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What answer comes to me from the land beyond ? M. A. (OXON.) BOSTON : COLBY AND RICH, PUBLISHERS, 9 Montgomery Place. 1880. T tf; s COPYRIGHT, l88o, By Jas. M. Peebles, M. D. u Stereotyped at the Boston Stereotype Foundry, No. 4 Pearl Street. 9 y ?/ DEDICATED MARY M. PEEBLES, A TRUE WOMAN, AND A DEVOTED CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST. PREFACE. Give us details — details and accurate delineations of life in the Spirit World! — is the constant appeal of thoughtful minds. Death is approaching. Whither — oh, whither! Shall I know my friends be} T ond the tomb ? Will they know me ? What is their present condition, and what their occupations? Too long, perhaps, have we listened to generalities and vague imaginations touching that so-called shadowy realm of existence whither we are hastening. When a traveler starts out for some distant country, it is not enough for him to know that he must cross some stornry ocean, but he asks, " What is the distance to those foreign countries? What is the character of the climate ? What modes of living distinguish the inhabitants, and what preparation will I need to make for comfort and success in that far-away country ? " If this be true of the earthly traveler, how much more important are inquiries and a right understanding relative to the journey across the River of Death ; the conditions and modes of life in the World of Spirits ? These are pressing questions ! And as travelers return to tell us of the countries they have visited, so spirits return from different spheres and golden zones, describing their homes and their employ- ments. In this volume the Spirits, differing as they may, are allowed to speak for themselves. Though sometimes condensing and modify- ing their language, I have carefully preserved the essential ideas 5 6 PREFACE. embodied in their messages. And in the last chapter I have given a resume of their teachings without the mention of the names of the controlling intelligences. I send this volume forth with my pikers and best wishes, hoping it may answer the soul questions of many earnest inquirers, and inspire to an active faith in the glorious realities of our Heavenly Home, and to earnest labors for the upbuilding of the Spiritual Kingdom on earth. J. M. P. Hammonton, N. J., 1879. INTBODUCTION. We stand to-day on the border land between two eternities — one past and full of treasured histories and multiplied experiences ; the other, future, teeming with possibilities which await us, and fraught with destinies whose moral grandeur we desire to fathom. Souls, allied to God, are eternal. We embrace in our present memory and knowledge but a fragment of life's past careers. The future, too, is a page we have scarcely opened. Its prophecies are golden. As the past yields up its vast treasures, the future becomes more easily interpreted. Events flow in an orderly succession. The accumulations of past time yield their wealth to the uncounted years. The cycles of growth repeat themselves for ever upon higher planes of expression. The soul is ever a questioner. From its earliest recorded experiences it has interrogated itself and the sur- rounding universe for a solution of the mystery of its being and the momentous changes that necessarily await it. The earliest literature of any people is sacred literature. The most exhaustive inquiries of the greatest minds of every age and nation have been inquiries pertaining to man's moral relations and the soul's future destiny. The religious literature of the race approaches nearest the character of immortality of all its mental products. When other books are forgotten, the sacred books con- tinue a perennial fountain of thought and inspiration. This is true of Egypt, India, Babylon, and all the countries of the Orient. The 7 8 INTRODUCTION. ethics and religious teachings of Gautama Buddha exert a pro- founder influence over five hundred millions of the earth's inhabi- tants than all the other literature in the East, save the moral teach- ings of Confucius. The lyric songs of the prophets of Israel exert a sweeter influ- ence on the hearts of struggling and sorrowing millions than do the epics of Homer or Virgil. And what name imparts to us so much of obedience to the divine law, of devotion to principle, of love and sweetness and mercy, as that of Jesus Christ? What charac- ter among the pure and great equals his as a moral magnet to draw the world toward the good and beautiful, and to inspire the mil- lions with hope and childlike trust ? The victories of the primitive Christians, inspired by Jesus Christ, were the victories of peace and love. Before Constantine's day the Christian religion was a lamb ; afterward it became an aggressive lion. Now it is a tomb, comparatively cold and voiceless ! When we consider that it is as natural for men to think, to rea- son, as to breathe, how reasonable, then, these ever-recurring inquiries : Whence did man originate? What is he in his essential being? And what is to be his future and final destiny? To go deeper, and get, if possible, to the foundation, What is matter? What is the nature of that spirit substance which constitutes the spiritual body ? And what is the soul, that potentialized portion of the infinite Over-Soul, that thinks, wills, reasons, and aspires after immortality ? ".-... Nor yet to all These prophecies and hints are given ; Only as signals, sparsely set, Along the battlements of Heaven. Yet some day, every waiting soul Shall see the mists slow rolling back, And, freed from clogs of earth and sin, "Walk calmly up the shining track ! " Are the planetary worlds that stud the firmament inhabited ? and INTEODUCTION. 9 if so, are they morally related to us, and do they psychologically affect us ? What shall we be in the far-distant seons ? Upon what shall we subsist, and what shall be our employments during the measureless years of eternity ? If the moon is already dead, as Proctor teaches — if planets and satellites have their births and deaths, are there not then funeral pro- cessions among the stars? All change, negatively considered, is death. The Seer sees in ever}' pulse-beat change and waste — hears in every tremulous step the measured march of death. Every tick of the clock tells of the sufferings and stragglings of departed souls ! The seemingly dead tree of winter buds and blossoms in the spring-time. The Egyptian wheat, retaining the vitalizing life principle, lived and waved again though buried in darkness for thousands of years. But will the thinking soul live ? — live indi- vidualized — live to know and be known — live in immortal fresh- ness and beauty after the body dies and is laid quietly away in the grave ? IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER I. THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE. " I do not doubt bat tbe majesty and beauty of tbe world are latent in any iota of the world ; I do not doubt that exteriors have their interiors — and that the eyesight has another eyesight, and the hearing another hearing, and the voice another voice ; . . . Did you think Life was so well provided for — and Death, the purport of all Life, is* not well provided for ? " Whitman. Life in some of its manifestations is everywhere. In polar glaciers, in tropic sands, and in the profoundest ocean depths, the life-principle is expressed in organic forms. The vitality of seeds belonging to the pre-glacial period has been clearly demonstrated. The raspberry seed is very tenacious of life. Three rasp- berry plants were raised from seeds found in the stomach of a man whose skeleton form had been discovered thirty feet be- low the surface of the earth, at the bottom of a burial-mound, opened near Dorchester, England. With this body had been buried some coins of the Emperor Hadrian, from which, ac- cording to the testimony of Dr. Lindley and Professor Win- chell, of the Michigan University, we are justified in assuming that these seeds had retained their vitality some 1,700 years ; and if so, why not, under similar conditions, 17,000 years, or even a much longer period ? 11 12 IMMOBTALITY. It is stated by Lord Lindsay that in the course of his wan- derings amid the pyramids of Egypt, he was permitted to assist in unrolling a mummy, the embalmers of which evi- dently understood the uses of ozone. The hieroglyphical writings upon the sarcophagus containing this embalmed form showed it to be about 3,000 years old. Examining the mum- mied body after it was unwrapped, there was found in one of the closed hands a bulb, which, when planted in a suitable situation, grew and bloomed out into a beautiful dahlia-like flower. None can reasonably doubt that there is growing in England at this present time wheat, the grains of which were obtained from the foldings in the wrappings of an Egyptian mummy, there deposited more than 4,000 years since. Professor Agas- siz fully credited this account ; while Dr. Carpenter, the dis- tinguished English physiologist, gives it full indorsement by saying, " there is really no limit to the latent vitality of seeds." Each individual, by virtue of cerebral organization, conceives and studies the universe from his own moral plane of thought. To Hans Christian Andersen the world was so aflame with love, and the moral universe so aglow with the symbols of Divine life and wisdom, that he saw good in, and immortality for, everything. Aware that seeds hidden from the sunshine for long periods break away from their cell-life, and put forth the tender blade, — aware that the insect and the house-fly outside of sheltering walls, becoming first dull, then seem- ingly dead, revive when warmed by the summer's sun, — aware that the dormouse lives with sealed mouth several months of the year ; that the live toad found in the center of a block of stone, and exhibited in the London Crystal Palace, must have existed there for centuries, and that the corn which had quietly slept in the tombs of Egypt for 4,000 years could be made to grow, — aware, as was the poet Andersen of all these marvelous phenomena in nature, he thus breathed his thoughts under the heading — " The Miracle." THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE. 13 "THE MIEACLE. " From a pyramid in the desert's sand A mummy was brought to Denmark's land — The hieroglyphic inscription told That the body embalmed was three thousand years old. It was the corpse of a mighty queen ; — Examining it, they found between Her closed fingers a corn of wheat ; So well preserved was this little seed, That, being sown, it put forth its blade, Its delicate stem of a light-green shade, The ear got filled with ripening corn, Full-grown through sunshine and light of the morn. " That wonderful power in a corn so small — It is a lesson to each and all. Three thousand years did not quench its germ — It teaches our faith to be strong and firm, When out of that husk a new plant could be born To ripen in sunshine and clew from the sky, Then, human soul, thou spark from on high, Thou art immortal as thy great Sire Whose praise is sung by the angel-choir ! The husk, the body is buried deep, And friends will go to the tomb and weep ; But thou shalt move on, on wings so free — For thine is the life of eternity. That wonderful power of so small a seed — The miracle seen in that corn of wheat, It puzzles the mind ; but still it is done By the Author of Life, the Eternal One." It is an open question whether atheism be possible. When Proclus pronounced that great word, Causation ; when Plato wrote of the Divine Logos ; when Tyndall dilates on the Po- tency in nature, Spencer upon the Unknowable, Zimmermann upon Intelligent Force, and Emerson upon the Absolute Over-Soul, they mean God — that Divine Presence upon whose pulsing, loving bosom is the soul's rest for ever. Why then so much useless, and often bitter, disputation when words at most are but the shadowy symbols of ideas ? It would seem to me like a paltry idling away of time to prove that, as a mortal being, I had an earthly father. Quite possibly I could not prove it. The evidence would be utterly beyond my reach. Still, I conscientiously believe it. And 14 IMMOETALITY. so, by parity of reasoning, do I just as conscientiously believe that my spiritual nature had a Heavenly Father. The existence of space is no more a matter of necessity to my understanding than the existence of God. Thinking from the conscious Ego — the I am of Myself — I require no subtile trains of logic to demonstrate, to know that God is, and that God governs this orderly universe by immutable law. Primal truths are axiomatic. It is a want of intuition and moral perception that necessitates so many processes of rea- soning. Full of trust, I consciously see God, the Divine Energy , everywhere, — pulsating in the growing corn, purpling in the vineyard, blushing in the peach, smiling in the sunshine, and awing us as we gaze into infinite depths filled with stars, cir- cling suns, and systems of universes. There is no conflict between science and religion, since they present two aspects of the same cosmos : one treating of the quality of being, the other treating of its quantitative distribution. The real conflict is between science and secta- rian theology ; and the chasm deepens. The mere scientist, ever cold and semi-blind, sees but half the universe — the material side — the shell. With this he experiments. And the little knowledge he thus obtains rests, after all, upon faith, — faith in his five senses, and faith in the precision of his investigations. Can the telescope penetrate infinity? Can the physicist explain the mechanism by which the heliotrope turns to the sun, or the marvelous chemistry by which the turbot assumes the color of the ground over which it swims ? Can the mi- croscope detect grief in the brain, or the stethoscope sound the depths of human aspirations ? Did the scalpel ever dis- cover a thought in the convolutions of the cranial cavity? Can love be measured with a rod, or hope weighed in a pair of scales ? The soul and all its mental operations — the soul and all the spiritual forces connected therewith — are utterly beyond the scope of the physical sciences. THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE. 15 All organic life begins in a simple cell. Every organized structure is but an aggregation of these cells ; and not only the specific form which the aggregate assumes, but the dis- tinctive character of each component cell depends upon a soul-germ or pre-existing type which embodies the genius or idea of which the material structure is, plus the influences of the environment, the expression. " A single elementary atom," says that prince of modern philosophers, Professor Balfour Stewart, " is a truly immor- tal being, and enjoys the privilege of remaining unaltered by the powerful blows that can be dealt against it." No solid thinker believes in the destructibility of either matter or spirit. The conservation of spiritual energies is as true as the demonstrated conservation of forces. The soul being a living force, is necessarily immortal. It is the visible and phenomenal forms and qualities only that change. The celestial angels ever see these elementary at- oms, — these conscious monads that exist in the golden splen- dor of their underived immortality. Infilled with pure spirit, — aflame with the divine life, — these monads, these " firsts " of things, vibrate, rotate, repel, unite, form organic relations, and, in obedience to the laws of universal order, take on an ultimate expression by becoming incarnated in a material form. Consciousness is coeval and coordinate with life. What we commonly consider our soul is not, logically speaking, ours ; but we are its. The soul — a potentialized and individual- ized portion of the Over-Soul, God — is the man. Life is the aromal garment of the spirit, and its most immediate vehicle of expression. The spiritual is the real, the permanent, and each mortal is in the spirit world now, though veiled from its surpassing glories by the material organism. The Divine Or- der prescribes the descent of the soul into a mortal body, and by that descent the spiritual perceptions become temporarily dimmed ; they are folded away, as it were, in a casket, and lie in a state of partial inaction during the night-season of 16 . IMMORTALITY. earthly unfoldment, preparatory to the splendors of a new cycle of wakefulness and unobscured lucidity. Absence of consciousness is no proof of non-existence, inas- much as sleep and wakefulness are alternating states of the thinking man ; and these states should not be confounded with the subject to which they relate. The individual who becomes blind from a cataract upon the eye is still in the same world. Traveling, even into foreign countries, does not help him to the light; but remove the film, and he readily per- ceives that the light is all around him. The spiritual senses are so eclipsed, so bleared with the material, that we do not see the spiritual world that bathes and enfolds us like a crys- tal ocean. Electricity, light, magnetism, interstellar ether, — these are only the etherealized envelopes and elastic vehicles of spiritual forces. Certain conditions develop or bring into outward ex- pression their potentialities. And laws, so called, are the deific methods, the defined order in which the Divine Pres- ence operates. Essential Spirit alone interpermeates and constitutes the qualities of all things. There are no abstract qualities, — that is to say, qualities abstracted from their sub- stances. They inhere in them. Strength is not outside of the being that exercises it. Acid properties do not exist apart from the substances containing them. So love, good- ness, truth, are* not abstract powers, but necessary attributes that inhere in the very constitution of every sentient being, whether man or angel. Accordingly, men and women are spirits now. They live and walk in the spirit world, though encased in mortal clothing ; their sensations, qualities, and all their higher emotions, are also spiritual, yet veiled for the present under the vestured disguise of matter. It will be admitted that extension, divisibility, and inertia are among the principal attributes of matter. But be this as it may, matter at most is only the unreal, shadowy shell of things — the passive or statical condition for the action of force. It serves as the limiting wall for the utilization of spiritual energies. It is the background upon which the panorama of THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE. 17 creation is projected. It is the agent of. reaction, as the coun- terpoise to action, without which equilibrium and the perpe- tuity of movement would be impossible. The theory that force is an attribute of matter is disproved by the fact of inertia. It cannot change its state. It will ultimately be shown, I believe, that inertia is the sole attri- bute of matter, while the other properties usually ascribed to it are simply secondary qualities which inertia involves. Force, therefore, is the antithesis of matter, not simply one of its attributes. Will is the single attribute of force, and will is self-determining, — not motion, but the antecedent of motion, and the antithesis of inertia. " All that we can affirm of matter," says the learned Clerk Maxwell, " is that it is the recipient of impulse and of en- ergy." And yet materialists, and doubtless the majority of ordinary men, have come to think from their long familiarity with matter that physical forms constitute the only real, that matter is more permanent and substantial than spirit. This is a fatal mistake. Few will dispute that the concrete forms of matter, when reduced to the last analysis, are little more than a filmy appearance, an illusion that dazzles to blind. Take a bit of the hardest granite rock. " How solid, how firm and substantial," jovl say. Let us see. I pass it into the hands of the chemist. He applies to it a most intense heat, and it becomes a fiery liquid ; increasing the heat, it becomes a fleecy, limpid fluid ; augmenting it still, it is trans- formed into a gaseous mist lighter than air ; continue to inten- sify the heat, and it utterly vanishes from sight. .There, O mistaken materialist, is your matter, your hard granite rock, composed of mica, feldspar, and quartz, driven to a liquid — to a fluid — to gaseous mist — driven from sight — vanished — gone ! And so with everything that the hand can touch, the physical eye see, the senses cognize. Analysis resolves the seen into the unseen, and the dulled senses pale away before our deeper spiritual nature which re- cognizes the invisible and enduring reality. " What do you know of angels and spirits, or even of spirit, 2 • 18 IMMORTALITY. per se?" said a very self-contained Secularist to me in Eng- land. As much, sir, in all probability, as you know about matter, was my reply ; and especially when matter, through analysis, is transformed into a state of invisibility. " But matter and material things may be seen, handled, felt, and actually tested by the senses." And so may spirits, when, by the law of materialization, they desire to demonstrate a future existence. " I've never seen anything of the kind." That is quite probable. And then, possibly, you have not seen the Brahmans in their burning-ghauts ; the Parsees in their temples ; the Pope in St. Peter's ; nor me, with whom you converse. It is only the body you see. " But I fancy (taking hold of my arm) that I feel and see you." Nothing — nothing of the kind, sir. You only feel and see the shell, the vesture, the traveling-dress, in which I, the man. am at present attired. " Never do I tire," said Socrates, " of telling the wise man that the body is not the man." " Very well ; you must know that our knowledge depends upon our senses. And, as a man professing some knowledge of science, I accept the reality of nothing that I cannot de- monstrate, — I believe nothing that I cannot see, hear, taste, weigh, or is in some manner made to appeal to my physical senses. And further, sir, I think, or, rather, I have an idea." Stop — stop right there ! You say you have an idea. De- nying it for the moment, I propose to test you by your own method. You say you think — say that you have an idea. But I deny it in toto, and call upon you to prove it, — ■ to demonstrate it by an appeal to any one, or all of my five natural senses. Bring out that " idea " of yours, and let me see it — let me hear it — taste it — feel it — or let me weigh it in a pair of scales ! What is the color ? what the shape ? and what the density of that idea of yours ? . . . This system of reasoning, on the part of materialists, fails to convince the intellect or meet the noblest aspirations of the < n THE MYSTERIES OP LIFE. 19 human soul. Thinkers ought to understand, so it seems to me, that all laws, principles, aspirations, thoughts, ideas, and unseen forces are, while imponderable and invisible, allied to the spiritual realm of existence, the realm of the real, the per- petual, the permanent, and the immortal ! Mortal life is only an incident — a tremulous eddy in the cycling stream of time. We are the dead ; human bodies are little more than graves. The departed, the invisible, are the truly living. The apostle of old denominated the body the " temple of God ; " while an ancient prophet, writing under the divine afflatus, termed the soul " the candle of the Lord.'' , - This candle, this luminous spark of divinity, incarnated in the templed organism, manifests itself through the cranial organs, and shines out through the features. It takes cogni- zance of earthly things, gathers rich experiences, builds up and perfects the spiritual body, and, awaiting deliverance, is finally translated in the resurrection chariot to the world of spirits, the homes of the angels, the many-mansioned house of the Father. " Among them cherub shapes of childhood glide ; Maidens are there with waving locks of gold ; And manhood in its glory and its pride, And age no longer old ! And he, the last that left us, whose young life — By laughing, promise-laden breezes driven — ■ Disdained to meet the rude world's noisy strife, And sought the calm of Heaven, — I'm sure I see him in his radiant rest, Among his angel kindred up on high, And honored as befits the latest guest They welcome to the sky. Ours is the darkness ; theirs the boundless day ; — They drink true life ; we draw the labored breath ; • They have eternal sunshine on their way ; We have the gloom of death. Yet, nearing the cold river, I rejoice That when I pass its darkness and its roar, All these will welcome me with heart and voice Upon the further shore." 20 IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER II. DOUBTS AND HOPES. " And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us the stone away from the door of the sepulchre ? " Mark xvi. 3. "Yes, -who? There it lies- — hard, cold, inexorable; the stone of silence — the stone of utter, hopeless separation. Since the beginning of the world there it has been ; no tears have melted it ; no prayers pierced it. The children of men, surging and complaining in their anguish of bereavement, have dashed against it, only to melt hopelessly backward as a wave falls and goes back into the ocean. Nothing about the doom of death is so dreadful as this dead inflexible silence. Could there be, after the passage of the river, one backward signal — one last word, the heart would be appeased." Mrs. H. B. Stowe. " I GO clown to the grave with my son mourning," were the sorrowing words of a weeping patriarch, when bowed down with grief and broken in spirit. Dim and flickering in that distant period was the light of Judaism, and almost hope- less the despair of the Old Testament ! " The Jewish reli- gion," says Dean Stanley, "was characterized to a consider- able extent by the dimness of its conceptions relating to a future life." Bishop Warburton admits that the ancient Israelites " had no well-defined faith in the immortality of the soul." Other distinguished scholars have been candid enough to confess that the Hebrew Scriptures give but little encouragement to the hope of a future state of existence. Their rewards and their threatened punishments were tem- poral. The tenor of the Israelitish promises was, "If ye are obedient, if ye keep my statutes, ye shall eat of the good of the land." The following testimonies conclusively prove that the Jews had very little knowledge of a future life : DOUBTS AKD HOPES. 21 1. Dr. Campbell observes : "It is plain that, in the Old Testament, the most profound silence is ohserved in regard to the state of the deceased, their joys or sorrows, happiness or misery." 2. Dr. J aim says : " We have not authority decidedly to say, that any other motives were held out to the ancient Hebrews to pursue the good and to avoid the evil, than those which were derived from the reioards and punishments of THIS LITE." 3. Professor JMayer writes : " But it is evident to the careful reader, that, both in the Book of Job and in the Pentateuch, the divine judgment which is spoken off, is alioays a judgment Which takes place in this life ; and the rewards which are promised to the righteous, and the punishments that are threatened to the wicked, are such only as are rewarded in the present state of being. . . . The idea that God is the Judge of the world pervades them [the writings of Moses] everywhere ; but it has always relation to this earthly existence." It is very evident that while the great body of the Hebrews doubted, trembled, wept over the prospects of a future immortality, the Saclducees boldly declared that there was " neither angel nor spirit." Hear the wail, the sad refrain of those early biblical writers ! " The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence." Psalms cxv. 17. " Man being in honor abideth not ; he is like the beasts that perish." Psalms xlix. 12. " For the living know that they shall die ; hut the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward, for the memory of them is forgotten." — Eccl. ix. 5, 10. " For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground ; yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant. But man dieth, and wasteth away : yea, man givcth up the ghost, and where is he ? As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up : so man lieth down and riseth not : till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep." Job xiv. 7-12. "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that veiy day his thoughts perish." Psalms cxlvi. 4. "They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise." Isaiah. " They shall be as though they had not been." — Obadiah. " Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his own works, for that is his portion; for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him ? " Ecclesiastes. " As the cloud is consumed and vanishes away, so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more." Job. 22 EVDIORTALITY. " I have said to corruption, Thou art my father ; to the worm, Thou art my mother, and my sister. And where is now my hope ? As for my hope, who shall see it ? " — Job. " They sleep with their fathers." —Moses. I "For that which befall eth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing be- falleth them : as the one dieth so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no pre-eminence above a beast. . . . All go into one place ; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth up- ward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth." — Ecclesiastes. Compare these chilling, forbidding, silence-in-the-tomb pas- . sages of Scripture with Roman resignation and Grecian con- fidence in a sublime immortality — in a home among the gods. " When, therefore, death approaches a man, the mortal part of him, as it appears, dies, but the immortal part departs, safe and uncorrupted, having withdrawn itself from death." Plato. " As they who run a race are not crowned till they have conquered, so good men believe that the reward of virtue is not given till after death. . . . Not by lamenta- tions and mournful chants ought we to celebrate the funerals of the good, but by hymns ; for in ceasing to be numbered with mortals, they enter upon the heritage of a diviner life." Plutarch. " If my body be overpressed, it must descend to the destined place ; nevertheless my soul shall not descend, but, being a thing immortal, shall fly up to high heaven." Heeaclitus. " The soul is most certainly immortal and imperishable, and our souls really exist in the world of spirits. Those who shall have sufficiently purified themselves by phi- losophy [religion], shall live hereafter in more beautiful mansions. . . . For the sake of these things, we should use every endeavor to acquire virtue and wisdom in this life ; for the reward is noble and the hope is great. A man ought then to have confi- dence about his soul, if during this life he has made it beautiful with temperance, jus- tice, fortitude, freedom, and truth; he waits for his entrance into the world of spirits as one who is ready to depart when destiny calls. I shall not remain, I shall depart. Do not say then that Socrates is buried ; say that you bury my body." — Socbates. " This." said Plato, " was the end of the best, the wisest, and most just of men, — a story which good men never read without tears." " The origin of souls cannot be found upon earth, for there is nothing earthly in them. They have faculties which claim to be called divine, and which can never be shown to have come to man from any source but God. That nature in us which thinks, which knows, which lives, is celestial, and for that reason necessarily eternal. God himself can be represented only as a free Spirit separate from matter, seeing all things, and moving all things, himself ceaselessly working. Of this kind, from this nature, is the human soul. ... It cannot be destroyed." He represents the aged Cato as exclaiming, " O happy day when I shall remove from this crowd of mortals, to go and join the divine assembly of great souls. Not only shall I meet again there the men who have lived Godlike on earth ; I shall find again my son, to whom these aged hands have performed the duties which in the order of nature he should have rendered to me. His spirit has never quitted me. He departed, turning his eyes upon me and calling on me, for that place where he knew I should soon come. If I have borne his loss with courage, it is not that my heart was unfeeling, but I consoled myself with the thought that our separation would not be long." Cicero. DOUBTS AND HOPES. 23 It was not to the realization of Brahman and Buddhist, to sturdy Roman and cultured Greek, that Jesus — as Paul taught — brought to light "life and immortality." They had long walked in the shimmering shadows of this light. But Jesus brought it to li^ht to those more sensuous Jews who "sat in the shadow of death;" brought it to light through phenomenal marvels and the practical exemplification of a most divine and spiritual life. Illumined by the Christ-Spirit, highly inspirational, fellow- shiped by angels, and standing upon the very pinnacle of that Hebrew Spiritualism which was foreshadowed by the prophets, Jesus conversed upon the mountain with Moses and Elias, each long in spirit-life. Aflame with divine truth, he had at his command a legion of angels ; and after his cruci- fixion he appeared, identified himself, and walked about in his spirito-materialized body for forty days ! These spiritual wonders brought to light " life and immor- tality ; " that is, the light and knowledge of a future exist- ence to all those who witnessed his superhuman works. And oh, how glorious this light to the sad, the sick, and the dying ! Belief in a future state is natural, and the Jews, previous to Jesus' time, were not wholly without that light " that lighteth every man that cometh into the world." This mortal life, as compared with eternity, is but momen- tary — a brief series of changes — a lengthened dying. And is it not, after all, just as natural to die ; and should it not be just as pleasant as to lay off the old garment when it becomes soiled and faded from wearing ? The body at best is little more than a tattered raiment, and the evening of life ought to deepen on towards the inviting grave as quietly, serenely, as dusk fades and shades off into the darkness that precedes and prophesies of sunrise. "We are not sad to see the gathered grain, Is or when their mellowed fruits the orchards cast, Nor when the yellow woods shake down the ripened mast ; We sigh not when the. sun, his course fulfilled, Sinks where his islands of refreshments lie." 24 IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER III. DEATH AND THE BRIDGING OF THE RIVER. " Blessed is he, blessed are all men to whom the living wise God should grant those two everlasting powers, purity and immortality." Mazda, in the Avesta. " At the last, tenderly, From the walls of the powerful fortress'd house, From the clasp of the knitted locks — from the keep of the well-closed doors, Let me be wafted. Let me glide noiselessly forth ; With the key of softness unlock the locks — with a whisper, Set ope the doors,'' O Soul ! " Whitman. Out of nothing nothing comes, is the common rendering of ex niliilo nihil fit ; and there cannot be a plainer axiom. But if nothing cannot evolve or produce something the equiva- lent of substance, then the converse is equally true, that something cannot produce or become nothing. But man is something, and more — a conscious, thinking, rational being, yearning for a future life, and therefore immortal. Logic, then, is on the side of immortality. " Beings," says Schiller, " live only in their becoming. " Nature is spirit visible. Spirit is invisible nature ; and liv- ing is spirit becoming manifest as nature." Nature often moves by seemingly inverse methods. The decay of the dead leaf proves that there is a life-force within it. Men die as they grow, by degrees. Each white hair of the ao'ed is a dead hair. Brain-cells are consumed in the o process of thought. Each muscular or mental act is coinci- dent with disorganizing dying cells ; and dying cells prophesy of the becoming, of the living form, the conscious act. But from whence the brain-cell? It is fashioned from proto- plasm by that mysterious principle called life, which domi- DEATH AND THE BRIDGING OF THE EWER. 25 nates the organism. Marvelous, indeed, are these methods of nature. Vegetable and animal processes are each essential to complete the cycle of living forces. Vegetable growth is a process whereby inorganic matter is made living. The ani- mal structure builds its tissues from this prepared material, and in its voluntary activities consumes it again — causes it to die — and so returns it to the inorganic world. So the processes of thought involve the continual waste and death of the material vehicle. But the spiritual nature is supplied from another, a diviner fountain. When counter-forces and outside influences, through a su- perior potency, overcome these internal attractive forces that strive to maintain intact a given form, said form changes, de- composes, and dies into higher manifestations of life, fulfilling in all probability some better purpose in the economy of ex- istence. The acorn during the dreary chilliness of autumn time dies off from the parent stem, — dies, falls to the earth, and is buried ; but under the warming suns of spring, the swelling germ, the tender sapling, the towering oak, reveal the leafy life, the higher aim. Nature is a conservative prophet. The frowning storm preludes the calm, and darkness the morning sunshine. Res- urrections are all around us. And death is but a John-the- Baptistj crying of the coming Christ of immortalitj'. Form, life, consciousness, these are the triune ste'ps under the overshadowing Consciousness of that presence which a German philosopher denominated the Absolute, and which Paul pronounced " all and in all." It may not be amiss here to state the different standpoints from which we occasionally view the subjects under considera- tion. There are, then, three methods of aspecting the prin- ciples and phenomena of existence. First, we may view things in their natural order, or accord- ing to the method of evolution, which implies a procedure from the simple to the complex, from the low to the higher; sec- ondly, the logical order, in which mind, idea, spirit, life, and 26 IMMORTALITY. function take precedence of organization ; thirdly, the celestial order, which is the method of involution, or procedure from inmost to outermost, from the spiritual to the physical, from the perfect to the imperfect, and from organization to proto- plasm. Hence when speaking from the celestial standpoint, we speak as though perfected forms are antecedent to all else ; and when speaking from the naturalistic standpoint, or view- ing things in their natural order, as they appear to immediate observation, then we present them by a reverse method. Generally considered, visible forms, beginning in the min- eral, and advancing into the vegetable, perfect themselves in the animal. Organic life, with voluntary motion, begins in the vegetable, advances into the animal, and perfects itself in the human. Intelligent consciousness, as an expression of mind and rea- son, begins in the animal, advances into the human, and per- fects itself in the spiritual. Unlike insects and animals, men are conscious of their consciousness ; while exalted spirits in the heavens are conscious not only of the earthly life they lived, but of their pre-existent states of being. The ancient Assyrians pictured death under the form of an angel tall and majestic. The Hebrews adopted the symbol, calling this angel Sammael. Grave in appearance, and full of eyes, he carried a naked sword from which fell three drops, one paling the countenance, one destroying the vitality, and the other forcing physical decay. Drinking from the cup he bore in his right hand was termed " tasting the bitterness of death." The more cold and sensuous of the ancient Romans repre- sented death as a winged lad with sad dejected countenance, bearing an inverted torch, and a poor, torn disfigured butterfly lying at his feet. The elder theologians, speaking and painting pen-pictures of death as the " king of terrors," and as that bourne from whence no traveler returns, often describe it as a grim, rat- tling skeleton with a scythe over its shoulder, madly travers- DEATH AND THE BRIDGING OF THE RIVER. 27 ing the earth to mow down its teeming millions and consign them to judgment. It is still occasionally described as a" fowler spreading his net," and as a ghostly knight riding upon a " pale horse." And here are a few specimens of the long-ago hymns. sung at funerals. The mighty flood that rolls Its torrents to the main, Can ne'er recall its waters lost From that abyss again. And man, when in the grave, Can never quit its gloom Until the eternal morn shall wake The slumber of the tomb. The living know that they must die, But all the dead forgotten lie ; Their memory and their sense are gone, Alike unknowing and unknown. Princess, this clay must be your bed In spite of all your towers ; The tall, the wise, the reverend head, Must lie as low as ours. Hark from the tombs a doleful sound, Mine ears attend the cry ; Ye living men come view the ground Where you must shortly lie. Such cheerless withering words, with the black drapery displayed upon funeral occasions, all increase rather than di- vest death of its gloom and chilliness. The Chinese mourn in white. Egyptians in Ptolemy's time, and the emotional Greeks of two thousand years ago, had truer and clearer con- ceptions of death and the future life than have many plodding sectarians in this nineteenth century. 44 Thou art not dead," said the Grecian. poet Prote when standing over the corpse of his friend ; but " thou hast removed to a better place, to dwell in the Islands of the Blest among abundant banquets. There thou art delighted, tripping along the Elysian fields among soft flowers, and free too from every ill of the mortal life." 28 IMMORTALITY. In the divine light of present inspirations and spiritual revelations there is no death, — only incarnations, changes, and ceaseless successions of births. " On the cold cheek of death smiles and roses are blending, And beauty immortal awakes from the tomb." The poet Shelley tells of a Paradise-garden in which all sweetest flowers and all rare blossoms grew in perfect prime. This garden was tended by a wonderful spiritual lady, and all the flowers knew her and rejoiced in the influence that spread from her ; their sweetness passed into her, and hers was reflected in their bloom and fragrance. Suddenly she died, says the poet, and soon the garden and flowers came to per- ceive that she had passed away, and began to droop and die too ; roses and lilies withered away, the bright, sweet- scented Indian plants fell rotting in the mud, and the garden, once so fair, slowly changed into a foul, leafless wreck, or seemed to have done so, for as Shelley, with strange spiritual intuition, hints, that decay and death haply were " like all the rest a mockery." " What garden sweet, that lady fair, And all sweet shapes and odors there, In truth have never passed away, 'Tiswe, 'tis ours, are changed ! not they." Seen in the light of the spiritual philosophy, and studied from the Mount of Vision, death is but a hyphen connecting the two worlds — is but a renunciation of the physical body — is but a flower-wreathed arch under which mortals march on one by one to the shining shores of immortality ; or it may be compared to the rosebud that climbs up the shaded garden- wall to bloom on the sunward side. There is no death ! The stars go down To rise upon some fairer shore, And bright in Heaven's jewelled crown They shine for evermore. There is no death ! The leaves may fall ; . The flowers may fade, and pass away, — They only wait through wintry hours The coming of the May. DEATH AND THE BRIDGING OF THE RIVER. 29 There is no death ! An angel form Walks o'er the earth with silent tread ; He bears our dear loved ones away, • And then we call them — dead. He leaves our hearts all desolate — He plucks our fairest, sweetest flowers ; Transplanted into bliss, they now Adorn immortal bowers. But ever near us, though unseen, The dear immortal spirits tread ; For all the boundless universe Is life, — there are no Dead! 30 IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER IV. FORE-GLEAMS OF THE FUTURE. " My- whole nature rushes onward with irresistible force toward a future and a bet- ter state of being. Shall I eat and drink only that I may hunger and thirst, and eat and drink again till the grave which yawns beneath me shall swallow me up ?. Shall I beget other beings in my own likeness that they, too, may eat, drink, and die, and leave others behind to follow their example ? To what purpose this perpetually revolv- ing circle — this everlasting repetition in which things are produced only to perish, and perish only to be again produced — this monster continually swallowing up itself ? Never can this be my destiny, or that of the world. Something that is to endure must be brought forth in all these changes of the transitory and the perishable — something which may be carried forward safe and inviolate on the waves of time." Fichte. Take it to yourself; think of the last year, the last day, the last hour, the last moment, the last thought, and that thought annihilation! Oh, how the soul, mighty in her conscious gran- deur, shrinks back from such a worse than meaningless destiny ! Forgetting God for the moment, I have to say of nature, if she has given us ideals never to be attained, and aspirations never to be realized, then let her be despised and hated ; for nature, however potent, has no moral right to create in us deep, divine wants to live immortal, and then mock them — blast them with a resurrectionless death ! No one making pretensions to philosophical reasoning, talks nowadays of annihilation, of the transformation of substance into nothing, of the destruction of force, or of conscious life ultimating in death unconscious and eternal ! The universe can know no loss. " No motion impressed by natural causes, or by human agency, is ever obliterated. The ripple of the ocean's surface, caused by a gentle breeze, or the still water which marks the more immediate track of a ponderous vessel gliding with scarcely expanded sails over its bosom, are equally indelible." FOEE-GLEAMS OF THE FUTURE. 31 The most ingenious chemist, with crucible and compound blowpipe, has not been able to annihilate the minutest atom of matter. What then of the Ego, the I am, that thinks, wills, reasons, and aspires after the blissful glories of immor- tality? " In the silver mines of Laurium," so says a late English journal, " among the refuse ore left by the ancient Greeks 2,000 years ago, the seed of a species of glacium or poppy was found, which has slept in the darkness of the earth dur- ing all that time. After a little while, when the slags were brought up and worked off at the smelting ovens, there sud- denly arose a crop of glacium plants, with a beautiful yellow flower, of a kind unknown in modern botany, but described by Plato and others." Poppies of the age of Plato, With your sunny golden flowers, From two thousand years of slumber Welcome to this world of ours. Steadfast through the passing ages, Safe beneath the sands of Time, Changeless while all else was changing, Ye had slept a sleep sublime. Till the sun in royal splendor, Breaking on your silent bliss, Like the prince in fairy fable, Gently roused you with a kiss — Boused you to what wondrous changes ! Panting engines toil around, Unknown blossoms gleam beside you, Unknown races till the ground. Is your heritage of wisdom Fashioned for an earlier day, Unless midst our new conditions, Fitting things long passed away ? Plato's was an age of beauty, Great in song and great in art ; Say, could Man achieve such triumph Had not Nature borne her part ? Tell us, poppies, is it higher Now than in that joyous time When the giant poets chanted, And the world was in its prime ? 32 IMMORTALITY. Essential spirit interpenetrates all substances, and is the life of all forms. Bacon is credited with saying that the kernels of nuts shrank and decayed after their spirits had left thern. The fact, if it be such, is worthy of thought There is cer- tainly a soul-life in every thing. Let the child carefully place some seeds in a dark drawer, and when seventy years have benumbed his limbs, and silvered his hairs, if he plant them they will spring into vigorous life, and blossoming bear pre- cious fruitage. It is related by M. Jouanet, that in the year 1635 several Celtic tombs were discovered near Begorac. Under the head of each of the dead bodies there was found a small, square stone or brick, with an aperture in each, containing a few seeds, which had been placed there beside the dead by the friends who had buried them perhaps 1500 or 1700 years be- fore. These seeds were carefully sowed by those who found them. What was seen to spring from the dust of the dead ? Beautiful sun-flowers and clover-bearing blossoms as bright and sweet as those which are woven into wreaths by the merry children now playing in our fields. "An acorn split into halves," says a modern writer, "and then examined with a powerful microscope, will reveal to the sight the would-have-been oak in miniature." The idea, the undeveloped spirit-tree, is there. " The permanence of spirit," says this same author, " may be further illustrated by the fact that, if you burn a rose, mingle the ashes with water, and lay them away into a quiet place, a scum will gradually gather upon the surface, and arrange itself into the form of the orig- inal flower." If this be true, it shows the persistence and potency of the spirit-form. The connecting link between spirit and matter, so far as scientists have been able to push their researches beyond mere physical appearances, has been denominated ether. Professor Tynclall, in treating of it, terms it " an all-pervading substance, more solid than gas, yet in- finitely more attenuated and elastic." This ether-world, un- seen to all save seers, is peopled with our departed loved ones. FORE-GLEAMS OF THE FUTURE. 33 " It lies around us like a cloud, A world we do not see ; Yet the sweet closing- of an eye May bring us there to be." It is beautiful to die. Tombs are symbols, telling that men have risen therefrom to the higher life. The little jar is well enough to start the rose-slip in ; but it must be transplanted into the garden to reach perfection. I A all kneiv of a future existence as did the apostles of the past, or I as do the seers of the present, they could see their friends move on graveward as resignedly as they see them start for the college, or for a pleasure-trip to Europe. Heaven is the parlor of which this material life is the basement, the univer- sity of which this is the primary school, the inner sanctuary of holiness of which this is the outer court. Our towns and cities are man-made, but over there is the New Jerusalem whose builder and maker is God. The ideal is ever beyond us. " Oh," says the weary worker who drops his chisel before the marble, "I can imitate the natural object, but it does not answer my ideal; I want to achieve something better and nobler, and I can do it." " Oh," says the poet, " I can sing a still sweeter song." " Oh," says the philosopher, "there are more boundless depths of thought down which I can drop the plummet of my searching intel- lect." Man in this world is like a bird beating against his cage. There is something beyond. Oh, deathless soul, why so sigh, like a sea-shell, moaning for the bosom of the ocean. "Tell me not of a limitation," says the weary, broken heart, over the grave of its hopes. " Tell me not that this world is all," says the bereaved mother. " Tell me not that death is an eternal sleep," says the broken shadow of humanity. And feeling this great need of the soul, we cling to the Christ of the ages, cling to the golden visions of the prophets, cling to the present ministry of angels ! The faith of the trusting child in Wordsworth's poem is infinitely nearer the truth than many of the sermons of the present century. The poet meeting a little girl, asked, ' 3 34 IMMORTALITY. " ' Sisters and brothers, little Maid, How many may yon be ? ' ' How many ? seven in all,' she said, And wondering looked at me. 1 And where are they, I pray yon tell ? ' She answered, ' Seven are we ; And two of us at Conway dwell ; And two are gone to sea ; Two of us in the churchyard lie, My sister and my brother ; And in the churchyard cottage I Dwell near them with my mother.' ' How many are you then ? ' said I, If they two are in Heaven ? ' The little Maid did still reply, ' O master ! we are seven. But they are dead, those two are dead ! Their spirits are in Heaven ! ' 'Twas throwing words away : for still The little Maid would have her will, And said, ' Nay, we are seven ! ' " To the heavenly-illumined miDcl of this little child, the dead were still alive and counted as a part of the family. And none of us should refer to the dead as if they were not. — should never speak of them as buried, — never say we have lost them, nor tell how we loved them. But rather should we say, " They have passed to the higher life: " and, " Oh, how we still love them!" The door that John "saw opened in heaven " has never been shut. The pains, spasms, and seeming anguish of the dying are only the efforts of the chained and imprisoned spirit to break away from its earthly coffin — the human body. It is beauti- ful to bury this casket in morning-time, just as the sun tips with gold the hills and the mountains. And it is in good keeping with the genius of the spiritual philosophy to put the loved one's chair at the table still, and also fragrant blos- soms. The angels love flowers — white roses and white lilies — because they symbolize purity and holiness of life. " And I sit and think, as the sunset's gold Is flushing: river and hill and shore, FORE-GLEAMS OF THE FUTURE. 35 I shall one clay stand by the waters' cold, And list for the sound of the boatman's oar ; I shall watch the gleam of the flapping sail, I shall hear the boat as it gains the strand, I shall pass from sight with the boatman pale, To the better shore of the spirit land ; I shall know the loved who have gone before, And joyfully sweet will the meeting be, When over the river, the peaceful river, The angel of death shall carry me." 36 IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER V. THE TESTIMONY OF SAINTS. " "When born, I died ; and when I die I shall be born — born out of this death-land of darkness into the realm of real life." Pilgrim. " The dusty house, wherein is shrined The soul, is but the counterfeit Of that which shall, be more refined And exquisite. The light to whieh our night belongs Unfolds a day more broad and clear ; Music but intimates the songs We do not hear. When death shall come, and disallow These rough and ugly masks we wear, I think that we shall be as now, Only more fair." Alice Caret. As the physical birth of the infant is death to the placenta- envelope, so birth into spirit-life involves the death and dis- integration of the physical casket. And while this latter process is as natural as beautiful, it implies no disorganization of the spiritual bod} T — no cessation of conscious existence. Duality of being extends to human consciousness. The inner consciousness — related to the Infinite Consciousness of the universe, God — is never for a moment suspended. And just prior to, and during the change called dying, it often flames up the brightest. " If I had strength enough to hold a pen," said the eminent William Hunter, " I would write how easy and delightful it is to die." The distinguished essayist, Montaigne, describing an acci- dent that left him so senseless that he was taken up for dead, said on being restored, " Methought my life only hung upon THE TESTIMONY OF SAINTS. 37 my lips, and I shut my eyes to help thrust it out and go. I was exquisitely happy." The editor of the English Quarterly Review records of a friend who had been "rescued from drowning, that he had not experienced the slightest feeling of suffocation. The stream was transparent, the day brilliant, and he could see the sun shining through the water ; while a quiet conscious- . ness crept over him that his eyes were about to be closed upon it for ever. Yet he neither feared his fate nor wished to avert it. A pleasant sensation, which soothed and gratified him, made a luxurious bed of a watery grave." That able jurist, the late Judge Edmonds of New York, related to me the following of his Quaker friend, Isaac T. Hopper : " I was with him a good deal before he died. One day I left his residence about 4 o'clock ; he was exceedingly feeble, but I thought he might survive several days, perhaps weeks. It was our regular seance evening, and at 8 o'clock we met to hold a circle. My daughter's hand was soon influ- enced, writing this: ^1 am in the spirit-world. I. T. H.' " " Who is that?" inquired a gentleman present. " It is the initials," replied the judge, " of Isaac T. Hop- . per ; but it cannot be possible, as I left his house a few hours since, thinking he might survive several days or weeks." The judge, throwing on his cloak, hastened to his Quaker friend's residence, when there lay the corpse, and the friends standing by weeping. Returning and re-forming the circle, the same hand was controlled to write : 11 1 am in the spirit world ; and I now understand what the apostle meant when he \ said we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. I have not slept — i" have not been unconscious for a moment ; but I have been changed — changing my mortal for my spiritual body — earth for heaven — I am happy beyond expression." Sweetly sings the poet : " I rose like a mist from the mountain, When clay walks abroad on the hills ; I rose like a spray from the fountain, From life and its wearying ills. 66 IMMORTALITY. , . " I have bathed in the heavenly river, I have chanted the seraphic song ; And I walk abroad in my brightness, Amid the celestial throng." In natural death, the process is gradual. The extremities first grow chilly ; then the feet become cold; and then the hands and arms, to the shoulders. The pulse continues to beat more feeble — the blood purples under the nails — the eye becomes dim, and the breathing more difficult, while a silvery aural emanation, rising mist-like from, gathers gently around and over the tremulous body. Spirit friends have already come to attend this higher birth. Often they bring garments white and glistening. The atmosphere is filled with electric particles bright and silvery. The moment of transi- tion approaches. The stillness is holy and heavenly. Only friends, calm and loving, should be present. And now — now a slight tremor, and that ethereal life-thread, the silver cord, is severed, and the spiritual body is released from the physical tenement; something as the full-blown rose is un- rolled out from the rose-bud and plucked from the parent stem. When departing. Herbert, the poet, was asked in his seem- ing death-struggles, " Are you. suffering ? " and the response, almost with the last breath, was, " It is delightful ; oh, so delightful!" The English Keats, inquired of, a -little before he crossed the crystal river, how he felt, replied in a feeble voice, " Bet- ter, my friend. I feel as though daisies were growing all over me." The German Schiller, when passing to the better land, was asked concerning his feelings. "Calmer and calmer" was the prompt reply. When the soul of that poet-preacher, Rev. Charles Sincom, was departing, he looked up and said, " There is nothing but peace, sweetest peace" The Rev. J. W. Bailey, a Universalist minister whom I knew long and well, and knew to esteem and love, passed on several years since to the higher heavenly world. The THE TESTIMONY OF SAINTS. 