iBttjttvl^ l^ook ADJUTANT SECOND NEW HAMPSHIRE REGIMENT J^tege of liSo^ton I77S -7^- H e,W V\ amPs'r,'\Te, \ni^antYtj, l^^, Teg'^mLTui, \T15- n%3. Orderly Book Kepi by Jeremiah Fogg. Adjutant Colonel Enoch Poor's Second New Hampshire Regiment, on Winter Hill, during the siege of Boston, October 28, 1775, to Jan- uary 12, 1776. The Gift of the Rev. Joseph Osgood, of Cohasset, Mass., [Born Kensing- ton, N. H.,] to Harvard University, October xo, 1842. Copied and Notes by Capt. Albert A. FoL- SOM, by the permission of W. C. Lane, Esq., Librarian of Harvard University. EXETER, N. H.: Reprinted from The Exeter News-Letter. igo3. 30 D '03 ORDERLY BOOK KEPT BY JEREMIAH FOGG. MAJOR JEREMIAH FOGG, BY HON. CHARLES H. BELL. Major Jeremiah Fogg, the oldest son of the Rev. Jeremiah Fogg, of Kensington, was born in 1749, graduated at Harvard college in 1768 ; spent several years as a teacher in Newbury- port, where he commenced the study of law with Theophilus Parsons, the most eminent iurist of the time. At the commencement of hostilities, in 1775, he entered Col. Poor's regi- ment as one of the staff officers and continued in the service through the whole war. At the close of the Kevolution he returned to Kensing- ton, took a prominent part in the political movements of the country, for several years was a member of the New Hampshire Senate, and died in 1808, at the age of 59. He married Lydia Hill, of Cambridge. It is said, that when he saw her christene7 D D Colo Nixon 1—1—1—2—29—1—1 Stark 0—1—2—1—12 Poor 0—1—1—2—42 Hutchinsou 1—2—1—2—39 Doolittle 0—1—2—2—29 Webb 2—2—2—0—32 5—10-12-11-250 Head Quarters November 4th. 1775 Parole London — Countersian Monmouth Brigadier General Sulervans orders Novr 4, 1775 Field officer of the day toMorrow Lt Colo Hall Adjutant Putnam, of the Picqt Colo Read His Surgeon and one to act as adjutant Major Moor. Picqt within the Lines to Night Colo Dolittle's Regt. Picqt on Plough Hill from Colo Read 1—2—3—3—39 D F Nixon 0—1—2—2—29—1—1 Starks 1—2—1—2—36—1—1 Poor i_i_i_i_34 Hutchinson 2—2—1—41 Dolittle 1—1—2—2—36 Webb 1—1—1—0—35 Camp Winter Hill Nov. 5, 1775, A Regimental Court Martial Ordered to set ToMorrow Nine oClock A. M. To try all Persons Brought before them by order Colo Poor, whereof Capt. Titcomb is President. Members Lieut Carr. Lieut Gilman En- sign More Ensign Chandler A Regimental Court Martial held this Day Whereof Capt. Benjamin Titcomb is President, Nathan Martin of Capt Short- ridges Company Tryed for Stealing Two Pair unfluished Slevs Buttons From Mr William Gowiug at Medford The Said Prisoner Pleads Guilty before ye Court of the Crime brought against Him. The Court are of Opinion that the Said Prisoner Receive twelve Lashes on his Naked bacli, and be Drummed out of the Regiment The Above Sentence abroved of and ordered To be Put in Execution as Soon as may be Enoch Poor Colo. Head Quarters, Novemb. 5th 1775. Parole Montgomery Countersian Chamblee Samuel Huntington, John Eng- lish Soldiers in The 34th Regiment of Foot Tryed at a Late General Court Mar- tial, for Mutiny. The Court upon Matui*e Consideration are of opinion that the Evidence against the Prisoners is not Sulllcient To Convict them of Mutiny but that they are Each of them guilty of asisting and Incoreraiging Mutiny there- fore adjudge that Each of them Pay a fine of L5s. and Sufter Each of them 15 Day Fatigue The General approves the Sentence and Orders it to be put in Exe- cution As The Commander in chief has bin apprised of a Design formed for the ob- servance of That Rediculous, and child- ish Custom of burning The Eft'egy ofl" the Pope He cannot help Expressing his Sup- prize That their should be officers and Soldiers in this array So void of Com- mon sense as Not to see the impropriety of such a step at this Juncture, at a time when we Are Soliciting and have raly ob- tained the friendship and alienee of the People of Cannada whome We Ought to Consider as brethering imbarked In the same cause in the Defence of General Liberty of America at such a Juncture and In such Surcorastances to be insult- ing is So monstronce, as not to be suf- fered — or Executed Indeed instead of ofl'ering the mosle Romote Insult it is our duty to Redress Public Thanks to these our brethering as to them We are so much Indepted for our late happy Success over our Common Enymees at Canada 10 Camp Winter Hill Nov'r 5. 1775, Brigadier General Sullervans Orders. Field ollicer of the day to Morrow Major Lattiraore, Adjutant Woodard of the Picquet Lieut Colo Holden Picquet with- in the lines to Night Colo Webbs Regiment Picquet for Plough Hill Colo Read 1—1—2—1—39 Nixon 1—1—2—2—29 Starkes 0—1—2—1—36 Poor 1—1—1—2—34 Hutchinson 1—2—1—2—41 Dolittle 0—2—2—2—36 1 Drum 1 Fife Webb 1—2—2—1—35 Camp Winter Hill Nov'r 6, 1775. Head Quarters, Parole Arnold, Counter- sign Quebeck. Robert Hanson Harrison Esq'r is ap- pointed Aid de Camp To his Excellency the Commander in Chief And all orders whether written or verble Coming from the General, Through Mr. Harrison are to be Punctually obeyed, All the men con- fined by Lieut Colo Reed of The 26th Regiment ware released upon application To Head Quarters. The General so far from being Displeased with Colo Reed for his indeavers to Prevent an infringe- ment of General orders as That he thanks the Colonel as he shall Every Officer who pays strict obedience to orders as with- out so doing it is in vain to Think of Preserving order and dicipline in an army. The Disagreeableness of The weather Scircity of Wood &c inclined the General to overlook the offense Commit- ted at that time but he hopes and Ex- pects the officers & Soldiers will for the future Carefully avoid Cutting Trees and Commiting waiste upon the Property of Those allready But to much Des- tressed by the Depredation of the En- nemy. 11 November (>th 1775. Brigadier General Sallervan's orders Field officer of the day Major Putuam Adjutant Webb Field officer of the Picq Colo Nixon his Surgeon And one to Act as Adjutant. Major Cilley Picqt Within the Lines Colo Webbs Regmut Picqt From Colo Poors Regiment. 0—1—2—2—34 Privates. Head Quarters November 7th, 1775. Parole Wilks Counter Sign Liberty Brigadier General Sulervans orders Field officer of the Day to Morrow Majr Butterick. Adjutant of the Day Peabody Field officer of the Picqt Colo Mac Dutlee. Picqt Within the Lines to Night Colo Nixous Regt. Head Quarters November 8th 1775, Parole Coit — Countersign Success Camp Winter Hill Novr 8th, Brigadier General Sulervans Orders Field officer of the Day toMorrow Major Hale Ad jut Holden Field officer of the Picqt Colo Webb His Surgeon and one to act as adjutant Picqt within the Lines toNight Colo Starks Picqt from Colo Poors Rgt. 1—1— 1—1— 34 Head Quarters Novr 'J, 1778 Parole Andover-Countersign Bedford To Prevent any False alarm Notice is Hereby Given that the Rifle Battalion Will Discharge their Arms toMorrow 12 o'clock Brigage Major Hanly having Droped His Pocket Book between head Quarters and Prospect Hill in which wass 42 dollars in paper Money a Note of Hand and sundry Letters any Person bringing the Same to Major Hanly at General Heaths Brigd Will be handsomely Re- warded. 12 Camp Winter Hill Nor !), 1775. Brigade General Sullevans orders Field officer of the Day to Morrow Major Cilley. Adjutant Chandler Field officer of the Picqt Lieut Colo Gilman, Picqt within the Lines Colo Poor's Regimt Ou Plough Hill Colo Poors Regfc 1—1—2—2—36 1 Subbolton, 3 Privets to Parade on the General Parade when the Picqt Gd Goes on. Head Quarters Novr 10 1775 Parole Cumberland Countersign Durham The General thanks Colo Thompson and The Other Gallant Officers and Soldiers As well of other Regiments as the Rifelers For the alacretary yesterday in Pushing Through the water to git to the Enneray On Leach Moors Piont he is informed That There whare some Names as yet Unnone who Discovered a backwardness In Crossing Causey, these will be Marked if they can be Discovered The General wass much Supprised & Consarned to see the Order in which Many of the Arms in Several of the Regiments Apperd he had not time to Inquire the Names of the Perticiler Officers to which Campanys they belonged* But Desires that this hint may be received as an admonition by Such officers as are Conscience of ther Neglect of this Duty as Other Methods will fallen upon if it is Not Camp Winter Hill Novr 10th 1775. Brisadier General Sulervans Order *Nov. 9th, At the top of high water, the tide being very full, Some British light infantry, in boats, Came over from Boston, And landed at Lachmer's Point. The Centinels on that point Came off; the alarm was given; and several huundred Americans forded over the Causeway in the face of the British, the water at least two feet deep. The British, Seeing tlie Spirit of the Americans, although they were ad- vantageously posted, made a prccipitati' retreat to their boats. Three or four Amtricaiis were wounded, one mortally. The British ship and floating batteries kept up a brisk tirt; ; but to little purpose.