.:^i ■ Jj! ■■,,1 •1 ■1! II !!i 'I liriii lililitt u \im iLLEGi n n^^^n^^^^^^u^^^n^^^nu^^^^^^u^^^^^^ w Hecord of the Alumni of tlie Kansas State AgTicultural College 1914 DEPARTMENT OF PRINTING KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE MANHATTAN Gift AjJSOCiatirm SEP 9 1914 FOREWORD This Record of the Alumni of tlie Kansas State Agricultural College, issued at the end of the first half century of its work, is most convincing evidence of the usefulness of the institution. The most notable contribution the past half century has made to educa- tional ideals is that of education for service. Kansas was one of the first states of the union to accept the conditions of the Mor- rill act, and she has done her part in making the new education. The record here presented is a brief outline of hundreds of lives that have been influenced by the College. It is a record of which the institution and the State may well be proud. In it are the stories in brief of the success of men and women who have worked to make life better and brighter. These brief notes merely suggest the work done. Many of these one-line records of "House- wife" enfold stories of a noble womanhood that has blessed a family and been an inspiration to a community. The simple rec- ord "Farmer" expands into a successful life of endeavor for bet- ter agriculture and a higher type of rural civilization. The pages tell of the success of co-education, of romance, of homes in which K. S. A. C. traditions have been a part of life; and from these homes have come sons and daughters who share the honor of being alumni. The lists of the later years bear many names familiar to students of the earlier days: Haines, Failyer, Griffing, Berry, Reed, Hopper, Knostman, Lightfoot, Willard, Cal- vin, Coons, Sikes, Elliott, Breese, Gale, Sanders. Unfortunately, there are presented only the records of those who "have finished the course." The College also has influenced for good thousands of men and women whose names are in the lists of former students, but who did not graduate. The alumni and students have been a force in the growth of the College, State, and Nation — a force that will grow greate;* as each member recognizes the possibilities of the services that he may render. A closer organization, with more local associations of alumni and former students, can give the State a more definite idea of the College needs, and can help it to accomplish the purpose for which it was created. H. J. Waters To tlu Aliinmi: The Alumni Association of the Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, at its annual meeting, June 18, 1912, instructed its Board of Directors to assess each member one dollar, collect the necessary data, and publish a register of the graduates. The occasion of the semi-centennial being at hand, the Board believed that information concerning the alumni would be ap- preciated, and began the collection of funds and data. The task has required more time than the Board at first sup- posed would be necessary. The graduates of the College are scat- tered widely, and considerable effort has been required to secure even an incomplete directory. Several communications have been addressed to members who did not respond to the first or second inquiry, and every effort made to secure information. When no information has been secured, the last known address and occupa- tion is given and the name is starred in the record. Members are urged to keep the association informed concerning changes of ad- dress or occupation, that the College may have a correct directory and the labor of issuing later reports be minimized. Directors at Large h. c. rushmore, '79 Frances L. Brown, 'OU Herman W. Avery, '91 Directors, Manhattan Association C. M. Breese, '87 Albert dickens, '93 Director, Kansas City, Mo., Association Frank J. Yeoman, '98 COLLEGE HISTORY The entire history of a college can never be written. What an institution is depends upon the ideals and activities of so many individuals that none can trace results to their origin. At first a thought in the mind of one, it is no sooner shared with another than it begins to undergo modification, and as still others become involved, it is further developed and elaborated. No college president may claim all of the credit or be charged with all of the blame for his administration. Without his faculty he can do but little that is constructive, and the latter cannot evade a certain degree of responsibility for his errors. The members of the governing board have a part, and often a dominant one, in shaping the destiny of an institution. But the makers of college history are not limited to its offi- cers; the student body itself has a considerable influence. You may take a boy in college, but you cannot make him think as you do, always; and the settled thought of a body of students will have its effect on the management. Moreover, many of the students, especially those who are graduated, continue to make college his- tory for many years, or throughout a lifetime. One interested in Alma Mater can help her in hundreds of little ways and sometimes in a few large ones. The citizens of the state and the nation have in the aggregate a large, in fact at times a determining effect upon a college. And so we see that the history of a college cannot be completely written, any more than we can trace all of the material atoms of a tree to the rocks, winds, and waters that have held them. As a flower crowns with beauty and perfume the unnumbered details of chemical and physical processes, so our colleges are blossoms grow- ing from the social order which characterizes modern civilization, and who shall say to any: "Thou hadst no part in their produc- tion?" The student body knows little of college history in the mak- ing; even many of the faculty do not know what is going on, or ap- preciate the signiflcance of that of which they know. Those in closest touch known only in part. Hence any one who writes college history becomes at once the target for shafts of criticism and cor- rection from those who have seen other things or seen through other glasses. At several periods in the history of our College, feeling has been scourged to such keenness of sensibility that judi- cial consideration of the situation was impossible, and to write of it now is almost to invite rejoinder and controversy. The general 6 BECUKD OF TIJE AH MM excellence of the administration of the College is shown by the fact that, with the exception of short intervals, whenever the radi- cal changes have taken place, the student body has for the most part been loyal to the then existing order. The Kansas State Agricultural College was really founded in the hearts of early settlers of Manhattan who, February 9, 185S, obtained a charter for Bluemont Central College. This was estab- lished under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and, while of the standard classical type, provided for an agricultural department, and experiments upon soils, trees, crops, etc. To the presence of this compact body of forceful men, enthusiastic and self-sacrificing in the cause of education, is probably due the loca- tion of the Agricultural College at Manhattan. February 16, 1SG3. the State accepted the offer of the church to donate Bluemont Col- lege, its real estate, library, etc., to the State, for the purpose of transforming it into an agricultural college such as was proxaded for by the land-grant act of July 2, 1862, the conditions of which were accepted by the State of Kansas, February 3, 1863. The College opened as the State Agricultural College Septem- ber 2, 1863. The current year therefore completes the first half- century of its history, and it is fitting that this register of its alumni appear, and that it contain something in the nature of an histori- cal summary. The latter must necessarily be brief and inadequate for lack of space, and for reasons already set forth. It has been the privilege of the author to see much of this history in the mak- ing, and it will be his effort to treat matters in the spirit of kind- ness and justice. Some things must be left out, of necessity, and among these will be those that rankle and fan the embers of con- tention. The College officers and the students have always been intensely loyal to the institution and to its interests as related to the State. Personal differences of judgment must always exist, and personal feelings toward individuals cannot but have some influ- ence upon the judgment. We are all but human, and personal ambition, selfishness, and other human traits that do not always work to the best interests of our fellows may be conceded to have had some small part all through the half-century, and probably to have had a greater part at some points than at others. To attempt to fix these points would lead only to fruitless discussion. There is much sound philosophy as well as charity in the thought ihat "If we knew all, we would forgive all," and the only thini? for alumni to do is to rejoice in the manifest unquestionable continuity of progress in the College, and, forgetting those things which are behind, to press on toward a higher mark for our Alma Mater. KAXSA^S STATE AG RirV LTVHAL COLLEGE 7 THR OUGH FIVE A DM IMS TRA TIONS The College has had six presidents, viz: Joseph Denison, ISbo- 1ST3; John A. Anderson, 1873-1878; George T. Fairchild, 1879- 1897; Thomas E. Will, 1897-1899; Ernest R. Nichols, 1899-1909; and Henry J. Waters. 1909 to the present. Prof. Milan L. Ward was acting president from the spring of 187 8 to Novemoer, 1879, and President Nichols served his iirst year, 1899-1900, in the same capacity. The Denison Administration The Agricultural College being at first but Bluemont Central College rechristened and nation-endowed, retaining its old Faculty in part, continued with its old ideals to a large extent. It is im- portant to recognize, however, that the charter of Bluemont Col- lege provided for "an agricultural department, with separate pro- fessors, to test soils, experiment in the raising of crops, the culti- vation of trees, etc., upon a farm set apart for the purpose, so as to "bring out to the utmost practical results, the agricultural advan- tages of Kansas, especially the capabilities of the high prairie lands." The first annual report to the superintendent of public instruc- tion emphasized the importance of making a beginning at once in the agricultural department. Tlie legislature was asked to make appropriations for this, but did not. The federal land endowment of the College was looked upon as relieving the State from any appropriations. As the land had not been sold, there was no in- come from it at first, and the College became involved in debt. The legislature made appropriations to lend the College money for run- ning expenses, the same to be repaid later from the interest in- come. In 1870, the amounts that had been advanced were appro- priated to the College for the purpose of developing the agricultural department. However, as the College did not have the money, the appropriation did little but extinguish the debt. In April, 18 71, Manhattan township voted $12,000 to buy land for farming. With this, and some money from the interest fund, the present College campus was purchased, and also 160 acres on Wild Cat creek. The latter seems not to have been retained, perhaps was never wholly paid for. In 1867, 500 forest trees and 200 apple trees were planted, also small numbers of other fruit trees. Additional plantings were made in 1869 and 1871, and in 1872 an experimental forest was set. At the end of the year, 36,570 trees were growing in the forest, and the shelter belts. The vineyard at the same time con- tained 12 80 vines, mostly Concord. Numerous fruit trees of the D I G^2^z7 o rx'^v:^^ iz: r c:7i^^5^^ O vzz^ro x Joseph. Denison KAXSAS STATE AiJRK'VLTURAL COLLEGE \) common species, and in very many varieties, were on trial. Peaches and grapes were sold in 1872 to the value of $194.66. The lands on the College farms were at first cultivated in the ordinary way, but gradually more and more systematically, trials were made of fertilizers, special crops, methods of soil preparation, methods of planting, etc. The annual report for 1872 includes about twenty pages devoted to reporting the results of agricultural operations. Although efforts were made continually, it was with much difficulty that the legislature was induced to make any ap- propriation even for agriculture. By the terms of the federal law all buildings must be furnished by the State, but up to 187 2 nothing had been done. Bluemont College was the only building. The legislature of 18 72 made an appropriation with which the stone wall enclosing the present campus was built and a barn was begun. Only one wing of this was ever completed. It was used as a barn until 187 5, when it was taken for College classes. It has served many purposes since: General class-rooms; chapel; society hall; dormitories; residence of the professor of agriculture: quarters for departments of zoology, botany, bacteriology, and veterinary science; armory, etc. It is now used for instruction in farm mechanics, and for housing the machinery used in that work. Altogether the administration of President Denison conducted an arduous work. Space does not permit going further into de- tails. Those were pioneer times and the State could scarcely af- ford to appropriate much money for the College. The unremitting efforts of boards of regents had, however, begun to yield some re- sults, and State support of the College may be said to have reallv begun in 187 2. Education in agriculture was but an experiment at best, and to the writer it seems that the Faculty of those days should be commended for what it did, rather than criticised for what it did not do. The College did important work in giving to young people an education that helped them in all of the duties of life, and at a minimum of expense. Many of these went out to teach in the common schools of the State and thus spread the bene- fits of the College. The Anderson Administration With the administration of President Anderson all instruc- tion in Latin and Greek was soon abolished, and it has never been restored to the curriculum. Practical and theoretical study of agriculture was greatly extended, and daily work at some industry was required of every student. These "industrials" were a dis- tinctive feature of the institution for twenty years or more, but they have been to a large extent gradually replaced by systematic laboratory exercises carried out for the most part in connection with theoretical instruction. a I G^^^ZJ O Dx^^^Z rCT^^iS^^ O V/yz^rOJ- Joh.n A. Anderson 10- KANSAS STATE Ad RK'V LTl'RAL COLLEGE 11 During the Anderson administration instruction in farm and nursery worlc and music was continued and extended, and indus- trials were establislied in sewing, cooking, printing, telegraphy, stenography, and photography. Tlie sliop work was much amplified, tlie previous facilities having been very meager. Science teaching was improved by specializing slightly. Chemistry was notabl/ strengthened by the energy and ability of Professor Kedzie, througn wliose efforts a building for instruction in that science was erected Three other buildings were erected, for horticulture, agriculture. and mechanic arts, respectively. The building for agriculture is now the nortli wing of Anderson Hall. Agricultural facilities, equipment, and experimentation were advanced greatly, being under the administration of one of the ablest and most forceful men ever connected witli tlie College, Prof. Edward M. Shelton, a graduate of the Michigan Agricultural College. President Anderson also founded the college paper, "The Industrialist," which persists to this day, though it has passed through several forms. He used it as laboratory material for the students in printing, and as a means of giving publicity to the College with its new ideas in education. It has been a valuable adjunct in the development of the College, but has entailed much work upon Its editor. The catalogue for 1874 was called a "Handbook of the Kansas State Agricultural College," and 61 of its 124 pages were accupied by President Anderson in setting forth his ideas upon liberal and practical education. There can be little doubt, looking at matters in the perspective of forty years, that he was extreme; that he was ultra-practical, and failed to see the real value of much of what is too lightly stigmatized as theoretical. Nevertheless, the time,- required his iconoclastic work to tear the College completely loose from the bonds of traditional education, and to place it squarely in a new setting where it has since remained. President Anderson and his Faculty were by no means a unit in view, and his abandonment of the College, and entry into the field of politics in which he was distinguished by the same bold practicality, was probably to a certain extent due to his inability to carry the Faculty completely with him. The work that he did roused great opposition from friends of the old educational methods, and the friends of the Faculty of the previous administra- tion, but it is generally recognized to-day that it was work that needed doing, and that if he went too far, his excess was easily cor- rected. The Fairchild Administration President Fairchild, before coming to the College, had been, professor of English literature in the Michigan Agricultural D I G^^^^zT O r\\:^^^z r o^^^:\^ O vzzz:yo x George T. FaircKild 12- KAXSAS STATE AdRlCVLTrRAL COLLEGE 13 College. That institution was rated as the best of its kind in tin country at that time. Prof. E. M. Shelton, then professor of agriculture here, was one of its alumni, and it is said that his influence had much to do with the election of Professor Fairchild to the presidency. Professor Fairchild had for fifteen years been active as a member of the faculty of the Michigan college, and his brother-in-law, Dr. R. C. Kedzie, professor of chemistry there, was one of the most forceful of the men in early agricultural education. President Fairchild was about forty years of age when he entered upon his duties here, and at this prime point of life he brought to his task a well-matured judgment based on an adequate experience in a kindred college. Still more, he brought ideals of private and public life and service, a sense of order and of justice, and a big heart full of sympathy for all right ambitions of youth. The College was still small, scarcely more than two hundred students being in attendance at any one time. President Fairchild knew them all personally, and with his own hand wrote the assign- ment of each to the work of each term. After examinations, each delinquent received his personal touch, whether of needed stimulus, unsparing presentation of unpleasant truth, or gentle sympathy. He inaugurated a system of weekly Faculty meetings, in which all matters touching the students and the internal affairs of the College were discussed and acted upon by the entire Faculty. As numbers increased, this method became less well-adapted to conditions, but the training that it gave to the Faculty developed a spirit of loyalty and substantial unity that comes only from complete discussion of the diverse and numerous questions that constantly arise in college life. He encouraged the freest expres- sion of views, and though his own were usually adopted in the end, it was because of the compulsion of reason rather than that of authority. This discussion of all College matters by the entire Faculty was the means by which new members were assimilated and unity of aim accomplished. A president could scarcely have a more united and personally loyal faculty than that which President Fairchild created. To have sat in that Faculty for any length oi time was to have received an education in frankness, fairness, courtesy, toleration, unselfishness, sympathy, and loftiness of all ideals. The needs of the College for buildings during the administra- tion of President Fairchild were met by the completion of the main College building, since named Anderson Hall; the enlargement of the chapel, which is part of it; the erection of a power plant and a machine shop; the enlargement of the College barn; the erec tion of a barn for the Horticultural Department; the erection of a residence for the president; and the erection of a building for the library and certain departments, and now known as Fairchild Hall. The appropriation for a building for domestic science and 14 7? E CO RI) OF Til K A LI 'M X I art was obtained in 189 7, but it was constructed by the next ad- ministration. This is now used for the Departments of English, Journalism, and Printing, and has been named Kedzie Hall. The most prominent feature of the references to finances in the earlier reports of the College is the idea that with the exception of providing buildings the State would be at no expense in suppo't- ing the College as soon as the land endowment was sold. A constant shortage of funds thus existed. The Farm Department from early years made experiments in crop production, soil treat- ment, etc. In 1887, Congress passed the Hatch act, by which agricultural experiment stations were financed for each state. The first appropriation under this act was for fifteen thousand dollars for the year ending June 30, 188 8. This appropriation has baen repeated for each year since. This addition to the income enabled the College to enter upon much more extensive work in experimentation, and to increase salaries of members oi the Faculty. In 1890, the budget of the College was still further augmented by means of another act of Congress, due to Senator Morrill. Through this act fifteen thousand dollars was appropriated for 189 0, and amounts increasing by one thousand dollars each year until th^-: appropriation under this law reached twenty-five thousand dollars a year. This fund is "applied only to instruction in agriculture, the mechanic arts, the English language, and the various branches of mathematics, physical, natural and economic science, with special reference to the industries of life, and to the facilities for such instruction." The income from the endowment fund was diminishing because of the fall in interest rates, but the Hatch act and the Morrill act of 1890, together, nearly trebled the College income. Not- withstanding this, the growth of the College was such that by the middle of the decade beginning with 1890 the need of additional resources was felt severely. There was delay in payment of bills, and salaries the latter part of the fiscal year could not be paid until the next year's funds were available. In 1897, the legislature began making appropriations for maintenance by an allowance of ten thousand dollars for the year 1896-'97, which was intended to make up the existing deficiency, and five thousand dollars for each of the next two years. The last few years of the administration of President Fair- child were affected by the prevailing economic conditions of the time, and the varying views concerning their causes and remedies. He had himself taught political economy in the College and it is generally conceded that this delicate work was conducted in an Impartial manner. In 1894, the Board elected Thomas Elmer Will as professor of economics in order that greater attention might be given to questions touching political policies in the broad sense. A course of weekly lectures, attendance upon which was required KAXSAS ^TATE AGRICl' LTVRAL COLLEGE 15 of all students, was established, and most of these were given by Professor Will. The students for the most part regarded him as a hard student and forceful teacher, who presented all sides of controverted questions, and wlio exacted hard work from the members of his classes. President Fairchild made no notable change in College policies after 1S9 0, although minor alterations in the course of study and the entrance requirements were adopted. It was a period of anxiety when conservatism seemed wiser than to open the doors to changes that might not be progress. Whether or not this was really wiser cannot be said, and one's judgment will depend upon his point of view. In 1897, the legislature passed a law reorganizing the Board of Regents of the College and providing for new appointments to it. The president of the College was taken off the Board, an ex officio member of which he had always been previously. When the new Board organized, it held that the new law terminated, on the first of the next July, the period of employment of every employee of the College, from the president down. President Fairchild declined to be a candidate for re-election and Professor Will was elected president. The Will Administration The administration of President Will began July 1, 1S97. Nine members of the old Faculty were not re-elected, and two who were re-elected declined to stay, leaving twelve of the old members in service, with eleven new ones. The new Faculty revised the course of study to a certain extent in July, increasing the opportu- nity for specialization in agriculture and in engineering. During the fall term, after the new Faculty had gotten fairly to work, a thorough reconsideration of the curriculum was made and three courses of study were formulated, which were designated as agricultural, engineering, and general. Each of these courses required a greatly increased amount of work in history, economics, and political science. The general character of each was indicated by the name. In the spring, a four-year course in household economics was prepared, and the catalogue for 189 7-'98 shows these four courses, which, with modifications and further specializa- tions, have continued to the present. The beginning of systematic instruction by means of short courses, for which very low entrance requirements are demanded, was made in the offering of a course in dairying for the winter term, 1898. This was received Avith much favor and served as a starting point for the campaign which brought an appropriation for a "dairy building" that gave ample quarters for the agri- cultural department at that time. This building was not actually Th.om9.s El. Will 16— KAXSAS STATE A(fRJCrL7TBAL COLLEGE 17 erected until 1900, but the appropriation for it was obtained by this administration, as was also an appropriation for a dairy barn. The administration of the local affairs of the College by President Will was marked by a movement toward action by com- mittees rather than by the Faculty as a whole. The Faculty meetings were cut to once in two weeks, and soon drifted to a less frequent occurrence. A committee was appointed to take over the work of assignment of students to classes. This had become too burdensome for the president to attend to personally, and was still further increased by the changes in the course of study. The assignments as made out by the committee members were sent to the president for approval. This was a distinct advance which the growth of the College demanded. Previous to this time, at each meeting of the Board of Regents a joint session of the Faculty and the Board had been held, at which each member of the Faculty had presented the needs of his department. Later the Board acted upon their requests, ;^nd made appropriations for the quarter for such purposes as it deemed best. Similarly, authorizations for the expenditure of Experiment Station funds were made quarterly upon the recommendations of the Experiment Station Council, which consisted of the department heads engaged in station work. During President Will's adminis- tration these practices were gradually modified and the present system adopted, whereby allotments of funds are made annually to the several departments. This enables plans to be made in a more comprehensive manner, equity among departments to be more carefully considered, and department heads to be held to account in respect to expenditures and results. The administration of President Will was conducted under conditions of constant stress and controversy, most of which was among people outside the College, however. The activities of the College were enlarged, and notwithstanding the appropriations for current expense, the College was delinquent in payments to a con- siderable extent at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899. By the political road the Board of Regents was transformed in the spring of 1899, and June 10 it voted that the services of President Will, Secretary Phipps, and Professors Bemis, Ward, and Parsons "be dispensed with after June 30, 1899." Prof. Ernest R. Nichols was elected acting president. The Nichols Administration Professor Nichols, like Professor Will, entered upon his new duties at a time when the State was hot with controversy, the merits of which can scarcely be peacefully discussed even at this day by those most intimately involved. Suffice to say that the futil- ity of newspaper war was seen by the acting president, and that he '/^•..-,-, .■ '■■>\'; Elrnest R. NicKols 18— KANSAS STATE AGRIVl'LTUEAL COLLEGE 19 definitely adopted the policy of excluding from "The Industrialist" all reference to the matters in contention. As issued by iiim, it will be searched in vain for criticism of his predecessors, and lie paid no public attention to attacks in other papers. This policy soon brought about, practically, a cessation of hostilitieb and a condition in which the acts of the administration were judged on tlieir merits, rather than as seen through prejudice. The acting president became president July 1, 19 00. When the new Board of Regents took charge in May, 1899, it took legal advice concerning the existing delinquency in payment of College bills. Acting upon this advice, it decided to pay no bills for expenditures incurred previous to July 1, 1899, for whicli funds were not at that time available; to start with a clean account book, and to conduct the business of the institution on the principle of not spending money till you have it. At a result, thousands oi dollars of indebtedness, including much in salaries of teachers, were not paid until the legislature made an appropriation for that purpose. Throughout the ten years of the administration of Presi- dent Nichols there was never a moment when there was not in the College treasury a balance remaining from the funds at his disposal. He insisted upon it, even to the point of creating trouble with some members of the Faculty, that departments must keep within their allowances. The Board voted that any department-head ex- ceeding his appropriation should forfeit his position. The result was that the credit of the College became gilt-edged, and a condi tion was created under which the legislature from session to session could be approached on a business basis and asked for appropria- tions without the necessity of defense against a charge of business mismanagement of funds already allowed. President Nichols was a man of few words, either written or spoken, but he, with assistance from others of course, succeeded in establishing the College in the confidence of the people to such an extent as to enable him to get appropriations for buildings and maintenance far beyond that of anything previously thought of. The following buildings were provided for: Physical Science Hall. Dairy Hall, Auditorium, Horticulture Hall, Veterinary Hall, Do- mestic Science and Art Hall, Mechanical Engineering Hall, Seed House, Gymnasium and Armory, and extensive glass houses for the Departments of Horticulture, Botany, Agronomy, and Entomol- ogy. In addition, Fairchild Hall was greatly enlarged, the shops were enlarged to more than double their former capacity, and the old chemical laboratory, which was burned May 31, 1900, was rebuilt as a Women's Gymnasium. The four courses of study established by the preceding adminis- tration were revised considerably in 189 9 and continued. The main features of the revision were that the first year was mado the same for all students, excepting for such differences as sex 20 n ECO El) OF THE ALUMNI required, and that the required work in history and political science was reduced. The first year was made of a generalized character, designed to give some knowledge concerning sciences, agriculture, shop work, and domestic science. Short courses were established in agriculture and in home economics, and the dairy course "vas continued. From time to time the courses were revised and additional ones were formulated as follows: Electrical engineering, 1900, architecture, 19 05; veterinary, 1906; and printing, 1908. In 1908, the agricultural course beyond the sophomore year was split into five courses, namely: Agronomy, animal husbandry, dairy husbandry, poultry husbandry, and horticulture and forestry. Although these were thus set out as separate courses, they had much in common, each one differing from the others by certain characteristic studies as indicated by the name. There thus existed at the close of the Nichols administration thirteen four-year courr.es. In addition to great growth in the material equipment of departments, which accompanied extension and diversification of the instruction given at the College, the work of the institution was greatly enlarged in respect to activities in the State at large. The work of the farmers' institutes was very greatly increased and a special superintendent appointed to take charge of it. In this connection special trains were run for the purpose of carrying lecturers with illustrative material directly to the people, and two series of pamphlets, one for rural teachers and one for members of farmers' institutes, were established. The work of the Agricultural Experiment Station was very greatly enlarged, partly through the assistance given by the Adams act, by which Congress appropriated $.5000 in 19 06, an amount which was increased |2000 a year until it reached $15,000, at which it still continues. A branch station, which has become a very large factor in western Kansas agriculture, was established in 1901 on a part of the old Fort Hays Military Reservation, which was ceded to the State for that purpose. The College has there about 3500 acres, including some of the finest land in the region. A branch station was also started at Garden City. Through the influence of College authorities, laws regulating the sale of com- mercial fertilizers and concentrated feeding-stuffs in this State were enacted. These laws are administered by the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station. By the terms of the State food and drugs law, the director of the chemical laboratory was put in charge of a large portion of the food analyses for the State Board of Health. Another law established the office of dairy commis- sioner, appointment to which is made by the Board of Administra- tion of the College. The financial support of the College by the State, in addition to the erection of buildings, gradually became more and more KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUEAL COLLEGE 21 generous, and in addition a third act of Congress, approved March 4, 1907, provided for increased support of the land-grant colleges from federal funds. This was known as the Nelson Amendment, by which $5000 was appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, and an annual increase of $5000 for each of the four succeeding years provided for, thus allowing $2 5,000 annually thereafter, in addition to amounts fixed by previous enactments. The local management of the College under the Nichols admin- istration underwent gradual modifications. The Faculty meetings once in two weeks, owing to business absences of the president, became less frequent, and finally were, practically, held on call. The committees on admission, assignments, and farmers' institutes controlled matters coming within their scope, respectively. The president continued to approve the assignments of students, but with slight exceptions this was little more than a formality. The administrative duties of the College became so burden- some that in 1908 tlie Board of Regents established a Council of Deans to share these with the president, the deans performing sucli duties as he might direct. President Nichols made little use of the deans as such, liowever, and the council was not really organized, and the duties of its members, and of the council as a whole, stated until June, 1909. The office of director of the Experiment Station was revived to handle the executive duties be- longing to that activity, whicli under tlie preceding administrations had been performed by the president as cliairman of the Experi- ment Station Council. The director was given no responsibility for the work of departments, or authority to initiate or supervise work. Tlie Station Council, consisting of the heads of departments in station work, considered the investigations to be undertaken, and recommended to the Board of Regents. In 1906, however, the status was changed and a director appointed who had no other duties, and who was given large responsibility for the conduct of departmental w^ork in agricultural investigation. The Station Council was not abrogated, but soon became functionless. In 1909, with tlie co-operation of the president, and the approval of the Faculty and the Board of Regents, a Students' Council was organized, which has served a very useful purpose even though its career has not been spectacular. Its members are chosen by class organizations, four from the senior class, three from the junior class, two from the sophomore class, and one from the freshman class. Its objects are: "(1) To act as a representa- tive body before the governing officers of tlie College in all matters tliat concern tlie individual students, student organizations, or the student body as a w^hole; (2) to act as a body of mediation between different student organizations or enterprises whenever such ser- vice is sought by such organizations or enterprises; (3) to take cognizance of all matters that pertain to the good name and scholar- D 1G^^^^ZlOT^^:^^Z D rcTi^^:^^ O vzz^ifOJL Henry JacKson Walters 22- KANSAS STATE AGRlCVLTVliAL COLLEGE 23 ship of the student body, to the end that high standards of honor ou the campus and elsewhere may be maintained." On the whole, the Nichols administration was marked by great expansion in material equipment, an increase in student attendance from S70 to 2308, a greater specialization in the courses of study offered, a marked extension in their scope, and notable increase in the extra-mural activities of the college. The Waters Administration The foregoing states in little more than bare outline the salient points of the five administrations preceding the one now in power. That it represents a continuous progress, a fairly consistent, adherence to the fundamental purpose of higher education for the "industrial classes," and a wise development of new activities, and new methods of administration, can scarcely be seriously contro- verted. The day of small things has gone never to return, and methods ideal for a small institution are wholly impracticable now. Henry Jackson Waters, dean of the College of Agriculture, University of Missouri, assumed the responsibilities of the presi- dency of the Kansas State Agricultural College, July 1, 1909. His administration is still in progress, and it is scarcely in place to attempt much in the way of its characterization at this time. President Waters took the organization of the College as he found it and deliberately adopted a policy of conservation until he should have become acquainted with the situation. A man of strong con- victions and forceful personality, he recognizes the value of a sense of stability, and has been willing to hold his judgment in abeyance or defer action in minor matters for the sake of the greater good. He has greatly magnified the duties of the deans, relinquishing to them all supervision of the academic work of the students, and placing much responsibility upon them in respect to the personael of the departments, and allowances of funds to them. He also confers freely with them on matters of College policy. The General Faculty meets at the beginning of each year, and on call of the president. Divisional Faculties, presided over by the deans, discuss matters relating to the respective divisions. These divi- sions are: Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, Home Economics, and Gen eral Science. The courses of study were revised thoroughly in the winter of 1910, and the entrance requirements raised from six units to eight units of high school work. In the new courses the differen- tiation began with the freshman year. College education in agri- culture is now so well established that there is no hesitation on the part of freshmen in electing such courses. The president from the first had looked forward to the time when fifteen units, four years of high school, should be required for entrance upon the 24 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI College courses, and was disappointed in that the standard was not pushed up further at that time. With the hearty support of the Faculty he kept up pressure on the point, until in the fall of 1912, the Board of Regents raised the requirements to fifteen units. During the winter of 1913, new courses based on this requirement were formulated. The new requirements and courses were approved by the new governing power, the Board of Administration, and the College entered upon an era in which its students and graduates will be on the basis used by all high-grade colleges. This result must be credited almost entirely to the force, patience, and tact of the president. Coincident with placing the College courses on a four-year high school basis has been the organization of a School of Agri- culture, with three-year courses in agriculture, mechanic arts, and home economics, to which students are admitted from grammar and county schools, and the work in which is accepted toward college entrance. The patronage of this school, which opened September 16, 1913, has been most gratifying. The work in College Extension has developed continuously and rapidly, until at the present time over twenty men and women, are constantly employed in this work. This includes Farmers' Institutes, Demonstration Farming, Boys' and Girls' Meetings, Movable Schools of Agriculture, School Campaigns, Agricultural Trains, Exhibits at Fairs, assistance in Highway Engineering and in Drainage and Irrigation Engineering, Movable Schools in Home Economics. Girls' Home Economics Clubs, a Department of Study by Correspondence, and the publication of a series of pamphlets under the name of "Agricultural Education." It will be seen from the foregoing that the present administra- tion is one that is advancing the College in all legitimate lines. In addition to what has been stated, I think it may be fairly asserted that the most characterizing feature of the administration is that every opportunity is taken and many occasions made for putting the College in connection with the large problems and large enter- prises that affect the permanent welfare of the rural communities This includes such subjects as co-operative buying and selling, rural credits, the tenant system, problems of the rural church and rbral life in general, conservation of agricultural resources and more effective utilization of them, etc. The friends of President Waters may rest assured that no matter when his administration ends, the record which the College makes under his guidance will have been one of marked progress. COURSES OF STUDY In 1863, the only course of study offered was in the classical department. It extended over five years, the first being prepara- KANSAS STATU AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 25 tory. In addition to latin, greek, and mathematics, it included among other subjects: Botany, chemistry, philosophy, physiology, zoology, geology, mineralogy, meteorology, astronomy, agricultural chemistry, and Liebig's husbandry. In 1864, a similar classical course appears in the catalogue, and also an agricultural course of three years, including a prepara- tory year that was the same as that for the classical course. The later agricultural subjects were: Orchard and fruit garden, fruit culture, treatise on the horse, book of the farm, diseases of domestic animals, agricultural chemistry, and analysis of the soil. The third catalogue, 1866-'67, shows a military course, whicli was not, however, complete in itself, but presented an extensive list of military subjects which might be studied. The classical course was continued, and an agricultural and scientific course presented. This was far more detailed than its forerunners, and covered three years. In the fourth catalogue, lS6S-'69, the preparatory course is shown as extended to three years in length. The four-year courses based on this were designated as agricultural and scientific, college, and military. In both the third and the fourth catalogues other courses were named, but no formulation of them presented. These were: Mechanic arts and civil engineering, commercial and mercan- tile, and in the third catalogue a normal course. The catalogue for 18 70-' 71 gives in detail two two-year pre- paratory courses, one agricultural, the other literary, and three four-year college courses, viz., agricultural, mechanic arts, military science, and literary. The next catalogue issued, 1871-'72, shows a decided change in the statement of courses offered, and tabulates only a two-year course in the preparatory department and one four-year course in the collegiate department. For the first time a statement is made of the schedule of classes actually taught or to be taught, showing class periods and teachers. An interesting provision is included for "from seven to ten hours of practical instruction in agriculture under Superintendent Miller; in horticulture under Superintendent Gale; and in mechanics under Superintendent Todd." It is also stated that "students laboring in agricultural, horticultural, and mechanical departments are paid by the hour." An undated four-page folder was issued, apparently in 1872 or 1873, which shows the two-year preparatory course and the four- year collegiate course. Complete courses in agriculture, mechanics, horticulture, and veterinary science were promised in the catalogue to be issued in December. September 3, 1873, John A. Anderson accepted the presidency, and the next publication touching upon courses of study was the "Handbook" issued at the close of 1874. This is a notable docu- ment in that it sets forth in detail the president's ideas concerning 20 liECOHl) OF THE AUMXl education for the industrial classes. Perhaps his point of view may be briefly stated by the quotation of a paragraph beginning on page 65, as follows: "The difference between our line and tliat of other agricultural colleges seems to be this: They take as an objective point the graduation of agricultural experts, who shall act as missionaries to working farmers. We take as an objective point the gradua'^ion of a capable farmer, able to make his living by farming. Their theory is that of the normal school, training teachers who shall instruct scholars; our theory is that of training the scholar. Along the mechanical branch, they seek to graduate master builders or superintendents of machine shops; we seek to graduate intelli- gent and skillful carpenters, masons, or blacksmiths. They strike directly for those industries considered the highest, and believe that in reaching them they include all below; we strike for the industries most commonly followed in this State, and by success- fully mastering them expect to climb up to the very rarest. Their mode may be best for them, and we are not in the least criticizing it; ours seems best for us. Kansas is neither New York, Massachu- setts, ^nor Ohio; and we shall not endeavor to reproduce their agricultural colleges. With us, where five agricultural scientists can make a living as such, five thousand capable farmers can far more than make a living; and where five architects or master mechanics can obtain employment, five times as many mechanics can command wages. We aim to provide a Kansas State Agricul- tural College for the practical education of those who desire to fol- low industrial vocations. In so doing, nothing of educational experience that is useful will be rejected because it is old; nor any- thing retained simply because it is practiced by literary colleges in educating for the professions. That which upon fair trial best serves our purpose will be employed; and that which does not will be discarded, though it were baldheaded with antiquity." Three courses of study, designated as farmer's, mechanic's, and woman's, are formulated in the Handbook. Those were six years long, but the last two years of the mechanic's course were not worked out. The most characteristic features of the courses were the exclusion of the classic languages, and the requirement of an "Industrial" each term. "Household economy" appears in tiie curriculum for the first time. The course of study diirini^ most of the Faii'child adminis- tration was given as one, but included some adaptations indicated by differences in the requirements of young men and young women. The entrance requirements, though raised somewhat from time to time, remained low, in harmony with the view that connection should be maintained with the country schools. Toward the end of the administration, a fifth year was added, for such as wished to take it, in which there was opportunity for considerable speciali- KANSA:S state AGBICVLTURAL college 27 zation. The industrial training inaugurated by President Anderson was extended, strengthened, and systematized. All young nion were required to do a certain amount of farm and garden work, and all young women, certain domestic work. The general aim may be said to have been to develop young men and women in strength of character, ground them in the fundamental sciences, give some training in the branches that fit for citizenship and contribute to general culture, and to maintain or create a genuine regard for industrial pursuits. The technical training in any one line was nut large, but the success with which the graduates of that period are doing the world's work is evidence of the soundness of the training that they received here. Several of the agricultural colleges had introduced short winter courses for the benefit of farmers and of farmers' sons who could not comply with the entrance requirements or give the time necessary to complete a four-year course, and a beginning in this direction was made at this college by offering a two-weeks course. This was first given in 1S94, beginning February 6. From 2 to 50 attended the sessions. A similar course was given in 1895 and 1896, but there was no material increase in attendance, and most of the auditors were from the vicinity of Manhattan. The course was therefore abandoned. In the summer of 189 7 the Faculty, under direction of President Will, made some modifications in the course of study then in use. These were in the senior year, which was differentiated iuto "farmers'," "mechanics'," and "women's" courses, in which increased opportunity for specific characteristic work was offered, and increased study of economics required. In the fall of the same year the subject of the curriculum was taken up in thorough-going fashion and three courses worked out which were designated as "agricul- tural," "engineering," and "general." These differed but little in the first-year work, the general course being nearly the same as the old course, the others introducing slight differences in the direction indicated by the name. In the upper years the differences were quite pronounced. In these courses we have the distinct entrance upon the policy, adhered to continuously since, of special- ized college courses adapted to the differing needs of the students. With the opening of the winter term, 1898, the students made choice from among these courses. All of the young women re- mained in the general course, which included, like the old course, some special variations to meet their needs, while a portion of the young men went to the new courses in agriculture or engineering. As an unpublished bit of history it may be of interest to present the following table, which shows how the students olected courses at their first opportunity: 28 liECORD OF THE ALUMNI Classification of College Students, January, 1898 Year Agricultural EngineerinK General Total First 10 50 119 179 Second 12 23 48 83 Third 14 9 21 44 Fourth 16 7 19 42 Total 52 89 207 348 These figures bring out strikingly the indisposition of boys fresli from the farm to choose an agricultural course at that time. Those who had been in the College for a year or more elected such a course more freely, thus showing that the College was educating toward the farm even under the old course. As the opportunities be- came better appreciated, the drift in the direction of the specialized courses constantly increased. During the spring term, 1898, a four-year course in "house- hold economics" was prepared and was offered to young women the next fall. This was received with favor from the first, and before many years most of the young women of the College elected it, or its successors, rather than the general science course. In these courses the needs of students as the future rulers of the country were provided for by including in each course nine terms of history or political science. This was a large increase over the old course, and was made the occasion of much public dis- cussion at the time, into the merits and demerits of which no entrance will be made at this time. In May, 189 9, a new Board of Regents took charge of the College and among other things provided for a revision of the courses of study. The president of the Board, E. T. Fairchild, appointed a committee from the Faculty to submit revisions of the courses to the Board. Professor Nichols was named as chairman of the committee. The committee held many sessions, and its members were unable to agree upon a report. Finally, two were submitted, and the minority report prepared by Professors Nichols, Hitchcock, and Willard was, perhaps with slight changes, adopted by the Board. The names of the courses were changed to: Agriculture, mechanical engineering, science, and domestic science, the groups of students to which they appealed remaining practically as before. In these courses the required work in history and political science was cut from nine terms to five terms. The opportunity for elect- ing subjects that one might choose was increased somewhat. One feature that remained in effect through all subsequent changes for KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 29 eleven years was that of identity of the work for all first-year students, excepting for certain variations to adapt it to the differ- ences in the needs of young men and young women. Also, that this freshman year provided for all students training in a biological science and a physical science; for all young men a term of agricul- ture and three terms of shop work; and for all young women a term of household economics. Military drill continued to be required ot all young men, and, for the first time, physical training under the name of calisthenics was required of all young women in the first year. Physical training had been provided to a limited extent for some years to such young women as wished to take it, and the athletic club, made up from young men, had given such impetus as it could, under discouraging conditions, to physical training for men. The technical and scientific work was increased in the new courses. The young science of bacteriology, which had already been included in the agricultural course, was now added to the science and the domestic science courses. In addition to the four-year courses, a two-term short course in agriculture and mechanic arts was established, and a two-torm course in domestic science. The one-term dairy short course was continued. All of these short courses, with more or less of amend- ments, have been continued to the present time. In 1900, the course in electrical engineering was first presented. This was at that time identical with the mechanical engineer- ing course, except for a few subjects in the fourth year. The; course which had been called "general" for one year, and "science" for one year, was at the same time named "general science," under which designation it is still offered. In 1903, the courses of study underwent another general revision by a committee of the Faculty. The course in electrical engineering was differentiated to a greater extent from the one in mechanical engineering, and there were many details of changes in all courses, but the general character remained the same. In 1904, another revision took place in which the Faculty as a whole sat from day to day, and in which the president of the Board of Regents, Prof. E. T. Fairchild, also actively participated. This adhered to the general principles of its immediate predeces- sors, and readjusted the details with such success that the courses stood substantially unaltered until 1908, the longest period that this has been the case within the seventeen years since 1897. The German language was introduced as a required subject in the course in general science and the course in domestic science. Ger- man had been taught as an elective subject for some years, but with this change a Department of German was established. Work in the mechanic arts line was further provided for in 1905 by offering a four-year course in architecture, which, like the 30 RECORD OF TIIK A LI' MM course in electrical engineering, was uniform with that in mechani- cal engineering for the first two years, but differed maricedly from it in the third and fourth years. In 1906, the agricultural field of instruction was enlarged by providing a full four-year course in veterinary medicine. This is a strongly specialized course which has only a minimum connec- tion with other courses through the fundamental work in Englisii, the sciences, and political science, including history. In 1908, by direction of the Board of Regents, a representative committee of the Faculty, appointed by the president, reconsidered the courses of study in every detail, the work extending over two or three months. Numerous changes in subjects were made, though the general principles remained the same. The most notable feature was the formulation of courses for an additional graduate year, in which were included subjects for which time could not be found in the four-year courses, and through which it v. as hoped that graduate study at the College would be brought to a more systematic basis. A four-year course in printing was inciuded in the mechanic arts group, and a four-year course in poultry husbandry in the agriculture group. The total number of four- year courses was thus raised to thirteen, though of course there were many things common to all of them, and many others common to two or more of them. With the advent of a new administration another thorough revision was made in the winter of 1910. In this, differentiation was made with the freshman year when courses of different groups are considered, but the agricultural courses were, as before, alike for the first two years, and the engineering courses were nearly alike for the first two years. The poultry husbandry course was abandoned as such, but opportunities for electing freely wore provided in all of the agricultural courses. The engineering courses were fixed throughout — no electives. The course in home economics provided a limited opportunity for election, and the junior and senior years in the course in general science were mr.de nearly entirely elective. To provide for profitable election, a considerable number of groups of electives were carefully worked out. To guard against aimless frittering aw'ay of energy upon unrelated subjects, it was provided that electives must be oy groups approved by the Faculty or the deans. The limited elec- tions previously allowed had been governed by the same principle. The opportunity to elect is designed to enable the student, who IjV the work of the previous years has become grounded in fundamental things, to elect a group of subjects that will give him special trail'- ing in some direction in which he is interested. This reformulation of courses was based on an increase in entrance requirements, and thus some opportunity was given for increasing the technical work. This in the agricultural courses KANSAS STATE AGRICVLTVRAL COLLEGE 31 was thoroughly overhauled and brought down to date under the masterly guidance of President Waters. The great field of journalism occupied by periodicals devoted to the interests of agriculture and other industries, and the lack of courses of study designed to train for work in this field, led to the establishment of the course in industrial journalism in 1911. This included English language and literature, sciences, history, economics, and other subjects, and special attention to elected sub- jects in agriculture, mechanic arts, home economics, or applied science. With the adoption in 1912 of a four-year high school course as a requirement for admission to all of the College courses, a, revision of the latter became necessary in 1913. This was carefully carried out by committees of the Divisional Faculties, then passed upon by these Faculties, then by the General Faculty, and finally by the Board of Regents. The new Board of Administration, which with reference to courses of study came into control in March, 1913, gave its approval to the new courses excepting the printing course, which, with the approval and formal recommendation of the Faculty, it abolished. This abolition of the four-year course did not carry with it abandonment of instruction in printing. Work in this field may still be taken by any who so desire. The probabilities are that the courses as now laid down will remain with but little change for a good many years. Four years of high school work being now required for admission, changes in entrance requirements will probably not affect them. The subjects required to be included in the high school course offered for admission are: Three years of English, two or three years of mathematics, one year of physics, and one year of history or social science. The remainder of fifteen units may be additional work in these subjects or anything taught in a satisfactory manner in an accredited high school. It is recognized that high schools should be organized to serve the needs of their respective communi ties, and it is believed that the colleges should take the output of the high schools without much dictation as to what they shall teach. Built upon so liberal a high school foundation, the College courses offered must in themselves provide for even the elementary training in some things, if they are essential to subsequent work. Among these are: Sciences, modern languages, agriculture, cooking, sewing, shopwork, and drawing. If students come who have had training substantially covering such elementary work, they are given other courses instead of these, or, if they have surplus high school subjects, are allowed to take examinations for advanced credit. While it is in some ways a convenience to have four year^ of work grouped about a principal idea, as was exemplified in aie courses in agronomy, animal husbandry, dairy husbandry, and C- 32 RECORD OF THE ALVMNI horticulture and forestry, the growth of other departments, and other practical considerations, led to the adoption of a chant^e oi plan, and now the College offers one course in agriculture iu which 162 of 214 term hours, or credits, are definitely fixed, and in connection with which 35 to 4 additional hours of agricuUura must be elected and 17 to 12 liours of additional non-agriculture. This gives great flexibility to the situation. In the agricultural line, groups of electives are offered in agronomy, animal husbandry, dairy husbandry, horticulture, forestry, poultry husbandry, ana milling industry. The course in veterinary medicine has been carefully revised and strengthened in several points, and graduates from it are fully recognized by the highest authorities in this country. Men over 21 years of age are admitted to its advantages as special students if unable to meet the full entrance requirements. The engineering courses were not changed much in this revision, and are still separately stated as specialized coursee> in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and architecture. The course in home economics was not changed very much, out several minor adjustments were made. It includes no mathe- matics, and its strongest scientific work is in chemistry. Houco- hold physics, human physiology, zoology including embryology, microbiology, and household entomology constitute the remainder of the work in sciences. Extensive instruction is given in domestic art and domestic science, and 24 hours of elective work give oppor- tunity for additional study in home economics, sciences, profes- sional educational branches, or other subjects. The course in industrial journalism was changed but little and remains as a special formulation of work suitable to accompany two years of journalism proper, though much of the course is elective. The course in general science gives training in fundamental lines in English, mathematics, chemistry, physics, botany, and zoology, with certain cultural subjects, and allows election of the remainder of the course from a considerable number of elective groups. It is especially adapted to the needs of those who are planning to teach sciences or technical subjects in the high schools, and those who are fitting themselves for experiment station work in the sciences. Electives may be chosen in bacteriology, botany, chemistry, English, English literature, German, history, economics, pedagogy, agriculture, home economics, manual training, industrial journalism, and other subjects. This imperfect sketch of the development of the scope of the instructional work at the College shows that throughout the half century of its existence there has been a steady development in the scope and quality of the courses offered. It is believed that tne KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 33 present courses offer opportunities for patrons of tlie College to arrange for almost any kind of work, or combination of subjects, properly coming within the scope of this institution. The chief development of the future will be in the graduate instruction. This can not be strongly emphasized until the teaching force is sufficient in numbers so that men and women are not over-burdened with the duties of undergraduate teaching. Graduate work can not be profitably directed unless those in charge of it have some time to devote to it. The hours of teaching now required of the members of the Faculty are far beyond those in most institutions, and really tax the energies of teachers to the limit. Not only the opportunity for graduate work, but the highest quality of performance in under- graduate teaching, demands that the number of classes handled by each individual be small enough so that the teacher can give ade- quate preparation for each class, and conduct it with energy and enthusiasm. CHANGES IN COLLEGE LIFE ( 1879-1913) The students of to-day can scarcely realize the change in social conditions in Manhattan and the College that a third of a century has brought about. While there were scattered houses in various places over the town site, the village in 187 9 may be said to have practically extended no further west than Eighth street and from Laramie street to the Union Pacific railway. The College buildi.'igs were limited to the stone barn, which was demolished in the fall of 1913; the building now used for farm machinery, then called the old barn; the old horticulture building; the central part of the east wing of the shops; the chemistry building now used as the chemistry annex; and the north wing of Anderson Hall. President Fairchild lived on the campus in the house later occupied by the custodian of buildings. With the exception of the old cottonwoouii and the hackberry on the slope southeast of Anderson Hall, there were no trees of any size on the campus, though many had been planted. The cedar trees between Denison Hall and Anderson Hall were there, also the wreck of an old residence. Lovers' Lane was bordered by the same maple trees that are still there, and got its name at that time. There was actually a lane there then, three or four rods wide, fenced on both sides, and running across the farm east and west. It was a public road. This was closed in If SO, and the fences removed. The old stone walk there, now mostly covered by earth which has washed in, was the only one giving access to the College grounds. The roads and walks now used were then in corn fields and pastures, hence every one walked through Lovers' Lane. This much for the general setting of the scene. The only student organizations then were the Webster and 34 RECORD OV THE ALUMNI Alpha Beta Literary Societies, which met Saturday evening and Friday afternoon, respectively, and a prayer meeting maintained by Professor Piatt, which met Friday evening. There was no theater, opera house, or picture show in Manhattan. The largest assembly room in the town was the Presbyterian Church, and hence Com- mencement exercises of the College and other largely-attended meetings were held there. There was no such thing as organized College athletics of any kind, the nearest approach being occasional matched games of baseball between the patrons of different boarding houses. College classes all met before luncheon, there being five recitation periods of fifty minutes each. There was afternoon work on the farm, and in the orchards and shops, and before long some of this was regularly scheduled for students. It will be seen that there was not much to encroach upon the student's time in the way of temptations to social dissipation, and that there was a good deal of time in the afternoon as well as the evening for study. Saturday was a complete holiday, no classes of any kind being held on that day. With the winter term, 1896, the holiday was changed from Saturday to Monday. Thus a student had one free day for special College tasks, for working to earn money toward paying his way, or for picnic trips to Dripping Springs, Rocky Ford, or any of the places that are well known at the present time. A good many of the old-timers believe that, in consequence of this lack of opportunity for doing anything else, the students of those days devoted much more time to study, and actually obtained a firmer grasp of the work assigned them. It is difficult to decide a question of this kind. The financial resources of the people of the State were very meager compared with those of the present, and very few students were sent to College. Nearly all of them went because of an intense desire for knowledge, and thus possibly a larger percentage were of superior intellectual capacity. At the present time, when it is the fashion for every one to go to college, and the wealth of the people permits so many more to keep up with the fashion in this respect, there are naturally many more students who have limited ability to carry college work, and this tends to reduce the average accomplishment. Occasionally a noted man was secured to deliver a lecture, lecture was stigmatized as "dry" by those who attend lectures in The Science Club at one time obtained Alfred Russel Wallace. His order to be amused. In the early days, as now, a speaker to be popular had to be funny at least part of the time, and fluency of speech much more than offset depth of thought. It was a great advance when the people of the town, with the support of those of the College, inaugurated a series of lectures which were given in the opera house along in the eighties. Joseph Cook, then at the height of his fame as a lecturer, was one of the attractions. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUBAL COLLEGE 35 Colonel Bain, who was here within a year or two, also lectured here about thirty years ago. Where Youth is, Pleasure comes, whether in simple garb and circumstance, or clad in the robes of luxury and set out in pomp and pageantry. Youth and Pleasure met in the social life of the College in early days as truly as now, and, as Youth was there, Pleasure was as keen and robust in those limited circumstances as she is under the comparatively luxurious conditions of the present. The opportunities to spend money in those days were very limited. There were no regular places of entertainment. Th'£! skating rink was perhaps the first enterprise of this kind. Moore built his opera house about the same time, and this has developed into the Wareham theater. In addition to that, we now have tive Marshall theatre and three picture shows all running at once, per- haps. Then, as now, dances under the auspices of the College were unknown. Students occasionally met for dancing, but such events were rare. Now they are too common for mention in the news columns of the local papers, unless characterized by unusual fea- tures. College fraternities and sororities were unheard of. The nearest approach to the advantages of such organizations was the family boarding-place, in which the lady of the house felt some responsibility for the conduct of her patrons. The best of these charged three-fifty a week for board and room, furnish your own fuel and fire the stove yourself. Many life-long friendships were established in those homes, and many jolly times and not a few College pranks had their inception there. The churches thirty-five years ago had not begun to give to students as such the attention that they do now, when each has a social gathering for them at the beginning of the College year, and caters to their needs throughout. The College Faculty, realiring that Youth and Pleasure ought to meet now and then, made some special effort to bring this about. College socials were held each term, to which the Faculty and the students were invited. These usually included a program of some sort — musical, literary, drama- tic, or athletic — followed by old-fashioned games, conversation, etc. No refreshments; these are the device of a more luxurious age. As numbers increased and the College social became unwieldy, classes and societies began holding their own; professors enter- tained certain classes; and February 21, 1896, the last general social was held, and a useful function that had served its purpose went out in a blaze of glory. In the earlier years recreation was found by students in excur- sions afield, rather than by evening parties, to a greater extent than is the case now. The collections of plants and insects that the teachers of those days required favored this. Furthermore, the students had more opportunity for concerted expeditions of that 36 RECORD OF THE ALVM^'l kind then than now, when College classes are held six days ol' tfie week without distinction, and eight hours per day. As the days and the daytime have been appropriated for College work, evening student affairs have gained more and more in vogue. With this is of course a larger temptation to expenditure, and a substitution of art for nature, and sweets and ices for sandwiches and fried chicken. The development of College athletics has done much to keep students together, and serves a valuable social purpose. It is the chief agency through which solidarity of College spirit is created and maintained. In the early days no one would have dreamed that the time would come when classes would be dismissed for a. football game. But if classes are ordinarily in session forty-eight hours per week, some innovations are necessary if the natural instinct to play and to watch play is to be met with favor at all. Space limitations forbid further comparisons of the old and the present College life. Is the new better? Are the old means of getting acquainted worn out? Judging by what may be seen on the Wild Cat or Prospect or in Hackberry Glen or any of many attrac- tive places, we conclude that the students of the present use all of the means of enjoyment known to their predecessors, and then some. However this may be, wherever Youth is. Pleasure always comes, whether rowing on the river, tramping the fields, picnicing in the woods, packing the Auditorium for the annual oratorical contest, or banqueting the Junior-Senior four hundred. SOME OF THE FIRST THINGS The first building used by the Kansas State Agricultural College was originally erected as Bluemont Central College, which was the first college chartered in the territory, the date being February 9, 1858. It was located on the old College farm near the old site of the hog cholera serum plant. The corner-stone was laid May 10, 1859. The building was tliree stories high and 44x60 feet on the ground. It had a cupola m which hung the bell which still calls the College to assembly. I'his bell was donated by Joseph Ingalls, of Swampscott, Mass. The first building erected by the College on the present campus was one wing of a stone barn. This is the building which was so long used in part as the armory, and is now used for farm mechanics. The oldest building on the campus was there when the land was bought by the College, being one of the three farm- houses included in that purchase. It was used by President Fair- child as a residence, then by Professor Shelton, and is nov occupied by Custodian Lewis. The ivy on the College buildings is one of the striking features KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUMAL COLLEGE M of the campus, and its origin is of some interest. In the secouci biennial report of the College, 1879-'80, Prof. H. B. Van Deman states: "Accompanied by some of my class, I went to the woods and procured some four hundred plants of the American Ivy (Ampelopsis virginiana), and placed them at the base of all of th.^ College buildings except the barn." This may not have been the very first, but evidently it was the most extensive planting. Pro- fessor Van Deman was here less than a year, September 3, 1S7 8. to May 21, 1879. He filled a prominent place in horticultural work in the country. The first term in the Kansas State Agricultural College began September 2, 1863, and closed December 1, 1863. Twenty-six young men and an equal number of young women were enrollel. The first Faculty of the College was organized in July, I860. and included: Rev. Joseph Denison, president, mental and moral science and ancient languages; J. E. Schnebly, mathematics ana natural science; Miss Belle M. Haines, teacher in Preparatory Department; Miss C. E. Beckwith, teacher of melodeon and piano. December 3, 186 3, Rev. N. O. Preston was elected professor of mathematics and English literature, and J. Evarts Piatt was elected principal of the Preparatory Department and professor of vocal music. These gentlemen did not begin their service before, the next spring, and perhaps not until the next fall term. Industrial work has been a prominent feature of student instruction here for over forty years. The annual report for 1871 records the existence of a "labor class" in agriculture in which students were enrolled, and upon which regular attendance was required. The students were paid for this labor at an average rate of 15.5 cents per hour. Enrollment was voluntary, but "after such enrollment, prompt attendance, as in other class and College exercises," was required. Student labor had been employed previously, but this is the first record of its organization as a class. This was under Supt. Fred E. Miller. In the judgment of President Anderson, "The first systematic teaching of practical agriculture in this institution" was given by Blbridge Gale, professor of horticulture, who, while acting super- intendent of the farm, February and March, 187 4, organized a class of nine young men "in practical agriculture, and a course of elementary lectures was commenced, embracing discussion of such subjects as seemed of the most obvious importance." The first pure-bred animals were purchased in 1873, being selected by Regent J. K. Hudson and Major Fred E. Miller, super- intendent of the farm. Cattle, swine, and poultry were included. Alfalfa was first sown by the College the first week in April, 1875. One and one-half or two acres were put in, using California seed. The results were so satisfactory to Professor Shelton tliat he put in six acres the next spring. 38 BE CO It J) OF THE ALJ'MXl The first orchard trees were set in 1867. These included 200 apple trees, and smaller numbers of cherries, crabs, plums, etc. The first forest trees to receive mention were planted in 1867. There were 500 of them. Mechanic arts as exemplified by carpentry and blacksmithiug was first taught in 187 2, by Captain Ambrose Todd, master mechanic, in a wooden building 20x40 feet, erected by the students under his direction. The first instruction in sewing was given in December, 1873, by Mrs. II. C. Cheseldine. There were twelve students "in sewing, dressmaking, and millinery." It was all hand work. Four machines were purchased in 1874, and instruction in this art has been given every term since. This is believed to be the beginning in the United States of continuous instruction in household arts. The first instruction in domestic science was given by Woi. K. Kedzie, professor of chemistry. This consisted in a course of lectures in household chemistry, delivered to a class of twenty advanced lady students during the fall term of 1875. As there was no kitchen laboratory at that time, "many of the young ladit^s of the class, at their own homes, performed the experiments described in the lectures, in cooking, manufacture of bread by new processes, etc., bringing the result into class for examination the following day." The first kitchen laboratory was established in the south wing of the chemical laboratory erected in 1876. This building is now called the Chemistry Annex, and that room is used for the State work in analysis of foods, feeding-stuffs, and fertilizers. For ten years the building was used as the Women's Gymnasium. Military work at the College began the first term, 1863, with an organization of ten or twelve young men, who were drilled by one of their number. Captain John M. Howard. The Civil War was in progress then, the country had had an object lesson in unpreparedness, and it was not difficult to arouse martial spirit. The first farmers' institute held under the auspices of the College, and what is believed to be the first one ever held anywhere under that name, was held in Manhattan, November 14, 1868. The program was as follows: Relation of the Kansas State Agricultural College to the Afrricultural Interests of Kansas Pres. J, Denison Tree Borers Prof. B. F. Mudge Culture of Forest Trees Rev. E. Gale Economy on the Farm Prof. J. S. Hougham The subjects were discussed by the institute. Geo. T. Anthony, editor of the "Kansas Farmer," was present and "made one of those finished and magnetic speeches which so few men know how to make," and later gave an eight-column report of the meeting in the "Farmer" for December, 1868. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUBAL COLLEGE 1^9 The first graduate to 'oecome a college professor was George H. Failyer, class of 1877, who was made professor of chemistry and physics, Kansas State Agricultural College, in 1878. The first student to become a college president was William A. Quayle, student 1879-'80, who became president of Baker University in 1890. The first graduate to become a college president was Ernest F. Nichols, class of 1888, who, after a distinguished career as a professor and an investigator, was made president of Dartmouth College June 8, 1909. However, Edward O. Sisson, class of 1888, became director of Bradley Polytechnic Institute in 1897. The first graduate to become a regent of the College was William H. Phipps, class of 1895, who was appointed in 1898. The first graduate elected to represent his State in the National Congress was Rollin R. Rees, class of 1885, who served from 1911 to 1913, being elected from the Fifth district of Kansas. The first child of a graduate to be graduated from the College was May Haines Bowen (now Mrs. Schoonover), class of 1896. Her mother, Emma (Haines) Bowen, is a member of the first class, 1S67. The first son of a graduate to be graduated was Raymond Haines Pond, class of 1898, son of Belle (Haines) Pond, also a member of the first graduating class, and one of the teachers the first year of the College. The first death among the alumni was that of George L. Piatt, class of 187 8, a brilliant young man who died the same year that he was graduated. The first death in the Faculty was that of Prof. N. O. Preston, professor of mathematics and English literature, who died very suddenly, February 14, 1866. "He was present at the laying of the corner stone, and had been a steadfast friend of the institution from the first." ATTENDANCE The attendance at the College has always been a question of interest, and is in a certain sense an index of the success with which it has appealed to the people of the State as an educational institu- tion. As time passes, students often acquire a wrong impression of the numbers actually in attendance while they were in College, and for the convenience of all, there is included herewith the statistics on this subject as far as they could be ascertained. The record as given for the period from 1863 to 1878 has been collected with con- siderable difficulty, and is published for the first time. The later years have been published in the College catalogue and are taken from it, but the figures have been checked and corrected by the origi- nal publications. The early statistics concerning attendance were not published 40- William Alexander Harris Erected by men associated with him in the improvement of American live stock KANSAS STATE AGHICULTURAL COLLEGE 41 on a uniform plan, and in some cases it is difficult to know just what is meant. In a number of cases there is no total given for either the College year or the calendar year. The publications of totals for the calendar year is a misleading method of presenting statistics. If a student, for example, attends the College but one College year he should in all fairness be counted in only one year, but by takinj^ totals for a calendar year, this one's name would appear in the fall of one year and the winter and spring of another, and so be counted twice. The data, therefore, for calendar years give a misleading idea in respect to the actual total enrollment. The enrollment by terms is a better measure. Record of Attendance, 1863-1879 Year Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term Total College Year 1863-'64 1864-'65 Calendar Year 1865 52 71 76 95 70 55 108 113 138 Colletre Year 1865-'66 82 96 75 Calendar Year 1866 262 College Year 1866-'6r 91 73 120 113 83 74 67 1867-'68 168 1868-'69 170 Calendar Year 1869 173 1870 168 1871 119 109 159 208 177 182 183 1872 138 117 141 81 107 79 118 195 186 1873 217* 1874 243* 1875 237 1876 303 1877 228 1878 238 College Year 1877-"78 150 1878-'79. 