TX 551 .Q6 1-598 Bulletin No. 54. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. NUTRITION INlSTimONS IN NEW MEXICO IN 18 9 7 15 V ARTHUR GOSS, M. Sj PKOFKSSOR OF CHKMISTUV. XKW MEXKJO (JOLLKGR OP AGllICUL'L'URE AND MECHANIC ARTS WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1898. aassJZ^^ilCV Book (/'^ /^;r 3 •^r Bulletin No. 54. 250 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. i' 2. c3 IN IN 18 9 7 BY ARTHUR GOSS, M. S., PROFESSOR OK CHEMISTRY', NEW MEXICO COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1898, LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL United States Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington, D. C, May 15, 1898. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on food and dietary investigations in New Mexico, made by Arthur Goss, M. S., pro- fessor of chemistry in the New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and chemist of the Agricultural Experiment Station of New Mexico. The work here reported is in continuation of that recorded in Bulletin No. 40 of this Office and consists of a study of the composi- tion of a side of New Mexico beef and a dietary study of a poor Mexi- can family living near Las Cruces, N. Mex. In connection with the study of the composition of meat a considerable number of analyses were made. These investigations constitute a part of the nutrition investigations in charge of this Office. They were conducted under the immediate supervision of Prof. W. O. Atwater, special agent in charge of nutrition investigations, in accordance with instructions given by the Director of this Office. The New Mexico College and Station have cor- dially cooperated with the Department in this work. In the analytical work valuable assistance was rendered by A. M. Holt, M. S., assistant chemist of the station. Professor Goss's report is respectfully submitted with the recommen- dation that it be published as Bulletin No. 54 of this Office. A. C. Trie, Director. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, 3 CONTENTS, Page. Ontliue of tlie work ■. 7 Aualyticai study of -d side of New Mexico range beef 7 General conditions influencing beef raising in New Mexico 7 Methods of analysis 9 Results of analysis 12 Comparison of the composition of beef from different parts of the United States 14 Dietary study of a poor Mexican family 14 Conditions of life 14 Details of the study 15 Discussion of results 18 ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. Fig. 1. A row of adobe houses in New Mexico; Fig. 2. Mexican fam- ilj- at dinner in front of their adobe house; Fig. 3. Mexican women preparing tortillas 14 Fig. 1. Diagram showing cuts of beef used in this investigation 10 5 NUTRITION INVESTIGATIONS IN NEW MEXICO IN 1897. OUTLINE OF THE WORK. The uutritiou investigations carried on by the New Mexico Experi- ment Station during the past year, herewith reported, inchide analyses of native beef and a dietary study. The larger part of the available time was devoted to the analytical study of a side of beef, taken from a steer representing as fairly as possible the average animal raised upon the New Mexico cattle ranges, for the purpose of obtaining data for a comparison of average New Mexico range beef with beef from other sections or from animals grown under different conditions. The dietary study is a continuation of work previously reported^ and was made with one of the families studied in the earlier investigation. The family was regarded as typical of the ordinary Mexicans of limited income, who make up the greater portion of the common laborers of New Mexico. ANALYTICAL STUDY OF A SIDE OF NEW MEXICO RANGE BEEF. GENERAL CONDITIONS INFLUENCING BEEF RAISING IN NEW- MEXICO. The location, climatic conditions, and surface conformation of New Mexico are such that the greater jiart of the Territory is pastoral rather than agricultural. From the general conditions^ under which cattle are raised in this Territory, marked differences in the composi- tion of their flesh as compared with that of animals raised in other localities might be expected. A large area of the Territory is elevated table-land or mesa, varying in height from between 6,000 and 6,500 feet above sea level at the north to 4,000 feet in the south. This region is traversed by irregular and broken ranges of mountains and furrowed by rivers and streams, along which is found the only arable land. Climate and rainfall. — The climate is exceedingly dry, so much so that meat left in the open air dries without putrefaction. The annual rainfall is very slight, the average for eight years being less than U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 40. 