-.-^^ ^O >^ . .f ''^..♦* ■ S^^ '-< i ^ *^'' -^^ o A ^ 'o ■^>. -^ \ '^^-. > * o ^ o " »• f H^^^' t -1^ • v\ FIFTH EDITION TWELFTH THOUSAND Cambridge 1890 ^ "^IVTAINS A CORRECT MAP OF (^. THE CITY, SUGGESTIVE HINTS TO BUYERS, A PARTIAL BUSI- NESS DIRECTORY OF THE CITY, COM- PLETE STREET DIRECTORY, FIRE ALARM, CALENDAR, ETC. «- ^M/, '0 Cambridge's Business. A Partial Business Directory ot the City. Accident and Life Insurance. Ellis, William R. 424 Harvard Street. Addressing Letters, Papers, etc. Morse, Arthur M. 154 Mount Auburn Street. Agency for Insurance. Ellis, William R. 424 Harvard Street. All Kinds of Signs. Hunting, Clifford. 660 Main Street. Antique Furniture. Clark, Fred C. 27 Brattle Street. Antique and Art Furniture. Powers, Lee L. 30 Boylston Street. Apothecaries. Claflin, Walter A. i Harvard Square. Architect. McClare, C. Herbert. 613 Main Street. Artists' Materials and Picture Frames. Cobb, Harry H. 579 Main Street. Artistic Photography. Pach Bros. Main Street, next to Beck Hall. CAMBmOGE. 1890. Attorney-at-Law. Daly, Augustine J. 8 Harvard Square. Bakery (Home-Made). Buck, Mrs. W. H. iS Holyoke Street. Bedding Plants. I'ecker, Frank. 744 Cambridge Street. Bicycles. Brown & Greenleaf. 442 Harvard Street. Binder of Books. McNamee, J. PI. H. 418a Harvard Street. Bleacheries. Harvard Bleacheries, L. S. Cabot. 564 Main Street. Book Binders. Bettinson, E. W., University Book Bindery. 7 Brattle Street. McNamee, J. H. H. 418a Harvard Street. Book Lettering. McNamee, J. H. H. 418a Harvard Street. Booksellers. Sever, Charles W. 464 Harvard Street. Boots and Shoes. Wilder, C. D. 7 Harvard Square and 625 Main Street. Boots and Shoes Repaired. Cambridge Boot and Shoe Repair Shop, 16 Holyoke Street. CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Bouquets. Beckei", Frank. 744 Cambridge Street. Butter, Cheese and Eggs. Cambridge Dairy Company. 412 Harvard Street. Hamilton, Edwin J. 24 Tremont Street. Middlesex Market, Fred J. Row & Company. 423 Main Street and i Cherry Street. Butter and Cheese Manufacturers. Crosby, Paige & Gove. Rear 75 Bridge Street. Canned Goods. Middlesex Market, Fred J. R0W& Company. 423 Main Street and i Cherry Stree* Carpet Work. Tolksdorff, Emil. 454 Main Street. Capital School Shoe. Wilder, C. D. 7 Harvard Square and 625 Main Street. Caterers. Jones, E. F. Prospect House, 598 Main Street. China Firing (Daily). Fairchild, Mrs. 347 Harvard Street. Cigars and Confectionery. Clark, B. P. & Company. 503 Main Street. Civil Engineers. Mason, W. A. & Son. 603 Main Street. 6 CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Clothes Cleaned. Kiner, A. A, 649 Main Street. Coal. Richardson & Bacon, College Wharf, foot of Dunster Street. Conservatories. Becker, Frank. 744 Cambridge Street. Cream. Cambridge Dairy Company. 412 Harvard Street. Curtain Work. Tolksdorff, Emil. 45^ Main Street. Custom Tailors. Brown, G. M. & Son. 3 Holyoke Street. Dairy. Cambridge Dairy Company. 412 Harvard Street. Dentists. Kinsman, Edgar O., D. D. S. 15 Brattle Square. Designers. Donnell Company. _ iSi Tremont Street, Boston. Dining Rooms. Bigelow, Mrs. J. A. 4 Central Square. Brattle Square Hotel, Geo. S. Smith, Propri- etor. CAMBRIDGE. 1890. Draperies. Tolksdorff, Emil. 454 Main Street. Doctor of Dental Surgery. Kinsman, Edgar O., D. D. S. 15 Brattle Square. Dry Goods. Adams & Lincoln. 98, 207 and 473 Cam- bridge Street. Hvde, D. \V. & Company. 609 Main Street. Druggists. Reycroft & Lord. Cambridge Street, cor- ner of Fourth. Egg Dealers. Crosby, Paige & Gove. Rear 75 Bridge Street. Electrotypers and Stereotypers. Bay State Electrotype Foundry, Rogers, L. W. 165 Devonshire Street, and 26 Arch Street, Boston. Whitcomb, H. C. & Company. 42 Arch Street, Boston. Employment Office. Buck, W. H. 16 Holyoke Street. Engravers. Donnell Company. 181 Tremont Street, Boston. Fish, Oysters and Clams. Middlesex Market, Fred J. Row & Company, 423 Main Street and i Cherry Street. 8 CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Florists. Becker, Frank. 744 Main Street. Chapman & Moore. 637 Main Street. Fresco and House Painting. Loges, Carl A. 197 North Avenue. Furniture Dealers. Robertson, W. W. 26 Brattle Street. Furniture Movers. Colby Brothers, successors to S. Tufts, Lyceum Exchange. Furniture Repairing. Tolksdorff, Emil. 454 Main Street. Gas Fixtures and Lamps, Adams, J. P. 12 Harvard Row. General House Furnisher, Powers, Lee L. 30 Boylston Street. Graining and Glazing, Kellie & Crozier. 436 Main Street. Greenhouses. Becker, Frank. 744 Cambridge Street. Chapman & Moore. 637 Main Street and at Mount Auburn. Grocers. James, Charles. 541 and 543 Main Street. Merrill, Frank P. 5 and 6 Harvard Row. Wyeth, James H. & Company. 6 Brattle Street. CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Growers of Florida Oranges. Wyeth, James H. tS: Company. 6 Brattle Street. Hairdresser. Joll, G. M. I Harvard Square. Hardware, Stoves and Ranges. Whittier, G. H. (Wholesale and Retail.) 509 to 513 Main Street. Harvard Sofa Bed. Tolksdorff, Emil. 454 Main Street. Hotels. Brattle Square Hotel. G. S. Smith, Proprie- tor. House Painters. Kellie & Crozier. 436 Main Street. House Painters and Glaziers. Holt, William B. 14 Church Street. Insurance Agents. Ellis, W. R. 424 Harvard Street. Interior Decorating. Tolksdorff, Emil. 454 Main Street. Machine Carpet Cleaning. Ricker, Geo. F. & Company. 613 Main Street. Meat of All Kinds. Middlesex Market, Fred J. Row »S: Com- pany. 423 Main Street and i Cherry Street. 10 CAMBRIDGE, iseo. Merchant Tailor. Brennan & Forrest. 4 Brattle Street. Milk Contractors. Crosby, Paige & Gove. Rear 7 5 Bridge Street. Milk Dealers. Cambridge Dairy Company. 