. P2 U567 'J' . A^ ♦ ,■'^^^ '*■' ''^ '^ C.^ * silo " ^ VV " d " " * *0 o ». 'oK V yjD'^* r, ^^•^^, -^"^ ^",^'. ^-^ .-iq. \^^yM* ^^-^4^. ^^^ " .N^ 1^ \ -.x '^- ^x^ ,\^ .^ v^^ ^ ;^C'^^ %^^ "^ A S '^ .*/ V*^\/ ^°.-^-'%°' V-^-/ '"^ -■ <. "vr..-^ -*b./^. 0^ -o -.r.s^ A i.^siv^ .5^ "v/ 0^ 't.c^' ^;^ ■.<^ ^:^^ \.^ «^M&^ \n/ ^^- %.^ :m^, "^^ A .^^■^^ 60th Congress 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Document 1st Session J '^ ^" RELIEF OF PAIUTE INDIANS OWNING ALLOT- MENTS WITHIN TRUCKEE-CARSON IRRIGATION PROJECT Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a COPY OF A COMMUNICATION FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR SUBMITTING AN ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION FOB RELIEF OF INDIANS OWNING ALLOTMENTS WITHIN THE TRUCKEE-CaRSON IRRIGATION PROJECT DECEMBER 3, 1907.— Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed Treasury Department, QrriCE OF the Secretary, Washington^ December 2, 1907. Sir- I have the honor to transmit herewith, for the consideration of Conc^ress, cony of a communication from the Secretary ot the Interioi^of November 22, 1907, submitting a draft of proposed legis- lation for the relief of the Indians owning allotments withm the Truckee-Carson irrigation project, and appropriatmg the sum ot $12,064, being the first of ten installments for the purpose ot carry- ing'the'provisions of said legislation into effect. espec u ^ , ^^^ ^ Cortelyou, Secretary. The Speaker House of Representatives. \JL ^ . Department or the Interior, Washington, November 22, 1907. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a draft "of Proposed legislation making appropriation to be expended for the benefit ot the Indians in Carson Sink Valley. Churchill County. Ne v., who were alloted lands under the fourth section of the act of Februaiy 8 1887 (24 Stat L., 388), as amended by the act of February 28, 1891 (26 Stat L 794) and which allotments have been canceled m part with the view. of giving the allotees 10 acres each of irrigable lands, it is accompanied bf a letter addressed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives that the Congress may be made acquainted with the reasons why I believe it necessary to enact the proposed legislation. It is respectfully requested that you transmit these papers to the Speaker. Very respectfully, -. -r. r^ ^ James Rudolph Garfield, Secretary. The Secretary of the Treasury. TzUL54.7 RELIEF OF PAIUTE INDIANS. Department of the Interior, Washington, November 22, 1907. Sir: By letter of July 27, 1906, the Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs reported to the Secretary of the Interior on a letter from William H. Code, United States Indian Inspector and chief engineer, relative to the Truckee-Carson irrigation project as affecting and affected by the Paiute Indian allotments in Carson Sink Valley Churchill County, Xev. The Indian Office then said that the condition of the Paiute band of Indians, who had been allotted lands in that valley, was brought to Its attention by Special Agent Casson in a letter' dated October 3, 1903, and that since then it had been the subject of a great deal of consideration by that Office, the Department, and the Picclamation Service; that it appeared from the letter of Special Agent Casson transmitted to the Department with Indian Office letter" of April l' 1901, that a total of 198 allotments were included in this project; and that for allotments Xos. 2 to 31, inclusive, trust patents had issued the remainder of the allotments being included in schedules aproved by the Department on February 24, 1897, and June 9. 1897, but not patented. By my direction, such relinquishments of the patented allotments as had been secured were accepted and the patents canceled, and all the unpatented allotments canceled and the lands restored to the public domain, except the SE. i of sec. 8, the S. I of sees. 9 and 10, and all of sees. 15, 10, 17, 20. 