■■-■■■■■■..■■■-■i?,jS:^ * ^ .0* A- V ^ <* A 'V ^ ; ** .•' 4 O -V" . "•* ^ ty < o v'^S 4 °^ gstev. ^ > *v AMERICAN VESSELS CAPTURED BY THE BRITISH DURING THE Revolution and War of 1812 The Records of the Vice-Admiralty Court at Halifax, Nova Scotia. THE ESSEX INSTITUTE Salem, Massachusetts 1911 ■ IN EXCH**QE MAY 13 1913 RECORDS OF THE VICE-ADMIRALTY COURT AT HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. THE CONDEMNATION OF PRIZES AND RECAPTURES OF THE REVOLUTION AND THE "WAR OF 1812. The records of the Vice-Admiralty Court at Halifax, Nova Scotia, covering the period of the American Revo- lution, are now preserved in the Provincial Building at Halifax, in the custody of the Provincial Secretary. The registers for the years 1776-1783 are in three folio vol- umes and preserve only the essential facts. The original files of documents relating to each case have disappeared. Some years ago a considerable mass of manuscripts was found stored at the Navy Yard in Halifax, and after burning a portion and selling considerable for junk, the re- mainder was sent to the Admiralty Office in London. Possibly some of these Vice-Admiralty Court papers may have found their way to London in this manner. The Vice- Admiralty Court records for the period of the War of 1812 are now stored in the County Court House at Halifax. The register of cases is in the Prothonotary's Office and the files of original papers are contained in some dozen or more boxes stored in a damp basement. The papers in each file are numbered to correspond with the number of the case in the register of the court, and in the abstracts here printed these case numbers are included so that it may be possible to secure additional information upon application to the office of the Prothonotary. These files in many instances contain a considerable number of papers in addition to the documents of the Court. The ship's papers, if not already destroyed at the time of cap- ture, will be found, consisting of the commission — in the case of a privateer — the ship's register or license, the crew list, bill of health, various bills of lading, and some- times owner's instructions with business correspondence. (i) In the following pages the records covering the period of the Revolution are printed in a condensed form, al- phabetically arranged by the name of the vessel captured, and precede the records of the War of 1812. The first case brought before the Court was under date of April 15, 1776. Previous to that time prizes taken along the New England coast had been condemned at a Vice-Admiralty Court sitting in Boston. Two typical cases recorded in the register of the Court are here reprinted verbatim to illustrate the form of entry. George Francis Dow. CAUSE. " Thomas Fitzherbert Esq r % Commander of His Majes- ty's Ship of War the Raisonable, vs. the Schooner Wil- liam & Cargo. « 27th Feb*. J Register's Office, March 2d, 1778. 1778 1 Thomas Chambers midshipman on Board His Majesty's Ship Raisonable, being duly sworn depo- seth, that being on a Cruise to the Eastward of St. George's Banks, on or about the 19 day of February last they fell in with a Schooner & took her, & found she was from Cape Anne Bound to Bilboa Loaded with Rice & tobac- co, that the Master's name was Osburn Serjeant, & the Schooner was call'd the William, that the Deponent was put on Board as Prize Master, & he brought said Schooner into this Harbour. Thomas Chambers. Sworn before Wm. Morris D. Rr. ♦'March 19. Court opened by Making Proclamation as usual. Proclamation made for all Claimors to appear & Asert their claims, none appeared. The Libel order & return thereon read, the evidence taken before the regis- ter also read, the Advocate Gen 1 , then moved for a De- cree, which was pronounced as on file, whereby the said Schooner & Cargo was condemned as Lawfull Prize to the Captors. " Court adjourned without Day." " April 15 th , 1776. Sundry Goods seized on Board the Schooner Tarter. " April 19th, 1776. " Wyndham Bryer being duly Sworne deposeth that he was on Board the Lively a Mid- shipman, that in February last near Cape Ann in New England Captain Bishop Seiz'd the Schooner Tarter, and carried her into Boston. That they found on board about two Hogsheads, one Tierce and thirteen Barrels Sugar, nine Hogshead and one Barrel of Coffee and Six Hogsheads of Cocoa Nutts, all which are now in the Harbour of Halifax, is not positively certain as to the exact number of Casks." " Having maturely considered the allegations against sundry Goods and Merchandise seized and taken by Thomas Bishop Esq r , Commander of his Majestys Ship of War the Lively and libelled in this Court by William Nesbitt Esq., his Majestys Advocate General in the said Court for and on behalf as well of said Majesty as of the said Thomas Bishop wherein the said Advocate al- ledges that contrary to an Act of Parliament made & pass'd in the sixteenth year of his present Majestys reign one Benjamin Warren master of a certain schooner called the Tarter was carrying on a Trade with and endeavour- ing to enter the Harbour of some one of the Colonies now in open Rebellion, and that the said Schooner Tarter and some part of her cargo had been condemned in the Court Vice Admiralty at Boston in New England, but that some part of said cargo to wit two hogsheads, one tierce and thirteen barrels of sugar, nine hogsheads and one barrel of coffee and six hogsheads of Cocoa Nutts were not con- demn'd, but are now brought into this Harbour of Halifax and. are within the jurisdiction of this Court and it ap- pearing to us by Papers produc'd and other Evidence sworn and examined in open Court that the said Benjamin War- ren the Master of said Schooner was carrying on a Trade and Commerce with the Colonies now in open Rebellion Contrary to the Actt of Parliament before mentioned & all persons claiming property in the said two Hogsheads one Tierce & thirteen Barrels of Sugar nine Hogsheads & one Barrel of Coffee & Six Hogsheads of Cocoa part of y e Cargo of y e said Schooner Tarter having been duly notified to appear & assert their claims but no person appearing so to do tho thrice called upon & all matters for a fair & impartial tryal of the Premises haveing been fully attended to we adjudge and decree the said two Hogsheads one Tierce & thirteen Barrels of Sugar nine Hogsheads and one Barrel of Coffee & Six Hogsheads of Cocoa Nutts to be lawfull Prize to y e Captors thereof & do condemn the same as such accordingly and do order the same to be deliver'd to y e Agent or Agents for the said Thomas Bishop his Officers and Crew to be divided in such Proportions & after such Manner as his Majesty by his Royal Proclamation or Proclamations hereafter to be Is- sued for that purpose shall think fit to order & direct. Given under our hand & the seal of y e said Court this 4 th day of May Anno Domini 1776 & in the 16 year of his Majestys reign. Rich. Bulkeley Jud. Adm tis " • Abigal, schr., Josiah Thatcher, master, South Carolina to some port in Massachusetts Bay, cargo : rice, pitch, tar, indigo, deer skins, etc., captured April 5th, 1778, near George's Banks, by H. M. S. Scarborough. Active, brigantine, a recapture. Taken by H. M. S. Amazon off the coast of Nova Scotia about July 19th, 1777, from the Rebels, who had taken her on her passage from Quebec to England, and were proceeding to Boston. "Enoch Taylor being duly Sworne Deposeth, that he be- longed to the Schooner Speedwell, a Privateer fitted out from Boston, New England, commanded by one Jonathan Greley, mounting 8 four pounders, 8 swivels, & had thirteen hands Men and Boys on Board, that on or about the 20th June last being on a Cruize in said Privateer, they fell in with a Brig called the Active, being then to the Eastward of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland & in the Latitude 48° which Brig they took and found she had been at Quebec last fall with Provisions, & was when taken Bound to Liverpool in England one — Clark master of her, that she had 8 four pounders 8 swivels, a chest of small arms, 10 barrels of Powder, the best part of a Suit of Sails, which he the Deponant understood was for the Brig, some Balls, Cartridges, Pistols & Cutlasses, all which they put on Board the Privateer, that they also took out the Master, Mate and all the hands, except three lads, that one Thomas Smith was put on Board Prize Master, who had orders from the Captain of the Privateer to proceed to Boston with said Brig or any other Port in New England he could get into, that on or about the 20th July Inst, be- ing off Cape Sables, they fell in with a ship called the Amazon Commanded by Capt. Jacobs who retook the said Brig & brought her into this Port, and the Deponant further Deposeth that he understood said Brig was a hired vessel, that he does not know what became of the Papers, but supposes the Captain of the Privateer took them." The Active was sold to pay captors one-eighth, sundry expen- ses, and leaving for the owners £186. 18. 8^. Active, schr., about 85 tons, two sets of papers found on board, by one the vessel was cleared out from Canso, in N. S., and the other from Salem. The captors were in- formed that she belonged to Salem. Captured Oct. 4th, 1782, in Boston Bay, by the Sloop of War Savage. Adventure, schr., cargo of — Libel September 11th, 1782, by armed brigantine Meriam. Adventure, snow, a recapture. " Anthony Roiz being duly sworne deposeth that he shipp'd himself on Board the snow Adventure, Thomas Brown master at New York 9th May last Bound for Newfoundland, Loaded with Salt, Gen- ena, Chocolate, Coffee, Tar, Turpentine, & sundry other articles, that he was taken near St. John's Harbour, New foundland, by a Yanky Privateer, that he was on Board- said Privateer 32 days, that on or about the 7th July last, they were retaken by the Resolution privateer, Thomas Ross Commander, and brought into this port, that Cap- tain Brown (he believes) was part owner." An eighth of the salt was decreed to the recaptors and the vessel and other goods forfeited to his Majesty. The rebel privateer's crew were carrying the prize to Salem. Adventurer, brigantine, bound for the West Indies loaded with lumber,captured near Frenchman's Bay, N. E., about Dec. 6th, 1778, by H. M. S. Rainbow's tender, True Blue. Ajax, brigantine, Thomas Workman, master, a recap- ture. Depositions referred to " as on file.'' The only information to be gathered from the record is that the Ajax was recaptured previous to Oct. 17th, 1778, the date of libel. Albion, brigantine, John Birket, master, a recapture. June 20th, 1781, "James Butlar, masters mate of His Majesty's Ship of War the Charlestown being duly sworn deposeth that being on a cruize on the 18th of June Inst, they fell in with a Brig on the Coast of Nova Scotia, which they took, that she was then when retaken in the Posses- sion of the Rebels, that she is loaded with Rum, Sugar and Puminto as the Deponant was Informed, & was originally Bound from Jamaica to England when taken by the Americans, that she is now brought safe into this Port by the Charlestown, & that the papers now pro- duced by the agent for the Captors marked No. 1 a 12 are the papers found on Board the said Brigantine, without fraud, subduction, or Embezzlement, & that they are all the papers found & Received from on board the said Brigantine, except some letters directed to Persons in England which have not been opened." Amazone, brig, in ballast from Cyan to New York, cap- tured off Sandy Hook April 18th or 19th, 1776, by a ten- der belonging to H. M. S. Phenix. Amsterdam, brig, James McGee, master, Masdrant in Sweden to Boston, cargo : dry goods, captured Oct. 19th, 1791, off Cape Ann, by H. M. S. Amphytrite. Ann, brigantine, a recapture, Charles Webster, master. June 18th, 1781. "Francis Harrison, mate of the Brig- antine Ann of London being duly sworn deposeth that he shipped on Board the said brig at London for New York that afterwards on their voyage from New York to Lisbon they were chased by a Rebel privateer about four Glasses when they came up with the Brig & took her on about the 8th June Inst, off of Block Island near Rhode Island, that she was called the Neptune, one Smith Commander belonging to Boston mounting, Sixteen Six pounders, and sixty men, that after Exchanging Hands they were preced- ing with the Brig for Boston that on or about the 10th June Inst., near the Nantucket Shoals they fell in with His Majesty's ship the America Thomson Commander who retook them and sent them into this Port under the convoy of His Majesty's ship of War the Royal Oak, that the master of the Brig, Charles Webster, was kept on. Board the Privateer, & that the said Master had all the Papers belonging to the Brig in his Chest with him on; Board said Privateer." Ann, schr., a recapture. Nov. 6th, 1781. " Charles Milford, Midshipman on board His Majesty's Ship As- surance, being duly sworn deposeth that they were in Lat. 41°, 10," Long. 62° when they fell in with a Schooner which they chased about 8 hours and took her, and found she was from Cork bound to New York, called the Ann, and on her passage had been taken by a Rebel Privateer, called the Thorn & was when taken by the Assurance in the Possession of the Rebels, that the Deponant was put on board as Prize Master, & was making the best of his way for the Port of Halifax, when on the 22d October he fell in with His Majesty's Ship Charlestown who ordered the Deponant to keep company with her, being off Jed- dore to the Eastward of Halifax the wind being to the Westward, they endeavour'd to work up, but the Schooner being a bad sailor fell to Leeward, the Charlestown being at some distance we saw a sail coming out of Jeddore, who chased the Schooner, Charlestown discovering that bore away, but before the Charlestown could come up the Privateer was alongside & took the Deponent, the Pri- vateer being apprehensive of the Charlestown coming up with her, kept ahead of the schooner Ann, & ordered the Deponant to steer after her. As soon as the Deponant thought he was out of Shot of the Privateer, he brought too and waited for the Charlestown. When she came up she hoisted out her cutter, & Sent her on board, & im- mediately made sail after the Privateer, which they took, and the next morning joined the schooner Ann, & or- der'd the Deponent to stand to the Westward, & make all the sail he possibly could, the next day they made Cape L Have, being short of water, they proposed going in, which they were prevented from doing by a gale of wind which came on and drove them to the westward, as far as Port Mutton, then they endeavour'd to get in, hoisted the Union Jack and fired a gun, as a signal of Dis- tress, no relief coming they hoisted out their boat and one of the Rebel Prisoners and the Deponent rowed into the Harbour, just as they entered the Harbour a Privateer bore down upon them and took them on board, & went out to the schooner which they boarded, and took out all the Rebel Prisoners that were on board and plundered the vessel of Sundry articles, that on seeing two sail to the Leward & one to Windward, they quitted the schooner and left the Deponent with three men and a boy in pos- session of her, that one of the sail to Leward gave chase to the Deponent, and being but weakly mann'd & in want of water the deponent bore down to her, that she fired two guns at the schooner Ann and hoisted American colors after they were alongside the schooner about a quarter of an hour the Brig hoisted English Colors, sent a boat on board the schooner with three men and a Prize Master, that he understood she was called the Sir Andrew and Hamond Peter Henderkin commander, and went in chase of the sail to Windward, which they took, and then took the Deponent, & one of his Men out of the schooner Ann, and sent her into this Port." The salvage was divided between Assurance and the Sir Andrew Hamond. Argus, ship, a recapture. " Thomas Robinson Mariner on Board the Ship Argus being duly Sworne Deposeth that on or about the 12th day of July last, on their pas- sage from Barbados to Quebec they fell in with a Priva- teer Sloop called the Trumbull, commanded by one Henry Billings & Mounting 12 Carriage Guns & about 70 men, that after they Boarded the Ship Argus they ex- changed Hands put a Prize Master on Board, & then Shaped their Course for Boston, that about 19 Days after- wards they were Chased by a Man of War who retook the Ship Argus being then to the northward of Cape Anne off of Piscataqua River, which Man of War they found to be the Amazon Commanded by Maximilian Jacobs, who took Possession of said Ship & sent her into this Port of Halifax where she now is." Francis Sandford, of the Trumbull, who was brought to Halifax on the brig Betsey, also made a deposition in this case. Atlanta, sloop of war, a recapture. July 21st, 1781, " Hezekiah Welsh second Lieutenant on Board the Alli- ance being duly sworn Deposeth that being on a Cruize- in said ship on or about the 30th May last in Lat. 42° Long, 60° they fell in with His Majesty's Sloop of War the Atalanta, which they took after engaging her 3 Hours and a Half, that the Captain of the Alliance, ordered the Dep* to take possession of the Atalanta and proceed with her to Boston, New England, that on their passage thither the 7th June last, being near Cape Cod, they fell in with His Majesty's ships of War the Assurance, Charlestown, Am- phy trite and Vulture, which retook the said sloop Atalan- ta, put a British officer & Seamen on board her & sent her safe into this Port of Halifax." " Francis Downing being duly sworn Deposeth, that he belonged to the Sloop of War the Atalanta and was Ser- vant to the Doctor of her, that being on a cruize from St. John's in Newfoundland on or about the 28th day of May last they fell in with an American Frigate called the Alli- ance, which they engaged 7 Glasses & a half that the Alliance being greatly superior in Force to the Atalanta 10 having Forty Guns, sixes, nines & twelves, the Atalanta after losing Twenty-four men killed & wounded was obliged to strike, that after the Alliance had shifted Hands with the Atalanta, she ordered the Atalanta for Boston in New England & shaped her Course for Philadelphia, that three days after parting company with the Alliance, the Atalanta fell in with the Assurance, Charlestown, Amphy- trite & Vulture, which ships retook the Atalanta, & sent her into this port." The prisoners taken by the Alliance were put on a brigantine taken at Newfoundland, and sent into Halifax. Baltimore, sloop, William Clesby, master, loaded with one hogshead molasses and about 100 lbs. coffee, with no register or other papers, except a few letters got out of a passenger's chest, bound from the East Passage near Cape Sable to a place called Narrow Guerres near Mechias, captured about forty leagues westward of Seal Islands, Aug. 13th, 1776, by the armed sloop Gage. Bell, brig, recaptured from the rebels Aug. 4th, 1780, off Halifax light house, by William Gill, the owner, and some hands and passengers on the brig, and brought into Halifax Harbour. Bell or Bill and Mary, ship, John Burrows, master, owned in Philadelphia by one Mitchell, bound to France, cargo: tobacco; captured April 20th, 1777, off the Capes of Virginia by H. M. S. Phenix, and sent into New York. George Scott, mariner on the ship Bell and Mary, made deposition. Letter signed by Robert Morris, or as in next paragraph, Thomas Morris, dated at Philadelphia, April 1st, 1777, read in Court. Reference made to packet di- rected to Dr. Francklin at Paris, France. Bellona, schr., Guadelope to Newbury, cargo : rum, coffee and molasses, captured March 7th, 1778, between Cape Sable and George's Banks, by H. M. S. Rainbow's tender, the schooner Arbuthnot. Betsey, brig, a recapture. Aug. 6th, 1777. " Henry 11 Trotman, Gentleman, being duly Sworne, Deposeth that on or about the 12th day of July last, about 5 o'clock A. M., in Latitude 42° 26" Long. 50° 30" or thereabouts, The Brig Betsey Bayley Warren Master, Owned in Bar- bados, and Liverpool, Loaded with Rum & Sugar, part the Deponants property the other part consigned to him Bound to Quebec, was Chased, Fired at, & taken, by a Privateer Sloop of 12 guns, & about 70 men, called the Trumbull, Henry Billings Master of New London, all the Crew of the Brig except two men was taken out of the Brig directly, consisting of Six Whites, one Black & the Captain ; and a Prize Master and Seven Men was put on Board the Brig, out of the Privateer, The Deponants Son, said two men & himself remained on Board. The next day in the afternoon Capt. Billings came on Board the Brig with Capt. Warren, & spent some Hours on Board, when said Billings was willing & gave Consent for Capt. Warren to Tarry and remain on Board the Brig, with those that were already left, but the Prize Master & his people rejected & would not consent to it, when Captain Billings ordered several things to be taken out of the Brig, such as a small Cask of Spirit a Bar, Sugar, Limes, Cordage & c & after Consenting to Exchange one of the men that was left on Board for one that was taken out the Evening before Capt. Billings & Capt. War- ren left the Brig, Wishing us all well and safe in Boston, The Deponants Son and himself remained Prisoners, & the two men did their Duty as Seamen on Board under the Command of Caleb Trapp the Prize Master, who did all he could to get to Boston New England until the 21st of the same month about 9 oClock in the evening, when the two men that was left on Board, & the Deponant and Son (having previously agreed to it) Surprized the Watch on Deck, Confined them retook the Vessel, then called up the other Watch & Confined them, except one man who offered to Ship in the Deponants Service, they then got the Vessel about, the Prize Master being below asleep knew nothing of it until about 2 oClock next morn- ing when he wanted to come upon Deck but could not the compa. being Shut, as soon as the Vessel was about the 12 Deponant bad the men unbound, & they went to Sleep in the Boat, the next Day be shipp'd another of their Crew, set the Prisoners some Bounds, & suffered them on Deck occasionally, & proceeded directly for Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he arrived on the 2d Day of this present Month August, after a Disagreeable time from Bad Wea- ther, & further saith not." " Francis Sandford a Seaman on Board the Privateer called the Trumbull, being duly Sworne Deposeth that the said Sloop was fitted out at New London, Commanded by one Henry Billings, & mounting Twelve Carriage Guns, Twelve Swivels, & Seventy five men, that being on a Cruize to the Eastward of the Banks of New London, on or about the 12 Day of July last, they fell in with the Brigantine Betsey, Bayley Warren Master, which Brig they fired at and took, and took out the Master and all the Seamen, except two and two Passengers M r Trotman & Son & put on Board the Brig out of the Privateer a Prize Master Mate & Six hands, & then shaped their Course for Boston New England, that 7 or 8 Days afterwards on their said Passage to Boston, about 9 oClock in the evening M r Trotman and Son and the two Seamen belonging to the Brig rose upon them and retook the said Brig from them & then shaped their Course for Halifax." Betsey, brigantine, Edward Davis, master, Boston to Amsterdam, cargo: mahogany and logwood, captured Aug. 2d, 1781, off Nova Scotia by the Letter of Marque Schoon- er Betsey. Edward Davis of the brigantine Betsey, made deposition. Betsey, brigantine, George Knowles master, a recapture. " George Knowles, master of the Brigantine Betsey being duly Sworn Deposeth that he sailed from St. Johns in East Florida the 18 th July last loaded with pitch & Tar, Bound to Jamaica that they fell in with two Rebel Letter of Marque Brigs, who chased the Deponent from 4 in the morning till 2 in the afternoon of the 27 th July, when they came up with the Brig Betsey & took & manned her with four seamen, & two Prize Masters, & took out 4 of the 13 Brig's Hands, leaving only the Deponant, 2 d mate & a negro man & then made for Salem, that on the 8 th of August Inst, they fell in with the Warwick & Garland off of Nantucket Island, who retook the said Brig, & sent her into this port, that they (the Rebels) took out a Spy Glass, an English Jack and nothing else to the Deponant's know- ledge." Betsey, schr., Henry White, master, " was going into some one Port or place in some one of his Majestys Colo- nies now in open Rebellion, to trade," captured previous to April 27 th 1776, by H. M. Armed Brig the Hope. Betsey, schr., Ross, master, Cape Porpois to the West Indies, cargo: lumber, captured December 5 th , 1777, in Boston Bay, by H. M. S. Milford. Betsey, ship, a recapture. " William Dowdoll late sea- man on board the ship Betsey Thomas Jarrold late Mas- ter Bound from the Isle of White to this Port of Halifax being duly sworne Deposeth that on or about the 2 Day of November Instant they fell in with & was taken about 40 Leagues to the Eastward of the Grand Bank of Newfound- land, by a Brigantine called the Washington* Commanded by one Elias Smith mounting Twelve Carriage Guns, and a number of Swivels, that when they were taken, the Rebels put about Eleven Hands out of the Privateer on Board the Ship Betsey, and took the Master, Thos. Jarrold, & five Hands out & then shaped their course for Cape Anne. That Sunday morning the 17 th Inst, the ship Bet- sey fell in with Capt. Dawson Commander of his Majesty's Brig the Hope, who retook the Ship Betsey & brought her into this Port of Halifax." Betsey, sloop, captured August 13 th , 1777, at Machias River, with no one on board and no papers to be found, by H. M. S. Rainbow and Mermaid. The Betsey was a square stern sloop, and had on board about 5,000 feet of boards. Betsey, sloop, Edward Millikin, master, Piscataqua to •Brigt. Washington, Capt. Elias Smith, was owned in Beverly. 14-- ; Cape Porpoise, cargo: apples, cider, corn, sheep and other stores, captured October 23d, 1780, on the coast of New- England, by the armed schooner David, and carried into the harbour of Fort George. The prisoners were sent to Boston in a cartel, 4 in number. Betsey and Risque, shallops, a recapture. July 27 th , 1779, " Nehemiah Adams late belonging to the Privateer called the Hibernia out of Newbury being duly sworne on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, Deposeth that being on a Cruize, & falling in near a Point called Point Dugall or Du gal on the Coast of Newfoundland they fell in with a large new Shallop, & three or four people on Board who informed the Deponant the Shallop was loaded with Pro- visions taken out of a ship cast away on the Bank of said Point, & that the ship was called the John and Thomas, the Shallop's name he does not know that when they took Possession of her the People on Board her left her, & the Deponant was put on Board as Prize Master, & that he was proceeding with her for Newbury or any Port on the Coast of New England he could get into, that about 10 days ago being off of Cape Negro about 2 Leagues they fell in with the Howe Captain Fawson, & the Snake, Cap- tain Young who took them & brought them into this Port." " Thomas Bedford late Seaman belonging to the Priva- teer called the Bodwine out of Salem being duly sworne Deposeth that they were at a Place called St. Lawrence in Newfoundland, that they found there an old Shallop which they took Possession of no People being on Board her that she was loaded with about 120 Quintals of Codfish, that the Deponant was put on Board her as Prize Master & that he was proceeding with her for Salem or any Port on the Coast of New England he could get into when on or about the 8 th of July inst. near Cape Negro they fell in with a Brig & a Sloop commanded as he found afterwards by one Fawson & one Young that they took Possession of the Shallop & brought her into this Harbour that he does not know the name of the Shallop, or who the owners were, & further saith not." Betty, schr., libel filed December 7 th , 1782, on behalf of the schooner Buckram and brig Howe. Blaze Castle, armed sloop, of Providence, 18 six pounders, 4 howitzers, " besides swivels," about 150 men, returning from a cruize, bound to Dartmouth, captured June 11th, 1778, on George's Banks, by H. M. S. Uni- corn. The Blaze Castle was claimed by John Butler, Esq,, and ordered to be delivered to him, with merchandise on board taken from the brig Maria, upon his paying the 8th and giving security to restore the same to the lawful own- ers, and the stores, guns and provisions were condemned as lawful prize. Some depositions are referred to " as on file," which probably proved the ship to rightly belong to a British subject. Brayton, brigantine, John Harrison, master, a recapture. «' Lancelot Thomson being duly sworn deposeth, that he belonged to the Brigantine Brayton, John Harrison mas- ter, that he was an apprentice to said master, that they sailed from Cork in said Brig last Spring bound to Que- bec, that they sailed in company with the fleet Bound there, that after they had been at sea six weeks, they parted in a gale of wind, that about 3 days after they parted with the Fleet they fell in with a ship, which proved to be a privateer called the Grand Turk, belonging to Salem, New England, that the ship chased them about two hours, when they came up with the Brig & took her, the ship having 26 nine pounders & a copper bottom, that after they had taken out & shifted Hands & put a Prize Master on Board they were ordered by the Com- mander of the Ship for Salem, to which place they were steering as this Deponant was informed, when about 5 days after they fell in with His Majesty's ship the Assur- ance, who Retook them, that before the Assurance came up with the Brig the Americans all made their escape be- ing 8 in nnmber, that the Brig is loaded with Salt, & about 30 Tirces of Pork, that the Privateer's people took out everything they could come at in the Cabin, viz*., bread, butter, flour, the Mate's quadrant, & sundry other articles, that they also took 2 studding sails, a foresail & 3 boat sails, & every coil of rope they could find on board the Brig, & 4 bundles of canvas, 15 fathoms of the Sheet 1C cable, the greater part of a Box of Tobacco, and sundry other stores, that the Brig is now in this Harbour, that the Master, Mate, three men & two boys were taken on board the privateer." "John Lamb, Midshipman on Board the Assurance, be- ing duly sworn Deposeth, that when they were coming out of Spanish River in the Island of Cape Breton, they discovered a Brig a little to the Eastward & northward which they gave chase to for about 4 Hours, when they came up with and took her, on or about the 19th Augt. Inst, that before the Assurance's boat could get a Board her they hoisted out the Prize's Longboat, & being in with the Shore they made their escape all except 4 Boys who all belonged to the Brig, & who informed the Deponant that the people who had made their escape were all Amer icans, that this Deponant was put in charge of said Brig as Prize Master, & that she is now in this Harbour." Brlttania, sloop, John Gray, master, cargo : wood, " found trading or on a pretended voyage to one of the said Rebellious Colonies without any Papers on Board," captured previous to April 27th, 1776, by H. M. S. Mil- ford. Brittania, sloop, loaded with wood, bound for Boston captured off Cape Ann about July 16th, 1776, by H. M. S. Milford. Brothers, brigantine, a recapture. "Joseph Malls being duly sworne deposeth, that he belonged to the Privateer Brig called the Speedwell mounting 10 Carriage Guns, 46 Men, Commanded by Captain Cane, that the said Brig be- longed to Boston, that being on a Cruize in said Brig they fell in with a Brigantine called the Brothers, and took her being then in the Latitude of New York, and about three Degrees from New York, that they found the said Brig was from Madeira, Bound to New York, that they had got near to Casco Bay with the Brig Brothers, when they fell in with the Blond Frigate last Saturday in the morning, that the Blond took them and brought said Brig Brothers into this Port, that the Rebels had the Said Brig in their 17 Possession 15 Days, that the Rebel Prize Master Tied all the Papers of the Brig to the Tin Poker & threw them over Board." " Jeremiah Stevens Boatswain of the Brigantine Brothers being duly sworne deposeth that he shipped on Board said Brig at New York in June last by Capt. Dan- iel Bruce, the master for a voyage to Madeira, that they went to Madeira & there loaded with Wines & Boxes of Citron & some Cordage, that some time in the latter end of November last on their return to New York in the Latitude about 37° & Long. 73 they fell in with a Brig Privateer called the Speedwell, mounting 10 Carriage Guns, 40 men from Boston, that the Privateers People Boarded & took possession of the Brig Brothers, took out the Master, Mate & all the Hands, except the Deponant, another man and a Boy, that they also took all the Pa- pers, & then mann'd the Brig Brothers with a Prize Master & a Crew from the Privateer & gave them orders to steer for Boston, & that they were proceeding with said Brie: for Boston, that on or about the 13th December Inst, being then as they imagined off of Cape Anne they fell in with a man of war, who chaced them the best part of a day and a night till they got near Casco Bay, where they were retaken by said man of war & sent into this Port, That while she was in the Rebels Possession, they took out 3 Kegs of Cordial belonging to the Captain, a Cask of Lemons and two Casks of Onions, several Boxes of Cit- ron, drank out one Pipe of Wine, & Broached several others & wasted it about the Cabin, that they took away a coil of 2 Inch Cordage, & cut some others to use aboard the Brig Brothers, that when the Man of War's boat was coming on Board they Pulled the spikes out of the Wine on Broach, & let it out about the Cabin, that there was also one or two down the Hold on Broach but does not know how much was out, that he understood from the Captain of the Brig Brothers that the Cargo was consigned to Colo 1 Sherriff & one M r . Vandam of New York. That the Rebels used several Boxes of Citron & 3 Casks of onions, while the Brig was in their Posses- sion." 18 Cabot, privateer, brigantine. "Thomas Stone master of his Majesty's ship of War the Milford commanded by Andrew Barkley, Esq., being duly sworne Deposeth, that on Sunday the 23 March about 5 o'clock in the Evening, Cape Anne then bearing West about 5 Leagues distant they fell in with a Privateer Brigantine called the Cabot y who was in company with two others which they took to be Privateers also, that they gave chace to all three till Monday afternoon, the Cabot being Nearest & the others far to Windward they gave chace to the Cabot only till Tuesda}' - evening, when the said Brig Cabot run ashore near Jaboque, & there the crew of the Brig Quitted her immediately, and took all the small arms with them that the Milfords people took possession of her, & that by papers found on Board they understood the Brig belonged to the Continental Congress." Carboneek, brig, a recapture. " Charles Hornsby (Prize Master on Board the Cutter Revenge Augustus Cunning- ham Commander, an American Privateer fitted out by the Congress, mounting 14 Guns, & navigated with 120 men) being duly sworne Deposeth, that being on a Cruize in Lat. 37 N. Long 7° 35 W. on or about the 17 th of April last they fell in with a Brig & took her & found she was from Trapoli in the Island of Sicilly Bound to Carboneer in Newfoundland loaded with Salt, the Capt. name was Phabian Street, the Brig was called the Carboneer, that the Capt. of the Privateer took out the Master, & all the Hands belonging to the Brig, & put the Deponant & 7 men on Board her, & ordered them to steer for the first Port they could fetch in America, that on or about the 11 Inst. being about 1 League to the Southward of Halifax Light House they fell in with the Ambuscade Ship of War, who retook the said Brig & sent her into this Port." Chance, ship, Thomas Rose, master, "found trading on a pretended voyage from one of his Majestys Colonies now in open Rebellion," captured previous to April 27th, 1777, by H. M. S. Roebuck. Chance, sloop, libel filed October 24 th , 1777. Captured by H. M. S. Juno. All papers referred to " as on file." 19 Charles, brigantine, a recapture. " Peter Martin Mid- shipman on Board his Majesty's Ship of War the Mer- maid, being duly Sworne Deposeth that some time in May last, being then to the Southward of Port Rosamay on the Coast of Nova Scotia, the said Ship Mermaid fell in with the Brigantine Charles, one Jeffery Tapley Master, which Brig they Boarded and found she was in the Possession of the Rebells who were proceeding with her to the first Port they could make in the Rebellions Colonies, that Capt. Hawker took Possession of her, took out the Rebells, & manned her with his own People, & sent her into this Port where she now is." " Jefferey Tapley Master of the Brig Charles, being duly Sworne deposeth, that on the 11 th day of May last, being at anchor on the Banks of Newfoundland, a Privateer Schooner called the Lee, John Skinner, Master, Mounting 10 Carriage Guns & 18 Swivels, & 4 Cohorns, took the Said Brig and took out of her 10 men, and then mann'd her with the Rebells, and shap'd their course for Boston in New England, that on the 23d day of May they fell in with the Mermaid Man of War, who retook the said Brig and brought her safe into this Port of Halifax." Charming Polly, sloop, laden with rye and Indian corn, captured March 4 th , 1776, off Cape Cod by the transport Pacific, Captain James Dunn, and delivered to Commodore Banks, H. M. S. Renown. The Charming Polly had no papers on board. Comet, armed schr., six swivels mounted on sliding car- riages, and two cohorns, captured Apr. 26 th , 1781, after a chase during which the Comet fired two guns under a rebel pendant, at a place called false LaHave, Nova Scotia, by the armed schooner Buckram. The captain and men of the Comet escaped in their boat. Concorde, alias Viper, brigantine, George Gyet, alias McGuire, master, libel filed June 29 th , 1782, evidence taken as on file, claim of William Abbot filed, settlement of salvage and charges made. 20 Count D'Estang, brigantine, captured, after being driven ashore near Cape Cod about June 27 th , 1777, by H. M. S. Amazon and Orpheus. From Martinico, loaded with powder, arms, duck and salt. James Walker deposed that he was taken prisoner at the Isle of Sables by the rebels, being cast away in a gale of wind, that they carried him to Boston, and from there to Cape Cod, that the people and the brig belonged to New England, and that they un- loaded all the powder, arms and duck when she was driven ashore before the men of war's people took possession of her. Davis, brigantine, John Pepard, master, a recapture. " John Pepard, Master of the Brig Davis, being Duly Sworne Deposeth, that he sail'd from London on the 7 th of May last Bound to Halifax loaded with Provisions for the Army, that on his Passage to Halifax, being about 20 Leagues to the Westward of Cape Pine, the first, August Inst, he fell in with an American Brig, called the Hornet, mounting 10 Carriage Guns, & navigated with 40 men, Commanded by one John Sillers, which Chased them about 6 Hours, and came up with & took them, took out 5 of the Deponant's Hands, and put on Board the Brig Davis 9 Rebells and a Prize Master, & Ordered them to make the best of their way for Salem, New England, that afterwards on or about the 13 th Inst, being then off Cape Sables in this Province they fell in with the Arm'd Sloop Howe, who retook them & sent Said Brig Davis, into Hal- ifax Harbour, and the Deponant further Deposeth, that the said Brig is own'd by Thomas Scutt Merchant, in Lon- don, & is about 190 Tons Burthen." Defence, brigantine, a recapture. Libel filed Nov. 11th, 1782, by His Majesty's Frigate Jason. His Majesty's Naval Store Keeper claimed the Defence, alias Trepassy, Sloop of War. The cargo, being proved American prop- erty, was condemned as prize, and one-eighth of the De- fence to the captors. Defence, ship, Bilboato Beverly, cargo : brandy, steel, silks and blankets, captured Oct. 2d, 1781, in Boston Bay, by H. M. S. Chatham. 