^^^ 'bV'' < V "^ * o • » A' .•^°^ <&■ ,.'"'<', -Jv^ , .^ .-l^^ <> *; A ,> \/ .*1°<. ■^-. .^^^^i-^'-"^ .^^^•^i'% ^'^:^^'> .^^ -^i^^ /.-•- -^ > ,v ., V'^'^'*/ V'*^^^\^''' v^*"-'^ .^'\ •>o^ * '^ •^6" v-'-y V'3'\/\_ V'"^"'/' "v'^'^V V'"^^'"/' '\ **'•■■• A^ *-'-i--\ «<•«'> /--^i-X o'°-]e^-> /--^i-X .^""•- 4 CU .0^ ..-4*,**; ^^ '^_ A , « o . ^^ ...*. -tU •^-^ .(X.* -o»a. -~ .n • .^^ cCl°^ ^^-^^^ > _ 5 • • . •>. (jV ^ , , , .-^^^ '-^"^-^ .'^".^i'^^'^^ ^^*'^•^t^''-^ ^''^^^%''^ .^^^*^<'''''- o^\^"-'/^' ' 0' 1^7 o C, vP A IC 9059 Bureau of Mines Information Circular/1986 Precious Metals Recovery From Low- Grade Resources Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Open Industry Briefing Session at the National Western Mining Conference, Denver, CO, February 12, 1986 Compiled by Staff, Bureau of Mines UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Information Circular 9059 Precious Metals Recovery From Low- Grade Resources Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Open Industry Briefing Session at the National Western Mining Conference, Denver, CO, February 12, 1986 Compiled by Staff, Bureau of Mines UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Model, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES Robert C. Norton, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Precious metals recovery from low-grade resources. (Bureau of Mines information circular ; 9059) Includes Bibliographies. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27:9059. 1. Precious metals— Metallurgy— Congresses. I. United States. Bureau of Mines. II. National Western Mining Conference ( 1986 : Den- ver, Colo.). III. Series: Information circular (United States, Bureau of Mines) ; 9059. [-NR2H+X" (Protonation) (B) I-NR2H+X- + M(CN)2' ^=^ |_NR2H+M(CN)2" + X- (Loading) (C) Both resin types can be eluted at ambient temperature and pressure. Weak-base res- ins generally can be eluted using a di- lute caustic solution. Strong-base res- ins, however, are more difficult to elute and require a more rigorous treatment. Potassium thiosulfate, acetone plus HCl, ethyl acetate plus HNO3 diluted with water (13) , zinc cyanide, and dimethyl formamide have each been used to recov- er gold ( 15 ) . Each elution technique has one or more of the following dis- advantages: fire hazard, noxious gas formation, or the need for special regen- eration procedures. The mechanisms for eluting strong- and weak-base resins are described by the reverse of reactions A and C, respectively. STRONG-BASE RESINS During the past few years, the Bureau of Mines has investigated problems as- sociated with the elution of gold, sil- ver, and mercury from strong-base resins such as Amberlite IRA-430 and 900 and Dowex 21-K, SBR, and SMA-1.3 Tests were initiated by loading resins with 145 tr oz/st each of gold, silver, and mer- cury from cyanide solutions doped with radioactive tracers for analysis. The loaded resins were eluted with several eluants, such as H2SO4, HNO3 , acid chlo- ride, hypochlorite, and/or alkaline chlo- ride solutions. Figure 1 shows a simplified flowsheet for the preferred eluting sequence. Ta- ble 1 presents the results of using the simplified flowsheet with each of the five resins. Generally, all five strong- base resins behaved similarly. Within the first 3 h, 100 pet of the mercury was eluted with 2N H2SO4. No gold and only about 10 pet of the silver was eluted with the mercury; however, about 20 pet ■^Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. of the silver was eluted with the mercury using the SBR resin. A subsequent elu- tion with 200 g/L NaCl in IN HCl removed all of the remaining silver from the five resins in 6 h with less than 10 pet of the gold being eluted. A final elution with 0.75 pet NaClO in 150 g/L NaCl plus 5 g/L NaOH removed 93 to 98 pet of the gold in 9 h. Pregnant leoch solution (Au, Ag, Hg) Loaded SBR Resin adsorption circuit Barren leach solution H2SO4- NaCI plus HCl NoCIO in NoCI plus NoOh' SBR (Au,Ag,Hg) SBR {Au, Ag) SBR (Au) ■Hg -Ag -Au Barren SBR FIGURE 1. - Flowsheet for recovery of mercury, silver, and gold from a loaded strong-base exchange resin (SBR) by sequential elution. TABLE 1. - Sequential elution of mercury, silver, and gold from strong-base ion-exchange resins Cumulative elution Metal eluted (cumulative) , pet Eluant solution Amberlite Amberlite Dowex Dowex Dowex time, h IRA-430 IRA- 9 00 21K SMA-1 SBR EG Ag Au Hg Ag Au Hg Ag Au Hg Ag Au Hg Ag Au 2N H2SO4 1 2 82 98 93 92 78 99 4 6 56 87 3 5 1 62 95 18 18 3 100 100 5 100 7 100 9 100 20 200 g/L NaCl in IN HCl 4 5 100 100 62 85 2 100 100 65 89 100 100 69 88 100 100 57 84 2 2 100 100 62 83 n 6 100 95 5 100 97 100 96 1 100 93 2 100 93 7 100 98 7 100 99 100 98 2 100 96 5 100 97 3 8 100 100 8 100 100 100 100 4 100 98 5 100 99 3 9 100 100 8 100 100 100 100 4 100 99 5 100 100 3 0.75 pet NaClO in 150 g/L NaCl plus 5 g/L NaOH 10 100 100 75 100 100 83 100 100 31 100 100 28 100 100 68 11 100 100 83 100 100 91 100 100 58 100 100 56 100 100 79 12 100 100 87 100 100 95 100 100 79 100 100 67 100 100 87 13 100 100 87 100 100 95 100 100 91 100 100 76 100 100 90 14 100 100 88 100 100 97 100 100 93 100 100 85 100 100 91 15 100 100 89 100 100 97 100 100 95 100 100 92 100 100 92 16 100 100 91 100 100 97 100 100 96 100 100 98 100 100 94 17 100 100 92 100 100 97 100 100 96 100 100 98 100 100 94 18 100 100 93 100 100 98 100 100 97 100 100 98 100 100 95 WEAK-BASE RESINS In addition to the work on sequential elution of strong-base resins, research was conducted with weak-base resins to determine their effectiveness in adsorb- ing gold and/or mercury from a caustic- cyanide solution. Both commercially available and experimental anion-exchange resins were examined. Experimental resins were included in the investigation because they effectively adsorb metal- cyanide complexes in the pH range in which most gold mills operate, pH 10 to 11. Table 2 lists the weak-base resins tested in this investigation, along with available information concerning the res- in matrix material and functional group. TABLE 2. - Weak-base ion-exchange resins used in adsorption-elution experiments, by manufacturer Resin Sybron Corp. : A-305 Diamond Shamrock Chemical Co: A-7 , A-340 , A-561 , Dow Chemical Co, : MWA-1 , WGR-2 , XFS-40114 , XFS-43309 XFS-43356 , XU-40138 XU-40139 Functional group Poly amine, Secondary amine, Polyamine , ...do , Dimethyl tertiary amine. Polyamine ...do , NA. NA. NA. NA. Matrix Epoxy amine. Phenof ormaldehyde. Epoxy amine, Phenof ormaldehyde. Styrene-DVB. Epoxy amine. Do. NA. NA. NA. NA. NA Proprietary data not available from manufacturer. Batch-contact equilibrivim experiments were performed with each Ion-exchange resin to determine the effect of pH on the resin adsorption of gold and/or mer- cury. Six 1-g samples of each resin were equilibrated at a specific pH value be- tween 5 and 13 with NaOH and HCl. A syn- thetic feed solution (200 mL) contain- ing 500 ppm Au, 500 ppm Hg, and 0.5 g/L NaCN was placed in a 250-mL plastic di- gestion vessel, and the solution pH was adjusted to the respective pH of each resin. Resin was added and the mixture was rolled for about 48 h. Following the equilibrium contact, a sample of solution was removed for gold and mercury analy- sis, and the final equilibrium pH was measured. Figures 2 and 3 show the adsorption results for gold and mercury, respective- ly, for the commercially available res- ins A-305, A-7, A-340, A-561, MWA-1, and WGR-2 (as listed in table 2). The slopes of these curves are very typical for weak-base resins and show clearly the influence of pH on a resin's ability to adsorb metal-cyanide complexes. Better adsorption occurred in the pH range below 9 for both gold and mercury, with none of the resins selective for gold over mercury. However, the A-305 resin indi- cated a preference for loading mercury over gold. Additional research performed on the A-305 resin indicated that this resin may be suitable for application in adsorbing mercury from existing gold operations. Testing was expanded with a mill leach solution to determine the effect of adsorption-elution recycling using a flow-through column and an experimental procedure. Figure 4 presents typical ad- sorption curves for both gold and mercury using this resin. Initially, gold ad- sorbed onto the resin, then quickly de- sorbed into the solution. Mercury, how- ever, steadily adsorbed. During the recycling experiments, the data showed that the resin's effectiveness to adsorb mercury decreased with each successive loading cycle. Attempts to regenerate the resin were unsuccessful. Subsequently, several experimental res- ins were tested using the batch-contact equilibrium technique previously de- scribed. Figures 5 and 6 show the ad- sorption results for gold and mercury, respectively, for a group of experimental resins developed by Dow Chemical Co. (XFS-40114, XFS-43309, XFS-43356, XU- 40138, and XU-40139). Of particular in- terest are the three resins XFS-40114, XU-40138, and XU-40139. Gold and mercury were more efficiently adsorbed by these three resins, at a pH between 9 and 11, than they were by any of the other previ- ously examined resins. Also, the slopes of the curves for these resins were much steeper between pH 11 and 12, indicating that the resins should be easily eluted by a solution with a high pH value. Fol- lowing the adsorption tests, a sample of XFS-40114 was eluted using IM NaOH at am- bient temperature. Nearly 100 pet of the gold and 50 pet of the adsorbed mercury were recovered with 100 mL of eluant. Testing was expanded to determine the effectiveness of the three promising res- ins with actual leach solutions in a flow-through contact column. The leach solution contained 1.7 ppm Au, 3.0 ppm Ag, and 0.3 ppm Hg, with a pH of approxi- mately 10.5 and a free cyanide concentra- tion of 0.5 g/L. Approximately 5 L of solution was pumped through 1 g of resin in a 1-cm-ID glass column at a flow rate of 0.5 bed volume per minute. Following the adsorption phase, the loaded resin was eluted with 200 mL of IM NaOH at a flow rate of 0.17 bed volume per minute. Adsorption curves for gold, silver, and mercury are shown in figures 7, 8, and 9, respectively. The total adsorption and elution recoveries for these experiments are given in table 3. TABLE 3. - Summary of adsorption-elution results for selected resins, pet Resin Metal adsorption Metal eluted Au Hg Ag Au Hg Ag XFS-40114 XU-40138 XU-40139 54.2 57.7 81.1 51.8 57.4 66.6 4.8 10.8 13.2 13.7 53.1 13.1 8.7 6.0 76.6 85.1 51.9 8 9 10 EQUILIBRIUM pH FIGURE 2. - Equilibrium adsorption curves for gold with commercially available exchange resins. (Broken curve patterns used for visual distinction only.) 8 9 10 EQUILIBRIUM pH FIGURE 3..- Equilibrium adsorption curves for mercury with commercially available exchange resins. (Broken curve patterns used for visual distinction only.) a. CL a. Q- <] Q. CC O (f) Q < _l UJ 0.4 0.8 1.2 SOLUTION VOLUME, L FIGURE 4. - Gold and mercury adsorption curves using resin A-305 with actual leach solution. 100 80 2 60 I- Q. CC O if) § 40 o 20 - 1 'C::::;^-^..^^ ' 1 1 KEY °\ ^^^^Sv\ XFS-43356 \ ^nN/\ □ XFS-43309 - h^ n\/\ A XFS-401 14 - \ ^vv ^ . ■ XU-40138 \ ^k \« XU-40 139 \ ^\ \ Ik^N. \ \\\ \ \ ^v\ «v V "^ \ \ ^\v \ \ \ IS. s ^ \ \\. -a. \_AcN° "^^ \ \^^ ~-~-o ^-— dv ^ 1 1 1 1 1 7 12 8 9 10 II EQUILIBRIUM pH FIGURE 5. - Equilibrium adsorption curves for gold with experimental exchange resins. 13 100 80 60 - 40 - 20 . ' "^ 1 1 \ t^ \\ \ \X - ^\ \?v — \\ \ \\ V \\ - \ 1 \\\ w ^ \ \\ \\ \ \\ v\ \. KEY \ o XFS-43356 \> \ P ■i N^ ^ y Q XFS-43309 ^^. oS ^ -A XFS-401 1 4 ■ XU-40138 D -=rtr- \ ^^^ • XU-40139 1 1 1 1 1 8 9 10 II 12 EQUILIBRIUM pH FIGURE 6. - Equilibrium adsorption curves for mercury with experimental exchange resins. 13 CL CL CL CL <] o I- Q. q: o to Q < O uu ^ f ■ "h— ^^-Ili* 1 ' 1 80 \ • \ — 60 - ^^ =^^- ^v • KEY ^^^ ^^ • N. A XFS-401 14 "^ IT"^^ ■ 1 40 on ■ XU-40138 • XU-40139 1 1 1 1 I 2 3 SOLUTION VOLUME, L FIGURE 7. - Gold adsorption curves for resins XFS-40n4, XU-40138, and XU-40139 with actual leach solution. o Q. CL Q. 80 60 Q. CL < 40 a. cr o CO Q < q: LU CO 20 KEY A XFS-40 1 14 ■ XU-40138 • XU-40139 00 12 3 4 SOLUTION VOLUME, L FIGURE 8. - Silver adsorption curves for resins XFS-401 14, XU-40138, and XU-40139 with actual leach solution. Q- Ci. 80 ^ a Q. < o 60 1- LL cr o CO < 40 >- en 3 o cr LU 20 Vn. 1 1 1 1 KEY ^v^ A XFS-401 14 -> ^^ ■ XU-40138 • XU-40139 — K^ •\« • ^^^^ 1 1 ■ 1 1 12 3 4 SOLUTION VOLUME, L FIGURE 9. - Mercury adsorption curves for resins XFS-40114, XU-40138, and XU-40139 with actual leach solution. These three resins (XFS-40114, XU- 40138, and XU-40139) were generally se- lective for gold and mercury, with mini- mal silver and other base metals being adsorbed. The stronger the attraction a resin had for gold and mercury, the less selective it was and the poorer the elu- tion with NaOH. The exchange resin XU- 40138 appeared to show the best loading and eluting characteristics. During this experiment, XU-40138 loaded to about 140 tr oz/st Au and produced an eluant con- taining an average of 12.4 ppm Au. By comparison, XU-40139 and XFS-40114 loaded 134 and 97 tr oz/st Au, respectively, and eluted average Au concentrations of 1.7 and 3.9 ppm, respectively. The weak-base resin XU-40138 may have a commercial ap- plication if cyclic loading-elution tests are successful. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Strong-base ani on-exchange resins were loaded with gold, silver, and mercury, then sequentially eluted with various eluants. Sequential elution of Amberlite IRA-430, for example, eluted 100 pet of the mercury with 2N H2SO4, 100 pet of the silver with 200 g/L NaCl in IN HCl, and all of the remaining gold with 0.75 pet NaClO in 150 g/L NaCl plus 5 g/L NaOH. Depending on the strong-base resin exam- ined, this elution scheme allowed little contamination between the mercury and the precious metals. In addition to strong-base resins, weak-base resins were investigated for possible applications in the caustic- cyanide systems of the gold industry. None of the commercial weak-base resins tested was suitable for a caustic-cyanide system; however, three experimental res- ins have possible application because of their effectiveness in the pH range of 10 to 12. When using a mill leach solu- tion, these resins adsorbed the gold and mercury with only minimal silver being adsorbed. REFEEIENCES 1. Arizona Pay Dirt. Gold Fields De- velops State of the Art Leaching System at Ortiz. No. 516, 1982, pp. 41-42, 44, 46, 48. 2. Engineering and Mining Journal. Alligator Ridge Uses Heap Leaching To Produce Gold Bullion Bars. V. 182, No. 8, 1981, pp. 35, 37. 3. Grace, K. A. Exploration and De- velopment in 1981. World Min. , v. 183, No. 7, 1981, pp. 58-62. 4. Jackson, A. Jerrit Canyon Project. Eng. and Min. J., v. 183, No. 7, 1982, pp. 54-58. 5. Skillings, D. N. , Jr. Getty Mining Co. Starting Up Its Mercury Gold Opera- tion in Utah. Skillings' Min. Rev., v. 72, No. 17, 1983, pp. 4-9. 6. . Homes take Proceeding With Its McLaughlin Gold Project. Skillings' Min. Rev., v. 72, No. 4, 1983, pp. 3-6. 7. . Pinson Mining Co. Mark- ing First Full Year of Gold Production. Skillings' Min. Rev., v. 71, No. 28, 1982, pp. 8-12. 8. . Smokey Valley Operations at Its Round Mountain Mine in Nevada. Skillings' Min. Rev., v. 68, No. 9, 1979, p. 8. 9. Steel, G. L. Candelaria: Famous Silver Producer. Min. Eng. (Littleton, CO), V. 33, No. 6, 1981, pp. 659-660. 10. Laxen, P. A., G. S. M. Becker, and R. Rubin. Developments in the Applica- tion of Carbon-in-Pulp to Recovery of Gold From South African Ores. J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. & Metall. , v. 79, No. 11, 1979, pp. 315-326. 11. Potter, G. M., and H. B. Salis- bury. Innovations in Gold Metallurgy. (Pres. at Am. Min. Congr. Min. Conv. and Environ. Show, Denver, CO, Sept. 9-12, 1973.) BuMines preprint (Salt Lake City, UT), 1973, 12 pp. 12. Hussey, S. J. Application of Ion Exchange Resins in the Cyanidation of a Gold and Silver Ore. BuMines RI 4374, 1949, 34 pp. 13. Burstall, F. H. , P. J. Forrest, N. F. Kember, and R. A, Wells. Ion Ex- change Process for Recovery of Gold From Cyanide Solution. Ind. and Eng. Chem. , V. 45, No. 8, 1953, pp. 1648-1658. 14. Mooiman, M. D. , J. 0. Miller, J. B. Hiskey, and A. R. Hendriksz. Com- parison of Process Alternatives for Gold Recovery From Cyanide Leach Solutions. Paper in Proc. Soc. Min. Eng. AIME Fall Meeting (Salt Lake City, UT, Oct. 19-21, 1983). AIME, 1984, pp. 93-107. 15. Von Michaelis, H. Innovation in Gold and Silver Recovery. Soc. Min. Eng. AIME, preprint 83-119, 1983, 9 pp. 10 STAGED HEAP LEACHING-DIRECT ELECTROWINNING By C. H. Elgesi and M. D. Wroblewski2 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines is conducting re- search to develop a staged, agglomeration heap leaching system employing direct electrowinning of dissolved precious met- als from the pregnant leaching solution. This paper describes bench-scale research the Bureau conducted to develop such a system and an efficient electrowinning cell. The Bureau demonstrated through leach- ing simulations that pregnant solutions suitable for direct electrowinning can be generated by staged heap leaching. The Bureau also demonstrated that improved mass transfer (IMT) cells can recover precious metals from low-grade pregnant solutions generated by cyanide heap leaching. This research indicates that staged heap leaching-direct electrowin- ning is a promising technique for recov- ering precious metals from low-grade resources. INTRODUCTION Heap leaching has been used to recover gold and silver from low-grade ores since the early 1970' s, and numerous operations in the Western United States are present- ly using heap leaching to produce pre- cious metals (J:.~3.)»'^ One stimulus for the rapid increase in the number of com- mercial operations has been the dramatic and sustained increase in the price of gold. Another stimulus has been a suc- cession of improvements in the practice of heap leaching that has made possible the treatment of increasingly difficult ores. Current heap leaching practice for pre- cious metals includes sprinkling di- lute alkaline NaCN solution on heaps of crushed material, which may have been agglomerated with cement or lime (4-^) , and allowing the solution to percolate through the heap. The effluent is col- lected and passed through activated car- bon beds that adsorb the precious metals. For ores in which the silver content is high relative to the gold content, Merrill-Crowe zinc precipitation may be ^Chemical engineer. ^Physical science technician. Reno Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Reno, NV. ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. favorable ; this technique avoids the large carbon inventories required to ad- sorb the larger quantity of silver. When carbon is used, the precious metals are removed by stripping at elevated tempera- ture with a strong caustic-cyanide solu- tion, often with the addition of methyl or ethyl alcohol (7). Gold and silver are recovered from the stripping solution by electrowinning onto a steel wool cath- ode and are then fire-refined to produce dore metal. The carbon adsorption-desorption step is an efficient way to concentrate the typically dilute gold solutions (about 1 mg/L) from heap leaching. However, be- cause the carbon is usually acid-washed and must be thermally regenerated before reuse, the carbon adsorption-desorption step can add significantly to the operat- ing and capital costs of a heap leaching operation. In marginal cases, this step may make an operation uneconomical. In addition, there are precious metals losses associated with loss of carbon from the system. For these reasons, it is desirable to eliminate the carbon adsorption-desorption step and directly electrowin the gold from the heap effluent. For staged heap leaching-direct elec- trowinning to be efficient, the precious metals concentration of the pregnant so- lution generated during leaching must be 11 higher than that obtained by conventional heap leaching, and the solutions may have to be fortified with electrolyte. The precious metals concentration of the pregnant solution can be increased by (1) leaching with smaller volumes of so- lution, (2) agglomeration pretreatment with cyanide solution (which starts the leaching process during the curing peri- od) , and (3) cycling the leaching solu- tion through more than one heap in a staged manner. The resultant pregnant solution is passed directly through an electrowinning circuit. The barren solu- tion from electrowinning is recycled to the leaching circuit. For direct electrowinning of precious metals to be commercially feasible, it is necessary to obtain suitable recov- eries in electrolytic cells of reason- able size and at ambient temperature, be- cause heating large volumes of solution is costly. This objective is made more difficult because the concentration of precious metals in heap leaching solu- tions is very low, A typical heap leach- ing pregnant solution contains 0,5 to 2.0 mg/L Au, compared to 50 to 1,000 mg/L Au in carbon stripping solutions from which gold is conventionally electrowon. The requirements for direct electrowinning are (1) precious metals electrowinning cells that operate more efficiently at ambient temperature than those currently in use and (2) a method for conducting heap leaching operations that maximizes the precious metals content. The Bureau is currently investigating direct elec- trowinning of gold and silver from heap leaching solutions and has developed electrolytic cells with IMT characteris- tics. Countercurrent staged heap leach- ing techniques are being improved in order to increase the concentration of precious metals in the heap effluent. DIRECT ELECTROWINNING CELL DESIGN The Bureau's original IMT cell design is similar to that of the Zadra cell, which has been the industry standard for gold electrowinning for many years (8^) . The Zadra cell (fig. 1) features three concentric circular containers. The in- ner container, which serves as the cath- ode compartment, is a perforated insula- tor that contains a central feed tube, current distributor, and steel wool, onto which precious metals are deposited. The Pregnant solution • CROSS SECTION FIGURE 1. - Zadra cell design Barren solution SIDE VIEW anode, a circular stainless steel screen, is outside the cathode in the second con- tainer. Pregnant solution enters through the central feed tube and flows upward and outward through the steel wool, Zadra-type cells have been used to elec- trowin precious metals from stripping solutions at temperatures of 70° to 85° C. However, several disadvantages of the Zadra design are that solution flow is unevenly distributed, "effective" electrode spacing is excessive,^ and cell volume is utilized inefficiently. The circular IMT cell (fig. 2) was designed to overcome the problems of the Zadra cell by providing uniform solution flow across and through the cathodic steel wool. The solution distribution tube is stainless steel and serves as a second anode, which decreases the effec- tive electrode spacing. To increase the cell efficiency, provision was made for rapid internal solution circulation. Al- though the mean residence time is unaf- fected by this internal circulation, the ^The physical properties of the pervi- ous steel wool cathode preclude exact measurement of electrode spacing. 12 Pregnant solution Recirculation pump >> Anode n> ® ffi] f3S;i © .Cathode h L ■Barren solution Cathode compartment (steel wool) Anode compartment FIGURE 2. - Design of large IMT cell. highly turbulent flow results in a thin- ner electrode boundary layer, decreases concentration polarization, and increases metal deposition rates up to 200 pet. Internal circulation flow rates were 10 to 25 times the pregnant solution feed rate. The circular cell was built in several sizes, ranging from 55 to 888 cm^ (cathode volume). The data presented in this paper were generated using circular IMT cells, al- though current research efforts are con- centrated on a rectangular IMT cell. The rectangular cell is similar in appearance to "breadbasket" types currently in use. It should scale up easily while retaining the favorable operating characteristics of the circular cell, ELECTROWINNING TESTS Direct electrowinning tests were made using small (55 cm^ cathode volume) and large (888 cm^) circular IMT cells. The cells were operated at ambient tem- perature (20* to 25° C) with voltage, amperage, feed rate, internal circula- tion rate, NaOH concentration, and pre- cious metals concentration as variables. Small-cell tests were performed by pump- ing solution from a reservoir through the cell numerous times , using various flow rates and operating times. Large-cell tests were made by passing feed solution through the cell once, but with internal circulation of the solution. For comparison, direct electrowinning tests were made using small (67 cm^ cath- ode volume) and large (888 cm^) Zadra 0.05 0.10 0.15 NaOH CONG, M 0.20 FIGURE 3. - concentration. 72 mL ^min.) Recovery of gold with increasing NaOH (Cell operated at 3 V and feed rate of cells. The cells were operated at 3 V and ambient temperature (20° to 25° C) , Retention time in the cells was varied, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Operating data and results are given for the small circular IMT cell in table 1 and for the large circular IMT cell in tables 2 and 3, The results show that flow rate and NaOH concentration are im- portant parameters. Pregnant solutions from heap leaching are unsuitable as cell electrolytes unless they are fortified with electrolyte. Figure 3 shows the in- crease in gold recovery with the addition of NaOH to 0,05M (4 Ib/st of solution) in the large IMT cell. Although NaOH was the most effective additive for fortifying the electrolyte, other salts were investigated, Na2C03 functioned well, but was not as effective on a molar basis. Two salts of strong acids, Na2S0i+ and NaN03 , were also inves- tigated but caused severe corrosion of the stainless steel anodes. The effects of the circulation flow rate on gold and silver recovery in the small IMT cell are shown in figure 4, Recovery of both metals increased mark- edly with increased flow rates up to approximately 250 mL/min and then decreased. The effects of the internal circulation flow and feed rates on gold and silver 13 TABLE 1. - Performance of small IMT celll Current , Operating time, h Flow rate, mL/min NaOH cone, M Recovery, pet Deposition i rate, mg/min A Au Ag Au Ag 0.07 1.0 30 0.10 54 73 0.3 0.6 .08 1.0 75 .10 74 81 .5 .7 .08 1.0 150 .10 90 96 .6 .8 .09 1.0 240 .10 92 100 .8 1.0 .09 1.0 420 .10 84 99 .6 .9 .09 1.5 250 .10 97 100 .5 .7 .03 2.0 250 .01 43 26 .2 .1 .03 2.0 250 .02 46 31 .2 .1 .06 2.0 250 .05 61 78 .2 .4 .08 2.0 250 .10 84 91 .3 .4 .09 2.0 250 .15 92 92 .3 .4 .12 2.0 250 .20 96 96 .3 .5 ^Cell operated at 3 V. Pregnant synthetic solutions contained approximately 40 mg/L Au and 50 mg/L Ag. Cathode packing density, 0.018 g/cm^ (1 g steel wool). TABLE 2. - Performance of large IMT cell showing effects of internal circulation flow rate and feed rate^ Current, Retention Internal circulation Feed rate, Recovery, Deposition rate. A time, min flow rate, L/min mL/min pet mg/min Au Ag Au Ag 0.6 8.6 250 43 56 4.5 7.0 .7 8.6 .5 250 60 70 6.3 8.8 .7 8.6 1.0 250 67 78 6.5 10.3 .8 8.6 1.5 250 73 85 6.8 10.2 .8 8.6 2.0 250 75 81 7.4 9.1 .8 21.5 2.0 100 86 91 3.7 6.4 .8 4.3 2.0 500 51 63 8.1 16.0 ^Cell operated at 3 V with O.IM NaOH. Pregnant synthetic solutions contained approximately 40 mg/L Au and 50 mg/L Ag. Cathode packing density, 0.018 g/cm^ (16 g steel wool) . TABLE 3. - Performance of large IMT cell showing effects of cell voltage and NaOH concentration^ Potential, Current, NaOH cone. PH Au recov- Deposition Current efficiency. V A ■ M ery, pet rate, mg/min pet 1.5 ~o 0.05 12.75 2.0 .1 .05 12.75 39 1.8 23.4 2.5 .3 .05 12.75 64 2.0 12.9 3.0 .4 .05 12.75 90 2.8 14.8 3.5 .6 .05 12.75 95 2.9 9.8 4.0 .8 .05 12.75 97 3.0 7.6 3.0 .1 ~0 9.35 12 .4 7.3 3.0 .2 .01 10.45 68 2.1 21.0 3.0 .4 .05 12.75 90 2.8 14.8 3.0 .5 .10 13.05 94 2.9 11.5 3.0 .7 .15 13.13 96 3.0 8.5 3.0 1.0 .20 13.40 97 3.0 6.3 ^All tests used a retention time of 12.3 min, a feed rate of 72 mL/min, and an in- ternal circulation flow rate of 2 L/min. Pregnant solutions contained 43 mg/L Au and 1 mg/L Ag. Cathode packing density, 0.018 g/cm^. 14 100 ^ 90 / /C^-^ ^Silver o / X ^^^^^ _ Q. / / ^r ^© .80 >- '// ^^Gold uj 70 >/ > / 8 60 -/ UJ 1 ^50 w 40 1 1 1 1 1 100 200 300 400 500 FLOW RATE, mL/min FIGURE 4. - Recovery of gold and silver with in- creasing circulation flow rate after 1 h of operating time. (O.OlMNaOH.) 2 3 4 5 CELL POTENTIAL, V FIGURE 5. - Recovery of gold with increasing cell potential. (0.05M NaOH; feed rote, 72 mL/min; in- ternal circulation flow rate, 2 L/min; retention time, 30 min.) recovery in the large IMT cell are shovm in table 2. Gold and silver recovery and deposition rates increased as the inter- nal circulation flow rate increased. When the feed rate was increased, gold and silver recovery decreased, but the deposition rates increased. The data show that silver is more easily electro- won than gold; consequently, adjustment of electrowinning parameters to achieve the best gold recovery will ensure good silver recovery. The effects of decreasing gold con- centration in the feed to the small IMT cell are shown in table 4, Deposi- tion rates decreased with decreasing gold concentration, and the current effi- ciency decreased to <1 pet when the gold concentration in the pregnant solution was less than 7 mg/L, The effects of cell voltage on gold re- covery and cell current in the large IMT cell are shown in figure 5, Current var- ied directly with applied voltage, and gold recovery increased at greater cell currents. Figure 6 shows that while gold deposition rates increased with increased cell potential, current efficiency de- creased sharply. When the cell potential was increased above 2 V, a greater pro- portion of the current was used in the decomposition of water as opposed to the deposition of gold. Table 5, which compares the opera- tion of large Zadra and IMT cells, shows that gold and silver recovery, current TABLE 4. - Performance of small IMT cell with decreasing gold concentration in feed solution^ Au in pregnant sol, mg/L Au recovered in 1 h of operating time, pet Deposition rate, mg/min Current efficiency, pet 48 92 93 91 84 82 85 81 0.72 .60 .28 .11 .07 .03 .015 9.6 37 8.6 10 2.3 7.4 1.5 3.8 .71 2.1 .50 1.1 .20 ^Cell operated at 3 V, with a flow rate of 240 mL/min, a retention time of 3.3 min, an NaOH concentration of O.IOM, and a cathode packing density of 0.018 g/cm^. TABLE 5. - Recovery of gold and silver in large electrolytic cells ^ Feed rate, mL/min Current , A Synthetic pregnant solu t ion , mg Au Ag Recovery, mg Au Ag Current efficiency, pet Au Ag Deposition rate, mg/min Au Ag ZADRA CELL 100 0.60 592 720 290 403 2.5 6.3 1.8 2.5 250 .75 656 880 112 336 1.9 10.5 1.8 5.3 500 .75 640 896 64 208 2.2 12.9 2.0 6.5 IMT CELL 100 0.95 688 1,136 594 1,030 3.2 10.1 3.7 6.4 250 .95 608 816 440 629 5.9 15.4 6.9 9.8 500 .97 512 816 261 512 6.9 24.6 8.2 16.0 •'^Both cells were operated at ambient temperature, at 3 V, with a cath- ode packing density of 0.018 g/cm^ , a feed volume of 16 L, and O.IM NaOH. The IMT cell had an internal circulation flow rate of 2 L/min. Recovery based on 1 pass through cell. 15 efficiency, and deposition rate, were all substantially higher for the IMT cell than for the Zadra cell , higher feed rates. especially at STAGED HEAP LEACHING HEAP PREPARATION AND LEACHING CYCLE Staged heap leaching was developed to produce pregnant solutions with the high- est possible gold concentration. Figure 7 is a schematic of staged heap leaching operated in conjunction with direct elec- trowinning. Using this scheme, several heaps are leached countercurrently be- fore the pregnant solution is routed to 0.20 llJ $ 1- Q> < 0) a: (0 ».— z o O E m H C3> (D h- O K CL r Q O) E .05- 2 3 4 CELL POTENTIAL, V FIGURE 6. - Effect of cell potential on deposition rate and current efficiency. (O.OSM^ NaOH; feed rate, 72 mL/min; internal circulation flow rate, 2 L/min, retention time 30 min.) electrowinning. The ore in the heaps is agglomerated with cement and a strong NaCN solution. The leaching action of NaCN starts during the curing period and may be almost finished by the time the heap is constructed. The dissolved Au and Ag can be removed from the heap by repeated washing with a small volume of water or dilute NaCN solution. Leaching solution is applied intermittently be- cause a "pulsed" flooding cycle resulted in higher precious metals extraction and used less leachant. Final wash NaCN ■ Cement • Agglomeration Next heap to be leached FIGURE 7. - Staged heap leaching-direct electrowinning. 16 After leaching of a heap is completed, a thorough washing cycle is conducted to recover additional values. The wash wa- ter is fortified with NaCN and used to agglomerate a new charge of ore for heap leaching. LABORATORY TESTS To conduct staged heap leaching-direct electrowinning experiments in the labora- tory, 22.7-kg (50-lb) charges of ore were agglomerated and percolation leached in acrylic columns 5-ft high by 5.5 in ID. Agglomeration was accomplished with a disk pelletizer in which the 22.7-kg ore charges were combined with 227 g portland cement (20 Ib/st ore) and 2.5 L of 0.1 OM NaCN-0.05M NaOH solution (9.8 and 4.0 lb/ st solution, respectively). The agglom- erated ore was placed in columns and aged for at least 24 h. A small IMT cell con- taining 1 g of steel wool and operated at 3 V and a flow rate of 250 mL/min was used to recover gold and silver from solution. Each test series used five columns, each containing a 22.7-kg charge of ag- glomerated ore. As shown in figure 8, the laboratory procedure was to bring columns on-line in stages , such that steady-state operation could be approx- imated by the completion of the test series. In stage 1, 1 L of 0.05M NaOH (4 Ib/st solution) was used to start the leaching process; after progressing to stage 3, there were three 1-L batches of leachant in the system. Electrowin- ning was conducted after each cycle of leaching, and the barren cell electrolyte was recycled to the next stage of leach- ing. Additions of NaOH, when required, were made prior to electrowinning, while solution volumes were adjusted prior to each leaching step. Upon completion of leaching of columns 1 and 2, these col- umns were subjected to wash cycles using 2.5-L quantities of water. The wash wa- ters were then fortified with NaCN and NaOH and used to agglomerate the ore charges to columns 4 and 5, respectively. Objectives throughout the leaching- electrowinning sequence were to obtain maximum precious metals recovery while maintaining the greatest possible pre- cious metals tenor in the pregnant leach solutions. Pregnant solution analyses are ideally based upon the average of the pregnant leaching solutions produced dur- ing stage 5. Precious metals recoveries are ideally based upon the tails analysis of column 3 after completion of stage 5. A total of 25 to 30 cycles of leaching- electrowinning were employed per test series. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results of staged heap leaching-direct electrowinning tests on four ores of dif- fering grade and mineralogy are given in table 6. The gold concentration of the pregnant solutions produced was a function of the ore grade. For the ores STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 STAGE 5 1 L Electrowinning 1 2 L — Electrowinning Electrowinning ri Electrowinning n Electrowinning FIGURE 8. - Laboratory-scale staged leaching of agglomerated ores. (Numbers identify leaching columns.) 17 TABLE 6. - Recovery of gold by staged heap leaching-direct electrowinnlng Ore grade ppm Au.. Gold recovery from ore, pet: Staged heap leaching Conventional leaching Average content of pregnant solution mg/L. . NaOH used kg/mt ore. . Current efficiency pet . . Gold recovery, electrowinnlng, pet: Batch (average) Overall Test 9.3 87 86 32.5 0.43 7.3 89 98 A. 8 91 99 26.7 0.49 2.0 90 99 2.1 83 83 12.3 0.51 1.5 91 99 1.1 73 74 4.4 0.41 0.7 90 99 tested, the pregnant solutions generated in each ease were at least an order of magnitude higher in precious metals val- ues than would be typical of solutions generated using conventional leaching practice. The increases in precious met- als tenor were achieved in three of the four tests with no measurable sacrifice in precious metals recovery. Overall re- covery of precious metals from solution by electrowinnlng was more than 98 pet in all eases. Impurity buildup was not a problem dur- ing the staged heap leaching-direct elec- trowinnlng tests. Impurities were close- ly monitored during test 4, which was conducted on gold ore containing 1.1 g/mt Au (0.035 tr oz/st Au) . Impurities that accumulated in the pregnant feed to the IMT cell were silicon (4 ppm) , mercury (10 ppm), calcium (20 ppm), copper (21 ppm), and zinc (200 ppm). Only the mer- cury codeposited with the precious metals. CONCLUSIONS The research demonstrated that IMT cells can recover precious metals from low-grade pregnant solutions generated by cyanide heap leaching. Efficient opera- tion at ambient temperature makes the IMT cell suitable for direct electrowinnlng. Major differences in comparison with the standard Zadra cell are the rapid recir- culation of solution within the cell, better control of solution flow streams, and ambient temperature operation. Simulated staged heap leaching demon- strated that suitable pregnant solutions for direct electrowinnlng can be gener- ated. The buildup of impurities in the recycled leachant and/or electrolyte did not affect the electrowinnlng step in the number of cycles studied. Staged perco- lation leaching-direct electrowinnlng shows considerable promise as a technique for recovering precious metals from low- grade resources. 