PS 1124 .B6 G7 1858 Copy 1 See List of Plays on 2d, 3d and 4th pages of Cover. No. CLIV. .HE MINOR DRAMA. THE GREAT TRAGIC REVIVAL. A NEW AND UNDOUBTEDLY ORIGINAL IN ONE ACT AID SEVERAL TABLEAUX. BY JOHN BROUGHAM, COMEDIAN. WITH CAST OF CHARACTERS, STAGE BUSINESS, COSTUMES, RELATIVE POSITIONS, &c, &c. AS PERFORMED AT BURTON'S THEATRE. -* — < ^> — •- NEW YORK: SAMUEL FRENCH, 122 Nassau Street, (Up Stairs.) PRICE,] [12>£ CTS. FRENCH'S STANDARD DRAMA, Price 12>£ Cents each.— Bound Volumes $1. VOL. I. 1. Ion, 2. Fazio, 3. The Lady of Lyons, 4. Richelieu, 5. The Wife, 6. The Honeymoon, 7. The School for Scandal 8. Money, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mrs. A. C. MOWATT. VOL. V. 33. A New Way to Pay Old Debts, 34. Look Before You Leap 35. King John, 36. Nervous Man, 37. Damon and Pythias, 38. Clandestine Marriage 39. William Tell, 40. Day after the Wedding With a' Portrait and Me- moir of G. COLMAN, the Elder. VOL. IX. 65. Love, 66. As You Like It, 67. The Elder Brother, 68. Werner, 69. Gisippus, 70. Town and Country. 71. King Lear, 72. Blue Devils, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mrs. SHAW. VOL. XIII. 97. Soldier's Daughter, 98. Douglas, 99. Marco Spada, 100. Nature's No'bleman, 101. Sardanapalus, 102. Civilization, 103. The Robbers, 104. Katharine and Pe- truchio. With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. EDWIN FOREST. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134, 135. 136. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. VOL. XVII. Camille, Married Life, Wenlock of Wenlock Rose of Ettrickvale, David Copperfield, Aline, or the Rose of Pauline, [Killarney, Jane Eyre. VOL. XXI. All's Fair in Love, Hofer, Self, Cinderella, Phantom, Franklin, The Gunmaker of Moscow, The Love of a Prince VOL. II. 9. The Stranger, 10. Grandfather White- 11. Richard III. [head, 12. Love's Sacrifice, 13. The Gamester, [ache, 14. A Cure for the Heart- 15. The Hunchback, 16. Don Caesar de Bazan, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. CHARLES KEAN. VOL. VI. 41. Speed the Plough, 42. Romeo and Juliet, 43. Feudal Times, 44. 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The Poor Gentleman, 18. Hamlet, 19. Charles II. 20. Venice Preserved, 21. Pizarro, 22. The Love Chase, 23. Othello, [lings, 24. Lend me Five Shil- With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. W. E. BUR- TON. VOL. VII. 49. Road to Ruin, 50. Macbeth, 51. Temper, 52. Evadne, 53. Bertram, 54. The Duenna, 55. Much Ado About No- thing, 56. The Critic, With a Portrait and Me- moir of R. B. SHERI- DAN. VOL. XI. 81. Julius Cassar, 82." Vicar of Wakefield, S3. Leap Year, 84. The Catspaw, 83. The Passing Cloud, 86. Drunkard, 87. Rob Roy, 88. George Barnwell, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mrs. JOHN SEFTON. VOL. XV. 113. Ireland As It Is, 114. Sea of Ice. 115. Seven Clerks, 116. Game of Life, 117. Forty Thieves, 118. Bryan Boroihrae, 119. Romance& Reality. 120. Ugolino, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. BARNEY WILLIAMS. VOL. XIX. 145. Dred, or -the Dismal Swamp, 146. Last Days of Pom- 147. Esmeralda, [peii, 148. Peter Wilkins, 149. Ben the Boatswain, 150. Jonathan Bradford, 151. Retribution, 152. Minerali. vol. xxni. 177. Actress of Padua, 178. Floating Beacon, 179. Bride of Lammer- moor, [S es ' 180. Cataract of the Gan- 181. Robber of the Rhine 182. School of Reform, 183. Wandering Boys, 184. Mazeppa. VOL. IV. 25. Virginius, 26. King of the Commons 27. London Assurance, 28. The Rent Dav, 29. Two Gentlemen of Verona, 30. The Jealous Wife, 31. The Rivals, 32. Perfection, With a Portrait and Me- moir of J. H. HACKETT VOL/ VIII. 57. The Apostate, 58. Twelfth Night, 59 Brutus, 60. Simpson & Co. 61. Merchant of Venice, 62. Old Heads and Young Hearts, 63. Mountaineers. 