Class r^^^ Book G-jHh i . . ^Tf REPORT or COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO SETTLE THE LINE BETWEEN 2irch tree on the high lands which divide the waters, that run south from those that run into the St, Law- rence, being the northern extremity of the line, and one hundred and twelve miles, two hundred and thirty-three rods from the head of Salmon Fails river. Found said 3 " 18 tree marked on the east side, *' M. E, 1789," and on the west » N. H. N. E," also " M." 54." To these marks we added "N.H." "N.E."andM. E." " 182^." " E. H." " A. M. M," " 1828." And stones are piled round the same, and marked. The whole course of the line from the Androscoggin river was re- marked by spot- ting the old marked trees, and crossing the spots and marking others in the course : and the line as above surveyed and described we agree to be the true bounda- ry line of said States, and the above described marks and monuments we establish to designate the same ; and that the said line hereafter remain the boundary line between the States, unless the Legislature ot either State shall, at the first session after the execution of this agreement, by --^-^W^^^^^ JOHN W. WEEKS, Commissioners of New- Hampshre, WILLIAM KING, RUFUS M'INTIRE, Commissioners oj Maine. November 13, 1828. MTARLAND, Printer— Concord— If . H. LBJe'lO