18 REFERENCES 1. Chamberlain, P. C, and M. G. Po- jar. Gold and Silver Leaching Practices in the United States. BuMines IC 8969, 1984, 47 pp. 2. Eisele, J. A,, A. F. Colombo, and G. E, McClelland. Recovery of Gold and Silver From Ores by Hydrometallurgical Processing, Paper in Precious Metals: Mining, Extraction and Processing. (Proc. Int. Symp. held at AIME Annu. Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 27-29, 1984). AIME, 1984, pp. 387-395. 3. McQuiston, F. W. , and R. S. Shoe- maker. Gold and Silver Cyanidation Plant Practice, v. 2. Metall. Soc. AIME, 1981, 263 pp. 4. Heinen, H. J., G. E. McClelland, and R. E, Lindstrom. Enhancing Perco- lation Rates in Heap Leaching of Gold- Silver Ores. BuMines RI 8388, 1979, 20 pp. 5. McClelland, G. E., and J. A. Eisele. Improvements in Heap Leaching To Recover Silver and Gold From Low- Grade Resources. BuMines RI 8612, 1982, 26 pp. 6. McClelland, G. E., D. L. Pool, and J. A. Eisele. Agglomeration-Heap Leaching Operations in the Precious Met- als Industry. BuMines IC 8945, 1983, 16 pp. 7. Heinen, H. J., D. G. Peterson, and R. E, Lindstrom. Processing Gold Ores Using Heap Leach-Carbon Adsorption Meth- ods. BuMines IC 8770, 1978, 21 pp. 8. Zadra, J. B., A. L. Engel, and H. J. Heinen. Process for Recovering Gold and Silver From Activated Carbon by Leaching and Electrolysis. BuMines RI 4843, 1952, 32 pp. 19 MERCURY PRECIPITATION DURING CYANIDE LEACHING OF GOLD ORES By Richard G. Sandberg'' ABSTRACT Many gold-bearing ores throughout the Western United States contain small quan- tities of mercury. During cyanidation, 10 to 40 pet of the mercury is extracted along with the precious metals. The presence of mercury decreases gold load- ing and increases stripping time on acti- vated carbon, complicates fire refining of the gold cathodes, and creates a pos- sible health hazard. In the investiga- tion described in this paper, the Bureau of Mines examined several methods for re- moving mercury from gold-silver cyanide leach slurries. CaS addition to cyanide leach slurries or to a laboratory ball mill containing NaCN and lime reduced mercury dissolution to < 0.5 pet. Mercury loading on acti- vated carbon was reduced to < 0.2 pet. Gold loading on activated carbon was af- fected very little by sulfide addition; however, silver loading was reduced to to 6 pet, as opposed to the typical val- ues of 90 to 100 pet of the silver and none of the mercury being adsorbed on the carbon. Preliminary testing in a mill operation using NaHS showed that mercury precipi- tation was nearly complete at the point of addition; however, as with Na2S, 30 to 50 pet of the precipitated HgS redis- solved with time. INTRODUCTION Mercury contamination has been a prob- lem in the recovery of gold and silver from many western deposits, which may contain as much as 20 ppm Hg. During the cyanide leaching process, 10 to 40 pet of the mercury is normally solubilized along with gold and silver. The mercury must be recovered or precipitated so that it does not present a health hazard during electrolysis, smelting of the cathodes, and regeneration of activated carbon. Some gold mill operations recover mer- cury by retorting the cathodes prior to smelting (J^-2)^ or autoclaving the ore to extract minimal mercury (3). In an effort to reduce mercury solu- bilization, the Bureau of Mines conducted bench-scale leaching tests with an ore containing 0.08 tr oz/st Au, 0.06 tr oz/ St Ag, and 17 ppm Hg ( 4_) . Leaching was accomplished with cyanide in an air- agitated Pachuca-type vessel. Mercury ^ Group supervisor, Salt Lake City Re- search Center, Bureau of Mines, Salt Lake City, UT. ''Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. extraction was decreased from 40 to 10 pet by (1) decreasing NaCN concentration from 20 to 0.34 lb per short ton of solu- tion, (2) decreasing the pH from 11,5 to 11, and (3) increasing particle size from minus 270 mesh to minus 10 plus 48 mesh. Although mercury extraction was reduced, it was not eliminated. The remaining soluble mercury can be precipitated with sulfides as shown by the chemical reaction Hg(CN)^" + MS > HgS + m2+ + 4CN" , Calcium, sodium, silver, iron, and zinc sulfides have been used to precipitate mercury from Au(CN)3 solutions (^~5^) • Addition of Ag2S would tie up considera- ble silver, and excess Ag2S would have to be recovered. FeS is undesirable because of cyanide loss due to ferrocyanide for- mation. Calcium and sodium sulfides are effective in precipitating mercury and are not harmful to gold recovery. This paper reports on a number of tests in which calcium and sodium sulfides were used to remove mercury from gold and gold-silver cyanide leach slurries. 20 MERCURY PRECIPITATION FROM SLURRY Gold ore containing 17 ppm Hg was leached with solutions containing 0.34 or 6 lb NaCN per short ton of solution and enough lime to give a pH of 11, tjien con- tacted with Na2S. The results of these tests are shown in figure 1. Increasing Na2S lowered mercury extraction when low concentrations of cyanide (0.34 Ib/st NaCN) were used. However, when high con- centrations of cyanide (6 Ib/st NaCN) were present, increasing the sulfide con- centration in the solution increased mer- cury extraction. This was probably due to the formation of a soluble HgS2^" com- plex (6^) . Because of this complex forma- tion, high concentrations of Na2S have been used to extract mercury from concen- trates ij) , However, care must be taken to control the amount of sulfide added, since the addition of too much Na2S may increase mercury extraction instead of precipitating mercury as desired. To determine the effects of Na2S con- centration and time on mercury precipita- tion (as HgS), additional tests were con- ducted. Solutions containing 0.34 Ib/st NaCN were contacted with gold ore for 24 h to extract 12 pet of the mercury; then Na2S was added. Using ore containing on- ly 0.02 Ib/st Na2S, 79.9 pet of the sol- ubilized mercury was precipitated. How- ever, within 0.5 h, the precipitated mer- cury began to redissolve, and 4 h later, nearly 30 pet of it had redissolved. Because the HgS redissolved, CaS was investigated as an alternative. In one test, a cyanide solution containing 0.34 Ib/st NaCN (with no sulfides) extracted 12 pet of the mercury in 24 h. After adding only 0.02 Ib/st CaS to this solu- tion, 99.8 pet of the mercury was precip- itated in only 0.5 h, and 7 h later, only 7 pet of the precipitated HgS had redis- solved. A followup test, using 0.09 lb/ St CaS, precipitated 100 pet of the solu- ble mercury; after 24 h, < 0.01 pet of the HgS had redissolved. A comparison between HgS redissolution using Na2S and CaS is shown in figure 2. About 10 times more HgS redissolved with Na2S than with CaS after 4 h. This may be due to the formation of the soluble Na2HgS2 complex (6^). CaS is less likely to form this type of complex because of its insolubility. 0.02 0.08 0.10 0.04 0.06 Na2S, Ib/st ore FIGURE 1. - Effect of NojS and NaCN on mercury extraction. 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 u ^ a. ^^ q" ^y^ UJ /^NogS rl 20 - — y^ in / Q UJ cr ^ 10 - X — z> u cc LlI ^_CaS_______ — — " 2 ' \ ' 1 1 1 i , 3 4 TIME, h FIGURE 2. - Effect of time on sulfide precipita- tion of mercury. 21 MERCURY PRECIPITATION AND CARBON ADSORPTION SIMULATED CARBON-IN-PULP LABORATORY GRINDING CIRCUIT Because most gold operations use acti- vated carbon to recover precious metals, tests were conducted to determine the ef- fect of sulfide addition on carbon ad- sorption of gold and mercury In a labora- tory carbon-ln-pulp (CIP) circuit. Five hundred grams of dry ground gold ore was leached with 870 mL of leach solution containing 0.34 ib/st NaCN and enough lime to give a pH of 11. The slurry was rolled for 24 h, then various amounts of CaS were added and rolling was continued for 1 h. Following HgS precipitation, 18 g/L activated carbon was added and mixed for 1 h. The carbon was screened from the slurry, and the slurry was con- tacted with fresh carbon a second and third time. Results of these tests are listed in table 1, Gold and silver adsorption on carbon without prior CaS addition was nearly 100 pet after the first stage, while only 61 pet of the soluble mercury adsorbed. Additional adsorption stages recovered 9 pet more of the mercury. With 0.023 ib/st CaS, mercury adsorption was reduced to about 5 pet, without decreasing gold and silver adsorption; however, with 0.047 Ib/st CaS addition, there was a slight decrease in silver ad- sorption and mercury adsorption decreased to 0.9 pet. TABLE 1. - Carbon-ln-pulp adsorption with CaS precipitation, percent' Carbon stage Au Ag Hg Ib/st CaS: 1 99 1 99 1 99 .6 .1 97 3 96 4 95 4.1 .5 61 2 7 3 2 0.023 Ib/st CaS: 1 4.7 2 .4 3 .3 0.047 Ib/st CaS: 1 .37 2 .31 3 .20 Several gold operations add NaCN and lime to the grinding circuit to extract gold and silver. Because some of the mercury is also extracted at the same time, tests were conducted to determine if addition of CaS to the ball mill would prevent mercury extraction and how it would affect gold, silver, and mercury loading on carbon. The following were added to a laboratory ball mill and ground for 45 mln: 1,000 g of minus 10- mesh ore, 0.5 Ib/st NaCN, 1,000 mL H2O, enough lime to give a pH of 11, and vary- ing amounts of CaS. Each resulting slur- ry was washed into a 9-L bottle with 2,000 mL H2O and mixed. Gold and silver were removed from the slurry by adsorp- tion on activated carbon in three stages. One gram of fresh carbon was used in each stage. The total carbon contact time was 24 h. The results of these tests are given in table 2. Mercury extraction and adsorp- tion on carbon were decreased from 15 to 0.4 pet and from 5.5 to 0.17 pet, respec- tively, by increasing the amount of CaS from 0.012 to 0.096 ib/st. Gold extrac- tion decreased slightly, but gold loading on carbon was essentially unaffected. Silver extraction was unaffected, but silver adsorption decreased. Both gold and silver adsorption on carbon was lower than in previous sulfide precipitation tests. This was because much less car- bon was used (0.33 g/L) than is normal- ly used (18 g/L). Decreasing the carbon TABLE 2. - Effect of CaS addition during grinding on mercury, gold, and silver extraction and adsorption, percent Extraction' Ad sorption CaS, Ib/st Au Ag Hg on carbon^ Au Ag Hg 0.012... 99 86 15 91 71 5.5 .024 94 98 1.5 87 74 .55 .048 94 98 2 88 67 .40 .096 95 98 1.4 89 64 .17 'Percent of soluble metal (prior to CaS addition) adsorbed on carbon. 'Total extraction including grinding (45 mln) and carbon addition (24 h) . ^24 h contact with carbon. 22 concentration made it possible to analyze for the small amount of mercury adsorbed on the carbon. GOLD- SILVER ORES Because silver was precipitated dur- ing mercury precipitation with CaS, addi- tional tests were conducted. The pur- pose of these tests was to determine the effects of adding CaS and to find a way to prevent silver precipitation. The ores used in this study are listed in table 3. TABLE 3. - Analyses of gold-silver ores Ore Hg, ppm Ag, tr oz/st Au, tr oz/st Cu, pet Carline. . . . Cortez Silver Reef 16 9 3 2.52 .17 10.1 0.098 .013 .01 NAp NAp 0.8 NAp Not applicable. The ores were leached with 1 Ib/st NaCN for 24 h; then CaS was added and mixed in for 1 h. Following mercury precipi- tation, the slurry was contacted with activated carbon for 1 h. The test re- sults are listed in table 4. Without CaS addition, gold, silver, and mercury adsorption values were all 100 pet; how- ever, with CaS addition, both the silver and mercury adsorption values were great- ly reduced for all ores except the Silver Reef ore. Tests were conducted to determine why silver was not precipitated from the Silver Reef slurry during mercury pre- cipitation. Close analysis of the Sil- ver Reef pregnant leach solution showed that it contained 170 ppm Cu. To elim- inate silver loss during mercury pre- cipitation, various amounts of CuCN were added to a pregnant leach solution containing 1,5 ppm Au, 3 ppm Ag, and 0.76 ppm Hg prior to the addition of 0.1 Ib/st CaS. The results given in figure 3 show that the addition of 160 ppm Cu eliminated silver loss; but the copper addition did not affect precipitation of the mercury. Additional tests were conducted as described in table 4, except that 235 ppm Cu was added prior to mercury precip- itation. The results listed in table 5 show that silver recovery was greatly increased. Carlin and Cortez silver adsorption was increased from to 80 pet and 6 to 91 pet, respectively. Mercury adsorption was zero for all ores. TABLE 4, - Adsorption on carbon in simulated three-stage carbon-in-pulp operation with CaS precipitation, percent' Carbon stage Au Ag Hg CARLIN ORE Ib/st CaS: 1 90 9 1 50 41 9 91 9 100 2 3 0.10 Ib/st CaS: 1 8.1 2 3 CORTEZ ORE Ib/st CaS: 1 57 30 13 64 25 11 75 25 6 100 2 3 0.10 Ib/st CaS: 1 2 2 3 SILVER REEF ORE Ib/st CaS: 1 100 100 99 1 51 25 14 100 2 3 0.10 Ib/st CaS: 1 2 3 ' Percent of soluble metal adsorbed on carbon. 23 50 200 75 100 125 150 175 COPPER ADDITION, ppm FIGURE 3. - Effect of copper addition on silver precipitation during CaS precipitation of mercury. TABLE 5. - Effect of copper addi- tion on adsorption on carbon, percent^ (CaS addition: 0.1 Ib/st) Carbon stage Carlin ore Au Ag Hg Cortez ore Au Ag Hg WITHOUT COPPER ADDITION 1 50 41 9 8.1 64 25 11 6 ? 2 3 WITH 235 mg/L COPPER ADDITION 1 93 13 7 60 13 7 87.5 .8 .8 75 8 8 2 3 ^Percent of soluble metal adsorbed on carbon. MERCURY PRECIPITATION IN A MILL OPERATION Precipitation of mercury with sulfides is being tested at a northern Nevada mill operation, using a process similar to that illustrated in figure 4. Because CaS was difficult to obtain, sodium hy- drogen sulfide (NaHS) is being used in- stead. A solution containing NaHS is added to the NaCN slurry from the ball mill before the slurry enters the thick- ener. As shown in table 6 (feed to thickener, days 3 to 6) , nearly all of the mercury is precipitated at the point of addition; however, over time, about 30 to 50 pet of this precipitated mercury (HgS) redissolved. This was not unex- pected, as NaHS acts similarly to Na2S, and more NaHS addition points are re- quired to obtain a more complete mercury precipitation. Possible addition points include the final leach tank prior to the CIP tanks and the CIP tanks. TABLE 6. - Mercury precipitation with NaHS in a mill operation (Mercury analyses, parts per million^) Sampling area Sampling day 1 2 3 4 5 6 Feed to thickener 2.5 2,6 0.08 0,02 0.05 0.02 Feed to carbon column (thickener overflow) 2.6 2.7 .09 .07 .11 .01 Final carbon column. ........ 2.6 2.8 .16 .03 .09 ,02 Feed to leach tanks (thick- ener underflow) 2.5 2.8 ,68 .47 .83 ,19 Feed to carbon in pulp (from leach tank 4) 2.7 2.9 3,3 1.3 1.8 1,3 Final carbon in pulp (to tailings) 2,2 2.8 3,2 1.5 1.4 1,2 'Mercury remaining in solution. 24 Ore »■ NaHS Carbon regeneration kiln Tailings (HgS) Return carbon Mercury retort Smelting furnace Mercury FIGURE 4. operation. Precious metals - Flowsheet showing NaHS addition points for mercury precipitation in a mil CONCLUSIONS 25 CaS addition to gold-silver cyanide leach slurries or to a laboratory grind- ing circuit containing NaCN and lime re- duced mercury dissolution to < 0,5 pet. Mercury loading on activated carbon was reduced to < 0.2 pet. Gold loading on activated carbon was affected very little by the sulfide addition; however, silver loading appeared to be affected. Addi- tional NaCN-CaS CIP tests with ores con- taining greater amounts of silver result- ed in only to 6 pet of the silver being adsorbed by the carbon rather than the normal 90 to 100 pet. Addition of copper as CuCN, prior to the CaS addition, re- sulted in 80 to 90 pet of the silver and none of the mercury being adsorbed on the carbon. Preliminary testing in a mill operation using NaHS showed mercury precipitation was nearly complete at the point of addi- tion; however, as had been found in other tests with Na2S, 30 to 50 pet of the pre- cipitated HgS redissolved with time. REFERENCES 1. Craft, W. B. The Pinson Gold Story. AZ Conf., AIME, Tucson, AZ, Dec. 6, 1982, 8 pp.; available upon request from R. G. Sandberg, BuMines, Salt Lake City, UT. 2. Skillings, D. N. , Jr. Getty Mining Co. Starting Up Its Mercury Gold Opera- tion in Utah. Skillings' Min. Rev., v. 72, No. 17, 1983, pp. 4-9. 3. . Homes take Proceeding With Its McLaughlin Gold Project. Skillings' Min. -Rev., v. 72, No. 4, 1983, pp. 3-6. 4. Sandberg, R. G. , W. W. Simpson, and W. L. Staker. Calcium Sulfide Precipitation of Mercury During Cyanide Leaching of Gold Ores. BuMines RI 8907, 1984, 13 pp. 5. Flynn, C. M., Jr., T. G. Carnahan, and R. E. Lindstrom. Selective Removal of Mercury From Cyanide Solutions. U.S. Pat. 4,256,707, Mar. 17, 1981. 6. Habashi, F. Hydrometallurgy . Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, v. 2. Gordon and Breach, 1969, p. 99. 7. Town, J. W. , and W. A. Stickney. Cost Estimates and Optimum Conditions for Continuous-Circuit Leaching of Mercury, BuMines RI 6459, 1964, 28 pp. 26 CARBONACEOUS GOLD ORES'" By B, J. Schelner2 ABSTRACT The presence of organic material in gold ores interferes with gold extrac- tion by cyanidation. Oxidation of the organic material using chlorine-hypo- chlorite systems has been shown to render the gold ore amendable to cyanidation. This paper discusses three oxidation procedures that have been investigated by the Bureau of Mines: (1) addition of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) to ore pulp, (2) addition of chlorine to ore pulp, and (3) in situ generation of NaOCl by elec- trolysis of a brine solution used to pulp the ore. Gold extraction was greater than 90 pet when carbonaceous ore was oxidized and then cyanided. Both labo- ratory and pilot plant results are discussed. INTRODUCTION The presence of carbon and organic com- pounds that inhibit gold recovery from auriferous ores has long plagued cyanide mill operators. Research to develop techniques for testing these ores, which are commonly referred to as carbonaceous ores, was conducted in the early 1920' s by the Bureau of Mines (O.