412 Harvard Street. Millinery. Ryan, Miss M. C. 19 Brattle Street. Millinery, Worsteds and Art Silks. Ivers, Mrs. W. 413 Harvard Street. (Har- vard Square.) Model Bakery. Bigelow, Mrs. J. A. 4 Central Square. Music and Musical Instruments. Olsson, M. L. 3 Harvard Row. Newspapers Delivered. Whittemore, S. W. Rear of Lyceum Build- ing. Notary Public. Ellis, W. R. 424 Harvard Street. Oils, Glass, Paints, etc. Thayer, J. H. & J. P. 660 Main Street. Painters. Hunting, Clifford. 660 Main vStreet. Kellie & Crozier. 436 Main Street. CAMBKIDGE, 1890. 11 Painting and Drawing Taught. Fairchild, Mrs. 347 Harvard Street. Painting, Graining and Glazing. Ackers, J. L. P. 539 Main Street. Danforth, Geo. O. (estate of) 5 Palmer Street. Paper Hangings. Thayer, J. H. & J. P. 660 Main Street. Paper Hangings and Hanger. Atkins, Charles. 518 Main Street. Photographers. Pach Brothers, Main Street, next Beck Hall. Whitney & Son. 563 Main Street. Picture Frames, etc. Morgan, Alfred. 13 Brattle Street. Olsson, J. F. 3 Harvard Row. Plumbers. Clark, E. W. 12 Harvard Row. Hawkes, Levi & Company. 599 Main Street. Stevens, John H. & Company. 634 Main Street. Facey, J. Frank. 603 Main Street. Ford, John & Son. 10 Dunster Street. Harvard Printing Company. 544 Main Street. Weston, L. F. 564 Main Street. Printers 12 CAMBEIDGE, 1890. Provisions. Brewer, T. H., Harvard Market. i Brattle Square. Middlesex Market, Fred J. Row &irCom- pany. 423 Main Street and i Cherry Street. Piper, W. C. 3 Brattle Street. Smith & Ryan, City Market. 640 Main Street. Real Estate Agents. Ellis, W. R. 424 Harvard Street. Storer, William N. 19 Brattle Street. Restaurants. Jones, E. F., Prospect House. 598 Main Street. J Rubbers and Rubber Boots. Wilder, C. I). 7 Harvard Square and 623 Main Street. Sanitary Ventilation. Hawkes, Levi & Company. 399 Main Street. Seeds (Garden and Flower.) Hovey, J. Dana. 532 Main Street. Sign Painter. Hunting, Clifford. 660 Main Street. Shoes for Children. Wilder, C. D. 7 Harvard Square, and 625 Main Street. Sign and Fresco Painters. Kellie & Crozier, 436 Main Street. CAMBRIDGE, 1890. 13 Stamping Pocket Books, etc. Bettinson, E. W., University Book Bindery 7 Brattle Street. Stenographer and Typewriter. Olsson, Florence J. 3 Harvard Row. Storage for Furniture. Colby Bros., successors to S. Tufts, Lyceum Exchange. Surveyors. Mason, W. A. & Son. 603 Main Street. Tailors. Conway, James. 418a Harvard Street. Smith, George. 564 Main Street. Teachers of Oil Painting. Bowles, Mrs. E. R. 24 Bigelow Street. Typewriters (" World.") Brown & Greenleaf. 442 Harvard Street. Umbrellas and Parasols Repaired and Re-covered. Morse, T. D. 508 Main Street. Undertaker. Fudge, David. 56 Cambridge Street. University Book Bindery. Bettinson, E. W. 7 Brattle Street. Upholstery. Tolksdorff, Emil. 454 Main Street. 14 CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Upholsterers. Robertson, W. W. 26 Brattle Street. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Applegate, A. J. 571 Mam Street. Watchmakers and Repairers. Gill, John. 45S Harvard Street. Whitening, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging. Danforth, Geo. O. (estate of) 5 Palmer Street Wood Dealers. Richardson & Bacon. College Wharf, foot of Dunster Street. Wood Engravers. Uonnell Company. 181 Tremont Street, Boston. COMFORTABLE place, polite attend- ants and skilful workmen are some of the inducements which lead Somerville and Cambridge people to have their pictures taken at Pach Brothers, next to Beck Hall near Harvard Square. Mr. Tupper, the manager, has always had signal success with his patrons. If they have been particular, he has been so, too. If they are troublesome, he is patient. His ideas are to serve the public in the fullest extent, and he has brought the cream of so- ciety to his studio by so doing. CAMBRIDGE, 1890. 15 ESTABLISHED 1872. INCORPORATED 1888. ^ iO lf\/C^ N. QUICK WORK. i^ /^ \ ^\'^^ \ FREE DELIVERY. , •^ I FlGtrvcrra ^Fir)fir)q ^orripGrrw, / H. E. LOMBARD, PRESIDENT AND MANAGER. STEAM MACHINE CARPET CLEANING. Carpets taken up, thoroughly cleaned, fitted and laid promptly. Mattresses and Feather Beds remade and steam renovated, called for and delivered FTIEE. George F. Ricker & Go. OFFICES: 613 Main Street, Cambridgeport, NEXT TO POST-OFFICE. 27 BRATTLE ST„ CAMBRIDGE. Connected by Telephone, Streets, Avenues, Etc. Ward I. — Cambridge. i Wa'd 3. — East Cambridge. " 2 and 4. — Cambridgeport. | Ward 5 — NorthCambridge. Acacia, from 13 Ash to 5 Hawthorn, Ward 1. Acorn, from Putnam Avenue to (^Ihc'Stnut, Ward 4. Adams, from Concord Avenue, opposite Wellington, to Washinjrton (Belmont line), Ward 1. Akron, from 83 Banks, west, Ward 4. Agassiz, from Lancaster to Linnaean, Ward 5. Albany, from 289 Main to Fort Wasbinfrton, Ward 4. Albro, from Western Avenue to Blackstone, Ward 4. Allen, from 178 North Avenue to 8 Orchard, Ward 5. Allston, from 114 ]Ma>razine to Waverley, east, to Fort Washinjiton, Ward 4. Allston Court, from 100 Allston, south, Ward 4. Amory, from 329 Broadway to 190 Hampshire, Ward 2. Amory Place, from 11 Araory, west, Ward 2. Andrew, from 42 Fairmont to Somerset, Ward 4. Antrim, from 353 Broadway to 536 Cambridge (Inman Square;, Ward 2. Appian-way, from 63 Brattle to 3 Garden, Ward 1. Applet^n, from 153 Brattle to Concord Avenue, Ward 1. Arlington, from 131 North Avenue to Washington Avenue, Ward 5. Arrow, from 866 Main to 13 Bow, AVard 1. Arsenal Square, junction of Garden, Concord Avenue, and Chauncy, Ward 1. Ash, from 84 Brattle, south, to the Old Gas Works, Ward 1. Ash-street Plaoe, from 12 Ash, east, Ward 1. G. M. BROWN & SON. No. 3 Holyoke Street, Cambridge. I UNDER MANTER HALL. Fine Custom Work a Specialty. NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. ^cJppE SHIJME 0]V[ CM5fKI]VI63}e^ Removed by a process exclusively our own, practically doubling the life of a good suit of clothes. Price, including pressing : Coats, $2.50, Vests $1.00, Trousers, $1.50. CAMBRIDUE, 1890. 