21 Diamond, schr., one Drew, master, from Plymouth, bound on a fishing voyage, owned by one Winslow of Plymouth, captured about June 20th, 1780, off Cape Cod, by the Letter of Marque Schooner Lucy, of Liverpool, to which port the prize was taken. Diana, brigantine, one Caseby, master. A recapture. Libel, Aug. 19th, 1780. Recaptured by Letter of Marque Dispatch. Diana, brigantine, Hugh Chisholm, commander, built at Dover on Piscataqua River about four months previous to capture, owned by M r . Martin, M r . Wentworth and others in Portsmouth, bound on a cruise in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Banks of Newfoundland, captured July 21st 1781, by H. M. S. Danse after a chase of ten hours. Hugh Chisholm made deposition. Diana, brigantine, a recapture. " Hey len v May berry Master of the Brigantine Diana being duly sworne De- poseth, that he was taken in the said Brig the beginning of August by an Arm'd sloop called the Rover in the lati- tude 38°, 42 Long. 46°, 30" that the said sloop carried 14 guns, & had 95 men on board, that they chaced him from four o'clock in the morning till 12 at noon when they boarded the Brig & took Possession of her and then shap'd their Course for Salem, New England, that the Rebels told him the Sloop belong'd to Salem, that in 22 about 3 weeks after they were taken they made Cape Ann and got into a place called Braces Cove, & there Capt. Burr in the Milford Man of War came and cut the said Brig out under the fire of the Rebels who fir'd upon him the whole time, that the said Brig & Cargo belongs to Messrs. Charles Morris & John Church, Merchants in Cork." Diana, ship, William Andrews, master, libel filed April 4th, 1783, on behalf of the brigantines Howe and Shark. Decree pronounced as on file whereby the ship Diana and cargo was decreed to be restored to the claim- ant, from which M r . Nesbitt Advocate General in behalf of the captors moved for an appeal. Diligence, brig, loaded with cyder, cotton, molasses and salt, bound to Elizabethtown, New Jersey, captured off Sandy Hook, about March 27th, 1776, by H. M. S. Phenix and Asia. Dinah, brigantine, a recapture. " James Robert Mosse, Lieut, of his Majesty's ship Juno, being Duly Sworne Deposeth as follows — that on or about the 6th of Octo- ber Instant, being on a cruise off Cape Sables they fell in with and retook the Brigantine Dinah, that they found she was loaded with Provisions, that they found no papers on board except a Charter Part} r between John Wilkinson owner of the Brig Dinah and the Commissioners for Vic- tualling his Majesty's Navy and a Mediterenean pass and copy of a Commission given to John Lee Commander of the schooner Hawke by the Congress signed by John Hancock, President, which schooner was from Newbury- Port in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay that they found none of the hands on board the Brig that were first ship'd for the voyage that she was entirely in the Hands of the Re bells that they were proceeding with her to New- bury Port." "Robert Clark late Mariner of the ship Nancy mount- ing 14 Carriage Guns one Cowen Master bound from Cork to Quebec Deposeth that the said ship Nancy was taken by a Rebel Privateer call'd the Hawke Commanded 23 ■ by John Lee in the month of Sept. last in the Latitude 46, that the deponant was left on board said ship Nancy, with 14 of the Privateers men that about 14 days after- wards they fell in with the Brig Dinah in the Lattitude 42 which Brig they took and put the deponant on board to- gether with three of the Rebel Privateersmen, that after- wards on or about the sixth of October Instant, they fell in with his Majesty's ship Juno who retook the Brig. Dinah." DoLPHiN,brig, of Falmouth, loaded and bound from there to the West Indies, cargo : boards, shingles, staves and hoops. Captured about Nov. 19th 1776, to the south- ward of George's Banks, by H. M. S. Unicorn. The peo- ple of the Brig fired upon the boats from the Unicorn. William Roberts, seaman on board the Dolphin, made de- position. Dolphin, brigantine, David Felt, master. Libel filed Oct. 4th, 1782, on behalf of H. M. S. Chatham and Charlestown. Evidence as on file. Dolphin, schr., Aaron Burnham, master, registered at Gloucester, Apl. 16th, 1779, bill of sale of said schr. made William Jones to Daniel Collis, dated Newbury Port, Apl. 14th, 1779, exhibited, also a receipt from Seth Barns of Yarmouth, N. S., for 58 barrels of tar and turpentine. Seized by Jonathan Binney, Deputy Collector of H. M. Customs for contraband trading, and condemned as for- feited, May, 1779. Dolphin, schr., John Collyer, master, Dominico for Mar- blehead, cargo: rum, sugar and coffee, lost her rudder and got into Port Mutton, N. S., where Colonel Perkins, com- manding the Militia at Liverpool, and others, captured her about the beginning of March, 1780, and took her to Liv- erpool, and probably afterwards to Halifax to be sold. Thomas Ctfrtis, mate of the Dolphin made deposition. Dolphin, schr., Joseph Clark, master, on a fishing cruise, last from Piscataqua, captured July 21st, 1777, at Passa- maquoddy by armed brig Hope, and taken to Windsor. 24 All papers found on her, except one, produced. That one, the prize master deposed he understood was a pas- sage from the Committee of Safety at Passamaquoddy for the said schooner to pass and repass unmolested, & was found in a house at Passamaqoddy. Dolphin, schr., loaded with flour, bound to Martinico, captured off Cape Charles in Virginia about June 17th, 1776, by H. M. S. Otter. Dolphin, schr. alias Two Brothers and Betsey sloop. Libel Sept. 11th, 1782, by armed brigantine Meriam. Dolphin and Dispatch, schrs., privateers. " Lemuel Goddard, Midshipman of the Brig Observer, John Crymes Esq., commander, being duly sworne deposeth, That on or about the first of September last being off LaHave, they Discovered Two Small Armed sch rs , That The Observer gave Chase to them, and they Run into false LaHave and Run the Vessels Ashore, that the people belonging to them all made their escape, that they found no papers, one Schooner had seven Swivels on the Comings of the Hatchways, and the other had 5 fixed in the same man- ner, that Captain Crymes ordered them to Liverpool, that one was about 18 tons, the other about 12 or 13 tons." Don Quixot, sloop, Newbury to the eastward after a load of wood. Had on board a small quantity of molasses, sugar, cotton and coffee, captured in the fall, 1780, off Cape Porpoise, by Letter of Marque schooner Mowatt. Dove, sloop. " Moses Dolsby, late Seaman on board the Sloop Dove, being duly sworn Deposith that he sailed from Cherristown, in Virginia in Sept r last and was Bound taken by a ship called the Peggy, belonging to Thomas Cochran of Halifax, and afterwards was retaken by an American Privateer called the Pilgrim, and a little time after was taken again by the Chatham, that he was taken out of the sloop and kept on Board the Chatham, that he never saw the Sloop afterwards until he came into this Harbour, and further Deposeth that the said sloop 25 Dove & Cargo, Did belong to John Kindall & Henry Harman in Virginia, that she is partly loaded with tobac- CO. " Jeremiah Farnan Seaman on Board His Majesty's Ship Charlestown, being duly Sworn Deposeth that he was on a Cruize in Said Ship in Boston Bay the 15th October Inst, when they fell in with a Sloop which they Chaised about Four Hours and took her and found she was in the possession of the Rebels, Loaded with Tobacco Bound to Boston, that Capt. George put the Deponant on Board as Prize Master as Brought her safe into this Port, that there was no papers found on Board her." Dreadnatjght, privateer schr. Libel filed Sept. 24 th , 1782, on behalf of the armed brigantine Observer. Evi- dence of Amos Potter and Lemuel Goddart taken as on file. Eagle, brigantine, Seth Storer, master, Salem to the West Indies, cargo: fish and lumber, captured Oct. 8 th , 1781, in Boston Bay, by H. M. S. Chatham. Seth Storer made deposition. Earl of Glencairne, ship, Alexander McCall, master, a recapture. " James Karr being duly sworne deposeth that he belonged to a Privateer Schooner out of New York, that on the 5 or 6 th of this month [Aug. 1779] he was taken by the Boston & Dean Frigates & was put on board the Boston, that on the 9 th of August they fell in with the Ship Glencairne which the}^ took, that the Deponent was put on Board the Ship Glencairne after she was taken, that he saw the Rebel Boats pass & Repass near an Hour and a half before he was put on Board the Ship Glencairne, he saw several Trunks & Blankets filled with Pieces of Chuk & other things carried from the Ship by the Ameri- cans, & that he also saw four or five Deale Boxes about 14 Inches long & 8 or 9 Inches wide which had been Broke open & things taken out but what they Contained he does not know, that he saw several Bundles of Silk Stockings & Pieces of Chuk delivered the Rebel Prize Master by the Rebel Seamen, that afterwards on or about the 23d of 26 August Inst, they fell in with the Romulus, Captain Gay- ton, who retook the ship Earl Grlencairne & brought her safe into this Port." The Earl of Grlencairne was bound from Greenock to New York, and was taken on Nantucket Shoals by the Dean and Boston, who took out the captain, passengers, and all the crew with the exception of two sea- men. Elizabeth, brigantine, Thos. Howe, master, Bordeaux to New York, cargo : wine and brandy, captured May 2d, 1778, off Cape Anne, by H. M. S. Rainbow. The master, Thos. Howe, made deposition, and claimed the brig* but failed in his claim. Elizabeth, brigantine, a recapture. " Thomas Perry mate of the Brigantine Elizabeth William Garnett late Master being duly sworn deposeth that on his Passage to Antigua, from Liverpool on the thirteenth day of January last [1777] they were taken in the Lattitude 17.14 North and Longitude 36.30 West by a Sloop call'd the Lion com- manded by one Timothy Shaler from Connecticut, that the said Sloop chas'd them three hours, and that they fired two Broadsides and three Guns before the Brig Struck to them, that after they Struck the Privateers people came on board and took out of the Brig eight People besides two Gentlemen Passengers, that they left only an old man and a boy and the Deponent on board the Brig, that they took out of the Sloop a Prize Master and Seven hands, and put on board the Brig and then steerd for Egg Harbour near Philadelphia, that on the 23d day of February last in Longitude 61 : 58. Latt. 35 : 29, they fell in with the Mil- ford Man of War Commanded by Captain Barkley, who retook the said Brigantine the 24 th and sent her into this Port. That before the said Brig was taken by the Mil- ford, the Rebels had Plundered her of many valuable ar- ticles ; that the Papers from number one to ten were all the Papers the Rebels left on board the Brig, that be- longed to her." Elizabeth, brigantine, loaded with powder, arms and dry goods, no papers on board, bound to New York, cap- 27 tured the beginning of June, off Long Island, by H. M. S. Cerberus. Elizabeth, sloop. The Advocate General filed the de- position of Thomas Prestland, taken before Joseph Win- niet. Cause : James Hawker, commander of H. M. Ship of War the Mermaid vs. Sloop Elizabeth & cargo, dated July 11 th , 1777. Emerald, brig, retraxit. Endeavour, brigantine, a recapture, from Greenock in Scotland to Halifax, James Robertson, then master, cargo : beef, pork, soap, candles and butter, taken Aug. 21st, 1781, off Isle of Sables, by the privateer brig Swift, com- manded by John Fittle, of Salem, 14 guns, and course shaped for Salem, recaptured about Aug. 31st, 1781, off Cape Ann, by the Gen. Monk, and taken to Penobscott. Enterprise, ship, a recapture. " Alexander Francis Landsman on the Ship Enterprize, being Sworn Deposeth that he shipp'd on Board said vessel last spring, Captain Winter, bound on a Cruize, that she mounted 22 Guns and navigated with 140 men, owned by Thomas Eason & Co. of Bristol, that the latter end of July last being near the Landsend, they fell in with a Rebel Ship, which Chased them about three days and came up with the Enterprize, that she mounted 16 Guns, that she Engaged them four Glasses & an half when the Enterprize struck to her having four men killed and two wounded, that she was called the Franklin, that they took out all the men belong- ing to the Enterprize but six, and were carrying her to Sa- lem, that the latter end of August they fell in with His Majesty's Ship Amphytrite who retook the Ship Enterprize and sent her safe into Penobscott." Esther, schr. of Georgia River. Goods seized on board the schooner Esther. The Esther was captured in Georgia River about the latter end of February, 1776, with no papers on board, by H. M. S. Scarborough. They took the goods out of her and she was afterwards burnt. The goods were put on board the ship Rittenhouse and brought to Halifax. 28 Esther, schr. understood to be owned in Cape Anne, from Carolina to Cape Anne, cargo: rice and tar, captured April 29 th 1777, about four leagues from Cape Anne, by H. M. S. Scarborough. Eunice, brigantine, Ebenezer Peck, master, from the West Indies to New Haven, where she was built and owned by Chipman Todd and Ebenezer Peck, cargo : salt, rum and sugar, carried six six pounders and one four pounder, had three passengers and thirty-four hands, mas- ter included, captured previous to Jan. 8 th , 1783, by H. M. S. Garland. Europia, sloop, a recapture. From the West Indies for Halifax, with rum and fruit, captured Oct. 19 th , 1781, by the ship Minerva, American Letter of Marque, from Amsterdam to Newburyport, and recaptured the next day in Lat. 42° N., Long. 66° W., by H. M. S. Assurance. The Europia was owned by Mr. Cochran of Halifax. Fair American, brigantine, privateer, Hugh Ches- holmn, commander. Libelled Oct. 4 th , 1781, by H. M. sloop of war the Vulture. " The evidence of Hugh Ches- holmn taken as on file." Fair Play, schr., bound for West Indies, loaded with lumber, captured early in December, 1778, near French- man's Bay, by the True Blue. Falmouth Packet, schr., libelled by armed schooner David, Feb. 20 th , 1781, all evidence and decree referred to " as on file," giving absolutely no information. Fanny, brigantine, Samuel Tucker, master, from Gra- nada to Salem, cargo : rum, captured Oct. 18 th , 1781, near Brown's Banks, by H. M. S. Charlestown. Fanny, sloop, William Britton, master, loaded with flour, tobacco and lumber, detained and brought to port by the brig that brought the Hessian troops, seized by H. M. S. Niger, as forfeited. Date of libel, June 29 th , 1776. The master of the Fanny made deposition, 29 Fanny, brigantine, a recapture. " James Spence mate of the Brigantine Fanny being duly sworne deposeth, that the said Brigantine was Bound on a Voyage from Fal- mouth in England to Quebec, loaded with Wines, that on or about the 8 th of July last they fell in with a Rebel Privateer Schooner of 10 Carriage Guns, call'd the True Blue, that the Rebels Boarded & took Possession of said Brig being in the Latitude 45° N. Long. 33. That the Rebels took out the master John Wood, & all the hands except the Depon* & a Boy, & also took out all the Papers except the Register & Bill of Sale of the Vessel, which are in the Attorney Genls. Hands, that they put on Board said Biig 7 men and a Prize Master & stood to the West- ward for Marblehead, that on the 29 th of August last being near the Seal Islands in this Province they fell in with his Majestys Ship of War the Mermaid, James Hawker Esq r Commander who retook the said Brig Fanny & sent her Safe into this Port of Halifax, that when the Mermaid took possession of the Brig* the Rebels made their escape in the Boat & the Boy with them." Flying Fish, John Gavett, commander, fitted out at Salem, bound on a cruize on the Banks of Newfoundland, owned by William Rankling & Co. of Salem, captured about June 18 th , 1781, by H. M. S. Charlestown. John Gavett, made deposition. Fortune, brigantine, a recapture. " March 27 th , 1 781. George Sutter part owner & Super Cargo of the Brigan- tine Fortune Thomas Blanche master, being duly sworne deposeth that on his passage from New York to Newfound- land, being off Block Is d on the 11 th day of March Inst. they fell in with a privateer about 10 o'clock at night, which chased them all night & at 8 o'clock next morning the privateer came up with the Brig, & took her, that the Privateer's people took out sundry Sales & Stores & per account now filed, that after shifting Hands and putting a prize master on Board they steered for New London, that on the 16 th of the same month as they were steering for New London they fell in with the schooner Success, one Bennat Ireloan Commander, a privateer Bound from Halifax to 30 New York, who chased the Brig the whole day when they came up with & Retook the Brig & sent her into this port where she now is, that the Master & the papers belonging to the Brig were taken & kept on Board the privateer." " Elias Swann Seaman on Board the privateer called the Marquis LeFiat being duly sworn deposeth that the said privateer was fitted out at New London, owned by one Mumford, that they had been out 3 days when they captured the Brig Fortune, Thomas Blanche Master, that they were carrying her into New London." Fortune, schr., Rebel privateer, commanded by An- drew Palmer, who was commissioned by the Continental Congress, captured off New London, Feby. 3d, 1777, by H. M. S. Amazon. She had six carriage guns mounted and some in tbe hold. The captors took possession and sent her to New York. Fox, privateer schooner, a recapture. Libel filed July 16 th , 1782. " Thomas Freeman being duly sworn, depos- eth that he was at Penobscott with M r Sherlock and saw the schooner then call'd the Hawk, that he has been on board the Fox, a schooner brought in here by the Ceres and Perseverance, Frigates, and examined her and knows her to be the same vessel sold to James Ryder Momatt of Penobscott last fall." The vessel was ordered to be re- stored to the claimant, he paying an eighth salvage, and articles returned as American property condemned as for feited. Fox, sloop, privateer, David Allen, master, libelled Oct. 10 th , 1781, by H. M. S. Chatham. Friend, schooner, of Boston, Lawrence, commander, 10 swivels, 20 men captured October 18 th , 1777, about a mile and a half above the falls of the river St. John, by the armed schooner Nova Scotia. The Friend was fitted out by the Congress. Friendship, brigantine, libel filed June 24 th , 1782, by H. M. S. Albany. 31 Friendship, brigantine, Nathaniel Brimblecomb, mas- ter, Marblehead to Williamsburg in Virginia, in ballast, captured April 9 th , 1778, near George's Banks, by H. M. S. Orpheus. Friendship, schr., James Holliday, master, captured near the end of May, 1779, by H. M. S. Blond. « Thomas Talbot mate of the Schooner Friendship, being sworne de- poseth that they sailed from Bermudas the 30 th of April last Bound to Annapolis Royal in this Province Loaded with Salt, that on the 16 th May they made the Land at Townsend, that next day they went into Townsend to get Provisions, the Master, James Holliday went ashore & got a Calf, Half Bushel of Potatoes & some meal, they were to come out again the next day, "but two men came on Board & Demanded their papers, the Captain gave the papers up to them, & these two men told the Captain his vessel was liable to be made a Prize of, the Captain then demanded his papers from them, that they would not nor did they deliver them. He then immediately set out for Boston, & Returned again in 9 or 10 days, the Judge of the Admiralty came with him, & the vessel & papers were delivered to Captain Holliday, that they landed one hun- dred & odd Bushels of Salt at Townsend for Provisions, that the 3d day after they left Townsend they fell in with a Fleet which they took for an English Fleet, that when they came near them they saw they had French colours, they bore down to them & found the Headmost ship was the Blond." Friendship, schr., John Shelber, master, a recapture. " John Shelber Master of the Schooner called the Friend- ship being duly examined declares that he was bound from St. Christophus to Salem Loaded with Rum and Salt, that the Vessel & Cargo was owned in Salem by William Shelber, John Tucker & others. That she had Twelve men on Board in all & one gun, that they were taken by the Halifax Packet in Latt. 40. 41. on Wednesday, after a chase of six hours, that she is about one Hundred Tons Burthen. That he understands she had been taken on her passage from New York to Penobscott in Ballast & carried into Salem as Prize." 32 " William Currie late of New York being duly Sworne Deposeth, that he has been on Board the Schooner Friend- ship lately brought into this Port, by the Brigantine Hali- fax Packet and has examined her, that he saw the same schooner at New York, the 18 th of June last, that he then shipped on Board her as Mate, that she was then owned by William Pagan & Company, that one Thomas Brown was then Master, that they were bound for Penobscott in company with the Ship Thomas, that he was taken in Pe- nobscott Bay by the Thrasher, that they put him with the Captain and all the Crew on Shore and carried the vessel and Cargo into Salem." Dec. 17 th , 1782, the cargo was condemned as lawful Prize and the schooner to pay an eighth. Friendship, schr., from Cape Anne in ballast, captured October 23d, 1780, off Casco Bay, by armed schooner David. The people of the Friendship took to their boats and got ashore, all but a small boy left on board. She was carried into Penobscott, Fort George. Friendship, schr., from Plymouth on a fishing voyage all summer, had about 40 quintals of green fish, captured Sept. 8 th , 1782, off Cape Sable, by the Prince William Henry, and Howe, Briggs and Buckram, schr. and brought into Halifax. Eli Cartes of Scituate, belonging to the Friendship made deposition. Friendship, sloop, Newbury to Martinico, cargo, lum- ber, hoisted French colours, crew all Frenchmen, that the prize master, deponant, saw, captured about June 23 d , 1777, in the passage from Rhode Island to the Bay of Fundy, by H. M. S. Flora. Friendship, snow, a recapture, ''Gideon Ellis com- mander of the Arm'd schooner Shark, being duly sworn deposeth that on his passage from this Port to the Island of Bermuda on Sunday the eighteenth of August Instant being then about fifteen leagues to the Southward of the Light they fell in with a snow which they chased about four hours when they came up with her, and boarded her, that she was then in the possession of the Americans who 33 informed the Deponent, that they had been captured by an American privateer Ship called the Grand Turk mount- ing 18 Carriage Guns on one deck, that they said the Captain of the Snow and all her hands were carried on board the Grand Turk, that there was no papers on board her, except the copy of the Grand Turk's Commission now produced, that she had seven barrels of beef or pork and about eight bags of bread, that she has ten carriage Guns, threes and fours, that she is Square sterned, a woman's head, a white bottom, sheathed, and double deck'd, that she is now safe at anchor in this Harbour, the Prize Mas- ter and five men the prisoners are now on board the Prison Ship in this Harbour." Friendship, snow, a recapture. " James Ferrah, mate of the Snow call'd the Friendship being duly sworne de- poseth that on his Passage from Quebec to Barcelona, they fell in with a Rebel Privateer Brig call'd the Washington* Commanded by one Elias Smith mounting 12 Carriage and 4 Swivel Guns. That on the 6 th November last in the Lat. 42 . 22 Long. 37. 3 the said Privateer took the said Snow, & took out the Captain, two Hands, & two boys & put on Board the said Snow 7 of the Privateer's Men, & then shaped their course for Cape Ann, that on or about the 26 of Nov. last, they were retaken by a schooner call'd the Loyal Nova Scotian, John Alexander, Commander, who brought the said Snow into this Port." Gaff Fish, schooner, one Yeaton or Eaton, master. May 28 th 1781. " John Matthewson of Penobscott Fort George being duly sworn deposeth, that he was at Penob- scott when the schooner Graff Fish was brought into that port by the tender belonging to the Allegiance, that he saw the Captain of her one Yeaton or Eaton who inform'd the deponant that the said schooner Graff Fish belonged to Casco Bay, that he was the owner, & that this was the first time he had been taken during the War, & that he had destroyed the papers belonging to her before he was taken, & that he had two other large schooners, which he had rather should have been taken than this one, because •Owned in Beverly. 34 she was such a Lucky Vessel & Sailed so well, that he the deponent saw said Eaton at another time, when he told him the deponant he wished he would make application to get his watch again, that he did not regret the taking of his Vessel was so much as his watch, for he knew his Vessel was a Lawful Prize, & further that said Eaton was paroled as a Prisoner of War, & that he went off from Penobscott in a Boat to Camden on the Rebel side." The Gaff Fish was condemned, being then in Halifax harbor. General Gates, sloop, Joseph Dority, master, Balti- more to St. Eustatia, cargo : tobacco and staves, 8 carriage guns, 2 swivels, and 17 men, captured May 2d, 1779, in Lat. 23°, Long. 64° 30" by H. M. S. Hope. General Green, brigantine, Edward Bacon, master, Amsterdam to Philadelphia, cargo : dry goods and teas, captured Oct. 7 th , 1782, on the western part of George's Banks, by H. M. S. Renown. Edward Bacon made de- position, stating the brigantine was owned in Amsterdam by Peter Le Poole and the cargo was consigned to Mr. Hazelhurt in Philadelphia. His own home was Barnsta- ble, near Cape Cod. He had three gentlemen passengers and their servants. The whole number of seamen and all, consisted of nineteen persons. General McDugal, ship, a recapture. " Thomas Leuwelling a mariner on Board His Majesty's Ship the Diamond being duly Sworn Deposeth, that being on a Cruize in said Ship the latter end of May last they fell in with a Ship near George's Banks, that they Chased her for 7 or 8 Hours when they came up with her, she Hoisted American Colours & Hauled them down again immediate- ly, that Capt. Fielding sent an officer on Board her, & found she was from Boston, four days out, that she had only 2 or 3 Casks of Sugar on Board, that she was bound to South Carolina, that the people on Board had told the Deponant she was a Ship that belonged to Liverpool in Great Britain, that she had been taken by the Americans three or four months before & fitted out by them, that she had 8 four pounders, 6 swivels & 2 Cohorns & 24 35 men & is between three or 400 Tons Burthen, that they called her the General McDugal that the said ship is now in this Harbour." "Isaac Taylor late Seaman on Board the Ship now called the Greneral McDugal being Sworne deposeth that he was Born in Warrington in Great Britain, that he was an apprentice to Jonathan Blundle of Liverpool in Great Britain who was the owner of said Ship, that he sailed in said Ship from Liverpool Bound to New York Loaded with Coals in November last, that the Ship's name was the Jonathan, that on his Passage they had two Engagements, one was with an American Schooner, the other with the Brig Genl. Washington who took them being then near the Island of Bermuda, that they took out all the Hands except the Captain (James Townsend) William Sampson & the Deponant who were wounded, that they carried the Ship into Boston N. E. where they stripp'd her & Dis- charged the Cargo." General Stark, privateer ship. William Coas, master, of Cape Ann, 24 carriage guns and 90 men, on a cruize, captured Oct. 8 th , 1781, in Boston Bay, by H. M. S. Chatham. Wm. Coas made deposition. George, brigantine, a recapture. " Richard Raggate midshipman on Board his Majesty's Ship of War the Or- pheus being duly Sworne Deposeth, that on the 17 th June being on a Cruize in Boston Bay they fell in with the Brigantine George one George Williams Master, that they gave chace to the said Brig, & Boarded her & found she was then in possession of the Rebels, & that she was from Tobago, partly loaded with Rum & a few Bricks & Bound to Boston, that the papers filed by the Advocate General were found on Board her, that the Juno, & Amazon were in Company when they took Possession of said Brig George and that Captain Hudson of the Orpheus, made the Depo- nant Prize Master of said Brig & sent him with her into this Port, where she now is." « 29 th June 1777. Charles Frederick Charlson a Swede born at Stockholm, Seaman on Board the Brigantine George George Williams Master, being duly Sworne Deposeth, 36 that he was ship'd at Barbadoes & proceeded with said Brig to the Island of Tobago, that about one month ago, being about 3 English miles from a Harbour on the West end of said Island of Tobago, which Harbour they were going into, they fell in with an American Privateer Sloop carrying 12 Guns & 75 men, that the said Privateer took Possession of the said Brig, & took out the Master & all the hands (except the Deponant) Broke everything in the Cabin & took out one Hogshead of Rum & sundry Pro- visions, that they then manned the Brig with Rebels & shaped their course for Boston New England, that on the 17 th June being in Boston Bay, they fell in with three English men of War, that they sent a boat from each Ship and took Possession of said Brig George, & sent her safe into this Port where she now is, & that he the Deponant was shipped by Captain Williams the first day of March last at the monthly wages of Four pounds p month, Bar- badoes Currency." The Rebel Privateer which captured the George was the Trumbull, Henry Billings, master, which is ascertained from copies of papers filed in the case, & which are in- cluded in this particular record. Good Intent, schr., Willmot Wass, master, condemned Feby. 22d, 1780 as lawful prize to the captors, H. M. S. Albany. Greyhound, brigantine, Clifford Byrne, master, a re- capture, Nov. 2d, 1778. " John Gellen mate of the Brig- antine Greyhound being duly Sworne Deposeth, that he was shipp'd on board said Brig at St. Johns, Newfoundland, by Clifford Byrne the Master, Bound to Jamaica Loaded with dry Fish, that they sailed from St. Johns the 27 th of September last, that on the 7 of October in the Lat. 40° Long 52° W. they fell in with a ship Carrying 18 Guns & 95 men, that the Ship Chased them 8 Hours, came up with & took the Brig, that the Ship was from Piecataqua Com- manded by Thomas Darling, that they took out the Master of the Brig & Six Hands, & put on Board her a Prize Master and Seven Hands & Ordered him the Prize Mas- ter to Carry the Brig to Piscataqua, that afterwards on the 37 19 th of October being then about 30 Leagues S. W. from Cape Sable they fell in with the Schooner True Blue [the Rainbow's tender] who Chased the Brig 12 Hours when they came up with & took her & brought said Brig safe into this Port." Greyhound, privateer schooner, from Salem on a cruize and returning home again, captured Aug. 11 th , 1781, off George's Banks, by H. M. S. Warwick and Garland. Greyhound, privateer sloop, one Stacey, commander, captured Sept. 20 th , 1781, 30 leagues to the westward of Halifax, by H. M. S. Assurance. The Greyhound came from Portsmouth, N. H. Samuel Stacey made deposition. Halifax, brigantine, a recapture. "■ Peter Robinson, midshipman of the Serberus [sic] being duly sworne de- poseth that he was prize Master of the Brig call'd ye Joseph, a Prize taken by the Cerberus, that on his Passage to Halifax with the said Prize he fell in with & was taken by a Schooner call'd the Gen 1 Putnam a Privateer fitted out by some of the Colonies now in Rebellion mounting 6 Carriage Guns, that they put the Deponant and all the People of the said Brig Joseph on board the Privateer, that in the Lattitude about 37° and Long 57 on the 22 d Septem- ber last the said Privateer fell in with and took the Brig- antine Halifax, Richard Hinckly Master that afterwards in the Lattitude 43 Long 66 on or about the beginning of October Instant the Deponant being on board the Brig Halifax they fell in with the Milford Man of War John Burr Commander who retook the Brigantine Halifax aforesaid and brought her into this Port of Halifax." Hammon, schr., 12 swivel guns and small arms, and 28 men, run ashore at L'Have, all hands but six got away, captured by H. M. S. Rainbow's tender. Deposition made April 13 th , 1778. Hannah, brigantine, owned in Newbury, New England, by Nathaniel Tracey, from Newbury for Guadelope, cargo : chiefly lumber, captured about April 30 th , 1777, near Georges Banks, by H. M. S. Diamond. Caleb Turner, seaman on the Hannah made deposition. 