207 ♦Estimated 42 BECORD OF THE ALVMXl Record of Attendance, 1879-1913 Oo c a (t> 3 £3 3 ^t •O ! W Cfi I Q 1878-79 1 89 89 16 12 207 1879-80 1 166 61 35 11 "2' 276 1880-81 6 178 48 24 9 2 267 1881-82 5 227 50 19 11 312 1882-83 4 241 60 30 12 347 1883-84 2 255 92 26 18 "2' 395 1884-85 3 271 71 36 16 5 402 1885-86 273 91 35 24 4 428 1886-87 303 100 44 24 10 481 1887-88 305 92 46 27 2 472 1888-89 266 103 41 28 7 445 1889-90 307 105 63 28 11 515 1890-91 343 135 50 53 12 593 1891-92 336 139 62 37 10 584 1892-93 339 no 66 43 29 587 1893-94 275 141 72 42 25 555 1894-95 5 276 108 89 64 30 572 1895-96 3 353 121 67 71 32 647 1896-97- 6 'of 321 163 69 62 46 734 1897-98 6 9 15 77 316 174 77 82 57 10 803 1898-99 26 35 40 no 306 177 92 65 40 21 870 1899-00 24 57 47 50 32 162 376 163 109 69 27 22 1094 1900-01 47 72 109 79 23 318 348 183 80 74 40 52 1321 1901-02 41 66 125 87 19 298 396 206 120 65 32 59 1396 1902-03 63 38 123 78 36 3J2 471 229 141 86 24 57 1574 1903-04 51 16 122 72 33 413 403 206 161 114 20 36 1605 1904-05 88 24 99 12 30 500 289 198 122 117 26 43 1462 1905-06 92 28 118 46 598 373 214 145 no 30 64 1690 1906-07 134 23 179 48 144 sii' 411 269 149 133 24 88 1937 1907-08 188 26 173 42 134 528 450 357 202 148 26 82 2192 1908-09 168 18 197 42 134 521 491 381 243 171 28 86 2308 1909-10 152 4 111 124 87 89 453 456 417 286 170 26 70 2305 1910-11 91 160 9 26 285 107 364 533 412 288 248 34 59 2407 1911-12 282 160 14 280 85 580 337 461 288 261 44 81 2523 1912-13 368 175 11 289 129 654 444 432 355 268 55 166 2928 8 9 12 17 14 21 21 22 25 2f 52 35 39 39 57 66 55 69 53 58 60 52 55 102 107 96 119 116 139 146 204 230 232 KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 43 In the above cut showing the position of CoUesre buildings on the campus, the buildintrs are desig nated by letters as follows: A— Anderson Hall (main building); Ag— Agricultural Hall (new), only the east wing completed: C— Denison Hall (Physical Science Hall); D— Dairy Hall; ^-Engineering Hall; F— Pairchild Hall (library): G— Agricultural Hall (old); H-Horticultural Hall; K— Kedzie Hall (printing): L —Domestic Science and Art Hall: M— Auditorium; N— Nichols Gymnasium; P— Stock-judging Pavihon; R— Farm Mechanics Hall (old Armory); S— Shops; V— Veterinary Hall; W— Chemistry Annex (old chem- istry building and later Women's Gymnasium). That alumni who have not visited the College in recent years may have a better idea of the increase in buildings that has taken place during the last one-third of its history, the accompanying map is given. This does not show four wooden barns and several other structures in the northeast corner of the campus. On the land across the road north of the campus is the large new stone barn, erected in 1913, the veterinary hospital building, extensive sheds furnishing quarters for several hundred animals, the poultry plant, and a farmhouse. On the half section of land purchased in 1909, situated about two miles northwest of the campus, there is another farmhouse, and several other buildings. J. T. WiLLARD, '83 44 RECORD (}F THE ALVMNI CONSTITUTION Adopted June id, IDIO ARTICLE I NAME Section 1. This organization sliall be known as the Alumni Association of tlie Kansas State Agricultural College. ARTICLE II OBJECT Section 1. The object of this association shall be the pro- motion of the interests of the College, and of acquaintance among its graduates. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Section 1. The association shall consist of members, as- sociate members, and honorary members. Sec. 2. Graduation from the Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege shall constitute membership. Sec. 3. Persons, not themselves graduates, shall upon mar- riage with a graduate become associate members. Sec. 4. Upon recommendation of the officers of the associa- tion, at any annual meeting, friends or former officers of the Col- lege may be elected honorary members. They shall be exempt from payment of dues and assessments, they may not vote or hold office, make or second motions, but shall possess all the other rights and privileges of members. Sec. 5. Local organizations of alumni may be affiliated w^ith the Alumni Association, as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1. The control of the association shall be vested in a Board of Directors, one member of which shall be elected by each auxiliary organization and three by the association at its annual meeting. The directors shall be elected for a term of three years, but the three directors elected at the first meeting of the associa- KANSA.'S .STATE AG RKV LTV RAL COLLEGE 45 tion after the adoption of this constitution shall be for terms of one, two, and three years, respectively. Sec. 2. Each local organization of alumni having a mem- bership of not less than twenty shall be entitled to elect one direc- tor, and an additional director for each additional fifty members. The senior director elected by the Manhattan Alumni Association shall be in charge of the organization of the Board of Directors and the annual elections. Sec. 3. The Board of Directors shall elect the officers of tho association, making nominations and elections by postal vote be- fore the first of May of each year. Sec. 4. The Board of Directors shall have charge of the ar- rangements and expenses of reunions and social meetings, and may levy special assessments, not to exceed one dollar. ARTICLE V MEETINGS AND REUNIONS Section 1. An annual meeting shall be held at the College during each Commencement week. Sec. 2. The dates and character of social meetings shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Sec. 3. Assessments to meet the expenses of social meetings and reunions shall be made upon members and associate mem.bers in attendance. ARTICLE VI AMENDMENTS Section 1. This constitution may be amended or revoked by a three-fourths vote of all members present at any annual meeting, provided that at least two-months notice shall have been given through "The Industrialist." Sec. 2. The by-laws may be temporarily suspended at any annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present. ARTICLE VII RULES OF ORDER Section 1. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the authority on all points of parliamentary order. 46— KANSAS STATE AGIUCULTUHAL (ULLEi^E 47 GRADUATES 1867 DENISON, HENRY LONGFELLOW. A. M., Stenographer, EleAenth Judicial District, Canon City, Colo. Stenographer in Courts of Colorado. (HAINES) POND, BELLE M., A. M. Died in 1905. (HAINES) BOWEN, LAURA EMMA, A. M., Home, 1401 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher in District Schools and in Grades in Leavenworth and Kansas City, Kan.; Principal of Wamego Schools; Field Secretary of W. B. M. L, 1900-'07; Housewife in Manhattan and in Marietta, Ohio, 1907 — . POINTS, JOHN J., A. M., Accountant, 2201 Douglas St., Omaha, Nebr. Teacher, 1868-'78; County Superintendent Douglas County, Nebraska, lS78-'84; Auditor, Douglas County, 1884- '88; Attorney at Law, 1888-'98; Assistant Secretary "Greater American Exposition," 1899; Secretary Kitchen Brothers" Hotel Company (Paxton), 1899-'06; Accountant, 1906 — . (WHITE) ABBOTT, MARTHA A., A. M., Housewife, 437 Oakley Boul., Chicago, 111. 1871 (CAMPBELL) ROBINSON, EMILY M., A. B. Died in 1877. (DENISON) WHEDON, ELLEN FRANCES, A. B. Died in 1910. ♦HOUSTON, LUELLA M., A. B., 1216 S. Tenth St., Denver, Colo. Music Teacher. WHEDON, CHARLES O., B. S., Lawyer, Lincoln, Nebr., 1889-'90; Attorney at Law, Lincoln, Nebr., 1890-'13; Died on January 15, 1913. * (WHITE) TURLEY, KATE E., A. B., Housewife, 2338 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 1872 (HAINES) HUNTINGTON, THEOPHANIA M., A. B. Died in 1880. TODD, ALBERT, A. M., Cadet at West Point, 1873-'77; Lieutenant in First Artillery, 1877-'9 8; Captain in Corps of Artillery (Served in Philippines), 1898-'01; Major, 1902-'07; Lieu- tenant Colonel, General Army Staff in Washington, D. C, 1907-'08; Colonel, 1908-'! 0; Retired from Active Service. 1910: Died on April 17, 1913. WILLISTON, SAMUEL WENDELL, A. M., ]M. D., Ph. D.. Professor of Paleontology, Walker Museum, University of Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. B. S., K. S. A. C, 1872, A. M.. 1875; M. D., Yale, 48^ KANSAS STATE AGIUCULTriiAL (VLLEdE 49 1880, Ph. D., 1885: Assistant in Paleontology and Osteology, 1876-'85; Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1885-'86; Professor, 18S6-'90, Yale; Professor of Histology, Geology, and Anat- omy, and Dean of Medical School, University of Kansas, 18 90- '02; Professor of Paleontology, University of Chicago, 19 02 — ; Assistant Paleontologist, U. S. Geological Survey, 1882-'85; Assistant Editor of Science, 1885-'86; Health Officer, New Haven, Conn., 188 8-'9 0: Member of Kansas State Board of Health, 1898-'00; Member of Board of Medical Ex- aminers, 1900-'02; Foreign Correspondent of London Geo- logical Society, London Zoological Society; Fellow, Geological Society of America; President of Sigma Xi, 19Ul-'0 5, Kansas Academy of Science, 1897; President of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1903; Author: Manual of North American Diptera, 1896, 1908; Reports of University Geological Survey of Kansas, Vols. IV, VI, 1898, 1900; About 200 Scientific Pa- pers on Entomology, Zoology, Sanitation, Comparative Anat- omy, and Paleontology; Bulletins. 1873 (DAVIS) STRINGFIELD, ELIZA Z., A. B., Housewife, 1111 Santee St., Los Angeles, Cal. Housewife, 18 76; Residences: San Luis Obispo, Pomona, and Los Angeles, Cal. KIMBLE, SAM, A. B., .ludge of the Twenty-first District, West Poyntz, Manhattan, Kan. Engaged in the Survey of the Man- hattan and Northwestern Railway, 1873-'74; Teacher and Law Student, 1874-'75; Admitted to the Bar, 1875; Lawyer, 1875 — ; Served Three Terms as City Attorney, Manhattan, Kan.; Elected County Attorney, Riley County, Kansas, 1890; Judge of the Twenty-first District — . 1874 BROUS, HARRY A., A. M., M. D., Medical Student, Physician, Philadelphia, Pa., 189O-'O0: Physician, Manhattan, Kan., 1900-'06; Died in 1906. *CLARK, EDGAR F., A. B., Vancouver, B. C. DAVIS, JOHN E., B. S., D. D. S. Died in 1908. GILBERT, WILLIAM D., A. B., Lawyer, 108 Baltimore Bldg., Mem- phis, Tenn. Lawyer, City Attorney, County Attorney, Judge of District Court, Atchison, Kan. ; Lawyer, Memphis, Tenn. WHITE, A. JUDSON, A. B.. Minister, 2315 W. Morrison St., Chi- cago, 111. Pastor of Christian Church, ^Manhattan, Kan., 1875; Student of Bible College, Lexington, Ky., 1875-'76; Pastor in Junction City, Kan., Chicago, 111., New Castle, Ind., FairfieM, Iowa, Leavenworth, Kan., 18 76-'8 6; Evangelistic Work, Dighton. Kan., and Wichita, Kan., 1886-'88; Pastor, C r> o —I c ■3 g ^ £ 0) oO— KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 51 Atchison, Kan., 18 89-'91; General Evangelist, Chicago, 111., 18!)l-'94: General Evangelist, Chicago, 111., 1913 — . 1875 LOFIXCK, REUBEN E., B. S., Merchant, Manhattan, Kan. *( STEWART) POINTS, ALICE EULALIE, A. M., Teacher City Schools, 34 Communipaw Ave., Jersey City, N. .1. 1876 GALE. GEORGE A., A. B., West Palm Beach., Fla. Fruit Grower, Lake Worth, Fla., lSS9-'93; Merchant, Lake Worth, Fla., lS93-'95; Merchant, Mangonia, Fla., 1895-'98; Merchant and Postmaster, Mangonia, Fla., 1898-'05; Poultry Raiser, Man- gonia, Fla., 1905-'06; Poultry Raiser and Fruit Grower, West Palm Beach., Fla., 1906-'08; Poultry and Dairy Business, West Palm Beach., Fla., 1909-'13. (GALE) KEDZIE, ELLA M., A. B., Teacher of Art, 317 Abbott Ave., East Lansing, Mich. Teacher of Drawing, K. S. A. C, 1876-'77; Head of Art Department, Olivet College, Michigan, nine years; O.berlin, Ohio, two years: Assistant in Art De- partment, Michigan Agricu'tural College, several years; Pri- vate Teacher of Art, 1913 — . KIMBALL, CARRIE M., A. B., Homekeeper, R. 2, Box 39 B., Santa Anna, Cal. Teacher of Art and Music, Garden Grove, Cal., several years. (SAWYER) KEDZIE JONES, NELLIE, M. S., Housewife, Smoky Hill Farm, Auburndale, Wis. Professor of Domestic Econ- omy, K. S. A. C, 1882-'97; Professor of Domestic Economy, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111., 1897-01; House- wife, Berea, Ky., 1901-'03; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1903-'09: Min- neapolis, Minn., 1909-'ll; Au-lnirndale, Wis., 1911 — . (WHITMAN) HEISER, MINERVA E., A. B., Osage City. Kan. 1877 (CHILD) CARROLL, ELLA S., B. S., Dressmaker, 230 Osage St., :\ranhattan, Kan. Teacher, 1878-'93. FAILYER, GEORGE H., M. S., Farmer, Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, District School, 18 77-'78; In Charge Chemistry Department, K. S. A. C, 1878-'79; Professor of Chemistry, ibid, 1879-'97; Farmer, 1897-'01; Assistant in Soil Research, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1902-'ll; Farmer, 1911 — . GRIFFING, JOHN S., M. S., Tecumseh, Kan. Merchant, Topeka. Kan., 1899-'00; Grocery Business in Manhattan, 1901-'04; Dairyman, Tecumseh, Kan., 19 05; Farmer, Blackfoot, Idaho. 1911-'12; Dairyman, Tecumseh, Kan., R. 16, 1912-'13. i2— KAXSAS STATE AGRKVLTrRAL COLLEGE 53 HOWARD, WALTER CYRUS, B. D., Pastor Methodist Episcopal Cluircli, Fourth and J St., Livermore, Cal. Preacher in M. E. Church, Westmoreland. Kan., 1878-"80; Preacher in M. E. Church, Scranton, Kan., 1880-'83; Degree of B. D., Garret Biblical Institute, 1886; Member of Kansas Conference, 1878- '84; Member Rock River, 111., Conference, 18S4-'98; Member of California Conference, 1898 — . HOYT, FREDERICK O., M. D. Died in 1884. HUMPHREY, LOUIS E., B. S., Druggist and Real Estate Dealer, Chapman, Kan. Druggist, Tower, Colo., 1908-'13; Druggist and Real Estate Dealer in Land in Eastern Colorado, 1913; Rooming-house Proprietor, Chapman, Kan., 1913 — . LaTOURRETTE, JAMES F., B. S., Indian Agency, Fort Hall, Idaho. Stock Raiser, Wagon Mound, New Mex., 18S9-'92; Indian Agency, Fort Defiance, Ariz., 1893-'95; :\Iiner, Idaho Springs, Co'o., 1895-'03: Assistant, Sitka Industrial Training School, Sitka, Alaska, 1903-'05; Missionary, Sitka, Alaska, 1905-'07; Farmer, Miles, Wash., 1907-'ll; Indian Agency, Fort Hall, Idaho, 1913 — . LEASURE, MARION FRANKLIN, LL. B., Attorney at Law, La Cygne, Kan. Teacher, 18 77-'78; In Law Department, Uni- versity of Michigan, 1878-'S0; Attorney at Law, 1880 — . *ULRICH, WILLIAM, M. S.. Grafton, 111. Contractor, Manhattan, Kan., lS77-'9 8; Boat Builder, Grafton, 111., 1898 — . 1878 *GODFREY, ALBERT N., M. S., Civil Engineer, County Engineer, R. 2, Box 112, Wenatchee, Wash. McCONNELL, CHARLES S., B. S. Died In 1902. PLATT, GEORGE S., B. S. Died in 1878. WILSON, AMOS E., B. S., Bank Cashier, 212 Elm St., Leaven- worth, Kan. Bank Cashier, 187S-'92 and 1893 — ; National Bank Examiner, 1892-'93. 1879 *BLAIN, ARTHUR T., B. S., Orchardist, Duarte (Los Angeles County), Cal. (CAMPBELL) BLAIN, ETTA, B. S., Housewife, Duarte, Cal. ECKMAN, WILMER K., B. S., Bank President, 305 S. Fredonia St., Longvie.w, Texas. Newspaper Work, Osborne, Kan.. 1879-'81; Bank Bookkeeper, Osoorne, Kan., 1881-'84; Lum- ber Office, Atchison, Kan., 1884-'91; Manager Mill and Lum- ber Yard, Longview, Texas, 1891-'96; Banking, Longview, Texas, 18 96 — . REED, CORWIN J., B. S., Farmer, Havensville, Kan. Farmer, Hav- ensville, Kan., 18 79 — . KANSAS STATE AGUKVLTURAL COLLEGE 55 RUSHMORE, HENRY C, B. S., City Salesman, Nowell-Shapleigh Hardware Company, St. Louis, Mo., 308 Lawn St., Kansas City, Mo. Railroad Service and Banking, 1879-'84; Retail Hardware Business and Railroad Service, l884-'93; Wholesale Hardware Business, 1893-'13. SALTER, LEWIS A., B. S., Lawyer, Carmen, Okla. Farmer, Thayer, Kan., 1879-'S1; Hardware Merchant, Argonia, Kan., 1881-'8 5; Admitted to Practice Law, 188 6; Removed to Alva, Okla., 1893; Removed to Carmen. Okla., 1900 — . STKES, WILLIAM H., B. S., Merchant, Leonardville, Kan. For thirty-two years have kept a store on same location. Have a nice two-story store in place of the old frame structure. Talk socialism when not busy practicing capitalism. My three children are in the store, also. (VINCENT) McCORMICK, ELLA, B. S. Died in 1911. WOOD, CLARENCE E., A. B., Merchant. Bushyhead. Okla. 1880 BEACHAM, AUGUSTINE, B. S. Died about 1890. (COX) KREGAR, ELIZABETH, B. S., Housewife, 503 W. First St., Junction City, Kan. Teacher, 1880-'86. *(HOYT) TURNER, EMMA, B. S., Housewife. (KNOSTMAN) HUSE, EMMA, B. S., Housewife, 831 Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. (PARKER) PERRY, GRACE, B. S., Housewife and Farmer, Box 1163, Pocatello, Idaho. Teacher and Clerk, 1881-'82; Stu- dent at Washburn CoMege, 1883-'84; Graduated from Wash- burn College, 1884; Teacher, 1885-'86; Housewife, 1886 — : Pastor's Assistant, Ogden, Utah, 1895-'96; Pastor's Assistant, Salmon, Lemhi County, Idaho, 1908-'ll; Residences: Chap- man, Capioma, Manhattan, Kiowa, Goodland, Kan., Pueblo, Colo.; Ogden, Utah; Pocatello, Idaho; Salmon, Idaho; Poca- tello, Idaho. RICHARDSON, NOBLE ASA, B. S., Merchant and Lecturer, 7 80 Fifth St., San Bernardino, Cal. City Superintendent of Schools, San Bernardino, Cal., 1884-'99; Author of Works on Economics and Lecturer, 1900 — ; Author, "Introduction to Socialism," "Industrial Problems," etc. (SICKELS) DAVIS, MARIE E., B. S. Died in 1894. 1881 (DONALDSON) REED, FLORA, B. S., Housewife, Havensville, K-n Five rhiUlren. AH of Whom Have Attended K. S. A. C. ♦HOUSTON, ULYSSES GRANT. B. S., Lecturer, Enid, Okla. JEFFERY, FLETCHER M., B. S., Lawyer, Wetmore, Kan., 1889- 5(i- KAXSAS STATE AdlilcrLTJ^RAL COLLEGE 57 '90; Lawyer, Escondido, Cal., lS90-'93; Lawyer, Cripple Crock, Colo., 189 3-'0 2; Lawyer, Seattle, Wash., 1902-'10; Died on April 7, 1910. JBFFERY, WILLIAM .J., B. S., Minister, lS89-'90; Agent, San Diego, Cal., lS90-'95; Law Student, Boston University, Mas- sachusetts, 1895-'96; Died in 1900. LEACH, DARWIN, S., B. S., Superintendent of City Schools, Georgetown, New Mex., 1889-'92; Africa, 1892-'03; San Juan, Porto Rico, 1906-'07; Agent, New York Life, Agencies in Foreign Countries: Died in 1908. LIGHTFOOT, WILLIAM J., B. S., U. S. Surveyor and Special Dis- bursing Agent, Care of U. S. Surveyor General, San Francisco, Cal. Construction Engineer, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 188 2- '89; Division Engineer, U. P. Railway, Utah and Idaho, 1889- '91; U. S. Surveyor, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1891-'99; U. S. Examiner of PubMc Land Surveys, 1899-'04: Assistant En- gineer, U. S. Reclamation Service, 1904-'05; U. S. Surveyor, Department of the Interior, General Land Office, 1905 — . (MASON) COTEY, DALINDA, B. S., Housewife, 3404 Andover St., Oakland, Cal. Teacher in Public Schools: Professor Domestic Science. South Dakota Agricultural Corege, 1887-'90 ;Dean of School of Domestic Science and Arts, Utah Agricultural Col- lege, 1894-'07. MYERS, WIRT S., B. S., Pattern Maker. R. 3, Pensacola, Fla. 1882 ALLEN, J. CHESTER, B. S. Died in 1885. *(CRANFORD) SLOAN, IDA, B. S., Housewife, 2524 Gould Ave., N. Fort Worth, Texas. *CRIPPS, EDWARD B., B. S. KNAUS, WARREN, M. S., Editor and Proprietor of "Democrat- Opinion," 512 S. Main St., McPherson, Kan. Teacher, 1883- '84; Law Student, 1885; Editor of the "Democrat." since 1886; ConsoMdated the "Democrat" and "Opinion," 1902; State Apiary Inspector for North Half of Kansas. (MAILS) COONS, MATTIE E., B. S., Housewife, Manhattan, Kan. (PECKHAM) CORDRY, ALLIE S., B. S., Housewife, and Society and Club Editor of "Parson's Daily Sun," 1326 Morgan Ave., Parsons, Kan. Teacher of Painting and Drawing, Bethany College, Topeka, Kan., 1884-'85; Manager Telephone Ex- change, Clay Center, Kan., 18S6-'87; Housewife, 1888 — ; So- ciety and Club Editor on "Salina Journal" and "Parson's Daily Sun," nine years; Historian for the Kansas Daughters of the American Revolution, 1910. rSELBY) CURTICE, BELLE, B. S., Housewife, 201 W. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher of Instrumental Music, i)8- A'^.V^S'.LS STATE AGRirVLTriiAL COLLEGE 59 Manhattan, Kan.. lS82-'83; Teacher of Music, Drawing, and Painting, Lane University, Lecompton, Kan., lS83-'84; Teacher of Painting and Drawing, Fort Scott, Kan., ]884-'88; Student, New York City Art Schools, 1888-'91; Traveled in Europe, 1891-'92; Member of Kansas City Atheneum, 1898 — ; Chairman, Domestic Science Department Social Settlement Work, Swope Settlement, Kansas City, Mo. SHORT, BURTON L., B. S., Clerk, Kansas City, Kan., 1889-'90; Clerk in Register of Deeds Office, Kansas City, Kan., 1890- '91; City Clerk, Kansas City, Kan., 1891-'98; Assistant Post- master, Kansas City, Kan., 1898-'08; Died in July, 1909. ♦SLOAN, JOHN A., M. D. V., United States Meat Inspector, N. Fort Worth, Texas. 1883 BERRY, JAMES W., B. S., President and Manager of Jewell County Telephone Company, Jewell City, Kan. General Contractor, 1883-'09; Lumber and Telephone Business, Farmer and Stockman, 1909 — . (BOWER) ADY, MARY C, B. S., Housewife, 112 S. Juliette Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Clerked in Furniture Store until Married; Lived in Oklahoma, 1894-'95; Lived in Manhattan, Kan., 1895 — . CALL, LEWIS W., LL. B., LL. M., D. C. L., Chief Cerk and Solici- tor, J. A. G. O., War Department, 1448 Newton St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Teacher, Silver Lake, Kan., 1883-'84; Signal Service (Weather Bureau) Cairo, 111., St. Louis, Mo., Lamar, Mo., Washington, D. C, 18S4--88: Clerk in Judge-Ad- vocate General's Office. War Department, Washington, D. C, 1888-'96; Chief Clerk in Judge-Advocate General's Office, War Department, Washington, D. C, 1896-'08; Chief Clerk and Solicitor in Judge-Advocate General's Office, War Department, Washington, D. C. 1908 — . *GLOSSOP, EMMA E., B. S., At Home. Teacher, Manhattan City Schools, 1883-'93; Teacher, St. Joseph, Mo., 1893-'03. GRIFFING, WILLIAM J., Farmer and Fruit Grower, near Manhat- tan, Kan. Student of Indian History and Collector of Indian Relics. Died in May, 1910. (HAINES) McKEEN, PHOEBE E., M. S., Housewife, 1401 Hum- boldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher in City Schools, Man- hattan, Kan., 1883-'85; Instructor in Drawing, New Mexico Agricultural College, 1890-'92; Treasurer, Kansas Branch of The Woman's Board of Interior, 1901 — . * (HOUSTON) MARTIN, HORTENSE L., B. S., Housewife, 501 Ne- braska St., Warren Ave., Miami, Okla. LUND, JACOB, M. S., Superintendent of Water, Steam, and Gas 60 KErORD OF THE ALIMSI Distribution, K. S. A. C, 1416 Fairchild Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Steam Fitter and Instructor in Blacksmithing, K. S. A. C, 1883-'86; Machinist, A., T. & S. F. Railway Shops, To- peka, Kan., 1886-'8S; Dynamo Tender and Engineer, Las Vegas Hot Springs Company, New Mexico, 188 8-'89; Chief Engineer, ibid., 18 89-'91; Knot Sawyer and Shingle Pac.vc:, Sidney, Wash., 1891-'92; Fireman and Engineer, Capitol Iron Works, Topeka, Kan., 1892-'93; Steam Fitter and Fireman, K. S. A. C, 1893-'98; Engineer, ibid., 1898-'01: Superintend- ent of Heat and Power Department, ibid., 1901-'12; Superin- tendent Steam, Water, and Gas Distribution, ibid., 1912 — . MMcGUIRE) SHELDON, KATIE I., B. S. XEEDHAM, J. DANA, B. S.. Merchant, Lane, Kan. Merchant, Lane, Kan., 1883 — . *WARD, MILAN T., M. D., Physician, Toulon, 111. WILLARD, JULIUS TERRASS, B. S., M. S., D. Sc, Dean of the Division of General Science, Professor of Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1725 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Assistant in Chem- istry, K. S. A. C, 1883-'87; M. S., ibid., 1886; Graduate Stu- dent, Johns Hopkins University, 18S7-'SS; Assistant Chemist, Kansas Experiment Station, 188 8-'9 7; Assistant Profesror of Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1890-'96: Associate Professor of Chemistry, ibid., 1896-'97; Chemist, Kansas Experiment Station, 189 7 — ; Professor of Applied Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1S97-'01: Director, Kansas Experiment Station, 1900-'0fi: Vice-Director, ibid., 19 07 — ; Professor of Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1901 — ; D. Sc, ibid., 1908; Dean of the Division of Gen- eral Science, ibid., 1909 — ; Chemist, Engineering Experiment Station, ibid., 1910 — . 1884 ANDRESS, EMMETT S., B. S. Died on January 13, 1913. (BROUS) SMALLEY, FLORENCE J., B. S., Housewife, 608 Free- man Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Teacher, Ashland, Kan., 1885- '86; Teacher, Kansas City, Kan., 1886-'87: At Home, Man- hattan, Kan., 188 7-'88; Teacher, Randolph, Kan., 1888-'89: At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1889-'93; Teacher, Kansas City, Kan., 1893-'05; Housewife, 190.5 — . BUCHLI, BARTHOLOMEW, B. S., :\I. S., D. V. M., Farmer and Stockman, R. 4, Alma, Kan. CALVIN, JOHN H., B. S., LL. B., Law Student, 1884-'S6; Lawyer, 188 6-'87: Student of Law, Columbia University, 1 887-' 89: Lawyer, Topeka, Kan., lS89-'98: Died in 1898. COREY, WILLIA:\I a., B. S., Newspaper Reporter, 589 Haight St., San Francisco, Cal. Teacher, Kansas and Salt Lake City, KAXSA^^i STATE AGRU'VLTrHAL COLLEGE (il 1884-'95; Editor and Publisher Monthly Educational Journal, 1893-'95; Reporter, Contributing Editor, 1895 — . *€OTTRELL, HENRY M., M. S., Agricultural Agent for C, R. I. & P. Railway Company, 115 W. Mulberry St., Fort CdUins, Colo. Farmer, 1884-'87; Assistant in Agriculture, K. S. A. C, 1887- '91; Superintendent, Levi P. Morton Farm, Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1891-'97; Professor of Agriculture, K. S. A. C, 1897-'01; Professor of Agriculture, Ruskin College, Trenton, Mo.; Su- perintendent, Odebolt Farm, Ode'jolt, Iowa; Superintendent Farmers' Institutes, Colorado State Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colo.; Agricultural Agent, C, R. I. & P. Rail- way Company, 1911 — . (DONALDSON) BROWN, CARRIE F., B. S. Died in 1902. DONALDSON, FLORENCE A., B. S. Died in August, 1888. DUNN, FRANK W., B. S., Vineyardist, Calexico. Cal. Farmer, As- pen, Colo., 1889-'90: Farmer and Fruit Grower, 1890-'93; Assistant in Irrigation, Experiment Station, K. S. A. C, Gar- den City, Kan., 1893-'95; Miner, Lawrence, Colo., 1895-'97; Assayer, Lawrence, Co'o., lS97-'98; Assayer, Alman, Colo., 1898-'99; Assayer, Aultman, Colo., 1899-'01: Assayer, Pata- gonia, Ariz., 1901-'02; Assayer, Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico, 1902-'03; Assayer, Topolobampo, Sinaloa, Mexico, 1903-'04: Vineyardist, Calexico, Cal., 1907-'13. GARDINER, I. DAY, B. S., Farmer, lS84-'86; Joint Owner of Esk- ridge "Star," 1886-'8S; Publisher, "Wabaunsee County News," 1888-'97; Farmer. lS97-'99; Died in 1899. KERN, EDWIN H., B. S., Civil Engineer, Coquille, Ore. Location, Construction, and Maintenance of Railroads, lS84-'90; Land Surveying, Irrigation, Hydraulic and Mining Work, 1890 — . LEWIS, MARION M., B. S.. Minister, Morgan Park, 111., 1889-'90: Minister, Nebraska City, Nebr., 1890-'91; Minister, Nebraska City, Nebr., 1891-'92; Minister, Ogden, Utah, 1892-'95; Min- ister, Portland, Ore., 1895; Died in 1895. MARLATT, CHARLES LESTER, M. S., Assistant Chief of Bureau of Entomology and Chairman Federal Horticultural Board, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1521 Sixteenth St.. Wash- ington, D. C. Instructor and Scientific Assistant, K. S. A. C, 1884-'85; Assistant in Horticulture and Entomology, ibid., 1885-'8 8; Field Agent, Division of Entomology, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Assigned to Washington, D. C, 1889- '9 4; Assistant Entomologist and Assistant Chief of Bureau, ibid., 1894-'02; Entomologist in Charge of Experimental Field Work, ibid., 1902-'07; Entomologist and Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief, ibid., 1907 — ; Chairman Fed- eral Horticultural Board in Charge of the Federal Plant Quar- antine Act, 1912 — . 62. RECORD OF THE A LI MM NEISWENDER, LINCOLN H., B. S., Farmer, R. 6, N. Topeka, Kan. Farmer, lS84-'86; Surveyor and Railroader, .Missouri Pacific- Railway, 1886-'88; Farmer, 18 88 — . PECK, GEORGE C, B. S., Bookstore Proprietor, West Pearl St., Jewell City, Kan. Assistant in Printing Department, K. S. A. -C, 1884-'85; Foreman, "Western Baptist," Topeka, Kan., 1885-'90; Foreman, "Tribune," Junction City, Kan., 1890- '95; Interest in Junction City Steam and Stone Sawing Mills, 1895-'00; Local Manager Midland Elevator Company, Junc- tion City, Kan., 1900-'06; Bookstore Proprietor, Jewell City, Kan., 19 06 — . (PECK) BERRY, HATTIE L., B. S., Housewife (Berry Culture), Jewell City, Kan. SHARTEL, JOHN W., B. S., Lawyer, Oklahoma City, Okla. 1885 BASSLER, THOMAS, B. S. Died in 1907. DEITZ, ALBERT, Foreman Post Office Building, Kansas City, Mo., 2747 Holly St., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher, Nearman, Kan., - 1885-'87; Grocer and Meat Dealer, 1887-'00; Builder, 1900- '08; Foreman under Custodian of Government Building, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1909 — ; Fruit Farmer, Crockett, Houston County, Texas, 1905 — . HOPPER, GEORGE E., M. S., Reinforced Concrete Constructor, 823 Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. City Engineer and Waterwork Superintendent, Manhattan, Kan., 1885-'88; Re- ceiver Water Plant, Arkansas City, Kan., 1891-'00; Member of Firm of Hopper & Son, Si'o and Tank Builders; Contractor and Builder, Manhattan, Kan., 1900 — . *HOUGH, FLORENCE F., B. S., Great Bend, Kan. *HUTTO, FRANK A., M. S., Ph. D., Attorney at Law, Twin Falls, Idaho. LEWIS, J. ALLEN, M. S., C. E. Died in 1907. MURPHY, NELLIE J., B. S. Died in 1909. NOYES, ARTHUR L., B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 2, Cun- ningham, Kan. Farmer, 1885-'87; Student, Electrical En- gineering Department, Kansas State University, 1887-'91; Farmer, 1891-'92; Electrical Work, lS92-'93; Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1893 — . PRATT, CLARENCE D., B. S., Merchant, 613 First Ave., Dallas, Texas. Farmer, 1886; County Surveyor, Hamilton County, Kansas, 18 87; Civil Engineer, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1888-'89; Paint Manufacturer, Joplin, Mo., 1890-'91; Traveling Sales- man, Texas, 1892-'99; Merchant, Dallas, Texas, 1899 — . REES, ROLLIN R., B. S., Congressman Fifth District. Minneapolip, Kan. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Kan., ]889-'94; County Attor- KANSAS STATE AG UirV LTV UAL COLLEGE 63 ney, Minneapolis, Kan., 1894-'98; Attorney, and Member of Legislature, 1898-'02; Attorney, Minneapolis, Kan., 1902-'04; District Judge, Minneapolis, Kan., 1904-'08; Congressman Fifth District, 1910 — . RO&ERS, FREDERICK JOHN, M. S., Associate Professor of Phys- ics, Stanford University, 4 Lasuen, Stanford University, Cal. Instructor, K. S. A. C, 1886-'89; Student and Instructor in Physics, Corne"! University, 1889-'00; Associate Professor of Physics, Stanford University, 19 00 — . (SECREST) HUNGERFORD, DOROTHEA E. C, B. S., Housewife, 518 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. (WONSETLER) RUDE, GRACE L., M. D., Housewife and Physi- cian, Hoisington, Kan. Teacher in Public Schools, ]S85-'88; Music Student, 1891-'95; Graduated from Hahnemann .Medical College, 1901; Physician, 1901 — . (WOODS) SHARTEL, ELFRAIDA E., B. S., Housewife, Skirvin Hotel, Oklahoma City, Okla. 1886 BRIDGEMAN, LILLIE BELLE, M. S., Architect, 171.5 La Loma Road, Berkley, Cal. Teacher, Grade School, Kansas, 1886- '91; Student, University of California, 1891-'93; Teacher, High Schoo\ California, 18 93-'9 8; Student, Cornell, 1898-'10; Student of Architecture, University of California, 1910-"13; Architect, 1913 — . BROUS, LOUIS PAUL, M. S., Teacher of Mechanical Drawing, Man- ual Training High School, Kans::s City, Kan., ICll Barnett Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Architectural Draftsman, Kansas City, Kan., 1887-'90; Railroad Draftsman, Oregon, 1890-'94; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 18D4-'95; Teacher of Draw- ing, Kansas City (Kansas) High School, ]S96-'00; Superin- tendent of. Building Construction, Republic of Mexico, 1900- '06; Teacher of Mechanical Drawing, Manual Training High School, Kansas City, Mo., 19 06 — . FAIRCHILD, PAUL HALSTED, M. D., Real Estate and Estates Man- agement, 112 W. Forty-second St., New York (Home, Passaic, N. J.). M. D., Be'levue, 1890; Publishing Medical Books and Papers, 1890-'98; Manufacturing Proprietary Medicines, 1898-'09; Real Estate Management, 1910 — . GREEN, ABBOTT MILES, B. S., Irrigation Engineer, Alturas, Cal. Teacher, Oberlin, Kan., 1886-'87; Railway Engineer, Santa Barbara, Cal., 1887-'8S; Civil Engineer, Adin, Cal., 1888-'0.5; Surveyor Indian Lands, Lookout, Cal., 1905-'06; Timber Land Locator and Dealer, 1906-'09; Irrigation Engineer, Alturas, Cal., 1909 — . HARBORD, JAMES C, M. S., Assistant Chief Philippine Constabu- 64 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI lary, Manila, P. I. Teacher, Butler County, Kansas, 1886-'87; Assistant Instructor Telegraphy, K. S. A. C, 1887-'88; Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Company "A," Fourth Infantry, and Quartermaster Stergeant, Fourth U. S. Infantry, January 10, 1889, to July 31, 1891; Second Lieutenant, Fifth U. S. Cav- alry, July 31, 1891, to July 1, 1898; First Lieutenant, Tenth U. S. Cavalry, July 1, 1898, to February 2, 1901; Major, Second U. S. Volunteer Cavalry, May 24, 1898, to October 24, 1898; Captain, U. S. Cavalry, 1901 — ; Assistant Chief Phil- ippine Constabulary, with Rank of Colonel, U. S. A., August 17, 1903 — . HIGINBOTHAM, JOHN U., B. S., With Detroit Lubricator Works, Detroit, Mich. Student, Kansas University and St. Mary's (Kansas) College, 1886-'87; Student of Law, Lincoln, Nebr., 1887-'89; Various Clerical Positions, Chicago, 1889-'95; As- sistant Treasurer, National Biscuit Company, Chicago, 111., 1904 — : With Detroit Lubricator Works, Detroit, Mich., 1913 — ; Author of "Six Weeks in Europe" and Other Books of Travel. (HOPPER) GETTY, MARIA C, B. S., Housewife, Downs, Kan. Public School Teacher, 1886-'88; Housewife, 1888 — . (LITTLE) MacEWAN, E. ADA, B. S., Housewife, 314 Elm St., Kal- amazoo, Mich. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1886-'88; Teacher of Music, Marysville, Kan., 1888-'90; Assistant in Sewing De- partment, K. S. A. C, 189 0-'92; Assistant in Sewing Depart- ment, Utah Agricultural College, 1892-'93; Superintendent of Sewing Department, ibid., 1893-'94: Housewife, Logan, Utah, 1894-'02; Housewife, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1902 — . PARKER, FRANK L., B. S., Farmer and Fruit Grower, R. 2, Hutch- inson, Kan. Railroading, 1886-'93; Merchant and Farmer, 1893 — . PERRY, EDWARD H., B. S., Farmer and Land Investor, Plainview, Texas. Newspaper Business, 1886-'97; Real Estate and In- vestment Broker, 1897-'10; Farmer and Investor, 1910 — . PLATT, H. AUGUSTUS, B. S. Died in 1903. (QUINBY) PERRY, ADA H., B. S., Housewife, 501 B'uemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan.. 1886-'09; Housewife, Champaign, 111., 1909-'10; Housewife, Manhattan, Kan., 1910 — ; Four Chil- dren Have Attended K. S. A. C. (QUINBY) GARDINER, IDA H., B. S., Housewife, 1514 Laguna St., Santa Barbara, Cal. REED, MINNIE, M. S., Care American Express Company, Naples, Italy. Kamehameha Manual School, Honolulu, T. H.; Teach- ing Science in Manual Training School for Boys; Conducting Botanical Research Work for United States Experiment Station. KANSAS STATE AGEICULTUEAL COLLEGE 65 ROBERTSON, DAVID G., B. S., Lawyer, 19 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111., 911 Reba Place, Evanston, 111. (Home.) Superintendent of Schools, Downs, Kan., 188 7; Clerk District Court, Osborne County, Kansas, 1888-'9 0; Mem,ber Law Firm of Mitchell & Robertson, Osborne, Kan., 1891-'92; Lawyer, Chicago, 1893 — . SISSON, EDWARD OCTAVIUS, A. B., Ph., D., Pirofessor of Educa- tion, Reed College, Boise, Idaho. A. B., University of Chi- cago, 1893; Ph. D., Harvard University, 19 05; Teacher and Principal in Public Schools, Kansas, 18 86-'91; Founder and Principal of South Side Academy, Chicago, 18 92-' 97; Univer- sity Extension Reader in Psychology, University of Chicago, 1894; Director of Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111., 1897-'04; Student, University of Berlin, 1903-'04; Assist- ant Professor of Education, University of Illinois, 1905-'06; Lecturer in Principles of Education, Harvard University Summer School, 1908; Professor of Pedagogy and Director of the Department of Education, University of Washington, 1906-'12: Professor of Education, Reed College, 1912 — ; Commissioner of Education for the State of Idaho. VAN DEVENTER, JOHN W., B. S., Editor, Imperial, Nebr., 1889- '91; Editor, Denver, Colo., 1891-'92; Editor and Publisher, Sterling, Colo., 1892-'03; County Assessor, 1903-'04; Writer, Denver, Colo., 1904-'07; Chief Printing Clerk, House of Rep- resentatives, 1907-'12: Died in 1912. WATERS, GEORGE W., B. S. Died in 19 08. *WHALEY, WILLIAM E., B. S., Instructor, University of Chicago, 1067 E. Sixtieth St., Chicago, 111. (WILLARD) CALVIN, F. HENRIETTA, B. S., Dean of School of Home Economics, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. Housewife, 188 6-'9 9; I>ibrarian Children's Depart- ment, Topeka, Kan.. 1899-'01; Librarian, K. S. A. C, 1901- '03; Professor of Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1903-'08; Pro'^essor of Home Economics, Purdue University, 1908-'12; Dean of School of Home Economics, Oregon Agricultural Col- lege, 1912 — . WISE, JOHN L., B. S., Grain, Hay, and Feed Dealer, Greenville, 111. 1887 ALLEN, EDGAR A., B. S., Superintendent U. S. Indian Agricultur- al School, Chi'occo, Okla. Principal, Public School, Leonard- ville, Kan., 1887-'89; Principal, Public School, Blue Mound, Kan., 1889-'91: Normal Institute Instructor, Blue Mound, Kan., 1889-'91: Student, Law Department, Northwestern University, 1891-'92: Principal (Indian Service), Chilocco, m HE CO HI) OF THE ALVMNl Okla. ; Superintendent at Perris, Cal., Albuquerque, New Mex., and Senica, Okla.; Assistant Superintendent at Carlisle, Pa.; Special Indian Agent, Supervisor Indian Schools, and Super- intendent at Chilocco, 1893 — . AVERY, FRED H., B. S. Died in 189G. BREESE, CLAUDE M., M. S., Assistant Cashier, First National Bank, 318 Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. Assistant in Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1887-'97; County Clerk, Riley County, Kansas, 1898-'07; Assistant Cashier, First National Bank, Manhattan, Kan., 1907 — . BROWN, JOHN BROOKINS, M. S., Supervisor, U. S. Indian Ser- vice, 3 209 Summit St., Muskogee, Okla. Teacher in Public Schools of Kansas, three years; U. S. Signal Service and Weather Bureau, three years; Superintendent of Schools in Indian Service, until 1910; Supervisor of Indian Schools, U. S. Service, Five Civilized Tribes, 1910 — . BURTIS, WALTER .J. G., B. S., Parmer, Fredonia, Kan. Repre- sentative for Woodson County, Legislature, 1911 and 1913. CARLETON, MARK ALFRED, M. S., Plant Pathologist and Cereal- ist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Teacher, Cloud County, Kansas, 18 87-'8S; Professor of Nat- ural History, Garfield University (now Friends' University), Wichita, Kan., 1888-'90; Field Agent, Division of Botany, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 18 91-'9 2; Assistant Botanist, Kansas Experiment Station, 1892-'94; Plant Pathologist and Cerealist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1894; General Manager, Pennsylvania Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, 1912-'13. (COTTRELL) STILES, NELLIE E., B. S., Housewife, McFarland, Kern County, California. ELLIOTT, BERT RICHMOND, B. S., Placer Gold Miner, Dawson, Yukon Territory, Canada. Agriculturist, 1887-'93; Horticul- turist and Street Railway Worker, 1893-'97; Placer Gold Miner, 1897 — . ELLIOTT, FREDERICK B., B. S., Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 428 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. Real Estate, 1887-'99; Real Estate and Insurance, 1899 — ; Manager of Manhattan Ice, Light, and Power Company, 1900-'03. (KEYES) GRAHAM, CLARA M., B. S., Instructor in Biology, Philippine Nomal School, Box 250, Manila, P. I. Graduated from University of CaMfornia, 1898; Teacher, Philippine Islands, 1900 — ; Traveled in Australia, China, and Japan. KIMBALL, FRED G., B. S., Apple Grower, .529 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Railway :\Iail Clerk, 1893-'99; Superin- tendent Mail Transportation in Western Alaska, 189 9-'0 2; KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 67 Deputy U. S. Marshal, Second Division, District of Alaska, 1905-'07; Placer Miner in Innoko Mining District, District of Alaska, 1907-'09. Mclaughlin, WILLIAM J., B. S., Bookkeeper and Clerk, City Auditor's Office, 463 W. Sixth St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Teacher and Instructor in Teachers' Institutes, 188 8-'92; Pro- prietor and Editor of Bern (Kansas) "Press," 1892-'98; Postmaster, Bern, Kan., ]893-'97; Editor and Proprietor of "The Roundup," Randolph, Utah, 1898-'00; Teacher, Public Schools, 1900-'05: Also. Railroad Construction Work, 1900- '05; Clerk of City Recorder and City Council, 1906-'10: Clerk of the Juvenile Court, 19 06: Bookkeeper and Clerk, City Auditor's Office, 1910 — . MARLATT, FREDERICK A., B. S., Manufacturer, Manhattan, Kan. Proprietor Blue Valley Manufacturing Company, 1887 — . MOSES, MARY E., B. S. Died in 19 06. MURPHY, CHARLES A., B. S., Proprietor and Manager of Post Office Book Store, Nickerson, Kan. Teacher, Principal, and Superintendent in Country and City Ward Schools in King- man, Hutchinson, and Cay Center, Kan., twenty years; Editor and Pu''>lisher of the "Nickerson Argosy," 1903-'08; Proprietor and Manager of Post Office Book Store, Nicker- son, Kan. PALMER, ORLANDO G., LL. M., First Lieutenant, Seventh United States Cavalry, Manila, P. I. PARKER. LOUIS B., B. S. Died in 1889. PAYNE, JAMES EDW^ARD, M. P., 1330 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, Edgerton, Kan., 1887-'93; Postgraduate Student. K. S. A. C, 1893-'9 6; Superintendent of Experiment Station, Cheyenne Wells, Colo., 1S96-'01; Field .Agent for Colorado Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo., 1901-'04; Agriculturist for American Rubber Company, Buena Vista, Colo., 1904-'05; Field Agent, Irrigation Investigations, Chey- enne, Wyo., 1905-'06; Agriculturist, Dry Farming Invpsti- gations, Akron, Colo., ]906-'10; Field Agent, Colorado Ex- periment Station, Fort Morgan, Colo., 1910-'ll; Agricultur- ist, Pan Handle Agricultural Institute, Goodwell, Okla., 1911-'13. PECK, SEWARD N., B. S., Chief Draftsman. Car Construction De- partment, Santa Fe System, Corner Jackson and Michigan Ave., Room 1024 Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago. Car De- partment A., T. & S. F. Railway, Topeka and Chicago. ^THOMPSON, GEORGE N., B. S., Manufacturer of Incubators and Special Furniture, Belmond, Iowa. *WRIGHT, WILLIS M., B. S., Rice Farmer, Welsh, La. 68 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI 1888 ♦ARNOLD, GRANT, B. S., Manager of Hardware Department, Z. C. Miles & Piper Company, 4313 Fourth Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. (BACHELLER) FOSTER, BERTHA H., M. S., Housewife, 3107 Karnes Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Primary Teacher, Onaga, Kan., 1888-'89; Postgraduate Student and Teacher, K. S. A. €., 1888-'91; Grammar Grade Teacher, Sterling, Kan., 1891- '92; High School Teacher, Lyons, Kan., 1892-'94; Science Teacher, Junction City (Kansas) High School, 1894-'97; Domestic Science Director, Manual Training High School, Kansas City, Mo., 1897-'06; Housewife, 1906 — . CLARKE, CLEMENT G., A. B., B. T., Pastor, First Congregational Church, 409 Perry Ave., Peoria, 111. Nine years at Yale Uni- versity, 1891-'00; Graduated, Academic Department, 1895; Three years of Graduate Work, 189 5-'9 8; Two years in Divin- ity School, 1898-'00; Instructor in Sophomore Mathematics for two years; Pastor, Congregational Church, Plainsville, Conn., 1900-'05; Pastor, First Congregational Church, Min- neapolis, Minn., 1905-'12; Pastor, First Congregational Church, Peoria, 111., 1912 — . COBB, ALEXANDER C, B. S., Farmer, Wagoner, Okla. Farmer and Carpenter, 1888- — •; Member Oklahoma State Board of Agriculture, 1908-'12; State Superintendent County Demon- stration Farms, 1909-'10. (COBB) CLARK, MATTIE, B. S., Housewife, 409 Perry Ave., Pe- oria, 111. Teacher and Housewife, New Haven, Conn., Plain- ville. Conn., Minneapolis, Minn., and Peoria, 111. COWELL, MINNIE H., B. S., Nurse, Steyning, Sussex, England. Temperance Hospital, London, 1889-'94; Nurse at Luxor, Upper Egypt, in Winter, 1894-'00; Nurse in England, in Sum- mers, 1894-'00; In Kansas, 1901; Nurse in Switzerland, 1903; Nurse at Luxor, Upper Egypt, Winters of 1904-'13; In Eng- land During Summers of 1904-'13. DIXON, LYMAN H., B. S., Architect, 12 N. Fifteenth St., Fluching, New York City (Home), 11 E. Twenty-fourth St., New York City (Business). Draughtsman, Trinidad, Colo., 1889-'90; Draughtsman, Denver, Colo., 1890-'91; Architect, Boise, Idaho, 1892-'93; Draughtsman and Architect, Buffalo, N. Y., 1893-'00; Superintendent of Construction, State Architect's Office, Albany, N. Y., 1900-'02; Manager for Charles A. Piatt, Architect, HE. Twenty-fourth St., New York City, 1902 — . FAIRCHILD, DAVID G., M. S., Agricultural Explorer, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, R. 1, In the Woods, Cheny Chase, Md. Postgraduate Work in Botany at Naples Zoological Station, KANSAS STATE AGHICULTURAL COLLEGE m 18 93; University of Breslan, 1894; Berlin, 1894; Westplialia, 1895; Bonn, 1895; Buitenzorg, Java, Botanical Gardens, 1896; Botanist, since 1889; Agricultural Explorer, since 18 98; In Charge of Foreign Explorations, since 1903; Organ- ized the Work of Seed and Plant Introduction, Department of Agriculture, 1897; In Charge of Office of Seed and Plant In- troduction and Distribution, since 1906; Author of Numerous U. S. Agricultural Bulletins; Contributor to Botanical Jour- nals. *PR1END, CARL E., B. S., Lumber Deader, 104 6 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kan. HARRISON, JOHN R., B. S., U. S. Marshal, Federal Bldg., Topeka, Kan. Railway Postal Clerk, 1889-'97; Post Office Inspec- tor, 1 897-' 00; Postmaster, Havana, Cuba, and Acting Direc- tor General of Ports of Cuba, 1900-'01; Post Office Inspector in Charge, Kansas City Division, 1902-'O7; Post Office Inspector in Charge, Denver Division, 1907-'08; Post Office Inspector in Charge, Washington, D. C, Division, 1908-'10: City Post Office Inspector, Chicago, 111., 1910-'ll; U. S. Mar- shal for Kansas, 1911 — . JONES, HUMPHREY WILLIAM, B. S., Principal Branner School, 1257 Lincoln St., Topeka, Kan. Student, State Normal, lS88-'89; Graduate, 1889; Principal, Public School, Ameri- cus, Kan., 18 89-'91; Teacher of Mathematics, Texas Normal College (now a State 'Normal), Denton, Texas, 1891-'92: Superintendent of Public Schools, Alma, Kan., 1892-'98; Di- rector of Public School Music, Topeka, Kan., 1899-'04; Principal of Branner School, Topeka, Kan., 19 04 — . LEWIS, NATHAN E., B. S., Draughtsman, Evanston, 111., 1889-'90; Draughtsman, Hamilton, Ohio, 1890-'92; Draughtsman, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1892-'95; Architect, Chicago, 111., 1895-'96; Mechanical Engineer, Bridgeport, Conn., lS97-'98; Draughtsman, Plainfield, N. Y., 1898-'03; Draughtsman, Carnegie Steel Company, Newcastle, Pa., 19 03-'05; Civil Engineer, National Tube Company, Newcastle, Pa., 1905-'06: Mechanical Engineer, Youngstown, Ohio, 1906-08; Died about 1912. MARLATT, ABBY L., M. S., Teacher, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Professor of Home Economics, U. A. C, Cal. Teacher in Randolph, Kan., City Schools. 1889-'91; Stu- 1890-'94; Technical High School, Providence, R. I., 1894-'09; Professor of Home Economics, University of Wisconsin, 1909 — ; Chairman of the Department. MOORE, WILLIAM C, B. S., Breeder of Registered Jersey Cattle, Breeding Stable, and Farming, R. 6, Parsons, Kan. Employed 70 liECORD OF THE ALIMXI as Editor of the Junction City (Kansas) Daily and Weekly "Union," 1888-'89; Editor and Half Owner of the Above 'Union," 18S9-'01; Founded the Parsons (Kansas) Evening and Semi-weekly "Herald," 1901; Sold to the Parsons Sun Publishing Company, June, 19 04; Conducted a Wholesale and Retail ;\Iilk Business in Parsons, 1905-'10. NICHOLS, ERNEST FOX, M. S., D. Sc, College President, Han- over, N. H. M. S., Cornell, 1893; D. Sc, 1897; Graduate Student, Physics, Cornell, 1889-'92; University of Berlin, 1894-'96; Cambridge University, 1904-'0.5; Professor of Physics, Colgate University, lS92-'98; Professor of Dart- mouth College, 1898-'03; Professor Experimental Physics, Columbia, 1903-'09; President Dartmouth College, 1909 — ; Associate Editor of Physical Review; Contributor of Many Papers to Scientific Journals in U. S. and Abroad. ROBE, HARRY E., B. S.. Lumberman, Millerton. Okla. SNYDER, ANNA, B. S., Merchant, Lebo, Kan., At Home, 1888-'91 ; Teacher, 1891-'03; Telephone Work, 1903-'08; Merchant, 1909—. SNYDER, EDWIN IL, B. S., Publisher and Editor Publicity Depart- ment of the City and County of Denver, 28 25 Wyandot St., Denver, Colo. Printer, Topeka, Kan., lS88-'89: Ranch and Sawmill Laborer, Colorado, 1889-'90; Editor and Publisher, 1890—. UTTER, OLIVER L., A. B., A. M., S. T. B., Minister, 322 Broadway, Piqua, Ohio. Minister in Methodist Episcopal Church; Grad- uated from Boston ITniversity, and Studied in Graduate School of Philosophy; A. B. and A. M., Baker University; S. T. B., Boston, and Honorary Degree of D. D.; Several Lo- cations. WALTERS, AARON, B. S. Died in 18 92. (WATERS) BEELER, LORA L., M. S., Housewife, Glen E'lyn, 111. Teacher, 1888-'99; Housewife, 1899 — . WORKING, DANIEL WEBSTER, A. M., Agriculturist: District Leader in Farm Management Field Studies and Demonstra- tions for Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, R. 2, South Denver Station, Denver, Colo. Teacher, Public Schools, 1891-'92; Sec- retary Colorado State Board of Agriculture and Agricultural CoPege, 1893-'97; Superintendent of Schools, Arapahoe County, Colorado, 1905-'07; Principal of Petersburg School, 1907; Superintendent of Agricultural Extension, West Vir- ginia ITniversity, 1907-'ll: With Office of Farm Management, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Stationed at Denver, Colo., 1911 — . KAN.'SA:S .state AGRICULTUBAL college 71 1889 ALLEN, EMMA A., B. S., Teacher and Assistant in Botanical De- partment, K. S. A. C. Died in 1891. BAYLES, JOSEPH W., A. B., Pastor, 510 Dexter St., Clay Center, Kan. Teacher, 1890-'92; Student, Ottawa University, 1892- '95; A. B.. 1895; Pastor, Auburn, Kan., Peoria, 111., Onaga, Kan., Clay Center, Kan., 1895-'13; President of Clay County Chautauqua Association; Secretary-Treasurer of State Baptist Ministerial Association; Member State Board, Kansas Baptist Convention; Moderator Republican Valley Association. BROWNING, WALTER R., B. S., Dealer in Grain and Coal, Padonia, Kan. Farmer, Hamlin, Kan., 1889-'96; Dealer in Grain and Coal, Padonia, Kan., 1896 — . BUNDY, DAVID EVERETT, B. S., Pastor of M. E. C. S., and Presid- ing Elder of Durango District, Denver Conference, Aztec, New Mex. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1889-'90; In U. S. In- dian Service, Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, 1890-'91; Farmer, Blue Rapids, Kan., 1891-'92; Pastor of Various Charges, Kansas and Colorado, 1892-'0 7; Missionary to the Navajo Indians, 1907-'10; Pastor, Aztec, New Mex., 1910 — . *COBB, SAMUEL S., B. S., Postmaster and Publisher, Wagoner, Okla. CRISWELL, JUDSON HENRY. B. S., Assistant Superintendent of Arlington Experiment Farm, Rosslyn, Va. Farmer, 1889-'93; Manager of Farm, 1893-'9 9: Salesman, Implement Warehouse, 1899-'03; Crop Foreman of Ranch and Farm, 19 03-"05; Post- graduate Student, Iowa Stale College, 190r.-'0G; Superintend- ent of Experiment Farm, Farm Crop Station, Experiment Sta- tion, Iowa State College, ]906-'n9; Dean of College and Pro- fessor of Farm Crops, Farm ]Me.nchanics, and Soils, Winona Co-lege of Agriculture, Winona Lake, Ind.. 1909-'12; Assist- ant Superintendent of Arlington Experiment Farm, 1912 — . (FARLEY) CARR, MATTIE I., B. S., Teacher in City Schools, Yon- calla, Ore., Oakland. Ore. FREEMAN, CLARENCE EVERETT, M. S., E. E., Hydro-electric Engineer with the Arnold Company, 181 La Salle St., Chicago, 7026 South Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Graduate, Kansas State Normal School, 1890; Principal, Shor-ey School, North Topeka, Kan., 1891-'92; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1892-'9::; Pro- fessor Electrical Engineering, Armour Institute, Chicago, 111., 1893-'08; Hydro-electric Engineer with the Arnold Company, Chicago, 111., 1908 — . (GALE) SANDERS, HATTIE L., B. S., Housewife, 826 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, Mangonia, Fla., 1889-'90; Member "Shakespeare Club," West Palm Beach, Fla.; Patroness, 72 liECOUh OF THE ALVMXI West Palm Beach Free Reading Room, 1899-'08; Returned to Manhattan, 1908. HAZEN, JOHN S., B. S., Local Forecaster, U. S. Weather Bureau, 1118 N. Jefferson St., SpringfieM, Mo. Assistant Observer, U. S. Weather Bureau, 1889-'98; Observer, 1898-'05; Local Fore- caster, 1905 — . Instructor in Meteorology, Drury College, Springfield, Mo., 1910-'13; In Charge of Weather Bureau Of- fice, Springfield, Mo., and Tampa, Fla., 1898-'13. KIMBALL, ALBERT B., B. S., Stock Farmer, Allison, Colo. Teacher, 1889-'95; Editor and Proprietor Scandia (Kansas) "Journal," 1895-'08; Postmaster, Scandia, Kan., 1897-'04; Editor and Owner Belleville (Kansas) "Freeman," 190S-'09; Own and Operate 300-acre Irrigated Ranch, San Juan County, New Mexico, 1910 — . KNABB, WILLIAM, B. S., Vice-President First National Bank, 301 N. Second St., Hiawatha, Kan. With the First National Bank, Hiawatha, Kan., 188 9 — . LEE, MARY CORNELIA, B. S., Librarian, Carnegie Free Public Library, Manhattan, Kan. Home Student, Kansas University; Student, Pratt Institute Library School; Librarian, Manhattan, Carnegie Free Public Library, Manhattan, Kan. MILLS, ALONZO A., B. S., Nurseryman and Real Estate Dealer, An- aheim, Cal. (NICHOLS) ESHELMAN, SUSAN W., B. S., Housewife, 2709 La- Fayette St., St. Joseph, Mo. OLIN, WALTER H., M. S., Director of Agricultural Extension, Uni- versity of Idaho, State House, Boise, Idaho. Principal, Wa- baunsee (Kansas) School, 1889-'90; Principal, Waverly (Kan- sas) School, ]890-'91; Superintendent, Osborne (Kansas) School, 1891-'86; Principal, High School, Ottawa, Kan., 1896- '98; Superintendent of Schools, Ottawa, Kan., 1898-'01; Spe- cial Student, K. S. A. C., January-April, 1902; Assistant Agronomist, Funk Bros. Seed Company, Bloomington, 111., 1902; Professor Farm Crops, Iowa State CoUege, 1902-'04: Professor of Agronomy, Colorado Agricultural College, 1904- '06; Vice-Dean of Agriculture, Colorado Agricultural College. 1906-'08; Industrial Commissioner, D. L. & N. W. Railway, Denver, 1908-'n; Director of Agricultural Extension, Univer- sity of Idaho, 1911 — . PADDLEFORD, ELI M., A. B., S. T. B., Minister, Tv^aiervllle, Kan. Teacher, 1890; Principal of Riley School, and Member of Board of County Examiners for the Common Schools, 1891; Student in Baker University, 1892-'93; Minister, 1894-'95; A. B., Baker University, 1896; Student, Theological School of KANSAS STATE AGBICULTURAL COLLEGE r.\ Boston University, 18 96; S. T. B., ibid., 1899; Minister, Within Bounds of Kansas Conference, 1899 — . (SAYERSi) DeLAND, MAUDE F., M. D., One of the Physicians on the Staff of the Topeka State Hospital, Topeka State Hospital, Topeka, Kan. Accountant, Pittsburg, Pa.; Medical Student, Philadelphia, Pa.; Physician, Philadelphia, Pa.; Physician, To- peka State Hospital, Topeka, Kan. (SECRBST) LINDERMAN, FLORINE, B. S., Housewife, Esparto, dent, San Jose Normal, one year, Graduating in 1892; Teacher in Public Schools of Yolo County, California, 1892-'96; House- wife, 18 96 — . *SNYDER. STANLEY, B. S., Dodge City, Kan. THOMPSON, CHARLES W., D. D. S., Dentist, 415 Wisconsin Ave., Holton, Kan. D. D. S., Kansas City Dental College, 1892; Dentist, 18 92 — . TUNNELL, JANE CHAPIN, B. S., Teacher, Hyde Park High School, 1514 'E. Fifty-fourth St., Chicago, 111. Assistant Librarian, K. S. A. C, 1889-'91; Teacher in High School, Manhattan, Kan., 1891-'93; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1896-'97, 1909-'10; Teacher, Frances Shimer Academy of Uni- versity of Chicago, lS97-'00; Teacher, Township High School, Joliet, 111., 1900-'07; Teacher, Hyde Park High School, Chi- cago, 1907 — . (TURNER) BRUCE, INA M., B. S., Housewife, 731 Rock Creek Church Road, Washington, D. C. With Kansas Newspaper Union, Topeka, 1889-'93; Residences: Topeka, Kan., 1893- '94, St. Louis, Mo., 1894-'09; Washington, D. C, 1909 — . WALDRAVBN, ROBERT U., B. S.. Minister of the Gospel, Trinidad, Colo. Teacher and Farmer, 1889-'92; Licensed to Preach, 1893, by the Methodist Episcopal Church South; Filled Ap- pointments in Eastern Kansas and Nebraska, till 1905; Thence to Farmington, San Juan County, New Mexico; Presiding El- der of Durango District. 1907-'ll: Appointed to Trinidad, Co^o., 1912 — . WILLARD, HENRY S.. B. S., M. D.. Druggist, Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, Keats, Kan.. 18S9-'90; Student of Medicine, Kansas City, Mo., 1890-'92; Physician, 1893-'01; Druggist, 1901 — . 1890 BORTON, SAMUEL I., B. S., Public Agriculturist and General Real Estate, 128 Calaveras Ave., Fresno, Cal. Teacher and Farmer, Hill Top, Kan., 1890-'00; Agricultural Expert for American Beet Sugar Company, Lamar, Colo., 1900-'12; Chief Agriculturist for American Merchants' Syndicate, Los An- geles, Cal., 1912; Public Agriculturist and General Real Estate, 1913 — . 74 liKCOlil) OF THE AlA^MXI *CAMPBKI.L, FRANK A., B. A., Proprietor Oxford Hotel and Ox- ford Theatre, 528 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. CRANSTON, ARTHUR FULTON, LL. B., County Attorney, Parsons, Kau. Attorney; Traveled in Europe, 1907; Member of Kansas Legislature, 1909. DAVIS, JOHN, B. S., Professor of Physics and Chemistry, State Nor- mal, Edmond, Okla. Teacher in Public Schools, Riley County, Kansas, ]890-'91; Student, Kansas State Normal, 1891-'92; Principal, Public Schools, Wakefield, Kan., 1892-'93; Princi- pal, Ward School, Beloit, Kan., 189?.-'94; Principal, Public Schools, Ash'and, Kan., 1894-'95; Superintendent of City Schools, Blackwell, Okla., 18 95-'9 9; Professor of English, Ok- lahoma Normal School, lS99-'05; Superintendent of City Schools, Nowata, Okla., 1905-'07; Superintendent of Consol- idated Schools, Ya^.e, Okla., 1907-'08; Professor of Physics and Chemistry, Oklahoma Normal, 19 08 — . *DEWEY, GRANT W., B. S., Photographer, 7.30 E. Forty-seventh St., Chicago, 111. DOBBS, CHARLES .1., B. S., Attorney at Law, 10 63 Empire Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Law Student, Topeka, Kan., 1890-'95; Member of Law Firm, Dobbs & Stoker, Attorneys, Topeka, Kan., 18 95- '01; Attorney-at-Law, Seattle, Wash., 1901 — . *EARLE, CHARLES W., B. S. HARNER, SCHUYLER C, B. S., Merchant and Postmaster, Keats, Kan. Farmer and Teacher, ]89y-'02; :\Ierchant, 1903-'07; Merchant and Postmaster, 19 07 — . IJAMS, JOHN W., B. S., Expert Farmer, U. S. Indian Service, Hold- enville, Okla. Farmer, 18 90-'9 2; Industrial Teacher, U. S. Indian Service, 1892-'93; Teacher and Farmer, 18 93-'9S; Parmer, U. S. Indian Service, lS98-'08; Farmer, 1908-'10; Expert Farmer, U. S. Indian Service, 1910 — . (KIMBALL) DICKENS, BERTHA S., M. S., Housewife, 509 Manhat- tan Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher in Country Schools, 18 90- '9 2; Graduate Student and Emp]oyed by Experiment Station as Illustrator, K. S. A. C, ]892-'95; Illustrator, K. S. A. C, Experiment Station, and Instructor in Free-hand Drawing, 1895-'98; Housewife, 1898 — . (KNIPE) CURTIS, EUSEBIA, B. S., Housewife, 605 E. Chestnut St., Bloomington, 111. (LITTLE) DOBBS, NELLIE P., B. S., Housewife, 1063 Empire Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1890-'94; Postgraduate Student, Yale University, 1894-'9r); Housewife, 1896 — . MARTIN, ELL&WORTH THOMAS, LL. B., Lawyer, 1008-69 W. Washington St., Chicago. 111. Student, University of Mich- KAXSAS STATE AG lilCVLTrRAL COLLEGE 75 igan, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1891-'93; Practicing Lawyer, Chicago, 111., 1893 — . MASON, SILAS C, M. S., ArOoriculturist, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of AgricuUure, R. 1, Betliesda, Md. Profes- sor of Horticulture, K. S. A. C, 1893-'97; Professor of Hor- ticulture and Forestry, Berea College, Berea, Ky., 18 97-'06; Arboriculturist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1907 — . MORSE, WILTON L., B. S., Architect and Builder, Mancos, Colo. Teacher, 1890-'92; Foot Hall Indian School, Black Foot, Idaho, 1892-'93; Teacher, Black Foot, Idaho, 1893-'94; Farmer, Mancos, Colo., 1894-'96; Building Contractor, Silver- ton and Mancos, Colo., lS96-'03; Principal of Schools, Man- cos, Colo., 19 03-'05; Architect and Builder, Mancos, Colo., 1905 — . NEWMAN, ALBERT E., B. S., Inspector of Customs for Galveston District, Texas City, Texas. PEARCE, JULIA R., B. S., Scientist, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. Assistant to President, K. S. A. C, 1890- '92; Assistant Librarian, ibid., lS92-'94; Librarian, ibid., 1894-'9 8; On a Farm in California, 189 8-'O0; Student and Student Assistant, University of California, 1900-'01; Sicien- tist. Bureau of Soils, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 19 01- '06; Scientist, Bureau of Plant Industry, 1906 — . PPUETZE, EMIL C, B. S., Farmer, Manhattan, Kan. Superintendent of Waterworks, Manhattan, Kan., 1891-'94; Superintendent of Waterworks, Burlington, Kan., 1895-98; Lumber Dealer, Manhattan, Kan., 1898-'13; Farmer, Manhattan, Kan., 1913 — . SANDERS, WILLIAM HENRY, B. S., Instructor in Gas Engines, Ex- perimental Engineering, K. S. A. C, 826 Osage St., Manhat- tan, Kan. Teacher, Mangonia, Fla., 1890-'91; Journeyman Carpenter, Lake Worth, Fla., 1891-'94; Marine Engineer, 1894-'95; Contracting Engineer, Palm Beach, Fla., 1895-'96; Marine Gas and Steam Engineer, Lake Worth, Fla., 189 6-'01; Contracting Engineer, Palm Beach, Fla., 1902-'03; Marine Gas Engineer, Palm Beach and Miami, Fla., 1903-'05; Install- ing Refrigeration Plant and Laying City Water Mains and Sewers, West Palm Beach, Fla., 1905; In Charge Dredge "Tomoka," Fla., Coast Line Canal Company, Fort Lauder- dale tc St. Augustine, Fla., 190G; Foreman in Charge Pab'o Division Dredges, 3 and 4, Coast Line Canal Company, St. Augustine, 1907-'09: Superintendent, North New River Canal Dredges, Furst-Clark Company, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 1911- '12; Instructor in Gas and Traction Engines, Assistant Power and Experimental Engineering, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . 76 liECORl) OF THE A LI' MM 3ECREST, EMMA, A. M. Died in 1898. (SENN) HEATH, .MARIE BARBARA, M. S., Housewife, 6027 Rox- bury Ave., Seattle, Wash. Teacher, 1890-'92; Graduate Stu- dent, K. S. A. C, 1892-'93; Grade and High School Teacher in Enterprise, Kan., 1893-'94; Professor of Household Eco- nomics, State Agricultural College, Fargo, N. Dak., 1894-'02. SNYDER, RALPH, B. S., Banker, Oskaloosa, Kan. Farmer, 1891- '08; Banker, 1908 — . STOKER, GEORGE E., A. B., Lawyer, Merchants' Exchange Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Harvard University, 1893; Ad- mitted to the Bar, 18 94; Lawyer, Topeka, Kan., 1894-'07; Lawyer, San Francisco, Cal., 1907 — . *SWINGLE, WALTER T., M. S., Physiologist in Charge Plant Life- History Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. VAN ZILE, GILBERT .1., B. S., Miner in Colorado, 1890-'91; Farmer in Carthage, 111., 1891-'9.3: Studied Law, Carthage, 111., 1893- '95; Admitted to Bar, Springfield, 111., 1895; Practiced Law, Carthage, 111., 1895-'99; Died January 29, 1899. WHITFORD, HARRY NICHOLS, M. S., Ph. D., Special Forester, Commission of Conservation of Canada, Care Forest Branch, Victoria, British Columbia. Special Student, K. S. A. C, 1890-'91: Teacher, Kansas Public Schools, 1891-'94; Student, Washiburn College, Topeka, Kan., l894-'95; Principal of High School, Council Grove, Kan., 1895-'9ri; Special Student in Botany, K. S. A. C, 1896-'97; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1900; Special and Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1898-'03; As- sistant in Botany, ibid., 1901-'03; Instructor in Biology, Ar- mour Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1898-'01; Collabora- tor in U. S. Bureau of Forestry, 190]-'03; Instructor in Bot- any, Cold Springs Harbor Biological Station, Long Island, N. Y., 190]-'03; Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1903; Botanist, Bureau of Government Laboratory, Manila, P. I., 1904-'05; Forester, Bureau of Forestry, ibid., 190 6-'07; Chief, Division of Investigation, ibid., 1907-'12: Co-Editor of Botanical Sec- tion. Philippine .Tournal of Science, 1908-'12: Professor of Silviculture and Forest Botany, University of the Philippines, 1911-'! 2; Instructor in Forest Botany, University of Michi- gan, Biological Station, Summer of 1912; Special Forester, Commission of Conservation of Canada, 1912 — . WIMER, THOMAS E., B. S. Died in 189 0. 1891 ANDERSON, WILLIAM A., B. S., Secretary of W. E. Thomas Lum- ber Company, 4218 W. Prospect Place, Kansas City, Mo. Clerk and Stenographer, C, R. I. & P. Railway, 1891-'93; Manager KANSAS STATE AG RICH LTV RAL COLLEGE 77 of Retail Lumber Yard, Liberal, Kan., 1893-'95; Bookkeeper at Lumber Mill, Van Buren, Ark., 1895-'96; Farmer, Leonard- vine, Kan., 1896-'97; Stenographer and Clerk, Long-Bell Lum- ber Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1897-'99; Sales Manager, Culver Lumber and Manufacturing Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1899-'()2; Sales Manager, Long-Bell Lumber Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1902-'09; Secretary and Sales Manager, W. E. Thomas Lumber Company, Kansas City, Mo., 19 09 — . ARBUTHNOT, WILLIAM SHERMAN, D. V. S., Bank President, Leb- anon, Kan. Drug Business, Lebanon and Coffey villa, 1891- '13; Banker, 1913 — . AVERY, HERMAN V^ILLARD, B. S., Farmer and Stockman, R. 2, Wakefield, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, 1891 — ; State Sena- tor, Twenty-second District, 1909-'13. BRIDGMAN, JUDD NOBLE, M. S., A. B., Assistant Professor Civil Engineering, 19 09 S. Twenty-seventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Stu- dent, Leland Stanford, Jr., University, 1892-'94; Farmier, 1894; Twentieth Kansas Volunteer Infantry, 1898-'99; As- sistant to City Engineer of Leavenworth, 19 00; Resident En- gineer, "Rock Island Lines," 19 01-'06: Assistant Engineer, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 1906-'09; Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1909 — . BROCK, ROBERT, JAMES, B. S., Lawyer, 514 E. Hancock St., Port- land, Ore. BURTIS, FRANCIS CHARLES, M. S. Assistant in Agriculture, K. S. A. C, 1891-'99: Professor of Agriculture, Oklahoma Agri- cultural College, 1899-'05: Seed Merchant, 1905-'08; Died in 1908. CAMPBELL, CHARLES ALBERT, D. D., Pre&byterian Clergyman, 391 W. First St., Dayton. Ohio. Teacher, Golden, Colo., 1891- '92; Special Student, College of Emporia, 1892-'93; Graduated from Auburn (New York) Theological Seminary, 1896; Pas- tor of First Presbyterian Church, Providence, R. I., 1896-'99; Pastor of Cohocksink Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1899-'02; Pastor o^ Twenty-third Avenue Presbyterian Cliurch, Denver, Colo.. 19 02-'09; D. D., University of Denver, 1908; Pastor of Third Street Presbyterian Church, Dayton, Ohio, 19 09 — . CHAFFEE, SPENCER NORMAN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Talmage, Kan. Teacher and Principal of Schools, 1891-'98 Principal of Preparatory Department, K. S. A. C, 1898-'99 Writer on Live Stock, Inspector, Woodward, Okla., 1901 Graduated in INIedicine at University of Illinois, Chicago, 19 04 Physician and Surgeon, Morganville, Kan., 1904-'05; Physi- cian and Surgeon, Talmage, Kan.. 1905 — . COBURN. CLAY BPHRAIM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 9 08 78 RE('OHI) OF THE ALVMM Orvillc St., Kansas City, Kan. With Armour & Company, 1891-'96; Medical Student, 1896-''.i!i: Physician and Surgeon, 189 9 — ; Member Kansas State Board of Health, 1908 — . (COBURN) JESSUP, GERTRUDE, B. S., Housewife, 6323 Green- Wood Ave., Chicago, 111. Teacher of Domestic Economy, Stout Manual Training High School, and Grade Schools, Me- nomonie, Wis., 1891-'95; Professor of Domestic Economy, Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa, 1896-'O0; In Charge of Food Work, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111., 1902-'03; In Office of State Board of Agriculture, Topeka, Kan., 1904-'07; Housewife, 1907 — . (COBURN) TOMSOX, TIXA LOUISE, B. S., Housewife, Vernon Heights, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Teacher, Turner, Kan., ]891- '92; Teacher, Kansas City, Kan., 1892-'95; Stenographer and Private Secretary to the Secretary of State Board of Agricul- ture, 1895-'99; Housewife, 1899 — . (CONWELL) THOBURN. RACHEL CALLIE, B. S., Housewife, 217 W. Apache St., Norman, Okla. CORLETT, CHRISTINE MOSSMAX, B. S., Teacher and Farmer, R. 2, Box 17, Guthrie, Okla. Teacher. Manhattan, Kan., 1892- '94; Music Teacher, Farmer, and Stock Raiser, Guthrie, Okla., 1894 — . (COTTRELL) PAYNE, MARY EMELIXE, M. S., Housewife, 133 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, 1891 -'0 2; Postgradu- ate Work, K. S. A. C, 18 92-'94; Teacher, 18 96-'9 7: House- wife, 1897 — . CREAGER, PHIL SHERIDAN, B. S., Farmer, lS91-'92; Agricul- tural Editor, Topeka "Capital," 1892; Telegraph Editor, Kan- sas City "Journal," 189(i-'06; Died in 1906. DAVIS, KARY CADMUS. M. S., Ph. D., Principal Seman A. Knapp School of Country Life, Nashvi'le, Tenn. Graduated, Kansas 'Sitate Normal School, 1892; Teacher in High School and Prin- cipal, Austin, Minn., 1892-'98; Ph. D., Cornell University, 1900; Science Teacher, State Normal School, 1900-'01 ; Pro- fessor of Horticulture, 1901-'02; Principal, Dunn County School of Agriculture, Menomonie, Wis., 1902-'07; Dean, New York School of Agriculture. Canton, N. Y., 1907-'O8; Profes- sor of Agronomy and Principal of Short Courses, New Jersey Agricultural College, New Brunswick, X. J., 1908-'13; In- structor in Agriculture, University of Virginia. Summer School, 1908-'13; Author of "Productive Farming" (Lippin- cott Company) ; Editor of the Lippincott Agricultural Series; Principal. Seman A. Knapp School of Country Life, Xashville, Tenn., 1913 — . =-DAVIS, THOMAS CLARKE, B. S.. Farmer and Oil Producer, Benedict, Kan. KANSAS STATi: AQEK'VLTVHAL COLLEGE 7i) (DOW) PECK, HELEN PEARL, B. S., Housewife, Roslyn Estates, Roslyn, Long Island, N. Y. (FAIRCHILD) WHITE, ANNA, B. S., Housewife, Claremont, Cal. Residences: Manhattan, Kan., 1891-'97; Cambridge, Mass., 1897-'99; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1899-'03; Redlands, Cal., 1903- '04; Palo Alto, Cal., 1904-'05; Claremont, Cal., 1905 — . GILSTRAP, HARRY BENSON, B. S., Postmaster, 3 22 W. Eighth St., Chandler, Okla. Farmer, 1891; Printer, and Editor of Weekly Newspaper, lS92-'09; Postmaster, 19 2 — . GIST, ALMON ARTHUR, B. S., Trainmaster, A., T. & S. F. RIy. Co., 5 23 S. "A" St., Arkansas City, Kan. Clerk, IT. P. Rly., Belle- ville, Kan., 1891-'9 2; Agent, Relief Agent, and Clerk, Various Locations, 1892-'99; Property Clerk, Quartermaster's Depart- ment, Ft. Riley, Kan., 1899-'05; Agent, Clerk, and Telegraph Operator, A., T. & S. F. Rly. Co., Oklahoma, 19 05-'0 9; Chief Clerk to Superintendent. A., T. «& S. F. Rly. Co., Arkansas City, Kan., 1909-'ll: Trainmaster, A., T. & S. F. Rly. Co., 1911 — . (HARRINGTON) DEIBLER, AMY MYRTLE, B. S., Housewife, 117 E. Eleventh St., Leadville, Colo. Teacher, Geary County and Manhattan City Schools, 1891-'99; Housewife, Leadville, Colo., 1899 — . (HOOP) MONTGOMERY, DELPHA MAY, B. S., Housewife, 717 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, 1892-'99; Student, Library School, University of Illinois, 19 00. Housewife, 1901 — . * (HOUGHTON) BROCK, MAYME AMELIA, B. S., Housewife, 514 E. Hancock St., Portland, Ore. HUTTO, WILLIS WESLEY, Merchant, :Manhattan, Kan. *JOHNSON, GEORGE VICTOR, B. S., Editor and Proprietor Por- tales "Times," Portages, New Max. LINSCOTT, FRANK MULLETT, D. V. S., Parmer, R. 1, Farming- ton, Kan. Graduated, Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Ont., 1893; Veterinarian, Ottawa, Kan., 1893-'95; Operated Hickory Hill Stock Farm, Holton, Kan., 1895-'00; General Farmer, 19 00 — . IJTTLE, B. BELLE, M. S., M. D., Physician, 318 N. Fifth St., Man- hattan, Kan. Student in Woman's Medical College of Penn- sylvania, 1902-'06; Interne, New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston, Mass., 1906-'07; Physician, Manhattan, Kan., 1907 — . MARTIN, ALBERT EDWARD, B. A. Died in 1906. (MCDONALD) THAYER, NELLIE EVANGELINE, B. S. Died in 1902. 80 UErORD OF THE ALVMM McDowell, DAVID COLLINS, B. S., Manager Colorado Trading and Transfer Company, Victor, Colo. 'MIDGLEY, ALFRED, B. S., Manager of Lumber-yard, Minne- apolis, Kan. MILNER, MADELEINE WADE, B. S., At Home, 4:!32 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, 111. At Home, lS91-'94; Sipeeial Student, Ar- mour Institute, 1894-'95; Library Training School, 1895-'97; Assistant in Armour Institute Library, 1897, 1899, 1900; At Home, lOOO-'Ol; Librarian of the Northern Illinois Sitate Normal School, De Kalb, 111., 1901-'09; At Home, 1909 — . MILNER, PAUL CHAMBERS, B. S., Official of Chas. Smith Cnai- pany (Furnaces), 4427 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, 111. Railroad Work, Various Points, 1891-'95; Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, 1895-'02; Farmer, Southern Illinois, 1902-'10; Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, 1910-'13: With Chas. Smith Furnace Company, Chicago, 1913 — . MOORE, HARRY ELBRIDGE, B. S., Real Estate Dealer, 824 Union St., Seattle, Wash. Clerical Position, Portland, Ore., 1891- '93; Salesman, Kansas City, 1893-'00; Traveling Salesman, Oklahoma, 1900-'06; Real Estate, Seattle, Wash., 1906 — . MORSE, .JOHN OTIS, B. S., Lawyer, Mound City, Kan. Farmer, 1891-'94; Teacher, lS94-'97; Law Student, Admitted to Bar, 1898; Served with 20th Kansas Volunteers, 1898-'99; Clerk, District Court Linn County, 1901-'05; County Attorney of Linn County, 1905-'09; Lawyer, Mound City, Kan., 1909 — . MOVES, HATTIE MAY, B. S., Housekeeper, Wabaunsee, Kan. Teacher. 1891-'96; Student, K. S. N., 1896-'97; Teacher, 1898-'00: At Home, 1900-'01: Special Student, K. S. A. C, 1901-'03; Teacher, 1903-'04; At Home, 1904-'05; Teacher, 1905-'07; Taking Boarders, 1907-'08; Housekeeper, 1908 — . (REED) PADDLEFORD. LOUISE, B. S., Housewife, Waterville, Kan. Companion and Household Assistant, 1892; Home- steading, Western Kansas, 1893; Homesteading and Teach- ing, 1894-'95; Kindergarten Student, San Diego, Cal., 1896; Kindergarten Teacher, National City, Cal., 1897-'99: House- wife, 18 99 — . RUDY. HENRY VERNON, B. S., Fruit Packer, Box 131S, Fresno, der, Cal. RUDY, HENRY VERNON, B. S., Fruit Packer, Box 1318, Fresno, Cal. Fruit Grower and Packer, 1891 — . (SHORT) HOUSER, CHARLOTTE JANE, M. S., Housewife, La Pryor, Texas. B. S., Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., 1902. SKINNER, BEN.TAMIN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Owen & Pur- year Bldg., Pawhuska, Okla. Teacher, Fairview, Kan., 18 91- '94; Student, Kansas City Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., KAIs^SAS STATE AGIUCULTUEAL COLLEGE 81 1894-'96; M. D., ibid., 1896; Pliysiciaii and Surgeon, 1896 — . (STINGLEY) VAX BLARCOM, CAROLINE SCOTT, B. S. Died in 1899. (ST. JOHN) WILLIAMS, LILLIAN ALICE, B. S., Housewife and Bookkeeper, 616 S. Tenth St., Kansas City, Kan. Teacher, ^Manhattan, Kan., 1891-'97; Professional Course, Emporia Normal, 1897-'98; Teacher, 1S98-'01; Housewife and Book- keeper for Husband. 1901 — . THAYER, ELLIS CHENEY, B. S., Chief Mineral C'erk, U. S. Sur- veyor General's Office, Helena, Mont. VAN BLARCOM. SAM L., B. S., Railway Mail Service, 315 N. Quincy St., Kansas City, Mo. Railway Mail Service, 1891 — . WAUGH, FRANK ALBERT, M. S., Head of the Division of Horti- culture and Professor of Landscape Gardening, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass. Newspaper Work, 1891-'93: Professor of Horticulture, Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1893-'95; Professor of Horticulture, University of Vermont, lS95-'02: Head of the Division of Horticulture and Professor of Landscape Gardening, Massachusetts Agri- cultural College, 1902 — . Author of: "Landscape Garden- ing," 1899; "Plums and Plum Culture," 1901; "Systematic Pomology," 1903; "Fruit Harvesting, Storing, and Market- ing," 1904; "Dwarf Fruit Trees," 1906; "The American Ap- ple Orchard," 1908; "The Landscape Beautiful," 1910; "Kemp's Landscape Gardening," 1911; "Beginners' Guide to Fruit Growing," 1912; "The American Peach Orchard," 1913. (WAUGH) DAVIS. FANNY ELIZABETH. M. S., Housewife, Nash- ville, Tenn. Teacher, 1891-'96; Housewife, 189 6 — . WIEST, FLORA EMILIE, B. S., Teacher in City Schools, 703 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, 18 91 — . (WINCHIP) SPILMAN, BERTHA, B. S., Housewife, 324 Fifth St., S. E., Washington, D. C. '^WRIGHT, ALFRED ORRIN, B. S., Newspaper Business, Rogers, Ark. ZTM:\IERMAN, EFFIE JEANETTA, M. S., Treasurer Zimmerman Land Company, Bendena, Kan. Postgraduate, 18 94-'9 6; Ari- zona State Normal, Tempe, Ariz., 1902-'03; Proctor Academy, Provo, Utah, 1907-'09; Chautauqua Lecturer; Treasurer Zim- merman Land Company, 19 09 — . 1892 CLARK, GRACE MARIA, M. S.. Secretary to President Fairchild at K. S. A. C, and at Berea, Ky. Died in 1904. * CLOTHIER, GEORGE L., M. S.. M. F., In Charge of Department of Forestry, Washington Agricultural College,- Pullman, 82 RECORD OF TlIK ALUMNI Wash. County Superintendent of Wabaunsee County, Kan- sas, 1892-'94; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1895-'9G, Assistant in Botany, K. S. A. C, 1897-'99; Degree of Master of Science, 1899; Postgraduate Student, Minnesota Agricul- tural College, 1899-'00; Agent, Division of Forestry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1900; Student of Forestry, Yale University, 1902; Degree of Master of Forestry, Yale Univer- sity, 1903; Field Agent, Bureau of Forestry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1903-'09; Assistant Professor of Horticultur:^, in Charge of Forestry and Plant Breeding, Mississippi Agricul- tural College, 1909-'ll; Professor of Forestry, Washington Agricultural College, 1911 — . CRINER, LILLIAN CLYDE, B. S.. Manager of McPherson Tele- phone Company, McPherson, Kan. Teacher in Public Schools; Editor, McPherson "Opinion;" First Lieutenant, Company M Twenty-first Kansas Volunteers; Manager of the McPherson Telephone Company, 1912 — ; Member of Water and Light Commission, 1912 — ; President of Board of Trade, 1912 — . DARNALL, HARRY A., B. S., Lents, Ore. Teacher and Publisher. EDELBLUTE, WILLIAM H., B. S., Civil Engineer, Rathdrum, Idaho, Teacher, Washington and Idaho, 1892-'99; Homesteader, Kootenai County, Idaho, 1895-'01; County Surveyor, Kootenai County, Idaho, 1902-'0S; Notary Public, 1903 — ; U. S. Mineral Surveyor, 19 04 — ; [Member of State Legislature of Idaho, 1913; Officer in National Guard of Idaho, 1903 — ; Colonel, Ibid., 1913 — ; Commanding Officer of all National Guard Forces of the State, 1913 — . (EDWARDS) HARTLEY, ELIZABETH, B. S., Housewife, Manhat- tan, Kan., 1892. FROST, JOHN, B. S., Farmer, R. 3, Blue Rapids, Kan. Teacher in Country and City Schools, 1892-'00; Farmer, 1900 — . (GILSTRAP) (FRAZIER) MELTON, EFFIE, B. S., Housewife, 1401 Seventh St., Oregon City, Ore. Associate Editor, Chandler (Oklahoma) "News," 1892; Housewife, 1896-'00; Proprietor, Book and News Stand; Post Office Clerk; Housewife, 19 09 — ; Associate Editor, Granite County (Montana) "News." (HAMILL) TILLOTSON, AVA, M. S., Pharmacist, Latham, Kan., 1892. HARNER, J. N. Died in 1897. HARNER, LOYALL S., B. S., Assistant Superintendent of Golden Cycle Mining and Milling Company, 1118 Hayes Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Prospector and Miner, 189 7-'00; Sampler for U. S. Reduction Company, 1900-'02; In Chlorination Depart- ment of Portland Gold Mining Company, 1902-'05; Investiga- KAN8A.S STATE AGIUCVLTUBAL COLLEGE 83 ting Mining Properties, 1905-'06; Chemist for Golden Cycle Mining and Milling Company, 1906-'08; Assistant Superin- tendent, Golden Cycle Mining and Milling Company, 190S — . HARTLEY, CHARLES PINCKNEY, M. S., Physiologist, In charge of Corn Investigations, IT. S. Department of Agriculture, 3420 Center St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Teacher, Idaho, 1893- '97; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1897-'99; In Charge of Corn Investigation, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 189 9 — . HARTLEY, JOHN WILLIAM ABRAHAM, B. S., Farmer, Manhat- tan, Kan. Mcdowell, JAMES laird, B. S., Superintendent Leasing Com- pany, El Paso Mine, Elkton, Colo. Instructor, Fort Hall In- dian School, 1892-'93; Miner, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1894-'02; Farmer, McCammon, Idaho, 1902-'09; INIiner, and in Charge of Leasing Company, Cripple Creek, 1909^ — . McILVAINE, ROBERT A., B. S., Teacher, R. 8, Spokane, Wash. Teacher and Carpenter Work, Kansas, 1893-'96; Student, Kansas State Normal, 1896-'97; Graduated, English Course, ibid., 1897; Teacher, Eastern Kansas, 1897-'04; Passed Civil Service Examination, 1904; Teacher, Indian Boarding Schools, 1904-'09; Teacher, Eastern Washington, 1909 — . (OLDHAM) SISSON, KATHERINE, B. S., Housewife, 318 W. Ninth Ave., Columibus, Ohio. Residences: Toronto, Canada, 1892- '99; Manhattan. Kan., 1899-'01: Columbus, Ohio, 1901 — ; Abroad (Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and England), 1905- '0 6 and Summers of 1910-'12. OTIS, DANIEL HENRY, M. S., Assistant Dean, College of Agricul- ture, and Professor of Farm Management, University of Wis- consin, 1822 Chadbourne Ave., Madison, Wis. Assistant in Agriculture, K. S. A. C, 1892-'98; Assistant in Dairying, ibid., 18 9 8-'0 0; Professor of Dairying and Animal Husbandry, ibid., 1900-'03; Manager of Deming Ranch, Oswego, Kan., 1903-'05; Associate Professor of Animal Nutrition, College of Agri- culture, Madison, Wis., 1905-'09; Professor of Farm Manage ment and Assistant Dean, College of Agriculture, Madison, Wis., 1909 — . PARKER, IVAN BRYAN, M. D., Physician, Surgeon, Banker, Hill City, Kan. Located at Grant's Pass, Ore., 19 03-' 05. POPE, WARNER S., B. S. Died in 1899. PUGH, BURTON HOMER, B. S., Manufacturer of Farm Implements, 324 Topeka Ave., Topeka, Kan. REED, ELIAS WILBER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 718 Wis- consin Ave., Holton, Kan. Farmer, 1892-'00; S-tudent, Med- 84 RECOBD OF THE A L I WXI ical Department, University of Michigan, 1900-'04; Practiced Medicine, HoUon, 1905 — : Healtli Officer, Jacltson Coun<^^y, 1905-'10; Elected :\Iayor of Holton, 1912. REED, ROBERT STIRLING, B. S., Butcher's Clerk, 304 N. Lincoln Ave., Beloit, Kan. Teacher, Chase County, Kansas, 1892-'94; Student, Emporia State Normal, lS94-'95; Teacher, Chase County, Kansas, 1895-'9 7; Teacher, Mitchell County, Kansas, 1897-'98; Lumber and Coal Dealer, Simpson, Kan., 1898- '06; Miller, Simpson, Kan., 1906-'! 2; Butcher's Clerk, 1912 — . RICE, ARTHUR DANIEL, B. S., Pastor, M. E. Church, Atwood, Kan. Pastor of M. E. Church, Granada, Colo., 1896-'00; Pas- tor of M. E. Church, Keats, Kan., 1900-'02; Pastor of M. E. Church, Rossville, Kan., 1902-'05; Pastor of M. E. Church, Hubbell, Nebr., 1905-'07; Pastor of M. E. Church, Atwood, Kan., 1913 — . SEARS, FRED C, M. S., Professor of Pomology, Massachusetts A.g- ricultural College, Amherst, Mass. Foreman, Horticultural Department, K. S. A. C, 1892-'94: Assistant Horticulturist, - Kansas Experiment Station, 18 94-' 97; Professor of Horticul- ture, Utah Agricultural College, Logan, 1897; Director, Nova Scotia School of Horticulture, Wolfville, N. S., 1897-'04; Professor of Horticulture, Nova Scotia ^Agricultural College, Truro, 19 04-'07; Professor of Pomology, Massachusetts Agri- cultural College, Amherst, 1907 — . SECREST, BIRD E., B. S., Homekeeping at Home, R. 2, Randolph, Kan. Mercantile Business. 189 2-'02; Student, Teachers' Cul lege, Columbia University, N. Y., 1902-'03; Teacher of Do- mestic Science, Kansas Industrial School, 1903-'04; At Home, 1904-'09; Traveled in Seven Countries in Europe, 1909; At Home, 1909-'12; Traveled on the Pacific Coast, Five Monfns, 1912; At Home, 1912 — . SECREST, MAY, B. S., Head of Household Arts Department, Cali- fornia Polytechnic School, San Luis Obispo, Cal. Assistant, Domestic Art Department, K. S. A. C, 189 9-'01; Diploma, Teachers' College, 1902; Domestic Science, State Normal School, Stevens Point, Wis., 1902-'04; Associate Professor of Domestic Art, Ohio State University, 1904-'05; California Polytechnic School, 19 05-'12. (STOKES) SEARS, RUTH TIPTON, M. S., Housewife, Amherst, Mass. Assistant in Domestic Economy, K. S. A. C, 1894-'96; Teacher of Sewing, Scott Manual Training School, Toledo, Ohio, ]896-'97. STONE, HARRY W., B. S., General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., 3 69 N. Thirty-first St., Portland, Ore. General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., KAXSA!S tiTATE AGIUrVLTUBAL COLLEGE 85 Fort Worth, Texas, two years; General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Atchison, Kan., one year; State Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Nebraska, one year; General Secretary, Y. M. C. A.. Sioux City, Iowa, three years; General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Portland, Ore., seventeen years. TUCKER, WALTER PERCIVAL, B. S., Farmer, R. 1, Arcadia, Fla. Farming and Newspaper Work, 1892-'9 7; Expert Account- ant for American Smelting and Refining Company, Mexico, 1897-'09; Special Student, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Fruit Farmer, Arcadia, Fla., 1910 — . (VAIL) WAUGH, MARY ALICE, B. S., Housewife, Amherst, IMass. WALLIS, ROBERT LYNN, B. S. Died in 1895. (WELLS) TRAXLER, ORA REBECCA, B. S., Housewife and Teacher, Vliets, Kan. Teacher, 1892-'97; Housewife, 1897- '07; Housewife and Teacher, 1907 — . WICKMAX, DANIEL P., B. S., Real Estate, 104 E. Sixth St., To- peka, Kan. WILDIN, GEORGE WASHINGTON, B. S., [Mechanical Superintend- ent of The New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad, Ho- tel Taft, New Haven, Conn. Mechanical Draughtsman, Santa Fe Railroad, Topeka, Kan., 189 2-'9.3; Machinist, Santa Fe Railroad, Raton, N. M., 189:3-'95; Locomotive Fireman, Santa Fe Railroad, 1895-'96; Locomotive Engineer, Mexican Cen- tral Railroad, and Superintendent of Aer Motor Works, Chi- cago, 1896-'9 7; Locomotive Engineer, Chicago and Alton Railroad, Bloomington, 111., lS97-'98; Machinist, Inspector, and Mechanical Engineer, Plane System of Railways, Savan- nah, Ga., 1898-'01; Mechanical Engineer, Central Railroad of New Jersey, Jersey City, 1901-'04; Mechanical Superintend- ent, Erie Railroad, Meadville, Pa., 1904-'07; Assistant Super- intendent, Motive Power, Lehigh Valley Railroad, Bethlehem, Pa., 1907; Mechanical Superintendent of The New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad, New Haven, Conn., 1907 — . YEOMAN, CHARLES ERNEST, B. S. Died in 19 02. 