19 Ashburton Place, fioui 26 Essex, east, Ward 2. Athens, from 22 Mount Auburn, south, Ward 1. Auburn, from 20 Western Avenue, to Blanche, Ward 4. Auburn Place, from Mount Auburn Cemetery, near rail- road bridge, north. Ward 1. Austin, from 439 Main to 10 Inman, Wards 4 and 2. Austin Place, from 86 Austin, south, AVard 2. Avon, from 25 Shepard to 40 Linnaean, Ward 5. Avon Hill Street, from opposite Avon to Lambert Avenue, Ward 5. Avon Place, from Avon Hill near Linnaean, east, Ward 5. Beacon Courr, from 125 Gore, north, Ward 3. Bailey Place, from 118 Magazine, east, Ward 4. Baldwin, from 661 Cambridge to Scott, Ward 1. Baldwin-street Court, from 26 Baldwin, east, AVard 1. Baldwin Place, from 97 Main, north, AVard 2. Ballord Place, from 94 Putnam Avenue, east, AVard 4. Banks, from 10 Mount Auburn to Sands, AVard 1. Bates, from 33 Raymond to Avon Hill, AVard 5. Bath, from 158 Mount Auburn, south, AVard 1. Bay, from 776 Main to 288 Kinnaird, AA^ara 4. Beacon, continuation of Hampshire, from Inman Square to Oxford, AVards 2 and 5 (Somerville). Beaver, from 10 Cowperthwaite to 19 Flagg, Ward 1, Beck ParK, Harvard, junction of Main, AA'^ard 1. Bedford, from 13 Porter to Somerville line, AVard 2. Beech, from 190 North Avenue, to Elm (Somerville line), Ward 5. Bell, from 17 AUston to Hamilton, AA^ard 4. Bellevue Avenue, from 91 Raymond to east of Avon Hill, Ward 5 Belmont, from Mount Auburn, at railroad bridge, to Bel- mont line, Ward 1. Bennett, from junction Murray and Eliot, west, Wardl. Bent, from 133 Third to Ninth, Ward 3. Berkeley, from 9 Phillips Place to 8 Craigie, Ward 1. 20 CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Berkshire, from Bristol, north, to Cambridge, Ward 2. Berkshire Place, from Berkshire to Portland, Ward 2. Bigelow. from 691 Main to 282 Harvard, Ward 2. Binney, from Portland to east of First, Ward 3. Blackstone, from 12!) River to AVestern Avenue, Ward 4. Blair Place, from 72 Bolton, south. Ward 5. Blanche, from 16 Front to south of Auburn, Ward 4. Blake, from 201 North Avenue t*^ Orchard, Ward 5. Boardman, from 183 Harvard to 251 Broadway, Ward 2. Boardraan Place, from 13 Boardman, east. Ward 2. Bolton, from 111 Dublin to beyond 131 Dublin, Ward 5. Bond, from 43 Concord Avenue to 58 Garden, Ward 1. Bow, from 002 Main to 59 Mount Auburn, Ward 1. Bowdoiu, from Hudson to 24 Linna^an, AVard 5. Boylston, from 9 Harvard Square to Brighton bridge (Brighton line). Ward 1. Brackett Place, from 146 North Avenue, north, Ward 5. Brattle, from 9 Jiarvard Square to Mount Auburn, at Fresh Pond Lane, Ward 1. Brattle Square, from 34 Brattle to 99 Mount Auburn, Ward 1. Brandon, from Raymond, opposice Prof. Young's, south. Ward 1. Brewer, from 146 Mount Auburn, south, Ward 1. Brewery, from 166 Broadway to Main, Wards 2 and 4. Brewster Place from 61 Sparks to Appleton, Ward 1. Bridge, from Craigie's bridge, East Cambridge, to Somer- ville line. AVard 3. Brimmer Place, from Brewery to Munson, Ward 2. Bristol, from 17 Market to Portland, AVard 2. Broadway, trom 99 Alain, AVard 2, to Cambridge, at the col- lege grounds, AVard 1. Broadway Park, on Broadway, between Norfolk and Pros- pect, Ward 2. Brookline, from 520 Main to Cottage Farm, Ward 4. Brooks, from 361 Main to 34 School, Ward 4. Brooks Place, from Moore to Clark, AA^ard 4. CAMBEIDGE, 1890. 21 Brown, from 124 Brattle to 13 Foster, Ward 1. Buckinphauj, from 25 Craigieto 54 Concord Avenue,Wardl. Burns Court, from Foster, opposite Brown, south, Ward 1. Butler Court, from 10 Charles River, east, Ward 1. Cambridge, from 96 Biidge to 8 Holmes Place, Wards 3 and 1. Camden Place, from 245 Mount Auburn, north, Ward 1. Cameron, from Xorth Avenue, at Arlington Railroad cros- sing, to Somerville line, Ward 5. Camp, from John, north, to Lerned, Ward 5. Carlisle, from Prospect to Tremont. Ward 2. Carver from 70 Sacramento to Kent, Ward 1. Cedar, from 339 North Avenue to 59 Spruce, Ward 5. Cedar Square, from 37 Cedar, west, Ward 5. Central Pl^ace, from 21 Western Avenue, north. Ward 4. Central Square, junction Main, River, Magazine and Western Avenue, Ward 4. Centre, from 85 Hancock to 8 Dana, Ward 2. Channing, from 168 Brattle to Mount Auburn, opposite hos- pital, AVard 1. Chai)man Place, from 13 Gerry to 14 Brewer, Ward 1. Charles, from 121 Third, east and west, to Ninth, Ward 3. Charles River, from Bow to 11 Dyke, Ward 1. Chatham, from 145 Hancock to 36 Dana, Ward 2. Chauncy, from 31 North Avenue to 15 Concord Avenue (Arsenal Squaie), Ward 1. Cherry, f roui 421 Main to 176 Harvard, Wards 4 and 2. Cherry Court, from 22 Cherry, east, AVard 4. Chester, from 260 North Avenue to Elm (Somerville line), Ward 5. Chestnut, from 168 Pleasant to Waverly, Ward 4. Chestnut Park, from 23 to 31 Charles, running north. Ward 3. Church, from 13 Harvard Row to 45 Brattle, Ward 1. Church Place, from 98 Cambridge, south. Ward 3. Clarendon Avenue, from 372 North Avenue to Somerville. line, Ward 5. 22 CAMBKIDGE, 1890. Clark, from 387 Main to 20 Webster Avenue, Wards 4 and 2. Clary, from Trospect, south of Houghton, west. Ward 2. Clay, from 93 Spruce to 40 Harvey, Ward 5. Cleveland, from 42 Ellery t<)Dana, Ward 1. Clifton, from 117 Spruce to 64 Harvey, Ward 5. Clinton, from 707 INIain to 290 Harvard, Ward 2. Cogswell Avenue, from 237 North Avenue to Fitchburg Railroad, Ward 5. Cogswell Place, from 11 Mead to Cogswell Avenue, Ward 5. Columbia, from 473 Main to Somerville line, AVards 4 and 2. Columbus Avenue, from Xorth Avenue, near Arlington line to Kimball, Ward 5. Concord Avenue, from 3 Waterhouse to Wellington and Adams (Belmont line), Wards 1 and 5. Conlon's Court, from 152 Third, east. Ward 3. Coolidge Avenue, from Mount Auburn at Mount Auburn Cemetery, to Watertown line. Ward 1. Corliss Place, rear 13 Antrim, west, Ward 2. Cottage, from 103 Pearl to U Pleasant, AVard 4. Cottage Court, from 8 Cottage, south. Ward 4. Cottage Row, from 1G8 Green, noith, Ward 4. Cowperthwaite, from 25 Banks to 38 De Wolf, Ward 1. Craigie, from 28 Concord Avenue to 141 Brattle, Ward 1. Creighton, from North Avenue, opposite Episcopal Church, to Fitchburg Railroad, Ward 5. Crescent, from 9G Oxford to 61 Sacramento, Ward 5. Crescent Avenue, from 39 Walden to RayuKmd, Ward 5. Crossland, from 77 Clark to Bristol, Ward 2. Cushing, from Belmont, beyond railroad bridge, to Grove (Belmont line). Ward 1. Cushing Avenue, from Cushing, near Belmont, south Ward 1 Cushing's Court, from 82 Cushing, south, Ward 1. Dailey Alley, from 47 Cambridge to Gore, Ward 3. Dana, from 787 Main to 634 Cambridge, AVards 1 and 2. Dana Square, on Magazine, between Lawrence and Lake, Ward 4. CAMBRIDGE, 1890. 