-^ Research was continued by the Bureau and others, but as late as 1958, it was indicated that no solution to the carbonaceous problem was at hand (2^). After the dis- covery of carbonaceous gold ores at the Carlin Mine in northeastern Nevada, the Bureau initiated an extensive research program in 1966 to solve the problems as- sociated with extracting gold from these ores. Research was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Mines, and Newmont Mining Corp., the owners of the Carlin Gold Mine, to characterize the carbonaceous ores found in Nevada (3-5). Early studies indicated that the gold-bearing sedimentary beds were asso- ciated with the Roberts Mountain thrust fault system, generally in windows expos- ing lower plate sedimentary beds of Silu- rian age. However, later discoveries have shown that the ore association with the Roberts Mountain thrust fault system is just a fortuitous anomaly, since gold has been found in upper plate material outside the Roberts Mountain thrust fault. It has been hypothesized that the gold was redistributed and concentrated in permeable carbonaceous horizons by hydrothermal solutions. Apparently the same solutions replaced much of the silty dolomitic limestone with microcrystalline quartz. Subsequent oxidation induced by shallow meteoric oxygen-bearing waters removed the carbonaceous material from the upper portions of the deposits, thus oxidizing these portions of the deposits. The Carlin Gold Mine property is an exam- ple of a deposit that contains both oxi- dized and carbonaceous gold ores. CYANIDATION OF CARBONACEOUS ORES To determine the effect of carbonace- ous ores on cyanidation, samples of both oxidized and carbonaceous ore were ob- tained from various locations in Nevada, including the Carlin Gold Mine, Cortez ^This paper is based upon work done un- der an agreement between the University of Alabama and the Bureau of Mines, ^Supervisory metallurgist, Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Univer- sity, AL. Gold Mine, and the abandoned Gold Acres pit at Crescent Valley. The gold content of the carbonaceous ores ranged from 0.23 to 0.40 tr oz/st Au, with an organic carbon content ranging from 0.3 to 0,6 wt pet. Initial experiments involving cyanida- tion of the carbonaceous ores over a wide ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. 27 10 20 30 40 50 CARBONACEOUS ORE ADDED TO OXIDE ORE, wt pet FIGURE 1. - Effect on gold extraction of adding carbonaceous ore to oxide ore. range of operating conditions showed that only 5 to 32 pet of the gold was amenable to recovery by this conventional tech- nique. The data indicated that cyanide was being consumed, but not excessively. The oxygen content of the leach solution was determined to be favorable for effec- tive cyanidation. Analysis of washed tails detected cyanide, suggesting that Au(CN)2- was being adsorbed on carbonace- ous components of the ore. The possibil- ity of gold adsorption by carbon was fur- ther investigated by contacting 0.1 tr/st of pregnant Au(CN)2- solutions with vari- ous carbonaceous ores. From 12.5 to 140 tr oz Au was adsorbed per short ton of carbonaceous ore. To investigate how the addition of carbonaceous material affects the cya- nidation of oxidized ores, a series of experiments was conducted in which various amounts of carbonaceous material were added to oxidized ore and the sam- ple cyanided. The results of these experiments are shown in figure 1. Gold extraction decreased linearly as the car- bonaceous ore content increased (_6-_7) . Application of the well-known technique of blanking out an activated carbon com- ponent by coating it with kerosene or some other petroleum product was shown to be only partially effective, depend- ing on the particular carbonaceous ore being treated. Treatment of the ore with anion-exchange resins or granulated activated carbon during cyanidation in order to actively compete for the Au(CN)2- complex generally improved the gold extraction, but the results varied considerably depending on the particular sample being used. This suggested that certain samples of the carbonaceous mate- rial contained two different types of carbon that prevented favorable extrac- tion: (1) an activated type of carbon that physically adsorbed the Au(CN)2- complex, and (2) a hydrocarbon type that formed a gold compound during deposition that was not attacked by cyanide (^-7^) • Gold extraction depended markedly on the basicity of the system, indicating the presence of carboxylic acid groups that saponified in the highly basic ion- exchange system. Isolation of organic compounds in the sample was accomplished by an aqueous NaOH treatment for 2 h, followed by acidification of the liquor and solvent extraction of the dissolved organic compounds into chloroform (3) . Infrared spectra of the organic extrac- tion product had major adsorption peaks at 2,900 and 1,700 cm~^ , which were char- acteristic of long-chain carboxylic acids. The neutralization equivalent of this mixture of organic acids was 1,500. Sulfur and nitrogen groups were also found in the organic material. The amounts of organic material that could be accumulated from the sample were only sufficient for identification purposes. The extracted organic compounds were found to be remarkably similar to humic acid extracted from leonardite that oc- curs in North Dakota (8^). These humic acid extracts contain long-chain carbox- ylic acids as well as sulfur and nitrogen groups. Cyanidation of oxidized ore in the presence of humic acids showed that Au(CN)2- was adsorbed or associated with the humus compounds and that gold recov- ery was essentially nil. It was concluded that the low extrac- tion of gold from the carbonaceous mate- rials could not be attributed wholly to physical adsorption of the Au(CN)2- com- plex on carbon, but that in certain of these materials, a substantial amount of the gold was locked in in the form of a chelate containing CO-N-S ligands. 28 CHEMICAL OXIDATION OF CARBONACEOUS ORES LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS The data indicated that destruction or complete pacification of detrimental car- bon components is a requisite for effec- tively extracting gold from the various carbonaceous materials. It was deter- mined that a mild chemical oxidation of the carbonaceous ores followed by cya- nidation yielded high gold extraction. Various oxidation systems were investi- gated, including ozone, chlorine, NaOCl, calcium hypochlorite [Ca(0Cl)2], perman- ganates, perchlorates, chlorates, and oxygen. Gold extraction, obtained by cyanidation after oxidation, increased significantly in nearly every case over that obtained without pretreatment ( 6-_7 ) . The use of ozone as an oxidant was fur- ther investigated (9^). It was determined that 95 pet Au extraction could be ob- tained from several different carbonace- ous ores by slurrying the ore with brine solution, lowering the pH to 1 with H2S0i^ or HNO3 , and bubbling ozone through the slurry. After the ozone treatment was completed, the gold was extracted by cya- nidation. However, owing to the acid- consuming calcareous nature of the ore, the ozone system, in which an acid medium was used, was ruled out as an impractical solution to the carbonaceous problem. Introduction of chlorine gas into an ore slurry, followed by filtering and subsequent cyanidation of the filter cake, resulted in 95 pet Au extraction from several carbonaceous ores (_7 ) . Rapid addition of the chlorine gas (as represented below) caused the pH of the ore pulp to drop to the range of pH 1 to 2. CI2 + H2O ->■ HCl + HOCl. (A) However, the pH remained neutral with slow addition of chlorine gas because the HCl formed reacted slowly with the cal- careous gangue material to give CaCl2 : 2HC1 + CaC03 ->■ CaClg + H2CO3. (B) The active oxidizing species obtained from rapid addition of chlorine gas is principally HCl. Slow addition of chlorine gas results in production of Ca(0Cl)2 as the principal oxidizing species: 2H0C1 + CaC03 -»■ Ca(0Cl)2 + H2CO3. (C) The amount of chlorine gas that escapes from the pulp can be excessive. To over- come this problem, NaOH or lime was added to the slurry before the addition of chlorine gas. The chlorine gas reacts with the base to form Ca(0Cl)2 or NaOCl: CI2 + 2NaOH -»- NaOCl + NaCl + H2O, (D) 2CI2 + 2Ca(0H)2 ->■ Ca(0Cl)2 + CaCl2 + 2H2O. (E) The hypochlorite or oxidizing species then reacts with carbonaceous material in the ore, passivating activated-type car- bon and breaking hvdrocarbon chains and htunic acid-type components. Since the NaOCl (household bleach) proved to be an effective oxidizing agent, the parameters affecting gold ex- traction were investigated. It was de- termined that 90 pet Au extraction could be obtained at 50° C in 4 h using 16 to 20 lb NaOCl per short ton of ore along with 20 Ib/st of lime (7^). Instead of adding NaOCl or chlorine to the ore pulp, the oxidizing condition could be produced by slurrying the ore in brine and electrolyzing to produce NaOCl in situ. A literature survey indicated that the technology for the electrolysis of NaCl in ore slurries was essentially nonexistent. Preliminary experiments in- dicated that oxidizing conditions could be generated and controlled under a vari- ety of conditions by this electrooxida- tion concept (10-11). Parameters deemed to be important to the development of the technique included salt concentration, electrolysis time at constant amperage per short ton of ore, temperature, cur- rent density, type of electrodes, elec- trode spacing, and particle size of ore (I). During the course of the investigation it was determined that a variety of elec- trode materials and configurations could 29 be used. The only difficulty encountered was a buildup of a deposit on the cathode with time. This difficulty was overcome by using graphite electrodes and revers- ing the current periodically to remove the deposits. One type of cell used, a plate-type laboratory-scale electrooxida- tion cell, is shown in figure 2. The effect of salt concentration (NaCl) on gold extraction from carbonaceous ore was investigated. It was determined that an 8- to 10-pct-salt concentration was adequate for obtaining sufficient oxida- tion to result in efficient gold extrac- tion by cyanidation. The effect of temperature on gold ex- traction was determined through tests at 30°, 40°, and 50° C. Maximum gold ex- traction was obtained at 40° C. Heat in- put to an electrooxidation system and the resulting temperature are functions of the conductivity of the electrolyte and the power required to accomplish the oxi- dation; therefore, parameters such as electrode spacing, salt concentration, and pulp density are all critical in maintaining the desired temperature. Generally speaking, electrode spacing should be as close as is consistent with Busbar Pulp level Wood support Graphite cathode Graphite anode Ore slurry 30-50 pet solids good pulp flow between electrodes. The effect of increasing electrode spacing was investigated. Spacings of 3/8, 5/8, and 1-1/8 in were used, with pulp den- sity at 40 pet and a salt concentration of 10 pet. As was expected, the resist- ance between the electrodes increased with increased electrode spacing. The effect of pulp density on conductance was also studied (fig. 3). As was expected, the conductance decreased rapidly as pulp density increased. Current density is another factor that affects the voltage-amperage relationship, which in turn affects the temperature. The effect of current den- sity on the voltage required to maintain constant amperage during electrolysis is shown in figure 4. The voltage increased linearly with current density over the range measured. The data indicated that the current density should be as low as possible to keep power consumption at a minimum. However, the current density dictates the number of electrodes re- quired, and the tonnage of the mill and the size of the agitators employed are important factors that must also be con- sidered in projecting the number of elec- trodes that can be practically utilized. Grinding is an important part of any hydrometallurgical process; it releases 0.18 FIGURE 2. - Plate-type laboratory-scale electro- oxidation cell and agitation vessel. 20 30 40 50 60 PULP DENSITY, pot FIGURE 3. - Effect of pulp density on conductance in ore-brine pulp (using 9.77-pct-salt solution). 30 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 ANODE CURRENT DENSITY, A/in^ FIGURE 4. - Effect of anode current density on voltage at constant amperage. the mineral from the host rock so the mineral can come in contact with the re- actants. The effect of particle size on gold extraction was investigated using several different grinds based on the percentage of minus 200-mesh material. Data for one ore indicated that gold ex- traction increases as the particle size becomes smaller and that a grind of 70 pet minus 200 mesh was satisfactory; how- ever, each ore must be evaluated on an individual basis as to optimum particle size for reaction. PILOT PLANT STUDIES Based on the results obtained in labo- ratory studies, the use of NaOCl and chlorine and the in situ generation of NaOCl (electrooxidation) were investi- gated on a pilot plant scale (12-13). The ores used in these studies were ob- tained from the Carlin Gold Mine. The flow sequence and pilot plant operation generally followed conventional counter- current-decantation slime-circuit operat- ing practice. Ore material was ground to 60 pet minus 200 mesh at 50 pet solids in the rod mill and pulped into the oxida- tion tanks, each of which held 275 lb of dry ore (550 lb of pulp). After treat- ment in the oxidation tank at the desired temperature, the pulp was passed through the digestion-surge tank, where 1 lb of cyanide per short ton of ore was added, along with sufficient lime to maintain a cyanidation pH of 11. Approximately 5 lb of lime per short ton of ore was usually required to maintain the desired pH val- ue. The pulp was then pumped through three cyanidation tanks, for a cyanida- tion time of 9 h. From the cyanidation tanks the pulp passed through four thick- eners at 20 pet solids, flowing counter- current to the barren solution recycled from the gold-precipitation sequence. Pregnant solution was passed from the first thickener to the gold-precipitation system. Initial pilot plant experiments were conducted on nonrefractory oxide gold ore to determine the best operating condi- tions for the grinding circuit and pulp handling, optimum flow rates, etc. Mill tails from the oxide ore contained 0.008 tr oz/st Au, which corresponds to a gold extraction of 96 pet. Carbonaceous gold ore was processed in the pilot mill, using conventional cyani- dation, without oxidation pretreatment , as a baseline experiment to determine the effect of carbonaceous material. Gold extraction obtained in these experiments ranged from 29 to 33 pet (0.26 to 0.28 tr oz Au per short ton of tails). Oxidation by NaOCl Addition The pilot plant operations generally followed the operating conditions estab- lished in the laboratory experiments for obtaining favorable gold extraction val- ues. The oxidation section of the plant was operated on a semicontinuous basis with ground ore being treated on a batch basis in successive oxidation tanks. The ore then could be discharged into the surge tank in such a manner that a re- serve of treated pulp was available for continuous operation of the cyanidation and liquid-solids separation sections of the mill. The oxidation section of the mill processed 80 lb of dry ore per hour, thus providing a retention time of 9 h in the cyanidation tanks. Figure 5 shows the oxidation results — the gold extractions obtained at differ- ent levels of NaOCl addition to the pulp containing carbonaceous ore. As shown in figure 5, the reaction time, temperature, and lime addition were kept constant. The pulp pH values were in the 11 to 11.5 range. Extraction increased markedly 31 90 ' ' ^— — - _ / Conditions: / Reaction time, 4 h / Lime, 10 Ib/st / Temp, 50° to 60° C /ill — ^ 80 o a. o 70 I- ^ 60 X UJ Q 50 _i o o 40 30. 5 10 15 20 NoOCI ADDITION, Ib/st FIGURE 5. - Effect of NaOCI addition on gold extraction. with addition of 5 to 10 Ib/st NaOCl and then increased gradually with larger NaOCl additions. Gold extraction by sub- sequent cyanidation reached 90 pet with a 20-lb/st-NaOCl addition. The results closely paralleled similar laboratory ex- periments conducted on a different sample of carbonaceous gold ore. In other experiments, a reaction time of 3 h (instead of 4 h) was shown to be sufficient when 20 lb of lime per short ton was used. It was also determined that the optimum temperature for oxida- tion with NaOCl lies between 50° and 60° C. Oxidation by Chlorine Addition Addition of chlorine to a pulp of fine- ly ground carbonaceous ore and water was investigated as a means of producing hy- pochlorite oxidant in situ on an economi- cal and easily controlled basis. As chlorine is bubbled into the pulp, it re- acts with water to form HOCl and HCl. These products are buffered by the calcareous gangue in the ore to form Ca(0Cl)2 and CaCl2 . Oxidation of the carbonaceous matter is thought to be ac- complished by the hypochlorite ion. It had been shown in the laboratory ex- periments that addition of chlorine gas at moderate rates to the agitated pulp through a sintered-disk sparger resulted in favorable oxidation without excessive loss of chlorine gas. The chlorine re- acted rapidly, and gold extraction from the oxidized pulp by subsequent cyanida- tion was shown to be largely independent of the rate of chlorine addition. The factor limiting the rate of chlorine ad- dition appeared to be the amount of hypo- chlorite remaining after oxidation. The hypochlorite product reacted with the carbonaceous matter as chlorine was added during the initial stages of the oxida- tion, and no hypochlorite could be de- tected in the solution. The amount of hypochlorite in solution increased with time until the oxidation was completed. It was determined that the oxidation can be completed in as little as 4 h; how- ever, at this relatively rapid rate of chlorination, the Ca(0Cl)2 in solution can increase to 1 pet or more in the later stages of oxidation. If hypochlo- rite is allowed to rise to a level that cannot be consumed by the ore, it will constjme cyanide in the cyanide circuit. Therefore, it is desirable to limit the Ca(0Cl)2 in solution to less than 0.2 pet during chlorination. This resulted in a chlorination time of up to 15 h at 24° to 30° C for some of the more refractory samples, with an additional 5 h for the ore to consume the residual hypochlorite. The final concentration of Ca(0Cl)2 going to cyanidation was less than 0.02 pet. Pilot plant tests were run with three 55-gal drums connected in series, each containing 275 lb of solids at 40 pet solids. Chlorine was fed to each drum through a 1/2-in-diam pipe extending to the bottom of the drum. Oxidation was conducted on a batch basis with the pulp overflow from the third tank being con- tinuously recirculated through the system to give the desired chlorination time. The near-optimum temperature of 24° to 30° C was maintained by heating the pulp. The pH of the system remained at 6,6 dur- ing chlorination without adjustment. Figure 6 shows that gold extraction in- creased rapidly with increasing chlorine addition. The optimum extraction 92 pet, was obtained using 40 Ib/st chlorine. Scale-up experiments were conducted in a 6- by 7-ft tank containing 7.5 st of pulp at 40 pet solids. Chlorine gas was bubbled in through four pipes submerged 32 t3 100 80- 1 1 ^Q^ — ' ° Y ^^"-"-''^ Conditions: Reaction time, 15 h pH, 6.6 Temp, 24° to 3C 1 1 "C Cathode busbar 20 30 40 CHLORINE, Ib/st 50 FIGURE 6. - Effect of chlorine addition on gold extraction. 