8 14^ inches. The average rainfall for Maine, Tennessee, and Texas is approximately 46, 5 i, and 29 inches, respectively. The rainy season, which is usually confined almost entirely to the late summer snonths, begins sometime between the middle of July and the middle of August and lasts only about four weeks. To one unfamiliar with New Mexico conditions the apparently barren stretches of mesa which surround the valleys appear utterly worthless. But wherever there is sufficient water, either in streams or springs, grass is abundant, and under the influence of the summer rains plains that were apparently entirely bare will turn green and become valuable pasture land in a very short time. Even the seemingly dry barren mesa produces much valuable forage and supports large numbers of sheep and cattle throughout the entire year. The climate is such that shelter is not required. Native grasses and forage plants. — The majority of the wild forage plants of New Mexico are grasses. They may be divided into two different groups — those which grow in the moist and alkaline soil of the valleys and those which are found on the mesa and which depend solely on the scant rainfall for their supply of moisture. To the first group belong several rapidly growing annual grasses, among the most important being the grapevine mesquite, bunch grass (growing upon the alkali "flats" which will support little else), and salt grass. This salt grass or alkali grass forms a thick sod on the marshy alkali "flats" and "draws" which are of frequent occurrence in this western country. Provided there is sufficient water it grows well even when the alkali covers the surface of the soil with a thick white crust. Of the second group, i. e., the mesa grasses, the most important are the gramas. Most of the species are perennial, but the " six- weeks grama" produces an abundant and valuable crop during the short rainy season. In addition to the grasses two other plants — prickly pear and sotol — furnish an occasional supply of nourishment for the range animals. The prickly pear is a fleshy cactus, the stems of which are covered with barbed spines. Before feeding the spines are removed by burn- ing. It is used in several regions of the West when fodder is scarce.^ Sotol is a plant resembling the yucca. The outer spiny leaves are cut away with a heavy knife exposing the central core of the plant, which contains no spines and which is the portion eaten by stock. Sotol contains a larger amount of nutrients than prickly pear, but neither of them is of any great value as a stock food when used alone. With the increase in numbers on the ranges the cattle have acquired the habit of eating plants, such as prickly pear and sotol, which would ordinarily be rejected. These coarser plants are utilized when feed is ' In Australia and in North Africa and other Mediterranean regions this plant has been fed to a cousiderabh^ extent, and is regarded very favorably. In Australia it is usually cooked by steaming. 9 sLort to tide over the cattle until the summer rains again cause the grasses to spring ui). As a result range cattle are generally in very poor condition in the spring and are never very fat. The following table gives the composition of the above-mentioned forage plants : ' Table 1. — Composition of some of the New Mexico range grasses and forage plants. Ash. Ordinary gratna grass (Bouteloua oligostachya) . . . Blacli grama grass {B. eriopoda) Six weeks grama grass (B. polystachya) Tall grama grass (B. racemosa) Bunch grass (Sporobolus airioides) Vine mesquite grass {Panicum obtusum) Salt grass {Distichlis spicata) Prickly pear ( Opuntia camanchica) Sotol (Basylirionwheeleri), bead or inner portion, green Timothy hay i (average of 68 analyses) Water. Pro- tein. Ether extract. Nitrogen- free ex- tract. Crude fiber. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. 6.1 7.4 1.7 44.1 30.3 4.8 5.3 1.7 45.6 32.0 4.8 9.8 1.9 42.0 30.9 6.4 6.3 1.8 41.3 34.8 6.4 7.0 1.8 42.5 33.5 4.3 8.9 2.5 45.6 30.4 5.5 6.6 2.0 45.7 28.6 72.7 1.1 .4 16.4 3.1 65.0 1.6 .8 22.5 8.5 13.2 5.9 2.5 45.0 29.0 Per ct. 10.5 10.8 10.7 9.4 8.9 8.4 11.6 6.4 1.6 4.4 •U. S. Dept. Agr., Ofiice of Experiment Stations Bui. 11. The grasses were analyzed in the air dried condition because this is their condition on the range during the greater portion of the year. They spring up during the summer rains, and after the growing season is over they cure as they stand, making a fair quality of hay ui)on which the stock feed until the return of the rainy season. On the whole, the hay from the range grasses analyzed compares very favorably with that grown in other parts of the country. It will be seen that, probably owing to the exceptionally dry climate, the New Mexico hays contain a very small proportion of water. They contain an unusually high percentage of ash, which is doubtless due to the large amount of soluble constituents, or alkali, present in New Mexico soils and ill those of the arid region in general. The ash content of some of the plants grown in the arid regions is very remarkable. Samples of prickly pear analyzed at New Mexico Station have been found to con- tain more than 30 per cent ash in the dry matter. METHODS OP ANALYSIS. For the purpose of the investigation, a range steer 2^ years old, rep- resenting as nearly as possible the average animal at this time of the year (spring), was selected. After slaughtering, one side was divided into fifteen different cuts as outlined in the diagram (fig. 1, p. 10). The methods of preparing the samples for analysis, of partial drying, and of determining the moisture and ash were the same as those com- monly employed. Considerable trouble was encountered in grinding the samples. Most of them could be ground fine enough to pass a one- half millimeter sieve, but a few, like the leg, containing much tendon and similar tissue, could not be made to pass through so fine a mesh. 'New Mexico Experiment Station Bui. 17. 10 The methods of analysis were for the most part the same as ordina- rily employed. In the case of the nitrogen and fat determinations slight modifications of the regular methods were made. • Fat in meat. — The fat was determined by extracting the water-free material in a Soxhlet extractor with anhydrous ether. Before begin- ning the analysis of the samples from the side of beef selected for investigation, a series of fat determinations were made with samples of round and sirloin steak in order to ascertain how long the extraction Fig. 1. — Diagram showing cuts of beef used in this investigation. should be continued. The results of these determinations are given in the following table: Table 2. — Length of time necessary for complete extraction of fat from heef with ether. No. of sam- ple. Name of cut. Fat re- moved in first 24 hours. Fat re- moved in second 24 hours. Total fat removed in 48 hours. 547 Round steak : Per cent. 7.87 7.91 Per cent. 0.21 .17 Per cent. 8.08 8.08 7.89 .19 8.08 Sirloin steak : 546 1.41 1.55 .22 .22 1.63 1.77 1.48 .22 1.70 Sirloin steak : 548 7.91 7.55 .15 .23 8.06 7.78 7.73 .19 7.92 6.70 .20 5.90 11 These results showed that it was necessary to extract with ether longer than twenty four hours, and in all subsequent work extraction was continued for forty-eight hours, it being assumed that practically all the soluble material was removed in that time. lu view, however, of the observations of Argutinsky,' Dormeyer,^ Bogdauow,^ Schulz/ E. Voit and Krumniacher,^ Polimanti,*^ Nerking," and Frank" this ques- tion of the extraction of fats from animal tissue by ether demands further investigation. But there is hardly reason to assume that when the material is finely ground and extracted with anhydrous ether for forty-eight hours, the amount of fat which fails to be dissolved and extracted by the ether or the amount of material other than fat in the extract can be large. The