'Hi}wiir-jm*- E 467 V n I • % -^^ ..^ .'^^.^a'^ -^^ ^7^_ i3> ♦^ .^*^^ .--/- ^^ % < o • * lO' c 0^ ^o. -^^ '^ 3 O .& .^^ .. ^•■ ^^ .r Ni-J ^ « o ■m<.,' ■71 \: :^^ ^ <,». ^0^ t • o «7 ta ' > c A" o » » « '^ ,-^ <^^ V. ' ■0^ '".*' 1 ' JC 7^* ^>.. 0^ 0^ A V . ^i> A *" ^^- -V^ 0" K^' "^ ^O. ^,. ^\<^ ^v -«> O » A ^ ^^. PRICE, ii& GENTS ^1 f id JOHN M. DANIEL'S #» (M> g|" 4^^ ®f '«." « tZ?,^^ ^ (,*V-yJ« A MEMOIR- OF THE LATE EDITOR OF THK.inCHMOND EXAMINER. BY DR. GEORGE W. BAGBV EOITOR OF THB NATIVE VJROINTAM. LYNCH BLTRG, VA. J. P. BKLL k CO.. Publishers. JOHNSON it SCHAFFTF.R, PRINTERS, Nos. fiO and C'i Mnrkot Street. h 1^ JOHN M. DANIEL'S ;l ■If rii\ -! A MEMOIR OF THE LATE EDITOR OF THE RICHMOND EXAMINER. ^ Bi DR. GEORGE W. BAGBY, KDItOE OF THE NATIVE VIEG^'.^k. J~~^ *". f^fj LYNCHBURG. VA J. H. BELL & CO., Booksellers and Publl.hprs 1868. '•J t E-^( Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by Dr. d E . W . B A G B Y , In the District Conrt of the United States ibr the District of Colninhia. « c JOIINSOX & SOUAFFTKK, PRINTKRS, MAUKKT sTKKIiT, T.YXcrtnnu;. viiioixiA. T^RKF^CTC. -*•►- In' December of last j'ear, soon after tlio publication of tlie "Latch-Key"' iu the Native Virginia )>, I visited the city of Richmond, and, while there, was con- vinced that I had made, iniwittinglj', two decided errors : First, John M. Daniel did not write "The Parliament of Beasts.'' The real author is known, but his name is withheld, for sufficient reasons. Second, the walk to Petersburg was made, not for the jMirpose of lending, but of paying monej' which the Editor of the Examiner had collected for his friend, the then Artist, Peticolas. This I learned from tho diary whicli DvMEL kept at that time, and which Mr. T. If. Wynne has now in his possession. In respect of other matters of fact, I believe the Memoir is substantially correct. It is reprinted now in pamphlet form, for the benefit of many who were unable to obtain tlie back nuniliers of the JVativf Vtrgini