Ir^^r^rs^^ ^^r^f,^f.r,^^rmnrrm y^w' ' mi^^^^^^ ^^^N\; '^^^f^^^^M^W^^^ Ar^^-O^^^O'^'^' O^Oa^ r^/^^^.^^:.;A^;r^ f^.'y A A, ^, a' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. W -PRESENTED BY .^ .)[ ^.'^'^^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ^^^M&^\^ ^ . A/^/^u^^^\Av ■_ . ■ ■ A - - : N/N, /s^j. y Ar - /yi^c\0& '>,KqgMK'A ^>f «i-,^,^j^ ■>ef?^A^/ ^/^/^O^^V^I^'^f^^K?=^^^'^r ,^^AA^/^A,A;'A?^^^^ ^'SSSSSw;^.^'^^^^^^^^^ 7 :^ 7 -fy ^ryry^rv ^r^r^^^,^nf\f\■ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ . , -'^K^(^ ,^,^.«,^.^^^'^'«^^:'l-;;^.,^^,^^,.w^^' ^^ ~ --.^'^^/^r. "/vvyv^v^/ .*/«»<5' %AAA«AAA;^^^^«^^«5fi^.g§.jjAj, z:r^:'^^^^^^m^ ^^^A^-,AA ^^^...^-^^^.^-^-"^"^-^A^AftAAAAA^ft^^ A ^ ^^ ,"'^-^^*•. -v,. ^ww ■^fH^ff^ >s ^ y /^ •- ^ A /, ^ ■^ AC .^^*^,^^^^^^^?^?'-''i ^^^^^^^^^N^Z5 3sro- I. P H O C E E DINGS — OK rm: — MoprpstFr ^oriftg of j^ntiquifg, FIIOM ir.S INtfTITUriDN JAN. 24, 1875, TO TIIK KK-OKiiAMZATluN t NUKK THK UKNRHAL I^W.S OK TIIK COMMi i\ U K.M Til tuwkhikk with tmk CONS T I T U T 1 () \ A N 1 ) i] Y- L A VV S ( EKTIFICATE OF INCOKPOKATJON. WORCESTER, MASS.: PTBUSIIED BY THE SOCIETY 1S77. U. S. A. C I. PROCEEDINGS MorrFstFF HoriFtg of jStnHqnltg, KROM ITS INSTITUTION JAN. 24, 1875, TO THE KK-OK PRESIDENT, SAMUEL E. STAPLES. VICE-PRESIDENTS, CLARK JILLSON. ELLERY B. CRANE. SECRETARY, DANIEL SEAGRAVE. TREASURER. JAMES A. SMITH. LIBRARIAN, JOHN G. SMITH. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, SAMUEL E. STAPLES, CLARK JILLSON, ELLERY B. CRANE, DANIEL SEAGRAVE, JAMES A. SMITH. STANDING COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS, ALBERT A. LOVELL, for 1 year. FRANKLIN P. RICE, for 2 years. CHARLES R. JOHNSON, for 3 years. Hon. Clark Jillson, " . Worcester. Ellery Bicknell Crane, Esq., Worcester. Uev. Lucius Robinson Paige, D. D., . . . Cambridgeport, Mass. Clarendon Harris, Esq., Worcester, Mass. Hon. Charles Hudson, Lexington, Mass. lion. JohS Dennison Baldwin, A. M., . . . Worcester, Maes. CDcml. ci;$ Samuel Em as Staplkp, Daniel Seagkave, FUANKLIN riEIJCE RiCE, Joiix Geoiuik Smith, IvIClIAKD OTlVNN, . Rev. Albert Tyleh, ITexry Davis Bahheu, IIenky FiiANcis Stkdma William Mackeady, Omx Lank Mkuuiam, IIeiuiekt IIenky Tiiomtson, . Elijah IIarrixotox Marshall, William Augustus Sheldon, WiLHAM Blaine Howe, Charles Renssalaer JonNsoif, A. 13. James Andrew Smith, Esq., . Augustus Stone, Hon. Clakk Jillson, Edward Richadson Lawrence, Henry Phelps, Albert Alfonso Lovell, Esq., Ellery Bicknell Crane, Esq., Augustus Coolidge, Rev. Thomas Elliott St. John, A, M., Edward Issachar Comins, Thomas Melvin Lamb, . DWIOHT ARM8BY DAVIS, BEN.JAMIX John Dodge, Isaac Newton Metcalf, George Sumner, Joseph Nye Bates, M. D., Alexander Cole Munroe, Dr. Charles Whitney Estacrook, Worcester. Worcister. Worcistcr. Worcester. Worcester. Oxford. Worcester. WorevhttT. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worce.>-ler. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcester. Worcc8tcr. t No. 64,5. ] 0titm0nut0HHI| n| ilH$$ii^Ip$ijH$* mJjE it KXOWN, That whereas Samuel Elias Staples, Claek ^ JiLLSON, Elleri: B. Ckane, Daniel SeagraVe, Franklin Pierce Rice, James Andrew Smith, Albert Alfonzo Lovell and Albert Tyler, have associated themselves with the iateution of forming a corporation under the name of for the purpose of cultivating and encouraging among its members a love and admiration for antiquarian research and archaeological science ; and, so far as practicable, to rescue from oblivion any historical matter that might otherwise be lost; also, the collection and preservation of antiqna- i-ian relics of every description, With a capital of an amount not yet estab- lished, nor divided into shares, and have complied With the provisions of the Statutes of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided, as appears from the certificate of the- President, Treasurer, and Directors of said corporation duly approved by the Commissioner of Corporations, and recorded in this office : ^ofccr, SHIjeafore, I, Henry B. Peirce, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Ma-ssachusetts, DO hereby certify, that said S. E. Staples, C. Jill- BON, E. B. Crane, D. Seaorave, F. P. Rice, J. A. Smith, A. A. Lov- ell and A. Tyler, their associates and successors, are legally organized and established as and are hereby made an existing corporation, under the name of The WohcesTer Society of Antiquity, with the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to the limitations, duties and restrictions, which by law appertain thereto. [ L. s. ] WITNESS my official signature hereunto subscribed, and the seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hereunto aftixcd this twenty-second day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. HENRY B. PEIRCE, Secrttary of the Commonwealth. iwy^^^ fmG^^BiM%^ ^^^i^^;Miii;sji^;^ii PROCEEDINGS For 1875. ORIGIN OF THE SOCIETY. The wants and needs of a community like the one in which we live, both present and prospective, are liable to remain unsatisfied unless some person volun- teers to give direction to individual thought, so that each may understand the wants of the many, and all unite their efforts to promote a common cause. The union of distinct and independent forces, the bringing together of isolated rays of intellectual light, and the aggregation of individual research, require such peculiar talent as would seem to be beyond the comprehension of a large majority of mankind. That there has been, and now is, in the city of Worcester, a considerable number of persons, includ- ing some in the humble walks of life, who have been and are deeply interested in the preservation from oblivion of all historical matter relating to Worcester or Worcester County, as well as in the collection of rare and ancient books, pamphlets, prints, enfn\ivinn;s, pictures, autographs and coins, together with imple- 2 lO merits and manufactures representing the arts, sci- ences and industry of former generations, no reason- able person will venture to doubt. Though their tastes were in many respects similar, they were not acquainted with each other, and, so far as their anti- quarian research was concerned, each w\as confined to the narrow limit of the meagre result of his own efforts, without receiving any substantial benefit from what others had accomplished. The bringing together of some of these persons for the purpose of forming a Society is due to the fore- sight and ability of Samuel E. Staples, who, after consultation with one or two others, sent out the following brief card of invitation : Worcester, Mass., January 21st, 1875. To John G. Smith, Daniel Seagrave, Richard O'Flyiin and Franklin P. Rice : Gentlemen — It has been proposed to form a Society for the pur- pose of increasing an interest in archaeological science, and to rescue from oblivion such historical matter as would otherwise be lost; and you are respectfully invited to meet a few gentlemen for consultation and such action as may be thought best, at the house of the writer, No. 1 Lincoln Place (rear of No. 69 Lincoln street,) on Saturday next at 4 o'clock P. M. Hoping you may find it con- venient to be present for an hour, I am, yours respectfully, SAMUEL E. STAPLES. The first preliminary meeting was held January 24th, 1875, at the residence of Samuel E. Staples, No. 1 Lincoln Place, Worcester, Mass., in accordance with the above invitation. There were present, besides Mr. Staples, John G. Smith, Richard O'FIynn and II Franklin P. Rice. Tlie matter involved in tlio invi- tation to this meeting was freely discussed, and it was the unanimous opinion of those present that an organization formed for the purposes set forth in said invitation would be useful and desirable, provided a sufhcient number of persons could be found who would take an interest therein. Mr. Staples presented the following Constitution for consideration, and the meeting was then adjourned to January 30th : CONSTITUTION. NAMB AND PURPOSE. AuTiCLK 1. The name of this organization shall be TiiR WoucESTEii SociKTY OK Antiqlity, and its ohject and pur- j)ose to foster in its members a love and admiration for antiqua- rian research and archa-ological science, and the rescue from ol)liv- ion of such historical matter as would otherwise be lost. MEMBEUS. Article 2. Any person of good character, having an interest in the objects of this Society, and having been proposed at a pre- vious meeting, may be admitted by a majority vote of the members present, on condition of contributing to its interests, attending its meetings, and conforming to the rules and regulations of the Society. OFFICERS. Article 3. The olUccrs of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian, who shall be elected annually, in the month of January, on sepa- rate ballots, and shall resi)ectively hold their office until a successor is chosen. MEETINGS. Article 4, IMeetiiiffs for business and for the jieneral jjood of the Society shall be held on the last Saturday of each month, excepting .July and August, and as much more frecpiently as (he 12 interests of the Society may require ; and it shall be the duty of the President and Secretary, jointly, to notify the members in writing of the time and place of all stated meetings, and of all other meetings which in their judgment the interests of the associ- ation require should be held. QUORUM. Article 5. Five members shall constitute a quoi'um for the transaction of business ; but a less number may hold meetings for consultation and general improvement. EXPENSES. Article 6. The expenses of the Society shall be liquidated by voluntary contributions from its members, or others who may be interested in the objects of the association. ALTERATIONS. Article 7. This Constitution may be altered or amended in such manner as the interests of the Society may require ; notice of such alteration or amendment having been given at a previous meeting, two-thirds of the members voting therefor. The second preliminary meeting was held at the printing office of Tyler & Seagrave, No. 442 Main street, Worcester, Mass., Jan. 30th, 1875. Present, Samuel E. Staples, John G. Smith, Franklin P. Rice and Daniel Seagrave. Samuel E. Staples was chosen chairman and Daniel Seagrave secretary. On motion of Mr. Seagrave, it was unanimously voted that those present form themselves into a Society, the objects thereof to be such as set forth in the circular of invitation. The Constitution presented at the previous meet- ing was read and referred to a committee consisting of Samuel E. Staples and John G. Smith. The third preliminary meeting was held Feb. loth, 1875, at the same place as t'ue former meeting, and »3 was called to order by the cluiinnan. There were present Samuel E. Staples, John G. Smith, Franklin P. Rice, Richard O'Flynn, Henry D. Barber, Henry F. Stedman and Daniel Seagravc. The committee to whom was referred the Constitution made the ibllow- ing report : Worcester, Feb. l.Uh, 187'). The committee to wliom referred the draft of a Constitution for revision have attended to their duty, and submit the followin;; report : After duly considering the various names that have boon suijj- gested for the association, they liave unanimously agreed that the one (irst proposed, viz.: "The Worcestkr Society of AxriQuiTy," is the most suitable, as it covers the whole ground for which the association is to be formed, and is sutFiciently comprehensive to embrace all persons, in every place, who may desire to become members of the association, and the committee therefore recom- mend its adoption. Article second is so changed that propositions shall be in writ- ing, and a two-thirds vote of members present be required to admit members. Article fourth is presented in a new draft. Article sixth, for the word "shall" read "may," and the follow- ing additional clause : " but in case the necessity arise, the mem- bers may be assessed for such amount as the interests of the Soci- ety retjuire." The proposed Constitution, as revised by these and other amendments herein specified, will then read as follows : CONSTITUTION. NAME AND PURPOSE. Article I. The name of this organization shall be The Wor- cester Society of Antiquity, and its object and purpose to foster in its members a love and admiration for antiquarian research and archicological science, and to rescue from oblivion such historical matter as would otherwise be lost. 14 MEMBERS. Article 2. Any person of good character, having an interest in the objects of this Society, and having been proposed in writing at a previous meeting, may be admitted by a two-thirds vote of the members present, on condition of contributing to its interests, attending the meetings, so far as practicable, and conforming to the rules and regulations of the Society. OFFICERS. Article 3. The officers of the Society shall consist of a Pres- ident, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian, who shall be elected annually, at the stated meeting in January, on separate ballots, and shall respectively hold their office until a successor is chosen. MEETINGS. Article 4. Meetings ,for business and for the general inter- ests of the Society shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month, excepting July and August ; and also such special meetings as the interests of the Society may require ; and it shall be the duty of the President and Secretary, jointly, to notify the mem- bers in writing of the time and place of all stated meetings, and of all special meetings which in their judgment (or upon the written request of any three members,) the interests of the association require should be held. QUORUM. Article 5. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may hold meetings for consultation and general improvement. EXPENSES. Article G. The expenses of the Society may be liquidated by voluntary contributions of its members, or other persons who may be interested in the objects of the association ; but in case the necessity arise, the members may be assessed for such amount as the interests of the Society require. alterations. Article 7. This Constitution may be altered or amended at any stated meeting of the Society, notice of such alteration or '5 amendment having been given in writing at a previous busincee meeting, two-thirds of the members present voting therefor. All of which is respectfully submitted. SAMUEL E. STAPLES, JOHN G. SMITH. The above Constitution was unanimously adoptetl. The first regular meeting of The Worckster Society OF Antiquity, under the Constitution, was held at the printing office of Tyler & Seagrave, No. 442 Main street, Worcester, Mass., March 2d, 1875. There were present Henry D. Barber, Richard O'Flynn, Franklin P. Rice, John G. Smith, William Macready and Daniel Seagrave. In the absence of the chair- man, Henry D. Barber was elected chairman pro tern. The Society was then duly organized by the election of the following officers : President, Samuel E. Staples; Vice President, Henry D. Barber ; Secretary, Daniel Seagrave ; Treasurer, Henry F. Stedman ; Librarian, John G. Smith. Thus was organized a society whose future prom- ises the most gratifying results. A committee, con- sisting of John G. Smith and Daniel Seagrave, was appointed to take into consideration certain amend- ments to the Constitution. The next meeting was held April 6th, 1875. The Piesident, who was absent at the time of his election, favored the Society with the following address : ADDRKSS OK THE I'REgHDENT. The WoncESTEH Society op Antk^'ity is designed to encour- age historioil researcli. That there is a necessity for such an oruniii- i6 zation in this community may be seen when we consider that in this city of fifty thousand inhabitants, with its many institutions of learning (in literature, art and the sciences.) there is no other insti- tution of this kind that meets the popular demand. The Ameri- can Antiquarian Society may be properly called a national institu- tion, supijorted and maintained by gentlemen of eminence in their several walks and professions, embracing in its membership per- sons of the rarest culture and most profound knowledge. Such an institution is useful beyond calculation, in securing, devel- oping and preserving historical knowledge, but it fails to meet the wants of many jiersons interested in like researches and pur- poses, who are not so fortunate as to be reckoned among the mem- bers of so honorable a body. It is hoped and believed that this new Society may meet this demand, while it will in no sense be regarded as a rival of the older Society, but rather an auxiliary to it. In order, then, for this association to be the most useful to its members, and ultimately to the public at large, it is very important that each one of us pursue with diligence and careful inquiry the several topics of interest that fall within our sphere. Historical research and the preservation of historical matter is the underlying principle that should prompt us in our efforts for the attainment and the dissemination of knowledge. Though this Society enters the field of inquiry, the paths of which have been travelled by so many illustrious men, there is room enough and to spare for the few congenial minds with which we start our organi- zation, and the prospective numbers, large and cultivated as we expect them to be in the future, who may be attracted to this organization. The natural benefits to be derived from this associ- ation are not to be overlooked. The field of inquiry is so broad that each one may here and there cull a flower with which to beautify our institution, or bi'ing in the harvested fruit to enrich our membership. Let each one do his part, both in spring-time and harvest, that our garners may be filled. By the records of the last meeting, it appears by the votes then cast you did me the honor to elect me as the first President of this Society. Wlii!e I appreciate the honor thus conferred, I can only wish that it had fallen upon some other person much better quali- 17 ficd, or that I could brinn^ more ability to the performance of tljc duties of the oince. Desiring' the growth and prosperity of this new organization, I shall do what I can to promote its interests, doubting not but that I shall receive the hearty cooperation of all its members. At the regular meeting held May 4th, 1875, the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, [ippoiuted March 2d, 1875, reported an article relat- ing to honorary members, which was adopted and numbered three (3), the numbers of the following articles being changed to correspond therewith. This article was as follows : HONORARY MEMBERS. Article 3. Any person of good moral character, interested in antiipiarian research, and having a desire to assist in the objects of this Society, and having been proposed in writing at a previous meeting, may be admitted an honorary member thereof on receiv- ing a two-thirds vote of the members present. Honorary mem- bers shall bo entitled to all the privileges of other members, except the right to vote and hold office. The last meeting of the year was held December 7th, 1875, at the residence of John G. Smith, No. 53 Lincoln street. At the close of the meeting remarks were made by the members relating to the prosperity of the Society during its brief existence. Mr. John G. Smith said that he felt very much encouraged by the present condition of the Society ; that it had far exceeded his utmost expectations ; and he congratu- lated the members on the benefit they had already derived from their connection with it. At the close of this year the Society, was composed of twelve members. 3 i8 The interest manifested on the part of the friends of this Society, in its progress and welfare, cannot fail to produce the most satisfactory results. The large number of books, many of them rare and expensive, collected by the members of this Society during the present year, will have a tendency to stimulate more persistent efforts in the same direction during the year to come. Our members now have in their libra- ries some of the oldest and rarest printed books in existence ; and when these collections are brought together they will form one of the most valuable antique libraries in the country. With these encouragements the Society closes the first year of its existence ; and the members feel that they are justified in expressing their complete confi- dence in the success of this new enterprise. ^^^wsi}i^'^)iwsl&xirs>:»'^'siii^^si"t}'s^. PROCEEDINGS For the Year 1876. The first annual meeting of The Worcester Society OF Antiquity was lield at the residence of Samuel E. Staples, President of the Society, at No. 1 Lincoln Place, Worcester, Mass., January 4th, 1870. At this meeting the following officers were elected : President, Samuel E. Staples ; Vice President, Henry D. Barber; Secretary, Daniel Seagrave ; Treas- urer, Henry F. Stedman ; Librarian, John G. Smith. The President delivered his address, as follows : Gentlemen — In accepting the position to which by your votes I have been assigned for anotlier year, I desire to return my sincere thanks for the confidence shown and the honor conferred upon me. Conscious in some measure of the poor qualifications I bring to the performance of the duties of the office, yet with the aid and cooperation that I hope to receive at the hands of every member, I trust and sincerely hope tliat we shall be able to place tliis Soci- ety upon a sure foundation, and make it an organization the power and usefulness of which shall be acknowledged wherever it may be known. With gratitude to that Being without whose notice not a spar- row falls to the ground, let us be mindful of His goodness and - -^ -20 mercy to us in the past, and let us strive faithfully in the future to perform with diligence the obligation of each passing hour. And now as we enter upon the duties of a new year, this Soci- ety observes its first anniversary. Thus far of short duration, li/;tle ex23erience and few in numbers, some of whom have been classed as " middle men" * nevertheless the purposes of the organization have been accomplished in the encouragement of historical research and the preservation of historical matter. Associated labor is calcu- lated to produce much greater results than the independent effort of an individual alone. By association we are quickened and incited to greater diligence and stronger effort, consequently more is accomplished than could be done without such united purpose. The advantages of associations like our own are ajjparent, and no argument is needed to show their importance. The recent circular from the commissioners of the proposed cen- tennial celebration, recommending that an historical address, hav- ing special reference to local history, be delivered in every town or county throughout the land on the coming anniversary of Ameri- can Independence, and that such productions be preserved and bound together by States, forming a grand history of our country, is a judicious and wise suggestion, and should have the hearty support .of every patriot and every historical society throughout our vast domain. Since the institution of The Worcester Society of Anti- quity, Jan. 24th, 1875, twelve meetings have been held, includ- ing three preliminary meetings. These have been occasions of con- siderable interest to those who have been present, and not without beneficial results. Matters relating to the association have been discussed, new members have been admitted from time to time, and reports of the acquisitions have been made, showing in the aggregate not less than 1000 volumes and 1500 pamphlets,tbesides numerous portraits, autographs and coins. One pleasant feature of our association has been in holding the meetings of the Society at the dwellings of the members, thus affording an opportunity for a, better acquaintanceship of the mem- bers and the examination of their libraries, by which we have been *Vide Proceedings American Antiquarian Society, Oct. 21, 1874. tSo fir iis r<>pnrt<.' I, 1S12 volum(>s and 158G pamphU'ts 21 instructed and entertained, and some exclianges have been effected to mutual advantage. It would doubtless have been an easy matter to greatly increase our meinbcrsliip, but our purpose has been to admit only those who are especially interested in the objects of the association, and who will add to its interests by hearty cooperation in our endeav- ors to promote its usefulness. Numbers do not constitute true strength; this only results from earnest, active effort on the part of those who are associated together for a common purpose. Having thus far reviewed the brief history of our Society, let us now inquire what it shall be in the future. Shall it go on increasing in usefulness and multiplying its numbers, or shall it be suffered to languish and die, failing to meet the demands of the j)lace and the times? I think you will agree with me in saying it ought to and must be sustained. I