39 day before he passed he began to sing, and would sing for hours. Mrs. Bailey asked him, " Does it not tire you to sing so much?" " Oh, yes," said he; "but I'm so happy — happy, I can't help it." He then turned his eyes to his daughter Emma, and said, " Do not weep for your father, dear child, for he is going so happy — going home." One by one we pass away; pass to meet in the Father's mansion. She says he then turned his eyes upward, and oh, how glorious they looked ! They seemed illumined with heavenly light; but he stopped breathing. u I laid my hand upon his shoulder. He opened his eyes, and smiling upon me said, 4 Why, I thought I had gone to the spirit world. I have seen over the river, and I can now see on both sides. It is beauti- ful on this side ; but oh, glorious, glorious on the other ! Why, I see Ellen ! I see so many friends there, over the river, and they beckon, beckon to me. I see more, vastly more on that side than I do on this.' " Mrs. Bailey adds : " He then pressed my hand, said ' Do not grieve,' smiled, waved his hand, and passed on." When a Progressive Friend of Philadelphia visited a Quaker family in Ohio a few years since, consisting of a father and lovely daughter, the latter pale and dying, he inquired of her if she knew her situation. " I know that my Redeemer liveth," said she, in a voice of subdued and heav- enly sweetness. A half hour passed, and she spoke, in the same melodious tone, " Father, I am cold." And the vener- able man reclined by his dying child, endeavoring to restore warmth to her stiffening limbs ; and she twined her emaciated arms around his neck, and murmured in a subdued voice, "Dear father, dear father." "My child," said the sorrowing man, " doth the flood seem deep to thee ? " "Nay, father, for my soul is strong." " Seest thou the thither shore?" " I see it, father ; and its banks are green with immortal ver- dure." " Hearest thou the voices of its inhabitants ? " "I hear them, father ; as the voices of angels falling from afar in the still and solemn night-time ; and they call me. Her voice, too, father ; oh, I heard it then ! " " Doth she speak 40 IMMORTALITY. to thee ? " " She speaketh in tones most heavenly." " Doth she smile ? " " An angel smile, a calm and holy smile. But I am cold, cold, cold ! Father, there's a mist in the room. You'll be lonely, lonely. Is this death, father?" "It is death, Mary." " Thank God ! " And as these sweet words died away upon her lips, her tranquil spirit went to revel in the celestial splendors of Heaven. While holding the pastoral charge of a church in the city of Oswego, N. Y., I was a frequent visitor at the hospitable home of the Rev. S. J. May, Syracuse, N. Y. Royal-souled and spiritually-minded by nature, he was gentle and loving as a child. His life-path was often illumined by premonitions and visions. Recalling the dreamy yet really spiritual im- pressions of the past, relative to the early departure of his little brother with whom he had clasped hands, eaten, drank, and slept so sweetly, he says : " There lay my beloved Edward dead, his eyes shut, his body cold, giving no replies to the tender things that were said to him, taking no notice of all that was being done to him or about him. I gave myself up to a passion of grief, not knowing the mean- ing of what I saw, but feeling that some awful change had come over him. When the room was darkened, and my father and mother were about to withdraw, I begged them to let me lie down with Edward. My importunity was so passionate that my parents were almost afraid, and quite too tender, to withstand it ; so I was covered with a shawl, and laid by my dead brother. When left alone with him, I well remem- ber how I kissed his cold cheeks and lips, pulled open his eyelids, begged him to speak to me, and finally cried myself to sleep. " Most vivid is my recollection of the funeral, of the solemn procession to the burial- ground, and of the weeping of friends and relatives. -When I saw them take the coffin from the carriage, and carry it off towards the tomb, I insisted upon seeing what they were going to do with Edward. So my uncle, Samuel May, took me in his arms, descended with me into the family vault, and showed me where they had put away my brother. Then he pointed out the little coffins in which were the remains of several of my brothers and sisters, who had lived and died before I was born, and the coffin in which my grandfather was laid eight years before. " My kind uncle opened one of the coffins, and let me see how decayed the body had become, and told me that Edward's body would decay in like manner, and become like the dust of the earth ; but while revealing to me these sad facts, he assured me most tenderly that all these departed ones were still living; that my dear brother's spirit was not in the coffin, but was clothed with another and more spiritual body, and living in heaven with God and the beautiful angels. I went home in a sort of maze, crying, and asking questions which human wisdom could not answer. " I remember that my only brothen Charles, then a lad of fourteen or fifteen years of age, tenderly took me to his room, lay down with me on his bed, and tried to comfort me and himself by telling me all that he imagined to be true about heaven, God, THE TESTIMONY OF SAINTS. 41 angels, and loving spirits, assuring- me again, as others had done, that Edward had gone to live in that blessed place, in that happy and glorious company. " When night came I was put to bed, in the bed where I had so often slept with Ed- ward. Sleep soon came to relieve my young spirit, wearied with grief and strange excitement, and in my dreams all that had been told me proved true. The ceiling of the room seemed to open, a glorious light burst in, and from the midst of it came down my lost brother, attended by a troop of child-angels. They left him, and he lay down beside me, as he used to do. He told me what a beautiful place heaven was, and how all the angels loved one another. There he lay till morning, when the ceiling above opened again, and the troop of angels came to bear him back to heaven. He kissed me, sent messages of love to father and mother, brother and sisters, and gladly re- joined the celestial company. " So soon as I awoke and was dressed, I hurried down to tell the family what I had seen, and to give them the kisses and messages that dear Edward had sent them. . The remarkable thing about this dream was, that it was many times repeated, that night after night I enjoyed the presence of my brother, that morning after morning I went down to the family with renewed assurances of love from the one who was gone. " By degrees my grief abated; the loss of my brother was in some measure supplied by other playmates ; new things attracted my attention and occupied my thoughts. But I have never forgotten my Edward ; the events of his death and burial, and the heavenly vision, are all still vivid in my memory ; and I believe the experience had great influence in awaking and fixing in my mind the full faith I have in the continu- ance of life after death, — a faith so strong that I do not believe more fully in the life that now is than in that which is to come." In the early years of my ministry, I often met the Rev. D. K. Lee, originally of Kelloggsville, N. Y. Though naturally timid and quiet in spirit, he was earnest in preaching, and one of the excellent men of earth. These lines from his pen reveal his spirit : " Let me go, let me go ! for the mists of the night From the wings of the morning are sweeping, And the deserts are budding, and harvests are white, It is time that I now should be reaping • I have slumbered full long on my sickle, I fear, Since around me the reapers were waking — In the gleamings of twilight the shades disappear — Let me go, for the morning is breaking ! " In the later years of his well-spent life he enjoyed the rich blessings of spirit communion. When dying, he exclaimed : "The children are coming — the beautiful children." The Rev, Mr. Bartholomew, in a very appropriate funeral discourse, referred to the opening of his spiritual sight in these words : " I do not wonder that in his last moments a vision of children's faces was opened to his soul ; I do not wonder that he should say, ' The children, the beautiful children. 42 IMMORTALITY. don't you see tliem f ' God sends Ms angels and ministering spirits to us in our trying hours, to bring us strength and comfort, and to fill us with their heavenly peace. He sends us such angels as the heart craves most to see. And I do not wonder that angel- children crowded around his dying-bed. There were the children that had gone up from this congregation to join the glorified in heaven ; the children in whom he took such interest in life, whose hearts he moulded, and on whose minds he poured the light of truth ; the children in whose plays and pastimes he had so often taken part : they came to him in his dying-hour to welcome him to their home above." Many of the greatest and most gifted souls of earth were endowed with spiritual gifts. Socrates, Plato, Proclus, John the Apostle, Cicero, Plutarch, Tertullian, Bacon, Louis XVI., Baxter, Cowper, Glanville, Swedenborg, Joan of Arc, Ann Lee, George Fox, Johnson, Lessing, Goethe, Kerner, Wesley, — these, and others, had visions of Heaven, visions of angels, visions of immortality ! How sweet this old Iryrnn : " We're going home ! we've had visions bright Of that holy land, the world of light* When the long dark night of time is past, And the morn of eternity dawns at last ; Where the weaiy soul no more shall roam, But dwell in a happy, peaceful home ; Where the brow with sparkling gems is crowned, And the waves of bliss are flowing around ; Oh, that beautiful home ! that beautiful world ! " Spiritualism is not only a science and a philosophy, but in its highest definition it is a religion — a rational religion, har- monizing perfectly with the sublime teachings of the New Testament. Speaking of the noble and philanthropic James Arnold Whipple, the Rev. Aclin Ballou says : " In religon he was a liberalist, verging for years on scepticism, but afterwards con- firmed by Spiritualism into the strongest assurance of man's future immortal existence. Even after embracing Spiritualism, he doubted the uses of prayer and personal exer- cises of pietistic devotion. But under the chastening discipline of sickness, he was fully drawn away from that externalism of feeling into the sphere of child-like docility, conti'ition, tender-hearted and confiding prayerfulness. It was a blessed unfoldment to him, his companion and friends. Meantime his spiritual vision was opened to be- hold bright, cheering, consoling spirits from the immortal world, who gathered, around his dying-bed, and gave him a sweet welcome to the deathless mansions." " I see things unutterable," said another dying servant of God. Elizabeth Drinker, a Quakeress, when dying, seemed THE TESTIMONY OF SAINTS. 43 much supported above the last conflict, and with an animated countenance said, " Oh, the beauty ! the excellent beauty ! What a beautiful view I have of the hosts of heaven ! " Near Whitby, in Yorkshire, there lived a very conscientious man, named Sinclair. He had a family of children, and it was his great concern, and unceasing prayer, that they might be saved. Christopher, his son, when but twelve years old, felt a strong inclination for a seafaring life. Accordingly, he served an apprenticeship under the master of a ship; but soon afterwards had some of his ribs dislocated, a misfortune from which he never recovered. His father told him that there was no expectation of his being restored, yet they wished to ease him of his pain. " Pain ! " said this moral hero, " I have no pain ; I am all in a flame of love." Early in the morning of the day on which he died, he said to his father, " This has been the happiest night I have ever had ; and now the blessed morning has come in which I shall go to Jesus." When his speech failed he smiled, and looked up to heaven. He then took hold of his father's hand, looked upwards, and seemed as though he would point to some object. He tried to speak, but could only say, " Oh, see ! see ! " Sud- denly his face shone as if a divine ray of heavenly light rested upon him. This continued for more than five minutes, after which he exclaimed, " I have seen Jesus and the angels." His uncle, who had been sent for, came in at the time, and to him the dying young saint said, " I have seen heaven — the angels — I can speak no more." The uncle felt that there was a presence in that chamber beyond mortal creatures. He knelt down, and whilst praying that a convoy of angels might carry the disembodied spirit to Paradise, the happy soul passed through death triumphant home. For some days after- wards his friends talked to each other of the sudden appear- ance of the heavenly beam of light which they recognized just before the young man died, and of the awe, yet peaceful feeling, they had of a gracious spiritual presence. The cold formalisms of theologians may, in a measure, do 44 IMMORTALITY. to live by ; but they will not stand the trying test of the dying-hour. Then, if never before, is the Spiritualism of the ages — the Spiritualism of the New Testament — the Spirit- ualism of prayer — the Spiritualism of hope and trust and knowledge, truly precious. Only a few weeks since, while standing by the bedside of a dying mother, who had long been blessed with the gift of clairvoyance, she exclaimed : "There — that band of angels are coming again; one brings a white robe. Do you not hear the song they sing ? Oh, why do you cry so ? why keep me from my dear ones ? How light the room is ! Do not say, ' Good night,' but wait a little, and we'll say, 4 Good morning.'' " When Mrs. Pinkerton, a medium and spiritualist lecturer, was passing down into death's rolling waves, she exclaimed, " This is a glorious doctrine to die by, friends ; continue in the good work — it will be a great thing if you can only free a few from the shackles of theological dogmas." She bade the unstable to stand fast, and exclaimed, in transports of rapture and delight, " This is the best day of my life ; I hear the angels singing; I am happy, happy, happy! " To the skeptics present she said: "Doubt no more — I know there is a blessed, glorious, eternal life." And while a few friends, by her re- quest, sang, " Joyfully, joyfully, onward I move, Bound for the laud of bright spirits above," she clapped her hands, exclaiming, " Oh, hinder me not, for I want to go home. I'm going. I am almost over the river. The voyage is pleasant." Angels only know how deeply I am interested in the fam- ily history of Louis XVI., the kind-hearted Bourbon king. Beauchesne of Paris, writing of the unfortunate Louis' son, the idolized prince, says : " When the Dauphin, hardly eleven years of age, was lying sick upon his bed of rags, he exclaimed, ' I hear music ! music' " Gomin, surprised, asked him, ' Where do you hear the music ?' 'From on high.' ' How long since ? ' ' Since you have been on your knees. Don't you hear it ? Listen ! listen ! ' And the child raised his failing arm, and opened his lai'ge e^ves, lighted up with ecstasy. His poor guardian, not wishing to destroy this sweet and heavenly illu- THE TESTIMONY OF SAINTS. 45 sion set himself to listen also, with the pious desire of hearing what could not be heard. " After some moments of attention, the child started again, his eyes glistened, and he exclaimed in an inexpressible transport, ' In the midst of all the voices I heard my mother's ! ' " This word seemed, as it fell from the orphan's lips, to remove all his pain. His contracted brows expanded, and his countenance brightened up with that ray of serenity which gives assurance of deliverance or victory. With his eyes fixed upon a vision, his ear listening to the distant music of one of those concerts that human ear has never heard, there appeared to spring forth in his child's soul another existence. " An instant afterwards the brilliancy of his eye became extinguished, he crossed his arms upon his breast, and an expression of sinking showed itself upon his face. " Gomin observed him closely, and followed with an anxious eye every movement. His breathing was no longer painful ; his eye alone seemed slowly to wander, looking from time to time towards the window. . . . Gomin asked him what it was he was looking at in that direction. The child looked at his guardian a moment, and although the question was repeated, he seemed not to understand it, and did not answer. " Lasne came up from below to relieve Gomin; the latter went out, his heart op- pressed, but not more anxious than on the evening before, for he did not expect an im- mediate termination. Lasne took his seat near the bed ; the prince regarded him for a long time with a fixed and dreamy look. When he made a slight movement, Lasne asked him how he was, and if he wanted anything. The child said, ' Ho you think that my sister has heard the music ? How happy it would have made her ? ' Lasne was unable to answer. The eager and penetrating look, full of anguish, of the dying child darted towards the window. An exclamation of happiness escaped his lips ; then, looking towards his guardian, he said, ' I have one thing to tell you.' . . . Lasne ap- proached and took his hand; the little head of the prisoner fell upon his guardian's breast, who listened to him, but in vain. His last words had been spoken. God had spared the young martyr the agony of the dying rattle ; God had kept for himself the last thought of the child. Lasne put his hand upon the heart of the child : the pure heart of Louis XVII. had ceased to beat. It was half past two o'clock in the afternoon." When Mozart had given the finishing touches to his won- derful Requiem, his last and sweetest composition, he fell into a quiet and composed slumber. On awakening, he said to his daughter, " Come hither, my Emilie ; my task is done ; the Requiem is done — my Requiem is finished." " Oh, no," said the gentle girl, the tears filling her eyes; "you will be better now ; let me go and bring you something refreshing." " Do not deceive yourself, my love," he replied, " I am beyond human aid ; I am dying, and I look to Heaven's mercy only for aid. You spoke of refreshment — take these last notes of mine, sit down by my piano here, sing them with the hymn of your sainted mother ; let me once more hear those tones which have so long been my solace and delight." His daughter 46 . IMMORTALITY. complied, and, with a voice tremulous with emotion, sang the following : " Spirit, thy labor is o'er, Thy earthly probation is run ; Thy steps are now bound for the unknown shore, And the race of immortals begun. Spirit, look not on the strife, Or the pleasures of earth with regret ; Pause not on the threshold of limitless life To mourn for the day that is set. Spirit, no fetters can bind, JSTo wicked have power to molest ; There the weary like thee, the wretched, shall find A haven, a mansion of rest. Spirit, how bright is the road For which thou art now on the wing ! Thy home — it will be with the angels of God, Their loud Alleluias to sing." As she concluded, she dwelt for a moment on the low melancholy notes of the piece, and then turned from the in- strument to meet the approving smile of her father. It was the still, passionless smile which the rapt and departed spirit left upon the features. Reaching Paris by way of Egypt and Italy, from the East, on my way around the world, I met that distinguished author, statesman, and spiritualist, Victor Hugo, in Mrs. Hollis-Bil- lings' seance-rooms. He came out, weeping tears of gladness; for a loved son had held converse with a loving father. Like Camille Flammarion, the French astronomer, like J. H. Fichte, the great German philosopher, Victor Hugo is a brave, out- spoken spiritualist; and this accounts for his thrilling sen- tences and Heaven-inspired ideas relating to law and liberty, to death and the immortal life. Standing over the corpse of one he loves, he says : " I bless him in the great hereafter. In the name of the sorrows whereon he gently beamed, and of the shadows he smiled into sunshine ; in the name of terrestrial things he once hoped for, and of celestial things which he now enjoys ; in the name of all he loved, I bless him. I bless him in his youth, in his beauty, in his innocence, in his life, and in his death. I bless him in his white, sepulchral robes ; in his home which he has left ; in his coffin which his friends filled with flowers, and which God filled with stars." THE TESTIMONY OF SAINTS. 47 " The dead arc invisible, but they are not absent. Let us be just to death. Let us not be ungrateful to death. It is not, as has been said, a ruin and a snare. It is an error to think that here in the darkness of the open grave all is lost to us. There everything is found again. The grave is a place of restitution ; there the soul resumes the infinite, there it recovers its plenitude. There it re-enters on the possession of all its mysterious nature ; it is set free from the body, from want, from its burden, from fatality. Death is the greatest of liberties ; it is also the furthest progress. Death is a higher step for all who have lived upon its height. Dazzling and holy every one receives his increase, everything is transfigured in the light and by the light. He who has been no more than virtuous on earth becomes beauteous ; he who has only been beauteous becomes sublime ; and he who has only been sublime becomes good. Progress is for all ! progress is eternal ! " In speaking at a Parisian party of litterateurs upon the subject of immortality, his face brightening up into a sun of trans- figured beauty, he said : "There are no occult forces; there are only luminous forces. Occult force is chaos, the luminous force is God. Man is an infinitely little copy of God ; this is glory enough for man. I am a man, an invisible atom,- a drop in the ocean, a grain of sand on the shore. Little as I am, I feel the God in me, because I can also bring form out of my chaos. I make books, which are creations. I feel in myself the future life. I am like a forest which has been more than once cut down. The new shoots are stronger and livelier than ever. I am rising, I know, toward the sky. The sunshine is on my head. The earth gives me its generous sap, but heaven lights me with the reflection of unknown worlds. You say the soul is nothing but the resultant of bodily powers. Why then is my soul the more luminous when my bodily powers begin to fail ? Winter is on my head, and eternal spring is in my heart. There I breathe at this hour the fragrance of the lilacs, the violets, and the roses, as at twenty years. The nearer I approach the end, the plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous, yet simple. It is a fairy tale, and it is history. For half a century I have been writing my thoughts in prose and verse ; his- tory, philosophy, drama, romance, tradition, satire, ode, and song — I have tried all. But I feel I have not said the thousandth part of what is in me. When I go down to the grave I can say, like so many others, ' I have finished my day's work,' but I cannot say, ' I have finished my life.' My day's work will begin again the next morning. The tomb is not a blind alley ; it is a thoroughfare. It closes on the twilight to open with the dawn — the dawn of an immortal morning ! " 48 IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER VI. THE ORIGIN, GROWTH, AND PERFECTION OF THE SPIRITUAL BODY. " There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body." — Paul. " Nor fear the grave, that door of heaven on earth ; All changed and beautiful ye shall come forth, As from the cold dark cloud the winter showers Go underground to dress, and come forth flowers." Gekald Massey. Something what the bird is to the shell — what the juicy pulp is to the orange, the spiritual body is to the organic man. The rind aptly symbolizes the outer physical body, and the orange seed the soul-germ. In this stage of existence man is triune — soul, spiritual body, earthly body. In the future intermediate state of being he will be dual — soul and spiritual body ; the former a poten- tialized portion of the Over-soul, God. The query may here arise, whether, when the celestial degree or state of angelhood is resumed, man will not once more enjoy the threefold state by the possession of a body- form derived from the more perfected or etherealized com- bination of chemical substance through a process of material- ization ? Prophecy, resurrection doctrines, and materializing phenomena foreshadow such a conclusion. Moreover, if this outer zone of material substance shall be added to the aromal body of the soul, it will be practically immortal and free from the disorders to which our present mortal bodies are subject. The spiritual bod}^ is not a newly organized and ethereal- ized body that we are to have in the morning of the resurrec- tion, for we have it now. It is within us, and in a secondary sense is the life of the physical body. The two bodies in point of time are co-existent. And the soul, allied to, and DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPIRITUAL BODY. 49 rooted in God, has been manufacturing and moulding this spiritual body from the moment of conception. Interpenetrating and infilling the atmosphere that surrounds our earth there is a pulsating spiritual atmosphere. Every element, monad, molecule — dual doubtless in construction — is constituted of physical matter and spiritual substance ; and the spiritual substances in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the auras we appropriate, go to make and support our spiritual bodies. Physical matter is not transmitted, nor can it become, by any \ law of progress, essential soul — that is, pure Intelli- gence ! We only know of soul by its manifestations. We are finite beings, and accordingly our thoughts and percep- tions have their limitations and impossibilities. God will be the unsolved problem of eternity. It is as absolutely impos- sible for the finite to fathom the Infinite as for two parallel lines to meet. The spiritual body, even while enshrined in the earthly, requires spiritual sustenance. This it derives, as we have before intimated, from the etherealized essences of grains, fruits, and from spirit-auras ; and digesting, assimilates them ; — ■ while the soul requires and finds its sustenance in the recep- tion and appropriation of such divine principles as affection, goodness, truth, and wisdom. To properly feed a spiritually- minded man in this world is to educate and instruct him in spiritual things. And this is especially true of those who inhabit the heavenly life. " Lord," exclaimed the disciples, " evermore give us this bread." On the tomb of a Pharaoh at Thebes, in letters exquisitely graved three thousand years ago, perhaps, are these words : "I lived in truth, and fed my soul with justice and wisdom. What I did for men I did in peace, and how I loved God, God and my heart well know." If I had been asked, while feeling my way by the dim twilight of theological dogmas, to define the spiritual body, I should probably have said : "The spiritual body, — why, it is a thin, aerial, immaterial sort of a shapeless essence, that in the dying-hour floats away into space, awaiting the sounding 4 50 IMMORTALITY. of the trumpet and the resurrection of the dead ! " But the heavens, opened as they are in this nineteenth century, the descending angels have taught us that the spiritual body is a real body ; that the spiritual man is the real man with the spiritual form and senses etherealized and more thoroughly perfected. The spiritual body is particled, and accordingly subject to waste and supply. Aflame with life and action, it continually casts off a coarser and takes to itself and appro- priates that which is more ethereal and beautiful. The clairvoyant and clairaudient have the physical and spiritual senses both open at the same time, enabling them to commune with men and spirits, and to hear the music of earth and the music of the angels. The sages of India, the Magi of the East, the prophets of Israel, the apostles of Syria, Swedenborg, Wesley, Ann Lee, and others were thus condi- tioned in the past; and so are the genuine mediums of the present — enabling them to consciously and visibly converse with the inhabitants of the spirit- world. Though the spiritual body is encased in the physical, the latter does not necessarily reflect the perfect image of the spiritual man. Other things being equal, however, this, is largely true. Still, the influences of hereditary descent and the psychological imprint of the parents often render the external unlike the face and form of the indwelling spirit. Physical deformities do not pertain to the spirit. The out- wardly ugly are often beautiful within — and beautiful, because their spiritual natures have subsisted upon purity, love, and truth. Many who are crooked and deformed in limb, and who have uncomely bodies, have interior spiritual bodies of exqui- site beauty and manliness. Good deeds brighten and beautify. To distribute and confer blessings upon others gives sweet- ness and serenity to the spiritual features. The truly good, however old and wrinkled, are spiritually beautiful. " In the other life," says the gifted Edmund H. Sears, "appears the wonderful paradox that the oldest people are the youngest. To grow in age is to come into everlasting youth. To become old in years is to put on the freshness of perpetual prime. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPIRITUAL BODY. 01 We drop from us the debris of the past ; we breathe the ether of immortality, and our cheeks mantle with eternal bloom." In Theodore Parker's great sermon entitled " Old Age," he makes use of this symbol from natural life : " The stick on his- andirons snaps asunder, and falls outward. Two faintly- smoking brands stand there. Grandfather lays them together and they flame up ; the two smokes are united in one flame.. ' Even so let it be in heaven.' " In the gardens and paradises of heaven, living souls meet and mingle as do the pearling dewdrops of morning. While a physical atmosphere envelops our earth, the spirit- ual atmosphere, like a measureless ocean of light, encircles and bathes in peerless splendor these worlds and astral systems that stud the fields of Infinity. Passing through the vine-encircled door of death into the world of spirits, to consciously inhale this atmosphere, everything seems so real, so substantial,, so spiritually natural, that many cannot at first understand that their bodies are dead — that they have really been translated from the rudimental to the next and higher stage of exist- ence. They think they are half a-dreaming. To be sure, they cognize the fact that they live — that their spiritual bodies are perfect in structure and function — that their hearts throb, their lungs expand, their ears hear, their lips speak, and their eyes behold the friends that had previously crossed the crystal river ; and still, they wonder ! It is only through the prophets of old and the intermedia- ries of the present that we know the nature of the spiritual body ; know the occupations of spirit-life, and the social activities that obtain in " that city that hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." Scientific men are cautiously approaching this realm of the spiritual. Accord- ingly, Professor Winchell, of the Michigan University, says : " The unseen world is destined to become like a newly-discovered continent. We shall visit it; we shall hold communion with it; we shall wonder how so many thou- sand years could have passed without our being introduced to it. We shall learn of other modes of existence — intermediate, perhaps, between body and spirit — having the forms and limitations in space peculiar to matter, with the penetrability and invisi- bility of spirit. And who can say that we may not yet obtain such knowledge of the 52 IMMORTALITY. modes of existence of other bodies as to discover the means of rendering them visible to our bodily eyes, as we now hold conversation with a friend upon the shores of the Pacific, or in the heart of Europe, or fly with the superhuman velocity of the wind from the Atlantic to the Mississippi valley ? Then may we not at last gaze upon the spiritual bodies in which our departed friends reside, and discover the means of listen- ing to then' spirit voices, and join hands consciously with the heavenly host ? " All this is accomplished. The immortal, vestured in tempo- rary clothing, walk in our midst. Like Jesus, who appeared in the "upper room, the door being shut," they " vanish" from sight. Only those whose eyes are " holden " fail to see them. They come to demonstrate a future existence ; to remap and revise the geography of other lands than ours ; and to reveal the glories of those heavenly spheres. " Where the faded flower shall freshen, Freshen never more to fade ; Where the shaded sky shall brighten, Brighten never more to shade ; Where the sun-blaze never scorches, Where the star-beams cease to chill, Where no tempest stirs the echoes Of the wood or wave or hill': Where the morn shall wake in gladness, And the moon the joy prolong; Where the daylight dies in fragrance, Mid the burst of holy song ; Where the bond is never severed, Partings, claspings, sobs, and moans, Midnight waking, twilight weeping, Heavy noontide — all are done. Where dear friends in kingly glory, Such as earth has never known, Shall each take the righteous scepter, Claim and wear the heavenly crown." IS IT THE SOUL OR THE BODY THAT SINS? 53 CHAPTER VII. IS IT THE SOUL OR THE BODY THAT SINS? " I know not what trials thy poor heart hath had, I only know mine have driven me mad ! The world may have touched thee, and left its foul taint, For none can escape it, nor sinner nor saint. I know what this life is — Ah ! God help us all, . For the bravest and best in the battle may fall ; I'll not judge thee rashly — no, Heaven forefend, 'Tis a cold word to utter, — but, ' I'm ever thy friend ! ' " H. Clay Preuss. " For I came not to condemn the world, but to save the world." Jesus. Just as the body is the subject of health and disease, just as there is order and disorder in its functional relations, so is there harmony and inharmony, good and evil, in the moral universe. Evil is not " undeveloped good," but directly the opposite of good. And man as a moral actor is therefore the subject of rewards and disciplinary punishments. Just as character is more than reputation, being is more than doing ; so each man's justification or condemnation comes from what he absolutely is, in and of himself. The judg- ment-seat is within, and conscience, in connection with the moral faculties, there sits enthroned as judge. The seeming in society is often an illusion. And yet, external respecta- bility, like merchandise, has its market-price. The hells are crowded with proud and respectable hypocrites of earth. Jesus, eating with publicans and sinners, " made himself," said an apostle, "of no reputation;" but his character, oh, how divine ! Doing may be imitated, being cannot. The virtues may be copied ; but virtue, as an original principle or motive, is a 54 IMMORTALITY. part of the divine selfhood. It was not " virtue " that Jesus " felt go out of him," but nervo-magnetism. Works of right- eousness borrowed — works undertaken as a speculation to secure Heaven, are valueless, because selfish. The best acts are praiseworthy only so far as they are the exponents of the moral life, and have in view the good of humanity. Psychology and phrenology, now received into the pan- theon of the sciences, prove man to be a moral being, having moral brain-faculties. And moral being implies moral law, and moral law implies not only conscience and freedom, but moral government and compensation. Conscience, in connection with moral judgment, ever prompts to the right ; but the perceptive and reflecting organs, coupled with moral consciousness, must ever deter- mine what that right is. This applies to every scale of life. " Green apples are good," says a prominent Spiritualist writer, — "good in their place, as the ripened ones of October." True ; but why compare green apples to states of evil ? Unripe fruit represents a stage of growth in accordance with the divine order, as childhood is according to divine order ; but hate, malice, falsity, and unchastity are inversions of the divine order, and hence bear no correspondence to unripe fruit. And further, the one who compares green apples, which are utterly destitute of intelligence and moral percep- tion, with the willful perversions of human nature, exhibits a process of reasoning which deserves the appellation — unparalleled sophistry ! No moral quality inheres in apples. They are neither "good" nor evil, because moral qualities pertain to moral beings — not unconscious fruit, or blind forces. A machine may be constructed with such precision that the action of each screw and wheel is controlled and deter- mined with mathematical exactness. But it is a machine, nevertheless, and incapable of love or hate, good or evil. If man, instead of being a conscious spirit, were a mere machine, there would be no moral wrong on earth, and there should be neither rewards nor punishments. IS IT THE SOUL OR THE BODY THAT SINS? 55 There are pseudo-philosophers who with great confidence assure us that there is no moral evil in the universe — only a graded or lower degree of good. But is a positive lie a lower degree of truth? Malice a lower degree of mercy? and burning lust a lower degree of chastity ? To enunciate is to reveal the terrible hideousness of such reasoning. Good and evil are moral conditions, each real and positive, according as it becomes the leading force in purpose or quality of charac- ter. And the higher the moral altitude attained, the more exquisitely keen are the soul's distinctions between good and evil. If it is noble to resist temptation, it is infinitely nobler to be above temptation. Milton's angels were only lrypothetical angels. If real, they could not have been so easily tempted, through pride, to fall. Each individual is responsible to the extent of his intelligence, mental capacity, and moral knowl- edge. All moral acts pertain to the mental and spiritual nature, and not to the body, except medially. The amputated foot does not kick. It is not the fleshly hand that steals. No corpse treads on forbidden ground. The hand, the foot, the body — these are only the implements for conscious intelli- gence to operate through. Without this intelligence and moral perception of law, man is little more than a passive machine. The body, then, does not sin. Constituted of physical elements, it can know nothing of moral or immoral acts. And death, which is only the shedding of the outer envelope, in no way affects the immortal man. It is not a sponge, that cleans the slate in a moment ; not a sieve, that, while separating the chaff from the wheat, purifies the soul ; not a moral chemist, that so manipulates character as to per- fect it in the twinkling of an eye. And yet death, or the conditions to which death introduces the individual, offers better and higher facilities for perpetual progress. Human beings are finite, and accordingly all moral distinc- tions are relative. And while motives and circumstances, and even the bodily passions, have wide fields of operation, 56 IMMORTALITY. they are to be controlled and rigidly subjected to the reason and higher intuitions of the moral nature. This is the struggle — the clashing battle-ground of life. God and the good angels help the Christ within us to become victor. Something as shadows are to pictures, so are imperfections to human nature along its different stages of development. Evil is incident to moral freedom and moral law. The ap'os- tolic assurance that Jesus " was made perfect through suffer- ing," has been construed that he was once imperfect. And it has often been contended that if Jesus as a Jew had not been disobedient, the apostle could not have rationally said that he " learned obedience by the things he suffered." Only then, that he was, as the Scriptures teach, our "• Elder Brother," — a u man of sorrows and acquainted with grief," — could he have felt such a deep sympathy for humanity. Kossuth spoke all the more eloquently in behalf of liberty after having paced the cold floors of an Austrian dungeon. Hampden's^ persecutions for freedom fired his soul with a deeper love for justice and equality. Gough could never have spoken with the burning power and pathos he does had he not staggered and suffered under the poisoned draught. Pain is a masked angel pointing to the door of obedience. And so evil, through sorrow and direst suffering, is overruled for good. This is Optimism — that rational Optimism which, seeing afar into the future, is calm with faith and holiest trust. The noblest and purest souls of earth are ever the most charitable. "Neither do I condemn thee," were the tender words of Jesus. And again, " I came not to condemn the world, but to save the world. *' The good shepherd, leaving the ninety and nine, searched for the lost sheep until he had found it. The robes of reformers shine the brightest when they rustle along the crowded crypts of time. Feet pierced with thorns are on the way to see the head crowned with roses. Disappointments and trials, rightly considered, and patiently endured, become transfigured into higher joys; or, by other methods, bloom out into richest blessings. Tears, shed over the sufferings of others, crystallize into pearls. Under IS IT THE SOUL OR THE BODY THAT SINS ? 57 the clouds of imperfection, and the cankering corruptions of social life, there lie entombed the principles that reflect the overshadowing love of the Infinite, — principles that brighten up in glad response to that sweet sympathy and love that angels ever know. It was not the body, but the soul of Mary Magdalena, that Jesus so admired and loved. The peerless words of the Apostle John — " God is Love " — will live for- ever ! Appreciating the moral grandeur of a broad religious opti- mism, Alice Carey sung one of the sweetest songs of her soul. " I said if I might go back again To the very hour and place of my birth, Might have my life whatever I chose, And live it in any part of the earth ; Put perfect sunshine into my sky, Banish the shadows of sorrow and doubt ; Have all of my happiness multiplied, And all of my suffering stricken out ; If I could have known in the years now gone The best that a mortal comes to know : Could have had whatever will make man blest, Or whatever he thinks will make him so ; Yea ; I said if a miracle such as this Could be wrought for me at my bidding, — still I would choose to have my past as it is, And to let my future come as it will. I would not make the path I have trod More pleasant, or even more straight or wide ; Nor change my course the breadth of a hair This way or that to either side. My past is mine, and I take it all, — Its weakness, its folly if you please ; Nay, even my sins, if you come to that, » May have been my helps, — not hindrances. So let my past stand just as it stands, And let me now, as I may, grow old ; I am what I am, and my life for me Is the best — or, it had not been — I hold." The oak remembers not each leaf it bore ; and yet each leaf and bough and brawny limb help to make up the towering 58 IMMORTALITY. tree. Many of the acts and minor events of our lives have died out, or cease to echo in the memory chambers of our souls ; still, their results live in our characters. Let them be forgotten ! It is not wise to brood over the broken rounds of the ladder our feet just pressed. The summit of the temple is to be reached. Direct the eye upward, and press forward towards the higher altitudes of heavenly truth and wisdom. The toiling seamstress remembers not each stitch she took in the garment; and yet, every stitch helped to make up that garment ; and so each thought, word, purpose, and deed, help to make up the real life of the soul ; and backward-looking memory, tracing the effects, may — ay, must construct a mirror before which we shall be necessitated to stand, face to face with ourselves. This will be the loosening of the seals — the beginning of the Judgment. "Go unto thy own place," will be the self-pronounced sentence of the soul. Compensation runs like a silver thread through the uni- verse. Youth affects manhood. The deeds of manhood be- cloud or brighten the sunset of life. We weave the moral garments in this life that shall in quality clothe us when en- tering the future state of existence. "If all our life was one broad glare Of sunlight clear, unclouded, If all our path were smooth and fair, By no deep gloom enshrouded ; If all life's flowers were fully blown Without the slow unfolding, And happiness mayhap was thrown Then we should miss the twilight hours, The intermingling sadness, And pray perhaps for storms and showers To break the constant gladness. If none were sick and none were sad, What service could we render ? I think if we were always glad We hardly could be tender. Did our beloved never need Our loving ministration, Life would grow cold, and miss indeed Its finest consolation. IS IT THE SOUL OR THE BODY THAT SINS? 59 If sorrow never smote the heart, And every wish were granted, Then faith would die, and hope depart, And life be disenchanted. And if in heaven is no more night, In heaven no more sorrow, Such unimagined pure delight Fresh grace from pain will borrow. As the poor seed that underground Seeks its true life above it, Not knowing where it will be found When sunbeams touch and love it, — So we in darkness upward grow, And look and long for heaven ; Yet cannot reach it here below, Till more of light be given." 60 IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER VIII. CLOTHING IN THE SPIRIT-WORLD — ITS CHARACTER, USE, AND HOW OBTAINED. " Our atmosphere is the mantle which the earth folds to her hosom during her yearly journeys around the sun. Nature is the garment of God. Angels are vestured in crystal whiteness." Pilgrim. "I see Hermes, unsuspected, dying, well-heloved, saying to the people, 'Do not weep for me, This is not my true country; I have lived banished from my true country — I now go back there ; I return to the celestial sphere, where every one goes in his turn.' " Whitman. Everything in the universe, so far as we know, is either clothed upon, or clothes itself. "Every mineral, every flower, every animal, every human being, every spirit, every object, in- deed, in the universe, from the sun to a dew-drop, has a pecul- iar atmosphere, composed of infinitesimal particles emanating from itself, embodying its interior nature, and proceeding to a certain distance around it. We find it in the magnet, by its attraction ; in the rose, by its perfume ; in man, by his radiat- ing influences of all kinds. By it the faithful dog tracks his master to incredible distances. By it the magnetized person detects the character of another by the glove or the ring he has worn. Every social circle, every church, every institu- tion, has its sphere." The heavens have their sphere, and the hells theirs. The sphere of an object is its natural clothing. But there are two kinds of clothing, the one natural, the other fashioned by intelligence and taste. Swedenborg, by far the greatest seer of modern times, says: " The extrication of the spirit from the body is an office assigned to a certain order of angels. They receive souls kindly, and introduce them to their new sphere, where CLOTHING IN THE SPIRIT WORLD. 61 they quickly seek out those with whom they have an affinity." ..." I have fre- quently heard new-comers from the earth rejoicing at meeting their friends again, and their friends rejoicing at their arrival. Husbands and wives meet and continue to- gether for a long or short time, according to their mutual affinity." ..." Very many of the learned from the earth are amazed when they find themselves after death in houses, in bodies, and in garments much as those of earth.". . . " Angels appear clothed, and each angel in vesture corresponding to his intelligence. The most intelli- gent have garments which glitter as with flame, and some are resplendent as with light. The less intelligent have garments of clear or opaque white without splendor. The still less intelligent have garments of various colors." . . . "The garments of the angels do not merely appear to be garments, but they really are garments ; for they not only see, but feel them, and have many changes which they take off and put on, laying aside those which are not in use, and resuming them when they come into use again. That they are clothed with a variety of garments I have seen a thousand times." It was at the " end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week," that the angel appeared at the sepulchre, " clothed, in a long, white garment." The frightened women hurried away, telling their friends that the risen Jesus had met them saying, "All hail! " " And the angel of the Lord descended from Heaven, and came and rolled back the stone, and sat upon it ... . and his raiment was white as snow." Matthew xxviii. 2, 3. " And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away. And they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment." Mark xvi. 4, 5. While one of the evangelists denominates the spirit who appeared at the sepulchre an angel, and the other a young man, they both agree in pronouncing the garment "white." Luke, in speaking of the clothing, says it was "shining." Upon that Syrian mount when Moses and Elias appeared and "talked with Jesus," the evangelist says he was trans- figured before them . . . and " his raiment was white as the light." (Matt. xvii. 2, 3.) John, the Patmos seer, tells us that, when a door was opened to him in Heaven, he saw on one occasion "seven angels," coming out of the temple, "clothed in pure white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles." (Rev. xv. 6.) Being in the spirit on the ^ Lord's day," he saw " armies of angels, clothed in fine linen, white and clean ; " and again, he beheld " a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues 62 IMMORTALITY. .... clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands." In the first chapter of Acts, a spirit-manifestation to the dis- ciples is described as " two men who stood by them in white apparel." In the Revelation it is said : " He that overcometh shall be clothed in white raiment." How blessed the thought ! clothed in " white robes " — in " raiment white as snow " — in "shining garments above the brightness of the sun ! " While all are clothed in the spirit- world, only those are clothed in crystal whiteness that have " overcome " — overcome their per- versions, their passions, and their earthly appetites, in the sense of training and subordinating them to divine uses. Clothing in the future world corresponds to character. Many of the proud and costly attired of earth will find themselves so spiritually nude and poor in the world of spirits, that they will feel to compare their vestures to filthy rags. " And, oh ! in that future and lovelier sphere, Where all is made right which so puzzles us here ; Where the glare and the glitter and tinsel of Time Shall fade in the light of that region sublime, Where the soul, disenchanted of flesh and of sense, Unscreened by its trappings, and shows, and pretense, Must be clothed for the life and the service above, With purity, truthfulness, meekness, and love. Oh, daughters of earth ! foolish virgins, beware ! Lest in that upper realm you have nothing to wear ! " As the loving, waiting mother provides the softest and most delicate garments for the expectant infant, so tender mater- nal angels and guardian spirits, expecting and watching for the resurrection of spirits from, or out of, their physical bodies, have already prepared the gossamer garments for the loved ones born again. Through death comes the second — the real new birth ! In shape and appearance, spiritual vestures commonly cor- respond to the spirit's taste and custom when upon earth. The Quaker wears at first the plain dress; the Roman, the toga ; the Oriental, the graceful robe. But in ethereality of texture, garments correspond to the moral status of indi- viduals. CLOTHING IN THE SPIRIT WORLD. 63 The first garments worn in spirit-life are gifts of love. It is so with infants on earth ; bnt reaching their full stature, each and all provide their own clothing. In the higher heav- ens, robes and angel vestures are woven by will-power through skillful hands, and woven almost in the twinkling of an eye. It may almost be said that glistening robes of glory come to angels as leaves come to the trees in spring-time, or as gorgeous colors come to evening clouds. As the raiments of the heav- enly inhabitants correspond in quality to their interior states, they change according to their unfoklment, and also with their rank and position. The robes of the archangels are so bright that they literally flame in matchless splendor I The great seer of Sweden, after describing the magnificent attire of spirits and angels, says : " I have bean with the angels in their habitations. They are exactly like our houses upon earth, but mose beautiful. They contain chambers, drawing-rooms, and bed- rooms in great numbers. They have courts, and are encompassed by gardens, flower- beds, ami fields." " Where the angels live in societies, the habitations are contiguous, and arranged in the form of a city, with courts, streets, and squares exactly like the cities on our earth. It has also been granted me to Avalk through them, and to look about on all sides. This occurred to me when wide awake, my interior sight being open at the time." " I have seen palaces in heaven so magnificent as to surpass all description. Some were more splendid than others. The inside was in keeping with the outside. The apartments were ornamented with such decorations that no language is adequate to the description of them." Our good deeds, our self-sacrificing lives construct our par- adises, decorate our future homes ; beautify our lawns, make the stars more visible, the winds more musical, and our im- mortal clothing more bright and shimmering. Be ye also ready. " The tissue of the life to be We weave with colors all our own, AnI in the field of destiny We reap as we have sown. Still shall the soul around it call The shadows which it gathered here, And, painted on the eternal wall, The past shall reappear." Whittieb. 64 IMMOKTALITY. CHAPTER IX. LOCOMOTION IN THE WOULD OF SPIRITS. — HOW AND WHY SPIRITS CONNECTED WITH THEIR MORTAL BODIES, TEM- PORARILY LEAVE THEM. " I knew a man in Christ, above fourteen years ago ; whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell. God knoweth; such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man ; how that he was caught up into Paradise, and heard un- speakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter." 2 Cor. xii. 2-4. " I am now leaving my body four hours each night, and listening to medical lectures in one of the most magnificent pavilions that stud the spirit world. I also have a class that I am teaching in a sphere below the one in which I am a pupil." Dr. A. P. Pierce. Souls build the bodies they inhabit. The will moves them. Intelligent motion implies mind. The soul, a coDScious entity, related to the infinite Soul, God, somewhat as spark to flame, is the mechanic, the spir- itual form with its nerve-forces is the machinery, and the physical body the external building that covers mechanic and machinery. And why should not the thinking, conscious mechanic occasionally step out of his building for specific purposes, leaving, of course, every door and avenue well guarded ? Accompanied recently by Mrs. Taylor, of Brooklyn, N. Y., a personal friend of Miss Fancher, the psychological wonder, I was permitted to visit and enjoy a most interesting conver- sation with this young lady, who virtually subsists without food, and enjoys sleep only when in the trance state. During the interview she spoke freely, not only of her sensitiveness, her trances and visions, " but," said she, " I sometimes leave my body and go away, — oh, so far away ! — meeting my mother and other dear friends, with scenery too beautiful to describe. I traverse fields, and walk in gardens of flowers LOCOMOTION IN THE WORLD OF SPIRITS. 65 and fountains, and I listen to the most heavenly music. You cannot think how it rests me^ and I feel so sad when I am asked to return again to my earthly home." It is a well-established fact in my mind that, while human bodies are in a comatose condition analogous to death, only that the magnetic life-thread is not severed, souls leave their bodies, and, accompanied by guardian angels, traverse the spirit spheres of infinity. My belief in this phenomenon rests upon the following testimony : I. Individual experience. I know many substantial, clear- headed persons who affirm in the most positive manner that they have been temporarily released from their physical bod- ies ; that they were at the time conscious of being in this freed condition ; that they saw the bodies they had left I saw the silvery electric cord still connecting them with their bodies ; saw spirit friends whom they had known on earth ; visited the supernal home of these friends ; and were con- scious of reasoning about returning and re-entering their bodies. II. Spirits, the more wise and exalted, controlling me- diums unconsciously, have repeatedly informed me that in. consequence of a peculiar organization, coupled with wisely- directed magnetic preparations on the part of spirit guides, certain persons may and do leave their bodies temporarily, traveling both in the hells and the higher table-lands of im- mortality. III. Independent clairvoyants, while in their superior con- ditions, have frequently seen individuals of earth in the world of spirits, yet sympathetically connected with their bodies by this magnetic life-cord. Whenever this is severed, death fol- lows. The physical body is raised only in the sense of reap- pearing in grasses, grains, and forest-trees. Filling a lecture engagement in Troy, N. Y., a few years since, I went down to the hospitable home of Dr. G. L. Dit- son, Albany, to see Dr. E. C. Dunn. It is a cosy, comfortable place to visit. Retiring to our apartment for the night, Dr. Dunn, as usual, was entranced. The subject of conversation 5 66 IMMORTALITY. was the inter-relations of body, spirit, and soul. Aware that the doctor had not been in my apartment in Troy since occupy- ing it, I said, when leaving in the morning, lt Come as a spirit to Troy to-night, and write me to-morrow what you see in my room" " Most certainly," was the prompt reply, " if my spirit guides will help me." The next evening I received a letter describing my room at Mr. McCoy's, the locality of the bed, the furniture, the books, the pencils, the open Bible, &c, closing with these words: " I took especial notice of my body, after leaving it, as it lay in bed at Albany. A part of the circle guarded it. I had a very pleasant time with Aaron Knight, who .acted as my guide while absent from the body. The sensations were all pleasant ex- cept the terrible dread which always comes over me when returning to my body." The description of the room, the books, garments, pictures, open Bible with photograph in it, and other objects in my apartment, could hardly have been described with greater precision. Similar visits of exploration, and traveling out of and away from the physical organism, have been of frequent occurrence, giving unmistakable evidence to my mind that the doctor, as he positively asserts, was absent from his body. Prophets and apostles of old had analogous experiences. Paul, when caught up to the third heaven, did not know whether he was in the body or out. Plotinus, more philo- sophical than Paul, knew when he was out of the body, and returning to it, remembered who of the Platonic teachers he had met while traversing the higher spheres. Many mediums and seers have had similar experiences to those above named. And so the marvels of history repeat themselves. " I am now going away," are the opening words of our seer.* " Am now crossing the river I have seen before. Oh, if mortals only knew ! they would not care for the voyage ; they would only care for what they should carry with them. " I am now passing through a somewhat extended darkness ; * Several of the following pages are from an unpublished volume (1878) entitled, " The Beyond; or, Symbolic Teachings from the Higher Life." Edited by Herman Snow. LOCOMOTION IN THE WORLD OF SPIRITS. 