HQ 8561 Fa $^C V • J&. ■&im mm ^/^ y Ht \^ :/ m ^ 2M& mm $r§ m XV v*3kI/, -A «/A>4v-?i l- jJi-a*«Efc S ?\ :-*^tiy / K4^v ^x r i K;//' Ki^Ha'; \h -'i mm sA^-JA'. 8> m mm <1 %f'M. mmBM ■:1KB I \ /: as »R^ ^^^»§MMf? CONTRACTS MOST IMPORTANT Lift Insurance Companies OF THE United States of America, WITH ACCOMPANYING ESTIMATES AND TABLES. FOR THE USE OF AGENTS. 'FEB 4 1888 16.7S- JANUARY, 1888. .fa Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888. by A. J. FLITCRAFT. in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. THIS BOOK IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE FIELD -WORKERS OF LIFE INSURANCE BY THE AUTHOR. Chicago, III., January 20, 1888. To tlve Life Insurance Agents of the United States: Greeting.— During many years of field-work in Life Insurance the author of this volume has experienced the want of a book containing reliable and definite information as to the plans and methods of the several companies whose names are herein contained. The premium rates, guaranteed and estimated results in this book, are ex- tracted from Agents' Confidential Rate and Estimate Books, furnished them by the different companies. Much labor and expense has necessarily been involved to produce a work of this character. Nothing has been left undone to make it a "vade mecum " for Life Insurance solicitors. " Knowledge is power." Trusting that the use of this book will facilitate the arduous task of writing applications for Life Insurance. I am, with great respect, Fraternally yours, A. J. FLITCRAFT. COMPANIES. Commenced Business. .Etna, of Hartford. Conn January, 1850 Berkshire, of Pittsfield, Mass September, 1851 Connecticut Mutual, of Hartford, Conn December, 1846 Equitable, of New York July, 1859 Germania, of New York July, 1860 Home, of Brooklyn, N. Y May, 1860 John Hancock, of Boston, Mass ^December, 1862 Manhattan, of New York August, 1850 Massachusetts Mutual, of Springfield, Mass August, 1851 Michigan Mutual, of Detroit, Mich August, 1867 Mutual Benefit, of Newark, N. J April, 1845 Mutual Life, of New York February, 1843 National, of Montpelier, Vermont February, 1850 New England Mutual, of Boston, Mass December, 1843 New York Life, of New York April, 1845 Northwestern Mutual, of Milwaukee, Wis November, 1858 Penn Mutual, of Philadelphia, Penn May, 1847 Phoenix Mutual, of Hartford, Conn May, 1851 Provident Life and Trust Co., of Philadelphia, Penn June, 1865 State Mutual, of "Worcester, Mass June, 1845 Travelers', of Hartford, Conn July, 1866 Union Central, of Cincinnati, Ohio March, 1867 Union Mutual, of Portland, Maine October, 1849 United States, of New York March, 1850 Washington, of New York February, 1860 iBTNA LIFE POLICY. This Policy is issued and accepted, upon the following express conditions and agreements: Section 1.— The answers, representations, and declarations contained in or indorsed upon the application for this insurance, which application is hereby referred to and made a part of this contract, are warranted by the insured to be true; and if this Policy has been obtained by fraud, misrepresentation or concealment, or if the insured shall commit suicide, or die in consequence of a duel, or in consequence of h...violation of any law wherever he may be, or if he shall become so far intemperate as to impair h...health, or induce delirium tremens, then in each and every of the foregoing cases this Policy shall be absolutely null and void, except as hereinafter provided in Section 9. Sec. 2.- This Policy shall not take effect until the advance premium hereon shall have been actually paid, during the lifetime of the insured; and if any subsequent premium on this Policy be not paid when due, during the lifetime of the said insured, then this Policy shall cease and determine — except as hereinafter provided; and no premium on this Policy shall be considered paid UDless a receipt shall be given therefor, signed by the president or secre'ary of the company. Sec. 3.— The said insured is permitted to reside in any settled portion of the United States and British America, excepting that he is not permitted to go south of the thirty- second parallel of north latitude, from the first day of July to the first day of November. He is also permitted to reside in any settled portion of the Eastern Hemisphere, lying north of the forty-second parallel of north latitude, and west of the fortieth meridian of longitude east from Greenwich, at all seasons of the year, and in Italy, south of said forty-second paral- lel, excepting from the first day of July to the first day of November; and he may also pass as a passenger by the usual routes and means of public conveyance, to and from any port or place within the foregoing limits; but if he shall, at any time during the continuance o this Policy, pass beyond or be without the foregoing limits, or shall be personally engaged in blasting, mining or submarine operations, or in the manufacture or transportation of explo- sive substances, or as an employee in any capacity, in service on any sea, river, lake, or other body of water, or upon any railroad, or if he shall enter into any military or naval service, whether voluntary or otherwise,— the militia when not in actual service alone excepted,— without the consent of this company previously given in writing, signed by the president or secretary, then, in each and every of the foregoing cases, this Policy shall become and be null and void, except as hereinafter provided in Section 9. Sec. 4.— Any assignment of this Policy shall be attached hereto, and a copy thereof fur- nished said company; and any claim against this company, arising under this Policy, made by any assignee, shall be subject to proof of interest; but in no case does the company guar- antee the validity of an assignment. Sec. 5.— All agreements made by this company are signed by its president or secretary. No other person can alter or waive any of the conditions of this Policy, or issue permits of any kind, or make an agreement binding upon the company. Sec. 6.— Permits for residence or travel outside of the limits prescribed above, or to engage in occupations hereby prohibited, may be granted at the option of the company, and on payment of extra premiums to be determined by it; which permits must be signed by the president or secretary of the company. Sec. 7.— When the premiums on this Policy have been paid for three years or more, and default thereafter occurs in the payment of any premium, a Paid-up Non-Participating Policy will be issued for such an amount as the surrender value of this Policy will purchase, at the then age of the insured, applied as a net single premium by the Actuaries' rate of mortality, and four per cent, interest: provided this Policy is surrendered and application made for said Paid-up Policy within twelve months from the time of the first default in the payment of premium, otherwise this Policy shall become and be null and void, except as provided in Section 9 of these conditions. No allowance will be made for this Policy, unless the premiums for three entire years are paid as they become due, nor thereafter except in paid-up insurance; and in determining the amount of Paid-up Policy to be issued, premiums paid for entire years only will be considered. Sec. 8.— After the expiration of three years from the date hereof, three full years' prem- iums having been paid and the age correctly stated, this Policy shall, after the death of the insured, be indisputable for the conditions named in Section 1; but the company reserves the right to enforce its provisions as to fraud, misrepresentation or intemperance during the lifetime of the insured. Sec. 9.— In every case when this Policy shall be or become void, if the premiums for three entire years have been paid, the amount which by the 7th section of these conditions would be applied to the purchase of a Paid-up Policy, shall not be forfeited to the said com- pany, but the same shall be due and payable in ninety days after satisfactory proof of the death of the said insured. FROM ^ETNA LIFE APPLICATION. Being desirous of effecting an insurance with the JETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, in the sum of dollars, upon the life of County of State of upon the plan, I do hereby declare and warrant, that age next birthday will be years; tnat now in good health, of sound body and mind, and do usually enjoy good health; and that the following answers and statements are correct and true, and that I 6 have not concealed, withheld or misrepresented any material circumstance in relation to the pa?: or present state of health, hahits of life or condition, which may render an insurance on life more than usually hazardous, or with which the directors of said company ought to be made acquainted; and do hereby declare that I have an interest in the life of the said to the full amount of the said sum of. doUars. I understand that all policies and agreements made by the said JEtna Life Insurance Company are signed by its president or secretary, and that no other person can grant insur- ance or make any agreement binding upon said company; and I do hereby agree that the declarations and warranties herein made, and the answers to the following questions, shall be the basis, and form part of the contract or Policy between me and the said company, and that if the same be in any respect untrue, the said Policy shall be void; and I further agree that the insurance hereby proposed shall not be binding on said company until the amount of premium, as stated therein, shall be received by said company, or an accredited agent thereof, in the lifetime of the said and a receipt given therefor, signed by the presi- dent or secretary of the company. BERKSHIRE LIFE POLICY. Conditions referred to in this Policy, and upon which it is accepted and held. That no agent, or other person, except the president, vice president, secretary or treasurer of the company, has power to extend the time for paying a premium, to issue a permit for residence, travel or occupation, or to bind the company by making any promise; that no representation or information can be received or have effect which is not contained in the application for this Policy. That all premiums are due and payable at the home office of the company in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, but will be accepted elsewhere, when duly made in exchange for the com- pany's receipt, signed by the president or secretary. That notice that each and every payment is due at the date named in the Policy, is given and accepted by the delivery and acceptance of this Policy, and that any further notice, required by any statute, is hereby expressly waived. That the person whose life is insured by this Policy shall not, without the written assent of the company, reside, travel, or visit outside the limits of the United States of America, the Dominion of Canada, Europe and the Bermuda Islands; but may make voyages upon the high seas in first-class vessels, by the usual routes, to and from ports within these limits. That the insured shall not, without the consent of the company in writing, engage in blasting, mining, submarine labor, aeronautic travel or excursions, the manufacture, handling or transportation of inflammable or explosive substances, service upon any railroad or any steamboat or other vessel, or in military or naval service of any kind in time of war. That the company shall not be held to have notice of any assignment of this Policy until the original, or a duplicate thereof, is filed in the company's home office; that the company will not assume any responsibility for the validity of an assignment, and that before payment of the Policy the claim of an assignee shall be subject to proof of interest. That no suit or proceeding shall be brought against the company under this Policy after the expiration of two years from the time when the right of action first accrues. That prompt notice of the death of the insured under this Policy shall be given to the company, and formal proofs thereof, in accordance with the rules of the company, shall be furnished within one year after the said death. That at the expiration of each period of five years from the date of this Policy, it shall, if then in force, be credited with its share of the distributive surplus of the company, as determined and apportioned by its board of directors. Such share shall be applied by the company in the purchase of additional insurance upon the person whose life is insured by this Policy, payable when the Policy becomes due. This additional insurance may be sur- rendered, and upon due acquittance being made, the cash value thereof will be paid, or it may be applied to the reduction of premiums. If the death of the insured should occur after a distribution of surplus to this Policy, and before the next period of five years has expired, a post mortem dividend will be paid with the Policy. No other distribution of surplus shall be made on account of this Policy. PROM BERKSHIRE LIFE APPLICATION. The following declaration and agreement must he signed by the person in whose favor the Policy is applied for, and by the person whose life is proposed for insurance: It is hereby declared and warranted that all the statements and answers above made are complete and true, and that they, together with this declaration and agreement, constitute an application to THE BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, for a policy of insurance, and are offered as a consideration for the Policy hereby applied for. And it is agreed that there shall be no contract of insurance until a Policy shall have been issued and delivered by the said company, and the first premium thereon paid while the person proposed for insurance is in the same condition of health described in this application, and if said Policy be issued, the declarations, agreements and warranties herein contained shall be a part thereof; and the contract of insurance, when made, shall be held and construed, at all times and places, to have been made and executed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is agreed in any distribution of surplus, the principles and methods which may be adopted by the company for such distribution, and its determination of the amount equitably belonging to such Policy, shall be and are hereby ratified and accepted by and for every person who shall have or claim any interest under said Policy, and that the receipt of the person whose life is insured may be accepted by the company in full surrender of all divi- dend additions to the Policy. It is also agreed that prompt notice of the death of the insured shall be given to the company, and formal proofs thereof, in accordance with the rules of the company, shall be furnished within one year after the said death. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL POLICY. This Policy is issued and accepted upon the following express conditions and agreements: 1st.— That this contract of insurauce is wholly expressed and contained in this Policy and the application therefor, which is the basis of and a part of said contract, and a copy whereof is hereto annexed, and the several answers, warranties and agreements therein contained. '2d.— That this Policy shall not be in force and binding on this company nntil the advance premium hereon shall have been actually paid during the lifetime of the insured; and that if any subsequent premium, or installment of premium, on this Policy be not paid when due, then this Policy shall cease and determine and become and be null and void, except as here- inbefore provided after the payment of three or more annual premiums, and that no premium on this Policy shall be considered as paid unless a receipt shall be given therefor, signed by the president or secretary of the company, and such receipt is the sole evidence of the author- ity of any agent to receive any premium on account of this Policy; and that all premiums or other payments on account of this Policy are payable at the office of the company in Hart- ford, Conn., and not elsewhere; but for convenience of the person paying the same, such receipt may be sent to any agent or correspondent of the company for collection, and payment to such agent or correspondent shall be held to have been made at said office of the company. 3d.— That the following risks are not assumed by this company under this contract: Death while residing or being, or from any disease contracted while residing or being, outside the Temperate Zones, or in that part of Asia between the fortieth and one hundred and tenth meridians of longitude east from Greenwich; or, between the first daj 1 " of June and the first day of the following November, within one hundred and fifty miles of the Gulfs of Mexico and California, or between the forty-second parallel of north latitude and the Tropic of Cancer in the Eastern Hemisphere, without the consent of the company previously given in writing: Death while personally engaged or employed, or from any accident or injury received while engaged or employed, in making any aeronautic voyage or excursion, or in blasting, mining, or in any submarine operations, or in the manufacture, handling, use, custody, or transportation of highly inflammable or explosive substances, or upon service on any ocean, sea, sound, inlet, river, lake, or railroad, or in any military or naval service whatsoever in time of war, whether voluntary or otherwise, or as a member of any paid fire department, without the consent of this company previously given in writing: Death in consequence of a duel, or in the violation of law, or in consequence thereof, or after conviction of felony ; The self-destruction of the insured, in any form, except upon proof that the same is the direct result of disease or of accident occurring without the voluntary act of the insured: Death in a state of drunkenness, or from any accident or violence received while in that state, or from any disease produced by or resulting from the occasional or habitual use of al- cholic or narcotic stimulants; and when there shall have been delirium tremens, or any injury to or impairment of the health from such use, this Policy shall thereupon and thereby be wholly forfeited and terminated: In each and every of the foregoing cases this Policy shall become and be null and void; but the company will, upon surrender and satisfactory release hereof within one year there- after, return to the assured the then net reserve upon this Policy, computed upon the Ameri- can Table of mortality and three per centum compound interest. 4th.— That in every case in which this Policy shall cease and determine or shall become and be null and void, all premiums paid and moneys or credits held on account of the same shall be forfeited to this company, except as hereinbefore provided. 5th.— That no assignment of this Policy shall be valid unless made in writing endorsed hereon; and any claim against this company, arising under this Policy, made by any assignee, shall be subject to satisfactory proof of interest in the life insured, in due form, and to any breach of the conditions of this contract by any of the parties hereto, whether such breach exist prior or subsequent to any such assignment; and such proof of interest shall be a con- dition precedent to any right of action on this contract by or on behalf of such assignee; and this company shall in no case be responsible for the validity of any assignment. 6th. — That agents of the company have no power or authority to make, alter, change, or modify any of the terms, conditions, or agreements of this Policy, or to waive forfeitures thereof: and that no alteration, change, modification, waiver or subsequent agreement what- ever respecting this Policy shall be binding on said company unless made in writing signed by the executive officers thereof. FKOM CONNECTICUT MUTUAL APPLICATION. IT is hereby declared and warranted that the above are in all respects fair and true answers to the foregoing questions; and it is agreed by the undersigned that this appli- cation and the several answers, warranties and agreements herein contained shall be the basis of, a part of the consideration for, and a part of the contract of insurance, and that no state- ment or declaration made to any agent, solicitor, canvasser, examiner, or anyother person, and not contained in this application, shall be taken or considered as having been made to, or brought to the notice or knowledge of the company, or as charging it with any liability by reason thereof; and that if there be, in any of the answers herein made, any fraud, untruth, evasion, or concealment of facts, then any policy granted upon this application shall be null and void, and all payments made thereon shall be forfeited to the company. It is agreed that the policy hereby applied for shall, if granted, be held to be issued and delivered at Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, and shall be in all respects construed and determined in accor- dance with the laws of that State ; and that the provisions in said Policy for its continuance as paid-up insurance for a specified amount in case of failure to pay premiums, are and shall be in substitution for and in waiver of the rights of all parties nereto under any law of any state relating to the lapse of forfeiture of policies of life insurance. EQUITABLE (OF NEW YORK) FREE TONTINE POLICY. Provisions and requirements referred lo in this Policy. 1. That, this Policy is issued under the Free Tontine Plan, the particulars of which are as follows: 2. That the Tontine Dividend Period for this Policy shall be completed on the day of in the year. 3. That no dividend shall he allowed or paid upon this Policy unless the person whose life is hereby assured shall survive the completion of its Tontine Dividend Period as afore- said, and unless this Policy shall be then in force. 4. That all surplus or profits derived from such Policies on the Free Tontine Plan, as shall not be in force at the date of the completion of their respective Tontine Dividend Periods, shall be apportioned equitably among such Policies as shall complete their Tontine Dividend Periods. 5. That upon the completion of the Tontine Dividend Period on provided this Policy shall not have been terminated previously by lapse or death, the said shall have the privilege cf the following options: Either, first, to withdraw in cash this Policy's entire share of the assets, i. e., the accumulated reserve, which shall be d liars, and in addition thereto the surplus apportioned by this society to this Policy; second, to surrender the Policy for a life annuity; third, to withdraw in cash the share of the accumulated surplus apportioned by said society to this Policy, and continue the Policy in force as a paid-up Policy; fourth, to continue the assurance for the original amount and apply the entire Ton- tine Dividend to the purchase of an annuity, the amount of which annuity, together with the annual dividend, if any, on this Policy shall be paid in cash to said or assigns; or fifth, to surrender the Policy for its entire value in paid-up assurance on which no further payments or premiums will be required. As, however, the amount of this paid-up assurance will exceed the amount of the original Policy, a satisfactory certificate of good health will be required from one of the medical examiners appointed by the society as a condition of its issue. If either the entire value or surplus be taken in cash, payment shall be made to the said and his receipt shall be a valid release to the society. 6. In consideration of the agreement, as contained in the application for this Policy, the dividend declared at the termination of the Tontine Dividend Period, and thereafter if this Policy shall remain in force, shall be based entirely upon the experience of the society upon Free Tontine Policies. 7. For one year after the date of issue of this Policy, travel and residence by the person upon whose death this contract matures, in Mexico and in all portions of the Torrid Zone, and engagement in any of the following occupations or employments: Blasting, mining, submarine labor, seronautic ascensions, the manufacture, handling or transportation of inflammable or explosive substances, service upon any railroad train, or in switching, or in coupling cars, or on any steamboat, or other vessel or boat, or military or naval service (the militia in time of peace excepted), will render this Policy void. 8. Under this Policy, after one year from its register date of issue, there are no restrictions upon travel, residence or occupation, except service in war. In case of death from service in war, the net reserve of this Policy (computed according to the American Experience Table of Mortality, taking interest at four per centum per annum,) will be paid. 9. Self-destruction, sane or insane, and death in consequence of a duel or of the viola- tion of law. within one year from the date hereof, are not risks assumed by ihe society in this contract. 10. All premiums are due in the City of New York, at the date named in the Policy, hut, at the pleasure of the society, suitable persons may be authorized to receive such payments at other places, hut only on the production of the society's receipt therefor, signed by the president, vice president, actuary, secretary or assistant secretary, and countersigned by the person to whom the payment is made. No payment made to any person except in exchange for such receipt will be recognized by the society. All premiums are considered payable annually in advance. When the premium is made payable in semi-annual or quarterly installments, that part of the year's premium, if any, which remains unpaid at the maturity of this contract, shall be regarded as an indebtedness to the society on account of this con- tract, and shall be deducted from the amount of the claim ; and if any premium or install- ment of a premium on this Policy shall not be paid when due, this Policy shall be void; and no credit for surplus accumulated on this Policy shall be deemed applicable to the payment of any premium; nevertheless, nothing herein shall be construed to deprive the holder of this Policy of the privilege to demand and receive paid-up insurance in accordance with the agreement contained in this Policy. 11. The contract between the parties hereto is completely set forth in this Policy, and the application therefor, taken together, and none of its terms can be modified, nor any forfeiture under it waived, except by an agreement in writing, signed by the president, vice president, actuary, secretary or assistant secretary of the society, whose authority for this purpose will not be delegated. 12. If any statement made in the application for this Policy be in any respect untrue, this Policy shall be void ; provided, however, that discovery of the same must be made by the said society, and notice thereof given to the person whose life is hereby assured, within two years from the date hereof. Whenever this Policy becomes void, all payments which shall have been made to the society on account of this contract shall belong to and be retained by the society. lu 13. The age of the person upon whose death this contract matures will be admitted by the society on due proof, but if not so admitted, proofs of age must be submitted with proofs of death, and the amount of insurance payable under this Policy at its maturity shall in no ca*e be more than the premium charged would have purchased by the society's rates in use at the register date hereof for such person's true age. If the person, at the termination of whose life this contract matures, should die more than two years after the register date hereof, then the amount assured shall become due immediately (and not sixty days) after notice and the proper proofs of the death shall have been furnished to the society, at its office in the City of New York. FROM EQUITABLE (OF NEW YORK) APPLICATION. I certify that I am temperate in my habits, and am, to the best of my knowledge and belief, in sound physical condition, and a satisfactory subject for life insurance. ******* ****** Is it agreed that in consideration of the agreement contained in the Policy applied for as to paid-up assurance upon surrender, all right or claim to any other surrender value than that provided in the Policy shall be specifically waived and relinquished, whether required by the statute of any State or not ? ************* It is hereby agreed: That all the foregoing statements and answers, as well as those made, or to be made, to the society's medical examiner, are warranted to be true, and are offered to the society as a consideration of the contract, which shall not take effect until the first premium shall have been paid during the life and good health of the person herein pro- posed for assurance. 11 GBRMANIA LIFE POLICY. Conditions and agreements of this insurance. This Policy shall cease and be null, void and of no effect; and the company shall not be liable for the payment of the sum assured, or any part thereof, but all premiums previously paid shall be the absolute property of the company, without any account whatever to be ren- dered therefor: If the premiums mentioned within, or any of them, shall not be paid on or before noon of the several days stipulated for the payment thereof respectively, or within three days thereof respectively (agents holding an appointment from the company are authorized to receive pre- miums at or before the time when due, only upon production and delivery of the receipt of the secretary of the company, but not to make, alter or discharge contracts or waive for- feitures) ; If the assured shall enter into any service in war ; but in case of death in, or in conse- quence of, such service after three or more full years' premiums shall have been paid, the net reserve of this Policy (computed according to the Actuaries' Table of Mortality, with interest at four per centum per annum) will be paid ; If within three years from the date hereof, the said assured shall visit, between the first day of July and the first day of November, those parts of the United States which lie south of Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and Kansas; or pass beyond the limits of the United States, ex- cepting into the territory lying in America north of the United States; or enter upon a voy- age upon the high seas, except coastwise within the same latitudes and between the same days of the years, within and between which the said assured is at liberty to be or reside by the terms of this Policy ; but permission is hereby given to the said assured to travel at any time between those ports of the United States in which he or she is at liberty to be by the terms of this Policy, and the ports of Europe, and to travel and reside in Europe ; If within three years from the date hereof, the said assured shall enter upon service on any sea, sound, inlet, river, lake or railroad, as a mariner, engineer, fireman, conductor or laborer in any capacity; or, in the manufacture, handling or transportation of inflammable or explosive substances; or, in submarine operations or mining; If within three years from the date hereof, the said assured shall die by suicide, or by his or her own hand, or in consequence of an attempt to commit suicide, or to take his or her own life, whether sane or insane at the time; If within three years from the date hereof, the company discover and give notice to the said assured of the untruth in any respect of the representations made in the application for this Policy, upon the faith of which this contract is made. It is agreed by the said assured, that written notice shall be given to the company of any assignment of this Policy. It is also agreed, that this contract shall become valid only by delivery of this Policy, and upon payment of the first premium due, during the continued good health of the said FROM GERMANIA LIFE APPLICATION. The following Declaration and Agreement must be signed by the person in whose favor a Policy is applied for, and by ih^. person ivhose life is proposed for Insurance: It is hereby declared and agreed, that all the statements and answers to the printed questions written above, which, together with this declaration and agreement, con- stitute an application to THE GERMANIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, for an insurance of dollars upon the life of are offered to the said com- pany as a consideration of the contract applied for; each of which statements and answers, whether written by his or her own hand or not, every person whose name is hereto subscribed adopts as his or her own, admits to be material, and warrants to be full, complete and true, and to be the only statements given to the company in reply to its inquiries, and upon which should the insurance applied for be granted, the company's contract will be founded. And this application is submitted to the said company, with the following express covenants and agreements : 1. That it will constitute no contract of insurance until a Policy shall first have been issued and delivered by the said company, and the first premium thereon actually paid, during the continuance of the life proposed for insurance, in the same condition of health as described in the application ; 2. That if the insurance applied for be granted by the company, the Policy, if accepted, will be accepted subject to all the conditions and stipulations con- tained in the Policy, and that the entire contract contained in the said Policy and in this application taken together shall be construed and interpreted, as a whole, and in each of its parts and obligations, according to the charter of the said company and the laws of the State of New York, the place of the contract being expressly agreed to be the principal office of the said company in the city of New York; 3. That in any distribution of surplus, the principles and methods which may be adopted by the company for such distribution, and its determin- ation of the amount equitably belonging to such Policy, shall be and are hereby ratified and accepted by and for every person who shall have or claim any interest under the contract now proposed ; 4. That if such Policy shall lapse by non-payment of premium, after having been in force three full years, the reserve thereon shall be applied, on demand made, with surren- der of the Policy within six months after such lapse, to purchase non-participating paid-up insurance, payable at the same time and under the same conditions as such original Policy, for the amount prescribed by the law of the State of New York. 12 HOME LIFE POLICY. Provided always, and it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of this Policy, and the same is granted by this company, and accepted by the said upon these express conditions: That if the statements made by or for contained in the application bearing date the day of 1SS..., upon the faith of which this Policy is made (which statements makes own and warrants to be full, correct and true), or any part thereof, shall be found untrue, incomplete or deceptive in any respect; or in case the said shall not actually pay the first premium as aforesaid, before the delivery of this Policy, and while the said is in good health, or shall not pay or cause to be paid to this company the prem- ium as aforesaid, at its office in the City of New York, on or before the day or days before mentioned, at 12 o'clock noon, in each and every year during the continuance of this Policy. Or in case the said shall, without the written consent of this company, pre- viously obtained, engage in any of the following occupations or employments, to-wit: Blast- ing, mining, submarine labor, aeronautic travel, the manufacture, handling or transportation of inflammable or explosive substances, service upon any railroad, steamboat or other vessel or boat, military or naval service whatsoever (the militia not in actual service excepted); or shall die in consequence of a duel, or of the violation of law, then, and in every such case, the said company shall not be liable for the payment of the sum assured, or any part thereof, and this Policy shall cease, and be null, void and of no effect. And also, that in case the death of the said shall result from own act, sane or insane, within three years from the date of this contract, this company shall only be liable for the net reserve on this Policy, computed according to the legal standard of the State of New York. And also, that no statements, promises or conditions, made by any agent or solicitor, nor any statements or information made or communicated to any agent or solicitor other than such as are reduced to writing in the application for this Policy, shall in any manner change or qualify any of the provisions or warranties of this contract, and also that the party hereby assured acknowledges receipt of the notice printed on the margin of this Policy. And it is further stipulated and agreed, by and between the parties hereto, that each and every dividend of profits which may be made on this Policy shall be applied toward the payment of the accruing premium thereon, as the same shall fall due, or may be applied to increase the amount insured under this Policy, provided that the said shall furnish this company satisfactory evidence that is in sound and unimpaired health at each period that he shall request the dividend to be so applied. And also, that if this Policy shall, after the full amount of three annual premiums have been paid, by its terms lapse or become forfeited for the non-payment of any subsequent premium, this company will issue a Paid-up Non-participating Policy for such an amount as the reserve upon this Policy at the time of forfeiture, according to the legal standard of the State of New York, after deducting any indebtedness to this company under this contract, will purchase as a single premium at the published rates of this company, at the then age of the said...