venture to aihrm that not one who has helped the Society through its first year of existence would be willing to see it fall to the ground as unripe fruit, unfit for a place among the honored societies of the land, having a Jiindred purpose in their life and continuance with our own. This Society is not alone in laboring under embarrassments in the early stages of its existence ; and we should not therefore be discouraged, for a brighter day is sure to dawn if we prove faith- ful to the trust now imposed upon us. We should receive a new impetus from the inspiration of this centennial year, and strive with renewed diligence and energy to do our part in treasuring up the records of the past and being pre- pared to transmit to posterity that which we have obtained. In the language of another, "our first and great object is to res- cue from the past all that is valuable in regard to New England (and I will add our whole country), and to preserve all that may in any way contribute to the history and renown of her people." To rescue from the past — that is one of the fundamental princi- ples of this Society. O that we knew more of the past — more concerning those noble men, the fathers of our republic, who a hundred years ago were striving and toiling here to establish a government that should bless and elevate mankind and make them free. 22 "While we cannot know all we desire, yet history reveals unto us enough to kindle anew our patriotism and lead us to a greater, a deeper and truer devotion to the interests of our common coun- try. To rescue from the past — that shall be our motto. Let nothing worthy of preservation be lost, but gather up the threads of history, weave them together, and let them be preserved through all coming time. But why so anxious about the past ? Is it not the future that most concerns us ? Most truly it is ; but only as we rightly know and estimate the past shall we learn wisdom for the future. The noble, patriotic and Christian example of our worthy sires shall be a pattern for us, in so far as they were exemplars of all that is good and true in man, and we will strive to imitate their virtues and avoid their errors. Having thus briefly considered the interests, purposes and design of this association, let us as we now start anew in life's pilgrimage, ever strive faithfully to perform our part of its duties, so that the world around us may be better for the work we may have done. At this meeting the matter of printing the pro- ceedings of the Society was referred to a committee consisting of Daniel Seagrave, Richard O'Flynn and Frankhn P. Rice, who reported at the next meeting in favor of printing the proceedings, but final action was deferred till March 7th, 1876, when the subject was indefinitely postponed, and a committee consist- ing of Daniel Seagrave, Henry D. Barber and James A. Smith was appointed to take into consideration the expediency of printing the Constitution and By-Laws. After investigating the matter, it was thought expe- dient to revise the Constitution, and at the regular meeting held October 3d, 1876, a committee con- sisting of Samuel E. Staples, Daniel Seagrave and Ellery B. Crane was appointed to make such revision ; 23 and at the meeting held November 11th the commit- tee was enlarged by adding to its number Clark Jill- son and James A. Smith. This committee held several meetings, and at the last meeting of the year, held December 5th, 1870, at the residence of John G. Smith, 58 Lincoln street, the committee reported a revised Constitution, which was considered, approved and laid over till the next meeting for final adoption. At the meeting held May 2d, 187G, a committee consisting of Franklin P. Rice, Richard O'Flynn and Augustus Stone was appointed to draw up and for- ward resolutions to Henry B. Anthony, Senator in Congress from Rhode Island, thanking him, in the name of the Society, for securing the passage of a bill in Congress having for its object the placing of the public documents within the reach of the people ; and at the meeting of June 6th the committee reported the following resolution : Resolved, That the thanks of this Society be tendered to the Hon. lie. y B. Anthony for the introduction of the bill providing for the sale and better distribution of the Public Documents. Resolved, That this resolution bo entered upon the records of the Society, and that a copy be forwarded to Senator Anthony. The Secretary was instructed to forward the above, and received the following reply : Providence, May 17, 1876. Dear Sir — Your note of the 12th was forwarded to me from Washington. Please express to the Society my thanks for the complimentary resolution of which you ajiprise me. Yours, very respectfully, IL B. ANTHONY. Daniel Seagrave, F1s(i., Secretary. 24 At the same meeting, Charles R Johnson read an interesting paper on the " Vestiges of Ancient Amer- ican Civilization," as follows : Gentlemen of The Worcester Society of Antiquity — I would invite your attention a short time this evening to the subject of American archjeology. The study of the antiquities of any nation, to what- ever period of time or to whatever part of the world that nation belongs, is always an entertaining one ; but the investigation becomes doubly interesting when it relates to our own ancestors, or to the remains of other races which once flourished where we now dwell. Hence we should all have a special concern in the topic before us. In considering the ancient civilization of America, I shall con- fine myself to the localities where the remains are most extensive, viz.: Mexico, including Yucatan, Central America and Peru ; and I shall devote my time to the discussion of three questions : First, How high a degree of civilization is indicated ? Secondly, How far back does that civilization date ? and, thirdly, "Who were its authors ? Beginning, then, with the first question, it should be said at the outset that very different grades of skill are to be noticed in differ- ent places. The best specimens of workmanship are seen in Yuca- tan and Central Amei'ica. Proceeding northward, the ruins decrease in importance. Travelling to the south, one has to go as far as Ecuador before making valuable discoveries, but neither there nor in Peru are the remains equal to those of Guatemala or Yucatan. You have all heard of the ruined cities of America ; most of you have probably read the graj^hic accounts of them given by Stephens and Squier, hence it would be very much out of place for me here to rehearse what those eminent authors have said ; but I will briefly describe a few of the important works of the ancient people, in order that we may get some idea of their skill and draw an inference as to their condition. At Palenque, in the Mexican State of Chiapa, there are some remarkable ruins. The most noticeable of these is a build- ing called the " Palace." It is situated on a terraced pyramid, forty feet high. This building is 228 feet long, 180 feet wide, 25 iind 2>') t'ct't hiijli. It li:is 14 doorways on each side and 1 1 at each <'ih1. It was built of liewn stone, carefully laid in mortar. Around lilt! ediiice was a corridor 9 feet wide, roofed l)y a pointed arcii. 'I'liere are four interior courts, one of which measures 70 by 80 feet. These courts are surrounded by corridors, the architectural work of which is richly decorated. The piers around the courts are "covered with figures in stucco, or plaster, which, when broken, reveals six or more coats or layers, each revealing traces of paint- ing." The sculptures are very finely executed. Another edifice at I'alenque, called La Cruz, is so wonderfully ornamented that Captain Dupaix declares : " It is impossible to describe adetpiately the interior decorations of this sumptuous temple;" and speaking of its broken statues, Stephens says : " In justness of proportion and symmetry they must have approached the Greek models." Captain Ki(;hard Stewart, a recent traveller in Mexico, describes some wonderful ruins which he saw near ^lultipec, in the State of Guailalajara. These ruins arc situated on a high jdateau, and extend over a space of more than twenty-five acres. The most prominent among the remains is a quadrilateral pyramid 500 feet R(puire and 100 feet in height. On the side of the p3'ramid facing tiie east is an arched doorway 39 feet high and 27 feet in width, (laiiked by inmiense sphinxes standing on marble pedestals. There are two marble pillars lo feet high in front of each sphinx. These j)i]lars are ornamented witlr finely-carved figures and are covered with hieroglyphics. Passing the grand entrance, one comes upon a stately hall, 53 by 90 feet, the walls of which are adorned with sculptured figures and hieroglyphics. The ceiling is supported by twelve marble pillars, six on eacli side, which are also covered with carvings. Four doors lead from this hall into smaller rooms, which it is supposed, from the character of the interior, were used as resting places of the dead. There are also doorways which lead from the main hall to fiights of stone steps descending to sub- terranean chambers. In the State of Oaxaca a monument has been found which undoubtedly was once used as an astronomical observatory. This is a granite rock hewed into the shape of a pyramid, at the top of whicii is a level space, whence a fine view of the heavens can be had. On one side of the rock are carved astronomical fiirures, and I 26 among these is the form of a man gazing at the sky through a telescope. There is strong evidence among the ruins that the ancient people did not neglect athletic exercises. A good example of this is shown in the Gymnasium or Tennis Court at Chicken Itza, in Yucatan, a structure formed by two parallel walls 274 feet long, 30 feet thick and 120 feet apart. In the middle of these walls, and opposite each other, are two stone rings 4 feet in diam- eter, and having at the centre an aperture 19 inches in diameter. These rings are 20 feet from the ground. The space between these walls was beyond question used for games, but what kind of games we cannot tell. Thus far I have spoken only of the remains in North America, but those in South America are also very important. The city of Cuzco was defended by immense stone fortresses, the walls of which were so massive as to make it appear incredible to the con- querors that they could have been raised by human hands. The Temple of the Sun at Cuzco was a structure of extraordmary size and magnificence, having " a circuit of more than four hundred paces." A section of its walls still exist, forming a part of the Convent of St. Domingo. At Tiahuanaco there evidently once existed a great city. Cie^a de Leon, describing this place, says : " There are stones so large and so overgrown that our wonder is incited, it being incomprehensible how the power of man could have placed them where we see them. They are variously wrought, and some having the form of men must have been idols. Near the walls are many caves and excavations under the earth, but in another place further west are other and greater monu- ments, such as large gateways with hinges, platforms and porches, each made of a single stone. It surprised me to see these enor- mous gateways, made of great masses of stone, some of which were thirty feet long, fifteen feet high and six thick." The great roads of Peru may, however, be regarded as the greatest monuments of the old race. One of them extended from Quito to Chili ; another led from Cuzco to the coast. They were from twenty to twenty- five feet wide, and were built on a foundation of masonry. In some places they were paved, in others macadamized. Mr. Bald- win, in speaking of these I'oads, observes that "the builders of our Pacific Railroad, with their superior engineering skill and mechan- 27 ical aiipliaiires, might reasonably shrink from the cost and tin- ililliciiltie.s of sucli a work as this. Kxtendinjj from one (h'gret; north of C^iiito to Cnzco, and from Cuzco to Chili, it was quite as lonff as the two I'aoifie railroads, and its wild route among the mountains was far more diHieult." Is any further proof needed that a people who eould undertake and complete works like this, and the others I have alluded to, were in a very advanced state of civilization ? I now come to the second ipiestion. IIow far hack does this civi- lization date ? Those who follow the generally received chronol- ogy are inclined to speak of the American ruins as of no very great