67 but do not feel troubled, for I am conscious that friendly sup- porters are near at hand. Now I see strangely-shaped build- ings. They seem to have no foundations. I think they must fall, so patched and poorly braced are they in their lower parts. They are the homes, I am told, of those who on earth were unfortunately cursed with excessive self-esteem. One of these now stands before me. He seems beginning to be conscious of his mistake and to long for its correction. And this ungainly-shaped and tottering building which now serves as his abode, is made unto him a daguerreotype, as it were, of his actual character ; and thus he is able to study its defects and gradually through effort and persistent struggle to bring his spirit-home — ever a reflex of character — into shapes of order and beauty. ' I am glad,' I said to him, i to see you go to work so earnestly and wisely. Will you let me come and see the inside when you have got your house in order ? ' I re- ceived no reply. " Now I see a spirit who does not seem to care for a home. He is satisfied to lie down and lazily go into a stupid sleep. But see ! a thunderbolt seems to strike him ; and he is aroused into mute amazement, while a voice exclaims, 'We have no idlers here ! He seems to think this rather hard, as he had never succeeded in having much of such lazy comfort while on earth, and thought he might now have his fill undisturbed. But he is told by spirits that only action, and much of it for others, can give him real comfort ! And so finally he is in- duced to make an effort to help some who are lower than him- self, when — lo ! a new consciousness begins to awaken within him ; and he not only gains the peace of self-approval, but finds also that the very effort made tends to remove the mor- bid accumulation of crude magnetism with which he was laden, and thus to make other efforts easy and pleasant. . . . " I now find myself in an assembly of teachers and pupils ; and here I am allowed to witness the methods of instruc- tion in spirit-life. Old and young I see occupying the same classes, and, strange to say, those of the same average ability, who have not had what is called an education on the earth, 68 IMMORTALITY. here promise the most rapid progress. The reason is that the others have many errors to unlearn before they are prepared to see and acknowledge the new truths ; for here, truths are clearly seen by the more intuitive-minded. For it is not theories concerning truths, but the truths themselves, that are here set before the pupils. The method is more like what we of earth call ' object teaching ' than any other system of our instruction. "A conspicuous example of the false method of earth now stands out before me in the person of a self-conceited teacher, recently from her earthly labors. She does not seem at all to like the methods here pursued, and is quite free to criticise what is going on. She is not yet ready to take her proper position among the pupils, but expatiates quite freely on the worth of the old methods of her earthly life. The spirit-teacher does not seem to be in the least troubled or dis- couraged at the blindness and perversity of this self-opinion- ated novitiate ; but rather encourages her to go on and expose the shallowness of her mental condition, which is soon seen by all, but particularly by a bright and beautiful boy of not more than fourteen years of age, who can hardly restrain him- self from prematurely setting her right. " At length, the spirit-teacher gives her what seems to be a delicate spray of fern-leaf, when to her opening vision there appear to be beauties and marks of wisdom in it that no book of botany ever named ; and she begins to see and acknowledge the superiority of this method over the one heretofore so firmly fixed in her mind. Other similar experiments follow, until at length she is fairly transformed into a promising pupil of the spirit-instructor, at which the bright-minded boy ap- pears especially to rejoice, — in sympathy, however, not in triumph. "I leave now," said the seer, "and go again." . . . " O the water, how pure and peaceful it looks ! as it gurgles along in its course. It seems to speak of contentment, purity, and joy. And the modest and lovely flowers I see along its banks ; and the leafy shrubs ; and the tapering trees with their spiral LOCOMOTION IN THE WORLD OF SPIRITS. 69 leaves pointing upward as if in conscious gratitude to the Giver of life — all these leaflets and flowers, all living things here, turn themselves steadily and earnestly to the light ! Should it be less so with man ; should he of all else seek the way of darkness rather than of the light? I now meet three weary travelers. They are toiling on beneath burdens, not of things of value, not of choice gems of truth and beauty ; but of the dry sticks of a worn-out theology which was fast- ened upon them by an unprincipled and arbitrary priestly rule while they were yet in the earth-life. True men were these, even in their darkened earthly condition ; for they saw not the iniquity of the power that held them in blind and slavish submission. They worked faithfully and self-sacrificingly to carry out the designs of those, who, though ever ready to im- pose heavy burdens upon others, would hardly lift a finger to do the work themselves. And now I see that one of these pilgrims begins to awaken to a sense of the folly of his course in thus continuing to bear his wearying and worthless burden when the higher and clearer light of the spirit-world is around him. He feels the inspiration of high and noble spirits not far from him, and thus urged on, he throws off his grievous burden, and stands up a free and happy soul ! The others, incited by his example and by the inspiring power which they also feel, do likewise. " And now, the same active zeal which was once used to uphold the rule of a false and corrupt system, is turned with all its force to overthrow the falsities that once so oppressed them. In their invisible forms they revisit old confessionals, and whisper to presiding priests of the lives they are leading, and of the terrible penalties of their oppressions. They even penetrate to the head-center of ecclesiastical power, and make their searching whispers heard by him who sits upon the Papal throne itself. " It was a martyr's life these sincere men lived upon earth ; and it is a martyr's crown they are now receiving in doing their telling work of undermining the false and upbuilding the true in the lands of their former toils and sufferings." 70 IMMORTALITY. Spirits occupying the same sphere of sympathy and unfold- ment in the spirit-world, travel with the velocity of thought. Especially is this true after they come to understand the fluids and psychic forces of spirit-life; but to advance from one person to another who is higher, from one society to another, from one zone of existence to another more beatific, there must be preparation, interior changes in the state of the mind, and corresponding progressions and etherealizations of the spiritual body. There continues to reside in Boston, Mass., Dr. A. P. Pierce, having still, as in the past, an extensive medical practice in what is denominated the " higher circles " of society. While his healing gifts are truly wonderful, his trance experiences, connected with his travels in the different societies and spheres of spirit-life, are among the most marvelous in history. The most remarkable of his trances commenced on the 27th day of November, 1856. This continued twenty-one days, during which time he was out of his body. Previous to this, and while under spirit-influence, he foretold the hour when the entrancement would commence. At 8 o'clock, the time appointed, he felt a heavy pressure over the eyes, and re- quested that some friends be invited to witness the change necessarily occasioned by the departure of the spirit from the body. The guests now present, some fifteen or more in num- ber, he knelt down and prayed to God that the " cup might pass." And while in the act of prayer he fell into a trance. His face brightened up ; his body became rigid as though dead ; and in this condition he fell upon the floor. The con- trolling intelligence now said that he and " others had taken the body in charge, and would give instructions from day to day as to its management." During the time of Dr. Pierce's absence from the body, several different spirits possessed, or controlled it ; ivhich spirits, owing to their magnetic connection with the body and their sympathetic relations with Dr. Pierce temporarily in spirit-life, served as mediums to describe the doctor's experiences in the various societies and spheres through which he passed. LOCOMOTION IN THE WORLD OF SPIRITS. 71 1st Sphere. — " There are here many circles and conditions. It seems dark and gloomy. Spirits are as low as the very lowest in the body. They dispute, wrangle, and have all the passions they had on earth. Some return to their old asso- ciates, and re-enact the scenes of earth. Some remain here a very long period of time before light reaches them. It is ter- rible to contemplate." 2d Sphere. — Entering this, the doctor's spirit took on new conditions. The atmosphere was more rarefied, the ele- ments more ethereal. Appearances corresponded largely to the better conditions of earth. He saw " spirits preparing spiritual food from spiritual elements and auras." Those in the higher circles of this sphere were instructing the lower. Most of the objects seemed natural yet new. 3d Sphere. — Passing into this condition, or zone of spirit- existence, he beheld spirits entering from the mortal state to receive the welcome and the care of those who had passed from the earthly life before them. They seemed to class themselves according to the laws of affinity. He saw them engaged in mental telegraphing, studying the principles of chemistry, and in various ways adorning their habitations. Here were animals of the higher order, and birds, as well as Indian hunting-grounds and attractive lodges. 4th Sphere. — In this sphere the garments of the spirits seemed brighter and of a much finer texture. Instead of being in isolated homes, they lived in groups and associations. Spirits from the fifth and sixth spheres teach them. "I see birds, flowers, and a lemon-shaped fruit, rich and juicy. I do not know its name. I see these spirit-people constructing musical instruments, and trying to control the elements for various purposes. All are industrious. They have extensive grounds well laid out, tastefully .arranged buildings, in a room of one of which were nicely arranged paintings on the walls, and flowers neatly placed around the windows ; the furniture is soft and pliable, and constructed by a combination of the elements ; lakes on which the swan gracefully moves to and fro. They propose to change spheres by going through three 72 "^-^IMMORTALITY. degrees of education, receiving their instruction from spirits of the sixth sphere. The Indians have also their lodges here. Their food is like that in the other circles, growing on vines which trail along the ground. For musical instruments the harp is used, to which they dance and sing, and are very happy — far more so than in the circles." 5th Sphere. — Here "the light is still brighter, and the spirits seem more calm, serene, and self-balanced. They have walks tastefully arranged around their dwellings, with flower- beds, groves and lawns with shade-trees ; lakes much larger than those in the fourth sphere, with boats of corresponding size playing backwards and forwards. They have places where they congregate to study the fine arts, and colleges for astronomy and mathematics ; also schools for instruction in mechanical arts and spirit-agriculture. The fruit grows on delicate bushes, something like the pear. These inhabitants are clear in their expression of spirit understanding. They vocalize and play upon musical instruments, and are joyous and very happy. " Their clothing is very light and spiritual. In the fourth circle of this sphere the light is like the setting sun to your earth, very genial and bright. Here are mountains and rivers made attractive by beautiful scenery. The spirits have labo- ratories and factories for purifying and clearing the elements ; lakes with vessels, and ponds with boats on them, as well as wild geese and ducks, but they are more refined than those upon the earth. On the margin of a lake, is an Indian en- campment. Here I meet the spirits of three Indians, who greet me and invite me to visit their lodges, where they have a talk about the pale-face Pierce, whom they knew on the earth. " The houses of these spiritual inhabitants are symmetrical and tastefully arranged inside, with paintings, drawings, and fine furniture, which are tangible to the spirit; the pianoforte is also here, upon which they play, accompanied by singing and dancing, which constitutes a part of their spiritual enjoy- ment, and is done to the honor and glory of God. They have LOCOMOTION IN THE WORLD OF SPIRITS. 73 walks adorned with shade trees, on which are richly-plumaged birds singing their lays, making the elements vocal with sweet music; their fruit grows in arbors and bowers, and is shaped like the apple, but more delicious to the taste and strengthen- ing to the unfolding spirit as it is passing on to the higher circles of progression in knowledge. I meet with one of my friends whom I knew on earth, John S. Gilman. They con- verse of earth-life and spirit-life, showing that memory, like pure love, is immortal." 6th Sphere. — Do not understand that these spheres are ab- solutely separated the one from the other. They interblend, and shade off into each other, something as do rainbow hues. In the " first circle of this sphere, light dawns with great bril- liancy. Here I saw a magnificent observatory. Newton was teaching. They have rivers, extensive plains, and lakes clear as crystal. They are building boats of a singular structure. They have scientific institutions for designs and new inven- tions, all of which, when perfected, are to be impressed upon the minds of the sensitives of earth, and then outwrought into practical use. The avenues are laid out with shade-trees for walking. u The climate and influences are more congenial to the spirit. They have gardens arranged with choicest fruit-trees. The apple, pear, apricot, and fruit such as I had never seen, are beautiful and spiritual. They arrange their houses in groups, and have a kind of railroad to go from one group to the other. They are very refined in their manners, very loving and affec- tionate. " In the third circle of this sphere the spirits have vast educational places for assembling together, in one of which is the Poet's Hall, where the risen poets of earth are preparing poetical versions of the heavens. They have plain yet ele- gant churches for spiritual culture. Whitfield is preaching to them upon the necessity of spiritual purity and perfection. They have here observatories. Herschel is teaching, and other noted astronomers have classes. Here also they are traversing the ether spaces in aerial cars, which will ulti- 74 IMMORTALITY. rnately descend to earth. I see many fountains around their houses, and flowers too beautiful for description. The food, exceedingly ethereal, is nutritious to the spiritual body. They have spiritual mansions, where spirits meet in sacred fellowship. I entered one, where I was received in fellow- ship. These spirits are very congenial to each other, and happy. 11 In the ' higher circles of this sphere light dawns in brighter effulgence.' The spirits have large colleges to receive youth- ful minds as they come from earth, where sportive children are instructed in the higher truths of the heavenly life. Here also is a magnificent music hall ; Mrs. Hemans, Hannah More, and others are here, rehearsing the lyrics of the heavens. Here too are colleges for preparing teachers to come to earth to instruct and inspire mortals. William Penn, Roger Williams, and others, are here teaching. Youthful minds are their students. Also a university of music, where it is taught in its various methods. Places of worship for the adoration of* God. Mil- ton and others are here teaching, and they are also teachers of earth. Here, in amazement, I beheld the higher birth of several young spirits out of their earthly bodies. They were received with singing and words of welcome to their new home. The scenery is beautiful, with sloping hills and undu- lating plains. Flowers in rich abundance perfume the air, and warbling birds commingle their music with the spirits. Their houses are laid out in large circles, twelve houses in a circle, with walks and grounds around them, with trees and shrubbery; various kinds of fruit are grown for their own nourishment ; joy and harmony pervade everywhere. As they live in higher scenes or conditions, they are consequently the more highly spiritualized. Here the Indians have homes on one side of the river-bank, unique, yet beautiful. Luna, an Indian girl, Pocahontas, and others, are here happy and joy- ous, all commingling together in purity of spirit and in the love of God. . . . " In this circle the atmosphere is exhilarating to the spirit ; the houses are in circles of six, with more extended grounds, LOCOMOTION IN THE WORLD OF SPIRITS. 75 and the flowers more variegated and richly perfumed ; the spirits have arbors, with vines running round them, with fruit like the grape, but larger and purer. The spirit brightens after partaking of it. Mountains rise in the distance, with extended plains, with water-powers, and clear, transparent lakes. They have colleges of design with landscape paintings. Hannibal, Chambers, and others are here in the capacity of teachers. I meet here three sons of Samuel Haynes, of Bel- fast, who are receiving instruction. The spirits have buildings for instruction in music, embroidery, and the composition of flowers, in their higher formations. Here I meet one by the name of Helen A. Pierce receiving instruction. Children are receiving instruction, and are learning to sing and play on the harp. Congeniality of spirit reigns prominent here. The young assemble in classes for the cultivating of flowers and the spiritual development of their minds, and all is done for the good of others and the glory of God." 1th Sphere. " Light now dawns with celestial brilliancy ! The scenery is grand ; the teachers are from the celestial spheres. Unity of feeling and love universally pervades this divine realm. They have vast universities. In one of these were surgeons from various parts of the world — America, England, France, Russia, Prussia, China, Japan, and other countries of the globe. " The studies here were anatomical, psychological, and spir- itual ; also great attention was given to the laws of mesmer- ism, magnetism, impressional and inspirational influences, that they might by influx become better understood upon earth. . . . " In this circle they do not seem to have fixed habitations, but when they need a covering, it is immediately improvised from the elements ; they talk with each other by looks — being transparent, they see each other's thoughts ; when they wish for refreshment they compound it out of the elements, and from etherealized fluids; they telegraph by thought of the spirit. The air is melodious with warbling notes of gaily- plumaged birds. These spirits visit by thought and will. They descend to the other circles and to the earth to teach. 76 IMMORTALITY. Here are children descending in groups from the celestial heavens, covered with flowers, and bearing baskets of fruit on their arms, to be taught in wisdom and music, and the compo- sition of flowers, to be prepared to visit other spheres and earth, and gather knowledge. They are very noble in stature, symmetrical in form, and pure in spirit, constantly joining together in singing, praise, and worship, and they manifest great joy and congeniality of mind. . . . " Each acts up to his ideal — and labor is a work of love. I see in this celestial sphere no insects or lower forms of animal life. I see multitudes of spirits coursing their way through the elements, visiting and commingling with each other in different parts of the circle, and visiting the earth and spheres and then returning. . . . " The joy here is ecstatic. Thousands of happy children assemble to greet with music and messages of love those who arrive from other spheres as visitors or explorers in the realm of thought. Their very motions are musical, and they con- verse by looks and facial expressions. Oh, could you con- nect with this vital cord and ascend up here and behold the glory and joy that reigns, you would not wish to return. I shall soon be with you again, but do not desire to stay, but must, so they say, return and take up the body. I want you to prepare while living to ascend to the celestial spheres, and live with these joyous and happy spirits." . . . On the 11th of December the previous guides retired, giv- ing place to a higher order of spiritual intelligence, among which, it was said, were Josephus, Samuel, the prophet Dan- iel, and others. . . . The body of the medium having received but a very trifle of nourishment since the beginning of the entrancement had become exceedingly weak. And yet, un- der the direction of spirits, who on earth were physicians, the medium's body had received the most careful attention from Mrs. Pierce and other anxious friends. . . . There was now a cessation of the communications for several hours. This, the attendants were informed, was necessary while the spirit, away from the mediumistic body, was being prepared for the condi- LOCOMOTION m THE WORLD OF SPIRITS. 77 tions that pertained to the sensitive states in the higher and more heavenly spheres. Commencing the communications again at seven o'clock, from the first circle of the celestial spheres, the medium re- porting down through the spheres below him, says : " The scenery and surroundings here are too glorious for delinea- tion. No poet can describe them, no artist put them upon canvas. The rays of light seem to descend from the great central sun of the universe. The atmosphere is warm, mel- low, and golden. Breathing is living. All is calm and peace- ful. The clothing of the spirits is ethereal and shining in their whiteness. The dreams of paradise are here more than realized. Humility is the gem, truth the pearl sought for, love the law obeyed, and wisdom the purpose of the soul's perpetual search. Everything moves in perfect harmony, be- cause near the great Ruling Spirit of the' universe. . . . " Now a vast assembly of spirits meet me, and I am led to a large pavilion prepared for my reception. Heavenly music greets my ears, and the delicious odors of flowers are cast over and around me. Now six beautiful spirits approach me, clothed in shining garments, and girt about with golden gir- dles. Samuel, the ancient prophet, steps forth, facing me, having in his hand a golden horn. And another spirit ap- proaching, removes my outer garments, placing them upon a cushion of white flowers, and Samuel, in the name of God the Father of us all, anoints me with holy oil. The influence of this, poured upon my head, penetrates to the very depths of my being. It seemingly expands and vivifies my whole spirit form. He now places upon my head a crown of mingled thorns and flowers, symbolizing the mission that I have yet to fulfill upon earth. Though illumined, I feel that I have thorny paths to tread ; but sweet-scented flowers will bloom along the pathways of my life. They now place upon me another spiritual garment, bright and more ethereal, praying that I may never soil it." . . . Very soon after this spiritual anointing and heavenly bap- tism, Dr. Pierce saw, surrounded by a halo of golden light, — 78 IMMOETALITY. a light almost unapproachable — the great Mediator — Jesus of Nazareth. . . . Conducted by these ancient spirits, this me- dium visited other planets, describing them so far as he could find appropriate language so to do. Still traversing these di- vine abodes, he at one time exclaimed : " These spirits about me now have bodies more transparent, if possible, than purest crystal. When they need sustenance they condense ethereal essences, and appropriate them by absorption. In the most perfect purity of spirit they live together in one great family, passing and repassing at will to the different planets that dot the immensities. They are humble and reverent, continually worshiping God in purity. Through the perfection of the elements their motions fill the air with sweetest music. In my earthly body clothing is for concealment and comfort, but these beings are so pure that only a gauze-like covering drapes their spirit forms. They live and bathe in an atmosphere of purity and love." . . . This medium had been absent so long from his physical body — absent save the connecting cord of sympathy — that it was with the greatest difficulty that he could re-enter and re-possess his organism. Not only was he blind and over- sensitive at first, but be could neither use his vocal organs to speak, nor make use of his limbs to walk. Some other symp- toms, not necessary to name, were exceedingly alarming. But the sensitiveness gradually disappeared, and the physical and spiritual forces, after a few days, assumed their wonted equi- librium. On December 23d he was weighed, and it was found that he had lost eleven and a half pounds of flesh during the twenty-one days' entrancement. If I rightly comprehend these marvelous experiences, of which I have subjoined a condensed report, they teach that the medium, Dr. Pierce, being previously prepared, and then aided by a sympathizing band of intelligent spirits, literally left his body, — save the magnetic life-cord, — and roamed through many of the societies, circles, and spheres of intelli- gences that dwell in the many-mansioned realm of immor- LOCOMOTION IN THE WORLD OF SPIRITS. 79 tality. While out of his body, other spirits did not enter into it, but they held a charge over, ministering to, and controlling it psychologically. The full history of this remarkable and very strange twenty-one days' trance has been related to me, not only by Dr. Pierce and his excellent family, but by several other witnesses. The doctor is a resident of Boston, and a prac- tising physician.* * The seven spheres above described are properly included within the " Ultimate Heavens " mentioned by Sweclenborg and other seers. Above these, according to these writers, are the "Spiritual Heavens" and the "Celestial Heavens," each of which are again subdivided into a seven-fold series. The more interior visions, or spiritual journeyings, of the seer just quoted, probably relate to the Spiritual Heavens. 80 , IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER X. OUR LITTLE ONES IN HEAVEN. " ' Do they want me up in heaven ? Can you tell me, mamma clear, What those strange and solemn voices mean that in the night I hear, Softly saying, " Come, dear children ; for of such our kingdoms are " ? Do you think they want me yonder ? Is it very, very far ? Oh, I hear such heavenly music ; and there's something all in white Comes and stands beside my little bed, and makes the room so light That I look at you and papa, and at brother Georgie, too; Wondering you can sleep. But maybe it's for me, and not for you. And they clasp their arms about me, and I do not think of pain, For I close my eyes and listen till the music comes again. They are calling me so tenderly, I know I can not stay Only just a little longer, till the coming of the day. Mamma, kiss me ! Papa, hold me ! Clasp my hands so close and strong That I may not lose your presence in the glory of the throng Who have come to take me from you, and will wait for you again, When clear Jesus says, " Come higher ! Joy receive for grief and pain." There is something I must tell you ere I go, if you can hear : I shall tell them how I loved you ; they can never be more dear ; And perhaps they'll let me see you, when you think I'm far away, And will let me guard and guide your steps from evil day by day. When you pray, I may be listening, and my heart will thrill with joy. If you fail and sin — God help us ! — it will crush your darling boy. I shall draw you to me softly, as the angels take me now.' So the little voice is silenced, and the stricken mourners bow." The Independent. " Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me : for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Jesus. There is nothing purer, sweeter to look upon than a smil- ing infant. The poet tenderly sung : " The angels have need of these holy buds in their gardens so fair ; They graft them on immortal stems to bloom forever there." Earth is the seminary of Heaven — the land where the soul takes root in the material to develop and perfect a more OUE LITTLE ONES IN HEAVEN". 81 mature individuality. It is the rudimentary school — the be- ginning of experiences on the outer verge of the great cycle of life. All infants and children are, of course, still children in the beginning of the resurrection state. They are not angels, but only capable of becoming such. The actual evils, of the world, not having been rooted in their tender minds, they are at death taken immediately into the care of good spirits and angels whose ruling desire is a delight in children. They find great peace in the exercise of this loving care, and the discharge of this heavenly duty. They watch and wait for the coming of the little ones, that they may bear them tenderly in their loving arms to the spheres of purity and the schools of the angels. A few years ago, in a New England village, a little boy lay on his death-bed. Starting suddenly up, he exclaimed, " O mother, mother ! I see such a beautiful country, and so many little children, who are beckoning me to them ! but there are high mountains between us, too high for me to climb. Who will carry me over ? " After thus expressing himself, he leaned back on his pillow, and for a while seemed to be in deep thought, when, once more arousing, and stretching out his little hands, he cried, as loud as his feeble voice would permit, " Mother, mother, the man 's come to carry me over the mountain." He was peacefully asleep. The man had indeed come to carry the little one over. " In the spirit world," says a writer, " I have seen the happy groups of children frolicking, dancing, gathering flowers, listening to music, gaining instruction, and un- folding in beauty and in life. Gleesome sounds burst from their gleesome hearts — sweet lisps of affection and the mischievous froHcs of the child-heart. But around every child was an aura, or a thread of life, that connected it with earth, so that it was to know where it was born, and to tell each one's parentage. It was forever floating through the spirit atmosphere — the spirit-forces of the parents went upward, and by natural law wound their life around and in their little ones. This life is the result of affections, and if the child is loved but little, then the spirit law has severed the child from this life, since it was by attraction — which is love — that the life of earth fol- lowed it away into the spirit world and wound itself about the child of its love. There is no force power but by a natural law of spirit — law of life." "The spiritual bodies of little children grow transcendently lovely. No human mind can conceive of the beauty and grace of these little ones. No unlovely objects harm them — no frightful disease rends them. They unfold, as in spring the rosebud 6 82 IMMORTALITY. opens to the sun, or as the petals of the lily unclose to the light of day. They all bear a semblance, at first, to their natural bodies ; but as their souls grow and their spirits shine with the life of their souls, then they appear as their interior, or mind, makes them. The spirit body flows from the natural body. It is composed of its electric, magnetic, and spiritual life, and when first born into spirit life it has the exact form of the natural body. But as the grosser particles of its earthly magnetism are given off, and it becomes purer and truer, higher and holier, then it assumes a form of perfec- tion and beauty. What the soul wills or reveals, that is life and form and substance to the spirit. " It often occurs that parents pass to the spirit world not long before their children, or perhaps at the same time. Being uninstructed in spiritual things, being ignorant of many, very many of the spiritual laws, they are ill fitted to develop the spiritual life of the child. Therefore, never mourn that you cannot go when your child goes. It has wiser nurses than you — nobler teachers ; if it has not more love, yet it has a higher love — the love developed by wisdom." " The spirits of little children are always magnetized into unconsciousness before death. They are never left to pass away and know the change. Sweetly sleeping, they are borne by the loved ones heavenward, laid upon downy couches, fanned by gentle breezes. Sometimes they sleep for days, for their spirits are tired with the un- natural pains of earth. They awake refreshed, and open their eyes upon the beautiful objects that childhood loves, — the most beautiful flowers, bright colors, and sweetly- singing birds. And when the little one becomes accustomed to its celestial life, and feels the exultation of freedom from pain and weariness, then it is prepared to visit often those who call for it by continual longing. The wishing and longings of the hearts of earth are the spirit voices of earth.. You speak your desire when you long earnestly, for your spirit speaks. With loving bands the ministering angel bears these little children back to the homes of earth, that they may feel the warmth of parental love and know the joy of earthly affections. If around the earthly parents or friends there is a healthful spiritual atmosphere, they ofttimes remain days, and with their little voices send to the spirit ear of the desolate parents heavenly joy. It is the spirit that must behold them, and without the aid of the external vision the spirit recognizes them. But even when not borne thus, by their life they keep still the link to earth. Is there anything imperfect in the universe of God ?• " Now, let me speak of the office of these little children in spirit life. Their office is twofold — to earth and to heaven. It is only those who have lost children to sight and to sense who can know the longing and wish of love sent thither by the bereaved heart. The mother's whole life — her sense of joy, of hope, of wish — her prayers, her desires, all centred in this object when it passed away. However much of love there was for others, yet then it was not allowed to express itself: it burned about the loved one gone. Is that kind parent's heart to turn from earth to heaven, and be mocked by nothingness. No ! The tender life of your child is still with you : you claim it — you must have it. And so the link of that parent's soul, bright, glowing with God's love — for God is love — is made firm to heaven. Can parents forget their child ? Can they draw back their hearts from it ? No ! Upward go their prayers, onward go their aspirations, until those parents live partly on earth and partly in heaven. Their spiritual nature grows ; they are less selfish, more tender ; they are nearer to heaven for every thought of love sent thither. The father's strong nature rises to a sublimity of hope, and borne to each, from the realm they seek in thought and prayer, come the sweet ministrations that purify and ennoble the heart of man. OUR LITTLE ONES IN HEAVEN. 83 And those who feci that they have still to perform the sacred office of love by their own life to their child in heaven must shame into silence every unworthy thought — must ennoble and purify their lives, and must prove themselves worthy so sacred an office." "We appeal to you, O reader, in truth, be perfect, purify yourself, bring yourself into harmony with the divine nature. Study this law of childhood, of its growth and the influence you have upon it, and you will read God's words. O pai-ents and friends, become holy by becoming spiritual, that you may create beauty arid holiness. If you study the laws that unite you to the little ones in heaven, you will read in them only this command : Fit yourselves to be teachers of angel children." In that beautiful volume entitled, "Heaven Opened" through the mecliumship of F. I. Theobald, London, Eng., we have the history of one who entered the spirit world a child. How sweet the message : " When I first awoke to spirit life, I was not conscious that I had passed away. I found myself surrounded by all delightful things. Lovely forms were around me, harmonious sounds filled my ears, and all things were beautiful. But beautiful as they presented themselves to me on my first awakening, they were not perceived by my eyes (hardly aroused to the fullness of spirit power) in the very fullness of their beauty. I was not capable of assimilating to my senses the full extent of the grandeur. That comes gradually, and belongs to the training of the spirit. My perceptions were as yet dull ; therefore as the idea of fairy land had always been the beau-ideal of all things charming, although I could not put the expression of this beau-ideal in lan- guage, still I thought myself to be in fairy land. Nothing else could I think of." . . . " Much have we young spirits to be taught. We have regular classes for instruc- tion in all branches of knowledge and science, which is from us given to your earth philosophers. It is all originated here. Most of the human discoveries and signs of progress are taught or inspired into your earth minds from those of us here who are deputed to transmit that especial knowledge. It depends upon the sphere or society of spirits, capable of opening inner communicaton with the especial man, or medium, what kind of knowledge is taught by that man. He originates little or nothing him- self. He may, by his own innate spirit power, expand the germ of knowledge im- planted by us from God, but nothing more. As we spirits here are taught, so do we in turn impart our teachings to the imprisoned spirit in the earth body ; and thus does God in his goodness cause man to alleviate his own condition." " There are vast assemblies of us. We have large pavilion houses dedicated to knowledge. But when we are taught of botany, and of all the wonders of nature in which we live, we go in large companies on many long journeys of exploration. This is truly delightful. The advanced spirits, those who are suited for such, and who de- sire it, visit various planets in the universe." The activity of the love nature in man is a prophecy of the harmonial man. The same Jesus that wept with Martha and Mary at the grave of Lazarus, took little children in his arms and blessed them, saying, " Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." 84 IMMORTALITY. One of the editors of the New York Musical Review, Mr. Bradbury, writing under the inspiration of a father's outgush- ing love and affliction over the loss of a beautiful child, says : " Kittie is gone. Where ? To heaven. An angel came and took her away. She was a lovely child — gentle as a lamb ; the pet of the whole family ; the youngest of them all. But she could not stay with them any longer. She had an angel sister in heaven waiting for her. The angel sister was with us only a few months, but she has been in heaven many years, and she must have loved Kittie, for everybody loved her. The loveliest flowers are soonest plucked. If a little voice, sweeter and more musical than others, was heard, I knew Kittie was near; if my study-door opened so gently and stilly that no sound was heard, I knew Kittie was near ; if after an hour's quiet play a little shadow passed me, and the door opened and shut as no one else could open and shut it, ' so as not to disturb papa,' I knew Kittie was going. " When in the midst of my composing I heard a gentle voice saying, ' Papa, may I stay with you a little while ? I will be very still,' I did not need to look off my work to assure me that it was my little lamb. You stayed with me too long, Kittie dear, to leave me so suddenly : and you are too still now. You became my little assistant — my home angel — my youngest and sweetest singing-bird — and I miss the little voice that I have so often heard in an adjoining room, catching up and echoing little snatches of melody as they were being composed. I miss those soft and sweet kisses ; I miss the little hand that was always first to be placed on my forehead, ' to drive away the pain ; ' I miss the sound of those little feet upon the stairs ; I miss the little knock at my bedroom-door in the morning, and the triple good-night kiss in the evening; I miss the sweet smiles from the sunniest of faces ; I miss — oh ! how I miss the fore- most in the little group who came out to meet me at the gate for the first kiss ; I miss you at the table and at family worship; I miss your voice in ' I want to be an angel,' for nobody could sing it like you ; I miss you in my rides and walks ; I miss you in the garden ; I miss you everywhere ; but I will try not to miss you in heaven. ' Papa, if we are good, will an angel truly come and take us to heaven when we die ? ' When the question was asked, how little did I think the angel was so near. But he did ' truly ' come, and the sweet flower is transplanted to a genial clime. ' I do wish papa would come home.' Wait a little while, Kittie, and papa will come. The journey is not long. He will soon be home." Swedenborg, the clearest seer since Jesus of Syria, and John of Patnios, saw with unsealed eyes the glories of the inner life of the upper courts of Heaven. 'He observes in his diary : " I saw a garden constructed not of trees, but of leafy arches, somewhat lofty, with walks and entrance ways, and a virgin walking therein, and also infants five or six years old, who were beautifully clothed. And when she entered, the most exquisite wreaths of garlands of flowers sprang forth over the entrance, and shone with splen- dor as she approached. I was informed that little infant girls see objects in this man- ner, that they appear thus to walk and thus to be clothed and to be adorned with new garments according to their perfection. That all this appears to them to the life may be inferred from the fact that such things are suitable to a spirit, who cannot walk on a paved or graveled way, nor possess such gardens as exist on earth, but such things only as correspond to the nature of a spirit ! It is sufficient that they perceive them as OUR LITTLE ONES IN HEAVEN. 85 vividly; yea, more vividly than men perceive similar things in gardens in this world; as I have also perceived them when I have been in spirit, and often at other times, as did the prophets. August 15, 1749." Death, seen from, the mount of Spiritualism, is a poem — a delightful transition that bears our loved ones over the river, but not away from us. Though many of us can not see them, they see us. Our little ones, whose infantile bodies we laid away under the turf where the wild-brier twines, and spring flowers bloom, are with us still. Gruardian angels bring them to us. They look into our faces. They listen to our language, and in a measure we are their educators still. Do we not love them ; and is not that love mutual ? Do we not desire to meet and be with them when the good angel of death beckons us to the thither side of Jordan's peaceful river? Then must we be just and kind, manly and spiritual. If our lives have been noble and self-sacrificing, our souls will be pure with the purity of the morning ; they will be beautiful with the beauty of the evening; they will be lovely with the loveliness of the silvery moonlight ; and they will be peaceful with that peace that passeth all understanding ; and we shall be prepared to re-clasp the loved ones in our arms, listening to the lute-like words, " Welcome, father ! welcome, mother! come with us to our homes — our angel homes of beauty and blessedness." If death and sleep have been compared to twin brothers, old age has been compared to childhood — once a man, twice a child. The ripening years of " old age are stalls in the cathedral of life in which aged men may sit and listen and meditate and be patient till the service is over, and in which they may get themselves ready to say Amen." Since the dawn of Spiritualism, the phrase " the silent majority," as applied to the dead, has nearly gone out of use. Though our friends, one by one, singly and alone, have passed on, or continue to emigrate, they are not silent. " Being dead," as the apostle says, "they yet speak." And we, in speaking of the dead, should not tell how we loved, but how we love them. We should cease to talk of them as though they were 86 IMMORTALITY. not, but rather, should we speak of them as though in our midst. On festal occasions we should set for them the empty chair, put the plate in its accustomed place and the bouquet of flowers upon the board, treasure for a season the little keep- sakes, and consciously realize that death, coming like a masked angel, to release them from physical pain, has only removed them from our visible, tangible embrace. Spiritually they are not separated or dissociated from us. Our affections flow into and mingle with theirs still. Though their homes — speaking after the order of earth — may be far away in angel realms, the islands of the blest — guardian angels delight to bring them to us in dreams, and in the visions of the night. Let us try to so live that when the white hand of death is laid upon us, we may go with them up through the spheres to the beautiful island-homes of immortality. Socrates, in the Grorgias (p. 523) tells Callicles to listen to what he believes to be true. "In the days of Cronos," says he, " there was this law respecting the destiny of man : that he who has lived all his life in justice and holiness shall go, when he dies, to the Islands of the Blest, and dwell there in perfect happiness out of the reach of evil." " The islands of the hlest : they say The islands of the blest Are peaceful and happy by night and day, Far away in the glorious West. They need not the moon in that land of delight, They need not the pale, pale star ; The sun, he is bright by day and night Where the souls of the blessed are. They till not the ground, they plough not the wave.. They labor not — never ! oh, never ! Not a tear do they shed, not a sigh do they heave, — They are happy forever and ever. Soft is the breeze, like the evening one, When the sun has gone to his rest ; And the sky is pure, and clouds there are none, In the islands of the blest. The deep, clear sea, in its mazy bed, Doth garlands of gems unfold ; Not a tree, but it blazes with crowns for the dead, Even flowers of living gold." EXPERIENCES THROUGH THE HELLS INTO HEAVEN. 87 CHAPTER XL THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCES OF AARON KNIGHT THROUGH THE HELLS INTO HEAVEN. " I know thee not — I never heard thine earthly voice : Yet, could I choose a friend from all the spheres, Thy spirit high should be my spirit's choice, Thy heart should guide my heart, Thy mind, my mind." Q. How long have you been in spirit-life, Mr. Knight ; and what was your condition there after the transition ? A. I left your earth-land of darkness from Yorkshire, Eng- land, nearly two hundred years since, and my condition, im- mediately after the change of worlds, was far from being pleasurable or desirable. Q. What were your sensations when fully realizing the change ? A. It is difficult to describe them, because of the confusion of thought and the dark, weird strangeness of the situation. I did not live the life I ought to have lived when encased in a mortal body. This added to, if it did not cause the confu- sion and painful dissatisfaction. Although my father was a prominent churchman, and my brother, the Rev. James Knight, an English clergyman, I was a materialist and given to intoxicating beverages. Coming to consciousness in spirit-life, I was at first inclined to doubt my existence ; at least, I could not realize that my body was dead, and that I was still living in the same shaped yet far more attenuated and etherealized body. Was I dreaming? This could not be, for I saw my body buried, which when done, the attending spirits left me to myself — left me alone. 88 IMMORTALITY. The atmosphere surrounding me was dark-hued and hazy. It seemed to belong to me, and I said to myself, " How strange, I see no God, no devil, no heaven, no hell; and yet I exist — but oh, so lonely!" Just how long this suspense continued I cannot tell. It is not pleasant, considering the position that I now occupy under the providence of God and His good angels, to reflect back upon it. All learn in our life, if not in yours, that penalties, like shadows, follow us each and all; none can get away from themselves ! . . . After lingering for a time in this darkness, and thinking intently upon some of the rollicking associates who passed to what you term spirit- life, before me, they were attracted to me by the psychic law of sympathy, and I joined them in their haunts and engaged in their frivolous pursuits. My spirit-world at this time was the earth-world. Often did I, with others, resort to inns and coffee-houses, and engage with mortals psychologically and sympathetically in games, fox-chasing, hurdle-leaping, and other useless and unprofitable sports. Though nominally in the world of spirits, my affections and thoughts continued upon earthly things. . My moral status and tendency of mind barred me away from the heavens of the good and the blest. My home was in the hells : but they were hells not entirely devoid of an inferior kind of pleasure. . . . Long, weary years rolled away before I made any perceptible progress. I cannot say that I absolutely retrogressed ; and yet, quite possibly, I did in some directions, if not as a whole. But be this as it may, remorse would often sting me. I did not find complete rest. The diviner aspirations of my soul would occasionally turn toward the higher and the better. This condition, I think, nearly corresponds to what one of your seers — Swedenborg — called life in the hells. Some in states lower than mine 'had suffered intense anguish for long periods. They were willful in their blindness. Their environ- ments — dark wastes, barren fields, dismal swamps, gloomy dens, and caves of horror — accorded fully with their inter- nal desires and motives. It is needless to inform you that I was a long time in the EXPERIENCES THROUGH THE HELLS INTO HEAVEN. 89 world of spirits, and earth-bound at that, before I entered the more beautiful spiritual world. In the transition to a higher state of happiness, I was aided more especially by my brother, the clergyman, who, when he was dying, laid his thin, pale hand upon my head and blessed me. As I before remarked, I was dissatisfied with my associates ; and while apart by my- self praying, I saw in the distance — so it seemed to me — a star. Reverently continuing- my soul aspirations, the star seemed to approach nearer, and still nearer, expanding till it actually enveloped me in a halo of brightness ; and out of this resplendent brightness came before me my brother ! It is impossible to express my feelings. His robes almost daz- zled me, but his voice was music itself, and his tender words melted me to tears of repentance. I begged permission to go to his home in the heavens at once. "No," he replied, gently, lovingly; "you can only come to our heavenly home when prepared ; but now that you have opened the way by prayer, and aspirations, for a higher life, I can come to you. Call for me, brother, for I still love you with all the warm gushing affections of my soul. Prayer pierces the portals of heaven, and invites the aid of the min- istering spirits of God." Just as my brother — a dear angel now — was about to withdraw from my presence, I assured him that I would for- ever leave all of my old associates and companions in dark- ness. " No," said he in tones sweet and tender, yet decidedly earnest; " that is not the way to reach the heavenly abode of the angels. Go directly to your old associates as a teacher ; tell them of your aims and aspirations ; tell them, in words of kindness and love, that you have seen your brother from the higher heavens. Plead tenderly with them to become pure and holy. Aid and encourage them. Help, O my brother, help them ! for in thus doing you will be helped ; and in blessing them you will be thrice blest. This is the Christ-spirit, the love-spirit that pervades our immortal homes." . Often from this onward did my brother come to me. And 90 IMMORTALITY. thus aided and inspired by him and other noble teachers, I rapidly unfolded until my surroundings are now divinely beautiful, and I am permitted to minister to mortals. . . . Q. Does home life — do home associations extend beyond mortal life ? If so, are they real ? Has your home a name ? A. The home associations of earth extend just in the degree that they are harmonial. Erratic members of an earthly family coming into spirit-life, voluntarily separate, each seek- ing congenial groups and societies. The law of attraction is the governing principle. The family tie, the residence, the furniture, the paintings, and the surroundings, are just as real and substantial to us, and more so if possible, than yours are to you. I call my home " Pear-Grove Cottage." I was exceedingly fond of pears when upon earth, and this taste, refined and elevated in consonance with the law of development, con- tinues in a degree with me still. The garden reflects my con- ception of order, symmetry, and beauty. Gardeners cultivate it. They might be called servants, and yet they serve from choice. They are conscious of benefits from being in my society. And I, too, often learn from and serve them. The wisest ones among us are the most childlike. My residence would be unique and possibly painfully so to you. I have never seen an architectural structure on earth like it. It tends to the curvilinear ; it has no sharp angles, but many arching alcoves. Spirits do not construct buildings from spirit-substances by will-power alone. The will can do nothing only as it prompts to action, at least so far as my observation extends. Not only the human form as a whole, but each organ has its diviner uses with us. Mechanical skill and well-directed energies are requisite in the construction of machines, buildings, and towering temples. Our homes, gardens, and libraries, correspond largely to our mental states. I have planted a tree in my garden, and connected it with you magnetically. It may be compared to a kind of mirror, or rather a life-history, upon the leaves of which are regis- EXPERIENCES THROUGH THE HELLS INTO HEAVEN. 91 terecl your daily deeds. This, though doubtless a mystery to you, is a fact to me. If I pluck a flower in my garden it withers, unless I will its freshness, and impart to it a life force prompted by my in- terior love of flowers. You doubtless understand that flowers on earth grow the best for those who love them most. They need sympathy as well as care. . . . I have seen homes in the higher heavens embowered in flowers and surrounded by velvety lawns ; I have seen wind- ing promenades, walks garnished with precious stones, foun- tains clear as crystal, and bowers of love where artists gather to display their penciled creations, poets to repeat their rhyth- mic lines of wisdom, and musicians to ravish the soul with the sweetest melodies of heaven. And then, to the contrary, I have seen in the lower spheres of darkness clusters, societies, and cities of moral degradation, in the streets of which unde- veloped spirits were engaged in disputations, quarrels, enmi- ties, and pitiful ravings. They delighted to annoy and torture each other — delighted to live, in a measure, their earthly lives over again, and to influence gamblers in their dens, ine- briates in their wretched retreats, and debauchees in their haunts of crime. These scenes make angels weep, and I mention them with sadness. And yet ihe same God is over all, the same influx of life sustains all, and there is hope for all in the future. Q. What are your employments ? A. My employments are teaching and being taught. I am never idle. Labor with me is a labor of love, and rest con- sists in a change from one kind of employment to another. I am constantly exploring new fields, forming new associa- tions, and toiling as best I may to instruct new-comers to spirit life, and impress the inhabitants of earth to walk in the higher ways of truth and wisdom. Q. You deal too much - — pardon me — in generalities. Be more pointed ; tell me of one scene 3^ou have observed — one act that you have done to-day as a spirit ? A. If it can be of real service to you and others, I will say 92 IMMORTALITY. that only a few hours since I saw a lady, not long in spirit life, engaged in needle-work. She had her spirit fabric of delicate textnre, her spirit thread and needle. On earth she was a seamstress, excelling others. The finest stitch was her joy and pride there — it is her heaven now, and doubtless will be till she rises above the special tastes of earthly life. . . . Among other acts that I participated in to-day was the selec- tion of a spirit instructor to take in charge and become the immediate guardian of a man who, in one of your southern cities, w T as executed for the crime of murder. We made choice of a spirit occupying a sphere vastly superior to the criminal's — a spirit who had himself been a murderer, but who through fiery penalties, expiations, and repentance, had advanced to a place sufficiently high to entitle him to hold the guardian care over this unhappy spirit. From his own unfor- tunate earthly experiences, we deemed him admirably adapted, through the law of sympathy and charity, to act as this spir- it's instructor. Q. What about marriage, and the relation of the sexes in the world of immortality ? A. Often have I told you that this world is, almost to completeness, the counterpart of earth and its inhabitants, consequently social and domestic relations are very similar. Wedded bliss is numbered among the numerous joys that abound in the spiritual world. But marriages in the spheres are not based upon the ceremonial, nor are they for the pur- pose of procreation and selfish gratification, but rather for social interblendings and the quickening of the spiritual ac- tivities. The fervent wish, the glance of the eye, and the soft touch of the hand, give to conjugal souls a divine ecstasy — so they assure me. On earth I was called a bachelor, and I remain such yet, if by it is meant individualized singleness relative to connubial life. Still, I consider all things from minutest monads up to the most royal soul-angels to be dual ; and I believe men and women to be the two hemispheres of the sphere, and as positives and negatives, corresponding to wisdom and love, they were designed for sacred unions. If EXPERIENCES THROUGH THE HELLS INTO HEAVEN. 93 these are based in selfishness, they necessarily terminate sooner or later; but if true and well fitted, the spiritual dominating when on earth, they continue on in our world of spirits. Ancient seers and sages, however, who have summered many thousand j^ears in the heavens, assure me that progressively- inclined spirits so unfold, so approximate the divine, that ultimately their loves become universal, the love of each flow- ing oat to all, as the sun shines upon all, and as God's life and love flow into all immortal intelligences. Q. Is life the result of organization ? A. Life is not the result of organization, but organization is the result of life ; all organisms are the result of life. All organized entities, whether spiritual or material, are secondary to the life-principle within them. Matter and spirit are co- existent and co-equal : one is the passive, the other the active principle in nature. But the God-principle is active to both, and the three constitute a trinity. Q. In the soul's pre-existent state, does it reason out — does it reason about the propriety and wisdom of being incarnated into an earthly body ? A. For myself only can I answer. I have no memory of a pre-existent state. If I pre-existed as a human soul in time and space, I have no knowledge of it ; therefore I do not know whether there was consciousness within the soul in this state of pre-existence or not, but the class of thinkers in spirit-life who believe in the soul's eternal past teach this : that in that infinite past the soul has been incarnated in ex- ternal form time and again, swinging like a pendulum from the innermost universe to the outermost, and conversely from the outermost to the innermost, which is the life divine. They teach that the human soul is a part of a connected series in nature, and as such, that it obeys the universal laws of move- ment, which, as we said, is a continuous vibration between the innermost and outermost, or the subjective and objective poles of universal nature. Whether this be so or not, I have no conscious knowledge. Still, I accept and believe the teach- ings of those ancients upon this subject. Unless we postulate 94 IMMORTALITY. the soul's pre-existence, then, according to the laws of thought, the argument for the soul's immortality would be materially weakened. Q. Will all pre-existent spirits ultimately be incarnated into earthly bodies for experience ? A. This school of thinkers that I spoke of teach that all human souls pass through these movements. We might also presume as much, since there is nothing in nature which stands still. Inertia is death ; activity is life and unfoldment. Q. Did the souls of animals pre-exist, and if so, why should they not have a past existence?