-. provided, that this Policy shall be surrendered to this company at its office in the City of New York within six months after said forfeiture. All premiums are due and payable at the office of the company, in the City of New York, on the day or days named in this Policy, but the same may be received elsewhere, at the option of the company, but no agent of this company, or any other person, is authorized to receive such payment, except upon the production of a receipt therefor, signed by the presi- dent or secretary. Notice is given and acknowledged that each and every such payment is due at the date named in this Policy, by the delivery and acceptance of it, and any further notice or notices required by any statute is hereby expressly waived. FROM HOME LIFE APPLICATION. The undersigned does hereby covenant and agree, to and with the HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, in consideration of the issuing of the Policy of assurance herein applied for, that the preceding answers given to the annexed questions, and the accompanying statements and this declaration shall be the basis and form part of the contract or Policy which may be granted on this application ; that the said answers are warranted to be full, correct and true; and that no circumstance is concealed, withheld or unmentioned in relation to the past or present state of the health, habits of life, occupation or condition of the said party whose life is to be insured, which can render an insurance on h...life more than usually hazardous or affect unfavorably h...prospects of life; and also that the assurance hereby proposed shall not be binding on said company until the premium thereon shall have been received by said company in the lifetime of the said and that it shall not continue in force in case of default of payment of any note or notes which may be given in part payment of the premiums thereon. And it is further covenanted and agreed that no state- ments, promises or conditions made by the agent taking this application, nor any statements or information made or communicated to said agent, other than such as are reduced to writing herein, shall in any manner be binding upon said company. And it is furtlier agreed that if the foregoing answers and statements be not in all respects full, true and correct, or if tb.3 premium shall not be promptly paid when due, or if the party whose life is insured shall die uy his or her own hand or agency, when sane or insane, within three years from date of said Policy, or by the hand or agency of the undersigned, the said Policy shall be void, and all moneys which may have been paid on account thereof shall be forfeited to said company. And also, it is furtlier agreed, that if any Policy issued under this application shall, after the full amount of three annual premiums have been paid, by its terms lapse or become forfeited for the non-payment of any subsequent premium, this company will issue a Paid-up Non- Participating Policy for such an amount as the reserve upon this Policy at the time of for- feiture, according to the legal standard of the State of New York, after deducting any indebtedness to this company, under this contract, will purchase as a single premium at the published rates of this company at the then age of the said provided, that this Policy shall be surrendered to this company at its office, in the City of New York, within six months after said forfeiture. And it is further stipulated and agreed by and between the parties hereto that each and every dividend of profits which may be made on this Policy shall be retained by the company, and shall be applied to the purchase of simple endowments in favor of the holder hereof, which shall mature and be payable only at the expiration of years from the date hereof, at which time the accumulations shall be payable in cash, or, if preferred, in additional insurance (if the insured is in sound health), or in the purchase of an annuity, or the company will pay for its surrender and cancellation, in addition to the accumulation from dividends, the full amount of the legal reserve according to the present standard of the State of New York, but only on condition that all the premiums hereon are paid as hereinbefore provided, and this Policy remains in force at that date. 14 JOHN HANCOCK POLICY. This Policy is made and accepted upon the following conditions: i If the said insured (except as herein permitted) shall pass beyond the limits of the United States, or approach within fifty miles of the Atlantic Ocean south of Fortress Monroe, of the Gulf of Mexico, of the Mississippi River south of Cairc> Illinois, or of the Red River, in the Pj State of Arkansas; or enter into any military or naval service (the militia not in actual service excepted); or shall be personally employed in any mine, or manufactory of explosive or highly inflammable materials; or on any railroad as brakeman or switchman, without the consent of this company, previously given in writing; or if any of the statements made in the application for this Policy, which is made a part hereof, are in any respect untrue ; pro- vided, such misrepresentation is made with actual intent to deceive and the matter misrepre- tented increases the risk of loss; then this Policy shall be null and void. The said insured has liberty to go on any voyage by water along the coast of the United States, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, between the United States and Europe, and between the United States and Cuba; to travel in any part of the United States, except where yellow fever may be prevailing; to reside in Cuba between the first of December and first of April, and to reside and travel indefinitely in Europe. Turkey, Egypt, the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. It is further agreed that after this Policy shall have been in force for three full years, the liability of this company under the same shall not be contested, provided that the premiums shall be paid as stipulated herein, and that the provisions of this Policy as to residence, travel and occupation shall be complied with ; but if tbe age of the insured is not correctly stated in the application, no greater sum will be paid hereunder than the amount that the premiums paid hereon would have purchased at the rate in use at the date of this Policy for the true age of the insured. Said company shall have a right to set off any demand it shall have against the other parties to this contract, or either of them, their assigns or representatives, against any claim hereon. This Policy shall not take effect until the advance premium hereon shall have been paid, during the lifetime and good health of the insured, as per first premium receipt accompany- ing this Policy. No suit shall be brought against said company on any claim under this Policy, unless said snit is commenced within two years from the time when the right of action accrues. Any assignment of this Policy shall be void unless assented to in writing by the secretary of said company; and the claim of any assignee shall be subject to proof of interest. No person, except the president or secretary, is authorized to make, alter or discharge contracts, or waive forfeitures. This contract is made and to be performed in the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. If any premium or installment thereof on this Policy shall not be paid on or before the day when due, this Policy shall thereupon become forfeited and void, except as provided by Section 76 of the "Massachusetts Insurance Act of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven," which section is printed on the back of this Policy. FROM JOHN HANCOCK APPLICATION. 1 hereby declare that I have given true answers to all the questions put to me by the medical examiner, and that I am the same person described in the accompanying application. Application is hereby made to the JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY for insurance on the life of of County of State of to the amount dollars ($ ), for the term of and with that view, and as the basis of such insurance, I make the following statements, including those made to the medi- cal examiner, which, it is hereby mutually agreed, shall form a part of the contract for this insurance. 15 MANHATTAN LIFE POLICY. Upon the following conditions: 1. If any statement made in the application be in any respect untrue, or if any premium or interest on any note given on account of a premium be not paid when due, or if the in- sured die in consequence of any violation of law, or if he engage in any naval or military ser- vice except in the militia not in actual service, this Policy shall be void and all payments made upon it shall be forfeited to the company : except, after being in force three full years, this Policy shall be incontestable for any misstatement in the application except as to age, and if it should lapse or become forfeited for the non-payment of any premium or interest on any note given on account of a premium, the company will, upon the surrender of this Policy within six months after such lapse, issue a non-participating paid-up Policy for such sum as the legal net reserve on this Policy, at the time of lapsing, will purchase as a single premium at the company's present published rates. 2. Proof of death shall be furnished to the company within two years after death, and shall contain full answers under oath to the questions in the company's blanks, and no suit shall be brought against the company on this Policy after two years from the time when the cause of action accrues. 3. No provision of this contract can be changed or waived except by a written agreement igned by the president or secretary of the company. FROM MANHATTAN LIFE APPLICATION. And it is hereby warranted that the above statements and answers are full, complete and true in every particular, and they are offered as a consideration for the insurance applied for, but it is agreed that there shall be no contract of insurance until a policy shall be issued by the company, and accepted, subject to the stipulations and conditions therein contained dur- ing the good health of the person to be insured. And it is hereby agreed that if a Policy shall be issued and after being in force for three full years, shall lapse, or become forfeited for non payment of any premium, or of interest on a note given on account of a premium, the com- pany may, in consideration of the legal net reserve on the Policy at the time of lapsing, taken as a single premium, at the company's present published rates, issue a non-participating paid- up Policy, if demand be made, and the original Policy surrendered, within six months after such lapse, but if such demand and surrender be not made, all payments made on account of said Policy shall be forfeited to the company. 16 MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL POLICY. This Policy is issued and accepted upon ihe following conditions: 1. That the contract between the parties hereto is completely set forth in this Policy, and the application therefor, taken together, and none of its terms can he modified, nor any for- feiture under it waived, except by an agreement in writing, signed by the president or secre- tary, whose authority for this purpose will not be delegated. 2. That the conditions respecting residence, travel and occupation or employment, pre- scribed on the back of this Policy, which are hereby referred to, and made a part hereof, shall not be Transgressed without the written consent of the president or secretary of the company. 3. That this Policy is entitled to share in such distributions of surplus funds as the com- pany may, from time to time, make, according to the methods and rules adopted by the direc- tors ; provided, that in case this Policy shall become paid-up for an amount less than one hun- dred dollars, it shall not be entitled to share in any such distributions. 4. That any assignment of this Policy, or of any interest therein, shall be void without the assent, in writing, of the president or secretary of the company, but such assent, if given, shall not be construed as guaranteeing the validity of any assignment. 5. That if the insured shall die by suicide, or by his (or her) own hand or act, sane or in- sane, at any time during the first three years of the continuance of this contract, the company shall be liable only for the net reserve held against this Policy, reckoned according to the legal standard of Massachusetts. 6. That if premiums are paid otherwise than wholly in cash, annually in advance, the remainder of the year's premium, and any obligation given for premium, shall always be an indebtedness against the Policy: that no insurance shall take effect under this Policy until the first premium hereby required is paid during the lifetime and continued good health of the insured ; that all premiums are payable to the company, at its said office in Springfield, but will be accepted elsewhere when duly made in exchange for the company's receipt, signed by the president or secretary, and such a receipt shall be the only evidence of the payment of any premium, or interest on any premium obligation; that a failure to pay any premium, or interest on any premium obligation, at or before the time when due, or a violation of any of the conditions of this contract, or any untrue statement in the application for this Policy, or the death of the insured in consequence of the commission of crime or the violation of law by him (or her), shall render this Policy void, and no claim shall exist for return of premiums or for share of surplus funds, and the company shall be released from all liability except such as may be imposed by the laws of Massachusetts at the date hereof. 7. That in case of death no claim shall exist under this Policy, unless proof of the death is furnished to the company, in such form as it shall require, at its said office, within two years after the death of the insured, and no action shall be brought under this contract after two years from the time when the right of action accrues. Conditions respecting residence, travel and occupation or employment, referred to in this policy: 1. The insured shall reside in the United States of America, the Dominion of Canada, in Cuba, or in Europe; but shall not, during the months of July, August, September and Octo- ber, reside in Cuba, or in those parts of the United States which are south of the thirty-sixth degree of north latitude and are either within one hundred miles of the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico or within fifty miles of the Mississippi or Ked River. 2. The insured shall, during the first two years of the continuance of this Policy, travel only in those places and countries in which continuous residence is permitted by the first paragraph of these conditions, or from one such place or country to another and without re- maining (during the months of July, August, September and October) more than ten days in any one city or town where continuous residence is not permitted. 3. The insured shall have the right, after this Policy has been in force two years, to travel for business or pleasure without restriction, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as permitting him (or her) to engage in any occupation or employment prohibited by the fourth paragraph of these conditions. 4. The insured shall not engage in blasting, mining, subterranean or submarine labor, aeronautic travel or excursions ; the manufacture, handling or transportation of gun powder, nitro-glycerine, or other explosive material; services upon any railroad train, steamboat or other vessel or boat ; military or naval service of any kind in time of war. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL FIVE-YEAR DIVIDEND POLICY. Conditions, Provisions, Requirements and Benefits. Payment of Premiums.— Each premium is due and payable at the home office of the company, but will be accepted elsewhere when duly made in exchange for the company's receipt, signed by the president or secretary. Notice that each and every such payment is due at the date named in the Policy is given and accepted by the delivery and acceptance of this Policy, and any further notice required by any statute is expressly waived. That part of the year's premium, if any, not due and unpaid at the maturity of this contract, and any obliga- tion given for premium shall be deducted from the amount of the claim. If this Policy shall become void by non-payment of premium, all payments previously made shall be forfeited to the company, and no claim shall exist under it except such, if any, as is imposed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. No insurance shall take effect under this Policy until the first premium is paid during the life time and continued good health of the person pro" posed for insurance. 17 Residence, Travel and Occupation" ok Employment.— During the first two years of this Policy the insured shall travel and reside only in the United States of America, the Dominion of Canada and Europe, and shall not during its continuance engage in blasting, mining, subterranean or submarine labor, the manufacture or transportation of gunpowder, nitro-glycerine, or other explosive material ; services upon any railroad train, steamboat or other vessel or boat ; and military or naval service of any kind, in time of war, without the written consent of the president or secretary of the company. SUICIDE.— If the insured shall die by his (or her) own hand or act. sane or insane, at any time during the first two years of the continuance of this contract, the company shall be I liable only for the net reserve held against this Policy, reckoned according to the legal stand- j ard of Massachusetts. Dividends.— No dividend from the surplus of the company will be appropriated to. or payable on account of. this Policy until the expiration of five years from the date of its issue, and the payment of the premium then due for the next succeeding year. Nor will any dividend be appropriated to, or paid upon, this Policy if, under the provisions of Chapter 110 of the Public Statutes of Massachusetts, it becomes a Policy for paid-up insurance by reason of failure to pay premium due at any time during the first five years from the date of the Policy. Proofs. — In case of death no claim shall exist under this Policy, unless proof of the death is furnished to the company, in such form as it shall require, at its said office, within \ two years after the death of the insured, and no action shall be brought under this contract | after two years from the time when the right of action accrues. Powers of Agents.— Xo agent has power on behalf of the company to make or modify this or any contract of insurance, to extend the time for paying a premium, or to bind the company by making any promise, or by receiving any representation or information not con- i tained in the application for this Policy. IAssign'mexts.— The company declines to notice any assignment of this Policy until the original or a duplicate or certified copy thereof shall be filed in the company's home office. The company will not assume any responsibility for the validity of an assignment. FKOM MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL APPLICATION. It is hereby agreed that the foregoing statements are true, and that no insurance shall be in force until the acceptance of this application by the company, the delivery of the Policy to the insured or his agent, and the payment of the first premium as stated in the Policy, except as provided in such conditional receipt as may be given to the insured by the agent of the company, in case the insured shall answer the question in Item 20 in the affirmative. 18 MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE ENDOWMENT POLICY. This Policy is issued, and the same is accepted by the Insured, on the following conditions: 1. The annual premium of., dollars and cents, shall he paid in advance to the company at its home office in the city of Detroit, or to its authorized agents, on the delivery of this Policy, and thereafter before twelve o'clock noon on the day of in every year during the continuance of this contract. This Policy shall not take effect unless the first premium is paid, or a note accepted therefor, nor unless the insured is in good health at the time of the delivery of the Policy. 2. This Policy is subject to the limitations as to travel and residence, and occupation named on the hack hereof, and the same are made a part of this contract. This company does not insure against death in consequence of the violation of the law of any state or coun- try, nor against death cansed by the insured's own hand, unless on proof that such death resulted from accident or from insanity produced by disease and without the voluntary act of the insured. In case of the violation of any of these provisions, or if the statements in the application shall be found in any respect untrue, then this Policy shall be void and all pay- ments shall be forfeited to the company: except as herein provided, that after three years from the date of this Policy, and the payment in cash of three years' premiums, the liability of the company shall not be disputed because the death of the insured was caused by his own act, or because of any misrepresentations in the application not wilful, save that if the age of. the insured is unders rated the company shall be only liable for such an amount as the premiums received would have paid for at the rates charged by the company at this date for persons at the insured's real age. 3. If the premiums are not paid as provided herein, then in every such case the company shall not be liable for the payment of the sum insured, and this Policy shall cease and deter- mine ; excepting only, that after due payment of premiums on this Policy for three or more full years, it will he valid as a paid-up non-participating Policy on the life of the said insured, payable as above provided, for as many parts of the whole amount hereby assured as there shall have been complete annual premiums paid, or after payment of three or more full years' premiums, the cash value thereof will be paid as expressed, and in accordance with the agreement on the back of this Policy. 4. If the first or any subsequent premium on this Policy shall be settled wholly or in part by note or other obligation, whether of the beneficiary, the insured or any third party, such settlement shall not be deemed a payment, but only an extension of the time for the pay- ment of such premiums, and if such note or other obligation, or any renewal thereof shall not be fully paid when due, then for any loss occurring while such note or other obligation remains due and unpaid, the company shall not be liable, but the whole amount of the pre- mium included in such note or other obligation shall be considered as earned, and the com- pany may collect the same. 5. If this Policy is assigned or held as security, written notice shall be given to the com- pany, and proof of interest produced with proof of death. The company will take no respon- sibility as to the validity of any assignment. 6. No agent has power to change the terms of this contract, nor to extend the time for the payment of any premium. When a note is given for extension of time it shall be subject to the approval of the company. 7. No suit arising out of this contract shall be begun more than one year after the death of the insured. PROVISIONS AND REQUIREMENTS REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY. As Regards Traveling.— First. The person whose life is hereby insured, shall not pass south of the 34th parallel of north latitude, between the first days of July and November, in any year. Second. He shall not enter upon a voyage on the high seas, excepting to pass as passen- ger on first-class vessels along the coasts of the United States and the Dominion of Canada, or between said countries and parts of Europe north of the 42d parallel of north latitude, with- out first obtaining the written consent of the company. As Regards Occupations.— Third. The person whose life is hereby insured shall not engage in blasting, mining, sub-marine operations or the production of highly inflammable or explosive substances, or be regularly employed in working or managing a steam engine, in any capacity, or as a mariner, engineer, fireman, conductor, or laborer in any capacity upon service upon any steam or sail vessel, or upon railroad trains. Nor shall he enter any military or naval service whatsoever (the militia not in active service excepted), without first obtaining the written consent of the company. Notice.— Fourth. No agent has authority to deliver a renewal receipt upon this Policy after the day when the premium falls due, without at the same time taking a certificate of the good health of the insured. And whenever the company receives a premium after it is due, it does so on the express understanding that it does not establish a custom for the future. It expressly reserves the right to reject any premium tendered after the same becomes due. Fifth. The payment of any note or obligation received under the terms of this Policy, shall in no manner whatsoever be contingent upon conditions not expressed in such note or obligation. 19 Sixth. For the information of the assured, and in order that any unintentional errors or omissions which hereafter may be found to exist may be corrected, a copy of the application upon which this Policy is based is hereto attached. If corrections are desired, when satis- factory to the company, a certificate to that effect will be issued over the signature of the president or secretary. This Policy shall participate in profits as declared by the company: and when awarded, div- idends may be used in reduction of Lhe premiums, or to purchase additions, or they may be applied as provided in either of the following agreements. In Consideration of the request of the assured in the application for this Policy, it is issued on the Accumulative Plan, and it is understood and agreed that the profits on the same shall be left with the company, to be accumulated at the rates of interest earned on its assets, and when such accumulative profits, added to the reserve, shall amount to the sum insured, it shall be paid to ; or in case of the previous death of the person whose life is in- sured, the full amount of the Policy and accumulative profits shall then be paid, in accor- dance with the conditions of this Policy. In Consideration of the request of the assured in the application for this Policy, it is issued on the Dividend Investment Plan. And it is understood and agreed that no dividends shall be declared on this Policy until the end of the term of years, when the assured shall receive his portion of the fund provided by this class of policies, in proportion to the premi- ums paid by him. It is provided that the surviving policies of this class shall receive as a dividend all the surplus arising from their own policies, and also that forfeited under agree- ments of this class. It is further agreed that if the assured shall fail from any cause to pay the premiums upon this Policy for the time above mentioned, he shall not be entitled to re- ceive any portion of said fund. The share of each Policy at the end of the period named will be subject to the following options on the part of the holder: 1st. He may take it in cash. 2d. He may convert it into an annuity to decrease his future premiums. 3d. He may apply it to the payment of his premiums. This agreement may be renewed at the end of the time stipulated, this Policy being in force as a premium-paying contract. FKOM MICHIGAN MUTUAL APPLICATION. I hereby declare, That the above are fair and true answers to the foregoing questions, and I hereby agree that these statements, with this declaration, shall form the basis of the contract for assurance, and that any untrue or fraudulent answers, any suppression of facts in regard to my health, habits or circumstances, or neglect to pay the premium on or before the day it becomes due shall violate the Policy, and forfeit all payments made thereon, except as provided in the Policy. It is hereby agreed that the Policy shall not be in force unless the premium is actually paid to the company or its authorized agent, or a note given and accepted in the place of such payment, during the lifetime of the person whose life is insured, and the Policy is actually delivered to the person for whose benefit is the insurance, during such life- time. And it is further agreed, that if the first or any subsequent premium on the Policy shall be settled wholly or in part by note or other obligation, whether of the beneficiary, the assured: or any third party, such settlement shall not be deemed a payment, but only an extension of the time for the payment of such premium ; and if such note or other obligation or any re- newal thereof shall not be fully paid when due, then, for any loss occurring while such note or other obligation remains due and unpaid the company shall not be liable, but the whole amount of the premium included in such note or other obligation shall be considered as earned, and the company may collect the same. The payment of any note or obligation received under the terms of this applica'ion shall in no manner whatsoever be contingent upon conditions not expressed in such note or obliga- tion. 20 MUTUAL BENEFIT POLICY CONDITIONS. Provided, that in case the said premiums shall not he paid on or hefore the several days hereinbefore mentioned for the payment thereof, at the office of the company, in the City of Newark, or to agents when they produce receipts signed by the president or treasurer, then, and in every such case, this Policy shall cease and determine, subject to the provisions of the company's Non-Forfeiture System, as indorsed hereon, with accompanying table. This Policy does not take effect until the first premium shall have been actually paid ; nor are agents authorized to make, alter or discharge this or any other contract in relation to the matter of this insurance, or to waive any forfeiture hereof, or to grant permits, or to receive for the cash due for premiums anything but cash. Any error made in understanding the age of the insured will be adjusted by paying such amount as the premiums paid would purchase at the table rate. No assignment of this Policy shall take effect until written notice thereof shall be given to the company. This Policy, after two years, will be incontestable, except for fraud or non-payment of premium. ORDINARY LIFE POLICY. 