age. They would make it appear that this continent, nay, that the world itself, has been peopled but a few thousand years, and that all civilization must have grown up in that time. The researches of scholars among the antiquities of Kgypt, Assyria and India, as well as the discoveries of science, have established the falsity of this notion as to the Eastern Hemisphere, and I think that it may bo shown to be equally untrue in regard to the West- ern Hemisphere. Great cities are not built in a day. Progress in science and art is of slow growth, and it is only by gradual stages that a people is raised from savagery to a state of refine- ment. Yucatan, Chiapa and Guatemala were covered by a dense forest when Cortez conquered JMexico, and this forest then had every appearance of having stood there for centuries. It is here that are found the most striking remains of the lost race. Here are Copan, INIitla and Palentiue, or rather here are the shattered remnants of their former grandeur. If the rise of civilization is gradual, so also is its decay. IIow many centuries, then, must have elapsed since these cities were in their prime I IIow many more since the date of their foundation ! Nay, further, to what remote tinle shall we assign the foundation of the cities which pre- ceded these, and of whose existence there is the strongest evidence t For, as Brasseur de Bourbourg says, "among the edifices forgot- ten by time in the forests of Mexico and Central America, we find architectural characteristics so different from each other that it is as impossible to attribute them all to the same people as to believe they were all built at the same epoch." The condition of the remains themselves bears positive testimony to their great age. 28 Nothing is left but what is least destructible. Even the massive stone buildings tliemselves have mostly crumbled away, and only a few remain to attest the glory of their founders. Every wooden structure, every tool, every article of furniture, every household utensil, except something eartheu or stone, has disappeared. The period of time required for such a process of obliteration must be very extended indeed. All civilized peoples have a literature which, while it exists, gives a full account of their history. The ancient Americans had a literature, but unhappily it was almost entirely destroyed by monkish bigotry. From the little that re- mains we are enabled to gain a few facts regarding the history of its authors. It appears that here, as in the Old World, one nation succeeded another in influence and power, only to be in its turn supplanted by a third, and thus in regular order. The prominent people mentioned in this succession are the Chichemecs, the Col- huas, the Toltecs and the Aztecs. Under the head of Chichemecs seem to be included all the original barbarous inhabitants of the country. They Avere followed by the Colhuas, who were the founders of the original civilization. The Toltecs came into the country about ten centuries before the Christian era, and estab- lished themselves in the place of the Colhuas, The oldest certain date in the Toltec history is 955 B. C. This was when the con- querors made a division of the land ; whence the inference that they began to arrive about 1000 B. C. The Toltecs had a long lease of power, but eventually, weakened by misgovernment and broken up by dissensions, they were forced to give place to the Aztecs, who appeared on the scene about two hundred and fifty years before the Sj^anish invasion, and continued to rule the coun- try till they were subdued by Cortez. Thus much for the history, as recorded in the American annals. It is but just to say that this account seems to be in some respects corroborated by the Phoenician and Tyrian writers, especially in regard to the antiquity and civilization of the American races ; for they record instances of ships being driven across the Atlantic and finding a land " wat- ered by several navigable streams and beautified with many gar- dens of pleasure, planted with divers sorts of trees and an abun- dance of orchards. The towns are adorned with stately buildings and banquetting houses, pleasantly situated in their gardens and orchards." The time when these ships were driven across could 29 hardly have been later than 700 B. C, and was probably consider- al)ly earlier. I think I have shown that the civilization in North America h of a very ancient date. By a parity of roasoniii cscapi'il. and were the orii^inators of the civilization of ^Mexico, Central America and Pern ; that portions of the submerged terri- tory afterward rose, forming the islands known as the Antilles, lirasseur de Bourhourg is the great exponent of this theory. This learned Frenchman spent many years in Mexico and Central America, studying among the ruins. He became master of the IMaya language, and succeeded in translating the old books and in deciphering some of the inscriptions. He found abundant refer- ences to the cataclysm in the ancient manuscripts which he discov- ered and in the sculptures everywhere visible in the deserted cities. What is stranger still, he asserts that many of the rites j)racticed by the natives to-day, and which he personally observed, have sj>e- cial reference to the great convulsion. The common peoj)le do not know the meaning of these rites, but the priests keep the secret. Brasseur also cites several of the old Greek authors to show that the nations of the Eastern continent in ancient times had dealings with Atlantis. I would have liked much to have discussed this theory at length, thus giving a juster account of it, but it is not possible to do so in the brief space allotted to this essay. Indeed, to treat of the subject worthily would recpiire the whole of a separate paper, and therefore I will not attempt a further review of it here. It has been my endeavor to show in these pages that the remains found in various parts of the continent attest that there once lived here a race of men far advanced in the arts of civilized life ; that that race can be traced back to a very distant epoch ; and that its origin is not to be ascribed to any of the sources which it has been the custom of most writers on this subject to point out. I am deeply sensible that these questions have been treated of very iiuuleiiuately in this essay, but I trust that the lack of skill shown here will be the means of inciting other and abler investigators to research in this direction. In closing, I desire to express my obligation to Hon. John D. Baldwin, whose work on "Ancient America" has greatly assisted in the preparation of this paper. 32 At a special meeting held June 9th, 1876, the Society voted not to accept the invitation to join in the public procession at the Centennial celebration on the Fourth of July, as many of its members were already engaged for duty on that day. At the regular meeting held Sept. 12th, 187G, the following paper on "Genealogy" was read by EUery B. Crane: 3fr. President, and Members of The Worcester Society of Antiquity — Genealogy, the history of the desceut of a person or family from an ancestor, is to me a subject of jiarticular interest; and out of my limited study of family histories has grown a desire to know something of the records of the past concerning the different races who have inhabited the earth, and particularly that ancient and unknown people who have left behind them on this American con- tinent (as Mr. Baldwin tells us) " sUch lasting monuments of a cer- tain degree of civilization." The very able and interesting essay read by Mr. C. R. Johnson at our meeting held on the evening of June 6th of the present year gave us much information concerning this ancient race ; yet it left us, as no doubt it left him, thirsting after more knowledge relating to that antique people. This same mental thirst for additional facts, either in the direc- ' tion of the history of races or of families, stimulated now and then by a fresh, invigorating draught of information brought to light through the exploration of some old musty, time-worn town or church record, or it may be from the writings of some ancient English, French or Spanish traveller, or perchance it may be from a personal examination of the old ruins themselves, is perhaps one cause of the interest taken in ancient history, whether of men or nations. Yet from the remotest ages there has always existed among civilized people (and to some extent among the uncivilized) a desire to trace one's lineage and perpetuate its knowledge ; it seems, therefore, a principle of our nature. One of our prominent genealogists has said that among all the motives which operate on tlie human mind few exert more influence than those drawn fi'om liistory. If the intellectual, social and moral condition of nations 33 ricli ill historical recollections he coiiiparcil with that of a |)eople chieily or wholly destitute of them, tlu; (lilVcrciicu will he found to 1)1' Viist and striking. The strength of England and the United States is fed continually hy memories of Cressy and Agincoiu-t, of IJunker Hill and Saratoga, while long centuries of darkness and hondage have enfeehled the Chinese and the Irish. What is true of nations is also true of families. There is scarcely to be found an intelligent, public-spirited, virtuous man who can safely deny that his motives to virtue and patriotism are not strongly rein- forced by the consideration (if such were the fact) that his ances- tors were brave and upright men. "With Webster, let us believe that there is a moral and philosophical respect for one's ancestors which elevates the character and improves the heart. Burke truly said, " Those only deserve to be remembered by posterity who treasure up the history of their ancestors." Our American ancestry is certainly rich in moral strength. What we are to-day depends, to a very great extent, upon what our ancestors were before us. We are moulded largely after them. Let no man place dishonor on his ancestry, but rather let it be his solemn duty to ever hold it in high regard. How grand the accom- plishment for a person to be able to consider what his forefathers were; what they did one, two or three hundred years ago; what part they took in matters of Church or State — for there is no family without its ideal man. The history of a nation is largely made up of incidents of heroism or patriotism performed by its people, and really it is no more nor less than a collective history of the families composing that nation. Thus we see that by the writing of family memorials we are able to perpetuate the nation's history, and at the same time connect those families with the great transactions of the past, enabling posterity to detect what their ancestors had to do with the successive portions of the nation's life. The publication of these pedigrees, and the holding of family meetings, or reunions as they are sometimes called, has a salutary effect ; it tends to bring members of the family together and to bind them more closely in bonds of fraternal love and esteem. I have been a witness to good results from these family gatherings, iind have taken great pleasure in bringing face to fare relatives 34 who might never have seen each other had it not heen for the family reunion, and doubtless would never have known of each other if the family history had not been written. I have met per- sons who came hundi'eds of miles to attend a meeting of this kind, hoping that there perhaps they might be able to see, or at least gain some knowledge concerning a relative whose whereabouts for years had been unknown to them, and in almost every instance success crowned their eifort. All persons that have given much attention to family histories have become deeply impressed with the varied relationships run- ning through the different families — how they are, as it were, woven together by marriage, one family with another. The effect is really peculiar. The descendants of families who were neigh- bors and intimate friends two hundred years ago find themselves to-day husband and wife. The rapidity with which they multiply seems almost incredible. In two hundred years, from one pro- genitor, the Rawson family increased to over seven thousand j)er- sons, including the intermarriages. To many persons genealogy is an uninteresting subject, and slow to attract their attention ; but, nevertheless, it has its ardent supporters, and not a few persons are to be found laboring stu- diously