* A. The higher class of philosophers in spirit-life teach that they did not ; that in the purely animal life of this and other planets there are nothing but rudimental conditions and struc- tures, which eventually form a basis for the reception of the human soul. Animals are the green fruit of the planet, never ripened, and which drop from the stem of life's tree before maturity is attained. Their forms are imperfect, and imper- fection implies destruction. Q. Spirits generally unite in saying that there are birds and animals in spirit-life ; what are your reasons for teaching that they are not individualized? A. I likewise agree with spirits that there are birds, beasts, and insects in the spirit-life, but they do not possess the souls of those that existed in earth-life. There are rocks, trees, and flowers in spirit-land, but they are not the spirits of their concrete correspondence on earth, but they are pro- ductions resulting from the action of laws pertaining to the spirit-life. In consequence of imperfect organizations, ani- mals do not survive the dissolution of their material bodies. In spirit-life the three kingdoms in nature exist much as they do in your material world, and they are the outcome of the same original course. The phenomena of crystallization, of vegetable growth and animal production, are displayed here much after the same manner they are on earth, though upon a higher plane. Q. Does not this involve a loss of individuality? EXPERIENCES THROUGH THE HELLS INTO HEAVEN. 95 A. There is a loss of the individuality in one sense perhaps, but no loss of the force that constituted the individual. All these forces are available for assimilation into higher forms of life in consequence of having been used in the lower forms. Q. How do the fruits, flowers, and general surroundings correspond to those on earth ? A. There is a correspondence, but a higher degree of de- velopment, as this is a higher sphere. We have not only types of life similar to those represented on earth, but there is an almost illimitable variety of forms unknown in the earth- life, because a greater variety of conditions exists in the spirit- world, and the law of evolution has a much wider range. Q. Are plants and animals carried through solid walls into our buildings ? A. It is impossible to give you an understanding of the law, because it involves the chemistry of unparticled substances that constitute the spiritual universe. The spiritual always dominates the material, and the chemistry of the spiritual is entirely superior to the chemistry of the material. There- fore when the chemical potencies and forces of spirit-life are used, they can overcome and set aside for a moment the chemical laws of physical substances. In the earth you have sixty or more primary elements, and their combinations con- stitute the chemical composition of the globe and all that is thereon. In spirit-life there are more than a thousand of these elementary forms of substance recognized in the chem- istry of the spirit, and their combinations are so intricate and far-reaching and beautiful that it requires years of study and the deepest penetration of thought to comprehend them. The phenomena of which you spoke can only be produced by chemists of a high order in spirit-life working through spirits of a lower order who have great physical power and nearness to earth, and by that means they may produce these results. It is impossible to explain to you the method, because you have no analogous experiences. The phenomena known in your chemistry as endosmose and exosmose come nearer to this than any phenomenon in physical science. yb IMMORTALITY. Q. If flowers, birds, &c, are taken from persons in earth- life and brought to spirit seances, is it not a sort of theft ? A. In all cases care is observed to take only such things as will be no material loss to. others. Flowers bloom by the wayside, and in your winter time the tropics abound in buds and blossoms. Q. Are perverse and wicked spirits ever arbitrarily chained or confined for a season ? A. They certainly are, and especially so in the lower spheres. And then they occasionally break away from their surroundings, to follow, haunt, and obsess mortals, sometimes producing sickness and even death. Spirits have the power to heal and the power to make ill. All power reduced or traced to its original source is spirit-power. Low and wicked spirits, as you term them, are frequently guarded by the strong magnetic will of persons in spirit-life superior to them, to prevent their doing wrong to others. Human beings are coming to us continually from the earth-life so freighted with revenge, hatred, malice, and all the bitter passions of human- ity, that it is absolutely necessary, on the part of the higher intelligences, to arbitrarily restrain them, because they are totally inexperienced, and in and of themselves not capable of guiding their actions to any good result. Q. Why are spirits so averse to giving their earthly histo- ries, with few exceptions ? A. Many persons in spirit-life, when they look back upon their earthly existence, see in it so much that is weak and childish, if not positively revolting, that they do not desire others to look upon it. It is a painful subject to them. But the time comes to all human souls when it is necessary for them to unveil all their earth-life to the clear sunlight of the spirit-world about them, for by so doing they put themselves in accord with their surroundings. Unity cannot exist where there is deception, or hiding of any of the past conditions of life. Q. By what process of reasoning do spirits justify them- selves in coming to earth under false names ? EXPERIENCES THROUGH THE HELLS INTO HEAVEN. 97 A. It is seldom that the higher class of spirits give their names, and the lower being ashamed of their earth-names and earthly life, are prone to assume the names of distinguished personages. Moreover, the fault frequently lies with the me- dium, who will readily consent to be controlled by a spirit assuming some great name, but who would utterly refuse to work for the same spirit should he assume his real name. There is that degree of self-love in some mediums that must be gratified in order to use them as instruments. It is the fault of the medium almost universally that these false names are assumed. But there is no justification for it at all. Q. Do you take any interest in the materialization of spirits ? A. I take interest in all classes of manifestations of spirits to mortals, but the more advanced in spirit-life are gradually withdrawing from materializing phenomena, from the fact that they have been usurped by a lower class of spirits, many times controlling and permitting their mediums to present their own faces, hands, and persons under the guise of materialized spir- its. But there is a higher law of materialization that has as yet been illustrated in few instances. It is where those grand souls in angel life draw about themselves with the greatest intensity the physical conditions of your atmosphere so as to make themselves visible and tangible to mortal senses. It is only within the power of very few persons in the higher life to use this law ; but as the world ripens, and the conditions of the planet become more ethereally balanced, the exhibition of this higher power of materialization will become more fre- quent, until ultimately there will be complete materializations whenever any important use can be thereby subserved. Q. Is not a broad, liberal Christian Spiritualism acceptable to the eyes of higher spirits and angels ? A. From my understanding of the word Christian, I would approve of it; but if the word imports a sectarian, arbitrary Spiritualism, I would not. As there is great danger of its being so construed, it would be better to leave all names save the one, Spiritualism. A broad and liberal Spiritualism is 1 98 IMMORTALITY. acceptable to the highest angels in the spirit-world, but they do not desire that there should be any creed attached to the universal, such as Spiritualism is. Christian is a sect-name, indicating only one department of human effort in the religious life, and one that is particularly marked by the assumption that it is the only saving one ; therefore it is not best to trammel the beautiful word Spiritualism with the shackles of a churchianic name. Although the Christ of the New Testa- ment is behind the spiritual movement of the present time, it is not meet that it should have the Christian title, because the celestial angels would have men come up to that breadth of thought where they can conceive of universal ideas of reli- gion applicable to all time, breathing through all space, bring- ing to every human being in God's universe the knowledge that the same laws of unitary life are everywhere operating. Q. Do you approve of this definition of Spiritualism, " To believe in God as the Infinite Spirit Presence of the Universe, to hold conscious communion with spirits and angels, and to live a true, noble, spiritual Christ-like life — these constitute a Spiritualist" ? A. I do. Q. Do you believe it possible for a medium to be disinte- grated or dematerialized in cabinets during seances ? A. I reply in the negative. I do not, however, claim to have all knowledge upon this subject. I have never seen a thinking, conscious human being dematerialized ; neither 'have I conversed with an intelligent spirit who has witnessed such a phenomenon. Absolute dematerialization would be death ; and after the disintegration of the particles and substances constituting the two bodies, with the severance of the silver cord, there could be, so it seems to me, no restoration. The spiritual man has fled, and could no more return to gather up, and live in the body again, than the freed bird could re- turn to and dwell once more in the crushed shell, or the oak return to its acorn life. This idea of mediumistic demateriali- zation may have been taught by designing spirits to cover the manifestations which they profess to produce. That flowers EXPERIENCES THROUGH THE HELLS INTO HEAVEN. 99 are brought through walls is no violation of the known laws of vital chemistry. I do not speak dogmatically upon this subject, but simply refer to my personal observations and ex- periences. Q. Are spirits, invisible to the physical eye, photographed in art-galleries, as claimed by some ? A. They are, although only under certain circumstances; much of what is presented to the world coming from this di- rection is but the counterfeit of the genuine. One main argu- ment against this is that " that which is invisible cannot be photographed." This is the view of our own medium, and I am speaking now in opposition to his opinions, as, for illustra- tion, there are certain chemicals, certain gases that are unseen by the physical eye, yet are sufficiently tangible in their inter- vention between the rays of the sun as to produce an image. The chemical ray is invisible, but the particles of the atmos- phere are set in motion by it, and cast a shadow. ... If you dissolve sulphate of quinia in water, and write with this on a clean white sheet of paper, when it has dried you can see no trace of it, but if you place this before the camera it will appear plainly. There are two methods of spirit photography. In one the spirit stands before the camera, partially material- ized, enough so to affect and reflect the chemical ray, which is invisible to the human eye. The other method is where the spirit artist presents the picture directly upon the plate of the photographer without the spirit's presence, Q. In consequence of the impostures practiced in some seances, have not the higher spirits largely abandoned them ? A. They have for the time being. And yet through all this imperfection and fraud there will come an understanding of many of those occult laws which unite mortal life to spirit life. We urge you to study these phenomena carefully, and endeavor to eliminate as far as possible the fraudulent from the genuine, for by so doing you will not only ultimately at- tain to conditions where ancient spirits can materialize, but you can have phenomena or a subdued light of an order dif- ferent from anything that can be obtained in the light, and 100 IMMORTALITY. exceedingly useful to those inclined to doubt the reality of spirit existence. A subdued light is almost indispensable for spirit friends who have recently left their mortal for their immortal homes. Q. Is there not great injury done, leading to obsessions and insanity, by the indiscriminate and promiscuous blendings of mediuinistic magnetisms ? A. I reply emphatically in the affirmative. It seems inci- dental to the present unfolding of mediumistic conditions that this should take place ; because mediums themselves do not understand, neither in many cases do the communicating spirits themselves comprehend, the laws involved in their own operations. Hence there is this ill-adapted and inharmonious mixing of mediumistic auras and conditions that often lead to deleterious results. These not only seriously affect the me- diums, but occasionally the spirits, who become magnetically chained to them. It sometimes happens that these spirits cannot break the connection that they have persistently estab- lished with their mediums. In such cases there should be a united effort between a circle of good, earnest magnetic mor- tals in earth life, and a similar band of spirits in spirit life, to aid these parties in severing the unwise sympathy so firmly established. Many are too fond of marvelous manifes- tations. They are given to wonder. Spirit communion is a means, not an end. Better far for mortals to culture and enrich their own spirits than to perpetually seek for strange and astounding marvels ! It should be borne in mind that a large proportion of the insane in the lunatic asylums are persons who are either ob- sessed by spirits, or sympathetically affected by the discordant conditions which are projected from the lower spheres of spirit-life upon the earth plane. Spiritual stances should be conducted in a quiet and orderly manner. They should be opened by invocations and prayers, and the end sought should be moral growth and divine use. THE BED MAN'S TESTIMONY. 101 CHAPTER XII. THE RED MAN'S TESTIMONY. Powhattari s Spirit Home, through the Mediumship of Dr. E. C. Dunn. " Out spake the patriarch gray and old; The love of war in his heart was cold : ' I heard in midnight's whispering hreeze, In the low murmuring of the trees, And in the war-bird's chastened ciy, A mighty voice from yonder sky : " Man lives but once," the Spirit said; " Pale Face is brother to the Red." * Bury the hatchet, Bury it low ; Under the greensward, Under the snow.' " I DO not know the origin of the Indian races. Pale-faced spirits do not think alike about it. Indian himself thinks that many millions of moons ago they lived in northern and eastern countries — what you call Asia. They came to this country on dry land. They found tribes and races here, and many wars followed. They had no books, as white men have, but they cut their histories on rocks, and retained them in legends. My ancestors, as you would call them, were more agricultural than hunting tribes. They raised corn and a kind of wild rice. The chief was the father of his tribe. He did not have many squaws. The pale-faced man does not tell the truth about this. He only took care of the old and the poor squaws. Each Indian owned the ground he culti- vated while cultivating it. When he stopped doing this, the land belonged to the tribe again. Some tribes burned their dead ; others put them up into trees, to be wasted by the 102 IMMORTALITY. elements ; and others still buried them in a sitting position, with their blankets, shells, war-clubs, and corn to feed them, as they started for the heavenly hunting-grounds They had a sacred and secret language, known only to chiefs and medicine-men. Their history was largely in this language. The symbols of serpents, birds, insects, curves, angles, and hieroglyphical characters, are mere representa- tives of this language. Wars, in those ancient times, were very few, because war councils were arbitrations, and wise chiefs sought to avoid wars with other tribes Q. Powhattan, tell me what you are doing these days, and describe to me your spirit home ? A. Indian has not been visiting, has not been idle, has not been talking ; — pale-faces talk too much. I have been away toward the sunset, where the red man is on the war-path — have been there to counsel peace ; have been there to receive the spirits of red men killed by the pale-faces, and to keep them from returning to injure those who injured them. Q. Will not our armies in the West soon conquer all the Indian tribes ? A. Never! Indians are never conquered when they fight for the right — when they fight for their lands, for their homes, and for the graves of their fathers. No ; they will be exterminated, but conquered — never ! Indians are not afraid to die — they are not children — they do not whine when shot down by white men ; for they know they go to the hunting-grounds of their fathers. Q. Powhattan, describe your spirit home, the direction you take towards it when you leave the medium. If you cannot convey your ideas fully in our language, get the spirit Aaron Knight to assist you ; he is very kind, as you know. A. Knight spirit is here. Indians are the children of na- ture. They were guided on earth by the sun, moon, and stars. They were keen observers. The sun was to us a symbol of the Great Spirit. We follow the setting sun. The sun is the Indian ; the moon is the squaw ; the stars THE RED MAN'S TESTIMONY. 103 are their children, and the fixed stars the warriors. We con- tinue to be Indians in the spirit world. We mingle with white spirits, and many of our blankets and robes are whiter than theirs. I was a chief on earth, and I took my hate of the white man with me to spirit life. I would not see him for a long, long time. But once I went with an old and brighter Indian spirit than I was, where there was a peace council, where there was white men in it ; one of these, Wil- liam Penn, in shining dress, and a sunshine face, came to me with a white plume in his hand. He said he loved the Indian, and he put his lips on my forehead. I turned round and wept, for I was too proud to have him see my tears. I loved this white spirit — he made my heart soft. I love all the pale-faced spirits now, and that is why I come to do them good. When I leave this medium, I go westward, up, and away in the distance, to my spirit home. I am a chief there now, but the Indians stay with me because they love me, and like my counsels to them. In our spirit world there is one chief — the Great Spirit Chief over all. We do not see him, but we feel him. . . . But you ask about my spirit home, and the way I go to get there. I go almost as quick as 'you think — and go first to a big forest of stately trees, the homes of beavers and squirrels and birds. In this forest, with its open spots here and there, herds of buffaloes, flocks of deer, elks, and light-footed gazelles sport without being interrupted by bush or prickly bramble. The silky grass that grows beneath the branches, ever green and nutritious, feeds the game that roams the forest. Deep- flowing streams of water, rolling through woodlands, bound- ing over precipices, leaping down dizz} 7 heights, and dashing on rocks below, are broken into spray that, rising on the balmy air, and floating like perpetual showers, keep fresh and green the leaves and grasses and flowers, that grow in the forest wilds of the red man's home. Upon a mossy bank, near the shore of Ciystal River, and in full view of an ever murmuring waterfall, stands the 104 IMMORTALITY. wigwam of Powhattan. The background is built up of tow- ering mountains, dotted with springs and rills and majestic trees, the waving branches of which make music in the In- dian's home. His wigwam, cone-shaped, and made of sub- stances corresponding to furs, is constructed around a mon- ster oak. His carpet, in appearance, is made of the skins of birds of golden plumage. His bed, for repose and reflection, is of softest down. His weapons of warfare hang upon the wig- wam's outer side, as relics of the almost forgotten past. His books are the trees, the mountains, and the sailing clouds. His council-fires are the fires of peace, and they burn perpet- ually upon the altar of his soul. The incense that arises therefrom is love to the Great Spirit, and love to all the tribes and races of humanity. The deer and the wild game that were once hib "nrey, are now his companions and his friends. The war-paint was long ago washed away from his calm sun- lit face. His crimson war-feathers were changed to plumes of crystal whiteness. His flexible bow was unstrung, and the untamed, untutored Indian of the forest, no longer a savage, has become a lover of humanity, and a trustworthy healer and teacher in earth and spirit life. Nellie, a little Indian GrirVs Quaint Description of her Home and Employments, through the Mediumship of Mrs. Jennie S. Rudd. I'm glad to come and talk to a preaching man with silver tongue. I shall meet you when you come up top, and will help cover your chair with pretty flowers. All the good things you say and do send up material for us to use. Some- times when you speak, such big spirits come that thej scare me and almost cover me up. I came up to this top- world when I was four years old. I can't remember much that happened just after I was dead, but I know that I talked to my mother, and she would not answer me. Everything looked so strange. I saw a little girl lying on the big mat that looked like me ; but she would not speak nor move, and I did not understand why they stood and cried over her, and THE RED MAN'S TESTIMONY. 105 called her Nellie ; and then I cried, and kept crying till a beautiful lady came, and taking me in her white arms through the clouds, we came to a nice garden where lots of little chil- dren were playing. Among these happy children was one lady dressed in pure white. They said her name was Jose- phine ; and she wore a crown in your world, which up here she called a cross. She was trying, they told me, to throw it off by doing good to everybody. She taught the children to sing : " If the crown you would wear, the cross you must bear." But crowns up here don't mean what your queens wear, but crowns of virtue and love. Everything was pretty here, but I did not feel happy till grandpa came. He took me in his arms and bore me to a lovely garden, which had a beautiful house in it, filled with flowers, books, statues, and everything to please children. There was music here, too ; and some of the great spirits came and looked at my face and head, and said I had the mark of the messenger. I have since learned that they were examining me and consulting what mission I was best designed to fulfil. They brought me to this lady medium, taught me how to put my mind upon her and con- trol her ; and ever since I have been the spirit-messenger for her band. I've only been up in this top-world a few years. I live in a pleasant house, which mamma calls " Fairview." Other spirits call it " Mount Peaceful." I did not make the house, and nobody builds them here as you do in your world. They tell me that good deeds form the building materials ; but I cannot understand that. Little delicate vines creep all over the house that I live in. The room that I like best opens on to the fawn, which slopes down towards the lake. Near the lake is a bubbling fountain. It looks like a big tulip, with a big bird in the center ; and though the water covers the bird, it shines just as bright as the sun. We Indians call this lake Wa-te-ma, and it means truth. We sail on this lake, and the fish come up to our hands and let us pet them. . . . They call me the messenger girl, and my work is to take spirits 106 IMMORTALITY. from the earth, and sometimes return with them when they can't find the way. I carry messages from the medium's band of spirits to other spirits. I have been with great spirits to the spirits in prison, and I tried to carry them sun- shine and light; and I told them how bright it was where I lived; and I've tried to help them come up and see our lake and flowers and the blue skies. I can tell the bad spirits by the dark light around them. Do 3^ou know, Papa Peebles, that there's no darkness in my country ? It is more like the soft bright moonlight than like your sun. We have our times of rest, but we keep thinking while we're resting. On our trees there are fruits ripe and unripe at the same time, and the flowers that bloom do not die as yours do. I can't ex- plain things to you as I want to. All the big Indians love you, papa, very much, because you talk good words about them, and call them your "red brothers." One tall Indian spirit, wearing a shining blanket, is now by you ; he says he long ago washed the war-paint off from his face, broke his arrows, unstrung his bow, and put white feathers in his hair. He is a peace Indian, and when he is not with you to keep you well and strong, he is with the Indians and the white men, -away off towards the sun-set, trying to make thern love one another and be happy. But I must go. When you come up top, I will have on my best shining blankets and be there to meet you. Coacoochee, and his Description of his Spirit Sister's Appearance. " My sister died suddenly. I was on a bear hunt, and seated by my camp-fire alone. I heard a strange noise. It was something like a voice which told me to go to her. The camp was some distance, but I took my rifle and started. The night was dark and gloomy. The wolves howled around me as I went from hammock to hammock. Sounds often came to my ear ; I thought she was speaking to me. At daylight I reached her camp ; she was dead. " When hunting some time after with my brother Otulkee, I sat alone by the side of a large oak. In the moss hanging over me I heard strange sounds. I tried to sleep, but could not. I felt myself moving, and thought I went far above to a new country, where all was bright and happy. I saw clear water, ponds, rivers, and prairies, on which the sun never sets. All was green ; the grass grew high, and the deer stood in the midst of it looking at me. I then saw a small white cloud approaching, and when just before me, out of it came my twin sister, dressed in white, and covered with bright silver ornaments. Her black hair, which I had often braided, hung clown THE RED MAN'S TESTIMONY. 107 her back. She clasped me around the neck and said, ' Coacoochee, Coacoochee.' I shook with fear. I knew her voice, but could not speak. With one hand she gave me a string of white beads; in the other she held a cup sparkling with pure water, which she said came from the spring of the Great Spirit, and if I would drink from it, I should return and live with her for ever. " As I drank she sang the peace song of the Seminoles and danced around me. She had silver bells on her feet, which made a loud noise. Taking from her bosom some- thing, I know not what, she laid it before me, when a bright light streamed far above us. She then took me by the hand and said, " All is peace." I wanted to ask for others, but she shook her head, moved her hand, stepped into the cloud, and was gone ! The fire she had made had not gone out. All was silent. I was sorry that I could not have said more to her. I felt myself sinking until I came to the earth, where I met my brother Otulkee. He had been seeking me, and was alarmed at my absence; hav- ing found my rifle where he last saw me asleep. I told him where I had been, and showed him the beads. These beads were stolen from me when I was in prison- at St. Augustine. At certain periods of the moon, when I had these beads, I could see the spirit of my sister. I may be buried in the earth, or sunk in the water, but I shall go to her and live with her. Game is abundant there, and there the white man is never seen.. . . . " I did not love the white man when in my body. He was my enemy. He wanted our lands. He deceived us. He killed our pappooses, and ploughed up the graves of our fathers. I never wanted to see him in the hunting-grounds of the Great Spirit, where my sister had gone, and where I am going. But I've changed my mind now — all white men were not like the pale-faces that made war upon the Seminoles. There were some good white men. I have met them in my spirit home. I have taken them into my canoe, and borne them over the lakes ; and I have come back with them to the earth to help them control and do good to the white men. I love them now, and try to forget all the wrongs they did to us. I've met my sister. Her blankets are shining as gold, and her rings and her shells are as bright as the sun. I am a messen- ger now, and am happy in doing good to everybody." Materialization of Indian Spirits : A Communication from Q. T. Sproat, a Shaker. " Ke-che Be-zhe-kee, or Big Buffalo, as he was called by the Americans, was at that time chief of that band of Ojibway Indians who dwelt on the southwest shores of Lake Superior, and were best known by the name of the ' Lake Indians.' He was wise and sagacious in council, a great orator, and was much reverenced by the Indians for his supposed intercourse with the Man-i-toes, or spirits, from whom they believed he de- rived much of his eloquence and wisdom in governing the affairs of the tribe. " In the summer of 1836, his only son, a young man of rare promise, suddenly sick- ened and died. The old chief was almost inconsolable for his loss, and, as a token of his affection for his son, had him dressed and laid in the grave in the same military coat, together with the sword and epaulets, which he had received a few months before as a present from the Great Father at Washington. He also had placed beside him his favorite dog, to be his companion on his journey to the land of souls. " One morning, a few months after his death, the old chief came to my wigwam, his step light and elastic like a child's, his form erect, and his face lighted up as if he had just received some new and joyful intelligence. " ' I have seen him,' he said ; ' I have seen him whom we mourned as dead ! I have seen him, and he is still alive ! ' ' Seen him ! when ? ' I asked. ' Yesterday, in the Me- ta-wa (sacred dance). We were all assembled together in the great dancing-lodge of 108 IMMORTALITY. the chiefs, to worship hefore the Great Spirit, and On-wi came there and joined us.' ' What ! in your dance hefore the Great Spirit ? Did you speak to him ? ' ' We did ; and he spoke to us.' ' What did he say ? ' 'He said it was weakness for us to mourn for him. He had gone to the happy hunting-grounds, far better than these on the cold shores of the lake. He mentioned some of those whom he had seen, particularly Man- i-bo-zho and Ah-ke-wain-ze, who had welcomed him there.' 'Did he join with you in the dance ? ' ' He did. We all danced before the Great Spirit. On-wi danced with us. His step was light as a fawn's ; his face was bright as the sky overhead. I wish you could have seen him. It made our hearts glad and joyful as the birds in spring.- After the dance we all sat down and smoked the pipe of peace together.' ' But how do you know it was On-wi whom you saw ? May it not have been some one of the tribe who coun- terfeited him, with his face painted, with the sacred emblems which you wear in the dance ? ' ' Did I not mark his form, his features, his every look ? Was he not dressed in the very coat I gave him, a present from the Great Father at Washington ? Who else in all the tribe has a coat like that ? How then could I be deceived ? ' ' And you — every one of you — saw him ? ' ' Every one of us. Ask the aged men, and they will tell you. The wisest men of the tribe were there. Could they, too, be deceived ? Have they got eyes, and do not see straight forward ? Have they got ears, and do not hear what is spoken to them ? Ask them, and they will tell you the truth. Their tongues are not hung in the middle, speaking lies at both ends, like the pale-faces. The toes of their feet do not turn outward, so that they walk two ways at once, like them. They keep straight forward in the path. Ask them, and they will tell you the truth.' " I did ask them, and heard from them the same report brought to me by the old chief concerning his son. For many days it was the theme of conversation in every wigwam of the camp. The old men spoke of it in an undertone, with their heads bowed as if in reverence ; and one day, while walking through the camp, I saw Wah- chus-co, the great seer of the tribe, standing amidst a group of earnest listeners, and, with a great burst of eloquence, telling them how Ke-che Man-i-to made the two worlds round, like the sun, for so the spirits had 'taught him; and taking a piece of birch bark, and drawing on it two spheres touching each other, he pictured to them whole bands of joyous spirits passing from one to the other, thus bringing together the inhabitants of the seen and unseen worlds." " Here bring the last gifts ! and with these The last lament be said ; Let all that please and yet may please Be buried with the dead. The paint that warriors love to use, Place here within his hand, That he may shine with ruddy hues Amid the spirit land." EVIL SPIRITS, THEIR PLANS, DOINGS, AND DESTINIES. 109 CHAPTER XIII. EVIL SPIRITS, THEIR PLANS, THEIR DOINGS, AND THEIR DESTINIES. " For they are the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth." Rev. xvi. 14. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God." John's Epistle. " I have been permitted to look into the Hells and see what kind of places they are. Some appear like holes in rocks ; others, like coverts of wild beasts in woods ; and others, like vaulted caverns and hidden chambers, such as are seen in mines. In some Hells there appear rude cottages, which in some places form lanes and streets. With- in the houses infernal spirits engage in perpetual brawls, in blows, and butchery, while the streets are infested with robbers. . . . Tbe Hells abound in foul smells, cadaverous, stercoraceous, noxious, and putrid, in which evil spirits dwell, as do some animals, in rank odors. Several times I have been let down into Hell, that I might witness the torment there. For my safety I was, as it were, surrounded by a column of Angelic Spirits, which I perceived as a wall of brass. Whilst there, I heard miserable lam- entations ; they were in a state of despair, saying they believed their torments would be for ever. It was granted me to comfort them." Swedenborg. Stripped of staff and scrip, relieved of all externals, we enter the future state of existence the real men and women we are, bearing with us the plans, purposes, achievements, and deeds done as records. Dropping the earthly garment does not change moral character. Sin is deeper than the epi- dermis. A night's sleep does not transform the sinful into angels, nor does a walk through a college make a philosopher of a boor. William Denton wisely said : " The miser returns cursing the fatal appetite which binds him in the metallic chain forged by his own avarice ; the sensualist lives in the agonizing re- trospect of lost delights, for which the nature of spiritual existence furnishes no satisfaction." 110 IMMORTALITY. A. J. Davis, in his " Diakka," admits that there are spirits " morally deficient and affectionally unclean ; " that their chief business in this world is " jugglery and trickery, witicisms, invariably victimizing others ; secretly tormenting mediums, causing them to exaggerate in speech and to falsify by acts ; unlocking and unbolting the street-doors of your bosom and memory, pointing your feet into wrong paths, and far more." It is not to be denied that a few spiritualists — and their numbers are growing fewer, and their shadows less — con- tend that no evil extends beyond this life, thus making death a sieve, sifting out all gross substances, and virtually transforming depravity into purity in the twinkling of an eye. The idea is more pleasant than truthful. If there are evil- minded men, living and dying such, there must necessarily be evil-minded spirits. Facts, as related to mediumship, prove the existence of evil spirits. The logic of the matter stands thus : Good presup- poses evil as the affirmative does the negative, as the thesis does the antithesis. And evil is the direct opposite of good, apostasy from it, and deserves disciplinary punishment. . . . A band of brigands organize, elect a head officer — a king — as in the mountain fastnesses of Greece, Italy, or Spain. This becomes a kingdom of evil, diffusing a deleterious moral ma- laria. And so are there similar kingdoms and principalities in the spirit-world. The mediumistic Paul referred to these when he wrote : " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against wicked spirits in high places." The late William Howitt, after referring to the experiences of the spirit Hornung in these words : " ' I am still living in total dai-kness, and never see any light except when I am al- lowed to come to you, and on my journey catch glimpses of the sunny light of happier regions, and hear the voices and songs of their happier inhabitants.' She confessed that she was the spirit of a lady of notorious life and character, formerly well known at Vienna, and was then suffering the necessary consequences of her self-induced moral degradation,"— says : " We ourselves * had various unhappy spirits who presented them- * William Howitt, it is well known, was a drawing and writing medium. EVIL SPIRITS, THEIR PLANS, DOINGS, AND DESTINIES. Ill selves at our domestic seances some years ago, who declared that they were living in a region of darkness, desolation, and loneliness. They uniformly declined to reveal their names, adding that they were wholly unknown to us. We asked them what in- duced them to come to us; and they often replied that they chanced to be passing, saw a light, and came in, curious to see what was doing. Sometimes these spirits were possessed of an 'idea that they had irrevocably by their crimes lost the favor of God, and it was most difficult to induce them to think otherwise ; though we reminded them of the parable of the Prodigal Son, and of the assurance of Jesus Christ that whoever came to Him He would in no wise cast out. Sometimes they refused to be prayed for, saying that it was of no use, and that in fact, wretched as they were, they did not wish to change. Others, however, professed to feel better for our sympathy and counsels, and came again and again, declaring themselves progressively happier. " On one of the last of these occasions, whilst in England, a spirit unknown, and declining to give his name, said that he would relate to us his first experience in the spirit-world. He said that he found himself with a number of others in utter dark- ness, cold, hungry, and most miserable. In endeavoring to advance, he and his com- panions found their progress obstructed by a massive and lofty wall. They felt along it, to discover some door or passage through it, but could find none, though they con- tinued their search to a great distance. At length, in despair, they shouted to make some one hear them, but for a long time received no answer but a dreary and hollow echo. All else was silent, dead, a vacancy, and most terrible negation. They then burst into cries of desperation and despair, when at length a voice demanded who they were and what they wanted. They replied that they were newly-disembodied spirits, who were perishing with cold, starvation, and nakedness. The response was, ' You lived selfish lives — lived for yourselves. You felt no thankfulness to God, nor did you cherish in your hearts true love for your fellow-men. As you were an adamantine wall to humanity, an adamantine wall now rises inexorably before you, cutting off all admission to more favorable regions.' " This terrible announcement struck them down like dead men. They bewailed themselves bitterly, and cried for mercy and pardon, when at length a voice ex- claimed, ' Arise,' and a strong hand was put forth from the darkness, and the appar- ently impassable wall gave way to that mighty hand, and they found themselves in a dusky, and, as it were, Cimmerian meadow, where friendly beings clothed and fed them, and told them that now they were on the open highway of the great pilgrimage of eternity, and must advance, grow purer, and enjoy according to their own exer- tions, to the obedience to their spiritual guides, to the prayerful love they exercised toward the great Father, to the law of Christ, and to the love of the neighbor." The Rev. F. R. Young, minister of the Free Christian Church, Swindon, England, observes : " On Monday afternoon, December 23d, 1872, 1 was reading the Standard report of Mr. Gladstone's speech, delivered at Livex'pool on the previous Saturday, and comment- ing upon portions of it in the presence of two members of my family circle, Mrs. Wreford and her daughter. Suddenly, and while in the act of making my comments, I began to feel extremely faint from what I thought to be the heat of the room, and desired that the window might be opened for the ingress of fresh air. I also went from the fireplace to the open window, hoping that in a few minutes the feeling of faintness might pass away. Very shortly after this change I was entranced, and slid off the chair pn to the floor, in a kneeling position, and then began to crawl on hands and knees, very slowly, groping about like a person might who was in the dark and trying to find his way through it. While in this position, and watched eagerly by 11 2 IMMORTALITY. those present, a spirit began to utter through me certain lines of verse, which were taken down in short-hand at the time. ' Suiting,' as Shakspeare says, ' the action to the word and the word to the action,' the spirit began as follows, every word being illustrated by the movements my body made : 1 1 wander on — I wander far, No light of sun — no blink of star; I wander on — no voice I hear, No word to guide, but all is drear ; I wander on, 'mid darkness deep, No hand to touch, no rest, no sleep. heart, so foul and full of sin : Without — without — and not within ! 1 might have been " within " the gate, But scoffed and scowled, till all too late ; I heard a voice, a voice for years, I turned away — no hope appears ; I wander on, — where shall I go ? I say " this way," — a voice says " No ! " I wander on — I cry with pain, I ne'er shall hear that voice again, The voice of pity, power, and love, The voice on earth of God above. I wander on, and stumble — fall : And all is gone, for ever — all : sisters, brothers, in the land below, If I could tell you all I know ; 'Tis bitter pain, 'tis cruel smart, How can I cleanse you, filthy heart ? 1 can not wander — I must stay, And wait the beams of brighter day. Perhaps some angel hears my word, And may be sent here by its Lord To pick up me, to guide my feet, And bring my wandering steps to meet,' &c. " At this point I think the spirit's own mention of the word ' Angel,' must have sug- gested to her mind the fact that she had at some time in the past been herself called an ' Angel,' and the contrast between the real angelic character and her own was at once felt to be so striking that she burst out into the following disclaimer : " ' An angel ? no, a woman fell, Who dragged her dupes the roafcl to hell, With words all bland, with smiles and tears, With laughter, shouts ; with hopes and fears ; They paid me well — they did their deed — They paid on garbage foul to feed : I know it now — I see it all ; And here I am, no voice to call, — No voice to say, " Reach forth thy hand, A guide is here to Spirit-land ! " I wander on — all dark and foul, EVIL SPIEITS, THEIR PLANS, DOINGS, AND DESTINIES. 113 Begrimed — a hated, spotted soul: The sin was mine and only mine : I died and gave the world no sign ; I died, to live — I lived to know The meaning of a spirit's woe.' " I myself saw no vision ; nor was I aware, until I had come out of the trance, of what had transpired, and then only by being told. My friends saw and heard me, and me only; but under abnormal conditions such as, generally speaking, they had seen over and over again, on previous occasions. The facts, as I apprehend them, were that a spirit spoke through me, using my organs." " The momentous lesson here taught is, that, beyond all possibility of cavil, the eternal order reigns supreme in all worlds, — that compensation cannot be escaped ; that ' Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap ; ' that not what we have, or where we are, is the great matter, but what we are ; and that however < case-hardened ' a spirit may be on this side of the 'border-land,' the time must come, sooner or later, when that spirit will realize its own condition, and its own surroundings." John Jacob Aster's Lament, through the Mediumship of the late Mrs. Conant. " Gold is one of the strongest ties which binds men to earth ! and if I were on earth again, I would not be the owner of gold. I would rather take the chance of the beggar than that of the rich man. I would rather be cradled in sorrow on earth, for then I should better appreciate the joys of heaven. And as all men sin, so all men must be punished ; and I had rather receive my punishment on earth than in the land where we all hope for happiness. Yes, yes, I would rather be a Lazarus, — much rather; and could I be again transported to earth, could I again animate a material form, I would pray that God would give me the surroundings of a Lazarus, rather than the surroundings of a rich man. "When the rich man finds death at his door, he fears to leave his real happiness for the imaginary — for that he knows nothing of; but when the poor man dies, he says, ' I have nothing here to bind me ; my chance is equally good in the Land of Spirits.' A few years ago I walked upon earth ; I animated a form , like yours. I handled much gold and silver, and coming in contact with the same — a hard material substance — it served only to harden my nature, and fix a partition between me and my God. Now I am standing upon a barren waste, unclad, and I hear the passer-by exclaiming, ' You had your good things on earth — now you must have your evil things ! ' It is well, and I will be content. " All things that went to make up my sum of happiness on earth are denied me in heaven ; and although I dwell in heaven, I partake not of its glories, for each individ- ual forms his own heaven or his hell. Heaven may be within me, above me, around me, and yet not of me. I may not be happy, although others may be happy around me. How long I am to remain so, I know not. I know, however, that He who judges righteously will not judge me harshly. All I know is, I had wealth on earth, and that I would rather have had it in heaven, than where I am known no more. I am visited by those who bore earthly relation to me, ay, by those who were poor on earth, and now they are rich ; I find them clad in heaven's own glorious habil- iments ; they seek to encourage me, they strive to aid me ; they tell me my suffering will ultimately end, and bid me be of good cheer ; while I sit and murmur, they are praising God. Oh, sad, unhappy fate ! when shall I find Him whom I so much wish to see ? — Him, the God of the rich man and the poor ? When shall I dwell in that 8 114 IMMORTAXITY. happy circle in which He dwells ? Man's time on earth is fleeting as a mid-summer's day — fleeting — fast moving away; but man's spirit-existence is eternal. "Who would not rather stand in earth on the plane of poverty, than stand on the rich man's eminence ? Who, of all those who have passed on to know of better things, to take his share, would return to earth ? Not one, not one ! "I say the rich, dwelling here on earth, have hearts like adamant — gold renders them so. Oh, then, ye rich men of earth, scatter your gold to the four winds of heaven, if ye would be happy hereafter. It is hard for a rich man to enter the king- dom of heaven — I know it. I laid up my treasures on earth; the moth came, the rust corrupted, the thieves broke through and stole, and I am poor in the Spirit-world $ corrupted are my treasures in heaven ! Oh, I would to God I had never made the acquaintance of gold. Months ago I was told that it would benefit me to come to earth ; but my spirit loathed earth and its inhabitants, for there commenced my un- happiness ; there was sown the seed which now is a tree of evil, covering me with its deadly shade ; and I did not wish to return, for it was a cross too heavy for me to bear up the hill — a thorn too sharp for me to cast into my soul. But now I am happy I have come — it is one cross taken up. Oh, I would to God they were all laid upon my shoulder, for I think now I could bear them well. "Oh, I see glimmering in the distance a most beautiful star! — can it be she Avho passed on in infancy ? They tell me it is so. Oh ! why do they come to torment me — to show their light, while I have none ? Oh, He who judges rightly will do well. Let them come; mayhap I shall be able to follow them where they lead; mayhap my hell is ended! Yes, yes, the angel before me passed from my sight in infancy — ere the shadows of earth fell upon her spirit, ere the cold winds of earth blew upon it, she was called for, and now she comes with purity, with words of hope to cheer me on. It is well. I am told, in taking up this cross, I shall pass the gulf which separates us; I am told my cup of sorrow has filled, and pleasure is to come. Oh, may I have enough to scatter among the children of earth ! Oh ! what shall I say to them now ? To the rich man I say, ' Cast from thee thy riches ; ' to the poor man, ' Pray God that wealth may never enter your dwellings.' " Judge Edmonds, being "in the spirit," as was John of Patmos, saw the following vision, revealing the sad condition of one groping in the spheres of darkness : " It was a vast country that was before me. I saw to an immense distance. It was peopled by great numbers. Some parts were darker than others, and some of an ink- like blackness. There was a great variety of shade to the atmosphere from a light- gray to black. I had seen the same variety in the happy spheres ; only there it was a variety of light, here it was a variety of darkness. "I approached one of those black spots, and there, in a miserable hovel, was a hu- man being. He was ghastly, thin, haggard — almost a skeleton. He knew no means of escape from that dark habitation, where he was all alone. The most violent of hu- man passions were raging in him, and he was ever walking back and forth, like a chained tiger chafing in his cage. " There was a little light in that habitation of his, but it was an awful one. It was the red, flame-like light of his own eyes. They were open and staring like burning coals, with a black spot in their center, and were constantly straining to see some- thing — the darkness was so horrible to him! He had no companion but his own hatred and the memory of the evil past. EVIL SPIRITS, THEIR PLANS, DOINGS, AND DESTINIES. 115 " He paused once in a while in his walk, raising his clenched hand ahove his head, And cursed his Maker that ever he created him. He cursed also the false teachers, who had pretended to tell him the conspquences of a life of sin, and yet knew so little of them. They had told him of a hell of fire and brimstone only, and he knew that when he died, casting off his material garb, such a hell could have no effect upon him. He knew that such a hell was impossible. He therefore laughed the idea to scorn, and, dreaming of no other, he believed there was none. Now, waking to the reality of a hell far worse than had ever been painted to him, he cursed God and man that he had been left alone to dare its torments — that he had been left in ignorance of what must follow the indulgence of the material passions to which he had given up his whole life. "If you could have seen the agony that was painted on his face, the despair and hatred that spoke in every lineament, the desperate passion that swelled every mus- cle, and the horrible fear that stole over him of what further, or worse, might ensue from his daring defiance of God, you would have shuddered and recoiled from the sight; and what aggravated all this suffering was his ignorance that there was any redemption for him, and the belief that it was for ever ! . . . . " He clasped his hands together over his head with a gesture of mute despair, and standing thus a few moments he cried, ' Oh, for annihilation ! ' If you could have heard the tone in which that imprecation was uttered, you could have formed an idea of ' the torments of the damned.' He had worked himself into a frightful paroxysm of pas- sion. He had thrown himself prostrate, and there groveling in the dirt and writhing in agony, he howled like the most furious maniac that bedlam's worst cell ever saw. At length, from sheer exhaustion, he was still. His physical powers could go no farther, but the worm of his memory of the past, which never dies, was but the more active because of the cessation of the external effort ; and now, as he thus lay pros- trate and exhausted, solitary and in utter darkness, all the evil deeds of his life on earth chased each other through his memory, sporting with his agony, and faithfully performing their terrible duty of retribution." The Spirit Stewart's Exploration of the Hells, through the Mediumshiv of Thomas Walker. u The spirit-world, almost measureless in extent, has actual localities, as well as conditions, where sympathizing spirits meet. A higher spirit may visit the lower spheres, but the reverse is impossible. " Leaving our beautiful spirit home, crossing Angel Lake, and descending a deep decline, we come to a sluggish rolling river at the foot of the hills of Eternal Sorrow. Then as- cending a mountain, and standing upon one of its loftiest peaks, we look behind, observing Angel Lake nearly a hun- dred miles in the distance, appearing a bright and luminous star-point upon the horizon, with broad intervening valleys. " Turning our attention to what is before us, we see in the widened distance a misty darkness, and as we descend in an 116 IMMORTALITY. opposite direction from which we came, the darkness becomes more and more intensified. There is no vegetation, no spark- ling rivers nor smiling lakes. As we pass on, coming to the base of a range of hills, rising and crossing them, the harsh cries, and the hoarse agonies that appall the soul, reveal the fact that we are in the neighborhood of dark and undeveloped spirits. " We stand for a moment — for there are twelve in our party — to mature plans for the thorough investigation of these cities of strife. We each take a separate path, leading to different portions, I having the most direct route assigned to me. I walk steadily, thoughtfully along, the darkness fad- ing into a lurid, dusky, phosphorescent light, until I come to a huge cavern, around which are fierce reptiles, crawling liz- ards, and slimy serpents, winding around each other as though in fond embraces. In the atmosphere are vultures, black and dismal — everything is terribly repulsive ! " Reflecting for a few moments before entering the cavern for investigation, we come to the conclusion that these fierce, loathsome, and horrid creatures are the natural outbirths of just such dismal localities as this. - Descending beneath the overarching ceiling, we discover a capacious, vault-like room, where reside two women and one man. Inquiring, we are informed that the two women, in a quarrel about the man, and their social relations with him, had, while on earth, mur- dered each other, the one djdng immediately, the other living a few days to rave in anger. The vile man soon after com- mitted suicide ! In malice, hate, and strife they lived on earth, and dying in strife they were borne into the spirit- world ; hence their home is in the City of Strife ! And as if to remind them of their past deeds, pictured streams of blood seemingly roll down the sides of the deep black walls of their dismal abode ! " In relating the sad story to us they occasionally quarrel, accusing each other, and moaning in spirit ; and as they do this, the reptiles and animals, so demon-like without, mock them, and ghastly, bat-like creatures screech in dismal dis- EVIL SPIRITS, THEIR PLANS, DOINGS, AND DESTINIES. 117 cords that echo through the cave-chambers. Here these per- sons are doomed to remain till by punishment, by penance, by repentance and active deeds of reparation, they shall make amends for the past. " Leaving the cavern by its only entrance, we find our- selves once more in the more free but impure atmosphere. We have no great distance to go before we come upon a clus- ter of wretched huts. Their exteriors are coarse and painful to behold, and their interiors are in perfect correspondence. Insects and lizards are also here, and the denizens of the air are pouring out their jarring discords. The occupants of these squalid homes are of the same quarrelsome nature as the one we have just left. " The City of Strife is justly named Horror's Camp ! " Traveling on our winding way, over some barren hills, whose frowning summits intercept the light from brighter scenes, is Horror's Camp ! Its dwellers are numerous, and principally those who have died in drunken fits, or have come to these shores in some other vehicle of crime and sin ; not that they merely died in any particular passion, but having lived lives of licentiousness and vice, driving far away the light of virtue, they entered spirit life in this impure state. "It is really touching — enough to melt the heart of the stoutest, to observe their furrowed brows, glaring eyes, strag- gling hair, and bony, sinewy frames, half covered in scarlet garments. We observe that some of them gaze intently upon the dark and dismal walls, without removing their eyes from the serpent-charmed spot. The scenes of their past lives are in their most disgusting features, floating before their vision, and playing upon the walls. They are horrified at the sight of their own misdeeds ; and they cr}' out occasionally in wail- ing choruses, comparable only to terror itself personified ! Sometimes they vary this monotony by endeavoring to re-live their earthly lusts ; but being unable, they are mortified and shocked with horror, and then resort to new orgies, hoping to 118 IMMORTALITY. realize some carnal delight. It is surprising to hear how some will talk to their comrades about virtue. They know the word's most significant meaning, yet they cover it with a kind of polished vice, and make the two terms synony- mous. To listen believingly to their talk, some of them on earth had lived exemplary and virtuous lives ; yet they are the most depraved and degraded of any. These more talka- tive characters will draw plans for leaving Horror's Camp that they may return to earth, that they may influence mor- tals, and in this way gratify their propensities. But as all have different views upon the matter, and as inharmony pre- vails in their demoniac councils, the affair generally ends in a quarrel. And so they here remain — poor, vice-strung souls, horror-bound, they sigh in restless suspense, daily exhibiting their contempt for the laws of man and God ! " The Hells Mitigated. " Deeply interested in the study, and pursuing my explora- tions, all bring in reports similar to mine. Three of us now resolve to continue, for a time, in one of these hells, and watch the methods of reaching and redeeming those peopling the lower spheres. We select the case of a man who has been in darkness some time, yet seems possessed of some good ten- dencies. His abode is in a den beneath an overhanging cliff, dimly illumined by a ghastly light. It should be remembered that the Divine Light partially illumines, and the Divine Life, by the law of influx, flows into all the spheres. " Unseen by this person, we adjust ourselves and watch him carefully, noticing every act and listening to every ejacula- tion. In this way we learn that in a revengeful quarrel with his brother, while on earth, he inflicted upon himself a fatal wound, and therefore was borne to this dark place. He grav- itated to his own place just as naturally as a stone falls to the earth. Here he indulges at times in expressions of anger, re- venge, and terrible threats. Upon one occasion, after these wild ravings, we see him sadder than usual, and, sitting upon a cliff, and thinking doubtless of his misspent and vicious life, EVIL SPIRITS, THEIR PLANS, DOINGS, AND DESTINIES. 