5 ft into the tank. Chlorine was added over an 8-h period at the rate of 3.5 lb/ (sfh) initially, then decreased to 1.5 lb/(sfh) over the last 2.5 h. Gold extractions of 89 pet (0.035 oz Au per short ton of tails) were obtained using 38 Ib/st chlorine. These results paral- leled those obtained in the pilot-plant- scale experiments. Electrooxidation of Carbonaceous Ores In additional pilot plant studies, electrolysis used on ore pulp prepared from finely ground carbonaceous ore and salt brine was investigated as a means of generating oxidizing conditions in situ. The cell used was a simple plate-type arrangement consisting of graphite elec- trodes 2-1/2 in wide, 3/4 in thick, and 30 in long (fig. 7). Identical graphite cathodes and anodes were placed alter- nately in a nonconductive holder with 1/2-in spacing, which allowed favorable pulp flow through the system. The pilot plant investigations deter- mined the effect of temperature on gold extractions, the effect of salt concen- tration on gold extractions and power re- quirements, and the effect of electrode spacing at various salt concentrations on power requirements. The data obtained were similar to the data obtained in pre- vious laboratory tests. Gold extractions of 90 pet were obtained using 10-pct-salt concentrations at 40° C, a current den- sity of 0.67 A/in^ , and an electrode spacing of 1/2 in. Scale-up experiments were conducted on a batch basis using a 6- by 7-ft agitator tank capable of holding 7.5 st of pulp at 40 pet solids. Electrooxidation was ac- complished with two banks of graphite Pulp level Anode busbar Electrodes Ore slurry 30-50 pet solids FIGURE 7. - Plate-type electrode assembly for di- rect electrolytic production of NaOCl in ore slurry. 90 o Q. g 80 < I- ^ 70 Q _1 O CD 60 1 / Conditions: 2,800 A at 5.2 V =t.*- — 1 Temp, 40° C Salt cone, 10 pet 1 1 1 20 30 40 50 60 ENERGY CONSUMPTION, kW-h/st 70 FIGURE 8. - Gold extraction and energy consump- tion for large-scale experiments. electrodes used in parallel, each con- taining 12 anodes and 11 cathodes. Tests were conducted at 40° C, with a 2,800-A current and a 10-pct-salt concentration in the pulp solution. Oxidized pulps were not cyanided in the pilot plant, but samples were taken at 1-h intervals and cyanided on a bench scale. Figure 8 shows that gold extraction increased with electrolysis time, reaching a maximum ex- traction of 89.4 pet, which corresponded to 22 h of electrolysis. Data obtained 33 from the larger experiments indicated that scale-up to commercial plants should not present any serious problems. The pilot plant studies were a coopera- tive effort of the Newmont Mining Corp.'s Carlin Gold Mine and the Bureau of Mines. Experiments were conducted at the Carlin Gold Mine and at the Bureau's Reno (NV) Research Center. Based on the results of the testing program, the Carlin Mine in- stalled a full-scale facility using chlo- rine to treat carbonaceous ores prior to cyanidation. CONCLUSIONS Treatment of carbonaceous gold ores from north-central Nevada with NaOCl or chlorine, or by electrolytic oxidation resulted in favorable gold recovery by subsequent cyanidation. The gold that is complexed by humic acid- type compounds was liberated, and the adsorptive proper- ties of the ore were passivated by the oxidation treatment. Gold extractions in the 90-pct range were obtained on several tonnage ore samples from the Carlin Gold Mine. Equivalent metallurgical perfoirm- ance, compatible with present plant prac- tice, was obtained with NaOCl, chlorina- tion, and electrooxidation. The choice of one of these methods is therefore dic- tated by economic conditions such as the cost and availability of electric power, NaOCl, and chlorine. REFERENCES 1, Leaver, E. S., and J. A. Woolf. Re-Treatment of Mother Lode (California) Carbonaceous Slime Tailings. BuMines Tech. Paper 481, 1930, 20 pp. 2, Hedley, N, , and H, Tabachnick, Chemistry of Cyanidation, Mineral Dress- ing Notes, No. 23. Am. Cyanamid Co., New York, June 1958, 54 pp. 3, Radtke, A, S,, and B, J, Scheiner, Studies of Hydrothermal Gold Deposition (I), Carlin Gold Deposit, Nevada: The Role of Carbonaceous Material in Gold Deposition, Econ, Geol, , v, 65, 1970, pp, 87-102, 4, Radtke, A, S,, C. Heropoulos, B, P, Fabbi, B. J, Scheiner, and M, Essington. Data on Major and Minor Elements in Host Rocks and Ores, Carlin Gold Deposit, Ne- vada. Econ. Geol., v. 67, 1972, pp. 975- 978. 5, Hausen, D. M. , and P. F. Kerr. Fine Gold Occurrence at Carlin, Nevada, Sec, in Ore Deposits of the United States, 1933-1967, ed, by J, D, Ridge, AIME, V, 1, 1968, pp, 908-940, 6, Scheiner, B, J. , R. E. Lindstrom, and T, A. Henrie. Investigation of Oxi- dation Systems for Improving Gold Recov- ery From Carbonaceous Materials. BuMines TPR 2, July 1968, 8 pp. and C. M. Frost, Byproduct, Bu- pp, R, E. Lindstrom, 7, Scheiner, B, J,, R, E, Lindstrom, and T, A, Henrie, Oxidation Process for Improving Gold Recovery From Carbon- Bearing Gold Ores, BuMines RI 7573, 1971, 14 pp, 8, Fowkes, W, W, , Leonardite: A Lignite Mines RI 5611, 1960, 12 9, Scheiner, B, J,, and T, A, Henrie, Process for Recovery of Gold From Carbonaceous Ores, U.S, Pat. 3,574,600, Apr. 13, 1971. 10. Scheiner, B. J., R. E. Lindstrom, and T. A. Henrie. Electrolytic Oxidation of Carbonaceous Ores for Improving Gold Recovery. BuMines TPR 8, 1969, 12 pp. 11. . Recovery of Gold From Car- bonaceous Ores. U.S. Pat. 3,639,925, Feb. 8, 1972. 12. Scheiner, B, J,, R. E, Lind- strom, W. J. Guay, and D, G, Peterson, Extraction of Gold From Carbonaceous Ores: Pilot Plant Studies, BuMines RI 7597, 1972, 20 pp, 13. Scheiner, B, J,, R, E. Lindstrom, and T, A, Henrie. Processing Refractory Carbonaceous Ores for Gold Recovery. J. Met., V. 23, No. 3, 1971, pp. 37-40. 34 CARBON ADSORPTION-DESORPTION By J. A. Eisele"! ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines has developed three methods for stripping gold and silver from activated carbon that enable the carbon to be reused many times. These three desorption techniques are to strip the precious metals with either (1) boiling NaOH-NaCN solution at atmos- pheric pressure; (2) NaOH-NaCN solution at temperatures above boling, in pressure vessels; or (3) an NaOH-NaCN solution containing ethyl alcohol at temperatures below boiling. All three methods are widely applied in industry. This paper describes the three methods and their development. INTRODUCTION The introduction of cyanide leaching in the 1890' s revolutionized the processing of gold and silver ores. Since that time, the standard hydrometallurgical process to recover gold and silver from disseminated ores has become cyanide leaching in a countercurrent decantation (CCD) plant (U.2 The operation of a conventional CCD plant (fig. 1) consists of the following steps: 1. The ore is crushed and ground. 2. During grinding, the ore is slur- ried with dilute basic cyanide solution typically containing 0.1 pet NaCN and 'Supervisory chemical engineer, Reno Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Reno, NV. ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. c'ao" ^^°o'^' K-l Comminution I —\ Leaching lonk I I JLeoctiing lonk 2 ]^ t^ ^7>^ Precipilalion \-^ Zinc du5 Gold-silver sponge FIGURE 1. - Flow diagram of countercurrent decan- tation cyanide leaching plant. enough CaO to maintain a pH range of 10 to 11. 3. The slurry is agitated in a series of leaching tanks to give a total leach- ing time of 12 to 48 h, depending on the characteristics of the ore. 4. The slurry is thickened and washed countercurrently in a series of thickeners. 5. The pregnant solution from the first thickener is clarified by filtra- tion and deaerated by vacuum. 6. Zinc powder is added to precipitate the gold and/or silver. 7. The gold-silver-zinc sponge is fil- tered and refined to bullion, 8. The barren cyanide solution is re- turned to the washing-leaching circuit, and makeup cyanide and base are added. Gold and silver recovery from pregnant solutions by zinc precipitation can pre- sent problems. Ideally, the pregnant so- lution should be clear before precipita- tion, and it, must be deaerated. This can be difficult to achieve with slimy ores. Also, precipitation is an inefficient method for recovering gold from dilute solutions. Different forms of carbon, especially activated carbon, have long been known to be good adsorbers of gold and silver cyanides from solution. How- ever, since the only known means to re- cover the gold and silver from the carbon was to burn it, carbon was not used ex- tensively. In a few cases, where slimy ores were being treated, gold adsorption on carbon was the preferred method for 35 recovering the precious metal values be- cause the clarification step was elimi- nated. The precious-metal-loaded carbon was recovered from the ing or flotation. slurry by screen- USE OF BOILING NaOH-NaCN SOLUTION In the late 1940' s, Bureau of Mines re- searchers were looking for ways to strip the precious metals from loaded carbon to enable the carbon to be reused a number of times, A World War II surplus of ac- tivated carbon manufactured from fruit pits was available at prices that made using carbon cheaper than using zinc, A means for desorbing and recycling the carbon would make carbon adsorption a very economical process for the recov- ery of gold. In 1950, an alkaline Na2S stripping method was described that eluted the gold, but not the silver, from carbon (2^), As most ores contain some silver, and silver in some ores is the primary value, the sulfide stripping method was not satisfactory because the carbon would eventually be loaded with unstrippable silver. In 1952, Bureau re- searchers reported a method for desorbing gold and silver from loaded carbon (3), Precious metals were stripped by contact- ing the carbon with a boiling NaOH-NaCN solution. With each pass of the solution through the carbon bed, some of the gold and silver was removed. After being passed through the carbon bed, the solu- tion entered an electrolysis cell, where the remaining gold and silver were depos- ited on the cathode. The barren solution was then reheated and recycled through the carbon. A 1 pet NaOH-0,1 pet NaCN solution at its boiling point desorbed more than 90 pet of the gold and silver in 4 to 6 h. The carbon could be reused up to 10 times without losing significant activity. Carbon adsorption-desorption-electro- winning permitted gold and silver recovery from slimy ores or the slimy portion of ores by eliminating the re- quirement of a clarified solution. This became the foundation for two important developments in gold and silver ore pro- cessing: carbon-in-pulp (CIP) cyanida- tion and heap leaching. The cylindrical electrolytic cell originally described (2^) is still used for electrowinning and is commonly referred to as a "Zadra" cell, even though many units in commer- cial use have been modified. Rectangular electrowinning cells are also used, to make better use of floor space than cyl- indrical cells. The NaOH-NaCN electro- lyte and steel wool cathode remain common to all gold-silver electrowinning cells. The Bureau's desorption-electrowinning process, known as the Zadra process, has been utilized in cyanide milling for more than 30 yr. Although gold and silver were eluted from the fruit pit carbon in 4 to 6 h in pilot-scale tests, this was not the general case. Commercial practice, which had adopted harder carbons made from coconut shells, showed that 24 to 48 h was required to desorb more than 90 pet of the precious metals using alka- line cyanide solution heated to boil- ing. Although this was better than not being able to strip the carbon, the long stripping time was undesirable. Bureau research was directed toward ways to decrease the stripping time. Two meth- ods, pressure stripping and alkaline- alcohol stripping, were developed; both greatly decreased the desorption time. PRESSURE STRIPPING AND ALKALINE-ALCOHOL STRIPPING In 1973, Bureau researchers showed that by using a pressure vessel and increasing the temperature of the stripping solu- tion, gold could be stripped from carbon in 2 to 6 h (4^) , The loaded carbon was conditioned with caustic-cyanide solution at 90° C and eluted with water at 150° C, One advantage was that consumption of cyanide and caustic was less with heated pressure stripping than it was using pro- longed ambient pressure stripping. The stripping solution was cooled to 90° C and the gold recovered by electrowinning. 36 In the alkaline-alcohol stripping meth- od, developed by Bureau researchers in 1976, ambient pressure was used, but the modified stripping solution contained 20 pet ethanol in addition to the alkaline cyanide (_5 ) . At 80° C, gold and silver were desorbed in 6 h. A concurrent de- velopment was the separation of gold from silver by precipitating silver as a sul- fide (6^). The separation of silver as a sulfide takes place after desorption from the carbon and results in a purer gold bullion. For pregnant solutions contain- ing considerable amounts of silver, the preferable sequence is to precipitate the silver before loading the carbon (_7 ) • A large carbon inventory is avoided by maintaining capacity for only gold ad- sorption. The Ag2S precipitate can be smelted to a silver bullion. The gold in the filtrate from silver precipitation is adsorbed, desorbed, and electrowon. SUMMARY Pressure stripping, alkaline-alcohol stripping, and ambient pressure stripping are all used by industry to strip gold and silver from activated carbon. Using any of these three methods, the carbon can be reused many times. The preference of the mill operator is the determining factor in choosing the stripping system. REFERENCES 1. McQuiston, F. W. , Jr., and R. S. Shoemaker. Gold and Silver Cyanidation Plant Practice. AIME, v. 1, 187 pp., 1975; V. 2, 263 pp., 1980. 2. Zadra, J. B. A Process for the Re- covery of Gold From Activated Carbon by Leaching and Electrolysis. BuMines RI 4672, 1950, 47 pp. 3. Zadra, J. B., A. L. Engel, and H. J. Heinen. Process for Recovering Gold and Silver From Activated Carbon by Leaching and Electrolysis. BuMines RI 4843, 1952, 32 pp. 4. Ross, J. R. , H. B. Salisbury, and G. M. Potter. Pressure Stripping Gold From Activated Carbon. Pres. at Soc. Min. Eng. AIME Annu. Conf., Chicago, IL, Feb. 26-Mar. 1, 1973, 15 pp.; available upon request from Jean Beckstead, Bureau of Mines, Salt Lake City, UT. 5. Heinen, H. J. , D. G. Peterson, and R. E. Lindstrom. Gold Desprption From Activated Carbon With Alkaline Alcohol Solutions. Ch. 33 in World Mining and Metals Technology, ed. by A. Weiss (Proc. Joint Min. and Metall. Inst, of Japan- AIME Meeting, Denver, CO, Sept. 1-3, 1976). AIME, 1976, pp. 551-564. 6. . Processing Gold Ores Using Heap Leach-Carbon Adsorption Methods. BuMines IC 8770, 1978, 21 pp. 7. . Silver Extraction From Mar- ginal Resources. Pres. at 104th TMS-AIME Annu. Meeting, New York, Feb. 16-20, 1975, 14 pp.; available upon request from J. A. Eisele, Bureau of Mines, Reno, NV. 37 HEAP LEACHING By J. A. Eiselel ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines began investigat- ing heap leaching in 1969 in an effort to provide a low-cost means for recover- ing precious metals from ores that were too low in grade to be economically pro- cessed by conventional cyanide technol- ogy* By 1979, the Bureau had developed an agglomeration pretreatment method that permitted heap leaching to be applied to clayey and finely divided materials. To- day, heap leaching is widely used by the mining industry. This paper briefly de- scribes and discusses heap leaching and agglomeration pretreatment. INTRODUCTION Heap leaching was first used on oxide copper ores and uranium ores (JL^).^ It had the advantages of very low capital cost, low operating costs, and opera- tional flexibility. Bureau researchers proposed heap leaching in 1969 as a low- cost means for recovering gold values from disseminated gold ores with porous gangue, mine stripping waste, and submar- ginal ores (2-4). Heap leaching has since become an important factor in pre- cious metals recovery because it permits utilization of lean ores and wastes that cannot be economically processed by con- ventional agitation cyanidation. Fifteen years after the method's introduction, there are between 50 and 100 commercial gold and silver heap leaching operations, ranging in size from 10 st/wk to 10,000 st/d. LEACHING In heap leaching, the crushed ore mate- rial is piled in heaps on impervious pads. A dilute alkaline-cyanide solution is distributed on top of the heap by a sprinkling system. The solution perco- lates through the heap and drains from the impervious pad. The pregnant gold solution from the heap typically contains from 1 to 3 ppm Au.- For many operations, precipitation of the metal values with zinc is not the most efficient recovery method. Another method, carbon adsorption, is very effi- cient for recovering of metals from di- lute solutions. The pregnant solution is passed through a series of columns con- taining activated carbon, and the gold is adsorbed. The resulting barren solution -I , 'Supervisory chemical engineer, Reno Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Reno, NV. ■^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. is fortified with reagents and recycled to the heap. Leaching continues until the gold extraction is completed. The gold-loaded carbon is stripped by carbon adsorption or zinc precipitation. Some pregnant solutions from silver heap leaching contain enough silver, typically 10 to 20 ppm Ag, that zinc precipitation can be used to recover the silver. For heap leaching to be feasible, .the ore must be porous and permeable to the leaching solution. Since the ore is not finely ground, the cyanide ions must dif- fuse through the host rock to dissolve a gold particle. The dissolved gold must diffuse outward. This requires leaching cycles weeks or months long, and may re- sult in dissolved gold cyanide complexes that are not completely washed from the heap. Runoff from abandoned heaps is not discharged to surface or groundwater sources until the effluent from the spent heap is free of cyanide. A flow diagram of a typical heap leaching operation is shown in figure 1. 