feb. 1, 1877; m. Aug. 19, 1908, Spedee Warner; farmer at Armada, Mich. 210. Walter Irving Frost, s. of (81) Allen L., b. July 24, 1851; m. Nov. 21, 1875, Julia Hebblewhite ; occ. school teacher, farmer and later a merchant ; he died Armada, Mich., Jan. 25, 1909. CHILDREN : 387. Homer Allen, b. Nov. 2. 1876; occ. Civil Engineer. 388. Charles Irving, b. July 29, 1878. 389. Newman W., b. Oct. 28, 1881. 211. Fred R. Frost, s. of (81) Allen L., b. July 9, 1856; grad. Rush Medical Coll., class of '82. He m. Mar. 21, 1889, Mary Green. Is a physician in Los Angeles, Cal. CHILDREN : 390. Kendall Phelps, b. Nov. 9, 1890. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 87 213. Roxanna Frost, dau. of (82) James C, b. Mar. 12, 1837; m. Sep. 2, 1868, Nelson Churchill, b. Apr. 8, 1836; res. Lansing, Mich. CHILDREN : (CHURCHILL). 391. Alice Edna, b. June 21, 1869; res. Lansing, Mich. 392. Judson Newel, b. June 20, 1871; m. Oct. 21, 1903, Nellie E. Cady; res. Lansing, Mich. 393. James David, b. Feb. 26. 1874; m. June 4, 1902, Alice Ro- berta Horton; she d. Feb.. 1907; one ch.. Nelson H., b. July 4, 1903. Res. Seattle, Wash. 394. Byron, b. June 24, 1877; res. Lansing. 395. Omer Orlando, b. Aug. 27, 1879; grad. Mich. Agr'l Coll.; instructor in agriculture, North Dakota. 396. Jesse Maynard, b. Nov. 28, 1881; civil eng'r, Shoshone, Idaho. 215. Alfred Frost, s. of (82) James C, b. June 27, 1841; m. Nov. 24. 1867, Julia Spencer; occ. farmer; res. near Armada, Mich. CHILDREN : 397. J. Arthur, b. Nov. 8, 1868; married. 398. Lucy May, b. June 27, 1871; married. 399. Mary E., b. Mar. 5, 1879. 400. Bert. (No record). 401. Orra S., b. Apr. 17, 1882. 216. Benjamin Franklin Frost, s. of (82) James C, b. Jan. 25, 1843; m. Dec. 20, 1874, May Belle Cutcher; occ. farmer; res. Armada, Mich. CHILDREN : 402. Lottie, b. Mar. 16, 1876; d. Sep. 12, 1877. 403. Andrew J. 404. David E. 217. George Washington Frost, s. of (82) James C, b. Sep. 13, 1846; m. Jan. 1, 1870; occ. farmer. CHILDREN : 405. Nancy Isabelle, b. Nov. 23. 1870. 219. Seth Frost, s. of (82) James C, b. Sep. 1, 1849; m. Oct. 25, 1874, Joan Jennette Stoddard ; farmer, lived near Armada, moved to farm near Marlette, Mich., and later to Wisconsin where he died 1905. CHILDREN : 406. Anna, b. Sep. 19, 1875; m. Dec. 25, 1890, John Decker. / / / / 88 THE FROST FAMILY 407. Jesse Maynard, b. Mar. 8. 1879; res. West Branch, Mich. 408. Jay, b. Nov. 25, 1883. 409. Lewis E., b. June 10. 1887. 410. Clyde, b. Mar. 17, 1892. 220. Mary Adelia Frost, dau. of (82) James C, b. Apr. 19, 1851; m. Dec. 18, 1874, Alonzo Pratt, b. Nov. 23, 1851; res. Armada, Mich. CHILDREN : (PRATT). 411. James William, b. Sep. 29, 1877; m. June 14, 1904. Mabelle Spencer, b. Aug. 31, 1882; one ch., James Clare, b. Mar. 25, 1905; res. Armada, Mich. 412. Leroy Alonzo, b. Aug. 6 1889; student Michigan Normal School. 221. Oscar Frost, s. of (82) James C, b. Jan. 23, 1853 ; m. Dec. 25, 1876, Anna Pratt; occ. farmer; res. Armada, Mich. CHILDREN : 413. Abba, b. July 1, 1879; d. May 22, 1895. 414. William Oscar, b. May 24, 1882; res. Armada. 415. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 19, 1885; m. John O'Connor, Oct. 6, 1905; res. Armada. EIGHTH GENERATION. 225. John Edward Frost, s. of (87) Thos. G. (See biographical sketch, page 116, Part III.) CHILDREN: 416. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 23, 1872; d. Aug. 6, 1906. 417. Alfred Gold. 418. Jean Kitchell. 419. Thomas Bancroft. 420. Grace Harriet, b. Nov. 27, 1883; res. Topeka, Kan. ' 421. Russell Edward, b. Feb. 10, 1887; sophomore. Engineer- ing Dept., Univ. of Wis. 228. Thomas Gold Frost, Jr., s. of (87) Thos. G. (See biographical sketch, page 120, Part III.) CHILDREN: 422. Barbara Gold. 423. Dorothy Dean. 236. James Wadsworth Frost, s. of (90) Norman, b. Buffalo, Jan. 20, 1851 ; m. Kate Wagner; d. May 15, 1884, in Euflfalo. Loco, eng'r. No. 270— MARY E. FROST ANDERSON. (1900). Died March 11, 1907. SEE PAGE 93. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 89 CHILDREN: 424. Chas. Fred'k Allen, b. Mar. 14, 1878; d. June 19, 1878-79. 425. Eleanor Julia, b. Dec. 12, 1879. 426. James Edward, b. Nov. 13, 1881; m. Kathryn Kilgore, Sep. 27, 1905; ch., Geo. Edward, b. Mar. 31, 1907. Loco, eng'r, Buffalo. 427. Clara Fredricka, b. Feb. 22, 1883; m. Wm. R. Scott, loco, eng'r, Buffalo. 242. Cloys Miles Frost, s. of (92) R. Morehouse, b. Aug. 15, 1848; m. May 17, 1873, Lavina Keely McFarland, b. Sep. 10. 1856, Susp. Bridge, N. Y.; empl. W. U. Tel. Co., Buf- ialo. CHILDREN: 428. Alice M., b. Aug. 31, 1875; d. Mar. 20, 1879. 429. Frederick L. 430. Ida Harriet, b. Jan. 13, 1884; d. Jan. 15, 1888. 243. Evelyn Miriam Frost, dau. of (92) R. Morehouse, b. Buffalo, April 2, 1850; m. Walter Scott Pierson, b. Le- banon, O., June 16, 1844. He d. Salinas, Cal., Feb. 6, 1895. CHILDREN: (PIERSON). 431. Sarah Harriet E., b. San Francisco, Dec. 3, il877. 432. Hattie Evelyn, b. San Francisco, Jan. 8, 1880. 433. Miriam Knox. 434. Mary Margaret, b. Castroville, Cal., Oct. 10, 1885. 435. Libby Amanda D., b. Castroville, Cal., Apl. 20, 1888. 245. Russell Frost, s. of (94) Caleb A., b. Feb. 15, 1850; grad. Yale, 77, degree of A. B. ; m. May 27, 1885, Augusta Ayres Ely, So. Norwalk, Conn., (dau. of Dudley P. and Charlotte Phelps Ely). Is an attorney, has held several public offices, belongs to several clubs and societies in South Norv^alk, where he lives, and in New York City. CHILDREN: 436. Russell Frost, Jr., b. July 6, 1890. 247. Mary Louisa Frost, dau. of (94) Caleb A., b. July 28, 1862; m. Wm. R. Willetts, Skaneateles, N. Y. CHILDREN: (WILLETTS). 437. Katherine, b. about 1888. 249. Jennie Maria Frost, dau. of (99) Nathan Richards, twin to (204) James Madison, b. May 15, 1843, at N. Evans, 90 THE FROST FAMILY N. Y. ; m. Nov. 28. 1867, Marshall A. Fairbanks, b. Aug. 20, 1835. He was a farmer and veteran of the Civil War; (record same as Jas. M. Frost) ; lived at Angola, N. Y., where he died Dec. 20, 1908. No children. 250. James Madison Frost, s. of (99) Nathan Richards, b. N. Evans, N. Y., May 15, 1843; m. Nov. 28, 1867, Lucia M. Claghorn, b. June 1, 1846. Vet. Civil War, following record : Enlisted Aug. 26, 1862, at Evans, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. "K," Sep. 4, 1862; mus- tered out with Company, June 8, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Retired farmer; res. N. Evans, N. Y. CHILDREN: 438. Fanny A. 439. Richard M. 440. Jennie Josephine R. 441. Franklin M. 442. Ellen Lamira. 443. James Nathan. 251. Norman Clark Frost, s. of (100) John S., b. Oct. 2, 1851; m. Oct. 17, 1877, Mary Maria Hart, (grad. Lake Erie College). They live at West Mentor, O., where he has been Mayor, and has served on the various municipal, educational, agricultural, and church boards ; Prest. and Treas. of the Mentor Telephone Co. ; is a farmer raising certain seed specialties. CHILDREN: 444. Harry N», b. Jan. 10, 1879; died of typhoid fever Jan. 13, 1904. A grad. of Oberlin, by profession a journalist, (editor and owner of the Troy, O., Buckeye), his untimelly death cut short a most promising life; an irreparable loss to his family and wide circle of friends. 445. Helen Lucretia, b. Aug. 3, 1881; grad. Mentor High School; studied music. Lake Erie College; died May 19, 1909. 253. Caroline Frost, dau. of (107) Stephen Allen, b. July 10, 1848; m. June 3, 1875, Edward Kelsey Meigs, (de- scendant of Vincent Meigs, Weymouth, Mass., 1639). He is in the lumber business. They live at Tenafly, N. J. CHILDREN: (MEIGS). 446. Lucy K., b. June 9. 1876; d. June 24, 1895. 447. Grace E. 448. Edward K., Jr., b. Dec. 4. 1880. 449. S. Elizabeth, b. May 16, 1884. 450. Caroline F., b. Feb. 23, 1886; d. July 28, 1886. 451. Allen F., b. Nov. 4, 1888. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 91 254. Dan Frost, only son of (107) Stephen Allen, b. June 29, 1850; m. Oct. 20, 1884, Anna E. Townsend, (dau. of Charles and Sallie Stratton Townsend, Chas. Townsend, late State Senator, N. J.). He has always been actively engaged in mercantile business. In 1900, succeeded his father, importing and dealing in Indian goods especially for Indian traders. They live in New York, but spend their summers at their beautiful summer home, "How Kola," Atlantic Highlands, N. J. They have no children. 255. Allenette Frost, youngest child of (107) Stephen Allen, b. Dec. 8, 1852; lives in Jersey City, with her mother at the family home. 258. Ella Hill, dau. of (109) Harriet U b. June 4, 1854; after her mother's death made her home in the family of (100) John S. Frost; m. Mar. 30, 1876, J. Otto Hesse, Medina, N. Y. ; res. Jersey City, N. J. ; no children. 259. Harriet Elizabeth Hill, dau. of (109) Harriet L., b. Dec. 12, 1856; was adopted after her mother's death by (99) Nathan R. Frost. Sep. 10, 1885, she m. Floyd P. Shaw, Ventura, Cal., where they live. No children. 260. William George Frost, s. of (112) Harvey F., b. K'ville, N. Y., July 18, 1860; m. Apr. 28, 1887, Nellie Nevada Luther. (See Luther descent. Part III). He is a wholesale lumber dealer, New York City and Tonawanda, N. Y. Is an incorporator of the National Wholesale Lumber Deal- ers Ass'n, serving on its first Board of Trustees, and was chairman of the Board of Arbitration for three years ; Director of the Adirondack Fire Ins. Co., of New York City; Director of the Bank of Montclair. Is a member of Mass. Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, and for several years has been a deacon in the First Cong. Church of Montclair, Dr. Amory H. Bradford, pastor. Active in social and fraternal circles ; is a master mason, and a Knight Templar. Residence "Ivy Lodge," Montclair, N. J. CHILDREN: 452. Lucy Emily, b. Jersey City. Mar. 26. 1888; d. Nov. 29, 1889. 453. Gladys May, b. Jersey City, Apr. 2, 1891. 454. Luther Harvey, b. Montclair, N. J., Oct. 17, 1895. 455. Homer William, b. Montclair, N. J., Mar. 15, 1899; X o H Z o 00 OJ I < w z w o IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 105 towoc, Agnes Langworthy. Was drummer-boy, 1st Wis. inf.; captured, Chattanooga. 1863, and confined in Conf. prisons 18 mos. ; occ. hotel keeper Sleepy Eye. Minn. CHILDREN: 608. Carence Hermogene, b. July 10, 1870; m. Emma Boehmer, Tucson, Ariz.. 1897; died Kansas City, Nov. 20, 1908; two children — girls. 609. John Langworthy, b. Manitowoc, Sep. 4, 1873; m. Nettie Reardon; ch.: Elizabeth A., b. Mar. 26. 1900. Occ. patternmaker; res. Manitowoc, Wis. 610. Frederick Herschel, b. Manitowoc, May 24, 1877; m. occ. locomotive eng'r, Green Bay, Wis. 611. Mabel Minnesota, b. Caledonia, Minn., May 23. 1883; m. Jan. 26. 1906, at Sleepy Eye, Minn.. Rev. Fred S. Atwood. 612. Fanny Lucretia, b. Alanitowoc, Jan. 23, 1885; stenog- rapher, Kansas City, Mo. Z72. Clarence Christian Smalley, s. of (183) Edmund J., b. Sheboygan. Wis., July 16. 1850; m. at Cazenovia, Mich., July 25. 1871. Josephine L. Colburn ; d. Manitowoc, Nov. 3, 1903 ; foundryman. CHILDREN: 613. Charles Andrew, b. Manitowoc. May 9, 1872; m. Bertha Stein; several children; res. Marinette, Wis. 614. Reno Clarence, b. Manitowoc, Oct. 22, 1877. 615. Myrtle Josephine, b. Manitowoc, Jan. 22, 1885. lilZ. Edmund Harvey Smalley, s. of (183) Edmund J., b. Sheboygan, Nov. 13, 1852; m. at Chicago. Apr. 15, 1885; Angeline Kimball; she died; no children; he is a lawyer; res. Chicago. 374. Charles Fremont Smalley, s. of (183) Edmund J., b. Sheboygan Falls, Wis., Dec. 19, 1856; m. June 15. 1880. Car- rie L. Barnes. He was prest. of Smalle}' Mfg. Co., Mani- towoc, Wis. He d. Oct. 21, '01. CHILDREN: 616. Charles Fremont, b. Manitowoc, Dec. 2'i, 1885: res. Kansas City, Mo. 376. Elwin L. Carter, s. of (185) Sophronia. b. Feb. 23, 1853; m. Oct. 15, 1879, Amanda J. Snow, Brecksville. O.; lived at North Royalton. O. ; res. Brecksville, O. ; occ. farmer. 106 THE FROST FAMILY CHILDREN: (CARTER). 617. Bertha M., b. Jan. 12, 1882. 618. Holland H., b. Aug. 16, 1884. 619. Leyton E., b. Aug. 31, 1892. 620. Marian S., b. May 19, 1897. 377. Herbert Frost, s. of (187) William, b. Jan. 22, 1862; m. Eva A. Newton, b. Richfield, O., June 4, 1866; res. Granger, O. ; occ. farmer. CHILDREN: 621. Ford W. 622. Fred H.. b. Aug. 12, 1887. 623. Margie, b. July 1, 1889; m. July 17, 1906, Ford H. Gargett; res. W. Richfield, O. 624. Edith, b. Dec. 6, 1891. 403. Andrew James Frost, s. of (216) Benjamin F., b. June 27, 1878; m. June 6, 1900, Mary Adeline Sumner; she d. Mar. 6, 1905, and he m. (2) Sep. 18, 1905, Mabel Hollen- beck. He is a grad. Ypsilanti Normal School; occ. teacher; res. Davis, Mich. CHILDREN: 1st WIFE. 625. Ettie May, b. Aug. 17, 1901. 626. Herbert Kay, b. Mar. 13, 1903; d. Feb. 10. 1904. CHILDREN, BY SECOND WIFE: 627. Viola Vhey, b. July 23, 1906. 628. Edith Marie, b. Sep. 21, 1908. 404. David Earl Frost, s. of (216) Benjamin F., b. June 24, 1881; m. Feb. 1, 1901, Estella A. Perkings ; grad. Ypsi- lanti Normal School ; occ. teacher and Commissioner of Schools, Macomb Co.. Mich. ; res. Armada. CHILDREN: 629. Esther Aurilla, b. June 21, 1903. 630. Clarence Earl, b. Apr. 6, 1905. NINTH GENERATION. 417. Alfred Gold Frost, s. of (225) John E., b. July 3, 1874; m. June, 1900, Leota Nicholson. Is cashier Mexico City Banking Co., City of Mexico. CHILDREN: 631. John Nicholson, b. Dec. 6, 1902. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 107 418. Jean Kitchell Frost, dau. of (225) John E., b. June 15, 1876; m. Dec, 1903, Prof. Chas. Sumner Stewart, prin- cipal County High School, DesPlaines, 111. CHILDREN: (STEWART). 632. Francis Frost, b. May 25. 1907. 419. Thomas Bancroft Frost, s. of (225) John E., b. Aug. 27, 1879; m. Nov. 27, 1903, Ivah Davis. Is chief clerk and sec'y to manager of the Waters-Pierce Oil Co., City of Mexico. CHILDREN: 633. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Sep. 18, 1904. 429. Frederick Leslie Frost, s. of (242) Cloys M., b. Feb. 3, 1878, Buffalo; m. Louise Clabeaux ; empl. Postal Tel. Co., Buffalo. CHILDREN: 634. Robert John, b. Apr. 22, 1904. 635. Virginia Mary. b. May 17, 1907. 431. Miriam Knox Pierson, dau. of (243) Evelyn M., b. Castroville, Cal., Nov. 24, 1883; m. Jan. 26, 1904, Ralph Johnson. CHILDREN: (JOHNSON). 636. Phyllis Scott, b. San Francisco, Feb. 24, 1905. 637. Evelyn Miriam, b. San Francisco, July 28, 1907. 638. Walter Francis, b. San Francisco, July 18, 1908. 438. Fanny A. Frost, dau. of (250) James M., b. July 26, 1869; m. Apr., 1899, Dan M. Mullin, machinist, Man- chester, N. Y. CHILDREN: (MULLIN). 639. Richard H.. b. Aug. 23, 1900; d. Mar., 1903. 640. Marion R., b. Nov. 10, 1902. 641. Lucia I., b. Jan. 11, 1906. 439. Richard M. Frost, s. of (250) James M., b. Oct. 21, 1870; m. Aug. 8, 1905, Edith M. Pales, (dau. of Lucius and Lois Hicks Fales). He is in the R. R. mail service; res. N. Evans, N. Y. 440. Jennie Josephine Rebecca Frost, dau. of (250) James M., b. Feb. 26, 1874; m. Aug. 13, 1896. Alvin W. Shepard, b. Aug. 21, 1865. He is a grad. Cornell '91, a school principal, Buffalo, where they live. 108 THE FROST FAMILY CHILDREN; (SHEPARD). 642. Alvin F.. b. Feb. 3. 1904. 643. Rebecca, b. Sep. 1, 1906. 44L Franklin M. Frost, s. of (250) James M.. b. Nov. 3, 1875 ; ni. Jean Owens. A farmer, lives on the homestead at N. Evans, N. Y. CHILDREN: 644. Helen E.. b. July 14, 1908. 442. Ellen Lamira Frost, dau. of (250) James M., b. Sep. 19, 1877; m. 1908. James Thomas, farmer, Trumans- burg. N. Y. CHILDREN: (THOMAS). 645. Josephine, b. Feb. 14, 1909. 443. James Nathan Frost, s. of (250) James M., b. Oct. 5, 1885; V. S., grad. Cornell '07. Instructor vet. surg. Cornell. 447. Grace E. Meigs, dau. of (253) Caroline, b. Oct. 12, 1878; m. Apr. 1. 1897, r))n-on Huyler, (s. of John and Annie Post Muyler). They live at Tenafly, N. J. CHILDREN: (HUYLER). 64^. Marjorie. b. Jan. 1, 1898. 548. Pearl Frost, dau. of (338) Lewis C, b. June 1, 1880; m. by Rev. L. C. F., Nov. 28, 1901, Harry Shales, Davison, Mich. CHILDREN: (SHALES). 647. Edith Gertrude b. May 14, 1903. 549. Clara Maria Frost, dau. of (338) L. C, b. Jan. 2, 1882; grad. Normal dept. Berea Coll.; m. by Rev. L. C. P., July 3, 1902. Harrison ?Tunt, Clare, Mich.; res. Saginaw. CHILDREN: (HUNT). 648. Beulah May. d. in infancy. 649. Samuel Lewis, b. June 14, 1904. 650. George Eugene, b. July 24, 1905. 651. Gertrude Emeline, b. Dec. 25, 1907. 550. William Clayton Frost, s. of (338) L. C. b. Nov. 11, 1883; m. by Rev. L. C. F., Sep. 5, 1903, Ethyl May Tew, Harrison. Mich.; she d. Nov. 2, 1905. at Flint, where he still lives. No ch. CHILDREN OF No. 313— REV. HENRY W. and ABBIE G. FROST. SEE PAGE 98. IN ENGLAND AND AiMERICA 109 574. Glenn L. Bixby, s. of (354) Lucy E., b. May 22, 1878; m. Tena McCulloch, Dec. 17, 1903; she d. Feb. 16, 1905. CHILDREN: 652. Edward Laverne, b. Feb. 8, 1905. 575. Everett R. Bixby, s. of (354) Lucy E., b. Jan. 1, 1880; m. Mar. 19, 1906, Blanche R. Doty. CHILDREN: 653. Jessie Rosalin, b. Apr. 22, 1907. 654. Edna Lucille, b. July 2, 1908. 577. Effie M. Bixby, dau. of (354) Lucy E., b. Jan. 5, 1886; m. Mar. 16, 1905, Ray W. Jenks. CHILDREN: (JENKS). 655. Merle D., b. Aug. 2, 1906. 656. Howard, b. Sep. 2, 1908. 621. Ford W. Frost, s. of {Z77) Herbert, b. Apr. 27, 1885; m. Claudia Hollipiter; res. Akron, O. ; occ, in the Repubic Oil Co. CHILDREN: 657. Cecil Annie, b. Apr. 22, 1908, Akron, O. BIBLIOGRAPHY American Family Antiquity, vol. L Welles; History of Cambridg-e, Mass., Paige; 250th Anniversary of Cambridge, Clapp; History of Framingham. Barry; History of Fram- ingham, Temple; History of Milford, Mass., Ballon; New England Hist. & Genealogical Register; Cory's History of Maiden, Mass.; Schenck's History of Fairfield, Conn.; Pioneers of Mass., Pope ; Young's Chronicles, Shepard ; MSS. from Wm. W. Hammond, Rev. Wm. Goodell Frost, Mark Luther, Mrs. Josiah Bent Frost, Harriet E. Frost, Mrs. Wm. H. Seward, Rev. Charles Noble Frost, Rev. Henry W. Frost, and family records from individual members of many branches of the family. PART III. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND GENEALOGICAL RECORDS OF INTEREST TO THE FAMILIES OF JOHN EDWARD FROST, THOMAS GOLD FROST, WILLIAM GEORGE FROST, DAN FROST AND EDWARD L. FROST No. 33— REV. JOHN FROST. (From an old painting.) SEE PAGE 113. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND GENEALOGICAL RECORDS 33. John Frost. John Frost the eldest son of (26) John Frost and Amy Tenant was born September 3rd, 1783, at Williamsburg, Mass. The house in which he was born was what is now known as the "Bartlett House" on Meeting House Hill. In 1795, his father with his large family, removed to Sandgate, Vermont. He prepared for college with the local minister at that place and graduated from Middlebury College in the class of 1806. He commenced his preparation for the ministry that same year at Andover Seminary, from which institution he graduated in 1808. In May, 1810, he entered the ministry, after teaching two years in Andover Seminary. He was greatly interested in foreign missions, and assisted in forming in Boston, in 1811. the first society (A. B. C. F. M.) for foreign missions. In its interest he spoke in numerous places in New England and New York. During this time he declined pastoral calls to Danbury, Connecticut, and Braintree and Williamsburg, Mass. In November, 1812, he was invited to succeed Mr. Carnahan as pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Whitesboro, New York. He accepted and was ordained March 13th, 1813, the Rev. Axel Backus, President of Hamilton College, preaching the ordination sermon, on Ministereal Fidelity, from the text in Isaiah 58:1. For twenty years he remained as pastor of this church. During this time he was a cotemporary and friend of Rev. Mr. Dwight and Mr. Aiken at Utica, and the Rev. Mr. Coe at Hartford. He was a ready and active co- operator with the Rev. Geo. W. Gale in the founding of the Manual Labor School (later known as the Oneida Institute and Whitesboro Seminary) at Whitesboro, N. Y., and Knox College at Galesburg, 111. Later Mr. Frost was located as pastor at Elmira, New York, and Waterville, New York, at which latter place he died March 1st 1842. His last words were "God reigns and always has reigned." As a preacher Mr. Frost was clear, logical, and convincing. When enlisted in some great moral crusade, such as the temperance or 114 THE FROST FAMILY slavery question, he was most impressive and eloquent. He was absolutely fearless in the expression of his views on this question of slavery, at a time when it sometimes cost a man his life to speak out boldly. He was a forceful writer and by tongue and pen won far more than a local reputation as a preacher, lecturer, and philanthropist. For thirteen years he was a trustee of Hamilton College, where his grandson — John Frost — sixty years later succeeded him. In 1813 he was married to the beautiful and accomplished Har- riet L. Gold, youngest daughter of Hon. Thos. R. Gold of Whitesboro. To this union, four children were born. (1) Sarah Gold, afterwards married to Rev. Andrew Hull of Elmira, New York, (an only child of this marriage, Thomas G. Hull of Baltimore. Maryland, still survives), (2) Mary, married to William Burt of Chicago. (Two children sur- vived her death in 1863. Harriet and Sarah). (3) Thomas Gold Frost. (4.) Harriet Frost, who died unmarried at Whitesboro, New York, in May, 1888. 