38 Hannah, scbr., James Clinton, master, libel filed April 17 th , 1779, evidence as taken at Annapolis, N. S., read. Captured by scbooner Liverpool, Letter of Marque. Hannah, schr., John Askin, master, Piscataqua to Damascotti, with only the vessel's stores on board. Cap- tured Dec. 29 th , 1780, on the coast of New England, by armed schooner David, & taken to Penobscott. All the crew escaped, except one man, John Barker, who made deposition, and said the schr. was owned in Damascotti by one Prince Barker. Hannah, schr., Philip Hodgkins, master. Libel filed Nov. 27 th , 1782 by Dreadnaught. Evidence taken at Liverpool read. Hannah, schr., Cape Anne to Kennebek, with some cider and rum on board, captured in October, 1780, off Casco Bay, by armed schooner David, and carried into Fort George Harbour, at Penobscott. The crew escaped in boats during the chase. Hannah, schr., Marblehead to New Meadow, cargo: apples, cider and cattle, captured in October, 1780, near Cape Porpoise by schooner Halifax Adventure, a priva- teer. The prisoners were sent to Boston in a cartel from Penobscott. Hannah, sloop, Charles L e Ballister, master, Marblehead for Fort George at Penobscott with 14 prisoners, which were delivered at Penobscott, after remaining there three days, sailed for Broad Bay where the vessel was loaded with cord wood and boards, sailed for Boston, captured April 27 th , 1781, off Cape Porpois by the Letter of Marque Schooner Halifax Bob. William Clark, appren- tice to the master of the Hannah, made deposition. Hannah, sloop, owned by James Howard of the West Jerseys, cargo : molasses and brandy, bound to the West Jerseys, captured April 4 th , 1776, off Egg Harbour by H. M. S. Phenix and Asia. Hannah, sloop, libel filed June 24 th , 1782, by H. M. Sloop of War the Albany. 39 Harriet, brigantine. Montgomery, master, a recap- ture. Recaptured from the Americans who had taken her six days before, July 5 th , 1782, off Cape Sable, by . H. M. Frigates Perseverance and Ceres. She was from Jamaica to Halifax loaded with rum and molasses. The American privateer which took her was called the Dispatch. Hawke, schr., loaded with arms, powder, dry goods, gin, rum, etc., had no papers, understood to be bound to New York, captured off Long Island the beginning of June, 1776, by H. M. S. Cerberus. Henrica Sophia, brig, a recapture. "Peter Heldt Master of the Brigantine Henrica Sophia being duly Sworne Deposeth that the said Brigantine is owned in Stockholm in Sweden, that he was Bound on a Voyage in said Brig from London to Teneriffe, that in the latter end of May last being in Lat. 40° & Long. 3 2 from London they fell in with an American Privateer called the Revenge mounting 14 Guns & had 60 men, that the Privateer fired a shot at the Brig and brought her too, & ordered the De- ponant to put out his Boat & bring his papers on Board the Privateer which the Deponantdid, that afterwards they Sent an officer, & examined the Letters and papers, that the Capt. of the Privateer one Cunningham then told the Deponant the Cargo was English property & therefore was a Prize, that he took out the Deponant's mate & 7 Hands & put on Board the Brig a Prize Master & 8 Hands from the Privateer, & then ordered the Prize Master to make the best of his way with the Brig for Newbury, Piscataqua or Casco Bay whichever they could get into, that the Mas- ter of the Privateer told the Deponant he should have his Brig again and Freight for the Cargo Six Hundred Pounds Sterling, that before this 2 Days in the Lat. 42° 50" another Privateer fired a shott under striped Colours, brought them too, sent his officer on Board the Brig opened Several Chests & Boxes looking for papers, after examining the papers, told the deponant he might proceed his voyage, and the deponant further deposeth that on their Passage towards America as aforesaid on the 7 th July Inst, being then off the Seal Islands near Cape Sables in 40 this Province they fell in with an Arm'd Schooner called the True Blue [the Diamond's tender] who retook the said Brig and brought her into this Port of Halifax." Hero, privateer brig, Silas Smith, commander, eleven carriage guns, captured in or near the Gut of Canso, July 4 th , 1781, by H. M. S. Charlestown, all the men of the Hero escaped ashore in boats, and the brig herself was aground. The first lieutenant of the Charlestown fired his piece at the shore, and the fire was returned. Hero, sloop, libel filed October 24 th , 1777. Captured by H. M. S. Juno. All papers referred to "as on file." Hester, ship, a recapture. " David Crombie, master of the ship Hester being duly Sworne Deposeth as fol- lows that on or about the 28 th of August last Lattitude 39° 40" Longitude 48° 45" he was taken by a Rebel Pri- vateer from some of the Colonies now in Rebellion call'd the Collumbus whereof was Master one Abraham Whipple mounting 28 Carriage Guns, that they took out all of his People and put on board 14 of the Privateer's men, that they then shap'd their course for some Port in New Eng- land, that on or about the 21 8t of September the Deponant fell in with Capt. Henry Bellew of his Majesty's Ship Liverpool on Georges Banks who retook the said ship Hester and bought her into this Port of Halifax." Hitty, sloop, Salter, master, from Charlestown, North Carolina, cargo : chiefly provisions, captured off the Cape of Virginia by Phenix some time in May, 1777. The Hitty was at anchor, & cut or slipped her cable & was taken after a three hours' chase. Hope, brigantine, David Ross, commander, a recapture. "Richard Pugh, masters mate of His Majesty's Sloop of War Atalanta being duly sworn deposeth that being on a Cruize in said Sloop of War they fell in with a Brigantine off of Cape Negro, on the Coast of Nova Scotia call'd the Hope on or about the fifth day of December last, which they took about two O'Clock in the morning of the sixth, and when they took possession of her found only — man 41 on board a passenger, who informed the Deponant that she had been taken a few hours before by an American privateer Brig, and that the Americans had quitted her, and took to the boat and carried off a Cable, and Plunder as much as they could carry in the Boat, that after Cap- tain Britt had put the Deponent on Board as Prize Mas- ter, with hands sufficient to Navigate the Brig* he order'd the Deponent to follow the Atalanta, that about one O'Clock P. M. the same day Captain Britt took the Brig Taw & endeavour'd to get into Liverpool, the wind at E. S. E. and Hazy Thick Weather, that about five O'Clock they came to anchor in Liverpool Harbour, that the next morning the wind came on to blow very fresh and in- creased, and the Brig having but one cable she parted it and was forced ashore by the force of the wind and sea, and altho every effort was made to save her she was lost, that she was loaded with Rum & Sugar, that Captain Britt with his people immediately gave every assistance to save what they could of the cargo and did save about thirty-two casks of Rum, which he brought to Halifax in the Atalanta, that they found no papers on board, that he understood the Master of her was on board the Rebel Pri- vateer, that his name was David Ross." An eighth of the value of the salved cargo was paid to the captors. Hope, brigantine, a recapture. " John Bell, Master of the Brigantine Hope being Duly Sworne Deposeth that on or about the 30 th of October last in the Lattitude 42 & Longitude W & some odd he was taken in the said Brig- antine by a Rebell Privateer Schooner call'd the Hawke one John Lee Master, that they took the Deponant & kept him on Board the Privateer 48 Hours, they then put him on Board his own Brig again & took out the Mate of the Brig & two men, & put on Board the Brig five men & a Boy besides the Prize master, that after this was done they made the best of their way for Newbury Port in New Eng- land, that afterwards on or about the 11 th Instant Dec r near Georges Banks they fell in with the Lizard Man of War Capt. McKenzie Commander who retook the said Brig and sent her safe into this Port of Halifax. That the 42 said Brig was Bound from Iarow in Portugal to Dublin loaded with Fruit Principally." Humbug, schr., libelled Nov. 3d, 1781, by the letter of marque schr. David, and condemned. Hyder Ally, schr., Will m Baldwin, commander, of Salem, eleven three pounders, forty-three men, about 55 tons burthen, captured Oct. 31st, 1782, on Georges Banks, by H. M. S. Chatham. Independance, ship, Joseph Olney, commander, built and launched three months previous to capture, in Provi- dence, owned by Captain Creed and Robert Taylor, out about three weeks cruizing on the Banks of Newfoundland, captured July 17 th , 1781, after a three hours chase, by H. M. S. Dana?. Joseph Olney made deposition. Industry, brigantine, Arthur McClelan, master, bound to St. Lucas, loaded with lumber, captured December 4 th , 1777, in Lat. 41°, Long. 65°, by H. M. S. Milford. Innis, schr., Smith, master, Broad Bay to Marblehead, cargo : lumber, captured some time in November, 1777, near Townsend on the coast of New England, by H. M. S. Rainbow's tender. Jack, ship, privateer, David Ropes, commander from Salem, 15 guns, 9 and 6 pounders, 58 men, 12 of which were killed at the capture and nine wounded, captured May 28 th , 1782, to the westward of Halifax, by the armed brigantine, Observer, after an engagement of two hours. " Lucas John- stone, midshipman on board His Majesty's Ship Charles- town being sworne declares that in the latter end of July last on their passage from Halifax to Spanish River in company with the Allegiance, Vulture and Jack and some transports under their convoy, being off of Spanish River Seeing two French Frigates L'Astrea & Hermionne to Leward, Captain Evans who then commanded the Charles- town, order'd the Deponent on board the Jack with orders to Captain Tonge, that sometime after they engaged, that the Jack was obliged to strike to the French Frigates, and the Deponent and the whole crew belonging to the Jack, 43 were made prisoners and carried into Boston, that the Jack at that time carried ten nine pounders and four sixes, and was manned with sixty seven men, Richard Peter Tonge Commander, that the Deponent has seen the ship called the Jack (taken by Captain Crymes) now laying in this Harbour & knows her to be the same ship taken by the L'Astrea & Hermionne as above mentioned, and further that when he was on board the Jack in July last he saw her log book wherein was mentioned that she belonged to the Province of Quebec, and was call'd His Majesty's Arm'd ship Jack." William Gray, first lieutenant of the Jack (American) made deposition. James, schr., cargo : dry goods, spirits and flour, cap- tured by H. M. S. Asia and Phoenix in East River above New York. Date of libel, May 20 th , 1776. James, sloop, Richard Priller, master, captured previous to April 27 th , 1776, by H. M. S. Chatham. Janus, ship, 150 tons, Bordeaux to Boston, cargo : brandy and bale goods, thirty-five men, 12 carriage guns, four pounders, captured Oct. 10 th , 1782, off Cape Cod, by H. M. S. Chatham, which hoisted French colours and the Janus came up to her. John, brig, a recapture, Casco Bay to Boston, cargo : lumber, captured Sept. 6* , 1781, near Cape Porpoise, by the armed sloop Howe and schooner Buckram. The people on board escaped to the shore in a boat. John, schr., John Hews, master. Libel filed Oct. 2d 1782, on behalf of H. M. S. Renown. John, ship, a recapture. " John Hunter, master of the ship John being duly sworne deposeth that he was taken in the said ship on his passage from Quebec to England 30 th August last by the Schooner Independence John Gill 44 Master being an arm'd vessel having 6 carriage guns 8 swivels & 50 men, that they were taken 30 leagues S. S. E. from Cape Race, that they the said Rebels were proceed, ing with the said ship to Boston when Capt. John Burr in the Milford came in sight & gave chace to them six hours & took them 8 th Sept 1 " instant about 30 leagues to the Eastward of Cape Ann, that the schooner Independence was own'd in Boston, New England. " Capt. Hunter offered to pay the one-eighth salvage to the captors, so his ship could proceed in the service of His Majesty agreeable to her charter party. John, sloop, William Chace, master, cargo : bread and flour, " found on a trading voyage with the Colonies now in Rebellion," captured previous to April 24 th , 1776, by H. M. S. Nautilus. John and Mary, brigantine, Daniel Haw, master, a re- capture. " Samuel Ranney a Boy on Board the Brigantine John and Mary of Lawfull age, being duly sworne depo- seth that they sailed from St. Johns East Floriday on the 16 th day of Aug 1 Bound for London, Loaded with Tur- pentine, that on the 23 d Aug. they fell in with an Ameri- can Privateer which took them & were Carrying them to Boston, that on the 2 d day of Segt. they fell in with the Delight & other ships which retook the said Brigantine, & brought her into this Port, that the rebels before they fell in with the men of war had taken out of the Brig, 2 or 3 coils of Cordage, some new sails, 3 casks of Beef, 3 of Bread, all the Cabin Furniture, some water Casks & all the Colours to wit, a Burgee Pendant, a Long Pendant, an English Ensign & Jack, & a French Jack, & took all the Hammocks, 4 Brass Blunderbuses, 4 Brass Pistols, 2 Pocket Pistols, & a Hanger, & further saith not." Joseph, brigantine. No particulars recorded. The Joseph was captured by H. M. S. Rainbow, and libel filed Sept. 11 th , 1777. « '45 Jeanie, snow, a recapture. Kennedy Deane Midship- man on Board His Majesty's Ship Assurance being duly Sworn Deposeth that on or about the tenth day of Sep- tember last, being about fifteen Leagues to the Southward & Westward of Cape Sables they fell in with a Snow which they gave chase to and took her and found she was in the possession of the Rebels and that she had been taken by a Rebel Privateer called the Porgas one Armstrong Commander, that the Prize master informed the Deponant they were Bound to Boston with Her, after exchanging Hands Captain Swiney ordered the Snow for this Port, that the same evening it being dark & Foggy and Blowing very Hard they fell in with the Rock called the Gannet Rock to the northward of Cape Sable, that the Amagins [szc-probably " he imagines "] they were forced to the Northward by the strong flood Tide then running into the Bay of Funday which M r Pitts the Prize Master was un- acquainted with & had no pilate, that they got out a Kedg e anchor (the others being too heavy for the people to get over the Bows), the Kedge brought Her up, that after she was brought up they got out a Deep Sea Line and Sent the Boat a Shore with all the Hands but two made the line fast to a hauser and hailed it Shore and made it fast a Roack and Sent the Hands on Board again & Rowseed the Hauser taught which moored Her, where lay safe between Two of the Tusket Islands, that they lay there Two days till the Weather Cleared up, that the third morning she . 46 got under way but before they got under way she got one of the anchors of the Bows, that going thro the Passage of the Tuskets Island the wind died away and the Tides took her upon the Bow and forced her Shore before they had time to let the anchor go the tide running 6 or 8 nots, that four schooners which were outside the Islands, came in to them But having no Boats sufficient to carry out an anchor the Snow's boat being thrown over Board in a Gale of Wind before the Assurance took her, and being no wind when she floated, they got a hauser a Shore & made to a Rock, that about Twelve oClk at night she fell upon a C and about six in the morning she found the Hole half full of water, threw the Lee Guns overboard and Hawled one of the Schooners a long Side and Loaded her with 73 Barrels Tarpentine what provisions that could be saved and some sails, M r Pitts went with them to Yarmouth & Delivered them to the care of M r Barnard, that the Depo- nant was left with the Rest of the men to Load the other Schooners which he did one Fifty five Barrels and the other with Fifty and sent them to Yarmouth and Two other Schooners came, that he loaded one of them with 51 Barrels and sent to Yarmouth and a Fifth schr. they put Eighty Barrels on Board, and then hauled another Schoon- er along Side and had got in Six Barrels a Trysail & Maintopsail of the Snow's, that while they were loading this last schooner Two Rebel Privateer Shallops came with Twenty-five men each arm'd, that they took M r Pitts com- ing down from Town with Flour in a Schooner, the Schooner with Trysail &c. got away But that they took four or five of those Schooners that had been employed in saving the cargo of the Snow, and also took possession of her & took out all the remaining cargo and then set her afire, that they then went to Yarmouth and took several other small vessels and Shallops with Six Barrels Turpen- tine that was on the Wharf, that they said they were going to carry it to Salem — that M r Pitts and four men are at Yarmouth taking care of the Terpentine &c. saved being Two Hundred & Thirty Two Barrels." " Samuel Midshipman on Board the Assurance being duly sworn and hearing the evidence of Kennedy Deane 47 read to him cenfirms the same, & further Deposeth that about a week after M r Kennedy left the Deponant, a Rebel Privateer Schooner, 8 Guns commanded by one Jese Obrien from New England came to Yarmouth and took all the Terpentine that was left and sent it New England and there is now not any part of the cargo of the Snow Janie or of her materials remaining to this Deponants knowledge, that he came here a prisoner on Parole." Joseph, ship, a recapture. Recaptured by armed ves- sels Howe and Buckram, June 3d, 1679, between Monhe- gan and Damascotti, all on board escaping in a boat. "Halifax, July 6 th , 1779. George Davis late seaman be- longing to the Ship Joseph Libelled in this court by Jones Fawson and Arch. Allardice being duly sworne on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God deposeth that he was born in Wareham about eight miles from Pool in Great Britain, that he shippd himself on Board said ship at New- foundland in Trinity Harbour by signing a contract with John Jenkins the master to proceed on a voyage from thence to St. John, & to Cadiz where they lay all winter, thence to Newfoundland, that she was loaded with salt & three small Casks of Wine for the Owners, that on their Passage to Newfoundland they fell in with a ship called the Black Prince on or about the 12 th day of May last which Chased them about two hours came up with & took them about 9 o'clock at night, the Privateer ship carried 18 Guns & about 45 men then on Board, that she belonged to Salem, New England, commanded by one West, & had taken about Eleven Prizes, that after shifting hands they made the best of their way for Portsmouth, that Captain Jenkins was sent to Boston, & put on Board the Guard Ship, that the Deponent made his Escape in a Boat with some other Europeans, that he has been on Board the ship Joseph since he came here, & knows her to be the same ship . . . and further deposeth that there are three owners all living in Pool in Great Britain, their names Jeffreys, Randle and Street." Joseph, sloop, Isaac Green Heason, master, of Newbury. Cargo : a few boxes of Spermaceti Candles, Shook Hogs- 48 head Staves, &c. Captured on or about Nov. 16 th 1776, off Seguire Island near Kennebeck, by H. M. S. Juno. Juno, brigantine, William Keith, master, bound for Philadelphia, carrying 24 hogsheads Salt Petre, 1 2 barrels Sulphur and 20 barrels gunpowder, captured February 28 th 1776, near the Cape of Delaware, by H. M. S. King Fisher, and taken into Hampton Road. The gunpowder was put on board the Roebuck, the sulphur and Salt Petre was brought to Halifax. Juno, sloop, owned in Old York, New England, by Joseph Harris and Col. Dunnel, bound from Old York to Santa Cruse, cargo : lumber, captured about April 30 th 1777, being on the south eastern part of Georges Banks, by H. M. S. Diamond. Francis Lewis, seaman on the Juno, made deposition. Kitty, brig*, John Palmer, master, entered Le Have flying signal of distress, being much battered, sent a boat ashore with four men, who were taken prisoners by the Le Have people, who later went on board the brig and found she had already been surrendered to one Thomas Harrington and others. Later the Militia of Lunenburg took possession and had the Kitty taken to Lunenburg with some difficulty. Owing to the disabled condition of the brig, she was ordered to be sold at Lunenburg. Date of libel Mar. 18, 1780. Lady Gage, ship, captured March 27 th or 28 th , 1776, by H. M. S. Asia and a boat from the Phoenix in the river Am boy the cargo all discharged, and no papers or persons on board but the mate. James Downie being sworne says the ship belonged to the Franklins in New York and two gentlemen in London. Lark and Betsey, schrs., libel filed July 8 th , 1782, evidence sent from Penobscott as on file, claims of Rich- ard Meagher filed. Record of this case left unfinished.* * It may be that all these cases of " evidence taken as on file " refer to prizes taken into Penobscot, which might account for the meagre record at Halifax. 49 Le Levriek, schr., Elicane (or Etienne) Morin, master, Boston to Cape Francois, two six pound guns, thirty-five men including officers, captured previous to July 13 th , 1782, near George's Banks, by H. M. Frigates Persever- ance and Ceres. Liberty, brigantine, captured by H. M. S. Cerberus. Papers exhibited and filed in court by H. M. Advocate General August 2d, 1777, were : " Liberty's Clearance from New Haven to Martinico & her Permit to Pass Fort Trumbull, which Papers and the Oath of Jno. Townsend taken before Henry Barry D. Judge Advocate proving them to be found on Board as also the Oath of Samuel Thomson proving the capture of said Brig." Little Joe, schr., Giles Latham, master, libelled Feby. 15 th , 1780, captured by the Privateer schooner Lucy. Little Tom, schr., Richard Adams, master, owned in Newbury, cargo : boards and shingles, captured June 3d, 1779, off Damascotti on the coast of New England, by armed sloop Howe and schooner Buckram. Richard Adams, master of the schr., made deposition. Lively, schr., of Salem, David Ropes, commander, 13 swivel guns, 16 men, a commission from the Congress, captured Nov. 10 th , 1778, off Jeddore, N. S., after being chased about 2 1-2 hours by the armed Sloop Howe. Lively, ship, Letter of Marque, Nathaniel Goodwin, master. Captured by H. M. S. Pandora. Libel filed April 18 th , 1782. " Evidence of John Little, master's mate on board the ship Pandora, and that of Nathaniel Goodwin taken as on file." Lively, sloop, John Augustus Dunn, master, 8 carriage guns, two and three pounders, deserted by her people on the approach of the captors. Captured May 8 th , 1782, in Annapolis Basin, by the armed schooner Buckram. Lively, snow, a recapture. " Jno Carter master of the Snow Lively being duly sworne deposeth that on their 50 passage from this place to Bristol on the 30 th of August last they were Chased, fired at and taken by a Rebel Pri vateer the Lee Commanded by one Jno. Skinner, being then in the Latitude 47. 42. W. Long. 45° 49" W. that afterwards on or about the 23d of September following being then about 15 Leagues off Boston, they fell in with Captain Fieldings Tender called the Buckram, who retook the said Snow Lively & brought her safe into this Port of Halifax where she now is." Lockart Ross, ship, John Cobb, master, a recapture. On a voyage from Quebec to Placentia in Newfoundland, captured by two French war ships July 20 th , 1781, and was being taken to Boston. The next day the Danae and Surprise recaptured the ship and sent her to Halifax. Lord Dungannon, brigantine, a recapture. " Charles Kirby, master of the Brig the Lord Dungannon being duly sworne deposeth that on his Passage from Cork to Antigua in the Lat. 17. 10. Long. 60. 30. on the 5 of March last they fell in with two American privateers called the Cum- berland and Fanny, the Cumberland was a 20 Gun ship, & had upwards of a Hundred men, the other 16 Guns, 80 or 90 men, that they Chased him about four Hours when the Privateers came up with & Boarded the said Brig, took out all the men, except the Deponant & a Boy, & then put on Board a Prize Master and 8 men, gave the Prize Master orders to make the best of his way for any Port near Boston, New England, that on the 6 h of April Inst, being in the Latitude 42° 12. Long 67, they fell in with the Blond Man of War who retook the said Brig & brought her into this Port of Halifax, that the Privateers people took out Sundry articles of the Cargo while the said Brig was in their possession." Lovely Lass, schr., Abram Toppan, master, Newbury, to some of the French West India Islands, cargo : fish and Lumber, captured October 8 th , 1777, 70 leagues to the eastward of Cape Ann, by H. M. S. Flora. Lucy, brigantine, a recapture. " Nicholas Watson, master of the Brigantine called the Lucy being duly » — 51 Sworne Deposeth that he was Bound from Cork to Quebec with Provisions for the use of his Majestys Forces there, that on the 19 th May last being off of the Island of St. Peters they fell in with a Rebel Privateer Sloop called the Providence, one George Pitcher Commander, having 14 Carriage Guns, 14 Swivels, and. about 130 men from Providence, that the said Privateer Engaged the Brig Lucy about 5 Hours in which time the Deponant had 3 men wounded, & the Rigging & Sails of the Brig so much Damaged he was obliged to give up the said Brig to the Rebels who Boarded and took Possession of her & then Shaped their course for Boston, that on the 5 th June Inst, being about 12 Leagues from Cape Cod they fell in with the Orpheus, Amazon, & Juno, men of war, who Retook the said Brigantine & sent her under this Deponants Care into the Port of Halifax, where she now is." Lucy, schr., one Holmes, master. Dartmouth to Ply- mouth in ballast, owned by Alexander Watson of Ply- mouth, captured about June 20 th , 1780, off Cape Cod, by the Letter of Marque schooner Lucy of Liverpool, to which port the prize was taken. Lucy, schr., Seth Smith, master, Plymouth to Cape Francis, cargo : fish and lumber, captured December 16 th , 1778, off St. George's Banks, by the Armed Sloop York. Lucy, schr., Nathaniel Thare, master, South Carolina to Boston, cargo : rice, captured October 12 th , 1777, 32 Leagues from Cape Sable, by H. M. S. Scarborough and Lark. The Lucy was owned in Boston by one Job Prince. Lucy, sloop, loaded with cordwood and lumber, cap- tured August 28 th 1777, off Seguin Island, by H. M. S. Rainbow's tender the Spitfire. The master and people were put on shore. Lydia, brigantine, understood to be owned in Salem, Joshua Grafton, master, " from Hispaniola, Capt. Nichola Mold, Bound to Salem in New England," cargo: molasses, 52 ■ coffee, brandy, canvas, etc., 4 three pounder guns and 8 swivel guns, about 12 stands of arms, captured April 6 th , 1778, off George's Banks to the southward, by H. M. S. Diamond. Lydia, schr., loaded with staves and fish, bound for the West Indies, captured seven leagues from Cape Ann, previous to June 24 th , 1776, (date of libel) by H. M. S. Lively, Milford and Hope. Lydia [or Lady], schr., loaded with lumber, outward bound, captured in Nantasket Road previous to June 27th, (date of libel) by H. M. S. Renown. Lyon, brigantine, Henry Potbury, master, a recapture. Libel Sept. 21 st 1780, " Henry Potbury master of the Brigan- tine Lyon being examined, declares that he got over Aveiro Bar the 16th July last Bound for Trepassey in Newfoundland, Loaded with Fifty tons of Salt and there- abouts, & some Brandy, Wine & Oil, that on the 3 d day of Aug. being Lat. 44° 30" long. 35°, 30" they fell in with a ship which chased them about 2 Hours, that they came up with the Declarent & Brought them too, that she proved to be a ship from Salem a Letter of Marque, that they took possession of the Brig Lyon & Exchanged hands, and then ordered the Brig to Salem, that on or about the 25 th day of August last, being then off Cape Sable, they fell in with the Schooner Halifax Rover, Thomas Freeman, Commander, who retook the Brig Lyon, carried her into Annapolis in this province where she remains, that the pa- pers No. 1,2, 3, 5 & 6 did belong to the Brig Lyon when he was Master, No. 4 he believes is a copy of the Ships Com- mission that took him." Lyon, Schr., Moses Barlow, master, bound to Long Is- land, cargo : Arms, powder, sulphur, flints, steel, salt and molasses, captured May 1st, 1776, twenty leagues to the eastward of Long Island by H. M. S. Cerberus. Lyon, ship, William Tuck, master, a former British ship called the George, captured off Newfoundland three 53 years previously, by the American privateer Ranger, taken into Beverly, purchased by the Cabots of that place altered and fitted out as a mast ship, and was a letter of Marque carrying 20 guns, 14 nine pounders, 4 sixes and 2 twelves, and had 50 men. Sailed from Salem, early in May, 1782, loaded with masts and naval stores, in company with oth- ers, for Hispanola, captured May 6th, 1782, off Cape Ann, by H. M. S. Blonde. Benjamin Flemming, of the Lyon, and other Americans, made depositions. McPherson, brigantine, Benjamin Rogers, master Newbury to Suranam, cargo: lumber and fish, captured June 21st, 1777, on the coast of New England, by H. M. S. Scarborough. Margaret Christiana, ship, a recapture. " David Anderson, Super Cargo of the Ship Margaret Christiana, Benj. Cole late master being duly sworne deposeth that in his passage from London to Quebec on the 9 th day of July Inst, being off of St. Mary's, Newfoundland, they fell in with a Privateer Ship about 4 o'clock in the morning, which Chaced them about four Hours when the Priva- teer came up with them, that the Privateer Hoisted Amer- ican Colours & fired at the Ship Margaret Christiana, that the Privateer being a Ship of 20 Guns, six pounders, and having 120 men they were obliged to strike to the Priva- teer, that they then boarded them, that she proved to be a Rebel Privateer Ship called the Essex, from Boston or Sa- lem, Commanded by one John Cathcart, who put two Prize Masters on Board with 10 or 12 Hands, and ordered her to Boston, Beverly or Salem, that they took out Captain Cole, his mate and all his Hands except four, that before they parted, two boats were employed by the Privateers people in Carrying Provisions and Goods from the Ship Christiana to the Rebel Privateer, that they carried off barrels of Beef, Flour, Porter, some Trunks and Boxes of Merchandise &c, but what quantity can't say as it was done in a great hurry & Confusion, that the next day the said Privateer fell in with them again, & took out other articles, that after this as they were proceeding with the Ship for Beverly, Boston or Salem, they fell in 54 with His Majesty's Ship the Surprize, who retook the ship Margaret Christiana, on the 14 th July last, [1780] & brought her into the port of Halifax, where she arrived on the 24th July last, that the four hands left with the deponant by the Rebels were pressed into His Majesty's service after the ship's arrival in Halifax." Maria., sloop, a recapture, Sept. 28 th , 1781. Evidences taken at Penobscot, Fort George, filed. Marquis of Kildare, brig, 1777. " Registers Office May 7th. Deposition of John Anson Atkinson, taken as on tile, Jonathan Pason, a Passenger on Board the Brig- antine Kildare being duly Sworne confirms the Deposition of John Anson Atkinson, & further says that the cargo of Brig was owned by Jonathan Jones & Company of New England, & the Brig was chartered by them for the voy- age mentioned in Atkinson's Deposition, & that she was taken on the Shoals of Georges Banks on or about the 24 day of April last by the Hearlem." Mary, brigantine, 100 tons burthen and upwards, loaded with rum, bound for New York, captured near New York some time in March, 1776, by H. M. S. Phenix' tender. The master of the brigantine deserted her and went ashore on Long Island. Mary, schr., George Todd, master, libel, Aug. 7th, 1781, evidences, etc., taken at Annapolis, N. S., filed. Captured by the Letter of Marque schooner Adventure. Mary, sloop, Salem to Casco Bay, cargo : apples and cider, captured in October, 1780, near Cape Elizabeth, by schooner Halifax Adventure, a privateer. Mead, brigantine, Thomas Archdeacon, master, a re- capture. The armed vessels Howe, Buckram and Snake on June 14 th 1779, gave chace in Chebucto Bay to a Pri- vateer Brig, which had captured the Mead, but finding the Privateer outsail them, they bore away for the Prize, which they boarded, found the Rebels had deserted her, and the wind being high, she ran ashore in Halibut Bay, 55 and was wrecked. Cargo was salved. The privateer put Capt. and hands of the Mead ashore at Prospect. Mercury and Fortune, sloops. Libel. Oct. 10 th 1780. Captured by H. M. Ships, Blond, Albany, Nautil- lus, North and brig Hope. Minerva, brigantine, John Bolton, master, a recap- ture Oct. 2d, 1781. "John Seagrove Gunner of the Sloop of War General Monk, being duly Sworn Deposeth, that they fell in with the Brig off of Cape Elizabeth near Casco Bay, on or about the 17th September, last, that they chased about three Hours, came up with and took her, and found she was in Possession of the Rebels, with a Rebel Prize Master, that they found no papers on Board except some, that was in the possession of an Officer that was on Board the Brig, that after they had exchanged Hands, the brig was ordered for Penobscott, Fort George, that she was loaded with Tobacco and called the Minerva, that she is about one hundred tons." The Minerva was afterwards taken to Annapolis, N. S. Minerva, brigantine, one Gaspar, master, a recapture, London to Quebec, loaded with wine, porter and ball goods, , sugar and iron, taken near Newfoundland by a rebel privateer brig called the Cato, who took out the Cap- tain and all hands except a Portugese seaman, and shaped her course for Salem. Recaptured in Boston Bay three weeks later by H. M. S. Orpheus. Date of libel, Aug. 14 th 1781. Molly, schr., loaded with corn and oats, bound to Saute Cruise, captured near Philadelphia, May 24 th 1776, by H. M. S. Mercury. The rudder of the schooner gave way, and they took the cargo out of her and brought the same to Halifax. Montgomery, ship, Rundeau, master, Boston to Mar- tinico, cargo : lumber, chiefly, captured the beginning of September, 1777, in sight of Boston Harbour by H M. S. Diamond. The master and most of the men were French. "Captain Fielding put a Prize Master and Hands on 56 Board & sent the Ship Montgomery with all her papers to Rhode Island." John LeGar, a passenger on the Mont- gomery, made deposition that he understood Captain Run- deau had given 18 six pounders in part payment for his cargo in Boston. The Captain was asked if he would claim the ship Montgomery but said he had no money to pay the charges, and the ship and cargo were condemned. Morning Star, brigantine. Several depositions re- ferred to " as on file," but not recorded. Sept. 26 th, 1777. " Rich d . Gibbons Esq. Proctor Exhibited the claims of Charles Hill in behalf of the owners which was read as on file, & order made thereon. The Advocate General moved that the Claimant should produce some proof to the Court that the owners were in Obedience to the King & under his protection. The Proctor for the Claimant moved the Court the Brigantine Morning Star might be taken into the Custody of the Marshall of this Court, alledging that she had been robbed of sundry of her rigging & Furniture. Ordered that the Marshall of this Court do take the said Brigantine into his Custody, & her safe keep untill she shall be either Condemned or ordered to be restored to the said Claimant for the Own- ers by the definite sentence of this Court in the premises. Court adjourned to the 1 of October at Eleven o'clock A. M. Oct. 1. Court opened by making proclamation as usual. Warrant of survey and return thereon read, the Advocate General moved for a Decree, which was pro- nounced as on file, whereby the Brigantine Morning Star was ordered to be restored and delivered up to Charles Hill the Claimant (on his paying an Eighth & Charges) also another decree whereby the Cargo of said Brig was condemned as Lawful Prize to the Captors." H. M. S. Diamond captured the Morning Star. Nancy, brigantine, Peter Joliff, master, a recapture, bound from Carbonear in Newfoundland for Lisbon, with dry cod fish, captured the second day out, July 20th, 1782, by an American privateer ship, the Junius Brutus, and ordered for Salem, recaptured August 6 th in Lat. 44° 12" by the Frigate Cyclops, and brought to Halifax. 