within this branch of historical record. They are doing a splendid work for posterity, who, in the coming ages, will rise up and call them blessed. My little experience has proven that the middle-aged persons and those past the prime of life are the most ready to take interest and render assistance in this kind of work. The younger people have so much to turn their minds in other channels, that not until they have taken upon themselves the more serious part of life and mastered many of its weighty problems, so that they begin to realize what this life means, that we should not live for mere self — then there comes the interest to be felt in others, and genealogical subjects are more readily taken up. Educated, thoughtful, representative men are always found ready to give their attention to this theme, so far as circumstances will admit. A man must, indeed, entertain a very low estimate for ancestral worth, and show very little regard for those noble patri- archs who spent their lives in improving and perfecting the insti- tutions which are to be so much enjoyed by every successive gene- 35 ration, if he is not williiiii, cither witli his time or money, to cncourago tlie puhlieafion of family i>ocliirrees, and the infiuene(! arising from such, nnwillingncss cannot work for good ui)ou the minds of /ns children or those that come after them. Among the first questions that press themselves upon tlie mind of the genealogist for solution, these are perhaps the most promi- nent: Who were our first progenitors? From whence did they come ? When did they arrive in this country ? What was their condition in the old country ? When, where and how did they live? What were their occupations? What their characteristics, physical, moral? What position in society did they sustain? Wliat (if any) were the principal incidents of their lives ? These and many more must arise. But how and where can the answers he obtained ? Those who have had the most experience are the best prepared to point out the way of solution. I do not claim to have had sullicient practical accpiaintance with the subject to be able to dictate largely to others, but perhaps I can, in a general way, make some suggestions and give sonic hints that will prove of service to those of you who may enter upon this interesting yet mysterious, and sometimes almost fruitless, voyage. The answer to the first question, Who was our first progenitor? and perhaps to some of the others that follow, may be found in tradition. Many persons are able to tell you they are descended ironi liaronet or Sir Knight So-and-So, General Urown or Capt. Smith, who, years gone by, served his country with distinction and renown ; but about anything intermediate between that period and the record of their own family, they know nothing and care little. But this man, so proud of his nol)ility as to cherish and pass down to his children the name of their jirogenitor, renders valuable ser- vice in furnishing the family genealogist with the key-note to a melody which may gladden tlu; hearts of thousands of their fellow kin. After personal inquiries among the eldest surviving members of the family, should tradition fail to furnish the coveted solution, then search for the family records, and trace them back to the fountain-head. "Hotten's List of Emigrants to America" may perhaps give the name and time of arrival in this country. This book of Hotten's gives the names of a large number of persons who went from Great Britain to the American plantations from 36 the year IGOO to 1700, with their ages, locations, where tliey for- merly lived in the mother country, and names of the ships in which they embarked, taken from manuscript records jireserved in the Public Records Office, London, by John C. Hotten, and published in 1874. It is very difficult to obtain satisfactory accounts of their con- dition in the mother country, and also where and how they lived, without visiting the old localities and examining the records that may be found there. Histories of nearly if not all the counties in England have been published, some of them, I am told, entering largely into family pedigrees, and they are very much needed by American genealo- gists, in order that the connecting links between the old English stock and the early settlers of the New England colonies may be better adjusted and understood. At the present time very few of these county histories are to be found in the United States. But Congress has taken the matter in hand, and an order has been passed to have them purchased for our National Library, where they may be consulted. Indexes to some of these histories are to be found in some American libraries, but they are by no means common. I anticipate that the wants of many persons who are anxious to find records of their ancestry in England will be grati- fied when a complete set of English county histories shall have become the property and in the possession of a public library on this side of the water. There are some standard books for genealogical reference to be found at the Antiquarian Library of our city, such as the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, numbering some thirty volumes; Dr. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary; Henry Bond's family memorials and genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Mass. ; Genea- logical Notes, by Goodwin ; Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England, by John Farmer ; Vinton Memorials, by John A. Vinton ; Littell's First Settlers of the Passaic Valley ; also a very long list of county and town histories. The public owe a debt for the use of the library of the American Antiquarian Society that they never can well repay. There are by actual count 200 county and town histories containing genealogical notices 37 of the early settlers, some of them finite extended, rind many, if not the greater part of them, can ho fonnd in our Antiquarian Library. Daniel S. Durrie, I^ii)rarian of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, has published an alphabetic index to American geneal- ogies and pedigrees. You will find in this index, under the name sought for, a reference given to numerous histories and works of other kinds, where ])erhaps the desired information may be found. There also has been prepared a catalogue of family histories by William II. Whittemore. The first edition appeared in 18G2, under the title, "Handbook of American Genealogy;" the second in I8C8, under the present title, "American Genealogist," which was again republished in 187 o. From this catalogue reference can be had to all the American family genealogies that had been published up to the month of June, 187o. In addition to the works already mentioned for reference, there are the numerous family liistories, of which a large number can be examined at this Anticpiarian Library. When unable to satisfy your desire from these family, town and county histories, then the original manuscript records of towns and church societies, where any member or your family has been a resident, must be carefully examined for births, deaths, marriages, etc. It is well to look over the probate records and registry of deeds to see what can be found there ; also the inscriptions on head-stones in our old l)urial grounds. If all the records upon the ancient tomb-stones, marking the final resting jjlaces of our forefathers, could be transcribed before they are forever lost, it would save to posterity a valuable register, and the pen of the future genealogist would render homage to the transcriber. Already many of those pristine monuments that were standing over the dust of those once noble sires have become weakened by the decay of ages, and wherever the slab is found on the sacred spot the characters have become so obliterated by the collection of lichen and rust as to place them almost beyond recfignition. A few records of this kind can be found in the His- torical and Genealogical Register, but it is a source of much regret that more of them have not been preserved. In searching I'ecords made in the early days of our colonial set- tlements, a ])cculiarity about the dates maybe noticed. Our Puri- 38 tan forefathers began their year with March for the first montli, and the succeeding months were represented by successive num- bers. This was called the Old Style legal year in P^ngland, and in use i^revious to the year 1752. At the present time the town and city records of births, deaths and marriages are kept with such systematic thoroughness throughout New England, and particularly in the State of Massa- chusetts, that the future collector of family pedigrees will have comparatively an easy task from the present time forward, so long as the same system of registration shall be continued. The practice adopted by many of our colleges, of keeping a record of the lives of their sons and perpetuating the prominent points in their history, will exert a good influence over them, and, in the future, prove a very valuable reference for the family gene- alogist. To obtain records of a more recent date, it will be necessary, so far as possible, to have the names and the post-ofhce address of all persons bearing the same patronymic, to gain which it will be found profitable to consult all the town, city, county and State directories, reference books of the mercantile agencies, and all other books that you can find access to, out of which you would be quite sure of acquiring a good list. In the meantime circulars could be printed, with blank spaces, to send to each person on your list, that they may fill out the blanks and return them ; and it is very important that these circulars be so formed that the manner of filling up the blanks will be readily understood by those to whom they are sent, and when properly filled the information will be complete and comprehensive. Caution should be given against writing obscurely, for it sometimes happens that records not clearly written in the original manuscript cause serious errors in the printed page, impairing its value and producing dissatisfac- tion in the family where the inaccuracy occurs. A work of this kind requires much time for preparation. It never should be hurried through. Success depends on its thor- oughness and accuracy. Discouragements in various forms will present themselves, but with a firm determination to conquer any obstacle that stands in your way, success will at last be the reward for your labor. Genealogical subjects did not occupy the minds of the early set- tlers of our New England colonies to any great extent. They were more thoughtful for the safety and welfare of their families, the enjoyment of their religious liberty, and the success of their settlements, than the publication of independent family histories. They rather preferred making their record in one grand colonial history, where each family might be represented by their self-sac- rifice and devotion of life for liberty and true patriotism. The earliest genealogy, in a distinct form, published in the United States is believed to be that of Mr. Sanmel Stebbins and Hannah, his wife, from the year 1707 to the time of its publica- tion in Hartford, Ct., in 1771, containing 24 pages, and printed by Ebenezer "Watson. But one other (that of the Chauncey family, in 1787,) was published previous to 180G. From lyOG to the year 1800, 4-1 years, about 7'J were published; within the next 10 years G3 genealogies were i)rinted ; and in the 10 years succeeding 1870, 242 came from the printer's hands ; during the five years previous to 1875 (at which time my record ceases) 135 were issued, showing that there has been steadily developed a growing interest in this kind of work; and I anticipate that the nundjer of genealogical publications for the live years ending in 1880 will far outrank that of the same period of five years preceding it. As to the arrangement of matter for jMiblication, style to be adopted, etc., there are almost as many dift'erent modes as there are books, for each compiler in the past seems to have carried out a peculiar arrangement of his own, many of them being ratlier dilficult to comprehend. But of late a certain state of perfection has been attained by some of our best compilers, and their diction has been imitated by others, always, however, subject to some slight change to meet certain requirements that the work might present. The more clear and plain the style, the more readily it will be