87. Thomas Gold Frost, Sr. Thomas Gold Frost was born in Whitesboro, Oneida County, New York, May 4th. 1821. His father was the Rev. John Frost (33) a man of ability and prominence, and wherever he labored, it was for the best and highest things of life. The mother of Thomas, Harriet L. Gold, was the t'aughter of the Hon. Thomas R. Gold, a leading lawyer of the state, a most able and influential member of Congress, and a man prominent in the public affairs of the day. She v/as a woman of brilliant intellect, as well as of strong and attractive personality. Thomas in early childhood showed evidences of the traits that later became characteristics of his manhood ; namely, unusual sensitiveness of conscience, thoughtfulness, and fidelity to every duty, both secular and religious. He pos- sessed a most remarkable power of analysis coupled with clear forceful expression and the ability to carry to success- ful conclusion whatever he undertook. He graduated with salutatory honors from Hamilton College in 1843. In college he was a member of the Alpha Chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi's. After graduation he began the study of law, and was admitted to practice in 1846 at Rome. New York. In his arguments before the courts, he displayed at all times that trait so rare among legal practitioners — which has been not infelicitously termed "intellectual honesty." IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 115 On November 18th, 1847, he was married to Elizabeth Anna Bancroft, of Rome. Here they resided until 1857 and here were born a son, John E. Frost, and a daughter, Louisa Frost. This union was one of peculiar happiness and adapta- bility. Mrs. Frost was a woman of refined and cultivated tastes, and of unusual sweetness and strength of character. She possessed not only fine and discriminating literary judg- ment, but she had herself no mean ability as a writer and she often expressed herself in rhyme, and her poems embody thoughts of great beauty. In conversation bright, and with a keen sense of humor, she was a delightful companion. Deeply religious, she exerted always a strong influence for good upon all around her. She returned to the old home in Galesburgh after her husband's death in 1880, living there through a serene old age until October 13th, 1905^ In the spring of 1857, the family moved to Galesburg, Illinois, and here were born Elizabeth Bancroft Frost, and Thomas Gold Frost. Jr. In Illinois Mr. Frost soon came to be recognized as one of the foremost lawyers of the state. Few lawyers in Illinois at that time had as many cases in the Supreme Court as had he. He had a well trained, discriminating mind, an unusual degree of analytical power and a conscientious fidelity to his clients, whether the amount involved was great or small. At the time of the Lincoln-Douglas Debate at Gales- burg, Mr. Frost was asked to deliver the address of welcome to Mr. Lincoln, which he did in a speech marked by a clear and comprehensive understanding and presenta- tion of those great questions then agitating the nation. He was for many years a trustee of Knox College at Gales- burg. In 1871 Mr. Frost removed to Chicago and was a prominent and successful attorney at the Cook County Bar until the time of his death, which occurred at Las Vegas, New Mexico, December 22nd, 1880. He was president of the village of Evanston, Illinois, from 1879 until his death. He was an elder of the Presbyterian Church in Galesburg and Evanston for more than twenty years. The resolutions of the Chicago and Galesburg Bars, the sincere and voluntary testimonies of judges and at- torneys, both as to his ability as a lawyer and his honorable and influential life; the words of pastor and people in the 116 THE FROST FAMILY churches where he had been an honored elder, were many and unusually strong. His body was laid to rest in the cemetery at Galesburg, where twenty-five years later his wife, Elizabeth, was buried. 225. John Edward Frost of Topeka, Kansas. John Edward Frost of Topeka, Kansas, eldest son of Thomas Gold Frost and Elizabeth Anna (Bancroft) Frost, was born at Rome, Oneida County, New York, April 22nd, 1849. In 1857 his parents removed with their family to Gales- burg, Illinois, which continued to be his home until 1883. where he was educated in select schools, prepared for college in Knox Academy, entered and passed the fresh- man and sophomore 3^ears in Knox College and, Avith hon- orable dismissal therefrom, entered the junior class of Hamilton College, New York, where he graduated with honor in 1871, receiving the degree of A. B. and in 1904 he was elected president of the Western Alumni Association and a trustee of Hamilton College. In 1906 his Alma Mater conferred upon him the degree of A. M., and in 1908 honored him with the degree of LL. D. He is a member of the Chi Psi college fraternity, is a republican in politics and since boyhood a member of the Presbyterian Church. During his senior year in college and for the following year he read law. On October 10th, 1871, he was married to Margaret E. Kitchell, the only child of Hon. Alfred Kitchell of Illinois, an upright Christian lawyer arid a judge of unsullied reputation. Of this marriage six children were born, all living except Mary Elizabeth, the eldest, who died August 8th, 1906, whose character was a rarely beautiful one. She was a graduate with high honors of Knox College at Galesburg, Illinois, taking the salutatory of her class, with the degree of B. S. in 1892, afterward receiving from Knox the degree of M. L., and after a post-graduate course at Cornell University and at the University of Kansas, the latter conferred upon her the degree of M. A. In a memorial volume dedicated by her father to her memory, her pastor said, "Mary Frost was one of earth's rare souls, one to be easily singled out by a pastor as a Christian of the finer type." In the same volume one of her friends says of her — "To have known her was to know N > H w i-pi 5> n o c; o H O w H IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 117 an elder daughter in whom her father and mother relied with unbroken trust, a sister whose gentle care and sacri- ficing love were unfailing, a friend steadfast and sincere, an earnest Christian whose faith was a living reality." The living children of John E. and Margaret E. Frost are Alfred Gold Frost, cashier of the Mexico City Banking Company, in the city of Mexico, Jean Kitchell Frost, wife of Mr. Chas. Sumner Stewart, principal of the county high school, Des Plaines. Cook County, 111., Thomas Bancroft Frost, chief clerk and secretary to the general manager of the Waters-Pierce Oil Company in the city of Mexico, and Grace Harriet Frost and Russell Edward Frost, the latter two living with their parents in the family home in Topeka, all worthy scions of a worthy lineage. In 1883 Mr. Frost removed to Topeka, Kansas, which has been his home continuously since. A biographical sketch of him, in "Eminent Men of Kan- sas" published in 1901, after giving details of his birth and education, says: "After graduating, he read law and then "engaged in the sale of Kansas R. R. lands coupled with the "direction of immigration to Kansas ; and to the up-building "of that state and the promotion of its material interests "he has devoted the past thirty years of his life. He is "authority upon all matters pertaining to immigration, and "especially in the practical part of exposition work con- "nected with them. "lie was district agent of the land department of the ''Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe Railroad Company from "1872 to 1879, and was then appointed traveling agent of "the land department of that company. In 1882 he removed "to Topeka, and was successively general agent and chief "clerk of the land department, and general land commis- "sioner of the "Santa Fe" from 1880 to November 1st, 1898, "when, after twenty-six years' service with the railroad "company, he resigned, having purchased the unsold Santa "Fe lands in Kansas. "During his long service with the Santa Fe Company, "he filled many positions of important trust other than as "an employe and ofBcer of that great railway system. "He was president of the Exhibitors' Association at the "International Cotton Exposition at Atlanta, Georgia, in "1881. "In 1894 he was elected president of the Hamilton "College Mid-Continental Alumni Association. In the same "year he was elected vice-president of the National Irriga- 118 THE FROST FAMILY "tion Congress at Denver, Colorado, and in the following "year president of that body, over which he presided at the "annual meeting at Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 1898 he "was made vice-president and treasurer of the Kansas "Commission of the Trans-Mississippi and International "Exposition at Omaha, Nebraska. During Mr. Frost's "residence in Topeka he has also been president and man- "ager of various successful investment companies. "He is now president of the Commercial Club of Topeka. "He was one of the executive committee of the India "Famine Fund, which in 1900 sent a train load of Kansas "corn and many thousands of dollars in money, contributed "by the citizens of Kansas to the relief of the famine "sufferers." "He is a member of the First Presbyterian church of "Topeka; in politics a Republican, and in all things a "thorough Kansan." Since the foregoing was published in 1901, Mr. John E. Frost was reelected president of the Topeka Commercial Club in 1902 and 1903, and declined further reelection. In January of the latter year he presided in the great city auditorium of Topeka, at the inauguration of the Governor and other state officers. In the spring of that year Mr. Frost was chairman of the executive committee of arrangements for the eleventh international conference of the Young Men's Christian Association, which was held in Topeka, and was also chairman of the committee for the reception of Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, during the con- ference at the laying of the corner stone of the Railroad Y. M. C. A. building in Topeka. Late in May of the same year, a great calamity came upon the city of Topeka and contiguous regions in the valley of the Kansas River, by reason of the overflow of the river, causing a flood which inundated nearly half of the city and rendered about ten thousand people homeless for many days. Mr. Frost was chosen chairman of the general flood relief committee, which for months cared for the flood sufferers and in that capacity he directed the various sub-committees in the work of saving and supporting the flood victims and in re- habilitating their homes, an immense labor requiring the highest administrative ability and lasting throughout that year. In the winter and early spring of 1905 he, with a party of friends from his old home in Galesburg, Illinois, made a IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 119 trip of considerable extent through the principal West Indian Islands and to Venezuela. In the latter part of 1905 Mr. Frost was appointed by Gov. Hoch of Kansas, a delegate to the 16th session of the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress, held at Portland, Oregon, August 16th to 19th, which he attended and was elected thereat vice-president for Kansas for the ensuing year. In December of that year he was also appointed by Gov. Hoch a delegate to the National Immigration Con- ference held in New York and served there as a member of the committee on resolutions. In January, 1906, he was elected a director of the Kansas State Historical Society. In the early spring of that year he made a trip to Honolulu, Hawaii, accompanied by his son, Russell. Shortly after his return from the Hawaiian trip, the great San Francisco earthquake and fire occurred, and Mr. Frost was appointed by the Governor of Kansas a member of the Kansas State California Relief Committee and served throughout that year as a member of that corrimittee, which collected and dispensed several train loads of provisions and many thousands of dollars for the relief of the sufferers in that deplorable disaster. In the latter part of the same year he was a delegate to, and vice-president for Kansas of the 17th annual session of the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress held in Kansas City, Mo. In 1907 he was elected a member of the state executive committee of the Young Men's Christian Association of Kansas, was reelected in 1908, and was also elected presi- dent of the 26th annual convention, in 1908, of the Kansas State Y. M. C. A., and presided at that convention, held in Wichita, Kan., Feb. 6th to 9th., and presided at the open- ing session of the 27th annual convention at Lawrence, Kan., ill 1909. and is still an active member of the State Com- mittee. In the spring of 1908 he was invited to and attended May 12th and 14th. the conference called by President Roosevelt to meet at the White House in Washington, D. C, of the governors of the various states of the Union and a small number of other eminent men as invited guests to discuss with the President the promotion of the mate- rial interests of the states, and their preservation. In November of 1908 he was elected president for the ensuing year, of the Brotherhood of the First Presbyterian Church of Topeka. 120 THE FROST FAMILY Mr. Frost now resides in Topeka, Kansas, and expects to spend the remainder of his days there, at the capital of his adopted state, to the promotion and development of whose interests he has devoted more than thirty-five years of a busy life. 228. Thomas Gold Frost, Jr. Thomas Gold Frost, Jr., the second son and youngesv child of Thomas Gold Frost, Sr., was born at Galesburg, 111., on the 17th day of February, 1866. He lived at Gales- burg until 1873, when the family removed to Evanston, 111. After attending private school for a couple of years, he entered the public school at Evanston in 1875. He con- tinued there until the fall of 1879, when he entered the Evanston Village High School. After spending a year there he entered the preparatory department of North- western University in the fall of 1880. He remained there only one term, leaving school on his father's death in December, 1880. In the spring of 1881 he accompanied his mother and sisters to Galesburg, 111., where the family continued to reside until his mother's death in the fall of 1905. From the spring of 1881 until September 1st, 1882. he clerked in the book-store of Frank Fuller, in Galesburg. During all this time he found time, though working from seven in the morning until nine at night, to prepare for college. In September. 1882, he successfully passed his entrance examinations to Knox College at Galesburg, Illinois, and during his four years in that institution was a most active student therein. By the time of his junior year in college, he had done sufficient extra work in college to cover the two years' difference in preparation for the classical and scientific courses and in 1885 was enrolled as a "classical" without dropping back a single class, a feat never before or since accomplished in the history of the college. During his four years at Knox, he frequently took part in public exhibitions of the college and literary so- cieties, as well as participating in several plays. His repu- tation in college rested largely on his skill as a debater, his varied and wide reading and his reputation as an all- round athlete. He played baseball and football during the entire four years of the college course, being captain in his senior year of the Knox Baseball Nine and participating in the first inter-collegiate football game ever played between a Knox football eleven and that of another college. This was the game between Knox and Monmouth, played in the month of November, 1885. During his course at Knox No. 225— JOHN EDWARD FROST. SEE PAGE 116. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 121 college he stood very high as a scholar and was class orator at the class day exercises on his graduation in 1886. In the fall of 1886 Thomas Gold Frost entered with about 250 others (mostly college graduates), as a member of the class of 1888 at the Columbia Law School. Here for two years he studied under the tutelage of his father's college friend (at Hamilton) that "prince of teachers" — Theodore W. Dwdght. During both his junior and senior years he took, in connection with his work at the law school, all the lectures of the School of Political Science under Dean John W. Burgess and his associates. In his junior year he was elected one of the twelve members chosen from his class for membership in the "Choate Club." He also tutored during this entire year. In the fall of 1897. he. in company with Paul K. Ames (Yale '86). founded and edited the Columbia Law Times. At the same time, through the personal influence and at the solicitation of Prof. Henry Drummond, he became associated with the "Student's Movement," this being the first systematic organized eiTort to conduct Christian work among the colleges and professional schools in New York City. He was the first president of the Student's Club, which has continued until the present day as a most powerful department of the inter-collegiate work of the Young Men's Christian Association of New York City. In the winter of 1888, he visited and spoke at Yale. Prince- ton, Harvard and man)^ Western colleges and universities in connection with the association work. During the year he was awarded the Seligman Prize Fellowship of $250, from the School of Political Science at Columbia. In June of 1888 he was graduated from the Columbia Law School, ranking fourth among the four prize men chosen out of a class of 200. In the fall of 1888 he cast his first presidential vote, at Galesburg. 111., for Benjamin Harrison for President. Since that time he has always affiliated with the Republican party. In November of 1888, he took up his residence at Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he entered as a law clerk in the leading law firm of Wilson and Law- rence. He was admitted to the Minnesota Bar on March 13th, 1889. In the fall of 1889 he formed a partnership for the practice of law at Minneapolis with his classmate at Knox, John B. Brown, under the name and style of Frost & Brown. This partnership continued for several years, when it was dissolved on account of Mr. Brown's having to return to Illinois. During the ten years of his resi- 122 THE FROST FAMILY dence at Minneapolis, his practice grew rapidly, until it represented as remunerative a practice as any in that city. For seven years he was the Northwestern attorney for one of the larger surety companies. This connection, together with others, took him much into the federal courts and into other states. During these ten years, he tried cases in the courts of Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Kentucky. Texas, New York, Wisconsin, New Hampshire and Con- necticut. In 1896 he was admitted to the Supreme Court of the United States, at which time he had his first case in that court. His admission was moved by Hon. Thomas Lochren, Commissioner of Pensions, and later ITnited States District Judge for the district of Minnesota. Dur- ing his residence at Minneapolis, he was secretary for two years of the leading Republican organization of the state, The Union League Club of that city, and took part on the stump during the campaigns of 1890. 1892. 