^~ '■W ipr, A HISTORY TOWN OF INDUSTRY, FRANKLIN COUNTY, MAINE, From the Earliest Settlement in 1787 down to the Present Time, Embracing the Cessions of New Sharon, New Vineyard, Anson, and Stark. IN TWO PARTS, Including the History and Genealogy of Mann of the Leading Families of the Town. WILLI A M COLLI X S H A T C H FARMINGTON, MAINE: PRESS OF KNOWLTON, McLEARY & CO. 1893. 14 n i ELIZABETH SHOREY PRICE, WHO, BY HER GENEROUS BENEFICENCE AND KINDLY INTEREST IN THE TOWN OF HER ADOPTION, HAS RENDERED HER NAME DEAR TO EVERY CITIZEN OF INDUSTRY, THIS HUMBLE WORK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE A L'THO K . PREFACE. The novice in the literary arena is prone to apologize for his work, but, for the nonce, he has no apology to offer. His work is to be weighed by a discriminating public ; should it be found wanting, of what avail will apology prove? In undertaking this work the author was actuated by a higher motive than mere love for sordid gain. Though not widely known. Industry is a town that has a history of which every citizen may justly be proud. Larger towns may claim the peerage in other directions, but when its part in furnishing the brain and brawn of the busy world is taken into account. Industry is entitled to high rank among her sister towns. To rescue the life-story of these noble men and women from oblivion has been the author's aim. How well he has succeeded let the intelligent reader decide. Many years ago the author conceived the idea of writing a history of his native town, but not until 1882 did he become actively engaged in the work. The results of his researches are embodied in the following pages. Errors undoubtedly occur in this work, for surprising discrep- ancies often exist between family, town and church records. In some instances even town records contain conflicting dates. Again, memories are fallible, some of course to a greater degree than others. Hence, family records furnished the author from different sources sometimes disagree. To determine which is correct is often extremely difficult, if not an impossible task. In Part Second the author has conformed largely to peculiarities of each person in regard to the orthography of christian names. Occasionally q. v. (meaning which see) will be found in the Genea- logical Notes without the corresponding record to which reference is vi PREFACE. made. These omissions are due to the fact that the author was compelled to condense the last half of Part Second in the manuscript even to the elimination of many family records. The name of a neighboring town has been invariably spelled Stark. This the author believed was correct, as it is so spelled in the act of incorporation recorded in the record- of the town and also on the plan sent to the General Court with petition for incorporation. Recent developments, however, show that the name is spelled with a final s as recorded in the archives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The author would here acknowledge with a deep sense of gratitude the assistance and untiring interest of Dr. John F. and Mrs. Annie (Currier) Pratt, of Chelsea. Mass.. who have contributed in no small degree to the interest and completeness of this work. Great credit is also due the printers, Messrs. David H. Knowlton and Frank E. McLeary, for their constant personal attention to every detail of the work while the volume was passing through the press. To those who, by their hearty co-operation and friendly counsel, have done much to lighten the cares of his onerous labor, the author would tender his heartfelt thanks, with the assurance that while life lasts he will ever cherish pleasing recollections of their kindness. Finally, to one and all: If errors are discovered, as they usually can be in works of this description, will you oblige the author by not ( ailing his attention to them? J wi \u\ 25. 1893. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. General Characteristics.— Boundaries.— Soil. — Productions.— ( )bjects of Interest.— Scenery, etc., .....•••••■• '.5 CHAPTER II. LAND TITLES. Early Attempts to Colonize New England.— King James's ('.rant.— The Kennebec Purchase. — The Appraising Commission, etc., etc - 1 ) CHAPTER IIP SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. The Plymouth Patent.— The New Vineyard Core.— The Powell Strip.— North Industry. 4° CHAPTER IV. EVENTS FROM 1S00 TO 18 10. Condition of the Settlers. — Plantation Organized. — Town Incorporated. — Roads. — Early Town < Ifficers. — The Embargo Act. — The Town Becomes a Part of Somerset < 'ounty, etc., etc., ......... 5° CHAPTER Y. THE JOURNAL OF WM. ALLEN, ESQ. Being a Full Account of the Emigration of his bather, ('apt. William Allen, from Martha's Vineyard to the District of Maine, together with an Interesting De- scription of their Pioneer Life, ........ 72 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. SCHOOLS. First School.— Incompetence of Early Teachers.— The Log School-House on the Gore.— Other School-Houses.— High Schools.— Free High Schools.— Wade's Graduating System. — Text-Books. — Statistical, 9° CHAPTER VII. RELIGIOUS HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. The Baptist Society. — The Methodists.— The Congregational Society. — The Free Will Baptists. — Protestant Methodists, etc., ' 'I CHAPTER VIII. THE MILITIA AND 1812 WAR. Military Company Organized.— Flection of Officers. — Equipments Required by Law. — First Training. — Muster at Farmington. — Money Raised to Buy Military Stores. — Muster Roll of Capt. Daniel Beede's Company. — Cavalry Company Organized. — Powder-House Built. — The Industry Rifle Grays, . . 156 CHAPTER IX. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. Water Powers of Industry.— First Grist-Mill Erected. — Capt. Peter West Frects Mills.— Cornforth's Grist-Mill. — FlishaM.umbert's Grist and Saw-Mills. — Cutler's MiH s —Davis's Mills.— (lower's Mills.— Capt. John Thompson Erects Mills near Stark Line.— West and Manter's Saw-Mill. — Clover Mill.— First Shingle Machine, — Daggett and Brown's Shingle Mill. — William Cornforth's Fulling-Mill. — James (lower's Fulling-Mill.— Allen & Co.'s Starch-Factory.— Deacon Emery's Bark Mill. — Other Tanneries.— Shovel Handles. — Rake Manufacturing. — Smith & Coughlin's Spool- Factory. — Oliver Bros.' Steam Pox- Factory. — RacklifPs < hair- Factory. — Mechanics, etc., ......... 166 CHAPTER X. MERCHANTS. First Store in Town. — Esq. Peter West. — John West. — Johnson & Mitchell.— Geo. Cornforth.— Capt. Jeruel Butler. (has. Butler.— Col. Peter A. West.— (apt. Freeman liutler. — John Allen, Jr. — 'Thing & Allen. — James Davis. — John Mason. — Moses Tolman, Jr. — Esq. Samuel Shaw. — Israel Folsom. — Col. P.enj. Luce. Christopher Goodridge. — Cyrus X. Hutchins. — Willis & Allen. — Zachariah Withee. — John W. Dunn.— Supply B. Norton. — Rufus Jennings. — Enoch Hinkley. — Amos S. Hinkley. — Isaac Norton. — Warren X. Willis. — Boyden & Manter. — Maj. fames Cutts. — Franklin and Somerset Mercantile Association. — fohn Willis.— Willis & Clayton.— John & Benj. X. Willis.- Duley & Norcross. — lames M. & Alonzo Norton. — James M. Norton A Co. — Asa II. Patterson. — Caswell & Hilton. — Shaw & Hinkley. — Harrison Daggett, etc., . . 193 CONTENTS. i x CHAPTER XI. EVENTS FROM 1S10 TO 1830. Condition of the Settlers. — Expense of Transacting the Town Business. — Pounds ami Pound-Keepers. — Attempts to Establish a New County to Include Industry. — Cower's (now Allen's) Mills Becomes a Part of Industry. — "The Cold Fever" Epidemic. — The Thompson Burial Cround. — New Vineyard Gore Becomes a Part of Industry. — Great Gale of 181 5. — Question : " Shall Maine Become an Indepen- dent State?" Agitated. — Vote for Maine's first Governor. — Population Increases. — " Blind Fogg." — First Sunday-School. — Road Troubles. — First Eiquor License Issued. — The Residents of New Vineyard Gore Pass the Ordinance of Secession and Ask to be Made Citizens of Strong. — The Town Receives Additions from Stark and Anson. — Subject of Building a Town-House Discussed. — Great Drouth and Fire of 1825. — First Meeting- House in Town.— Meeting-House F.rected at the Centre of the Town. — The Industry North Meeting-House, . . 204 CHAPTER XII. POST-OFFICES, REMINISCENCES OF JOHN MASON, AND CORRESPONDENCE OF CAPT. JERUEL BUTLER. Lack of Postal Facilities. — High Rates of Postage. — First Post-Office Established. — Jonathan Goodridge Appointed Postmaster. — Mail Brought from Farmington. — Mail from Stark ( )nce a Week. — Mail Route Changed. — Mail Received via New Sharon. — lames Davis Appointed Postmaster. — Other Postmasters. — Industry Post-Office Changed to Allen's Mills. — Post-Office Established at West's Mills.— Esq. Peter West Appointed Postmaster. — Lower Rates of Postage. — Stamps First Used. — Era of Cheap Postage Begins. — Rates Fixed According to Weight Instead of Distance. — Other Postmasters at West's Mills. — Glass Call-Boxes First Introduced. — Mail Carriers. — Change of Time. — Industry Gets a Daily Mail from Farmington. — North Industry Post-Office, etc., .... 226 CHAPTER XIII. TEMPERANCE MO CEMENTS. Prevalence of Rum Drinking.— The License Law. — Five Licenses Granted. — Town Votes "Not to License Retailers." — The Ministerial Association Passes Resolu- tions Against the Use of Spirituous Liquors. — First Temperance Society Formed. — Esq. West's Temperance Society. — The Washingtonian Movement. — The Allen's Mills Watch Club. — First Division Sons of Temperance Organized. — The " Union Peace Temperance Society." — The Sons of Temperance at Allen's Mills. — The Order of Good Templars in Industry. — Juvenile Temples.— The Iron Clad Club, 246 CHAPTER XIV. REMINISCENCES. Religious Views of the Early Settlers. — Strict Observance of the Sabbath. — Destitute Circumstances. — Agricultural Implements. — Bread Baking. — Substitute for Cook- CONTENTS. ing Soda. — The Luxuries of Pioneer Life. — Methods of Starting a Fire. — Harvesting Grain. — Depredations of Hears.- A Good Bear Story.— Cows and Swine Allowed tu Roam at Will in the Woods.- Spinning and Weaving. — Domestic "Tow and Linen" Cloth. — Flax-Culture. — Wool-Growing in Industry. — The Tin Baker. — Introduction of Cooking Stoves. — First Thoroughbraced Wagon Brought to Town. — Shoe-Making. — First Threshing-Machine. — Sewing- Machine. — Mowing-Machines. — Air-Tight Cooking-Stoves. — Methods oi Measuring the Flight of Time. — The Hour-Class. — Sun Dials. — Clocks. — Nails. — Methods of Lighting the Settlers' Homes. — Tallow Dips. — Whale < HI.- -Burn- ing Fluid. — Kerosene. — Sugar-Making. — Intentions of Marriage. — Quill Pens. — Anecdotes, etc., . . . . . . . . . . .26] . CHAPTER XV. EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. Condition of the Town. — Population. — Valuation. — Small-Pox Scare. — Attempts to Change the Centre Post-Office to Withee's Corner. — hirst Public House Opened. — Fxtensive Land-Owners. — Large Stock-Owners. — Effect of the High Tariff on the Inhabitants of Industry. — Residents in the South Part of the Town Ask to l>e Made Citizens of New Sharon. — Remarkable Meteoric Shower. — " Temperance Hotel" Opened. — ( )ther Public Houses. — Financial Crisis of [837. — The Surplus Revenue Distributed. — Auroral Display. — Franklin County Incorporated. — Diffi- culties in Choice of Representative. — Prevalence of the Millerite Doctrine.- I ud of the World Predicted. — 7000 Acres Set off from New Vineyard and Annexed to Industry. — Vigorous Fight of the Former Town to Recover its Lost Territory. — The Pioneers of Liberty. — Destructive Hail-storm. New County Roads Fstab- lished. — Subject of Erecting a Town-House Discussed. — A Grand Sunday-School Picnic. — The Free-Soil Party. — Efforts to Suppress Rumselling. — Town Liquor Agents. — The License Law. — General Prosperity of the Town. — One-half the New Vineyard (.ore Set off to Farmington. — South Part of the Town Set off to New Sharon, etc., ........... 273 CHAPTER XVI. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 'olitical Excitement. — The John Brown Insurrection. — Diphtheria Epidemic. — Resi- dents of Allen's Mills Petition the Legislature for Annexation to Farmington. — War Meeting Held at West's Mills. — Patriotic Resolutions Passed. — Lively Times at Subsequent Meetings. — Muster and Celebration at West's Mills, July 4, [866. — Call for Troops. — A Comet Appears. — Greal Scarcity of Silver Money. — Methods Devised for Supplying the Defect.- The I". S. Fractional Currency. — Disheartening News from the War. Mason and Slidell Arrested. — Belligerent Attitude of England. — Total Failure of the Fruit Crop of 1866. — Militia En- rolled and Organized. — first Industry Soldiers' Lives Sacrificed. — Obsequies at the Centre Meeting-House. — More Soldiers Wanted. — Liberal Town Bounty Offered for Enlistments. — A Call for Nine-Months' Troops. — Draft Ordered. — CONTENTS. xi Generous Measures Adopted by the Town to Avoid a Draft. — A Stirring Mass Meeting for Raising Volunteers. — Provisions for Destitute Soldiers' Families. — News of the Emancipation Proclamation Reaches Industry. — The Conscription Act. — Anxieties of Those Liable to a Draft. — Disloyal Utterances in Other Towns. — Industry True to her Country. — Piratical Craft Reported off the Maine Coast. — Revenue Cutter "Caleb dishing " Captured in Portland Harbor, . 29S CHAPTER XVII. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866 CONTINUED. General Lee Begins the March of an Invader. — Crosses the " Mason and Dixon Line." — Gloomy Prospects of the Federal Cause. — Numerous Desertions from the Union Army. — Organization of the Districts under the Provisions of the Con- scription Act. — First Conscripts from Industry. — The Non Compos Conscript. — "The Kingfield Riot." — Efforts of Drafted Men to Secure Town Bounty. — The Somerset and Franklin Wool-Growers' Association. — Call for More Troops. — #300 Town Bounty Offered for Volunteer Enlistments. — Stamp Act Passed. — Steamer " Chesapeake " Captured. — -Attempts Made to Raid Maine's Eastern Border. — Re-enlistments. — Furloughed Soldiers Tendered a Banquet. — $600 Offered for Volunteer Enlistments. — Second Draft Made. — Small-Pox Outbreak. — Aid to Soldiers in the Field. — -Inflated Prices. — Efforts of Men who Furnished Substitutes to Recover the Sum Paid for the Same. — Third Draft Made. — Close of the War. — Great Rejoicing. — Flag-raisings at Allen's and West's Mills. — Assassination of President Lincoln. — Memorial Services in Industry. — Cost of the War to the Town of Industry, . . . . . . . .312 CHAPTER XVIII. THE BOYS IN BLUE. Francis < >. bean. — Nelson O. Bean. — George W. Boyden. — Charles E. Burce. — James O. Burce. — John C. Burce. — William S. Burce. — George II. Butler. — John P. Butler. — Addison H. Chase. — Addison F. Collins. — Daniel S. Collins. — James W. Collins. — Daniel A. Conant. — John F. Daggett. — Hiram P. Durrell. — William II. Edwards. — John D. Elder. — Carlton P. Emery . — George C. Emery. — Zebulon M. Emery. — Calvin B. Fish. — Eben Fish. — Benjamin Follett. — William Q. Folsom. — William II. Frost. — John F.Gerry. — Bradford Gilmore. — Almore Haskell. — John M. Howes. — Adriance R. Johnson. — William G. Lewis. — Fiheld A. Luce. — John T. Luce. — Henry S. Maines. — Gilbert R. Merry. — Elias Miller. — Henry ( i. Mitchell. — Atwood Morse. — John M. Nash. — David M. Norton. — Oliver D. Nor- ton. — James Pinkham. — Samuel Pinkham. — Wellington Pinkham. — Wilder Pratt. — Charles S. Prince. — Albanus D. Quint. — William L. Quint. — Edwin A. R. Rackliff.— Elbridge H. Rackliff.— John O. Rackliff.— Samuel Rackliff.— William J. Rackliff. — Reuel H. Rogers. — Lyman M. Shorey. — Andrew J. Spinney. — John C. Spinney. — Benjamin Tibbetts.— Benjamin F. Tibbetts. — Clinton H. Webster^ — David C. Whitney. — Aaron E. Williams. — George F. Williams. — O. L. Young, ....."....... 327 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. id Matters.— The Curtis Pinkham Road. — Stark Asks for a Better Road through Industry to Farmington. — Route to Madison Bridge Shortened and Improved. — Industry Votes on Amendment to Liquor Law. — "The- Gold Fever."— Unusual Snow-fall in the Winter of 1868-9. — Destructive Freshet of [869.— Heavy Thunder-storm. — Beautiful Display of Aurora Borealis. — A Heavy 1 iale. — The Great Earthquake of 1870. — Grasshopper Plague. — State Equalization Ponds. — Industry Farmers' and Mechanics' Club. — The Enterprise Cheese Manufacturing Company. — ( trders Forged on the Town of Industry. — Pri/.e L>eclamations at West's Mills. — Extensive Improvements on the Centre Meeting-House. — The Greenback Party in Industry. — Caterpillar Scourge. — Freshet of 1S7S. — Severe Drouth. — Cattle Show and Fair. — Independence Day Celebrated at West's Mills. — Destructive Fire. — A Bear Commits Many Depredations in Industry. — Red Sunsets. — Gale of November, [883. — Planets in Perihelion. — Town Votes to Buy a Poor-Farm. — Allen's Mills Union Agricultural Society. — A Maine Blizzard. — Potato Crop Ruined by Rust. — Industry's New Methodist Church. — A Maine Cyclone. — La Grippe. — Shorey Chapel Erected, etc., .... 385 CHAPTER XX. MISCELLANY. Physicians. — Tallest Soldier from Maine. — Table of Incidents. — Poem: "To the < >ld Church Bell." — Town Officers from the Incorporation of the Town to 1893. — County Commissioners. — Senators. — Representatives to the Legislature. — Marriages Solemnized by Esq. Cornelius Norton. — Examination Questions. — Statistical.— Town Officers' Bills. — Date of Ice Leaving Clear Water Pond. — Temperature Chart. — Industry's Gubernatorial Vote. — List of Voters in Industry. 1855, 434 GENEALOGICAL NOTES. ALLEN, Ambrose, Ames, Atkinson, BAILEY, Bean, Beede, . Benson, Boardman, Boyden, Bradbury, Brown, . Bryant, . Burgess, Burns, . Butler, . CHESLEY, Clark, . Coffin, . Collins, . Cornforth, Cottle, . Crompton, Cutler, . Cutts, . DAGGETT, Davis, EDGEC< »MB Edwards, Elder, . Ellis, . Emery, . Eveleth, FISH, . Follett, Frost, Furbush, GILMORE, Goodridge, 47' 49S 500 501 507 5°9 5°9 512 5 J 3 5i6 S20 S2I 5 2 3 5 2 4 524 525 539 540 542 542 562 565 565 5 6 7 5 6 9 570 589 601 602 603 603 004 014 617 621 622 623 623 624 Goodwin, 626 Gower, 628 Graham, 630 Greenleaf, 631 Greenwood, 635 HAMMOND, 637 Harris, 637 Hatch, 638 Hayes, 642 Higgins, 647 Hildreth, 648 Hilton, 650 Hinkley, 651 Hobbs, 653 Howes, 655 Huston, 660 JEFFERS, . 661 Jennings, 662 Jewett, 663 Johnson, 663 KYES, 673 LOOK, . . 674 Luce, 675 MANTER, 719 Marshall 732 Mason, 732 Meatier, 734 Merrill, 738 Merry, 741 Moody, 745 NORCROSS 746 Norton, 751 OLIVER, 783 PATTERSON, 784 Pike, 791 RACKLIFF, 792 XIV GENE. Ma hMCAL NOTES. Remick, Roach, . SHAW, Shorey, Smith, . Spinney, Stevens, Swift, . THING, 797 800 So 1 8« >8 Su 814 81 S 817 819 Thompson, 820 Tolman, 825 Trask, 827 True, 832 VII I'.S 834 WEST, 838 Willis, 840 Winslow, 844 Withee, 846 ILLUSTRATIONS. Wm. C. Ha rCH, Frontispiece. ~ Residence i if < 'ait. John Thompsi in 44 ' Christi ipher S. Luck, i ty - M. E. Church at West's Mills, 140 ' Wm. A. Merrill, 155 " Ira Emery, 181 ~ Centre Meeting— House 219 ' Wm. Harvey Edwards, 338 Lyman M. Shorey, 374 Shorey Chapel, 422 John Allen, [77 Asaph Boyden 516 Pi 1 i-.i; W. Hi tler 536 - Thomas C Collins, 551 Wm. Broderick Davis 598 I ra Em ery, 609 " Chas. R. Fish, 619 Nathan ( Ioodridge, 625 Stephen H. Hayes, 643 Edmund Hayes, 644 ; Geo. W. Johnson, 666 Henry True Luce, 677 ( !has. I.iass have been caught in large numbers, some specimens being of good size. Among the largest taken, was one caught by John Vehue, in 1889, weighing six and one-fourth pounds. INTROD UCTOR i '. 2 3 gathering about their bait. As they could not be induced to take a baited hook, a method was devised by which they were easily captured. A gaff was made, by tying" a large hook to a slender pole, and while one would troll a large piece of pork in the water, another would watch with his gaff and dextrously hook any fish which came near the bait. Even Daniel Collins did not know the name of these fish, and they were for a time called dun-fish, etc., etc. In June, 1886, while Fish Commissioner Henry O. Stanley was at Weld, Me., looking after the land-locked salmon there, it was suggested to him that Clear Water Pond, in Industry, possessed superior advantages for breeding and rearing salmon. Mr. Stanley, knowing something of its characteristics, at once agreed to put in a certain number of young salmon, providing some one would bear a portion of the necessary expenses. This Mr. D. W. Austin, of Farmington, volunteered to do, and under his immediate supervision, on the 1 7th of June, 5,000 young salmon were placed in the cool, limpid waters of this pond. Many argued that the black bass was an inveterate enemy of the salmon, and that it was absolutely impossible to breed them successfully in waters infested by the bass. Perhaps time may prove these views to have been erroneous ; but after the lapse of nearly six years, the result of Messrs. Stanley and Austin's experiment is still shrouded in doubt. CHAPTER II. LAND TITLES. Early Attempts to Colonize New England.— King James's Grant.— The Kennebec Purchase. — The Appraising Commission, Etc., Etc. After the failure of Capt. John Smith to establish a colony in New England, in 1618, Sir Ferdinando Gorges turned his undivided attention to the formation of a new company, dis- tinct from that of the Virginia company, whose exclusive atten- tion should be devoted to the colonization of New England. A liberal charter was granted to this company, by the sole authority of the King, constituting them a corporation with perpetual succession, by the name of "The Council established at Plymouth in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling, ordering and governing of New England in America." The original grant reads as follows, to wit. : "TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, Greeting: — Whereas his Majesty King James the fust, for the advancement of a Colony and Plantation in New England, in America, by his Highness' betters Patent, under the great seal of England, hearing date, at West- minster, the third day of November, [1620], in the eighteenth year of his Highness' reign of England, etc., did grant unto the right Honora- ble Lodowick, late Lord Duke of Lenox, George, late Marquis of Rockingham, fames. Marquis of Hamilton, Thomas, Earl of Arundle, Robert, Earl of Warwick, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Viscount, and divers others, whose names are expressed in the said Letters Patent, and their successors, that they should he one body politic and corporate, per- petually, consisting of forty persons, that they should have perpetual succession and one common seal to serve for the said body ; and that they and their successors should be incorporated, called and known by LAND TITLES. 2$ the name of the Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling, ordering and governing New England in America. And further did also grant unto the said Vice-President and Council, and their successors forever, under the reservations in the said Letters Patent expressed, all that part and portion of the said country called New England in America, situate, lying and being in breadth from forty degrees of northerly latitude, from the equinoctial line, to forty-eight degrees of the said northerly latitude, inclusively, and in length of, and in all the breadth aforesaid, throughout the main lands, from sea to sea, together, also, with all the firm lands, soils, grounds, creeks, inlets, havens, ports, seas, rivers, islands, waters, fishings, mines, minerals, precious stones, quarries, and all and singular the commodities and jurisdictions, both within the said tract of land lying upon the main, as also within the said islands adjoining. To have, hold, possess and enjoy the same unto the said Council and their successors and assigns forever, &c." This grant extended from New Jersey northward to the mouth of the St. Lawrence River, and nearly half of it was comprised in a former grant to the Virginia Company. Objec- tions were made to it, at the outset, from that quarter. Not succeeding with the King and the Privy Council, the complain- ants carried the matter before the House of Commons, and Gorges appeared three several times at the bar of the House to answer objections. On the last occasion, he was attended by eminent legal counsel. The result was unfavorable, and the House, in presenting to the King the public grievances of the kingdom, included amongst them the patent of New England. The effect of this movement was at first prejudicial to the Com- pany, for it was the means of discouraging those who proposed to establish plantations in this quarter, as well as some of the Council. But James was not inclined to have the propriety of his own acts disputed, or denied on the floor of Parliament. So, instead of destroying the patent, as he had intended to do, he dismissed the Parliament and committed to the Tower and other prisons, the members who had been most forward in condemning the charter and most free in questioning the prerogative of the Crown. Dr. Belknap well remarks, that " either from the jarring in- 26 HISTORY (>/■' INDUSTRY. terests of the members, or their indistinct knowledge of the country, or their inattention to business, or some other cause which does not fully appear, their affairs were transacted in a confused manner from the beginning; and the grants which they made were so inaccurately described, and interfered so much with each other, as to occasion controversies, some of which are not yet ended." Xo part of New England has suffered more from this cause than Maine, even as at last to a complete denial of the title of its proprietary by a neighboring colony. The first grant by the Council that included the lands of Industry, seems to have been the patent of Laconia, to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Capt. John Mason, in 1622. This comprised " all lands situated between the rivers Merrimack and Sagadahock,* extending back to the great lakes and the river of Canada." Both patentees acted under this patent, although man}- subsequent grants of the Council were made within the same limits. After seven years joint title, Capt. Mason, Nov. 7, 1629, took out a separate patent of that portion lying south and west of the Piscataqua River, to which he gave the name of New Hampshire. The remaining portion became the exclusive property of Gorges, who, however, had no separate title until 1635, when he gave the territory between the Piscata- qua and the Kennebec, the name of NEW SOMERSETSHIRE. The next event of general interest in the history of the State, was the confirmation of the patent from the Council of Plymouth to Gorges, by a new charter from the Crown, in 1639, in which the territory is first styled the Province of Maine. After the death of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, the Province of Maine fell, by heirship, to Ferdinando Gorges, Esq., son of John Gorges, and grandson of the old lord proprietor. In 1678, Mr. Gorges sold and conveyed by his deed of the date * When the territory, now the State of Maine, was first known to the white peo- ple, the Kennebec River bore four different names. From its mouth to Merrymeeting Bay it was called Sagadahock ; from that bay to Skowhegan it bore the name of the Indian Chief Canabais, afterwards changed to Kennebec; from Skowhegan Falls to Norridgewock Falls at Madison, it was called Nansantsouak, afterwards called Norridgewock; the rest of the river to its source was called Orantsoak. LAND TITLES. 2/ of March 13th, to "John Usher, of Boston in New England in America, merchant," all the lands comprising the Province or County of Maine, for £1250, or about six thousand dollars. Two days thereafter, Mr. Usher conveyed his purchase to the Massachusetts Bay Company. After William and Mary ascended the throne of England, a new charter was received, uniting in one province the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, the Province of Maine and the territory east of it to the St. Croix River. In 1661, the Colony of New Plymouth sold and conveyed a tract of land fifteen miles wide on each side of the Kennebec River and thirty miles in length from north to south, to Antipas Boies, Edward Tyng, Thomas Brattle and John Winslow, for £400, or "at a cost," as Wm. Allen states, " of about four cents and three mills per acre." These persons and their heirs held it for nearly a century without taking efficient means for its settlement. In 1749, however, they began to think of settling their lands, and in September of that year, a meeting of the proprietors was called, and new members were admitted. Four years later, Massachusetts passed an act permitting persons holding lands in common and undivided, to act as a corporation. In June, 1753, under this act, a corporation was formed by the name of the " Proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase, from the late colony of New Plymouth," which continued to be their legal title, though they are commonly known by the name of the Plymouth Company, and their lands as the Plymouth Patent. At the time of this incorporation, their claims were very ex- tensive, much exceeding the bounds already mentioned, — in fact, extending from Casco Bay eastward to Pemaquid, and north from the sea-coast to Carratunk Falls. Four adjoining companies claimed, however, large portions of this territory; whose claims, after tedious litigation, were finally settled, either by compromise or reference. The early explorers of Sand)' River valley, supposing the land where they had decided to make clearings and establish their future homes, which was subsequently incorporated as the town of Farmington, belonged to the Plymouth Patent, en- 28 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. tered into negotiations with the proprietors for the purpose of obtaining a title to the land. Judge Joseph North was em- ployed to survey the township, in the spring of 1780, agreeable to these pending negotiations. The first duty of the surveyor was to establish the northwest corner of the Plymouth Patent, which, according to the proprietors' claims, would likewise fix the northwest corner of the township. This corner he made on a basswood tree marked " K. 15 M." — to denote that it was fifteen miles from the Kennebec River.* Nine years later, after the close of the Revolutionary War, by a different construction of the grant, and by an agreement with the agents of the Commonwealth, dated June 26, 1789, Ephraim Ballard, f a surveyor agreed upon for the purpose, made the northwest corner of the patent eighty rods east of the northeast corner of Farmington. The boundary of the Plymouth claim thus being established near the western shore of what is now called Clear Water Pond. After the establish- ment of the northwest corner of the Plymouth Patent, in 1789, the Company obtained a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, of a strip of land one mile and a half wide and thirty miles long, on their northern boundary, to compensate them for lands given to settlers. This new acquisition extended the northern limits of their possessions in Industry to the south line of the township of New Vineyard, as given in ( )sgood Carleton's Map of Maine, published about 1795. The meetings of the Company continued regularly, with the exception of the first year of the Revolutionary War, from 1749 till it finally sold the remnants of its possessions, at pub- lic auction, in 18 16, and dissolved by mutual consent. * Butler's History of Farmington, p. 24. Allen says { History of Industry, p. j ) that the corner was marked " on a small beech tree." Mr. Butler quotes from the original plan of the survey, hence, his statement is to be accepted as indubitable testi- mony. Mr. Allen undoubtedly confounded this landmark with the small beech tree on the New Vineyard Core which marked central corners of the four quarter sections. f Esquire William Allen states ( History of Industry, p. 3) that this boundary was established by Samuel Titcomb, a noted surveyor; but by the evidence adduced in the action Winthrop vs. Curtis ( Greenleaf 's 3 Me. Reports, p. 112) it was shown to be Mr. Ballard, as slated above. LAND TITLES. 29 The lands of the Company were not surveyed and offered for sale as the advancement of the country demanded. At the close of the Revolutionary War, great numbers of the dis- banded soldiers, unlike those of Europe — the pest and scourge of society — came into the District of Maine to seek a per- manent home, and became industrious husbandmen. The Company having formerly taken such pains to extend the in- formation of their liberal offers of land to actual settlers, many came on to the patent and selected for their abode such lots as suited them, without inquiring whether these were designed for settlers or had been assigned to individual proprietors, or were yet among the unsurveyed lands of the proprietary; and in 1799, it was found that large portions of the unlocated lands of the Plymouth Patent were taken up by persons who had intruded themselves without permission. "If," says R. H. Gar- diner, "the Company had, even at this late hour, resumed their former policy and given to the settlers half of the land, if so much had been required, for each to have one hundred acres, or if they had offered to sell at very low prices to actual set- tlers, there can be little doubt that the remaining portions would have been of more value than the whole proved to be ; but what is of infinitely more importance than pecuniary value, peace and quietness would have been at once established, and the subsequent scenes of violence avoided." The Company also found themselves deprived of disposing of their lands by dividing them among the proprietors ; for division presupposes surveys and allotment, and the settlers would not allow surveys unless they could previously know what would be the price of their lands. After trying various expedients in their endeavors to gain possession of their lands, without success, the Company petitioned the General Court, in 1802, to authorize the Governor and Council to appoint com- missioners, "who should determine the terms upon which the Company should quiet each of the settlers in possession of certain portions of land as may include their improvements, in such a manner and on such terms as the Commissioners may 30 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. think best." The following resolve was passed, in conformity with the prayer of these petitioners : On the petition of Arodi Thayer, in behalf of the proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase, authorizing the company to quiet the settlers on said lauds, and empowering the Governor, with advice of the Council, to appoint Commissioners to adjust and settle all dis- putes between said proprietors and the settlers on said lands. February 19, 1802. On the petition of Arodi Thayer, in behalf of the proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase, from the late colony of New Plymouth, praying for leave to sell and dispose of certain of their lands for the quieting of settlers ; and for the establishing commissioners to quiet all such settlers as shall agree to submit themselves to their authority, and to fix and determine on the terms upon which they shall be so quieted : And the legislature being desirous to promote the laudable and liberal applica- tion of the Plymouth Company, to bring to a peaceable and final clo§e, all matters not adjusted by its agent with the settlers on the undivided lands, by a submission of the same to three disinterested commissioners : Therefore, Resolved, That the proprietors of the common and undivided lands belonging to the Plymouth Company, so called, be. and they here- by are authorized and empowered, by their agent or agents, duly ap- pointed and authorized for that purpose, at any legal meeting of said proprietors, to compromise and settle with such persons, or each or any of them, who may have entered upon any of said lands, and made im- provements thereon ; and by deed under the hand and seals of such agents, sell and convey to such person or persons, any portion or por- tions of said lands which they may think best, and on such terms as the parties may agree ; and after payment of all such taxes and charges as may be due from any proprietor, to divide «ml pay over to every pro- prietor his share of the residue of the money arising from such settle- ment and sale, according to his proportion of lands : And all such sales shall be as valid in law as if the deed thereof had been executed by every individual proprietor, or his or her legal representative : And whereas it is conceived. That a final compromise and settle- ment of the claims of the said proprietors, with such persons as have intruded upon such common and undivided lands, will have a tendency to promote the peace ami quiet of that part of the State ; and the said proprietors having, on their part, assured the Commonwealth, that they LAND TITLES. 31 are willing to submit the terms of compromise with such persons as have set down on their said lands, and shall not have settled with said Company or their agent, to such commissioners as shall be appointed under the authority of this government : Therefore, It is further resolved, That the Governor with the consent of the Council, be, and he hereby is authorized and requested to nominate and commission three disinterested persons to adjust and settle all dis- putes between said proprietors and any such person or persons, their heirs or assigns, as have not settled with said proprietors or their agents : And the said commissioners, in settling the terms aforesaid for quieting any settler in the possession of one hundred acres of land, laid out so as to include his improvements, and be least injurious to adjoining lands, shall have reference to three descriptions of settlers, viz : Those settled before the war with Great-Britain, settlers during the war afore- said, and settlers since that period, or to any person whose possession has been transferred to claimants now in possession ; and award such compensation and terms of payment to the proprietors as shall appear just and equitable. And said commissioners shall repair to the land in dispute, and give due notice of the time of their meeting by the twen- tieth day of September next ; and thereupon proceed and complete the purposes of their commission as soon as may be, and make their report in writing, under their hands and seals, or under the hands and seals of a major part of them, into the office of the Secretary of this Commonwealth, who shall make out true and attested copies of the report, one for the said proprietors, and the other for the said settlers : And all reference by the settlers to the said commissioners shall be in writing, signed by the settlers, their agent or agents, representative or attorney, and by the agent of the proprietors, duly appointed and authorized for the purpose by a vote passed at a legal meeting of the said proprietors ; and the report of the said commissioners, made, exe- cuted and transmitted into the Secretary's office aforesaid, shall be final between the parties referring as aforesaid : And it shall be the duty of the agent for said proprietors to make and execute such deeds of conveyance upon performance of the conditions awarded, as may be necessary to give full effect to the report of said commissioners, which deed shall be as valid in law, as if the same was executed by every indi- vidual proprietor, or his agent, or legal representative, and all moneys received by said proprietors, or their agent, in virtue of said proceed- ings, shall be disposed of to the use of the several proprietors, in the same manner as is provided by this resolve in case of settlement by said proprietors, without submission to said commissioners : 32 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Provided, That the parties interested in this resolve shall, on or before the rst day of November next, submit themselves to the refer- ence aforesaid, otherwise they shall not he entitled to any of the pro- vision, or benefit of this resolve. And whereas the peace, happiness and prosperity of a large and promising territory seems greatly to depend on an amicable settlement of existing controversies and disputes, which tend to public discord and private animosity, a submission to the commissioners to be appointed as aforesaid is earnestly recommended to all settlers on the lands afore- said, and all others interested, who wish hereafter to be considered as friends to peace, good order and the government of the Commonwealth. And all expenses and incidental charges of the aforesaid commission shall be paid, one half by the Commonwealth, and the other half by the said proprietors. The Commissioners appointed were, Hon. Peleg Coffin, State Treasurer, and a descendant of Sir Thomas Coffin, the original proprietor of the Island of Nantucket, whose descend- ants down to the time of the Revolutionary War exacted quit rents of all purchasers of real estate, out of the family line, of one hundred pounds of beef or pork or its equivalent, annually', with high aristocratic notions, was appointed chairman ; with Hon. Elijah Bridgham, a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and Col. Thomas Dwight, of Northampton, as associates. Although a recent writer claims that these men possessed the entire confidence of the public, yet Esquire William Allen says of them, "The selection of these Commissioners was very un- fortunate for the settlers ; they were all old-school Puritans of strict, unbending integrity of the patrician grade, with inflexible opinions as to the rights of freeholders, with no sympathy for trespassers or squatters as the settlers were called. They had no personal knowledge of the nature of the soil they were to appraise, and bad no conception of the hardships and priva- tions of the settlers by whose bard labor not only the lands they occupied, but all in the vicinity bad been made available and accessible by improvements and roads ; nor of the impos- sibility of raising money from the produce of the soil or from their labor, to pay the prices demanded by the proprietors." LAND TITLES. 33 Many settlers, who had served their country faithfully dur- ing the Revolutionary War and had been turned off without the least compensation for their services, were forced, from actual necessity, to take possession of wild land, wherever they could find it unoccupied, in order to save themselves and families from starvation. This they were invited and allowed to do on wild lands belonging to the State. Some of the Proprietors of the Plymouth Patent were Englishmen; others were English sympathizers who had fled from the country, on the breaking out of the War, and had in a moral and equitable sense forfeited their estates by disloyalty to their country. Thus the early settlers in Industry believed, but the Courts thought differently. Others maintained that a title to their lots could be gained by possession, or at least for a small additional stipend. The Commission was required to repair to Maine and ex- amine the lands claimed by the Company, allow the settlers a hearing, and then state the terms and fix the price to be paid by each person who had been in possession of the land one year or more, for the lot on which he was located. As a necessary preliminary measure, Lemuel Perham, Jr., of Earm- ington, was employed, in September, 1802, to make a survey of the lands in Industry. This survey was made under the supervision of the Com- pany's agent, Isaac Pillsbury, of Hallowell, and by mutual agreement of the parties, Samuel Prescott, Esq., and Major Erancis Mayhew, of New Sharon, were selected as chainmen. The surveyor was directed to run out a lot for each settler, to include all his improvements, with as little damage as possible to the adjoining lands. Under these directions, lots were laid out and numbered from one to seventy;* the survey com- mencing at Thompson's corner and embracing a large portion of Company's land, afterwards incorporated as the town of In- dustry, and extended north to the Mile-and-a-half or Lowell Strip. In October, after the completion of the survey, the Commission * Report of the Appraising Commission. Wra. Allen says (Hist, of Industry, p. 37 ) : " He [Mr. Perham] thus proceeded from day to day till he had laid out a lot for each settler, numbering them from one to sixty-four." 34 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. came to Augusta, and established themselves at Thomas's Tav- ern, on the east side of the Kennebec River, — giving notice to all persons interested, to appear and submit their cases to be heard. When, without seeing a single lot to be appraised, as appraisers on executions are required to do, they affixed a price ranging from one hundred and twenty-five to two hundred and twenty-five dollars for a lot of one hundred acres. This sum, with back interest, the settlers were required to pay in Boston, within a specified time, in specie or Boston bank bills. As few of the settlers had ready funds sufficient to pay the expenses of a journey to Augusta to present their claims in person, Capt. William Allen and Nahum Baldwin were em- ployed by the settlers, as their lawful agents and attorneys. In compliance with this arrangement the following document was signed and executed : Submission of Settlers on Plymouth Co.'s Land. Records of the Commonwealth, Vol. 3, page — . (In connection with Plans.) Know all men by these presents, That We, the Inhabitants and Settlers in the Plantation of Industry, in the County of Kennebec, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, viz : (Here follows a list of the names which appear below as signers, but not in the same order. ) Do by these presents constitute and appoint Capt. William Allen and Nahum Baldwin of the Plantation of Industry aforesaid, to be our true and Lawful agents or attornies, and for us and for each of us cv in our names & behalf, to appear before the Commissioners Appointed by his Excellency the Covernor and Council, under a Resolve of the Legisla- ture of the Commonwealth aforesaid, passed the nineteenth day of Feby., One thousand eight hundred & two, to adjust & settle all disputes between the proprietors of the Kennebec purchase (so called) and the Settlers who have settled on the Undivided Lands oi said Proprietors as described in the Resolve aforesaid, and us their Constituents to represent before said Commissioners, for us and in our names to make, sign & Execute In Submission or Reference to the Commissioners aforesaid, the same to be good, valid & binding on us and each of us as tho. we were personally present, and had subscribed our names to such submission or Reference aforesaid to all intents, constructions & purposes whatever. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our LAND TITLES. 35 hands and seals this first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two. Signed & scaled in presence of (signed) Jonathan Williamson, Jr. Luther Burr. Levi Willard. (signed) Cornelius Norton John Patterson. John Thompson. Elijah Butler. Rufus Sanderson. Atkins Ellis. James Johnson. Samuel Moody. Zoe Withee. Nathl. Davis. Jeremiah Bean. David Smith. Abijah Smith. Joshua Greenleaf. Samuel Hinckley. Daniel Ellet. John Lake. Sam Hill. Saml. Brown. John Thompson. Joseph X Taylor. mark John Gower. John Webber. Nath'l Willard. Levi Greenleaf. Zachariah Norton. Clark Works. Joel Works. Daniel Burr. Eben'r Williamson. Abraham Johnson. Bartlett Allen. Samuel Willard. Jonathan Knowlton. James Thompson. his Joseph X Moody. mark Hugh Thompson. Levi Joy. Eleazer Crowell. Peter West, fames Winslow. William Baker Mann. James Heard. Isaac Young. Nathaniel Chapman. Elijah Norton. Peter Witham. Ebenezer Oakes. Samuel Leeman. Jacob Leeman. David Maxell. 1 >an'l Young. Ebenezer Clark. John Coffin. Jacob Matthews. Thomas Johnson. Benjamin (Arnold ?] Ebenezer Stevens. Benja. Burges. John B. Stevens. Zephaniah Luce. his Daniel X Emmery. John Young. mark Silas Perham. Lemuel Collins his Ambrose Arnold. Benjamin X Jewett. Archelaus Luce. mark his De'Have Norton. Jabez X Rollins. Joshua Pike. mark 36 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. his Freeman Allen. Ephraim X Moody. Samuel Stevens. mark his Shubael X Crowell. Elisha Luce. mark John Thompson, Jr. Benjamin Stevens. Henry N. Chamberlain. William Ladd. Seth Brooks. Alvan Howes. Kennebec, ss. Industry Plantation, October the first. 1802. then the above named persons Personally appeared and acknowledged the above Instrument to be their free act and Deed, before me. j\ ( • v ivt justice of signed) Cornelius Norton J ,, t, & ' the Peace. The names of Henry X. Chamberlain and Seth Brooks, were ack. on ( )ct. 5. Money being almost wholly out of the question, the settlers paid Capt. Allen in grain, with the exception of one who gave him a silver dollar, which was all the cash he . got from them towards defraying the expenses of his journey. Their cases were presented in clue form by the agent, who labored assidu- ously to secure favorable terms for his employers, but with little avail. The impartial reader can not fail to discern that the settlers of Industry were submitting their cause to a rigid tribunal, whose sympathies in the matter favored the proprietors. Not only was their able agent, Charles Vaughan, Esquire, in attend- ance at these hearings ; but likewise eminent legal counsel* and witnesses were subpoenaed to testify in behalf of the proprietors. On the other hand, settlers who were too poor to personally appear before the Commission in their own behalf, were in circumstances which precluded all thoughts of counsel to de- fend their rights, or witnesses to tell of the stubborn nature of the soil in Industry, or the abject poverty and want of its in- habitants. The proprietors' counsel availed themselves of the most trivial errors, making mountains of mole hills, in order to ♦These were Hon. James Bridge, an eminent counsellor of his day, and Reuel Williams, then a rising young lawyer. LAND TITLES. 37 "•ain an advantage over the settlers, whom they seemed to regard rather as criminals to be convicted, than honest men presenting equitable claims for adjudication. Forming an opinion from a few fertile spots on the beautiful Kennebec, and the glowing accounts of the Company's wit- nesses, the prices affixed to lots of land appraised was from seventy-five cents to one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, higher than equally as good land cost in adjoining towns. "Thirty-one settlers,"* writes Win. Allen, "submitted their claims to the Commissioners, all of whom were greatly disap- pointed with the appraisal, and only eleven of this number, by the aid of friends, were able to make payment according to the appraisal, and not more than six from their own resources. Some of these had to sell every animal of stock the)' had, to do it. Ten others prevailed on friends to advance the money for them and take the deeds for their security and to give them time to purchase of them or redeem their mortgages. The other ten abandoned their possessions and left town. An age elapsed before the title of the proprietors or non-residents was extinguished." " My lot," continues Esq. Allen, " cost me two hundred and seven dollars and forty-two cents, in 1804. I was able, by selling my oxen and all my grain, and by appropriating my wages for teaching school, to raise the necessary sum within ten dollars, and Elijah Fairbanks, of YVinthrop, voluntarily lent me that sum to complete the payment. I then took a receipt and demanded my deed, but was refused for some time, till I paid the two dollars required by the agent and took a deed without warranty." Each claim adjusted required the execution of two sets of papers, one being a "submission," signed by the settler or his attorney, the other a written decision of the Commis- sioners, f The samples here given are verbatim copies of the originals. * (Hist, of Industry, p. S.J The returns of the Commissioners show that forty- eight settlers submitted their claims. f In the originals, the words in italics were in writing, the rest in printing. v s HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. The Form used in the "Submission" or Reference, between the Kennebec Proprietors and mi Settlers in the Plantation of Industry, in 1S02. Whereas the Legislature of this Commonwealth, l>y a resolution of the nineteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and two, made and provided for the quieting of settlers on the common and un- divided lands belonging to the proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase, from the late Colony of New Plymouth, and for establishing commis- sioners for that purpose, did Resolve as follows: "That the Governor, with the consent of the Council, be, and he ■• hereby is authorized and requested to nominate and commission three "disinterested persons to adjust and settle all disputes between said " Proprietors and any such person or persons, their heirs and assigns. •' as have not settled with said proprietors or their Agents. — And the "said Commissioners, in settling the terms aforesaid, for quieting any "settler in the possession of one hundred acres of land laid out so as "to include his improvements, and be least injurious to adjoining lands. " shall have a reference to three discriptions of settlers, viz : those set- " tied before the war with Great Brittain, settlers during the war afore- "said, and settlers since that period, or to any person whose possession " has been transferred to claimants now in possession." And whereas Janus Johnson, since the War with Great Brittain, to- wit, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety- six, was a settler on a lot of — No.jg, sixty-nine acres of land, situated in Industry Plantation, the bounds whereof shall be ascertained and set- tled by the said Commissioners in their report hereon, the same lot being part of the land held under the Proprietors of the said Kennebec Pun hase, James Johnson, a claimant now in possession thereof. Now. in pursuance of the said Resolve and appointment, I. Charles Vaughan, Agent to the Proprietors aforesaid, and the said fames John- son, do refer and submit it to the said Commissioners, they, or the major part of them, to settle and declare the terms aforesaid, on which the said James Johnson, his heirs and assigns, shall be quieted in the possession of the said lot, the said Proprietors, by their Agent afore- said, and the said James Johnson, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, respective!) holden and bound by the report of said Com- missioners in the premises, when made into the Secretary's Office of said Commonwealth, as directed by said Resolve. In Witness whereof We hereto set our hands this sixteenth day of LAND TITLES. 39 October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two. (signed) Chas. Vaughan, Agent. Signed in presence of (signed) Lemuel Perham. (signed) James Johnson, by his attornies, // 'in. Allen. Nahum Baldwin. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This Sixteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and two, on the foregoing reference between the Proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase, by their Agent Charles Vaughan and James Johnson, for quieting the said James Johnson agreeably to the before mentioned Resolve, in the possession of the said lot of land, being lott number Thirty- nine on Plan No. 4, situated in the Plantation of Industry, containing sixty-nine acres, As by the plan and description signed by Lemuel Perham surveyor, hereto annexed will appear, reference thereto being had. We, the Commissioners before named, having met and heard the parties, do settle, declare, and report, that the said James Johnson be quieted in the possession of the above bounded premises — To have and to hold the same to the said James Johnson his heirs and assigns, to his and their use forever, on the terms following, namely ; That the said Junes Johnson, his heirs, executors, or administrators, shall, on or before the first day of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four, pay to Thomas Lindall Winthrop, esquire, Treasurer of the said Proprietors of the Kennebec- Purchase, or his successor in said office, the sum of ninety dollars, and fifty cents with interest, from the first day of April next, then the said Proprietors by their Agent, shall make or cause to be made to the said James Johnson his heirs or assigns, a deed of the above described premises, whereby he and they may hold the same in fee-simple for- ever. (signed) Elijah Brigham. Given under our hands and seals. P. Coffin. Thomas Dwight. CHAPTER III. SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. The Plymouth Patent. — The New Vineyard Gore. — The Lowell Strip. — North Industry. Who are the nobles of the earth, The true aristocrats, Who need not how their heads to lords. Nor doll to kings their hats? ******* Who are they, but the men of toil, Who cleave the forest down, And plant, amid the wilderness, The hamlet and the town? Stewart. AFTER the close of the Revolutionary War many \vh<> were in straitened circumstances were induced to come to Industry to settle, from the fact that this land had for the most part be- longed to Tories, or sympathizers with England, who, when the tocsin of war sounded, either clandestinely left the country or remained and used every means at their command to aid and abet the English soldier)'. Under these circumstances, the assumption was not an unreasonable one that by such disloyalty all right and title to their estates would be forfeited and their lands become the property of the United States. On the strength of this hypothesis, many who had served faithfully in the Revolutionary War, having no means to buy, came hither and took up wild land, which they hoped to hold by posses- sion, or by the payment of a nominal sum to the government in consideration of their faithful service. These were substan- tially the circumstances under which many came and settled on SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. 4' the Patent, appropriating land and erecting log cabins for their families wherever a desirable location could be found. ' The first settler within the limits of Industry, as the town was afterward incorporated, was Levi Greenleaf, who settled on lot No. 61, in 1787.1 Mr. Greenleaf was from Massachu- setts,! a native of Bolton, and a young man of character and energy. He married about the time of his removal to the wilds of Maine, and brought his wife and household goods here on a sled drawn by four large oxen. The farm cleared by him was in that part of the town set off to New Sharon in 1852, and is now known as the Daniel Collins farm. Peter Witham, who came to Industry from the vicinity of Hallowell, in 1788, and settled north of Mr. Greenleaf, on Lot No. 6/,§ was the second settler on the Patent. He was coarse, vulgar and illiterate, and was not prosperous — possibly in con- sequence of intemperate habits. No further settlements were made on the Patent until 1792, when Nathaniel Willard and sons came from Dunstable, Mass., and settled on lot No. 14, at Thompson's Corner. A portion of this lot, if not the whole, is included in the Thomas M. Oli- ver farm, just south of the school-house in George W. John- son's district. Three years later, Mr. Willard's son, Levi, took up lot No. 15, adjoining his father's on the north. Samuel, * To the writer it seems a singular circumstance that the courts should invariably decide in favor of the disloyal proprietors when this matter was brought before them for adjudication some years later. t Esq. Win. Allen says (Hist, of Industry, p. rj): "The first settlers in Industry on the patent were Joseph Taylor and Peter Witham in 1792, on that part set off to New Sharon, also about the same time Nathaniel Chapman, who was a Revolutionary soldier." Documentary evidence in the State-house in Massachusetts shows that Peter Witham came in 17SS, Taylor in 1799, eleven years later, and that Mr. Chap- man did nut settle in town until 1801. These same records show Levi Greenleaf to have been the first settler in town, as stated above. % Jonathan Greenleaf, in his Genealogy of the Greenleaf Family (see p. 78), says Mr. Greenleaf came to Maine from Dunstable, N. IT, but the author has been unable to find a New Hampshire town of that name in any Gazetteer he has consulted. * Although the Plymouth Patent was not surveyed until many settlers had become residents thereon, the writer has, for convenience, designated the lots as subsequently numbered when the survey was afterward made. 42 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. another son, settled on lot No. 62, in the south part of the town, in 1799, his lot joining that of Levi Greenleaf. Jonathan Knowlton settled on lot No. 18, north side of Bannock Hill, the same year as Mr. Willard. Mr. Knowlton was one of the original purchasers of the township of New Vineyard, and also owned the northwest section of the New Vineyard Gore. It is supposed that he occupied his lot but a short time. He was probably succeeded by Archelaus Luce, and in 1798 the lot reverted to Mr. Knowlton's son, Jonathan Knowlton, Jr., who lived there until after the town was incorporated and then sold his improvements to Dr. Aaron Stoyell, who obtained a title to the land from the proprietors' agent, and subsequently sold to Jacob Hayes, who came from Berwick, Me., about 1809. Mr. Hayes remained there a few years, and then exchanged farms with John Patterson and removed to the south side of the hill. Mr. Patterson and his son Samuel occupied this farm for many years. The land is now ( 1892) owned by George W. Johnson. A tew apple-trees which stood near the house, and traces of the cellar, are still to be seen. Mr. Luce, on giving possession to Knowlton, settled on lot No. 27, at Goodridge's Corner, where he remained until 1808, when he sold to James Davis and moved to George's River.* Mr. Luce was from Martha's Vine- yard, as was also Mr. Davis. The farm he occupied was owned for many years by the late Hovey Thomas. John Thompson, Jr., and Jeremiah Beane, settled near Mr. Greenleaf, in 1793, on lots No. 64 and 66; but nothing has been learned concerning them. Mr. Beane is supposed to have left the settlement prior to the incorporation of the town. Mr. Thompson is not known to have been related to Capt. John Thompson, who figured prominently in the early history of the town. The following year saw quite an influx of immigrants among whom were James Thompson, Thomas Johnson and Zoe Withee. Mr. Thompson had resided in Norridgewock for some years previous to his settlement on the Patent, but was a native of New Hampshire. He settled on lot No. 2, a near neighbor * Allen's History of Industry, p. ././. SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. 43 to Nathaniel Willard. He was a man of energy and enterprise, cleared a good farm, built a commodious frame house, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He eventually sold his farm to Samuel Norton, of Edgartown, Mass., and moved to the State of New York. This farm is now owned by George W. Johnson, and among the older townspeople is known as the Albert George farm. Thomas Johnson and sons, from Martha's Vineyard, came to Sandy River in 1793, and the following year began to clear land on lot No. 8 on the Patent, built a log cabin, and moved his family there in the autumn of the same year. His sons, Abraham and James, took up lots No. 13 and 39, adjoining their father's, in 1796. The land embraced in lots No. 8 and 39, is now owned by Augustus H. Swift, while No. 13 comprises the farm of McLaughlin Bros. Esq. Wm. Allen states that another son settled on lot No. }J ; but there is nothing to show when he settled there or how long he remained. In " quieting" the settlers upon their lots, agreeably to a resolve of the General Court, in 1802, this lot was claimed by Joseph Moody, and the record shows that he took possession in 1797. Zoe VVithee settled at Withee's Corner, a near neighbor to Mr. Johnson. His lot, No. 38, is now (1892) owned and occupied by Alvin L. Chapman. Mr. VVithee was a soldier of the Revolution, and when he first came to Industry, intemperate in his habits. He was soundly converted, under the preaching of " Father John Thompson," and ever after lived an upright christian life. He came from Vienna, but was a native of New Hampshire. His farm in former years was regarded as one of the best in town. John Thompson, also from Vienna, came to Industry in 1795, and settled on lot No. 16, adjoining that of his brother James on the east. Here he cleared land, erected a cabin and made his home for some years ; but subsequently, after the incorporation of the town, removed to lot No. 53, by Stark's line. John B. Stevens was the original settler on this lot in 1795, and had made some improvements thereon. On giving posses- sion to Mr. Thompson, he left town, and nothing of his subse- 44 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. quent history is known. Mr. Thompson cleared up a nice farm, erected mills on a small stream which flowed through his lot, and also a commodious two-story house, which still stands on the place. 1 le was largely instrumental in erecting the " Red Meeting-House," the first house of worship in town, and figured prominently in even' good work. The homestead fell by heir- ship to his son Robert, who spent his whole life thereon. It is now owned by the sons of Alvin L. Chapman. Joseph Badger settled on lot No. 51, at an early date, but made only a brief Stay. The next settler on this lot was Joshua Tike, who came from Salisbury, Mass., in 1795. He spent the whole of his active life on this lot, clearing and bringing into cultivation the farm now owned by Wm. J. Gilmore. Samuel Crompton, a blunt Englishman, from Staffordshire County, came to Industry and settled on lot No. 46,* in 1795, having commenced a clearing the previous year. I lis lot was located in that part of the town set off to New Sharon, and is now (1892) known as the John Yeaton farm. Mr. Crompton was an honest, hard-working- man, but rather poor when he first settled on the Patent. By diligence and perseverance, however, he made a good farm and acquired a comfortable competency. John Webber settled on lot No. 48, adjoining Mr. Crompton's lot, in 1796, and lived in town until after its incorporation. Further than this, nothing is known concerning him. Jonathan Bunker, a ropemaker, from Nantucket, Mass., settled on lot No. 5, on the east side of Ban- nock Hill, where he lived for fifteen years. He then sold to Henry Johnson, who came from Thomaston, Me., and removed to the State of New York. Samuel Moody and several of his sons, came to the settlement on the Patent in 1797. Of these, the father settled on lot No. 22, and Joseph, one of the sons, on lot No. 37, which is embraced in the farm now owned by Horatio A. P>. Keves. ( hie or two other sons lived in town; but all were very poor and eventually moved away. They were from Shapleigh. Joseph Broadbent took up lot No. 7, lying to the south of * Wm. Allen says ( Hist, of Industry, p. 37) that Mr. Crompton's lot was No. 47. which does not agree with the records of the Appraising Commission. SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. 45 the Jacob Hayes farm, in 1798, but left the settlement before the incorporation of the town. Hugh Thompson, who may have been the father of James and John, settled on lot No. 17, lying north of the fo renamed John's lot. His name does not appear as a petitioner for incorporation of the town, or as one of the legal voters of 1803. The writer has been unable to ascertain anything in relation to his final destiny. Capt. William Allen, father of the historian, commenced a clearing on lot No. 34, on what has since been known as Allen Hill, in October, 1796. The next year he cut more trees, built a log-house, and on the 30th day of April, 1798, moved his family to their new home on the Patent. William, his eldest son, commenced a clearing on lot No. 28, in the spring of 1801, and sowed two acres of wheat and one of rye that season. This lot was made into a productive farm by young Mr. Allen. It is now known as the Deacon Ira Emery farm, and is owned by Charles V. Look. Bartlett, another son of Capt. William, set- tled on the farm now owned by Francis S. Rogers. Capt. Allen was a clothier by trade, and worked at that business be- fore coming to Industry. He was a native of Chilmark, Mass. Atkins Ellis, a Revolutionary soldier, came to Industry from Harwich, Mass., and settled on lot No. 35, on New Sharon line, in 1798. He was the father of a large family who frequently suffered for the common comforts of life. Being unable to pay for his land, he moved to lot L, south of Pike's Corner, and later to Ripley, Me. His lot is now known as the Russell Macomber farm. Alvin Howes commenced improvements on lot No. 44, in 1798. Being a single man, he boarded with James Johnson and others, until he finally married, in 1801. He was a practi- cal farmer, and labored incessantly to improve his farm and render it more valuable and productive. He was a native of Dennis, Mass., but came to the settlement on the Patent from Farmington. The farm on which he spent the whole of his active life is now owned by George W\ Bailey. Lemuel Collins, a native of Massachusetts, settled in Indus- try on lot No. 50, the same year as did Mr. Howes who subse- quently married his eldest daughter, Mercy Collins. 6 46 HISTORY OF INDUS TR)'. Isaac Young, Jr., and Benjamin Gray, also came to the Patent in 1798, and settled on lots No. 59 and 70, but both moved away prior to the incorporation of the town. Samuel Brown made a settlement on lot No. 1 9, in 1799. He came from Farmington, his father and Nathaniel Davis hav- ing been the first permanent settlers in that town. His lot is now included in the Thomas Stevens farm, owned and occupied by David W. Merry. Elisha Luce made a small clearing on lot No. $3, in 1799, burned his chopping and sowed an acre of wheat, which he hoed in, being too poor to hire a yoke of oxen. He afterward enlarged his clearing, built a log-house, and sold out to Jona- than Goodridge. This farm is now the property of Alvarez N. Goodridge. Ephraim Moody and Eleazer Crowell settled on lots 32 and 43 the same year as Mr. Luce, but neither remained long. William Ladd from Mt. Vernon settled in town in 1798, first on lot No. 22, where he remained three years and then moved to lot 21. His habits were bad, and he was always poor. He eventually removed to Stark.* I'lll'. NEW VINEYARD GORE. The first settlement within the present limits of the town of Industry was made on the New Vineyard Goref in 1 79 1 . l'h is tract of land was a remnant, of rectangular shape, left after the survey of the township of New Vineyard, its longest sides being from east to west. It was bounded on the north by the township of New Vineyard, on the west by Readstown (now Strong), on the south by Sandy River Plantation (now Farmington), and on the east by the Lowell or Mile-and-a-half Strip. In extent it was six hundred and three rods long, four hundred and fifteen rods wide, and contained one thousand five hundred and sixty-four acres. This tract of land was purchased * More extender] sketches of many of these settlers may be round in tin- genea- logical portion of this work. f The early surveyors in laying out townships invariably applied tin- term gore to any fragment ol land remaining after the survey, irrespective ol size or shape. SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. 47 of the land agent of Massachusetts in 1790 by a company consisting of Jonathan Knowlton and Ebenezer Norton, Esq., of Farmington, Deacon Cornelius Norton, Abner Norton and Daniel Collins, of Martha's Vineyard, for forty-five pounds sterling, or a little less than fourteen cents per acre. Knowl- ton, Ebenezer and Cornelius Norton, each taking a quarter section, and Abner Norton and Daniel Collins each taking one-eighth of the tract. During the following winter these gentlemen proceeded to explore their purchase, and made a preliminary division of the same, so that those who wished could commence a clearing at once. They first divided their purchase into two equal parts by running a line, with a pocket compass, through the center from north to south. They then agreed to a proposition made by Esquire Ebenezer Norton, in consideration of the lots on the south half being more valua- ble on account of being nearer the settlement at Sandy River, to make those on the north half wider, and consented to run the line east and west from a beech-tree two rods south of the centre. They then proceeded to draw lots for the sections. The northwest section fell to Jonathan Knowlton, the northeast section to Deacon Cornelius Norton, the southwest section to Esquire Ebenezer Norton, and the southeast section to Abner Norton and Daniel Collins. It was said that after the division, Esquire Norton, who had designated the starting point for the east and west line, complained that Knowlton and Deacon Nor- ton had got too much of the land, their lots being four rods wider than the others, whereas he had intended that there should have been only two rods difference. Doubtless this was the intention of the gentleman, but not stopping to think, in the haste of the moment, that it would be necessary to move the line but one rod south of the centre to make the required two rods difference in the width of the two lots on the north, he made an error in his calculations. But as all the others were satisfied with the division, it was confirmed; and Esquire William Allen says: "To pacify the complainant, the others relinquished to him their right to purchase a fragment of good land adjoin- ing Clear Water Pond." Early in the spring of 1791, Abner 48 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Norton and Daniel Collins commenced to make a clearing on their section of the Gore. They ran a line through the centre, from north to smith, and agreed that in the final survey, pro- vided any errors occurred in the first division, that the perma- nent line should be so varied as to give each one the benefits of his improvements, and at the same time give each his equal share of the land. After the division was made, Mr. Norton took the western and Mr. Collins the eastern portion. These tracts of land comprised the farms now owned and occupied by (. Simon Furbush and John Vehue, the latter having been diminished by the sale of a strip containing fifty acres from its eastern extremity. In order to make an opening sufficiently large to secure a good draft of wind and thus insure a good burn, Messrs. Norton and Collins made their first clearings adjoining each other. During the summer following they each built a substantial log-house. Mr. Collins's new house stood on a ridge of land near where John Venue's new house stands, at a turn in the road as it strikes the Farmington line. Mr. Nor- ton's was located on his clearing some rods further to the west. The walls of these houses were laid up of logs notched near the ends so as to fit each other snugly. The roof was covered with hemlock or spruce bark held in place by long poles withed down. The gables were also covered with bark, while the cracks between the logs were caulked with moss on the inside and plastered with clay on the outside. The chimneys were of stone laid in clay mortar and topped out with sticks. A path having been bushed out from their clearings on the Gore to the settlement at Sandy River, so that they could pass with a horse-sled before the snow became deep, Mr. Collins and Mr. Norton moved their families from Martha's Vineyard in Decem- ber, I 79 1, to their new homes in the then almost unbroken wilds of northern Maine. At that time Mr. Collins's family consisted of himself, his wife and eight children. This number included two pair of twins, the eldest two and youngest two being coup- lets. The oldest two were twelve years of age. while the young- est two had hardly completed their first year. During the journey to their new home, Mr. and Mrs. Collins rode on horse- SETTLEMENT OE THE TOWN. 49 back, carrying the two infants in their arms, the other children riding on the horse-sled with the goods. Mr. Norton's family was not so large as Mr. Collins's, though he had several children. A year later, in the fall of 1792, Capt. William Allen, also from Martha's Vineyard, settled in Farmington, within two miles of them, on the farm now occupied by Obed N. Collins, on a route from the River Settlement to the westerly part of the Gore. Captain Allen continued to live here until early in the spring of 1798, when he removed to land belonging to the Plymouth Company, east of Allen's Mills, and since known as Allen Hill. Cornelius Norton, Jr., of Tisbury, Mass., commenced clear- ing land on the northern part of his father's section of the Gore, about the same time that Mr. Collins came, but as he was a single man he did not make his permanent home there until the summer of 1794, when he married Margaret J. Belcher, a daughter of Supply Belcher, Esq., of Farmington, and com- menced housekeeping in his log-house. His father, Deacon Cornelius Norton, moved with his family into a log-house on the southern half of his section, about the same time. This house stood but a little distance to the southeast from where Wesley N. Luce lived in 1885. A small orchard is standing near the spot, and the limpid waters still bubble up from the spring which furnished the household supply for Mr. Nor- ton's family. John and Ebenezer Oakes, step-sons of Jonathan Knovvlton, commenced a clearing on his section of the Gore, just west of the road leading to the Wesley N. Luce farm, in 1792. These gentlemen built a convenient log-house, and, as both were un- married, spent the following winter there in single blessedness. About the same time, one hundred and twenty-five acres from the northeast corner of Mr. Knowlton's section was sold to Elisha Lombart.* This lot he afterward exchanged for one on the western part of Mr. Knowlton's section. A stream of suffi- * This name is also spelled Lumbert, Lumber, etc., and is supposed to have originally been identical with the name now spelled Lambert. 50 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. cient size to run a mill flowed through Mr. Lombart's last men- tioned lot, and on this he built a grist and saw-mill. In 1794, Ansel Norton bought Jonathan Knowlton's possession of John Oakes, and lived there until his death, which occurred in 18 10. In 1795, Capt. David Davis became a permanent settler on the southwest section of the Gore, on the farm owned by the late Alexander Hillman. lie lived in a log-house until 1803, when he built a large convenient two-story house which, for more than three-fourths of a century, stood on the place.* He was a successful farmer, bore an excellent reputation and possessed considerable property. In 1803 he paid a money tax of $10.36, it being the highest tax paid by any individual on the (lore. In personal appearance Capt. Davis was of command- ing carriage, and extremely corpulent in his old age. It is claimed that he weighed nearly or quite 350 pounds. He died Aug. 27, 1837, aged 78 years. THE LOWELL STRIP. This tract of land in Industry was a portion of the grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (see />. 28), and had fallen by heirship or otherwise to Francis Cabot Lowell, a mer- chant residing in Boston. It extended the whole length of the township from east to west, and was a mile and a half wide. Like the lands of the Patent, it was settled without any pre- liminary survey. In 1802, nearly seven years after the first settlement, Esquire Cornelius Norton, Jr., made the survey, and numbered the lots from one to twenty-nine inclusive. Lots No. 1, 2 and 29 being in Stark and comprising that por- tion of the town set off and annexed to Industry in 1822 (see A rj). As nearly as the writer can learn, Jabez Norton, Si\, was the first settler on the Lowell Strip. He settled in town in 1795, on the farm recently owned and occupied by Abel YV. Spauld- ing. His lot was originally the north half of No. 21, but the farm has since been greatly enlarged by purchasing portions of * This house was destroyed by fire on Wednesday P. M., April iS, 1888. SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. 5 1 adjoining lots. His son, Sprowel Norton, settled to the west of him on the north half of lot No. 20. Abraham Page, from Farmington, commenced a clearing on the Lowell Strip, at the head of Clear Water Pond, probably about the same time as Mr. Norton. Though capable of per- forming a great deal of labor, he was of a roving disposition and remained on his land but a short time. In the fall of 1 795, Tristram Daggett, having sold his lot and improvements to Esq. Herbert Boardman, bought Page's improvements on lot No. 1 1 , on the Lowell Strip, now known as " the Collins Luce farm." On the first day of January, 1796, Mr. Daggett obtained a deed from Calvin Boyd,* of Farming- ton, purporting to convey one hundred and fifty acres Qf land to include the above-mentioned improvements of Page, the consideration being thirty-two dollars. He built a log-cabin on his lot, in which he and his family lived for many years. This house stood on the west side of the sucker brook and nearer the pond than the present one on the farm. He sold to David M. Luce, of New Vineyard, and removed to an adjoining lot which he subsequently sold to James Bailey, who in turn sold to Benjamin R. Rackliff, of Georgetown. \ Daniel Luce, Sr., settled on lot No. 17, about 1796, and several of his sons and one son-in-law settled near him. Tru- man settled on lot No. 18, joining his father's lot on the east; Rowland on No. 19, still further to the east, on the farm now owned by James T. True. Daniel, Jr., married and settled on the western part of his father's lot, which is now ( 1892) owned by James Edgecomb, the eastern portion belonging to the heirs of Amos Stetson, Jr. Deacon Benjamin Cottle, a son-in-law of Mr. Luce, settled on lot No. 13, adjoining the New Vineyard Gore, where he lived until, in his old age, he went to live with his daughter, Mrs. David M. Luce. Captain Peter West took possession of lot No. 28, embrac- *The courts subsequently decided that the title of Mr. Boyd and others was illegal and that Francis Cabot Lowell was the legal owner. t Throughout this work where no State is mentioned, the State of Maine is gen- erally to be understood. 52 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ing the site of the village of West's Mills, which was named in honor of him. Capt. William Allen and Benjamin Manter commenced a clearing for him in 1797, and felled two acres of trees. He subsequently built a log-house and moved his fam- ily to Industry in 1798. He did not, however, obtain a deed of his land, as we learn from Allen's History (sec p. 6), until 1 803. Peter Daggett was an early settler on lot No. 16, now owned by George Luce, but there is no means of learning the exact date of his settlement in town. Mr. Daggett purchased land in New Vineyard as early as 1793, and probably came to the District of Maine about that time. Asa Conant settled on lot No. 15 and built his log-house on the top of the hill between George Luce's and Oliver D. Norton's. The exact date of his settlement is veiled in ob- scurity, but both his name and that of Mr. Daggett appear in the list of voters for 1803. James Eveleth, Sr., came to Industry in 1800 or perhaps a year earlier, and settled on the Lowell Strip, on land now com- prising a portion of the farm owned and occupied by Davis Look. Some of the rose-bushes which grew near his log-house may still be seen. John Marshall and sons came from Lewiston, in 1800, and probably settled on land now comprising a part of the Davis Look farm, formerly owned by Samuel Frost for man}- years. Mr. Marshall was a carpenter by trade, and in indigent cir- cumstances. After living in town a few years, they all moved away. Ammiel Robbins also settled on the Lowell Strip, on lot No. 12, at the head of Clear Water Pond, and one of his sons on a part of the same lot. The orchards near their respective dwellings can still be seen, though the houses have long since gone to decay. Simeon Butler settled on a small tract of land lying to the south of lot No. 12, which afterwards, in [824, passed into the hands of Sanders Luce. Mr. Luce moved a house on to his land from the Pish place, situated in the edge of Farmington, in which he lived for ten years. Peter Tilton and Francis S. Rogers each lived in the house alter Mr. Luce SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. 53 left, and it was finally bought by Joseph Collins, Sr., and moved to " Federal Row." \()RTH INDUSTRY. This part of the town was first settled as a portion of New Vineyard, and was set off from that town and annexed to In- dustry in 1844 (see p. 14). The first settler in this portion of the town was Tristram Daggett, who commenced a clearing on the west half of lot No. 7, in 1791.* This land now comprises a portion of the farm owned and occupied by Asa O. and Calvin B. Fish, additions having been made to it by Esquire Herbert Boardman, to whom Mr. Daggett sold his possession. Capt. Jeruel Butler came from Martha's Vineyard to Farm- ington, July 26, 1793. The following year he purchased lot No. 9, in the first range of lots adjoining the Lowell Strip, and recently owned by the late John O. Rackliff. The same year he felled trees, made a clearing and built a log-house. After its completion, he removed his furniture and provisions to his new home and made everything ready for occupancy. Un- fortunately the house and its contents were destroyed by fire before Mrs. Butler ever saw it. A second dwelling was immedi- ately erected, by the assistance of his neighbors, on the site of the one burned, in which he and his family spent the winter of 1 794~5- About the same time that Captain Butler commenced his clearing, Henry Norton, of Fdgartown, Mass., obtained a title to 200 acres of land, it being a part of lot No. 3 in the first range, and is now owned by Eli N. Oliver. Here Mr. Norton made a clearing and built a grist-mill, which never proved of an\' service, owing to its faulty construction. Ephraim Gould Butler, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Gould) Butler, of Martha's Vineyard, came with his family to the District of Maine in April, 1792. His family made a year's * Win. Allen says (History of Industry, p. 12) that Mr. Daggett settled on lot No. 6, which he afterward sold to Charles Luce. This is erroneous. He settled on the west half of lot No. 7, and sold to Esq. Herbert Boardman, Sept. 5, 1795. Mr. Luce bought his land of John Oakes, July 17, 1795, as shown by a deed recorded in the Lincoln County Registry. 54 HISTORY <>/■' INDUSTRY. sojourn in Sandy River township (Farmington), during which time he was probably engaged in making a clearing and erect- ing a log-cabin on his lot in New Vineyard township. This lot, to which he moved his family in the spring of 1793, was No. 1 in the first range, more recently known as the Henry Manter farm. It is now (1892) owned by the widow of the late William Lewis. Mr. Butler resided here till i So I, when he removed to another part of New Vineyard. Charles Luce commenced a clearing on the east half of lot No. 7, subsequently known as the Jeremy Bean farm, in 1795. Here he made a good farm, on which he spent the remainder of his life and brought up a large family. James Manter settled on lot No. 5, where James D. Badger now lives, about the same time as Mr. Luce, and died of "cold fever" early in the follow- ing winter. His sons, with the aid and advice of their mother, conducted the farm for many years after the father's death. Joseph Smith and sons settled on lot No. 3 in the second range, in 1795. He died in the following year, and the farm passed into the possession of his son, Joseph Warren Smith. There are no buildings standing on the place now, and the land is owned by Eli N. Oliver. Asa Merry was an early settler on lot No. 1 in the second range of lots. Here he made an excellent farm, kept a large stock, especially of cows, and became in later years a noted cheese-maker. This farm is now owned by Charles F. Oliver. Esquire Herbert Boardman, as has been previously stated, bought out Tristram Daggett, in September, 1795, and moved his household effects to his new home on an ox-sled in the month of December following. He was a man of some means, and greatly enlarged his farm by the purchase of adjacent lands. He lost heavily by the burning of his buildings and their contents on the night of January 22, 1S24. The house was rebuilt, and he continued to live on the farm up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1S3S. John Daggett, Sr., came from Edgartown, Dukes County, Mass., and settled on lot No. 2 in the second range, about 1703—4. The deed of his lot, recorded in the Lincoln Count)- SETTLEMENT OE THE TOWN. 5 5 Registry, bears the date of Feb. u, 1793. He died a few years after coming to the District of Maine, and his land was divided among his heirs. Mr. Daggett was a miller by occupa- tion, and tradition says, operated a wind-mill on the Vineyard. Being unused to the hardships of pioneer life, he was not able to withstand the exposure incident to his home on the very borders of civilization, hence his untimely death. CHAPTER IV. EVENTS FROM 1S00 TO 1810. Condition of the Settlers. — Plantation ( (rganized. — Town Incorporated. — Roads. — Karly Town Officers. — The Embargo Act. — The Town becomes a part of Somerset County, Etc., Etc. At the beginning of the nineteenth century a bird's-eye- view of what now comprises the town of Industry would have revealed a vast expanse of forest dotted here and there with "openings" made by the axe of the settler. In each of these might be seen an unpretentious log-cabin with the smoke curl- ing upward from its rude chimney — the home of the settler and his family. A rude hovel or cow-house would also be seen, provided the occupant of the cabin was not too poor to own a cow, which was not unfrequently the case. A closer acquaintance with these cabin homes and the families that oc- cupied them would have told a story of toil and want, of which but few have any conception. Clothing of the poorest quality and insufficient in quantity, children clothed in rags and bare- footed even in the coldest weather, food of the coarsest kind and sometimes none at all, were a few of the many privations and hardships incident to the pioneer life of the early settler and his family in Industry. In 1800 and for several years thereafter, the population of the town increased very rapidly by reason of immigration. Ann nig man)- others who moved into town in 1800, was Benja- min Jewett and family, who came from Shapleigh, York County, Maine, in March of that year, and settled on lot No. 42 adjoin- ing Alvin Howes's lot on the east. His family and goods were EVENTS FROM 1800 TO 1S10. 5/ drawn by a four-ox team, which crossed the Androscoggin River on the ice below Lewiston Falls. The only building in the cities of Lewiston and Auburn at that time, was a small mill on the Auburn side of the river. There were in fact no large settlements in the District of Maine at that time, save on the sea-coast. James Winslow, from Farmington, formerly of Gardiner, now Pittston, was another settler who came the same year as Mr. Jewett.* He took up lot No. 45, containing one hundred acres, and here he spent the whole of his life. The excellent farm which he cleared was set off in part to New Sharon in 1852, and is now owned and occupied by his granddaughter, Mrs. Betsey W. Stone, relict of the late Franklin Stone of that town. Zephaniah Luce, from Martha's Vineyard, settled on lot No. 31, in 1801, but being in indigent circumstances, did not gain a title to the land. He removed to Farmington, prior to the incorporation of the town, and resided for some years on the " Fish place " near Industry line. The lot on which he first settled is now owned by Charles S. Rackliff. Lemuel Collins, Jr., married in December, 1800, and the following year took up lot No. 49, adjoining his father on the south. This land is now owned and occupied by William H. Manter of New Sharon, it having been included in Industry's cession to that town in 1852. Nathaniel Chapman, whom Fsq. William Allen calls one of the earliest settlers in town, settled on a part of Joseph Taylor's lot, No. 6$, in 1 80 1. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and was granted a pension by the government. He died in Kingfield, to which town he removed after Industry was incorporated. In 1802, David Maxwell, from Wells, Me., settled on lot No. 3, a near neighbor of Nathaniel Willard, Jonathan Bunker, James Thompson and others in that vicinity. Jacob Matthews, from Mt. Vernon, who settled on lot No. 9, adjoining Zoe * Wm. Allen, Esq., (Hist, of Industry, p. J J ) gives the date of Mr. Winslow's settlement as 1799. The date here given is from the official report of the Appraising Commission. 5 8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Withee on the cast, also came in 1802. The following year he married a daughter of Mr. Withee, and in 1807 sold his pos- session to Moses Tolman, who came to Industry from New Sharon. This lot comprises the south part of the farm occu- pied by the late John Tolman. Benjamin Stevens was another settler who came in 1802, and took up lot No. 10, which he sold to Moses Tolman in 1807, but whither he went or whence he came the writer has been unable to learn. Ebenezer Stevens was Benjamin's nearest neighbor on the north. He also came in 1802, and settled on lot No. 11. It is supposed that these two gentlemen were in some way related, as well as John B. Stevens, whose lot joined theirs on the east. Samuel Stevens, a cooper by trade, settled on lot No. 12, prior to the incorporation of the town. Like many of the early settlers, he had served in the Continental Army and was in straitened pecuniary circumstances. Being unable to pay for his land, he removed to lot R, by New Sharon line, and after- ward left town. DeHave Norton, from Farmington, settled on lot No. 40, in 1802, lying south and west of Withee's Corner. He was a young man, the son of Zachariah and Hannah (Smith) Norton of Farmington, and although his name appears among the petitioners for incorporation of the town of Industry early in 1803, nothing further is known concerning his residence in Industry. Aside from the arrival of new settlers, but little of impor- tance occurred in the history of the settlement until 1802, when a State tax of forty-four dollars, and a county tax of nearly an equal amount, was assessed on the inhabitants. The sheriff was directed to serve the warrants on some principal inhabitant who was able to pay the amount if he did not cause the tax to be duly assessed. After passing through both parts of the set- tlement and failing to find any such principal inhabitant, he decided to leave the warrants with William Allen, Jr., who had just attained his majority. Mr. Allen procured a warrant from a lustice of the Peace, for calling a plantation meeting, and a legal organization was thus secured. In extent, the plantation EVENTS FROM 1800 TO 181 o. 59 embraced all the lands comprising the towns of Industry and Mercer as subsequently incorporated, together with a part of the town of Smithfield, and to the whole was given the name of Industry Plantation. The manner in which the plantation received its name, notwithstanding every effort of the author to settle the fact, is still a mooted question. William Allen states in his history of the town (see p. //), that "At a meeting for the choice of these [militia] officers [in the winter of 1799], my father proposed the name of Industry for the military territory, which was adopted by the company, and when the westerly portion of the territory was incorporated retained the name." There is also a tradition among the Winslows (see Hanson's History of Gardiner and Pittston, p. 66) that the plantation received its name from the wife of Capt. John Thompson, whose maiden name was Betsey Winslow. This tradition runs as follows: " When the town* was about being incorporated, Mr. Thompson said to his wife as he was leaving home, 'What shall we call the new town?' 