119 he cries out in the fullness of his soul, ' What ! am I here for trying to slay my brother ? O heaven ! I've been mad ! ' and the tears, such as only spirits can shed, stream down his face upon the crystal rocks beneath. And while thus weep- ing the vapor of his thoughts gather round him, in-filling his demon-home with sorrow. Soon we begiu to witness his gradual transformation. " The rocks disappear, the fierce howlings in the air are hushed, and this seemingly lost soul, angel-guided, finds him- self in a dismal cellar, in one of the filthy streets of Liver- pool, England. Here on a pallet of straw, without the com- forts of home, lies his brother — almost dying ! Remember- ing at once his past unkindnesses, the scene touches his soul's vitals. He weeps; and tenderly bending over the sickly form, he prays, i O God, and O father and mother — angels now, forgive my past sins, and make me better in the future, for Christ's sake. Amen ! ' " His tears, his earnest prayer, draw others to him, though he is not aware of their presence ; they give him strength, and he imparts it in love-waves of magnetism to his deeply wronged and suffering brother. This continues for months, the sick man growing weaker, fainter. But all this time the good thoughts of each enlist the interest of higher spirits, while the two brothers build by their thoughts and deeds of kind- ness a home in the better land. The last we witness is when earth yields up its claims, and the released brother, leaving the body, is borne in slumbers sweet to the abode awaiting him, by the brother now more angel-made. As time passes on, the flowers grow, the trees sigh, the streams ripple, and the birds sing sweetly in adjoining groves ; for no inharmony, no sloth abides in that home ; and so in blessing another, the blessing is returned. . . . Here you may ask, even though our motive was good, how we could leave our sun-bright abodes and tarry in the murky atmosphere of the hells ? Be our answer : Spirits project the atmosphere or aural emanation in which they live and move. When descending into the hells, this 120 IMMORTALITY. personal atmosphere becomes a protective envelope, being pos- itive to the general as well as individual atmospheres of lower spheres ; but if one attempts to ascend from a lower to a higher sphere, his characteristic emanations are negative to the aromal flames which then become to him a consuming fire." TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 121 CHAPTER XIV. THE TESTIMONY OF PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS IN SPIRIT LIFE. "He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." The Revelator. Dr. Jeachris's Some — Experiences and Observations in Spirit Life. Through R. C. Floiver^s Mediumship. When living in the body, I resided in England, and have been in the world of spirits about one hundred and fifty-seven years. In the process of dying I seemed to fall asleep. It was about midnight when I left the form. Dr. Talbot James was standing by the bed-side. By profession I was an Epis- copalian, believing in the literal resurrection of the physical body, believing that the righteous went to Paradise, and the wicked to perdition. When full consciousness came to me, it seemed to be morn- ing, and I said to my sister standing by my side, " It must be morning time ; it is light in the East." I fancied that birds — white sea-birds — and sylph-like forms were flying about me. Everything was clothed in a kind of beautiful strangeness. Forgetting my tired feeling, and becoming more consciously awake, I saw persons gathering around and smiling upon me. I saw upon the stand,, buds and beautiful flowers, felt gentle touches upon my head, and felt too comfortable to make any special inquiries. I seemed to partially sleep, and waking saw my mother kneeling by my side. She dropped a kiss upon my lips, and taking me by the hand, I stood up fully conscious that I was in the resurrection state of existence. But I was dis- appointed — sorely disappointed. Some whom I expected to 122 IMMORTALITY. meet were absent. Some whom I believed hopelessly lost, were present helping me. And others still, whom I had almost reverenced and worshiped as apostolic, were not there. They were not fitted to be spiritual teachers: I learned by this, friend Peebles,- that souls are saved neither by the cross nor creeds ; neither by uttered prayers nor professions ; but by just, pure, and upright lives. Episcopalianism did me no good whatever. The afflicted that I helped, the sorrowing that I encouraged, the poor that I relieved — these were the good angels that flocked around me, welcoming me to the home of immortality The spiritual body is the intermediate between the soul and the physical body, and does not disintegrate and .become par- ticled in the process of changing worlds. The spiritual man rises up in its glorified form out of the inferior, unfit, worn-out garment. One of the apostles — Paul, I think — saj r s, " There is a spiritual body;" and he might have added: There shall be a spiritual body, or a more glorious body, rising in per- petual perfection. . . . As to my home, I might have had a better one had I lived a more unselfish life ; but such as it was I was conducted to by my mother and some friendly spirit- attendants. Compared with the homes of mortals, it was emi- nently attractive — and yet far inferior to the homes of the angels. Perhaps you wish a more minute description ? Thread together all the beautiful thoughts of your life, weave them into a garden of delight, fill that garden with choicest pictures of charity, sympathy, and love, and you will realize in part the beauty of my home ; consisting as it does of parlors, chemical instruments, galleries of art, select libraries — for we have these things here — as well as beautiful skies above, down from which in avenues of light the angels of God de- scend. And yet my home is imperfect. There-was a place for history of unselfish love, and I had not written it ! There was an empty library shelf that should have been filled with books of Philanthropy, and I had not filled it ! And here was a vacant place that I should have filled with a volume containing a record of my gifts to the poor ; but, alas ! though TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. V16 wealthy, I had hugged my money like a miser. People called me liberal ; but Heaven looked upon me with pity. True, there were volumes of philanthropy ; there was a record of my kind deeds, but there were many blanks also ; and so my home was imperfect. A beautiful house, sheltering an ex- tensive library, with many empty shelves. . . . Some who accompanied me to my home, left soon afterwards ; they were not permitted to stay. Others did not choose to stay ; perhaps they saw my empty shelves. Had I done what I might have done on earth — had I been a missionary of light, and an angel of mercy, scattering my treasures to make men and women good and happy, my library would have been filled, and the imperfect chambers of my house would have been finished and begemmed with precious stones. Q. As you develop and become more heavenly in your aspirations, does not your home become more beautiful ? A. Certainly it does. And because of its imperfection, because my work on earth was not well done, I was necessi- tated to return to this earth-world of darkness, to finish up unaccomplished work. My mission for the time being is here. I have relieved the suffering ; I have impressed the rich to give to the poor, I have spoken words of cheer to the dis- heartened ; I have stood by the beds of the dying, and whis- pered words of comfort to weeping ones. Thus am I fulfil- ling my mission ; thus am I perfecting my house ; thus filling the empty shelves, thus beautif} r ing the chambers, thus bur- nishing the furniture, and brightening the surroundings. Do- ing this in years agone, I have reached a higher plane, and my home is infinitely more attractive. And yet, I must widen it to receive others, for my love goes out to all the intelli- gences of God. Q. According to Sweclenborg, if I rightly understand him, time and space are unknown to spirits. Is this your expe- rience ? A. Time and distance are nothing to spirits compared with what they are to mortals ; but to say they are absolutely un- known to spirits, is saying too much. Whatever exists, neces- 124 IMMORTALITY. sarily exists somewhere, and this very term implies locality — and between different localities there must be distances, and this word implies space between them. Still, we travel almost like thought. There is no distance really to your thought. You can think of the islands that stud the Orien- tal seas as quickly as you can of the Atlantic ocean. You can remember something that transpired last year, as quickly as something that happened to-day. These facts you recog- nize ; yet, when thoughts are connected with an organized being, they more sensibly appreciate the conditions of time and space. England, I think, is about 3,500 miles from this continent, and yet a spirit will pass from here to there in a few minutes of time. My present home, I would say, is hardly half as far from this place as England. I can impress the medium while in my spirit home, and even entrance him, although I usually come into his immediate presence. On the present occasion I was in my spirit home when the medium took this chair, and did not depart from it until the medium felt something tingling the base of his brain. My present home, remember, is far above your earth, in the regions of the interstellar ether. Q. Are many mediums controlled by undeveloped spirits, sometimes termed demons ; and if so, how is the matter to be remedied ? A. Sir, you touch upon a subject that we in spirit life — keenly feeling the force of it — have a delicacy in answering. It is to a great extent true. Comparatively ignorant, bigoted, and self-conceited spirits often control good and innocent mediums, just because they can, and then prate to the world that they are Socrates or Jesus, Mohammed, Josephus, or some other great historic character. It is fearful to behold ! I have seen mediums speaking under influences, making pre- tentious claims, when in fact they were controlled by some scheming and depraved libertine. Psychology, and all the phases of spirit control, should be more carefully studied. As an organized band of spirits, we allow none but ourselves TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 125 to control this medium. By the exercise of this caution, we find that we can use him to better advantage. He has nat- urally a kind, yielding nature, and if opened to all controls and gradations of spirits, he might be unwisely handled, and his nervous system in the end become a wreck. Why, sir, this morning a poor afflicted mortal came to this medium for the purpose of being medically examined. While standing by the medium, telling of his maladies, I pointed beyond, and said, " Poor mortal ! there is your disease, a very low spirit — a cunning demon ! I touched the young man, and for a moment his nervous sj^stem was very much agitated, but he soon became calm and seemingly comfortable. I command- ed these demons to leave the room, and this nervous, suffer- ing mortal was quiet and happy, saying, " I feel like a new man ! " But these inferior spirits, because of the patient's habits of life and unfortunate associations, will again have control of him. Remember that dying does not speedily transform evil- minded men into angels. There are in the lower spheres of our world playful spirits, frivolous spirits, mirthful and mali- cious spirits. The whole of this unpleasant truth should be told. There are revengeful spirits, who sometimes injuriously influence little children; and they would sometimes carry their caprices still further were they not arbitrarily restrained by guardian angels. This subject of psychic influence and obsessions should receive more attention from thinkers and medical reformers. And mediums should be better protected on both sides of the river of death. Q. What is your opinion upon the question of pre-exist- ence, now agitating the minds of the French and English speaking Spiritualists ? A. This is strange to me, being so foreign to my mission. But I have no hesitancy in expressing my opinion, though it differs widely from the medium's. Personally, I have no recollection of ever existing prior to my earthly life. And yet, I have met spirits, many ancient spirits, who claimed to have remembered distinctly an existence preceding their life 126 IMMORTALITY. on earth. I have no such recollection. However, I have attained to a state of unfolclment enabling ine to understand that every spirit exists in preparation before conception. I was ignorant of this for many 3^ears after coming to the spirit land. Ancient and wiser spirits than myself can tell you more about this subject so difficult of comprehension. I have, however, learned to my own satisfaction that every spirit has an existence before the beginning of embryonic life. The spirit, or soul as some prefer to call it, is a compound of divine attributes, or the essence of essential life. And away in the infinite deeps, in the bosom of the everlasting chimes, away beyond on the breast of infinite thought, I can see that the spirit was prepared for earthly incarnation. I have never said this before to mortals, and I hardly think they are pre- pared for it. This medium would not believe it if I should preach it to him till the rising of to-morrow's sun. But med- icine, as you well know, and not preaching, is my mission. Q. What estimate do you and your associates in the higher life put upon Jesus Christ ? A. This is a question which, when answered, yon will per- ceive to be more in harmony with the medium's mind than the previous one. In the ages of remote antiquity, away back beyond the closed avenues of thousands of millenniums, when angels lived upon this earth, when gods and goddesses smiled upon the Eden lands of the Orient, virgins, pure and lovely, were selected and raised up with an eye single to the duties of holy motherhood. Intellectually, physically, and morally, they became almost perfect. After a few genera- tions, from such mothers, in connection with wise and chaste fathers, there arose a beautiful humanity. Golden ages in the past are neither dreams nor myths. In those remote periods, women were lovely to look upon and divinely lovely to con- verse with. Then the controlling spirits of the higher Edens conceived the idea of raising up some Son of Light, so beau- tiful a spirit, his white scepter of love, like a magic wand, should touch, radiate through, and ultimately mould all the elements of society. Looking down the vista of years, they TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 127 resolved to choose a pure virgin, especially prepared; one who in her childhood they should medinmistically influence, purifying her nature, enlarging her conceptions, and expand- ing her clairvoyant vision. This was accomplished. She grew to maturity, strong and good, when they selected for her a proper and spiritually minded companion. In the con- nection of the blending forces, the union of wisdom and love, there were given .the right conditions for the sacred incarna- tion ; and from this moment the to-be-welcomed one was illumined and enveloped in spiritual light. Spirits influenced and continually overshadowed the mother. The father was so influenced and psychically overshadowed, that apparently the child was not his, and yet it was his. From the moment of conception to the birth, and thereafter, angels were daily visitors in the capacity of ministrants and teachers. Thus he grew. The old Egyptians would say of such a " son of light," that he was begotten by the Holy Spirit, because spirits and holy angels directed the methods through which it came to enlighten the world. This is my opinion of the matter. But I do not presume to speak for all spirits. ... I have seen Jesus of Nazareth in the higher world which I now inhabit. There are halos of energy and love — halos of golden brightness surrounding the head of this healer, sympathizer, and orator. He did not often speak when living upon earth, but went about in the capacity of healing the sick, making the blind to see, and casting out demons. Your records of him are by no means perfect. He is a Divine Light, a loving missionary, whose influence is not only felt, but whose presence is some- times seen in those spheres that once echoed in love and for- giveness among " spirits in prison." He was not, when in Palestine, the intellectual reasoner that was Plato in Greece ; but he was the soul of love — a living center of intuition. Accordingly, where one to-day hears of Plato, millions hear of Jesus. And just so long as the potency of love is acknowl- edged in the universe, just so long will he be enthroned in the hearts of the wise and the good ! 128 IMMOETALITY. A Series of Philosophical and Practical Inquiries answered by Mr. Rush through the Mediwmship of J. W. Colville. The process of dying to me was a period of temporary un- consciousness. I passed from earthly existence very suddenly, and woke at an apparently immense height above the earth. . . My first companions in spirit life were my mother whom I had dearly loved on earth, and a friend who had been my guide when in the body. Many other spirits soon came around me with words of welcome. ... My spirit home is not within the atmosphere of this earth, but far above it. . . . I found a home prepared for me in spirit life, but incom- plete ; I am now working to complete it. Every act of my earthly life, yea, every secret thought, I found had taken tan- gible form. Many scenes either adorned or disfigured the walls. As I endeavored to rise above all earthly imperfec- tion, as I labored to assist spirits in the lower spheres and men on earth, the bright scenes glowed out with unspeakable bril- liancy, and the dark ones gradually faded out and brighter pictures filled their places. During our sojourn on earth our homes are prepared for us by the angels, and are built of the vibrations which go forth into the spiritual atmosphere from our hearts and lives. Will-power, when it subdues evil, beau- tifies the home. When a spirit habitation is no longer required, the atoms of which it is composed are dissipated, the spirits carrying with them up to a higher sphere the materials, which then form the nucleus of a more glorious home. Spirits who have gained a complete victory over matter can cause habitations to spring into being at will ; and then they cease to exist as such when no longer needed. . . . The only library I have is my memory, and when I desire information, I converse with spirits higher than myself; and being able to will myself to other places than the one I in- habit, I can visit personally places concerning which I desire information. I can also read the books you publish on earth TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 120 through my medium, and thus become acquainted with your literature. . . . • I have not personally visited other planets, but am well ac- quainted with many spirits who have. These inform me that nearly every planet is inhabited by a distinct race of beings, those on the planet Mercury being the lowest race both in intellectual and spiritual enlightenment, and those on the out- ermost planet being the highest cultured. The moon, I hear, is also inhabited, but by beings very inferior to civilized man on earth. The accounts I have received correspond with those given by " Hafed." Those only who have reached the inter- stellar spheres can gain knowledge direct from other planets, and they communicate their knowledge to the sphere which I now inhabit. . . . Animals and insects of earth sometimes retain individ- uality for a brief period after leaving their bodies, but soon become merged into the vast realm of elemental spirit. Man alone, of all the beings on earth, possesses permanent and eternal entity, which persists by reason of his possession of a divine soul. ... , We have never met with elementary spirits. I do not know any spirits who have. . . . All spirits in spirit life have guides, even as every man on earth has a guardian angel; and also many have a band of spirit guides. Spirits progress, and mediums progress, and when both advance together, the relationship of guide and medium may be retained for an indefinite number of ages. . . . We regard spirit as the cause, and matter as the effect of all things. Spirit is eternal, and is eternally creating sub- stances as vehicles for outermost expression. The relation between spirit and matter is analogous to that between con- scious man and his physical body. . . . All souls abide in God as the eternal Fount of Being. They find expression in matter in order that they may subdue it and become co-partners with the Deity in his work of crea- tion. Souls are generated to-day by the union in celestial love of the angels in heaven, who in perfection of purity are 9 130 IMMORTALITY. God's mediums for the creation of souls. We believe every soul expresses itself through matter either in this system of worlds or some other before it can return to the Creator as a conscious, victorious, individual spirit, willingly subjected to the Divine Law. . . . The soul is not evolved up through matter, but proceeds downward into matter from God, wherever matter is capable of giving it expression. No structural organism lower than the human in the scale of organic life is capable of giving ex- pression to the divine soul, the most interior part of man's nature. It is the possession of the soul that makes man what he is. We regard the soul as the very breath of God in man, the direct inbreathing of the deific life, which gives to man eternal individuality as a distinct being. . . . All germs exist in the spirit before they can be expressed in matter. The monad expresses the single spiritual germ, the duad the continuation of two, the triad of three, and so on. Everything exists in spirit life before it can clothe itself with matter. We regard every expression of life as the di- rect result of the incarnation of a distinct spiritual type. Man unquestionably was the result of a direct act of crea- tive power, even as were all other forms of life. Man was at the first moment of his advent on earth in appearance little higher than a monkey, though no more a monkey's offspring than is a dog. In the spiritual world every type existed pre- vious to its appearance in the material world. Man's spirit was the highest possible development of spirit, though with its possibilities not yet attained. We regard Protoplasm and Bioplasm merely as convenient terms used by scientists to explain their theories. We be- lieve that man was as fully competent to eat and digest food when he first appeared on earth as he is to-day. The organ- ism was more gross, and could assimilate grosser substances, perchance, more readily than civilized man. Man as a struc- tural organism always possessed all the powers in germ which he will ultimately possess fully developed. . . . There are no processes going on now whereby one type TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 131 merges into another. Such a theory is a mere assertion of some schools of scientists, and cannot be proved by observa- tion or any amount of reasoning. Dialogue with a Spirit : a Communication from William Gordon, through Dr. Samuel Maxwell. I was born, reared, educated, and passed to spirit life from Boston. I was a merchant tailor. KjJts* Q. In passing into spirit life, how long a time w-as you un- conscious ? A. Having no memory of it myself, I have to rely entirely upon others, especially my mother, who was waiting for me ; she informs me that it was about an hour and a half. I had been quite unconscious several days, consequent upon a fever, but just before dissolution, perhaps for one hour, I became entirely conscious, free from all delirium, so that I was per- fectly aware of my condition. After bidding my friends fare- well, there came over mfe the sweetest sense of rest that I had ever experienced. This deepened, until finally my vision closed ; all things grew dark. Next hearing was closed ; all things grew silent. But in that utter darkness and silence there was complete consciousness of existence, and the most profound rest and confidence in the bosom of the infinite life. Gradually consciousness itself faded into oblivion. When I awoke„ my first realization was simply a feeling of myself. Gradually my powers increased until I perceived my body lying under me, while I, the man in spirit, was floating in the air some three feet above it. Next I perceived my physi- cal surroundings, the friends who were about the body weep- ing. I made an effort to make them realize my presence, but soon found that I could not reach them. Next came the recognition of my mother and several other spirit friends. Soon I came into full consciousness of my immediate sur- roundings. In my investigations in subsequent years I have witnessed thousands of instances of the process of death, and have learned that the spirit body is never disorganized, but moves as a whole towards the head, and then gradually 132 IMMORTALITY. emerges from the physical form through the head until it is free from the body. The separation is complete only when the life-cord which connects spirit and body is severed. In cases of death by violence this life-cord is not parted for a considerable time. * Q. At this time, being conscious of the presence of your mother and other spirits, how long did you remain in the room? A. Perhaps two hours ; then we passed out into the atmos- phere, and moved forward until we arrived at my mother's home. Here I found many friends awaiting my arrival. Usually I find that but a limited number of friends come to you at the time of your passage from the body into spirit life — only those who can assist 3-ou.* Here, after a time, I was left alone to rest. The sweet repose that followed was much like sleep, except that I was fully conscious. While my bod- ily organs slumbered in a kind of quiet melody, my soul was wakeful and active. Q. Was your external clothing prepared for yon ? A. It was, and brought to me and put upon me when I first escaped from the physical tenement. Q. Did this spiritual clothing correspond to the spiritual status of your spiritual life ? A. I afterwards perceived that it did, although I had no consciousness of this correspondence at the time. For six years after entering spirit life I was restless and dissatisfied, seeking far and wide for the fulfilment of the fixed notions I had in earth life. I was a rigid Presbyterian by faith. I in- terrogated my mother, who simply answered me, " My son, await the growth of thy soul to perceive truth." At length there came over me a spirit of acceptance, a feeling that I must take life as the Infinite Will and Wisdom and Love had prepared it for me. That once fully fixed in my soul, I be- came most thoroughly satisfied and happy. From that hour I have pressed forward in all the paths of progress as rapidly * Some years ago the reporter received a message through T. L. Harris, in which the spirit said: " There are certain spirits who are called 'deliverers,' who attend at the birth of the spirit, — that which you call the death." TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 133 as was possible for my nature. One of the bitterest things that millions experience in spirit life is this utter failure to realize the preconceived notions that were contracted in the earthly state. Q. Do you still reside in the same local home ? or have you a home of your own ? A. I soon went out and formed for myself a home, with a band of chosen persons, six in number. We live in one resi- dence — three males and three females. Usually societies in spirit life are grouped according to the character of their loves, and six is the smallest subdivision — the family unit — constituting a trinity of three pairs. Larger families are usually a multiple of six, as thirty-six, it being desirable to secure the harmony which results from working these num- bers together. In the homes thus instituted all follow their intellectual bias, and bring the results to the home for the benefit of all. Diversity in unity is. thus realized. Q. Did you soon desire to return to earth and communi- cate with mortals, informing them of your new surroundings and teachings ? A. Not until after my full acceptance of spirit life as I found it. Q. Are there not spirits in that life who are really opposed to returning to earth ? A. Indeed there are. While some are indifferent, being absorbed in the pursuits that engage their minds. Q. Have you a teacher ? A. Many of them. Each specific subject that I pursue has a teacher specially devoted to it. We have large insti- tutions of learning, and in each institution there are a num- ber of teachers. Teaching is usually by means of representa- tive objects. Q. Is thought a spirit substance ? A. It is spirit substance in motion. Q. What is the difference between a thought and an idea? A. Thought is a spirit substance in motion, while an idea is the ever-enduring principle or statical form of spirit sub- stance. 184 IMMORTALITY. Q. When we enter spirit life, is not our spirit hair' the same it would have been if left to grow its natural length ? A. Yes, if so desired. Q. Why not lengthen or shorten the spiritual body at will as well as the hair ? A. The hair is a vegetable life attached to the human body. It has nothing in it but vegetable, and that vegetable is to a certain extent under the control of the will. Q. Are the blood disks vegetable in their nature? A. They are to a certain extent. They convey the vege- table of the body from point to point, and are the connecting links between the vegetable and animal life. Q. Can spirits dispose at will of their spiritual beard ? A. They can by uprooting it, as certain Indian tribes on earth do. Q. Do you find in spirit life that the thoughts, desires, plans, and purposes of the earth life were so impressed upon your spiritual bod}?- and brain that other spirits can read them thereon by simply seeing the spirit ? A. Those who are in the higher conditions of spirit life can read you through and through ; so much so, that lan- guage is unnecessary, the thought-pictures being perceived by the inspecting intelligence. But in the lower societies there is a limited power to conceal from each other the inter- nal mental states. Q. Do you find many ancient spirits, that have lived per- haps ten, fifteen, or twenty thousand years ago, that still take an interest in the inhabitants of earth ? A. But a very limited number. The great mass of ancient spirits have passed on from the spirit spheres immediately connected with earth. But there are a few who descend into the forms of society the}^ have long since left in a mediato- rial capacity. By using intermediate persons in spirit, they connect themselves with you, and impress and inspire you with the grandeur that belongs to their estate of life. When you are brought in contact with these ancients you experience a peculiar expansion of soul and far-reaching per- TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 135 ception quite unknown to your habitual mental states. You are thereby made to feel sympathetically your connection with a region of pure thought and lofty dignity. Q. Have you ever seen Pythagoras or Plato, Pericles or Seneca, Demosthenes or Cicero — those sages of Egypt, Greece, and Rome ? A. I have seen Seneca and Demosthenes, and quite a number of ancient persons with whom the world are not acquainted — whose names have not been handed down to the historic period. Q. Should a man, looking from your standpoint, always live up to his ideal in act, thought, and work of life ? A. He most certainly should, especially where moral duty is involved. If he does not, there will come a time when he will regret lost opportunities. ^Perfection of character is attained by continually striving to realize one's ideal./* Q. If I should do that, I would let my hair grow at full length ; I should put on the half-robe of the Brahman ; I should wear on my feet a sort of sandal ; I should travel and dispose of books, and pamphlets, and papers, and lecture without money and without price, simply saying, Put clothes on my back and food into my mouth. This is my ideal, and yet if I were to do it they would put me into a lunatic asylum. What shall I do about it ? A. Every man is gifted with reason so that he can adapt himself to his surroundings. Through the exercise of your reason you must compromise these peculiar feelings and de- sires that you have ; they are an influx from ancient spirits who are about you. You must needs compromise some of these with the external life you are compelled to live. Q. What about the five thousand people being feci ? Was that a process of materialization? A. It certainly was, if it ever took place. If I were to spiritualize the figures of speech common to that age and country, I should say, it was not fishes, it was not loaves, but it was spiritual power that went out and filled the hearers. Q. Now in regard to your spirit home. You have flowers ; 136 IMMORTALITY. if you pluck these from the stem, do they wither like earthly flowers? A. That depends upon your desire. It is truly marvelous how potent the will becomes to control the surroundings in spirit life. It is possible to construct a bower of flowers by the power of will even without the intervention of the hands. In a thousand ways the will may be brought to bear upon the living, throbbing materials about us, until our surroundings are the ensemble of our inmost mental states. Q. Is it possible for intelligent, highly-exalted, chemical spirits to materialize the life -principle or physical basis of a human germ so as to beget offspring independent of the union of physical parents, or even in the absence of the physically masculine office ? A. We do not believe it is possible ; but we believe it pos- sible that spirits who are in a proper condition can take the life-principle from the masculine organism, transport it to the feminine receptacle, and thus commence a new being without the personal contact of the parents. Moreover, where the parents are very mediumistic, the new gestating life may be so charged with the vital magnetism of controlling guardians that the resultant being shall be neither like the father, nor mother, but a copy of the model to which the guardian forces were subordinated. ~We believe that Jesus received his physi- cal body in this* manner. - And other characters, we believe, who came into the world to accomplish a certain work had their antecedents of birth wisely arranged by convocations of celestial intelligences. Q. One question more : What is the great soul-desire that wells up in your being at this present time, after your long experience as a spirit ? A. It is to learn more of the truth. Q. What is your object in learning more truth ? A. It is to gratify that restless desire of the soul to ap- proach nearer to the Divine Life which is All Truth. Q. Is not that motive selfish ? A. It may be ; but, nevertheless, it is true. TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 137 Q. Would it not be better to say that your highest desire is to teach the truth to humanity, and that you seek the truth to this end? A. The highest attainment of a human being is dependent upon this selfish desire. We must become self-centered before we are prepared for the divinest service. —Then we shall de- sire to give away ; then we cannot continue to gather save we distribute to others. An English Physician' 's History : through the Mediumship of Mrs. Q. Woodford. I have been in spirit life forty-eight years, and died when thirty-five years of age. I was a physician, and my life in the body — I say it with all humility — had been as useful as I could well make it. When entering spirit life, and becoming conscious of my surroundings, I discovered at once that I had a home, and in it I was not alone, but in the company of those I had loved upon earth — those who had preceded me. Some of these I have since left, for here we are joined together by concordant states. I am with them only when it suits me, and when I feel that I can spiritually benefit them. Now I have a higher home, and a far more beautiful one, in that heavenly society which I have been permitted to join. This home has, so to speak, grown about me in exact corres- pondence to my nature. All that I innately possess of the beautiful is here expressed in outward semblance ; all that can gratify my highest aspirations surrounds me in some form which responds to the inner emotion or sentiment. In my home I read myself, for I have made it, — my individuality is stamped upon all around as if it were a mirror giving me back myself in correspondential objects. For the spirit home is the home of the mind, and it is the mind which must there rejoice — there live. A man on earth makes his home as well as his means and the circumstances in his life will permit ; but in the spirit world the externals surrounding him become a picture of what he is. A man who lives for self alone, per- 100 IMMORTALITY. haps at war with his fellow-man in the great struggle of "get ivhat you can" — such a man finds himself in the condi- tion of external poverty corresponding to his own poverty of spirit, for he dies spiritualty poor. The smallest act of kind- ness, mercy, compassion, of aid, of self-denial, of intellectual or bodily labor, to please, benefit, instruct, or help others, will make its own beauty around the spirit, and will be found in some living object in the spirit home, objects which describe themselves to the wise spirit in the forms they wear, and are sources of satisfaction or joy. Man, in the interior sense, is his own house-builder in the spirit world, and the weaver of his own garments. A man who has been spiritually poor on earth will find himself asso- ciated with scenes of poverty in spirit life. My house is what on earth would be called a palace — the palace of my mind ; of apartments various and numerous* adorned according to the mental tastes I cultivated on earth, and thus made my own ; for as you soiv so shall you reap; ac- cording also to those higher spiritual tastes of which I vaguely dreamed in the earth life, and have realized since I came here. If a man will study himself spiritually, he will under- stand from his different mental states somewhat of those various apartments of his spirit home which I would speak of. There are times when he delights in the company of friends, or in hours of study ; but there are sacred moments upon which no being, not even the clearest on earth, may in- trude. There is in spirit homes a holy of holies, a chamber apart and sheltered from every eye ; therein the spirit retires when engaged in contemplation, or in that state when he communes with the Father, and receives more plentifully of His Spirit. There is also the guest-chamber, or chambers, where friends meet. Our houses do not resemble those of earth in all details, for we have no vicissitudes of climate, no uncleanness, no noxious insects or animals, no fear of thieves. We have no need of fires, nor do we require to cook our food. Other spirits in lower spheres may. I will TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 139 here permit my medium to describe a guest-chamber in my home, which she beheld clairvoyantly not long since. u I seemed to stand beside W., in a vast apartment where at first my attention was quite absorbed by a lovely table ; so marvelously beautiful was it that I could look at nothing else until I had mastered all its details. Of a substance purely white like Parian marble, oval in form, not resting upon legs as tables ordinarily do, but gracefully sloping inwards in many a beautiful contour of leaf and tendril, to a central base, as a vase or tazza might be formed. It is impossible to give an idea of the delicate beauty of form, or the exquisite carving of the sides and bottom, nor of the purity of its substance, resembling Parian marble, but more transparent. From its center a small fountain threw its glittering waters up into the air, seeming to spring from the very breasts of the lovely flowers which rested there. Drinking-cups of gold set with gems stood around, intermingled with pyramids of rarest beauty. As I turned my eyes from the table, the beauty of the whole apartment burst upon my sight. Spacious in length and breadth as it was, all one side was open to the air, the roof being supported upon a double row of stately columns, between the shafts of which my eyes rested upon a lovely land- scape, where in the distance ran a river ; and a row of arches also, something like those on the Roman Campagna, but not in ruins, traversed the scene. I had but a glance, catching sight also of several robed figures in the apartment, when TV. said, 4 Now come down these steps ! ' I glanced up and around again, to see that the ceiling or roof of this lovely chamber was transparent and of prismatic hues, and that the wall or side not open to the air was covered closely with flowering, creeping plants, surrounding mirrors and pictures, and growing so thickly that it seemed a wall of flowers and leaves. I ob- served also that pure white and gorgeous-colored birds were flying in and out. I followed TV. down gleaming white steps at one end of this chamber out upon a sunny lawn, where were beds of flowers, and groves of trees, and a large central 140 IMMORTALITY. fountain springing from a basin having the hues of a diamond. Then my vision passed." Q. How is your spirit- clothing constructed? A. My spirit-clothing is the outgrowth of my mental states. It forms itself upon my body, and is instantaneously in form according as my mind may vary its emotions, or frame of thought. This is so natural a thing with us that it excites no comment ; on the contrary, if it did not occur we should won- der, and inquire. My clothing is of silk, velvet, lace, cloth of gold (or what would seem so to clairvoyants of earth), gauzy muslins, or simply white materials neither thick nor thin. The nearer earth the more like earthly manufactures of woven threads are the clothings of spirits ; the more re- mote from earth, or the higher in the spirit world, the less like the fabrics of earth, of an attenuated gauziness of texture indescribable, and transparently luminous, as are also the very bodies of these spirits. In the highest heavens angels are clothed upon with innocence, and are garmentless ; but de- scending to lower spheres on acts of beneficence, appear clothed. Flowers and gems form part of our personal adornments; these too are the outgrowth of the spirit, and are purely cor- respondential to gifts of the spirit. The form, shape, or fash- ion of the clothing is corresponclential also, and the status, dignity of office, or occupation of a spirit, is known by the fashion of his clothing. Colors also, being entirely symbolical, are expressive of conditions or states. Swedenborg has de- scribed spirits as changing their clothes according to fancy. This, in a measure, is true, but does not destroy the fact I have stated of the fashion and character of the clothes chang- ing upon the body, assuming almost instantaneous changes of texture, color, and shape, according to the change of thought or feeling. Will is the creator : the will of man is according to his love, which in reality makes the man. If a man be of evil loves, that is, if his inclinations which have their birth in affection or love be evil, his life will necessarily be evil ; but if his love, TESTIMONY OF PERSONS IN" SPIRIT LIFE. 141 inclination, will, be for good, the life will be good ; hence in the spirit world, the will being creative, all the surroundings of man are the offspring of his will or love : he is the inevitable creator of his own world there, and can be surrounded only by similitudes of himself. A large company or society of like- minded spirits, therefore, form a heaven in which the scenery, homes, and externals are representative of the nature or char- acter of the spirits thus dwelling from similarity of loves in company (I use the word loves to express the variety of affec- tions, tastes, likings, which are of the will). A spirit ap- proaching from another society detects instantaneously in the aura or atmosphere the nature of the love of the society he approaches. Atmospheres are redolent of perfumes in heaven, for goodness, sweetness, gentleness, benevolence, intellectu- ality, wisdom, every great and noble gift of the spirit, has its own essential pure fragrance. Q. How do you travel in spirit life ? A. The mode of locomotion in spirit life is according to the pleasure of the spirit. A spirit may be conveyed with the rapidity almost of thought through space, according to the eagerness of his desire ; or he may leisurely convey him- self by walking, by floating, or sailing in a boat ; or, if on land, by a kind of carriage propelled by sails. All these modes of conveyance correspond to some frame of mind. Spirits are also seen upon horses, and in chariots. Q. What is your special work? A. My occupation is at present much upon the earth, aid- ing this medium in her work. At other times I am simply pursuing that life which is most agreeable to my character of mind — contemplation, study, the society of the wise and learned in the things of the spirit, and in those inexhaustible pleasures of existence which are the birthright of all who have not destroyed their right on earth. Q. Have you visited other planets ? A. I have not yet visited other planets, except by that sight which your clairvoyants have, and which is exercised by 142 IMMORTALITY. spirits in a superior manner; but there are limits to even a spirit's interior sight. Q. What do you conceive to be the final destiny of the human soul ? A. I understand by the human soul the spiritual body, called by the French " jierisprit," by others the " astral man," &c. Within is the human spirit, termed by some the soul. The human spirit or soul never ceases to progress through all eternity, rising ever to higher and higher states of beatitude, becoming more and more at one with the Father, until it is all divine and like unto God. THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. 14o CHAPTER XV. THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. " In my Father's house are many mansions. ... I go to prepare a place for you." Jesus. The Home of tlw Apostle John. By the Spirit Aaron Knight, through the Mediumship of E. 0. Dunn. You ask for a description of the home and the surroundings of him whom I am proud to acknowledge one of my divine teachers. Though I have visited this palace in the skies, I cannot find language competent to describe it. And before making the attempt, let me impress upon your mind that spirits, like mortals, translate the facts and scenery of the heavens in accordance with the limitations of individual per- ception much as minds do on earth. I have frequently assured you that there should be kept in view the wide difference that exists between what a distin- guished seer designates as the Spiritual Heavens and the Celestial Heavens. All mortals, when disenthralled from the physical body, are in the world of spirits, but not necessarily in the spiritual world, nor in the angel realms of perfection. Some spirits take up their immediate abode just above their former earthly homes, casting upon them a powerful psycho- logical influence. Miserly spirits linger about their vaults ; and others, disorderly and maliciously inclined, cling to their previous localities, producing magnetic conditions suitable for haunting houses, for producing obsessions and nervous dis- eases. These spirit spheres enzone the earth in circles, the first of which lies many leagues beyond the altitude of your atmosphere as estimated by scientists. Moreover, the more 144 IMMORTALITY. exalted spirits experience a depression when descending into the lower stratum of your atmosphere analogous to what you experience when descending into a damp vault or subter- ranean retreat. Again, the upper regions of your atmosphere are free from the malaria and foetid odors which pervade the lower portion. As 3^011 ascend, the oxygen, ozone, and vital- izing properties are augmented. In the first spheral belts that engirdle your earth are birds, animals, insects ; but they are the necessities — the outbirths of these different spheres — spheres in which you find the scholarly plane, the inven- tive, the musical, the domestic, and every other phase of so- cial and mental development. In the Celestial Heavens loves partake more of the universal. Here there are no animals. They are not desired. Affections flow out toward and find their satisfaction in communion with earthly and heavenly intelligences. But you ask for a description of John's abode. On a golden belt, lying far out and away from the deleterious influ- ences of the earth or any other planet, there's a home in the cloud-lands — a home comparable to a sunny isle floating upon a sapphire sea. Leaving the aural belts and zones that environ your earth, and traversing vast spaces, bearing a little to the southward, we reach the southern portion of this beautiful island. Passing onward from this point through magnificent scenery, through beautiful groves, whose overbending branches are more sensitive to the conditions of spirit life than sensi- tive planets are to the rude touch of mortals, — passing gar- dens and ornamental trees, the waving leaflets of which keep time to the enchanting music of angel life, — we finally reach an undulating lawn, the grasses of which, tremulously vibra- ting, form a pathway for the white feet that press their tender blades. Soon we approach the center of this isle of beauty, a description of which earthly language is inadequate. As forces emanate from centers, so from the center of this island there is an ever-living fountain, the crystal jets and sprays of which, rising high above the foliage, fall back upon leaflets and blossoms, and upon trees laden with perpetual THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. 145 fruitage ; the surplus forming a magnificent lake with waters as limpid as they are pure and placid. Upon the shores of this lake are all kinds of creeping vines, and flowers heavy with sweetest perfumes. In the waving trees are a variety of birds whose warbling notes, like echoes, return their dupli- cate songs; and so sensitive are the delicate productions of this divine realm that the lilies and opening blossoms give forth JEolian melodies, mingling and blending with the choral music of the birds. As everything in the higher forms of nature tends to the oval, like the rose and the orange, like descending dewdrops and worlds, so this lake is circular. Just beyond the margin of these placid waters stands a grand and imposing temple. The central structure is circular, while the height is beauti- fully proportioned to the base. Around the interior circular wall are balconies which ascend to the very dome, which dome is aflame with a sun-illumined splendor. In the center of a capacious room, near the dome, is a circular library, poised upon a pivot, the volumes of which are replete with the condensed wisdom of the affes. On the walls within the balconies are suspended life-like pictures of distinguished mor- tals, and some of the mighty spirits of antiquity. The doors and windows are arched. In the apartments, elegant and chaste, are oval niches filled with speaking statuary. In one of these consecrated departments I observed the statues of Jesus and the apostles. Looking out from this apartment to the south is a crescent-formed conservatory in which perpet- ually bloom rarest and choicest flowers — flowers so exqui- sitely tender that the breath of a mortal would seemingly destroy them, as would a white-heated furnace the most sen- sitive tissue. On different sides of this templed structure are semicircu- lar apartments used for meditation, heart culture, and spirit- ual rest; one of these is especially dedicated to silent-soul communion, where the beloved John retires to commune with his inmost self and the soul of nature, thus coming into such 10 146 IMMORTALITY. harmonious relations with nature that all knowledge, so to speak, becomes subject to his will. The outer walls of this temple are overhung and festooned with gracefully growing and blossoming vines, the delicious fragrance of which yields perfumes for the senses, ethereal" ized auras for the spiritual body, and heavenly manna for the soul — ay, more, the incense or the outflowing fragrance, inhaled from these perennial flowers and fruits, not only sup- ports the demands of refined spiritual natures, but affords rest, peace, joy, and ecstasy absolutely inexpressible. Such is our feeble attempt to describe this home, where a soul robed in white breathes the atmosphere of love, and feasts upon the sacred wisdom of the gods. This, or similar homes, shall be yours, my brother — shall be yours, O chil- dren of earth, when ye are worthy ! Ancient sages come in chariots of flame to visit this heavenly Patmos in a sapphire sea — come to counsel with him who, once under Syrian skies, so sorrowfully yet tenderly, leaned upon the bosom of Jesus. John — to many of us the ideal of love — seldom visits the earth or any of the zones imme- diately encircling it. He is a counselor in the higher courts of the heavenly life. Tlie Rev. Tliomas Scott's Confession and Progress in Spirit Life, through the Mediumship of W. H. Lambelle, of England. I was born in Lincolnshire, England, but received much of my education at an endowed school in Yorkshire. Being of a reflective turn of mind, I often thought of the uncertainty of human life, but put off religious thoughts and convictions to a more convenient season. I had a great memoiy and de- sire to shine in the literary world. Hence I resolved to enter the ministry. I was proud, ambitious, and desired to distin- guish myself. These selfish motives influenced me to assume the position of a clergyman. Preferments came to me un- sought for. In 1785 I was elected chaplain of the Lock Hospital. In 1788 I commenced my notes on the Bible, be- ing seven years after I had been presented to the Vicarage of THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. 147 Aston Sunford, in Buckinghamshire. At this period I ac- cepted the more rigid of the Calvinistic doctrines, and on every available occasion never failed to preach Christ and him cru- cified — Christ, the only Saviour, sitting on the right hand of glory. . . . At length, the weak constitution that I originally inherited, in connection with arduous religious studies, began to give way. Death stared me in the face. To the last mo- ment I remained in full possession of my consciousness; my thoughts were firmly fixed upon the glory to be immediately revealed to me, through the presence of my Saviour Jesus Christ. Calling upon his name, there passed through my body a benumbing sensation, and I almost instantly found my- self with some friendly members of my congregation, who had previously died. Welcoming, they conducted me to an im- mense plain, dotted with flowers and studded with the most perfect mansions. Here resting, there came to me a being, seemingly pure and bright, whose duty, he said, it was to in- struct and conduct me through some of the spheres of glory. I was not conscious of any peculiar changes in myself. My memory, my faculties, and powers of understanding, re- mained the same as before the sensation of numbness, except that I felt the weakness of an enfeebled body, and I might add, there was a fresh strangeness in many things that I saw. My transition took place on April 16, 1821. The spirit to whom I referred as coming to instruct me, was on earth called Martin Luther. He conversed about my new abode and mode of life, informing me that a home had been prepared for me in accordance with my tastes and moral worthiness, and that he would conduct me to it, after showing me some of the states of spiritual existence. On his referring to my doctrinal beliefs, and attempting to disabuse my mind of much of my earthly theology, I turned to him in the full assurance that I could silence him, and quoted, " He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God-speed; for he that biddeth him God- 148 IMMORTALITY. speed is partaker of his evil deeds." This opened a deep and earnest conversation. We talked as we traveled, but I was not persuaded that the "Prophet of Galilee" was anything less than the incarnate Son of God, who suffered as a substi- tute for our sins. How else could it be. I was troubled ; anguish filled every fiber of my spiritual being. Spiritual friends gathered around me, and I prayed that I might see Jesus of Nazareth. . . . My guide conducted me through homes of bliss and enjoy- ment, and spheres of transcendent loveliness, to the presence of one purporting to be the meek and lowly one. Seeing him, the mists fell from my eyes. He assured me that he was not the one living and true God the Father. . . . He was so lov- ing and sweet-spirited that I felt sure I was speaking with him, who on earth said, " Our Father who art in Heaven." Though he has a most divinely commanding appearance, he is gentle, kind, and persuasive, and exercises a more potent moral influence in the spirit-spheres than many spirits are will- ing to admit. It is impossible to at. once outgrow earthly theories and dogmas. My powers of flight hardly know any limits. When not otherwise engaged, I dwell in a home, the counterpart, struc- turally considered, somewhat like my earthly home. I did not construct it myself, But my endeavors have tended to beautify it, and render it more ethereal and attractive. The final destiny of souls I conceive to be a most "intimate union with, though not absorption into God ; but before such exaltation can be attained, we must struggle onward through realms of discipline and progress, until we have cast off every impure thought, every imperfect desire, every earthly taint — until we are spotless and stainless, we must be content to labor on for others' good. " It doth not yet appear what we shall be," but the destination is evidently divine union with God. There are dark, mirthful, and malicious spirits in the lower spheres — the sedimentary realm of spirit-life. It is a part of the employment of the higher to teach and uplift the lower. THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. 149 But it is not all spirits that can descend to these spheres ; hence, many are disposed to come within the atmosphere of earth, and within the influence of communicating circles, in order that the influences of the well-disposed, yet clothed in material habiliments, may form a bond of connection through which the lower intelligences may receive instructions and assistance from the higher. This is the most practical way, but it has the disadvantage that, unless a spiritual atmosphere is breathed by those in the circle assembled, they will have a deleterious rather than a purifying influence. Did opportu- nities favor, I should have been pleased to have said more upon this last topic, as it really forms the ground-work of spirit communion in its moral and reformatory aspects. When you lecture, my friend, you address at the same time two congregations, one clothed in mortal bodies, the others in spirit life. The two worlds are now so united, sympatheti- cally and spiritually, that what educates and blesses one, necessarily has a similar effect upon the other. Jesus, after having been afflicted by the spirit, entering the resurrection life, "preached to the spirits in prison." He is still preach- ing, the influence of his teachings descending to the lower strata of spirit life. Progress is the eternal purpose of God. . . . May the God of heaven, the only true God, vouchsafe unto the subject of this narrative, and every reader thereof, that wisdom that cometh from above, that faith which works by love, that peace which passeth all understanding, and that sanctifying influence of the spirit, that shall keep us steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Amen. A Swedenborgian Spirit in the City of Arcadia, through the Mediumship of Mrs. F , of London. When I was tabernacled in the earthly body I was called a New Church minister, and was a devoted follower of Emanuel Swedenborg. I do not choose to give my name, and in refus- ing would convey the lesson that names are but tinkling cym- bals. Every message, whether from the inhabitants of the 150 IMMORTALITY. heavens or the hells, should pass for what it is spiritually and intrinsically worth, reason and the highest judgment in all cases being the arbiter. When in my body I lived in a populous city, and now I find that there is a corresponding city above it. In one of the most elegant and refined divisions of this city of Arcadia is my present home. Four principal streets cross the city, which, viewed from the higher heavens, lie in the form of a cross. Along the streets are magnificent and, I may say, sacred trees — sacred because they symbolize spiritual truths. The streets glitter with precious stones. They are also sym- bolical. Fountains of living waters adorn that part of the city in which I reside, the houses and temples being alike adorned and refreshed by them. The rich vegetation around these fountains instills into the waters its own aromal essences. Other fountains have medical properties for undeveloped spir- its ; and others emit the purest life-giving nectar. . . . To distant cities and localities there is in appearance hang- ing over this favored city a rainbow arch of wondrous dimen- sions, of transcendent splendor, not stationary, but waving, entwining circle within circle, forming, as it were, chains and links of the most gorgeous hues. It is clear to spirit sight that this appearance is formed by a company of angelic spir- its from the holier spheres, to minister, and, by their presence and the diffusion of their heavenly atmosphere, to spread abroad divine knowledge and love over especially this central point of the divine society and the river of life. Christ is the light of the whole arcana of the spirit land. Surely, in our "Father's House," the measureless universe, are "many, mansions" — many spheres, societies, circles, conditions. Chariots, seemingly of fire, descend from the canopy or rainbow which overhangs the city of Arcadia, and on certain spiritual holidays they convey such as are willing and pre- pared to ascend to some of the higher spheres of the Christ Heavens. Elegant vehicles, drawn by horses and other kinds of graceful animals, here, as on earth, are subservient to the spirit's will. There are beautiful birds here also. To com- THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. 