810,000 issued -at age of hO years. Non-Forfeiture Proyisioxs.— When after two full annual premiums shall have been paid on this Policy, it shall cease or become void solely by the non-payment of any pre- mium when due, its entire net reserve by the American Experience Mortality, and interest at four per cent, yearly, less any indebtedness to the company on this Policy, shall be applied by the company as a single premium at the company's rates, published and in force at this date, either, first, to the purchase of non-participating term insurance for the full amount insured by this Policy, or, second, upon the written application by the owner of this Policy, and the surrender thereof to the company at Newark within three months from such non- payment of premium, to the purchase of a Non-Participating Paid-up Policy, payable at the time this Policy would be payable if continued in force. Both kinds of insurance aforesaid will be subject to the same conditions, except as to payment of premiums, as those of this Policy. No part, however, of such term insurance shall be due or payable unless satisfactory proofs of death be furnished to the company within one year after death; and if death shall occur within three years after such non-payment of premium, and during such term of insurance, there shall be deducted from the amount payable the sum of all the premiums that would have become due on this Policy if it had continued in force. The following table shows the amount that the company agrees to loan (being one-half of the reserve) upon a satisfactory assignment of the Policy as collateral security; also the addi- tional time for which the insurance will be continued in full force after lapse by non-payment of premium; or the value of the Policy in paid-up insurance upon surrender within three months from date of lapse. The figures given are based upon the assumption that the premiums (less current divi- dends) have been fully paid in cash. If there be any indebtedness upon the Policy, the values as stated in the table would have to be reduced proportionately upon the principles stated in the Policy. The indebtedness, if any, may be paid off in cash, in which case the figures in the table will apply. Company will Loan. IN OASE OF LAPSE OF POLICY. Number of Years Premiums Paid. Extended Insurance. Paid-up Policv. Years. Days. 2 $ 140 2 137 $ 620 3 210 3 206 920 4 290 4 262 1,230 5 360 5 293 1,530 G 440 6 289 1,830 7 530 7 243 2,120 8 610 8 160 2,410 9 700 9 35 2.700 10 790 9 235 2,980 11 880 10 35 3.250 12 970 10 166 3,520 13 1,060 10 268 3,780 14 1,160 10 343 4,040 15 1,260 11 28 4,290 20 1,760 10 362 5,430 FPOM MUTUAL BENEFIT APPLICATION. I hereby warrant that he is not intemperate in the use of stimulants or narcotics. I agree that the answers given herewith to the questions of the agent and examiner, which I declare and warrant to be true, shall be the basis of my contract with the company; and that such contract shall at all times and places be held and construed to have been made in the City of Newark, New Jersey. I also agree that if within two years from this date the insured shall, without the written consent of the company, reside or travel elsewhere than in or to the United States, Canada or Europe, or shall within such period, and without such consent, be personally engaged in blasting, mining, submarine operations, or in the making of explosives, or in service on any railway train, or on a steam or sailing vessel, or in naval or army ser- vice in times of war, the policy hereby applied for shall thereupon cease and determine. 21 CONVERTIBLE POLICY MUTUAL BENEFIT. $10,030; agehO; Twenty- Year Endowment . Non-Forfeiture Pro visions.— When after two full annual premiums shall have been paiu on this Policy it shall cease or become void solely by the non-payment of any premium when due, the entire net reserve value of the Policy, including dividend additions, by the American Experience Mortality and interest at four per cent, yearly, less any indebtedness to the company on this Policy, shall be applied by the company as a single premium at the com- pany's rates published and in force at this date, either, first, to the purchase of non-participa- ting term insurance for the full amount insured by this Policy, or, second, upon the written application by the owner of this Policy and the surrender thereof to the company at Newark within three months from such non-payment of premium, to the purchase of a non-participa- ting paid-up Policy payable at the time this Policy would be payable if continued in force. Both kinds of insurance aforesaid will be subject to the same conditions, except as to payment of premiums, as those of this Policy. No part, however, of such term insurance shall be due or payable unless satisfactory proofs of deaths be furnished to the company within one year after death; and if death shall occur within three years after such non-payment of pre- mium, and during such term of insurance, there shall be deducted from the amount payable the sum of all the premiums that would have become due on this Policy if it had continued in force. If the reserve be more than enough to purchase temporary insurance as aforesaid to the end of the endowment term, the excess shall be applied to the purchase of pure endow- ment insurance, payable at the end of the term if the insured be then living. And, after two full years' premiums shall have been paid, the company will, on surrender of this Policy fully receipted while in force or within three months from time of lapse, allow as a cash surrender value for the same, a sum not less than the full reserve value of the Policy, exclusive of dividend additions, computed by the above-named standard, deducting therefrom any indebtedness to the company on this Policy. The following table shows the minimum values of the Policy under the several options granted by the company. 1st Option.— Cash surrender value. 2d Option.— Amount that may be borrowed from the company on the Policy. 3d Option.— Extended insurance for full amount of Policy, and cash endowment (if any) payable at end of Policy term. 4th Option.— Paid-up Policy value. Number of Guaranteed Company IN CASE OF LAPSE OF POLICY. Years' Pre- Cash Surren- will Extended Insurance. Cash Payable at end of En- Paid-up miums Paid. der Value. Loan. Years. Days. dowment if Party lives. Policy. 9 s 641 10 $ 320 5 261 $ 1,080 3 987 50 490 8 221 1,610 4 1,346 00 670 11 108 2.130 5 1,720 10 860 13 256 2,650 6 2,110 90 1.C60 14 $ 530 3,150 7 2,518 80 1,260 13 1,390 3,660 8 2,944 90 1.470 12 2,220 4,150 9 3,390 00 l,7r0 11 3,010 4,630 10 3,855 10 1,930 10 3.760 5.110 11 4,341 30 2,170 9 4,480 5,580 12 4.850 00 2.430 8 5,160 6.040 13 5.383 00 2,690 7 5,810 6,500 11 5,942 00 2.970 6 6,430 6,950 15 6.523 30 3.260 5 7.010 7,390 16 7.147 50 3.570 4 7.660 7,900 37 7,799 70 3,909 3 8.280 8,420 18 8,489 40 4.240 2 8,880 8,910 19 9,221 20 4.610 1 9.450 9,470 20 10,000 00 5.000 10,000 10.000 Note.— The first ten years' Dividends that may be declared upon this Policy will be allowed only on the ''Addition" Plan. The Values of this Policy may, owing to Dividend Additions, be more than those above stated; but they cannot be less, provided there be no loan on the Policy requiring adjust- ment. Loans not made for less than twenty dollars. MUTUAL LIFE POLICY. FIVE-YEAR DISTRIBUTION POLICY. "o the provisions, requirements and benefits stated on the back of this Policy, which are hereby referred to and made part hereof. PROVISIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND BENEFITS. Payment of Premiums.— Each premium is due aud payable at the home office of the company, in the City of New York, hut will he accepted elsewhere when duly made in exchange for the company's receipt, signed by the president or secretary. Notice that each and every such payment is due at the date named in the Policy, is given and accepted by the delivery and acceptance of this Policy, and any further notice, required by any statute, is thereby expressly waived. That part of the year's premium, if any, which is not due and is unpaid at the maturity of this contract, shall be deducted from the amount of the claim. If this Policy shall become void by non-payment of premium, all payments previously made shall be forfeited to the company except as hereinafter provided. Dividends. -This Policy is issued on the Five- Year Distribution Plan. It will be ered- ited with its distributive share .of surplus apportioned at the expiration of each five years from the date of issue. Only Policies in force at the end of such terms, and entitled thereto by year of issue, shall share in such distribution of the surplus, and no other distribution to such Policies shall be made at any other time. All surplus so apportioned may be applied at the end of such periods to purchase additional insurance, or in payment of future premiums on this Policy, if requested in writing, or may then be drawn in cash. Paid-up Policy.— After three full annual premiums have been paid upon this Policy, the company will, upon the legal surrender thereof before default in payment of any pre- mium, or within six mouths thereafter, issue a non-participating Policy for paid-up insur- ance, payable as herein provided, for the amount required by the provisions of the Act of May 2i, 1879, Chapter 347, Laws of the State of New York. Surrender.— This Policy may be surrendered to the company at the end of the fifth year from the date of issue, and eighty per cent, of the reserve (computed by the American | Table of Mortality and four and one-half per cent, interest), and the surplus as defined above, will be paid therefor. If surrendered at the end of the second or any subsequent five-year period, the full reserve by the same standard and the surplus as so defined will be paid. No cash value will be paid for a surrender at any other time or date. Notice.— No agent has power on behalf of the company to make or modify this or any contract of insurance, to extend the time for paying a premium, to bind the company by mak- ing any promise, or by receiving any representation or information not contained in the appli- cation for this Policy. Assignments.— The company declines to notice any assignments of this Policy until the original or a duplicate or certified copy thereof shall be filed in the company's home office. The company will not assume any responsibility for the validity of an assignment. FEOM MUTUAL LIFE APPLICATION (FIVE-YEAR DISTRIBUTION.) Subject to the charter of said company and the laws of said State. I HEREBY APPLY TO THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, for § of insurance, on my life upon the plan year distribution. I certify that I am temperate in my habits, and am, to the best of my knowledge and belief, in sound physical and mental condition, and a satisfactory subject for life insurance. I hereby warrant and agree not to reside or travel in any part of the Torrid Zone, and not to engage in any specially hazardous occupation or employment during the next two years following the date of issue of the Policy for which application is hereby made, without first obtaining permission from this company ; and I also warrant and agree that I will not die by my own voluntary act during the said period of two years. The specialy hazardous occupations or employments herein referred to are : 1 | Blasting, mining, submarine labor, aeronautic ascensions, Arctic explorations, the | ■\ manufacture of highly explosive substances, service upon any railroad train, or in !- switching or in coupling cars, or on any steam or other vessel, or military or naval I i service in time of war. I also agree that all the foregoing statements and answers, as well as those that I make or shall make to the company's medical examiner, in continuation of this application, are by me warranted to be true, and are offered to the company as a consideration of the contract, which shall not take effect until the first premium shall have been paid, and the Policy shall have been delivered, during my life and continuance in good health. 23 MUTUAL LIFE TWENTY YEAR DISTRIBUTION POLICY. (MAX'S LIFE.) LIFE PLAN, ANNUAL PREMIUMS FOR TWENTY YEARS. Age, hO years; annual premium, pDG; amount, $20,000. In consideration of the application for this Policy, which is hereby made a part of this contract, THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK promises to pay, at its home office, in the city of New York, unto of in the county of State of his executors, administrators, or assigns, Twenty Thousand dollars, upon acceptance of satisfactory proofs at its said office of the death of the said during the continuance of this Policy, upon the following conditions, and subject to the provisions, requirements and benefits stated on the back of this Policy, which are hereby referred to and made part hereof: The annual premium of Seven Hundred and Ninety-Six dollars shall be paid in advance on the delivery of this Policy, and thereafter to the company, at its home office, in the City of New York, on the first day of June, in every year during the continuance of this contract, until premiums for twenty full years shall have been duly paid to said company. IN witness whereof, the said THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK has caused this Policy to be signed by its president and secretary, at its office, in the City of New York, the first day of June, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and eighty- seven. [Signed] [Signed] RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. Wm, J. Easton, Secretary. FROM APPLICATION (TWENTY YEAR DISTRIBUTION POLICY). I certify that I am temperate in my habits, and am, to the best of my knowledge and belief, in sound physical and mental condition, and a satisfactory subject for life insurance. I hereby ivarrani and agree not to reside or travel in any part of the Torrid Zone, and not to engage in any specially hazardous occupation or employment during the next two years following the date of issue of the Policy for which application is hereby made, and also not to engage in any military or naval service in time of war during the continuance of this Policy, without first obtaining permission from this company ; and I also warrant and agree that I will not die by my own voluntary act during the said period of two years. The specially hazardous occupations or employments herein referred to are:] Blasting, mining, submarine labor, aeronautic ascensions, Arctic explorations, the j ■ manufacture of highly explosive substances, service upon any railroad train, or in j- switching or in coupling cars, or on any steam or other vessel, or military or naval I service in time of war. I also agree that all the foregoing statements and answers, as well as those that I make or shall make to the company's medical examiner, in continuation of this application, are by me warranted to be true, and are offered to the company as a consideration of the contract, which shall not take effect until the first premium shall have been paid, and the Policy shall have been delivered, during my life and continuance in good health. MUTUAL LIFE TWENTY YEAR DISTRIBUTION POLICY. PROVISIONS, requirements and benefits. (Printed on the back of and referred to in this Policy.) I Payment of Premiums.— Each premium is due and payable at the home office of the company, in the City of New York, but will be accepted elsewhere, when duly made in exchange for the company's receipt, signed by the president or secretary. Notice that each and every such payment is due at the date named in the Policy, is given and accepted by the delivery and acceptance of this Policy, and any further notice, required by any statute, is thereby expressly waived. That part of the year's premium, if any, which is not due and is unpaid at the maturity of this contract, shall be deducted from the amount of the claim. If this Policy shall become void by non-payment of premium, all payments previously made shall be forfeited to the company, except as hereinafter provided. Dividends. — This Policy is issued on the Twenty Year Distribution Plan. It will be credited with its distributive share of surplus apportioned at the expiration of twenty years from the date of issue. Only twenty year distribution Policies in force at the end of such term, and entitled thereto by year of issue, shall share in such distribution of the surplus, and no other distribution to such Policies shall be made at any previous time. All surplus so ap- portioned may be applied at the end of such period to purchase additional insurance, or in payment of future premiums on this Policy, if requested in writing, or may then be drawn in cash. After the expiration of the period of twenty years herein above provided for, the divi- dend distribution periods shall be changed to terms of five years each during the continuance of this Policy. But should the owner of the Policy at the end of said first period of twenty years, or at the end of any subsequent period of five years, elect to receive the dividends annually, the surplus applicable on this Policy will thereafter be apportioned at the begin- ning of each year on the anniversary of the date of this Policy, and may be applied as herein- before provided. 24 Paid-up Polio v. —After throe full annual premiums have been paid upon this Policy, the company will, upon the legal surrender thereof before default iu payment of any premium, or within six months thereafter, issue a Xon-Partieipatiug Policy for paid-up insurance, payable as herein provided for the proportion of the amount of this Policy which the number of full years' premiums paid bears to the total number required. Surrender.— This Policy may be surrendered to the company at the end of the said twenty years from the date of issue, and the full reserve computed by the American Table of Mortality, and four per cent, interest, and the surplus as defined above, will be paid therefor in cash. If surrendered at the end of any subsequent quinquennial dividend period, the full reserve, by the same standard, and the surplus as so defined, will be paid in cash. No cash value will be paid for a surrender at any other times or dates. Notice.— No agent has power, on behalf of the company, to make or modify this or any contract of insurance, to extend the time for paying a premium, to bind the company by making any promise, or by receiving any representation or information not contained in the application for this Policy. Assignments.— The company declines to notice any assignment of this Policy until the original or a duplicate or certified copy thereof shall be filed in the company's home office. The company will not assume any responsibility for the validity of an assignment. Note. — The Return Premium Policy is the same as above, except it contains clauses referring to Paid-up Policy and Return Premiums, as follows : ^VYhole Premium Eeturn.— If this Policy shall become a claim by death during the first dividend period, as above provided, the whole of the premiums received during said period will be returned and paid with the amount of this Policy. Paid-up Policy.— After three full annual premiums have been paid upon this Policy, the company will, upon the legal surrender thereof before default in payment of any premium, or Avithin six months thereafter, issue a Non-Participating Policy for paid-up insurance, payable as herein provided, for the amount required by the provisions of the Act of May 21, 1879, Chap. 347, Laws of the State of New York, but said Paid-up Policy shall not provide for any return of premiums. 25 NATIONAL LIFE POLICY. This Policy is issued and accepted upon the following conditions: That the statements and declarations made by and on behalf of the insured in the appli- 1 cation for this Policy, which are hereby referred to as the basis of this contract, and are a part § thereof, and on the faith of which it is issued, are in all respects true, and that no fact has been suppressed relating to the health or circumstances of the insured affecting the interests oi' said company, or its indacements to accept the risk. That the insured may reside in the United States and its Territories (except in localities where yellow fever is prevailing at the time as an epidemic), and in the British Provinces, and travel in and make passages along the coasts thereof; may go to, return from, reside and travel in Europe and in the West Indies, between the mouths of November and May inclu- sive, and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Provided, that if the insured shall, without pre- vious notice to the company, go and remain beyond the above limits, or engage in any miiitary or naval service, or engage in voyages upon the high seas as an occupation, or in blasting, mining or submarine occupations, or in the production or manufacture of highly inflammable or explosive substances, or in working a steam engine on land or water as engi- neer or fireman, or in a similar capacity, or as an employee on any railroad train — in every such case the insured shall pay an extra premium, equal to that charged in similar cases by other first-class companies in the United States. Avhich, if not paid at the time of the assump- tion of the risk, shall not invalidate this contract, but shall be a lien upon the Policy. That if the insured shall die by suicide or by his own hand, whether sane or insane, within three years from the date hereof, or in, or in consequence of, violating any criminal law of country, state or territory in which the insured may be, this Policy shall be void, but the ne^reserve held against this Policy, reckoned according to the legal standard of Vermont, at that date shall be paid to the parties in interest in this Policy. That in case of any indebtedness to this company from the assured, on account of this Policy, said Policy, and all sums due thereunder, shall be, and are hereby pledged to secure said indebtedness, and the company shall have a lien therefor on this Policy, and said debt or demand may be set off against the amount due hereon. That no suit shall be brought against the company for any claim under this Policy, unless said suit is commenced within two years from the time when the right of action accrues ; and also within three years from the termination of the life insured. That this Policy shall not take effect until the first premium is actually paid, and agents are not authorized to deliver the Policy to the insured until such payment has been made. No alteration or waiver of the conditions of this Policy shall be valid unless made in writing at the office in Montpelier, Vt, and signed by the president or secretary. Agents are alone authorized to receive premiums, on the day when payable, and not after- wards, upon presentation of the company's receipts, signed by the president or secretary, but cannot give credit, make, alter or discharge contracts nor waive forfeitures. Notice of assignment of this Policy must be sent to the home office, and the assent of the company obtained to same; the company will not, however, assume any responsibility as to validity of assignment. In case any premium or any part thereof, or any note given therefor, shall not be paid on the day when due, this Policy shall thereupon lapse and determine; except that, after three full annual premiums have been paid, the company guarantees either continued insurance for the full amount of Policy to such period as the reserve will extend it, a cash surrender value, or a paid-up Policy. If no election is made within sixty days after date of lapse, a paid-up Policy will be issued and this Policy cancelled. This Policy, after three years, will be incontestable except for fraud or non-payment of premium. FROM NATIONAL LIFE APPLICATION. Are the statements and declarations made by and on behalf of the person to be insured in the bond hereby applied for (and which are hereby referred to as the basis of the contract and as a part thereof, and on the faith of which the bond is to be issued,) in all respects true? And has any fact been suppressed relating to the health or circumstances of the insured affecting the interest of said company, or their inducements to accept the risk? l A<6 NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL, POLICY. This Folicy is issued by the company, and accepted upon the following express conditions: That the statements and declarations made in or attached to the application for this Policy, -which ar.± hereby referred to as the basis of this contract and are a part thereof, and on the faith of which it is issued, are in all respects true, and that no fact has been suppressed relating to the health or circumstances of the insured affecting the interests of said company or their inducement to accept the risk. The insured may reside in the United States and its Territories (except in localities where yellow fever is prevailing at the time as an epidemic), and in the British provinces, and travel in and make passages along the coasts thereof; and may go to, return from, reside and travel in Europe, the "West Indies (between the months of November and May inclusive), and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. The insured may, without previous notice to the company, go and remain beyond the above limits (except where yellow fever is prevailing as an epidemic), or may engage in any military or naval service, or engage in voyages upon the high seas as an occupation, or in blasting, mining or submarine operations, or in the production or manufacture of highly inflammable or explosive substances, or in working a steam engine, on land or water, as engi- neer or fireman, or in a similar capacity, or as an employee on any railroad train, but in such case he shall pay for remaining beyond the above limits of residence or travel, or for the risk of military or naval service in time of war, or for any of said occupations, an extra premium, equal to that charged by the company in similar cases, which, if not paid at the time of the assumption of the risk, shall not invalidate this contract, but shall be a lien upon the Policy, and deducted therefrom, with interest, upon its payment. Any assignment of this Policy shall be void unless assented to in writing by said com- pany, but the Policy shall not be invalidated thereby ; In case of any indebtedness due to this company from the assured, this Policy and all sums due thereunder, are hereby pledged to secure said indebtedness, and the company shall have a lien therefor on this Policy ; and said debt or demand may be set off against the amount due thereon. This Policy is payable only at the office of the company, at Boston, from which it is issued, and is a Massachusetts contract; and as to its conditions, restrictions and agreements, and as to the validity of any assignment thereof, shall be governed by the law of Massachusetts. The loss shall be payable whenever satisfactory proof thereof shall have been furnished at the office in Boston, by the sworn certificate of the attending physician, if there were any, and the full and particular statement, under oath, of at least one competent and disinterested wit- ness, stating the time, place, cause and circumstances of the death of the insured. No suit shall be brought against the company on any claim under this Policy, unless said suit is commenced within two years from the time when the right of action accrues, and also within three years from the termination of the life insured. This Policy shall not take effect until the first premium is actually paid, and agents are not authorized to deliver the Policy to the assured until such payment has been made. General agents appointed directly by the company are alone authorized to receive pre- miums at the day when payable, and not afterwards, but cannot give credit, or make, alter, or discharge contracts, or waive forfeitures, and no alteration or waiver of the conditions of this Policy shall be valid unless made in writing at the office in Boston, and signed by the president or secretary. All premiums due under this Policy shall be paid in advance, but any annual premium may, at the election of the assured, be paid in cash, either in one sum or in semi-annual or quarterly installments, to be secured by the notes of the assured, it being understood that the company assumes no risk for the period covered by such deferred payments, but only for that portion of the year for which the premium shall have been actually paid IN CASH, in ad- vance, and that in case of loss all such deferred payments are to be deducted from the amount payable. This Policy shall be void if the insured shall die in, or in consequence of a duel, or by the hands of justice, or in the violation of, or attempt to violate, any criminal law of the United States, or of any state or country in which the assured may be. This Policy shall be void if the insured shall die by his own hand or act, whether sane or insane, within three years from the date hereof, but the company agrees to pay upon the Policy thus voided the net reserve held against it, reckoned according to the legal standard of Massachusetts. FKOM NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL APPLICATION. Does the applicant warrant the truth of all the foregoing answers, and agree that they are a part of the contract of insurance, and that if any answer to the above questions, in this statement, is fraudulent or untrue, or if there is any concealment of fact bearing upon the proposed risk, whether inquired about or not, or any non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the Policy, and the rules of the company, it shall vitiate the insurance, and that, in such cases, no return of premium shall be made ? 