57 Nancy, schr., Edw. Freeman, master, owned in Boston by Samuel Paine Somes & Wales, South Carolina to Boston, cargo : rice, indigo and deer skins, captured March 1st, 1778, within George's Banks, by H. M. S. Orpheus. Nancy, armed schr. George Leach, master. Six sur- vels mounted on carriages. Captured previous to March 27 th 1781, to the eastward of Halifax, by the tender to H. M. S. Albany. Nancy, sloop, John Humphrey, master. Evidence brought from Liverpool. The Nancy was condemned. Nancy, sloop, a recapture. Casco Bay to Boston, car- go: lumber, captured Sept. 6 th , 1781, near Cape Porpoise; by the Armed Sloop Howe and Schooner Buckram. The people on board deserted before the captors came up. Nathaniel, brigantine, James Ferry, master, a recap- ture. " John Bennat, mate of the Brigantine Nathaniel being duly sworne deposeth as follows, viz : that he shipp'd on Board the said Brig at London the 17th day of March last, bound on a voyage from thence to Quebec, that they lost their convoy and met with repeated Heavy Gales of wind which obliged them to Bear away for Hali- fax as did all the Fleet, that on or about the 30 th of Octo- ber being off Halifax Light House they fell in with a schooner, & it being almost calm they rowed up under the Brig's stern and Haled the Brig & asked where they were from, that they ans d from Portsmouth, that the Brig then Hailed the schooner & the Schooner answered from Halifax & had an English Jack at masthead at the same time, that while the ^schooner lay on the Brig's starboard quarter, they kept up such a constant fire with small arms from the Schooner, that the People of the Brig could not keep the Deck, not having it in their power to bring one of the Brig's guns to bear on the Schooner, that they boarded the Brig and took Possession of the Brig, that the schooner had six carriage guns, 4 swivels, & between 20 & 30 men, that they exchanged Hands, put a Prize Master on Board, & ordered her to Boston, that on the 58 first of November being off of Cape Sable they fell in with the Savage Sloop of War Thomas Graves, Esq., Commander, who retook the said Brig and Brought her safe into this Port where she now remains Loaded with Beef, Pork, Flour & Pease." Necessity, brigantine. " Thomas Ozard Midshipman on Board His Majesty's Sloop of War the Vulture, being duly sworne deposeth that being at Passamaquoddy some time in the Month of October last they took a Brigantine loaded with Lumber Bound to Bermudas, that the Cap. of the Brig told the deponant he had been taken by the Rebels and Carried into Maderias where the Vessel was Cleared out & sent to Passamaquoddy for a load of Lum- ber that Capt. Teatus ordered the Deponant to take pos- session of said Brig & follow the Ship to St. John's, that the said Brig is a Bermudian Built Vessel, that there was no papers on Board." Neptune, schr., loaded with lemons and bale goods, bound in to Philadelphia, captured off the mouth of Dele- ware River, about June 3d, 1776, by H. M. S. Liverpool. Neptune, snow, Nathaniel Swaney, master, Bilboa to Newbury, cargo, fruit, iron and salt, captured in March, 1778, by H. M. S. Rainbow's tender. The owners of the snow lived one in Boston and one in Newbury, the Cap- tain belonged to Marblehead, 4 besides the master were English and 10 Spaniards. John Young 15 years of age, of the Neptune, made deposition. New York Packet. Cause dated May 11th, 1776, relates to two hundred and ninety-one bars of iron found in the New York Packet, which iron was condemned as lawful prize to the captors thereof, H. M. S. the Tamar. Olive, schr., John Bulkeley, master, fitted out from Connecticut River, loaded with salt, captured about March 13 t,l777, by H. M. S. Amazon. 59 Olive, sloop, William Nicholson, master, libel filed Apl. 17 th , 1779, evidence as taken at Annapolis, N. S., read, captured by schooner Liverpool, Letter of Marque. Olive, sloop, Manor Wilbur, master, captured April 20 th , 1777, by Mr. Knight in the Armed Sloop Hearlem. The Olive was owned in Dartmouth, New England. Wil- bur made deposition, from which above information is taken, and in it he refers to deposition of John Anson Atkinson (which is not recorded) as being true as relates to the said sloop. Otter, brigantine, Edward Smith, jr., master, Salem to Guadaloupe, cargo: fish and lumber, owned by Joseph Lambert of Salem, about 120 tons, no guns, nine men, libelled by the private ship of war Lord Cornwall is, Nov. 28 th , 1781. Captured in Boston Bay. Paco Bob, schr., Solomon Coit, master, libel filed June 24 th , 1782, by H. M. Sloop of War the Albany. Claim of Alexander Brymer filed July 18 th . "M r . Gibbons Proctor for Alexander Brymer exhibited Let- ters and papers from M r . Brymer's Attorney at Penobscott, which were read as on file. M r . Gibbons then moved the Court that as the schooner Saco Bob (by the Evidence produced in the course of the trial) had been clearly prov'd to be the property of Alexander Brymer Esquire, and that she was the Identical Vessel for which he had obtained a Commission out of this Court, by the name of the Halifax Bob, that the Captor's should by Decree of this Court be made to account with him the said Alexan- der Brymer for the said Vessel agreeable to an Estima- tion made at Penobscott being One Hundred and ninety pounds by persons nominated by the parties for that pur- pose, deducting, only the eighth to be allowed them agreeable to act of Parliament." Decree was pronounced in accordance. Patty, sloop, loaded with wood and bark, captured July 5 th , 1780, off Sheepscutt River by the Mermaid, tender to the Albany, the crew all escaping in boats. De- 60 ponant states he had seen the Patty before, that she be- longed to Townsend, owned by one David Rudd. She was carried into Penobscott, Fort George. Peacock, schr., Salem to Newburyport, cargo : salt and ash timber, captured September 6 th 1781, off Cape Por- pois, by the Sloop Home and Schooner Buckram, and taken to Penobscott, Fort George. Peggy, schr., Ray, master, Nothing on board but some green fish, a hogshead of salt and fishing craft, captured July 23d, 1779, near Cranberry Island, off Goldsborough River, by the schooner Rachael. Polly, brig, a recapture, Sept. 10th, 1778. " Benja- min Stone being Duly Sworne Deposeth, that he was at Harbour Briton, the latter end of August last, when a Privateer Sloop call'd the Bodin, Mounting 10 Carriage Guns, & Had about 30 men, commanded by one Thomas Stevens, came in there & cut out the Brig Polly, Capt n . Newman, and mann'd her with 6 Rebels & a Prize Mas- ter and the Deponant, and Order'd them to make ye best of their way for Salem in New England, that afterwards on or about the latter end of August last, being then off Cape Lee Have they were chased by the Buckram, Let- ter of Marque who retoook them and sent the said Brig into this Harbour, that she is loaded Principally with Fish, Oil and Salt, which the Rebels plundered from the Stores on Shore, that when the Rebel Privateer came into Harbour Briton, there was no Person on Board the Brig except the Master, the Hands having all Deserted the Day before." Polly, letter of marque ship, Joseph Forster, Master, 14 guns, 35 men, Cape Ann to Guadaloupe, Cargo : fish and lumber, captured July 4 th , 1782, near George's Banks, by H. M. Frigate Ceres. Joseph Forster, captain of the Polly confirmed the evidence given by the Prize Master. Polly, schr., John Carrol, master, Charlestown, S. C, to Boston, cargo : rice, indigo, rum and sugar, captured 61 Sept. 18 th , 1778, off Nantucket Shoals, by H. M. Sloop of "War, the Dispatch. Polly, schr., John Dyer, master, understood to be owned in Falmouth, bound to the West Indies, cargo: lumber, captured March 13 th , 1778, off Falmouth, by H. M. S. Rainbow's tender. Polly, schr., Peter Hinds, master, captured Jan. 27 th , 1781, off Owls Head, by armed schooner David, one Marblehead man and three men from Penobscott on board, one David Dayly put on board as Prize Master, and three other hands from the David, and orders given to beat into the harbour called George's Island Harbour and lay there until the gale then blowing was over. The Polly was by accident cast away and totally lost on George's Island, with the exception of her sails and an- chors, which were saved and carried into Penobscott. Polly, schr., Ignatius Webber, master, Farro or Ferro in Portugal, standing in for Boston, the captain told the captors he was bound for Halifax, cargo : salt, captured May 10 th 1778, between George's Banks and Cape Anne, by H. M. S. Rainbow. Samuel Pierson, a passenger on the Polly, made deposition. Polly, schr., cleared from Georgetown, South Carolina, April 28 th , 1777, cargo : rice, pitch and turpentine, chassed into Port Rosa way by H. M. S. Mermaid, where the mas- ter and men deserted her, and the Mermaid's people took possession on May 24 th , 1777. Polly, schr., of Newburyport, captured July 19 th , 1777, westward of Halifax lighthouse, bound for St. Peters, by armed Brig Victor. Polly, ship, John Leighton, master, a recapture. The Polly in possession of the Americans, was from Boston to Saco, John Leighton, master, had ten carriage guns which were thrown overboard, no papers found on board, cap- tured near the end of September, 1781, in Boston Bay, H. M. S. Chatham. 62 Polly, sloop, Charles Callaghan, master, owned in Bos- ton by Jonathan Davis and others, from St. Eustatia to Casco Bay, cargo : molasses, rum and salt, captured about April 1st, 1777, on Georges Banks, by H. M. S. Dia- mond and Greyhound. Benjamin Randall, seaman on board the Polly, made deposition. Polly, sloop, libel filed July 13 th , 1782, by the Armed Schooner Dispatch, evidence brought from Liverpool, N. S. Pompey, sloop, libel filed Nov. 27 th 1782,. on behalf of Joseph Barss, master of the Schooner Dreadnaught. Evidence and papers sent up by Registrar at Liverpool. Poole, brigantine, William Whitecomb, master, a re- capture. From Poole to Newfoundland, and from thence to Lisbon with a cargo of fish, taken Sept. 11 th , 1781, by the American Privateer ship called the Franklin, and were steered for Boston, recaptured Oct. ] 2, in Boston Bay, by H. M. S. Assurance, William Stanley, seaman on the Poole, made deposition, and stated the Americans took a new towline, one barrel of pork, and 10 gallons of rum, and cut up an old mainsail and a new mainsail, and the master of the Assurance took a hanging Compass and some small cordage, that the master was kept on the pri- vateer and took all his papers with him. Princess Royal, recapture. "George Davis, being duly sworne deposeth that he is a mariner on board the ship called the Princess Royal, that on or about the 10 th of Jury last [1776] off the Island of Bermuda they were chased by an armed schooner, called the Sturdy Beggar, fitted out by some of the Colonies now in Rebellion, that the said schooner fired at and hailed the said ship Princess Royal, and ordered them to hoist out their boat and go aboard the said schooner, that Archibald Duffy, the cap- tain of said ship Princess Royal told them he could not hoist out his Boat, as it was lumbered up, they in the Armed Schooner then hoisted out their own boat and came aboard with Twelve men all armed, took Possession of the ship, and took out the Master, Boatswain, 2 mates, 5 Fore- 63 mast men, a black man Passenger, & a Prentice Boy and then shaped their course for New England, that on the 25 th of July last, Captain John Burr, Esq., Commander of his Majesty's ship the Milf ord, gave chace to the Ship Princess Royal [within about 3 Leagues of Cape Ann, & retook her within about 3 miles of Newbury, & brought the said ship Princess Royal] into this Port of Halifax, and that said ship and Cargo is owned by persons residing in England & some of them in Jamaica." Providence, sloop, loaded with lime and cord wood, captured Nov. 18 th 1776, while trying to enter a harbour called Herring Gut, by a boat from H. M. S. Albany. When the boat was approaching all hands on board the sloop deserted, and no papers were found by the captors. Race Horse, sloop, Clifford Byrne, master, Cape Francois to Salem, cargo: molasses, captured Sept. 4 th , 1780, off Cape Cod, by H. M. Ships Delaware, Delight, Bonetta and the Armed Sloop Howe. Rambler, schr., Benjamin Fuller, master, two six pounders, one three pounder, one two pounder and four swivels, 30 men, owned in Newbury, were on a cruize from there, captured while ashore in St. Margaret's Bay, near Halifax, about July 20 th , 1781, by the brigantine Lady Hammond, tender to H. M. S. Charlestown. While they were trying to get the schooner off, the people of her in the bushes ashore fired on the captors and killed one and wounded another. The captors then went ashore and scattered them, capturing one named Robert Kelley, who made deposition aDd stated they had taken six shallops, two belonging to the Frenchmen to the Eastward, and sent them to Newbury. Ranger, schr. one McGra or McCra, master. "John McGra being duly sworne deposeth that on the 14 th day of March, inst about sun sett, he arrived in the Harbour of Halifax at Fairbank's wharf, that he was Hailed by the Albany to come alongside, but that he did not understand them, then went into the said wharf, that an officer came 64 from the Albany and threatened the Deponant, and told him he had done for himself because he did not obey the orders in coming under the man of war's stern, that the deponant told the officer he did not understand them, the Deponant thought they asked where they came from, and that was the reason he answered from Falmouth & did not go under the stern of the ship, that the officer staid on board the schooner Ranger about 3 minutes, & returned to the Albany, that he left no person on Board the schooner." In answer to a question the Captain stated he had loaded at Boston, proceeded to Piscataqua, and then came to Halifax. The Ranger was seized by a Custom House officer, and there was some dispute as to whether or no the Albany had made the seizure. The schooner was condemned. Ranger, schr., probably a recapture, by the Sloop Gage, William Callaghan, master, libel dated Nov. 7 th , 1778, but record contains no further information. Recovbry, brigantine, loaded with molasses, going into River Delaware, captured off the Capes of Philadelphia June 18th, 1776, by H.M. S. Kingfisher. Resolution, schr., privateer, libel filed March 24th, 1783, on behalf of the Brigantine Shark. Resolution, privateer schr. of Boston. Abel Gore, commander, two carriage guns, one a two pounder, the other a three, eight swivel guns, two cohorns, and part of two half-barrels of powder, captured previous to May 11 th , 1779, seven leagues to the westward of Halifax lighthouse, by H. M. S. Blond. Restoration, ship, a recapture. "Joseph Toye Gun- ner on Board the Ship Restoration, being duly Sworne deposeth that in his Passage from Quebec to Port in said ship they fell in with a Rebel Privateer near the Western Islands, on or about the 19th day of July last, that the Privateer Chased them from 6 in the Morning till 6 _ 65 ~ — o'clock in the Evening, when they Boarded the ship, the Privateer was a 20 Gun Ship fitted o at from New London called the Oliver Cromwell Commanded by one Harding, that they took out the Master, mate and all the hands except the deponant and three boys, & put them on Board the Privateer, manned the Ship Restoration with a Rebel Crew and Prize Master, & then shaped their Course for Boston, New England, that the beginning of this month September, being by their reckoning about one days sail from Boston, they ifell in with the Ambuscade, John Mc- Cartney, Esq r Commander, who retook the said ship Resto- ration and brought her safe into this Port, that the Papers were all taken by the Rebels." Revenge, sloop, 11 th July, 1777, Reg r of the sloop Revenge filed by the Advocate General, & proof of its being found on board said sloop taken by Joseph Winuiet, Esq., Justice of Peace for the County of Annapolis also filed. This cause entitled "Sir William Burnaby, com- mander of His Majesty's shipMilford, vs. the Sloop Revenge & Cargo." Ricuset or Recusett, schr., Zachariah Murphy, mas- ter. Captured early in August, 1778, by H. M. S. Grey- hound, Blonde, and Dispatch. " James Harley being Duly Sworne Deposeth, that he sailed out of Salem, in a Privateer, about two months ago, that they took two Brigs and one Schooner, loaded with Green Fish, that he was put on Board one of these Prizes the Schooner), that about 9 or 10 Days ago, they fell in with a Schooner, near the Isle of Sables, that the Said Schooner Bore down upon them, and asked where they were Bound to, that they answere'd to Salem, that they said they wanted wood and water, and then they ask'd the Prize Master of the Schooner, the Deponant was on Board to let them have a Pilot, to Pilot them into Salem, Newbury, Boston or any Port they could get into, that the Prize Master then sent the Deponant, on Board said Schooner as Pilot, and received a Spaniard in Exchange from ye Aforesaid Schooner, that about three Days after 66 this, they fell in with three Men of War, who took them, and Brought said Schooner into this Port, that one Zacha- riah Murphy was Master of her, that she is about 80 Tons Burthen." Zachariah Murphy also made deposition. The schooner is called the " Rosa " in deposition of John Fox, one of the prize crew. Rittenhouse, ship, Ambrose Bartlett, master. Cause dated May 2d, 1776 relates to a sum of money. ,£2000 in specie and £800 in Sterling Bills of Exchange, the property of Merchants residing in Philadelphia, being the proceeds of a cargo sold at Lisbon, taken from the ship Rittenhouse, Ambrose Bartlett, master, by Captain Stan- hope of H. M. S. , the Raven. The Rittenhouse was taken off the Cape of Virginia bound from Lisbon to Philadel- phia, and was owned by York and Potts of the latter city. Two q r casks of wine were also taken. The money was condemned as lawful prize to the Captors, but there is no mention of what became of the Rittenhouse. Robuste, ship, a recapture, Dec. 4th, 1781. "John Flemming Sailing Master of the Ship Lord Cornwallis, being duly Sworn deposeth, that being on a Cruise in Boston Bay, they fell in with a Ship on the 25 November last, which they Chased about two hours, came up with and took, that she was called the Robust and was from Salem bound to the Havannah loaded with Lumber, Fish, Soap, and Tallow, &c. , that she is about two Hundred Tons Burthen, 14 Guns & 20 men, that they found no papers on board, that the Ship is now in this Harbour, that the prisoners are all on board the Lord Cornwallis." "David Black, Seaman, being duely Sworn deposeth that he has seen the Ship Robuste since she came into the Harbour, that he belonged to her when John Noble Esq. of Bristol owned her, that he was gunner of her, that she was a French Snow, and the first Prize brought into Bris- tol this war, that she was then copper'd by M r Noble in his own Dock, and made into a Ship, that the Deponant sailed the first voyage in her after she was made into a ship, and knows her well." The cargo was condemned as 67 prize to the captors, and an eighth of the value of the ship as salvage. Royal Bounty, ship, a recapture. "Seth Russel late Seaman on Board the American Privateer called the Tar- tar being duly sworne deposeth that the said Privateer was fitted out from Boston, that one of the Owners names was Macky the other he don't know, that she mounted 24 Carriage Guns & had 180 men, that the masters name was John Grimes, that being on a Cruize off Shetland some time in August last they fell in with the Ship Royal Bounty which they took & the next day they took a Brig which belonged to Norway, that they gave this Brig to the Captain of the Ship Royal Bounty, that they put the Cap- tain of the ship Royal Bounty & all his Hands on Board the Brig except seven, that the Captain of the Tartar then gave Orders to the prize Master of the Ship Royal Bounty to proceed immediately for Boston, New England ; that afterwards sometime in September last being then off of Cape Ann they fell in with the Diamonds Tender who retook the said Ship Royal Bounty the Diamond being then in sight, that the said ship Royal Bounty is now in this Harbour." "Seth Russel being reexamined further deposeth that they took out of the Brig belonging to Norway & put on Board the Royal Bounty 800 Calve Skins, that after this they Cruized in Company with the Privateer about 3 weeks, and in about 14 days they took another Norway Brig strip'd her of all her Tackle & Furniture & put the same on Board the Royal Bounty, & then Burnt said Brig, that a few days after this they took another Brig Loaded with Lumber and 60 Tons of Iron, that they stripped this Brig also of all her tackle and furniture & put on Board the Tartar, & as the Brig was Leaky they scuttled and sunk her, and further Deposeth that before they took the Ship Royal Bounty they took a Brig off of Shetland, that he thinks she was loaded with Lumber and Hides, that they took the Hides (but does not know what quantity) as also the Rigging & Furniture & then Burnt her, that these things are on Board the Royal Bounty. That they 68 also took another Brig and took out about 30 Barrels Tar & put the same on Board the Royal Bounty, & gave said Brig to the Master of her his name he does not know. St. David, a recapture, Dec. 11th, 1781. " David Cormick being duly Sworn deposeth that he shipped on board the Ship St. David at St. John's, Newfoundland, as Surgeon one William Price then Master of her, that they were bound from that port to Statia or Jamaica, that they left St. Johns in December, 1780, that about the 15 th Jan r 1781 they arrived at Antigua with a Prize they had taken, from that they went to Eustatia, and from thence to Ja- maica, where they loaded the Cargo she has now on board, which was ship'd by McLeans and Moare, consist- ing of Rum, that on the 24th August last they sail'd from Jamaica with convoy for London, that after they had been a month or five weeks out, they met with a heavy gale of wind and parted convoy, that about three weeks after they fell in with a ship call'd the Shambree, that she was in a very distress'd Situation being water Log'd, that they got about 80 Men, Women and Children out of her, that the weather came on so bad they could not take any more out, that they left about twenty-five behind, they did not see the ship again, the next day they saw the ship Lord Howe go down, some days after this they fell in with the thorn Privateer, which was mann'd with Americans, that the Thorn chas'd them a whole night, came up with and engaged the St. David about forty min- utes, when the Captain and live men of the St. David were Kill'd, and fifteen or sixteen wounded, and the wheel be- ing shot away oblig'd the St. David to strike, that the Thorn exchanged hands, took out all the papers and were sending her to Marblehead, that they were a Month all to one day endeavouring for Marblehead, when they fell in with the Brig Sir Andrew Hammond, who retook them and brought said ship St. David safe into this port. " 69 St. Bees, ship or barque, John Williamson, master, a recapture. " James Bishop mate of the Barque St. Bees being duly sworne deposeth that he shipp'd on Board said Barque at New York the 16 th of November last with one John Williamson Master, Bound on a voyage from thence to Lisbon, & from thence back again to New York, that on or about the 8th of August last on their Passage to New York in Lat. about 39° North, Long. 70° West, they fell in with two Brigs which chased them from about 8 o'clock in the morning till about 2 when they came up with the Barque & Boarded her, that the Brigs both be- longed to Maryland, that they exchanged Hands put a Prize Master on Board, & ordered the Barque for Phila- delphia, but could not get there. Afterwards they en- deavoured for Boston in New England, that before they parted the Rebels plundered the Barque of sundry valua- ble articles, an account of which the Deponant has made out as on file, that on or about the 1st of Sept. Inst., being then on the Shoals of Cape Cod, they fell in with the De- light & Delaware which retook the Barque & sent her into this Port, that she is loaded with Wine & Fruit, that they arrived here the 13th Inst." St. John, brigantinc, James, Lowrie, Master, a recap- ture. "Donald McMullin, Seaman on Board the Brigan- tine called the St. John being duly sworn deposeth that he shipped on Board said Brig the 14th day of June last, at Greenock, in Scotland, bound to St. Johns in New- foundland, one James Lawrie then Master, that she was partly loaded with coals and Dry Goods, at Greenock. 70 Dry Goods consisted of Shirts, Jackets, Trowsers, shoes and other Traps. He believes one Densraore shipped these articles, but is not certain of it, that they took in at Dublin Sixty Hhds. of Molasses, can't tell who shipp'd the Molasses, that they proceeded from Dublin for St. Johns, Newfoundland. Can't tell who she was consigned to them, that on the 28 th of August last near the Banks of Newfoundland they fell in with an American Letter of marque ship called the Cato, who took the Brig and car- ried the Capt. and all the people on Board the ship ex- cept Three. That they took all the Ball Goods out of the Brig, one new cable, all her new rigging, all the best Sails and Sail cloth, some coarse Earthern Ware, and many other Articles, that put on Board the Brig a Prize Master and five Hands, and ordered the Brig to Newbury or the first American Port they could make. That on the 28th of September last they fell in with the Ship Renown, who retook the Brig and brought her into this Port, where she now is." Salem Packet, ship, Joseph Cook, Master, Bilboa to Salem, Cargo : Salt and dry goods, captured in August, 1781, in Boston Bay, by H. M. S. Amphytrite. Sally, brigantine, Moses Fenny, master. " Paulus Bray- zelius of Lunenburg being duly sworn Deposeth that on Friday morning the 25 th feby. Inst, they discovered a Brig at anchor in the Harbour of Lunenburg, that they sent four men ashore for Fresh provisions, that an officer of the Militia went and took them Prisoners, Casper Wool- enhof t commanded the party, that Colonel Creighton asked them where they came from ? y* they (the Prisoners) an- swered, from Guadeloup, Col. Creighton then ordered an alarm Gun to be Fired to alarm the People, & the Brigan- tine also immediately Fired a Gun, & then Col. Creighton sent two Boats full of men to Board her, & they the Peo- ple belonging to the Brigantine resisted, & would not let them come on Board, & Hoisted Rebel Colours, the Fort immediately fired two Guns which both took effect, the Brigantine then immediately struck her Colours, & the 71 two Boats returned & Boarded her took them Prisoners & delivered them over to the Militia." The Sally was appa- rently brought to Halifax to be sold. Sally, brigantine, Jno. Holland Rickard, master, from Plymouth, to Frenchman's Bay, then to Charlstown, South Carolina, cargo : lumber, captured June 12 th , 1778, to the westward of Cape Sables, by H. M. S. Blond. Josiah Dunham, mate of the Sally, made deposition that she was built at Newbury 8 years before and had always remained the property of Americans. Sally, brigantine, Soloman Saltus, master, a recapture. "Soloman Saltus Master of the Brigantine Sally being duly sworne deposeth that he loaded at St. Michaels with Wine & Fruit & sailed from thence the 6 th of February last, Bound to New York, that on the 27 th March last being in Lat. 37° & about 67 or 68 Long, they fell in with the Gen- eral Stark ship mounting twenty two Guns, an American Privateer Commanded by James Pearson of Cape Anne, that the ship chased them a few Hours, & came up with the Brig, that the Ship Hailed the Brig, & ordered her to Bring too, that the Privateer sent their Boat & Exchanged Hands, that they permitted the Depon* to remain on Board as he declared to them he was owner of the Vessel & Car- go, that after this they steered for Cape Anne, that they met with repeated heavy Gales of Wind, & the first land they made was Cape L'Have which the Prize Master took for Seguin Island & they ran into L'Have the 13 th day of April Inst, in the evening, & came to anchor near Petit Riviere, the next morning seven men came on Board in two different Boats & said they were Militia of Nova Scotia the Rebel Prize Master told them he was from New York bound to Halifax, & offered four shillings a day for two of them to assist him in navigating the Brig to Halifax, that the Deponant hearing this Conversation on Deck thought it might be something in his favour, & tho sick in bed got up to go on Deck, but in his passage was met by the Rebel Prize Master's Mate, who threw his arms around the Deponant & endeavoured to prevent him from going 72 on Deck, that he then told the Prize Masters mate that he would cry murder if he did not let him go on Deck, that he then let the Deponant go, that the Deponant when he o-ot on Deck, asked the Militia how far they were from Halifax, they answered about IT or 20 leagues & that if he was Bound there it was a good time, that the Deponant told them he did not know he was bound to Halifax, he understood they were bound to Cape Anne, but he should be glad to go to Halifax, that he found one M r Brown was overhauling the papers, that the Prize Master insisted he was Bound to Halifax, that the Deponant then took the papers from said Brown, & told him he had been on a voyage Bound to New York, & that the Brig Sally had been captured by the General Starks an American Priva- teer, & that the Prize Master was only deceiving them, that M r Brown then took the papers, & he the said Brown & the other people of the aforesaid Militia agreed to take the Brig to Liverpool, the wind proving contrary they re- turned back to the Folly, a Harbour at Cape L'Have & came to anchor there they lay till 9 o'clock in the morning of the 14 th , that there was great disputes among said Mili- tia about what they should do with the Brig, that the same evening M r Brown gave the papers to one Cavanagh, the next day they made the second attempt for Liverpool, but the wind proving contrary they returned again into the Folly, that the same afternoon of the 15 th there came about 30 men armed from Lunenburg & demanded the papers from Cavanagh, but before they came Cavanagh had given the papers to the Deponant, that one McDonald who said he commanded this party demanded the papers, the deponant refused delivering them up, the same even- ing about 11 o'clock Captain Henderkin Commander of the Brigantine John and Rachael came alongside, that the Deponant heard some of the people on Board tell him to come along side, that at that time the Deponant was in the Cabin, that he heard the noise of Musquets, a Battle ensued which lasted about 8 minutes, that in this skirmish the Captain of the Militia was killed & two of Captain Henderkin's men in the Boat were wounded, & further de- poseth that two of the seven Men that came first on Board 73 about an hour after they came on Board, said they be- longed to the John and Rachael which had a Commission, that after Captain Henderkin came on Board he took the possession of her & declared one William Brown was ap- pointed Prize Master." Sally, schr., David Lewis, master, on a fishing voyage from Cape Cod, owned by David Lewis of Barnstable, captured June 20 th , 1780, off Cape Cod by the Letter of Marque Lacy of Liverpool, N. S. where the Sally was then taken. Sally, schr., Robert Lieth, master, from one of the Islands in the West Indies for Massachusetts Bay, loaded with molasses and rum, captured near the end of Septem- ber, 1777, off Georges Banks, by H. M. S. Milford. Sally, schr., Nicholas Smith, master, on a fishing voyage from Cape Cod, owned by Nathaniel and Laz. Goodwin of Plymouth, captured June 20 th , 1780, off Cape Cod by the Letter of Marque Lucy of Liverpool, where the Sally was then taken. Sally, sloop, Ben. Cole, master, libelled Febry. 15 th , 1780, captured by the privateer schooner Lucy. Sally, sloop, Thomas Martin, master, loaded with wood and staves, captured June 3d, 1779, off Damascotti, the crew escaping in a boat, by the armed vessels Howe and Buckram. Sally, sloop, loaded with bale goods from Hamburg, captured off Nantucket shoals about July 27 th 1776, by H. M. S. Liverpool. The sloop was left at Head Quarters near New York, and cargo condemned at Halifax. Thomas Mullock, mate of the Sally deposed that she was bound for New York, but her papers cleared her out for St. Eus- tatia. Sally, sloop, loaded with cordwood, captured with no one on board, July 25 th , 1779, in Penobscot Bay, by H. M. S. Albany. The deponant, Richard Pomroy, of the 74 Albany, stated "that she is a Plantation Built Sloop, square sterned, no head, all Black Bottom & sides, that he knows the said Sloop for that he sailed in her formerly out of Casco Bay about seven years ago & that she then belonged to one John Gray." Sally, sloop, libel filed June 24 th , 1782, by H. M. Sloop of war the Albany. Sally, sloop, libel filed Oct. 14 th , 1782, on behalf of the Sloop Tartar, tender to H. M. S. Allegiance. Sandwich, schooner, about 40 tons, with no cargo or papers on board, captured at a wharf in Norfolk, Va., previous to Aug. 28 th 1776 (date of libel) by H. M. S. Otter. Savage, schr., Marblehead to Bilboa, cargo: dry fish, captured May 5 th , 1777, on Georges Banks, by H. M. S. Diamond. John Home, seaman on the Savage, made de- position and said he understood the schooner belonged to the Congress. Scipio, snow, a recapture. " Samuel Hinkman master of the Snow call'd the Scijno being duly sworne deposeth that the said Snow was Loaded principally with Wine at Teneriff, that he was proceeding with her to London, that on his Passage on the 15 th November last he fell in with two American Privateers, one a ship call'd the Mars of 24 Guns & 90 men, the other a Brig call'd the Fanny of 1 8 Guns & 90 men, that they carried English Colours, the deponant crowded all the sail he could make, that they chaced him 5 Hours before they came up with the Snow, that they fired at the Snow, & ordered them to Haul down their Colours & bring too, that they came on Board and took out all the Hands, except one man a Boy & the De- ponant, & put on Board the Snow nine of the Rebels with a Prize Master amongst which were 3 Frenchmen, & one Indian, that the Rebels plundered the Snow of Wine, Fruit, & Sundry other articles, also about one thousand dollars in specie, that after they had taken these things 75 out of the Snow they gave directions to the Prize Master to proceed with her for Dartmouth or any other Port they could get into in America. That on the 23d December last being in the Lat. 41° 30" Long 64° 40" being near the South end of Georges Banks, they fell in with the Greyhound Man of War Archibald Dixon Commander who retook the said Snow from the Rebels, & brought her into this Port of Halifax. The deponant further deposeth that the said Snow is owned by Mess 18 Paul Graves in North Yarmouth in Great Britain, that the Cargo is owned by sundry Persons subjects of & residing in Great Britain, that the Rebels took the Snows register, Invoices, Bills of Loading, Mediterranean Pass & sundry other papers & that the Rebels drank & destroyed Great quantities of Wine, exclusive of what the Privateers people took." Sea Duck, schr., John Bohannan, master, captured in Minas Basin, May 2d, 1777, by Thomas Dickson and party on a Barge belonging to Government, under orders from Capt. Collet. Was taken into Cornwall is River and after- wards to Windsor. Cause entitled 4< Hyde Parker, Esq r Commander of His Majesty's Ship Phenix vs. Schooner Sea Duck and Cargo," but there is no information as to who Capt. Collet was, who gave the orders, vide deposition by Thos. Dickson. Sea Flower, schr., Jacob Clarke, master, Gaudelope to Salem, cargo : molasses and ram, captured June 8 th , 1778, in Buzzard's Bay, by H. M. S. Unicorn. Jacob Clarke master of the Sea Flower made deposition that the vessel and cargo were owned by Joseph White, Joseph Lambert, Miles Greenwood, and Henry White, all of Salem. Shamby, sloop, John Fraiser, master, Portsmouth, New England, to Grenada, cargo : staves and heading, captured January 2d, 1782, off Cape Ann, by the private ship of War Lord Cornwallis. The Sharnby was condemned as lawful prize, but in March following a claim was filed to the Shaunbouy, the name evidently being wrongly spelt in the libel. The .76 claimant, William Abbot, sought to prove that the Shaun- bouy was owned in Waterford, Ireland, and had been taken as a prize by the Americans some time previously. The claim was, however, dismissed, and the evidence proved that the sloop was owned by Walter McFarling and Dan- iel Higgin of Berwick, New England, at the time of her capture by the Lord Cornwallis. Edward Loude, of the Shamby gave evidence in the libel case, and Walter Mc- Farling, owner, in the Claim. Snake, brigantine, a recapture. The private ship of war, Revenge, captured the Snake, June 2d, 1779, in Bos- ton Bay. The Snake had 14 carriage guns, 6 swivel guns and 12 men, commanded by Luke Matthewman. Samuel Greenwood, mast-maker, and others, proved that the Snake was in Halifax Harbour a year previous, being then called the Loyalist, James Morris, master. The Snake was claimed in behalf of Alex r Dover and others of St. Johns in Antiqua, and an eighth of her value paid to the recap- tors, after sale. Sophia, brigantine, a recapture. " James Bizzet Cook on Board the Brigantine Sophia being duly sworne deposeth that on their passage from Granada to London, on the 23 d of August last, being then in the Lat. 37° 53" Long. 54° 59" they fell in with a Rebel Privateer Sloop called the Black Snake fitted from Salem, John Coulton, mast r that they Chased the Brig from 11 in the morn g to 3 oclock in the afternoon firing at each other the whole time, that the Rebels Boarded the Brig about 3 oclock took out the Capt. & all the hands, except the mate, a Boy & the deponant & manned her with Rebels, & then Shaped their Course for Cape Cod, that afterwards they fell in with the Mermaid Capt. Hawker Commander who took them & sent the Brig into this Port of Halifax." Extract from deposition of David Wishart, mate of the Sophia. " manned her with a Rebel Prize Master, Wil- liam Monday, & seamen from the Rebel Privateer & gave orders to make the best of their way to Salem, that after- wards on or about the 4 th day of September Inst, being 77 then off Barrington a Ground Capt. Hawker of the Mer- maid sent his Boat on Board & took possession of her. . ." Speed, brigantine, Benjamin Cox, master, Port au Prince to Salem, cargo : molasses and cotton, captured Sept. 3d, 1780, between Cape Cod and George's Banks, by H. M. Ships Delaware, Delight, Bonetta and the armed sloop Howe. Speedwell, brigantine, Benjamin Cox, master, a recap- ture. " The evidence of William James Peugh carpenter on board the Ship Renown sworn and examined as on file. The Register of the Brig and the Clearance, being the only papers found on board, Lodged with the Advocate General, by which it appears the Brigantine Speedwell was Built two years ago, in the Massachusetts Bay Govern- ment, and owned in Boston." " Benjamin Cox, Master of the Brigantine Speedwell, being duly Sworne deposeth, That he sailed from Salem on or about the 12 th Instant [Oct. 12 th , 1782] bound to Hespanolia Loaded with Lumber and Fish, that on the 19 th of October Instant, he fell in with the Ship Renown, That the Renown chased them Three Hours, when they came up with the Brig and took her and sent her into this port and further Deposeth That she was built at Rhode Island about the year 1775, one Captain Mason of Salem owns the Brig & Cargo, That he has owned the Brig two years, that he heard she had been taken from the Ameri- cans and carried into N. York, that he cant tell who Bought her at New York, that she was afterwards Re- taken by the Americans, He believes about 3 years ago — that she is square sterned no Head Two 4 pounders & 4 swivels & nine men in all." The Speedwell was claimed, and one eighth salvage and the whole of the cargo decreed to the captors. Stanislaus, ship, Jean Equillon, master. Brest to Bos- ton or Rhode Island, cargo : wine, brandy, flour and cloth- ing, captured June 9 th , 1781, in Boston Bay, by H. M. S. Charlestown. This ship was apparently French. 