38 PRETREATMENT Although application of the heap leach- ing technique to gold and silver ores permitted development of many low-grade and/or small properties that otherwise would not have been exploitable, some ores were untreatable by heap leaching. This was due to two conditions: (1) The ore contained clay, which swelled on con- tact with the leaching solution, blocked the voids in the heap, and thereby pre- vented solution flow; and (2) the ore, after crushing to the liberation size for gold-silver extraction, generated an un- usually large amount of fines (minus 200 mesh) that were washed into the voids by Makeup NaCN, CaO, HgO _.i__ Ore- Heap leaching --i- Car bon adsorption . ' Carbon desorption Ttiermal reactivation r -*■ ' keup No 1 i t 1 1 Electrowinning Refining Gold-silver bullion FIGURE 1. - Flow diagram of heap leaching. the percolating leaching solution, caus- ing channeling and incomplete leaching of the gold and silver from the heap material. In 1979, Bureau researchers published a report describing an agglomeration method that was successful in overcoming these problems (_5-^) , Agglomeration as a pre- treatment for heap leaching consists of (1) mixing the crushed ore with portland cement, which acts as a binding agent, and lime to provide alkalinity; (2^) wet- ting the mixture evenly with solution, which may contain cyanide to start leach- ing before the heap is built; and (3) me- chanical tumbling of the mixture so the fine particles adhere to the larger particles. Several hours of aging are needed for the cement to bond the parti- cles. When stable bonds are formed, the agglomerates are very durable and resist- ant to degradation. This simple pre- treatment has increased the flow of some ores through the columns as much as 6,000-fold and, in actual heaps, has decreased the leaching cycle to days in- stead of weeks. It is estimated that half of the heap leaching operations use some type of agglomeration pretreatment (7^), Agglomeration pretreatment can also be applied to finely divided material such as tailings or finely ground ore (8^) , The conditions required to form good agglomerates are more rigorous, but when the criteria are met, it is possible to process finely divided low-grade and/ or small resources. REFERENCES 39 1. Potter, G. M. Design Factors for Heap Leaching Operations, Min, Eng. , Mar. 1981, pp 277-281. 2. Heinen, H. J., and B. Porter. Ex- perimental Leaching of Gold From Mine Waste. BuMines RI 7250, 1969, 5 pp. 3. Merwin, R. W. , G. M. Potter, and H. J. Heinen. Heap Leaching of Gold Ores in Northwestern Nevada. (Pres. at AIME Annu. Meeting, Washington, DC, Feb. 16- 20, 1969). Soc. Min. Eng. AIME preprint 69-AS-79, 1969, 15 pp. 4. Potter, G. M. Recovering Gold From Stripping Waste and Ore by Percolation Cyanide Leaching. BuMines TPR 20, 1969, 5 pp. 5. Heinen, H. J., G. E. McClel- land, and R. E. Lindstrom. Enhancing Percolation Rates in Heap Leaching of Gold-Silver Ores. BuMines RI 8388, 1979, 20 pp. 6. McClelland, G. E., and J. A. Eisele. Improvements in Heap Leaching To Recover Silver and Gold From Low-Grade Resources. BuMines RI 8612, 1982, 26 pp. 7. McClelland, G. E., D. L. Pool, and J. A. Eisele. Agglomeration-Heap Leach- ing Operations in the Precious Metals In- dustry. BuMines IC 8945, 1983, 16 pp. 8. McClelland, G. E., D. L. Pool, A. H. Hunt, and J. A. Eisele. Agglomera- tion and Heap Leaching of Finely Ground Precious-Metal-Bearing Tailings. BuMines IC 9034, 1985, 11 pp. 40 THE CARBON-IN-PULP PROCESS By Stephen D. Hill'' ABSTRACT This paper briefly reviews the develop- ment of the carbon-in-pulp (CIP) process for recovering gold and silver from cya- nide leach solutions. A brief history and a description of the various steps in the process are presented. Reference is made to published research findings, from both the Bureau of Mines and other sources, that contributed significantly to commercial development and utilization of the process. INTRODUCTION The application of activated carbon to recover gold and silver from cyanide leach solutions was patented as early as 1894 (J_).2 T. G. Chapman, of the Univer- sity of Arizona, is credited with the original development of CIP processing in the late 1930' s. In Chapman's system, the dissolved gold was adsorbed by finely ground activated charcoal. Subsequently, the charcoal was separated from the pulp by flotation, and gold was recovered from the charcoal by burning or smelting (2). In an alternative system. Chapman used larger particles of activated carbon, particles that were much coarser than the ground ore, as the gold adsorbent. The carbon, enclosed in a cylindrical screen basket, was circulated and rotated within the leach pulp. A concentrated gold so- lution was obtained by stripping the gold-loaded carbon with hot cyanide solu- tion (_3 ) . Bureau of Mines researchers further modified the Chapman system in the early 1950' s by adding an electro- lytic cell for continuous removal of gold from the hot strip liquor (4). A small commercial CIP plant was op- erated from 1954 to 1960 at the Golden Cycle Corp.'s Carlton Mill in Cripple Creek, CO. In that operation, coarse carbon in screen baskets was loaded 'Research Director, Salt Lake City Re- search Center, Salt Lake City, UT. ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. with gold stripped method (5) In 1970, continued to about 40 tr oz/st Au, then and recycled by the Zadra the Homestake Mining Co. dis- mercury amalgamation in its milling plant in Lead, SD, because of downstream pollution. Since the ore had a high slime content, Homestake' s diffi- culties provided an opportunity for the Bureau to test its own concepts for im- proved gold extraction, loading, and car- bon handling in a modified cyanide CIP system. Research in these areas was per- formed under a cooperative agreement be- tween the Bureau and Homestake. At the time, conventional plants used a costly system for processing low-grade, lode gold ores that contained finely dissemi- nated gold. Considerable capital invest- ment was required for fine grinding, agitation leaching in cyanide solution, countercurrent decantation in thickeners for solid-liquid separation, residue washing, clarification of pregnant solu- tion by filtering, vacuum deaeration, and precipitation of the gold by reacting the solution with zinc powder. The alternative system, proposed by the Bureau, optimized the following oper- ations: pulp leaching, CIP loading, carbon separation, stripping, electrowin- ning, and carbon regeneration. The inno- vative system was perfected and demon- strated at Homestake in a miniplant that handled 2 st/d of slime pulp. By extrap- olation of the design from the mini- plant, Homestake was able to start its 41 commercial CIP plant, treating 2,000 st/d slime, in 1973 (6^). Bureau metallurgists reported on the Homestake project and the new CIP process at the American Mining Congress Mining Convention in Denver, CO, the same year (7^) . The Bureau subsequently developed the carbon pressure stripping process, and refinements were made in a new design for the electrowinning cell. Cost data pre- sented in 1974 clearly showed that the CIP system was superior to the conven- tional countercurrent decantation system (8^). The MINTEK organization in Johan- nesburg, Republic of South Africa, began work on CIP in 1976, and many significant developments have resulted from its in- tensive efforts (9) . Other CIP plants patterned after the Bureau process include Duval Corp.'s Bat- tle Mountain, NV, operation in 1978 (10); Pinson Mining Co.'s Winnemucca, NV, plant in 1980 (11); and Freeport Gold Co.'s operation near Elko, NV, in 1981, the largest plant of its kind in the United States (12) . Getty Mining Co., Mercur, UT, started a carbon-in-leach (CIL) plant, an offshoot from the CIP process, in 1983 (13). Today, the CIP process is the standard of the gold industry throughout the world, with 30 plants in North America, 10 plants in Australia, and approximately 20 plants in the Repub- lic of South Africa using the process (24-J^) . LEACHING The CIP process, shown in figure 1, Includes cyanide agitation leaching, countercurrent carbon-pulp contact, and carbon-pulp separation. The leaching step of the process, usually accomplished in a multistage system, comprises sev- eral tanks; four to six stages are typi- cal. The ore, normally ground to minus 100 mesh or finer, is leached in a thick slurry of about 45 to 50 pet solids. Lime or caustic is added to maintain protective alkalinity. To speed up gold dissolution, the pulp is vigorously aer- ated and agitated during leaching. The retention time necessary for complete Gold ore Crushing Grinding -• — NaCN plus lime 45-50 pet solids pulp, minus 100 mesh or finer Leach agitators Stripping »• Electrowinning ►Gold Carbon reactivation Makeup minus 10- plus 20-mesh activated c arbo n 1 FIGURE 1.- CIP process. dissolution of the gold depends greatly on the particle size of the gold, but 2 to 24 h is typical. Other factors that influence the rate of dissolution include particle size of the ore, clay content, pulp density, pH, cyanide strength, tem- perature, and slurry viscosity. The Dorr agitator, with a slow-speed center sweep and either peripheral or center-column airlifts, has worked well on finely ground ores. Pachuca tanks also have been successful; they may be capable of handling a coarser feed than the traditional Dorr tanks, A draft tube-type agitation tank has also been used successfully. The type of vessel most suitable for CIP processing depends on the type of ore being treated and the prevailing operating conditions. In most cases, a deep tank with turbine-type me- chanical agitators and low tip speeds is preferred (17), Dissolution of gold and silver is essentially completed before the leached pulp moves to the CIP adsorp- tion circuit. 42 ADSORPTION CARBON SEPARATION The CIP adsorption circuit is a cascade of agitated vessels through which the pulp flows by gravity. In each vessel, the pulp is contacted with carbon gran- ules that preferentially adsorb gold and silver from the solution as the pulp overflows from one vessel into the next. Periodically, a portion of the carbon in- ventory is transferred up the cascade to the next vessel by airlifting a quantity of carbon-bearing pulp. The transfer system is abrasive; therefore, coconut shell activated carbon is generally used because it is resistant to abrasion. There is some variation in the size of carbon particle used. The only strict criterion for carbon size is that parti- cles be large enough to allow easy sepa- ration from the pulp; a minus 6- plus 16- mesh carbon size is quite common. The optimum loading of gold and silver on the carbon is generally a matter of economics and is very dependent on metal prices. Consideration must be given to the ore grade, solution value, gold in- ventory, and security. Frequent strip- ping and handling can result in lower loading, so most large operations usually load the carbon to 200 to 400 tr oz/st Au before the carbon is removed from the first tank in the cascade. Several factors influence the adsorp- tion capacity of gold onto activated car- bon from cyanide solutions. Some of the more important are the ionic strength and pH value of the solution, temperature, the presence of competing metal ions and poisons, and the nature of the carbon. In addition, a number of factors influ- ence the extraction rate of gold cyanide from activated carbon in the stirred tanks, the most important of which are the mixing efficiency in the tanks, pulp viscosity, and carbon granule sizes (18) , The Bureau of Mines recommends that ad- sorption efficiencies be determined by conducting laboratory CIP batch tests to obtain adsorption rate data and establish equilibriim isotherms (19-20) . These ad- sorption rates and equilibrium curves can then be used to design the optimum ad- sorption system. Methods of separating the loaded carbon particles from the gold-depleted pulp are numerous and widely varied. In early CIP circuits, screen baskets or external vi- brating screens were used extensively. A vibrating screen with a minus 20- plus 24-mesh stainless steel square mesh deck has proven to be reliable. Such screens have worked well at a number of plants without malfunctioning. A problem of carbon fines being gen- erated caused operators to look for im- proved methods that would save power, re- duce fine carbon generation, and reduce capital costs. The new concepts that re- sulted include either a peripheral screen or a submerged launder-type screen that fits across the top of the CIP tank. Typically there are two or three such launders on each tank. Each launder has two or three removable screens set in the side panels, which may be vibrated for carbon transfer, if necessary, CARBON-IN-LEACH Leaching generally requires a much longer pulp residence time than adsorp- tion. Consequently, it is possible to reduce the equipment requirement in the CIP circuit by using the leach vessels for both cyanidation and adsorption si- multaneously, thus eliminating the need for a separate adsorption cascade. Such a system is called a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit (21) . Because the acti- vated carbon adsorbs gold and silver from solution, not from the ore, there are ad- vantages in partially preleaching the ore before adsorption starts. Leaching can go on in the presence of carbon that is moving countercurrent to the flow of pulp, similar to the operation of a stan- dard CIP circuit, RECOVERY OF GOLD AND SILVER The activated carbon, loaded with gold and/or silver, may be shipped to a smelter to recover the precious metal values. Such a procedure is sometimes used, particularly for small mines whose capital is limited and reserves are small. However, for better economy in larger operations, the carbon is prefer- ably stripped, reactivated, and re- used in the process. Details of carbon 43 stripping, regeneration, and recovery of precious metals by electrowinning from strip solution are discussed in other pa- pers in this Information Circular. REFERENCES 1. Johnson, W. D. Abstraction of Gold and Silver From Their Solutions in Potassium Cyanide. U.S. Pat. 533,260, May 18, 1894. 2. Chapman, T. G. Cyanidation of Gold Bearing Ores. U.S. Pat. 2,147,009, Sept. 22, 1939. 3. Crabtree, E. H. , Jr., V. W. Win- ters, and T. G. Chapman. Developments in the Application of Activated Carbon to Cyanidation. Metall. Trans., v. 187, Feb. 1950, pp. 217-222. 4. Zadra, J. B., A. L. Engel, and H. J. Heinen. Process for Recovering Gold and Silver From Activated Carbon by Leaching and Electrolysis. BuMines RI 4843, 1952, 32 pp. 5. Seeton, D. A. A Review of Carbon Cyanidization. Min. Mag., v. 51, July 1961, pp. 13-15. 6. Hall, K. B. Homestake Uses Car- bon-in-Pulp To Recover Gold From Slimes. World Min., v. 27, No. 12, 1974, p. 44. 7. Potter, G. M. , and H. B. Salis- bury. Innovations in Gold Metallurgy. (Pres, at Am. Min. Congr. Min. Conv. and Environ. Show, Denver, CO, Sept. 9-12, 1973.) BuMines preprint (Salt Lake City, UT), 1973, 12 pp. 8. Rosenbaum, J. B. Minerals Extrac- tion and Processing: New Developments. Science, v. 191, 1976, pp. 720-723. 9. Laxen, P. A., G. S. M, Becker, and R. Rubin. Developments in the Applica- tion of Carbon-in-Pulp to the Recovery of Gold From South African Ores. J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. & Metall., v. 79, June 1979, pp. 315-326. 10. Jackson, D. (ed.). How Duval Transformed Its Battle Mountain Proper- ties From Copper to Gold Production. Eng. and Min. J., v. 183, No. 10, 1982, pp. 95-99. 11. Mining Magazine. Pinson, Nevada — New Open Pit Gold Mine. V. 145, July 1981, p. 5. 12. Jackson, D. (ed.). Jerritt Canyon Project. Eng. and Min. J., v. 183, July 1982, pp. 54-58. 13. Burger, J. (ed.). Mercur is Get- ty's First Gold Mine. Eng, and Min. J., V. 184, No. 10, 1983, pp. 48-51. 14. Schreiber, H. W, , and M. E. Emer- son. North American Hardrock Gold Depos- its. Eng. and Min. J., v. 185, No. 10, 1984, pp. 50-57. 15. Todd, J. C. New Mines Fuel Aus- tralian Gold Boom, Eng. and Min. J. , v. 185, No. 5, 1985, pp. 11-13. 16. Danne, R. (MINTEK, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa) . Private com- munication, 1985; available from S. D. Hill, Bureau of Mines, Salt Lake City, UT. 17. Potter, G. M. , R. S. Shoemaker, K. B. Hall, and D. M. Duncan. Carbon-in- Pulp Processing of Gold and Silver Ores. Min. Eng. (Littleton, CO), pt. 1, v. 33, No. 9, 1981, pp. 1331-1335; pt. 2, v. 33, No. 10, 1981, pp. 1441-1444. 18. Fleming, C. A. Recent Develop- ments in Carbon-in-Pulp Technology. Pa- per in Hydrometallurgical Research, De- velopment, and Plant Practices, ed. by K. Osseo-Asare and J. D. Miller. Metall. Soc. AIME, 1983, pp. 839-857. 19. Hussey, S. J., H. B. Salisbury, and G. M. Potter. Carbon-in-Pulp Silver Adsorption From Cyanide Leach Slurries of a Silver Ore. BuMines RI 8268, 1978, 22 pp. 20. . Carbon-in-Pulp Gold Ad- sorption From Cyanide Leach Slurries. BuMines RI 8368, 1979, 22 pp. 21. Newrick, G. M. , G. Woodhouse, and D. M. G. Dods. Carbon-in-Pulp Versus Carbon-in-Leach. World Min., v. 36, June 1983, pp. 48-51. 