1893 ABBOTT, EDMUND CLARENCE, B. S., Judge of First Judicial Dis- trict, 235 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, New Mex. Law Student, 1894-'95; Practicing Law, Trinidad, Colo., and Taos, New Mex., 1896-'00; Member House of Representatives, New Mex- ico Legislature, 19 00-'01; District Attorney, First District, New Mexico, 1901-'06; Member Legislature, New Mexico, 190 7; Assistant U. S. Attorney, New Mexico, 19 08; District Attorney, First District, New Mexico, 19 08-'-ll; Elected 86 HECORD OF TlIK A L I 'MX I ■ludge First District tor a Term of Seven Years, 1911 — . CURTIS, EDWIN McMASTER STANTOX, B. S., Chief Clerk Passen- ger Department, Soutliern Railway Company, St. Louis, Mo. (DALY) BURTIS, CORINNE LOUISE, B. S., Housewife, Mus- kogee, Okla. (DAY) JONES, LAURA GREELEY, B. S., Housewife, 724 East E, Ontario, Cal. Assistant in Domestic Art Department, K. S. A. C, 1894-'95; Teacher of Domestic Science, .Stout Manual Training School, Menomonie, Wis., 18 95-'00; Special Lecturer and Short Course Worker, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., 1900-'01; Director of Department of Domestic Science, Stout Institute, Menomonie, Wis., 1902-'08; Extension Work, Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa, 1909-'10; Became Permanent Resident of California, 1911. (DEWEY) SUTHERLAND, lONE, B. S., Photographer, 750 E. Forty-seventh St., Chicago, 111. DICKENS, ALBERT, M. S., Professor of Horticulture, K. S. A. C, 509 :\lanhattan Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, Country • Schools, 18 93-'95: Foreman Munger Orchard, Eureka, Kan., 189 5; State Certificate, 1895; Principal, Ellin wood (Kansa;;) Schools, 1897-'98; Life Certificate, 1898: Assistant in Horti- culture, K. S. A. C, 1899; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1901; Acting Professor of Horticulture, ibid., 1901; Professor of Hor>,i- culture, ibid., 1902 — . (GARDINER) OBRECHT, MARY MAUDE, M. S., Housewife, R. 7, Topeka, Kan. Postgraduate Work, K. S. A. C, 1895-'97; Assistant in Household Science, Iowa State College of Agricul- ture and Mechanic Arts, Ames, Iowa, 1898-'00; Professor ol Household Science, Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, Stillwater, Okla., 1900-'04. (HALL) LIXSCOTT, SUSIE, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Farmiugton, Kan. HARMON, MARY FRANCES BURGOYNE, B. S., Teacher of Draw- ing, Kansas City (Kansas) High School, Hotel Grund, Kan- sas City, Kan. Teacher, Valley Falls, Kan., 1893-'97; Teacher of Drawing, State School for the Deaf, Olathe, Kan., 189 7- '99; Teacher, Valley Falls, Kan., 1899-'00; Teacher of Draw- ing, Kansas City (Kansas) High School, 1900 — . Summer Work; Jefferson County (Kansas) Normal Institute, Chi- cago University, Chicago Art Institute, Harvard Summer School, Private Instruction with Professor W^alters, K. S. A. C, Private Lessons, Keramics, Kansas City, Mo. (HARNER) SELVIDGE, IVY, M. S., Housewife, Care Geo. Peabody /^^iiojrfi -or Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. Teacher, 1893-'95; KAXSAS ^TATE AGIilCTLTrUAL (VLLE(;E 87 Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, lS95-'97; M. S., 1897; Direc- tor Domestic Science, Louisiana Institute, 189 7-'04; Travsl- ing in Europe, Investigating Domestic Science in Public Schoolb, 19 04-'O5; Professor of Household Economics, Purdue Univer- sity, Indiana, 1905-'08; Housewife, 1908 — . HORN, MARGARETHA ELISE C, B. S., Special Student and As- sistant in Secretary's Office, K. S. A. C; Teacher of Natural Science, Detroit High School; Died in 1910. HULETT, MAC F'., D. O., Osteopath, 702 Capital Trust Bldg., 6 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Treasurer American Osteo- pathic Association, 19 01 — ; Member State Osteopathic Exam- ining Committee, 1905 — ; Article Writer for Professional Press. HULETT, MARCIA lONE, D. O., Osteopathic Physician, 318 Tenth St., Alamagordo, New Mex. HULSE, FRED R., B. S., Residence Contractor, 730 Moro St., Manhattan, Kan. Farm Department, 1893-'99; Carpentry and Contracting, 18 9 9 — . KIMBALL, CHARLES AUGUSTUS, B. S., Editor and Publisher, 1215 Hudson Ave., Columbia, Mo. Read Law, 1893-'95; Practiced Law at .Junction City, Kan., 1896-'98; Law and Newspaper Work, Courtland, Kan., 1898-05; Newspaper Work, [Manhattan "Republic" and "Daily Mercury," 1905- '12; Purchased the Columbia "Daily Times." Boone CounLy, Missouri, 1913 — . (KNICKERBOCKER) PYLES, MAUDE ETHEL, B. S., Housewife, Nourse Mines, Denver, Transvaal, South Africa. Teacher in Public School, Iowa, 1893-'94; Student, Normal School, Spearfish, S. Dak., 1894-'95; Teacher in Public School, South Dakota, 1895-'06; Housewife, 190 6 — ; Resident in South Africa, 190 6 — . LYON, THOMAS EDDY, LL. B., Lawyer, 849 S. Douglas Ave., Springfield, IP. Teacher and Farmer, 1893-'97; Attended Law School, University of Michigan, lS97-'00; Practiced Law, Springfield, 111., 1900-'! 3; Elected Member 46th, 47th, and 4Sth General Assemblies, Illinois Legislature, 1908, 1910, 1912. LYON, WILLIA?*! OTIS, B. S. Died in 1907. McCREA, McLEOD WILSON, B. S., Fruit Grower, R. 1, Hemct, Cal. Teacher, Winchester, Kan., lS93-'07; Clerk, Santa Anna, Cal., 1907-'09; Fruit Grower, Hemet, Cal., 1909 — . McDowell, rose EDITH, B. S., Professor of Household Eco- nomics, Montana State Normal School, Dillon, Mont. House- keeper, 1893-'0fi- Clerk. Billings. Mont., 190fi-'07; Student, 88 UECOlil) OF THE AIAMM Stout Institute, Menomonie, Wis., 1907-'09; Teacher, Do- mestic Science, Dillon, Mont., 1909-'12: Teacher, Domestic Science, Beaver Head County High School, Montana Normal College, Summer Session, 1912; Student, Teachers' College, 1912-'13; Professor of Household Economics, Montana State Normal School, Dillon, Mont., 1913 — . MELTON, GEORGE LANE, Ph. D., Acting Dean and Professor of History, University of Red^ands, 310 Buena Vista Ave., Red- lands. Cal. (MUDGE) THOMPSON, EUSEBIA DeLONG. B. S., At Home, 3231 E. Ninth St., Kansas City, Mo. Housewife: Filled out Hus- band's Unexpired Term as County Superintendent; In Charge of Hardware Store, three years; Housekeeper, 1913 — . (NEWELL) HATCH, NORA, B. S., Housewife, R. 2, Manhattan, Kan. At Home, 1893-'94; Special Student, K. S. A. C, 1894-'95; Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1895-'97; House- Wife, 1897 — . NIEMOLLER, AUGUST FRED, B. S., Flour iVIilling Business, Wake- fieM, Kan. Teacher, 1893-'04; Miller, 1904 — . NOYES, SUSIE AMANDA, B. S. Died in 1894. PELLET, HENRY LEAMER, D. O., Farmer and Stock Raiser, K. 4, Eudora, Kan. Farmer, Johnson County, 1893-'94; Student, Kansas University, 1895; Student at American School of Os- teopathy, Kirksville, Mo., 1896-'98; Practiced Osteopathy, Philadelphia, Pa., 1898-'99; Farmer, Johnson County, 1900—. *PETERSON, CHARLES JOHN, B. S., Topeka, Kan. PFUETZE. CARL FREDERIC, B. S., Farmer, Manhattan, Kan. Mail Clerk, 1895-'07; Lumber Dealer, Manhattan, Kan., 1907- '13; Farmer, 1913 — . RIDDELL, JOHN DeWITT, M. D., Practicing Physician, 308 W. South St., Salina, Kan. Received Degree of M. D., Kansas City, 1895; Practicing Physician, Culver, Kan., 1895, Practicing Physician, Enterprise, Kan., 1896-'13; Practicing Physician. Salina, Kan., 1913 — . ROKES, JOHN ALBERT, B. S., Lawyer, 617 Marion BMg., Seattle, Wash. Teacher, Kansas, 1894-'97; Lawyer, Holton, Kan., 1897-'06; Lawyer, Seattle, Wash., 1906 — . *(ROMICK) EDGAR, AGNES, B. S., Housewife, Yolo, Yolo County, California. SMITH, FRED RAYMOND, B. S., Court Reporter, Twenty-lirst Ju- dicial District of Kansas, 431 Kearney St., Manhattan, Kan. Admitted to the Bar, 1896; Practiced Law, Manhattan, Kan., 1896-'9 7; Court Reporter, Twenty-first Judicial District of Kansas, 18 97 — . KANSAS STATE AGRICrLTUEAL COLLEGE 89 SMITH, GEORGE WILDMAX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Treas- urer Hahnemann Hospital, 201 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1893-'94; Student, Emporia, Kan., 1895-'96; Principal of High School, Minneapolis, Kan., 1896-'98; Student of Medicine, 1S98-'01; Physician and Sur- geon, Kansas City, Mo., 19 04 — . SMITH, WILLIAM ELMER, B. S., Attorney-at-Law, Independence, (Martin Bldg.), Mo. Principal of High School, Manhattan, Kan., 18 93-'9 7; Admitted to Bar in Riley County, Kansas, 1897; Practiced Law, Manhattan, Kan., 1897-'00; Practiced Law, Kansas City, Mo., 190C-'07; Secretary, Kansas City Bar Association, 1902; Clerk of Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri, 1907-'ll; Practicing Law, Independence, :\Io., 1911—. THACKREY, JOHN EUGENE, S. T. B., Pastor of First M. E. Church, 801 Duncan St., Stillwater, Okla. Pastor, M. E. Church, Hays Springs, Ncbr., 1893-'94; Pastor, M. E. Church. Crawford, Nebr., 1894-'95; Student, School of Theology, De- Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind., 1895-'98; S. T. B., ibid., 1898; Pastor, M. E. Church, Chapman, Kan., 1898-'01; Pas- tor, Grace M. E. Church, Kansas City, Mo., 1901-'a6; Pastor, Maywood M. E. Church, Kansas City, Mo., 1906-'0S; Pastor, Maplewood M. E. Church, St. Louis, Mo., 1908-'10; Pastor, First M. E. Church, Chandler, Okla., 1910-'] 2; Pastor, First M. E. Church, StiFwater, Okla., 1912 — . THOBURN, JOSEPH B., B. S., Instructor in History, Oklahoma University, 217 W. Apache St., Norman, Okla. Irrigation Farmer and Horticulturist, lS93-'99; Secretary of Territoi- ial Board of Agriculture, 1899-'05; Newspaper Work, and Author of Oklahoma History, 1913; Instructor in Historv, Oklahoma University, 1913 — . THOMPSON, CHARLES HENRY, M. S , Assistant Botanist, Missor.ri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. Specialist in Botany, Shaw Gardens, St. Louis, and Instructor in Botany, M. S. U., 1893- '99; Forest Ran:3er, Sierra Nevada T'crest Reserve, 1899-'0L, Graduate Student, Leland S::anfcrd, 1902-'04; Botanical Assistant, Seed Inspector, Ccllabcrator, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1904-'12. THOMPSON, GEORGE K., B. S., Teacher and Editor, lS93-'r>4; Elected Superintendent of Education of Marshall County. 1902; Re-elected Superintendent of Education of Marshall County, 1904; Hardware Merchant, 19 05. Died in 1905. YEOMAN, WILLIAM JAMES, B. S., Dealer in Fancy Horses, 214 W. Eleventh St., Hutchinson, Kan. Principal of Schools. La Crosse, Kan., 1893-'94; Student, State Normal, Emporia, 90- KANSAS STATE AGlilcrLTVEAL COLLEGE 91 1894-'95; Superintendent of Schools, Kinsley, Kan., 1895-08; Merchant, 1898-'05; Stock Farmer, 1905-'08; Principal or Schools, Pretty Prairie, 1908-'10; Superintendent of Sylvia Schools, 1910-'ll; Dealer in Fancy Horses, 1911 — . 1894 AMES, FRANK WEBER, B. S., Record Clerk, Order Department, Carnegie Steel Company, 2212 Saranac Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Teacher in Public Schools, Riley County, Kansas, 1894-'9o; Clerk with National Merchandise Supply Company, Chicago, 1896; Insurance Agent, 1897-'98; Clerk, National Steel Company, Chicago, 1899; Clerk, New York City, 1900; Clerk, Pittsburg, 1901 — . CASTLE, CLARA FRANCELIA, M. S., Housekeeper, 1022 Moro Sc, Manhattan, Kan. Housekeeper, 189 4 — . CHRISTENSEN, GEORGE LUTHER, B. S., Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan College of Mines, 115 Clark St., Houghton, Mich. Machinist and Foreman of Machine Shop, Blue Valley Manufacturing Company, 189 4-'9 6; Assistant in Mechanical Engineering Department, K. S. A. C, 1896-'y7; Machinist and Draftsman, Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Company, Providence, R. I., 1897-'98; Instructor in Mechani- cal Engineering, Michigan College of Mines, 1898-'05; Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, ibid., 1905- '11; Acting Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, ibid.. 1911-'12; Head of Department, ibid., 1912 — . CHRISTENSEN, JOHN CORNELIUS, B. S., Financial Secretary, Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Mich. Instructor, Kansas Public Schools, 189 4-'9 6; Graduate Student, Univer- sity of Kansas, 1897; Bookkeeper and Office Clerk, 1898-'07; County Treasurer, Riley County, Kansas, 1903-'07; Office Clerk and Bank Cashier, 1907-'09; Deputy Bank Commis- sioner of Kansas, 1909-'ll; Financial Secretary, K. S. A. C, 1911-'13; Financial Secretary, Michigan University, Anii Arbor, Mich., 1913 — . CLEMONS, LORENA ESTELLA, B. S., At Home, North Yakima, Wash. Clerk in Secretary's Office, K. S. A. C, 1894-'a0; Secretary, K. S. A. C, 1900-'09; At Home, 1909 — . COTTRELL, MARTHA AMELIA, B. S., Housekeeper, Wabaunsee, Kan. Housekeeper, 189 4 — . Specializing in Domestic Science, Poultry, Gardening, and Horticulture. (COTTRELL) WRIGHT, SARAH ESTHER, B. S., Housewife, Welsh, La. Residences: Lake Arthur, La.; Jennings, La.; Welsh, La. CRESS, ALVERTA MAY, B. S., Teacher in City Schools, Manhattaii, Kan. At Home, 1894-'04; Teacher, Country Schools, Kan- sas, 1904-'ll; Teacher, Manhattan City Schools, 1911 — . 92 liECORI) OF THE ALVMM CRESS, FANNIE JANE, B. S., Teacher, Oak Park, 111. Teacher, Escanaba, Mich., Public Schools, 1902-'06; Teacher, Oak Park. 111., Public Schools, 1906 — . *DONAVEN, ERNEST A., M. D., Farmer and Physician, Pryor, Okla. EVANS, JEPHTHAH W., M. D., Fruit Grower, King Hill, Idaho. Practiced Medicine, nine years; Taught School and Attended College, six years; Fruit Grower, five years. (FRISBIE) CRISWELL, ISABELLA RUSSELL, B. S. Housewife, Rosslyn, Va. Postgraduate Student and Assistant, K. S. A. C, lS94-'96; Professor of Domestic Science, South Dakota Agricultural College, 1896-'00; Housewife, 1900 — . FROWE, EUGENE LEONARD, B. S. Died in 1898. HARLING. WALTER, B. S., Teacher and Parmer, Olsburg, Kan., 1894-'95; Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1895-'96; Teacher, Echo, Utah. 189 6-'9 8; Principal, New West Academy. Lehi, Utah, 1898-'01; Assistant in Montone Sanitarium, Montone, Cal.. 1901-'02; Lehi, Utah, 1902-'03. Died December 13, 1903. (HELDER) MORSE, LORENA MARGUERITE, B. S., Housewife, 485 K. C. Road, Olathe. Kan. Instructor in Music Department, K S. A. C. 1895-'98; Student of Music in Boston. 1898-'00: At Home. 1900-'02; Housewife, 1902 — . HESTER. MARK V., B. S., Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 348 Twentieth St., San Diego, Cal. Teacher, Kansas, 1894-'97; Student, Kansas State University, 1897-'98; Farmer, Kansas, 1898-'05; Teacher, Ohio, 1905-'06; Fruit Raiser, Ohio, 1906- '07; Supervising Teacher, Civil Service, P. I., 1907-'09; Teacher, Colorado, 1909-'10; Real Estate and Insurance Agent, San Diego, Cal., 1910 — . *HUTCHINGS, CHARLES ROSS. B. S., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, care National Iron and Steel Works, Mexico City, Mex. JONES, ISAAC, B. S., Lawyer and Fruit Grower. 7 24 East E, Ontario, Cal. Teacher, Lincoln County Schools, Kansas, 1894- '95; Assistant in Horticulture, K. S. A. C, and in Charge of Experiment Station, Oakley, Kan., 1895-'96; Assistant in Horticulture, K. S. A. C, 1896-'97; Prospector in Alaska and Northwest Territory, 1898-'99; Expert in Charge of Alaskan Investigation, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1900-'01; Fruit Grower in Southern California, 1902 — . Admitted to California Bar, 1909; General Law Practice and City Attorneyship in Ontario, 1912 — . (KIMBALL) TUCKER, STELLA VICTORIA, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Arcadia. Fla. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1895-'97; Teachei, City Schools, Manhattan, Kan., 1897-'02; Housewife, 1902 — . (LYMAN) OTIS, MARY ELIZA, M. S., Housewife, 1822 Chadbourne Ave.. Madison, Wis. Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1S96; Assistant in Home Economics, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 93 Peoria. 111., 1897-'99; Housewife, 1899 — ; M. S., 1901. *MOORE, WILLIAM HENRY, B. S., Florist and Horticulturist; Coal Dealer, Manhattan, Kan. (MOORE) FOSTER, SADIE, B. S., Housewife, 314 Melrose Ave., N., Seattle, Wash. Housewife, Mont Ida, Kan., 1894-0'); Housewife, Seattle, Wash., 1900 — . ODLE, JAMES FRANCIS, B. S., Farmer, Wamego, Kan. Dairy- man and Farmer, 189 4 — . PEARSON, CHARLES RANDOLPH, B. S., Banker, Hoxie, Kan. County Superintendent of Schools, 1895-'99; Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1899-'05; County Treasurer, 1905-'09; Vice- President of First National Bank, 1909 — . POPE, HORACE GERSHOM, LL. B., Attorney at Law, 3135 Karnes Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Student, Kansas University, 1894- '97; Graduated in Law Department, ibid., 1897; Practiced Law in Kansas City, 1897 — . ROMICK, MINNIE LOUISE, B. S., Teacher, 567 N. Gordon ?t., Pomona, Cal. Teacher, Southern California, 189 4 — . (ROMICK) CHANDLER, WINNIE LUELLA, B. S., Housewife, 1550 Ames Ave., Long Beach, Cal. SANDT, VICTOR IRWIN, B. S., Manager Sandt Farms Company, Normac. Saskatchewan, Canada. Teacher, Marysville, Kan.. 1894-'98; Teacher, Home City, Kan., 1898-'02; Instructor in Manual Training, Wells, Minn., 1902-'07; Instructor in Manual Training, W^inona, Minn., 1907-'ll; Manager, Canaua Sand and Gravel Company, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1911, Manager, Sandt F'arms Company, 1912 — . SCHEEL, JOHN ALFRED, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 7, Emporia, Kan. Teacher, Kansas, 1894-'95; Ranchoi, North Dakota, 1895-'98; Prospector, Alaska, 189S-"00; Rancher, North Dakota, 1900-'03; Manager of Sawmill, and Threshing, 1903-'06; Farmer and Stock Raiser. 1906 — . *SECREST, JACOB ULRICH, B. S., Randolph, Kan. SMITH, CHARLES CHRISFIELD, B. S., Superintendent of Gram- mar Schools, Orange, Cal. (SMITH) STRONG, JENNIE RUTH, B. S., Teacher, Mary Esther, Fla. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1894-'97; Student. Washburn College, Topeka, Kan., 1897-'99; Teacher, Man- hattan (Kansas) High School, 1899-'00; Housewife, 1900-'ll. Assistant Principal of Santa Rosa Academy, Mary Estlier, Fla., 1911 — . ST AVER, WESLEY OHIO, B. S., Attorney at Law; Assistant U. S. Attorney, Southern District of Texas, Box 115, Laredo, Texas. Law Student, Kansas City, Mo., 1894-'97; Attorney at Law. Fairplay. Mo., lS97-'98; Sergeant. Company G. Third Missouri Volunteer Infantry. lS9S-'99; Attorney at Law, Bakersfield, Cal., 19 00-'0 4; Immigrant Inspector, U. S. Imaii- 94 HECOlil) OF THE ALVMM gration Service, El Paso, Texas, 1905-'07; Inspector in Charge, Port of Laredo, Texas, U. S. Immigration Service, 1907-'12; Assistant U. S. Attorney, Southern District of Texas, 191": — . STINGLEY, JOHN, B. S., Funeral Director, 1133 Pearce Ave., Wichita, Kan. Tonnage Clerk, U. P. Railway; Salesman for Ohio Cultivator Company; Salesman for Moline Plow "oin- pany; Stingley & Ayers, Funeral Directors. TAYLOR, JOHN EDWIN, B. S. Died in 1896. TIMBERS, DELBERT L., B. S., Merchant, Osborne, Kan. Teacher, 1894-'99; Editor, 1899-'00; Teacher, 1900-'04; Merchant, 1904 — . (TURNER) CLOTHIER, PHOEBE CAREY, B. S., Housewife, Saint Marys, Kan. Teacher, lS97-'02; Housewife, 1902—-. VINCENT, Samuel Robert, M. S., Secretary-Treasurer of Hanlon Machinery Company, Sterling, Kan. Teacher, Oklahoma, 1894-'96; Postgraduate, K. S. A. C, 1896-'98; Farmer and Teacher, Deer Creek, Okla., 1898-'01; Farmer, 1901-'13; Secretary-Treasurer of Hanlon Machinery Company, 191 J — . * (WATERS) DALE, LUCY HELENA, A. M., Lake Mountain, Trinity County, California. 1895 ABELL, EDWARD JONES, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Riley, Kan. Principal and Superintendent, Scottsville, Wake- field. Scandia, Smith Center, and Leonardville Schools, 189 6- '03; Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1908 — . ADAMS, CARL D., B. S., Assistant in Department of Horticulture, Milwaukee County School of Agriculture, 253 Alice St., Wauwatosa, Wis. Teacher, 1895-'00; With Swift Packing Company, 1900-'05; Manager of Fruit Farm, 1905-'07; Teacher. Kansas State School for the Deaf, 1907-'12; Teacher, Milwaukee County School of Agriculture, 1912 — . BARNETT, ROBERT JOHN, B. S., M. S., Associate Professor of Pomology, Washington State College, 304 Howard St., Pnli- macWash. Graduated, K. S. N., 1896; Public School Work and Post Office Service, 1897-'06; Instructor, K. S. A. C, 1906- '11; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1911; Assistant Professor of Pomology, State College of Washington, 1911-'12; Associate Professor of Pomology, ibid., 1912 — . CONRAD, BURTON WESLEY, D. V. S., Veterinarian, Cor. Sixth and Whittenhall, Sabetha, Kan. Liveryman and Veterinarian, 1895 — . CORBETT, FLORENCE RUTH, M. S., Instructor and Dietilion. 1230 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. Dietitian, Depart- ment of Public Charities, New York City, 1901-'09; Instructor, Teachers' College, Columbia University, 19 09 — ; Consu.'tiug KAXSA.S tiTATE AGRICVLTVRAL COLLEGE 95 Dietitian to Institutions; Director of Dining Rooms, aiiC Dietitian, Teachers' College. CREAGER, SID HENRY, B. S., Christian Science Practitioner, llotei Walnut, Cincinnati, Ohio. U. S. Railway Mail Service, 1S9T- '01; Wholesale Flour and Produce Merchant, 1901-'03; Whole- sale Lumber Sales Agent, 19 03-' 07; Christian Science Practi- tioner, 1907 — . (CRUMP) AMES, ELSIE EMELINE, B. S., Housewife, 1408 N. Fifteenth St., Boise, Idaho. Teacher, City Schools of Manhat- tan, Kan., 1895-'02; Teacher, City Schools of Boulder, Colo., 1902-'06; Housewife, 1906 — . DAVIES, DAVID THOMAS, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, Manhat- tan, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Manhattan, Kan., 1895 — . *DAWLEY, FRANK ANDREW, B. S., Farmer, Waldo, Kan County Clerk, 1895-'98; Parmer and Stock Raiser, 189S — . Representative, Osborne County, 1913. *(DAY) McDowell, daisy, M. S., Housewife, Billings, Mont. (DAY) BARNETT, FLORA, M. S., Housewife, 304 Howard St., Pull- man, Wash. DEAN, GEORGE ADAM, M. S., Professor of Entomology, K. S. A. C, and State Entomologist, 511 N. Juliette Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Principal, Highland Park (Topeka) Public Schools, 1898-'02; Assistant in Entomology, K. S. A. C, 1902-'05; Instructor in Entomology, ibid., 1905-'07; Assistant Professor of Entomol- ogy, ibid., 1907-'12; Associate Entomologist, ibid., 1912; In Charge of Entomology, K. S. A. C, and Experiment Station, and State Entomologist, October 1, 1912 — . *(DIAL) FALIN, LILLIE CHRISTENA, B. S., Housewife, Cle- burne, Kan. ELLIS, LUCY, B. S., Teacher of Manual Training, 7 05 Lane St., Topeka, Kan. Teacher, Marysville, Kan., Westmoreland, Kan., Kansas City, Kan., Topeka, Kan. EMRICK, VICTOR, B. S., Division Clerk, Passenger Accounting Department, Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company, 1034 E. Main, Portland, Ore. Teacher in Schools of Wabaunsee and Pottawatomie Counties, Kansas, 1895-'9 8; Clerk in Passenger Accounting Department of Oregon-Wash- ington Railroad and Navigation Company, 189 8 — . FORSYTH, GEORGE, B. S., Automobile Garage Business, 201 S. Main St., Franklin, Ind. Merchant, 1895-'05; Traveling Salesman, 1905-'10; Automobile Garage Business, 1910 — . FREEMAN, ERNEST HARRISON, E. E., Professor of Electrical Engineering, Armour Institute of Technology, 7026 South Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Farmer, 1895-'96; Student, K. S. N., 1896-'97; Teacher in Public Schools of Kansas, 1897-'99; Student, Armour Institute of Technology, 1899-'-02; Teacher, 96 EECORD OF THE ALUMNI Armour Institute of Technology, 1902-'08; In Charge of Department of Electrical Engineering, Armour Institute of Technology, 1908 — . (FRYHOFER) WEBSTER, FLORENCE ELEANOR, B. S., House- wife, 609 Grant St., Fort Atkinson, Wis. Teacher in Riley County, Kansas, 1895-'98; Housewife, 1900 — . *FRYHOFER, GEORGE WILLIAM, B. S., Broker, 4428 Forest Park Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. HALSTEAD, OSCAR HUGO, M. S., Merchant, Manhattan, Kan. (HARMAN) PATTEN, HORTENSIA, B. S., Housewife, 225 N. Lom- bard Ave., Oak Park, 111. HARMAN. JOHN BRIGHT, B. S., Rancher, Wigwam, Colo. Farmer, 1895-'01: Cattle Dealer, Wallace, Kan., 1901-'03; With Coal and Feed Store, Colorado City, Colo., 1903-'04; Rancher, 1904 — . HOLSINGER, CLARENCE V., B. S., In Charge of Department of Horticulture, Milwaukee County School of Agriculture and Domestic Economy, 496 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. Fruit Grower, 1895-'09; Horticulturist for Extension Depart- ment. K. S. A. C, 1909-'12; In Charge of Department of Horticulture, Milwaukee County School of Agriculture, 1912 — . JOHNSON, CHRISTIAN ANDRICK, B. S., Stock Raiser and Farmer, Russell, Kan. Teacher, Success, Kan., 1895-'97; Student, Medical College, St. Louis, Mo., 1897-'98; In Hospital Service, U. S. A., 189 8-'99; Stock Raiser and Farmer, Russell, Kan., 1899 — . *JOHNSON, JOHN JAMES, M. D., Physician, Lawton, Okla. *JOLLY, FRED RALPH, B. S., Real Estate, Care Midland Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. JOSS, WILLIAM IRVING, M. D., Physician and Ranchman, Wheeler, Texas. Physician and Surgeon, Newark, Ohio; Physician and Ranchman, Wheeler, Texas. (KENNETT) DARNALL, MAUD ESTELLA, B. S., Teacher in Port- land Schools, Lents, Ore. Teacher in Kansas, 1897-'00; Teacher in Washington, 1901-'04; Teacher in Portland, 1904 — : Housewife, 1900 — . LIMBOCKER, MYRON ARTHUR, B. S., Banker, Burlington, Kan. Student, Kansas University, 1896-'97; Practicing Law, Kansa.s City, Kan., 1897-'01; Cashier, Quenemo State Bank, Quenerao, Kan., 1901; Cashier, Citizens' State Bank, Pomona, Kan., 1902-'10; Vice-President, People's National Bank, Burlington, Kan., 1910 — . *McDOWELL, SAMUEL ALEXANDER, B. S., Merchant, Billings. Mont. (McKEEN) SMITH, LAURA SARAH, B. S., Housewife. Mena, Ark. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUBAL COLLEGE 97 Housewife, Russell, Kan., 1896-'13; Housewife, Mena, Ark., 1913 — . MORSE, THEODORE WATTLES, M. S., Advertising Manager "American Breeder," 485 Kansas City Road, Olathe, Kan. Postgraduate Work, K. S. A. C, 1895-'97; Working for Secretary Coburn, of Kansas Board of Agriculture, and for Kansas City "Journal," 1897-'99; Newspaper Work, 1899 — . *OTTEN, OSCAR ALBERT, B. S., Agent, C, R. I & P. Railway Company, Hebron, Nebr. PAINTER. WILLIAM HACKWORTH, B. S., Farmer, 1895-'99, Killed in Battle in Philippines, 1901. RAPE, CHARLES WESLEY, M. S., Assistant in Museum, 18 9.5-'9 7, Teacher and Farmer, 1897-'09; Died in 1909. AMES, ETHEL PATTEN, B. S., Housewife, 2212 Saranac Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Teacher in Public Schools, Shawnee County, Kansas, 1896-'97; Housewife, 1898 — . PATTEN. JOHN VERNON, B. S., President of Charles Smith Com- pany, 225 N. Lombard Ave., Oak Park, 111. Farmer, Silver Lake, Kan., 1896-'97; Teacher, Rossville, Kan., 1897-'98; With Charles Smith Company, Sycamore, 111., 1898; Book- keeper, ibid., Chicago, 1900; Secretary and Treasurer, ibid., 1902; President, ibid., 1912 — . PHIPPS, WILLIAM HENRY, M. S., Agricultural and Dairy Special- ist and Farm Adviser, 822 N. Delaware St., Independence, Mo. Principal, City Schools, White City, Kan., Principal, City Schools, Abilene, Kan.; Manager and Dairy Specialist for Kansas Creamery Company, Belleville, Kan.; Regent of K. S. A. C. (First Alumnus Regent) ; Secretary, K. S. A. C; Bookkeeper and Cashier, A. W. Bear Commission Company, Kansas City, Mo.; Superintendent and Dairy Specialist, Brady-Meriden Creamery Company, Kansas City, Mo.; Dairy Specialist and Manager, Blue Valley Creamery Company, St. Joseph, Mo.; Dairy Extension and Managemen*. Empire Cream Separator Company, Kansas City, Mo.; Dairy Extension and Management, Iowa Dairy Separator Company, Kansas City, Mo. (QUINTARD) PECK, ALICE JULIA, B. S. Died in 1899. RADER, FREDERICK ELLSWORTH, B. S., Fruit Grower, Eti- wanda, San Bernardino County, California. Agent and Expert. Alaska Agricultural Investigations, 1900-'08; Fruit Grower. Etiwanda, Cal., 1908 — . RADER, RALPH WALDO, B. S., Assistant Cashier, Doris Mercan- tile Company, 519 Madison St., Topeka, Kan. Farmer and Teacher, 1895-'02; Fruit Grower, and Secretary Fayettevillo Fruit Growers' Association, Fayetteville, Ark., 1902-'06; Bookkeeper, McWray Banking Company, Fayetteville, Ark., 1906-'08; City Bookkeeper, Crosby Brothers Company, 98 BE COB J) OF THE ALUMNI Topeka, Kan., 1908-'10; Assistant Cashier, Doris Mercantile Company, Topeka, Kan., 1910 — . RICE, ADA, M. S., Instructor in English Language, 917 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher in Grades, Randolph, Kan., 1896- '99; Instructor in English Language, K. S. A. C, 1899 — . Student, University of Chicago, Summer of 1902; Student. Harvard University, Summer of 1905; Travels in Europe, Summer of 1909. ROYER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SIMEON, M. D., Physician and Optician, 209 N. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Professor of Science, Young Ladies' Institute, St. Joseph, Mo., 1895-'93; Student in Medicine, St. Joseph, Mo., 1895-'98; Practiced Medicine and Surgery. St. Joseph, Mo., 1898-'0.5; Physician and Optician, 203 N. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal., 1905-'09; Owner and Proprietor of Jewelry and Optical Store, Los Angeles, Cal., 1909 — . *SELBY, CHARLES BAXTER, B. S., Attorney, Marshfield, Ore. (SELBY) LAUGHLIN, MABEL GERTRUDE, B. S., Housewife. Nogales, Ariz. Teacher, Enid, Okla., 1896-'97; Teacher, Kan- sas City, 1S97-'01; Housewife, 1901 — . SMITH, ERNEST P., B. S., Carpenter Foreman, R. 1, Box 407, Lents. Ore. SMITH, FREDERICK JOHN, B. S., Farmer and Fruit Grower, Mena. Ark. Editor and Publisher "Russell Reformer," 1897-'03; County Clerk, Russell County, Kansas, 1903-'13; Farmer and Fruit Grower, 1913 — . (SMITH) WHEELER, KITTY MYRTLE, B. S., Housewife, Topeka, Kan. At Home, 1895-'98; Housewife, 1898 — . (SMITH) REED, MARIETTA, B. S., Housewife, 718 Wisconsin Ave.. Holton, Kan. At Home, 189 5-'97; Student, Washbiru College, 1897-'99; Student, Training School for Nurses, in Denver Hospital, 1900-'03; Private Nursing, 1903-'05; House- wife. 1905 — . STEUART. WILLIAM HENRY, B. S., Farmer and Stock Breeder. R. 1, Winchester, Kan. (STUMP) CHAFFEE, CORA IDELL, B. S., Housewife, Lasita, Kan. Teacher in Public Schools of Riley County, Kansas, two years; Housewife, 1898 — . (THOMPSON) WINTER, DORA, B. S., Housewife, 52 2 Eighth Ave,, S. E., Aberdeen, S. Dak. Housewife, 189 5 — . Residences : Blue Rapids, Kan., 1895-'97; Omaha, 1897-'02; Kansas City, Mo., 1902-'12; Temporarily at Aberdeen, S. Dak. TREMBLY. ELVEN CREVELING, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 5, Council Grove, Kan. WHEELER, GEORGE CARPENTER, B. S., Associate Editor of "Kansas Farmer," Topeka, Kan. Farmer, lS95-'96; Rail- road Work, lS96-'02; Live Stock Assistant and Student, K. S. KAXSAS STATE AGRICULTUBAL COLLEGE 99 A. C, 1902-'04; Assistant in Feeding Experiments, 1904-'0b; Instructor in Animal Husbandry, 1904-'06; Assistant Profes- sor of Animal Husbandry, 1906-'09; Assistant in Animal Husbandry, Extension Division, 1909-'13; Associate Editor of "Kansas Farmer," July, 1913 — . (WILLARD) EMRICK, MARY ELIZABETH, B. S., Housewife, 1034 Main St., Portland Ore. Taught District Schools in Wabaun- see County, Kansas, 1895-9 8; Housewife, 189 8 — . (WILSON) HOLSINGER, OLIVE MABEL, B. S., Housewife, 49 3 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. *(YENAWINE) MAXWELL, ORA GERTRUDE, B. S., Housewife, 702 W. Euclid, Pittsburg, Kan. 1890 (BOWEN) SCHOONOVER, MAY HAINES, A. B., Housewife, 420 Seventh St., Marietta, Ohio. A. B., University of Chicago, 1901; Housewife, 1903 — . BUCK, CON MORRISON, M. S., Engineer of Construction, Caiiey, Iowa. Assistant Engineer, Santa Fe Railway, 1898-'05; Office Engineer, Santa Fe Railway, 1905-'08; Electrical Business, 1908; City Engineer, Manhattan, Kan., 1909-'10; Chief Engineer, Manhattan City and Interurban Railway Company, 1910-'ll; Engineer of Construction, Kansas City Southern Railway, 1911-'12; Engineer of Construction, Central Coal and Coke Company, 1912-'13. (CARLETON) DOANE, MARGARET ISAPHENE, B. S., Housewife, 1923 Jackson St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Housewife, 1897 — . CAVENAUGH, WILLIAM ANNESLEY, B. S., In U. S. Army, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 18 9 6-' 98; Second Lieutenant, Companj I, Twentieth Infantry, 1898-'99; Lieutenant, Company 1, Twentieth Infantry, Manila, P. I., 1899-'00; Lieutenant, Company D, Twentieth Infantry, Manila, P. I., 1900-'01; Lieutenant, Same Company, Fort Sheridan, 111., 1901-'0i:; Lieutenant, Same Company, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 1902- '03; Captain, Sixth U. S. Infantry, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 1903-'04; Captain, Sixth U. S. Infantry, Manila, P. I., 1904- '07; Captain, Sixth U. S. Infantry, Fort Douglas, Liah, 1908-"11. COE, WILLIAM ARTHUR, B. S., Superintendent of Orchard Park Farming Company, R. 1, Boone, Colo. Farmer, Yates Center, Kan., 1896-'03; Farmer, Ford, Kan., 1903-'06; Farmer, Springfield, Idaho, 1905-'ll; Superintendent of Farm, Boone, Colo., 1911 — . (COTTON) SMITH, CHARLOTTE MABEL, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Box 40 7, Lents, Ore. COULSON. ERNEST BROWN, B. S., Assistant Engineer, Utah 100 RECORD OF THE AT^UMM Railway, Mohrland, Utah. Teacher, Newspaper Publisher, and Deputy County Clerk, 1896-'99; Oklahoma Civil Engi- neer, U., K. & A. Railway, 1899-'00; Civil Engineer, Kansas City, Mexico, and Orient Railway, 1900-'06; Civil Engineer, Oregon Short Line Railway, Idaho, 1906-'09; Chief Engineer, Castle Valley Railway, Utah, 1909-'12; Assistant Engineer, Utah Railway, 1913 — . DIAL, GEORGE HENRY, B. S., Stock Raiser and Farmer, Irving, Kan. DOANE, CHARLES FRANCIS, M. S., Dairyman, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1923 Jackson St., Washington, D. C. Agri- cultural Editor, Milwaukee "Journal," 1897-'98; Dairyman, Maryland Experiment Station, 1898-'05; Dairyman, J. S. Department of Agriculture, 1905-'12. DORMAN, JOHN BERTHOLD, Pd. B., Teacher in New York City Schools, and Real Estate Dealer, 7 84 Jewett Ave., West New Brighton, N. Y. Teacher, Saratoga, N. Y., 1896-'01; Student, Albany Normal College, Receiving Degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy, 1901-'02; Teacher, New York City Schools, 1903 — . Dealer in Real Estate, 1908 — . DOUGHERTY, BRADFORD, B. S., Merchant, 334 N. Seventeenth St., Kansas City, Kan. Merchant, 1897 — . EVANS, CHARLES SILAR, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, McCurdy Bldg., Hutchinson, Kan. Nurse in U. S. Army, Marine Hospital Service, and Medical Student, 1896-'02; Physician and Surgeon, 1902 — . FARRAR, ROBERT KILBY, B. S., Rural School Extension Work, Iowa State College, 125 Ash, Ames, Iowa. Teacher, Public Schools of Marshall County, Kansas, 1896-'02; Superintend- ent of City Schools, Downs, Kan., Osborne, Kan., 1902-'i0; Principal, County High School, Colby, Kan., 1910-'ll; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Extension Depart- ment, Iowa State College, 1912 — . FINLEY, GEORGE WILLIAM, B. S., Professor of Mathematics, Colorado State Teachers' College, 1531 Ninth Ave., Greeley, Colo. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1896-'98; In U. S. Army, Hospital Corps, 1898-'99; Teacher, Chautauqua County, Kan- sas, 1899-'01; Head of Department of Mathematics, Okla- homa University Preparatory School, 1902-'12; Professor of Mathematics, Colorado State Teachers' College, 1912 — . FREEMAN. JOANNA, B. S. Died in 1897. FRYHOFER, JOHN JACOB, B. S., Cashier, United Iron Works Company, 1820 Wall St., Joplin, Mo. Supervisor of Boys' State Soldiers' Orphans' Home, Atchison, Kan., 1896-'97; Farmer, 1897-'98; Student and Instructor, Central Business College, Sedalia, Mo., 1898-'00; Graduate in Commercial and Shorthand Departments, Central Business College, Sedalia, KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 101 Mo., 1899; Bookkeeper and Stenographer, B. M. Stevens, Builder and Contractor, Joplin, Mo., 1900-'O2; Bookkeeper, Freeman Foundry and Manufacturing Company, Joplin, Mo., 1902-'07; Cashier, United Iron Works Company, 1907 — . *GIBSON, ELMER GEORGE, B. S., Assistant City Engineer, L'234 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. *HALL. GEORGE CLIFTON, B. S., Printer and Publisher, Green, Kan. HAVENS, ALONZO CHARLES, B. S., In Charge of Coal Office, E. B. Purcell Trading Company, 402 S. Juliette Ave., Manhal tan, Kan.; Farmer, 189 6-'12; In Charge of Coal Office, E. B. Purcell Trading Company, 1912 — . (HAVENS) NORTON, GERTRUDE JULIA, B. S. Died in 1905. HAYES. LAWRENCE WILBER, B. S., Foreman Local Freight Department, C, R. I. & P. Railway, Topeka, Kan. HOLLAND. JOHN WARREN, B. S. Died in 1913. Broker, 1353 Juan Luna, Manila, P. L Died at Senguet Sanitarium Baguio, Bonguet, 1913. JOHNSON, HENRY GEORGE, D. D. S., Dentist, Lindsborg, Kan. (JOHNSON) COOPER, SUSAN EFFIE, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Beardsley, Kan. Teacher, Russell County, Kansas, 1S96- '98; Housewife, Russell County, Kansas, 1898-'05; House- wife, Rawlins County, Kansas, 1905 — . (JONES) PINCOMB, MARION ELIZABETH, M. S., Housewife, R. 1, Lenexa, Kan. Teacher, Country School; Teacher of Do- mestic Art, K. S. A. C; Teacher of Domestic Science aiid Art, State College for Women, Tallahassee, Fia. *JONES, THOMAS LORMER, B. S., Piano-tuner, J. W. Jenkins' Sons Music Company, 7 31 Barnett St., Kansas City, Kan. JOSS, EDWARD CLARENCE, M. D. C, Wellington, New Zealand, Care U. S. Consulate. Inspector in Charge, Portland, Ore., Station, Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, Portland, Ore.; Inspector in Charge, Welling- ton, New Zealand, Station, Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, Wellington, New Zealand. KELLOGG, ROYAL S., M. S., Secretary Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers' Association, Wausau, Wis. Assist- ant, K. S. A. C, 1897-'99; U. S. Forest Service, 1901-'10; Secretary Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers' Association, 1910 — . KIRKPATRICK, MARK, B. S., Real Estate, Loans, and Insurance, Cor. Main and Washington Sts., Ardmore, Okla. U. S. Geo- logical Survey, 18 9 6-'9 8; U. S. Town Site Surveys, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, 1899-'02; Choctaw Land Office, Atoka, Ind. Ter., 1902-'04; Real Estate, Loans, and Insur- ance, Ardmore, Okla., 1904 — . (LANTZ) SIMMONS, EDITH LYNETTE, B. S., Housewife, 308 3. 102 RECOIil) OF THE A LI M XI Fifth St., Victor, Colo. Teacher, 1900-'0:i; Housewife, 1902 — . (LONG) STRAUSS, SUE, B. S., Housewife, Bradentown, Fla. *LYMAN, CHARLES W., B. S., Traveling Salesman, Seymour Packing Company, Care Seymour Packing Company, Topeka, Kan. McCAULEY, CHARLES DWIN, B. S., Farmer, R. 3, Fowler, Kan. Draftsman, A., T. & S. F. Shops, 1896-'02; Parmer, 1902 — . MARTY, CHARLES SUMNER, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lake City, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1896 — . (KEEN) MOORE, ELDA LENORE, B. S., Housewife, Manhattan, Kan. MORGAN. ARTHUR HOUSTON, B. S., Farmer and Stockman, R. 3, Long Island, Kan. Teacher and Farmer, 1896-'99; Breeder of Fercheron Horses, Hereford Cattle, and Polanu China Hogs; Secretary-Treasurer of Freedom Township Per- cheron Horse Breeders' Association. (NEWELL) BRANDT, CLARA VERENA, B. S., Housewife, Glen- ville, Nebr. Clerk, Manhattan, Kan., lS96-'99; At Home, Stella, Nebr., 1899-'01; Teacher, Stella, Nebr., 1901-'02; At Home, Glenville, Nebr., 1904-'07; Housewife, 1907 — . (NORTON) ADAMS, ELLEN ELIZABETH, B. S., Owner a.id Manager of Dairy and Poultry Department of Windland Ranch, Windland Ranch, R. 1, Arapahoe, Colo. Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1897-'98; General Secretary, Y. W. C. A., and Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1898-'99; Educational and Sunday School Worker, 1904 — . NORTON, JOHN BITTING SMITH, M. S., Professor of Botany, Maryland Agricultural College, and State Pathologist oi Maryland; Botanist and Pothologist, Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, Hyattsville, Md. Assistant in Botany, K. S. A. C, to August, 1896; Botanical Assistant, Missouri Botanical Gardens, St. Louis, Mo., 1896-'01; Professor of Botany, Maryland Agricultural College, and State Pathologist of Maryland; Botanist and Pathologist, Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, 19 01 — . (PADDLEFORD) McFADDEN, HATTIE A., B. S., Housewife, Aus- tin, Colo. (PAINTER) ROGERS, MARY KERILLA, B. S., Housewife, Doby Springs, Okla. Teacher, 1896-'98; Housewife, 1898 — . (PALMER) THACKREY, ELVA LUTHERA, B. S., Housewife, 801 Duncan St., Stillwater, Okla. Student, DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind., 1896-'9 7; Housewife, 189 6 — . (PALMER) BARROWS, INEZ LUELLA, B. S., Housewife, R. o. Clifton, Kan. Residences: Washington, Kan., 1896-'99; Clif- ton, Kan., 1899-'03; Washington, Kan., 1903-"05; Marysville, KAXSAS STATE A(l lilCI'LTlliA L COLLKf^E lo;} Ktii., 1905'07; L]mmciKJ, Kan., 1907-'0S; Greenleaf, Kan., 1908-'09; Cliftcn, Kan., 1909 — . (PARKINSON) MOYER, FANNIE, B. S., Housewife, Lyndon, Kan. Primary Teaclier, Pomona, Kan., 1896-'97; Primary Teael tr, Princeton, Kan., 1897-'00; Housewife, Princeton, Kan., 19(J0- '03: HouKOwife, Melvern, Kan., 1903-'09; Housewife, Lytirto:^ Kan., 19 09 — . PECK, ARCHIE CARPENTER, B. S., Manufacturing Confections, Bex 1143, Lcs Angeles, Cal. Dealer and Manager Cotton Company, Oklahoma and Texas, 1897-'07; Real Estate Dealer, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1908; Manufacturing Confections, Lcs Angeles, Cal., 1909 — . PETER, ARTHUR LOUIS, M. D., Physician, care R. N. Burgess Company, 732 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. PINCOMB. CHARLES EDWIN, B. S., Cashier of Bank, and Farn.er, R. 1, Lenexa, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, Johnson County, 1896 — . (PINCOMB) MOATS, MARY JOSEPHINE, B. S., Housewife, Box 104. Tampieo, Mcx. At Home, 1896-'99; Government Indian Service, 1899-'00; Student, Teachers' College, Columbia Uni- versity, N. Y., 19 00-'01; Director of Department of Domestic Science, University of Utah, 1901-'02; Housewife, 1902 — . POOLE, JOHN, B. S., Parmer and Cattle Breeder, R. 6, Manhattan, Kan. Farmer and Cattle Breeder, Manhattan, Kan., 1896 — . POWELL, EDGAR ARTHUR, B. S. Died in 1904. PURSEL, LISLE WILLITS, B. S., Cement Contractor, 1318 Monroe Ave., Kansas City, Mo. RHODES, HOWARD NEWTON, B. S., Assistant Cashier, Treasury Department, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 1524 Harrison St., Topeka, Kan. Assistant Postmaster, Manhattan, Kan.; ChieT Clerk and Cashier, U. P. Depot, Manhattan, Kan.; Clerk, Freight Auditing Department, General Offices, A., T. & S. F. Railway, Topeka, Kan. RIDENOUR, AMBROSE ELLIOT, B. S., Instructor in Foundry Prac- tice, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. With the Blue Valley Manufacturing Company, Manhattan, Kan., 1897- '99; Farmer, 189 9-'01; Foreman of Foundry, K. S. A. C, 1901 — ; Instructor in Molding, ibid., 1909-'ll; Instructor in Foundry Practice, Oregon Agricultural College, 1911 — . (RIDENOUR) PLOWMAN, MARY ETTA, B. S., Housewife, ¥fey burn, Idaho. Bookkeeper, C. P. Dewey & Co., Manhat^'an, Kan., lS98-'00; Housewife, Jewell, Kan.; Housewife, Key- burn, Idaho. ROBERTSON, ISAAC ARCHIE, B. S., Clothing and Shoe Merchant, Alma. Kan. Assistant Librarian, K. S. A. C, 1896-'9S; Operating and Construction Department, Missouri Pacific Railway, in Missouri, lS98-'03; In Clothing and Shoe Stores, 104 HECOUn OF THE ALUM XI Manhattan, Kan., and Alma, Kan., 1903-'09; Secretarj, Knostman Clothing Company, Manhattan, Kan., 1909-'10; Proprietor Robertson Clothing Company, 1910 — . SECREST, GRACE ANNA, B. S. Died in 1902. SNYDER, CARL, B. S., Farmer and Dairyman, R. 7, Topeka, Kan. SPALDING, MAX GILBERT, B. S., Railway Postal Clerk, Box 4t,4, Yates Center, Kan. Teacher and Parmer, 1896-'9 7; Shipping Clerk, Swift & Co., Kansas City, 1897-'99; Farmer, Eureka, Kan.. 1899-'05; Railway Postal Clerk, Eureka, Kan., 1905-"0r, Railway Postal Clerk, Wichita, Kan., 1907-'10; Railway Postal Clerk, Yates Center, Kan., 1910 — . STINGLEY. ORVILLE ASHFORD, D. V. S., Veterinary Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1317 E. Twenty-ninth St., Kansas City, Mo. In the Employ of the Union Pacific Railway, 1897; Bank Clerk, 1898; Inspector's Assistant in Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department ol Agriculture, 1899-'00; Stock Examiner, ibid., 1901; Graduated, Kansas City Veterinary College, 1902; Veterinary Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1902; Meat Inspection (Veterinary Inspector), Kansas City. " 1902-'03; Southwest Quarantine, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 19 04; Meat Inspection, ibid., Kansas City, Kan., 1905-'07; Meat Inspection, ibid., E. St. Louis, 111., 1908-'09; Supervising Veterinary Inspector, Morris & Co. Plant, Kansas City, Kan., 1910 — . (STINGLEY) HAGGMAN, SADIE, B. S., Housewife, Los Angeles, Cal. (STUMP) CUDNEY, GERTRUDE ELLA, B. S., Housewife, R. 5, Haviland, Kan. At Home, 1896-'02; Graduate Student, K. S A. C, 1902-'03; Student Assistant, Domestic Art Department, K. S. A. C, 1902-'03; Assistant in Domestic Art Department, K. S. A. C, 1905-'09; Instructor in Domestic Art Department, K. S. A. C, 1909-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . (SWINGLE) JOSS, MIRIAM ESTHER, B. S., Housewife. Care U. S Consulate, Wellington, New Zealand. THACKREY, WILLIAM ELWOOD, B. S., Clerk. Indian School. Albu- querque, New Mex. Teacher and Employee on Ranch, 1897- '99; Manual Training Teacher, Albuquerque (New Mexico) Indian School, 1899-'00; Disciplinarian, Genoa (Nebraska) Indian School, 1900-'01; Disciplinarian and Manual Training Teacher, Fort Shaw (Montana) Indian School, 1901-'06, Teacher and Assistant Superintendent, Fort Totten (North Dakota) Indian School, 1905-'08; Principal, Crow Agency (Montana) Indian School, 190S-'10; Clerk, Albuquerque (New- Mexico) Indian School, 1910 — . TRUMBULL, JAMES DUNBAR, B. S., Farmer and Stockman, Star Route, Dimmitt, Texas. Clerk, Manhattan, Kan., 1896-'02; KANSAS STATE AGKICULTURAL COLLEGE 105 Merchant, Riley, Kan., 1902-'06; Collector, Pico Heights Lumber Company and Cahaunga Mill and Lumber Company, Los Angeles, Cal., 1906-'08; Farmer and Stockman, 1908 — . UHL, FRANK EDWIN, B. S., Member of Firm, Correll Manufactur- ing Company, 811 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, lS96-'97; On Dairy Farm, Gardner, Kan., 1897-'05; Member of Firm, Meyer Sanitary Milk Company, Kansas City, Kan., 1905-'10; Member of Firm, Correll Manufacturing Company, Manhattan, Kan., 1910 — . WEBSTER, EDWIN HARRISON, M. S., Associate Editor "Hoara's Dairyman," 609 Grant St., Fort Atkinson, Wis. Student, Sedalia (Missouri) Central Business College, 189 6; Instructor, Private School for Boys, Denver, 1896-'97; Machinist, \er- motor Company, Chicago, 1898; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1899-'00; Assistant in Dairying, Iowa State College, 1900-'0i; B. S. Agr., ibid., 1901; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1901; Assistant Professor of Dairying, ibid., 1901-'02; Professor of Dairying, ibid., 19 02-'03; Scientific Expert in Dairying, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1903-'04; General Superintendent, Beatrice Creamery Company, Denver, 1904-'05; Cliief of Dairy Division, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1905-'08; Dean of Divi- sion of Agriculture and Director of Agricultural Experiment Station, K. S. A. C, 1908-'13; Associate Editor "Hoard's Dairyman," 1913 — . 1897 *ATWELL, CORA, B. S., At Home, 1125 W. Third St., Topeka, Kan. BISHOFF, ROGER WILLIAM, B. S., Principal, Chin Lee Indian School, U. S. Indian School, Chin Lee, Ariz. Farmer, 1897- '04; U. S. Indian Service, 1905 — . (CARNELL) ROE, MARY FRANCES, B. S., Housewife and Assist- ant Postmaster, Dorrance, Kan. Teacher, 18 9 7-'99; Clerk in Millinery Store, Denver, Colo., 1899-'02; Housewife and Assistant Postmaster, Dorrance, Kan., 1902 — . *CHASE, WILLIAM BURNS, B. S. CHEADLE, PRANK E., B. S., Farmer and Stockman, R. 2, Cherokee, Okla. Farmer and Stockman, 1897 — . CLOTHIER, ROBERT WAITMAN, M. S., Professor of Agriculture, University of Arizona, 639 N. Park Ave., Tucson, Ariz. Assist ant in Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1897-'01; Professor of Chemistry and Agriculture, State Normal School, Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1901-'06; Professor of Agriculture and Horticulture, Univer- sity of the State of Florida, 1906-'07; Professor of Agriculture and Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes, University of Arizona, 1907-'ll; Agriculturist, Arizona Experiment Station, 1907-'ll; Professor of Agriculture, University of Arizona, 1911 — . 106 RECiHih OF THE ALUMNI (CORRELL) UHL, MAGGIE A., B. S., Housewife, 811 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. (CRUMP) McCAULEY, MABEL, B. S., Housewife, L'728 E. Seventy- fiftli Place, Cliicago, 111. At Home, 1897-'01; Studied Music and Stenographic Work in Kansas City, Mo., 1901-'03; House- wife. 1903 — . DIAL, FRED VOLLEY, B. S., Farmer and Dairyman. Manhattan, Kan. DILLE, VIOLA GRACE, B. S., Clerk in Office of Meriden Creamery Company, 302 5 Woodland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. At Home, 1897-'99: Clerk, Office of Edgerton Creamery Company, 1899- '01; Clerk, Office of Forest Park Creamery Company, Ottawa, Kan., 1901-'03; Clerk, Office of Meriden Creamery Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1903 — . DOLBY, SAMUEL, B. S., Served in U. S. Army in Philippines, 1898- '01; Died in 1903. DOLL, GEORGE, B. S., Student, American School of Osteopathy, 601 S. Sixth St., Kirksville, Mo. (ENGEL) BLACKMAN, ANNA PHILLIPINA. B. S., Housewife. 220 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. (FINLEY) SCHRODER, EMMA, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Pomona, Cal. Student, State Normal School, 1898-'99; Teacher, Man- hattan City Schools, 18 99-' 02; Teacher, City Schools, Pomona, Cal., 1902-'06; Housewife, 1906 — . (FOX) SMITH OWEN, MARTHA, B. S., Housewife, 718 Western Ave.. Topeka, Kan. FOX, PHILIP, M. S., Astronomer, Dearborn Observatory, Evanoton. 111. Assistant, K. S. A. C; Army, Twentieth Kansas Infantry, U. S. Volunteers; Teacher, St. John's Military School, Salina, Kan.; Student, Dartmouth College; Assistant and Instructor, Chicago University; Observer at Yerkes Observatory; Student, University of Berlin; Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Dearborn Observatory, 1909 — . GREEN, NED MERRILL, B. S., First Lieutenant, 15th Infantry, U. S. Army, Manila, P. I. HAULENBECK, MARY ELIZA, B. S. Died in 1901. *HEPWORTH, LEWELLYN GAINES, B. S., Real Estate, 1735 Clay St., Topeka, Kan. HOLROYD. INA EMMA, B. S., Assistant in Mathematics Department, K. S. A. C, 1001 Moro St., Manhattan, Kan. Student, Kansas State Normal School, 1898; Teacher, Rural School, 1898-'99; Assistant, Academic Department, K. S. A. C, 1899-'1G; Assistant, Mathematics Department, K. S. A. C, 1910 — . (HOOD) JOHNSON, MYRTLE HATTIE, B. S., Housewife, Ruopell, Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1897-'9 8; Student, Sedalia, Mo., 1898-'99; Stenographer, Weltmer Institute, Nevada. Mo., 1899-'00: Housewife, Russell, Kan., 1900—. KANSAS STATE AGRlcrLTUBAL COLLEGE 107 *HOOP, CHARLES HENRY, B. S., 621 S. Santa Fe St., Salina, Kan. (HOUGHTON) BUCK, WINIFRED ANNA, B. S., Housewife, 615 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Resided temporarily iu Caney, La., 1913. HULL, BRET REDMON, B. S., Hardware Merchant. 624 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Lumber and Hardware Merchant, Alta Vista, Kan., 1897-'04; Hardware Merchant, Manhattan, Kaii., 1904 — . INGMAN, CLAY BERKEY, B. S., Farmer and Stock Feeder, Barnes, Kan. Farmer and Stock Feeder, Barnes, Kan., 189 7 — . (LYMAN) HALL, GERTRUDE MAY, B. S., Housewife, R. 3, Han- cock, Md. Residences: Hyattsville, Md., 1901-'10; Madison, Wis.. 1910-'ll; Washington, D. C, 1911-'12; Hancock, Md., 1912 — . MAELZER. VALENTINE, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, Goldburg, Idaho. Farm Hand, Kansas, 1897-'98; Farmer and Teacher, Challis, Idaho, 1898-'99; Teacher, Oakley, Idaho, lS99-'00; Farmer and Teacher, May, Idaho, 1900-'07; Teacher and Surveyor, Challis, Idaho, 1907-'09; Farmer and Stock Raider, Goldburg, Idaho, 1909 — . MEYER, FREDERICK HUGO, B. S., Manager Meyer Sanitary Milk Company, 701 N. Fifth St., Kansas City, Kan. Milk and Ice Cream Dealer, 1897 — . NEWELL, SHERMAN BODWELL, B. S., Ranchman, R. 3, Manhat- tan, Kan. Teacher, 1897-'00; Ranchman, Riley County, Kan- sas, 1900 — . NOBLE, OLIVER EZRA, B. S., City Engineer, 407 Colorado St.. Manhattan, Kan. Surveyor of Riley County, Kansas, 1897 '01: Surveyor of Kiowa County, Oklahoma, 1901-'02; Drafts- man and Instrument Man, U. S. Reclamation Service, 1902-'04, City Engineer, Hobart, Okla., 1905-'10; City Engineer, Man- hattan. Kan., 1910 — . NORTON. JESSE BAKER, M. S., Plant Physiologist, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1897-'02; With Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1902 — . (NORTON) POLSON, MARY AUGUSTA, B. S. Died in 1908. OLSON, BERTHA OLIVIA, B. S., Housekeeper, 2202 Francis St., St. Joseph, Mo. (OLSON) AXELTON, HILDA SOPHIA, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Garrison, Kan. *PECK, RUSSELL JOHN, B. S., Farmer, R. 3, Gotebo, Okla. PETERSON. WILLIAM OSCAR, B. S., Pastor Baptist Church, Ada, Kan. Teacher, Public Schools, 1897-'99; Farmer, Randolph, Kan., 1899-'04; Principal of Schools, Ogden, Kan., 1904-'05; Farmer, Randolph, Kan., 1905-'07; Principal and Superintend- ent of Schools, Grove, Kan., and Vermillion, Kan., 1907-'10; 108 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI Student and Graduate of Baptist Theological Seminary, Kan- sas City, Kan., 1910-'ll; Pastor Baptist Church, Clyde, Kan., 1911-'12; Pastor Baptist Church, Ada, Kan., 1912 — . *(PHILBROOK) JONES, EVA LOUISE, B. S., Housewife, Wa- keeney, Kan. *PHILBROOK, RUFUS M., B. S., Traveling Salesman, Standard Oil Company. RHOADES, WILLIAM JOSEPH, B. S. Cashier, Patron's Banit, Olathe, Kan. Rancher, Grant County, Kansas, five years; Teacher, four years; With Patron's Bank, 1906 — . RICE, CARL E., B. S., Inspector of Immigration, Bureau of Customs, Manila, P. 1. Farmer, Colorado, 1897-'98; Soldier in U. S. Army in the Philippines, 1898-'03; Patrolman, Manila Police Force, 1903-'09; Inspector of Immigration. Manila, P. T., 1909 — . ROBERTSON, THOMAS MEADE, D. D. S., Dentist, 616 W. Eighth St., Coffeyville, Kan. In Newspaper Work, and Assis^.ant Postmaster, Scandia, Kan.; Graduate of Kansas City Df^ntal College, D. D. S., 1900; Dentist, Coffeyville, Kan., 1900 — . *ROBINSON, HOMER JOSEPH, B. S. SHELLENBAUM, EDWARD, B. S., Postmaster, Randolph, Kan. Clerk in Store and Post Office, 1897-'05; Postmaster, 1905 — . *SHOFE, ALICE MYRTLE, B. S., Principal Training School, Thyme Institute, Chase City, Va. SHULL, CHARLES WESLEY, B. S., Special Student, K. S. A. C Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1897-'98; Farmer and Dairyman, Riley County, Kansas, 1898-'03; Dairy- man and Ranchman, Wallace County, Kansas, 190?>-'12, Census Enumerator, District 2 29, Kansas 13th U. S. Census, 1910; Special Student in Dairying, Crops, and Feeding, K. S. A. C. 1913 — . SMITH, ALFRED CALEB, B. S., 2007 Highland Ave.. Hollywood, Cal. Real Estate Business, Seattle, Wash. SMITH, PHOEBE JANE, B. S., Teacher of Home Economics, Inter- mediate High School, 122 E. Ave., 42, Los Angeles, Cal. Stu- dent, K. S. N., Emporia, Kan., 1898-99; Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1899-'00; Teacher, Pueblo (Colorado) City Schools, 1900-'08; Student, Throop Institute, Pasadena, Cal., 1908-'09: Teacher, Los Angeles, Cal., 1909 — . SPOHR, WILHELMINA HENRIETTA, B. S., Instructor, Household Arts Education, Teachers' College, Columbia University, 1230 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. Teacher, Elementary Schools, Manhattan, Kan., lS97-'06; Student, Stout Institute, Menomonie, Wis., 1906-'07; Teacher of Domestic Science, Calumet, Mich., 1907-'08; Instructor of Domestic Science, Stout Institute, 1908-'12; Student, Teachers' College, 1912- KANSAS STATE AGRirVLTURAL COLLEGE 109 '13; Instructor, Household Arts Education, Teachers' College, 1913 — . STOKELY, CHARLES HARRISON, B. S., City Salesman, Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company, 49 08 Wyandotte St., Kansas City. Mo. Student, Central Business College, Sedalia, Mo., 1897-'98; Bookkeeper and Stenographer, King-Ryder Lumber Company, Winthrop, Ark., lS98-"03; Salesman, Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company, 19 03 — . TREMBLY, JOHN E., B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 5, Council Grove, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Council Grove, Kan., 1897 : (VANDIVERT) REMICK, HARRIET AGNES, B. S., Housewife, 613 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. * (VOILES) JEWELL, OLIVE, B. S., Housewife. WESTGATE, JOHN MINTON, M. S., Agronomist, U. S. Department of x\griculture, Lanham, Md. Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1897-'99; Assistant Botanist, Kansas Experiment Station, 1899-'01; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1901-'03; Office of Forage Crop Investigations, U. S. Department cf Agriculture, 1903 — . WHEELER, MARK, B. S., Captain Sixteenth Infantry, U. S. Army, Presidio, 184 Infantry Terrace, San Francisco, Cal. Law Stu- dent, University of Kansas, 189 7-'98; Joined U. S. Army as Second Lieutenant, Fourth Infantry, 1898; First Lieutenant, 1899-'04; Captain, Assigned to Sixteenth Infantry, 1904 — ; Served in the Philippine Islands, 1899-'02, 1903-'04, 190o-'07; At Little Rock, Ark., 1907-'10; Nome, Alaska, 1910-'12; San Francisco, Cal., 1912 — . (WILSON) BUTTON, CLARE ANNIE, B. S., Housewife, R. 3, Alta Vista, Kan. Teacher, 1897-'00; Housewife, 1900 — . 1898 ADAMS, EMORY SHERWOOD, B. S., First Lieutenant, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, Tientsin, China. Soldier, U. S. A. and Insular Possessions, 189 8 — . Guard of Government Railways ot North China, Linsi, Chible Province, 1913 — . ADAMS, JOSHUA WILLIAM, B. S., Superintendent of Plains Sub- Station, Cheyenne Wells, Colo. Farmer and Ranchman, 189 8- '10; Superintendent of Plains Sub-Station, 1910 — . ADAMS, SAMUEL JOHN, B. S., Ranchman, Windland Ranch, R. 1, Arapahoe, Colo. General Secretary of Y. M. C. A., K. S. A. C , 1899-'02; Ranchman, 1902 — ; County Surveyor, 1911-'12. ALLISON, THOMAS WALTER, B. S., Farmer, R. 1, Florence, Kan Farmer and Fruit Grower, 189 8 — . ANDERSON, WILLIAM, M. S., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan College of Mines, 140 Hubbell Ave.. Houghton, Mich. Assistant in Mathematics. K. S. A. C, 1899- no— KANSAS STATE AGBICULTUEAL COLLEGE 111 '03: Instructor in Physics and Electrical Engineering, ibid.. 1903-'06; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, Summer Quarters, 1900-'0 5; Instructor in Physics and Mathematics, Michigan College of Mines, 1906-'10; Graduate Student, Cor- nell University, 1910-'ll; Instructor in Mechanical and Electri- cal Engineering, Michigan College of Mines, 1911-'12; Assist ant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, ibid., 1912 — . (BAYLESS) STAVER, JESSIE GENEVA, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Boone. Colo. At Home, Yates Center, Kan., 1898-'03; House- wife, 1903 — . (BRADY) ANDERSON, HOPE, B. S., Housewife, 140 Hubbell Ave., Houghton, Mich. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1898-'0C; Teacher. City Schools, Manhattan, Kan., 1900-'02; Teacher, Liberal. Kan., 1902-'06; Teacher, Pottawatomie County, Kan- sas, 1906-'08; Housewife, 1908 — . BROWN, ROBERT HENRY, B. S., Assistant Professor of Music, K. S. A. C, 331 N. Seventeenth St., Manhattan, Kan. Special Student, Chicago Musical College, 189 8-' 00; Instructor in Violin and Band Instruments, K. S. A. C, 1900-'05; Assistant Professor of Music, and Director of Orchestra, ibid., 1905 — . BUTTERFIELD, EARL CARVER, B. S., Assistant Horticulturist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Arlington Farm, Rosslyn, Va. Fruit Grower, Millbrook, N. Y., 1898-'02; Office of Horticul- turist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1902-'04; Superintend- ent Arlington Farm, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1904 — . CONOVER, JOHN ALFRED, B. S., Manager Naval Academy Daiiy Farm. R. 1, Annapolis, Md. Herdsman, K. S. A. C, 1898-'99; Creamery Work, 1900; Dairy Farm Management, 1900-'02; Student. Iowa Agricultural College, 1902-'05; In Charge of Dairy Extension Work, North Carolina, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1905-'ll; Manager, Naval Academy Dairy Farm. 1911 — . COPELAND, MINNIE LAURA, B. S., With Hotpoint Electric Com- pany. 10 W. Ninety-eighth St., New York, N. Y. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1898-'00; Student, Chicago Homeopathi--, Training School for Nurses, Chicago, 111., 1900-'02; General Nurse, 1902-'12; At Home, New York City, 1912; With Hot- point Electric Company, 1913 — . (COTTRELL) POTTORF, LUCY MARIA, B. S., Housewife, R 1, Riley, Kan. At Home, 189 8-'99; Housewife, 1899 — . (DAHL) DAVIS, ANNA MAGDALENA, B. S., Housewife, R. 8, Man- hattan, Kan. Teacher, Jewell County, Kansas, 1898-'01; Stu- dent in Lindsborg (Kansas) Conservatory of Music, 1891-'92; Teacher, 1892-'93; Housewife, 1893 — . DAHL, INGA JOSEPHINE, B. S., Teacher, R. 1, Montrose, Kar. Teacher, Rural and City Schools, Jewell County, Kansas, 1898 — . — H 112 . RECORD OF THE ALUMXI DILLE, CASSIE BELLE, B. S., Stenographer, Meriden Creamery Company, 302 5 Woodland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1899; Student, Business College. Kan- sas City, Mo., 1900; Stenographer, Forest Park Creamery Company, Ottawa, Kan., 1901-'03; Stenographer, Meriden Creamery Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1903 — . DOLL, EMMA PHILLIPINE, B. S., Teacher, Box 532, Larned, Kan. (EWALT) BROWN, CORA ELIZABETH, B. S., Housewife, 331 N. Seventeenth St., Manhattan, Kan. FARLEY, GUY FRANCIS, B. S., Agent, Equitable Life Insurance Society, 358 Empire Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Grain and Live Stock Dealer, 1898-'02; Student, Emerson College, Boston, 1902-'05; Farmer, Melvern, Kan., 1905 — ; Agent, Equitable Life Insurance Society, Seattle, Wash. (FINLEY) RIDENOUR, MARY LOUISE, B. S., Housewife, Corval- lis. Ore. FROWE, ARTHUR LORENZO, B. S. Died in 1904. HALL, WILLIAM LOGAN, M. S., Forester and Farmer, 917 Six teenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. R. 3, Hancock, Md. Assistant Horticulturist, K. S. A. C, 1898-'99; Assistant Super- intendent of Tree Planting, U. S. Division of Forestry, 1899- '01; Superintendent of Tree Planting, U. S. Bureau of Forestry, 1901-'05; Assistant Forester, U. S. Forest Service, in Charge Branch of Products, 1905-'10; Assistant Forester, U. S. Forest Service, in Charge of Acquisition of National Forests in the Appalachian Mountains, 1911 — ; Proprietor Forest Hill Fruit Farm, Hancock, Md., 1911 — . (HANSON) HIGINBOTHAM, ANNA VIOLA, B. S., Housewife, Man- hattan, Kan. HARDY, WALTER EUGENE, B. S., Merchant, Grant's Pass, Ore. HARVEY, JAMES MADISON, B. S., Farmer, R. 1, Ogden, Kan. HOFFMAN, EMMETT VIVIAN, B. S., Sales Manager, The Kansas Flour Mills Company, 2104 Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Salesman, The C. Hoffman & Sons Milling Co., 1898-'03; Man- ager, The C. Hoffman & Sons Milling Co., 1903-'12;Sales Man- ager, The Kansas Flour Mills Company, 1912 — . HULETT, GUY DUDLEY, B. S.. D. O., Instructor, Kirksville, Mo., 1900-'04. Died in 1904. INGRAM, BERTHA EMMA, B. S., At Home, Barnes, Kan. (JOHNSON) BUTTERFIELD, ARY CORDELIA, B. S., Housewife. 3821 Morrell Ave., Kansas City, Mo. At Home, Russell County, Kansas; Stenographer and Bookkeeper, St. Louis and Kansas City; Housewife, 1904 — . KING, CHARLES PERCY, B. S., Purchasing Agent, Longville Lum- ber Company, Longville, La. Lumber Business, Columbus, Kan., 1898-'99; Yellow Pine. La., 1899-'01; Chanute, Kan., KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUIiAL COLLEGE 113 1901-'05; Baxter Springs, Kan., 1905-'07; Eubanks, Okla., 1907-'12; Longville, La., 1912 — . (LOCKE) NOBLE, BESSIE MAY, B. S., Housewife, 407 Colorado St., Manliattan, Kan. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 183 8- '01; Housewife, 1901 — . LONG, OLIVE, B. S. Died in 1902. McCULLOUGH, WILLIAM ANDREW, M. D., Physician, Delavan, Kan. Medical Student, 1898-'02; Physician, Linwood, Kan., 1902-'03; Proprietor and Manager, Telephone Plant, Hering- ton, Kan., 1903-'05; Physician, Delavan, Kan., 1905 — . (MANCHESTER) ALLISON, INEZ ISADORE, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Florence, Kan. MARTIN, FLORENCE ADELIA, B. S. Died in 1901. MARTIN, HENRY ALBA, B. S., Farmer, Admire, Kan. Creamery- man, Admire, Kan., 189S-'06; Farmer, Admire, Kan., 1906 — . MELTON, ALICE MAUDE, B. S., Clerk and Stenographer, Chemistry Department, K. S. A. C, 804 Moro St., Manhattan, Kan Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1898-'99; Clerical Assistant, Chemistry Department, K. S. A. C, 1899-'01; Clerk and Ste- nographer, Chemistry Department, K. S. A. C, 1901 — . *MENKE, GEORGE GERKEIN, B. S., Stock Breeder, Garden City, Kan. *MINIS, MARY FRANCES, B. S., Bookkeeper for Etna Building anr- Loan Association, Y. W. C. A., Topeka, Kan. (MOORE) DAKIN, MAE, B. S., Housewife, 1147 N. Emporia Ave., Wichita, Kan. Housewife, Wichita, Kan., 189 8 — . (NICHOLS) DONOHOO, HARRIET GRACE, B. S., Housewife, 70-3 Monroe St., Tucumcari, New Mex. Teacher, 1899-'00; Drug Clerk, Teacher, Printer, 1901-'03; Housewife, 1903 — ; Deputy Probate Clerk, and Ex-Officio Recorder for Quay County, New Mexico, 1907-'12; Past Matron and Past Grand Marshall, Order Eastern Star; State Organizer of Mothers' Clubs and Parent-Teacher Associations, 1911-'13; Member of School Patrons' Committee, N. E. A., for New Mexico; Member of Board of Education, Tucumcari, 1913 — . NICHOLS, SCHUYLER, M. D., Physician, Herington, Kan. Physi- cian, Liberal, Kan., 1901-'05; Physician, Herington, Kaa., 1905—. PARKS, LUCY JUNIE, B. S., Teacher, Hominy, Okla. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1899-'08; Teacher, Hominy, Okla., 1908 — . PATTEN, ERNEST BYRON, B. S., Grain Dealer, Carthage, S. Dak. Farmer, 1898-'00; Student, Dairy Course, K. S. A. C, 1900- '01; Creameryman, California, 1901 (March to October); Buyer for Grain Company, 1901-'05; Assistant Cashier, State Bank of Carthage, 1905-'07; Manager Grain Firm, Patten & Welch. 1907—. (PERRY) THOMAS, C. JEANETTE, B. S., Housewife, 2 812 Wright 114 BECORD OF THE ALUMNI Ave., Racine, Wis. Assistant in Printing Department, K. S. A. C, 1898-'99; Executive Clerk, K. S. A. C, 1899-'05; House- wife, Harrisburg, Pa., 1905-'10; Housewife, Racine, Wis., 1910 — . (PFUETZE) SAMUEL, EMILIE MATILDA, B. S., Housewife, 523 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, 1898-'00; Cashier and Bookkeeper, Manhattan, Kan., 1900-'06; Housewife, 1906 — . PIERCE, JOHN MARTIN, B. S., Farmer, Berger, Idaho. Fruit Grower, Geyserville, Cal., 1898-'ll; Farmer, Berger, Idaho, 1911 — . POND, RAYMOND H., Ph. D., University of Michigan, 1902; Teacher, Maryland Agricultural College, 1901; Teacher, High School at Sterling, 111., 1902-'04; Teacher, Northwestern Uni- versity, Evanston, 111., 1904-'07; Teacher, College Station, Texas, 1909-'ll; Student, Bonn, Leipsic, 1907-'08; New York City. U. S. Biological Survey, 1908-'09; Analyzed Plants at Put-in-Bay, two summers; Studied in Botanical Gardens, Bronyx Park, two summers. Died in 1911. POOLE, WILLIAM, B. S., Farmer and Cattle Breeder, R. 6, Manhat- tan, Kan. Farmer and Cattle Breeder, Manhattan, Kan., 1898 — . POPE, WILLIS THOMAS, B. S., Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, Territory of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Wholesale Fruit Business and Superintendent of Orchards, Eureka, Kan., 1899-'00; Professor of Horticulture, National Farm School, Doylestown, Pa., 1901-'02; Instructor in Agriculture and Nature Study, Territory Normal School, Honolulu, 1902-'04; Vice-Principal and Director of Science Department, ibid., 1905- '06; Acting Dean of College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Territory of Hawaii, 1908; Professor of Botany and Horticul- ture, College of Hawaii, 1909; Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1910 — . (REED) PIERCE, NORA MAY, B. S., Housewife, Berger, Idaho. Teacher, Genoa, 111., 1898-'00; Housewife, Geyserville, Cal., 1900-'ll; Housewife, Berger, Idaho, 1911 — . *RHODES, GERTRUDE ELIZABETH, B. S., At Home, 319 Colorado St., Manhattan, Kan. ROGLER, HENRY WILLIAM, B. S., Farmer, Bazaar, Kan. Farmer, 1898 — . RUMOLD. FERDINAND JOHN, B. S., Farmer and Stockman, R. 6, Abilene, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, 189 8 — . SANDERSON, MARTIN WILBUR, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Cedar Vale, Kan. Farmer, 1898-'01; Deputy County Surveyor, Marshall County, Kansas, 1900-'01; County Sur- veyor, Marshall County, Kansas, 1901-'09; City Engineer, Marysville, Kan., 19 01-'09; Secretary, Marshall County Sunday KANSAS STATE AGEICULTURAL COLLEGE 115 School Association, 1899-'02; Secretary, Marysville Lodge No. 91, A. F. & A. M., 1908-'09; Farmer, 1909 — . (SHELDEN) PARKER, OLIVE MARIA, B. S., Housewife, 710 Upson Ave., El Paso, Texas. SMITH, EDWIN LEE, B. S., Letter Carrier, 820 Laramie St., Man- hattan. Kan. Teacher, 1892-'01; Stock Farmer, Manhattan, Kan., 1901-'03; U. S. Mail Service, 1904 — . SMITH, OLIVER RUSSELL, C. E., Dairyman, Buhl, Idaho. Teacher, State School of New Mexico, 1898-'03; Assistant Irrigation Manager, State of Washington, 1903-'12; Dairyman, Buhl, Idaho. 1912 — . (SPOHR) SMITH, BERTHA, B. S., Housewife, Columbus, Kan. Teacher and Student, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, 1898-'99; Director, Domestic Economy, ibid., 1899-'00; Housewife, 1900 — . SYMNS, ANDREW B., B. S., Farmer and Stockman, R. 5, Troy, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, 1898 — ; County Commissioner, Doni- phan County, 1902-'05. THACKREY, CORA, B. S., County Superintendent of Schools, Valen- tine, Nebr. Teacher in Rural Schools; Teacher in Grade Schools; Clerk in Post Office; Recording Clerk in County Clerk's Office; Principal of Schools; County Superintendent of Schools, Cherry County, Nebraska. (THACKREY) REECE, HARRIET EMERSON, B. S., Housewife, Simeon. Nebr. Deputy County Treasurer, 189S-'02; House- wife, 1902 — . THOMAS, HENRY MARSDEN, B. S., Collection Manager, J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company, 2812 Wright Ave., Racine, Wis. In U. S. Volunteer Army, 1898; Farmer, Melvern, Kan., 1899- '01; Traveling Salesman, Ferguson Implement Company, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1901-'03; Traveling Salesman, J. I. Case Thresh- ing Machine Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1903; Traveling Col- lector, J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company, Wichita, Kan., 1903-'05; General Collector, J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company, Harrisburg, Pa., 1905-'10; Collection Manager, J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company, Racine, Wis., 1910 — . (WATERS) CONNER, ELSIE LUCILE, B. S., Housewife, R. 2, Alden, Minn. Teacher, Public Schools, five years; Teacher and Student, K. S. A. C, 1905-'06; Housewife, 1907 — . WATERS, FRED DORSEY, B. S., Foreman, 4 C. Lumber Company, Neame, La. WHIPPLE. ABNER DAVIS, B. S., Secretary, Bell Telephone Manu- facturing Company, Ltd., 18 rue Boudowyns, Antwerp, Bel- gium. Postgraduate, K. S. A. C, 1898-'99; Teacher, Marion Military Institute, Marion, Ala., 1900-'03; Clerk, Butler Bros., Chicago, 1904-'05; Traveling Salesman, T. J. Keveney & Co., New York, 1905-'06; Clerk, Western Electric Company, 116 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI Chicago, 1906-'08; Auditor in Europe, Western Electric Company, Chicago, 1908-'12; Secretary, Bell Telephone Manu- facturing Company, Ldt., 1912 — . (WILDER) SAWDON, ADELAIDE FRANCES, M. S., Housewife, 1018 E. State St., Ithaca, N. Y. Assistant in Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1898-'00; At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1900-'02; Housewife, Chicago, 1902-'04; Housewife, Ithaca, N. Y., 1904 — . (WILDER) McCULLOUGH, JOSEPHINE HANNAH, M. S., House- wife, Delavan, Kan. Postgraduate, 1899-'01; Housewife, 1902 — . YEOMAN, PRANK, LL. B., Attorney at Law, 4022 Terrace St., Kan- sas City, Mo. LL. B., Kansas City School of Law, 1900; Oleo- margarine Inspector for Kansas City, Mo., 1901-'03; General Practice in all the Courts. ZIMMERMAN, FREDERICK, B. S., Cashier Cheney State Bank. Cheney, Kan. Residences: Bendena, Kan., 1898-'02; Kirks ville, Mo., 1902-'03; Cheney, Kan., 1903 — . 1899 (ADAMS) WILKIN, BONNIE FRANCES, B. S., Housewife, Hoxie. Kan. Teacher, Glade, Kan., 1899-'00; Student, K. S. N., Emporia, Kan., 1901; Teacher, Cheyenne Wells, Colo., 1901- '03; At Home, Glade, Kan., 1903-'04; Teacher, Kirwin, Kan., 1904-'05; Teacher, Cheyenne Wells, Colo., 1905-'07; At Home, Cheyenne Wells, Colo., 1907-'08; Housewife, Hoxie, K&n.. 1908-'ll; Housewife, Marion, N. C, 1911-'12; Housewife, Hoxie, Kan., 1\}'L2 — . ADAMS, MORRIS CARPENTER, B. S., Stock Farmer, R. 2, Glade, Kan. Parmer, 1899-'00; Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1900-'03; Stock Parmer, Glade, Kan., 1903 — . AVERY, MELVIA FAIRETTA, M. D., Physician, Wakefield, Kan. Teacher, 1899-'03; Student, Medical College, 1903-'06; M. D., Medical Department, K. U., 1906; Interne at General Hospital, 1906-'07; Physician, Wakefield, Kan., 1907 — . BLAIR, ALBERT EDWIN, B. S., Architect, 602 Kentucky St., Lawrence, Kan. Special Student, K. S. A. C, 1899-'00; Creameryman, Hutchinson, Kan., Blairstown, Mo., and Lyn- don, Kan., 1900-'03; Architectural Draftsman, Portland, Ore., Sacramento, Cal., and Kansas City, Mo., 1903-'06; Architect, Independence, Kan., 1906-'07; Architect, Topeka, Kan., 1908; Architect, Lawrence, Kan., 1909 — . BOLTON, JAMES COURTNEY, B. S., Stock Parmer, R. 1, Zeandale, Kan. Parmer and Dairyman, Paxico, Kan., 1899-'04; Stock Farmer, Wamego, Kan., 1904-'06; Stock Farmer, Zeandale, Kan., 19Cj----. BUTTERFIELD, JOSEPH ABBOTT, B. S., Railway Mail Clerk, KANSAS STATE AGBICVLTVRAL COLLEGE 117 House Painter and Paper Hanger, 3821 Morrell Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Rancher; Work witli Express Company; Railway Mail Service — ; Paper Hanger and Painter — . CORRELL, WILLITT RANSOM, B. S., Planing Mill Man, 211 S. Fifth St., Manhattan, Kan. Machine Man and Carpenter, 1898-'00; Farmer, 1900-'08; Mill Worker, 1908 — . COTTRELL, ERNEST LERNED, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Wabaun- see, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1899 — . *DILLE, ALFRED BURTON, Jr., B. S., Contractor, Alamagordo, New Mex. HABIGER, FRANCIS JOSEPH, B. S., Farmer, R. 1, Bushton, Kan. Farmer; President, Farmers' Elevator Company; Member School Board. HANEY, JOHN GEORGE, B. S., Manager Western Branch I. H. C. Agricultural Extension Department, I. H. C, Fargo, N. Dak. Assistant, Feeding and Field Experiments, K. S. A. S., 1899- '01; Agricultural Agent, C. &. P. Railway, 19 01; Superintend- ent, Hays Branch Experiment. Station, 1902-'05; Projiessor of Farm Crops, Iowa Agricultural College, six months, 1905: Manager of Deming Ranch, Oswego, Kan., 1905-'ll; Superin- tendent of Development-Irrigation Project, Boone, Colo., 1911-'12. *HARVEY, JOHN ANDREW, B. S., Ranchman, Alamagordo, New Mex. (HILL) CHAMPLIN, GRACE EDNA, B. S., Housewife, 1010 Lara- mie St., Manhattan, Kan. Housewife at Phillipsburg, Kan., Teacher in Manhattan, Kan. HOLZER, HIRAM ADSIT, B. S., Superintendent of United Iron Works Company (Pittsburg Plant), 208 W. Park Ave., Pitts- burg, Kan. Riverside Iron Works, 1899-'00; Kansas City Southern Railway Company, 1900-'01; Pittsburg Foundry and Machine Company, 1901-'03; United Iron Works Com- pany, 1903 — . * JACKSON, CHARLES CLIFFORD, B. S., Farmer, R. 1, Westmore- land, Kan. JOHNSON, FRED EMANUEL, D. V. S., Superintendent of Serum Production, University of Nebraska, 2445 O St., Lincoln, Nebr. (Care State Farm). Veterinary Inspection, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture; Meat Inspector, Chicago, 1904; Quarantine Service in the States of Colorado, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, and Nebraska, 1904-'12; Superintendent of Serum Production, Uni- versity of Nebraska, 1912 — . *JOHNSTON, HARRY WALLACE, B. S., Stockman. KEELER, LOT PARKER, B. S., Architect and Builder, 1169 E. Eighteenth St., Portland, Ore. In the Philippine Islands, with 118 HECOUD OF THE ALUMM the Army, 1899-'01; Carpenter, 1901-'08; Architect and Builder, 1908 — . KESSLER, JOHN MARTIN, B. S., Florist, Twenty-fifth St. and Kan- sas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Employed by Florists, 1899-'01; Inde- pendent Florist, 1902 — . KINSLEY, ALBERT THOMAS, M. S., D. V. S., President and Pathol- ogist, Kansas City Veterinary College, 2108 E. Thirty-sixth St., Kansas City, Mo. Assistant, Veterinary Department, K. S. A. C, 1899-'02; Student and Instructor, Kansas City Veter- inary College, 1902-'04; Pathologist, Kansas City Veterinary College, 1904 — ;President, Kansas City Veterinary College, 1912 — ; President, American Serum Company (Production of Anti-Hog-Cholera Serum), 19 09 — ; Deputy State Veterinarian, Missouri, 1912 — . La SHELLE, FRANK ELMER, B. S., Newspaper Publisher, Hanover, Kan. Teacher, three years; Editor, Wray "Rattler," Wray. Colo.; Foreman, Clay Center (Kansas) "Dispatch;" In Printing Department, K. S. A. C, five years; Newspaper Publisher, Hanover, Kan. LECHNER, CHRISTIAN DAGOBERT, B. S., Salesman for The Jenno • Acetylene Gas Machine Company, Russell, Kan. Contractor and Builder, and Furniture Dealer; Salesman for The Jenne Acetylene Gas Machine Company. LONG, ROSS, B. S., Law^ Student, 1899-'03; Lawyer, 1903; Died in 1908. (MAELZER) HAISE, LOUISA MARY, B. S., Housewife, Star Route, Russell, Kan. Student, Boston Y. W. C. A., 1899-'00; Teacher, Domestic Science and Art, Boston, 1900; Housewife, 1901 — . (MANLY) WILLIAMS, KATE ANNA, B. S., Housewife, 927 Mco St., Manhattan, Kan. Postgraduate Student and Student Teacher, K. S. A. C, 1899-'01; Teacher, Carrollton, Mo., 1901- '03; Teacher, City Schools, Manhattan, Kan., 1903-'08; Princi- pal, Avenue Building, Manhattan, Kan., 1908-'10; Housewife, St. Joseph, Mo., 1910-'12; Housewife, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . MASTERS, CLAUDE, B. S., In Insurance Business, 110 N. Robinson St., Oklahoma City, Okla. In U. S. Indian Service, 1902-'05; In Insurance and Abstract Business. Sulphur, Okla., and Oklahoma City, Okla., 1905 — . MITCHELL, ROBERT BERTICE, B. S., Second Lieutenant, Company E, Fortieth U. S. Volunteers, Manila, P. I., 1899-'01; Same Company, Tampa, Fla., 1901-'02; Second Lieutenant, Artillery Corps, U. S. Army, Monroe, Va., 1902-'03; Died in 1904. (NEEDHAM) CARTER, JENNIE JUNE, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Rantoul, Kan. Clerk, Correspondence Course in Literature, 1899-'02; Housewife, 19 02 — . KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 119 NICHOLS, ROSCOE TOWNLEY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 222 Kansas Ave., Liberal, Kan. M. D., Northwestern University Medical School, 19 02; Practice of Medicine, Liberal, Kan., 1902 — ; Elected Mayor of Liberal, 1911; Elected Representa- tive of Seward County, 1912. NOYES, FANNY GERTRUDE, B. S., Nurse, via London and Con- stantinople, Marsovan, Turkey-in-Asia. At Home, Wabaun- see, Kan., 1899-'00; Student, Topeka Business College, 1901 (February to September); At Home, 1901-'04; Special Stu- dent, Oberlin, 1904-'05; Pupil Nurse, Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, 1905-'08; Private Nurse, Cleveland, 1908-'09; Head Nurse, Austolia Hospital, 1909 — . ORR, HARRY DELPHOS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 2010 Mai- lers Bldg., Chicago, 111. School Teacher and Farmer, 1899- '00; Medical Student, and Assistant in Chemistry Department, Northwestern University, Medical School, 1900-'04; Resident Physician and Surgeon, St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, 1904-'06; Resident Physician and Surgeon, Alexian Bros. Hospital,, Ciii- cago, 1906-'07; Private Practice, 1907 — ; Junior Attending Surgeon, Alexian Bros. Hospital, Departments of Genito- urinary Surgery and Dermatology; Major, Medical Corps, Illi- nois National Guard, Asigned First Cavalry. OWENS, GEORGE WASHINGTON, B. S., Agriculturist, Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute, Petersburg, Va. In Charge of Creamery, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, 1899-'00; Dairy Husbandry, ibid., 1900-'08; In Charge of Silage Crops, ibid., 1902-'08; In Charge of Agricultural Work at State Normal and Industrial Institute, Petersburg, Va., 19 08 — . (PAINTER) DESMARIAS, CARRIE VASHTI, B. S., Housewife, Lakeland, Kan. Teacher, Lakeland, Kan., 1899-'01; House- wife, Lakeland, Kan., 1901-'09; Housewife, Mulvane, Kan.. 1909-'13. PECK, ELLA EMERSON, B. S., Customs Inspectress, 602 Montana St., El Paso, Texas. Teacher, 1899-'06; Music Student. 1906-'ll; Appointed Customs Inspectress Through the Civil Service, 1911 — . *(PFUETZE) JULIAN, ANNA C, B. S., Housewife, Olathe, Kan. POTTORF, ANDREW JACKSON, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Riley, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Riley, Kan., 1899 — . (PRITNER) LOCKWOOD, MARY BLY, B. S., Housewife, 680 N. Main St., Meadville, Pa. Assistant in Domestic Science Department, K. S. A. C, 1899-'01; Housewife, 1901 — ; Graduate Student, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., 1902. PURDY. OTTO INDEPENDENCE. B. S., Field-man, "Daily Drovers- 120 RECOliD OF THE ALl'MXI Journal Stockman," 401 S. Forty-second St., Omaha, Nebr. RANDALL, DELMER WILLIAM, B. S., Farmer, R. 4, Buhl, Idaho. Contractor and Surveyor, Manhattan, Kan., 1899-'04; Office of Public Roads, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1904-'05; Surveyor, Contractor and Farmer, Southern Idaho, 1905 — . ROBERTS, WILLIAM HARVEY, B. S., Hay Dealer and Stock Farmer, Vernon, Kan. Teacher, Kansas and Oklahoma, 1900-'02; Teacher in High School, Griswold, Iowa, 1902- '03; Farmer, 1903-'10; Hay Dealer and Stock Farmer, 1910 — . SHELTON, FRANK SESSIONS, B. S., Fruit Grower, R. 2, Cash- mere, Wash. Clerk, Seattle, Wash., 1899-'01; Clerk, Teller, Alaska, 1901-'02; Commercial Traveler, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1902-'05; Prospector, Alaska, 1905-'07; Bookkeeper, Alaska, 1907-'09; Bookkeeper, Vancouver, B. C, 1909-'12; Bookkeeper. Cashmere, Wash., 1912-'13; Fruit Grower, Cashmere, Wash., 1913 — . SPOHR, LOUISE M., B. S.. Instructress of Nurses, Moline Public Hospital, Seventh St., Tenth Ave., Moline, 111. In Training, St. Luke's Hospital Training School, 1900-'03; Superintendent of Christ's Hospital Training School, 1903-'06; Superintend- ent of Park View Hospital, Manhattan, Kan., 1906-'09; Private Duty Nurse, Manhattan, Kan., 1909-'ll; Instructress of Nurses, Moline Public Hospital, 1911 — . (STREETER) HANEY, ANNIE LOUISA, B. S. Died in 1906. * (TOWERS) BROOKS, NELLIE, B. S., Housewife, 301 W. Thir- teenth St., Kansas City, Mo. TRUE, OTHO SPRAGUE, B. S., Farmer, 1415 Buchanan St., Topeka, Kan. TULLOSS, JAMES OTIS, B. S., Hardware and Implement Dealer, Sedan, Kan. Regent of the Agricultural College, 1905-'ll; Hardware and Implement Dealer, 1899 — . TULLOSS, WILLIAM GUY, B. S., Cashier, State Bank of Rantoul, Kan., Box 12, Rantoul, Kan. Farmer, 1899 — ; Banker, 19 05 — ; Interested in Gas and Oil Business; Legislator from Franklin County, 1912 — . WAGNER, GEORGE FRANKLIN, B. S., Custodian, K. S. A. C, Man- hattan, Kan. Stock Raiser, 1899-'09; Timekeeper for Sharp Contracting Company, 1909-'12; Stock Raiser, 1913-'14; Cus- todian, K. S. A. C, 1914 — . (WAUGH) SMITH, MARY LANA, B. S., Housewife, 2007 Highland Ave., Hollywood, Cal. *WHITE, CHARLES BERNARD, B. S., With Seymour Packing Company, 411 W. Second St., Topeka, Kan. WILLIAMS, NANNIE ELIZABETH, B. S., At Home, Gardner, Kan. In Clerical Work, St. Louis, Mo. WILSON, ALEXANDER GEORGE, B. S. Died in 1902. KANSAS STATE AGRICVLTVRAL COLLEGE 121 WOESTEMEYER, FREDERICK OTTO, B. D., Minister of tiie Gospel, 1454 Leonard St., Davenport, Iowa. Business, Bethel, Kan., 1899; Teacher, Wyandotte County, Kansas, 1900; Student, Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., 1901-'04; Pastor, Presbyterian Church, Bethel, Kan., 1904- '06; Graduate Student, Chicago University, 1906; Missionary to the Mountaineers, Harlan, Ky., 1907; Pastor, Presbyterian Church, Rossville, Kan., 1908; Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Cherryvale, Kan., 1909-'10; Assistant Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Davenport, Iowa, 1911 — . 1900 AGNEW, ELIZABETH JANE, B. S., D. S., Professor, Home Economics Department, Western State Normal, Hays, Kan. Assistant in Domestic Science Department, K. S. A. C, 1900- '03; Student at Teachers' College, 1903-'04; Professor of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, Wichita High School, 1905-'10; Professor, Home Economics Department, Westera State Normal, 1910 — . (ASBURY) DERR, ELIZABETH EDNA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Gardena, Cal. At Home, Topeka, Kan., 1900-'02; At Homo and Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan., 1902-'03; Residences: Chicago, 111., 1903-'04; Mt. Pleasart, Mich., 1904-'08; Butte, Mont., 1908-'10; Big Timber, Mont., 1910-'ll; Gardena, Cal., 1911 — . Teacher of Domestic Science, Big Timber, Mont., 1910-'ll. (BAILEY) FOLTZ, EFPIE ELIZABETH, B. S., Housewife, Wamego, Kan. *BAIN, ALVAH I., B. S., Boulder, Colo. BAINER, HARRY M., B. S. Agron., M. S. A., Agricultural Demon- strator, Santa Fe Railway System, 2001 Taylor St., Amarillo, Texas. Skimming Station Operator and Farmer, Franklin County, Kansas, 1900-'02; Foreman, Live Stock Departmeuf:, Vrooman Farm, Trenton, Mo., 1902-'03; Postgraduate Stu- dent, Iowa State College (M. S. A., 1904), 1903-'04; Instruc- tor in Agricultural Engineering, Iowa State College, 1904-'06; Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Dairying, Colorado Agricultural College, 1906-'10; Farm Manager, Colorado Agri- cultural College Farm, 19 09-'10: Agricultural Demonstra- tor, Santa Fe Railway System, 1910 — . (BERKEY) SMITH, CHARLOTTE ALMIRA, B. S., Died in 1910. BLACHLY, JOHN HAROLD, B. S., D. D. S., Dentist, Manhattan, Kan. Painter and Laborer, 1900-'05; Graduate, Western Dental College, Kansas City, Mo., 19 08; Dentist, Manhattan. Kan., 1908 — . (BLACHLY) DEAN, MINERVA, B. S., Housewife, 511 N. Juliette Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, 1900-'01; Bookkeeper. 