1896. On October 26th, 1893, he was married at Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Miss Mary Adele Kennedy, daughter of Rev. Joel Kennedy and Martha (Stimpson) Kennedy of Ann Arbor, Michigan. At this wedding Charles C. George of Omaha, Nebraska, acted as best man and Miss Elizabeth B. Frost acted as maid of honor. Thos. G. Frost was a member of the state committee of the Young Men's Christian Association of the state of Minnesota from 1890 until his departure for New York in 1898. In 1895. while only 29 years of age, he was elected president of the State Young Men's Christian Association, which position he held until 1898. He was also a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church from 1888 to 1898, teaching continuously in the Sunday school of that church for the greater part of that time. In the fall of 1898, in accordance with the plan formed even before he left the law school, he removed to New York. A year was occu- pied in going back and forth between the two cities of Minneapolis and New York, closing up old business preparatory to taking up new. In the fall of 1899, after spending five months in travel in Europe, he entered the law firm of Holden, Allen, Saflford & Frost, and commenced the practice of law at 141 Broadway, New York City. At this time he was admitted, on motion, to the New York Bar, without examination, on the presentation of the fol- lowing letter, addressed to the Justices of the Appellate Division (1st Dept.) of the Supreme Court of New York, IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 123 by the Hon. William Mitchell of the Supreme Court of Minnesota — than whom no greater judge ever sat upon that exceptionally able bench. This letter read as follows : "To the Justices of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York : "I take pleasure in certifying that Thomas G. Frost, Esq., late of Minneapolis, but now of New York, was from April, 1889, until his recent removal to New York, a member of the bar of this state duly admitted to practice in all its courts including the Supreme Court of which I was then, during all that time, and am still, an associate judge. "During all that time he was continuously engaged in the practice of his profession and frequently as counsel in important cases in this court. I can unhesitatingly say, without qualification, he is a gentleman of unblemished moral character and of the highest standing and reputation, and a lawyer of much more than ordinary ability. He is not only well qualified for admission to the bar of any state, but would, in my judgment, be an honor to the pro- fession anywhere. "WM. MITCHELL, "Associate Justice of the "Minnesota Supreme Court." He continued with the firm of Holden, Allen, Safford & Frost until the spring of 1901, when he removed to 76 William Street, New York City, and took up the practice of law for the first time by himself. In 1890 he wrote and published "The French Constitution, 1793," (A. E. Chasmar & Company, publishers). In 1902 appeared the first edition of his "Treatise on Guaranty Insurance," (Little, Brown & Company, publishers), which was followed in 1904 by his work on the "Incorporation and Organization of Corpora- tions," (Little, Brown & Company, publishers). In 1909 was published his "Treatise on New York Corporations," (Matthew, Bender & Co., publishers). Since 1889 he has been associate editor of the Medico-Legal Journal. During his ten years' residence in New York, he has made three trips to Europe and Africa. On the first of those trips he was accompanied by his wife alone and on the last two by his wife and daughter, Barbara Gold, and his niece, Grace H. Frost. At the present time he is practicing law with How- ard H. Nieman, at 76 William Street, under the firm name of Frost & Nieman. He is a specialist in insurance and 124 THE FROST FAMILY corporation law and is retained by many corporations as their counsel by the year. His summers are spent at his summer cottage, corner of Ocean Avenue and Thirteenth Street, Belmar, New Jersey. The School of Political Science of Columbia University conferred ypon him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1890. In 1904 Knox College conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. Thomas Gold Frost, Jr., has two children. The oldest, Barbara Gold Frost, w^as born at 419 West 118th Street. New York City, on June 9th, 1903. The youngest, Dorothy Dean Frost, was born at 425 West 118th Street, New York City, on March 22nd, 1908. Mary Kennedy Frost, the wife of Thomas Gold Frost, Jr., was born at Howdl, Michigan. She was the daughter of a Presbyterian minister, Rev. Joel Kennedy and Martha Stimson Kennedy, his wife. She graduated from the Western College for Women at Oxford, Ohio, first spend- ing two years preparatory work at Ferry Hall. Lake Forest, Illinois. After spending a year at Wellesley College, she took the degree of A. B. at Knox College in 1901, and the degree of Master of Arts from Columbia LTniversity in 1906. Mary Kennedy Frost is an accomplished musician, having spent many years in musical study and having taken part in many public exhibitions as both piano soloist and as a vocalist. She is possessed of marked literary ability both as a writer of prose and poetry. vShe is a woman of great versatility and is gifted with unusual executive ability. For many years she has taken an acti^^e part in the activities of the Young Women's Christian Association and was chairman of the college committee of the state executive committee of the Young Women's Christian Association in both Minnesota and New York. She is of Scotch ancestry, her great-great-grandfather, John Kennedy, having come from near W^igtown. Scotland, and settled in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, about 1755. His son, John Kennedy (born in Sussex County. New Jersey. May 8th, 1761), emigrated after the Revolutionary War (1789), to St. Anns, Canada. He died there April 12th, 1847. His son, also named John Kennedy, was born in Sussex County, New Jersey, March 4th, 1787. About the year 1812 he married Barbara Dean of St. Anns, Canada. Of this union was born on December 22nd, 1816, Rev. Joel Kennedy, father of Mary Kennedy Frost. Joel Kennedy early emigrated to the United States No. 223— THOMAS G. FROST, JR. SEE PAGE 120. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 125 and graduated at the Western Reserve College in 1841, and from Auburn Theological Seminary in 1843. When the Civil W^ar broke out he enlisted and was appointed chaplain of the Third Michigan Cavalry. After serving six months, he was honorably discharged on ac- count of impaired health. On July 12th, 1864, he was married to Miss Martha Jane Stimson. daugher of Horace Stimson and Cynthia Haines Porter Stimson of Allegan, Michigan. Rev. Joel Kennedy died at Ann Arbor, Michigran, on July 23rd. 1902. THE GOLD GENEALOGY. I. Nathan Gold, Sr. The first American ancestor ])y this name was Major Nathan Gold, who was born at ' Bury St. Edmunds, in Suffolk County, England, about 1620. His parents were persons of wealth and distinction there, where the family had resided from early in the fifteenth century. He came to America in 1647, landing at Milford, Conn! He almost immediately afterwards removed to Fairfield, in that state, v.here he lived the rest of his life. He married Martha Harvey there in 1657. He was the most prominent citizen in Fairfield, and was at the head of the local soldiery in their various battles with the Indians, and comamnded a mounted troop in King Philip's War. He was the leader of the applicants who obtained the new charter for Connecticut from Charles the Second, and when the charter was put in question, was first on the list of citizens sent to confer with the Duke of York. He was so firm in his stand against exactions of Sir Edmund Andres that the latter deemed it best to conciliate him and ever afterwards treated him with the greatest respect. Soon after this, he was appointed Judge of the Common Pleas for the county. In 1671 Major Gold and his dragoons joined the troops which Avere sent to avenge the massacre of Schenectady. He died at a green old age, loved and respected by all."^ on March 4th, 1693. He left surviving him only one child, Nathan Gold, Jr. II. Nathan Gold, Jr. » Nathan Gold, Jr., was born at Fairfield. Connecticut, on December 8th, 1663. He was appointed Deputy-Governor 126 THE FROST FAMILY of Connecticut in 1707, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1712. He died October 3rd, 1723. III. Hezekiah Gold, Sr. Hezekiah Gold, son of Nathan Gold (H), was born at Fairfield, Connecticut, in 1694. He graduated at Harvard College in 1719 and soon after entered the Congregational ministry at Stratford, Connecticut. He married, about 1725, Mary Ruggles, daughter of Rev. Thos. Ruggles. He died April 22nd, 1761. IV. Hezekiah Gold, Jr. Hezekiah Gold, Jr., son of Hezekiah Gold, Sr. (HI), was born at Stratford, Connecticut, January 17th, 1731. He graduated from Yale College in 1751. On November 23rd, 1758, he married Sarah Sedgwick, by whom he had seven children. For thirty-two years he was pastor of the Congregational Church at Cornwall, Conn. He died May 30th, 1790. V. Thomas Ruggles Gold. Thomas Ruggles Gold, fourth son of Hezekiah Gold, Jr. (IV), was born at Cornwall, Connecticut, on November 4th, 1764. He graduated at Yale College in the class of 1786. On September 17th, 1787, he married Sarah Sill, sister of Attorney-General Sill, at Cornwall, Connecticut. Catherine Sedgwick, the writer, was an own cousin of his and often visited at his home. He removed to Whitesboro, Oneida County, N. Y., in 1792. He there took up the practice of law. He was the first Prosecuting Attorney of Oneida County, and was accounted the most brilliant advocate of his day. When King Louis Phillipe was in this country, he was his legal adviser. He was in the State Senate of New York for six years and served his district in Congress for two terms. He was for many years United States Gov- ernment Agent for the Six Nations. Shenandoah and Red Jacket made some of their oft-quoted speeches on that lawn in Whitesboro, under the great elm trees of the beautiful home where he lived. Thomas R. Gold died in Whitesboro on October 25th, 1827, and is buried there in the beautiful village cemetery. VI. Harriet L. Gold. Harriet L. Gold, youngest daughter of Thomas R. Gold (V), was born at Cornwall, Connecticut, July 30th, 1790. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 127 She received a superior education and enjoyed every ad- vantage for the highest culture that the times in which she lived permitted. She removed with her father and mother to Whitesboro, New York, in 1792. In 1813 she was mar- ried at Whitesboro, New York, to Rev. John Frost (33), pastor of the Presbyterian Church in that village. On April 25th, 1813, Thos. R. Gold presented to the young couple, the famous homestead (located immediately oppo- site the Presbyterian Church on the main street of the village), where for nearly eighty years they and theii descendants resided. This house, so long a landmark in the historic village of Whitesboro and so closely identified with the history of our branch of the Frost family, deserves more than a mere passing reference. A broad graveled path led from the street, underneath a beautiful row of elms, to a large front doorway. On each side of this doorway were narrow windows, and an elliptical arch overhead. The hall- way into which it opened was wide and deep and lighted by an oriel window at the head of the stair landing. The parlor which opened ofif the hallway to the left as you entered the house was a spacious room with a large open fireplace. The woodwork of the doorways and in the mantels was very ornamental, being in the Colonial style, decorated with festoons, flowers and figures of Cupid in stucco work. Most of the ornamentation was carved and the stucco work, which was intended to represent carving, was well preserved. The style of decoration was much the same as is found in modern homes, if anything more ornamental. This was especially true of the cornices over the doors. From the parlor a door led to a wide and pleasant veranda, which faced the wing, which wa^ one of the distinguishing features of the house. The dining room back of the parlor also had a large fireplace and mantel, and there was another in the wing bedroom. The kitchen to the rear of the house had a wider fireplace than any of the other rooms, there being a brick-oven at the left side and a broad stone hearth in the front. The windows of the house had paneled backs and sides, while the sashes were furnished with lights of double thick glass, concave in appearance. All the outside doors had their inner sides finished in imitation mahogany. All the doors were fitted with brass knobs. The fireplaces in the parlor and dining room were made to dump their ashes into the cellar, then a most unique arrangement. The upper hall of the house was so large, that it was used by the 128 THE FROST FAMILY Rev. John Frost as a study. From this hallway, a long and dark passageway led to the wing bedroom. The windows of the whole house were supplied with heavy oaken shut- ters, by which means the whole house could be wholly darkened. Such was the historic "Frost Homestead" at Whitesbbro, where the Rev. John Frost, his children and grand-children lived for eighty years. It was torn down shortly after the death of Miss Harriet Frost, in 1888. Thomas R. Gold, Jr., the brother of Harriet Gold Frost, was the author of that famous poem entitled, "Twenty Years Ago, Tom." The latter's grand-daughter is the gifted authoress, Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews. Harriet Gold Frost died at Whitesboro. New York, on August 5th, 1873. THE BANCROFT GENEALOGY. I. John Bancroft. John Bancroft, the progenitor on our mother's side (Elizabeth Anna Bancroft Frost), wife of Thomas G. Frost (87) of our family in America, came from Chellaston Barrow or Swarkston, County of Derby, England. He had two brothers, Thomas and Ralph by name, who remained in England. The first of these, Thomas Bancroft, was the author of a book of poems entitled, "Two Books of Epigrams and Epigraphs" (London, 1639). John Bancroft married in England prior to 1622. The date of his birth is probably 1598. He had two sons and one daughter born to him in England. The oldest son, John, was born in 1622. and the youngest, Thomas, in 1625. John Bancroft came to America in the ship James and arrived at Lynn, Massachusetts, on June 12th, 1632. He brought with him his wife and his two sons, John and Thomas, and his daughter. Anna Bancroft. John Bancroft (1) died at Lynn in 1637. We find from the Lynn records that in 1638, one hundred acres of land were granted to the Widow Bancroft. The widow subsequently remarried and moved to Windsor, Connecticut, probably about 1645. The daughter, Anna, who seems to have been the eldest child, married John Griffin of Simsbury, Con- necticut, in 1647. There also appears to have been another child, younger than either John or Thomas Bancroft. II. John Bancroft. John Bancroft (2) eldest son of John Bancroft (1), was born in England about 1622. His mother and step-father MARGARET KITCHELL FROST. Wife of No. 225, John Edward Frost. SEE PAGES 115 AND 135. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 129 removed to Windsor, Connecticut, about 1645, taking with them the sons, Thomas, John and Samuel, and their daugh- ter Anna. The youngest brother, Thomas, settled at En- field, Connecticut, in 1653. He married Margaret Wright on December 8th, 1653. John Bancroft (2) married at Windsor, Connecticut, in 1650, Hannah Dupre. He died at Windsor, Conneciirut, November 19th, 1662. He died aged 43 years. There survived him five children, John, born 1651; Nathaniel, 1653; Ephraim, 1655; flarriet, 1657; and Sarah, 1660. III. Nathaniel Bancroft. Nathaniel Bancroft, second son of John Bancroft (2), was born at Windsor, Connecticut, in 1653. Nathaniel Ban- croft's uncle, Thomas Bancroft (brother of John Bancroft 11), removed to Westfield in 1667. Probably this accounts for the fact that in 1677 Nathaniel Bancroft also removed there and took up land. In 1680 the uncle moved back to Enfield, Conn., and died there in 1684. But Nathaniel con- tinued to reside at Westfield until his death in 1724. He married Hannah Williams on November 19th, 1676, at Windsor, before his departure for Westfield, and his first child, John Bancroft, was born at Westfield, January 24th, 1678. Nathaniel Bancroft was a large land holder and a very prominent man in the community. He built the first brick dwelling house (still standing) in Hampden County. Massachusetts, at Pogassuck, in 1702. The date of his death is uncertain, but he was living as late as 1724. He left surviving him the following children : John, Nathaniel, Benjamin, Elizabeth and Edward. IV. John Bancroft. John Bancroft, eldest son of Nathaniel Bancroft (HI), was born at Westfield on January 24th, 1678. He died October 14th, 1749. His son, John Bancroft, was born in 1722. He also had children, Edward and Daniel. Married (1) Hannah Bridgman; (2) Kezia Smith. Born 1678, died 1749. age 71. First marriage in 1716. Children: Ann (1717), Edward (1718), John (1722), Elizabeth, Daniel, Desire C, 1738 by second wife. lohn Bancroft died at Westfield, Mass., in 1749. V. John Bancroft. John Bancroft, eldest son of John Bancroft (IV), was born at Westfield, Massacimsetts, in 1722. He married Mary 130 THE FROST FAMILY Ashley. He had only one child, a son, John Bancroft, born July 16th, 1755. John Bancroft (V) died June 27th, 1793. He was known all his life as Captain John Bancroft. During the entire Revolutionary War he was a Tory of the most pronounced type. Before he died he had accumu- lated a large fortune for those times. He has a tablet in the old burying ground on Mechanic Street, Westfield. He married in March, 1750, Mary Ashley. The latter was born May 16th, 1729, and died Feb. 21st, 1779. VI. John Bancroft. John Bancroft, son of John and Elizabeth Bancroft, was born July 16th. 1755, at Westfield, Massachusetts. He married a Miss Holcombe of Westfield, in 1775. The following children were born to them: John (1775), Mary (1776). Hannah (1779), Edward (1783), Mary (1785), Maria (1787), Royal (1789), Elizabeth (1791) and Daniel (1795). John married. James Bancroft of Chicago is his grand- son. Mercy married Roland Taylor; Mrs. Hastings of Westfield is a descendant of this branch of the family. Hannah married a Mr. Sackett who practiced Indian Medicine. Edward married Amanda Lewis of Troy, New York, daughter of Captain Curtiss Lewis, who was buried at sea ofif the Island of Trinidad. Captain Curtiss Lewis married Zeviah Stanley of Ballston, Spa. Zeviah Stanley's mother was a Miss Gray of Ballston, Spa. Mary married Wni. Lyman of Montreal. Maria Ban- croft married Brainard Root of Hartford, Connecticut. Mrs. Quimby of Kansas is a daughter. Royal never married. Elizabeth married Dr. Cotton White. Some of her descendants live at Orange, New Jersey, and at Cleveland, Ohio. Daniel moved to Almont, Michigan, and married there. His descendants are Randolph Bancroft of Romeo, Michi- gan, and Mrs. Elizabeth Spaulding of Almont. John Bancroft died at Westfield, Massachusetts, in 1811, aged 56, while his wife died at Martinsburg, New York, at the home of her son Edward, May 18th, 1813. VII. Edward Bancroft. Edward Bancroft, son of John Bancroft (VI), was born at Westfield, Massachusetts, 1783. He married Amanda Lewis at Troy, New York, in 1807. Children: (1) Amanda, IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 131 (2) Edward, (3) Ezra, (4) Mary. (5) Dewitt, (6) Lewis, (7) Elizabeth Anna. (8) William, (9) John and (10) Charles. He removed in 1806 to Martinsburg, New York, and engaged in business there as a merchant, grist miller and manufacturer of potash. He was town clerk there in 1814 and County Judge of Lewis County, New York, from January 24th, 1823 to 1832. In that year he went to Detroit, Michigan, and engaged there for several years in the dry- goods business. He died at Almont, Michigan, in April, 1842, and is buried there. His wife, Amanda Lewis, died at Galesburg, Illinois, in 1866. The following is a brief sketch of the children of Edward Bancroft : (1) Amanda Bancroft married Judge Alanson Bennett of Rome, New York. The children of this marriage were Louise (married Hon. Thomas