151 plete the life in the spirit land, with its varied occupations and requirements, all such acquisitions are as necessary as on earth, only always in a" spiritual degree. . . . Spiritual bodies do not suffer physical pain. Neither do all the physical diseases of earth, as some have taught, originate in spirit or the spiritual world. Malarial diseases, small-pox, yellow fever, and many other diseases originate in purely physical causes. . . . Social converse in our world corresponds to that in yours. Sometimes spirits speak audibly, and then again, more especially in the higher spheres, the thoughts of one flow into the mind of the other without speech. . . . Men and women, continuing as they do their individ- uality, sex necessarily exists in the world of spirits, but in heaven there are no perversions of these functions. In the divine order, spirit exists prior to the body. Substance is eternal, and spirits become clothed in more exterior garments through the nuptial unions of angelic counterparts. Every child in its origin, therefore, is pure and sinless, until, by assuming the exterior degree, through natural generation, he inherits the imperfections of his parents, which he has to overcome in himself as he grows and unfolds toward the divine life. Evil spirits are never the spiritual parents of earthly children, because that which makes the man is the soul-germ, and divine because inter-related to and partaking of God. Animals possess the two outer degrees of spiritual substance, but not the interior — not the divine soul-germ. Hence, at their death, they do not retain their individuali- ties, but pass into other essences and forms. The animals and birds of our spheres are indigenous to and adapted to them. It is absolutely impossible for me to fully explain to you the divine glories that pertain to the Christ Heavens. You may well ponder upon what an ancient apostle said : " It doth not yet appear what we shall be." A Methodist Minister's Life in the Spheres, given through the Mediumship of Mrs. Gc , San Francisco, Cal. When I left my weak, exhausted body I was met on the 152 IMMORTALITY. spirit side by friends who welcomed me with songs of glad- ness and shouts of welcome. Foremost among these were my old father and mother, appearing in the prime of life, as I remembered them in my own early manhood. We were a mighty host gathered about the old, discarded earth mantle, and each seemed full of joy, but not one so blissfully content as I in my renewed youth and friendships. This was during the first glad surprise. Afterward I became anxious, as the questions of God and His judgment arose in my mind. Re- garding that judgment as final, I earnestly questioned my spirit as to its life on earth. At this, my friends, all seemed to disappear, and there stood by me one clothed as with the light of the sun, and I fell upon my face filled with fear. I thought I was in the presence of the God whom I always feared more than loved. I, on earth, had been a doubter, but fearing my doubts were from the evil one, I had resolutely preached Christ, whose unselfish character I could understand and love. " My son," said my radiant guest, " I am but your guide, once a mortal like yourself. I come to show you your earth- work. Arise, and look upon the souls you have blessed." I obeyed, and beheld a cloud of witnessses to the ministry of more than half a century. They cried, " To you, father, we owe the desire to do right." Oh, ministers of good, be brave and true, and your spirit will be so intertwined with the glory of God or good that your soul will vibrate to such a greeting with a joy mortals cannot understand. There are times of ecstasy on earth, but no more to be compared to this rich, ripe harvest of love, than the tiny clewdrop to the great ocean ! These friends, then, seemed to fade into the brightness of a band sent to conduct me to my spirit home. By their supe- rior brightness, I saw dark spots in the tide that ebbed and flowed about my own soul. Looking closely, I was annoyed by the sight of weakness through which I had passed on earth. In the world of shifting light which seemed a part of myself, I read all my life ; not one thought, not one hope, not THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. 158 one act was missing from the long earth-record. But as I looked, the good I had done and tried to do, produced such joy, that tides of light from the center of my being so flooded my sphere, that the darkness of the earth melted from view. Blissfully I repeated my old and favorite hymn : "No foot of land do I possess, No cottage in this wilderness." Then I seemed caught in a current of delight, up-borne by tender hands, floating, swimming in bliss until we entered a world of such exquisite beauty that earth has no heart to con- ceive nor words to describe its transcendent loveliness. When I looked about, and saw the beautiful fountains send- ing up their fragrant, many-tinted drops, the waving of the rainbow-spanned foliage, the glittering of the diamond-sprayed shrubbery, the sheen of the silvery stream, I cried, " Heaven is a life of sight." But then there came a burst of music, such as finds no counterpart on earth. I shivered with very ecstasy ; my quickened, sphere-enshrined life shot out sparks of praise, until in my soul was born a new song that flowed in tenderest rhythm to meet the waves of celestial music that came rolling in, and I exclaimed, " Heaven is surely music." I was then conducted to a grand, palatial mansion. How shall I describe it? Simply then it was like Maximilian's home at Trieste, only more adorned, more elaborately orna- mented, and of such material that only the diamond on earth can give an idea of its pure, but prismatic beauty. It was one scintillating, gorgeous, efflorescent outpouring of light, one ceaseless flow of rainbow shimmer, one grand, overpower- ing light, flashing life. This home was prepared by Maxi- milian, that princely martyr whose desire to help a suffering nation has been called ambition only by those who knew not his great heart's love for God and humanity. Here I found kindred souls, Washington, Lafayette, and many others whose names I had venerated on earth. I won- dered why such should welcome me, the poor preacher who had done no great act for the people of earth ; and there 154 IMMORTALITY. came a sweet voice as from the ether about me, " Serving the poorest of my creatures was serving me, the Creator and Father of souls." What though I remain forever too gross to see that fountain of life ; what though some say, " There is no God," while the upspringing drops of love water the divine germ, expanding, growing in my own soul, I know there is a conscious, tender All-father, who willingly bears with his poorest creatures, while they struggle in vales of darkness and doubt. " No work is done in our world without considering the time of fruition," said Maximilian, who, taking my arm, led me to a beautiful alcove at the right of the grand entrance, and with a bow motioned me to enter. I obeyed, and found my loved ones waiting with beaming eyes, to show me our home — a home prepared for us by one of whom we never dreamed in our earth-life, but whose soul claimed ours as kin. And I thought Heaven is in these sweet surprises, and the meeting of family ties in a beautiful spirit-home. After a time I was led to a large assembly hall, where I found an earnest discussion on the best way of averting war which hung like a dark cloud over all the world. I, as one who had mingled largely with the mass of the people, who so lately had left earth, was consulted, and tried to respond. But so many were there whom I was accustomed to regard only with reverence, that I was like an awkward youth before the tutor whose knowledge is a mystery, yet provokes delight and admiration. Little by little, however, I forgot personal- ities in the beautiful ideas presented, and I was enraptured by the purity, the love, the unselfishness of each, until my soul decided, and still feels, that heaven is communion with worthy and kindred hearts. So far I have dwelt more upon the emotional than objective experience of my change. Even now I have no right to paint any but my own part of Maximilian's home. To the right of the grand entrance-hall from which it is separated by a beautiful alcove, is the room where we meet for social pleasure. It is lofty and in the form of a parallelo- THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. 155 gram. On one side is a raised dais, forming an automatic orchestra, so arranged that if we choose, in conversation, we can command sweet, soft tones as a charming accompaniment. Around this room are statues interspersed with fountains, flowers, and beautiful artistic forms, shaped with such exqui- site imitation that only fragrance and life point the difference between the work of nature and the work of art. Paintings of wondrous color and life-like perspective, works from the greatest masters of art, in a manner unknown to earth. There are sofas and chairs of charming forms and luxurious softness ; tables of elegant patterns covered by books that will both instruct and delight. From this room there is a hall that leads to our different retreats. I have fashioned mine after the home aspect of my old loved study. The old bookcase preserves the same face, but its shelves are filled with better books than those that adorned my earthly library. This homely room refreshes my soul, after the dazzling magnificence of our social hall ; and here I can read the loved ones still on earth, as, the battery of love once established, we need not encounter the dark or disagreeable earth-atmosphere unless we desire to personally visit the material plane. Above the social hall is a large room for literary purposes, in which is an extensive and carefully selected library, with all our improved means of communicating and registering ideas. We here employ the batteries of thought which con- nect with kindred thoughts in other homes. Thus, indepen- dently born, truth is more clearly demonstrated as coming from the Celestial world, from which outflow ideas that we send to earth as its people are capable of receiving, digesting, and acting upon them. ... We are not able to express the manner by which we com- municate through our batteries, as you have nothing analo- gous on earth, unless you can imagine mind as the battery, and sympathy as the connecting wire. Each spirit is conscious of an aroma, or world emanating from itself. The aural brightness of the higher hides the 156 IMMORTALITY. state of soul, the darkness of the lower reveals each secret act to those above, while the spheres of those on the same plane so blend that each may reserve or reveal his soul at his own pleasure. Those we meet. — Fannie A. Conant's Entrance into Spirit Life, as embodied in a recent Communication, through a most Re- liable Medium, to Luther Colby, the Veteran Editor of the Banner of Light. Addressing Mr. Colby, she said: "You frequently ask me to give you an account of whom I met when I entered spirit-life. Let me here try to tell you. As my senses closed to material sights and sounds, a deep feeling of rest, of infinite calm after storm, came over me. It seemed as though all space was my home, that I was no longer cramped and limited by conditions, but that I could claim the universe as my resting-place. But this feeling soon disappeared. I am a being dependent upon the love, sym- pathy, and association of congenial spirits, for happiness ; therefore — unlike Mr. Thompson — I could not be happy without a tangible home and endearing associates. " As I began to realize my conditions and surroundings, I perceived close to me, and bearing me up, so to speak, a band of my clear and trusted Indian guides, foremost among whom I discovered the old chief Omwah, who was imparting mag- netic vitality to me by making passes all around my head. I also recognized Sagoyewatha, Black Hawk, Winona, Spring- flower, Woonie, Minnie, Vashti, and others whom I had seen clairvoyantly many times before. I cannot express to you the delight I experienced when I realized that they were indeed my old friends come to meet me, and to assure me beyond the shadow of doubt that they were the real, personal identities they had so often purported to be through my organism. At that time my old tormenting skepticism left me, and I was as happy as a child. As though I had been but a feather's weight, Om- wah bore me in his arms far away into a deeply wooded, though mountainous region, to the Indians' happy hunting- THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. 157 grounds, where a beautiful lodge, draped with silken hang- ings, and ornamented with beautifully colored plumes and fragrant flowers, had been prepared for me by my dusky friends. Over the door the word ' Tulula ' * shone out in bril- liant letters, clustered in the form of a shining star. This had been arranged, I understand, by electric lights. Here I remained some time, constantly gaining strength, magnetism, and rest from my surroundings and friends. " But a time came when I felt myself drawn in a different direction ; and setting out with Woonie, who seemed to will where we should go, and to bear me along by the force of her will, I soon came to a beautiful, shining city — Spring Garden City — more beautiful than I could have realized in my glimpses of it in clairvoyant vision or trance while on earth. f " Here I was met by my mother, darling mother, who was as familiar to me as the day she left me to join the angels, only more shining, bright, and beautiful. Folding me in her close embrace, she said : ' Darling Fannie, you DO bring me a clear record, for in spite of doubt, fear, and perplexity, I thank God that you have always obeyed the angels.' "With my mother came my sister — she who died in early childhood, now a beautiful woman in the spirit- world. The welcome they gave me was very sweet, and in their shining home I again rested. " At this place — Spring Garden City — I met a large com- pany of familiar spirits : Mr. Parker, William White, Mar- garet Fuller, Lady Stanhope, Mr. Pierpont, and a great many more than I can name here. They gave me a reception out in the beautiful grove adjoining Theodore Parker's then resi- dence. It was a grand ovation ; music and singing — divine harmony of sound that seemed to bear me away on its celes- tial wings ; masterly addresses upon my life-work and en- * This was the name given to Mrs. Conant, while yet on earth, by her Indian spirit friends, and signified " Something to look through." f Often, in her independent clairvoyant visions, Mrs. Conant described to ourself and others of her friends present at her earthly home, a beaixtiful city of the spirit-country which she was permitted to visit, and to which she said the name of Spring Garden was given. 158 IMMORTALITY. trance to spiritual life ; kindly words and loving hand-clasps. I was indeed happy and at rest. But to me the dearest and sweetest welcome I received came from a large number of spirits who approached me — some with flowers and green palms — all with smiles or happy tears ; a shining throug who strewed my way with flowers, and blessed me as their l be- loved teacher.' These were spirits who through my earthly organism first found light, strength, and encouragement to throw off earthly conditions, and endeavor to become better and to rise higher. .... " I love and bless you for the work you have done and are doing for humanity; and countless hosts in spirit-life also love and bless you." " Sweet souls around us, watch us still, Press nearer to our side ; Into our thoughts, into our prayers, With gentle helpings glide. Let death between us be as naught, A dried and vanished stream ; Your joy be the reality, Our suffering life the dream." H. B. Stowe. THE FRIENDS AND SHAKERS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 159 CHAPTER XVI. THE FRIENDS AND SHAKERS IN SPIRIT LIFE. Statements by the Quaker Spirit, Guide of E. W. Wallis, of England. Q. Passing into spirit life, did you lose your conscious- ness ? A. I was an invalid for the space of five years, and during the latter portion of that time my thoughts were engaged continually upon the question of a future state. Many doubts and fears assailed me. At last my eyes were opened, and I was permitted to behold the presence of spirits. My own parents were presented to my open vision. They told me that as they lived I should live also. At last, one day, I was struck by the sound of sweet music — music which was not of the earth — and there was revealed to my sight a band of spirits. These were my parents and brother who had pre- ceded me into spirit life, saying they had come to take me with them. I was not aware of any sudden change. I did not feel any painful symptoms, any sudden paroxysm, but it appeared as though my physical body had fallen asleep. My parents expressed to me their joy that I was with them, and we began to move away — seemingly we sailed through the atmosphere. Q. Some clairvoyants have taught that the spirit after leaving moves northward, upon a magnetic current. Was this your experience ? A. I did not especially note this at the time, and I have no knowledge of any such law governing spirits. Q. Were the objects you met with tangible to the touch ? 180 IMMORTALITY. A. The} T were as equally real and palpable as were the objects I bad left in the natural world. And very soon after my new birth, I was conducted by my friends to a home that they had prepared for me. . . . After my father had taken charge of me, I accompanied him into a garden, where we walked, and conversed of the beautiful change, death. Cross- ing a lawn into what seemed an orchard. I saw a graceful vine, so twined as to form a beautiful arbor in which were people conversing. As we approached, they arose and greeted us. They were relations and friends that I had known on earth. Some of them thanked me for kind words I had spoken to them; others assured me I had been the means, under God, of their salvation. In the distance I observed a high mountain, near the base of which were broad fields, dotted with trees and flecked with flowers. Almost upon the summit of this mountain was what my father termed a grand assembly house, where. were held sessions and convocations of wise spirits. Here I saw an elderly man standing by himself. He was tall, had a long beard, flowing hair, keen penetrating eyes, and rather massive features. I felt awed somewhat, as a child would when looking for the first time upon a mon- arch. He said, his face beaming with smiles, " Come hither, child," and approaching him, he put his arms around my neck, and saluted me with a kiss. My whole being was thrilled with love and reverence. I learned that he occasion- ally visited this department of the spirit world in the capacity of a teacher. On earth he was known as St. Peter. . . . Feeling a strange sensation, I inquired of my father the cause. He said : " It is your friends on earth mourning their loss." This seemed strange to me, inasmuch as I was over- joyed with my new condition, and I involuntarily said: " Can I do nothing to inform them of my happiness ; they should know that I am not dead but living ! " Obtaining permission, I started with four others for the home of sorrowing friends. Approaching them, the atmosphere seemed to grow dark and dense, and here for the first time I observed that each spirit emitted a light more or less intense. And now I was again THE FRIENDS AND SHAKERS IN SPIRIT LITE. 161 on the earth-plane, and in the very room where I had left my physical body. Earthly things that I had known and handled seemed to me vapory and shadowy, and I Avas greatly con- fused. ... I saw my body lowered into tlie grave — saw the flowers they cast upon the dust — heard the tribute paid to my poor labors by one of the group, and listened to the song that was sung around the grave. The sympathies of those present quite overcame me, and I was not only excited, but I sympathized deeply, and suffered in their sufferings. Becom- ing calm, I pondered over my past life, and my whole earthly career passed like a panorama before me, inspiring meekness and humility, for I saw how much I should have done I left undone. Q. What was your profession on earth? How long have you been in the spirit world ? And upon what did you sub- sist when entering there ? A. I was called while in my body a Quaker preacher, and was a follower of George Fox. I have been in spirit life nearly two centuries. I remember of partaking of the fruit that I saw in the orchard ; and I have often drank at crystal fountains, although the very air we breathe seems to be life itself. There are many things in this higher state of existence difficult to explain to you, because there is little analogous thereto on your earth. ... St, Peter and other historical per- sonages, regarded with so much veneration, are ever working for the good of souls on earth and in the heavens. If I could take you in spirit away from this room, and transport you to my home in spirit life, and from there to the great Assembly Hall, you would see a vast concourse of spirits ; and upon a raised platform some apparently set apart from the general assembly. These are visitors from another and higher department in the heavens. On one of these great occasions, when an innumerable host of spirits were present, we were honored with the presence of the Apostle John. Q. How do spirits occupy their time, and what are the leading loves of those in your sphere ? A. Our sphere is to a considerable extent a reproduction 11 162 IMMORTALITY. of yours, only everything is far more ethereal and more spirit- ually beautiful. A while since my father invited me into an imposing building, the ceiling and sides of which were cov- ered with pictures, and they seemed to have upon me a pe- culiar influence. Attracted closer to them, I saw that they were the transcripts of familiar scenes. Upon inquiry I learned that they had been painted by my brother, who passed to spirit life before me. On one of these landscape pictures was an oak-tree under whose sheltering branches I used to stand and preach to the people what I considered the truth. And the artist had made a ray of light to descend upon me from an inspiring angel band, revealing to me the fact that I was frequently inspired in my public utterances. . . . Many of my earthly experiences have nearly faded from my memory. I was not joined in wedlock with the object of my choice. The parents objected because I was a believer in the despised George Fox, and an itinerant preacher listening to the voice of the spirit within. The sympathies of this lady were so strongly centered in me that she faded away like an early flower, and passing to spirit life became one of my spirit guides. We are now linked together by the law of divine sympathy, our souls responding each to the other. How long this state may last T cannot tell. I am only certain of this : that our love is not selfish, and that our united efforts are to make others better and happier. . . . I dislike to dogmatize upon subjects above my comprehen- sion. But it seems to me that sex does not pertain to soul, the inmost of man, but to the physical and spiritual bodies. There is nothing in the higher spheres that corresponds to the lusts of the flesh. What may transpire in the lowest spheres of spirit life I do not feel at liberty to state, only so far as to say that the more earthly, the more intense the de- sire for selfish gratification. . . . I have found certain thinkers in spirit life who hold the idea that no spirit world existed until this material world was suffi- ciently advanced to evolve the sublimated elements that pass off and outward to constitute the spiritual zones. Another THE FEIENDS AND SHAKERS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 163 school of thinkers assert that the spiritual world preceded the material world, and that this spiritual realm is positive, tangi- ble, and permanent, whilst the physical realm of being is the representation of the preceding spiritual existence. To this latter school of thinkers I belong. I do not know of any set number of spheres. They are both conditions and localities. While several spirit zones girdle the earth, the one extending outward beyond the other, there are almost as many mental spheres as there are individual spirits. Considered in a more general sense, there are families, groups, societies, and vast assemblies — these often occupy distinct localities, varying in distances from the surface of your earth. The children of men should learn that the only valuable possessions they can take to the spirit world are thoughts, ideas, and principles — deeds of love and charity and good-will to all humanity. . . . Everything which exists, having the attributes of form, force, and substance, is but the externalization of a prior idea, as the steam-engine is an image of the idea that gave it birth. Something as drops pre-exist in the ocean before being indi- vidualized, so do souls pre-exist. The origin of the individual, therefore, is not coincident with the parental relation. Ac- cording to this philosophy — and it appears to me the most reasonable — it is impossible to conceive of the beginning of an immortal soul. And having had no beginning, it can necessarily have no ending, and hence immortality crowns the destiny of universal humanity. The Gifts and Clairvoyant Sight of Elmira P. Allard, a Shaker Sister, Enfield, 1ST. H. From my youth up to this present time I have had the most unmistakable evidences of spirit communion. In the year 1888 believers in our society experienced a revival in which those who were in any degree mediumistic were used as mediums, myself among the number. At first, however, I did not behold spirit forms, but seeking anxiously through prayer and supplication for clear spirit-sight, it pleased God and His holy angels to open my vision, since which time I 164 IMMORTALITY. have often walked and talked with the angels of God — yea, I have heard them converse, and seen them engage in sacred dances and marching. From departed spirits I have learned songs almost without number. Spirit life is as natural to the spirit eye as is the earthly life to the physical eye. When I am in the superior spiritual state things are far more substan- tial to me than are the things of the external life. Spirits that have just left their bodies appear clothed much as they were in their mortal form, while ancient and holier spirits are clad in celestial attire, shining as the sun. I have been taken by guardian angels to distant lands and cities, and shown their regal splendors, together with the sins and abominations practiced by their inhabitants ; and also beheld the judgments of God poured out upon them. The causes of many calami- ties or judgments upon earth are spiritual, angels of justice proving themselves swift witnesses. The angel of judgment has shown me many things that I hardly dare mention — things that will come to pass upon this nation for its political wickedness, manifested toward the Indians and other inferior people. Many times have I seen a holy city located just over our temporal buildings — a sort of summer land, adorned with glory and magnificence, the habitation of saints and angels, and to me as real as any natural city. In the imme- diate distance were mountains, rivers, valleys, beautiful gar- dens, vineyards laden with purpling fruitage, flowers of deli- cious fragrance, and enchanting hills, upon the sides of which were singing birds and harmless animals. In this spirit land I have seen kings and nobles, priests and prophets. The former having become humbled had lain aside their kingly pretensions. Near where I saw these characters they have one building called the " Congress House of Jus- tice." Here was Washington, Adams, Lafayette, departed prophets, and many of the noblest of the great men of the last century. They were conversing upon subjects relating to political economy, as well as receiving instructions from higher unselfish intelligences, to be applied to earthly govern- ments. The spirit world is a counterpart of this, only in the THE FRIENDS AND SHAKERS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 1G5 higher mansions of God, or spheres, as they are now called, everything seems more ethereal and peaceful. Once I saw Dr. Franklin in what might be called the telegraph office, communicating with the inhabitants of earth. In another apartment of this building, which far surpasses my flower of description, were Plutarch and Pliny, who, showing me an immense crystal globe enveloped in glittering stars, and plan- ets represented by different colors, said, " These are planets yet to be discovered." I have seen the careless, the thoughtless, and the worldly selfish, in the prison spheres of darkness. They seemed dor- mant and half dead, and I heard what might be compared to the trump of God wakening their sleeping souls, and watch- ing them. I felt sure that they were startled from their lethargy to partially, at least, appreciate their darkened con- dition ; and I have seen, too, higher spirits, moved by affec- tion, go to their aid, telling them of eternal day and the City of Peace. At length, weary and heavy-laden, they would move on, guided by missionary spirits, to flowing fountains, where, with tattered garments, they would stand under the glittering sprays, and would seek to wash the stains from their soiled vestures. ' Oh, it is a fearful thing to live a selfish life for fame — a life for that meat which perisheth ! In hours of worship I have seen hosts of spirits enter or stand around our house of worship during service, some of which I was familiar with in the earth-life. They appeared in every feature and gesture to my spirit vision, as though they still inhabited mortal bodies, only they were more light and ethereal. I have seen them inspire our elders and elder- esses when bearing their testimony against the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life ; I have seen them approach mor- tals and speak to them, and these mortals echoing would speak the same words, hardly knowing why they did so. I once saw an elder brother, who* had passed to spirit life from one of the western states, enter our house of public worship, and handing an open spirit Bible to Elder Henry Cummings, asked him to read the tenth chapter of Acts. El- 166 IMMORTALITY. der Henry, immediately rising, took from his pocket a Testa- ment, and read the same chapter, making it the basis of his discourse. It is surpassing strange to me that all are not consciously susceptible of spirit influence — that all do not see them as I do, and feel the gentle touches of their snow- white hands. In the world of spirits there is a council called the " Spirit Council." This council, conferring together, sent missionaries in various vehicles to mortals and wicked spirits, hoping to impress them to turn and walk in the ways of holiness. The Christ spirit of love alwa} r s strives with men and with de- graded spirits. Remember that disorderly spirits, still sym- pathetically connected with the earth, moving in your midst — vile wicked spirits — are capable of doing great harm to humanity. They can commit actual sin through easy, nega- tive-minded people upon earth. Changing worlds does, not change immediately the desires of the miser, the thief, or the carnally-minded. These passions and tendencies do not per- tain to the body — that is material, unthinking, and irrespon- sible. It is the spirit that thinks and wills and does through the body ; and it is the spirit, whether it is in the body or out, that is morally responsible. Once I saw a large company of spirits erecting a capacious stone building. It surprised me. I observed them until one story was accomplished, for they worked very rapidly. After it was erected I stepped into it, but found no way to ascend to the lofts above. Looking about I came to what I after- wards learned was an elevator. This was long before I learned about any such convenience upon earth. I am cer- tain, from travels and observations in the spiritual world, that nearly all mechanical inventions are first conceived and arranged in the Spirit-Land. Passing into one of the other lower rooms in this building, I saw a very extensive table covered with plates, goblets filled with pure water, dishes of cake beautifully frosted, and most inviting fruits ; and here were hundreds of spirits partaking of the luscious viands. At one of my visits in the land of soul life I met Elder John THE FRIENDS AND SHAKERS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 167 Lyon. He said he had started to attend a conference at the Congress House of Justice. I said, Can I go in? He re- plied : " A large collection are assembled for the purpose of helping the government. We hope to influence the people against war, and purge the nation from political dishonesty and unrighteousness." At one time, while traveling in spirit life, attended by my angelic teacher, I met a company going on a pleasure excur- sion, to take a sail, they said, on Lake Pleasant ; they invited me to join them, which I did. This lake was in oval form, and had upon its banks waving trees and overhanging vines. The sail of itself was delightful, but was intensified by music, song, and holy words of wisdom. After this we took a wind- ing road up a mountain path to a lovely park dotted with fruit-trees, and interlaced with delightful paths, and the whole encircled by a high wall overhung with ivy and cluster- ing vines. Here the party engaged for a little time in reli- gious worship. Near a magnificent building in this park stood a stately tree, whose leaves were as shining as silver and gold, and I was told they represented the first and second appear- ing of Christ. One apartment in this building was devoted to the education of foreign spirits, another to the considera- tion of spiritual gifts, and how to make them the most effect- ual among the children of men. Over the archway leading from this room was the sentence, written seemingly in golden letters, " Holiness to the Lord." In concluding these descriptions of spirit life and heavenly orders, I must say, in humility of spirit, that I have utterly failed to do the subject justice. The most gifted tongue of earth cannot describe the angel homes of the beautiful and the worthy. The spirit world is to me the real world. If I know that mortals exist, so do I know that our loved ones exist in heaven. I have walked and talked with them, and, like the apostle of old, I hardly know at times whether I am in the body or out. And oh how my soul burns to teach and impress mortals to be good and pure and Christ-like — to 168 IMMORTALITY. " overcome," that they may inherit and have access to the tree of life. Visions and Spiritual Experiences through the Mediumship of Eunice Bathrick, a Shaker Eldress. I am now in the sere of life, and as my earthly career is drawing to a close, I rejoice to say that invisible agencies have supported me all through these changing years up to the present time. I have felt the companionship of spirits, as though they were tangible to the physical touch ; I have seen them as distinctly as I see things with my natural eyes. I have frequently conversed with them audibly, and though I heard no external response, the answer, in some unexplain- able wajr, was intelligently echoed to my interior conscious- ness. I have been informed of, and prophesied of events be- fore their occurrence, and have been turned from the course I was pursuing, where dangers awaited me, by loving, minis- tering spirits. I have heard angelic voices, have been patted upon the shoulder when in the room by myself; have listened to heavy footsteps, so heavy as to seemingly jar the floor, the ground, and the forest through which I was walking. Listening to the songs of angel hosts, I have committed them to writing. Sitting quietly alone at twilight, I have sung under the inspiration of angels one new song after an- other, till they numbered scores ; and they were joined in aim and purpose like intertwining links in a golden chain. It is impossible for me to find language to describe the land- scapes that I have seen in vision ; their verdure, their velvety lawns, their crystal streams, and musical birds, almost over- came me with a joy and a love for God and his creatures. On some of these green lawns were lofty trees, with delicate vines, climbing over and clinging to the branches, bear- ing transparent fruit resembling clusters of grapes. Walk- ing on these lawns, among these groves, and in the alcoves, were children dressed in white, with teachers instructing them. The pure and beautiful angels seemed to have no fixed abode, but roamed at will through elysian fields, while THE FRIENDS AND SHAKERS IN SPIRIT LIFE. 169 the darker spirits seemed confined to given localities ; and the atmosphere in which they moved appeared to me hazy and gloomy. There were no green fields, no fragrant flowers, and no dancing fountains, to cheer their desolate abode. These were shown to me for lessons of instruction. The places where some good spirits were conducted, after leaving their bodies, appeared to me like the outer court of a magni- ficent building, with architectural beauty surpassing all earthly workmanship. Their walls were festooned with vines and flowers, and hung with paintings symbolizing sacred scenes in the Scriptures, and the lives of good and pure men and women. At one time I saw, in vision, public worship held among spirits. The building stood facing the south, with a sloping, undulating plain, I should judge, a mile in length, at the extremity of which was a dense forest, through which mur- mured a winding river, with banks fringed with delicate mosses. All of the surroundings tended to promote contem- plation, and a prayerful mood of mind. The extensive and symmetrical building for worship was of pure white, and, as far as I could see, without the least ornament. It was clearly constructed for worship, and not for the display of pride. I did not enter the structure, but the two doors facing the south stood open, as they had been left by the assembled throng. Before approaching so near, and while standing in meditation, I saw the brethren and sisters — angels they were — go forth in the march and the dance. I saw them pass the windows, arranged in white transparent robes, as they moved like seraphs to the#heavenly music. It seemed to me as though I was at the very gates of the City Celestial, the home of the New Jerusalem, and was about to join in the song of the hundred and forty-four thousand. In that heav- enly world — for I seemed to be there — I was pained when told by my guardian angel, that I must return again to the material world ; and now I only desire to stay upon earth, that I may do good and help poor mortal souls to rise into the res- urrection-life, where alone is found peace and true happiness. 170 IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER XVII. Spirit Voices from Australia, and Prophecies from Cape Town, Africa. The Spirit Some of the Martyr Giordano Bruno, through the Mediumship of Thomas Walker. " And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held. . . . And white robes were given unto every one of them." John the Reyelator. Situated on a beautiful hill, Pure Love City overlooks the Valley of Wisdom and Pilgrimage Plains. Angel Lake is in the front grounds. In the distance rolls Sunshine River, fall- ing into Angel Lake. Isis Pier stretches out into the lake, and being built of living flowers, covered with translucent down, it is as useful as beautiful. At the foot of the hill, and dividing the valley of Wisdom into two portions, a rip- pling and romantic brook curls along towards the lake, and — pardon our liberties — since forming your acquaintance, and in honor of your missionary labors for the furtherance of spir- itual knowledge, we now call it Peebles' Brook. Among the leading features of our city is a massive muse- um, Music Temple, and Poets' Dome. The museum occupies a commanding position upon the summit of a table-land prom- ontory. It is an ancient swuctnre, having been built, fur- nished, and ornamented by the united efforts of- Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Lautsze, Confucius, Jesus, Euclid, Democri- tus, Empedicles, Homer, Ptolemy, Pliny, Heplexon — a Greek reformer, whose works were destroyed at the burning of the Alexandrian Library — and a number of others interested in the dissemination of true science, refined literature, and reli- gious truth. Its erection and the subsequent influences of those either dwelling in or frequenting it, were the causes of SPIETT VOICES AND PPOPHECTES. 171 all the religious reformations that have dawned upon the earth for the past few centuries. The noted seer Swedenborg lias a prominent position as teacher of spiritual analogy in one de- partment of the building. We are now expecting a visit from that exalted seer of Patmos, St. John. Countless throngs will flock to see and hear his saintly words of wisdom. I have charge, at present, of the " infirm " and " deranged " department, where imbeciles, the spiritually deformed, and the imperfectly balanced spirits, rendered so by the condi- tions of earth life, are received, cared for, and healed. The ancient spirits above mentioned seldom visit the city, because having other homes and far more exalted duties to perform. In this sphere of existence the arts and sciences attain a very high perfection. It is a great center of learning and progress. Here metaphysicians meet to study the soul, and converse of its infinite capacities. The museum lias been de- nominated " Curiosity Museum," because one of its founders, Lucretius, in company with Solon, out of curiosity, and for the benefit of the patrons of the museum, traversed the electrical currents on the Pacific Ocean, on a voyage of exploration, to gather information respecting the long, wave-covered New Atlantis, described by ancient Hindoo, Egyptian, and Grecian writers. My personal home, known as " Balmy Cot," is a very com- fortable dwelling, at the foot of Chastity Hill, and a little dis- tance from the shore, where balmy spiritual breezes refresh the contemplative soul. It commands a good view of the city, and stands opposite the magnificent museum. It is my home, because I personally gravitate to it. Others, in sym- pathy with me, gravitate to, and construct their homes, and we "have all things in common," because "we love the brethren" — and hence the name, " Pure Love City." As I develop higher in the golden future, I shall leave this home, and exchange it for a purer and holier one, left vacant by the glorious unfoldments of its latest occupants. Hugh Latimer will be my next successor. He is now a devoted student in the museum. The interior of my home is attractive, love il- 172 IMMORTALITY. lumined, chastely decorated, and seraphim-frequented. The holiest angels and seraphs have lofty ideals, stretching on into the ineffable and the unattainable. Though exerting a general influence upon mortals, I sel- dom visit the earth in person ; and then to give directions to the active controls of this medium, and to give counsel in the development of other mediums. At some future time I will describe to you the martyr's death, which I suffered in Rome ; and I feel safe in promising to return oftener than in the past, as your atmosphere facilitates a work that needs to be done. Spirit Experiences and Teachings ; through the Mediumship of S. T. Mar chant, Cape Town, South Africa. When an inhabitant of earth I was a student and teacher of divinity. I am still employed in teaching ; but upon en- tering the higher existence, I was soon compelled to modify my theological views. This caused me quite a struggle, for I was inclined to be persistent. In changing worlds I did not completely lose my consciousness. This is not the case with those who suffer from disasters. Spirit life is so much like life upon earth, that some hardly know they have made the change. I found a place, or, perhaps better expressed, a home prepared for me, when passing into the new state of existence. My garments were also prepared, and they corresponded with my taste, and, I afterwards learned, with my moral status. . . . Yes, I have frequently seen spirits whose habitations were upon other planets ; they are sometimes sent to your earth as messengers. I remember of recently seeing a messenger spirit from the planet Jupiter. He was enveloped in a mist, like a cloud of gold, and moved, so it seemed to me, with the swift- ness of lightning — the long, flowing hair floating behind him. This aromal, gauze-like cloud completely encircled him, re- vealing a being of radiant loveliness. My spirit teacher said that he was the " Angel of Beneficence." The higher intelligences of other planets have always ex- ercised more or less influence upon your earth. The plan- ets themselves are more potent in their effects upon your SPIRIT VOICES AND PROPHECIES. 173 world than mortals generally imagine. When astronomy and judicial astrology are better comprehended, the mysteries of life, birth, health, and intellectual development will be far better understood. This medium is now under the influence of Saturn — seventh house; but will shortly come under the peculiar influences of Pallas — the first house. The conjunc- tion of certain planets has much to do with the matter and also the minds upon your earth. . The medium, however, has no faith in these astrological teachings, hence it is difficult for us to fully project our ideas into and through his organism. As to the existence of birds, animals, and noisome insects, I feel it difficult to express realities upon this sub- ject as I find them. I have never seen stinging insects and loathsome serpents in our state of existence. I think they subserved their uses in the material world that you now inhabit. Of course there is no annihilation ; the universe knows no absolute loss. Accordingly, the animals and in- sects of your plane, having no aspirations for immortality, die ; the grosser portion of them going to enrich the soil, while the spiritual part enters into and is absorbed in the great vortex of spirit essences. And jet we have often seen subjective appearances of animal and bird life attendant upon immortal spirits. Nevertheless, those who have dwelt much longer, and occupy higher positions in spirit life, teach that all types and germs are immortal ; and from them J gather that the graceful animals that tread, and the beautiful plumagecl birds that make music in the evergreen groves, are indigenous to, and the outbirths of, the higher spheres in which they ap- pear. . . . Q. What is to be the future of Africa in the world's history ? A. This is a momentous subject, demanding careful con- sideration. The history of this country, with her Lost Arts, was long since buried in forgetfulness. In remote antiquity, hidden under the dust of ages, Central Africa was the garden of the world. The Sanscrit language, the pride of ancient India, was begotten and saw its palmiest days near the foun- tains of the Nile. Why, then, has the lion so long borne the 174 IMMORTALITY. curse of degradation? Why should the dark stain remain upon one of the fairest portions of God's universe? Why such a long night after such a glorious noonday ? After the night cometh the morning. Ethiopia shall yet again stretch forth her hands to God. The baptism of tire is now upon her. After the clangor of wars and warfare comes peace and prosperity. . . . Ancient America was the Alpha of earth's humanity, Asia the Beta, while to Europe has been allotted the fiery work of scourging and purification. But, in the dawning cycle, to Africa shall be given the full unfolding of that flower whose grateful fragrance shall fill the whole earth, and whose mellifluous melodies shall add to the harmonies. The Spirit Home and Surroundings of Edgar Athcling, as seen clairvoyantly by Alfred DeaJcin of Australia. Situated in the midst of a very beautiful country, his resi- dence gleams brightly in the distance from out a dark setting of green forest and purple sea. The character of the space seen is hilly, rising to a ridge of mountain peaks, whose lofti- ness was apparently snow-capped, rocky, and above the vege- tation thickly covering its flanks. The direction was north- ward, and the chain of pointed and jagged elevations was then lying to the southeast. As far as my vision extended the surface of the land was diversified by trees and magnifi- cent foliage, the undulations often abrupt, and sometimes pre- cipitous. The atmosphere was of a brilliant lucidity and soft- ness, the coloring of the sward and copses standing out in fine relief; the sky of an inexpressible tenderness overarch- ing it with a wealth of sunny blue. The contour of the whole was magnificently wild and grand.' A rugged coast, and cliffs washed by the sea in almost living ecstasy of mo- tion, bounding it to the east and north : while toward the west I had the sensation of life, and in that direction seemed to sense the presence, and abiding places in cities, of spirits upon the same plane. The scene was of immense extent, probably some sixty square miles, lying around the building, which was evidently one of great splendor, approached by SPIRIT VOICES AND PROPHECIES. 175 exquisite gardens on two sides, and with the sea close to it on a third. It was in shape like a gigantic magnet, or horseshoe, of one very lofty story. The material of which it was composed seemed of varie- gated or changeful color, in many places milk-white, and in others of golden hue. Mother-of-pearl is the only substance I can liken it to, and I fancy from the proximity of the ocean that this might be obtained from thence. The architecture was strange but very imposing, and as if music in some inexplicable way was wrought into the facades and woven over its porticoes. Domes, towers, and minarets, were among its decorations, which like the vegetation par- took of an Oriental tinge. The interior consisted of halls, corridors, and smaller apartments; but there were some of these squared, in every case the angles being rounded off or concealed. I felt an atmosphere, as it were, of education and refinement proceeding from it, and grew dimly conscious of a great number of dwellers therein, busied in intellectual em- ployments, and the cultivation of spiritual gifts. Different portions of the edifice were set apart for different branches of study. In one portion I perceived an immense library. The forms of the volumes were almost exactly like those we are familiar with, while others, which I perceived, differed only in minor particulars. Some of them evidently were of very ancient origin. The contents I could only analyze by the influence proceeding from them, which was invariably of an inspiring nature. I saw many most beautiful vases, in which were growing plants of delicate odor and refreshing beauty. Flowers were not only in perfume without, but were in every part, and in almost every chamber. I could not estimate the rooms or inhabitants of this vast seminary, which must excel, I think, in size as well as grandeur, every earthly real and ideal. My guide is one of the band of teachers occupying it, and engaged in the inculcation of spir- itual truth to those who have already passed through the disci- pline of the dark spheres and require information upon the 176 IMMORTALITY. larger aspects and duties of the higher life, to souls whose boundary henceforth is only in the solar system. A crescent contracted may convey a better idea of the gen- eral appearance of the extraordinary structure I am powerless to adequately describe. Between the points or arms of the horseshoe is a most exquisite enclosure of lovely flowers. Numerous doors open upon it, and being above the level, are connected with it by steps. In the windows is something re- sembling glass, apparently stained, of many shades and with unique figures painted upon it. A kind of balcony overlooks the sea, supported, as are many other such around the build- ing, upon light, graceful pillars. Many places here I cannot describe, as they are utterly unlike anything of earth. There do not seem to be any places set apart for sleeping or eating ; the first being to them but as a dreamy reverie, and their sus- tenance chiefly derived from inhalation, of which the refuse is cast off through the pores of the skin by insensible excre- tion. The chairs are more of the character of lounges and couches than aught else I can compare them to. In all these spheres I see men and women working out their salvation under the direction of more exalted intelligences. Their dress is usually a flowing and graceful garb, in no way im- peding the activity of the limbs, is rich and pure. As they approach that portion of what I have called the mother-of- pearl^ it reflects the peculiar radiance from the aura of each, and this occasions the changefulness which I at first appre- hended in its tints. Just between the poles of the magnet is a great statue, carved in what appears to be marble. It represents a warrior who with one hand is shading his eyes, in the other grasps a sword, his whole frame poised forward as if for a spring upon some foe ; while from between his feet a superb eagle is spreading his wings to soar away. Farther in, between the arms of the horseshoe, another : a woman reclin- ing and holding a globe, which she intently regards. I think it symbolizes one of the planets. Scattered throughout all the grounds are other sculptures of marvelous power and beauty. A great gallery of paintings contains a picture of a SPIRIT VOICES AND PROPHECIES. 177 storm at sea ; another of a conflagration ; but beyond the bare, outlines of the subjects I could not see anything, while I felt that it was idle to endeavor to obtain their meaning. In the woods there are birds of bright plumage and enchanting song. In the streams and adjoining sea are fish, sporting in their element. There are halls here filled with antiquities; and something like a tall majestic pyramid peers up in the dis- tance. The pervading quality of all is that of peace and hap- piness of noble souls who, in intellectual exercises and reli- gious faith, pursue their aspirations in pure lives of angel ministry to one another, and to mortal worlds. This is but a slight sketch and imperfect description of the glories of the angels' homes, among which is that of the gen- erous and gracious spirit who has made my feeble faculties his own, by untiring charities of an unbounded affection. His abode is worthy of himself. Both are heavenly. These glimpses are emblematic rather than actual, and of promise more than fulfillment. If at any future day I be led by that clearest of teachers nearer to himself and it, I will then essay to outline more completely that which has touched my eyes and heart, but not my tongue. The rest is silence. Rev. John Stewart's Home in Spirit Life, through Thomas Walker, Medium. Names with us have a spiritual significance. Rising gently out of Angel Lake is Charity Island, the abode of congenial spirits, who take special delight in the exercise of their sym- pathetic and devotional natures. It is elevated just above the silvery waters that ripple musically against the shores of the lake. Near the interior of the island, among towering transparent rocks, is situated my home, somewhat irregular in form, but adapted to my taste. The island is not large, yet decorated around the shores with a gallery of floral beauties. Some of these flowers are so arranged as to form a carpet of variegated tints. Away a little in the distance pastures spread their light green foliage, and orchards bear their golden fruit. Near these, in a cluster 12 178 IMMORTALITY. of trees, shaded by their foliage, is my house, seven stories in height. The rooms are somewhat irregular in -shape, the first story being in the form of an octagon, the second an irregular square, and so on to the seventh ending in a dome. The fur- niture of each room is adapted to the use we make of the apartment. The lower room, consecrated to educational pur- poses and devotional exercises, has little furniture besides desks and seats. The walls are decorated with creeping vines, the ceiling festooned with evergreens, and the windows are adorned with orange-colored curtains. The second story is for discussions and lectures upon moral subjects. Here, after my old habit, I have had a pulpit arranged, where I and other spirits oftentimes stand to discourse upon religious sub- jects. In the third story we meet for social enjoyment, hence the parallelogram shape. Sometimes there is dancing and marches here, though I do not myself indulge in these exer- cises. The fourth story is what we call the " Octagon of Luxury," because here are elegant paintings and instruments of music, and through the channel of music we pour out our souls' deep- est devotions. The fifth story is where we have our library- room and studio ; the sixth, where we display our choicest collections of art ; and the seventh is divided into rooms for repose ; — here we also have a magnificent observatory. The materials of the building differ according to the uses assigned to each apartment. In the rooms of recreation the material of the walls is of a translucent nature, and through them we can see all that is transpiring upon the islands. In the room for devotion the material is more of a staid nature, imprisoning us, as it were, in the atmosphere of the soul, and forbidding the entrance of any frivolity. The conditions lock out the murmuring of the fountains, the music of the lake, the rhythmic movement of the flowers, the attuned melody of the foliage, the harmonies of the island, and bring us into closer communion with our inmost souls and the Divine Pres- ence. We go from the lower to the upper apartments by means SPIRIT VOICES AND PROPHECIES. 