23 Daniels Court, from 15 Hilliard, west, Ward 1. Davenport, from Elm to south of Orchard, Ward 5. Davis, from 125 Harvard to 42 Hampshire, AYard 2. Day, from 274 North Avenue to Orchard (Somerville line), Ward 5. Deacon, from 180 Main to foot of Pioneer, Ward 2. Decatur, from 81 Brookline to 136 Pearl, Ward 4. Decatur Court, from 14 Decatur, south. Ward 4. Derby Lane, from 362 Broadway to West, Ward 2. De Wolf, from how to Flajrg:, Ward I. De Wolf Place, from 11 De Wolf, west. Ward 1. Dickinson, from 236 Broadway to Davis, Ward 2. Dinsmore Court, f lom 33 Willard, west, AVard 1. Distillhouse, from 365 Cambridge to Somerville line. Ward 2. Divinity Avenue, from 27 Kirkland, north, Ward 1. Doane, from Foster, south. Ward 1. Dodge, from Western Avenue to Grifrg, Ward 4. Donnell, from 9i) Concord Avenue to 140 (rarden, Ward 5. Douglass, from 513 Main to 60 Austin, Ward 4. Douglass Court, from 5 Dcmglass, west, Ward 4. Dover, from 282 North Avenue to Somerville line, Ward 5. Dublin, from 169 Garden to 74 Sprue, Ward 5. Dudley, from 321 North Avenue to Clifton, Ward 5. Dunster, from 1 Harvard Square to Richardson and Bacon's coal wharf. Ward 1 . Dyke, from 27 DeWolf, west, Ward 1. East, from 113 Bridge, east to Hall's wharf, Ward 3. Eaton, from 23 Cherry to 12 Pine, Ward 4. Eighth, from 214 Cambridge to Thorndike, Ward 3. Eliot.f rom 101 Mount Auburn to opposite 68 Boylston,Ward 1. Eliot Square, Eliot, junction of Mount Auburn, Ward 1 Ellery, from 811 Main to 654 Cambridge, Ward 1. Ellsworth Avenue, from 403 Broadway to 612 Cambridge, Ward 2. Elm, from 213 Harvard to Webster Avenue, Ward 2. Elm, from White to Russell (Somerville line), Ward 5. 24 CAMBKIJJGE, 1890. Elmer, from Sands, north, Ward 1. Elmwood Avenue, from 182 Brattle to Mount Auburn, near granite works, Ward 1. Emmons Place, fiom 35 Baldwin, west, AVard 1. Ericsson Court, from 91 Green, north, Ward 4. Erie, from 120 Brookline to 84 Magazine, Ward 4. Essex, from 5'Jl jNIain to 238 Harvard, Ward 2. Essex Court, from 51 Essex, west, Ward 2. Eustis Court, from 112 Oxford, east, AVard 5. Everett, from 42 North Avenue to'45 Oxford. AVard 1. Fairfield, I tutn opposite 7 Spruce, near North Avenue, to Pemberton, Ward 5. Fairmont, Ironi 9!i Alagazine to 100 River, Ward 4. Fairmont Avenue, from 54 Fairmont to Somerset, Ward 4. Farwell Place, from 53 Brattle, north, AVard 1. Fayerweather, from 175 Brattle to A'assal Lane, AA'ard 1. Fayette, from 369 Broadway to 504 Cambridge, AVard 2. Felton, from 4G9 Broadway to 728 Cambridge, AVard 1. Filth, from 68 Winter, south, to beyond Potter, Ward 3. First, from 32 Camltiidge to south of Charles, Ward 3. Fiske Avenue, from 136 Washington, south, AVard 4. Flagg, from opposite 34 Putnam Avenue to De AVolf, AA'ard 1. Flagg-street Court, from Flagg, below Banks, soutti, AVard 1. Florence, from opposite Tufts to Pleasant, Ward 4. Florence Place, from 31 Norfolk, west, AVard 2. Follen, from 9 Concord Avenue to 13 AVaterhouse, Ward 1. Forest, from 116 North Avenue to Beacon (SomerviUe line), AVard 5. Fort AVashington, AVashington Square, from AVaverly, foot of All?ton, to Boston & Albany Railroad, AVard 4. Foster, from 21 AVillard to 14 Lowell, AVard 1. Foster Place, from Foster, near Brown, north, AVard 1. Fourth, from 244 Bridge to 43 Charles, Ward 3. Fourth-street Place, from 101 Fourth, west, AVard 3. V CAMBRIDGE, 1890. 25 Francis Avenue, from 43 Kirkland, north, Ward 1. Frank, from 320 North Avenue to Somerville line, AVard 5. Franklin, from east of Blanche to 22 Putnam Avenue AVard 4. Fresh Pond Avenue, from Concord Avenue to Lexington Avenue, AVard 1. Fresh Pond Lane, from 153 Brattle to St. Joseph Academy» AA'ard 1, Frisbie Place, from 23 Kirkland, north, AVard 1. Front, from 484 Main to Harvard Bridj^e, AA^ard 4 Front-street Court, from 14 Front, south, AA'ard 4. Frost, from 12 Roseland to Harris, Ward 5. Garden, from North Avenue, at the colleges, to AValden AVaids 1 and 5. Garden Court, from Garden, across Dublin, east, AVard 5. Garden-street Place, from 37 Garden, north. Ward 1. Gardner, from 31 Tremont to 110 Prospect, AVard 2. Garfield, from North Avenue to 111 Oxford, AVard 5. George, from Montgomery to Clay, AA'ard 5. Gerry, from 138 INIount Auburn, south, AVard 1. Gibson, from 203 Mount Auburn to Foster, AVard 1. Gipsey Place, from Moi>re, south of School, west, Ward 2. Glenwood, from Majiazine, near Florence, to Pearl, Ward 4. Gordon Place, from 8 Florence, vvard 4. Gore, from 152 Bridge to Somerville line, Ward 3. Goie Place, from 132 Gore, south. Ward 3. Gorliam, from AVendell to Hammond, AVard 1. Granite, from near foot of Magazine, to Pearl, Ward 4. Grant, from 24 De Wolf to 17 Banks, AVard 1. Bray Place, from 91 Harvard, north, AVard 2. Breen, from east of Blanche to beyond Putnam Avenue, AVard 4. Breenough Avenue, from Highland Avenue to Ellsworth Avenue, AVard 2. Srigg, from Putnam Avenue to Howard, AVard 2. Srotto Place, from Aloore, near School, AVard 2. 