>• /^ •< A*. •' >*, >*. > . -«w-- ./"v-w.->*'x -m? ./' L** .•*'•- ^ Ao* t J°+ c> * .* >* • L^L'* <>,. *^-' ^ V*»^! .* '* »lsif. * v \ : -W 3 /Villi' ♦♦*** *-SP /" v ./ /ife\ %. .** v «iVA'« % ,/ 5 /iSS\ *♦* i ? - J% s^*. ^ A * .W^. *<&» >* /fife'-. V.** !: *°%. • 4? *iii> * *' .■ ^^ K- ^ -«W-\y ^ *%&• % ./ /iSfc\ %V .^Sifc. V/ HypmiotDSinni o o o Clairvoyance ....BY. .. Prof. J. W. WELTNER, President of The National University of Magnetic Healing, St. Louis, Mo- t and Author of Mail Course in Mag- netic Healing, Etc. <£^jtjt<£j*£jl ♦ ♦♦^•'♦♦^ ST. LOUIS, MO., Perrin & Smith Printing Co. 1899. TWO COPIES RECElVKDfc Library of Congrt«% Offica of the Register of Copyright* 48689 Entered according- to Act of Congress in the year 1899, by J. W. WEI/TNER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. , J Second copy. ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®( BOOK I ®