64. Three Weeks After Marriage. With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. GEORGE H. BARRETT. VOL. XII. 89. Ingomar, 90. Sketches in India, 91. Two Friends, 92. Jane Shore, 93. Corsican Brothers, 94. Mind Your Own Bus- iness, 95. Writing on the Wall, 96. Heir at Law, With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mr. THOMAS HAMBLIN. VOL. XVI. 121. The Tempest. 122. The Pilot, 123. Carpenter of Rouen, 124. King's Rival, 125. 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A Tragedy in 5 Acts Bv Racine THE RIGHT L.INE. A'Comedy in 1 Act By Marc Mosnier PH JEDRA. A Traced y in 5 Acts By Racine HORACE AND LYDlA. A Comedy in 1 Act ByF. Ponsard SPARROW OP I/iTSBI A. A Comedy in 1 Act By Armato Barthet "VOLUME II. HORATIUS. A Tragedy in 4 Acts By Corneiixe VIRGINIA. A Tragedy in 5 Acts By M. Latour MARY STUART. A Tragedy in 5 Acts." By M. Pierre Lebrun M'L,L.E DE BELLE ISLE, A Drama in 5 Acts By Alexandre Dumas POLYECCTES THE MARTYR, A Christain Tragedy By Corneille ADRIENNE LECOUVREUR. A Drama in 5 Acts. . . .By M. M. Scribe and Legove j&if» The above, which were originally published at 25 and 50 cents, for single Plays, are now reduced to less than half price. *** Price for the Volumes— Handsomely Bound, with Flexible Covers, $1 each. Single lays, 15 cents each. — eight for $1. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of Price. MASSEY'S EXHIBITION RECITER, AND JDTU^TWTNO- ROOIVE ENTERTAINMENTS, Being choice Recitations in Prose and Verse. Together with an unique Collection of Petite Comedies, Dramas and Farces— adapted for the use of Schools and Families. BY CHARLES MASSEY, Professor of Elocution at Burlington College, N. J., and Mechanics' Society School, New York. No 1 CONTAINS Guy Fawkeg ; An Historical Drama. The Man with the Carpet Bag ; A Farce. White Horse oi the Peppers ; A Comic Drama. Mesmerism ; A Petite Comedy. And Twelve selected Pieces. Og^Price per Number, Paper Covers, 25 cts. each. The two Numbers bound in Cloth, School Style, 60 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of Price. No. 2 CONTAINS IiOve and Jealousy : A Tragedy. The Irish Tutor; A Farce. Bombast es Purloso: A Burlesque Opera Sylvester Daggerwood ; Comic Inter- lude. School for Orators: An Original Comedy And Eighteen Selected Pieces. 8^- All orders will receive prompt attention. JO®- A New Play will be published every week. S. FRENCH. 122 Nassau Strebt. (up stairs,) N. Y. EC>" Important change in the postage law : All transient matter must be pre-paid. ■MBHI FRENCH'S MD Price 12M Cents each.- VOL. I. 1 The Irish Attorney, 2 Boots at the Swan, 3 How to Pay the Kent, 4 The Loan of a Lover, 5 The Dead Shot, 6 His Last Legs, 7 The Invisible Prince, ! 8 The Golden Farmer. I Wilb. a Portrait and Me- moir ^f JOHN SEFTON, VOL.V. ??,. Trilries in California Who Speaks First ? I 35. Bombastes Furioso, | 3«. Macbeth Travestie. I 37. Irish Ambassador, 38. Delicate Ground, 39. The Weathercock, 40. All that Glitters is not Gold. | With a Portrait and Me- ! moirof W. A. GOOaLL. VOL. IX. 65 Temptation. I 66 Paddy Carey, | 67 Two Gregories, j 68 King Charming, ! 69 Po-ca-hon-tas, | 70 Clockmaker's Hat, ■ 71 Married Rake, i 72 Love and Murder. VOL. XIII. 97 My Wife's Mirror, 98 Life in New York, 99 Middy Ashore, 100 Crown Prince, 101 Two Queens, 102 Thumping Legacy, 103UufinishedGentleman 104 House Dog. VOL. 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XVI. 121 Children in the Wood 122 Winning a Hi. 123 Day after the 124 Make Your Wills, 125 Rendez\ */» 126 My ATife's Husband,/ 127 Monsieur Tonson, 128 Illustrious Stranger PL.AYS 121/2 CENTS EACH— BOUND VOLUME^, $1. VST Plays sent by mail, and postage paid, on receipt of 12)£ cents each, in money or stamps. Ten Plays sent by Express for one dollar. * # * All orders will receive prompt attention. A new Play published every wee';: K?~ An Alphabetical List of 850 Plays sent by mail on receipt of a postage stamp. SAMUEL. FRENCH, Publisher, 122 Nassau St., (up stairs.) B3" See List of Standard Drama on second and third pages of Cover.