— //ea^A'*' Menwirs.p. 23, 1901. 13 Fiekl ofticer of the Day Colo Stark Adjutant Fogg Field oflicer of the Flcqt Colo Dolittle And One to Act as adjutant Majr Butterick Picqt Within the Lines to Night Lt Colo Hutchinsons Regiment From Picqt Col Poors Regt 0— 2— 1— 2— 3G Main Guard to be Supplyd Colo Webbs Rt. Camp on Winter Hill Novr 11, 1775 A Regimental Court Martial was ordered To sett this day to try all Person brought Before them, by order Enoch Poor Colo allso orders that his Regiment beSurched by the Sergts of the Companys They belong to to see what Quantity of Am- unition Each man has and Make Report of the Same Imediately. Head Quarters Novem'r 11th, 1775. Parole Effingham Countersign Franklin. Camp Winter Hill Nov'r 11th 1775. Brigadier General Sulervans orders The Field officer of the day to Morrow Lieut Colo McDuflee Adjutant Putnam Field officer of the Picql Lieut Colo .Hall Picqt within the lines tonight Colo Do- litles Regt Picqt Guard on plough Hill from Colo Poors Regiment C SSiirgtC 1—1—2—1—43 Privets a Captain three subboltons 5 Sergts 5 Corporals and 70 Privetts are ordered to work in the alarm Poste in fixing proper drains to Draw of the water From said Poste under the Direction of Lieut Colo McDufFee, from Colo Poors Regimint C S Sagt C 0—0—1—0 10 Privets to parad at The time the Picqt guard goes on Camp on Winter Hill Nov'r 12—1775. Brig. Gen'l Sullivan's Orders. All the Men not employed on the Bar- racks or on Guard are to be constantly employed in fixing the Lines on Winter 14 Hill compleatins the Citadel aud draining the Ditches. No Time is to be lost in having these works compleated Every Officer and Soldier is entreated to exeit himself in having this Work finished without Delay — The Soldiers who receive Discharges are to leave Arms, Accoutrements and Blankets with their Colos who are to have them appraised and kept for the Benefit of the Army and the Soldiers paid their true value — this being the Method pointed out by the Continental Congress As every hostile Preparation is making by our inveterate Enemies to inslave this distressed Country the Gen'l flatters himself that the Soldiers in his Brigade who have shown so noble a Disposition in Defense of their Country, will vie with each other in their For- wardness to Serve the ensuing Campaign, and instead of being discouraged by the Danger with which we are threatened and the Hardships of a Winter Campaign, will witness to the World their Attach- ment to the Cause of their Country, by their Readiness to defend her at a Time when every Circumstance so loudly calls for their Assistance — The Commanders of the Several Regi- ments are immediately to have a Review of their Arms and Ammunition and re- port the State of them to the Adjutant General that the Soldiers may be well supplied Commissary Emerson is ordered to deliver out same to the Officers and Sol- diers at the same Rate he takes in, for which the Gen'l will indemnify him. The Field officer commanding the Picqt from Winter Hill is to take under his Care the 20 Watch Coats furnished by the Qr Master Genl for this Brigade for the use of the advanced Picqt in the Orchard for which Rect he is to give the Brig Major a Rect which he may take 15 again when releaved, upon his producing a Rect from the Field Officer who re- leaves his Party from Winter Hill to be accountable for said Watch Coats. Officer of the day Colo Webb Adj Woodward. Officer of the Picqt Colo Poor his Sur- geon and one to Act as Adjutant Major Hale Picqt within the Lines Col Webbs Regt. Picqt from Colo Poors D F 1—2— 2— 2— 43— 1—1 Head Quarters, Novr 12, 1775 Parole America Counts Freedom Each Colo upon the Establishment to come to Head Quarters Tomorrow Morn- ing at Ten oClock in Order to receive from the Adjt General as many printed Inlistments as there are Commissd Offi- cers in his Regimt — They will therefore without Delay distribute one to each Offi- cer who is forthwith to proceed to inlist men for their respective Regimts in the Continental Army — The Soldiers as the printed Inlistments express to be in- gaged to Serve until the last day of Deer 1770— In the Genl Orders of the 31st of Octr it is declared that every non Com- missd officer and Soldier shall be paid by the Kalender Months as follows to a Sergt 48s to the Corporals, Drums & Fifers 44s and 40s to each Private which Pay it is expected will be regularly distributed every Month. Each Non Commissioned Officer and Soldier (Drumr & Fifers Excepted) is to furnish his own Arms — if Arms are found him he is to allow 6s at the End of the Campaign for the Use thereof — New Cloathing will forthwith be provided for every Non Commissioned Officer and Soldier, for which an easy Stoppage of only 10s Pr Month will be made out of the Pay untill the whole is paid — Two Dollars will be allowed to every Non Commissd Officer & 16 Soldier who provides himself with a good Blankett — and Liberty to take it Away at the End of the Campaign the present ample allowance of Provision will be con- tinued — All those who inlist will be in- dulged in a Reasonable Time to visit their Families in the Course of the Winter this is to be regulated in Such a Manner as not to weaken the Array or injure the Service. To prevent Such Contentions as have arisen from the Same Person being inlist- ed by different Officers for different Regi- ments, it is positively ordered upon Pain of being Cashiered, that no Officer knowingly presume to inlist any Soldier who has been previously inlisted by an- other Officer — where such a Mistake happens undesignedly the first Inlistment is to take Place — The Officers are to be Careful not to inlist any Person Suspect- ed of being unfriendly to the Liberties of America or any Vagabond to whom all Causes or Countries are equally alike in- different the Rights of Mankind and the Freedom of America will have Numbers sufficient to them without resorting to such wretched Assistances — Let these who wish to put Shackles upon Freemen fill their Ranks and place their Confidence In such Miscreants Neither Negroes, Boys unable to bear Arms nor old Men unfit to endure the Fatigues of a Campaign are to be inlist- ed, the Preference being given to the present Army— The Officers are vigilant- ly to try what Number of Men can be in- listed in the Course of next Week and make report thereof to their Colo who will make report to the Gunl — this to be done every Week untill the Whole are Compleated The Regis are to consist of eight Com- panies, each Corapy of a Capt two Lieuts and an Ensign 4 Serjeants 4 Corporals two Drurars or Fifers and 7G Privates 17 As the Regemts are compleated they will be mustered and then reviewed by their Commander in Chief, when the Role of each Company Slj^ned by the Captain ac- cording to a Form previously delivered by the Adjut' Genl is to be delivered to his Excellency — The Colo of each Regimt will receive a List of the Officers upon the New Estab- lishment from his Brigadr Genl — the Commissd Non Commissd Officers and Soldiers of the present Army, are not- withstanding their new Engagements to continue in the Company and Regemts they now belong to, uutill further Orders — upon any Soldier being Inlisted from the present into the New Establishment, The Regiment he now belongs to with his Name Town and County are to be entered in a Roll kept for that Purpose by each Officer a Copy of the Roll signed to be sent every Saturday Morning to the Colo of each Regt — When the new Regi- ments are compleated, the Colo may upon Applecation receive Continental