'Name it for the character of the people,' she replied, 'call it Industry.' He proposed the name and it was accepted." The inhabitants were warned to meet at the dwelling-house of Lieut. Ambrose Arnold, who lived in that part of the planta- tion subsequently incorporated as the town of Mercer. The organization was perfected by the election of the following officers: Clerk, Nahum Baldwin ; Assessors, Nahum Baldwin, Luther Burr and William Allen, Jr. All these with the excep- tion of Mr. Allen were chosen from the Mercer portion of the settlement, but the following year the voters from the back settlement, as the present town of Industry was then called, outnumbered the others, and consequently chose all the offi- cers from their own locality. The plantation also voted to raise a certain sum of money to buy powder for muster and to defray * The writer is of the opinion that it was on the organization of the plantation, instead of the incorporation of the town, that is here meant. Osgood Carlton's Map of Maine, published prior t<> the incorporation of the town, gives this territory the name of Industry Plantation, hence Mr. Hanson must have been slightly in error as to time. 60 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. other necessary expenses ; and Samuel Hinkley was chosen treasurer. The next event of importance in the history of the settle- ment was the survey of the township (see p. Jj) in the month of September, [802. No little excitement and anxiety prevailed among the settlers regarding this survey and the subsequent arbitration to which it was a preliminary measure. At that time, no person residing on the lands of the Plymouth Coin- pan}' had any title to his land, and the usage they would receive at the hands of the Commission (see p. 32) promised to be anything but favorable. When the commissioners met at Augusta, in October, after the completion of the survey, the worst fears of the settlers became a reality. Exorbitant prices were affixed to the lots of the settlers, which those who re- mained were compelled to pay, while many of the poorer class were forced to abandon their homes and improvements for want of the necessary funds to purchase.* Hut little is known concerning the doings of the plantation at its second annual meeting, aside from the fact that all the officers were chosen from the back settlement, as has already been stated, and that James Thompson, Esq., was elected clerk. Probably William Allen, Jr., was re-elected as one of the asses- sors, but as the plantation records are not to be found, the fact cannot be established with absolute certainty. Esquire Allen says: "At the plantation meeting on the first Monday of April, 1803, the inhabitants for the first time gave in their votes for governor, all for Caleb Strong, except three, who voted for Gerry (these voters not knowing the christian name of the candidate ), and were returned accord- ingly. The next year our Republicans, as the supporters of Mr. Gerry were called, were seasonably furnished with the Argus, which had then been established as a Republican paper, and *The appraisal of the forty-eight lots in Industry was a surprise to all. Bui twelve l"ts "lit of this number were valued at less than one dollar per acre; tin- re- maining thirty-six ranging in price from one dollar to two dollars and twenty cents per acre. EVENTS FROM 1800 TO 1810. 61 were then, as ever after, prepared to give in their votes accord- ing to order." INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN. Early in the year 1803, an effort was made to incorporate that portion of the Industry Plantation King west of Stark and commonly known as the back settlement, to distinguish it from the other portion of the plantation, which was called the river settlement. By a careful enumeration it was found that the back settlement contained more than fifty ratable polls, and that its valuation when compared with the river settlement was as twenty-four is to twenty, or six-elevenths of the entire planta- tion according to the valuation of 1800. At the earnest re- quest of James Thompson, the plantation clerk, and others, William Allen, Jr., prepared the following petition to the Gen- eral Court [Legislature] of Massachusetts, then in session at Boston : To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives, of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled in /any, 1803. The petition of the subscribers, inhabitants of the north part of the Plantation of Industry, in the County of Kennebec, respectfully sheweth that they are debarred from many priviledges which they would enjoy if they were incorporated into a town, such as the want of schools, high- ways, etc. That the said Plantation is in two distinct settlements which are in no way connected by roads and are not situated so as to form a town to commode the inhabitants as will appear by examining the map of the District of Maine, it being formed by two triangles, one to the west and the other to the south of the town of Starks. That on account of their peculiar situation they are in a great measure detached from and suffer great inconveniences by being con- nected with the south part in attending Plantation meetings which are holden sometimes nine miles from some of your petitioners. That the north part of said Plantation bounded as follows : Beginning at the S. W. Cor. of Starks running south 1-2 mile to New Sharon, thence N. W. 1»\ said New Sharon 5 miles, thence N. 3 miles to the New Vineyard, thence E. by said New Vineyard 4 miles to the N. \Y. Cor. of Starks, 62 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. thence south by the west line of Starks 6 miles to the first mentioned boundary, containing about 50 ratable polls whose inconveniences would be alleviated by being set off from the rest of the Plantation. And therefore your petitioners earnestly solicit the Hon. Legislature to take the premises into their wise consideration and by setting off the afore- said tract from the rest of the Plantation of Industry, incorporate the same into a town by the name of Industry vested with those legal rights and priviledges which are allowed to other towns in the Commonwealth. And as in duty bound will ever pray. [Signed.] Levi Greenleaf. John Thompson. DeHave Norton. Trueman Allen. Atkins Ellis. Thomas Johnson. Benj'n Burgess. 1 )aniel Luce. Lemuel Collins. James Heard. Lemuel Coslins. feremiah Bean. Ebraim Page, benjamin ( 'ottel. Rolin Luce. Jabez Norton. Jabez Norton. Jr. Rowlon lane.' Benjamin ( 'ottle.* Trustom 1 )ogit.* Abraham I 'age.* Archelaus Luce. Samuel Willard. Jam'es Thompson. William Allen, Jr. Zoe Withee. Jacob Mathews. John Thompson.* Levi Willard. John B. Stevens. Eben'r Stevens. Bartlett Allen, benjamin Stevens. ] )avid Maxwell. Sam 'I Brown. William Ladd. Nathaniel Willard. John Thompson. Jr. Shubael Crowel. James Johnson. Joseph Moody. Ephraim Moody. I )aniel Moody. Will'm Allen. James Winslow. John Webber. This petition having been duly presented, passed the House of Representatives on the [8th day of June, 1803, and on the 20th, having passed the Senate and received the signature of the governor, Caleb Strong, the town of Industry was declared legally incorporated. * These, and perhaps other names, were added apparently to swell the petition. EVENTS FROM 1S00 TO 1810. 63 When it was definitely known that the inhabitants of Indus- try Plantation were to petition the General Court for incorpora- tion, the settlers living in the northern part of New Sharon also prepared and forwarded a petition asking that the north part of that town be set off and incorporated as a part of the new town of Industry. This petition, which is still preserved in the archives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, reads as follows : To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the General Court to be holden at Boston, January, 1803. We, your Petitioners, Inhabitants of the north part of the Town of New Sharon, in the County of Kennebec, humbly show : That, whereas the remote situation of our habitations from the centre of sd. town, the unimproved state of a large tract of land lying between us and Sandy River, the badness of the road through sd. tract, in which we have to pass, and the intervention of sd. River, which we have to cross, to get to sd. centre render it inconvenient for us to remain in our present state, attached to sd. Town in respect to corporation. And whereas the Inhabitants of the northwest part of a Plantation called Industry, situate in the northwest extremity of the Plymouth claim, and bounded eastward by Starks and the northward by New Vine- yard have petitioned the General Court that sd. northwest part of sd. Plantation be incorporated into a Town. We therefore pray your Honors to detach from New Sharon sd. North part, bounded as follows, viz : Beginning at the southmost corner of Lot No. 65 in New Sharon aforesaid, on the line between sd. Town and Farmington. Thence north by sd. line about 4 miles and 64 rods, to Clear Water Pond. Thence southward and eastward by sd. Pond to the line between New Sharon and the Plymouth Claim. Thence south 45 degrees East by sd. line about 4 miles, 2S4 rods to the northmost corner of lot No. 17 in New Sharon being near the southmost point of that part of Industry before mentioned, which the inhabitants thereof have petitioned to be incorporated. Thence south 45 degrees, west between lots No. 17 and 25, 100 rods. Thence north 45 degrees, west between lots No. 24 and 25, 163 rods. Thence south 45 degrees, west between lots No. 24 and 23, 100 rods. Thence north 45 degrees, west 163 rods to the westmost corner of lot No. 32. Thence south 45 degrees, west 200 rods to the southmost corner of lot No. 40. Thence north 45 degrees, west 164 rods to the eastmost corner of lot No. 50. 64 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Thence south 45 degrees, west 200 rods to the southmost corner of lot No. 49. Thence north 45 degrees, wesl [63 rods to the southmost corner of lot No. 59. Thence south 45 degrees, west 200 rods to the southmost corner of lot No. 57. Thence north 45 degrees, wesl 163 rods to the line of lot No. 65. Thence south 45 degrees, west ioo rods to the bounds first mentioned, bring nearly in a west direction from the southmost point of the northwest part of Industry above mentioned which is about 1 12 rods south of the southwest corner of Starks. And annex to and incorporate sd. north part of New Sharon with the inhabi- tants thereon with sd. northwest part of Industry into one Town. We your humble Petitioners as in duty bound ever pray. Joshua Bullen. Oliver Willard. Joseph Willard. John Goar. Daniel Gould. Elijah Peeas. John Rawlings. Jephah Coburn. Ebenezer Weeks. John Winslow. An attested excerpt from the plantation records accom- panied the petition, showing that the inhabitants of the pro- posed new town of Industry favored the measure. The petition was, as one would naturally infer, strongly opposed by the inhabitants of New Sharon not directly interested in the movement, consequently the legislative action was unfavorable for the petitioners. The act of incorporation designated Samuel Prescott, Esq., of New Sharon, as the justice to issue the warrant for calling the first meeting of the inhabitants. This instrument bore the date of September 24, 1S03, and was directed to James Thomp- son, formerly plantation clerk. The inhabitants met agreeably to the call, at the dwelling-house of Capt. William Allen, on the 20th day of October, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and pro- ceeded to perfect their organization by the choice of the follow- ing officers: Moderator, James Thompson; Clerk, William Allen, Sr. ; Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor, William Allen, Jr., Peter West and Daniel Luce; Treasurer, James Thompson; Constable and Collector, Sprowel Norton. Five highway surveyors were elected, who were also constituted a school committee. Among other officers elected were two EVENTS FROM 1S00 TO 1S10. 65 tithing-men, five hog-reeves, two field-drivers, pound-keeper, etc. After the election of officers, the meeting adjourned until November 14th, to meet at the dwelling-house of Joseph Moody. The following is the official list of voters for 1803, as prepared by the municipal officers of the town of Industry: Allen, Bartlett. Allen, William. Allen, William, Jr. Bradbury, Paul. Brown, Joseph. Brown, Samuel. Bunker, Jonathan. Burgess, Benjamin. Chapman, Nathaniel. Coffin, John. Conant, Asa. Collins, Lemuel. Collins, Lemuel, }r. Cottle, Benjamin. Crompton, Samuel. Daggett, Peter. Daggett, Tristram. Ellis, Atkins. Eveleth, James. Greenleaf, Levi. Howes, Alvin. Huston. John. Jewett, Benjamin. Johnson, Abraham. Johnson, James. Johnson, Thomas. Knowlton, Jonathan. Ladd, William. Luee, Daniel. Luce, Daniel, Jr. Luce, Rowland. In 1802 William Read from Waterville through the Luce, Truman. Moody, Ephraim. Moody, Joseph. Marshall, John. Mathews. Joseph. Norton, Jabez. Norton, Jabez, Jr. Norton, Sprowel. Page, Abraham. Pike, Joshua. Bobbins. Ammiel. Robbins, Ammiel, Jr. Robbins, Elijah. Stevens, Ebenezer. Stevens, John. Stevens, Samuel. Thompson, James. Thompson, John. Thompson, John, 2d. Webber, John. West, Peter. West, Peter. Jr. Willard, Levi. Willard, Nathaniel. Willard, Samuel. Williamson, Ebenezer. Williamson, Jonathan. Withee, Zoe. Witham, Peter. Winslow, James. [Total 61]. ROADS. and others laid out a county road centre-of Stark to Withee's Corner 66 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. in Industry; thence by Weeks's Mills to Farmington. A year later a branch road was laid out by them from Withee's Corner over the Allen hill and by Allen's Mills, to intersect the road from the New Vineyard Gore at the Rufus Allen place, now (1892) owned by John Furbush. Immediately after the in- corporation of the town, in 1803, the selectmen proceeded to lay out roads as follows: One from the corner to the west, from where Asa Q. and Calvin B, Fish now live, to Goodridge's Corner. One from the New Vineyard line southerly by West's Mills to Withee's Corner ; and a third from Thompson's Cor- ner westerly four hundred rods over Bannock Hill to intersect the road leading to Goodridge's Corner, near where Thomas F. Norton formerly lived. Also from the forementioned corner near Asa O. and Calvin B. Fish's in a southwesterly direction over a wing of the mountain to the Collins place, now owned and occupied by John Vehue. On the 10th day of June, 1 804, a road or town-way was laid out by the selectmen, commencing near where William L. Rackliff now lives and running northerly by the residence of William D. Norton, to intersect the town road near "the Deacon Cottle Burying-Ground." ( )n the 30th day of March, I 805, a committee, consisting of William Allen, Jr., and Capt. John Thompson, laid out a road from the count)' road near James Winslow's and Samuel Cromp- ton's, in a northerly direction over Howes Hill, to intersect the branch county road near what is known as Goodridge's Corner. In 1808, a road was laid out from the east line of the farm now owned by the heirs of Amos Stetson, Jr., southerly until it struck the town road at the burying-ground near the late resi- dence of Andrew Tibbetts. This, as well as the road over Ban- nock Hill, was extensively traveled for man}' years, but in the course of time the title of travel changed to other roads and both have since been discontinued.* *The southern portion of this road was discontinued by a vote of the town March 2, 1868. At which time a private way previously laid out for the accommodation of G. Frank Woodcock, the only resident on the road at that time, was accepted. The remaining northern portion was discontinued March 5, 1877. EVENTS FROM 1800 TO 1810. 67 There was also laid out, during the same year, a road be- ginning at the county road leading from Waterville to Farm- ington and running northerly parallel with Stark line to the residence of Capt. John Thompson; thence in such a direction as to strike the town road from West's Mills to Withee's Corner at a point where the Hayes Hill road intersects it, just south from where George W. Johnson now lives. That portion of the road lying between the dwelling of Captain Thompson and the Hayes Hill road was after some years discontinued.* An- other road was laid out the same year running easterly and southerly from James Thompson's corner to intersect the above mentioned road near the residence of Capt. John Thompson. After the roads laid out by the selectmen in 1803 had been accepted, the town was divided into five highway districts, and William Allen, Sr., Benjamin Cottle, John Thompson, Abraham Johnson and Levi Greenleaf were elected surveyors. The selectmen were instructed by the town to petition the General Court to be allowed the privilege of appropriating the sum assessed on the town by the State, for the opening of these roads. At their annual meeting in 1804, the inhabitants voted to raise $800 for the opening and repair of these roads, and fixed the compensation of men and oxen at twelve and one- half cents per hour. A highway tax equal in amount to that of 1804, was raised the succeeding year. The early settlers upon whom devolved "the duties of trans- acting the business of the town, though not having had the educational advantages which are now enjoyed, were neverthe- less men whose names were the very synonyms of honest}' and integrity. To these sterling qualities was largely due the eminently satisfactory and prudent manner in which the early affairs of the town were conducted. Plain and simple in their habits of life, their modes of expression were often novel and * Although trees and bushes have long since obliterated the discontinued road, the bridge abutments on Thompson brook still remain. Many regard this stone- work as a part of the dam built by Capt. John Thompson, early in the present century, to augment the water supply of his mill. A careful inspection of the structure by any- one conversant with dam and bridge-building will convince at once of the incorrect- ness of the prevailing opinion. 68 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. unique. The following entry appears among the early records of the doings of the town: "Voted, that those who prayed for an abatement of tax, by Peter Daggett, be indulged a while longer." This would seem rather an unusual manner of abat- ing a tax to the average voter of to-day, and one which gave the residents of Mr. Daggett's district considerable liberty, yet the writer has sufficient reasons for believing that this liberty was not abused. The town, according to the records, voted "to "except" as well as accept roads laid out by the selectmen, and in one instance the clerk, in mentioning the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, makes the entry "the Commonwealth of Massa- cutist." At the annual meeting in 1804, held at the house of John Patterson, William Allen, Jr., was re-elected chairman of the hoard of selectmen, but Captain West and Daniel Luce were dropped. Captain West, however, was elected treasurer, as a successor to James Thompson, and held the office for one year, and in 1806 he was elected chairman of the board. Rowland Luce was chosen constable and collector, and his compensation was fixed at nine cents on a dollar for collecting". The law specified that a settler, to be a legal voter for governor, must be "a freeholder or inhabitant of the town for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate within said town of the annual income of ten dollars or any estate of the value of two hundred dollars." Prior to 1808 the town meetings were held at the houses of divers inhabitants, but during the summer of 1807, a school- house having been erected near Goodridge's Corner, the inhabi- tants were warned to meet at that place on the 4th day of April, 1808, to give in their votes for governor, lieutenant- governor, senator, etc. About this time the evil effects of the embargo,* which * This was a retaliatory measure adopted by President [efferson in December, 1807. The immediate effect of this measure was to throw a large number ol sailors out of employment. Skillful navigators w ere glad to labor in the hayfield for the small sum ol S12 per month. Merchandise of all kinds became very dear, and none felt < ts more keenly than did those living on the borders ol' civilization. The act was repealed in February, [809. EVENTS FROM 1S00 TO 1810. 69 completely suspended all commercial intercourse, begun to be heavily felt, even in Industry, and a special town meeting was called "to consider the expediency of petitioning the President of the United States to remove the embargo." The people met on the 5th day of August, 1 808, and after due deliberation, the proposition was deemed inexpedient. Up to Feb. 20, 1799, the lands of Industry comprised a part of Lincoln Count)', but on that date it was included in the concession of Lincoln to form the new County of Kennebec. Later, when an effort was being made to establish the County of Somerset, the inhabitants were generally opposed to the measure, and the selectmen were instructed to petition the General Court, asking that Industry be allowed to remain in Kennebec County. Notwithstanding this, the town became a part of Somerset County, on its incorporation, March 1, 1809. So much difference existed between the prices of various articles of household use and convenience in 1808 and at the present time [1892], that the author takes the liberty to pre- sent herewith a comparative price-current, which renders these differences apparent at a glance. The prices in the left-hand column were copied from an old day-book kept in 1808, and in nearly every instance the sales were made to parties residing in Industry. The sleeve links, of which but one pair were sold on credit during the year, were sold to Esquire Cornelius Norton, and it is doubtful if any one but a country squire could afford such ornaments in those early times. The calico was purchased by Joseph Collins who, as well as Squire Norton, lived on "the Gore." Among other purchasers were Samuel Mason, Abner Norton, Abner C. Ames, Isaac Norton, Zebulon Manter, etc. : 1892. Molasses, per gallon, Salt, per bushel, Tobacco, per lb.. Souchong Tea, per lb.. Sugar, brown, per lb., loaf, Fish, #0.75 $0.40 1.50 •55 ■25 •5° 1. 16 .60 .165 .04 •3° .06 •°5 .07 70 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Honey, per lb., Nails, wrought, " " cut, Allspice, " Copperas, " Butter-tubs, each. Eggs, per dozen, Vinegar, per gallon, Wool, per lb., Steelyards, per pair, Wheat, per bushel, Oats, Pears, " Yarn, per skein, Thread, per skein, Pins, per paper, Knitting Pins, set, Buttons, pearl, per dozen, Combs, each, Toweling, per yard, Muslin, Velvet, Gingham, " Calico, " Cambric, " Sleeve Links, per pair, Gloves, cotton, per pair, Hose, " " Padlocks, each. Shoes, ladies', New-England rum appeared to be a staple article with every merchant, at one dollar per gallon, and the large quantities sold seem to indicate its extensive use among the early settlers. The first decade of the nineteenth century closed with promising prospects for the town and its inhabitants. In popu- lation the town was growing very rapidly. By industrious and frugal habits the settlers had begun to emerge from their poverty, and some were able to substitute comfortable frame- houses for their lo^-cabins. The soil had been brought under So. 1 6 | So. 2 5 •i6i .07 none .04 .68 .40 .26 .10 •17 •5° •121 .12 .42 .20 ■33l • 2 5 I.50 1 .00 l.OO 1.25 •42 •45 l -33h •75 .121 ■ l 3 .02 .00 j .26 .08 .08 .04 • 2 5 .20 •17 .10 -3 7 i ■ l 5 1.0S .20 1. 00 •5° .60 .1 2 •45 .06 I.J21 ■ l 5 .14 none .42 .16 .92 .40 •75 •3° 2.00 1-25 EVENTS FROM 1800 TO 18 10. 7 1 a better state of cultivation, thereby rendering it more produc- tive. Roads had been laid out and opened, affording the settlers better facilities for marketing their produce. Schools had been established, and education had already begun to exert a salutary influence in the community. According to the census of 1802, there were one hundred and seventy inhabitants in the town of Industry, and in 18 10 the number had increased to five hundred and sixty-two, being on an average a gain of forty-nine inhabitants per year. CHAPTER V. THE JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN, ESQ. Being a Full Account of the Emigration of his Father, ('apt. William Allen, from Martha's Vineyard to the District of Maine, together with an Interesting Description of their Pioneer Life. THROUGH the kindness of his son, Charles F. Allen, D. D., of Brunswick, Me., the writer has been permitted to publish that portion of William Allen's journal relating to the emigration of his father, Capt. William Allen, and family, from Martha's Vineyard to the District of Maine, together with an interesting account of the privations and hardships of their pioneer life in the early settlements of Farmington and Industry. My father returned to Martha's Vineyard from Down bast. August, [792, and commenced preparations for removing. He engaged ('apt. Warren Hovvland to Lie at Lambert's Cove the first of September with his vessel, the Speedwell, to take his family and effects on board. I lis family then consisted of himself and my mother, each of them in the 37th year of their age ; William [the writer of this journal], aged 12 ; Bartlett, 1 1 ; Truman, 9 : Deborah, 7 ; Jane, 5 ; Love, 2 ; Harrison, a Italic of four months; an Indian apprentice, John Coombs, aged i;: and Rachel, his mother, an Indian woman, an assistant of my mother. From much sympathy, my grand parents, on account of the largeness of the family, proposed to take Bartlett and keep him until he was 14. and Jane till she was 1 X. which was agreed to. We then numbered bul nine, all told. Our stock consisted of a horse, a cow, a two-years-old heifer, a hog and six sheep, all of which were driven down to the harbor the first week in September, till the 11th day of the month, when the Speedwell hove in sight ; and the next day. all on hoard, we took our departure from the old Vineyard for the land of promise — Down East. JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN. 73 Other passengers were taken on board, making in all with the captain and crew, eighteen, to be quartered in a small sloop of forty tons. September 13th, we made sail and proceeded as far as the shoals, when the wind came round to the northeast directly ahead. The women and children were all sea-sick, occasioned by the rough head wind. As no progress could be made, and it not being safe to anchor on the shoals, we went back to Nantucket. On Friday, Sept. 14th, the wind being fair and the weather being moderate, in the afternoon we started again and got over the shoals before dark, but in the night the wind was again ahead. Saturday, Sept. 15th, was stormy, and the wind so near ahead that we made little progress that day or the night following. On Sunday morning, Sept. 16th, we made Seguin directly in the wind's eye. and could make our course no nearer than Harpswell. We therefore run into Harpswell Bay before noon and commenced beating along the shore for the Kennebec River till dark, when a violent northeast storm set j nj — t} ie ]i ne gale. When we reached within a mile of the river, we anchored in a dangerous place near the shore of ('ape Small Point, where the swell of the sea was frightful. An anchor watch was set, with directions if the cable parted to make sail and keep off the rocks it possible. The anchor held fast, and the violence of the storm abating as the daylight appeared, we joyfully made sail, entered the river and proceeded up as far as Jones's Eddy on Monday. The wind being ahead, we could go no farther that day. Some of us went on shore and visited the old fort at Arrowsick. We saw round the windows the marks of the bullets shot at the fort by the Indians in old times, and examined the ancient inscriptions on the grave stones in the cemetery. We spent the night at Jones's Eddy, thankful that our sloop had escaped the dangers of the sea and that we could rest securely. Tuesday, Sept. iSth, wind still ahead, but when the tide favored, by beating and towing with the boat, we reached Bath before noon. I went up into the town and saw a company of boys in uniform go through a military drill, which was new sport to me. My father went to Col. Dummer Sewall's, bought a hundred pounds of hay for our stock, and bargained for land. Wednesday, Sept. 19, beat up to Lovejoy's Narrows, and then landed our horse, on a projecting rock, when my mother, with me for an escort, took her child in her arms and started for Doctor Tupper's in Dresden, five miles further up the river, Mrs. Tupper being a relative and early- friend of my mother. We had proceeded but a short distance, when the horse stepped out of the path in quest of water, sank into the mire 74 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. and threw us all headlong into the mud. The child was covered with mire and almost suffocated ; hut no hones were broken, so I succeeded in getting the horse into the road. We all remounted, and arrived at the Doctor's about dark, where we were kindly received by Mrs. Tup- per. The Doctor was in Boston fitting out his famous timber ship, or rail, for England, which proved unmanageable and was abandoned, near Nova Scotia, a total loss. We remained in Dresden five days; during that time the Speedwell passed by and arrived at Hallowell. Monday. Sept. 24th, we rode in a poor blind road to Hallowell. The horse refused to go into the ferry boat, and they had to plunge him into the riser by main force and tow him across. After a long time we all arrived safe at Hallowell. There were then two or three stores and as many houses in the village of Hallowell. Tuesday, the 25th, we remained at Hallowell. packing up and waiting for a team. Wednesday, the 26th, all being in readiness, Seth Luce, of Read- field, was on hand with a cart and oxen to take a ton of furniture to Sandy River, our place of destination, fifty miles, on contract for twenty dollars. He had also procured a horse and saddle for our accommoda- tion. The cart was loaded and started in advance, then came our caravan, — the cow, heifer and sheep were driven by me, and the hog by Indian John. After we had passed out of the village, the hog refused to go, and escaped into the woods on a straight course for Martha's Vineyard. After a long chase, he was run down, conquered and sub- mitted to he led by John with a halter. The Indian made peace with him by obtaining a few ears of corn from a settler who was husking by the road, which he dealt out sparingly, and the hog followed quietly the whole distance, even wading the Sandy River. After the team and stock, my father came on horseback, with a bed in a sack across the saddle, a bundle of blankets behind him and a child two years old in his arms. Then my mother with a bed on the saddle, a daughter of five years behind her and an infant in her arms, — all making a train extending sometimes for the distance of a mile, moving at a slow pace, sometimes waiting tor the team to get out of a tight place where we could not pass. It was past noon when we arrived at Evans's in Read- field, eight miles, where we obtained some refreshment and some clover li,i\ lor the stock. I had never seen anything of the kind before; did not know what it was, but thought it was a kind of pea-vine. Our horse, being used only to line hay, would not eat it. After resting an hour, we drove on two miles further and put up for the night with Beniah Luce, where the railroad depot now is. Thursday, the 27th. we went over Kent's Hill, where three families JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN. 75 lived, Benjamin and Reuben Kent, in framed houses, and Nathaniel Thomas in a log-house. In going up the hill I saw a red squirrel for the first time. The road parted on the hill, one branch going to Liver- more, the other to our place of destination, which we found much worse than the other part, and some of our furniture was broken going- down the hill. We arrived at Robert blake's to a late dinner. Stopped an hour or more to rest. Father and mother rode on ahead to make some provision for us at the stopping place at Wyman's Plantation [Vienna], six miles distant. In the last five miles there was no house to be seen, and my sister, Deborah, tired of riding, chose to walk with me and the Indian woman. Rachel. A dreary long walk we found it, in a misty rain, but we all arrived at Judkins's Camp before dark. We there met two men trom Sandy River, who brought an evil report that all the corn on the intervales was destroyed by frost in August. Mr. Judkins was not provided with bread or accommodations for so great a multitude, there being ten of us. The house had two rooms, with a stone chimney, and oven between the rooms. The family lived in one room, and the other in which the oven was. was packed with unthreshed wheat. The old man told his boys to move back the wheat and blast the oven, as he had no bread for the travelers. The oven was blasted, and by ten o'clock, bread was baked sufficient for our supper and breakfast. The men found lodgings on the hay in the hovel. Father and mother spread their bed on the floor, some found room in the attic and all fared as well as they could. Friday, Sept. 28th. We had now twelve miles to Sandy River and six more to our own camp. We started early, in the cold rain, by the way of the long ridge, six miles,— a better road than the day before. and stopped for dinner at hummer Sewall, Jr.'s, in Chester [now (lies- terville]. We found Mrs. Sewall a kind-hearted woman, who had much sympathy for my mother, knowing the hardships and privations she- would be exposed to in the desolate place where we were going in the outposts of the settlements on Sandy River. We had got so near our journey's end that we started off with good courage after dinner, arrived at Thomas Hiscock's before night, took a by-path across the river, and reached Solomon Adams's as the sun was setting. Here our company separated. Father, mother and the three children went down the river a mile to Esquire Titcomb's, where the family had an invitation to stop till the log-house was made habitable. We drove our stock about a mile up the river, where provision had been made at Esquire Norton's for keeping them. Mr. Luce went with the furniture another route, on j6 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the west side of the river a mile further on, and put up at Zaccheus Mayhew's. Our journey was now considered substantially at an end. We were all alive and well, except tin- fatigue, having had a con- tinued series of difficulties during the autumnal equinox and the line gales for sixteen days. I have since, on two occasions, accomplished the distance by the aid of a team in twenty-seven hours. Mr. Luce, by depositing the most valuable portion of his load at the river, made out die rest to the camp on Saturday, driving through the woods in a road over which no cart had ever been before. There was constant danger of upsetting and destroying his load. He succeeded, however, and returned the same day to the river on his way home. Saturday, Sept. 29TH, 1792. We boys, with Indian John to pilot us. went to see our new habitation in the woods, two miles beyond any other house or encampment.* We found it in a rude, forbidding, deso late looking place. The trees about the house and opening were mostly spruce and hemlock. They had been cut down on about five acres, a strip forty rods long and about twenty wide, on the first of July, and burned over. The whole surface was as black as a coal, the trees on the north side of the opening were burned to their tops, and the timber on the ground was burned black. A small bed of English tur- nips on a mellow knoll, sown soon after the fire, was the only green thing visible on the premises. A log-house forty feet long and twenty wide had been laid on the bank of a small brook. The building was formed of straight spruce logs about a foot in diameter, hewed a little on the inside. It was laid up seven feet high with hewed beams and a framed roof, covered with large sheets of spruce bark secured by long poles withed down. The gable ends were also rudely covered with bark. The house stood near the felled trees, there was neither door nor window, chimney nor floor, but a space had been cut out near the centre of the front side for a door. The building stood on uneven ground. The corner farthest from the brook was laid on a large log to bring the bottom logs to a level, leaving a space along that end nearly two feet from the ground. We thought it not a safe place to lodge in, as a bear or wolf could easily crawl in. We found our furniture in a pile on the ground. After viewing the premises, we returned to our lodgings at Esquire Norton's with no pleasant feelings in regard to our lonely dwelling place and future prospects. October ist. We obtained a bushel of corn of Esquire Titcomb, which I carried on horseback to the Falls [Farmington], to mill ; and * This lot now ( iSoj) comprises the farm of ( Ibed X. Collins in the northern part of Farmington. — //•'. ( '. //. JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN. 77 then I went by a blind path over bad sloughs to Harlock Smith's, in New Sharon, to get a box of maple sugar which had been bought of him. I found part of the way obstructed with fallen trees lying in all directions, over which I made the horse jump, and succeeded in getting home safe with my meal and sugar. Being provided with bread and other necessary articles, a carpenter was engaged, and the next day we took formal possession of the camp. The carpenter prepared plank by splitting basswood logs for the floor of one room and the entry ; a half a thousand feet of boards were procured for doors and partitions ; one wide board was laid for a floor in front of the hearth to sit on while they rocked the baby, and a few boards were laid as a chamber floor fur the boys to spread their beds on. The rest of the chamber floor was made of poles covered with basswood bark, on which the corn was spread to dry. Stones were collected by the boys on a hand-barrow for the jambs of a chimney and the foundation of an oven. In the course of the week the floor was laid, the doors were hung, the jambs of the chimney laid up, a hole was made in the roof for the smoke to escape, a rude entry partition was put up and six squares of glass in a sash were inserted in an opening for a window. Other spaces, opened to let in the light, could be closed with boards when necessary. In this condition, on the eighth of October, my mother, with the children, moved in, — not to enjoy the comforts of life, but to suffer all the hard- ships that pioneers must undergo in a hard battle with poverty, for more than five years, in that desolate place, without friends or neighbors. Our first business was to harvest our frost-bitten corn, about fifty bushels, which grew in two places, six or seven miles distant. It was brought home in a large sack that would hold six bushels of ears, laid upon the horse's back, over mud and mire, to the annoyance of the driver. Indian John, who had often to go a mile to get help to reload his corn, when the horse was mired, laid down and threw off his load. After the snow came, a sled was used with better success. The corn being harvested, we proceeded to prepare our log-house for winter. The boys collected stones, an oven was built and the chimney carried up to the ridgepole with stones and topped out with sticks laid in clay. The cracks between the logs were caulked up with moss on the inside and plastered with clay on the outside. A hovel was built for the animals which was covered with boughs. The first snow fell in October, and it snowed every week till the first of January, without wind. After that time the snow was badly drifted, so there was but little traveling. We explored the neighboring forests with our gun and found plenty of game, when the snow was not too deep. John, the Indian, was a 78 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. good sportsman. We kept account of the partridges killed, and found the number to be sixty-five killed during the first fall and the next spring. They disappeared when the snow was deep, and then we could sometimes kill a harmless rabbit. We had hard times during the win- ter, 1 792-3, but suffered more intensely the next summer, under our severe tasks and privations, and from the torment of Mack flies and mosquitoes. ( )ur camp was near a large swamp that swarmed with these pests, which tormented us day and night. We could scarcely see, our eyes were so swollen. Sometimes the boys had their necks bitten till there were raw sores with Hies imbedded in them. Our fare was coarse and scanty and our work hard. The land was hard to clear and unproductive when cleared, not one-eighth of it being fit for culti- vation, and that a mile from the house. Our clothes were worn out and torn to pieces going through the bushes ; our bare feet and ankles scratched, and our necks bleeding from the bites of flies and mosqui- toes. When we cleared the land and planted corn on the further end of our lot, the bears ate it up. and we seemed to be doomed to suffer- ing and poverty. When fourteen years old. I once carried corn on my back ten miles to mill, and often carried it five miles, for we were obliged to sell our horse the first year of our sojourn in the forest, and we carried our corn on our backs to mill, or went three or four miles to get a horse, often a poor, lame, stumbling beast — taking a whole day to go to mill — and then two days' work of a boy or one of a man to pay the hire. The longer we lived in that wretched place the harder we fared. June 28TH, 1 793, we were visited with a most destructive hailstorm, accompanied with thunder and lightning. The hailstones — as large as hen's eggs — came through the bark roof of our camp by scores. My little sister was stunned by a hailstone that came through the roof and struck her on the forehead, causing the blood to flow freely. The storm was accompanied with such torrents of rain, beyond all concep- tion, with crashing peals of thunder and Hashes of lightning, that it seemed to me that the end of the world had come. I grasped the Bible, but not a word could be read, for the water had drenched every- thing in the house. The torrents lasted not more than two or three minutes ami ceased abruptly. My father moved into his new log-house on land belonging to the Plymouth Company [some four miles from his first abode, on a hill to the east of Allen's Mills], tin- last day of April, 1798. The house was twenty-four by twenty feet, built of logs. The roof was boarded and shingled ; there was a good floor, with bed room, kitchen and JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN. 79 buttery partitioned off; a ladder leading to the attic which had two sleeeping rooms for the children. We lived in this house till Decem- ber, 1802, making in all ten years of residence in log-houses. Eight acres of trees had been felled the year before and not burned. The ground had been cleared but a little about the house, and when the cut-down was burned there was great danger of the house ; we wet the house and the ground around, but, in spite of all our precaution, the house took fire ; we succeeded, however, in extinguishing the flames, not without danger of suffocation, before much damage was done. We raised a good crop of corn that year, about 200 bushels, and in the following years good crops of corn, wheat and rye were uniformly secured. Still we suffered for many comforts of life, with no stock at first, but one hired cow which ran in the woods in the summer to pick up a living. We bought calves that year and soon raised up a good stock. Our prospects in our new establishment were quite encouraging com- pared with those in the forbidding and barren spot where we suffered so much for six years in first coming into the wilderness. Now we could look forward with good hope of better times from year to year. We had a good sugar-orchard on the lot, and the first year on our new farm I made nine hundred pounds of sugar with no assistance after the trees were tapped, except one day's work cutting wood, Bartlett my next younger brother being sick, and Truman had left the place to go to sea. My father having raised a good crop of corn the first year that he lived in town [Industry], prepared a load of forty-five bushels for mar- ket to pay for leather for shoes and to procure necessaries, having bought one yoke of oxen, he procured another yoke on condition that he would pay at Winthrop, fifteen shillings in grain for the hire of them ; got all things in readiness on Saturday in January, 1 799, for an early start on Monday morning for a week's jaunt, and I was designated teamster.* The boys were called up early and one sent two miles for the hired oxen, and before daylight appeared I started with my load. The roads being rough and the track narrow, my father went with me four miles to Col. Fairbanks's, near the Titcomb place in Farmington, to pry up the sled when it run off the track. We arrived at Col. Fairbanks's before sunrise, let the oxen rest and eat half an hour, re-laid the load on the sled and squared up and made all secure, I then proceeded alone ; the road being better, crossed the river opposite Farmington village f and * Young Allen was then in his nineteenth year. — IV. C. II. f Probably Farmington Falls is the village to which reference is here made. — IV. C.H. 8o HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. arrived at Lowell's in Chesterville soon alter noon, fed my oxen, eat my cold dinner, with a tumbler of cider to wash it down ; stopped an hour and started again, got to Perry's at sunset and put up, having driven nineteen miles. Bought a pint of milk and ate bread and milk for sup- per, (lot a warm breakfast and started again at sunrise, drove seventeen miles to Winthrop where I discharged ten bushels off from my load to pay the tanner for our winter stock of leather, tried to sell my load but no one would buy, and. had to go three miles further to leave another portion of my load for ox-hire. On a cross road I was directed wrong and found myself at the end of a wood road in the dark. Could find no suitable place to turn, but with much trouble I got my sled turned by taking my forward oxen, with the chain, to one corner of the sled and starting the sled off and then starting the oxen on the tongue, then first one yoke then the other a little at a time till I got turned ; after half an hour thus spent, I at length got on the right track and having traveled twenty miles arrived at Fairbanks, my place of deposit, stopped over night and as my team was beat out I accepted an invitation to stop a day to rest. On the fourth day I started early and drove to Hallowell by noon, carried hay and baited my oxen in the street, sold my corn for four shillings per bushel, got ten dollars in money and the rest in goods ; and»started for home without entering any building in the place except the stores. I drove to Carlton's by daylight, a distance of eight miles ; the next day to Lowell's twenty-two miles, and on the sixth day, in the afternoon, got home tired and hungry with about four dollars in money after paying expenses and ten dollars in necessary family stores, salt, etc., the proceeds of my load of corn after paying the tanner. At a meeting for the organization of the militia, January, 1799, on what was then called the Plymouth Patent, my father proposed as a name for the place, Industry, which was adopted by vote and the name is still retained.* On the incorporation of the town he was chosen town clerk and held that office two years. On clearing up the land in Indus- try it was found productive. It was stony but bore good crops ; and we had bread enough and to spare. In 1799 a beginning was made on my lot | by cutting down five acres of trees, and three acres more the next year. So I had eight acres ready to be cleared when I arrived of age. I owned a good axe and had possession of a hundred acres of wild land, without a title ; but I had no whole suit of decent clothes. We all could make shingles, baskets and brooms to sell, and I made shoes for * See page 59. fThis was lot No. 28 of Lemuel Perham's survey and is now known as the Dea- con Ira Emery farm. — IV. C. II. JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN. 8 1 the family and sonic for others when I could find no better employment. In the winter of 1799 I was employed to teach a primary school for two months m Farmington for eight dollars a month. The next winter I worked with Knos Field, at North Yarmouth, making shoes at nine dollars a month. The next winter I had ten dollars a month for teach- ing in New Sharon, and in 1802 I had twelve dollars in a town school in Farmington ; but I was not qualified to teach English grammar. In the fall of that year I was persuaded by my friend. Joseph Titcomb, who had been one term at the Hallowell Academy, to join him and go for six weeks. Entering the Academy I was embarrassed with my defic- iencies and during the first week was thoroughly homesick. Preceptor Moody took pity on me — said that he was grieved that I was sick. With the encouragement of this judicious teacher I soon began to make progress in my studies in grammar, geometry and trigonometry. Han- nibal Shepard, one of the students, lent me books. The preceptor employed me in his garden and charged nothing for tuition ; and at the end of six weeks, without solicitation, gave me a first-class certificate that I was well qualified to teach all the branches of study usually taught in public schools. My clothes were shabby when I left the Academy, November 5th, and started for home on foot; but before I reached home I had, ragged as I was, two applications to teach in the best schools in the county. The attendance at the Acad- emy was the foundation of my success in business in after life. Mr. Moody was a kind friend as long as he lived. When he left the Academy he procured my appointment as assistant to his successor for two years. On my journey to Farmington I went out of my way to deliver a letter and message from Charles Vaughan, a land agent, to Captain [Lemuel] Perham, the surveyor, and was em- ployed by him two days in making plans, for which I received two dollars in money and more than ten dollars' worth of instruction in plot- ting lots of a given quantity, in various forms, bounded by a crooked river. I reached home with money in my pocket. April i6th, 1S01. I left work for my father, who had then nearly completed his spring's work, and went to work for myself in good earnest. My lot was a mile from my father's and I made a contract to board at home, my mother kindly consenting to do my cooking and other work, on my furnishing provisions. I soon found means to pay for a good cow, so the family were no longer stinted to a tea-cupful of milk at a meal. I worked early and late burning off the logs ; and by rolling the logs 82 HISTORY OF rNDUSTRY. two or three in a place I cleared by hand, without assistance, except one or two hours' work, three acres ready for sowing. I sowed two acres of wheat and one acre of rye. Had a yoke of oxen one day to harrow in the crop and had the seed in the ground within a month from the time I began 1 turning off the log. I spent a full day with a hoe cover- ing the grain around the stumps and other places where the harrow had not covered it. When it had grown I never saw a field of wheat that looked so well, — not a weed, bush or stump was to be seen, as the wheat was higher than the stumps, the heads large and hanging down with the weight of the grain. I had forty-two bushels of choice wheat from the two bushels sown worth an extra price ; much of it was sold for seed. The rye was also very good. I estimated that there were thirty-three bushels from one sown. I burnt the limbs on the other five acres which yielded me one hundred and twenty-eight bushels of corn besides what the birds and squirrels carried off. The whole was a satisfactory result. The pro- ceeds of the year's work, including improvement on the farm, was more than two hundred dollars. Always after, when I cultivated land per- sonally, I had good crops. In 1799 the inhabitants of the plantation, extending from New Vine- yard through Starks, Oak Hill and Mercer to Norridgewock, — a district reaching more than twenty miles from one extreme to the other, — were organized into a military company. The Captain [John Thompson] and Ensign [Jabez Norton, Jr.] were Methodists, and the Lieutenant [Ambrose Arnold] was a Baptist. I was chosen clerk and it became my duty to see that the men were all warned for training four times a year, to meet with them at trainings and general muster and to note their deficiencies. In May, 1799, there was no road direct from the north part of the district to the south part; and the snow was then so dee]) in the woods that we could not pass thro' the forest. I was first required to go three miles to see the captain and get his orders; then to travel through Farmington Village at the Falls, along the border of Chesterville to Cape Cod Hill, in New Sharon, to reach Lieutenant Arnolds's in what is now called Mercer, and receive the orders from him. The river could not be crossed in safety with a horse in a more direct course. Tuesday, Man 5111, 1799, was the day designated [by law] for the training. The snow was so deep as to be impassable where there was no track except on snowshoes. Some went to the training on snow- shoes ; I followed the only track to get from home to the place of train- ing near Withee's Corner, by going north to Hinkley's Corner [near the JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN. S3 Thomas F. Norton farm], then east to Thompson's Corner [near the old Thomas M. Oliver farm], and then south to the Withee's Corner, being four times the distance in a direct line, where there was no path. It is therefore not strange that I was soon tired of military honor, and escaped from it, as I could be excused. I did not aspire to any pro- motion in the service, and in due time resigned, having no wish for any office of more honor than profit. That spring of 1 799 was more back- ward than any I had ever known. The snow was more than a foot deep in the woods, and the Kennebec was passable on the ice at Norridge- wock, till the tenth of May. In the spring ot 1S02 while I was at work on the farm, I was sur- prised by a visit from a deputy sheriff, who served a warrant on me requiring a State tax of forty-four dollars, which was to be assessed on the inhabitants of the plantation. His directions required him to serve it on some "principal in- habitant, who would be able to pay the tax if he did not cause the same to be lawfully assessed. The deputy said he had been through the settlement and could not find any such person ; but that I had received enough money keeping school the previous winter to answer the purpose, and he therefore left the warrant with me. After enquiry and receiving directions how to avoid the penalty of neglect, I procured a warrant from Charles Vaughan, Esq., of Hallowell, for calling a meeting and the plantation was duly organized I was chosen one of the assessors and the tax was assessed and paid. A similar tax was assessed the next year. In the month of June, 1803, the west portion of the plantation was incorporated into a town by the name of Industry, and I was chosen one of the selectmen, with Capt. Peter West and Daniel Luce, Senior, for associates. My new farm did not require all my time for several years. I had time to make shingles and build a grain barn the first summer. I also worked out in haying. In the fall I made shoes, and kept school in the winter, with increased compensation, for twelve years. I did not have to go from home to look up a school, but my success and with the recommendation of my worthy friend, Preceptor Moody, my name was favorably known in the community, it may be, beyond my deserts. I taught town school ten winters, and was an assistant in Hallowell Acad- emy nearly two years. I quit teaching on account of my health, and to cultivate my farm which needed my exclusive attention. Tumultuous meetings were held in various places on the Plymouth Company's lands in Maine prior to 1802 by reason of the decisions of court which established the proprietors' title to large tracts of land on 84 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the Kennebec, to which many believed they had no right ; and on which the settlers had entered with the expectation that they would be protected by the State ; and would have the land for a small price. When the Plymouth proprietors obtained judgment in their favor, and demanded hard terms, many of the settlers resisted payment, and great commotions leading to bloodshed in some places arose. The Legisla- ture interposed by appointing Peleg Coffin, Treasurer of State ; Hon. Elijah Brigham, Judge of the Court, and Colonel Thomas Dwight, all high-toned Federalists, who had no sympathy for men who, as they believed, were trespassers on the lands ; a committee to come and view the land and appraise for each settler a lot of one hundred acres, — a very unfortunate committee for the poor settlers. The committee came to Augusta in October, 1802, put up at Thomas's Tavern on the east side, where they fared sumptuously, and notified the settlers on the lands in dispute, to appear and enter into a submission to abide the decision the committee should make as to the conditions of holding the lands. The settlers came from all directions, some from a distance of forty miles. Being at school at Hallowell I waited a week for the crowd to subside. and then I found a schoolboy to ferry me over the river for nothing, and to watch for me when I came back, with his canoe. I went up to Augusta on the east side of the river, more than twice the distance of the road on the west side, to avoid paying toll over the bridge, not having money to pay the toll. When I came to the tavern, I was obliged to wait some time for my turn, before I was admitted. Here I was confronted by Charles Vaughan, Ks<|., the agent of the proprietors, who was there with two attorneys. They disputed my claim to be heard, as I had not been of age a year, when the resolve was passed providing only for settlers who had been on the land a year ; though I had been in possession more than a year and had built a barn on the lot. After a full hearing the committee decided that 1 had a right to be heard, I signed the submission, and my time being exhausted, I had to leave without making any explanation of my case, and without any attorney to do it for me, while the proprietors had an efficient agent and the best lawyers in Augusta to manage for them.* I saw roast beef on the table, but could not eat of it. for 1 had no money to buy a dinner. I bought a good-sized cracker for a cent, and made a dinner of this, and walked back to Hallowell the same way that 1 came. The result of the appraisal was contrary to our expectations. Instead of adopting the juice of lands made by the State, they doomed us to * See note, p. 36, JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN. 85 pay more than double. The State price had been from twenty-five to fifty cents an acre, and the committee appraised the lots in Industry, from one to two dollars and a quarter an acre. My lot was put at one dollar and ninety cents an acre, with thirteen months' interest, two dollars for a deed, twenty-five cents for the award and seventeen cents for the acknowledgement of the deed, all to be paid in specie, in Boston, before the first day of June, 1804. By great exertion, selling my oxen and all the grain and corn I had, and borrowing of a friend in Winthrop ten dollars, I made the payment. I was obliged to pay two dollars to send the money to Boston. Thus my lot cost me two hundred and seven dollars, instead of fifty dollars which I expected to pay. There were thirty settlers who entered into submission to have their lands appraised ; ten only could raise the money by their own resources ; ten others obtained assistance from friends who advanced the money and held the land for security ; and the other ten gave all up and aban- doned their possessions. These commissioners did not go to view any of our land as it was expected they would do. They saw some fertile gardens near the beautiful Kennebec, received glowing descriptions of the settlers' lands from the proprietors' agents, and made up their prices accordingly. If they had come as far as In- dustry, and seen for themselves the land covered with stones, and roads so rude that no wheeled carriage could pass a mile in any place in town. and if they had seen the evidence of our poverty everywhere apparent, I am sure they would not have set the price of our land half as high as they did. Being in Boston the summer of 1S04 on business I saw Thomas L. Winthrop, Esq., and tried to negotiate with him for the land on which my father lived. He treated me kindly, invited me to his house, paid a bill for taxes which I had against the proprietors ; but I could make no bargain about the land. I had paid him a high price for my own lot, twice as much as it was worth, but could get no redress. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. When we arrived at Sandy River in the autumn of 1 79 1 a powerful revival of religion was in progress on the west side of the river under the labors of Elder Benjamin Randall, the founder of the Free Will Baptist Society, assisted by Elder Edward Locke. I attended their meetings in the winter at the house of David Wentworth, five miles from home. The meeting was not conducted with much order. Some individuals were boisterous and there was much confusion. Elder Randall was a worthy christian minister and enjoyed the confidence of 86 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the community. He did not remain long in the pla< :e ; but exercised a good influence, and laid the foundation of a flourishing society. Mr. Locke was regarded from the first by the outsiders as an immoral man. He attempted to establish a community of goods for christians to have all things in common, when it was discovered that he was managing to get control of all the property. The church members left him, and he gave up preaching and abandoned his profession of piety. Notwithstanding the apostacy of one who had taken such a prominent part, a Free Will Baptist church was established containing a number of excellent persons, who sustained a good reputation tor piety through life. Francis Tufts became the leader of the society, and having lived to a great age died in Ohio. In the autumn of 1793 the interest had mostly subsided : and in October. Rev. Jesse Lee. the fust Methodist preacher in Maine, visited this place in his first tour through the State. He had no one to intro- duce him or to give notice of his approach. After a hard day's ride over bad roads, arriving near night at Star- ling's Tavern, at Sandy River, he made known his errand as a preacher. had notice given to the few who lived near, and preached in the evening at the tavern. A few hearers were present, and among the rest. Mrs. Eaton,* a worthy widow who perceived the speaker was a gentleman and an extraordinary preacher, and she thought he was entitled to better accommodations than the country tavern could afford, where he might be annoyed by noisy company, and took the preacher home with her and volunteered to find a better place of entertainment. The next morning she conducted him to Stephen Titcomb, Ksip's. the best place in town, where Mr. Lee was kindly received and treated with hospitality. The family were much interested in the preacher and his doctrines. A daughter of thirteen years experienced religion under his instructions, and they would gladly have persuaded him to remain longer; but his arrangements were made to travel through the interior of the State, and to return to Boston and Lynn before winter. He could therefore con sent only to stop a single day in a place. Esquire Titcomb gave him directions as to the most suitable houses to visit on his route, where he would be well received, and cordially invited him to come again. Mr. Lee then left for Esquire Read's, ten miles up the river. Esquire Read was a magistrate, respected for his integrity and hospitality, afterwards the proprietor of the township of Strong, Chief Justice of the Court of ♦This was undoubtedly Elizabeth (Thorn) Eaton, relict of Jacob Eaton, an early pioneer to tin- present town "I Earmington. — //'. C. II. JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN. $7 Sessions, Senator from the county, a worthy citizen, benevolent, pleasant and kind.* He received Mr. Lee joyfully, and became a leader of the Methodists in the town. The families of Mr. Read and of Mr. Tit- comb united subsequently with the Methodist Church. Mr. Lee pursued his journey to New Vineyard, Anson, and so on to the eastern part of the State, attracting the attention of all classes wherever he went, by his personal appearance, social habits and gentlemanly christian deportment. He had traveled extensively from Virginia to Maine, and was well qualified to instruct and edify his hearers. In June, 1794, he made a second visit to Sandy River, now incor- porated as Farmington. Notice was given that he would preach at Mr. Tutts'st barn. This was eight miles from where we lived. I re- ceived notice, and made my way to the meeting Sunday, but did not arrive till near the close of the forenoon services. I found a large assembly present. When the preacher took the stand in the afternoon, I listened attentively. I had never heard such preaching, and under his fervent appeals deep impressions were made on my mind, which were never lost. The swallows chirped in the barn, but nothing dis- turbed the preacher or diverted the attention of his hearers. Several who lived in the upper part of the town were converted at this visit of Mr. Lee, and were united in a class with William Gay as leader. An- other class was formed at the Falls. After meeting I was invited by Joseph Titcomb to go home with him to his father's to supper, as the preacher would be there. I went with him and was pleased with the preacher's conversation with the children. MATRIMONIAL, ETC. I married Hannah Titcomb, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Titcomb, born at Topsham, Nov. 15, 1780. She was of good parent- age, and her personal appearance, good sense, domestic qualifications and sincere piety were not excelled by any one within the range of my acquaintance. Though I had been acquainted with her for fifteen years, I did not dare to make proposals to her until I had acquired some reputation for industry and prudence, after I became of age. After our marriage, on the 28th of October, 1807, we moved into our * The gentleman here referred to was William Read, of Strong. — IV. C. II. fThis was Francis Tufts, one of the wealthiest among the early settlers in Farmington. — W. C. II. 88 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. new unfinished house at Industry.* I had exhausted my funds in building too high and large, and could not finish it. I reserved a small sum of fifty dollars for winter stores and necessary articles to begin house-keeping, which was all spent in one month. I abhorred running in debt, and chose rather to leave home and teach school to raise funds. I took a school for three months, seven miles from home, at $20 per month, the highest wages then given, and board around. I hired my wife's brother to take care of the barn, get up wood and cedar for fences. The whole bill of cash expenses for support the first year was $128, besides the products of the farm and dairy consumed at home. We had four cows and six sheep. We made butter and cheese. My farm was productive, so that we ever after had bread and butter enough and to spare. We suffered some the first year from the cold house, and for want of some things. I had to work hard to subdue bushes and weeds, but succeeded, so that it was easier next year and ever afterwards, while my health was better than before. The people of the town were kind and attentive to us, and Divine Providence raised us up many friends. At the annual meeting in 1808 I was chosen chairman of the board of selectmen with good associates. I was continued in office till my removal to Norridgewock. On the 2d of September, 1808, our first son, William, was born, who grew up and became our idol. He gradu- ated at Bowdoin College, was distinguished for literary attainments, and died in early manhood. In 1809 I was appointed special Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and officiated one term. I did more business as Justice of the Peace than any other man in the county. The farm was more productive from year to year. I employed one hand during haying, and did the most of the farm work myself. Our second son, Stephen, was born March 10, 18 10. I taught school in Farmington in 1809, eight miles from home, walking home Saturdays and returning the following Monday morning. In 1 810 I taught the winter school in our own district, and in 181 1 at Norridgewock, having a horse to ride home on Saturdays and return on Monday, without price. I had to get up and start before day to go fifteen miles before school time, — which I did not fail to do for three months. In November, 181 2, Mr. Jones, the Clerk of Courts, being sick, * This house was a roomy two-story edifice, and the same subsequently occupied by I >eacon Ira Emery for many years. It was destroyed by fire, during a severe gale, on the evening of Feb. 25, 1887. — IV. C. I J. JOURNAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN. 89 sent for me to help him. When I arrived he was confined to his bed. I was appointed by the Judge, Clerk pro tempore. I was entirely un- acquainted with the forms of procedure, but, with much embarrass- ment, and by the kind assistance of the Court, I succeeded quite well in the performance of my several duties. George Jones* died January, 1813, and I was duly appointed his successor. On the first of April, we removed to Norridgewock, leaving the farm at Industry in the care of my brother Harrison and my sister Deborah. * The author is of the opinion that this is erroneous. Hanson's History of Norridgewock (see p. 347), says that William Jones was Clerk of Courts in 1S12, and that William Allen was appointed his successor. CHAPTER VI. SCHOOLS. First School. — Incompetence of Early Teachers. — The Log School-House on the (.cue. — < tther School-Houses. — High Schools. — Free High Schools. — Wade's Graduating System. — Text- Hooks. — Statistical. 'Tis education forms the common mind. — Pope. SAYS William Allen in his History of Industry (see p. 25), "There were no schools of an}' note before the incorporation of the town. An old maiden lady* was employed occasionally, a short time, to teach children their letters and to spell out words. Her school was kept one month in my barn. She did what she could ' to teach the young idea how to shoot,' but was quite incompetent. I visited her school on one occasion and she had a small class advanced to words of three syllables in the spelling-book, and when they came to the word 'anecdote' she called it ' a-neck-dote,' and defined it to be 'food eaten between meals.' "When the first town school was put in operation, the master was quite deficient in every way. When a boy hesi- tated at the word ' biscuit,' the master prompted him rashly — 'bee squit, you rascal.' But during the second year, a portion of the town united with a district in Farmington which extended * Campmeeting John Allen, a younger brother of the historian, wrote the author some years prior to his death, as follows: "This was Miss Dependence Luce, daughter of Robert Luce, an early settler in Industry. She subsequently married Benjamin I largess." The Industry town records show Dependence to have been born Nov. 25, 1704. Robert Luce died in New Portland, in November, 1857, aged 92 years, hence he could hardly be counted as the father of Dependence, although he mav have been her brother. SCHOOLS. 9 1 from the [New] Vineyard Gore to the Titcomb place, more than four miles. The school was kept in a log school-house, near where [William] Mosher lives, by Samuel Belcher, a com- petent teacher, and our boys made good progress. The master boarded with us a part of the time, two miles from the school- house. When the road was not broken out they had to get breakfast by candle-light, in order to be at school in season." Probably the first school-house erected within the present limits of the town was one built on the New Vineyard Gore. The date of its erection is not known. This house, which was built of logs, stood on the south side of the brook running from the "Little Pond" and on the east side of the road, nearly opposite from where the Presson house used to stand, the site of which is still marked by a large English poplar. This house was burned, at an early date, and another built on the opposite side of the brook on the west side of the road. In the course of time this house, which was a framed one, was thoroughly remodeled and greatly improved. One of the first teachers who taught school on the Gore was a Scotchman named Martin. For many years the school in this district was one of the largest in town, and its pupils ranked high for excellence in scholarship. Eventually the attendance grew less and less, until the school-house fell into disuse and was torn down and moved away about 1863. The second school-house in town was built near Davis Cor- ner in 1807. It was located about one hundred rods north of the present school-house at Goodridge's Corner, near a large- granite boulder by the side of the road. Among those who taught here were William Allen, Jr., with several of his brothers and sisters, also Levi Young for three winter terms. Five years later a second house was erected at the corner on the site now (1892) occupied by the factory of the Enterprise Cheese Com- pany, and in 1818 the old one was torn down.' The second * At the annual meeting, March 12, 1832, the town voted to set the inhabitant? of Allen's Mills off from the Centre District, to form a new school district. The brick school-house now standing in the village was built in the summer of 1839, or possibly a year later. 92 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. school-house was larger than the first, and had the then pre- vailing style of hip roof.* The principal text-book in those earl)- times was Noah Webster's Spelling-Book, which served the three-fold purpose of primer, elementary reader and spell- ing-book. Pupils more advanced used the American Preceptor, and later the Columbian ( )rator. The first mentioned reader was a great favorite with the scholars, as was also Lindley Murray's English Reader, the second Hallowell edition of which appeared in 1817. This Reader was used for a time con- temporaneously with the American Preceptor and Columbian Orator, f Murray's Grammar, published in 1795, was for many years a standard work and the principal text-book in all schools where the science was taught. \ These, with Kinnie's Arith- metic and Morse's Geography, completed the curriculum of study in the best town schools. A school-house was built near Butler's Corner, in Industry, about the same time as the one at Davis Corner. This house was used jointly by residents of Industry and New Vineyard. It was subsequently removed to near where the town pound was afterwards located. The exact date of its removal is not known, but it was standing on the last mentioned site as early as 1824. When it again became necessary to change the limits of the district the building was sold, and a new one, known as the Union school-house, erected. § This building was destroyed by fire, near the close of December, 1861, while a term of * The present school-building in this district was erected in 186S, at a cost of $685. tA book called the Art of Reading, was also used in town previous to or simultaneously with the Preceptor and Orator. J Grammar was studied but little in the early town schools, so far as the writer has been able to ascertain. As a rule the pupils' parents were bitterly opposed to such an innovation, sedulously maintaining that the studies embraced in the allitera- tive trio, "reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic," were all their children required to fit them for an intelligent discharge of the high duties of American citizenship. §This appellation was conferred upon the district in derision, not from the fact that several parts of districts were united in its formation, as main suppose. So many different opinions existed as to the most desirable location for the house, that outsiders applied the epithet " Union " to the district, in a spirit ol le\ ity. SCHOOLS. 93 school was in progress. After this the schools were kept in private houses, and one term, at least, in Benjamin Tibbetts's shoe-shop. The house was rebuilt in 1864, by Mr. Tibbetts, on contract, at a cost of $359-77- Ira Wilson taught a short term of school in a vacant log- house on the land of Moses Tolman, near Withee's Corner, in the winter of 1 808-9. He was a competent teacher, and the scholars made good progress. The next summer the district built a school-house, and the following winter they had nearly two months of school. The teacher boarded around, and wood was furnished by private subscription. Respecting the early schools in this district, which is known as the Withee's Corner district, Phineas Tolman writes: "They were usually taught by such teachers as could be hired for ten dollars per month, and were commonly those without any experience." Among other schools in private houses, was an occasional term kept at the head of Clear Water Pond at the house of Ammiel Robbins, who lived on lot No. 12 on the Lowell Strip. The term of 181 3 was taught by Eleazer Robbins, a son of Ammiel, Sr. A school-house was built near Daniel Luce's on the farm now owned by James Ldgecomb, in 1812. This house had an open fire-place and a stone chimney, which was afterward re- placed by a brick one. It was moved to the farm now owned by the heirs of Amos Stetson, Jr., in 1828, to better accommo- date the inhabitants of the district. Here, as well as on the Gore, a large number of scholars attended school, there being as many as 75 or 80 scholars in the district in its palmiest days. Some fifteen years later a number of the inhabitants, feeling that their accommodations were not the best, asked for a change in the boundaries of the district. F"or several years the town took no notice of their request, invariably voting " to pass by the article;" but at the annual meeting in 1847, it was voted to make the required changes. The following year the school- house was torn down, moved and erected on its present site near the residence of William D. Norton. It is much smaller now than when first built, having been cut down when last 94 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. moved. Formerly nearly sixty scholars attended school in this district, but for the year ending March I, 1 891, the average attendance was only five and one-half. The first school-house erected for the accommodation of those living in the vicinity of West's Mills, stood about half or two-thirds of the way up the hill toward Esq. Daniel Shaw's.* The date of its erection is not known, but is thought to be 18 1 2. About the year 1 8 1 /■' FNDUSTRY. port of such schools. The location of these schools was to be left with the selectmen and supervisor, who decided that one should be established at Goodridge's Corner and the other at West's Mills. Freelan 0. Stanley, of Kingfield, was employed to teach the Goodridge Corner school, and Frank F. Whitticr, of Farmington Falls, for the one at West's Mills, and both opened simultaneously. These schools closed about the middle of November, and were in even' respect a success. The following year the town voted to " pass by the article" relative to raising money for the support of free high schools, and in 1877, voted to appropriate the unexpended money of 1875 " to the use of the town." No term of free high school was main- tained in town during the year 1878. The State Legislature of 1879 suspended the law by which they were established, for one year, consequently no term was held in Industry until the fall of 1880. On the sixth day of September, Adelbert O. Frederic, of Stark, who had taught the village school the previous winter, opened a free high school at West's Mills.* Mr. Frederic was an earnest thorough-going teacher, and the work done in the schoolroom was highly satisfactory to all concerned. Holmes H. Bailey, of Industry, a graduate of the regular and advanced course of the Farmington State Normal School, and a teacher of wide experience, made an effort to establish a free high school at West's Mills, in the fall of 1881. Having received assurance of abundant pecuniary aid from those inter- ested, he opened the school before the district had formally ratified the measure by a vote. When the district meeting was called to legalize the school, a certain dissatisfied clique, not in the least interested in the matter of education, defeated the measure, and Mr. Bailey was compelled to close his school. The next fall an adjoining district established a school, and *The catalogue of this school slums a total attendance of forty pupils, an aver- age attendance of thirty-two and forty-one liftieths. The average rank in deportment v as ninety-eight and seven-eighths. The studies taught in addition to reading, spell- ing and writing, were arithmetic, algebra, grammar, geography, book-keeping, physi- ology and natural philosophy. SCHOOLS. 99 engaged Mr. Bailey as teacher. The term proved both pleas- ant and profitable. In the spring of 1883, a free high school was established at Goodridge's Corner, and Sylvester S. Wright was employed as principal. Mr. Wright was an indefatigable worker in the school-room and inspired his pupils with his own enthusiasm and love of learning, thus rendering the term one of impor- tance and worth. In the autumn of the same year he taught a term at West's Mills. This school was also well attended and fair!}' prosperous. The greatest revolution known in the educational annals of Industry was effected in the fall of 1882, when School Super- visor Sylvester S. Wright adopted " Wade's Graduating Sys- tem for town schools." Hitherto the pupils in the schools of Industry had plodded along term after term and year after year without any really definite object in view. Neither had they much knowledge of their attainments at the close of a term aside from the fact that they had conned the lessons in such a portion of their text-books. It is an undeniable fact that to attain the best results from a course of stud}', the pupil should have some definite object in view, some goal for which to strive. This incentive to study the graduating system supplied, in the form of a diploma, signed by the supervisor, certifying that the holder had com- pleted the prescribed course of study and passed a satisfactory examination in the required branches. Furthermore, the exact standing of the pupil during the course was also known, for at the close of each term his thoroughness and proficiency were carefully ascertained by a series of tests, and the pupil ranked accordingly. The course embraced four years' stud) - , and could be begun by any scholar "who could read well in Mon- roe's Third Reader or its equivalent, were familiar with the four fundamental principles of arithmetic, and equally as far ad- vanced in writing and spelling." The course of stud} - included arithmetic, geography, gram- mar, United States history, book-keeping, physiology, civil government, reading, writing and spelling. The completion of IOO HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the course qualified the pupil to teach in ordinary town schools. The first class of ten graduated under this system April 13, [883, at the close of the term of free high school at Good- ridge's Corner, with the most satisfactory results. The examination questions* were of the most thorough and searching character, and the average rank of the class was a fraction over eighty-five; an average of sixty-five per cent. being required to graduate. The class color was cardinal red, and its motto, " No excellence can be attained without labor." The final exercises occurred in the evening, and the roomy school-house was well filled on that occasion. The following interesting programme was carried out to the credit of the class and to the entire satisfaction of teacher and friends : Music. 1. Recitation. — Drafted. Lena M. Swift. 2. Declamation. — Northern Laborers. [rank H.Bailey. Music. 3. Select Reading. — How he Saved St. Michael's. Altina R. Brainard 4. Declamation. — Danger of the Spirit of Conquest. Charles R. Fish. Music. 5. Reading. — Face against the Pane. Nellie Swift. 0. Declamation. — Patriotism. David M.Norton. Music. 7. Reading. — The Wreck of the Pocahontas. Clara A. fohnson. 8. Reading. Nathan W, Johnson. Music. 9. Declamation. — Progress of Civilization. Lucian W. Goodridge. 10. Class Prophecy. Bertha E. Johnson. 11. Singing. — Class Song. I lass 12. Conferring of Diplomas. Supervisor S.S.Wright. Nearly every member of this class has been engaged in teaching more or less since graduating, and so far as is known, their labors have been attended with a good degree of success. The second class of nine, graduated August 30, 1 KSq. The following report of the exercises was written by the author, and appeared in the Farmington Chronicle of Sept. 4, [884: " Saturday, August 30, was a red-letter day in the educa- tional annals of the town of Industry. On that occasion the * For a list of the questions used, see Chapter XX. <>f this work. SCHOOLS. IOI second class graduated from the public schools of the town, with honor to themselves and credit to their instructors. Nearly two years ago a plan of study known as Wade's Gradu- ating System was adopted by our school supervisor, and in the spring of 1883 the first class of ten pupils completed the course of study recommended by this system. It was expected that a second class would graduate in the spring of 1884, but for various reasons it was deemed advisable to postpone the final exercises until the evening of August 30, when they oc- curred at the Centre Meeting-House in this town. The house was tastefully decorated with flowers for the occasion, and the programme was varied and interesting. Had not the early part of the day been rainy and the weather at sunset unpropitious, we believe that a full house would have honored the graduat- ing class. Notwithstanding these unfavorable circumstances a goodly number were present, among whom were Prof. William Harper and Rev. Charles H. Pope of Farmington ; also Miss Viola A. Johnson, of Industry, principal of the primary depart- ment of the Farmington State Normal School, and a num- ber of Industry's most successful teachers. The graduating class, numbering nine, was divided as follows: Regular course, May J. Daggett, Capitola Daggett, Annie M. Luce, Sadie R. .Oliver, Ella Odell and James Bailey. Advanced course, Lucien W. Goodridge, David M. Norton and Frank H. Bailey. The programme : Prayer. Reading. — Young Ambition. Recitation. — My Psalm. Music Mi Declamation. — The Freeman. Select Reading. — Youth. Reading. — St. Augustine's Ladder. Music. Extract. — Events of Jefferson's Administration. Recitation. — Little by Little. Declamation. — Dangers to our Republic. Song. — All Things are beautiful. Remarks. Conferring of Diplomas. Prof. William Harper. Sadie R. Oliver. Capitola Daggett. Lucien W. Goodridge. Ella Odell. May J. Daggett. James Bailey. Annie M. Luce. David M. Norton. Choir. Prof. William Harper. Supervisor Holmes H. Bailey. I02 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. "In his remarks, Prof. Harper spoke in eminently compli- mentary terms of the graduating class, and expressed a hope that they would continue their labors in the pursuit of knowl- edge. He also explained in a brief but lucid manner the resulting benefits of the graduating system for town schools. Supervisor Bailey earnestly requested the support of his towns- men in behalf of this newly adopted system. He also spoke, from a personal knowledge of the honesty and integrity of the members of the class, to whom he was about to award diplomas. He further stated that the average rank of this class in their final examination was but a fraction short of ninety per cent. The singing of that good old tune, America, followed the awarding of the diplomas, in which the audience were invited to join. Rev. Charles H. Pope then held the close attention of the assembly for nearly half an hour, in a lecture on the ' Centre of the Earth.' The lecture, though delivered extemporaneously, abounded in choice gems of thought and witty allusions. As a whole, it was an effort of much ability, and would have done honor to any public speaker. A vote of thanks was tendered Messrs. Pope and Harper for their generous aid, and all de- parted well pleased with the entertainment and instruction that the evening had afforded. " Industry, which has heretofore borne an excellent reputation for its many tine scholars, has good reason to feel proud of its class of 18X4, for whom we predict a brilliant future. Good music added much to the enjoyment of the occasion, and the untiring efforts of Supervisor Bailey are deserving of great credit, as we believe upon them, in a large measure, depended the success of the whole affair." The third class, numbering ten pupils, graduated June 20, [885, the final exercises occurring at the Centre Meeting- I louse on the evening of that daw This class, composed wholly of young ladies, it is believed, will fully sustain the good reputation which former classes have gained for the graduating system in Industry. The floral decorations of the church were very beautiful, and excellent vocal and instru- SCHOOLS. IO- mental music added much to the pleasure and interest of the exercises. The following is a list of the graduates from the adoption of the system up to June i, 1892:* Bailey, Frank H., Bailey, James A., Brainerd, Altina R., Daggett, Capitola, Daggett, Mary J., Fish. Charles R., j ( roodridge, Lucien W. Johnson, Bertha E., Johnson, Clara A., Johnson, Georgia F.. Johnson, Nathan \Y., Keith, Almeda, Keith, Annie L., Kyes, Alberta M., Luce, Annie M., Norton, Daviil M., Odell, Ella M., ( Hiver, Minnie E., ( )liver, Sadie R., Rackliff, Fannie I., Rackliff, Lilian M., Swift, Lena M., Swift, Nellie, Swift, Olive A., True, Carrie M., True, Nellie M., ( 'lass, 883T 884. 883. 884. 884. 883. 883T 883. 8S3. 885. 883. 885. 885. SS5. 884. 883T S84. 885. 884. 885. 885. 883. S83. 883. 885. 885. TEXT-BOOKS. The old English Reader, which had served so long and faithfully as a text-book for the higher classes in reading, was superseded by the National series, compiled by Rev. John * Though no action has been taken to repeal the graduating system since its adoption in 1SS2, it is a matter of regret that no class has graduated since 1885. Whether this is due to a want of interest on the part of school officers, or whether the fault lies wholly with the pupils, the writer will not attempt to determine. t Also a graduate in the advanced course in 1884. X Died March 5, 1886. 104 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Pierpont, the poet-preacher. This scries consisted of the "Young Reader," " Introductory Reader," "National Reader" and "American First Class Book." These books were first introduced by Carleton Parker, while teaching a term of high school at West's Mills, in the fall of [832. At that time the importance of uniformity in text-books was not well understood, hence some years elapsed before it came into general use, and when other readers began to take its place, the National series was used contemporaneously with its new rival for a long time. The Young Reader was supplanted by the " Primary Class- Book, " which contained an excellent collection of prose and poetry. This book was a great favorite, and was used in town for many years. John Dinsmore, when he first taught in Industry, introduced into his school at West's Mills, "The Rhetorical Reader," a collection of prose and poetry compiled and arranged by Ebenezer Porter, D. D. This reader, it is believed, never came into general use. There was no effort made to secure a uni- formity in text-books until the introduction of Dr. Salem Town's series of readers and spellers.' Dr. Town's readers proved very popular, and as Rev. Ira Emery says, "were the standard scries for many years." About 1859, this series began to give way to the Progressive series, by the same auther. These books soon came into general use, and, like their predecessors, were much liked. The Progressive Readers continued in use until the winter of 1869-70, when David M. Norton, chairman of the board of superintending school committee, visited the schools of the town and introduced books of the Union series, exchanging even-handed for the old books. The compiler of this series was Charles W. Sanders, A. M. The selections in the Fifth or higher reader were not of that character calculated to interest pupils, though in the other numbers the}- were very good. The spelling-book contained the largest collection of *The present multiplicity of school text-books was a thing wholly unknown to pupils in the early town schools. The English Reader, Webster's Spelling-Book, etc., had hut few if any rivals, consequently teachers and school officers experienced no great inconvenience from want of uniformity in text-books. SCHOOLS. 