21, and 22, T. 19 N., E. 30 E., M. D. M., which lands were reserved for reallotment to the Indians in 10-acre tracts By the cancellation of these allotments, approximately 26 7^0 acres of the best irrigable land in the Carson Sink Valley was thrown open to settJement and entry under the provisions of the act' of June 17 1902 (32 Stat. L., 388), known as the reclamation act ' It thei-efore seems just that, in surrendering these lands for disposal by the Government under the provisions of the above-named act the Indians should receive as compensation therefor tracts of land brought within an irrigation project on which thev can o-ain a live- lihood. The allotments m their natural state were "arid and unfit for Indian liomes. and it was practically impossible for the Indian allottees to comj)]y with the law as to settlement and cultivation By canceling these allotments and allowing the allottees 10 acres of irri- gable lands in lieu thereof, they will be fairly com])ensated' and the State ot Aevada and the Government benefited The canals and main laterals of the Truckee-Carson irrigation project liave been extended l)y my direclion to these lands, and there awaits only Congressional action authorizing the cancellation of the unrelinqiiislied allolme.its on whi<-h trust patents have issued and the necessary appropriation to reimburse the Reclamation Service for the moneys expended in the reclamation of the lands to make these In- dians absolutely independent of further Government aid V f'V"..'''-, ^^J.'"^^'^'^;' f^'?'» tlic bill that its provisions are general and I In ly believe that they should be, because, while the irifoS of lu| a lo ments within the TnicUee-Carson project only is contem- plate.! at the present time, it will undoubtedlv be necessary to adont similar pr<,,v.lii,y with regard to otiuT allotments made "under the fourth s...-ti..ii ol th(> act of Febniarv 8, 1887 (24 Stat L 388) as B D 1.4 b f^/^ RELIEF OF PA.IUTE INDIANS. 6 amended by the act of February 28, 1891 (26 Stat. L., 794) ; and if the general legislation is enacted the Department will be enabled thereby to apportion part of the appropriation for irrigation purposes in car- rying out similar projects by adding to the wording of such appropri- ation acts providing for irrigation on Indian reservations the words " and allotments." This bill meets with my approval, and I therefore recommend its favorable consideration. Very respectfully, James Rudolph Garfield, Secretary. The Speaker or the House of Representatives, Washington, D. G. A BILL For the relief of the Indians owning allotments within the Truckee-Carson irri- gation project, and making appropriation to reimburse the Reclamation Service. Bg it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameriea in Congress assembled, That in carrying out any irrigation project ^yllich may be lUKlertalvcn under the provisions of the act of June seven- teenth, nineteen hundred and two (Thirty-second Statutes, page three hundred and eighty-eight), known as the reclamation act, and whicii may malce possible, and provide for, in connection with the reclamation of other lands, the irriga- tion of all or any part of the irrigable lands heretofore included in allotments made to Indians under the fourth section of the general allotment act, the Sec- retary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized, in his discretion, to cancel any or all of such allotments, including any trust patent which may have issued therefor, and in lieu thereof to reserve for and allot to each Indian having an allotment of such irrigable land and legally entitled to the same, ten acres of Irrigable land, which shall be exempt from the payment of any charges by the allottees assessed under the act of June se^'enteeuth, nineteen hundred and two (Thirty-second Statutes, page tliree hundred and eight), but such expense shall be borne by the United States: Provided, That any of the lands which may have been "included in the canceled allotments and which are not needed or reserved for allotment in smaller areas, shall be restored to the public domain, to be disposed of subject to the provisions of the above-mentioned reclamation act: And provided further. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized to expend annually for ten years not to exceed twelve thousand and sixty-four dollars to repay to the reclamation fund moneys expended by him therefrom in extending the Truckee-Carson irrigation project to four thousand six hundred and forty acres of land in Churchill County, Nevada, being the part of the lands embraced with other lands in the Indian allotments which have been voluntarily relinquished in consideration of receiving reallotments of ten acres of irrigable land', or which may be canceled under authority of this act. There is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twelve thousand and sixty-four dollars, being the first of ten installments for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this act into effect. .^ ^ % 1 >' ^. f. ^^ ^^^^^r '^' '^ -.^iir^f,* ^v ^^ ^'^j'^'^.* A ,V ,^q. Y /i 5 :(: •^ ^f ^. ■^^ a"^' -5^-. 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