Commis- sions for themselves and their Officers — Regimental Orders Nov. 12th. All the Soldiers in the Regiment before their Discharges are delivered must give up to the Quartermasters their Guus and Accoutrements Ammunition and Blankets Capt Gilman, Capt. "Wentworth & Lieut Bell are appointed to apprize those Guns and Blankets which are private Property and transmit the Same to the QrMaster who is to make Record of the same, as also of those guus that belong to the Colony Camp on Winter Hill Novr 13 1775 Brigade Orders Field Officer of the day Lt Colo Holden Adjutant Webb Field Officer of the Picket Lt Colo Nixon Picqt within the Lines tonight Colo Reeds Regt 18 ricql Guard from Colo I'oor C. S. 1_1_2_2— 43 Head Quarters Novr 13th 1775 Parole Granby-Countu Barre The Colo upon the new Establishment to settle as soon as possible with the Qr Mast Genl the Uniform of their respec- tive Regemts that the Buttons may be properly numbered and the work flnisht without Delay Camp on Winter Hill Novr 13 The Court of Enquiry whereof Colo Nixon is President is ordered to Set To- morrow to enquire into the Conduct of Capt Ebeur Winship of Colo Nixon's Regimt at Jona Porters Tavern last Fri- day Evening Colo Webb to be President Colo Nixon being absent, all Evidences and persons concerned are ordered to attend at Temples House at 9 oClock a. m. Each Colo in Genl Sullivan's Brigade to appoint an Overseer of their respective Artificers to be under the Direction of Colo Hutchinson Head Quarters Nov. 14, 1775 Parole St Johns Count, Montgomery This Moment a Confermatiou has arrived of the glorious Success of the Continental Arms and Surrender of the Fortress of St. Johns the Garrison of that Place and Shamblee being made Pris- oners of War— the Commander in Chief is confident the Army under his Immedi- ate Direction will Show their Gratitude to Providence, for thus favoring the Cause of Freedom & America and by their Thanksgiving to God, their Zeal and Per- servrance in this Righteous Cause, con- tinue to deserve his future Blessings That no Kind of Confusion or Disorder may arise between the Old and new Ap- pointments in Case the Dispair and Malice of the Enemy should Call us into Action it is again declared that the Men who inlist into the new Army are to con- 11» tiniie in the Regemts & Compauies they at present belong to, untill further Orders — It is earnestly recommended to all the Officers of the old Regimts to see that those Mens Arras are always in Good Order and the Men not Suttered to Straggle from Camp nor on any account to quit their Post when upon Duty, but be ready to turn out at a Moments Warning, as they may rely upon it whenever it happens it will be sudden. Very pointed Complaints having this day been made against the Commissary Gen'l from Several Field Officers of Gen'l SuUivans Brigade the Commander in Chief assures the Complainants that the Strictest Examination Shall be made into the Conduct of the Commissary Gen'l as soon as he arrives in Cambridge which is expected will be this week. Whereas the Gen'l has been informed that the Orders of the Gth of Sept. have been con- strued to permit any approved Sutlers to Sell Spirituous Liquors to the Soldiers belonging to other Regiments without the Permission of the Commanding Offi- cer of the Regiment to which such Sol- dier belongs, it is therefore ordered that no Commanding Officer of a Regiment shall authorize more than one Suttler to a Regim't and no Person being Authorized shall presume to Sell spirituous Liquors to any Soldiers belonging to any other Regim't, without Leave in Writing under the Hand of the Commanding Officers of the Company to which Such Soldier belongs. Camp Winter Hill Nov. 14-1775. Brigade Orders Major Moor Field Offi- cer of the day Tomorrow. Adjutant Peabody Col. Starks Field Officer of the Picqt his Surgeon and one to act as Adjut — Major Latimore. Picqt within the Lines Col. Nixon. Picqt. from Colo Poors Regt 1 — 1 — 2 — 1—43 20 Head Quarters Novcmb 15th 1775. Parole Conneclicut Count Brown. Lt Lyon iu Major Johnsons Compy and 31st Regimnt tryd at a lale Geu'l Court- martial whereof Colo Paterson was Pres- ident for aiding and Countenancing a Mutiny in the Camp there being no Proof of the Charge the Court unanimously acquit the Prisoner. Lt Soper and En- sign Parker tryed at a Gen'l Courtraartial whereof Colo Douglass was President for striking and abusing Lt Henshaw and Lieut Cragie and keeping Lieut Cragie in the Meet'g House Guard all Night the Court are of Opinion that the Prisoners are guilty of a Breach of the 4Gth Article of the Rules and Regulations of the Mas- sachusetts Army and therefore unani- mously adjudge the Prisoners to be dis- charged the Continental Army — Lieut. John Bower tryed at a late Gen'l Court martial for divers Times leaving the Camp without Leave and Countenancing the Soldiers in Disobedience of Orders, the Court are unanimously of Opinion that the Prisoner is guilty of Quitting the camp without Leave but acquit the Prisoner the latter part of the Charge therefore only adjudge the Prisoner to be mulcted four Pounds of his Pay to be appropriated as directed by the 51st Arti- cle of War and be severely repremanded by his Colo at the Head of his Regiment — Sargt. Jona. Putney, Corp. Har- wood. Thorn's Rawlins, Isaac Laraby, Sam'l North and Ebenez Williams Sol- diers of Capt. Hatches Compy in the late Colo Gerrish's Regt tryd at a late Gen Court Martial where of Colo Paterson was Prest for Mutiny the Court are of opinion that the Prisoners Sergt. Putney Corp Ilarwood, Thorns Rawlins, Saml North & Eben Williams are guilty of the Crime laid to their Charge and adjudge the Said Sargent to be reduced to the Ranks and tiued 48s to be appropriated as 21 directed by the 51st Article of War, the Said Corps be reduced to a private and be whipt o9 Lashes, the Said Rawlins to be whipt 39 Lashes, the said North 25 and the said Williams 39 Lashes on their Bare Backs with a Cat of Nine Tails — The Commander in Chief approves all the above Sentences of the Sevl Courts Martial mentioued in this days Orders, and directs Execution of them Accord- ingly. Camp on Winter Hill Novr 15, 1775 Brigade Orders Field Officer of the Day Tomorrow Colo Poor Ad jut Holden Of the Picqt Lt Colo Holden Picqt within the Lines Colo Starks Regt. Pougn'd Hill, Colo Poors 1—2—2—2—43 The Court martial whereof Lt. Colo. Wyman is Presd't, is ordered to set to- morrow for the tryal of all Such Persons as Shall be brought before them, the Members All Evidences & Persons Con- cerned are ordered to attend at 8 oClock A. M. atLt Colo Nixous Hutt who is to be Prest Lt Colo Wyman being absent — The Court of Enquiry ordered to set upon Capt Winship and Joua. Porter to set tomorrow 9 o'clock a. m. at Colo Doo- littles Barrack who is to be Prest Col Webb being excused. Head Quarters Novr 16, 1775 Parole Canada Countersign Montreal Motives of Oecnomy rendering it in- dispensably necessary that many of the Regimts should be reduced and the whole put upon diflerent Establishment — sev- eral deserving Officers not from any Dermerit but pure Necessity have been excluded in the Arrangement of the Army, among these was Colo Whitcorab, but the noble Sentiments discovered by that Gentleman upon the Occasion, the Zeal he has shown in exhorting the Men not to abandon the Interest of their Country at this important Crisis — and his de- termination to Continue in the Service 22 even as a Private Soldier rather than by bad Example when the Enemy are gath- erins Strength, put the publick attairs to Hazard — When an Example of this Jiind is Set, not only entitles a Gentleman to particular Thanks but to particular Re- wards, in the bestowing of which Colo Jonathan Brewer is entitled to no small Share of Credit, in readily giving up the Regimt which he was appointed to Com- mand to Colo Whitcomb, Colo Whitcomb therefore is from henceforward to be considered as Colo of that Regimt which was intended for Colo Brewer, and Colo Brewer will be appointed Barrack Master untill Something better worth his ac- ceptance can be provided. Camp W. Hill Novr 16 1775 Brigade Orders Field Officer of the day Lt Col Nixon Adjutant Chandler. Field Officer of the Picquet Col. Webb his Surgeon and one to act as Adjutant Major Moor — Within the Lines to night Colo Poors Rest Plough'd Hill C 1_2— 1-2— 43 2 Subs 2 Sergts 2 Corp and 40 Privates to Join Capt Spalding in Cutting Fascines The late Capt Hubbarts Corapy. sta- tioned at Mystic to be employed in mend- ing the Road under the Direction of Capt Francis till further Orders Head Quarters Novr 17. 