78 Storke, brigantine, owned in Newbury, Philip Aubin, master, Martinico to Newbury, cargo : molasses, captured April 9 th , 1778, on George's Banks, by H. M. S. Centurion. Success, brig, Fran* Harriman, master, a recapture. " John De Ste. Croix, Mate of the Brigantine Success being duly sworne deposeth that he shipp'd on Board said Brig at London in March last as mate Bound on a Voyage from thence to Mirimichi in Nova Scotia Loaded with Salt, Beef, Pork, Bread, Flower, and Dry Goods, that on or about the 22d June last being then off of the Magdalene Islands they fell in with an American Priva- teer called the Viper, Commanded by one Benj. Chapman mounting 14 swivels on the Coming of her Hatches, had 30 men, that she belonged to Salem in New England, that the Privateer chased them near four Hours, when it fell calm, & they rowed up to the Brig & fired at them & Ordered them to Bring too & come along side the Priva- teer that it being calm they could not manage the Brig so as to Bring a Gun to Bear on the Privateer, that the Priv- ateers People then came on Board, took out the Capt. & 2 Hands, & put on Board the Brig a Prize Master & 7 Hands & Ordered them to make the best of their way for Salem, that they were making the best of their way for Salem, when they fell in with the Rainbow and her Ten- der the True Blue being then about 25 Leagues from Salem, that the True Blue brought them too, & Sir George Collier sent a Prize Master & Hands on Board said Brig & sent her into this Port." Success, schr., Benj. Cole, Master. " Malcolm Mac- Intyer Pilot on Board the Brig Mermaid being duly sworne deposeth that on their Passage from Halifax to Liverpool on or about the 28 th of August last they fell in with a Schooner called the Success in Herring Cove a place near Liverpool, that they Boarded said Schooner & the People all deserted her, that there was no papers on Board except a Register, that the Master one Benj. Cole told the deponent that she was a lawfull Prize, & beg'd him to speak to Capt. Browne to let the Schooner go & . 79 take the Cargo, that part of the Cargo was taken on Board at Machias viz. some Pitch & Turpentine the other part consisting of Staves at Passamaquoddy, & by the said Benj Cole's own acct. belonged to him, that the said Schooner is a square Sterued Schooner of about 35 Ton New England Built, that she is now in this Harbour of Halifax." Sept. 15 th , 1777. "The Claim of Benjamin Valpy read, & the Libellant having agreed to deliver the Schoon- er Success to the Claimant on his paying an 8 th the Court ordered that the same be restored to him accordingly." The Brig Mermaid, captor of the schooner Success was a Letter of Marque. Success, schr., captured by H. M. S. Cerberus. Papers exhibited and filed in Court by H. M. Advocate General, Aug. 2d, 1777, were "the clearance of the Schooner Suc- cess at Charlestown, South Carolina, and a certificate of her landing a cargo at South Carolina, which papers and the oath of John Townsend, proving them to be found on Board said schooner, as also the oath of Samuel Thomson, proving the capture of said schooner, are on file." Success, sloop, Sulpherous Fisher, master, bound to Boston, loaded with wood, captured June 2d, 1777, near Casco Bay, by H. M. S. Ambuscade. Success, sloop, over 100 tons, loaded with salt, stand- ing in for Cape Henry, captured off Cape Henry about January 12th 1776, by H. M. S. Kingfisher's tender. Sukey, schr., 30 tons burthen, one Proud, master and owner, captured May 23d 1780, about one league to the eastward of Frenchman's Island, near to the mouth of the Damascotti river, by James Ryder Mowatt, Captain in the Corps called the King's Rangers, while on a command in two boats belonging to the Albany. He put two of the prisoners ashore, sent the vessel to Penobscott and then to Windsor, N. S. 80 Susannah, sloop, Edmund Conner, master, a recapture. " Jonathan Glover, Prize Master on Board the Brig Priv- ateer called the Terrible, Robert Richardson, Master, being duly sworne deposeth, that being on a cruize in the said Privateer in Lat. 38° 30" Long. 72 6 th June Inst, they fell in with a Sloop which they chased 3 or 4 Hours when they came up with & took her, & found she was from Cork Bound to Philadelphia, Loaded with Pork, Beef and Butter, that the Sloop was called the Susannah, that the deponent was put on Board as Prize Master of the Sloop & ordered to make the best of his way for Salem, New England, that about 5 Days afterwards they fell in with his Majesty's Ship the Unicorn who retook the said Sloop, & brought her & Cargo into this Port except two or three Hampers of Porter, & Wine, which were taken out by the Privateer's People for the Captain, Mate, & People of the Privateer." Swallow, schr., Saml. Dugard, master, anchored in Port Metway, N. S., Feby. 25 th , 1780, asked for assistance to pilot her further in, and stated they were from Halifax. The people discovered the Swallow was from New Eng- land, with rum, molasses, cotton, cocoa and coffee on board, and captured her after some resistance. Swallow, schr., And. Woodbury, master, Salem to Guadalope, cargo : fish and lumber, captured June 3d, 1777,. near Casco Bay, by H. M. S. Ambuscade. Swallow, schr., Marblehead to Kennebec River for cord wood, captured Feb. 20 th , 1781, by armed schooner Ar- buthnot, tender to the Allegiance, and carried into Penob- scott. The prisoners were put ashore on parole. ^ Swallow, schr., libel filed June 24 th , 1782, by H. M. S. Albany. Swallow, schr., Libel Nov. 9 th , 1780, captured by Let- ter of Marque Annapolis Rover. Swan, sloop, loaded principally with Indian Corn, cap- tured off Cape Cod about August 1st, 1776, by H. M. S. Liverpool. 81 Sweat, schr., privateer, Jesse Fronson, commander. Libel filed Dec. 28 th , 1779, by Martin Minick, master of the Schooner Sally, and James Pirley, Serjeant of the Royal Fensible Americans. The Sweat appears from the record to have been ashore, but no particulars are given, and the last entry in the cause, Sept. 15 th , 1780, shows she had not been got off. Sweepstakes, brig, of Portsmouth, 80 tons, privateer, 10 guns, 25 men, Timothy Mountfort, commander, cap- tured Oct. 14 th , 1781, by the Letter of Marque Brig « Sir Andrew Hammond." Tammy, schr., Zebulon Rust, master, owned iu Boston, bound to Surinam, cargo : dry fish, butter, oil and lumber, captured on or about June 5 th , 1777, southward of Cape Sable and about Q6 Leagues from Cape Sambro, by H. M. S. Syren. Tarter, schr., Benjamin Warren, master, captured in February, 1776 near Cape Ann by H. M. S. Lively, and carried into Boston : cargo : sugar, coffee, and cocoa nuts. Tarter, ship, a recapture. " William Marchant Bustle master of the Ship call'd the Tartar being Duly Sworne on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God deposeth as fol- lows, that on the 24 th of November last having been taken by a Privateer, and finding the Privateer's people had left only four of the Rebells on board said Ship (for the re- mainder of this Deposition vide minute Book, — the claim of Wm. McBustle filed & entered." Thimoleon, brigantine. "Henry Higginson, Pilot of the Brigantine Thimoleon being duly sworne deposeth that they were Bound from Bordeaux to Boston or some other part of the Continent of North America, that she is loaded with Brandy, Lead and Bale Goods, that they sailed for Bordeaux the last day of January last, that he was taken about 10 Leagues from Cape Ann on Saturday the 12 of April Inst, by his Majesty's ship the Greyhound, Archibald Dixon Commander, & further saith that he does not know 82 either the owners of the said Brigantine or her cargo, that she was entirely navigated by Frenchmen (except himself) & his Instructions was to carry or Pilot the Vessel into Boston or some other part of the Continent." Thomas, brigantine, Thomas Collier, master, libel tiled April 25 th , 1783. Evidence brought from Penobscott. Claim made. Decree pronounced for restoration of the Brig &c. to the owners as on file from which M r Gibbons Proctor for the libellants, commander & crew of the Armed sloop Industry, moved an appeal to the Lords Commis- sioners of Appeals in Prize Causes. Thomas & William, Brigantine, a recapture. " James Smith master of the Brig Thomas and William being duly sworne Deposeth; that he was bound from New York to Cork for Provisions, & was on his said Passage met with by a Rebel Privateer Schooner called the Warren,* in Lat. 39° 8" Long. 60°. That he the deponant used his utmost Endeavours to get Clear of her, but being attacked by said Privateer & her Prize, who both attacked the said Brig up- on her Quarters at the same time he could not Escape, that they took Possession of said Brig 20 th Nov. last & were carrying her into Beverly New England, as the deponant understood. That afterwards on or about the 27 th of the same month they fell in with Captain Ford in the Unicorn, Cape Anne then being W. S. W. distant about 20 Leagues, that Capt. Ford's Boat Boarded & retook the said Brig, the Rebels making no opposition, & brought her safe into this Port, and the Deponant further Deposeth that when he was taken by the Rebels as aforesaid, that they took him & all his People (the Carpenter & 2 Boys excepted) out of the Brig & then Plundered it, & after that they put the Deponant on Board, & kept all his other hands on Board the Privateer, except the Carpenter & 2 Bovs afore- said." Thorn, ship or sloop. Aug. 28 th , 1782, "Richard Cowell commander of the ship Thorn being duly sworn, ♦From Beverly, Israel Thomdike, commander. 83 , deposeth, That in the year 1779 the Thorn was taken by the Boston and Dean American ships of Warr, That in 1780 She was again retaken by the Hind, a Twenty Gun Ship, That she was only Five days in the possession of the English, when they fell in with the Harmoin and Astrea, Two french ships, who took her and sent her into Boston, where she was condemned and Sold, That William Ray- mond Lee Esquire, purchased her, & were sending the Ship Thorn to Lorient, in France, with about Fifteen Thousand Weight of Indigo & with Stores and Provisions for the Voyage, That all the property on Board, Vizt. Guns, Stores, Provisions, Tackle, and apparell, marked with a f or other marks usually made on the King's stores, are not American property, That he left Marble head on the 9 th of August Instant, That on the 19 th Instant, being Lat. 42°, Long. 54° they fell in with the Arethusa, Frigate, who chased the Thorn Twenty-five Hours, when they came up, and took the Thorn and brought her into this Port, that the papers No. 1 & 4 are all the papers belonging to the Thorn, That she had sixty -eight men, and Three Pas- sengers on Board when Taken, That she carried Eighteen Six pounders, That by His Commission paper No. 1, he had full Power and Authority to make Captors and Re- prisals." The first and second Lieutenants of the Thorn also made depositions confirming the above. Three Brothers, brigantine, a recapture. " William Boyd, Passenger on Board the Brigantine 3 Brothers being duly Sworne Deposeth that on the 25 th day of July last in the Lat. 40° 30" Long. 46° 17" the said Brigantine three Brothers one Thomas Johnson then Master, Bound from St. Johns Newfoundland to Barbados, was chased by two Schooners, that one of them called the Speedwell came up with the Brig having 10 Carriage Guns, 10 Swivels & 49 men, Commanded by one Jonathan Greeley, who fired two Shots at the Brig & ordered the Colours to be hauled down, the other Schooner called the Active one Gardiner Comm. had 10 Carriage Guns, 10 Swivels & 54 men, was then about 2 Leagues off. The wind being very light they rowed & sailed to the Brig in about an hour and a 84 half, when the two Captains Greeley & Gardiner, came on Board the Brig & overhauled her, & took away about 70 Fathoms of a new shroud Hawser, one coil of three inch Laniard stuff, one coil of 2 Inch do. one Coil of Rattling stuff a Coil of 3 quarter Inch Rope, a Coil of Inch Rope, a Coil of new Spun Yarn, a Spying Glass, the Colours, some new Canvas & Sewing twine, a number of small ar- ticles, 2 Barrels of Herrings, a Firkin of Barley, a sack of Bread, a Quantity of Dry'd Codfish &c. That they then left one Daniel Drinkwater on Board as Prize Master, with three men from the Privateer, & took out of the Brigan- tine the Master Thos. Johnson, the mate & all the hands except Martin Hicks, Silvester Coleman (a boy) & the De- ponant, & gave the Prize Master orders to shape his course & make the best of his Way for Boston, New England which orders the said Prize Master Endeavored to Comply with until on or about the 20 th of August Inst, when the said Brig was Chased by his Majestys Ship the Rainbow, Sir George Collier, Commander, being then off Mount Des- art Rock near Casco Bay, New England, who retook the said Brig & sent her safe into this Port of Halifax where she now is, that the sails & Rigging are much hurt from the neglect and mismanagement of the Rebels, while in their Possession." John Hopkins, mariner on board the Privateer schooner Speedwell, made deposition confirming the above. Three Friends, brigantine, captured by H. M. S. Mer- cury. Papers exhibited and filed by H. M. Advocate Gen- eral, Aug. 2d, 1777, were: "Papers found on Board the Brigantine Three Friends, as also the Oath of George But- ler Lieut, of Marines on Board his Majestys Ship the Mer- cury taken before David Matthews Esq. Mayor of New York, Proving the capture of said Brigantine." Three Friends, sloop, Benjamin Sison, master. Libel filed October 13 th , 1777, capture made by H. M. S. Or- pheus. All papers in this case referred to " as on file." Three Sisters, Robert Browne, master, a recapture, by H. M. S. Falcon, date of libel Aug. 12 th , 1779. Record 85 of case not completed, and no information as to the cap- ture to be had. Tom, brigantine, David Smart, master, a recapture, from Antiqua for Halifax, taken in Nov. or Dec, 1781, in the vicinity of Bermuda, by the rebel privateer Marquis La Fyatt and was being taken to Salem or Marblehead, re- captured four days later, by H. M. S. Bellasarius, and was being brought to Halifax, when by severe weather she was driven ashore on Maugers Beach near the mouth of the harbour. Some of the cargo was salved. Tom, ship, John Lee, master, a recapture, libel filed July 30 th , 1782. "William Briggs supercargo of the ship Tom, John Lee, late master, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God deposeth that on the 25 th day of May last he left St. Lucia bound to Liverpool in Great Britain Loaded with Sugar, Coffee and Cotton that he sailed in company with an Arm'd Brig, that on or about the 30 th day of June last in the Lattitude 45° 31" Longitude 35° 53" they fell in with the American privateer Ship Porus of two and twenty guns nine pounders and 150 men that they chased the Tom about three hours when they came up with the Tom and took her, that after ex- changing hands the master of the Porus, John Carnes, Or- der'd the Tom for Salem, New England, that they were proceeding for that port when on or about the 26 th July last they fell in with the Sloop of War the Savage, George Oakes, Esquire, commander, being then in Lattitude 42° 22" and Longitude 65° 57", that after a short chase the Sav- age came up with the Tom and retook her, and after ex- changing hands Captain Oakes ordered her for this port, where she arrived safe, and the deponent further deposeth that the manifest Cocquets and other papers now produced No. 1 to 8 inclusive are the papers belonging to the Ship Tom, and that they mention and contain all the cargo and private adventures that were on board said ship when she sail'd from St. Lucia aforesaid (except two hogsheads of English Brandy being part of the stores in the last Voy- age) and he the Deponent also further Deposeth that the Americans took out a Hawser and Tow line and nine coils 86 of cordage some barrels of sugar and the greater part of the cabin Furniture, and many other articles, that there was nothing taken by any of the Savages people to this Deponent's knowledge, that every Hatch had been un- locked by the Americans while in their possession which was about twenty seven days, and all that time they made great waste of Sugar and Provisions." Triton, schr., loaded with lumber, flour and fish, from Kennebunk river to the West Indies, captured in Massa- chusetts Bay, July 21 st , 1776, by H. M. S. Milford. Tkue Blue, schr., of Boston, 10 carriage guns, 12 swivel guns, 45 men including officers, captured Jan. 27 th , 1778, south of George's Banks by H. M. S. Appollo and Venus, 4 carriage guns thrown overboard during the chase. William Belcher, 2d lieutenant of True Blue made depo- sition. Tryal, sloop, Joseph Bass, master. Libel filed Oct. 13 th , 1777. Capture made by H. M. S. Orpheus. All papers in this case referred to " as on file. " Evidence in this and the preceding case was taken before a full Court Martial held on board the Orpheus by J. Sansbury, Depu- ty Judge Advocate. Tryal, sloop, libel filed June 24 th , 1782, by H. M. Sloop of War the Albany. Two Betsys, brig, a recapture. " Henry Botson, own- er of the Brigantine, Two Betsys being duly Sworne, de- poseth, that he was bound from Malina in Gibralter, to London loaded with Fruit Wine & c , that on said Passage, about, the 23 d of April last, Cilley then bearing about N. N. East distant 12 Leagues, he fell in with a Rebell Priv- ateer call'd the Freedom, Commanded by one John Clous- ton belonging to Boston, haveing, 12 Gunns about 60 or 70 men, that the Privateers people Boarded the Brig Two Betseys & took possession of her, & then shap'd their Course for Boston, that on the 5 th June Instant, Cape Negro bearing about N. N East distant about 8 Leagues, , 87 they fell in with his Majestys Ship Mermaid, James Haw- ker Esq r Commander, who retook the said Brig Two Betsy*, & brought her safe into this Port." " Henry Botson being Re examined further Deposeth that when he was taken by the Rebels they had with them two Prizes which they had before taken, that the Rebels threw part of the Cargo of the Brigantine 2 Betseys into the Sea, & took out part of the Cargo of one of the Prizes, being a Brigantine called the Dispatch one Morgan Regan, Master, of Cork viz. four Pipes of Wine, Forty two Quarter Casks full & five Enfpty ones Drank by the Priv- ateers People, or Leaked out by Bad Stoage, Twenty Six half boxes Lemmons, some three fourths out & some full. And out of another vessel which the Deponaut understood from the Rebels they Destroyed some time before, part of two Cables, one Eleven Inch, the other Ten, and four Sails, That he understood by the Rebels this Vessel be- longed to the Gurneys, & that her name was the Gurney, & further Deposeth that the Capt. of the Brigantine from which the Wine was taken, wrote in the Deponants Pock- et Book as follows. " Capt Morgan Regan of the Brig Dispatch to the care of M r Stephen White Mercht. Cork," Please to act for me as for yourself." Two Brothers, schr., Philip Ashton, master, Marble- head to Kennebec River in ballast for a load of cordwood, captured Feb. 8 th , 1781, by armed schooner Arbuthnot, tender to the Allegiance, and carried into Penobscott. The people on the Two Brothers were given their liberty on parole. Two Brothers, sloop, George Maxwell, master, from Boston to some place near Casco Bay, captured previous to June 9 th 1777, in Massachusetts Bay, with no papers except a register, by H. M. S. Ambuscade. Two Brothers, sloop, owned in Boston, bound from Frenchman's Bay to Boston, loaded with cordwood, cap- tured near the end of August, 1777, on the coast of New England, by H. M. S. Rainbow. 88 Two Friends, schr., a recapture. This schooner had been captured by the Neptune, rebel privateer, and was recaptured Oct. 10 th , 1781, in Boston Bay, by H. M. S. Chatham. Two Sisters, schooner, Leach, master, from Cape Francois to some port in New England, cargo: principally molasses, captured about March 9th, 1777, between Cape Negro and Cape Sable, by H. M. S. Milford. The master, mate and a boy were taken in the Schooner, and four hands who tried to escape were also taken. Union, brigantine, Andrew Thorndike, master, a re- capture. Evidence apparently taken at Liverpool. Cargo condemned as lawful prize, and the brigantine to pay an eighth. Union, privateer sloop. " Jonas Fauson Commander of the Brig Howe being duly sworne deposeth, that they fell in with a sloop Privateer off of Halifax Light House on Saturday last which they chased into Prospect, that the people on board run her into a narrow Harbour and then made their escape with all the papers as this deponant be- lieves as he found none, that she has six Guns two pound- ers, that the said ship was brought into this Harbour where she now lays, that her name is the Union." The Union was claimed, and ordered to be restored and delivered up to the claimants John Brook, Nathaniel Brown and Thomas Fearson, and libellants and claimants each to pay their own costs. Venus, brigantine, a recapture. " Alexander Read Elliot midshipman on Board his Majesty's ship of War the Milford (Henry Mowat at present Commander) being duly sworne Deposeth that on or about the 1st day of November Inst, about 15 Leagues to the Eastward of Cape Ann the said ship Milford fell in with & retook the Brig- antine Venus, whereof one Stanfield was Master, that there was 4 of the hands belonging to the Brig on Board and six Rebels, that they proceeded with said Brig after she was taken by Captain Mowat immediately for this Port of Halifax, where she now is." , 89 " James Crawford Super Cargo of the Brigantine Venus being duly sworne Deposeth that on or about the 18 th of September last about 60 leagues to the Westward of Ire- land he was taken by a Privateer Schooner called the Hawke, whereof one John Lee was Master fitted out by some of the Colonies now in open Rebellion mounting 8 or 10 Carriage Guns, with Swivels, and about 30 men. That after they took the Brig Venus, they shaped their course for Newbury & were got within about 15 Leagues of Cape Ann, when they fell in with Captain Henry Mowat, Commanding his Majesty's ship Milford, who re- took the said Brigantine Venus, & brought her into this Port of Halifax, where she now is." Vencjs, ship, George W. Babcock, commander, built in Weymouth, near Boston in Oct., 1780, owned by Thomas Harris of Boston and John Brown of Providence, bound on a cruize to the Banks of Newfoundland, captured July 16 th , 1781, by H. M. S. Danae. George W. Babcock, com- mander, made deposition. Warren, schr., carrying eight carriage guns, some swivels, and about forty men, captured to the westward of George's Banks about Aug. 26 th 1776, by H. M. S. Liver- pool. Washington, of Boston, Nathaniel Wardell, com- mander, last from Plymouth, bound on a cruise, 12 car- riage guns, threes, fours, and sixes, no cargo other than three months stores, captured May 30 th , 1778, southward of George's Banks, by H. M. S. Blond. William, schr., Osborn Serjeant, master, Cape Anne to Bilboa, cargo : rice and tobacco, captured Feb. 19 th , 1778, eastward of St. George's Banks, by H. M. S. Rai- sonable. William, schr., William Tucker, master, Cape Anne, on a fishing cruize, captured previous to July 11 th , 1781, by the schooner David, and taken into Penobscott. 90 William, schr., loaded with fish, bound to the West Indies, had no papers, captured near Long Island the be- ginning of June, 1776, by H. M. S. Cerberus. William and Barbara, sloop, a recapture. "George Harris, Purser of his Majesty's Ship of War the Albanj', being duly Sworn Deposeth, that on their Passage from New York to this Port of Halifax, they fell in with the Sloop William and Barbara on the 29 day of May last, be- ing off of Cape Sables, that Joseph Haines, acting Capt. of the Albany, order'd the Boat out and Boarded said Sloop, & found she was from St. Lucas bound to Perth Loaded with Salt & Wine, that she had been taken about six weeks before by the Rebells, and was then in their Possession, that the former Master & all the Hands, were taken out of her by the Rebells (except a lad) that the said Sloop is now safe in this Port, that the papers now produced by the Advocate Genl. and filed in Court No. 1 to 6 were found on board the said sloop." "David Martin, seaman on Board the Sloop William and Barbara, being duly Sworne Deposeth, that he was ship'd on Board said Sloop at Perth in Scotland, that on their Passage from St. Lucas to Perth, being sixteen Leagues to the southward of the Rocks of Silly on the 15 th of April last, they fell in with an American Privateer Brig com- manded by one John Clouston, who boarded and took Pos- session of the said Sloop, took out the Capt. & all the Hands except the Deponant, & mann'd the Sloop with Rebells & then shap'd their course for Marblehead or some Port in the Rebellious Colonies, that on or about the 27 th of May they fell in with the Albany Sloop of War who re- took the said Sloop William & Barbara & brought her safe into this Port." Windsor, ship, a recapture. Memorial of John Prince, merchant and owner of the ship Windsor, a recapture, filed Feby. 28 th , 1781. There is no record of the recapture, nor of any libel. York, ship, a recapture. April 30 th , 1778, "Thomas Cribben master of the Arm'd Brig Cabot being duly sworne 91 deposeth, that being on a Cruize in said Brig on the coast of Nova Scotia on or about the 25 th of last April they fell in with a Ship which they Chased about 5 Hours, when they came up with & took her being then about 8 or 9 Leagues to the Southward of Port Mutton, that they found she was from Martinico, Bound to Boston Loaded with Salt & Molasses, the Captain's name was Barnard, the Capt. told the Deponant the Ship was owned in Martinico, that she was arm'd with 4 carriage Guns & a number of Swivels, mann'd with seventeen men all Americans, the ship was called the York, that she is now in this Harbour, that the papers now produced being No. 1 to 4 were found on Board her, that she was under American Colours when the Cabot took her." "Joseph Evans being duly sworne deposeth that he was at Barbados last year about this time, that to the best of his knowledge the Ship York came there from Glasgow & that the master's name was McVie, that he the Depon* took such notice of her that he knew her again as soon as she came into this Harbour, that she had the same name (York) wrote on her stern, & in the same manner as is now & that he verily Believes this is the same ship, & that she belongs to some Person in Glasgow." "Alexander Brymer Esq r being duly sworne Deposeth that the Ship York now under Libel in this Court by Capt. Dodd as a Prize was two years ago in this Harbour one McVie Master, that the said ship was then Consigned to the Deponant by Alexander Spurs & Co. in Glasgow the owners of said Ship & the Deponant further Deposeth that he has been Credibly Informed that the said ship on her Passage this Spring from Glasgow Loaded with Herring, Dry Goods, & 18 Horses, Bound to Barbados was taken by an American Privateer Brig called the Washington mounting 1 8 Guns & Carried by them into Martinico, & that the said Privateer was afterwards taken when it ap- peared by the Journal kept by the Privateer that they had taken the Ship York four days before." Unknown sloop and cargo, captured off Cape Ann with no papers on board the crew having quitted her before capture, some time in May 1776, by H. M. S. Lively. 92 Two schooners, names unknown, loaded with wood and empty casks, captured off Machias in July, 1776, with no papers to be found, by H. M. S. Viper. Unknown brigantine, upwards of 100 tons, loaded with a quantity of molasses, captured off Cape Cod, August 1st, 1776, with no one on board and sails and rigging cut to pieces, by H. M. S. Liverpool. "28 th June, 1778. Jones Fausenand , Com- manders of the Arm'd Sloops the Howe and Gage vs. the Sloop Packet & Schooner Foxe American Privateers. " Libel filed and Entered & Order made thereon as on file. The Evidence and Papers as on file. 17 th July Court opened by making Proclamation as usual, the Libel Order and Return thereon read, the Evidence and Papers read, proclamation made for all Persons claiming property in the Sloop Packet & Schooner Fox and their appurtenances to appear and assert their Claims, & Defend their rights to the same, none appeared. . . . They were both con- demned as Lawful Prize to the Captors." Unknown sloop, loaded with molasses, rum, sugar, and cotton, captured March 3d, 1780, in Tenant Harbour, about 20 Leagues to the westward of Penobscott, run ashore and deserted, by the privateer schooner Lucy, and taken to Liverpool, N. S. The people of the sloop fired upon the captors from the shore, and the captain said she was Gua- delope to Newbury. Unknown schr. belonging to Nantucket in ballast, one Gardner, master; captured about June 20 th , 1780 on the coast of New England, by the Letter of Marque schooner Lucy of Liverpool, to which port the prize was taken. They called her the Nantucket. The Capt. and crew went ashore in a whale boat. Two Shallops, names unknown, captured by armed schr. David and libelled March 16 th , 1781. A schooner-rigged boat, loaded with tobacco and Rum, captured previous to June 20 th , 1781, by Schooner Adven- ture. 93 Sloop, no name, loaded with lumber, captured with no person on board and no papers, early in June, 1782, in Boston Bay, by H. M. S. Chatham. Shallop, no name, libel filed June 29 th , 1782, by H. M. S. of War the Albany. A claim was filed on behalf of Wil- liam Sherlock, and evidence showed that the shallop had been captured and plundered by the Americans, when she was carried into Penobscott. A Shallop retaken from the Americans. Libel Sept. 3d, 1782, by Henry Vogle, Lieut, of Militia in the County of Lunenburg. Sundry Goods taken out of a Brig at Sea, Peter Coffin, master, libel filed April 16 th , 1783, on behalf of the Pri- vateer schooner Dreadnaught. Proceedings, etc. upon the Petition of Richard John Uniacke, Esq r , one of the Advocates and Proctors of the said Court in behalf of Isaac Baxter, Roger Perkins and others of the Militia at Liverpool, 2d Jan., 1784. Petition filed and entered and order made thereon as on file. Mon- day 5 th Jan. The Petition, order and return thereon read. The return of the Militia acting in the capture of the schooners Dolphin and Swallow also read. Decree pro- nounced as on file. 94 Proceedings, etc., upon the petition of John Creighton, Esq r , Colonel of the Militia of the County of Lunenburg, in behalf of himself and others of the said Militia, captors of the Brig Kitty, John Palmer, master. May 6 th , 1784. Petition filed, etc. May 10 th , Petition order and return read. The return of the Militia acting in the capture of the Brig Kitty also read. Decree pronounced as on file. Proceedings, etc., upon the Petition of John Creighton, Esq r , Colonel of the Militia of the County of Lunenburg in said Province in behalf of himself and others of the said Militia, captors of the Brig Sally, Moses Tinney, master, May 10, 1784. Petition order and return read, the return of the Militia acting in the capture of the Brig Sally also read. Decree pronounced as on tile. A small schooner, name unknown. A recapture. " David Munro being duly sworn deposeth that in his Passage from Canso to this place he was taken by the Schooner called the Resolution of Boston on or about the 25 th June last, that one Morgan, who commanded this Rebel Privateer, told the Deponant that they had taken a Schooner up the Bay of Chaleure, & that a ship had taken her from them, that the schooner belonged to a Scotchman up the Bay, can't recollect his name, that he the Deponant supposes the schooner brought in by the ship Jack is the same schooner the Rebels had taken, & further that he heard some of the men also on Board said Rebel Privateer say they had taken a schooner in the Bay of Chaleure, & had loaded her out of a store belonging to a Scotchman up the Bay." Two Sloops and a Schooner, names unknown, a recap- ture. John McCleod, Fred Bottelier and James Coney, owners. " James Coney master of the Schooner Susannah, being duly sworne deposeth, That on the 21 st of August last he sailed from Lunenburg in said schooner, loaded with boards and Shingles, That the next day, a little be- fore daylight, they saw a Privateer, about 2 Leagues S. S. E. from Halifax Light House, That they Chased the Susan- nah about two hours, when they came up with and took 95 possession of the Schooner, and took out the Deponant, and carried Him on Board the Privateer, and kept Him about half an Hour, That they then returned the Deponant on Board his own Vessell, and took out two of the Privateer's people who had been left on Board, & then ordered the Deponant to make sail, & come alongside the Privateer, which he did, That the Captain of the Privateer then told the Deponant that he had discovered a sail, and told the Deponant to keep in Shore, & that if he saw the Privateer make sail he might make the Best of his way into any Port he pleased, That the Privateer did after that make sail, & the Deponant saw a Brig, Standing for the Privateer, and he then steered in for Prospect with the Susannah, That the next day, be ing the 23 d at Night, Captain Cryines came into Prospect and sent his people and brought the Susannah under His Stern, till he came into Halifax, but put no prize master or any other person on board the schooner, That the two sloops, one owned by John McCleod and the other by Frederick Bottalier & John Wooden were both taken by the same Privateer at the same time the Susannah was, That they were in Prospect and came to Halifax with the Susannah and Brigantine Observer, and the deponant further deposeth that the Privateer's people took nothing out of the Schooner except one pound of chocolate and a little sugar, and the master of the Priva- teer told the Deponant He did not Want His Vessel as she was old and Leaky, That the Two Sloops were taken first." An 8 th was decreed to the captors — the brigantine Observer. CAPTURES AND RECAPTURES CONDEMNED DURING THE WAR OF 1812.