122- KANSAS STATE AGIilCULTVliAL COLLEGE 123 Secretary's Office, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan., 1901-'04, Housewife, 1904 — . BLISS, ZINA LEIGH, B. S., A. B., Landscape Gardener and Forester, 914 Franklin St., Houston, Texas. U. S. Forest Service, 1900- '03; A. B., University of Michigan, 1905; Nurseryman and Landscape Gardener, Katy, Texas; Landscape Gardener and Forester, Houston, Texas. BOBBITT, FRED WINCHESTER, B. S., M. E., Resident Engineer, Houston Belt and Terminal Railway, 1710 Polk Ave., Hous- ton, Texas. Draftsman, J. C. Holland, Architect, Topeka, Kan., 1900-'01; Draftsman, Topographer, Levelman, and Trans- itman, Frisco Railway Company, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas, 1901-'04; County Surveyor, Perry, Okla., 1904-'05, Office Engineer, Resident Engineer, and Division Engineei, T. & B. V. Railway Company, Texas, 1905-'09; City Engineer, Perry, Okla., 1909-'ll; Resident Engineer, H. B. & T. Rail- way Company, 1911 — . *BOLTON, LILLIE GRACE, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Wamego, Kan. *(BROQUET) BAILEY, PRUDENCE DELL, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Huerfano, Colo. (BURTNER) SARGENT, NELLIE, B. S., D. S. Died in 1901. CHANDLER. CHARLES ASA, B. S., Agron., Fruit Grower and Nurseryman, 1557 American Ave., Long Beach, Cal. Assist- ant to Superintendent of Grounds, World's Fair, St. Louis, 1901-'04; Assistant Superintendent, Swope Park, Kansas City, 1904-'07; Nurseryman and Landscape Gardener, Kansas City, 1907-'12; Fruit Grower and Nurseryman, Long Beach, Cal., 1912 — . CHRISTENSEN, FREDERICK WALDEMAR, B. S., M. S., Associate Professor of Chemistry, in Charge of Animal Nutrition Investi- gations, New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. State College, New Mexico. Stock Farmer, 1900-'03; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1903-'04; Assistant Expert in Animal Nutrition, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1904-'05; Assistant in Animal Nutrition, Pennsylvania State College, 1905-'08; M. S., ibid., 1908; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, Summer of 19 OS; Graduate Student, Yale University, 1908-'09; Assistant in Animal Nutrition, Pennsylvania State College, 19 09-'10; Associate Professor of Chemistry, in Charge of Animal Nutrition Investigations, Experiment Station, New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1910 — . COOK, ERNEST MANSEL, B. S., Farmer, R. 2, Monument, Kan. CORRELL, CHARLES McLAIN, B. S., Ph. B., Ph. M., Teacher Oi History, State Normal School, Mayville, N. Dak. Teaclier, Riley County, Kansas, 1900-'02; Principal, Avenue School, Manhattan, Kan., 1902-'04; Principal, Central School, Man- 124 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI liattan, Kan., 1904-'06; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1906-'08; Head of Department of History and Social Science, State Normal School, Mayville, N. Dak., 1908 — . CURRIE, JENNIE MAUD, B. S., At Home, 904 Monroe St., Topeka, Kan. Shorthand Student, 1901; Stenographer, A., T. & S. F. General Offices, 1905-'12; At Home, 1913 — . DERN, HARRY LEROY, B. S., Farmer, Stockman, and Teacher, Cimarron, Kan. Teacher, Kingman County, Kansas, 1900- '01; Farmer and Ranchman, Gray County, Kansas, 1901-'02; Farmer and Ranchman, Ford County, Kansas, 1902-'07; Farmer, Ranchman, and Teacher, Gray County, Kansa,s, 1907 — . DERR, HOMER, B. S., Agron., M. S., In Charge of Department ol" Physics and Chemistry, Gardena Agricultural High School, Gardena, Cal. Accountant in Ticket Auditor's Office, Santa Fe Railway, Topeka, Kan., 1900-'02; Student of Phj^sics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, K. S. A. C, 1902-'03; Student of Physics, University of Chicago, 1903-'04; Instructor of Physics and Mathematics, State Normal School, Mt. Pleasant, Mich., 1904-'08; In Charge of Department of Physics, Butte (Montana) High School, 1908-'10; Principal of Sweet Grass County High School, Big Timber, Mont., 1910-'ll; In Charge of Department of Physics and Chemistry, Gardena Agricul- tural High School, Los Angeles, Cal., 1911 — . (DILLE) HULETT, MARY ALBERTA, B. S., At Home, 3025 Wood- land Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Housewife, Kirksville, Mo., 1901-'05; At Home, Edgerton, Kan., 1905-'07; On Ranch, Alamogordo, New Mex., 1907-'09; Teacher, Alamogordo Public Schools, 1909-'ll; At Home, Kansas City, Mo., 1911—. EASTMAN, ROBERT EDWARD, B. S., Agron., M. S. A., Pulaski, Va. M. S. A., Cornell University, 19 02; Instructor, Hampton Institute, 1902-'03; Instructor, K. S. A. C, 1903-'10; Student, Yale Forestry School, Summer, 1907; Employed in U. S. Forest Service, Kanikau National Forest, Summer, 1908. (EDELBLUTE) SMETHURST, JENNIE, B. S., Housewife, 823 Laramie St., Manhattan, Kan. At Home, Keats, Kan., 19O0- '02; Bookkeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1902-'03; Clerk, Manhat- tan, Kan., 1903-'06; Housewife, 1906 — . EMRICK, EUGENE, B. S., Manager of the Joplin Store and District for the L. B. Price Merc. Co., 1913 Virginia Ave., Joplin, I\lo. *(FINLEY) BLAINE, JOSEPHINE, B. S., Housewire, Monrovia. Cal. Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1900-'03; At Home, 1903- '04; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1904-'05; At Home, 1905- '07; Stenographer in Horticultural Department, 1908-'09; Stenographer, Journalism Department, 19 09-'ll; House^\ ife, Monrovia, Cal., 1911 — . KANSAS STATE AGRICrLTVUAL COLLEGE 125 *FOREST, HARRY VERNE, B. S., M. E., With St. Marys Engine Company, King City, Mo. GREENE, GEORGE ODGEN, B. S., Agron., M. S., Horticulturist, Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 915 Fremont St., Manhat- tan, Kan. Assistant in Horticulture, K. S. A. C, 1900-'03; Assistant in Horticulture, Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1903-'05; Merchant, Plainville, Kan., 1905-'10; Farmer, Bogue, Kan., 1910-'12; Extension Horticulturist, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . *HAFFNER, HERMAN C,. B. S., Assistant Superintendent, Fort Lewis Indian School, Hesperus, Colo. HANSON, GUSTAF WILLIAM, B. S., M. E., Construction Engineer, 549 New York St., Wichita, Kan. Machinist, Kansas City, 1900-'02; Machine Designer, Wichita, Kan., 1902-03; Opera- tor of Foundry, Marquette, Kan., 1903-'07; Machine Designer, Wichita, Kan., 1907-'09; Mechanical Engineer for Southwest- ern Iron Works, Guthrie, Okla., 1909-'10; Professor of Draw- ing and Manual Training, Broken Arrow, Okla., Haskell .State School of Agriculture, 1910-'ll; In Architectural Work, Wichita, 1911 — ; Construction Engineer for Dietes-Wenzei Construction Company, on the Wichita Union Station, 1913 — . *HARNER. JAMES WILLIAM, B. S., Green, Kan. (HOFFMAN) JOHNTZ, DAISY GLADYS, B. S.. D. S., Housewife, 307 Vine St., Abilene, Kan. Student of Kindergartening, Chicago, 1900-'02; Teacher of Kindergartening, Jackson. Mich., 1902-'04; Teacher of Kindergartening, Enterprise, Kan., 1904-'06; Housewife, 1906 — . LAWRY, WALTER FISH, B. S., M. E., Designing Engineer, Riordon Pulp and Paper Company, Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada. Draftsman, Metropolitan Street Railway Company, Kansas City, 1900-'01; Draftsman, Leighton Howard Steel Company, East St. Louis, 19 01; Machinery Salesman, Fairbanks, Morse & Co., St. Louis, 1901-'02; Draftsman and Instrumentman, K. C. U. & O. Railway, 1902-'03; Assistant Engineer, C, R. 1, & P. Railway, 1903-'04; Draftsman, McClintic-Marshall Con- struction Company, Chicago, 19 04-'05; Draftsman, Link Bell Company, Chicago, 1905-'10; Engineer, Jeffrey Manufactur ing Company, Columbus, Ohio, and Montreal, Canada, 1910- '13; Engineer, Riordon Pulp and Paper Company, Hawkes- bury, Ontario, Canada, 1913 — . *(McCARTY) COATS, AMANDA CULP, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 409 E. Fifty-eighth St., South Portland, Ore. (McCURRY) WALKER, N. OLLIE, B. S., Housewife, Plymouth. Kan. Telegraph Operator, Plymouth, Kan., 1901-'02; Tele- graph Operator, Ashfork, Ariz., 1903; Housewife, 1904 — . *McDOWELL, GEORGE G., B. S., South Fort George, British Columbia. 126 RECOUI) OF THE ALVMM McKEE, ROLAND, B. S., Scientific Assistant, Forage Crop Investiga- tions, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Chico, Cal. Farmer, Blue Rapids, Kan., 1900-'04; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1904-'05; Scientific Assistant, Forage Crop Investigations. U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1906 — . *(McLAREN) SCOTT, NETTIE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Santa Fe, Kan. MONTGOMERY, CHARLES DUDLEY, B. S., Agron. Died in 1002. MORLAN, FRED BYERS, B. S., Farmer, R. 1, Courtland, Kan. Farmer, Courtland, Kan., 1900 — . OMAN, ANDREW EDWARD, B. S., M. F., Forester, U. S. Forest Service, Weiser, Idaho. Teacher and Farmer, Riley County. Kansas, 1900-'03; M. F., Yale School of Forestry, 1906; Forest Assistant in U. S. Forest Service, 1906 — . *( PADDOCK) HESS, KATE, B. S., Housewife, 2315 Lawn St., Kan- sas City, Mo. PANCAKE, JOSEPH LOYD, B. S., Agron., Alfalfa and Stock Farmer, Tully, Rawlins County, Kansas. Farmer, Tully, Kan., 1900-'07; Moved to Mt. Airy, Ga., and Bought Real Estate; ■ Manager of Two Large Farms, Edmore, Mich., 1910; Alfalia and Stock Farmer, Tully, Kan., 1911 — . PARRACK, ALBERT WILLIAM, B. S. Died in 1901. (PERKINS) MYERS, EDITH, B. S., Housewife, Fallbrook, Cal. (PERKINS) MOODY, ELENORE, B. S., Housewife, 1517 Marengo Ave., South Pasadena, Cal. PIERSOL, PAUL du CHALLU, B. S., Wholesale Ice Cream Dealer, 214 N. Division St., Guthrie, Okla. POTTER, LUTHER EUGENE, B. S., Agron., Farmer, Myton, Utah. Foreman, American Beet Sugar Company, Rocky Ford, Colo , 1901; Farmer, Indian School, Grand Junction, Colo.. 190 2- '03; Dairyman, Chilocco Indian Agricultural School, 1904- '05; Farmer, Myton, Utah, 1906-'13; Deputy Assessor by Appointment, Sub-Division, Wasatch County, Utah, 19 09; Bookkeeper and Salesman, J. M. Coltharp General Merchan- dise Store, Myton, Utah, 1910; Bookkeeper and Salesman, Barry Mercantile Company, 1911; Carpenter, Grand Valley Irrigation Canal Structures, Rifle, Colo., 1912; Farmer. Myton, Utah, 1913 — . SPILMAN, CLARA, B. S., Librarian and Secretary, City Schools, 426 Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher in Preparatory Department, K. S. A. C, 1901-'02; Instructor in Domestic Science, Girls' Industrial School, Beloit, Kan., 1902-'03; Instructor in Domestic Science, Missouri Christian College, Camden Point, Mo., 1903-'07; Deputy Register of Deeds, Riley County, Kansas, 1907-'10; Librarian and Secretary. Manhattan, Kan., 1910 — . STEWART, MABEL, B. S., Teacher of Mathematics in High School, KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 127 215 W. Tenth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Teacher, City Schools, Neosho, Mo., 1900-'09; Teacher of Mathematics, High School, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1909 — . STEWART, STELLA, B. S., D. S., Teacher-in-Charge, Intermediate Department, Pennsylvania Institute for the Deaf, Wingohock- ing Hall, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. SWEET, FAYETTE CHARLES, B. S., Farmer and Stockman, Sophia, Okla. Farmer and Stockman, Burlington, Kan., 1900-'02; Farmer and Stockman, Sophia, Okla., 1902 — . SWINGLE, CORA EDITH, B. S., Teacher of Domestic Science. Nor- mal Training High School, Farmington, Iowa. Student, Pratt Institute, 1901; Graduated from Domestic Science Depart ment, Teachers' College, Columbia University, 19 02; Teacher, Varden, Pa., 1902-'04; Student, University of Michigan, 1905; At Home, Rochester, Mich., 1906-'08; Student, University of Michigan, 1909; At Home, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1910-'12; Normal Teacher of Domestic Science, Normal Training High School, Farmington, Iowa, 1913 — . SWINGLE, DEANE BRET, B. S., M. S., Professor of Botany and Bacteriology, Montana Agricultural College, 713 S. Grand Ave., Bozeman, Mont. Graduate Student, University of Wisconsin, 1900-'01; Assistant in Plant Pathology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1901-'06; Professor of Botany and Bacteriology, Montana Agricultural College, 1906 — . THOMPSON, BARTON R., B. S., Dairy Farmer, Garrison, Kan. Teacher and Farmer, 1900-'04; Foreman, Hillside Dairy Farm, Birmingham, Ala., 1905; Foreman, Glendell Dairy Company, Sioux City, Iowa, 1906; Assistant Dairyman, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., 1906-'07; Foreman, Thomas Daily Farm, Waterville, Kan., 1907-'09; Dairy Farmer, Garrison, Kan., 1909 — . (TRUMBULL) CORRELL, LAURA HELEN, B. S., Housewife, May- ville, N. Dak. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1900-'03, Housewife, 1903 — . WAGNER, JESSIE MAY, B. S., D. S., At Home, 1633 Fairchild Ave.. Manhattan, Kan. At Home, Enterprise, Kan., 1900-'12; At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . WALDRAVEN, LUTHER WATTS, B. S., M. E., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Winkler, Kan. Engineering Department, High- land Park College, 1902; Machinist, Swanson Manufacturing Company, 19 02; Farmer, 1903 — -. ZIMMERMAN, KATE ELIZABETH, B. S., Instructor of Biology, Girls' High School, Riverside, Cal. Presbyterian Mission Schools, 1901-'03; Student, Teachers' College, 1903-'04 Instructor in Science, High School, Fruita, Colo., 1904-'06 Instructor in Science, High School, Sumpter, Ore., 1908-'10 Principal, High School, Honolulu, T. H., 1910-'ll; Instructor 128 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI in Science, Higli Scliool, Winters, Cal., 1911-'12; Instructor in Science, High Scliool, Truckee, Cal., 1911-'12; Instructor in Chemistry and Physics, High School, Madera, Cal., 191?.; Instructor of Biology, Girls' High School, Riverside, Cal., 1913 — . 1901 *AKIN, DEL MAR, B. S., M. D., Farmer, Manhattan, Kan. ALLISON, CYRUS NORTON, B. S., Agron., D. D. 3., Dentist, Seven- teenth and Stone St. (Office), Eighteenth and Dewey Ave, Falls City, Nebr. (Residence). Passed Oklahoma Dental Examination, 1903; Dentist, Cordell, Okla., 1903; Graduated from Western Dental College, Kansas City, Mo., 1905; Dentist, Fall City, Nebr., 1906 — ; Commissioner to Presbyterian Gen- eral Assembly, 1911. (BLACHLY) FREEMAN, LOUA ADELLE, B. S., Housewife, 641 N. Park Ave., Tucson, Ariz. -BOURNE. HARRY S., B. S., Implement Business, Delphos, Kan. BURSON, CHARLES J., B. S., Bank Cashier, Hewins, Kan. Farmer, 1901-'04; Pioneer Settler Farmer and School Teacher in Rose Bud Land Opening, Gregory County, South Dakota, 1904-'0r. ; Organizer of the Hewins State Bank, 1906-'07; Cashier of the Hewins State Bank, 1907 — . BUTTERFIELD, HOWARD FRANK, B. S., Director of Manual Training, State Normal School, Mayville, N. Dak. Instructor, Manual Training and Mathematics, High School, Ackley, Iowa, 1901-'02; Instructor in Manual Training, High School, Pitts- burg, Kan., 1902-'03; Western Pacific Railroad Survey, 1903- '04; Assistant Principal and Manual Training Teacher, High School, Pittsburg, Kan., 1904-'08; Director of Manual Train- ing, State Normal School, Mayville, N. Dak., 19 08 — . COOK, EDWIN CHARLES, B. S., M. E. Died in 1903. COWLES, INA FOOTE, B. S., D. S., Instructor in Domestic Art, K. S. A. C, 1021 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Indian Service, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan., 1901-'02; Assistant in Domestic Art, K. S. A. C, 1902-'05; Student, Teachers' Col- lege, Columbia University, 1905-'06; Assistant in Domestic Art, K. S. A. C, 1906-'09; Instructor in Domestic Art, ibid., 1909^ — . (DAHL) TURNER, TRENA, B. S., Housewife, R. 3, Formosa, Kan. Teacher, Public Schools of Kansas, 1901-'06. DALE, FANNIE RACHEL ELLEN, B. S., Clerk, Office of Dean of Engineering, K. S. A. C, 318 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. DIEBALL, HERMAN AUGUST, B. S., Farmer and Stockman. !{. 3, Alma Kan. Insurance Agent, EI Paso, Texas, 1901-'02, Hotel Proprietor, Albuquerque, New Mex., 1902-'06; Kansas City, Mo., Hot Springs, Ark., Alma. Kan., 1906-'08; Farmer KAXSAS STATE AiiRICULTURAL COLLEGE 129 and Stockman, Alma, Kan., 1908 — . DOANE, EDGAR WILLIS, B. S., A. B., Civil Engineer and Con- tractor, Berenda, Cal. ELLING, OTTO H., B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stockman, R. 4, Lawton, Okla. In Charge of Pure-Bred Cattle on Rockefel- ler Ranch, Belvidere, Kan., 1901-'02; Foreman, Fort Hays Branch Experiment Station, 1903-'07; Farmer and Stockman, Lawton, Okla., 1907 — . EMMERT, VALENTINE MEACHAM, D. S., Agron., Teacher, Doran, Minn. Farmer, Blue Rapids, Kan., 190i-'0f»; Farmer, Brogado, Texas, 1911; Teacher, Doran Consolidated Schools, Doran, Minn., 1913 — . FARIS, RAINEY C, B. S., M. E., Mechanical and Constructing Engineer, 2409 Crawford Ave., Alton, 111. Draftsman and Tester of Motors, Wagner Electric Company, 1901-'02; Draftsman, Western Cartridge Company, East Alton, 111., 1902-'03; Superintendent of Repair Department, Western Cartridge Company, 1903-'05; Designer, Western Cartridge Company, 1905-'08; Engineer with Equitable Powder Manu- facturing Company, 1908 — . FAY, HARRY HAINES, B. S., Agron., Farmer, Wilsey, Kan. FOCKELE, FRED F., B. S., Banker, Waverly, Kan. Organized Gridley State Bank, Gridley, Kan., 1902-'03; Cashier of First National Bank, Waverly, Kan., 1903 — . GERTEIS, LOUISE, B. S., At Home, 232 N. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kan. Teacher, 1901-'09; At Home, 1909 — . HART, MAUD, B. S., D. S., Boys' Matron in Presbyterian Mission School, Albuquerque, New Mex. Evanston, 111., 1901-'03, Instructor in Domestic Science, Good Will, S. Dak., 1903-'05, At Home, Coin, Iowa, 1905-'08; Instructor in Domestic Science, Menaul School, Albuquerque, New Mex., 1908-'1C; Boys' Matron, Menaul School, Albuquerque, New Mex., 1910 — . HASELWOOD, FRED WILLIS, B. S., Principal Assistant Engineer, Division 1, California Highway Commission, 32 East Vallej% Willits, Cal. Student, Stanford University, 1901-'03; Transit- man, Resident Engineer, and Assistant Engineer, Western Pacific Railway, 1903-'09; Private Practice, Irrigation, and Water Power, 1910-'ll; Principal Assistant Engineer, Divi- sion 1, California Highway Commission, 1912 — . *HOWELL, MINNIE M., B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Sumner High School, Kansas City, 618 Yuma St., Manhattan, Kan. * (HUNTRESS) RHOADES, EDITH, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 50'', S. Chestnut St., Olathe, Kan. JOLLEY, LOUIS BERTEN, B. S., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Eighteenth and State St., North Chicago, 111. Medical Stu- 130 RECOED OF THE ALUMNI dent, Chicago, 1901-'05; Physician, Gurnee, 111., 1905-'')9: Physician, North Chicago, 111., 1909 — . (KNOSTMAN) PRATT, HELEN, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 610 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher in Preparatory Department, K. S. A. C, 1901-'02; Assisted in Secretary's Office, K. S. A. C, 1902-'03; Housewife, 1904 — . *LADD, DANIEL, B. S., Chicago, 111. LOCKE, ERMA ELIZABETH, B. S., D. S., Teacher, R. 1, Phillips- burg, Kan. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas; Teacher, Mountain Grove, Mo.; Teacher, Rockford, Wash.; Teacher, Phillips County, Kansas. *McCASLIN, HARVEY, B. S., A. B., LL. B., Lawyer, Osborne, Kan. (McKEEN) AXELTON, MADGE RUTH, B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 1, Randolph, Kan. Teacher, 1901-'05; At Home, 1905-'07; Housewife, 1907 — . McKENZIE, JOHN ALEXANDER, B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stock- Raiser, R. 1, Solomon, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1901 — . MARTINSON, GEORGE, B. S., A. B., LL. B., Lawyer, First National Bank Building, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Stanford, 1903; T-L. B., Stanford. 1904. MATHEWSON, WALTER E., B. S., M. S., Chemist, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 641 Washington St., New York, N. Y. Department of Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1901-'07; Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, 1907 — . (MILLER) COOK, EMMA MAUDE, B. S., Instructor in High School, Oakley, Kan. Teacher in District Schools, 1901-'04, Teacher in Grade Schools, 1904-'07; Teacher in High School, 1907 — . (MINIS) SNODGRASS, MARGARET JANE, B. S., Housewife, care U. S. Experiment Station, Kodiak, Alaska. Assistant Librarian, K. S. A. C, 1901-'03; Librarian, K. S. A. C, 1903- '07; Housewife, Kodiak, Alaska, 1907 — . MORGAN, CLARENCE WILLIAM, B. S., Farmer, Palacios, Texas. Farmer, Phillips County, Kansas, 1901-'08; Farmer, Texas, 1908—. MORGAN, EUGENE LAWRENCE, B. S., Physician and Surgeon, Phillipsburg, Kan. Teacher, St. John, Kan., 1901-'02; Stu- dent, Kansas Medical College, Topeka, Kan., 1903-'05; Stu- dent, University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., 1905-'06; Physician, Phillipsburg, Kan., 1906 — . (MUDGE) DIMOCK, RUTH ATWILL, B. S., Housewife, 515 North western Ave., Ames, Iowa. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C.> 1901-'02; Instructor in Biology, Girls' High School, Louis- ville, Ky., 1902-'09; Housewife, 1909 — . MUSTARD, JESSIE MAY, B. S., High School Principal, Mankato, KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUBAL COLLEGE 131 Kan. Primary Teacher, Hope, Kan., 1902-'04; Primary Teacher, Solomon, Kan., 1904-'08; Principal of High School, Solomon, Kan., 1908-'ll; Principal of High School, Mankato, Kan., 1911 — . (NITCHER) SOWERS, MARTHA, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Ames, Iowa. Office Assistant, Farm Department, K. S. A. C, 1901-'02; Seattle, Wash., 1902-'03; Special Student, Ames Agricultural College, 1904; Teacher and Clerk, Ames, Iowa, 1904-'06; Housewife. Ames, Iowa, 1906 — . OESTERHAUS, JOHN H., B. S., D. V. S., Manufacturer of Anti- Hog-Cholera Serum, 634 Live Stock Exchange Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Traveling Salesman, 1901-'02; Student, K. C. V. C, 1902-05; Veterinarian, Seventh Cavalry, U. S. Army, 1905-'09; Veterinarian, 1909-'12; Manufacturer, Kansas City Serum Company, 1912 — . ONEEL, CARRIE BELLE, B. S., D. S., Bookkeeper and Auditor, 520 Willow St., San Jose, Cal. Bookkeeper and Auditor, California, six years. PINCOMB, HELENA MAUDE, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Lenexa, Kan. Assistant in Domestic Art, K. S. A. C, 1901; Instructor of Domestic Art, Pittsburg (Kansas )High School, 1902-'03; Student, Columbia University, 1903-'04; Head of Department of Domestic Science, State Normal School, Stevens Point, Wis.. 1904-'08; Associate in Household Science, University of Illinois, 1907 — . *POOLE, BRYANT, B. S., Agron., Farmer, Live Stock Exchange Bldg., Kansas City, Kan. *RIGG, LEROY, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, Kirwin, Kan. SARGENT, WILLIAM STEPHEN, B. S. Died in 1908. (SAUBLE) ROGLER, MAUD, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Bazaar, Kan. Housewife, 19 01 — . SCOTT, CHAS. A., B. S., Agron., State Forester and Professor of Forestry, K. S. A. C, 311 N. Eighteenth St., Manhattan, Kan. Forest Expert, U. S. Forest Service, 1901-'04; Graduate Stu dent, Yale University Forest School, 19 04-'05; Forest Super- visor, U. S. Forest Service, 1905-'08; Special Lecturer in Nebraska University Forest School, Winters of 1905, 1906, 1907; Professor of Forestry, Iowa State College, 1908-'10; State Forester and Professor of Forestry, K. S. A. C, 1910 — . (SMITH) KINSLEY, ANNA LOUISA, B. S., Housewife, 2108 E. Thirty-sixth St., Kansas City, Mo. At Home, Ottumwa, Kan., till August 4, 1901; At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1901-'0;; At Home, Kansas City, Mo., 1902 — . STRITE, ADELAIDE, B. S., Teacher, S. 823 Garfield St., Spokane. Wash.; Kanapolis, Kan. (Home Address). Teacher, Rural Schools of Kansas, 1901-'04; Teacher, City Schools, ManhaL tan, Kan., 1904-'07; Teacher, City Schools, Ellsworth, Kan., 10 '55 >, Pu -0 C (6 8 o ^s U ^ (/) ^ 5i - US ffl E c: Q 132- KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUEAL COLLEGE 133 1907-'08; Teacher, City Schools, Spokane, Wash., 1908 — • (SUMMERS) GALLIGAN, ANNA ODETTE, B. S., Housewife, E. 2704 Fifteenth Ave., Spokane, Wash. (SWEET) BETTS, LUCY, B. S., Housewife, 616 Wall St., Chico, Cal. Saleslady, 1902-'07; Housewife, 1907 — . SYMNS, PERRIN K., B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R 5, Troy, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, 1901 — . (THARP) EDWARDS, ESTELLA MAE, B. S., Physician and Surgeon, Delaware, Okla. Teacher, Public Schools, 1901-'0V; Housewife, 1907; Medical Student, Chicago, 1907-'10; Physician, 1910 — . (TRUE) GODDARD, HELEN CASTLE, B. S. Died in 1908. TURNER, HARRY CASTLE, B. S., Forest Planting Assistant, U. S. Forest Service, Ft. Bayard, New Mex. Teacher, Public Schools, Kansas, 1901-'06; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C 1906-'07; In U. S. Forest Service, 1907 — . (VAIL) BUTTERFIELD, FLORENCE HELEN, B. S., Housewife, Mayville, N. Dak. At Home, 1901-'02; Graduate Student and Assistant in Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1902-'04: Housewife, Pittsburg, Kan., 1904-'08; Housewife, Mayville, N. Dak., 1908 — . (WAGNER) GRESHAM, MARY CAROLINE, B. S., Housewife, 401 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. (WHITE) SULLIVAN, ELEANOR MARY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1418 Alameda Ave., Portland, Ore. Teacher, Wichita, Kan., Preston, and American Falls, Idaho, 1902-'ll. (WINTER) HAWKS, KATHARINE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 510 W. Sixth St., Chanute, Kan. Clerk, Dry Goods Store, Man- hattan, Kan., 1901-'06; Cashier, Dry Goods Store, Manhat- tan, Kan., 1906-'07. (WYATT) WILSON, LUCIE JOAN, B. S., Housewife, Onaga, Kan. Teacher, Westmoreland, Kan., 1901-'03; Housewife, West- moreland, Kan., 1903-'05; Housewife, Onaga, Kan., 1905 — . YORK, HENRY THEADOR, B. S., M. E. Died in 1902. 1902 (ALEXANDER) BOYD, MAMIE, B. S., Housewife, Phillipsburg, Kan. Clerk, K. S. A. C, 1902-'05; Housewife, 1905 — . AMOS, EDGAR McCALL, B. S., Printer and Publisher, 101.5 Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. AVERY, HENRY ALBERT, B. S., Furniture Dealer and Under- taker, Wakefield, Kan. Hardware, Furniture, and Imjrie- ment Dealer, Wakefield, Kan., 1902-'10; Furniture Dealei and Undertaker, Wakefield, Kan., 1910 — . BARNARD. ETTA MARIE, B. S., D. S., Director of Domestic Art, University of Utah, 1310 E. Second South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Instructor in Grades and High School, 1902-'0;'' ; 134 liECOliJ) OF THE A LI M XI Director of Domestic Art, East Waterloo Manual Training Ili.^ii School, 1909-'12; Student in Chicago University, Summer of 1909; Student in Columbia University, Summer of 1910; Director of Domestic Art, University of Utah, 1912 — . BARR, MARY OLIVE, B. S., D. S., At Home, Manhattan, Kan. BEAN, GEORGE FORD, B. S., E. E., Yardman, Pfuetze Bros. Lum- ber Company, 406 Moro St., Manhattan, Kan. BLACHLY, CHARLES DALLAS, B. S., M. D., Physician and Sur- geon, Drumright, Okla. (BOURNE) COOL, BESSIE SARAH, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Glasco, Kan. Teacher, 1902-'12; Housewife, 1911 — . BRIGGS, MARTHA AMELIA, B. S., D. S., At Home, R. 6, Manhat- tan, Kan. Clerk, Manhattan, Kan.; At Home, R. 6, Man- hattan, Kan. (CAIN) WEISS, EMMA M., B. S.. Housewife. CHAMPLIN, FLOYD ADELBERT, B. S.. Stock Farmer, Phillips- burg, Kan. Died on November 19, 1912. CHASE, ELIJAH ELLIS, B. S., Agron., Fruit Grower, Orange Bend. Lake County, Florida. CLARK, CHARLES HOWARD, B. S., Agron., Farmer, R. 1, Gar- field, Kan. Farmer, 1902 — . COE, MAUDE MILDRED, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Yates Center, Kan. Assistant in Domestic Art, K. S. A. C, 1902-'06; Teacher of Domestic Science, Yates Center High School, 1911 — . COLE, MURRAY STANLEY, B. S., M. E., With Southern Pacific Railway Company, 449 Fifty-ninth St., Oakland, Cal. Ma- chinist, American Tool Works Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1902-'03; Special Apprentice, Santa Fe Railway, San Ber- nardino, Cal., 1903-'05; Inspector for Salt Lake Railway, Otis, Colo., 1905-'07; Erecting Engineer for Coast Counties Light and Power Company, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1907-'09; Mechanical Designer, Southern Pacific Railway Company, San Francisco, 1909 — . COLE, ROBERT CURTISE, B. S., Agron., Stockman and Farmer, Platte, S. Dak. CRAWFORD, LOTTIE IRENE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Art and Domestic Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. DAVIES, SARAH EMILY, B. S., D. S., Teacher, R. 2, Riley or Bala, Kan. Teacher, Riley County, Kansas, 1902-'ll; Postgrad- uate, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Teacher, 1912 — . (DROLLINGER) GLUNT, DELLA, B. S., Housewife, Garrison, Kan. Teacher, 1902-'05; Housewife, 1905 — . EASTMAN. CHARLES, B. S., D. V. S., Veterinarian and Stockman. 668 Marsh St., San Luis Obispo, Cal. Student, Kansas City Veterinary College, 1902-'04; Practitioner of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, 1904-'06; Professor of Veterinnrv KA:N^SAS state agricultural college 135 Anatomy and Physiology, San Francisco Veterinary College, 1906-'08; Veterinary Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1908-'12; Veterinarian and Stockman, 1912 — . FITZ, LESLIE ARTHUR, B. S., Professor of Milling Industry, K. S. A. C, 1014 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Grain Investi- gation, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1902-'06; Office of Grain Standardization, ibid., 1906-'10; In Charge of Depart- ment of Milling Industry, K. S. A. C, 1910 — . FOCKELE, GLICK, B. S., M. E., Editor and Manager of the LeRoy "Reporter," LeRoy, Kan. Editor, Girdley (Kansas) "Star," 1902-'03. *GINGERY, CLARK A., B. S., Cave Creek, Ariz. Foreman of Nursery, Caldwell, Kan., 1902-'03; Creamery, Caldwell, Kan., 1903-'04; Farmer and Stock Raiser, Caldwell, Kan., 1904-'05; Farmer, 1905 — . HARVEY, WILLIAM LEE, B. S., LL. B., Prosecuting Attorney, Elmore County, Mountain Home. Idaho. County Attorney, Seward County, Kansas, 1902-'04; LL. B., Washburn tfniver- sity Law School, 1907; Appointed Assistant Supreme Court Reporter, Kansas Supreme Court, 19 06; Lawyer, Mountain Home, Idaho, 1909; Prosecuting Attorney, Elmore County, Idaho. 1910 — . HAYNES, BENJAMIN F., B. S., Farmer, R. 1, Eagle, Idaho. Farmer, 1902 — . HILDRETH, WILLIAM RUTHERFORD, B. S., Agron., Farmer, R. 2, Oswego, Kan. Farmer, 1902-'03; Postgraduate Student, Iowa State College, 1903-'04; Farmer, Breeder of Pure-Bred Corn and Live Stock, 1904 — . (HOFER) JOHNSON, CHRISTINE DELPHINE, B. S., D. S., House- wife, 41 Wetmore Ave., South Orange, N. J. At Home, Man hattan, 1903-'05; Music Student, Chicago, 1905-'06; House- wife, 19 06 — . HOFER, HENRIETTA MATTIE, B. S., D. S., Soprano Soloist, 318 E. Broad St., Westfleld, N. J. Soprano Soloist, Westfiold Presbyterian Church; Soprano Soloist, Westfleld Choral Society; Vocal Teacher, Westfleld, N. J.; Student of Institute of Musical Art, Frank Damrosch, Director; Pupil of Madam Von Niessen-Stone, Vocal Teacher. HOUSE, EDOUARD WILFRED, B. S., Millwright Foreman, 963 Northrup St., Kansas City, Kan. Pattern Maker, Santa Fe Shops, Topeka, Kan.; Pattern Maker and Millwright, Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company, Kansas City, Kan.; Fore- man of Millwrights and Carpenters, Proctor & Gamble Manu- facturing Company, Kansas City, Kan. (KEEN) DUNCAN, LETTA BIRDILLA. B. S., D. S.. Housewife, Ju lection City. Kan. 136 EECOliD OF THE ALUMNI KIMBALL, NED WILLIS. B. S., Editor and Publisher, 800 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Editor and Publisher of "The Daily Mercury" and Manhattan "Republic," Manhattan, Kan. LEIDIGH, ARTHUR HENRY, B. S., Agron., Agronomist in Charge of Soil Improvement, Texas Experiment Stations, College Sta- tion, Tex. Farm Hand, 1902-'03; Office of Grain Investie;a- tions, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1903-'08; Superin- tendent of Experiment Station, Channing, Texas, 1903-'05; Superintendent of Experiment Station, Amarillo, Texas, 1905-'08; Farmer, Hutchinson, Kan., 190S-'ll; Col laborator, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1908-'li; Assistant Professor of Crops, K. S. A. C, 1911-'13; Agron- omist in Charge of Soil Improvement, Texas Experiment Sta tions, 1913 — . LOGAN, GEORGE M., B. S., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, ::05 Everett Bldg., Akron, Ohio. Radiographer, Akron City Hospital; Anaesthetist, Children's Hospital, Akron, Ohio; President, Summit County Medical Society; President, Summit County Medical Club; Vice-President, ex officio, Sixth Coun- ^ cilor District Medical Association. McANINCH, OTTO MEADE, B. S., Farmer and Stockman, Garrison, Kan. Farmer and Ranchman, Kansas, 1902 — . (MAELZER) GILSON, AMELIA AUGUSTA, B. S., Housewife, May. Idaho. Teacher, Idaho, 1902-'09; Housewife, Roseville, Cai., 1909-'10; Housewife, Tacoma, Wash., 1910-'12; Housewife, May. Idaho, 1912 — . (MATHER) ROMINE, MARGARET MYRTLE, B. S., D. S., House- wife and Farmers' Institute Lecturer, R. 1, Mooresville, Ind. Teacher of Domestic Science, Girls' Industrial School, Beloit, Kan., 1902; Teacher of Domestic Science, Soldiers' Orphtms' Home, Bloomington, 111., 1903-'05; State Worker, Farmers' Institute, Indiana, 1905-'06; Teacher of Domestic Science, Lin- coln College, Lincoln, 111., 1906-'07; Housewife, 1907 — . MULLEN, ROGER BONNER, B. S., Agron., Electrician, South Tacoma Shops, Northern Pacific Railway, Box 49a, R., Lake- bay. Wash. Assistant Herdsman, C. G. Comslock, Albany, Mo., 1902-'03; Fruit and Poultry Raiser. Lakebay, Wash., 1903-'05; Logger, Washington, 1905-'08; B. S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 19 08-'12; Foreman of Pumping Plant for Construction of Great Northern Railroad Docks, Vancouver, B. C, 1912-'13; Electrician, South Tacoma Railroad Shops, South Tacoma, Wash., 1913 — . POOLE, GROVER, B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stock Breeder, R. 6. Manhattan, Kan. Farmer and Stock Breeder, Manhattan, Kan., 1902 — . (PUTNAM) CUTTING, ABBIE ELIDA, B. S., Housewife, Box 31, Lenora, Kan. KANSAS STATE AGHICULTURAL COLLEGE 137 RICHARDS, HARRY PAUL, B. S., M. E. and E. E., In Real Estate, Loans, and Insurance Business, 513 New England Bld^?., Topeka, Kan. In the Mechanical Department of the Santa Fe Railway, 1902-'08; In Real Estate, Loans, and Insuranc^^ Business, Topeka, Kan., 1908 — . RIGG, EVA TALITHA, B. S., D. S., Domestic Science Teacher, Kan- sas City National Training School, E. Fifteenth St. and Den- ver Ave., Kansas City, Mo. General Secretary, Y. W. C. A., K. S. A. C, 1902-'04; Domestic Science Teacher, Kansas City National Training School, 1905 — . ROSS, JOHN FRANCIS, B. S., Agron., Superintendent of U. S. Cereal Field Station, Box 7 29, Amarillo, Texas. Teacher of Agriculture, U. S. Indian Service, 1903; Additional Farmer, U. S. Indian Service, Chilocco Indian School, Chilocco, Okla.. Crow Agency, Mont., 1903; Teacher of Agriculture, Genoa Indian School, Genoa, Nebr., 1904-'08; Farm Superintendent, Amarillo Cereal Field Station, Amarillo, Texas, 1908 — . ROSS, PONTUS HENRY, B. S., County Demonstration Agent, 405 S. Broadway St., Leavenworth, Kan. O. E. S., U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. 1903-'07; Farmer, Idaho and Kansas, 1907-'ll; Teacher of Agriculture, Jewell (Kansas) High School, 1911-'12; County Demonstration Agent, Leavenworth County, Kansas, 1912 — . SCHNEIDER, FREDERICK LEWIS, B. S., Agron., D. V. S., Vetoii- nary Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Room 208, Occidental Life Bldg., Albuquer- que, New Mex. D. V. S., Kansas City Veterinary College, Kansas City, Mo., 1902-'05; Veterinary Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1905 — . SECREST, EDMUND RAY, B. S., Chief, Department of Forestry, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 918 N. Bever St., Wooster, Ohio. Assistant, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1902-'05; Assistant, Department of Forestry, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 1906-'09; Chief, De- partment of Forestry, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, 1909 — . SHEPHERD, GLEN REID, B. S., E. E., Merchant, 536 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Treasurer, Orpheum Theatre, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1903-'08; Merchant, Perry, Kan., 190S-'00; Merchant, Kansas City, Kan., 1909 — . SMITH, CHARLES FRANKLIN, B. S., County Superintendent of Public Instruction, 208 Taylor St., Eldorado, Kan. Instruc- tor in Eldorado High School, 1903-'07; Principal, Eldorado High School, 1907-'09; Superintendent of Leon Schools, 1909-'ll; Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1911^ — . SPENCER, WALTER HAYWARD, B. S., Agron., D. V. S., Veteri- nary Surgeon, Yates Center, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, i;{8 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI 1902-'08; D. V. S., Kansas City Veterinary College, 1908- '11; Veterinary Surgeon, 1911 — . STAFFORD, JOHN THOMAS, B. S., Ranchman and Orchardisl, Crawford, Colo. *TOOTHAKER, MYRTIE LUCY, B. S., D. S., At Home, 1416 Hum- boldt St., Manhattan, Kan. *WALTERS, FRED, B. S., Agron., 714 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, Kan. (ZIMMERMAN) HASELWOOD, LILLY MAUD. B. S., D. S., House- wife, 32 East Valley, Willits, Cal. Student, Kansas State Normal, 1903; Teacher, Beattie (Kansas) City Schools, 1904; Student of Piano, 1905; Assistant Principal of the Oswego (Kansas) High School, 1906; Professor of Mathematics, Proctor, Provo, Utah, 1907-'09; Housewife, 1909; Resi- dences: Oakland, Cal., 1910; Berkeley, Cal., 1911; Willits, Cal., 1912 — ; Student of Piano. 1903 BOURNE, RICHARD FRANKLIN, B. S., D. V. S., Professor of Physiology and Histology, Kansas City Veterinary College, 3308 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Mo. D. V. S., Kansas City Veterinary College, 1904-'06; Veterinary Practitioner, 1906; Veterinary Inspector, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1908; Professor of Physiology and Histology, Kansas City Veteri- nary College, 19 OS — . CHANDLER, HOWARD McCUNE, B. S., M. E., 1723 Fairchild \ve., Manhattan, Kan. Mechanical Engineer and Draftsman, "vV. T. Ganatt Co., San Francisco, Cal., 1903-'04; Drafts- man, Honolulu (Hawaii) Iron Works, 1904-'07 and 1909-'10; Construction Engineer, Guanica Centrale (Porto Rico) Sugar Company, 1907-'08; Assistant Chief Engineer, Tabasco Land and Development Company, Plantation "Caxaquena,' Sta. Lucrecia, Vera Cruz, Mexico, 1908-'09; Assistant Expeii- mental Engineer, K. S. A. C, 1910-'ll; Supervisor of Con- struction, ibid., 1911-'12; Consulting Mechanical Engineer, United Sugar Companies, Los Mechis, Sinaloa, Mexico, 1912. CORBIN, DeVERNE E., B. S., M. E. Died in December, 1911. CORRELL, JAMES A., B. S., M. E., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, University of Texas, 2316 Neches St., Austin, Texas. Special Student, Electrical Engineering, K. S. A. C, 1903-'04; S. B. in Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1907; Instructor in Electrical Engineering, University of Texas, 1907 — . COTTRELL, AMOS LUTHER, B. S., Agron., Feed Specialist and Salesman, The Quaker Oats Company, 27 9 Douglas Ave., Elgin, 111. Specialty Salesman, Quaker Oats Company; In Charge of Branch Business, Clarksdale, Miss., 1905-'06; KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 139 Handling By-Product Feeds, Quaker Oats Company, 1906 — . CUNNINGHAM, CLAUDE CARROLL, B. S., Agron., Assistant in Farm Demonstration, K. S. A. C, 1109 Houston St., Manhat- tan, Kan. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1904; Farmer, 1905; Graduate Student, Cornell University, 1906; Special Assistant in Agronomy, 1907-'08; Assistant in Agronomy, Fort Hays Branch Experiment Station, 1908-'ll; Assistant in Farm Demonstration, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . DRAKE, ORRIN POMEROY, B. S., M. E., County Demonstration Agent, Winfield, Kan. Farmer, 1903-'13; County Demon- stration Agent, Cowley County, 1913 — . EDWARDS, LEWIS SIDNEY, B. S., Agron., Manager of the Dem- ing Ranch, Oswego, Kan. Foreman on Dairy Farm, Cal- houn, Nebr., 1903; Foreman on Deming Ranch, Oswego, Kan., 1904-'09; Farmer, Coyote, Mont., 1910-'ll; Manager of the Deming Ranch, Oswego, Kan., 1912 — . ESDON, ROBERT ALEXANDER, B. S., B. D., Minister of the Gos- pel, Amoret, Mo. Teacher, 1903-'05; Student in Theological Seminary, 1905-'08; B. D., United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Pittsburg, Pa., 1908; Pastor in United Presbyter- ian Church, 1908 — . (FAILYER) KYLE, CORINNE, B. S., Housewife, 1506 Meridian St., N. W., Washington, D. C. At Home, 1903-'06; House- wife, Ohio, South Carolina, Florida, Kansas, and Washing- ton, D. C, 1906 — . vFAILYER) KINZER, MAUDE IRENE, B. S., Housewife, 3510 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Housewife, Manhattan, Kan., 1903-'ll; Housewife, Kansas City, Mo., 1911 — . (FEARON) HUBBARD, ESTELLA MAY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Central, Vt. Director of Physical Education, St. Louis Y. W. C. A., 1906-'07; Instructor, Chautauqua Summer School of Physical Education, 1906; Instructor of Physical Education, Wellesley College, 1907-'13; Housewife, 1913 — . FIELDING, GEORGE T., JR., B. S., E. E., Designer and Manufac- turer of New Electric Advertising Effects, 57 5 E. Fordham Road, New York City, N. Y. Electrical Inspector, Chicago Edison, 1903; Testing Department, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1904-'05; Electrical Engineer, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1906-'09; Designer and Manufacturer of New Electric Advertising Effects, 1910 — . FIELDS, JAMES WILLIAM, B. S., Agron., D. D. S., Dentist, 716 S. Main St., McPherson, Kan., 220 N. Main St. (Office). Farmer and Real Estate Dealer, 1903-'04; Student, Dental College, 1904-'07; Registered by Examination as Practicing Dentist, 1906; Practiced with Doctor Husband, 1906 (May to October); Dentist, Kansas City, Kan., 1906-'08; Dentist, McPherson, Kan., 1908 — . 140 BECOBD OF THE ALUMNI GAHAN, ARTHUR BURTON, B. S., M. S., Associate Entomologist, Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, College Park, Md., Central Ave., Berwyn, Md. Assistant Entomologist, Maryland Agricultural College, 1904-'10; Associate Entomol- ogist, Maryland Experiment Station, 1910 — . GILLIS, FRED NORTON, B. S., Agron., Cashier, First State Bank, Wishek, N. Dak. Government Survey, North Dakota, 1903- '04; Cashier, First State Bank, and Secretary and Treasurer of Bankers' Loan Company, Wishek, N. Dak., 1904 — . GOODRICH, CLARA S., B. S., Teacher of Mathematics, High School, Salt Lake City, Utah. Teacher of Mathematics, High School, Higginsville, Mo.; Teacher of Mathematics and Science, Roanoke Institute, Danville, Va.; Teacher of Mathe- matics and Science, High School, Lidgerwood, N. Dak.; Teacher of Mathematics, High School, Waterloo, Iowa; Teacher of Mathematics, High School, Salt Lake City, Utah. GOODWIN, EDITH ANNA, B. S., D. S., M. S. Died in 1908. GOODYEAR, ELLSWORTH PAUL, B. S., Agron., Farmer pnd Fruit Raiser, R. 7, Wichita, Kan. In Bakery Business, Wichita, Kan., 1904-'05; Farmer, Cedar Point, Kan., 1905- '06; Farmer and Fruit Raiser, 1907 — . HALLSTED. ALANSON L., B. S., Agron., Assistant in Dry Laud Agriculture, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Hays, Kan. Farmer, Havana, Kan., 1903-'09; In Charge of Dry Laud Agriculture, Hays Sub-Station, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, in Co-operation with the Fort Hays Branch of the Kan- sas State Experiment Station, 1909 — . (HANSON) ROSS, ESTHER E., B. S., D. S. Died in 1909. HODGSON, EDWARD HOWARD, B. S., Agron., Parmer axid Stock Raiser, R. 1, Little River, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1903 — . HOLDERMAN, PEARL, B. S., D. S., Ranching in Craig County, Oklahoma, R. 4, Chetopa, Kan. Occupied in Various Lines of Work, Canada and U. S., 1903-'13. HOLROYD, HARTLEY BOWEN, B. S., With Muncie Wheel Com- pany, Muncie, Ind. In Forest Service, Investigation and Commercial Tree Studies in Pacific Coast States, 1902-'03; Commercial Study of the Vehicle and Agricultural Manufac- turing Industries, 1904-'05; Commercial Study of Southern Lumber Species, 1906-'07; Study of Planting and Natural Growth of Trees in Nebraska, South and North Dakota, end Minnesota, 1908; With District Office, Denver, Colo., 1909- '10; Deputy Forest Supervisor, Colorado Natural Forests. Fort Collins, Colo., 1911 — . IIOUGHAM, SARAH CHASE, B. S., D. S., Library Organizer, .-120 N. Eleventh St., Manhattan, Kan. Office Assistant, K. S. X. C, 1903-'06; Editor and Publisher of "The Alumnus," K. S. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 141 A. C, 1906-'08; Library Assistant, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Library Assistant, North Dakota University, 1910-'ll; Special Student, Illinois University Library School, 1912; Library Organizer, Working in Co-operation with the Exten- sion Department of the Kansas State Normal School, 1912 — . JOHNSON, AXEL H., B. S., M. E., Developing Fruit Land, Cowichee Star Route 1, North Yakima, Wash. Electric Machinist with Colorado Iron and Fuel Company, Bessemer, Colo., 1903-'04; Draftsman for S. F. Railway, San Bernardino, Cal., 1904; Switch Board Operator with The Edison Light and Power Company, Los Angeles, Cal., 1904-'05; Machinist and Installer of Hydroelectric Machinery, The Edison Light and Power Company, Los Angeles, Cal., 1904-'05; Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil Engineer, Purchasing Agent, and Draftsman, San Bernardino Valley Traction, 1905-'06; Construction and Operation with Rio De Janeiro Tramway Light and Power Company, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, S. A., 1907-'ll; Traveling, 1912-'13. JONES, JESSE McCULLAH, B. S., Agron., Professor of Animal Industry, Alabama Polytechnic Institute and Experiment Sta- tion, Auburn, Ala. Assistant in Animal Industry, Alabama Experiment Station, 1903-'04; Instructor in Animal Industry, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1903-'04; Planter and Stock and Corn Breeder, Montgomery, Ala., 1905-'10; Local Agent, Farmers' Co-operative Demonstration Work, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Montgomery County, Alabama, 1911; District Agent, Farmers' Co-operative Demonstration Work, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Alabama, 1912; In ChartiC of Department of Animal Industry, Alabama Polytechnic Institute and Alabama Experiment Station, 1913 — . KYLE, CURTIS HERNON, B. S., Agron., Assistant Physiologis' , Bureau of Plant Industry, 1506 Meridian Place, N. W., Wash ington, D. C. Assistant in Agriculture, K. S. A. C, 1903-'06; Assistant in Agronomy, Ohio Experiment Station, 1906-'07; Assistant Physiologist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Headquarters at Washington, and Field Territory Over Southeastern States, 1907 — . LAWRY, RAYMOND GEORGE, B. S., M. E., Mechanical Engineer, 97 63 Prospect Ave., Chicago, 111. Draftsman, Webster Manu- facturing Company, and American Steel and Wire Company, 1903 (July to October); Civil Engineer, with Warren R. Roberts, 1903-'04; In Charge of Coal Mining Plant Depart- ment of Roberts & Schaefer Co., Chicago, 111., 1904 — . McCOY, ROSE MARGARET, B. S., Teacher in High School, Kansas City, Kan.; Wamego, Kan. (Home Address). Teacher in Kansas City, Kan., 1903 — . McCRONE, EDWIN WILLIAM, B. S., Agron., D. V. M., Veteri- 142 HE CORD OF THE ALUMNI narian, Haddam, Kan. Dairy Farmer, Callao, Mo., 1903; Employed in Dairy, Big Horn, Wyo., 1904; Student, Kansas City Veterinary College, 1904-'05; Student of Veterinary Medicine, K. S. A. C, 1905-'07; Veterinarian, Haddam, Kan., 1907 — . (MUDGE) HOUSER, BESSIE A., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 342 N. Buckeye St., Wooster, Ohio. Teacher of Domestic Science, Pittsburg (Kansas) High School, 1903-'04; At Home, 1904- '05; Housewife, 1906 — . NIELSEN, HAROLD THEODORE, B. S., Agron., District Agricul- tural Agent, Norton, Kan. Postgraduate Student, Iowa State College, 1903-'04; Scientific Assistant, Forage Crop Investiga- tions, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1904-'08; Farmer, and Farmers' Institute Lecturer for K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Assist- ant in Co-operative Experiments, K. S. A. C, 1911; Forage Expert, Insular Bureau of Agriculture, Philippine Islands, 1911-'14; District Agricultural Agent, Norton, Kan., 1914 — . NIXON, IVAN LUTHER, B. S., Sales Department, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 108 Glendale Park, Rochester, N. Y. Postgrad- uate Work, 1903-'04; Assistant State Entomologist of New York, 1904-'07; Sales Department, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 1907 — . OAKLEY, RUSSELL ARTHUR, B. S., Agronomist, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. (O'DANIEL) AMOS, ANNA LOUELLA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1015 Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. PANCAKE, CLARA, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, State Preparatory School, Boulder, Colo. As sistant. Domestic Science Department, K. S. A. C, 1903-'05; Resident of Philadelphia, 1907; Resident of Georgia, 1908; Resident of Philadelphia, 1909; In Charge of Short Course, Home Economics Department, Purdue University, 1910; Stu- dent, Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York, 1910-'ll; Degree of B. S. in Education and Bachelor's Di- ploma in Teaching, June, 1911; Graduate Student, Columbia University, Summer Session, 1911; In Charge of Department of Household Arts, State Preparatory School, Boulder, Colo.. 1911 — . (PERRY) HILL, CELOA ALICE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 425 Lin- coln St., Walla Walla, Wash. Housewife, 1904 — ; Resi deuces: Fayette, Mo., 1905; Pendleton, Ore., 1908; Walla Walla, and Olympia, Wash., 1913 — . REED, ALEXIS JOSEPH, B. S., E. E., Telephone Engineer with Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, 5920 Colby St, Oakland, Cal. Telephone Engineer with Western Electric Company, Chicago, 111., 19 03-'09; Telephone Engineer with KANSAS STATE AGEICULTURAL (VLLEaE 143 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, San Francisco, Cal., 1909 — . RODELL, EARL NATANAEL, B. S., Editor of "Chetopa Advance," Chetopa, Kan. Assistant in Printing, K. S. A. C, 1903-'ll; General Manager of Athletics, ibid., 1911; Instructor in Printing, ibid., 1911; Instructor in Charge of Department of of Printing, ibid., 1912-'13; Editor of "Chetopa Advance,' Chetopa, Kan., 1913 — . (ROSS) CUNNINGHAM, ALICE MAY, B. S., Housewife, Cor. Storm and Chamberlain Sts., Station A., Ames, Iowa. Teacher lu City Schools, Streator, 111., 1903-'04; At Home, Manhattan, Kan.. 1905-'07; Housewife, 1907 — . SANDERSON, ALF'RED HAYES, B. S., Agron., Parmer and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Marysville, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raisr^r, 1903 — . SCOTT, JOHN MARCUS, B. S., Agron., Animal Industrialist and Assistant Director, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station. 1906 W. University Ave., Gainesville, Fla. Assistant in Animal Husbandry, New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 19 03-' 07; Animal Industrialist, Florida Agri- cultural Experiment Station, 1907-'10; Animal IndustriaMst and Assistant Director, Flordia Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, 1910 — . SIDORFSKY. HENRY AUGUST, B. S., E. E., Superintendent of Hydraulic Installation, Parnahyba, via Baruery, Sao Paulo, Brazil, S. A. Operation, Edison Electric Company, Los Angeles, Cal., 1904-'06; Electrical Construction, 1907; Opera- tion, The Rio de Janeiro Tramway Light and Power Com- pany, Ltd., 1907-'ll; Superintendent of Hydraulic Installa- tion, The Sao Paulo Tramway Light and Power Company, 1912 — . (SMITH) BURT, EMMA ESTELLA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Wa- baunsee, Kan. Deputy County Clerk, Alma, Kan., 1903-'05; Housewife, 1905 — . SPILMAN, HAROLD ADDISON, B. S., Clerk, Division of Accounts, U. S. Postal Savings System, Kensington. Md. With W. M. Stingley & Co.. Manhattan, Kan., 1904-'08; Bureau of Educa- tion, Philippine Civil Service, 1908-'12; Division of Accounto, U. S. Postal Savings System, 1912 — . STUMP, LOIS, B. S., D. S., Music Student and Teacher. 1312 Fre- mont St., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher, Lasita, Kan., Manhat- tan, Kan., and Kansas City, Mo., 1903 — . THATCHER, HARRY RAYMOND, B. S., Agron. Died in 1906. THOMPSON. HELEN BISHOP. B. S., M. S.. Head of Department of Home Economics, care Agricultural College, Durham, N. H. Assistant, K. S. A. C, 1903-'07; Professor of Household Economy, Lincoln College, Lincoln, 111., 1907-'09; Profes.sor lU— KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 145 of Home Economics, Rhode Island State College, Kingston, 19 09-'! 2; Lecturer in Brown University Extension Course, 1911-'12; Student in Columbia University, 1912. THOMPSON, JOHN AUGUSTUS, B. S., D. V. S., Veterinarian, Bureau of Agriculture of the Philippine Islands, Manila, P. I. (THOMPSON) MANNY, SARAH PAULINE, B. S., D. S., Housewiic. (ULRICH) BOYS, DOVIE MAY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 803 Hum- boldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, Riley County, Kansab, 1903-'05; Housewife, 1905 — ; Residences: Lee's Summit, Mo., 1905-'06; Goodland, Kan., 1906-'ll; California, 1911- '12; Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . VINALL, HARRY NELSON, B. S., Agrostologist, Department of Agriculture, 147 R St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Nursery Foreman and Salesman, Crete, Nebr., 1903-'06; Scientific As- sistant in Office of Agrostology, U. S. Department of Agri- culture, 1906 — . (VOILES) WILLIAMS, ALBERTA SUENA, B. S., Housewife, Bradley, Cal. WHITE, LEON VINCENT, B. S., M. E., Chief Draftsman, Illinois Valley Division, Sanitary District of Chicago, 1006 Second St., Chillicothe, 111. Rodman, Civil Engineering Departmnat, Union Pacific Railway, 19 03-' 04; With Various Theatrical Companies, 1904-'06; Instrument Man, Civil Engineering Department, Santa Fe Railway, 1906-'08; Draftsman, Sani- tary District of Chicago, 1908-'09; Assistant Engineer for Submerged and Shore Lands Investigating Committee, Forty- seventh General Assembly, Illinois, 1909-'10; Chief Engineer, Woodbury Flats and Young Hollow Irrigation Projects, Colo- rado, 1910-'12; Chief Draftsman, Illinois Valley Division, Sanitary District of Chicago, 1912 — . 1904 ALLEN, AMY ALENA, B. S., Proofreader, 1452 Fairchild Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Proofreader in Printing Department, K. S. A. C, 1904-'09; Assistant in Printing, ibid., 1909 — . (ALLEN) BUELL, MARIAN, B. S., D. S., Housewife, State Experi ment Station, Krum, Texas. Clerk, Manhattan, Kan., 1904 '06; Housewife, 1906 — ; Residences: Roanoke, Texas, 1906- '09; Grand Prairie, Texas, 1909; Manhattan, Kan., 1910; Denton, Texas, 1910-'13; Krum, Texas, 1913 — . ALLINGHAM, GRACE, B. S., D. S., Instructor in Domestic Science, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 6205 Alder St., Pittsburg, Pa. Teacher of Domestic Science, State Industrial School ior Girls, Beloit, Kan., 1904-'05; Teacher of Domestic Science. Government Indian School, Chilocco, Okla., 1906-'07; Teacher of Domestic Science, State Normal School, Peru, Nebr., 1908-'10; Student, Columbia University, New York h Q S 146— KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 147 City, 1910-'ll; Instructor in Domestic Science, Carnegie In- stitute of Teclinology, 1911 — . ARBUTHNOT, JAMES GEORGE, B. S., Pliysical Director, OvQf.ow Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. Agent, Bankers Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, Nebr., 1904-'05; Physical Director, Y. M. C. A.. Roslyn, Wash., 1906-'07; Physical Director, Aberdeen Athletic Association, Aberdeen, Wash., 1908; Assistant Physical Director, Y. M. C. A., Portland, Ore., 1909; Instructor in Physical Education, Oregon Agricultural College, 1910 — ; Student, Harvard Summer School of Physical Training, 1911. AXTELL, CLINTON JESSE, B. S., E. E., Engineer, General Electric Company, 429 Brandywine Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. Engi- neer. Commonwealth Power Company, Jackson, Mich., 1904- '05; Testing and Engineering Departments, General Electric Company, 1905-'10; Assistant Electrical Engineer, , Inter- national Railway Company, Buffalo, N. Y., 1910; Engineer, Mechanical Department, Cleveland Railway Company, Cleve- land, Ohio, 1911-'12; Engineer, Railway Equipment Engineer- ing Department, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1913 — . BAIRD, WALLACE W., B. S., Farmer, R. 3, Clay Center, Kao. Farmer, Clay Center, Kan., 1904 — . (BALLOU) BANNING, FLORA EVACELIA, B. S., D. S., HousowiTe, 1;. 3, Glasco, Kan. Telephone Operator, Delphcs, (van., 100 l- 0.3; Telephone Operator and Bookkeeper, Minneapolis, Kan., 1906; Housewife, 1906 — ; Residences: Lyndon, Kan., 1906- '09; Delphos, Kan., 1909-'10; Glasco, Kan., 1911 — . BANNING, WILLIAM BURGESS, B. S., Farmer, R. 3, Glasco, Kan. Miner and Prospector, Florence, Ariz., 1904-'05; Farm'^r. Lyndon, Kan., 1906-'09; Farmer, Delphos, Kan., 1910; Farmer, Glasco, Kan., 1911 — . BARNHISEL, CLARA FLORENCE, B. S., D. S., At Home, 333 E. Ninth St., Newton, Kan. Employed by the Department of the Interior in the U. S. Indian Service, 1904-'10; Located Succes- sively at the Toleda, Iowa, Genoa, Nebr., White Earth, Minn., and Truxton, Ariz., Schools; At Home, 1910 — . BATES, FRANK LORIN, B. S., Lawyer, 633 Franklin Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Law Student, Law Department of University of Michigan, 1904-'08; Lawyer, Kansas City, Kan., 1908 — . BENDER, LOUIS BLAINE, B. S., E. E., District Artillery Engineer and Ordnance Officer, Artillery District of Pensacola, Fort Barrancas, Fla. Apprentice Engineer, W^estern Electric Company, Chicago, 1904-'06; Assistant to Resident Engineer, Western Electric Company, San Francisco, Cal.. 1906-'0T; Manager, Home Telephone and Electric Company, Highland, Kan.. i907-'09; Klectrical Inspector, U. S. Navy Yard, Puget 148 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI Souml, Wash., 2:) 09; Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, Ti. P. Army, Fort Monroe, Va., 1910; First Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, U. S. Army, Fort Andrews, Mass., 1911-'13; First Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, U. S. Army, Fort iJarrancas, Fla., 1913^ — . BIDDISON, JOHN JEREMIAH, B. S., Editor, 3924 Davis Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. Reporter, "Daily Herald," Topeka, Kan., 1904-'05; Telegraph Editor, ibid.. 1905-'06; Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Topeka, Kan., 1906-'07; Telegraph Editor, Arkan- sas "Gazette," Little Rock, Ark., 1907-'08; City Editor, ibid., 1908-'09; Commercial Writer, "Tribune," Sioux City, Iowa, 1909-'ll; City Editor, ibid., 1911 — ; Manager, Sioux City News Bureau, Sioux City, Iowa, 1912 — . BIDDISON, P. Mcdonald, B. S., E. E., Mechanical Engineer, Ohio Fuel Supply Company, 17 4 Chittenden Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Draftsman, Hunt Engineering Company, lola, Kan., 19 04; Stationary Engineer, lola Portland Cement Company, lola, Kan., 1905; Electrician, Zeigler Coal Company, Zeigler, 111., 19 05; Draftsman, Kansas Natural Gas Company, Colum- bus, Ohio., 1905; Chief Engineer, Logan Natural Gas and Fuel Company, Columbus, Ohio, 1906; Sales Engineer, Hope Engineering Supply Company, Joplin, Mo., 1906-'07; Assist- ant to Chief Engineer, Kansas Natural Gas Company, Inde- pendence, Kan., 1907-'08; Consulting Engineer, Corcoran Construction Company, Huntington, W. Va., 1908-'09; Con- struction Engineer, Columbia Gas and Electric Companj", Kenora, W. Va., and Cincinnati, Ohio, 1909; Construction Engineer, Ohio Fuel Supply Company, Homer, Ohio, 1910- '11; Mechanical Engineer, The Texas Company, Port Arthur, Texas, 1911-'12; Mechanical Engineer, Northwestern Ohio Natural Gas Company, Sugar Grove, Ohio, 1912-'13; Me- chanical Engineer, Ohio Fuel Supply Company, Columbus, Ohio, 1913 — . BIRCH, WALLACE NEWTON, B. S., Agron., Superintendent Ex- perimental Station, Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, P. I. Bitter Root Jersey Farm, Missoula, Mont., 1904; Park View Dairy, Topeka, Kan., 1905; Topeka Pure Milk Company, Topeka, Kan., 1906-'07; Dairyman and Company Officer, Boys' Industrial School, Topeka, Kan., 1908; Superintend- ent of Experimental Station, Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, P. I., 1909 — . BLAIR, OTIS NEEL, B. S., M. E., Draftsman, 319 Electric Bldg., Portland, Ore. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Agricultural College, 1904-'06; Draftsman, Port- land Railway Light and Power Company, Portland, Ore., 1906 — . BOYS, WILLIAM ARMFIELD, B. S., Agron., District Demonstration KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 149 Agent, Western Kansas, 803 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, Lee's Summit, Mo., 1904-'06; Farmer and Stockman, Goodland, Kan., 1906-'ll; Assistant CerealJst, University of California, 1911-'12; District Demonstration Agent. Western Kansas, 1913 — . (BRENNER) MORRISON, VIVA, B. S., D. S., At Home, R. 1, Man- hattan, Kan. Housewife, 1904-'08; Farmer, 1908-'12; A1 Home. 1912 — . BUELL, THOMAS WARNER, B. S., Agron., Superintendent of Ex- periment Station, Krum, Texas. Farmer, Roanoke, Texas, 19 04-'09; Dairyman, Grand Prairie, Texas, 19 09; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1910; Superintendent of Experiment Station, Denton, Texas, 1910-'13; Superintendent of Expeii- ment Station, Krum, Texas, 1913 — . COLE, CLARK STEWART, B. S.. Agron.. Teacher, 529 Orondd Ave., Wenatchee, Wash. Teacher, District Schools, 1904- '06; Teacher and Pripcipal, Manhattan City Schools, 1906- '10; Principal of High School, Rapid City, S. Dak., 1910-'ll; Teacher of Agriculture and Biology, Wenatchee High Scliool, Wenatchee, Wash., 1911 — . CORY, VICTOR LOUIS, B. S., Superintendent of Lubbock, Texas, Agricultural Experiment Station, Box 684, Lubbock, Texas. Grain Investigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1904- '12; Superintendent of Lubbock, Texas, Agricultural Experi- ment Station, 1912 — . (COTTRELL) NELSON, JENNIE PEARL, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Riley, Kan. (CRISS) CORRELL, ELLA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 2316 Neches St., Austin, Texas. Teacher, Kansas Public Schools, 190 4- '06; At Home, Anaheim, Cal., 1906-'08; Housewife, Austin, Texas. 1908 — . (CROSS) RHODES, WILMA GREENE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1524 Harrison St., Topeka, Kan. Housewife, Topeka, Kan., 1904 — . (DAVIS) AHEARN, MARY ELIZABETH, B. S.. D. S., Housewife, 507 Laramie St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, Preparatory Department, K. S. A. C, 1904-'05; Record Clerk, Secretary's Office, K. S. A. C, 1905-'07; Housewife, Manhattan, Kan., 1907 — . DAVIS, WILLIAM DeOZRO, B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, 410 Madison St., Topeka, Kan. Electrician with Zeigler Coal Company, 1904-'05; Wireman with A., T. & S. F. Railway Company, 1905-'07; Electrician, A., T. & S. F. Railway Com- pany. 1908-'09; Assistant Chief Electrician, A,, T. & S. F. Railway Company, 1910 — . DEARBORN, CHARLES SUMNER, B. S., M. E., Professor of Me- chanical Engineering, Montana State College, 721 W. Koch 150 RECOUl) OF TIIK ALUMl^I St., Bozeman, Mont. Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, K. S. A. C, 1904-'05; Assistant Professor of Meclianical Engineering, Montana State College, 1905-'07; Superintend- ent of Shops, ibid., 1905 — ; Associate Professor of Mechani- cal Engineering, ibid., 1907-'09; Professor of Mechanical Engineering, ibid., 1909 — ; Superintendent of Heat and Power, ibid., 1909 — . DIAL, THOMAS EDWARD, B. S., E. E., Consulting Engineer, 937 E. Fifty-fourth St., Chicago, 111. Engineer, K. C. & L. Rail- way, 1904-'05; Constructing Engineer, Pacific States Cement Company, 1905-'06; Engineer, A., T. & S. F., Railway, 1906- '07; Head of Department of Civil Engineering, American School of Correspondence, and Consulting Engineer, Ameri- can Technical Society, 1907 — . DOANE, LAWRENCE A., B. S., Agron., Farmer, St. Paris, Ohio. Dairyman, Topeka, Kan., 1905-'07; Farm Manager, Oglesby, 111., 1908-'ll; Orchardist, Urbana. Ohio, 1911-1.3; Farmpr. St. Paris, Ohio, 1913 — . (DOANE) GREENOUGH, MAY, B. S., D. S., Housev.ife, R. 3, Merced, Cal. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1904-'07; House- wife, 1907 — ; Residences: Rocky Ford, Colo., 1907-'09; Rio Vista, Cal., 1909-'10; Merced, Cal., 1910 — . DORMAN, ROY NATHAN, B. S., Agron., Manager Farmeis' Creamery and Ice Company, Osage City, Kan. Buttermaker and Creamery Manager, Topeka, Kan., and Osage City, Kan., 1904 — . DUEHN, CARL O., B. S. EDGERTON, GLEN EDGAR, B. S., M. E., First Lieutenant, Coipt- of Engineers, U. S. A. Engineer, Member Alaska Road Com- mission, Valdez, Alaska. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, West Point, 1904-'08; Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers. U. S. A., 1908-'ll; First Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., 1911 — . ELLING, CARL G., B. S., Agron., Farmer and Fruit Raiser, Watova, Okla. With Department of Animal Husbandry, K S. A. C, 19 04 (June to November) ; Assistant in Department of Animal Industry, Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, 1904-'07. Assistant in Animal Husbandry, K. S. A. C, 19 07-'09; la Charge of Live Stock Department, Constancia, Cuba, 1909-'ll. FELTON, RALPH B., B. S.. Agron., Farmer and Stockman, R. 1, Dwight, Kan., Farmer and Stockman, McPherson, Kan., 1904-'08; Farmer and Stockman, Dwight, Kan., 1908 — . FELTON, RAY BONIFIELD, B. S., Agron., Farmer, R. 1, Dwight, Kan. Farmer, McPlierson, Kan., 1904-"09; Farmer, Mc- Pherson County, Kansas, 1909-'13; Farmer. Dwight, Kan., 1913^—. KANSA.S STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 151 (FINLAYSON) ZUCK, ELIZABETH, B. S., D. S., Teacher and Housewife, First View, Colo. Principal of Scliool, Reading, Kan., 1905-'06; Housewife, 1907 — ; Principal of Schoolij, Cheyenne Wells, Colo., 1907-'10; Teacher in Home District, 1910 — . (FITZ) HOLCOM. JESSIE L., B. S., Housewife, R. 5, Baldwin City, Kan. Teacher in Douglas County, Kansas, 1904-'09; House- wife, 1909 — . (FLEMING) BLACHLY, BEULAH, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Man- hattan, Kan. (FORSYTH) FELTON, HATTIE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 1, Dwight, Kan. At Home, 1904-'06; Housewife, McPherson, Kan.. 1906-'08; Housewife, Dwight, Kan., 19 08 — . FOSTER, LOUIS CLOYD, B. S., E. E., Electrician and Chief Engi- neer, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 114 E. Tenth St., Newton, Kan. Constructing Electrician, A., T. & S. F. Railway, Headquarters at Topeka, Kan., 1904-'06; Local Electrician and Engineer, A., T. & S. F. Railway, Wellington, Kan., 1906-'07; Chief Engineer, Kansas Orphans' Home, Atchison, Kan., 1907-'08; Electrician and Engineer, A., T. & S. F. Railway, New Mexico, 1908-'ll; Electrician and Chief Engineer, A., T. & S. F. Rail- way, Newton, Kan., 1911 — . GARDNER, EDWIN CHASE, B. S., Agron., Orchardist, R. 1, Talent, Ore. Swift & Co. Cattle-buying Office, Chicago, III., 1904-'09; Orchardist, Rogue River Valley, Oregon, 1909 — . GRAY, WALTER OTIS, B. S., M. D., Medical Director, Cobuin Ave., Worland, Wyo. M. D., University Medical College, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1907; Physician, Big Horn Basin of Wyoming, 1907 — . (GRIFFING) HARLAN, AUGUSTA, B. S., D. S.. Housewife, Wasn- ington, D. C. GRIFFING, JOHN BERNICE, B. S., Agron., Instructor in Agricul- ture, Tempe State Normal, Tempe, Ariz. Assistant in Agri- culture and Dairying, Oklahoma Agricultural College, Still- water, Okla., 1904; Manager of Watonga Creamery and Ice Company, Watonga, Okla., 1905-'06; Student, Drake Univer- sity, Des Moines, Iowa, 1906-'09; A. B., ibid., 1909; Principal of Blackfoot High School, Blackfoot, Idaho, 1909-'ll; Instruc- tor of Science and Agriculture, Medford High School, Mcd- ford. Ore., 1911; Student, Columbia University, 1912-'13; A. M., ibid., 1913; Instructor in Agriculture, Tempe State Nor- mal, Tempe, Ariz., 1913 — . GROVES, CHARLES ALFRED, B. S., Agron. Died in 1912. HALL, MARY ELIZABETH LONGFELLOW, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, 1978 Bonsallo Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. HARLAN, HARRY V.. B. S., Agron., M. S.. In Charge of Barley In- vestigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of 152 HKCOUl) OF 'I'llh: AIJM.M Plant Industry, Washington, I). V. In Cliarge of Agricul- tural School and Station, Iloilo, P. I., 1905-'07; In Charge of Provincial High School, Bayernburg, P. I., 1907-'08; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1908-'09; M. S., K. S. A. (\. 1909; As- sistant in Special Barley Investigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1909-'ll; Agronomist in Charge of Barley In- vestigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1912- — . HASSEBROEK, MAMIE MAGDALENE, B. S., D. S., Director of School of Home Economics, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. B. S. and Diploma, Teachers' College, Columbia University, 1908; Director of Home Economics, Hayward (Wisconsin) High School, 1908-'09; Head of Domestic Economy Department, State Agricultural School, Monticello, Ark., 1910-'12; Director of School of Home Economics, University of Puget Sound, 1912 — . HELDER, ARTHUR HURSCHEL, B. S., M. S., Landscape Architect. 418 Reliance Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Employed by Board of Park Commissioners of Kansas City, Mo., 1905-'08; Secre- tary of Board of Park Commissioners, Kansas City, Mo., 1908- "'13; Landscape Architect, Kansas City, Mo., 1913 — . HENDERSHOT, WILLIAM A., B. S., Professor of Agriculture, Dickinson County High School, Chapman, Kan. Miscella- neous Work, 1904-'05; Teacher, Ellsworth County, Kansas, 1905-'06; Principal of High School and Grades, Kanapolis, Kan., 190G-'07; Teacher, Ellsworth County, Kansas, 1907-'08; Principal of High School, Beverly, Kan., 1908-'09; Clerk, General Merchandise Store, Beverly, Kan., 1909-'10; Superin- tendent of Schools, Natoma, Kan., 19 10-' 12; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912; Professor of Agriculture, Dickia- son County High School, 1913 — . HOUSER, JOHN SAMUEL, B. S., Associate Entomologist. Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 342 N. Buckeye St., Woos ter, Ohio. Assistant Entomologist, Ohio Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Wooster, Ohio, 1904-'07; Assistant Ento- mologist, Estacion Centrol Agronomica de Cuba, Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, 1907-'09; First Assistant Entomologist, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio, 1909- '10; Graduate Student, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. \ ,, 1910-'ll; First Assistant Entomologist, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio, 1911-'12; Associate En • tomologist, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio, 1913 — . JAMES, EVAN, B. S., Bookkeeper and Stenographer, Riley, Kan. JOHNSON, JOHN ARTHUR, B. S., Agron. KERNOHAN, HELEN, B. S., Member of Firm, E. E. Kernohan & Co., Beverly, Kan. KERSEY, RALPH TEETER, B. S., Superintendent of Schoois, KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUBAL COLLEGE 153 Circleville, Kan. Traveling Sales Agent, Underwood & Underwood, N. Y., 1904-'07; Superintendent of Schools, Cedar, Kan., 1907-'O8; Superintendent of Schools, Axtell, Kan., 1908-'09; Superintendent of Schools, Louisville, Kan., 1909-'10; Superintendent of Schools, Paxico, Kan., 1910-'ll; Superintendent of Schools, Circleville, Kan., 1911 — . KINMAN, CHARLES FRANKLIN, B. S., Horticulturist, Office of Experiment Stations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Mayaguez, Porto Rico, W. 1. Assistant in Horticulture, Ala- bama Agricultural College, 1904-'06; Graduate Student, Cor- nell University, 1906-'07; Assistant Horticulturist, Cuban Experiment Station, 1907-'09; Horticulturist, Porto Rican Experiment Station, 1909 — . LOOMIS, ALICE MARIE, B. S., D. S., Professor of Home Economics, University of Nebraska, State Farm, Lincoln, Nebr. Assistant in Preparatory Department, K. S. A. C, 1904-'06; Teacher of Domestic Science, State Normal, Peru, Nebr., 1906-'08; Graduate Student, Columbia University, 1908; Acting Adjunct Professor of Home Economics, Rhode Island Agricultural College, 1909; Instructor in Home Economics, University of Wisconsin, 1909-'12; Professor of Home Eco- nomics, University of Nebraska, 1912 — . LOOMIS, GEORGE W., B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 4, Girard, Kan. McCRONE, SARA GRACE, B. S., Teacher, Olathe, Kan. (MCDONALD) PYLE, VERA ALTA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. o. Manhattan, Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1904-'05; Record Clerk, K. S. A. C, 1905-'08; At Home, 1908-'09; Housewife, 1909 — ; Residences: St. Paul, Minn., San Fran- cisco, Cal., Manhattan, Kan. MASON, KIRK P., B. S., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Cawker City, Kan. Student, Medical College, Topeka, Kan., 1904- '07; Practicing Physician, Cawker City, Kan., 1907 — . MATTHEWS, HOWARD DAVID, B. S., E. E., Switchboard Engi- neer, General Electric Company, 3 3 Turman St., Schenectady, N. Y. MATTHEWS, VERNON, B. S., M. E., Farmer, R. 6, Carthage, Mo. Gasoline Engine Tester, Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Beloit, Wis., 1904-'05; Turbine Research, Turbine Testing, Assembly, In- spection, Draughting, etc.. General Electric Company, Lynn. Mass., 1905-'09; Principal of Schools, Carney, Mich., 1909- '10; Superintendent of Schools, and Principal of Higli School, Edmore, N. Dak., 1910-'12; Farmer, Carthage, Mo., 1912—. MAUS, CHESTER ARTHUR, B. S., E. E., Chief Electrician for Santa Fe Railway Shops, 1406 E. Sixth St., Topeka, Kan. (MONROE) STEVENS, JULIA ANNA, B. S,, Housewife, 1110 Tenth St. N., Fargo, N. Dak. Teacher, 1904-'05; At Home, 1905- 1-)+ RECORD OF THE ALU MM '06; Student, University of Chicago, 1906-'07; Employee, De- partment of Botany, Experiment Station, K. S. A. C, 1907- '08; Assistant, Department of Botany, K. S. A. C, 190S-'10; Housewife, 1910 — . MONSCH, HELEN, B. S., D. S., Head of Department of Home Economics, 233 Aspinwall Ave., Brookline, Mass. Student, University of Cliicago, 19 04-' 05; Assistant in Domestic Sciencs, K. S. A. C, 1905-'06; Substitute Teaclier in Louisville (Ken- tucky) High School, 1906-'07; Assistant in Domestic Science, School of Domestic Arts and Science, Chicago, 1907-'09; Head of Domestic Science Department in the Gary{ Indiana) Public Schools, 1909-'13. MORLAN, SAMUEL ERWIN, B. S., E. E., Special Representative. Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1550 o. Logan St., Denver, Colo. Electrician, Colorado Zinc Com- pany, Denver, Colo., 1904-'05; Inside Wiring, W. T. Osborne & Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1906; Assistant Foreman, Western Electric Shop, Kansas City, Mo., 1907; Assistant Manager, Kansas City Chandelier and Brass Manufacturing Company, 1908-'09; Homesteader, Cameron, New Mex., 1910-'ll, Special Representative of The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, Denver, Colo., 1911 — . *NASH, ALBERT MARION, B. S., E. E., Electrician, Cheyenne, Wyo., 1904-'05; Student, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo., 1905-'07; Electrical Engineer, Golden, Colo., 1908-'ll. (NORTON) VICKBERG, VIRGINIA VIOLA, B. S., D. S., Housewiie, Westmoreland, Kan. (O'DANIEL) SCOTT, MARY LORENA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1906 W. University Ave., Gainesville, Fla. PITTMAN, TOM LAWRENCE, B. S., E. E., Electrician, Lewiston, Mont. PYLE, CHARLES A., B. S., Agron., D. V. M., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 3, Manhattan, Kan. Practicing Veterinarian,. Salina, Kan., 1907-'08; Assistant, Veterinary Division, Minne- sota University, St. Paul, Minn., 1908-'10; Professor of Pathology and Physiology, San Francisco Veterinary College, 1910-'12; Farmer, 1912 — . RICKMAN, ELVIN, B. S., Cyanide Expert, Tonopah, Nev. Con- tractor, Los Angeles, Cal., 1904-'06; Assayer, Tonopah, Nev., 1906-'09; Proprietor, Amusement House, Tonopah, Nev., 1909-'10; Proprietor, New and Second-Hand Furniture Stoie, San Diego, Cal., 1910-'ll; Owner, Silver Gate Cafeteria, Sau Diego, Cal., 1911-'13; Cyanide Expert, Tonopah, Nev., 1913 — . (RIDENOUR) ORR, JENNIE FLORENCE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Manhattan, Kan. (RITCHIE) DEARBORN, FLORENCE REBECCA, B. S., D. S.. Housew'ife, 721 Koch St., Bozeman, Mont. Assistant in KANSA^^ STATE AGIUCULTUBAL COLLEGE 155 Home Economics, Colorada Chautauqua, Boulder, Colo., Sum- mer of 1904; In Charge of Home Economics Department, Girls' Industrial School, Beloit, Kan., 1905-'06; Housewiie, 1906^ — . ROGERS, JESSE L., B. S., Railway Postal Clerk, Pueblo, Colo. Railway Postal Clerk, Kansas City and Pueblo Railroad Po?t Office, 1906 — . ROSE, FLORA, B. S., D. S., Professor of Home Economics, College of Agriculture, Cornell University, 811 E. State St., Ithaca, W. Y. Instructor, K. S. A. C, 1903-'06; Student, Columbia ITni- versity, 1906-'07; Instructor, Cornell University, 1907-'ll; Professor of Home Economics, Cornell University, 1911 — . SANFORD, LAWRENCE V., B. S., Agron., Farmer, and Stock and Corn Breeder, R. 5, Sabetha, Kan. Farmer, and Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle and Seed Corn, Oneida, Kan., 1904-'10; Farmer, and Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle and Seed Corn, Sabetha, Kan., 1910 — . SAVAGE, JAMES G., B. S., M. E., Apprentice Instructor and Shop Draftsman, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 165 Fifth St., San Ber- nardino, Cal. Special Apprentice, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 1904-'07; Apprentice Instructor and Draftsman, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 1907 — . SCHMITZ, NICKOLAS, B. S., Agron., Agronomist, Maryland Experi- ment Station, Avon Ave., Hyattsville, Md. Graduate Student, Cornell University, 1904-'06; Alfalfa Investigations, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, l906-'09 ; Agronomist, Maryland Ex- periment Station, 1909 — . SCOTT, ROBERT DOUGLAS, B. S., Teacher of Science. SEATON, ROY A., B. S., M. E., M. S., Professor of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, In Charge of Department of Mechanical Draw- ing and Machine Design, K. S. A. C, 731 Leavenworth St., Man- hattan, Kan. In Mathematics Department, K. S. A. C, 1904- '08; In Mechanical Engineering Department, K. S. A. C. 1908 '10; Absent on Leave, 1910-'12; Graduate Student, Massacliu- setts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., 1910-'ll; In Steam Turbine Drafting Office, General Electric Company, Lynn, Mass., 1911-'12; Professor of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, K. S. A. C, 1910 — ; In Charge of Department of Mechanical Drawing and Machine Design, K. S. A. C, 1910 — . SKINNER. JOHN T., B. S., E. E., Manager of Lawrence Railway and Light Company, 1515 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, K.-iu. Chief Engineer, Power Plant, Zeigler Coal Company, Zeiglor, 111., 1904-'05; Superintendent, Lawrence Electric Light Com- pany, 1905-'09; Manager Lawrence Railway and Light Com- pany, 1909 — . SMITH, MARJORIE C, B. S., D. S., Cashier-Bookkeeper, 112 V-> W. 156 EECOUD OF THE ALUMNI Seventh St., Pueblo, Colo. Cashier-Bookkeeper, The Frank- lin Press Company, Pueblo, Colo., 1904 — . (SMITH) IRVING, SALLIE MAUD, B. S., D. S., Housewife and Music Teacher, Clearview, Okla. Primary Teacher, FreeJ- men's High School, Tahlequah, I. T., 1905-'06; Teacher, Man- hattan (Kansas) City Schools, 1906-'08; Teacher's Certificate and Diploma, Chicago Musical College, Chicago, 111., 1909 '10; Music Teacher and Primary Teacher, Clearview, Okla., 1911-'12; Housewife and Music Teacher, Clearview, Okla., 1912 — . STAUFFER, ARTHUR S., B. S.. M. E., Architect, 4131 Clay St., Denver, Colo. (SWEET) PITTMAN, K. ELIZABETH, B. S., D. S., M. S., House- wife, Lewiston, Mont. TERRELL, WENDELL PHILLIPS, B. S., M. B., S. B., Professor of Mechanics and Superintendent of Mechanical Department, State Normal and Industrial College, Prairie View, Texas. S. B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, 1906; Draftsman, General Electric Company, Lynn, Mass., 190G; Professor of Mechanics and Superintendent of the Mechanical Department, Prairie View State Normal and Industrial Col- lege, 1906 — . THOMAS, HENRY, B. S., E. E., Engineer, 605 W. Seventh St., Chester, Pa. Student Apprentice, Bullock Electric Manufic- turing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 19 04; Engine and Tes<^ing Department, ibid., 1905; Construction Department, ibid., 1906; In Charge of Electric Department, Generating Station, Consumers Electric Company, New Orleans, La., 1907; With Sanderson & Porter, Engineers, New Orleans, 1907; Erecting Engineer, Installing and Special Testing Power House Ap- paratus, Allis-Chalmers Company, New York and Milwaukee, 1908-'12; With Sun Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1912 — . THOMPSON. CARL P., B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stock Breeder, R. 1, Garrison, Kan. Farmer, and Breeder of Pure-Bred Duroc-Jersey Swine and Jersey Cattle, Garrison, Kan., 1904 — . TOWNE, NORMAN LEE, B. S., Agron., Stock Farmer, R. 1, Waverly, Kan. Gardener, Boys' Industrial School, To- peka, Kan., 1904-'05; Grain Buyer, Omaha Elevator Con.- pany, 1905-'07; Stock Farmer, Waverly, Kan., 1907 — . TURNBULL, WILLIAM, B. S., M. E., Apprentice Instructor and Draftsman, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 802 S. Walter St., Albu querque, New" Mex. VANCE, GERTRUDE M., B. S., At Home, Manhattan, Kan. Post- mistress, K. S. A. C, 1909-'12. WAKEFIELD, ORIN RUSSELL, B. S., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 19 04 N. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, 111. Assistant Curator, Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago (day time), and KANSAS STATE AGRICVLTURAL COLLEGE 157 Student of Medicine, Dearbourne Niglit College, 1904-'05; Freiglit Handler and Checker for Pennsylvania Railroad, 1905-'06; Student, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Uni- versity of Illinois (day time), and Conductor and Guard, Metropolitan Railway (nights), 1906-'09; Student, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1909-'10; Student, Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, and Student of Law, 1910-'12; House Physician to Butler Brothers, Wholesale Merchants, Chicago Branch, 1909 — . WEBB, FRANK COOPER, B. S., Agron., Farmer, R. 1, Viola, Kan. Farmer, Clearwater, Kan., 1904-'08; Farmer, Viola, Kr.n., 1908 — . WEBB, WILLIAM ALLEN, B. S., Agron., Grain and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Clearwater, Kan. Grain and Stock Raiser, Clearwater, Kan., 1904 — . WHIPPLE, JAMES HALLEY, B. S., M. E., Mechinist and Mechani- cal Engineer, 473 Reno Ave., Topeka, Kan. WHIPPLE, ORVILLE BLAINE, B. S., Professor of Horticultuie, and Horticulturist, Montana Agricultural College and Experi- ment Station, Bozeman, Mont. Graduate Student, Massachu- setts Agricultural College, 1904-'05; Instructor in Horticul- ture, Colorado Agricultural College, 1905-'06; Field Horticul- turist, Colorado Experiment Station, 1906-'09; Professor of Horticulture, and Horticulturist, Montana Agricultural College and Experiment Station, 19 09 — . (WIEST) JOSS, EMILY JENNIE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 501 W. Eighth St., Davenport, Iowa. Deputy Register of Deeds, Man- hattan, Kan., 1904-'05; Housewife, 1905 — ; Residences: Kan- sas City, Hutchinson, and Wichita, Kan., Davenport, Iowa. WILSON, ROBERT S., B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 3, Burden, Kan. WOMER, RETTA, B. S., D. S., Ph. C, Teacher of Domestic Science, Smith Center, Kan. Student, Kansas University, 1905-'07; At Home, 1908; In Drug Store, 1909-'ll; Teacher of Domestic Science in High School, 1911 — . 1905 ADAMS, HARVEY C, B. S., Officer, Philippine Constabulary, Manila, P. I. Officer in Philippine Constabulary, 19 06 — . ADAMSON, EDWARD E., B. S., E. E., Switchboard, Engineering De- partment, General Electric Company, 101 Edward St., Schenectady, N. Y. Testing Department, General Electric Company, 1905-'08; Switchboard Inspector, General Electric Company, 190S-'09; Switchboard Drafting, General Electric Company, 1909-'12; Switchboard, Engineering Department, General Electric Company, 1912 — . AKIN, ELVA VEOLA, B. S., D. S., At Home, 423 Fremont St., Maii- 158 RECORD OF THE ALU MM hattan, Kan. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1905-'13; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1913. AKIN, PEARL, B. S., D. S., At Home, 830 Moro St., Manhattan, Kan. (BAIRD) HUBBARD, NELLIE WILHELMINA, B. S., D. S., House- wife, Beloit, Kan. Teacher, 1905-'08. BALLARD, WALTER RAYMOND, B. S., Agron., Pomologist, Mary land Experiment Station, Hyattsville, Md. Witli Kansas City, Mo., Park Board, 1905; Assistant Horticulturist, Maryland Experiment Station, College Park, Md., 1906-'12; Pomologist, ibid., 1912 — . BALLOU, JESSIE MARY, B. S., D. S., Teacher, R. 1, Delphos, Kan. Teacher, Ottawa and Cloud Counties, Kansas, 1905-'08; Stu dent, Kansas Wesleyan Business College, Salina, Kan., 1908- '09; Stenographer, Girls' Industrial School, Beloit, Kan., 1909- '10; Teacher, Ottawa and Cloud Counties, Kansas, 1910 — . BALMER, PRANK EVERETT, B. S., Agron., Superintendent of Farm Demonstration Work, University of Minnesota, bL Paul, Minn. Farmer, Rooks County, Kansas, 1905-'08; Pog<. graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1908-'09; Director of Agricul- tural Department, Lewiston Consolidated Schools, Lewiston, Minn., 1909-'ll; Principal La Crosse County School of Agri- culture and Domestic Economy, 1911-'12; Superintendent of Farm Demonstration Work, University of Minnesota, 1913 — . BARNARD, ASA WILLIAM, B. S., M. E., Teacher of Manual Train ing. Lock Drawer I, Miles City, Mont. In Turbine Testing De- partment, General Electric Company, Lynn, Mass., 19 05-'07; Teacher of Manual Training, Idaho Industrial Institute, 1908- '09; Teacher of Manual Training, Montana State Reform School, 1910 — . BEEMAN, ATWOOD N. H., B. S., Proofreader, 1222 Henry St., St. Joseph, Mo., Compositor, Rigby Printing Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1905; Linotype Operator and Advertisement Com- positor, The Kansas City "Star," Kansas City, Mo., 1900; Proofreader, Burd & Fletcher Printing Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1907; Proofreader and Assistant Foreman, Dodsworth Book Company, Leavenworth, Kan., 1908-'12; Proofreader and Assistant Foreman, American Printing Company, St. Joseph, Mo., 1913 — . BERGMAN, HERBERT F., B. S., Assistant Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Minnesota, Pillsbury Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Graduate Student, Lincoln, Nebr., 1905- '06; Assistant in Botany, K. S. A. C, 1906-'08; Assistant Pro- fessor of Botany, North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo, N. Dak., 1908-'12; Assistant Professor of Botany, University of Minnesota, 1912 — . BLACKLY, CHARLES PAUL, B. S., E. E., Automobile Enginper, 1379 Antonia St., Detroit. Mich. KANSAS STATE AGEICULTUBAL rOLLEGE 159 (BOTTOMLY) LILL, HELEN ELIZABETH, B. S., D. S., Housewile, R. 2, Mount Hope, Kan. BRANT, WALTER J., B. S., M. E., General Contractor, 1810 S. Water St., Wichita, Kan. With Firm of Brant & Taylor, General Contractors and Builders, Wichita, Kan., 1906-']!; General Building Contractor, Wichita, Kan., 1911 — . BURT, HARVEY A., B. S., E. E., Superintendent of Denver Suo- Station, Central Colorado Power Company, 8 28 Symes Bldg., Denver, Colo. Drafting Department, Bell Telephone Com- pany, Kansas City, 1905-'06; Tuttle & Pike, Civil Engineers, Kansas City, 1906-'07; General Electric Company, Testing De- partment, Schenectady, N. Y., 1907; Leadville Light and Power Company, Leadville, Colo., 1908-'09; Central Colorado Power Company, Denver, Colo., 1909 — . (BURTNER) POTTER, EVA MAGGY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 132S Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, 1905-'06; Housewife, 1906 — . CARLE, RAY ARTHUR, B. S., E. E., Erecting Engineer. Westinq- house Electric and Manufacturing Company, 910 Wyandotte Bldg., Columbia, Ohio. CARNAHAN, AUGUST BELMONT, B. S., M. E., Draftsman, Turbine Department, General Electric Company, 202 Washington St., Lynn, Mass. Tester and Engineer in Turbine Department, General Electric Company, Lynn, Mass., 1905-'10; Teacher, Gilbert (Minnesota) High School, 1910-'ll; Electrician and Drafting Engineer, Duluth Boiler Works, Duluth, Minn., 1911- '12. CASSELL, ALBERT F., B. S., Agron.. D. V. M., Veterinarian, Man- hattan, Kan. CHITTY, JOSEPH GRIFFITH, B. S., Agron., Grain and Stock Dealer, Bigelow, Kan. Farmer, 1906-'12; Bought Bigelow Elevator, 1912; Grain and Stock Dealer, 1912 — . CLEMONS, L. ETHEL, B. S., D. S., At Home, North Yakima, Wash. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1905-'07; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1907-'08; At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1908-'09; At Home, North Yakima, Wash., 1909 — . (COLE) WILSON, MARY MARGARET, B. S., D. S., Housewife. X. Elm St., Eureka, Kan. Teacher, Wakefield, Kan., 1905-'0G; Teacher, Zeandale, Kan., 1906-'07; Teacher, in Grades, Man- hattan, Kan., 1907-'10; Teacher, in Manhattan (Kansas) High School, 1910-'ll; Housewife, Eureka, Kan.. 1911 — . COLLIVER, ANDREW D., B. S., Agron., Dealer in Hardware and Farm Implements, Gage, Okla. Assistant in Agriculturp, Hays, Kan., 1905-'09. COLLIVER, MARY P., B. S., D. S., Teacher, 1061 W. Thirty-first St., Los Angeles, Cal. Clerk with P. E. Railway, Los Angeles, Cal., 1906 (January to September); Teacher, San Luis Obispo KiO RECOliD OF THE ALU MM County, California, 1906 (September to December); Teacher, IjOs Angeles City Schools, 19 07- — . (CONNER) SNODGRASS, GERTRUDE MATILDA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Chehallis, Wash. At Home, Lyons, Kan., 1905- '06; Housewife, 1906 — ; Residences: Manhattan, Kan., 1906- '09; Lyons, Kan., 1909-'10; Phoenix, Ariz., 1910-'ll; Kodiak, Alaska, 1911-'13; Chehallis, Wash., 1913 — ; Primary Teacher and Housewife, Kodiak, Alaska, 1911-'13. COURTER, FORREST LESLIE, B. S., Agron., Minister, Codell, Kan. Farmer, Downs, Kan., 1905-'08; Pastor, M. E. Church, Ecl- laire, Kan., 1908-'ll; Pastor, M. E. Church, Codell, Kan., 1911 — . COWLES, BERTHA, B. S., D. S., Matron and Physical Director. Kansas City National Training School for Deaconesses and Missionaries, Cor. E. Fifteen St. and Denver Ave., Kansas City, Mo.. At Home, 1905-'07; Student, Kansas City National Training School for Deaconesses and Missionaries, 1907-'09; Pastor's Assistant, Coffeyville, Kan., 1909; Licensed as Dea- coness in the M. E. Church, 1909; Matron and Physical Direc- tor, Kansas City Training School for Deaconesses and Mis- sionaries, 1910 — . CUMMINGS, CHARLES WILLIAM, B. S., Teacher, Fowler, Colo. CUNNINGHAM, JULES COOL, B. S., Agron., Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Iowa State College, Cor. Storm and Chamberlain Sts., Station A., Ames, Iowa. Foreman Crete Nurseries, Crete, Nebr., 1905-'07; Manager Elenora Fruit Farm, Centralia, Kan., 1907-'09; Assistant in Horticulture, K. S. A. C, 1909- '11; Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, 1911 — . CUNNINGHAM, MAMIE GRACE, B. S., Agron., Home Economics in Extension Department, Iowa State College, Station A, Ames, Iowa. Teacher in Public Schools, Oklahoma, 19 05-'09; Teacher in Public Schools, Montana, 19lO-'ll; Student ai Ames, Summer of 1912; Home Economics in Extension De- partment, Iowa State College, 1912- — . (DAVIS) AICHER, EDITH NELLIE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Aber- deen Experiment Station, Aberdeen, Idaho. Assistant, Home Economics Department, K. S. A. C, Fall of 1905; At Home. Manhattan, Kan., 1906-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . DAVIS, GUY R., B. S., Agron., Real Estate Dealer, 2424 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.; 207 R. A. Long Bldg. (Office). Real Estate Dealer, Kansas City, Mo., 19 05 — . (DEIBLER) OBERHELMAN, MINNIE ESTELLA, B. S., D. 3., Housewife, Barnes, Kan. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1905-'13. DOW, ULA MAY, B. S., D. S., M. S., Associate Professor in Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, R. 1, Manhattan, Kan. Student, Fram- ingham, Mass.. State Normal, 1905-'06; Assistant in Domestic KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 1«1 Science, K. S. A. C, 1906; Instructor in Domestic Scienro, ibid., 1906-'10; Assistant Professor of Domestic Science, ibid., 1910-'12; Absent on Leave, 1912-'13; M. S., Teachers' College, Columbia University, 1913; Associate Professor of Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1913 — . (DUNLAP) ADAMSON, OLIVE B., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 101 Edward St., Schenectady, N. Y. Teacher, Manual Training School, Glenwood, 111., 1905-'06; Director of Domestic Science, Y. W. C. A., South Bend, Ind., 1906-'07; Domestic Science Teacher, Marion (Indiana) High School, 1907-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . (EDWARDS) LEIDIGH, MARY JOSEPHINE, B. S., D. S., House- wife, College Station, Texas. Graduate, Teachers' College, 1908; Hospital Dietitian, Canandaigua, N. Y., 1908-'10; Lecturer in Home Economics, Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 1910-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . EVANS, WILLIAM K., B. S., Agron., Farmer, R. 3, Goodlaiid, Kan. Cattle Raiser and Feeder, 1905-'06; Sherman County Sur- veyor, 1906-'10; Homesteader, 1906-'08; Farmer, 1908 — . FAY, SCOTT STUART, B. S., Wilsey, Kan. FIELDING, LATHROP WEAVER, B. S., E. E., Telephone Engineer, 107 Buena Vista Terrace, San Francisco, Cal. Automatic Electric Company, Chicago, 111.; Consolidated Telephone Com- panies of Pennsylvania, Hazelton, Pa.; Home Telephone Com- pany, Jonesboro, Ark.; Home Telephone Company, San Fran- cisco, Cal. (FINLEY) MASON, LENA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Cawker City, Kan. At Home, 1905-'07. (FISH) BROWN, FRANCES WALKER, B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 4, Fall River, Kan. At Home, Carpinteria, Cal., 1906-'07; Housewife, Fall River, Kan., 1907 — . FRYHOFER, CHARLES WESLEY, B. S., Agron., Butter Manufac- turing Investigations, Dairy Division, U. S. Department of Agriculture, R. 3, Plainfield, N. J. Instructor in Buttermak- ing, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass., 190-5- '06; Inspector of Butter for U. S. Navy, 1906; Federal Butter Inspector, New York, N. Y., 1907-'12; Butter Manufacturing Investigations, Dairy Division, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, 1912 — . FULTON, ROBERT ANSON, B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, 133 4 E. 12 4th Place, Cleveland, Ohio. Engineering Apprentice, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Pitts- burg. Pa., 1905-'07; Electrical Engineer, Elliott Electric Com- pany, Cleveland, Ohio, 1907-'09; Electrical Engineer, Cleve- land Electric Illuminating Company, Cleveland. Ohio, 1909 — . GASSER, GEORGE W., B. S., Superintendent of Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Rampart, Alaska. 162 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI GOODWIN, WILLIAM H., B. S., Assistant Entomologist, Oliio Ex- periment Station, 222 Beall Ave., Wooster, Ohio. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1905-'06; Graduate Student, Nebraska University, 1906-'07; Assistant Entomologist, Ohio Agricul- tural Experiment Station, 1907 — . GROOME, HERBERT REVERE, B. S., D. V. M., Veterinary Surgeon, Jewell City, Kan. Veterinary Student, 1905-'07; Veterinarian, Jewell City, Kan., 1907 — . HAGGART, MARGARET HELEN, B. S., D. S., Instructor in Home Economics, Colorado Agricultural College, 1022 S. College Ave., Fort Collins, Colo. Instructor, Topeka School of Domes- tic Science, 1906; Student, Dietetics School, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., Summer, 1906; Professor of Hom^- Economics, New Mexico Agricultural College, 1906-'10; In- structor in Dietetics, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., 1910-'ll; Instructor in Home Economics, Colorado Agricul- tural College, 1911 — . HANSON, OTTO ALBERT, B. S., Timekeeper, Kansas City Cotton Mills Company, 918 Pennsylvania St., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher, Public Schools, Kansas, 1905, 1907; Student, Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111., 1907-'09; Bookkeeper and Stenographer, Wichita, Kan., 1909-'ll; Bookkeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1911-'12; Timekeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1912 — . HAROLD, WILLIAM H., B. S., E. E., Electrician, Milwaukee Rail- way, 448 C St., Tacoma, Wash. Electrician, Lawrence Light and Power Company, 190.5-'06; Electrician, Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, 1906-'07; Electrician, Clay Center Light and Power Company, 1907-'10; Electrician, Santa Fe Railway, 1910-'12; Electrician, Electric Shop, Tacoma, Wash.. 1912-'13; Electrician. Wilwaukee Railway, Tacoma, Wash.. 1913 — . (HARRIS) BURT, LOLA MAY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 828 Symes Bldg., Denver, Colo. Student Teacher, K. S. A. C, 1905-'06; Teacher in Riley County, Kansas, Schools, 1906-'08; House- wife, 1908 — . HESS, HENRY P., B. S., E. E., Manager, Sales Office, Western Electric Company, Houston, Texas. HODGSON, FREDERICK EARL, B. S., E. E., Implement and Hard- ware Business, Little River, Kan. Testing Department, Gen- eral Electric Company, 1905-'07; Testing Department, Cramps Ship Yards, 19 07-'08; Implement and Hardware Business, 1908 — . HOOVER, JESSIE MAY, B. S., D. S., Professor of Home Economics, University of Idaho, 821 Ash St., Moscow, Idaho. Teacher of Domestic Science, Plummer School of Domestic Science, Idaho Springs, Colo., 1906-'07; Preceptress, School of Agriculture, South Dakota State College, Brookings, S. Dak., 1907-'09; KANSAS STATE AGIiUTLTURAL COLLEGE 163 Dean of Women and Professor of Home Economics, North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo, N. Dak., 1909-'12; Pro- fessor of Home Economics, University of Idaho, 1912 — . JOHNSON, CHARLES FREDERICK, B. S., Farmer, R. 2, Leonard- ville, Kan. Farmer, Leonardville, Kan., 1905 — . JOHNSON, JAMES HENRY, B. S., E. E., Civil Engineer and In- spector, U. S. War Department, 304 Seneca St., Leavenwortii, Kan. JOHNSON, WINIFRED MAE, B. S., D. S., At Home, Solomon Rapids, Kan. At Home, 19 05 — . *KELLOGG, GEORGE HENRY, B. S., Teacher, Blair, Nebr. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1905-'09; Teacher, Blair, Nebr., 1913 — . KIRKWOOD, MILDRED I., B. S., D. S., Teacher, Marysville, Kan. Teacher, Marysville, Kan., 1905 — . KIRKWOOD, NINA H., B. S., D. S., Teacher, Marysville, Kan. Teacher, Marysville, Kan., 1905 — . KRAMER, GEORGE OTTO, B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stockman, Zeandale, Kan. Herdsman, Kansas and Iowa, 19 05-'07; Agricultural Inspector, Philippine Bureau of Agriculture, 1907-'10; Farmer and Stockman, 1910 — . LANE, WILLIAM CARL, B. S., E. E., Assistant in Electrical Engi- neering, K. S. A. C, 1031 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Student Apprentice, Allis-Chalmers Company, 1905-'06; Elec- trical Testing Department, Allis-Chalmers Company, 1906-'07; Assistant in Physics and Electrical Engineering, K. S. A. C, 1907-'08; Assistant in Electrical Engineering, K. S. A. C. 1908 — . LOGAN, DANIEL ANDREW, B. S., Accountant in District Account- ant's Office, C, R. I. & P. Railway, 124 Filmore St., Topeka, Kan. LOGAN, EDWARD A., B. S., Agron., City Chemist and Bacteriolo- gist, Professor of Bacteriology and Pathology, St. Joseph Veterinary College, 1104 S. Twentieth St., St. Joseph, Mo. Hardware Merchant, 1905-'06; Student, K. S. A. C. Veterinary School, 1906-'09; Practicing Veterinary Medicine, Wamego, Kan., 19 09-'12; City Chemist and Bacteriologist, also Profes- sor of Bacteriology and Pathology, St. Joseph Veterinary Col- lege, 1912 — . (MCCARTNEY) BORN, RHODA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1217 S. Cedar, Spokane, Wash. Teacher, Fullerton, N. Dak., 1905; Teacher, Fourth Grade, Oakes, N. Dak., 1906; Traveled in Europe, 1907; Teacher, Oakes, 1908; Housewife, 1909 — . (McCOY) COVER, NELLIE REEDER, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Box 647, Winslow, Ariz. Housewife, 1905 — ; Residences: Win- slow, Ariz., 1905-'06; Pasadena, Cal., 1906-'ll; Winslcw, Ariz., 1911 — . 164 EECOED OF THE ALUMNI MARTY, FREIDA E., B. S., D. S., Head of Domestic Science Depart- ment, Hastings (Nebraska) Higli School, R. 1, Merriam, Kan. Instructor in Domestic Science, Kansas School for tlie Deaf, 1908-'09; Assistant in Domestic Science, High School, Hatit- ings, Nebr., 1910-'ll; Head of Domestic Science Department, ibid., 1911 — . MEYER, RICHARD, Jr., B. S., Agron., Farmer, Riley, K?n. Farmer, 19 05 — . (MUDGE) ELLING, MARY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Watova, Okla Assistant Reference Librarian, K. S. A. C, 1907-'ll; House- wife, 1911 — . MUNGER, LEWIS J., B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stockman, Hollis, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, Hollis, Kan., 1905 — . NICHOLSON, RACHEL GERTRUDE, B. S., D. S., Record Clerk, K. S. A. C, 618 Fremont, Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, Riley County, District School and Manhattan City School, 1906-'08; Teacher, U. S. Indian Service, 1908-'09; Clerk, U. S. Indian Service, 1909-'ll; Clerk, Secretary's Office, K. S. A. C, 1911- '12; Record Clerk, K. S. A. C, 1913 — . NYGARD, JENS, B. S., Agron., Farmer, Vesper, Kan. Farmer, 1905 — . (PAULSEN) PICKETT, NELL, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Horton, Kan. At Home, 1905-'06; Housewife, 1906 — ; Residences, Lincoln, Nebr., 1906-'07; Whiting, Kan., 1907; Tyler, Texas, 1908; Whiting, Kan., 1909; Horton, Kan., 1910 — . PEAIRS, LEONARD MARION, B. S., Agron., M. S., Entomologist, West Virginia Experiment Station, Associate Professor of Entomology, West Virginia University, Box 518, Morgantowu, W. Va. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1905-'07; Assistant to the State Entomologist of Illinois, 1907-'08; Assistant to the State Entomologist of Maryland, 1908-'10; Instructor in En- tomology, Maryland Agricultural College, 19 08; Assistant Pro- fessor of Entomology, ibid., 1909-'10; Assistant to the State Entomologist of Kansas, and Instructor in Entomology, K. S. A. C, 1910-'12; Entomologist, West Virginia Experiment Sta- tion; Associate Professor of Entomology, West Virginia Uni- versity, 1912 — . PICKETT, LUTHER B., B. S., Horticulturist, Horton, Kan. Market Gardener, Fruit Grower, Seed and Plant Dealer with Crete Nursery, Crete, Nebr., 1905; Clerk, Burlington Freight Office, Lincoln, Nebr., 1906; Market Gardener, Whiting, Kan., 1907; Trucker, Tyler, Texas, 1908; Market Gardener, Whiting, Kan., 1909; Horticulturist, Horton, Kan., 1910 — . POPENOE, CHARLES HOLCOMB, B. S., Assistant, Bureau of En- tomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1336 Massachu- setts Ave., Washington, D. C. Farmer, 1905-'07; Agent and Expert, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agricul- KANSAS STATE AGRICVLTVRAL COLLEGE 165 ture, 1907-'10; Assistant, ibid.. Headquarters at Washington, D. C, 1910 — . (REYNOLDS) PULTON, FANNY E., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1334 E. 124th Place, Cleveland, Ohio. RHODES, ARTHUR J., B. S., M. E., Instrumentman, Engineering- Department, Rock Island Lines, Central Y. M. C. A., Topeka, Kan. Engineering Department, Santa Fe Railway, 1906; Santa Fe General Offices, 1907-'08; Engineering Department, Rock Island Lines, 1909 — . (RICKMAN) GILBERT, EVA MAY, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Eastwood, Nebr. Teacher, Woodruff, Kan., 1906-'08; Teacher, East- wood, Nebr., 1908-'ll; Teacher, Broadwater, Nebr., 1911-'13. (ROBERTSON) WHITE, KATE L., B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 6. Burlington, Kan. Instructor, Coffeyville (Kansas) High School, 1905-'06; Student, Teachers' College, New York, 1906-'07; Instructor in Domestic Science and Domestic Art, Cincinnati (Ohio) Public Schools, 1907-'08; Housewife, 1908 — . SHIRLEY, GARFIELD, B. S., Agron., Farmer, Perry, Kan. SMITH, WALTER EMORY, B. S., Agron., 133 S. Figneroa St., Los Angeles, Cal. (SPENCER) FIELDING, CRETE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 107 Buena Vista Terrace, San Francisco, Cal. STANFIELD, WILLIAM WESLEY, B. S., Agron., Director of Agri- culture and Manual Training, High School, 505 Sycamore St., Brenham, Texas. Special Assistant, Agronomy Department, K. S. A. C, 1905; Associate Editor "Farmers' Advocate," Topeka, Kan., 1906; Farmer and Fruit Grower, Chanute, Kan., 1907-'12; Secretary, Four-County District Fair, 1910-'12; Director of Agriculture and Manual Training, Brenham High School, Brenham, Texas, 1912 — . (STEVENS) JONES, BLANCHE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Auburn, Ala. (STEWART) PICKELL, EFFIE L., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 308 N. Twelfth St., Humboldt, Kan. At Home, 1905-'10; Housewife, 1910 — . STRITE, MARY CATHERINE, B. S., Teacher, City Schools, S. 823 Garfield St., Spokane, Wash. Teacher, Rural Schools of Riley County, Kansas, 1905-'06; Teacher, Kanapolis, Kan., 1906- '07; Teacher, City Schools, Cleveland, Okla., 1907-'09; Teacher, City Schools, Tulsa, Okla., 1909-'10; Teacher, City Schools, Spokane, Wash., 1910 — . (SWEET) ARNOLD, JESSIE A., B. S., D. S., Housewife, Minneapo- lis, Kan. Teacher in Common School, Glasco, Kan., 19 05-'0G; Teacher of Domestic Science, Evanston, 111., 1906-'08; Hostess of the Milwaukee, Wis., Y. W. C. A. Summer Cottage, Sum- mers of 19 07 and 19 08; Housewife, 1908 — ; Residences: 16(5 JiECOHl) OF TllK ALIMM Grand Rapids, Mich., 1909-'10; Minneapolis, Kan., 1911—. SWIFT, CHARLES BARTHOLOW, B. S., Agron., Assistant Cashier, Williamsburg State Bank, Williamsburg, Kan. Assistant Cashier, Williamsburg State Bank, 1905 — . THOMPSON, CHARLES L., B. S., Agron., Rancher, Maricopa, Ariz. Fruit Grower, Etiwanda. Cal., 1906-'13; Rancher, Maricopa, Ariz., 1913 — . *THOMPSON, JOHN BERT, B. S., Agron., Expert, Office of Forage Crop Investigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Fruit Grower. Etiwanda, Cal., 1905-'0G; With Bureau of Plant In- dustry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Manila, P. I., 1906 '07; Expert, Office of Forage Crop Investigations, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, 19 OS — . THOMPSON, ROGER S., B. S., M. E. THUMMEL, CLAUDE B., B. S., M. E., Second Lieutenant, Fifth Field Artillery, Fort Snelling, Minn. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, 1905-'09; Second Lieutenant, Fifth Field Artillery. Fort Sill, Okla., 1909-'ll; Manila, P. I., 1911-'13; Fort Snelling, Minn.. 1913 — . TURNER, ALONZO FRANKLIN, B. S., Agron., Farmer, R. .;, Formoso. Kan. Instructor, Science and Agriculture, Norton County High School, Norton, Kan., 1906-'09; Farmer, 1909- -, State Lecturer, Farmers' Union, 1912 — . UMBERGER, GRACE E., B. S., D. S., Private Nurse, San Antonio, Texas. Private Nurse, Chicago, 111.; Private Nurse, San Antonio, Texas; Hospital Nurse, Cananea, Sonora, Mexico; Private Nurse, San Antonio, Texas. UMBERGER, HARRY, B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stock Raiser. Hymer, Kan. Scientific Assistant, Bureau of Soils, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, 1906; Scientific Assistant, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1907-'ll; Assistant Professor in Charge of Co-operative Experiments, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Farmer and Stock Raiser, Hymer, Kp.n., 1912 — . VAN DORP, FRED, B. S., Agron., Farmer, R. 25, Valencia, Kan. Foreman, Sheet Metal Shop, Topeka, Kan., 1905-'08; Farmer and Dairyman, 1908 — . (WASHINGTON) SAMSON, REBECCA REES, B. S., D. S., House- wife, Quinter, Kan. WHEELER, EARL, B. S., E. E., Local Manager, General Electric Company, Evans Building, Washington, D. C. Special Student, Sibley College, Cornell University, 1905; Director of Depart- ment of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Engineer School, U. S. Army, 1906-'09; Treasurer and General Manager, Electric Speedometer Company, Instrument Manufacturers, Washington, D. C, 1910-'12; Local Manager, General Electric Company, Washington, D. C, 1913 — ; Member of American KANSAS STATE AGliK'ULTCHAL COLLEUE 167 Institute of Electrical Engineers; Cliairman, Wasliington Section, 1911-'12; Junior Member, American Society of Meclianical Engineers; Member, Engineers' Club, New York, Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C; Mohawk Club, Schenectady, N. Y. (WHEELER) WESTGATE, INEZ, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Lanham, Md. Housewife, 1905 — . WHITE, CLARENCE H., B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stockman, R. 5, Burlington, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, Breeder of Short- horn Cattle, 1905 — . W^HITE, WAYNE, B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stockman, R. 6, Bur- lington, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, 19 05 — . WILKINSON, WILLIAM J., B. S., Arch., Architect, 809 Aileen St.., Oakland, Cal. Architect, Kansas City, San Francisco, and Oakland, 1905 — . WILSON, FREDERICK W., B. S., Agri., Animal Husbandman, Arizona Experiment Station, Grand Ave., Plioenix, Ariz. Pro- fessor of Animal Husbandry, University of Arizona, Agricul- tural Experiment Station; Absent on Leave, 1912-'13; Grad- uate Student and Assistant, University of Illinois, School of Agriculture, 1912-'13. WILSON, GEORGE HEBER, B. S., Agron., Farmer and Stock Raiser. R. 8, Winfleld, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Winfield, Kan., 1905 — . WOLF, GEORGE D., B. S., E. E., Telephone and Power Engineer, Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company, 3212 Greenwood Terrace, Chicago, 111. Development Engineering, Western Electric Company, Chicago and New York, 1905-'08; Travel ing Engineer, Duplex Metals Company, New York and Chicago, 19 08-'10; Telephone Engineer, Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company, Chicago, 1910 — . WOOD, GRACE (ENFIELD) B. S., D. S., Student, Western State Normal, Hays, Kan. Student Assistant, K. S. A. C, 1905-'0b; Housewife, 1906; Residences: Wichita, Kan., 1906-'07; Alta- mont, Kan., 1907-'09; Pittsburg, Kan., 1909-'12; Student, Western State Normal, Hays, Kan., 1912-'13. WORSWICK. JAY G., B. S. Constabulary School, Manila, P. 1.; Third Lieutenant in Constabulary Department of the Philip- pines; Killed in an Engagement in the Philippines, July J2, 1906. 190tt ALEXANDER, KATE, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Chewdlah, Wash. AUMANN, ALBERT CLAY, B. S., Agron., Parmer and Stock Raiser, R. 4. Arkansas City, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Arkan- sas City, Kan., 1906 — . BEALEY, JESSE N., B. S., Agron., Farmer, Wheatland, Wyo. Em- 168 RECORD OF THE AH MM ployed on Farm, Morrill, Kan.; Irrigation Farmer, Wheatland, Wyo. BIRCH, RAYMOND RUSSELL, B. S., Agron., D. V. M., Veterinarian in Charge of Veterinary Experiment Station, Cornell Univer- sity, R. 3, Ithaca, N. Y. Agricultural Inspector, Insular Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, P. I., 1906-'08; Specialist in Animal Industry, Insular Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, F. I., 1909; Veterinary Student, Cornell University, 1909-'12; D. V. M., ibid., 1912; In Charge of Veterinary Experiment Sta- tion, ibid., 1912 — . BOTTOMLY, HERBERT JOSEPH, B. S., Agron., Farmer and StocK Raiser, Cedar, Kan. BRENNER, F. EDNA, B. S., Teacher, Manhattan, Kan. (Home Ad- dress). Teacher, Grade Work, Home Economics, Atchison County High School, 1912-'13; Teacher, Madison (Kansas) High School, 1913 — . BROOM, BYRON, B. S., Instructor in Mechanical Drawing, High School, S 8 23 Garfield St., Spokane, Wash. Student, Sum- mer Sessions, State Manual Training Normal, Pittsburg, Kan., 1905 and 1906; Director of Manual Training, Junction City High School, 19 06-' 07; Instructor in Manual Training, South Central High School, Spokane, Wash., 1907-'09; Instructor in Mechanical and Architectural Drawing, Lewis and Clark High School, Spokane, Wash., 1909 — . BROWN, FRANK E., B. S., E. E. CALVIN, JOHN WILLARD, B. S., Assistant Professor of Agricul- tural Chemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Graduate Student and Student Assistant, K. S. A. C, 1906- '08; Assistant in Animal Nutrition, Pennsylvania State Col- lege, 190S-'10; Assistant Chemist, Experiment Station, K. S. A. C, 1910-'14; Assistant Professor of Agricultural Chem- istry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr., 1914 — . (CAMPBELL) THURSTON, STELLA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Mora, Minn. At Home, Goodrich, Kan., 1906-'08; House- wife, 1908 — . CAMPBELL. WILL WARD, B. S. CARLSON. TORJE, B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, Brownwood, Texas. CHENEY, JAMES HAMILTON, B. S., Agron., D. V. M., Veterinarian, 1211 Tenth St., Great Bend, Kan. Veterinarian, Great Bend, Kan., 1907 — . COFFMAN, EDITH ELLEN, B. S., D. S., Domestic Science Teacher, Oklahoma Agricultural College, Stillwater, Okla. COLDWELL, WILLIAM IRVING, B. S., E. E., Kansas City, Mo. CONNER, W. ARCHIE, B. S., Agron., Southwest City, Mo. Farmer and Stockman, 1906-'13; Real Estate Business, Southwest City, Mo., 1913 — . KANSAS STATE AGBICULTUEAL COLLEGE W.) (TRAVIS) COOK, Jessie Leona, B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 2, Monument, Kan. COOLEY, PERRY ALFRED, B. S., Professor of Commercial Art. 517 E. Second St., Mitcliell, S. Dak. Graduated as Master Accountant from the Kansas Wesleyan University, 1907; Private Secretary to Pres. E. R. Nichols, K. S. A. C, 1907-'09; Professor of Commercial Arts and Military Science, State Normal-Industrial School, Ellendale, N. Dak., 1909-'12; Pro- fessor of Commerce, ibid., 1912-'13; Professor of Commercial Art, High School, Mitchell, S. Dak., 1913 — . COOLEY, RUTH, B. S., D. S., At Home, Manhattan, Kan. Graduate, Kansas Wesleyan Business College, 1908; Stenographer and Bookkeeper, Calumet & Sonora Mining Company, 1908-'09; Stenographer, Agronomy Department, K. S. A. C, 1910; Stenographer and Bookkeeper, Ventura "Free Press," Ven- tura, Cal., 1912-'13; At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1913 — . COPLEY, MARY, B. S., Graduate Student and Assistant in Secre- tary's Office, K. S. A. C, 1906-'07; Clerk in Post Office, K S. A. C, 1908-'ll; Died in 1911. DALTON, WINIFRED ANNA, B. S., At Home, St. George, Kan. Clerk in Botanical Department, K. S. A. C, 1906-'07; At Home, 1907 — . DAVIS, CHARLES ERNEST, B. S., E. E., In Charge of Hydro- Electric Plant, Box 1114, Lewistown, Mont. Testing Depart- ment, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1906- '08; Commercial Engineer, Schenectady, N. Y., and Detroit, Mich., 1908-'09; Testing Engineer, Edison Illuminating Com- pany, Detroit, Mich., 1909-'10; Assistant Engineer, Lewistown Coal, Gas, and Light Company, Lewistown, Mont., 1910-'ll; In Charge of Hydro-Electric Plant, Lewistown, Mont., 1911 — . DOW, J. L., B. S., E. E., Telephone Engineer, Western Electric Company, 1438 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. DOW, ODESSA DELLA, B. S., D. S., Computer, and Custodian of Store Rooms, Chemical Department, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, 1906-'09; At Home, and Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Computer, and Custodian of Store Rooms, Chemistry Department, K. S. A. C, 1910 — . (EDWORTHY) BERKLEY, ARTHIE AILEEN, B. S., D. S., House wife. ELDER, LEONARD ROSCOE, B. S., E. E., Manager Motor Depart- ment, Portland Office, care General Electric Company, Port- land, Ore. Testing Department, General Electric Company, 1906-'08; Sales Department, ibid., 1908-'12; Manager Motor Department, ibid., 1912 — . ESDON, HARRIET MARIE, B. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Thyne Institute (U. P. Freedman Mission), Chase City, Va. Student, Piatt's Business College, St. Joseph, Mo., 1906-'07; 170 RKCOHI) OF THE AIJ'MM Typewriter, St. Joseph, Mo., 19 07-'08; Teacher of Domestic Science, Thyne Institute (U. P. F'reedman Mission), Cliase City, Va., 1908 — . EVANS, EARL JOY, B. S., Arch., Estimator, Western Sash and Door Company, 615 Cypress Ave., Kansas City, Mo. With Chicago Lumber Company, Manhattan, Kan., 1906-'07; WHh El Paso Sash and Door Company, El Paso. Texas, 1907-'10, With Western Sash and Door Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1910 — . PARIS, SMITH, B. S.. M. E., Machinist. 750 Thirtieth St., Mil- waukee, Wis. Apprentice, Allis-Chalmers Company, 1906- '08; Cawker City, Kan., 1909; Erecting Engineer with York Manufacturing Company, York, Pa., 1910-'ll; Machinist, with Harley Davidson Motor Company, Milwaukee, Wis., 1912—. FERRIS, AREA C, B. S., E. E., Manager and Part Owner. Syracuse Telephone ' Company, Box 471, Syracuse, Kan. With the Western Electric Company, Chicago, 1906-'08: Manager, Syracuse Telephone Company, 1908 — . (FORSYTH) CRONE, M. EDITH, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Milan, Mich. GILKISON. CHARLES A., B. S., Agri.. Farmer and Stockman, R. 2, Earned, Kan. GILLIFORD, WILLIAM THOMAS, B. S., E. E., Chief Tester. Rogers Park Exchange. Chicago Telephone Company, 9 02 Estes Ave., Chicago, 111. GRAHAM, LEWIS M., B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer. GREENE, LAURENZ, B. S., Experimentalist in Horticulture, Iowa Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Assistant in Horticulture, Hays City, Kan., 1906 (April to October); Assistant in Horticulture, New Mexico Agricultural College, 1906-'07; In- structor, Iowa State College, 1907-'09; Experimentalist in Horticulture, Iowa Experiment Station, 19 09 — . GREENOUGH, ELBERT ERNEST, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. J, Merced, Cal. Dairy Foreman and Farm Manager, Lo Lo, Mont., 1906-'07; Dairyman, Rocky Ford, Colo., 1907-'08; Farm Foreman, Rio Vista, Cal., 19 08-'10; Partner and Man- ager, Fountain City Farm, Nurad, Cal., 1910-'13; School Trustee; President, Merced Colony Improvement Club; Mem- ber California Jersey Cattle Breeders' Association. GRIPTON. DAVID H., B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 3, Smith Center, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1906 — . HAMAKER, ROSWELL LEROY, B. S., M. E., care Butterick Bldg., New York, N. Y. (HAMILTON) MARTIN, MARY L., B. S., D. S.. Housewife, 916 W. Archer Ave., Monmouth, 111. Teacher of Domestic Science, Norfolk Mission College, Norfolk, Va., 1907-'08; Teacher of KANSAS STATE AGlilCULTUBAL COLLEGE 171 Domestic Science, Public Scliools, Lincoln, Nebr., 1908-'01); Housewife, 1909 — . HANSON, BOLINE, B. S., D. S., Teaclier, R. 1, Box 30, Jamestown, Kan. Teacher, Jamestown, Kan., 19 06 — . (HARNER) ROEHM, DAISY INA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 486 Jackson St., Oshkosh, Wis. Graduate Student and Student Assistant, 1906-'08; Instructor in Domestic Science, Norfolk, Va., 1908-'09; In Charge of Home Economics Department, State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis., 1909-'13; Housewife, 1913 — . HARRISON, RAYMOND D., B. S., Agri., Parmer, Jewell, Kan. HASTINGS, MILO M., B. S.. Writer and Inventor, New York, N. Y. With Bureau of Animal Industry, 19 06-' 08; Independent Writer and Inventor, 1908 — . HAWKINSON, CLARENCE L., Farmer, Marquette, Kan. Electrical Work, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 1907-'09: Farmer at Marquette, Kan., 1909 — . HAZEN, LESLIE EUGENE, B. S., Agri., Instructor ill Faim Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Special Agent, Dry Land Agriculture, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Hays, Kan., 1906-'08; Farmer, Sunny Ridge Farm, 1909- '10; Teacher, Agriculture and Mathematics, Southern Kan- sas Academy, 1911; Assistant in Dry Land Agriculture, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Amarillo, Texas, 1912; Instructor in F'arm Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 1913 — . HEIM, HARRY RUSSELL, B. S., E. E., Salesman, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 9 36 Metropolitan Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (HOLE) CAMPBELL, GERTRUDE ELMA, B. S., Housewife, 626 Gregory Ave., Wilmette, 111. (HUGHES) RODELL, NELLIE DOROTHY, B. S., D. S., House- wife, Chetopa, Kan. Teacher in City Schools, Hope, Kan., 1906-'07; At Home, Topeka, Kan.; Housewife — . (INSKEEP) PETER, HELEN C, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Box 154, Randolph, Kan. At Home, 1906-'09; Teacher, Riley County Schools. 1909-'10; Teacher, Manhattan City Schools, 1910- '11; Housewife, 1911 — . JONES, CHARLES SUMNER, B. S., Agri., Manager of Boys' Pig Clubs in Alabama, Auburn, Ala. Postgraduate Work, K. S. A. C, 1906; Teacher, under Presbyterian Mission Board, 1907-'10; On Sight-Seeing Trip in Western States, 1910-'ll; Farmer, Montgomery, Ala., 1911-'13; Manager of the Boys' Pig Clubs in Alabama, Auburn, Ala., 1913 — . KIENE, FREDRIC ARTHUR, B. S., Agri.. Scientific Assistant in Cereal Investigation, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Ex- periment Station, Hays, Kan. Farmer, Valencia, Kan., 1906-'10; Agriculturist, Ft. Scott Sorghum Syrup Company, 172 UKCOUI) OF THE Al.VMM Ft. Scott, Kan., 1910-'12; Assistant, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Cereal Investigation, Hays, Kan., 1912^ — -. KIRK, CLARENCE BRADY, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 3, Burr Oak, Kan. (LYMAN) WEAVER, LAURA LILLIAN, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 29 Hague Ave., Detroit, Mich. Postgraduate, K. S. A. C, 1907; Teacher of Domestic Science, Kansas City, 1908-'09; Housewife. 1909 — . McCAMPBELL, CHARLES WILBUR, B. S., D. V. M., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, K. S. A. C, Secretary of Kansas State Live Stock Registry Board, 801 Laramie, Man- hattan, Kan. Government Quarantine Service. 1906-'07; Student, Veterinary School, K. S. A. C, 1907-'10; With Animal Husbandry Department, K. S. A. C.. 1910 — . (McNUTT) DAVIS, CORA E., B. S., D. S., Housewife, Elk City, Idaho. Professor of Domestic Science, Kansas State Indus- trial School for Girls, Beloit, Kan., 1906-'07: General Secre- tary, Y. W. C. A., Topeka. Kan.. 1907-'09: Housewife, 1909 — . McRAE, ALMA, B. S., D. S., Domestic Science Teacher, Chilocco Indian School, Chilocco, Okla. Teacher, Common Schools of Kansas, 1906-'08; Teacher of Domestic Science, Flandrean Indian School, Flandrean, S. Dak., 1908-'10; Domestic Science Teacher, Chilocco Indian School. Chilocco. Okla., 1910 — . MATHERLY, ERNEST V^^ILSON, B. S., Teacher and Farmer, R. 3. Madison, Kan. MAXWELL, HENRY GREENLEAF, B. S., Agri. MORTON, CAROLINE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Topeka High School. 1100 West St., Topeka. Kan. Teacher in Topeka Grade Schools, 1907-'ll; Teacher of Domestic Science, Topeka High School, 1911 — . (MURPHY) HUDSON, VERDA ELLEN, B. S., Housewife, R. .S, Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, 1906-'07; Housewife, 1907 — . (NEIMAN) RAMSEY, RUTH EMMA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1819 Beverly Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher. District School, Elbing, Kan., 1906-'07; At Home, White Water, Kan., 1907- '09; Teacher, Grade School, White Water, Kan.. 1909-'10; Teacher, High School. White Water, Kan.. 1910-'12; At Home. White Water, Kan., 1912-'13; Housewife, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1913 — . NEWLAND, ROSS N., B. S., M. E., Erecting Engineer. York Manu- facturing Company, York, Pa. OTTO. HENRY, B. S., Abstractor, Manhattan, Kan. Law Student, Maniiattan. Kan.; Attorney-at-law, Manhattan. Kan.; City Treasurer, Manhattan. Kan.; Abstractor. Manhattan. Kar. KANSAS STATE Ad RlcrLTVRAL COLLEGE 173 PECKHAM, JOHN J.. B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, Courtland, Kan. PITTMAN, MARTHA S., B. S., D. S., Domestic Science Teaclier, Reno Public Schools, 557 W. Sixth St., Reno, Nev. Public School Teacher, Horton, Kan., 1906-'07; Domestic Science Teacher, Chilocco Indian School, 19 07-"10; Domestic Science Teacher, Reno Public Schools, 1910 — . RAMSEY, LESTER ALLEN, B. S., M. E., General Superintendent, Engineering Department, Shipley Construction and Supply Company, New York City, 1819 Beverly Road, Flatbusn, Brooklyn, N. Y. Student Apprentice in Shops and Assistant Erecting Engineer, York Manufacturing Company, York, Pa., 1906-'07; Erecting Engineer, York Manufacturing Company, York, Pa., 1908-'09; Superintendent of Erecting Depart- ment. New York District for York Manufacturing Company, Headquarters, New York City, 1910-'ll; General Superin- tendent of Engineering Department, Shipley Construction and Supply Company, New York City, 1912 — . REECE, RICHARD, B. S., E. E., Principal, Champion High School, Beacon, Mich., 1911. REYNOLDS, JESSIE ANNABERTA, B. S., D. S., Assistant in His- tory and Civics, K. S. A. C, 129 Anderson, Manhattan, Kan. Graduate Student, Kansas University, Summer of 1906; Graduate Student, Chicago University, Summers of 1907, 1910; Traveled in Europe, Summers of 1909, 1912; Assist- ant in History and Civics, K. S. A. C, 1906 — . RICHARDSON, EMMIT D., B. S., M. E., Machine and Repair Shop. Cawker City, Kan. Fairbanks Morse Testing Department. Gas Engines, Beloit, Wis., 1907; Machine and Repair Shop, Cawker City, Kan., 1908^ — . (RITNER) SMITH, JENNIE INEZ, B. S., D. S. Died November 14, 1913. Residences: Manhattan, Kan.; Mena, Ark. SANNEMAN, RAMER HENRY, B. S., Arch., Clay Center, Kan. SCHROEDER, WILLIAM PAUL, B. S., Agri., Creamery Operator for Iowa Dairy Company, 1159 Iowa St., Dubuque, Iowa. SHULER, MARTIN ROY, B. S., Agri., Agricultural Instructor, State School of Forestry, Bottineau, N. Dak. Science In- structor, High School, Holton, Kan., 19 07; Science Instruc- tor, Atchison County High School, 1907-'09; Homesteaded in South Dakota, 1909-'ll; Agricultural Instructor, Stewart- ville (Minnesota) High School, 1911-'12; Agricultural in- structor, State School of Forestry, Bottineau, N. Dak., 1912 — . (SMITH) SKINNER, EMILY G., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1515 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kan. SNODGRASS, MILTON DAVID, B. S., Agri., Superintendent United States Experiment Station, Kodiak, Alaska. Crop Produc- 174 HErOJil) OF THE ALU MM tion, K. S. A. C, 1906-'0T; Alaska Investigations, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, 1907 — . SPERRY, MABELLE JULIE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science and German, Neodesha High School, Neodesha, Kan. Teacher, Clifton High School, Clifton, Kan., 1907-'i)8; Teacher, Marysville High School, Marysville, Kan., 190S-"09; Teacher, Neodesha High School, Neodesha, Kan., 1910 — , Student, University of Chicago, Summer Quarters of 1910, 1911, and 1912. SPOHR, GEORGE A.. B. S., Traveling Salesman, 1920 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Postgraduate, K. S. A. C, 1907; Sales- man, Kansas City Electric Light Company, 1907-'09; Sales- man, Union Electric Light and Power Company, St. Louis, Mo., 1909-'ll; Salesman, Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, 111., 1911 — . (SPOHR) HEATH, JULIA C, B. S., Housewife, 1140 W. Fifty- first St., Los Angeles, Cal. SPUHLER, HENRY ADAM, B. S., Arch., Architectural Superin- tendent, Howe & Holt, 6014 E. Fourteenth St., Kansas City. Mo. STODDARD, ALBERT D., B. S., E. E., Load Dispatcher, Metropol- itan Street Railway Company, 1419 Broadway, Kansas City. Mo. Load Dispatcher, Metropolitan Street Railway Com- pany. 1906 — . SWANSON, ERNEST FELIX, B. S., Clothing Merchant, 920 Cedar St., Concordia, Kan. Expert Mechanic for the International Harvester Company, two seasons; Bookkeeper for Cloud County Bank, 1910; Secretary and Treasurer of the Daylight Clothing Company, 1911 — . THURSTON, ELBERT WREN, B. S., E. E., Telephone Engineer. THURSTON, WARREN BUNN. B. S., Agri., Dairyman, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, 87 5 Fifty-ninth St., Oakland, Cal. Buttermaker, Harding Creamery Company, Omaha, Nebr., 1906; Assistant in Dairying, Maryland Agricultural College, 1907; Superintendent, New State Butter Company, Enid, Okla., 1907-'08; Manager of Seneca Creamery, Seneca, Kau., 1909; Buttermaker, Hope Creamery, Hope, Kan., 1910; Government Dairyman in Charge of Dairy Investigations for State of California, 1911; Dairyman, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Supervisor of "Community Dairy Investiga- tions," Mora, Minn., 1913 — . (TRAIN) STEWART, DORIS M., B. S., Housewife, St. Anthony, Idaho. Postgraduate Student and Teacher, K. S. A. C, 1906-'07; Teacher, Clifton, Kan., and Manhattan, Kan., 1907-'09; Housewife, Plattsburg, Ohio, and St. Anthor.y, Idaho, 1909 — . TURNER, MARCIA ELIZABETH, B. S., D. S., Head of Depart- KAX^.LS STATE AG lilCrLTURAL COLLEGE 175 ment of Home Economics, State Agricultural School, First District, Jonesboro, Ark. Teacher in Public Schools, Riley County, 1906-'0S; Editor, K. S. A. C. "Alumnus," 1908- '10; Teacher of English and Grammar, Ft. Scott, Kan., City Schools, 1910-'ll; Teacher of Science, Manhattan High School, 1911-'12; Head of Department of Home Economics. First District, State Agricultural School, Jonesboro, Ark. WATKINS, WARREN ELMER, B. S., Agri., Allen County Demon- stration Agent, Tola, Kan. Manager of Farm, four years; At Colorado University, one year; With Kansas Entomological Commission; Allen County Demonstration Agent — . WEAVER, CHAUNCEY ILES, B. S., E. E., Commercial Engineer, 29 Hague Ave., Detroit, Mich. Test Course, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1906-'08; Salesman, Westinghouse Electric Company, Chicago, 19 08-'12; Engi- neer, Hodenpyl, Hardy & Co., Central Station Operators. Detroit, Mich., 1912 — . WHITE, RALPH RICHARD, B. S., E. E., Chief Engineer,' Raven Pack Oil Company, Rangely, Colo. WHITE, THOMAS F., B. S., Law Student, University of Texas. WILSON, EDGAR M., B. S., E. E. WITHINGTON, CHARLES H., B. S., M. S., Science Teacher in High School, 921 W. Tenth St., Topeka, Kan. WOOD, THOMAS MARSHAL, B. S., B. E., Teacher of Forging, Western State Normal, Hays, Kan. ■ Practical Electrical Engineering with Moline Elevator Company, Moline, TIL, and Wichita, Kan., 1906-'07; Principal of Labette County High School, Altamont, Kan., 1907-'09; Instructor in Machine Shop Practice and Forging, State Manual Training Normal School, Pittsburg, Kan., 1909-'12; Instructor in Forging. Western State Normal, Hays, Kan., 1912 — . WORDEN, EDITH, B. S., D. S., Stenographer for the Vito-Chemical Laboratories, 4713 N. Winchester Ave., Ravenswood, Chicago, 111. Student, University of Chicago, 1906-'07; Director of Domestic Science, Plummer Manual Training School, Idaho Springs, Colo., 1907-'10; Stenographer for the Vito-Chemi- cal Laboratories, Chicago, 111., 1912 — . WRIGHT, EARNEST A., B. S., E. E., General Manager of the Man- hattan Ice, Light, and Power Company, 714 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Graduate Apprentice, Bullock Electric Manufacturing Company, Norwood, Ohio, 1906-'08; Estimat- ing Engineer, Allis-Chalmers Company, Milwaukee, Wis.. 1908-'ll; Estimating Engineer in Charge of Sale of Alter- nating Current Motors, Allis-Chalmers Company, Norwood, Ohio. 1911-'12; General Manager of the Manhattan Ice, Light, and Power Company, 1912 — . WRIGHT, WALTER SCOTT, B. S., Solicitor for Mutual Benelic 176- KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 177 Life Insurance Company, E. 4217 Twenty-second Ave... Spokane, Wash. Farmer, Government Service; Principal iu Rural Scliools. YERKES, GUY E., B. S., Agri., Nurseryman and Florist, Hutcliin- son, Kan. Forester, United States Military Reserve; Riley. Kan., 1906-'07; Market Gardener, Hutcliinson, Kan., 1907- '12; Nurseryman and Florist, Hutchinson, Kan., 1912 — . 1907 ADAMS, ERNEST L., B. S., Agri., Assistant Agronomist, Cereal Investigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Experiment Station, Biggs, Cal. Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1907; Parmer, Ozawkie, Kan., 1908; Cereal In- vestigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1909 — . (ALEXANDER) SHRIVER, LIZZIE BEA, B. S., D. S., House- wife, 04924 Post St., Spokane, Wash. Botany Clerk, K. &. A. C, 1907-'09; Housewife, 1909 — . ALLENTHARP, CECILE, B. S., D. S., Teacher in Public' Schools, 707 S. Fourth St., Laramie, Wyo. Student, James Millikin University, Decatur, 111., 1907-'08; At Home, Casey, LI., 1908-'09; Teacher, 1909 — . BAIRD, ALFRED HENRY, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Minneapolis, Kan. Fruit Farming, and Working in a Packing House, Etiwanda, Cal., 1907-'08; Farmer, Minneapolis, Kau., 1908 — . (BARBER) TURNER, ETHEL R., B. S., Housewife, Manhattan, Kan. BASSLER, CHARLES EARLE, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinaiy Practitioner, Greensburg, Kan. Teacher in Veterinary Col lege, K. S. A. C, 1907-'08; Practiced Veterinary Science, Halstead, Kan., 1908-'09; Practiced Veterinary Science, Greensburg, Kan., 1909 — . (BAYLES) CHALLENDER, JULIA SUSANNA, B. S., D. S., House- wife, 917 W. Babcock St., Bozeman, Mont. At Home, 1907-'0S; Teacher, Riley County, 1908-'09; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Housewife, 1910 — . (BERRY) HULL, ETHEL ESTHER, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Shady Bend, Kan. Farmers' Institute Lecturer and Domestic Science Assistant, Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind., 1908-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . BIDDISON, CLARE LAVON, B. S., D. S., Instructor in Voice, K. S. A. C, 1001 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Instructor in Voice, K. S. A. C, 1907 — . BOWMAN, ROY C, B. S., M. E., Instructor, Lahainaluna School, Lahaina, Hawaii. Westinghouse Electric and Manufactur- ing Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1907-'08; Assistant Principal, Crawford County High School, Cherokee, Kan., 1908-'ll; 178 RErORD OF THE ALUMXI Academic Work and Blacksmithing at Lahainaluna School, 1911 — . BRINKMAN, HENRY W., B. S., Arch., Architect, Olpe, Kan. CALDWELL, FRED WALLACE, D. V. M., Vet. S., Dean of the St. Joseph Veterinary College, 1306 S. Twentieth St., St. Joseph, Mo. Practicing Veterinarian, Wamego, Kan., and Atchison, Kan., 1907-'12; Dean of the St. Joseph Veterinary College, Professor of Theory and Practice, and Manager of the St. Joseph Veterinary Laboratory, 1912 — . CASSELL, ALBERT FRANCIS, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, Manhattan, Kan. CASSELL, ROBERT ARCHER, B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, Beverly, Kan. CHENEY, JAMES HAMILTON, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, 1211 Tenth St., Great Bend, Kan. Veterinarian, Great Bend, Kan. CLARK, ROY H., B. S., E. E., Sub-Station Department, Common- wealth Edison Company, 1621 Division St., Chicago, 111. Commonwealth Edison Company, 1907 — . CLARKE, LEE S., B. S. COLE, AMY, B. S., D. S., Domestic Science Instructor, Westmin- ster Apartments, Seattle, Wash. Domestic Science Teacher, Minneapolis, Minn., 1907-'08; At Home, 1908-'10; Domestic Science Instructor, State Normal, Ellensburg, Wash., 1910- '12; Domestic Science Instructor, Seattle Public Schools, 1912 — . CONWELL, HERMON H., B. S., E. E., Associate Professor of Mathematics, State University, Albuquerque, New Mex. Employed in Testing Department, General Electric Com- pany, 1907-'08; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Uni- versity of New Mexico, 1908-'10; Associate Professor of Mathematics, ibid., 1910 — . COOK, IDA E. (THOMPSON), B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 1, Effing- ham, Kan. COOLEY, JEROME EARL, B. S., E. E., With Automatic Tele- phone Company of America, 77 King St., Sidney, Australia, N. S. W., care Automatic Telephone Company, Ltd. (COOPER) ZIMMERMAN, ALLAN ELIZABETH, B. S.. Housewife. COPELAND, BERNARD C, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 1, Idana, Kan. COWLES, ALSON J., B. S., E. E. Died in 1911. COWLES, EDGAR ANDREW, B. S., M. E., Farmer, R. 2, El Dorado, Kan. COWLES, ETHEL, B. S., D. S., At Home, Sibley, Kan. COXEN. JAMES R., B. S., E. E., Director of Manual Training, State Normal School, Box 197, San Marcos, Texas. With Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, East Pittsburg, Pa., 1907; Teacher of Mechanical Drawing, KAXSAS :STATE J(f RKVLTUEAL COLLEGE 179 Goshen, Ind., 190S-'09; Teacher of Manual Training, Normal School, East Las Vegas, New Mex., 1909-'10; In Charge of Manual Training, Southwest Texas State Normal School, 1910 — . CUDNEY, EVERETT WILLIAM, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Box 65, Belpre, Kan. Farmer, Belpre, Kan., 1907 — . (CUNNINGHAM) HOLLOWAY, MARGARET, B. S., D. S., House- wife, Marysville, Kan. At Home, Fairview, Okla., 1907- '08; Teacher, Fairview, Okla., 1908-'09; Teacher, Atwood, Kan., 1909-'10; Housewife, 1910 — ; Residences: Wakefield, Nebr., 1910 (June to November); Marysville, Kan., 1910 — . DAVIS, WILLIAM L., B. S., Agri., Veterinarian, Philippine Serv- ice, Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, P. I. Student, Kansas City Veterinary College. 1907-'10; Veterinarian, Philippine Service, 1910 — . DENNELER, ALEXANDER H., B. S., M. E., Winchester, Kan. ELSAS, MARSHAL, B. S., E. E., With the Otis Elevator Cpmpany, 228 W. Sixteenth St., Kansas City, Mo. With the Allis- Chalmers Electric Company, 1907-'08; On a Farm, Scott County, Kansas, 19 0S-'ll; In Charge of Machine Shop, Independence, Mo., 1911-'13; With the Otis Elevator Com- pany, 1913 — . FAILYER, LOIS, B. S., At Home, 1000 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. Student, Simmons College, Boston, 1908; Teacher of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, South Louisiana In- dustrial Institute, La Fayette, La., 1909; Teacher of Do- mestic Science and Domestic Art, State School of Forestry, Bottineau, N. Dak., 1910-'ll; Instructor of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore., 1911-'12; At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . (FINLAYSON) GARDNER, STELLA MAY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Grand Mound, Wash. Teacher, Arena, Colo., 1907-'08: Teacher. City Schools, Tulsa, Okla., 1908-'09; Post Office Assistant, Summerfield, Kan., 1909-'10; Teacher. Tulsa City Schools, Tulsa, Okla., Spring, 1910; Housewife, 1910 — ; Residences: Port Crescent, Wash., 1910-'ll; Grand Mound, Wash., 1911 — . (FOSTER) MILLER, ANNA HELEN, B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 1, Bennington, Kan. Teacher, 1907-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . (FREY) NYSTROM, MAMIE C, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Pullman, Wash. Instructor in Domestic Science, Washburn Home, Minneapolis, Minn., 1907-'08; Teacher, Riley County, Kan- sas, 1908-'09; Instructor in Domestic Science, High School, Cottonwood Falls, Kan., 1909-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . GARVER, JAMES R., B. S., Agri., M. S., In Charge of Dairy Ex- tension, Purdue University, 210 Waldron St., W. La Fayette. Ind. M. S., University of Wisconsin, 1907-'08; Manager of 180 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI Dairy Farm, 1908-'10; Real Estate Dealer, New York City, part of 1910-'ll; Practical Animal and Dairy Husbandry, 1910-'12; In Cliarge of Dairy Extension, Purdue University, 1912 — . GERNERT, WALTER BYRON, B. S., Agri., Research Assistant in Plant Breeding, University of Illinois, 503 Daniel St., Champaign, 111. Field Assistant on the Illinois State Soil Survey, 1907-'08; Graduate Student, University of Illinois, 1907-'ll; Fellow in Agronomy, University of Illinois, 1908- '11; Researcli Assistant in Plant Breeding, University of Illinois, 1911 — . GORE, CLYDE JAMISON, B. S.. Agri., Farmer and Breeder of Pure-Bred Shorthorn Cattle, R. 1, Raymore, Mo. Farmer, Raymore, Mo., 1907 — . GRABENDIKE, FRANK W., B. S., E. E., With George C. Christo- pher & Son Steel and Iron Works, 3007 E. Second St., Wichita, Kan. (GRIFFING) CUNNINGHAM, MAY LUCETTA, B. S., D. S. Died in 1912. GROOME, HERBERT REVERE, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinary Surgeon, Jewell, Kan. HAAN, SAMUEL P., B. S., E. E., Burlington, Kan. HANSON, ELLEN J., B. S., D. S.. Teacher of Domestic Science, High School, 517 N. Hastings Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Teacher of Domestic Science, Kansas State School for the Deaf, 1907-'08; At Home, 1908-'10; Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Columbus (Nebraska) High School, 1910- '11; Teacher of Domestic Science, Hastings (Nebraska) High School, 1911 — . HOLLOWAY, A. DEXTER, B. S., Agri., Secretary Marshall County Y. M. C. A., Marysville, Kan. Assistant in Horticulture, New Mexico Agricultural College, 1907-'08; Assistant Sec- retary, Omaha Y. M. C. A., 1908 (January to July) ; As- sistant Secretary, Nebraska State Y. M. C. A., 1908-'10; Secretary, Marshall County Y. M. C. A., 1910 — . HOUSER, FREDERICK, B. S., Fruit Farmer, 1097 S. Elm St., Oxford, Kan. HUBBARD. HARVEY B., B. S., E. E., Electrical Contractor, Be- loit, Kan. Chief Electrician, Fort Worth and Denver Rail- way, Childress, Texas, 1907-'12; Electrical Contractor, Be- loit, Kan., 1912 — . HULL, FLORA MAY, B. S., D. S., At Home, 143 N. Shaffer St., Orange, Cal. Lunch-room Secretary, Y. W. C. A., Topeka, 1907-'08; Lunch-room Secretary, Y. W. C. A., Wichita, Kan., 1908-'09; General Secretary, Y. W. C. A., K. S. A. C, 1909-'12. (HUTCHINSON) STREETER, KATE MAY, B. S., D. S., House- KAXSA.S STATE AGRICVLTVRAL COLLEGE 181 wife, R. 4, Wakefield, Kan. Music Teacher, Smith County, Kansas. 1907-'0S. (INGRAHAM) MOORE, IRENE, B. S., D. S.. Housewife, Box 523, Chanute, Kan. Musician with Stock Company, 1907-'O8; Housewife, 1911 — ; Residences: Manhattan, Kan.; Siloaiu Springs, Ark.; Chanute, Kan. IRELAND, HARRY A., B. S., Agri., County Farm Advisor, Cam- yon County, Idaho, Caldwell, Idaho. Farmer, 1907; Agri- cultural Inspector in Philippine Islands, 1908-'10; Farm Manager in Wayne County, Ohio, 1911-'12; Teacher of Agri- culture in Meridian High School, Meridian, Idaho, 1912-'13; County Farm Advisor, Camyon County, Idaho, 1913 — . JORGENSON, LOUIS M., B. S., E. E., Principal High School, 427 Byron St., Mankato, Minn. Apprentice, Westinghouss Electric and Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1907- '08; Instructor, High School, Goshen, Ind., 190S-'09; In- structor, High School, St. Paul, Minn., 1909-'ll; Principal, High School, Devil's Lake, N. Dak., 1911-'12; Principal. Higii School. Mankato, Minn., 1912 — . JUSTIN, MINER M., B. S., Agri., F'armer, Manhattan, Kan. Agent in Scabies Eradication, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, 1907; Farmer, 1908 — . (KAHL) IRELAND, CLARA MYRTLE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Caldwell, Idaho. Clerk in D^iry Office, K. S. A. C. 1907- '11; Stenographer in Extension Office, K. S. A. C.. 1911: Housewife, 1911 — . KAHL, GROVER CLEVELAND, B. S., E. E., Traveling Salesman for General Electric Company, 3 310 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. With General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1907-'13; General Electric Company, Kansas City, Mo.. 1913 — . KIMBALL. MARY, B. S., D. S., With the Manhattan "Mercury," 601 Manhattan Ave., Manhattan, Kan. At Home, 1907-'10; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1910-'ll; Teacher of Do- mestic Science, Beggs, Okla., 1912-'13; With Manhattan "Mercury," 1913 — . KUPPER, EDWARD RUDOLPH, B. S., M. E., Superintendent of Construction, Quartermaster's Corps, U. S. Army, Ft. Huachuca, Ariz. Assistant Mechanical Engineer, American Smelting and Refining Company, Chihuahua, Mexico, 1907- '08; Constructing Engineer, Ling & Hughes, San v^ntonio, Texas, 1908-'09; Civil Engineer and Superintendent of Con- struction, Quartermaster's Corps, U. S. Army, 1909 — . LAMBERT. CLARENCE, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Hiawatha, Kan. LAWSON, LORIN WENDELL, B. S., E. E., Clothing and Shoe Business. W. Morlin St., McPherson, Kan. Installing Min- ing and Electric Machinery for AUis-Chalmers Company, 182 RECORD OF THE A LI' MM Kokamo, Colo., 1007; Erecting and Building Electrical Ma- chinery for Allis-Chalmers Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1908; Transferred to the Milwaukee Works of Same Firm, 1909; Grocery Salesman in Iowa and Illinois, 19 08; Clothing and Shoe Business, 1910 — . LEWIS, ADAH, B. S., D. S., M. S., Head of Home Economics Depart- ment, Fourth District High School, 777 E. Madison St., Springfield, Mo. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1907-'09; M. S. in Chemistry and Bacteriology, 1909; Student and Tem- pory Assistant in Chemical Department, K. S. A. C, 1907- '11; Hospital Dietitian, Ottumwa, Iowa, Fall of 1911; In Charge of Home Economics Clubs, 1912-'14; Head of Home Economics Department, Fourth District High School, Spring- field, Mo., 1914 — . (LILL) MELPON, GERTRUDE E., B. S., Housewife Alki Point, Seattle, Wash. Teacher, High School, Council Grove, Kan., 1907-'10; Teacher, High School, Ida Grove, Iowa, 1910-'ll; Teacher, High School, Ssattle. Wash., 1911-'13; Housewife, Seattle, Wash., 1913 — . LILL, PERCY E., B. S., Stock and Grain Farmer, R. 2, Mount Hope, Kan. Farmer, 19 07 — . LINSEY, FRED R., B. S., E. E., Power and Mining Engineering Department, General Electric Company, 328 Germania Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. LUPFER, JAMES A., B. S., E. E., El Paso Sales Manager. Fred M. Prescott Steam Pump Co., 510 Mills Bldg., El Paso, Texas. Apprentice, Westinghouse Electric and Manufactur- ing Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1907-'08; Research Engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Pitts- burg, Pa., 1908-'09; Salesman, Westinghou?.e Electric and Manufacturing Company, Salt Lake, Utah, 1910-'ll; Man- ager, Industrial and Power Department of Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Salt Lake, Utah, 1911- '12; El Paso Sales Manager for Fred M. Prescott Steam Pump Co., 1912 — . McCLASKEY, EDWIN LOUIS, B. S., M. E., Farmer, R. 3, Girard, Kan. McCRONE. EDWIN WILLIAM, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinary Sur- geon, Haddam, Kan. McDonald, ETHEL, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Blooming Prairie, Minn. At Home, 1907-'09; Time Clerk, K. S. A. C, 1909-'ll; Record Clerk, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; Teacher of Domestic Science, Blooming Prairie, Minn., 1913 — . MALLON, CARL EDWARD, B. S., E. E., Traveling Salesman, 1263 Tyler St., Topeka, Kan. Traveling Salesman for Hoffman Milling Company, 1907 — . KAXSAS STATE AGRlCULTUJiAL COLLEGE 183 MEYER, ELLA M., B. S., D. S.. Housekeeper, at Home, Riley, Kan. At Home, 1907-'08; Teacher of Intermediate Grades at Riley, 190S-'09; Housekeeper, at Home, 1910 — . MILHAM, JAMES ARTHUR, B. S., Agri., General Merchant, Hays, Kan. Assistant in Animal Husbandry, Fort Hays Experi- ment Station, 1907-'ll; General Merchant, 1911 — . MILLER, FREDERICK CARL, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stockman, Belvue, Kan. MIYAWAKI, ATSUSHI, B. S., Agri., M. S., Lecturer in Dairying, Tohoku Imperial University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1907-'09; Assistant in Dairy- ing, K. S. A. C, 1909-'ll; Lecturer in Dairying, Tohoku Imperial University, 1911 — . MONTGOMERY, JOSEPH SHAW, B. S., Agri., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of Minnesota, Assistant Secretary of Minnesota Stallion Registry Board, 1391 Ray- mond Ave., N., St. Paul, Minn. Agent in Scabies Eradica- tion, U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, Albuquerque, New Mex.. 1907; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1907-'08; Agent in Scabies Eradication, U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, 1908; Assistant in Animal Husbandry, "Estacron Central Agronomica," Santiago de Las Vegas, Cuba, l!)0S-'09; As- sistant Secretary, Minnesota Stallion Registry Board, 1909 — ; Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of Minnesota, 1911 — . MOORE, LEONA ESTEL, B. S., Deputy County Treasurer, 10 Park Road, Manhattan, Kan. MORGAN, EDWARD ALLEN, B. S., Agri., U. S. Government Farmer, Indian Service, R. 2, Horton, Kan. Farmer, White- water, Kan., 1907-'10; Expert Farmer, U. S. Indian Service, Union Agency, Muskogee, Okla., 1910-'ll; Transferred to Mesa Grande Agency, Mesa Grande. Cal., 1911; Transferred to San Xavier Day School and Agency, Tucson, Ariz., 1912; Transferred to Kickapoo Agency, Horton, Kan., 1912 — . NEVINS, CLARENCE G., B. S., Hardware and Implement Merchant, Ford, Kan. (NICOLET) CRON, Bessie Minerva, B. G., Housewife, 802 Monroe St., Amarillo, Texas. Accompanist, K. S. A. C, 1907-'10; Housewife, 1910 — ; Residences: Washington, D. C, 1910- '13; Amarillo, Texas, 1913 — . NYSTROM, AMER B., B. S., Agri., Assistant Professor in Dairying, State College of Washington, Pullman, Wash. Instructor in Dairying, Ohio State University, 1907-'09; Instructor in Dairying, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Instructor in Dairying, State College of Washington, 1910-'ll; Assistant Professor of Dairy- ing, ibid., 1911 — . 184 RECORD OF THE ALUM XI OLSEN, OLE J., B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stockman, R. 2, Horton, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, 1907 — . OMAN, HARRY G. F., B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Leonardville, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1907 — . ORR, BURTON SYLVESTER, B. S., M. E., Assistant in Power and Experimental Engineering, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. PAINTER, JOSEPH W., B. S. Died in 1907. PELHAM, JESSE LEROY, B. S., Agri., Superintendent of Under- wood & Viles Orcliards, R. 4, Box 89, Hutchinson, Kan. Horticulturist, Ft. Hays Experiment Station, 1907-'08; Pro- fessor of Agriculture, Western Branch State Normal, Hays, 1908-'09; Superintendent of Underwood & Viles Orchards, 1909 — . PHILIPS, ALLEN GRIFFITH, B. S., Agri., Assistant Professor in Charge Poultry, Purdue University, 225 University Ave., W. La Fayette, Ind. Student, Cornell University, 1907-'08; Assistant in Poultry Husbandry, K. S. A. C, 1908-'10: In Charge of Poultry, Purdue University, 1910 — . PORTER, HARRISON E., B. S., Arch., Instructor in Mathematics, ,K. S. A. C, 1024 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Instructor in Mathematics, K. S. A. C, 1907 — . (BOSTON) GROVES, ADELINE, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Public Schools, Bonner Springs, Kan., R. 1, Edwardsville, Kan. In- structor in Domestic Science, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala., 1907-'08; Matron, Topeka Industrial and Educational Institute, Topeka, Kan., 1908-'09; Housewife, Edwardsville, Kan., 1909-'12; Teacher, Bonner Springs Public Schools, 1912 — . POTTER, GEORGE PERCIVAL, B. S., Agri., Stockman, Peabody, Kan. Stockman, 1907 — . PYLE, CHARLES A., D. V. M., Vet. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, Manhattan, Kan. RANDLE, ELIZABETH, B. S., D. S., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. Riley, Kan. (RANNELLS) ADAMS, LULU MAHALA, B. S., D. S., Housewife. Biggs, Cal. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 19 07-'10; House- wife, 1910 — . REED, HIRAM R., B. S., Agri., Agricultural Inspector, Philippine Service, Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, P. I. Farmer, Cen- tralia, Kan., 1907-'08; Expert, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1908-'10; Assistant in Dry Land Agriculture, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1910-'ll; Agricultural Inspector, Philippine Service, 1911 — . RICHARDS, EDWARD CLEMENT, B. S., M. E., Traveling Sales- man, Waucoma, Iowa. City Salesman, Omaha, Nebr., for U. S. Radiator Company, of Detroit, Mich., 1907-'08; Traveling Salesman for Ford Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, KAXSAS STATE AGHICULTUEAL COLLEGE 185 1908-'09; Traveling Salecman for Red Jacket Manufacturinj^ Company, of Davenport, Iowa; and Handle tlie Jobbing Trade in Canada and Western Coast, 1909 — . RICHARDS. JAMES C, B. S., M. E., Salesman, 815 N. Tenth St.. St. Joseph, Mo. Salesman for the Hoffman Milling Company, Enterprise, Kan., 1909 — ; Locations: Keokuk, Iowa; Rock Island, 111.; Saginaw, Mich.; Grand Rapids, Mich.; St. Joseph, Mo. ROSS, DONALD, B. S., M. E., Inspection and Engineering Depart- ments, Western Electric Company, 18 67 S. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago, 111. Mechanical Department of Swift & Co., St. Joseph, Mo., 1907-'08; Student, Missouri School of Mines, 1908; Master Mechanic, Independent Paper Company, Independence, Kan., 1908-'10; Inspection and Engineering Departments, Western Electric Company, 1910 — . RYAN, JOHN MICHAEL, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 2, Muscotah, Kan. F'armer and Stock Raiser, 1907^ — . SCHAFER, EDWIN GEORGE, B. S., Agri., Professor of Agronomy, State College of Washington, Pullman, Wash. Ex- perimental Field Crops, K. S. A. C. and Experiment Station, 1907-'09; Graduate Student, Illinois University, 1909-'10; Instructor in Farm Crops, K. S. A. C, 1910-'13; Professor of Agronomj^ State College of Washington, Pullman, Wash., 1913 — . SCHOLZ, WALTER THEODORE, B. S., M. E., Manager of Frank- fort Telephone Company, Frankfort, Kan. Atlas Engine Works, Indianapolis, Ind., 1907-'0S; Manager Frankfort Telephone Company, 19 08 — . SCHOTTLER, MARTIN WILLIAM, B. S., E. E., Electrical Con- tractor, 222 Exchange St., Emporia, Kan. STATTUCK. EARLE LOCKE, B. S., M. E., Assistant in Mechanic Arts Department, Louisiana Industrial Institute; In Charge of the Work in Thermodynamics, Applied Mechanics, and Machine Design, Box 163, Ruston, La. SHELLEY. WILSON GEORGE, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Gram Breeder, R. 2, McPherson, Kan. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C. 1907-'08; Grain Investigation, U. S. Department of Agri- culture, 1908-'ll; Farmer, 1911 — . SKINNER, PERLS HARRISON, B. S., Arch.. Contractor and Builder, Sixth and Delmar (Rose Lawn Estate), Topeka, Kan. Contractor and Builder, Manhattan, Kan., 1907-'ll; Contractor and Builder, Topeka, Kan., 1912 — . SORGATZ, FRANK, B. S., M. E., Carpenter, 341 Eighteenth St., San Diego, Cal. STAUFFER, MURICE I., B. S., E. E., Stock Clerk, S. & S. Packing Company, 19 01 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. With Westing- house Electric Company and Pittsburg Traction Company, 18(i RECORD OF THE ALVMNl 1907-'08; Assistant Cashier, First National Bank, Barnard. Kan.. 1908-'09; Parmer, 1909-'10; Switching Clerk, General Office, K. C. S. Railway, 1910-'ll; Stock Clerk, S. & S. PacK- ing Company, 1911 — . STEVENS, ORIN ALVA, B. S., Agri., Assistant Professor of Botany and Seed Analyst, North Dakota Agricultural College, 1110 Tenth St. N., Fargo, N. Dak. Assistant in Botany, K. S. A. C. 1907-'09; Assistant Professor of Botany, and Seed Analyst. North Dakota Agricultural College, 1909 — . STEWART, CLAUDIUS P., B. S., E. E., Installer, Automatic Electric Company, Chicago, 111. Student-Apprentice and In- staller, Automatic Electric Company, 1908-'10; Wire Chief, Southern District, Alberta Government Telephone System, 1910-'ll; Installer, Automatic Electric Company, 1911 — . (STREETER) SMITH, GRACE ELIZABETH. B. S., D. S., House- wife, 721 E. Forty-second St., Chicago, 111. At Home, Man- hattan, Kan., 1907-'09; Housewife, 1909 — . STREETER, LYMAN BRADLEY, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock- man, R. 4, Wakefield, Kan. (SWEET) EVANS, BERTHA FLORENCE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 615 Cypress St., Kansas City, Mo. TILBURY, S. RAY, B. S., M. E., Assistant to Engineer of Tests, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 32 3 E. Tenth St., Topeka, Kan. Special Apprentice with Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1907-'08; Power Plant Engineer with A., T. & S. F. Railway, Grand Canyon, Ariz., 1908-'09; With Test De- partment, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 1909 — . (TOLIN) COURTER, ANNA RHEA. B. S., D. S., Housewife, Codell, Kan. At Home, Soldier, Kan., 1907-'09; Housewife, 1909 — . TROUTMAN, VIRGINIA, B. S., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, Man- hattan, Kan.; Comiskey, Kan. (Home Address). At Home, 1907-'13; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1913. (UMBERGER) LONG, MAY ERNESTINE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Ensenada, Porto Rico. Girls' State Industrial School, Beloit, Kan., 1907-'08; Parsons High School, 1908-'09; Professor of Home Economics, Lincoln College, 1909-'ll; Instructor of Home Economics, College of Agriculture of Porto Rico, 1912. (WALTER) SKINNER, JOSEPHINE ELIZABETH, B. S., D. S., Housewife, W. Sixth Ave. and Delmar Road (Roselawn Es- tate), R. 8. Topeka, Kan. Housewife, 1907 — ; Residences: Manhattan, Kan., 1907-'12; Topeka, 1912 — . WALTER, MERTON LUTHER, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 1, Harvey- ville, Kan. Farmer, Lawrence, Kan., 1907-'09; Farmer, Selden, Kan., 1909-'12: Farmer, Harveyville, Kan., 1912 — . (WARD) GEORGE, CATHARINE NIESZ, B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 2, Capron, Okla. Teacher in Minneapolis Public Schools, KAXSA.'S STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 187 Minneapolis, Kan., 1907-'0S; Housewife, 1908 — . WERNER, ALBERT A., B. S., Agri., Fruit Ranclier, Etiwanda, Cal. Fruit Rancher, Etiwanda, Cal., 1907 — . (WEST) ALLEN, GEORGIANA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Tampico Alto, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Housewife, Tampico Alto, Vera Cruz. Mexico, 1907 — . (WESTGATE) LEWIS, HELEN CLARA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1020 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. WILLIAMS, ROBERT E., B. S., Agri., D. V. S., Veterinary In- spector, U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, Flagstaff, Ariz. Graduate of Kansas City Veterinary College, 1909. 1908 ALLEN, JESSIE PATIENCE, B. S., D. S., In Charge of Folding and Mailing, Printing Department, K. S. A. C, 14 52 Fair- child Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Printing Department, K. S. A. C, 1908 — . (ALSPAUGH) ZERCHER, EVA IRENE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 817 Walnut St., Texarkana, Texas. Housewife, 1908 — ; Residences: Laredo, Texas, 1908-'09; Tyler, Texas, 1909- '12; Texarkana, Texas, 1912- — . (BARDSHAR) WARREN, MARIE RILDA, B. S., D. S. Teacher of Domestic Science, New Orleans University, 190S-'10; Teacher of Domestic Science, LeMoyne Normal Institute, Memphis, Tenn., 1911-'12; Teacher of Domestic Science, Christian Endeavor Academy, Endeavor, Wis., 1912. Died in 1914. BEIGHLE, ERNEST ELMER, B. S., Arch., Teacher of Mathe- matics, E. Lansing, Mich. BENNETT, HULDA L. J., B. S., D. S., Clerk in Manhattan State Bank, 510 Osage, Manhattan, Kan. BERGER, GEORGE P., B. S., E. E., Engineer of Light and Power Plant, R. 6, Abilene, Kan. Wire Chief, Brown Telephone Company, 1908-'09; Engineer for Light Plant, 1909-'10; Electric Wiring Contractor, 1910-'ll; Lineman, Light and Power Plant, 1911-'12; Engineer, Light and Power Plant, 1912 — . BIDDISON, EDNA ELEANOR, B. S.. Mathematics Instructor in Tulsa High School, 1124 S. Boulder, or Box 1201, Tulsa, Okla. Teacher of Mathematics in High School, White Cloud, Kan., 1908-'10; Teacher of Mathematics in High School, Pawne3, Okla., 1910-'ll; Teacher of Mathematics in High School, Tulsa, Okla., 1911 — . BIXBY, HORACE E., B. S., E. E., Assistant to Electrical Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service, Minidoka, Idaho. Electrical In- spector, A., T. & S. F. Railway System, 1908-'ll; Instructor in Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1911- -188 KAN.SAS STA'IE AdliK T I/niiA L COI.LKdh: 1K9 '12; Assistant to Electrical I'JiiKineer, V. S. Reclamation Service. 1912 — . BOWER, MABEL J.. B. R., D. S., Bookkeeper, Manhattan, Kan. BRINK, RAYMOND W., 15. S., Instructor in Mathematics, College of Engineering, University of Minnesota, 209 State St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Instructor in Mathematics, Univer- sity of Idaho, 1909-'12; Instructor in Matiiematics, Uni- versity of Minnesota, 1912 — . BROCK, JAMES E., B. S., Agri., Manager California Date Company, Heber, Cal. Science Teacher, Troy High School, 1908-'09; Secretary, Farmers' Institute and Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Manager, California Dat i Company, 1911—. BUCKMaN, ruby MILDRED, B. S.. D. S., Professor of House- holu Arts, Kentucky State University, 239 S. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky. At Home, 1908-'09; Teacher, Fifth Grade, McPherson, Kan., 1909-'10; Teacher, Domestic Art, High School, Hutchinson, Kan., 1910-'12; In Charge of House- hold Arts Department, Kentucky State University, 1912 — -. BULL, ELMER A., B. S., Arch., Professor of Manual Arts, Albion State Normal, Albion, Idaho. Millman, C'astella Box Com- pany, Castella, Cal., ]908-'09; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1910; Instructor in Manual Training, High School, Larimore, N. Dak., 1910-'ll; Instructor in Manual Training and Mathematics, High School, Yankton, S. Dak., 1911-'12; Professor of Manual Arts, Albion State Normal, Albion, Idaho, 1912 — . CALDWELL, RALPH ELMER, B. S., Agri., Associate in Milk Production, Indiana Experiment Station, and Instructor in Dairying, Purdue University, 348 State St.. West LaFayette, Ind. Starter Maker for Fairmont Creamery Company, Omaha, Nebr., 1908-'09; Assistant in Animal Husbandry, Ohio Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio, 1909-'10; Assist- ant in Dairy Husbandry, Ohio Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio, 1910-'ll; Associate in Milk Production, Indiana Ex- periment Station, and Instructor in Dairying, Purdue Uni- versity, 1912 — . CARLSON, WALTER WILLIAM, B. S., M. E., Assistant Professor of Shop Methods and Practice, and Superintendent of Shops, K. S. A. C, 1130 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Instruc- tor in Mechanical Engineering, Montana State College, Boze- raan, Mont., 1908-'09; Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, ibid., 1909-'10; Instructor in Tool Making, K. S. A. C, 1910-'12; Assistant Professor of Shop Methods and Practice, Superintendent of Shops, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . CAVE, WAYNE BEA, B. S., San Diego, Cal. Reporter for tht; "Mercury," Manhattan, Kan., and the Pittsburg "Headlight," 190- KANiSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 191 1908-'09; Real Estate Agent, Manhattan, Kan., 1909-'10; Reporter, San Diego "Union," San Diego, Cal., 1910-'13; Real Estate Agent, San Diego, Cal., 1913 — . CHALLENDER, RALPH THOMPSON, B. S., M. E., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, Montana State College, 917 W. Bab- cock St., Bozeman, Mont. Instructor in Manual Training, Kansas Industrial Reformatory, 1909; Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, Montana State College, 1910 — . CHRISTENSEN, ESTHER EVANGELINE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art in City Schools, 115 Clark St., Houghton, Mich. Teacher in Rural Schools of Kansas, 1908-'10; Teacher in City Schools, Manhattan, Kan., 1910-'ll; Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, City Schools, Houghton, Mich., 1911 — . (COOPER) DIAL, KATHERINE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Manhat- tan, Kan. CRON, ALEXANDER B., B. S., Agri., In Charge of Forage Crop Work for U. S. Department of Agriculture, 802 Monroe St., Amarillo, Texas. Assistant in Grain Standardization, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, 19 08-'09; Assistant in Agronomy, Office of Forage Crops, Alfalfa Ex- tension in the East, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1909- '13; In Charge of Forage Crop Work, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Amarillo, Texas, 1913 — . CUNNINGHAM, SOLON WHITNEY, B. S., Agri., Professor of Agriculture, Normal School, Fresno, Cal. Director of the Public School Garden Clubs, Omaha, Nebr., 1908; Director of Agricultural Department, Western Kansas State Normal School, 1909; Director of the Agricultural Department, Albion State Normal School, 1910-'13; Professor of Agriculture, Normal School, Fresno, Cal., 1913 — . DEAVER, BERNICE ADA, B. S., Teacher of Mathematics and History. DONLY, MAX C, B. S., E. E., Farmer and Stock Raiser, Carlton, Kan. Merchant, 1908-'09; Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1909 — . DORYLAND, CHARLES J. T., B. S., Agri., Assistant in Bacteri- ology, North Dakota Experiment Station, Agricultural Col- lege, N. Dak. (DRESSER) SYVERND, FLORENCE EDITH, B. S., D. S., House- wife, Canton, S. Dak. Graduate Student and Assistant in English Department, K. S. A. C, 1908-'09; Teacher in High School, Baxter Springs, Kan., 1909-'10; Principal of High School. Wheaton, Kan., 1910-'ll; Reader and Teacher in English Department, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Teacher of Do- mestic Science in High School, Canton, S. Dak., 1912. EATON, GEORGE RICHARD, B. S., E. E., Plant Superintendent, 192 liECORD OF THE ALUMNI Hanamo Telephone Company, Maryville, Mo. Switchboard and Meter Testing, Edison Company, Topeka, Kan.; Man- ager, Home Teleplione and Electric Company, Highland, Kan.; Superintendent, Hanamo Telephone Company, Mary- ville, Mo. (ELDER) BULL, MARY AMY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Albion, Idaho. Instructor of German and History, High School, Council Grove, Kan., 1908-'10; Housewife, 1910 — . FLEMING, LOUISE, B. S., D. S., Instructor in Mathematics in High School, 606 Topeka Ave., Topeka, Kan. Vice-Princi- pal, Mankato High School, Mankato, Kan.; Instructor in Mathematics in High School, Topeka, Kan., 1913 — . FORESBERG, CARL F., B. S., E. E., Sales Agent, General Electric Company, Rialto Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. College Electrician, K. S. A. C; Lineman, Manhattan Ice, Light, and Power Company; Contractor, Manhattan, Kan.; Apprentice, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. GADEN, MARY ELIZA, B. S., D. S., Principal of Schools, Selling, Okla. Teacher of Domestic Science, Lexington, Ky., 1909- '10; Teacher in Grades, Riley, Kan., 1910-'12; Principal oi Schools, Selling Okla., 1912 — . GALL, DAVID EMERSON, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinary Surgeon, Reserve, Kan. (GAMMON) RYAN, ERMA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 2, Mus- cotah, Kan. At Plome, Ramah, Colo., 19 08-'10; Housewife, 1910 — . GIBBON, CLARENCE T., B. S., E. E., Electrician, Homestake Mining Company, Lead, S. Dak. Electrician, Denver, In- terurban Railway Company, Denver, Colo., 1908-'10; Electrician, Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, Picton, Colo., 19 10-' 12; Electrician, Homestake Mining Company, Lead, S. Dak.. 1912 — . GISH, OLIVER HOLMES, B. S., Assistant in Physics, University of Nebraska, 535 N. Sixteenth St., Lincoln, Nebr. Assistant Principal of Marysville, Kan., High School, 1908-'09; As- sistant Observer, U. S. Weather Bureau, 1909-'10; Assistant Research Observer, Mount Weather Observatory, 1910-'ll; Assistant in Physics, University of Nebraska, 1911 — . GOHEEN, GEORGE G., B. S., E. E., Commercial Engineer, General Electric Company, 316 Miners' Bank Bldg., Joplin, Mo. With General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., Power and Mining Department, 1908 — . (GRAHAM) McCLASKEY, CECILE AGNES, B. S.. D. S., House- wife, R. 3, Girard, Kan. GRAHAM, J. OLIN, B. S., Farmer, Floyd, Texas. Farmer, Floyd, Texas, 1908—. (GRIZZELL) PRAEGER, EDNA GERTRUDE, B. S., D. S., House- KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 193 wife, Clafliii, Kan. Teacher, Short Course in Houseliold Economics, Purdue University, 1909. HALM, HELEN H., B. S., D. S., Head of Home Economics De- partment, and Instructor in Domestic Art, Southwest Texas State Normal School, San Marcos, Texas; 633 Buchanan St., Topeka, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science and Art in the Corsicana (Texas) High School, 190S-"10: In Charge of the Home Economics Department of the South- west Texas State Normal School, San Marcos, Texas, 1910 — . HARLAN, DORA INEZ, B. S., Teacher, Wahoo, Nebr. HARRIS, FRANK CLYDE, B. S.. Arch., Instructor in Architecture and Drawing, K. S. A. C, 630 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. City Engineer, Manhattan, Kan., 1907-'09; Supervis- ing Engineer, W. K. Palmer Engineering Company, 1909; Assistant and Instructor in Architecture and Drawing, 1909 — . (HARRIS) GASTON, MAUD, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 302 Garfield St., Ft. Atkinson, Wis. HASLAM, THOMAS POWELL, B. S., M. S., Assistant in Veteri- nary Medicine, Agricultural Experiment Station. K. S. A. C, 62 3 N. Manhattan Ave., Manhattan, Kan. AsiJistant In- structor in Chemistry, Kansas University, 1908-'09; M. S., ibid.. 1910; Assistant in Veterinary Medicine, Agricultural Experiment Station, K. S. A. C, 1909 — . HASSEBROEK, ELIZABETH P., B. S., D. S., Manhattan, Kan. HAYES, FRED M., D. V. M., Vet. S., Instructor in Veterinary Science, University of California, Berkeley, Cal. Assistant in Veterinary Science, K. S. A. C, 19 08-'ll; Instructor in Veterinary Science, and Veterinarian in Charge of Hog- Cholera Serum Laboratory, University of California, 1911 — . HOFFMAN, GEORGE LEON, B. S., E. E., Electrical Foreman, Arrowrock Dam, Arrowrock, Idaho. Electrician and Cement Chemist, U. S. Portland Cement Company, Yocemento, Kan.. 1908-'10; Electrician, Los Angeles Aqueduct, Monolith, Cal., 1910-'12; Electrical Foreman, Arrowrock Dam, 1912 — . HOLMBERG, EDITH ANTONETTE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Do- mestic Science and Art, Renville, Minn. Teacher, Churchill, Minn., 1908-'09; Instructor of Domestic Science and Art, Public Schools, Renville, Minn., 1909 — . (HOWELL) KING, ANNICE, B. S., D. S., Housewife. HULL, RALPH WALDO, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stockman, Shady Bend, Kan. Agent in Scabies Eradication, Bureau of Animal Industry, Albuquerque, New Mex., 1908; Farmer, Shady Bend, Kan., 1909 — . (HUSE) COLLINS, HELEN KNOSTMAN, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 194 RECOHD OF THE ALUMNI Keats, Kan. Assistant in Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1909-'13; Housewife, 1913 — . (ISE) GYGAX, ESTELLE MAY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Zuin Glarnisla a-d Brulilberg, Wintertliur, Switzerland. Teaclier, City Schools, Downs, Kan., 1908-'09; In Charge of Domestic Science and Art Department, Coffeyville (Kansas) High School, 1909-'10; Head of Domestic Art and Science De- partment, Bingham High School, Bingham, Utah, 1911; Housewife, Winterthur, Switzerland, 1911 — . JOHNSON, ELMER, B. S., M. E., Assistant in Power and Experi- mental Engineering, K. S. A. C, 1010 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, K. S. A. C, 1908-'10; Assistant in Power and Experimental Engineer- ing, ibid., 1910 — . JOHNSTON. EDWARD MERVYN, B. S., Agri., Scientific Assist- ant, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Superintendent of Beaumont Co-operative Rice Experiment Station, Lock Box 741, Beaumont, Texas. Graduate Student, Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N. Y., 1908-'10; Tracing Clerk, American Ex- press Company, Rochester, N. Y., 1910-'ll; Scientific As- sistant, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Office of Cereal Investigations, and Superintendent of Beaumont Co-operative Rice Experiment Station, 1911 — . JONES, JOHN SENECA, B. S., Agricultural Instructor. Stale High School, Mora, Minn. Teacher of Sciences, Norton County High School, Norton, Kan., 190S-'10; Teacher of Science and Agriculture, Valley City, N. Dak., 1910-'ll; Teacher of Agriculture, State Industrial High School, Mora, Minn., 1911 — . (JUSTIN) HASLAM, EDITH B., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 623 N. Manhattan Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Instructor in Domestic Science. State Industrial School for Girls, Beloit, Kan., 1908-'10; Instructor in Domestic Science, Clay County High School. Clay Center, Kan., 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912 — . KELLY, MAUDE, B. S., D. S.. Cooking Instructor, Kansas City (Kansas) High School, 714 Barnett St., Kansas City, Kan. KERR, ALMIRA ELNORA, B. S., D. S., Domestic Science Teacher, Cache Creek Indian Mission School, R. 3, Apache, Okla. Domestic Science Teacher, Avery Normal Institute, Charleston, S. C, 1908-'09; Domestic Science Teacher, Cache Creek Indian Mission Industrial School, 1909 — . KIMBLE, VENUS, B. S., D. S., At Home, Manhattan, Kan. KINNEL, FREDERICK B., B. S., M. E., Engineer, A., T. & S. F. Railway, Amarillo, Texas. KIRBY, ARTHUR W., B. S., E. E., Erecting Engineer and Gas Engine Expert, 123 S. Chestnut St., St. Marys, Ohio. Electrician, Kansas Natural Gas Company, 1908-'09; Fore- KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 195 man Shops, Kansas Natural Gas Company, Independence, Kan., 1909-'10; Superintendent of WaKeeney (Kansas) Light and Water Plants, 1910-'12; Road Engineer, St. Marys Machine Company, St. Marys, Ohio, 1912 — . KISER, ORVILLE M., B. S., Agri., Director of Agriculture, Hec- tor Associated Schools, Hector, Minn. Teacher of Agricul- ture and Manual Training, Canby, Minn., 1908-'10; Teacher of Science and Agriculture, Howard Lake, Minn., 1910-'12; Director of Agriculture, Hector Associated Schools, Hector, Minn., 1912 — . (KRATZINGER) TAFT, ELSIE LOUISE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Sioux City, Iowa. Supervisor of Household Science and Household Arts, Carbondale (Illinois) Public Schools, 1908-'13; Housewife, Sioux City, Iowa, 1913 — . LONG, CARL C, B. S., E. E., With Utah Power and Light Com- pany, Grace, Idaho. Graduate Student, University of Wis- consin, 1908-'09; With Bureau of Education, Philippine Islands, 1910-'12; Power House Superintendent, Utah Power and Light Company, Grace, Idaho, 1912 — . McCALL, WILLIAM THOMAS, B. S., Agri., Manufacturer of Sunflower Stacker, 917 Fremont St., Manhattan, K,an. Manufacturer, 1908 — . McCONNELL, FAY GERTRUDE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Do- mestic Science, 3918 Hutton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Teacher of Domestic Science, Hartwell High School, Cincin- nati, Ohio, 1910 — . (McKEEMAN) BIRCH, OLIVE R., B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 3, Ithaca, N. Y. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1908-'ll. (McKEEN) KIPP, ETHEL OLIVE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Manhat- tan, Kan. McLEAN, HARRY CHARLES, B. S., E. E.. First Assistant Chem- ist, Department of Soil Chemistry and Bacteriology, New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Station, Nev. Brunswick, N. J. Graduate Student and Student-Assistant in Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1909; Assistant in Soil Analysis, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1910; First As- sistant Chemist, Department of Soil Chemistry and Bacteriology, New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Station, 1910 — . McLENON, HENRY ALEXANDER, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Mon- rovia, Kan. MANALO, VINCENTE G., B. S., M. E., Lemery Batangas, Philip- pine Islanda. MARSHALL, PHILLIP EDWARD, B. S., E. E., Electrician, 520 Harrison St., Topeka, Kan. MARTIN, ETHEL MADGE, B. S., At Home, Gen. Del., Albuquer- que, New Mex. 196 BECORD OF THE ALUMNI (MARTY) LAWSON, JESSIE LOU, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Mc- Pherson. Kan. Student in Domestic Science Course in Teacliers' College, New York City, 1908-'09; Teacher of Domestic Science, High School, Hastings, Nebr., 1909-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . MOFFATT, GEORGE A., B. S., M. E.. Boiler and Elevator In- spector for Maryland Casualty Company, 912 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Ore. Machinist, Seattle, Wash., 1909-'ll; Boiler and Elevator Inspector for Maryland Casualty Company, Portland, Ore., 1911 — . JMOMYER, HARRY H., B. S., E. E., Boomer Lineman, Southwest- ern Telegraph and Telephone Company, Hawkins, Texas. MORRISON. ORR O., B. S., Agri., With The Albert Dickinson Company, Lock Drawer 7 8 8, Chicago, 111. Live Stock In- spector, U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, 1908-'10; Sales- man, Feed and Flour Department, The Quaker Oats Com- pany, 1910-'13; With The Albert Dickinson Company, Chi- cago, 111., 1913 — . MORTON, CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA, B. S., D. S., Art Instructor, Greenwich, Conn.. Teacher in Common Schools, 1908-'09, Assistant in Art Department, K. S. A. C, 1909-'12; Student, Columbia University, 1912-'13; Art Instructor, Greenwich, Conn., 1913 — . MUNGER, EDNA ANNA, B. S., D. S., Commercial Teacher, Augusta High School, Augusta, Kan. Teacher in Riley County Public Schools, 1908-'10; At Home, 1910-'12; Clerk, Department of Rural and Vocational Education, 1912-'13; Commercial Teacher, Augusta High School, 1913 — . MURRAY, JACOB MICHAEL, D. V. M., Vet. S., Instructor, St. Joseph Veterinary College, Seventh and Sylvanie Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Veterinarian, Wichita, Kan. Instructor in St. Joseph Veterinary College, St. Joseph, Mo. — . NEEDHAM, LUCY, B. S., Teacher of Home Economics and Science, Oswego, Kan. R. 1, Rantoul, Kan. (Home). Teacher in District School, Lane, Kan., 1908-'09; Special Student, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Teacher of Home Economics, Florence, Ala., 1910-'ll; Student, K. S. A. C, Spring of 1911; Teacher in Home Economics and Science, Oswego College, 1911-'13; Teacher in Home Economics and Science, Oswego High School, 1911-'13; Student, University of Chi- cago, Summer, 1912. PERRINE, ARTHUR ALEXANDER RAYMOND, B. S., E. E., Teacher of Electrical Engineering, Montgomery St., Stark- ville, Miss. Student, Armour Institute of Technology, Chi- cago, 111., 1908-'09; B. S., 1909, E. E., 1912; Manager Quenemo Telephone Company, Osage County, Kansas, 1909- '10; Instructor, Department of Electrical Engineering, KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 197 Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont., 1910-'ll; Engineer- ing Department, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis., 1911-'12; Electrical Engineering Department, Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1912 — . PETERSON, JOHN BUELL, B. S., Agri., Dairy Farmer and Hog Raiser, Montborne, Wash. At Home, Wichita, Kan., 19 08- '09; Farmer, Montborne, Wash., 1909-'ll; County Engineer, Skagit County, Washington, 1911-'12; Dairy Farmer and Hog Raiser, 1913 — . PIERCE, MARCIA, B. S., D. S., Teacher in High School, 626 W. Sixth St., Junction City, Kan. At Home, Junction City, Kan., 1908-'ll; Teacher in Grades, Purcell, Okla., 1912 (January to May) ; Teacher, Kearny County High School, Lakin, Kan., 1912 — . PRAEGER, HERMAN ALBERT, B. S., Agri., General Farmer, Claflin, Kan. General Farmer, 1908 — . RICHARDS, JAMES C, B. S., E. E.. Salesman for HolTman Mills, Enterprise, Kan., 815 N. Tenth St., St. Joseph, Mo. RIDDLE, GENEVIEVE LOUISE, B. S., Principal of High School, Kuna, Idaho. Science Instructor, Sallisaw, Okla., 1908-'09; Science Instructor, Ontario, Ore., 1909-'10; Homesteading 160 Acres Dry Land, Eight Miles Southeast of Boise, Idaho, and Teaching District School, 1910-'12; Principal, Kuna High School, 1912 — . (ROBERTSON) SMITH, BLANCHE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 557 Vermillion Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Record Clerk, K. S. A. C, 1908-'10; Housewife, 1910 — . SCHILD, CLARA DOROTHY, B. S., Principal of High School, 612 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. Principal of High School, Manhattan, Kan., 1909 — ; Student, Chicago University, Summers, 1911, 1912, 1913. SIMPSON, JAY WARREN, B. S., E. E., Rice Grower, EI Campo, Texas. Principal, Provincial Trade School, Bureau of Educa- tion, Lingayen, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands, 1908-'12; Rice Grower, 1912 — . (SMITH) BIXBY, HALLIE M., B. S., D. S., Housewife, U. S. R. S., Minidoka, Idaho. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1908-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — ; Residences: Philadelphia, Pa., 1911- '12; Minidoka, Idaho, 1912 — . SMITH, JAY LATIMER, B. S., Agri., Realty Broker, 557 Vermil- lion, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. U. S. Government Sheep Inspector, New Mexico, 1908; Salesman for the Aluminum Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1909-'12. (SMITH) GRAVES, Margaret Grace, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Corvallis, Ore. SMITH, MARTIN GILBERT, D. V. M., Vet. S.. Veterinary Inspec- tor, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agri- 198 HECOliJ) OF THE ALUMNI culture, 721 E. Forty-second St., Chicago, 111. Practiced Veterinary Medicine, Wellington, Kan., 1908-'12; Veterinary Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1912 — . SNAPP, ARTHUR R., B. S., Agri., Farmer, Sunburst, Mont. Agent in Scabies Eradication, U. S. Bureau of Animal In- dustry, Albuquerque, New Mex., 1908; Farmer, near Belle- ville, Kan., 1909-'12; Filed on Homestead near Sweetgrass, Mont., 1912; Farmer, Sunburst, Mont., 1913 — . STRONG, HERBERT D., B. S., E. E., In General Electric Sales Office, California. SULLIVAN, DANIEL CHARLES, B. S., Stockman. SVi^EET, HELEN LOUISE, B. S., D. S., Teacher in Imperial, Cal., 32 5 W. Tenth St., Long Beach, Cal. City Librarian, Hampton, Iowa, 1908-'12; Teacher, Imperial, Cal., 1912 — . TAFT, EDWIN SPRINGER, B. S., Agri., Assistant Manager, Re- tail Coal Yard, Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co., Y. M. C. A., Sioux City, Iowa. General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Uni- versity of South Dakota, Vermillion, S. Dak., 1908-'ll; - Salesman, Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company, 1911-'12. TAYLOR, IRENE ALMA, B. S., D. S., At Home, Chapman, Kan. (TEAGARDEN) BARDO, MAUDE E., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 121 N. Second St., Arkansas City, Kan. General Agent for Union Publishing House of Chicago, 111., at 1 Lewis St., Binghamton, N. Y., 1908-'09. THOMPSON. RAYMOND CHARLES, B. S., Professor of Agricul- tural Chemistry and Chemist of Experiment Station, Uni- versity of Arkansas, 513 Highland Ave., Fayetteville, Ark. Assistant Chemist, K. S. A. C, 1908-'10; Graduate Student, ibid., 1908-'09; First Assistant Chemist, Arkansas Experi- ment Station, 1910-'ll; in Charge of Department of Agri- cultural Chemistry and the Chemistry Department of the Experiment Station, University of Arkansas, 1911 — . (TOLIN) JEFF'S, BESSIE L., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1508 Buchanan St., Topeka, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, Marshall, Texas, 1908-'10; At Home, Soldier, Kan., 1910- '11; Housewife, Topeka, Kan., 1911 — . TRUNK, MATILDA, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Henryetta, Okla. Teacher, Plains, Kan., 19 08-'09; Teacher, Keats, Kan., 1910-'ll; Teacher, Henryetta, Okla., 1911 — . (TULLOSS) McLEAN, ELSIE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1005 Blue- mont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, Ottawa High School, 1908-'09; Housewife, 1909 — ; Resi- dences: Mexico City, Mex., 1909-'12; Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . WALKER, CARROLL, B. S., E. E., Grain Dealer, Lillis, Kan. KANSAS STATE AGIUCULTUBAL COLLEGE 199 WALTERS. DANIEL, B. S., Arch., Merchant, Beloit, Kan. Arcni- tect, Beloit, Kan.; Merchant, Beloit, Kan. — . WELSH, CHARLES R., B. S., E. E., County Engineer, Clay County, Clay Center, Kan. Automobile Salesman, 1908- '10; County Engineer, Clay County, 1910 — . (WETZIG) TERRASS, PAULINE EMILIE, B. S., D. S., House- wife, Alma, Kan. WILLARD, CHARLES J., B. S., Farmer, Williamsburg, Va. Stu- dent, University of Illinois, 1908-'10; Farmer, Bradford, Kan., 1911-'13; Farmer, Williamsburg, Va., 1913 — . (WILLIS) CALL, CLARA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 609 N. Ninth St., Manhattan, Kan. Instructor in Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1906-'10; Housewife, 1910 — . WILSON, BRUCE STEINHOFF, B. S., Agri., Assistant in Farm Demonstrations, Agronomy Department, K. S. A. C, 520 N. Manhattan Ave., Manhattan, Kan. With Agronomy Depart- ment. K. S. A. C, 190S-'10; Farm Foreman, ibid., 1910-'ll; Assistant in Agronomy and Foreman of Experimental Farm, ibid., 1911-'12; Assistant in Farm Demonstrations, ibid., 1912 — . (WILSON) ELLIOTT, FRANCES ODELL, B. S. Housewife. WILSON. IRA A., B. S., E. E., Farmer, Winfield, Kan. Farmer, 1908 — . WOLF, NELLE, B. S., D. S., At Home, 431 Humboldt St., Man- hattan, Kan. WRIGHT, ANDREW H., D. S., Agri., Assistant Agronomist, Okla- homa Agricultural Experiment Station, West College Ave., Stillwater, Okla. Instructor in Science and Agriculture. High School, Lyons, Kan., 1908-'09; U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, 1909; Agriculturist, Haskell State School of Agriculture, Broken Arrow, 1909- '10; Assistant Agronomist, Oklahoma Agricultural Experi- ment Station, 1910 — . YOUNG, STUART SMITH, B. S., E. E., Superintendent, Star Electrical Company, 1013 S. Walnut St., Coffeyville, Kan. In Employ of Electrical Engineering Department, K. S. A. C, Fall of 1908; Power Plant Construction at Chapman. Kan., 1909; Foreman, Stevens Electric Company, Coffey- ville, Kan., 1909-'ll; Superintendent and Part Owner, Star Electrical Company, Coffeyville, Kan., 1911 — . 1809 ADAMS, FRANKLIN ALEXANDER, B. S., E. E., Assistant Cash- ier, Stockgrowers' Bank, Maple Hill, Kan. Signal Repair- man. Pennsylvania Lines, Allegheny, Pa., 1909-'10; Stu- dent, Cornell University, 1910-'ll; Assistant Cashier, Stock- growers" State Bank, 1911 — . 200— KANSAS STATE AG lilCULTUEAL COLLEGE 201 ALLEMAN, M. REUBEN, B. S., Agri., Dairy Farmer, 350 Second St., Seattle, Wash. ALSPAUGH, CLYDE HARRISON, B. S., Agri., Eleele, Hawaii. Farmer, Lincolnville. Kan., 1909-'ll; Agriculturist, Boys' Industrial School, Waialee, Territory of Hawaii, 1911-'13; Vocational Instructor, Eleele, Hawaii, 1913 — . (APITZ) McCAMPBELL, JESSIE EDWINA, B. S., D. S., House- wife, Manhattan, Kan. ARMSTRONG, RALPH A., B. S., M. E., Associate in Shop and Drawing, Technological High School, 141 E. North Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Superintendent of Trade School, Kansas State Reformatory, Hutchinson, Kan., 1909-'ll; Associate in Shop and Drawing, Technological High School, Atlanta, Ga., 1911 — . (AXTELL) GLOVER, MARGUERITE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 207 B. Broadway St., Newton, Kan. BALES, HAROLD W., D. V. M., Vet. S., U. S. Veterinary Inspector, .54 2 Custom House, Louisville, Ky. General Practice of Veterinary Medicine, 1909-'ll; Veterinary Inspector with U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal In- dustry, 1911 — . (BARNETT) BONEBRAKE, CECIL PEARL, B. S., D. S., House- wife, 352 S. Grand, Orange, Cal. At Home, 1909-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . BEALEY, EDWARD E., B. S., Agri. Died in 1912. BERKELEY, ROBERT E., B. S., Farm Loans, Kansas City, Mo. Assistant Cashier and Main Stockholder, Jewell County National Bank, Burr Oak, Kan.; Farm Loans, Kansas City, Mo. BONEBRAKE, CASEY C, B. S., E. E., City Engineer, 352 S. Grand St., Orange, Cal. Farmer, 1909-'10; Mercantile Business, 19 10-' 12; City Engineer, 1912 — . BOYLE, CHARLES JOSEPH, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Spivey, Kan. Farmer, Spivey, Kan., 1909 — . BRINK, RAYMOND W., B. S., E. E., Instructor in Mathematics, College of Engineering, University of Minnesota, 209 State St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Instructor in Mathematics, University of Idaho, 1909-'12; Instructor in Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 1912 — . (BROOKS) HAZEN, ELLA V., B. S., D. S., Housewife, Ithaca, N. Y. Housewife, 1909 — ; Residences: Centralia, Kan., 1909- '10; Eureka, Kan.. 1910-'ll; Amarillo, Texas, 1911-'12; Ithaca, N. Y., 1912 — . BROWN, FRANCES LANGDON, B. S., D. S., Head of Home Eco- nomics Division, Extension Service, K. S. A. C, 514 N. Ninth St., Manhattan, Kan. Head of Home Economics Division, Extension Service, K. S. A. C, 1909 — . 202 RECOlil) OF TUE ALVMM BRYANT, VIRGIL C, M. S., Agri., In Charge of Agricultural De- partment of High School, Hotel Los Banas, Los Banas, Cal. GLudent at Berkeley and University of California, 1910-'! 1; M. S. in Agriculture, University of California, 1911. CARLSON, ANNA WILHELMINA, B. S., Student Assistant in Mathematics, K. S. A. C, 1909-'12; Postgraduate Work in Mathematics, ibid., 1911-'12; Instructor in Mathematics and Agriculture, Barber County High School, Medicine Lodge, Kan.. 1912. Died July 30, 1913. CARPENTER, FLORENCE, B. S., D. S.. At Home, Holcomb, Kan. At Home, Woodsdale, Kan., 1909-'10; At Home, Holcomb, Kan., 1910 — . CASSEL, SARAH ELIZABETH, B. S., D. S., Domestic Scienc<3 Teacher. 5323 Pitt St., New Orleans, La. Teacher of Do- mestic Science, New Orleans. La., 1910 — . CHRISTIE. GEORGE SIDNEY, B. S., Agri., Howard, Kan. (COCKRELL) DANIELS, EDNA E., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 327 S. Poplar St., Centralia, 111. Teacher of Domestic Art and Science, Bennet Academy, Clarkson, Miss.; Housewife, 1910 — ; Residences: Omaha and Hastings. Nebr., and Cen- tralia, 111. CONNER, CLAUDE S., D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, Smith Cen- ter, Kan. Veterinarian, Lyons, Kan., 1909-'13; Veterina- rian, Smith Center, Kan., 1913 — . COOK, LOUIS GRAHAM, B. S., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Effingham, Kan. COONS, M. MARIE, B. S., D. S., At Home, Manhattan. Kan. At Home, 1909 — . (COPLEY) BUCHHOLTZ, MARGARET, B. S., D. S.. Housewife, 313 S. Water St., Olathe, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, Kansas School for Deaf, 1909-'ll; Clerk in Record Clerk's Office, K. S. A. C, 1911-"12; Housewife, 1912 — . CUDNEY, HERMAN L., B. S., Farmer, R. 5, Haviland, Kan, Farmer, Haviland, Kan., 1909 — . DANIELS, .JAMES SCOTT, B. S., General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Centriiiia, 111. Student, Y. M. C. A. Training School, Chicago, l'J09-'iO: In Y. M. C. A. Work in Nebraska, 1910-'13; Gcnfral Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Centralia, 111., 1913 — . DAUGHTERS. CURTIS LYNN, B. S., Editor, Council Grove, Kan. DAVIS, LEON MILEHAME, B. S., Agri., Assistant Professor of Dairy Industry, University of California, University Farm, Davis, Cal. Instructor in Dairy Industry, University of California, 1909-'12; Assistant Professor of Dairy Industry, ibid., 1912 — ; In Charge of Dairy Department, ibid., 1913 — . DEAVER, RUBY FAE, B. S., Cassoday, Kan. (DOCKING) WEBER, LULU H., B. S., Housewife, 134 Clinton Ave., Albany, N. Y. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 203 ENFIELD, WILLIAM L., B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, 1894 E. Sixty-ninth St., Cleveland, Ohio. Graduate Student, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, 1909-'10; Engineering De- partment, National Electric Lamp Company, 1910-'ll; Electrical Engineer, General Manufacturing Department, National Quality Lamp Division of General Electric Company, 1911 — . EVANS, WILMA DETTE, B. S., D. S., Domestic Science Teacher, Government Academy, Tuskahoma, Okla. Goodland, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science, Houston (Texas) Schools, 1910-'ll; Teacher of Domestic Science, Sherman County High School, Goodland, Kan., 1911-'12; Teacher of Do- mestic Science, Government School for Choctaw Girls, Tus- kahoma, Okla., 1912 — . (FENTON) KITTELL, MARIE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1219 Gar- field Ave., Topeka, Kan. Extension Department, University of Wisconsin, Fall and Winter of 1909-'10, and Winter of 1910-'ll; Extension Department, K. S. A. C, Fall of 1910 and Spring of 1911. FOOTE, DONALD FORREST, B. S., E. E., Manager Missouri Valley Light and Power Company's El Dorado Springs Property, El Dorado Springs, Mo. General Utility Man with Pike's Peak Hydro-Electric Company, Manitou, Colo.; General Utility Station Operator with Colorado Springs Light, Heat and Power Company, 1909-'ll; Manager, Aguilar Light and Power Company, Aguilar, Colo.; vVitu Progressive Stove and Furnace Company, Colorado City, Colo., 1911-'12; With Blue Bird Gold Mining and Milling Company, Independence, Colo.; Manager, Missouri Valley Light and Power Company, El Dorado Springs, Mo., 1912 — . (FORCEMAN) PARKS, MINNIE L., B. S., D. S., Housewife, Bellaire, Kan. Assistant in Domestic Art, K. S. A. C, 1909- '10; Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 1910-'ll; House- wife, 1911 — . GISON, AMBROSIO, B. S., Agri., Senior Student, College of Veteri nary Science, University of the Philippines, 72 2 Tayuman St., San Lazaro Immunizing Station, Manila, P. I. Agri- cultural Assistant of the Bureau of Agriculture, Government of the Philippine Islands; Veterinary Research Laboratory, Alabang, Rizal, P. I. GRAVES, ROY R., B. S., Agri., Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Ore- gon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. Superintendent of Kansas City Pure Milk Commission, 1909; Manager, Hillcrest Dairy Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1909-'10; Manager, Lake View Dairy Farm, Greenwood, Mo., 1910-'ll; Research Fel- low and Graduate Student, University of Missouri, 1911-'12; Dairyman, Dairy Division, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 204 HE con D OF THE ALVMXJ 1912-'13; Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore., 1913 — . GRIZZELL, CHESTER W., D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, Seventh and Adams Sts., Sterling, Kan. HAINES, CHARLES MEYERS, B. S., M. E., Traveling Immigra- tion Agent, 7 04 Main St., Ft. Worth, Texas. Superintend- ent of Manual Training, Public Schools, Albia, Iowa, 1909- '10; Director of Manual Arts, City Schools, Atchison, Kan., 1910-'ll; Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, Texas Agri- cultural and Mechanical College, College Station, Texas, 19 11-' 13; Traveling Immigration Agent for the Joint Im- migration Bureau of the St. L. I. M. & S. T. & P., & I. 6.: G. N., 1913 — . HAMLER, HARRY T., B. S., M. E., Farmer, Hoisington, Kan. HANSON, ANTON, B. S., M. E., Jamestown, Kan. HARNER, JAMES WILLIAM, D. V. M., Vet. S., Green, Kan. United States Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, Paris, Texas, 1911. HARRI, FRITZ F., B. S., LL. B., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, .. 4123 Eleventh St., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Law Student, Uni- versity of Washington, 1909-'12; LL. B., University of Washington, 1912; General Practice, 405-9 New York Bldg., Seattle, Wash. (HARRISON) JORGENSON, ANNIE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 427 Byron St., Mankato, Minn. At Home, Jewell, Kan., 1909- '10; Housewife, 1910 — . (HAWKINS) GALLUP, STELLA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Marys- ville, Kan. At Home, 19 09; Housewife. 1910 — . HAYNES, LAWRENCE GLENN, B. S., E. E., Farmer, Wamego, Kan. Agent, Scabies Eradication, Bureau of Animal In- dustry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Albuquerque, New Mex.. 1909; Forest Guard, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Magdalena. New Mex., 1909-'10; Forest Ranger, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Magdalena, New Mex., 1910-'14; Farmer, Wsmego, Kan., 1914 — . (HAZEN) REXROAD, ALICE MABEL, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 100 E. Sixteenth St., Hutchinson, Kan. Instructor of Do- mestic Science, Larimore, N. Dak., 1909-'ll: Housewife. 1911 — ; Residences: Mitchell, S. Dak., 1911-'12; Hutchin- son, Kan., 1912 — . (HENDERSON) SELIG, GENEVA L., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 219 Earner St., El Dorado, Kan. Instructor in Domestic Science, El Dorado High School. HENDERSON, HELEN DAY, B. S., At Home, 3518 Virginia Ave., Kansas City, Mo. At Home, 19 09 — . HILL, THOMAS NEWTON, B. S., Teacher, Milligan College, Tenn- KANSjL^ ."STATE AG lllCr LTV UAL COLLEGE 205 essee. InsLructcr of Science and Mathematics in El Dorado (Kansas) High School, 1909-'10; Student, Kansas University (Medical School), 1910-'ll; A. B., Kansas Uni- versity, 1911; Instructor in Beckley Institute, Beckley, VV. Va., 1911-'13; Teacher, Milligan College, Tennessee, 1913 — . HIRST, JESSE T., B. S., M. E., Hutchinson, Kan. Draftsman for Kansas Chemical Manufacturing Company, 1910-'ll; Assistant in Mathematics and Physics, Lake Forest College, Lako Forest, 111., 1912-'13. HOLLOWAY, VERA E., B. S., D. S., High School Instructor in Home Economics, 245 S. Kenwood St., Glendale, Cal. In- structor in Home Economics, Pratt County High School, 1909-'10; Instructor in Home Economics, Los Angeles State Normal, 1909-'10; Instructor in Home Economics, Glendale Union High School, 1911 — . (HOWELL) ZAHNLEY, MABELLE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, IIl. Farmer St., El Dorado, Kan. Teacher of Intermediate Grades, Dwight, Kan., 1909-'10; Housewife, El Dorado, Kan., 1910 — . HOWENSTINE, CHARLES CLINTON, B. S., E. E., Engineer, General Electric Company, 528 Western Ave., Lynn, Mass. Student Engineer, AllisChalmers Company, 1909-'ll; En- gineer. General Electric Company, 1911 — . (HULL) THOMPSON, GRACE G., B. S., D. S., Housewife, 513 Highland Ave., Fayetteville, Ark. At Home, Orange, Cal., 1909-'ll; Housewife, Fayetteville, Ark., 1911 — . HUNTER, OLIVER WILLIAM, B. S., Instructor in Bacteriology, K. S. A. C, 1616 Fairchild Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Graduate Student in Bacteriology, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Graduate Student in Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, 1910-'ll; Instructor in Department of Bacteriology, K. S. A. C, 1911 — . INGHAM, EDITH BELLE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, 307 Van Ness Ave., Fresno, Cal. Teacher of Do- mestic Science, Brownwood, Texas, 1910-'12; Teacher of Domestic Science, Fresno, Cal., 1912 — . IRVING, WILLIAM H., B. S., E. E., Special Signal Apprentice with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Lines West, 447 Beechwood Ave., Carnegie, Pa. Special Signal Apprentice with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, lAnes West, 1911 — . JACOBUS, CHARLES R., B. S., E. E., Power and Mining Commer- cial Department, General Electric Company, 13 Eagle St., Schenectady, N. Y. Special Work at K. S. A. C, 1908-'09; College Electrician, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Testing Depart- ment, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1910- '11; Trouble "Shooting," ibid., 1911-'12; Power and Mining 0) u 0) > 206- KANSAS STATE AGlilCULTURAL COLLEGE 207 Commercial Department, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1912—. JONES, EDITH ELLEN, B. S., D. S., Assistant to the Dean of Agriculture and Director of Experiment Station, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. Secretary, Agronomy Department, K. S. A. C, 1909-'13; Assistant to the Dean of Agriculture and Director of Experiment Station, 1913 — . JONES, ELMER W., B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer with Kan- sas City Electric Light and Power Company, 2105 Monroe Ave., Kansas City, Mo. JUSTIN, MARGARET M., B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Bennett Academy, Clarkson, Miss. Dietitian, Kansas City Hospital, 1909-'ll; Sewing Teacher, School for Deaf. Olathe, 1911-'13; Teacher of Domestic Science, Ben- nett Academy, Clarkson, Miss., 1913 — . KAWAI, NOBUZO, B. S., Agri., University of Edinburgh, Edin- burgh, Scotland. Manager, Piazzek Stock Farm. '1911; Student, University of Edinburgh, Edinburr^h. Scotland, 1912 — . KENNEDY. ADA, B. S., D. S., Teaclier of Domestic Science, City Schools, Pasadena, Cal. Teacher, Topeka, Kan., 1909-'12; Teacher of Domestic Science, City Schools, Pasadena, Cal., 1912 — . KIGER, HARRY E., B. S., Agri., Director of Agriculture in High School, Park Rapids, Minn. Assistant in Animal Husbandry, Purdue University, LaFayette, Ind., 1909-'10: Farmer, Burlington, Kan., 1910-'ll; Director of Agriculture, Park Rapids High School, Park Rapids, Minn., 1911 — . KING, LOYD L., B. S., E. E., Electrician, Santa Fe System, Mechanical Department, A., T. & S. F. Railway, Topeka, Kan. Electrician, Mechanical Department, A., T. & S. F. Railway, 1911 — . KING, WALTER J., B. S., M. E.. Highway Engineer, 1616 Fair- child Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Superintendent of Trades, Kansas State Industrial Reformatory, Hutchinson, Kan., 1909-'12; Fellow in Experimental Engineering, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; Assistant in Highway Engineering, ibid., 1913 — . KING, WILLIAM ARTHUR, B. S., Teacher of History and Civics, High School, 1312 Sumner St., Aberdeen, Wash. Office Work. Manhattan, Kan., 1909-'10; Teacher of History and Civics, High School, Aberdeen, Wash., 1910 — . KIPP, CARL L., B. S., E. E., Music Merchant, Manhattan, Kan. KITTELL, ALBERT G., B. S., Editorial Department, "Mail and Breeze," 1219 Garfield Ave., Topeka, Kan. (KITTELL) CONNER, AMANDA C, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Smith Center, Kan. Stenographer, Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 1909-'ll: Housewife, 1911 — . 208 UEroliD OF THE ALUMNI KRATZER. DAVID A., B. S., M. E., Teacher of Manual Training, High School, 1117 Arch St., Topeka, Kan. Teacher of Manual Training, Gas, Kan., 1909-'ll; Assistant Field En- gineer, Middle West Stone Company, Summer of 1910. KUBIN, EDISON FRANK, D. V. M., Vet. S., Practicing Veterinary Medicine, McPherson, Kan. House Physician, 1909-'10; lu Charge of Serum Plant, K. S. A. C, 1910-'ll; Assistant in Veterinary Department, ibid., 1911-'12. (LEUSZLER) MONTGOMERY, GRACE E., B. S., D. S., House- wife, 1391 Raymond Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Teacher, Mar- shall ('ounty, Kansas, 1909-'10; Instructor in Domestic Science and Art, Fullerton Union High School, FuUerton, Cal., 1910-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . LILL, JOE GRIGSBY, M. S., Agri., Assistant in Dry Land Agri- culture, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Garden City, Kan. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1910-'ll; Assistant in Soils, ibid., 1911-'13; Assistant in Dry Land Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, 1913 — . LOGAN, EDWARD A., D. V. M., Vet. S., City Chemist and Bacteriologist, Professor of Bacteriology and Pathology, St. Joseph Veterinary College, 1104 S. Twentieth St., St. Joseph, Mo. Hardware Merchant, 1905-'06; Student, K. S. A. C. Veterinary School, 1906-'09; Practicing Veterinary Medi- cine, Wamego, Kan., 1909-'12; City Chemist and Bacteriol- ogist, also Professor of Bacteriology and Pathology, St. Joseph Veterinary College, 1912 — . McCHEYNE, GERTRUDE MURIEL, B. S., D. S., Supervisor of Home Economics Extension Work, State of Utah, Utah Agri- cultural College, Extension Division, Logan, Utah. Lecturer in Home Economics, Purdue University, 1909-'ll; In Charge of Extension Work for Women, Purdue University, 1911-'12; Supervisor of Home Economics Extension Work, Agricul- tural College, Utah, 1912 — . McCOY, JOHN E., D. V. M., Vet. S., General Veterinary Practice, Cawker City, Kan. Veterinarian, Thayer, Kan., 1909-'ll; Veterinarian, Cawker City, Kan., 1911 — . McCRAY, J. MYRON, B. S., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, High Schools. McNALL, PRESTON ESSEX, B. S., E. E., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. Electrical Work, General Electric and Edison Electric Companies, Los Angeles, Cal., 1909-'ll, Instructor, High School, Minneapolis, Kan., 1911-'12; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13. MARCH, ELEANOR, B. S., D. S., Supervisor of Domestic Art, Hastings Grade Schools, 517 N. Hastings, Hastings, Nebr. Clerk in Secretary's Office, K. S. A. C, 1910-'ll; Teacher of KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 209 Sewing, and Supervisor, Scliool for Deaf, Olatlie, Kan., 1911- '12; Supervisor of Domestic Art, Hastings Grade Scliools, Hastings, Nebr., 1912-'13. MARTIN, JOHN EDWARD, B. S., Principal of Higli School, Red- field. S. Dak. Instructor in Science, Mitchell, S. Dak., 1909- '12; Principal at Redfield High School, 1912-'13. MAYER, FREDERICK HERMAN, B. S., E. E., Electrical Designer, 3630 S. Flower St., Los Angeles, Cal. With Engineering Department of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, 19 09-'10; With Engineering Department of the Southern California Edison Company, as Designer of Power Houses and Distributing Stations, 1910 — . MEADE, VIRGINIA LEE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, High School, Topeka, Kan., 1910-'12; Teacher of Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . MEENEN, PETER J., D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, 312 Glenol- den Ave., Glenolden, Pa. Veterinarian at the H. K. Mul- ford Biological Laboratories, Glenolden, Pa., 1909 — . MILLIKEN, FRANCIS BURZLEY, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 3, Hill City, Kan. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; As- sistant Entomologist, ibid., 1910-'12. MOOREMAN, CLAUDE, B. S., Agri., Stock Inspector, Box 347, Albuquerque, New Mex. MOORMAN. ROSS, B. S., Agri., Interstate Vaccine Company, 903 E. Twelfth St., Kansas City, Mo. Farmer, Burr Oak, Kan., 1909-'ll; U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Ani- mal Industry, 1911-'13; Interstate Vaccine Company, 1913 — . MORRIS, GRACE, B. S., D. S., At Home, 934 Haskell Ave., Kan- sas City, Kan. MORROW, EFFIE MAY, B. S., D. S., Teacher in Boys' Industrial School. Topeka, Kan.; R. 3, Blue Rapids, Kan. (Home). MORWICK. ELIZABETH LOVINIA, B. S., D. S., Teacher, City Schools. Eskridge, Kan. At Home, Eskridge, Kan., 1909- '10; Teacher. Third and Fourth Grades, Eskridge, Kan., 1910—. MOSELEY. MARGARET ETHEL, B. S.. D. S., Teacher of Do- mestic Science, High School, Hiawatha, Kan.; Alma, Kan. (Home). At Home, 19 09-'10; Teacher of Domestic Science, Industrial School for Girls, Beloit, Kan., 1910-'ll; Teacher of Domestic Science, Hiawatha High School, Hia- watha. Kan., 1911 — . NOEL, GUY D., B. S., Agri., Farmer, Delphos, Kan. Assistant Agronomist in Charge of State Experiment Station, South Dakota. 1909-'10; Teacher, High School, Kansas, 1910-'ll; Superintendent Branch Experiment Station, Dodge City, Kan.. 1911-'13; Farmer, Delphos. Kan., 1913 — . 210 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI NORLIN, JOHN W., B. S., Agri., General Merchant, McCracken, Kan. Thresherman, 1909; Secretary to J. H. Miller, 1911- '12; General Merchant, 1912 — . OBLEFIAS, VICTOR F., B. S., Agri., Principal, Lopez Inter- mediate School, Lopez, Tayabas Province, Philippines. Teacher of Agriculture, Atimonau Intermediate School, 1909-'ll; Supervising Teacher. District of Lopez, Division of Tayabas, 1911-'13; Principal, Lopez Intermediate School, 1913 — . OMAN, VICTOR EMANUEL, B. S., E. E., Electrical Supplies, and Contracting, Weiser, Idaho. Electrical Department, A., T. & S. F. Railway Company, 1909-'ll; Electrician, Weiser, Idaho, 1911-'12. OSKINS, MYRTLE, B. S., Teacher, Civil Service, Busby, Mont. Attended Business College, Manhattan, Kan., 1910; Stenog- rapher in President's Office, K. S. A. C, 1910; At Home, West Plains, Mo., 1911-'12; Teacher, Indian Service, Pryor, Mont., 1912; Teacher, Tongue River Training School, Busby, Mont., 1913 — . PARKER, JAMES OLIVER, B. S., E. E., Distributing Officer, U. S. Court, Arkansas River, Kearny and Finney Counties, Lakin, Kan. Electrical Work, Garden City Project, U. S. Reclama- tion Service, Deerfield, Kan., 1909; Electrician, Sugar F'actory, Garden City, Kan., 1909; Surveyor for U. S. Sugar and Land Company, Lakin, Kan., 1910-'ll; Distributing Of- ficer, U. S. Court, for Arkansas River, Kearny and Finney Counties, Lakin, Kan., 1911 — . PAYNE, JOHN HOWARD, D. V. M., Vet. S., U. S. Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, 6124 S. Park Ave.. Chicago, 111. Practiced Veterinary Medicine at Blue Rapids, Kan., 1909- '11; U. S. Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, Chicago, 1911 — . PEACHEY, VERNON D., B. S., M. E., Machinist, S04 B. East, Hutchinson, Kan. Chief Engineer, Oskaloosa Electric Light and Ice Company, Oskaloosa, Kan., 1909; Machinist, Nelson Manufacturing and Supply Company, Hutchinson, Kan., 1910 — . PENDON, CLARO, B. S., Agri., Assistant Agricultural Inspector, Care of Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, P. I. PENNINGTON, HAROLD ALBERT, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 3. Hutchinson, Kan. Farmer, 1909 — . POPENOE, HUBERT L., B. S., Agri., Director in Agriculture, High School, Box 17 0, Alexandria, Minn. Farmer and Stockman, 1909-'12; Director in Agriculture, State High School, Alexandria, Minn., 1912 — . PORTER, LULU MOORE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Shelburn, Ore. Assistant Principal, High School, Coquelle, KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 211 Ore., 1909-'ll; Instructor of Domestic Science, Oregon City High School, Oregon City, Ore., 1911-'13. RANDALL, LEAFFA LAURA, B. S., In Charge of Home Economics Department, Arkansas State Normal School, 208 Davis St., Conway, Ark. Instructor of Home Economics, Seventh and Eighth Grades, Oklahoma City Public Schools, 1909-'10; In- structor of Domestic Science, Oklahoma City High School, 1910-'12. RECORDS, HAROLD S., B. S., Agri., Instructor in Manual Train- ing, Deer River School, Deer River, Minn. Creameryman, Melvern, Kan., 1909; Buttermaker, Montpelier, Ind., and Connersville, Ind., 1910; Chassis Assembler, McFarlau Automobile Company, Connersville, Ind., 1911; Teacher, Frankfort School, Frankfort, Kan., 1911-'12; Instructor in Manual Training, Deer River School, Deer River, Minn., 1912 — . REED, ERNEST CARL, B. S., E. E., Machine Shop Foreman, Kan- sas Natural Gas Company, 518 W. Main, Independence, Kan. Machine Shop Foreman, Kansas Natural Gas Company, 1909 — . REXROAD, GUY C, B. S., M. E., Manager, Rexroad Engineering Company, 100 E. Sixteenth St., Hutchinson, Kan. Drafts- man, then Engineer and Superintendent, of Sellers Motor Car Company, 1910-'ll; Supervisor of Manual Training and Mechanical Drawing, Mitchell, S. Dak., 1911-'12; Manager and Joint Proprietor, Rexroad Engineering Company, Hutchinson, Kan., 1912 — . RICHARDS, JOHN A., B. S., M. E., Instructor in Mathematics and Manual Training, Tucson, Ariz. RIGNEY, IDA ETHEL, B. S., D. S., Assistant in Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1207 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Dietitian, Ensworth Hospital, St. Joseph, Mo., 1909-'10; Teacher of Domestic Science, Wichita High School, 1910-'12; Assistant in Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . RUEDE, EUGENE M., B. S., E. E., Engineer, Street Department, Commonwealth Edison Company, 3915 Congress St., Chicago, 111. Armour Institute of Technology, 1910. Assistant to Engineer, Western Electric Company, Chicago; Illuminating Engineer, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. SALKELD, ALVERTIS SANTFORD, B. S., E. E., Testing Depart- ment, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1911. SAVAGE, GEORGE ARTHUR, B. S., Farmer, R. 3, Miltonvaie, Kan. Farmer, 1909—. SCHELL, ALBERT LESLIE, B. S., Teacher of Science, 1626 Park Place Ave., Wichita, Kan. Student, Friends University, 1910-'ll; A. B., ibid., 1911; Principal of Viola (Kansas) 212 RECORD OF THE ALVMNl High School, 1911-'12; In Science Department of Wichita (Kansas) High School, 1912 — . SCHILD, HUGO, B. S., E. E., Electrician, A., T. & S. F. Railway Company, 611 S. Jefferson, Box 112, Wellington, Kan. Wireman, Hays City Light and Power Company, Hays City, Kan., and Beloit Light and Water Company, Beloit, Kan., 1909; Electrician, Chas. Wolff Packing Company, Topeka, Kan.. 1909-'ll; Electrician, A., T. & S. F. Railway, Welling- ton, Kan., 1911 — . SCHNEMAYER, SUSANNA, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Public Schools, 923 Garfield Ave., Topeka, Kan. Teacher, 1909 — . (SCHORER) RICKENBACHER, MINNIE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 715 E. Main St., Turlock, Cal. SELBY, KATHLEEN, B. S., D. S., At Home, Downs, Kan. Stu- dent in Summer School, Washington State University, 1909; Basketball Coach and Assistant in Girls' Gymnasium, K. S. A. C. 1909; At Home, Downs, Kan., 1910^. SHELLY, WILLIAM LENLEY, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 1, Atchison, Kan. Farm Work in Oregon and Engineering in Idaho, 1910; Orange Growing, Alvin, Texas, 1911-'12; Apple Grow- ing, Atchison, Kan., 1912-'13; General Farming, Atchison, Kan.. 1913 — . SIKES, ELVA LUCRETIA, B. S., D. S., At Home, Leonardville, Kan. Batavia Teacher, Manhattan City Schools, 1909-'10; Milliner in W. H. Sikes' General Merchandise Store, Leon- ardville, Kan., 1910 — . SIMPSON, MYRTLE EDITH, B. S., Milliner, 1019 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Student, University of Winconsin, 1910; Teacher, Leonardville, Kan., 1910-'ll; Milliner, Manhattan, Kan., 1911^ — . SKINNER, ALICE E., B. S., D. S.. Assistant in Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. Assistant, Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 1910-'ll; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1911: Teacher of Domestic Science, Fairbury (Nebraska) High School, 1911-'12; Student, Teachers' College, New York City, 1912-'13; Assistant in Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1913 — . SPRIGGS. ROY E., B. S., M. E., Supervisor, Manual Training De- partment, Rochester City Schools, 623 W. Sixth St., Roches- ter, Minn. Supervisor of Manual Training, Creston, Iowa, 1909-'10; Supervisor of Manual Training, Lewiston, Minn., 1910-'ll; Supervisor of Manual Training, Rochester, Minn., 1911 — . STEELE, EFFIE ELEANOR, B. S., D. S., At Home, Minneapolis, Kan. SUTCLIFF, LEORA JUANITA, B. S., D. S., Instructor of Domestic Science and Art in Sumner County High School, 419 N. Court St., Wellington, Kan. Instructor in Domestic Science KANSAS STATE AGHICULTUIiAL COLLEGE 213 and Art in Sumner County High Scliool, 1910 — . TINKHAM, MERRITT REX, D. V. M.. Vet. S., Building Contractor, First and A Sts., National City, Cal. Practicing Veterinarian, 1909; Deputy Veterinarian, San Diego County, California, 1910-'ll; Real Estate and Building Contractor, 1912 — . VASS, ALONZO FREDERICK, B. S., Agri., Bacteriological Experi- ment Station Work, Corvallis, Ore. M. S., Wisconsin Uni- versity, 1911; Bacteriological Experiment Station Work, Ore- gon Agricultural College, 1911 — . WENKHEIMER, ALBERTA M., B. S., D. S., Principal of High School, Lewis, Kan. Teacher of Mathematics, Clay County High School, 1909-'10; Student, Kansas University, 1910- '11; Teacher of Domestic Science, Correctionville, Iowa, 1912; Principal of High School, Belpre, Kan., 1912-'13. WILKINS, ROY, B. S., E. E., In Testing Department, Pacific Gas and Electrical Company, 1401 L St., Sacramento, Cal. Stu- dent Engineer, Testing Department, General Electrical Com-, pany, 1910-'13. WILLIAMS, FRANCIS BUCKNER, B. S., Agri., Ranch Manager, San Dimas, Cal. Rancher and Nurseryman at Etiwanda, Cal., 1909-'ll; Manager of Lomaritos Ranch, San Dimas, also of Claremont Heights Ranch, 1911 — . WILLIAMS, MARIE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Washington High School, Portland, Ore., 94 E. Seventeenth St., Portland, Ore. WILLIAMS, MARION, B. S., D. S., Instructor of Domestic Science, Nebraska State Normal, 304 W. Twenty-sixth St., Kearney, Nebr. Instructor of Domestic Science, Nebraska State Nor- mal, 1910 — . WILLIS, CHLOE MAY, B. S., D. S., At Home, R. 8, Manhattan. Kan. Teacher, May Day, Kan., 1909-'10; In Colorado, 1910-'ll; Teacher, Pagoda, Colo., 1911; Teacher, Cross Mountain, Colo., 1911-'12; At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . WILSON, ROBERT HUGH, D. V. M., Vet. S., Assistant Chief Veterinarian, Parke, Davis, & Co., Rochester, Mich. Assist- ant in Bacteriology, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Veterinary Bacteriologist, Research Laboratory, Parke, Davis, & Co., Detroit, Mich., 1910-'12; Assistant Chief Veterinarian, Parke. Davis, & Co., 1913 — . WINTER, HENRY B., B. S., Arch., Architect, Manhattan, Kan. Architect, Manhattan, Kan., 1909 — . WYATT, ROY MILTON, B. S., Arch., Architect and Engineer. 527 Commercial St., Atchison, Kan. Assistant City Engineer, Atchison, Kan., 1909-'12; Member of Firm, Crumpacker & Wyatt, Architects and Engineers, Atchison, Kan., 1912 — . (YORK) PETERSON, CARRIE V., B. S., D. S., Housewife, Mont- 214 HECOHI) OF THE ALU MM borne, Wash. At Home, Dunlap, Kan., 1909-'10; House- wife, 1910 — . ZAHNLEY, JAMES WALTER, B. S., Instructor in Science and Agriculture, Higli Scliool. 115 Farmer St., EI Dorado, Kan. Superintendent of Scliools, Dwiglit, Kan., 1909-'10; In- structor in Science and Agriculture in El Dorado High ScliooI, 1910 — . 1910 AICHER, LOUIS C, B. S., Agri., Scientilic Assistant, U. S. De- partment 01' Agriculture; Superintendent, Aberdeen Co-opera- tive Experiment Station, Aberdeen Experiment Station, Aber- deen, Idaho. Superintendent, Caldwell Experiment Farm (in Connection with the Idaho Experiment Station), Cald- well, Idaho, 1910-'ll; In Charge of Department of Agricul- tural Engineering, University of Idaho, 1910-'ll; Scientific Assistant, U. S. Department of Agriculture; Superintendent, Aberdeen Co-operative Experiment Station, Aberdeen, Idaho, 1912 — . ALEXANDER, WINIFRED LOIS, B. S., D. S., Clerk, Spokane, Wash. (ALVORD) PURDY, JESSIE MABEL, B. S., D. S., Housewife, and Clerk in Registrar's Office, K. S. A. C, 630 Kearney St., Manhattan, Kan. Stenographer, Manhattan, Kan., 1910-11; Teacher. Hill City, Kan., 1911-'12; Housewife, White City, Kan., 1912-'13; Housewife and Clerk, Manhattan, Kau., 1913 — . ALVORD, RAIFFE, B. S., Teacher, Leonardville, Kan., 1910-'ll. ARNOTT, ISABELLE C, B. S., D. S., High School Instructor in Homo Economics and Agriculture, Blue Rapids, Kan. Grad- uate Student and Student Assistant in Library, K. S. A. C, 1910-'ll: Instructor in Eskridge High School, 1911-'12; In- structor in Blue Rapids High School, 1912 — . AUSTIN, WILL DAVID, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Isabel, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, near Isabel, Kan., 1910 — . BAKER, HARVEY WILSON. B. S., Agri., Florist, R. 2. Bethel, Kan. Foreman, State Forestry Station, Dodge City, Kan.. 1910; Manager of White Church Farm and Green Houses for Armour and Company, Bethel, Kan., 1911 — . BALLARD, STELLA LOUISE, B. S., D. S., At Home, Washington. Kan. At Home, 1910-'ll; Teacher of Domestic Science and Ancient History, 1911-'12; At Home, 1912 — . BASCOM. DORUS CLARK. B. S., County Agricultural Agent, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 317 Jackson St., Sterling, Colo. College Y. M. C. A., Ft. Collins, Colo., 1910-'12; County Agricultural Agent, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1912 — . KANSAS STATE AGRWULTURAL COLLEdE 215 BERRY, GRACE R., B. S., D. S., Instructor in Domestic Science, Southwest Texas State Normal School, San Marcos, Texas; 517 9 Kensington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Reno County High School, Nicker- son, Kan., 1910-'ll; Instructor in Domestic Science, South- west Texas State Normal School, San Marcos, Texas, 1911 — . (BIXBY) DAVIS, HAZEL, B. S., D. S., Housewife, University Farm, Davis, Cal. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1910-'ll; Housewife, Davis, Cal., 1911 — . BLAIR, ROSCOE EUGENE, B. S., Agri., Superintendent U. S. Ex- periment Farm, Bard, Cal. Apple Spraying Experiments, Kansas State Experiment Station, 1910; Office, Western Agriculture Extension, U. S. Department of Agriculture (Horticulture), San Antonio Experiment Farm, San Antonio, Texas, 1910-'13; In Charge of Yuma Experiment Farm, Bard. Cal., Office Western Irrigation Agriculture, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1913 — . BLIZZARD. WARREN LALE, B. S., Agri., Assistant in Animal Husbandry, K. S. A. C, 930 Laramie St., Manhattan, Kan. Manager Stock Farm, 1910-'ll; Assistant in Animal Hus- bandry, K. S. A. C, 1911 — . BOWER, HARLEY JAMES, B. S., Agri., County Demonstration Agent, Parsons, Kan. Assistant in Agronomy, Ohio State University, 1910-'12; Graduate Student, ibid., 1910-'12; In Charge of Department of Agronomy, Connecticut Agricul- tural College, 1912; County Demonstration Agent, Parsons, Kan., 1913 — . BROWNING, JAMES C, B. S., E. E., With Westinghouse Electri-;! Company, Pittsburg, Pa. BUSHEY, GLENN A., B. S., E. E., Abilene, Kan. With Westing- house Electric Company, 1911. (CARLTON) MURPHY, ETTA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 310 Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. Ladies' Tailoring, 1909- '11; Housewife, 1911—. CASSEL, CHARLES E., B. S., Agri., Superintendent of Tribune Substation, Tribune, Kan. Assistant, Agronomy Depart- ment, K. S. A. C. 1910-'ll; Superintendent of Tribune Ex- periment Substation, 1912 — . CLARKE, THOMAS EDWARD, B. S., Agri., Field Agent, North Dakota Better Farming Association, Harvey, N. Dak. Man- ager, Reno Shorthorns and Berkshires, Medora, Kan., 1910- '12; Field Agent, North Dakota Better Farming Association, Wells District, Harvey, N. Dak., 1912 — . (CLEMMONS) STEFFY, LILLIAN. B. S., D. S., Housewife, Seattle, Wash. (COFFMAN) ROBERTS, ETHEL RUTH, B. S., D. S., Housewife. Morrill, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science and Art in High 216— KANSAS STATE AGBICULTUIiAL COLLEGE 217 School, Lapwai, Idaho, 1910-'ll; Teacher of Domestic Science and Art in High Scliool, Onaga, Kan., 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912 — . (CONNER) HARTMAN, MINNIE FAYE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Inman, Kan. Companion to Motlier, 1910; Music Teaclier, iyil; Residences: Mitchell, Kan.; Inman, Kan. CREE, REVA VIOLET, B. S., D. S., Supervisor of Home Economics, High School, 133 N. Ninth, Payette, Idaho. Instructor in Public Schools, and Supervisor of Domestic Art, Payette, Idaho, 1910-'ll; Instructor of Home Economics, Science, and Mathematics, Hartford, Kan., 1911-'12; Instructor of Home Economics in Payette (Idaho) High School, 1913 — . (CROW) TINKHAM, IDA MYRTLE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, First and A Sts., National City, Cal. At Home, 1910-'ll; Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, High School, Kinsley, Kan., 1911-'12; Housewife, 1913 — . (DALLAS) GORE, IVON LA VERGNE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Payson, Utah. At Home, Mound City, Kan., 1910-'ll; As- sistant Principal, High School, Colony, Kan., 1911-'13. (DAVIES) OMAN, SUSAN, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Weiser, Idaho. At Home, 1910-'ll; Housewife, 1911 — . DAVISON, MABEL ETHEL, B. S., D. S., At Home, Michigan Val- ley, Kan. At Home, Michigan Valley, Kan., 1910 — . DAVIDSON, WILBUR SUMNER, B. S., Agri., Student, Baker Uni- versity, Michigan Valley, Kan. Farmer and Teacher, Michi- gan Valley, Kan., 1910 — . DEARBORN, EDGAR HAMILTON, B. S., M. E., In Garage, Nowata, Okla. Instructor in Blacksmithing, Lahaina, Hawaii, 1910- '11; Student in Electrical Engineering, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Operating Engineer, Metropolitan Street Railway Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1912. DEAVER, HARLAN, B. S., Agri., Farmer, and Pure-Bred Corn Breeder, Sabetha, Kan. Farmer, and Pure-Bred Corn Breeder, 1910-'13; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C. 1913. DROGE, WILLIAM F., B. S., Agri., Creamery Manager, 87 6 Billings St., Springfield, Mo. Assistant in Bacteriology, 1910-'ll; Deputy State Dairy Commissioner, 1911-'13; Creamery Man- ager, Springfield, Mo., 1913 — . DUNTON, LEILA, B. S., M. S., Assistant in Milling Industry, K. S. A. C. 804 Moro St., Manhattan, Kan. Fellow in Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 1910-'12; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1912; Assistant in Milling Industry, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . (ELLIOT) WOLF, RUTH, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 3212 Greenwood Terrace, Chicago, 111. ESTES, MAUDE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science and English, Delphos (Kansas) High School, Delphos, Kan. Dry Goods Clerk in Junction City, Kan., 1910-'ll; Teacher of 218 RECORD OF THE ALU3IN1 Domestic Science and English, Delplios High School, 1911 — . FAIRMAN. EUGENIA, B. S., Student in University School of Music, Lincoln, Nebr.; 314 N. Eleventh St., Manhattan, Kan. FAUBION, RENA AMELIA, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Nickerson, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science and Art in the Academy at Eureka, Kan., 1910-'12; Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Reno County High School, 1913 — . (FOREST) WILSON, LUCILE MABEL, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 239 Rockwood St., La Porte, Ind. At Home, 1910-'ll, Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Le Roy High School, Le Roy, Kan., 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912 — . GATES, CARRIE MAY, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Altamont, Kan. Teacher of Home Economics and Physiology, Labette County High School, 1910 — . GHORMLEY, GILBERT G., B. S., Partridge, Kan. GINGERY, JOHN B., D. V. M., Vet. S., Assistant Professor of Veteri- nary Medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Field Agent in Scabies Eradication, Bureau of Animal Industry, 1910; Employed by Live Stock Sanitary Commissioner of Kansas, 1910-'ll; Superintendent of Hog Cholera Serum Production, K. S. A. C, 1911-'13; Assistant Professor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., 1913 — . GISH, AMOS H., D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, 116-20 N. Main St., Eldorado, Kan. Veterinarian, Eldorado, Kan., 1910 — . GORE, HAROLD WILLIAM, B. S., Agri., Fruit Grower and Farmer, Payson, Utah. Farmer, Raymore, Mo., 1910-'ll; Manager of Ranch, Etiwanda, Cal., 1911-'12; Farmer and Fruit Grower, Payson, Utah, 1913 — . GROSS, SAMUEL S., B. S., Arch., Draftsman. Los Angeles, Cal. GUY. PAUL D., B. S., E. E., Winfield, Kan. HAND, RALPH ROBERT, B. S., Agri., Farmer and R. F. D. Car- rier, R. 1, Mayfield, Kan. Farmer, 1910-'ll; Farmer and R. F. D. Carrier, 1911 — . (HARRIS) TOTTEN, CARRIE OLIVE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Park Ridge, 111. Clerk in Office of County Superintendent, Valentine, Nebr., 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912 — . HARRISON, FLOYD, B. S., M. E., Engineer with National Railroad of Mexico, 1531 Arch St., Norristown, Pa. Special Appren- tice with American Locomotive Company, 1910-'ll; Engi- neer on Construction, American Steel Foundries Company, 1911-'12; Engineer, Construction Engineering Department, National Railroads of Mexico, 1913 — . HATHAWAY, ELLA SEVILLA, B. S., D. S., At Home, R. 5, Mankato, Kan. Homekeeper, Mankato, Kan.. 1910 — . (HEIM) MOFFITT, CHRISTINE M., B. S., D. S., Housewife, R. 3, KANSAS STATE AGRICVLTVEAL COLLEGE 219 Lincoln, Kan. Teacher, Rural School, Lincoln, Kan., 1910- '11; Instructor in Home Economics and History, Lincoln (Kansas) High School, 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912 — . HEPLER, IDA VIOLA, B. S., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, and Clerk in Office of Record Clerk, R. 4, Manhattan, Kan. At Home. 1910-'ll; Teacher in High School, Harper, Kan.. 1911-'12; Clerk in Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 1912- '13; Graduate Student, and Clerk in Office of Record Clerk, 1913 — . HERSHEY. HARRY ELLIS, B. S., E. E., Automatic Switchboard Installer. (HOFMAN) BATES, DOROTHY LOUISE, B. S.. D. S., Housewife, Seattle, Wash. HOPPER, WILLIAM AVERY, B. S., Arch., Cement Construction Work, Peabody, Kan. Electrician, Boise, Idaho, 1910-'13; Cement Construction Work, Peabody, Kan., 1913 — . HUNGERFORD. De FOREST, B. S., Agri., Instructor in Soils, Uni- versity of Minnesota, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. Grad- uate Student, University of Minnesota, 1910-'ll; Assistant in Soils, ibid., 1911-'12; Instructor in Soils, ibid., 1912 — . HUNTER, HARLEY MAIN, B. S., Agri., Director of Agriculturo, Topeka Industrial Institute, Drawer M, Topeka, Kan. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1911; Farmer, 1912; Director of Agriculture, Topeka Industrial Institute, 1912 — . IRVING, EMMA SOPHIA, B. S., D. S., Nurse, Christ's Hospital, Topeka, Kan. At Home, 1910-'ll; Nurse, Christ's Hospital, 1911 — . IRWIN, CARL B., B. S., Agri., General Farmer, R. 1, Kimberiy, Idaho. Farmer, Salina, Kan., 1910-'12; Farmer, Twin Falls, Idaho, 1912 — . JOHNSON. ROY MENTZER, B. S., Agri., Dairy Farmer, Mankota, Kan. Dairy Farmer, Mankato, Kan., 1910 — . JONES, MARY EDNA, B.S., D. S., Director of Music, Northeast State Normal School, Tahlequah, Okla. Completed course in Piano and Voice, University School of Music, Lincoln, Nebr., 1911; Supervisor of Music, and High School Assistant, Hillsboro. N. Dak.. 1911-'12; Clerk in Bank, Kansas City, Mo., Summer of 1912; Private Teacher of Voice and Piano, Manhattan, Kan., 1912; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912. JUSTIN, ETHEL M., B. S., D. S., Teacher, 1212 Fremont St., Man- hattan, Kan. Teacher, near Riley, Kan., 1910-'ll; Teacher, Bluemont School, Manhattan, 1911 — . KEEBLE, JESSE A., B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 4, White City, Kan. Foreman, R. H. Kimball Farm, Manhattan, Kan., 1910-'ll; Farmer, White City, Kan., 1912 — . KELLOGG, RUTH MAY, B. S., D. S., Teacher in Manhattan City 220 RECORD OF THE ALUM N I Schools, 713 Fremont, Manhattan, Kan. At Home, and Teaching in Manhattan, 1910 — . KELLY, PAUL VINCENT, B. S., Booklteeper, Cahlvvell Milling and Elevator Company, Caldwell, Idaho. Sales Manager, H. W. Howard & Co., Denver, Colo., 1911-'12; Bookkeeper, Cald- well Milling and Elevator Company, Caldwell, Idaho, 1912 — . KILMER. ROY, B. S., Arch., Architectural Draftsman, Greenville, Texas. Draftsman and Architect, Greenville, Texas, 1910 — . KIRK. MATTIE EUNICE, B. S., D. S., Cottonwood Falls. Kan. LAWTON, WILLARD W., B. S.. C. E., Real Estate Business. 269 Washington St., Portland, Ore. General Surveyor, 1910; Homesteader and Engineer, Bend, Ore., 1910-'12; U. S. Forest Survey, Bend, Ore., 1912; Real Estate Business, Port- land, Ore., 1912 — . (LEE) KUBIN, EMMA, B. S., Housewife. McPherson, Kan. LEWIS, DAVID ERNEST, B. S., Agri., Assistant in Horticulture. K. S. A. C, 1020 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. Graduate Stu- dent, K. S. A. C, 1910; Assistant in Horticulture, ibid., 1911 — . LOSH, ALBERT RICHARD, B. S., M. E., Assistant State Engineer, G17 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Assistant State Engineer, 1910 — . LOWRANCE, LILLIAN MAY, B. S., D. S., Instructor in Domestic Science in High School, Independence. Kan.; Thayer. Kan. (Home Address). Instructor in Domestic Science and Art, Independence (Kansas) City Schools, 1910-'13. LOYD, ROLAND, B. S., E. E., Farmer and Ranchman, Vega, Texas. Engineering Apprentice, Westinghouse Electrical and Manu- facturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1910-'ll; Tester, Dynamo Testing Department, Western Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1911-'12; Farmer and Ranchman, 1912 — . LUMB, JOHN WALLACE, D. V. M., Vet. S., Lawrence. Kan. McCAMPBELL, CHARLES WILBUR, D. V. M.. Vet. S., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, K. S. A. C.; Secretary Kansas State Live Stock Registry Board, 801 Laramie St., Manhattan, Kan. Government Quarantine Service, 1906-'07; Student, Veterinary School, K. S. A. C. 1907-'10: With Animal Hus- bandry Department, ibid., 1910 — . McCLUNG. JOHN R., B. S., Professor of Science, and Military Band, care Sewanee Military Academy, Sewanee, Tenn. Hardware Business, 1910-'ll; Student, Northwestern University Medical School, Fall of 1911; Professor of Science, Sewanee Military Academy, 1912 — ; M. A., University of the South-Sewanee, Tennessee, 1913. McKEE, CLYDE, B. S., Agri., Assistant Professor of Crops, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. With Office of Cereal Investiga- tions, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Headquarters at KANSAS STATh: Ad lilCV l/niiA L (OLLKiihJ lil'l Akron, Colo., 1911-'i;5: District Supervisor of Farm Demon- strations, in Co-operation with the Office of Farm Manage- ment, U. S. Department of Agriculture, K. S. A. C, and the Rock Island Lines, 191 3-' 14; Assistant Professor of Crops, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, 1914 . McKI<:NZIF. MABE!^ MORTIEIl, 15. S., D. S., At Home. Solomon, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, Sugar City, Idalio. 1911- "12; At Home, 19 1!^ — . McWlLLIAMS, SAMUFL A., B. S., C. F., Wasliington. Kan. MacLFOD, MARTHA MAF. B. S., I). S., Teacher of Domestic Science in High School. Supervisor of Art in Grades, 907 Merchant St., Emporia, Kan. Teacher of Domestic; Science and Art, High School, Corsicana, Texas, 1910-'12; Teaclier of Domestic Science, High School, Supervisor of Art in Grades, lOniporia, Kan., 1912 — . MANNY, KARL C, B. S., Agri., Plant Department, Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company, 257 ]•]. Forty-seventh IMare, Los Angeles, Cal. MANSHARDT, CHARLES L., B. S., Secretary and Treasurer, Hal- stead & Manshardt (Hothing ('ompany, 208 N. .luliette Ave., Manhattan. Kan. Register of Deeds of Riley County. Kansas, 190G-'li; Secretary and Treasurer of Halsiead & Manshardi Clothing Company, 1911 — . MASHETER, ROY, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 1, Sabetha. Kati. Farmer, Sabetha, Kan., 1910 — . MAY, JOHN M., B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture in lligli Scliool, Rochester, Minn. MECKE, VINCENT, B. S., C. E., Anness, Kan. MICKEL, LOUIS BLANCHARD. B. S., Print.. Manager of the St. Louis Bureau of the United Press Associations, United Press, "Times" Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Institute Department, K. S. A. C, Summer of 1910; Reporter, Decatur (Illinois) "Herald," 1910-'ll; Telegraph Editor, Springfield (Illinois) "Evening News," Spring of 1911; Pony Editor, ('hicago Bureau. United Press Associations, Summer of 1911; Manager of Springfield Bureau, United Press Associations, 1912-'i;i; Manager of S:. Louis Bureau, United Press Associations, 1913 — . MORRIS, HURD T.. B. S., E. E., Engineer, Railway Division, Engi- neering Department, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 46G Biddle Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Fellow in Physics. University of Pittsburg, 1910-'ll; With Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1911; Engineer, Rail- way Division, Engineering Department, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1912. NEWACHECK, FRANKLIN W.. B. S.. M. E.. Instructor in Manual Training and Drawing, 21G Mechanic St., Eldorado, Kan. As- sistant Superintendent of Trades, Instructor in Manual Train- 222 RECORD OF THE ALU MM ing and Drawing. Kansas State Industrial Reformatory, Hutchinson, Kan., 1910-'12; Instructor of Manual Training and Drawing, Eldorado High School, 1912 — . (NICHOLS) DEARBORN, GLADYS IRENE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Nowata, Okla. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1910-'12; House- wife, 1912 — . OREM, WILMA. B. S., Principal of Keats (Kansas) High Scliool, R. 3, Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, 1910 — . ORR, WILLIAM MAILS, B. S., Student, McCormick's Theological Seminary, 2330 N. Halsted St., Chicago, 111. Student of Law, Manhattan, Kan., 1910-'ll; Student, McCormick's Theological Seminary, 1911 — . OSTLUND, ARTHUR J., B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 3, Washington, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Washington, Kan., 1910 — . PALMER, HOPE OLIVE, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Arkansas City, Kan. PARKS, FRANK THOMAS, B. S., C. E., Farmer and Stock Raiser, Bellaire, Kan. Department of Engineering, State Agricultural School, Jonesboro, Ark., 1910-'13; Farmer, 1913 — . PITMAN, CHARLES BERYL, B. S., Agri., Farm Manager, Oswego, Kan. Field Foreman, Fort Hays Experiment Station, 1910- '11; Field Foreman, Deming Ranch, Oswego, Kan., 1911 — . PLATT, ROBERT M., D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian and Ranchman, Coldwater, Kan. RANNELLS, HILIE, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Feeder, R. 4, Manhattan, Kan. REED, ALVIN JOSIAH, B. S., Agri., Dairy Extension, Dairy Division, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 339 Park Ave., Lexington, Ky. Dairy Extension Field Work in Co-operation with Ken- tucky State University, 1910 — . REES, EVA, B. S.. D. S., At Home, 1234 Independence Blvd., Chi- cago, 111. At Home. 1910 — . REEVES, WRAY ROBERT, B. S., Farmer, Haswell, Colo. REPPERT, HARRY W., B. S., C. E., U. S. Transit Man, General Land Office, care Office U. S. Surveyor General, Reno, Nev. REPPERT, HUGH E., B. S., E. E., Farmer, Valley Falls, Kan. (ROBISON) FEAREY, MAYBETH, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Mosida Mail, Elberta, Utah. Housekeeper at Home, 1910-'ll; House- keeper and Student, 1911 — . ROWE, HAROLD E., B. S., M. E., Draftsman, 112 E. Clark St., Springfield, Ohio. Teaching Fellow in Mechanical Engineer- ing, Pennsylvania State College, 1910-'ll; Instructor in Ex- perimental Mechanical Engineering, ibid., 1911-'12; Drafts- man with the Blaisdell Machinery Company, Bradford, Pa., 1912 (June to October) ; Draftsman with the Foos Gas Engine Company, Springfield, Ohio, 1912 — . SANDBORN, ETHLYN JEWELL, B. S., D. S., Teache of Home Eco- KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 223 noiiiics. Potlatch, Idaho. Teacher, Public Sch ols of Kansas, 1910-'12; Assistant in History, K. S. A. C, 19r ; In Charge of Home Economics Department, Potlatch SchooU 1912 — . (SCHAEFFER) MORRISON, MATAH L., B. S., D. j., Housewife, Lock Drawer 788, Chicago, 111. Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, State Orphans' Home, 1910; Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Phillipsburg High School, 1911-'13. SCHREINER, FRED H., B. S., C. E., Security Inspector, Southern Abstract and Loan Company, 7 4 Porter Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. Director of Manual Training and Mechanical Drawing, Albia (Iowa) High School, 1910-'ll; Rodman and Instrument Man, Morgan Engineering Company, Memphis, Tenn., 1911-'12; Security Inspector, Southern Abstract and Loan Company, Memphis, Tenn., 1912 — . SCHUPPERT, RICHARD C, B. S., Arch., Superintendent of Truss- wall Manufacturing Company, 2618 Charlotte St.. Kansas City, Mo. Cement Finisher for Contractor, 1910; Draftsman, American Zinc, Lead, and Smeltering Company, Spring of 1911; Designer and Detailer for Kansas City Terminal Rail- way Company, 1911-'13; Superintendent of Ornamental and Concrete Factory, Kansas City, Mo., 1913 — . SHELLEY, GRACE ELLEN, B. S., D. S., At Home, R. 2, McPherson, Kan. At Home, McPherson, Kan., 1910 — . SHERRARD, THEODORE, B. S., E. E., Engineer Apprentice with Westinghouse Electric Company, 427 Center St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. (SHOFE) McKEE, CLARA LOIS, B. S., D. S.. Housewife, Ames, Iowa. Substitute Teacher of Domestic Science, Haskell Insti- tute, Lawrence, Kan., 1910; Housewife, 1911 — ; Residences: Akron, Colo., 1911-'13; Norton, Kan., 1913-'14; Ames, Iowa, 1914 — . SHULER, WILLIAM PRESTON, D. V. M., Vet. S., M. S., Instructor, Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 2 35 West St., Stillwater, Okla. Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1910-'12; Laboratory Assistant. Bacteriology Department, K. S. A. C, 1912; Assistant in Zoology and Veterinary Medicine, Okla- homa Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1913 — . SHUYLER. REYNOLD, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stockman, R. 1, Sterling, Kan. SIEDER, ESTHER METTA. B. S., D. S., Enterprise, Kan. SIMPSON, CLAUDE W.. B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stockman, R. 3, Cawker City, Kan. Farmer and Stockman, 1910 — . SKILLMAN, EDWARD, B. S., M. E., Rancher, Tribune, Kan. Special Apprentice, York Manufacturing Company. York, Pa., 1910; Mechanical Draftsman, Bureau of Mines, Pitts- burg. Pa., 1910-'12; Rancher, 1912 — . SMITH, LOUBERTA J., B. S., D. S., Instructor of Cooking in -O 224 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI Public Schools, 324 S. Sixteenth St., Lincoln, Nebr. Teacher in District School, Chivington, Colo., 1910-'ll; Instructor of Cooking in Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, Nebr., 1911 — . SMITH, STANLEY VAN, B. S., Agri., Agricultural Agent, Pueblo County, Colorado, 219 Jackson Ave., Pueblo, Colo. Instruc- tor in Horticulture, Colorado Agricultural College, Ft. Collins, Colo. Experimental Spraying, K. S. A. C, 1910; Instructor in Horticulture, Colorado Agricultural College, 1910; Assistant Horticulturist, Colorado Experiment Station, 19 11-' 13; Agri- cultural Agent, Pueblo County, Pueblo, Colo., 1913 — . SNIDER, ROBERT ALEXANDER, B. S., E. E., Abilene, Kan. Ap- prentice, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. (SOUPENE) CROWTHERS, ESTELLE PEARL, B. S., D. S., House- wife, 115 N. N St., Muskogee, Okla. Teacher, 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912 — . TALLEY, RANDALL E., B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, 603 Vine St., Irwin, Pa. Engineering Apprentice with Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1910-'ll; Engineer, Research Division, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1911 — . THATCHER, GEORGE IRA, B. S., E. E., Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, U. S. Army, Ft. Winfield Scott, Cal. Special Engineering Apprentice, Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1910-'12; Second Lieu- tenant, Coast Artillery Corps, U. S. Army, 1912 — . THOMPSON, NELLIE L., B. S., D. S.. At Home, 6310 Fifteenth Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Instructor in Home Economics, North Dakota Agricultural College, 1910-'ll; Assistant in Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12. TIPPIN, LESLIE O., B. S., E. E., Telephone Plant Inspection, 1452 Adams St., Chicago, 111. Equipment Engineer with Western Electric Company. TOTTEN, HARRY E., B. S., Agri., Farm Superintendent, Illinois Industrial School for Girls, Park Ridge, 111. Foreman of Cattle Department, Deming Ranch, Oswego, Kan., 1910-'12. (TRIMMER) PARKER, CORA MEDA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1201 Main St., Parsons, Kan. Teacher, Domestic Science and Art, Eureka (Kansas) High School, 1910-'12; Teacher, Douglas (Arizona) High School, 1912-'13. TROSPER. EARL JAY, B. S., Agri., Instructor in High School. Estherville, Iowa. TRUSKETT, EDWIN EARL, B. S., E. E., Manager of Garage, and Real Estate, Caney, Kan. Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing Company, 1910-'ll; Garage and Real Estate Busi- ness, 1911 — ■. (TUCKER) HOPPER, GRACE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1405 E. Jefferson St., Boise, Idaho. Died in 1913. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 225 TURNER, WILLIAM FENWICK, B. S., Agri., Dairy Division, U. 3. Department of Agriculture, Anthony, Fla. Instructor in Dairying, North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1910-'ll; Dairy Division, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1911 — ; Temporarily Located at Brownsville, Texas, in Charge of Cactus Feeding Experiment with Dairy Cows. VANDERLIP, BLANCHE BEATRICE, B. S., D. S., Graduate Stu- dent, K. S. A. C; R. 1, Box 16, Woodston, Kan. Teacher in Riley County, 1910-'ll; Teacher in Rooks County, 1911-'12; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13. WARD, CLYDE QUINCY, B. S., E. E., Electric Testing with General Electric Company, 840 Lincoln St., Schenectady, N. Y. WELLS, RAY THURMAN, B. S., C. E., City Engineer, 1422 Apple- ton Ave., Parsons, Kan. Irrigation Engineering. United States Department of Interior, Wyoming, 1910-'ll; City Engineer, Parsons, Kan., 1911 — . (WELSTEAD) DUNHAM, GEORGIANA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Jewell, Kan. At Home, Jewell, Kan., 1910-'ll; Teacher of Domestic Science and Agriculture, Logan (Kansas) High School, 1911-'12; Teacher in Jewell County, Kansas, 1912- '13; Housewife, Jewell, Kan., 1913 — . WHITE, BESSIE MAY, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science and Music, Kingman, Kan., 1025 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Postgraduate Work at K. S. A. C, 1910-'12. WILLIAMS. JENNIE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Park St., Olathe, Kan. Sewing Teacher and Supervisor, Kansas School for the Deaf, 1910-'ll; Domestic Science Teacher, Kansas School for the Deaf, 1911 — . (WILLIS) WELLS, EDNA LEONA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1422 Appleton Ave., Parsons, Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1910-'12; Housewife, Parsons, Kan., 1912 — . WILSON, ESTHER S., B. S., D. S., Clerk in Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 520 N. Manhattan Ave., Manhattan, Kan. At Home, 1910-'12; Clerk in Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . WILSON, FLOYD E., B. S., M. E., Principal of Residence School, Indiana School of Tractioneering, 239 Rockwood St., La Porte, Ind. Assistant in Steam and Gas Engineering De- partment, K. S. A. C, 1910-'12; Principal of Residence School, Indiana School of Tractioneering, 1912 — . WILSON, JOHN THOMAS, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian and Stock Raiser, R. 8, Winfield, Kan. Veterinarian and Stock Raiser, 1910 — . WILTSE, ALBERT LEMONT, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Garden City, Kan. With Botanical Department, K. S. A. C, 1910; With 226- KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 221 Sunflower Manufacturing Company, Manhattan, Kan., 1911; Farmer near Garden City, Kan., 1912 — . WOESTEMEYER, CLARA MARY, B. S., D. S., Instructor in Do- mestic Science and Art, Argentine Higli School, Kansas City, Kan.; Bethel, Kan. Instructor in Domestic Science, Knox- ville College, Knoxville, Tenn., 1910-'ll; Instructor in Do- mestic Science and German, Kansas State School for the Blind, 1911-'12. WOODY, WARD, B. S., M. E., Draftsman, Portland, Ore. Teacher and Draftsman, 1910 — . ZACHARIAS, WILBUR W., B. S., Agri., Farmer, Patterson, Cal. Farmer, 1910 — . ZOLLER, CHARLES L., B. S., Agri., General Farmer, Box 274, Provo, Utah. General Farmer near Kirwin, Kan., 1910-'12. 1911 ADAMS, EFFIE, B. S., H. E., Domestic Science Teacher, Rawlings County High School, Atwood, Kan. ANDERSON, AARON EDWARD, B. S. Print., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. ANDERSON, HARRISON RAY, B. S., Orange Rancher, R. 1, Box 101 A, Santa Ana, Cal. Civil Engineer, Los Angeles Aqueduct, Power Department, 1911; Orange Rancher, 1912 — . BAIRD, BENJAMIN BAXTER, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture in High School, New London, Minn. Farmer, Kansas, 1911- '12; Instructor in Agriculture, New London, Minn., 1912 — . BAIRD, HARRY S., B. S., Agri., Instructor in Dairy Husbandry, University of California, Davis, Cal. BAIRD, RAYMOND CECIL, B. S., C. E., Drainage Engineer. (BANKER) WESTOVER, AMY ESTELLE, B. S., H. E., Housewife, Milaca, Minn. BARBER, LEBBEUS BLAIR, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinary Practi- tioner, Wamego, Kan. Assistant in Veterinary Department, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Veterinary Practitioner, Wamego, Kan., 1912—. (BARBER) TURNER, ETHEL RACHEL, B. S., H. E., Housewife, 820 N. Thirteenth St., St. Joseph, Mo. BARR, WILLIAM ARCHER, B. S., Agri., Government Dairy In- vestigations, 326 Peterson St., Ft. Collins, Colo. BATCHELOR, ELLEN MARGARET, B. S., H. E., Supervisor of Girls, Kansas School for Deaf, Olathe, Kan. Supervisor of Girls, Kansas School for the Deaf, 1911 — . (BAYLES) BOWER, MYRTLE RUTH. B. S., H. E., Housewife. Parsons, Kan. Visited in England, 1911-'12; Housewife, Parsons, Kan., 1913 — . BENNER, JAMES WILLIAM, D. V. M., Vet. S., Practicing Veteri- narian, 824 Vermont St., Lawrence, Kan. 228 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI BERG, WILLIS ERNEST, B. S., Professor of Agriculture and Rural Education, Northern Arizona Normal College, Flagstaff, Ariz. Botany Department, K. S. A. C, Summer of 1911; Teacher of Agriculture and Manual Training, Adrian State High School, Adrian, Minn., 1911-'12; Botany Department, K. S. A. C, Summer of 1912; Director of Agriculture, Red Wing Agricultural High School, Red Wing, Minn., 1912-'13; Professor of Agriculture and Rural Education, Northern Arizona Normal College, Flagstaff, Ariz., 1913 — . BERGH, CLARA ANNA, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, 123 W. Eighth St., Box 225, Newton, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kan., 1911 — . BLATTNER, DAVID GEORGE, B. S., E. E., Assistant in Physics De- partment, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. BODLE, ALEXANDER THURSTON, B. S., Arch., Draftsman, Office of Chief Engineer, C, R. I. & P. Railway Company, 6037 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. Student, Art Institute of Chicago, 1911-'12; Draftsman, Office of Chief Engineer, C, R. I. & P. Railway Company, 1912 — . BOUTON, LEWIS LOSEE, B. S., E. E., Testing Department, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. (BOWMAN) RAYMOND, OLA. B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science, Physiology, and Algebra, High School, 218 E. Seventh St., Newton, Kan. Teacher, Newton, Kan., 1911 — . BRANSON, ROSCOE ARTHUR, D. V. M., Vet. S., Field Man for Wichita Southern Oklahoma Serum Company, 2102 N. Law- rence St., Wichita, Kan. Veterinarian, Lyons, Kan., 1910; Veterinarian, Little River, Kan., 1911. BROBERG, HARRISON, B. S., C. E., Principal of St. John High School, St. John, Kan. BRUNKER, WILLIAM ADAM, B. S., M. E., Employed in Testing Department of the International Harvester Company Tractor Works. 1324 Bellefountne St., Kansas City, Mo. BUCHHEIM, WALTER AUGUST, B. S., Student in Chemistry, Nurn- berger Str. 40, Dresden, Germany. BURT, MAYE, B. S., H. E., Eureka, Kan. CALDWELL, RALPH MORRIS, B. S., Real Estate Business, Hell- man Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. CAMPBELL, GEORGE LEWIS, B. S., C. E., Bushong, Kan. CARR, CLIFFORD HART, B. S., E. E., Meter Tester, 2410 Thir- teenth St., Kansas City, Mo. CARR, HENRY WEBB, B. S., Arch., Architectural Draftsman, 3825 Denker Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. With Kansas State Archi- tect, six months; With Auditor of A.. T. & S. F. Railway, Topeka, Kan., eleven months; Architectural Draftsman, Los Angeles, Cal., four months. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 229 CASE, S. IRENE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Lyons, Kan. Teaclier of Domestic Science and Art, Lyons (Kansas) High School, 1911 — . CASE, LULU LUCY, B. S., H. E., Professor of Domestic Economy, Cusliman Trades School, Tacoma, Wash. Temporary Instruc- tor, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, 1912 (January to June); Professor of Domestic Science, Tuskahoma Female Acad- emy, Tuskahoma, Okla., 1912 (September to November); Professor of Domestic Economy, Cusliman Trades School, Tacoma, Wash., 1912 — . CHENEY, JULIA ELEANOR, B. S., H. E., Teacher, 1211 Tenth St., Great Bend, Kan. Teacher, Claflin, 1911-'12; Teacher, Great Bend, 1912 — . CHRISTIAN, ROBERT VERNON, D. V. M., Vet. S., Assistant in Veterinary Department, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. Assist- L*nt in the Hog Cholera Serum Plant, Veterinary Department, K. S. A. C, 1911 — . COFFMAN, JOSEPH HENRY, D. V. M., Vet. S., Graduate Student- Assistant in Bacteriology, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. Veterinarian, Atchison, Kan., 1911-'12; Graduate Student- Assistant in Bacteriology, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . COLEMAN, ROY DAVID, B. S., C. E., Excelsior Springs, Mo. With U. S. Reclamation Service, Rupert, Idaho, 1911-'12. COTTON, MARY IRENE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and English, Wellsville (Kansas) High School, Council Grove, Kan. Instructor, Wellsville High School, 1911 — . COWAN, WINIFRED ELIZABETH, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Do- mestic Science and Art, Clay County High School, Clay Center, Kan.; Kensington, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science in Holton High School, 1911; Extension Work in Wheeling, W. Va., 1912. CROUSE, OSCAR C, B. S., Agri., Live Stock Breeding and Farming, R. 1, Harlan, Kan. Superintendent of Schools, Floodwood, Minn., 1911-'12; Manager of Stock Farm, Harlan, Kan., 1912 — . CROYLE, GEORGE SAMUEL, B. S., E. E., Supervisor, Manual Training Department, Willmar Associated Schools, Willmar, Minn. Supervisor, Manual Training Department, Willmar Associated Schools, Willmar, Minn., 1911 — . DAVIS, BERTHA MAE, B. S., H. E., Domestic Science Teacher, 1230 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. Domestic Science Teacher, Meade High School, Meade, Kan., 1911-'12; Do- mestic Science Teacher in Union High School, Monroe, Wash., 1913 — . DAVIS, PERCY GROVER, B. S., Corner Manhattan Ave. and Fre- mont St., Manhattan, Kan. Farmer, 1911-'12; Student, Man- 230 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI hattan Business College, 1912-'13; Hardware Busiiies.-?, 1913 — . DOMSCH, URFA AGNEW, B. S., C. E., Draftsman, R. 5, Modesto. Cal. Draftsman, 1911 — . DOW, J. MARY, B. S., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, Manhattan. Kan. At Home, 1911-'12; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . DULL, GEORGE EDWARD, B. S., Agri., Parmer, Washington, Kan. Agricultural and Manual Training Instructor, Bagley High School, Bagley, Minn., 1912; Instructor in Agriculture and Physics, Little River (Kansas) High School, 1913; Farmer, Washington, Kan., 1913 — . DUPRAY, MARTIN, B. S., Assistant in Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, 626 W. University Ave., Madison, Wis. Assistant in Bacteriology, University of Illinois, 1911-'12; Assistant in Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, 1912 — . EAGLES. GOLDIE GEORGIE. B. S., H. E., Instructor in Domestic Science, Morrison, Colo.; Ill S. Phillip St., Salina, Kan. (Home). Instructor in Domestic Science, Morrison. Colo., 1911 — . EDWARDS, RALPH WALDO, B. S., Agri., Superintendent of Forage Crops Station, Chillicothe, Texas. Office of Dry-Land Agri- culture, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 1911-'13; Forage Crop Investigations, ibid., 1913 — . ELLIOTT. FREDERICK DELEVAN. B. S., Arch., Bookkeeper, Citizens' State Bank, 806 Osage St.. Manhattan. Kan. Secretary, E. L. Knostman Clothing Co., Manhattan, Kan., 1911-'14; Bookkeeper, Citizens' State Bank, 1914 — . ELLIOTT, GEORGE RAY. B. S., Arch., Civil Engineer, 823 Forsyth Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. Bridge Inspector for Kansas State Engi- neer. 1911; Bridge Inspector on the K. V. Division of F. E. C. R. R., 1911-'12; Concrete Inspector for W. C. Spiker, 1912 — . ELLIS, ROBERT WILLIAM, B. S.. M. E., Secretary and Treasurer, Flint River Orchards Company, 409 Monroe St., Albany, Ga. ENGLE, ABNER ETHAN. B. S., Agri., Abilene, Kan. FARMER. LILLA CECIL. B. S.. Principal of Coldwater (Kansas) High School. Helena. Okla. Assistant Principal. Coldwater High School. 1911-'12; Principal. Coldwater High School. 1912 — . FATE, FLORINE ELIZABETH, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science, Girard, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, Tonga- noxie, Kan., 1911-'13. FEAREY, HARRY ALBERT, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Mosida Mail, El- berta. Utah. Farmer, and Student of Dairy Husbandry. 1911 — . FINDLEY, OLIVER ARCHIE, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 5. Kiowa, Kan. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 231 FLORELL. VICTOR HOMER, B. S., High School Instructor. Gaylord, Minn. High School Instructor, Renville. Minn., 1911-'12; Summer School, College of Agriculture, Minnesota University, St. Paul, Minn., 1912; High School Instructor, Gaylord, Minn., 1912 — . FULLER, FRANK ERWIN, B. S., Manager of Fruit and Alfalfa Ranch, R. 3, Payette, Idaho. Manager of Fruit and Alfalfa Ranch. 1911 — . GABRIELSON, MARY, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, St. John (Kansas) High School; 111 E. Seventh St., Hutchinson, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, St. John High School, St. John, Kan., 1911 — . GEAUQUE, HARRY ALMAN, B. S.. Teacher of Chemistry and Physics, McPherson College, McPherson, Kan. Student, Ohio University, Columbus, Ohio, 1911-'13; Teacher of Chemistry and Physics, McPherson College, McPherson, Kan., 1913 — . (GLOVER) VAN BUCK, HESTER CLARK, B. S., H. E., Housewife, Junction City, Kan. GOLDSMITH, WILLIAM HOLMAN, B. S., Print., Printer, Ontario, Ore. Farmer, 1911; Power Line Construction with Great Shoshone and Twin Falls Light and Power Company, 1912; Circulation Department, Inter-Mountain "Farmer," 1912; Printer, Ontario "Argus," Ontario, Ore., 1913 — . (GRANDFIELD) HULL, EDNA JANE, B. S., H. E., Housewife, R. 2, Box 7 6, care K. N. G. Company, Bartlesville, Okla. At Home, 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912 — . GRANDFIELD, EDWIN HARRISON, B. S., Agri., Instructor in Agriculture, Howard Lake High School, Box 282, Howard Lake. Minn. Farmer and Stockman, Wichita, Kan., 1911-'12; Instructor in Agriculture, Howard Lake High School, Howard Lake. Minn., 1912 — . HAGANS, OTTO C, B. S., Teacher of Science and Agriculture, Atchi- son County High School, Effingham, Kan. Teacher of Science and Agriculture in Atchison County High School, 1911 — . HAGEMAN, EARL LIVINGSTON, B. S., C. E., Civil Engineer, Aquone, N. C. Civil Engineer for Government in Oregon, 1911-'12; Civil Engineer, Union Development Company, Aquone, N. C, 1912 — . HAIN, LEO ROSCOE, B. S., M. E., Second Assistant Manager of the New York Sales Branch of the Ingersoll-Rand Company, 11 Broadway, care Ingersoll-Rand Company, New York, N. Y. Shop Employee of Ingersoll-Rand Company, 1911-'13; Second Assistant Manager of the New York Sales Branch of the Inger- soll-Rand Company, 1913 — . HAMMERS, LEWIS ARTHUR, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, Clear- water. Kan. Veterinarian. Clearwater, Kan., 1911 — . 232 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI (HAMMOND) KITTELL, MABEL REA, B. S., H. E., Housewife, Manhattan, Kan. At Home, 1911; Assistant in Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, 1912; At Home, 1913; Housewife, 1913 — . HARBECKE, HERMAN HENRY, B. S., E. E., Apprentice witli West- ingliouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa.; 611 Mill St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Apprentice with Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1911 — . HASHIMOTO, YOJIZAEMON, B. S., Agri., Condensed Milk Company, Johnson Creek, Wis. Graduate Student, University of Wis- consin, 1911-'12; M. S., ibid., 1912; Mansfield Condensed Milk Company, 1912 — . HEARD, WILLIAM LAUREN, B. S., E. E., Equipment Engineer, Western Electric Company, 3309 Vernon Ave., Chicago, 111. Assistant Superintendent of Shops, Cuthbert Electrical Manu- facturing Company, 1911-'12; Equipment Engineer, Western Electric Company, 1912 — . HENNON, CHARLES, B. S., C. E., Morrowville, Kan. Drainage Engineer, Florida. HENRY, THOMAS ELLIOTT, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, Meade. Kan. Veterinarian, Meade, Kan., 1911 — . HICKOK, ELLEN MARGUERITE, B. S., Teacher of Science, Dickin- son County High School, Chapman, Kan.; New Ulysses, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Science, Dickinson County Hiou School, Chapman, Kan., 1911 — . HOLLIS, BENJAMIN WARD, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, Oregon Agricultural College and Experiment Station, 440 N. Sixth St., Corvallis, Ore. Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1911; Vet- erinarian, Oregon Agricultural College, also Student in Depart- ment of Animal Husbandry, 1912; B. S. in Agriculture. Oregon Agricultural College, 1912; Veterinarian, in Charge of Depart- ment of Veterinary Science, ibid., 1912 — . HOLMES, GEORGE BENJAMIN, B. S., Instructor of Manual Train- ing and Science, High School. Azusa, Cal. Instructor of Manual Training and Science in Yates Center High School, Yates Center, Kan., 1911-'12; Instructor of Manual Training and Science in High School, Azusa, Cal., 1912 — . HONSKA, WILLIAM BENJAMIN, B. S., C. E., Principal of Provin- cial Trade School, San Fernando, La Union, P. I. Farmer, Lost Springs, Kan., 1911; Industrial Teacher, Bureau of Education, Lingayen, Pangasinau, Philippine Islands, 1912-'13; Instru- ment Man, Manila Railroad, on Baguio Extension, 1913. HOPPER, FREDERICK SAMPSON, B. S.. Arch., Superintendent of Building Construction, 8 23 Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. Superintendent of Building Construction, Nebraska and Okla- homa, 1911 — . HOSICK, WILLIAM CEDRIC, B. S., E. E., Tester, Westinghouse KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 233 Electric Company, SOI Franklin Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Tester, Westinghouse Electric Company, 1911 — . HOUK, SYLVANUS EDGAR, D. V. M., Vet. S., U. S. Veterinary in- spector, care U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, E. St. Louis, 111., or 3023 Highland St., Kansas City, Mo. HUNT, RALPH EDWARD, B. S., Agri., Assistant Professor in Animal Husbandry, West Virginia University. 