so-called fat, i. e., ether extract, is never absolutely pure fat. In the case of meat, in addition to very small quantities of other sub- stances, the ether extract contains some nitrogenous material. In sev- eral cases the dried ether extract was transferred to Kjeldahl digestion flasks and the nitrogen in it determined in the usual manner. The average amount of nitrogen found, as will be seen by reference to Table 5, page 13, was 0.03 per cent. This is equivalent to 0.21 per cent of protein (using the factor 6.25). This amount should be deducted from the total ether extract and added to the protein when great accuracy is desired. The amount of nitrogen, however, is so small that in ordinary prac- tical work it could be safely neglected. Although care was taken to secure a clear filtrate in the fat flask, it is possible that the small amount of nitrogen came from particles of meat carried through mechanically in the two days' extraction to which the samples were sub- mitted. It is possible that the ether extract contained small amounts of lecithin and other nitrogenous compounds which are soluble in ether. Nitrogen in meat. — The Kjeldahl method was used for the determina- tion of nitrogen. One gram of substance was taken for analysis. To insure accuracy, all the measuring vessels used were carefully calibrated and all the reagents were tested. In order to determine the length of time necessary to digest the samples of meat with the sulphuric acid and mercuric oxid, samjiles of sirloin steak (No. 548) weighing 1 and 2 grams were digested for one- half, one, two, three, and four hours, respectively, with 30 cubic centi- meters sulphuric acid and 0.7 gram mercuric oxid. ' Arch. Physiol. [Pfluger], 55, p. 347. 2 Ibid., 61, p. 341 (E. S. R., 7, p. 919) ; 65, p. 90. » Ibid., 65, p. 81 (E. S. R., 8, p. 713) ; 68, pp. 4Q8, 431 (E. S. R., 9, pp. 618, 681). ^ Ibid., 66, p. 145 (E. S. R., 9, p. 373). 6 Ztschr. Biol., 35 (1897), p. 555 (E. S. R., 9, p. 917). 6 Arch. Physiol. [Pfluger], 70, p. 366 (E. S. R., 9, p. 1020), 'Ibid., 71, p. 427. » Ztschr. Biol., 35 (1897), p. 549. 12 The percentages of nitrogen obtained were as follows: Amounts of nitrogen found in meat digested different lengths of time. Samples weighing 1 gram : Per cent. One-half hour 13.50 One hour 13. 57 Two hours 13. 61 Three hours - 13. 67 Four hour^ 13. 65 Sample weighing 2 grams: One hour IB. 51 These results indicate that, as Atwater and Woods have already pointed out,^ it is necessary to digest meats somewhat longer than veg- etable substances. In the comparative test reported digesting three hours was apparently sufficient, but for the sake of safety the diges- tion was continued for four hours in the analysis of the side of beef. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS. The ordinary methods, with the modifications and precautions noted above, were used in the analysis of the different cuts. The results are given in Tables 3, 4, and 5. Table 3 shows the weight of tlie different cuts and the percentage of waste and nutritive ingredients, together with the fuel value of each cut. The composition and fuel value of the edible portion of the different cuts are shown in Table 4. In Table 5 the results are calculated to a water-free basis. The fuel values are computed by assuming the fuel value of a pound of protein or carbo- hydrates to be 1,800, and that of a pound of fat to be 4,220 calorics. Table ^.^Composition of side of heef from a New Mexico range steer. Refer- ence No. Portion taken for analysis. Total weight. Refuse (bone,, akin, etc.). Water. Pro- • tein. Fat. Ash. Fuel value per pound. 540 Neck Lhs. Oz. 12 10 13 8 31 8 7 2 2 11 10 5 4 17 Per cent. 75.2 16.7 31.7 64.3 2.9 39.8 50.0 23.9 Per ct. 18.3 63.1 52.1 25.5 66.6 46.1 37.9 59.2 Per ct. 6.0 18.1 14.7 9.5 28.5 12.5 10.8 15.5 Per ct. 0.2 1.2 .7 .2 .6 .9 .8 .6 Per ct. 0.3 .9 .8. .5 1.4 .7 .5 .8 Calories. 120 519 385 526 525 Standing ri b Plate 305 185 524 555 530 270 538 235 531 315 Average of fore quarter. 532 37.4 47.5 13.7 .7 .7 285 522 12 13 20 5 14 25 9 8 3 10 4 6 28.8 19.7 28.6 16.0 50.0 6.9 2.9 49.9 57.1 51.4 61.5 35. 