* Abigal (89f), ship, G. Johnson, master, Liverpool to Norfolk, captured Sept. 21, 1812 by Poictiers. Restored on payment of costs. *See also Marine Notes at Salem (1812-1815), Essex Institute Hist. Colls., Vol. XXXVI, p. 285, et seq. tThis number is the case number of the original file now preserved at Halifax. See Essex Institute Hist. Colls., Vol. XLV, p. 28. 96 Active (399), ship, E. Altberg, master, Gottenburg to Boston, captured Sept. 20, 1813 by Epervier. Cargo : iron. Actress (39), sloop (privateer), 48 tons, Geo. Lums- den, master, from Newhaven, cruizing, captured July 18, 1812 by Spartan. Cargo: guns, ammunition and provi- sions. Taken into New Brunswick. Adeline (103), brig, N. Harding, master, recaptured Aug. 23, 1812 by Statira. Adventure (538), schr., 121 tons, J. Martin, master, Hayti to Bristol, R. I., captured June 15, 1814 by Liver- pool Packet (privateer). Cargo : 101 hbds. & 20 bbls. molasses, 70 or 80 thousand weight sugar, 12 thousand weight coffee and 40 hides. Restored. jEolus (197), brig, F. Hocquard, master, London to Newf d Land, recaptured Apr. 28, 1813 by La Hogue. Cargo : teas and dry goods. Agnes (137), ship, J. Barnet, master, recaptured Jan. 27, 1813. Albion (633), brig, 133 tons , Edw d Robertson, mas- ter, Lisbon to Bourdeaux, recaptured Sept. 21, 1814 by Jaseur. Cargo : sugar and coffee Alert (431), sloop, A. Child, master, captured Oct. 19, 1813 by Boxer. Cargo : pitch and molasses. Alexander (240), ship, B. Crowninshield, master, 20 guns and 130 men, from Salem, cruising, captured Apr. 12, 1813 by Rattler and Bream. Taken into New Bruns- wick. Alfred (482"), brig (privateer), 216 tons, P. Bessom, master, 16 guns and 94 men, from Salem, cruising, cap- tured Feb. 23, 1814 by Epervier. Alianza (395), ship, J. E. Estella, master, captured Sept. 16, 1813 by Shannon, 97 Alicia (93), brig, Geo. Meiers, master, Kennebec to St. Bartholomews, captured Oct. 1, 1812 by Statira. Car- go : lumber, sheep, soap and fish. Alligator (349), sloop, 28 tons, S. Hamlen, master, from Barnstable, fishing, captured Aug. 7, 1813 by Matil- da (privateer). Cargo: codfish and stores. Amazon (649), ship, 233 tons, Jn° Raines, master, London to Quebec, recaptured Oct. 22, 1814 by Bulwark. Cargo : flour and bread. Ambition (107), brig, 139 tons, Benj u Shaw, master, Baltimore to Boston, captured Sept. 12, 1812 by Orpheus and Maidstone. Cargo : 804 bbls. of flour. Ambition (411), sloop, C. Vandine, master, captured Sept. 22, 1813 by Statira. Amelia (338), sloop, 79 tons, J. Skidmore, master, New Haven to New Brunswick, captured Aug. 5, 1813 by Retrieve (privateer). Cargo: flour and corn, restored. Amelia (499), sloop, 49 tons, R. G. Cornwall, mas- ter, New York to Providence, captured May 15, 1814 by Bulwark. Cargo : rye flour, bread, hams and pork. Taken into Liverpool. Anita (587), brig, 198 tons, Spanish, Fran 3 Ornes, master, Boston to Havannah, captured Aug. 9, 1814 by Leander. Cargo : ballast. Ann (429), brig, 120 tons, J. H. Winther, master, Cape Ann to St. Bartholomews, captured Oct. 20, 1813 by Retrieve (privateer). Cargo : corn, bread, onions and potatoes. Ann (36), brig, McDonald, master, recaptured , 1812 by Chub. Ann (438), brig, W Bartlett, master, recaptured Nov 4, 1813 by Jaseur. 98 Ann (207), schr., 142 tons, J. B. Allison, master, from New Orleans, captured May 5, 1813 by Nymphe, Shannon, Tenedos and Emulous. Cargo : cotton, lead and skins. Ann (500), sloop, 67 tons, Sam 1 Drinkvvater, master, East Port to Boston, captured May 19, 1814 by Shannon (privateer). Cargo : 200 boxes tin, copperas and hard- ware. Taken into Liverpool. Anna (298), brig, 125 tons, Martinez, master, New Haven to La Guira, captured July 13, 1813 by Maidstone, Poictiers and Nimrod. Cargo: 870 bbls. flour, 40 half bbls. beef, 142 firkins lard, 76 firkins butter, 110 boxes soap and 30 bbls. gin. Annaconda (385), brig, N. Shaller, master, captured July, 1813 by Sceptre and Squadron. Anson (113), schr., 97 tons, John Smith, master, Bos- ton to Baltimore, captured Oct. 19, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : salt, china and vinegar. Antelope (561), schr., 73 tons, Elizabeth City, N. C. to Portland, captured July 18, 1814 by Tenedos. Cargo : 348 bbls. flour and some tar. Apollo (102), ship, Cockwell, master, recap- tured Aug. 13, 1812 by Statira Appollo (142), sloop, 54 tons, J. Smith, master, N. Carolina to Boston, captured Mar. 20, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : 2000 bushels of corn. Arab (230), schr., 350 tons, D. Fitch, master, from Baltimore, captured Apr. 3, 1813 by San Domingo, Marl- borough, Statira, Maidstone, Fantome and Mohawk. Car- go : flour. Argo (121), brig, W. Middleton, master, recaptured Sept. 3, 1812 by Plumper. Taken into New Brunswick. 99 Argus (74), schr. (privateer), 21 tons, W. Heath, master from Boston, cruising, captured July 17, 1812 by Indian and Plumper. Cargo : guns, ammunition and pro- visions. Taken into New Brunswick. Aristomenus (57), ship, I. W. Brewster, master, from Liverpool, captured Aug. 5, 1812 by Africa, Little Emu- lous, Nymph and Acasta. Restored on payment of costs Armistice (527), schr., S. Delano, master, Boston to East Port and Machias, captured June 12, 1814 by Retal- iation (privateer). Cargo : pork, tar, beef, butter, hogs fat, cheese, shoes, chocolate, candles, wine, gin, vinegar, cordials, bitters, cordage, earthen ware, soap, flour meal, leather, cotton cards, ginger, flax, saddle trees, apples, paper, rice, pease, 30 kegs tobacco, 24 bbls. gunpowder, 3 boxes ball cartridges, a large chest of medicines and sun- dry other articles. Taken into Liverpool. Armistice (681), schr., 140 tons, John Williams, master, Charlestown to New York, captured Dec. 24, 1814 by Junon. Cargo : cotton, rice and copper. Atlantic (415), brig, Anderson, master, recap- tured Oct. 11, 1813 by Maidstone and Poictiers. Atlas (691), schr., 40 tons, Alexander Livingston, master, Elizabeth City to Newberry Port, captured Feb. 9, 1815 by Dove (privateer). Cargo : 150 bbls. flour and 12 tierces rice. Taken into Liverpool. Aurora (476), schr., R. McKenzie, master, Mount Desert to Boston, captured Jan. 6, 1814 by Wolverine (privateer). Cargo : cord wood. Taken into Liverpool. Bainbridge (59), ship, R. Gray, master, Liverpool to Philadelphia, captured Aug. 19, 1812 by Belvidera. Re- stored on payment of costs. Baltic (418), ship, 262 tons, J. Jameson, master, St. Ubes to Boston, captured Oct. 16, 1813 by LaHogue. Cargo : salt. Restored. 100 Bee (632), schr., 20 tons, Elisha Burnham, master, Halifax to Cape Ann, captured Aug. 28, 1814 by Rifle- man and Peruvian. Cargo : dry goods. Taken into St. John, N. B. Bee (544), schr., J. L. Coleby, master, captured July 3, 1814 by Rolla (privateer). Taken into Liverpool. Bee (550), schr., captured July 6, 1814 by Nymphe. Belfast (169), schr., 124 tons, P. Pendleton, master, for Penobscot, captured Apr. 7, 1813 by Retaliation (pri- vateer). Cargo: ballast. Belle (257), schr., 105 tons, F. R. Steinhaven, mas- ter, Madeira to Egg Harbour, captured June 8, 1813 by Spartan, Statira and Martin. Cargo : ballast. Bellisle (14), brig, 119 tons, Wm. Brown, master, Havannah to Salem, captured July 15, 1812 by Emulous Cargo : molasses, logwood, sugar and coffee. Benj n Fkanklin (122), ship, 270 tons, Ja s Whelan, master, Liverpool to Philadelphia, captured July 9, 1812 by the Collector of Halifax. Betsy (70), schr., 127 tons, W m One, master, Naples to Boston, captured Aug. 30, 1812 by Acasta. Cargo : brandy. Betsy (316), schr., 117 tons, Moses Hall, master, Tortola to Portland, captured July 14, 1813 by Bream. Cargo : 65 punch s rum. Taken into New Brunswick. Re- stored. Betsy (520), schr., R. Bears, master, captured June 4, 1814 by Recruit. Cargo : 100 bbls. flour. Betsy (611), sloop, 38 tons, B. Parker, master, from Nantucket, fishing, captured Sept. 2, 1814 by Lively (pri- vateer). Cargo : fish, oil, salt and fishing stores. Taken into Liverpool. 101 Betsy (620), schr., H y Geyar, master, Boston to Machias, captured Sept. 10, 1814 by Alban. Cargo: flour and provisions. Betsy (616), ship, 333 tons, W. H. Bennett, master, from Calcutta on a coasting voyage, recaptured Sept. 7, 1814 by Py lades. Cargo : pepper and bettle nuts. Betsy (159), sloop, 45 tons, J. T. Barney, master, Warren to Havannah, captured Mar. 26, 1813 by Sir Jn Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : cheese, tobacco, provi- sions, leather, shoes, lumber, &c. Betsy (161), sloop, 45 tons, L. Forsyth, master, Pro- vidence to New London, captured Mar. 31, 1813 by Sir Jn° Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : 4 tons hemp and 46 bales cotton } T arn. Betsy (253), sloop, 93 tons, N. Walton, master, Bos- ton to Waldeborough, captured June 6, 1813 by Retrieve (privateer). Cargo : 50 bushels corn and ballast. Betsy (464)., sloop, 98 tons, E. Tibberts, master, Waldeborough to Boston, captured Dec. 10, 1813 by Wolverine (privateer). Cargo : cord wood. Taken into Liverpool. Betsy & Jane (428), schr., S. Brown, master, cap- tured Oct. 21, 1813 by Majestic. Bird (181), schr., 80 tons, J. Hammond, master, Frenchman's Bay to Spanish Main, captured April 18, 1813 by Emulous. Cargo: 3700 hhd. staves and 20,000 shingles. Taken into New Brunswick. Black Swan (652), brig, 125 tons, Jacob McDaniel, master, Boston to Havannah, captured Oct. 24, 1814 by Maidstone. Cargo : lumber and dry goods. Blonde (108), schr., G. H. Gilbert, master, recaptured Oct. 17, 1812 by Acasta. 102 Bolina (47), ship, 260 tons, John Fairfield, master, Gibraltar to Salem, captured Aug. 10, 1812 by Morgiana. Cargo: wines, salt, oil, capers, matts and baskets, anchovies, and $6061 1-2. Boxer (549), schr., G. N. Davis, master, captured July 8, 1814 by Rolla (privateer.) Branch (223), schr., 78 tons, H. Luskin, master, Bos- ton to Deer Island, captured Apr. 26, 1813 by Bream. Cargo : ballast; Taken into New Brunswick. Brittannia (80), ship, Eddington, master, re- captured Sept. 4, 1812 by Junon. Buckskin (76), schr. (privateer), 39 tons, Isaac Bray, master, from Newberry Port, cruising, captured Aug. 8, 1812 by Statira and Colibrie. Cargo : guns, am- munition and provisions. Bunker Hill (148), schr., 29 tons, B. Boddely, mas- ter, New Berry to New York, captured Mar. 10, 1813 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : 12 tons plaister. 50 boxes chocolate, 3 bbls. pork, 10 hhds. rum, 2 boxes & 2 cases hats, some shoes & cloth and 100 handspikes. Bunker Hill (54), schr. (privateer), 175 tons, Jacob Lewis, master, from New York, cruizing, captured Aug. 21, 1812 by Bel vide ra. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provisions. Buzi (588), schr., a tender belonging to his Majesty's ship Dragon under the command of Ge° Pierson, act* Lieut, of said ship Dragon, captured June 19, 1814 by Al- bion, Asia, Severn, Loire, Jaseur, St. Lawrence, Regulus, Melphomene, Brune, Manly, Etna and Dragon. Cargo : 20 hhds. tobacco capt d in the waters of the Chesapeake 11 June by the Dragon, Acasta, Loire, Narcissus, Jaseur, and St. Lawrence being previous to the capture of the Buzi and put on board the said schr. Buzi. Caledonia (629), ship, W m Macfarlane, master, Greenock to Montreal, recaptured Sept. 22, 1814 by Nymphe. Cargo : flour, bread and coals. 103 Calmar (473), sloop, D. Maloney, master, captured Dec. 17, 1813 by Curlew. Calson (293), schr., J. Alson, master, captured July 6, 1813 by Weazel (privateer). Camden (389), schr., 105 tons, B. Dowers, master, Boston to Penobscot, captured Aug. 31, 1813 by Dart (privateer). Cargo : ballast. Taken into New Brunswick. Candelaria (518), sloop, 92 1-2 tons, Eman 1 Fer- nandez, Havannah to Boston, captured May 19, 1814 by Superb. Cargo: 12 half boxes sugar, 125 casks and 14 q r casks molasses. Restored. Caravan (332), brig, 110 tons, J. Snow, master, Anti- gua to Portland, captured Aug. 7, 1813 by Retrieve (pri- vateer). Cargo : molasses and some rum. Restored. Carl Gcjstaff (306), ship, 374 tons, G. B. Baker, master, New York to Beaufort, N. C, captured June 14, 1813 by Statira and Martin. Cargo : ballast. Restored. Carlotta (259), brig, J. DeLonza Carvatho Souza, master, Porto Rico to Philadelphia, captured June 22, 1813 by Spartan, Statira and Martin. Cargo : some money, 48 bbls. rice and 20 bbls. coffee. Caroline (171), brig, 195 tons, John Homer, master, Wilmington to Boston, captured Apr. 11, 1813 by La Hogue. Cargo : 1508 bbls. tar, 170 bbls. turpentine, 8 bbls. pitch and 10 of rosin. Caroline (194), schr., 25 tons, A. Burgess, master, North Carolina to Mass. Bay, captured Apr. 18, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : corn and beans. Taken into Liverpool. Catalina (497), brig, 160 tons, J. F. Cerrero, master, St. Domingo to New Bedford, captured May 13, 1814 by Superb. Cargo : 245 hhds. molasses and 600 hides. Re- stored. 104 Catalina Patriota (394), ship, J. Riva, master, cap- tured Sept. 16, 1813 by Shannon. Catharine (199), brig, C. Hammond, master, St. Bar- tholomew to London, recaptured May 2, 1813 by La- Hogue. Cargo : rum, etc. Catharine (470), schr., J. Church, master, captured Dec. 4, 1813 by Majestic and Junon. Catharine (29), (letter of marque), 281 tons, F. A. Burnham, master, from Boston, cruising, captured July 26, 1812 by Colibrie. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provi- sions. Centurion (164), schr., 56 tons, C. Blanchard, mas- ter, Charlestown, S. C. to Providence, R. I., captured Apr. 2, 1813 by Atalante. Cargo : 120 bales cotton. Ceres (68), ship, S. Webber, master, Liverpool to Bos- ton, captured Aug. 31, 1812 by Spy, store ship. Restored on payment of costs. Chance (354), brig, W. Rodgerson, master, Working- ton to Mirimachie, recaptured Aug. 13, 1813 byLaHogue and Tededos. Cargo : ballast. Charles (658), brig, 137 tons, J. Everett, master, St. Johns, N. B. to Barbadoes, recaptured Nov. 5, 1814 by Saturn. Cargo : fish and lumber. Charles (539), schr., Jn° Brown, master, captured June 26, 1814 by Rolla (privateer). Charles (432), sloop, 95 tons, J. Cook, master, Occra- coke to St. Johns, New Brunswick, captured Oct. 4, 1813 by Paz. Cargo : 679 bbls. flour. Charles (461), sloop, 75 tons, J. Andrews, master, Kennebeck to Boston, captured Dec. 10, 1813 by Wol- verine (privateer). Cargo : 18 ft. timber, 30 ft. boards, and 10 staves. Taken into Liverpool. 105 Cha s Fawcett (83), ship, J. Colburn, master, captured Sept. 6, 1812 by Emulous. Restored on payment of costs. Charlotta (419), ship, 208 tons, B. Ellstrom, master, Landscrona to Rhode Island, captured Oct. 11, 1813 by Comet. Cargo : iron, steel, glass, linen and other mer- chandize. Restored. Charlotte (606), brig, 176 tons, Ezekiel Allen, mas- ter, Antiqua to Port Glasgow, recaptured Aug. 31, 1814 by Wasp. Cargo : 42 punch s , 116 tierces, 27 bbls. sugar, 2 hhds. & 17 punch 53 rum, 20 hhds., 33 tierces coffee and 20 punch s molasses. Chase (125), schr., 98 tons, S. York, master, Portland to Norfolk, captured Dec. 9, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : lumber. Chesapeake (241), frigate, [James] Lawrence, master, 36 guns and 380 men, from Boston, cruising, captured June 1, 1813 by Shannon. Chili (452), ship, 260 tons, R. Gardner, master, Nan- tucket, on her return from a whaling voyage, captured Dec. 2, 1813 by Nimrod and Albion. Cargo : 500 bbls. sperm oil and 500 bbls. flour, the flour was taken out of a sloop by the Nimrod and put on board the Chili. 106 Christiana (246), brig, 132 tons, C. Finlay, master, in possession of a privateer called the Teazer, captured June 16, 1813 by Borer and Wasp. Cargo : lumber. Ves- sel restored. Cida de de Leiria (554), brig, 230 tons, J. J. Claudio, master, Lisbon to Boston, captured June 26, 1814 by Fan- tome. Cargo : wool, salt, wine, juniper berries, 25 merino sheep. Taken into St. John's, N. B. Cargo restored. Clara (513), schr., J. Newman, master, captured May 23, 1814 by Niemen. Cod Hook (699), ship, recaptured bet. 1st and 30th Sept., 1814 by a conjunct military & naval force. Taken into Castine. Columbia (134), schr., 87 tons, S. T. Wheldon, mas- ter, Richmond to Boston, captured Dec. 18, 1812 by Liver- pool Packet (privateer). Cargo : flour and tobacco. Columbia (227), schr., 39 tons, D. Carleton, master, Penobscot to Martinique, captured May 10, 1813 by Rat- tler. Cargo : lumber and potatoes. Taken into New Brunswick. Columbia (212), brig, 98 tons, S. Holland, master, Savannah to Boston, captured May 15, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : 173 bales cotton and a quantity of reeds. Comet (690), schr., 66 tons, Eben Cushman, master, New Bedford to Elizabeth City, captured Jan. 13, 1815 by Rolla (privateer). Cargo : 1000 bushels salt and 3 boxes merchandize. Taken into Liverpool. Commerce (262), brig, 185 tons, T. Collinck, master, Philadelphia to Gottenburg, captured May 30, 1813 by Spartan, Statira and Martin, Cargo : 498 bales cotton and 3000 staves, 107 Commerce (545), brig, 195 tons, James Ives, master, Liverpool to Halifax, recaptured May 2, 1814 by Superb. Cargo : dry goods, hardware and cordage. Commodore Barry (201), sloop, 25 tons, cruising, captured July 19, 1812, by Spartan and Maidstone. Taken into St. Johns, N. B. Concordia (55), ship, A. Adams, master, from Liver- pool, captured Aug. 4, 1812, by squadron. Restored on payment of costs. Condedos Arcos (601), ship, 210 tons, T. de Mello, master, Bahia to New Haven, captured Aug. 20, 1814, by Saturn, Forth and Loire. Cargo, 100 chests tea, 50 cases sugar, 6000 arabos of fustic, and 90 chests sheet iron. Restored. Consolation (178), sloop, 70 tons, David Joy, master, New York to Nantucket, captured April 15, 1813, by Liv- erpool Packet (privateer). Cargo, 200 bbls. flour, 1 pipe gin, 1 hhd. tobacco, 6 d° salt, and 15 bbls. pork. Constellation (548) schr., W. Barnes, master, cap- tured July 8, 1814, by Retaliation (privateer). Taken into Liverpool. Cordelia (13), brig, 197 tons, Jos' 1 Kilby, master, Figuera to Boston, captured July 16, 1812, by Emulous. Cossac (182), schr. (privateer), Jn° Upton, master, from Salem, cruising, captured Apr. 4, 1812, by Emulous. Cranberry (187), schr., cut out of Bass Harbour, cap- tured , 1813, by Rattler and Bream. Cargo : beef, pork, and other articles taken from on board a vessel that was not seaworthy. Taken into New Brunswick. Cuba (245), ship, 176 tons, Ge° Thomas, master, New- haven to Portland, captured June 6, 1813, by Dart (pri- vateer). Cargo : 1600 bbls. flour. Taken into New Brunswick. 108 Curlew (27), brig (privateer), 278 tons, W m Wyer, master, from Boston, cruising, captured July 24, 1812, by Acasta. Cargo: guns, ammunition and provisions. Taken into possession for the use of the King's service. Cynthia (675), schr., 95 tons, Sam 1 Cross, master, New York to New Providence, captured Dec. 2, 1814, by Rolla (privateer). Cargo : rye, grain, flour, lumber, cotton wool, juniper berries, &c. Daedalus (623), schr., Joseph Myrrick, master, Port au Prince to New York, captured Sept. 18, 1814, by Niemen. Cargo : coffee. Dalkarlen (577), brig, 224 tons, Johan Magnus Berg, master, Amsterdam to Boston, captured Aug. 5, 1814, by Leander. Cargo : iron and steel. Restored. Dantzic (496), brig, J. Reid, master, Bath to Bermu- da, captured May 9, 1814, by Fantome. Cargo : lumber, boards, staves and shingles, Taken into St. Johns, N. B. Dart (356), schr., W. Glover, master, Boston to Port- land, captured Aug. 9, 1813, by Broke (privateer). Cargo: flour, rye, coffee and corn. Deborah (390), schr., 41 tons, H. Snow, master, Chassit to Saco, captured Sept. 1, 1813, by Dart (privateer). Cargo : some corn, little salt, and a few apples. Taken into New Brunswick. Defiance (184), schr., 113 tons, T. Altham, master, Castine to Boston, captured Mar. 31, 1813, by Bream. Cargo : cordwood. Taken into New Brunswick. Defiance (502), schr., S. Marshal, master, captured May 19, 1814, by Shannon (privateer). Taken into Liv- erpool. Defiance (172), sloop, 104 tons, T. J. Farrow, master, Wiscasset to New York, captured Apr. 4, 1813, by Liver- pool Packet (privateer). Cargo : spars, oaks, timber and lumber. 109 Defiance (542), sloop, 62 tons, E. Sterling, master, captured June 3, 1814, in a harbour of New Haven by the boats of the Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : 400 bbls. flour, 2 doz. chairs and a waggon. Defiance (581), sloop, 46 tons, Mulford Howes, mas- ter, Chatham to a fishery, captured Aug. 3, 1814, by Live- ly (privateer). Cargo : salt and fishing stores. Taken into Liverpool. Defiance (573), sloop, E. Sterling, master, captured , 1814, by Superb and Sylph. Delaware (578), schr., 79 tons, Joseph Merrihew, master, Wilmington to Cuba, captured Aug. 2, 1814, by Acasta and Menelaus. Cargo : 546 bbls. fine flour, 39 kegs crackers, 6 half bbls. flour and 60 boxes soap. Del Carmen (260), schr., J. Ivinada, master, New York to Havannah, captured June 14, 1813, by Spartan, Statira and Martin. Cargo : 405 boxes soap. Restored. Delphin (231), brig. A. C. De Selvia, master, New York to Oporto, captured May 19, 1813, by La Hogue. Cargo : corn, rye, beef, pork and candles. Restored. Deslesdernier (536), schr., J. Shackford, master, Boston to St. Andrews, captured June 22, 1814, by Tene- dos. Part of cargo restored. Diamond (383), brig, 229 tons, A. McLelland, master, Antigua to Portland, captured Aug. 16, 1813, by Fly (privateer). Cargo : 143 puncheons molasses. Restored. Diana (90), ship, A. Wilson, master, Jamaica to Glas- gow, recaptured Sept. 20, 1812, by San Domingo. Diana (565), sloop, 69 tons, W m Paynter, master, Philadelphia to Havannah, captured July 19, 1814, by Acasta. Cargo: 480 bbls. flour. no Diomede (206), brig, 233 tons, J. Bruce, master, Salem to Manilla, captured May 10, 1813, by Nymphe and La Hogue. Cargo : redwood, indigo, sugar, tea, oil and ships' blocks. Diomede (510), schr. (privateer), 150 tons, Jn°Crown- inshield, master, 33 men and 3 long 12 pounders, from Salem, cruising, captured May 28, 1814, by Rifleman. Cargo : 6 or 7 trunks of goods taken out of a British vessel, the Cod Hook. Dispatch (175), brig, 168 tons, H. Bancroft, master, Boston to Cadiz, captured Apr. 16, 1813, by La Hogue. Cargo : 5650 bushels corn and 60 bbls. rye flour. Restored. Dispatch (430), brig, J. Thompson, master, recaptured Oct. 25, 1813, by Albion. Divina Pastora (381), ship, 385 tons, J. G. Colado, master, Havannah to New York, captured Sept. 1, 1813, by Statira. Cargo : hides, sugar, molasses and coffee. Dolphin (38), schr. (privateer), 26 tons, John Wood- berry, master, from Portsmouth, cruising, captured Aug. 12, 1812, by Earl of Moira. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provisions. Dolphin (41), schr. (privateer), 43 tons, W m Dyer, master, from Boston, cruising, captured Aug. 13, 1812, by Colibrie and Maidstone. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provisions, Dolphin (362), schr., 67 tons, R. O. Bean, master, Portland to Boston, captured July 29, 1813, by Dart (privateer). Cargo : cord wood. Taken into New Bruns- wick. Dolphin (653), schr., 28 tons, Stephen Thomson, mas- ter, Boston to Bath, U. S., captured Oct. 22, 1814, by Lunenburg (privateer) . Cargo : 23 bars iron. Taken into Lunenburg. Ill Dolphin (382), sloop, E. Johnston, master, captured Aug. 16, 1813, by Fly (privateer). Dominica (540), schr., F s Beaufew, master, captured May 22, 1814, by Dotterell, Majestic and Morgiana. Car- go : 15 casks claret wine, 23 hhds. tobacco, 80 tierces rice, 4 cases musquets, 11 cheese, some rosin and black varnish. Don Carlos (337), schr., 118 tons, P. Miguel, master, Boston to Halifax, captured Aug. 12, 1813, by Weazel (privateer). Cargo: flour and shooks. Restored. Doris (79), ship, 202 tons, S. Chamberlain, master, Londonderry to Philadelphia, captured Aug. 28, 1812, by Nymphe. Cargo : ballast. Dove (135), schr., 77 tons, W m Rogers, master, Phila- delphia to Gloster, captured Dec. 17, 1812, by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : Indian corn. Dove (485), schr., Benj n Barber, master, captured Nov. 27, 1813, by Martin. Taken into St. Johns, N. B. Dove (614), schr,, 31 tons, D. Gorham, master, New York to Rhode Island, captured Aug. 28, 1814, by Lively (privateer). Cargo : 575 bushels corn and 15 bbls. flour. Taken into Liverpool. Dove (634), schr., 24 tons, John Proctor, master, near Salem, fishing, captured Sept. 21, 1814 by Lunenburg (privateer). Cargo: 1 bbl. oil and some green fish. Drake (424), sloop, 89 tons, R. Middlebrook, master, Newbury to New York, captured Sept. 2, 1813 by Belvi- dera. Cargo : 99 bbls. rosin and 7 bbls. spirits and tur- pentine. Vessel burnt. Dromo (613), schr., 27 tons, J. Parker, master, from Yarmouth, fishing, captured Sept. 2, 1814 by Lively (pri- vateer). Cargo : salt, fish and fishing stores. Taken into Liverpool. 112 Duck (214), ship, T. Selly, master, Waterford to New- f d land, recaptured May 18, 1813 by Bold. Cargo : pro- visions. Eagle (664), schr., 70 tons, captured in Long Island Sound, Oct. 17, 1814 by Narcissus and Dispatch. Cargo : 8 guns mounted and 6 casks pistol stocks. Eastern Star (56), ship, 217 tons, Sam 1 Medcalf, master, Corrunna to New York, captured Aug. 17, 1812 by Africa. Cargo : ballast and $21,813. Eclipse (570), sloop, captured July 10, 1814 in the harbour of the Chesapeake, the tobacco taken out of store houses and vessels sailing under the American flag which were burnt. Captured July 2, 1814 by Albion, Dragon, Acasta, Loire, Severn, Narcissus, Jaseur and St. Lawreuce, 33 hhds. tobacco. Captured July 10, 1814 by Albion, Dragon, Loire, Severn, Jaseur and St. Lawrence, sundry dry goods. Economy (123), brig, 80 tons, R. Homes, master, Alex- andria to Boston, captured Nov. 18, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : flour, corn and segars. Edward (409), brig, J. Garrison, master, recaptured, , 1813 by Fan tome. Edward & Hiram (120), schr., 108 tons, E. Raymond, master, Nantucket to Kennebeck, captured Nov. 10, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : leather, cheese, &c. Eleanor (75), schr., 66 tons, T. Atkin, master, Porto Rico to New Haven, captured July 31, 1812 by Africa and Shannon. Cargo : 47 casks rum. Elipse, Peacock, Madison (626), schrs., captured, bet. Aug. 1 and 31, 1814, in the Potomack and Patuxent riv- ers, by a conjunct expedition of naval and military force. Cargo : 510 hhds. tobacco. 113 Eliza (158), brig, 105 tons, Resquil, master, St. Kitts to London, recaptured, Mar. 31, 1813 by La Hogue. Cargo : rum. Eliza (136), schr., 90 tons, P. Joy, master, Philadelphia to Boston, captured Dec. 30, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : flour, leather and gin. Eliza (34), schr., S. Roberts, master, recaptured , 1812 by Chub. Eliza (511), schr., 100 tons, B. Driggs, master, Wil- mington to Halifax, captured July 1, 1814 by Armideand Endymion. Cargo : flour and tar. Eliza (566), schr., 41 tons, Ab m Merrit, master, New- York to East Port, captured July 3, 1814 by Rifleman. Cargo : 1500 bushels corn. Taken into St. Johns, N. B. Eliza Ann (669), sloop Hogg, master, New Bed- ford to New York, captured Oct. 31, 1814 by Minerva (pri- vateer). Cargo : Indian corn. Taken into Liverpool. Elizabeth (371), brig., A. Halson, master, recaptured Aug. 26, 1813 by Shelbourne. Elizabeth (374), sloop, at anchor back of Moose Island, captured Aug. 25, 1813 by star (privateer). In ballast, no papers of any kind or people on board. Ellen (288), brig., Ja s Asken, master, St. Bartholo- mews to Portland, captured July 7, 1813 by La Hogue Cargo : 280 hhds. molasses. Restored. Elvira (404), sloop, captured Sept. 19, 1813 by Or- pheus. Emeline (467), sloop, 44 tons, O. Adams, master, New York to Rhode Island, captured Dec. 13, 1813 by Rover, Valiant, Statira and Loup Cervier. Cargo : 240 bbls. flour. 114 Emperor (210), schr., North Carolina to Boston, cap- tured May 10, 1813 by Ramilies and Orpheus. Cargo : Indian corn. Endeavour (359), sloop, 104 tons, N. Stover, master, Castine to Boston, captured Aug. 17, 1813 by Curlew and Nymphe. Cargo : corn and wood. Wrecked by coming into H x harbor. Enigheton (586), brig, 180 tons, Swedish, J. A. Doltz, master, St. Andrews to Philadelphia, captured Aug. 7, 1814 by Niemen. Cargo : plaister paris and hardware. Enterprise (4), brig, 193 tons, F. Bourne, master, St. Ubes to New York, captured July 7, 1812 by Ringdove. Cargo : salt. Enterprise (218), schr., 225 tons, T. A. Morgan, mas- ter, 4 guns and 100 men, from Salem, cruising, captured May 21, 1813 by Tenedos and Curlew. Enterprise (457), schr., J. Plumpley, master, Boston to Philadelphia, captured Dec. 8, 1813 by Wolverine (privateer). Cargo : salt. Taken into Liverpool. Enterprise (463), schr., 119 tons, R. Stevens, master, Boston to Bath, captured Dec. 16,1813 by Shannon (priv- ateer). Cargo : ballast. Taken into Liverpool. Enterprise (608), schr., 26 tons, Barnstable to Wash- ington, captured Aug. 30, 1814 by Niemen. Cargo : 400 bushels salt and 4 bbls. glauber salts. Eposy Mina (372), schr., J. D. Olagubel, master, La Guira to New York, captured Aug. 26, 1813 by Statira. Cargo : hides and indigo. 115 Esperanzo (487), schr., 70 tons, J. Massa, master, Porto Rico to New London, captured Mar. 29, 1813 by Belvidera. Cargo : coffee, hides, cocoa and hats. Re- stored. Eunice (249), schr., 139 tons, A. R. Riggs, master, St. Ubes to Boston, captured June 18, 1813 by Wasp. Car- go : salt. Eunice (523), sloop, 57 tons, Eb r Hill, master, N. Yar- mouth to Boston, captured June 10, 1814 by Shannon (privateer). Cargo : cordwood. Taken into Liverpool. Euphemia (370), schr., 90 tons, J. D. Maria, master, Havannah, to Boston, captured Aug. 27, 1813 03^ Majes- tic. Cargo : copper and logwood. Ex Bashaw (535), sloop, M. Robinson, master, cap- tured June 23, 1814 by Bulwark. Expedition (185), sch., 125 tons, A. Brooks, master, Boston to East Port, captured Apr. 11, 1813 by Rattler and Emulous. Cargo : gin, tobacco, flour, meal, wine and sundry other articles. Taken into St. Johns. Experiment (503), schr., 40 tons, Z. Lovell, master, Barnstable to New York, captured May 13, 1814 by Bul- wark. Cargo : fish and oil. Experiment (270), sloop, J. Boardman, master, Ma- chias to Portsmouth, captured June 24, 1813 by Dart (Pri- vateer). Cargo : coffee and sundry articles. Taken into New Brunswick. Experiment (689), sloop, 91 tons, Peter C. Myrick, master, New York to Nantucket, captured Jan. 21, 1815 by Lunenburg (privateer). Cargo : flour, corn, oats, but- ter, candles, &c. Taken into Lunenburg. Restored. Fabius (85), ship, 460 tons, J. Manson, master, Amelia Isl d to Portsmouth, captured Sept. 6, 1812 by Shannon. The cargo claimed as being the property of British sub- jects was restored to the claimant. 116 Erie (576), schr., 76 tons, John Hearn, master, Havannah to Baltimore, captured Dec. 11, 1813 by Sophie. Cargo : sugar and coffee, this cargo was unladen in the Chesapeake and afterwards sent to Bermuda, the vessel was employed in the Chesapeake as a tender to "his Majesty's squadron. Factor (88), ship 291 tons, S. Lowe,. master, Oporto to Norfolk, captured Sept. 7, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : wine and jewellery. This ship was plundered at sea of 130,000 and some wine on Aug. 20, by the ship Hero of London, bound to Quebec. Taken into Liverpool. Cargo restored to Portuguese owners. Fame (672), sloop (privateer), captured Nov. — , 1814 by militia of Yarmouth. Taken into Yarmouth. Fair Play (365), sloop, captured July 25, 1813 by Boxer. Taken into New Brunswick. Fair Trader (73), schr. (privateer), 29 tons, John Mor- gan, master, from Salem, cruising, captured July 16, 1812 by Indian. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provisions. Taken into New Brunswick. Fair Trader (680), sch., 29 tons, Joseph H. Allen, mas- ter, New Bedford to New York, captured Dec. 6, 1814 by Rolla and Liverpool Packet (privateers). Cargo: rice, wine, salt, candles and fish. Taken into Liverpool. Falun (479), schr., A. Thompson, master, Halifax to U. S., captured Jan. 21, 1814 by Retaliation and Liverpool Packet (privateers). Taken into Liverpool. Restored. 117 Fame (167), sloop, G. Walden, master, New Port to New York, captured Apr. 1, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : 193 bbls. rosin, 2 pipes brandy and a cable. Fame (504), sloop, Aron Clarke, master, captured May 14, 1814 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Fame (516), sloop, 85 tons, N. Locke, master, New Port to Ocracock, N. C, captured May 31, 1814 by En- dyniion. Cargo : 1900 gal. spermaciti oil. Fame (564), sloop, 48 tons, Tim y Folger, master, Bos- ton to Nantucket, captured July 23, 1814 by Spencer, Nymphe and Leander. Cargo : beef and pork. Restored. Fanny (284), brig, 146 tons, Ja s Breath, master, New Haven to Halifax, captured July 8, 1813 by La Hogue. Cargo : 1050 bbls. flour. '» v Fanny (313), brig, James Moffat, master, Morris River to Philadelphia, captured July 22, 1813 by Statira. Fanny (15), ship, — Coleton, master, Port Glasgow to St. Johns, recaptured July 19, 1812 by Colibrie. Car- go: dry goods valued at X7800. Favorite (607), brig, 158 tons, W. Ay ton, master, Calcutta to Port Jackson, N. South Wales, recaptured Sept. 2, 1814 by Alban. Cargo: tea, sugar, rice and peice goods. Favourite (173), schr., 67 tons, Ge° West, master, Plymouth to East Port, captured Apr. 5, 1813 by Valiant. Cargo : 2248 bushels corn, 50 bushels pease, 1 bbl. hogs lard, 374 lb. hams, 42 bbls. tar and 130 bushels flaxseed. Federal (104), brig, 115 tons, Sam 1 Swan, master, Africa to Boston, captured Sept. 17, 1812. Cargo : ivory, cam wood, coffee, palm oil, old copper and some remains of the outward cargo ; dry goods and provisions. 118 Fenelon (126), schr., 109 tons, T. Ropes, master, Baltimore to Boston, captured Dec. 16, 1812 by Liver- pool Packet (privateer). Cargo : flour and corn. Fidelia (221), ship, 243 tons, A. Gardner, master, New York to Cadiz, captured May 19, 1813 by Orpheus and Ramilies. Restored. Financier (443), sch., A. Webber, master, captured Nov. 9, 1813 by Shannon (privateer). Finland (276), ship, 245 tons, W m Chapman, master, Alexandria to Halifax, captured May 20, 1813 by Marl- boro, Victorious, Barrossa, Narcissus and Junon. Cargo : 2327 bbls. flour and 220 bbls. flour. Restored. Firmina (674), ship, 260 tons, Antonio Jose Fereira, master, Boston to Amelia Islands, captured Nov. 23, 1814 by Maidstone, Junon, Arab and Curlew. Cargo : ballast. Restored. Flash (526), sloop, Ja s Barstow, master, captured June 7, 1814 by Niemen and Saturn. Flight (310), schr., Kelly, master, Bourdeaux to Baltimore, captured Apr. 12, 1813 by Spartan and Vic- torious. Cargo : 60 chests & cases of merchandize, 1 cask glasses, 2 bags gloves, china, oil, 62 casks brandy and 52 hhds. wine. Floe. De Lisboa (258), brig, F. D. Viena, master, Porto Rico to Philadelphia, captured June 2, 1813 by Spartan, Statira and Martin. Cargo : sugar and rice. Flor De Mar (353), ship, 311 tons, J. J. N. Carvallo, master, Fayal to Boston, captured Aug. 16, 1813 by La Hogue. Cargo : 74 pipes wine, 60 tons redwood and 3339|. Flor De Tejo (327), brig, P. J. Mezado, master, Ba- tavia to Providence, captured July 31, 1813 by Manly. Cargo: camphor, sugar, coffee, nutmegs and dragons blood wine. Restored, except 14 casks wine. 119 Flower (414),schr., 26 tons, A. B urges, master,Roches- ter to Manchester, captured Sept. 14, 1813 by Star (pri- vateer). Cargo : fish. Fortune (131), schr., 114 tons, Ja s Crocker, master, Machias to Boston, captured Aug 28, 1812 by General Smyth (privateer). Cargo : 72,955 ft. of boards and 6 puncheons of rum. Taken into New Brunswick. Fortune (393), schr., B. Bates, master, fishing voyage, captured Aug. 31, 1813 by Boxer. Cargo : mackarl and codfish. Taken into New Brunswick. Fortune (2), ship, 317 tons, D d Stickney, master, Cape De Verds to Newbury Port, captured June 25, 1812 by Belvidera. Cargo : 184 moys salt. Four Brothers (112), schr., 134 tons, J. Coombs, master, Machias to New York, captured Oct. 16, 1812 by Liverpool packet (privateer). Cargo: 95 ft. of lumber. Four Brothers (330), schr., R. Sinclair, master, re- captured Aug. 4, 1813 by Emulous. Four Friends (534), schr., W. Shackleford, master, captured June 15, 1814 by Shannon (privateer). Four Sisters (24), ship, 204 tons, W. C. Williams, master, Lisbon to New York, captured July 19, 1812 by Ringdove. Cargo : ballast. Fox (631), schr., at Machias, captured Sept. 8, 1814, by Bacchante, Tenedos, Rifleman and Pictou. Cargo : beef and pork, taken in Machias at the capture of that place and put on board the Fox. Taken into St. Johns, N.B. Fox (684), sloop, 52 tons, Samuel Swasy, master, New- berry Port to Elizabeth, N. C, captured Dec. 5, 1814 by Rover (privateer). Cargo : salt, potatoes, &c. Taken into Liverpool. 