105 unintelligible words ever grouped together for the use of schools. These readers continued in use until 1873. At this time, Joseph L. Coughlin, supervisor of schools, introduced the Franklin Readers, by George S. Hillard, to a limited extent. In 1879, the writer, having been chosen supervisor, found such a diversity of reading-books in use in the schools of the town, that he deemed a change of books an imperative necessity. There were found to be the books of no less than eight differ- ent authors in use, and one little fellow was found learning to read from an old copy of Webster's Spelling-Book. Prof. Lewis Monroe's series of readers and spellers were selected as best adapted to the wants of the schools, and a thorough exchange made by which a uniformity of books, in two important branches — reading and spelling — was secured. The spellers, two in number, were made up of exercises con- taining practical words in every-day use. Notwithstanding its euphonious name, Webster's " New Pleasing Spelling-Book" was anything but pleasing to the pupils who were obliged to con its difficult lessons. Rev. Ira Emery, who studied this book under the tuition of Elihu Nor- ton, thus writes of his recollections: "I remember the spell- ing-book very well, for our lessons were hard to learn, and old Elihu would put it on to us if we did not 'say them well.' Its hard words were anything but pleasing to us." Later, Web- ster's New Elementary Spelling-Book was published, and in time displaced its famous predecessor. The Elementary was a decided improvement over the Pleasing, and Dr. Salem Town's Speller an improvement over both. The words were more practical in Town's Speller, and many of them were defined by one or more synonyms. Kinnie's Arithmetic, by William Kinnie, A. M., was much used in the early town schools of Industry. This work was published by Goodale, Glazier & Co., of Hallowell, and was several times revised by Daniel Robinson, for many years editor of the Maine Farmer's Almanac. This arithmetic contained many knotty questions, and was in its day the standard by which the mathematical acquirements of the pupil were gauged. [06 HISTORY (>/■' rNDUSTRY. The writer has frequently heard in his younger days some of the older people boast of their ability to solve "the grindstone question," which was considered one of the most difficult in the book. At the high school taught by Carlton Parker, in 1832, Nelson C. Luce used Colburn's Mental Arithmetic, which was regarded as a great curiosity, and was probably the only one of the kind in town at that time. As a successor to Kinnie's Arithmetic, came a " Practical and Mental Arithmetic" by Ros- well C. Smith. The latter was less difficult than the former, and for some years the pupils were about equally divided in their preferences. About the time of the appearance of Smith's Arithmetic, Glazier, Masters & Co., of Hallow ell, published the "North American Arithmetic," by Frederick Emerson. This work was used to a very limited extent in the schools of Industry. Smith's New Arithmetic was superior to any of its predecessors, yet it did not come into general use in the town. There was really no uniformity in mathematical text-books until Benjamin Greenleaf's series was adopted. At first this series consisted of the Common School and National Arithmetics, and after- wards of an elementary book for beginners. This excellent series was for a long" time a favorite, and until very recently Greenleaf's Practical Arithmetic, which superseded The Com- mon School, was largely used. Fish & Robinson's Arithmetic was also used to some extent as the successor of the Practical. The only text-books in algebra were Colburn's and Benja- min Greenleaf's. These were used only to a limited extent in the high schools of the town. To aid beginners in the study of English grammar, Ezekiel Goodale, of Hallowell, conceived the idea of publishing an abridgement of Murray's English Grammar. This work was copyrighted in 1812, and was printed at Hallowell by a firm ol which Mr. Goodale was a member. This book, a small 16-mo volume of 68 pages, in connection with Murray's work, was used in town for many years. The next text-book in grammar which came into use in Industry was "Murray's English Grammar simplified," by Allen Fisk and published by Glazier, SCHOOLS. IOJ Masters & Company. "Green's Grammar," by Roscoe Green, was much used in after years, but did not entirely supersede the text-book of Fisk. About the time of the introduction of Town's readers, "Weld's Grammar" made its appearance and was soon in general use throughout the town. Up to this time the exercises for parsing had usually been selected from the pupil's reading-book, or perhaps from "Pope's Essay on Man;" but after Weld's Grammar had gained considerable popularity, "Weld's Parsing-Book," a collection of prose and poetry, was given to the public. In 1859, Ira Emery, Jr., supervisor of schools, made a thorough canvass of the town and introduced Gould Brown's series of grammars. After a year or two, Weld's Grammar, revised by George P. Quackenbos, was again introduced into the schools. This text-book continued in use nearly ten years, although in a few of the larger schools " Quackenbos's English Grammar" gained considerable popularity. About 1869 or 1870, Simon Kerl's English Grammar began to find place in some schools, and so popular did it prove with both pupil and teacher that in the course of a few years it came into general use throughout the town. In [881, Holmes H. Bailey, supervisor, adopted, for the term of five years, William Swinton's "Language Lessons" and "School Composition" as the legal text-books in grammar. Not until about i860, or a little later, was United States history introduced into the schools of the town as a study, and then only to a very limited extent. As late as 1877, according to the school-registers there was but one pupil in town who studied history. In 1883 there were forty-five pupils in this study, and for the year ending March 1, 1891, the number was forty-two. The earliest text-book used was one by George Payn Quackenbos. In 1879 a few copies of Higginson's "School History of the United States" were introduced into one or two schools. The following year a superintending school committee of three was elected. While in office this committee adopted "Barnes's School History," a very excellent work, for the term of five years as prescribed by law. 108 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Probably the first pupils in book-keeping in this town were a small class organized at West's Mills in the winter of I 866-7, while F. Ronello Fassett was teaching the winter term of the village school. As this study was not included in the regular course, Mr. fassett kindly met with the class, of which the writer was a member, in the evening. Among the members of this class were Albert Willis, Albanus 1). Quint, Alanson C. Bruce, Hiram L. Manter and Malon Patterson, all of whom are now successful business men. More recently this study has been included in the common-school course of our State, and is now considered an important branch of popular education. "A New System of Geography, Ancient and Modern, by Jedidiah Morse," published in 1784 in New Haven, Connecticut, was the first work of the kind issued in America. This work was frequently revised in passing through its various editions and, as previously stated, was the only text- book used in town. None of the early editions of this work were illustrated. " An Introductory Geography, by Roswell C. Smith, A. M.," published in New York City in 1 85 1, was an excellent work and contained a profusion of very good wood-engravings. About the same time appeared "Parley's First Book of History Combined with Geography," by the Author of Peter Parley's Tales. This was a most excellent work and could hardly have failed to interest even the youngest pupils. " Colton and Fitch's Geography" came into use about i860 and was in many respects a superior work. It was profusely illustrated and had many fine colored maps. This book was afterwards supplemented by an elementary work, and to- gether they were the standard in this important study for ten or twelve years. Ere long, however, other works were issued, and at length Warren's geographies were substituted for Colton and Fitch's. About 1881 the school supervisor adopted Swin- ton's series of geographies, and Warren's text-books soon disappeared from the schools. The greatest innovation ever made upon the established SCHOOLS. 109. educational methods of Industry, was effected in the enactment of the free text-book law by the Maine Legislature in 1889. This act provided that on and after August 1, 1890, each town should furnish free school-books to all pupils attending its schools. As the conditions under which they would be sup- plied were not well understood, the subject was for a time much discussed and the new law regarded with but little favor by the tax-payers in town. By some it was claimed that the new system would engender in pupils a wanton destruction of books, thus rendering it more expensive than the old, and many simi- lar objections were urged against the new law. But a practical test of nearly two years goes far to prove that its advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. At its annual meeting, March 3, 1890, the town voted to raise the sum of two hundred dol- lars for the purchase of school-books, in conformity with the action of the Legislature by which the law was established. In the summer of 1890, Charles F. Oliver, the school super- visor, after some correspondence and a critical examination of the series of several publishers, selected as best adapted to the wants of pupils in Industry Harper & Bros.' Readers, a very ex- cellent series of five numbers ; also the arithmetical and geo- graphical series of the same publishers. These, with Eggle- ston's United States History and Metcalf's Spellers, were adopted for the term of five years, and a contract between the publishers and Mr. Oliver, in behalf of the town, was closed. These books are all of a practical character, and cannot fail to prove satisfactory alike to pupil and teacher. STATISTICAL. The earliest statistical knowledge which the author has been able to obtain relative to the schools of Industry, shows that in 1835 there were 444 scholars in town. The second report of the State Board of Education, issued in 1848, gives no statisti- cal information respecting the various schools, but in 1852, as is learned from their report, there were 447 scholars and twelve school-houses in town. One of these was built during the I i o IUSI\ )R ) ' t )/■■ INDL T STR\ '. year at a cost of $140.* The school money raised in excess of the amount required by law was $83.60, and the whole amount expended for private schools was $105. To show the changes which thirty years have effected, and also the present status of the educational interests in town, the writer presents herewith a comparative table, compiled from the State reports of 1S55, 1 885 and 1890: 1855. 18S5. 1890. Number of Districts in town, " parts of Districts in town, " good schoobhouses in town, " poor schoobhouses in town, Whole number of scholars in town, " " registered in summer schools, 175 Average number attending summer schools. Whole number attending winter schools, Average " " " " Number of male teachers employed. Average wages per month. Number of female teachers employed, Average wages per week. Amount of money raised per scholar. A careful examination of the foregoing statistics reveals many important facts. The number of good school-houses in town in 1890 is double that of 1855, while the poor ones have decreased in the same ratio. This shows great advancement toward improving the school system in the town. During this period the decrease in whole number of pupils in town has been 54.7 per cent., yet there has been a gain of more than 30 per cent, in average attendance in the summer schools, and a loss of only 8 per cent, in the average attendance in winter schools. The increase in compensation of teachers bespeaks *3 10 10 1 1 2 3 5 8 5 4 360 216 197 )ls, 175 i 2 5 124 , 130 95 113 27S 170 136 240 138 117 7 4 2 $18.50 $20.45 $22.00 10 T 3 l 3 82.09 S2.9C $3*9 1.32 2.65 2.90 * The house here referred to was the one at W'ilhee's Corner, built immediately alter the south point of the town was set oil to New Sharon. It is supposed that the cost as here given represents onl) the cash expended for material, as in such in- stances the labor \\:i> often largely contributed by interested parties. SCHOOLS. 1 I I the employment of those possessing wider experience and more varied attainments. Taken all in all, the school system of In- dustry was never in so good a condition as at the present time. SCHOOL OFFICERS. At the first town meeting for the election of officers after the incorporation of the town, it was voted that the five high- way surveyors be a school committee. It is presumable that these gentlemen also acted as agents for their respective dis- tricts. The highway surveyors, with the exception of one or two years, continued to serve in this capacity up to 1812, when a committee of three were elected from each district for four of the seven districts in town. In [815, the nine highway sur- veyors, with the addition of six other persons, constituted the superintending school committee. This was undoubtedly the largest committee, numerically, that ever exercised jurisdiction over the schools of Industry. School agents were first elected for the several districts in 1822, when it was voted that James Allen, Supply B. Norton and Moses Tolman, Jr., "should be a committee to inspect schools." From this date a greater de- gree of interest was manifested in relation to schools, and at the annual meeting in 1828, the committee were requested to visit the several schools in town and report their condition at the next annual meeting. The people now exercised more judgment in the election of their school committees and usually selected men of good education, many of whom had been suc- cessful teachers. Among others who served on the board may be mentioned : Dr. John A. Barnard, Dr. John Cook, Dr. Jo- phanus Henderson, Carpenter Winslow, Zachariah Withee, Phineas Tolman, Elias B. Collins and Ira Emery, Jr. The last mentioned gentleman served on the board for many years, and was largely instrumental in improving the schools under his care. By a vote of the town, districts were first allowed to choose agents in 185 1.* The town voted to elect a supervisor * As early as 1829, the inhabitants of the Centre district were allowed to elect their agent, but this was an exceptional case. I I 2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. instead of a committee, in 1858, and Elijah Manter, Jr., was chosen to that office. After trying the supervisor system for two years, they again elected a committee of three, and the schools were under this form of supervision until 1872; since that time, with the exception of one year, the office has been Idled by a supervisor. Among those who have served in the latter capacity may be mentioned: John Willis, Joseph L. Coughlin, Holmes II. Bailey, Sylvester S. Wright, Charles F. ( )liver and Frank H. Bailey. Andrew S. Emery is the present incumbent in the office, having been elected at the annual town meeting March 7, 1892. A noteworthy feature of the schools in Industry, is the ex- cellence of their rank in attendance. This, for the year ending March 1, 1885, was eight per cent, above the State average, and in some former years the difference has been even greater. The people of Industry have ever manifested a commenda- ble interest in educational matters, and many have sought the advantages of the State Normal and other schools of a similar grade. For the year ending March 1, 1885, pupils from this town had attended other schools to the extent of one hundred and fifty weeks. For the same year, the number perfect in attendance, which always had been much larger than the State average, was considerably increased. This result was mainly secured through the efforts of Supervisor Holmes H. Bailey, who offered neatly printed certificates to all perfect in attend- ance. Although the writer has been unable to learn the exact number perfect in attendance, it is believed that fully ninety certificates were awarded. The stimulus of Mr. Bailey's efforts has been steadily felt down to the present time, and the num- ber perfect in attendance for the year ending March 1, 1891, was eighty-six. The schools of Industry since the incorpora- tion of the town have made steady improvement, and this is more emphatically true of the past forty years, ranking well in this respect with her sister towns in the State. As a rule, the teachers employed in the town schools have been those standing well in their profession, some of whom have since risen to distinction, filling important positions in educational, SCHOOLS. I I 3 social and political life. Among the early teachers in town may be mentioned: Jotham S. Gould, Charles G. Norton, Allen H. Brainerd, George A. Sargent, in 1833; Supply B. Norton, Carpenter Winslow and Clifford B. Norton, in 1834; William E. Folsom of Stark, with John Gower, Jr., and Stephen H. Hayes of Industry, in 1836. Also Abel II. Weeks, Farm- ington, and Elias B. Collins, of Industry, in 1839. Other teachers, without regard to their chronological order, were : Thomas H. McLain, Farmington ; Elijah Manter, Jr., Truman A. Merrill, James S. Emery, William A. Merrill, William W. Crompton, Daniel S. Johnson, George H. Boardman, Edmund Hayes, Ira Emery, Jr., and Charles C. Cutts, all of Industry, John W. Perkins, John G. Brown and William F. Williamson, of Stark; also Wm. S. Pattee, John Gower, George E. Gay, Austin J. Collins, George F. Palmer, and Charles A. Alexander, who subsequently became a successful physician, and others. CHAPTER VII. RELIGIOUS HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. The Baptist Society. — -The .Methodists. — The Congregational Society. — The Free Will Baptists. — Protestant Methodists, Etc. SAYS Esq. Wm. Allen,* " Religious meetings were first holden on the Gore at Deacon Norton's by members of the Baptist order," and further, that " Rev. Sylvanus Boardman visited the Deacon and preached the first sermon that was delivered in town in December, 1794." Though this is undoubt- edly correct, the Baptist Church records, which date back as far as the summer of 1795, make no mention of Elder Boardman until the year 1 8 1 S, therefore it is probable that during early years of its existence the church received only occasional visits from him. Deacon Nortonf and a few others among the first settlers were members of the Baptist denomination, and these formed the germ of the first religious society organized in the town of Industry. On the 12th day of August, 1795, Elders Eliphalet Smith and Isaac Case} visited the settlement on the Gore for * History of Industry, /. j(>. t Stephen Allen I See Methodism in Maine, p. rb) says that I leacon Norton was a Congregationalist. The writer is of the opinion that Dr. Allen's information was incorrect. {Elder Isaac Case was bom in Rehoboth, Mass., Feb. 25, 1761. He was or- dained Sept. 10, 1783, and at once made his way into those parts of Maine into which settlers were at that time pressing. Ten years after his arrival in the district he assisted in the organization of the Bowdoinham Association, with three churches and one hundred and eighty-three members. He performed extensive missionary labors RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 15 the purpose of organizing a church. Elder Smith preached a forcible sermon from Isaiah V., 7, after which three persons were baptized by Elder Case. A society was then organized, consisting of nine members, and styled Church No. 91 of the Bowdoinham Association.* It was voted that Deacon Corne- lius Norton should act as deacon, and Ebenezer Norton was chosen clerk. Although there is no conclusive evidence of the fact, it is probable that Rowland Luce was one of the original members of this church. The next time that the Society was favored with preaching, was in February, 1796, when Elder Case visited them and preached at Benjamin Cottle's. During this year John Spencer and wife were admitted as members of the church, and Eben- ezer Norton was sent as a delegate to the meeting of the Asso- ciation. Elder Tripp was the next minister to visit the newly formed church on the Gore in 1798. In the latter part of this year Benjamin Cottle united with the church, and both he and Mrs. Cottle, who afterwards joined, remained conscientious and influential members up to the time of their death. Rev. Oliver Billings, of Fayette, was employed to preach in Industry appor- tion of the time prior to the year 1S00. John Spencer was chosen a deacon of the church in 1800, and four years later was licensed as a preacher. Both Elders Cain and Smith visited the church and preached in Industry during this year. About the same time Daniel Luce, Jr., hav- ing made a profession of religion, united with the church, with which he remained for many years. He eventually left the society, however, and joined the Congregationalists. in newly settled places, and laid the foundation of many of the earlier Baptist churches. One of these was a church in Readfield, which he organized in 1792, and of which he was pastor from its organization up to 1800. In seventeen years the Bowdoinham Association had grown from three churches and one hundred and eighty-three members to forty-eight churches and two thousand one hundred and twenty-one members, lie continued his missionary labors in various parts of the State till the infirmities of age rendered him incapable of further work. He died at Readfield, Me., Nov. 3, 1S52. * This Society styled itself "The Particular Baptist Church in Industry," as we learn from the title page of its book of records. I I 6 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Rev. Oliver Billings,* of Fayette, visited town in June, 1802, where he preached, baptized several converts and administered the Lord's Supper. Among those baptized were Tristram Norton and wife, James Davis, Sr., and wife, also Josiah Butler. Levi Young removed from New Vineyard, early in the present century, and settled in Industry. He received a license "to speak and exhort in public" in 1805, and on the second day of September, 1809, he was licensed to preach. f Deacon John Spencer having been expelled from the church in the winter of 1808, Benjamin Cottle was chosen deacon, in April, 1809, to fill the vacancy, and both he and Deacon Cor- nelius Norton held their offices as lone; as they lived. During the year 1 808, Elders kicker ami Kendall preached in Indus- try, occasionally, and baptized a few converts. Elder Jason Livermore, of Hallowell, spent two months in town, during the progress of an extensive revival in the fall of this year. As a result of his labors he baptized some twenty converts, nearly all of whom united with the Baptist Church. He returned in the fall of 1809 and spent a short time with the society. The church now took measures to have preaching more frequently, and Rev. Oliver Peabody was employed a portion of the time for one or two years. Also, occasionally, Elder Hooper of Paris, and Elder Cain, of Clinton. Abner C. Ames was received as a member of the church in 1808, and in the month of June, 1809, David Davis and wife, with their daughter Olive and a few others, were baptized and received into the church by Elder Kicker. Elder Joseph Adams, of Jay, was invited by the church to preach and administer the ordinance of baptism to several con- * He experienced religion under the preaching of Elder Eliphalet Smith, as early as 17112, and became an able and efficient minister of the gospel. t There is some doubt in the writer's mind as to the identity of the person licensed to exhort in 1805, the one licensed to preach and the one subsequently or- dained an evangelist in 1814. The church records are not clear, and only in the last named instance is there anything to show whether the senior or junior Mr. Young is meant. Accepting Esq. Allen's statement (History of Industry, p. 2j) as correct, the author assumes that it was the junior Mr. Young to whom both licenses men- tioned above were granted. RELIGIOUS H /STORY. W] verts in the fall of 1809. Accordingly, near the close of Sep- tember he came, and after services, baptized Elijah Robbins and wife, Elisha Robbins, Henry Davis and Mrs. Abraham Page, and received them as members of the church. Tristram Daggett, an early pioneer, having experienced religion, was baptized on the 9th of October, 1809, and like- wise received as a member of the church. Among other mem- bers admitted during this year were Peter Norton, Deborah and Love Allen, daughters of Capt. Wm. Allen. Also about the same time Robert Norton, son of Elijah and Margaret (Gower) Norton, of Farmington. The first money raised for church purposes was near the close of the year 18 10, when the conference voted to raise four dollars, and Deacon Cottle was chosen custodian of the church funds. Elisha Robbins, son of Ammiel Robbins, a young man of exemplar)' piety, was ordained to the ministry by an ecclesiasti- cal council, which assembled at the dwelling-house of Deacon Benjamin Cottle, on the 4th of October, 18 10.* Among the ministers present and participating in the exercises were Rev. Robert Lowe, of Readfield, Rev. Oliver Billings, of Fayette, Rev. Thomas Frances, of Leeds, and Rev. Samuel Sweat, of Farmington. The ordination sermon was preached by Elder Lowe, prayer by Elder Billings, charge to the candidate by Elder Frances, and the right hand of fellowship was extended to the candidate by Elder Sweat. Elder Robbins lived but a few days over six months after his ordination and died April 26, 181 1, at the age of twenty-six years, loved and respected by all. Elder Thomas Wyman labored in town for a short time in 1 812, and during this year Dr. Jonathan Ambrose and wife were received as members of the church. Thomas Merrill came to Industry in 18 10, in the double capacity of school teacher and preacher. On the 13th of * William Allen says (History of Industry, p. 27) that he was licensed to preach, and died in 1S09. This is obviously erroneous. See Robbins genealogy in Part Second of this work. '5 1 1 8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. October, 1812, after having preached in this town and New Vineyard for upwards of two years, he was ordained pastor of the Industry Baptist Church by an ecclesiastical council which met at the house of Daniel Luce, Jr., in Industry. The church fixed Elder Merrill's salary at $50 for six months, with board for himself and horse. After the expiration of the six months he was employed for an additional period. In October, 1 8 13, at his own request, he was dismissed, and supplied the church at Farmington for a time, but subsequently became pastor of the Baptist Church at Fayette. Elder Joseph Palmer supplied preaching in town for a short time in 1814, but with what suc- cess is not known. Levi Young, Jr., was ordained an evangelist, at the school- house near Daniel Luce's, on "Federal Row,"* September 7, 1 8 14. Elder Elias Taylor, of Belgrade, preached the ordina- tion sermon ; prayer, at the laying on of hands, by Elder Joshua Macomber ; charge to the candidate, by Elder Thomas Merrill, of Farmington ; right hand of fellowship, by Elder Joseph Palmer, of Industry. Almost the first duty of Elder Young was to solemnize the marriage of Elder Thomas Merrill and Deborah Allen. Not having the benefits of an early education, and being conscious of the fact, greatly impaired the effectiveness of Elder Young's labors, and caused him after a time to relinquish his position. Robert Lambert was ordained by an ecclesiastical council, Jan. 1, 1 8 19, and on the fourth day of the following April, the society voted to dismiss and recommend him, but to what church the writer is unable to learn. *The farm on which this house was located is now (1892) owned and occupied by James Edgecomh, but the school-house was moved away many years ago. The road on which Mr. Edgecomb resides acquired the name of " Federal Row" in the following manner: Soon after the close of the Revolutionary War the people be- came divided in opinion into two parties. The one was in favor of a strong central or constitutional form of government, a protective tariff and a national bank. The other was opposed to these measures and committed to the doctrine of State sover- eignty. The former was called Federalists, the latter Anti-Federalists or Republicans. The people living on the road from Tibbetls's Corner westward to the town line of Farmington, were all Federalists. Hence the name. %0> WV REV. C. S. LUCE. Engraved by Geo. E. Johnson, Boston. I Mm ,i photograph in.uk- about i x "5 by Merrill "I Farmington, Me. • RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 19 Ira Emery, Sr., was appointed a deacon of the church April 4, 1 8 19, probably to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Deacon Cornelius Norton. Both Deacon Emery and his wife were people of eminent piety, and their lives were adorned by the practice of many christian virtues. They were respected by all and died, as they had lived, with a strong hope of a blessed immortality beyond the grave. Seven members were relinquished in January, 1820, by the Industry church, to unite with a society which had just been organized in Anson. Rev. Sylvanus Boardman, of New Sharon, was employed to preach once in four weeks in 182 1-2, either at Rowland Luce's or at some other private house or school-house, in different parts of the town. Christopher Sanborn Luce experienced religion in his youth, and was received into the church in June, 1825. The following interesting item concerning him, was clipped from Ziou's Advocate: "Rev. C. S. Luce, of Poway, San Diego County, California, arrived at Allen's Mills, Industry, his native town, May 22d, [1882]. It is fifty-three years since he first left town and twenty-five since he visited this locality. The elder is seventy-four years old, and remarkably smart and active. In early boyhood he was converted, and baptized in Clear Water Pond, in Industry, by Rev. Sylvanus Boardman, the father of George Dana Boardman, the missionary to Burmah. He finds but one or two families of his early acquaintances, and but five persons whom he recognized. He is collecting the names of his relatives, which number over 150 souls. He has visited the graves of his parents, brothers and sisters, and the old farm where he once lived, recalling many pleasant memories with the many sad ones. Elder Luce has been hold- ing a series of meetings, which were of much interest and gave general satisfaction. He has preached in the old meeting-house which he helped to build fifty years ago ; also gave liberally for its repair this year. Here his grandparents,* parents, brothers *This statement is not compatible with the facts in the case. Both of Rev. Mr. Luce's grandparents died prior to the erection of this house of worship. — W. C. H. 120 HISTORY OF rNDUSTRY. and sisters, uncles and aunts, have worshipped, but now are passed away. He funis but one brother and a half-sister now living, eight having passed over the river. He attended the reunion of his brother's family, where' there were four genera- tions present. Elder Luce has been an arduous worker in his Master's vineyard, and been the means of much good." He has baptized during his ministry over 1,300 persons. Datus T. Allen was received into the church by letter, May 14, 1827, and on the 21st of February, 1828, was ordained and installed pastor of the society; the ecclesiastical council assembling at the house of Deacon Cottle on the day previous, for the purpose of examining the candidate and making other preliminary arrangements for the occasion. Among those pres- ent were Elder Sylvanus Boardman from the church of New Sharon, Elder John Butler from Winthrop, and Elder Joseph Torrey from Strong. Elder Torrey preached the ordination sermon, and Elder Boardman made the ordination prayer, gave the charge and extended the right hand of fellowship to the candidate, while to Elder Butler was assigned the duty of mak- ing the closing prayer. Jared F. Eveleth made a profession of religion at the age of fourteen years, and in June, 1828, was baptized and united with the church in his native town. He began to preach in 1858, and has filled many important positions. He is at pres- ent (1892) living in the town of Bluehill, Me., having retired from the more active duties of his calling in consequence of his advanced years. Hebron Euce was received into the church in 1828, and in 1 83 1, James Davis, Jr., and wife, also Benj. Franklin Norton. By the acquisition of wealthy and influential members, the Industry Baptist Church had become an organization of con- siderable importance, and its prospects were decidedly en- couraging.* For the most part the members were people of sterling character, and included some of the most worthy ♦The Kennebec Jiaptist Association was organized in 1830, and held its first meeting with the Industry church, at the Centre Meeting-House. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 121 residents of the town. In 1832 the church raised by subscrip- tion a sum sufficient to purchase a communion service. There is no means of learning just how much of the time Elder Datus Allen preached in Industry prior to 1832, but in the month of September of that year the society voted to hire him one-fourth of the time for six months, fixing his salary at $65, or at the rate of $520 per year. Carlton Parker, a licentiate from Waterville College, was also engaged to occupy the pulpit a short time in connection with Elder Allen. A church was organized in Stark on the 26th day of June, 1833, consisting of about fifteen members, a number of mem- bers from the Industry church having been previously dismissed to join this newly organized society.* Elder Allen was en- gaged as their pastor and preached to them a portion of the time. He was subsequently dismissed to that church March 3, 1838. He died at his former residence in Industry, May 30, 1862, aged 73 years. During the autumn of 1833 we find Elder William Wyman, of Eivermore, visiting the church at Industry, where he also preached. On the ninth of November the church voted to hire him, but for how long a time is not known. He preached one-fourth of the time at the Centre Meeting-House, and probably about as often at West's Mills. In the fall of 1836 the society chose a committee to settle with him, consequently one might infer that his labors extended up to that date. Elder Allen was also invited to preach during this time "as opportunity offered." The church invited William Smith to preach at the Centre Meeting-House on March 6, 1836, and were so well pleased with his effort that they voted to license him as a preacher. Shortly after this he moved to Belgrade, where he was ordained a minister of the Baptist Church. * In 1856 this society erected a small house of worship in Stark, near the In- dustry line. This house was not completed until the following year, and was dedi- cated in the fall. It was commonly known as "The Union Street Church," and after some years fell into disuse. At length it was sold, torn down and moved away in the fall of 1882. 122 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Elder William Cross was employed to preach in town for a short time in 1836. In 1837 the church voted to raise fifty-four dollars to be expended in preaching. Elder Haynes, it appears, preached in town occasionally in 1838, and Elder Leach the following year. As the result of an extensive revival in 1840, under the labors of Elder John Butler, of Winthrop, assisted by Rev. John Perham, of Industry, a large number were added both to the Baptist and Congregational churches. A gentleman by the name of Pearson, probably a licentiate, preached to the society by invitation, for three months in 1842. James S. Emery, a son of Deacon Ira Emery, was received into the church during this year. He removed to Lawrence, Kansas, about 1854, where he still resides, an influential and highly respected citizen. Eben G. Trask, a young man of considerable ability, was licensed to preach April 1, 1843. In the month of September following, he was engaged to preach in town for the term of one year. On the 5th of December, 1844, after the expiration of the term of his engagement, he was ordained a minister of the Baptist Church, the services being held at West's Mills. In the month of May, 1845, the society engaged him to preach one-half of the time for one year. From this date up to 1849, a break occurs in the records of the church, and consequently but little is known concerning the affairs of the society during this period. During the last mentioned year we find Rev. J. M. Follett acted as pastor of the society, and in the following year the pulpit was supplied by Elder Miller. Elder T. Brownson, an Englishman by birth, was employed as pastor in 1S52 or 1853. In 1854 the society numbered fifty- six members. Ira Emery, Jr., a young man of eminent piety, was licensed to preach Dec. 22, 1866, and after laboring with the society a little more than a year he was dismissed, at his own request, and joined the Free Will Baptist Church. Rev. A. C. Hussey was employed in April, 1867, to preach RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 23 in Industry once in four weeks. During this year Thomas Stevens and wife moved into town, and were received by letter from the Anson church. In 1873 and 1874, Elder Heath preached occasionally in town. At this time there were only seven resident members. The membership having been reduced to four in 1885, the church was disbanded, and the members, viz. : Thomas Stevens, Sarah Stevens, Jesse Luce and Sophronia Norton, were received into the Farmington church.* Afterward, Rev. Edward A. Mason, of the Farmington church, preached in Industry occa- sionally until his removal to another field of labor in 1886. Prior to its annexation to the Farmington, and when it was a large and flourishing society, preaching was also supplied by such ministers as Revs. Arthur Drinkwater, John Haines, Squire Sherburne Brownson, and William E. Morse, who labored with the church a part of the time in 1859. HISTORY OF METHODISM. f In August, 1793, some six years after the first settlement of the town, Rev. Jesse Lee, a noted Methodist preacher, was sent to the District of Maine, by the New England Conference, and came as far north as the settlement at Farmington. After traveling extensively in his new field he returned to Lynn, * Mr. Luce is now (1892) the only surviving resident member. t The author completed this sketch about the time Dr. Stephen Allen began preparing his elaborate work, " Methodism in Maine." On receiving Dr. Allen's circular of inquiry, the pastor on Industry circuit being unable to gather much of importance from members of the society, applied to the author for assistance. Wish- ing to oblige, the manuscript was placed in his hands and permission given to copy such parts as he might deem of value to Dr. Allen. The copy was made in exlenso, and forwarded without the least hint as to the source of his information. Dr. Allen, on learning of this some years later, employed every means at his command to correct the error into which he had unintentionally fallen. A short time before his death he wrote for the Farmington (Me.) Chronicle a very flattering notice of the History of Industry, from which we take the liberty to make the following extract : "The sketch of the Methodist Society in Industry, as given in the history of Metho- dism in Maine,' was prepared by Dr. Hatch, though from no fault of the under- signed, credited to another person." * * * [Signed] S. Allen. This explanation is made by the author, that his readers may not adjudge him guilty of plagiarism. 124 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Mass., near the close of October, 1793, and remained in the vicinity of that place till January, 1794, when he started on a second visit to the District of Maine. According to his Jour- nal* he visited New Vineyard and preached there, June 2, 1794. He subsequently (see p. S~) preached to a large con- gregation at Farmington Falls, in Deacon Francis Tufts's barn. Neither Lee in his Journal, nor Butler in his History of Farm- ington, mentions this second visit to that town. Lee planned a circuit for succeeding ministers, and at the conference, July 25, 1794, Philip Wager and Thomas Coopf were appointed to take charge of a circuit which embraced the whole of the District of Maine, and Rev. Mr. Lee was made presiding elder. Lee came to Maine in November, 1794, and near the close of that month started over a lonely way to visit the settlements on Sandy River. He preached in Middletown (Strong), Novem- ber 27th, and immediately returned to Farmington. On Mon- day, Dec. 1, 1794, having procured a guide, \ Rev. Mr. Lee set out to visit the settlements at Industry, New Vineyard, Anson and Stark. He visited the settlement on the Gore with the intention of preaching at Deacon Cornelius Norton's, but owing to sickness in the Deacon's family, the plan was deemed infeasi- ble and he went on to Daniel Luce's in New Vineyard, where he spent the night and preached on the following morning. § * Methodism in Mann-, p. rj, by Stephen Allen, L). D. t Stephen Allen, 1). I)., in his " Methodism in Maine," makes no mention of this gentleman or his labors, but writes the author under the date of March 17, 188S: " I notice your mention of Rev. Thomas Coop with Rev. Philip Wager, as preachers, in 1704. You are undoubtedly correct. In my account of Industry circuit I do not mention Thomas Coop. His name is entirely omitted by Dr. Abel Stevens in his History, and I was led to omit his name by taking my sketch mainly from Sicxens. Mr. ( nop was on what was called the Readfield circuit, but a short time, so far as I can learn, and his name does not appear on the early records of Readfield circuit. A( lording to Rangs's History he was soon after 1 794 expelled, and no account is given of him in any Methodist history that I have seen. So our historians have passed over his name in silence." I The guide who accompanied Mr. Lee, according to Rev. John Renin, was (apt. John Thompson, of Industry. § Allen's History oj Industry (see p. 28) gives the date as December 1st, as does also Dr. Stephen Allen's " Methodism in Maine" [see p. 311), but in a more de- RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 25 The writer is unable to learn anything regarding the labors of Wager and Coop, and is uncertain whether they visited the Gore settlement or not. In 1795 Rev. Enoch Mudge and Elias Hull were appointed as successors of Wager and Coop. They visited the settlement on the Gore and preached occasionally at Abner Norton's. During their labors here, Mr. Norton and his wife, with several of their children, made a profession of religion, as did also Daniel Collins and several others. These converts were organized into a society and a class was formed. The class gained numbers rapidly and Methodist preaching was furnished once in four weeks, either at Mr. Norton's or Mr. Collins's, for many years. The author recalls an anecdote related to him by one of the early members, illustrating the inconveniences of pioneer life: "On one occasion the quarterly meeting was held at Abner Norton's, and as was the usual custom, the person at whose house the meeting was held furnished refreshments for those in attendance. In those days the settlers' china closets did not contain a superabundance of table ware, and in this in- stance the demand was far in excess of the supply. To remedy this deficiency, a quantity of nice large maple chips were pro- cured, from which the food was eaten, in lieu of plates." Elders Mudge and Hull were succeeded in the pastorate in 1796, by Rev. John Broadhead. About this time a second class was formed at the house of Esquire Herbert Boardman, who settled on the farm now owned by Asa Q. and Calvin B. Fish, in the fall of 1795. Both Esquire Boardman and his wife were consistent members of the Methodist Church for many years. Capt. John Thompson, afterwards a licensed local preacher, succeeded in forming a class in his neighborhood in i7r. Allen gives as stated by the author. Esq. William Allen declares this to have been the first sermon preached in New Vineyard, which, according to Lee's journal, is incorrect. Rev. Mr. Lee preached his first as well as the first sermon in New Vineyard June 2, 1794. 16 126 HISTORY OF TNDUSTRY. In [802 Esquire John Gower, also a licensed local preacher, moved from Farmington and settled in the south part of the town. Here he formed a class and. preached as opportunity offered for many years, until that insidious disease, consump- tion, made such inroads upon his health as to entirely incapaci- tate- him for further labor. Esq. William Allen says of him : " He was a man of much firmness and decision, oi a benevolent disposition, of strong mind and of strict integrity, a useful citizen, highly respected by all who knew him." The exem- plary christian lives of such men as Capt. Thompson and Esquire Gower were powerful auxiliaries in behalf of early Methodism in Industry, and at the same time exercised a salutary restraining influence over the more turbulent portion of the populace. At all times these good men were ready and willing to acknowledge the power and goodness of God, and by earnest appeals urged others to avail themselves of His precious promises. Prior to 1809, Industry was not a separate circuit, but was an appointment on the Norridgewock circuit. But in this year we find it mentioned as a circuit, and Rev. Isaiah Kmerson stationed here as preacher in charge. Rev. Howard Winslow, a local Methodist preacher of note, everywhere known as Father Winslow, often preached in In- dustry during a period dating from his earliest efforts in 1812, up to near the time of his death, which occurred in June, [858. Although Father Winslow's educational advantages were limited, he was in the fullest sense of the term one of Nature's noble- men. Simple and unostentatious in his habits of life, meek and inoffensive in his disposition, he won a strong position in the affections of the people of Industry, and many were gathered into the fold through the influence of his teachings. Anec- dotes showing the truly wonderful power of his preaching, in this town, are related in his biography. Daniel Collins, Jr., made a profession of religion in earl)' life, joined the class, and was a licensed local preacher, in which capacity he labored with considerable acceptance for several years. From the earliest Methodist preaching up to 1825,110 RELIGIOUS HISTORY. \2J statistical knowledge of the Industry church is attainable. Up to 1825 Maine had no conference, but was under the jurisdic- tion of the New England Conference. The first session of the Maine Conference was held by the clergy at Gardiner, com- mencing July 7, 1825. This separation established a new era in the history of Methodism in Maine, for during this year we find the first attempt made to keep a record of proceedings and a list of members, by the church in Industry. At this time the circuit included Stark and New Vineyard, with por- tions of Anson, New Portland and Strong. At that time there were four classes in Industry, viz.: Class No. 1 having a mem- bership of twenty-one, with Robert Thompson, a licensed exhorter, as leader, and Lemuel Howes, Jr., assistant leader. In this class the female members were largely in the majority. Among the male members were Ichabod Johnson, Wesley Thompson and a few others. Class No. 2, with thirty-five members and Nehemiah Howes, leader. Among its more prominent members were Esq. John Gower, of whom mention has already been made, and Nahum Baldwin, Jr. Class No. 3, at the head of Clear Water Pond, Peter Daggett, leader, had twenty-one members. Among these were Daniel Collins, Sr., Obed Norton and Zepheniah Luce, together with their wives ; also Isaac Norton and B. Ashley Collins. Class No. 4, at West's Mills, was formed December 9th, 1824, with thirteen members and Matthew Benson for leader. Although having the smallest membership of any class in town, it contained some of the wealthiest and most influential members in the church. William Cornforth, a licensed exhorter of much abil- ity, was a member of this class, as was also Esq. Peter West and wife, Peter W. Willis and wife, Capt. Benjamin Manter, James Manter and James Stevens. John Gott and wife joined the class April 19, 1825, and on the same day Mr. Gott was appointed leader. During the year the various classes added largely to their numbers by receiving into full connection many who had been taken on probation. David Davis and wife made a profession of religion in 1824, and, after the prescribed period of probation, were received as " members in full con- [28 HISTORY (>/■' WDUSTRY. nection." Their son, Nathaniel M., experienced religion in [825, joined the class, and in due time was received as a mem- ber of the church. In after life he took an active part in prayer and social meetings, and was a class leader at the time of his death, October 19, [843. In June, 1825, a camp-meeting was held in a grove near Capt. John Thompson's. There were a dozen or fifteen rude cloth tents erected on the ground with a stand made of poles and a few rough boards. The total expense to be paid by the encampment was only eleven dollars ! This amount was promptly raised by taking up a collection. Father Thompson, as he was often called, took an active part in the meetings. Among the converts was the late John Allen, who has since won the title of "Campmeeting John" by his fondness for attending those religious gatherings. Soon after his conversion he received an exhorter's license, and in 1828, that of a local preacher, which he held for seven years, frequently participat- ing in revival work. In 1835 he was admitted to the Maine Conference, where he labored with success, as a circuit minister, for many years. On twelve circuits, after joining the confer- ence, he baptized 648 converts, or an average of 54 for each circuit. In several instances the number exceeding one hun- dred on a single circuit. After traveling on circuits for twenty- two years, he became an evangelist, in which capacity he labored in various places in Maine and Massachusetts, and in nearly every instance his labors were blessed by a reformation. For the ten years or more that he thus labored he kept no account of the number converted, but left this to the preach- ers in charge. "Hut," says Flder Allen, "I hesitate not to say that quite a number of hundred were converted during these years." He lived to the ripe age of nearly ninety-two and one-half years, and died August 31, 1887, while attending the East Livermore Camp-meeting. William Frederic, of Stark, who died March 19, 1S92, and Samuel Patterson, of this town, also deceased, were converted at the same camp-meeting. A second meeting held at the RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 29 same place in September, 1826, was well attended, and nearly one hundred persons were converted during its continuation. In the fall of 1841* a camp-meeting was held in a grove on the farm of David Merry, f one mile north from West's Mills, and was known as John Allen's Camp-meeting, from the fact that he was the originator of the project. At this meeting Rev. Heman Nickerson presided, but was called away when the meeting was about half through. On leaving, Elder Nickerson put the management into Elder Allen's hands, who conducted it to a successful termination. Quite a number were con- verted during the week, and on the whole it was a very prosper- ous meeting. "This," says the venerable Campmeeting John, "was the only time I acted as presiding elder at a camp- meeting." During the last days of the meeting a band of rowdies, from Anson, calling themselves " Shad-eyes, "i made a great deal of disturbance about the encampment. They were joined by a few of the more dissolute young men from Indus- try and during the night, before the breaking up of the en- campment in the morning, their yells and howlings became hideous in the extreme. They also boasted " That they would carry Allen (meaning Campmeeting John) off before morning." How well they succeeded we will allow Elder John to relate in his own quaint yet forcible language : " On hearing their threat I felt somewhat alarmed, but called out a watch to go among them and if possible ascertain the names of the leaders. The men took lanterns and went up into the field where the desperadoes * Authority of Rev. John Allen. Mrs. Warren Cornforth, who possesses a remark- ably retentive memory, says this date is incorrect. She states that her father, Col. Benjamin Luce, who died July 14, 1842, was ill and died during the progress or very soon after the close of this meeting. Elder Allen was the circuit minister and attended Col. Luce's funeral. The conference which appointed him to this pastorate convened at Skowhegan, July 21, 1841, and the following year he was sent to an- other field of labor. The author is inclined to believe Elder Allen's memory was slightly at fault in this instance, and to accept the date as given by Mrs. Cornforth. f This farm is now owned and occupied by Charles E. Oliver. \ This band existed for some years and became the terror of all law-abiding citizens in the communities they were wont to infest. Their depredations became of such frequent occurrence that, among the inhabitants shad-eying and malicious mis- chief became synonymous terms. 130 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. were making great outcry. One of their number, from Indus- try, not wishing to be recognized, on seeing our men, ran and pitched over a fence in order to elude them. lie was caught, however, and brought to the light, when it was discovered that it was a man by the name of Allen, — the son of a Baptist minister. lie offered to go back and quell the racket and pay money if they would not reveal his name. The night wore away, and the next morning, as we were about packing up, I told the people, the last threat I heard from the rowdies was that ' Allen would be carried off before morning,' and so it was, but it did not prove to be me." In 1823* a meeting-house was built near Capt. John Thomp- son's. In erecting this house Capt. Thompson was largely instrumental, giving liberally in material and money. At his mill the necessary lumber was sawed, and the house was almost universally known as the Thompson Meeting-House. It was occasionally called the Red Meeting-House, from the fact that it was painted red on the outside. By the most strenuous efforts the frame was raised, boarded and finished outside the first season, but for some years the inside remained unfinished and the congregation were obliged to sit on rough plank seats. The pulpit first erected was a huge affair, access to which was gained by a flight of stairs on the back side. When standing, the parson's head and shoulders could just be seen above the top of the desk. Afterwards the inside was finished, and years later the pulpit was rebuilt in a more modern style. This was the first, and with one exception, the only Methodist meeting-house, strictly speaking, ever built in Industry. For years large congregations gathered here to worship, but in time other houses were built in contiguous localities, and the tide of church-goers turned in other directions. It was torn down in the winter of 1872-3, and moved to Goodridge's * Dr. Allen's Methodism in Manic gives the date as 1822 (see pp. 312,528). This date was drawn from the author's own manuscript (see note />. 2g2), but in the final revision the change was made in consequence of newly discovered evidence. Of the early days of this house Dr. Stephen Allen writes: "I sometimes attended meeting in the Thompson Meeting-House and heard lively singing and loud shout- ing." RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 3 I Corner, where it was rebuilt as a factory for the Enterprise Cheese Company. Thus was forever obliterated one of the most important mementos of early Methodism in Industry, and one with which the name of good old Father Thompson was inseparably connected. General prosperity attended the church from 1825 to 1830. In the month of June, 1830, the Industry circuit was divided, New Portland and New Vineyard being set off as a separate circuit. Houses of worship had been erected at the centre of the town and at West's Mills, by the united efforts of the sev- eral christian denominations of the town. Many of the church members formed themselves into a missionary society in 1838. This society was auxiliary to the Maine Conference Missionary Society of the M. E. Church. The membership fee was twenty-five cents for males and twelve and one-half cents for females, to be paid annually. At the end of the second year this society numbered 139 members in the towns of Industry and Stark. From 1830 to 1835 many new converts were baptized and received into the church, and general prosperity attended the society. James Cutts experienced religion under the preaching of James Farrington in 1835, and two years afterwards was baptized by Father Winslow and joined the church, of which he was a leading and influential member for many years. He always contributed liberally for the support of the gospel, as well as for other worthy charitable objects. He was frequently called to fill important positions in the church, and held the office of district steward at the time of his removal to Farm- ington in 1868. In July, 1841, " Campmeeting John Allen was appointed by the Conference as preacher on the Industry circuit. A series of revival meetings were started at West's Mills, in the month of March following, by Elder Allen, assisted by such of the laity as were willing to aid in the work. William Folsom, who is now (1892) a lawyer in Somerset County, was among the first fruits of this revival. Others followed in rapid suc- cession and a wonderful reformation was the ultimate result. 132 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. The good work thus begun spread rapidly, first to the Thomp- son neighborhood and from thence to the Goodridge neighbor- hood and the centre of the town, and from there to Stark. Within two months more than one hundred were converted, nearly all of whom Elder Allen baptized and received into the church on trial before leaving Industry. He had no ministerial assistance in this revival work save an occasional sermon from some brother minister. Some of the leading members of the church had opposed Elder Allen's appointment. There was a high school in the Thompson neighborhood, and they wanted a minister of greater learning. This placed Elder Allen at a disadvantage for a time, but on the breaking out of the reformation, nearly every pupil of the school was converted, together with the children of the steward who opposed his coming. This gentleman sub- sequently made a humble apology for his opposition, when Elder Allen retorted, " It's just good enough for you, sir, to have all of your children converted." It is doubtful if ever a minister left town, after a year's sojourn, more loved and re- spected than was Elder Allen at the close of his labors in 1842. Though half a century has elapsed since he bade adieu to the church of Industry, as its pastor, children and grandchildren of those converted under his teachings rise up to call him blessed. Zebulon Manter, Jr., having experienced religion, was re- ceived into the church, and for a time was one of its class leaders. Being a person of marked ability he was licensed as local preacher, at a quarterly conference held Aug. 29, 1840. A year later he joined the Maine Conference, and in 1844 was stationed on the Industry circuit. While stationed here he married Mary Manter, daughter of Capt. Elijah Manter, and soon after located. He took the order of deacon in 1846, upon the recommendation of the quarterly conference. Of a reflec- tive turn of mind, he became convinced that from death to the resurrection, man would remain in an unconscious state and that, at the final resurrection, the righteous would be made immortal and the wicked be destroyed and reduced to the ele- RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 33 merits from which they originated. By disseminating these views, which were at variance with the acknowledged doctrines of the church, he soon attracted attention of the authorities and was suspended by a council of local preachers on the 31st day of March, 1847. He was afterward expelled at the suc- ceeding quarterly conference, and though his only offense was a difference of religious opinion, he was dogmatically denied any participation in their subsequent religious meetings. He eventually joined a society known as the Christian Band, where he undoubtedly enjoyed greater freedom of thought and opinion. General Nathan Goodridge, a worthy and influential citizen of Industry, joined the Methodist class in his neighborhood soon after the great revival of 1842, and was immediately ap- pointed class leader. After the usual probation he was received into the church, of which he became a valued member. Uni- versally honored and respected, he wielded a powerful influence for the cause of religion and closed a blameless life Sept. 30, 1871. John Frost, an honest, upright man and a member of the M. E. Church, moved into town in 1835. He was for many years a class leader and a licensed exhorter. He lived in town more than a quarter of a century and then removed to Farm- ington, Me., where he died a few years since. Guy Gray came to Industry in 1833 and settled near Tibbetts's Corner, on what was afterwards known as the Leaver place. He was a member of the Free Will Baptist denomination, but, severing his connection with that church, he joined the Methodists. He was licensed as a local preacher in January, 1838, by the latter denomination, and subse- quently went to Dead River, where he continued his labors in the ministry. Prior to 1839 the Industry circuit had no parsonage for their pastor, but were obliged to hire a tenement for his use where- ever a suitable one could be found. But during this year a small house and stable were erected on a lot opposite the In- dustry North Meeting-House, at West's Mills, for the use of the 17 134 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. minister stationed on the circuit." Notwithstanding the efforts made to raise funds to liquidate the indebtedness thus incurred, the debt hung heavily on their hands. Various expedients were resorted to, such as apportioning the amount to the various classes by the trustees, passing subscription papers, etc., but the debt still remained unpaid. Twice the trustees were instructed to sell the house and devote the proceeds to paying off the debt. But for want of a customer, or some other cause, the property was not sold. At the beginning of the year 1844 the debt had been reduced to $190. By July 20, 1844, so suc- cessful had those engaged in soliciting subscriptions been that only forty dollars remained unpaid. For this sum eight be- nevolent members became equally responsible, viz. : James Thompson, Isaac Daggett, Ebenezer Swift, Nathan Goodridge, Robert Thompson, James Cutts, John West Manter and James G. Waugh. Thus within rive years the society freed itself from the heavy debt which the building of a parsonage had incurred. A committee was appointed by the quarterly con- ference in May, 1852, previous to the appointment of Rev. Isaac Lord as pastor of the circuit, to examine the parsonage and make certain needed repairs. Although some work had been done, the house was still in an uninhabitable condition when the minister arrived. With the advice and consent of the brethren, Elder Lord built an addition of fourteen feet to the east end of the house and finished it throughout. He also moved and repaired the shed and stable. The total cost of these improvements, includ- * The parsonage lot was deeded to the society April 5, 1836, by Col. Samuel Daggett and James Thompson. The writer is unable to account for the discrepancy between this date and the one given in the text. The latter, gleaned from a careful examination of the church records for that period, was believed to be correct. Hut a discovery of the deed (Somerset Registry of Deeds, Hook ./_\ p. 20S ) wherein the bounds are described as follows, shows that the house must have been erected prior to 1836: " Beginning one foot north of the northwest corner of the parsonage house, thence south by the road four rods and three feet, thence east three rods and six feet to a stake and stone, thence north four rods and three feet to a stake and stone, thence west to the first mentioned bounds. Likewise to east line of Lot. No. 28." The only explanation the writer can offer is that, although erected previously, it was not rendered habitable until the date- named in the church records. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 35 ing labor, was nearly $200. The cash portion, or the sum paid for material, etc., was promptly raised, by contribution, about the time or soon after the work was completed. Rev. Jonathan Fairbanks, when stationed on this circuit, in 1863, made exten- sive repairs on the stable, and by enlarging added greatly to its capacity and convenience. In May, 1878, Rev. Silas F. Strout was appointed pastor of the church on Industry circuit. Soon "after his arrival the church people, ably seconded by those outside, begun impor- tant repairs on the parsonage, the first step in this direction be- ing a substantial underpinning of split stone. The inside finish was torn out and the rooms more conveniently arranged, the chimney rebuilt, the roof shingled and a portion of the walls clapboarded, the final result of all these improvements being a house which would suffer no disparagement by comparison with the parsonage of any country village. Perhaps to no two men was due so large a share of credit for the success of this undertaking as to Richard Caswell and Hovey Thomas, the lat- ter planning the interior and superintending all the carpentry work. The total cost of these repairs was $319.50, of which sum the people of Stark contributed about forty dollars in labor and money. The following persons in Industry gave in labor, material and money to the amount of five dollars or more : Richard Caswell, $43.00. Hovey Thomas, 35-97- Amos S. Hinkley, 4i-5°- Augustus H. Swift, 14.00 Warren Cornforth, 20.68. Philip A. Storer. 20.00. Benj'n W. Norton, 18.74. Elias H. Yeaton, 8.00. Asa H. Patterson and wife, 9.00. Franklin W. Patterson, 8.00. Alonzo Norton and wife, 7.00. David M. Norton and wife, 7-5°- John W. Frederic, 8.25 George W. Johnson, 5.00 Rev. Silas F. Strout, 10.21 i 3 ' > HISTi >A' ) " t >/■' WDl 'SIR \ '. In addition to the above, thirty persons contributed sums varying from fifty cents to four dollars. When the work was nearly completed, it was found that unless some method was adopted to equalize the expense it would fall with unjust weight on Messrs. Caswell and Thomas. On the 14th of ( October seven of the wealthiest church mem- bers in town, including the two gentlemen just mentioned, drew up and signed an agreement to pay all expenses not otherwise provided for, incurred in making repairs on the parsonage, each one's proportion to be determined by the selectmen's valuation of the previous spring. Though some paid their assess- ment promptly, by the failure of others to comply with the terms of the agreement, Mr. Caswell and Mr. Thomas each lost a considerable sum. From 1842 to 1853 little of importance occurred in the history of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Industry. As a rule the meetings were well attended and the affairs of the society, both spiritually and financially, were in a prosperous condition. John Allen was succeeded in the pastorate by Abel Alton, who remained with the society but one year. He in turn was followed by Harry W. Latham. The church sustained a serious loss in 1854, by the death of Robert Thompson, Esq., an active and influential member who died on the 21st da} 7 of February, after a long and painful illness. He had been a licensed exhorter for many years, also a class leader, and his death was lamented by all. Occasional revivals occurred after the great revival in 1842 up to 1865, but none of great extent. Heman Nickerson, a preacher of considerable ability, was stationed on the circuit in 1849. He was succeeded the following year by Joseph Gerry, and Elder Gerry in turn, by James Farrington, in 1851. Elder Farrington was a man of eminent piety, of a mild disposition, and greatly loved and respected by his parishioners. He was again stationed upon the circuit for a year in 1857.* *The church voted in 1S57 to allow Elder lames Farrington to preach at Madi- son Bridge once in four weeks. The following year the time was divided as follows: "At the Industry North Meeting-House, Centre and Thompson Meeting-Houses in Industry, and at the Union Meeting-House in Stark, once in four weeks." RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 137 James Stevens, a very benevolent and influential member of the church, died in 1858. He had been a member of the Industry church for nearly forty years, and during this time had done much for the support of the gospel besides con- tributing liberally for the missionary and Bible cause. Jonathan Fairbanks was stationed on the circuit during the years 1863 and 1864. During the last year of his stay, ten converts were received on probation. Elder Fairbanks was succeeded by Thomas J. True,* who also remained on the circuit for two years. During the second year of his pastorate he commenced a series of meetings at the Union school-house, on the 2 1st of October, 1866, which culminated in an exten- sive revival. On the 11th of December following, the meetings were removed to West's Mills. During the continuation of these meetings a large number of persons were converted, among whom were James Norton and several members of his family, Daniel Hilton, Charles E. Woodcock, now a successful minister of the Free Will Baptist Church. While the meetings were being held at West's Mills, another revival was in progress at Withee's Corner, where the labors of Elder John P. Cole and others were producing a marked result. As the fruits of this extended reformation sixty-seven persons were received on probation by the Methodist Church, while a considerable num- ber joined other churches. George Manter, who had made a profession of religion in 1837, became awakened under the preaching of Rev. Thomas J. True, during the progress of the revival in the winter of 1866—7, and joined the Methodist Church, of which he re- mained an active and useful member to the close of his life. He filled many responsible positions in the society, such as * Thomas Jefferson True was born Sept. 1, 1S0S. He entered the minis- try at the age of twenty-eight, and was for thirty-rive years a member of the Maine Conference of the M. E. Church. In consequence of poor health, he was obliged to lay aside all ministerial work in 1879. He subsequently settled in Minot, Me., where he died, after a long and painful illness, Dec. 21, 1886. His parents, Zebulon and Martha (Kannady) True, were among the pioneer settlers to the town of Farmington. After a few years they removed to Temple, where their son Thomas J., the tenth of a family of twelve children, was born. [38 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. steward, class leader and superintendent of the Sunday-school. Benjamin Warren Norton, and also his wife, made a profession of religion during the 1866—7 revival. He immediately identified himself with the Methodist Society at West's Mills, and, like Mr. Manter, became a prominent member. He was highly esteemed for his sterling worth and exemplary christian life. His removal to the State of Iowa in the spring of 1886 was a great loss to the society. Warren Cornforth made a public profession of religion about the same time as did Mr. Norton and others. He has ever been a faithful, consistent christian and a worthy member of the church militant, giving liberally for the support of the gospel and other charitable objects. Both he and his wife were deeply interested in the erection of the new Methodist Church at West's Mills, and were instrumental in hastening its completion. Amos S. Hinkley and several members of his family pro- fessed religion under the labors of David Pratt, Jr., and became members of the Industry church. Mr. Hinkley was a christian whose life abounded in works as well as words, being a gener- ous giver as well as an earnest advocate of the cause of Christ. His family were highly respected and wielded a powerful influ- ence in behalf of the christian religion. Their removal to Farmington in 1883 was a loss to both church and community. Philip A. Storer and wife, were also active members of the church until their removal from town in 1880. Calvin Bryant Fish and wife, are among the most efficient members of the church at the present time. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fish have held the office of steward, and the former has been trustee of church property and superintendent of the Sunday-school at West's Mills for several years. Richard Caswell and wife, who came to Industry from Farmington in 1875, and subsequently settled at West's Mills, are also among those who support the gospel by generous gifts. Another convert of the great revival of 1866—7 was Elisha Fish, a man who had been a slave to strong drink for many RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 39 years. Through Divine grace he was enabled to break away from his habit, and although sometimes sorely tempted by former associates, he led, for a period of more than twenty years prior to his death, a temperate, christian life. James Edgecomb and wife, who came from Livermore, Me., in 1 854, were admitted to the Industry church by letter soon after their arrival in town. Their kindly deeds of christian charity and interest in every good work, have won for them the friendly regard and high esteem of a wide circle of acquaintances. In the death of Hovey Thomas, Oct. 25, 1891, the society sustained a serious loss. Mr. Thomas came to town from New Vineyard, about 1870, and resided at Goodridge's Corner with his father-in-law, Mark Emery. He was ever ready to assist in every good work and a generous giver for the support of preaching. When the Centre Meeting-House was repaired the work was done after his plans and largely by himself, as was also the repairs on the Methodist parsonage at West's Mills. He likewise planned and framed the Methodist Church at the same place. Daniel Waterhouse was Rev. Mr. True's successor on the Industry and Stark circuit in the spring of 1867. During his pastorate he labored zealously for the interests of the society. Several were converted, quite a number baptized and many re- ceived into the church. He also did much toward building up a flourishing Sunday-school at West's Mills, where many new books were added to the library.* There was no unusual re- ligious interest in town after the departure of Rev. Mr. Water- house, until Rev. David Pratt, Jr., came to the circuit as pastor, in 1876-7. True, there had been occasional conversions, but nothing like a revival interest manifested. The second year of Elder Pratt's labors was marked by a deep interest and several conversions. * His pastoral labors during the last year (1S6S) of his sojourn on the Industry and Stark circuit, were of a decidedly onerous nature, beset with many embarrassing perplexities. The movement which culminated in the erection of a Methodist house of worship at Stark village had its origin, growth and fruition ere Elder Waterhouse left the circuit. 140 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY The Methodist Society, in common with other christian denominations in Industry, has lost heavily in membership dur- ing the past quarter of a century, by reason of deaths and re- movals, until at the present writing ( [892) the society numbers not more than thirty-five resident members in good standing. The house of worship at West's Mills, built to replace the one burned in 1881, gave a new impetus, not only to the Sunday- school, but also to church attendance.* This house was built largely through the untiring labors of Rev. John R. Masterman, ably seconded by his parishioners, and is a worthy monument to his three years' pastorate on Industry circuit. Rev. George VV. Barber was appointed pastor on Industry circuit in 1890, as successor to Elder Masterman, and is still serving. The circuit was enlarged in the spring of 1890 by the addition of New Vineyard, and Methodist preaching is had once in four weeks at New Vineyard Mills and Talcott's Corner. A List of the Ministers stationed on the Industry Circuit from 17Q4 to i8g2. '794 Philip Wager and Thomas Coop. !795 Elias Hull and Enoch Mudge. 1796 John Broadhead. *797 Joshua Taylor. 1798 Oliver Beal. 1 799 John Broadhead. 1800 Daniel Webb. 1 80 1 Aaron Humphrey. 1802 Nathan Emery. 1803 Joseph Baker, 1804 -5. Daniel Ricker. 1 806 Luther Chamberlain. 1807 Eben Fairbank. 1 S08 Caleb Fogg. 1809 Isaiah Emerson. * For a full history of this church, its erection and dedication, see Chapter XIX. of this volume. M. E. CHURCH AT WEST'S MILLS. Engraved by the Lux Engraving Co., Boston. From a photograph made in 1S92 by [ngalls & Knowlton, Farminglon, Me RELIGIOUS HISTORY 141 1810 Joshua Randall. 1S11 Jonathan Worthen. l8 I 2 Joseph Baker. 1813 Robert Hayes. l8l4 Joshua Randall. 1S15 Henry True. l8l6 John Atwell. 1S17 David Hutchinson. l8l8 John S. Ayer. 1819 Benjamin Ayer. 182O William McGrey. I82I John Atwell. 1822 Philip Ayer. 1S23 Daniel Wentworth. 1S24- -5. Ezekiel Robinson. 1826 Henry True and Elliott B. Fletcher. 1 S27 Elisha Streeter and Martin Ward. 1828 Peter Burgess. 1829 Peter Burgess and James Warren, 1st 1S3O Elisha Streeter. 1 83 I John Perrin. [832 Samuel P. Blake. 1833 Aaron Fuller. 1834 Asa Heath. 1835 James Harrington. 1836 To be supplied.* r8 3 7 -8. Thomas Smith. 1839 Charles L. Browning. 1840 Jesse Harriman. 1S41 John Allen. 1842 Abel Alton. * Although having an appointment on Palmyra circuit, it is believed Rev. Theo- dore Hill was one of the supplies in 1836. He held a series of revival meetings at the Union School-house during the autumnal months, and the author's mother was one of his converts. She was baptized the following year and in September, 1837, received as a member of the class in John Frost's neighborhood. Since the foregoing was put in type the writer has learned that when the census was taken, March 1, 1837, preparatory to apportioning the surplus revenue (see Chap. XV.), Rev. Mr. Hill was a resident of Industry. Therefore, if Dr. Allen is correct in stationing him on Palmyra circuit (Methodism in Maine, p. J(?f), it is presumable that his labors there occupied but a small portion of his time, and that he was a non-resident pastor. 18 142 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 1843. Harry W. Latham. 1844.* Zebulon Manter, Jr.f 1845. Peter Burgess. [846. Marcus Wight. [847-8. Silas B. Brackett. [849. Human Nickerson. 1850. Joseph Gerry. 185 1. James Farrington. 1852-3. Isaac Lord. 1854. James Armstrong. 1855-6. Joseph Mooar 1857. James Farrington. 1858. Isaac Lord. 1859. Phineas Libby. 1 860-1. Simeon W. Pierce. 1862. William H. Foster. 1863-4. Jonathan Fairbanks. 1865-6. Thomas J. True. 1867-8. Daniel Waterhouse. 1869-70. Henry D.Crockett. 1S71-2. David Church. 1873-4. Jeremiah Harden. 1875. Jonathan Fairbanks. 1 8 76-7. David Pratt. Jr. 1878-9. Silas F. Strout. 1S80-1. John W. Perry. 1882-3. Luther P. French. 1884. Benjamin F. Pease. % 1885-6. John Robinson. 1887-8-9. John R. Masterman. 1 800- 1 -2. George W. Barber. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. "About the time of the first settlement in Industry," says William Allen, "Judith Luce, daughter of Daniel Luce, of New Vineyard, went to live with Samuel Sewall, in Farmington, and * Two ministers to be supplied, t A preacher but not an elder. J Resigned his pastorate in June on account of feeble health, and died in July, 1884. Pulpit in Industry supplied by Rev. Peter E. Norton, of Stark. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 143 while living in that excellent family she experienced religion and united with the Congregational Church." She subsequently married John Trask, a brother of Mrs. Sewall. In the mean- time her father had removed from New Vineyard to Industry, and soon after her marriage she and her husband went to live with him. A young man by the name of Jonathan Bunker, living near Mr. Sewall, experienced religion under the teachings of Mr. Sewall and Rev. Jotham Sewall, as did also Mr. Trask. They embraced fully the creed of their patrons and united with the Congregational Church at Farmington. About 1797 Mr. Bunker married and moved to Industry. These three persons formed the nucleus of the Congregational Church in this town. Probably the first sermon preached in town by a minister of this denomination was by Rev. Jotham Sewall, of Chesterville, about the middle of December in the year 1800.* Consid- erable snow lay on the ground at the time, and the roads were untrodden. Previous to the day appointed for the meeting a heavy rain had fallen ; the storm cleared off cold, forming a crust, and rendering riding extremely uncomfortable, if not decidedly infeasible. Consequently, on Saturday morning Father Sewall started on foot to travel the distance, some ten or twelve miles. Reaching Sandy River, he found it greatly swollen from the recent rain, insomuch that it had overflowed much of the adjoining interval land. By the aid of a friend with his canoe, and without getting much wet, he reached the opposite shore in safety. Continuing his weary way he did not * Jotham Sewall was born in York, District of Maine, Jan. 1, 1760. He was a son of Henry and Abigail Sewall, the youngest of a family of rive children. He was a mason by trade and worked at this business previous to entering the ministry. 1 1 is personal appearance is thus described by Rev. George Shepard, D. D. : " He was tall, large and massy. Dignity, gravity and impressiveness were borne on his frame and features — one of those robust, compact, solidly-built men, whose very size and structure indicated the natively strong and great mind. 'What a wide man he is,' said a little girl as he left the room. A wide man he was, in the singular breadth of his frame, and in the reach of his christian heart, as well as in his labor for souls — broad in the field which under God he blessed — and bright his crown in heaven." He was remarkably simple in his habits of living and dress, and proverbially punctual to his appointments. He died at the advanced age of ninety years. 144 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. reach his destination until long after sundown.' rims it will be seen that the labors of the pioneer ministers in Industry were attended by great and sometimes perplexing difficulties. On the 2 1st day of January, 1802, a little more than a year after his first visit, Rev. Jotham Sewall, accompanied by his brother-in-law, Mr. Samuel Sewall, f a licentiate, visited Industry and held a meeting for the purpose of organizing a church. A society was formed, consisting, as we learn from Rev. Jotham Sewall's Memoirs, of eight members, among whom were William Allen, Sr., John Trask and wife, and Jonathan Bunker. At first the church was under the care of Samuel Sewall, of Farmington, as missionary. Prior to the organization of a church, Rev. Jotham Sewall, as has already been stated, occa- sionally preached in town, and scarcely more than three weeks had elapsed, after its organization, ere we find him back again laboring zealously for the cause of his Master in the new settle- ment. During his labors in this town, extending over a period of nearly fifty years, he preached two hundred and ten sermons. Through the influence of his daughter, Mrs. Trask, and her husband, Mr. Luce and three of his sons, namely, Daniel, Truman, % and David, having experienced religion, were induced to join this church. * It is related that on the way, being greatly fatigued he paused to rest. Almost disheartened by the difficulties of his journey, he kneeled on the snow and asked ( lod to grant him the salvation of one soul as a reward for his labor. His prayer was heard and graciously answered; in after years a lady frequently declared that her conversion was due to his preaching on the occasion of this visit to Industry settle- ment. t This Samuel Sewall was the one afterwards ordained and installed pastor ol the Congregational Church in Edgecomb, and not as Mr. Greenleaf, in his Ecclesias- tical Sketches (see p. J/4), says, in Sumner. The two Samuels were cousins, but the one settled in Sumner was not licensed until some years after the organization of the church in Industry. % This information, gleaned from Allen's History of Industry, must be erroneous, for according to the Christian Mirror Deacon Luce made a profession of religion in 1795, and was the first deacon of the Industry church. Therefore it would seem that he was one of its original members. Although, in its early days, the church did not, as a body, advocate or practice infant baptism, Deacon Luce formed a worthy exception. Being a firm believer in the Abrahamic covenant, he gave up all his children in the ordinance of baptism. Later this custom was generally adopted by members of the Industry church. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 145 No records of the church can be found prior to the date of its re-organization, July 5, 1808, at which time Samuel Mason was elected clerk. As near as the writer can learn, there were some fifteen members at that time, including Thomas Johnson, Samuel Mason, and William Remick, together with their wives. On the 10th of February, 18 10, at a church conference held at his house in New Vineyard, Dr. Thomas Flint and wife- related their christian experience and were received as members of the Industry church ; also, about the same time, Sylvanus Allen, probably by letter from the Congregational Church at Chilmark, Mass. Aside from the labors of the Sewalls, the first minister to preach in Industry was Rev. David P. Smith, sent here in 1 8 ui by the Maine Missionary Society, one-third of the time for three months. After Rev. Mr. Smith closed his labors with the church, Rev. Jotham Sewall supplied them with preaching a portion of the time up to 1820. In 18 19 he speaks of a special religious interest being manifested in town. During the follow- ing year ( 1 820) Rev. Maurice Carey supplied the society with preaching. Rev. Fifield Holt was employed for a short time in 1 82 1, and one-fourth of the time in 1825. In 1 821 Rev. Jacob Hardy also preached in Industry one-half of the time for six months, and occasionally for several years thereafter. Rev. Seneca White occupied the position of pastor for a few months in 1823. From 1827 to 1830 Rev. Joseph Underwood labored with the society one-half of the time. Soon after this, Rev. Josiah Tucker preached in town at irregular intervals for a short time. On the 1 6th day of September, 1832, the society extended an invitation to Alden Boynton,* a licentiate of liberal education, to assume the pastoral care of their church. The invitation was accepted, and consequently, on the 17th of October, 1832, he was ordained pastor at the Centre Meeting-House. Among the ministers who were present on the occasion and partici- pated in the exercises, were Josiah Peet, Seneca White, Jotham * Mr. Boynton was a graduate of Bowdoin College in the same class with the poet Longfellow and John S. C. Abbott. 14^ HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Sew all, Josiah Fucker, and Isaac Rogers. The ordination sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. White, and the address to the church was delivered by Rev. Isaac Rogers. After his ordination, Rev. Mr. Boynton, being a single man, boarded in the family of David Luce a large portion of the time during his stay in town. Among other ministers who had occasionally preached in Industry up to this date were Rev. Josiah Peet,* of Xorridge- wock, or " Parson Peet," as he was frequently called ; also, Rev. Isaac Rogers, of Farmington. f From the earliest preaching up to near the close of the year 1829, there were no conveniences for public worship, save aj: the school-houses or at the homes of the settlers. During this year, however, houses of worship were built at West's Mills and at the centre of the town, in which the members of this church owned an interest in common with other religious denominations of the town. The additional facilities which the erection of these houses afforded the society was a matter of * Rev. Josiah Peet, who for a period of nearly forty years was pastor of the Congregational Church at Norridgewock, was a man of noble and commanding presence, tall, dignilied and erect, with a countenance indicative of frankness and benevolence. He was held in high esteem by his parishioners, and though his countenance invariably wore a look of melancholy sadness, he could appreciate a good joke even at his own expense. A correspondent in the Lewiston Journal relates the following anecdote as illustrative of this characteristic : " We remember ai the raising of a barn, Mr. Peet was present, and also a burly Scotchman named McDonald, but who was known in the vicinity as ' Never-flinch.' On meeting Mc- Donald, Mr. Peet pleasantly made the remark: 'I am told you never flinch.' 'No,' said Sandy, ' except when I hear you preach.' In the general laughter that followed, Mr. Peet contributed an audible smile. Mr. Peet was indeed a fine type of an old school Clergyman of the 'Standing Order.'" t Rev. Isaac Rogers, son of William and Elizabeth (Lowe) Rogers, and grand- son of Rev. John Rogers of Gloucester, Essex Co., Mass., was born in that place July 13,1795. He served an apprenticeship as a printer in Boston, and was em- ployed as a compositor in Newburyport; was a student at Phillips Academy, An - dover. He graduated from Dartmouth College, in 1822, and from the Andover Theological Seminary in 1825. March 9, 1826, he was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Farmington, Me., which position he tilled for a period of thirty-two years. He married, July 7, 1826, Miss Eliza French, of Newburyport, Mass. He closed a well spent life at Farmington, Me., Feb. 15, 1872, having survived his wife nearly five years. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 147 considerable importance, and unquestionably added greatly to the general prosperity of the church. The first statistical information which the writer has been able to obtain concerning the church was for the year 1833, at which time there were thirty-three members reported. They also had a Sunday-school in full operation, likewise a tract and foreign missionary society. Among the members received up to this time- were Esq. Daniel Shaw and wife, by letter, from the Tamworth, N. H., church ; Esq. Cornelius Norton,* by let- ter, from the Congregational Church at Farmington ; Supply B. Norton, Fisher Viles, Jacob Hayes, David M. Luce, Stephen H. Hayes, Pelatiah Shorey and wife, Asaph Boyden and others. The church sustained a serious loss in 1833 by the with- drawal of William Remick and wife, in consequence of their removal from town. Both were highly esteemed members of the church and Mr. Remick had served as a clerk of the society for a number of years. With very few exceptions, the early members of the Con- gregational church were people of the strictest integrity. This soon gained for the society a reputation for respectability which it has sedulously maintained down to the present time. Rev. Mr. Boynton, was much liked, and remained with the society until Jan. 1, 1839, when he was dismissed at his own request, on account of poor health. He had not been able on this account to preach regularly for some time previous to his dismissal. He states that while here his labors were greatly encouraged by the deep interest manifested. He died at Wis- casset, Me., Dec. 25, 1858, aged fifty-three years. During the last years of Mr. Boynton's stay, Rev. Josiah Tucker, Jotham Sewall and others, kindly supplied his pulpit a portion of the time. An invitation was extended in August, 1838, to John Per- ham to become the pastor of the church at Industry. The * It was evidently this name which Dr. Stephen Allen confounds with that of Dea. Cornelius Norton (see foot note, p. //./). Esq. Cornelius Norton was the Deacon's son. 1 48 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. "call" was accepted, and on the 2d of January, 1839, he was ordained at the Industry North Meeting-House, at West's Mills. Among the ministers present and assisting in the ordination were: Rev. Joseph Underwood, Daniel Sewall, Isaac Rogers, Samuel Talbot, Jotham Sewall,* Josiah Tucker, Parson Peet, etc. Elder Perham's labors proved very acceptable to the church and he was held in high esteem by all who knew him. In consequence of the organization of Franklin County, in 1838, it became necessary to organize a new county conference. The meeting for this purpose was held at Strong, Jan. 14 and 15, 1839, and Rev. John Perham, P2sq. Cornelius Norton, Levi Cutler and Newman T. Allen, were sent as delegates from the church at Industry. Supply Belcher Norton was elected a deacon of the church March 23, 1839, and continued to serve in that capacity until he removed from town in the spring of 1 844. At a conference meeting held at the Centre Meeting-House in September, 1839, the society voted to hire Elder Perham two-thirds of the time for the ensuing year, and fixed his sal- ary at $233.33. While stationed here, he labored a portion of the time at Flagstaff, where he formed a branch society of the Industry church. An unusual religious interest was manifested in town in 1 841, and between twenty and thirty conversions were reported. Elder Perham further states that "of the twenty-five members of the choir only one is without a hope in Christ, "f Another branch of the Industry church was formed at Lexington in May, 1842, with eleven members, to which five others were soon after added by letter. The branch church at Flagstaff also added largely to its membership during this year. Probably the first count}' conference ever held in town as- * On the evening before tin- ordination, a meeting was held in honor oi Rev. fotham Sewall, at which he was invited to preach, it being the 79th anniversary of his birth. t This was the choir at the Centre of the town, and the person referred to is said to have been Benjamin Allen.- RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 1 49 sembled at the Industry North Meeting-House, at West's Mills, May 14 and 15, 1842. Jacob Hayes, Daniel Luce and Wil- liam H. Luce were elected delegates to this conference. So rapidly did the church increase in numbers that in 1843 the membership was 143, more than four times as large as the membership of 1833. Among the members added during this decade were: William Henry Luce and wife, in 1838, and about the same time Esq. Peter West and wife, who had pre- viously left the Methodist Church. Hiram and Elijah Manter joined the church in 1840; also George W. and Luther Luce and Truman A. Merrill the following year. Rev. John Perham closed his labors with the church as pastor on Sunday, Nov. 27, 1842,* though he was not officially dismissed until May 25, 1848. After leaving Industry he went to Madison, returning occasionally to this town to preach and baptize converts. He died in Beloit, Wisconsin, after a long and successful ministry, Dec. 4, 1874, aged 66 years. Rev. Henry Smith succeeded John Perham as pastor of the church, preaching in Industry one-half of the time from the month of October, 1843, up to May, 1845. The branch churches at Elagstaff and Lexington, having asked for a dismission, that they might unite and organi/.e a separate church, accordingly on the 16th of September, 1843, the Industry church voted to grant their request. By this con- cession the church lost heavily from its total membership, as both branches were in a flourishing condition at the time of their separation. Hiram Manter was unanimously elected deacon of the church in 1844, to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Supply B. Norton from town. From July, 1847, to July, 1848, Rev. Dana Cloyes was em- ployed as pastor. While stationed here this gentleman effected an important change in the social life of his parishioners, by introducing religious reading into their homes. The eagerness * Prior to Elder Perham's leaving town, an effort was made to purchase a house for a parsonage. Although the church received what seemed to be a very advan- tageous offer, the trade was never consummated. 19 I 50 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. with which this innovation was received is almost without precedent in the history of any church or town, and its good results can hardly be estimated. Among the books, magazines and papers disposed of were : forty sets of the Christian's Library; eighty-two volumes of different Bible commentaries, chiefly Scott's; one hundred volumes of the Missionary Herald; four hundred volumes were added to the Sunday-school library, making a grand total of 2382 volumes. In addition to these, seven subscribers to the Christian Mirror were also obtained. Rev. Josiah Tucker supplied the church with preaching one- half of the time from October, 1849, to October, 1851, preach- ing alternately at West's Mills and the Centre Meeting-House. Elder Tucker possessed a mild disposition and a kind heart, and it is believed that his labors proved generally acceptable to the church. There was a union protracted meeting in 1849, during which, thirty persons were converted. By the withdrawal of the branch churches at Flagstaff and Lexington, to form a separate society, and by deaths and re- movals, the membership of the society became so much reduced that at the beginning of the year 1853 there were but seventy- one members, twenty of whom were non-resident. John Dinsmore, a licentiate, supplied the pulpit for a few months in 1852, and R. H. Fuller, another licentiate, for a sea- son in 1853. Rev. Eliphalet S. Hopkins was employed by the society one-half of the time in 1853. In June, 1855, the county conference was again held at West's Mills, and George W. Luce, Hiram Manter, Fisher Viles and Charles Hayes were chosen as delegates. Early in June, 1855, Rev. Jonas Burnham, principal of the Farmington Academy, received and accepted an invitation to act as pastor of the church, and supplied preaching in town once in four weeks, occasionally oftener, until 1863. As a result of his sojourn in town, Elder Burnham pays the follow- ing tribute to the people of Industry: "The people received RELTGIOUS HISTORY. I 5 I me with great cordiality and the citizens of all denominations favored me with an attentive and interested audience. It gives me pleasure to recollect and name their generous hospitality. * * While life lasts I shall cherish a grateful remem- brance of the many excellent families there. May rich bless- ings from above descend upon them." While acting as pastor at Industry he solemnized sixteen marriages and attended eighteen funerals. There were fifty-two members in 1863, of whom fifteen were non-resident. From 1855 to 1864 the church lost heavily by removals from town and the consequent dismissal of mem- bers to unite with churches in other localities. The quarterly conferences were held at infrequent and irregular intervals, and the records were indifferently kept, hence from about the last mentioned date (1864) down to the present time, the writer has been able to gain but very little definite knowledge in rela- tion to the church and its affairs. As supplementary to the labors of their pastor, Rev. John Furbush was employed one- fourth of the time in 1856-7 and 1859-60. Rev. Alexander R. Plumer, a minister of wide and varied attainments, accepted an invitation to become pastor of the church in April, 1863, and preached here one-third of the time until 1869. He resided in town nearly the whole of this time, though much of his labor was in the neighboring towns.* Rev. John Lawrence, of Wilton, supplied the pulpit at West's Mills a part of the time in 1867-8. Rev. Stephen Titcomb, of Farmington, a minister of liberal education, preached at the Centre Meeting-House once in four weeks during the years 1869-71. There were but forty members of the Congregational Church in 1873, fourteen of whom were non-resident. The resident members were now so scattered that it was hardly possible to maintain preaching with any degree of regularity. *The last session of the county conference holden in Industry, convened at the "Industry North Meeting-House" at West's Mills, in June, 1866, and continued for two days. Favorable weather brought out a full delegation, and the attendance of the laity was also large. The session was pronounced one of the most successful ever held in the county in many respects. 