26 CAMBRIDGE, 1800. Groveland, from 273 North Avenue, south, to Fitchburg Railroad, AVard 5. Hatlley Place, from 2U North Avenue, north, Ward 5. Hamilton, from 9S Magazine to Waverly, Ward 4. Hammond, from 62 Oxfo'-d to Carver, Waid 1. Hampshire, from 179 Broadway to Inman Square (Somer- ville line), Ward 2. Hampshire Place, from 189 Hampshire, north. Ward 2. Hancock, from Franklin to 386 Broadway, Wards 2 and 4. Hancock Place, from 110 Hancock, east. Ward 2. Hardinjr, from 321 Cambridge to Somerville line. Ward 2. Harris, from foot of Frost to Beacon (Somerville line), Ward 5. Harrison, from 343 Main to 68 Washington, Ward 2. Harrison Avenue, from Columbus Avenue to Wbittemore, Ward 5. Harold Place, from Cherry, near Main, west, Ward 4. Harvard, from 201 Main to 1 Harvard Square, Wards 2 and !• Harvard Place, from 23 Harvard, north, Ward 2. Harvard Bow, from Lyceum building. Harvard Square, to Cburch, Ward 1. Harvard S(iuare, junction of Harvard, Brattle and North Avenue, Ward 1. Harvey, from 7 Cedar, west. Ward 5. Hastini!S, Irom Boston & Albany Railroad to 56 Moore' Ward 2. Hastings Avenue, from Phillips Place to Berkeley, Ward 1. Hastings Square, Brookline, between Chestnut and Henry AVard 4. Hawthorn, from 96 Brattle to Alount Auburn, AVard 1. Hawthorne Avenue, from 222 Brattle to beyond Huron AVard 1. Hayes, from 42 Putnam Avenue, east, to Howard, A\' ard 4. Healey, from Parker to Buckingham, AVard 1. Henderson Court, from 10 Day, east, near Somerville line Ward 5 CAMBRIDGE, 1890. 27 Henry, from w'averly to 280 Pearl, Ward 4. Hews, from Grijrir to Western Avenue, Ward 4. Hifrliland, from 68 Sparks to Reservoir, Ward 1. Higrhland Avenue, from 393 Broadway to 588 Cambridge! AYard 2. Hilliard, from 60 Brattle to 133 Mount Aviburn, Ward 1. Hillside Avenue, from Washington Avenue to Avon Hill, Ward 5. Hilton Place, foot of Murray, Ward 1. Hollis, from 285 North Avenue to 37 Spruce, Ward 5. Holly, from 12 Clark to Brooks, Ward 4. Holly Avenue, from opposite Madison to opposite 13 Wyeth AYard 5. Holmes Place, from 2 North Avenue to Kirkland, Ward 1. Holworthy, from Belmont, at Mount Auburn Railroad Sta- tion, to Fresh Pond Drive, AYard 1. Holworthy Place, from Holworthy, east. Ward 1. Holyoke, from 448 Harvard to Mill, Ward 1. Holyoke Place, from 64 Alount Auburn to 30 Holyoke, AYard 1- Houghton, from 171 Prospect to Springfield (Somerville), AYard 2. Howard, from 71 River to Kinnaird, Ward 4. Hubbard Aveniie, from 45 AYaklen to Raymond, AA^ard 5. Hudson, from 71 North Avenue to Hudson Place, AYard 5. Hudson PI' ce, from 35 Hudson, west, AYard 5. Humboldt, from 7 Linnfean to Lancaster, Ward 5. Hunting, from 329 Cambridge, north (Somerville line), AYard 2. Hurlburt, from Linncean to Martin, Ward 5. Huron, from Larch to east of Lake View Avenue, AYard 1. Ininni*, from 677 Main to 214 Hampshire, AYard 2. Inman Plnce, from 57 Inman to Derby Lane, AYard 2. Inman Square, juncticm Inman, Hampshire, Cambridge. Springfield, Beacon and Antrim, Ward 2. Irving, from 456 Broadway to north of Kirkland, Ward 1. 28 CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Irving Place, from 27 Irving to Summer, AVard 1. Jackson, fiom 103 Spruce to 52 Harvey, Ward 5. James, from Si Brattle to 12 Mason, Ward 1. Jarvis, from 24 North Avenue to 31 Oxford, Ward 1. Jay, from 59 River to Kinnaird, Ward 4. Jay-street Place, from 28 Jay, east. Ward 4. Jefferson, from Warren to 22 Harding, AVard 2. Jennings Court, from 2 Front, south, Ward 4. John, from Cameron, west, AVard 5. Jones \lley,from 348 Broadway to 13 AA'est, AVard 2. Jordan Place, from 134 Broadway, south and east, AA'ard 2. Kendall Square, junction Main, Broadway and Third AVard 2. Kent, east of Carver, parallel with Hammond, AA'ard 1. Kenway, from Gibson to Doane, Ward 1. Kimball, from bej'ond Columbus Avenue to AVhittemore' AVard 5. King Place, from 15 Amory, west, AVard 2. Kingsley Park, south side Fresh Pond from engine house, westerly. Ward 1. Kinnaird. from 45 River to 30 Putnam Avenue, AA^ard 4. Iiincolii Place, from 7 Lincoln, north, AVard 2. Linden, fiom 424 Harvard to 61 Mount Auburn, AVard 1. Linnaean, from 111 North Avenue to G9 Garden, AVard 5. Locke, from Meacdam to Frank, AVard 5. Locust, from Cushing, opjiosite Gushing Street school house, to Holworthy, AVard 1. Lopez, from 65 Brookline to 116 Pearl, AVard 4. Loughrey Avenue, from Pioneer to Pelham, AVard 2. Lowell, from 156 Brattle to 271 Alount Auburn, AVard 1. Lowland Avenue, from 40 Spiing, south, AVard 3. Lyman, from Murray, west, AVard 1. Lynde, from 559 Cambridge to 90 Kirkland, AA^ards 2 and 1. Madison, from 63 Concord Avenue to 90 Garden, AA^ard 5. Madison Avenue, from Columbus Avenue to Whittemore, Ward 5. CAMBRIDOE, 1890. 29 Magazine, from 610 Main to Captain's Island, Charles River, Ward 4. Magazine Court, from 117 Magazine, west, to 12 Walnut Court, AYard 4. Magee, from 54 Putnam Avenue to Gri.rg, Ward 4. Main, from West Boston Bridge to 400 Harvard, Wards 2, 4, 2 and 1. Maple Avenue, from 381 Broadway to 564 Cambridge, Ward 2 Market, from 207 Broadway to 32 Elm, Ward 2. Marsh Court, from 209 Mount Auburn, north, Ward 1. Martin, from North Avenue to 25 Bowdoin, Ward 5. Martin Place, from 58 Columbia, east. Ward 2. Mason, from 85 Brattle to 11 Garden, Ward 1. May, from Lawn to north of Vineyard, Ward 1. Maynard Place, from 261 Mt. Auburn, north, Ward 1. Marion, from 277 Cambridge to 10 Jefferson, Ward 2. McDtmald, from Mount Auburn, nearly opposite cemetery gate, northerly to railroad. Ward 1. McLean Place, from 41 Cedar to Reed, Ward 5. Meacham, from 294 Xorth Avenue to Orchard (Somerville)* Ward 5. Mead, from 23 Walden to Cogswell Avenue, Ward 5. Mechanic Square, Junction Broadway and Hampshire, Ward 2. Mellen, from 50 North Avenue to 55 Oxford, AVard 1. Mercer Ciicle, from 134 Brattle, south, to Sparks, AVard 1. Middlesex, from Spruce, near Rice, to Fitchburg Railroad, AA^ard 