179 of a downy chariot, propelled mostly by the will-power, and which travels upon the outside of the building. Each story is less than the lower one, thus forming a walk enclosing the upper room. These walks are adorned with statues, paint- ings, flowers, and creeping vines. This is a description of my spirit home — the home of John Stewart, once a Presbyterian minister of England. Q. Did you enter this home when first leaving the earth- form ? A. No. It was only after growth and advancement. Then I was taken by a band of spirits and introduced to two others, who were in this house, and told that this should be my home until I was fitted for a higher and better. Q. Who erected this residence ? A. I cannot tell who first built it, as it had been in prepara- tion for ages, each occupant doing something to beautify it, and thus leaving his lasting impress upon it. This should be an incentive to true and pure living upon earth. Jesus un- doubtedly referred to a heavenly residence when he said, " I go to prepare a place for you." Q. Is marriage perpetual in the spheres ? A. Not exactly in the arbitrary sense in which you under- stand it upon earth ; and yet I have my once earthly wife. If on earth you are wisely fitted for each other, and pro- gressed together, you will naturally turn to her who on earth was more than friend. Spiritual love reaches out to an oppo- site here much as it does upon earth. Here in our island home we yearn for social enjoyment, for the divine blending of opposite souls; and whilst we love humanity, and can lov- ingly smile upon all", we nevertheless turn in this sphere each and all to their soul-mates. Other spheres doubtless have different experiences. With us there is no lust. The Christ spirit of purity has overcome the Adam in our natures. We walk in the resurrection life of a love that is pure and heav- enly. Whether this condition will remain eternal, blooming out from the special into the universal, I have no means of 180 IMMOETALITY. knowing, and theorizing upon the subject seems to me a use- less waste of time. Q. Are there not spirits who never found a marital mate, and are yet happy ? A. Yes, most certainty ! Bruno, the distinguished martyr, resides with other noble souls on Celibate Hill, and is ex- quisitely happy, married to the universe of great, beating, loving souls. ... I wear white flowing robes and long flow- ing hair. At our public meetings there is a general invitation given. We live in what you would term a communhy, and do not generally say " my home," but " our home." Upon entering this new home I was introduced by a Swedenborgian divine, known on earth by the name of Noble. One of the residents of this home was the philosopher of earth named Bacon. It should be remembered by the children of men that it is not so much intellect on earth as goodness, purity, and self-sacrifice, that prepares the soul for the homes of the blest. Q. Why is the lowest story in your residence used for de- votional exercises? A. Because it is in keeping with the gravity required as a basis; and further, all future progression must have prayer and religious culture for its foundation. . . . Symbols' are im- pressive as well as the supporting pillars of truth. In our library are precious manuscripts from nations now forgotten upon your earth ; also a large variety of volumes both ancient and modern. These are not obtained by the merely will- power; if so, we might possibly will from Omnipotence His knowledge. We obtain them by applying to the authors, or to those who possess copies. I have not only many religious volumes of the past in my library, but the books of the most prominent spiritualists. . . . Life with us is a perpetual lux- ury. We partake of delicious fruits ; but in a higher sense, perhaps, it may be said that every pore of the spirit body has a mouth, and this might be called subsistence by the spiritual law of assimilation. ... If the life on earth was moral and harmonious, the change from sphere to sphere is SPIBTT VOICES AND PROPHECIES. 181 gradual and delightful ; but if on earth the life was selfish and vile, then in passing from the second to a higher sphere the individual experiences something akin to a " second death " — a death of suffering. " Blessed are those over whom the second death hath no power." Questions answered through the 31ediumship of Mrs. Maria M. King, of Hammonton, N. dwell in this society of the first circle ! — but we are cheered by the glorious knowledge that reformatory influences will operate upon its members, and in time be reached by the redemptive powers of love and wisdom." .... " ' And what,' I asked, 4 is to be the future destiny of these sluggish spirits ? ' 240 IMMORTALITY. " ' Eternity,' she said, 'and eternal love will work in them eternal progress. But that progress, like their natures, will be slow ; and though their cup of pleasure may always be full, yet it will always be small.' " Away to the left of these I then discovered what appeared like a livery stable, and near by it a race-course. I asked what this meant. She said, ' It is a society of those who love fast horses, who in the earth-life would be called jockeys.' 4 Are they a society of much repute among other circles of the spirit realms ? ' I asked. ' Not much,' she said. ' They have a love peculiar to themselves, and a dialect peculiar, and not much sympathy or correspondence with those of other tastes.' " " Here I was permitted to see a phase of social life in heaven. The people or spirits of one of the mountains met together, of all ages and sexes, in a small grove on the side of the mountain for social exercise and enjoyment, the chief entertainment being, on this occasion, the singing of pastoral songs. We could distinctly hear the sweet tones as they came floating across the lake, which thrilled my soul with very pleasure. " At this moment two beautiful spirits passed by us in haste, as if on some special message. I asked my guide what these meant. " She beckoned with her hand as if to some one at a dis- tance. Immediately a bright spirit approached, having a countenance full of intelligence and benignity,, and greeted us in the most friendly manner. Then said my companion, 8 Can you tell us, brother, on what errand those sisters are speeding to-day ? ' " i Yes,' he said, ' they have a sister ill, in the flesh, and they are sent to watch by her bed-side, to-night.' " ' Do the spirits, then,' I asked, ; really visit or revisit earth and minister to their friends in the flesh ? ' " 8 Yes,' answered the brother. ' Do not the Scriptures teach us that all the angels are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation ? Did CEYSTAL DEOPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 241 not the angels have charge over Christ in the earth-life? And were not Moses and Elias seen talking with him? Man's spiritual vision is necessarily dim. His mind, clogged by the grossness of the material body, is full of misapprehen- sions of angel ministry. ' " " Here we live amid a state of things which is an enlarge- ment of your life. But how can we describe to you an enlarge- ment of that which you do not already understand ? How explain the growth of a small tree into a large tree to a per- son who has never been capable of grasping the fact of a tree ? Yet that is what spirits try to do who give descriptions of this life to earth-dwellers. Man's own actions lead him into the pastures upon which his mind feeds, and in a higher state you will move of yourself among these higher spheres, instead of straining for broken words and misinterpreted sen- tences from another world. " You must not misunderstand me, and suppose that I mean spiritual truths should not be impressed upon the mind of man whenever God opens the gates for us. That is com- munication of a different order. He permits a flood of light to break upon the world sometimes when the life of man is sinking too utterly. A few gleams are reaching you now, you earth-dwellers ; and 'God .forbid that I, one of the workers, should disparage any of that which we have power to impart. No. What I say is, Use your opportunities wisely. I see that our languages have a common vocabulary for certain forms of spiritual life — those of which you are cognizant while still in the body. Of these we can speak, and can thus help you that look up. Those that look not up it is permitted to rouse b}^ a coarser mode of demonstration." " You are accustomed to suppose that in order to make a good appearance in the physical world your dwelling or habi- tation, or surroundings, must be of such and such an order. Now in spiritual life this is the same, but it chances to be a fact that the abode of the spirit, as well as the garments that 16 242 IMMORTALITY. it wears, and the various surroundings that it possesses, are the result of far different kinds of labor than those employed on earth to attain them, and that you cannot do it by any recognized system of fraud upon your neighbor, or by any of the usual terms called speculation and business and train- ing ; but that the entire property of the spirit is the result of his or her sterling mental and moral qualities ; that your spir- itual body in substance must be able to attract to itself parti- cles of beauty by the amount and intensity of the beauty and light that is within ; that you cannot cover up the inner dark- ness with a robe of splendor, nor shelter the imperfect soul in an abode and palace of luxury ; that the pauper who is honest in purpose, and strives to do his best, inherits a home, while the prince who has lavished no gifts save those robbed from the poor and the fatherless, is a beggar in spirit life. And so inevitably the law is this : that upon entering spiritual exist- ence you find yourself in precisely the condition and sur- roundings that 3'our mental and moral status call you to, and you find that you have builcled your spiritual habitation, and clothed your spiritual body, either with a raiment of good thoughts and deeds, or with shadowy garments of unkinclness and corruption. " This is not merely a sentiment, or a flower of speech or of rhetoric, but so palpable is it that it belongs to the world of legitimate cause and effect — that the soul attracts those atoms that beautify and adorn it in exact proportion as it is beautiful, and can so attract them. The lily, which has within itself the germ of the flower, absorbs from sun and from air the properties that clothe it in whiteness ; and the spirit of thought and action and volition draws to itself either the shadowy vapors of uncertainty and profligate life, or the beautiful white atoms that glisten in the sunlight of purity and truth. Between these two stand all souls in their spirit- ual state, whether they be embodied or disembodied ; and hence, to the spiritual vision and in the spiritual world, there is no such thing as the possibility of concealing the real state or condition of mind one from the other. CRYSTAL DEOPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 243 " The mask that is worn upon earth is often successful, but even here a clear-sighted and intuitive observer may see the lines of character, or may perceive that vice has made its inroads even upon the fairest physical form ; while the spirit- ual body, which is composed of atoms which respond much more readily to the individual, is an exact expression of what the individual life has been within. Yet, were this all, there is no harshness of judgment there. It is pitiable enough to be deformed upon earth physically, and no one sees such an object without saying, ' Poor thing ! ' So in spirit, when the deformed and perverted soul lays off the garments of earthly splendor that may have been a mask, it is enough that the pitying angels say, 4 Poor soul, for behold the consciousness of deformity is its own punishment.' " " All persons are more or less en rapport with the spirit world; and their spirit friends know more of the thoughts that are directed against them than they do themselves. For instance, if any one thinks ill of you, it immediately causes a ray of light to pass from them to you, and your spirit friends can tell by the color of that ray whether the thought is evil or good. This light is not visible to all spirits. It depends on their state of development. All spirits above the earth- plane can thus see the thoughts of persons below them, whether in the body or out of the body. They are not affected by the condition of the atmosphere like an electric current, nor is there any necessity for wires as a means of conveyiug the thought. All thoughts are thus conveyed by a ray of light when persons think of one another. This is only in accordance with the law we have mentioned, whereby spirits are able to interpret the thoughts of those who are in a lower plane of spiritual development than they themselves. If spirits on their own level, embodied or disembodied, think of them, they are aware of it ; but thoughts not directed toward themselves they cannot, in that case, interpret, excepting there be a strong tie of sympathy between them and the thinker. A person in the body may, of course, be spiritually on a higher 244 DO10RTATJTY. plane than many disembodied spirits ; in which case the latter are unable to read his thoughts, or enjoy his society, though they would, nevertheless, be able to overhear his conversation and spoken words. Hence, if you wish to avoid evil asso- ciates from the spirit world, you see how important it is to make spiritual progress, and thereby attract higher spirit friends. Thus, as already explained, if a man enters the spirit world, he is at once aware what people think of Mm, though he is not aware w T hat those same people are thinking of others, and, consequently, he cannot find any consolation in the reflection that there are other people who are as ill- thought of as himself. Every one he meets thinks badly of him, because they know him to be a bad man by his personal appearance. His spiritual body and garments pronounce his true character, and they think of, know him accordingly." " An important peculiarity in the relative powers of the higher and lower spirits, which we have already alluded to, is that the higher spirits are not visible to those below them ; whilst the former have the power to see all the spirits on the earth-plane. The latter, therefore, are ignorant of the others' presence, unless it is desired to make them aware of the fact. Hence, at seances, it often happens that spirits are present who are unknown to one another, and can only be aware of each other's presence by listening to the communi- cations given through your mediums. An earthly spirit is not aware how many higher spirits are present, and you are not aware how many earthly spirits are present, so that you see the latter have a similar advantage over you to what we have over them. People in the habit of communicating with earthly spirits through those mediums, with whom 'only spirits of this class are connected, wonder why they only receive messages from strangers, never from their own relations. If the latter are in the Summerland, or the third sphere, of course it is easily intelligible ; for we must explain to you that spirits from a higher sphere can only communicate with you through a medium who has readied the same degree ofdevel- CRYSTAL DROPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 245 opment as themselves. Thus, you see, that if you wish to com- municate with the higher spirits, you must first place yourself on a spiritual level with them, otherwise you will never get messages from any spirits above the earth-plane. Another great law of spirit communion is that the higher spirits can read the thoughts of the lower ones — each sphere, in fact, comprehending the one below it." " Do not labor under the delusion that the spiritual world is subject to the same physical laws as your own. This is a frequent mistake with those who come from the earth-plane into the spirit world. They think that it will be dark every twelve hours, and that they must provide against heat and cold. This is not the case. You think that because there is a spiritual counterpart to the matter on the earth, that therefore there is a spiritual counterpart to the gaseous products of the earth ; but this is not so, since the gaseous products of matter are themselves in the nature of spirit. Hence they are unable to possess a spiritual counterpart. We have, therefore, no fog, smoke, mist, clouds, or other gaseous matter or vapor. There is a spiritual counterpart to water, but not to rain, which is vapor, and therefore not coming under our category of matter; neither have we any counterpart of fire, which appertains only to your world. When you read of spirits see- ing flames, vapor, fog, &c, you may assume that it is entirely subjective, and denotes the inner condition of the seer. We do not perceive such appearances, because we belong to a higher sphere, and therefore we say they have no objective reality to us. If we wish to penetrate into the inner state of unhappy spirits, we can see, by sympathy, the appearances which they are cognizant of. We see your fires, it is true, just as you see them, so far as regards the materials they consume ; but the products of combustion have no existence in the spirit world, neither do we perceive any heat from the fire, or any cold from the frost. Frozen water appears the same to us as to you. Thus you see we lose a great many of the disagreeables as well as the agreeables of your life. People coming from 246 IMMORTALITY. your side of life find the spiritual world at first very enjoy- able ; the change from darkness, fog, rain, and cold, being rather delightful. We speak here, of course, of those who, as before explained, see things as they are, and who are not morally hallucinated. They find themselves in the same locality they previously resided in, but all is changed as re- gards its climate. In their ej^es the sky is ever cloudless, the sun is alwa} T s shining, if not always visible — for, of course, it- disappears below the horizon ; the streets are free from fog, smoke, and rain; and they feel neither thirst nor hunger. They soon miss the variety which those changes of the atmos- phere afforded, and, perhaps, some would have preferred the old state of things.'' " There is a spiritual counterpart to all organized forms ; and a spirit, or a circle of spirits, can reproduce a materialized counterpart, that is, he can temporarily re-materialize the spiritual counterpart, by the aid of laws that you see in oper- ation, at what is called a materialization seance, such as have been frequently witnessed in the presence of mediums. The latter phenomena are simply the materialization of the spirit body of persons who formerly lived on your earth in the flesh, and are enabled to re-clothe themselves for the time being in matter borrowed from the mediums and the persons forming the circle. When, therefore, you see a spirit form clothed in white drapery, you may assume it is an exact materialized reproduction of the spirit matter composing the dress and body of the spirit who thus shows herself or himself. As, however, the matter they are clothed in is taken from the bodies of persons in the flesh, — principally from the medium, — it has, at first, a tendency to shape itself into forms resem- bling more or less the person of the medium. Hence, every spirit who thus re-clothes himself or herself through a new medium, bears a considerable resemblance to the latter — a circumstance which investigators naturally regard as exceed- ingly suspicious. It is, however, no more so than the resem- blance which one person bears to another, whose garments he CRYSTAL DROPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 247 may have borrowed. When the power becomes stronger, it is found that the resemblance to the medium diminishes." " Spirit communion is practised in our world the same as with you, only we obtain higher and more perfect mani- festations. Should a spirit, who knows nothing of spirit communion, see a messenger from a higher sphere, he is uuable to comprehend the meaning of it, fancies he has seen an angel, and becomes alarmed, or runs away with the idea that it is a ghost. This sounds very absurd to you, but nevertheless it is true. There is as much superstition and bigotry on the subjects of spiritualism and spirit-communion among spirits, as there is among those in the flesh ; nor is it to be wondered at when you consider with what prejudices people are sent out of your world into ours, and how little change they experience in their mode of life and surround- ings. The spirit world is so material to their senses, that they cannot realize the existence of spirit at all, still less that they themselves are spirits. " You are mistaken, therefore, in supposing that the higher and lower spirits are intermingled in your thoroughfares, in a manner to be equally visible to all. Those who are on the earth-plane see only earthly spirits ; those from a higher sphere see both classes. It is entirely dependent on the spiritual development of each man how much of the spirit world and its inhabitants he sees." " In a case of the foundering of a ship, when the passengers find themselves at the bottom of the ocean, they rise at once, as spirits, to the surface, by the force of their will-power, which involuntarily induces them to reach the surface again as the first thing to do. When there, and they find their ship is gone, they see their situation at a glance, and their thoughts naturally revert to their homes and friends, in which direction they are spontaneously drawn by the force of their affections, which is sufficient to attract the spirit-body thither. In the case, however, of a ship destroyed by fire, the persons who have just been drowned, and must therefore 248 IMMORTALITY. now be called spirits, find themselves, along with the material bodies they lately inhabited, floating about in the water ; they see the ship, or rather its spiritual counterpart, intact, con- sequently — as it appears to their spiritual eyesight — the same vessel they just saw burnt down. Since the spiritual ship is equally material to their spiritual touch, they naturally conclude -that they have been washed overboard, and that the fire was merely a dream, or that it has been put out ; hence they wish themselves on board again. By force of this exercise of their wills they soon find themselves there. They then see no difference between things now and things as they were before, and may go on in the old course of life, for years, perhaps, never finding out that there has been any change in their condition. They cannot reach the shore, because the ship is unable to approach the land, owing to the strong mag- netic currents that sweep round the shores of the spiritual counterpart of your ocean, thus preventing all navigation. The reason they do not leave the vessel is, because their thoughts are centered on it in an unusual degree. Those who have made a long voyage, know the feeling of regret with which they leave the ship that has been their home for so many months ; and this is the same tie that keeps the spirit tied to the vessel in the case under discussion. The ship becomes impregnated with the magnetism of the passengers and crew, and they cannot release themselves, in the same way that people clinging to their old homes on land may do, because of their being so entirely isolated from the rest of mankind. They see other ships pass them which are nav- igated by men in the body ; but the latter being unable to see them — excepting in cases where some one among the pas- sengers is clairvoyant — take no notice of them and pass them by. It is possible, of course, that such a vessel might run them down; but this could not easily happen, simply because their will-power is sufficient to control the movements of their own vessel and keep them out of danger, and they are never asleep, because they experience no night. "It is quite true, as you say, that in the case of houses CRYSTAL DEOPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 249 destroyed by fire, we told you that the inhabitants were released by the fire ; whereas, in the case of the ship, we now tell you that the reverse takes place." 44 When the house is destroyed by fire, the spirit has no longer any tie to the old place, so he seeks another ; and in so doing he is compelled to come more in contact with his fellow- men, and he learns that there are other beings and other inter- ests in the world besides his own ; — in short, he is compelled to rouse himself. And hence it is that a great fire may be a great benefit to the spirit world, as it would relieve a number of unhappy men and women, who, in dwelling for years in one spiritual atmosphere, have been to all intents and pur- poses imprisoned. The removal and rebuilding of an old house may, of course, effect the same object, but not so completely as a fire does ; for the old materials are generally used up again elsewhere, and the spirit inhabitants are still attracted to them." " It is often the case that an intellectual man is not happy in the spirit world. We will tell you why : The pursuit of knowledge is an occupation; and, as we have previously assured you, as long as a person has an occupation, he may be more or less happy. If he studies the beauties of nature as an artist, or traveler, or man of science, he feels elevated and benefited, and may be tolerably happy for the time being. But in the spirit world, life is so long — being eternal — and the means of acquiring knowledge, including the increased facilities of locomotion, are so much greater, that a man soon exhausts all that there is for him to see. He then feels weary of perpetually going over the same ground again, and he finds that he cannot make any use of the knowledge he has acquired with such infinite pains, now that he has got it; hence it is not surprising that he becomes unhappy, and longs for fresh scenes and pastures new. This is the turning-point in his career. He may have been a very selfish man on earth, — and how many scientific men are not so ! In any case he 250 IMMORTALITY. must find a means of imparting his knowledge to the world, or he gains nothing by his acquirements ; and if he did not seek knowledge for some object of gain to himself — whether ambition or wealth — he must seek it for the good of his fellow- men, which is simply supposing him to be possessed of the love of his kind, that, as already explained, would qualify him to rise higher. If his object has been a selfish one, which is also too frequently the case, he is unhappy because he cannot give his knowledge to the world, and get the credit for it. He tries, perhaps, as a spirit, to get an audience together to instruct them, but fails ; because spirits on the earth-plane do not care about acquiring knowledge at second hand. If they have any thirst for knowledge, they can all acquire it for themselves?*!or the thirst for knowledge implies a will to have it, and that gives them the power to get it. ' This being the case, the scientific men are disappointed of the honor they expected to derive from their discoveries, and they hunt out a medium, and try to impart it through him to your world ; but that outlet for their overcharged brains fails to satisfy their ambition likewise, since it is the medium who gets the credit of anything that is so given to your skeptical world. His medium need not be a professional, or even be conscious of possessing mediumship ; he may be simply an ordinary scientific man ; who is sufficiently impressionable to receive the thoughts which the spirit impresses on his brain, — in which case, of course, he takes all the credit of the discovery him- self, and, indeed, never finds out until he gets into the next world, that all the ideas which he thought were his own, sim- ply came through his mind as a channel for the communica- tion to the material world, of the ideas from another man, who perhaps lived his earth-life a few years before himself. Thus, }^ou see, a man may spend years in pursuing his favor- ite studies in the spirit world, and find after all that it is mere ' vanity and vexation of spirit.' " We will now trace the career of a man whose pursuits are of a more intellectual and less scientific turn. He has, per- haps, been devoting his lifetime to the study of metaphysical CRYSTAL DROPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 251 problems of no practical benefit to his fellow-men ; he merely engages in his studies as an intellectual amusement, perhaps from similar motives to those which actuated our scientific friend, or, perhaps, for the sake of giving to humanity a sys- tem of philosophy which will hand clown to posterity his name as a philosopher and learned scholar. Many men have thus devoted a lifetime to metaphysical hairsplitting, under the delusion that they were conferring a benefit on mankind, which, however, they find out, when it is to late, proves to be little more than a delusion and a snare. We would not have you neglect your intellectual training, but we would have you understand that, although it may afford you plenty of occupa- tion and pleasure, it cannot give you the happiness which springs from a consciousness of having done some good in the world. Remember, therefore, that intellectual acquirements will not aid a man in his spiritual progress ; for a man who has none of the love of his fellow-men in his heart — be his intellect what it may — cannot rise so rapidly in the spirit world as he who, having less intellect, has more of the love element in his composition. This explains how it is that a man may be very intellectual, and yet not make much prog- ress in the spirit world." "A man should not only be negatively, but he should be positively, good. He should go out of his way to do good. His great life-motive should be to help others ; and he should sympathize with and assist those occupying the lowest con- ditions on the earth-plane. There are more good men among the poor than among the rich. The adage, ' Every man for himself,' is selfish, and immoral in tendency. 'Do all for others,' expressed in different ways, is a precept old as Epictetus, old as the moral lessons of Jesus, old as the nega- tively expressed Golden Rule of Confucius, old as the more highly inspired poets of antiquity. Persons to be happy in any sphere of existence, should live lives of self-denial. By self-denial we mean, the sharing of our enjoyments with theirs, the suppression of self in an overshadowing remem- brance of and love for others." 252 IMMORTALITY. " Many persons-think it is not permissible to pray, but this we consider a popular delusion amongst those on earth. We in spirit life pray for help whenever we want it, let the object be what it may ; but not if it is an evil object. In the latter case, prayer certainly is undesirable, for it is the cause of attracting to }'ou spirits who will aid you in accomplishing your purpose, perhaps, but they will only increase your unhappiness afterwards ; for if you have strong will-power you are tempting them. On the other hand, if you pray for a good object, you benefit the spirits whom you draw around you. It is good for them to help others ; and in helping you, they help themselves. Thus, you see, prayer is a spiritual force which you can put in operation if you have will-power enough. "It is not necessary for a man to pray before he can be helped, but it is advisable ; because, although his spirit friends can read his thoughts and understand his wants, he loses the aid of many others who cannot read his thoughts, but who would be attracted to him by his prayers, and would help him if they knew he wanted help. If, however, he never prays, they do not know of his needs, and they do not help him. Prayer is therefore not merely aspiration, it is something like advertising your wants. All spirits do not see them, it is true ; but those who can help you are made aware of your needs, and are able to assist you. You should, of course, pray to God, rather than to spirits directly. He permits spirits to execute his decrees. You may not know that this is the case, because you do not see God ; but we all live under His laws, and nothing can happen contrary to His laws ; consequently, whatever is done must be done by the Divine sanction, and to Him your prayers should be addressed. We do not . say they would be unanswered if addressed to spirits. You can address your prayers to spirits if you like, but it comes to the same thing. You call on the spirit of God — which dwells in th-eir souls as in yours — to help you, and that spirit re- sponds to your call. There is therefore no disgrace in asking help from spirits. We do not pray to spirits, but to God. .... Men with the strongest wills will be able to do the CRYSTAL DROPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 253 most good or evil in the world, because they have the most influence with their fellow-men, which is only another name for prayer — the exercise of an influence over others. It does not follow because you are on the earth that you cannot exer- cise an influence over spirits above your own sphere. That is a mistake ; you can exercise your power wherever it is wanted — that is to say, if the object requires the interference of the highest spirits, you may get it. We do not say you will get it, for, of course, you might pray for impossible things, and we do not say you will always get what }^ou want in the time that } r ou wish it. You might wish for the immediate conversion of the whole of the spirit world; but this prayer could not be granted without the aid of the Almighty, and therefore you would have to be subject to laws that would necessitate your waiting His time. "By longing, we do not mean praying — that is another matter. Prayer is a more active form of longing ; and what we say is, that if you pray — that is, if you ask for what you want — (not necessarily aloud), you have a better chance of getting it than by keeping your longings to yourself, and never expressing them in the form of words. This expression of a longing, in the form of words, addressed to some friend — your Almighty Father it should be — is what we understand by prayer. You think that a man like Napoleon I. is not likely ever to have prayed in his life for help to aid him in carrying out his plans. We happen to know for a fact that he did, and that is just wiry he got such an immense number of adherents around him from the spirit world. He prayed constantly, not perhaps aloud. He may not even have intended to pray ; but the mere mental utterance of a desire that he might succeed is, to all intents and purposes, a prayer. " We have told you of the power of prayer. Now, let us turn to the power of love. The one is the counterpart of the other. Prayer asks, and love grants. If you pray for that which you need, the measure of the love which 3*011 are entitled to at the hands of Him you pray to, is evidenced by the response you get to your prayer, be the response favorable 254 DIMOETALITY. or otherwise. If you pray to a human being, the same law applies. If he loves you much, he will respond readily; if not, he refuses. Thus you see that the law is very simple in its application ; and in proportion as you merit a reward, so will that reward be meted out to you. You see this law in operation in every phase of life, both in the spiritual and the material worlds. With you its application is of daily occur- rence. You refuse the request of your child, not because you don't love it, but because you do. As spirits, we believe in the potency and efficacy of prayer. We know that we grow to be like what we aspire to. We delight to pour out our gratitude to the great All-Father, and to pray for assist- ance from holy ministering angels. Matter is moved by spirit. Hence if you hear of matter in the form of clothes, money, 1 and food, being sent to a man in answer to his prayers, as you do in the case of George Miiller's Orphanage, at Bristol, where you have one man providing by his will-power, or prayers, for the wants of two thousand orphan children, you have a case simply of matter controlled by spirits, in the same sense that you have it when you move the chair. The modus operandi we know to be as follows, for we have watched it : the person praying, simply calls to his aid spirits — that is, men and women — who sympathize with his work ; in short, he may be said to advertise for them. The difference between him and others, who solicit your charitable contributions, is that he advertises in the spiritual world. We have called it advertising, simply to convey an idea to your mind that you can comprehend, but in reality it is nothing of the kind : it is an earnest appeal by spirit power to those whose necessities require that they should lend help of this kind. Hence you see it is a mutual benefit. ' It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " " The spirit world, rather than the ph} T sical world, is the sphere of causes. Its baptismal influences are continually being poured upon mortals. All great orators are inspired ; all poets are impressed ; the greatest artists often paint wiser than they know. Many of the best mediums on earth do not CRYSTAL DROPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 255 know they are mediums. Many claim thoughts and ideas as their own that were simply transmitted to their sensitive brain. If a man can sit down and write off by the hour with- out knowing what is coming next, he must be simply an im- pressional medium, let him call himself what he will. If he has to originate the thoughts himself, and form them into words and sentences before he can put them down, he will find that it is a much slower process than he has been accus- tomed to. Should he doubt what we have said, let him beg the question for a moment, grant the existence of the sup- posed spirit, and ask the latter to give him a test of what we are saying by withdrawing the thoughts from h'is mind. Should he find, after making such a request, that he is no longer able to proceed during a short interval, he maybe sure that he is what is called, in spiritualist parlance, an impres- sional medium. We hope he will not consider it derogatory to his dignity to come under such a category ; for, as a matter of fact, all the most brilliant geniuses of any age have been such. They could not have originated the ideas which are conveyed by the works of men like Shakespeare, Spenser, Milton, Dante, Plato, Aristotle, and others, unless the writers or speakers had been inspired by men from the spirit world. This is the secret of all inspiration. We see it at work in every-day life just the same. From the spirit side — seen be- hind the scenes, as it were — the process is so simple and commonplace that he who runs may read ; but with you it is of course scouted as one of the delusions of those weak- minded creatures, the Spiritualists. The spirit world is toler- ant of your eccentricities. We know your weak points — we humor them — and work away in spite of it all. We have much to tell you for your own good : it makes us happy to impart knowledge ; hence we seek out, like the scientific men we have told you of, an impressional mind amongst you, and pour into his brain the thoughts which we are full of. He takes all the credit of their utterance in your world ; but as it is only temporarily, we do not mind it. When he comes into the spirit world he finds his mistake out, and is obliged 256 BlMOBTALITY. to admit that he is not such a genius as he thought he was. Then he has to take his proper place in the world of thought, and perhaps he may be dissatisfied. If so, he of course be- comes unhappy ; and until his pride of intellect is subdued, he cannot rise. " There are many men in the spirit world who, with you, were considered great geniuses, but who are now robbed of all the splendor which was not theirs. If they ever succeed in communicating through mediums with those on the earth- plane, }~ou wonder at the trivial nature of their sentiments, and think, of course, that the medium is an impostor, because it is clear that Burns or Shakespeare could never have written such stuff as that. Alas ! how are the mighty fallen. When the spirit world reveals to them how little they really were, and how useless have been their attempts at self-glorification, they begin to be wiser and sadder men." " Paris, in a state of revolution, might convey some idea of the spirit life in your great cities. Of course, for some men the life they there lead may have attractions that seem at first glance superior to the life they led on earth. Paupers and criminals have everything to gain by the change from one world to the other. They have nothing to lose, and they leave nothing behind to regret ; on the contrary, it would be a happy release for most of them to be free from the necessity of supplying the needs of the body had they not to supply the needs of the spirit instead. Most of them have never given a thought to their spiritual welfare whilst on earth, and, as a consequence, they have to begin at the bottom of the ladder. In regard to material pleasures, such as appertain to the mate- rial body, they are much better off ; but in regard to spiritual possessions they are paupers indeed. Their great object, therefore, is to associate themselves with persons in the flesh, and enjoy over again, by sympathy, the pleasures appertaining to the material body without its penalties. Having lost their own material bodies, they use the bodies of others still in the flesh, and incite the latter to all kinds of drunkenness and CRYSTAL DROPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 257 excess, so that they maj^ gratify their own base desires. In. your life the principal aim is to supply the wants of the phys- ical body, which helps to build up the spirit body within.. In our world the principal object should be to develop the' soul that dwells in the spirit body ; for the latter is not the spiritual man, any more than your body is such." " Capital punishment is the poorest use that a government or a state can. make of the criminal. The forced death only gives the individual a wider influence to do evil if so disposed. It is better to- reform men in the earthly life than to thrust them from the gallows into our life ; and the most sensible way for you to prevent falsehoods from lying spirits is to stop sending into our country so many deceivers and egregious falsifiers. Your systems of traffic and trade, of deception and hypocrisy, under the name of respectability, have so steeped them in selfish schemes and wrong acting, that it is exceed- ingly difficult for us to at once give their thoughts and acts an upward tendency." " There are no salamanders, sylphs, gnomes, kobolds, ele- mentaries, and headless goblins, in the spirit world — or, at least, in our descensions into and explorations of the lower spheres we have never seen any. We are inclined to think that these are distorted images, inverted psychological presen- tations, originating in imaginative and unbalanced minds. There may be persons in the magical lands of the East, and some few in the West, who have the power to and do command spirits by the exercise of their wills ; but the spirits, thus com- manded are mere satraps — the misguided slaves of positive minds, who seek in such commands the carrying out of selfish sordid aims. Angels invite gentle, ministeriDg spirits' love; but autocratic demons, whether clothed in or disenthralled of material vestures, command ! How unlike Jesus, who said : 4 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' " 17 258 IMMORTALITY. " As spirits we are neither omniscient nor omnipotent, but have our limitations, something as do mortal men and women. We can pass through doors into 3^our buildings without their being open for us ; we can pass through what you term solid walls after accumulated magnetic auras have been removed ; we can, after a time, if so desiring and willing, pass through glass. And yet spirits just having entered into our sphere of existence probably could not ; hence there is wisdom of rais- ing the windows in the chambers of the dying. The bodies of your dead should not be put upon and enveloped in ice, especially while a portion of the vital emanations have not yet been withdrawn preliminary to their assimilation with the spiritual body." It may have been noticed by you in earthly bodies that the dying do not weep; and let us press upon you not to weep and lament aloud over and around the dying. It im- pedes the action of those processes necessary to the tranquil separation of the spirit from the body. There should be calmness and trust, and softest strains of music around the pillow of the dying. What you call death we call birth — the new birth — a second birth on to our shining shores of immortality. Ancient spirits," when descending or approaching your earth, generally prefer not to give their names ; they also dis- like to have their earthly experiences referred to, for they live more in the present, and the unfolding future, than in the past. They prefer to be reticent. They love deeds rather than words. Whether ancient or modern, spirits differ in the power of vision much as do mortals, the more exalted having the deeper powers of penetration. Mrs. Lutie Blair Mlrdock, a gifted spirit-artist of Rock- bottom, Mass., said, under the influence of her entrancing teachers, that the spirit world was no far-away phantom land, but around and about mortals as is the atmosphere they CEYSTAL DEOPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 259 breathe. The lives of animals, insects, plants, flowers, are all in a sense immortal. Nothing is lost into annihilation. Spirits have animals of the higher orders so long as they desire them. But as spirits progress they get beyond them, animals them- selves never getting beyond the sphere nearest the earth. Such insects as are found in spirit life are harmless. . . . Disease originates in obstructions and the false relations of the physical body. The mind and the imagination both affect the conditions of the body, and often nervous diseases are produced and intensified by the malice and misdirected mag- netisms of evil spirits. . . . Spirit vision is not infinite ; and yet we can go, if we wish, into the realms of exalted spirits and see them ; but like ignorant persons in cultured and re- fined society, we should be ill at ease, neither perceiving their thoughts nor understanding their language ; and hence we should soon drift back to our appropriate planes. . . . When we pluck spirit flowers they do not facie. Remember that every earthly flower has a spiritual counterpart. But when the bud is removed from the parent stem on earth, the spirit leaves, and the bud or flower decays ; while the flower in spirit life is composed wholly of spirit substances, and sur- rounded by a spirit atmosphere palpitating with spirit life, and therefore fadeless. Plucked spirit flowers bear some re- semblance in permanency to wax flowers. . . . Spirits not being obliged to toil for the supply of physical wants, and being relieved from the temptations and annoyances of mortal life, do not absolutely retrograde. The holy angels help all who desire it, finding their highest joy in doing good. Cow- per says : " Their lives and works A soul in all things, and that soul is God." Heney Kiddle, A.M., and ex-superintendent of the public schools in the city of New York, has in his family two excel- lent writing mediums, a married daughter and a son, whom I should judge to be about fourteen years of age. Upon asking their controlling intelligences certain ques- tions relating to the states and employments of those in the 260 IMMORTALITY. spirit world, I received very satisfactory answers ; and prin- cipally from the spirit Mary A. Kiddle, who passed to the higher life of immortality when a child. I subjoin these among others equally interesting. u Q ur pobgs are the products of our lives — sadly, badly woven sometimes ; at other times their beauties are only of heavenly growth, and for our celestial homes. ... In traveling our will is our guide, governed by the strength we possess — that is, by our spiritual strength. This will is holy, and gov- erned only by a holy desire, and takes on an intensity of power in proportion to the fitness of the spirit to receive it. We need no vehicles, since the Lord has given us almost un- limited motion." Is your spirit-home within or beyond the atmosphere of this earth? " Our home is not connected with yours in any way except by the ties of tenderness and affection. The two atmospheres are in one sense distinct ; but we can ever come into yours in an instant, when our spirit desires to do so. We have no drawbacks. Love, our highest thought, takes us here, or brings us there, in the name of God. But each and every sphere in itself is separate, though our transition is easy from one to the other. It must be remembered that what you call space has but little to do with us, and that a state of purity constitutes heaven." ' Does Jesus Christ hold any especial relation to this world ? " He has a never-tiring, never-absent care and anxiety for each and every moral being on earth, and will never be at perfect rest until all are brought into harmony with Him and with the will of the divine Father. . . . " All lives, even insects, are precious in the sight of God, and they have their uses. Think of the butterfly. Does it not show you beauties to aspire to ? Just in the same way does it bring to the spirits the conception of and the desire for higher joys. Every living tiring brings back again to your spirit existence the essential nature of its life as it was in the atmosphere which surrounded you in your earthly conditions and aspirations." . . . CRYSTAL DROPS. — FACTS AND FANCIES. 261 Robert Dale Owen, controlling the hand, said : " Spirit life is far more real and satisfactory than was life in the body. All have much to learn when entering this state of existence. ... I have a spirit library ; it contains the essential thoughts of the best authors ; but I find it difficult to explain these things to a mortal. . . . " When on earth, especially in my later years, I held Jesus Christ as highest with the highest ; but now I hold him high in harmony with the Highest. . . . All is working toward good in the end, and leading to the righteous will of the Father. The seeming delay is occasioned by the stubbornness of a generation following their own perverted wills, and not tend- ing toward right and justice, and that sympathy that should flow like a river. Final peace will come, and all will be one body in Christ, and Christ in God." 262 IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER XX. THE TWO THEORIES CONCERNING THE BEGINNINGS OF THINGS — MATTER AND SPIRIT. "I wonder if this is the way We wake from Death's short sleep, to-struggle through A brief bewilderment, and, in dismay, Behold our life unto our old life true." The Indeeekdent. The pine differs no more from the palm than does the Western from the Oriental mind. The one, materialistic in tendency, postulates everything in matter — builds upon it — sees in it the potencies and possibilities of all things, and believes the immortal soul, with its attributes of will, affec- tion, and spiritual aspiration, to have been evolved out of matter, the principal attribute of which is inertia. The Western mind, considered more scientific, more induc- tive, reasons from the circumference toward the center by analysis. It observes and studies the shells of things ; it sneers at metaphysics while using metaphysics to define, and seeks to build philosophies from surface facts and effects rather than from axiomatic truths deducible from conscious- ness, intuition, and the immutable principles of the universe. The Oriental mind, and to my conception the more philo- sophical of the two, commencing with consciousness, reasons from the center toward the circumference by the synthetic process. It starts out from the ego. It reflects upon causes. It studies the soul of things. Probing beneath the diversity of visible forms, it can only rest in the Unity and Causation which are before all, in all, and embracing all. It relies more upon the facts of consciousness than upon inferences drawn from the observation of material phenomena. Professor Eccles says that " Our only assurance of the existence of anything out- MATTER AND SPIPuIT. 263 side of ourselves is the effect produced on consciousness. If the perceiving consciousness is not real, how can we assert that the perceived matter is ? Action and reaction are equal and opposite. If consciousness has not persistence and per- manence of its own, how can it gauge persistence and perma- nence in matter and energ3^ ? But for consciousness we could know of the existence of nothing else. Is it logical to claim that our conclusions are permanent and real, while asserting that our premises are unsubstantial and unreal ? " The Oriental mind, considering substance as atomic, en- ergy as rhythmic, and consciousness as individualized and eternal, and given to pure thinking, arrived, several thousand years ago, to similar conclusions, to which the latest results of scientific research are vaguely hinting, namely, that mate- rial nature and material phenomena rest on a basis of spiritual unity — that ail things proceed from and depend upon one Central Fountain of Absolute Intelligence. In proof of this see the late published conclusions of William Crooks, Max- well, and Lockyer. And yet physicists, and, I regret to say, some few spiritualists not abreast of the age, conclude that intelligence results from organization — that life originates from dead matter, and that conscious, thinking souls are evolved from unthinking atoms, and their molecular combi- nations. The point from whence the scientist starts is a nebulous chaos, and from this basis he strives to trace the unfolding order of creation in its ascent toward spirit, by processes of evolution. He assumes that thought, intelligence — ay, God Himself, was evolved out of this nebulous ocean of material fire-mist. The converse order postulates spirit, that is to say, Abso- lute Intelligence, as the center and emerging starting-point of all sensuous phenomena At the point where the physicist commences his observa- tions — the chaos — half the riddle has been solved, half the work of creation has been completed. Evolution is the correlate of Involution, and failing to see the principle of 264 IMMORTALITY. involution, he is only prepared to note the emergence of order as it is displayed in the visible creation. He has dealt with but one half of the circle. The method of creation is dual ; it proceeds from centers to circumferences by involution, and from circumferences to centers by evolution. The question of the hour is, which has priority in the actual procedure, spirit or matter — active intelligence or passive matter ? It is hardly necessary to state that the ultimate atom of the chemist has never been seen ; its very existence is hypotheti- cal — it is the unknowable ! We form some notion of it from its behavior, and by experimenting with its transient manifestations. It must seem clear to the solid thinker that the material plane, the outlying chaos embraced by primitive matter, is not the primal cause of order, not the original center from which the complex kingdoms of life are distributed ; but this material chaos — this protoplasmic substance — was the con- tinent, the ground-work, the passive recipient, in which were sown all types, all architypal germs, through the medium of which the Divine Spirit gave to matter shape, weaving from material essences the vestures with which to clothe the souls of men and of worlds in objective vehicles. It is no more logically impossible for an effect to exceed its cause, for a stream to rise above its fountain, than for quadru- manous animals to produce men, bodies to produce souls, and protoplasmic substances — alias dead matter — to produce the organic kingdoms of life, without an intelligent life-principle, — the all-directing mind of God. I honor star-eyed science ; I sit reverently at the feet of such Gamaliels as Agassiz, Dana, Dawson, Virchow, Cuvier, Owen, Zollner, Quatrefages, Professor Wyville Thomson, and others, constituting a galaxy of glorious minds, who see in matter the footprints of a Divine Wisdom, and read the soul's immortality in the visible images of creation. But from the conclusions of pseudo-scientists, who, ignoring God, see in matter and molecular forces the origin of motion, sensa- MATTER AND SPIRIT. 265 tion, intelligence, all that is — and all returning to matter, and consequently chaos, again, — from these I utterly dissent. Here follow some of their teachings : " In itself it is of little moment whether we express the phenomena of matter in terms of spirit, or the phenomena of spirit in terms of matter; matter may be regarded as a form of thought; thought maybe regarded as a property of matter," <£c. — Huxley. "All the natural bodies with which we are acquainted are equally living. . . . When a stone which is thrown into the air falls again to the earth according to definite laws ; when a crystal is formed from a saline fluid ; when sulphur and mercury unite to form cinnabar; — these facts are neither more nor less mechanical life-phenomena than the growth and flowering of plants, than the propagation and sensory faculties of animals, or the perceptions and intelligence of man." — Haeckel. " These modes of the unknowable, which we call motion, heat, light, chemical affinity, &c, are alike transformable into each other, and into those modes of the unknowable which we distinguish as sensation, motion, and thought. . . . How this metamorphosis takes place — how a force existing as motion, heat, or light can become a mode of consciousness, it is impossible to fathom." — Spencer. "Just as the liver secretes bile and the kidneys mind, so the brain secretes thought." — Carl Vogf. " "Without phosphorus there is" no-th ought/' — Moleschott. "The same force which digests by the stomach thinks by the brain." — Friederich. " Galvanism is the principle of life. ... A galvanic pile pounded into atoms must become alive. In this manner nature brings forth organic bodies." — Ohen. " In the interests of scientific clearness, I object to say that I have a soul, when I mean all the while that my organism has certain mental functions, which, like the rest, are dependent on its molecular composition, and come to an end when I die ; and I object still more to affirm that I look to the future life, when all I mean is that the influence of my doings and sayings will be more or less felt by a number of people after the physical components of that organism are scattered to the four winds." — Huxley to Agassiz. "What is mind but an evolved condition or form of the powers of Nature, like light, heat, magnetism ? What are the instincts of animals and the mind of man but a result of chemical action or material processes ? " — Atkinson. "Matter is the origin of all that exists; all natural and mental forces are inherent in it." — B'dchner. " Matter contained all the attributes, characteristics, essential qualities, and pecu- liar combinations which the whole Univercoilum manifests. . . . Matter and motion are co-eternal principles, established by virtue of their own nature ; and they were the germ, containing all properties, all essences, all principles, to produce all other forms and spheres that are now known to be' existing. ... As matter contains the essence and properties to produce man, as a progressive ultimate, so motion contains the properties to produce life and sensation. These together, and perfectly organized, develop the principle of Spirit. ... To me the grosser matter is impelling the rare 2G6 IMMORTALITY. and refined ; while the rare and refined is pervading the grosser. . . . All ultiniates to me are still matter. ... It is a law of matter to produce its ultimate, mind." — A. J. Davis. As well attempt to heat an oven with snowballs, as to expect to get either intelligence or morality out of force or motion ; and for the reason that no morality, intelligence, or wisdom inhere, as properties, in matter, motion, or blind force. It is impossible for matter to impart what it does not possess. And so far as this class of writers put life, sensation, and moral intelligence into matter, just so far do they give up their position that mind is the flower of matter, that the mortal originates the immortal spirit, or that a law of matter can produce the conscious soul. These frigid and unphilosophi- cal notions remind me of what the learned Cud worth says : " It has ever been the misfortune of the mere materialist, in his mania for matter on the one hand and dread of ideas on the other, to invert nature's order, and thus bang the world's picture as a man with his heels upwards." Contrasted with inductive thinkers, who make Matter and Force the summum-bonum of all things, we turn with delight to Plato and Socrates, Proclus and Jesus, Swedenborg and Selden J. Finney, — great inspired souls, who saw a universe ablaze with God, aflame with essential spirit, and a guiding, moulding Intelliofence. Swedenboro- declares that, " There is one sole Essence, one sole Substance, and one sole Form, the Divine, from which are all essences, substances, and forms that are created." Hegel teaches that "the substratum underlying all phenomenal existence, is God, the Infinite Being." " The silver-threaded chords of being run Down from God's throne, Through the whole universe, from sun to sun, From zone to zone ; And the same life in human bosoms thrills Which guides the spheres, and clothes the verdant hills. " " Life is not resultant from organic form, But flows through all and fashions tbem ; and They are coins, deep printed with the Eternal Name." " Matter and motion are Results of Truth and Love. MATTER AND SPIRIT. 