understood and appreciated. I prefer the method of arranging each generation in regular order by itself, jjnd one gen^j- ration after the other, with consecutive numbers prefixed and suf- fixed for reference, both forward and back, to the several names when they occur — as parent or child. The value of such records it is hardly possible to estimate, and the various connections and relationships that arc developed by working out these family his- 40 tories gives satisfaction to many a restless desire. In collecting material for the Rawson family memorial, persons were found who had lost all knowledge of some brother, uncle or cousin, who, through the working of some unforeseen change of events, had passed beyond reach of each other. In almost every instance, the l^ersons themselves or their children were brought into communi- cation with each other again. If your patience will allow me, I would like to cite one instance which will perhaps better illustrate my meaning of the value to be ])laced on such pedigrees. . Some of you may recall an article that appeared in the Worcester Daily Spy, some months ago, relating to a Mr. Rawson, surgeon in the United States navy during the war of 1812. The close of that war found him in the port of Buenos Ayres, South America. He went into one of the interior provinces of what is now called the Argentine Republic, and set- tled in the city of Meudoza, capital of the province of Mendoza. Here he married a Spanish lady and became the father of twa sons. In January, 1847, he died, after having devoted nearly thirty years of his life for the advancement of the best interests of the community where he lived and the education of his children. The eldest of them became an artist of some note in his own coun- try, and died in 1871. The other son. Dr. Guillermo Rawson, now 55 years of age, is a graduate of both the University and Medical College of Buenos Ayl-es ; was Minister Secretary of the Interior under General Mitre, receiving his appointment in 18G2, and at present filling several posts of honor and trust, such as Senator in the Argentine Congress, Professor of Public Hygiene in the Medical Faculty of Buenos Ayres, Chairman of the Board of Consulting Physicians of the Sanitary Institute in that city, and also delegate to the International Medical Congress, which has just closed its session at Philadelphia. All the old family letters and papers belonging to the senior Dr. Rawson had been destroyed by fire before the sons were of sufficient age to remember their contents, and at their father's death all knowledge of their ancestry was lost ; so that this educated, thinking man found himself with- out information concerning his progenitors beyond his own father, exce])t he remembered that his father came from New England, and for tin; past ten or twelve years, through his own efforts as 41 well as those of his friends, he had been trying to connect himself with some branch of the family here, hut all to no purpose, and the matter had been dropped. But last Fall it was my j)rivile;:;e to find the connecting link, and J at once apprised him of the fact, at Buenos Ayres. The expression of joy and satisfaction that came in return from him iij his letter to me, fully repai. The first j)ix'limiriary meeting of tliis Society was lielil at (In- residence of Samuel E. Staples, No. 1 Lincoln Place, January 24, 1875, agreeably to an invitation given to several gentlen)en to meet and consult upon the expediency of forming a society or association, the objects of which should bo " to foster iu its mem- bers a love and admiration for antiquarian research and archa'o- logical science, and to rescue from oblivion such historical matter as would otherwise be lost." There were present at this meeting Samuel E. Staples, John G. Smith, Franklin P. Rice and Richard O'Flynn. The subject of forming a society or association for such purposes was freely discussed, and the unanimously expressed oi)inion of those ])resent was that such an organization would be useful and its mission beneficial, provided that a sulDcient number of persons interested in its objects would unite in its formation, attend its meetings, and contribute to its interest and support. It was decided, before any formal action be taken, that another meet- ing be called and other persons of similar tastes be invited to be present. At this meeting Samuel E. Staples presented the draft of a Constitution — the substance of the j)resent one — as a basis of the organization. At the second preliminary meeting, held January 30, 187a, at the otRcc of Tyler «fc Seagrave, No. 442 Main street, the meeting was organized by the choice of Samuel E. Staples as chairman, and Daniel Seagrave as secretary. There were present Samuel E. Staples, John G. Smith, Franklin P. Rice and Daniel Seagrave. The subject of forming a society or association, as set forth in the letter of invitation, was considered, and it was unanimously voted to proceed with such purpose. The draft of a Constitution presented at the previous meeting was discussed at length, and subsequently referred to a committee, to report upon the same at a future meeting. At the third preliminary meeting, held February 13, 187."j, at the same place as the previous meeting, the committee to whom was referred the Constitution, made their report upon the same, which, with some slight amendments, was adopted. At the first regular meeting, held March 2, 1875, at the ofhce of Tyler & Seagrave, 442 Main street, the organization of the Society was completed by the election of the following olficers : 44 Samuel E. Staples, President. Henry D. Bauber, Vice President. Daniel Seagrave, Secretary. Henry F. Stedman, Treasurer. John G. Smith, Librarian. Reports of acquisitions by members to their resjiective collec- tions have been made from time to time, showing what and how much each had gathered in his specialty. The aggregate of collections during the first twelve months was quite satisfactory, possibly all that the most hopeful might have had reason to expect. Notwithstanding the paucity of our num- bers, more than 1000 volumes and more than 1500 pamphlets, treating upon a great variety of subjects, besides much other valu- able miscellaneous matter, such as portraits, views, autographs, coins, medals, etc., have been gathered, from which the history of the past may be written, and which shall be of advantage to the future historian. Among the many works collected are Belknap's History of New Hampshire, 3 vols. ; Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts and Barber's Historical Collections ; Williams' His- tory of Vermont, 2 vols. ; Whitney's History of Worcester County with map, published in 1793, and scores of town histories, histori- cal addresses, etc., many of which are very valuable and hardly attainable at any price. A good degree of interest has been manifested on the part of the members in their attendance at the meetings. At the close of the first year there were twelve names upon the roll of member- ship. Twelve meetings (three preliminary, nine regular and spe- cial,) have been held, in most cases at the residences of the mem- bers, by special invitation, and, although they have been somewhat informal and of a social character, yet they have been profitable and interesting. SECOND YEAR— 1876. The second year of the existence of the Society has not been without its gratifying results — a growing interest, an increase of numbers, and a large average attendance at its meetings. Two very interesting and instructive essays — one by Mr. Charles R. Johnson, upon the " Vestiges of Ancient American Civilization," 45 and the other by Mr. Ellery B. Crane, the subject of which was " Geiieahi^y" — have been read before the Society during the past year, and it is hoped that these may find a ]ilace in our Proceed- ings, whenever the same shall be published. During the past year the Constitution has been carefully revised, in order to meet the present and prospective wants of the Society. I have the pleasure to report that the members have made large and varied additions to their respective libraries and collections, numbering in the aggregate nearly 1000 volumes of books, more than 1500 pamphlets, 300 portraits and views, 700 coins and med- als, and numerous autographs, etc. It is also gratifying to know that much of this valuable historical matter — much of it gathered from the waste-box, and thus snatched from the jaws of the j)aper mill — is saved to enrich the literary resources of the city of Wor- cester. Among the many rare and valuable volumes secured and deserv- ing mention in this report, many of which arc fine specimens of printing and well preserved, are the following : Piers' Ploughman (written,) 1302 Sciinonos (luailrayisiinalos, Utino, (ilium.) Veiilco 147:^ SvL'tonivs Do Vita XII. Ca'sarvm, Milan 1475 De Picceptis (illuminated,) Venice 1478 Now Testament (reprint,) Cologne 152(i New Testament (reprint,) Geneva ir>r>7 Daynty Denises, London 1570 Breeches Bible (illustrated,) Loudon 1016 Mappe of Rome, London 1020 David's Teares, London 1032 Qnarles' Emiiloms (illustrated,) London I(i34 Overbury's Wife, London 1038 O vid's Met:nnori)hoses, London 1040 Critica Sacra, London 1042 Lof Sancic, Amsterdam 1050 Gondibert, London 1051 Jliddie State of Souls, London 105V) Field's Bible, 2 vols., folio (illustrated,). ..Cambridge.. ..1(«J0 Muggleton's Works, London 1001 Works of Jacob Cats (illustrated,) Amsterdam 10<15 Theatre of Human Life (illustrated,) Brussels 1072 Clavis ITomerieus, Rotterdam 1073 Baxter's Saint's Rest, London 1088 Meditations of Antoninus, London 10(t2 46 Rome Illustrated, Amsterdam 1695 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft, Boston, 1697 A Confession of Faith, Boston 1699 Law of Nature, and of Nations, Oxford 1703 Remains of Perron, _.. London... 1707 Bon Mots, The Hague.— 1719 Poetical Register, 2 vols, (portraits,) London 1723 Erasmus' Praise of Folly (illustrated,) London 1726 Indian Converts, London 1727 Duncan's Csesar (illustrated,) London 1753 Gay's Fables (illustrated,) London .1755 Walton and Cotton's Angler (illustrated,) -London 1750 The Chace (illustrated,) London -.1767 Winchester's Poems, Boston.. 1773 Treatise on Fortifications (illustrated,). —London 1774 Laws of Massachusetts, Boston .1790 Bruce's Travels (illustrated,) 5 vols., Edinburgh 1790 Collins' Poems (illustrated,). ..London 1798 Religious Emblems (illustrated,) London 1809 Chinese Testament, Canton 1813 Fontaine's Fables (illustrated,). Paris 1813 Chinese Map, The Oldest Book ix Worcester County. — " Sermones Quadragisimales de legibus fratris Leonardi De Utino sacre iheo- logie doctoris." This is the title of a large folio volume, con- taining 800 pages, in Latin, printed on thick paper, without title page or date, as was the case with the first books printed. Upon the back of the cover, which is of wood and covered with hog skin, is the date 1473-5, but it is the opinion of good judges that it is even older than those figures indicate. The leaves are without running title, number of pages, signatures, or divisions into paragraphs. It is printed in ancient black letter, and the words at the ends of lines are not divided by hyphens. It has two columns on each page, with wide margin, and the words are very much abbreviated, with no punctuation marks excei)t the colon and period. Proper names and sentences are begun with small letters, and the name and residence of the printer, as well as the date, were omitted, all of which indicate great antiquity. This book is illuminated from beginning to end, on every '^••xgQ, and is probably the best preserved book of its age in this country. Since the above was written, it has been ascertained from a woi'k in the American Antiquarian Society's Library that this book was printed at Veiii(;e in 1473. 