5. Mifflin Place, from 117 Mount Auburn, north, AA^ard 1. Mill, from 25 De AA'olf to 50 Holyoke, AA^ard 1. Montgomery, from 77 Si>ruce to 28 Harvey, AA^ard 5. Moore, from 357 Main to 212 Broadway, AYards 2 and 4. Mount Auburn, from 842 Main to Belmont liiie, AVard 1. Mount Auburn Place, from 132 Mount Auburn, south, AVard 1. i. 30 CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Mount Pleasant, from AValden to beyond Lambert Avenue, Ward 5. Mount Vernon, from 139 North Avenue to Lambert Ave- nue, Wara 5. MuUin's Court, from 46 Winter, south, Ward 3. Munroe, irom Third, west, to Sixth, Ward 3. Munson, from Washington to Harvard, Ward 2. Murdock, from 162 Hampshire to 9 Gardner, Ward 2, Murray, from junction Eliot and Bennett to the Charles River, Ward 1. Myrtle Park, north side of School, from Harrison to Moore, Ward 4. Myrtle Place, from 31 Moore, between AVashington and School, west. Ward 4. New, from Concord Avenue, nextt* Fitchburg Railroad, north, Ward 5. Newton, from Chestnut to Putnam Avenue, between Pearl and Magazine, Ward 4. Niagara, from 16 Lawrence to 17 Lake, Ward 4. Nichols Place, from 21 Baldwin, west. Ward 1. Ninth, from 238 Cambridge to Potter, Ward 3. Norfolk, from 549 Main to Somerville line. Wards 4 and 2. Norfolk Court, from 78 Norfolk to Elm, Ward 2. Norris, from 307 North Avenue to 50 Cedar, Ward 5. North, from 23 Water to 16 East, Ward 3. North Avenue, from Harvard Square to Arlington line, Wards 1 and &. Norton, from 25 Bowdoin to 10 Avon, Ward 5. Norton Place, from 12 Norton, east. Ward 5. Nutting Place, from 128 Mount Auburn, south, Ward 1. Oak, from 509 Cambridge to Somerville line. Ward 2. Oliver, from Wyeth to Winslow, Ward 5. Orchard, from 9 Davenport to Somerville line, Ward 5. Orrin, from Garden, south. Ward 5. Osborn, from 368 Main, south, to Boston & Albany Railroaoi Ward 4. GAMBKIDGE, 1890. 31 Otis, from Fii'st to Ninth, Ward 3. Otter, from 24 Cowperthwaite to 21 De Wolf, Ward 1. Oxford, from 13 Kirkland to Somerville line. Wards 1 and 5. Pacific, from Brookline, east, to Albany, Ward 4. Palmer, from 8 Brattle to 16 Church, Ward 1. Park, from 81 Magazine to 80 Pleasant, Ward 4. Parker , from 40 Concord Avenue to Buckingham. Ward 1. Parnell, from Cambridge, near Boston & Albany Railroad* south, to Otis, Ward 3. Peabody, from Kirkland to North Avenue, Ward 1. Pearl, from 568 Main to Leverett, Ward 4. Pelham, from 70 Broadway to 197 Main, Ward 2. Pemberton, from Spruce, near 257 North Avenue, to beyond Fail field. Ward 5. Percy Place, from 40 Essex, east, Ward 2. Perry, from 127 Pearl to 45 Magazine, Ward 4. Pettingill Court, from 58 Second, east. Ward 3. Phillips Place, from 9 Mason to 18 Garden, Ward 1. Pilgrim, from 54 Brookline, east, to Albany, Ward 4. Pine, from 87 School to 190 Harvard, Wards 4 and 2. Pioneer, from 52 Broadway, across Main to Deacon, Ward 2. Pioneer Avenue, from 32 Broadway to 5 Pelham, Ward 2. Pleasant, from 672 Main to Florence, Ward 4. Pleasant Place, from 48 Pleasant, east, Ward 4. Plymouth, from 91 Hampshire to Portland, AVard 2. Plympton, from -ifM Harvard to Bow, AVard 1. Pond Place, from 100 Putnam Avenue, east, AVard 4. Porter, from 37 Warren to 39 Harding, AYard 2. ; Portland, from 333 Main, north, to Cambridge, and south to Albany, AVards 4 and 2. I Portsmouth, from Hampshire to Webster Avenue, Ward 2. i Potter, from Third to Ninth, Ward 3. Potter Park, from opposite 7 Linnaean, east, Ward 5. Prentice Place, from 65 Frost, "west, AVard 5. Prescott, from 391 Harvard to 472 Broadway, Ward 1. Prince, from 105 Magazine to 112 Pleasant, Ward 4. 32 CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Prison Point, from Bridge, near Craigie's bridge, nortli, to Charlestown line, Ward 3. Prospect, from 617 Main to Somerville line, Ward 2. Putnam Avenue, from 1 Mount Auburn, to Waverley, Wards 4, 1, and 4. Putnam Court, from Putnam Avenue, south, AVard 4. Quiiicy, from Quincy Square to 28 Kirkland, Ward 1. Quincy Square, junction Main, Harvard and Quincy, at Beck Hall, Ward 1. Railroad, from opposite 149 Dublin, east. Ward 5. Raymond, from 51 LinntEan to Fitchburg Railroad, Ward 5. Reardon, from Waverly to Boston & Albany Railroad AYard 4. Reed, from 67 Spruce to 16 Harvey, Ward 5. Regent, from 197 North Avenue to Richdale Avenue, Ward 5. Remington, from 857 Main to 380 Harvard, Ward 1. Reservoir, from 7 Fayerweather to Vassal Lane, War 1 1. Revere Place, from 134 Mount Auburn, south. Ward 1. Rice, from 299 North Avenue to Spruce. AVard 5. Richdale Avenue, from AValden, east and south, to near Lambert Avenue, AVard 5. Richdale Court, from Richdale Avenue, opposite Regent, south, AVard 5. Rieder,ei Avenue, from 149 Brattle, north, to Brewster Place, AVard 1. River, from 620 Main to Brighton line, Ward 4. Riverside Place, from Western Avenue, opposite Black- stone, north, AA^ard 1. Rockingham, from 102 Henry, south, AA^'ard 4. Rockwell, from 85 Pleasant to 86 River, AVard 4. Rogers, from Ninth to east of Third, AVard 3. Rogers Court, from Brewery, to 12 Portland, Ward 4. Rollins Court, from 8 AVatson, south, AA^ard 4. Roseland, from 138 North Avenue to Somerville line, AVard 5 Royal Avenue, from Concord Avenue, west of Sparks south, AVard 1. CAMBKIDGE, 1890. 