644 N. Spruce St., Morgantown, W. Va. Instructor of Short Course Students, Pennsylvania State College, 1911-'12; General Parmer, Sum- mer of 1912; Assistant Professor in Animal Husbandry, West Virginia University, 1912 — . HUSE, MILDRED KNOSTMAN, B. S., H. E., At Home, Manhattan, Kan. INGERSOLL, BLANCHE, B. S., H. E., Domestic Science Instructor, Enid High School, 717 W. Cherokee Ave., Enid, Okla. In- structor in Domestic Science and Art, Minneapolis (Kansas) High School, 1911-'12; Instructor in Domestic Science, Enid (Oklahoma) High School, 1913 — . JENKINS, JOHN ETHBERT, B. S., E. E., Wireman, Isthmian Canal Commission, Gatun, Canal Zone. Switchboard Operator, Isthmian Canal Commission, 1911-'12; Wireman, ibid., 1912 — . JESSUP, FERN VIVIAN, B. S., H. E., At Home, R. 1, Merriam, Kan. At Home, 1911 — . JOHNSON, BENJAMIN OLAF, B. S., C. E., Transitman, 608 Myrtle St., Bellingham, Wash. Transitman, with City Engineering Department of Bellingham, Wash., 1911 — . JONES, DONALD FORSHA, B. S., Agri., Instructor in Horticulture, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Assistant Plant Breeder, Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station, 1911-'13; Instructor in Horticulture, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913 — . KAHL, ARTHUR LEROY, B. S., C. E., Draftsman, care Utah Power and Light Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. With City Engi- neer, Manhattan, Kan., 1911-'12; Engineer, Cleveland Con- struction Company, Boise, Idaho, 1912-'13; Draftsman, Utah Power and Light Company, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1913—. KEATS, MABEL LUCILLE, B. S., H. E., Instructor of Domestic Science; 3 28 Arter Ave., Oakland, Kan. Instructor of Do- mestic Science, Thomas County High School, Colby, Kan., 1911 — . KEITH, ALICE MARY, B. S., H. E., Instructor in High School, Ottawa, Kan. Instructor in High School, Seneca, Kan., 1911- '12; Instructor in High School, Ottawa, Kan., 1913 — . KELLOGG, EDWARD HENRY, B. S., Assistant in Soils, Chemical Investigation, Iowa State Agricultural and Engineering Col- lege, Station A, Ames, Iowa. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Assistant in Soils, Chemical Investigation, Iowa Stats Agricultural and Engineering College, 1912 — . 234 RECORD OF THE ALVMNl KERR, JAY, B. S.. Agri., Teacher of Agriculture. KIENE, RAY, B. S., M. E., Principal Abu Provincial Trade School, Abu Abu, P. I. Principal, Albay Trade School, P. I., 1911-'12, Principal, Abu Provincial Trade School, Abu Abu, P. I., 1912 — . (KLIEWER) INGOLD, CLARA M., B. S., H. E., Housewife, 1014 Walnut St., Newton, Kan. Bookkeeper for Kliewer Bros, and Adair Clothing Company, Newton, Kan., 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912 — . KOOGLE, IRA TRESSLER, B. S., Arch., Architect, Contractor, and Builder, Chapman, Kan. Architect, Contractor, and Builder, Chapman, Kan., 1911 — . KROTZER, FRED WILHELM, B. S., E. E., Electrical Inspector and Tester, Wilkinsburg, Pa.; Manhattan, Kan. (Home;. Electrical Inspector and Tester, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1911 — . LARSON, EDWARD, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 2, Vesper, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Vesper, Kan., 1911 — . LAUDE, HILMER HENRY, B. S., Agri., In Charge of Co-operative Rice Experiment Station, Beaumont, Texas. Assistant in Agronomy, K. S. A. C, 1911-'13; Marion County Farm Ad- visor, University of Missouri, 1913-'14; In Charge of Co-oper- ative Rice Experiment Station, Beaumont, Texas, 1914 — . LAUDE, MARTIN LUTHER, B. S., Print., In Charge of Printing Department, Boys' Industrial School, Topeka, Kan. "Daily Herald," Fredonia, Kan., 1911-'12; Foreman Job Depart- ment, "Daily Sentinel," Erie, Kan., 1912 (March to June); Foreman Printing Department, E. Z. Opener Bag Company, Decatur, 111., 1912 (June to September); In Charge Printing Department, Boys' Industrial School, Topeka, Kan., Septem- ber, 1912 — . LEVENGOOD, ALMA MAE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Holton, Kan.; R. 2, Athol, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Holton High School, Holton, Kan., 1912 — . LEWALLEN, CLAIRE, B. S., H. E., Teacher in High School, Marion, Kan. Teacher in High School, Marion, Kan., 1911 — . LINT, HENRY CLAY, B. S., Agri., Fellow, Rutgers College, Alumni House, New Brunswick, N. J. Postgraduate Stu- dent, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Foreman in Underwood and Viles Orchards, Hutchinson, Kan., 1912-'13; Assistant in Horti- cultural Department, K. S. A. C, 1913; Fellow, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., 1913 — . LUNGREN, MABEL EXIE, B. S., H. E., At Home, R. 3, Haviland, Kan. At Home, Haviland, Kan., 1911 — . KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 235 (LYON) BENNER, DeNELL GILBERT, B. S., H. E., Housewife, Lawrence, Kan. McCRAY, MINNIE VERGIE, B. S., H. E., Student, at Kansas City Conservatory of Music; 1018 W. Blue Ave., Independence, Mo. At Home, Manliattan, Kan., 1911-'12. McCLURE, FRANK DONALD, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, Cherokee County High Scliool, Columbus, Kan. Instructor in Agriculture, Reno County High School, Nickerson, Kan., 1911-'12; Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912; Teacher of Agriculture, Jewell City (Kansas) High School, 1912-'1B; Teacher of Agriculture, Cherokee County High School, Columbus, Kan., 1913 — . McDowell, JOHN earl, B. S., E. E., Teacher. McFADDEN, BERT JAY, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 3, Box 17, Stafford, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Stafford. Kan., 1911 — . MARTIN, JOHN Z., B. S., Superintendent, Water Department, Pacific Building Company, 12 35 Fir St., San Diego, Cal. Office of Allen and Hart Land Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1911-'12; Superintendent, Water Works, East San Diego, Cal., 1912 — . MAY, GEORGE PARKINSON, B. S., E. E., Station Instrument Man, 3222 E. Twenty-sixth St., Kansas City, Mo. In Garage Business, Downs, Kan., 1911-'12; Station Instrument Man with Kansas City Electric Light Company, 1912 — . MAYBACH, FRED CHRISTIAN, B. S., C. E. MILLER, JOSEPHINE CAROLINE, B. S., H. E., At Home, 292.i Victor St., Kansas City, Mo. At Home, Kansas City, Mo., 1911 — . MILLER, WINONA GERTRUDE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science, Stafford, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, Staf- ford, Kan., 1911 — . MITCHEL, JESSE COULTER, B. S., Agri., Instructor in Agricul- ture, High School, Blooming Prairie, Minn. Instructor in Agriculture, State High School, Blooming Prairie, Minn., 1911 — . MITCHEL, ROBERT ANDREW, B. S. MORRIS, CLARA KING, B. S., H. E., Housekeeper, 11th River- side Blvd., Wichita, Kan. MORRIS, MARIA, B. S., H. E., At Home, 814 Houston St., Man- hattan, Kan. Special Student, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; At Home, 1912—. MORRIS, MARGARET DOII, B. S., H. E., At Home, 814 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; At Home, 1912 — . MORTON, FLORA HARRIETTE, B. S., H. E., Instructor in Do- 236 RECORD OF THE ALVMNl mestic Science, Sabetlia (Kansas) High School, Arkansas City, Kan. MOSELEY. ROBERT CLAY, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 1, Alma, Kan. Farmer, Alma, Kan., 1911 — . (MYERS) WERMELSKIRCHEN, VELMA PEARL, B. S., H. E., Housewife, Box 7 29, Amarillo, Texas. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1911-'13; Housewife, 1913^ — . MYSZKA, CHARLES, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, Califor- nia Polytechnic School, San Luis Obispo, Cal. Soil Surveys, Summer and Fall of 1911; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; Teacher of Agriculture, California Polytechnic School, San Luis Obispo, Cal., 1913 — . NAFZIGER, TELIE E. B., B. S., C. E., 1400 Poyntz Ave., Manhat- tan, Kan. NAUMAN, ORVILLE, B. S., M. E., Systematizing and Efficiency Engineer, 2216 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. With Avery Company Traction Engine Works, Peoria, 111., 1911 (July to October) ; In Testing Department of Gas Engine Plant for International Harvester Company, Chicago, 1911-'12: Factory Systematizing and Efficiency Engineer, R. R. Lon- nely & Sons Co., 1912 — . NEEDHAM. LUCY, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Home Economics and Science, Oswego, Kan.; R. 1, Rantoul, Kan. (Home). Teacher in District School, Lane, Kan., 1908-'09; Special Student, K. S. A. C, 1909-'10; Teacher of Home Economics, Florence, Ala., 1910-'ll; Student, K. S. A. C, 1911; Teacher in Home Economics, Oswego College, 1911 — ; Oswego High School, 1911 — . NELSON, ELLEN EUSTINA, B. S., Teacher of Home Economics, New Hampton, Iowa. Instructor in Home Economics, Aus- tin, Texas, 19 11-' 12; Teacher in Home Economics, New Hampton (Iowa) High School, 1912 — . NIXON, LAURA BELLE, B. S., Teacher, 506 S. Tenth St., Inde- pendence, Kan. O'BRIEN, EDYTHE BLANCHE, B. S., H. E., Teacher, Manhattan. Kan. Teacher, Towner, Colo., 1911-'12; Teacher, Manhat- tan, Kan., 1912 — . O'BRIEN, HAROLD DALE, D. V. M., Vet. S., Farmer and Veteri- narian, R. 3, Luray, Kan. Farmer and Veterinarian, Luray, Kan., 1911 — . OLSON, CARL EMANUEL, B. S., M. E., Efficiency Engineer, Western Electric Company, 514 N. Forty-eighth Ave., Chi- cago, 111. Designer, Chicago & Northwestern Railway, Chicago, 111., 1911 (July and August); Efficiency Engineer. Western Electric Company, Chicago, 1911 — . OSBURN, DAVID BETHOL, B. S.. Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, Van Alstyne, Texas. Farmer, Allenfarm, Texas, 1911-'13; KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 237 Teacher, and Farm Demonstration Agent, Van Alstyne. Texas, 1913 — . OSBORN, WALTER M., B. S., with Bureau of Plant Industry, North Platte, Nebr. With Bureau of Plant Industry, Akron, Colo., 1911-'13; With Bureau of Plant Industry, North Platte. Nebr., 1913 — . OSMOND, LAURENCE, B. S., Agri., Farmer, 1515 Stone St., Great Bend, Kan. Farmer, Haviland, Kan., 1911 — . OTEYZA, MAURICIO JULIAN, B. S., Agri., Assistant Forester, Bureau of Forestry, Forest Station, Los Banos, Lag., P. I. Instructor in Forest Engineering and Forest Management, Bureau of Forestry, 1910-'12; In Charge of Forest Nursery and Instructor in Sylviculture, Bureau of Forestry, 1913 — . OTTO, DORA M., B. S., H. E., At Home, Riley, Kan. Student of Dressmaking and Tailoring, Queen City College, Kansas City, Mo., 1912; At Home, 1913 — . PARKE, HAZEL MAXWELL, B. S., H. E., Domestic Science Teacher, Spartanburg, S. C. Domestic Science Teacher, Virginia College, Roanoke, Va., 1911; Domestic Science Teacher, Anderson College, Anderson, S. C, 1912-'13. PARKER, THOMAS THORNTON, B. S., E. E., With Transfer Company, 1201 Main St., Parsons, Kan. Instructor in Mathematics and Manual Training, Chase County High School, Cottonwood Falls, Kan., 1911-'12; Superintendent of Manual Training, Cripple Creek District, Cripple Creek, Colo.. 1912-'13; With A. S. Parker & Son Transfer Co., Parsons, Kan., 1913 — . PARSONS, HELEN TRACY, B. S., Assistant in Home Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Teacher of Do- mestic Science and Domestic Art, High School and Grades of Ramona, Kan., 1911-'13; Assistant in Home Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., 1913 — . PARSONS, MARY RUSSELL, B. S., H. E., Instructor of Domestic Science and Art, and Agriculture, Trego County High School, WaKeeney, Kan. Instructor of Domestic Science and Art, and Agriculture, Trego County High School, 1911 — ; In- structor of Domestic Science and Agriculture, Normal In- stitute, Summer of 1912. PEARSON. MILTON LEROY, B. S., Arch., Architectural Drafts- man, 408 W. Sixth St., Austin, Texas. Worked on Public Structures, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, 1911-'12; Architec- tural Draftsman, Austin, Texas, 1912 — . PENN, KATE MARIA, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Art, 567 Elm St., Norman, Okla. Teacher, State Agricultural School, Jonesboro, Ark., 1911; Teacher of Domestic Art. Norman, Okla.. 1913 — . PETERS, CLARA MARGUERITE, B. S., H. E., Instructor of Home 238 RECOlil) OF THE AUMNl Economics and English, 502 Main St., Caldwell, Kan. Teacher, 1911-'12; Special Student, K. S. A. C, Spring of 1912; Instructor of Home Economics and English, Caldwell, Kan., 1912 — . PHILLIPS, BERTHA ELLEN, B. S., H. E., At Home, R. 4, Man- hattan, Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1911 — . PLUMB, BERTHA LUNETT, B. S., H. E., At Home, R. 1, Fair- view, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, Valley F'alls, Kan., 1911-'12; At Home, Fairview, Kan., 1912 — . POTTER, PERCIVAL BUTTON, B. S., C. E., Draftsman and Con- struction Foreman for Agronomy Department, K. S. A. C, 1123 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Draftsman and Con- struction Foreman tor Agronomy Department, K. S. A. C, 1911 — . PRICE, LEO, B. S., M. E., Surveyor, care Rumely Produce Com- pany, 534 Tchoupitoulas, New Orleans, La. PRICE, LYLE PHILLIPS, B. S., C. E., Construction Foreman, Canton Bridge Company, Belleville, Kan. Bridge Con- struction, Kansas and Missouri, for the Canton Bridge Com- pany, 1911 — . PUGH, EDNA, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Wathena (Kansas) High School, 327 W. Eighth St., Junc- tion City, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science and Am, Wathena (Kansas) High School, 1911 — . PYLES, OREAL DeARMOND, B. S., Head of Division of Agricul- tural Chemistry and Soils, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. Postgraduate Student, Michigan University, 1911-'12; Post- graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912; Teacher, Tuskegee In- stitute, Alabama, 1912 — . (RAEMER) TOTTEN, OLGA MARIE, B. S., H. E., Housewife, 2809 Duncan St., St. Joseph, Mo. Teacher of Home Eco- nomics and Sciences, Marysville (Kansas) High School, 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912—. RANDEL, GEORGIA ADELLE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Art, 405 Ninth St., Fredonia, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Art in Public Schools, Fredonia. Kan., 1911 — . RANSOPHER, SILAS MILO, B. S., E. E., Electrician, 917 Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Electrician, Portland Railway Light and Power Company, Portland, Ore., 1911; Manager, Northern Electric Company, Portland, Ore., 1912; Electri- cian, Kansas City Electric Light Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1913 — . RATLIFFE, GEORGE THOMAS, B. S., E. E., In Government Irri- gation Project, Bard, Cal. With Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1911-'12; With Everett Railway Light and Power Company, Everett, Wash., 1912-'13; In Government Irrigation Project, Bard, Cal., 1913 — . KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUBAL COLLEGE 239 REED, CHARLES EDGAR, B. S., E. E., Tester with Westinghouse Electric Company, Pittsburg, Pa. REYNOLDS, ROSE HERBERT, B. S., E. E., Student Engineer with General Electric Company, 80 Park St., Lynn, Mass. Student Engineer with General Electric Company, Lynn, Mass., 1911 — . ROBERTSON, HUGH DILLON, B. S. ROBB, NEWELL SNOWDEN, B. S., Agri., Meridian, Idaho. ROEHRIG, MARIE ELIZABETH, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Cookery and Sewing, Los Angeles Public Schools, 3937 Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher of Sewing and Botany, Newton (Kansas) High School, 1911-'12; Teacher of Cookery and Sewing, Macy Street Trade School, Los Angeles, Cal., 1912 — . (ROGLER) SPEER, ELSIE ALMA, B. S., H. E., Housewife, Hays. Kan. ROBINSON, WALTER STUART, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 2, Nashville, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1911 — . ROTH, DAVE G., B. S., E. E., Principal of High School, Mound- ridge, Kan. ROOTS, HARVEY GEORGE, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 4, Centralia, Kan. Agent in Scabies Eradication, Arizona, 1911; Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1912 — . ROSS, WORTH DANIEL, B. S., C. E., U. S. Reclamation Service, Glasgow, Mont. County Surveyor of Riley County, Kansas, 1911-'13; U. S. Reclamation Service, 1913 — . SCHLAEFLI, JOHN. B. S., E. E., In Testing Department, General Electric Company, 13 Eagle St., Schenectady, N. Y., Elec- trician, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Electrician, Milliard-Fink Electric Company, Manhattan, Kan., 1912; In Testing De- partment, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1913 — . SCHROER, EDWARD HENRY, B. S., Agri., Stockman, Manhattan, K3.n. Merchant, Manhattan, Kan., 1911-'12; Stockman, Ashland Bottoms, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . SCOTT, MINNA MAGDELENE, B. S., H. E., Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, R. 8, Manhattan, Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1911 — . SEATON, GLADYS SADIE, B. S., H. E., Assistant Manager of Jewell County Telephone Company, Jewell City, Kan. As- sistant Manager of Jewell County Telephone Company, Jewell City, Kan., 1912 — . SENG, AUGUST WILLIAM, B. S., E. E., Superintendent and Man- ager, Sylvan Grove Water and Light Plant, Box 136, Sylvan Grove, Kan. Farmer, Salina, Kan., 1911-'12; Student of Electrical Work and Irrigation Systems of Southern Idaho, 240 RECORD OF THE A L VMNI 1912; Superintendent and Manager, Sylvan Grove Municipal Water and Light Plant, 1912 — . SHAW, CLAUDE LEON, B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, Manton, Cal. Electric Power Plant, Blue Rapids, Kan., 1912-'13; Operating Engineer, Northern California Power Company, 1913 — . SIMMONS RAILSBACK, MARY EDNA, B. S., H. E., Housewife, Langdon, Kan. Lecturer in Division of Extension, Depart- ment of Home Economics, 1912-'13; Housewife, 1913 — . SKINNER, HARRY EVERTON, B. S., Agri., Instructor of Physics and Agriculture, Cherokee County High School, Columbus, Kan. Instructor of Physics and Agriculture, Cherokee County High School, Columbus, Kan., 1911 — . SLOAN, HOMER H., B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, Amarillo, Texas. Electrical and Gas Engineer, Denver, Colo.; Elec- trical Engineer, Amarillo, Texas. SMALL, EDWARD PAUL GRAHAM, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Box 63, Conway Springs, Kan. Farmer, Conway Springs, Kan., 1911 — . SMALL, RICHARD, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser. R. 1, Box 5, Anness, Kan. (SMITH) ROOTS, CLARA PEARL, B. S., H. E., Housewife, R. 4, Centralia, Kan. Assistant Postmaster, Colby, Kan., 1911- '12; Housewife, 1912 — . SMITH, HARLAN DAVID, B. S., Print., Head of Department of Industrial Journalism, K. S. A. C, 626 Moro St., Manhattan, Kan. Assistant, Industrial Journalism, K. S. A. C, 1911-'13; Head of Department of Industrial Journalism, ibid., 1913 — . SNELL, FLORENCE, B. S., H. E., Lecturer in Division of Exten- sion, Department of Home Economics, K. S. A. C, 1021 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Atchison County High School, Effingham, Kan., 1911- '12; Lecturer in Division of Extension, Department of Home Economics, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . (SOMMER) HOOD, MABEL RUTH, B. S., H. E., Housewife, 316 W. Ninth St., Wellington, Kan. At Home, Kiowa, Kan., 1911-'12; Housewife, 1912 — ; Residences: Las Animas, Colo.. 1912 (June to September); Wellington, Kan., 1912 — . SOUPENE. EDNA GRACE, B. S., H. E., Teacher, Manhattan, Kan. Teacher, Manhattan, Kan., 1911 — . SPEER, WHITCOMB GLEN, B. S., Agri., Professor of Agriculture, Western State Normal School, Hays, Kan. Employee, Horti- cultural Department, Experiment Station, K. S. A. C; Teacher in Clay Center (Kansas) High School, 1912-'13; Professor of Agriculture, Western State Normal School, Hays, Kan., 1913 — . STOKER, JOHN RUSSELL, B. S., M. E. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 241 STOCKWELL, EDGAR ROSS, B. S., Agri., Instructor, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. Instructor, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore., 1911 — . STRATTON, CLIFTON JAIRUS, B. S., Print., With Circulation De- partment of "Topeka Daily Capital," 19 08 N. Fourteenth St., Kansas City, Kan. STROMIRE, MATTHEW CASTLE, B. S., Agri., Fredonia, Kan. STRONG, ALDEN G., B. S., E. E., Second Lieutenant, Coast Artil- lery Corps, U. S. Army, Fort McKinley, Maine. Employee, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1911; Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, U. S. Army, 1911 — . STUEWE, PAUL MARTIN ALFRED, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Alma, Kan. Farmer, 1911 — ; President Farmers' Institute. Wa- baunsee County, Kansas, 1912 — . SWARTZ, BERTHA LILLIAN, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, 115 S. Main St., Newton, Kan. THOMPSON, GEORGE ELDON, B. S., Agri., Scientific Assistant in Farm Management, Extension Department, K. S. A. C, Dodge City, Kan. Forage Crop Investigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1911-'12; Scientific Assistant in Farm Manage- ment, Co-operative between A., T. & S. F. Railway Company, K. S. A. C, and U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1913 — . (TOWNE) SHAFFER, ZEPHERINE ELLEN, B. S., H. E., House- wife, F'ort Leavenworth, Kan. Housewife, Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., 1911 — . VAN BUCK, WALTER, B. S., C. E., City Engineer, 509 S. Adams St., Junction City, Kan. Assistant City Engineer, Manhattan, Kan.. 1911-'12; City Engineer, Junction City, Kan., 1912 — . VILANDER, PHILIP CORNELIUS, B. S., C. E., Instructor of Mathematics, Newton High School, Manhattan, Kan. U. S. Land Survty, Washington (State), 1911; City Engineering Force, Manhattan, Kan., 1912; Instructor of Mathematics, Newton High School, 1913 — . WALTON, NOEL HUTCHINSON, B. S., C. E., Civil Engineer, Marceline, Mo. Rodman, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Gulf Railway, 1911; Chainman, A., T. «6; S. F. Railway, Missouri Division, 1911-'12; Rodman, A., T. & S. F. Railway, Missouri Division, 1912 — . WATT, JOHN EARL, D. V. M., Vet. S., Farmer, 224 Franklin Ave., Anthony, Kan. WEAVER, OLEY WILLIS, B. S., Print., In Ad. Department of "Daily Eagle," Wichita, Kan. Newspaper Business in Wyoming, 1911-'12. WESTOVER, EDGAR LEROY, B. S., Agri., Supervisor of Agricul- ture, Milaca, Minn. Graduate Student Assistant, University of Minnesota, 1912. WHEELER, ANDREW JEFFERSON, B. S., Agri., Student, Mis- 242 EECOIil) OF THE ALUM XI sionary Training School, College View, Nebr.; Tyro, Kan. (Home). Farmer, 1911-'12; Missionary Book Work, 1912- '13; Student, Missionary Training School, 1913 — . WHEELER, CLARENCE, B. S., Agri., Parmer, Tyro, Kan. Farmer, Tyro, Kan., 1911 — . WHIPPLE, GLENN EDWIN, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinary Inspec- tor, Bureau of Animal Industry, care Fed. Bldg., Bismarck, N. Dak. Employed by Veterinary Department, K. S. A. C, Hog Cholera Investigations and Serum Production, 1911; Veterinary Inspector in Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1912 — . WERMELSKIRCHEN, LOUIS, B. S., Agri., Scientific Assistant, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Box 729, Amarillo, Texas. Assistant, Agronomy Farm, K. S. A. C, 1911-'12; Cereal In- vestigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1913 — . WILKISON, HARRISON WALTER, B. S., C. E., Postgraduate Stu- dent, K. S. A. C; Dwight, Kan. (Home). Secretary to Resi- dent Engineer, Hydro-Electric Development, Chilhowee, Tenn., 1911-'12; Topographical Draftsman and Secretary to Assistant Resident Engineer, Hydro-Electric Development, Bryson City, N. C, 1912; Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1913 — . WILLIAMS, CLYDE DOUGLAS, B. S., Supervisor of Manual Train- ing Department, Winfield High School, 1305 Loomis Ave., Winfleld, Kan. Supervisor of Manual Training and Instruc- tor in Physics, Winfield (Kansas) High School, 1911-'12; Supervisor of Manual Training, Winfield (Kansas) High School, 1912—. WILLIAMS, OWEN EDWARD, B. S., Agri., Dairyman, 1006 B. St., S. W., Washington, D. C. With Ice Cream and Condensing Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1911 (June to September); Herdsman of Clovernook Farm, Whitefish Bay, Wis., 1911 (October to December) ; Herdsman of Wild Rose Farm, St. Charles, 111., 1911 (December); Professor of Dairy Hus- bandry, Baron De Hirsch Agricultural School, Woodbine, N. J., 1912; Ice Cream Investigation, U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C, 1912 — . WOOD, CASPER ALFRED, B. S., Agri., Instructor in Soils, Agri- cultural and Mechanical College, College Station, Texas. Teacher of Science and Agriculture, Bibb County High School, Centerville, Ala., 1911-'12; Instructor in Soils, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, College Station, Texas, 1912 — . WOOD, WILLIAM, B. S., Assistant in Entomology, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. WYATT, KIRBY KENNEDY, B. S., Arch., Structural Engineer, KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 243 General Electric Company, 632 E. Sixth St., Erie, Pa. Structural Engineer, General Electric Company, Erie, Pa., 1911 — . WYLAND, FLORENCE, B. S., H. E., Teacher. YORK, OSCAR THOMAS, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 1, Vinland, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Vinland, Kan., 1911 — . 1912 (ABERLE) YORK, ELIZABETH, B. S., Housewife, R. 1, Vinland. Kan. ABERLE, NELLIE, B. S., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, R. 3, Manhattan, Kan. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . ABILDGAARD, MARK, B. S., Agri., Manager Dairy and Poultry Department, Missouri State Sanatorium, Mt. Vernon, Mo. Assistant Steward, Missouri State Sanatorium, Mt. Vernon, Mo., 1911-'13; Manager of Dairy and Poultry Department, Missouri State Sanatorium, Mt. Vernon, Mo., 1913 — . ADAMS, ARTHUR A., B. S., E. E., in Confectionery Business, Man- hattan, Kan. Owner and Operator of the Manhattan Candy Kitchen, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . ALEXANDER, ROY ELLSWORTH, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Weiser, Idaho. ALSOP, JAMES EDGAR, B. S., Agri., Wakefield, Kan. AMBLER, LEON NEWTON, B. S., Teacher, Chase County High School, Cottonwood Falls, Kan. Teacher, Chase County High School, Cottonwood Falls, Kan., 1912 — . ANDERSON, JOHN HENRY, B. S., Agri., Salesman for The Alumi- num Cooking Utensil Company, Box 94, Jetmore, Kan. Salesman for The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company, 1912 — . ANDREWS, JUSTINA MARINDA, B. S., H. E., Teacher in High School, Norcatur, Kan. Special Student, K. S. A. C, Winter Term, 1913; At Home, Spring and Summer, 1913; Teacher, Decatur County (Kansas) High School, 1913 — . BAKER, NELLIE MAY, B. S., H. E., Teacher, Glade, Kan. BALES, ETHEL LOLETTA, B. S., H. E., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, R. 8, Manhattan, Kan. At Home, 1912 — . BARNARD, GEORGE AUSTIN, B. S., E. E., Engineer at Light Plant, Alma, Kan. Engineer at Light, Power, and Ice Com- pany, Alma, Kan., 1912 — . BAROFSKY, BURTON LOUIS, B. S., M. E., Assistant Chief Engi- neer of Tests, Ingersoll-Rand Company, 909 Northampton St., Easton, Pa. Employee of Ingersoll-Rand Company, 1912 — . BARTLETT, THOMAS REED, B. S., M. E., Bridge Inspector, R. 4, 244— KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUEAL COLLEGE 245 lola, Kan. Bridge Inspector, Kansas State Highway Engi- neering Office, 1912 — . BATCHELOR, AMY GERTRUDE, B. S., H. E., Supervisor of Girls, Kansas Scliool for the Deaf, Olathe, Kan.; 521 Vattier St., Manhattan, Kan. (Home). Supervisor of Girls, Kansas School for the Deaf, Olathe, Kan., 1912 — . BECK, BORDEN FRAZIER, B. S., Agri., Teacher in High School, 402 S. Ninth Ave., North Yakima, Wash. BENTLEY. EVALYN ANNETTE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Art, Haskell Institute; Valhalla, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Art, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan., 1912 — . BERRY, ALBERT LEROY, B. S., Agri., Contractor, Jewell City, Kan. Contractor and Builder of Hollow Tile Block Silos and Grain Storage Tanks, 1912 — . (LaMONT) BOLINGER, KATE, B. S., H. E. Died July 8, 1913. BLYTHE, GEORGE WILLIAM, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Stock Raiser, R. 4, White City, Kan. General Farmer, 1912 — . BRADFORD, FRED SPENCER, B. S., E. E., Electrician, A..' T., & S. F. Railway Company, Topeka, Kan. Electrician, A., T., & S. F. Railway Company, Topeka, Kan., 1912 — . BRANDT, DAVID C, B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, Interurban Railway Company, Bartlesville, Okla. Cadet Engineer, Denver Gas and Electric Light Company; Electrical Engi- neer, Bartlesville (Oklahoma) Interurban Railway Company. BRENNER. FLORA EDNA, B. S., H. E., Teacher, Manhattan, Kan. (Home). Teacher, Grade Work, Home Economics, Atchi- son County High School, 1912-'13; Teacher, Madison (Kan- sas) High School, 1913 — . BREESE, CARL SHIPMAN, B. S., E. E., Student Engineer of the General Electric Company, 40 Park St., West Lynn, Mass. BRIGHT, RUTH, B. S., H. E., Supervisor of Domestic Science, 1322 W. Marquette Ave., Albuquerque, New Mex. Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Deming (New Mexico) High School, 1912-'13; Supervisor of Domestic Science in Albu- querque (New Mexico) Schools, 1913 — . BROBERG, MABEL MAY, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science, Agriculture, Botany, Civics, and Physiology, Hart- ford High School, Hartford, Kan. BROOKS, EDWIN HARRISON, B. S., Arch., Assistant in Hign School, Canton, S. Dak. Assistant in High School, Canton, S. Dak.. 1912 — . BROWN, DORA MAY, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, Council Grove, Kan.; Peculiar, Mo. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, Council Grove, Kan., 1912 — . BROWN, JOHN WILLIAM, D. V. M., Vet. S., Practicing Veterina- rian, Ft. Scott, Kan. Head of Division of Agricultural In- 246 RECORD OF THE ALUM:S1 struction, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala., 1912-'13; Practicing Veterinarian, Ft. Scott, Kan., 1913 — . BUCK. META EVALINA, B. S., H. E., Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1426 Faircliild Ave., Manhattan, Kan. BUZARD, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, B. S., Agri., Dairyman, St. Josepli, Mo. CALLEN, SPEER WOODSON, B. S., Medical Student, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. CAMPBELL, EDYTH BLANCHE, B. S., H. E., Circulation Depart- ment, Capper Publications, 1126 Tyler St., Topeka, Kan. CANFIELD, GEORGIA L., B. S., H. E., Domestic Science Teacher, Alliance High School, 615 Box Butte Ave., Alliance, Nebr. Assistant Nurse in State School for the Deaf, Olathe, Kan., 1912-'13; Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, and Algebra, High School, Alliance, Nebr., 1913 — . (CARNAHAN) COLE, NANNIE, B. S.. Housewife, Cor. Maple and Third Sts., Eureka, Kan. Housewife, 1912 — . CASE, FRANCES LOUISE WILT, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Do- mestic Science, Leroy, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, Leroy, Kan., 1912 — . CASE, THOMAS ARTHUR, D. V. M., Vet. S., Practicing Veteri- narian, 625 S. Main St., Hutchinson, Kan. CHANDLER, BERTA LORENA, B. S., H. E., At Home, R. 4, Man- hattan, Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . CLARKE, DAVID CHARLES, B. S., Teacher in High School, 449 S. Elm St., Chillicothe, Mo. Teacher in Chillicothe (Mis- souri) High School, 1912 — . CLARK, STANLEY PENRHYN, B. S., Agri., Superintendent Branch Experiment Station, Colby, Kan. Instructor in Agriculture and Extension Work, Nashwauk, Minn., 1912-'14; Superintend- ent Branch Experiment Station, Colby, Kan., 1914 — . COBLENTZ, LUTHER JAMES, B. S., Agri., Teacher in High School, 110 S. Maple St., McPherson, Kan. Teacher in High School, McPherson, Kan., 1912 — . COLE, HARRY L., B. S., Instructor in Botany and Agriculture in High School, 540 S. Main St., Belvidere, 111. Manager, De- partment of New Business, Eureka Light and Power Com- pany, Eureka, Kan., 1912; Instructor in Botany and Agri- culture, High School, Belvidere, 111., 1913 — . COMBS. STANLEY ARNO, B. S., Agri., Manager for the Pioneer Creamery Company, Quincy, 111. Manager for the Pioneer Creamery Company, Camp Point, 111., Quincy, 111., 1912 — . COOKE, EDGAR RAYMOND, B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer. Western Electric Company, Chicago, 111., 4815 W. Twenty- second Place, Cicero, 111. Electric Engineer, Western Elec- tric Company, Chicago, 111., 1912 — . COOLEY, RALPH ANDREW, B. S., Agri., In Charge of a Dairy, KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 247 St. Paul, Minn. Tester for Dickinson County Pioneer Cow- Testing Association. Abilene, Kan., 1912-'13; In Charge of a Dairy, St. Paul, Minn., 1913 — . COOPER, JOHN RALPH, B. S., Agri., Assistant Professor of Horti- culture, University of Nebraska, 245 S. Twenty-ninth St., Lincoln, Nebr. Assistant in Horticulture, K. S. A. C, 1912- '13; Assistant Professor of Horticulture, University of Nebraska, 1913 — . COWLES, MAY LOUISE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Hamilton High School, Hamiltor T^.xas. Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Hamilton (Te„>i» ' High School, 1912 — . COZINE, MERTON LEROY, B. S., Teacher of Sci viice, Kirkwood High School, 116 N. Taylor Ave., Kirkwood, Mo. Teacher of Science, Kirkwood (Missouri) High School, 1912 — . CRIGER, MAUD RAE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Goodland, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Scieace and Art, Sherman County High School, Goodland, Kan., 1912 — ^. CRISSWELL, WALTER E., B. S., Homeless Man Agent, Jackson- ville, Fla. Student, St. Louis School of Social Economy; Member of Graduate School of Washington University; Fel- low in Research, Russell Sage Foundation, 1912; Homeless Man Agent, Associated Charities, Jacksonville, Fla., 1913 — . DARRAH, TOM JONES, Jr., B. S., Agri., Farmer, Conway, Kan. DAVIS, ROY IRA, B. S., Reporter, 829 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Reporter, Manhattan "Daily Mercury," 1912 — . DEARBORN, EDGAR HAMILTON, B. S., E. E., In Garage Busi- ness, Nowata, Okla. DENMAN, EARL WATSON, B. S., E. E., Testing Electrical Appara- tus, 422 Rebecca Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Electrical Engi- neer, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1912 — . DODDERIDGE, RUSSELL REUBEN, B. S., Assistant in Animal Husbandry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Farmer and Stockman, White City, Kan., 1912-'14; Assistant in Ani- mal Husbandry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr., 1914—. DUTTLINGER, FREDERICK C, D. V. M., Vet. S., Monument, Kan. EAGLES, MOLLIE ELIZABETH, B. S., H. E., Teacher, 111 3. Phillips St., Salina, Kan. Teacher, 1912 — . EARNHEART, MARIE EDITH, B. S., Domestic Science Lecturer, 218 Lang St.. South Whitley, Ind. Special Student, Biolog- ical Department, Indiana University; Domestic Science Lecturer. EASLEY, MYRTLE ALBERTA, B. S.. At Home, Salem. Nebr. EBNER, EMILY, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Corsicana, Texas. 248 Ji E( '(} li I) OF THE A L UMNl EDGERTON, RUTH, B. S., H. E., Student, Teachers' College, Columbia University, 1230 Amsterdam Ave., New York City, N. Y.; 910 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. (Home). ELDER. GEORGE DeWITT. D. V. M., Vet. S., Farmer and Stock- man, R. 2, Augusta, Kan. ELLIOTT, MARTHA, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, 715 G St., Pairbury, Nebr. Teacher of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, Fairbury, Nebr., 1912 — . ELLIS, DORA JEAN, B. S., H. E., At Home, Salt River. Ariz. At Home, Salt River, Ariz., 1912 — . ELLIS, FRANK CUTTER, B. S., K. S. A. C. EMSLIE, EMMETT KEELER, B. S., Teacher of Manual Training, High School, Benson, Minn. Employee of Bureau of Biolog- ical Survey, Flagstaff, Ariz., 1913 (April to September); Teacher of Manual Training, Benson (Minnesota) High School, 1913 — . (EMSLIE) MILLER, KATHERINE LUCY, B. S., Housewife, 327 E. Excelsior St., Excelsior Springs, Mo. ESSMILLER, WILLIAM DIEDRICK, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 4, Great Bend, Kan. ETZOLD, MABEL LOUISE, B. S., At Home. 26 S. Grant St., Liberal, Kan. FELPS, CLEMENS INKS, B. S., Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1004 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. FICKEL, GLENN RAYMOND, B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer, 422 Rebecca Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Electrical Engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, East Pittsburg, Pa., 1912 — . FOWLER, IRA LOREN, B. S., Agri., Postgraduate Student. K. S. A. C, 927 Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. Graduate Student in Animal Husbandry and Student in Veterinary Medicine, 1912 — . FRANKLIN, OLIVER MORRIS, D. V. M., Vet. S., Assistant in Veterinary Department, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. As- sistant in Veterinary Department, Experiment Station, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . FRY, CLARENCE GRIFFING, B. S., Teacher of Agriculture, De- catur County High School, Oberlin, Kan. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C. , Manhattan, Kan.; With Swift & Co., Kansas City, Kan., 1912-'I3; Teacher of Ag-riculture, Decatur County Hig-h School, Oberlin, Kan., 1913 — . FULLER, JOHN RUSSEL. D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, Weiser, Idaho. Veterinarian, Weiser, Idaho, 1912 — . GETTY, RICHARD WILLIAM, B. S., Teacher of Manual Training and Agriculture, Superior, Nebr. Teacher of Manual Train- ing and Agriculture, La Harpe (Kansas) High School, 1912- '13. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 249 GIGER, ORVILLE EDWARD, B. S., Agri., Farmer and Cattle Feeder, Elmdale, Kan. GIST, LOIS RUTH, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science, Gothenburg, Nebr.; 815 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science, Gothenburg, Nebr., 1912 — . GOHEEN, JOHN HOMER, B. S., Agri., Agricultural Instructor, Lakefield High School, Lakefield, Minn.; 108 S. Juliette Ave., Manhattan, Kan. (Home). Director of Agricultural Department, Morgan (Minnesota) High School, 1912-'1d; Director of Agricultural Department, Lakefield (Minnesota) High School, 1913 — . GOLDSMITH, DAVID ANDREW, B. S., Agri., Teacher, Jewell City (Kansas) High School; R. 3. Abilene, Kan. (Home). Teacher, Jewell City (Kansas) High School, 1912 — . GOULD, LEE HAM, B. S., Agri., Demonstration Agent, Dodge City, Kan. Grain Buyer and Farm Manager, Wilroads, Kan., i912-'13; Demonstration Agent, Dodge City, Kan., i913 — . GRAVES, RAY L., B. S., Agri., Farmer, Siloam Springs, Ark. Stock Farmer, Arkansas, 1912 — . GRINTER, W^ILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Perry, Kan. Farmer, Perry, Kan., 1912 — . GUGENHAN, LOTTIE ELLA, B. S.. H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science, Box 334, Vermillion, S. Dak. Teacher of Domestic Science, Vermillion, S. Dak., 1912 — . (HALL) AMBLER, EMMA ELLEN, B. S., H. E., Housewife, Cot- tonwood Falls, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science, Sherman County High School, 1912-'13; Housewife, 1913 — . HANSON, NETTIE REGINA, B. S., Concordia, Kan. HARRIS, RICHARD I., B. S., C. E., Science Teacher in High School, Stafford, Kan. Science Teacher in High School, Stafford, Kan., 1912-'13. (HARTWELL) SHIFPER, MAY, B. S., H. E., Housewife, DeWitt, Iowa. Housewife, 1912 — . HARTWIG, CHARLES, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian and Stock- man, Goodland, Kan. Veterinarian and Stockman, Good- land, Kan., 1912 — . HAZZARD, CHARLES APPLETON, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, 1501 Taylor St., Amarillo, Texas. Deputy State Veterinary Inspector, Texas Live Stock Sanitary Commission, 1912 — ; Special Inspector, Food and Drug Department, State of Texas, 1912 — . HEWITT, JOHN RUSSELL, B. S., Postgraduate Student, Okla- homa Agricultural and Mechanical College, 308 West St., Stillwater, Okla. HEWITT, PAUL McGEE, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, Sandstone, Minn. 250 BE COR I) OF THE ALUMNI HILL, GEORGE WILKIE, D. V. M., Vet. S., Hope, Kan. HICKOK, MARY ELIZABETH, B. S., H. E., Student, Teachers' College, Columbia University, 12 30 Amsterdam Ave., Whit- tier Hall, New York, N. Y. Student, Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York, 1912 — . HILLEBRANDT, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, B. S., E. E., Electrical Engineer with K. C. C. C. & St. J. Railway, 3050 Harrison Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Electrical Engineer with Westing- house Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1912; Electrical Engineer with K. C. C. C. & St. J. Railway, 1913 — . HILLIS, REES WILLIAM, B. S., Fruit Grower, Anderson, Mo. Experimental Orchard Spraying, Department of Entomology, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; Fruit Grower, Anderson, Mo., 1913—. HINKLE, KATHERINE HARRIETT, B. S., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Alma, Kan.; Eldorado, Kan. (Homei. Teacher of Home Economics, Alma, Kan., 1912-'13; Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Alma, Kan., 1913 — . HOKE, HAZEL JUANITA, B. S., H. E., Student, K. S. A. C, R. 1, Manhattan, Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . HOLE, WALTER TOPE, B. S., C. E., Draftsman in Chief Engi- neer's Office, C. B. & Q. Railway, 1226 P St., Lincoln, Nebr. Assistant Division Engineer, C. B. & Q. Railway, Maintenance of Way Department, 1912; Draftsman in Chief Engineer's Office, C. B. & Q. Railway, 1913 — . HOLMES, ADELAID JULIA, B. S., H. E., At Home, Azusa, Cal. HOLMES, JACOB CLAUDE, B. S., Ranch Manager, Eureka, Kan. Teacher at Southern Kansas Academy, 1913 (January to March); Manager, Edwards Ranch, 1913 — . HOLMSTEAD, ALICE, B. S., H. E., Teacher, Lehi, Utah. Instruc- tor of Domestic Science, Payson (Utah) High School, 1912 — . HOWER, GEORGE HARRISON, B. S., Principal of High School; Sylvan Grove, Kan. (Home). Principal of High School, Belleville, Kan., 1912 — . HUNGERFORD, EDWIN H., B. S., Fellow in Chemistry, K. S. A. C, 518 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. INSKEEP, MILDRED LEE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Olathe High School, 518 S. Chestnut St., Olathe, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Olatha (Kansas) High School, 1912 — . ISAAC, EDWARD, B. S., Agri., Fellow in Agriculture, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Teacher, Chapman, Kan.; Instructor in Agriculture, Dickinson County (Kansas) High School, 1912-'13; Fellow in Agriculture, Iowa State College, 1913 — . JUSTIN, CATHERINE LAURA, B. S., H. E., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1212 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. Graduate Stu- dent, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . KAMMEYER, EMMA DOROTHY, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 251 Science, Sterling (Kansas) High Scliool; 901 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science, Sterling (Kansas) High School, 1912 — . KEITH, EDGAR T., B. S., Print., Employee of the Printing Depart- ment, K. S. A. C, 511 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. Employee of Printing Department, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . KELLY, WILLIS NORTON, B. S., Miller, 512 E. Sherman St., Hutchinson, Kan. Miller, with William Kelly Milling Com- pany, Hutchinson, Kan., 1912 — . KENNETT, PAULINE, B. S., H. E., Student at Wellesley College, 603 Washington St., Wellesley, Mass. Student at Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., 1912 — . KERNOHAN, GEORGE, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinary SurgeoiiT R. 2, Nashville, Kan. KITTELL, ELMER FREDERIC, B. S., Proprietor of The Varsity Shop, Manhattan, Kan., 702 N. Manhattan Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Proprietor of The Varsity Shop, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . LAFLIN, RAY DELBERT, B. S., Agri., Field Expert of Better Farming Association of North Dakota, Hettinger, N. Dak. Field Expert of Better Farming Association of North Dakota, 1912 — . LAWTON, FRANK BAXTER, B. S., Agri., Foreman of Agronomy Farm, K. S. A. C, R. 8, Manhattan, Kan. Foreman of Agronomy Farm, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . LIGHTFOOT, FAIRY, B. S., H. E., Domestic Science Teacher, Has- kell Institute, Lawrence, Kan. Domestic Science Teacher, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan., 1912 — . 1.INDSAY, NELLE EASTER, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, Port Arthur Public Schools, 443 Nashville Ave., Port Arthur, Texas. LINN, MARTHA EVALINE, B. S., H. E., Housekeeping at Home, R. 2, Manhattan, Kan. LINT, HENRY CLAY, B. S., Agri., Fellow, Rutgers College, Alumni House, New Brunswick, N. J. Foreman in Vinewood and Viles Orchards, Hutchinson, Kan., 1912-'13; Assistant in Horticultural Department, K. S. A. C, 1913 (January to July) ; Fellow, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., 1913 — . LIVINGSTON, FRANK B., B. S., E. E., Student, 1014 S. Ridgeland Ave., Oak Park, 111. Student with the Western Electric Company, Hawthorne, 111., Plant, 1912 — . LYNESS, CHARLES ENOCH, B. S., Agri., Director of Agriculture, Annandale High School, Annandale, Minn. Director of Agri- Culture, Annandale (Minnesota) High School, 1912 — . McCOLLOCH, JAMES WALKER, B. S., Assistant Entomologist, K. S. A. C, 1201 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Field Agent, 252 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI Department of Entomology, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; Assistant Entomologist, K. S. A. C, 1913 — . McCOY, WILLIAM ROSS, B. S., Agri., Stock Farmer, Partridge, Kan. Stock Farmer, Partridge, Kan., 1912 — . (MeCRAY)FRV, VIVA MARGARET. B.S.. H. E., Housewife, Oberlin. Kan. Student, Dillenbeck School of Oratory, Kansas City, Mo., 1912-'13; Housewife, H)i;{-. (McCREARY) VOHRINGER, IRENE SOPHIA, B. S., Housewife, Albany, Ga. Stenographer in Home Economics Department of Extension Service, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; Housewife, 1913—. Mcdonald, EULA DELPHA, B. S., H. B., At Home, 417 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . Mcdonald, M. EDWIN, D. v. M., Vet. S., veterinarian with Wichita and Oklahoma Serum Company, Oklahoma City, Okla. Veterinarian, Wathena, Kan., 1912-'13; Veterinarian with Wichita and Oklahoma Serum Company, 1913 — . Mcdonald, SCOTT ROGER, B. S., Agri., Head Yardman and Butcher Salesman, Pinnell-McMuIlen Live Stock Commission Company, 428 Live Stock Exchange, Kansas City, Mo. Head Yardman and Butcher Salesman, Pinnell-McMullen Live Stock Commission Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1912 — . McKINNIE, JESSIE ESTELLE, B. S., H. E., At Home, Beloit, Kan. Teacher, Domestic Science and Domestic Art, Alantic (Iowa,* High School, 1912-*13; At Home, 1913 — . MACK, ALBERT JOHN, B. S., M. E., Draftsman, 410 Spitznagel Ave., Peoria, 111. At Home, Axtell, Kan., 1912 (June to October) ; In Employ of the Avery Company, Peoria, III., 1912 — . MAGILL, EDMUND CHARLES, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Botany, High School, Wayzata, Minn. Graduate Student and Instructor, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; Teacher in High School, Wayzata, Minn., 1913 — . MARONEY, GEORGE EUGENE, B. S., Agri., Plant Survey of Doniphan County for Kansas University, Attica, Kan. Princi- pal of Alma High School, Alma, Kan., 1912-'13; Pure Seed Wheat Inspector for K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; Student, Summer Session, Kansas University, 1913; Plant Survey of Doniphan County for Kansas University, 1913 — . MARTIN, EARL HARRISON, B. S., Agri., Instructor in Agriculture, Blue Earth High School, Blue Earth, Minn. Instructor in Agriculture, Blue Earth (Minnesota) High School, 1912 — . MILLER, EDWIN DARRAH CARLISLE, B. S., E. E., Chief Drafts- man, S. S., care Signal Supervisor, La Junta, Colo. MILLER, VIRGIL EMMITT, B. S., Electrician for Film Manufactur- ing Company, Los Angeles, Cal. Assistant in Electrical Engi- neering, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; Electrician for Film Manu- KANSAS STATE AGRICULTUIiAL COLLEGE 253 facturing Company, Los Angeles, Cal., 1913 — . MOORE, CELIA CAROLINE, B. S., At Home, 10 Park Road, Man- hattan, Kan. MOORE, WILLIAM DAVID, B. S., E. E., Electrical Contractor, 1214 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan, Kan. With Smith Electric Com- pany, Manhattan, Kan., 1912-'13; Contractor in Electrical Work, 1913 — . MOORHEAD, IVAN ARCH, B. S., M. S., Assistant, Agronomy Department, Wilwaukee School of Agriculture, Milwaukee, Wis. M. S., K. S. A. C, 1913; Assistant in Agronomy Depart- ment, Milwaukee School of Agriculture, Milwaukee, Wis., 1913 — . MOORMAN, BESSIE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Ellinwood, Kan.; Burr Oak, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Ellinwood, Kan., 1912 — . vMORTON) McKEEN, STELL, B. S., H. E., Housewife, Russell, Kaa. MOSS, WILLIAM ALFRED, B. S., Farmer, R. 2, Lincoln, Kau. Farmer, Lincoln, Kan., 1912 — . MOSSMAN, DENNIS FLEET, B. S., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 930 Osage St., Manhattan, Kan. Postgraduate Work, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . MULFORD, EFFIE JANE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science, 510 N. Richardson St., Roswell, New Mex. Teacher of Do- mestic Science, Roswell, New Mex., 1912 — . MUNGER, MYRA MAY, B. S., H. E., Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, R. 8, Manhattan. Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . MUSSER, KARL BRYANT, B. S., Agri., Student, Missouri Univer- sity, 506 S. Fifth St., Columbia, Mo. Student, Missouri Uni- versity, 1912 — . MYERS, HAZEL HELEN, B. S., H. E., At Home, 509 E. A St., Hutchinson, Kan. Office Work, 1912. NELSON, SELMA EMELIA, B. S., H. E., Instructor of Domestic Science, Cando High School, Cando, N. Dak.; Randolph, Kan. (Home). At Home, until September, 1912; Head of the Do- mestic Science Department, Cando (North Dakota) High School, 1912 — . NEWLAND. JESSIE, B. S., H. E., Teacher, Rocky Ford, Colo. At Home. Bridgeport, Kan., 1912-'13; Teacher, Colorado, 1913 — . NICHOLS, FLOYD BRUCE, B. S., Agri., Agricultural Editor, The Capper Farm Papers, Topeka, Kan. Agricultural Editor, "The Fruit Grower and Farmer," St. Joseph, Mo., 1912-'13; with Capper Farm Papers, 1913 — . NICHOLS, JESSIE, B. S., H. E., Studying China Painting. 261 Homer Ave., Palo Alto, Cal. Traveling, 1912 — . NICHOLSON, JAMES MORTON, B. S., M. E., Assistant in Depart- ment of Tests and Inspection, care Office Engineer of Tests, 254 BECORD OF THE ALU3INI Santa Fe, Topeka, Kan. Laboratory Work and Locomotive Road Tests, Topeka, Kan.. 1912 — . NICOLAY, JOSIE, B. S., Teacher, Boise County, Grimpass, Idaliu. Teacher, Grimpass (Idaho) School, 1912 — . NOEL, HARRY M., B. S., C. E., Civil Engineer with Cleveland Con- struction Company, 1217 Eastman St., Boise, Idaho. Civil Engineer with Cleveland Construction Company, 1912 — . NORBY, OSCAR MARION, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 1, Cullison, Kan. Farmer, Cullison, Kan., 1912 — . OGILVIE, VALERIE ALMINA, B. S., H. E., Teacher in High School, Moran, Kan.; R. 4, Burr Oak, Kan. (Home). Teacher, High School. Moran, Kan., 1912 — . OSTLUND, EPHRAIM ANDREW, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 5, Clyde, Kan. Farmer, Clyde, Kan., 1912 — . PADDLEFORD, GLENN DECATUR, B. S., Agri., In a General Store, Stockdale, Kan. In a General Store, Stockdale, Kan., 1912 — . PARRY, WILLIAM THEODORE, B. S., Agri., Agricultural Director, State High School, Elk River, Minn. Agricultural Director, State High School, Elk River, Minn., 1912 — . PATTISON, FLOYD, B. S., M. E., Employee of Smith Gas Power Company, Lexington, Ohio. With the Smith Gas Power Company, 1912 — . PAYNE, EDITH B., B. S., 401 Vassar Ave., Wichita, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science and Art in High School, Mus- kogee, Okla., 1913 — . PELLETTE, DUDLEY B., D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, Nickersou, Kan. Veterinarian, Nickerson, Kan., 1912 — . PERRILL, LAURENCE TODD, B. S., Ind. Jour.. Teacher of Agricul- ture and Manual Training, Marion High School, Marion. Kan.; Manhattan. Kan. (Home). Teacher of Agriculture and Manual Training, Marion (Kansas) High School, 1912 — . PHILLIPS, Kenneth W., B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 4, Manhattan. Kan. Farmer, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . PIERCE, EDWIN WILLIAM, D. V. M., Bison, Kan. PINGREE, GUY GILES, D. V. M., Vet. S. Died April 17, 1913. PLATT, LUCY W., B. S., H. E., At Home, Aetna, Kan. PULVER, WILLIAM ARTHUR, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian and Surgeon, Wamego, Kan. Veterinarian, Wamego. Kan., 1912 — . PURDY, DANIEL MILTON, B. S., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C. Farmer, White City, Kan., 1912-'13. REED, CLINTON J., B. S., Leavenworth St., Manhattan, Kan. ROBERTS, ALICE DUNBAR, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science and Art and Agriculture, Oskaloosa, Kan. Teacher of Domestic Science and Art and Agriculture, Oskaloosa, Kan., 1912 — . ROBINSON, JOSEPHINE, B. S., H. E., Teacher, 1965 N. Thirty- KANSA!S STATJi] AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 255 second St., Kansas City, Kan.; Morrill, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science and Art, Botany, and History, Wilson High School, 1912-'13. RODGERS, MARGARET, B. S., H. E., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912- '13. ROOT, IRVING CAMPDORAS, B. S., Agri., Horticultural Depart- ment, Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, P. I.; 1348 Waverly Ave., Kansas City, Kan. (Home). ROSADO, FRANCO THOMAS, B. S., C. E., Graduate Student, Uni- versity of Louisiana, 602 Florida St., Baton Rouge, La. Graduate Student in Sugar Engineering, University of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, La., 1912 — . ROWLAND, RUTH LILLIAN, B. S., Teacher in Domestic Science Department, Springfield (Missouri) High School, 1205 Ben- ton Ave., Springfield, Mo. Teacher of Domestic Science, Springfield (Missouri) High School, 1912 — . SCHMIDLER, HENRY WILLIAM, B. S., E. E., Farmer, R. 2, Marys- ville, Kan. With Denver Gas and Electric Light Company, Summer, 1912; Farmer, 1912 — . SCHNEIDER, ESSIE BLANCHE, B. S., H. E., Postgraduate Stu- dent, K. S. A. C, 1400 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, Kan. Posi- graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . SCHWAB, LUDWIG JOSEPH, B. S., Engineer for Kalamazoo Gas Company, 507 Pine St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Farmer, 1912 (June to November) ; Engineer for Kalamazoo Gas Company, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1912 — . SCOTT, Jr., CYRUS McDONALD, B. S., M. E., Draftsman, 227 8 Norwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Draftsman, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1912 — . SECHRIST, ERNEST OTTO, B. S., Agri., Farmer, R. 5, North Topeka, Kan. Farmer, North Topeka, Kan., 1912 — . SEGEL, ABEL, B. S., C. E., McPherson, Kan. SEWELL, MALCOLM CAMERON, B. S., Agri., Superintendent, Branch Experiment Station, Garden City, Kan. Graduate Student, Ohio State University, Assistant in Agronomy, 1912- '13; Superintendent, Branch Experiment Station, Garden City, Kan., 1913 — . SHAW, LESLIE LEON. B. S., Leavenworth, Kan. SHERWOOD, ETTA V., B. S., H. E., High School Teacher, Clyde, Kan. Teacher, High School, Clyde, Kan., 1912 — . SHERWOOD, VIRGIE G., B. S., Stenographer, Department of Rural Education, K. S. A. C. SHULER, HARRY NELSON, B. S., Agri. Died in 1912. (SHUMWAY) GISH, CARRIE MARIETTA, B. S., H. E., Houi?^-- wife, Manhattan, Kan. Housewife, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . SIMONSEN, WARREN EARL, D. V. M., Station A, Extension De- Q- 256 BECOED OF THE A L U3INI partnient, Ames, Iowa. Veterinarian, Dighton, Kan., 191:i- '13; Producer of Anti-Hog-cholera Serum for the Clemson Agricultural College, South Carolina, and Assistant State Veterinarian of South Carolina, 1913; In Extension Depart- ment, Iowa Agricultural College, 1913 — . SIMS, MERL HUDSON, B. S., Teacher of Manual Training, Anthony, Kan. SMITH, JOHN ALLEN HIGGINS, B. S., Agri., with Dallas Electric Light and Power Company, 1912 S. Ervay St., Dallas, Texas. Timekeeper and Material Checker, Dallas Consolidated Electric Street Railway Company, 1912 (July to October); Shipping Clerk, W. D. Felder & Co., Cotton Buyers, 1912-'13 (October to January); With Dallas Electric Light and Power Company, 191 3 — . SMITH, HARRY LEWIS, B. S., Agri., General Manager, Flint River Orchards Company, Brunswick Manor, R. 1, Albany, Ga. General Manager, Flint River Orchards Company, 1912 — . SMITH, NED, B. S., Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 215 Hum- boldt St., Manhattan, Kan. Postgraduate Student, K. S. A. C, 1913. STALLMANN, LULU ELISE, B. S., Teacher of Domestic Science: Hutchinson, Kan. (Home). Supervisor of Domestic Science and Art, Deming (New Mexico) Public Schools, 1912 — . STANLEY, WILLIAM EDWARD, B. S., C. E., Chairman on U. S. Land Survey-Examining, El Centro, Cal. Bridge Inspector, Wabaunsee County, Kansas, College Extension Department, 1912-'13; Chairman, U. S. Land Survey-Examining, El Centro. Cal., 1913 — . (STEPHENSON) OBER, LOTTIE GENEVA, B. S., H. E., House- wife, Columbus, Ohio. At Home, Clements, Kan., 19 12-' 14; Housewife, 1914 — . STORY, MARCIA, B. S., H. E., Teacher, Domestic Science, Abilene, Kan. SURBER, EVA MAY, B. S., H. E., Telephone Solicitor of Advertise- ments for Kansas City "Post," and Night-School Teacher, 1601 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Advertising Depart- ment of Kansas City "Post," 1912 — ; Teacher of Night School, Argentine High School, Kansas City, Kan., 1913 — . TANNER, CASSIE, B. S., 1025 Vattier St., Manhattan, Kan. TENNIS, OLIVE, B. S., At Home, R. 1, Chanute, Kan. (TERHUNE) McCALL, EDITH GRACE, B. S., H. E., Housewife, 917 Fremont St., Manhattan, Kan. Housewife, 1912 — . TERHUNE, ELLEN MAUDE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science in High School, Cheyenne Wells, Colo.; R. 10, Law- rence, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science, Cheyenne Wells (Colorado) High School, 1912-'13. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 257 TOMSON, WALTER EDWIN, B. S., Agri., Assistant in Dairy Hus- bandry, K. S. A. C, 904 Bluemont Ave., Manliattan, Kau. Assistant in Dairy Husbandry, K. S. A. C, 1912 — . TRUE, ALICE MARIE, B. S., H. E., Teacher in City Schools, 140y Fillmore St., Topeka, Kan. Teacher, City Schools, Topeki-, Kan., 1912 — . TUCKER, KATHERINE ANN, B. S.. H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science, State School for the Blind; 9 24 Bluemont Ave., Man- hattan, Kan. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science, State School for the Blind, 1912 — . TURNER, CHESTER FRANCIS, B. S., Employed in U. S. Gipsy Moth Parasite Laboratory, Melrose Highlands, Mass. Fruit Inspector, Kansas Entomological Commission, 1912; Graduate Student in Entomology, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass., 1913 — ; Employed in U. S. Gipsy Moth Para- site Laboratory, 1913 — . TURNER, MARY LEE, B. S., H. E., Teacher of Domestic Science, 5323 Pitt St., New Orleans, La. Assistant in Domestic Science, Peck School of Domestic Science, New Orleans, La., 1912 — . VALENTINE, EMMA V., B. S., H. E., Teacher, Flush, Kau. Teacher, 1912 — . VAN NORDSTRAND, ROBERT DANIEL, B. S., E. E., In Testing Department of General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 13 Eagle St.. Schenectady, N. Y. In Testing Department of General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., 1912 — . VAUGHN, EDGAR ALLEN, B. S., Teacher, Toronto, Kan. Student, Summer School, K. S. A. C; Teacher of Agriculture, Arkansas City, Kan. WALTHOUR, ROY L., B. S., M. E., Newton, Kan. WARD, WALTER GILLING, B. S., Arch., Instructor in Drawing, East Lansing, Mich. Instructor in Drawing, Michigan Agri- cultural College, East Lansing, Mich., 1912 — . (WARE) JOHNSON, VERA ARVENA, B. S., H. E., Housewife, White City, Kan. WATSON, CLARENCE W., B. S., Chemist, Pittsburg, Kan. Chemist, Sandusky Portland Cement Company, Dixon, 111.; Chemist, Altoona Portland Cement Company, North Altoona, Kan. WEAVER, FERN VENA, B. S., Wakefield, Kan. WEST, JAMES, B. S., Instructor in Chemistry and Agriculture, High School, 349 E. Main St., Ashland, Ore. Instructor in Chemistry and Agriculture, High School, Ashland, Ore., 1912 — . WHIPPLE, FLORENCE RILLA, B. S., H. E., Clerk in Office of State Live Stock Registry Board, 413 N. Eighteenth St., Man- hattan, Kan. At Home, 1912; Clerk in Office of State Live Stock Registry Board, Manhattan, Kan., 1913 — . WHITNEY. ALLEN HOMER, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, M s pa 258— KAXSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 259 Narka, Kan. Veterinarian, Narka, Kan., 1912 — . WILLIAMS, LOUIS COLEMAN, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, Tecumseli, Nebr. Employed in a California Orange Grove, four months; In the Employ of Chestnut Blight Commission, of Pennsylvania, two months; Student, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan.; Teacher of Agriculture, Tecumseli, Nebr. WILLIAMS, MARY CATHERINE, B. S., H. E., Teacher in High School, Stockton, Kan.; 410 E. Grove St., Bloomington, 111. (Home). Teacher of Domestic Science, Domestic Art, and Latin, Stockton (Kansas) High School, 1912 — . WILLOUGHBY, LUTHER EARLE, B. S., Teacher in High School, 1305 Loomis St., WMnfield, Kan. Instructor of Physics and Agriculture, Winfield (Kansas) High School, 1912 — . WILSON, MATILDA JANE, B. S.. Clerk in Extension Department, K. S. A. C, 1216 Vattier St., Manhattan, Kan. WITHINGTON, GEORGE EDNA, B. S., Teacher, Valley Falls, Kau. Graduate Student, Kansas State University, 1912-'lo; Teacher of History and Science, Valley Falls, Kan., 1913 — . WINGFIELD, SUSAN ELIZABETH, B. S., H. E., Teacher, Milo, Kan.; R. 2, Dwight, Kan. (Home). Teacher, Milo, Kan., 1912 — . WOLCOTT, LEROY BUSHNELL, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, 312 Glenolden Ave., Glenolden, Pa. Veterinarian, Biologi- cal Laboratory, H. K. Mulford Company, 1912 — . WOLFE, RAYMOND McKEE, B. S., E. E., Construction Engineer, 108 W. Sixty-first Street Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. Drafts- man and Engineer, Swift & Co., Kansas City, Kan., 1912 — . WOOD, HAROLD POPE, B. S., Agri., Live Stock Raiser and Farmer, Elmdale, Kan. Live Stock Raiser and Farmer, Elmdale, Kan., 1912 — . WREATH, NELLIE LUNETTE, B. S., H. E., At Home, R. 8, Man- hattan, Kan. At Home, Manhattan, Kan., 1912 — . YEAGER, ALBERT FRANKLIN, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agricul- ture, Crete, Nebr. Employee, Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Commission, 1912; Graduate Student and Student Assistant, Laboratory Classes, Horticultural Department, K. S. A. C, 1912-'13; At Home, Bazaar, Kan., 1913-'14; Teacher of Agri- culture, Crete, Nebr., 1914 — . YOUNG, GEORGE ASBURY, D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinarian, Syra- cuse, Nebr. Veterinarian, Syracuse, Nebr., 1912 — . ZIMMERMAN, JOHN HENRY, B. S., Draftsman, 1619 May St., Fort Worth, Texas. Draftsman for Swift & Co., 1912. 1913 ABBOTT, HATTIE JULIA. B. S., D. S., At Home, Manhattan, Kau. ADAMS, ELSIE, B. S., D. S., K. S. A. C, Assistant Librarian, Man- hattan, Kan. 260 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI ALDERMAN, MAX ERRETT, B. S., C. E., U. S. Reclamation Serv- ice, Palisades, Colo. ALDERMAN. WORTH, B. S., C. E., U. S. Reclamation Service, Palisades, Colo. ALLEN, RICHARD NELLA, B. S., E. E., Garver, Okla. ALLEN, RUTH EVANGELINE, B. S.. D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science in High School, Coldwater, Kan. ANDERSON, MAY MARIA, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Chase, Kan. APPLETON, ROY AUSTIN, B. S., Agri., Maplehill, Kan. ATKINS, DUDLEY, B. S., C. E., Riley County Surveyor, Manhattan, Kan. (AVERY) NORLIN, EDITH FLORENCE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, McCracken, Kan. BAKER, LEVI CLINTON, B. S., Agri., Fredonia, Kan. BALDWIN, GEORGIA KILBORN, B. S., D. S., Woodbine, Iowa. BALDWIN, RAYMOND A., B. S., Agri., Atchison, Kan. BAIRD, ROBERT ROY, B. S., M. E., Farmer, Riley, Kan. BARR, MILDRED, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Salina, Kan. BAXTER, WILLIAM CLYDE, B. S., M. E., Gas Engineer, Bartles- ville, Okla. BEAMAN, ALONZO PEARL, B. S., Agri., Macksville, Kan. BEAUCHAMP, WILBUR LEE, B. S., Teacher, Manhattan High School, Manhattan, Kan. BERRY, LUCILE REBECCA, B. S., Capper Publishing Company, Topeka, Kan. BLAIR, FRANK SCOTT, B. S., Sorghum-Syrup Manufacturing Company, Fort Smith, Ark. BLAKE, CHARLES HARRISON. B. S., C. E., New Ulysses, Kan. BLEVINS, RUTH, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Hois- ington, Kan. BOETTCHER, ERNEST FRIEDRICH, B. S., C. E., Winkler, Kan. BOHRER, RUFUS CLYDE, B. S., Agri., Parental Farm, Spokane, Wash. BONNETT, ROBERT KLINE, B. S., Agri., Nursery Foreman, Agronomy Department, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. BRANSON, DE HELLIK, B. S., Agri., Assistant in Animal Hus- bandry Department, State University, Fayettville, Ark. BRENNAN, LAURANCE EDWARD, B. S., Graduate Student in Chicago University, 836 N. Cass., Chicago, 111. BRETHOUR, LOLA, B. S., Teacher, Burden, Kan. BROWN, GEORGE WILEY, B. S., Agri., Teacher, Labette County High School, Altamont, Kan. BUCK, WALTER ALBERT, B. S., E. E., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, Manhattan. Kan. BURNHAM. HATTIE AMELIA, B. S.. D. S., Teacher, Lovewell, Kan. CAMPBELL, ROBERT PROFFITT, B. S., Attica, Kan. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 261 CARVIN, FLORENCE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science in High School, Wichita, Kan. CHRISTIE, LEWIS CAIE, B. S., Agri., Teacher, High School, Nickerson, Kan. COLLINS, MERLE DOLIN, B. S., Teacher of Agriculture, High School, Manhattan, Kan. COLVILLE, NEVA HELEN, B. S., D. S., Demonstrator for Layton Pure Food Company, East St. Louis, Mo. CONROW, LENA ADELLE, B. S., D. S., At Home, Manhattan, Kan. CORSANT, JESSE HARRISON, B. S., Fellowship in Pathology, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. COX, JENNIE LYNNE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. CROXTON, RUBY BELLE, B. S., D. S., At Home, 1350 S. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kan. DAVIDSON. AUBREY ELBERT, B. S., Teacher in High School, Hoi- ton, Kan. DAVIDSON, JOHN FULLER, B. S., Agri., 8 30 S. Lawrence, Wichita, Kan. DAVIS, CHARLES AMBROSE, B. S., Agri.. Teacher, High School, Scott City, Kan. DAVIS, RAY ROBERT, D. V. M., Vet. S., Practising Veterinary Medicine, Logan, Kan. DEITZ, FLORENCE LYDIA, B. S., D. S., At Home, 2747 Holly, Kansas City, Mo. DODGE, HARRY ELKINS, B. S., Agri., Assistant in Dairying, Hays, Kan. DRAKE, WILLIAM CLYDE, D. V. M., Vet. S., Practising Veterinary Medicine, 1016 Moro, Manhattan, Kan. DRYDEN, VICTOR VINCIL, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, High School, Mahnomen, Minn. DUNN, HARRIET ELLEN, B. S., At Home, Malta Bend, Mo. EMBREE, FLORENCE BAKER, B. S., D. S., Burlington, Kan. EMSLIE, EMMETT K., B. S., Director of Manual Training, Public Schools, Benson, Minn. ERICSON, ANNIE HATTIE, B. S., Lindsborg, Kan. PATE, LAURA MARGARET, B. S., D. S., Girard, Kan. FENTON, IRENE, B. S., D. S., At Home, Greeley, Colo. FINK, RAYMOND D., B. S., Arch., Construction Company, Preston, Iowa. FLINN, JENNIE IRENE, B. S., D. S., Mound City, Kan. FULLER, IVY ANN, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Art, Manhat- tan High School, "Manhattan, Kan. GILL. JOHN HAMILTON, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Manual Training in High School, Eureka, Kan. GILLISPIE. GEORGE SMITH, B. S., E. E., Westinghouse Company, Pittsburg, Pa. 262 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI GILMORE, BENJAMIN HARRISON, B. S., Agri., Eldorado, Kan. GILMORE, WALTER ELLSWORTH, B. S., Agri., Eldorado, Kan. GIVENS, EDITH LOIS, B. S., D. S., At Home, Manhattan, Kan. GOHEEN, ETHEL, B. S., D. S., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, 108 S. Juliette, Manhattan, Kan. GONTERMAN, MABEL MAYE, B. S., D. S., Glen Elder, Kan. GRAHAM, FRANK HILL, B. S., E. E., Westinghouse Company, Pittsburg, Pa. GRAPER, ELMER OSCAR, B. S., Agri., Eldorado, Kan. GRAYBILL, ELLA RUTH, B. S., D. S., Valley Center, Kan. GRIMES, ETHEL THEODORA, B. S., D. S., At Home, Greenwood, Mo. GRIMES, WALDO E., B. S., Agri., Farm Foreman, K. S. A. C, Man- hattan, Kan. GROVER, MYRTLE, B. S., D. S., At Home, Manhattan, Kan. GRUBE, LESTER E., B. S., M. E., Turbine Research Departmenc General Electric Company, 38 Baker St., Lynn, Mass. HAINES, HELEN, B. S., D. S., Graduate Student, K. S. A. C, Man- hattan, Kan. HALL, THEODORE ARTHUR, B. S., M. E., Construction Engineer- ing Work, Bartlesville, Okla. HAMILTON, CLYDE CARNEY, B. S., Assistant in Entomology De partment, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. HARRIS, JOHN, D. V. M., Vet. S., With Serum Company, Franklin, Ind. HARTWELL, OLIVE W., B. S., D. S., At Home, 1301 N. Wichita St., Wichita, Kan. HARTWIG, MARGUERITE, B. S., D. S., At Home, Goodland, Kan. HAWTHORNE, VERA WARE, B. S., D. S., At Home, Gypsum, Kan. HAYES, WILLIAM PATRICK, B. S., Assistant Entomologist, Experi- ment Station, K. S. A. C, Box 12 5, Winfield, Kan. HENDERSHOT, WILLIAM ALBERT, B. S., Agri., Teacher, Dickin son County High School, Chapman, Kan. HILSABECK, LYNNE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Phoenix, Ariz. HOAGLIN, CELIA CLAIRE, B. S., D. S., Phillipsburg, Kan. HOOVER, WALTER L., B. S., Agri., Canton, Kan. HOUGHTON, LURA BEATRICE, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Domestic Science, Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Ore. HOWELL, LELAND, D. V. M., Vet. S., Practising Veterinary Medi- cine, Lawrence, Kan. HOWENSTINE, IRWIN VERNARD, B. S., C. E., Winfield, Kan. HUNT, HARRY FRANK, D. V. M., Vet. S., Practising Veterinary Medicine, Lincoln Center, Kan. HUSTON, MARGARET ANNE, B. S., D. S., Atwood, Kan. HUTCHINSON, MULFORD MARION, B. S., C. E., Construction Engineering Work, A., T. & S. F., Chanute, Kan. KAySAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 263 HUTTO, LOUIS EDGAR, B. S., Teacher of Agriculture, Fairview, Kan. IPSEN, CARL LAURENCIOUS, B. S., E. E., Student Engineer, General Electric Company, 38 Baker St., Lynn, Mass. JAMES, WILLIAM GORDON, B. S., E. E., 38 Furman St., Schenec- tady, N. Y. JENSEN, LESLIE LEROY, B. S., E. E., Westinghouse Company, Pittsburg, Pa. JONES, ELMA SAGE, B. S., D. S., Barrett, Kan. JONES, JOSEPH CLARENCE, B. S., C. E., Enid, Okla. JONES, WILLIAM RAYMOND, B. S., Agri., Bookkeeper, Hoffman Milling Company, Enterprise, Kan. KEITH, ERNEST BAKER, B. S., M. E., Instructor in Mathematics, 316 W. Eighth St., Coffeyville, Kan. KEMPTON. JUANITA PAULINE, B. S., D. S., Enid, Okla. KENT, HARRY L., B. S., Agri., Dean of School of Agriculture, K. 3. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. KERR, RAYMOND, B. S., Arch., School of Forestry, Bottineau, N. Dak. KIMMEL, ROBERT RAY, B. S., M. E., Western Electric Company, Chicago, 111. KIRKPATRICK, GEORGE BURREL, B. S., Agri., Eureka, Kan. KIRKPATRICK, JOSEPH IRL, D. V. M., Vet. S., Inspector, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. KOLTERMAN, GEORGE WASHINGTON, B. S., Welda, Kan. KOLTERMAN, GRACE MATILDA, B. S., D. S., Welda, Kan. (KOLTERMAN) HOUK, PEARL ALICE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 1228 N. First St., East St. Louis, Mo. KREHBIEL, SAM AUGUST, B. S., Agri., Moundridge, Kan. LAMBERT, PERRY HERBERT, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Hiawath.^, Kan. LAWTON, EDNA ETHLYN, B. S., D. S., Cimarron, Kan. LEADLEY, THOMAS ARCHIBALD, B. S., Newspaper Work, Omaha, Nebr. LEECH, CHARLES A., B. S., E. E., Western Electric Company, Chicago, 111. LEWALLEN, DICK, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, Mitchell, S. Dak. LEWIS. FRANK CLARK, B. S., E. E., 505 E. Miami, Paola, Kan. LIMBOCKER, HAZEL VIOLA, B. S., D. S., At Home, 320 Leaven- worth, Manhattan, Kan. LINT, REVA E., B. S., D. S., Teacher, Concordia, Kan. (LOGAN) KERNOHAN, ANNIE E., B. S., D. S., Housewife, Nash- ville, Kan. LOOMIS. FRED HERBERT, B. S., K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. LUDINGTON, CLYDE, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, Craig, Mo. 264 RECORD OF THE ALUiMNl LYMAN, GERTRUDE ANNA, B. S., D. S., At Home, 503 N. Juliette, Manhattan, Kan. LYONS, JOHN, B. S., Kansas City, Kan. LYONS, THOMAS DANIEL, B. S., Teacher in High School, Wathena, Kan. McCALL, PAY ELISHA, B. S., Arch., Teacher of Drawing, Agricul- tural and Mechanical School, Honolulu, Hawaii. McFADDEN, HENRY WILSON, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Burlington, Kan. McNALL, PRESTON ESSER, B. S., Agri., Fellow in Soils, Agronomy Department, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. MANGELSDORF, BERTHA WILHELMINA, B. S., D. S., Seneca, Kan. MARTIN, EARL WALDO, B. S., Teacher of Manual Training and Agriculture in High School. MATHERS, EPHA ESTELLA, B. S., D. S., Grinnell, Kan. MICHAELS, ETHEL LEOTA, B. S., D. S., Osawatomie, Kan. MILLER, MYRTLE AUGUSTA (BOWER), B. S., D. S., Housewife, Lakeview, Cal. MONTFORD, ARTHUR HIRAM, B. S., Agri., Teacher in High School, Paola, Kan. MOSS, PRANK EDWARD, B. S., E. E., Allis-Chalmers Company, Milwaukee, Minn. MOSS, LEROY DAVID, B. S. MOSSMAN, DENNIS FLEET, B. S., Agri., Maplehill, Kan. MYERS, ELMER BARRETT, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Hutchinson. Kan. (MYERS) DROGE, HELEN MATTIER, B. S., D. S., Housewife, 876 Billings St., Springfield, Mo. NEIMAN, CHARLES MARION, B. S., Arch., Teacher of Manual Training, Camos Prairie, Mont. NELSON, GLENN ELMER. D. V. M., Vet. S., Veterinary College, St. Joseph, Mo. NEWKIRK, CLARE SPARKS, B. S., Agri., Farmer. Geneseo, Kan. NICOLAY, JAMES ARTHUR, B. S., C. E., Santa Fe Railway Com- pany,' Newton, Kan. NIXON, LUCY EDNA, B. S., D. S., At Home, Eureka, Kan. (NONAMAKER) CARLSON, IDA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Manhat- tan, Kan. (NONAMAKER) McCULLOUGH, MAUD, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Manhattan, Kan. NORLIN, ALBERT V., B. S., Agri., McCracken, Kan. NORMAN, ZOE, B. S., D. S., Helena, Okla. NORTHRUP, IDA MAE, B. S., D. S., San Gabriel, Cal. NORTON, RAMONA LOUISE, B. S., D. S., 603 W. Adams St., Creston, Iowa. OLINGER, RAYMOND FRANKLIN, B. S., Agri., Lafontaine, Kan. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 265 OLSEN, HENRY HERMAN, D. V. M., Vet. S., Student, Kansas State University, Lawrence, Kan. OSHEL, OMER IVO, B. S., Agri., Student in Dairying, State Univer- sity, Columbia, Mo. PARKER, HOWARD OTTO, B. S., E. E., Denver Gas and Electric Company, Denver, Colo. PAYNE, GLADYS MARY, B. S., D. S., Indianapolis, Ind. PERRILL, DALE MORRISON, B. S., M. E. (PERRY) SEATON, MELVA GAY, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Manhat- tan, Kan. PETERSON, LAURA VICTORIA, B. S., D. S., Thayer, Kan. PETTIT, HENRY CLAUDE, B. S., Agri., Farmer, Harrison, Ark. POLLOM, LESTER BOYD, B. S., Teacher of Agriculture, Burling- ton, Kan. PRAY, ETHLYN PEARL, B. S., D. S., Registrar's Office, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. PRICE, MAGGIE, B. S., D. S., Halstead, Kan. PRIEST, INA PRANK, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Janeau, Alaska. RANNELLS, HELEN EDNA, B. S., D. S., At Home, Manhattan, Kan. REDDEN, ENID ALZINE, B. S., D. S., Assistant Librarian, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. REES, FRED THOMAS, B. S., Agri., Teacher, Brooten, Minn. RENTSCHLER, CHRISTINE, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Moline, Kan. REXROAD, LEO WAYNE, B. S., C. E., Santa Fe Railway Company, Chanute, Kan. ROBBINS, FLOYD JOE, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture, Port Arthur, Texas. ROBINSON, LYNN ALAN, B. S., Arch., Architect's Office, Kansas City, Mo. ROOT, ADDIE DORRITT, B. S., D. S., Port Arthur, Texas. ROWLEY, MADGE CATHERINE, B. S., D. S., Neodesha, Kan. RUCKER, NEIL LEWIS, B. S., Agri., Burdett, Kan. RUMBEL, VERNA MAE, B. S., D. S., Oswego College, Oswego, Kan. SANDERS, ELBRIDGE GALE, B. S., M. E., Power Plant Construc- tion Work, Manhattan, Kan. SCHIERECK, CATHERYN MARY, B. S., D. S., At Home, Dighton, Kan. SCHILLING, MRS. MARY H. LOVE, B. S., D. S., Sedro Valley. Wash. SCHULTZ, MARGARET WASHBURN, B. S., D. S., Teacher of Do- mestic Science, Cherokee, Okla. SCHUSTER, WILLIAM ARTHUR, B. S., M. E., 423 Rebecca Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. SCHWAB, BERTHA RUEGG, B. S., D. S., At Home, Clifton, Kan. SCNEDER. ELMER, B. S., M. E., General Electric Company, Cicero, 111. SCOTT, MARGHERITA, B. S., D. S., At Home, Arkansas City, Kan. 266 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI SHELBY, LULA, B. S., D. S., St. Louis Public Sclaools, St. Louis, Mo. SIMONS, MAE, B.' S., D. S., Wisconsin. SKINNER, JOSEPHINE EDYTHE, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Fairview, Kan. SMIES, ERNEST HANNA, B. S., Agri., U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Tyler, Texas. SMITH, RALPH BRUNT, B. S., C. E., Watts American Paving Com- pany, Eureka, Kan. SMITH, STANLEY ALBERT, B. S., Arch., Assistant in Architecture and Drawing, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. (SMITH) HUNTER, SUSIE LOUISE, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Man- hattan, Kan. SMITH, VESTA, D. S., D. S., Stenographer, Extension Department, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. (SPANIOL) SCHLAEPLI, CLARA, B. S., D. S., Housewife, Schenec- tady, N. Y. SPIER, CHARLOTTE LOUISE, B. S., D. S., Ellis, Kan. • SPRINGER, EARL, B. S., Gaylord, Minn. SPRINGER, TWYLIAH OPAL, B. S., D. S., Graduate Student, Man- hattan, Kan. STAHL, ELMER GUY, B. S., E. E., Foreman, Lighting Plant, To- peka, Kan. (STODDARD) TURNER, LYDA RUTH, B. S., D. S., Hyattsville, Md. STONE, VIRGIL DAVID, B. S., E. E., Denver Gas and Electric Com- pany, Denver, Colo. STRAIN, CHARLES DAYTON, B. S., E. E., Phillipsburg, Kan. SWANSON, RICHARD OLLIE, B. S., Agri., Teacher of Agriculture. Sherhorn, Minn. SWINGLE, LEONHARDT, B. S., Agri., Experiment Station, Tucson, Ariz. TAYLOR, IRA EARL, B. S., C. E., Santa Fe Railway Company, Chanute, Kan. TERRILL, ALICE EDNA, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Stewart, Iowa. TRUESDELL, BERNICE, B. S., D. S., Teacher, Formoso, Kan. TRUESDELL, BERTHA, B. S., D. S., At Home, Lyons, Kan. TURNER, ETHEL, B. S., D. S., Tonganoxie, Kan. VANDERWILT, ETHEL NELLIE, B. S., Agri., Assistant, Animal Husbandry Department, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, Kan. VAN NOY, KATHERYN FLORENCE, B. S., D. S., Lexington, Mo. VOHRINGER, JOHN ALEXANDER, B. S., Agri., Foreman of Ranch, Albany, Ga. WALTERS, ELSMERE JOE, B. S., Arch., Draughtsman, Wyatt -, '98 Browning, James C. '10 Browning, Walter R., '89 Brunkei", William Adam, '11 Bryant, Virgil C, '09 Buchheim, Walter August, '11 Buchli, Bartholomew, '84 Buck, Con Morrison, '96 Buck, Meta Evalina. '12 Buckman, Ruby Mildred, '08 Buell, Thomas Warner, '04 Bull, Elmer A., '08 Bundy, David E., '89 Burson, Charles J., '01 Burt, Harvev A.. '05 Burt, Maye, "11 Burtis. Francis Charles, "91 Burtis. Walter J. G.. '87 (Burtner) Potter, Eva Maggy, '05 (Burtner) Sargent, Nellie, '00 Bushev, Glenn A., '10 Butterfleld, Earl Carver. '98 Butterfleld. Howard Frank, '01 Butterfleld, Joseph Abbott, '99 Buzard, Benjamin Franklin, '12 (Cain) Weiss, Emma M., '02 Caldwell, Fred Wallace, '07 Caldwell, Ralph Elmer, 'OS Caldwell, Ralph Morris, '11 Call, Lewis W., 'S3 Callen, Speer Woodson. '12 Calvin, John H., '84 Calvin, John Willard, '06 Campbell, Charles Albert, '91 Campbell, Edith Blanche, '12 (Campbell) Robinson. Emilv M., '71 (Campbell) Blain, Etta, '79 Campbell. Frank A., '90 Campbell, George Lewis, '11 (Campbell) Thurston, Stella, '06 Campbell, Will Ward. '06 Canfield, Georgia L., '12 Carle, Ray Arthur, '05 (Carleton) Murphy, Etta, '10 (Carleton) Doane, Margaret Isap- hene, '96 Carleton, Mark A.. 'S7 Carlson. Anna Wilhelmina. '09 Carlson, Torje, '06 Carlson, Walter William, 'OS Carnahan, August Belmont, '05 (Carnahan) Cole, Nannie, '12 (Carnell) Roe, Mary Frances, '97 Carpenter, Florence, '09 Carr, Clifford Hart, '11 Carr, Henry Webb, '11 Case, Frances Louise Wilt, '12 Case, Lulu Lucy. '11 Case. S. Irene, '11 Case, Thomas Arthur, '12 Cassel, Charles E., '10 Cassel, Sarah Elizabeth, '09 Cassell, Albert Francis, '05, '07 Cassell, Robert Archer, '07 Castle, Clara Francelia, '94 Cave, Wavne Bea. '08 274 RECORD OF THE ALUM XI CavenauKh. William Aniiesley, '96 Chaffee. Spencer Norman. '91 Challender. Ralph Thompson. 'OS Champlin, Floyd Adelljert. '02 Chandler. Berta Lorena. '12 Chandler, Charles Asa. '00 Chandler. Howard McCune. '03 Chase, Elijah Ellis. '02 Chase. William Burns. '97 Cheadle, Frank E., '97 Cheney, James Hamilton. '0(i. '07 Cheney, Julia Eleanor, "11 (Child) Carroll. Ella S., '77 Chitty, Joseph Griffith, '05 Christensen. Esther Evangeline, 'OS Christensen, Fredericlv W'alde- mar, '00 Christensen, George I^uther, '94 Christensen, John Cornelius, '94 Christian, Robert Vernon, '11 Christie, George Sidney, '09 Clark, Charles Howard, '02 Clark. Clement G.. '88 Clark, Edgar P., '74 Clark, Grace Maria, '92 Clark, Roy H., '07 Clark, Stanley Penrhyn, '12 Clarke. David Charles. '12 Clarke, l.ee S.. '07 Cla-rke. Thomas E.. '10 (Clemmons) Steffy, Lillian, '10 Clemons, Lorena Estella, '94 Clemons, L. Ethel. '05 Clothier. George Lj.. '92 Clothier. Robert Waitman. '97 Cobb, Alexander C, '88 (Cobb) Clark, Mattie, '88 Cobb, Samuel S., '89 Coblentz, Luther James, '12 Coburn, Clay Ephrain, '91 (Coburn) Jessup, Gertrude, '91 (Coburn) Tomson, Tina Louise, '91 (Cockrell) Daniels, Edna E., '09 Coe, Maude Mildred, '02 Coe, William Arthur, '96 Coffman, Edith Ellen, '06 (Coffman) Roberts, Ethel Ruth. '10 Coffman. Joseph Henry. '11 Coldwell. William Irving, '06 Cole, Amy, '07 Cole, Clark Stewart, '04 Cole, Harry L., '12 (Cole) Wilson, Mary Margaret, '05 Cole, Murrav Stanley, '02 Cole, Robert Curtise, '02 Coleman, Roy David, '11 Colliver, Andrew D., '05 Colliver, Mary P., '05 Combs, Stanley Arno. '12 Conner. Claude S., '09 (Conner) Snodgrass. Gertrude Matilda. '05 (Conner) Hartman. Minnie Faye, '10 Conner. W. Archie, '06 Conover, John Alfred, '98 Conrad, Burton Wesley, '95 Conwell, Hermon H., '07 (Conwell) Thoburn. Rachel Gal- lic. '91 Cook, Edwin Charles, '01 Cook, Ernest Mansel, '00 Cook, Ida E. (Thompson), '07 Cook, Louis (jraham, '09 Cooke, Edgar Raymond, '12 Cooley, Jerome Earl, '07 Coolev, Ralph Andrew, '12 Cooley, Ruth, '06 Coons, M. Marie, '09 (Cooper) Zimmerman, Allen Elliza- beth, '07 Cooper, John Ralph, '12 (C^ooper) Dial, Katherine, '08 Copeland, Bernard C, '07 Copeland, Minnie Laura, '98 (Copley) Buckholtz, Margaret, '09 Coplev, Marv, '06 Corbett, Florence Ruth, '95 Corbin. De Verne E.. '0.3 Corey. William A.. '84 Corlett. Christine Mossman, '91 Correll, Charles McLain, '00 Correll, James A., '0,3 (Correll) Uhl, Maggie A., '97 Correll. Willitt Ransom. '99 Cory, Victor Louis, '04 (Cotton) Smith, Charlotte Mabel, '96 Cotton. Mary li-ene, '11 Cottrell, Amos T^uther, '03 Cottrell, Ernest Lerned, '99 Cottrell. Henry M.. '84 (Cottrell) Nelson. Jennie Pearl, '04 (Cottrell) Pottorf. Lucy Maria. '9S Cottrell. Martha Amelia. '94 (Cottrell) Pavne, Mary Emmeline, '91 (Cottrell) Stiles, Nellie E., '87 (Cottrell) ^Vright, Sarah Esther, '94 Coulson, Ernest Brown, '96 Courier, Forrest Leslie, '05 Cowan, Winifred Elizaljeth, '11 Cowell, Minnie H.. '8S (Bowles. Bertha, '05 Cowles, Edgar Andrew, '07 Cowles, Ethel. '07 Cowles, Ina Foote, '01 (Z'owles, May Louise '12 (Cox) Kregar, Lizzie R., '80 Coxen, James R., '07 Cozine, Merton Leroy, '12 (Cranford) Sloan, Ida, '82 Cranston, Arthur Fulton, '90 Crawford, Lottie Irene, '02 Creager, Phil Sheridan, '91 Creager, Sid Henry, '95 Cree, Reva Violet, '10 Cress. Alverta May, '94 Cress, Fannie Jane, '94 (Z'riger, Maud Rae, '12 Criner, Lillian Clyde, '92 Cripps, Edward V., '82 (Criss) Correll, Ella, '04 Crisswell, Walter E., '12 Crisswell, Judson H., 'S9 C'ron, Alexander B., '08 (Cross) Rhodes, Wilma Greene, '04 Crouse, Oscar C, '11 (Crow) Tinkham, Ida Myrtle, '10 Croyle, George Samuel, '11 (Crump) Ames, Elsie Emeline. 95 (Crump) McCauley. Mabel, '97 Cudney. Everett William, '07 Cudney, Herman L., '09 Cummings, Charles William, '05 Cunningham, Claude Carroll, '03 Cunningham, Jules Cool, '05 KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 275 Cunning-ham. Mamie Grace, '05 (Cunningham) Hollowav, Marg-a- ret Ruth, "07 Cunningham. Sol Wliitney, 'OS Currie, Jennie Maud, '00 Curtis. Edwin McMaster Stanton, '9.S (Dahl) Davis, Anna Magdalena, '98 Dahl, Inga Josephine, '98 (Dahl) Turner, Trena, '01 Dale. Fannie Rachel Kllen. '01 (Dallas) Gore, Ivon LaVergne, '10 Dalton, Winifred Anna, '06 (Daly) Burtis, Corinne I^ouise, '93 Daniels, J'ames Scott, '09 Darnall, Harry A., '92 Darrah, Tom Jones, '12 Daughters, Curtis Lynn, '09 Davies, David Thomas, '95 Davies, Sarah ICmily, '02 (Davies) Oman, Susan, '10 Davis, Bertha Mae, '11 Davis, Charles Ernest, "06 (Davis) Aicher, Edith Nellie, '06 (Davis) Stringfleld, Eliza Z., '73 Davis, Guy R., '05 Davis, John, '90 Davis, John E., '74 Davis, Kary Cadmus, '91 Davis. Leon Milehame. '09 (Davis) Ahearn, Mary E., '04 Davis, Percy Grover, '11 Davis, Rov Ira, '12 Davis, Thomas Clarke, '91 Davis. William DeOzro. '04 Davis, William L., '07 Davison, Mallei Ethel, '10 Davison, Wilbur Sumner, '10 Dawley, Frank Andrew, '95 (Day) McDowell. Daisy, '95 (Day) Barnett, Flora. '95 (Day) .Tones. Laura Greeley. '93 Dean, George Adam. '95 I>earborn. Charles Sumner, '04 Dea'.'born, Edgar Hamilton, '10 Deaver, Bernice Ada, '08 Deaver, Harlan, '10 DfKver, Ruby Fae. '09 (Deibler) Obeihelraiin. Minnie Estellii,'(5 Deit:'. Albert. S5 (Dcnison) Whedon. Ellen Fran- ces. '71 Denison. Henry L.. '67 Dcnnian. Earl Watson, '12 Dcnntier, Alexander H., '07 l>ern. Harry Leroy, '00 Derr, Hon.er, '00 Dill, Percy E., '07 Limbocker, Myron Arthur. '95 Lindsay, Nellie Easter, '12 Linn, Martlia Evaline, '12 Linscott Frank MuUett. '91 Linsev, R. Fred, '07 Lint, Henrv Clay, '11, '12 Little, Bessie Belle, '91 (Little) MacEwan, E. Ada. '86 (Little) Dobbs, Nellie P., '90 Livingston, Franl-c B., '12 (Lock) Noble, Bessie May, '98 Locke, Erma Elizabetli. '01 Lofinck, Reuben E.. '75 Logan, Daniel Andrew, '05 Logan. Edward A.. '05. '09 Logan. George M., '02 Long, Carl C, '08 Long. Olive, ^98 Long, Ross, '99 (Long) Strauss, Sue, '96 Loomis, Alice Marie, '04 Loomis. George W., '04 Losh, Albert Richard, '10 Lowrance. Lillian May, '10 Lovd, Roland, '10 Lyman, Charles W., '96 (Lyman) Hall, Gertrude May, '97 (Lyman) Weaver, Laura Lillian, '06 (Lyman) Otis, Mary Eliza, '94 Lvness, Charles Enoch, '12 (Lyon) Benner. DeNell Gilbert, '11 Lvon, Thomas Eddv, '93 Lyon, William Otis, '93 Lumb, John Wallace, '10 Lund. Jacob. '83 Lungren. Mabel Exie. '11 Lupfer. James A., '07 McAninch, Otto Meade, '02 McCall, William Thomas, '08 McCampbell, Charles Wilbur, '06, '10 (McCartney) Born, Rhoda C '05 (McCartv) Coats, Amanda Culp, •00 McCaslin. Harvey, '01 280 HE CORD OF THE ALUMNI McCauley. Charles Dwin. '96 McCheyne. Gertrude Muriel. '09 McClaskev, Edwin Louis, '07 McClung. John R., '10 McClure, Frank Donald, '11 McColloch. James Walker, '12 McConnell. Charles S.. '78 McConnell, Fave Gertrude, '08 McCoy, John E., '09 (McCoy) Cover, Nellie Reeder, '05 McCoy, Rose Margaret, '03 McCov, William Ross, '12 McCray, J. Myron, '09 McCray, Minnie Vergie, '11 (McCray) Fry. Viva Margaret, '12 McCrea, McLeod Wilson, '93 (McCreary) Vohringer, Ire ne Sophia, '12 McCrone, Edwin William, '03, '07 McCrone, Sara Grace. '04 McCullough, William Andrew, '9S (McCurrv) Walker, N. Ollie, 'GO McDonald, Ethel, '07 McDonald. Eula Delpha, '12 McDonald, M. Edwin, '12 (McDonald) Thayer, Nellie Evan- geline, '91 McDonald. Scott Roger. '12 (McDonald) Pyle. Vera Alta, '04 McDowell, David Collins, '91 McDowell, George G.. '00 McDowell, James Laird, '92 McDowell. John Earl. '11 McDowell, Rose Edith, '93 McDowell, Samuel Alexander, '95 McFadden, Bert Jay. '11 Mcllvaine. Robert A.. '92 McKee, Clvde. '10 McKee. Roland. '00 (McKeeman) Birch. Olive R.. '08 (McKeen) Kipp, Ethel Olive, '08 (McKeen) Smith, Laura Sarah, '95 (McKeen) Axelton, Madge Ruth. '01 McKenzie. John Alexander, '01 McKenzie. Mabel Mortier. '10 McKinnie. Jessie Estelle. '12 (McLaren) Scott. Nettie, '00 McLaughlin, William J.. '87 McLean. Harry Charles. '08 McLenon. Henry Alexander, 'OS McNall, Preston Essex, '09 (McNutt) Davis, Cora E., '06 McRae. Alma, '06 McWilliams. Samuel A., '10 Mack, Albert John, '12 MacLeod, Martha Mae, '10 (Maelzer) Gilson, Amelia Augusta. '02 (Maelzer) Haise. Louisa Mary, '99 Maelzer, Valentine. '97 Magill. Edmund Charles. '12 (Mails) Coons. Mattie E., '82 Mallon, Carl Edward, '07 Manalo, Vincente G., '08 (Manchester) Allison, Inez Isa- dore. '98 (Manly) Williams. Kate Anna, '99 Manny, Karl C, '10 Manshardt, Charles L., '10 March, Eleanor, '09 Marlatt, Abbv L., '88 Marlatt, Charles L., '84 Marlatt, Frederick A., '87 Maroney, George Eugene, '12 Marshall. Phillip Edward. '08 Martin, Albert Edward, '91 Martin. Earl Harrison, '12 Martin. Ellsworth Thomas. "90 Martin. Ethel Madge. '08 Martin. Florence Adelia. '98 Martin, Henry Alba, '98 Martin, John Edward, '09 Martin. John Z.. '11 Martinson. George, '01 Marty, Charles Sumner. '96 Marty, Frieda E.. '05 (Marty) Lawson. Jessie Lou. 