27 NEW YORK LIFE POLICY. PROVISIONS AND REQUIREMENTS REFERRED TO TS THIS POLICY. NON-FORFEITING TONTINE. This Policy is issued on the Non- Forfeiting Limited- Tontine Policy Plan, the partieidars of ichich are as follows: . That the Tontine Dividend Period for this Policy shall he completed on the day of in the year That no dividend shall he allowed or paid upon this Policy unless the person whose life is hereby insured shall survive until completion of its Tontine Dividend Period and unless this Policy shall then be in force. That surplus of profits derived from such Policies on the Non- Forfeiting Limited- Tontine Policy Plan as shall not be in force at the date of the completion of their respective Tontine Dividend Periods, shall be apportioned among such Policies as shall complete their Tontine Dividend Periods. That after the completion of the Tontine Dividend Period, provided this Policy shall not have been previously terminated, this Policy shall secure to the person whose life is hereby insured one of the following benefits: First — to apply the accumulated dividend to the pur- chase of an annuity on the said person whose life is hereby insured in one of the following- forms: a, an annuity for the number of years that premiums are payable beyond the Tontine Period, to be used ia reduction of subsequent premiums on this Policy, and in case the amount accruing in any year from the annuity, together with dividends that may thereafter be de- clared on this Policy, shall exceed the amount of premium due thereon, the excess to be paid in cash; or, &, if the payment of premiums is completed, an annuity for the whole term of life. Second — To continue the Policy for the original amount and withdraw the accumulated sur- plus apportioned by the company to this Policy in cash. Third — to withdraw in cash the entire equity (that is, the reserve, according to the present legal standard of the State of New York, and in addition thereto the accumulated surplus aforesaid). Fourth — To convert the entire equity into a Paid-up Policj', without participation in profits, for an amount to be determined by the method then in use by the company in determining Paid-up Policies of this class; provided that should the amount of such Paid-up Policy exceed the original amount of the insurance, it is made a condition precedent to its issue, first, that a medical examination of the party whose life is hereby insured, made by an approved examiner upon the blank provided by the company for that purpose, is furnished by the applicant at his own expense; second, that such medical examination is approved by the medical board at the home office of the company, and the risk is recommended by them; and, third, that this Policy is legally surrendered during the lifetime of the insured, and within ninety days from the termination of the Tontine Dividend Period. Fifth — the conversion of the entire equity into a life annuity, upon the life of and payable to the said person whose life is hereby insured. These benefits are at the option of the person whose life is hereby insured, but it is understood and agreed that not less than three months prior to the termination of the Ton- tine Period the said person whose life is hereby insured shall notify the company, in writing, which benefit is selected, and if no such notification shall be received, then, and in that case, the accumulated surplus shall be applied to the purchase of an annuity in one of the forms stipulated in the "first benefit" named above. That in the payment of premiums upon this Policy, falling due within the selected Tontine Period, a grace shall be allowed of one month ; provided, that in all cases when this grace is availed of, a fine at the rate of ten per cent, per annum shall be paid to the company for the time deferred. If the person whose life is hereby insured shall travel or reside beyond the settled limits or the protection of the government of the United States (excepting in the settled limits of the Dominion of Canada, Prince Edward's Island or Newfoundland), or, between the first day of July and the first day of November, south of a line beginning at the point of intersection of the northerly boundary of North Carolina with the Atlantic coast, thence running westerly along the said northerly boundary to a point one hundred miles from the coast; thence in a southwesterly direction, continuing one hundred miles from said coast to the thirty-fourth parallel of latitude ; thence westerly along said parallel to the westerly border of Alabama (excepting the city of Atlanta and an area within a radius of fifty miles around it) ; thence northerly along the westerly border of Alabama and along the Tennessee River to the north- erly boundary of Tennessee; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Tennessee and Arkansas, extended to the ninety-seventh degree of west longitude; thence southerly to the thirty-second parallel of north latitude ; then westerly along the said parallel to the Pacific Ocean; or shall enter upon a voyage upon the high seas (except as hereinafter specified), or shall be personally engaged in blasting, mining, submarine operations, seronautic travel or excursions, or the manufacture or transportation of highly inflammable or explosive sub- stances, or in working or managing a steam engine in any capacity, or as mariner, engineer, fireman, conductor, express messenger, or laborer in any capacity upon service on any sea, sound, inlet, river, lake or railroad, or shall enter any military or naval or paid fire depart- ment service whatsoever (the militia when not in actual service excepted), without the consent of this company in each or either of the foregoing cases previously given in writing; or if he shall die in, or in consequence of a duel, or the violation of the laws of any nation, state or province; or if death shall be caused by or in consequence of the use of intoxicating drink, opium or other narcotics; or if the first premium herein shall not have been actually paid 28 during the continuance of the life in the same condition of health as described in the appli- cation : or if any of the statements or representations made in the application for this Policy shall be found in any respect untrue, then, and in every such case, this Policy shall be null and void: and all payments previously made shall be forfeited to the company, and no action or right of action shall remain to, or be maintained against this company by, the assured or any other person, by virtue of this Policy. The person, whose life is hereby insured has permission to pass as passenger, by direct route, in first-class vessels, as follows: First, to and from Europe (travel and residence wherein is hereby permitted) ; second, to and from California, and along the coasts of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the United States, between Cape Canso and the Rio Grande (provided that no port is entered in which residence at the time of such entrance is prohibited) ; third, between ports on the East Pacific coast, north of 32° of north latitude; fourth, between ports on the East Pacific coast, north of 32° of north latitude, and ports in the Sandwich Islands, China and Japan. Inasmuch as only the officers at the home office of the company, in the City of New York, have authority to determine whether or not a Policy shall issue on any application, and as they act on the written statements and representations made in the application for this Policy, it is expressly understood and agreed that no information, statements or representations made or given by or to the person soliciting or taking the application for this Policy, or to any other person, shall be binding on the company, or in any manner affect its rights, unless such information, statements or representations have been reduced to writing and presented to the officers of the company, at the home office, in the application referred to. No agent has power, in behalf of the company, to make or modify this or any contract of insurance, to extend the time for paying a premium, to issue a permit for residence, travel or occupation, or to bind the company by making any promise or receiving any representation or information. This power can be exercised only by the president, vice-president or actuary of ths company, and will not be delegated. Receipts for premiums are not valid unless signed by the president, vice-president or actuary. No payments made to any person, except in exchange for such receipts, counter- signed by the person to whom the payment is made, will be recognized by the company. All premiums are considered payable annually in advance. When the premium is made payable in semi-annual or quarterly installments, that part of the year's premium, if any, which remains unpaid at the maturity of this contract, shall be regarded as an indebtedness to the company on account of this contract, and shall be deducted from the amount of the claim. Notice that each and every payment of premium is due at the date named in^the Policy is given and accepted by the delivery and acceptance of this Policy, and any further notice required by any statute is thereby expressly waived. The giving of any other notice or the acceptance of any premium after it is due is to be considered as an act of courtesy only, and shall not be deemed as establishing a custom or as waiving or disturbing any of the condi- tions as to payment of premiums thereafter due. In case the cash value of any dividend that may be declared to this Policy is allowed, the receipt therefor of the person whose life is hereby insttred shall be a valid release to the company. This Policy and the accompanying application constitute a contract made and to be exe- cuted in the State of New York, and shall be construed only according to the charter of the company and the laws of that State, and (unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing) no suit shall be brought against the company on this Policy except in the courts of that State, or in the circuit or district courts of the United States, nor shall any such suit be brought after the lapse of one year from the time when the cause of action accrues. The proofs of death shall be furnished to the company at its office, in the City of New York, within one year after death, and shall contain full answers, under oath, to the questions in the company's blanks, among which shall be included (1) an account of each claimant's interest in the Policy; (2) a statement from each physician who attended the deceased within a year before death; (3) a statement from a responsible householder who knew the deceased; (4) a statement of the undertaker; (5) and of a clergyman, whenever one officiates. The omission of any of the answers or statements required must be satisfactorily explained and supplied by other proofs. Any assignment of this Policy must be made in duplicate, and both copies must be sent to the home office for acknowledgment, one of them to be retained by the company. Under no circumstances will the company assume any responsibility for the validity of any assign- ment. NEW YORK LIFE (NEW PLAN) 20-YEAR GUARANTEED INTEREST BOND. 1st. Amount of Bond, $1,000, payable at death, whether within the twenty years or thereafter. 2d. If death occurs within the twenty years, the face of the Bond shall be paid in cash: and if the total premiums paid, compounded at four per cent., shall exceed the face of said Bond, then such excess shall be paid as a Mortuary dividend in addition thereto. 3d. In case of discontinuance after three years, paid-up value will be given for as many twentieths of the face of the Bond as there have been annual premiums paid, together with four per cent, interest annually on the total premiums paid, such interest beginning after the twenty years. 29 4th At the end of twenty years the bond is full paid, and the surplus apportioned by the company may be withdrawn in cash. The company absolutely guarantees to pay the holder of said Bond every year thereafter, till death, four per cent, interest on the total amount of premiums paid, together Avith such annual dividend as may be declared. RATES AND ESTIMATES ON TWENTY-YEAR BOND. 4 Per Cent. Age Annual Total Premi- Cash Value Surplus Interest on Amount Annuity at Issue. Premium. ums Paid in. Estimated. Estimated. Paid in Guaranteed. Estimated. 25 $49.40 $ 9S3 $1,531.40 $ 531.40 §39.52 $110 : 26 30 50.50 1,010 1,565.50 565 . 50 40.40 125.24 35 52.40 1.048 1,624.40 624.40 41.92 144.57 40 55.90 1,118 1,732.90 732.90 44.72 177.62 45 62.10 1,242 1,925.10 925.10 49.63 231.01 50 73.(30 1,472 2.2S1.60 1,281.60 58.88 319.42 NEW YORK LIFE POLICY. (FIVE-YEAR DIVIDEND.) Provisions, requirements and benefits referred to in this Policy. No agent has power in behalf of the company to make or modify this or any contract of insurance, to extend the time for paying a premium, to waive any forfeiture, to issue a per- mit for residence, travel or occupation, or to bind the company by making any promise or receiving any representation or information. This power can be exercised only by the pres ident, vice-president or actuary of the company, and will not be delegated. Inasmuch as only the officers at the home office of the company in the City of New York have authority to determine w T hether or not a Policy shall issue on any application, and as they act on the written statements and representations made in the application for this Policy, it is expressly understood and agreed that no information, statements or representa- tions made or given by or to the person soliciting or taking the application for this Policy, or by or to any other person, shall be binding on the company, or in any manner affect its rights unless such information, statements or representations have been reduced to writing, and presented to the officers of the company at the home office, in the application referred to. Ml premiums are due and pa}-able at the home office of the company unless otherwise agreed in writing, but may be paid to agents producing receipts signed by the president, vice- president or actuary, and countersigned by such agents. Notice that each and every payment of premium is due at the date named in the Policy, is given and accepted by the delivery and acceptance of this Policy, and any further notice required by any statute is hereby expressly waived. The giving of any other notice or acceptance of any premium after it is due, is to be considered as an act of courtesy only, and shall not be deemed as establishing a custom or as waiving or disturbing any of the conditions as to payment of premiums thereafter due. This Policy does not insure against death occurring while engaged in military or naval service in time of war or insurrection, or in consequence of such service or being engaged in the manufacture of gunpowder, dynamite or other explosive substances, or in a duel or viola- tion of law, and shall be null and void in case of the death of the insured from any of these causes, but on its surrender within six months thereafter, with satisfactory proofs of death, the net reserve (computed by the American Table of Mortality and interest at four and one- half per cent.), after deducting all indebtedness to the company, will be paid therefor. Surplus will be apportioned to, this Policy only at the expiration of each period of five years from the date of the commencement of the insurance, and then only if this Policy is in force. Such apportionments will be made in the form of reversionary additions ; but the value of the same may, at the option of the insured, be taken in cash, or applied to the reduction of premiums during the next five-year period, or to the permanent reduction of all future pre- miums. "When the value is taken in cash, payment shall be made to the insured, and his re- ceipt shall be a valid release to the company. Besides the surplus to be apportioned at the expiration of each five-year period as above, if this Policy shall become a claim by death during the first or any succeeding five-year period, a mortuary dividend of fifty per cent, of the premiums paid in the five-year period in which death occurs will be apportioned and paid with the amount of the Policy. This Policy maybe surrendered to the company at the expiration of the first or any subse- quent five-year period, upon thirty days' previous written notice. At the expiration of the first period, eighty per cent, of its reserve (computed as hereinbefore specified), and in addi- tion thereto the surplus then apportioned, will be allowed as a surrender value. At the end of any subsequent period the entire reserve (computed as hereinbefore specified), and in ad- dition thereto the surplus then apportioned, will be allowed. The above cash values will not be allowed for a surrender at any other time. 30 I Proofs of death under this Policy shall be furnished to the company at its office in the City of New York within one year after death, and shall include sworn statements on the com- pany's forms, as follows: (1) a statement from each claimant; (2) a statement from each phy- sician who attended the deceased within a year before death; (3) a statement from a respon- sible householder who knew the deceased; (i) a statement from the undertaker; (5) a state- ment from the clergyman, whenever one officiates. All questions must he fully answered, and the omission of any of the answers or statements required must be satisfactorily explained or supplied by other proofs. Any assignment of this Policy must be made in duplicate, and both copies must be sent to the home office for acknowledgment, one of them to be retained by the company. Under no circumstances will the company assume any responsibility for the validity of any assign- ment. FROM NEW YORK LIFE APPLICATION (FIVE YEAR DIVIDEND POLICY). Does the party agree not to reside or travel within the Tropics, and not to engage in blast- ing, mining, submarine operations, aeronautic ascensions, or in service upon any railroad train, or in switching or coupling cars, or upon any steam or other vessel, during the next two years following the date of any Policy issued hereon, without first obtaining written per- mission from this company? Any Policy issued under this application will contain an agreement that, if it shall lapse or become forfeited for the non-payment of any premium after being in force three full years, a Paid-up Policy will be issued on demand made within six months after such lapse with surrender of the Policy, under the same conditions as this Policy except as to payment of premiums, but without participation in profits, for such an amount as the net reserve on the Policy at the time of lapse, computed by the American Table of Mortality, and interest at four and one-half per cent., after deducting all indebtedness to the company, will pur- chase as a single premium at the present published rates of the company, at the age of the insured at the time of lapse, if an Ordinary Life Policy, or for such an amount as shall be represented by as many proportional parts of the sum insured as there shall have been com- plete annual premiums paid thereon when the lapse or default above referred to shall first be made, if a Limited-Payment Life Policy or an Endowment Policy. In consideration of this agreement, is all right, claim or interest to or in any temporary | insurance, surrender- value, or other paid-up Policy, whether required or provided for by the B statute of any State or not. specifically waived and relinquished? -Ido hereby declare that the person above named, on whose life insurance is applied for, is now in good health, and does ordinarily enjoy good health, and that in the above appli- cation I have not withheld any circumstance or Information touching the past or present state of health or habits of life of said person with which the NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COM- PANY ought to be made acquainted. (And that I have an interest in the life of the said person to the fall amount of The sum hereby applied for.) And I do hereby agree as follows : 1. That the statements and representations contained in the foregoing application and declaration, together with those made to the medical exam- iner by the person above named, on whose life insurance is applied for, shall be the basis of the contract between me and the said company; that I hereby warrant the same to be full, complete and true, whether written by my own hand or not, and that if the same or any of them are in any respect untrue, the Policy which may be issued hereon shall be void, and all moneys which may have been paid on account of such insurance shall be forfeited to said company. 2. That, inasmuch as only the officers at the home office of the company, in the City of New York, have authority to determine whether or not a Policy shall issue on any application, and as they act on the written statements and representations referred to, no statements, representations or information made or given by or to the person soliciting or taking this application for a Policy, or by or to any other person, shall be binding on the company, or in any manner affect its rights, unless such statements, representations or information be reduced to writing and presented to the officers of the company, at the home office, in the applications and declarations above referred to. 3. That in any distribution of surplus, the principles and methods which may be adopted by the company for such distribu- tion, and its determination of the amount equitably belonging to any Policy which may be issued under this application, shall be and are hereby ratified and accepted by and for every person who shall have or claim any interest under the contract now proposed. 4. That under no circumstances shall the Policy hereby applied for be in force until the actual payment to, and acceptance of the premium by, the company or its authorized agent during the lifetime and good health of the person on whose life insurance is applied for. 5. That the whole or any part of the risk herein proposed may be re-insured. 6. That the entire contract con- tained in the said Policy and in this application taken together shall be construed and inter- preted as a whole, and in each of its parts and obligations, according to the laws of the State of New York, the place of the contract being expressly agreed to be the principal office of the said company, in the City of New York, and unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing, no suit shall be brought against the company upon this Policy, except in the courts of that State or in the circuit or district courts of the United States, nor shall any such suit be brought after the lapse of one year from the time when the cause of action accrues. * This agreement form is in the application of all Policies. 31 NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL POLICY. Conditions referred to in Policy. 1st. If the said premiums shall not be paid at or before the times within mentioned for the payment thereof, whether notice of such payment falling due has been received or not, then, and in every such case, this Policy shall cease and determine ; and no premium after the first, hereby acknowledged, shall be considered paid unless a receipt shall be given therefor, signed by the president or secretary, and the payment and receipt of any premium less than a full annual shall not have the effect to continue this Policy in force longer than three months in case of a quarterly payment, or six months in case of a semi-annual payment. 2d. If, within three years from the date hereof, the said insured shall pass south of the Tropic of Cancer, or shall be personally engaged in blasting, miuing or submarine operations, or in the production of highly inflammable or explosive substances, or as engineer or fireman of any locomotive engine, or in switching or coupling or uncoupling cars, or be employed in any capacity on the trains of a railroad, except as passenger or sleeping-car conductor, mail agent, express messenger or baggage master, or in ocean navigation, or shall enter or be en- gaged in any military or naval service whatsoever (except in time of peace), or shall undertake an aerial voyage, or shall die in consequence of a duel, or shall, whether sane or insane, die by his own hand, then, and in every such case, this Policy shall be null and void. 3d. If any statement made in the application for this Policy shall be found incorrect, this Policy shall be void; provided that if the age has been given correctly and death shall occur later than three years from the date hereof, and if this Policy shall not have been declared void by the company prior to such death, the liability of the company shall not, after such death, be disputed on account of such statement, except in case of fraud. 4th. In every case where this Policy shall cease or become void, all payments thereon shall be forfeited to the company, except that a paid-up Policy may be issued as within con- ditionally provided. 5th. If the said insured becomes habitually intemperate, or so far intemperate as either to impair health, or induce delirium tremens, then and in either s^ch case the company may, during his lifetime, cancel this Policy, and thereupon shall be absolved from all liability upon the same, except only that it shall pay the amount of the reserve, computed according to the now existing standard of the State of Wisconsin, if this Policy be surrendered in the lifetime of the insured and within one year from the cancellation of the same. 6th. If this Policy shall be assigned, a duplicate of the assignment shall, within thirty days, be given to the company, and due proof of interest shall be produced on making claim. 7th. This Policy is a contract made and to be performed in the State of Wisconsin, and shall be construed only according to the charter of the company and laws of said state. FEOM NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL APPLICATION. Do you understand and agree that no statements, representations or information made or given by or to the person soliciting or taking this application for a Policy, or to any other person, shall be binding on the company, or in any manner affect its rights, unless such state- ments, representations or information be reduced to writiDg, and presented to the officers of the company at the home office in the above application ? It is hereby declared and agreed that all the statements and answers written on this applica- tion are warranted to be true, and to be full and fair answers to the foregoing questions, with- out evasion or concealment, and are offered to the company as a consideration of the con- tract, which shall not take effect until the first premium shall have been actually paid during the life of the person herein proposed for insurance, and while he is in good health; and that, in consideration of the provision made in the Policy for a surrender value in paid-up insur- ance, all right or claim to any other surrender value than that so provided, whether required by a statute of any state or not, is hereby relinquished. 3k5 PENN MUTUAL POLICY. If this Policy shall become void, all payments previously made upou it shall be forfeited to the company! but if the lapse shall occur by non-payment of premium after two full annual premiums have been paid, the company will, subject to the other conditions of the Policy: First— Extend, without participation, the full amount insured by this Policy for as many years and days as the full reserve, by the actuaries four and one-half per cent. Table of Mor- tality, at the time of such lapse (less any indebtedness upon this Policy under the company's rules), will carry the same at the present established rates of the company; but if death shall occur within three years after such lapse by non-payment of premium, and during such ex- tension of insurance, there shall be deducted from the amount payable the sum of all the accrued premiums (less surplus), with interest thereon. Or Second.— Upon written application by the owner of this Policy, and the surrender of all claims thereunder to the company at its home office within sixty days after such lapse, will grant non-participating, paid-up insurance payable at death, for such sum as the above de- scribed net value will purchase at the then age of the insured at the rates of the company printed upon the back of this Policy. The insured under this Policy is permitted to serve in the militia, or in the military or naval forces of the United States in time of peace, without prejudice to his Policy ; and he may so engage or serve in time of war, upon payment of an extra premium therefore not to exceed three per centum per annum upon the amount insured. But should such extra premium for war hazard be unpaid at the time the risk is incurred, this Policy shall not be invalidated | thereby, but such premium shall be a lien thereon, and be deducted, with interest, at its maturity. Notice of active service in time of war shall be given to the company as soon as may reasonably be done. Should the age of the insured be incorrectly stated, the amount payable hereunder shall be such proportion of the sum insured as the premium paid bears to the required premium at the correct age of the insured. Proofs of death shall be furnished within six months after the ascertained death of the insured, and in the form prescribed by the company. Any assignment of this Policy shall be attached hereto, and a duplicate thereof furnished said company ; and any claim against this company arising under this Policy, made by any asignee, shall be subject to proof of interest; but in no case does the company guarantee the validity of an assignment. No agent shall have power to alter or change in any way the terms of this contract, or to waive forfeiture or to write anything on this Policy. Receipts for premiums are not valid unless signed by either the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, or actuary of the company. FP*OM PENN MUTUAL APPLICATION. I hereby ivarrant and agree, That I am temperate in my habits, now in good health, and ordinarily enjoy good health, and that in the statements and answers in this application no circumstance or information has been withheld touching my past and present state of health and habits of life, with which the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company ought to be made acquainted ; and that if within two years from this date I shall die by my own hand ; or, without the written consent of the company, visit the Torrid Zone, personally engage in the occupations of blasting, mining, submarine operations, or in the manufacture, handling or transportation of explosives, or in service on any railway train, or on a steam or sailing vessel, or in naval or army service in time of war ; any Policy issued on this application, shall there- upon cease and determine ; and that the statements and answers to the printed questions above, together with this declaration, as well as tho?e to be made to the company's medical examiner, shall constitute the application, and be the basis of this contract, and that the place of contract shall be the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania. 33 PHCENIX MUTUAL POLICY. This Policy is issued and accepted upon the following express conditions and agreements: That if the death of the said insured shall at any time occur while visiting or residing in any part of the Western Hemisphere lying south of the' thirty-second parallel of north lati- tude (excepting in the United States from the first day of November in each year to the first day of July next following), or of the Eastern Hemisphere south of the forty-second parallel of north latitude or east of the fortieth meridian of longitude east from Greenwich, or while engaged as an employee in any capacity upon any vessel or railroad, or in any military or naval service (the militia when not in actual service excepted), without the written consent of this company previously given, or in case of the death of the said insured by self-destruc- tion (except upon proof that the same is the result of disease or of accident occurring without the voluntary act of the insured), or from the violation of law or the use of intoxicating liquors by the said insured, then, in either of the foregoing cases, or in case of any untrue statements or suppression of facts in the application for this Policy, this company shall only be liable under this Policy for the amount of the paid-up insurance to which the owner of this Policy would at the date of the death of the said insured be entitled, according to the provisions hereinafter set forth. That all permits for residence, travel or occupation which may be granted, and all other agreements, to be binding on this company, must be in writing and signed by its president or secretary, and that no agent or other person can alter, modify or waive any of the terms or 1 conditions of this Policy. That this Policy shall not take effect until the advance premium hereon shall have been paid during the lifetime of the insured, and that if any subsequent premium hereon be not paid when due, and a separate receipt, signed by the president or secretary of this company, in each case given therefor, then this Policy shall cease; but when, after three or more full years' premiums shall have been paid hereon, this Policy shall cease for non-payment of any premium Avhen due, then and thereafter this company shall be liable under this Policy for a sum of non-participating paid-up insurance, in accordance with the printed table on the back of this Policy, payable as above, at death, or at the date provided for the maturity of this Policy, and subject to any indebtedness of the insured or assured to the company. That any claim under this Policy shall be presented in writing to the company at its home office, in Hartford, Conn., and shall contain full answers, under oath, to the questions in the company's blanks, and no suit shall be brought against the company, under this Policy, after two years from the death of the insured, or expiration of the term of this insurance. FROM PHCENIX MUTUAL APPLICATION. Are you aware that in case there are any untrue statements or answers to the above ques- tions, or any suppression of facts in regard to your health, habits or circumstances, the com- pany will be liable only for the amount of the paid-up insurance to which the Policy by its terms may be entitled? Have you carefully read over the questions and answers thereto? Do you understand that all policies and agreements, to be binding upon this company, must be signed by its president, vice-president or secretary? It is hereby agreed that this application shall form the basis of the contract of insurance herein applied for, and that the same shall form part of said contract as fully as if therein recited, and that all answers and statements contained in this application are, and shall be taken to be, strict warranties. The contract of insurance herein applied for shall be completed only by delivery of the Policy and payment of the premium. It is also agreed and warranted that this application has been made, prepared and written by the applicant or by his own proper agent, and that the assurer is not to be taken to be responsible for its prepara- tion, or for anything contained therein or omitted therefrom; and that in case of any untrue answers or statements herein, or supprtssion of any fact, the company shall be liable only for the amount of the paid-up insurance to wliich the Policy by its terms may be entitled. 34 THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST CO. OP PHILADELPHIA. (Ordinary Endowment Policy). In consideration of the representations and stipulations made in the application for this Policy, which are hereby made part of this contract, and of the first premium of now duly paid by and of the premium of to be paid on or before the day 01 every mouth in every year hereafter during the continuance of this Policy, docs covenant and bind itself to pay at its office in the City of Philadelphia the sum of to of County. State of or to assigns upon the day of ., month, provided the said shall be living at that date. But in the event of decease before that date, then to pay at its office aforesaid the sum insured, to executors, administrators, or assigns, within sixty days aftey-due notice and satis- factory proof in writing, of the death, during the continuance of this Policy, of the said per- son whose life is hereby assured as above. Any unpaid portion of the current year's premium shall first be deducted. Provided always, And it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of this Policy, and the same is issued, and accepted by the assured, upon the following express con- ditions and agreements :— First.— If Avithin two years after the issue of this Policy the said person Avhose life is here- by assured shall die by his or her own hand or act, unless proof of insanity shall be furnished, or shall within that time and without the consent in writing of this company previously ob- tained, travel or reside south of the parallel of 36° 30* north latitude between the first day of Seventh month (July) and the first day of Eleventh month (November), or shall be personally engaged in blasting, mining, submarine operations, or the production of highly inflammable or explosive substances, or as an engineer, fireman, brakesman, or conductor, upon any railroad, or be engaged in any capacity upon any steam or other vessel, or shall at any time during the continuance of this Policy be employed in any military or naval service whatsoever (the militia not in actual service excepted), this Policy shall be null and void. Second.