6 67.1 68.3 19.5 21.2 18.5 20.5 12.9 24.1 26.6 .8 .9 .5 .9 .8 .7 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.1 .7 1.2 1.2 395 523 430 528 365 527 529 520 521 Round steak Hock, hind leg or shank Upper or sirloin Hank 420 275 450 495 Average of hind qviarter . 537 ' 23.2 55.1 19.9 .8 1.0 400 539 30.7 51.1 16.6 22.2 9.0 .7 3.3 9.3 .9 T 2.5 1.1 340 5 -5 8 12 14 543 55.3 32.4 72.0 80.6 315 542 555 541 560 ' U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Hul. 44, p. 25. 13 Table 4. — Composition of edible portion of side of beef from a New Mexico range steer. Refer- ence No. Portion taken for analysis. 540 519 526 525 524 530 538 531 532 522 523 528 527 529 520 521 53T 539 543 542 541 Neck Ch lick riba Standing rib Plaie Navel Slioulder Leg Front of shoulder Average of fore quarter Sirloin Sirloin steak Rump Round steak Hock, hind leg' or shank Upper or sirloin tlank Lower or thin tlauk Average of hind quarter Average of whole side.. Tongue Liver Brain Water. Per cent. 73.8 75.8 76.3 71.5 68.6 76.6 75.9 77.7 76.0 Protein. Per cent. 24.3 21.7 21.5 26.6 29.4 20.8 21.6 20.4 21. 70.1 27.4 71.1 26.4 72.0 25.9 73.2 24.4 71.2 25.8 72.1 25.9 70.3 27.4 71.7 72.5 72.0 25.8 17.7 22.2 9.0 Per cent. 6.7 1.4 1. 1 .6 .6 1.5 1.5 Per cent. 1.2 1 1, 1, 1 1, 1 1 1.1 1.1 .7 1.1 1.7 .7 1.0 3.3 9.3 1. 1.4 1.4 L4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 .9 2.5 LI Fuel value per pound. Caloriei. 480 465 445 520 570 450 465 415 450 555 535 510 500 550 510 550 525 490 705 555 560 Table 5. -Composition of water-free substance in side of beef from a New Mexico range steer. Refer- ence No. Portion taken for analysis. Nitrogen. Protein. Fat. Nitrogen in ether extract. Fat cor- rected for protein in ether extract. Ash. 540 Neck Per cent. 15.31 14.70 14.81 15.51 15.65 14.55 14.85 14. 88 Per cent. 92.8 89.9 90.8 93.4 93.8 88.9 89.8 91.6 Per cent. 2.7 5.6 4.7 2.1 2.0 6.4 6.1 3.7 Per cent. Per cent. 2.5 5.4 4.5 1.9 1.8 6.2 5.9 3.5 Per cent. 4 7 519 4 7 526 4 7 525 Plate 0.03 .03 4.7 ■ 524 Navel 4.4 530 4.9 538 4.3 531 4 9 532 90.8 4.5 4.7 522 14.69 14.83 15.12 14.69 14.77 15.14 15.38 91.7 91.7 92.6 91.1 89.7 93.0 92.5 3.6 3.6 2.6 4.0 5.9 2.6 3.4 .05 .03 .03 .03 .04 .03 .03 3.4 3.4 2.4 3.8 5.7 2.4 3.2 4.9 523 4.9 528 5.0 527 5.1 529 520 Hock, hind ]pg or shank 4.6 4.6 521 4 3 Average of hind quarter . 537 91.5 3.7 4.8 539 91.1 4.1 4.8 ^'™"' " " 1.03 ' Equivalent to 0.21 per cent protein (NX 6.25). 14 COMPARISON OF THE COMPOSITION OF BEEF FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES. The following table gives the average composition of the side of New Mexico beef reported above and the average composition of similar sides of beef from Maine, Tennessee, and Texas. Table 6. — Average composition of sides of beef from different regions. Kef use. Water. Protein. Fat. Ash. Per cent. 16.1 20.4 20.0 30.7 Per cent. 50.2 52.9 55.2 51.1 Per cent. 14.4 15.3 15.3 16.6 Per cent. 18.6 10.5 8.8 .7 Per cent. 7 8 Texas* .7 .9 ' Maine Sta. Rpt. 1895, p. 57. '' F. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 53. ' TJ. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bal. 28. One of the most noteworthy features '^^ ''i.^nection with the composi- tion of New Mexica b^^^f c4,o cfffiapared with the results of analyses of beef ^»'^" other localities is the extremely low percentage of ether extract in the former. The maximum for any single cut, calculated on the water-free basis (see p. 13), is 6.4 jier cent, the minimum 2 per cent, and the average 4.1 per cent. As has already been pointed out, this ether extract is not pure fat. Deducting the amount of protein found in it, leaves 3.94 per cent as the average of several determinations. Although the beef was very lean, it is believed that it was fairly representative of New Mexico range beef in the spring. In the late summer and early fall the cattle are in better condition, owing to the better pasturage during the rainy season. The low fat content is accompanied by a high proportion of refuse. This is but natural, for as the flesh approaches more closely to pure muscular tissue the proportion of tendon and bone increases. DIETARY STUDY OF A POOR MEXICAN FAMILY. The dietary work consists of a study of one of the families (No. 163) studied last year and reported elsewhere.