120 Franklin (294), schr., H. Nickerson, master, from George's River, captured July 3, 1813 by Weazel (pri- vateer). Francklin (448), sloop, 80 tons, S. B. Vail, master, George's Town to New York, captured Nov. 23, 1813 by Belvidera. Cargo : rice, cotton, and some poles. Francisca De Paula (525), brig, 90 tons, Frederica Arenos, master, Havannah to Boston, captured June 4, 1814 by Nimrod. Cargo : 145 hhds. molasses, including Capt* Adventure. Frederick Augustus (170), ship, 328 tons, El- dred, master, Cadiz to New Port, captured Apr. 9, 1813, by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : 99 casks salt and 5 p s Spanish clothes. Restored. Free Port (379), sloop, A. Dyer, master, captured Aug. 4, 1813 by Broke (privateer). Friendship (72), schr. (privateer), 22 tons, A. Rich- ard, master, from Boston, cruising, captured July 19, 1812 by Indian. Cargo: guns, ammunition and provisions. Taken into New Brunswick. Friendship (91), schr., 98 tons, S. Cook, master, Charleston to New York, captured Sept. 11, 1812 by Bel- videra. Cargo : 260 bales of cotton. Friendship (139), schr., 114 tons, P. Gibbs, master, Oporto to Boston, captured Mar. 5, 1813 by Liverpool packet (privateer). Cargo : ballast. Friendship (322), schr., 97 tons, J. Smith, master, Union River to Beversby, captured July 13, 1813 by Ma- tilda (privateer). Cargo : cord wood, bark and shingles. Friendship (348), schr., 74 tons, D. Rider, master, Province Town to Penobscot, captured July 28, 1813 by Fly (privateer). Cargo : ballast. 121 . Friendship (345), sloop, 100 tons, S. Dackendoff, mas- ter, Black Rock to East Port, captured July 6, 1813 by Boxer. Cargo : flour and tar. Taken into New Brunswick. Friendship (402), sloop, captured July 11, 1813 by La Hogue. Fylinda (646), sloop, 40 tons, Peter Burr, master, Fairfield Black Rock to Rhode Island, captured Oct. 1, 1814 by Liverpool packet (privateer). Cargo : Indian corn and rye, abt. 1400 bushels. Taken into Liverpool. Galloway (638), ship, captured Sept. 17, 1814, at Penobscot, by united naval and military force. Cargo : wine and spirits taken from the Decatur and other Ameri- can vessels destroyed at Penobscot and put on board the Galloway. Gamala La Delso (403), brig, 162 tons, C. C. Berg, master, Gottenburg to Rhode Island, captured Sept. 19, 1813, by High Flyer tender to San Domingo. Cargo : tons iron, 6 tons steel, 17 tons allum, 300 boxes glass and 24 boxes iron plates. Vessel and part cargo restored. Gannett (358), schr., 35 tons, J. Marble, master, from Hingham, fishing, captured Aug. 12, 1813, by Cur- lew and Nymphe. Cargo : Codfish. Gardiner (455), ship, J. Ray, master, captured Dec. 4, 1813 by Loire and Ramilies. General Green (145), sloop, 83 tons, J. P. Hand, master, Boston to Albany, captured Mar. 8, 1813 by Liv- erpool packet (privateer). Cargo : 1 ton iron, 180 boxes herrings, 1000 quintals fish, 85 hhds. N. E. rum and 5 boxes sugar. Gen l Hodgson (219), sloop, 61 tons, Agustus, master, Halifax to Martinique, recaptured May 19, 1813, by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : fish, lumber and prize goods. 122 General Marion (450), schr., Smith, master, captured Dec. 1, 1813 by Ramilies, Loire and Endymion. Gen l Putnam (662), schr. (privateer), J. Evans, mas- ter, 4 guns and 41 men, from Salem, cruising, captured Nov. 8, 1814 by Leander. George (5), brig, 149 tons, J. Robertson, master, Rochelle to New York, captured July 8, 1812, by Guer- riere. Cargo : brandy, wines, silks and dry goods. George (23), brig, 211 tons, C. F. Tucker, master, Messina to Salem, captured July 17, 1812, by Emulous. Cargo : wine, brandy, juniper berries, sewing silk, essence lemmon, oil and nuts. George (30), brig, T. Gossard, master, Poole to Nova Scotia, recaptured July 22, 1812 by Maidstone. George (692), brig, 172 tons, Jacob Almy, master, George Town to New Bedford, captured Feb. 16, 1815, by Dove (privateer). Cargo : 330 tierces rice, 20 hhds. mo- asses and 2 M. reeds. Taken into Liverpool. Ge° Washington (215), schr., 105 tons, S. Sterns, master, Bermuda to New Haven, captured May 1, 1813 by Retaliation (privateer). Cargo : ballast. Restored. Georgiana (64), ship, E. Chamberlain, master, Liver- pool to Norfolk, captured Aug. 28, 1812, by Nymphe. Restored on payment of costs. Gift (686), schr., 41 tons, Josiah Turner, master, Bos- ton to Charlestown, captured Jan. 16, 1815 by Rover (privateer). Cargo: beef, pork, soap, earthenware, salt, cards oil, herrings, saws, baggs, &c. Taken into Liver- pool. Gleaner (25), sloop (privateer), 56 tons, J. Robinson, master, from Kennebeck, cruizing, captured July 23, 1812 by Colibrie. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provisions. Taken into the Provincial service. 123 Gleaner (679), sloop, 70 tons, Timothy Chapman, master, New York to East Haddam, captured Dec. 3, 1814 by Rolla (privateer). Cargo: flour, rye and other arti- cles. Taken into Liverpool. Good Hope (645), schr., captured Sept. 26, 1814 by Loire. Cargo : spirits of turpentine and shingles. Taken into Liverpool. Gossamer (32), ship (Letter Marque), 223 tons, Cha s Goodrich, master, from Boston, cruising, captured July 23, 1812 by Emulous. Cargo: guns, ammunition and provisions. Gov R Plumer (233), schr., J. Mudge, master, 6 guns and 50 men, from Newhampshire, cruising, captured May 27, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Governor Shelby (557), schr., 185 tons, J. Newman, master, New York to Amsterdam, captured July 13, 1814 by Narcissus and Saturn. Cargo: 121 hhds. tobacco and 6000 lb. tobacco stems. Grace (40), brig, Bartlet, master, St. Marys to England, recaptured Aug. 7, 1812, by Chub. Guerriere (683), brig, 169 tons, Francis A. Burnham, master, 4 guns and 60 men, from Portsmouth, cruising, captured Jan. 3, 1815, by Junon. Gustava (255), brig, 123 tons, C. Swenburg, master, Boston to Madeira, captured June 22, 1813 by Sylph. Cargo : 200 bbls. beef & pork, 157 kegs butter, 5 pipes gin, 118 bbls. tar and 25 bbls. pitch. Gustava (430), schr., 88 tons, Just Nelson Berg, mas- ter, St. Bartholomews to Boston, captured Jan. 22, 1814 by Retaliation and Liverpool Packet (privateers). Cargo : 54 hhds., 19 ts., 32 bbls. molasses, 2 bbls. coffee and 2 bbls. sugar. Taken into Liverpool. Restored. 124 Halifax (656), packet, ship, Hogg, master, Aberdeen to Halifax, recaptured Oct. 30, 1814 by Bul- wark. Cargo : dry goods, flour, oatmeal, cordage, &c. Hannah(495), brig, Connelley, master, Demerara to Bermuda, recaptured Apr. 30, 1813 by Martin. Cargo : rum and molasses. Hannah (366), schr., 46 tons, A. Johnston, master, Boston to Thomas Town, captured Aug. 3, 1813, by Boxer. Cargo : corn. Taken into New Brunswick. Hannah (303), sloop, 71 tons, J. Smith, master, Frenchmans Bay to Nantucket, captured July 10, 1813 by Retrieve (privateer). Cargo : lumber. Hare (53), brig, 246 tons, Cha s Bertoddy, master, Naples to Boston, captured Aug. 1, 1812 by Belvidera. Cargo : brandy, silks, sweet oil, cream of tartar, soap and 15 bales of feathers. Harlequin (650), schr. (privateer), 232 tons, Elishu D. Brown, master, 10 guns and abt. 117 men, from Ports- mouth, cruising, captured Oct. 23, 1814, by Bulwark. Harriet (417), brig, coasting vessel, captured June 8, 1813 by Victorious and the blockading squadron of the Chesapeake. Harriet (275), schr., A. Winnerholt, master, New- inland to London, recaptured June 28, 1813 by Dover. Cargo : oil and sealskins. Harriet (321), sloop, J. Collins, master, Penobscot to Portland, captured July 13, 1813 by Matilda (privateer). Cargo : fish, pickled and smoak'd. Hazard (575), schr., 30 tons, D. Gorhani, master, Matomken, Md., to Boston, captured July 24, 1814 by Acasta. Cargo : corn and flour. 125 Hector (155), brig, 258 tons, P. Newford, master, Dublin to Quebec, recaptured Aug. 23, 1812 by Plum- per. Cargo : ballast. Taken into New Brunswick. Hector (203), brig, 156 tons, Escopinische, mas- ter, Havannah to New York, captured Apr. 30, 1813 by- Spartan. Cargo: sugar and coffee. Helen (590), ship, 237 tons, Tho s Holmes, master, Havannah to Greenock, recaptured Aug. 16, 1814 by Wasp. Cargo : sugar and logwood. Henrietta (62), ship, Mason, master, recaptured Aug. 25, 1812 by Emulous. * Henry (252), schr., 89 tons, J. Merryman, master, Passamaquaddy to Boston, captured June 19, 1813, by Matilda (privateer). Cargo: boards. Henry (37), ship, Jackson, master, recaptured Aug. 11, 1812 by Emulous. Henry (198), ship, 181 tons, B. Gardiner, master, Liv- erpool to Boston, captured Apr. 28, 1813 by La Hogue. Cargo : earthen ware and salt. Restored. Henry Gilder (562), brig, 194 tons, Sam 1 Newson, master, 8 twelve and 2 long nine pounders, 45 men, New York to Bourdeaux, captured July 12, 1814 by Niemen. Cargo : ballast. Herald (591), schr. (privateer), 231 tons, John Miller, master, had 60 men and 8 guns mounted at time of cap- ture, pierced for 18 guns, captured Aug. 15, 1814 by Armide and Endymion. Herculaneum (519), brig, 111 tons, And w Smith, master, Hayti to Boston or Madeira, captured June 6, 1814 by Nimrod. Cargo : 19801 gal. molasses and 19 hhds. sugar. 126 Herman (279), ship, 413 tons, A. Horn, master, Balti- more to Lisbon, captured June 24, 1813 by Barrossa, Vic- torious, Narcissus, Success, Emulous, Diomede, Diadem, Atalante, Laurestinus, Mohawk and Moselle. Cargo : 5426 bbls. flour and 500 half bbls. flour. Hero (264), brig, 165 tons, R. Stan worth, master, Lim- erick to Lisbon, recaptured June 12, 1813 by Martin, Spartan and Statira. Cargo : beef, pork and provisions. Hero (388), schr., E. Langdon, master, Kennebeck to Boston, captured Aug 29, 1813 by Dart (privateer). Cargo, ballast. Taken into New Brunswick. Hero (441), schr., Merrihew, master, captured Nov. 14, 1813 by Belvidera. Hero (547), schr., Peter Lurvey, master, captured July 3, 1814 by Retaliation (privateer). Taken into Liv- erpool. Hero (481), sloop, Ge° Fishley, master, captured Jan. 13, 1814 by Hare (privateer). Taken into St. Johns, N. B. Hero (671), sloop, Burrows, master, captured be- ginning of Nov., 1814 by Tenedos. Taken into Barring- ton. Hesper (26), brig, 264 tons, E. Isley, master, Liver- pool to Norfolk, captured July 20, 1812 by Ringdove. Cargo : ballast. Hetty (261), brig, 151 tons, H. Skinner, master, Ma- deira to Philadelphia, captured June 1, 1813 by Spartan, Statira and Martin. Cargo : ballast. Hibernia (604), schr., 69 tons, W. Fountain, master, Philadelphia to Boston, captured Aug. 21, 1814 by Nie- men. Cargo : 641 shooks and 300 bdls. hoops. 127 Hiland Hill (610), sloop, 18 tons, T. L. Davy, mas- ter, New York to New Port, captured Aug. 29, 1814 by Lively (privateer). Cargo: o20 bushels Indian corn. Taken into Liverpool. Hiram (12), schr., 182 tons, Josiah One, master, Lisbon to Salem, captured July 18, 1812 by Spartan, Em- ulous. Cargo: fruit, also $13,107. Hiram (92), schr., 195 tons, John Hays, master, Paler- mo to Philadelphia, captured Sept. 12, 1812 by Belvidera. Cargo : brimstone, salt petre, drugs, oil, soap and feathers. Holstein (488), schr., 113 tons, M. Bates, master, Man- tan za Island, Cuba, to Rhode Island, captured Mar. 28, 1813 by Belvidera. Cargo : molasses. Honestus (66), ship, 300 tons, J. Stevens, master, St. Ubes to New Bedford, captured Aug. 24, 1812 by Nymphe. Cargo : salt. Hope (543), brig, J. Strang, master, Teneriffe and Bon aventure to London, recaptured June 29, 1814 by Rolla (privateer). Cargo : 60 casks Teneriffe wine and Barilla. Hope (595), schr., 33 tons, — Dewson, master, Boston to Machias, captured Aug. 16, 1814 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : 30 bbls. flour, 36 bbls. pork, 149 kegs tobacco, 10 boxes candles and 5 casks shoes. Hope (328), ship, 164 tons, J. Jordan, master, Lisbon to Boston, captured Aug. 2, 1813 by Manly. Cargo: fruit, whalebone and wine. Hope (368), ship, 416 tons, J. Emery, master, Lisbon to New Port, captured Aug. 28, 1813 by Loup Cervier. Cargo : salt. Restored. Hope (678), sloop, 42 tons, Geo. W. Dennison, master, Providence to New York, captured Dec. 4, 1814 by Liver- pool Packet (privateer). Cargo: salt, candles and codfish. Taken into Liverpool. 128 Hope foe. Peace (315), shallop, E. Crowel, master, Mass. Bay to Halifax, captured July 18, 1813 by Capt. McPherson and 2 Co. Militia. Hoppet (426), brig, 150 tons, C. F. Sandstrotn, master, Gottenburg to Boston, captured Oct. 25, 1813 by Rom- ulous. Cargo : iron, allum, bale goods and glass. Restored. Howe (154), brig, 162 tons, J. Askew, master, Penzance to Pictou, recaptured Sept. 5, 1812 by Plumper. Cargo : ballast. Taken into New Brunswick. Hunter (150), sloop, 33 tons, M. Peck, master, Edgar Town to Boston, captured Mar. 11, 1813 by Retaliation (privateer). Cargo : 2400 bushels corn and 3M staves. Huntress (442), sloop, J. Currie, master, captured Nov. 11, 1813 by Borer and Valiant. Husaren (440), brig P. T. Isnardon, master, St. Bar- tholomews to New Haven, captured Nov. 14, 1813, by Jaseur. Restored. Hussar (514), schr. (privateer), Fr s . Jenkins, master, 97 men, cruising, captured May 25, 1814 by Saturn. Ida (602), brig, 180 tons, Pearce, master, 10 car- riage guns, 18 16 pounders and 64 men, Boston to France, captured Aug. 9, 1814 by Newcastle. Illuminator (11), brig, 254 tons, Rob 1 Patterson, master, Havannah to Boston, captured July 11, 1812 by Emulous. Cargo : molasses, sugar, hides and coffee. Illuminator (11), brig, 254 tons, R. Patterson, mas- ter, Havannah to Boston, captured July 11, 1812 by Em- ulous. Cargo : molasses, sugar, coffee and hides. Restored. Industry (377), schr., F. Webster, master, captured Aug. 20, 1813 by Broke (privateer). Industry (435), schr., T. Rice, master, captured Nov. 3, 1813 by Arab. 129 Industry (619), schr., Moses Brown, master, Halifax to Newberry Port, captured Sept. 10, 1814 by Lively (privateer). Cargo : dry goods. Taken into Liverpool. Industry (687), sloop, cargo of Oliver Slate, master, New York to Sag Harbour, captured Jan. 16, 1815 by Rover (privateer). Cargo ; flour, cyder, gin, &c. Taken into Liverpool. Invincible (593), ship, Peter Destebecho, master, Charlestown to New York, recaptured Aug. 16, 1814 by Armide, Cargo : 77 boxes sugar and part cargo ship Helen found on board. Invincible (593), ship, 331 tons, Peter Destebecho, master, 16 carriage guns and 60 men, Charlestown to New York, captured Aug. 16, 1814 by Armide, Endymion and Pique. Cargo : 314 tierces and 103 half tierces rice. Isabella (304), brig, 128 tons, P. Slaygur, master, Al- gesiras to Boston, captured July 19, 1813 by Pictou. Cargo : wine, silk, oil and cork. James (622), schr., Eli Crawford, master, Washington to New York, captured Sept. 5, 1814 by Niemen. Cargo : 185 bbls. flour. Jane (660), brig; 224 tons, David George, master, Liverpool to New Brunswick, recaptured Nov. 9, 1814 by Maidstone. Cargo : salt. Jane (459), schr., no person on board, captured Dec. 10, 1813 near Cape Ann, by Wolverine (privateer). Car- go : cord wood. Taken into Liverpool. Jane (65), ship, N. Thomas, master, to New York, captured Aug. 27, 1812 by Colibrie. Restored on payment of costs. Jane (451), sloop, 65 tons, J. Brown, master, Cape Cod Bay to Boston, captured Dec. 6, 1813 by Majestic, Junon. Cargo : cord wood and bark. 130 Jane (579), sloop, 70 tons, Geo. Grainsby, master, Porto Rico and Wilmington, captured Aug. 2, 1814 by Acasta. Cargo : sugar and hides. Jane (668), sloop, 65 tons, Josiah Snow, master, Bos- ton to Harpswell, captured Nov. 12, 1814 b}' Rover (privateer). Cargo: ballast. Taken into Liverpool. Janus (530), sloop 77 tons, P. Justin, master, New York to New Port, captured June 14, 1814 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : 700 bbls. flour. Restored. Janus (572), sloop, P. Justin, master, captured , 1814 by Niemen. Jefferson (318), schr., 99 tons, J. Colcord, master, Boston to Prospect, captured July 12, 1813 by Bream. Cargo : ballast. Taken into New Brunswick. Jennett (176), brig, J. Pritchard, master, East Port to Chesapeake, captured Apr. 12, 1813 by Junon. Cargo : lumber, beef, bread, herrings, candles and soap butter. Jerusalem (380), ship, 750 tons, Panagi Corcori, master, Havannah to Boston, captured Sept. 3, 1813 by Majestic. Cargo: 2000 boxes sugar, a number bbls. sugar, 200 bags coffee, 200 quintals copper, 150 hides, 5000 horns and 4 boxes tapes. Jerusha (336), sloop, W. Freeman, master, captured July 11, 1813 by La Hogue. Joannah (242), schr., 48 tons, A. Newcomb, master, Boston to East Port, captured June 1, 1813 by Dart (pri- vateer). Cargo : 1589 bushels corn. Taken into New Brunswick. John (45), brig, 164 tons, John Alden, master, Liver- pool to Portland, captured Aug. 15, 1812 by Maidstone Cargo : salt and earthen ware. 131 John (168), brig, 130 tons, C. Woodward, master, New York to Portland, captured Apr. 5, 1813, by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : 1056 bbls. flour. John (515), sloop, J. L. Stover, master, captured May 18, 1814 by Shannon (privateer). John Adams (317), brig, 223 tons, John Goold, master, Portland to St. Bartholomews, captured July 11, 1813 by Retrieve (privateer) and Rattler. Cargo : lumber, staves and shingles. Taken into New Brunswick. Restored. John & Mary (437), brig, T. Collins, master, recap- tured Oct. 29, 1813, by Loup Cervier. Jno & Miriam (375), schr., S. Rhodes, master, captured Aug. 20, 1813 by Broke (privateer). Joseph & Mary (693), brig, 267 tons, Stephen Stan- ton, master, Prince Edw ds Island to Falmouth, recaptured Jan. 24, 1815, by Bulwark. Cargo : lumber. Juan A (208), sloop, Avery, master, Havannah to New Port, captured May 1, 1813, by Spartan. Cargo: coffee, raisins and campeachy wood. Restored. Judith (627), captured Aug. 20 or 21, 1814 by Espoir. Cargo : brandy, spirits, coffee, cotton, tobacco, nails, iron, &c, taken from prize schr. Hornet and transshipped into the Judith. Judith (444), schr., M. Fowler, master, captured Nov. 7, 1813 by Shannon (privateer). Julian (117), schr., 80 tons, D. Hallet, master, Boston to New York, captured Nov. 13, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : salt, oil and fish. Julian (471), schr., E. Foster, master, captured Dec. 8, 1813, by Martin. 132 Julian (598), schr., 38 tons, Eppes Griffin, master, Boston to Machias, captured Aug. 6, 1814, by Borer. Cargo : flour, pork, beef, gin, meal, soap, candles, tobacco, shoes, tar and mustard. Taken into St. Johns, N. B. Julian (665), schr., 70 tons, John Darah, master, St. Vincents to Liverpool, N. S., recaptured Nov. 17, 1814 by her own crew. Cargo : 65 casks of rum. Juliana Smtth (205), schr., 37 tons, H. Cooper, mas- ter, 3 guns and 31 men, from Boston, cruising, captured May 11, 1813 by Nymphe. Juliet (222), sloop, 92 tons, C. Southworth, master, Cuba to New Port, captured May 10, 1813 by Paz. Cargo: 113 hhds. and 19 tierces of molasses. King George (355), brig, 204 tons, J.Thompson, mas- ter, from Liverpool, recaptured Aug. 18, 1813 by Recruit. Cargo : salt. Lady Prevost (677), brig, 146 tons, Alex r Strang, master, Lisbon to St. Johns, Newf d land, recaptured Dec. 8, 1814 by Nimrod. Cargo : salt. Landrail (605), cutter, 90 or 100 tons, Lt. John Hill, master, 4 guns and 30 men, England to Gibralter, recap- tured Aug. 24, 1814 by Wasp. Lark (247), schr., J. Terrio, master, recaptured June 15, 1813 by Borer. 133 Lark (229), sloop, TO tons, J. Dodge, master, Ports- mouth to Penobscot, captured Apr. 19, 1813 by Bream. Cargo : 4 bags corn, 3 parcels cotton, 1 cask molasses and 2 wheelbarrows. Taken into New Brunswick. Laura Jane (460), schr., 73 tons, Milliken, mas- ter, Scarborough to Boston, captured Dec. 10, 1813 by Wolverine (privateer). Cargo : 50M ft. boards and 40M shingles. Taken into Liverpool. Lavinia (300), ship, T. Connel, master, recaptured July 18, 1813 by Recruit. Lawry (147), schr., 104 tons, J. Hilyard, master, Bos- ton to New York, captured Mar. 9, 1813 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : china ware, 4 boxes glass, 80 tons: 8 c : 1 qr: 16 lbs. iron, 92 bbls. sugar and 2 trunks. Legal Tender (698), brig, 116 tons, W ra Irvine, mas- ter, Newf d land to Lisbon, recaptured Mar. 7, 1815 by Spencer. Cargo : 1640 quintals codfish, 676 gal. cod oil. Leonidas (295), sloop, E. Cummings, master, captured July 7, 1813 by Weazel (privateer). Lewis (69), schr. (privateer), 36 tons, B. Pendleton, master, from Connecticut, cruising, captured Aug. 13, 1812 by A. S. Hope. Cargo : guns, ammunition and pro- visions. Little Bill (278), schr., John Roach, master, St. Bar- tholomews to N. Carolina, captured June 27, 1813 by Loup Cervier. Cargo : 105 hhds. & 163 bbls. sugar Mus- covado, 5 hhds. clayed d° and 10 hhds. molasses. Re- stored. Little Joe (111), schr., Ja s Fairweather, master, Bos- ton to New York, captured Oct. 17, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : gum, myrrh, hops, allum, sugar and pepper. 134 Little Sisters (401), schr., G. Montgomery, master from Trinidad, captured Sept. 18, 1813 by Belvidera and Statira. Cargo : sugar. Lively (16), schr., 78 tons, Sam 1 Burgess, master, St. Bartholomews to Boston, captured July 12, 1812 by Emu- lous. Cargo : molasses, sugar and rum. Lively (305), schr., E. Forret, master, St. Thomas to Halifax, recaptured July 20, 1813 by Epervier. Lively (341), schr., 22 tons, G. Frim, master, Boston to Penobscot, captured July 24, 1813 by Fly (privateer). Cargo : iron, turpentine, coffee, rum and gin. Lively (522), sloop, 70 tons, Jn° M. Loring, master, North Yarmouth to Boston, captured June 7, 1814, by Shannon (privateer). Cargo : cord wood. Taken into Liverpool. Lively (654), sloop, 38 tons, Barzilla Adams, master, New Bedford to George Town, captured Oct. 26, 1814 by St. Lawrence. Cargo : 300 bushels salt and 200 bushels potatoes. Liverpool Packet (274), ship, S. Nichols, master, captured June 30, 1813 by Dover. Restored. Lizard (483), schr. (privateer), 60 tons, B. Cook, mas- ter, 2 guns and 32 men, from Salem, cruising, captured Mar. 5, 1814 by Prometheus. Logan (583), sloop, 31 tons, Chas. Willoughby, mas- ter, Newhaven to New London, captured July 29, 1814 by Lively (privateer). Cargo: 2253^ bbls flour. Taken into Liverpool. Louisa (702), brig, 65 tons, William Newel, master, Gibralter to Greenock, captured Mar. 26, 1815 by Maid- stone. Cargo : 60 pipes & 90 hhds. Teneriffe wine and 500 boxes raisins. Restored. 135 Louisa (340), sloop, P. Erquinigo, master, Laguira to Providence, captured Aug. 3, 1813 by Martin. Cargo : hides and indigo. Loyal Sam (250), ship, J. Mclntire, master, recap- tured June 16, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke and Matilda. Lucia (695), sloop, New York to New Bedford, cap- tured Dec. 3, 1814 by Liverpool Packet, Rolla (privateers), Dec. 30, 1814 taken possession of by Curlew. Cargo : cyder, gin and apples. Vessel lost on Ragged Islands near Shelburne. Lucretia (119), schr., 97 tons, John Hunt, master, Boston to Savannah, captured Nov. 11, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : beef, candles and butter. Lucy (237), brig, J. Hutchinson, master, recaptured May 25, 1813 by Shannon. Lucy (192), schr., Boston to East Port, captured Mar. 30, 1813 by Rattler. Cargo: 9 puncheons gin taken out as prize. Taken into New Brunswick, Lucy (637), schr., 30 tons, from Newberry Port, fishing, captured Sept. 15, 1814 by Lunenbury (privateer). Cargo: a few hhds. salt. Taken into Lunenburg. Lydia (133), schr., 89 tons, J. Rich, master, Buckstown to Baltimore, captured Oct. 24, 1812 by General Smyth (privateer). Cargo : boards and fish. Taken into New Brunswick. Lydia (162), schr., 113 tons, A. Burt, master, Warren to Havannah, captured Apr. 4, 1813 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : boards, hoops and shooks. Lydia (352), schr., 74 tons, J. Walker, master, from Harwich, fishing, captured Aug. 7, 1813, by Matilda (privateer). Cargo : codfish and oil. 136 Lynx (236), schr., 225 tons, E. Taylor, master, Balti- more to Bordeaux, captured Apr. 3, 1813 by LaHogue, Marlborough, St. Domingo, Statira, Maidstone and Fan- tome. Cargo : cotton, coffee and sugar. Macdonough (659), brig (privateer), 180 tons, Joseph Weeks, master, 60 men, and pierced for 16 guns, had only 5 mounted when captured, from Portsmouth, cruising, captured Nov. 1, 1814 by Bacchante. Magdalena (538), schr., 62 tons, J. Nyman, master, Boston to Halifax, captured June 5, 1811 by Martin. Cargo: 150 bbls. flour and 50 bbls bread. Restored. Magnet (18), ship, 172 tons, T. Drew, master, Belfast to New York, captured July 18, 1812 by Ringdove. Taken into possession for the use of the King's service. Malaren (344), brig, 139 tons, P. Jostrand, master, Portsmouth to St. Bartholomews, captured July 14, 1813 by La Hogue. Cargo : staves, lumber and hoops. Malcolm (1), brig, 197 tons, J. Jordan, master, Madeira to Portland, captured June 24, 1812 by Belvidera. Cargo : 19 pipes, 8 half pipes and 16 quarter pipes of wine. Manchester (302), brig (a packet), R. Elphinstone, master, recaptured June 18, 1813 by Maidstone, Poictiers and Nimrod. Manhatton (453), sloop, D. Gladding, master, cap- tured Dec. 3, 1813 by Nimrod. Margaret (694), brig, 119 tons, Francis Leavitt, mas- ter, St. Johns to West Indies, recaptured Feb. 23, 1815 by Bulward. Cargo : lumber, fish and staves. Margaret (486), schr., P. Sparling, master, recaptured Mar. 16, 1813 by Maidstone and Belvidera. Margaret (422), sloop, 123 tons, J. Dunn, master, St. Johns to West Indies, recaptured Oct. 10, 1813 by Martin. Cargo : fish and lumber. Taken into New Bruns- wick. 137 Maria (289), brig, 110 tons, G. Wierman, master, Stockholm to Boston, captured June 24, 1813 by Bold. Cargo : iron and steel. Taken into New Brunswick. Maria (94), ketch, Bunker, master, captured 1812. Cargo: 24 pipes Fayal Avine, 86 bbls. coffee and 2 hhds. coffee damaged. Maria (624), schr., New Port, R. I. to New York, captured Sept. 4, 1814 by Nimrod. Cargo : salt, fish and oil. Maria (9), ship, 344 tons, J. C. Norden, master, Cadiz to New York, captured July 13, 1812 by Emulous. Car- go : ballast and 14 bales cloth and $30,993. Maria Francisca (509), brig, Nicholas Calveras, mas- ter, Havannah to Boston, captured May 4, 1814 by Curlew. Taken into Shelburne. Ship and part cargo restored. Maria Frederica (559), brig, Wigle Swart, master, Amsterdam to Boston, captured July 14, 1814 by Seahorse and Peruvian. Cargo : gin and other articles. Restored Maria Windsor (160), schr., 131 tons, J. Fish, mas- ter, North Carolina to East Port, captured Mar. 29, 1813 by Sir. Jn°. Sherbrook (privateer). Mariner (386), brig, T. Fraser, master, recaptured, Aug. 29, 1813 by Poictiers. Mariner (31), ship, Lygett, master, Glasgow to St. Andrews, recaptured July 22, 1812 by Colibrie. Marquis De Somerlous (6), ship, 359 tons, T. Mor- iarty, master, Civita Vichia to Salem, captured July 10, 1812 by Atalanta. Cargo: brandy, wines, silks and dry, goods. Martha (22), schr., J. Darley, master, recaptured, July 18, 1812 by Paz. 138 Mary (10), brig, 200 tons, W. G. Weld, master, Gib- ralter to Boston, captured July 17, 1812 by Spartan. Cargo: wines, currants, juniper berries and marino wool. Mary (140), schr., 97 tons, J. Matthews, master, New Haven to Bait., captured Mar. 23, 1883 by Sir John Sher- brooke (privateer). Cargo: 350 bushels corn, 15 hhds, sugar, 200 cheese and 10 bbls. apples. Marv (200), schr., D. Jones, master, captured, Mar. 27, 1813 by Lt. Sweeney, Com g . Officer at St. John. Cargo : soap, candles, tea, cheese, rum, brandy, tobacco, butter, smoak'd herring and codfish. Mary (378), schr., Pyam Prince, master, captured Aug. 7, 1813 by Broke (privateer). Mary (391), schr., 36 tons, H. Walker, master, Boston to Halifax, captured Sept. 10, 1813 by Wolverine (priva- teer). Cargo : bread, flour and tobacco. Vessel and part cargo restored. Mary (400), schr., 61 tons, C. Tiedeman, master, Hayti to Boston, captured Sept. 13, 1813 by Sylph. Cargo: sugar and coffee. 1-3 restored. Mary (643), schr., 92 tons, R. Burrows, master, Hali- fax to Martinique, recaptured Oct. 6, 1814 by Wasp. Cargo : fish and flour. Mary (531), ship, Moore, master, Waterford to Quebec, recaptured June 1, 1814 by Martin. Cargo: flour. Mary (281), sloop, 43 tons, M. Thurlo, master, Boston to Kennebeck, captured July 4, 1813 by Retaliation (privateer). Cargo : rice, molasses, glass and other articles. Taken into Liverpool. Mary (326), sloop, F. Glawson, master, recaptured July 27, 1813 by Nimrod. 139 Mary (475), sloop, 91 tons, S. Farrow, master, Pe- nobscot to Boston, captured Jan. 6, 1814 by Wolverine (privateer), Cargo : cord wood. Taken into Liverpool. Mary Ann (28), schr., — Dugas, master, Halifax to Quebec, recaptured July 23, 1812 by Maidstone. Mary Ann (466), sloop, 50 tons, E. Lewis, master, New York to Rhode Island, captured Dec. 22, 1813 by Liverpool Packet (privateer), Cargo : 300 bbls. of flour. Mary Elizabeth (78), brig, 167 tons, C. Crandal, master, St. Ubes to Portland, captured July 8, 1812 by Indian. Cargo: ballast and $2313. Taken into New Brunswick. Massachusetts (397), ship, 286 tons, B. Weeks, mas- ter, Lisbon to New York, captured Sept. 11, 1813 by Canso. Cargo : 396 moys salt. May Flower, (339), sloop, A. Barnes, master, New York to Boston, captured July 31, 1813 by Matilda (pri- vateer). Cargo : 600 bushels corn and 14 bbls. rye flour. Medil Padria (423), brig, 70 tons, Occracock to Halifax, captured Oct. 5, 1813 by Conflict. Cargo : 750 bbls. flour. Melantho (95), ship, 402 tons, Wm. Davidson, master, Chili to Baltimore, captured Sept. 17, 1812 by Spartan, Sta- tira, Acasta, Nymphe, Orpheus, Maidstone, Aeolus and Emulous. Cargo : 229 tons copper, 9 bales of furs and 143,000. Mentor (651), ship, 227 tons, Isaac Balston, master, Portsmouth to Quebec, recaptured Oct, 27, 1814 by Maidstone. Cargo : beef, pork, bread and some rum. Mentor (335), sloop, 56 tons, J. Perry, master, Province Town to New Bedford, captured July 11, 1813 by La Hogue. Cargo : lumber. 140 Meqctait (361), sloop, 76 tons, J. Woodward, master, Bath to Portland, captured July 29, 1813 by Dart (pri- vateer), Cargo : small quantity corn and rye and some fish. Taken into New Brunswick. Merchant (63), ship, T. Noyes, master, Liverpool to New York, captured Aug. 28, 1812 by Colibrie. Restored on payment of costs. Merchant (67), ship, 270 tons, C. Hopkins, master, Gottenburg to Portsmouth, captured Aug. 29, 1812 by Statira. Cargo : iron. Middlesex (87), ship, M. Pollard, master, captured Sept. 8, 1812 by Liverpool Packet. Taken into Liver- pool. Restored on payment of costs. Minerva (3), brig, 256 tons, James F. Trott, master, Liverpool to Boston, captured July 6, 1812, by Africa, iEolus, Shannon, Belvidera. Cargo : coals and salt. Minerva (269), brig, 184 tons, T. Patterson, master, Boston to Lisbon, captured June 30, 1813 by La Hogue. Cargo : beef, pork and staves. Restored. Minerva (494), brig, 55 tons, A. C. White, master, Matanza to New London, captured Apr. 21, 1814 by La Hogue. Cargo : 140 hhds. 22 tierces and 22 bbls. molasses, 22 hhds. and 4 bbls. sugar. Restored. 141 Minerva (373), schr., 136 tons, J. E. Scott, master, Barbadoes to Wiscasset, captured Aug. 30, 1813 by Weazel (privateer). Cargo : ballast and $4,000. Restored. Minerva (597), schr., 43 tons, Elida Baldwin, master, New York to Bridge Port, captured Aug. 11, 1814 by- Shannon and Liverpool Packet (privateers). Cargo : flour, fish and other articles. Taken into Liverpool. Minerva (636), schr., 136 tons, Dav d . Pinkham, master, Wiscasset to Boston, captured Sept. 26, 1814 by Lunenburg (privateer.) Minerva (351) sloop, 43 tons, B. Belvin, master, New York to New Port, captured Aug. 5, 1813 by Matilda (privateer). Cargo : 250 bbls. flour, 24 bbls. pease and 400 lb. snuff. Model (512), schr., 250 tons, John Austen, master, at anchor in Little Egg Harbour, captured May 23, 1814 by Niemen. Cargo : 270 bbls. flour. Monk (61), ship, 253 tons, J. P. Felt, master, Rio Janeiro to Salem, captured Aug. 23, 1812 by Colibrie. Cargo : sugar, hides and horns. Morning Star (357), schr., 32 tons, A. L. Burges, master, Folly Land to East Port, captured Aug. 18, 1813, by Curlew and Nymphe. Cargo : 1000 bushels Indian corn. Morning Star (272), sloop, captured June 13, 1813 by Spartan, Statira and Martin. Morning Starr (568), sloop, captured in the harbour of the Chesapeake, the tobacco taken out of store houses and vessels sailing under the American flag, which were burnt. Captured June 11, 1814 by Albion, Dragon, Acasta, Loire, Narcissus, Jaseur and St. Lawrence, 13 hhds. tobacco. Captured July 2, 1814 by Abion, Dra- gon, Acasta, Loire, Narcissus, Severn, Jaseur and St. Lawrence, 4 hhds. tobacco. 142 Monsoon (52), ship, N. Williams, master, from Liver- pool, captured Aug. 22, 1812 by iEolus. Restored on payment of costs. Montezuma (420), ship, 320 tons, M. Rodriquez, master, Boston to Cadiz, captured 1813 by La Hogue and Tenedos. Cargo : candles, staves, codfish, chairs, tar, turpentine, tobacco, beef and cloves. Montgomery (204), brig, J. Strout, master, 12 guns and 90 men, from Salem, cruising, captured May 5, 1813 by Nymphe, Shannon, Tenedos and Emulous. Nancy (639), brig, captured bet. Sept. 1 and 18, 1814 at Penobscot, by united naval and military force. Cargo : timber and lumber. Nancy (618), brig, J. Tindale, master, Liverpool to Halifax, recaptured Sept. 13, 1814 by Pylades. Nancy (416), schr., coasting vessel, captured May 28, 1813, by Victorious and the blockading squadron of the Chesapeake. Nancy (291), sch., 14 tons, S. B. Wadsworth, master, taken in harbour of Little River, captured June 28, 1813, by Boxer. Cargo : variety of articles of little value. Taken into New Brunswick. Nancy (100), ship, E. Stamworth, master, recaptured Aug. 17, 1812 by Statira. Nancy (580), sloop, 64 tons, Wm. Williams, master, New York to Providence, captured July 28, 1814, by Lively (privateer). Cargo : 337 bbls. flour and 616 bush- els corn. Taken into Liverpool. Nancy Sanders (472), sloop, N. Barber, master, cap- tured Dec. 18, 1813 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Nautilus (42), brig (American Gov*, vessel of war), 200 tons, Lt. W. Crane, Comm r ., from New York, cruis- ing, captured July 16, 1812 by Shannon, Belvidera, Af- 143 rica, iEolus, and Guerriere. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provisions. Taken into possession for the use of the King's service. Nelly (552), schr., W. Jennings, master, Havannah to Greenock, recaptured July 10, 1814 by Bulwark. Cargo : sugar, coffee and logwood. Neptune (183), schr., 98 tons, B. Mills, master, Fox Island to Boston, captured Mar. 31, 1813 by Bream, Cargo : timber and cord wood. Taken into New Bruns- wick. New Fokge (118), schr., 47 tons, J. Stutevant, mas- ter, New York to Boston, captured Nov. 11, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : sugar, wheat, ware and snuff. New Zealander (492), ship, Cheswicke, master, recaptured Apr. 21, 1813 by Belvidera. Nimrod (21), schr., J. Ford, master, recaptured July 17, 1812 by Paz. North Star (256), brig, 177 tons, S. Moore, master, St. Salvadore to Boston, captured June 24, 1813 by Ten- edos. Cargo : 117 trunks and bales, 8 casks brandy and cordials, 2 bbls. tea, goat skins, horns, hides, sugar, &c. Nymphe (149), schr., 48 tons, W. Patterson, master. Virginia to Salem, captured Mar. 14, 1813, by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : 2300 bushels corn, 24 pack- ages shoes and 33 bbls. beans. Nymphe (251), schr., 20 tons, W. Ryan, master, Boston to Machias, captured June 11, 1813 by Matilda (privateer). Cargo : 70 bbls. flour and 190 bushels corn. Taken into Dig by. Restored. Ocean (384), brig, J. Huddeston, master, recaptured Aug. 11, 1813 by Borer. 