— If the premiums as herein stipulated shall not be paid on or before the days above appointed for the payment thereof, at the office of this company in the city of Philapelphia, or to agents elsewhere, when they produce receipts signed by the president or actuary, this Policy shall become null and void, and this company shall not be liable for the payment of the sum assured, or any part thereof. If, however, the said premiums have been duly paid for the first two years of this assurance, and this Policy shall be surrendered and released in writing to the company, a paid-up Policy shall be issued for an amount proportioned to the number of full yearly premiums paid. Third.— Whenever this Policy shall become null and void, by reason of non-payment of the premiums thereon, or through violation or neglect by the assured of the stipulations con- tained herein, or in the application upon which it is issued, all payments theretofore made hereon shall be forfeited to and become the property of the company. But this shall not be held to deprive the assured from obtaining a paid-up Policy upon fulfilling the conditions above expressed. Fourth.— No assignment of this Policy shall be of any force or effect unless made in writ- ing and recorded by the company on its books. No receipt for renewal premiums, nor per- mit, nor any alteration or discharge of the contract, nor waiver of forfeitures under the same, shall be valid unless signed by the president or actuary. In witness whereof, The said THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA has, by its president and actuary, signed and delivered this contract, this day of month, one thousand eight hundred and eighty f Seal of 1 President. I ihe I- Attest: Company J Actuary, FROM APPLICATION PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST. It is hereby declared and agreed by the undersigned, that the foregoing application and the several answers to the interrogatories therein propounded are true, and that if a Policy of j insurance shall be issued by said company under this application, the same and the questions | and answers therein shall be deemed the basis of the contract expressed in said Policy: and I if any untrue or fraudulent statement be found to be contained therein, then all moneys I which shall have been paid on account of such insurance shall be forfeited to the said com- j pany, and the Policy of insurance made on the faith of this declaration and the above pro- posal shall become null and void and of no effect. 35 STATE MUTUAL POLICY. This Policy is issued and accepted upon the folloiving conditions: The assured may reside and travel in the United States and the British Provinces, and may make voyages along the coasts thereof, and may go to, return from, reside and travel in Europe and the islands of the Pacific Ocean at all seasons, and the West Indies between the months of November and May inclusive. The assured shall not, without first having obtained permission from the company, for which an extra premium may be charged, exceed these limits of travel and residence, nor engage in blasting, mining and submarine labor, nor in the manufacture, handling or trans- portation of inflammable or explosive substances, nor in service upon any railroad, steamboat or vessel, nor in military or naval service (the militia in time of peace excepted). " If the assured shall die by his own hand, or in consequence of the violation of law within three years from the date hereof, the company shall be liable only for the legal net reserve on this Policy at the time of his death. All premiums must be paid to the company at its home office in Worcester, or to some duly authorized agent in exchange for the company's receipt, signed by the president or secretary. Unless the premium on this Policy shall be paid as herein specified, this Policy shall become void, except as provided by the statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts now in force. The company shall have a lien on this Policy, and any amount which may become due under it, to secure any indebtedness due the company from the assured. This Policy shall not take effect until the first premium is actually paid, and agents are not authorized to deliver the Policy until after such payment. It is agreed that no suit shall be brought against the company on any claim under this Policy unless it is begun within three years after the death of the assured and within two years from the time when the right of action accrues; and it is understood that no agent has any authority to make any contract binding the company, and that no alteration or waiver of the terms of this Policy, or permission required under it, shall be valid, unless made in writing and signed by the president, vice-president or secretary. No assignment of this Policy shall take effect until it has been registered with the com- pany, but such registration shall not be construed as confirmation of the legality of the assignment. FROM STATE MUTUAL APPLICATION. I, the applicant for insurance, do declare and warrant that I am now in good health, and that I do usually enjoy good health, and that the foregoing answers and statements are correct and true; that I have not concealed or withheld any circumstances in relation to the past or the present state ©f my health, habits of life, "or condition, which may render an insurance on my life more than usually hazardous, or with which the directors of said company ought to be made acquainted. And I do hereby agree that this declaration and the answers given to the foregoing ques- tions, and to the questions in the medical certificate, and the statements made in this appli- cation, and in the said medical certificate, shall be the basis and form part of the contract or Policy between me and the said company, and that, if the same be not in all respects true and correctly stated, the Policy shall be void, and all moneys which may have been paid on account thereof shall be forfeited to said company. And I further agree that the insurance hereby proposed shall not be binding on said company until the amount of premium required therefor shall be received by said company, or by an accredited agent thereof, in my lifetime. 36 TRAVELERS POLICY. All premiums are payable at the home office in Hartford, Conn., hut will be accepted if paid to an agent in exchange for a receipt signed by its president or secretary, and counter- signed by the agent designated thereon. This Policy shall not take effect unless the first premium is paid while the insured is in good health ; and if the second or third annual pre- mium be not fully paid when due, this Policy and all claims under it shall be void, and the premiums already paid shall be forfeited to this company. In case of default in payment of any premium after the third, this Policy will remain in force for the term specified in the table of "Paid-up Term Insurance" indorsed hereon — pro- vided, however, that in case of the death of the insured within three years from the date of such default, the unpaid premiums, with interest, shall be deducted from the amount insured, or in lieu of such Term Insurance, a Paid-up Policy will be granted for the amount specified in the table of "Paid-up Policy Values" indorsed hereon, provided this Policy is legally surrendered therefor at the home office within three months from date of lapse. At the end of the fifth and every subsequent fifth year from date of issue, the cash value specified in table of " Cash Surrender Values," indorsed hereon, will be paid for this Policy, provided it shall be in force under its original conditions, and is legally surrendered therefor to the home office within thirty days from the close of such period. Xo assignment hereof will be noticed by this company unless made in writing, the original or a copy attached hereto, and a copy furnished this company immediately on its execution ; but this company will not be held responsible for its validity. FPOM TRAVELERS APPLICATION. Do you agree not to reside or travel in any part of the Torrid Zone, and not to engage in any specially hazardous occupation or employment, as stated in marginal note, during ihe next two years following the date of issue of the Policy for which application is hereby made, without first obtaining the written permission of this company? Do you agree that in case of suicide, committed while sane or insane, within two years from date of the Policy hereby applied for, the limit of recovery thereunder shall be the amount of premiums paid thereon? I hereby declare and warrant: 1. That each and all of the answers and declara- tions made in both parts of this application, relating to questions of fact, are absolutely correct and true, and that all such answers have been made without evasion, reservation or concealment in any particular. 2. That all answers made to questions relating to physical disorders, symptoms or treat- ment of disease, and family history, involving the exercise of an opinion, judgment or belief, have been made in good faith, and to the full extent of my information, knowledge and belief. 3. That I hereby waive all personal or statutory rights which I may have to object to the testimony of any physician or surgeon, whether consulted by me or not, so far as he may have professional or expert knowledge of the facts or information sought for by the interrogatories in this application. 4. That this application shall form part ox the insurance contract hereby applied for, and that any evasion, concealment or untrue declaration as to any of the foregoing interrogatories shall render such contract wholly void and of no effect. 5. That the Policy, if granted, shall be held and treated as having been issued and deliv- ered in Hartford, Conn., and shall be construed and determined in accordance with the laws of said State, and that the paid-up insurance and surrender value provided by the Policy shall be in substitution of and treated as a waiver of all other statutory provisions in case of lapse or surrender. 6. That no agent of the company shall have any power to waive or modify any of the conditions of said insurance contract. 7. That the Policy applied for shall not take effect unless the advance premium is paid while I am in good health. 8. That I have reviewed and considered all of the answers above made, and hereby con- firm the same as the basis of the Policy applied for. 37 UNION CENTRAL LIFE RATE ENDOWMENT POLICY. In coxsideratiox of the statements made in the application for this Policy, and which application is hereby made a part of this contract, and of the payment of the sum of dollars, at the home office of the company, on or before the day of at noon in every year during the term of years from date hereof, does insure the life of of in the county of in the State of in the amount of dollars, for the term of natural life, or until prior maturity, for the benefit of the insured, if living at the maturity of this Policy. In case of the death of the insured prior to such maturity, said amount of insurance shall be payable to if living, otherwise to the executors, administrators, or assigns of the insured. The company further agrees to pay to the insured the amount of said insurance at its office, in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, whenever the premiums paid on this Policy and its equitable proportion of the company's profits combined, less its share of losses and expenses, equal the amount of the Policy. In case of the death of the insured prior to the maturity of this Policy, the same being in force, the company will pay the amount named herein within sixty days after the receipt of notice and satisfactory proof of death, the balance of the year's premium, if any, and all other indebtedness to the company, being first deducted. After three years" premiums have been paid, the company will, upon legal surrender of this contract while in force, issue a paid-up, non-participating Life Policy for the amount named in table "A" on the following page. In case of default for non-paynient of premium after three years, and no legal surrender having been made, as above provided, then this Policy shall, without surrender, become a Paid-up Term Policy, without change of terms or con- ditions, except as to the payment of premiums and participation in profits, and continue in force for such time as one annual premium on this Policy is contained in its reserve value, according to the American four per cent. Table of Mortality, at the end of which time this contract shall cease. In case the insured dies while the said Term Policy is in force, the amount of foreborne premiums, with annual interest at six per cent., shall be deducted from the sum insured. It is further agreed that, at the maturity of this Policy as an endowment, the insured, or the legal holder hereof, shall be paid the said sum of S in cash. Or, in lieu thereof, he may apply the said sum to the purchase of an annuity, according to Table " B." given on the following page. Or he may apply the said sum to the purchase of a Paid-up Life Policy, with participation in profits, according to Table " C," on the following page, provided he shall at that time fur- nish a satisfactory medical examination. This Policy is issued and accepted upon the further conditions and agreements contained on the following page, which are made a part of this contract, and which contract shall be held and construed to have been made in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio. In witness whereof, THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, by its presi- dent or vice-president, and secretary, signs this contract at Cincinnati, Ohio, this day of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty President. Secretary. CONDITIONS AND AGREEMENTS. First.— This Policy shall not be valid or binding until the first premium is paid to the company or its authorized agent, and the receipt hereto attached, countersigned by the com- pany's agent, and delivered during the lifetime of the insured; and all premiums or notes, or interest upon notes given the company for premiums, shall be paid on or before the days upon which they become due, at the company's office, in the city of Cincinnati, or to the authorized agent of the company, he producing a receipt therefor, signed by the president, vice president or secretary. Second.— The insured shall not, without the written consent of the company, keep a liquor saloon, or personally engage in blasting, mining or submarine operations, or serve in any capacity on any vessel, boat or railway train, or in the production of highly inflammable or explosive substances, or enter any military or naval service whatsoever, the militia excepted. Third.— In case the person whose life is insured shall become intemperate in the use of intoxicating liquors or opium, or in case any of the statements or declarations made in the application for this Policy are in any material respect untrue, or if there has been a suppres- sion of any facts relating to the health or circumstances of the insured affecting the interests of the company, the company may, at its option, cancel this Policy; and its reserve value, calculated by the American six pa cent. Table of Mortality, less any outstanding indebted- ness against the Policy, shall, in case of such cancellation, be paid to the legal owner of the Policy. Fourth.— In case the insured shall die in consequence of the violation of law, or shall become a drunkard, or have delirium tremens, this Policy shall become null and void. Fifth.— Should the insured die during or by reason of the violation of any of the condi- tions and agreements specified above in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, then the reserve value only of this Policy, at the time of death, calculated by the American six per cent. Table of Mor- tality, shall be paid. 38 Sixth.— Upon the violation of any of the foregoing conditions, this Policy shall be null and void, without action on the part of the company, or notice to the insured or beneficiary, and all payments made hereon, and all accrued surplus or profits, shall be forfeited to the company, excepting as provided in the foregoing 5th paragraph. Seventh. — In case this Policy should be assigned or held as security, written notice thereof shall be given to the company, and due proofs of interest produced with proofs of death. Eighth.— The contract of insurance between the parties hereto is completely set forth in this Policy and the application for the same, and none of its terms can be modified, nor any forfeiture under it waived, save by an agreement in writing signed by the president, vice- president or secretary of the company, whose authority for this purpose shall not be delegated. Ninth.— l$o suit to recover under this Policy shall be brought after one year from the death of the insured. Tenth.— Self-destruction by the insured, whether sane or insane, within three years from the date hereof, is not a risk assumed by the company under this contract. Eleventh. — After three years from the date of this Policy it shall be incontestable for any cause, excepting the violation of the above conditions regarding the occupation of the insured, the intemperate use of intoxicating liquors, non-payment of premium or of notes given for the same, and misstatement as to age. FROM UNION CENTRAL APPLICATION. I hereby agree and warrant that, should the company issue a Policy upon this application, its interests shall not be affected by verbal statements made to its agents or others, or by the knowledge of such agent, but that it shall be affected only by the statements herein made, | which it is agreed shall be deemed true, full and correct, as facts upon which, as such facts said company shall issue the Policy here applied for, if one is issued hereon. FROM STATEMENT TO THE MEDICAL EXAMINER. I hereby further declare that I have read and understand all the above questions put to me by the medical examiner, and the answers thereto, and that the same are true, and that I am the same person described as above, and I hereby, for myself, and for all o'hers who may in any event have or claim any interest in the insurance hereby applied for, do request and authorize any physician or person having any knowledge or information, acquired profes- sionally or otherwise, touching matters herein referred to or involved, and also as to any disease or sickness I may have hereafter, to disclose the same fully, at any time, at the instance of the said insurance company, hereby waiving any privilege that may be supposed to be con- nected therewith. UNION MUTUAL. POLICY. Provisions and Requirements Referred to in this Policy. If any statement made in the application for tbis Policy be in any respect untrue, the con- sideration of tbis contract sball be deemed to have failed, and the company shall be without liability under it. But the company hereby waives all defenses under this article, except for fraud, if the death of the party insured occurs after three years from the date hereof. But, if the age of the party insured is not correctly stated in the application, no more insurance will be paid hereunder than the amount that the premiums charged would have purchased at the rates for the insured's true age in use at the date of this policy, If, within three years from the date hereof, the person insured hereby shall die in conse- quence of the violation of law, or by disease, violence, or accident brought about by intoxi- cation, or shall impair his health by narcotics or alcholic stimulants, or shall have delirium tremens, or if, without the written consent of the company, signed by the president or secre- tary thereof, he shall pass or remain beyond the limits of residence and travel, or shall per- sonally engage in blasting, mining, submarine labor, aeronautic travel and excursions, the manufacture, handling, or transportation of inflammable or explosive substances, service upon any railroad, steamboat, or other vessel or boat (except conductors and engineers on railroads, and masters, supercargoes, mates, and other officers of vessels), military and naval service of every kind, whether as combatant or non-combatant, the militia in time of peace excepted, the company shall be released from all liability on account of this contract. It is hereby declared and agreed that the self-destruction of the person within three years from the date hereof — whether voluntary or involuntary, and whether he be sane or insane at the time — is not a risk assumed by the company in this contract ; but in every such case the company will, upon demand made and the surrender of this Policy accompanied with satisfactory proofs of such death within ninety days after its occurrence, pay the net reserve upon it held by the company at the beginning of the year in which death occurs, calculated by the Combined Experience Table of Mortality, with interest at the rate of four per centum per annum, first deducting therefrom any indebtedness which shall have accrued to the com- pany on account of this contract. The contract between the parties hereto is completely set forth in this Policy and the ap- plication therefor, taken together; and none of its terms can be modified, nor any forfeiture under it waived, except by an agreement in writing, signed by the president or secretary of the company, whose authority for this purpose will not be delegated. And it is further de- clared and agreed, tbat in case the obligation of the company under this contract be defeated by the failure of any of the considerations, or by the violation of any of the covenants or con- ditions recited or referred to herein, all payments which shall have been made to the com- pany on account of this contract shall be forfeited to the company. The proofs of the death by which this contract matures must be furnished to the company within one year after such death; and no action shall be commenced upon this Policy after one year from the time when the cause of action accrues; and, if any action be commenced after that time, the lapse of time shall be conclusive evidence against the claim. During three ye'ars from the date hereof, the limits of travel and residence under this con- tract are between the parallels of the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle ; also to travel be- tween ports within the said parallels and the Island of Cuba; also between ports on the Pacific coast within said parallels and the Sandwich Islands, and residence therein, and China and Japan; and to passage between said parallels in the North Atlantic and in the North Pacific Oceans, by the way of the Isthmus of Darien: Travel is permitted in first-class vessels within the aforesaid limits ; but travel and residence, of the person at whose death this contract matures, beyond the above limits, and within the aforesaid period of three years, will release the company from all liability under this contract. All premiums are payable anuually in advance. When the premium is made payable in semi-annual or quarterly instalments, that part of the year's premium, if any, which remains -unpaid at tbe maturity of this contract, shall be regarded as an indebtedness to the company; and, if any such payment be not made on or before the day it is due, the company shall, from that day, be released from all liability under this contract, except as hereinafter provided. When the premium is payable semi-annually or quarterly, in ascertaining the net value of the Policy to determine the extension under the Non-Forfeiture Law, there shall be deducted from the net value of the Policy (assuming net annual premiums) the net premium for the unpaid quarterly or semi-annual instalments for that year; which installments shall not be considered as an indebtedness, but as forborne premiums. This company will not take notice of any assignment of this Policy, until a duplicate thereof shall be delivered to the company; and under no circumstances will the company assume any responsibility for the validity of such assignment. In consideration of this Policy being subject to the Non-Forfeiture Law of the State of Maine, and entitled to the extensions therein provided for. all right, claim, or interest arising under the statutes of any other State, or otherwise, to or in any paid-up Policy or surrender value, and to or in any temporary insurance, except as provided for in the said law of Maine, | is hereby expressly waived and relinquished. 40 If any premium, or instalment of a premium, on this Policy shall not be paid when due, the consideration of this contract shall he deemed to have failed, and the company shall be released from liability, except as hereinafter provided; and the only evidence of payment shall be the receipt of the company, signed by the president and secretary. All premiums are payable annually in advance at the office of the company, in the city of Portland, at the date named in the Policy ; but, at the pleasure of the company, suitable persons may be authorized to receive such payments at other places, but only on the production of the company's receipt therefor, signed by the president or secretary. No payment made to any person, except in exchange for such receipt, will be recognized by the company, or be deemed by either party as valid payment. If, for any reason, a premium is received after it becomes due, it is upon the express condition that the party whose life is thereby insured is, at the time of the receipt of such premium, in good health, and of correct, sober, and temperate habits; and, if the fact is otherwise, the Policy shall not be put in force by such receipt. And such receipt must in every case be understood by the parties as an act of courtesy on the part of the company, and in no case whatever as constituting any obligation on its part to waive the payment of a future premium when due. In case any note, check, or draft given toward the payment of any premium shall not be paid at maturity, this policy lapses in the same manner as upon the non- payment of the premium when due. FKOM APPLICATION UNION MUTUAL. Does the party agree not to reside or travel within the Tropics, and not to engage in blast- ing, mining, submarine operations, ceronautic ascensions, manufacture of dynamite, gun- powder, or other explosive substances, or in service upon any railroad train, or in switching or coupling cars, or upon any steam or other vessel, during the next three years following the date of any Policy issued hereon, without first obtaining written permission from this company? I do hereby declare that the party above named whose life is proposed for insurance is now in good health, and does ordinarily enjoy good health, and that in the above applica- tion I have not withheld any circumstance or information touching the past or present state of health or habits of life of said person with which the UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ought to be made acquainted. (And that I have an interest in the life of the said person to the full amount of the sum hereby applied for.) A^ T D I do hereby agree as follows : 1. That the statements and representations contained in the foregoing application and declaration, together with those made to the medical exam- iner by the party above named, whose life is proposed for insurance, shall be the basis of the contract between me and the said company; that I hereby warrant the same to be full, com- plete and true, whether written by my own hand or not, and that if the same or any of them are in any respect untrue, the Policy which may be issued hereon shall be void, and all mon- eys which may have been paid on account of such insurance shall be forfeited to said com- pany. 2d. That, inasmuch as only the officers at the home office of the company in the City of Portland, have authority to determine whether or not a Policy shall issue on any applica- tion, and as they act on the written statements and representations referred to, no statements, representations, or information made or given by or to the person soliciting or taking this application for a Policy, or by or to any other person, shall be binding on the company, or in any manner affect its rights, unless such statements, representations, or information be re- duced to writing, and presented to the officers of the company, at the home office, in the ap- plication and declarations above referred to. 3. That in any distribution of surplus, the principles and methods which may be adopted by the company for such distribution, and its determination of the amount equitably belonging to such Policy, shall be and are hereby ratified and accepted by and for every person who shall have or claim any interest under the contract now proposed. 4. That it will constitute no contract of insurance until a Policy shall first have been issued and delivered by the company, and the first premium thereon paid, during the life of the party proposed for insurance in the same condition of health as de- scribed in the application. 5. And that the entire contract contained in said Policy, and this application, taken together, shall be construed and interpreted as a whole, and in each of its parts and obligations, according to the charter of the said company and the laws of the State of Maine, the place of contract being expressly agreed to be the office of the said company in the City of Portland, in the State of Maine, and unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing, no suit shall be brought against this company on this Policy except in the courts of that State, or in the Circuit or District Courts of the United States, or by residence of Canada, in the proper Court of the Dominion. 41 V UNITED STATES POLICY. Upon the Agreements and Conditions fo lowing: I. This Policy shall not take effect until the first premium nercon shall have been paid, and both the receipts therefor and this Policy he delivered to the assured personally, during the lifetime and sound health of the insured ; and in case any premium or payment required or agreed to be made now or hereafter, in connection with this insurance, shall not be so paid when due, then this contract shall become null and void, and of no effect, except that II. After there shall have been paid under this contract three full years' premiums, if default shall be made in any payment above specified, the entire reserve on this Policy, in- cluding dividend additions thereon, as calculated at that date according to the American Experience Table of Mortality with interest at the rate of four and one-half per cent, per annum and the net annual premiums method, after deducting at their face the unpaid de- ferred or fractional part of the annual premium which may belong to the then current Policy- year together Avith the amount of any note, draft, indebtedness, or charge (with the interest accrued thereon) against this Policy (other than such amount which may represent said de- ferred or fractional premium already included), shall, on written demand made at the com- pany's principal office in New York City, upon the blank forms furnished by the company on application therefor, within six months after such default, and during the life of the insured, be taken as a single premium to continue the insurance named in this Policy in force at its full amount, for such time beyond such default as such single premium will purchase that amount as (non-participating) paid-up insurance at the company's present published rates, taken at the age (nearest birthday) of the insured at the date of said default, subject to all the conditions and agreements of this contract: Provided, however, that if the death of the in- sured occurs within three years after such default, and during such continued time of insur- ance, there shall be deducted from the principal sum payable, the amount of all payments that would have become due up to the time of said death, had no default occurred. III. All premiums are payable in New York City at the company's office. No payment made to any person except in exchange for a receipt therefor, signed by the president, secre- tary, assistant secretary, or actuary, and in accordance with the terms and provisions of such receipts, and in cash, will be valid. IV. If any statement made in the application herefor is untrue in any respect, this con- tract shall be null and void, provided, however, that discovery of the same must be made by the said company and notice thereof given to the assured, within three years from the date hereof; excepting always, that if the age of the insured be understated in the application, the liability of the said company under this Policy at its maturity shall not be for a greater amount of insurance than the premium charged would have purchased at the company's rates in use at the date hereof at the true age of the life insured. V. If, within three years from the date hereof, the insured shall die by any act of self- destruction whatever, whether voluntary or involuntary, whether he be sane or insane at the time ; or shall impair his health by narcotics or stimulants ; or, without the consent of this company, in writing, shall travel or reside in the Torrid Zone; or shall personally engage, without like consent, in blasting, mining or in submarine labor; or in the manufacture, handling or transportation of inflammable or explosive substances; or in service upon any steamboat, or other vessel or boat; or in military or naval serviee in time of war, this contract shall become null and void. VI. The contract of insurance is contained only in this Policy and the application [which is hereby made part hereof] taken together, and none of its terms or conditions shall be mod- ified or waived except in writing, signed by the president together with the secretary or actuary. VII. In every case where this contract would become null and void, all payments made thereon shall be forfeited to the company. VIII. This company shall not take notice of any assignment of this Policy until a dupli- cate of such assignment be delivered to it, at its office in New York City. IX. This Policy shall participate in the profits of the company as determined and de- clared by the company from time to time. X. And the said company does hereby further promise and agree that after three years from the date hereof, if the premiums on this Policy are duly paid at the times and place, and in the manner herein stipulated, the liability of the said company under this Policy shall not be disputed. L 42 FROM UNITED STATES APPLICATION. Does the person in the case of the lapse of the Policy applied for, specifically waive and relinquish all claim, to any surrender value, paid-up Policy or temporary insurance, except as and when provided for in the Policy proposed, -whether required or provided for hy Chapter 3-47 of the Laws of New York of 1S79. or by any other statute of any State or not? Ir is hereby declared and agreed : 1st. That all the statements and answers in this appli- cation are hereby warranted to be true, full and complete, and that this application and declaration shall, with the Policy herein applied for, alone constitute the contract between me and the United States Life Insurance Company in the City of New York, and no informa- tion or statement, unless contained in this application, made, given, received or required, by any person at any time shall lie binding on the company. 