Wilson of Winona, Minne- sota), Thomas Edward and Morris Alanson. Thomas Ed- ward Bennett left two children surviving, Allan and Louise. Allan has two children. Louise married to Chas. Wieland. Morris Alanson Bennett never married. Louise Bennett Wilson had one child, Louise, who married Lloyd Bowers of Chicago and had two children, Thomas Wilson and Martha Louise. (2) Edward Bancroft married Mary Ann Mather of Castleton, Vermont. He had four children, Henry, Edward, Emma and Laura. Henry married Virginia Reynolds and lives in West Virginia. They have one child. The other son, Edward, married and had two children, Fred and Jessie. Fred (now deceased) married and has one child. Emma Bancroft married a Mr. Andrews of Boone, Iowa, and had two boys. Laura married a Mr. Norton, but had no children. (3) Ezra Bancroft married Grace Burgess. He had three children, Clinton, Will and Mary. Mary married Mr. Wil- liam Smith of Rutherford, New Jersey, and has four children. (4) Mary Bancroft was first married to Mr. John W. Taylor. They had one child. Mayor Edward Taylor. He served in the Civil War and has five children ; one, the eldest, married to George Papson (Edith) and has a son. Mary married, after the death of Mr. Taylor, a Mr. Wm. C. Cary. The children of this marriage were George, Fred and Walter. George married to Lillie Marks of Imlay City, Michigan. They have two children. Fred married Amv Davenport of Lapeer, Mich. Walter married 132 THE FROST FAMILY Ida Weatherhead of Zumbrota, Minn. They have two children. (5) Dewitt Bancroft married Anna E. Daliba of Rome, New York. The children of this marriage were Susan, Mary and Edward. Susan married Mr. Smith of Blairs- ville, Penn. Has one son, Ralph, and one daughter, Reba Smith. Mary married John C. Rountree of Chicago. Had one daughter, Katie Rountree, now Mrs. Harding. Edward died in the army during the Civil War at the age of 17. Dewitt married for his second wife. Frances Bull of Meriden, Connecticut. The children of this marriage were George and Fannie. George married Miss Georgiana Dewey of Brooklyn, and had one child, Allan Bancroft (married), now residing at Chicago, Illinois. (6) Lewis Bancroft was a sailor on the great lakes. He married Christina Anderson of Buffalo, New York. They had one child, Elizabeth. She married John Reed of Detroit and is now dead. (7) Elizabeth Bancroft married Thomas G. Frost of Rome, New York. (8) William Bancroft married Anna Barker of Ohio. They had children, Harry, Richard and Carroll. Harry married Grace Huntley and has two children, Majorie and Donald. William Bancroft lived most of his life at Port Fluron, Michigan. He was a man of extraordinary ability and energy. Though a lawyer by profession, he early entered and organized and was president of the Chicago and Port Huron Railroad Company, and was active in busi- ness and political life. He built the Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway from Port Huron to Chicago. During President Cleveland's first administration he was Superin- tendent of the Railway Mail Service and was for many years one of the most distinguished men of the state. (9) John Bancroft married Mary Ketcham, daughter of the Major Ketcham of the United States Army. They had the following children : Charles, Frank, Joe and Elizabeth. Charles married, but left no children. Elizabeth is still living and, with Mrs. Ella Hitchcock, is proprietress of the Belmar Inn, at Belmar, N. J. (10) Charles Bancroft married Sarah Gillette of Detroit. Michigan. He lived for a time at Pontiac, Michigan, and is buried there. He left no children. MARY KENNEDY FROST. ^A/■>fe of No. 228, Thorr.as G. Frost. Jr. SEE PAGE 124. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 133 VIII. Elizabeth Anna Bancroft. Elizabeth Anna Bancroft was born at Martinsburg, New York, July 17th, 1823. She married Thomas G. Frost at Rome, New York, on November 18th, 1847. She passed away at the mature age of 82 years at Galesburg, Illinois, October 13th, 1905. LEWIS GENEALOGY. I. Thomas Lewis, born about 1370 in Wales, died in Wales, 1640. II. William Lewis, son of preceding Thomas, was born about 1600 and came to Boston in the ship "Lion" in 1632. Removed in 1636 to Hartford and settled at Farmington, Connecticut, soon after. In 1659 he removed to Hadley, Massachusetts. Was representative from there in 1662 and of Northampton in 1664. Returned in 1677 to Farmington and died there in 1683. III. William Lewis of Farmington, son of the preceding, was born in Wales about 1625. Married in 1664. Had 16 children. Died at Farmington in 1690. IV. Nathaniel Lewis, son of preceding, born at Farm- ington, Connecticut, 1676. Married in 1699, Abigail Ashley of Westfield, Massachusetts. Died at Farmington about 1750. V. John Lewis, son of preceding, born at Farmington, Connecticut, about 1728. Lived at Hatfield, Massachusetts. Served in Revolutionary War. Died about 1790. VI. Curtis Lewis. Born at Hatfield, Massachusetts, in 1750. Married Zeviah Stanley of Ballston Spa, New York, about 1785. Zeviah Stanley's mother was a Miss Gray of Ballston Spa, New York. Curtis Lewis became a sea-captain and died at sea and is buried off the Island of Trinidad. Died about 1815. VII. Amanda Lewis, only child of the foregoing, was born at Lenox, Massachusetts, in 1786. Married Edward Bancroft at Troy, N. "Y., in 1807. Died at Galesburg. Illinois, in 1866. VIII. Elizabeth Bancroft, daughter of Edward Bancroft and Amanda Lewis, born at Martinsburg, New York, on July 17th, 1823. Married Thos. G. Frost, Sr. (87), Nov. 18th, 1847. Died at Galesburg, Illinois, October 13th. 1905. 134 THE FROST FAMILY KITCHELL GENEALOGY. All members of the Kitchell family in America are be- lieved to be descendants of Robert Kitchell, who was born in England in 1604, and sailed from there April 26th, 1639, with a company of Puritan refugees led by Rev. Henry Whitfield, who landed at the Connecticut port of Quinnipiac, now New Haven, and settled at Guilford, Conn. Mr. Robert Kitchell, a gentleman commoner in England, was a man of education, of profound religious convictions and of great strength of character. He was a leader in the Guilford colony, where he resided for some years, and then moved with his family to New Jersey, where he and his son Samuel were among the founders of the city of Newark. He died in 1672. Second Generation. Samuel, oldest son of Robert and Margaret (ShealYe) Kitchell, born in England, 1633, died April 26th, 1690. Third Generation. Abraham, oldest son of Samuel and Grace (Pierson) Kitchell, born at Newark, Dec. 2nd, 1679, died at Whippany, N. J., Dec. 2nd, 1741. Fourth Generation. Joseph, son of Abraham and Sarah (Bruen) Kitchell, born 1710, died March 22nd, 1779, at Hanover Neck, N. J. Fifth Generation. Asa, son of Joseph Kitchell, born Oct. 28th, 1748. Date of marriage and death unknown. Sixth Generation. WicklifT, son of Asa Kitchell, born May 21st, 1789, m. Elizabeth Ross, died at Pana, Illinois, Jan. 2nd, 1869. Seventh Generation. Alfred, oldest son of WicklifT and Elizabeth (Ross) Kitchell, b. March 29th, 1820. Alfred resided at Olney, 111., for twenty years, where he practiced law, was elected to the bench and presided for some years with ability and distinction as judge of the Circuit Court of the Twenty-fifth Judicial District of Illinois. He was widely known as one of the fairest and most upright men who ever dignified the bench and bar of Illinois. He was a member of the Presby- IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 135 terian church, an earnest and consistent Christian and a most lovable man. He removed from Olney in 1865, to Galesburg, Illinois, where he was engaged in general prac- tice of law until his death, Nov. 11th, 1876. He was a trustee of Knox College, and one of the leading citizens of Galesburg. He married Mary J. Clubb of Lawrenceville, 111., who survived him nearly twenty-four years, and died in Topeka, Kansas, April 11th, 1900. The other children of Wicklifif and Elizabeth Kitchell were two sons, who died in boyhood, and five daughters, all dead, and Edward, b. Dec. 21st. 1829 (m. Harriet Clifif), d. July 11th, 1869, a lawyer in Olney, 111.; Lieut. Colonel of Volunteers, three years in the War of the Rebellion, brevet Brigadier General, and, after the war, a Republican candidate for Congress, with the honor of defeat by a small majority in a Democratic district. John Wicklifif, the youngest son, b. May 30th, 1835 ; m. Mary Little, has for many years been engaged in the prac- tice of law at Pana, 111. He is a man of fine character, of wealth and distinction, literary and social culture, of great public spirit and extensive influence. Eighth Generation. Margaret Elizabeth, daughter and only surviving child of Hon. Alfred Kitchell and Mary J. (Clubb) Kitchell, b. Oct. 8th, 1850, at Olney, 111., where she spent her girlhood, removing with her parents to Galesburg, 111., in 1865, where she completed her school life with a course of literary and musical study in Knox Female Seminary, and spent the earlier years of her young womanhood and wifehood there; m. Oct. 10th, 1871, to John E. Frost (see No. 225). then of Galesburg, but since 1883 residing in Topeka, Kansas. Children of Gen. Edward Kitchell. William Wicklifif, living in Topeka, Kan., m. Harriet Burlingame. Bertha, m. Robert Witcher, living in Olney, Ills. Charles Ross, m. Mary Cross, living in Galveston, Texas. SMITH. We know but little of the ancestry of Fannie Smith, wife of (40) Benjamin Franklin Frost, except that her father, Polycarpus Smith, in 1777, served in the Revolutionary War; first as a private in Capt. John Strong's co., of Col. 136 THE FROST FAMILY John Brown's (Berkshire Co.. Mass.) regt., and also in Capt. Wm. Francis's Co. of Col. John Ashley's detachment of militia. He was twice niaried, and the father of eighteen child- ren. He married first, , by whom eight children were born; and (2) Dolly Otis (born 1750, died 1842), by whom ten were born. Children by first wife were: (1) Betsey, who m. Olm- stead ; had children, Betsey, Olive, and Aaron (2) Asenath, m. Tuttle ; one child, Dolly D, (3) Daniel, m. ; children: Jason, Cyrus, Wealthy, Olive, Daniel, Edward, Kingsley, Luke, and Lucy. Lucy was b. Whitestown, N. Y., Aug. 24th, 1806. In 1841 she m. Vincent S. Lovell, settled Elgin, 111., where she d. June 15th. 1894. (4) Abigail, m. Savage; children: Rhoda, Laura. Asenath, Wil- liam, Joel, Gibson, Dolly, Patty, Anson, and Charity. (5) Dolly, m. Pratt; no children. (6) Patience, m. Curtis; chil- dren : Esther, Daniel, Dolly, Rhoda, Betsey who m. Pom- eroy, Lucy who m. Lovejoy, Paul, Olive. Catherine, and LTarmon. (7) Rhoda. m. Kellogg; children: Sophronia, Cassius and Brutus (twins). Powel, and Lewis. (8) Noah, m. ; children : Polly, Patience, Abbey who m. Helton, Ackley, Dolly who m. Smith, and Noah. Children by second wife: (9) Mercy, m. Martin; lived Monroe Co., N. Y. ; children: Caroline, m. Cutler; lived Avon, N. Y., Ralga, Catherine. Maria, Aurelia, and Effie. ( 10) Rufus, m. ; lived and died in Oneida Co., N. Y. ; children. William, Julia, Justin, George, Laura, Mary, and Jason. (11) Justin, m. Maria 3- Lloyd; lived Rochester. N. Y. ; died in Cincinnati, at his son's, Adolphus ; children: Mary who m. Hanna ; Adolphus, m. Sarah E. Smith, lived Indianapolis, removed to Cincinnati, where she died, and he m. (2) wid. Sarah Morse ; Amelia T. who m. July 27, 1840, John H. B. Nowland, merchant; Julia, Fred, and Justinian. (12) Lucy, m. (1) Watters ; two ch., Lewis and Maria; (2) Hall, three ch. : Otis, Charles, and John. (13) Polycarp m. ; lived and died in Oneida Co., N. Y. ; children : Jane, Marietta, Susan, Oscar, Sarah Ann, Ellen, and Jane. (14) Ivizpah, m. John Lewis, son of John Lewis; lived in Oneida Co., N. Y. ; children : Randolph, moved to Neb. ; Smith, m. Mary Ann Hood, lived K'ville, N. Y., had four ch. : Eliza, Rose, Otis, and Charles; Dolly; Truman, m. ; two daughters, Jennie and Alice ; Morgan, lived and d. at Whitesboro, N. Y. ; Mary; George, lived Addison, Mich.; Frederick \\. m. 1856, Emma Burgess ; lived in Albion, THOMAS RUGGLES GOLD. SEE PAGE 126. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 137 K'ville, and Walworth. N. Y., and had two sons, Irving B., Despatch, N. Y., and Dr. Fred A., Auburn, N. Y. (15) Editha, m. Hawkins; lived and died Alexander, N. Y. ; children: Allen, m. Marcia Bottum, dau. of David Bottum ; Warren moved west ; Caroline m. Edward Pierpont, Roch- ester, N. Y. (16) Caroline m. Pratt; lived and died Gaines, N. Y. ; children: Polycarp, m. Sophronia ; lived Gaines, N. Y., had ch. : Dan, Ed, and Charles; Paul, m. Lovica Waters; children: Smith and Jennie; Polly b. June 28, 1820, m. Lyman Hayden ; lived Albion, N. Y. ; ch. : Frank and Faura. (17) Otis, m. ; lived Whitesboro, N. Y ; children : Mark, res. Whitesboro, N. Y. ; Palmer moved to Ohio; Jeanette and Ellen. (18) Fannie Smith, m. Benjamin Franklin Frost. (See No. 40.) BAKER. Elijah Baker, grandfather of Lucy Bottum Frost (wife of [107] S. Allen Frost), married Olive Casson, in Scotch Parish, Windham, Conn., where he enlisted in the Conti- nental Army Jan. 1, 1776. He joined a company of Col. John Durkee's 20th reg. inf. Mustered out at Newtown, Pa. In 1818 he was living at Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y., when he applied for a pension, which was granted. He died in 1829. In 1839 his widow, then 81 years old. made application for a pension, which was also granted and paid until her death in 1849. CHILDREN: Elijah. Kassoii. Lucinda. Lucy. in. Lockwood Lyon. Marcia. m. John S. Buck. Jolin C. Lucinda Baker, daughter of Elijah, married David Bottum. who was born Windham. Conn. He was one of the pioneers in the silk industry of America. Commencing experimentally at Oak Orchard, Orleans Co., N. Y., he corresponded with Richard Rush, Washington, D. C ; from him he received information and books on the subject ; he planted mulberry trees, raised the worms, spun the silk, and established quite a trade in sewing and knitting silk. He died in 1828. His widow continued the business until 1831. when she married Isaac Barross, by whom one child, Richard Rush Barross, was born. Children by the first 138 THE FROST FAMILY husband were: Lucy A., who married (107) S. A. Frost; Sarah L., m. James Rosebrugh ; Emma L., m. Geo. Doty ; Susan M., m. Sheldon Perry, K'ville, N. Y. ; Marcia O., m. Allen Hawkins. GROVER FAMILY. The following records of the Grover family in America are incomplete, but the repetition of certain given names and the location of residences in the different generations is suflficiently illuminating to bridge the missing links in the lineage, and to show, without any probable doubt, that Thomas Grover, who came to Charlestown, Mass., before 1642, was the progenitor of many of the Grovers in America, including Ebenezer Grover, the grandfather of Dr. L. C. Grover. The "Ould Goodwife Grover" referred to may have been the mother of Thomas Grover, but it is more likely that she was unrelated. The records show that she was not his wife. The following is taken from Wyman's History of Charlestown, Mass. : Thomas Grover of Mystic Side (near Charlestown), married Elizabeth , (who in March, 1675, m. Philip Atwood,) ("Ould Goodwife Grover adm. church in Chastwn, Nov. 30, 1643") ; d. Oct. 28, 1661. ISSUE: I. Lazarus, b. Apr. 5, 1642; m. Ruth Adams, dau. of Richard A. II. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 27, 1652; d. Mar. 1674; admin, to Lazarus and Thomas G. III. Thomas, b. Apr. 1, 1653. (1). IV. John, d. a. middle of Feb. 1673-4; at 17; admin, to Lazarus and Thomas G. Thomas Grover married Sarah Chadwick, May 23, 1668, at Maiden, Mass. (Was one of the first settlers of Maiden. See p. 305 Corey's Hist, of Maiden.) Ebenezer Grover, son of Lazarus of Maiden ; b. Sep. 22, 1694; wool-comber; m. Anne Putt; pub. at Lynn, Dec. 17. 1720. ISSUE: I. Ebenezer. II. Jonathan, b. May 16, (bapt. June 16), 1728. III. Anne, b. June 28, 1730. IV. Mary, b. Mar. 10, 1732-3. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 139 Ebenezer Grover, Jr., s. of above Ebenezer, Norwich, Conn. ; m. Sarah Scamon, Oct. 24, 1745, Ebenezer Grover of , Conn., b. about 1747; m. about 1766, Elizabeth Stow^e Faye. He moved early in life from Conn, to Mass.. where he reared his family. Some of his children were born in Conn. He is probably the Ebenezer Grover who was a Rev. soldier from Montague, Mass. CHILDREN: Benoni. Amasa. Elijah. Adam. Martin. Demas. Elisha. Noah. Eve. Benoni Grover, b. Jan. 31, 1767; was brought up a farmer, but at the age of 26, from an accident in a mill, he lost a leg, which disqualified him for farming, and he be- came a tailor. In 1799 he. was living at Deerfield, Mass., where he married, Apr. 26, 1801, Thankful Smith of Shelburne, Mass. (dau. of Deacon Smith) ; soon after their first child was born they moved to Dummerston, Vt. This country proved unattractive, and in 1806 he started out on horseback to find a more desirable location. Oaks Corners town of Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., was the place decided upon, to which place, in 1807 or '08, he removed his wife, four small children, and a sister-in-law. They were about three weeks on the road, using a team of horses, and wagon, into which "were loaded the bureaus, bedding, and the outfit of the house in general, and the family in particular." In 1812 he lost his wife. Thankful, and Apr. 6, 1813, m. Widow Hannah Porter, by whom six children were bom to him. He later removed to K'ville, N. Y., where he pur- chased a small farm and where he died Nov. 2, 1833. Six children were born by each wife. (See Genealogical Hist, of the descendants of Benoni Grover, by I\Irs. Martha Grover.) Dr. Lysander C. Grover, eldest son of Benoni Grover, was born Deerfield. Mass.. Jan. 22, 1802. The family moved first to Vermont, thence to New York, where his boyhood was spent on his father's small farm at Oak's Corners, near Phelps, N. Y. At the age of 19, his health became impaired from over- work, necessitating change of occupation. Securing a teach- 140 THE FROST FAMILY er's ctf., he taught school for two or three years, when he commenced the study of medicine under Dr. James Carter of Geneva, N. Y., where he remained three^ or four years. In the winter of 1827-8, he spent five months attending lectures in New York City. In Jan., 1829, located at Alloway, Wayne Co., N. Y., where Oct. 3, 1831, he married Martha Emily Towar, only daughter of Capt. Henry Towar ("one of 'Old Scotia's' noblest sons, who came from the immediate vicinity of "Alloway's Auld haunted Kirk"). In 1843 he acquired a farm in Alexander, Genesee Co., N. Y., where he moved in 1844; the following winter ex- changed for one in K'ville, where after a time he retired from active practice, but continued to live upon his farm until his death. April 8, 1857, his wife died and Aug. 12, 1858, he married Mrs. Elida Ann (Case) Brown, wid. of Robt. Brown, of Conn. In 1866 he wrote his autobiography, which is an interesting and graphic description of the important events of his earlier life. He died Aug. 4, 1888, respected and honored by all who knew him. He was survived by three daughters: Emily, who m. (112) Har- vey F. Frost; Cecelia, who m. (115) William Henry Frost, and Alice Elvira, who m. Geo. A. Smith of K'ville, N. Y. LUTHER DESCENT. John Luther, One of the first settlers of Taunton. Massachusetts, 1637, and of Gloucester, 1642. Master of a bark sent out by the merchants of Boston to trade in Delaware Bay, where he was massacred by the Indians in 1644. Hezekiah Luther. Born, probably Taunton, 1640; died 1723. One of the earliest settlers of Swansea, Mass., where he participated in King Philip's War. (His older brother Samuel, captured as a boy by the Indians who killed Capt. John Luther, becam'e a member of the Legislature of Plymouth Colony, and second minister of the first Baptist church in Mass.) Hezekiah was married (1) to Elizabeth; (2) to Sarah. Hezekiah Luther. Son of Hezekiah and Sarah, was born in Swansea, 1676; d. 1763. Innkeeper, town clerk, etc. DR. L/SANDER C. GROVER. SEE PAGE 139. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 141 Hezekiah Luther. Son of Hezekiah and Martha Gardner, was born at Swansea, 1728. Hezekiah Luther. Son of Hezekiah and Martha Jolls. was born at Swansea, 1763; d. Sweden, N. Y., 1850. Revolutionary soldier, sea- man, pioneer. Samuel Luther. Son of Hezekiah and Mary Luther (great-great grand- daughter of Samuel Luther, was born in Williamstown, Mass., 1790; d. Sweden. X. Y., 1824. Pioneer of the Genesee country. Ira Manley Luther. Son of Samuel and Lydia Farwell (Lydia Farwell was 6th in descent from Henry of Concord, 1635), was born Sweden, N. Y., 1821 ; died Albion, N. Y., 1890! He was a California n of '49, and a pioneer of Nevada, of whose first legislature he was a member from 1861 to 1862. He married (1) Lucy Winslow Crippen (7th in descent from Kenelm Winslow, Plymouth, 1629) ; (2) Jane, dau. of Hon. Sands Cole. His children by first wife were : CHILDREN: 1st WIFE. Homer Jerome, b. Sacramento, Cal.. Sep. 20. 1856; occ. banker; res. Medina, N. Y. Frank Crippen. b.. Placerville. Cal.. Sep. 27, 1858; died July 7, 1906. Nellie Nevada. CHILDREN: 2nd WIFE. Libbie Cole. b. Knowlesville, N. Y.. Jan. 4. 1869. Mark, Lee, b. Knowlesville, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1872; is the well known author: res. New York. Infant son. b. Sep. 1, 1876: d. Oct. 7. 1876. Jessie Farwell. b. K'ville. Dec. 18, 1877. Ira Manley, Jr.. b. K'ville. Dec. 18. 1879: res. Albion, N. Y. Nellie Nevada Luther. Daughter of Ira M. and Lucy Crippen Luther, was born Virginia City, Nev., Aug. 17. 1860. Her father was a "forty-niner."' and the owner of a large ranch in Nevada at that time. When she was five years old, Mr. Luther, with his wife and three children, came east for a visit. The journey was made from San Francisco by water, except for the short railroad trip across the Isthmus of Panama. 142 THE FROST FAMILY While in the east, Mrs. Luther was taken ill and died very suddenly. As business affairs necessitated Mr. Luther's return to the west, the children were left with relatives at Knowlesville, N. Y. After two years he remarried, and the home was restored in the beautiful old homestead at Knowlesville, where Nellie passed her girlhood. She com- pleted her education at Elmira College. April 28, 1887, she married William G. Frost (see No. 260), also of K'ville, and one of the playmates of her child- hood. They settled in Jersey City, and lived there about four years. In 1892 they moved to the town of Montclair, N. J., one of New York's delightful suburbs, since which time Mrs. Frost has been prominently connected with several of its charitable organizations. She has marked executive ability and for the past seven years has been president of the Women's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A.; is now president of the Montclair Colony of New England Women, which society is supporting a much valued chari- table work ; she has served as governor on the Board of the Mountainside Hospital, and is on the Board of Directors of the Montclair Civic Ass'n. She is much beloved and respected by all of her wide circle of friends, and last, but not least, is an ideal wife and mother, and mistress of one of the most charming homes of the town. HULBURD LINEAGE. William Hulbert sailed from England on the Mary & John, landed at Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 19, 1630; took free- man's oath, 1632 ; remained at Dorchester five years. In 1636, with a colony of sixty people, including the Rev. John Wareham, pastor and teacher, he removed to Windsor, Conn., where he bought and sold lands, later moving to Hartford. In 1648 he married Ann Allen, and in 1655 moved to Northampton, Mass., where his wife died in 1687, and where he died, 1694. William Hulburd (just why the change in spelling the name is uncertain), son of William Hulbert, was born in Hartford, 1654. In 1693 he moved to Enfield, Conn., and married Mary Howard that same year. She died Mar. 17, 1710; he died in 1734. Obadiah Hulburd, sixth son of William and Mary Hul- burd, was born Enfield, Conn., Aug. 8, 1703; he married Jan. 22, 1729, Love Parsons and they had six children. She IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 143 died Apr. 1, 1744, and he married Jan. 4, 1745, (2) Esther Marshfield Colton, b. Mar. 31, 1714, (dau. of Josiah and Margaret Pease Colton), by whom six children were born. He died Nov. 13, 1784. and Esther died May 14. 1795, both at Enfield. Ebenezer Hulburd, son of Obdiah and Esther Hulburd, born Enfield. Sep. 16, 1747; married Mar. 16, 1772, in Suffield, Conn., Mary Sheldon, by whom seven children born. She died in 1786. and he married in 1790, (2) Hannah Parker Hall, wid. of Capt. Hiland Hall, of Norfolk, Conn., (she was dau. of Ephraim and Bethsheba Parker of Walling- ford. Conn.), by whom six children were born; Oren was the third son. Oren Hulburd, born Orwell, Vt.. May 25, 1795 ; married (1) • , by whom four children born. She died and he married, Jan., 1837. at Gaines, N. Y.. (2) Loraine Cum- mings, born Dunstable. Mass.. Nov. 17, 1802; lived on a farm near Medina, N. Y. He died Mar.. 1872; she died Oct. 28, 1889. Oren Cummings Plulburd, b. July 21. 1840; m. Dec. 8, 1863, Mary Singleton, b. Lincolnshire, Eng., Nov. 3. 1842. He died Dec. 28, 1870. Is survived by his widow and two children, Minnie Estella and Hugh Edgard Hulburd, the latter of Cleveland, O. Minnie Estella Hulburd. dau. of Oren and Mary Hul- burd, born Sep. 17, 1864; married Feb. 23, 1886, Edward L. Frost. (See No. 269.) Quiet and retiring by nature, con- tented in her modest home, where domestic duties appeal to her more than those of society, her life is one of untiring devotion to her familv. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY. The surname of Townsend was derived from a noble- man, Lodovic, or Lewis, a Norman surnamed Townsend, who first assumed it in the time of Henry I of England. Of the same family was Viscount Lord Charles Townsend, who participated in the American Revolution. Richard Townsend, with his older brothers. John and Henry, said to have been from County Norfolk, England, settled on Long Island and first appeared at Jamaica in 1656. He died at Susum, near Oyster Bay, L. I., about 1761, leaving ch. : John, Dinah, Leah, Hannah, Deliverance. Mary and Richard. John Townsend m. Phebe, dau. of Robert 144 THE FROST FAMILY Williams ; settled Townsend's Inlet, near Somer's Point, Cape May Co., N. J., about 1680, where he d. Jan. 5, 1721. He was one of His Majesty's Justices and High Sheriff. His ch. were Richard, Robert, Sylvanus and Sarah. Richard Townsend, b. 1681, d. Mar. 30, 1737; m. 1704, Millicent Somers, of Somers Point ; he was also High Sheriff. He had eleven children, of whom Isaac was the fourth. Isaac Townsend, b. 1715, m. Sarah, dau. of John Willets, and had ch. : Isaac, Hannah, Lydia and Mark. Isaac Townsend, b. 1738, d. 1780; m. Keturah, dau. of Joseph Albertson ; had ch. : Josiah, Samuel, Jesse, Isaac, Sarah and Ann. Isaac Townsend, b. 1774, m. 1800, Hannah Ogden (great- granddau. of David Ogden, a Quaker, who came to America with Wm. Penn in 1682), had ch. : Samuel, Isaac, Ann, William, Hannah; Charles and Josiah. Anna E. Townsend, dau. of Charles and Sallie Stratton Townsend, was born Oct. 13, 1857. Her father was a glass manufacturer and State Senator from Port Elizabeth, N. J.; Oct. 20, 1884, she married (254) Dan Frost, since which time they have lived in Toledo, O., New York, and their present residence, "How Kola," Atlantic Highlands, N. J., where she presides with charming grace and hospi- tality in a delightful home. GEORGE HENRY FROST. SEE PAGE 155. PART IV. Derivation and Chronology OF THE NAME FROST SOME DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM FROST BY GEO. H. FROST DERIVATION OF THE NAME FROST: One of those names which, like Snow, Winter, Summer, Rain, Fog, and many others, are derived directly from the elements or physical appearances about us, and how or when first applied as surnames to men remains un- known. Its meaning is just as understood wherever cold, or the efifects of cold, is known. It is purely of northern origin, as shown in the Century Dictionary, Vol. II., p. 2390, as follows : frost, a noun, from Old English frost, forst; from Anglo- Saxon forst cognate with Old Saxon frost; with Old Friesic forst; with Dutch vorst; with Middle Low German vrost; with Old High German frost; Middle High German vrost; German frost; with Icelandic, Swedish, Danish, frost; de- rived from Anglo-Saxon freosan; English freeze; Gothic frius, meaning frost, cold. etc.. etc. The name is still a common one in North Germany bor- dering on the North Sea, and it seems a certainty that the name was taken to England by the Angles who settled on the east and south shores of the island, where the name has been preserved mostly in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex on the east, and in Devonshire and Hampshire on the south. There are now prominent representatives of the name, showing in the west the Welsh descent and in the east their Anglo- Saxon origin. CHRONOLOGY OF MENTION OF FROST NAME. A. D. In Domesday Book Forst held lands 1042-1066 Robto and Waltero FROST, Charters of Gil- bertine Monastery at Sempringham, Lincoln. .1160-1180 Gilbertus Frostenden, Suffolk County 1269 H. R. (Hundred Rolls) of Edward I, frequent mention 1272-1307 John FROST, "enfranchised" as chaplain 1327-1377 Peter FROST, on committee to award land to a college ; he is of the "clerice" 1389 Bartholomew FROST, Mayor of Thetford 1449 148 THE FROST FAMILY Richard FROST, Chaplain, St. Edmundsbury, buys land and house 1506 Joscelyn Percy, fourth son Earl of Northumber- land, married Margaret, daughter of Walter FROST, before 1528 Anthony FROST of Thurlston, Norfolk County, buys land 1 587 John FROST of Glensford, SuiTolk County, mar- ries Christian Netherstret of Clare. . .July 11, 1592 John FROST of Bramfield, Suflfolk County, mar- ries Prudence Cage October 2, 1592 Edward ffrost and Jone Coe, of Bramfield, Suf- folk County, were married October 6, 1594 Rev. John FROST of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk County, married Sarah Winthroppe February 16, 1595 o > r w CO X > ■ ILTON FROST. (1 :e page 161, o ■»4 X > w O > *^ o /d w o - w 2 H O SOME DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM FROST* By GEO. H. FROST The following pages give a partial history of one branch of the family of Edmund Frost, viz., that of Ephraim (6),t born 1646, and who remained in Cambridge with his father. Edmund (1), in the homestead on Kirkland Street. The account is confined to the line of Ebenezer (21), great-grandson of Edmund (1), who disappears from Paige's History of Cambridge, when he moved with his family in 1761 to Rutland, Mass., where this history con- tinues his genealogical record to the ninth generation from the emigrant in one family which emigrated to Vermont, to New York, to Canada, and back to the United States in Illinois, New York, and finally to New Jersey. The history is a meager one, as it seemed most desirable to keep to the simplest details ; repetitions were unavoidable and it is hoped will be pardoned. Ebenezer Frost (21), son of Ebenezer (12) ; grandson of Ephraim (6) ; great-grandson of the emigrant Edmund (1) ; was born in Cambridge, Mass., at the homestead on Kirkland Street, where he lived until he removed, with his father, in 1730, to North Avenue, now Massachusetts Avenue, to an estate purchased by his father from Samuel Cooper. He was baptized in Cambridge August 22, 1725 ; he was married April 21, 1748, to Naomi, daughter of Thomas Dana (10), of Cambridge (baptized January 12, 1729), who bore him four children, whose names were: Ebenezer Frost, bap. February 19, 1749; removed to Norwich, Conn. Mary Frost, bap. February 24. 1751 ; m. March 27, 1783, J. J. Mills of Grafton, Mass. Daniel Frost, b. May 10, 1752; removed to Brattleboro, Vt. *We were fortunate in obtaining this most interesting paper from George H. Frost, of Plainfield, N. J., just as the preceding matter was to be published. tNumbers in this sketch correspond with those in Paige's History of Cambridge, Mass. 150 THE FROST FAMILY Deborah Frost, bap. February 12, 1758; no records. Thomas Dana (10) was a brother of Richard (12), who married Lydia Trowbridge and from whom descended the very distinguished branch of the Dana family still promi- nently represented in the most learned and aristocratic society of Massachusetts. Naomi (Dana) Frost was a first cousin of Edmund Dana (23), who, after graduation from Harvard University in 1759, went to England and became Rector of Wroxeter, and who married Helen, dau. of Lord Kinnaird ; she also bore the same relationship to the more distinguished Francis Dana (24), who became a celebrated lawyer, was Delegate to the Continental Con- gress for five years; was a Presidential Elector in 1789; Ambassador to Russia; and Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Naomi (Dana) Frost died in 1759 or 1760, and on March 18, 1761. Ebenezer Frost married (2d) Ruth Wright of Woburn, Mass., b. July 23, 1732; d. in Rutland, July 20, 1821. The children by her were: Ruth Frost, b. August 8, 1762, m. November 20, 1784, Adonijah Bartlett; Joseph Frost, bap. December 29, 1765, removed to Leicester, Mass.; Jonathan Frost, bap. December 13, 1768, m. Rebecca Miles in 1789; Stephen Frost, bap. April 8, 1770, m. Polly Randall August 5, 1790; Dana Frost, b. January 25, 1773, descend- ants live in New Braintree; James Frost, b. (?), removed to Brattleboro in 1799, and was the father of Charles C. Frost, A. M., born in Brattleboro, East Village, November 11, 1805, and who was by trade a shoemaker, of which he was quite proud, but who at a very early age developed a genius for mathematics, later a love of botany and its allied subjects in natural history, and with these was de- veloped a taste for foreign languages, so that before Mr. Frost had reached even middle life he was accounted one of the most noted scientists of the world. The degree of A. M. was conferred on him by Dartmouth and Middlebury Colleges ; he became a corresponding member of societies for the advancement of learning in the United States, and was elected a member of numerous scientific societies in both America and Europe. He was, however, first, last and all the time, a shoemaker. When asked by the Rev- erend Doctor C. F. Deems, pastor of the "Church of the Strangers" of New York City, on the occasion of a visit, how he could be content to spend his days in his little shoe- shop, with these capabilities and acquirements. "Why," said he, "it is the business of my life. Whatever I have IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 151 acquired of science came in the search of health and mental entertainment. Science is not my profession — shoemaking is." Mr. C. C. Frost married Roxana Sargent, granddaughter of John Sargent, of Fort Dummer, the first English child born in Vermont. By this marriage he had three sons, Charles S., Wells S., and Henry B. S. Frost, and the family is, at present writing, a leading one of Brattleboro. For a very complete history of this celebrated man, see Miss Hemenway's Gazeteer of Vermont and Henry Burnham's Early History of Brattleboro. Ebenezer Frost (21) bought, in December, 1760, a farm of 126 acres in Rutland County, Massachusetts, and, with his second wife, Ruth Wright, and his four children by his first wife, Naomi Dana, he removed thither in March, 1761. He died in Rutland in 1787, leaving his widow, Ruth, and ten children surviving, all of whom are named in his will of May 17, 1787, and recorded in the Registry Office in Worcester. The estate inventoried at £719 18s. 6d., or about $2,400, of which £588 was for real estate. With the departure of Ebenezer Frost (21) from Cam- bridge in 1761, that branch of the Frost family disappears from Paige's History of that city, and its members and its record are to be found only in the Probate and Registry courts of Worcester, Mass., and of Brattleboro, Vt., to- gether with the personal records secured by the writer. Daniel, son of Ebenezer (21) and Naomi (Dana) Frost, and great-great-grandson of Edmund (1), was born May 10, 1752, on North Avenue, now Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge; removed with his father to Rutland, March, 1761 ; married September 30, 1779, at Barre, Mass., Hannah Smith (born June 4, 1747) ; he lived, a farmer, in Brattle- boro, Marlboro, Barre, and Glover, Vt., until his death in the last-named place on April 21, 1833. His name is re- corded incorrectly in Paige's History as ''David" — a dis- tmctly typographical error, which the v/riter has carefully investigated. In his father's will, moreover, he is mentioned as Daniel. The wife, Hannah, also died in Glover. Vt., April 9, 1844, aged 97 years. The children born of this marriage were : Naomi Frost, September 16, 1780; no records. Moses Frost, January 24, 1783 ; no descendants. Daniel Frost, October 7, 1785; numerous descendants, but family almost extinct. 152 THE FROST FAMILY Eber Frost, June 21, 1788; family extinct. Ebenezer Frost, Brattleboro, October 9, 1790. Loring Frost, November 24, 1793 ; family extinct. Hannah I^rost, March 27, 1796; family extinct. The Revolutionary War record of the Frost family is mostly confined to the period of outbreak of hostilities.* Many of them w^ere living in Arlington, on the direct line of march of the British from Boston to Concord, and six- teen members of the Massachusetts Frosts responded to the alarm of April 19, 1775, and presumably did effective service at Lexington, to be followed by temporary terms of service in the vicinity of Boston and also at Ticonderoga, Saratoga and Bennington. The Ephraim Frosts, living in Cambridge and Arlington, very naturally were the prin- cipal representatives of the family, as may be learned from volume VI of lists of Masschusetts Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors. The war record of Daniel Frost is confined to three months and nineteen days, between September 5, 1777, and November 19, 1778, for service largely in Rhode Island. Ebenezer Frost, of the sixth generation from Edmund (1), was born October 9, 1790, in Brattleboro, Vt. He lived in a transition period of American history. The echoes of the Revolution had hardly died away when he was born in the "Wilderness," as Vermont was then desig- nated, and even before it was added to the list of states. His father was a farmer, sometimes scratching the virgin soil of his own small clearing or working on the "clearings" of his neighbors. It was a hard life at the best, without roads except forest trails, and thirty miles to a grist mill. The father had followed the trend of emigration up the river valley from old Rutland to Fort Dummer, now Brattle- boro, and thence after several years of hard scrapping for existence, Avith an increasing family, he nio\'e(l on through the wilderness to the vicinity of the present Montpelier and settled for some years in Barre. It was while here that *"FIRST BLOOD" IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. James Frost, son of Edmund and Thomasine, was born in Cambridge in ]640_i he removed to Rillerica, where his descendants still live. His grandson, William, had a daughter, Elizabeth, born Aug. 31, 1723, who married, Sept. 28, 1744. Nathaniel French, fourth son of Sergeant William French. Nathaniel and his wife, Elizabeth Frost, removed to Vermont before the Revolution and lived in Dummerston and Brattleboro; they had eleven children, one of whom, Williarr^ French, b. Mar. 27, 1753, was the celebrated victim of the Westminster "Massacre" of March 13, 1775, and claimed to be the first martyr to American Independence. A monument erected at Westminster commemorates the event. The story of the tragedy cannot fail to interest members of the Edmund Frost family, which is thus early linked in history with the Revolution. en W M > o a O w H > o o c o ^ to o H o IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 153 the youthful Ebenezer, aged 13, rebelled against the tyranny of an older brother and started out to earn his own living, and although employed in the vicinity of home he never after drew any financial support therefrom. He watched bush fires for his board for a season, helped on farms, and later was apprentice to a blacksmith in Barton. His trade learned, he crossed Lake Champlain at Ticonde- roga, and in the War of 1812, at the age of 22, he was attached to a cavalry regiment as horseshoer, and was present at the battle of Plattsburg, September 11, 1814. At the close of the