1775 Parole Nicholas Countgn Hampton Rep- resentation having been made to the Con- tinental Congress of the great Inequality of the Pay of the Officers and Soldiers of this Army the first being lower than usual and Less than was ever given to Commissioned Officers in any other Service whilst that of the Soldiers is higher, the Congress have been pleased to increase the Pay of Capt to 26 2-3 Dol- lars — the first Lieut, to 18 dollars the Second Lt and Ensign to 13 1-3 dollars pr 23 Kaleudar Month, oach to take place as soon as the New Kesimts are compleated to their full Complement of Men — the Congress have given this Encouragement to the Capts and Subalterns (whose Fay is lower in Proportion) with a view to impose on their Minds a due Sense of Gratitude, at the Same Time it is inteud- / ed to enable them to Support the Char- acter and Appearance of Men and Officers, which will add much to the Reputation of the Regimts and cannot but be pleasing to every Man in it — It is expected that the Officers of the New formed Regimts will exert themselves in the Recruiting Service and that they do not fail to Report the Number they have recruited to their Colo To-morrow that he may make Return thereof the day after, in Order that the Recruiting Parties may be sent into the Country if any Backwardness should ap- pear here — When this happens the Colos of the Old Regimts are to be Consulted to prevent the Companies therein being left without Officers — as Furloughs have been promised to the new enlisted men none others can be indulged under any Pretence whatever and in order that these Furloughs may be given with some Degree of Regularity none but the Colos or Commanding Officers of Regimts upon the new Establishment are to grant them and they respectively not let more than 50 be absent at a Time beginning with those that enlist first and going in regular Rotation uutill all are indulged allowing each Man days to be at home and a sufficient Time to go and return The Colonels or Commanding Officers of the new established Regimts are to meet at the Quartermaster Generals in Cambridge To morrow at eleven o'clock to fix the Uniform of their respective Regimts that the making the Clothing may not be interrupted — without all are 24 present this caunot be done and the Work must be delayed Lieut Corey of Colo Prescotts Regimt try'd at a late Genr Court Martial where- of Colo Patterson was Presdt for For- gery and defrauding his Men of their Pay the Court were unanimously of Opinion — Lt Cory was guilty of defrauding some of his Men of their Blanket money and of attempting to defraud others of their Coat Money and therefore adjudge the Prisoner to be Cashired — The Genr ap- proves and orders the Sentence to lake Place immediately. Camp on Winter Hill Novr 17, 1775 Brigade Orders Major Putnam Field OOicer of the Day Tomorrow Adjt Fogg. Field Officer of the Picqt Lt Colo McDuf- fee Picqt within the Lines Colo Hutchinsons Regt. Ploughd Hill Colo Poor D-F 1—1—2—2—56—1—1 Head Quarters Novr 18th 1775 Parole Amboy Countr Bristol There was a Mistake in the General Orders of yesterday — the honourable the Continental Congress have thought proper to allow the 1st and 2d Lts the same pay (viz) 18 Dollars pr Month to each and the Ensigns 13 1-3 dollars. The Commissary Genl to order all the Horns of the Bullocks that are killed for the use of the army to be saved and sent to the Quarter Mastr Genl who is also to provide as many more as he can get and have the whole made into good Powder Horns for the use of the Troops — The Honourable the Legis- lators of this colony having thought fit to set apart Thursday the 23d of Novr Instant as a Day of public Thanksgiving to ofl'er up our Praises and Prayers to almighty God the source and benevolent 25 Bestower of all good that he would be pleased graciously to continue to smile upon our endeavours to restore Peace preserve our Eights and Priviledges to the latest Posterity, prosper the Ameri- can Arms, preserve and strengthen the Harmony of the United Colonies, and avert the Calamities of a Civil War — the Genl therefore Commands that Day to be observed with all the Solemnity, directed by the Legislative Proclamation, and all Officers, Soldiers and others are hereby directed with the most unfeigned Devo- tion to obey the Same — Any non Com- missd Officers or Soldiers couflned on the Acct. of Leaving the Detachment com- manded by Colo Arnold in any of the Main or Qr Guards of the Army are to be immediately released. Camp on W Hill Novr 18 1775. Brigade Orders. Lt Colo Hall F. Off of the Day— Adjt Putnam Colo Doolittle F. Offr of the Picqt his Surgeon and one to act Adjt Majr Putnam Colo Doolittles Kegt Picqt within the Lines Plough'd Hill, Colo Poors Regt. 1—2—1—2—51 2 Subs, 2 Sergt, 2 Corps 40 Priv. 1 drum- mer 1 Fife from Colo Poors Regt to join Capt. Spaulding in Cutting Fascines To morrow directly after Breakfast— the Party to carry their Dinner with them Head Quarters Novr 21st 1775 Parole Glouster — Countersn Hampshire The Court Martial whereof Colo Cleave- land was President is dissolved A Gen Court martial to Set Tomorrow in Genl Sullivans Brigade, to try such Pris- oners as shall be brought before them All Evidences & Persons concerned come to attend the Court — Mr. Samuel Cheney Surgeon of the 3-tth Regt Tried at a Genl Court Martial whereof Coll. Cleaveland was Prest for drawing more 26 Hospital Stores than he had a Right to draw — And for vilifying the Characte's of Majors Geul Lee & Putnam The Court was of an Opinion that the Prisoner is guilty of speaking Words tending to the Dishonor of the Character of Major Genl Putnam, and thei'efore ad- judge him to be cashiered — John Davison of Capt. Bonnevoses Compy & Thomas Notans of Capt. Towns Company in Colo Bridges Regt tried at the said Genl Court Martial for quitting their Post when up- on Duty the Court were of Opinion that the Prisoners are guilty of the Crime laid to their charge, and adjudge them to be punished with 15 Lashes each. But on Acct of youth & Ignorance of their Duty, the Court recommends for Mercy — the Genl is pleased with the Recommenda- tions of the Court to Pardon the Prison- ers but at the same Time desires that it may be noticed that such a Crime will not meet with Mercy in future Camp on Winter Hill Novr21, 1775 Field Oilicer of the Day Tomorrow Coll Doolittle, Adjutant Peabody Field Officer of the Picket Lt Coll Hall Picket within the Lines Coll Nickson Plough'd Hill Coll Poors 1—1—1—1—40 Head Quarters, Nov. 20th 1775 Parole Essex Countgn Falmouth The Colos and Commanding Officers of Regts upon the New Establishments are forthwith to send one Officer from each Company upon the recruiting Service into the Country, They are to take with them a Copy of the recruiting Instruc- tions as contained in Genl Orders of the 12lh Instant and Comply strictly there- with, Care to be taken not to leave any Company under the Old Establishment destitute of proper officers — As the Genl is informed that this is the Season in which the People in the 4 New p]ngland Governments lay in Provision Stores &c for the Use of their Families, 27 he has recommended (in the Strongest Manner he is Capable) of the Necessity of Sending Mony to Camp for the immediate Payment of the Troops for the Months of Octr & Novr, and in Order to enable those who have again inlisted and Such others as are resolved to continue in the Service, to do this more eflectually he has also recommended them to the Congress for one Mouths Advance Pay, and has no Doubt himself of its being Comply'd with if Money can be found in Time — No Soldier whenever dismissed is to carry away any Arms with him that are good and fit for Service — If the Arms are his own private Property they will be ap- prized and he will receive the full Value thereof proper Men when necessary will be appointed to inspect and value those Arms so detained. Geul Lee's Orders Nov. 20. Genl Lee has the