2d, That no person other than the president, together with the secretary, or actuary, shall have power to alter or waive any con- tract or condition on behalf of the company. 3d, That in any distribution of profits or sur- plus, the determination by the company of the amount to be apportioned to any Policy issued upon this application, shall be and hereby is ratified and accepted. 4th, That the whole or any part of the risk herein proposed may be reinsured. 5th. That this application, its state- ments, representations and agreements, together with all the conditions and stipulations con- tained in the Policy hereby applied for, shall be binding on me and on any future legal holder of this Policy. 43 'WASHINGTON POLICY. Conditions and agreements referred to and forming part of this Policy. 1st. The person, whose life is hereby insured is permitted to travel or reside in any part of the Continent of North America, north of the Tropic of Cancer, or in any part of Europe. 2d. If the said person whose life is hereby insured shall pass beyond the aforesaid limits, or shall enter any military or naval service whatsoever (the militia when not in actual service excepted), without the consent of this company previously given in writing; or if any of the statements or declarations made in the application for this Policy, upon the faith of which this Policy is issued, shall within three years from the date hereof be found in any respect untrue, or if the said premiums shall not be paid on or before the days above mentioned for the payment thereof at the office of the company, in the City of New York, (unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing,) or to agents when they produce receipts signed by the president or secretary, then, in any and every such case, the said company shall not be liable for the payment of the sum insured, or any part thereof, and this Policy shall be null and void and shall cease and determine, except only in the case of the due surrender of this Policy as herein provided. 3d. Notwithstanding this Policy shall lapse and become forfeited for the non-payment of any premium upon the day upon which the same shall fall due, according to the terms there- of, as hereinbefore contained, yet, after the payment of three annual premiums, and upon demand made with surrender of this Policy within six months after such lapse by such non-pay ment, this company will issue a non-participating paid-up Policy for such sum as the reserve upon this Policy at the time of such lapse and forfeiture by such non-payment, according to the present legal standard of the State of New York, will purchase as a single premium at the company's published rates; and the paid-up insurance purchased by such surrender of this Policy shall be payable at the same times and under the same conditions, except as to the pay- ment of premiums, as the original Policy; provided and agreed, however, that any voluntary application by the company of cash dividends as hereinafter mentioned, shall, as relates to action under Chapter 347 of the Laws of New York of 1879, be taken into consideration in computing the amount of the reserve thereunder. 4th. This Policy shall not lapse by non-payment of premium when due, until the period shall have expired for which the cash dividends declared and standing at its credit at the time of such non-payment will pay the premium at the rate called for in this Policy; and when such period shall have expired, this Policy shall lapse and become forfeited. The com- pany will, however, without requiring further medical examination, accept a past due premium, provided no other condition of the Policy has been violated, and such premium be tendered within the period thus protected by cash dividends ; and should the party insured die within said period, the company will pay the amount of this Policy, whether the pre- mium past due has been tendered or not. Surrender of the Policy only will supersede these concessions. 5th. If this Policy should be assigned or held as security, written notice thereof shall at once be given to this company by the assignor, and due proof of interest produced at the maturity of the Policy. FROM WASHINGTON APPLICATION. It is hereby declared that the above are fair and true answers to the foregoing ques- tions, and it is acknowledged and agreed by the undersigned that such answers are material, and that the above statement shall form the basis of the contract for insurance, and also that any untrue answers, any suppression of faets in regard to the party's health, or neglect to pay the premium on or before the day it becomes due, will render the Policy null and void, and forfeit all payments made thereon; also, that the Policy of insurance hereby applied for shall not be binding upon this company until the amount of premium as stated therein shall be received by said company, or some authorized agent thereof, during the lifetime of the party therein insured. And it is understood and agreed as follows: That the paid-up insurance purchased in accordance with Chapter 347 of the Laws of New York of 1870, by the surrender of the Policy issued upon this application, shall be payable at the same time, aud under the same condi- tions, except as to the payment of premiums, as the original Policy, provided and agreed, however, that any voluntary application by the company of the cash dividends as hereinafter mentioned shall, as relates to action under said statute, be taken into consideration in com- puting the amount of said paid-up insurance: the above is determined and agreed by the company and the assured as a full compliance with the terms of said statute, but independ- ently thereof, and having no relation thereto, but as a voluntary and additional concession to the insured under this application, the company will, after the lapse and forfeiture of the Policy by non-payment of any premium falling due and unpaid, pay to the assured the amount of the Policy, should the party insured die at any time after such lapse and forfeiture within a period in which, proportionately, such Policy might have been held in force had the amount of any earned and unpaid cash dividends been paid in to the company, and received by it as payment on account of premium. 44 DIVIDEND COMPARISONS Actual results on policies in different Companies showin Policies for other amounts than $10,000 have been diminished to make an exact comparison. g a comparison of dividends, proportionately increased or LIFE POLICIES ISSUED IN 1885, AT AGE 49, FOR $10,000 EACH. COMPANY. Cost in 1885. (Premium.) Cost in 1886. (Prem. less 1st dividend.) Cost in 1887. (Prem. less 2nd dividend.) $435.60 456.40 444.60 464.00 462.00 450.00 456.40 $387.50 398.70 350.20 351.90 381.10 450.00 383.70 $380.00 395.50 C47.40 348.80 373.60 375.20 378.90 Massachusetts Mutual Mutual Benefit Mutual Life Penn Mutual *Provident Life and Trust State Mutual 20-YR. ENDOWMENT POLICIES, ISSUED IN 1885, AT AGE 51, FOR $10,000 EACH COMPANY. Cost in 1S85. (Premium.) Cost in 18*6. (Prem. less 1st dividend.) Cost in 1887. (Prem. less 2nd • dividend.). Equitable of New York Michigan Mutual Mutual Benefit $619.00 579.10 615.90 543.80 619.00 618.70 $578.98 527.90 499.50 500.80 567.78 618.70 $573.48 ' 524.70 495.40 496.40 562.58 486.28 20-YR. ENDOWMENT POLICIES, ISSUED IN 1885, AT AGE 52, FOR $10,000 EACH. COMPANY. Cost in 1885. (Premium.) Cost in 1886. (Prem. less 1st dividend.) Cost in 1887. (Prem. less 2nd dividend.) Mutual Benefit $631.30 610.00 $510.30 541.70 $506.30 522.15 New England 15-YR. ENDOWMENT POLICIES, ISSUED IN 1884, AT AGE 46, FOR $10,000 EACH COMPANY. Cost in 1885. (Prem. less 1st dividend.) Cost in 1886. (Prem. less 2nd dividend.) Cost in 1887. (Prem. less 3rd dividend.) Massachusetts Mutual Mutual Benefit $664.80 616.40 607.90 626.25 $661.80 610.90 611.30 630.45 $658. SO 605.50 606.50 623.75 Mutual Life State Mutual * This Company does not pay dividends till end of second year. NON-FORFEITURE LAWS. NON-FORFEITURE LAW OF MAINE. "Section 1.— Every policy of Life Insurance issued on and after the first day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, by any company chartered by the authority of this State, which may be forfeited for non-payment of premiums, including all notes given for premiums or interest thereon after it shall have been in force three full years, and which shall not contain provision for a surrender value at least equiva- lent to the value arising under the terms of this Act, shall, nevertheless, be continued in force to an extent and for a period of time to be determined as follows, to-wit: The net value of the policy, when the premium becomes due and is not paid, shall be ascertained according to the combined experience or actuaries' rate of mortality, with interest at four per centum per annum. After deducting from three-fourths of such net value any indebted- ness to the company, or notes held by the company against the iusured (which notes, if given for premium, shall then be cancelled), what remains shall be considered as a net single premium of temporary insurance ; and the term for which it will insure shall be determined according to the age of the party at the time of the lapse of the policy, and the assumptions of mortality and interest aforesaid; but if the policy shall be an endowment payable at a certain time, or at death if it shall previously occur, then, if what remains as aforesaid shall exceed the net single premium of temporary insurance for the balance of the endowment term for the full amount of the policy, such excess shall be considered as a net single premium or simple endowment, payable only at the same time as the original endowment, and in case the life insured survives to such time; and the amount thus payable by the com- pany shall be determined according to the age of the party at the time of the lapse of the policy, and the assumptions of mortality and interest aforesaid. "Sec. 2. — If the death of the life insured occur within the term of temporary insurance covered by the value of the policy as determined in the previous section, and if no condition of the insurance other than the payment of premium has been violated by the insured, the company shall be bound to pay the amount of the policy the same as if there had been no lapse of premium, anything in the policy to the contrary notwithstanding; provided, how- ever, that notice of the claim, and proof of the death, shall be submitted to the company, in the same manner as provided by the terms of the policy, within ninety days after the decease, and provided, that the company shall have the right to deduct from the amount insured in the policy the amount, compounded at seven per centum per annum, of all the premiums that had been forborne at the time of the death, including the whole of the year's premium in which the death occurs." NON-FORFEITURE LAW OF MICHIGAN. AS AMENDED IN 1881. "Sec. 17.— No policy of insurance on life, issued after this act shall take effect, by any company organized under the laws of this State, shall be forfeited or become void by the non-payment of any premium thereon, after the third, any further than as folloAvs: The net value of the policy, when the premium becomes due and is not paid, shall be ascertained according to the "American Experience Table" rate of mortality, with interest at four per centum per annum. " A surrender charge shall be first deducted from such net value on the following basis, to-wit: From policies that have paid three full years' premiums, forty (40) per cent.; from policies that have paid four full years' premiums, thirty-six (36) per cent.; from policies that have paid five full years' premiums, thirty-two (32) per cenr., and so on in like manner, decreasing the discount four (4) per centum for each full years' premium paid, until the dis- count is exhausted, when no surrender charge shall be made. " After deducting the surrender charge from the net value, the remainder shall be con- sidered a net single {jremium of whole life non-participating insurance, and the amount it will insure shall be determined according to the age of the party at the time when the unpaid premium became due and the assumptions aforesaid in regard to rate of interest and table of mortality. "In case of any indebtedness on any policy, such indebtedness shall be first deducted from the net value remaining, after deducting the discount, and the remainder, if any, shall be used as the net single premium as aforesaid." The following table illustrates the workings of the Michigan Non-Forfeiture Law as applied to an Ordinary Life Policy, issued at the age of 40, for 310,000 insurance: 46 Annual premiums, less the div. dends, paid in cash. Secures to the insured. A paid-up for f 641.90 906.90 1.195.30 1,506.90 1,810.90 2,194.90 2,570.60 2,961.70 S. 371. 80 3,799.10 4,239.00 4,510.40 4,776.59 5.032. o0 5,278.50 5,517.10 5.718.70 5.970.10 6,947.70 7.728.00 8,335.20 8,825.80 MASSACHUSETTS NON-FORFEITURE LAW. "An Act Limiting the Forfeiture of Policies in Life Insurance Compa- nies," approved April 23, 1880, taking effect on the fifth day of March, 1831. " Public Statutes, Chapter 119, Sections 161-166. Sec. 161.— No Policy of Life or Endowment Assurance issued after the thirty-first day of December, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty, by a domestic company, shall become forfeited or void for non-payment of premium after two full annual premiums have been paid thereon, in cash or note, or both; but upon default in a subsequent premium payment such policy shall become subject to the conditions expressed in the four following sections, any stipulation or condition of forfeiture contained in the policy or elsewhere to the contrary notwithstanding; and any waiver by the assured of the provisions of this and the four following sections shall be void; but the provisions of this section and of said sections shall not prevent the performance of any stipulation or condition in any policy issued before the fifth day of March, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty- one. " Sec. 162.— In case of default in the payment of a third or of any subsequent annual pre- mium on any such policy, then, without further negotiation or stipulation, such policy shall be binding upon the company for an amount of the paid up insurance which the then net value of the policy, less any indebtedness of the assured to the company and a surrender charge as provided in the following section, will purchase as a net single premium for Life or Endow- ment Assurance maturing or terminating at the same time and in the same manner as pro- vided in the original policy contract; that is to say, no condition of the policy contract other than for the payment of premiums shall be affected by the provisions of sections one hundred and sixty-one to one hundred and sixty-five inclusive; nor shall any change be made in the terms of said contract on account of default in premium payment, after two full annual pre«| miums have been paid as provided in the preceding section, except as herein set forth. The net value of the policy, including all dividend additions declared thereon at the date of said default, shall be ascertained according to the ' combined experience,' or 'Actuaries' ' rate of Mortality, with interest at four per cent, per annum; and from such value shall be deducted, any indebtedness of the insured to the company or notes held by the company against the insured, and a surrender charge to be determined as provided in the following section. " Sec. 163.— Said surrender charge shall be determined as follows: Assuming the rate of mortality and interest mentioned m the preceding section, the present value of all the normal, future, yearly costs of insurance which by its terms said policy is exposed to pay in case of its continuance shall be calculated, and eight per cent, of this sum shall be the legal surrender charge. " Sec. 164.— When after the payment of two annual premiums as provided in section one hundred and sixty-one the insurable interest in the life of the insured has terminated, the net value of the policy, subject to the conditions named in section one hundred and sixty-two,: shall be a surrender value payable in cash; and upon the termination of such iusurable inter- est the holder of a policy upon which by its terms no further premiums are payable, may; upon any anniversary thereof, claim and recover in cash from the company a surrender value computed as aforesaid ; but upon policies of prudential or industrial insurance, on which the premiums are five cents per week and upwards, but not exceeding fifty cents, the surrender value shall in all cases be payable in cash. "Sec. 165.— The insurable interest named in the preceding section shall be construed to have terminated when the insured has no minor or dependent child; and his wife, if he has one, and any living beneficiary or beneficiaries named in the policy, shall join in the applica- tion for surrender thereof. " Sec. 166.— The provisions of the seven preceding sections shall not apply to foreign life insurance companies." 47 Probably there has never been enacted a non-forfeiture life insurance law, providing for a cash surrender value of policies, so capable of different constructions by insurance officials as this one. Read the following correspondence in reference thereto. In May 1885, a person signing himself " Henry Z. Edwards," Mattoon. 111., wrote to all the Massachusetts Life Insurance Companies asking the question, " If a person should insure in a Massachusetts company, under the present life insurance laws of that State, can he claim ANY CASH SURRENDER VALUE WHATEVER ON HIS POLICY WHILE HIS CHILDREN ARE MINORS?" BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Pittsfield, MASS., May 8, 1885. Dear Sir:— In answer to your inquiry of the 2d inst., I would say that I do not understand that there is anything in the law you refer to to prevent a company from paying the cash value if such payment is desired, or to oblige the company to pay it if it does not desire to do so. I am very respectfully, Jas. W. Hull, Secretary. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Springfield, Mass., May 6, 1885. Dear Sir:— Your favor of the 1st at hand. We can, under the laws of our State, purchase any policy to which we can obtain a good title: that is, a release by the insured and every beneficiary named in the policy. It is obvious that if any beneficiary named in a policy be -a minor, such beneficiary cannot give a valid release on account of minority. If only a wife is the beneficiary, the policy can be released by the insured and wife. Trusting I have satisfactorily answered your inquiries, I remain yours truly, John A. Hall, Secretary. JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Boston, Mass., May 7, 1S85. Dear Sir;— Yours of the 1st at hand. Our construction of the Massachusetts law is that no company can be compelled to purchase any policy if the insured has a wife and dependent children, even if neither are named in the policy; but as a matter of fact we purchase any policy subject to the new law, and for the insured's benefit, on his receipt, without asking anything about his wife or children ; and if payable to wife, on joint receipt of husband and wife, without regard to children. Yours truly, Geo. B. "Woodward. Secretary. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Boston, May 7, 18S5. Dear Sir:— Your favor of the 1st inst. received. The enclosed circular will show you the practice of the company in relation to the payment of cash values for policies written under the non-forfeiture law of 1880. The fact that the insured may have minor or dependent children will not prevent the sur- render of a policy unless the policy was made expressly for their benefit. In this we follow the advice of the late Judge Foster, who was formerly a Judge of the Su- preme Court of Massachusetts, and. until his death in 1884, for many years counsel of this company. Yours truly, Benj. F. Stevens, President. STATE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. OF WORCESTER. Worcester, May 8, 1885. Dear Sir:— Yours of the 2d inst. inquiring as to non-forfeiture law is received. We are ad- vised by eminent counsel that we can pay the cash surrender value of a policy written payable to the insured or his legal representatives, whether he have minor or dependent children or not, provided the policy be in force ; but if the policy has lapsed, and there are minor and de- pendent children, then we cannot pay the cash surrender, since the children in this case have a vested interest in the policy, which thenceforth stands for a certain amount of paid-up in- surance. Yours truly. A. G. Bullock, President. EXTRACT FROM THE MASSACHUSETTS LAW OF 1887. "Sec. 76.— All policies hitherto issued by any domestic life insurance company shall be subject to the provisions of law applicable and in force at the date of such issue. No policy of life or endowment assurance hereafter issued by any such company shall become forfeit or Void for non-payment of premium after two full annual premiums, in cash or note, or both, have been paid thereon; but in case of default in the payment of any subsequent premium, then, without any further stipulation or act, such policy shall be binding upon the company for the amount of paid-up insurance which the then net value of the policy and all dividend additions thereon, computed by the rule of section eleven, less any indebtedness to the com- pany on account of said policy, and less the surrender charge provided herein, will purchase as a net single premium for life or endowment insurance maturing or terminating at the time and in the manner provided in the original policy contract ; and such default shall not change or affect the conditions or terms of the policy, except as regards the payment of premiums and the amount payable thereon. Said surrender charge shall be eight per cent, of the insurance value of the policy at the date of default, which insurance value is the present value of all 48 the normal future yearly costs of insurance which by its terms said policy is exposed to pay ! in case of its continuance, computed upon the rate of mortality and interest assumed in sec tion eleven. [' Combined Experience ' or 'Actuaries' Table ' rate of mortality with interest at four per cent, per annum.] Every such policy, after the payment of two full annual premi- ums thereon, shall have a surrender value Avhich shall be its net value, less the surrender charge, and less any indebtedness to the company on account of the said policy, and its holder may. upon any subsequent anniversary of its issue, surrender the same and claim and recover from the company such surrender value in cash; provided that from the surrender value of all endowment policies the company may deduct five per cent. On policies of prudential or industrial insurance on which the weekly premiums are not more than fifty cents each, the surrender value in all cases shall be payable in cash. Upon surrender, on any anniversary of its issue, of a policy which has become paid up after the payment of two full annual premi- ums, by force of the statute upon default in payment of premium, the holder shall be entitled to its net value, payable in cash; provided that from such net value of all endowment policies the company may deduct five per cent. But no surrender of a policy shall be made without the written assent of the person to whom the policy is made payable. Any condition or stip- ulation in the policy or elsewhere, contrary to the provisions of this section, and any waiver of such provisions by the assured, shall be void." See index for page of table which shows the paid-up insurance and cash values under the Massachusetts law on ordinary life policies. NON-FORFEITURE LAW OF NEW YORK. "Section 1.— Whenever any policy of Life Insurance hereafter issued by any company organized or incorporated under the laws of this State, after being in force three full years, shall by its terms lapse or become forfeited for the non-payment of any premium, or any note given for a premium, or loan made in cash on the policy as security, or of any interest on such note or loan, unless the provisions of this act are specifically waived in the application, and notice of such waiver written in red ink on the margin of the face of the policy when issued, the reserve on such policy, including dividend additions, calculated at the date of the failure to make any of the payments above described, according to the 'American Experience Table of Mortality,' and with interest at the rate of four and a half per cent, per annum, after deduct- ing any indebtedness of the insured on account of any annual, semi-annual or quarterly premium then due ; and any loan in cash on such policy, evidence of which is acknowledged by the insured in writing, shall, on demand made, with surrender of the policy within six months after such lapse, be taken as a single premium of life insurance at the published rates of the company at the time the policy was issued, and shall be applied, as shall have been agreed in the application and policy, either to continue the insurance of the policy in force at its full amount, so long as such single premium will purchase temporary insurance for that amount, at the age of the insured at the time of lapse, or to purchase upon the same life, at the same age, paid-up insurance payable at the same time, and under the same conditions except as to payment of premiums, as the original policy. Provided, that if no such agreement be expressed in the application and policy, the said single premium may be applied in either of the modes above specified, at the option of the owner of the policy; notice of such option to be contained in the demand herinbefore required to be made to prevent the forfeiture of the policy. Provided, also, that the net value of the insurance given for such single premium under this section, computed by the standard of this state, shall in no case be less than two-thirds of the entire reserve after deducting the indebtedness as specified; but such insurance shall not participate in the profits of the company. " Sec. 2.— If the reserve upon any endowment policy, applied according to the preceding- section as a single premium of temporary insurance, be more than sufficient to continue the insurance to the end of the endowment term named in the policy, and if the insured survive the term, the excess shall be paid in cash at the end of such term, on the conditions on which the original policy was issued. " Sec. 3.— This act shall take effect on the first day of January, 1880." The following tables illustrate the workings of the New York Non-Forfeiture Law, as applied to an Ordinary Life Policy, issued at age 40 for $1,000 in the Mutual Life and Equitable companies; "the single premium of life insurance at the published rates of the company varies, hence the difference in paid-up values. Annual premiums paid in cash. Paid-up value Mutual Life. Paid-up value Equitable. 3 $86 $ 73 4 115 97 5 143 120 6 171 143 7 199 165 8 226 187 9 253 209 10 280 230 15 407 325 20 521 404 49 Equitable Semi-Tontine, Estimated Results. Ordinary Life Policies of $1,000 Each. TWENTY-YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. m w OS ? be < 02 M O Free Tontine Rates, Annual Premiums. Reserve Guaranteed. si 02 to £1 3$ Paid-up Value Estimated. d £ c3 25 $19 89 $20 50 $196 87 $336 13 $533 $1290 $397 80 30 22 70 23 30 242 33 393 67 636 1360 454 00 35 26 38 27 10 294 75 474 25 769 1460 527 GO 40 31 30 32 20 352 43 592 57 945 1600 626 00 45 37 97 39 10 412 91 777 09 1190 1810 759 40 50 47 18 48 50 472 73 1088 27 1561 2170 943 60 55 59 91 61 60 529 23 1679 77 2209 2810 1198 20 FIFTEEN- YEAR TONTINE PERIOD- 25 $19 89 $20 50 $133 91 $154 09 $288 $780 $298 35 30 22 70 23 30 166 37 177 63 344 830 340 50 35 26 38 27 10 205 87 210 13 416 890 395 70 40 31 30 32 20 251 53 256 47 508 960 469 50 45 37 97 39 10 301 66 323 34 625 1060 569 55 50 47 18 48 50 354 05 427 95 782 1190 707 70 55 59 91 61 60 406 28 601 72 1008 1400 898 65 TEN-YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. 25 $19 89 $20 50 $ 80 82 $ 54 18 $135 $410 $198 90 30 22 70 23 30 101 01 61 99 163 440 227 00 35 26 38 27 10 126 26 71 74 198 480 263 80 40 31 30 32 20 157 19 85 81 243 520 313 00 45 37 97 39 10 192 85 105 15 298 570 379 70 50 47 18 48 50 231 64 134 36 366 620 471 80 55 59 91 61 60 272 64 180 36 453 690 599 10 Ten-Payment Life Policies of $1,000 Each. TEN-YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. 25 $42 56 $43 30 $328 81 $ 91 19 $420 $1280 $425 60 30 46 97 48 00 367 58 100 42 46 S 1270 469 70 35 52 40 53 60 413 55 113 45 527 1270 524 00 40 59 09 60 40 466 99 130 01 597 1280 590 90 45 67 37 69 00 526 65 152 35 679 1290 673 70 50 77 77 79 60 590 46 184 54 775 1310 777 70 55 90 79 93 00 655 70 - 231 30 887 1350 907 90 Fifteen-Payment Life Policies of $1,000 Each. TEN-YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. 25 $32 34 $33 10 $216 97 $ 75 03 $292 $890 $323 40 30 35 76 36 60 244 46 82 54 327 890 357 60 35 40 01 41 00 276 78 93 22 370 890 400 10 40 45 33 46 50 313 68 108 32 422 900 453 30 45 52 11 53 40 353 30 127 70 481 910 521 10 50 60 91 62 50 392 74 157 26 550 930 609 10 55 72 50 74 40 428 85 201 15 630 960 725 00 FIFTEEN- YEAR TONTINE PERIOD- 25 $32 34 $33 10 $367 58 $239 42 $ 607 $1650 $ 485 10 30 35 76 36 60 413 55 267 45 681 1650 536 40 35 40 01 41 00 4G6 99 305 01 772 1650 600 15 40 45 33 46 50 526 65 354 35 881 1670 679 95 45 52 11 53 40 590 46 426 54 1017 1720 781 65 50 60 91 62 50 655 70 532 30 1188 1810 913 65 55 72 50 74 40 718 96 705 04 1424 1980 1087 50 50 Equitable Semi-Tontine, Estimated Results. Twenty-Payment Life Policies of $1,000 Each. TWENTY- YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. d OQ go © bo < rt"3S o Free Tontine Rates, Annual Premiums. Kg r-H OS &a Cash Value Estimated. I s Q-i 25 $27 39 $28 10 $413 55 $464 45 $ 878 $2120 $547 80 30 30 36 31 10 466 99 526 01 993 2130 607 20 35 34 08 35 00 526 65 61D 35 1137 2160 681 60 40 38 83 39 80 590 46 730 54 1321 2240 776 60 45 45 03 46 20 655 70 914 30 1570 2390 900 60 50 53 38 54 80 718 96 1223 04 1942 2700 1067 60 55 64 82 66 60 777 16 1805 84 2583 3320 1296 40 FIFTEEN- YEAR TONTINE PERIOD- 25 27 39 28 10 274 66 205 34 480 1300 410 85 30 30 36 31 10 311 24 230 76 542 1310 455 40 35 34 08 35 00 353 28 263 72 617 1320 511 20 40 38 83 39 80 399 07 308 93 708 1340 582 45 45 45 03 46 20 445 90 375 10 821 1390 675 45 50 53 38 54 80 490 25 474 75 965 1470 800 70 55 64 82 66 60 528 25 641 75 1170 1630 972 30 TEN-YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. 25 27 39 28 10 162 83 67 17 230 700 273 90 30 30 36 31 10 185 10 73 90 259 700 303 60 35 34 08 35 00 211 23 83 77 295 710 340 80 40 38 83 39 80 241 12 97 88 339 730 388 30 45 45 03 46 20 272 99 116 01 389 740 450 30 50 53 38 54 80 304 38 144 62 449 760 533 80 55 64 82 66 60 333 57 188 43 522 800 648 20 The following shows how jealously the Estimates of Tontine Companies are guarded: The Equitable hook contains as follows : "This book is the property of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S. It is printed for the exclusive use of the Society's Agents in prosecuting the Society's business in accordance with the Society's rules and regulations, and it is to be returned to the Society as soon as it ceases to be used in this way." The Mutual Life Estimate and Rate book contains as follows : " No. •. This book is the property of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, and is delivered to the Solicitor of applications for his instruction and personal use in his work. It must be by him preserved for such purposes, and kept subject to the order of the Company or its General Agent, for its return by the person to whom it is charged." The New Yokk Life book contains the following : " This book of tables has been prepared for the use of the Agents of the New York Life Insurance Company, to illustrate the Non-forfeiting Limited Tontine Policy Plan. It is not intended for circulation, but is the property of the Company, for the personal use of the Agents while they continue in its employ, and is to be returned to the Company on the termination of such employ, or whenever previously called for." In addition to this, whenever a book is given an Agent, he must sign the following receipt: 188 . " Received of the New York Life Insurance Company, one copy of its book of ' Estimated Results of Non-forfeiting Limited Tontine Policies' (Edition January, 1887,), which I acknowledge to be the property of the Company, and furnished to me only for use in carrying- on its business. I consequently hereby bind myself in honor, and agree that it shall only be used in the Company's service ; that it shall not be given or loaned to any person ; that I will not copy it or allow any other person to copy it, and that I will return it to the Company, or its authorized agent, whenever my service with the Company ends, or at any previous time, if required." 