33 Russell, from 242 North Avenue to Elm (Somerville), Ward 5. Rutland, from Langdon to Shepard, Ward 1. Sacramento, from 70 North Avenue to Beacon (Somerville), AVards 5 and 1. Sacramento Place, from 25 Sacramento, north, Ward 5. Salem, from 62 Auburn to oppo-;ite 24 Watson, Ward 4. Sands, from Putnam Avenue to the Charles River, Ward 1. Sargent, from 70 Spruce to Railroad, Ward 5. Saville, from 205 Appleton to Walden. Ward 1. Sceva Place, from 14 Green, south, AVard 4. School, from 53 Portland to 23 Austin, Ward 4. School-street Court, frem 35 School, north. Ward 4. Scott, from Irving, north of Kirkland to Beacon, AVard 1. Seckel, from 54 AVebster Avenue to 110 AA'indsor, AVard 2. Second, from 24 Gore to south of Charles, AA"ard3. Second-street Court, from 64 Second, east, AA'ard 3. Seventh, from 153 Gore to south of Thorndike, AA^ard 3. Shepard, from 63 North Avenue to 47 Garden, AVards 5 and 1 Short, from 145 Bridge to 42 North, AVard 3. Sibley Cotirt, from 19 Sparks, west, AVard 1. Sidoej', from 8 Front to Pacific, and from Henry to Hamil- ton, Ward 4. Sixth, from 144 Gore to Harvard, jtmction Main, AVards 3 and 2. Smart, from State to Albany, AA'ard 4. Soden, from 29 AVestern Avenue to 150 Franklin, AVard 4. Soden Place, from 14 Soden, west, AVard 4. Somerset, from Putnam Avenue to AValntit Court, AA'ard 4. Somerville Avenue, from 150 North Avenue, at Union Square, to Somerville line, AVard 5. South, from 41 Holyoke to 64 Boylston, AVard 1. Sparks, from 237 Momi' Atiburn to 80 Concord Avenue, AA^ardl. Sparks-sireet Court, from 70 Concord Avenue to 104 Sparks, Ward 1. Spring, from 82 Second to Ninth, Ward 3. 34 CAMBRIDGE, 1890. Springfield, from 527 Carabriflge to Somerville, line Ward '2. Sp'ing Place, from rear 12o Spring to rear 140 do., AVard 3. Spruce, from 257 North Avenue to the meadows, Ward 5. Squire's Court, 'lom 164 Gore, south. Ward 3. State, from 18 Front to Osbnrn. Ward 4. Stevens Co jrt, from 11 Fourtti, west. Ward 3. Stiles, from 59 Banks, west, Ward 4. Stin-on Court, from 3G Somerset, south. Ward 4. Story, from 48 Brattle to 125 Miamt Auburn, Ward 1. Suffolk, from 49 Columbia to 46 Norfolk, Ward 2. Sumuier, from 105 Prospect to Inman, Ward 2. Sumner, from 735 Cambridge to 38 Kirkland, Ward 1. Surry, from 19 Putnam Avenue, west, to Banks, Ward 1. Talbot, from Waveriy, at Fort Washington, to Boston & Albany Railroad, Ward 4. Tannery, from 382 North Aveuue to the Almshouse, Ward 5. Temple, from 641 Main to 134 Austin, Ward 2. Tenney. from 35 Orchard to Elm (Somerville line), AVard 5. Third, from Boston & Lowell Railroad, East Cambridge, to 27 Main, Wards 3 and 2. Thorndike, from First to Port'and, Ward 3. Tremont, from 393 Bro id way to Somerville line, Ward 2. Tro vbridge from 839 Main to Kirkland, Ward 1. Trowbri'lge Place, from Trowbridge, west, Wnrd 1. Tudor Park, on west side Fresh Pond Av enue, from Concord Avenue, so ith, to Lexington Avenue, AVard 1. Tufts, from Magazine to Pearl, south of Chestnut, AVard 4. Tuttle, from 8 Uonnell to 9 Wyeth, AVard 5. Uuinii, from 37 Market to 8 Lin-.oln, AVard 2. Union Court, f r >m 27 Union, west. Ward 2. XJn'Oa Place, from 33 Union, west. Ward 2. Union Square, junction 160 North Avenue with Somerville Avenue, AVard 5. Upton, from 55 Magazine to 56 Pleasant, AVard 4. Talentiue, from 95 Brookline to 168 Pearl, AVard 5. Vandine, from Berkshire to Portland, AVard 2. CAMBEIDGE, 1890. 85 Vassal Lane, from 85 Sparks to Lake View Avenue, "Ward 1. Vern< n, from 700 Main to 129 Green, Ward 4. Vill^te, from 18 State to 35 Front, Ward 4. Yincent, from 102 Wal ourth Street, Engine House Numbers. Sixth Street, corner of Cambridge Street. Vine Street, corner of Fifth Street. Broadway, Greely's Mill. AA'ahington Street, corner of Brewery Street. Sidney Street, corner of Allston Street. Pearl Street, corner of Auburn Street. Brookline Street, corner of Valentine Street. Lafayette Square. Main Street, corner of Osborn Street. Claik Street, corner of Harvard Street. Broadway, near Brewery Street. Pine Street, corner of vv ashington Street. Cambridge Street, corner of Harding Street. Columbia Street, coiner of Cambridge Street. Hampshire Street, corner of Columbia Street. Harvard Street, corner of Norfolk Street. Main Street, corner of Prospect Street. Pleasant Street, junction of Kiver Street. Magazine Street, corner of Lake Street. CAMBRIDGE, 1890. 39 Magazine Street, comer of Chestnut Street. 41 Pleasant Street, corner of Fairmont Street. 42 Blackstone Street, opposite Riverside Press. 43 Banks Street, corner of Flagg Street. 45 Franklin Street, corner of Soden Street. 46 Main Street, corner of Hancock Street. 47 Broadway, corner of A.ntrim Street. 48 Inman Square, Engine House Number 5. 49 Cambridge Street, corner of Baldwin Street. 51 Broadway, corner of Ellery Street. 52 Main Street, junction of Mount Auburn Street. 53 Mount Auburn Street, corner of Holyoke Place. 54 Cambridge Street, Memorial Hall. 56 Kirkland Street, corner Sumner Street. 57 Oxford Street, corner Mellen Street. 59 Harvard Square, corner of Brattle Street. 61 Brattle Square, City Building. 62 Mount Auburn Street, corner of Hilliard Street. 63 Brattle Street, junction of Mason Street. 64 Concord Avenue, junction of Garden Street. 65 North Avenue, corner of Shepard Street. 68 North Avenue, near Railroad Bridge. 69 North Av^-nue, corner of Day Street. 71 North Avenue, near Tannery Street. 72 Cedar Street, corner of Dudley Street. 73 Spruce Street, near Bay State Brick Yard. 74 Dublin Street, corner of Failroad Street. 75 Walden Street, corner of Raymond Street. 76 Walnut Avenue, corner of Arlington Street. 78 Concord Avenue, corner of Sparks Street. 79 Brattle Street, corner of Sparks Street. 82 Brattle Street, corner of Appleton Street. 83 Brattle Street, corner of Elmwood AA'enue. 87 Lake View Avenue, near Concord Avenue. 89 Concord Avenue, near Hittinger's Ice House. 9S Mount Auburn, near Car Stable. CAMBRIDGE, 1890. 39 i 93 Locust Street, corner of Gushing Street. 114 Ninth Street, near Spring Street, Goepper's Brothers' Barrel Factory. 116 Broadway, Tower's Piano-key Factory. j 121 Brookline Street, corner of Chestnut Street. I 125 Green Street, Frank A. Kennedy's Cracker Bakery. i 134 Tremont Street, corner of Hampshire Street, City Stable. 135 Harvard Street, opposite Bigelow Street. ( 137 "Western Avenue, corner of Howard Street. ! 152 Main Street, junction of Bow Street. 