greatest Reason to Complain of the ShamefuU Negligence of Some of the Officers commanding the Plough'd Hill Picqt— The Guard Room of the Soldiers fitted up with so much Care as to become a most Comfortable Bar- rack has been torn down by the Soldiers in Such a Manner as scarcely to afford Shelter. The Officers of the releaving Guard at the plough'd Hill are to inspect the Barracks and if it is not in Good Order to march back without releaving. Doing Eight and Forty Hours duty is indeed but a Small Punishment for such a monstrous abuse. Camp on Winter Hill Novr 20 Field Officer of the Day Tomorrow Major Putnam — Adj't Webb Field Off. of the Picqt Colo Poor his Sur- geon and one to act as Adj't— Major Hall. Within the Lines tonight Colo Reed Plough'd Hill Colo Poors D. F 1_2— 1—40— 1—1 28 Edward West of Capt Hinds's Company Colo Keeds' Regimt tryd by a Garrison Courtraartial for Desertion, and being ab- sent at Home found guilty of the Charge and Sentenced to have two Months Wages stopt out of his Pay and applyed as directed in the 52d Article of the Rules and Regulations of the continental Army —Likewise David Doolittle of Capt Hub- bels Corapy. Colo Webbs Regimt— tryd upon Suspecion of Attempting to desert to the Enemy, was acquitted The above Sentences approved and or- dered to talie place immediately by Colo Stark Commanding Ollicer of the Winter Hill Brigade The Garrison Court Martial whereof Lt. Colo Wyman was Presidt is dissolved 2 Subs 2 Sergts 2 Corps 40 Privates from Colo Starks Regt to Join Capt Spaulding in Cutting Fascines— they are to carry their Dinners with them. The Brigadier Genl tomakeReturnes of the Number of Teams necessary to fur- nish their respective Divisions with Wood the Teams appointed to each Division to be continually employed in the Service of that Division & not to be shifted from one Division to another as Confusion arises thereby Some Regts having a double Stock of Wood While Others are Suttering for Want— The Qr Master Genl to provide The Teams return'd necessary for the above Service and direct the Qr Master Genl to continue them in that Employ All Persons are hereby strictly forbid purchasing any Cloaths from non Commd Officers and Soldiers — Any Person viola- ting this Order to be sent presently to the Main Guard by the Coll. or the Offi- cer commanding the Regt the Cloaths belong to, the Cloaths to be delivered up and the Loss Sustained to fall upon the Purchaser 29 Brigd Orders Majr Lattiraore Adjt. Woodward Of the Picqt Lt Coll Oilman Within the Lines Coll Webb Ploughd Hill Colo Poor i_l— 2— 1— 40 Head Quarters Novr 22 1775 Parole Ipswich Couutein Kingston The Genl has been informed more than once or twice that an Idea prevails among some of the tirst Lis upon the new Establishment that if their Captains do not recruit a Company the Command of it will be talien away & given to such first Lieuts provided he can fill it up which malies the first Lieuts indiflerent and lulie warm in the recruiting Business whence Such an Opinion could arise it is not easy to say, but if it be possible that there are any Officers in this Army actuated by Such Principles the Genl most positively assures them that they not only deceive themselves but if Proof can be given of such a Charge such guilty Enemies to their Country will with Disgrace be dismissed from the Conti- nental Army and Service forever The Gen' thought it his Duty to give them this Public Notice Whenever the Commanding Officer of one of the New Regimts gives a Fur- lough to a Recruit he is previously to give Notice thereof to the Commanding Officer of the Regemt the Recruit then belongs to, in order that he may be apprized thereof and known in what Manner to make his weekly Return the Doing of which by no means to be ne- glected The Men in the Artillery are to be recruited into other Regimts as fast as the Men move into Barracks, the Colos are to take special Care that the Tents be immediately delivered into the Hands of the Qr Mast Genl who after the Pres- ent Hurry of Business is a little over is to have them Washed repaired and laid 30 by — It is expected tlie Colos will fre- queully visit their Men's Barracks and see that they are kept well dress'd Head Quarters Novr 23d 1775. Parole Lebanon Coiintr Mansfield The Colo or Commanding Officers of each New Establish'd Regimt may draw to the Amount of two Months Pay for each Officer they send into the Country (agreeable to the Orders of the 20th Instant) a Recruiting and furnish them therewith, Abstracts to be made and given in accordingly. Men Recruited out of the old Regimts will continue in Pay after the Term of their present Inlistment as usual — the New Recruits that is Men who are not in the present Service will enter upon Pay as soon as they inlist and will be allowed 6d Pr Day Subsistance from the Time they are Recruited until they march for the Camp Id Pr Mile from their Usual Place of abode to their Regimts for Sub- sistence and Expenses afterwards — the Officers are not to keep the Recruits they raise in the Country, a Moment longer than they can help, but send them to their respective Regimts As fast as 8 or 10 of them are inlisted, the Colo or Commanding Officers of Regts may release the Officers who are first Sent into the Country upon the recruiting Service as they shall See Oc- casion, and are expressly Ordered to recall every one who is negligent or unsuccessful in their Duty — the New enlisted men upon producing to the Colo or Commanding Officer of the Regimt they have enlisted into, a Blanket fit for Duty will be intitled to two Dollars, Allowed by the Continent therefor, and the Colos or Commanding Officers are to make out a List of the Names of Such Men that the Pay may be drawn for them The Colo is to keep a Copy of Such 31 List, to prevent Mistakes, the List must specify the Corapy each Man belongs to — The Major Generals with the Brigadiers of the Division are to appoint three Per- sons of Character & Judgement to Value the Arras of discharged Soldiers, certify- ing to whom they belong whether Public or Private Property and what they con- sist of, they are to lix a Reasonable Price upon them and are to take none but such as are tit for Service, they are to enter into a Book Such Valuation, and deliver the Arms so valued to the Commissary of Artillery Stores, and take his Rec't for the Same — A Gen Courtmartial to set to- morrow at Cambridge to try such Per- sons as shall be brought before them The Genl Courtmartial of which Colo Poor was President is dissolved Camp on Winter Hill Novr 23d 1775 Brigade Orders Field Ofticer of the day, Colo Stark, Adjut. Chandler Fd Off. of the Picqt Lt Colo Wyman Picqt within the Lines Colo Poors Regt Plough'd Hill Colo Poor 0—1—1—1—40 The Troop for the future to beat precise- ly at half past 8 oClock in the Morning when the Main & Picqt Guards are to parade together and be ready to March immediately upon the Troops Beating, the Drummers and Fifers of the 5 Reg- imts on the Hill off & fit for duty to Assemble at the Citadel so as to be ready to begin at the aforesaid Time, the Adjut. of the day to be very exact in seeing that the Drummers & Fifers do their Duty and inform of those are De- linquent Head Quarters Novr 24th 1775 Parole Newport Countr Providence Capt Wm Hubbell in Colo Webbs Regt. tryed at a late Genl Courtmartial for be- having in a low Scandalous and unofflcer like Manner the Court having acquitted the Prisoner the Gen' orders him to be released. 