51 MUTUAL LIFE SURVIVORSHIP DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. The diagram below shows the basis of Estimates, according to results realized in the past history of the company. In no case are the results guaranteed, except the reserve; no guarantee as to the amount of surplus accumulations is written in the Policy. e • s 26 Policj Holders direlm.aed by De«t 1.000 6 This space represents 1 .OOo roucy Holders constituting Dividend Class. a | 8 Hun in pe cent. j»er ordinary dividends i! 30 930 // V 35 920 X 40 87& 3* 1 / / *5 / / XV. -i5 ess H* / /- ei:i / Is XX. -Q 7ea 8£S 9 / / s ll ( •« « / »• / « 1 a 3?i* / / /i/l i XXV 65 733 § 11 / # <» i£ / * M * | ^Xfl eo e63 ] S \ | 1 £" / » / f 1-2 ' f / f ■ | I 2 XXV 65 571 / / / 1 / « .5 / ° 4 / 3 1 2 •3 l XL, | i'otai sources of Dividend s.ccumulations. SPECIMEN OF MUTUAL LIFE ESTIMATE BLANK Used by its Agents in soliciting Insurance. TWENTY -YEAR DISTRIBUTION PLAN. Estimate on $10,000. At end of 20 years. Age, 35. Annual Premium, $306.00. 1st- 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Total Premiums paid, $6,120.00. Can then take either of following options : Draw Your Share of Profits $ 4,230 00 And continue Policy, paying same premium as before, and drawing future dividends annually. If you need insurance at that time, this will be a great advantage, as the rate would then be $117.00. Draw Full Cash Value of Policy $ 7,180 00 This gives the plan the benefits of an endowment. Take a Paid-up Policy for $ 4,760 00 This will be desirable if you are in need of insurance, yet are unable to invest further. Take Annual Income for Balance of Life $ 604 90 Allow Your Share of Profits to Purchase Additional Insurance, Increasing Amount of Policy to $ 17,140 00 And paying same premium as before, less annual dividends. This will be an advantage, if you should happen then to need the greatest amount of insurance for smallest outlay. Having this large surplus in Company's hands, earning 5 per cent, interest, .future dividends should very nearly, if not entirely, pay prem- iums ; so that the policy will be practically paid up. The above illustration is Ordinary Life return premium rate. It will be observed the amount of money actually guaranteed by the company is not stated on this Estimate Blank, when filled up by the agent in soliciting applications. When the insured obtains his Policy, imagine his consternation to find none \oi these estimated values in it. The only figures written as to results at end of Distribution Period, 20 years, is the reserve on the policy— $2,950; this amount is the only guarantee, except the surplus the company may apportion to this Policy. The Mutual Life's name does not appear on the Estimate Blanks furnished its Agents, neither does its name appear on the Estimate Book given to each agent from which the estimated figures are taken. 52 MUTUAL LIFE FALLING OFF IN DIVIDENDS! Estimated Results on Past Experience by the Mutual, Life as to Dividends is misleading, because the shrinkage which has taken place of; late years in the rates of interest obtainable on invested funds has, of course diminished the dividend-paying ability of all Life Insurance Companies and other financial institutions. The following results on Policies issued by the Mutual Life illustrate the decreasing dividends now paid by it : No. 41.883, issued Jan. 7, 1867; Age 22, $1,000. Ordinary Life Plan, Annual Premium, $19.89. (Dividends used as cash in part payment of premium.) Dividend for 1885 §8.79 Dividend, 1886 $8.01 Dividend for 1887 $8.12 Dividend, 1888 $6.86 No. 237,613, issued Jan. 22, 18S3; Age 44. $3000. Ordinary Life Plan, Annual Premium, $92.97. (Dividends used as reversionary additions.) Dividend of 1884 $10.17 Dividend, 1885 $11.23 Dividend of 1886 $ 9.6S Dividend, 1887 $10.42 Dividend, 1888 $3.03. READ YOUR LIFE INSURANCE POLICY CAREFULLY. IT IS THE CONTRACT AS- SUMED BY THE COMPANY. Not uncommon is it to find persons insured in Tontine Companies under Twenty Pay- ment Life Policies with Twenty Year Tontine Periods to have the impression they are holding Twenty Year Endowment Policies. The Author's observation, in an experience of the last ten years past in the field-work of Life Insurance, is that probably over ninety per cent, of those insured on that plan are paying their Life Insurance Premiums under this happy (?) delusion. 53 MUTUAL LIFE ESTIMATED RESULTS. Ordinary Life Policies of $1,000 each. TWENTY-YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name.) |ll o S 20 50 23 30 27 10 32 20 39 10 48 50 61 60 • Return Premium Rates. Annual Premiums. •6 g! ~ o 8 22 20 8 197 25 70 242 30 60 295 38 00 352 49 90 413 71 40 473 117 00 529 £s 329 365 423 504 621 784 1022 ^1 s§UI Oo > ~ w $ 526 607 718 856 1034 1257 1551 1075 1120 1190 1295 1140 1620 1885 8 1691 1691 1714 1774 1877 2019 2230 iH J_ -O p. o P 410 466 542 644 782 970 1232 02 S3mO H 444 514 612 1428 2340 FIFTEEN- YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name.) 25 20 50 21 60 122 184 3C6 715 1428 307 50 30 23 30 24 70 154 202 356 750 1425 349 50 35 27 10 29 10 193 232 425 800 1434 406 50 411 32 20 35 20 239 274 513 870 1463 483 00 45 39 10 44 40 289 336 625 960 1513 5S6 50 50 48 50 59 10 342 423 765 1080 1597 727 50 55 61 60 85 00 396 553 919 1240 1723 924 00 S24 00 370 50 436 50 528 00 666 00 886 50 1275 00 TEN- YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name.) 20 50 21 00 73 93 166 430 1240 205 23 30 24 00 92 100 192 450 1233 233 27 10 28 10 117 115 232 490 1242 271 32 20 33 50 148 135 283 535 1255 322 39 10 41 30 183 164 347 590 1277 391 48 50 52 70 222 205 427 660 1317 485 61 60 70 30 264 268 532 750 1377 616 210 240 281 335 413 527 703 Ten Payment Life Policies of $1,000 each. TEN- YEAR DISTRIBUIION PERIOD (Tontine by another name.) sis fifes Sa£ 25 30 i 35 40 45 50 55 $ 43 50 48 00 53 60 60 40 69 00 79 60 93 00 § 46 00 51 00 57 30 65 40 76 20 91 40 114 30 1* Kg 3 '-3 CO VI $ 293 $137 330 150 376 167 430 187 490 218 556 257 625 313 3fl lilll 8 430 480 543 617 708 813 $ 1355 1350 1350 1355 1370 1395 1440 .s ° 8 435 480 536 604 690 796 930 ■g £1-?— < H >460 510 573 654 762 914 1143 FIFTEEN YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name.) 25 43 50 48 10 330 226 556 1530 435 30 48 00 53 60 376 247 623 1520 480 35 53 60 60 70 430 276 706 1520 536 40 60 40 70 40 490 310 800 1530 604 15 69 00 84 50 556 360 916 1555 690 50 79 60 106 80 625 420 1045 1590 796 55 93 00 145 90 692 506 1198 1660 930 481 536 607 704 845 1068 1459 TWENTY-YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name.) 25 43 50 50 00 414 365 779 1765 435 30 48 00 56 10 467 400 867 1760 480 35 53 60 64 50 527 448 975 1760 536 40 60 40 76 50 590 503 1093 1775 604 45 69 00 95 80 656 579 1235 1815 690 50 79 60 129 30 719 674 1393 1880 796 55 93 00 197 50 1 1 1 804 1581 1980 930 500 561 645 765 958 1293 1975 * Return Premium Rate is a Term Rate added to the Ordinary Rates which provides for insurance, sufficient in amount to cover the premium paid, should death occur within the Distribution period. " Paid-up Policy.— After three full annual premiums have been paid upon this Policy, the Company will, upon the legal surrender thereof before the default in payment of any premium, or within six months thereafter, issue a policy for paid-up insurance, payable as herein provided, for the proportion of the amount of this policy which the number of full years' premiums paid bears to the total number required." For example : A policy for 810,000 on the ten payment life plan can be exchanged, after three annual premiums have been paid, for a paid-up life policy of §3,000 ; after four, for a pall-up life policv of §4,000; and after five, of §5,000. 54 MUTUAL LIFE ESTIMATED RESULTS. Fifteen Payment Life Policies of $1,000 each. TEN-YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name). ill a o S-2 SI 7^ O o >^ ^ C3 " «^a >vg.3 Sog "g ^ o $ 331 366 410 465 534 625 744 d a .a gas 2 H $ 33 10 36 60 41 00 46 50 53 40 62 50 74 40 $ 34 60 38 30 43 10 49 30 57 70 69 50 S7 40 3 192 219 251 289 330 371 410 $ 116 127 142 162 188 229 287 346 393 451 518 600 697 5 965 965 965 975 985 1020 1070 $ 1298 1298 129S 1308 1318 1354 1404 $ 346 383 431 493 577 695 874 FIFTEEN- YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name). 25 33 10 36 60 41 00 46 50 53 40 62 50 74 40 36 10 40 20 45 60 53 00 63 90 81 10 111 50 330 376 430 490 557 625 692 237 259 291 332 387 469 587 567 635 721 822 944 1094 1279 1555 1545 1550 1565 1595 1660 1765 496 50 549 00 615 00 697 00 801 00 937 50 1116 00 8(1 T> 40 45 5A 55 541 50 603 00 684 00 795 00 958 50 1216 50 1672 50 TWENTY-YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name). 25 33 10 37 70 414 380 30 36 60 42 40 467 418 35 41 00 48 80 527 470 40 46 50 58 30 590 534 45 53 40 73 60 650 620 50 62 50 101 10 719 744 55 74 40 159 20 777 919 794 885 997 1124 1276 1463 1696 1800 1790 1800 1825 1875 1970 2125 496 50 549 00 615 00 697 00 801 00 937 50 1116 00 565 50 636 00 732 00 874 50 1104 00 1516 50 2388 50 Twenty Payment Life Policies of $1,000 each. TEN-YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name). 25 55 e3_ $ 28 10 31 10 35 00 39 80 46 20 54 80 66 60 gltfll Hill 29 10 32 40 36 50 41 90 49 40 60 20 76 80 Ci3 $144 166 192 223 256 289 II $ 107 117 131 149 176 216 276 ?V. O o >3 M 251 283 323 372 432 505 596 % 1280 1275 1275 1280 1300 1335 1390 t»4 3 281 311 350 398 462 548 as a $ 291 324 365 419 494 602 768 FIFTEEN-YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name). 40 28 10 30 20 246 216 462 1505 421 50 31 10 33 70 283 237 520 1500 466 50 35 00 38 30 325 265 590 1500 525 00 39 80 44 60 372 305 677 1520 597 00 46 20 53 90 421 361 782 1555 693 00 54 80 68 70 469 443 912 1625 822 00 66 60 94 80 510 563 1073 1735 999 00 453 00 505 50 574 50 669 00 808 50 1010 50 1422 00 TWENTY-YEAR DISTRIBUTION PERIOD (Tontine by another name). 25 28 10 31 10 35 00 39 80 46 20 54 80 66 60 31 60 35 50 41 00 49 10 62 20 86 00 136 50 414 467 527 590 656 719 777 433 486 560 663 809 1016 807 900 1013 1150 1319 1528 1793 1830 1820 1825 1865 1935 2055 2245 562 622 700 796 924 1096 1332 632 710 820 982 1244 1720 2730 . . Paid-up Policy Ordinary Life Plan, after three annual premiums have been paid upon this Policy, the Company will, upon the legal surrender thereof before default in payment of any premium, or within six months thereafter, issue a paid-up policv, for the amount required by the provisions of the Act of May 21, 1879, Chap. 347, Laws of the State of New York. See index for page paid-up values on ordinary life policies. 55 New York Life Limited Tontine Estimates. Ordinary Life Policies of $1,000 each. TWENTY -YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. XT. CO & "=* S £ ° S ia^a c§ M .2 Oh g|s . •3H-5 Oh ti $1755 25 827 39 §30 85 $413 55 8276 45 $ 690 $1670 $547 80 8617 00 $ 312 $ 726 1 30 30 36 34 70 466 99 322 01 789 1695 607 20 694 00 368 835 1790 • 35 34 08 40 03 526 65 384 35 911 1730 681 60 800 60 452 979 1860 40 38 83 47 90 590 46 467 54 1058 1795 776 60 958 00 577 1167 1980 45 45 03 60 54 655 79 598 30 1254 1910 900 60 1210 80 805 1461 2230 50 53 38 83 33 718 96 827 04 1546 2150 1067 60 1666 60 1292 2011 2795 FIFTEEN -YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. ■ $27 39 §29 47 $274 66 $145 34 $ 420 $1140 8410 85 $442 05 $ 154 $ 429 $1165 30 30 36 32 89 311 24 165 76 477 1155 455 40 493 35 176 487 1180 35 34 OS 37 35 353 28 195 72 549 1175 511 20 560 25 210 563 1205 40 38 83 43 48 399 07 222 93 633 1200 582 45 652 20 256 655 1245 45 45 03 52 46 445 90 294 10 740 1255 675 45 786 90 330 776 1315 50 53 38 66 71 490 25 381 75 875 1335 800 70 1000 65 457 947 1445 TEN -YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. 25 827 39 828 42 $162 83 $ 57 17 $ 220 $ 670 $273 90 $284 20 $ 58 $221 $ 670 I 30 30 36 31 59 185 10 64 90 250 680 303 60 315 90 66 251 680 j 35 ! 40 34 08 35 60 211 23 73 77 285 690 340 80 356 09 76 287 690 38 83 40 87 241 12 89 88 331 710 388 30 408 70 92 333 715 * 45 45 03 48 09 272 99 110 01 383 730 450 30 480 90 114 387 735 ; 50 53 38 58 54 304 38 140 62 445 755 533 80 585 40 147 451 765 Fifteen Payment Life Policies of $1,00 O each. TEN -YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. ! 25 §32 34 $33 81 $216 97 $ 58 03 $ 275 $ 835 $323 40 $338 10 $ 60 $ 277 $ 840 ! [■■) 45 76 37 50 244 46 66 54 311 845 357 60 357 00 68 313 850 35 40 01 42 17 276 78 76 22 353 855 400 50 421 70 79 356 860 40 45 33 48 19 313 68 90 32 404 865 453 30 481 90 94 408 875 1 45 52 11 56 33 353 30 110 70 464 880 521 10 563 30 117 470 895 ■ EjO 6(1 91 67 87 392 74 140 26 533 905 609 10 678 70 151 544 920 bS 1 72 50 85 20 428 85 181 15 610 930 725 00 852 90 203 632 960 FIFTEEN -YEAR TONTINE PERIOD. i 25 832 34 $35 34 $367 58 $155 42 $ 523 $1425 $485 10 $530 10 $ 170 $ 538 $1460 1470 2480 30 35 76 39 40 413 55 175 45 589 1425 536 40 591 00 193 607 35 49 01 44 69 466 99 205 01 672 4440 600 15 670 35 229 696 40 45 33 51 94 525 65 244 35 771 1465 679 95 779 10 280 807 1540 | 4b 52 11 62 55 590 46 302 54 893 1510 751 65 938 25 363 953 4615 1 50 63 91 79 34 655 70 1 387 30 1043 1590 913 65 1190 10 505 1161 1770 b5 72 50 108 75 718 96 524 04 1243 1730 1087 50 1631 25 786 1505 2095 * Return Premium Rate is a Term Rate added to the Ordinary R ates, which pro"\ •ides fori the inauraiM •e sufficient in amount to cover the Premiums paid, she uld death occu] • within n the Tontine period. | 57 NEW YORK LIFE Estimates on Non-Forfeiting--Tontine Limited Policy. One Thousand Dollars payable at Death, should that event occur within 10 years, or if the insured survives ten years, an Endowment of $300 will b» paid. Surviving 15-year period, $400; surviving 20-year period, $500. RATE A. TEN- YEAR PERIOD. So $ 40 80 41 80 43 10 45 20 48 70 54 40 63 80 {Examples of Extended Insurance. Results at End of 10- Year Period 3Yrs Pd. Term Extn'd. 5Yrs Pd, Term Extn'd. Ph a £7: $85 81 75 63 42 4 7Yrs Pd. Term Extn'd a o $170 168 164 156 143 118 77 418 431 452 487 544 638 300 300 300 86 93 101 114 135 163 211 393 401 414 435 463 511 -RATE C, TEN-YEAR PERIOD. 25 43 60 7 5 91 3 175 436 300 97 397 30' 44 80 7 5 87 3 173 448 300 105 405 35 46 60 6 5 5 82 3 170 466 300 115 415 40 49 40 5 9 5 72 3 164 494 300 129 429 45 54 50 4 10 5 56 3 155 545 300 157 457 50 63 60 4 5 27 3 139 636 300 204 504 55 80 30 3 4 4 8 3 117 803 300 281 581 RATE A, EIFTEEN-YEAR PERIOD. 25 34 90 5 4 10 8 77 523 50 400 201 601 SO 35 90 5 9 2 8 68 538 50 400 214 614 35 37 40 4 8 8 1 8 53 561 00 400 233 633 40 39 90 4 2 6 11 8 26 598 50 400 265 665 45 44 00 3 7 5 8 7 3 660 00 400 318 718 50 50 70 2 11 4 5 5 5 760 50 400 397 797 55 61 30 2 4 3 4 4 919 50 400 536 936 •RATE C, FIFTEEN- YEAR PERIOD- 38 30 39 SO 42 20 46 20 53 50 67 40 95 50 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 11 8 4 ...... 3 2 10 10 9 8 6 6 5 "2" "ii" 1 11 8 8 8 8 8 7 6 ...... 11 89 82 71 52 20 574 50 597 00 633 00 693 00 802 50 1011 00 1432 50 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 228 248 277 323 411 584 951 628 648 677 723 811 984 1351 RATE A, TWENTY-YEAR PERIOD. m 31 10 4 3 7 11 12 1 622 500 335 835 30 32 30 4 1 7 4 10 11 646 500 364 864 35 34 00 3 10 6 8 9 6 680 500 406 906 40 36 90 3 7 5 11 7 11 738 500 476 976 45 41 60 3 3 5 6 5 812 500 596 1096 50 49 20 2 9 4 1 5 1 984 500 822 1322 55 61 00 2 3 3 3 3 11 3220 500 1235 1735 RATE C, TWENTY-YEAR PERIOD- 25 35 40 5 9 2 13 708 500 403 903 |2185 :-.j 37 30 4 11 8 9 12 8 746 500 446 946 2025 ?: : 40 50 4 10 8 3 11 5 810 500 516 1016 1930 40 46 30 4 10 7 10 10 2 926 500 650 1150 1950 45 57 40 4 11 7 6 9 4 1148 500 919 1419 2165 50 80 00 5 3 7 8 9 4 1600 500 1511 2011 2800 55 132 80 6 5 9 3 11 3 2656 500 3042 3542 4560 *If death occurs within the period, a Mortuary Dividend of 100 per cent, of all premiums paid will be paid with the face of the policy. t A medical examination must be made of the party insured, by an approved examiner, upon the blank furnished by the Company, without expense to the Company. Such medical examination must be made within ninety days after the termination of the Endowment Period, and be approved by the Medical Board at the Home office of the Company. % If demand is not made by the insured for the extended insurance within six months after lapse by non-payment of premium, the Policy becomes null and void. t>t5 NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, The following is taken from page 4 of the Estimate Book furnished the agents of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Milwaukee, issue of June, 1884: " The estimates herein contained were originally prepared for the individual use of the undersigned.- Other agents, finding them indispensable in properly and effectually working the Semi-Tontine and Tontine plans, they have been published in the present form for their accommodation. The premium rates are those in present use by the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company; and the ' Estimates ' are based on the dividends of that company for 18S4, with 5J4 per cent, compound interest, Actuaries' table of mortality, and a lapse probability corresponding with the different plans and Tontine periods. * * * * The estimates are computed on the basis of $1,000 in every case. They are not guaranteed, and the above-named company has nothing to do with their computation or with this publication. Tbey are, however, believed to be conservative. The sources of profit constituting the surplus in Tontine and Semi-Ton'ine Policies are so variable as to render it impossible to foretell exact results ; and this, with the fact that these are only estimates, should be stated to every applicant for this class of Policy." * Edw'd J. Smith. CXDER OATH.— Emory McClixtock, Actuary Northwestern Mutual Life, before the Ohio Senate committee, appointed to investigate Tontine, testified : " I do not think that there is any great speculation in Tontine for anybody." (Page 173 of Report.) H. L. Palmer, President of same company, before same committee : '• I believe that the old sytems of life insurance, Ordinary Life and Endowment, are the best." (Pages 193 and 194, Report.) (CONFIDENTIAL.) The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Agents' Sup- plementary Statement. To be supplied whenever the Insurance exceeds $2,500. Agents are expected to consider each question carefully before writing the answers. Some of the questions may seem inquisitorial, but they are on matters which the agent would bimself inquire into, if he were an officer of the company, needing to know all facts bearing on the risk, before deciding on its acceptance. Name of Applicant? Amount applied for? Date of examination ? 1. Has the examining physician recently made other examinations for this company? If not, state his standing and length of residence in the community ; and, if another physician has previously made examinations, give the reasons for employing this one. 2. Were you present at this examination ? 3. How long have you known the applicant ? If not long, state how you came to know him, and what evidence you have that he is the person he represents himself to be. 4. Is your acquaintance with him sufficiently intimate to make you personally SURE that he is, and has been for at least five years, temperate in his habits ? If not, state what his reputation is in this respect. 5. Was this proposed insurance first suggested to him by you, or did the idea originate with himself, or with some friend or insurance broker ? 6. What family has he depending on him for support ? 7. Does he talk of applying for insurance elsewhere ? If so, how much will he probably take altogether ? 8. At a rough guess, what do his family expenses probably amount to annually ? 9. About how much is he reputed to be worth ? 10. Is he reputed to have met with pecuniary losses within the last few years? If so, state briefly what you understand to be the facts. 11. Does he appear depressed or careworn ? If so, state what you suppose to be the cause. 12. Are his family relations reputed to be harmonious ? After careful inquiry, I certify that the foregoing answers are correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. , Agent. Dated at , 18S... 59 Northwestern Mutual Semi-Tontine. Estimates on Ordinary Life Policies of $1,000 Each. TWENTY-YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD. 6 xa "S O fcJC < Si >1 sg Cash Value Estimated. Paid-up Value Estimated. Non- Partici- pating. _3 . OS =-3 I'll Pi 25 $19 63 $209 84 $370 16 $580 00 $1547 $392 60 30 22 63 253 29 434 98 688 27 1595 452 60 35 26 49 301 35 537 72 8S9 07 1711 529 80 40 31 57 352 84 680 53 1033 37 1856 631 40 45 38 46 412 91 894 99 1307 90 2088 769 20 50 47 70 472 73 1243 10 1715 83 2475 954 00 55 60 04 529 23 1927 07 2456 30 3258 1280 00 FIFTEEN-YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD- 25 $19 63 $144 12 $189 90 $334 02 $1006 $294 45 30 22 63 176 42 224 99 401 41 1065 339 45 35 26 49 214 30 269 15 483 45 1123 397 35 40 31 57 255 70 331 28 586 98 1192 473 55 45 38 46 301 66 425 96 727 62 1309 576 90 50 47 70 354 05 556 20 910 25 1455 715 50 55 60 04 406 28 789 16 1195 44 1729 900 60 TEN -YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD, 25 $19 63 $88 20 $ 71 86 $160 06 $528 $196 30 30 22 63 107 91 83 51 191 42 549 226 30 35 26 46 133 41 96 94 230 35 590 264 90 40 31 57 162 97 114 17 277 14 621 315 70 45 3S 46 193 79 151 20 344 99 673 384 60 50 47 70 t2tt 64 193 38 425 02 735 477 00 55 60 04 |272 64 256 21 528 85 807 600 40 Ten-Payment Life Policies of $1,000 Each. TEN -YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD. 25 $42 05 $340 60 $126 02 $466 62 <$1370 $420 50 SO 46 76 381 04 138 61 519 65 1364 467 60 35 52 38 428 57 155 71 584 28 1363 523 80 40 59 17 481 91 178 78 660 69 1371 591 70 45 67 64 539 31 213 64 752 95 1396 676 40 50 77 99 599 43 261 69 .861 12 1436 779 90 55 90 50 660 17 330 33 990 50 1500 905 00 FIFTEEN-YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD- 25 $42 05 $381 04 $239 18 $620 22 ••=$1618 $420 50 30 46 76 428 57 266 41 694 98 1622 467 60 35 52 38 481 91 308 65 790 56 1640 523 80 40 59 17 539 31 360 60 899 91 1670 591 70 45 67 64 599 43 446 28 1045 71 1744 676 40 50 77 99 660 17 565 36 1225 53 1857 779 90 55 90 50 718 96 778 73 1497 69 20S4 905 00 TWENTY -YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD. 25 $12 05 $428 57 $425 35 $853 92 *$1992 $420 50 30 46 76 481 91 485 77 967 68 2007 467 60 35 52 38 539 31 573 36 1112 67 2063 523 80 40 59 17 599 43 698 19 1297 62 2165 591 70 45 67 64 660 17 893 83 1554 00 2354 676 40 50 77 99 718 96 1203 44 1922 40 2675 779 90 55 90 50 777 16 1811 69 25S8 85 3346 905 00 * Participating. ht The-e figures are wrong, as printed in Northwestern Agents' Estimate book, ge 50 is $226.84; at age 55 it is $262.35. The reserve ; 60 Northwestern Mutual Semi-Tontine. Estimates on Fifteen-Payment Life Policies of $1,000 Each. FIFTEEN -YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD. ■3§ 531 S7 35 53 39 94 45 39 52 39 61 24 72 48 25 S381 04 42S 57 4S1 91 539 31 599 43 660 17 718 96 1295 79 333 23 384 39 448 10 547 18 683 72 922 82 $676 83 761 80 866 30 987 41 1146 61 1343 89 1641 78 r $1776 1777 1798 1830 1913 2035 2284 $478 05 532 95 599 10 680 85 785 85 918 60 1087 20 TWENTY-YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD. $31 87 35 53 39 94 45 39 52 39 61 24 72 48 $428 57 481 91 539 31 599 43 660 17 718 96 777 16 $459 77 524 76 618 19 750 57 956 50 1281 04 1916 17 $888 34 1006 67 1157 50 1350 00 1616 67 2000 00 2693 33 :=$2073 2087 2146 2252 2449 2773 3481 $478 05 532 95 599 10 680 85 785 85 918 60 1087 20 Twenty-Payment Life. FIFTEEN- YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD. 25 $26 95 30 12 34 01 38 92 45 38 53 82 64 95 $285 79 322 90 363 97 406 53 448 21 490 25 528 25 $225 63 264 00 322 36 404 70 506 26 661 33 870 95 $511 42 586 90 686 33 811 23 954 47 1151 58 1399 20 t$1545 1555 1594 1649 1711 1837 1981 $404 25 451 80 510 15 583 80 680 70 807 30 974 25 TWENTY-YEAR ACCUMULATIVE PERIOD- $26 95 30 12 34 01 38 92 45 38 53 82 64 95 $428 57 481 91 539 31 599 43 660 17 718 96 777 16 $508 13 579 49 681 59 824 47 1045 20 1390 31 2062 91 $936 70 1061 40 1220 90 1423 90 1705 20 2109 27 2840 07 ♦52185 2202 2263 2375 2583 2935 3673 $539 00 602 40 680 20 778 40 907 60 1076 40 1299 00 Participating. t Non-participating. Table of Proportionate Heights and "Weights Of Healthy Men, with Variations Allowed by Life Insurance Companies in the Medical Selection of Applicants for Insurance. Heights. Weights. Feet. Inches. Minimum Pounds. Average Pounds. Maximum Pounds. 5 4 108 135 162 5 4J4 110 138 165 5 5 112 140 168 5 5% 113 142 170 5 6 114 143 172 5 6% 115 144 173 5 7 116 145 174 5 IM 117 147 176 5 8 118 148 178 5 8% 121 152 181 5 9 124 155 186 5 W/z 126 158 189 5 10 128 160 192 5 10>£ 130 163 195 5 11 132 165 198 5 llVi 134 168 200 6 136 170 204 Note.— Some Companies allow a greater variation than the above figures. 6 THE AMERICAN TABLE. Age. Expectation of Life. Number Dying of Each 1000 Age. Expectation of Life. Number Dying of Each. 1000 20 42.20 7.81 58 15.39 22.94 21 41.53 7.85 59 14.74 24.72 22 40.85 7.90 60 14.09 26.69 23 40.17 7.95 61 13.47 28.88 24 39.49 8.01 62 12.86 31.29 25 38.81 8.07 63 12.26 33.94 26 38.11 8.13 64 11.67 36.87 27 37.43 8.19 65 11.10 40.13 28 36.73 8.27 66 10.54 43.71 29 36.03 8.34 67 10.00 47.65 30 35.33 8.42 68 9.47 52.00 31 34.62 8.51 69 8.97 56.76 32 33.92 8.61 70 8.48 61.99 33 33.21 8.71 71 8.00 67.66 34 32.50 8.83 72 7.55 73.73 35 31.78 8.95 73 7.11 80.18 36 31.07 9.09 74 6.68 87.03 37 30.35 9.24 75 6.27 94.37 38 29.62 9.41 76 5.88 102.31 39 28.90 9.59 77 5.49 111.06 40 28.18 9.79 78 5.11 120.83 41 27.45 10.01 79 4.74 131.73 42 26.72 10.25 80 4.39 144.47 43 25.99 10.52 81 4.05 158.60 44 25.27 10.82 82 3.71 174.30 45 24.54 11.17 83 3.39 191.56 46 23.80 11.56 84 3.08 211.36 47 23.08 12.00 85 2.77 235.55 48 22.36 12.52 86 2.47 265.68 49 21.63 13.10 87 2.18 303.02 50 20.91 13.78 88 1.91 346.69 51 20.20 14.54 89 1.66 395.86 52 19.49 15.39 90 1.42 454.54 53 18.79 16.34 91 1.19 532.46 54 18.09 17.40 92 .98 634.25 55 17.40 18.58 93 .80 734.17 56 16.72 19.88 94 .64 857.14 57 16.05 21.33 95 .50 1000.00 Constructed from the American Experience Table of Mortality, showing the chances, at a given age, of dying within a speci- fied number of years thereafter. s.s S.S ° 1 O ji 8.2 S.S ^.a H^ ^a . 1-1 .3 . '-^ . ^rd . flSg AS 2 •St! h Age. s|l $ be? §&oS> w " SbcS? CO **» CO "^ 3-£S 9TW &"3 A^ A-e #>o J!^ fl*0 o- o 1 69 790 55 59 144 29 366 30 5C0 10 802 22 60 148 47 374 25 568 65 S13 80 69 The Guaranteed Minimum Surrender Value of a Five-year Dividend Policy of $1,000, in the New York Life Insurance Company. Age at Issue. 10-Year End't. 15-Year Endowment 20-Year Endowment. At end of At enn of At end of At end of At end. of At end of 5th Year. 5th Year. 10th Year. 5th Year. 10th Year. 15th Year. 25 $348 36 $201 49 $577 38 $130 83 $374 01 $646 08 26 348 31 201 46 577 22 130 85 374 09 646 05 27 34S 27 201 44 577 18 130 89 374 00 645 92 28 348 22 201 43 577 10 130 94 374 13 645 91 29 348 17 201 40 577 13 130 99 374 08 645 80 30 34S 11 201 39 576 96 131 06 374 26 645 82 31 348 06 201 38 576 94 131 15 374 27 645 74 32 348 00 201 37 576 77 131 25 374 34 645 69 33 347 83 201 36 576 77 131 38 374 65 645 78 34 347 86 201 36 576 63 131 53 374 84 645 78 35 347 79 201 37 576 50 131 71 375 11 645 80 36 347 70 201 3S 576 40 131 92 375 45 645 83 37 347 62 201 41 576 32 132 17 375 68 645 77 38 347 52 201 46 576 27 132 47 376 22 645 84 39 347 44 201 54 576 24 132 84 376 65 645 81 40 347 35 201 04 576 23 133 26 377 38 645 92 41 347 27 201 78 576 07 133 75 378 00 645 92 42 347 IS 201 93 575 92 134 30 37S 49 645 81 43 347 0!> 20-2 11 575 94 134 93 379 31 645 84 44 346 99 202 31 575 63 135 61 380 00 645 75 45 346 86 202 51 575 49 136 34 380 81 645 69 46 346 69 202 71 575 17 137 12 381 73 645 63 47 346 50 202 89 575 03 137 95 382 79 645 60 48 346 24 203 07 574 53 138 83 383 77 645 47 49 345 94 203 24 574 22 139 78 384 70 645 26 50 345 60 203 42 573 74 140 82 386 06 645 24 51 345 25 203 61 573 11 141 96 387 44 645 16 52 344 79 203 82 572 69 143 22 388 84 645.04 53 344 31 204 10 571 95 144 60 390 52 644 99 54 343 78 204 33 571 45 146 12 392 49 644 99 55 343 19 204 65 570 64 147 78 394 17 644 89 56 342 55 205 02 570 07 149 60 396 87 644 81 57 341 85 205 44 569 21 151 60 399 32 644 61 58 341 18 205 94 ■ 568 41 153 80 401 87 614 33 59 340 27 206 50 567 66 156 IS 404 77 644 22 60 339 39 207 14 566 50 158 78 408 04 644 44 Tt venty-Fi ve-Year Endowr aent. Age at At end of At end of At end of At end of Issue. 5th Year. 10th Year. 15th Year. 20th Year. 25 S 90 69 $258 56 $445 07 $685 85 26 90 79 258 76 445 21 685 86 27 90 92 259 00 445 40 685 88 28 91 07 259 29 445 64 685 93 29 91 24 259 63 445 95 685 99 30 91 45 260 03 446 32 686 08 31 91 70 260 51 446 76 686 18 32 91 97 261 06 447 29 686 30 33 92 30 261 72 447 90 686 43 34 92 67 262 49 448 62 686 58 35 93 10 263 38 449 4 2 686 75 36 9? 58 264 41 450 32 686 93 37 94 15 265 57 451 30 687 12 38 94 79 266 90 452 39 687 34 39 95 54 268 39 453 60 687 58 40 96 39 270 04 454 90 6S7 83 41 97 35 271 84 456 34 688 12 42 98 41 273 81 457 91 68S 42 43 99 59 275 95 459 60 688 74 44 100 89 278 26 461 46 689 10 45 102 29 280 78 463 47 689 52 46 103 80 283 50 465 68 689 68 47 105 43 286 46 468 11 690 51 48 107 IS 289 66 470 74 691 09 49 109 06 293 13 473 62 691 70 50 111 09 296 89 476 77 692 34 51 113 30 300 98 480 18 693 01 52 115 69 305 43 483 91 693 71 53 118 28 310 26 -1S7 96 694 49 54 121 07 315 46 492 27 695 39 55 124 07 321 06 490 87 - .. -. ,. . ,u^...,. 696 51 70 The Guaranteed Minimum Surrender Value of a Five-year Dividend Policy of $1,000, in the New York Life Insurance Company. Thirty- Year Endowment. Age at At end of At end of At end of At end of At end of Issue. 5th Year. 10th Year. 15th Year. 20th Year. 25th Year. 25 S 65 SS $187 19 $320 84 $491 74 $711 78 26 66 10 187 71 321 46 492 28 711 93 27 66 37 188 30 322 20 492 92 712 12 28 66 67 189 00 323 06 493 67 712 34 29 67 01 189 79 324 05 494 53 712 5S 30 67 40 190 70 325 20 495 50 712 85 31 67 86 191 74 326 53 496 58 713 16 32 68 37 192 94 328 03 497 79 713 49 33 68 95 194 29 329 74 499 13 713 87 34 69 61 195 85 331 66 500 62 714 29 35 70 36 197 61 333 79 502 26 714 76 36 71 19 199 59 336 14 504 06 715 27 37 72 15 201 82 338 74 506 05 715 86 38 73 21 204 29 341 58 508 23 716 49 39 74 42 207 03 344 69 510 62 717 19 40 75 76 210 04 348 09 513 23 717 97 41 77 27 213 34 351 82 516 12 718 87 42 78 92 216 92 355 85 519 26 719 84 43 80 73 220 78 360 22 522 67 720 91 44 82 72 224 97 364 97 526 41 722 08 45 84 85 229 48 370 09 530 45 723 32 46 87 12 234 31 375 58 534 79 724 61 47 89 56 239 49 381 50 539 47 725 96 48 92 14 245 00 387 79 544 43 727 38 49 94 91 250 91 394 55 549 72 728 95 50 97 86 257 22 401 77 555 35 730 79 Thirty-Five-Year Endowment. Age at At end of At end of At end of At end of At end of At end of Issue. 5th Year. 10th Year. 15th Year. 20th Year. 25th Year. 30th Year. 25 $ 49 96 $441 36 $241 08 $367 10 $526 71 $730 54 26 50 34 142 32 242 42 368 63 527 93 730 93 27 50 77 143 41 243 95 370 38 529 30 731 37 28 51 27 144 64 245 70 372 35 530 82 731 86 29 51 82 146 04 247 69 374 57 532 51 732 41 30 52 46 147 61 249 93 377 04 534 38 733 03 31 53 17 149 38 252 46 379 77 536 44 733 70 32 53 97 151 38 255 28 382 79 538 71 734 46 33 54 87 153 62 258 44 386 11 541 21 735 30 34 55 86 156 12 261 92 389 74 543 95 736 22 35 56 99 158 93 265 78 393 74 546 98 737 28 36 58 22 162 03 269 97 398 08 550 26 738 41 37 59 60 165 47 274 57 402 83 553 89 739 70 38 61 13 169 24 279 56 407 98 557 82 741 09 39 62 83 173 39 284 97 413 58 562 11 742 62 40 64 70 177 88 290 82 419 62 565 75 744 25 41 66 76 1S2 73 297 12 426 12 571 75 745 98 42 68 99 187 93 303 86 433 07 577 11 747 80 43 71 41 193 50 311 05 440 50 582 80 749 72 44 74 00 199 43 318 70 448 39 588 82 751 80 45 76 76 205 71 326 82 456 76 595 17 754 12 71 The Guaranteed Minimum Surrender Value of a Five-year Dividend Policy of $1,000, in the New York Life Insurance Company. Age at 15- Year Endowment 10 Payments. I Age at ] Is.-ue. 20-Year Endowment, 10 Payments. Issue. At end of 5th Year. At end of 10th Year. At end of 5th Year. At end of 10th Year. At end of 15th Year. 25 26 27 28 29 $280 89 280 N ( .) 280 89 280 89 280 89 §805 86 805 91 805 97 806 04 806 11 25 26 27 28 29 8229 30 229 38 229 47 229 5S 229 69 $657 40 657 65 657 93 658 24 658 57 $806 20 806 29 806 39 806 50 806 63 30 31 32 33 34 280 90 280 91 280 92 280 94 280 96 806 20 806 29 806 39 806 50 806 63 30 31 32 33 34 229 82 229 9S 230 15 230 34 230 57 658 95 659 37 659 85 660 38 660 99 806 77 806 94 807 13 807 34 807 60 35 36 37 38 39 280 99 281 01 2S1 06 281 12 281 20 806 77 806 94 807 13 807 34 807 60 35 33 37 38 39 230 82 231 11 231 44 231 82 232 27 661 68 662 47 663 35 664 35 665 48 807 87 808 19 808 53 808 92 S09 35 40 41 42 43 44 281 30 281 44 281 60 281 78 281 99 807 87 808 19 808 53 808 92 809 35 40 41 42 43 44 232 78 233 37 234 03 234 76 235 58 666 72 668 11 669 65 671 34 673 21 S09 S3 810 35 810 94 811 58 812 28 45 46 47 48 49 282 20 282 42 282 64 282 85 283 06 809 83 810 35 S10 94 811 58 812 28 45 46 47 48 49 236 46 237 40 238 40 239 49 240 62 675 26 677 51 679 98 682 68 685 62 813 07 S13 92 814 86 815 90 817 03 50 51 52 53 54 283 28 283 51 283 75 284 00 2S4 29 813 07 813 92 814 86 815 90 817 03 50 51 52 53 54 241 86 243 18 244 59 246 10 247 72 688 83 692 32 696 10 700 19 704 60 818 28 819 63 821 11 822 72 S24 46 55 56 57 58 59 284 58 284 90 285 24 285 69 286 01 818 28 819 63 821 11 822 72 824 46 55 56 57 58 59 249 44 251 26 253 17 255 24 257 21 709 34 714 39 719 75 725 40 731 34 826 33 S2S 30 830 38 832 57 834 88 60 286 44 826 33 60 259 37 737 54 837 35 25- Year Endowment, 10 Payments. Age at At end of At end of At end of At end of Issue. 5th Year. 10th Year. 15th Year. 20th Year. 25 $190 10 $544 61 $65S 95 806 77 25 190 31 545 21 659 37 806 94 27 190 56 -545 88 659 85 807 13 28 190 S3 546 62 660 ?8 807 34 29 191 13 547 45 660 99 807 60 30 191 47 548 38 661 68 807 87 31 191 ,S6 549 43 662 47 808 19 32 192 30 550 60 663 35 808 53 33 192 79 551 93 664 35 SOS 92 34 193 S5 553 42 665 48 809 35 35 193 97 555 09 666 72 809 83 36 191 66 556 97 668 H 810 35 3? 