war he made his way on foot through the Adirondack forests as far as Hopkinton Village, where he settled and at once proceeded to build a trip-hammer shop, the power for which he obtained from a brook traversing the village. A few pieces of old dam, and a large boulder v^fith a square hole in the top used in the shop, still remain, according to a genealogical history of Hopkinton from which these notes are partly compiled. The most of the iron then in use was Swedish wrought-iron in all forms and sizes, but of very short lengths, as large, heavy pieces could not be hauled in. The office of the trip-hammer was to draw these billets out into the required forms and sizes for shoes for horse and ox, as well as for sleighs, tires for wagon wheels, etc. The trip-hammer was the forerunner of the rolling-mill of today. Ebenezer Frost was an enterprising man, and not only ran a shop for himself, but sold hammered iron to other blacksmiths. Apparently the profits were not satisfactory, because in 1820 the young man. now married, moved to Canton, where he continued his trip-hammer business, using two horses for his power and getting his supplies of iron in Ogdensburg. He remained in Canton sixteen years. His first wife died, leaving two children to his care. He married again and two more children were added to his family before some difficulty arising between Silas Wright, later Governor of the State, and him, the nature of which cannot now be learned, decided Frost to move into Canada. With his wife Caroline, four children, two teams of horses with loaded sleighs, and one workman — who lived in Smith's Falls and vicinity until his death, quite recently — he crossed the St. Lawrence River on April 6, 1836, on his way to Hull, opposite the present city of Ottawa. After trying his luck amid the most adverse circumstances in that settlement and at Hawkesbury, lower down the river, where the writer of this sketch was added to his other 154 THE FROST FAMILY anxieties, a move was made to the small settlement of Smith's Falls in the spring of 1839, and there, almost at the age of 50, without money, credit or friends, he sat down for good, determined to win or die, and where he did both win and die. The Rideau Canal, a slack-water canal for steamboats between the Ottawa River at Ottawa (then Bytown) and Lake Ontario at Kingston, had just been completed by the British Government as a military highway, and a settlement of some 400 people had occupied the clearing surrounding the water-power called Smith's Falls, from the original grantee. It was largely a community of United Empire Loyalists (U. E. L.), or Americans who had adhered to the Crown in 1776 and had been driven from their homes in New England and New York to occupy lands granted by the British Government. The coming of Yankees to live and trade in their midst was not looked upon very kindly, and hence for a few years Ebenezer Frost and his growing family knew what it was to be strangers in a strange land. But the Frost spirit never knows defeat, and by his industry, perseverance, square dealing and unconquerable spirit, the Yankee emigrant won his way to the confidence and good will of his neighbors and proved the greatest factor in the upbuilding of the town that it has ever had — unless possibly the coming of the Canadian Pacific Railway shares the distinction. Ebenezer Frost married (1) Clarissa Chandler, of Law- rence, St. Lawrence County, New York, April 28, 1817; she was born March 28, 1799, at Lebanon, N. H., and was a daughter of Abijah Chandler, one of the original pioneers of St. Lawrence County, arriving there in the fall of 1806; she died in Canton, N. Y., June 24. 1831. The children of this marriage were : Elvira Frost, b. September 6, 1821, in Canton, N. Y. ; m. Russell W. Bartlett of Smith's Falls, Ontario, December 4, 1844; had three children, all of whom died in infancy. R. W. Bartlett was born in Rome, N. Y., August 5, 1816, and died in Smith's Falls, August 10, 1906; he came to Canada with his father in 1831. Elvira (Frost) Bartlett died in Smith's Falls November 23, 1908. James Trussell Frost, b. Canton, N. Y., December 2, 1828; came to Smith's Falls with his father, Ebenezer, in 1839; m. Jeannette Clark Stinson in Ogdensburg, N. Y., May 28, 1858; d. at Smith's Falls February 6, 1865; she d. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 155 April 28, 1868. Three children survived and are now all living in Smith's Falls. They are: Helen Elvira Frost, b. February 18, 1859; m. George F. McKim, January 30, 1889; have four children. Mr. Mc- Kim is proprietor and editor of the semi-weekly paper, "Rideau Record," and has been councilman and mayor of Smith's Falls, besides holding other official positions. He v^as the most influential factor in securing a handsome Carnegie Library Building for the town of Smith's Falls; is a very active member of the Methodist Church ; is an enthusiastic Liberal in politics, and is interested in several local industries. Caroline Lydia Frost, b. January 15. 1861. James Edwin Frost, b. July 15, 1863; m. Laura O. Meighen, of Perth, Ontario, June 12, 1900. He is engaged in the manufacture of malleable iron castings. Ebenezer Frost m. (2d) Caroline Harwood (b. in Ben- nington, Vt., April 20, 1806,) at Lawrence, St. Lawrence County. N. Y., October 24, 1831. The children by this marriage were : Clarissa Harwood Frost, b. at Canton, N. Y., July 29, 1832; unmarried. Lives in Smith's Falls. Edwin Lewis Frost, b. Canton, July 30, 1834; d. January 31, 1852. George Henry Frost, b. West Hawkesbury, Ont., July 9, 1838. Charles Beriah Frost, b. Smith's Falls, Ont., August 26, 1840; d. Smith's Falls, Ont., April 20, 1909. Francis Theodore Frost, b. Smith's Falls, December 21, 1843. William Henry Frost, b. Smith's Falls, November 10, 1847. Ebenezer Frost, the father, d. in Smith's Falls, January 26, 1863; Caroline (Harwood) Frost died September 18, 1879. The Harwood (Harvard, Harrod, Hereward,) family was of English origin. Nathaniel, the emigrant, was born there sbout 1641, and his wife, Elizabeth, about 1643. They were of Boston in 1665 ; removed to Concord, where he d. Febru- ary 7, 1716, and she d. April 25, 1715. There were five children, all born in Concord, Mass. The third son, Peter, b. January 12, 1671, m. Mary Fox, of Concord, November 7, 1700; they removed to Littleton, Mass., where he d. in 1740. They had seven children: Benjamin, b. April 30, 156 THE FROST FAMILY 1713, m. Bridget IJrown (b. April 20, 1715, in Concord,) May, 1733; they removed to Hardwick, thence to Amherst, Mass., where he d. August 19, 1758. The widow, with seven sons and fourteen others, making a party of twenty- two, removed from Hardwick and were the first settlers in Bennington. Vt., arriving June 18, 1761 ; of these seven sons, Peter, the eldest, b. July 14, 1735, in Concord, m. Margaret Clark of Colerain, Mass. (b. July 8, 1740), daugh- ter of Matthew, January 9, 1759; they had ten children, the second, Benjamin, b. January 12, 1762, being the first child born in Bennington; and from the eight surviving children have descended the numerous families of Harwoods with their intermarriages now existent principally in Ver- mont and western Massachusetts. The seventh son. lonas (b. July 24, 1772), m. in 1797, Phoebe (b. 1777), daughter of Noah Dodge, of Bennington, and in 1807 removed, with b.is wife and four children (all girls, b. in Bennington), to Hopkinton, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., where two more children were born, and where the wife, Phoebe, d. in 1811. He m. September, 1822, Mrs. Sarah Stillwell, and removed to Parkman, Ohio, where he d. in 1837. He was one of the original settlers of Hopkinton when the hardest of hard times was the rule in that region. Of the six surviving children, Caroline, b. in Bennington April 7, 1806, remained ir. Hopkinton and became the second wife of Ebenezer Frost, October 24, 1831, removing to Canton and in 1836 to Canada, and settling in Smith's Falls in 1839. GEORGE HENRY FROST. George Henry Frost, of the seventh generation from Edmund (IJ, was born in West Hawkesbury, County of Prescott, Ontario, then called Upper Canada, July 9, 1838; removed with his father to Smith's Falls in 1839, where he lived until July, 1863, when he removed to Chicago, 111., where, with the exception of several months in 1864 spent in St. Louis, Mo., he lived until December 3, 1878, when he arrived in New York, where he lived continuously until June, 1886, removing thence with his family to his present place of residence, Plainfield, New Jerse3^ with business offices in New York City. George H. Frost was educated in the village schools of Smith's Falls ; in 1854 and 1855 he was a pupil for three terms at an academy in Glover, Vt. ; on his return to Smith's Falls in 1855, he taught for four months in the CHARLES BERIAH FROST. Died April 20, 1909. SEE PAGE 163. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 157 village school, where he had been a pupil, to fill out the term of a retiring assistant teacher, and then prepared, with his pastor, to enter McGill University, Montreal, graduating therefrom, with the degree of Civil Engineer, in 1860, and being now one of the very small number of "oldest gradu- ates" of the class of that year. The instruction in civil engineering in McGill University of these early years was decidedly meager; the classes in mathematics and natural history, under such able men as Professor Alexander John- son, still living, and the very justly celebrated Sir William Dawson — dead many years ago — saved the situation, and in the case of the student Frost were the controlling event of his life and the basis of a career which, though not re- markable, has met with fair success. After graduation from college, an "apprenticeship" to a licensed land surveyor was effected, and in January, 1863, the Diploma of Provincial Land Surveyor was conferred upon him after the necessary examination before a Board of Examiners in Toronto. The young civil engineer was now duly empowered to practise the art of land surveying" in Upper Canada, and he opened an office in Smith's Falls. But his father, Ebenezer Frost, had died a few days after his return from Toronto ; a few months of practice among the farmers of the vicinity was not encouraging, and so he bade farewell to village life and his old home in the Cana- dian clearing", and in the closing week of August, 1863, ar- rived in the Mecca of young adventurers — the already far- famed city by the lake — Chicago, at that time a great sprawling village of 150,000 inhabitants. The Civil War was at its greatest activity, and everywhere was dirt and turmoil. There were few paved streets, and the labor of climbing over the innumerable levels of the wooden side- walks was most fatiguing; crime was rampant and the safest place after dark was within one's home. There was a constant tramp of armed men passing between railway stations on the Avay to or from the battlefields of the South, and home on furloughs or expiration of service. It was all very exciting and interesting to a youth from a Canadian backwoods settlement, just taking his first peep at the great world "over the border." of which he had read and heard so much in past years. Strange to say, the second person lo whom the young man was introduced in the turbulent city was the noted evangelist. Donald G. Moody, of the Church Militant, and 158 THE FROST FAMILY with whom an acquaintance was maintained for several years, until amid the mutual activities of each life they drifted far apart and out of ken. To recount the experi- ences of these early days in Chicago is to lapse inevitably into the reminiscent, which is hardly the purpose of this brief memoir. Within a week of arrival in Chicago, employment as a rodman on a railway survey in Wisconsin by the Chicago &; Northwestern Railway Company was secured, and, with the exception of the summer of 186^1 — April to October — spent in an architect's office in St. Louis, the next three years were spent in the service of that company ; the next ten were devoted to the active work of a civil engineer and surveyor in private practice in the fast growing city. It was slavish work, but, although rewarded with more than the average success of the profession at that time, was not sufficiently promising of future competence to tempt to permanence therein. Previous to leaving Canada, Mr. Frost had branched out into journalism, in the shape of a small monthly devoted mainly to real estate exploitation ; this served merely as a straw to show the direction of his inclination, and hence, in Chicago, the fact that not even a single journal in the interests of civil engineering was existent in the whole country, turned his attention from the hard-earned bread- and-butter feature of a surveyor's life to the precarious possibilities of a blind leap into an unknown and hitherto unexploited field. And so in April, 1874, amid the years of panic and pov- erty and disaster, succeeding the year of the great fire of 1871, the first number of the first American civil engineering journal was launched in Chicago. There was no money with which to lubricate the ways ; even money with which to pay the postage. $30, on the first issue, had to be bor^ rowed; the one assistant had to be dismissed before the second issue was pul^lished ; possible subscribers were like the proverbial "angels' visits," and advertisements were con- spicuous by their absence. However and "somehow," the thing "went ;" the most ingenious methods of making "one hand wash the other" were employed ; it was long hours of labor, both of day and night ; but through it all credit was maintained, and paper dealers and printers were generous, and finally the struggling craft found itself in reasonably smooth sailing, over which seas it has since navigated with IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 159 ever-increasing leeway from, the rocks and shoals of bank- ruptcy which for so many of its early years threatened its frail existence. "Engineering News" has never missed an issue "on time" from the day of its birth ; it has never contracted a single debt, small or large, which it has not paid ; its employes are now over one hundred in number, and their salaries or wages are at the top notch in their various grades ; three or four considerable fortunes have been taken out by retiring partners, and after these thirty- five years of varying fortune the original founder is still in control as sole owner of what is acknowledged to be the loading civil engineering weekly of the entire world. Its history is a romance and is so interwoven with the life of the writer that they are practically inseparable. It is not, however, the purpose of this little book on genealogy to fill its pages with such a history. A chief lesson of such a history is, however, that there is in the Frost character, from Edmund Frost to date, an indomitable spirit of indus- try, a simple but unimpeachable honesty in all dealings and, apparently, utter ignorance of the hour of defeat. The writer has studied the generations of Frosts for three hun- dred years, and in all the branches descended from the emigrant Edmund the same qualities of industry, honesty, perseverance, and, very largely, of simple piety, have been dominant notes in their quiet and uneventful lives. George H. Frost m., in Chicago, December 3. 1868, Louisa (b. August 29, 1839, in New York City), daughter of Edwin and Sophia Hunt, both of Liverpool, England, then of New York, and later of Chicago. The children of this marriage are: Charles Hamilton Frost, b. February 22, 1870, in Chi- cago. Harwood Frost, b. February 15, 1872, in Smith's Falls, Ontario, his mother having moved there at time of great fire in Chicago, October, 1871. Edwin Hunt Frost, b. July 23, 1874, in Chicago. Frances Willoughby Frost, b. March 23, 1876, in Chicago. In the summer of 1876 the pressure of "hard times" rendered the removal of the family of mother and four young boys to the hospitable home in Canada a necessity, leaving the breadwinner of the family to buck against Chicago conditions unhampered by family anxieties. By 1878 it became apparent that only in one American city were the conditions favorable to publishing an engineering 160 THE FROST FAMILY journal, and in the first week of January, 1879, Engineering News was issued from its New York office in the Tribune Building. It may be interesting to note here that its owner left Chicago on December 1. 1878, after a little over fifteen years at hard labor in that enterprising city, with a ticket over the Grand Trunk Railway to New York, $35 in pocket, and two valises in hand; borrowing $500 in Smith's Falls on the way, he opened his bank account with that sum a few days later in the metropolis. Benjamin Franklin wheel- ing his papers to the post-office has been well exploited in history ; the publisher of Engineering News didn't even wheel his product — he "backed" it for a year or more to the ofifice in Chicago. At the present writing the weekly issue requires nearly eight tons of paper. Success was so snfTficiently assured by July, 1881, that the family was removed to New York, where boarding- house life, with its summer vacations, was endured until June, 1886, when housekeeping was resumed in Plainfield, New Jersey, and where the entire family has been domiciled ever since, with only occasional absences in travel. Europe — once extended to Egypt and the Upper Nile — has been visited six times, the Pacific Coast twice, and nearly every state in the Union; the sons and their wives have all en- joyed European travel, one of them, Harwood, having been in business in London, England, for several years, and the youngest. Francis, besides European travel, having been a member of the party of the then Secretary Taft to the Philippines, when Alice Roosevelt was of the party also ; he, however, left the Miss Roosevelt party in Pekin and journeyed to the Great Wall, in company with a Cincinnati friend, and with whom he continued on around the globe making nine months' absence from home. George H. Frost in early life became a member of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, and is now a member of the Crescent Avenue Church (Presbyterian) of Plainfield ; like his father, Ebenezer, he is a Republican in politics, becoming a naturalized citizen of the United States as soon as possible after his arrival in 1863; he was a member of the Plainfield Common Council for five years, the only political office he has held, and is now practically retired from active business, although keeping in close touch with his several interests, one of which being the large manufactory of The Frost & Wood Company in Canada, of which, through the death of his brother Charles in April, FRANCIS T. FROST. SEE PAGE 164. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 161 1909, he became a large stockholder. He is also an Associate of the American Society of Civil Engineers; is a member of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers ; honorary member of Engineering Associations in several states of the Union, member of the Historical Genealogical Society, Boston. Charles Hamilton Frost, eighth generation from Ed- mund, was educated in a primary school in Smith's Falls, Canada; in a public school. New York City; a military school for boys in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; at St. Johnsbury Academy, Vt. ; High School. Plainfield, N. J., and Yale University, Xew Haven, Conn., from which last institution he graduated in the class of 1892. He spent some months as assistant to contractors on the railroad tunnel under the city of Baltimore, and later as assistant superintendent on a contract sectio n of the Chicago drainage canal. He later entered the service of The Frost & Wood Company in Smith's Falls. On June 26, 1896, he married Marian Ger- trude Hemming, of Drummondville, Province of Quebec, by whom he has three children, all living at present. In October, 1904, he resigned from his place as manager of the Publicity Department of The Frost & Wood Company, to assume the sole management of the Plainfield Daily Courier- News, purchased in July previous purposely to bring him and his family to New Jersey. The Daily Courier-News is the consolidation by purchase of two small dailies, and in 1904, when George H. Frost became the sole owner, it was fifteen years old. Under the management of Charles H. Frost it has grown from a small eight-page paper to a ten or twelve-page paper of same size of metropolitan journals ; the small plant of 1904 has been replaced by one of the costliest and best in the state of New Jersey, and it will be installed in its own building in March, 1910. one of the model printing outfits of the country. It is considered one of the staunchest Republican journals of New Jersey. Harwood Frost, eighth generation, b. in Canada, was educated in the schools of Smith's Falls, Poughkeepsie and Plainfield ; he graduated after a four years' course in Lehigh University, Bethlehem, with the degree of Mechanical Engi- neer. Later he entered the service of The Frost & Wood Company, manufacturers of agricultural implements, and represented that firm as manager of their exhibit, at the Glasgow (Scotland) Exhibition; following that service, an office and warehouse was opened by the comtiany in Lon- don, England, which is still maintained by The Frost & 162 THE FROST FAMILY Wood Company as their central office for a large and growing foreign trade in their machinery. Harwood Frost, however, after six years as manager for the company in England, returned in 1904 to New York to enter the service of the Engineering News Publishing Company, of which he is the secretary, and also manager of the Book Publishing Department. He married in Chicago, 111., October 8, 1903, Evelyn Newton Lynas (b. June 13, 1880), daughter of Thomas R. Lynas, manager for Illinois and Wisconsin of the Etna Life Insurance Company. They live in Plainfield, N.J. Edwin Hunt Frost, eighth generation, was born in Chi- cago August 23. 1874; was educated in a private school in New York City, in the public school, and in a private academy of Plainfield ; entered the service of Engineering News in 1889, where he spent fifteen years, until failing health compelled him to seek out-of-door occupation. After two seasons of travel in Europe and at home, he bought a farm in the Litchfield Hills, Connecticut, where he and his wife live from April to November. He has become an enthusiastic farmer, and has not yet had occasion to regret his investment. He m. October 8, 1902, at Yonkers, N. Y., Sarah Marguerite (b. October 8, 1876). daughter of Hon- orable Gilbert Hilton Scribner. former Secretary of State of New York and president of the Belt Line Street Railroad of New York. Mr. Scribner was a successful lawyer, but retired from active practice of his profession many years ago. Both he and his wife are still living in Yonkers ; they have been wide travelers in Europe and Africa, remaining with their children abroad one period of six years. Margue- rite (Scribner) Frost is not only a clever artist, but has marked ability as a poet and story writer. Francis Willoughby Frost, eighth generation, was b. in Chicago March 23, 1876, and was educated in same schools with his brother Edwin FI. He also early in life commenced his business life in the accounting department of Engineering News, where, with the exception of vaca- tions spent in Europe and one trip to the Philippines in the party of Secretary Taft and thence making the circuit of the globe, he has since been actively employed. He is at present writing (1909) treasurer and auditor of the Engi- neering News Publishing Company, at 220 Broadway, New York. He married. October 20, 1907, Alice Birney (b. December 14, 1881). daughter of Frank E. Blackwell, a New IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 163 York lawyer; of this marriage one child, a son, was born June 29, 1909. The parents live at 1011 Madison Avenue, Plainfield. N. J. CHARLES BERIAH FROST. Charles Beriah Frost, of the seventh generation, the son of Ebenezer Frost and Caroline Harwood, was born in Smith's Falls, August 5, 1840. He was educated in the public and grammar schools of his native town, but while yet a boy he entered the service of Frost & Wood and in the development and management of that business he spent his entire life until its sudden ending, April 20, 1909. Soon after the death of his father in 1863, he and his brother Francis formed a new partnership with the surviving part- ner, Alexander Wood, which arrangement continued to the retirement of Mr. Wood in 1885, when the business was continued under the same name but by the two brothers as sole partners, until January 1, 1899, when it was incor- porated under the name of The Frost & Wood Company, Ltd., by which name it is now known, and of which Charles B. Frost was president until he resigned in 1909 on account of failing health. Charles B. Frost had practically no other interest in life than the promotion of this business. When his father died the business of manufacturing agricultural machinery was yet in its infancy, and in the small foundry of that time hand work was mainly depended upon to pro- duce the limited output. Through years of costly experi- ment, through serious losses by fire, by financial panics, by crop failures, the days of small things widened out into larger ventures until the present, when the factory is the third largest of its kind in the Dominion, employing 500 men, and having agencies in the principal cities of Canada, besides a branch in London, England, to direct its foreign trade. In all this growth Mr. Frost was a chief factor. From the beginning he knew every detail ; he gave to it all his time, his energy, his thought ; he was proud of it, proud of its good name, proud of its growth, and proud of what it had done and was doing for his native town. Mr. Frost was of a retiring and quiet disposition. He was induced to serve for a term as a Councilman, but, while always keenly interested in the political welfare of his native town and of the country at large, yet he could not be induced to accept public office. He was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, to which he gave liberally as well as to all local charities and institutions. 164 THE FROST FAMILY As the Toronto "Globe" of August 4, 1906, phrases it: "He is justly entitled, by length of time and things actually accomplished, to be styled the Premier of the Captains of Canadian Industry." In business circles throughout Canada and the United States he was known as one "whose word was as good as his bond," and in his passing away his native town lost a good citizen and an enterprising manu- facturer. Charles B. Frost, October 3, 1878, married Emily Palmer, daughter of George P. Harwood, of Bennington. Vt. She was born, February, 1847, and died December 3. 1893. No children were born to this marriage. HONORABLE FRANCIS T. FROST. Honorable Francis T. Frost, seventh generation, son of Ebenezer Frost and Caroline Harwood, was born in Smith's Falls. Ont., on the 21st of December, 1843, and has lived there all his life. In gradu- ating from the common and grammar schools of his native village, he was sent, at the age of thirteen, to Ver- mont, where he spent one year in a select school, and three years later spent another year at St. Lawrence Academy, Potsdam, N. Y. At the age of seventeen he entered the busi- ness of The Frost & Wood Company as clerk, and in 1867 became a partner. In 1899 when the business was converted into a joint stock company he was elected as vice-presi- dent, which position he held until March, 1909, when he became president on the resignation of his brother, Charles. He became interested in municipal affairs, and was elected Reeve of the village of Smith's Falls in 1876 and was reelected for seven years, while as representative of the county he became Warden of the County Council in 1878, and was reelected for a second term in 1879. In 1883, upon the changing of the village into a town, he became the first mayor. In Dominion politics he also took a great in- terest, and was always prominent at election times in the interests of his party. In June, 1896. he was elected for the House of Commons as member for North Leeds and Gren- ville, which position he retained until November, 1900. In March, 1903, he was called by the Crown to the Senate, and remains member of that branch of the Dominion Parlia- ment during his life time. On the 3rd of June, 1868, he married Miss Maria E. Powell, of Madrid, N. Y. Mrs. Frost has always been identified with works of charity and benevolence, and is a good worker in her MARIA POWELL FROST. Wife ot Francis T. Frost. IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA 165 church. For many years she has taught the primary class in Sunday school. Five years ago she was elected treasurer of the National Council of Women of Canada, which she has held continuously, being again reelected in June of the pres- ent 3''ear. 1909, in Toronto while attending the Ouin(|uennial Congress of the International Council of Women held in that city. Mrs. Frost has always been noted for her social qualifications, whether at home in Smith's Falls or when residing with her husband while in attendance on his Par- liamentary duties at the Capital. Both are members of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Mr. Frost being a member of session of that congregation for over thirty years. Mr. Frost is a Liberal in politics and a supporter of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. WILLIAM H. FROST. William H. Frost, seventh generation, son of Ebenezer Frost and Caroline Harwood, was born in Smith's Falls, Ont., on the 10th of November, 1847, was educated at the common and high schools of the village, and the St. Lawrence Academy, Potsdam, N. Y. After spending some years in Chicago as a hardware clerk he returned to Smith's Falls, and in 1878 commenced the manufacture of malleable iron in which he has been very successful, being the proprietor of two fac- tories with a capacity of 7,000 tons, and employing 300 men. In 1877 he married Fannie Burton, daughter of Judge Bur- ton of Manchester, Vermont, and has a family of two daughters and three sons. He is president of the Smith's Falls Electric Light & Power Co., owned principally by the Frost families. He has always taken an interest in munici- pal matters, and has been elected several times mayor of the town. In business as well as public affairs he has always shown a progressive spirit, and stands for every- thing that makes for the progress and advancement of his town and country. His children were : Clarissa Adaline, b. July 27, 1878; m. Frederick C. Clayton of Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18, 1900; they live in New York City where Mr. Clayton is engaged with the Library Bureau in the manu- facture of bank furniture. Laura Agnes, b. May 2, 1881. Burton Hunt, b. Oct. 28, 1883. Ebenezer Theodore, b. Feb. 5, 1885. George Bartlett, b. Feb. 9, 1890. INDEX OF PLATES AND NAMES WILLIAM HENRY FROST. Smith's Falls, Ont. SEE PAGE les. INDEX OF PLATES No. 26 — Deacon John Frost. . Frontispiece on -D K • , T- Following Page 20 — Rev. Amanah Frost . 36— Nathan Frost i 99— Nathan Richards Frost V. ° 40 — Benjamin Franklin Frost .' , , Fannie Smith Frost ... \~ Richards Hurd \% 43 — Sophia Frost Hurd '....'. i% 58 — Nelson Arnasa Frost ... ,^j Mercy Fuller Frost ... . \%^ 158— Rev. Levvis P. Frost and wife Maria 'Goodeli ' Frost! ! ! S^d ■'0 — Russell Frost .^ 94— Caleb Allen Frost ^Ji 245— Russell Frost ^5 436— Russell Frost, Jr. ^^ 107— S. A. Frost. "(1844.) :.■;.■.' j^ Lucy B. Frost. (1844.) Vi 107— S. A. Frost. (1885.).... f^ Lucy B. Frost. (1885.) 1" 112— Harvey F. Frost ^2 Emily Grover Frost 1^ John Howe JJ 114— Mary L. Frost Howe ...■.' '. ;° lis— William Henry Frost .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .' c^ Cecelia Grover Frost ct 138— Eugene B. Frost \i 144— Josiah B. Frost 1° 250— James M . Frost \° 439— Richard M. Frost °S 441— Franklin M. Frost ^^ 253- Caroline Frost Meigs °" 255— Allenette Frost .... ^A 254— Dan Frost. {\9Q9.) ....'.'.'.'. '. '.'.'. WW. \\ °; Anna Townsend Frost. (1909.) 5q 260— William George Frost. (1909.) .."..".'.' ?9 Nellie Luther Frost. (1909.)... 70 261 — Harry Smith Frost. (1909.) ii Emma Hays Frost. ( 1 909. ) 7? 269— Edward L. Frost and Family. (1905.). on 466— Allen Hugh Frost. (1909.).... 04 467— Carl Grover Frost. (1909.) . . . %. 270 — Mary E. Frost Anderson. (1900.). 291 — George Edward Frost ... 302 — Rev. George C. Frost . 88 92 96 338 — Uev. Lewis C. Frost 1 nn 340— Nelson A. Frost }°" 341 — Rev. Willard J. Frost V.V. inn 337— Rev. William Goodell Frost nn 311— Edward I. Frost "^ 313— Rev. Henry W. Frost ;::.';;; 04 Children of No. ,^3, Rev. Henry W. and Aljbie G.' Frost! .' 108 33 — Kev. John Frost ,;, 87- Thomas Gold Frost, Sr '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 116 Elizabeth Bancroft Frost , , ^ 225— John Edward Frost ,„ 228— Thomas G. Frost, Tr '.'.'.V.V. \ii Margaret I-Citchell Frost !'.'.!! ,5o Mary Kennedy Frost V \ hI Thomas Rnggles Gold 136 Dr. Lysander C. Grover . . . V. 140 George Henry Frost V 1 44 Charles Hamilton Frost. (1907.) 140 Harwood Frost. (1904.) }>o Edwin Hunt Frost \\% Francis Willoughby Frost. ( 1907.) V.VV.VV... 1 S9 Charles Beriah Frost yV^ Francis T. Frost ^^ Maria Powell Frost ,Vl William Henry Frost ■■ INDEX OF NAMES^ Adams, Ruth, 138. Aiken, Mr., 113. Albright, Jacob, 61. Alden, John and Priscilla, 96, 98. Alcock, Mr., 52. Allen, A. J., 73; Ann, 142; Caleb, 62; Louisa, 62; Submit, 61. Ames. Cora, 79; Paul K., 121. Anderson, Alfred, 93; Alfred E., 94; Alice Cecelia, 94; Christina, 132; Nancy, 83. Andrew, Rebecca, 55; Thomas, 55; Wm., 54. Andrews, Anna, 103 ; Mary Raymond Shipman, 128; Sarah Jane, 80. Ashley, Abigail, 133; Mary, 130. Atwood, Rev. Fred S., 105. Ayre, Nellie M., 82. B Backus, Rev. Axel, 113. Badger, Diantha, 69. Bailey, Elizabeth, 32b; Mary L., 95. Baker, Agnes, 70; Beatrice, 104; Elijah, 137; Ethel, 104; Dr. Everett M., 103; Graham H., 104; Harold J., 104; John C, 137; Kasson, 137; Lucinda, l.'!7; Lucy, 137; Marcia, 137; Ralph A., 104. Bell, Francis L., 97. Bancroft, Elizabeth A., 115, 128, 132, 133. Bancroft Genealogy, 128-133. Bancroft, Roger, 49. Banks, Gen., 72. Barber, Jeremy, 49. Barker, Anna, 132. Barnes, Carrie L., 105 ; Clarence, 103. Barringer, Horace, 86. Barross, Isaac, 137; Richard Rush, 137. Barry, Samuel, 68. Bartlett, Adonijah, 150; Russell W., !54. Bennett, Allan, 131; Claudia, 96; Judge Alanson, 131 ; Louise, 131 ; Morris A., 131; Thos. E., 131; Sylvia, 61. Bentley, Polly, 66. Bidleman. Cornelia E., 81. Bixby, 102, 109. Blackwell, 162. Blodgett, Thomas, 48. Boehmer, Emma, 105. Bostock, Capt., 44, 47. Bottum, David, 137; Emma L., 137; Lucv A., 74, 138; Marcia. 137, 138; Sarah L., 138; Susan M., 138. Boughton, 102. Bowers, 131. Boyd, Martha W., 7&. Bradish, Robert, 56. Bradley, Nettie M., 102. Bradstreet, Harriet J., 85. Branch, Frank, 85. Bridgman, Hannah, 129. Brown, Bridget, 156; Capt., 57. Elida A., 140. John B., 121. Joshua, 63; Robert, 140. Brownell, Eloise, 99: Ka_te, 81. Broughton, Lucy Wells, 72. Buck, John S., 137. Buckley, Sheldon & Co., 75. Buckminster, Col. Jos., 58. Bugbey, Doris M., 95; Rev. Willard S., 95. Bull', Frances, 132. Burgess, Ebenezer, 69; Emma, 136; Eunice, 69; Grace, 131; John W., 121 ; Sarah Morehouse, 69. Burlingame, Harriet, 135. Burt, Harriet, 114; Sarah, 114; Wil- liam, 114. Burton, Fannie, 165 ; Judge, 165. Cady, Nellie E.. 87. Cage, Prudence, 7, 148. Calhoun, Eugenia, 32. Carpenter, Homer, 73 ; Ransom, 73 Carter, Bertha, 85; Bertha M., 106 Dr. James, 140; Elwin L., 85, 1C5 Henry M., 85; Holland H., 106 Leyton E., 106; Marian S., 106. Gary, 131. Cass, Gen., 79. Casson, Olive, 137. Chadwick, Liberty, 56; Sarah, 138. Champney, 8, 44, 46; Richard. 49. Chandler, Abijah, 154; Clarissa, 154. Chapin, Israel, 59, 60. Church, Mr., 61. Churchill, 87. Clabeaux, Louise, 107. Claghorn, Lucia M., 90. Clap, Capt. Jos., 60. Clark, Abigail, 63; Emily S., 74; Lottie L., 99; Margaret, 156, Clayton, Frederick C, 165; Wm., 69. Cleghorn, 63. Cleverly, Sophronia, 85. Clifif, Harriet, 135. Clinsworth, Mr., 43. Clubb, Mary J., 135. Coan, Heman, 69. Coe, Rev., 113. Colburn, Josephine L., 105. Cole, Elsia, 68; Jane, 141; Sands, 141; Mary, 55. Colton, 143. Colvin, 66. Conday, Josephine, 104. Converse, 71. Cook, Mary, 43. Cooke, 44, 47. Coolidge, Dr. Joseph, 55. Cornell, Peter, 56. Crippen, Lucy W., 141. Crittenden, Frank, 71 ; Laura A., 79. Cross, Mary, 135. "English pedigrees, pages 13 to 36, except descendants of Rev. Thomas Frost, pages 31 and 32, are not indexed. Bold face figures indicate principal paragraph. Figures enclosed in parentheses indicate generation. INDEX OF NAMES. Crozier, Wm. Armstrong, 52. Cunimings, Loraine, 143. Curtis, 136. Custis, Martha, 82. Cutcher, May Belle, 87. Cutler, 136; Capt. Jno., 55; Isaac, 57. D Daliba. Anna E., 132. Dana, 149, 150. Danforth, Clara E., 95; Gov., 56; Thomas, 52. Daniel, Reana, 54 ; Robert, 54. Davenport, Amy, 131. Davis, Charles Wright, 103; Edward Walker, 83; Ivah, 107; Mable Edna, 103; Nellie May, 103; Sarah Ar- menia, 83; William Edward, 83, 103. Dawson, Sir William, 157. Day, Matthew, 49. Decker, John, 87. Dent, Anna M. A., 77.. Devoe, 99. Dewey, Georgiania, 133. Dibble, Cullen, 62, 73; Eugene, 74; Francis, 74; Henry, 7 i ; John, 73; Mary, 7i; Dr. Richard, 61. Dodge, Noah, 156; E^hoebe, 156. Dotterer, L. P., 32b. Doty, Blanche R., 109; Geo., 138. Downs, Elizabeth, 31; Richard, 31. Drummond, Prof. Henry, 121. Dunster, Rev. Henry, 49, 51. Dupre, Hannah, 129. Dwight, Theodore W., 121. E Eastman, 7i. 85. Eaton, Benonie, 52. Eccles, Richard, 48. Eddy, 98. Ellinwood, 96, 98, Elmore, Albert, 69. Ely, 89. Embry, Arthur F., 102. Endicott, Mr,, 49. Ewing, Laura C, 95. Fairbanks, Marshall A., 90, Fairchild, Katherine, 100. Fairfield, Samuel, 59. Fales, Edith M., 107; Lois Hicks, 107; Lucius, 107. Farrow, Tennie, 32a. Farwell, Henry, 141; Lydia, 141. Faxon, Reuben, 58, 68. Faye, Elizabeth Stowe, 139. Fellows, Col., 59. Findley, W. C. 101. Fish, 97. Flemming, Margaretta, 32. Flinn, Mary, 72. Folsom, S. H., 52. Foster, Frances Harriet, 80; Thos., 56. Fox, Mary, 155. Frace, Edna, 104. Frary, Dolores E.. 81. Freeman, Mrs. Emma C, 95 ; Neuman B., 86. French, Jacob. 52; Nathaniel, 152; Sergt. Wm., 152; William, 152. Frink, 62, 71. Frost, A. B., the artist, 42; .\bba, 88. Abigail (3), 55, 56. Albert, 99. Albert Ephraini, 54; Albert Gallatin, 85. Alfred, 72, 87; .\lfred Gold. 88, 106. 117. Alice C, 83 ; Alice .M., 89. Allenette, 75, 91. Allen, Hugh, 93. Allen Luce, 62, 72. Alonzo, 62, 7L Alonzo Paine, 67, 79. .•\nianda Jane, 68. Amariah, Kcv,, 10, 44, 53, 57, 58, Amariah (6), 61. Aniasa, 57 58. .■Xmasa (6), 58, 60. 61, 62, 72. Aniasa (7), 72. Amaziah, 60; .\melia, 75; .Vmelia J., 84, 103. Amy, 60, 66. Amy Ann, 63, 71. Andrew J., 87, 106. Angeline, 61. Anna, 43; Anna (8),. 87 .'Xnna Lesesne, i2, 32b. Anna Myers, 7i. Anne Branford, 32a. Ansel, 61. 71; Ansel, 70, «5 ; Ansel, J., 69, Anthony, 148. Arthur, 71. Augustus, 68. Azotus, 61, 70. Barbara Gold, 88, 123, 124. Barry L., 98. Bartholomew, 147, Benjamin. 54. Benjamin (3), 55, 56. Benjamin Franklin, 60, 63-66, 135. 137. Benjamin Franklin (7), 72, 87; Bert, 87. Bessie L., 95. Betsey, 60. Betsey (6), 61, 70. Betsey C, 69, 83. Bezaleel, 57, 58, 62. Burton Hunt, 165. Caleb Allen, 63, 74. Calvin Paine. 60, 68. Carl Grover. 93. Carlton Pennington, 54. Caroline 62; Caroline (7), 71, 77,. Caroline (8), 75, 90; Caroline Lydia, 155. Caroline M., 97; Caroline N., 80. Caroline S., 62, 71. Caroline Sophia, 66 ; Carrie, 83. Cecil. 85: Cecil .\nnie, 109. Celestia, 61. Celestia (7). 69, 83. Charles, 62: Charles (8), 83. Charles Beriah, S3, 163-4. Charles C, 150, 151. Charles E,, 54 ; Chas. Fred'k Allen, 89. Charles H., Hon.. 53, Charles Hamilton, 53. 159, 161. Charles Henry, 67, 79. Charles Hubbard, 54 ; Charles Irving, 86. VI. INDEX OF NAMES. Frost, Charles J., 71 ; Charles L., 82, 99. Charles Leonard, 79, 95 ; Charles McNaughton, 81, 98. Charles Noble, 80, 96. Charles S., 151. Charles Sumner, 54. Charlotte, S3; Chester, 58. 68; Ches- ter B., 97. Clara Fredricka, 89; Clara Jane, 80, 97. Clara M., 100, 108; Clarence E., 106. Clarissa H., 53. Clarissa S., 66. Cleveland, 100. Cloys, 59, 62. Cloys, Miles, 74, 89; Clyde, 85, 88. Conway, Alonzo, 80, 96. Cornelia, 71. Cornelia (8), 71. Dan, 3, 75, 91, 111, 144. Dana, 150. Daniel (3), 55. Daniel (5), 53, 149, 151-2; Daniel (6), 151. Daniel Smith, 66, 75. David. (>1. David E., 87, 106. Deborah, 149. Delia Angeline, 83, 102. Dorothy, 101. Dorothy Dean, 88, 124. Dosia, 61. Dudley W., 97. Ebenezer (3), 53, 54, 56, 149. Ebenezer (4), 53, 54, 149, 150. Ebenezer (5), 54, 149. Ebenezer (6), 53, 152-5, 156, 157. Ebenezer Theodore, 165. Eber, 152. Edith, 100; Edith (9), 100. Edith M., 106. Edmund. 