44 PRECIOUS METALS RECOVERY FROM ELECTRONIC SCRAP AND SOLDER USED IN ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURE By B. W, Dunning, Jr. "I ABSTRACT Electronic scrap from obsolete and/or damaged avionics or from manufacturing sources poses a problem for the owner or generator of the scrap in terms of its fair value. The complexity of this material, as well as the low concentra- tion of precious metals (generally less than 1 pet) , makes it difficult to obtain a representative sample for assay. The owner or generator is therefore dependent on the reliability and competence of a toll refiner to obtain a fair value. The Bureau of Mines has investigated var- ious procedures for either concentrating precious metals from electronic scrap in- to an easily assayable form or for re- covering fairly pure gold, silver, or platinum-group metals (PGM). Procedures the Bureau has studied are described and discussed in this paper, including hand dismantling, mechanical processing, pyrometallurgy , hydrometallurgy , and electrometallurgy. INTRODUCTION Gold, silver, and PGM are widely used in electronic and electrical components to provide long-term reliability. Fabri- cation of equipment used by the military consumes the largest portion of precious metals used in the electronics and elec- trical industry. The disposal of obso- lete and/or damaged military electronics (reportedly totaling more than 10,000 st/yr) at a fair value is a pressing problem for the Department of Defense (DOD) . This is partly due to the highly variable and complex nature of military electronic scrap, which makes it diffi- cult to obtain a homogeneous sample for precious metals analysis. Private indus- try has the same problems, but faces few- er constraints in dealing with them. The Bureau of Mines, in cooperation with DOD, the National Association of Re- cycling Industries (NARI) , and others. has developed many procedures for deter- mining precious metals content in scrap. However, some of these procedures are not economical except under special circum- stances. Initial research to determine precious metals content in electronic scrap relied on hand dismantling and object recognition. Subsequent studies investigated mechanical processing as a method for obtaining metal concentrates containing the major portion of the pre- cious metals. In later studies, these precious metal concentrates were treat- ed using various procedures, includ- ing pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and electrometallurgy, to further concentrate or recover the precious metals. These procedures are discussed in the following sections, and data concerning the effec- tiveness of each procedure are presented. HAND CHARACTERIZATION OF SELECTED AVIONIC MODULES (1-2)2 In 1977, the Defense Property Disposal Service (of the DOD) initiated a test re- covery program that included having the 'Supervisory metallurgist, Avondale Re- search Center, Bureau of Mines, Avondale, MD. Bureau of Mines hand-process a controlled sample lot containing a variety of "black boxes" (surplus electronic units so ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. 45 designated because of their black out- er cases). The program was to include determination of base and precious met- als content, removal of salable modules, and a monetary evaluation of each box. Several identical lots were prepared with components intact to assure a basis for direct comparison. The Bureau re- ceived one lot of boxes for hand dis- mantling to determine the potential yield of base and precious metals from each unit. An identical lot of boxes was placed on display at the Defense Con- struction Supply Center, Columbus, OH, for private industry to bid on determina- tion of the following: 1. Relative cost-effectiveness of and estimated cost per item for currently practicable methods for precious metals segregation, identification, and recovery and for serviceability testing of usable modules from individual boxes, 2. Reutilization and sales potential of usable modules and components, with sales potential supported by quotations from prospective purchasers. All interested industry groups indi- cated that the sample lot was too low in value to warrant bidding and too old for reutilization of usable mod- ules. More than half of the sample con- sisted of radio receivers, transmitters, tuners, and power supplies; the remain- der consisted of miscellaneous naviga- tional and communication equipment. All units appeared to have been produced prior to 1957 and did not contain any printed circuits. The weights for in- dividual units in the sample lot ranged from 2-1/2 to 58 lb. The total weight of the sample lot was 726 lb. The avi- onlc units came from the military air- craft storage located in the Arizona desert near Tucson. A summary of the materials composition of the 36 hand- dismantled avionic units is listed in table 1. MECHANICAL PROCESSING OF ELECTRONIC SCRAP AND GOLD AND SILVER DISTRIBUTION IN THE VARIOUS FRACTIONS (3-5) Approximately 5 st of general avionic scrap "black boxes" was mechanically pro- cessed through a series of unit opera- tions. These unit operations included a hammer mill, air classif ier-baghouse, magnetic separator-trommel, vibrating screen, rolls crusher, wire separator screen, magnetic precleaner, eddy-current separator, and high-tension separator. The various materials recovered from these unit operations and their distribu- tion are listed in table 2, along with the assay and the amount of gold and sil- ver in each material fraction. Three ma- terial fractions, the lights, wire bun- dles, and the metallics from high-tension separation, contained most of the gold and silver. It was determined that these materials, representing 34 pet of the original 5 st, could be economically pro- cessed by a toll refiner to obtain credit for the precious metals. Hand-segregated printed cards and elec- trical plugs and connectors were also processed through a modified series of mechanical unit operations. Rolls crush- ing and magnetic precleaning were not deemed necessary for processing these items. The amount and distribution of materials recovered from circuit cards using the various unit operations are shown in table 3, along with the assay and the amount of gold and silver in each material fraction; the results shown are from processing approximately 920 lb of printed-circuit cards. The amount and distribution of materi- als recovered from mechanically process- ing some 600 lb of electrical plugs and connectors are listed in table 4, along with the assay and the amount of gold and silver in these components. Most of the gold and silver was found in the high- tension metal and baghouse lights. 46 TABLE 1. - Summary of materials composition of hand-dismantled avionics units, weight percent Uniti Aluminum base Copper base Magnetic metals Stainless steel Nonmetals Fraction con- taining pre- cious metals^ Receiver-transmitter Tuner, radio Tuner, radio Tuner, radio Radio receiver Converter Keyer Amplifier Video amplifier Video decoder Radio receiver Receiver-transmitter Control transmitter. Video coder Indicator Tuner, radio Tuner, radio Tuner, radio Tuner, radio Receiver Coder transmitter set Receiver-transmitter Azimuth indicator, . . Receiver Receiver-transmitter Indicator Azimuth indicator. . . Power supply Receiver-transmitter Power supply Power supply Power supply Storage unit N^ compass Inverter Electron tube 20. 57. 56. 54. 25. 47. 28. 32. 29. 51. 28. 56. 32. 54. 39. 59. 62. 61. 51. 34. 45. 36. 36. 25. 32. 43. 40. 27. 28. 6. 28. 25. 58. 16. 32. 14. 35.8 20.8 20.1 17.6 28.3 23.5 23.6 22.2 23.5 13.3 25.9 17.0 22.4 16.0 12.8 16.5 12.4 14.7 17.7 17.4 15.3 18.8 19.8 21.7 17.7 17.0 17.5 19.0 18.1 24.4 16.8 15.9 14.1 5.1 19.4 8.4 19.1 9.5 9.1 10.5 29.0 11.0 21.0 23.8 19.3 11.5 23.5 13.5 12.9 9.0 12.9 8.3 8.3 9.3 14.1 26.7 22.5 23.1 21.1 30.1 21.2 19.6 20.8 31.1 28.6 47.6 34.5 33.3 15.7 43.8 41.4 69.4 4.3 4.4 5.3 7.5 2.3 3.2 5.7 2.3 8.9 8.5 1.5 1.3 13.7 3.4 3.9 5.5 8.5 5.9 7.9 1.7 1.4 3.3 4.4 3.4 3.4 3.0 4.3 2.3 4.0 2.5 .6 3.7 .5 33.3 .8 5.5 20.3 7.9 8.6 9.5 15.3 14.8 21.2 18.7 18.9 15.1 20.4 11.5 18.9 17.3 30.9 10.1 8.8 8.3 9.1 19.6 15.5 18.3 18.5 18.9 25.7 16.5 17.1 19.7 20.5 19.2 19.4 21.9 11.3 1.7 5.8 2.3 14.5 13.5 13.4 11.6 11.1 8.2 5.2 5.2 4.7 3.6 3.5 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 .8 .3 .2 .2 'where units of the same kinc individual unit. ^Percentage of the total hand segregation of silver- are listed more than once, each listing represents an black box we and gold-co ight that contained precious metals, based on ated components through visual examination. 47 TABLE 2. - Material distribution, concentration, and weight of contained precious metals from fractions of mechanically beneficiated general avionic scrap Fraction Weight, lb Distribution, wt pet Concentration, wt pet Contained precious metals, tr oz Au Ag Au Ag Baghouse lights Wire bundles ............. 930 860 1,204 1,825 425 1,161 965 552 444 773 1,318 23 8.9 8.2 11.5 17.4 4.0 11.1 9.2 5.3 4.2 7.4 12.6 .2 0.021 .021 .015 0) .064 ND .003 .099 .074 .031 .017 0.33 .77 .07 (M .41 .017 .64 2.01 1.96 1.09 .30 2.8 2.6 2.6 0) 4.0 ND .42 8.0 4.8 3.5 3.3 44.7 96.6 Magnetics: Minus 1/2 in 12.3 Minus 1 plus 1/2 in.... Eddy-current: 2 Precleaner magnetics... Aluminum. .••.....•..••. 0) 25.4 2.9 Middles 90.1 High-tension metal: ^ Minus 1/4 in. .......... 161.7 Minus 1/2 plus 1/4 in.. Minus 1 plus 1/2 in.... High-tension rejects (minus 1 in) ^ Hammer-mill knockout box contents 127.0 122.9 57.7 (M Composite, total or average 10,480 100.0 .021 .48 32.02 741.3 ND Not detected. 'visual observation of this fraction showed no evidence of precious metals except for a few large power transistors. ^Fractions obtained using ramp-type eddy-current separator. ^Fractions obtained using high-tension separator. ^Not determined. TABLE 3. - Material distribution, concentration and weight of contained precious metals in fractions of mechanically beneficiated printed-circuit cards Fraction Weight, lb Distribution, wt pet Concentration, wt pet Contained precious metals, tr oz Au Ag Au Ag Baghouse lights . . . . < Wire bundles 214.6 11.2 283.6 16.6 324.9 72.0 23.2 1.2 30.7 1.8 35.2 7.8 0.075 .068 .030 ND .150 .023 0.61 .97 .05 .01 1.55 .37 2.35 .11 1.24 ND 7.11 .24 19.1 1.6 Magnetics (minus 1/2 in). Eddy-current aluminum (minus 1/2 in) High-tension metal (minus 1/2 in) 2.1 .02 73.4 High-tension rejects (minus 1/2 in) 3.9 Composite, total or average 922.9 99.9 .082 .74 11.05 100.1 ND Not detected. 48 TABLE 4. - Material distribution, concentration, and weight of contained precious metals in fractions of mechanically beneficiated electrical plugs and connectors Fraction Weight, lb Distribution, wt pet Concentration, wt pet Contained precious metals, tr oz Au Ag Au Ag Baghouse lights Wire bundles 81.6 6.6 53.2 66.6 199.8 191.8 13.6 1.1 8.9 11.1 33.3 32.0 0.081 .043 .020 ND .137 ND 0.88 1.34 .10 .015 1.12 ND 0.96 .04 .16 ND 3.99 ND 10.5 1.3 Magnetics (minus 1/2 in). Eddy-current aluminum (minus 1/2 in) High-tension metal (minus 1/2 in) High-tension rejects (minus 1/2 in)' .78 .15 32.6 ND Composite 599.6 100.0 .059 .52 5.15 45.3 ND Not detected. 'visual observation of the high-tension rejects (minus 1/2 in) indicated that the shattered pieces of plastic, ceramic, hard rubber, and other types of insulator mate- rial contained no precious-metals-bearing contact pins after shredding. In processing either whole avionic units or hand-segregated circuit cards , electrical plugs, and connectors, the greatest amount of gold and silver is always concentrated in the high-tension metal product. Most of the remaining gold and silver concentrates in the wire and baghouse lights. These fractions are best handled by a toll refiner. A toll refiner will first incinerate these fractions separately to remove the or- ganics. After incineration, the high- tension metal product and wire are dis- solved in a molten heel of copper. The melt is then thoroughly mixed and cast into ingots for assay of the precious metals. The baghouse lights are also in- cinerated, then ball or rod milled; the resulting powder is then blended, coned, quartered, and assayed. HYDROMETALLURGICAL RECOVERY FROM ELECTRONIC SCRAP GOLD AND SILVER FROM HIGH-TENSION METALLIC FRACTION (6-7) three stages with 20-vol-pct H2 SO4 to re- move the copper. The high-tension metallics from me- chanically processed avionic units, rep- resenting about 17 pet of the units' total weight, contained slightly more than 50 pet of the total gold and sil- ver. The high-tension fraction, with its high surface-area-to-weight ratio, is ideal for upgrading by leaching. The elemental composition of this fraction is listed in table 5. The major base metals in the high-tension fraction were copper, aluminum, and iron, in that order. Alu- minum is removed by leaching with 20- wt-pct NaOH. After washing, the residue is countercurrently pressure leached in TABLE 5. - Elemental composition of high-tension metallic fraction from avionic scrap Ag. Al. Au. Cr, Cu. Cone, wt pet 1.37 27.2 .12 .1 38.4 Fe. Ni. Pb. Sn. Cone, wt pet 9.4 3.2 .2 2.1 NOTE. — Remainder was mostly Si as Si02 (fiberglass and plastic filler). 49 The distribution of metal values in the leaeh solutions and in the residues is listed in table 6. Copper is reeovered from the pregnant leaeh liquor by eemen- tation with transformer steel from the coarse magnetic fraction of mechanically processed avionics. The cement copper is a good grade and assays better than 90 pet. TABLE 6. - Concentration and distribu- tion of metal values in leaeh solu- tions and residues Leach solutions Residues Elements Cone, Distri- Cone, Distri- g/L bution, pet wt pet bution, pet Ag <0.001 <0.004 8.13 99.1 Au ND ND .74 >99.9 Cr .0004 6.2 .42 94.0 Cu 36.3 89.3 24.4 10.9 Fe 2.9 29.0 39.6 71.0 Ni 1.02 38.8 9.0 61.1 Pb .003 1.4 1.1 98.6 Pd ND ND .21 99.9 Sn .14 7.9 9.5 91.1 ND Not detected. Silver is reeovered from the pressure- leached residue by dissolution in 50- vol-pet HNO3 and subsequent precipitation with NaCl as AgCl. This AgCl is reduced to silver metal by mixing with Na2C03 and heating to 600° C. Copper not extracted during H2SO4 leaching is reeovered from the silver-free HNO3 leaeh solution by cementation with steel scrap. Gold is extracted from the HNO3 leaching residue with aqua regia and precipitated with NaHS03. Analyses of the gold and silver products and the final residue is listed in table 7. The final residue consisted mostly of acid-insoluble noncombustibles (mostly silica) , stainless steel, and tin. PLATINUM-GROUP METALS (_8) Hydrometallurgical techniques have al- so been investigated as a means for recovering platinum-group metals from electronic scrap. Telephone Relay Scrap NARI estimates that about 1,000 st/yr of telephone relay scrap is available for processing. Palladium, gold, and plati- num are found in the contact points, which are brazed to cupronickel wires. These contact points represent approxi- mately 0.06 pet of the modular weight. Mechanical processing, including shred- ding, air classification, magnetic sep- aration, screening, and high-tension sep- aration (HTS), produced an HTS metallic fraction containing most of the relay contact points. A portion of this HTS concentrate representing 8.7 pet of the original scrap was pressure leached in stainless steel autoclaves in a two-stage countercurrent arrangement with solid- liquid separation between each stage. The purpose of the first-stage leaeh was to react fresh HTS concentrate with the second-stage liquor to produce a pregnant liquor with a low concentration of H2 SO4 (less than 10 g/L). Partially leached solids from the first-stage leach were fed to the second stage, where they were leached with a fresh H2SO4-HNO3 solution. Measured quantities of HTS-PGM con- centrate (usually 120 g), 1 L of H2 SO4 solution (20 vol pet), and HNO3 (20 mL to 120 g concentrate) were charged to the autoclave and heated to 90° C with a lOO-lbf/in^ air overpressure. Air was sparged through the autoclave (about 10 bubbles per second) during all leaches. After leaching, the slurry was removed from the autoclave and filtered, and the products were analyzed. Increasing the reaction time from 1 to 4 h increased base metal extraction from 96 to 99 pet. Quantitative analyses of the residue and filtrate are listed in table 8. The res- idue, representing 0.2 pet of the HTS-PGM concentrate, was suitable for shipping to a toll refiner for recovery of silver, gold, and PGM. Reed Switches NARI sources estimate that approximate- ly 10 St of reed switches, a valuable scrap material, is available for process- ing annually. Reed switches consist of 50 TABLE 7. - Semiquantitative spectrochemical analyses of products from pressure-leached residue, weight percent Element Pro duct Final residue Gold Cement silver^ Ag Al 0.03 - 0.3 .003- .03 >10 .003- .03 .003- .03 .03 - .3 .003- .03 .01 - .1 1 - 10 .1 - 1 .03 - .3 >10 0.03 - .3 .0003- .003 ND .03 - .3 .03 - .3 .003 - .3 .3-3 ND .1 - 1 .3-3 0.0003- 0.003 .3-3 Au ND Cr .3-3 Cu .1-1 Fe .3-3 Ni .01 - .1 Pb .1-1 Pd ND Si >10 Sn 1 - 10 ND Not detected. ^Quantitative analysis of remaining cement silver after semi- quantitative spectrochemical analysis, in weight percent: 97.5 Ag, 0.028 Al, 0.53 Cu, 0.12 Pb, and 1.82 Sn. TABLE 8. - Quantitative analyses of residue and filtrate from leaching telephone relays Element Concentration Residue, wt pet Filtrate, g/L Ag 1.3 0.001 Au 14.8 .0004 Cu 1.3 67.9 Cr <.003 .0003 Mn ND .03 Ni .09 14.4 Pd 77.7 .0007 Pt .29 .009 ND Not detected. two magnetizable reeds with their extrem- ities fused in a glass envelope. The in- ner ends of the reeds are plated with gold and then rhodium. A simple rolls crushing step followed by magnetic sepa- ration of the reeds from the glass powder was the only preprocessing necessary to prepare the reed switches for hydrometal- lurgical treatment. Assay of the reed switches showed them to be, in weight percent, 49 Co, 48 Fe, 2 V, 0.5 Au, and 0.4 Rh. The approach to recovering gold and rhodium from this scrap was to dis- solve the cobalt-iron substrate in either HCl (1:1) or HNO3 (1:2) using ultrasonic agitation. Dissolution of the base-metal substrate was relatively fast except for the working face of the reed plated with gold and rhodium. Complete removal of base metals required 12 h of continuous leaching. The insoluble residue was a fine gold-rhodium sand assaying approxi- mately 50 pet Au and 50 pet Rh. A spec- trochemical analysis of the gold-rhodium sand is listed in table 9. Gold was readily removed from the Rh with aqua regia, leaving a pure 99.8-pct-Rh sand. Recovery of the gold was accomplished by precipitating with NaHS03 ; however, other methods of recovering the gold are avail- able. The byproduct metals cobalt and vanadium can be recovered from the iron- cobalt-vanadium solution using existing technology. TABLE 9. - Semiquantitative spectro- chemical analysis of gold-rhodium sand from reed switches Ele- ment Cone, wt pet Ag... . 