152 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Lauriston Reynolds, a licentiate from the Bangor Theologi- cal Seminary, subsequently pastor of Congregational Church at Auburn, Me., preached in town occasionally (.luring the sum- mer of 1874 and [875. Also Henry Jones, a licentiate from the same institution, for a short time in 1875 and 187G. George W. Reynolds, another licentiate, was sent to Indus- try by the Maine Missionary Society one-half of the time for three months in the summer of [878. The same society sent a young licentiate, Jabez Backus, to the church for a short time in 1879 and 1880. In 1880 T. A. Balcom, licentiate, was sent to the church one-half of the time for two months, and one-half of the time for three months in 1881. From that date until 1 89 1 there was preaching only occasionally by pastors of this denomination from neighboring churches. There were thirty- two members in the church in 1883, ten of whom were non- resident. About the time Shorey Chapel was completed, 1 its builder, Mrs. Elizabeth Price, of Auburndale, Mass., engaged Rev. Truman A. Merrill as pastor. lie came to Industry prior to the dedication of the chapel, and on its completion was duly installed as pastor, a position which he is still filling with a good degree of acceptance. The Industry Congregational Church has received pecuniary aid from the Maine Missionary Society for fifty different years since its organization, yet had it not been fen" the timely interposition of Mrs. Price, the society would probably have sank into a state of lethargy past re- suscitation. The following worthy members have died since 1871, viz.: Daniel Luce, David Luce and wife, Fisher Yiles and wife, Wil- liam Henry Luce and wife, George W. Luce and wife, Peter \V. Butler, Pelatiah Shorey, Luther Luce, Hiram Manter, Asaph Boyden and wife, Eliza Hilton and others. William M. Bryant is the present church clerk, and both he and his wife are among the oldest as well as the most highly esteemed members of the society in Industry. '• Sc- ( lhapter X I X . RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I 53 PR( (TESTANT METHODISTS. Early in the year 1843, Rev. John McLeish, an able and eloquent minister of this denomination, visited that part of Industry formerly known as the Gore. He held a series of meetings at the school-house near Capt. Clifford B. Norton's, and quite a number were converted. Among these were Joseph, Jr., Obed N. and Thomas C. Collins, who, with Barnabas A. Collins, William Cornforth, Daniel Collins, Jr., and a few con- verts from the adjoining towns of Farmington and New Vineyard, united themselves and formed a society. Soon after this their pastor left them and went to labor in other fields, and the organization became extinct, most of its members uniting with other denominations. FREE WILL BAPTISTS. Little if any missionary work was done in Industry by ministers of this order prior to 1830. About that time several families of this faith moved into town, and in the fall of 183 I a church was organized consisting of some eight or ten members.* This society was organized through the instrumentality of Rev. Stephen Williamson, of Stark, assisted by Rev. Timothy Johnson, of Farmington. The society consisted of Benjamin R. Rackliff and wife, Henry B. Racklifff and wife, William Harvey and wife, and Nathaniel Ring. Capt. Ezekiel Hinkley and wife were probably among the original members of this church, although there is no evidence by which the fact can be established. Brice S. Edwards, who came to Industry about the time this society was organized, and who was its deacon during his residence in town, may also have been among the original members. The first year of this society's existence was a prosperous one, and at its close the membership had * The writer regrets to say that a most careful inquiry, and even advertising, has failed to bring to light the early records of this church, hence the sketch of this society must necessarily be fragmentary and incomplete. t Mr. Rackliff is also claimed to have been the first subscriber to The Morning Star from Industry. This paper was then, as it now is, the official organ of the F. W. B. denomination in New England. 154 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. increased to twenty-six. Rev. John Lennon, son of James Lennon, of- Georgetown, Me., became the pastor of this society as early as 1832. He subsequently moved into town and settled on Bannock Hill, dividing his time between farming and his ministerial duties. He returned to Georgetown in 1840, where he continued to reside up to the time of his death. Rev. Stephen Williamson manifested much interest in the church and preached in town as opportunity offered for many years. Among others who labored with the society were Rev. and Mrs. Roger Ela, of New Sharon, for a period beginning soon after its organization down to the year 1861 or thereabout. Also Rev. Mark Merrill, Rev. Mr. Badger, and Rev. Samuel S. Paine. The labors of the latter, who preached in town in 1858, were blessed with a deep revival interest, and on one occasion five converts were baptized. Rev. Samuel Savage succeeded Elder Paine in 1859. His labors were likewise blessed with a revival interest. Rev. John Spinney preached in town regularly for two years about 1854, and occasionally thereafter down to the present time. Other ministers have undoubtedly labored in town for a longer or shorter time, but there is no record of them. When the church was re-organized in 1867, there was but one resident male member of the original society living. The church was re-organized with twenty-eight members, Feb- ruary 18, 1867, and George Frank Woodcock elected deacon. The organization was effected by Rev. Ira Emery, Jr., assisted by Rev. John Spinney. The society now (1892) numbers eighteen members. Rev. Herbert Tilden, of Farmington, and others, have preached for the society. John W. Hatch, also of Farmington, has for some years manifested a deep interest in the church, and frequently preaches at Allen's Mills and in contiguous localities. The Advents were never very numerous in town, but minis- ters of that denomination, such as I. C. Welcome, of Yarmouth, A. H. Walker, of Belgrade, and Daniel R. Hargraves, of New Sharon, have preached in town. W^/H fe Engraved by Geo. E.Johnson, Boston. From a photograph made in 18S7 by F. Clarence Philpot, Springvale, Mi REUGIOUS INDUSTRY. I 55 Industry has sent out a corps of ministers of which any town might justly be proud. The subjoined is a partial list of those who are either natives of the town or residents at the time of taking clerical orders : Allen, Harrison, Congregational. Allen, John, Methodist. Allen, Stephen, Methodist. Ambrose, Samuel G., Methodist. Brown, Moses, Protestant Methodist. Edwards, Brice M., Free Will Baptist. Emery, Ira, Jr., Baptist. Eveleth, Jared F., Baptist. Hayes, Stephen H., Congregational. Howes, John M., Methodist. Johnson, Ebenezer S., Free Will Baptist. Johnson, Zebadiah, Free Will Baptist. Luce, Charles, Methodist. Luce, Christopher Sanborn, Baptist. Luce, Daniel, 3d, Free Will Baptist. Luce, George Alphonso, Methodist. Manter, Zebulon, Jr., Methodist. Merrill, Truman A., Congregational. Merrill, William A., Congregational. Robbins, Elisha, Baptist. Shorey, Harrison A., Congregational. Trask, Ebenezer G., Baptist. Woodcock, Charles E., Free Will Baptist. Young, Levi, Jr., Baptist. CHAPTER VIII. THE MILITIA AND 1812 WAR. Military Company Organized. — Election of Officers. — Equipments Required l>y Law. — First Training. — Muster at Farmington. — Money Raised to Buy Military Stores. — Muster Roll of Capt. Daniel Beede's Company. — -Cavalry Company Organized. — Powder-House Built. — The Industry Rifie ( Irays. At the close of the year 1798 there were about forty fami- lies residing on a tract of territory, some twenty miles in length, now (1892) comprising a part of the town of Industry, the whole of Mercer, and a part of Smithfield. Ardent patriots in adjoining towns, and ambitious military officers anxious to extend their jurisdiction, represented to the proper authorities that there was a sufficient number of men on this territory to form a company of militia. Consequently, early in the winter of 1 79S— 9 orders were issued to the inhabitants liable to do military duty to meet for the election of officers. At this meeting John Thompson was chosen captain ; Ambrose Arnold, lieutenant, and Jabez Norton, Jr., ensign. The formation of a military company required in most cases a pecuniary outlay for equipments very burdensome to those liable to military duty, even if they were able to purchase them at all. The equip- ments required by law were "a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch with a box therein to contain not less than twenty cartridges suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball : or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch and powder-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore and a quarter of a pound of powder." The commissioned officers were required to be THE MILITIA AND 1812 WAR. I 5/ equipped with "a sword or hanger and espontoon," and the balls were required to weigh the eighteenth part of a pound. It is hardly necessary to say that the first company organized in Industry fell far short of the requirements of the law. Captain Thompson appointed William Allen, Jr., clerk of the company, and it was his duty to warn the members to meet for trainings, etc. The duty of notifying the first training was a task arduous in the extreme (see p. S2). ■ " At the first training,"* says Esq. William Allen, " Cap- tain Thompson kneeled down on the snow before his company and made a fervent prayer commending his men to the protec- tion of Almighty God and entreated for wisdom and discretion in the performance of his duties." "At the first general muster at Farmington," continues Mr. Allen, " one of the Farmington companies took offense at the posting of the companies in the line, thought the company degraded by being assigned a lower position than they were entitled to, on a concerted signal, mutinied and left the field. " Capt. Thompson, being extremely ardent and patriotic in all his movements, immediately tendered his services to the field officers to go with his Fahtajf company and bring back the deserters with force and arms; but more prudent councils prevailed, and the general and field officers after a long parley prevailed on the deserters to come back and take their place." At the annual meeting, April 1, 1805, the town voted to raise $110 to buy military stores and to defray town charges. What part of this sum was devoted to purchasing military stores the records do not show, but it is presumable that the larger part was expended for the munitions of war.f The formal declaration of war between the United States and England, June 18, 18 12, marked an era of renewed activity in military affairs. The previous aggressive attitude of the English government caused every town to keep on hand an * Tuesday, May 5, 1799. f Allen says (History of Industry, p. /S): "The price of powder was a dollar a pound, at Ilallowell, and the cost of furnishing powder for the town stock and to be used at musters exceeded all our other money taxes for several years." i 5 8 HISTi )R 1 ' I >/■ rNDl sir \ : ample supply of ammunition. A reminder of those troublous times is found among the records of the town where, at a meet- ing held April 6, [8l2, it was "voted to pay Peter Norton one dollar and seventeen cents for running bullets." Captain Daniel Beede's company of militia was called out in [814, and was stationed at Waterville for fourteen days.* A List of Officers and Men in Capt. Daniel Beede's Company, which served in the detachment at Waterville, Me., in /S 14. The List also shows the number of days each person served, and compensa- tion received: lieu 11 \ am . Days in Service. Compensation. lames Thompson. 11 Si 5.80 1 2 . 1 3 6-53 6 -53 6-53 6-53 6.06 6.06 6.06 4.76 4.22 4.60 ♦Tradition says Daniel Witham, of Industry, was drafted and served in this war, hut there ai 1 verify tin- assertion. < apt. Elijah Butler, Jr., of Farmington, commanded a detached company which was ordered to Bath in the fall..) 1814. His first sergeant was Joseph Viles, from that part (if New Vineyard subsequently set (ill in Industry, as were also Leonard Boardman, Joseph Collins, Joseph Butler, Zebulon Manter, and Isaac Norton; while Plimmington Daggetl and Ebenezer Collins were then ol Industry. Peter Norton, nl tin- same place, and William Butler, of New Vineyard, were soldiers in other Farmington companies. ENSIGN. Josiah Blackstone. SERGEANTS. I I I >aniel Luce. 14 Muses True. 14 John Russell. 14 Peter W. Willis. CORPORALS. M James Eveleth. >4 Robert Thompson. 14 Truman Allen. 14 Joseph Ames. MUSICI \NS. 1 1 William fohnson. I I |oh Swift. I 2 THE MILITIA AND 1812 WAR. I 59 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 3-85 4.90 5- r 3 5- J 3 5- T 3 5- T 3 5- T 3 4-03 5- x 3 4.76 5-i3 4-03 4-03 5- J 3 5-'3 5- r 3 3-85 4-03 4-°3 5- T 3 3-85 5- T 3 5- x 3 4-03 5 J 3 5- J 3 5- T 3 5- T 3 5-13 5-i3 5-i3 5-*3 5-i3 4-03 5-i3 3-3° 5 l 3 PRIVATES. Allen, Harrison. '4 Atkinson. James. '4 Atkinson, Thomas. 14 Benson, Matthew. 14 Bradbury, John S. 1 1 Brooks, Benjamin. 14 Church, Silas. '4 Clark, Humphrey. '4 Collins, James. '4 Collins, Lemuel, Jr. 14 Crawford. Benjamin T. '4 Crompton, George. 1 1 Davis, Cornelius. 14 Davis, James. 1 1 Ellis, William. M Eveleth, Joseph. 1 1 Goodridge, Jonathan. 1 1 Hayes, Jacob. 14 Hildreth, David, Jr. '4 Howes, Alvin. 14 Howes, Lemuel, Jr. I T Johnson, D[arius?]. I I Johnson, Henry. T I Luce, Arvin. M Luce, Benjamin. I T Luce, David. 14 Luce, Rowland. 14 Morse, Caleb. I I Norton, Peter. 14 Norton, Obed. M Norton, Samuel. 14 Pike, Joshua. 14 Remick, Francis. M Remick, True. 14 Rogers, Thomas. 14 Shaw, Daniel. M Smith, Henry. 14 Stanley, James. I I Swift, Benjamin. 14 White, James. 9 Williamson, Ebenezer. 14 i6o HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. In addition to their regular pay, twenty-three cents extra was allowed each soldier who furnished his own arms and equipments. The town also voted, at a special meeting holden Nov. 7, 1 8 1 4, to draw thirty dollars from the treasury to pay the expenses of the militia while at Waterville. At the same meeting it was also voted to raise seventy dollars for the pur- chase of firearms. After the close of the I Si 2 war the military trainings and musters were events of great importance for many years. This was especially true with the juvenile portion of the community who, as well as their elders, seemed determined to get all the fun they possibly could out of these holidays. The annual muster, surpassing in their estimation, the Fourth of July in importance. One of the objectionable features of these gather- ings was the prevalence of rum drinking.* Even after temper- ance reform had gained a strong foothold among the people, this custom was still kept up, and never practically ceased until the militia was disbanded. Another custom universally observed was for the captain to furnish his company a dinner on training day. This, with the cost of treating, caused militia offices to become positions of honor rather than profit. On muster days it usually cost the town for rations from twenty to twenty-five dollars, besides a considerable sum for powder and other military stores. Agreeably to an act of the Legislature, authorizing its forma- tion, a regiment of cavalry was organized in 1823, or perhaps a little earlier, as a portion of the State militia. One company of this regiment was composed of men from Farmington and Industry. The uniforms of this company were of blue broad- cloth ornamented with brass buttons and gilt lace; their sword belts being of very showy red morocco, fastened with heavy brass buckles, the officers having straps of the same material passing over each shoulder, crossing in front and be- hind. The caps worn were of the style common to the militia " Col. James Davis, who moved to Industry in 1863, related that on muster day he had sometimes paid out as much as $25 for liquor without taking a single glass himself. THE MILITIA AND 1812 WAR. 161 of those days. The musicians were dressed in suits of red bombazette, cut in the same style as those of the officers and trimmed with buttons and lace, white vests and cravats, citizens' hats with white plumes. The horses of both officers and privates were gaily caparisoned, and on muster days the company made a very fine appearance. Among the mem- bers from Industry, George Gower and Daniel Shaw, Jr., rose to the position of captain, Benjamin Luce to colonel of the regiment, and George Crompton to major on the regimental staff. An amusing anecdote is told of Daniel Shaw, Jr., when captain of the company. At that time the Washingtonian temperance movement was being everywhere agitated and Cap- tain Shaw was a firm believer in its abstemious doctrines. Just previous to the annual State muster the company met at the residence of its commander for drill. At such times a dinner and a generous supply of ardent spirits were usually furnished by the commanding officer. On this occasion, however, the ladies brought out bottles of pepper-sauce which they face- tiously offered the men as a substitute for the customary bumpers of liquor. The men regarded this as a capital joke, and each tasted the pungent condiment before going in to dinner. It was probably on this occasion that the company was presented with a beautiful banner, a gift from the ladies of the town. The presentation was made in behalf of the donors by Miss Adeline Shaw, a sister of the captain. On muster day it was the practice for the members of each company to assemble at the house of their captain and awaken him at an early hour, by the simultaneous discharge of pistols or other fire-arms. Once when Capt. Silas Perham, of Farm- ington commanded the company, George Cornforth, a mem- ber from Industry, in discharging his pistol, which was heavily loaded, was struck in the face by the weapon with such force as to inflict a wound, the scar of which he carried for many years. This circumstance is related to give the reader an idea of the customs in days agone, and to show that even military musters 1 62 H/sroA'v <>/■' /xnrs/Kv. were not devoid of adventure and incident. The subjoined is a partial list of the members from the organization of the company down to tin- time of its disbanding, who resided in Industry. In the last years of its existence the members from this town wei\' excellent horsemen and daring, sturdy fellows. Their hardihood and bravery won for them the name of " Industry Bears." MEMBERS. Allen, Benjamin M. Allen. Freeman. Beede, Daniel. Boardman, Andrew. Boardman, ( ieorge H. Butler, David M. Butler, Josiah. Butler, Thomas. Cornforth, George. Crompton, ( reorge. Crompton, Isaac. Emery, Josiah. Eveleth, Benjamin G. Eveleth, James. Eveleth, Joseph. Fassett, Klbridge C. (iower, George. I [obbs, George. Luce. Benjamin. Manter, Asa M. Manter, Benjamin, 2d. Manter, Elijah, Jr. Manter. 1 Iiram. Manter, James. Manter, John ( '. Manter, John Wells. Manter, William. Manter, Zebulon. Manter, Zebulon, Jr. Norton, James. Norton, John Wesley. Norton, Thomas F. Norton, William 1 ). Rogers, Francis S. Shaw, Albert. Shaw, Daniel, Jr. Storer, Philip A. Thing, Jesse. Trask, Ebenezer G. West, John. West, Shubael C. Willis, John. W'inslow, George. W'inslow, James. W'ithee, Samuel. Withee, Zachariah. The person who had in custody the town's stock of powder was often obliged to store it in or near his dwelling, for want of some more suitable place. This was an extremely hazard- ous thing to do and but few could be found willing to assume such a risk. Consequently the town voted on the 26th day of December, [825, to build a powder house of brick 5x5 feet, in which to store its arms and ammunition. The selectmen were THE MILITIA AND 1812 WAR. 163 chosen as a committee to superintend its construction, and to William Harvey was given the contract of building the house.* The site selected was on a large granite boulder in Capt. Ezek- iel Hinkley's field, a short distance in a westerly direction from the late residence of Andrew Tibbetts. Mr. Harvey built the house the next summer, and for nearly a score of years it admirably filled the purpose for which it was built. After the disbanding of the militia it stood for many years a monument to the armigerous history of the town. Concerning the history of the regular infantry militia, the writer has been unable to gather but few facts of importance. At the annual muster, Sept. 26, 1839, fifty-eight men were on review at Farmington, and Capt. Eben G. Trask commanded the company. f The following gentlemen have served as offi- cers in the militia : Name. Allen, Newman T., Blackstone, Josiah, Boardman, Leonard, Collins, Elias B., Cutts, James, Goodridge, Nathan, Gower, George. Hildreth, David, Johnson, Abraham, Look, Valentine, Luce, Benjamin, Luce, Sanders, Rank. Captain. Major. Brig. Gen. Captain. Colonel. Captain. Name. Manter, Elijah, Sr.. Norton, Clifford B., Norton, Jabez, Jr.. Remick, True, Shaw, Daniel, Jr., Thompson, John, Tolman, Moses, Sr., Trask, Eben G.. Willis, Peter W., Wilson, Isaac, Winslow, Carpenter. Rank. Captain. THE INDUSTRY RIFLE GRAYS. The law requiring enrollment in the militia the names of all able-bodied male citizens, between the age of eighteen and forty-five years, brought together on training and muster days a heterogeneous crowd ranging from the beardless youth to the * Mr. Harvey's bid on the job was the surprising low ligure of $19.75. f The Industry company was designated as Co. D, 1st Reg't, 2d Brigade, 8th Division of the State Militia. 1 64 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. gray-haired veteran. Each person thus enrolled, though re- quired to furnish his own equipments, was not restricted in selecting, but every one was permitted to follow his own taste in the matter. Consequently, as one would naturally infer, these equipments varied greatly in pattern and were often ol the most primitive kind. Their muskets were of every con- ceivable pattern from the old-fashioned " Queen's Arm" down to the more modern weapon with its percussion lock. A com- pany differing so widely in the age of its members, and present- ing such striking dissimilarities in style of dress and equipment, could hardly be expected to make an imposing appearance on muster days, or attain distinction for the precision of its drill. For years these conditions were a source of much dissatisfac- tion, especially among the younger members, and in some way it had gained the pseudonym of "String-bean Company" by- its unpopularity.* At length a large number of the dissatisfied members withdrew, and with a small addition to their number from Farmington, formed an independent company known as The Industry Rifle Grays. The company was mustered in by General Enoch C. Belcher, but the date of its organization can not be learned, as the records have either been lost or de- stroyed. The uniforms were of gray satinet trimmed with red, and the rifles of the most approved pattern and carried a bullet weighing thirty-two to the pound. The total expense of equip- ping the company was about thirty dollars per man, and each member bore his proportional part. At the first meeting for election of officers Newman T. Allen was chosen captain, and John West and William Webster lieutenants. Capt. Allen was a thorough-going tactician, and under his instruction the men made rapid progress in their drill, and the company soon took rank among the best disciplined in the county if not in the * Among the older inhabitants of the town is a tradition concerning the manner in which this title was earned : After each election of officers it was the custom for the newly elected captain to furnish a dinner for his command. < In one occasion the principal dish <>n the table was string beans, cooked according to the usual manner of those days. Wherever the company went after this, it was known among the ple- beians as the "String-bean Company." THE MILITIA AND 1812 WAR. I6 5 State.* The company had probably been organized some four years when the militia disbanded. This is not definitely known, however, though one of the membersf is confident that the company mustered four times during its existence as an organ- ization. The following is a partial list of its officers and members : CAPTAIN. Newman T. Allen. John West. Fifield Luce. Truman Luce. Wesley Meader. William Dyer. Francis Meader. Thomas W. Luce. Alien, Hiram. Allen, Samuel R. Atkinson, Charles. Collins, Joseph, Jr. Collins, Obed N. Craig, Hiram. Craig, John. Emery, Ira, Jr. Hatch, David. Hayes, Charles. Higgins, Barnabas A. Higgins, John C. Holley, Henry. Look, John J. LIEUTENANTS. SERGEANT. Isaac Webster. PIONEERS. MUSICIANS. William Webster. PRIVATES. Henry Smith. Warren Smith. William Q. Folsom. Ezekiel Rackliff. Hugh Stewart. Luce, Charles. Luce, True R. Manter, George. Meader, Charles. Meader, Shubael L. Merrill, James. Norton, Clifford B. Ramsdell, Abner. Stevens, Oliver. Titcomb, Henry. Titcomb, John. Wendell, Thomas, 3d. West, George. * At a general muster held in Farmington, Col. William Nye paid this company the high compliment of being the best drilled company in his command, t Obed N. Collins. CHAPTER IX. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. Water Powers of Industry. — First Grist-Mill Erected. — ('apt. Peter West Erects Mills. — Cornforth's Grist-Mill. — Elisha Lumbert's Crist and Saw-Mills. — Cutler's Mills. — Davis's Mills. — Gower's Mills. — Capt. John Thompson Erects Mills near Stark Line. — West & Mantel's Saw-Mill. — Clover-Mill. — First Shingle-Machine. — Daggett & Brown's Shingle-Mill. — William Cornforth's Fulling-Mill. — lames Gower's Fulling-Mill. — Allen & Co.'s Starch- Factory. — Deacon Emery's Bark-Mill. — Other Tanneries. — Shovel Handles. — Rake Manufacturing. — Smith >\ Coughlin's Spool-Factory. — Oliver Bros.' Steam Box-Factory. — Rackliff's Chair- Factory. — Mechanics, Etc. THE most valuable water power in Industry is that furnished by Clear Water Pond, in the western part of the town. At Allen's Mills, situated at the outlet of this pond, there is a fall of thirty-three feet in fifty-five rods.* A wheel discharging eight hundred inches of water, under a twelve-foot head, has been operated twelve hours per day, continuously, for many years. This by no means represents the full capacity of this excellent water power, which has absolute immunity from danger by freshets and is considered one of the most valuable in this section of the State. The water power at West's Mills is derived from two streams of considerable size, which unite just before reaching the village. In years past these streams have usually furnished sufficient power for operating the grist- mill the whole year, and the saw-mill during the spring and fall. As the town became more thickly settled, large tracts of forest were cut away, admitting the sun's rays and causing much of the surface-water to pass off by evaporation. In * Waltei Wells's " Water Power of Maine." MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. I 6; consequence of this, the grist-mill is useless in times of pro- tracted drouth. . One of the greatest inconveniences to the earl)' settlers in Industry was their remoteness from grist and saw-mills. To these hardy pioneers, inured as they were to toil and hardships, the business of going to mill was " no boy's play." They must go either to Starling's (now Walton's) Mill in Farmington, or nearly double that distance to Wilton, much of the way follow- ing a spotted line through the dense forest and over the roughest of rough roads, with their grists on their shoulders in summer and on handsleds in winter. When the snow became very deep, it was necessary to travel on snowshoes. At such times " blazed trees" was the settler's only guide.* The first grist-mill built within the present limits of Industry was on the north branch of the stream which flows through the village of West's Mills. This mill stood on land now (1892) owned by Eli N. Oliver, and was erected by Henry Norton in the summer of 1794, the land on which it was located having been purchased the previous year. Mr. Norton carried the provision for his workmen and a portion of the mill irons on his back from Abner Norton's, on the Gore, a distance of nearly six miles, following a spotted line over the mountain. f This mill, owing to its faulty construction, proved entirely useless and was a dead loss to its owner. There are still living, persons who recollect having seen portions of the old dam, and doubt- less some traces of the mill can still be found. Capt. Peter West began a clearing on the mill lot, near the village which now bears his name, in 1796, settled there two years later, and soon after built a grist and saw-mill on a stream near his log-cabin.} These mills must have proved a great conven- * A tree with a spot of bark hewed off so as to show the underlying wood was known among the early settlers as " blazed tree." These blazes likewise indicated the origin and character of the road. Three blazes in a perpendicular line on the same tree indicating a legislative road, the single blaze a settlement or neighborhood road. f Allen's History of Industry, p. 21. % Esq. Allen says (History of Industry, p. 31) that "Capt. West's mills were built in 179S." He further states on page 15 that Captain West built a house on his lot in 1798 and moved into it the same season. While the latter date is probably 1 68 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iencc to the early settlers, and it is but reasonable to presume that they were well patronized and the builder abundantly rewarded for his enterprise. On the approach <>f old age, Capt. West retired from active business, and the mills became the property of his son, Esquire Peter West. Respecting these mills, Capt. John Mason, of Fairfax County, Virginia, writes: "When 1 arrived in Industry, April 20, 1819, Esquire West was the first man to employ me. At that time the saw-mill could be used, but it was a rickety affair. The grist-mill was in good order, the big wheel outside the mill.* Cornforth's fulling- mill was in the basement, his carding-machine in an upper room, while the grist-mill was on a floor between the two. Just before I came to the place the grist-mill had been sold to Rufus Viles, Esq. West taking a mortgage, as security, on the property. It was rumored, however, that Esq. West would have to take the mill back. The next year (1820) the saw- mill was sold to Esq. Daniel Shaw, and re-built by him in right good order. He raised the frame of his mill in August, 1S20. Being a wealthy and liberal man, the people flocked from far and near, so sure were the}' that a generous supply of liquor would be furnished for the occasion. As was anticipated, liquor flow T ed freely, and nearly fourteen gallons were required to treat this large assemblage. f The mill was perfect in all its correct, circumstances lead the author to question the correctness of the former. To erect a log-cabin on the very borders of civilization and remove his family and house- hold goods thither from Hallowell, a distance of forty miles, over roads rough in the extreme, must have furnished quite enough labor to occupy the attention of (apt. West for one season. In the absence of records or documentary evidence it becomes extremely difficult, if not an impossibility, to bridge over nearly a century and establish a date beyond question. Therefore, Esq. Allen's statement must necessarily be ac- cepted as an approximation to accuracy. *The author is of the opinion that the grist-mill was rebuilt by Esq. West at the time William Cornforth established his fulling-mill at West's Mills, but has been unable to verify his impressions. fThis was no guess work on the part of Captain Mason. At that time he kept a small grocery store and like every one engaged in the business of those days sold ardent spirits; it was of him that Esq. Shaw bought the liquor lor his raising. The reader may notice a discrepancy between the date of erecting Esq. Shaw's mill and the date of ('apt. Mason's engaging in trade. The matter is easily explained. Capt. Mason kept his goods in Deacon Emery's house for time prior to the erection and completion of his store, and it was during this time that Esq. Shaw's mill was raised. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. 1 69 appointments, and the water-wheel one of the finest I had ever seen." Esquire Peter West sold and conveyed the grist-mill to William Cornforth, Feb. 27, 1835. Immediately after gaining possession of this property, Mr. Cornforth tore down the old mill and began framing a new structure that would better accommodate not only the patrons of the grist-mill, but like- wise his growing business in wool-carding and cloth-dressing. The frame was raised about the time or soon after the ground settled in the spring of 1835. It was an established custom in those days for some one to "name the frame" after the last piece had been raised and fastened in its proper place. On this occasion the men worked with a will, all being anxious to hear the frame named. The ridge-pole being in place, Josiah Emery, standing on an elevated part of the frame, made a short speech, and closed by saying: "Now from Wests Mills We'll transfer the honor, And henceforth say, from Withee's Corner Three miles to ( 'ornforih's Mills." * The frame was covered with as little delay as possible, and Charles Russell, a skillful millwright from Norridgewock, was employed to construct the gear and put the mill in running order. J So expeditiously was the work forwarded, that the mill was ready for business in October, 1835, and Thomas J. True was engaged to come to Industry and operate it. In the succeeding years this mill was liberally patronized, and during the busiest part of the year it was often necessary * This fact was related to the author by Elijah Manter, son of Capt. Benjamin Manter of Industry. As a further proof that it was from the frame of this mill, and not, as some claim, that of the saw-mill built by Shaw & Cornforth in 1845, that the doggerel above referred to was promulgated, the author would say in 1836, the municipal officers designated the place as Cornforth's Mills in their warrant for the September town meeting. t Elbridge II. Rackliff informs the writer that " Mr Cornforth purchased a set of black buhr-stones for grinding wheat. They had been imported from France by a gentleman who being unable to find a bolt of suitable fineness was obliged to sell them. Mr. Cornforth was more fortunate in that respect, however, and when set up in his mill they worked to a charm." I/O HISTORY (>/■' INDUSTRY. to run it night and day to accommodate its patrons. Some idea of the extent of the business done can be gained from the fact that in [837 the town produced 6,078 bushels of wheat. Allowing five bushels of wheat to make a barrel of flour, and that one barrel per year was consumed by each inhabitant, there would be a net surplus of 199 3—5 barrels. Mr. Corn- forth sold his mill to Asa M. Manter, then of Parkman, Oct. 28, 1845. -Mr. .Manter made extensive improvements during his ownership, including the refitting of the mill with buhr-stones in the summer of 1S4S. Jan. 2, 1850, Mr. Manter sold a half interest in the mill to his brother, Zebulon Manter, Jr., and together they owned it for a period of over six years. The Manter Bros, did not operate the mill personally during their entire ownership, but employed Deacon Ephraim Hcald a por- tion of the time. At length Zebulon re-sold his interest to Asa M., who in turn sold, on March 24, 1856, to Hazen Black, an experienced miller from Fairfield, Me. Mr. Black had as a partner a man by the name of Bray. George Cutts, of New Portland, was the next owner of this mill, purchasing it of Black and Bra}-, March 10, 1858. Mr. Cutts did not operate the mill himself, but placed it in charge of his son-in-law, J. Warren Vaughan, who subsequently, on the 28th day of September, [859, purchased a half interest of Mr. Cutts. Two days prior to the forenamed date, Samuel R. .Mien had purchased of Mr. Cutts a half interest in the same property, and after a brief ownership, Mr. Vaughan also sold out to Mr. Allen. Lip to this time the motive power of the mill had been a twenty-foot overshot wheel. While in the possession of Mr. Allen, the main shaft of the water-wheel broke, and a turbine wheel, known as Gould's Patent, was substituted. This wheel, being improperly geared, did not work well at first; but in the spring of 1861 it was re-geared by Hazen Black, who purchased the property in company with Oliver Stevens. They also added a new run of stones for grinding feed, and made other improve- ments. In the winter of [863, George W. Johnson and Albert Shaw bought Mr. Black's interest in the mill and Leonard Viles MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. I/I operated it, probably as lessee, for a period of nearly two years.* Hiram Oliver, the present owner, purchased Mr. Stevens's inter- est Nov. 14, 1865, and some twenty years later the other half, which had been severally owned by Albert Shaw, Eli N. Oliver, and James M. Norton. About the same time or soon after Captain West built his mills, Elisha Lumbert built a saw-mill on a small stream which flowed through the western part of the New Vineyard Gore. In the lower part of this mill were the requisite conveniences for grinding corn and wheat. The flour was separated from the bran, after the wheat was ground, by passing it through a bolt turned by hand power. These mills were afterwards owned by Levi Y. Lumbert, and still later by Nathan Cutler. They were carried away by a freshet about 1830 and were rebuilt by Mr. Cutler and sons. After a few years the patronage began to change from these to other mills, and they were torn down prior to 1 850. Rufus Davis, a son-in-law of Joseph Smith, built a grist and saw-mill at the outlet of Clear Water Pond in 1804.! He be- gan operations by building a dam at the outlet of the pond and another across the stream, some rods below the first, on which was located his mill. The building contained a saw-mill and one run of stones for grinding grain. The motive power for this mill was furnished by a huge undershot wheel fully fifteen feet in diameter. The late Rev. John Allen once related to the author how a man fell into the flume, when this mill was running, passed with the water through the wheel and came out below safe and sound. | * It was during this period that a peculiarly sad accident occurred to a son of Joseph B. Viles. When the old overshot wheel was replaced by a Gould wheel the vertical iron wheel-shaft was extended through the main floor to the loft above. ( In the main floor this shaft had never been covered. ( hie rainy day while Mr. Viles was grinding, his grandson came into the mill. In some way his wet sleeve was caught by the swiftly revolving shaft and before the wheel could be stopped his arm had been torn from his body and other injuries of a serious nature sustained. Physicians were summoned at once, but their skill was of no avail and he died July — , 1864, a few hours after the accident. t See Allen's History of Industry, p. 21. % Mr. Davis likewise built a dwelling-house near his mill, concerning the raising of which, Rev. John Allen once wrote the author : " I was present when Rufus I7 2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. James Gower came to Industry from Farmington about 1812 and bought Mr. Davis's property. He replaced the wooden dam at the outlet of the pond by a substantial stone one, and re-built the grist-mill with two sets of stones.* He sold his property to Newman T. Allen, June 6, icSj2. Mr. Allen was a practical millwright, and after successfully operating the mill for nearly three years, sold to his brother, Benjamin Allen. This gentleman operated the mill for a long term of years, re- ceiving a liberal patronage not only from the inhabitants of Industry, but likewise from those of Farmington and New Sharon. Forming a co-partnership with his brother, of whom he bought the property, the mill was thoroughly repaired and buhr-stones added. After the death of his brother, Captain Newman T. Allen, Benjamin continued to operate the grist-mill until he sold out and moved to New Sharon, in the spring of [864. Amos S. Hinkley eventually became the owner of this mill, and sold it with his other property to Holman Johnson & Sons, of Wayne. About 1872 the machinery was taken out of the mill and a portion carried to Wayne. Capt. John Thompson built a saw-mill in 1805,1 which also Davis had a small one-story dwelling-house raised by only himself and my father. When they raised the broadsides my brother Harrison and I (then small boys) each held the foot of a post with bars. A hard lift they had, but as both were strong men, the frame went up." * Rev. John Allen. Says Truman A. Allen: "A saw-mill was built at an early day half-way between the grist-mill and the road. This mill was burned, for I have seen the charred timbers at times when the waters of the mill-pond were drawn off." The writer is of the opinion that the mill here referred to was the old Rufus Davis saw and grist-mill, and that the one above mentioned was built to replace it. Charles Augustus Allen (born 1830), son of Capt. Newman T. Allen, takes exceptions to the foregoing statement of Truman A. Allen (born 1810), and most emphatically declares it to be incorrect. Charles A. positively slates thai there never was a mill between the grist-mill owned for many years by his father and uncle (Benjamin) and the road, but that there are traces of an old dam below the grist- mill. In correspondence with Truman A. Allen relative to this matter, the writer prepared a diagram of the mills ami dams as they now exist and sent it to Mr. Allen, requesting him to locate thereon the burned mill. This he did very readily, and described all the surroundings so clearly and minutely as to leave little chance for doubt as to the correctness of his recollections. t Allen's History of Industry. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. 173 contained a run of stones for grinding grain. This mill was situated near the Stark line on a small stream that flowed through lot No. 53, where Captain Thompson had previously settled. By flowing a large meadow lying in a westerly direc- tion from the mill, an abundant supply of water was obtained. For a time this mill was fairly patronized, and it was here that much of the lumber for the first meeting-house erected in town was sawed ; but it eventually fell into disuse and has long since been demolished. A saw-mill was erected at Allen's Mills on the site of the one now (1892) owned by John P. Rackliff, probably in 1820 or earlier. The exact date of its erection, as well as the name of its builders, is shrouded with a degree of uncertainty, notwithstanding the most diligent research of the writer. In a letter to the author, Truman A. Allen, of Vine- yard Haven, Mass., says : " Possibly James Gower and Rufus Allen built the saw-mill below the grist-mill. It was run a year or more by strangers at my earliest recollection. After- wards James Gower's sons ran it for a time, and then Rufus Allen took it. He ran it long enough to saw off one of his fingers, and later he fell out the lower end of the mill. His fall was somewhat broken by a pile of slabs, from which he rolled down on to the rocks below and into the water. This fall put an end to his sawing logs, for he received such a shak- ing up that he never full)' recovered from the shock."* Benja- min and Newman T. Allen eventually became sole owners of the mill, and by them it was re-built about 1837. Later it was repaired by Newman T. Allen, who adjusted the saw to run at a very high rate of speed. Capt. Newman T. Allen died in the * Rev. John Allen wrote the author some years prior to his death that " The Aliens made some improvements on the grist-mill and built a dam and saw-mill below it." II Elder Allen's statement is correct it was probably Rufus Allen and sons who built this mill, instead of James (lower and Rufus Allen as suggested by Truman A. Allen. Rufus Jennings, who purchased a fulling and carding-mill at Allen's Mills in 1825, once told the writer that when he came to town James Gower and Rufus Allen owned the saw-mill referred to, and that to the best of his recollections it was built by them. As Mr. Jennings memory was not very clear on this point the writer is inclined to favor Rev. John Allen's statements, he being fifteen years the senior of Truman A. Allen and four years older than Mr. Jennings. Beside, the latter was not very intimately acquainted with the history of the village prior to 1825. 1/4 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. fall of 1855, and in settling his estate his interest in the saw-mill fell to his suns, Samuel R. and Charles A. Allen. Oct. 13, [859, Samuel R. Allen, having previously purchased his brother's interest, sold out to Charles S. Prince, of Industry. March 15, 1859, previous to Mr. Prince's purchasing an interest in the mill, Tobias C; Walton boughl Benjamin Allen's share of the property. Mr. Prince sold out to Mr. Walton, after a part- nership of nearly four years, and the latter became sole owner of the property. A year later he sold to Amos S. Hinkley, who had recently moved into town and was manufacturing shovel-handles in the old starch-factory. Mr. Hinkley kept the mill about four years and sold to Oliver and Bryce 11. Waugh, of Stark. These gentlemen at once took possession of the mill, put it in good order and were well patronized for a time. Aug. 29, 1873, Oliver Waugh bought his son's interest and continued the business for a period of over ten years, lie was not successful, however, in operating the mill alone, and failed to retain the generous patronage accorded the father and son/ In September, [875, John P. Rackliff, who had been engaged in manufacturing wheel-hubs in Stark, came to Industry and set up his machinery in the old tannery at Allen's Mills. After making hubs for three years, he engaged in the manufacture of packing-boxes for canned sweet-corn, disbursing for labor and material between eight and nine hundred dollars the first sea- son. He continued the business there until the fall of [883, readily selling all the boxes he could make. He purchased of Oliver Waugh the saw-mill previously mentioned, Now S, [883. In March following he purchased and set a forty-horse-power Chase turbine wheel to supplement the power furnished by a Gould wheel already in the mill. lie also bought and set up a twenty-five-foot Richer board-machine, and soon after built a box-mill, 24x50 feet, to connect with his saw-mill. The next year he added to his already finely equipped mill, one of * The senior member of this firm, after gaining sole possession of the mill, in addition to his custom sawing, associated himself with J. William Patten, and for some years manufactured brush-blocks, trunk-cleats and dowels, doing quite a busi- 111 ss. especially in the manufaeture of the last named artiele. .If ILLS AND MANUFACTURING. 1/5 Rickcr's self- feeding box-board machines and also a twenty-four- inch planer. In the spring of r 888, he further added to the value of his mill by the introduction of an improved upright shingle-machine. Mr. Rackliff now has one of the best ap- pointed mills to be found in any country town. He saws about 200 M. of long lumber and 250 M. of shingles per year, sawing annually, in addition to this, some fifty cords of white birch into spool stock. In the fall of 1891 he manufactured at his shop 17,000 boxes and crates for canned corn and apple. The present season (1892) he has bought 118 cords of poplar, and anticipates a busy time the coming fall. He pays the farmers $3.50 per cord for poplar delivered at his mill. In the summer of 1 82 5 or 1826,* Esquire Peter West, hav- ing previously disposed of the mill built by his father, erected a saw-mill about seventy-five rods below the grist-mill at West's Mills. His brother-in-law, Henry Manter, was an equal partner with him in this enterprise. The mill was afterwards owned by numerous individuals, several of whom purchased only an eighth interest. A blacksmith by the name of Freeman at one time leased the mill and set up a forge and trip-hammer in it, for the manufacture of axes. Owing to financial difficulties he suspended business after a short time and soon left town. Esquire West retained his interest in the mill up to near the time of his death. In the process of time the mill became the property of Col. Benjamin Luce, and was carried away by a freshet in 1847.! Nathaniel M. Davis built a clover-mill in 1837, on the farm which he inherited from his father, Capt. David Davis. Col. Joseph Fairbanks, having purchased the mill privilege at what is now Fairbanks Mills, in Farmington, erected a grist- mill in 1807, and soon after purchased the right to flow a small pond on the Gore and constructed a clam at its outlet. Mr. Davis purchased this right of flowage to furnish the required power for his clover-mill. He greatly improved his property by building a stone dam in place of the wooden one, as well as * Authority of George, son of Henry Manter. t Authority of Mrs. John H. Viles, daughter of Col. Peter A. West. I7 6 HISTORY OF rNDUSTRY. by other improvements. Mr. Davis lost his life in this mill, Oct. 9, [843. * Soon after this the mill, with the farm and other property, was purchased by Alexander Hillman. The mill was carried o\\ by a freshet in [850, and Mr. Hillman soon after built a saw-mill on the same site, which was for many years in successful operation. f In the fall of [844 William Cornforth, Albert and Daniel Shaw, Jr. 4 having torn down the old mill built by Esq. Daniel Shaw in [820, began laying the foundation for a new mill. The stone work was done in a most thorough and substantial manner, ami though it has been standing more than forty-seven years, is to all appearances as solid as on the day of its com- pletion. During the summer of 1845 the mill was built and put in operation, and for many years it received a large patron- age. Albert Shaw bought his brother's share, after the mill had been built some years, and ever after owned a half interest in the property. William Cornforth, Sr., sold his half of the mill to his son Bateman, April 28, 1858. The mill was not * \ singular circumstance in relation to the finding of Mr. I >avis's body, as well as the facts concerning his death, seem worthy of record in these pages: Below the main floor of the mill was a horizontal shaft with a crank at one end. fust previous to .Mr. Davis's death workmen had repaired the mill, and in keying the sweep to this crank had allowed the head of the key to project a considerable distance. The hear- ings of the shaft sometimes became unduly heated when the mill was in operation and required constant watching. ( >n the day of his death the mill was in charge of an employee and it is supposed that Mr. Davis went below to examine the bearings of the shaft as was his custom. In the darkness he failed to see the projecting key- on the rapidly moving sweep, and in reaching for the journal was struck on the lie. id and killed. That night as soon as he was missed search was made, but no one seemed to know in what direction to look for the missing man. After a fruitless search, the neighbors returned home for a little rest, agreeing to meet on the morrow and continue the search. ( >n re-assembling in the morning, < apt. ( lifford 1'.. Norton in discussing the matter, casually remarked that last night he had dreamed where the body of Mr. Davis lay, and then added, "to dispel the illusion ami prove the fallacy of dreams, I am going to that spot." Imagine the surprise of Captain Norton when, on reaching the dark basement of the mill and putting his hand where he had dreamed the body lav. to find his dream veritable reality. t This mill, which had not been used for several years, was taken down April 25, 1891, and the timber used for other pur] j Albert and Daniel Shaw. Jr., came into possession of a half interest in this property by a deed from their father bearing date June 17, 1834. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. I 77 usually operated by the owners, but was leased to parties skilled in the business. I >avid Hatch bought Cornforth's interest in the mill March 16, 1866. When the mill came into Mr. Hatch's possession extensive repairs were in progress, and the next fall a machine was purchased and shingle-sawing was added to the business of the mill. Mr. Hatch continued to operate the mill in company with Albert Shaw until the summer of 1868, when he sold out to John E. Johnson. Samuel R. Allen purchased the prop- erty immediately after it came into Johnson's possession, and during the summer and fall rebuilt the flume and undergear of the mill in a most thorough and substantial manner. He sold, Aug. 5, 1870, to Eli N. Oliver, a practical millwright, who had recently moved into town from Stark. Nov. 6, 1870, Mr. Oliver purchased the other half of the property of the heirs of Albert Shaw, and thus became sole owner of the mill. Two years later Thomas M. Oliver bought the mill, and it was operated for many years by his brother-in-law, John W. Frederic. The mill was purchased in the fall of 1884 by Eugene L. Smith and George F. Lovejoy, its present owners. These gentlemen made some repairs on their property in the spring, and the following autumn they purchased and set up one of Harvey Scribner's upright shingle-machines, which they had in operation by the middle of November, 1885. Having secured a contract for spool stock, Messrs. Smith & Lovejoy began to buy white birch for its manufacture early in the winter of 1889, and during the season purchased upward of 100 cords. Purchasing the neces- sary machinery, they have continued to make this a branch of their business down to the present time. They purchased and set a powerful Gould water-wheel in the fall of 1889, and in the spring of 1 890 they added to their mill one of Ricker's rotary board-machines, having previously rebuilt the entire running gear in a most thorough and substantial manner. They now saw about 100 M. of long lumber and 125 M. shingles, beside a large quantity of white birch and poplar each season. Recently they have done something in the line of sawing staves and bobbin stock. I 78 HISTX Vv'i • ( )/■■ TNDl T STR J '. Without doubt the first shingle-machine brought into the town was set up in the saw-mill at Allen's Mills in [843, and operated by Capt. Newman T. Allen. Then such a machine was a great curiosity and its productions one of the novelties of the day. In the summer of [848 John W. Frederic and Samuel D. Luce rebuilt the dam of the saw-mill, built by Esquire West and Henry Manter (see />. IJ5), and having constructed a suit- able building for a shingle-mill, purchased in Augusta, Me., a Johnson Machine which they immediately set up in the building. This was the first shingle-machine ever operated at West's Mills. After passing through numerous hands it at length became the property of David Merry. The mill and a larger part of the dam were carried off in a freshet in the fall of 1855.* The mill was rebuilt about 1858 by David Merry and John W. Frederic. John Smith succeeded Mr. Merry as owner of the mill. After operating it a few years, the Hume and a portion of the dam was carried off by a freshet in the fall of 1866. lie then sold the machinery to Albert Shaw and David I latch, and it was set up in the saw-mill where it was successfully operated for a number of years. It was supplanted by a greatly improved machine in the tall of 1885. John Brown, 2d, and Isaac Daggett purchased a shingle- machine of Carpenter Winslow, Nov. 5, 1847, which they set up on a small stream just south of the John T. Daggett farm in the north part of the town. In consequence of the limited supply of water, this mill could be operated only during the earl}- spring and after the fall rains. Not finding the enter- prise a profitable one, the machinery was moved elsewhere after a few years. CARDING AND FULLING-MILLS. In the home of the early settler in Industry many kinds of work were done with which the housewife of the present day is ♦This freshet, which occurred 1 >ct. [3, 1855, ' ia( ' not > ' c was sa ' ( '> ' Jcen equalled for fifty years. The "long bridge " at West's Mills was swept away, as well as the shingle-mill and much other property along the course of the stream. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. I J[) wholly unacquainted. Then even- farmer kept at least a few- sheep and sowed a piece of flax, and from these sources the wearing apparel of the family was derived. Then the carding, spinning, weaving, dyeing, cutting and making were all done by the skillful hand of the industrious wife and mother. As the people began to emerge from the poverty and want incident to every new settlement, a gradual change dawned on the inhabi- tants. Vast tracts of forest had gradually yielded to the sturdy strokes of the settler's axe, and the land been converted into grass-bearing fields. As a matter of course, more hay was cut, and more neat stock and larger flocks of sheep could be kept. The increase in the amount of wool now produced ne- cessitated the introduction of a carding-machine and the estab- lishing of a mill for fulling, dyeing and dressing cloth. James Gower built a fulling-mill about I S 1 S at the outlet of Clear Water Pond, just below his grist-mill and nearly opposite where John P. Rackliff's saw-mill now (1892) stands. The writer regrets that he has been unable to fix the date of its erection more definitely. It was undoubtedly operated by Samuel Gower, a younger brother of James, who had previously learned the business. Dec. 25, 1820, James Gower sold his fulling-mill to Samuel Pierce, of Malta, now (1892) Windsor, Maine. This mill either contained a carding-machine when Mr. Pierce bought it, or else one was set up soon after the property came into his possession. The building, together with lot No. 84, comprising the farm now occupied by D. Collins Luce, was purchased, Jan. 2}, 1824, by Rufus Jennings, of P'armington, Pierce, who was a skillful clothier, reserving all the machinery. Mr. Jennings refitted the mill with new machinery and after an ownership of two years sold the fulling-mill to Eben Willard, of New Portland, but reserved the carding- machine and the room it occupied. Mr. Willard resold to Jennings, Aug. 9, 1830, who afterwards conducted the whole business. He had a large patronage and two sets of cards were run night and day during the busiest part of the season, and the fulling-mill was frequently operated six months in the year. Samuel Gower was a clothier, and Mr. Jennings often I So HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. employed him to take charge of his fulling-mill. Cyprian Bis- be< operated the mill several years prior to 1836, and it may have been operated by John Folsom and others at different periods. William Cornforth, a clothier by trade, erected a building", connected with Esq. West's grist-mill, in 1S1S, in which to full, dye and dress cloth. The necessary motive power was obtained from the water-wheel of the grist-mill. He also set up a card- ing-machine, and wool-carding became an important branch of his business. He purchased the grist-mill in the winter of [835, and immediately rebuilt it with spacious apartments for his carding-machine and dye works.* He operated his mill some nine years after rebuilding, and then sold his fulling-mill, June 6, 1844, to his son, George Cornforth, and at the same time leased him the carding-machine for a term of years. George Cornforth operated the mill a few years and then abandoned the business, and the mill was eventually converted to other uses. Benjamin and Newman T.Allen, in company with Henry Titcomb, Joseph and Eben Norton of Farmington, built a starch-factory just below the grist-mill at Allen's Mills, about 1845. Each of these gentlemen, excepting Joseph and Eben Norton, owned one-fourth interest in the property. About the time the factory was ready for business the potato rot made its appearance in Industry, and many who had planted potatoes for the factor)' lost their entire crop. Joseph, Jr., and Obed \. Collins, planted five acres for Messrs. Allen & Co., and barely harvested sound potatoes enough for seed. Hut not- withstanding this unfavorable turn of affairs, the Company subsequently engaged in the manufacture of starch, to some extent, for six or seven years, sometimes purchasing as many as 4000 bushels of potatoes in a single season. * Mr. Cornforth's fulling-mill, a large building, was carried away by an ice freshet in the 111 .nth of February, [837. During a warm rain the ire on the brook l>roke up ami formed an immense jam on the Hat just outside the village, 'this jam broke, and the waters swept down upon the village with resistless force, causing great loss to mill owners. •'sv^:~> "^v/^i ■11 lllilli lillili ... . . ,. IIIIUlHillllllllllllllllllLiillli.' Illllllllillllli'S. il DEA. IRA EMERY. Engraved by Geo. E. Johnson, Boston. l-'ioiii :i photograph by Merrill of Farmington, \li MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. 181 DEACON EMERY'S BARK-MILL. At least one door-stone in Industry possesses rare historical interest, and fifty years hence its value will be greatly en- hanced, as showing the difference between the primitive imple- ments of the early settlers and the labor-saving machinery of the present day. In 1 8 1 8 Deacon Ira Emery, a tanner and shoemaker by trade, came to Industry and bought of Esquire Peter West the house and land near West's Mills, recently occupied by Sidney Watson. Soon after his arrival in town he built a bark-mill,* where he tanned leather for his own and other's use. This mill stood a short distance west of the house, in a low run where an abundant supply of water could be had. In this mill were some six or eight vats in which the hides were submitted to the influence of the tanning liquid. The process was slow and tedious, requiring from six to twelve months to complete it. In those days cold liquor was invariably used, and years later, when the hot-liquor process was first introduced, it was re- garded with much disfavor, and tanners who had practiced the former process all their lives were slow in adopting what seemed to them an uncalled for innovation upon their estab- lished method of tanning. The bark used was ground, not in the patent mill of the present day, which evenly and rapidly reduces it to the required degree of fineness, but by the aid of a large circular stone made fast to a shaft passing through its centre. One end of this shaft was attached to a post set in the ground, while by the other end the stone was rolled around and over the bark, which it crushed by reason of its great weight. For this purpose the bark was laid in a circle in the rut or track of the heavy crusher. This stone, with traces of the old tan-vats, are the only mementos left by Father Time of the first tannery erected in Industry. The stone now serves as a door- *Capt. John Mason, writing from Fairfax County, Va., under .late of Oct. 25, [883, says: "The stone from which the bark-crusher was made originally lay in the bottom of Gapt. West's mill-pond. It was hauled out by Esquire Daniel Shaw, drilled and rounded by Gilman Hilton, and set up by Samuel Pinkham and myself." The planks for the vats were purchased of Major Francis Mayhew, of New Sharon, and were hauled to Industry by Samuel Patterson, who then lived on Bannock Hill. 23 [82 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. step for the dwelling on the premises. When converted to its present use, a portion of it was broken off that it might better fit the position it was to occupy. Otherwise it is in as good a state of preservation as in the days of yore, when it ground the bark for tanning a large portion of the leather used in Industry. By actual measurement this stone is five feet in diameter and nearly seven inches thick. Its past history is here given, but who can predict its future? Half a century hence, when noth- ing remains of the structure of which it now forms a part save the stones of its foundation, will some gray-haired patriarch point it out as an important part of the first tannery estab- lished in town? Or, will this important relict be desecrated by the hand of the ruthless destroyer, thus plunging into oblivion one more mute chronicler of past events? Henry Butler probably erected the first and only tannery ever built in that section of New Vineyard annexed to Industry in 1S44. Mr. Butler settled in New Vineyard in 1795, but the date of erecting his tanner}- can not be learned. The tan-vats were located on a small stream flowing through the farm now ( 1 892 ) owned by John C. Pratt, and traces of them are still discernible. David H. Harris, from Greene, Me., settled at the centre of the town, and constructed several tan-vats near where the meeting-house stands, simultaneously or shortly after the erec- tion of Deacon Emery's tannery at West's Mills. Mr. Harris was a tanner and shoemaker by trade, and died in 1824, after living in town a few years. Cornelius Davis, who came from Martha's Vineyard in 18 10 and settled on " Federal Row," was also a shoemaker and tan- ner. He did something at tanning, but as to the extent of his business the writer has not been able to learn anything definite. Soon after coming to Industry, Rufus Jennings built a bark- mill and constructed some half-dozen tan-vats for tanning leather for his own manufacture.* lie afterwards enlarged his tannery * Mr. Jennings also owned ami operated a clover-mill in connection with his tannery and other business, but nothing is known as to tin- amount of patronage he received. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. 1 83 and did much tanning for the people of the surrounding country. This mill had a patent cast-iron grinder, and was undoubtedly the first of the kind ever seen in town. Charles L. Allen,* in company with his brothers, Benjamin and Newman T. Allen, erected a tannery, soon after Mr. Jennings's, which they operated simultaneously with his as a rival for the public patronage. It had been idle, however, for some years prior to the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion. October 2, i860, Sylvanus B. Philbrick, a tanner by trade, came to Industry, purchased the property and re-established the business of tanning in town. He continued the business with a good degree of success until December 10, 1873, when he sold out to Deacon Joseph P. Thwing, of Farmington, and the establishment was soon after closed. f Dudley L. Thing built a bark-mill near the east end of the "long bridge" at West's Mills, in 1838. He conducted the business of tanning for eight or ten years, using the Col. Peter A. West store for a currying room until his brother, Jesse Thing, purchased a stock of goods, and there established him- self in trade. SHOVEL-HANDLE MANUFACTURING. In the fall of 1862 or early in the winter of 1863, Amos S. Hinkley moved into town and settled at Allen's Mills, rented the starch-factory, and began to manufacture shovel-handles. This new enterprise greatly favored the farmers of Industry, as nearly every one had some of the white ash, from which the handles were made, growing on his farm, and cutting the timber * This gentleman did not remain long in partnership with his brothers, but sold out to them after three or four years. Messrs. Allen had some twenty vats in their tannery, and devoted their time principally to tanning sole-leather, which they shipped to Boston. Sometimes, however, they tanned upper leather, which they hired an experienced currier to finish. They eventually bought out, thereby adding his pat- ronage to their own. t Mr. Philbrick was a native of Chesterville, where he worked at his trade up to 1 85 7, but came to Industry from Canton, Me. He did not become sole owner of the tannery until May 7, 1861, when he purchased the remaining half of Gen. Nathan Goodridge, guardian of the minor child of Capt. Newman T. Allen. [84 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. and working it into blocks afforded employment at a season when little else could be done. This new industry opened up an avenue whereby hundreds of dollars were eventually added to the income of the fortunate land-owners in this town and its vicinity. Although this factor}- was supplied with machinery of the most primitive kind, Air. Hinkley was able to finish iooo dozen handles per month. He purchased of several share- holders their interest in the property in the fall of 1863, and afterward of others in the following years until he became sole owner of the property. He continued to do a prosperous business until the autumn of 1869, when he sold to Holman Johnson & Sons, of Wayne. These gentlemen had been en- gaged in the business for years, and controlled the patents on an improved lathe and other important machinery. The fac- tory was entirely refitted and furnished with the latest and best machinery, and the business greatly enlarged.* Their lathe, which was capable of performing a great amount of work, was often run day and night in order to supply the demand for handles. After the death of Holman Johnson the business at Allen's Mills passed into the hands of William H. Johnson, under whose superintendency it had previously been. The facton- gave employment to from eight to fifteen hands the year around, and one year 33,000 dozen handles were finished. Ash at length became scarce, and the factory was taken down in the summer of 1883. The manufacture of the D handle was superseded by that of a patent handle, the invention of the proprietor, William H.Johnson. For the manufacture of these Mr. Johnson rebuilt the old grist-mill, in the summer of [881, and fitted it up with the necessary machinery, much ol winch was of his own invention. He made as many as three hundred dozen per week when running his factor}- to its fullest * I he new machinery, which largely increased the capacity of tin- factory, was ed with much intei 1 uriosity by the citizens of that locality. The latter turned a handle complete by a single movement of the operator's hand after the block had been placed in the machine. The 1) part of the handle had been punched in Mr. I [inkley's factory by a die-press worked by hand power. Messrs. Johnson did this work with a machine the capacity of which was only limited by the dexti the operator. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. 1S5 capacity. Though possessing greater durability than its older rival, and other important advantages, the cost of manufacture was so large that it did not prove a remunerative enterprise to its inventor, and their manufacture was suspended in [891.* Mr. Johnson was also engaged in the manufacture of the 1) handle, at Auburn, Ale., in company with Columbus Marshall, of Anson, prior to leaving industry. Hiram Oliver, who had for several years occupied the Wil- liam Cornforth fulling-mill building as a carpenter shop, began taking it down early in the summer of 1868, and also made preparations for erecting a larger and more convenient shop. By the following winter he had finished the building and like- wise constructed the necessary machinery required for the manufacture of rakes. Taking Gustavus W. Spinney, of Stark, into partnership, they manufactured during the winter fully one hundred dozen rakes. Owing to the great cost of suitable lum- ber and the competition of other manufacturers, the enterprise did not prove sufficiently remunerative to warrant its continu- ance. Mr. Oliver next engaged in the manufacture of drag-rakes, for several years, with more satisfactory returns. After this he fitted up his shop with machinery for wood-working, and has since done a good business in the general jobbing line.f SMITH AM) COUGHLIN'S SPOOL-FACTORY. Late in the summer of 1 871, Lauriston A. Smith and Joseph L. Coughlin, two enterprising young men from New Vineyard, conceived the idea of erecting a factory for the manufacture of spools and staves in some convenient location in the town of Industry. Having thoroughly explored the * Immediately on shutting down at the Allen's Mills factory, the machinery was taken out and shipped to Veedersburgh, Fountain County, Indiana, where he is still engaged in the business. fOn first coming to Industry, Mr. < (liver invented a washing-machine that proved a decided success. Backed by abundant capital and business ability, it might have become a paying invention. As it was, Mr. ( lliver manufactured them alone, hence they were only known to the people of a limited locality. [86 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. timber lands which would furnish the desired supply of ma- terial, and finding it abundant the enterprise became a fixed fact. Philip A. Storer generously offered these gentlemen a free lease of sufficient land for a site and yard for their pro- posed mill. The offer was accepted and the lot selected near Mr. Storer's dwelling-house, but on the opposite side of the road. The first stick of timber for the frame of the building was cut in September, and so expeditiously was the work pushed that by the time cold weather had fully set in the building was completed and ready for the machinery. The motive power was furnished by a stationary engine of thirty horse-power.' In January, 1872, the first stick of lumber was sawed, and during that winter nearly 400 cords of white birch and poplar were bought and sawed into spool timber and staves. During the summer of 1872 they put in two complete sets of spool machinery and finished their first spool in Aug- ust of that year. For the year ending August, 1874, Messrs. Smith & Coughlin finished at their factory, on an average, 150 gross of spools per day. They also manufactured 150 thou- sand staves in addition to their spool business. In the fall of 1874 Mr. Smith sold out to his partner and retired from the business. After this Mr. Coughlin continued the business alone till near the close of the year 1875, when the factory was de- stroyed by fire. The fire was discovered at about 12 o'clock on the night of Wednesday, December 8th. Owing to the highly combustible character of the factory and its contents, nothing was saved from the flames. The cause of the fire was unknown, but is supposed to have originated from a defective stove in the finishing room. THE OLIVER BROTHERS' STEAM BOX-FACTORY. In December, 1871, Eli N., Hiram and Alexander Oliver, broke ground for the foundation of a steam box-factory. The site chosen for the building was a few rods north of the brick ♦This engine was regarded as quite a curiosity among machinists, from the fact that it had a forty-two-inch stroke. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. I 8/ school-house at West's Mills. Great enthusiasm was manifested by the citizens, and many contributed labor in aid of the enter- prise. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the season, the excavating for the basement was vigorously prosecuted, and in due time the stone foundation was completed ready for the frame. Previous to this the frame had been sawed at the saw- mill, and in an incredibly short time the frame was up and the building was boarded. The structure was 30x60 feet, one story in height, with a basement for engine-room, etc. By the middle of March everything was in readiness for the machinery. At that time the snow was very deep in the roads, and the moving of the heavy fly-wheel and other parts of the engine from the depot at Farmington seemed to present almost insur- mountable difficulties. By skill and perseverance, however, the task was at last accomplished, and before the middle of April the engine was in complete running order. This engine was a portable one of forty-five horse-power. The fly-wheel was over eight feet in diameter and weighed two tons. The main belt contained eleven sides of heavy sole-leather, and the shaft- ing and pulleys weighed several tons in the aggregate. The factory contained three saws for cutting the lumber into box- boards, besides a large circular bolting saw, planer, and two full sets of saws for cutting the planed boards into boxes. A shed nearly one hundred feet long was erected to protect the sawed lumber from the weather while in the process of season- ing. This shed connected with the factory by means of a wooden track, over which the sawed lumber was conveyed on hand-cars. When in full operation the factory gave employ- ment to twelve or fourteen hands, and the largest amount of poplar bought in any one season was nine hundred cords. The factory was operated by its builders until May 12, 1874, when they sold out to David M. Norton, who, in connection with his brothers, James M. and Alonzo Norton, continued the business until the factory was burned, Oct. 9, 1878. After Joseph L. Coughlin's spool-factory was burned, in 1875, Hiram Oliver bought the castings of the spool machinery, and during the following winter rebuilt the lathes and set them up in a room [88 HISTORY (>/■' WDUSTRY. in the basement of the box-factor}'. Here they were success- fully operated for a period of over two years. The destruction of this factor}- by fire was a great loss to the community, as well as to tin' owners, for its existence had created a demand, at remunerative prices, for poplar and birch, which grew in abundance in man}- parts of the town. rackliff's chair-fact* >ry. Ezekiel Rackliff moved from Stark to Industry in Novem- ber, [874, and settled at Allen's Mills. He purchased the old grist-mill building and water-privilege, moved his chair machin- ery from Stark, and continued the manufacture of common wooden or dining-chairs. At the end of two years, failing health forced him to abandon work, and the business passed into the hands of his sons, William II. and Caleb A. Rackliff, who carried it on for some years. They eventually sold out to William II. Johnson, of whom the water-power and building had been purchased. THE industry lumber company's steam-mill. In September, [886, a company of five gentlemen, consist- ing of Eugene L. Smith, George F. Lovejoy, Marshall W. Smith, John W. Frederic and Samuel Rackliff, formed a co- partnership for the purpose of erecting a steam saw-mill in Industry. The site selected was on the land of Thomas M. Oliver, about two miles and a half in a northerly direction from tin- village of West's Mills. The building erected was 20 x 30 feet, with basement and engine-house. A portable engine of twenty-five horse-power was purchased, and on the 27th day of ( kiober was safely landed at its destination, hav- ing been three days on the road from Farmington depot. By the middle of November the engine was in running order, and by December 5th the}' had a shingle-machine set up and read}' for business. During that fall and the succeeding winter their custom sawing amounted to between 800 and 900 thou- sand of shingles. They also bought a quantity of poplar, which MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. I 89 was manufactured into boxes, beside sawing a large amount of white birch spool-stock. After a year or two, Samuel C. Rand became associated with the firm under the name of the Industry Lumber Co., and in the succeeding two years they bought and manufactured fifteen hundred cords of poplar, in addition to a considerable quantity of white birch spool-stock. -Their spe- cialty being packing boxes for scythes and canned sweet corn, together with boxes for dairy salt. On the completion of the coat-shop over Harrison Daggett's store, Franklin Brackett associated himself with Mr. Daggett, under the firm name of Franklin Brackett & Co., and began the manufacture of sale coats. They started their first machines Oct. 31, 1889, increasing gradually until by March, 1 890, they had eleven machines in operation and finished 200 coats per week. As the spring advanced, work became scarce, and busi- ness was suspended at the expiration of eight months. During the time the shop was in operation, from $1000 to $1500 worth of coats were finished. MECHANICS. The first blacksmith to come to Industry was undoubtedly Jonathan Goodridge, who located at the centre af the town on the farm now ( 1892) owned by his grandson, Alvarez N. Good- ridge. Soon after this, Gilman Hilton settled at West's Mills, and had a shop just north of the village on what is now known as the steam-mill lot. Mr. Hilton was a good workman, but intemperate in his habits. His son, Jeremiah Hilton, learned the father's trade and also worked at West's Mills. He was a skillful workman and very ingenious, but like the father, a love of strong drink was his besetting sin. His shop was located on the flat just west of the village, and was a rude affair, made by setting four posts in the ground and nailing the boards to them. John Trafton came to town about 18 15, and settled on a lot opposite where the Centre Meeting-House now stands. He built a shop, and divided his time alternately between black- smithing and farming. Francis Meader, 2d, learned the trade 24 igo HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. of Mr. Trafton, and located at .Allen's Mills, where he worked f< >r many years. Elder Elias Bryant, a local Methodist preacher, came to West's Mills and worked at blacksmithing in a shop which was afterwards purchased by Thomas Cutts and son, who came to West's Mills in 1829. But no cine can be found as to the date of his settling in town or how long he remained. It is not cer- tain that Thomas Cutts and his son were the immediate suc- cessors of Elder Bryant, though there is nothing to show to the contrary excepting the fact that they purchased the shop of Samuel Patterson. It stood on the site of Joseph Eveleth's stable, but was afterwards moved across the road, and was oc- cupied at a later date by Alvin Greenleaf as a cabinet and carriage shop. The two-story shop now occupied by J. Warren Smith was built by Janus Cutts, in the summer of 1 S40. Con- cerning his labors in Industry he says: "We had some rivals in business. Gilman Milton was a blacksmith and an old settler there. lie worked in an old shop nearly opposite the Corn- forth house* and next to the saw-mill lot. Jerry Hilton had a little shop at the' west end of the ' Long Bridge,' and a Mr. Riggs worked there a while. They did not trouble me much, — the I liltons were very intemperate men. I attended to my business and always had something to do." After gaining a comfortable competence at his trade, James Cutts sold his shop and devoted his time to farming, wool-buying and stock-raising. Holmes Bruce, from Stark, worked in a shop owned by Esquire Peter West, in [838, and perhaps earlier. His son, Silas Bruce, was also a blacksmith, and worked at his trade in Industry. Among others who worked at blacksmithing in In- dustry was William C. Will. He came to town near the close of [844, settled on the farm now owned by John A. Seavy, and worked in a small shop on the premises. After three or four years he closed his shop and left town. Andrew Ken- nedy, Jr., and Simeon P. Keith, worked at West's Mills prior to the War of the Rebellion, and subsequently for several years, ♦This house is now l 1892) occupied by Richard Caswell. MILLS AND MANUFACTURING. n;i John Spinney, who learned his trade of Major James Cutts. John W. Frederic has likewise worked at this trade for many years at West's Mills. Near the close of the war, J. War- ren Smith bought the Major Cutts shop, hired Steven Bennett, and subsequently Norris Savage, of whom he gained a practical knowledge of the business, which he has successfully followed up to the present time. John Calvin Oliver, a skillful workman, pursued his trade in a shop about half a mile west of Withee's Corner, and received a generous patronage up to the time of his death. J. Frank Hutchins worked at blacksmithing at Allen's Mills for some years, and then moved to Strong. He was succeeded by Alonzo O. Rackliff, who still follows the trade. In 1828 a cooper, by the name of Joshua S. Wingate, came to West's Mills and worked in near where James M. Norton's stables stand. He was a young unmarried man, and after living in town a few years, moved away in 1832 or soon after that date. Israel Folsom, a shoemaker by trade, worked in a shop which stood just west of Charles M. Hilton's grocery store. In 1827 he lived in a house which stood to the north of the present Methodist parsonage. Many other shoemakers, such as Josiah Emery, Isaac Webster, Benjamin Tibbetts, Jesse Luce, Daniel Hilton, .Samuel D. Luce, Alexander Austin and Charles Weight, have plied their trade in town at different dates, and some contemporaneously. John R. Buker, a harness-maker, from Greene, Andro- scoggin County, Maine, came to Industry about 1820, or a little later, and worked at his trade in James Davis's store at Davis's Corner. His son Orlando, according to the town records, was born in Industry, Jan. 10, 1825, but he had left town prior to April 1, 1832, as his name does not appear on the tax list of that year. His wife was a sister to David H. Harris. T. Frank Davis came from New Portland, in the fall of 1 87 1, and worked at harness-making in an apartment of J. War- ren Smith's blacksmith shop, at West's Mills. He was rather unsteady in his habits, and remained in town less than a year. [92 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Charles M. Hilton, having served an apprenticeship at harness- making with John Woodward, of New Portland, and subse- quently worked at his trade in Lewiston, began business for himself at West's Mills in the spring of 1S73. Me first located in his father's shoe-shop, at the west end of the " Long Bridge," where he remained until he formed a co-partnership with Richard Caswell in the grocery business. While thus engaged, his shop occupied a part of the store. On dissolving, Mr. Hilton rented the Butler house and moved his harnesses, stock and tools there, where he remained until the completion of his grocery store in the fall of 1880. Since then he has carried on both harness-making and the srocerv business together. CHAPTER X. MERCHANTS. First Store in Town. — Esq. Peter West. — John West. — Johnson & Mitchell. — George Cornforth. — Capt. Jeruel Butler. — Charles Butler. — Col. Peter A. West. — Capt. Freeman Butler. — John Allen, Jr. — Thing & Allen. — lames Davis. — John Ma- son. — Moses Tolman, Jr. — Esq. Samuel Shaw. — Israel Folsom. — Col. Benjamin Euce. — Christopher Goodridge. — Cyrus X. Hutchins. — Willis & Allen. — Xacha- riah Withee. — John W. Dunn. — Supply B. Norton. — Rufus Jennings. — Enoch Hinkley. — Amos S. Hinkley. — Isaac Norton. — Warren N. Willis. — Boyden & Manter. — Maj. James Cutts. — Franklin & Somerset Mercantile Association. — John Willis. — Willis & Clayton. — John and Benjamin N. Willis. — Duley & Nor- cross. — James M. and Alonzo Norton. — James M. Norton & Co. — Asa H. Patterson. — Caswell & Hilton. — Shaw & Hinkley. — Harrison Daggett, Etc. UNDOUBTEDLY the first store in Industry was opened and kept by Aaron Daggett, who came to this town from New Vineyard. He erected his store on lot No. 16, on the Lowell Strip, owned by his brother, Peter Daggett, and also built the house now (1892) owned and occupied by George Luce. The date of his entering trade cannot be learned, but the period of his mercantile operations must have been about 181 1 .* At that early period goods were very dear at Hallowell and Boston, and the great expense of transportation added much to the cost. These conditions were very unfavorable to the country trader, especially in a new settlement like Industry, where the people had but little to exchange for goods aside from the products of their land. Some bad debts could hardly be *The fact that Mr. Daggett sold his real estate in New Vineyard Dec. 10, 1810, would seem to indicate this. The land sold consisted of the homestead lot No. iS, in 2d Range, bought of his father and brother Peter, and lot No. 15, in the same range, Jonathan Look being the purchaser. 194 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. avoided, and when all the circumstances are taken into con- sideration, it docs not seem so very strange to find that after a few years Air. Daggett became involved in debt and was com- pelled to clandestinely leave the country. I lis brother, who had been his surety, was drawn to the verge of financial ruin by this unsuccessful venture. Esquire Peter West was the first merchant at West's Mills. Soon after his removal into his new two-story house, in 1812, he purchased a small stock of groceries and sold them out at his house. A few years later he built a large store, two stories high, in which he traded for many years. His son, John West, succeeded him in the store and conducted the business for several years. He exchanged his store in 1843 w ' tn Daniel S. Johnson, for a house in Gardiner, Me. Mr. Johnson, in com- pany with Isaac S. Mitchell, purchased some goods in addition to those bought of Mr. West and traded for a short time. He subsequently sold out to a younger brother, Nathan S. John- son, who likewise traded in company with Mitchell for a brief period. These last named gentlemen were at one time located in the Col. Benjamin Luce store. George Cornforth began trading in the West store Sept. 1, 1847, an d continued in busi- ness until 1853, when he closed out his stock and went to Australia to dig for gold. Capt. Jeruel Butler built a store at Butler's Corner early in the present century, and being a man of means, carried quite a heavy stock of goods. He manufactured potash in connection with his other business, and frequently went on long foreign voyages in command of merchant vessels. Charles Butler, a son of Capt. Jeruel, erected a store in 18 1 7 on the site now (1892) occupied by Charles M. Hilton's harness shop and grocery store. After trading here some five years, he sold his goods to his brother-in-law, Col. Peter A. West. Colonel West continued in trade up to near the time of his death, which occurred Feb. 12, 1828. Moses Tolman, Jr., took charge of Col. West's store and sold out his stock of goods and settled up his business. The store then passed into the hands of Capt. Freeman Butler, who had previously been MEN CHANTS. 1 9 5 in trade with Albert Dillingham at Farmington Centre Village. Capt. Butler traded here until 1834, when he became financially embarrassed, and his brother, Edward K. Butler, came to In- dustry in 1835, sold out his goods and settled up the business as best he could. John Allen, Jr., then came to town, rented the store and opened for trade with a fine assortment of dry goods and groceries. Like all tradesmen of his time, Mr. Allen sold liquor. He traded until 1839 with varying success, but, finding the business unremunerative, he left town, and his goods passed into the hands of his creditors. He went from Indus- try to Presque Isle, in Aroostook County, where he engaged in farming and eventually acquired a handsome fortune. Jesse Thing, having purchased the store in 1836, devoted it to various uses until 1845, when he procured a small stock of goods and, in company with his father-in-law, Elder Datus T. Allen, began trading. They added largely to their stock in trade, its value increasing three-fold from 1845 to 1849. How long Elder Allen was in company with Mr. Thing is not defi- nitely known. It seems that misfortune followed the occupants of this store with an unrelenting hand. Mr. Thing traded until 1854, when he became encumbered with debts and his property passed into the possession of his creditors. A year later the store was destroyed by fire, together with several other build- ings standing near, including a dwelling-house, stable and a building in which potash was manufactured. James Davis erected a store at Davis's (now Goodridge's) Corner, probably about 1818. There is a degree of uncertainty as to the extent of his business, but it is believed he did not carry a very extensive stock of goods. Capt. John Mason, of Accotink, Fairfax County, Va., writes : "In 182 1 there were four stores in Industry, but none were in active business. Esq. West's store was in charge of his nephew, Col. Peter A. West, and had very little custom. James Davis's store at the centre of the town was little more than a post-office, while Capt. Jeruel Butler's store at Butler's Corner, was closed entirely."* * The fourth store was at West's Mills, owned and occupied by Charles Butler. 196 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. During that year Mr. Mason built a small store and shoe- shop a short distance south of Deacon Emery's and opposite the Jonathan Pollard house. lie was a single man and made his home in the family of Deacon Emery. lie traded here about two years, dealing principally in groceries, boots and shoes. Moses Tolman, Jr., came to West's Mills in the spring of 1S26, and erected the store now ( 1892) occupied as a dwell- ing-house by Joseph Eveleth. By the middle of July Mr Tol- man was established in business and continued in trade until December, 1 827, when he sold out to Esq. Samuel Shaw, who came from Tamworth, X. H. Esquire Shaw engaged Asaph Boyden to come to Industry as his clerk, and to him was en- trusted nearly the entire management of the business. Thomas H. Mead, also from New Hampshire, began trad- ing in the Shaw store early in the year 1S30. He lived first in the John Gott house, more recently occupied for many years by Richard Fassett, and afterwards in the family of Jacob G. Rem- ick. Having a large sum of money stolen, he became dis- heartened, gave up his business and left the place in the latter part of the year 1 833. Israel Folsom was Mr. Mead's succes- sor, and although the latter did not leave town till 1833, as previously stated, the town records show that Mr. Folsom was licensed to retail liquors at his store June 9, 1832. The store remained the property of Esquire Shaw until 1836, when he sold it to Col. Benjamin Luce. In November of that year Col. Luce purchased a stock of goods, re-opened the store and es- tablished himself in trade. He had either as a clerk or a part- ner for a short time, John W. Dunn,* who had previously been in trade at Allen's Mills. Colonel Luce continued in trade until his death, which occurred quite suddenly July 14, 1842. ♦There must be an error in the date of Col. Luce's entering trade, which was furnished the writer by his daughter, Mrs. Warren Cornforth. John W.Dunn was chosen constable and collector of taxes in Industry April 12, 1836. On the second day of May following, a special town meeting was called "to choose a collector and constable in place of John W. Dunn, who is about to leave town." Consequently it must have been in November, r8jj, that Col. Luce opened his store. MERCHANTS. 1 97 Just previous to his decease he bought a very extensive stock of merchandise, which was sold out by his brother-in-law, John West Manter, who had been appointed administrator of the estate. Christopher Goodridge came from Rome, Me., early in October, 1843, and located in the Col. Luce store at West's Mills. His brother-in-law, David Rockwood, acted as clerk, and had entire control of the business much of the time. Mr. Goodridge remained in town until the spring of 1844, When lie returned to Rome. The next occupants of this store, as nearly as can be learned, were Mitchell & Johnson, of whom mention has previously been made. As to who succeeded Isaac Mitchell and Nathan S. Johnson there seems to be a diversity of opinion. ( )ne, in particular, whom it seems ought to know, is confident that it was Cyrus N. Hutchins.* Another is of the opinion that Asaph Boyden and John C. Manter occupied the store in the winter of 1846-7, and that Mr. Boyden finished off his shop for a store the following summer. \ Much as the author regrets his inability to verify either of the above state- ments, the matter must remain a question of doubt. John West and Peter West Manter, two brothers, were in trade in this store a short time between 1843 and 1849, but the exact date can not be determined.^ Benjamin N. Willis began trading in this store in the fall of 1849, or early in the year 1 850. At the end of two years he took in as a partner E. Norris Allen, son of Elder Datus T. Allen, and the business was continued for a year or more under the firm name of Willis & Allen. The store was subsequently used for a blacksmith shop, tin shop, post-office and dwelling- house, until late in the year 1865, when it was again fitted up as a store by Thomas P. Patterson, who opened with a well selected stock of dry goods and groceries. Early in the spring of 1866 he disposed of his stock of goods to R. Oraville Cald- * Mrs. Mary C. Gilmore, relict of Nathan S. Johnson, and daughter of Peter West Butler. f Mrs. John H. Viles, daughter of Col. Peter A. West. % Mrs. Warren Cornforth, a niece of the above-named gentlemen, is of the opinion that they were in trade in the winter of 1 848-9. 