'OS Masheter, Roy, '10 (Mason) Cotey, Dalinda, '81 Mason, Kirk P.. '04 Mason, Silas C, '90 Masters, Claude, '99 (Mather) Romine, Margaret Myr- tle, '02 Matherly, Ernest Wilson, '06 Mathewson, Walter E., '01 Matthews, Howard David, '04 Matthews. Vernon. '04 Maus. Chester Arthur. '04 Maxwell. Henry Greenleaf. '06 Mav. George Parkinson. '11 May, John M., '10 Maybach, Fred Christian. '11 Mayer, Frederick Herman, '09 Meade, Virginia Lee, '09 Mecke, Vincent, '10 Meenen. Peter J.. "09 (Meguire) Sheldon. Katie I.. '83 Melton, Alice Maude, '98 Melton. George Lane, '93 Menke, George Gerkein, '9S Meyer, Ella M., '07 Meyer, Frederick Hugo, '97 Mever, Richard, '05 Mickel, Louis B., '10 Midgley, Alfred, '91 Milham, James Arthur. '07 Miller, Edwin Darrah Carlisle, '12 (Miller) Cook, Emma Maude. '01 Miller, Frederick Carl. '07 Miller. Josephine Caroline. '11 Miller, Virgil Emmitt. '12 Miller, Winona Gertrude, '11 Milliken, Francis Burzlev. '09 Mills. Alonzo A.. '89 Milner. Madeleine Wade. '91 Milner. Paul Chambers. '91 (Minis) Snodgrass, M a r g- aret Jane, '01 Minis. Mary Frances. '98 Mitchell, Jessie Coulter. '11 Mitchell. Robert Andrew. '11 Mitchell. Robert Bertice. '99 Mivawaki Atsushi. '07 Moffatt. George A.. '08 Momyer. Harry H.. '08 (Monroe) Stevens. Julia Anna. '01 Monsch. Helen. '04 Montgomery. Charles Dudley. '00 Montgomery. Joseph Shaw. '07 Moore. Celia Caroline. '12 Moore, Harry Elbridge, '91 Moore, Leona Estel, '07 (Moore) Dakin, Mae, '98 (Moore) Foster, Sarah, '94 Moore, William C, '88 Moore, William David, '12 Moore. "W^illiam Henry. '94 Moorhead. Ivan Arch. '12 Moorman. Bessie. '12 Moorman. Claude, '09 Moorman. Ross. '09 Morgan, Arthur Houston, '96 KANSAS STATE AGBICULTUBAL COLLEGE 281 Morgan. Clarence William, '01 Morgan, Edward Allen, '07 Morgan, Eugene Lawrence, '01 Morlan. Fred Byers, '00 Morlan. Samuel Erwin, '04 Morris, Clara King, '11 Morris, Grace, '09 Morris, Hurd T.. '10 Morris, Margaret Doii, '11 Morris, Maria, '11 Morrison, Orr O., 'OS Morrow, Effie May, '09 Morse, John Oti.s, '91 Morse, Theo Wattles, '95 Morse, Wilton L.. '90 Morton, Caroline, '06 Morton, Charlotte Augusta, 'OS Morton, Flora Harriette, '11 (Morton) McKeen, Stell, '12 Morwick, Elizabeth Lovinia, '09 Moseley, Margaret Ethel, '09 Moseley, Robert Clay, '11 Moses, Mary E., '87 Moss, William Alfred, '12 Mossman, Dennis Fleet, '12 (Mudge) Houser, Bessie A., '03 (Mudge) Thompson, Eusebia De- Long, '93 (Mudge) EUing, Mary, '05 (Mudge) Dimock, Ruth Atwill, '01 Mulford, Effie Jane, '12 Mullen, Roger Bonner, '02 > Munger, Edna Anna, 'OS Munger, Lewis J., '05 Munger, Mvra May, '12 Murphy, Charles A., '87 Murphy, Nellie J., '85 (Murphy) Hudson, Verda Ellen, '06 Murray, Jacob Michael, '08 Musser, Karl Bryant, '12 Mustard, Jessie May, '01 Myers, Hazel Helen, '12 (Myers) Wermelskirchen. Velma Pearl, '11 Myers, Wirt S., '81 Myszka, Charles, '11 Nash, Albert Marvin, '04 Nauman, Orville, '11 Needham, J. Dana, 'S3 (Needham) Carter, Jennie June, '99 Needham, Lucy, 'OS, '11 (Neiman) Ramsey, Ruth Emma, '06 Neiswender, Lincoln H., '84 Nelson, Ellen Eustina, '11 Nelson, Selina Emelia, '12 Nevins, Clarence G., '07 Newacheck, Franklin W., '10 (Newell) Brandt, Clara Verena, 96 (Newell) Hatch, Nora, '93 Newell, Sherman Bodwell, '97 Newland, Jessie, '12 Newland, Rosa N., '06 Newman, Albert E., '90 (Nichols) Dearborn, Gladys Irene, '10 Nichols, Ernest F., '88 Nichols, Floyd Bruce, '12 (Nichols) Donohoo, Harriet Grace, '9S Nichols, Jessie, '12 Nichols, Roscoe Townley, '99 Nichols, Schuyler, '98 (Nichols) Eshelman. Susan W., '89 Nicholson, James Morton, '12 Nicholson. Rachel Gertrude, '05 Nicolay, Josie Ellen, '12 (Nicolet) Cron. Bessie Minerva. '07 Nielsen. Harold Theodore. '03 NiemoUer, August Fred, '93 (Nitcher) Sowers. Martha. '01 Nixon, Ivan Luther, '03 Nixon, Laura Belle, '11 Noble, Oliver, Ezra, '97 Noel, Guv D., '09 Noel, Harry M., '12 Norbv, Oscar Marion, '12 Norlin, John W., '09 (Norton) Adams, Ellen Elizabeth, '96 Norton, Jesse Baker, '97 Norton, John Bitting Smith, '96 (Norton) Poison, Mary Augusta, '97 (Norton) Vicksberg, Virgi n i a Viola, '04 Noyes, Arthur L., 'S5 Noyes, Fanny Gertrude, '99 Noyes, Hattie May, '91 Noyes, Susie Amanda, '93 Nygard, Jens, '05 Nvstrom, Amer B., '07 Oakley, Russell Arthur, '03 Oblefias, Victor F., '09 , O'Brien, Edith Blanche, '11 O'Brien, Harold Dale. '11 (O'Daniel) Amos, Anna Louella, '03 (O'Daniel) Scott, Mary Lorena, '04 Odle, James Francis, '94 Oesterhaus, John H., '01 Ogilvie, Valerie Almina, '12 (Oldham) Sisson, Katherine, '92 Olin, Walter H., 'S9 Olsen, Ole J., '07 Olson, Bertha Olivia, '97 Olson, Carl Emanuel, '11 (Olson) Axelton. Hilda Sophia, '97 Oman, Andrew Edward, '00 Oman, Harry G. F., '07 Oman, Victor Emanuel, '09 Oneel, Carrie Belle, '01 Orem, Wilma, '10 Orr, Burton Sylvester, '07 Orr, Harry Delphos, '99 Orr, William Mails, '10 Osburn, David Bethol, '11 Osburn, Walter M., '11 Oskins, Myrtle, '09 Osmond, Lawrence, '11 Ostlund, Arthur J.. '10 Ostlund, Ephraim Andrew. '12 Otevza, Mauricio Julian, '10 Otis, Daniel Henry, '92 Otten, Oscar Albert, '95 Otto, Dora M., '11 Otto, Henry, '06 Owens, George Washington, '99 Paddleford, Eli M.. '89 Paddleford. Glenn Decatur. '12 (Paddleford) MeFadden. Hattie A., '96 (Paddock) Hess, Kate, '00 (Painter) Desmarias, Carrie Vashti, '99 (I'ainter) Rogers, Mary Kerilla, '96 Painter, William Hackworth, '95 (Palmer) Thackrev, Elva Luthera, '96 Palmer, Hope Olive, '10 (Palmer) Barrows. Inez Luella, '96 Palmer, Orlando G., '87 Pancake. Clara, '03 282 BECORD OF THE ALU31N1 Pancake, Joseph Lloyd, 'ou Pape, Charles Wesley, '95 Parke, Hazel Maxwell. '11 Parker. Frank L., 'SO (Parker) Perry, Grace. '80 Parker, Ivan Bryan, '92 Parker, James Oliver, '09 Parker, Louis B., '87 Parker, Thomas Thornton, '11 (Parkinson) Moyer. Fannie, '96 Parks. Frank Thomas. '10 Parks. Lucy Junie, '98 Parrack. Albert William. '00 Parry. William Theodore. '12 Parsons. Helen Tracy. '11 Parsons, Mary Russell. '11 Patten. Ernest Byron. '98 (Patten) Ames. Ethel, '95 Patten, John Vernon. '95 Pattison. Floyd. '12 (Paulsen) Pickett. Nell, '05 Payne, Edith B.. '12 Payne. James E., '87 Payne, John Howard, '09 Peachy, Vernon D., '09 Peairs, Leonard Marion, '05 Pearce, Julia R., '90 Pearson, Charles Randolph, '94 Pearson. Milton Leroy. '11 Peck, Archie Carpenter, '96 Peck, Ella Emerson, '99 Petvk, George C. '84 (Peck) Berry, Hattie L.. '84 Peck, Russell John, '97 Peck, Seward N., '87 (Peckham) Cordry, Allie S., '82 Peckham, John J., '06 Pelham, Jesse Leroy, '07 Pellett, Henry Learner, '93 Pellette, Dudley, '12 Pendon, Claro, '09 Penn, Kate Maria, '11 Pennington. Harold Albert. '09 (Perkins) ftloodv. Elenore. '00 (Perkins) Myers. Edith. '00 Perrill, Laurence Todd, '12 Perrin, Arthur Alexander Ray- mond, '08 (Perry) Hill. Celoa Alice. '03 Perry. Edward H.. '86 (Perry) Thomas. C. Jeanette. '98 Peter. Arthur Louis, '96 Peters, Clara Marguerite. '11 Peterson, Charles John, '93 Peterson, John Buell, 'OS Peterson. William Oscar. '97 (Pfuetze) Julian, Anna C, '99 Pfuetze, Carl Frederic, '93 Pfuetze, Emil C, '90 (Pfuetze) Samuel, Emilie Matilda, '98 (Philbrook) Jones, Eva Louise, '97 Philbrook, Rufus M., '97 Philips, Allen Griffith, '07 Phillips, Bertha Ellen, '11 Phillips. Kenneth W., '12 Phipps. William Henrv, '95 Pickett. Luther B.. '05 Pierce, Edwin William, '12 Pierce, John Martin, '98 Pierce, Marcia, 'OS Piersol, Paul du Challu, '00 Pincomb, Charles Edwin, '96 (Pincomb) Moats, Mary Josephine, '96 Pincomb, Helena Maude, '01 Pingree, Guy Giles, '12 Pitman, Charles Beryl, '10 I'ittman, Martha S.. '06 I'ittman, Tom Lawrence, '04 I'latt, George S., '78 Piatt, H. Augustus. '86 Piatt, Lucy W., '12 Piatt, Robert M., '10 I'lumt), Bertha Lunett, '11 Points, John J., '67 Pond, Raymond Haines, '98 Poole, Bryant, '01 Poole, Grover, '02 Poole, John, '96 Poole, William, '98 I^ope, Horace Gershom, '94 Pope, Warner S.. '92 Pope. Willis Thomas. '98 Popenoe. Charles Holcomb, '05 Popenoe, Hubert L., '09 Porter, Harrison E., '07 Porter, Lulu Moore, '09 (Poston) Groves, Adeline, '07 Potter, George Percival, '07 Potter, Luther Eugene, '00 Potter, Percival Button, '11 Pottorf, Andrew Jackson, '99 Powell, Edgar Arthur, '96 Praeger, Herman Albert, 'OS Pratt, Clarence D., '85 Price, Leo, '11 Price, Lyle Phillips, '11 (Pritner) Lockwood, Marv Blv, '99 Pugh, Burton Homer, '92 Pugh, Edna. '11 Pulver, William Arthur, '12 Purdy, Daniel Milton, '12 Purdv, Otto Independence. '99 Pursel, Lisle Willits, '96 (Putnam) Cutting-, Abljie Elida. '02 Pyle, Charles A., '04, '07 Pvles, Oral DeArmond, '11 (Quinby) Perry, Ada H., '86 (Quinby) Gardiner, Ida H., '86 (Quintard) Peck, Alice Julia, '95 Rader. Frederick Ellsworth, '95 Rader, Ralph Waldo, '95 (Raemer) Totten, Olga Marie. '11 Ramsey, Lester Allen. '06 Randall. Delmer William. '99 Randall. Leaffa Laura. '09 Randel, Georgia Adelle, '11 Randle. Elizabeth, '07 Rannels, Hile, '10 (Rannels) Adams, Lulu Mahala, '07 Ransopher. Silas Milo, '11 Ratliffe, George Thomas, '11 Records, Harold S., '09 Reece, Richard, '06 Reed, Alexis Joseph, '03 Reed. Alvin Josiah. '10 Reed. Charles Edgar. '11 Reed. Clinton J.. '12 Reed. Corwin J.. '79 Reed. Elias Wilber. '92 Reed. Ernest Carl. '09 Reed. Hiram R., '07 (Reed) Paddleford. Louise. '91 Reed. Minnie. '86 (Reed) Pierce, Nora Ma v. '98 Reed. Robert Stirling. '92 Rees. Eva. '10 Rees, RoUin R., 'S5 Reeves. Wray Robert. '10 Reppert, Harry W., '10 KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEdE 283 Reppert. Hugh E., '10 (Reynolds) Pulton, Fanny E., '05 Reynolds, Jessie Annaberta, '06 Revnolds, Ross Herbert, '11 Rexroad, Guy C, '09 Rhoades, William Joseph, '97 Rhodes, Arthur J., '0,'J Rhodes, Gertrude Elizabeth, '98 Rhodes, Howard Newton, '96 Rice. Ada, '95 Rice, Artliur Daniel, "92 Rice, Carl E., '97 Richards, Edward Clement, '07 Ric'.iards, Henry Paul, '02 Richards, James C, '08 Richards, John A., '09 Richardson, Emmit I).. '06 Richardson, Noble Asa, 'SO Rickman, Elvin, '04 (Rickman) Gilbert, Eva May, '05 Riddell, John Dewitt, '93 Riddle. Genevieve Louise. 'OS Ridenour. Ambrose Elliott. '96 (Ridenour) Orr, Jennie Plorence, '04 (Ridenour) Plowman, Marv Etta, '96 Rigg. Eva Talitha, '02 Rigg, Lerov, '01 Rigney, Ida Ethel, '09 (Ritchie) Dearborn, Florence Re- becca, '04 (Ritner) Smitli, Jennie Inez, '06 Robb, Harry E., '88 Robb, Newell Snow^den, '11 Roberts, Alice Dunbar, '12 Roberts, William Harvey, '99 (Robertson) Smith, Blanche, '08 Robertson, David G., '86 Robertson, Hugli Dillon, '11 Robertson, Isaac Archie, '96 (Robertson) White, Kate L., '05 Robertson, Thomas Meade, '97 Robinson, Josephine, '12 Robinson, Walter Stuart, '11 Robison, Homer, Joseph. '97 (Robison) Fearey, Maybeth. '10 Rodell. Earl Natanael, '03 Rodgers, Margaret, 12 Roehrig, Marie Elizabetli, '11 Rogers, Frederick J., '85 Rogers. Jesse L., '04 (Rogler) Speer, Elsie Alma, '11 Rogler, Henry William, '98 Rokes, John Albert, '93 (Romick) Edgar, Agnes, '93 Romick. Minnie Louise, '94 (Romick) Chandler, Winnie Luel- la, '94 Root, Irving Campdoras. '12 Roots, Harvey George, '11 Rosado, Franco Thomas, '12 Rose, Flora, '04 (Ross) Cunningham, Alice May, '03 Ross, Donald, '07 Ross, John Francis, '02 Ross, Pontus Henry, '02 Ross, Worth Daniel, '11 Roth, Dave Ct., '11 Rowe, Harold E.. '10 Rowland. Ruth Lillian, '12 Royer, Benjamin Franklin Simeon, '95 Rudy, Artemus Jackson, '91 Rudy, Henry Vernon. '91 Ruede, Eugene M., '09 Rumold, Ferdinand John, '98 Rushmore, Harry C, '79 Rvan. John Michael. "07 Salkeld, Alvertis Santford, '09 Salter, l^ewis A., '79 Sandborn, Ethlyn Jewell, '10 Sanders, William H.. '90 Sanderson. Alfred Hayes, '03 Sanderson, Martin Wilbur, '98 Sandt, Victor Irvin, '94 Sanford, Lawrence V., '04 Sanneman, Ramer Henry, '06 Sargent, William Stephen, '01 (Sauble) Rogler, Maude. '01 Savage, George Arthur. '09 Savage, James G., '04 (Saw^yer) Kedzie Jones, Nellie, '76 (Sayers) DeLand, Maude F.. '89 (Schaeffer) Morrison, Matah. '10 Schafer. Edwin George. '07 Scheel, John Alfred, '94 Schell, Albert Leslie, '09 Schild, Clara Dorothy, '08 Schild, Hugo, '09 Schlaefli. John. '11 Schmidler. Henry William. '12 Schmitz, Nicholas, '04 Schneider, Essie Blanch. "12 Schneider. Fred Lewis. '02 Schnemayer, Susanna, '09 Scholz, Walter Theodore, '07 (Schorer) Richenbacher, Minnie, '09 Schottler, Martin William, '07 Schreiner, Fred H., '10 Schroeder, William Paul, '06 Schroer, Edward Henry, '11 Schuppert, Richard C, '10 Schwab, Ludwig Joseph, '12 Scott, Charles A.. '01 Scott, Crvus McDonald, '12 Scott, John Marcus, '03 Scott, Minnie Magdalene, '11 Scott. Robert Douglas, '04 Sears, Fred C '92 Seaton, Gladys Sadie, '11 Seaton, Roy A., '04 Sechrist. Ernest Otto, '12 Secrest, Birdie E.. '92 (Secrest) Hungerford, Dorothy E. C, '85 Secrest, Edmund Ray, '02 Secrest, Emma, '90 (Secrest) Linderman. Florine, '89 Secrest, Grace Anna, '96 Secrest, Jacob Ulrich, '94 Secrest, May, '92 Segel, Abel, '12 (Selby) Curtice, Belle, '82 Selby, Charles Baxter, '95 Selby, Kathleen, '09 (Selby) Laughlin. Mabel Gertrude, '95 (Selig) Henderson, Geneva L., '09 Seng, August William, '11 (Senn) Heath, Marie Barbara, '90 Sewell, Malcom Cameron, '12 Shattuck, Earle Locke, '07 Shaw, Claude Leon, '11 Shaw^, Leslie Leon, '12 (Shelden) Parker, Olive Maria, '98 Shellenbaum, Edward, '97 Shellev, Wilson George, '07 Shellv, Grace Ellen, '10 Shelly, William Linley, '09 Shelton, Frank Sessions, '99 Shepherd, Glen Reid, '02 284 HECOHi) OF THE ALUMM Sherrarcl, Theadore. '10 Sherwood, Etta V., '12 Sherwood, Virgie G., '12 Shirlev, Garfield, '0.5 Shofe, Alice Myrtle, '97 (Shofe) McKee, Clara Lois, '10 Short, Burton L., 'S2 (Short) Houser, Charlotte Jane, •91 Shuler, Harry Nelson, '12 Shuler, Martin Roy, '06 Shuler, William Preston, '10 Shull, Charles Wesley, '97 (Shumway) Gish, Carrie Marietta, '12 Shuyler, Reynold, '10 (Sickels) Davis, Marie E., 'SO Sidorfsky, Henry August, '0.3 Sieder, Esther Metta, '10 Sikes, Elva Lucretia, '09 Sikes, William H., '79 Simmons Railsback, Mary Edna, '11 Simonsen, Warren Earl, '12 Simpson, Claude W., '10 Simpson, Jay Warren, 'OS Simpson, Myrtle Edith, '09 Sims, Merl Hudson, '12 Sisson, Edward O., 'S6 Skillman, Edward, '10 Skinner, Alice, '09 Skinner, Benjamin, '91 Skinner, Harrv Everton, '11 Skinner, John T., '04 Skinner, Perle Harrison, '07 Sloan, Homer H., '11 Sloan, John A., 'S2 Small, Edward Paul Graham, '11 Small, Richard, '11 Smith, Alfred Caleb, '97 (Smith) Kinsley, Anna Louisa, '01 Smith, Charles Chrisfleld, '94 Smith, Charles Franklin, '02 (Smith) Roots, Clara Pearl, '11 Smith, Edwin Lee, '9S (Smith) Skinner, Emily G., '06 (Smith) Burt, Emma Estella, '03 Smith. Ernest P., '9.5 Smith. Fred Raymond, '93 Smith, Frederick ,rohn, '95 Smith, George Wildman, '93 (Smith) Bixby, Hallie M., 'OS Smith, Harlan David, '11 Smith, Harry Lewis, '12 Smith. Jay Latimer, 'OS (Smith) Strong, Jennie Ruth, '94 Smith, John Allen Higgins, '12 (Smith) Wheeler, Kittv Myrtle, '95 Smith, Louberta J., '10 (Smith) Graves, Margaret Grace, 'OS Smith, Marjorie C, '04 (Smith) Reed, Marietta, '95 Smith, Martin Gilbert, 'OS Smith, Ned, '12 Smith, Oliver Russell. '98 Smith, Phoebe Jane, '97 Smith. Sallie Maud, '04 Smith, Stanley Van, '10 Smith, Walter Emory, '05 Smith, William Elmer, '93 Snapp. Arthur R.. 'OS Snell. Florence, '11 Snider. Robert Alexander, '10 Snodgrass, Milton David, '06 Snyder, Anna. 'SS Snyder, Carl, '96 Snyder, Edwin H., '88 Snyder, Ralph, '90 Snyder, Stanley, 'S9 (Sommer) Hood, Mabel Ruth, '11 Sorgatz, Frank, '07 (Soupene) Crowther, Estelle Pearl, '10 Soupene, Edna Grace, '11 Spalding, Max Gilbert, '96 Speer, Whitcomb Glenn, '11 (Spencer) Fielding, Crete, '05 Spencer, Walter Hayward, '02 Sperry, Mabelle Julie. '06 Spilman, Clara, '00 Spilman, Harold Addison. '03 (Spohr) Smith, Bertha, '98 Spohr, George A., '06 (Spohr) Heath, Julia C '06 Spohr, Louise Mary, '99 Spohr, Wilhelmina Henrietta, '97 Spriggs. Ray E., '09 Si)uhler, Henry Adam, '06 Stafford, John Thomas. '02 Stallman. Lulu Elise. '12 Stanfield, William Wesley, '05 Stanley, William Edward, '12 Stauffer, Arthur S.. '04 Stauffer, Maurice I., '07 Staver, Wesley Ohio, '94 Steele, EfTie Eleanor, '09 (Stephenson) Obcr, Lottie Geneva, '12 Steuart, William Henry, '95 (Stevens) Jones, Blanche. '05 Stevens, Orin Alva, '07 (Stewart) Points, Alice Eulalie, '75 Stewart, Claudius F., '07 (Stewart) Pickell. Efhe L., '05 Stewart, Mabel, '00 Stewart, Stella, '00 (Stinglev) VanBlarcom. Caroline Scott, '91 Stinglev, John. '94 Stingley. Orville Ashford, '96 (Stingley) Haggman. Sadie, '96 (St. John) Williams, Lillian Alice, '91 Stockwell, Edgar Ross, '11 Stoddard, Albert D., '06 Stokely, Charles Harrison, 9r Stoker, George E., '90 Stoker, John Russell, '11 (Stokes) Sears. Ruth Tipton. '92 Stone. Harry W.. '92 Story, Marcia, '12 Stratton, Clifton Jairus. '11 (Streeter) Hanev. Annie Louisa. '99 (Streeter) Smith. Grace Elizabeth. '07 Strife, Adelaide. '01 Strife, Mary Catherine, '05 Stromire, Matthew Castle, '11 Strong, Alden G.. '11 Strong, Herbert D., 'OS Stuewe, Paul Martin Alfred, '11 (Stump) Chaffee, Cora Idell, '95 (Stump) Cudney, Gertrude Ella. ■96 Stump, Lois, '03 Sullivan, Daniel Charles. 'OS (Summers) Galligan, Anna Odette, '01 .^.ui'ber. Eva May, '12 Sulcliff, Leora Juanita, '09 Sv anson, Ernest Felix, '06 KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 285 Swartz, Bertha Lillian. '11 (Sweet) h2vans. Bertha Florence, '07 Sweet, Fayette Charles, '00 Sweet. Helen Louise. 'OS (Sweet) Arnold, Jessie A., '05 (Sweet; Pittman, K. Elizabeth, '04 (Sv. oet) Betts, Lucy, '01 Swift. Charles Bartholow. '0.5 Swing-le, Cora Edith, '00 Swing-le, Deane Bret, '00 (Swingle) Joss, Miriam Esther, '96 Swingle, "Walter T., '".(O Symns, Andrew B.. '98 Syn^ns. Perrin K., '01 Taft. Edwin Springer, 'OS 'ralle\-, Randall E., '10 Tanner, Cassie, '12 TayTor, Irene Alma, 'OS Taylor, .John Edwin, '94 (Teagrarden) Bardo, Maude E., 'OS Tennis, Olive, '12 (Terhune) McCall, Edith Grace. '12 Terhune, Ellen Maude. '12 Terrell, Wendell Phillips, '04 Thackrey, Cora, '9S (Thackrey) Reece. Harriet Emer- scr;. '9S Thac^crey, John Eugene, '93 Thuckroy. William Elwood, '96 (Tharp) Edwards, Estelle Mae, '01 Thatcliei George Ira, '10 Thatcher. Harry Raymond. '03 Thaver, Ellis Chenev. '91 Thoburn. Joseph B. '93 Thomas. Henry. '04 Thomas. Henry Marsden. '98 Thompson. Barton R.. 'ito Thompson, Carl P., '04 Thompson, Charles Henry, '93 Thompson. Charles L.. '0.5 Thompson. Charles W.. '89 (Thompson) Winter. Dora. '95 Thompson. George Eldon. '11 Thompson. George K.. '93 Thompson. George N., '87 Thompson. Helen Biship. '03 Thompson. John Augustus. '03 Thompson. John Bert. '05 Thompson, Nellie L.. '10 Thompson. Raymond Charles. 'OS Thompson. Roger S., '05 (Thompson) Manny. Sarah Paul- ine. '03 Thummel. Claude B.. '05 Thurston, Elbert Wrenn. '06 Thurston. Warren Bunn. '06 Tilburv. S. Rav. '07 Timbers, Delbert L.. '94 Tinkham, Merritt Rex, '09 Tippin, Leslie O., '10 Todd. Albert, '72 (Tolin) Courter, Anna Rhea. '07 (Tolin) Jeffs. Bessie L.. 'OS Tomson. ^Valter Edwin. '12 Toothaker. Mvrtie Lucv. '02 Totten. Harry E.. '10 (Towers) Brooks. Nellie. '99 Towne. Norman Lee, '04 (Towne) Shaffer, Zepherine Ellen, •11 (Train) Stewart, Doris M., '06 (Travis) Cook, Jessie Leona, '06 Trembly. Elven Creveling. '95 Ti-embly. John E.. '97 (Trimmer) Parker. Cora Meda, '10 Trosper, Earl Jay, '10 Troutman, Virginia. '07 True. Alice Marie. '12 (True) Goddard. Helen Castle. '01 True. Otho Sprague. '99 Trumbull, James Dunbar. '96 (Trumbull) Correll, Laura Helen, '00 Trunk, Matilda, 'OS Truskett, P^dwin Earl, '10 (Tucker) Hopper, Grace Irene, '10 Tucker, Katherine Ann, '12 Tucker, Walter Percival, '92 (Tulloss) McLean, Elsie May, 'OS Tulloss, James Otis, '99 Tulloss, William Guy, '99 Tunnell, Jane Chapin, '89 Turnl>ull, William, '04 Turner. Alonzo Franklin. "05 Turner. Chester Francis, '12 Turner, Harry Castle, '01 (Turner) Bruce, Ina M., '89 Turner, Marcia Elizabeth, '06 Turner, Mary Lee. '12 (Turner) Clothier. Phoebe Carey, '94 Turner, William Fenwick, '10 Uhl, Frank Edwin, '96 (Ulrich) Boys, Dovie May, '03 Ulrich. William. '77 Umberger. Grace E.. '05 L'mberger. Harry. '05 (Umberger) Long. May E., '07 Utter, Oliver L.. '88 (Vail) Butterfield. Florence Helen, '01 (Vail) Waugh. Mary Alice. '92 Valentine. Emma V. '12 Van Blarcom. Samuel L., '91 Van Buck. Walter. '11 Vance. Gertrude M.. '04 Vanderlip. Blanche Beatrice. '10 Van De Venter. John W.. '86 (Vandivert) Remick. Harriet Ag- nes. '97 Van Dorp, Fred, '05 Van Nordstrand, Robert Daniel, '12 Van Zile, Gilbert J., '90 Vass, Alonzo Frederick, '09 \'aughn, Edgar Allen. '12 Vilander, Philip Cornelius. '11 Vinall. Harry Nelson. '03 (Vincent) McCormick. Ella. '79 Vincent. Samuel Robert. '94 (Voiles) Williams, Alberta Suena. '03 (Voiles) Jewell. Olive. '97 Wagner. (George Franklin. '99 Wagner, Jessie May. '00 (Wagner) Gresham, Marv Caro- line. '01 Wakefield. Orin Russell. '04 Waldraven. Luther Watts. '00 ^Valdraven, Robert U.. '89 Walker. Carroll. '08 Wallis, Robert Lynn. '92 (Walter) Skinner. Joseph ine Elizabeth. '07 Walter. Merton Luthei-. '07 Walters. Aaron. 'S8 Walters. Daniel. '08 Walters. Fred. '02 Walthour, Roy L.. '12 Walton, Noel Hutchinson, '11 28() RECOHD OF THE ALl'MM (Ward) (leorpre, Catherine Niesz, '07 Ward, Clvde Quincy. '10 Ward, Milan T.. ■!^3 Ward. Walter Gilling-, '12 (Ware) Johnson, Vera Arvena, '12 (Washington) Samson, Rebecca Rees, '05 (W^aters) Conner, Elsie Lucile, '9.S Waters, Fred Dorsey, '9S Waters, George W., '86 (Waters) Beeler, Lora L... '88 (Waters) Dale, Lucy Helena, '94 Watkins, Warren Elmer, 'OG Watson. Clarence, '12 Watt, John Earl, '11 (Waug-h) Davis. Fannie Elizal)eth. '91 Waugh. Frank Albert, '91 (Waugh) Smith, Mary I^ana, '99 Weaver. Chauncey lies. '06 Weaver, Fern Vena, '12 Weaver, Olev Willis, '11 ■Webb, Frank Cooper. '04 Webb. William Allen. '04 Webster. Edwin H.. '96 (Wells) Traxler, Ora Rebecca, '92 Wells, Rav Thurman, '10 Welsh, Charles R.. 'OS (Welstead) Dunham. Georgiana. '10 Wenkheimer, Alberta M.. '09 Wermelskirchen, Louis, '11 Werner, Albert A., '07 (West) Allen, Georgiana, '07 West, James, '12 (Westgate) Lewis, Helen Clara, '07 Westgate, John Minton, '97 Westover, Edgar Leroy, '11 (Wetzig) Terrass, Pauline Emilie, '08 Whaley, William E., '86 Whedon, Charles O., '71 Wheeler, Andrew Jefferson. '11 Wheeler. Clarence. '11 Wheeler. Earl, '05 Wheeler, George Carpenter, '95 (Wheeler) Westgate, Inez, '05 W^heeler, Mark, '97 W^hipple, Abner Davis. '98 Whipple, Florence Rilla. '12 Whipple, Glenn Edwin. '11 Whipple, James Hallev, '04 Whipple, Orville Blaine, '04 White, A. Judson, '74 White, Bessie May. '10 White, Charles Bernard, '99 White, Clarence H., '05 (White) Sullivan, Eleanor Marv. '01 (White) Turlev. Kate E., '71 White, Leon Vincent, '03 (White) Abl)ott, Martha A., '67 White, Ralph Richard, '06 White, Thomas F., '06 White. Wavne. '05 "Whitford. Harry Nichols. '90 (Whitman) Heiser, Minerva E., '76 W^hitney, Allen Homer, '12 Wickman, Daniel F.. '92 (Wiest) Joss, Emilv Jennie, '04 Wiest, Flora Emilie, '91 (Wilder) Sawdon, Adelaide Frances, '98 (Wilder) McCoUough, Josephine Hannah, "98 Wildin, George Washington, '92 Wilkins, Roy, '09 Wilkinson, Harrison Walter, '11 Wilkinson, William J., '05 Willard, Charles J., '08 (Willard) Calvin, F. Henrietta, "86 Willard, Henry S, '89 Willard, Julius T., '83 (Willard) Emrick, Mary Eliza- beth, '95 \\'illiams, Clyde Douglas, '11 Williams, Francis Buckner, '09 VVMUiams, Jennie, '10 Williams, Louis Coleman, '12 Williams, Marie, '09 Williams. Marion, '09 Williams, Mary Catherine, '12 Williams, Nannie Elizabeth, '99 Williams, Owen Edward. '11 Williams, Robert E., '07 Willis, Chloe May, '09 (Willis) Call, Clara, '08 (Willis) Wells, Edna Leona. '10 Williston, Samuel Wendall, '72 Willoughby, Luther Earle, '12 Wilson, Alexander George, '99 Wilson, Amos E., '78 Wilson, Bruce Steinhoff. OS (Wilson) Dutton, Clare Annie, '97 Wilson, Edgar M., '06 Wilson, Esther S., '10 Wilson, Floyd E., '10 (Wilson) Elliott, Frances Odell, '08 Wilson, Frederick W., '05 Wilson, (.4eorge Heber, '05 Wilson, Ira A., '08 'Wilson, John 'Thomas, '10 Wilson, Matilda Jane, '12 (Wilson) Holsinger, Olive Mabel, '95 Wilson, Robert Hugh, '09 Wilson, Robert S., '04 Wiltse, Albert Lemont, '10 Wimer, Thomas E., '90 (Winchip) Spilman, Bertha, '91 Wingfield, Susan Elizabeth, '12 Winter, Henry B., '09 (Winter) Hawks, Katherena, '01 Wise, John L., '86 Withington, Charles H., '06 Withington, George Edna, '12 Woestemeyer, Clara Mary, '99 Woestemeyer, Frederick Otto, '99 Wolcott, Leroy Buslmell, '12 Wolf, (Tcorge. '05 Wolf, Nelle, '08 Wolfe, Raymond McKee, '12 Womer, Retta, '04 (Wonsettler) Rude, Grace L., '85 Wood, Casper Alfred, '11 Wood, Clarence E.. '79 Wood, (irrace (Enfield). '05 Wood. Harold Pope. '12 Wood, Thomas Marshall, '06 Wood, William, '11 (Woods) Shartel, Effie E., '85 Woody, Ward, '10 Worden, Edith, '06 Working, Daniel Webster. '88 Worswick, Jay G., '05 Wreath, Nellie Lunette, '12 Wright. Alfred Orrin, '91 Wright, Andrew H., '08 Wrigiit, Earnest A., '06 KANSAS STATU AGBICULTUBAL COLLEGE 287 Wright, Walter Scott, '06 York, Henry Theador, '01 Wright, Willis M., '87 York, Oscar Thomas, '11 Wyatt, Kirby Kennedy, '11 Young, George Asbury, '12 (Wyatt) Wilson. Lucie Joan, '01 Young, Stuart Smith, '08 Wyatt, Roy Milton, '09 Zacharias, Wilbur W., '10 Wyland, Florence, '11 Zahnley, James W^alter, '09 Yeager, Albert Franklin, '12 Zimmerman, Bffie Jeanetta, '91 Yenawine, Ora Gertrude, '95 Zimmerman, Frederick, '98 Yeoman, Charles Ernest, '92 Zimmerman, John Henry, '12 Yeoman, Frank, '98 Zimmerman, Kate Klizalieth, '00 Yeoman, William James, '93 (Zimmerman) Haselwood, Lilly Yerkes, Guy E., '06 Maud, '02 (York) Peterson, Carrie V., '09 Zoller, Charles, '10 288 BECOED OF THE ALUMNI RESIDENCE INDEX (Not Including the Class of 1913) ALiABABIA Auburn Jones, Charles Sumner, '06 Jones, Jesse McCuUah, '03 (Stevens) Jones, Blanche, '05 Tuskegee Maxwell, Henry Greenleaf, '06 Pyles, Oral DeArmond, '11 ARIZONA Cave Creek Gingery, Clark A., '02 Chin Lee Bishoff, Roger Williams, '97 Flasstaff Berg, Willis Ernest, '11 Williams, Robert E., '07 Fort Haueliauea Kupper, Edward Rudolph, '07 Maricopa Thompson, Charles L., '05 Nosales (Selbv) Laughlin, Mabel Gertrude, '95 Phoenix Wilson, Frederick W., '05 Saltwater Ellis, Dora Jei-.n, '12 Tern lie Gritting, John Bernice, '04 Tucson (Blachly) Freeman, Loua Adelle, '01 Clothier, Robert Waitman, '97 Richards, John A., '09 Winslo^v (McCoy) Cover, Nellie Reeder, '05 ARKANSAS Con^vay Randall, Leaffa Laura, '09 Fayetteville (Hull) Thompson, Grace G., '09 Thompson, Raymond Charles, '08 Jonesboro Turner, Marcia Elizabeth, '06 Mena (McKeen) Smith, Laura Sarah, '95 Smith, Frederick .lohn, '95 Rogers Wright, Alfred Orrin, '91 Siloam Sitrinjis Graves, Roy I., '12 CALIFORNIA Alturas Green, Abbott M., '86 Anaheim Mills, Alonzo A., '89 Azusa Holmes, Adelaide Julia, '12 Holmes, George Benjamin, '11 Bard Blair, Roscoe Eugene, '10 Ratliffe, George Thomas, '11 Berenda Doane, Edgar Willis, '01 Berkeley Bridgman, Lillie Belle, '86 (Cooper) Zimmerman. Allan Elizabeth, '07 Hayes, Fred M., 'OS HiSKS Adams, Ernest L., '07 (Kannells) Adams, Lulu Mahala, '07 Bradley (Voiles) William , Alberta Suena, '03 Calexico Dunn, Frank W., '84 Cliico McKee. Roland, '00 (Sv, eet) Betts, Lucy, '01 Clareniont (Pairchild) White, Anna, '91 Davis Baird, Harry S., '11 (Bixby) Davis, Hazel, '10 Davis, Leon Milehame, '09 Duarte Blain, Arthur T., '79 (Campbell) Blain, Etta, '79 El Cento Stanley, William Edward, '12 E.siiorto (Securest) Linderman. Florine, '89 Estrella Alvord, Raiffe, '10 Kti>vanda Rader, Frederick Ellsworth, '95 Werner, Albert A., '07 Falll)rook (Perkins) Myers, Edith, '00 Fresno Borton, Samuel I., '90 Cunnintrham. Solon Whitnev. CS Ingham, Edith Belle. '09 Rudy, Henry Vernon, '91 Gardena (Asbury) Derr, Elizabeth Edna, '00 Derr. Honker, '00 Glendale Holloway, Vera E., '09 Heber Bower, Mabel J., '08 Brock, James E., '08 Hemet McCrea, McLeod Wilson, '93 Holly^vood Smith, Alfred Caleb, '97 (Waugh) Smith, Mary Lana, '99 Imperial Sweet, Helen Louise, '08 Lake >lountnin (Waters) Dale, Lucy Helena, '94 Livermore Howard, Walter Cyrus, '77 LonK Beach Chandler. Charles Asa. '00 (Romick) Chandler, Winnie Luel- la, '94 Los Anjseles Caldwell, Ralph Morris, '11 Carr, Henry Webb, '11 Colliver, Mary P., '05 KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 289 (Davis) Stringfield, Eliza Z., '73 Gross, Samuel S., '10 Hall, Mary Elizabeth Longfellow, '04 Manny, Karl C, '10 Mayer, Frederick Herman, '09 Miller, Virgil Emmitt, '12 Peck, Archie Carpenter, '! 6 Roehrig-, Marie Elizabeth, '11 Royer, Benjamin Franklin Simeon, '95 Smith, Phoebe Jane, '97 Smith, Walter Emory, '05 (Spohr) Heath, Julia C 'OG (Stingley) Haggman, Sadie, '96 lios Bnuos Bryant, Virgil C, '09 MvFarlnnd (Cottrell) Stiles, Nellie E., '87 Manton Shaw, Claude Leon, '11 Mereed (Doane) Greenough, May, '04 Greenough, Elbert Ernest, '06 'Modesto Domsch, TJrfa Agnew, '11 Monrovia (Finley) Blaine, Josephine, '00 National City (Crow) Tinkham, Ida Myrtle, '10 Tinkham, Merritt Rex, '09 Oaliland (Campbell) Thurston, Stella, '06 Cole, Murray Stanley, '02 (Mason) Cotey, Dalinda, 'SI Reed, Alexis Joseph, '03 Thurston, Warren Bunn, '06 Wilkinson, William J., '05 Ontario (Oay) Jones, Laura Greeley, '93 Jones, Isaac, '94 Orang^e (Barnett) Bonebrake, Cecil Pearl, '09 Bonebrake, Casey C, '09 Hull. B'lora May, '07 Smith, Charles Chrisfield, '94 Oleander Rudy, Artemus Jackson, '91 Palo Alto Nichols, Jessie, '12 Pai^adena Kennedy, Ada, '09 Patterson Zacharias, Wilbur W , '10 Pomona (Finley) Schroder, Emma. '97 Romick, Minnie Louise, '94 Redlands Melton, George Lane, '93 Riverside Zimmerman. Kate Elizabeth ('0 Sacramento Wilkins, Roy. '09 San Bernardino Richardson, Noble Asa, '80 Savage, James G., '04 San Diego Cave, Wayne Bea, '08 Hester, Mark V., '94 Martin. John Z., '11 Sorgatz. Frank, '07 San Dimas Williams. Francis Buckner. '09 Sau Francisco Corey. William A., '84 Fielding, Lathrop Weaver, '05 Forsberg. Carl F., '08 Lightfoot. William J.. '81 Martinson. George. '01 Peter. Arthur Louis. '96 (Spencer) Fielding. Crete. '05 Stoker, George E.. '90 Wheeler, Mark. '97 San Jose Oneel, Carrie Belle, '01 San LiUis Eastman, Charles. '02 Myszka, Charles. '11 Secrest, May, '92 Santa Ana Anderson. Harrison Ray, 'II Kimball. Carrie M..' '76 Santa Barbara (Quinby) Gardiner. Ida H.. '86 .South Pasadena (Perkins) Moody. Elenore. '00 Stanford University Rogers. Frederick J.. '85 Turlock (Schover) I\ickenbacher, Minnie, '09 AVillits Haselwood, Fred Willis, '01 (Zimmerman) Haselwood. Lilly Maud. '02 Yalo (Romick) Edgar, Agnes. '93 COLORADO Allison Kimball, Albert B., '89 Arapahoe Adams. Samuel John, '98 (Norton) Adams, Ellen Elizabeth, '96 Austin (Paddleford) McFadden, Hattie A., '96 Boone (Bayless) Staver, Jessie Geneva, '98 Coe, William Arthur, '96 Boulder Bain, Alvah I., '00 Burt, Harvey A., '05 (Harris) Burt, Lola May, '05 Pancake, Clara, '03 Cheyenne Wells Adams, Joshua William, '98 Colorado Springs Harner, Loyall S.. '92 Crawford Stafford. John Thomas. '02 Denver Denison. Henry L.. '67 Houston. Luella M.. '71 Morlan. Samuel Erwin. '04 Snyder, Edwin H.. "88 Stauffer. Arthur S.. '04 Working. Daniel Webster. '88 I<:ikton McDowell. James Laird. '92 First Vie«' (Finlayson) Zuck. Elizabeth, '04 Fort Collins Barr. William Archer. '11 Cottrell, Henry M.. 'S4 Haggart, Margaret Helen. '05 Fowler Cummings, Charles William. '05 (iolden Nash. Albert Marvin. '04 Cireeley Finley, George William, '96 290 BECOED OF THE ALUMNI Has^vell Reeves, Wray Robert, '10 Hesperus Haffner, Herman C, '00 Huerfano (Broquet) Bailey, Prudence Dell, '00 La Junta Miller, Edwin Darrah Carlisle, '12 Lieadville (Harrington) Deibler, Amy Myr- tle, '91 Mancos Morse, Wilton L., '90 3Iorrisou Eagles, Goldie Georg-ia, '11 Pueblo Rogers, Jesse L., '04 Smith, Marjorie C, '04 Smith, Stanley Van, '10 Ranfjelj- White, Ralph Richard, '06 Rooky Ford Newland, Jessie, '12 Steainl)c>at Springs (Deaver) Poiipen. Bernice Ada, '08 SterlinR Bascom, Dorus Clark, '10 Trinidad Waldraven, Robert U.. '89 Victor (Lantz) Simmons, Edith Lvnette, '96 Wells Terhune, Ellen Maude, '12 Wig wain (Harman) Patten, Hortensia, '95 Harman, John B., '95 CONNECTICUT Greenwich Morton, Charlotte Augusta, 'OS Nov Haven Wildin, George Washington, '92 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington Call, Lewis W., 'S3 (Carleton) Doane, Margaret Isap- hene, '96 Doane, Charles Francis, '96 Hartley, Charles Pinckney, '92 Kyle, Curtis Hernon, '03 Lill, Joe Grigsby, '09 Marlatt, Charles L., 'S4 Norton, Jesse Baker, '97 Oakley, Russell Arthur, '03 Pearce, Julia R., '90 Popenoe, Charles Holcomb, '05 Swingle, Walter T., '90 Thompson, John Bert, '05 (Turner) Bruce, Ina M., '89 Vinall, Harrv Nelson, '03 Wheeler, Earl, '05 Williams, Owen Edward, '11 (Winchip) Spilman, Bertha, '91 Wood, William, '11 FLORIDA Anthony Turner, William Penwick, '10 Arcadia (Kimball) Tucker, Stella "Victoria, '94 Tucker, Walter Percival, '92 Bradentown (Long) Strauss, Sue, '96 Fort Barrancas Bender, Louis Blaine, '04 Gainesville (O'Daniel) Scott, Mary Lorena, '04 Scott, John Marcus, '03 Jacksonville Crisswell, Walter E., '12 Orauj^e Bend Chase, Elijah Ellis, '02 Pensacola Myers, Wirt S., '81 ■West Palm Beach Gale, George A., '76 GEORGIA Albany Ellis, Robert William, '11 (McCreary) Vohringer, Irene Sophia, '12 Smith, Harry Lewis, '12 Atlanta Armstrong, Ralph A., '88 Elliott, George Ray, '11 IDAHO Aberdeen Aicher, Louis C, '10 (Davis) Aicher. Edith Nellie. '05 Albion Bull, Elmer A., 'OS (Elder) Bull, Mary Amy, 'OS Arrowrock Hoffman, Leon George, '08 Berj^er Pierce, John Martin, '98 (Reed) Pierce, Nora May, '98 Boise (Crump) Ames, Elsie Emeline, 95 (Maelzer) Gilson, Amelia Augusta, '02 Noel, Harrv M., '12 Olin, ^Valter H., '89 (Tucker) Hopper, Grace Irene, '10 Buhl Randall, Delmer William, '99 Smith, Oliver Russell, '98 Caldwell Kelly, Paul Vincent, '10 Ireland, Harry A., '07 (Kahl) Ireland, Clara Myrtle. '07 Easle Havnes, Benjamin F., '02 Elk City (McNutt) Davis, Cora E., '06 Fort Hall La Tourette, James F., '77 Goldberg Maelzer, Valentine, '97 (irinipass Nicolay, Josie Ellen, '12 Heyburn (Ridenour) Plowman, Mary Etta, '96 K.iniberly Irwin, Carl D., '10 King; Hill _ Evans, Jephthah W., '94 Ivi -.»na Riddle, Genevieve Louise, '08 Meridian Robl), Newell Snowden, '11 Minidoka Bixbv, Horace E., 'OS (Smith) Bixby, Hallie M.. '08 Moscow Hoover, Jessie May, '05 KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 291 3Iountain Home Harvey, William Lee, '02 Va;v «'tte Cree, Reva Violet, '10 Fuller, Frank Erwin, '11 J'«t .'ilello (Parker) Perry, Grace, '80 Potlatoh Sandborn, Ethlyn Jewell, '10 Ksvthdruin Edelblute, William H., '92 SI. A»i11i:>ny (Train) Stewart, Doris M., '06 Twin I'alls Hutto. Frank A., '85 Alexander, Roy Ellsworth, '12 (Davies) Oman, Susan, '10 Fuller, John Russell, '12 Oman, Andrew Edward, '00 Oman, Victor Emanuel, '09 ITLIXOIS Alton Faris, Rainey, '01 Uel vi'lere Cole, Harry L., '12 Bloom fuiAl on (Knipe) Curtis, Eusebia, '90 C'nmp I'oiiit Combs, Stanley Arno, '12 Cent ml J :i (Cockrell) Daniels, Edna E., 'OJ Daniels, James Scott, '09 Ohumpa^j^ii Gernert. Walter Byron, '07 Chaiitaiiviiia Ulrich, William, '77 Cliicag'o Bodle, Alexander Thurston, '11 Clark, Roy H., '07 (Coburn) Jessup, Gertrude, '91 (Crump) McCauley, Mabel, '97 P.r.v<-v. Oant W., '90 (Dewey) Sutherland, lone, '93 Dial, Thomas Edward, '04 Dow, J. L., '06 (Elliot) Wolf, Ruth, '10 Freeman, Clarence Everett, '89 Freeman, Ernest Harrison, '95 Gilliford, William Thomas. '06 Heard, William Lauren, '11 Hershey, Harry Ellis, '10 Jollev, Louis Berien. "01 Ladd, Daniel, '01 Lawry, Raymond George, '03 Martin, Ellsworth Thomas, '90 Milner, Madeleine Wade, '91 Milner, Paul Chambers, '91 Morrison, Orr O., 'OS Nauman, Orville, '11 Olson, Carl Emanuel, '11 Orr, Harry Delphos, '99 Orr, William Mails, '10 Pavne, John Howard, '09 Peck, Seward N., '87 Rees, Eva, '10 Robertson, David G., '86 Ross, Donald, '07 Ruede, Eugene M.. '09 Smith, Martin Gilbert, '08 Spohr, George A., '06 Stewart, Claudius F., '07 Tippin, Leslie O., '10 Tunnell, Jane Chapin, '89 Wakefield, Orin Russell, '04 Weaver, Chauncey lies, '06 Whaley, William E., '86 White, A. Judson, '74 (White) Turlev, Kate E., '71 (White) Abbott, Martha A.. '67 Whitford, Harry Nichols, '90 Williston, Samuel Wendall, '72 Wolf, George, '05 Worden, Edith, '06 Chi)!ii-otli<- White, Leon Vincent, '03 Cottrell, Amos Luther, '03 Glenn Ellyn (Waters) Beeler, Lora L., '88 Greenville Wise, John L., '86 Moline Spohr, Louise Mary, '99 Monmouth (Hamilton) Martin, Mary L., '06 Oak Park Cress, Fannie Jane, '94 Livingston, Frank B., '12 Patten, John Vernon, '95 Park Ridg;e (Harris) Totten, Carrie Olive, '10 Totten, Harry E., '10 , Peoria Clark, Clement G., '88 (Cobb) Clark, Mattie. '88 Mack, Albert John, '12 Sprinji^field Lyon, Thomas Eddy, '93 Toulon Ward, Milan T., '83 Urbana Pincoml), Helena Maude, '01 Wilmette (Hole) Campbell, Gertrude Elma, •06 INDIANA Franklin Forsyth, George, '95 Lafayette Caldwell, Ralph Elmer, '08 Garver, James R., '07 Philips, Allen Griffith, '07 LaPorte (Forest) Wilson, Lucile Mabel, '10 Stoker, John Russell, '11 Wilson, Floyd E., '10 3Iooresville (Mather) Romine, Margaret Myr- tle, '02 Muncie Holroyd, Hartley Bowen, '03 lOAVA Ames Cunningham, Jules Cool, '05 Cunningham, Mamie Grace, '05 Farrar, Robert Kilby, '96 Greene. Laurenz, '06 Isaac, Edward, '12 Kellogg, Edward Henry, '11 McKee, Clyde, '10 (Mudge) Dimock, Ruth Atwill, '01 (Nitcher) Sowers, Martha, '01 (Ross) (Cunningham, Alice May, '03 (Shofe) McKee, Clara Lois, '10 Simonsen, Warren Earl, '12 Belmond Thompson, George N., '87 Caney Buck, Con Morrison, '96 292 RECOBD OF THE ALUMNI Cedar Rapids CCoburn) Tomson, Tina LouisG, '91 Council Bluffs Deaver, Bernice Ada, 'OS Davenport (Wiest) Joss, Emily Jennie, '04 Woestemeyer, Frederick Otto, '99 DeWitt (Hartwell) Shiffer, May, '12 Dubuque Schroeder, William Paul, '06 Estlierville Trosper, Earl Jay, '10 Farniin^ton Swingle, Cora Edith, '00 Ne%v Hampton Nelson, Ellen Eustina, '11 Sioux City Biddison, John Jeremiah, '04 (Kratzing-er) Taft, Elsie, '08 Taft, Edwin Spring-er, '08 KANSAS Altilene Berger, George P., '08 Bushey, Glenn A., '10 Engle, Abner Ethan, '11 (Hoffinan) Johntz, Daisy Gladys, •00 Riimold, Ferdinand John, '98 Snider, Robert Alexander, '10 Story, Marcia, '12 Ada Peterson, William Oscar, '97 Admire Martin, Henry Alba, '98 Aetna Piatt, Lucy W., '12 Alma Barnard, George Austin, '12 Buchli, Bartholomew, '84 Dieball Herman August, '01 Hinkle, Katherine Harriett, '12 Moseley, Robert Clay, '11 Robertson, Isaac Archie, '96 Stuewe, Paul Martin Alfred, '11 (Wetzig) Terrass, Pauline Emilie, 'OS Altaniout Gates, Carrie May, '10 Alta Vista (Wilson) Button, Clare Annie, '97 Anness Mecke, Vincent, '10 Small, Richard, '11 Anthony Sims, Merl Hudson, '12 Watt, John Earl, '11 Arkan.sas City Aumann, Albert Clay, '06 Gist, Almon Arthur, '91 Maybach, Fred Christian, '11 Palmer, Hope Olive, '10 (Tea garden) Bardo. Maude E., 'OS Thompson, Roger S., '05 Atchison Shelly, William Linley, '09 Wyatt, Roy Milton. '09 Athol Levengood, Alma May, '11 Attica Maroney, George Eugene, '12 Atwood Adams, Effle, '11 Rice, Arthur Daniel, '92 Augusta Elder, George DeWitt, '12 Uala Davies, Sarah Emily, '02 Baldwin (Fitz) Holcom, Jessie Lois, '04 Barnes (Deibler) Oherheliii;m. Minnie Kstella.'OS Ingman, Bertha Emma, '98 Ingman, Clay Berkey, '97 Baxaar (Sauble) Rogler, Maude, '01 Beardsley (Johnson) Cooper, Susan Effle, '96 Bellaire (Forceman) Parks, Minnie L., '09 Parks, Frank Thomas, '10 Belleville Hower, George Harrison, '12 Price, Lyle Phillips, '11 Beloit (Baird) Hubbard, Nellie Wilhel- mina, '0 5 Hubbard, Harvey B., '07 McKinnie, Jessie Estelle, '12 Reed, Robert Stirling, '92 Walters, Daniel, 'OS Bel pre Cudney, Everett William, '07 Belvue Miller, Frederick Carl, '07 IJendena Zimmerman, Effle Jeanetta, '91 Benedict Dfivis, Thomas Clarke, '91 Bennington (Foster) Miller, Anna Helen, '07 Bethel Baker, Harvey Wilson, '10 ^Voestemeyer, Clara Mary, '99 Beverly Cassell, Albert Francis, '05, '07 Kernohan, Helen, '04 Bigelo^v Chitty, Joseph Griffith, '05 Bison Pierce, Edwin William, '12 Blue Rapids Arnott, Isabella C, '10 Frost, John, '92 McDowell, John Bari. '11 Burden Wilson, Robert S., '04 Burlington Haan, Samuel P., '07 Limbocker, Mvron Arthur, '95 (Robertson) White, Kate L., '05 White, Clarence H., '05 White, Wayne, '05 Burr Oak Kirk, Clarence Brady, '06 Bu»i]ioug Campbell, George Lewis, '11 Bushton Habiger, Francis Joseph, '99 Caldwell Johnston, Harry Wallace, '99 Peters, Clara Marguerite, '11 Caney Truskett, Edwin Earl, '10 Carlton Donly, Maxwell C, '08 Cawker City (Finlev) Mason, Lena, '05 McCoy, John E., '09 Mason, Kirk P., '04 Richardson, Emmit D., '06 KANSAS STATE AGRWULTUBAL COLLEGE 293 Simpson, Claude W., '10 Cedar Bottomly, Herbert Joseph, '06 Cedar Vale Sanderson, Martin Wilbur, '98 Centralia Roots, Harvey Georg-e, '11 (Smith) Roots, Clara Pearl, '11 Chauute (Ingraham) Moore, Irene, '07 Tennis, Olive, '12 (Winter) Hawks, Katherena, '01 Cliapniau Hickock, Ellen Marguerite, '11 Humphrey, Louis E., '77 Koogle, Ira Tressler, '11 Tay'.or, Irene Alma, 'OS Cheney Zimmertnan. Fredeiicls. '98 Chetopa Holderman, Pearl, '03 (Hughes) Rodell, Nellie Dorothy, '06 Rodell, Earl Natanael, '03 Cimarron l>erii. Harry Leroy, '00 Cireleville Kersey, Ralpli Teeter, '04 Clafliii (Grizzell) Praeger, Edna Gertrude, '08 Praeger, Herman Albert, '08 Clay Center Baird, Wallace W., '04 Bayles, Joseph W., '89 Cowan, Winifred Elizabeth, '11 Sanneman, Ramer Henry, '06 Welsh, Charles R., '08 Clearwater Hammers, Lewis Arthur. '11 Webb, William Allen, '04 Cleburne (Dial) Falin, Lillie Christena, '95 Clifton (Palmer) Barrows, Inez Luella, '96 Clyde Ostlund, Ephraim Andrew, '12 Sherwood, Etta V., '12 Codell Courter, Forrest Leslie, '05 (Tolin) Courter, Anna Rhea, '07 Coffeyville Robertson, Thomas Meade, '97 Young. Stuart Stuith. '08 Colby Clark, Stanley Penrhyn, '12 Coldwater Farmer, Lilla Cecil, '11 Piatt, Robert M., '10 Columbus (Spohr) Smith. Bertha. '98 McClure, Prank Donald, '11 Comiskey Troutman, Virginia. '07 Concordia Hanson, Nettie Regina, '12 Sv. anson, Ernest Felix, '06 Conway Darrah, Tom Jones, '12 Small. Edward Paul Graham, '11 Cotton^vood Falls Ambler, Leon Newton, '12 Hall, Emma Ellen, '12 Kirk, Mattie Eunice, '10 Council Grove Brown, Dora May, '12 Daughters, Curtis Lynn, '09 Trembly. Elven Crevellng, '95 Trembly, John E., '97 Courtland Morlan, Fred Byers, '00 Peckham, John J., '06 Cullisou Norby, Oscar Marion, '12 Cunuingrham Noyes, Arthur L., '85 Delavan McCullough, William Andrew, '98 (Wilder) McCoUough, Josephine Hannah, '98 Delphos Ballou, Jessie Mary, '05 Bourne, Harry S., '01 Estes, Maude, '10 Noel, Guy D., '09 Dodge City Gould, Lee Ham, '12 Snyder, Stanley, '89 Thompson, George Eldon. '11 Dorrance (Carnell) Roe, Mary Frances, '97 Do-jvus (Hopper) Getty, Maria C, '86 Selby, Kathleen, '09 Dwight Felton, Ralph B., '04 Felton, Ray Bonifield, '04 (Forsyth) Felton. Hattie L., '04 Wilkinson, Harrison Walter, '11 Ed^vardsville (Poston) Groves, Adeline, '07 Effingham Brenner, Flora Edna, '06, '12 Cook, Ida E. (Thompson), '07 Cook, Louis Graham, '09 Hagans, Otto C, '11 Eldorado Cowles, Edgar Andrew, '07 Gish, Amos H., '10 Newacheck. Franklin W., '10 (Selig) Henderson, Geneva L., '09 Smith, Charles Franklin, '02 Zahnley. .James Walter. "09 Zahnley. Mabelle (Howell), '09 Ellinwood Moorman, Bessie, '12 Elnidale Giger, Orville Edward, '12 Wood, Harold Pope, '12 Emporia Ingersoll, Blanclie, '11 MacLeod, Martha Mae, '10 Scheel, John Alfred, '94 Schottler, Martin William, '07 Enterprise Sieder, Esther Metta, '10 Eskridge Morwick, Elizabetli Lovinia, '09 FUidora Pellett, Henry Leamer, '93 Eureka Burt, Maye, '11 (Carnahan) Cole, Nannie, '12 (Cole) Wilson, Mary Margaret, '05 Holmes, Jacob Claude, '12 Fairview^ Plumb, Bertha Lunett, '11 Fall River (Fish) Brown, Frances Walker, '05 Farmington (Hall) Linscott. Susie. '93 Linscott. Fraok Mullett. '91 294 RECOBD OF THE ALUMNI Florence Allison, Thomas Walter, '98 (Manchester) Allison, Inez Isa- dore, '98 Flush Valentine, Emma V, '12 Ford Nevins, Clarence G., '07 Fomioso (Dahl) Turner, Trena, '01 Turner, Alonzo Franklin, '05 Fowler McCauley, Charles Dwin, '96 Fraukfort Scholz, Walter Theodore, '07 Fredonisi Burtis, AValter J. G.. '87 Randel, Georgia Adelle, '11 Stromire, Matthew Castle, '11 Fort Lesiveiiwortli (Towne) Shaffer, Zepherine Ellen, '11 Fort Scott Brown, John William, '12 (Hoyt) Turner. Emma, '80 Garden City Chase, William Burns, '97 Menke, George Gerkein, '98 Sewell. Malcolm Cumeron. '12 Wiltse, Albert Lemont, '10 Gardner Williams. Nannie Elizabeth, '99 Garfield Clark, Charles Howard, '02 Garrison Thompson, Barton R., '00 Thompson, Carl P., '04 (Olson) Axelton, Hilda Sophia, '97 McAninch, Otto Meade, '02 (Drollinger) Glunt, Delia, '02 Girard McClaskey, Edwin Louis, '07 Loomis. George W., '04 (Graham) McCaskey, Cecile Ag- nes, '08 Glade Adams, Morrison Carpenter, '99 Baker, Nellie Mae, '12 Glasco (13ourne) Cool. Bessie Sarah, '02 Bainiing, William Burgess, '04 (Ballou) Banning, Flora Evace- lia, '04 <>ood!and Criger, Maud Rae, '12 Evans, William K., '05 Hartwig, Charles, '12 Great Bend Cheney, James Hamilton, '06, '07 Cheney, Julia ICleanor, '11 Thatcher, (?eorge Ira, '10 Osmond, Lawrence, '11 Bssmiller, William Diedrick, '12 Hough, Florence F., '85 Green Harner. James William. '00. '09 Hall, George Clifton, '96 Greensburg Bassler, Charles Earle, '07 Haddani McCrone, Edwin William, '03, '07 Hanover LaShelle, Prank Elmer, '99 Harlan Crouse, Oscar C, '11 Harper (Wilson) Elliott, Frances Odell, ■08 Hartford Broberg, Mabel May, '12 Harvejville Walter, Merton Luther, '07 Havensville (Donaldson) Reed, Flora, '81 Reed, Corwin J., '79 Haviland Cudney, Herman L., '09 Lungren, Mabel Exie, '11 (Stump) Cudney, Gertrude Ella, '96 Hays Agnew, Elizabeth Jane, '00 Hallsted, Alanson L., '03 (Helder) Halstead, Mamie Eva, '04 Kiene, Fredric Arthur, '06 Milham, James Arthur. '07 (Rogler) Speer. Elsie Alma, '11 Speer, Whitcomb Glenn, '11 Wood, Grace (Enfield), '05 Wood, Thomas Marshall, '06 Herins'ton Nichols, Schuyler, '98 Hewins Burson, Charles J., '01 Hiawatha Knabb, William, '89 Moseley, Margaret Ethel, '09 Highland' Robertson, Hugh Dillon, '11 Hill t'ity Milliken, Francis Burzley, '09 Parker. Ivan Bryan. '92 Hoisinu'ton Hamler. Harry T., '09 (Wonsetler) Rude, Grace L., '83 Holconil) Carpenter, Florence, '09 Holli» Munger, Lewis J., '05 Holton Reed. Blias Wilber, '92 (Smith) Reed, Marietta, '95 Thompson, Charles W., '89 Hope Hill. George Wilkie. '12 Hortou Morgan, Edward Allen, '07 Olsen, Ole J., '07 (Paulsen) Pickett, Nell, '05 I'ickett, Luther B., '05 Howard Christie, George Sidney, '09 Hoxie (Adams) Wilkin, Bonnie Fran- ces, '99 Pearson, Charles Randolph, '94 Huniltoldt (Stewart) Pickell, Effle L., '05 Hutchinson Case. Thomas Arthur, '12 Evans, Charles Silar, '96 Gabrielson, Mary, '11 (Hazen) Rexroad. Alice Mabel, '09 Hirst, Jesse T.. '09 Kelly, Willis Norton, '12 Myers, Hazel Helen, '12 Parker, Frank L., '86 Peachey, Vernon D., '09 Pelham, Jesse Leroy, '07 Pennington, Harold Albert, '09 Rexroad, Guy C, '09 Stallman, Lulu EUse. '12 KANSAS STATE AGBICULTURAL COLLEGE 295 Yeoman, William James. '93 Yevkes, Guy E.. '06 Hynier Umberger, Harry, '05 Idana Copelancl, Bernard C, '07 Independenee Lowrance, Lillian May, '10 Nixon, Laura Belle, '11 Reed, Ernest Carl, '09 Innian (Conner) Hartman, Minnie Faye, '10 lola Bartlett, Thomas Reed, '12 Watkins, "Warren Elmer, 'OG Irving Dial, George Henry, '96 Isabel Austin, Will David, '10 Jamestown Hanson, Anton, '09 Hanson, Boline, '06 Jet more Anderson, John Henry, '12 Jewell Berry, Albert Leroy, '12 Berry, James W., 'S3 Goldsmith, David Andrew, '12 Groome, Herbert Revere, '05, '07 Harrison, Raymond D., '06 Peek, George C, 'S4 (Peck) Berry, Hattie L., '84 Seatou, Gladys Sadie, '11 (Welstead) Dunham, Georgiana, '10 Junction City (Cox) Kregar, Lizzie R., '80 (Glover) Van Buck, Hester Clark, '11 (Keen) Duncan, Letta Birdilla, '02 Pierce, Marcia, 'OS Van Buck, Walter, '11 Kansas City Bates, Frank Lorin, '04 (Brous) Smalley, Florence J., '84 Brous, Louis P., 'S6 Coburn, Clay Ephrain, '91 Dougherty, Bradford, '96 Harman, Mary Frances Burgoyne, '93 House, Edouard Wilfred, '02 Kelly, Maude, 'OS Meyer, Frederick Hugo, '97 Morris, Grace, '09 Poole, Bryant, '01 Rushmore, Harry C, '79 Shepherd. Glen Reid, '02 (St. John) "Williams, Lillian Alice. '91 Stratton, Clifton Jairus, '11 Surber, Eva May, '12 Tucker, Katherine Ann, '12 Kent.s Harner, Schuyler C. '90 (Huse) Collins, Helen Knostman, '08 Kingman White, Bessie May, '10 Kiowa Findley, Oliver Archie, '11 Kirwin Rigg, Leroy, '01 LaCygne Leasure, Marion Franklin, '77 LaUe City Marty, Charles Sumner, '96 Lalieland (Painter) Desmarias, Carrie Vashti, '99 Lakin Parker, James Oliver, '09 Lane Needham, J. Dana, 'S3 Langdon Simmons Railsback, Mary Edna, '11 Liarued Doll. Emma Phillipine, '9S Gilkison, Charles A., '06 I^asita (Stump) Chaffee, Cora Idell, '95 Ijatliam (Hamill) Tillotson, Ara, '92 La^vrence Benner, James William, '11 Bentley, Evalvn Annette, '12 Blair, Albert Edv^'in, '99 Callen, Speer Woodson, '12 Friend, Carl E., '88 Lightfoot, Fairy, '12 Lumb, John Wallace. '10 (Lyon) Benner, DeNell Gilbert, '11 Skinner, John T., '04 (Smith) Skinner, Emily G., '06 I^eaven worth Johnson, James Henry, '05 Ross, Pontus Henry, '02 Shaw, Leslie Leon, '12 Wilson, Amos E., '78 Lebanon Arbuthnot. William Sherman, "91 liCbo Snyder, Anna, '88 Lenexa (Jones) Pincomb, Marion Eliza- beth, '96 Pincomb, Charles Edwin, '96 Lenora (Putnam) Cutting, Abbie Elid? , '02 Leon (Berkey) Smith, Charlotte Al- mira, '00 Leonard ville Johnson, Charles Frederick, '05 Oman, Harry G. F., '07 Sikes, Elva Lucretia. '09 Sikes, William H., '79 Leroy Case, Frances Louise Wilt, '12 Fockele, Glick, '02 Lewis Wenkheimer, Alberta M., '09 Liberal Etzold. Mabel Louise, '12 Lilli.s Walker, Carroll. '08 Lincoln (Heim) Moffitt, Christine M., '10 Moss, "\Villiam Alfred, '12 Lindsborg Bergh, Clara Anna, '11 Johnson, Henry George, '96 Little River Hodgson, Edward Howard, '03 Hodgson, Frederick Earl, '05 Long Island Morgan, Arthur Houston, '96 Lyndon (Parkinson) Moyer, Fannie, '96 Lyon.s Case, Lulu Lucy, '11 Case, S. Irene, '11 296 JIECOBD OF THE ALUMNI Conner, Claude S., '09 (Kittell) Conner, Amanda C, '09 Liuray O'Brien, Harold Dale, '11 McCracken Norlin, John W., '09 McPIicrson Coblentz, Luther James, '12 Criner, Lillian Clyde, '92 Fields, James William, '03 GeauQue, Harry Aiman, '11 Knaus, Warren, 'S2 Kubin, Edison Frank, '09 Lambert, Clarence, '07 (Lee) Kubin, Emma, '10 (Marty) Lawson, Jessie Lou, *08 Seg-el, Abel, '12 Shelley, Wilson George, '07 Shelly, Grace Ellen, '10 Madisou Matherly, Ernest Wilson, '06 Manhattau Aberle, Nellie, '12 Adams, Arthur A., '12 Akin, Del Mar, '01 Akin, Elva Veola, '05 Akin, Pearl, '05 Allen, Amy Alena, '04 Allen, Jessie Patience, 'OS (Alvord) Purdy, Jessie Mabel, '10 Amos, Edg-ar McCall, '02 Anderson. Aaron Edward, '11 (Apitz) McCampbell, Jessie Ed- wina, '09 Bales, Ethel Loletta, '12 Baird, Raymond Cecil. '11 (Barber) Turner, Ethel Rachel, '11 Barr, Mary Olive, '02 Bean, Georg-e Ford, '02 Bennett, Hulda L., '08 Biddison, Clare Lavon, '07 Blachly, John Harold, '00 (Blachly) Dean, Minerva, '00 Blattner, David George, '11 Blizzard, Warren Lale, '10 (Bower) Ady, Mary C, '83 Boys, William Armfield, '04 Breese, Claude M., '87 (Brenner) Morrison, Viva, '04 Briggs, Martha Amelia, '02 Brown, Frances Langdon, '09 Brown, Robert Henry, '98 Buck, Meta Evalina,' '12 (Burtner) Potter, Eva Maggy, '05 Carlson, Walter William, '08 (Carlton) Murphy, Etta, '10 Cassell, Robert Archer, '07 Castle, Clara Francelia, '94 Chandler, Berta Lorena, '12 Chandler, Howard McCune, '03 (Child) Carroll, Ella S., '77 Christian, Robert Vernon, '11 Coffman, Joseph Henry, '11 Cooley, Ruth, '06 Coons, M. Marie, '09 (Cooper) Dial, Katherine, '08 (Correll) Uhl, Maggie A., '97 Correll, Willitt Ransom, '99 Cowles, Ina Foote, '01 Cress, Alverta May, '94 Cunningham, Claude Carroll, '03 (Dahl) Davis, Anna Magdalena, '98 Dale, Fannie Rachel Ellen, '01 Davies, David Thomas, '95 (Davis) Ahearn, Mary E,, '04 Davis, Percy Grover, '11 I'cAvis, Roy Ira, '12 Dean, George Adam, '95 Dial, Fred Volley, '97 Dickens, Albert, '93 Dow, J. Mary, '11 Dow, Odessa Delia, '06 Dow, Ula May, '05 Dunton, Leila, '10 (Edelblute) Smethurst, Jennie, '00 (Edwards) Hartley, Elizabeth, "92 (Edwards) Leidigh, Mary Jose- phine, '05 Elliott, Frederick B., '87 Elliott. Fredrick Deievan. '11 Ellis, Frank Cutter, '12 (Engel) Blackman, Anna Philli- pina. '97 (Ewalt) Brown, Cora Elizabeth, '98 Failyer, George H., '77 Pailyer, Lois, '07 Fairman. Eugenia, '10 Felps, Clemons Inks, '12 Fitz, Leslie Arthur, '02 (Fleming) Blachly, Beulah. '04 Fowler, Ira Loren, '12 Franklin, Oliver Morris, '12 (Gale) Sanders, Hattie L., '89 Greene, George Ogden, '00 (Haines) Bowen, Emma Laura, '67 (Haines) McKeen, Phoebe E., '83 Halstead, Oscar Hugo, '95 (Hammond) Kittell, Mabel Rea, '11 (Hanson) Higinbotham, Anna Viola, '98 Harris, Frank Clyde, '08 Hartley, John William Abraham, '92 Haslam, Thomas Powell, '08 Hassebroek. Elizabeth F.. OS Hassebroek, Mamie Magdolene, '04 Havens, Alonzo Charles, '96 Hendershot, William A., '04 Helper, Ida Viola, '10 (Hill) Champlin, Grace Edna, '99 Hoke, Hazel Juanita, '12 Holroyd. Ina Emma, '97 (Hoop) Montgomery, Delpha May, '91 Hopper, Frederick Sampson, '11 Hopper, George E., '85 Hougham, Sarah Chase, '03 (Houghton) Buck, Winifred Anna, '97 Howell, Minnie M., '01 Hull, Bret Redmon, '97 Hulse, Fred R., '93 Hungerford, Edwin H., '12 Hunter. Oliver William, '09 Huse, Mildred Knostman, '11 Hutto, Willis Wesley, '91 Inskeep, Mildred Lee, '12 Johnson. Elmer, '08 Jones, Edith Ellen, '09 Justin, Catherine Laura, '12 (Justin) Haslam, Edith B., '08 Justin, Ethel M.. '10 Justin, Margaret M., '09 Justin, Miner M.. '07 (Keen) Moore, Elda Lenore, '96 Keith, Edgar, '12 Kellogg', George Henrv, '05 Kellogg, Ruth Mav. '10 (Kimball) Dickens, Bertha S., '90 Kimball, Edgar Willis. '02 KANSAS STATE AGBICULTUBAL COLLEGE 297 Kimball, Fred G.. '87 Kimball, Mary, '07 Kimble, Samuel, '73 Kimble, Venus, 'OS King-, Walter J., '09 Kipp, Carl L., '09 Kittell, Elmer Frederic, '12 (Knostman) Pratt, Helen, '01 (Knostman) Huse, Emma, '80 Lane, Walter Carl, '05 Lawton, Frank Baxter. '12 Lee, Mary Cornelia, 'S9 Lewis, David Ernest, '10 Linn, Martlia Evaline, '12 Little, Bessie Belle, '91 (Lock) Noble, Bessie May, '98 Loflnck, Reuben E., '75 Losh, Albert Richard, '10 Lund, Jacob, '83 McCall, William Thomas, 'OS McCampbell, Charles Wilbur, '06, '10 McColloch, James Walker, '12 McCray, J. Myron. '09 McDonald, Eula Delpha. '12 (McDonald) Pyle, Vera Alta, '04 (McKeen) Kipp, Ethel Olive, '08 McNall, Preston Essex, '09 Mag-ill, Edmund Charles, '12 (Mails) Coons, Mattie E., '82 (Manly) Williams, Kate Anna, "99 Manshardt, Charles L., '10 Marlatt. Frederick A., '87 Meade, Virg-inia Lee, '09 Melton, Alice Maude, '98 Moore, Celia Caroline, '12 Moore, Leona Estel, '07 Moore, William David, '12 Moore, William Henry, '94 Morris, Margaret Doii, '11 Morris, Maria, '11 Mung-er, Edna Anna, 'OS Mung-er, Myra May, '12 (Murphy) Hudson. Verda Ellen, '06 (Newell) Hatch, Nora, '93 Ne-well, Sherman Bodw^ell, '97 Nichols, Roscoe Townley, '99 Nicholson. Rachel Gertrude, '05 Noble, Oliver, Ezra, '97 O'Brien, Edith Blanche, '11 (O'Daniel) Amos, Anna Louella, '03 Orem, Wilma, '10 Orr, Burton Sylvester, '07 Otto, Henry, '06 Pfuetze, Carl Frederic, '93 Pfuetze, Emil C, '90 (Pfuetze) Samuel, Emilia Matilda, '98 Phillips, Bertha Ellen, '11 Phillips, Kenneth W., '12 Poole, Grover, '02 Poole. John. '96 Poole, William, '98 Porter, Harrison E., '07 Potter, Percival Button, '11 Purdy. Daniel Milton, '12 Pyle, Charles A., '04, '07 (Quinby) Perry, Ada H., '86 Rannells, Hilie, '10 Reed, Clinton J., '12 Reynolds, Jessie Annaberta, '06 Rice, Ada, '95 (Ridenour) Orr, Jennie Florence, '04 Rig-ney, Ida Ethel, '09 Rodg-ers, Marg-aret, '12 Sanders, William H., '90 Schild, Clara Dorothy, '08 Schneider, Essie Blanch, '12 Schroer, Edward Henry, '11 Scott, Charles A., '01 Scott, Minnie Mag-dalene, '11 Seaton, Roy A., '04 (Secrest) Hung-erford, Dorothy E. C, '85 Sherwood, Virg-ie G., '12 (Shumway) Gish, Carrie Marietta, '12 Simpson, Myrtle Edith. '09 Skinner, Alice, '09 Smith, Edwin Lee, '98 Smith, Fred Raymond, '93 Smith, Harlan David, '11 (Smith) Wheeler, Kitty Myrtle, '95 Smith, Ned, '12 Snell. Florence, '11 Soupene. Edna Grace, '11 Spilman, Clara, '00 Tanner, Cassie, '12 (Terhune) McCall, Edith Grace, '12 Tomson, Walter Edwin, '12 Toothaker, Myrtle Lucy, '02 (Tulloss) McLean, Elsie' May, '08 Turner, Chester Francis, '12 Uhl, Frank Edwin, '96 (Ulrich) Boys, Dovie May, '03 Vance, Gertrude M., '04 (Vandivert) Remick, Harriet Ag-- nes, '97 Vaughn, Edg-ar Allen, '12 Wagner, George Franklin, '99 Wagner, Jessie May, '00 Walters, Fred, '02 (Westgate) Lewis, Helen Clara, '07 Wheeler, George Carpenter, '95 Whipple, Florence Rllla, '12 White, Thomas F., '06 Wiest. Flora Emilie. '91 Willard, Henry S., '89 Willard, Julius T., '83 (Willis) Call, Clara, '08 Willis, Chloe May, '09 Wilson. Bruce Steinhoff, 'OS Wilson, Esther S., '10 Wilson, Matilda Jane, '12 Winter. Henry B , '09 Wolf, Nelle, '08 Wreath, Nellie Lunette. '12 Wright, Earnest A., '06 Mankato Hathaway. Ella Sevilla. '10 Johnson, Roy Mentzer, '10 Mustard. Jessie May, '01 ^laple Hill Adams, Franklin Alexander, '09 Mariou Lewallen, Claire. '11 Perrill, Laurence Todd, '12 Marquette Hawkinson, Clarence L., '06 Marysville (Cunningham) Holloway, Marga- ret Ruth, '07 (Hawkins) Gallup, Stella. '09 Holloway. A. Dexter. '07 Kirkwood, Mildred I., '05 Kirkwood, Nina H., '05 Sanderson. Alfred Hayes, '03 Schn-iidler, Henry William, '12 Mayfield Hand, Ralph Robert, '10 298 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI Meade Henry. Thomas Elliott, '11 Meadeville (Pritner) Lockwood, Mary Bly, '99 Melvern Farley, Guy Francis, '98 Merriain Jessup, Fern Vivian, '11 Marty, Frieda K.. '05 Michig-an Valley Davison, V^ilbur Sumner, '10 Davison, Mabel Ethel, '10 Milo Wingfleld, Susan Elizabeth, '12 Miltonville Savage, George Arthur, '09 Minneapolis Baird, Alfred Henry, '07 Midgley, Alfred, '91 Rees, Rollin R., 'S5 (Sweet) Arnold, Jessie A., '05 Steele, Effie Eleanor, '09 Monrovia McLenon, Henry Alexander, '08 Montrose Dahl, Ing-a Josephine, '98 Monument Cook, Ernest Mansel, '00 Duttlinger, Frederick C, '12 (Travis) Cook, Jessie Leona, '06 Moran Ogilvie, Valerie Almina, '12 Morrill (Coffman) Roberts, Ethel Ruth, '10 Robinson, Josephine, '12 Morro^vville Hennon, Charles, '11 Mound City Morse, John Otis, '91 Moundridg-e Roth, Dave G.. '11 Mount Hope Dill, Percy E., '07 (Bottomly) Dill, Helen Elizabeth, '05 Museotah Ryan, John Michael, '07 Nashville Kernohan, George, '12 Robinson, Walter Stuart, '11 Neodesha Sperry, Mabelle Julie, '06 Narka Whitney, Allen Homer, '12 (Axtell) Glover, Marguerite, '09 Barnhisel, Clara Florence, '04 (Bowman) Raymond, Ola, '11 Bradford, Fred Spencer, '12 Foster, Douis Cloyd, '04 (Kliewer) Ingold, Clara Marie, '11 Swartz, Bertha Lillian, '11 Vilander, Philip Cornelius, '11 Walthour, Roy L., '12 Nickersou Faubian, Rena Amelia, '10 Murphy, Charles A., '87 Pellette, Dudley, '12 Noreatur Andrews, Justina Marinda, '12 Norton Nielsen, Harold Theodore, '03 Oakland Keats, Mabel Lucille, '11 Oakley (Miller) Cook, Emma Maude, '01 Oberlln Fry, Clarence Grifflng, '12 (McCray) Fry, Viva Margaret, '12 Ogden Harvey, James Madison, '98 Olathe Batchelor, Ellen Margaret, '11 Batchelor, Amy Gertrude, '12 (Copley) Buckholtz, Margaret, '09 (Helder) Morse, Lorena Marguer- ite, '94 (Huntress) Rhoades, Edith, '01 McCrone, Sara Grace, '04 Morse, Theo Wattles, '95 (Pfuetze) Julian, Anna C, '99 Rhoades, William Joseph, '97 Williams, Jennie, '10 Olpe Brinkman, Henry W., '07 OnaK'a (Wyatt) Wilson, Lucie Joan. '01 O.sase City Dorman, Roy Nathan, '04 (Whitman) Heiser, Minerva E., '76 Osborne McCaslin, Harvey, '01 (Smith) Strong, Jennie Ruth, '94 Timbers, Delbert L., '94 Oskaloosa Roberts, Alice Dunbar, '12 Snyder, Ralph, '90 Os^veso Edwards, Louis Sidney, '03 Hildreth, William Rutherford, '02 Needham, Lucy, 'OS, '11 Pitman, Charles Beryl, '10 Ottawa Keith, Alice Mary, '11 Oxford Houser. Frederick, '07 Padonia Browning, Walter R., '89 Parsons (Bayles) Bower, Myrtle Ruth, '11 Bower, Harley James, '10 Cranston, Arthur Fulton, '90 Moore, William C '88 Parker, Thomas Thornton, '11 (Peckham) Cordry, Allie S., '82 (Trimmer) Parker, Cora Meda, '10 Wells. Rav Thurman, '10 (Willis) Wells, Edna Leona, '10 Partridge Ghormley. Gilbert G., '10 McCoy, William Ross, '12 Peabody Hopper, William Avery, '10 Potter, George Perclval, '07 Perry Grinter, William Henry Harrison, '12 Shirley, Garfield, '05 Phillipsburg (Alexander) Boyd, Mamie, '02 Locke, Erma Elizabeth, '01 Morgan. Eugene Lawrence. '01 (Schaeffer) Morrison. Matah, '10 Pittsburjs; Holzer, Hiram Adsil, '99 Watson, Clarence, '12 Yenawine. Ora Gertrude. '95 Plymouth (McCurry) Walker, N. Ollie, '00 KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 299 Quiuter (Washing-ton) Samson, Rebecca Rees, '05 Randolph (Inskeep) Peter, Helen C, '06 (McKeen) Axelton, Madge Ruth, '01 Secrest. Birdie E., '92 Secrest, Jacob Ulrich, '94 Shellenbaum, Edward, '97 Rantoiil (Needham) Carter, Jennie June, '99 Tulloss, William Guy, '99 Reserve (Gammon) Ryan, Erma, '08 Riley Abell, Edward Jones, '95 (Cottrell) Nelson, Jennie Pearl, '04 (Cottrell) Pottorf, Lucy Maria, '98 Meyer, Ella M., '07 Meyer, Richard, '05 James, Evan, '04 Otto. Dora M., '11 Pottorf, Andrew Jackson, '99 Randle. Elizabeth, '07 Russell (Hood) Johnson, Myrtle Hattie, '97 Johnson, Christian Andrick, '95 Lechner, Christian Dagobert, '99 (Maelzer) Haise, Louisa Mary, '99 (Morton) McKeen, Stell, '12 Snbetha Conrad, Burton Wesley, '95 J^i^aver, Harlan, '10 Masheter, Roy, '10 Morton, Flora Harriette, '11 Sanford, Lawrence V., '04 St. George Dalton, Winifred Anna, '06 St. John Broberg-, Harrison, '11 St. Marys (Turner) Clothier, Phoebe Carey, '94 Salina Eagles, Mollie Elizabeth. '12 Hoop, Charles Henry, '97 Riddell, John Dewitt, '93 Santa Fe (McLaren) Scott. Nettie. '00 Sedan Tulloss. James Otis, '99 Shady Bend (Berry) Hull, Ethel Esther, '07 Hull, Ralph Waldo, '08 Sibley Cowles, Ethel, '07 Smith Center Gripton, David H., "06 Womer, Retta, '04 Solomon Johnson. Winifred Mae, '05 McKenzie, John Alexander, '01 McKenzie, Mabel Mortier, '10 Spivey Boyle, Charles Joseph, '09 Stafford Harris. Richard I.. '12 McFadden, Bert Jay, '11 Miller, Winona Gertrude, '11 Sterling Grizzell, Chester W., '09 Kammeyer, Emma Dorothy, '12 Shuyler, Reynold. '10 Vincent, Samuel Robert. '94 Stockdale Paddleford. Glenn Decatur. '12 Stockton Williams. Mary Catherine. Sylvan Grove Seng, August William, '11 Syracuse Ferris, Arba C, '06 Talmage Chaffee. Spencer Norman. '91 Tecumseh Gritting. John S., '77 Tonganoxie Fate, Florine Elizabeth. '11 Topeka Atwell, Cora, '97 Campbell. Edith Blanche. '12 Campbell, Prank A., '90 (Cross) Rhodes, Wilrna Greene, '04 Currie, Jennie Maud, '00 Davis, William DeOzro, '04 Ellis, Lucy, '95 (Fenton) Kittell, Marie, "09 Fleming, Louise, 'OS (Fox) Smith, Martha. '97 (Gardiner) Obrecht, Mary Maude, '93 Gibson, Elmer George, '96 Harrison, John R., '88 Hayes, Lawrence Wilber, '96 Hepworth, Lewellyn Gaines, '97 (Howell) King, Annice, 'OS Hunter, Harley Main, '10 Irving. Emma Sophia, '10 Jones, Humphrey William. '88 Kessler, John Martin. '99 King. Loyd L., '09 Kittell, Albert G., '09 Kratzer, David A.. '09 Logan. Daniel Andrew. '05 Lyman. Charles W.. '96 Mallon. Carl Edward. '07 Marshall. Phillip Edward, '08 Maus, Chester Arthur, '04 Minis. Marv Frances. '98 Morrow, Eflfie May. '09 Morton. Caroline. '06 Neiswender. Lincoln H, '84 Nichols. Floyd Bruce. '12 Nicholson. James Morton. '12 Peterson. Charles John. '93 Pugh. Burton Homer, '92 Rader, Ralph Waldo. '95 Rhodes, Arthur J., '05 Rhodes, Howard Newton, '96 Ric'nards, Henry Paul, '02 Rigg, Eva Talitha, '02 (Sayers) DeLand, Maude F., '89 Schnemayer, Susanna, '09 Sechrist, Ernest Otto, '12 Skinner, Perle Harrison. '07 Snvder. Carl. '96 Tilburv. S. Ray. '07 (Tolin) Jeffs. Bessie L., "OS True. Alice Marie. '12 True. Otho Sprague, '99 (Walter) Skinner, Joseph ine Elizabeth, '07 Whipple, James Halley, '04 White, Charles Bernard, '99 Wickman, Daniel F.. '92 Withington. Charles H., '06 Tribune Cassel. Charles E.. '10 Skillman, Edward, '10 300 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI Troy Symiis, Andrew B., '98 SynvT.s. Perrin K., '01 Tuliy Pancake, Joseph Lloyd, '00 Tyro ^ Wheeler, Andrew Jefferson, 11 Wheeler, Clarence, '11 Valencia Van Dorp, Fred, '05 Valley Falls Reppert, Hugh E., '10 Withington, George Edna, 12 Vernon Roberts, William Harvey, 99 Vesper Larson. Edward, '11 Nygard, Jens, '0 5 Vinland ,, „ (Aberle) York, Elizabeth, 12 York, Oscar Thomas. 11 Webb, Prank Cooper, 04 Vliets „ , ,-- (Wells) Traxler, Ora Rebecca, 92 AVabaunsee Cottrell, Ernest Lerned, 99 Cottrell, Martha Amelia, '94 Noyes, Hattie May, '91 (Smith) Burt, Emma Estella, 03 Wakeeney Parsons, Mary Russell, '11 (Philbrook) Jones, Eva Louise, 97 Wakefield Alsop. Jiimes Rdtrar '12 Avery, Henry Albert, 02 Averv, Herman Willard, '91 Avery, Melvia Fairetta, '99 (Hutchinson) Streeter, Kate May, '07 NiemoUer. August Fred. '93 Weaver, Fern Vena, '12 Waldo Dawley, Frank Andrew, 95 WallacM , ,„„ Shull, Charles Wesley, 97 \A'anieKo , ,^^ (Bailey) Foltz, Effle Elizabeth, 00 Barber, Lebbeus Blair, '11 Bolton, Lillie Grace, '00 McCoy, Rose Margaret, '03 Odle, James Francis, '94 Pulver, William Arthur, *12 Washington Ballard, Stella Louise, '10 Dull, George Edward, '11 McWilliams, Samuel A., '10 Ostlund, Arthur J., '10 AVaterville Paddleford, Eli M., '89 (Reed) Paddleford, Louise, '91 Wathena Pugh, Edna, '11 Waverly Fockele, Fred F., '02 Towne, Norman Lee, '04 Wellinston Schild, Hugo, '09 (Sommer) Hood, Mabel Ruth, '11 Sutcliff, Leora Juanita, '09 Wellsville Cotton. Mary Irene, '11 Westmoreland Jackson, Charles Clifford, '99 (Norton) Vicksberg, Virgi n i a Viola, '04 White City Blythe, George William, '12 Dodderidge, Russell Reuben, '12 Keeble, Jesse, '10 (Ware) Johnson, Vera Arvena, '12 Wiehita Branson, Roscoe Arthur, '11 Brant, Walter J., '05 Gerteis, Louise, '01 Goodyear, Ellsworth Paul, '03 Grabendike, Frank W., '07 Hanson, Gustaf William. '00 (Moore) Dakin, Mae, '98 Morris, Clara King, '11 Payne, Edith B., '12 Schell, Albert Leslie, '09 Stinglev, John, '94 Weaver, Oley Willis, '11 \\ illianisbur;; Swift, Charles Bartholow, '05 Vi'ilsey Fay, Harry Haines, '01 Fay, Scott Stuart, '05 AVineliester Dcmtier, Alexander H., '07 Steuart, William Henry, '95 AY infield Drake, Orrin Pomeroy, '03 Guy, Paul D., '10 M^illiams, Clyde Douglas, '11 Willoughby, Luther Earle, '12 Wilson, George Heber, '05 Wilson, Ira A.. 'OS Wilson, John Thomas, '10 AVinkler Waldraven, Luther Watts, '00 Wood.*iton Vanderlip, Blanche Beatrice, '10 Vate.s Center Coe, Maude Mildred, '02 Spalding, Max Gilbert, '96 Spencer, Walter Hayward, '02 Zeandale Bolton, James Courtney, '99 Haynes, Lawrence Glenn, '09 Kramer, George Otto, '05 KENTUCKY Liexinji^ton Buckman, Ruby Mildred, '08 Reed, Alvin Josiah, '10 Louisville Bales, Harold W., '09 LOUISIANA Hilton Roiiffe Rosado. Franco Thomas. '12 Lonsrville King, Charles Percy, '98 Neanie Waters, Fred Dorsey, '98 Ne>v Orleans Cassel, Sarah Elizabeth, '09 Price, Leo, '11 Turner, Mary Lee, '12 Ru.>4ton Shattuck, Earle Locke, '07 WelMh (Cottrell) Wright, Sarali Esther, 94 Wi-iifht, Willis M.. '87 MAINE Fort McKinley Strong, Alden G., '11 KANSAS STATE AGBICULTUBAL COLLEGE 301 MARYLAXD Annuiiolis Conover, John Alfred, '98 Bethesda Mason, Silas C, '90 Chevy Uhasu Fairchild, David G., '88 College Park Ballard, Walter Raymond, '05 Gahan, Arthur Burton, '03 Norton, John Bitting Smith, '96 Hancock Hall, "William Logan, '98 (Lyman) Hall, Gertrude May, '97 Hyattsville Schmitz, Nicholas, '04 H.eu8ing'toii Spilman, Harold Addison, '03 Lanhnni Westgate, John Minton, '97 (Wheeler) Westgate, Inez, '0.5 MASSACHUSETTS Amherst Sears, Fred C, '92 (Stokes) Sears, Ruth Tipton, '92 (Vail) Waugh, Mary Alice, '92 Waugh, Frank Albert, '91 Brookline Monsch, Helen, '04 Lynn Breese, Carl Shipman, '12 Carnahan, August Belmont, '0.') Howenstine, Cliarles Clinton, '09 Reynolds, Ross Herbert, '11 Wellesley Kennett, Pauline, '12 MICHIGAN Ann Arbor Christensen, John Cornelius, '94 Beacon Reece, Richard, '06 Detroit Blachly, Charles Paul, '05 Higinbotham, John U., '86 (Lyman) Weaver, Laura Lillian, '06 Houghton Anderson, William, '98 (Brady) Anderson, Hope, '98 Christensen, Esther Evangeline, 'OS Christensen, George Luther, '94 Kalamazoo (Little) MacEwan, E. Ada, '86 Schwab, Ludwig Joseph, '12 Lansing Beighle, Ernest Elmer, '08 (Gale) Kedzie, Ella M., '76 Ward, Walter Gilling, '12 Milan (Forsyth) Crone, M. Edith. "06 Rochester Wilson, Robert Hugh, '09 MINNESOTA Alden (Waters) Conner, Elsie Lucile, '98 Alexandria Popenoe, Hubert L., '09 Annandale Lyness, Charles Enoch, '12 Benson Emslie, Emmett Keeler, '12 Blooming Prairie McDonald, Ethel, '07 Mitchell, Jessie Coulter, '11 Blue Earth Martin, Earl Harrison, '12 Deer River Records, Harold S., '09 Dor an Emmert, Valentine Meacham, '01 Elk River Parry, William Theodore, '12 Fort Snelliug Thummel, Claude B., '05 Gaylord Florell. Homer, '11 Hector Kiser, Orville M., 'OS Ho«-ard Lake Grandfield, Edwin Harrison, '11 Lakelield Golieen, John Homer, '12 Madi.^on Jones. John Seneca, '08 >Iaukato (Harrison) Jorgensen, Annie A., '09 Jorgenson, Louis M., '07 Milaca (Banker) Westover, Amy Estelle, '11 Westover, Edgar Leroy, .'11 Minneapolis Bergman, Herbert P.. '05 Brink, Raymond W.. 'OS, '09 Heim, Harry Russell, '06 Ne^v London Baird, Benjamin Baxter, '11 P::rk Rapid.s Kiger. Harry E., '09 Renville Holmberg, Edith Antonette. '08 Rochester May, John M., '10 Spriggs, Roy E., '09 Saint Paul Palmer, Franlv Everett, '05 Cooley, Ralph Andrew, '12 (Gritting) Harlan, Augusta. '04 Harlan, Harry Vaughn, '04 Hungerford, DeForest, '10 (Leuszler) Montgomery, Grace E., '09 Montgomery, Joseph Shaw, '07 Sandstone Hewitt, Paul McGee, '12 Wellmar Croyle, George Samuel, '11 MISSISSIPPI Starkville Perrin, Arthur Alexander Ray- mond, '08 MISSOURI Amoret Esdon, Robert Alexander. '03 Anderson Hillis. Rees William. '12 Bellefountne Brunker, William Adam, '11 Carthage Mattliews, Vernon, '04 Chillicothe Clarke, David Charles, '12 Richards, James C, '08 Columbia Gingery, John, '10 Kimball, Charles Augustus, '93 Musser, Karl Bryant, '12 302 BECORD OF THE ALUMNI Eldorado Springs Foote, Donald Forrest, '09 Excelsior Springs Coleman, Roy David, '11 (Emslie) Miller, Katharine Lucy, '12 Independence McCray, Minnie Vergie, '11 Pliipps, William Henry, '95 Smith, William Elmer, '93 Joplin Emrici^, Eugene. '00 Fryhofer, John Jacob, '96 Goheen, George G., 'OS Kansas City Anderson, "William Aaron, '91 (Bacheller) Foster, Bertha H., 'SS Berkeley, Robert E., '09 Bourne, Richard Franklin, '03 Butterfleld, Joseph Abbott, '99 Carr, Clifford Hart, '11 Coldwell, William Irving, '06 Cowles, Bertha, '05 Davis, Guy R., '05 Oeit:', Aloert, So Dille, Cassie Belle, '98 (Dille) Hulett, Mary Alberta, '00 Dille, Vida Grace, '97 Elsas, Marshall, '07 Evans, Earl Joy, '06 (Failver) Kinzer, Maude Irene, '03 Hanson, Otto Albert, '05 Helder, Arthur Hurschel, '04 Henderson, Helen Day, '09 Hillebrandt, Benjamin Franklin, '12 Hoffman, Emmett Vivian, '9S Houk, Sylvanus Edgar, '11 (Johnson) Butterfleld, Ary Cor- delia, '98 Jollv, Fred Ralph, '95 Kahl, Grover Cleveland, '07 Kinslev, Albert Thomas, '99 McDonald. Scott Roger, '12 May, George Parkinson, '11 Miller, Josephine Caroline, '11 Moorman, Ross, '09 (Mudge) Thompson, Eusebia De- Long, '93 Oesterhaus, John H., '01 (Paddock) Hess, Kate, '00 Pope, Horace Gershom, '94 Pursel, Lisle "Willits, '96 Ransopher, Silas Milo, '11 Schuppert, Richard C, '10 (Selby) Curtice, Belle, '82 (Smith) Kinsley, Anna Louisa, '01 Smith, George Wildman, '93 Spuhler, Henry Adam. '06 Stauffer, Maurice I.. '07 Stingley. Orville Ashford, '96 Stoddard, Albert D., '06 Stokely, Charles Harrison, '97 Stump, Lois, '03 (Sweet) Evans, Bertha Florence, '07 (Towers) Brooks, Nellie, '99 Van Blarcom, Samuel L., '91 Wolfe, Raymond McKee, '12 Yeoman, Frank, '98 King Forest, Harry Verne, '00 Kirlisville Doll, George, '97 Kirlt^vood Cozine, Merton Leroy, '12 Marceline Walton, Noel Hutchinson, '11 >Iar>sville lOaton, (jeorge Richard, '08 IJiles City Barnard, Asa William, '05 Blount A'ernoD Abildgaard, Mark, '12 Ilayniore Gore, Clyde Jamison, '07 Saint Josepli Beeman, Atwood N. H., '05 Buzard, Benjamin Franklin, '12 Caldwell, Fred Wallace, '07 Logan, Edward A., '05, '09 McDonald, M. Edwin, '12 Murray, Jacob Michael, '08 (Nichols) Eshelman, Susan W., '89 Olson, Bertha Olivia, '97 (Raemer) Totten, Olga Mario, '11 Richards, Edward Clement, '07 Saint l^ouis Curtis, Edwin McMaster Stanton, '93 Fryhofer, George William, '95 Mickel. Louis B., '10 Thompson, Charles Henry, '93 Soutliwest City Conner, W. Archie, '06 Springfield Droge, William F., '10 Hazen, John S.. '89 Lewis, Adah, '07 Rowland, Ruth Lillian, '12 3IONTANA ItillingN (Day) McDowell. Daisy. '95 McDowell. David Collins, '91 McDowrell, Samuel Alexander, '95 Boxeninu (Bayles) Challender, Julia Susan- na, '07 Challender, Ralph Thompson, '08 Dearborn, Charles Sumner, '04 (Ritchie) Dearborn, Florence Re- becca. '04 Swingle, Deane Bret. '00 Whipple. Orville Blaine. '04 Busby Oskins. Myrtle. '09 Dillon Kerr. Jay, '11 McDowell, Rose Edith, '93 (ilasgo^v Iloss, Worth Daniel, '11 Helena Thayer, Ellis Cheney, '91 Lewiston Davis, Charles Ernest, '06 Pittman, Tom Lawrence, '04 (Sweet) Pittman, K, Elizabeth, '04 Sunburst Snapp, Arthur R., '08 NEBRASKA Alliance Canfield. Georgia L., '12 Crete Yeatrer. Albert Franklin. '12 East^vood (Rickman) Gilbert. Eva May, '05 Fairbury Elliott, Martha, '12 Palls City Allison, Cyrus Norton, '01 KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE ■Mi Olenvllle (Newell) Brandt, Clara Verena, 96 Gothenburg Gist, Lois Ruth, '12 Hustings Hanson, Ellen J., '07 March, Eleanor, '09 Hebron Otten, Oscar Albert, '95 Kearney Williams, Marion, '09 Lincoln Bridgman, Judd Noble, '91 Calvin, John Willard, '06 Cooke, Edg-ar Raymond, '12 Cooper, John Ralph, '12 Gish, Oliver Holmes, 'OS Hole, Walter Tope, '12 Johnson, Fred Emanuel, '99 Loomis, Alice Marie, '04 Scott, Robert Doug-las, '04 Smith, Louberta J., '10 Whedon, Charles O., '71 North Platte Osburn, Walter M., '11 Omaha Glossop. Emma E., 'S3 Points, John J., '67 Purdy, Otto Independence, '99 Salem Easley, Myrtle Alberta, '12 Simeon (Thackrey) Reece, Harriet Emer- SCT;. '9S Superior (Deaver) Wnrren. Rnhv. 09 Getty, Richard William, '12 Syracuse Young. Georgre Asbury, '12 Tecuniseh Williams, Louis Coleman. '12 Valentine Thackrey, Cora, '9S Virginia (Cain) Weiss, Emma M., '02 AA'ahoo Harlan, Dora Inez, 'OS NEVADA Reno Pittman, Martha S., '06 Reppert, Harry ■V\''., '10 Tonopah Rickman, Elvin, '04 NEAV HAMPSHIRE Hanover Nichols, Ernest F., '88 NEW' JERSEY Jersey City (Stewart) Points, Alice Eulalie, New Bruns^vlck Davis, Karv Cadmus, '91 Lint, Henry Clay. '11. '12 McLean, Harry Charles, '08 (Waugh) Davis, Fannie Elizabeth, '91 Nutley Fryhofer, Charles Wesley, '05 Passaic Fairchild, Paul Halstead, '86 South Oregon (Hofer) Johnson, Christine Del- phine. '02 \\estfleld Hofer, Henrietta Mattie, '02 TSEW MEXICO Alamagordo Dille, Alfred Burton, '99 Harvey, John Andrew, '99 Hulett, Marcia lone, '93 Albuquerque Bright, Ruth, '12 Conwell, Hermon H,, '07 Hart, Maud, '01 Martin, Ethel Madge, 'OS Moorman, Claude, '09 Thackrey, William Elwood, '96 Turnbull, William, '04 Schneider, Fred Lewis, '02 Astex Bundy, David E,, '89 Port Bayard Turner, Harry Castle, '01 :>le.silla Park Christensen, Frederick Walde- mar, '00 Portales Johnson, George Victor, '91 Roswell Mulford, EfRe Jane, '12 Santa Fe Abbott, Edmund Clarence, '93 Tucumcari (Nichols) Donohoo, Harriet Grace, '9S NEW YORK Albany (Docking) Weber, Lulu H., '09 Brooklyn (Neiman) Ramsey, Ruth Emma, '06 Ramsey, Lester Allen, '06 Ithaca Birch, Raymond Russell, '06 (Brooks) Hazen, Ella V,. '09 Hazen, Leslie Eugene, '06 (McKeeman) Birch, Olive R., 'OS Rose, Flora, '04 (Wilder) Sawdon, Adelaide Frances, '9S New York Copeland, Minnie Laura, '98 Corbett, Florence Ruth, '95 Dixon, Lvman H., '88 Edgerton, Ruth, '12 Fielding, George T., '03 Graham, Lewis M., '06 Hain, Leo Roscoe, '11 Hamaker, Roswell Lerov, '06 Hastings, Milo M., '06 Hickok, Mary Elizabeth, '12 Mathewson, Walter E., '01 Spohr, Wilhelmina Henrietta, '97 Thompson, Helen Biship, '03 Rochester Nixon, Ivan Luther, '03 Roslyn (Dow) Peck, Helen Pearl, '91 Schenectady Adamson, Edward E., "05 Axtell, Clinton Jesse, '04 Bouton, Lewis Losee, '11 (Dunlap) Adamson, Olive B., '05 Jacobus, Charles, '09 Linsey, R. Fred, '07 Matthews, Howard David, '04 Salkeld, Alvertis Santford. '09 Schlaefli, John, '11 304 RECORD OF THE ALUMNI Van Nordstrand. Robert Daniel, '12 Ward. Clyde Quincy, '10 Syracuse Jones. Donald Forsha. '11 AVe.st New Brisliton Dornian, John Berthold, '96 XORTH CAROLINA Aquone Hageman, Earl Livingston. '11 NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck Whipple, Glenn Edwin, '11 Bottineau Shuler, Martin Roy, '06 Cando Nelson, Selma Emelia, '12 Fargo Doryland, Charles J. T., 'OS Haney, John George, '99 (Monroe) Stevens, Julia Anna, '01 Stevens, Orin Alva, '07 Harvey Clarice, Thomas E., '10 Hettling'er Laflin, Ray Delbert, '12 Mayville Butterfleld, Howard Frank, '01 Correll, Charles McLain, '00 (Trumbull) Correll, Laura Helen, '00 (Vail) Butterfleld, Florence Helen, '01 "Wishek Gillis, Fred Norton, '03 OHIO Akron Logan, George M., '02 Cincinnati Creager, Sid Henry, '95 McConnell, Faye Gertrude, 'OS Scott, Cryus McDonald, '12 Cleveland Enfleld, William L., '09 Pulton, Robert Anson, '05 (Reynolds) Fulton, Fanny E., '05 Colnniltus Biddison, P. McDonald, '04 Carle, Rav Arthur, '05 Hulett, Mac F., '93 (Oldham) Sisson, Katherine, '92 (Stephenson) Ober, Lottie Geneva, '12 Dayton Campbell, Charles Albert, '91 Lexington Pattison, Floyd, '12 :>Sarietta (Bowen) Schoonover, May Haines, '96 Pi qua Utter, Oliver L., '88 St. Marys Kirbv, Arthur W., '08 St. Paris Doane. Lawrence A., '04 Springfield Rowe, Harold E., '10 AVooster Goodwin, William H., '05 Houser, Jolm Samuel, '04 (Mudge) Houser, Bessie A., '03 gecregt, Edrnund Ray, '02 OKLAHOMA Alva Brown, Franlc E., '06 Apache Kerr, Almira Elnora, 'OS Ardnjore Kirkpatrick, Mark, '96 Bartlesville Brandt, David G., '12 (Grandfleld) Hull, Edna Jane, '11 Borden (Thompson) Mannv, Sarah Paul- ine, '03 Busliyliead Wood, Clarence E., '79 Capron (Ward) George, Catherine Niesz, '07 Carmen Salter, Lewis A., '79 Chandler Gilstrap, Harry Benson, '91 Cherokee Cheadle, Frank E., '97 Chilocco Allen, Edgar A., '87 McRae, Alma, '06 Clearvie^v Smith, Sallie Maud, '04 Columbus Skinner, Harry Everton, '11 Delaware (Tharp) Edwards, Estelle Mae. '01 Doby Springs (I'ainter) Rogers, Mary Kerilla, '96 Drumright Blaclily, Charles Dallas, '02 Knid Houston, Ulysses Grant, '81 E^dmond Davis. John. '90 iauts Pass Hardy, Walter Eugene, '98 Lents (Cotton) Smith, Charlotte Mabel, '96 Smith, Ernest P., '95 Marslifield Selbv, Charles Baxter, '95 Oakland (Farley) Carr, Mattie I., '89 Ontario Goldsmith, Williain Holman, '11 Oregron City (Gilstrap) (Frazier) Melton, Effle, '92 Porter. Lulu Moore, '09 Portland Blair, Otis Neel. '04 Brocl-:, Robert James, '91 Darnall, Harry A., '92 Elder, Leonard Roscoe, '06 Emrick, Victor, '95 (Houghton) Brock, May me Amelia, '91 Joss, Edward Clarence, '96 Keeler, Lot Parker, '99 (Kennett) Darnall, Maud Estella, '95 Lawton, Willard W., '10 (McCarty) Coats, Amanda Culp, '00 Moffatt, George A., '08 Sisson, Edward O., '86 Stone, Harry W., '92 (Swingle) Joss, Miriam Esther, '96 (White) Sullivan, Eleanor Mary, '01 (Willard) Emrick, Marv Eliza- beth, '95 Williams, Marie, '09 Woody, Ward, '10 Talent Gardner, Edwin Chase, '04 PENNSYLVANIA Ardniore Thurston, Elbert Wrenns '06 Carnegie Irving, William H., '09 Chester Thomas, Henry, '04 Eastou Barofsky, Burton Lewis, '12 Erie Wyatt. Kirby Kennedy. 'I I W.vland. Ploreace. Ml Glenoldeu Meenen. Peter J., '09 Wolcott. Leroy Bushnell. '12 Ir^vin Talley, Randall E.. '10 Norristowu Harrison, Floyd, '10 Pliiladeliihia Carleton, Mark A., '87 Stewart, Stella, '00 Pittsburg AUingham, Grace, '04 Ames, Frank W^eber, '94 (Patten) Ames, Ethel, '95 Browning, James C, '10 Reed, Charles Edgar, '11 Wilkinsburg Dennian, Earl Watson, '12 Fickel, Glenn Raymond, '12 Harbecke, Herman Henrv. '11 Hosick, William Cedric, '11 Krotzer, Fred "Wilhelm, '11 Morris, Hurd T., '10 Sherrard, Theadore, '10 Vork Newland, Rosa N., '06 SOITH CAROLINA Spartanslturg Parl-ce, Hazel Maxwell, '11 SOUTH DAKOTA Aberdeen (Thompson) Winter, Dora, '95 Canton Brooks, Edwin Harrison, '12 (Dresser) Svverud, F 1 o r ence Edith, '08 Carthage Patten, Ernest Byron, '98 306 HECORD OF THB ALUMNI Lead Gibbon, Clarence T., '08 Mitchell Coolev. Perry Alfred. '06 Platte Cole. Robert Curtise, '02 Rediield Martin. John Edward, '09 Vermillion Gugenhan, Lottie Ella, '12 TENNESSEE >Ieiniilii.s Gilbert, William D., '74 Schreiner, Fred H., '10 Millig-au College Hill. Thomas Newton, '09 Nashville (Harner) Selvidge. Ivy Frances, '93 Se^vanee McClung, John R., '10 TEXAS Atnarillo Bainer, Harry M., '00 Cron, Alexander B., '08 Hazzard, Charles Appleton. '12 Kinnell, Frederick B., 'OS (Myers) Wermelskirchen, Velma Pearl, '11 (Nicolet) Cron, Bessie Minerva, '07 Ross, John Francis, '02 Sloan, Homer H., '11 Wermelskirchen, Louis, '11 Austin Correll, James A., '03 (Criss) Correll, Ella, '04 Pearson, Milton Leroy, '11 Beaiiuiout Johnston, Edward Mervyn, '08 Laude, Hilmer Henry, '11 Brenhain Stanfield, William Wesley, '05 Bro\vn«ood Carlson, Torje, '06 Chillioothe Edwards, Ralph Waldo, '11 College Station Leidigh, Arthur Henry, '02 Wood, Casper Alfred, '11 Corsicana Ebner, Emily, '12 Dallas I'ratt, Clarence D., '85 Smith, John Allen Higg-ins, '12 Dininiitt Trumbull, James Dunbar, '96 El Paso Lupfer, James A., '07 Peck, Ella Emerson, '99 (Shelden) Parker, Olive Maria, '98 EI Conipo Simpson, Jay Warren, '08 Floyd Graham, J. Olin, '08 Fort Worth (Cranford) Sloan, Ida, '82 Haines, Charles Mevers, '09 Sloan, John A., '82 Zimmerman, John Heniy, '12 Greenville Kilmer, Roy, '10 Hamilton Cowles, May Louise. '12 Haivkins Momyer, Harry H., '08 Houston Bobbitt. Fred Winchester, '00 Bliss, Zina Leigh, '00 Hess, Henry P., '05 ICriini (Allen) Buell, Marian, '04 Buell, Thomas Warner, '04 La Pryor (Short) Houser, Charlotte Jane, '91 Laredo Staver, Wesley Ohio, '94 Longvie^v Eckman, Wilmer K., '79 Ijuhboek Cory, Victor Louis, '04 Palaeios Morgan, Clarence William, '01 I'laliiview Perry, Edward H., '86 Plouud (Finlavsoii) Gardner, Stella May, '07 Lakebay Mullen, Roger Bonner, '02 Monroe Davis, Bertha Mae, '11 3Iountborne Peterson, John Buell, '08 (York) Peterson. Carrie V., '09 Xorth \ akima Beck, Borden Frazier, '12 demons, Lorena Estella, '94 Clemons, L. Ethel, '05 Johnson, Axel H., '03 Pullman Barnett. Robert John, '95 Clothier, George L,., '92 (L>a>) Barnett, Flora, '95 (Frey) Nystrom, Mamie C, '07 Nystroin, Amer B., '07 Schafer, Edwin George, '07 Seattle Alleman. M. Reuben, '09 Arnold, Grant, '88 (Clemmons) Steffy, Lillian, '10 Cole, Amy, '07 Dobbs Charles J.. '90 Harri, Fritz F., '09 (Hofman) Bates, Dorothy Louise, '10 (Lill) Nelson, Gertrude E., '07 (Little) Dobbs, Nellie P., '90 (M!oore) Foster, Sarah, '94 Moore, Harrv Elbridge, '91 Philbrook, Rufus M., '97 Pokes, John Albert, '93 fSenn) Heath, Marie Barbara, '90 Thompson, Nellie L., '10 Spokane (Alexander) Shriver, Lizzie Bea, '07 Alexander, "Winifred Lois, '10 Broom, Byron, '06 (McCartnev) Born, Rhoda C, '05 Mcllvaine, Robert A., '92 Strite, Adelaide, '01 Strite, Mary Catherine, '05 (Summers) Galligan, Anna Odette, •01 Wrisrht, Walter Scott, '06 Synarep Duehn, Carl O., '04 Taeoma Harold, William H., '05 Ualla Walla (Perry) Hill, Celoa Alice, '03 Wenatcliee Cole, Clark Stewart, '04 Godfrey, Albert N., '78 WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Hunt, Ralph Edward, '11 Peairs, Leonard Marion, '05 AVISCONSIN Auburudale (Sawyer) Kedzie Jones, Nellie, '76 Fort Atkinson (Fryhofer) Webster, Florence Eleanor, '95 (Harris) Gaston, Maude, 'OS Webster, Edwin H., '96 Johnson Creek Hashimoto, Yojizaemon, '11 Madison Dupray, Martin, '11 (Lyman) Otis, Mary Eliza, '94 Marlatt, Abby L., 'S8 Otis, Daniel Henry, '92 Parsons, Helen Tracy, '11 Milwaukee Paris, Smith, '06 Moorhead, Ivan Arch, '12 Oshkosh (Harner) Roehm, Daisy Ina, '06 Raeine (Perry) Thomas, C. Jeanette, '98 Thomas, Henry Marsden, '98 Wauwatosa Adams, Carl D., '95 Holsinger, Clarence V., '95 (Wilson) Holsinger, Olive Mabel, •95 Wausau Kellogg. Royal S., '96 AVYOMING Jbaraniie AUentharp, Cecile, '07 Crawford, Lottie Irene, '02 Wheatland Bealey, Jesse N., '06 ■\Vorland Gray, Walter Otis, '04 AFRICA Denver Transvall (Knickerljocker) Pyles, Maud Ethel, '93 ALASKA Kodiak (Minis) Snodgrass, M a r g aret Jane, '01 Snodgrass, Milton David, '06 Rampart Gasser, George W., '05 Valdez Edgerton, Glen Edgar, '04 AUSTRALIA Sydney Cooley, Jerome Earl, '07 BELGIUM Ant^verp Whipple, Abner Davis, '98 BRAZIL Barney, Sao Paulo 308 RECOBD OF THE ALUMNI Sidorfsky, Henry August, '03 CANADA Dawson t'ity Elliott, Bert R., 'S7 ICdinoiiton (Robertson) Smith, Blanche, '08 Smith, Jay Latimer, '08 Fort <;eorjj;e McDowell, George G., '00 Hawkeshurjj Lawry, Walter Fish, '00 Normac Sandt, Victor Irvin, '94 Vancouver Clark, Edgar P., '74 Yankee Bend Campbell. Will Ward, '06 CANAL. ZONE Gat tin Jenkins, John Ethbert, '11 CHINA Tientsin Adams, Emory Sherwood, '98 ENGLAND Steynius Cowell, Minnie H., '88 GERMANY Dresden Buchheim, Walter August, '11 HAW^AIIAN ISLANDS Honolulu Pope, Willis Thomas, '98 liahaina Bowman, Roy C, '07 Waialee Alspaugh, Clyde Harrison, '09 ITALY Naples Reed, Minnie, '86 JAPAN Sapporo Miyawaki Atsushi, '07 MEXICO Mexico City Hutchings, Charles Ross, '94 Tanipico (Pincomb) Moats, Mary Josephine, '96 (West) Allen, Georgiana, '07 Vallos Sullivan, Daniel Charles, 'OS PORTO RICO Mayas'uey. Kinman, Charles Franklin, '04 San German (Umberger) Long, May E., '07 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Alltii Kiene, Ray, '11 Leniery Batan^aM Manalo, Vincente G., '08 Linjifayen I'ani^asinau Honska, William Benjamin, '11 Lopex Oblefias, Victor F., '09 Los Bsiuos Oteyza, Mauricio Julian, '10 Manila Adams, Harvey C, '05 Birch, "Wallace Newton, '04 Cavenaugh, William Annesley, '96 Davis, William L., '07 Gison, Ambrosia, '09 Green, Ned Merrill, '97 Harbord, Jas. G., '86 (Keyes) Graham. Clara M., '87 Long, Carl C, '08 Palmer, Orlando G., '87 Pendon, Claro, '09 Reed, Hiram R., '07 Rice, Carl E., '97 Root, Irving Campdoras, '12 Thompson, John Augustus, '03 SCOTLAND Edinbur^li Kawaii, Nobuzo, '09 SWITZERLAND ■\Aintertliur (Ise) Gygax, Estella May, '08 TURKEY Marsovan Noyes, Fanny Gertrude, '99 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 000E77S10E7