32 Capt. Gray at Colo Brewer s Re§t. tryd at Genl Courtmartial whereof Colo Poor was Presicieut for dissuading tlie Soldiers from inlistiug aud tlierein acting the Part of a Tory and Enemy to his Country, the Court thinking Proper to acquit the Pris- oner the Genl orders him to be released Brigade Orders Field Officer of the Day Tomorrow Lt Colo McDuffee Adj' Fogg Colo Reed Oft', of the Picqt Colo Reed & Majr Latiraore Within the Lines Colo Hutchinson Ploiighd Hill Colo Poor 2—1—2—2—40 Each Capt upon the New Establishment to have a Size Roll of their Men as fast as he inlists them with 12 Columns in the following Order (viz) the first for their Mens Names, the Second for their Ages 3d their Statures, 4th their Complexion 5th their Marks 6th Colour of their Hair 7 Colour of their Eyes, 8 Time of their Inlistment 9 Place of Nativity 10 Place of abode 11th their County 12th their Colony Head Quarters Novr 2(1, 1775 Parole Hampden, Countr Pvm The Commisd Non Comraiss Oflr and Privates lately arrived in Camp from Kennebec River are to join their Respec- tive Corps, a Return of them Signed by the Commanding officer of their respec- tive Regimts to be sent to the Adjutant Genl Monday Morning At the Request of the Honorable the Genl Court of this Colony the Genl di- rects that the Colos or Commanding Offi- cers of the Massachusetts Regts do re- spectively each of their Capts to make out a Muster and Pay Roll of his Compy up to the first day of August last from tlie Time of each Mans Inlistment this to be done agreeable to the Form of a Re- turn which is lodged with and may be had of the Adjut' Genl— the Court desire these Rolls may be Confirmed upon oath and lodged as soon as Possible with the 33 Original Certificates iu the Secretary's Ortice of the Colony that all the Massa- chusetts Regts may be paid up to the first of Aiifinst. agreeable to this Resolution of the Genl Court, the Genl refers to this Resolve of the od Instant it being too long to insert in these Orders Brigade Orders Officer of the day Colo Webb — Ad jut Putnam Officer of the Picqt Lt Col Nixon Picqt within the Lines Colo Doolettle Plough'd Hill Col Poor 1—1—2—2—41 A Garrison Courtmartial Lt Colo Holden President to set To- morrow for the Tryal of such Prisoners as shall be brought before them, the Members all Persons Concerned are ordered to attend at Colo Holdens Bar- racks 8 oClock A. M. from Colo Poors Regt 1 Sub. Head Quarters Novr 2G, 1775. Parole Wilkes Countr Liberty The Colo and Commanding Officers of Regts upon the New Establishments to order the Men to be recruited to be par- aded every Monday at 10 in the forenoon before the Brigadier Genls of their Re- spective Brigades who will reject such as are unfit for Service or do not come with- in the Description of the Recruiting Order, the Brigadier Genl will sign a Certificate of the Recruits he approves oi and deliver it to each of the Colos that the Blanket Money due may be paid and no more. Genl Lee's Orders As the Loss of Ammunition in Wet Weather arising from the Badness of Mens Pouches has been very great, Genl Lee recommends to the (Officer command- ing the Ploug'hd Hill Picqt when there is any Appearance of Rain or Snow not to Suffer the Sentinels to mount with their Pouches but simply with Powder Horns and loose Lead, and those Men who have no Powder Horns may 34 exchaiiiio for the Time l)eiiig tlieir Ponchos for the Ilorus of otliers who re- main dry in the Guard Room, when their Duty is over they may exchanj;e and tai\e back their Pouches Brigade Orders F. Off of the day Tomorrow Lt Colo Wyman Adjt. Woodward F Off of the Picqt Colo Doolittle & Major Moore — Within the Lines Colo Webbs Rgt. Plough'd Hill Colo Poors Rgt 0—2—2—2—41 Head Quarters Novr 27, 1775 Parole Brooliline-Coungn Cambridge A Court of Inquiry to set Tomorrow Morning to examine into the Conduct of Lt Colo Enos who appears to have left Colo Arnold his commanding Officer without Leave — Major Genl Lee, President Brig Gen. Green Brigad Gen. Heath Colo Stark "1 n^p^^ers / '^^J^'" ^^^^^^ Colo Nixon / ^^^'^"'"^rs | ^^^ Sherburne Brigade Orders Colo Reed, F. Officer of the day To- morrow. Adjut Webb— Lt Colo Holden Officer of the Picqt. Within the Lines Colo Reeds Regt. Ebenezer Hinds and Peter Stocks both of Capt Winships Compy Colo Nixons Regimt try'd by a Garrison Courtmartial for stealing two Horses and Riding them off — the Prisoners plead guilty and the Court sentence them to have -10 s stopt out of each of their wages by way of Damage and Said Stocks to receive twenty Stripes on his naked Back with Cat of nine Tails at the Head of his Regt as he was Principal to the Theft and said Hinds to be severely reprimanded at the Same Time, the above Sentence approved and ordered to take Place Tomorrow Morning 9 o'Clock at the Head of the Regt to which said Prisoners belong. 35 Picqt from Culo Poor's Kegt 1—1—1 — 2—41. Whenever a Colo mounts guard his Surgeon and one to act as Adjutant are to attend hina during his Tour, this to be a Standing Order A Scan'l B. M. Camp on Winter Hill Nov. 28. Brigade Orders. Field Officer of the day Tomorrow Maj. Hale — Adj't Pea- body — F. Officers of the Picqt Colo Nixon Major Putnam Within the Lines Colo Nixons Reg't Colo Poors Regt for Picqt 0—1—3—1 —41. Head Quarters Nov'r 28, 1775 Parole Montgomery, Count'sn Montreal An Express last Night arrived from Gen'l Montgomery, brings the Joyful! Tidings of the Surrender of the City of Montreal to the Continental Arms — The Gen'l hopes such frequent Favors from divine Providence will animate every American to continue to exert his utmost in the Defence of the Liberties of his Country, as it would now be the Basest Ingratitude to the Almighty and to their Country to show any the least Backward- ness in the public Cause Head Quarters Novr 29lh 1775 Parole Guilford, Couutgn Allen — Capt. Towne of Colo Bridges Regt try'd at a late Genl Courtraartial whereof Colo Woodbridge was President for be- having in an unofflcerlike Manner in Suf- fering a Prisoner to escape who was Charged with an Attempt to steal, the Court were unanimously of Opinion that the Prisoner is guilty of behaving un- becoming an Officer by declining to obey the Quartermaster Genl in not assisting to Seize a Soldier suspected of Theft and for suffering said Soldier grossly to abuse Colo Mifflin, aud therefore adjudge the Prisoner to be repramanded by his Colo in Presence of Colo Mifflin aud also 36 ailjmliii! that hu pay a Fine of three rounds to be appropriated according to the olat Article of the Rules and Regula- tions of the Army Jona Williins Sergt in the Same Regt. in Capt Town's Compy try'd at the said Court Martial for an Attempt to Steal and for Insolent Language to the Quar- termaster Geul the Court were unan- imously of Opinion that the prisoner was guilty of abusive Language to the quar- termaster Genl — the Court therefore ad- judge him to be fined Twenty Shillings to be appropriated according to the olst Article of the Rules and Regulations of the Army Camp on Winter Hill Novr 29 F. Ofi" of the day Tomorrow Maj. Moore Adj. Holden. Field Off of the Picqt Lt Colo McDuffee Picqt within the Lines Colo Stark Plough'd Hill C— S D— F 1_2— 1— 2— 41— 1— 1 Head Quarters Novr 30, 1775 Parole Manly — Countsn Glover. A General Courtmartial to Set To- morrow morning at 11 d'Clock at Mr. Pomroy's in Cambridge to Try Lt Colo Enos for quitting his Commanding Offi- cer without Leave — President Brig. Genl Sullivan with the 12 Field Officers next for Courtmartial duty Nathaniel Patten of Capt. Davis's Compy in Colo Prescotts Regt try'd at a Genl Courtmartial for atterripting to pass the lower Guards and making a Disturbance at Cobble Hill, * Contrary to Orders, the Court acquit t-he Prisoner who is to be immediately Released Brigade Orders Novr 30th 1775 F Off of the day tomorrow Lt Colo Nixon Adjt. Chandler Fd Offr of the Picqt Colo Stark, Major Hale Within the Lines Colo Poors Rt. Ploughd Hill 1—1—2—2—41 * Later named McLean Asyhini Hill. 37 Comniissaiv Emerson is ordeietl to take in Tnruips as well as Potatoes and deliv- er tliem out — Geur Sullivan being of Opinion that a Mixture of Turnips with Potatoes for Sauce will be Conducive to the Health of the Officers and Soldiery A Scamll. B. Munr Head Quarters Deer 1st 1775. Parole Exeter Conts Providence The fiital Consequences which have at all Times, and upon all Occasions befallen Arrays attack't at unawares, when Men are Scatter'd and remote from their Posts, or Negligent whilst at them, are too well known and often too unhappily felt, to stand in Need of Description, whereas a HandfuU of Men prepar"d for an Attack are seldom defeated— it is therefore ordered in the most express and premptory Terms that no Non Com- missd Officer or Soldier do presume un- der any Pretence whatever, day or Night to be out of Drum Call of his Alarum Post without Leave of the Capt or Com- manding Officer of the Compy he belongs to; and it is expressly ordered that no Non Commiss'd Offr or Soldier do Pass from Cambridge and the Line on their Side of the River to Roxbury