25 [98 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. well and Joel Hutchins, who came to Industry from Rumford, Maine. The business was conducted under the firm name of Caldwell & Hutchins for two years, and then sold out to John and Benjamin N. Willis, who were trading in the store built by the latter, and the business of the two firms merged into one. About the time that Moses Tolman, Jr., began trading at Weil's Mills, Zachariah Withee built a store atWithee's Corner, where he traded for man} - years. Me also bought ashes and manufactured potash, as did nearly every country merchant in those days. John W. Dunn, whom, it is said, came from Lewiston,* erected a two-story building at Allen's Mills, probably in the summer of 1833, and finished the first floor as a store. He immediately began trading, and ear!}- in 1834 took into partner- ship Supply B. Norton, to whom he sold a half interest in store and goods. Their stock in trade was valued at six hundred dollars by the assessors in [835, though its actual value un- doubtedly exceeded that amount. They kept an excellent assortment of dry goods and groceries, and received a liberal patronage. These gentlemen remained in partnership only a few months. Mr. Dunn then sold his entire interest to Mr. Norton, who thenceforth conducted the business alone. He remained in trade and also made potash until he sold out to Ktifus Jennings, April 10, 1841. Mr. Jennings traded eleven years with varying success and no little opposition from those envious of his successful enterprises. Such opposition not be- ing conducive to a remunerative business, Mr. Jennings was at length compelled to close up his business at a great sacrifice. While in trade he was largely interested in the manufacture ol potash, and also operated a carding-machine and fulling-mill a portion of the time. Since Mr. Jennings closed up his busi- ness, the store has been occupied at infrequent intervals by different individuals with a limited stock of merchandise, but no one remained long in trade. Early in [832 Enoch Hinkley, Jr., of Freeman, Me., built a Authority of foseph Collins, [r., son of foseph and Annah (Hatch) Collins. MERCHANTS. 199 store at West's Mills, now (1892) occupied by Harrison Dag- gett as store and post-office. lie began trading early in the summer of 1832. Ere he had been long established in his new store he was succeeded by his brother, Amos S. Hinkley. The career of the latter as a merchant was as brief as that of the former, and we next find Isaac Norton in charge of the business. Before the store had been built a twelve-month, it passed into the hands of Cyrus Freeman, a shoemaker and tanner, who made boots and shoes in connection with waiting upon customers. Freeman becoming embarrassed through heavy pecuniary losses of his brother, eventually disposed of his goods, but continued to occupy the store as a shop and dwelling-house for several years. The writer has not been able to learn that this building was again occupied as a store until 1859, when Warren N. Willis enlarged, remodeled and greatly improved it. He then opened the store with a fine stock of general merchandise, and traded until May, i860, when, in consequence of financial embarrassments, the store was abruptly closed. It was subsequently partitioned off into a dwelling-house, and occupied for many years by Peter W. Butler and family. Later it was occupied by Charles M. Hil- ton as a harness shop, and in the fall of 1889 the building was purchased by Harrison Daggett. In the spring of 1847 Asaph Boyden and John C. Manter formed a co-partnership. An addition was built to Mr. Boy- den's cabinet shop and the building finished for a store. They began active business in August, 1847, and continued in trade until the fall of 1848. Their goods were purchased in Hal- lowell and Boston, and from the former place were hauled to Industry, this being the most accessible point from which to receive freight. Major James Cutts succeeded Mr. Boyden, and the firm name was changed to Cutts & Manter. These gentle- men traded some five years and then closed their store. Early in 1854 a number of enterprising gentlemen residing in the vicinity of West's Mills, began agitating the subject of forming a stock company for the purpose of establishing a general merchandise store at that place. The Franklin and 200 HISTORY ()/■' INDUSTRY. Somerset Mercantile Association was organized February 19, 1854, as the result of this movement. The Association drew up and adopted a constitution and enacted a code of by-laws to govern its transactions. The store previously occupied by Cutts & Manter was leased, an extensive stock of goods pur- chased, and the Association opened their store about April 1, 1854, with Moses Bradbury as salesman or agent. The Asso- ciation continued in business until the spring of 1862, when Nathan S. Johnson, who had previously been salesman for the Company, bought out the entire stock, the whole business be- ing formally conveyed to him May 12, 1862. Mr. Johnson proceeded to sell out the goods and closed the store in about a year after he came into possession of the property. Benjamin N. Willis, in 1853, after closing up trade in the Tolman store, by selling his goods at auction, erected a com- modious structure nearly opposite the one just mentioned. Here he again entered trade, and later took in as a partner his brother, Warren N. Willis. He exchanged his store, goods and stand in the autumn of 1855, with Oliver Stevens, for a farm. Mr. Stevens traded about four years and sold out to John Willis, Oct. 9, 1859. Early in the summer of i860 Mr. Willis purchased his brother Warren's stock of goods, and subsequently took him in as a partner. In [862, having pur- chased the old Esquire West store, he moved it back from its original site a sufficient distance to make room for the Stevens store, which he also moved across the street, connecting and virtually formed them into one building. John Willis and his brother continued in trade until March, 1865, when the former sold out his interest in the goods to his brother-in-law, George W. Clayton, who, in company with Warren N. Willis, continued the business under the linn name of Willis & Clayton. Early in the winter of [866 Willis & Clayton closed up their business and left town, and the store was unoccupied for a short time. Soon after this John and Benjamin N. Willis remodeled the interior, made some needed repairs and re-opened the store- near the middle of April, [866, with a large and varied stock of merchandise. These gentlemen remained in trade a little more MERCHANTS. 201 than two years, in the meantime absorbing the business oi Caldwell & Hutchins as previously stated. May 8, 1868, John and Benjamin N. Willis sold store and goods to Sampson Duley and William W. Norcross, who came from Stark. The firm of Duley & Norcross had a large run of custom and was generally liked. Mr. Norcross retired from the firm in the fall of 1868, after which the senior member continued the busi- ness alone until September, 1871, when he sold out his entire property, consisting of store, goods, house and land, to James M. Norton. Mr. Norton immediately took into partnership his brother, Alonzo Norton, and together they conducted the busi- ness for a period of over twelve years. The firm also engaged largely in lumbering for several winters. January 14, 1884, J. M. & A. Norton dissolved partnership, and Alonzo withdrew from the firm. James M. Norton, who retained the business, then took in as a partner his nephew, Harrison Daggett, who had previously served him as clerk, and the firm was known as J. M. Norton & Co. Mr. Daggett was very popular with the patrons of the store, and while a member of the firm had nearly the entire charge of the business. Owing to impaired health he withdrew from the firm, and the co-partnership was dissolved April 23, 1888, greatly to the regret of his many friends. Since the retirement of Mr. Daggett, James M. Norton has given his personal and undivided attention to the business, re- ceiving a good share of the public patronage. Late in the fall of 1874, Asa H. Patterson, who then owned the William Corn- forth farm at West's Mills, moved a building to the south end of the bridge which spans the mill pond and finished and fitted it up as a store. He purchased a good assortment of dry goods and groceries and had been in trade nearly two years, when, on the 5th day of August, 1876, he sold his property to Richard Caswell, reserving his stock of merchandise and the use of his store for one year. Mr. Patterson sold out the larger part of his goods and retired from trade on the expira- tion of the lease of the store. On the 13th of August, 1877, Charles M. Hilton moved his harness business into this store, and in company with Richard 202 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Caswell purchased a small stock of groceries. The)- continued in trade until the fall of 1879, when the co-partnership was dissolved and Mr. Hilton retired from the business. For nearly ten years thereafter Mr. Caswell continued trading in groceries to a limited extent and then closed his store. Soon after this Harrison Daggett leased the building, purchased a line of groceries, and on the 7th of March, 1889, re-opened the store to the public. Mr. Daggett occupied it about eight months and again it was closed. The next and last occupant was Henry Oliver, who traded there about a year and moved to Madison Bridge in the summer of 1891. Early in the month of August, 1880, Charles M. Hilton laid the foundation for a harness shop and grocery store on the site of the old Thing store, burned in the spring of 1855. Work was forwarded expeditiously, and by December the structure was ready for occupancy. A well-selected stock of groceries was purchased, and by the last of December Mr. Hilton was well established in his new quarters. Up to the present time ( 1892) the capacity of his store has been enlarged by two separate additions. Adeline Shaw and Eunice Hinkley opened a millinery and fancy goods store in October, 1842, in a portion of the John West house, now (1892) occupied by James M. Norton, but for want of sufficient patronage they closed up their business after a few months. John H. and Alonzo Goodwin, sons of Reuel Goodwin, of Industry, opened a shoe store at West's Mills, in 1855, locating in the old Esq. West store. They continued in busi- ness some three years, with varying success, and then engaged in other pursuits. In the fall of 1889, Harrison Daggett purchased the store built by Enoch Hinkley, more recently known as the Peter W. Butler stand, employed Rev. John R. Masterman and Rufus Jennings to raise the roof and finish the building inside and out. The work was so expeditiously pushed that inside of six weeks the low ordinary looking one-story building was trans- formed into a comely two-story edifice. The ground floor being MERCHANTS. 203 a neat pleasant store, the second floor a large well-lighted room to be used as a shop for the manufacture of men's coats. Nov. 2, 1889, Mr. Daggett moved his goods from the Caswell store and established himself in this store, where he still re- mains, receiving a full share of the public patronage. At Allen's Mills, Herbert B. Luce has kept, for some years, a small stock of groceries. In the summer of 1891 Mr. Luce finished a building, which he purchased, into a convenient store, and now he carries a well-selected stock of groceries and pro- visions. Llbridge II. Rackliff also carries a small stock of groceries, etc., in connection with a full line of tinware and Yankee notions. A few others, whose names are not mentioned in the forego- ing chapter, have probably traded in Industry to some extent, such as Pelatiah Shorey, David M. Luce, John E. Johnson, Joseph Eveleth, Oscar O. Allen, etc., etc. CHAPTER XI. EVENTS FROM 1810 TO 1830. Condition of the Settlers. — Expense of Transacting the Town Business. — Pounds and Pound-Keepers. — Attempts to Establish a New County to Include Industry. — Gower's (now Allen's) Mills Becomes a Part of Industry. — "The Cold Fever" Epidemic. — The Thompson Burial Ground. — New Vineyard Becomes a Part of Industry. — Great dale of 1815. — Question :" Shall the District of Maine l'.e- come an Independent State?" Agitated. — Vote for Maine's First Governor. — Population Increases. — " Blind Fogg." — First Sunday-School. — Road Troubles. — First Liquor License Issued. — The Residents of New Vineyard Gore Pass the Ordinance of Secession and Ask to he Made Citizens of Strong. — The Town Receives Additions from Stark and Anson. — Subject of Building a Town-House Discussed. — Great Drouth and lire of 1825. — First Meeting-House in Town. — Meeting-House Erected at the Centre of the Town. — The Industry North Meeting-IIouse. Till-: commencement of the second decade of the nineteenth century found the inhabitants of Industry struggling bravely for existence. Although their condition in some respects showed a marked improvement, still their lives were character- ized by incessant toil and frugal economy. The oppressive Embargo Act had been repealed, but the want of unit} - among the States composing the Federal Union and the threatening anil aggressive attitude of England, were sources of constant anxiety and alarm. Having no regular mail, the suspense when an alarming rumor once got abroad was, to say the least, decidedly unpleasant. At the annual meeting March 11, i8li,Josiah Butler was elected chairman of the board of selectmen, with William Allen, Jr., and Esquire John Gower as associates. These gentlemen, it is believed, transacted the business of the town with care anil ability, yet charged a very moderate sum for their EVENTS FROM 1S10 TO 1830. 205 services. Butler and Allen's bill was $3.50 and $4.50 respec- tively, while Samuel Mason, as town clerk, charged but $1.50 for his services. From these figures the reader can gain a good idea of the frugal manner in which the early affairs of the town were managed, as this was not an exceptional year. The high- way tax this year was $800, and men and oxen were allowed twelve and one-half cents per hour for labor on the roads. The sum of $110 was raised to defray town charges, including powder, which was very expensive, and other necessary military stores. The fences in Industry, as is always the case in newly set- tled localities, were very poor, while as a rule the mowing land and tillage were unenclosed. Consequently depredations from horses, cattle and sheep on the growing crops of the settler were of common occurrence, and the pound-keeper was a necessary and important town officer. There were three of these indis- pensable officers chosen at the annual meeting of 1812, and it was their duty " to receive and safely keep all animals found running at large until claimed by its lawful owner," who was first required to pay all damages together with the cost of keeping. At the same meeting the town voted to accept a pound previously built in the south part of the town near Esquire John Gower's, "provided no charge be made for build- ing the same." Where there was no legal enclosure the officer was invariably authorized to use his barn-yard for impounding purposes. Whether the yard of the average farmer had ceased to be regarded as a safe enclosure for estray animals, or whether the action was prompted by some other cause, is not known, but the town voted March 3, 1823, to build a pound of the following dimensions, viz. : " To be two rods square, inside, with walls of stone four feet thick at the base and eighteen inches thick at the top ; the wall to be sunk in a sufficient depth below the surface to prevent damage from hogs, and rise six feet above the surface." A further requirement was that the walls be surmounted by timbers "hewed three-square," and that the entrance be closed by a gate hung on iron hinges and secured by a lock and key. The contract to build the yard, 26 2o6 HISTOR ) ' ( )/■' INDUSTR \ '. agreeable to the above specifications, was let to Rowland Luce, for twenty-six dollars. Finding the job a work of more magni- tude than he at first supposed, he subsequently sought and obtained a release from his obligation. The site selected was near the centre of the town, on land owned by ('apt. Ezekiel Hinkley, and during the summer of [825 the yard was com- pleted. Here, in by-gone days, neighbor A was wont to im- prison neighbor IVs cattle and sheep when found trespassing upon his domain, and vice versa, but pounds and pound- keepers have long since become a thing of the past. In 1858, by a vote of the town, the walls were demolished and tin- stone used for road-building purposes. An effort was made in the fall of 1813 to establish a new- county which would include the town of Industry. The move- ment caused no little discussion, and man}- were bitterly op- posed to the measure. Capt. David Hildreth and seventeen others petitioned the selectmen to call a meeting of the legal voters to see if they would instruct the municipal officers to oppose the project by sending a remonstrance to the General Court. The meeting assembled at the house of William Allen, Jr., Dec. 23, [813, and after mature deliberation it was deemed inexpedient to further oppose the movement. The measure proved unsuccessful, however, and the town of Industry con- tinued to form a part of Somerset County. At the session of the General Court for 181 3, the following petition was presented from the inhabitants of dower's (now Allen's) Mills, in the town of New Sharon: To the Hon. Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, [an. ~, 181 J : The Petition of the Subscribers, inhabitants of the Town of New Sharon in the County of Kennebec, respectfully shows their local situa- tion is such as in a great measure, if not wholly, prevents them from enjoying the common and ordinary privileges of the other inhabitants of said town, being situated at an extreme part of said town and sepa- rated by hogs and swamps that are utterly impassable even for a horse. and at a distance of six or seven miles from when' the meetings are holden for transacting town business, &c, and at the same time being EVENTS FROM 1S10 TO 1830. 207 not more than a mile and a half from where the town meetings are held in Industry, to which place we have a direct road in good repair, that we have uniformly joined with the 'Town of Industry in the Support of Schools for our Children, ami we there perform Military duty. Being thus situated, we humbly request your honorable body to take the premises into your consideration, and grant us relief, by setting off our Polls and estates from the Town of New Sharon aforesaid and annexing the same to the Town of Industry in the County of Somerset, by a line as follows, to-wit : beginning at the east corner of lot No. 84, in New Sharon on the westerly line of Industry, thence south forty-five degrees west about threedburths of a mile to the East line of the Town of Farmington, and then to include all that part of New Sharon which lies to the northwest of said line, being lots No. 84 and 85, containing together, about one hundred and seventy acres. And as in duty bound will ever pray. (Signed) Henry Smith. James Gower. Rufus Davis. The prayer of these petitioners was granted, and Govver's Mills (see p. 172) straightway became a part of the Town of Industry, and the inhabitants were annexed to school district No. 2, at Davis's (now Goodridgc's) Corner, where their children had previously attended school. Early in 18 14 the "Cold Plague" or "Cold Fever,"* as it was often called, prevailed as an epidemic, with great mortality, in many towns on the Kennebec and Sandy Rivers, in many instances extending to contiguous towns, and everywhere strik- ing terror to the bravest hearts, causing the ruggedest check to blanch and the stoutest to tremble. Since the first settle- ment of the town occasional cases had occurred, but these being isolated from each other, no thoughts of its prevailing as an epidemic ever entered the minds of the settlers. But in this year it assumed a very malignant type, in many instances ac- complishing its fatal work in a few days, and in some cases even in a few hours. This was a new form of the disease, and * This disease is now known as Typhus Fever, Ship Fever, etc. Though the writer is not aware that, at present, it prevails as an epidemic in this State. 208 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the rapidity and dreadfulness of its work was truly appalling. In man_\- instances it swept through whole neighborhoods "and towns, prostrating entire families, tearing loved members from the family circle, claiming its victim with scarcely a moment's warning, bringing mourning to main- a happy home, and every- where marking its course by scores of newly-made graves. Truly, without exaggeration, this might well be styled the reign of terror in Industry. Families and individuals were forced to suffer and die without the sympathy or aid of neighbors and friends, as few had the courage to imperil their lives by a visit to the abode of victims of this terrible disease. Of the number of deaths which occurred in this town during the prevalence of this disease, the writer has been able to gather but little definite information. Fragmentary records in his possession, however, show an unusual death rate during the year, and judging from these, we would infer that a fearful mortality was the result of its visitation to Industry. Ebenezer Norton, who lived on the Gore on the farm now ( 1S92) owned by Hiram Norton, was one of the early victims of this malady. As nearly as can be learned, he had been visiting an afflicted family, and on returning home was himself prostrated by the disease and lived but a few hours. William Atkinson, who lived on the farm recently owned by John W. Perkins, and his entire family, with one exception, were prostrated with this disease earl)- in March. One morning during their illness one of the neighbors, Rev. John Thompson, called to see how they were getting along, when a sight which beggars description met his gaze ! On a bed lay the husband and father, his eyelids forever closed in death, while nestled by his side, wholly unconscious of her father's condition, lay a little babe scarce two years old ; the mother in an almost helpless condition from the effects of the same disease, which but a few- hours before had bereft her of a loving husband, while in the same room the other children were suffering all the agonies incident to this dreadful disease. Kind " Father Thompson," his heart melting with pity at the scene of suffering and woe before him, after doing what he could for the comfort of the EVENTS FROM 1S10 TO 1830. 209 sick ones, wrapped the little daughter in a blanket and bore her tenderly to his own home. Here she was kindly cared for, ami grew to womanhood, to honor and respect her kind bene- factor. She subsequently married Hiram Manter, Esq., for many years a worthy and influential citizen of Industry. Among the deaths which occurred about the same time of Mr. Atkinson's, probably from the same cause, may be men- tioned : Hannah Stimpson, March 26; Betsey Butler, March 29; Betsey, wife of James Eveleth, April -; Abner C. Ames, April 13; Harrison Davis, April 14; Dependence, wife of Benjamin Burgess, May 1 ; Job Swift, May 1 ; Eleazer Robbins, June 11; Daniel Euce, Sr., July 10; Henry Smith, Nov. 19, and Bennett Young, December 3. Amid the weighty cares and perplexing anxieties incident to this period, with money scarce and taxes burdensome, the people of Industry were not unmindful of those who had passed away. But with a spirit worthy of emulation, made a generous appropriation for enclos- ing the burial ground near Capt. John Thompson's. This burial-place is said to be the oldest one in town, and the re- mains of many of the early settlers repose therein. The inhabi- tants residing on the Gore, a valuable tract of land which had been incorporated with the town of New Vineyard, petitioned the General Court for a separation from New Vineyard and annexation to Industry. The petitioners were thoroughly in earnest, and ardently prosecuted their claims. On the other hand, the inhabitants of New Vineyard, not favoring secession, were bitterly opposed to the separation, and left nothing un- done to defeat the purpose of the petitioners. A special town meeting was called Nov. 7, 18 14, at which time the selectmen were instructed to prepare a petition against the proposed separation. The full text of the petitions, with a supple- mentary letter from William Allen, Jr., then of Norridgewock, favoring the Gore petitioners, were as follows : To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled : Your petitioners, inhabitants of a Gore of land, so-called, contain- ing about 1600 acres attached to the town of New Vineyard, in the 2IO HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. County of Somerset, humbly represent that they labor under main' disadvantages by being annexed to said town oi New Vineyard, being separated therefrom by a range of mountains extending almost the whole length of said town, which, with the badness of the roads, in a great measure cuts off all communication between us and the other inhabitants of said town ; so that we frequently have to travel a distance equal to the whole length of said town, and commonly travel as far without the limits of said town as would nearly carry us to the centre of the town of Industry (where the roads are much better), in order to attend our town meetings. These, with other disadvantages which we labor under, in a manner debars us from enjoying the privileges com- monly enjoyed by town inhabitants. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that said (lore of land, with the inhabitants thereon, may be set off to the town of Industry in said County of Somerset, and as in duty bound will ever pray. New Vineyard, June 14, 1.S14. [Signed] Cornelius Norton. Elisha Lambert. James Graham. Nathan Cutler. William Davis. William Presson. I )aniel Collins, Jr. Tristram N. Presson. James Presson. Daniel Collins. Joseph Collins. Zephaniah Luce. In the House of Representatives, Jan. 13, 1815. Read and com- mitted to the committee on towns. Sent up for concurrence. I Signed] Timothy Bigelow, Speaker. In Senate, Jan. 13, 1.S15. Read and concurred. [Signed] JOHN PHILLIPS, President. Read and committed to committee on towns. [Signed] JOHN PHILLIPS, President. Mouse of Representatives, Feb. 4, 1815. Read and concurred. [Signed] TIMOTHY BlGELOW, Speaker. To the Hon. Senate and IJonsc of Representatives, in General Court assembled : Your petitioners, inhabitants of the Town of New Vineyard, in the County of Somerset, humbly represent : That they are much opposed to the setting of the Gore of Land, so-called, from the Town of New EVENTS FROM 1S10 TO 1830. 1 l Vineyard, and annexing the same to the town of Industry, for the following reasons, viz. : ily. By taking of said Gore of land the best tract of land of the same bigness if taken off which will impoverish the remainder of said town. 2dy. The men that principally own the land in said Gore are much against its being set off from said New Vineyard, feeling themselves much injured thereby. 3ly. The signers of the petition for setting off said Gore, six or seven of them, do not own one foot of land in said Gore. We further state that the chain of mountains alluded to by your petitioners in said Gore, does not intercept between the inhabitants of said Gore and the Centre of the Town in the least, therefore can't view that as any reason for setting off the said Gore. Our town meetings has been alternately, so that the inhabitants of said Gore have not experienced any peculiar disadvantage by going to town meetings. We, the under- signed do therefore humbly pray that said (lore may not be set off from the Town of New Vineyard. And as in duty bound will ever pray. New Vineyard, Dec. 13, 1S14. [Signed] Benj'n C. Norton. Elijah Manter. Henry Manter. Elijah Norton. Charles Luce, Jr. Isaac Norton. John Spencer. Stephen Birse ( ?) William Talbot.* Joseph Butler. Solomon Butler, Jr.1 Paul Pratt. David Pratt. James Ridgway. Sam'l Daggett, ) I'm. Norton, j- Selectmen. Asa Merry, ) Joseph W. Smith, Town Clerk. Joseph Viles. John Daggett. Charles Luce. Henry Butler. Jr. Simpson White. Howard Win slow. Daniel Gould. Nathan Daggett. Thomas Daggett. Eben'r Casey. ( ?) Nathan Daggett. % David Luce. Peter Butler. Elijah Butler. * Probably William Talcott. f Undoubtedly Simeon liutler, fr. % In the opinion of the author, this should be Nathan Daggett, Jr. 2 I 2 ///.sVVVv') OF INDUSTRY Micah Bryant, Jr. Tristram Presson. Janus Graham. Rufus Viles. John Flint. Solomon Luce. Thorns Flint. Wm. Barker. John C. Davis. Henry Butler. James Presson. ( 2 ) John Berry. Eben'r Pratt. Jonah Vaughn. Levi Young. Zebulon Manter. Wm. Presson. Joseph Viles, Jr. David Davis. John T. Luce. (?) Davis. Wm. Anderson. NORRIDGEWOCK, Jan. 2$, 1815. William Sylvester, Esq. Dear Sir: — I am told there will be some opposition to the petition of C. Norton and others, and thai proper measures have not been taken to ti\ the valuation of that part of New Vineyard described in the petition : That the whole town, by the last valuation, contained 2d. 000 acres and no polls. The (lore described in the petition contains but 1600 acres and I believe 10 ratable polls, but as the land in the Gore is more valuable than the rest of the town. I think it would be correct to estimate it at ,b of the whole town ; so if the prayer of the petition- ers should be granted, three cents (on the 1000 dollars) ought to be taken from New Vineyard, which now pays 37 cents on the 1000. and added to Industry, which now pays 34 cents on the 1000. It has been proposed to have recourse to the returns of the selectmen on the last valuation, but this would be incorrect, as several of the petitioners own large tracts of land in the other part of the town, so that the valuation of their estates as returned would be no guide for making the estimate, and it would be desirable to have an estimate made as correct as the case will admit, so as not to have the petitioners to pay their State and County taxes in New Vineyard till the next valuation. I sketch you a rough plan of the towns of Industry and New Vineyard, by which von may see the situation of the petitioners. Yours Respectfully, [Signed] \Y\i. Allen, Jr. The prayer of these petitioners was granted, and that valua- ble tract of land known as the New Vineyard Gore became a part of the town of Industry. On Sept. 23, [815, occurred one of the most violent and extended gales known in the annals of New England; but EVENTS FROM 1810 TO 1830. 213 every effort of the writer to learn something of its effects in Industry has proved unavailing. Hardly had a year elapsed after the close of the second war with England, ere the separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts became a subject of much discussion. For a time the legal voters in town were about equally divided on the question, and at a town meeting held May 20, 1 8 1 6, the vote stood twenty-four opposed and twenty-six in favor of a separa- tion. At a second meeting holden Sept. 2, 18 16, the oppo- nents of the project were in the majority, the vote standing thirty-eight and forty. No further action appears to have been taken by the town relative to this question until May 3, 1 8 19. On that date a special meeting was called and a majority voted in favor of the separation. At a subsequent meeting, holden July 26, 1 8 19, when the question was finally submitted to the people, the vote stood : in favor of separation, 5 1 ; op- posed to it, n. Captain Ezckiel Hinkley was chosen delegate to the constitutional convention, which assembled at Portland on Monday, Oct. 2, 18 19. The constitution there framed, when submitted to the people for ratification, was unanimously adopted by the voters of Industry. On April 3, 1820, the legal voters for the first time gave in their votes for governor of Maine. These were declared as follows: William King, 40 votes; Mark L. Hill, 7 votes ; Samuel S. Wild, 3 votes; Scat- tering, 2 votes. The vote for a representative to the first Maine Legislature given in at a subsequent meeting was : For Esquire John Gower, 55 votes; for Capt. John Reed, 36 votes. From 1 8 10 to 1820, the town made a gain of two hundred and sixteen in population, and also added forty-one ratable polls to the number of its tax-paying inhabitants. There was likewise a net gain, between 1812 and 1821, of $30,- 521 in the value of property as shown by the State valua- tion of that period. Rut little of importance occurred in the history of the town between 1820 and 1825. In 1821 the sub- ject of forming a new county was again agitated, and on the 10th of September the town voted forty-nine to six against leaving the County of Somerset. Capt. John Thompson, 27 214 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Bartlett Allen, Capt. Jabez Norton and Esq. Daniel Shaw were chosen a committee to draft a remonstrance. In the winter of 1K21, Sherburne Fogg and family, from Sandwich, New Hampshire, became chargeable to the town. Mr. Fogg was blind and infirm, and one of his daughters is said to have been non compos mentis. In their indigent circum- stances the inhabitants of the town felt that the expenses of this family were an unjust and onerous burden. Learning that the legal residence of this family was in Sandwich,* various meas- ures were suggested for relieving the town of its burden, and at different times offers were made and accepted for their removal to that place. Notwithstanding this, the Foggs con- tinued to make their home in Industry, and for several years were a source of much trouble and great expense. A Sunday-school, probably the first in town, was organized in 1 )eacon Emery's neighborhood about 1 82 I . This school held its sessions in the school-house to the south of Deacon Emery's residence (see p. 94). Nothing can be learned regarding the school aside from the fact the Deacon and John Mason were ardent supporters, if not the originators of the movement.! Between 1820 and 1824, many roads and private ways were laid out by the selectmen. These, from some unexplained reason, became a cause of frequent dissensions and proved a source of no little trouble to the municipal officers. One short piece of road in particular, running north from West's Mills to the New Vineyard line, was located and re-located several times before it became permanently established. To keep its roads safe and passable was a work of considerable magnitude and great expense to the town. When the sum annually ap- propriated for that purpose proved insufficient, all propositions to raise an additional sum were invariably voted down. The * See " Reminiscences of John Mason," in Chapter XII. t A Sunday-school was something new, and the term did not sound right to the Orthodox ears of the townspeople. The subject occasioned no little discussion, and some regarded it as an unwarranted desecration of the day of rest. Esq. Samuel Norton was so thoroughly convinced of this that he made the suggestion that the school he held on Saturday afternoon, for a while, until people could have an oppor- tunity to judge of its htness for the holy Sabbath. E TENTS FROM 1S10 TO 1830. 21 5 beginning of the year 1826 found the roads in an extremely bad condition. Indeed, a complaint against them had already been made to the Grand Jury, and a law-suit seemed imminent with a prominent townsman for injuries his horse had sustained in consequence of their defective condition. These develop- ments seem to have roused the people to action, and at a town meeting held Sept. 23, 1826, the highway surveyors were in- structed to open the roads at the expense of the town when- ever obstructed by snow. James Davis was licensed to retail spirituous liquors, by the selectmen, in December, 1821, being the first person so licensed in Industry under the new State license law. In 1822 the inhabitants residing in the New Vineyard Gore (see p. 46) sent a petition to the Legislature, praying that their estates be set off from Industry and annexed to the town of Strong. This movement was strongly opposed by the town of Industry, and the prayer of the petitioners was not granted. When the Lowell, or Mile-and-a-half Strip, was surveyed by Esq. Cornelius Norton, in 1802, the boundaries at Stark line were not known. Consequently the whole of Lot No. 1, and a portion of No. 2, in the first range, with nearly seven- eighths of Lot No. 29, in the second range, were found to be in Stark, when the boundaries were at length permanently established. Esq. Peter West, the first settler on Lot No. 29, found to his surprise that his barn was in the town of Stark, though his house was in Industry. The grist-mill at West's Mills proved to be in close proximity to the town line, as did also the barn on the lot north of the brick school-house. A petition was drawn up in 1820, and presented to the Legislature early in 1821, but no action was taken, aside from notifying the towns interested, until January, 1822, when the prayer of the petition, which reads as follows, was allowed:* * Although the records of that town do not show they were authorized so to do, the selectmen and town clerk strongly remonstrated against granting the request of the petitioners. Their claims and assertions were of the most sweeping character, as the following excerpt abundantly proves : If the petitioners labored under any real grievance, although it might injure the town of Starks, we should be silent. The town line was well known at the time of 2 1 6 HISTi )R ) ' ( >/■ TNDl SFR Y. To the Honorable Senate ami Iliuise of Representatives of the State of Mass.,* in Legislature assembled : Respectfully show your petitioners that they arc the proprietors ami owners of a lot of land, numbered twenty nine, situated part in the North East corner of Industry, and part in the North West corner of Starks. in the County of Somerset, containing about three hundred and sixty acres : The course of the town line not being known, when this lot was originally laid out and settled, one of your petitioners erected his buildings inadvertantly so that a part of them are in Starks. That the most convenient places for building are in that part which is in Starks. That your petitioners have for fifteen or twenty years past, been settled in, and become inhabitants of the town of Industry : That they are unwilling to relinquish their privileges and rights as inhabitants of this town, where their interests and connections are identified, and that their estates would become much more saleable and would be im- proved to a much better advantage if the whole of said lot were annexed to said Industry. That the above lot is so separated by bogs and swamps, from the other settlements in Starks, that no benefit could be derived from town privileges if your petitioners were to build their houses on that part of said lot which lies in Starks, and thereby become inhabitants of that town, that their interests would be greatly promoted and no one would be injured if the prayer of this petition should be granted. They therefore humbly pray that, that part of the lot of land num- bered twenty-nine, which lies in the North West corner of Starks. may the settlement of said lot, and if a part of the buildings of one ), near Pike's Corner, in the cast part of the town. Evidently those interested in the erection of a house of worship, becoming discouraged, ceased to look to the town for aid, and resolved to erect a house by private subscription. The first movement in this direction was made by the citizens of Industry on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 1827, when a meeting was held 220 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. at the Centre School-house at Davis's Corner. The assembly organized by calling Benjamin Allen to preside, and electing Capt. Newman T. Allen clerk. The meeting voted to build a house of worship, and chose Esquire Moses Tolman, John Trafton, Jacob Hayes, George Hobbs, Capt. Ezekiel 11 inkle}-, James Eveleth and John C. Butterfield, a building committee. It was also voted that each subscriber for a pew should give a "confession note " to indemnify the building committee. The constitution framed and adopted was as follows : CONSTITUTION OF THE INDUSTRY UNION MEETING-HOI Art. ist. Each person shall be entitled to a vote respecting the occupying [of] the desk and the time of occupying [to] be divided by the votes for the time [or term] of one year in [a] succession of Sab- baths, and any pewholder shall have the right of altering his vote it the expiration of one year from the time the vote was last taken. Art. 2a'. Each denomination shall have an agent appointed that other denominations shall apply to respecting his denomination occupy- ing the desk when belonging to them, and if they are not going [to use it] the first denomination a] (plying shall have the same right to occupy as though it was their turn. Art. 3d. Each pewholder shall have a right to occupy the desk himself or by any other person at any time, providing he does not infringe upon previous appointments; providing, nevertheless, that no man shall occupy the desk himself or make appointments for any other [person] except he be a professor of the christian religion and of good moral character and suitably recommended as a preacher of the gospel. Art. 4th. No meeting of the proprietors shall be holden unless the agent of each denomination shall be notified seven days previous to said meeting. [Signed] Henry I 1 .. Rackliff. Ezekiel Ilinklev. Alvan Smith. * James Davis. Moses Tolman. Nathan Goodridge. Freeman Allen. James Eveleth. Eben Willard. Newman T. Allen. William Harvey. George Hobbs. Rufus Gennings. Benjamin Allen. * The words here inclosed in brackets were obvious omissions, either in draw ing up or recording the instrument. They arc here supplied to complete the sense. EVENTS FROM 1S10 TO 1830. 22 1 Jacob Hayes. William Allen. Elisha Luce. Josiah Butler. James Stanley. Valentine Look. Aholiab Bigelow. Cornelius Davis. Francis Remick. Charles L. Allen. John Trafton. Francis Meatier. 2< |osiah Hinkley. James Bailey. Rowland Line. Daniel Luce. Benjamin Cottle. David Line.' John C Butterfield At a meeting held by adjournment on Friday, December 14, it was decided to put up at public auction the furnishing of material and construction of the house. Accordingly the vari- ous contracts were struck off as follows: Foundation and Underpinning, to Josiah Hinkley. Frame, to William Harvey, Finishing the Outside, to Benjamin Allen, Lime, to Rufus Gennings, at $2.48 per cask. Furring- and Lathing inside, to James Davis, Sand, to Elisha Luce, Hair and Plastering, to Gen. Nathan Goodridge, Finishing Inside, to lames Eveleth, $49.00 100.00 375-°° 46.50 6-75 16.00 3 2 5-°° $918.25 Thus it is seen that the house, exclusive of lime for plaster- ing, etc., cost nine hundred and eighteen dollars and twenty-five cents. In the month of February following, the proprietors chose Revs. Sylvanus Boardman and Fifield Holt, and Judge Thomas Parker, of Farmington, a committee to locate or select a site for the structure. The report of the committee is dated at Industry, Feb. 27, 1828, and the site selected is the one on which the house now ( 1892) stands. There is much uncertainty as to the date when the house was completed, as the records of the proprietors are incomplete. They chose a committee to *This was David M., son of Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce. He was commonly called " Pond David Luce," from the fact that he lived near the shore of Clear Water Pond, and to distinguish him from another person of the same name who resided near West's Mills. 28 2 22 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. settle with the building committee April 30, [829, hence it is hut reasonable to infer that the house was completed prior to that date. The financial affairs were managed with so much ability that an excess of $56.65 remained in the hands of the building committee after all expenses were paid. The author has not been able to learn anything definite concerning the dedication of the house or the date- of its occurrence.* The proprietors continued to hold business meetings regularly up to the close of [838, but their organization was eventually lost by deaths and removals from town. A number of wealth} - gentlemen residing at or near West's Mills, met in the spring of 1828 to consider the propriety of erecting a third house of worship in Industry. As the result of this conference, the following constitution was drawn up and accepted : INDUSTRY NORTH MEETING-HOUSE CONSTITUTION. Art. 1st. The house shall be called die Industry Ninth Meeting House. Art. J//. The house shall he built on the south line of a piece <>f land now owned by Mr. [ohn Remick, on the west side of the road leading from West's Mills to the New Vineyard [line] a few rods north of the school-house. Art. 3d. The house shall be considered the Methodist and Con- gregational Meeting-House, one half to each denomination. The Methodist shall have [the] right to improve [use] said house one-half of the time and the Congregationalists the other half, to be divided into weeks [of] equal [length]. Art. 4th. The house shall be built by all the pews [pew owners] in proportion to what the pews mav sell for. Art. Jth. Each [owner of one] pew shall be entitled to two votes. Art. 6th. The weeks of each denomination's turn to use said house shall commence on the Sabbath. * from the l>est recollections <>[ the older people, such as Mrs. Phebe Cushman, Teressa Luce and Nancy Leavitt, Rev. foseph Underwood, of New Sharon, preached the dedicatory sermon, ami Rev. Sylvanus Boardman offered the dedicatory prayer. Mrs. Cushman, who assisted in the singing on that occasion, is of the opinion that the house was dedicated in the fall. She states that the weather was line and the exercises very interesting and enjoyable. EVENTS FROM 1810 TO 1830. 223 Art. yth. Either denomination shall have [the] right to use said house for the Worship of God on the Sabbath or on week days, not- withstanding it is not their turn to use it, provided it is not used by those whose right it is to use it. Art. 8th. No person Shall have a right to Sell a pew at private Sale without posting up Notice of the same in said house three weeks previous to the Day of Sale. Art. gth. There Shall be a Committee to Superintend the build- ing of said house. Art. lotli. There Shall be an annual Meeting holden on the first Monday of May forever, to transact any business that may be thought necessary Relative to said house. Art. nth. This Constitution Shall be binding in all its parts after Being Signed by two-thirds of the pew holders. Art. /2th. Said house Shall be at Liberty at any time, and for the use of pew-holders, one-half Day for funeral Services. Art. 13th. This Constitution may be Revised at any annual meet- ing, by a majority of two-thirds of the Voters who may be present at said meeting. Said meeting shall be notified four weeks previous to said day. Notice Shall be posted up in said house by an agent who Shall be chosen for that purpose. Art. 14th. Each denomination shall have [a] right to admit or exclude any person to or from any private meeting agreeable to the usual custom of said churches. Art. ijth. Each denomination shall have [a] right to use the house at any time for yearly and Quarterly meeting. Art. 16th. The Calvinist Baptist church shall have [a] right to use said house out of the half [of the time] belonging to said Con- gregational church in proportion [to] what they own in said house. Art. i~th. The house shall be built agreeable to the annexed plan, and shall be built by the lowest bidder at auction by his giving bonds to the acceptance [satisfaction] of the [building] Committee. Industry, [Maine,] May 17th, 1828. [Signed] Daniel Shaw. John D. Spaulding. William Cornforth. Ira Emery. Samuel Shaw. Henry Luce. True Remick. Joseph Viles. Peter W. Willis. Rufus Viles, Jr. James Stevens. Samuel Daggett. 224 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Matthew Benson. Menzir Boardman.* Hiram Manter. James Manter. Isaac Norton. John S. Bradbury. John Gott. Zebulon Manter. Benjamin Manter. James Thompson. Peter West. Jabez Norton. David Luce. Leonard Luce. Benjamin C. Norton. The signers of this constitution are all dead (1887) and no record of their transactions as a society is to be found. The house was built on contract by John Gott, of Industry, for one thousand dollars. Mr. Gott was an excellent workman, and so long as it stood the house was a worthy monument to the honor and integrity of its builder. The excellence of the material used, and the superiority of its construction, were the constant admiration of all. Although the society was organized in the spring of 1828, the house was not erected until the following year. It was completed near the close of December, i82(j,f and dedicated in the month of February following. The completion and dedication of this house was an impor- tant event to those interested in the enterprise; but of the dedicatory exercises the writer has been able to gather but little worthy of note. The number present on that occasion was *This is the identical person whose name Hon. Francis G. Butler (History of Farmington, p. j6/J spells" Melzer." Undoubtedly Mr. Boardman's christian name had its origin in the old Scripture name, Melzer, but he did not so spell it in 1828, when he affixed his name to the constitution of the Industry North Meeting-House. t From a memorandum in the day-book of Hiram Manter, Esq. This date cor- responds with the recollection of Major James Cutts, who writes the author as follows : "\1\ lather moved to Industry in 1829. I was in my twentieth year. The church was built that fall or early in the winter."' Stephen Allen, D. D., thinks it was dedicated in 1828 or lS^y, hut does not seem to lie positive as to the exact date. Major Cutts further says, in regard to the house, "It was remodeled — the gallery cut down in 1 862, and a hell-tower built in 1S04. My brother, Capt. Oliver Cults, sent a hell to me with the request that 1 present it to the societies worshipping there. I wish to add that thirty-four years had elapsed since the house was first dedicated, and on both occasions the house was packed to its utmost capacity. I was present on both occasions, and on presenting the hell, I asked all in the congregation who were present at the first dedication to rise; there were hut six present beside myself! " EVENTS FROM 1S10 TO 1830. 225 very large, and the sermon was preached by Rev. Obed Wilson, of Bingham, Me., a local preacher of talent and ability.* Rev. James Warren was "preacher in charge" at that time, but his part in the exercises is unknown. Thus it will be seen that in the incredibly short period of eight years the inhabitants of Industry erected three churches, costing in the aggregate not far from $3,000, and that, too, without incurring any indebted- ness. * Obed Wilson, son of Oliver ami Sarah (Haywood) Wilson, was born in Nor- ridgewock, Me., Oct. 15, 1778. He was converted in 1804 or 1805, and soon after began to preach. He was a man of much natural ability and an eloquent speaker. He died in Skowhegan, Me., Nov. 18, 1840, aged 62 years, 1 month and j days. CHAPTER XII. POST-OFFICES, REMINISCENCES OF JOHN MASON, AND CORRESPONDENCE OF CAPT. JERUEL BUTLER. Lack of Postal Facilities. — High Rates of Postage. — First Post-Office Established. — Jonathan Goodridge Appointed Post-Master. — Mail Brought from Farmington. — Mail from Stark ( )nce a Week. — Mail Route Changed. — Mail Received via New Sharon. — lames Davis Appointed Post-Master. — Other Post-Masters. — Industry Post-Office Changed to Allen's Mills. — Post-Office Established at West's Mills. — Esq. Peter West Appointed Post-Master. — Lower Rates of Postage. — Stamps first Used. — Era of Cheap Postage Begins. — Rates Fixed According to Weight Instead of Distance.— Other Post-Masters at West's Mills.— Glass "Call- Boxes" First Introduced. — Mail Carriers. — Change of Time. — Industry Gets a Daily Mail from Farmington. — North Industry Post-Ofhce, Etc. FOR many years after its settlement the town of Industry was wholly destitute of postal facilities. Indeed the present complicated and efficient system of mail service was then in its infancy. If any resident of the town found it necessary to communicate with friends or acquaintances living at a distance, the letter must needs be sent to a post-office in some neighbor- ing town. Then, too, it required considerable time for a letter to reach its destination, however short the distance might be. The rates of postage were so extremely dear that letters of friendship were seldom written, save by those in affluent circum- stances. Consequently the inconveniences resulting from the remoteness of a post-office may not have been so keenly felt in those days as they would be at the present time. When the town was incorporated six cents was the smallest fee charged for a single letter, and this increased up to twenty- five cents for carrying one of equal weight a distance of four hundred and f\(ty miles. These continued with slight variations POST- OFFICES, ETC. 2 2 7 up to 1 8 16, at which time the rates charged were six cents for any distance less than thirty miles, ten cents for eight}' miles, twelve and one-half cents for one hundred and fifty miles, eighteen and one-half cents for four hundred miles, and twenty- five cents for a greater distance. Early in the year just men- tioned, an effort was made to establish a post-office at the centre of the town, and the names of Jonathan Goodridge and Bartlett Allen were presented as candidates for the position of post-master. Timothy Johnson, then post-master at Farm- ington, wrote a letter bearing date of June 12, 18 16, to the authorities in Washington, stating that "Jonathan Goodridge and Bartlett Allen, living near the centre of the town, are respectable men and capable of making good post-masters." He further stated that Mr. Goodridge was a strong supporter of the government, while Mr. Allen, the other candidate, was not in sympathy with the administration. The office was established Oct. 12, 18 16, and took for its name that of the town in which it was located. With the customary partizan spirit manifested by the dominant political party, Mr. Goodridge received the appointment. This office, when first established, was supplied from Farmington, but subsequently a mail was received once a week from Stark.* Still later the route was changed, and the mail was brought from New Sharon via Winslow's Corner to Davis's [now Goodridge's] Corner, once a week. When the office at West's Mills was established, the route was extended to that place, and from thence to the office at East New Vineyard. James Davis, Sr., having erected a store and entered trade at the Corner which for many years bore his name, was Mr. Goodridge's successor as post-master, and conducted the office in connection with his mercantile business. After a continuous service of more than eighteen years, Mr. Davis was succeeded by Gen. Nathan Goodridge, a son of Jonathan Goodridge, previously mentioned. Gen. Good- ridge was a man much respected by his townsmen, and filled the position of post-master acceptably for many years. He * The writer gained this information from Truman, son of Bartlett Allen. 228 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY was commissioned three times under different administrations, and was holding the office at the time of his death. In the interim several persons, including Deacon Ira and Mark Em- ery, held the office for longer or shorter periods, according to the length of time their party was in the ascendency. During all these years the office remained in the vicinity of the spot where it was first established, with the exception of a little more than a year and a half when Samuel R. Allen was post-master. Mr. Allen was appointed March 6, 1863, and the office was thereupon removed to Allen's Mills and kept in the house recently occupied by Wm. H. Johnson, although its name remained unchanged. Mr. Allen was a popular official, but the change in location was strongly opposed, and on his removal from town Gen. Nathan Goodridge was appointed his successor and the office was again established in the vicinity of its original site. Strenuous efforts were frequently made, how- ever, to secure its permanent location at Allen's Mills, but without avail. After the death of Gen. Goodridge, Hovey Thomas was appointed to fill the vacancy, and continued in office until the fall of 1879, when, by mutual consent, the office was removed to Allen's Mills and the name changed to that of the village in which it was located. The following is a list of the persons who have held the office of post-master of the Industry and Allen's Mills post-office, with date of ap- pointment : INDUSTRY POST-OFFICE. Jonathan Goodridge, James Davis, Nathan Goodridge, Ira Emery, Nathan Goodridge, Mark Emery, Samuel R. Allen, Nathan Goodridge, Hovey Thomas, Date of Appoii ltmcnt Octoher 12, 1 8 1 6 June i(>. 1S21 November 20, •839 June 29, . 84 . July 29, 1845 December 15, 1856 March 6. 1863 October 7, 1 864 September 27, 1871 POST-OFFICES, ETC. 229 CHANGED TO ALLEN'S MILLS, OCTOBER 24. 1 8 79. POST-MASTERS : Name. Date of Appointment. Moses M. Luce, October 24, 1879. Herbert B.Luce, September 28, 18X1. Elbridge H. Rackliff, August 17, 1889. The office at West's Mills was established March 8, 1828, and first kept in Esquire Peter West's store, he having been appointed post-master. His son, John West, succeeded him in 1839, but held the office less than two years. The inaugura- tion of William Henry Harrison, president, in 1 841, caused a change in the political character of the government, and im- mediately after steps were taken to secure the appointment of Jesse Thing to succeed Mr. West. At that time Mr. Thing lived in a house just north of where Charles M. Hilton's store now (1892) stands. He was appointed July 10, 1841, and removed the office to his house, where it was kept during his term of service, which terminated July 24, 1845, by tne appoint- ment of John West Manter as his successor. During a portion of his term of office Mr. Manter was in trade with his brother Peter, in the store built by Moses Tolman, Jr., (see p. 197) and here the office was kept. The letters were kept exposed to the public view on a bulletin board, and held in place by a narrow tape tacked across it at regular intervals: These letters were accessible to all who called at the store, yet it is believed none were ever taken by other than their legitimate owners. In 1849 Mr. Thing was re-appointed and kept the office in his store. While Mr. Thing was in office an important change occurred in the rates of postage. The rates had been much simplified in 1845, by making the fee five cents for any dis- tance under three hundred miles, and any distance greater than that ten cents. In 1847 stamps were introduced, and the rates fixed according to weight instead of distance.* The era of * Prior to the introduction of postage stamps, the pre-payment of postage was optional with the sender, who could either pay it in advance or allow the sum due to be collected of the person to whom the missive was addressed. 29 230 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. * cheap postage really dates from 1851, when the rate on prepaid letters was made three cents for an) 7 distance within 3000 miles. Mr. Thing held the office a few days over three years, when he was succeeded by Cyrus N. Hutchins. No one held the office any length of time after Mr. Thing, until Nov. 10, 1854, when Peter W. Butler was appointed to fill the position. Mr. Butler was a carpenter and wheelwright by trade, and kept the office in one corner of his shop which was partitioned off for that purpose. He gave general satisfaction to his constituents and held the office until 1 861 , when the administration changed and the business passed into the hands of Elbridge H. Rackliff. Mr. Rackliff fitted up a convenient office in one end of the Tolman store, and sold stationery and conducted an extensive newspaper and periodical agency in connection with his official business. Warren N. Willis was the next appointee to fdl the position, and the office was removed to his brother's store, where it remained until the fall of 1865, when, preparatory to settling up his business to go West, he resigned his office in favor of his father-in-law, Asaph Boyden. Mr. Boyden kept his office in Thomas P. Patterson's store a short time in the winter of 1866, but after a brief period removed it to his home, where it was kept for a period of nearly thirteen years. Mr. Boyden resigned his position in the fall of 1879, on account of the infirmities of age, and Alonzo Norton of the firm of James M. & A. Norton was appointed to fill the vacancy. A com- modious office was fitted up in the store of the firm, and nearly a hundred glass call-boxes were constructed and furnished to the patrons of the office, rental free. The excellent accommo- dations, the central location and the careful and courteous manner in which the duties of the office were discharged, made it very popular with its patrons and largely increased its receipts. April 1, 1886, Charles M. Hilton, having been appointed post-master, the office was removed to his store and an apartment fitted up with considerable elaboration for its reception, where it remained some three years. Though much had been said in relation to the civil service rules, by the Republicans, during President Cleveland's administration, the POST-OFFICES, ETC. 31 more candid had but little faith in their pretentions. No sooner than fairly established in office did President Harrison and his coadjutors commence a systematic course of removals from federal offices of the appointees of their predecessors. Among" the early petitions received by the post-office depart- ment at Washington, was one asking the removal of Charles M. Hilton and the appointment of Harrison Daggett as post- master at West's Mills. Just previous to this, Mr. Daggett had gone into trade in the Richard Caswell store (see p. 202), and on receiving his appointment, immediately fitted up an apart- ment in his store for the transaction of the business of the office. He purchased his predecessor's glass call-boxes, a very fine set numbering over 1 00, took possession of the office, and on the 13th day of June, 1889, the mail was delivered for the first time from the office in its new location. The new appointee was not a novice at the business, having served as a clerk in the office nearly five years when his uncle, Alonzo Norton, was post-master. Always courteous and obliging in his business transactions, Mr. Daggett's popularity with the patrons of the office became an established fact ere he had held his position many months. The following persons have served as post- masters at the West's Mills office: Name. Peter West, John West, Jesse Thing, John West Manter, Jesse Thing, Cyrus N. Hutchins, Benjamin N. Willis, Peter West Willis, Peter West Butler, Elbridge H. Rackliff, Warren N. Willis, Asaph Boyden, Alonzo Norton, Charles M. Hilton, Harrison Daggett, D.itc ot Appoin merit. March 8, 828. October 19, i S39- July 10, [841 July 24, [845- April 27, S49. May 31, [852. February 2, t«53- January 1 1, t 8 54 . November 10, §54- August 3, S61. April 26. 864. January 15, [866. November 7, 879. March 1, 88b. May 16, [889. -3 2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Owing to the destruction by fire of a portion of the records in the P. (). Department at Washington but little knowledge of the avenues through which the Industry offices received their mail or the frequency of the trips can be obtained.* In 1863 and for several years thereafter Moses Chandler, of Temple, owned the route and drove three times a week, viz., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from Farmington to Stark via the Industry and West's Mills Tost-Omces, arriving at his destination about noon, — making the return trip the same day. He was succeeded by Isaac Edwards as owner of the route. About January 1st, 1866, the time of arrival and departure of the mail was changed so as to connect at Farmington with the out-going morning and in-coming evening train. By this arrangement the mail left Farmington on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after the arrival of the evening train, reaching West's Mills at about 8 o'clock r. M., and arriving at Stark about 9.1 5. Leaving Stark early the following morning the mail reached Farmington in season to depart on the morning train. This arrangement proved a great convenience, for while it existed a letter could be sent to or received from Boston the same day it was mailed. But after a continuation of four years it was again changed and the old schedule time adopted. About 1878 the citizens of Stark petitioned the authorities at Washington to discontinue the three-trip-a-week route from West's Mills to Stark and establish, instead, a daily mail route from Madison Bridge via Stark to West's Mills. The mail to leave Madison Bridge on the arrival of the evening train and leave West's Mills on the following morning in season to connect with the first out-going train. Asaph Boyden, who at the time was post-master at West's Mills, strongly opposed the measure, though the patrons of his office generally favored it. The re- sult was West's Mills was made the terminus of the Farmington route and Stark got its daily route from Madison Bridge. Soon after the post-office at West's Mills came into the hands * Among the early mail-carriers was Fred Y. Stewart, of Farmington, who carried the mail in a two-wheeled carriage or y his Aunt Newman of Andover. On her seeond marriage he began to learn the tanner's trade, but soon quit it for a mereantile life. He married in Fast- port, Maine, September 6, 1827, Rachel Fincoln, daughter of < His Lincoln. In 1828 he joined the Baptist Church, in which communion he remained a faithful deacon until his death. In 18 $7-1838 his fortune was wrecked by the great crisis, and in 1840 he located in Haddonslield, New Jersey, where he lived until 1850 and then removed to his late residence at Woodlawn. Mr. Mason was a zealous reformer in schools, public morals and religion. ( In Monday, September 24, 1S88, his neighbors thronged to honor the departed. They placed an anchor of roses on his breast, emblem of his early life; a sheaf of wheat upon his folded hands, token of a ripened career. On his feet were palm branches, suggestive of immortal rest. Then they laid him in the little cemetery under the very oak tree he had selected to shade his grave. CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN MASON. 235 Maine. In this peddling expedition I succeeded very well, besides affording me an opportunity to see the country. After going east of the Kennebec River until my stock got quite small, I came back to Waterville ; stopped there some days to see Moses Dalton, a cousin to my father, who was away from home with a party exploring land in the vicinity of Moosehead Lake, but failed to see him. As my stock needed replenishing I thought that perhaps I might be able to get some goods at Norridgewock, — if not it would take me nearer to Portland. When I arrived at Norridgewock, I found that I was but eleven miles from Industry. I knew that we had relatives there besides Cousin Sophronia Mason : The wives of Daniel Shaw and William Remick were my mother's own cousins; while Oilman Hilton and Rowland Luce's wives were cousins to my father. While at Industry I attended a meeting and assisted in the sing- ing, for which I had a good talent, and could also teach vocal music. This brought me favorably before the people, and as there was no tanner or currier in town, nor in any of the towns back of Industry, they all set in for me to settle there. I first hired with Esquire Peter West for a month and a half, and commenced buying all the hides and calf skins I could. Took them to Henry Butler's at Farmington Hill to have them tanned, and worked with Mr. butler to pay for tanning them. I also worked a month in haying for Benjamin Norton. After this I went to Boston by water, and then to Andover to visit an aunt, who had married Mark Newman for her second husband, with whom I had lived from my seventh to my twelfth year. On my return to Maine I was employed by Berry, the tanner, to work at my trade, in New Sharon, with Deacon Ira Emery as my boss. Deacon Emery invited me to make it my home with him. We took our pay for our work at New Sharon in leather out of the tan, and I curried it. We then hired shoemakers to work it up together with my stock at Farmington Hill. Deacon Emery took his boots and shoes East, I took mine to Boston. There I met an old school-mate who was in the employ of a firm engaged in the importation of rectified spirits, who wished me to introduce their liquors into Maine. Would give me a right good chance. I refused at first, but told him if they would buy my boots and shoes and would make me out an assortment of groceries, I would try their liquors. They took my stock, gave me a right good price ; some money with a good assortment of groceries at a low price. I sent my goods in a vessel to Hallowell and returned by the way ol New Hampshire. I examined the records in Sandwich, and found 236 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. that old blind Fogg,* who, with his wife and non compos daughter were paupers in Industry, had a pauper residence in that town and was entitled to a support there. The superior quality of my liquor and other goods, together with relieving the town of the expense of the Fogg family, gained for me a strong affection in the hearts of the people. Immediately on my return from Boston 1 commenced the erection of a building, near Deacon Ira Emery's, 20x32 feet, with a basement, in which to display my goods and also to serve as a shop and dwellingdiouse. The day mi which I raised my building was extremely warm and the men got so drunk that they could not put the roof on.f That advertised my liquor, and notwithstanding the fact that I was making nearly 200 per cent, profit on it the people said that "they were glad that one honest trader had come into the place." On the opening of my store, there were none in successful operation in town. Everybody liked me ; my educational and other advantages had been superior to theirs, and my musical talents soon gave me the lead among the young people. In fact, it was the verdict of all that there was not a young man in Somerset County whose business prospects were more flattering. I had continued the sale of liquor only about ten months when I became convinced of its harmfulness and have ever since been an active advocate of temper- ance principles. At the time I was engaged in trade it was considered a perfectly honorable and legitimate business to retail ardent spirits, and no grocery dealer failed to keep a supply. ( )wing to an unfavorable turn in a love affair, on account of a rival whom the young lady's parents favored, I felt that I could no longer remain in a place where everything seemed to remind me of my dis- appointment ; so, hastily settling up my business, I went to New Sharon. Soon after this I joined Esquire Daniel Shaw and Captain Benjamin Manter, of Industry, in a trading expedition to Saint Andrews. New Brunswick. We hired a vessel, got our cargo loaded, and sailed from Wiscasset on the night of the 13th of January. There had been but very little rough weather thus far, but the first day out we encountered * Prior to this date articles had frequently been inserted in town meeting war- rants relative to a disposal of this family. The overseers of the poor were confident that this town was under no legal obligation for their support, yet was unable to establish the residence of the family elsewhere. — IV. C. II. t The reader must recollect that in those days it was thought to be impossible to raise a building without "plenty of rum," and the person who failed to furnish it was in no wise popular in the community. — IV. C. II. CORRESPONDENCE OE JOHN MASON. 237 a fearful storm, and the following night was truly terrifying. I kept making ginger tea for the men to keep them from freezing; indeed some of them did get frost-bitten in spite of my efforts. About mid- night the stoutest man on board came below bellowing, " If I must die I will die below deck." I looked up. Esquire Shaw and Captain Manter were both engaged in prayer, while the waves ran mountains high. I, too, felt very badly, and placing my forehead in my hand, I uttered the words of Christ's disciples to their Master : " Lord, save us ; we perish," and immediately my fears left me. I broke open a box of clothing, put on several extra garments to protect me from the intense cold and went on deck. There T saw Captain Manter seated on the binacle hatch, his nose and ears frozen. When I saw this, the same feeling of the helplessness of our situation returned. Again I bowed my head and uttered my former prayer, when my fears instantly van- ished. I offered to take the captain's place at the wheel, but he would not consent to this at first. When I told him that I knew what he was doing, that it was his intention to take the seas on the starboard quarter, for if the vessel fell into the trough of the sea she might tip over, or if she made a plunge she might not come up again, — he then consented for me to relieve him at the wheel. The only sail we could carry was the fore gaff lashed to the fore boom with the throat hoisted up. The scene was awfully grand ! I sang as loud as I could, to keep the men's courage up : Thy works of glory, mighty Lord, That rule the boisterous sea, The sons of courage shall record, Who tempt the dangerous way. At thy command the winds arise, And swell the towering waves; The men, astonished, mount the skies. And sink in gaping graves. Again they climb the watery hills. And plunge in deeps again : Each like a tottering drunkard reels, And finds his courage vain. Frighted to hear the tempest roar, They pant with fluttering breath; And, hopeless of the distant shore, Expect immediate death. Then to the Lord they raise their cries; He hears the loud request, 3° 238 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. And orders silence through the skies, And lays the floods to rest. Sailors rejoice to lose their fears, And see the storm allayed : Now to their eyes the port appears; There, let their vows he paid. Tis God that brings them safe to land : Let stupid mortals know, That waves are under his command, And all the winds that blow. that the sons of men would praise The goodness of the Lord ! And those that see Thy wondrous ways, Thy wondrous love record. Fortunately our vessel outrode the gale and we reached our destina- tion in safety, though many of us suffered from the effects of frost-bitten ears, noses and fingers. We had, as a passenger on this eventful voyage, a son of old Captain Thompson of Industry.* The time spent among the people of Industry is among the most pleasant memories of my long and eventful life, and I often think it was the great mistake of my life in leaving the town. The saying of, I think, Shakespeare has often occurred to me: "There is a time of tide in man's life if taken on the flood leads on to wealth and fame. That time lost all is lost, you can not recall that time." It was certainly Hood tide with me while there, especially in regard to the good will of the people. Just prior to my departure I received a long letter from my merchants is Boston advising me to enlarge my business to the fullest extent which the country would bear. Had I remained in Industry I should have hired Esquire West's store and filled it from cellar to garret, so as to wholesale as well as retail. I have an idea, had I remained, that I might have been elected to the Legislature in 1822 and perhaps reached the State Senate in 1825. I was of the opinion that West's Mills would eventually become the outlet for all the back towns in going to Hallowell and to a market. Moreover the village at Farmington Falls was down Hat. I saw all its mills go sailing down the Sandy River in the great freshet of xS2i.f * This was probably Captain John Thompson's second son William, who, when a young man, went to the British Provinces, where he married and raised up a family. — IV. C. H. t llutler gives the date of this freshet as 1S20 (Hist, of Farmington, />. rjj) which is unquestionably correct. He also gives the month and day as October 16th, CORRESPONDENCE OE CAPTAIN BUTLER. 239 There were five in one fleet ; three were stove by the New Sharon bridge while the fourth, a very large one, took the bridge along with it. As this had usually been the thoroughfare to Hallowell the calamity just mentioned would have had a tendency to turn the travel from the back towns in another channel, and through West's Mills seemed to be the most feasible route. CORRESPONDENCE OF CAPT. JERUEL BUTLER. Some years since the author .had placed at his disposal a package of old letters possessing great intrinsic interest. They were written by Captain Jeruel Butler to his wife and family during the time he was engaged in an extensive coast and foreign trade, and in many instances were of such thrilling interest that the writer feels constrained to make some excerpts therefrom. Capt. Butler was a sea captain, a native of Martha's Vineyard, and an early settler in that part of New Vineyard set off to Industry in 1844. The farm on which he settled lies at the terminus of the road running north from Tibbetts's Corner, and has been known of late years as the John O. Rackliff farm. Boston, Mass., April 10th, 18 19. I left Bath [Me.] last Wednesday and arrived at Portland the same day. On Friday at 8 o'clock a. m. left Portland and in eight hours and eight minutes I came to anchor in Boston harbor. I do not know what to write or say to comfort you ; we are here in the hurry and confusion of the great city of Boston. The chiming of bells and the sound of the coach wheels on the pavements often salute our ears. Boston, Mass., June 10th, 18 19. I have this moment arrived from Providence, Rhode Island. All well, full freight and a pleasant passage. Shall sail for Hallowell [Me.] weather permitting on Saturday the 19th instant. Bath, Me., Sept. 14th, 1819. I have been detained here for two days by head winds. I shall sail this afternoon if the weather clears. I am well and hope these lines on page 314. On that day the Selectmen of New Sharon issued their warrant for a meeting to see what measures the town would take relative to re-building the bridge across Sandy River. This clearly shows the correctness of Mr. Butler's date and proves Mr. Mason to have been slightly in error. — IV. C. H. 240 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. will lind vim enjoying the same blessing. The salt which 1 sent you by Lovejoy you will keep for your own use, letting Mrs. Roach have half a bushel. Mr. Roach* is well and desires to be remembered. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 12th. 1 s 1 9 . I have thought that it might be of interest to you to read a statement of my voyage from Portsmouth. After landing Charles, f 1 got under wax and put to sea ; ran out about eight leagues when the weather be- came so bad that 1 put back ami came to anchor in Portsmouth before night. ( )i t. 30TH. Went to sea in company with one hundred sail of ves- sels, (jet. 31st, past Holmes Hole with fresh gales from N. E., did not stop but went to sea that night. From the 1st to the 4th of November southerly winds and had weather. On the 4th I had a violent squall with wind W. N. W. which terminated in a severe gale that lasted thirty-six hours. During the first twenty hours I made 210 miles. The sea then became so bad that I hove to after shipping a sea that stove my weather waist-boards. After the gale was over it was calm lor about four hours and then commenced blowing a gale from the South. This wind brought me to the east coast of North Carolina in twenty fathoms of water. On the 8th of November 1 past the outer shoal of Hatteras in five fathoms of water. I saw four green turtles ; into one of these I hove a harpoon, but as the vessel was going very fast it tore out. I caught a porpoise that made two gallons of oil. On the 9th, 10th and 11th of November it was a dead calm and as warm as any weather we had last summer. The rays of the sun seemed to almost burn. On Wednesday the 10th I made Cape Fear ; it was the first land I saw after leaving Block Island. While I was becalmed we caught nearly one hundred black fish, oi the same kind we used to catch in Vineyard Sound. After beating oil Cape Fear till Friday the 12th at 11 a. m., with the wind dead ahead. 1 bore up and ran into Wilmington, N. C. I shall sail again for Charles ton the first fair wind. I am in good health and have a good crew but a poor scamp for a mate. I shall turn him on shore as soon as I get to Charleston. He is the most indolent sleepy-head 1 ever saw. I find the Atlantic as rough as ever. Charleston, S. C. Dec. 12th, 1819. I have been one trip to Savannah as you will see by the letters and *The gentleman here referred to was probably Capt. William Roach, who lived near Captain lUitler's, on the farm recently owned by Benjamin Tibbetts. — IV. C. //. t His son is probably the person here referred to. — IV. C. 11. CORRESPONDENCE OE CAPTAEV HEELER. 241 papers from that place. Savannah remains sickly ; about sixteen white people die per day. I was there only four days and fifty-one new -raves were made in that time. In one instance three coffins were put into one grave. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 19, 18 19. I arrived here yesterday in fourteen hours from Charleston. Just before I left there I gave Perley Wood twenty Spanish dollars for you. He will leave them with Uncle Shubael's wife [Mrs. West]. I did not send them because I thought you needed the money, but as a token of my esteem. For the last four days the weather has been cool but nothing like a frost. Business remains dull here, and will until we have rains to rise the rivers. I brought a passenger, by the name of Butler, from Charleston, who is said to be worth two million dollars. New York, March 31, 1820. 1 wrote you on my arrival here and stated that 1 had been robbed in Havana dc Cuba of about S3 10. I left Mobile on the 19th of February and put to sea on the morning of the 21st, having on board two passengers who had every appearance of a gentleman and con- ducted themselves as such during the whole passage. One day after we had been out some time they stated to me that they had unsettled business of some consequence in Havana, and if I would stop there and get some water (of which I stood in need by so long delay by head winds) they would pay port charges and after one day would pay twenty-five dollars for each day that I should lie detained ; and would put on board ninety bags of coffee, »S:c. On the last day of February, as we were beating in the gulf of Florida, we made the island of Cuba. It was blowing a heavy gale at N. E. by N., with bad weather. I stood in for the land till five P. M., at which time we were within five leagues of the Island. However, as I did not know the particular place, I tacked ship and stood off till two o'clock on the first of March, when I stood in for Cuba with a strong gale from E. N. E. and a bad sea. At daylight I saw the high mountains of Cuba, and at 9 a. m. made the Moro Castle. The gale was heavy, and I called a council and got a unanimous vote in favor of making a harbor. I wrote a protest and had it signed by a major part of the crew and passengers. At 1 p. m. I came to an anchor in the port of Havana. At 5 p. m. on the same day I was permitted to land. The next day I was invited to dine on shore and had a splendid dinner, — green peas, string beans, cucumbers, melons, green corn and many tropical fruits, together with seven dishes of meat victuals. It was a good dinner indeed — but alas ! I had to pay the pirates who invited me too dear for it. These pirates, my passen- 242 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. gers, had undoubtedly selected my vessel at Mobile for their piratical purposes, as they knew by information which they obtained in Mobile thai she was the fastest sailer in that port. They were well prepared, with pistols and other arms, to take the vessel whenever they pleased and kill the crew and myself. From some cause or other, unknown to me. they changed their plans and concluded to rob me of as much as they could and let me go alive. Perceiving that I had confidence in them, they asked me if I could speak the Spanish language, and I told them I could not. They said that they would grant me any aid I should wish, as they were well acquainted with the place and with the language. ( )n March 2d I went on shore to report my vessel and get water. At 10 a. m. one of them came to me and asked me to change an ounce of gold, as he was out of small change. I told him that there was a small loss on gold ; he said, " then lend me ten Spanish dollars and I will hand them back this day." I did so. Soon after, while I was transacting my business, he came to me and asked, " Have you any American bank bills that you wish to change for Spanish dol- lars?" I answered, "Yes." "Come with me," he said, •"and you can have them changed." So I went with him to a store where he spoke to the clerk in Spanish and then told me that the man had gone out to another store, so we went there, and, as he said, did not find him. (The fact is, he did not wish to find anybody, it being his plan to draw my money from me.) He then said, "Sir, if you please I will take the bills ; I shall see him soon and will get them changed with the greatest pleasure." Having the fullest confidence in him, I counted him out the money. He was as compliant, likelydooking and well-behaved a man as I ever saw. His name was " Deek " or Daniel Boster. Soon after this the other German, named William Datche,* came on board and went into his state-room where all their trunks were kept, and packed all the best of their clothing in his trunks. He then took some clothes tied up in a handkerchief and carried them ashore to be washed, as he stated. The next morning he returned and said that he should stop in Havana, as he could not get through with his business as soon as he expected, and took his trunks ashore. I went with him to receive 90 bags of ( offee which was to come on board. I went and saw the coffee in a lighter. He spoke to the negroes in Spanish, and then told me that the toffee would be off at 11 a. m. I went on board to receive it, but it did not come. The following evening Captain Watts, of Hal- * There is some uncertainty regarding the orthography of these names, as they are very indistinct in the original manuscript. CORRESPONDENCE OE CAPTAIN BUTLER. 243 lowell, told me that one of his passengers from New ( Means told him, that these two men were agents for the pirates ; and that they had absconded from New Orleans and were on piratical business, and cautioned me to look out for them. This gave me the alarm, and early the next morn- ing I went on shore and went to their lodgings, found them both in bed. I called for my money and they both seemed sorry that I should doubt them. They both sprang up and dressed themselves and one said he would go with me and get the money. I went out with him and soon found things were wrong. The stores were not generally open, however, so they said they would settle with me at 9 o'clock. When 9 o'clock came they were gone. I went to the Alcaid officer and got a search warrant, two officers and an interpreter and searched for them some hours, till I was tired, worn out and almost mad. A Span- iard came to me and said. " Are you Captain Butler of the Sea Flower?" I replied in the affirmative. He said, " I wish to speak with you." He then told me that Boster and Datche knew that I was in search of them and that they could and would keep out of my way. They had lost my money at billiards the night before, but had got more and would now pay if I would go with him some two miles to the place where they were hid. I went and found them in a small upper room of a store-house. My guide left me with them and we began and com- pleted the writings for a final settlement. Receipts were wrote and a bottle of wine was brought in for a friendly drink. One of the men put his hands in his pockets, to take out the money, as I supposed, and drew two pistols therefrom and pointing them at my breast said, " Sub- mission or death." I said, "don't fire;" I saw that death was in his countenance. I looked towards the door. It was shut and the other man stood by it with a sword and a dirk. The man with the pistols said, " Sign that receipt or die, — and quick too." Finding I had no retreat, I took the pen and signed the receipt without receiving one cent. The door was then opened and I was conducted down stairs to the outer door. One of them, in the presence of the guide, gave me a watch and said, " Captain, we make you a present of this watch." As soon as I got on the street again I exclaimed, " I have been robbed in that house," but all were Spaniards and no one understood me. 1 got the officers and renewed my search, but to no effect. Business went well with me till this time, but since then I have been the most dis- couraged that I ever was. I wish I was at home, but hope I shall have fortitude and wisdom to guide me aright in this hour of affliction. I never before felt the need of friends so much to console me and soften my cares. 244 HISTORY (>/■' INDUSTRY. Charleston, S. C, May 21st, 1820. I am coming home as fast as the wind will blow me along. I shall come by the way of New York and hope to be at home soon after this letter arrives. True I have not earned as much money as 1 could wish and have lost some hut I have got for myself and the owner about one peck of Spanish dollars and some gold, besides S400.00 in (taper. If they will take the cargo I can keep the cash for my share. I arrived here last night from Darien. Georgia, via Savannah. 1 shall in all prob- ability sail for New York the last of this week. Since 1 left New York I have enjoyed good health but remain somewhat depressed in spirits on account of my loss. I have got quite acclimatized and am as black as a Spaniard. May 24TH. I shall sail for New York to-morrow at 10 a. m. I shall have forty passengers, which pays well. There will be thirteen ladies and eleven small children if no changes are made. Bahama Islands, Feb. 5th, 1^,22. As I passed Cape Tiberoon I saw a piratical craft, — a large Ameri- can schooner. As soon as she saw us she bore up and came so near that I could see the color of the crew's clothes. I thought 1 was gone hook and line sure. However I rounded to and fired my cannon into them, and as God would have it they were afraid and bore round and stood off out of sight. Mobile, Ala.. March 2d, 1S22. I arrived from sea February 27th. 1 came from St. Domingo via Rum Rio, Bahama, with salt. Have come to a poor market. I hail rough weather on the coast and was twice driven off by northern gales. 1 made Mobile Point eleven days before I got in over the bar. I have had the yellow fever and have regained a reasonable degree of health, but my flesh is all gone. I shall go from here either to Havana or to tin- Middle States and will write you before I sail. I write this letter in the ( ustom-I louse and with all the haste encumbent on human nature. At St. Domingo I wrote you four letters and sent you a journal of m) voyage; whether they reached you or not I can not saw 1 am con- vinced that 1 shall have a good voyage, for 1 do believe I have almost worried out the Devil and his imps. Mobile, Ala., March 8th, 1822. I arrived here six days ago with a cargo of salt which belongs to me, and it will not fetch the first cost and duties. I have not heard from \nii since 1 left home. I shall go from here to New York and if the weather is favorable 1 shall call at Charleston, S. C, but as that is un- CORRESPONDENCE OE CAPTA/N BUTLER. 245 certain I want you to write me a line and send it by mail to New York and send another by some of the packets in case the first gets lost. Charleston, S. C, June 12, 1822. I arrived here to-day and have had the high satisfaction of finding my sons* well and doing well. It is in vain for me to attempt to express the satisfaction it gives me to see them again and to find them steady and prudent. I think they will come home with me, though Peter is unwilling to leave his trade ; but I do not think it will do for him to stay. We shall come home some better off than when we left ; and if I ever felt a degree of thankfulness, if my heart ever melted with love to Him who has preserved me through so many dangers, I think I now feel a full sense of the obligation that I owe my Preserver for the many bless- ings bestowed upon me and my sons. The boys look very pale and white but are as smart as bees. Am much pleased to hear how well gentlemen, of high standing here, speak of them. Wiscasset, Me., Mar. 1st, 1823. I have just arrived here from Boston, having been eighteen hours on the way. I have a sleigh-load of articles that you may need. If one of the boys will come and get them I should be pleased to have them. If not I shall send them to Hallowell to the care of Mr. Wales, and you can get them when you please. Peterf has gone to Charleston, S. C, with a lot of English and India goods valued at some $4,000.00. He found friends in Boston who were willing to credit him to any amount he wished. He sailed on the 18th of February in the schooner " Maine," Captain Bungoon. I think they had a good time off the coast. I have concluded to run my vessel as a packet between Hallowell and Boston this season. I shall return to Boston in about ten days and shall be in Hallowell as soon as the ice is out. * The sons here referred to were Peter W. and David Butler. t Peter \V. Butler, his son. 31 CHAPTER XIII. TEMPERANCE MOVEMENTS. The Prevalence of Rum-Drinking. — The License Law. — Five Licenses Granted. — ■ Town Votes "Not to License Retailers." — The Ministerial Association Passes Resolutions Against the Use of Spirituous Liquors. — First Temperance Society Formed. — Esq. Peter West's Temperance Society. — The Washingtonian Move- ment. — The Allen's Mills Watch Club. — First Division Sons of Temperance ( (rganized. — The " Union Peace Temperance Society." — The Sons of Temper- ance at Allen's Mills. — 'The Order of Good Templars in Industry. — Juvenile Temples. — 'The Iron Clad Club. THE use of ardent spirits as a beverage was a practice of almost universal prevalence among the early settlers. At the old-fashioned log-rollings it was regarded as a necessary article ; the hay crop could not be secured without its aid, while a " leetle drop" never came amiss during the busy harvest season. For many years it was claimed that the frame of no building could be raised without " plenty of rum," which was often so freely drank as to cause intoxication. At musters and on holidays grog in large quantities was also drank, while no one could properly entertain company if there was no liquor in the house.* It was customary for every grocery dealer to sell spirits, which was by no means a small item of his trade. Soon after Maine became a separate State a law was enacted requiring retailers to obtain license from the municipal officers and leaving each town free to decide, by a vote, whether or not persons should be so licensed. Under this act James Davis, who kept store at Davis's * A gentleman informs the author that, when a small boy, he was frequently sent to the store, about a mile away, to bu) spirits for the entertainment of ministers who chanced to visit his father's house. TEMPERANCE MOVEMENTS. 247 (nowGoodridge's) Corner, was the first person to receive a license to sell. Seven years later five persons were granted licenses to retail spirituous liquors. It appears that this number gave the people rather "too much of a good thing," for at their annual meeting in 1829 the town voted not to license sellers. Perhaps it is not generally known that ministers of the gospel began to realize the evil effects of intemperance as early as 18 1 2. During that year the Ministerial Associations of nearly all the religious denominations adopted the following resolution : "That we will ourselves, and in our families, abstain from the use of strong drink, except as a medicine, and will use our influence to have others renounce the practice, and have it understood that civility does not require, and expediency does not permit, the production [offering] of it as a part of hospitable entertainment in social visits." This resolution formed the germ from which all subsequent temperance efforts sprung. With such powerful allies as the ministers of the gospel much good was accomplished in Indus- try, as well as elsewhere, and some were led to abandon the use of strong drink entirely. The first temperance society organized in Industry was com- posed entirely of lady members from Industry and adjoining towns, and was known as the Industry Female Temperance Society. Though the exact date of its formation is not known, it is probable that this society existed prior to 1829. The full text of the preamble and articles of the constitution are here given, together with a list of the members : We, the subscribers, having witnessed and heard of many cases of misery and ruin, in consequence of the free use of ardent spirits, and [being] desirous to prevent, if possible, evils of such magnitude, [do] agree to form ourselves into a Temperance Society and adopt the follow- ing Constitution : Article 1st, we will wholly abstain from the use of ardent spirits on all occasions, except it be found indispensably necessary as a medicine. Art. 2nd, we will discountenance all addresses from any of the male sex, with a view of matrimony, if they shall be known to drink spirits either periodically or on any public occasion. 