0.003- 0.03 Al... .003- .03 Au. . , >10 Co... .03 - .3 Fe... .01 - .1 Mg... .001- .01 Ele- ment Mn.. Pb.. Rh.. Si.. Sn. . Cone, wt pet 0.001- 0.01 .003- .03 >10 .01 - .1 .03 - .3 51 COPPER CEMENTATION WITH SELECTED MATERIALS FROM AV IONIC SCRAP (9) A process using either brittle aluminum base or magnetic metallics from elec- tronic scrap as a copper precipitant in acidulated CUSO4 solution was developed to separate and then upgrade a high-grade cement copper containing all or most of the precious metals. Aluminum-bearing obsolete avionic assemblies and plugs and connectors removed from electronic scrap were incinerated and then melted and cast to form brittle ingots. An assay of these incinerated and melted items is listed in table 10. The brittle ingots were broken up and rolls-crushed to minus 35 mesh. Copper cementation took place when this material was agitated in the acidulated CUSO4 solution in a counter- current system. The precipitate con- tained better than 90 pet Cu and all of the associated precious metals. The ce- ment copper thus obtained can be bene- ficiated by fire refining to produce high-grade anode material for subsequent electrorefining to cathode copper. An anode mud is produced from which the pre- cious metals can be recovered using stan- dard procedures. TABLE 10. - Analyses of ingots produced by Incineration and melting of mili- tary electronic scrap Analysis, tr oz/st: Ag Au Concentration, wt pet Al Cu Fe Mn Ni Zn Insol ^Not determined. The magnetic fraction of shredded elec- tronic scrap, which is mostly thin sili- con steel laminae from transformers, is Plugs and connec- tors Avionic assem- blies 157.0 0.16 38.4 24.0 26.3 (') 0) 0.23 4.7 an excellent copper cementation agent when it is agitated in an acidulated CUSO4 solution. It also contains nickel- alloy transistor caps that contain some gold and silver. A representative sample of the magnetic fraction from shredded electronic scrap was melted, cast, and sampled for assay. An assay of this ma- terial is listed in table 11. TABLE 11, - Analysis of a representa- tive sample of shredded magnetic scrap Value Analysis, tr oz/st: Ag 7,2 Au 5,96 Concentration, wt pet: Cr 0,7 Cu 0,7 Fe 75,8 Ni 11,5 Insol 4,4 Copper cementation was most efficient when shredded magnetic scrap was used in a tumbler-type system, since a vigorous scrubbing action was needed to maintain the precipitation reaction. An analysis of the combined precipitate showed it to contain, in weight percent, 89 Cu, 1,1 Fe, 0,32 Pb, 0,36 Sn, 1,5 insolubles, and in ounces per short ton, 4,0 Au and 11,5 Ag. The total precipitate was melted in an induction furnace without flux. An an- ode, representing 90 pet of the charge weight, was obtained from the melt; the balance, containing most of the impuri- ties, remained as a sinter. The anode was placed in a polypropylene sock and electroref ined in a solution containing 150 g/L H2SO4 and 40 g/L Cu at a current density of 12 A/f t^ , Previous electro- refining tests using these conditions produced a dense, smooth cathode deposit. Assays of the various products are listed in table 12, The anode mud can be fur- ther refined using standard procedures for gold and silver recovery. 52 TABLE 12. - Analyses of electro- refining products Anode Cathode 1 Anode mud Analysis, Ag Au tr oz/st: • ••••••••• 12.1 4.3 99.4 0.13 0.104 0.047 0.05 ND ND 99.9 ND ND ND ND 1,140 412 Analysis, Cu pet: 57.0 Fe ND Pb Sn 0.7 0.316 Insol NS TABLE 13. - Analyses of products ob- tained from melting and electrolyti- cally solubilizing unreacted magnetic scrap residue ND Not determined. 'a spectrographic analysis of the cath- ode copper showed the following impuri- ties (estimated): 0.001 wt pet Mg and 0.01 wt pet Ca. The cleaned, unreacted residue from the copper cementation with shredded magnetic scrap (amounting to 11.0 pet of the orig- inal charge) was melted in an induction furnace and cast into an anode. An assay of the metal is listed in table 13. The anode was suspended in a elec- trolytic cell fitted with a graphite Analysis, tr oz/st: Ag Au Analysis, wt pet: Co Cr Cu Fe Ni Insol Resi- due^ 35 12 0.7 0.5 11.0 40.0 46.4 Na Anode mud 239 129 NA NA 55.0 17.0 18.0 8.0 Solution, g/L NA NA 1.9 0.9 0.05 50 61 NA NA Not analyzed. ^Cleaned, unreacted scrap residue. cathode and partially solubilized in an electrolyte containing 150 g/L H2SO4. The metals in solution (table 13) could be treated by presently used technology to recover the nickel, cobalt, and chro- mium. The anode mud (table 13) can be treated using standard procedures for the recovery of the precious metals. SWEATING AVIONIC SCRAP TO PRODUCE ALUMINUM BULLION FOR FUSED SALT ELECTROLYSIS (10) The Bureau developed and tested two molten-salt electrorefining procedures for processing aluminxom ingots sweated from avionic scrap in order to recover a high-quality aluminum and concentrate the gold and silver in the aluminum-depleted anodes. An analysis of one of the ingots is listed in table 14. One system used a three-layer cell. The three molten layers were separated because of differences in the densities of the molten anode material, the molten salt electrolyte, and the molten refined aluminum. At the operating temperature range of 750° to 850° C, the approximate density was 3.3 g/cm-' for the molten electronic scrap, 2.7 g/cva? for the mol- ten electrolyte, and 2.3 g/cm^ for the molten refined aluminum. The electrolyte contained, in weight percent, 60 BaCl2, 17 NaF, and 23 AIF3. The recovered alu- minum had a purity of 99.8 pet. The com- position of the anode residue from the three-layer cell (representing 33 pet of the electronic scrap ingot) is listed in table 15. The anode residue can be read- ily refined to copper bullion suitable for further treatment by aqueous acid electrolysis to separate precious metals and copper. TABLE 14. - Composition of electronic scrap ingot Value Analysis, tr oz/st: Ag 119 Au 12 Concentration, wt pet: Al 69.69 Cu 19.98 Fe 0.50 Mg 0.13 Mn 0.20 Ni 0.22 Pb 1.07 Si 2.57 Sn 1.19 Zn 4.02 53 TABLE 15. - Composition of total anode residue, three-layer cell Value Analysis, tr oz/st: Ag 378 Au 37 Concentration, wt pet: Al 6.93 Cu 61.61 Fe 2.03 Mg 0.007 Mn 0.32 Ni 0.61 Pb 1.88 Si 6.48 Sn 6.75 Zn 10. 16 A second system used a compartmented cell that provided separate compartments for the anode and cathode metals instead of the density separation used in the three-layer cell. The cell was operated in the range of 750° to 800° C. The electrolyte consisted of an equimolar mixture of NaCl and KCl, with enough AICI3 to provide a 1- to 2-wt-pct Al concentration in the electrolyte. The recovered aluminum had a purity of 99.6 pet. The composition of the anode resi- due from the compartmental cell (repre- senting 32 pet of the electronic scrap ingot) is listed in table 16. This anode residue can also be refined to copper bullion suitable for electroref ining. The two fused-salt electroref ining pro- cesses are technically feasible; however, economic evaluations have not been made. TABLE 16. - Composition of total anode residue, compartmental cell Value Analysis, tr oz/st: Ag 365 Au 35 Concentration, wt pet: Al 12.2 Cu 60.9 Fe 1.66 Mg <0.01 Mn 0.45 Ni 0.68 Pb 3.27 Si 8.04 Sn 3.64 Zn 7.77 INCINERATION, CAUSTIC LEACHING, SMELTING, AND ELECTROREFINING OF AVIONIC SCRAP (11) From a metallurgical standpoint, avi- onic scrap is a complex mixture of vari- ous metals, mostly copper, aluminum, and iron, attached to, covered with, or mixed with diverse types of plastics and ceram- ics. Precious metals occur as platings of various thicknesses, in relay contact points, on switch contacts and wires, and in solders. The plastics and organics can be elimi- nated prior to smelting by incinera- tion at 400° to 500° C in a gas-fired furnace. The furnace must be equipped with an afterburner and a scrubber in order to meet antipollution regulations. Iron alloys are removed with a drum magnet. The aluminum content, generally about 35 to 40 pet in avionics, may be removed by caustic leaching with regener- ation of the caustic. Leaching is not necessary unless there is a ready market for the AI2O3. Smelting of the inciner- ated scrap, with or without the aluminiim removed, is done to produce a homogeneous assayable product that can be sold to a custom smelter. An ingot produced from electronic scrap, without the aluminum removed, assayed 30 wt pet Cu, 18 wt pet Fe, and 32 wt pet Al, and 120 tr oz/st Ag and 1 tr oz/st Au. Smelting another batch of electronic scrap low in alumi- num produced an ingot that assayed 85 wt pet Cu, 4 wt pet Fe, and 0.2 wt pet Al, and 333 tr oz/st Ag and 26 tr oz/st Au. These two assays illustrate the hetero- geneity of electronic scrap composition. The remelted ingots, with or without the aluminum removed, can be further refined by slag additions and blowing air through the melt. The resulting copper bullion is refined electrolytically , and the an- ode slimes, which are rich in precious metals, are sent to a toll refiner for final processing. Economic evaluation of the various procedures for processing avionic scrap B lWjWIgWI IIHHg 54 indicates that incineration followed by smelting to form an assayable ingot and selling this product to a custom electroref iner is the most cost-effective procedure. TREATMENT OF SPENT TIN-LEAD SOLDER FROM MANUFACTURE OF ELECTRONIC PRINTED CIRCUIT CARDS TO RECOVER GOLD (12-13) Estimates indicate that 2,000 st of spent solder containing about 120,000 tr oz Au is generated annually (12). One method for recycling the tin-led solder and recovering the gold is fused- salt electrolysis (12). Electroref ining of the spent solder is carried out at 450° to 500° C with a molten KCl-SnCl2- PbCl2 electrolyte. The spent solder is charged to the anode container. Both anode and cathode electrodes are tung- sten. Electrolyte composition is, in weight percent, 14 KCl, 28 SnCl2 , and 58 PbCl2, The electrolyte melting point is 390° C, Refined tin-lead solder is re- covered at the cathode. In tests, gold at the anode increased from about 60 to 2,200 tr oz/ St. The impure gold bullion collected at the anode is treated by con- ventional fire refining to recover rela- tively pure gold. A second method for recycling spent tin-lead solder is by drossing with alu- minum or zinc (13). The electronic sol- ders used in studying this method were nominal 60-40 tin-lead solders that had become so contaminated during wave sol- dering of printed circuit boards that they would no longer form acceptable bonds. The analyses of two contaminated solders used in the drossing study are listed in table 17. TABLE 17. - Analyses of some as-received scrap electronic solders, parts per million Recovery of gold from electronic sol- ders by phase separation requires a den- sity difference between the solder and the drossing agent. Scrap electronic solders have specific gravities ranging from 8.45 to 8.85 g/cm^ , while the spe- cific gravities of aluminum and zinc are 2.70 and 7.14 g/cm^ , respectively. Samples of scrap solder were melted in open clay and clay-graphite crucibles in a conventional pot furnace. Bath temper- atures were held at 550° C for aluminum- treated solders and at 350° C for zinc- treated solders. Agitation of the bath during cooling helped phase separation. When the bath temperature reached 200° to 250° C, the dross was removed from the solder by filtering. In addition to gold, the aluminum also removes significant amounts of antimony, copper, iron, and nickel from the solder, but is not effective for silver removal. Zinc is as effective as aluminum for re- moving gold from solder and also removes silver, copper, iron, and nickel, but not antimony. The use of zinc, however, im- poses distinct disadvantages. Compared with aluminum, approximately eight times as much zinc, on a molar basis, is needed to completely remove gold from the sol- der. Zinc dross does not become as vis- cous as aluminum dross as the bath tem- perature is lowered, thus complicating phase separation. In addition, solder dissolved larger quantities of zinc than aluminum, making it more difficult to re- purify the solder to an acceptable elec- tronic grade. Therefore, in general, aluminum drossing is preferred over zinc drossing except for solders containing substantial quantities of silver. Dross recovered by filtration contains essentially all of the gold originally present in the solder and typically rep- resents about 10 pet of the weight of the solder. This dross can be further pro- cessed to concentrate the gold, since about 85 pet of the dross is entrained solder. 55 Heating the dross in the range of 800° to 1,000° C will oxidize aluminum and aluminum-gold compounds together with some of the lead and tin. Most of the metallic solder entrained in the dross, amounting to 15 to 40 wt pet of the dross, remains in the metallic state and is separated from the oxidized material by grinding and screening. The metallic portion remains on a 200-mesh screen, whereas the oxidized material passes through. The entrapped solder recovered from the dross has approximately the same concentration of gold as the original scrap solder and is recycled when a fresh batch is treated. The gold in the oxide phase is in the free metallic state and can be reclaimed by aqua regia digestion or by a combined cyanidation-amalgamation procedure. If aqua regia digestion is chosen, the base metal oxides should first be treated to remove them so they do not report to the aqua regia with the gold. This is best accomplished by leaching the oxides successively with a 50-pct NaOH solution and concentrated HCl. The NaOH solution removes most of the AI2O3, while HCl dissolves the remaining soluble impuri- ties. After filtering and washing, the solutions are discarded. The remaining solids are treated in two steps with aqua regia, then filtered and washed. Approximately 98 pet of the gold dis- solves in the aqua regia. Gold can be recovered from the aqua regia solution by conventional cementation procedures. In cemented form, the gold can be easily processed by a gold smelter for final purification. The second technique utilizes combined cyanidation-amalgamation. Neither cyani- dation nor amalgamation alone is effec- tive because of the variation in the size distribution of the gold particles. The larger particles are removed by amalgama- tion, while the smaller particles are dissolved by the cyanide solution. In order to use the combined cyanidation- amalgamation procedure, the oxides must first be treated with 5N HNO3 . This treatment is necessary to remove a tar- nished surface film from the gold that hinders reaction of the gold with the cy- anide solution or with mercury. HNO3 also dissolves unoxidized solder and some base metal oxides. Combined cyanidation- amalgamation is generally preferred over aqua regia digestion because of the high- ly corrosive nature of aqua regia, which complicates the selection of construction materials. CONCLUSIONS Efforts to recover precious metals from electronic and electrical scrap will benefit from initial hand segregation of the scrap material, in nearly every case, even if the segregation is only minimal. Base metals recovered will usu- ally pay for the segregation step. Me- chanical processing of electronic and electrical scrap by companies specializ- ing in this operations is available on a toll basis. The material fractions ob- tained from mechanical processing are homogeneous enough for assaying. Assays enable the generator or owner to deter- mine whether the scrap has enough value to at least pay for shipping and toll re- fining charges. The Bureau's studies in electronic and electrical scrap recovery have shown that mechanical processing to obtain homogeneous materials for assaying is beneficial and economical, and a study conducted by private industry has borne out this conclusion. However, further processing to recover precious metals is best handled by toll refiners. 56 REFERENCES 1. Dunning, B. W. , Jr. Characteriza- tion of Scrap Electronic Equipment for Resource Recovery, Paper in Proceedings of the Sixth Mineral Waste Utilization Sjmiposium (IIT Res. Inst., Chicago, XL, May 2-3). ITT Res. Inst., 1980, 1978, pp. 403-410. 2. Dunning, B. W. , Jr., and F. Am- brose. Characterization of Pre-1957 Avi- onic Scrap for Resource Recovery. Bu- Mines RI 8499, 1980, 20 pp. 3. Ambrose, F., and B. W. Dunning, Jr. Precious Metals Recovery From Electronic Scrap. Proceedings of the Seventh Miner- al Waste Utilization Symposivim (ITT Res. Inst., Chicago, IL, Oct. 20-21, 1980). ITT Res. Inst., 1980, pp. 184-197. 4. . Mechanical Processing of Electronic Scrap To Recover Precious- Metal-Bearing Concentrates. Ch. in Pre- cious Metals, ed. by R. 0. McGachie and Pergamon, 1980, pp. 67- A. G. 76. 5. H. V. Bradley. Dunning, B. W. Jr. , F. Ambrose, and Makar. Distribution and Analysis of Gold and Silver in Mechanically Pro- cessed Mixed Electronic Scrap. BuMines RI 8788, 1983, 17 pp. 6. Hilliard, H. E. , B. W. Dunning, Jr. , and H. V. Makar. Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Electronic Scrap Concen- trates Containing Precious Metals. BuMines RI 8757, 1983, 15 pp. 7. Hilliard, H. E., B. W. Dunning, Jr. , D. A. Kramer, and D. M. Soboroff . Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Electron- ic Scrap To Recover Gold and Silver. BuMines RI 8940, 1985, 20 pp. 8. Hilliard, H. E., and B. W. Dun- ning, Jr. Recovery of Platinum-Group Metals and Gold From Electronic Scrap. Paper in Proceedings, 1983 International Precious Metals Institute International Seminar. The Platinum Group Metals — An In-Depth View of the Industry, ed. by D. E. Lundy and E. D. Zysk (Williamsburg, VA, Apr. 10-13, 1983). Int. Precious Met. Inst., 1983, pp. 129-142. 9. Salisbury, H. B., L. J. Duchene, and J. H. Bilbrey, Jr. Recovery of Cop- per and Associated Precious Metals From Electronic Scrap. BuMines RI 8561, 1981, 16 pp. 10. Sullivan, T. A., R. L. deBeau- champ, and E. L. Singleton. Recovery of Aluminum, Base, and Precious Metals From Electronic Scrap. BuMines RI 7617, 1972, 16 pp. 11. Dannenberg, R. 0., J. M. Maurice, and G. M. Potter. Recovery of Precious Metals From Electronic Scrap. BuMines RI 7683, 1972, 19 pp. 12. Kleespies, E. K. , J. P. Bennetts, and T. A. Henrie. Gold Recovery From Scrap Electronic Solders by Fused-Salt Electrolysis. BuMines TPR 9, 1969, 8 pp. 13. Ferrell, E. F. Recovering Gold From Scrap Electronic Solders by Dross- ing. BuMines RI 8169, 1976, 9 pp. T^U.S. GPO: 1985-605-017/20,138 INT.-BU.O F MIN ES,PGH.,P A. 28195 w J V^^'/ \/^'^\/ "-^'^^•/ V-- ° O^ 'o. » » A <. *■' ..5^ ^G .0 V *; '^^^^^^ ;^fe\ ^^Z •^^^"° ""^v-/ ' <^ '-^o^ 'b V" ^v '^ o « o , . ^. ^^ A^ ^^fe'- ^^ -^-^ h' / "^^^ ^yW:* 4.^ "^^ A <'^ '..s ^' % J' iM/K^ ^^.A^ ^^-n^^ A^ --- "'^- v^ .^=:;c.'* <^. ^""^t. J"^^ v ^ c> 'o,»- A <*^ *'V.»' .G^ -^ ,•1°^ "\/ y^° ^\^ "...-.-.... .....-,. - . .^.., ,..^. t:> 'o^.^o A <^ *^T^ *'% •.^- ./'\. °.^.- **'\ \^- /•% \^.- ^*^% --,1 •• O /in o « ■ ^,0 -^..^ ^^ "^. « o , ,i» r «. ' • o, V- "''^_ .0^ ^'^^ 1^ » « ' .0 r . < • Lf''^ O •\/\ "•«^'' /\ •.^:° /\ '•fm' **'% --IK* >^'\ -TAq^ „*lo* «*1«^^ &^ o. BOOKBINDING I Crantville. Pa. Mar — Apr 1986 IVeVe Q^ji.iy Bound y ..... -^^ """'^^'^ ,. ^-^ '"^" ^^ o ly "7*. 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