or Come from thence hither or go from either to any other Place in the Neighborhood, without a written Pass from the Capt or Commanding Officer of the Comp'y he be- longs to, altho' he should not mean to stay more than an Hour or Two. The Officers of each Regt are to be Subject to the Same Restraints, and to obtain Leave in the Same Manner from the Colo or Com- manding Offr of the Regt they respective- ly belong to ; and its expected that all Officers and Soldiers in the Array will pay the Strictest Attention to this Order as they shall Answer the Consequences; This Order is not intended to Change the Mode of giving Furloughs already point- ed out in late Orders, the Sole Design be- ing to keep Men to their Duty, that they 38 may be always ready to meet their Euemy upou the shortest Notice — It is auaiu & aj^ain expressly ordered that au Odlcer of each Corapy do once a Day examine the Arms and Ammunition of the Compy he belongs to and see that they are fit for use. This and the foregoing Orders are to be frequently read to the Men and the Usefulness of them strongly inculcated upon their Minds, they are to be con- sidered as Standing Orders, till Counter- manded — The Colos. or Commanding Ollicers of the New Established Kegimts are to take special Care that the new Re- cruits are put under proper Drill Ser- jeants as fast as they join in Order that they may as quick as possible be made acquainted with their Duty, it is also recommended to these Gentlemen to pro- vide their Regemts. with good Drummers & Fifers. Briirade Orders Deer 1. Field Officers of the Day Tomorrow Colo Nixon Adjut' Fogg. Fd Officer of the Picql Lt. (^olo Hail Within the Lines Col. Hutchinsons Regt. riough'd Hill Colo Poors Regt 1_1_2— I— 41 Head Quarters Deer 2, 1775 Parole Congress — Count. Union James McCornish of Capt Dibble's Compy Colo Patersons Regt trj'd at a Genl Court martial for Striking Genl Putnam's Horse and saying at the Same Time damn you, who is there, clear the Road and for re- peatedly leaving the Camp without Leave, the Court are of Opinion that the Pris- oner is guilty of the Breach of the 3d 15, 16 & 17 Articles of War & Judge him to receive 39 Lashes on his bare Back Head Quarters Deer 3d 1775 Sergt James King of Colo Patersons Regt try'd at the Same Genl Courtmartial upon and appeal from a Regimental Bourt Martial the Court were unanimous- 39 ly of Opinion that tlie Prisoner is guilty of being al)seut from iiis Reginit williout Leave & of striliing and abusing Sergt Gootlricli when in tlie Execution of his Duty and therefore adjudge the Prisoner to be reduced to the Ranljs and pay a Fine of 20s to be appropriated according to the 51st Article of the Rules and Reg- ulations of the Array Brigade Orders. Orticer of the day Tomorrow Maj Lati- raore Officers of the Picquet Colo Webb & Majr Cilley Pt within the Lines Colo Doolittles Regt Picqt from Colo Poors Regt C D-F 1—2—0—1—38—1—1 It is with Surprise and Astonishment the Gen learns that Notwithstanding the Information that was communicated to the Connecticut Troops of a Relief beine ordered to supply their Place by the Tenth of this Month that many of them have their Arms with them and gone otT not only without Leave but contrary to express Orders, this is theiefore to in- form those who remain that the Genl has sent an Express to the Governor of Con- necticut with the Names of such men as have left the Camp in Order that they may be dealt with in a Manner suited to the Ignominy of their Behaviour — The Genl also informs those that remain, that it is necessary for them to obtain a vvrit- ten Discharge from the Commanding Officer of the Regt they belong to, when they are dismisd on the 10th Instant, that they may be discharged and not try'd as Deserters, the Colos and Commanding officers of the Continental Regts are to give in the Names of all those of their respective Regts for the Purpose above mentioned. Brigade Orders Fd Offr of the day Lt Colo Hall Adjt Woodward 40 Ftl Off of the Picqt Ll Colo Wymau Wilhiu the Lines Colo Webb C S Plough'd Hill 0—1—1—2—35 The Ganisou Courtmartial whereof Lt. Colo Holden is Fresd' is ordered to set Tomorrow 9 oClock A. M. at Lt Coll. Holdens Barrack all Evidences & Persons Concerned are ordered to attend Head Quarters Deer 4th 1775 Parole Gushing. — Count Payne Colo Enos try'd at a late Genl Courtmar- tial whereof Brigr Genl Sullivan was President for leaving his Commanding Ollicer without Permission or Orders and lleturning to Cambridge, the Court after mature Consideration of the Evi- dences are unanimously of Opinion that the Prisoner was by absolute Necessity obliged to return to his Division and do therefore acquit him with Honor, the Genl orders Lt Colonel Euos to be forth- with released from his Arrest. Brigade Orders The Adjutants of the Sevl Regimts. in this Brigade are ordered to bring in an acct. of all the Back Allowance due to the Oflicers and Soldiers up to the first In- stant that they may receive the Pay therefor in which they are to take Notice as well of Cyder Beer and Molasses as of any other Articles that are in Arrear. The Genl Cannot forbear Returning his most sincere Thanks to those spirited Resolute & Courageous Soldiers who unawed by the threats of a Cruel and Barbarous Enemy and Regardless of the Fatigue attending another Campaign have bravely resolved to procure Free- dom for their Country or perish in the Attempt while others equally interested basely shrink at the Appearance of Dan- ger and by their Cowardly Conduct prove themselves unworthy of that Free- dom which their spirited Brethren are determined to obtain at the Risque of their Lives and Fortunes 41 The Orderly Sergeants are enjoined to examine the Arms as soon as possible and See that they are in good order more especially when the Men mount Guard the Adjutants likewise are expressly or- dered to See that the Arras are kept in good Order from Time to Time and that their Mens Guns are in good order Flints good and well flxt and SulTicient Number of Rounds each, more especially when they are on Duty Ofl'. of the day Lt Colo Holden, Adjt. Webb Ofl'r. of the Picqt. Colo Reed, Maj. But- terick Within the Lines Colo Reeds Regt. Fiough'd Hill Colo Poor's 1—1—1—2—35 Head Quarters Dec 5th 1775 Parole — Countsn Brigade Orders F. Officer of the day Colo Doolettle Ad jut Peabody Officer of the Picqt Lt Colo Nixon Within the Lines Colo Nixon Plow'd Hill. Colo Poors Regt 0—1—1 —2—35 John White of Colo Thompson's Regt. Capt Lowdons Corapy f( r abusiuir Lt Cleaveland, Richard Simpson of Capt. Warner's Compy, Colo Littles Regi'mt, for the Same Crime — Joseph McCordy of Capt Chambers Compy, Colo Thompsons Regt. for the same try'd by a Gar- rison Courtmartial no Evidences appear- ing to Support the Charge the Court have acquitted Wm Crowell of Capt Gleasons Company Colo Nixons Regimt try'd for leaving his Post when Sentinel and at- tempting to desert to the Enemy, after the Evidences heard Mature Deliberation thereon, the Court are of Opinion the Said Crowell is non Compos and ought to be immediately dismisst the Army, the Genl approves the above Sentence and orders them to take Place immedi- ately JJead Quarters Deer 6th 1775 42 Parole Philadelphia Countsn Allen Biij^ade Orders — F. Uffr of the day Major Cilly Adj't Holden Otl'r of the Piqt Colo Doolittle Maj Latimore Withiu the Lines Colo Stark Plow'd Hill 2—1—2—35 Head Quartrs Deer 7th 1775. Parole Conntsn The Connecticut Resits are to be under Arms on their Regimental Parades on Saturday at 11 in the Forenoon, in Order to be Revieiied, they are to have their Arms in Good Order, the Rolls to be called over and no Man to be absent, every one that is able to appear for this Purpose, they are to be exempt from all other duty upon that day The Quartermaster Genl is strictly en- joined to pay proper Attention to the Order of the 23d of Novr respecting the Quartering the Officers & it is to prevent Boards and other Materials being applyd to the Building any Houses with- out his Order, as none Such will be al- lowed of the Publick all Officers are to pay due Obedience to this Order. Brigade Orders Officer of the Day, Maj, Butterick Adjt Chandler, Offr of the Picqt Lt Coll Holden Within the Lines to Night Colo Poors Regt. Plougu'd Hill Colo Poor 