195 45 559 U6 669 65 810 94 38 196 32 561 40 671 34 811 58 39 197 33 563 99 673 21 812 28 40 198 44 566 85 675 26 813 07 41 199 70 570 00 677 51 813 92 42 201 07 573 45 679 98 814 86 43 202 59 577 23 682 68 815 90 44 204 26 581 35 685 62 817 03 45 206 05 5S5 S3 688 83 818 28 46 207 97 590 70 692 32 819 63 47 210 03 595 98 696 10 821 11 48 212 22 601 67 700 19 822 72 49 214 55 607 79 704 60 824 46 50 217 02 614 36 709 34 826 33 51 219 64 621 36 714 39 S2S 30 52 222 37 62S 81 719 75 830 38 53 225 2s 636 67 725 40 832 57 54 228 33 644 96 731 34 831 88 55 231 47 653 64 637 54 837 35 J 72 The Guaranteed Minimum Surrender Value of a Five-year Dividend Policy of $1,000, in the New York Life Insurance Company. Thirty- Year Endowment, Ten Payments. Age at Issue. At end of At end of 5th Year. ! 10th Year. $160 67 161 08 161 55 162 07 162 65 163 30 161 03 164 81 165 75 166 77 167 89 169 13 170 52 172 05 173 75 175 63 177 69 179 93 182 38 185 01 187 82 190 94 193 96 197 26 200 72 204 33 $459 91 461 06 462 35 463 78 465 37 467 16 469 14 471 36 473 81 476 60 479 67 483 07 486 83 490 97 495 51 500 48 505 88 511 71 518 07 521 90 532 22 540 05 548 37 557 19 566 50 576 28 At end of 15th Year. $548 38 549 43 550 60 551 93 553 42 555 09 556 97 559 06 561 40 563 99 566 85 570 00 573 45 577 23 581 35 585 83 590 70 595 98 601 67 607 79 614 36 621 36 628 81 636 67 644 96 653 64 At end of 20th Year. $661 68 662 47 663 35 664 35 665 48 666 72 66S 11 669 65 671 34 673 21 675 26 677 51 679 98 682 68 685 62 692 32 696 10 700 19 704 60 709 34 714 39 719 75 725 40 731 34 737 54 At end of 25th Year. $807 87 808 19 808 53 808 92 809 35 809 83 810 35 810 94 811 58 812 28 813 07 813 92 814 86 815 90 817 03 818 28 819 63 821 11 822 72 824 46- 826 33 828 30 830 38 832 57 834 88 837 35 Thirty-Five- Year Endowment, Ten Payments. Age at At end of At end of At end of At end of At end of At end of Issue. 5th Year. 10th Year. 15th Year. 20th Year. 25th Year. 30th Year. 25 $139 04 $397 69 $467 16 $555 09 $666 72 $809 83 26 139 73 399 62 469 14 556 97 668 11 810 35 27 140 50 401 76 471 36 559 06 669 65 810 94 28 141 36 404 13 473 84 561 40 671 34 811 58 29 142 31 406 76 476 60 563 99 673 21 812 28 30 143 36 409 63 479 67 566 85 675 26 813 07 31 144 54 412 91 483 07 570 00 677 51 813 92 32 145 83 416 48 486 83 573 45 679 98 814 86 33 147 26 420 42 490 97 577 23 682 68 815 90 34 148 83 424 77 495 51 581 35 685 62 817 03 35 150 56 429 54 500 48 585 83 688 83 818 28 35 152 45 434 78 505 88 590 70 692 32 819 63 37 154 53 440 49 511 74 595 98 696 10 821 11 33 156 79 446 70 518 07 601 67 700 19 822 72 39 159 27 453 44 524 90 607 79 704 60 824 46 40 161 95 460 69 532 22 614 36 709 34 826 33 41 164 86 468 47 540 05 621 36 714 39 S2S 30 42 167 95 476 77 548 37 628 81 719 75 830 38 43 171 27 485 60 557 19 636 67 725 40 832 57 44 171 80 494 95 566 50 644 96 731 34 S34 88 45 178 48 504 82 576 28 653 64 737 54 837 35 73 ORDINARY LIFE POLICIES j Cash Surrender Values per §1,000, iccordin g to Sec 4, Chap .232 of the Mass. Laws of 1880. 1 dO S ^3 No. of Years Completed and Wholly Paid fob in Cash. i 1 '">£ 1 ^ t " H 2 3 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 25 SO 53 $8 55 $16 84 $25 38 $34 21 $43 34 $52 75 $62 47 $72 50 $82 87 $93 56 104 63 1 26 95 9 30 17 92 26 82 36 01 45 50 55 29 65 39 75 84 86 62 97 78 109 28 S 27 1 41 10 09 19 06 28 33 37 8S 47 75 57 95 68 47 79 34 90 58 102 19 114 19 \ 2: 1 86 10 92 20 26 29 89 39 84 50 12 60 74 71 69 83 03 94 73 106 82 119 34 1 29 2 36 11 78 21 50 31 53 41 91 52 61 63 66 75 09 86 90 99 10 111 71 124 76 30 2 87 12 68 22 81 33 27 44 07 55 22 66 75 78 67 90 98 j 103 71 116 87 130 47 31 3 40 13 62 24 19 35 09 46 34 57 99 70 01 82 44 95 29 j 108 58 122 29 136 43 32 3 96 14 63 25 64 37 01 48 76 60 90 73 45 86 43 99 85 113 70 127 97 142 61 148 99 33 4 57 15 69! 27 18 39 06 51 32 63 99 77 10 90 66 104 65 119 07 133 86 34 5 21 16 81 28 82 41 21 54 03 07 28 80 97 95 12 109 69 124 63 139 93 155 53 35 5 88 18 02 30 56 43 52 56 91 70 75 85 06 99 79 114 90 130 37 146 14 162 21 35 6 62 19 29 32 40 45 95 59 96 74 43 89 34 104 62 120 27 136 23 152 48 169 01 37 7 40 20 66 34 37 48 55 63 2L 78 2S 93 76 109 60 125 74 142 19 158 93 175 96 33 8 21 22 10 36 47 51 30 66 57 S2 24 98 27 114 63 131 30 148 24 165 48 183 00 » 49 Si 9 10 23 65 38 68 54 16 70 03 86 29 102 85 119 73 136 92 154 39 172 15 190 14 8 10 04 25 28 40 97 57 07 73 55 90 36 107 47 124 89 142 61 160 60 178 86 197 35 11 03 26 95 43 28 60 00 77 05 94 42 112 09 130 07 148 33 166 85 1S5 61 204 61 i 1 !I 12 02 28 59 45 57 62 88 SO 52 98 46 116 72 135 26 154 06 173 11 192 40 211 90 | 43 : 44 12 95 30 20 47 79 65 71 83 93 102 49 121 33 140 43 159 80 179 38 199 20 219 23 13 81 31 73 49 95 68 48 87 35 106 51 125 94 145 62 165 55 185 70 206 06 226 60 ' 45 14 09 33 23 52 09 71 29 90 7S 110 55 130 59 150 86 171 37 192 09 212 99 234 07 : i 43 15 50 34 71 54 26 74 11 94 25 114 65 135 29 156 19 177 28 198 56 220 02 241 65 !i 47 16 33 36 26 56 48 77 00 97 79 118 83 140 11 161 61 183 29 205 18 227 22 j 249 39 43 17 20 37 82 58 75 79 95 101 41 123 11 145 03 167 15 189 46 211 94 234 55 1 257 21 49 18 09 39 44 61 08 82 97 105 12 127 49 150 06 172 84 195 77 218 S4 241 98 265 14 i 59 18 98 41 08 63 44 86 re 108 91 131 97 155 22 178 65 202 21 225 84 249 50 273 13 1 51 19 90 42 75 65 87 89 22 112 79 136 55 160 50 184 59 208 74 232 92 257 07 281 17 52 20 82 44 48 68 36 92 46 116 78 141 27 165 91 190 61 215 34 240 06 264 71 289 22 ; 53 21 79 46 25 70 93 95 82 120 S8 146 11 171 39 196 72 222 01 247 25 272 36 297 31 54 22 80 48 07 73 58 99 27 125 11 151 02 176 97 202 88 228 73 254 46 280 04 305 37 55 23 81 49 96 76 31 102 81 129 38 155 99 182 57 209 08 235 46 261 69 287 67 313 37 295 24 321 32 55 . 57 24 88 51 93! 79 12 106 39 133 71 160 98 188 19 215 27 242 19 268 86 26 00 53 94! 81 97 110 03 138 05 166 00 193 82 221 48 248 87 275 97 302 77 329 22 ; 58 ! 53 f 69 27 13 55 95: 84 81 113 62 142 37 170 98 199 41 227 58 255 46 283 01 310 22 337 03 28 25 57 94 87 60 117 20 146 65 175 91 204 91 233 61 261 97 289 96 317 57 344 74 29 31 59 88; 90 36 120 71 150 87 ISO 74 210 31 239 52 268 39 296 83 324 82 352 34 No. of Years Completed axd Wholly Paid for est Cash. 14 15 16 17 | 18 | 19 j 20 25 ! 30 35 40 25 $116 06 $127 87 $140 08 S152 71 $165 76 $179 19 $192 96 $266 18 $345 26 $428 47 $512 96 25 121 19 133 50 146 22 159 37 172 90 186 78 201 00 276 08 S56 73 441 14 526 07 27 126 59 139 42 152 67 166 31 ISO 30 194 62 209 23 286 18 ! 368 38 453 90 539 09 23 132 27 145 63 159 38 173 50 187 94 202 67 217 66 296 45 i 380 19 466 71 552 04 29 138 23 152 11 166 35 180 91 195 76 210 90 226 30 306 91 392 17 479 54 564 88 39 144 46 158 83 173 53 188 52 203 79 219 32 235 13 317 56 404 29 492 36 577 62 31 150 92 165 76 ISO 89 196 31 211 98 227 95 244 15 328 36 416 49 505 17 590 23 32 : 33 I 34 157 60 172 87 188 43 204 28 220 39 236 75 253 31 3S9 33 428 79 517 90 602 68 164 43 180 16 196 15 212 43 228 96 215 72 262 71 350 47 441 13 530 56 614 99 171 42 187 59 204 04 220 75 237 69 254 86 272 21 361 76 453 50 543 11 627 12 35 178 55 195 19 212 08 229 22 246 58 264 15 281 92 373 18 465 86 555 56 639 07 35 185 85 202 94 220 27 237 83 255 60 273 58 291 74 384 67 47S 18 567 88 650 81 37 193 26 210 80 228 57 246 56 264 77 283 15 301 69 396 24 490 44 580 04 662 38 38 200 77 218 77 236 99 255 42 274 04 292 81 311 76 407 82 502 58 592 04 673 72 39 208 39 226 84 245 52 264 38 283 41 302 61 321 94 419 41 514 62 603 86 684 82 40 216 07 235 00 254 13 273 42 292 89 312 50 332 21 430 96 526 53 615 49 695 70 41 223 82 243 22 262 80 282 55 302 45 322 45 342 53 442 43 538 28 627 31 706 38 42 231 61 251 49 271 54 291 74 312 06 332 43 352 84 453 79 549 85 638 10 716 92 43 239 42 259 80 280 32 300 97 321 68 342 41 363 12 465 03 561 25 649 08 727 39 44 247 32 268 19 289 19 310 24 331 32 352 38 373 38 476 14 572 46 659 83 737 89 45 255 31 276 68 298 10 319 55 340 98 362 35 383 62 487 14 583 50 670 39 748 52 46 263 41 285 23 307 07 328 89 350 66 372 32 393 85 498 04 594 38 680 80 759 34 47 271 62 293 88 316 12 338 30 360 37 382 31 404 04 508 85 605 14 691 13 770 37 48 279 92 302 59 325 21 347 72 370 10 392 26 414 19 519 55 615 74 701 49 781 65 49 288 29 311 38 334 34 357 18 379 80 402 17 424 30 530 15 626 17 711 95 793 13 59 296 70 320 16 343 49 366 58 3S9 44 412 03 434 34 540 62 636 45 722 63 804 69 51 305 14 328 97 352 59 375 95 399 94 421 85 444 33 550 98 646 63 733 58 816 31 52 313 61 337 75 361 66 385 28 408 60 431 59 454 22 561 23 656 78 744 83 827 86 53 322 04 346 51 370 69 394 57 418 10 441 27 464 04 571 33 666 99 756 42 839 05 54 330 44 355 21 379 67 403 79 427 53 450 86 473 77 581 31 677 39 768 30 849 53 55 338 77 363 87 388 59 412 94 436 87 460 36 483 39 591 16 688 07 780 35 859 03 56 347 07 372 45 397 44 422 00 446 10 469 75 492 95 600 93 699 13 792 55 866 49 57 355 29 380 96 406 20 430 97 455 25 479 04 502 32 610 70 710 58 804 76 872 34 58 363 43 389 37 414 84 439 82 464 27 488 23 511 61 620 60 722 49 816 62 882 49 ( 59 371 44 397 67 423 37 448 55 473 20 497 28 520 75 630 72 734 80 827 77 906 81 1 J 60 379 35 405 85 431 79 457 19 482 00 506 19 529 80 641 26 747 44 837 87 1 74 '•~ ORDINARY LIFE POLICIES. Faid up Values per $1,000, accordin g to Sec. 2, Chap. 232, of the Mass. Laws of 1880. fl Number of Years Completed and "Wholly Paid for in Cash. 2 ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | 13 25 51 84 |29 10 156 15 $82 90 $109 43 $135 74 $161 73 $187 45 $212 86 $23S 02 262 82 287 36 26 3 23 j 31 01 58 53 S3 79 112 78 139 50 165 90 191 99 217 S3 243 32 268 57 293 44 27 I 4 70, 3-2 96 60 97 SS 73 116 14 143 28 170 14 190 66 222 87 248 80 274 40 299 68 28 j 6 08 34 93 63 45 91 64 119 54 147 15 174 46 201 38 228 03 254 37 280 34 306 04 29 7 55 36 89 65 92 94 61 123 05 151 11 178 83 206 25 233 34 260 08 286 47 312 54 30 8 99 38 SS 68 44 97 68 120 58 155 12 183 34 211 24 238 77 265 95 292 77 319 22 31 10 121 40 87 71 02 100 79 130 17 159 28 187 99 216 36 244 36 272 00 299 21 325 99 32 11 88 42 95 73 64 103 96 133 93 103 53 j 192 70 221 64 250 13 278 19 305 77 332 75 33 13 42 45 06 76 35 107 29 137 80 167 94 • 197 72 227 11 256 05 284 51 312 34 339 49 34 14 96 47 22 79 16 110 66 141 80 172 .38 202 84 232 73 262 OS 290 80 318 84 346 13 35 16 52 49 50 82 06 114 21 145 94 177 24 ■ 20S 12 238 44 268 10 297 06 325 23 352 61 35 18 18 51 SO 85 03 117 S3 150 21 1S2 11 ; 218 47 244 11 274 05 303 18 331 46 358 93 37 19 S7 54 22 SS 14 121 62 154 66 1S7 04 ' 218 77 249 73 279 S3 309 09 337 52 365 13 33 21 55 56 07 91 36 125 52 159 06 191 89 228 92 255 11 2«5 42 314 82 343 39 371 12 39 23 34 59 25 94 64 129 41 163 40 196 62 ! 228 89 260 27 290 78 320 37 349 12 376 91 40 25 15 61 85 97 89 133 16 167 59 201 10 233 62 265 23 295 93 325 70 354 55 382 50 41 20 99 61 37 100 99 136 72 171 47 205 25 23S 05 209 91 300 81 330 75 359 75 387 84 42 28 72 66 71 103 84 139 94 175 03 209 10 242 21 274 31 305 39 335 52 364 69 392 90 43 30 22 68 81 106 36 142 84 178 24 212 OS 240 (0 278 37 309 72 340 01 369 36 397 77 44 31 51 70 62 108 58 145 43 181 26 216 00 249 65 282 24 313 80 344 32 373 88 402 42 45 32 69 72 24 110 62 147 93 184 10 219 14 253 11 285 96 317 75 348 53 378 25 406 98 I 46 33 69 73 71 112 59 150 30 186 83 222 21 250 44 289 61 321 66 352 62 382 55 411 48 1 47 34 68 75 24 114 54 152 64 189 54 225 24 259 79 293 23 325 50 356 75 386 91 410 03 48 35 69 76 70 116 46 154 96 192 22 228 27 263 14 296 84 329 41 380 89 391 28 420 54 49 36 69 78 18 118 39 157 27 194 91 231 32 266 49 300 52 333 36 365 07 395 64 425 02 50 37 62 79 62 120 25 159 57 197 61 234 37 269 88 304 21 337 33 369 25 399 95 429 44 51 38 57 81 03 122 14 161 88 200 30 237 42 273 30 307 93 341 29 373 37 404 19 433 82 52 39 46 82 47 124 03 104 20 203 05 240 55 276 77 311 65 345 19 377 45 408 42 438 11 53 40 40 83 92 125 90 166 60 205 83 243 74 280 22 315 34 349 07 381 48 412 57 442 34 54 41 37 S5 37 127 93 169 04 2C8 71 246 92 283 68 318 99 352 91 385 46 410 04 446 48 55 42 28 86 87 129 94 171 51 211 54 250 05 287 05 322 59 356 67 389 34 420 60 450 47 55 43 26 88 43 131 99 173 95 214 34 253 11 290 36 326 09 360 33 393 10 424 41 454 35 57 44 27 89 98 134 02 176 38 217 06 256 12 293 60 329 52 363 87 396 71 428 12 458 18 58 45 26 91 48 135 95 178 64 219 66 259 00 296 68 332 74 367 22 400 18 431 73 461 83 59 46 19 92 88 137 73 180 S3 222 15 261 72 299 60 335 81 370 43 403 54 435 17 465 40 60 46 98 94 15 139 42 182 85 224 46 264 26 302 32 338 68 373 52 406 75 438 51 468 82 -," Number of Years Completed and "Wholly Paid for in Cash. II 14 | 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 a 25 $311 64 j$335 58 $359 22 $382 54 $405 56 .$428 16 $450 23 $552 35 $640 18 $714 77 $777 03 I 26 318 05 ! 342 35 366 30 389 93 413 13 435 81 458 00 559 89 647 25 721 20 782 69 27 324 63 349 26 373 54 397 38 420 69 443 46 465 64 567 29 654 21 727 00 788 20 28 331 35 356 31 380 82 404 83 428 24 451 04 473 15 574 58 661 04 733 81 793 56 29 338 21 363 45 388 14 412 22 435 66 458 45 480 59 581 75 667 79 739 88 798 74 30 345 17 370 60 395 41 419 55 446 00 465 77 487 92 588 82 674 44 745 83 803 87 31 352 14 377 70 402 57 426 74 450 18 473 02 495 14 595 78 680 96 751 59 808 79 32 359 11 384 72 409 61 433 83 457 33 480 13 502 20 602 62 687 35 757 22 813 62 33 365 94 391 63 416 56 440 81 464 33 487 09 509 18 609 36 693 59 762 68 818 31 34 372 63 398 38 423 40 447 68 471 17 493 97 516 03 616 00 699 71 707 96 822 84 35 379 19 405 04 430 10 454 38 477 92 500 70 522 74 622 54 705 68 773 17 827 28 36 385 66 411 56 436 64 460 96 484 49 507 27 529 33 628 94 711 44 778 17 831 54 37 391 93 417 87 443 01 467 35 490 94 513 75 535 77 635 17 717 07 783 05 835 79 38 397 99 424 02 449 21 473 60 497 22 520 00 542 06 641 22 722 46 787 77 839 86 39 403 90 429 98 455 24 479 69 503 31 526 15 548 20 647 11 727 67 792 32 843 77 40 409 56 435 74 461 09 485 57 509 25 532 13 554 19 652 82 732 77 796 75 847 64 41 415 01 441 30 466 71 491 27 515 01 537 91 560 04 658 25 737 61 801 51 S51 40 42 420 23 446 62 472 13 496 77 520 58 543 52 565 60 663 49 742 30 805 15 855 14 | 43 425 19 451 71 477 33 502 08 525 95 548 88 570 93 668 48 746 80 809 14 858 90 | 44 430 02 456 67 482 43 507 24 531 11 554 05 576 09 673 26 751 12 812 98 862 67 | 45 434 "74 461 56 487 39 512 24 536 12 559 07 581 11 677 95 755 34 816 80 866 64 j 46 439 42 466 35 492 23 517 12 541 03 563 99 585 97 682 46 759 44 820 57- 870 81 1 47 444 10 471 09 497 04 521 96 545 89 568 80 590 75 686 95 763 57 824 38 '■ 48 448 71 475 76 501 77 526 73 550 63 573 52 595 40 691 31 767 58 828 32 879 83 | 49 453 28 480 43 506 46 531 41 555 31 578 12 599 96 695 61 771 50 832 34 884 74 50 457 78 484 98 511 04 535 98 559 82 582 61 604 47 699 83 775 45 836 66 8S9 75 51 462 23 489 44 515 52 540 43 564 24 587 09 008 87 703 99 779 38 841 27 S94 92 52 466 59 493 82 519 89 541 79 568 05 591 41 013 20 708 16 783 41 846 20 900 21 53 470 85 498 11 524 16 549 12 572 92 595 71 017 45 712 22 787 58 851 43 905 42 54 475 01 502 27 528 39 553 31 577 17 599 91 021 63 716 23 791 94 S57 04 910 36 55 479 02 506 40 532 48 557 47 581 30 604 04 625 75 720 27 796 65 862 83 914 78 jj 5S 483 02 510 37 536 54 561 51 585 33 608 09 029 84 724 30 801 76 868 87 918 13 3 57 58 69 486 85 514 30 540 47 565 48 589 32 612 07 038 £3 728 44 S07 29 875 10 920 75 d 490 63 518 10 544 31 569 35 593 20 616 05 037 77 78.2 80 813 23 S81 21 920 70 1 494 24 521 78 548 05 573 11 597 08 619 91 011 02 787 3 1 819 67 8S7 04 943 OS 1 [_60 497 75 525 37 551 70 570 88 600 86 623 68 645 51 742 13 826 It 892 25 1000 00 1 7b ^MUTUAL BENEFIT Paid-up Non-participating Insurance, per $1,000 Policy, at the end of the following" years. Age at Issue of Original 3d. 5th. 7th. 10th- 15th. 20th. Policy. 25 S 62 S103 S1J4 $206 $311 1414 26 63 105 147 212 319 423 27 65 108 151 217 326 432 28 67 111 156 223 334 441 29 68 114 160 229 342 450 30 70 117 164 235 350 459 31 72 120 169 241 358 468 32 74 121 173 247 366 477 33 76 127 178 253 374 485 31 78 131 183 259 382 494 35 81 134 187 266 390 502 36 83 138 192 272 398 511 37 85 142 197 278 406 519 38 88 145 202 285 413 527 39 90 149 207 291 421 535 40 92 153 212 298 429 543 41 95 157 217 304 436 550 42 97 161 2 9 2 310 443 558 43 100 165 227 317 451 565 44 103 169 232 323 458 572 45 105 173 237 329 464 579 46 108 176 242 335 471 585 47 110 180 247 340 478 591 48 113 184 251 346 484 598 49 115 187 256 351 490 603 50 117 191 260 357 496 609 51 120 194 264 362 502 615 52 122 197 269 367 508 620 53 124 201 273 372 513 625 54 126 204 277 377 518 630 55 128 208 281 382 524 635 56 131 211 285 387 528 640 57 133 214 289 391 533 646 58 135 217 293 396 538 651 59 137 220 297 400 542 657 60 139 223 301 404 547 66.! *Aft*r two annual premiums have been paid, this Company issues paid-up values if application is made for the same within three months after the premium falls due. If the policy holder does not apply for a paid-up-policy, the Company extends the insurance for the face of the policy for as many years and days as the reserve will pay for. Paid-up Non-participating Insurance. * Mutual Life, Per $1,000 Policy. LIFE PLAN. Age at At the Exd of the Following Years. Issue of Original Policy. 3rd Year. 5th Year. 7th Year. 10th Year. 15th Year. 20th Year. 25 $ 56 8 93 8132 8190 $287 8384 26 57 96 136 195 294 393 27 59 99 139 200 302 402 28 61 102 144 206 309 411 | 29 63 105 148 211 317 420 30 65 108 152 217 325 430 31 67 111 156 223 333 439 32 69 115 160 229 341 448 33 71 118 165 235 349 458 34 73 121 170 241 358 467 35 75 125 174 248 366 476 36 77 128 179 254 374 485 37 79 132 184 260 383 494 38 82 135 189 267 391 503 39 84 139 194 274 399 512 40 86 143 199 280 407 521 41 89 147 204 287 415 530 42 91 151 209 293 423 538 43 94 155 214 300 431 547 44 96 159 220 306 439 555 45 99 163 225 313 447 563 46 102 167 230 319 454 571 47 104 171 235 325 462 579 48 107 174 239 382 469 587 49 109 178 244 338 476 594 50 111 182 249 343 483 601 51 114 186 254 349 490 608 52 116 189 259 355 497 615 53 119 193 263 361 504 621 54 121 197 268 367 510 628 55 123 200 272 373 517 635 56 126 204 277 378 523 642 57 128 207 281 384 529 648 58 130 211 286 389 535 656 59 133 214 290 394 541 663 60 135 218 295 399 547 671 Northwestern Mutual, Per $1,000 Policy. 25 8 54 46 8 90 96 $127 54 8182 38 8272 89 8360 41 26 55 99 93 45 130 96 187 07 279 26 368 07 27 57 56 96 02 134 45 191 84 285 72 375 84 28 59 17 98 65 138 01 196 71 292 24 383 71 29 60 82 101 32 141 66 201 63 298 85 391 65 30 62 53 104 06 145 38 206 63 305 54 399 61 31 64 25 106 87 149 18 211 69 312 36 407 57 32 66 01 109 72 153 01 216 81 319 25 415 52 33 67 83 112 63 156 91 222 00 326 25 423 44 34 69 69 115 60 160 87 227 29 333 33 431 32 35 71 59 118 62 164 90 232 65 340 42 439 13 36 73 49 121 65 168 96 238 11 347 51 446 85 37 75 45 124 75 173 12 243 65 354 58 454 47 38 77 41 127 90 177 34 249 28 361 62 461 97 39 79 45 131 14 181 66 254 97 368 63 469 35 40 81 51 134 42 186 04 260 66 375 55 476 57 41 83 64 137 79 190 50 266 35 382 41 483 66 42 85 79 141 19 194 98 272 00 389 15 490 57 43 87 99 144 64 199 45 277 59 395 77 497 32 44 90 19 148 09 203 87 283 12 402 24 503 89 45 92 43 151 52 208 24 288 56 408 58 510 28 46 94 65 154 88 212 54 293 89 414 76 516 45 47 96 84 158 20 216 78 299 13 420 79 522 42 48 98 98 161 44 220 92 304 25 426 67 528 15 49 101 06 164 63 225 00 309 26 432 39 533 63 50 103 12 167 78 229 01 314 19 437 99 53S 86 51 105 18 170 91 232 97 319 03 443 42 543 81 52 107 22 174 00 236 89 323 79 448 70 54S 50 53 109 24 177 C5 240 75 328 46 453 81 553 00 54 111 24 180 07 244 55 333 05 458 70 557 39 55 113 22 183 05 248 29 337 55 463 37 561 81 56 115 19 186 00 251 97 341 94 467 SO 566 36 57 117 15 188 91 255 61 346 20 471 98 571 14 58 119 08 191 77 259 18 350 32 476 01 575 21 59 120 96 194 59 262 63 354 25 479 98 581 62 60 122 83 197 35 265 99 357 99 484 04 587 39 * This C ompany issues the above paid-up values only upon application made for it by the insured, wi tlun six months after the premium falls due. The laws of the State of New York require all falling due. lite companies doing business in that State to send 30 davs' notice of premium 77 Paid-up Non-participating Insurance. * Equitable, Per $1,000 Policy. LIFE PLAN. _Age at Issue of i At the End of the Following- Years. Original Policy, 3rd Year, 5th Year. 7th Year, j 10th Year. 15th Year. 20th Year. 25 S HO 8 83 $116 SI 66 S247 $322 26 51 85 119 170 252 328 27 53 88 122 174 257 334 28 54 90 126 178 262 340 29 56 92 ]29 182 268 316 30 57 95 132 187 273 352 31 59 97 135 191 279 358 32 60 100 138 195 284 363 33 61 102 142 199 289 369 34 63 105 145 204 295 374 35 65 107 148 208 300 380 36 67 310 152 212 305 385 37 68 112 155 217 310 390 38 70 115 159 221 315 395 39 71 118 162 225 320 400 40 73 120 165 230 325 404 41 75 123 169 234 330 409 42 77 126 172 238 334 412 43 78 128 176 242 338 418 44 80 131 179 246 343 422 45 82 134 182 250 347 426 46 84 136 185 253 351 430 47 85 138 188 257 354 433 48 87 141 191 260 358 437 49 88 143 194 263 362 449 50 90 145 196 267 365 461 51 "91 147 199 270 369 472 52 93 149 202 274 372 484 53 94 151 204 276 375 496 54 95 153 207 279 386 507 55 97 155 209 282 396 519 56 98 157 212 284 406 530 57 100 159 214 287 417 542 58 101 161 216 290 427 554 59 102 163 218 298 437 567 60 103 165 221 306 447 580 . *N ew York Life, Per $1,000 Policy. Age at Issue of At the End of the Following Years. Original Policy. 3rd Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 9th Year. 25 3 50 $84 $100 $117 $133 $149 26 52 85 102 119 136 152 27 53 88 105 123 140 158 28 55 90 108 125 143 160 29 56 93 111 129 147 165 30 57 95 113 132 150 169 31 58 98 116 135 154 173 32 59 100 119 138 158 177 33 62 102 122 141 160 180 34 63 105 125 145 165 185 35 65 107 128 149 169 189 36 66 110 130 151 172 193 37 68 113 134 155 176 197 38 70- 116 138 159 180 200 39 71 118 140 162 184 205 40 73 120 143 166 187 209 41 75 122 146 169 190 212 42 76 126 149 172 295 217 43 78 128 151 175 198 221 44 81 131 155 180 202 225 45 S2 133 158 182 205 227 46 84 136 161 185 208 231 47 85 138 163 188 211 234 48 87 140 165 191 214 237 49 88 144 168 193 217 242 50 90 145 171 196 220 244 51 91 147 173 199 225 250 52 92 150 176 201 228 256 53 94 151 179 207 236 264 54 95 153 182 212 241 270 55 97 157 187 217 247 278 56 98 162 193 224 255 285 57 100 166 198 230 261 292 58 103 170 203 236 267 299 59 106 175 208 241 273 305 60 110 179 213 247 279 310 *ThisC oiapany issue s the above paid-up values only upon application made bs after the premium falls due.' The laws of the State for it by The insure.-!, wi hin six mont of New York require all. life cornpanie s doing business in that State to send 30 days' notice of premium falling due, .„, „ 78 Cash Surrender Values Guaranteed on Tontine and Semi-Tontine Policies of $1,000 each, by the Northwestern Mutual, issued since 1SS5. being the Reserve Combined Actuaries table of mortality and four per cent, interest. Prior to 18S5 the American Experience and four and one-half per ■ cent, reser 1 e was guan mteea. TEN- YEAR CLASS. Age. Life. 10 Paym't Life. 15 Paym't Life. 20 Pavm't Life. 15 Year Eudowm't 20 Year Endowrn' t. 25 26 27 28 29 $ 82 20 91 76 95 50 99 43 103 56 $340 60 34S 17 355 99 364 07 372 42 $254 21 260 13 266 24 272 55 279 06 $170 58 174 72 179 00 1S3 41 187 97 $585 92 585 71 585 47 585 23 -584 97 $385 82 385 62 385 40 385 20 385 04 30 31 32 33 34 107 91 112 51 117 37 122 50 127 86 3S1 04 3S9 96 399 18 408 71 418 52 285 79 292 75 299 95 307 39 315 05 192 71 197 64 202 76 208 07 213 56 *584 70 -5S4 44 *584 21 *583 99 *583 79 384 89 384 76 3S4 79 384 87 385 01 35 36 37 38 39 133 41 139 13 144 97 150 S9 156 89 428 57 438 S6 449 35 460 02 470 88 322 90 330 90 339 02 347 24 355 56 219 IS 224 8S 230 62 236 39 242 16 •-583 58 -583 41 *583 16 *5S2 88 *582 56 385 17 *385 47 385 58 *385 72 -385 97 40 41 42 43 44 162 97 169 09 175 22 181 37 187 54 481 91 493 11 504 46 515 95 527 57 363 97 372 44 380 95 389 48 398 01 247 91 253 63 259 27 264 82 270 29 *581 23 *581 66 *582 05 *580 33 -579 49 385 90 385 90 ♦385 77 *385 56 *385 24 45 46 47 48 49 193 79 *200 13 *206 59 *213 19 *219 95 539 31 1 551 16 563 10 575 14 587 26 406 53 415 01 423 43 431 78 440 04 275 69 281 01 28G 33 291 61 296 85 *578 54 -577 50 *576 35 -575 01 *573 80 *384 86 *384 47 *384 03 -383 53 *383 23 59 51 52 53 54 *226 84 *233 82 -240 88 *248 00 ::; 255 18 599 43 611 63 623 83 636 00 648 12 448 21 456 26 464 18 471 93 479 50 302 06 307 18 312 22 317 10 321 88 *572 42 *570 91 *569 30 *567 56 *565 68 *382 92 *382 60 -382 28 -381 97 *381 67 55 *262 35 660 17 486 84 326 53 *563 74 *381 36 FIFTEEN- YEAR CLASS. 20-YEAR CLASS. Age. Life. 15 Paym't Life. 20 Paym't Life. 20 Year Eudowm't. Life. 20 Paym't Life. 25 26 27 28 29 $144 12 J 49 99 156 17 162 65 169 41 $381 04 389 96 399 18 4U8 71 418 52 $285 79 292 75 299 95 307 39 315 05 $655 90 665 68 655 43 *655 21 -655 04 $209 84 218 13 226 62 235 31 244 20 $428 57 43S 86 449 35 *469 02 470 88 30 31 32 33 34 176 42 183 65 191 06 196 65 206 39 42S 57 438 86 449 35 460 02 470 88 322 90 330 90 339 02 347 24 355 56 *654 72 *654 64 *654 44 *654 23 *653 98 253 29 262 57 272 02 281 65 291 42 481 91 493 11 504 46 515 95 527 57 35 36 37 38 39 214 30 222 36 230 54 238 83 247 22 481 91 493 11 504 46 515 95 527 57 363 97 372 44 380 95 389 48 398 01 -653 68 *653 49 *653 04 *653 60 -652 27 301 35 311 42 321 60 331 91 342 33 539 31 551 16 563 10 575 14 587 26 40 41 42 8 255 70 264 25 272 83 *281 47 *290 19 539 31 551 16 563 10 575 14 587 26 406 53 415 01 423 43 431 78 440 04 *651 54 *650 90 ♦650 09 *649 22 *648 21 352 84 *363 37 *373 90 -384 39 -394 86 599 43 611 63 623 £3 636 00 648 12 45 46 47 48 49 -299 01 -307 89 *316 86 *325 89 *334 98 599 43 611 63 623 83 636 00 648 12 448 21 456 26 464 18 *471 93 *479 50 *647 11 -645 97 *644 69 *643 34 *641 86 -405 30 -415 77 -426 07 *436 37 -446 62 660 17 672 13 683 96 695 65 707 19 50 51 52 53 54 *344 07 -353 18 *362 24 -371 25 *380 21 660 17 672 13 683 96 695 65 707 19 -486 84 *493 93 *500 76 '-507 25 *513 40 -640 32 *638 64 *636 82 *634 84 *632 71 *456 79 *466 88 -476 87 *486 76 *496 55 *718 57 *729 77 *740 77 *751 59 *762 16 55 -389 11 718 59 *519 25 *630 42 *506 21 *772 51 * These figures in Northwestern Agents' Estimate book are erroneous. 79 Mutual Life 20 Year Distribution guarantees American four per cent, reserve. CASH VALUES guaranteed on Policies of $1,000 each, Tontine and Semi-Tontine Policies of the Equitable, Toutiue and Non-forfeiting Limited Tontine Policies of New York Life, issued prior to 18S6, on the Mutual Life 10, 15 and 20-year Distribution Policies, as now issued, being the Reserve American Experience table of mortality, and four and one-half per cent, interest. 10-YEAR CLASS. Life, 10 Life, 15 Life, 20 15- Year 20- Year Age. Life. Annual Annual Annual Endow- Endow- Payrn'ts. Payrn'ts. Payrn'ts. ment. ment. 25 $ 73 08 8293 35 $192 85 $144 49 §577 09 $373 58 26 76 63 300 29 197 83 148 55 576 99 373 54 27 80 36 307 51 203 00 152 77 576 88 373 51 28 84 28 315 03 208 38 157 15 576 77 373 48 29 88 38 322 83 213 95 161 69 576 64 373 45 30 92 67 330 95 219 73 166 40 576 51 373 43 31 97 17 339 37 225 72 171 28 576 37 373 42 32 101 89 348 11 231 93 176 33 576 21 373 42 33 106 84 357 19 238 36 181 57 576 05 373 44 34 112 03 366 60 245 01 186 99 575 88 373 50 35 117 45 376 35 251 87 192 59 575 69 373 59 36 123 11 386 43 258 96 198 36 575 50 373 70 37 129 00 396 85 266 24 204 30 575 29 373 86 38 135 14 407 60 273 73 210 41 575 07 374 05 39 141 52 418 67 28141 216 67 574 84 374 28 40 148 11 430 04 289 25 223 04 574 58 374 54 41 154 89 441 69 297 22 229 52 574 29 374 81 42 161 85 453 63 305 31 236 08 573 94 375 08 43 168 99 465 82 313 49 242 70 573 55 375 36 44 176 28 478 26 321 75 249 36 573 09 375 64 45 183 72 490 92 330 06 256 05 572 56 375 90 46 191 29 503 80 338 38 262 73 571 93 376 15 47 198 98 516 87 346 70 269 39 571 22 376 39 48 206 79 530 10 355 00 276 01 570 40 376 62 49 214 71 543 48 363 23 282 59 569 47 376 84 50 222 74 556 99 371 40 289 11 568 43 377 07 51 230 87 570 59 379 45 295 56 567 26 377 32 52 239 09 584 26 387 37 301 92 565 97 377 59 53 247 39 597 97 395 13 308 18 564 54 377 89 54 255 76 611 70 402 68 314 34 562 96 378 24 55 264 19 625 42 410 01 320 37 561 23 378 62 56 272 62 639 08 417 06 326 23 559 32 57 281 06 652 65 423 80 331 92 557 24 58 289 45 666 11 430 20 337 38 554 95 59 297 76 679 42 436 17 342 59 552 43 60 305 98 692 54 441 70 347 52 549 65 PRESENT CASH VALUES guaranteed on Policies of $1,000 each, Tontine, Semi-Tontine and Free Tontine Policies of Equitable, and Tontine and Non-forfeiting Limited Tontine Policies of the New York Life, being the Reserve American Experience table of mortality and four per cent, interest. 34 37 $80 82 $328 81 $216 97 $162 83 $585 47 84 50 336 02 222 11 166 99 585 36 88 35 343 50 227 42 171 30 585 26 92 39 351 24 232 92 175 75 585 14 96 60 359 27 238 61 180 35 585 J)2 101 01 367 57 244 49 185 10 584 88 105 62 376 17 250 55 190 01 584 74 110 44 385 06 256 82 195 07 584 58 115 48 394 25 263 27 200 29 584 41 120 76 403 75 269 93 205 69 584 24 126 26 413 56 276 78 211 23 584 05 131 99 423 66 283 82 216 94 583 85 137 95 434 06 291 04 222 79 583 64 144 15 444 76 298 44 228 78 583 41 150 57 455 74 305 99 234 90 583 18 157 19 466 99 313 68 241 12 582 91 164 01 478 48 321 47 247 41 582 61 170 99 490 21 329 35 253 77 582 26 178 13 502 15 337 30 260 16 581 85 185 42 514 31 345 29 266 57 581 38 192 85 526 65 353 30 272 98 580 83 200 39 539 15 361 30 279 37 580 19 208 05 551 81 369 27 285 72 579 46 215 81 564 59 377 18 292 01 578 63 223 68 577 48 385 01 298 23 577 68 231 64 590 46 392 74 304 38 576 61 239 70 603 49 400 34 310 44 575 43 247 85 616 56 407 78 316 41 574 11 256 05 629 63 415 03 322 26 572 64 264 32 642 69 422 06 327 98 571 03 272 64 655 70 428 85 333 57 569 26 280 95 668 63 435 35 338 99 567 32 289 26 681 45 441 52 344 22 565 19 297 53 694 14 447 33 349 23 562 85 305 70 706 65 452 71 353 97 660 28 313 77 718 96 457 64 358 43 $384 81 384 76 384 72 384 68 384 64 384 61 384 59 384 58 384 59 384 63 384 69 384 79 384 92 385 09 385 29 385 51 385 74 385 97 386 20 386 42 386 63 386 81 386 98 387 13 387 26 387 40 387 55 387 71 387 89 388 10 388 34 Note.— The reserve values in the New York Life on some of the above ages varies one cent either larger or smaller than the figures given in table. 80 Mutua 1 Life 20 Year Distribution guarantees American four per cent, reserve, CASH VALUES guaranteed on Policies of $1,000 each, Tontine and Semi-Tontine Policies of the Equitable, Tontine and Non-forfeiting Limited Tontine Policies of New York Life, issued prior to 1SS6, on the Mutual Life 10, 15 and 20-year Distribution Policies, as now issued, being the Reserve American Experience table of mortality, and four and one-half per cent, interest. 15 YEAR CLASS. 20-Y'r Class Life, 15 Life, 20 20-Year Life, 20 Age. Life. Annual Annual Endow- Life Annual Paym'ts. Paym'ts. ment. Paym'ts. 25 8122 39 $330 95 $246 74 $645 65 $1S1 94 $376 35 26 12S 19 339 37 253 50 645 53 190 30 3^6 43 27 134 28 348 11 260 53 645 41 199 00 396 85 28 140 64 357 19 267 80 645 28 208 03 407 60 29 147 30 366 60 275 34 645 15 217 39 41S 67 30 154 24 376 35 283 12 645 00 227 05 430 04 31 1G1 49 386 43 291 16 644 87 237 02 441 69 32 169 03 396 85 299 45 644 72 247 26 453 63 33 176 88 407 60 307 97 644 58 257 77 465 82 34 185 02 418 67 316 73 644 43 268 56 478 26 35 193 43 430 04 325 68 644 27 279 59 490 92 36 202 08 441 69 834 82 644 09 290 85 503 80 37 211 00 453 63 344 12 643 88 302 32 516 87 38 220 14 465 82 353 56 643 65 313 99 530 10 39 229 52 478 26 363 13 643 40 325 84 543 48 40 239 11 490 92 372 81 643 10 337 85 556 99 41 248 90 503 80 382 56 642 75 350 00 570 59 42 258 87 516 87 392 36 642 35 362 25 584 26 43 268 99 530 10 402 19 641 89 374 58 597 97 44 279 26 543 48 412 00 641 35 386 96 611 70 45 289 65 556 99 421 78 640 74 399 37 625 42 46 300 14 570 59 431 49 640 03 411 76 639 08 47 310 72 584 26 441 09 639 23 424 11 652 65 48 321 36 597 97 450 56 638 33 436 39 666 11 49 332 05 611 70 459 86 637 32 448 54 679 42 50 342 79 625 42 468 97 636 20 460 56 692 54 51 353 54 639 08 477 84 634 97 472 41 705 44 52 364 27 652 65 486 46 633 62 484 08 718 11 53 374 96 666 11 494 76 632 15 495 61 730 56 54 385 55 679 42 502 71 630 52 507 07 742 82 55 396 04 692 54 510 27 628 72 518 57 754 92 56 406 37 705 44 517 38 530 21 766 89 57 416 55 718 11 523 99 542 OS 778 76 58 426 61 730 56 530 12 554 26 790 55 59 436 64 742 82 535 SO 566 77 802 22 60 446 78 754 92 541 10 579 68 813 80 PRESENT CASH VALUES guaranteed on Policies of $1,000 each, Tontine, Semi-Tontine and Free Tontine Policies of Equitable, and Tontine and Non-forfeiting Limited Tontine Policies of the New York Life, being the Reserve American Experience table of morsality and four per cent, interest. 27 $133 91 139 85 146 07 152 55 159 32 166 37 173 71 181 33 189 24 197 43 205 87 214 55 223 47 232 61 241 97 251 52 261 26 271 16 281 20 291 37 301 66 312 02 322 46 332 95 343 48 354 05 364 61 375 14 385 63 396 01 406 28 416 39 426 34 436 18 445 98 455 88 $367 57 376 17 385 06 394 25 403 75 413 56 423 66 434 06 444 76 455 74 466 99 478 48 490 21 502 15 514 31 526 65 539 15 551 81 564 59 577 48 590 46 603 49 616 56 629 63 642 69 655 70 668 63 681 45 694 14 706 65 718 96 731 05 742 89 754 50 765 92 777 16 $274 66 $655 62 $196 87 281 52 655 50 205 34 288 61 655 37 214 12 295 92 655 24 223 22 303 47 655 10 232 63 311 24 654 96 242 33 319 24 654 82 252 30 327 45 654 66 262 54 335 87 654 51 273 04 344 49 654 35 • 283 78 353 28 654 18 294 75 362 21 653 99 305 93 371 28 653 77 317 30 380 46 653 53 328 85 389 73 653 25 340 57 399 07 652 93 352 42 408 46 652 57 364 40 417 86 652 14 376 45 427 25 651 66 388 57 436 61 651 09 400 73 445 90 650 45 412 91 455 09 649 71 425 04 464 14 648 87 437 13 473 04 647 92 449 13 481 75 646 86 461 00 490 25 645 70 472 73 498 49 644 41 484 29 506 45 643 01 495 66 514 10 641 46 506 88 521 37 639 76 518 04 528 25 637 88 529 23 534 67 540 55 540 60 552 11 546 03 563 95 551 01 576 13 555 60 588 70 $413 56 42; 66 434 06 444 76 455 74 466 99 478 48 490 21 502 15 514 31 526 65 539 15 551 81 564 59 577 48 590 46 603 49 616 56 629 63 642 69 655 70 668 63 681 45 694 14 706 65 718 96 731 05 742 89 754 50 765 92 777 16 788 26 799 26 810 14 820 91 831 55 NOIH!. — The reserve values in the New York Life on some of the above ages varies one cent either larger or smaller than the figures given in table. *3 is ^ ^MM sr\V ^^KsfS^^Sfe Kg Vn :1k 5 \ - - - ri 3 mi S8 M> l|||§|| ^& ^: IK wmMm &3l ^ mWM w. w • t^K*vj m% .r^^ '/f/ SS^ WBm wm, ^ A I^^^SlSfi ^^^^ • ■; 7 >> - - « mm IB m Bwrnm I \- sfi^Eifssa* m « ■3$ vr ai "*i 1M ^H i„ _