47 Anotiiku Rakitv. — I must not fail to mention an cilition of '^Svetonii'S De Vita XIL Ccrsarvm, McJioJani, 147/i," (Suetonius' Lives of the Twelve Ciesars, published in Milan in 147o.) A brief description I quote somewhat from the language of another. This work was executed by Philip de Lauagnia, who styled himself the first printer of the Latin race, and was associated f(ir a time with Antonius Zarotus, afterwards with the German Waldo- pel, and later with John Bonus. This book, which is a fine speci- men of early printing, and in excellent preservation, is printed on heavy paper sized with parchment, a greater portion of the j)ages being as bright and clean as when they left the press, while on others are annotations in Latin. Space is left throughout the work for illuminated initials to be inserted by hand, which work was never done. It is a quarto, with wide margin, and compares remarkably well with the best specimens of modern priHiting. From a manuscript note on the fly leaf, the book is snjjposed to have once belonged to the library of Lord Spencer. Books published at so early a date are exceedingly rare, it being but about thirty-five years after the first use of metal type with engraved faces. The publication of the Lives of the Ca?sars precedes by one year the first Greek book ever printed, which was the Greek Grammar of Constantino Lascaris, executed at Milan by Dionysius Paravisinus, in 147G, and by six years the first printed portion of the Holy Scriptures in Greek — viz.: The Psalms — issued there in 148L There is in the Library of the Athenanun at Turin a book printed by IMiilip de Lauagnia in Milan, bearing date of 14G9, viz.: "The Miracles of Notre Dame." The oldest printed volume in possession of the Ameri- can Antiquarian Society, locatc. Among the rarest of American publications may be mentioned the following original edition: "A Modest Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft, and How Persons Guilty of that Crime may be Convicted: And the Means used for their Discovery Discussed, both Negatively and Aihrmatively, according to Scripture and Experience. By John Hale, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Beverly. With an Introduction to the work, by John Higginson, > 48 Pastor of the Church in Salem. Anno Domini 1697. Boston in N. E. Printed hy B. Green, and F. Allen, for Benjamin Eliot" In the catalogue of Mr. William Menzies' collection this work is classed as excessively rare, indeed the rarest of all the works relating to the New England Witchcraft Delusion. So far as known, there are but three copies of this work extant. In connection with Eliot's Indian Bible, for rarity, may be men- tioned the following work, only Jive copies of which are now known to exist, and are to be found in the libraries of the Ameri- can Antiquarian Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the Prince Library, the collection of the late George Brinley, and in the private collection of Mr. John G. Smith, the Librarian of this Society. This work is printed in English on one page, and on the opposite page in the Indian or Algonkin language, which was the spoken language of the aborigines of New Eng- land. It is dedicated " To the Honorable William Stoughton, Esq., Lieutenant Governour of His Majestie's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ; and to the Reverend In- crease Mather, D. D., Teacher of the Second Church of Christ in Boston, and President of Harvard College in Cambridge." The title is as follows: "A Confession of Faith Owned & consented unto by the Elders & Messengers of the Churches Assembled at Boston in Neio England, May 12. 1680. Being the Second Session of that SYNOD.— Eph. 4. 5 [and Col. 2. 5 ; 3 lines]. — Boston. Re-printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen. 1699." The Indian title page reads as follows : " Wunnamptamoe SAMrooAONK Wussampoowontamun Nashpe moeuwehkomunganash ut New-England. Qushkenuniun en In- diane Unnontowaonganit. — Nashpe Grindal Bawson, Si-c MusiiAuwOMUK. Printeuun nashpe Bartholomew Green, kah John Allen. 1699. 16mo." Another work of more than ordinary interest is entitled : " Indian Converts : or Some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of a Considerable Number of the Christianized Indians of Martha's Vineyard, in New Eiigland, viz. : I. Of Godly Ministers. II. Of Other Good Men. IIL Of Religious Women. IV. Of Pious 49 Young Persons. By Expcjiience Mayhew, M. A., Prfarlicr of the Gospel to the Indians of that Island. To which is added, Some Account of those En<^lish IVIinistors who have Successively Presided over the Indian work iu that and tlie adjacent Inlands. By Mr. Prince. 8", pp. xxiv., 310, 16. London: Printed for Samuel Gerrish, in New England. 1727." Such a collection of rarities as the above ought not to be scat- tered, but, on the other hand, saved complete, to increase the lite- rary wealth of some public institution in our city or county. Tiie meetings of the Society during the past year have been held as formerly, at the residences of its members. While all have been ])leasantly accommodated, and each and all cordially welcomed thereto, wherever the meeting has been held, yet all have felt the need, as our numbers increased, of larger accommo- dations at some central point, easily accessible to all. It is hoped that the time is not far in the future when the members shall realize all that they have ever anticipated — in having a pleasant and commodious place for holding their meetings, and a good library, with its useful appendages, etc., for their convenience and enjoyment. Tlie Society has held twelve meetings during the past year, with a fair average attendance of its members at eaeli session. At this date the Society has a membership of thirty — twenty- seven active and three honorary members. Respectfully submitted, DANIEL SE AG RAVE, Secretary. Worcester, Mass., Jan. 2, 1877. The meetings of the Society, thus far, having ])een held at the residences of the members, and the few expenses incurred having been paid by voluntary contributions, up to January 1st, 1877, the duties of tlie Treasurer have been far from burdensome, as will be seen by the following report : 50 * TREASURER'S REPORT. Worcester, Mass., Jan. 2, 1877. James A. Smith, Treasurer pro iem., in account with The Worcester Society of Antiquity. 1876. Dr. Cash received of Secretary, Daniel yeagrave $4 00 Casli received of President, Samuel E. Staples 1 00 $5 00 Cr. Cash paid to Tyler & Sea- grave.. $4 00 Cash on hand 1 00 $5 00 JAMES A. SMITH, Treasurer pro tern. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. It is unnecessary to say that this Society was formed for the purpose of collecting books and other historical matter, without the expectation of establishing a library for public consultation, though it was supposed by some that such might be the result at some future day. During the first year of our existence as a Society, each member made collections for himself, without much reference to the fact that a large portion of the libraries of the several members might be brought together as one ; but during the present year such interest has been manifested in our efforts as to warrant the hope that this Society may soon establish a library for j)ublic use. We have received the following donations : Algkrt a. Lovell. — His "Worcester in the War of the Revolution; Embracing the Acts of the Town of Worcester from 17G5 to 178o, inclu- sive, with an Appendix." Ellery B. Crank. — His " Rawson Family. — A Revised Memoir of Edward Rawson, Secretary of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay from 1650 to 1686, with Genealogical Notes of his Descendants." Hon. Charles Hitdson. — The Dedication of Town and Memorial Hall, Lexington, 1871 ;" his "Abstract of the History of Lexington, from its First Settlement to the Centennial Anniversary of the Declaration oi our National Independence, July 4th, 1876;" his " Lexington Centen- nial, 1775 to 1785." 51 Danikl Skaouavk. — Tliice Ceiiteiiiii:il Exhibition pamililcts. RiciiAiU) O'Flynn. — rsaim Took ami Kuconl Book. Nathaniel (for the City Committee on Printing tlie Fourtii of July Proceedings.) — " Celehnilion by the Iniiabitants of Worcester, Mass., of llie Centennial Anniversary of tlic Declaration of Indepen- dence, July -Ith, 1870." Clakk Jillson. — "Celebration by the Inhabitants of Worcester, Mass., of tlie Centennial Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1S70, incliidinj; tlie Oration of Hon. Benjamin F. Thomas. LL.D., to wliicli are added Uistorical and Chronological Notes;" "Singing by the Pupils of the Public Schools, July 4th, 1876;" his "Address Delivered at Worcester, Feb. 10th, 1874, at the First Reunion of the Sons of Ver- mont; together with Ttiayts, Sentiments, Siteeches, Poetry and Song;" his "Valedictory Address, delivered before the City Council of Worces- ter, December 29th, 1876." Respectfully submitted, JOHN G. SMITH, Librarian. Worcester, Mass., Jan. 2, 1877. The Society then proceeded to elect its officers, as follows : President — Samuel p]. Staples. Vice Presidents — Ellery B. Cuane, Clark Jillson. Secretary — Daniel Seaoravk. Treasurer — Jajies A. Smith. Librarian — John G. Smith. executive committee. Samuel E. Staples, I Ellery B. Crane, Clark Jillson, | Daniel Seaorave, James A. Smith, standing committee on nominations. Albert A. Lovell, for one year. Franklin P. Rice, for two years. Charles R. Johnson, for tlirec years. Clark Jillson was appointed a committee of one to take such action as might be necessary to incorpor- ate the Society under the laws of the Common- wealth, and the Secretary was appointed a commit- tee to prepare a design for a seal. The Committee on the "Old Burial Grounds" made a partial report in relation to biographical sketches of some of those interred therein, several of which were read by Albert A. Lovell, to the great satisfiiction of all present. The Society then adjourned to meet on the third Tuesday evening of January, 1877, at the residence of Ellery B. Crane, No. 19 Benefit street. The adjourned annual meeting was held as per adjournment, and the Executive Committee, to whom was referred the matter of the publication of the transactions of the Society had been referred, made the following report, which was adopted : EEPORT. To the President of The Worcester Society of Antiquity : The Executive Committee, to whom was referred the matter of printing the Proceedings of The Worcester Society of An- tiquity, have attended to the business submitted to them, and report : That the interests of the Society at the present time seem to require the publication of its Proceedings for the years 187a-'6. Your committee deem it of great importance that this publication should embrace a minute, detailed account of the organization of the Society, giving such facts and dates as may be useful for future refei-ence ; and they appointed Clark Jillson, one of their number, to prepare the matter for publication, all of which is now neai'ly completed. For the purpose of defraying the expense of this publication, we recommend the levy of an assessment upon the active members of the Society of three dollars each ; and that each member paying 53 such assessment be entitled to two copies, with llie riiijht to pur- chase others at such price as tlic Society niay (leterniinc. All of whicli is respectfully sul)niitte(l. Samuel E. Staples, Clauk Jillson, Elleky B. Crank. Daniel Seaguave, James A. Smith. The committee, Daniel Seagrave, who was appoint- ed for the purpose, presented a design for a Seal, and upon his suggestion it was voted that each memher of the Society he invited to prepare a design and present the same for inspection at the next meeting. The Society voted to levy an assessment upon the members of three dollars each to defray the expense of printing the Proceedings, as recommended by the Executive Committee, and the meeting was then adjourned. The iollowincr letters have been received from those who have been elected honorary members of this Society : CAMiJUiDCEroKT, Mass., Nov. 27, 187G. Dear Sik — Yours of the 24th instant, announcing my election as an honorary member of The "Worcester Society of Anti- quity is at hand. I pray you to assure the Society that I fully appreciate the honor thus conferred upon me. Truly yours, LUCIUS R. PAIGE. Daniel Seagrave, Esq., Secretary, etc. Lexington, Dec. 30, 1876. To Daniel Seagrave, Esq., Secretary of Wor. Society of Antiqrtity : Dear Sir — Your favor of the IGth, informing me that I have been elected an honorary member of The Worcester Society of 54 AntiquIty, was duly received. I hereby signify my acceiitarice of the position, and my thanks for the honor conferred upon me. If I can aid you iu your object, I shall gladly do it. I send you herewith a small packet of pamphlets. Respectfully yours, CHARLES HUDSON. Worcester, Mass., Feb. 13, 1877. Daniel Sea grave, Esq., Secretary of The Worcester Society of Antiquity : Dear Sir — I have received your communication informing me that I have been " unanimously elected an honorary