^ It was thought by continu- ing the investigation with a family whose dietary had already been studied that some idea could be obtained of the difference in the amounts of the various nutrients consumed at different times by the same people. CONDITIONS OF LIFE. The family, consisting of the father, mother, and 3-year-old &on, is one of a colony of some twenty families in the same circumstances attached to one of the large ranches near Las Cruces. The rent of ' U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 40. U. S. Dept. of Agri., Bui. 54, Office of Expt. Stations. Plate I. ^ ;j ' ■1 -:%«* \i «t-" ^ Fig. 1.— a Row of Adobe Houses in New Mexico. Fig. 2.— a Mexican Family at Dinner in front of their Adobe House. ■-^ .^»4imU^^^ .,-f^>~ ^ '^J-n ri'^k •r i^. i^J v# * y^ Fig. 3.— Mexican Women preparing Tortillas. 15 tbe dwellings and small plats of laud, upon which they raise the greater part of their foo— Nutrients. Fuel value. Nutritive ratio. Of food. Of bever- ages, etc. Protein. Fat. Carboby drates. Dietary No. 225. — Mexican family of the poorer class, 1897 Cents. 7 6 9 6 Cents. 1 2 2 1 Grams. 84 104 98 89 Grams. 71 71 65 77 Grams. 503 701 561 625 Calories. 3,320 3,960 3,305 3,645 1: 8.6 Dietary No. 163. — Same fam- ily as above, 1896 1: 8.3 Dietary No. 164.— Mexican family in moderate circum- 1: 7.2 Dietary No. 165.— Mexican family of the poorer class, 1896 .' 1: 9.0 7 8 li 68 62 125 73 132 572 436 3,320 3,270 3,500 1: 8.3 1:11.8 Standard for men at moderate 1: 5.8 From this table it will be seen that the amount of food consumed was somewhat less than was the case in the dietary study made in 1896, the fuel value per man per day being reduced from 3,9G0 to 3,320 calories. This reduction in heat value was caused by using smaller amounts of protein and carbohydrates, the fat being exactly the same. The nutritive ratio, however, remained practically unchanged. The food accessories in this dietary consisted of coffee only, for which 21 cents was paid out of a total food expenditure of $2.78 during the period. That the family were accustomed to make the most of what they had is shown by the small amount of waste in this dietary. The waste was estimated to cost but 4 cents. This is an example of care- ful management that might well be imitated by others in more favored circumstances. It is interesting to note that the Mexican family obtained for 7 cents more protein, more carbohydrates, and a greater fuel value than the negro family for 8 cents. The negro family, however, had more fat. This difference is due to the use of large amounts of fat pork (an expensive source of protein) by the negro families, while the Mexican family used but little meat and derived the protein in their diet almost entirely from vegetable sources. It must be understood that the dietary standard here given is not in any way absolute, but represents what is considered at present, as the result of careful investigation, to be the closest estimate possible as to the actual amounts or relation between the amounts of protein, carbo- hydrates, and fat required to properly nourish a man engaged in moderately hard work. A diet made up on this basis should enable a man to do each day a fair amount of work and at the same time to keep his body in a well-balanced and well-nourished condition. 20 The great trouble with the dietary of the Mexican family as well as that of the negro is that the amount of protein is too small. Approxi- mately stated, the food of the Mexican family furnished but tw^thirds of the amount of protein called for by the standard, and the food of the negro families furnished but one-half the protein that is considered to be necessary, according to the best knowledge at the present, for proper nourishment. At the same time the Mexican as well as the negro families ate an undue proportion, but not amount, of the fuel ingredients. A proper ratio is generally considered to be established when the quantity of protein is to the quantity of fuel ingredients — starch, sugar, and fat — as 1 to 5.8 or thereabouts. In both the negro and Mexican families the dietaries are deficient in protein and in fuel ingredients. FIVIr'07