144 Ohio (297), brig, Ja s Webray, master, captured July 12, 1813 by Manly. Restored. Old Carpenter (584), schr., 22 tons, W m M c Daniel, master, Halifax to Boston, captured Aug. 7, 1814 by Spen- cer. Cargo : dry goods. Ontario (508), ship, Jn° Potter, master, Alicant to Greenock, recaptured May 25, 1814 by Curlew. Cargo : 150 pipes wine, 541 cut cork wood and 480 hhds. salt. Orient (528), schr., captured June 11, 1814 by being cut out of a harbour near Boston by the boats of Bulwark and Nymphe. Orion (232), brig, 191 tons, J. M. Jubin, master, New York to Lisbon, captured May 16, 1813 by LaHogue Cargo : 743 bbls. flour and 534 bbls Indian meal. Restored. Oronoke (8), ship, 427 tons, John Richards, master, Lis- bon to New York, captured July 11, 1812 by JEolus, Shannon, Belvidera, Guerriere, Africa. Cargo : ballast. Osbourne (48), ship, Watson, master, Gibraltar to New Brunswick, recaptured Aug. 19, 1812 by Emulous. Packet (106), ship, N 1 Noyes, master, from Liverpool, captured, , 1812. Packet (177), sloop, 57 tons, E. Luce, master, Savannah to Providence, R. I., captured Apr. 10, 1813 by Valiant. Cargo: 124 hides, 158 bales of cotton and 3 bbls. old copper. Packet (268), sloop, H. Mowat, master, captured June 19, 1813 by Matilda (privateer). Cargo : cord wood. Paragon (213), brig, J. Gardner, master, Aberdeen to New Brunswick, recaptured May 19, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). 145 Paragon (360), schr., 157 tons, W. Weston, master, Charlestown to Boston, captured Aug. 13, 1813 by Curlew and Nymphe. Cargo: 173 bales cotton, 146bbls. rice and 34 half bbls. rice. Paris (434), bark, W. Harrison, master, recaptured Oct. 28, 1813 by Ring Dove. Patriot (81), schr., 140 tons, W. Reardon, master, Norfolk to Lisbon, captured Sept. 7, 1812 by Acasta. Cargo : flour and beans. Restored. Patriot (474), sloop, 49 tons, T. M. Sayre, master, New York, to Rhode Island, captured Dec. 19, 1813 by Liver- pool Packet (privateer). Cargo: 430 bbls. flour and 5 boxes candles. Taken into Liverpool. Patty ( 189), schr., 75 tons, E. Hamblen, master, Port- land to Long Island, captured Apr. 18, 1813 by Retalia- tion (privateer). Cargo : lumber. Taken into Liverpool. Paulina (188), schr., 109 tons, W. Hathway, master, Norfolk to New York, captured Apr. 20, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : 3650 bushels coals, 20 kegs tobacco and 12 bbls. flour. Taken into Liverpool. Peggy (436), sloop, 91 tons, W. O. Fuller, master, George's River to Boston, captured Nov. 3, 1813 by Epervier, and Fantome. Cargo : timber and wood. Penelope (196), brig, C. Perkins, master, Demerara to Halifax, recaptured Aug. 13, 1812 by General Smyth (privateer). Cargo : rum and coffee. 146 Plough Boy (180), schr., 115 tons. Elisha Swift, master, Charlestown to Providence, R. I., captured Apr. 16, 1813 by Orpheus. Cargo : 288 bales cotton. Penelope (196), British brig, C. Perkins, master, Demerara to Halifax, captured July 15, 1813 by General Smyth (privateer). Cargo : 13 tierces coffee. Taken in- to St. Johns, N. B. Perseverance (642), sloop, 133 tons, Rob 1 James, mas- ter, Moose Island to Castine, captured Sept. 18, 1814 by- Bacchante. Cargo : dry goods, rum, molasses and other articles. Restored vessel and part of cargo. Phebe (51), brig, 200 tons, E. Bradley, master. Civi- ta Vichia to Boston, captured Sept. 19, 1812 by Aeolus. Cargo: brandy, juniper berries and paving stones. Pilgrim (490), boat, 25 tons, Ant? Brooks, master, Bos- ton to East Port, captured Apr. 27, 1813 by Bream. Car- go : gin, tobacco, flour, &c. Pilgrim (235), brig, 269 tons, J. W. Baker, master, New Orleans to Cadiz, captured May 18, 1813 by La Hogue, Marlborough, St. Domingo, Statira, Maidstone and Fan tome. Pilgrim (320), schr., 22 tons, J. Bibbin, master, Port- land to East Port, captured July 8, 1813 by Matilda (privateer). Cargo : ballast. Pitt (96), brig, Mussen, master, recaptured Oct. 5, 1812, by Nymphe. Planter (84), ship, Friths, master, Surinam to England, recaptured Sept. 2, 1812 by Shannon. Planter (612), sloop, 48 tons, S. Crowell, master, from Dartmouth, fishing, captured Sept. 2, 1814 by Lively (privateer). Cargo : fish, oil, salt and fishing stores. Taken into Liverpool. 147 Plough Boy (324), sloop, R. Ogden, master, Marrier River to Philadelphia, captured May 30, 1813 by Statira, Spartan and Martin. Plutus (489), ship, 182 tons, D. Graham, master, Gib ralter to London, recaptured Apr. 9, 1813 by Curlew' Cargo : 360 casks rice and return goods say linens, threads' &c. Policy (456), ship, J. Bowman, master, recaptured Dec. 4, 1813 by Loire and Rarailies. Polly (44), schr. (privateer), 34 tons, P. L. Favour master, from Marblehead, cruising, captured Aug. 11, 1812 by Colibrie and Acasta. Cargo: guns, ammunition and provisions. Polly (115), schr., 85 tons, H. Snow, master, Charles- town to Boston, captured Oct. 14, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo: rice and leather. Polly (342), schr., F. Roberts, master, recaptured Aug. 13, 1813 by Statira. Polly (465), schr., 88 tons, S. French, master, Penobscot to Boston, captured Dec. 10, 1813 by Wolverine (priva- teer). Cargo : lumber and fish. Taken into Liverpool. Polly (346), sloop, 92 tons, J. Morton, master, Bos- ton to Friendship, captured July 28, 1813 by Fly (priva- teer). Cargo : 25 bushels corn and 5 chairs. Polly (599), sloop, 45 tons, Stephen Allen, master, Newhaven to New York, captured Aug. 10, 1814 by Liv- erpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : rum, molasses and cheese. Porcupine (248), brig, 330 tons, T. Beckford, master, Bayonne to Boston, captured June 17, 1813 by Valiant, Acasta and Wasp. Cargo : brandy, wine, silks, dry goods and other merchandize. Porpois (364), schr., 32 tons, P. Pratt, master, from Cohasset, fishing, captured July 31, 1813 by Rattler. Car- go : fishing stores. Taken into New Brunswick. 148 Portland Packet (190), schr., 63 tons, E. Paine, mas- ter, Newbern to Boston, captured Apr. 16, 1813 by Retal- iation (privateer). Cargo : 581 bbls. tar and 20 bbls. tur- pentine. Taken into Liverpool. Portsmouth Packet (412), schr., Perkins, mas- ter, cruising, captured Oct. 5, 1813 by Fantome. Post Boy (239), schr., 154 tons, W. Cook, master, Sa- lem to St. Domingo, captured May 24, 1813 by Rattler, Shannon and Tenedos. Cargo : candles, oil, perfumery, paper, soap, wine, fish, brandy and dry goods. Taken into New Brunswick. President (165), schr., 93 tons, G. W. Carr, master, Charlestown, S. C. to Providence, R. I., captured Apr. 1, 1813 by Atalante. Cargo : 212 bales cotton and some in- digo. Prevoyante (33), schr., W. Austen, master, Martinique to Halifax, recaptured July 31, 1812 by Emulous. Cargo : sugar and rum. Prince of Austrias (97), brig, Glasgow to New Brunswick, recaptured Aug. 13, 1812 by Statira. Priscilla (287), schr., 61 tons, J. Small, master, to Boston, captured July 9, 1813 by Curlew. Cargo: fish. Protectress (277), ship, 292 tons, W. Jeffery, master, Norfolk to Lisbon, captured June 18, 1813 by Victorious- Marlboro, Barrossa, Junon, Narcissus and Mohawk. Cargo : 3200 bbls. flour. Providence (312), schr., B. Sire, master, recaptured July 25, 1813 by Nymphe. Prudence (46), brig, 157 tons, John Anderson, master, Dublin to New York, captured Aug. 11, 1812 by Morgi- ana. Cargo : a few trunks of linen and hardware. Prudence (553), schr., 18 1-2 tons, L. G. Crocker, master, Washington, N. C. to Barnstable, captured July 10, 1814 by Acasta. Cargo : spirits of turpentine, bright varnish and reed poles. 149 Prudentta (292), ship, Domingo Pagia, master, Oca- croke to Cadiz, captured July 7, 1813 by Rattler. Cargo 1000 bbls. flour, 3 staves, 30 bbls. tar and 50 kegs tobac- co. Taken into New Brunswick. Restored. Pythagoras (77), sloop (privateer), 42 tons, Cyrus Libby, master, from Saco, cruising, captured Aug. 9, 1812 by Bream. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provisions. Queen Charlotte (396), schr., C. Livingston, master, Antigonish to Newf d Land, recaptured Sept. 3, 1813 by Shannon. Cargo : cattle. Quiz (511), schr., 214 tons, W. Phillips, master, 28 men and 2 guns, St. lago to Philadelphia, captured May 23, 1814 by Niemen. Cargo : 25 hhds. sugar, 250 bbls. sugar, 30 casks molasses and 1 bbl. coffee. Racer (238), schr., 230 tons, West, master, from Raphahanoc, cut out bound to France, captured , 1813 by Victorius. Cargo : coffee, cotton and sugar. Rachel (663), brig, 120 tons, John Patterson, master, Portland to Wilmington, captured Nov. 3, 1814 by Rover (privateer). Cargo : 200 bushels potatoes and 275 hhds. salt. Taken into Liverpool. Randolph (439), schr., W. Clarke, master, captured Oct. 14, 1813 by Paz. Randolph (331), sloop, 32 tons, J. Webster, master, Boston to East Port, captured July 23, 1813 by Fly (privateer). Cargo : 170 bbls. flour, 20 bbls. beef, 30 bbls. pitch and tar. Ranger, schr., 33 tons, Dan 1 Covell, master, New York to Providence, captured July 13, 1814 by Superb. Cargo : flour. Ranger (666), schr., 85 tons, John Burton, master, Friendship to Boston, captured Nov. 5, 1814 by Lunen- burg (privateer). Cargo : wood and scantling. Taken into Lunenburg. 150 Rapid (109), brig fprivateer), 190 tons, Joseph Weeks master, from Portland, cruising, captured Oct. 18, 1812 by Maidstone and Spartan. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provisions. Rattlesnake (546), brig, 280 or 300 tons, J. Renshaw, master, 14 guns and 130 men, Bay of Biscay returning from a cruise, captured July 11, 1814 by Leander. Raven (369), schr., W. Kingston, master, captured Aug. 27, 1813 by Manly. Restored. Rayo (99), brig, 118 tons, J. Moreno, master, Balti- more to Porto Rico, captured July 28, 1812 by Maidstone. Cargo : flour. Restored. Rebecca (290), schr., 86 tons, G. Vaughan, master, New York to Cadiz or Halifax, captured June 27, 1813 by Boxer. Cargo : 584 bbls. flour. Taken into New Brunswick. Rebecca (347), schr., 64 tons, J. Dennis, master, Pen- obscot to Marblehead, captured July 27, 1813 by Fly (privateer). Cargo: cord wood. Rebecca (367), schr., 117 tons, A. Elwell, master, Townshend to Boston, captured Aug. 3, 1813 by Boxer. Cargo : cord wood. Taken into New Brunswick. Recovery (484), brig, 190 tons, D. Dunbar, master, Bermuda to Castine, captured Jan. 15, 1814 by Hare (privateer). Cargo : ballast and specie. Specie landed before capture. Taken into Shelburne. Red Bird (141), sloop, 55 tons, J. Foster, master, Murros Borough to Boston, captured Mar. 18, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : 1811 bushels corn and 206 bbls. tar. Regulator (43), schr. (privateer), 40 tons, J. Mans- field, master, from Salem, cruising, captured Aug. 11, 1812 by Colibrie. Cargo: guns, ammunition and provis- ions. 151 Reliance (146), sloop, 56 tons, S. Crowell, master, Boston to New York, captured Mar. 10, 1813 by Liver- pool Packet (privateer). Cargo : 5 kegs brimstone, 3 hhds. molasses, 1 bale cotton, 1 chest tea, 3 kegs tobacco, 1 bbl. rice, 41 bbls. ashes, 1786 bars iron, 3 boxes and 1 bbl. sugar. Republican (299), ship, A. Baupen, master, New York to Port au Prince, captured July 11, 1813 by Nim- rod. Cargo : provisions, lumber, tobacco, fruit and dry goods. Resolution (410), ship, 215 tons, C. Olson, master, Gottenburg to New Bedford or Boston, captured Sept. 25, 1813 by Majestic. Cargo : iron and deals. Resolution (413), sloop, 57 tons, W. Gibbs, master, Martha's Vinyard to Worsham, captured Sept. 11, 1813 by Star (privateer). Cargo : iron ore. Revenge (124), schr. (privateer), 69 tons, J. Sinclair, master, from Salem, cruising, captured Dec. 4, 1812 by Paz. Cargo : guns, ammunition and provisions. Reward (132), brig, 182 tons, A. Hill, master, Salem to Lisbon, captured Oct. 10, 1812 by General Smyth (privateer). Cargo : flour, beef, &c. Rhoda (697), schr., 129 tons, A. F. Wright, master, Bermuda to Liverpool or London, recaptured Feb. 26, 1815 by Bulwark. Cargo : sugar, coffee and cotton. Richard D. Stanley (405), schr., 115 tons, Ful- ford, master, to Boston, captured Sept. 13, 1813 by Paz. Cargo : 506 bbls. tar, 170 bbls. pitch, 69 bbls. turpentine and 100 bbls. flour. Richmond (191), brig, 150 tons, W. Thomas, master, New York to East Port, captured Apr. 19, 1813 by Re- taliation (privateer). Cargo : 230 bbls. wheat and rye flour. Taken into Liverpool. Restored. Richmond (217), schr., 94 tons, S. Bur, master, Cuba to Rhode Island, captured Apr. 25, 1813 by Retaliation (privateer). Cargo : molasses. Taken into Liverpool. 152 Rising Sun (143), schr., 64 tons, L. Hallet, master, No. Carolina to Barnstable, captured Mar. 21, 1813, by- Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer). Cargo : 1,350 bushels corn, 10 bushels beans and 204 bbls tar. Rising Sun (166), schr., 99 tons, G. F. Fash, master, Charlestown, S. C, to New York, captured March 31, 1813 by Atalante. Cargo : 250 bales cotton and 23 kegs ground nuts. Rising Sun (469), sloop, C. B. Hussey, master, cap- tured Dec. 1, 1813 by Loire, Ramilies and Endymion. Robust (569), sloop, captured July 10, 1814 in the harbour of the Chesapeake, the tobacco taken out of store houses and vessels sailing under the American flag which were burnt. Captured July 2, 1814 by Albion, Dragon, Acasta, Loire, Severn, Narcissus, Jaseur and St. Law- rence, 18 hhds. tobacco. Captured July 10, 1814 by Albion, Dragon, Loire, Severn, Jaseur, and St. Lawrence, 6 tons barr iron. Rolla (462), schr. (privateer), G. Fellows, master, captured Dec. 10, 1813 by Loire. Roscio (311), brig, F. Jose Carva, master, captured , 1813 by Dover. Rose in Bloom (307), sloop, 58 tons, J. Colbroth, mas- ter, Saco to Rhode Island, captured July 7, 1813 by Re- taliation (privateer). Cargo : lumber. Taken into Liv- erpool. Rover (19), 98 tons, W m Chapman, master, Liverpool to Amelia Island, captured July 19, 1812 by Ringdove. Cargo : coals, earthen ware and hard ware. Rover (446), schr., J. Atkins, master, captured Nov. 6, 1813 by Shannon (privateer). Roxana (333), ship, C. Blake, master, captured July 10, 1813 by La Hogue. Restored. 153 Rubicon (468), schr., J. Lassel, master, Boston to Belfast, captured Dec. 17, 1813 by Shannon (privateer). Cargo : ballast. Taken into Liverpool. Russell (101), brig, Parker, master, recaptured Aug. 18, 1812 by Statira. Ruth (670), schr., 21 tons, Ambrose Jones, master, Portland to Portsmouth, captured Nov. 9, 1814 by Rover (privateer). Cargo : dry fish. Taken into Liverpool. Sally (58), brig, W. Radford, master, recaptured Aug. 10, 1812, by Morgiana. Sally (202), brig, 143 tons, T. Patch, master, Port- land to St. Mayaretta, captured Apr. 24, 1813, by Cur- lew. Cargo : lumber. Restored. Sally (225), schr., 74 tons, J. Cousins, master, East Port to Boston, captured May 13, 1813 by Bream. Cargo : plaister paris, salt and fish. Taken into New Brunswick. Sally (309), schr., 33 tons, D. Townshend, master, Saco to Nantucket, captured July 12, 1813 by Retaliation (privateer). Cargo : lumber. Taken into Liverpool. Sally (406), schr., W. Sabins, master, recaptured Sept. 15, 1813 by Provincial schr. Gleaner. Sally (425), schr., 89 tons, D. Chadwick, master, Ge°Town to Halifax, captured Oct. 16, 1813 by Loire. Cargo : 143 1-2 hhds. & 15 tierces rice and 2000 bushels corn. - 154 Sally (193), ship, 194 tons, A. Baker, master, Wis- casset to St. Bartholomews, captured Apr. 16, 1813 by La Hogue, Nymphe and Curlew. Cargo : 104 M. feet lumber, 22 M. red oak staves, 3 white d°., 100 M. shingles and 25 kegs lard. Restored. Sally (501), sloop, Moses Lowe, master, captured May 19, 1814, by Shannon (privateer). Taken into Liverpool. Sally Ann (86), schr., 124 tons, J. Day, master, New London to St. Bartholomews, captured Sept. 16, 1812 by Statira. Cargo : flour, corn, tobacco, &c. Samuel (376), schr., T. Snow, master, captured Aug. 20, 1813 by Broke (privateer). Sandbird (635), jebacco boat, Nath 1 Pearley, master, Halifax to Boston, captured Sept. 10, 1814 by Lunenburg (privateer). Cargo : dry goods. San Domingo (421), ship, B. Bogman, master, St. Bartholomews to New Haven, captured Sept. 29, 1813 by George (Privateer). Cargo : sugar, coffee, part materials 20 hhds. and 30 bbls. turpentine. San Gabriel (220), brig, A. Drummond, master, Ha- vannah to New York, captured May 19, 1813 by Sir John Sherbrooke (privateer) and Nova Scotia. Re- stored. San Joaquin (491), brig, 190 tons, Jose R de Torres, master, Mantanza to New Port or Boston, captured Mar. 23, 1814 by Albion, Dragon, Armide, Lacedemonian, Jaseur and St. Lawrence. Cargo : 38 hhds. & 222 casks molasses, 1 hhd. honey, 4 casks coffee, 45 boxes sugar and 4 bbls. sugar. Restored. Santa Cecelia (398), ship, M. J. Perriere, master, Lisbon to New Bedford, captured Sept. 14, 1813 by Wasp. Cargo : salt and dry goods. 155 Santiago (267), brig, 267 tons, L. De Austrie, master, Salem to Malaga, captured June 26, 1813 by Woolwick. Cargo : staves, tobacco, naval stores, beef and bacon. Restored. Sarah (138), brig, 255 tons, R. Pendergast, master, New York to Amsterdam, captured Feb. 19, 1813 by Tenedos. Cargo : 425 bales cotton, 186 bbls. pot ashes and 3000 pipe staves. Sarah (493), schr., 69 tons, Swedish Lasts, F. Sand- berg, master, St. Bartholomews to Boston, captured Apr. 18, 1814 by La Hogue. Cargo : 106 hhds. 20 tierces and 22 bbls. molasses. Restored. Sarah (640), schr., Rob* Hanley, master, St. Johns to Barbadoes, recaptured Sept. 28, 1814 by Maidstone. Car- go : fish and lumber. Saucy Jack (657), captured aground in the Potomack, Oct. 20 or 21, 1814 by Saracen. Cargo : corn in bulk and sweet potatoes. Science (60), schr. (privateer), 74 tons, W. Fernald, master, from Portsmouth, cruizing, captured Aug. 25, 1812, by Emulous. Cargo : guns, ammunition and pro- visions. Sea Flower (282), brig, G. Atkinson, master, recap- tured July 8, 1813 by Fantome. Semerimes (224), sloop, 85 tons, D. Loop, master, Pleasant River to Boston, captured Apr. 23, 1813, by Bream. Cargo : timber and cord wood. Taken into New Brunswick. Shannon (408), brig, J. Perkins, master, recaptured Sept. 27, 1813 by Manly. Sibae (211), brig, 115 tons, R. Carter, master, Savan- nah to Boston, captured Apr. 23, 1813 by Crown Solomon (privateer) and Atalante, Cargo : 301 bales cotton. Sir Alexr. Ball (556), ship, 399 tons, J. Skynner, master, Bristol to Malta, recaptured July 15, 1814 by Niemen. Cargo: British manufacture and Colonial pro- duce. 156 Snap Dragon (532), schr. (privateer), W. R. Gra- ham, master, captured June 30, 1814 by Martin. Snow Alexander (615), 207 tons, Jn° Newby, mas- ter, St. Thomas to Liverpool, recaptured Sept. 6, 1814 by Wasp. Cargo : 306 hhds., 27t s & 179 bbls. sugar, 10 puncheons rum, 6 casks molasses and 71 1-2 tons fustic. Snow Wanderer (594), 168 tons, Sam 1 Saunders, master, Newdi' d land to Corunna, recaptured Aug. 19, 1814 by Tenedos. Cargo : 2900 quintals of codfish. Sophia (156), sloop, 66 tons, O. Boles, master, Chand- lers River to New Bedford, captured Aug. 30, 1812. Taken into St. Johns. Specie (174), schr., 93 tons, J. Farrow, master, Alex- andria to Boston, captured Apr. 8, 1813, by Nymphe. Cargo : 700 bbls. flour. Stamper (325), brig, W. Wilson, master, Liverpool to Halifax, recaptured July 27, 1813 by Ring Dove. Starr (280), ship, 409 tons, Skinner, master, Alexander to Lisbon, captured June 14, 1813, by Victori- ous, Marlboro, Junon, Narcissus, Barossa and Mohawk. Cargo : 4388 bbls. flour and 338 half bbls. flour. Start (7), brig, 173 tons, P. Hazleton, master, St. Ubes to Newbury Port, captured July 15, 1812 by Spartan and Juniper. Cargo : salt. Stephanie (560), schr., 71 tons, F. W. V. Reynegom, master, Philadelphia to Havannah, captured July 16, 1814 by Acasta. Cargo : flour, lard and onions. Stockholm (82), schr., 145 tons, L. Chaplin, master, St. Bartholomews to Boston, captured Sept. 2, 1812 by Maidstone and Aeolus. Cargo : rum, sugar and coffee. Restored. Strong (534), schr., (privateer.) J. Merrit, master, captured Junel5, 1814 by Shannon. 157 Success (507), brig, 78 tons, M. Harvey, master, Tor- bay to Banks of Newf d land, recaptured May 29, 1814 by Charybdis. Cargo : twice laid cordage, beer and cyder. Sukey (582), schr., 44 tons, Jabez Howes, master, New Haven to Norwich, captured July 29, 1814 by Lively (privateer). Cargo : ballast. Taken into Liverpool. Superb (673), brigate, 120 tons, W 1 " C. Anderson, master, Charlestown to Philadelphia, recaptured, Nov. 24, 1814 by Spencer. Cargo : rice. Superb (673), brig te 120 tons, W 111 C. Anderson, mas- ter, Charlestown to Philadelphia, captured, Nov. 24, 1814 by Spencer. Cargo : rice. Susan (128), sloop, 39 tons, J. Ellis, master, Alexan- dria to Boston, captured Dec. 17, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : flour. Susannah (226), sloop, 89 tons, L. Marshal, master, Deer Island to Boston, captured Apr. 20, 1813 by Bream. Cargo: cord wood. Taken into New Brunswick. Susanna and Lucy (216), schr., 117 tons, J. Lewis, master, Lyn to N h Yarmouth, captured May 5, 1813 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : cord wood. Taken into Liverpool. Swallow (445), schr., S. Frisbec, master, captured Oct. 30, 1813 by Shannon (privateer). Swift (144), brig,-197 tons, B. Cook, master, Savannah to Providence, captured March 14, 1813 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo: 319 bales cotton and 72 bundles leather. Swift (285), schr., 63 tons, T. Crossby, master, Cape Cod to Ipswich, captured July 7, 1813 by Curlew. Cargo : salt. Teazer (265), schr., cruising, captured June 27, 1813 by La Hogue. 158 Tejo (517), ship, 160 tons, Antonio Fugaca, master, Demerara to St. Bartholomews but proceeding for New- Port, R. I., captured May 15, 1814 by LaHogue. Cargo: rum and molasses, also 76 bbls. and 10 half bbls. flour, 171 iron bars, 20 bags of rye and 1 bag, taken out of a coast- ing vessel off New London by Maidstone. Telemachus (427), brig, W. Street, master, recaptured Oct. 25, 1813 by Narcissus. Ten Brothers (478), schr., 114 tons, T. Colley, mas- ter, St. George's to Salem, captured Jan. 6, 1814 by Wolverine (privateer). Cargo : 56 cords wood. Taken into Liverpool. Theodore (661), brig, 287 tons, Owen Lewis, master, Maranhai, Brazil to Liverpool, G. B., recaptured Nov. 15, 1814 by Saturn. Cargo : cotton. Thistle (701), schr., 100 tons, Malaga to Halifax, recaptured Mar. 19, 1815 by Cossack. Cargo : wine and fruit. Thomas (254), brig, G. Simmons, master, Cadiz to Boston, captured June 22, 1813 by Wasp. Restored. Thomas (273), schr., M. Burback, master, 10 guns and 96 men, from Portsmouth, cruising, captured June 30, 1813 by Nymphe. Thomas and Sally (505), brig, H y Stocks, master, re- captured May 26, 1813 by Martin and Curlew. Thorn (116), brig, (privateer), 291 tons, Asa Hooper, master, 18 guns, 124 men, from Marblehead, cruising, captured Oct. 31, 1812 by Teneclos, Shannon, Nymphe and Curlew. Thorn (551), schr., A. Hathaway, master, captured July 11, 1814 by Bulwark. Thorn (447), schr., P. Shirley, master, captured Nov. 8, 1813 by Shannon (privateer). 159 Three Brothers (152), schr., 40 tons, J. Cairns, master, Baltimore to Boston, captured Mar. 19, 1813 by- Retaliation (privateer). Cargo: 248 bushels corn and 50 half bbls. flour. Three Brothers (363), schr., 94 tons, W. Rogers, master, Cape Ann to Portland, captured Aug. 7, 1813 by Dart (privateer). Cargo : ballast. Taken into New- Brunswick. Three Friends (567), schr., alias His Majesty's sloop Pictou, captured July 30, 1814. Three Friends (667), schr., 25 tons, John Philips, master, Kittery to Boston, captured Nov. 12, 1814 by Lunenburg (privateer). Cargo : ballast. Taken into Lu- nenburg. Three Friends (129), schr., 79 tons, Otis Fall, mas- ter, Baltimore to Boston, captured Dec. 18, 1812 by Liv- erpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : flour and corn. Three Wtlliams (676), brig, 95 tons, John White- way, master, Newf d land to Portugal, recaptured , 1814 by Arab. Cargo : 1990 quintals dry fish. Taken into Shelburne. Tickler (648), schr., 41 tons, John Boyd, master, Philadelphia to St. Bartholomew, captured Oct. 4, 1814 by Niemen and Loire. Cargo : 110 bbls. and 35 half bbls. flour, 25 bbls. bread, 10 kegs crackers and 50 boxes soap. Tickler (555), sloop, 65 tons, Lloyd Bowers, master, New York to Machias, captured June 14, 1814 by Saturn. Cargo : 50 bbls. beef, flour, wheat and rye. (603) Tobacco, 169 hhds., bro't to Halifax in the trans- port brig Tucker, from off the land and shore of the Ches- apeake. 119 hhds. captured bet. July 20 and Aug. 7, and 50 hhds. on June 11, by Albion and ships of war as- sociated in the blockade of the Chesapeake. Tomahawk (688), schr., 202 tons, Philip Bessom, master, mounting 9 guns, from Boston, cruising, captured Jan. 22, 1815 by Bulwark. 160 Topedo (392), schr., captured Sept. 11, 1813 by Plan- tagenet. Crew and papers escaped before capture. Traveller (17), schr., 108 tons, Z. Smith, master, Georgia to Alexandria, captured July 12, 1812 by Emu- lous. Cargo : live oak timber. The cargo taken posses- sion of for the use of the Navy. Traveller (228), sloop, 94 tons, J. Stover, master, Sedgwick to Salem, captured Apr. 4, 1813 by Rattler. Cargo : cord wood. Taken into New Brunswick. Trent (458), schr., 69 tons, R. Curtis, master, Bristol to Boston, captured Dec. 10, 1813 by Wolverine (priva- teer). Cargo : cord wood and 5 cwt. of butter. Taken into Liverpool. Triton (319), schr., 122 tons, Ge° McFarlane, master, St. Thomas to Kennebeck, captured July 14, 1813 by Bream. Cargo : 45 puncheons rum and 6 hhds. molasses. Taken into New Brunswick. Restored. Two Brothers (506), bark, J. Tucker, master, Liver- pool to Baltic, recaptured May 25, 1814 by Martin and Curlew. Cargo : salt, crates of ware, rum and coffee. Two Brothers (186), schr., 131 tons, T. Harden, mas- ter, Bass Harbour to Boston, captured Mar. 27, 1813 by Rattler and Bream. Cargo : cord wood. Taken into New Brunswick. Two Brothers (343), schr., 89 tons, J. Mitchel, mas- ter, Tanfield to East Port, captured July 6, 1813 by Boxer. Cargo : 650 bbls. flour and 400 bushels of corn. Taken into New Brunswick. Restored. Two Brothers (286), schr., 53 tons, B. Glasin, mas- ter, Kennebeck to Ipswich, captured July 7, 1813 by Curlew. Cargo : wood, bark and shingles. Two Brothers (617), schr., Ambrose Nelson, master, Philadelphia to Havannah, captured Sept. 4, 1814 by Nie- men. Cargo: flour, soap, onions, locks and Indian corn. 161 Two Friends (127), schr., 38 tons, S. Clarke, master, Baltimore to Boston, captured Dec. 17, 1812 by Liver- pool Packet (privateer). Cargo : flour. Two Friends (524), schr., Gideon Bowley, master, Province Town to Saco, captured June 11, 1814 by Shan- non (privateer). Cargo: ballast. Taken into Liverpool. Tulip (130), brig, 150 tons, Ja 8 McCullough, master, Philadelphia to Bordeaux, captured Dec. 12, 1812 by At- alante. Cargo : cotton, rice and codfish. Tyger (563), brig, 173 tons, H y Davison, master, Malaga to Stattin, Prussia, recaptured July 21, 1814 by Bulwark. Ulysses (195), brig, 156 tons, R. Lawton, master, Cuba to New Port, captured Apr. 20, 1813 by Orpheus. Cargo : molasses and sugar. Ulysses (314), brig, 248 tons, Sam' Hill, master, Sa- vannah to Bourdeaux, captured June 30, 1813 by Majes- tic. Cargo : 359 bales cotton. Unice (296), sloop, B. Pulcifer, master, captured July 7, 1813 by Curlew. Union (50), brig, J. Tullock, master, Liverpool to Newfoundland, recaptured Aug. 14, 1812 by Morgiana. Union (114), schr., 105 tons, Joseph Hall, master, Philadelphia to Kennebeck, captured Oct. 14, 1812 by Liverpool Packet (privateer). Cargo : flour and corn. Union (110), schr., 83 tons, M. Kendrick, master, Labradore to Chatham, captured Oct. 19, 1812 by Maid- stone and Spartan. Cargo : fish. Union (163), schr., 95 tons, S. Snell, master, Warren to Havannah, captured Apr. 3, 1813 by Sir John Sher- brooke (privateer). Cargo : 35 thousand boards, 4000 hoops, 450 shook hhds. Union (609), schr., 22 tons, W. Bradford, master, Camden to Moose Island, captured July 30, 1814 by Rifle- 162 man. Cargo : 85 bbls. beef, 2 kegs butter, 4 or 5 cheese and ^ bbl. tongues. Taken into St. Johns, N. B. Union (49), ship, R. Henry, master, from Liverpool, captured Aug. 16, 1812 by Emulous. Restored on pay- ment of costs. Union (271), ship, 231 tons, Paul Port, master, Cadiz to Boston, captured June 26, 1813 by Dart (privateer). Cargo : block tin, salt and fruit. Taken into New Bruns- wick. Restored. Union Lass (35), schr., J. Osborne, master, recaptured , 1812 by Chub. Unity (574), sloop, 36 tons, J. C. Swain, master, Washington, N. C. to Philadelphia, captured July 23, 1814 by Asia. Cargo: 145 bbls. turpentine, 32 bbls. tar, 12 bbls. spirits turpentine and 5683 feet floor boards. Valaria (283), schr., 96 tons, C. Bollard, master, Hol- lower to Providence, captured July 6, 1813 by Retrieve (privateer). Cargo : lumber and oars. Venus (323), schr., 72 tons, G. Bailey, master, Long Island to Datchmans Bay, captured July 13, 1813 by Matilda (privateer). Cargo : corn and ballast. Venus (449), schr., 100 tons, N. D. Blyden, master, Boston to St. Bartholomews, recaptured Nov. 24, 1813 by Rifleman. Taken into Shelburne. Venus (407), ship, 203 tons, F. Wilson, master, Cuba to Salem, captured Sept. 24, 1813 by Borer. Cargo : mo- lasses, sugar and coffee. Vestal (630), ship, Hanby Loggan, master, Buenos Ayres to London, recaptured Sept. 15, 1814 by Dragon. Cargo : hides and tallow. Victor (498), brig, 52£ tons, Swedish Lasts, Carl Fred k Hallberger, master, Hayti to New London, captured May 13, 1814 by La Hogue, Maidstone, Sylph and Nim- rod. Cargo : 140 hhds. sugar. 163 Victory (153), brig, 126 tons, E. Bradley, master, Lisbon to Boston, captured Mar. 19, 1813 by Retaliation (privateer). Cargo : 217 raoys salt. Victory (477), schr., 52 tons, R. Carey master, Bux- ton to Boston, captured Jan. 6, 1814 by Wolverine (pri- vateer). Cargo : timber and cord wood. Taken into Liv- erpool. Victory (585), schr., 45 tons, Tim y Hallett, master, fishing, captured Aug. 7, 1814 by Leauder. Cargo : green fish. Restored. Victory (696), ship, laying at Penobscot, recaptured bet. 1st and 30th Sept., 1814 by conjunct naval and mili- tary force at Penobscot. Victress (596), sloop, 65 tons, S. Pennoyer, master, Bridge Port to New York, captured Aug. 10, 1814 by Liverpool Packet and Shannon (privateers). Cargo : spirits, butter, cheese and oats. Taken into Liverpool. Vivid (179), brig, 180 tons, B. Vanderford, master, Boston to St. Domingo, captured Apr. 20, 1813 by Nymphe. Cargo : 600 boxes soap, 50 boxes candles, 51 hhds. fish, 250 bbls. Alewives, 47 boxes cheese, 10 half bbls. tongues, 3 hhds. bacon, 5 bales bagging, 6 hhds. to- bacco, 25 boxes spermaciti candles, 20 cases oil, 32 hhds. claret, 2 pipes brandy, 1 bale twine and 13 bales Calcutta goods. Voador (521), brig, 156 tons, Rob* N. Braga, master, St. Salvador to Boston, captured June 16, 1814 by La Hogue. Cargo : 3 to 4000 Arabos dye wood, 13 small boxes and 66 large boxes sugar. Restored. Voador (537), brig, 180 tons, Anthino Monteno, mas- ter, Cuba to Boston, captured June 28, 1814 by Nymphe. Cargo : 130 hhds. molasses, adventures, 17 hhds. Restored. Volador (263), brig, M. Murquaz, master, Philadel- phia to Havannah, captured May 20, 1813 by Spartan, Statira and Martin. Cargo : some boxes silk, window glass and specie. 164 ■ Volant (157), ship, 457 tons, N. M. Perley, master, Bayonne to Boston, captured Mar. 26, 1813 by Curlew, La Hogue and Valiant. Cargo : brandy, wine, silks, dry goods, iron and sundry manufactures. Washington (244), schr., 65 tons, E. Sawyer, master, Portland to Boston, captured Juue 5, 1813 by Dart (pri- vateer). Cargo : boards and shingles. Taken into New Brunswick. Wasp (308), schr., 99 tons, J. Springer, master, Kenne- beck to Falmouth, captured July 9, 1813 by Retaliation (privateer). Cargo : shingles and bark. Taken into Liv- erpool. Wasp (344), sloop, E. A. Irvin, master, 2 guns and 35 men, from Salem, cruising, captured Aug. 8, 1813 by Bream. Taken into New Brunswick. Watson (387), brig, W. Greig, master, recaptured Sept. 3, 1813 by Poictiers. West Indian (454), schr., L. Otis, master, captured Dec. 8, 1813 by Loire and Ramilies. Wiley Reynard (405), schr. (privateer), 22 tons, W m Lane, master, from Boston, cruising, captured Oct. 11, 1812 by Shannon. Cargo: guns, ammunition and provis- ions. William (20), bark, J. Hare, master, recaptured July 8, 1812 by Indian. Cargo: dry goods valued at <£1400. William (98), brig, recaptured Aug. 16, 1812 by Sta- tira. William (243), brig, W. Hunter, master, recaptured May 31, 1813 by Shannon. William (647), brig, 235 tons, Ge° Powditch, master, Rio Janeiro to London, recaptured Oct. 11, 1814 by Ar- mide. Cargo : sugar 216 chests, coffee 2120 bags, fustic 815 pieces, ox horns 10,000, dry hides 120 and 2 casks wine. 165 William (151), schr., 102 tons, John Williams, mas- ter, Charles Town to Lisbon, captured Mar. 12, 1813 by Rataliation (privateer). Cargo : 38 bushels of com. William (433), schr., S. Nevis, master, New York to Charlestown, captured Oct. 27, 1813 by Paz. Cargo : pro- visions. William (628), schr., from Chesapeake, captured 1814 by Albion and other ships of war associated in the blockade of the Chesapeake. William (529), schr., S. Pudor, master, recaptured June 19, 1814 by Wasp. William (350), sloop, 39 tons, E. Crowell, master, from Barnstable, fishing, captured Aug. 7, 1813 by Ma- tilda (privateer). Cargo : codfish and stores. William & Ann (329), sloop, 77 tons, W. Eadie, mas- ter, Scotland to Ireland, recaptured July 31, 1813 by Nimrod. Cargo : coals and glass. York Town (301), ship, A. Ricker, master, cruising, captured July 17, 1813 by Poictiers, Maidstone and Nim- rod. Young Phoenix (209), ship, P. Duval, master, Jersey to Arichat, recaptured May 9, 1813 by Orpheus. Zodiac (71), ship, 309 tons, J. Hague, master, Norfolk to Lisbon, captured Aug. 28, 1812 by Alpha. Restored. (571) Articles on board H. M. ship Dragon, taken out of stores and warehouses and out of ships and vessels un- der American colours which were burnt. Captured May 22-24, 1814 by Dragon, Albion, Acasta, Loire, Jaseur, and St. Lawrence, 240 bbls. and 94 half bbls. flour, 9 bbls. bread, 72 bbls. beef, 153 kegs crackers, 45 boxes segars and 74 bbls. tar. Captured June 11, 1814 by Albion Dragon, Acasta, Loire, Narcissus, Jaseur and St. Law- rence, 238 hhds. tobacco. On sloop Julian captured July 17, 1814, 316 bbls. and 32 half bbls. flour and 91 kegs tobacco. On schr. Buzi, captured July 19, 1814, 274 bbls. 166 flour, both captures by Albion, Dragon, Asia, Severn, Loire, Jaseur, St. Lawrence, Regulus, Melpomene, Brune, Manly and Etna Bomb. (589) Sundry articles taken out of an American schr. called the Night Hawk and brought to Halifax in the Maidstone, captured June — , 1814, near New London by Superb, Maidstone and Sylph. Cargo : 38 bbls. tar, 4 bbls. turpentine, 8 bbls. & 1 box salts, 1 cask cotton, 6 bbls. & 4 kegs oil and 1 hhd. oil. (592) Captured at Moose Island, July 11, 1814 by detachment of His Majesty's army and navy, sundry goods & merchandize valued at £29,464. 14. 4 currency, perish- able goods belonging to American citizens, now resident, 6 boxes tin, 5 casks sadlery, 9 musquets, 15 bayonets, 15 belts and scabbards. (625) Captured in the Potowmack and Patuxent riv- ers, bet. July 20 and Aug. 7, 1814 by Albion and other ships of war associated in the blockade of the Chesapeake, 105 hhds. tobacco, 19 bbls. turpentine and 4 bbls. flour. (655) Taken from public stores in Alexandria, bet. Aug. 1 and Sept. 20, 1814 by a conjoint expedition cap- tured by the boats of the Sea Horse and put on board the Severn and bro't to Halifax, 25 hhds. tobacco. (644) Captured at Penobscot and Machias, bet. Sept. 1 and 30, 1814, a ship, 3 brigs, 4 schrs. and 1 sloop. (641) Captured at Penobscot and Machias, bet. Sept. 1 and 30, 1814, a ship 230 tons, schr. 45 tons, brig 115 tons, schr. 89 tons, ship 500 tons, schr. 130 tons, brig Sally 110 tons, and goods found in the woods, supposed value <£20, 000. (682) Sundry goods seized at Windsor by the Collector of his Maj s customs, Dec. — , 1814, woolens, linens, cot- tons, &c. Restored. AMERICAN VESSELS CAPTURED BY THE BRITISH DURING THE Revolution and War of 1812 The Records of the Vice-Admiralty Court at Halifax, Nova Scotia. THE ESSEX INSTITUTE Salem, Massachusetts 1911 iV ;5 °* .-— v2*i -^ t/* . S tv\\ SK. ///l o *>* V 1 - A°* .0 l* v „.-... 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