248 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Art 3rd, We, as mothers, daughters and sisters will use our inlluence i" prevent the marriage of our friends with a man who shall habitually drink any of [the] ardent spirits. [ Signed.] Jane Atkinson, Industry. Sally Pollard, Industry. Susan Patterson, " Lucy Underwood, New Sharon. Betsey Thompson, " Clarissa J. Atkinson, Mereer. Nancy Goodridge, " Sally Merry, New Vineyard. Mary Howes, " Susan Thompson, Starks. Anna Norton, " Julia Ann Greenleaf, " Mary Ann Norton, " Mary Gould, " Eliza Norton, " Annah Dutton, Nancy Withee, " Sophia W. Dutton, " Betsey A. Snell, " Martha A. Stevens, " Anna West, " Harriet Stevens, " As woman was the first to visit the sepulchre of her Master, as she has been first in nearly every good work since, so was she first to labor for the cause of temperance in Industry. Of the success of this society but little is known, as with very few exceptions its members have all passed away. Esquire Peter West organized a temperance society in 1829 or 1830. It was composed entirely of male members and un- questionably exerted a salutary restraining influence over the intemperate portion of the community. This society continued to exist for several years, when the interest in a measure died out.* The Washingtonian movement about 1840 caused a re- vival of the interest in temperance work, and the society re- organized and continued to meet for a few years thereafter, but in the course of time it ceased to exist. f ♦The following is a record of their meeting holden July 4, 1836: " Meeting held at the Meeting House near West's Mills on above date. Chose Capt. Ezekiel I linkley, president; Win. Cornforth, Esq., vice-president ; and Col. Benjamin I. uce, secretary. Standing committee : — James Cutts, Samuel Patterson, John W. Manter, Benjamin W. Norton, Zebulon Manter, Brice S. Edwards. Voted to adjourn until the last Saturday in September." From a memorandum on the sheet containing this record it appears that Rev. Alden liovnton delivered an address on that occasion. t As an evidence of the good accomplished by these early efforts the writer will add that at a meeting held in September, 1S49, the town voted to choose a committee of three to prevent the unlawful sale of liquor. These gentlemen were instructed to prosecute whenever milder measures failed to stop this illicit traffic. TEMPERANCE MOVEMENTS. 249 Soon after the enactment of the "Maine Liquor Law" a Watch Club was organized at Allen's Mills; this club was a secret organization whose purpose was to enforce the principles of this law. Among the members were Capt. Clifford B. Nor- ton, Capt. Newman T. Allen, Gen. Nathan Goodridge, Isaac Webster, Benjamin Allen, Brice S. Edwards, Samuel R. Allen, etc., with a number of members from Farmington, among whom were Thomas H. McLain and Augustus Backus. Like all or- ganizations of a similar character, the Industry Watch Club had some bitter opponents who sought its destruction. Notwith- standing this opposition the organization continued to hold meetings for several years and was undoubtedly instrumental in doing much good. After the disbanding of the Watch Club, no other event of importance occurred until the early part of 1859, when con- siderable interest in the cause of temperance was manifested in Industry. The celebrated "Maine Liquor Law" had been in force for nearly a decade, and the better classes were every- where awakening to the evils of intemperance. The day when it was thought that the frame of a building could not be raised or a crop of hay secured without the free use of rum, or other ardent spirits, had passed away. Science had demonstrated the fact that it neither sustained nor prolonged the period of physical endurance, and that it did not augment the ability of the system to withstand the effects of cold and exposure, while from the pulpit ministers of the gospel were crying out against the evils of this scourge of mankind in terms of strong con- demnation. But in spite of the Maine Law a great deal of liquor was sold in town ; perhaps not quite so openly as it would other- wise have been done, still it was generally known by those interested where and how it could be obtained. Early in the month of February a movement was made to organize a Divis- ion of the Sons of Temperance at West's Mills, and on the 15th of February, 1859, those interested met at the meeting- house for the purpose of organization. Although the number was not large, it was composed of many of the leading and 250 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. most influential men of the town. Their organization was per- fected by the choice of the following officers: Asaph Boyden, Worthy Patriarch; Peter West Willis, Past Worthy Patriarch ; Rev. Isaac Lord, Chaplain; Hiram Manter, Worthy Assistant ; George W. Clayton, Recording Scribe; James A. Manter, Assistant Recording Scribe ; Warren N. Willis, Financial Scribe ; lames Manter, Treasurer ; Benjamin Tibbets, Conductor ; Isaac Daggett, Assistant Conductor; Win. H. Luce, Sr., Inside Senti- nel; Peter P. Smith, Outside Sentinel. Their second meeting was held, by adjournment, at the dwelling of widow Abigail Stevens, who then lived in the Esquire Peter West house. This organization, which was known as the Putnam Division, No. 62, Sons of Temperance, continued to meet through the winter and added largely to its number. On the 4th of July, 1859, the members of the Division celebrated at West's Mills and held a picnic in Hiram Manter's grove, (beat preparations were made for the occasion, and an invitation was extended to the Stark Division to join in the celebration which was gratefully accepted. The day was all that heart could wish, and everyone was in high spirits. A portion of the Stark delegation came in a large hay- rack gaily bedecked with flags, as were also the yokes of the oxen drawing the rack. The exercises of the occasion consisted in forming a procession at the meeting-house and marching to the grove, where a speaker's stand had been erected and from which an eloquent address was delivered. After the address came various other exercises, including interesting remarks on temperance, interspersed with music, both vocal and instru- mental. Next in order came dinner, which in so pleasant a grove was really an enjoyable affair. Everything passed off agreeably, and all returned to their homes well pleased with the enjoyment which the day had afforded.* The Putnam Division continued * Not to be out-done by their contemporaries, the Union Peace Temperance Society also made preparations to celebrate the anniversary of their National Inde- pendence. They engaged as their speaker, Daniel ( '.. Harriman, of New Sharon, a young man of ability, who acquired the degree of A. M. about that time, and soon alter became a teacher at the Kent's Hill Seminary. He subsequently became a lawyer and practiced in New York City. They selected as a place for their exercises a beautiful spot in the grove on the left of the road leading to New Sharon, and but a short distance south ot the village. In the afternoon the Society held a rousing mass meeting in Oliver Stevens's hall, and added many new names to their pledge. TEMPERANCE MOVEMENTS. 25 I to meet through the year 1859, but in the winter of i860 certain members gave the society a vast amount of trouble by divulg- ing the pass-word of the order. As these members became more and more troublesome it was thought advisable by the majority of the members to surrender their charter. Accord- ingly, in the latter part of June, i860, their charter was returned to the Grand Division, from whence it originated, and the soci- ety disbanded. This condition of things did not continue long, however, for on the 10th of July following, a number of the original members met and re-organized under the same name and number as the former society had borne. Up to this date no permanent place for holding their meetings could be obtained, but before the close of this year a hall was finished over Warren N. Willis's store, afterward known as the Peter W. Butler stand, and was used for the first time by the Division on the 4th day of December, i860. The expenses of finishing this hall were borne by a number of public-spirited gentlemen, namely, Asaph Boyden, Capt. Peter W. Willis, George W. Luce, Benjamin Tib- betts, Cyrus Chase, Almore Haskell, Isaac Daggett, Peter B. Smith, David M. Norton, Alonzo Norton, John E. Johnson, John T. Daggett and James A. Manter. The generous act of these gentlemen placed the Society on a substantial footing, financially, and relieved it of much trouble and anxiety. The society's meetings were well attended until the winter of 1863, when from the excitement caused by the war and from other causes the interest seemed to abate. Some of the members continued to hold meetings in private houses for a while, but ere long these meetings were discontinued and Putnam Division, S. of T., became a thing of the past. This society's motto was, "the strict enforcement of the law," and with this object in view the rumseller's position became anything but an agreeable one. A sharp watch was kept for law-breakers, and no opportunity to prosecute them was allowed to pass unimproved. Though the venders of ardent spirits received frequent chastisements at the hands of the Sons of Temperance, the sale of intoxicants was not wholly suppressed. But the restraint exerted by this course had a very beneficial effect in the town and community, and the .■>- HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. amount of good resulting from this organization can hardly be estimated. Prior to the organization of the forementioned society, some of the most influential men in town united to form "The Union Peace Temperance Society." The exact date of its formation is unknown, but at a meeting holden Jan. 10, 1859, Nelson C. Luce presented a constitution for adoption. From this fact it is to be inferred that the date was very near the beginning of the year 1859. While the Sons of Temperance favored a rigid enforcement of the law, the Union Society declared in favor of milder measures and favored prosecution only as a dernier res- sort. Feelings of intense bitterness existed between the mem- bers of the two organizations, and a few of the Sons even went so far as to declare that the Union Society was organized in the interest of and controlled by the rumsellcr, and many epithets of vile abuse were heaped upon the heads of its mem- bers. The meetings of the society were largely attended and the total membership reached a high figure. Among its mem- bers were Nelson C. Luce, Elbridge H. Rackliff, David Luce, Silas Burse. Nearly contemporaneous with the Putnam Division, there existed at Allen's Mills a similar organization, of which the writer has failed to learn any facts — not even the name by which it is was known. The "Guiding Star" Division, Sons of Temperance, was organized at West's Mills, March 3, 1865, and at one time had forty-five members, but it did not live to celebrate its first anniversary. The Order of Good Templars first gained a foothold in Industry at Allen's Mills, where, in April, 1 870, the citizens of that place and vicinity organized a lodge with twenty charter members. Among these members were Gen'l Nathan Good- ridge, Moses M. Luce, Sylvanus B. Philbrick, Henry B. Rack- liff, Daniel Collins Luce, Deacon Ira Emery, William J. Rackliff and John E. Johnson. The officers elected and installed for the fust quarter were as follows: Worth)- Chief Templar, William J. Rackliff; W.V. Templar, Miriam C. Luce; W. Chap- TEMPERANCE MOVEMENTS. 253 lain, Ira Emery; W. Secretary, Sarah E. Johnson; W. Finan- cial Secretary, Henry B. Rackliff; W. Treasurer, Moses M. Luce; W. Marshal, J. Warren Collins; W. Deputy, Mary G. Rackliff; YV. Inside Guard, William Seaver ; VV. Outside Guard, Charles A. Craig; Past W. C. T., John E. Johnson. This organization, known as Clear Water Lodge, held its meetings on Wednesday of each week, but subsequently changed the day to Saturday. With so many persons of sterling char- acter among the charter members, the lodge was a success from the very start. Regular meetings were held during the summer, new regalias and other paraphernalia of the Order procured, and a few new members were received. The lodge numbered 29 members in good standing on the 13th of August, 1870. October 12, 1 870, the Grand Lodge of Maine met at Farm- ington, and Clear Water Lodge sent William J. Rackliff, Daniel Collins Luce and Mary G. Rackliff as delegates to that meeting. The usual routine of business was interspersed and enlivened by vocal and instrumental music, as well as by papers, debates, dia- logues, declamations, tableaux and charades. Occasionally the members would give an exhibition or get up a supper, which invariably added something to the cash account of the lodge. During the winter of 1870-1 the meetings were held at the house of Moses M. Luce. Early the following spring, however, the members rented a hall over Oscar O. Allen's store, and here the lodge continued to hold its meetings as long as it existed. These meetings were well attended, and new members were from time to time added, until by the close of July, 1871, the lodge numbered forty-six members in good standing. The order sustained a serious loss in the death of General Nathan Goodridge, which occurred Sept. 30, 1871. Gen. Goodridge was a worthy and highly esteemed member, and at a subse- quent meeting the following resolutions in memoriam were passed and sent to the Farmington Chronicle and Riverside Echo for publication : Whereas it has pleased the great Father to remove from us our esteemed brother, Gen. Nathan Goodridge, and while we would remem- 32 254 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ber our fraternal obligation which demands an expression of our sorrow, and our sympathy for the afflicted family, therefore be it Resolved, That by the death of our beloved brother we are bereft of a kind and gentle associate, rich in every virtue that adorns mankind, and loved most by those who knew him best. Resolved, That in our sadness we do not forget to recognize the over-ruling hand of Providence, who does not allow even a sparrow to fall without His notice. Resolved, That our sympathy is tendered to the bereaved and afflicted friends, and that we point them to Him who doeth all things well, in their hour of sorrow. The early part of the year 1872 marked a period of gen- eral prosperity in the history of Clear Water Lodge, and its meetings continued through the winter of 1 87 1-2 with un- abated interest, and its entertainments were well patronized. But as the year drew near its close the interest seemed to abate, and meetings were held less and less frequently the following winter. The last entry in the lodge journal bears the date of March I, 1873. Among the persons who served as Chief Templar in this lodge were: John R. Luce, Horatio A. B. Kyes, Daniel C. and Moses M. Luce. Prominent among the members were, Rev. Chas. E. Woodcock, Amos S. Hinkley, Oscar ( ). Allen, Herbert B. Luce and Josiah Emery, In the summer of 1873 a representative of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars came to West's Mills and attempted to organize a lodge, but from some reason a permanent organiza- tion was never gained. After meeting two or three times, the interest seemed to die out and a charter was never obtained. Thus ended the first attempt to establish a Lodge of Good Templars at West's Mills. Again, in the winter of 1878, while the Iron Clad Club was holding its most interesting meetings, Mr. L. W. Starbird, of East Dixmont, Maine, a member of the Grand Lodge, came to West's Mills and addressed the club, on the subject of forming a lodge, at one of its regular meetings. Though Mr. Starbird labored incessantly for the cause, both among the club members and the community at large, be failed to secure sufficient support to enable him to organize a lodge. TEMPERANCE MO I 'EMENTS. 255 During the winter of 1881 Albert 0. Frederic, of Stark, who was teaching the village school at West's Mills, having been commissioned as a special deputy of the Grand Lodge, proposed that the persons interested in the cause of temper- ance unite to form a lodge of the Order of Good Templars. Accordingly a paper was circulated and a sufficient number of names to insure the success of the enterprise was obtained, and on the evening of March 12th these persons met at Norton's Hall for the purpose of organization. The traveling being very bad at the time, several who had pledged their support failed to be present. Consequently the lodge was organized with scarcely members enough for the necessary officers. The organization was perfected by the election and installation of the following officers, viz: John W. Frederic, Worthy Chief Templar; Ida M. Oliver, Worthy Vice Templar; Fugene L. Smith, Worthy Secretary; Harrison Daggett, Worthy Financial Secretary; Flora M. Rackliff, Worthy Treasurer; Rev. John W. Perry, Worthy Chaplain ; Frank W. Smith, Worthy Mar- shal ; Emma N. Luce, Worthy Inside Guard; Ward Burns, Worthy Outside Guard ; David W. Merry, Past Worthy Chief Templar; William C. Hatch, Lodge Deputy. This organiza- tion was given the name of Protection Lodge, doubtless from the fact that one of its objects was to protect its members from the temptations and baleful influences of intemperance. For a time the prospects of this organization were gloomy indeed, notwithstanding the fact that it was fully organized and free from debt. The society met with strong opposition, the mem- bership was small, and owing to outside influences it seemed for a time that it would never be any larger. At first it met only to adjourn from time to time, but after a while its pros- pects began to brighten ; several new members were added, and the lodge thus re-enforced took a new lease of life. Meetings were held regularly, and in addition to the usual routine of business, questions were discussed, select readings were given ; an organ having been procured, vocal and instrumental music were included among the exercises. After once getting a start, at nearly every meeting new and valuable acquisitions were 2-^6 ///STORY OF INDUSTRY. added to its list of members, and the interest was well main- tained throughout the entire year. Protection Lodge num- bered about fifty members in good standing at the beginning of [882, and had a sum in the treasury more than sufficient to pay all expenses, notwithstanding a considerable sum had been expended in furnishings for the hall. The members were regular in their attendance, and the year was a prosperous one in the history of the lodge. During the succeeding winter the interest seemed to abate, and no meetings were held after Feb. 12, 1883. But in the fall of that year they were again resumed with a varying degree of interest and continued up to near the close of December. Owing to the unsettled condition of affairs, it was thought best to surrender the charter and re-organize under a new one. Thus closed up the affairs of Protection Lodge, No. 334, I. 0. of G. T., after an existence of nearly three years. The Chief Templars of this Lodge were: John W. Frederic, Rev. John W. Perry, David M. Nor- ton and William D. Randall. The deputies: William C. Hatch and Harrison Daggett. Through the efforts of Rev. Luther P. French the co-opera- tion of a sufficient number of children was secured to form a juvenile temple. For this purpose a meeting was held in Norton's Hall at West's Mills, on Saturday evening, Feb. 2, 18S4. The temple was organized by F. A. Marston, of Oak- land, a representative of the Grand Lodge of Maine, and num- bered seventeen members. The officers elected were as follows : Chief Templar, Frank C. Luce ; Right-Hand Supporter, Frances A. Norton; Left-Hand Supporter, Annie C. Randall; Vice- Templar, Nellie B.Stevens; Secretary, Samuel C. Pinkham ; As- sistant Secretary, Henry C. French ; Financial Secretary, George W. Patterson; Treasurer, Frances F. Daggett; Chaplain, Amy A. Norton; Marshal, Rufus F. Pinkham; Guard, Ellen S. Norton; Sentinel, Reuel B. Norton; Superintendent of the Tem- ple, Rev. Luther P. French. This temple was known as the "Gatherers," No. 72, and continued to meet every Saturday afternoon through the winter and spring. After Elder French left the Industry Circuit in the spring, Mrs. Sarah J. Randall was TEMPERANCE MOVEMENTS. 257 chosen Superintendent. The busy spring and summer season caused a very marked decrease in the attendance at the meet- ings, and by autumn the organization had become a thing of the past. In consultation with State Deputy Mars ton the officers and members of Protection Lodge decided to surrender their charter, as has already been stated, and continue the work of the Order under a new dispensation from the Grand Lodge. Consequently a petition was drawn up asking for a new charter, and on the evening appointed for organization it contained the signatures of 126 persons who desired to become charter members. This result was the outgrowth of the earnest, unremitting efforts of Fyben S. Ladd and Asa H. Patterson, who thorough/ canvassed for signatures at every house within a radius of several miles of the village, and is said to be without a parallel in the history of temperance work in the State of Maine. Prominent among the petitioners were Rev. Luther P. French, Franklin W. Patterson, Benjamin Warren Norton, Joseph VV. Smith, William D. Ran- dall, Warren Cornforth, Benjamin Tibbetts, Rosalvin Robbins, John W. Frederic and others. The petioners met for organiza- tion on Friday evening, February 8, 1884. The members, seventy in number, were initiated by State Deputy Marston of Oakland. The name "Clear Water Lodge" was adopted, and Saturday evening of each week was selected for holding their meetings. Officers were then elected and installed as follows : VV. C. T., Wm. D. Randall; VV. V. T., Eva L. Luce; W. S., Sidney Watson; W. F. S., Benjamin Warren Norton; VV. T., Franklin VV. Patterson; VV. C, Rev. Luther P. French; VV. M., Asa H. Patterson; VV. I. G., Ward Burns; VV. O. G., John F. Gordon; P. VV. C. T., John VV. Frederic; L. D., Harrison Dag- gett; VV. L. H. S., Sarah E. Tolman ; W r . R. H. S., Deborah Norton; VV. D. M., F. Octavia Ladd. A board of trustees, consisting of Joseph VV. Smith, James M. Norton and Eben S. Ladd, was also chosen. At the next election of officers, April 26, 1884, Harrison Daggett was chosen Chief Templar and Sherman G. Tinkham selected for Lodge Deputy. While the zeal of its originators remained at white 258 HISTORY OF rNDUSTRY. heat the prospects of Clear Water Lodge were flattering, indeed, and its meetings were well sustained for a few months. But in this case the axiom, "Go up like a rocket and come down like the stick" was again to be verified. A perceptible declension in the interest occurred during the months of May and June, and but seven meetings were held after July first, the last being ( >ctober 1 1 , 1 884. Near the close of November, [887, James II. Hamilton, Councillor of the Grand Lodge of Maine, visited West's Mills and lectured at Norton's Hall on "The Object of the Order." At the close of his lecture he re-organized Clear Water Lodge with nine charter members. The officers elected and installed were: W. C. T.. Calvin B. Fish; W. V. T., Amy A. Norton; W. S., Samuel C. Pinkham ; W. F. S., Robert Burns; W. T., Ellen A. Frederic; W. M., Rufus F. Pinkham; W. C, Lilla Masterman; W. I. G., Clara E. Norton; W. O. G., George \V. Patterson; L. 1)., Arthur II. Oliver. The lodge met with some degree of regularity during the winter of 1 887-8 and gained a tew new members, but it never secured a very permanent basis. Soon after his visit to West's Mills, Mr. Hamilton visited Allen's Mills and on Thursday, December 8, 1887, organized a -''ond lodge in Industry to be known as Crystal Lake Lodge. This temple had thirty-five charter members, and to perfect its organization elected and installed the following officers: W. C. T., Herbert B. Luce; W. V. T., Juliet Bailey; W. S., Alfred F. Johnson; W. A. S., Etta M. Norton; W. F. S., John T. Luce; W. T., John C. Higgins; W. M., Alonzo O. Rackliff; W. I). M., Amy A. Luce; W. C, D. Collins Luce; W. I. G., Carrie M. True; W. O. G., Andrew S. Emery; V. W. C T., William. J. Rackliff; L. D., Llewellyn Norton. At the present time (June, 1892), this lodge is holding its meetings regularly and is in a prosperous condition. It numbers sixty-one members in good standing and is wielding a powerful influence for the cause of temperance. On the day following the organization of " Crystal Lake- Lodge " at Allen's Mills, a juvenile temple was also organized at the same place, taking for its name the title " Sparkling Jewel." TEMPERANCE t J U ) VEMENTS. 2 5 9 The first set of officers elected were: C. T., Frank C. Luce; V. T., Minnie O. Purely; C, Melvin Purely; Sec, Mrs. Rose Spin- ney; Ass't Sec, Berley Viles ; F. S., Allie Spinney; T., C. Ern- est Wyman; M., Kent R. Rackliff; D. M., Eugene Rackliff; G., Mabel Rathey; S., Neddie Rathcy ; R. H. S., Maude Rack- liff; L. H. S., Lena Rackliff; P. C. T., Andrew Spinney ; Sup't of Temple, Juliet Bailey. This Temple has been one of the most prosperous in Franklin County. Early in October, 1877, several zealous workers in the cause of temperance from the Iron Clad Club at Farmington, came to West's Mills and succeeded in organizing an Iron Clad Club there. This temperance movement was originated by Joshua K. Osgood, of Gardiner, Me., and at the time a club was organ- ized at West's Mills, several efficient organizations of the kind existed in the State. This new departure in temperance work soon became very popular, and through its instrumentality many persons of intemperate habits were reclaimed and have since led strictly temperate lives. In organizing at West's Mills, the labors of the visitors were ably supplemented by aid from man)- representative citizens of the place, including Rev. David Pratt, Moses Bradbury, Richard Caswell, Elias II. Yeaton and others. Mr. Bradbury was chosen president of the Club and filled the position in a very able and acceptable manner. Elias .... II. Yeaton was elected vice-president, and Coridon W. Luce,* secretary. The new club took for its name " Eureka," signify- ing I have found it. So diligently did the members labor that at the close of the fifth meeting their pledge contained one hun- dred and eighty names. Weekly meetings were held during the winter of 1877-8 with a deep and widespread interest. Josiah Emery, who had previously been a member of the Farmington Club, succeeded Mr. Bradbury as president of Eureka Club. Mr. Emery was an earnest and able worker in the cause of temperance, and his selection for this high office proved a judicious choice. At nearly every meeting new names were added, and the total membership increased to nearly two hundred * Mr. Luce was certainly secretary of the club soon after its organization, but the writer is unable to learn positively that he was the first secretary. 260 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY and fifty by spring. The meetings were continued at intervals through the following summer, and in the fall the club celebrated its first anniversary. The exercises of this occasion were held in the Union Church at West's Mills and consisted of an oration, spirited remarks on temperance, besides cither interesting and instructive features. A large delegation from the Madison Bridge Club was present and participated in the celebration. The oration was delivered by Rev. Silas F. Strout, the minister in charge of the M. E. Church on Industry circuit, and was pro- nounced an able effort by all present. While the club and its visitors were at the church the ladies were busily engaged in preparing a bountiful repast at Norton's Hall, whither the corn- pan)' repaired after the closing exercises. Here a pleasant hour was spent around the social board and the time of parting came only too soon. When the visitors departed it was with many good wishes for the success of Eureka Club and the pros- perity of its members. The meetings were continued through the winter of 1878-9, but with a lessening degree of interest in consequence of dissatisfaction and withdrawal of some of the prominent members of the club. During the next summer the meetings were held at intervals less and less frequent, until at length they ceased entirely. John E. Johnson and John W. Frederic were among the presiding officers in addition to those already mentioned. The good influences of the Iron Clad Club over the intemperate portion of the community can hardly be estimated, and though nearly a decade has elapsed since it ceased to hold meetings its influence; still lives. It is a noteworthy fact that but three times in the history of the town have the municipal officers appointed a liquor agent as the law permits them to do. Another fact showing the good results of temperance work in Industry is the fact that in 1884, when the prohibitory constitu- tional amendment came before the people, the vote in this town Stood : Yes, ~() ; \' ()i 19. CHAPTER XIV. REMINISCENCES. Religious Views of the Early Settlers. — Strict Observance of the Sabbath. — Destitute Circumstances. — Agricultural Implements. — Bread-Baking. — Substitutes for Cooking Soda. — The Luxuries of Pioneer Life. — Methods of Starting a Fire. — Harvesting Grain. — Depredations of Bears. — A Good Bear Story. — Cows and Swine Allowed to Roam at Will in the Woods. — Spinning and Weaving. — Do- mestic "Tow and Linen " Cloth. — Flax-Culture. — Wool-Crowing in Industry. — The Tin Baker. — Introduction of Cooking-Stoves. — First Thorough-braced Wagon Brought to Town.- — Shoe-Making. — First Threshing-Machine. — Sewing- Machines.— Movving-Machines. — " Air-tight " Cooking-Stoves. — Methods of Measuring the Flight of Time. — The Hour-Glass. — Sun-Dials. — -Clocks. — Nails. — Methods of Lighting the Settlers' Homes. — Tallow Dips. — Whale Oil. — Burn- ing Fluid. — Kerosene. — Sugar-Making. — Intentions of Marriage. — Quill Pens. — Anecdotes, Etc. The customs and manners of the early settlers in Industry were so different from those of the present day, that the author devotes an entire chapter to their consideration. With few ex- ceptions, the first settlers came from Martha's Vineyard, and were strictly Puritanic in their religious views. A rigid observ- ance of the Sabbath, which with them usually began at sunset on Saturday evening, was enjoined on all, and when the town was incorporated several tything-men were chosen, whose sole duty consisted in keeping a sharp lookout for Sabbath-breakers. To the log-cabin of the early pioneers in Industry, poverty and want were no strangers. Money was scarce, roads almost im- passable, and markets for produce a long way off. Food and clothing were of the coarsest quality, and not infrequently in- sufficient in quantity. The agricultural and household imple- ments were few in number and of the most primitive sort. When a clearing had been made and the grain sown, a hoe was 33 HISTORY OF rNDUSTRY. often used to cover the seed for want of a harrow and a suit- able team to drag it. Hay and grain were usually hauled on sleds or carried to the place of stacking, by two men, on a couple of long slender poles. The plow of the settler was a rude, clumsy affair, — a mould-board hewed out of wood and covered with a mail of iron. With such an implement it is plain to be seen that plowing could be done only in the most imperfect manner, in fact, it was but a step in advance of the modes of tilling the soil as practiced by the ancient nations. The hoes, like the plows, were heavy, awkward affairs, ham- mered out by the nearest blacksmith, with a sapling from tin- forest for a handle Doubtless in their day, these were con sidered very effective instruments, but to-day there is not a boy in town who would consider one of them suitable to dig bail enough for a day's fishing. The scythes were formed by the hand of the same artisan who made the hoes, and the snath was of the same material as the handle of the hoe, only of a r size. The scythe was hung to a straight snath, which was grasped in the hands while mowing, nibs, or handles, not having come into use in those days. To mow with such an implement must have been very fatiguing, for while at work the farmer was obliged to stand nearly half bent. The boys, whose duty it was to do the tedding, were supplied with " tedding-sticks " made from small saplings pointed at both ends, with which the hay was thrown to the right and left, using each end of the stick alternately. After the hay was properly cured it was usually stacked in close proximity to the hovel where' the cow and other stock was kept during the winter. The bread for the family, usually made of corn meal, was either cooked on a board before the open lire, in the cabin, or in an oven built of flat stones laid in clay mortar, which was "blasted" whenever the supply of that needful article became low. Soda or saleratus was not known in those days, but many substitutes for it were devised by the frugal housewife. One of these was the burning of corn-cobs, which made very white and strongly alkaline ashes, which were used much in the same manner as the soda ol to-day. Sugar and molasses, save what REMINISCENL ES. - < ) 3 was made from the sap of the rock-maple, were luxuries seldom if ever seen in the home of the hardy pioneer. Friction matches, now an indispensable article in every household, were unknown in the early days of the town. Various expedients were resorted to in lighting the fires; one of the most common ways of keeping lire over night was to cover up a brand with coals and hot ashes in the large open fire-place. Some- kept a box of tinder which was ignited by a spark produced by striking flint against steel. Others would put a little powder in the pan of their flint-lock musket, and with the Hash of the pow- der ignite a bunch of tow. Occasionally, when none of these conveniences for starting a fire were at hand, a brand would be borrowed from a neighboring settler's tire. If the distance was long, a slow match would be made by tightly rolling a live coal in a piece of linen rag. In this manner fire was sometimes carried more than a mile. The grain when ready to harvest was usually reaped and bound into bundles or sheaves, and when thoroughly dried was threshed with the old-fashioned Hails. When corn was planted the bears proved a source of much annoyance by eating and destroying large quantities after the kernel was filled. To pre- vent these depredations fires were sometimes kindled around the piece at nightfall and kept burning until morning. An Indian named Pierpole, who lived for many years on the Sandy River in Farmington and Strong, would sometimes come and watch for bears and seldom it was, indeed, that the black marauder escaped his steady aim. In connection with these depredations the following interesting adventure is related of JAMES GOWER AND THE BEAR. In 1 8 19 James Gower owned and occupied the house at Allen's (then Gower's ) Mills now owned by Herbert B. Luce. 1 le also owned a grist-mill a little below the house, on the stream at the outlet of the pond, and sometimes a pressure ol work at the mill would compel him to work nearly half of the night. On the high ground to the west of the mill Mr. Gower had 264 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. a patch of corn enclosed by a log fence. A bear made frequent nocturnal visits to this cornfield, much to the annoyance of its owner. Bruin would gain entrance by tearing down a length of fence and usually passed out at his place of entrance. "Happening into his mill late one afternoon," writes Mr. Truman A. Allen, " 1 found Mr. Gower with a neighbor planning a scheme for the capture of the depredator that very night. Going to the house Mr. Gower soon returned with an old flint- lock musket of Revolutionary fame. The gun was in a sad condition, the barrel all eaten with rust and the lock separated from the stock. Scouring it up as best he could, he oiled the lock and fastened it in its proper place by a couple of wooden pins. Then to make the parts still more solid a tow bag-string was tied around the whole. The next thing in order was to load this formidable weapon. A large handful of powder was poured into the barrel and a huge wad rammed down on top of it. Then two leaden bullets, weighing one ounce each and wrapped in a rag to make them fit the bore of the weapon, were also rammed home." By this time the barrel of the old musket was nearly half-full, " and," says Mr. Allen, " it was a question of doubt in my boyish mind whether the miller or the bear would be killed." The manner of attack decided upon was to be a flank movement from the north, as the wind was blowing from the south. Mr. Gower was to lead the van with his gun, fol- lowed by his aid carrying an axe, and a lantern concealed in a bag. Mr. Allen, then a lad of nine years, volunteered to carry the bag, but was coolly informed that it was high time that all babies were at home and in their beds. The next morning he was up bright and early, after dreaming of bears all night. Eating a hasty breakfast he hurried to the cornfield. Here he found some half-dozen men standing in a circle around some object and was soon among them. There la)- the bear with two round holes in his head. The story of the capture which he then heard was as follows: "At ten o'clock Mr. Gower stopped his mill and extinguished the lights. After waiting an hour they noiselessly proceeded to the cornfield and found the bear already there, evidently enjoying REMINISCENCES. 265 his meal of the succulent green corn. Approaching within twenty yards of the bear without being discovered, the miller took deliberate aim and fired. His aid immediately drew the lantern from the bag and rushed forward to learn the result of the shot. Finding the bear hors de combat, he returned to look for the miller, but lo, he was not to be found where he had stood when he fired the shot. After some search he was found some distance away, apparently in an unconscious condition. He revived, however, and with the exception of a few severe bruises was soon all right. The gun was found the next morning somewhere in the lot." Soon a pair of oxen hitched to a drag came along, and the bear was hauled down to the mill where he tipped the scales at four hundred pounds. Thus ended one of Industry's most famous bear hunts. If the settler was fortunate enough to own a cow, a bell was suspended from her neck and she was allowed to wander through the forest at her own sweet will. Hogs were marked and, like the cows, turned loose in the early spring and were not driven home until it was time to fatten them in the fall. After the early settlers had become well established in their new homes, the whir-r-whir-r of the spinning-wheel and the rattle of the loom were familiar sounds in many cabins, and by their aid the industrious housewife wrought nearly every t yard of fabric from which her own and her family's wardrobes were replenished. Flax was extensively cultivated, and the little foot-wheels whereon the fibre was twisted into thread can occasionally be found. Home-made tow and linen cloth were the housewife's main reliance, and from them was made a large portion of all the clothing worn by her family. When the flax was ready to harvest no small amount of labor was required to prepare it for the spinner. After it was pulled, dried and deprived of the seed, the stalks were spread upon the ground to be rotted by the alternate action of the dew and sunshine. This process rendered the woody portion of the stalk brittle, but left the tough fibre intact. The bundles were then re-bound and packed away to await the leisure of the winter months. It 266 HISTORY OF rNDUSTRY. was then broken, swingled, hatcheled and spun into thread. The hatcheling, as well as the spinning, was done by the madam. There is a tradition that Industry's first representative* in the Legislature was clad in garments all of which were manufactured by members of his own family. Sheep were kept and woolen cloth was also made. It is a matter of regret that no statistics exist from which a reliable estimate of the conditions of this industry can be made. Greenleaf in his Survey of Maine, published in 1829, on page 210, says: "Sheep form an important part of the agri- cultural capita] of the State, their products form much of its annual income, and will probably at some day constitute one of the principal, if not the staple, commodities of the state. It is to be regretted that no returns have been made of this valuable animal with which the State abounds, nor any data exist from which an estimate, to be depended on for any considerable degree of accuracy, can be drawn. It is known that besides furnishing the material for a large part of the clothing of the inhabitants and not a small part of their food, large numbers are annually driven to other New England States; how many we have no means of knowing except from an account of the number which passed Haverhill and Piscataqua Bridges in 1827, which was more than 3300." In 1832, the earliest date of which we have an)' reliable in- formation, there were 663 sheep owned in Industry. The fact that Wm. Cornforth, who came to Industry in 1817, built a full- ing-mill soon after his arrival in town also shows that woolen cloth must have been extensively made at this early date. As the manufacture of that commodity pre-supposes the raising of wool, it would be but reasonable to infer that the introduction of sheep was nearly contemporaneous with the settlement of the town. The first innovation made in the earl)- methods of cooking was by the introduction of the tin baker, brought into town by the ubiquitous John Smith, a tin-peddler from Cumberland * James I lavis. REMINISCENCES. 267 Count}'. These bakers were first used about 1S30, and were considered a great improvement. Deacon Ira Emery bought one of the very first sold in this town. The deacon also bought the first, or one of the first, cook-stoves ever used in town. This he purchased in Augusta in the winter of 1836. A few years after that Mr. Crowell, of Xew Sharon, introduced the Hampden stove, having an elevated oven, which afterwards came into very general use. In this instance Deacon Emery bought the first and General Nathan Goodridge the second one used in town. The first cast-iron plows were brought into town by Captain Martin Moore, who moved on to the farm on " Mount Hungar" in Stark, now owned by the heirs of James Brackett. These plows were made of poor iron and proved decidedly un- satisfactory to Deacon Emery and others who bought them. Later a better built plow was offered for sale which eventually became very popular in this town as well as elsewhere. The first thorough-braced wagon was brought into town by Thomas Meade, from Bridgton, somewhere between 1 830 and [834. James Stanley, then living between where Davis Look and David W. Merry now live, bought it of Meade. This carriage was 'Squire Stanley's special pride, as well as the wonder and envy of the neighborhood. Shoe-making for the most part, especially in large families, was done by some itinerant shoemaker who, with his kit of tools on his back, would wander through the settlement working for whoever desired his services. Some of the larger families would keep him employed for a week or more. Each shoemaker was obliged to make his own pegs and his shoe-thread was also home-made, spun from flax and often in the same family where it was used. The stock was bought, not by the shoemaker, as is the custom at the present time, but by the settler himself. General Nathan Goodridge and Ebenezer Swift were the first to bring a threshing-machine into town. This machine was probably purchased as early as 1837. It consisted of a double horse power and an iron beater, without any accessory machin- ery for separating and winnowing the grain. The latter operation was usually performed by the men with a hand-mill, in the even- 268 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ing after the completion of the day's work with the machine. More recently machines with a winnowing attachment were con- structed which soon superseded all others. The sewing-machine was first used in Industry in the family of Rev. Simeon \V. Pierce, in i860. This was an Elias Howe machine, sewing what is known as a chain-stitch. The lock- stitch machine soon followed, and so rapidly has this valuable invention gained favor in the past twenty-five years that more than three-fourths of the families in town arc now using it. About the time of the introduction of the sewing-machine Al- bert Shaw; bought a mowing-machine, which he continued to use on his farm until his death, which occurred in 1868.* Gen. Nathan Goodridge purchased a machine about the same time or soon after Mr. Shaw, and in 1866 George W. Johnson bought and used the first Buckeye mowing-machine ever seen in In- dustry. The Hampden stove, of which previous mention has been made, was very popular and extensively used for man} - years. Its enormous fire-box gave it a remarkable capacity for consum- ing fuel and, as a natural consequence, it proved a great heat generator. When the box or " air-tight " cook-stoves, as they were sometimes called, first made their appearance they were regarded with much disfavor, and up to the year i860 were little used in this town. Since then, however, they have steadily gained favor and have entirely supplanted their former rival. Among the early settlers various methods of ascertaining the flight of time were adopted. Some used a sand-glass, the contents of which would run from one compartment of the in- strument to the other in a given time, usually an hour. Others made use of the sun-dial, which was a rather uncertain chron- icler, as the sun southed at a different time nearly ever)' day in the year. At night the hour was predicted from the position of certain stars; but on a cloudy night how lonely must have been 1 lompared with the latest improved machines, Mr. Shaw's mower was a clumsy affair, and quite expensive. Yet it did its work well and was a qn-at improvement over the hand scythe. This machine, known as the Union Mower, cost about $150, as nearly as can be learned. REMINISCENCES. 269 the vigil of the anxious watcher ! The first clocks brought into town were made of wood without cases. They were manufac- tured by S. Hoadley, of Plymouth, Connecticut, and cost up- ward of twenty dollars. The cases were made by some ingen- ious carpenter, or they were occasionally suspended from the wall and run without a case. The Seth Thomas clock was a good time-keeper and also quite popular in its day. The Hoadley and Thomas clocks were much alike in their construc- tion. Nails were hammered out, one at a heat, at the blacksmith's forge in early times, and consequently were very expensive. Indeed, but few could afford them, and in many instances boards were fastened to the frames of buildings with wooden pins. The cheerful glow of the fire in the large open fire-place, with its fore-log and back-log, was the only evening light of which the cabin of the early settler could boast. After a time the tallow dips came into use. These were made, as their name indicates, by dipping wicks of cotton into melted tallow and allowing them to cool, then repeating the process until the dip attained the required size. To economize time a dozen wicks would be suspended from a slender rod, all of which were dipped into the melted tallow at the same time. Even so simple a matter as "dipping candles" required skill and judgment to produce a candle, firm in texture, which would burn with a clear steady light. In this manner the thrifty housewife would make her year's supply of candles and suspend them from a numer- ously-branched hook for safe keeping. Moulded candles were also used to some extent, but at first when only a single or per- haps a double mould was used the process was slow and incon- venient. Lamps for burning fish-oil were afterwards introduced to some extent, but the oil had its disadvantages. A burning- fluid, composed of camphene and alcohol, was used by a limited number. It gave a very good light, but was quite expensive. Most people regarded it as very dangerous, hence but few had the hardihood to use it. Kerosene oil was first used in Industry about 1861 or 1862. Like other radical innovations upon established methods, it was 34 270 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. regarded with much disfavor at first, but its illuminating quali- ties were so excellent that it rapidly gained favor and soon came to be very generally used. The method of making maple-sugar has also undergone im- portant changes since the first settler notched the trees with his axe, caught the sap in birch-bark buckets and "boiled it down " in large iron kettles out of doors.* William Allen, Jr., one spring soon after his father settled in town, made nine hundred pounds of sugar in this way by his own unaided labor. Other settlers also made it in large quantities. Formerly all intentions of marriage were "cried," at public religious meetings, for three Sundays in succession. f The town clerk acted as crier on these occasions, and undoubtedly his announcements sometimes created qnite a sensation among the assembled worshipers. Subsequently a written copy of the intention was posted, usually on the meeting-house, which sup- planted the custom of " crying."} From Oct. 6, 1863, to June 10, 1 868, ever) - certificate of intention of marriage, from the town clerk, required a five-cent revenue stamp to render it valid. Business writing and correspondence were practiced under difficulties wholly unknown to the modern letter-writer. Quill pens were then used, and the writer must needs make and fre- quently thereafter mend his own pen. Indeed, it was as much a part of the pupil's education to become skilled in making and mending pens as it was to form the letters with neatness and accuracy. Without the one the other was hardly attainable. * The first patent sap-evaporator in town was purchased and used by Thomas A Allen, about 1883. t Years ago a queer custom prevailed in newly-settled towns, where large num- bers of swine were turned loose to roam the woods. Each year, at the annual meeting, several hog-reeves were elected to capture and impound all hogs found trespassing on the settlers' growing crops. Whenever a marriage occurred in the settlement, the happj groom was sure to In- elected hog-reeve at the next annual meeting. % The author recollects of frequently hearing, in his younger days, of persons being "posted" when their intention of marriage had been entered with the town clerk, long after the practice had fallen into disuse. REMINISCENCES. 2/1 A deft hand was required to successfully whittle, point and split a quill pen. For this purpose a sharp, small-bladed knife was used, which thus gained the name of " pen-knife." The final and most difficult part of pen-making was to cut and split a point. Concerning this operation the following homely, but oft-repeated quatrain was their guide: " Cut it on wood, 'Twill never be good; Cut it on your nail, Twill never fail." Although quill pens have long since gone out of use, pen- knives are still sold by nearly every dealer in cutlery. Large sheets of heavy unruled paper were generally used. Envelopes were unknown. In correspondence the address was placed on the back of the sheet, which was then folded and sealed either with wafers or sealing-wax. Among the queer people of Industry in its early days was an itinerant shoemaker by the name of Morse. This nomadic cordwainer used to travel through the town and work up the settler's supply of leather into boots and shoes for the family. Morse was an inveterate story-teller and noted for his habit of exaggeration. Once while at work for Capt. Benjamin Manter he entertained his employer with an account of an enormous Indian pudding which he once made. "Why," said he, " it was so large that when the people gathered around it and began to eat, those on one side ate a little too fast, the mass lost its equi- librium and tumbled over, killing two men and a dog. After this," continued the narrator, "to prevent further loss of life a law was passed prohibiting the use of more than ten bushels of meal in a single pudding." A good story is told of Dr. Jonathan Ambrose at the expense of Dr. John A. Barnard. Dr. B. was a very spare pale-faced person with black hair and flowing beard, which rendered the paleness of his countenance all the more striking. On one oc- casion Doctor Ambrose asked his opinion in regard to some real or fancied ill. After a careful examination Doctor B., who was something of a wag, said in hollow, sepulchral tones, " Doc- 2/2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. tor, I think you arc very near to the boundless shores of eternity." " I believe you are right," quickly replied Doctor A., in his peculiar squeaky voice, " one ghost has already appeared to me." A good story is related concerning a camp-meeting held by Father Thompson over half a century ago. There had been considerable revival interest manifested, and many lost sheep had been gathered into the fold. One morning good Father Thompson took for his text the words of the Lord unto Moses from the burning bush : " Put off thy shoes from off thy feet ; for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground." On hearing which Mr. B., a gentleman from a neighboring town, who had just passed " From darkness unto light," and who de- termined to obey the scriptures in the literal as well as the spiritual sense, immediately removed his shoes, which he did not replace until the close of the services. An amusing anecdote is related of an Indian named Takoo- sa, of the Nantacket tribe, who once lived in Industry. ( )nc very cold morning Capt. Benjamin Manter, meeting him on the road, bantered him in regard to his half-clothed conditon and remarked, " I should think you would be cold," to which the Indian replied : " Is your face cold, Mr. Manter?" " No," replied Capt. M. "Well, me all face," was Takoosa's laconic reply. CHAPTER XV. EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. Condition of the Town. — Population. — Valuation. — Small-pox Scare. — -Attempt to Change the Centre Post-Office to Withee's Corner. — First Public House ( (pened. — Extensive Land-owners. — Large Stock-owners. — Effect of the High Tariff on the Inhabitants of Industry. — Residents in the South Part of the Town Ask to be Made Citizens of New Sharon. — Remarkable Meteoric Shower. — "Temperance Hotel " Opened. — ( Hher Public Houses. — Financial Crisis of 1837. — ^ nc Surplus Revenue Distributed. — Auroral Display. — Franklin County Incorporated. — Diffi- culties in Choice of Representative. — Prevalence of the Millerite Doctrine. — End of the World Predicted. — 7000 Acres Set off from New Vineyard and Annexed to Industry. — Vigorous Fight of the Former Town to Recover its Lost Territory. — The Pioneers of Liberty. — Destructive Hail-storm. — New County Roads Estab- lished. — Subject of Erecting a Town-house Discussed. — A Grand Sunday-School Picnic. — The Free-Soil Party. — Efforts to Suppress Rumselling. — Town Liquor Agents. — The License Law. — General Prosperity of the Town. — One-half of the New Vineyard Gore Set off to Farmington. — South Point of the Town Set off to New Sharon, etc. The town of Industry entered upon a new decade with brightening prospects for its future, and the ten years succeeding rank among the most prosperous in its history. At the begin- ning of this decade the town could boast of three churches (two of them newly erected), two post-offices, four stores and a population of 902, being an increase of nearly sixteen per cent, in the last ten years. There were in town one hundred and sixty-one polls of the age of twenty-one years or more, and the whole sum of money raised in 1830, exclusive of county tax, was $682. This sum making the rate per cent, of taxation only twelve mills on a dollar, taking the State valuation of 1831 as a basis. Not yet deprived of its pristine fertility the soil yielded bountifully and corn, wheat and rye were among the more im- portant cereal crops, while potatoes yielded at the rate of from 274 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. three to five hundred bushels per acre. Socially a new era was gradually dawning on the inhabitants of the town. The refining influences of Christianity were gradually pervading the land, and under its benign rule they were fast becoming an industri- ous, frugal and temperate people. True, in this as in every town, there were some of intemperate habits and a few who were idle and shiftless, but this class was largely in the minority.* Under such favorable conditions the growth of the town was very rapid — the wealth increasing over 182 per cent, in the ten years, while the growth in population for the same time was only a fraction over I 5 per cent. Feeling keenly the need of better roads the citizens of the town voted, at their annual meeting in 1830, to raise $2000 for the repair of highways, it being the largest sum ever appropri- ated for that purpose in any one year. At the same meeting the selectmen were instructed "To contract with some physician to inoculate the inhabitants of the town with Kine Pock forth- with." From the peremptory tone of these instructions it may be inferred that an outbreak of small-pox was feared, but the author has not been able to learn anything definite in regard to the matter. f * About this time or somewhat earlier a circulating library was established at Allen's Mills. Though small in size, the influence it exerted upon the social lives of the residents in that part of the town was great. The following letter from Rev. Stephen II. Hayes gives all the information the writer has been able to gather con- cerning it : " I cannot give you much account of that library, but it was a great affair to me who sa\s lew 1). mks in my childhood, and I am sure it was regarded in like manner by my associates. It was called, I think, the "'Social Library." Benjamin Allen was the librarian and it was kept in a small case in his house. I think there were less than a hundred volumes, such as Robertson's History of America, MacKcn/.ie's Travels; I think it was Bary ( CMeary's Rife of Bonaparte on St. Helena, in 3 vols.; some of the Waverly novels. This was the character of the books. Boy as I was, I read them with great interest, but how or by whom it was originated I do not remember. But lew books were added, those in it were gradually scattered, and my impression is that it came to an end. But that small library had no small influence on the people of that neighborhood. I am sons' I can say no more, but 1 am glad fir you to know of this library, but I suppose few of the people you have known had any knowledge ol it. But it was a treasure to the people of my generation and earlier— it kindled a taste for books — it stirred our young minds and was pri/.ed by our fathers." t Rev. Ira Emery writes : " I very well remember a small-pox scare about the time EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. 275 In the fall of 1830 the inhabitants in the southern and west- ern part of the town agitated the topic of changing the post- route through Industry from Winslow's Corner by Davis's Corner (now Goodridge's), and from thence to West's Mills so that the stage would go by Withce's Corner and Esq. Daniel Shaw's direct to West's Mills. The agitators further proposed that the post-office at Davis's Corner be removed to Withee's Corner, which would bring it directly in line of the proposed route. At length the subject reached such a degree of importance that a town meeting was called to consider the advisability of peti- tioning the Postmaster General to make the proposed change. Though the agitators may have deemed their prospects of suc- cess very promising, it seems a majority of the town thought otherwise, and the proposition was ignominiously voted down in town meeting, and both office and post-route remained un- changed. A notable event of the year 1832 was the opening of the first public house in Industry. This house was located at West's Mills, on the lot where Oliver Bros, subsequently built their steam-mill in 1 87 1-2, and Asaph Boyden and wife were landlord and landlady. His tavern sign was a plain, unostentatious affair and bore the simple inscription, "A. Boyden, i8j2." This house supplied a long-felt want, and the good accommodations it afforded soon made it very popular with the traveling public, and the enterprise proved a remunerative one. The earliest statistical knowledge of Industry's agricultural interests is also for the forementioned year. At that time Boyden swung his tavern sign. It must have been as early as 1832 and near the time when the new Canada road from Quebec to the State line was- opened. Some were afraid foreigners would come in on that ruad and bring the small-pox. There was talk of asking Mr. Boyden to take down his sign as a preventive measure. In this connection I am reminded of a little incident. In those years strangers were not often seen in the little village of West's Mills. On a Sabbath daring the summer of 1S32 <>r 1S33 there was a baptism in the mill-stream just above the lower bridge. There was present a stranger of gentlemanly appearance, well dressed and civil— a mere looker- on. Many were the enquiries made, but no one could tell who he was. A report was currently circulated that he was a Spaniard. In the estimation of us boys a Spaniard was next akin to the devil himself, and thereafter we gazed on him with awe ami wondered that Mr. Boyden should put up such people." 2;6 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. among the largest land-owners were George Ilobbs, who owned 391 acres; Esq. Daniel Shaw, 380 acres; Widow Annie Norton, 353 acres; and Nathaniel M. Davis, 341 acres. Real estate to the value of one thousand dollars or more was owned by the following persons, viz.: Esq. Peter West, $1900; Nathaniel M. Davis, $1800; Esq. Daniel Shaw, $1800; James Winslow, $1600; Widow Annie Norton, $1500; Esq. James Stanley, $1050; Capt. Ezekiel Ilinkley & Son, $1050 ; Capt. Valentine Look, $1025 ; William Cornforth, $1000 ; Jacob Hayes, $1000 ; Jonathan Trask, $1000. There were six hundred and sixty-three sheep in town at that time, and Esq. Daniel Shaw, whose flock numbered 160, was the largest individual owner. James Stanley was the next largest sheep-owner, having a flock of 140. The inventory of neat stock was as follows: Oxen, 223 ; cows and heifers, three- years-old, 484. Hogs, 281. Dairying and stock-raising were given much attention, and several farmers kept large herds of r<>\\ s. James Winslow, one of the most thriving and prosperous farmers in town, owned twelve cows, and Nathaniel M. Davis, Esq., John Gower, Capt. Moses Tolman, and Jonathan Trask each owned a herd of ten cows. Numerous others owned herds nearly as large as those mentioned. The following persons owned personal property to the value of $400 or more: Esq. James Stanley, $1409; Esq. Daniel Shaw, $1343; Nathaniel M. Davis, $658; Jonathan Trask, $434; James Winslow, $544 ; Esq. Peter West, $478; Esq. John Gower, $449; Cornelius Davis, $443. The poll tax assessed this year was the small sum of eighty-eight cents per capita. The high tariff adopted during the presidency of John Quincy Adams, for the purpose of protecting American manu- factures from the competition of foreign importations, became oppressive and burdensome to those engaged in agricultural pursuits. This tariff, which imposed a high tax on many necessaries of life, proved a great burden to the inhabitants of Industry, many of whom were just emerging from the hardships and privations incident to all newly-settled towns. Andrew Jackson succeeded Adams, and during his administration the EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. 277 tariff question assumed formidable proportions. Congress further increased the burden by imposing a still higher rate of duties in 1832. As it was "the last straw that broke the camel's back," so it was this last act of Congress that roused the indignation of the citizens of Industry. On the third day of July, 1832, a special town meeting was called to consider the feasibility of instructing the Maine delegation in Congress to protest against the "tariff system" as oppressive and burden- some. Though the meeting favored this course it was found that there would not be sufficient time for the instructions to reach Washington before the probable adjournment of Congress. Consequently the subject was dismissed and the meeting adjourned sine die. Near the close of the year a movement was made by the inhabitants residing on a tract of territory in the southern part of the town to secure by an act of the Legisla- ture a separation from Industry and annexation to New Sharon.* This measure was strongly opposed by all save those directly interested, and although a special town meeting was called to see if the town would consent to the proposed division the matter was promptly dismissed without action, as the record shows. Thus was defeated for a time a movement which, greatly to the joy of its originators, triumphed after a lapse of nearly twenty years. At the annual meeting in 1833 a precedent was established which might have been followed down to the present time with benefit to the town. At that meeting the town voted that each officer be required to produce and read his bill in "open town meetincr." * This tract of land was bounded as follows : " Beginning at the westerly corner of hit No. 47, on New Sharon line, belonging to Lemuel Collins, Jr., thence north-east to the Pressy road, so-called, thence on the southerly side of said road to the northerly line of lot marked Q, on which Moses Pressy now lives; thence southerly by said lot line to Stark line; thence south by Stark and Mercer lines to New Sharon line; thence north-west on New Sharon line to the first-mentioned bounds." At a town meeting holden November 5, 1832, the citizens of New Sharon on the article: "To see if the town will vote to receive John Gower, Joseph S. Tibbetts, John Trask, Jr., Wyman < >liver, Daniel Howes and Lemuel Collins, with their estates, from the town of Industry;" vote stood as follows: Nays, 117; Yeas, 98. 35 2;S HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. The most remarkable meteoric shower on record occurred on the evening of Now 13, 1833. This grand display of celes- tial tire-works caused great alarm among the more timorous, and even the bravest felt an indescribable awe steal over their senses as they watched the imposing scene. The event had been previously 'predicted by scientific men, but nearly every one had forgotten the matter. The superstitious ones regarded the event as a harbinger of some dreadful calamity, and for nearly half a century the occurrence was a topic of unflagging interest with all classes. About Jan. 1, 1835, Deacon Ira Emery, having returned to West's Mills from a year's sojourn in Waterville, went to live in the house subsequently occupied by Richard Fassett for man_\' years. Here he opened a public house and swung out a sign bearing this significant inscription, " Temperance Hotel." The opening of the house was celebrated by a grand supper. There was a temperance meeting* at the church on the opening day, and at its close a number of influential members with their wives repaired to the "Temperance Hotel" and took supper by way of encouragement to the landlord in his laudable enterprise. Among those present were Capt. Peter W. Willis, William Corn- forth and David Luce, with their wives ; some of the Manters and others to the number of twenty or more. The volume of business was not large, as some were opposed to patronizing a hotel where temperance principles were so rigidly adhered to. Deacon Emery's career as proprietor of the "Temperance Hotel" was of short duration. In April, 1835, he bought the Esq. William Allen farm near the centre of the town, and moved there immediately after making his purchase. A few years later Benjamin Heald of Anson moved into the Dr. Francis Caldwell house (now, 1 892, occupied by Mrs. Man' C. Gilmore), bar- gained for Deacon Emery's tavern sign, and again it proclaimed to the weary traveler that Industry had a temperance hotel. Hut this time it was temperance in name only, f<>r it was gen- erally known that Mr. Heald sold "the ardent" to his patrons. *This was undoubtedly a meeting of the temperance society organized by Esquire Peter West (see p. .■/■ EVENTS FROM 1S30 TO 1S60. 279 He remained in town about two years and then returned to Anson. To what end this hotel sign ultimately came is not known. Christopher Sanborn Luce also kept a public house at West's Mills contemporaneously with Asaph Boyden and others. The year 1837 was aa eventful one in the history of the town, as well as in that of the State and Nation. The great financial crisis precipitated upon the country early in that year was keenly felt by the people of Industry, and the stringency it caused in the money market lasted through the whole term of President Van Buren's office. Under the existing high tariff laws the surplus revenue had steadily accumulated until it repre- sented a colossal sum. As the charter of the United States Bank was about to expire by limitation, President Jackson near the close of his term of office ordered the funds there deposited to be removed to specified State banks. This order was the first step towards disbursing these funds among the people, and in conformity with this measure a census was taken by the municipal officers, of which the following is the full text: FAMILIES RESIDING IN INDUSTRY MARCH 1ST, I S3 7, WITH THE NUMBER OF PERSONS IN EACH FAMILY. Adams, Joseph, Allen, Benjamin, Allen, Charles L., 3- 6. 2 Allen, Datus T., 7- Allen, John, Jr., Allen, Newman T., 5- 6. Athearn, Benjamin, Benson, Bartlett, 7- 3- Boardman, Sally, 3- Boyden, Asaph, Bradbury, John S., Briggs, Adian, Bryant, James, Caldwell, Dr. Francis, 7- 4- 7- 7 7- Clark, Jacob, Collins, Barnabas A., 5- 6. Collins, Daniel, 1. Collins, Daniel, Jr., Collins, James, Collins, John, Collins, Joseph, Collins, Lemuel, Jr., Cornforth, William, Cottle, Benjamin, Crompton, Isaac, Cutler, Levi, Cutler, Nathan, Cutler, Seth, Cutts, James, Cutts, Thomas, Daggett, Timothy, Daggett, Tristram, Davis, Andrew, Davis, Cornelius, 28o HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 1 >a\ is, James, 3 Howes, Lemuel, Jr., 6 Davis, James, Jr., 1 >a\ is, Nathaniel, Davis, Wendell, I hitton, Susannah, Edwards. Bryce S.. 7 3 2 1 7 Hutchins, James, Ingalls, Arthur, Ingalls, John, Jewell, John, Johnson, Henry, 9- 3- 6. 7- 1 2. Emery, Ira, Emery, Josiah, Eveleth, Joseph, Fogg, Asa, io 4 6 8 Joy, Samuel, Knight, Helon II., Lawry, William, Leathers, Alfred, 4- 2. 7- 8. Fogg, John, Fogg, Sylvester, Folsom, Daniel. 4 2 6 Lewis, Joseph, Linen, John, Look, Valentine, 5- 3- 1 2. Frost, John, Frost, Samuel, 4 io Luce, Benjamin, Luce, Charles, 5- Gennings, Rufus, 4 Luce, Daniel, 5- Gilmore, James, io Luce, David, 7- Goodridge, Jonathan, 5 Luce, David M., 9- Goodridge, Nathan, 5 Luce, Elisha, 3- Gower, George, 5 Luce, EMisha, 2d, 7- ( rower, John, 6 Luce, Ezekiel, 6. ( tower, John, Jr., Graham, James, 5 4 Luce, Henry, Luce, Leonard, 4- 4- Gray, Guy, 9 Luce, Luther, 5- Green, Aurelia, 2 Luce, Rowland, 5- Harvey, William, 5 Luce, Samuel, 3- 1 lives, Jacob, 8 Luce, William, 2. 1 [enderson, I )r. Josiah, 9 Luce, William H., 4- Hibbard, Orrin, 7 Manter, Asa M., 2. Hibbard, Stephen, 2 Manter, Benjamin, 6. 1 liggins, Barnabas A.. 2 Manter, James. 5- Hill. Theodore, Hilton, Gilman, 4 3 McKinney, John, McLaughlin, Richard. 1 0. 5- Ilinkley, Ezekiel, 3 Meader, Francis, 9- Hinkley, Ezekiel, Jr., 3 Meader, John W., 4- 1 1 inkle}', Josiah, 9 Meader, Shubael I... 7- Ilinkley, Oliver, 5 Meader, William, 10. I lobbs, ( reorge, 9- Morse, Caleb, 7- 1 [owes, Alvin, 6 Morse, Samuel, 2. 1 I owes, John, Howes, Lemuel. 3 3- Morse, Thomas, Norcross, Philip, 3- 5- EVENTS FROM \%\o TO i860. 281 Norton, Anna, 7 Stevens, Moses, 1 2. Norton, Charles, 6 Storer, Mary, 9- Norton, Clifford B., 6 Swift, Ebenezer, 8. Norton, Cornelius, 5 Taylor, John, 10. Norton, Isaac, 1 1 Thing, Dudley, 3 Norton, James, 2 Thing, Dudley L., 3- Norton, Obed, 9 Thing, Jesse, 4- Norton, Rhoda, 2 Thompson, Betsey, 1. Norton, Supply B., 6. Thompson, Robert, 7- Norton, William I)., 3 Thwing, Nathaniel, 7- Oliver, Wyman, 8 Tolman, Moses, 9- Parker, Simon, 3 Trask, Eben, 3- Patterson, Samuel, 1 2 Trask, James, 3- Perkins, George, 1 Trask, Jonathan, 1 2. Pike, Joshua, 3 Trask, Nathaniel, 8. Pollard, Jonathan, 9 True, Moses, 8. Pratt, Jesse, 7 True, Thomas J., 5- Prince, Paul, 8 Viles, Joseph. 3- Rackliff, Benjamin R., 1 1 Wade, Mary, 6. Raekliff, Henry B., 6 West, Peter, 10. Rackliff, William, 8 Willard, Eben, 5- Remick, Francis, 8 Willard, Haskell, 4- Ring, Joseph, 2 Williamson, Joseph, 3- Ring, Samuel, 6 Willis, Peter W., 8. Roach, Phebe, 1 Winslow, George, 7- Roach, Royal, 4 Winslow, James, 6. Roach, William, 2 Withee, Daniel, 4- Savage, Charles, 3 Withee, H. T., 1 1. Shaw, Albert and' Daniel, 8 Withee, Nancy, 3- Shorey, Pelatiah, 9 Withee, Zachariah, 7- Smith, Alvin, 5 Withee, Zoe, 2. Smith, William D., 3 Woodcock, David, 4- Spencer, John, 8 Young, Daniel, 6. Stevens, James, 4 By this distribution Maine received the sum of $955,838.25, on the condition that it should be refunded to the United States on demand. The State Legislature immediately passed an act authorizing each town to receive its proportional part on the same conditions stipulated by the National Government. At a meeting held at the Centre Meeting-House, April r, 1837, 282 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the town voted to receive its proportional part of the fund on the terms specified, and William Cornforth was chosen an agent "to demand and receive the money" from the State Treasurer. The town decided that this money should be held by trustees as a permanent loan fund for the benefit of residents of the town. The vote specified that the loans should be in sums of not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars to any one individual, the borrower to pay six per cent, interest on the loan and one-half of one per cent, as a compensation to the trustees. Two responsible sureties were required in addition to the borrower's name. The trustees chosen as custodians of this fund were William Cornforth, James Winslow and George Hobbs, and the sum received was $2,133.60. Many became dissatisfied with this arrangement, and at the annual meeting, March 26, 1838, the town annulled its previous doings bypass- ing a vote " To divide the surplus revenue per capita among the inhabitants of the town."* At a meeting held Sept. 10, 1838, Capt. Peter VV. Willis was chosen a trustee and instructed to settle with the State Treasurer and collect any balance found due the town. Thus was practically wasted, by the injudicious action of the town, a fund which, had it been wisely managed, would have proved of permanent and lasting benefit. The wonderful auroral display on the evening of Jan. 25, 1837,1 stands second only to the meteoric shower of 1833 in point of grandeur. At the time of its occurrence the ground was covered with snow, and the lurid glare of this mysterious flame gave it a blood-red appearance. These lights were first observed early in the evening, and as they increased in extent and brilliancy, a large number of people gathered at West's * Butler says in his " History of Farmington " (see f>. 174) that the Legislature of 1839 passed the act authorizing towns to distribute this money among its inhabitants. Thus it seems that the citizens of Industry had anticipated legislative action by tak- ing the initiative step in the matter. t Table of Incidents in Butler's History of Farmington, />. j/6. "Our First Century," by R. M. Kevins, published by C. A. Nichols & Co., Springfield, Mass., 1 876, gives the date as November 14, 1837. The author's investigations all go to substantiate the date as given by Mr. Butler, yet he has not been able to establish it beyond the shadow of doubt. EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. 283 Mills and watched with fear and trembling this wonderful sight. The stillness and solemnity of the hour was hardly broken save by the rushing sound of the auroral flame and occasionally the subdued voices of the assembled people. The flame was of such brilliancy that ordinary print could be easily read out of doors, and the houses for a considerable distance were plainly discernible. The superstitious regarded this manifestation as the forerunner of some dire calamity. The crimson hue imparted to the snow led some to imagine that a blood)' war was at hand, while others believed that the judgment day had surely come. The Legislature of 1838 passed an act to incorporate Franklin County. This act was approved by Governor Kent March 20, 1838, and at a meeting called April 9th, the vote of Industry stood eighty-six in favor of the new county to five against it. The total senatorial vote of Sept. 10, 1838, was one hundred and ninety-six, and two years later the aggregate vote for presi- dential electors was two hundred and ten. At that time the town was about equally divided politically. The Harrison and Van Buren electors each received one hundred and four votes — scattering, two. The. representative district, which included Industry, experi- enced much difficult}' in electing a representative to the Legis- lature in the fall of 1842. At the September election Capt. Newman T. Allen was the leading candidate in Industry, out of ten persons receiving votes for that office, having received sixty- five votes. Meeting after meeting was called and, although Capt. Allen was a leading candidate, he failed to receive a majority ot the votes in town until the seventh meeting. Even this result did not decide the contest, as Capt. Allen failed to have a majority in his district, which was composed of Industry, New Sharon and New Vineyard. Several meetings were called in the early part of 1843, and Dr. John Cook's name was sub- stituted for that of Capt. Allen, but with no better result, and the writer is of the opinion that this district was unrepresented in the Legislature of that year. 284 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY A remarkable event of the year 1843 was the widespread prevalence of a religious belie! known as " Millerism." The fundamental principle of this doctrine was the immediate sec- ond coming of the Messiah. William Miller, the originator of this doctrine, by an ingenious interpretation of the Prophecies, had fixed the date of this important event sometime between March 21, 1843, and March 21, 1844. He visited Farmington in March, 1 843, and addressed the people on the impending dissolution of all things terrestrial. Whether or not Miller or any of his confreres visited Industry, the writer is unable to say, but the subject attracted much attention, and created no little excitement in this as veil as in other towns. A few even went so far as to claim that they could read the date ( 1843) foretold by Miller, on blades of grass and grain. The appearance in the heavens during the year of a blazing comet of great magnitude, gave additional weight to the predictions of Miller in the minds of the superstitious. As time rolled on and the prophecies remained unfulfilled, the infatuation gradually ceased, and "the Millerite craze" became a thing of the past. A tract of land containing seven thousand acres was set oft" from New Vineyard and annexed to Industry in 1844. A sys- tem of intercepting mountains prevented free social intercourse with the rest of the town and rendered this change almost an imperative necessity. The following is the full text of the petition, together with the names of its signers : To the Hono?-able Senate ami House of Representatives of t/ie State of Maine, in Legislature assembled : Humbly represents the undersigned Inhabitants of the town of New Vineyard, that said town is so situated that it is extremely inconvenient for the Inhabitants to assemble at any one plaee for the purpose of do- ing town business, there being a range of high hills or mountains, run- ning diagonally nearly through the center of the town. That the South- easterly part of said town would be much better convened by being annexed to the town of Industry. Wherefore your petitioners pray that the following described tract beset off from New Vineyard and annexed to Industry. To wit : be- ginning at the Southeast corner of said New Vineyard, Thence running EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. 285 North on the East line of said town to the center of the fourth range of lots ; thence West to the West line of lot Number ten in said range. Thence South on the deviding line between lots numbered ten and eleven, to the North line of the town of Industry, Thence East on said North line to the first mentioned corner, with as much more as your honors may think propper, And as in duty bound will ever pray. Dated at New Vineyard the 25th day of Jan'y, 1S44. I >avid Merry. Levi H. Perkins. Leander Perkins. Richmond Doyen. William Welch. Columbus Harvey. Isaac Daggett. Henry Adkinson. Ivory Furbish. Edmund A. Norton. Lawson Butler. Henry Manter. John W. Manter. Zebulon Manter. Benjm. W. Norton. Obed W. Gray. Silas Spaulding. Isaac Elder, 2nd. Leonard Viles. Dennis H. Viles. Ebenezer Smith. Alvan Smith. Peter B. Smith. Joseph W. Smith. John Daggett. John A. Daggett. Orrin Daggett. Sam'l Daggett. At a town meeting held Feb. 23, 1844, Alfred Leathers was chosen moderator and the citizens voted to receive the land and inhabitants, the vote standing thirty-five for, to fourteen against the measure. Accordingly the Legislature, by an act approved March 21, 1844, set off and annexed the land and inhabitants agreeably to the prayer of the petitioners.* The inhabitants of New Vineyard were greatly dissatisfied with the Legislature for granting the prayer of these petitioners, but as it was near the close of the session nothing could be done until the next Legis- lature convened. Soon after the organization of the House in 1845 the following petition was presented for the consideration of that body : To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled : The undersigned authorized agent and attorney in behalf of the town of New Vineyard would represent that heretofore three pieces of * Industry thus gained forty-three ratable polls and added $28,447 to its valuation. 36 286 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. said town have been annexed to other towns to wit, two pieces to the town of Industry, the other to the town of Anson, that this dismember- ing of said town has made it small and of inconvenient shape and has increased the burdens and expenses of its inhabitants, that a project is now started to annihilate said town, against which a large majority of its inhabitants are opposed. Passing over the inconveniences arising from having a great distance to travel in order to attend town meetings, altering county lines, break- ing up Senatorial and representative districts, and many other evils of like nature, the}' object to the extinguishment of the name of their town for the reason that thereby associations will be broken up, the bonds of fellowship that bind the inhabitants together in social union severed, and their influence in the support of Republican principles greatly weakened i >r destroyed. They ask for the re- annexation to New Vineyard the territory form- erly belonging to it. and the establishment of the old town lines, then their town would be the fifth or sixth town in the county of Franklin in point of size, population, and property, the inhabitants would be as well accommodated in attending to their town affairs, and other business, as they can be by any other arrangement, and the interest of the whole promoted. At a legal meeting, on the thirteenth instant, of the said inhabitants called to consider the subject, they voted to petition the Legislature to re instate said town in the same shape as at the time of its incorporation. The undersigned prays that the parcels set off may be re-annexed, and his town re-instated in its original size and shape. [Signed.] Joseph L. Hackett. Agent of said town. A true copy. J. O. I, foster, Secretary of the Senate. State of Malm:. In Senate January twenty-fourth, 1845, on tne petition aforesaid, ordered, that the petitioner cause an attested copy of petition with this order thereon to be served on the Town Clerks of Anson and Industry, ten days at least before the thirteenth day of February next, that all persons interested may there appear and show cause, if any they have. why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. [Signed.] (.'. Chadwick, ( hairman. EVENTS FROM i.Sjo TO i860. 287 Read ami accepted. Sent down for concurrence. J. 0. L. Foster, Secretary. In the House of Representatives, Jan'y 24, 1845, Read and concurred. Samuel Bel< her, Clerk. A true copy. Attest : I. O. L. Foster. A true copy Secretary of the Senate. Joseph L. I lackett, Town Agent. I hereby acknowledge the service of the above petition and order thereon, Industry, February 3, 1^45. Attest : Peter W. Butler, Town Clerk. Vigorous measures were adopted by Industry as soon as it became definitely known that the inhabitants of New Vineyard would make the attempt to regain their lost territory. Their claims, as will be seen by the foregoing petition, were of the most radical and sweeping character. They demanded at the hands of the Legislature not only the land set off to Industry the previous year, but likewise the Gore (see p. 2og), which had been a part of Industry since 181 5. A town meeting was promptly called, and agreeably to notice the citizens of Industry met at the Centre Meeting-House on the 5th day of February, 1845. General Nathan Goodridge was called to preside, and a vote to elect two special agents to defend the town lines, as they then existed, was passed. Hiram Manter and Captain Newman T. Allen were then unanimously elected to that office. These gentlemen were further instructed to use every expedient and legitimate means to defeat the petition of Joseph L. Hackett and all other petitions of a similar purport. The faithfulness of these gentlemen in the discharge of their duty is shown from the fact that no legislative action was taken in the matter. 288 HISTORY OF fX PL'S FRY. PIONEERS OF LIBERTY IN INDUSTRY. The "Liberty Party " first gained a foothold in Industry at the presidential election of 1840, when two votes were cast for the electors of James G. Birney, the candidate of that party.* These votes were cast by Truman Allen Merrill and Warren Smith, both young men, and this was the first time they had exercised the right of suffrage at the polls. Much enthusiasm was manifested by voters of both parties — the Whigs and Democrats of those times. The friends of those two young men were greatly shocked at their determination to vote the despised " Liberty ticket," and took all reasonable pains to dissuade them from their purpose. These young men, one of whom is still living, never regretted their action. With them it was no fitful impulse but a matter of principle. It was a subject to which they had given much study, and satisfying themselves of the correctness of its underlying principles they made up their minds to brave whatever opposition might come. They were not politicians, but young men who firmly believed that to act in accordance with one's sincere convictions was the right thing to do. Five years later the action of these young men was vin- dicated in the election of Mr. Merrill to represent his district in the State Legislature of 1846. In Maine the Abolition or Lib- ert}' party nominated its candidate for governor each year from its inception until 1849. In 1848 Samuel Fessenden, its candi- date for governor, received sixty-two votes in Industry and 12,- 037 in the State. After this the party made no nominations for State and county officers, and was eventually absorbed by the Republican party on its organization. The election of Abraham Lincoln in i860 was essentially a triumph of Liberty part)' prin- ciples in the nation, though under a foreign name. The town voted at a meeting held September 19, 1844, to * An eye-witness informs the author that these two votes came very near not be- ing counted. In making up the returns, and just as they were about to seal them up, the two young men who had voted the " Liberty ticket" called attention to the fact that their votes had not been included in the returns. "< )h, yes," said Capt. Norton, " I did see one or two votes but failed to credit them in the returns." Thereupon they were counted, declared and properly entered on the returns. EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. 289 furnish William Mcadcr and family a sufficient sum of money to defray their traveling expenses to some Western State. The family were in indigent circumstances when they left Industry, but were fortunate in their new home in Illinois, where they were soon able to earn a comfortable living. The sons and daughters married well and became useful and respected mem- bers of society. August 8, 1846, there occurred one of the most devastating hail-storms known in the history of the town. The course of this storm was from a westerly direction, and although very nar- row in the limits of its destructiveness, caused much damage along its track in the northern part of Farmington and at Allen's Mills. In the centre of the storm fruit-trees were stripped of their half-grown fruit and foliage, fields of corn and unharvested grain were completely destroyed, and much glass was broken. Rills were turned to raging rivers in a few moments, and wash- outs four feet in depth were made in the solid road. A few miles beyond Allen's Mills the force of the storm seemed spent and only a heavy rainfall was experienced. About this time road matters seemed to occupy the attention of the town to a considerable extent. A road having been laid out from near where David W. Merry now (1892) lives east- ward to the Shaw farm, the town voted September 14, 1846, to discontinue the old road over Bannock Hill, and also voted to raise the sum of fifty dollars to open "a winter road" over the proposed new route.* The following year the matter again came up for action of the town. The meeting assembled Sep- tember 12, 1847; at this meeting Albert Shaw made the town an offer to build the road from his house to the west line of the Hinkley farmf gratis, and agreed to put his portion in a condition suitable for a winter road immediately. It was proposed to let the opening of the remainder to the lowest bidder, stipulating that it should be completed by September 15, 1848. * This road, established on petition of Daniel Shaw et als., was laid out Novem- ber 19, 1845, by James Russell, Abraham L. Harmon and William Whittier, County Commissioners. The road as established runs a direct east and west course, is four rods wide and 452 rods long. t About three-eighths of the entire distance. 290 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. March i, 1S47, a road was accepted on the Gore, running easterly from James Graham's to the new county road near the school-house in Capt. Clifford B. Norton's district. The " Pres- sor I lill road," so-called, having become a superfluity by reason of this newly established route, was discontinued. Up to this time the county road from Goodridge's Corner by Allen's Mills ran over the hill on which the residence of the late Capt. William Allen was located. On petition the County Commissioners laid out a new road around this hill. At the forementioned meeting this matter also came up for considera- tion of the town. Of course there were dissenting voices and the disadvantages as well as the merits of the new route were discussed by the citizens present. One gentleman urged as an important objection that the distance by the new route would be greater. Rufus Jennings, who favored the new road, wishing to convince the dissenter of his error arose and said, " Mr. Mod- erator, I would like to ask the gentleman what difference it makes in the distance whether a kettle-bail stands upright or lies in a horizontal position on the edge of the vessel? " This ques- tion placed the matter in so clear a light that no further objection was offered. A vote to accept the road was passed, and also to have it opened to the public by July 1, 1848 Although the new road was opened by the date specified, the road over the hill was not discontinued until some years had elapsed. At the annual meeting March 5, 1849, the subject of building a town-house, which had for some years remained dormant, was again brought before the citizens of the town, and Major James Cutts, Capt. Newman T. Allen, George Gower and Capt. Clifford B. Norton were chosen a committee "to select a site and report at some future meeting." This committee selected as a suitable and accessible location for such a building, a site at the western terminus of "the Shaw road,"* and reported at a meeting holden at the Centre Meeting- 1 louse, September 10, 1849. The report was accepted by a vote of the town, but an article in the warrant * This was the newly established road running in a westerly direction from the Allien Shaw farm. Down to the present time (1892) it is known both as the new road and the Knowles road. EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. 29 1 to raise funds to build the house failed to pass. The matter was revived by the insertion in the warrant, for the annual meeting in 1852, of an article in relation to the subject, but the voters did not seem disposed to take any action relative to it. November 2, 1852, at a town meeting, the town-house question was again agitated, and another committee chosen to select a site for the structure. This committee selected Roach's (now Tibbetts's) Corner as the most suitable location, and their report was like- wise accepted. At a subsequent meeting Sept. 12, 1853, the citizens voted on the above report to build a town-house on the site selected, and a committee of five was chosen and instructed to draft plans, make an estimate of the cost of construction and report at the next meeting. At an adjourned session of this meeting, held Sept. 26, 1853, General Nathan Goodridge made a report in behalf of the committee, which was accepted by a vote of 60 yeas to 33 nays. The sum of $275 was raised by vote to build the house, and the contract for its erection was bid off by George W. Johnson at $250. The contract stipulated that the house should be completed by September, 1854. Capt. Peter W. Willis, General Nathan Goodridge and James Elliott were chosen as a committee to superintend its construction. The action of the town had a business-like appearance, and the prospect of a town-house seemed very promising indeed. But at the succeeding annual meeting the town voted to change the location, and the whole scheme collapsed. Directly afterward a special meeting was called, to assemble at George Cornforth's hall, at West's Mills. The meeting convened March 20, 1854, and a motion to pass by the articles in relation to building a town-house was carried by a majority of otic vote. A few, still undaunted by these repeated defeats, caused another meeting to be called Jul)' 1, 1854, but unfortunately no action was taken and the interest in the matter died out. Thus ended all efforts toward erecting a town-house in Industry. One of the most grand and imposing celebrations ever witnessed in Industry, occurred at West's Mills, July 4, 1849, under the auspices or the West's Mills and Centre Sunday- 292 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. schools. These schools united in making the necessary prep- arations for the event, and imitations were extended to the Sunday-schools at Anson, Madison and Stark, to participate in the festivities of the occasion. At an earl)- hour on the appointed day the members of the West's Mills school wire astir, putting the finishing touches to the elaborate and perfect arrangements for the reception of their invited guests. The officers of the day were as follows : President, John Dinsmore ; Marshal, Gen. Nathan Goodridge; Ass't Marshal, Maj. James Cutis; John Frost, chairman of Committee of Arrangements. The visiting schools arrived in a body about 9 o'clock A. M., and were welcomed by John Frost, in a brief but well-chosen speech, to which J[ohn?] M. Wood responded in behalf of the invited guests. At the close of these ceremonies a pleasant episode occurred. Miss Ann Shaw stepped forward and, in a neat little speech, presented John Dinsmore, superintendent of the West's Mills, Sunday-school, a beautiful gold pencil, as a slight token of the love and esteem of his pupils. A proces- sion was then formed in the following order, under the direction o\ the marshal and his assistant: band of Music. Choir. Centre Sunday-school. West's Mills Sunday-school. Madison Sunday-school. Anson Sunday-school. Stark Sunday-school. President of the Day. Clergymen. Parents and Friends of Sunday-school Children. Citizens. The procession numbered more than one thousand persons, there being fully five hundred Sunday-school children in the line. The various schools bore many pretty banners with appropriate mottoes and inscriptions. P2scorted by the band, the procession marched to a delightful grove near David Luce's, which had previously been fitted up in an elegant manner EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. 