5-12, 40, 41, 43-56, 149, 159. Edmund (3), 55, 56. Edna Maud, 97. Edward, 31, 32. Edward, 62; Edward Allen, 71, 85. Edward Downs, 32a. Edward E., 97. Edward Inglis, 80, 97; Edward Justin, 81, 98. Edward L., 1, 3, 7,1, 77, 93, 111, 143. Edward P., 68. Edward White, 60, 68. Edwin, 63. Edwin Allen. 72, 86. Edwin Rrant, 54. Edwin Collins, 54. Edwin Dorr, 53. Edwin Hunt, 53, 159, 162. Edwin Parker, 32a. Ettie, 85. Egbert Howard, 79. . Eleanor C, 73; Eleanor Julia, 89. Electa, 60. Electa Maria, 67 : Elfrida, 98. Elias 53; Elias Horry, 32; Elijah, 54. Eliza Allen, 32; Eliza Wing, 80. Elizabeth 32, 32a, 43. Elizabeth (3), 56. Elizabeth (4), 57; Elizabeth (5), 152. Elizabeth (7), 63; Elizabeth (9) 96. Elizabeth Bancroft, 7i, 115, 122. Frost, Elizabeth Lowndes, 32c ; Eliza- beth M., 7i. Elizabeth S., 98. Ella E., 79; Ellen A., 96; Ellen Electa, 79, 96. Ellen Elizabeth, 80. Ellen Lamira, 90, 10'8; Ellen Lcgare, 31, 32. Ellen Noble, 80; Ellen Parker, 32, 32b. Ellen Phoebe, 80. Elmira Sophia, 69; Eli'ise Alniira, 81. Elvira, 69, 154; Elva A., 86; Elwin A,, 102. Emily E.. 101. Emma L., 82, 101. Emma Louisa, 79. Ephraim (2), 50-52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 149. Ephraim (3), 56. Ephraim (5), 54. Ephraim (6), 54. Ephraim (7). 54. Ernest G., 101. Esther A., 106. Ethelanna, 43. Ettie May, 106. Eugene, 72. Eugene B., 67, 80; Eugene Buel, 80, 97. Eugenia Calhoun, 32c. Evangeline, 101. Evelvn Miriam, 74, 89. Ezra" 72. Faith, 55. Fannie, 65. Fanny A., 90, 107. Fern Margaret, 92. Fidelia E., 68. Fidelia L, 69. 84. Floyd R., 97. Folger W., 98. Ford W., 106, 109. Frances Eliza, 67, 80. Francis E., 7i\ Francis Eugenia, 79. Francis Lejeau, 32a; Francis T., 53, 163, 164. France? Willoughby, 53, 159, 162. Frank, 99. Frank L., 54: Frank W., 82. Franklin, 59, 60. Franklin M., 82, 101; Franklin M. (9), 90. 108. Franklin Merritt, 69. Fred H., 106; Fred R., 72, 86. Frederick D., 95. Frederick Eugene, 54. Frederick L., 89, 107; Frederick Smith, 79, 95. Frederick W.. 75. Galfriedo, 12. George, 43 : George A., Hon., 53. George Antis, 96; George Bartlett, 165. George Canfield, SO, 96. George Edward 79. 95 ; George Ed- ward (9), 89. George Edward, Jr., 95. George Henrv, 3, 50, 53, 145, 149. 156-161. George Smith, 67. 79. George Washburn, 54. George Washington, 72, 87. Gertrude E., 83. INDEX OF NAMES. VII. Frost, Gilmaii Dubois, 54. Gladys May, 91. Grace Harriet, 88, 117, 123. Hannah, 43. Hannah (3), 55, 56; Hannah (6), 152. Hannah Maria, 62. Harold F., 54. Harriet, 32b. Harriet (6), 61, 7\ ; Harriet (7), 66. Harriet A., 62, 114; Harriet Eliza, 86. Harriet G., 102; Harriet Gold, 128. Harriet Louisa. 66, 75; Harriet Maria, 82. Harold O., 103. Harry N., 90. Harry Smith, 76, 92. Harvey Franklin, 66, 76. Harwood, 53, 159. 160, 161-2. Helen, 99; Helena H., 95; Helen E., 108. Helen Elvira, 155; Helen Emily, 92. Helen G., 100. Helen Lucretia, 90 ; Henrietta, 32, 32a. , Henry, 32, 32b; Henry, 54. Henry Clay, 71, 86; Henry B. S., 151. Henry Dwight, 69, 83. Henry Josiah, 79. Henry Kirk, 67 ; Henry Pinckney, 32b, 32c. Henry Rutledge, 31, 32c. Henry Weston Folger, 80, 98. Henry Wm., 32a. Hepzibah, 56. Herbert, 85, 106; Herbert K., 106. Herbert Mills, 81. Hildegarde, 98. Homer Allen, 86 ; Homer William, 91. Horace Clifford, 80. Horace E., 95. Horace Josiah, 67, 80. Howard GriswoUl, 74. Ida C, 79. Ida Harriet, 89. Inglis F., 98. Irving, 101. Isaac, 43. Isaac (3), 55. J. Arthur, 87. J. Fred, 54. Jabez, 55. James, of I'lymouth, 41, 42. James, 43. Tames (2), 51, 54, 55, 152. James (3), 56; James (5), 150. James Amasa, 69, 81. James C, 68. James Cleveland, 62, 72. Tames Edward, 89; Tames Edwin, 155. James Henderson, 32b. James M., 99. James Madison, 74, 89, 90; lames Nathan, 90. 108. James Trussell, 154. Tames Wadsworth, 73, 88. lane R., 69; Tanet X., 96. Jared, 61; Tared A., 71: Tav, 88. Tean Kitcheil. 88, 107, 117; Jennie Josephine R., 90, 107. Jennie T^., 82 ; Jennie Maria, 74. 89. Jesse M., 92. Frost, Jesse Maynard, 88 ; Tcsse Verne, lOi. lewett, 61, 70. foel, 72; Joel Edwin, 86. John, 147, 148. lohn (2), 43, 51, 52, 55. lohn (3), 55, 56, 57. John (5), 58. John (6), 62. Tohn, Deacon of Sandgate, Vt., 59, 113. John, Deacon of .Sanford, Me., 53. John, the historian, 42. lohn .Andrew, 66. John Edward, 3, 7i, 88, 111, 114, 115, 116-120, 135. John Elias, 53. Tohn Franklin, 66; lohn Henry, 74. Tohn Jay, 101. John, Jr., 59. John Nicholson, 106. John, Rev., 113, 127, 128. John Sheldon, 63, 74, 91. Jonathan, 54. Jonathan (3), 55; Jonathan (5), 150. Jordan. 43. Joseph (2), 51, 52, 55. Joseph (3), 54, 55, 56. loseph (4), 54. loseph (5), 58, 61, ISO. Joseph (6), 54; loseph (7), 71, 85. Joseph .Allen, 61, 71. Josiah, 58, 60. Josiah B., 68, 81. Josiah, Tr., 60, 67. Julian B., 97. Kendall Phelps, 86. Keziah, 57. L. Caroline, 68. Laura Agnes, 165. Laurence, 99. Lawrence E., 95. Lewis Cass, 80 ; Lewis Clayton, 82, 100. Lewis E., 88; Lewis L, 100. Lewis P., 69, 82; Lewis S., 103. I^ewis Tappan, 84. 103. Lillian A., 101. Lizzie K., 82, 99. Loine, 98. Lois, 57 ; Loraine Hulburd, 93. Lorcn W., 102. Lorenzo, 68. Lorenzo T., 69, 82; Lottie 87. Loring, 152. Lowell C, 54. Louisa, 7i, 115. Lucy .'\nn, 67. Lucy Burgess, 69; Lucy Emily, 91. Lucy May, ^7. Luther Harvey, 91. Mahew .Mien. '72. Mahlon -Smith, 67, 80. .,Major Charles, 42; .Margaret, 148. Margie, 106; Marianna, 32. Maroin N., 95: .Maitha L., 32b. Mary, 43. Mary (2). 52, 55. Mary (3), 56, 57. Mary (5), 58, 149. Mary (6), 60, 68. Mary (7), 62, 114; Mary (9), 99. Mary A., 72, 86; -Mary Adelia, 72, 88; Mary Deas, 32b. vni. INDEX OF NAMES. Frost, Mary E., 87; Mary Elizabeth, 88, 116; Mary Emily, 11, 93. Mary H., 69, 81 ; Maiy Jane, 73, 88. Mary Kennedy, 124. Mary Louisa, 71. Mary Louisa (8), 74, 89. Mary Lucretia, 66, 76. Mary Pauline, 93. Mary Plat, 79, 95. Matilda, 63. Mercy Ann, 66. Mildred W., 79. Miller, 55. Milton, 61. Minerva E., 100. Mordica, 43. Moses, 151. Myra Louise, 92. Nancy, 63. A'ancy Ann, 68, 81 ; Nancy Isabelle, 87. Nancy Orelia, 72 ; Nancy .Saloma, 72. Naomi, 61, 151. Nathan, 58. Nathan (6), 59, 63, 67. Nathan Richards, 63, 74, 91. Nathaniel, 55. Nehemiah, 58, 61, 64. Nellie C, 82, 101. Nellie M., 82. Nelson Amasa, 61, 69. Nelson Amasa (8), 82, 100; Nelson Amasa (9), 101. Nelson Jerome, 69, 82. Newman, W., 86. Newton Andrews. 80. Nicholas, of Kittery, Me., 41-42. Norman, 59, 60. Norman (7), 62, 73; Norman (9), 100. Norman Clark, 74, 90. Obadiah, 43. Olive, 93. Onie, 85. Orcelia L., 71. Orlinda Minerva, 69. OrrSi, 87. Orrin, 70. Oscar, 72, 88. Pearl, 100, 108. Peter, 147. Phoebe, 62. I'inckney Lcsesne, .^2c. Ralph Jerome. 82, 102. Ransom Morehouse, 62, 74. Ransom Norman, li. Reana, 50. Rebecca, 55. Rebecca Juliette. 69. Reginald 'R., 98. Reuben W., 101. Rhoda, 43. Rhoda (5), 58, Rhoena, 59, 63, 67. Richard, 148. Richard M., 90, 107. Robert, Hon., 12. . Robert D., 98. Robert J., 107; Robert Murray, 32c. Robto, 147. Roxanna, 72, 87. Rufus, Hon., 53. Rufus P., 71 ; Rufus V., 101. Frost, Russell, 59, 62. Russell (8), 74, 89. Russell Edward, 88, 117. Russell, Jr., 89. Russell W., 95. Ruth, 150. Ruth E., 96. Ruth J., 101. Saloma, 62. Samuel, 40. Samuel (2), 51, 52, 54. 55. Samuel (3), 55, 56, 57. Samuel (4), 57. Sara Justine, 98. Sarah. 43. Sarah (2), 51. 55. Sarah (3), 56, 57. Sarah (7), 62, 63, 71, 73. Sarah Elizabeth, 107. Sarah F., 68. Sarah Cold, 114. Sarah M., 69, 83. Sarah Salome, 72. Seth, 60. Seth (2d), 60. Seth (7). 11, 87. Sherman, 62. Solomon, 43. Susanna, 55. Sophia, 51, 60, 67. .Sophronia, 61. Sophronia (7), 70, 85. Stanlev, 100. Stanley H., 95. Stephen, 55, 150. Stephen Allen, 66, 74. Stephen Amasa, 60, 66. Submit, 58, 68. Submit (6), 61. Sylvia, 61, 70. Talmon, 61. 69. Theodosia, 101. Thomas (2), 50-52, 55, 56-57. Thomas (3), 56, 57. Thomas (11). iZ, 32c. Thomas Bancroft, 88, 107. 117. Thomas Gold. Jr., 1, 3, 5, 45, 73, SS, 111, 115, 120-124. Thomas Cold, Sr., 62, 114-116. Thomas Loundes, 32b, 32c. Thomas Newton, 32c. Thomas, Rev., 31, 32, 41, 43. Thomasine, 43, 54. Viola v., 106. Virginia Dare, 32c. Virginia M., 107. Wade Hampton, 32b. Wade L., 95; Walter, 12, 148. Walter A., 54. Walter Irving, 72, 86. Walteio, 147. Wells S., 151. Wesley, 100. Weston, 60, 67. Wilfred P.. 54; Willard Jerome, 82, 101. William, of Fairfield, Conn., 41-42. William, of Plymouth, 41-42; Wil- liam (4), 152. William (6), 61, 69. William (7), 70, 85; William Alonzo, 79, 95. Wm. Rranford, 32a; Wm. Brainerd, 84; Wm. C, 100, 108. INDEX OF NAMES. IX. Frost, William Edwin. 74. William George, 3, 76, 91, 111, 142. William Goodell, 82, 99-100. William H., 53, 165. William Henry, 66, 77. William Henry Harrison, 73. William Jsewton, 69. William O., 69, 83. William Oscar, 88. Willie C, 82. Willis Arthur, 83, 102. Woodbury G,, 54. Frost & Wood to., 160, 161, 16.3. Frostenden, Gilbertus, 147. Fuller, Mercy. 69. Gale, Rev. Geo. W., 113. Gardner, Martha, 141. Nora B., 101. Gargett, Ford H., 106. Garrison, Eliza C, 85. Geagan, Isabelle B., 84. Geddings, 32, 32a, 32b. George, Charles C., 122. Gibbs, Matthew, 56. Gilbert, Chase, 68. Gillette, Sarah, 132. Goffe, 8, 44, 46. Goffe, Col. William, 44, 49. Gold Genealogy, 125-128. Gold, Harriet L., 114, 126; Hezekiah, Jr., 126; Hezekiah, Sr., 126; Nathan, Jr., 125; Natlian, .Sr., 125; Thomas R., Hon., 114, 127; Thos. R., Tr., 128. Goodell, Clarissa, 82; Fred'k, 82; Ma- ria, 82. Goodnow, Ebenezer, 57. Phineas, 57. Goodridge, Mary, 56. Goodrich, 66. Benjamin, 70; Delos, 70; Dosia, 70: Dwight, 70; Henrietta, /S Gookin, Capt., 50, 52; Major, 56. Green, Mary, 86. Gregory, l-^lizabeth W., 104; John G., 104; Sophia, 68. Griffin, John, 128. Grimke. Anne, 31. Griswold, 70, 74. Grout, Laura J., 86. Grover Family, 138. Grover, Cecelia, 77, 140; Emily, 76, 140; Dr. L. C, 76, 1.^8, 139. Curling, Capt., 8, 45. H Haddon, Widow Catherine, 48. Hall, 136; Capt. Hiland, 143; Hannah P., 143; Philo, 61. Hamlet, Rebecca, 55. Hammond, Chas., 78; Clarissa, 78; Clark Hurd, 78, 94; Lillie May, 78, 94; Rosabelle, 78, 94; Wm. Wallace, 78. Hancock, Elizabeth .S., 97 ; Col. John, 97; Hanna, 136. Harding, Mrs., 132. Harlakenden, Mr., 47; Roger, 8, 9. Harries, Mary L., 104. Harrington, 96. Hart, Mary Maria, 90. Harvard College, 48, 52. Harwood Family, 155. Harwood, Emily P., 164; George P.. 164. Haskell, 32. Hastings, Mrs., 130. Hawkins, 137, 138. Hayden, 137. Hayne, 32, 32b, 32c. Hays, Daniel, 92; Emma, 92; Helen Pruner, 92. Healy, 58; Louisa, 71; Sophrona, 70. Hebblewhite, Julia, 86. Hemming, Marian Gertrude, 161. Henderson, Jennie, 95. Hesse, J. Otto, 91. Hill, Albert J., 84, 103. Albert J., Jr., 103. Cora A., 84, 103. Dosia, 70. Edith, 103; Elizabeth, 70. Ella, 76; 91. Frank, 76 ; Graham H., 84 ; Harriet, 76, 91. Hazel, 103. Helen A., 84, 103. Hervey, 76. Hill, Mary Ann, 70. Milton, 6.>. Nehemiah, 70; Otto S., 70. Robert L., 70, 84, Robert L. (9), 10.^.; Rufus E., 70. Stephen W., 70. Hilt, Florence, 66. Hitchcock. Mrs. Ella, 132. Hoch, (;ov., 119. Holcomb, Miss, 130. Holden, Allen Safford and Frost, 122. 123. Hollenbeck, Mabel, 106. Hollipter. Claudia, 109. Holmes, 83. Holton, 136. Hooker, Rev. Thos., 8, 12, 44. 47. Horry, Elias, 31; Harriet V., 31. Horton, Alice R., 87. Hotchkiss, 66. How, Elder Edward, 58; Rebecca, 57; Howard, 56; Mary, 142. Howe, 76, 77, 92, 93. Howell, Gertrude, 100. Hulburd Genealogy, 142. Hulbuid, Minnie E,, 93, 143. Hull, 73, 114. Hunt, 108, 159. Huntley, (irace, 132. Hurd, Albert. 66. Alma, 66 ; .\lnion, 78. Arthur, 66, .\my, 66. Amy .\nn, 67, 78: .Amy L., 78. Amy Sophia, 63, 66. Angeline .\,, 67. Benjamin Frost. 99, Caroline L,, 67. Charles F., 81 ; Charles Frost, Tr , 81 Clayton, 79. Cloys, 63 : Cloys B„ 78. Cloys, Nathan, 78, Ed, 66; Edward Payson, 81. Edwin, 66. Elizabeth D. J., 99. Ella, 78, 94. INDEX OF NAMES. Hurd, Ellis, 66; Emma Tane. 81. Estelle M., 7S. Fannie S., 67. Florence, 66. Frances Caroline, 81. Frank Brownell, 81. Frank De F., 78; Frank H., 81. Franklin C. 67, 78. George, 66. Gertrude M., 99. Hannah, 78. Harlan Page, 81, 98. Harlan Page, Jr., 99. Harlan Page, 3d, 99. Harriet, 63. Harvey J., 78; Henry Martyn, 81. Horatio, 63. Ida, 66. fames Brainerd, 81. jay S., 81. Laura, 66. Lewis, 66; Levi Parsons, 81. Louisa, 63. Louisa Amelia, 67, 78. Louise M., 78, 81; Lulu E.. 78. Mabel W., 99; Marian W., 78. Marilla, 66. Marion, 66. Mary E., 99. Mary C, 81. Norman Richards, 67, 78. Rhoena, 63. Richards, 63, 67 : Russell, 63, 81. S. Wright, 81 ; Seymour A., 81. Sheldon, 63. Sophia, 78. Truman, 66; Willaid K., 99. William, 66. Huyler, 108. I Irvine, 68. Jacobs, George, Jr., 55. James, 54. Jenks, 68, 109. Johnson, Edward, 47; Evelyn M., 107; Hannah, 57; Hattie B., 81- J. R., 83 ; Margaret Saunders, 32b, 32c ; Prof. Alex., 157; Phyllis S., 107; Ralph, 107; Walter F., 107. Jolls, Martha, 141. Jones, Philip, 51. Judson, Cornrlia E., 83. K Kellogg, 136. Kelly, Katherine, 102. Kempster, Daniel, 49. Kennedy, Joel, 122, 124; John, 124; Martha, 122; Mary Adele, 122, 124. Kent, 59, 66, 85, Ketcham, Major, 132; Mary, 132. Kidder, Ephraim, 56. Kilgore, Kathryn, 89. Kimball, Angelina, 105. King, Eunice, 70; Harriet, 61. Kinniard, Lord, 150. Kinsey, Elizabeth, 99. Kitchell, Alfred, 116; Margaret E., 116. Kitchell Genealogy, 134. Knapp, Stephen B., 80. Knause, Mary C, 99. Knight, 99. Knowles, Elder William, 64. Koepka, 94. Lane, Charles L., 85. Langworthy, Agnes, 105. Lapham, Anson, 63. Laughlin, Eliza, 85. Law, William, 62. Lesesne, Mary Deas, 31. Lewis, 84, 98, 1.^0, 136-7. Lewis Genealogy, 133. Little, Mary, 135. Livermore, Abigail, 58. Livingstone, Flora M., 101. Lloyd, Maria B., 136. Lochren, Hon. Thomas, 122. Loomis, 83, 102. Lovejoy, 136. Lovell, Vincent S., 136. Lowndes, Thos. P., 32a. Lucas, 7_3. Luce, Nancy W., 62. Luther Geneajogy, 140. Luther, Nellie Aevada, 91, 141, 142. Lyman, Wm., 130. Lynas, Evelyn N., 162; Thos. R., 16?. Lyon, Lockwood, 137. M Machin, Emma, 82. Manning, William, 52. Mather, Cotton, 47"; Mary Ann, 131. McCulloch, Tena, 109. McFarland, Lavina K., 89. McKay, Donella, 32a. McKim, Clcorge F., 155. Marks, Lillie, 131. Marsh, Ella, 99. Martin, 136. Meighen, Laura O., 155. Meigs, Allen F., 90; Caroline F., 90; Edward K., 90; Edward K., Jr., 90; Grace E., 90, 108; Lucy K., 90; S. Elizabeth, 90. Miles, Rebecca, 150. Miller, Charles W., 103; Elizabeth, 55; Hannah, 55; M. E., 103; Willis E., 103. Mills, Ellen C, 81; L J., 149; Philo, 81; Sarah, 81. Mitchell, Tno., Rev., 49; Wm., Hon, 123. Mix, Elihu, 102; Elmer E., 102. Moody, Donald G., 157. More, Golden, 52. Morehouse, Miriam, 62. ' Morse, Mr., 68; Wid. Sarah, 136. Mosely, Col.. 59. Mott, .\nn W., 97. Mullin, 107. Murray, Eliz. McG., 32b. Myers, Sarah. 63. N Nash, Dea. Elisha, 61; Elizabeth, 61; Rebecca, 60. Nethersliet, ( hristian, 148. Newell, .Arthur W., 103; Caryl H., 94; Edward J., 94 ; Eleanor Louise, 94 ; Myron S., 103; Robert H., 103. Newton, Eva A., 106. INDEX OF NAMES. XI. Nicholson, Lcola, 106. Nicman, Howard H., 123. Noble, Chas., 79; Eliza, 79; Ellen Electra, 79; Minerva, 71. Nowland, John H. B., 136. Norton, 44, 46. O'Connor, Tohn, 88. Olmstead, 136. Owens, Jean, 108. Paine, Electa, 60; Elijah, 60; Marv White, 60 ; Warren, 69. Papson, George, 131. Parish, 101. Parker, 31, 32, 14.^ Parsons, Jane, 66; Love, 142. Patten, Nathaniel, 56. Payne, E. F., 85. Pearsall, 70. Percy, Joscelyn, 148. Perkins, 70. Perkings, Estelle A., 106. Perry, Clara E., 102; Sheldon, 138. Phelps, Judith E., 72. Pierce, Dr., 66. Pierpont, Edward, 137. Pierson,.89, 107. Pixley, Mae M., 101. Pomeroy, 136. Porter, Col,, 59; Frances, 59; Widow Hannah. 139. Powell, Maria E., 164. Pratt, 88, 137. Preston, Susan, 32a. Price, Hannah, 43. Pringle, Rebecca, 32a. Putt, Anne, 138. Quimby, Mrs., 130. Randall, Polly, ISO. Raney, Louise, 99. Ravenel, Fannie, 32. Reardon, Nettie, 105. Rector, Alfred F., 53 ; Hon. John, 54. Reed, Harriet, 74; John, 132. Renouf, B., 71 : William, 72. Reynolds, Virginia, 131. Rice, Adelia, 70 ; Edmund, 57 ; Eliza- beth, 57 : Emerson, 70 ; John, 57 ; Martha, 70 ; Mary, 70 , Moses, 70 ; Sarah, 68. Rich, Everett F., 53. Richardson, Will, 85. Robbins. Daniel, 63. Robinson, 43. 94. Roca, Lvdia. 104. Roosevelt. Theodore. 118; -Mice, 160. Root, Brainard, 130. Rosebrugh. Tame.';, 138. Ross, Elizabeth, 134. Rountree, John C, 132; Katie, 132. Rowley. 69, 84. Ruggles, Mary. 126; Rev. Thos., 126. Ryan, Florence, 103. Sackett, Mr., 130. hage, Mary, 66. Sargent, Roxanna. 151; John, 151. Savage, 136. Scamon, Sarah, 139. Schott, Fred'k R., 99 ; Kathcrine R., 99. Scott, Mima, 103. Scribner, Hon. Gilbeit H., 162; Sarah M., 162. Sculley, Minnie, 102. Sears, Col., 60. Sedgwick, Catherine. 126; Sarah, 126. Seward, Wm. H., 84. Shales, Edith G., 108; Harry, 108. Sharp, W. B., 102. Shaw, Floyd P., 91. Sheldon, Mary, 143. Shepard, Alvin F., 108; Alvin W., 107; Rebecca, 108; Thomas. 8-12, 43-44, 45, 46, 48. Shepard's Memoirs, 45. Shonk, Asbury A., 79. Siddons, Robert, 73. Sill, Capt. Jos.. 56; Sarah, 126. Singletary, Sarah, 57. .'-Singleton, Mary, 143. Skidmore, Isaac, 66. Skinner, Edward. 49. Smalley, 70. 84, 85, 104. 105. Smith Family, 135, 136. Arthur, 66. Deacon, 139. Dolly Otis, 63. Emmons, 66. Fannie, 63. Fitch, 66. Fred Eugene, 97. George A.. 140. Hannah, 151. Plannah Morgan, 67. Ithamar, 67. Jane, 66. Keziah, 129. Lorna D., 97. Lucy, 67. Mary, 72. May J., 101. Mr., 132. Polycarpus, 63. Ralph, 132. Reba, 132. Thankful, 139. William, 131. Snow, .'\manda J., 105. Spaulding, Elizabeth, Mrs., 130; Jo- seph, 69. Spencer, Julia. 87 : Mabel, 88. Stanley, Zeviah, 130, ' ^3. Stanton, Emeline. 78. Starkweather, 92. Stewart, Chas. Sumner. 107, 117; Francis Frost. 107. Stiles, Capt., 59. Stilwell, Mrs. Sarah, 156. .Stimson, 125. StinsoB, Jeanette C 154. .'^toddard, Joan J.. 87. Stone, Gregory, 58. Marguerite, 92; Ruth, A., 92: Stephen Donald, 92. Stephen L., 92. Xll. INDEX OF NAMES. Stons, Rebecca Finney, 74. Stow, E. D., 82: Helen L., 82. Stowe, 62; Albert F., 62. Strong, Capt. Ebenezer, 60. Sumner, Mary A., 106. Taft, 32a. Taft, Secretary, 160, 162. Tappan, Susan Clark, 8.^. Taylor, Tohn W., 131 ; Mayor Roland, 130. Tenant, Amy, 59, 113. Tew, Ethyl May, 108. 131 Thomas, James, Thompson, 63. Thorpe, 92. Todd, Jessie Mae, 92 Towar, Capt. Henry, 140. Townsend Genealogy. Townsend, Anna E., 91. 144; Trowbridge Trude, 84. Tupper, S. Y., 32a. Tuttle, 136. 108; Josephine, 108. 140; Martha E.. 143. 91, 144; Sallie Stratton, 91, Lydia, 150. Chas 144. Vail, Anna. 43. Valance, Mary, 66. Valentine, Susan E., 94. Van Duzen, Augusta, 84. Vermelyea. Emily E., 100. Voorheis, Nelly, 79. 32b. , 97. 134. Cotton, 130; 55. w Wagner, Kate, 88. Walker, Abe, 69. John, 56; Richard T., 12, Sabra Jane, 32, 32b. Wardlaw, Lucia, 32. Wareham, Rev. John, 143. Walters, 136. Weatherhead, Ida, 132. Webb, Harvey, 61. Weiss, Wm. D., M. D Whalley. Col., 49. Whitfield, Rev. Henry, White, Daniel, 60; Dr Mr., 102; Warren, 71 Whittemore, Sarah, 55. Wieland, Chas., 131. Wigglesworth, Michael, 49; Prof., Wilber, Clark, 62. Wilcox, Wm., 49. Willets, Katherine, 89; Win. R., Williams, Alice, 32; Daniel B., Hannah, 129; Louise, 81. Willis, 63. Wilson, Hon. Thos., Wimple, Eleanor, IZ. Winburn, Emma Cr., Winch, Samuel, 57. Wing, Mary, 85. Winslow, Kenelm, 141. Winthrop, Gov., 7, 44, 47, 48. Winthroppe, Sarah, 7, 148. Witcher, Robert, 135. Witherspoon, John, 32a. Wood, Adelia, 84; Alexander, 163. Woodford, Mrs. E. E., 94. Wright, Margaret, 129; Nicholas, 42 Rebecca, 42; Ruth, 150, 151. 89. 131 ; Louise, 131. 104. ^ iP ^ ^ r k // i^ U' * y||^-" *^"*<^ i ' • •^0^ v«i^' ^v" :'\^ ^- o ,svi -\ ,,_..: ,?l, -fe^* A ■>fc' r^.^^ ^o ^^ 5 '=i^^ "^ '^.^ ^^'i^'' .v^^ ,0 V-., .♦ "'^' V V ..■■'\:jL''r o^ .0' >«*' >- . ^'*^ "^' * fv"? v^^ .0' ?■ V o ^ ^;^ ■t vv :i....- ^ « * o V .v-^. L^ .1 o ' ' ' \* V" ^ • • * ^^i^- \^ ^^rS. \<\ W)o i, _,i.-^U.. " . .p ^ _;''^'^ "' >. ^ .0 ,^ 0" ^ '."^^ii^:*^ .K^ cv '>^i^^.^ .0 -7 '^^ **-!^,'.^- ^^'- s^^ --^r^v' ,oO C> 'o . » * A -^o f^m vj-^ /^5^.< • <«^ •\.** ; ,»' . « " ■' . ^^• 1,0 V". '^ .0^ O 'o , , * A, ^ ^ **'xw//\ * .^^ t^O^ x^^,. ^^ .-s- ^s5 •^4. fV :^^' '^ '^: '^'S^ ;^. ^^, o V '^o .0^ ^^^c,^^ '•^.v, >) :- # ^ • a"^ ,o•*^.....\••• 1 • o, -^ •^ ^V';m?_j.v' •>. >•_ .0" c'^JJ!' o y A ' % M. u.^'i: ^o-n.^ 4 o t « o. -^ ^^^ ■- X.^^ :f^^ -6 .0' I ' * A % ^ ^.T- .^^ "^^ \^^%^ S^^ '^o. DOBBS BROS. 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