158 Oxford Street, corner of Harris Street. 167 Linnsean Street, corner of Avon Street. 1C8 North Avenue, Engine Hou*e, Number 4. 216 Ninth Street, Rubber Factory Yard. I 242 Albro Street, Electric Light Works. > 271 North Avenue, Railroad Stable. : 223 Morss & Whyte, 10 Franklin Street. 204 Cambridge Observatory. A FEW THOUGHTS FOR MEN. I The papers are full of items in regard to fashions for women but very little is said about men's fashions. It really costs only a trifle more for men when ordering garments made, to patro- nize good firms, and by good, reference is not made to their financial standing, for the most money is made from cheap clothing. Many men are careless in regard to dress and desire simply to look decent ; but many, j'oung men especially, wish when ordering clothes, to have if possible the best style, and the details carefully looked after, and are willing to pay a trifle more than for ordinary work. I believe the finest class of Tailoring can be done at a fair profit, and still give a man the best of goods, work and finish ; and although I have doubled my business in the past few years, I shall not be satisfied till I can consider every well diessed young man in the city as a patron. FRANK D. SOMERS, Tailor, 5 Park Street, Boston. .NS^?- .a 40 CAMBEIDGE, 1890. 1 — — — ■^- =— — =n 1590 1 CALENDAR = 1590 . = ^ 1 1 1 s s s 1 1 1 5 i 1 1 "8 S a 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 9 ,3 4 5 6 • 5 f. 7 8 9 10 11 >• 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 y- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 < 19 13 14 1,5 If. 17 IS < n 12 13 14 15 16 17 0. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 •)Q 23 24 25 S 18 19 20 21 •1') 23 24 bJ (A 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2fi 27 28 29 ,3( 31 25 26 28 2i) 30 31 28 29 30 1 I 2 3 4 , '>. 3 4 5 fi 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11! o 9 10 n 12' 13! 14 15 7' 8 9 10 1112 13 14 12 13 14 15 16 17 181 16 17 IS 19 20.21 09 D 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 19 20 21 99 23 24 25 ;>3 24 •2,5 26 27 28 -» 'W 23 24 25 26 27 2S 2(; 2-; 28 29 .30 31 1 29 .30 1. . i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i 2 3 4 5 2! 3 4 5 6 V 8 d: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 >■ 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 > 910 11 12 i;; 14 15 <* 16 17 IS 1920121 90 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Z 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 S 28 24 2.5 26 27128 29 -> 20 21 ')0 23 24 25 26 03 04 25 26 27 28 29 3(1 31 .1 . . 27 28 29 .30 31 .30! 1 2 3 4 5 i 2 ..1 1 2 3 4 5 6 fi 7 8 91011:12 3 A .5 6 1 8 9 7, 8 9 10 11 12 13 K 13 14 1,5 16il7|18|19 6 k; 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 oy 23 n '>! 99 23 24 25 26 27 < 27 28 29 301 * :24 131 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 L^ I 0-* ^o ^' .^°^ •^■ 0^ 1 pf 563 Mail, ly .. vly L . STF^ANGERS to (^iwndge and bthei-c d(>8irin<; to employ a ' First Class Upholsterer Cabinet Maker SS will do -well to cmpliiy Xaee Xi. PoDirers of 30 Boylston St., 4 DOORS From POST-OFFICE ANTiaUE FURNITURE inlarge variety, Carpel-*, (''rtx-kerv. China. Wou PC? X LU C/D LU _J Q Q CO o "2 « .3 M|?L 5 \ll.il -t ' "5 '^ f I' •ssBB ■|judjgp|jqin>i) '-jg aiBH ft! •jensjiqnd 'ikh adoquEis J ■JB3« e 0SZ« anoiNOdHo 3oamaiAiv 9*91 aaHsiia'vxga OK'IdAXoajL)3l3 '^ MRS. W. H. BUCK, HOME MADE BAIERY IS lloljokeSl., ioiril:iri:ird,Si(.i ^■..ll will fin. I ..ic BREAD CAKE PASTRY li..iKl. Dr..], in Mil. I In . Ln,nh EMPLOYMENT OFI ICE. CAMBRIDGE BOOT & SHOE REPAIR SHOP, 10 HOLYOKE ST., CAMBRiqBE. Fine Boou to Oidei Ladles' Repairing a Spscialty. Rubber Boots So'ed with Leather or Rubber, and ail Other Rubber Worit Done. »"ALL WORK WAftRANT-EO SATISFACTORY. W. H. BUCK, Propriator. ijg nepnii 9 '9Dgo sji ^'i JO saop^aj oij eSiBqo S;J0S9'g ^SOrajO 8I«|1V,3iT[) puB seiqBji-eutfX pBOf|reg ')33.'}S ujnqnv )uaoi.\j egi asnoH 'J93JIS m^a M' do^s a31N3ddVO 'sAiaAaxs asav 1 SPITZ BROS.^ MORK. stylish J^ultB -FOR-" OKJN^TLEMElSr $15.00 and>io.oo Thets 1 ntwest styl «ds of For n Chevioii,9tri| ireign and Domfcti usme$sp»rp9MSfrac the requtrementgof ijdy for immtdlite u e Bett Ou offering itvtra >ve durabls n Mide, at eiofM«n-« All Wool Suits i $10.00 and $12.00 OP anPBRIOR VALUES. SPITZ BROS, k MORK, 608 Washington St.. 5 Bedford St. '3N0Hd3-131 -jepuoM Xji^;|ues )eej3 a\\\ uo^sog 'esnoH soiepv anlsej^BUJ qoiqM '(8i8l P9»u9tecl, uoijepiuaA ^JBiiues JO ujaisAs suaA9is H LmoneMi *o sjo; -dijdojd a|os 'S)U9LU9:-4JdijU! Ajeijues snoiatunu >o sjoibuiSjo -Suiqiunid uj uijojsj v£9i% 9^1 u[ sjaauojd sHseiAmd ssvw •.LHodaDjiHawvi:) 'liJJIS H|1!H ^{» , "03 ? SN3A3i' /H NHOf ■311M ■» vim nijiaxs n nHOf -eSBI '9 IdJS aSH 18^1^3 The CAMBWDGE PRESS, JAMES COX. Editor and Propristor. •■-< '■ tNej >...«.,». Nu. ->»» Main S(„ Proiipect HoDse. CAMalUOaEPORT. D.i*wdwtti- Irr r.*rf4l| JJium\i OtoAMf*. THE BEST MEUlHroE ADVEETISINB. IBUiS. '&IU year in idvanc3ll2J}9, Sii monthe %\.2i. Single Cito, i Cull. I6S0. 1890. THE CAMBRIDGE NEiMS, PkrtiH desiring t^-tnssrt I:9gal AdvsrLlae- ms&U can do so ander'apecial ratea. Snbtortptloa Prlct'U 3 ots. pet copy Vl,SOp»T&iuiiiiii iaadvaaos. lOB PRIHT1N8 ON-REASOIIASLE RATES. '0681 imiMl I J" i-»i lu.^ -oeii •00 9 «^«fti d r 9 H 1 ■it}! I iK.i.) ,>m ui s.>j.[04.ii.'5 i«.ii|.iilnaoa}l^.>p |iUB - 'iiiilinu.ul i|jL\i sii) '"■" "11 o» l'in))« .11^ inis- \w\ -.Ci.i.iui .iti ,1114 .i'>J tl,)nili 1.' ".Htlt} JI!1(J ,l.)Uilj >.I.Jf ,>At!q .1,^^^ , i|i,. o) qiuiaj^qjik 1 .ion[d .1110 JSiji '1- IIOIIIIUOUII tlil i"'.u. IB,:) I'l" 'It) ■'■w>.|i., aq, .vy ; ii'l M.1t %|i|i \.\ St! .Cp«l>. Si; ,ipi.M} UI It.. 4011 op 1 l.i|l»ll09 t> V ti.ttt-l |..« .Ciq -.|.)|tl.i ..IICUI j> '''* ■i|M!M Jlio JOV, ".1 1|14» 3.IB ax. 4.1A' I 4! naSnomie pia; H' ■>m 91 SIHX 1 #-^»t)6Z.|e^*