267 From Love prcceedetk force, From Truth unfolclcth form These make the universe ; And matter is the type Of Wisdom in its forms ; And Motion is the type Of living Love, that flows With infinite desire Into created things." T. L. Hakris. That deductive thinker, Selden J. Finney, one of the most brilliant minds in the ranks of Spiritualists, observes that : " If infinite mind evolved the physical universe, then mind first became body, physics. If mind becomes body, form, 'matter,' it must do so by descent, precipitation; condensation. .... Infinite mind descends into ' creation,' its body and chronology, only by ' materialization ' of what was at first pure spirit; it ascends through the spiritualization of body again into pure reason, pure spirit. The two processes are equivalent and correlative." Dana, our great geologist and mineralogist, says in the American Journal of Science and Arts : " For the development of man gifted with high reason and will, and thus made a power above nature, there was required, as A. R. Wallace has urged, a special act of a Beiug above nature, whose Supreme Will is not only the source of natural law, but the working-force of nature herself, — this I still hold." It is the soal that constitutes the man, and finite man bears a similar relation to God, the Infinite Personality, that a crystal drop bears to a perpetual fountain. This is the root- thought of pre-existence. Terms must not be confounded. There is a wide distinction between personality and individu- ality ; the former relates to God, and draws its life directly from God, while the latter bears more upon self, is confined more to the special, to the body and its functions. Personal- ity is both particular and universal ; particular, in that the soul has a conscious identity ; universal, in the sense that it participates in the life of God, and is one with the universal brotherhood of man. Individuality, on the other hand, knows 268 IMMOBTALITY. nothing of the universal, neither of brotherhood, any further than it can make other individuals serve itself. Self, and what can be appropriated to self, is the limit of its sphere. If man was once nothing in the sense of a conscious entity, he would have eternally remained in utter nothingness unless something — unless a conscious somebody may be originated from, and brought into active existence out of nothing — which is tantamount to saying — something from nothing ; somebody from nobody ! personality from nonentity. It is very clear to profound thinkers that once in existence as divine man, always in existence. The converse is equally true : once absolutely out of existence, never in existence ! This logical bulwark has never been successfully assailed by materialists. In the phrase, once in existence, always in existence, I am referring to conscious, or rather to divine man, and not to sticks and stones, nor to animals and stinging insects. These are fragments — imperfect structures — unfinished temples. And no one gifted with intelligence speaks of a conscious rock — a divine wolf, or a righteous clog. These are not, and never were in existence as consciously rational and morally progressive beings. They have not the Spiritual Keystone. They are not religious ; neither are they conscious of their subordinate consciousness ! And certainly, no logician ever affirms of a part what he does of a whole, A slice, slashed from a golden orange, thin, irregular, ill-shapen, and seedless, is not equal to, nor should it be compared with the well- rounded orange. Animals, serpents, and noxious insects are but parts, bearing the same relation to man that passing thoughts bear to ideas, or shadows to substances. Animals and insects were never in existence, as perfect structures, as divine entities ; but rather as fleeting organisms serving tem- porary uses. The problem of pre-existence is included in the provinces of mental science, metaphysics, and religion, rather than in that of the physical sciences. Soience may afford important aid by revealing the laws of movement ; but its sphere being MATTEE AND SPIEIT. 269 limited to the order and sequence of phenomena, it can never reveal the nature of things in themselves. Herbert Spencer well remarks, that the value of an opinion is to be found in the degree of its persistence.* For example, the ideas of God, the soul's immortality, and a heaven of blessedness, have survived empires, thrones, and races. They may be accepted, therefore, as foreshadowings, or rather as the synonyms of ultimate verities. And so the belief in pre- existence is not merely an occasional opinion of antiquity, but is as ancient and persistent as the beliefs in God and a future existence. Many of the most enlightened minds of all ages and countries have taught that man's conscious selfhood is as * Professor William Knight, of St. Andrews, Edinburgh University, in a very able essay, published in the Fortnightly Eeview, thus speaks of the doctrine of pre-exist- ence. " Its root," says he, " is the indestructibility of the vital principle. Let a belief in pre-existence be joined to that of posthumous existence, and the dogma is complete. It is thus at one and the same time a theory of the soul's origin and of its destination, and its unparalleled hold upon the human race may be explained in part by the fact of its combining both in a single doctrine. . . . It is probably the most wide-spread and permanently influential of all speculative theories as to the origin and destiny of the soul. ... It has lain at the heart of all Indian speculation on the subject, time out of mind. It is one of the cardinal doctrines of the Vcdas, one of the roots of Buddhist belief. The ancient Egyptians held it. In Persia it colored the whole stream of Zoro- astrian thought. The Magi taught it. The Jews brought it with them from the cap- tivity in Babylon. Many of the Essenes and Pharisees held it. . . . The Apocrypha sanctions it, and it is to be found scattered throughout the Talmud. Io Greece, Py- thagoras proclaimed it ; Empedocles taught it ; Plato worked it elaborately out, not as a mythical doctrine embodying a moral truth, but as a philosophical theory or convic- tion. It passed over into the Neo-Platonic school at Alexandria. Philo held it. Plo- tinus and Porphyry in the third century, Jamblichus in the fourth, Hierocles and Proclus in the fifth, all advocated it in various ways. Many of the fathers of the Christian Church espoused it, notably Origen. It was one of the Gnostic doctrines. The Manicheans received it, with much else, from their Zoroastrine predecessors. It was held by Nemesius, who emphatically declares that all the Greeks who believe in immortality believe also in metempsychosis. There are hints of it in Boethius. It ■was defended with much learning and acuteness by several of the Cambridge Platon- ists, especially by Henry More. Glanvill devotes a curious treatise to it, the Lux Ori- entalls ; English clergy and Irish bishops were found ready to espouse it. Poets, from Henry Vaughn to Wordsworth, praise it. It won the passing suffrage of Hume, as more rational than the rival theories of Creation and Traduction. It was held by Swedenborg, and it has points of contact with the anthropology of Kant and Schelling. It found an earnest advocate in Lessing. Herder also maintained it, while it fasci- nated the minds of Fourier and Leroux. Soame Jenyus, the Chevalier Bamsay, and Mr. Edward Cox have written in its defence." 270 IMMOETALITY. much a matter of the past as it is to be of the future. The proofs of this rest more upon axioms, intuitions, spiritual cog- nitions, direct revelations from angels and exalted spirits, to prophets, poets, and the seers of the ages, than upon evi- dences addressed to the senses or to the didactic faculty. Plato says that : " In the perpetual circle of nature, the living are made out of the dead as well as the dead out of the living. Death is a nativity into life ; and what is called generation, is a sinking into death." An eminent English writer remarks, " that this doctrine, in some of its different forms, is at o.nce the doctrine taught in the Divine Apocalypse, in the books of Enoch, and Fohi, in Bhaga-Vad-Geeta, in the teachings of the Celtic Druids, and in the lore of the old Babylonians and the Egyptians." The Magi of Persia, in the past, as well as the Buddhists of the present, believed in the pre-existent state of the soul. Pythagoras, the founder of the Italic school of Greek philos- ophy, not only taught pre-existence, but professed to have a distinct remembrance of it. Plato believed that all the knowledge of laws and prin- ciples we acquire in this world is simply a recovery of reminis- cence of knowledge which the soul possessed in a previous state of existence. Readers of Plato will remember the refer- ence to "Meno," where Plato introduces Socrates as making an experiment, by way of putting a series of questions to a slave of Meno, eliciting from the uneducated youth a geomet- rical truth. This done, Socrates triumphantly observed to Meno, " I have not taught the youth anything; but simply interrogating him, he recalled the knowledge he had in a pre- vious existence." Plato further taught that all ideas, types, and ultimate forms both precede and succeed their material embodiments. Ammonius Saccas, founder of that school of eclectic philos- ophy known as New Platonism, and among whose disciples were Longinus and Origen, was a believer in pre-existence. Plotinus, an eminent Greek philosopher, an adept in the MATTER AND SPIRIT. 271 doctrines of the Oriental sages, and a teacher of philosophy at Rome from 245 A. D. until his death, was an advocate of pre-existence. Proclus, a student of Olympi-o-dorus, at Alexandria, and for a time at the head of the New Platonic schools, believed in pre-existence. Apollonius, of Tyanna, a Pythagorean philosopher of the first century, venerated for his wisdom by his contemporaries, and whose thrillingly interesting life was written by Flavius Phil-os-tratus, was a believer in and teacher of pre-exist- ence. Leibnitz, the most profound philosopher of the seventeenth century, held the doctrine of pre-existence as one of his car- dinal beliefs. Sir Walter Scott makes this observation : " How often do we find ourselves in society which we have never before met, and yet feel impressed with a mysterious and ill-defined con- sciousness that neither the scene, the speakers, nor the sub- ject are entirely new ; nay, feel as if we could anticipate that part of the conversation which has not yet taken place ! " In his -diary he further says : " I cannot, I am sure, tell if it is worth marking down, that yesterday, at dinner-time, I was strongly haunted by what I would call the sense of pre- existence, in a confirmed idea that nothing which passed was said for the first time ; that the same topics had been dis- cussed, and the same persons had stated the same opinions on them. . . . The sensation was so strong as to resemble what is called miragv in the desert, or a calenture on board a ship. ... It was very distressing yesterday, and brought to my mind the fancies of Bishop Berkeley about an ideal world." Sir Bulwer Lytton thus notices this soul-intuition : " How strange it is that at times a feeling comes over us, as we gaze upon certain places, which associates the - scene either with some disremembered and dream-like images of the past, or with a prophetic and fearful omen of the future ! . . . Every one has known a similar strange, indistinct feeling, at certain 272 IMMORTALITY. times and places, and with a similar inability to trace the cause." Sir S. C. Groom Napier, one of England's cleverest think- ers, is as firm an advocate of pre-existence as are Charles and Edward Beecher of America. The doctrine of pre-existence was a fundamental one with Jesus Christ. These are among his divine teachings. " For thou didst love me before the foundation of the world." . . . " O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was." . . . "What, and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before." . . . " I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world; again I leave the world, and go to the Father." " No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven." "Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am." " And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with -thee before the world was ; . . . for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world." Plato emphatically declares — "Our soul was something before it came to exist in this present human form, whence it appears to be immortal, and as such it will subsist for ever after death." Empedocles, cherishing opinions similar to Plato's, assures us that — "There is no production, or anything, which was not before ; no new substance made which did not really pre-exist; therefore, in the generations and corruptions of inanimate bodies, there is no form or quality really distinct from the substance produced and destroyed, but only a various composition, and modification of matter. But in the gener- ation and corruption of men, where the souls are substances really distinct from the matter, there is nothing but the con- junction and separation of souls, and particular bodies exist- ing, both before and after; not the production of any new MATTER AND SPIRIT. 273 soul into being, which was not before, nor the absolute death, and destruction of anything into nothing." Poets and prophets, being inspired, they get down to the' very soul of realities, and I am proud to state that the world's great poets have taught pre-existence. Tennyson thus sings : "Moreover, something is, or seems, That teaches me with mystic gleams, Like glimpses of forgotten dreams — Of something felt, like something here ; Of something clone, I know not where ; Such as no language may declare." Schiller asks : ' Were once our spirits linked, and intertwining, And for that life are still our spirits pining, Bound as together in the days of yore, Sighing still to be bound once more Where vibrant sounds still pour ? Yes, it is so ; and thou wert bound to me, In the long-vanished years, eternally, And from the troubled tablet of my soul Unwinds this beautiful and blessed scroll, x One with thy love, my soul. Round us, in waters of delight, for ever Beautifully flowed the heavenly nectar river, And where the sunshine bathed Truth's mountain, springs, Quivered our glancing wings. Weep for the God-like life we lost afar, Weep ! Thou and I its scattered fragments are, And still the unconquered yearning we retain ; Sigh to restore the long and banished reign, And grow divine again." ScheUing breathes his soul-thoughts in these lines : " And in the spheral chime they listening heard The soul's high destiny, which, being sunk Into this fleeting life, through obscure paths Must wander, fighting still a God-like fight- Victor through death ! Wordsworth assures us — "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The soul that rises with us our life's star, 18 274 IMMORTALITY. And cometh from afar, Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory, do we come From God, who is our home." Goethe, contrasting the thorns of this with the flowers of the Paradisaical state, writes : " As oft as I see lilies I feel within me pain, And yet am filled with joy immediately again. The pain cometh because I've lost that beauty rare, Which I from the beginning in paradise did wear." An eminent English scholar, exhuming from the dust of ages an important document ascribed to Enoch, gives us this gem: " Prepare thy spirit for its future existence, When it hath wakened from the swoon of mortality ; These things did he show me, That Angel of the Lord of Splendors ; The institution of heaven in the heavens, And in the worlds that are under the heavens, The spirits that delight in each, abide in each, Till they descend to take the mortal form." Spiritualism demonstrates a future existence, but not the soul's immortality. A future immortality implies a pre- existent, or past immortality. It seems clear to me that if a protoplastic formation originated, evolved, and built up essen- tial man, involving the personal identity, it may, and necessarily must, by the law of involution, return again to protoplasm. Lucretius and his disciples were materialists. Inasmuch as types, or essential forms, with them, were not co-existent with substance, but effects, or derivative results, consequent upon the differentiation and integration of substance ; so these beginnings necessitated endings. Bodies were ephemeral. Their destiny was to suffer resolution into the primitive sub- stance. It was precisely upon this point that Agassiz took issue with materialists. The former held, with Plato, that ideas and ultimate forms were co-existent with substance. He taught MATTER AND SPIRIT. 275 that they had a spiritual basis, antedating their material embodiments. It is not sufficient to say that man existed in essence before he became a personal identity. If that identity was produced, if it be a result, an effect consequent upon molecular action and material change, then no " key-stone " in the archway of organization will insure that identity from final resolution into that " fiery cloud," in which Tynclal informs us the genius of Raphael and Shakspeare were once latent. Every argument, against pre-existence is, so far as entitled to the name, an argument against the immortality of the soul. Divine man, according to Plato and the world's great thinkers, is an embodiment of substance, force, and form; or, as Swedenborg expresses it, Love, Wisdom, and Life. With Plato, idea, form, and type, meant the same thing, namely, existence as it is in itself. Hence, with this great thinker, ideas were subjective realities, and should always be distin- guished from the visible shapes which matter exhibits to the senses. Visible shapes and material contents come and go ; they are ephemeral, fleeting ; but the essential form, which is invisible, is enduring and immortal. Materialism knows the existence of nothing in the universe that is persistent, except matter and force ; and its range is from matter to matter. In its last analysis, it amounts to this: A creeping worm and the royal sage, — a beefsteak, a prayer-book, and a divine soul are all the same originally, — atoms — protoplasmic atoms, adjusted and arranged for spe- cific aims and ends, by non-designing and non-inteiligent molecular force. And so all conscious life — all exalted aspi- rations, beginning in, must necessarily end in matter, for no stream can rise above its fountain. The only crumb of comfort deducible from this theory was poetically and sadly expressed by Colonel R. G. Ingersoll, over the dead body of his brother : " Life is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We cry aloud, and the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry. From the 276 IMMORTALITY. voiceless lips of the unreplying dead there comes no word. The loved and loving brother, husband, father, friend, died where manhood's morning almost touches noon, and while the shadows were still falling towards the West. He had not passed on life's highway the stone that marks the highest point, but being weary, for a moment he lay down by the wayside, and using his burden for a pillow, fell into that dreamless sleep that kisses down his eyelids still. While yet in love with life and raptured with the world he passed to silent and pathetic dust." How unlike are the above words to the following sweet and trusting lines of Wm. Cullen Bryant : "So tli e y pass From stage to stage along the shining course Of that fair river, broadened like a sea. As its smooth eddies curl along their way, They bring old friends together ; hands are clasped In joy unspeakable; the mother's arms Again are folded round the child she loved And lost. Old sorrows are forgotten now, Or but remembered to make sweet the hour That overpays them ; wounded hearts that bled Or broke are healed forever." " Fare well for ever," is the echo of Materialism at the tomb; while Spiritualism, all golden with the crowning graces — faith, knowledge, trust — exclaims, " Peace to these ashes ; meet me in the Morning Land ! " The sorrowing, heart-stricken mourner just as naturally turns toward Spiritualism as do dew-laden flowers toward the light in the East. Spiritualism, in its best definition, is a phenomenon, a phi- losophy, and a religion ; the latter its chief glory. It inspires during life to holy endeavor. Its genius is : Be true to God, true to others, and thus necessarily be true to yourself. It does not drape the mourner's home in gloom, but lifting the curtain of darkness, shows heart-stricken weepers those they love — ay, more : it brings their glorified forms into their very presence, permitting them to clasp their white hands, and listen to their tender musical words of undying affection. THE GENERAL TEACHINGS OF SPIRITS. 277 CHAPTER XXI. THE GENERAL TEACHINGS OF SPIRITS. " He said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." John vii. 12. " To me the spirit world is tangible. It is peopled with persons and forms palpable to the appreciation. Its multitudes are veritable, its society natural, its language audible, its companionship real, its loves distinct, its activities energetic, its life intel- ligent, its glory discernible ; its union is not that of sameness, but of variety brought into moral harmony by the great law of love, like notes, which, in themselves distinct and different, make, when combined, sweet music. There will be choice and prefer- ence and degrees of affinity in Heaven. Each intellect will keep its natural bliss, each heart its elections. Groups there will be, and circles. Faces known and unknown will pass us ; acquaintances will thrive on intercourse, and love deepen with increasing wisdom." Rev. W. H. H. Murray. Diversity is as much a law of the universe as unity, and each and all, whether on earth or in spirit life, aspect from their own plane of existence. This is a necessity of individ- uality. No two grains of sand, nor blazing stars, are precisely alike. " One star," said the Apostle Paul, " differeth from another star in glory ; so also is the resurrection of the dead," — and so it is also with mind, or rather the immortalized intelligences that people the world of spirits. Being in dif- ferent states, influenced by different motives, members of different societies and occupying different spheres, they neces- sarily perceive the scenery of the higher life, and describe their employments there, in accordance with the idiosyncra"^ sies of character, as well as with the variety and capability of their descriptive talents. Just imagine several diverse characters reaching our shores from London for the purpose of instructing us in the real- ities — the shame and the glory of London life. These shall embody patricians and plebeians, prince and peasant, judge 278 IMMORTALITY. and criminal, schoolman and tyro, scientist and shopkeeper, and other types of caste and conditions. It is plain enough that these persons, seeing London with different eyes, and while perhaps strictly honest, would strangely differ in their descrip- tions. What would the novice know of the poets' library? And what conception could the poor day-toiler give us of the international questions often discussed in Parliament, or in the private councils of Court life ? And yet, each of these characters would give substantially the same description of those features of London life accessible to common observa- tion — such as the parks and gardens, the course of the Thames, the dust and the fogs during certain seasons. And so spirits agree in regard to the general verities pertaining to spirit life — agree that there are landscapes and flowers, trees and running streams, houses and gardens, magnificent moun- tains and dismal lowlands, libraries and pictures, sympathies and antipathies, joys and sufferings, harmony and jarring dis- cords. Nevertheless, the accounts and life histories we have from spirits, relating to life in the spirit world, differ quite as much in detail as would those of diverse characters, relative to the environments pertaining to this mortal existence. No indi- vidual spirit connected with the lower spheres is intromitted into every phase of spirit life, any more than the fellow-craft Mason is allowed to associate with Royal Arch companions, or the peasant is admitted to the higher gradations of social life in Europe. Indeed, inasmuch as the societies and associ- ational groups are governed by the immutable laws of attrac- tion, the limitations of the individual environment are far more restricted in spirit life than on earth. The mental and moral states, as embraced by virtue and vice, aspiration and ambition, refinement and coarseness, generosity and selfishness, rear as it were adamantine walls of separation between the various gradations and classes of individuals, far more impenetrable than the lines of separation that keep distinct the moral and social conditions that obtain in the earthly life. THE GENERAL TEACHINGS OF SPIRITS. 279 Averaging the general testimonies of spirits relative to their beliefs and moral states, their homes and employments, they teach the existence of God ; they affirm that when vast par- liaments of angels and white-robed saints meet in council, they reverently bow for a moment in silent adoration. They teach, the existence of the man Christ Jesus ; and remembering his moral lessons taught on earth, and made cognizant of the divine love he manifests in the Celestial Spheres, they speak of him only in terms of tenderness and reverence. They teach, the naturalness of the descent of the Divine Spirit, such as overshadowed the apostles on the day of Pentecost, and such as is still poured out upon the unselfish and prayerful souls of to-day. They teach, the reality of the spirit life, the lower sphere being an almost exact counterpart of this physical world. This lower sphere is the region, the abiding-place of earth-bound spirits, — spirits whose loves and attractions still center upon material things ; spirits who retain their old theological notions and angular idiosyncrasies ; spirits who promise much and perform little, who speculate, who indulge in selfish schemes, who are addicted to the most unworthy frivolities. They teach, that escaping from the body, mortals do not escape from themselves; do not escape the results of their sowings ; do not in the twinkling of an eye grasp all knowl- edge, nor enter the elysian fields of unalloyed bliss antece- dent to the necessary disciplines. They teach, that the life the spirits enter upon after death is a sphere of struggle and moral conquest ; that every moral altitude attained is a victory for the soul, purchased by self- denial, by aspiration, by persistent effort, and holy endeavor. They teach, that spirit life is an active life, a social life, a constructive life, a retributive life, a progressive life, with schools, and lyceums, and museums, and universities. They teach, that as Judas went to his own place, so spirits, disenthralled from physical matter, gravitate by virtue of fixed spiritual laws to their own appropriate spheres, which 280 IMMORTALITY. spheres and states are determined by their own ruling loves and desires. The lowest of these are termed prisons, and to these missionaries from the higher spheres descend with w^ords of hope, and hearts full of help for those who have departed from the ways of life and the paths of divine order. They teach, that very ancient spirits seldom descend into the enveloping atmosphere of this earth, and then they de- scend as messengers, knowing the past, and, with vision un- veiled, touching the future of society on earth. They come to dethrone emperors, to pull clown haughty dynasties, to give freedom to serfs in Russia and to slaves in America, to impart a new impetus to the hidden forces of the race, and to initiate movements necessary for the inauguration of new cycles in the progress of man in this rudimentary world. They teach, that as minds in spirit life affect minds on earth, so miuds on earth affect, indirectly at least, those in spirit life ; that as spirits, one class may teach us, so we may teach and benefit another class in spirit life ; and so the two worlds may — nay, must progress together. They teach, that the inhabitants of earth are open to the influx of those who have cast aside their bodies, both good and bad, and that we are benefited or injured by intercourse with them, according to the motives that prompt us, and the influences they exert over those who invite their presence. Many pass into spirit life with downward tendencies, morbid appetites, and moral obliquities, which they seek to gratify by coming into sympathetic relations with sensitive persons. Others, going with clannish instincts not outgrown, return to advance the selfish schemes of earthly relatives, at the expense of credulous and mediumistic persons, whom they can persuade to become instruments for their use. They teach, that memory is a recording angel — that the moral cowardice we have been guilty of, the false pretenses that we have hidden behind, the selfish motives that have guided, the vile passions not resisted, the scheming motives that have ruled our conduct, will all meet us in judgment array in the land of soul-revelation, where masks are of no THE GENERAL TEACHINGS OF SPIRITS. 281 avail, and all — all these memories will there torture until the uttermost farthing has been paid, and due restitution made. They teach, on the other hand, that every kind word spoken, every generous deed done, every wise sympathy ex- pended, every truth vindicated, every pure principle woven into their life-garment, as well as every mortal whom we have done good unto, will be there in vivid realities to gladden our souls, and make more radiant our pathway up on to the shin- ing table-lands of a blissful immortality. It has been said by the eminent Charles Babbage, that "The track of every canoe, of every vessel which yet disturbed the surface of the' ocean, whether impelled by manual force or elemental power, remains for ever registered in the future movement of all succeeding particles which may occupy its place. The furrow which it left is indeed instantly filled up by the closing waters ; but they draw after them other and larger portions of the surrounding element, and these again once moved, communicate motion to others in endless succes- sion. . . . The atmosphere we breathe is the ever-living wit- ness of the sentiments we have uttered ; the waters and the more solid materials of the globe bear equally enduring testi- mony of the acts we have committed. " Thus considered, what a strange chaos is the wide atmos- phere we breathe ! Every atom, impressed with good and with ill, retains at once the motions which philosophers and sages have imparted to it, mixed and combined in ten thou- sand ways with all that is worthless and base. The air itself is one vast library, on whose pages are for ever written all that man has ever said or woman whispered. There, in their mutable but unerring characters, mixed with the earliest as well as with the latest sighs of immortality, stand for ever recorded, vows unredeemed, promises unfulfilled, perpetuat- ing in the united movements of each particle the testimony of man's changeable will — the testimony of eternal justice." They teach, that God's love spans all worlds, reaches through all time, and is redemptive in purpose ; that Jesus Christ not only after the crucifixion " preached to spirits in 282 IMMOETALITY. prison," but that he is still preaching to spirits imprisoned in darkness ; that the angels of God are preaching ; that martyrs for truth are preaching, and that the good of all past ages are preaching; that, through self-abnegation, purity of pur- pose, and consecration of all to divine uses, they may win souls, and harvest them even into the Christ Heavens. They teach, that seances for spirit communion should be held in consecrated places, should be conducted with deco- rum, should be overshadowed with an orderly and religious spirit ; that they should be opened with music, invocations, and prayers ; and that the business affairs and childish frivoli- ties of life should be held in abeyance ; that the subjects of converse may relate more fully to soul-growth, daily duties, moral obligations, and those sublime principles that take hold upon the verities and responsibilities of eternal life. They teach, that birds and animals abound in their forests, sing in their groves, and add to the life and beauty of their landscapes ; but in the celestial spheres angels' affections flow out to children and congenial souls rather than to insects, animals, or any subordinate forms of life. They teach, that the child of expectation is inirnortal from the sacred moment of embryonic conception, and that it is criminal to blast and destroy the bud while yet clinging to the maternal tree of life. They teach, that suicides suffer intense remorse, deep soul- agonies, for taking that which they cannot impart ; and that • they are necessitated by a law of their being to remain near the earth — to prevent others from like rash acts, to make expiatory amends, and thus finish up as best they may the undone work of earth. They teach, that there is no structural disorganization, no disintegration of the spiritual body, in the process of dying, but that death is the birth of the spirit — the second birth ; that it leaves the body somewhat as the bird does the shell ; and that often the truly good and maturely ripened souls of earth do not even become unconscious in the exchange of worlds. THE GENERAL TEACHINGS OF SPIEITS. 283 They teach, that it makes no difference whether the dying repose on beds of cotton or feathers, or swing in wind- swayed hammocks; but that the excited sympathies, the wringing of hands, the loud meanings, do make a difference, retarding the emancipation, clouding the spiritual vision, and otherwise unpleasantly affecting the sublime processes of the soul's deliverance. They teach, that the smiles which wreathe the face of the corpse were caused by their dying eyes gazing into the land of beauty and blessedness. When Mirabeau was passing over, he ordered his friends to scatter perfumed roses over him, and then added : " Let me die now to the sound of deli- cious music." When Bcehmen was leaving for the heavenly land, he said to his son, " Do you hear that excellent music? " " Nay, father." — " But /hear it," said the dying seer, " and I go now into Paradise." When Mozart, that master of song, was about to leave for the life elysian, he looked longingly toward his instruments of music, and partially swooning, ex- claimed, "I hear music — .a new song from angel choirs!" These died with smiles resting upon their calm countenances. They teach, that vice and misery — that virtue and happi- ness, as cause and effect, are linked together in bonds as firm as the immutable laws of causation, and that self-sacrifice, goodness, and purity must precede happiness in every and in all worlds. They teach us, especially those in the higher spheres, the necessity of self-reliance, urging us to hear, to study, and judge for ourselves, and to rely for truth upon intuition, rea- son, and our best judgment, seeking, of course, help from the good on earth and those in the Leavens. They teach, that many of the impressions, and most of the vivid dreams of mortals, are visions, revealing in the stillness of the night golden glimpses of immortality. They teach, that physical deformities of body do not obtain in the higher life ; that ugliness of features fades gradually away, and that those who die infirm and aged soon regain their elasticity and perfection of manhood. 284 IMMOETALITY. They teach, that nationalities, tribes, form, face, and com- plexion, differ quite as much upon the entrance into the spirit world as with us ; but that these gradually lessen as spirits progress toward the true and the beautiful. They teach, that angels and truly good spirits appear calm, joyous, and royal in deportment, their garments, frequently dazzling in brightness; while evil-inclined spirits appear dark, sullen, and are clothed in stained, if not in tattered, vestures. They teach, that there are no boasting atheists, no sardonic scoffers at religion, in the heavenly spheres. Arrogant irreli- gious scoffers at the sanctities of life and the moral obliga- tions relating to God and duty, people the hells of pride, self-sufficiency, and discord. They teach, that less developed spirits have their petty plans, their envies, and their jealousies, as do mortals ; and that with few exceptions they sympathize with and sustain their mediums, right or wrong. They teach, those in the higher heavenly realms, that the spiritual world is more analogous to this world than similar. It is real, yet infinitely more ethereal and subjective. They farther teach that it is the testimony of God and angels, through nature and revelation, that we must live the divine life or die the death — that wisdom's gate is narrow — that the fire must try every man's works, and that we must " over- come " to receive the new name, the white stone, and the crown immortal. They teach, that it is much easier to outgrow and cast aside errors and vices while in this world, than to defer a work, so important to be done, until entrance into the future state of existence. " You will live there as you are living now," writes the distinguished Rev. Stainton-Moses ; " by the acts and habits of your daily life, you are preparing for your- self the place of your future habitation. The filthy is the filthy still, as the pure in heart preserves his purity. You are working out your own salvation, or preparing to yourself misery and woe. THE GENEBAL TEACHINGS OF SPIRITS. 285 " And what of the friends of earth, with whom my interests are so bound up that to sever them would be to tear out the heart-strings, and destroy the half of myself? They live still, the same friends, with the same interests, and the same affections. If you desire to join them, and to associate your- self with those who can lead you on, forward and upward, you must live as in their presence, under their piercing eye : you must energize to lead the life that has elevated and en- nobled them, — the life of self-abnegation and self-discipline? as of one who subdues the flesh to the spirit, and subordinates the temporal to the eternal." They teach that, in correspondence with body and soul, we live in two worlds now; that a " cloud of witnesses " sur- rounds us ; that invisible guests walk by our sides, witness- ing our toils and struggles, and listening in sadness or rapture to the breathing words that drop from our lips. They teach, that the still small voice of Grocl, that the in- spirations of Christ angels and heavenly ministering spirits, are ever calling — calling the children of earth to come up higher ! Appealing now to materialists and sectarists alike, may I not in all sincerity ask, Are not these teachings beautiful ? Are they not divine ? And if they were practically outlived by all tribes and races, would not our world be soon trans- formed into an Eden, such as poets in all ages have sung, and seers, in moments of exaltation, have prophesied? Spiritualism does not ask the Christian, the Brahman, or Buddhist to disbelieve his Bible, but to rightly interpret and understand it. It does not seek to undermine Religion, nor render obsolete the beautiful lessons and moral teachings of Jesus Christ. "So far from setting aside the essential ideas of true. Christianity," writes that eminent essayist and reviewer, A. E. Newton, " I affirm that modern Spiritualism has furnished illustration and convincing proof of them, such as can be had from no other source, and such as should elicit the interest and joy of every professed believer in rational Christianity. 286 IMMORTALITY. Not only do the facts of Spiritnalism demonstrate the reality of a future life, of inspiration and spiritual interpositions (miracles so called), which are basic facts of Christianity, but it also gives us the philosophy and uses of many of the peculiar rites and practices of the Church : such, for example, as baptism, the laying on of hands, the eucharistic supper, the customs of singing and prayer in public assemblies, of fastings, of invocations of saints and angels, and many others, which have been observed for the most part traditionally and blindly." The cold, indifferent negations of Agnosticism find no en- couragement in Spiritualism. Faith leads to knowledge. As the temple rises the scaffolding disappears. Methods are ever changing. And it is among the hopeful tendencies con- nected, with Spiritualism, that, while less iconoclastic, it is becoming each year more catholic, more religious, and more reverent. This is clearly indicated in " Higher Aspects of Spiritualism" a most excellent book just from the press, by the Rev. Stainton-Moses, of the London University. Treat- ing of the God-idea, relative to spirit-teaching, this author says : " God is spoken of by exalted spirits as the Supreme, All-wise Ruler of the Universe, the Object of the ceaseless adoration of all created sentient beings. No spirit who com- municates with earth, however long his spirit-life may have been, pretends to have seen Him, or to have penetrated to His presence. They know more of the operations of His laws ; they are more deeply penetrated with a sense of His per- fection, His wisdom, and His love. They insist invariably on worship of the Supreme, adoration, praise, meditation, and prayer. They tell of constant adoration and praise on their part. They inculcate on us the same, and are specially strong in insisting on the blessing of meditation and the privilege of prayer. They view the latter not as the sort of charm that it is to many men, but rather as the link that joins man to the ministering angels, who are the intermediary agencies between him and his God. " Man, they say, is surrounded by « ministering spirits,' of THE GENEEAL TEACHINGS OF SPIRITS. 287 whose services he may avail himself if he will, or whom he may drive from him by neglect of prayer, by engrossing care for the bodily and the earthly, by ignoring the higher spirit- ual part of his nature. Constant progressive cultivation of higher sentiments in work for God, for his fellow, and for himself; a living of the Christ-like life of adoration and prayer, and self-denying work, together with that spiritual rest which springs from meditation and conscious aspiration to a higher and elevated standard, — this is their ideal," . . . After pronouncing " this view of God in the new faith," spiritualism, as emphatically " that of Jesus Christ," he thus continues : " Jesus was, before all, a practical teacher, and in so far as his teachings can be sifted out, every one of them forms a cardinal point in the teaching of the new faith. Purity in thought, word, and deed, as man's chiefest duty to himself ; universal philanthropy and loving-kindness ; self- sacrifice and self-denial ; humility ; sincerity ; forgiveness of injuries ; the worthlessness of mere external ceremony ; the Fatherhood of God ; and the universal brotherhood of human- ity; — these were the principal points in Christ's teaching, and they have lost nothing of their luster now, simply ,because they are verities eternally and irreversibly true." In consonance with the foregoing, the distinguished Charles Beecher, in his work " Spiritual Manifestations," writes as follows: "He that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God, for Gocl is love. It is love's own absolute self the soul pants for, as the hart pants for the water brooks. It is his very self inbreathed, as it were, into ourself, however effected, with open vision or without, in the body or out of the body, which we yearn for as better than life. We see the infinite beauty everywhere, but it is veiled. We come near the intense effulgence, but it is hid from us. We feel the attrac- tion of the central orb ; we are conscious of the glowing love of Christ ; we know we are moving on the homeward track, arid we tremble with presentiments of what that beatific vision may be There is a certain incandescence of 288 IMMORTALITY. soul produced by intense love, which powerfully affects the body. Even earthly affection in its purest forms illumines and transfigures the countenance. But the love of loves, when He reveals himself, produces an inward ardor, per- meating the dull tabernacle with cherubic radiance ; an ardor which, if carried to its height, must lay the frail form as dead at His feet. And is not this the secret of the glory of the spiritual body, that it will simply corruscate from within, inflamed by His contact? As the star, long circling round its remote orbit, rushes blazing to its perihelion, so the exiled soul, long absent from its God, rushes incandescent to His presence, to go no more out forever." Genuine religious spiritualism is in perfect accord with Christianity as taught and lived by Jesus Christ. Accepting Peter's definition, "I see in Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among j'ou by miracles, wonders, and signs that God did by him." (Acts ii. 22.) Truly could he say, " I and my Father are one," — one in purpose, one in spirit. He worshiped in spirit. He never lost sight of the spiritual world. God does not speak to him from without. He feels that God is in him. He needed no sound of thunder, like Moses ; no revealing tempest, like Job ; nor familiar oracle, like Grecian sage. He consciously lived in and with the Father. Seen in the light of his Divinity, his pre-eminent greatness consisted in his fine harmonial organization ; in a constant communion with angels ; in the depth of his sweet spiritual- ity ; in the keenness of his moral perceptions ; in the expan- siveness and warmth of his Divine sympathies ; in his sincerity of heart; in his soul-pervading spirit of obedience to the mandates of right ; in his devoted consecration to the highest interests of humanity ; and in his complete and perfect trust in and unity with God ! That Jesus was touched, and his person made radiant with the celestial glory of the Christ-Heavens, the light of which is God, is evident from these passages: — "No man hath ascended into heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man, which is in heaven." " This is my THE GENERAL. TEACHINGS OF SPIRITS. 289 beloved Son in whom I am well pleased;" and, "There appeared an angel strengthening him ; " and, " His face did shine as the sun, and his raiment seemed white as the light," Thus illumined, baptized, and divinely consecrated, he could exclaim, "I have overcome the world!" "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor ; He hath sent me to heal the broken- hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives ... to set at liberty those that are bound, and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord." Cherishing these sublime conceptions of Jesus Christ, I can fervently exclaim, Behold "the Way, the Truth, the Life!" And, further, I can sincerely say, that I believe in salvation through Christ — through the Christ of purity, love, and truth, — believe in salvation, or soul-unfoldment through Christ, just as I believe in opening buds and green fields through the summer showers, and in fruits and waving har- vests through the golden sunshine ! Christ, then, is the Sun of Righteousness and the Saviour of the World ! It is my prayer — the soul-aim of my life, to live and walk in the spirit of Christ. And since my visit to Palestine, and the seance held in Jerusalem with my traveling companion, Dr. E. C. Dunn, — at which time the Evangelists and others of the New Testament times came with sweet and holy mes- sages, — my faith has been strengthened and confirmed in the divinity of Christianity. A spirit, of great purity and holiness, referring to Jesus Christ, inspired these lines : " His robe -was white as flakes of snow When through the air descending ; I saw the clouds beneath him melt, And rainbows o'er him bending ! And then a voice — no, not a voice ; A deep and calm revealing — Came through me, like a vesper strain O'er tranquil waters stealing. And ever since that countenance Is on my pathway shining, — A sun from out a higher sky, Whose light knows no declining." 19 290 IMMORTALITY. I have few sweeter memories of the Orient than my personal interviews with that Hindu Brahmo — speaker, author, and prophet — Keeshub Chunder Sen. He is a man to be loved — a man who lives a life of great abstemiousness and purity. And this Brahmo seer and teacher declares in the most solemn manner that he has seen Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. Here are some of his recent stirring words : 44 It is not politics, it is not diplomacy that has laid firm hold of the Indian heart. It is not the glittering bayonet, nor the fiery cannon that can make our people loyal. No : none of these can hold India in subjection. Armies never conquered the heart of a nation. . . . But your hearts have been touched, conquered, subjugated by a superior power. That power — need I tell you ? — is Christ. It is Christ who rules British India, and not the British government. . . . None but Jesus, none but Jesus Christ ever deserved this bright, this precious diadem, India ; and Jesus, the Prince of Peace, shall have it ! . . . He is coming : in the fullness of time He will come to you, O young men of India ! He will come to you as self-surrender, as the life of God in man, as obedient and humble sonship." Spiritualism is a most sacred word, because rooted in God and relating to Christ and to immortality. Spiritualism, a phenomenon, a sunny philosophy, and a divine religion, unlocks the treasures of precious memories, and lays at our feet the living truths of the present. It leads the thirsty to living fountains, feeds the hungry with the bread of heaven, and, plucking away the thorns of life, plants along our paths the flowers of undying affection. It comes to each and all of us personally, pleading with us to pay the price of self-denial, spiritualize our natures, purify our affections, overcoming the world, thus living in precious memories on earth, immortal for the good that we have done. "Up and away like the dew of the morning, That soars from the earth to its home in the sun ; So let me steal away gently and lovingly, Only remembered by what I have done. THE GENERAL TEACHINGS OF SPIRITS. 291 My name and my place and my tomb all forgotten, The brief race of time well and patiently run; So let me pass away, peacefully, silently, Only remembered by what I have done. Gladly away from this toil would I hasten, Up to the crown that for me has been won, Unthought of by man in rewards or in praise, Only remembered by what I have done. Up and away, like the odors of sunset, That sweeten the twilight as darkness comes on; So be my life — a thing felt but not noticed — Only remembered by what I have done. Yes, like the fragrance that wanders in freshness, When the flowers that it came from are closed up and gone, So wouldT be to this world's weary dwellers, Only remembered by what I have done. Needs there the praise of the love written record, The name and the epitaph graved on the stone ? The things we have lived for — let them be our story, Only remembered by what we have done. I need not be missed, if my life has been bearing, As its summer and autumn moved silently on, The bloom and the fruit and the seed in its season, Only remembered by what I have done. I need not be missed if another succeed me, To reap down those fields which in spring I have sown, He who ploughed and who sowed is not missed by the reaper; He is only remembered by what he has done. Not myself, but the truth that in life I have spoken, Not myself, but the seed that in life I have sown, Shall pass on to ages, — all about me forgotten, Save the truth I have spoken, the good I have done. So let my living be, so be my dying, So let my name lie unblazoned, unknown, Unpraised and unmissed, I shall still be remembered ; Yes — but remembered by what I have done." Life is a pilgrimage ; let us kindly help each other along the tiresome journey; for soon, perhaps, shall we put our san- dals off, and lay our weary burdens down by the cypress-trees that shade Death's peaceful river. And when that tremulous hour comes, as it must to each and all, precious will be the 292 IMMORTALITY. memories of kind words spoken, and the good that we have done. Let us widen, then, all the fraternal relations of life ; culti- vate the holier sanctities of the soul, and point the sad and tearful to the infinite possibilities that lie invitingly before them. Let us remember the Christian graces, faith, hope, and charity, — forgiving others as Ave hope to be forgiven, and blessing others as we hope to be blest of God and the angels that do the Divine will. Let us not forget that religion — that sweet trust in God — that sincere soul-felt prayer — that the baptism of the Christ-spirit, and the blessed minis- tries of angels, will prove helps to us in every time of trial. Let us abide in the vine, ever keeping in mind the new commandment of Jesus, " Love ye one another." " By this shall men know that ye are my disciples if } r e have love one for another." " Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." If I know my own heart it beats in accord with the divine effort to better humanity, and throbs in tenderest love toward all races and the people of all lands. This is the time of unrest — the moral drift period of the world. The cycle of myth and dogma is closing. The Second Coming is overshadowing us. Jesus with his holy angels is in the clouds of Heaven, calling as never before, " Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Come, make ready to inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE, 5 INTRODUCTION, 7 CHAPTER I. THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE. Universality of Life. — God and Atheism. — No real Conflict between Science and Religion. — Grandeur of the Soul. — Pre-existence of the Soul. — Matter only the Shell of Things. — "Will the Attribute of Force. — Query of a Material- ist. — We are the Dead ; our Departed the Living ! 11 CHAPTER II. DOUBTS AND HOPES. Comparative Silence of the Old Testament regarding a Future Life. — The cheer- ful Hope of Pagan Philosophers. — The Light which Jesus brought. — Mortal Life is only preparative for a better, 20 CHAPTER III. THE BRIDGING OF THE RIVER. Life and Death two Musical Ripples. — Vegetable and Animal Processes repre- sent two Segments in the Circle of Movement. — Three Methods of aspecting the Phenomena of Existence. — How the Ancients pictured Death, . . .24 CHAPTER IY. FORE GLEAMS OF THE FUTURE. The Hope of Immortality indestructible. — " Poppies of the Age of Plato." — The Ether Realm. — Earth Life a primary School. — Wordsworth's Little Maid." . 30 293 294 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. TESTIMONY OF SAINTS. Mental Lucidity of the Dying. — Testimony of William Hunter. — Montaigne. — Isaac T. Hopper. — Phenomena attending Death. — The Poet Keats. — Schiller. — Eev J. W. Bailey.— A Quaker Lady. — Rev. S. J. May.— Louis XVI. — Mozart. — Other Testimonies, CHAPTER VT. THE GROWTH AND PERFECTION OF THE SPIRITUAL BODY. What materializing Phenomena foreshadow. — Spirit-Body not a new Creation. — Sustenance of the Spiritual Body. — Spiritual Body an approximate Image of the physical. —Reality of Spirit Life, 48 CHAPTER VII. IS IT THE SOUL OR THE BODY THAT SINS? Evil is not " Undeveloped Good." — Character and Reputation. — The Hells crowded with respectable Hypocrites. — Moral Qualities inhere in Moral Beings.. — The Nature that commits Sin survives Death.— This World a Battle-Ground. — Daily Acts construct the Mirror before which we must stand, . . .53 CHAPTER VIII. CLOTHING IN THE SPIRIT WORLD. Angel at the Sepulchre. — Raiment of Moses and Elias. — White Robes of the Saints. — First Garments worn by Spirits are Gifts. — They change in Color according to the Spirit's Growth. — Swedenborg's Testimony, . . . .60 CHAPTER IX. LOCOMOTION IN THE SPIRIT WORLD. Miss Fancher. — Personal Experience. — Dr. E. C. Dunn leaves his Body. — Tes- timony of a Seer. — Velocity of Spirit Locomotion. — Dr. Pierce of Boston visits the Spirit World, 64 CHAPTER X. OUR LITTLE ONES IN HEAVEN. Earth is the Seminary of Heaven. — Parting Messages to then.' Parents. — Heaven Opened. — " Kittie is gone ! " — Death as seen from the Mount of Spiritualism, . 80 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 295 CHAPTER XI. THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF AARON KNIGHT. His Transition. — His sad Experience in the Hells. — Prayer for Deliverance. — Is visited by an Angel of Light. — Is given Work to do. — Peace purchased by unselfish Labors for the Good of Others. —Answers to various Questions, . . 87 CHAPTER XII. THE RED MAN'S TESTIMONY. Powhattan's Spirit Home. — Little Indian Girl's quaint Description of her Home. — Coacoochee's Experience. — Materialization of Indian Spirits, . . . .101 CHAPTER XIII. EYIL SPIRITS — THEIR DOINGS AND THEIR DESTINIES. Swedenborg's Description of the Hells. — Moral Character not changed by Death. William Howitt on Unhappy Spirits. — John Jacob Astor's Lament. — Mr. Stewart's Exploration of the Hells. —Horror's Camp ! — The Hells mitigated, . 109 CHAPTER XIV. THE TESTIMONY OF PHYSICIANS IN SPIRIT LIFE. Dr. Jeachris's Experience in Spirit Life. — Answers to Important Questions. — Questions answered through Mr. Colville. — Testimony of George Rush. — A Talk with William Gordon. — He explains many Important Things through Dr. Samuel Maxwell. — An English Physician's Account of his Spirit Home, . . 121 CHAPTER XV. THE HOMES OF APOSTLES AND DIVINES. The Homes of the Apostle John. — Rev. Thomas Scott's Confession. — A Swe- clenborgian in the City of Arcadia. — A Methodist Minister's Life in the Spheres, 143 CHAPTER XVI. THE FRIENDS AND SHAKERS IN SPIRIT LIFE. Experience of a Quaker Spirit. — Clairvoyant Visions of Elmira P. Allard, a Sha- ker Sister. — The Spirit Council. — Excursion on Lake Pleasant. — Visions of Eunice Bathrick, a Shaker Eldress, 159 296 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVII, TEE SPIRIT HOME OF BRUNO AND OTHERS. The Martyr's Home. — A Voice from South Africa. —The Future of Africa.— Spirit Home at Edgar Athcling. — John Stewart's Home in Spirit Life. — Ex- cursions in the Spheres. — Description of Fountain-of-Light City. — A Hindoo Mystic's Experiences in the Heavens, 170 CHAPTER XVIII. MANY VOICES FROM THE SPIRIT LAND. A Sailor's sad Stoiy. — A Strolling Player. — Questions and Answers. — Experi- ence of Little Eliza. — Mrs. Colonel Taylor's Experience. — John Knowles' Spirit Home. — Spirit Home of John Glover. — Dr. C. H. Barrows. — A Spirit through the Mediumship of Mrs. Watson of Memphis. — Home of Mungo Park, 184 CHAPTER XIX. CRYSTAL DROPS.— FACTS AND FANCIES OF MANY IN SPIRIT LIFE. Gems from the Poets and Philosophers. — Sorrow disciplines the Soul. — "We possess only what we grow to in Spirit Life. — Relative Power of higher and lower Spirits. — Intellectual Acquisitions alone do not bring Happiness. — "We must labor to make Others happy, if we Ourselves would be happy. — The Pro- priety of Prayer. — Laying aside the Mask. — The Condition of Paupers from the large Cities in Spirit Life. — The Dying never Weep, 236 CHAPTER XX. THE TWO THEORIES CONCERNING THE BEGINNING OF THINGS. — MATTER AND SPIRIT. The Western Mind inductive, while the Oriental Mind is synthetic. — Tbe Mate- rialist reasons from a nebulous Chaos. — The Spiritualist reasons from God as the Primal Cause. — The Scientists are mostly arrayed on one Side, while the Poets and Philosophers are arrayed on the Other. — Distinction between Per- sonality and Individuality. — Pre-existence. — Arguments Pro and Con, . . 262 CHAPTER XXL . THE GENERAL TEACHINGS OF SPIRITS. The General Teacbings of Spirits. — M. A. (Oxon). — the Opinions of the Rev. Charles Beecher. — The Unity of Genuine Spiritualism with the Christianity of the New Testament. — " Only remembered for what I have done." . . . 277 WORKS OF J, M. PEEBLES, M.D. Seers of the Ages. SiXTn Edition'.— This work, treating of ancient Seers and Sages; of Spiritualism in India, Egypt, China, Persia, Syria, Greece and Rome; of the modern manifestations, with the doctrines of Spiritualists concerning God, Jesus, Inspiration, Faith, Judgment, Heaven, Hell, Evil Spirits, Love, the Resurrection, and Immortality, has become a standard work ip this and other countries. Price, $2,00, postage 1G cents. Travels Around the World; OR, WHAT I SAW IN THE SOUTH SEA ISLANDS, CHINA, INDIA, ARABIA, EGYPT AND PALESTINE. This intensely interesting volume of over four hundred pages, fresh with the gleanings of something like two years' travel in Europe and Oriental Lands, is now ready lor delivery. As a work embodying personal experi- ences, descriptions of Asia-tic countries and observations relating to the manners, customs, laws, religions and spiritual instincts of different na- tions, this, in some respects, is the most important and stirring book that has appeared from .he author's pen. Price, §2,00, postage 16 cents. Spiritual Harp. A fine collection of vocal music for the choir, congregation and social circle: is especially adapted for use at Grove Meetings, Picnics, ■ ■ o ^ ^ <* * "' "o -V ^ A > o v ,0 0. v- V s ,y 6$ \V" ^ ;%' 7 - .*< *° "N I ^ v - > & «4 . Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2' ' ' '0 N ^- V* ,0o. W ^ ^ '** -