293 with speaker's stand and a large number of seats for the accom- modation of the schools and spectators. The number of peo- ple in the grove during the exercises was estimated to be fully 1500. The exercises, interspersed with frequent volunta- ries from the choir, were as follows : Prayer. Rev. Silas B. Brackett, Industry. Addresses by Rev. Abel Alton, Solon. Rev. Samuel P. Morrill, Farmington. Rev. Andrews, Strong. Rev. James M. Follett, New Sharon. Rev. Silas B. Brackett, Industry. At the close of the exercises in the grove, the procession was re-formed, and at 2 o'clock P. M. marched to a cool, shady orchard in front of Mr. Luce's house, where four long tables, tastefully decorated, fairly groaned beneath their weight of tempting viands. Here fully one thousand persons gathered to satisfy the demands of a keen appetite. After the repast was ended, the schools formed a hollow square, and listened to an address by Rev. James M. Follett, and a valedictory by Rev. John Perham, of Madison. Returning to the church at the village, a reciprocal expression of thanks was exchanged for the enjoyment which the day had afforded. Rev. John Perham then dismissed the assembly with the benediction, and the company returned to their several homes. A new political party known as " Free-soilers " suddenly sprang into existence during the presidential campaign of 1848 and put in nomination as their candidate Martin Van Buren. This party held that Congress should prohibit the introduction of slavery into the territories. The electors of Van Buren received more than one-third of the votes cast in Industry. The next year their gubernatorial candidate, George F. Talbot, received forty-nine votes. But in 1852, Dr. Ezekiel Holmes, received only five votes in this town. Some years later the party merged into the newly formed Republican party. 37 HIS TORY OF INI > I '.V I R ) '. ( )n the question of temperance, public sentiment was strongly in its favor, and at a town meeting held Sept. 10, 1X49, the views of its legal voters were tersely set forth in the follow- ing language: "Voted, that we are not willing rum should be unlawfully sold." A committee of three was chosen, and instructed to visit all rumsellers and, if possible, persuade them to stop their illicit traffic. If unsuccessful in this, they were authorized to prosecute them at the expense of the town. This committee consisted of Deacon Brice S. Edwards, Lewis Prince and Orrin Daggett. At a subsequent town meeting holden Sept. 10, [850, the matter was again brought before the citizens and the town agent was instructed to prosecute all persons found selling liquor unlawfully. But notwithstanding;' these stringent measures and the vigilance exercised by the people, spirituous liquors were still sold in Industry. True, there was but one or two engaged in the business, but they clung to their unlawful trade with a pertinacity worthy of a better cause. Doubtless, hoping to counteract in a measure the evil effect by drawing off a certain class of customers who occasionally bought spirits for medicinal purposes, the municipal officers decided to appoint a liquor agent in conformity with a provi- sion of the statutes authorizing it. Consequently on the 27th of June, 1854, John Frost,* a gentleman of irreproachable character, was selected for the position. He was succeeded in the following year by Nelson C. Luce, and later Moses M. Luce was appointed to the (Thee. This agency was always an outset to the town, and was abandoned after three or four years. The Legislature of [856 having passed a license law, Rich- ard Fassett made application and was licensed agreeably to that acl May 5, 1856, "to sell wines and malt liquors for medicinal and mechanical purposes for the term of one year." This was the only license issued in Industry during the existence of the license law, and if others sold liquors it must have been in a clandestine manner. When the prohibitory law of [858 came * Mr. Frost was the first liquor agent Industry ever had, and Moses M. Luce llir last. EVENTS FROM 1830 TO 1S60. 295 before the people for action, the vote of Industry given in at a meeting held June 7, 1858, was as follows: For the Prohibitory Law of 1858, 72 votes. For the License Law of 1856, 00 votes. The year 1850 ushered in a decade of peace and general prosperity in the history of the town. The State valuation for this year was $147,545. There were owned in town at that time 3,445 sheep, which would have given a flock of sixteen to every family of five persons. The largest individual owner was Daniel S. Gordon, whose flock numbered 240. There were 61 I milch cows and heifers owned in town on the first day of April; 283 oxen and 122 hogs. The following gentlemen owned real estate to the value of $1000 or more, viz. : Benjamin Allen, $1250; Capt. Newman T. Allen, $1400; Maj. James Cutts, $1500; Gen. Nathan Goodridge, $1335; Daniel S. Gordon, $1000; George Hobbs, $1700; Charles Hayes, $1580; Alexander Hillman, $1700; John Wells Manter, $1100; James Manter, $1 100 ; Zebulon Manter, $1200; Peter West Manter, $1300; Obed Norton, $1050; Benj. Warren Norton, $1300; Albert and Daniel Shaw, $3000; Franklin Stone, $1120; Ebenezer Swift, $1120; Capt. Moses Tolman, $1000. The whole sum of money raised this year, including State and county taxes, was $1866.16, and the rate per cent, of taxation, according to the State valuation, was only a fraction over twelve mills on the dollar. Promising as were the pros- pects of the town at this time, it was destined, ere the first half of the decade had passed, to lose some of its wealthiest citi- zens and most valuable territory. First, in 1850, (see p. 46), the western half of the "New Vineyard Gore" was set off to Farmington, and two years later George Hobbs and others residing in the south part of the town were set off from Indus- try and annexed to New Sharon. Aside from the petitioners, the people of Industry were much opposed to these concessions and took prompt and vigorous measures to prevent legislative action, especially against the subjoined petition of George Hobbs et als.: 296 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. To the Senate and House of Representatives of Maine in Legislature assembled. The undersigned inhabitants of the town of Industry, in the Count) of Franklin, respectfully represent that so much of the territory of the town of Industry, adjoining the town of New Sharon in said County, as is embraced in the following description, containing an entire school district, ought to be set off from the town oi' Industry and annexed to the town of New Sharon. (Here followed a description of the bounds as given in the foot note on page 14 q. v. ) The undersigned further say that some of the reasons for asking the Legislature to set off said section of Industry and annex to New Sharon may be enumerated as follows, to wit: First, as inhabitants of that part of Industry, they labor under very great inconveniences in respeel to their town business and post-office communications. Situated in a remote corner of Industry, distant from an)' place of business or post-office in that town. They are about entirely cut off from all com- munication with its inhabitants. Whereas all their business and trade is at New Sharon, as well as their post-office communications. Second, the inhabitants of this part of Industry have all or nearly all their moral and religious connections and associations at New Sharon, and with its inhabitants. They have also buried their dead at New Sharon village to a certain extent, and they also own church property and generally attend public worship in New Sharon. If annexed to New Sharon, the inhabitants of this territory would be conveniently situated in all these respects, as well as much better convened in the matter of roads and other means of communications. For the foregoing, among many other reasons, the undersigned do most humbly and respectfully pray the Legislature to set off said territory and annex it to New Sharon, and thus will they ever pray. George Hobbs. William I>. Smith. Geo. (lower, 2d. Simon Collins. Oren Hebberd. George Hobbs, Jr. Ransford Nor< ross. Eben C. Collins. John G. Collins. Franklin Stone. John Cower. Robert Trask. James Collins. Wyman Oliver. Roger Ela. John Collins. Philip Norcross. William F. Williamson. Though the case of the town was ably managed before the legislative committee, it was hardly possible to prevent the loss, EVENTS FROM 1830 TO i860. 297 and the flourishing town of New Sharon received a valuable addition to its already extensive domain. The town was more successful, however, in its opposition to petition of Luther Luce and others residing on the eastern part of the " New Vineyard Gore," who asked the Legislature in the winter of 1857 for a separation from Industry and annexation, with their estates, to the town of Farmington. The last decade of which this chapter treats, was one of peace and general prosperity, and uneventful aside from the war cloud which near its close lowered on the national horizon. CHAPTER XVI. EVENTS FROM icS6o TO 1866. Political Excitement. — The John Brown Insurrection. — Diphtheria Epidemic. — Resi- dents of Allen's Mills Petition the Legislature for Annexation to Farmington. — War Meeting Held at West's Mills. — Patriotic Resolutions Passed. — Lively Times at Subsequent Meetings. — Muster and Celebration at West's Mills, July 4, 1861 . — Call for Troops. — A Comet Appears. — Great Scarcity of Silver Money. — Methods Devised for Supplying the Defect. — The U. S. Fractional Currency. — Disheartening News From the War. — Mason and Slidell Arrested. — Belligerent Attitude of England. — Total Failure of the Fruit Crop of 1861. — Militia En- rolled and Organized. — First Industry Soldiers' Lives Sacrificed. — Obsequies at the Centre Meeting-House. — More Soldiers Wanted. — Liberal Town Bounty Offered for Enlistments. — A Call for Nine Months' Troops. — Draft Ordered. — Generous Measures Adopted by the Town to Avoid a Draft. — A Stirring Mass Meeting for Raising Volunteers. — Provision for Destitute Soldiers' Families. — News of the Emancipation Proclamation Reaches Industry. — The Conscription Act. — Anxieties <>l Those Liable to a Draft. — Disloyal Utterances in < >ther Towns. — Industry True to Her Country. — Piratical Craft Reported off the Maine Coast. —Revenue (utter "Caleb Cushing " Captured in Portland Harbor. The year i860 ushered in an eventful era in the history of the town of Industry, as well as in that of the State and Nation. At its dawn the John Brown insurrection with its resulting trial and execution were the all-absorbing topics of discussion. Po- litical excitement, already at fever heat, was still further intensi- fied by one of the most hotly contested gubernatorial and pres- idential campaigns known for years. At the September election the gubernatorial vote was the largest polled for many years. Hitter animosities often existed between neighbors differing in political sentiments, and word\- discussions were frequently in- dulged in. This condition of things grew worse rather than better up to the breaking out, and all through the early part of the great Civil War. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 299 A widespread epidemic of diphtheria visited Industry in the fall of i860, and prevailed with alarming mortality for many months. This was a new disease to the physician and its path- ology and treatment were not well understood. So sudden and virulent was the attack, and so intractable did the disease seem, even to the most carefully selected remedies, that patients were often entrusted to the care of empirics in preference to the educated physician. Blindly ignorant of its highly contagious character, the disease was carried from family to family in the clothing of nurses and attendants on the sick. Thus was this dreadful disease spread from house to house and neighborhood to neighborhood, leaving desolate homes and sorrowing families in its track.* Wholly ignorant of the result, public funerals were with few exceptions held over the remains of those dying with this disease, thus affording another fertile source for its dissemination. Man)' declared the disease non-contagious, bas- ing their assertion on personal immunity from contagion. Yet these same persons would hesitate and often decline assistance in caring for those ill with this disease, thus clearly showing that they did not care to take the risk, notwithstanding their strong faith. Others considered the disease highly contagious, and would under no consideration enter a house where a case was known to exist. Fortunately the number of cases diminished and people began to feel a certain degree of safety. Though * The following editorial item which will give the reader some idea of the fearful ravages of this disease, was clipped from the Farmington Chronicle of January 31, 1861 : "This fearful disease is making sad ravages around us in every direction. In one small neighborhood in Chesterville we understand ten persons have fallen ils victims within a brief period. In one family the father died while his child was being conveyed to its burial. In another, three children lay dead in the house at one time, and four prostrated with the disease. Scores of families in this and adjoining towns are mourning the loss of one or more loved ones, who have been suddenly smitten down with this fatal disease. The skill of the physician is baffled in staying its pro- gress and saving its victims." Below in the same column the editor adds : " We understand that in the neigh- borhood in Chesterville, mentioned in this column, where the diphtheria has raged with such fearful fatality, there are five lying dead to-day (Wednesday) in three families. One entire family has been carried away and all the children, seven in number, in another. The whole number of deaths in the neighborhood is upwards of fifteen.'' 300 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. not so prevalent, vet there were many deaths from this disease in 1862-3-4-5. Late in the year i860 Barnabas A. Higgins and others re- siding at Allen's Mills sent a petition to the State Legislature asking that they and their estates, embracing the whole village, be set off from Industry and annexed to Farmington. The in- habitants of Industry being opposed to such secessionary pro- ceedings and not wishing to lose so valuable a tract of their domain, promptly called a special town meeting to adopt such measures as the exigencies of the case required. The meeting was held January 7, 1861, and Josiah Emery was chosen agent to appear before the legislative committee in opposition to the petitioners. About the same time Farmington also held a town meeting, at which it was voted not to receive the petitioners and their estates. Had that town voted otherwise it is doubtful whether the petitioners could have been successfully thwarted in their purpose. Scarcely had the boom of the last cannon fired on Fort Sumter died away and the wires flashed the news of its fall over the length and breadth of the land, ere the citizens of Indus- try, fired with zeal and patriotism, began active preparations for the defense of the Union. A "war meeting" was held at West's Mills on Saturday, May 4, 1861, scarcely more than three weeks after the commencement of hostilities. The day was fair and the gathering large, being estimated at fully 500 people. Early in the morning the people began to gather. At eleven o'clock in the forenoon a flagstaff was erected and a flag raised amid the loud huzzas of the assembled crowd.* Mrs. Silas H. Burce then sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" in a manner highly creditable to herself, and to the great satisfaction of all present. This was followed by stirring speeches from Josiah * Asaph Boyden, secretary of these meetings, wrote The Franklin Patriot, under date of May 6, l86l, that "the blue used by the Ladies' Circle in making the flag was spun and woven by Mrs. Dudley Thing, a heroine of the Revolution." This was evidently a slip of the pen, the 1812 War being undoubtedly meant, for Mrs. Thing was only live years of age when the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed. The flagstaff above referred to was located very near the northeast corner of Richard Fassett's tavern. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 30 1 Emery and David Merry, Esq. When they had finished, the assembly again saluted its National emblem with loud cheers and the boom of cannon, as it proudly floated on the breeze from its lofty position. A speaker's stand was improvised, Albert Shaw called upon to preside and Asaph Boyden chosen secretary of the meeting. A fervent prayer was then offered by Dea. Ira Emery. This was followed by earnest and patriotic appeals to the people, urging them to stand by their beloved Union in her hour of peril. Among the citizens who addressed the assemblage were Hiram Manter, Gen. Nathan Goodridge, Elbridge H. Rackliff, Capt. Curtis Pinkham, Benjamin Tibbetts, Isaac Daggett and many others. The speaking was interspersed with national and patriotic airs acceptably rendered by a choir wholly composed of local talent. A committee on resolutions, appointed at the opening of the meeting, then reported and read amid the most vociferous cheering the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas : Almighty God in blessing our fathers gave them a republican form of government and Constitution, securing to all citizens of these United States, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; and whereas that government has been transmitted to us, their children, for safety and perpetuity ; and whereas, under the benign anil equal opera- tion of the said government, we have achieved a national character second to none ; and whereas, at the present time our government and liberties are in imminent peril from the action of the States of this Union in that they have : 1 st, given to the Constitution new and strange interpretations un- known to the framers. 2d, They have barbarously treated many of the free men of this nation. 3rd, They have set at naught the laws of the land. 4th, they have withdrawn from the Union without consent of the re- maining States. 5th, They have inaugurated a new government in a way and manner that has never before been known, or even attempted in the civilized world. 6th, They have elected their officers. 38 302 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ;th. They have seized an immense amount of money, munitions of war, and other property belonging to the United States. 8th, They have actually commenced a war by attacking Fort Sumter. and threatening to march upon the Capitol, thus aiming to overthrow that Government, the securing and establishing of which cost our fathers a seven years' conflict with Great Britain, and thus leaving us two alter nativ es : ist. To submit to Jefferson Davis as cowards unworthy of our birth- right ; or. 2d. To arise in the strength and dignity of freemen and show the traitors that we will maintain our constitutional rights. Therefore. Resolved, — r St, That the Constitution and laws must and shall he maintained at all and every hazard. 2d. That this great crisis imperatively demands the firm and united support of every patriot, irrespective of party organization. 3rd. That we prefer no other banner to float over us during the im- pending conflict, than that of the "red. white and blue," the American eagle with thirty four stars. 4th. That in the immortal language of the heroes of '76, to preserve our Independence united, we pledge our lives, our fortunes and our 3 11 1 cd honor. Resolved, That we. citizens of Industry, do hereby pledge ourselves to stand by and support the families that may be left in consequence of enlistments which have or may be made in the army to defend our con- stitutional rights, if need he. [Signed.] Josiah Emery. Rufus Jennings. Oliver Stevens. Hiram Manter. James Cutts. David Patterson. Benjamin N. Willis. David Merry. Andrew Tibbetts. James Elliott. Isaac Daggett. Nathan Goodridge. ( 1 immittee on Resolutions. After other exercises, including the presentation of a sword and epaulettes to Capt. Curtis Pinkham by Josiah Emery, the meeting adjourned to meet in two weeks. During these war meetings, which continued up to and culminated in a grand celebration on July 4th, many exciting scenes transpired. A company was organized and equipped with "wooden guns." EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 303 Swords, pistols, belts and other military trappings were brought down from the garrets to which they had been consigned years before. Articles of military dress became all the rage, and the boy who did not make some pretentions in this direction was counted unpatriotic and of little account by his companions. Martial music became popular, and the shrill notes of the fife and the lively rattle of the tenor drum were familiar sounds to all. Daniel Hilton was a skillful performer on the fife, and with William O. Folsom as drummer, usually furnished music for the war meetings or "trainings," as nearly every one called them. The cannon used on these occasions was a rude piece of ordnance, improvised by drilling out a piece of heavy mill shafting and mounting it on a pair of wagon wheels, to which a long rope was attached for hauling it about. Gen. William Nye, having been authorized to raise a volunteer company in Franklin County, occasionally attended these meetings for the purpose of securing enlistments. At such times he was politely tendered the command of this extemporaneous company. On one of these occasions, as General Nye was engaged in exer- cising the men in the various military evolutions and firing the cannon at frequent intervals, a large number of by-standers formed themselves into an impromptu company, and, after some manoeuvring, seized the cannon and hauled it away before he or his men were fully aware of their intent. Captain Pinkham denounced the captors as " rebels," and gallantly tendered General Nye the services of himself and company to re-capture the piece. After securing their booty, " the rebels " had retreated and took refuge in John W. Frederic's blacksmith shop. Capt. Pinkham, at the head of his company, boldly marched his men to the front of the building and demanded an immediate sur- render " in the name of the United States of America." There- upon the door was thrown open as if in obedience to the command. If such an idea had, for an instant, entered Capt. Pinkham's head, it was speedily dispelled, for, instead of a vanquished foe ready to surrender, the formidable cannon was 304 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. seen leveled on the crowd instantly ready to belch forth smoke and flame. This was more than the valiant captain could stand, and he beat a precipitous retreat. A hearty laugh followed, for his men had discovered that the cannon was not loaded. Acting upon this discovery, the men went at it, and a regular melee ensued before the piece was regained. The muster and celebration at West's Mills on July 4th, 1 86 1, probably brought together the largest number of people ever seen in that village, if not in the town. The exercises were such as are usually had on these occasions, including speaking at the church and the mustering and review of a regiment of militia by Gen. William Nye, on the flat west of the village. On that day the General, either willfully or inadvert- ently offered the Industry company an affront which came near resulting in serious trouble. This company formed at the church, and was commanded by Reuben Hatch. It was custom- ary, on such occasions, as each company arrived, for the colonel to send out his band as an escort to their place in the line. This General Nye failed to do on the arrival of the Industry company, which caused much feeling among the members, and even threats of personal violence to General Nye were freely indulged in by a few of the more passionate ones. The calmer judgment of the leading members prevailed, however, order was at length restored, the company took its place in the line, and by the promptness and precision of its movements, received the high compliment of being the best-drilled company in the regiment. April 15, 1 861, President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for 75,000 men, to serve three months. This call was responded to with alacrity and enthusiasm, and the required number soon raised without apportioning to each State and town its epiota. No enlistments occurred in Industry under this call, and the few who entered the service from this town enlisted elsewhere. Many of the events during the early days of the Civil War were to the citizens of the Northern States of deep interest and momentous consequence. Among these, the abandonment and EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 305 destruction of Norfolk Navy Yard, on the nis^ht of April 19, i86i, was an irreparable loss to the United States. This yard was conceded to be the finest in the world, and its wanton de- struction was greatly deplored. Epithets of bitter opprobrium were heaped on the commandant, McCauley, in every little ham- let throughout the North, for his cowardice and hypocrisy. By this and other events excitement was kept at a white heat all through the early days of the war. While all were turning their attention toward the Sunny South, eagerly watching for "news from the war," a comet of considerable magnitude made its appearance in the heavens. This in time of peace would have created no little interest, but with an internecine war of so great importance raging between two powerful factions of the Union this matter received but a passing thought. Possibly the more superstitious saw in the presence of this celestial visitor the harbinger of a long and sanguinary war. A general scarcity of silver money occurred soon after the breaking out of the war. As small silver coin grew more and more scarce, the inconvenience of making change was very great, and postage stamps were employed to remedy the defect. But these were inconvenient, especially in the hot, sweltering weather of summer, or when handled with moist or wet hands. To obviate this difficulty, and at the same time advertise their business, enterprising business firms had postage stamps framed in small oval metal cases, the face of the stamp being covered with a thin piece of isinglass, or mica, more correctly speaking. The metal back usually bore the name and business of the firm by whom it was issued. Among country merchants cotton thread was legal tender at its par value, i. e., one cent per skein. During the war many small medals of bronze were struck, and these were frequently used in making change. The most common among these was every- where known as the "Army and Navy Cent." This medal was of bronze, and about the same size and weight as the U. S. bronze cent contemporaneously coined. One side bore the inscription, "Army and Navy," the obverse, "The Federal Union, it must and shall be preserved." 306 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. By the early fall in [861, silver coin had been wholly with- drawn from circulation. At this juncture merchants and other business men issued what was popularly known as individual currency. This in form was something like the United States fractional currency afterward issued, although in some instances it varied to suit the fancy of the individual. This currency was signed by the person issuing it, and each piece was virtu- ally a note of hand, payable in goods, for the fractional part of a dollar specified. John Willis was the only person in Industry to issue this variety of currency, and at one time he had be- tween live and eight hundred dollars in circulation. It has been claimed that the United States Government got the idea for the design of its fractional currency from the common prac- tice of using stamps and individual currency for change. In- deed, in general appearance the early issues did resemble a piece of "individual scrip" with a postage stamp stuck on the centre of its face side. The United States currency was not well received at first, and was contemptuously called "shin plasters." The central figure on this currency was subsequently surrounded by a circle of bronze or gilt. For a long time it was a current joke that this was done "to give the currency a metal ring" The tragical death of Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth, on the 24th of May, 1861, cast a shadow of gloom over the people of Industry, as did that of Col. Baker the same, and Gen. Nathaniel Lyon the following year. The intelligence of the battle of Bull Run filled the hearts of all with sad and gloomy forebodings. It was now evident that the Nation had a foe to contend with in every respect worthy of his steel, and although the people of the Northern States were no less brave, the result of this battle thoroughly stamped out that effervescent enthu- siasm so conspicuous at the commencement of hostilities. After this no one had the foolhardiness to predict the speedy termina- tion of the war, <>r that the sons of the South would not fight. The Confederate Government sent James M. Mason and John Slidell to France and England, as commissioners, in November, 1861, hoping to obtain assistance from these coun- EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 307 tries. Messrs. Mason and Slidell embarked on the English mail-steamer " Trent," and were arrested on the high seas, by Capt. Charles Wilkes of the U. S. steamer " San Jacinto," and taken to Boston. England was greatly exasperated at this audacious act and promptly demanded the prisoners' release, on a threat of war in case the demand was not immediately heeded. This event caused much excitement and discussion, as the attitude of England clearly indicated war in case the prison- ers were not speedily released. As war with England at such a critical juncture was not to be thought of, the government released the prisoners and promptly disavowed the action of Captain Wilkes. The year 1 86 1 was remarkable from the fact that the apple crop in Industry was a total failure. Orchards, which had hitherto borne bountifully, were wholly devoid of fruit this year and a great scarcity of apples was the result. But little of interest occurred during the winter of 186 1-2. The following spring the militia was enrolled, and on the 17th of July, 1862, a meeting was held for the election of officers. The members met at West's Mills, and the following officers were chosen: Captain, Josiah Emery; 1st Lieutenant, Nathan S. Johnson; 2d Lieutenant, Benjamin Learned; 3d Lieutenant, Melvin Viles ; 4th Lieutenant, Joseph Warren Smith. William Henry Erost and John T. Luce were first among the brave boys from Industry to sacrifice their lives on the altar of their country. The former died at Beaufort, South Carolina, the latter at Ship Island, Miss. The obsequies of these patriots held at the Centre Meeting-House on a Sabbath day in August, 1862, was a season of deep and impressive solemnity. The house was appropriately decorated for the occasion, and the processions marched to and from the church to the music of muffled drums, and under the escort of a detachment of the Industry militia. Under the President's call of July 2, 1862, for men to serve three years, Industry's quota was nine men. Soon after this requisition a meeting of the citizens was called by the selectmen to assemble in John Willis's hall at West's Mills, July 26, 1862, 308 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. at one o'clock in the afternoon. At this meeting Daniel H. Taylor was chosen moderator, and after some discussion the town voted to raise the sum of $100 for each person who would volunteer until the forementioned quota of nine should be filled. In response to this call Francis 0. Bean, Nelson 0. Bean, Sam- uel II. and Oliver 1). Norton and others enlisted.* August 4, 1862, the President made a further call for 300,000 men to serve nine months, and under this call Industry's quota was 13. The authorities were ordered to make a draft from the enrolled militia to answer the call. The day fixed for the draft throughout the State was Wednesday, September 3d, and the members of the militia in Industry were duly notified to meet at West's Mills at nine o'clock on the day specified. The manner of conducting such a draft was to be as follows : A suitable box was to be provided for the purpose, and therein the clerk was directed to place, in the presence of the company, as many slips of paper as there were names enrolled; upon these slips were to be written in letters, and not figures, the numbers from one to that which expressed the entire number of men enrolled, each slip having but one name written thereon. The box was to be closed and the papers therein thoroughly shaken up. The roll was then to be called in alphabetical order, and each man in answer to his name was required to come forward and draw one slip, which he handed to the clerk, who read the number aloud and entered it opposite the person's name who drew it ; thus the draft was to be continued until all the numbers were drawn. Then beginning at the lowest number on this list and extending upward in regular numerical order, the names were selected until the required number was obtained. Nelson C. Luce was chosen clerk, and every preparation for the draft was * Alonzo Frost also enlisted under this call and received his order for bounty money August 5, 1862. This order was given before Mr. Frost was mustered in, and was issued by the chairman of the hoard without the knowledge or sanction of the other selectmen. There was an unsuccessful effort on the part of the town to have the order rescinded. A member of the board at that time writes: "The selectmen as a board were censured for this act and justly too, I think. But like many things in those days of hurry, excitement and illegal proceedings, all was forgotten in the feeling for the common cause and all mistakes were swallowed without much sugar coating." EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 309 made. The matter created considerable excitement throughout the town, and each person liable to be drawn was constantly asking himself, "Is it I?" The selectmen issued their warrant, dated Aug. 26, 1862, calling a meeting of the legal voters at ten o'clock on the day set for the draft. The object of this meeting, as set forth in article second of the warrant, was "to see what measures the town will take in regard to raising money for vol- unteers or drafted men." Meeting at the appointed hour for the draft it was ascertained that several held themselves in read- iness to enlist, providing the town would offer sufficient induce- ment in the way of bounty, and it was confidently believed by many that a draft could thus be averted. To anticipate the probable action of the town, at its approaching meeting, an informal vote of the assembled people was taken. This was unanimously in favor of offering a bounty for volunteer enlist- ments. Thus encouraged, the draft was postponed until after the town should have held its meeting and legalized its informal vote. At ten o'clock the meeting assembled and chose Daniel Hilton moderator. Thereupon it was voted to pay each volun- teer enlisting on the nine months' quota $100, until the requi- site number should be obtained. At an adjourned session of this meeting, holden on Saturday, September 6th, at four o'clock in the afternoon, an additional sum of fifty dollars was voted to each volunteer who had already enlisted or would now volunteer. After the vote to pay $100 bounty was passed, several signified a willingness to enlist. Others said they would volunteer providing the bounty was made a little larger. As the day was oppressively warm, and the citizens of the town with their wives and children were out in full force, it was proposed to adjourn from the street to the church. Here matters went on much the same as at a Methodist revival meet- ing. There were earnest exhortations for those present to volunteer, and much cheering as one after another signified his willingness to enlist. All who had thus pledged themselves were invited to take a seat in the pulpit. As one of these, William O. Folsom, took his seat in the sacred desk, he said: "Well, now I feel better since I have taken this step." Those 39 3IO HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. willing to enlist for $150 bounty were also requested to take a seat with the others. Thus, amid patriotic appeals, cheers, and the tears of mothers, wives and friends, one after another joined the little company until the required number was well-nigh obtained.* As previously stated, the citizens at an adjourned session of their meeting, voted the additional fifty dollars and were thus enabled to fill the town's quota without resorting to a draft. The citizens at the same meeting made generous provis- ions for any drafted men who might enter the service in case non- acceptance of the volunteer recruits rendered a draft necessary. In such case the drafted men were to receive the same bounty from the town, subject to the same conditions, as the volunteers. As fast as enlisted and accepted, the nine months' men from Industry were rendezvoused at Camp E. 1). Keyes, at the State capital. f So zealously and effectually did the authorities labor in enlisting men, that on the twentieth of November, 1862, the selectmen received official notice that Industry's apportionment under the President's call of Juh' 2d, for men to serve three years, and August 4th, for nine months' men, had been can- celled. Deprived of the support of sons, husbands and fathers, by reason of their enlistment, many families were left in destitute circumstances, and their needs now claimed the attention of the citizens of Industry. An act was passed by the State Legislature, and approved March 18, [862, authorizing towns to extend aid to the needy families of soldiers in the service. A special town meeting was called Dec. 1, 1862, and the town * Rev. Ira Emery, an eye-witness of these proceedings, thus writes of the meet- ing: "That day and its events was one of the most striking and impressive of any in town during the war and its scenes J shall never forget. There were gathered in that church fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, all interested witnesses of that almost dramatic scene. As one after another volunteered, the scene was deeply solemn and impressive. Some clapped their hands and cheer followed cheer. Others, and there were many such, wept." + I he following is a lisl of the nun who enlisted under the call for nine months' volunteers: Hiram P. Durrell, William H. Edwards, Benjamin Follett, William Q. Folsom, John F. Deny, Gilbert R. Merry, Elias Miller, David M. Norton, Charles S. Prince, Samuel Rackliff, Benjamin Tibbetts, George F. Williams, Hubbard S.Rob- erts ' mly twelve of thi se men were mustered into the I". S. service. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 3 I I voted to appropriate $100 for the relief of needy families of soldiers agreeably to an act of the State Legislature. At the annual meeting in 1863, the town voted to extend aid to D. Collins Luce, whose minor son, John T. Luce, had died in the service; also to other needy families. By this opportune action of the State Legislature, the wants of the many indigent fami- lies were relieved. This privilege, in some instances, may have been abused, but such cases were rare and exceptional. The town voted to raise $1000 for the support of soldiers' families, at its annual meeting March 14, 1864, and ever afterward a most liberal course was pursued in supplying their wants. Repeated disasters and disappointments had prepared the people of Industry for almost any change that might occur; hence the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln, made public Sept. 22, 1862, declaring that on Jan. 1, 1863, " all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State the people whereof shall be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then and thenceforward and forever free," was received with little or no surprise, and only passing comment. The events of 1863 were of a character well calculated to create intense excitement in every hamlet and town throughout the country, and at times to cause a feeling of personal uncer- tainty even among the citizens of Industry. Congress had passed a "conscription act," more troops were needed and a draft seemed imminent. No person enrolled under this act for a moment felt safe when a call for fresh troops was made. How eagerly were lists of drafted men scrutinized by each one liable to do military duty, to ascertain if his name was among the unfortunate ones, — not to mention mothers, wives, sisters and friends of the enrolled. This act was regarded with much dis- favor by a class of ignorant, unprincipled citizens, so numerous especially in all large cities and towns. These manifested their disloyalty by openly denouncing the action of Congress, and threatening resistance to any attempt to execute its provisions. Fortunately the citizens of Industry formed an exception and remained true to the Federal cause, though sharing the same 312 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. feeling of insecurity experienced by the loyal citizens in other towns throughout the State. This sense of personal insecurity was still further intensified by well-authenticated reports that a piratical-looking craft had been seen hovering off the Maine coast. Soon after this, on the 26th of June, 1863, the rebel privateer " Tacony " entered Portland harbor and captured the revenue cutter " Caleb Gushing." This act of audacious daring everywhere caused the most intense excitement and alarm. CHAPTER XVII. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. CONTINUED. ( leneral Lee Begins the March of an Invader. — Crosses the " Mason and Dixon Line." — Gloomy Prospects of the Federal Cause. — Numerous Desertions from the Union Army. — Organization of Districts under the Provisions of the Conscription Act. — First Conscripts from Industry. — The Non Campos Conscript. — "The Kingrield Riot."- — Efforts of Drafted Men to Secure Town Bounty. — The Somerset and Franklin Wool-Growers' Association. — Call for More Troops. — $300 Town Bounty Offered for Volunteer Enlistments. — Stamp Act Passed. — Steamer "Chesapeake" Captured. — Attempts Made to Raid Maine's Eastern Border. — Re-enlistments. — Furloughed Soldiers Tendered a Banquet. — $600 Town Bounty Offered for Vol- unteer Enlistments. — Second Draft Made. — Small-pox Outbreak. — Aid to Soldiers in the Field. — Inflated Prices. — Efforts of Men who Furnished Substitutes to Recover the Sum Paid for the Same. — Third Draft Made. — Close of the War. — Great Rejoicing. — Flag-raisings at Allen's and West's Mills — Assassination of President Lincoln. — Memorial Services in Industry. — Cost of the War to the Town of Industry. On the 26th day of June, 1863, Lee, inspired no doubt by his victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, boldly crossed the Potomac River into Maryland and began the march of an invader. Marching his army across the State of Maryland he entered Pennsylvania. At this juncture the Federal cause looked gloomy indeed, and desertions were of frequent occurrence, amounting at one time to two hundred men per day. These circumstances combined created the most intense excitement and trepidation among the peace-loving citizens of Industry, and not till after the decisive victory on the field of Gettysburg did the people breathe easily. It was during the suspense of this exciting period that the first draft occurred under the President's call of , 1863. By the newly-enacted conscription law, each congressional district was placed under the control of a 314 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. board of enrollment, consisting of a provost marshal, commis- sioner and examining surgeon. Each drafting district was divided into sub-districts of convenient size. The headquarters of the Second Congressional District, which included Industry/ was at Lewiston, and under control of the following board: Provost Marshal, John S.Baker; Commissioner, Joel Perham, |r. ; Surgeon, Alexander Burbank. A draft for the sub-district of Industry was held early in the month of July, and the follow- in g names were drawn : Hiram 1'. Durrell. Alvin S. ( '.ray. Menzir 11. Merry. 1 >aniel Collins, Jr. John 1). Leaver. Warren N. Willis. Ebenezer Swift. Jr. John W. McLaughlin. Benjamin W. Norton. Jr. Tobias C. Walton. J. Calvin Oliver. William J. Gilmore. Loren A. Shaw. Charles S. Prince. James Edgecomb. Zebadiah Johnson, Jr. Joseph Eveleth. Elias H. Johnson. George Luce. ( Hit of this number, so far as can be learned, not one entered the service. Those not exempted by physical disability either hired substitutes or paid $300 commutation money. Warren N. Willis furnished as a substitute, Charles E. Thompson of Lewiston, and Benjamin W. Norton, Jr., Frank E. Hutchins of New Portland. COMMUTATORS. Menzir 1!. Merry. ( ieoree Luce. 1 >aniel Collins, Jr. William J. Gilmore. The measures sometimes resorted to in order to secure exemption, while of a questionable character, were occasionally quite amusing. ( )ne of the most laughable as well as success- ful ot these deceptions, was perpetrated on the examining board by a citizen ot Industry. The person in question was naturally ot tine physique and commanding personal appearance. But tor the occasion he arrayed himself in a grotesque suit, much Industry was the seventh sub-district. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 3 1 5 too small, and from which legs and arms protruded in the most surprising manner; pantaloons of the most ancient pattern, white vest, blue swallow-tail coat, ornamented with rows of brass buttons, which his grandfather might perchance have worn on his wedding day. On his head he wore a battered white tile of by-gone days. With stooping form, wildly dis- hevelled hair and bleary eyes, protected by a pair of green spectacles, he presented himself at the Provost Marshal's head- quarters, lead by an attendant. With tottering gait, he was lead to a vacant chair, where he seated himself, and with mouth agap and idiotic stare gazed straight up at the ceiling, t<> all appearances totally unconscious of his surroundings. Soon the surgeon began to question him, but for a time he paid no heed to his interrogatories. At length he turned to his attend- ant and, in a deep, nasal, bass tone, drawled out: "Be they talkin' to you ur to me, pa?" "To you, Erastus," shouted his attendant, in stentorian tones. "Ha?" interrogated the con- script, as his chin dropped until it nearly rested on his shirt front. "To you, Erastus," again yelled his attendant, placing his mouth close to the listener's car and shouting out his reply in tones which might have been heard several blocks away. "Tell-um to tawk louder," roared the conscript. "Here's a pretty go," exclaimed the examining officer, "a fellow as deaf as an adder, and evidently not sound in the upper story. Enter this man non compos, Mr. Clerk," remarked the surgeon, as he turned to receive the next waiting applicant. Although no disrespect was shown the notifying officer in Industry, these servants of the law were not so well received in some of the towns in North Franklin. The public mind had been wrought to a high state of excitement by the events of the past few months and the uncertain prospects of the Federal Government. With such a condition of the public mind, a more unpropitious time for a draft could not have been found. But more troops were needed in the field, and these must be had. The Kingfield riot, so-called, was, briefly stated, the outgrowth of an attempt by the notifying officer to conceal the fact that 3 l6 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. he had in his possession the notices to be served on the drafted men, on the one part, and the action of a few injudicious, hasty- tempered young men on the other. The statement that he did nol have the notices in his possession proved to be untrue. Angered by this deception a few men and boys told the officer he must leave the town, which lie did. Those concerned in this treasonable act were not by any means the leading men of the town. The existing bitter partisan spirit had a tendency to magnify and distort the reports and great excitement prevailed, even in the little town of Industry. A detachment of the militia was sent to Kingfield to restore order and enforce the law. They found nothing to do, however, but to spend their time in hunt- ing, fishing and feasting. Carefully considered, the bare facts show nothing to justify the application of the term "riot" to the Kingfield affair. A special town meeting was called, Jul)- I, 1863, to see if the town would vote "to raise $100 or any other sum to pay each man who may be drafted under the present conscription act." After choosing Col. James Davis moderator, voted to pass by the article and adjourn sine (lie. Undiscouragcd by their defeat the interested parties immedi- ately petitioned the selectmen to call a second meeting to as- semble at West's Mills, July 1 1, 1863, "to sec if the town would vote to raise $300, or any sum, to hire substitutes for men called into the U. S. service under the existing conscription act." This proposition shared the fate of its predecessor, as did a subse- quent proposition made before the close of the month. THE WOOL-GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. It had been a fact long known and frequently discussed, that the wool-growers were in a large measure dependent upon, and at the mercy of the wool-buyers ; that by the united manage- ment of the last-named parties wool was frequently bought up at a figure considerably below the market price, and one that gave these middlemen an unusually large profit. These facts became topics of such moment among wool-producers that, with a view of improving their condition, a number of gentle- EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 3 I 7 men from Industry and Anson, met at the house of Hiram Manter, in Industry, on the 27th of June, 1863, and formed themselves into a wool-growers' association. Their object, as set forth in the constitution, was: "That, being desirous of a better understanding, and, for the better protection of our inter- ests do unite ourselves into a society for that purpose." The qualifications required to render a person eligible to member- ship were, that they should own a flock of at least ten sheep. This society was double-officered, i. e., had a full set of officers for each count)', and was known as the " Somerset and Frank- lin County Wool-Growers' Association." In Franklin County the members were all residents of Industry. General Nathan Goodridge was chosen president, and Hiram Manter, secretary. David Patterson was chosen treasurer and agent, and Benjamin W. Norton, Sr., Gen. Nathan Goodridge and James Elliott, directors. George Manter, David Patterson and Hiram Manter were elected to receive and sort the wool of the Association. All wool was required to be well-washed, and each member was allowed to draw from the treasury a sum of money not exceeding in amount two-thirds of the estimated value of his wool, upon the same being deposited with the agent. The directors were authorized to hire a sufficient sum of money to meet the demands of individual members, and the treasurer was required to give bonds to the amount of five thousand dollars. Among the more prominent members were : George W. Luce, Peter B. Smith, Benjamin W. Norton, Jr., Isaac Dag- gett, John T. Daggett, Joseph W. Smith, Alonzo Norton, etc., etc. The wool of the members in this town alone amounted to some five thousand pounds. Owing to the disagreement of the members in regard to the time their wool should be sold, the enterprise was abandoned. The opinion of able men was that, had it continued, it would have, in time, become an effect- ual ally of the wool-grower. The call of Oct. 17, 1863, for 300,000 men to serve three years, necessitated a special town meeting to raise money " for war purposes." This meeting accordingly assembled Dec. 2, 1863, and chose Ira Emery, Jr., moderator. It was then voted 40 3 18 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. to pay each volunteer enlisting for three years, the sum of $300, until the town's quota of eleven, under the President's last call, shall be filled. The treasurer was also authorized and instructed to hire money for that purpose. It was about this time (1863) that Congress passed its famous stamp act, requiring a revenue stamp on every docu- ment, from a town clerk's certificate of marriage intention up to a warrant}' dcc<.\. Stamps were required on each package of friction-matches, also on proprietary medicines, playing-cards, photographs, tobacco, cigars, and, in brief, nearly ever)- article to which a stamp could be affixed.* A two-dollar stamp was necessary to make valid the title to a farm valued at $1000, and the person who sold a bunch of matches without a one-cent stamp affixed, was subject to a heavy penalty. The first certi- ficate of intended marriage, issued in Industry after the passage of the stamp act, was to Alonzo Norton. This document was dated Oct. 31, 1 863, and had a five-cent revenue stamp affixed. An excise tax was also assessed on carriages and harnesses. The amount assessed on a wagon and harness valued at fifty dollars was one dollar, and in the same ratio on those of higher value. l'he seizure of the "Chesapeake," Capt. Willett, a screw- steamer of the New York and Portland Line, Dec. 13, 1863, was a feat of the most audacious daring, and everywhere caused great excitement. She was captured when off Cape Cod, on her passage from New York to Portland, by Lieut. John Clib- bon Braine and part}'. She was subsequently re-captured De- cember 17th, by the gunboat Ella and Anna. Another cause of great anxiety was an attempt to raid towns on the eastern border of Maine, in the summer of 1864, by Confederates, who found refuge in the British Provinces. This created a widespread alarm, in which the citizens of Industry largely shared. ( )n Jul}' [8th a detachment of three men from * For years merchants s<>ld 360 matches fur five cents, of which sum three cents went id the I . S. Government for stamps, and whenever a photographer received an order fur half a dozen small photographs lie must needs pay eighteen cents for the stamps requited by law. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 319 one of these raiding parties boldly entered the Calais Bank, which they attempted to pillage in broad daylight. Their scheme was discovered in season to thwart their plans, and they were promptly arrested, convicted and sent to State's prison. During the fall of 1863 and early winter of 1864, re-enlist- ments in the field became very numerous, and quite a number of the Industry boys, anxious to see the war through, re-enlisted and were granted a furlough of thirty days. While at home, and shortly before their return to the front, the citizens of West's Mills and vicinity tendered them a banquet at John Willis's hall, on Thursday, March 17, 1864. There was speaking with other exercises at the church in the forenoon, of which the author has been unable to procure any definite description. The spread at the hall was of the most unstinted proportions and the viands of the choicest quality. The central attraction at the feast was a large " monument cake," beautifully frosted and ornamented, a present from Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge H. Rackliff.* Several distinguished guests from adjoining towns were present on the occasion, and among the after-dinner speak- ers were: Leonard Keith, of Farmington, Rev. Ira Emery and his brother Josiah, of Industry, also Nelson C. Luce and others. The event was a decided success, and no doubt a pleasant incident in the lives of the furloughcd soldiers present. Under the President's call of July 18, 1864, for troops, In- dustry's proportion was sixteen men, but having a surplus of nine men previously furnished, to its credit, only seven were required. Anxious to avoid a draft, if possible, a special town meeting was called at the Centre Meeting-House, August 23, 1864, and Nelson C. Luce was called to preside. The meeting then voted to offer $500 to any who would enlist for one year on the town's quota before September 5th, until the required number be reached. Nathan S. Johnson was chosen agent to secure enlistments on the town's quota, and voted a compensa- * The baking-tins for this immense cake were specially made for the purpose by Mr. Rackliff. The total cost of the cake when placed on the table was not far from ten dollars. 320 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. tion of twenty dollars for each soldier mustered in.* The meet- ing further voted to pay ^600 bounty on enlistments for three years. The selectmen were authorized to hire money to pay these bounties. At an adjourned session of the same meeting, the bounty for one-year enlistments was raised to $600. Not- withstanding the liberal bounties offered, and the most strenu- ous efforts of enlisting officers, a deficiency still existed, and on Sept. 26, [864, a draft was made by the Provost Marshal and the following names drawn: Elbridge II. Rackliff, George W. Johnson, Atwood Morse and William Cornforth, Jr. On pre- senting themselves before the examining board, Elbridge H. Rackliff, the first drawn, was accepted, and George W. Johnson exempted, by reason of physical disability. Atwood Morse, the third person drawn, was accepted, which made up the deficiency. The selectmen paid these two drafted men the same bounty as the town had voted to pay for enlistments. Their authority so to do was subsequently questioned, but their doings were promptly ratified by the town at a meeting held at the Centre Meeting-House, Jan. 4, 1865. As a draft was impending, the same meeting voted to raise $3500, to be placed in the selectmen's hands, with instructions to use it in securing enlistments on the most favorable terms possible. This sum the assessors were instructed to assess immediately and place the bills in the collector's hands. They were also instructed to pay $300 to any who would put in a substitute for three years to count on the town's quota. The meeting subsequently voted at an adjourned session, to add $150 to the $300 previously offered for substitutes. Convinced that Industry's quotas were too large, by reason of the enrollment of persons physically disqualified for military duty, the selectmen were directed to employ such measures as * Mr. [ohnson was a very successful recruiting officer, as the following enlistments copied from an autographic list abundantly proves: Adriance K. Johnson, Andrew J. Spinney, I hen Fish, George C. Emery, Reuel II. Rogers, John M. Nash, Nathan ( ;. Dyer, Albanus I). Quint, William S. Burce, Henry S. Maines, George II. Butler, John P. Butler, Addison F. Collins, James W. Collins, John F. Daggett, Henry G. Mitchell, Samuel Rackliff. Dec. II, 1863, Mr. Johnson was also deputized by the Provost Marshal General to arrest and return deserters, procure recruits, etc. EV PINTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 32 I they deemed expedient to reduce the number enrolled. They were further instructed to take men to Lewiston for examina- tion, at the town's expense, if necessary. Through the well- directed efforts of these gentlemen many names were stricken from the rolls.* About the first of July, 1864, an outbreak of small-pox occurred near West's Mills, in the town of Stark, and spread to a limited extent into the town of Industry. Through ignorance of the true character of the disease at first, it spread to a much greater extent than it otherwise would have done. There were some ten cases in both towns, but fortunately only one death occurred. This was the infant daughter of Peter W. Pinkham. Other cases were, Nellie Ellis, Betsey Pinkham, Sally Stevens, T. Gardner Daggett, J. Warren Smith, Josephine S. Viles, Benjamin Tibbets, and Silas Daggett. The suffering and want incident to camp life, especially dur- ing the winter season, early claimed the attention of friends at home and many packages, containing nice warm socks and mit- tens, were sent to the boys through the U. S. mail, while boxes containing provisions, flannel underclothing, boots and other articles of comfort and convenience were not unfrequently despatched on their errands of good cheer to the brave boys in field and camp. At times the anxiety and suspense among relatives and friends, as they watched day after day for intelligence of dear ones far away, was terrible to endure. And when at length after weary days of watching and waiting, the sad news of some dear one's death was received, how terribly rended were the heart- strings of wives, mothers, sisters and friends ! It was indeed a terrible ordeal for loving, trusting hearts. As time passed on, prices became greatly inflated. Gold was at a premium of $1.50. Wool for a short time sold at one dollar per pound, and all the necessaries of life were proportion- ally high, as the following list compiled from actual sales plainly shows : * This year (1864) by a singular coincidence the Republicans in Industry polled 94 votes at both the gubernatorial and presidential elections. 322 H/STOKV OF INDUSTRY. PRICE-CURREN1 OF GOODS "IX WAR TIMES," I rn per bushel, 2 00 Molasses, W. 1.. per gal., i oo Tea, per lb., i 50 Salt, per box of 20 lbs., 50 Sugar, White, per lb., 25 Sheeting (best cotton), per yd., 80 Print, per yd., 40 Nails, cut, per lb., 12 Salt Pork, per lb., 21 Indigo, per oz., 20 Glass, 7x9, per light, 10 Kerosene oil, per gal., 1 20 Men's boots, (thick) pair, 5 50 The drafted men of 1863 who hired substitutes, for many years made persistent and repeated efforts to recover from the town the sum such substitutes had cost them. For more than half a dozen different times the town was asked to grant this request, and on one occasion those who had paid commutation money joined in the demand. These propositions were per- emptorily dismissed without action, however, and only ceased to be made when the parties removed from town. Although large sums of money were raised, and tempting bounties offered for enlistments, the town's quota of 1865 re- mained unfilled, and again a draft became necessary. Under the President's call of March — , 1865, the town's deficiency was nine men. To secure these, sometime during the month of March, 1865, eighteen names were drawn from the enrolled militia, as follows : Augustus II. Swift. Ira Emery, Jr. Wm, M. Bryant. Win. L. Metcalf. Francis R. Merry. John S. Fassett. John Oilman. Eli N. Rackliff. Ah in S. (bay. John W. Perkins. Win. Cornforth, Jr. Caleb W. Gilmore. Daniel Gilman. Alonzo Frost. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 323 Warren Cornforth. Jeremy Bean. Daniel Brown. Charles H. B. True. The drafted men were never mustered into the service, for on the 9th of April, 1865, Lee's army surrendered, which vir- tually brought the war to a close.* Great was the rejoicing everywhere at the cessation of hostilities. Everyone's cup of joy seemed full to the brim. Day after day, as additional and more detailed reports of the closing-up of this long and sanguin- ary struggle were received, the church bell at West's Mills was rung, and in other ways was the joy of the people manifested. f FLAG-RAISINGS AT ALLEN'S AND WEST'S MILLS. The long and bloody war was near its close. Already the people, who had long and anxiously watched while the destiny of their beloved Union seemed poised and trembling in the bal- ance, began to feel that buoyancy of spirit which is but the natural reaction of the mind after any prolonged period of deep suspense. The glad tidings spread from house to house, and rejoicing was heard on every hand. An event of so great mag- nitude must necessarily be commemorated by some public dem- onstration. Consequently the citizens of Allen's Mills and vicinity decided to raise a flag in honor of the event. A paper was drawn up and subscriptions solicited by Mary G. Luce, daughter of Moses M. Luce, Esq., and in an incredibly short time a sum sufficient to purchase a beautiful banner was raised. While awaiting the arrival of their flag from Bath, Maine, where it was purchased, a large number of men and boys went to the point of land extending into Clear Water Pond, felled a tree suitable for a staff, and triumphantly dragged it across the pond on the ice to the village, where it was erected in the most * The voters of Industry seem to have had a premonition that the war was near its close, for on the clay previous to Lee's surrender they had voted to pass by the article whereby money was to be raised to pay drafted men and hire substitutes. t At Farmington the joy was turned to sadness by a fatal accident, the result of bursting a cannon while engaged in firing a salute in honor of the close of the war. At the same time several others were more or less injured. ;:] HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. commanding locality to be found. At 10 o'clock A. M., on Friday, April 14, 1S65, the new banner was for the first time hoisted to its proud position, by Misses Alar)- G. Luce and fosephine Hinkley, amid the loud cheers of the assembled multitude. Rev. A. R. Plumer, of Industry, then delivered an able address, after which a procession was formed which marched to a large hall in the starch-factory, where a sumptuous repast had been prepared by the ladies. After dinner, toasts were proposed, and responded to by Gen. Nathan Goodridge, Moses M. Luce, Esq., Isaac Webster, Edwin A. R. Rackliff and others. The exercises were enlivened by vocal music furnished by a choir consisting of some of the best talent in Franklin Count)', such as Charles S. and Lizzie (Allen) Prince, Orlando T. Good- ridge, Eliphalet Miller and others. But alas, how changed the scene in a (cw short hours ! How strikingly true are the following lines: " 'Tis the wink of an eye, 'tis the draught of breath, From the blossom <>f health to the paleness of death, From the gilded saloon to the bier anil the shroud, ( ih, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?"* Hardly had those who participated in the festivities just mentioned, returned to their homes, when President Lincoln received his death wound, at the hand of an assassin. The second time their beautiful flag was raised it was placed at half-mast, and draped with black, in honor to the martyred President. Nearly simultaneously with the movement at Allen's Mills, the people at West's Mills made preparation for the erection of a fine "liberty pole." This pole, which was of pine, was con- structed on the most modern principles, and measured seventy- two feet from its base to the truck of the top-mast. It was probably raised on the same day as the one at Allen's Mills, at which time a large concourse of people assembled at the village 1 lie poem from which this extract is made was a great favorite with President I .incoln. EVENTS FROM i860 TO 1866. 325 to witness and assist in its erection.* The raising of a pole of this height was no small task, and notwithstanding the assistance of the many willing hands, it was near sunset when the stars and stripes were raised to their lofty position. Intelligence of the assassination and death of President Lincoln reached West's Mills Saturday evening, April 15, 1865, and all day Sunday following, flags floated at half-mast and the solemn tones of the tolling church-bell were heard. Among all classes, irrespective of party affiliations, the deepest sorrow and respect for the martyred President was manifested. On the day of his burial, memorial services were held in the Union Church at West's Mills, in which many participated. The address was delivered by Rev. Charles K. Blake, pastor of the Free Will Baptist Church in Farmington. The house was well filled and the exercises solemn and impressive. The close of the war afforded the citizens of Industry an opportunity to take a retrospective view of the part the town had taken in suppressing the rebellion. This view was not altogether unpleasant. With a population of 827 in i860, the town had furnished sixty-one men for the service under the various calls. These had invariably merited the esteem of their superiors by patriotism and valor, as well as by a faithful dis- charge of their soldierly duties. Fver mindful of its obligations to these brave men, the town had always been liberal in its bounties for enlistments and also made generous provisions for the soldiers' families. The subjoined table shows the amount paid in bounties to soldiers, under the various calls : To 3 years' men of 1862, Si, 000 00 9 months' men of 1S62. I >95° °° Volunteers of 1863, 3,300 00 " 1864 and 5, 10,800 00 Drafted men entering the service, 1,200 00 Am't Contributed by individuals toward bounties, 481 00 $18,731 00 * Since the above was written it has been definitely learned that the raising occurred on Friday, April 14, 1S65. Also that the village choir was present on that occasion, and rendered several appropriate selections, greatly to the enjoyment of all present. 41 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Contributed supplies for the relief of soldiers, 950 00 Aid to soldiers' families, 2,682 49 $22,363 49 Though reimbursed for aid to soldiers' families by the Slate, the expense of enlisting men, paying commutations and hiring substitutes, must have swelled the expense of the war to the citizens of Industry to fully $25,000, this sum being nearly one- seventh of its valuation in 1 S60. CHAPTER XVIII. THE TOYS IX BLUE. Francis ( >. Bean. — Nelson ( >. Bean. — George W. Boyden. — Charles E. Burce. — James ( ). Burce. — John C. Burce. — William S. Burce. — George II. Butler. — John P. Butler. — Addison II. Chase. — Addison F.Collins. — Daniel S. Collins. — James W. Collins. — Daniel A. Conant. — John F. Daggett. — Hiram I'. Durrell. — William II. Edwards. — John 1). Elder. — Carlton P. Emery. — George C. Emery. — Zebulon M. Emery. — Calvin 1!. Fish. — Eben Fish. — Benjamin Follett. — William Q. Folsom. — William II. Frost. — John F. Gerry. — Bradford Gilmore. — Almore Haskell. — John M. Howes. — Adriance R.Johnson. — William G. Lewis. — Filield A. Luce. — John T. Luce — Henry S. Maines. — Gilbert R. Merry. — Flias Miller. — Henry (I. Mitchell.— Atwood Morse.— John M. Nash— David M. Norton.— Oliver D. Norton. — lames Pinkham. — Samuel Pinkham. — Wellington Pinkham. — Wilder Pratt. — Charles S. Prince. — Albanus D. Quint. — William L. Quint. — Edwin A. K. Rackliff.— Elbridge II. Rackliff.— John 0. Rackliff.— Samuel Rackliff.— William f. Rackliff. — Keuel H. Rogers. — Lyman M. Shorey. — Andrew J. Spinney. — John C. Spinney. — Benjamin Tibbetts. — Benjamin F. Tibbetts. — Clinton B. Webster. — David C. Whitney. — Aaron L. Williams. — George F. Williams. — 0. L. Young. FRANCIS 0. BEAN. FRANCIS O. Bean, son of John C. and Olive (Berry) Bean, came to Industry in the winter of 1862 and settled on the Ad- dison H. Chase farm. He enlisted with others, his brother among the number, the following summer, as a member of the 17th Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered into the U. S. service at Portland, August 14th, and assigned to Co. G, Capt. Edward I. Merrill. Soon after going South he was de- tailed as teamster and was with the wagon train about eighteen months. After this he was at the division headquarters in the mail department. Mr. Bean was with General Burnside during his famous mud march, and reached Gettysburg with the wagon train on the morning following the last day's battle. He 328 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. continued in the service until finally mustered out, June 4, [865. NELS< IN l I. BEAN. Nelson ( ). Bean, a brother of the forenamed Francis, had resided in Industry for sonic years prior to the breaking out of the Civil War, in the family of an elder brother. He enlisted in the 17th Maine Regiment and was mustered into the U. S. service August [8, 1862, at Portland, and assigned to Co. G. They left Portland for Washington, D. C, August 21st, where they remained doing garrison duty until the 7th of Octo- ber. Mr. Bean participated in the battle of Fredericksburg on the 1 3th of December. His regiment re-crossed the Rappahan- nock River on the 15th, and remained encamped at Falmouth, Va., until May I, 1863. The regiment was also present at the battle of Chancellorsville, engaging the enemy May 2d and 3d. On the 2d day of July they arrived at Gettysburg and engaged the enemy on that and the following day. On the 27th of No- vember Mr. Bean's regiment took a prominent part in the battle of " Orange Grove." Returning to Brandy Station on the 1st day of December, the regiment remained encamped there until the 25th of March, 1864. He also took an active part, with his regiment, in the battle of the Wilderness, on the 5 th and 6th of May. From this time to the 21st his regiment was almost con- tinually under fire. On the 23rd of May Mr. Bean's regiment joined the 5th Army Corps near North Anna River and partici- pated in a charge which resulted in driving the enemy across the river and gaining possession of the bridge. During this charge, when near the river, Mr. Bean was wounded in the left side by a minnie ball, which fractured the lower rib in two places. lie was sent first to the hospital at Washington, 1). C, and afterwards to Centre Street Hospital, Newark, New Jersey. His wound was of an extremely painful nature and very slow to heal. After a time he was removed to the U. S. General Hospital at Augusta, Maine, where, finding that the aggra- vating nature of his wound would incapacitate him for active service for a long time, he was discharged. He is now a mill operative and resides in Suncook, N. H. THE BOYS IN BLUE. 3-9 GEORGE W. BOYDEN.* George Wyatt Boyden, son of Asaph and Susan (Butler) Boyden, was born in Industry, April 10, 1833. When a young man he went to the State of New Hampshire, where he married and was living when the war broke out. Here he sub- sequently enlisted as a member of Co. F, 9th N. H. Volunteer Infantry. Near the expiration of his term of enlistment, he re-enlisted and faithfully served his country until the close of the war. The following extracts from his letters give the reader some vivid pen pictures of the ups and downs of army life : Fort Alexander Haves, Va., Dec. 23, 1864. Dear Father and Mother: The box you sent me arrived here to-day, after being twenty-three days on the road. Everything in it was good and in good order except the pie, which was a little mouldy on the under side, but not enough to hurt it for army eating. The cake is first rate, as good as I ever ate, so are the doughnuts and dried apple, sausages and butter. 1 shall have some good apple-sauce as soon as I can stew the apple, bread, butter and apple-sauce on a private soldier's plate in this army, well I never ! never!! The towel was very acceptable, and I will try and keep it as long as I can. I hardly know how to thank you for your kindness in sending me so much good food. I told my three tent- mates, when the box came, I did not deserve it but mother would no doubt sleep better if she knew I had received it, and that I would write as soon as my day's work was done and let her know it had come. You can hardly conceive the satisfaction of us poor soldiers when we get anything from home. Men who would take no notice of such matters at home will flock around and say : " Did you get a box? Did you get a box?" I tell you they always bring with them memories sweet of " childhood's sunny hours," of a time when we had no fears oi war taking us away from the homes we so dearly love. My boyhood home and its scenes, among the hills of Maine, are still as fresh in my memory as if I had only just left it, but time tells me it is nearly fifteen years. "'Thus with the year seasons return," and each brings its hopes and tears, its joys and sorrows, sunshine and shade. I had a pleasant * Though this name docs nut properly belong to the list of Industry soldiers, the writer has inserted it in order to afford his readers the opportunity of perusing some very interesting war correspondence. 330 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. home till this war took me away from it. and I have it now — " 'tis home where the heart is." but the pleasing memories are all of the past, while the present is only made bearable by the good wishes and kind deeds of friends at home, sweet home. Still having faith in the future because of my good luck in the past, 1 hope again to he at home with wifi'. hoy. father, mother, sisters and brother, and remember only that which is pleasant and forget that a bloody war ever called me away. But should I be among the host that is now and will be left here, only to be remembered by friends at home, if these friends can truthfully say, •' He has done his duty to his country," it is all 1 ask. But I hope- to live to see this rebellion brought to an end at no very distant day. rhe rebels must soon give it up entirely, come back to the Union they should never have left, and by good behavior in the future atone for their sins political of the past, so that we may sit in the shade of the outstretched arms of our worthy Uncle Samuel, and sing " Hail Colum- bia " till our children and children's children are — are— are old enough to sing it for us. " So mote it be" Although the soldier's life was characterized by many hard- ships, and although disease and death were constantly thinning their ranks, yet, amid all these vicissitudes of war, "the boys" found some pleasantries — "Some sugar in the cane" — as the following anecdote related by Mr. Boyden goes to prove: " At one time we had to cut a great deal of cord-wood, and com- panies were detailed for that purpose. In our company was one James Carlton, who had won the sobriquet of ' Truthful Jeemes,' as he was the soul of honor and did not look like a liar. He was the fastest chopper in the whole army, and we often tried to get a bet up on the amount of wood he could chop in a day, he to cut the trees, cut, split and pile up the wood. With all our persuasion he would not consent, as he would not be a party to any gambling scheme. We urged, argued and tried to persuade, all to no purpose, except to arouse his own curiosity as to how much wood he really could cut. To put the matter to test he took his axe, slipped away out of camp one morning when we were off duty, ami went to chopping by himself. lie chopped until about three o'clock in the afternoon, when he looked around and decided he had as much cut as he could pile before sunset. He piled it up and THE BOYS IN BLUE. 331 found he had only fifty-three cords, which, lie said, disappointed him. He went back to where he began work in the morning, and following up his work, discovered by appearances, that his axe must have flew off of the handle about eleven o'clock in the forenoon and he had been chopping with the handle the rest of the day. This is his story just as he told it to me, and he made me promise not to add anything that would make a lie of it. He also expressed much regret that he did not yet know how much wood he could cut in a day." CHARLES E. BURCE. Charles Edward Burce, son of Silas and Rachel (Oliver) Burce, enlisted as a private in Co. II, 14th Maine Regiment, Vol- unteer Infantry, and was mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 14, 1 86 1. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, Battalion, 14th Regiment, Infantry. Mustered out at Darien, Ga., Aug. 28, 1865. Resides at Porter's Mills, Wisconsin, where he is engaged in farming. JAMES o. BURCE. James Oliver Burce, son of Silas and Rachel (Oliver) Burce, enlisted at the age of sixteen years as a private in Co. H, 14th Maine Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 14, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864. Pro- moted to musician. Taken prisoner at the battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864. Confined in Salisbury and other rebel prisons. Discharged for disability July 8, 1865. He is a farmer and re- sides at Porter's Mills, Eau Claire Co., Wisconsin. JOHN C. BURCE. Among the man)- brave men who served their country faith- fully and well, in the war between the States, not one can lax- claim to a more brilliant and honorable record than he whose name stands at the head of this sketch. Enlisting near the breaking out of the war, he gave to his country nearly three and one-half of the best years of his life, and in his death left behind a record to which relatives and friends alike point with pride. 3 3 1 HISTORY (>/' INDUSTRY. John Calvin Burce, son of Silas and Rachel (Oliver) Burce, was born in Stark, Maine, in [834. lie first enlisted for three months as a member of the 3d Regiment, Maine Volunteer In- fantry, and was mustered into the U. S. service June 4, 1861, as- signed to Co. F, and was immediately appointed corporal. On the 5 ih the regiment left Augusta for Washington, D. C, and on their arrival went into camp on Meridian Hill. Crossing the Potomac River July 6th, they entered Virginia and remained in the vicinity of Alexandria until the 15th of July, when Mr. Burce was discharged for re-enlistment and returned to Maine on a furlough. On the 22d of September, 1861, he was mustered in as a private in Co. D, 9th Regiment, Maine Veteran Infantry. The regiment started on the 24th for Fortress Monroe; here the)- joined a portion of General Sherman's expedition for the capture of Port Royal, S. C. The expedition sailed from Fortress Monroe October 29th, and on November 8th landed at Hilton Head. Remaining in that vicinity until Feb. 21, 1862, the regi- ment formed a part of the expedition which captured Fernan- dina, Fla., the 9th Maine being the first regiment to land from the transports on the occupation of the town by the Union forces. It is impossible within the limits of this brief sketch to fol low Mr. Puree through his long and honorable career as a soldier, or even mention all the engagements in which his regiment par- ticipated. Put the part they bore in the capture of Morris Island is bright on history's page, as well as their determined bravery at Port Wagner, where, in an assault, the)- only retreated when ordered so to do, after other regiments had fallen back and they alone confronted the enemy. In December, 1863, he re-enlisted and was mustered into the service on the 12th day of that month, and later returned to Maine on a thirty-days' furlough. While at home he married (published March 2, 1864) Ada II. Andrews, daughter of Levi and Lydia (Hurd) Andrews of Anson. Returning to the front he rejoined his regiment on the 28th of March. They engaged the enemy at Walthall Junction May 7th, and at Dairy's Bluff on the 17th of the same month. The)' THE BOYS IN BLUE. 333 also fought the enemy at Bermuda Hundred and Cold Harbor, and likewise participated in the siege of Petersburg. The following October he was taken ill, and died at White Hall Hos- pital, Philadelphia, Oct. 18,* 1864, aged 30 years. WILLIAM S. BURCE. Willliam Stacy Puree, son of Silas and Rachel (Oliver) Burce, enlisted as a member of Co. F, 14th Regiment, Maine Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered into the service March 30, f 1864. Transferred to Co. B, June 18, 1864, and on muster- ing out the original members he was assigned to the 14th Battalion, Co. C. The 14th Battalion was subsequently increased to a full regiment by the addition of certain companies of unassigned infantry. Mustered out at Darien, Ga., Aug. 28, 1865. Mr. Burce was in Minnesota at last accounts. GEORGE II. BUTLER. George Halser Butler, son of Peter W. and Mary E. (Rob- inson) Butler, was born in Industry Jan. 6, 1833. He married, Jan. 21, 1858, Catherine Nichols, daughter of Aholiab and Elmeda (Mcsser) Nichols, by whom he had three children. Early in the fall of 1864 he enlisted for one year in the first company Unassigned Infantry, Capt. Edward S. Butler. He was mustered into the service Sept. 16, 1864. The company immediately after its organization left for the front, and was assigned to the 29th Regiment as Co. A. Joining the regiment October 1 8th, he participated in the battle of Cedar Creek on the following day. During this engagement he received a severe bullet wound in the shoulder. He was conveyed to the hospital at Winchester, Va., where he died Nov. 9, 1864. JOHN r. BUTLER. John Perham Butler, also a son of Peter W. and Mary E (Robinson) Butler, enlisted about the same time and in the * Adjutant ( ieneral's Report. A headstone erected to his memory in the cemetery near West's Mills gives the date October 23th t Another record has the date March 24th. 42 334 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. same company as his brother George. When the company went South he was left sick at Augusta, and was not able to join his regiment for some time. Nothing is definitely known respecting his service in the field, lie subsequently learned the trade of a watchmaker and jeweler. Died of consumption, in Industry, April [6, 1S71, aged 28 years and 6 days. ADDISON" H. CHASE. Addison Hayes Chase, son of Thomas and Phebe (Hatha- way) Chase, was born in Livermore, Maine, April 4, [826. His father was a soldier in the 18 12 War. His grandfather, also named Thomas, was a gunner on board the "Alliance," and participated in the fight with the English "Serapis." On the 1st day of January, I 850, he married Harriet C. Bean, daughter of Jeremy and Miriam (Currier) Bean, of Jay, and on the 13th of April, 1855, he removed with his family to Industry and settled Near Tibbetts's Corner on the farm now (1S92) occupied by Arthur W. Hawes. Here he was living when the War of the Rebellion broke out. On Dec. 2, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Co. E, 13th Maine Regiment, Volun- teer Infantry, and was mustered into the service at Augusta, Me., Dec. 10, 1861. His company left Augusta, Feb. 18, 1862, and arrived in Boston on the same day. Two days later Mr. Chase and his comrades embarked for Ship Island, Miss., via Fortress Monroe. Owing to various hindrances, the company did not reach its destination till March 20th. He remained on the Island doing camp, guard and laborious fatigue duty until Jul\- 1 ith, when they left the Island, made a brief stop at New Orleans, and arrived at Fort St. Philip on the 15th. Here the subject of this sketch remained until he sickened and died, Oct. 28, 1862, aged 36 years, 6 months and 24 days. ADDISON F. COLLINS. Addison Franklin Collins, son of Eben G. and Cordelia (Howes) Collins, was born in Industry, June 4, 1847. At the age of seventeen years he enlisted in Co. A, 29th Regi- ment, Volunteer Infantry, Capt. Edward S. Butler, and was THE BOYS IN BLUE. 335 mustered in Sept. 1 6, 1864. Going South with his company, he participated in all its movements, including the battle of Cedar Creek, etc. He was mustered out of the service June 5, 1865, some two months after the close of the war. Resides in New Sharon, Me. DANIEL S. COLLINS. Daniel Saunders Collins, son of Daniel, Jr., and Harriet (Knowlton) Collins, was born in Industry, April 23, 1834. When about fifteen years of age, he went to live with a maternal aunt who resided in Belfast, Me A year later he entered the office of The State Signal, a newspaper published in that city, where he served the usual apprenticeship, and afterwards worked on that paper, as a journeyman printer, some two years. He next worked in Bangor, Me., and also in Bos- ton for a short time. He enlisted under the President's call for men to serve nine months, and was mustered into the U. S. service Oct. 10, 1862, as a private in Co. B, 22d Regiment, Volunteer Infantry. He served his full term of enlistment and was mustered out Aug. 14, 1863. He next enlisted as a private in Co. A, State Guards Infantry, to serve sixty days. He was mustered into the service July 7, 1864, and stationed at Fort McClary, in Maine. On the expiration of his term of service, Sept. 8, 1864, he was discharged and returned to his native- town. Shortly after this he again enlisted as a member of the 1st Maine Regiment, Sharpshooters, then being organized, and was mustered into the service Nov. 28, 1864, and assigned to Co. E, with the rank of corporal. His company was rendez- voused at Camp Coburn, Augusta, Me. The company left Augusta, for Galloupe's Island, Dec. 7, 1864. They were ordered from thence to City Point, Va., Jan. 1, 1865, and arrived there on the 5th. June 21st Mr. Collins's Company was consolidated with the 20th Maine Regiment, Infantry, where he was also promoted to the rank of corporal in Co. E. July 16, 1865, he was mustered out and discharged, at Washington, D. C, and immediately returned to his native State. He died in Middleborough, Mass., Oct. 20, 1885. 336 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. JAMES W . < < »LLINS. James Warren Collins, son of George and Mary A. (Nor- cross) Collins, was horn in Industry, Nov. 3, 1825. On the breaking out ol the war he was living on a small farm near Goodridge's Corner in Industry. He enlisted as a member of Co. A, 28th Maine Regiment, Infantry, and was mustered into the U. S. service Sept. 16, [864. He was wounded in the battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864. Discharged in 1865. He died in Brunswick, Maine. DANIEL A. CONANT. Daniel A. Conant was a resident of Temple, Me., when the war broke out. He enlisted as a substitute for Samuel H. Nor- ton of Industry, and consequently counted on that town's quota. He was mustered into the service at Portland, Me., August 18, [862, as a member of Co. G, 17th Maine Regiment, Volunteer Infantry. Taken prisoner at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Exchanged. Mustered out June 4, 1865. JOHN F. DAGGETT. John bred Daggett, son of John A. and «Cynthia P. (Fur- bush) Daggett, enlisted for one year in the first Company of Unassigned Infantry, Capt. Edward S. Butler, and was mustered into the U. S. service Sept. 16, 1864, at Augusta, Maine. Remaining at this place but a few days they went to Portland, and from thence to Washington, I). C. Here the company en- camped one night, when it was ordered to Harper's Ferry, Va. ( )n their way thither they stopped over night in Philadelphia. Reaching Winchester they went into camp with the 29th Maine, acting with them in their various movements until Oct. 18, 1864, when Company A was discharged, its term of service having expired, and Mr. Daggett's company was assigned to the regiment to till the vacancy. Prior to this date Mr. Daggett participated in the engagement of Fisher's Hill, — this was his first experience vi~ being under tire. lie took an active part in the battle of Cedar Creek, October 19th, his company's casualties being twenty-six in killed, wounded and missing. On the even- THE BOYS IN BLUE. 337 ing following the battle, while engaged in removing the wounded from the field, the subject of this sketch was run over by an empty ambulance wagon driven at a furious speed; by this accident he was forced to remain in the hospital five weeks. Reported to his company while it was stationed at Newtown, and was detailed for safe guard duty, continuing to act in that capacity for nearly a month. During the remainder of the winter Mr. Daggett's company was engaged in special service. Breaking camp at their winter quarters they marched down the Shen- andoah Valley, and while waiting for orders at Winchester, news of the fall of Richmond reached them. From this date to June 5, 1865, they were engaged in various light guard duties, at which time the company was mustered out of the service and discharged at Washington, D. C. Mr. Daggett resides in New Sharon, Me., and has for many years been engaged in selling fruit trees, etc. HIRAM P. DURRELL.* Hiram P. Durrell, son of John G. and Hannah (Parent) Durrell, was born in Hodgdon, Me., June 23, 1832. In 1849, when seventeen years old, he came to Industry and for a time hired with Rufus Jennings, alternating his time between farming and clerking in his employer's store. He married (published Sept. 28, 1850) Lucy A. W. Brewster, daughter of Daniel W. and Mercy (Hanson) Brewster of Carratunk, Me., and had the following children born in Industry, viz.: Hiram L., born April 24, 1 85 1 ; died in Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 12, 1878. Ellen L., born Sept. 12, 1853; died, in Industry, Aug. 28, 1857. Wesley G., born June 29, 1855. Will H., born Dec. 28, 1858, married Capitola Daggett, of Industry. Hattie Estmer, born May 11, 1861 ; died in Lawrence, Mass., Nov. 20, 1880. On the 10th day of September, 1862, he enlisted as a member of Co. K, 24th Regiment, Maine Infantry, and was mustered into the service at Augusta on the 13th of the follow- ing month. While the company was stationed at East New York, Mr. Durrell had the misfortune to break his ankle and was *This name appears among the intentions of marriage as Hiram D. P. Durrell. 5 5 8 HISTt )R ) " ( >/■ INDl r STR Y. discharged Dec. ii, [862. He now resides in Freeman, Me., where he is engaged in farming. I lis wife, born in Carratunk, Me., July 3, [832, died in Boston June 4, 1879, and he has since re-married.* WILLIAM II. EDWARDS. William Harvey Edwards, son of Bryce S. and Abigail (Flood) Edwards, was born in Industry, Nov. 28, 1842. He was brought up as a farmer's son. He enlisted as a private in the 24th Maine Regiment, Infantry, Sept. 2, 1862, and on the 10th day of the same month was mustered into the service and assigned to Co. H. Dec. 31, 1862, he was promoted to First Sergeant, in which capacity he served until June 13, 1863 ; promoted to Second Lieutenant,! while at Port Hudson, Louisiana; mustered out at Augusta, Me., by reason of expira- tion of his term of enlistment, Aug. 25, 1863. He is now a physician and resides in Houtzdale, Penn. JOHN D. ELDER. John Daggett Elder, son of Isaac and Sally (Daggett) Elder, was born in New Vineyard, Me., Nov. 10, 1842. Studi- ously inclined, he acquired during his youth a good education, considering his advantages. In February, 1862, he enlisted as a recruit for the 9th Maine Regiment, and was mustered into the U. S. service March 3d, and assigned to Co. I. He remained at Augusta, Me., until May 23d, when, with others, lie took the cars for Boston. On their arrival at that place the ladies had an excellent supper in waiting for them, after which, they continued their journey to New York, where they arrived at five o'clock on the morning of the 24th, having been twenty- four hours on the way from Augusta. After a few days spent Nathan <;. Dyer, of the 19th Company, Lnassigned Infantry, who enlisted and was mustered into the I . S, service at Augusta, Me., March 21, 1865, was undoubtedly an Industry recruit (see note, p. 320) although credited to the town of Bradford in the Adjutant General's Report. In consequence of the close of the war, Mr. Dyer never Kit Augusta, hut was mustered out May 23, 1865, and soon after discharged, t Adjutant General's Report says, July 23, 1863. IM^/tasz^^^ 1 VSO&L^J&ZO Engraved by Geo. E.Johnson, Boston. From a photograph made in 1SS7. THE BOYS IN J! IMF,. 