member " of your Society. Allow me, through you, to express my thanks to the Society for this honor and expression of good will. I have full sympathy with the aims of your Society, and I shall find spe- cial j^leasure in doing what I can to aid it in promoting these aims. I should rejoice to see the disposition to " remember the days that are past," and to collect, for preservation, memorials of the past generations, much more prevalent than it is now. Very respectfully, yours, JOHN D. BALDWIN. Mr. Daniel Seagrave, Secretary, " Dear Sir : — I am in receipt of your notice that I have been chosen au Honorary Member of " The Worcester Society of Antiquity." With my acceptance of the honor, I desire to express to you and your associates my thanks, and my appreciation of your kindness. Very truly, your friend, CLARENDON HARRIS. Worcester, Feb'y 17, 1877. At the regular meeting held February 6th, at the residence of James A Smith, No. 31 Wachusett street, several designs for a Seal were presented and 55 examined. The Secretary instructed to invite all the members of the Society to prepare and bring designs to his ollice and express their preference after careful examination of all those presented. The President and Vice-Presidents were appointed a Com- mittee to select a design for a Seal from those to be presented, or make such cojnbination of any two or more as they might thinls. best, and cause a Seal to be engraved therefrom. Mr. Thomas J. Hastings, Representative to the General Court from Dist. No. 18, presented the Socie- ty with ten volumes of public documents. At the meeting held March 6th, 1877, at the resi- dence of Edward I. Comins, No. 46 Wellington street, a communication was received and read by the Sec- retary from Clarendon Harris, Esq., of Worcester, in acknowledgment of his election to Honorary Mem- bership in this Society. Mr. Jillson, at the request of the Chairman of the Connnittee on procuring a Seal, read the ibllowing report which was accepted, and the Seal Avhich the Connnittee had procured was adopted as the Seal of the Society. REPORT. Tho Committee appointed to select a desiirn and procure a Seal for Tlie Worcester Society of Aiiti<|uity, have attended to the duty assigned them and submit the following Rej)ort : At the annual meeting of the Society, held January 2d, Daniel Seagrave was appointed a Committee to jirepare a design for a Seal, and in the performance of that duty, he presented one for inspection at the adjourned meeting held January ICth. At this meeting, upon his rocpiest, it was voted that the otiier members of 56 the Society be requested to prepare and present designs at the fol- lowing meeting. Ellery B. Crane, Dvvight A. Davis, Albert Tyler, and Daniel Seagrave, responded to the invitation. Subsquently, in accordance with a vote of the Society, request- ing all the membei's to prepare and bring in designs for examina- tion at the office of the Secretary, E. E.. Lawrence, E. H. Mar- shall, John G. Smith, and Henry Phelps, complied with the request, which, together with those before presented, made a total number of twelve. Either one of these was well conceived, truly suggestive, and in some respects, well adapted to the jjurpose pro- posed. But as there were various designs, so as a matter of course, there was a difference of opinion as to which design was best suited to our purpose. It was therefore voted, that the whole matter be referred to a Committee consisting of Samuel E. Sta- ples, Clark Jillson, and Ellery B. Crane, with authority to make a selection and procure the engraving of a Seal, after the members should have an ojjportunity to pass judgment upon the designs presented and express their choice in the matter. This opportu- nity was given them on February 10th, at the office of the Secre- tary, when the last designs were presented in accordance with the vote of the Society. The Committee in the performance of the duty assigned them, after a careful consideration of the various designs presented, and in accordance with the suggestion of a number of members of the Society, thought it best to make a combination of ideas contained in a number of the designs, thus securing a more perfect embodi- ment of thought than was manifest in any one of those submitted to them. The Society has a very wide and extensive range for its inquir- ies and researches, as its name indicates, and in this may be seen the fitness of the emblems adopted. The Committee will not at- tempt to give a full description of the Seal which they present as the result of their labors, but will only explain a few of the lead- ing thoughts which they think it aptly presents to the considera- tion of the intelligent student of history. The prominent figure in the foreground and that which first attracts the attention, is a rep- resentation of a vase found in one of the mounds of the State of Ohio. This indicates earlier civilizations and settlements of this 57 Continent than till within a few years, liad been supposeil prolia- ble. But late researches liave establisiied the fact beyond a rea- sonable doubt, of a settlement here, and an advanced state uf civiliz- ation, that was not known by the early writers and liistorians of this land. Ancient implements of war are also grouped together, and beneath them all are the volumes of arclieological science ex- emplifying the legend upon the scroll, " Litcra scripta manet,'" — '• the written letter remains." The distant perspective presents the Pyramids, the Sphinx, and Cleopatra's Needle, all indicating the early civilization of Egypt, the seat of ancient learning. The Committee would have been glad to have incorporated with these emblems something especially suggestive of New England history, but it was found dillicult to select a suitable emblem that has not already been used by some other kindred Society. AVe would hereby express our thanks to each an a record of all meetings of the Society in a book provided for that purpose ; to issue all notices of meetings, with the time and place of same ; to conduct the general correspondence of the Society ; shall notify all persons of their election as meinbers of the Society ; shall notify all members elected to office, who were not present at the time of their election, within ten days thereafter ; and at the expiration of his term of office shall turn over to his successor all books and papers in his possession belonging to the Society. 3. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be sole custodian of the funds of the Society, and of all property, or titles to property, real or personal, belonging to the Society, except its books. He shall assess and collect all dues and taxes voted by the Society, receive any legacies bequeathed or donations made to its funds ; shall dis- burse the moneys so received and collected, on a written order signed by the President and Secretary, but not otherwise. He shall keep in a book provided for the purpose a true account of all receipts and disbursements ; shall submit the same to the inspec- tion of any member, when the request is made ; shall submit in writing a report of all his receipts and disbursements for the year, and exhibit his vouchers for same at each annual meeting ; shall furnish a bond for the faithful discharge of his duties, whenever the Society, by a vote, may so direct ; and shall, at the expiration of his term of office, place in the hands of his successor all books pajiers and other property in his possession belonging to the Society. 4. Librarian. The Librarian shall be the sole custodian of books and pamphlets belonging to the Society ; shall catalogue the same in a book kept for the purpose ; shall have the care of the entire collection of relics belonging to the Society, together with the room in Avhich they are kept, and shall report the condition of same at each annual meeting. ARTICLE V. COMMITTEES. 1. The President, First and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer shall constitute a committee of five, to be known as the Executive Committee, who shall have in charge the general 67 interest of the Society ; shall prepare for press an j)ut in nomination such persons as they in their judgment think will promote the interests of the Society. Other conunittees may be chosen, as occasion requires, but all conunittees shall report their doings in writing. ARTICLE VI. MEMBEKS. 1. The name and (pialifications for membership of any person of good character, having an interest in the objects of this Society, may be proposed at any meeting thereof and referred to the Stand- ing Committee on Nominations ; and such person may, at the next regular meeting, on nomination by the said committee, be elected by a two-thirds ballot of those present. But no j»erson shall be considered a ineinlK.r of this Society until he has signed tlu; Con- stitution. ARTICLE VIL IIONORAUY. Honorary members may be proposed and elected in the same manner as prescribed for active members. ARTICLE VIII. Dl'TIES OV SIEMHE11S. 1. It shall be the duty of each member to bear his equal burden of the expense of the Society, and to till any olliee or perform any I 68 service to which he may be elected or appointed ; to endeavor to seeure for it whatever he can that will add to the number or value of the Society's collection ; to bring it to the knowledge and con- sideration of persons of similar tastes and jiursuits ; to propose for membership such persons as are known to be interested in its work. 2. It shall be the duty of honorary members to endeavor to secure articles for its collection, to interest themselves for its honor and prosperity, and to correspond at least once a year with the Society. They shall be entitled to all the privileges of active members, except the right to vote or hold office. ARTICLE IX. MEETINGS. The annual meeting for the election of officers, and for the ti'ansaction of other business, shall be held on the first Tuesday in January of each year. The other regular meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of each of the remaining months in the year, excepting July and August. Special meetings may be called by the President, or upon the written request of any three members of the Society. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE X. ASSESSMENTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. 1. T(ix. The Society may at any regular meeting, by a vote, assess a tax upon its members, not exceeding one dollar per capita ; but at any annual meeting the Society may assess such sum as may be needed for carrying on the affairs of the Society. 2. Life Memhersliip. Any member who shall at any one time pay into the treasury the sum of twenty-five dollars shall be a life member, and shall thereafter be exempt from all assessments. 3. Claims against. All claims against the Society shall bo approved by the member contracting the same, and paid by the Treasurer, on a written order signed by the President and Secre- tary. 69 AKTICLK XI. FAILUUES, "VVITIIDHAWALS, EXPULSIONS. 1. Any member who for two consecutive years shall f:iil to pay any assessment made in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, and shall give no satisfactory reason therefor, shall cease to be a member of the Society, and the Treasurer shall notify the Secretary, who shall make record of the fact. 2. Withdrawals. Any member may withdraw from the Society by giving notice of liis intention to the Secretary and paying all assessments due at tlie time of giving such notice, and the Secre- tary shall make record of the fact. 3. Expulsions. Any member may, from any breach of trust or malfeasance in olHce, or for any other cause, be expelled from the Society by a vote of two-thirds of those present at any regular meeting ; provided, that the number present shall not be less than a majority of the whole number of members. But no member sliall be expelled from the Society without first having an oppor- tunity to oxi)lain his case at some regular meeting. ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENTS. Alterations or amendments to the Constitution may be made at any regular meeting, by a two-thirds vote ; provided, that a notice of the proposed change has been given in writing at some previous meeting. ARTICLE XIIL On the passage and adoption of the foregoing Constitution, ail other articles previously used for the government of this Society are hereby repealed. 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