1—1—1—1—35 The Gen'l Receives the greatest Pleas- ure & Satisfaction in finding the Sol- diers in his Brigade discover such a laud- able Zeal for the Common Interest of America — He sincerely thanks those brave men who have not only promised but are determined to make good their Promises in Securing the Freedom of America. Many Resim'ts have done worthily but Col Hutchinson's more par- ticularly deserves the Thanks of the Gen'l, the Blessing of their Country and the Respect and Esteem of every Friend to Liberty and Mankind, did the Same 43 Spirit which they have discovered pre- vails thro' the American Army, it would disconrajie their inveterat Foes give Strength & Courage to our Friends and insure success to the American Arms. The Gen'l yet hopes that the same Spirit will actuate other Regts and that their Conduct will prove them worthy of that Liberty for which we are Contending A Court of Enquirv to Set Tomorrow at Colo Nixon's Bai racks 9 oClock a. m. to enquire into the Nature of a Dispute between Capt Whitcomb & Capt Marcy, Respecting Capt Marcy's accusing Capt Whitcomb of Cowardice, of Capt. Marcys being absent from Camp without Leave and for Encouraging Mutiny in the Army The Same Court to inquire into the Complaint of Jona Conant against the Said Capt. Marcy for illegally taking and Carrying away Sd Conants Horse and any other Allegation that may be alledged by Persons belonging to Colo Reeds Regt. Colo Nixon to Preside, Colo Doo- little being on Commd — all Persons con- cern'd to attend The Sev'l Colonels in the Brigade are immediately to see that the Messes in their several Regirats are tilled immedi- ately and any Vacancy made that possibly can for the Reception of the Militia now Coming in. The Colos are ordered im- mediately to see this done and report this Evening at Seven oClock how many of the Militia they can receive into their Regirats and take under their Comd A Scaml Briga Major. Camp Winter Hill, Decemr 8, 1775. Brigade Orders — Officer of the Day Tomorrow Colo Stark Adjutant Fogg Officer of the Picqt Colo Nixon, Capt. Miller as Major of the Picqt within the Lines tonight Colo Hutchinson Regt Picket on Plough'd Hill and Main Guard c Colo Poor 1—2—1—3—44 44 The Garrison Court Marliall to Sett at Colo Holdens Barrack whereof Lt Colo Holclen is president Tomorrow at 9 oClock A. M. to try all Persons before them all concerned to attend. Head Quarters December 8th 1775 I'arole St. Asaphs Countn Cato Head Quarters Dec. Dth 1775 Parole London Counts Granby Sergt Lane of Colo Whitcombs Regt with 17 Men of Different Regimts whose Names Corps & Compy are dliv'd to Bri- gade Major Cary are immediately to be draughted out & Sent to Quart' Mastr Genl to receive his Orders — the Court- martial whereof Colo Woodbridge was Presid't is dissolved John Turner 1 James Askin j Colo Starks Regt Tlmo Lunt f James Miller J Capt Abbots Compy Brigade Orders F. Off of the day Tomorrow Col Webb Adjt Puttnam F. Officer of the Picqt Tomorrow Col McDulTee C— S— S— C— P— D.— F. 1—1—1—2—37—1—1 Head Quarters Deer 10th 1775 Parole Burke Counts Barre The Genl has great Pleasure in thank- ing Colo Bridge and the Officers of the 27th Regimt from Peculiar Circumstances of the New Established Arms for the polite Address to him, he considers the Assurances they have given of their De- termination to Continue in the Service if required untill the new Regimts are Com- pleated, in a very favorable Light, espec- ially as it is accompanied with further Assurances that the Men of the 27th Regt are consenting thereto. Such a Conduct at this important Crisis cannot fail of giving Pleasure to, every Well wisher to his Country and next to en- gaging for another Campaign is the high- est Proof they can give of their Attatch- 45 raent to the noble Cause of Liberty at the Same Time it reflects Ilouor upon themselves it may under Providence give Posterity Reason to bless them as the happy Instruments of their Delivery from those Chains which were actually forging for them Brigade Orders Deer 10th 1775 F. Offr of the day Tomorrow Lt Col. Wyman Adjt Woodward F Offr of the Picqt Colo Stark— Maj. Hale Within the Lines Colo Webbs Regt Plow'd Hill 1—2— 1—2— 40 The Powder House Guard from Colo Reeds Regt. Four Companies of the New Hampr Militia are to march to Rox- bury for Reinforcement of that Division, the Captains will receive Genl Wards Orders what Regimts they are to be at- tach'd to The Rest of the N Hamp. Militia are to Join the Brigades on Winter and Prospect Hill, together with the Companies of Militia from Massachu- setts which are ordered to Join Prescott, Gray ton & Nixon's Regts are to be ap- pointed for the new Established Reg- imts as the Major and Brigadier Genl shall think fit for the most equal Dis- tribution. The Capts of the Sevl Militia Companies from the Massachusetts and N Hampre Governments ai'e to make exact Rolls of their Companies and return them signed without Delay to the Adj't Gen- eral Head Quarters Deer 11th 1775 Parole Otis Couutsn Warren The Majors of Brigade to be more exact in obliging the Adjutants to deliver to them every Saturday at Orderly Time an exact Return Signed by the Commanding Officer of the New Established Regts of the Number of Men weekly inlisted in each of their Regimts, the Majors of Brigade will for the Future be answerable for any Neglect in executing this Order. 46 To reward & encourage Military Merit the Congress thoiiglit proper to in- crease tlie Pay of Capls and Subs of the Continental Army, and as Uniformity and Decency of Dress are essentially necessary in the Appearance and Regular- ity of an Army, his Excellency recom- mends it earnestly to the Oflicers to put themselves in a Uniform Dress the Field Officers of each of the new Corps will Set the Example by cloathing themselves in a Regimental of their respective Corps and it is not doubted but the Capts and Subs will immediately follow the Exam- ple — the Genl by no means recommends or desires Officers to run into Costly or ex- pensive Regimentals — no Matter how plain or Coarse so that they are but uni- form in Colour, Cut and Fashion The Officers belonging to those Regimts whose uniforms are not yet flxt upon, had better delay making their Regiraen- alls till they are Brigade Orders F Offr of the day Tomorrow Colo Reed Adjut. Webb Fd Offr of the Picqt Lt Colo Wyman Within the Lines to Right. Colo Reeds Regt. Plow'd Hill Colo Poors Regt. 1—2—1—3—40 The Field Officer of the day to be on the Genl Parade at the parading the Picqt where the new Field Officer is to relieve him — The Commanding Officer of the Picqt which is to be a Picqt within the Lines to parade his Regt at tiring the Sunset Gun examine their Arms & Ammunition and give them strict Orders to lay upon their Arms ready to start at a Moments Warning and march m Case of an Alarm Each Commanding Officer of a Regt to observe this Order Strictly when it Comes in Rotation to his Regt to be a Picqt within the Lines 47 Head Quarters Deer 12 1775 Parole EHiu• for Picqt Ouard to Ensign Oladden j Night Head Quarters Jany 12, 1776. Parole Pendleton Countersign Deane His Excellency the Commander in Chief having been pleased to order an advertisement in the several Newspapers of this and the adjoining Colonies Com- manding all officers non commissioned 85 officers & Soldiers, dow absent iipou auy Leave or pretence whatsoever to join their respective Regiments at Roxbary & Cambridge by the first Day of Febru- ary next & all officers neglecting to pay due obedience thereto will be forth with cashiered & every non commissioned offi- cer & Soldier failing therein to be tryed & punished as Deserters : the Cols & commanding officers of Regiments & corps, are now positively Ordered, not to grant any more Furlowes or leave of absence, to any officer non commissioned Officer or Soldier, auy former Order or permition heretofore given notwithstand- ing. His Excellency therefore Expects Every Col & Commanding officer of Regt & Corps will direct all those absent from their Regiment or Corps to pay strict obedience to this Order that no person may plead or be allowed to plead Igno- rance thereof. Genl Suliivans Orders. Camp on Winter Hill Jany 12th, 177(>. Field officer of ye Day to morrow Col. Webb— fi- P- 0...; ,.,, r]lt^-