339 in New York, Mr. Elder with his comrades embarked on board a transport for Hilton Head, S. C, where they arrived on the 8th of June. During this voyage Mr. Elder suffered severely from sea-sickness. On the following clay they embarked for Fernandina, Florida, where they arrived June 15, 1862. In a letter to his father dated July 18, 1862, he says: " I was on guard last night and the mosquitoes were as thick as you ever saw them, and they were nearly as large as wasps. The rebels came in with a Hag of truce yesterday, and told us that General Mc- Clellan had been whipped before Richmond and that General Fre- mont's army had been all cut up ; and gave us three days to leave the Island, — but they have got to come and take it before we shall leave. Last night we got news from New York that Richmond was taken. The company to which I belong is called the Bangor Tigers. The average weight of the men is 1S0 pounds ; average height 5 feet 1 1 inches." In speaking of the fight of James Island, before Charleston, he wrote : "It was a shocking sight, after a battle, to see five hundred poor fellows wounded and mangled in every conceivable manner, as I did. Provisions are very high here ; butter is worth fifty cents per pound ; cheese, 25 cents ; molasses one dollar and fifty cents a gallon, and tobacco one dollar and fifty cents per pound." During the summer the duties of the soldiers were very light. They were required to keep their equipments in order, and drill four hours a da)', with an occasional turn on guard. Many families fled from their homes when the Union forces occupied the place, and in these the soldiers were quartered instead of in the usual tents or barracks. In a letter dated at Fernandina, Florida, Sept. 25, 1862, he wrote: " We have had one fight since my last letter was written. The ( 'olonel sent our company and about twenty men from Co. A, up about twenty- five miles into Georgia, to capture a band of guerrillas. We went in boats and arrived at our destination about three o'clock in the morning. Landing as still as we could, we crept up to surround the house in which the uuerrillas were rendezvoused. When we were within a lew 340 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. rods o( the house their dogs gave the alarm and they commenced to fire on us with their double-barrelled shot-guns, loaded with buck-shot, and we replied with ounce slugs from our rifled muskets. Finding that we were making it too warm for them, they ran, leaving four of their comrades dead, five wounded and two made prisoners. Besides the prisoners, we captured a large number of Sharpe's rifles and revolvers. ( >ne of the best men in our company was killed. I am afraid it will be hard work to conquer the South, for they light just as our forefathers did in the Revolution." Five days later he writes : "We went down to Pine Island, yesterday, in the steamer' Darlington,' which ran on to a sand-bar, and we had to keep the pumps going all night to keep from sinking, but at last we got her off and got back. 1 have got one of the nicest sih er-mounted double-barrelled shot-guns, which I captured from a rebel, that you ever saw. He said it cost him sixty dollars, and I had to threaten to shoot him before I got it. I will send father a piece of the telegraph wire which ran under water from Savannah to fort Pulaski.* When the Union forces captured the fort they took up as much of the wire as they could without ex- posing themselves to the rebels." Writing from the same place (Fernandina, Fla.) on the 10th of November, 1862, Mr. Elder says: "We have had quite a fight. Two companies, A and I. with a gun boat, went up and took St. Mary's and burned the place to ashes. I went on shore with the captain to get some furniture. I got about eighty dollars' worth, nice for my own quarters, besides a piano worth five or six hundred dollars, for the captain, and a looking-glass six feet tall by four wide for the colonel. William W. bunt, a deserter from our company, has been returned and will be shot on the first day of December. This is the second person who has been executed for desertion since the war begun." From an account of the execution sent his parents, we give the following extract: "The condemned man's real name was Albert, though it appears on the muster rolls as William. He was nearly 22 years of age, and was "This wire, or rather cable, consisted "f a single line copper wire, insulated in a resinous substance. In size il was about as large as an ordinary pipe-stem. THE BOYS IN BLUE. 34 1 born in Hampden, Maine, of respectable parents. In early youth he became restive under parental restraint, and ran off with a circus com- pany, with which he continued some six years. He was of remarkable physique, being more than six feet in height and of a frame propor- tionally large and muscular. At half-past ten o'clock the prisoner was brought from his tent, and approached the wagon between a guard of two men, with side arms. He was habited in the usual blue army over- coat and wore a black felt hat. He still retained his almost stoical firmness of manner ; not a muscle of his features moved, nor a limb trembled, as he entered the wagon and seated himself on the coffin so soon to contain his mortal remains. The wagon was guarded by the squad of men who were selected as the firing party, under Captain Eddy, and was preceded by an escort of forty men from the 47th New York Volunteers. Chaplains Butts of the 47th New York and Hill of the 3d New Hampshire, who acted as his spiritual attendants, followed im- mediately in the rear — together with those of the medical department who were to assist in the proceedings, all mounted. The solemn procession moved forward to the sound of muffled drums — the escort with shoul- dered arms and the guard with arms reversed. Nothing was neglected which could add to the solemnity of the occasion. Throughout the march the prisoner sat upon his coffin, almost without motion, his head resting upon his hand — no moisture on his brow, no tear bedewed his cheek, his whole manner betokened perfect calmness and resignation. The spot selected for the scene of the execution was without the en- trenchments and opposite the southern sallyport. Here the entire regiments of the command were drawn up to witness the tragic scene, formed in three sides of a hollow square. Near the centre of the square was stationed General Terry and his staff, with several promi- nent officers. The procession halted directly opposite the general and his staff, and the condemned man alighted without assistance. The coffin was taken out and placed beside him, and his sentence was then read to him in a clear and distinct voice by Lieutenant Gallaer, Adju- tant of the Provost Marshal's force, to which he listened without manifesting the slightest emotion. After the reading of the sentence, Major Van Brunt addressed a few words to him to the effect that his sentence was about to be carried out, and if he desired to make any remarks he was at liberty to do so. At the invitation the prisoner arose and in a calm voice said : 'Fellow soldiers, I want you to take warning by me and seek salvation from the Lord before it is too late. I am not guilty of the crime for which I have been condemned to death.' " Having made these few remarks he was divested of his outer cloth- 43 342 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ing, and in his shirt sleeves, required to kneel upon his coffin. In this position his (.-yes were bandaged with a white cloth, and the squad of twelve men were silently motioned to take their position directly in front of him at twenty paces distance, at the same time preparing to aim. Everything was now ready, and Chaplains Butts and Hall both went to the prisoner to receive his parting words. He expressed him- self as perfectly resinned to his fate and ready and willing to die. The chaplains having retired, Major Van Brunl shook the prisoner by the hand and. after bidding him farewell, stepped a few paces hack, and with a wave of his handkerchief, announced that the fatal moment had come. With a motion of his sword Captain Eddy commanded his men to the position of 'Ready, aim,' and instantly uttering the word 'fire.' there followed a Hash and loud report, and at the same moment the wretched man fell forward, pierced with nine halls. One cap exploded and the piece missed fire ; one shot failed to take effect, and tin- twelfth musket contained a blank cartridge. Thus ended the second execution of the kind which has taken place in our army since the com- mencement of the war." On the 17th of January, 1863, the regiment returned to Hilton Head, S. C. Soon after this Mr. Elder was detailed as hospital nurse, in the General Hospital at that place. Speak- ing of the bombardment of Charleston, to which he was an eye- witness, after his return to Hilton Head, he says: " It was the most terrific cannonading" I ever witnessed. It was one con- tinuous sheet of flame from Fort Moultrie and Batten - Bee." He continued as hospital nurse until the month of May, when he was stricken with fever and ague and afterward with typhoid fever, which resulted in his death June 5, 1863. Mr. Elder was a young man of good habits, a dutiful son and a brave soldier. His conduct while in the arm}-, won both the respect of his comrades and esteem of his superiors, and his early death was mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaint- ances. CARLT( >N I'. EMERY. Carlton Parker Emery, son of Josiah and Hannah C. (Man- ter) Emery, was born in New Vineyard, Ale., Feb. 13, 1844. Enlisted as a recruit for Co. L, 1st Maine Regiment, Cav- alry, and was mustered into the service Dec. 28, 1 863. Promoted THE BOYS IN BLUE. 343 to sergeant near the close of his term of service. Mustered out Aug. i, [865. He was subsequently killed in a billiard saloon in one of the Western States. GEORGE C. EMERY. George Cornforth Emery, brother of the foregoing, was born in New Vineyard, Me., December 23, 1848. At the age of fif- teen he enlisted as a recruit for Co. L, 1st Maine Regiment, Cavalry, and was mustered into the service Dec. 26, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 1, 1865. ZEBULON M. EMERY. Zebulon Manter Emery, son of Josiah and Hannah C. (Man- ter) Emery, was born in New Vineyard, Dec. 20,* 1838. Though a native of New Vineyard he had for some years prior to the war been a resident of Industry. He enlisted in the fall of 1861 as a member of Co. L, 1st Maine Regiment, Cavalry, and was mustered into the service at Augusta, Me., Nov. 1, 1861, and immediately appointed corporal. He was discharged for disability Feb. 1 1, 1862, before the regiment left Augusta. He subsequently married, Nov. — , 1862, Ann H. Johnson, daughter of Henry and Catherine (Sullivan) Johnson of Industry, and soon after went to the newly-settled Territory of Nebraska and engaged in stage-coaching. Illustrative of his coolness and bravery the following anecdote is related in the " History of Nebraska :" This young man was one of the most fearless, kind-hearted and gen- erous young men that ever braved the dangers of frontier life. In 1864 he was stage-driver along the St. Joe and Denver route. In August of that year occurred the great Indian raid, when so many settlers lost al! their property and a great many their lives. There were nine in his coach, seven gentlemen and two ladies. Although exceedingly danger- ous, he offered to drive to Liberty farm, where his brother, Calvin N. Emery, lived. The morning of August 9th. 1S64, was a most delightful one. The sky was clear, and a cool breeze came from the Northwest. The coach left the station of Big Sandy, with its freight of human lives, * December 10, New Vineyard Town Records. 344 HISTORY OF TNDUSTRY. drawn by four large and mettled steeds, in which the driver had un- bounded confidence and over them perfect control. The journey was without a< cident or unusual incident until about eleven o'cock ; up to that time no signs of Indians had been seen, but just as the lead horses had passed over the hill and on a spur that led into the "bottom land" or valley, (this was narrow and bordered on either side by deep ravines worn by die water) just as the coach had commenced the descent the driver discovered a band of Indians about thirty rods in advance, lie wheeled his horses in an instant (two rods further on he could not have accomplished the turning) and laying the whip to their backs he com- menced an impetuous retreat. The passengers were terrified and were at once all on their feet. Emery said. " if you value your lives for God's sake keep your scat-*, or we are lost." The Indians, about fifty in num- ber, gave chase with their terrifying yell, and for about three miles, whi< h were accomplished in about twelve minutes, pursued and pursuers made the most desperate efforts at speed. The savage yells of those blood thirsty villains and the wails of despair of the men and women in the coach are past the power of pen to describe. Hut to die glory of the driver, lie it said, he was the only steady-nerved and unexcited person in this memorable chase. The coach bristled with arrows "like quills upon the fretful porcupine." They grazed young Emery on every side, but the young man heeded nothing but his driving. There were two points at which all would have been lost but for the driver's wonderful presence of mind. These were two abrupt turns in the road, where the coach would have been thrown over, had he not brought the team to a halt and turned with care. But this he did, greatly to the dismay of some of the passengers who saw escape only in speed. Hut their sub- sequent praise of his conduct was as great as his courage had been cool and calculating. George Constable, who was conducting an ox-team over the route, saw the coach about a mile ahead and at once corralled his twenty-five wagons. The brave driver drove his nine passengers into their shelter in safety. Words could not express the gratitude felt by the passengers to their hero and deliverer. In the delirium of their delight they em braced and kissed him, and thanked God that he held the lines, and that they were in a position where the)- could not interfere. And the noble steeds were not forgotten ; the passengers patted them and cast their arms about their necks with feelings of grateful emotion. This memor- able drive would never be forgotten if not recorded here; for the story would be handed down to posterity by the survivors of the saved. The hero of that day's chase won not his best laurels in that hour, THE BOYS IN BLUE. U5 for wherever he was known his gentle manners and kind deeds won for him a welcome in every home, and wheresoever known, there were his praises heard. Devoid of boastful pretense, he wore meekly his well- deserved honors — silently carried a hero's heart. His health was frail, and in about one year from that, day he was prostrated with fever, and while on his death-bed, yet still conscious, Mrs. Randolph, one of the number he had saved from a horrible death, placed upon his linger a beautiful ring on which was engraved the following : " E. Umphey, G. E. Randolph and Hattie P. Randolph, to Z. M. Emery, in acknowl- edgement of what we owe to his cool conduct on Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1864." Oh, how this must have eased his pillow of pain, for soon after this he passed away from these scenes of warfare to the silent and peaceful realm of the dead. The doctor who attended him in his last hours eulogized him as a silent hero and as, all in all, one of the noblest of mankind — God's nobleman. CALVIN P.. FISH. Calvin Bryant Fish, son of Elisha and Mary (Robinson) Fish, enlisted as a member of Co. G., 9th Maine Regi- ment, in September, 1861, and was mustered into the U. S. service on the 22d of that month. Two days later the regi- ment left Augusta and reached Fortress Monroe in season to join General Sherman's expedition for the capture of Port Royal, S. C. Writing home from this place, October 13th, he says: "We were on the boat twenty days and in the steerage at that." Their rations during this time were scant in quantity and poor in quality. When off Cape Hatteras the fleet experienced rough weather and some of the vessels were badly damaged. In the gulf stream they encountered a storm which lasted for eighteen hours, during which two of their fleet was lost. Mr. Fish and his comrades were in an unseaworthy craft, which, although it got badly racked, carried them safely through the storm. As the fleet neared Port Royal, five rebel gunboats opened fire on the fleet but were soon driven back to the pro- tection of the guns of the land batteries. Two days later, after five hours of bombardment, in which the whole fleet of forty- six vessels participated, the troops landed and took possession $46 HISTt >R ) ' OF IND L T S I R J '. of the place.* Here Mr. Fish remained for some time and assisted in building the fortifications and government store- houses at that place. From Hilton Head he went to Warsaw Island, Feb. 7, [862, and on the 21st joined in the expe- dition for the capture of Fernandina, Florida, where he remained for ten months after the fall of that place. Writing home of his experiences on the sea, he says: "When yon have been put in the hold of a steamer in company with a thousand soldiers, with the mud half way to your knees, with water to drink, the stench of which is enough to make you vomit and have to cat boiled pork swimming in cold fat with hard bread, and not half enough of that, you may have seen hard times." Returning to Hilton Head, in January, 1863, he was engaged in doing out-post duty until June 24th, when his regiment moved to St. Helena Island! to form part of a column then organizing under Gen. George C. Strong to assault Morris Island. Mr. Fish participated in a charge upon the enemy's rifle-pits on Morris Island July iotli, and on Fort Wagner on the follow- ing day. In a subsequent charge, on the 1 8th of July, the 9th Maine also held an important position in the assaulting column. On the 1st of August Mr. Fish had an attack of sunstroke, which disqualified him for duty for a considerable length of * In a subsequent letter, dated at Hilton Head, S. C, Dec. 5, 1801, he says, referring to this voyage : "We had a hard time getting down here; it was terrible rough and nearly all our regiment were seasick. To us was accorded the dangerous honor of being the second regiment to land on Port Royal Island when it was captured. We effected a landing in the night and lay down on the sand for a little rest. As the night was quite cold it about used the boys up. We have lost twenty- tun men thus far, but I am as tough as a knot." t From there he wrote as a bit of news, June 23, 1 S6 j : "On the 17th inst. the rebel ram, ' lingal', came down the Savannah River, evidently with the intention of capturing one of our monitors and destroying our blockading fleet. Her plans were frustrated and she herself captured. The monitor tired live shots, four of which went clear through the ' Fingal'. The tirst one struck the pilot house, killing the captain and the man a' the wheel. There were sixteen killed and wounded and 165 prisoners. She is a formidable Looking craft, I can tell you, and has caused much anxiety among our fleet." THE BOYS IN BLUE. 347 time.* In January, 1864, he re-enlisted and was granted a furlough with the others of his company who had likewise re-enlisted. On his return to Washington the ship on which he took passage encountered a three days' storm, which gave them a pretty thorough shaking up. On the 28th of April he rejoined his regiment at Gloucester Point, Va. On the 4th of May his regiment sailed up the James River and disembarked at Bermuda Landing on the following day. On the 7th his regiment engaged the enemy at Walthall Junction. On the 15th they marched to Drury's Bluff and engaged the enemy at that place on the 17th. After again engaging the enemy at Bermuda Hundred on the 20th, and at Cold Harbor, June 1st, they arrived in front of Petersburg on the 23d and engaged the enemy on the 30th, and was with the regiment in all its opera- tions around Petersburg. In a letter dated before Petersburg Jul) 7 13, 1864, he writes: "We hear little except the continual crack of the sharpshooter's rifle and the incessant boom of cannon. The two contending armies are within five hundred yards of each other, and on some parts of the line they talk together. But on our front if a man, on either side, shows his head above the hreast-works he gets it hurt. We lav in a line of battle all the time, and have done so ever since we commenced this campaign, our only protection from the weather being a small shelter tent about five feet square. It is hard work this hot weather, I assure you. The shoes we get here are very poor, indeed ; they will not last over six weeks, with careful usage, and cost us $2.50 per pair." During the entire summer's campaign the duties were of an extremely fatiguing nature, and to use Mr. Fish's own language: "It has been fight and dig, dig and fight, ever since this cam- paign commenced." After engaging the enemy before Peters- burg, July 30th, and at Deep Bottom on the 1 6th and 1 Sth of August, they returned to Petersburg on the 20th and there * During this time occurred the bombardment of Fort Sumter, by the Federal gun-boats, of which he thus writes: "Nov. 2, 1863. They are pelting away at Sumter. Have been at it a week to-day, ami it has been one continuous roar night and day. The fort looks like a loose pile of brick, and ere this reaches you, it will be in our possession." 348 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. remained on duty in the trenches until September 28th, when they were ordered to Chapin's Farm. Here on the following day they formed a part of the forces which made the assault on Fort Gilmore. During this engagement Mr. Fish was wounded in the side by a fragment of a shell ; and in the left foot by a minnie-ball, which cut the sole of his shoe completely in two. He was conveyed to Hampton Hospital, near Fortress Monroe, where he slowly recovered from the effects of his wounds. Of him, Lieut. Bradley Smith writes: "I am glad to be able to state at no time during my knowledge of him, from September, 1 86 1, to November, 1864, did I ever consider him to merit less than this endorsement, viz. : One of the bravest and best soldiers in the company." During the war he served three years and two months, and participated in seventeen battles and skirmishes. EBEN FISH. Eben Fish, son of Elisha and Mary (Robinson) Fish, was born in Stark, Somerset Co., Me., Nov. 29, 1844. During his boyhood his life was spent much the same as that of other farmers' sons. Previous to the breaking out of the war his father moved to Industry; and in the fall of 1863 he enlisted as a recruit for the 9th Maine Regiment. He was mustered into the U. S. service, at Portland, Me., Dec. 9, 1863, and rendezvoused with other recruits at Camp Berry, until Jan. 17, ! 864, when he left Portland to join his regiment, and was assigned to Co. G, of which his brother Calvin P., was a mem- ber, then stationed at Black Island, S. C. They remained here until the 18th of April, when the regiment was ordered to Morris Island, where the)- arrived on the 2 2d. On the 4th of Ma)' they sailed up the James River and disembarked at Ber- muda Landing on the following day. On the 7th, Mr. Pish's regiment engaged the enemy at Walthall Junction, and he assisted in destroying the railroad at that place. The regiment also fought the enemy at Bermuda Hundred, on the 20th, and regon. WILLIAM (i. LEWIS. William G. Lewis, son of William and Sarah (Peal) Lewis, was born in New Vineyard, Maine, in 1831. He married, Oct. — , 1852, Julia A., daughter of Benjamin and Hannah (Beal) Norman, of Waterville, Maine. He was drafted under the conscription act in the summer of 1863, and mustered into the (J. S. service July 1 5th. 1 le was then assigned to Co. A, 8th THE BOYS IN BLUE. 353 Maine Regiment, Infantry, which he joined while it was sta- tioned at Hilton Head, S. C. Here his company remained until Nov. 14, 1863. From here they went to Beaufort, where they were encamped until April 13, 1864, when they were trans- ferred to the Department of Virginia. On the 4th of May they moved to Bermuda Hundred, where they took part in all the active operations of the Army of the James. On the 16th Mr. Lewis participated in the engagement at Drury's Bluff, where the regiment's loss was three killed, sixty-four wounded and twenty-nine taken prisoners. On the 3d of June he participated in an assault on the enemy's lines at Cold Harbor. On the 1 2th they moved to White House Landing and from thence to Petersburg, where on the 15th, 1 6th and 17th they engaged the enemy, and on the 1 8th made a successful attack and carried a portion of the enemy's line. From this date to the middle of July Mr. Lewis was engaged in picket duty and work on the trenches. On the 17th of July he was wounded in the head by a rebel sharpshooter, while on picket duty. He was conveyed to the hospital, where he remained in an uncon- scious condition up to the time of his death, which occurred July 22, 1864. Aged 34 years. FIFIEL1) A. LUCE. Fifield Augustus Luce, son of Daniel C. and Lucy A. ( Lake) Luce, enlisted on Lewiston's quota, in the 20th Company, Unas- signed Infantry, for one year, and was mustered into the U. S. service March 22, 1865, at Augusta. Immediately after its organization the company was sent to Galloupe's Island in Boston Harbor, where the members were under the constant instruction of a drill master for nearly two weeks. At the end of that time the company embarked on the U. S. transport " Blackstone " for Savannah, Ga., where they joined the 14th Maine Regiment as Co. II on the 10th of April. On the 6th day of May the regi- ment moved toward Augusta, Ga., "where," says Mr. Luce, "we arrived after an uneventful march of seven days." Here they remained until May 3 1st, when they were ordered back to Savan- nah, where they arrived June 7th. Two days later they marched 3 5 4 i //six >/c ) ■ of rNDl sir ) : to Darien, Ga., from which place Mr. Luce's company was ordered to Brunswick, Ga., where it remained until about August loth, when it joined the regiment at Darien. LJp to August 28th the soldiers were engaged in guard and patrol duty, and on that day were mustered out of the service. Sept. 1, 1865, Mr. Luce and his comrades started for Augusta, Me., where they arrived on the 17th. Here they were paid off and finally discharged on the 28th of September, having served 159 days. When last heard from he resided in Springfield, Mo. Jul |\ T. LUCE. John Truman Luce, son of Daniel C. and Lucy A. (Lake) Luce, was born in Industry, Feb. 21, 1843, and like most boys born in Industry, was brought up on a farm. His educational ad- vantages were limited to the common district schools. On the breaking out of the war in [861, he became inspired with an ardent desire to enlist. Gaining the consent of his parents, he enlisted in the 13th Maine Regiment, and was assigned to Co. L.. Lor a while after his enlistment he was stationed at Camp Beaufort, Augusta, Me. Here, with his comrades, he was con- stantly engaged in drill, preparatory to active service in the held. After some ten weeks the regiment started for Boston, where it arrived Feb. 19, 1862. Before leaving Augusta, the boys were treated with hot coffee, by the patriotic citizens, and at various places on the way many similar kindnesses were shown them. Mr. Luce and his comrades left Boston on the 21st of February, embarking on board the transport " Missis- sippi " for fortress Monroe, and from thence they sailed for Ship Island, Miss., on the 25th. After leaving Fortress Mon- roe, they experienced rough weather, and ran on to the Frying Pan Shoals, where they remained for over twenty-four hours. This accident caused the ship to leak badly, and it became necessary to bail water incessantly to keep the ship afloat, lhey hoisted a signal of distress and fired the minute gun, which brought one of the blockade gunboats to their rescue. They went on board the gunboat and remained until morning. The " Mississippi " thus lightened, was kept afloat by the crew, and in THE BOWS JN BLUE. 355 the morning the troops returned and she put into Hilton Head for repairs. Finding that the " Mississippi" was so badly dam- aged that considerable time would be required for repairs, the\- embarked on the transport " Matanza " for Ship Island, where they arrived on the 2ist of March, having been 31 days on the way from Boston. While on the Island the rations of the soldiers were of good quality and sufficient quantity, and Mr. Luce's health was remarkably good. About the middle of May, however, he had an attack of typhoid fever, but possess- ing rare recuperative powers, he rallied from this disease and was pronounced convalescent. He continued to steadily im- prove until Wednesday, June 4th, when he was stricken with diphtheria, which resulted in his death three days later, aged 19 years, 3 months and 16 days. Of him, a superior officer writes: "John was a good boy, prompt and active, cheerful and contented, respected and loved by all who knew him." During his last illness he was complimented by his attending surgeon for the heroic fortitude with which he endured his sufferings. He was buried on the Island, with all the honors of a soldier, the entire company following his remains to the grave. HENRY S. MAINES. Henry S. Maines, as nearly as can be learned, was a native of Georgetown, Me. He married, Dec. 9, 1855, Fannie N. Morse, daughter of Thomas and Aurilla (Green) Morse, of Stark. At the time of his enlistment, he was a resident of Industry. He enlisted as a member of Co. E, 32d Regiment, Maine Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered into the service April 2, 1864. There being an urgent demand for troops at the front, Mr. Maines's company was ordered South soon after its organization. He was taken ill en route and died in Rhode Island, Ma)- 15, 1864, aged 44 years. GILBERT R. MERRY. Gilbert Remick Merry, son of David and Betsey (Remick) Merry, was born in New Vineyard, Me., July 17, [838. He enlisted under the President's call for nine months men in the 556 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. fall of 1862, and was mustered into the U. S. service as a mem- ber of Co. K, 24th Maine Regiment, Infantry, October 13th, and was soon after appointed company wagoner. He was taken ill while stationed at Bonne Carre, La., and died May 17, [863, aged 24 years and 10 months. I'.I.I AS MILLER. Elias Miller, son of Capt. Jacob and Hannah AI. Miller, was born in Farmington, Me., April 23, 1841. When quite young, his parents moved to Industry. His educational advan- tages were such as were afforded by town schools at that time, with the exception of two terms of high school at New Sharon. In the fall of 1862 he enlisted in Co. K, 24th Maine Regiment, Infantry, and was mustered into the U. S. service on the 13th day of October, He went South with his regiment and partici- pated in all its privations and hardships until the following summer, when his health broke down in consequence of ex- posure and the unhealthfulness of the climate, and he died at Port Hudson, La., July 5, 1863, aged 21 years. HENRY <;. MITCHELL. Henry Gilbert Mitchell, son of James \V. L. and Julia (Gilbert) Mitchell, was born in Leeds, Androscoggin Co., Me., May 31, 1826. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Jonah and Miriam ( Getchell ) Jacobs, of Pittsfield, Me., and came to Industry in 1X58 or soon after, and settled on the Dr. Josiah Henderson farm, which he purchased of John Mosher. He enlisted for one year as a private in the 1st Company, Unassigned Infantry, Capt. Edward S. Butler. He was mustered into the l\ S. ser- vice Sept. 16, 1864, and the company was assigned to the 29th Regiment, as Co. A. There being an urgent demand for troops at the front, Mr. Mitchell's company left Augusta for Washing- ton, 1). C, as soon as it was properly equipped, and reached its destination on the day that Sheridan made his famous ride during the battle of Winchester. Oct. 19, 1864, he partici- pated in the battle of Cedar Creek, and afterwards in the innum- erable skirmishes which characterized the last days of the THE BOYS IN BLUE. 357 great civil conflict. Receiving his discharge June 5, 1865, he returned to Industry, and continued to cultivate his farm for some years. He then went to Lowell, Mass., where he remained for a time serving as night watch in a large mill. He returned to his native town some years ago, where he still lives, engaged in farming. ATWOOD MORSE. Atwood Morse came to Industry, from New Portland, with his widowed mother, and engaged to work in Amos S. II ink- ley's shovel-handle factor) 7 at Allen's Mills. Sept. 26, 1864, a draft was made from the enrolled militia in Industry, to make up an existing deficiency of two men under the various calls for soldiers. Mr. Morse's name was the third drawn, and by the exemption of the second person drafted he was held for service and assigned to Co. F, 9th Maine Regiment, Infantry. He participated in all the various movements and engagements of his regiment, after joining it at Chapin's Farm, up to the time of his discharge, June 30, 1865. He returned to Somer- set County, after his discharge, married, and raised up a family. In the fall of 1885 he was granted a pension with arrearages, amounting to $1 100. Soon after this he disappeared from North Anson, where he was then living, and is reported to have gone West. JOHN M. NASH. John M. Nash came to Industry from Hallowell, and settled on the Deacon Brice S. Edwards farm in the spring of 1863. He enlisted as a recruit for the 2d Battery, Mounted Artillery, and was mustered into the service Jan. 4, 1864. Discharged in 1865, date not known. He died at his home in Industry, from disease contracted in the service, March 3, 1869, aged 57 years.* * Mr. Nash was also captain of Co. E, 3d Regiment, Maine Volunteer Infantry. Resigned July 30, 1861. His remains lie buried in an unmarked grave in the ceme- tery near George W. Johnson's. 45 3 5> s HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. DAVID M. N( »RT< >N. David Men - }- Norton, son of Benjamin \Y. and Amy A. (Mantcr) Norton, was born in New Vineyard, March 23, 1X41. He was educated in the public schools of Industry, with an occasional term at some high school, and before he had attained his majority he began to teach. At the time of his enlistment, in the fall of 1862, he was attending a term of high school at West's Mills. He enlisted on the 10th day of Sep tember, as a private in Co. K, 24th Maine Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, and on the 1 6th was appointed orderly sergeant. Oct. 29, 1862, the regiment left .Augusta for East New York, where the subject of this sketch was prostrated with rheumatic fever, from which he had not full) - recovered when the regiment was ordered on board the ship " Onward," bound for New Orleans, La. After a passage of twenty-one days, they arrived at Car- rol lton, where he was attacked with pneumonia, and was sent to the hospital. He was afterward sent to the University Hos- pital at New Orleans. Here he, with man}- others, suffered for want of food, and was often glad to get a crust of bread, and even bacon rinds were eaten with relish. Receiving his dis- charge from the hospital, he started to rejoin his regiment, then engaged in the investment of Port Hudson, but was detained at Springfield Landing by the examining surgeon, who did not consider him yet well enough for active service at the front. While here Mr. Norton assisted for a short time in the care of the sick and wounded. Joining his regiment on the 12th of June, he participated in the engagement which occurred on the next day. Remaining in the trenches until the 4th of July, he participated in the action of that daw On the 24th of July, took passage up the Mississippi River on board the steamer "Louis- iana Belle," for Cairo, 111., from whence they came to Augusta, Me., by rail. Here, on the 25th of August, I 863, they were paid off and finally discharged. He now resides in Anson, Me. < >LIVER 1). NORT< >N. Oliver Davis Norton, son of James and Mary (Davis) Nor- ton, was born in Industry, Jan. 21, 1841. He enlisted in the THE BOYS IN BLUE. 359 summer of 1862, after he became of age, and was mustered into the U. S. service August 1 8th, as a private in Co. G, 17th Regiment, Maine Volunteer Infantry,* Capt. Edward I. Merrill, of Farmington. This regiment rendezvoused at Camp Berry, in Portland, Me., and started for Washington on the 21st. Mr. Norton's regiment saw much active service and has a fine record. Among the incidents in his army life he relates the following, showing his narrow escape at Gettysburg: "At this battle our regiment occupied a commanding position. Just in front of me was a large boulder, behind which one of our boys had taken refuge and was busily engaged in firing at the enemy. As my musket had become extremely foul from constant use, I joined this fellow that I might place the end of my ramrod against the rock in forcing the bullet down the barrel. We were so busily occupied as not to notice a change of position made by our regiment. Soon the enemy advanced their line and we were compelled to retreat. The enemy fired at us as we ran up the hill, and one of the bullets tore the sleeve of my blouse. This was the nearest I came to being wounded during my term of service in the army." Another incident relative to his experience at the battle of the Wilderness, is as follows: "While stationed in a piece of woods, our regi- ment was ordered to retreat from the position it occupied. While on the move a wounded horse came dashing through the woods from our rear and threw me violently to the ground. On regaining my feet my regiment had passed out of sight. Taking the direction I supposed they had gone, I soon came to a road. Glancing up this road I discovered, a few rods distant, a battery of rebel artillery in the act of firing. I only had time to lie down in the ditch by the roadside, when a volley of grape and canister went crashing over me. I continued my search, and at length found our regiment without further adventure." Mr. Norton is now a farmer and resides on the homestead in Industry. * The 17th Maine participated in thirty-two battles, and is said to have lost more men in killed, wounded and prisoners, in proportion to its size, than any other Maine regiment in the service. HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. JAMES PINKHAM. James Pinkham, son of Curtis and Rebecca (I)itson) rink- ham, was born in Stark, Me., March 25, 1835. lie enlisted as a recruit for Co. L, 1st Regiment, Maine Cavalry, and was mus- tered into the service Sept. 2, 1862. Mustered out at Peters- burg Ya., Aug. I, 1865. The members of the regiment immediately started for Augusta, Me., where they arrived on the 9th, and were paid off and finally discharged. Mr. Pink- ham now resides in Farmington, Me. SAMUEL PINKHAM. Samuel Pinkham, son of Curtis and Rebecca (Ditson) Pinkham, was born in Anson, Me., April 2, 1841. He enlisted as a recruit for Co. L, 1st Maine Regiment, Cavalry, and was mustered into the service Sept. 3, 1862. But little can be learned of Mr. Pinkham's army life aside from the fact that he was detailed as a dispatch carrier at the battle of Williamsburg. His health became much impaired by the hardships of camp life, and he was sent to the hospital in Washington, D. C, Sept. 13, 1863. Mustered out of the service Aug. 1, 1865, and soon after discharged. Disease had made such fearful inroads on his vital powers that he never regained his health. He died May 9, 1866, aged 25 years, I month and 7 days. WELLINGTON PINKHAM. Wellington Pinkham, son of Curtis and Rebecca ( Ditson ) Pinkham, was born in Stark, Me., May 28, 1839. He was brought up in pretty much the same way as the average far- mer's son, — at work on the farm in the summer and attending the district school in winter. When the War of the Rebellion broke out, Mr. Pinkham enlisted as a member of Co. L, in the 1st Regiment of Maine Cavalry, and was mustered into the IT. S. service Nov. 1, 1861. In March, 1862, his company left Augusta for Washington, D. C, where they arrived on the 28th of that month, fie remained in the vicinity of Washing- ton about six weeks, when he was taken sick with brain fever and died at Meridian Hill, after a brief illness, May 24, 1862. THE BOYS IN BLUE. 36 1 WILDER PRATT.* Wilder Pratt, eldest son of Stephen M. and Elizabeth (Cushman) Pratt, was born in New Vineyard, Me., Oct. 3, 1829. He entered the service under the conscription act July 21, 1863, and was mustered out at City Point, Va., Feb. 2, 1866, having served 2 years, 6 months and 1 1 days. CHARLES S. PRINCE. Charles S. Prince, son of Ami and Abigail (Reed) Prince, was a native of Cumberland, Me. He settled at Allen's Mills prior to the War of the Rebellion, and eventually married a daughter of Benjamin Allen. He volunteered, with others, in the fall of 1862, to serve nine months. He was mustered in Oct. 13, 1862, as a member of Co. K, 24th Maine Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, and soon after was appointed corporal. Discharged for disability, Dec. 23, 1862, while the regiment was stationed at East New York. He resides in Canton, Dakota. ALBANUS D. QUINT. Albanus Dudley Quint, son of Capt. Joab and Elizabeth (Thing) Quint, enlisted as a musician in the 14th Maine Veteran Infantry in March, 1864, and was mustered into the U. S. service and assigned to Co. B on the 26th day of that month, — at which time he had not completed the first half of his fif- teenth year. On the 9th of April he left Augusta for Portland, where he embarked on board the steam transport " Merrimac," and sailed on the following day. Arriving at New Orleans, La., on the 19th of April, he landed on the following day at the " Parapet," some eight miles above the city. Here he remained stationed until May 5th, when his regiment sailed up the river to Baton Rouge, where they remained about three weeks, and then proceeded to Morganza. On the 3d of July they sailed down the river to Algiers, opposite New Orleans, preparatory to an unknown sea voyage. On the 13th the regiment sailed, * From the Adjutant General's Reports. The writer fails to find this name, how- ever, in any list of conscripts in Industry that he has examined. 362 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. under sealed orders, for Bermuda Hundred, Va., where it arrived on the 22d. Here Mr. Quint and James C). Burce, also an Industry boy, obtained permission to visit some acquaintances in the 9th Maine, which was stationed about six miles from their own regiment. On the way they passed rather too near the enemy's out-posts and received the fire of some twenty of the enemy. "This," says Mr. Quint, "was my first experience at being under fire, and as the bullets whistled over us I involunta- rily ' ducked ' my head a little, whereupon Burce chaffed me by asking 'what I was dodging for?' I noticed, however, that he was in favor of an immediate retreat to a piece of timber which stood near, and made excellent time on the way." They made their visit and returned without further adventure. On the following da}' Mr. Quint had his first experience at march- ing, when the brigade to which he belonged made a double- quick march of five miles, expecting to make a charge on the enemy's works, but from some cause the attack was not made. On the 3 1 st of July they sailed for Washington, "where," says Mr. Quint, " we had the honor of dining on chocolate coffee and sour bread." August 14th they started for the Shenan- doah Valley, marching fifteen miles per day. On the 4th day, at about 2 o'clock, having made their day's march, they re- ceived orders to be ready in five minutes to make a forced march, as a large body of the enemy was moving to cut them off from the main body of Sheridan's army at Berryville. This distance, thirty-two miles, they accomplished without making a single halt, marching through Snicker's Gap and fording the Shenandoah River after dark, and arriving at their destination soon after midnight. Making a total march of forty-seven wiles without scarcely a halt. During the last three hours of their march it rained hard, and as a result of the fatigue and expos- ure of this march, Mr. Quint suffered severely from cramps, followed by varicose veins of his lower limbs. Had his regi- ment moved again immediately, his injuries would have com- pelled him to have sought treatment at the hospital; this he felt loth to do, " for," says he, " I had previously sworn that I would die rather than apply to the regimental surgeon for aid. THE BOYS IN BLUE. 363 This gentleman had gained my displeasure on one occasion when I applied to him for an ounce of Epsom salts by roughly saying, ' Get out, you have been here enough already' — mistak- ing me for a regular patient. Then and there," adds Mr. Quint, "I 'got out' and kept out, never having been excused from duty for a single clay during my term of service." The next movement made by the regiment was to within a few miles of Winchester, where they remained entrenched until September 19th, when they took part in the battle of Winchester. At the battle of Fisher's Hill, the brigade to which Mr. Quint belonged was detailed to harass the enemy's rear. Following the retreating enemy as far as Harrisonburg, they marched from thence to Stanton. Here they were so far from their supplies that for several days they drew only quarter rations. " On the 4th of October," says Mr. Quint, "James Burce and I formed part of a party detailed for a foraging expedition. We had good luck, and I brought in four chick- ens and a quarter of mutton. I was fifteen years old on that day, and celebrated the occasion by eating a big supper, — my first square meal for a week. One big burly Irishman brought in a tanned calf-skin, and I still have in my possession a can- teen strap made from it." From here they returned down the valley and entrenched on Cedar Creek. On the evening of the 1 8th of October orders were issued to the 14th to be read)- at sunrise on the following morning for a reconnoissance. They were barely ready for duty when Early made his clashing charge on our forces, the rest of the troops being still asleep. Attempt- ing to check the onward rush of the enemy, the 14th was swept aside. At this juncture the colonel gave the order to retreat. What followed we will allow Mr. Quint to relate in his own words: "At the moment the colonel gave his order, James Burce, George Whittier, of Fayette, and myself, were standing together. Whittier said, 'Which way shall we go?' I replied, across that ravine. Burce said, 'They will shoot every one of us if we go there.' 'Well,' I replied, 'I had rather be shot than taken prisoner.' We then parted, they going in one direc- tion and I another. Burce was taken prisoner and Whittier I 364 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. have never seen since. Eleven of us, including Lieut. -Colonel Bickmore, started to cross the ravine, and on rising the opposite bank we saw the enemy at the point we had just left. Rest assured our position was not an enviable one, as we were within easy range of the enemy and the air was as clear as a bell. ( >ur lieutenant-colonel was the first man that fell, mortally wounded in the abdomen. A middle-aged Irishman and I were in the rear of all, and although it was but the work of a moment to scale the hill, yet my Irish companion and I were the only ones to reach the top in safety. When we had nearly gained the top and but three of us remained standing, — I was running just behind a tall man when my toe struck against something and I fell forward just in time to let a bullet pass over me; it struck the man squarely between the shoulders and he fell forward and expired without a groan. The Irishman on seeing me prostrate exclaimed, 'Ah, me sonney is gone too !' but I was unhurt, my fall had probably saved my life. Gaining the top of the hill my Irish comrade and a wounded soldier with their muskets and I with my revolver gave the horde a parting shot. I believe it to be a fact that these four shots, I having fired two from my revol- ver, was the last resistance made by our brigade until Sheridan rallied the troops in the afternoon." This engagement is known as the battle of Cedar Creek. Remaining in the vicinity of this battlefield several weeks they moved to Kearnestown, where heavy works were erected, in which they remained until Dec. 23, 1864. Shortly after this the regiment was ordered South. They proceeded to Baltimore, Md., and embarked on the 11th of January, 1865, for Savannah, Ga., at which place they arrived on the 20th, and occupied the city till May 7th. From thence the)- went to Augusta, Ga., where they arrived on the 14th and remained until the 31st of Ma)', when they were ordered back to Savannah. ( )n the 9th of June they left Savannah for Darien, Ga., and there remained engaged in guard and patrol duty until Aug. 28, 1865, when they were mustered out of the service and finally discharged at Augusta, Me., Sept. 28, 1865. Mr. Quint arrived at his home in Industry a few days before his sixteenth birthday, having been in the service upward of eighteen months. THE BOYS IN BLUE. 365 WILLIAM L. QUINT. William Lawry Quint, son of Capt. Joab and Elizabeth (Thing) Quint, was born in Stark, Me., Feb. 7, 1847. Early in the first year of the war he enlisted, but was stricken with diphtheria before he was mustered into the service and died Sept. 8, 1 861, aged 14 years, 7 months and 1 day. EDWIN A. R. RACKLIFF. Edwin Albert Ruthven Rackliff, son of Benjamin R. and Rachel (Oliver) Rackliff, was born in Industry, Aug. 17, 1841. Soon after completing his twentieth year he enlisted as a mem- ber of Co. E, 13th Maine Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, Col. Neal Dow. Although the regiment filled quite rapidly Mr. Rackliff was obliged to remain at home some weeks after his enlistment. At length a sufficient number of men were secured and on the 10th of December, 1861, he was mustered into the U. S. service at Augusta, Me., where the regiment was ren- dezvoused. After some weeks spent in drill and the usual camp duties the regiment left the State capital, Feb. 18, 1862, to as- sume its part in the great civil conflict, and arrived in Boston the same day. While in this city the regiment was quartered in Faneuil Hall. On the 20th a detachment including Mr. Rackliff's company, under the command of Colonel Dow, em- barked on board the new iron steamer " Mississipi," bound for Ship Island, Miss. They touched at Fortress Monroe on the 24th to take on board General Butler, and put to sea on the following day. The steamer encountered a tremendous gale off Cape Hatteras, which placed it in great peril for a few hours. In consequence of damages sustained by grounding on Frying Pan Shoals the "Mississipi" put into Port Royal, S. C, March 2d, and the detachment went into camp. They sailed for Ship Island on the 12th and arrived there on the 20th. Jul)- 11th Mr. Rackliff's company left the Island, under the command of Colonel Dow, and after a brief stay at New Orleans moved down the river and occupied Fort St. Philip on the 15th. Remaining in the vicinity of New Orleans until Oct. 24, 1863, the regiment 46 366 HISTORY OK INDUSTRY. was ordered to Texas, forming a portion of General Banks's expedition. Here they participated in the capture of Point Isa- bella, Mustang Island and Fort Esperanza. Remaining in that locality until Feb, I 8, 1864, the regiment was ordered back to Louisiana, and took a part in the Red River campaign. The regiment subsequently joined General Banks's forces and bore an honorable part in the battle of Pleasant Hill. Mr. Rackliff and his comrades were in active service at various places until December, when lie, with others whose term of enlistment had expired, started for Maine, arriving at Augusta on the 30th of that month. Here they were mustered out of the service Jan. 6, 1865, paid off and finally discharged. He now resides in Kansas City, Mo. ELBRIDGE II. RACKLIFF. Elbridge Henry Rackliff, son of Henry P. and Elizabeth (Oliver) Rackliff, was drafted under the conscription act Sept. 26, 1864 Going before the board of the examining surgeons, he was examined and accepted October 4th, and ordered to report at Camp Perry, in Portland, Me. Here he was again examined and on the 1 1 th of October was mustered into the service of his country. Three days later he left Portland for the place of rendezvous on Galloupe's Island, in Boston Harbor. Here he remained until October 20th, when, in company with a large number of recruits, he embarked on board the steam transport "Ashland." 'Phis vessel, like man)- others employed during the war in transporting troops, was a clumsy affair. During the voyage South the "Ashland" encountered a severe gale, and it became necessary to order the soldiers below and batten down the hatches. Five of the soldiers, however, hid themselves on the hurricane deck ami were washed overboard during the night. Touching at Fortress Monroe, the)- sailed up the James River and landed opposite City Point on the 24th of October. The following day Mr. Rackliff and over one hundred others who had been assigned to the 8th Maine Regiment, marched to Bermuda Hundred, and on the 26th to Chapin's Farm, where the recruits joined the regiment and Mr. Rackliff was assigned THE BOYS IN BLUE. $6y to Co. B. As evening approached, the regiment was ordered to "fall in," and during the night marched, by a circuitous route, sixteen miles to the old battlefield of Fair Oaks, arriv- ing in the early dawn of the 27th. Orders were given to charge the rebel works, and as the column advanced they received volley after volley of musketry from their watchful enemy. "So heavy and continuous was the firing," writes Mr. R., "that we were ordered to lie down. Some, contrary to orders, beat a hasty retreat, and in so doing lost their lives. Not wishing to be captured, I took my chances with those who retreated, and fortunately got out of range of the firing uninjured." The fol- lowing night they returned to the entrenchments at Chapin's Farm, having been without food or rest during their absence. "I was somewhat curious," continues Mr. Rackliff, "to see what the papers would say regarding our futile attack on the enemy. Imagine my surprise on reading in the New York Herald a report substantially as follows : 'October 27th General Butler made a reconnoissance in the vicinity of Fair Oaks, and, having gained the information desired, the troops retired in good order,' no mention being made of the tact that over half of three brigades were lost in the engagement." "On one occasion shortly after this," adds Mr. Rackliff, "our pickets were under fire for three nights in succession, with a loss of only thirteen in killed and wounded, when, mirabile dictu, this same Herald gave a three-column account of the affair. Thus will be seen the unreliability of the war new?, as promulgated through that great civilizing medium, the news- paper."* On November 6th Mr. Rackliff was detailed to pre- * Since the above was written, a correspondent of the Chicago Inter -Ocean, in speaking of the " War Correspondents' Methods," says : " Sometimes correspondents were attached to the personal staff of a subordinate general, and naturally they saw a battle from the standpoint of the general who favored them. In scores of cases this class of correspondents described a great battle, making the commander of some division the hero of the occasion. Nearly every soldier in the army would recognize the injustice of this, but it was accepted at home as the truth. Such correspondents saw only the fighting of the division to which they were attached, and they were prone to believe that the one division did all the lighting that was done on that day. They described what they saw, and often gave a column to a division that did little or nothing, and a paragraph to the remainder of the army that bore the brunt of a contest." 368 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. pare the regimental voting-list for the presidential election which occurred two days later, lie also served as company clerk for a time. .After thoroughly testing the skill and endurance ol the regiment, it was assigned to a skirmishing brigade, and Mr. Rackliff and his comrades were kept continuously on the move during the winter. He participated in the capture of Fort Gregg, on the 3d of April, 1865, and his regiment bore an honorable part in the engagement at Rice's Station on the 6th. Likewise at Appomattox Court House, April 9th. After the surrender of General Lee, the regiment marched to Richmond, Va., where the subject of this sketch remained on duty till about the first of June, when he was paid off and finally dis- charged. He is post-master at Allen's Mills, where he now resides. JOHN o. RACKLIFF. John Oliver Rackliff, son of Benjamin R. and Rachel (Oli- ver) Rackliff, enlisted as a private in Co. F, 2d Maine Regiment of Cavalry, and was mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 31, 1863.* The men of this regiment were rendezvoused at Augusta, Me., and so great was the tax upon the government facilities for shelter at that time, many actually suffered for want of suitable protection from the inclemency of the season. To meet the urgent demand for additional barracks, green, wet lumber was taken from the river and sawed into boards and frames. As soon as sawed the lumber was taken to the camp- ground and used. Many of these barracks were single-boarded, without battening strips, leaving the inmates much exposed. In one of these rude cabins Mr. Rackliff was obliged to spend his time, night and day, when not on duty. By the exposure incident to this mode of living he contracted a severe cold, which resulted in an attack of bronchitis, and for many weeks he was unable to speak aloud. During this time he did nol give up work, but assisted in building barracks, and for a time, was in charge of the officers' quarters, lie was also frequently * The Adjutant ( ieneral's Reports give the date as December iitli, hut Mr. RacklifPs discharge gives it as mentioned above. THE BOYS IN BLUE. 3 6 9 detailed for other light duties. He afterward had a severe attack of pulmonary hemorrhage, which incapacitated him for further military duty, consequently he was not sent into the held with his regiment. He was kept at Augusta doing light camp duties until May 22, 1865, when he was discharged, with health seriously impaired. SAMUEL RACKLIFF. Samuel Rackliff, son of Benjamin and Rachel (Oliver) Rackliff, was born in Georgetown, Me., Dec. 18, 1823, and was nearly seven years old when his father moved to Industry. After attaining his majority he worked away from home much of the time, often working for neighboring farmers by the season. On the 27th day of January, 1852, he married Sarah R., daugh- ter of Peter W. Butler, by whom he had four children. After his marriage he engaged in farming until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he enlisted in the fall of 1862 as a member of the 24th Maine, and on the organization of the regiment was assigned to Co. K. He accompanied his regiment in all its various marches and counter-marches during the nine months for which they had enlisted. Was slightly wounded at Port Hudson, Miss., May 27th, and was mustered out of the service with his regiment, Aug. 25, 1863, their term of enlistment hav- ing expired. In September, 1864, he re-enlisted in the 1st Company, Unassigned Infantry, Capt. Edward S. Butler, and was mustered into the U. S. service on the 19th of the same month. On the 1 8th of October his company was assigned to the 29th Regi- ment as Co. A. The following day they participated in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. During this engagement Mr. Rack- liff was detailed to carry the wounded off the field. Early in the day a change in the position of his regiment left him exposed to the enemy, and he was made a prisoner while assist- ing a wounded comrade from the field. He, with other prison- ers, was hurried off the field and marched to Richmond, Va. After an incarceration of sixteen days in Castle Thunder, he was transferred to Salisbury Prison in North Carolina. Here, 37© HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. exposed to all the changes and inclemencies of the weather, at this season of the year, his only protection being a small shelter-tent, coupled with enervating effects of a meagre allow- ance of food, soon made serious inroads on his physical strength, and he died during the night of Dec. 5, 1864, aged 40 years, 1 1 months and 17 days. He was called to meet the grim Messenger of Death all alone. No mother with tender love was near to soothe and comfort his dying moments; no sifter was by his side to watch the sands of life as they ebbed away and wipe the death-dew from his pallid brow, — not even a comrade was near to earn - his dying message to his wife and family in their far-off home. But all alone in a rebel prison, in the silent hours of the solemn night, with the little stars shedding their feeble light on the slumbering world, — and with no watcher, save the eye of Him who never sleeps, he claimed as his that peaceful sleep which knows no waking. WILLIAM J. RACKLIFF. William Jackson Rackliff, son of Benjamin R. and Rachel (Oliver) Rackliff, was at work at Kendall's Mills, having nearly completed his term of apprenticeship at the carriage-maker's trade, when the war broke out. The vocations of peace, how- ever, became of minor importance as the clouds of an interne- cine war loomed high in the southern horizon, and the matter became the topic of universal discussion. Feeling a deep con- viction that his country needed his services, Mr. Rackliff laid aside: the tools of his craft and enlisted in a company then re- cruiting at Kendall's Mills. After drilling about a month the company disbanded, and on the following morning, in company with several of his comrades, he took the cars for Augusta, hoping to get a chance in the 3d Maine Regiment, then recruit- ing at that place and rendezvoused at Camp Hamlin. Fortu- nately the regiment was not quite full, and signing the muster rolls he was assigned to Co. F, Capt. Wm. C. Morgan, and mustered into the service with the regiment, June 4, 1861. On the following day the regiment left Augusta for Washington, D. C. At various places on the way the patriotic citizens came out THE BOYS IN BLUE. 37 1 en masse to pay homage to these brave men. At New York some former residents of Maine presented the boys with a beau- tiful banner, which they carried until it was literally torn in pieces by the enemy's bullets. What remains of it can still be seen in the State House at Augusta. Arriving at Washington on the 8th, they marched to Meridian Hill during a heavy shower which completely drenched their clothing, and went into camp. All that night Mr. RacklifF stood on guard, wet to the skin, with- out being relieved. One day while here, he and his comrades drew as rations some beef that was badly hurt. This the boys thought had remained above ground long enough, so they buried it under arms, which brought down the indignation of the colonel. " But," continues Mr. Racklifif, "we saw many days afterward when we would have been glad to have had just such beef." His regiment crossed the Potomac River on the 6th of Jul}-, and participated in the first Bull Run fight on the 2 1st. Falling back with the Union forces the)' reached Alexandria on the night of the 22d. During the retreat Mr. Racklifif, as well as his comrades, lost all their extra clothing, and on reaching Alexan- dria, it being a hard rainstorm, the}- sought shelter in an old warehouse used for storing liquors. Here many of the company spent the night in drinking, but having no desire for the liquor or for the boisterous company of the revelers, Mr. Racklifif went into the loft and there had quite a good night's rest. In August, while encamped near Alexandria, the subject of our sketch was afflicted with the measles; during this time he says, " I was my own physician, nurse and cook, though my culinary expenses for a time were not large." No beds were furnished the sick at this early date ofi the war, and he was compelled during his ill- ness to lie on the bare floor ofi a dwelling-house they had been obliged to use as a hospital. His recovery from the measles was somewhat protracted, and he frequently labored all day when unable to eat a mouthful of dinner. The "bill of fare " at this meal consisted of salt fat pork cut fine and boiled in a large quantity ofi water; into this when done, hard- tack was crumbled and the mixture was eaten with a spoon. Through the winter ofi 1 861-2 the regiment remained at 372 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Camj) I low aid, on Fowle's estate near Alexandria. During the winter the members of the 3d Maine were obliged to go out some ten or twelve miles to do picket duty. Leaving their win- ter quarters on the 17th of March for Yorktown, they embarked on board transports for Fortress Monroe. During this move- ment the services of every available craft were brought into requisition for the conveyance of the troops. Mr. Rackiiff s company was put on board an old canal-boat fitted up to run on the Potomac. On nearing the mouth of the river, as there was a strong wind blowing and the sea running high, the cap- tain of the craft put in at St. Mary's for a harbor. Here they waited for five days, and as the soldiers had taken only three days' rations with them, the inner man began to make demands which nothing short of a good square meal could appease. Spurred on by the pangs of hunger, some of the boys broke into the cook-house and stole a ham. After eating all the meat off the bone, the flag was lowered and the ham-bone hoisted to half-mast, presumably as a signal of their distressed condition. While engaged in the siege of Yorktown, the regiment was under fire more or less every da}' for a month. On one occa- sion, a shell from one of the enemy's guns buried itself in the ground, near where Mr. Rackliff's company was stationed, and exploded, excavating an enormous hole in the ground and throwing the dirt in every direction, but doing no further dam- age. Food became quite scarce during this siege, from the tact that the roads were almost impassable for the supply teams on account of the mud. In this emergency Mr. Rackiiff obtained a quantity of wheat, from an old barn near by, which he boiled and ate. He was in the battle of Williamsburg, May 5th, and Fair Oaks on the 31st. Here his regiment made a successful charge on the enemy's lines, losing nearl}' one-third of their number present in the engagement. His regiment engaged the enemy, as skirmishers, at Seven Pines, June 1st, after having been on picket tint}' for three days and nights, without sleep, and were ordered to fall back after lighting all daw Then followed the seven days' tight, — lighting by day and falling back by night, THE HOYS JN BLUE. 373 until the morning of July ist found the 3d Maine massed with McClellan's forces at Malvern Hill. During this engagement they were exposed to a severe fire from the enemy's batteries, and fully sustained their previous reputation for coolness and bravery. After the final repulse of the enemy, footsore and exhausted, they fell back to Harrison's Landing. Mr. Rackliffs regiment embarked for Alexandria, and on their arrival were sent to join General Pope's army, which was manoeuvring on the Rappahannock to keep between General Lee and Wash- ington. The next engagement in which the 3d Maine took part was the second Hull Run, August 29th, followed by the battle of Chantilly, on the next day. Falling back to Alexandria, the regiment was deemed unfit for duty, being so reduced in num- bers, and consequently did not participate in the Antietam fight. The next battle in which they participated was at Fred- ericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Soon after this they went into winter quarters and remained inactive until the spring of 1863, when they fought the enemy at the Wilderness and Chan- cellorsville, May 2d and 3d. Their loss in killed, wounded and missing, in these two engagements, was sixty-one officers and men. On the 1 ith of June they joined in the campaign which resulted in the battle of Gettysburg. Mr. Rackliffs regiment did not arrive on the field until the evening of the ist of July. An account of their engagement, on the following morning, we extract from a letter of Captain Morgan, to the Skowhegan Clarion, dated Jul)' 27, 1863 : "The entire regiment, consisting of 196 rifles and 14 officers, were chosen by General Sickles to open the engagement on the left flank, on the morning of the 2d, and the manner in which the order was obeyed was the theme of universal admiration throughout the entire corps. The regiment held an entire division in check for half an hour, while lines were being formed and positions taken to receive them suitably. General Sickles then said, 'The little 3d Maine has saved the army to-day.' " Captain Morgan also makes special honorable mention of the bravery of Mr. Rackliff, in his letter, during that day. They lost during this engagement in killed, 47 374 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. wounded and prisoners, 66 men and officers. Mr. Rackliff was wounded twice between sunset and dark, after one of the hard- est day's fight known in history. The character of his injuries were gun-shot wound in right thigh and buck-shot wound in the arm. Mr. Rackliff waited five days before it came his turn to have his wounds dressed. By this time the wound had become somewhat sore and inflamed, and although the surgeon used the probe freely, he failed to discover the bullet. From Gettys- burg he was sent to Annapolis, Md., where he remained until just before the expiration of his term of enlistment, when he was granted a furlough and returned home, and was discharged with the regiment at Augusta, Me., June 28, 1864, having served nearly 37 months, and during which time he had partici- pated in sixteen battles and skirmishes. He now resides at Allen's Mills. REUEL II. ROGERS. Reuel Howard Rogers, son of Francis S. and Rhoda T. ( Rowe) Rogers, was born in Moscow, Me., Aug. 8, 1844. When only a few years of age, his father removed to Industry, whire his boyhood and youth were spent. At the age of nineteen years he enlisted as a recruit for Co. L, 1st Regiment, Maine Cavalry, and was mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 26, 1863. He was discharged by order of the War Depart- ment June 21, 1865, and died in Bangor, Me., Sept. 13, 1885. LYMAN M. SHOREY. Lyman Munson Shore)', son of Pelatiah and Sarah (Fogg) Shorey, was born in Industry, Oct. 29, 1836. On the breaking- out of the war he was at Skowhegan, and in the fall of 1861 enlisted as a member of an independent company then organiz- ing in that town and vicinity. Jan. 23, 1862, the company was mustered into the U. S. service and assigned to the "th Maine Regiment as Co. F, a vacancy having been created by the con- solidation of that company with others of the regiment. Mr. Shore)- was elected first lieutenant, and two days later received his commission. They joined the regiment while stationed in LIEUT. LYMAN M. SHOREY. Engraved by Geo. E. Johnson, Boston. From a photograph made in 1S62. THE BOYS IN BLUE. 375 its winter quarters at " Camp Griffin," on the Virginia side of the Potomac. Being unused to such hardships the company suffered severely, and many deaths occurred. The regiment embarked for Fortress Monroe early the following spring, and joined in the Peninsular campaign. Lieutenant Shorey's first experience was a reconnaissance, which all supposed would occupy but two or three hours, hence the advance was made without blankets or rations. The result was a night of the most intense suffering, and for fifty-seven hours they were under fire, exposed to a drenching rain and had neither sleep nor rations. "We after a very few such experiences," writes Lieutenant Shorey, "always moved with blankets and rations, a rule cardinal with green troops." The siege of Yorktown followed, where weeks were spent in building corduroy roads, varied by an occasional reconnaissance and exchange of shots with the Confederate sharpshooters. On the evacuation of Yorktown the 7th Maine joined in the pursuit which culminated in the battle of Williamsburg, May 5, 1862. At this battle their brigade was under the command of Gen. Winfield S. Hancock. The 7th was stationed near a piece of woods to keep the enemy from flanking, where they stood firm until an attempt was made to take one of our batteries, when they, with three companies of the New York 33d, aided by the fire of a few skirmishers repelled a charge made by six rebel regi- ments, charged upon them in turn, driving them back a terror- stricken mob, — capturing the colors of one regiment, taking many prisoners and inflicting a heavy loss in killed and wounded. The account of this engagement we will allow Lieutenant Shorey to relate in his own language : " Crossing a swamp by a narrow dike we formed a line in front of a low ridge. Extending be- yond was a long level plain, skirted on the right by a strip of wood. At the end of this plain in front was a large fort of the enemy, and beyond in the woods on the left of the army, the battle raged fierce and hot. We lay quietly till about 5 o'clock P. M. On the left the firing had nearly ceased. Suddenly a line of battle extending nearly across the plain started from the vicinity of the fort and rapidly approached our position. It 376 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. was our first engagement and we were of course excited and getting read\- in an instant. Our artillery considerably in ad- vance fired rapidly, but finally had to fall back. The enemy came steadily on; our turn was quick to come. General I Ian- cock suddenly ordered 'about face,' — we were then on the crest, — what were we to do? Fall back with only a narrow dike to cross? We quickly reached the foot, then came the commands in quick succession ' about face,' ' fix bayonets ! ' 1 [ancock rode along the line. I well recollect the look on his face and the bearing of the man ; no word was necessary to tell us the gen- eral's blood was up. All now understood that the object of the movement was to cover us from the fire of the advancing line. The enemy was now within short range, almost at the other side of the crest. Drawing his sword, Hancock dashed along the line, shouting 'charge, gentlemen, give them h — 1,' with a ring and vigor that was truly electrifying. The boys bounded for the crest of the ridge; it was almost impossible for the officers to keep them in line. Volley after volley was discharged until the order was given to cease firing. When the smoke lifted, all that coidd be seen was here and there a rebel running zigzag to the cover of the woods, where nearly every one was captured by a force we had previously stationed there. The remainder lay dead and wounded in our front.* Hancock was the hero of the hour and the same evening was complimented by a sere- nade from the members of our regiment." Passing over the battles of Mechanicsville, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill and South Mountain, in all of which Lieutenant Shore)' bore an honorable part, brings the brave 7th to the bloody field of Antietam. "Here," writes the subject of this sketch, " our regiment suffered severely. Incom- * Their brilliant conduct during this battle was the means of < leneral McClellan, that night at dress parade, paying them a visit and making the following speech: "Soldiers! 1 have come to thank you for your good conduct and gallantry. < )n that plain you and your comrades saved the army from a disgraceful defeat. You deserve the highest thanks your country can bestow, and your State should justly be proud of you. V'ou would have deserved just as much praise had you been overwhelmed by the masses hurled against you. Bear ever afterward upon your banners the name of Williamsburg, in token of your bravery." THE BOYS IN BLUE. 377 potency, causing a most censurable blunder, was its origin. Against the remonstrance of Major Hyde, then commanding, the regiment was sent at the double-quick to dislodge a power- ful force of the enemy from a strong position.* As it passed around a crest it received the flank tire of the main rebel line of battle as well as that of the enemy in our front. In a moment, almost, the regiment lost ten or twelve officers and nearly two- thirds of its men." Lieutenant Shorey was severely wounded in the foot during this charge, but managed to get out of range and back to the Federal lines. Finding his wound would incapaci- tate him for active service for a long time, he regretfully resigned his position Dec. 2 1, 1862. Me died in New York City, Dec. 28, i88y. ANDREW J. Sl'INNEV. Andrew Jackson Spinney, son of Rev. John and Patience J. (Oliver) Spinney, was born in Stark, Somerset Co., Me., Jan. 16, 1846. In the autumn of 1863 he enlisted in the 2d Regi- ment of Maine Cavalry, which was then being organized at Augusta, Me. He was mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 1 1, * At this battle the 7th was ordered to drive the enemy from a strong position about nine hundred yards in front of the line of battle. Every private in the ranks knew that a brigade of the enemy was massed there with a battery of artillery, and that an awful blunder had been made; but as obedienee is the first duty of a soldier they promptly advaneed under a shower of bullets, halting twiee to return the lire of the enemy. After halting the second time to deliver their lire, the regiment rushed forward with one of its characteristic cheers, driving the enemy before them, who took refuge behind a stone wall and opened a galling tire of musketry. At this point the regiment had arrived within range of one of its own batteries which had been playing upon the enemy, and not aware of the absence of the 7th, continued firing. The rebels opened their batter} with grape and canister. The regiment seemed now de- voted to destruction, yet the men delivered their tire with steadiness and terrible effect, as they moved by the left Hank to gain the cover of an orchard. Thence through a cornfield by a circuitous route they returned to their old position in the line of battle. Not a man had straggled — all that the bullets had spared were there, but how thinned the ranks! Major Thomas W. Hyde, who had command of the regiment, in his report stated that he " brought out of the battle four officers and sixty-live men out of fifteen officers and one hundred and sixty-six men that went in." For its distinguished conduct the regiment was temporarily made the body guard of Generals Franklin and Smith, the highest honor which could be bestowed upon it. 378 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 1863, and assigned to Co. F, Capt. Gustavus A. Stanley. Mr. Spinney and his comrades were rendezvoused at Camp Coburn till the 23d of March, [864, when they took the cars for Port- land, Me. Here the}' embarked on board the ship "Westmore- land," for New ( Means, La., and were twenty-nine days on the way. Mr. Spinney enjoyed the voyage very much, being in good health and spirits during the whole time. His regiment remained near New ( )rleans until May 26th, when it moved to Thibodeaux, La. Co. F was ordered to Brasher City, and while there Mr. Spinney was detailed as a blacksmith, in which capacity he served for some time. From this place they re- turned to New Orleans, where they embarked for Pensacola, Ida., from which place he wrote under the date of Aug. 15, 1 Si). |, saying: " I gave fifty cents for a sheet of paper, stamp and envelope in order to write home." The hardships and sufferings which Mr. Spinney and his comrades were obliged to endure, have hardly a parallel among other regiments from the State. When organized the company numbered 1 03 men, including commissioned officers, and writing home just five months after leaving Augusta, he says: "Our company can muster but 29 men, and about half of those are on light duty." Soon after this he was relieved from duty and afterward sent to the Lost Hospital at Barrancas, Fla., at which place the company was then stationed. He died Nov. 19, 1864, and was buried in grave No. 173, in the National Cemetery at that place. Of him Capt. Gustavus A. Stanley wrote his parents: "He was a good and faithful soldier so long as he had health, and his death is a great loss to us." JOHN C. SPINNEY. John Colby Spinney, son of Rev. John and Patience J. (Oliver) Spinney, was among those who enlisted under the President's call for men to serve nine months. He entered the service from the town of Lexington on the 13th of October, 1862, as a private in Co. A, 28th Maine Regiment, Infantry. Discharged Aug. 31, 1 863. He subsequently enlisted from the THE BOYS IN BLUE. 379 town of Industry as a recruit for the 9th Maine Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered in Sept. 23, 1864, and assigned to Co. H. He was discharged by order, June 30, 1865, a few months after the close of the war. He resides at Allen's Mills. BENJAMIN TIBBETTS. Benjamin Tibbetts, son of Josiah and Joan (Roberts) Tib- betts, was a shoemaker by trade. He came to Industry in 1842 and settled on the Capt. Wm. Roach farm, where he was living when the war broke out. The quota apportioned to the town of Industry, under the call for men to serve nine months, was thirteen. For a time it seemed that the only manner of secur- ing the required number of men was by a draft; but at the September election, Mr. Tibbetts, after making some stirring and patriotic remarks, inscribed his name on the enlistment rolls. This was a signal for a general enlistment, and in the course of a few days the required number of volunteers was obtained. Mr. Tibbetts was mustered into the U. S. service at Augusta, Me., on the 13th day of October, 1862, and assigned to the 24th Maine Regiment as a private in Co. K. In consequence of the exposure incident to camp life he contracted a violent cold and was suffering from an attack of pneumonia when his regiment was ordered south. By the last of December, however, he had recovered his health, and with others started to rejoin his comrades. From Augusta to Hartford, Conn., the journey •was performed by rail ; here he embarked on board a steamer for New York, where he arrived after an uneventful voyage. From that place to Bonne Carre on the Mississippi, where his regiment was stationed, his journey by water was slow and irk- some in the extreme. Joining his regiment, he remained at Bonne Carre until May 21, 1S63, when his regiment was ordered to Port Hudson, where they remained during the entire period of its investment. While thus engaged Mr. Tibbetts and his comrades suffered many hardships, and the death-rate of the regiment was enormous. He was frequently detailed to care for the sick and for other 380 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. special duties, being a great favorite with his superior officers. On the 24th day of July the regiment started for Maine, via Cairo, 111., and arrived at Augusta, August 6th, where they re- mained until the 25th, when they were mustered out of the ser- vice and finally discharged. After the death of his wife, he went to Biddeford to live with his daughter, where he died June 2j, 1892, in his 83d year. BENJAMIN F. TIBBETTS.* Benjamin Franklin Tibbetts, son of Benjamin and Miriam (Cousens) Tibbetts, was horn in Industry in 1843. lie enlisted as a member of Co. F, 2d Regiment, Maine Cavalry, and on being mustered into the service, Dec. 11, 1S63, was appointed sergeant. Died at Barrancas, Fla , Aug. 11, 1864. CLINTON B. WEBSTER. Clinton B. Webster was the son of Isaac Webster, who lived for many years at Allen's Mills. On the breaking out of the war in 1861, he was in Lewiston, Me. In June following, he joined a company of sappers and miners, then organizing, whose: duties were to repair railroads and build fortifications in and about Washington. The War Department notified the company to hold themselves in readiness for duty, and promised them a chance providing there was a camp call. Not receiving a call, the company subsequently disbanded and Mr. Webster re- turned to his home in Industry. At the earnest solicitation of his friend, William A. Brainerd, of Farmington, who afterward be- came second lieutenant and captain of Co. E, he enlisted in the month of October and went to Farmington, where he and others drilled for about three weeks. He was mustered into the V. S. service at Augusta, Me., Dec. 13, [861, and assigned to Co. K, 13th Maine Regiment, Infantry. Mr. Webster left Augusta for Boston, with his regiment, Feb. 18, 1862. From thence they embarked on board transports for Fortress Monroe, ♦Although a resident of Industry at the time of his enlistment, Mr. Tibbetts counted >>n the Farmington quota. THE BOYS IN BLUE. 38 1 Va., from which place they sailed to Ship Island, Miss., where they arrived on the 5th of March. During the forty-four months he was in the service, he participated in all the march- ings and counter-marchings of his company, manfully bearing the privations and hardships incident to army life. Among the battles in which he participated, some ten in number, were: Point Isabella, Texas, Nov. 6, 1 863 ; Mustang Island, Nov. 15, 1863; Fort Esperanza, Nov. 29, 1863; Pleasant Hill, Louisi- ana, April 8, 1864, and Cane River Crossing, April 23d, beside numerous skirmishes. In 1862 he was transferred to Co. E, and was afterwards promoted to corporal. On the 29th of February, 1864, he re-enlisted for an additional term of years. At the battle of Pleasant Hill Mr. Webster had a narrow escape from instant death. At that time he was on the color- guard, ever}' man of whom, with two exceptions, was shot. During this engagement a ball passed through his blouse in front, inflicting a slight flesh wound. The variation of an inch in the course of this bullet would, it is believed, have proved speedily fatal. Early in the year 1865 he was promoted to carry the colors, and on the 20th day of August he was mus- tered out and discharged from the service. At the present time (1892) he resides in Easton, Mass., having moved away from Industry more than twenty years ago. DAVID C. WHITNEY. David Chandler Whitney, son of Reuben and Lucy (Saw- yer) Whitney, was born in Norridgewock, Me., Dec. 24, 1834. Just prior to the breaking out of the war, he came with his widowed mother from Lewiston to the town of Industry and settled on a small farm near Goodridge's Corner. In the sum- mer of 1862, when a call for troops was made, he volunteered as a member of Co. C, 16th Regiment, Maine Infantry, and was mustered in Aug. 14, 1862. After seven months' service, he was discharged for disability, March 14, 1863. The next fall he re-enlisted as a member of Co. F, 2d Regiment, Maine Cavalry. He was mustered in Dec. 11, 1863, and appointed 48 382 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. corporal the same day. In due time he went South with his regiment and took an active part in all its campaigns. During a raid on Marianna, Fla., Sept. 2j, [864, he was wounded by a ball which passed completely through his chest, also inflicting a severe flesh wound in his arm." His wounds were dressed by the surgeon and he was made as comfortable as circum- stances would allow. That night it was decided that a retreat was an imperative necessity. As Mr. Whitney was unable to ride they found it necessary to leave him behind with several of li is comrades to fall into the hands of the enemy. lie died of his wounds ( )ct. 24, 1864, aged 29 years and 10 months. Of him a comrade and fellow prisoner wrote the sorrowing mother: " Main' spoke ol his bravery during the action, and only when he was struck did he waver. I did not see him while in action, but I remember his words as lie came out, and I do not deny that I was surprised to learn that the 2d Cavalry could boast of such a brave patriot as was Corporal Whitney. lie walked past me, almost touching my horse, very pallid, but with com- pressed lips. I cotdd not but follow him with my eyes, lie had not gone far before we were ordered to charge. I did not see him again until we were both in the hospital together. Me could not have gone but a few steps farther, for he was bleeding very badly. I know him to have been perfectly rational during his illness, for when the chaplain came into the hospital to pray with him he talked of home and his desire for recovery. I think he entertained doubts of his recovery, but he never expressed them only once to me, and it was when I asked his mother's address. "I was leaning over his couch when he breathed his last, supported by two of the nurses. I never was more affected in my life, for I had learned to respect him for his fortitude dur- ing his sickness, and it seemed as if I had lost all my friends in his death, lie was buried near the village church-yard with 1 There seems to lie some conflicting of statements concerning the character of Corpora] Whitney's wound. Simon \\'. Parlin, second lieutenant of the company, says the hall lodged in the t hesl I he writer is prune to consider the description as given above the better authority. THE BOYS IN BLUE. 383 the rest of the boys, but his burial was very different from theirs. lie was placed in a rude coffin, and a board marks his final resting-place. I shall never forget the people of Mari- anna, for this last sacred rite, nor for their many former kind- nesses to my comrade, — it was the only treatment we ever received." His lieutenant, Evander S. Prescott, of Wilton, thus writes of him: "lie was a good soldier, always ready to do his duty. He was likewise an honest, good, kind-hearted man." His second lieutenant, Simon VV. Parlin, also bore testimony of his worth and moral rectitude as follows : " Daniel was a faith- ful soldier, always discharging his duties in a soldier-like manner, and had by his integrity and uprightness won the confidence of both officers and men. Painful as is his untimely fate, it must be highly gratifying to his friends to know that he fought man- fully and fell in the foremost of the fight. He died in the faithful discharge of his duty, respected and beloved by all who knew him." AARON E. WILLIAMS. Aaron E. Williams, a resident of Anson, Me., enlisted on Industry's quota, and was mustered into the U. S. service at Lewiston, Me., Dec. 28, 1863, to serve three years. He was soon afterward assigned to Co. G, 1st Maine Regiment, Heavy Artillery. Wounded before Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Died of disease Jan. 21, 1865, aged 27 years. GEORGE E. WILLIAMS. George F. Williams was a native of Anson, though a resident of Industry at the time of his enlistment. He enlisted for nine months in September, 1862, and was mustered into the U. S. service on the 13th of the following month, and on the same day was appointed sergeant. Wounded at Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863. Mustered out with his regiment Aug. 25, 1863. Now resides in Embden, Me. 384 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY <>. L. YOUNG. O. L. Young enlisted on Industry's quota, to serve one year, and was mustered into the U. S. service, at Lewiston, Me., March 8, 1S65, and assigned to the 11th Co., Unassigned Infantry. Peace having been declared while he was stationed at the place of rendezvous, Mr. Young was discharged before joining the company to which he was assigned. CHAPTER XIX. EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. Road Matters. — The Curtis Pinkham Road. — Stark Asks fur a Better Road through Industry to Farmington. — Route to Madison Bridge Shortened and Improved. — Industry Votes on Amendment to Liquor Law. — "The ( iokl Fever." — Unusual Snow-fall in Winter of 1 868-9. — Destructive Freshet of 1869. — Heavy Thunder- storm. — Beautiful Display of Aurora Borealis. — A Heavy Gale. — The Great Earthquake of 1870. — Grasshopper Plague. — State Equalization Bonds. — Industry Fanners' and Mechanics' Club. — The Enterprise Cheese Manufacturing Company. — Orders Forged on the Town of Industry. — Prize Declamations at West's Mills. — Extensive Improvements on the Centre Meeting-House. — The Greenback Party in Industry. — Caterpillar Scourge. — Freshet of 1878. — Severe Drouth. — Cattle Show and Fair. — Independence Day Celebrated at West's Mills. — Destructive Fire. — A Bear Commits Many Depredations in Industry. — \\i--'\ Sunsets. — Gale of November, 1883. — Planets in Perihelion. — Town Votes to Buy a Poor-Farm. — Allen's Mills Union Agricultural Society. — A Maine Bliz- zard. — Potato Crop Ruined by Rust. — Industry's New Methodist Church. — A Maine Cyclone. — La Grippe. — Shorey Chapel Erected, etc. THE cruel and sanguinary war was at an end, and the people had returned to the pursuits of peace. At this juncture better and more convenient roads became for a time an important topic with the citizens of Industry. A road had been laid out by the selectmen to accommodate the residents of the extreme north part of the town, commencing near the house of Samuel Dag- gett and running in a southerly direction to intercept the town road at the Capt. Jeruel Butler place. A large majority of the voters in town were not in sympathy with this movement, regard- ing it as incurring unnecessary expense. Consequently when the doings of the selectmen were brought before the town for ratification, Sept. 25, 1865, the citizens voted not to accept the road. J 86 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Failing in their appeal to the selectmen, Curtis Pinkham and twenty-eight others petitioned the County Commissioners to establish the road which the town had refused them. A hearing was given the petitioners Sept. 25, [866, at the house of Samuel Daggett. Deeming the road a necessity they proceeded to lay it out. The road as established was four rods wide and 762 1—2 rods long, costing the town $75.50, thirty dollars of which was for land damages. Notwithstanding the success of the petitioners with the Count\- Commissioners, the disinterested tax-payers wire not disposed to build the road. To detract attention from the count)' road a town road was laid out over a different route, and again modified or wholly relaid. The question of raising money to open the county road was brought before the town at its annual meeting, March 9, 1869. The petitioners, led by Curtis Pinkham, made desperate efforts to secure an appropria- tion, but with a large majority against them they were powerless, and after a heated discussion a motion to pass by the article was carried. The road between Stark village and Farmington, especially from Stark village to Goodridge's Corner, was a hard and hilly one. For some years the citizens of Stark, in common with those of the southern and central part of Industry, had been discussing the matter of a more direct and convenient road be- tween the two places. Late in the fall of 1866 James M. Snell, of St. irk, and fifty others residing along the proposed route, peti- tioned the commissioners of Franklin and Somerset counties for a change in the road between Sawyer's Mills and Farmington village, or more strictly speaking, for a new road from the former place to some point west of Goodridge's Corner in Industry. The petition was dated Dec. 8, 1866, and a hearing was given the petitioners Aug. 20, 1867. The petitioners failed to secure their road. On the petition of Benjamin N. Willis and forty-five others a short piece of road was laid out by the Count}' Commissioners, Oct. 22, 1867, which greatly improved and shortened the road from West's Mills to Madison Bridge. This road commenced near the present residence of Elijah Manter, and running in a EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 387 south-westerly direction through a corner of Stark intersected the road leading from West's Mills to Stark, west of the resi- dence of the late John H. Viles. The town promptly raised a sum of money to build this road, and in due time it was opened to the traveling public* The State Legislature had, at its recent session, amended Chapter 33 of the Laws of 1858, for the suppression of drinking- houses and tippling-shops, and on the 3d day of June, 1867, the citizens of Industry were called upon to give in their votes for or against the measure. In consequence of the bus)' season the vote was very small, but stood, in favor of the amendment, 29 votes ; against it, 5 votes. " THE GOLD FEVER." In the summer of 1867 Joseph Warren Smith and William R. Daggett began a prospecting tour of the town, in search of deposits of the precious metals. They conducted their explora- tions in such a quiet manner that few were aware, for a time, of the real object of their search. The wise ones said they were "lining bees." After occupying considerable time in then- search they were rewarded by finding a deposit of lead, though at the time of its discovery the)- did not know its proper name, having the impression it might be silver ore. This deposit was found in the bed-rock of a small brook which flowed at the base of Boardman Mountain on its western side. In the search Mr. Smith was the first to notice the deposit, and with his jack- knife loosened a small quantity of ore from its rocky bed. This he took to his blacksmith shop at West's Mills, where, by melt- ing it in the forge, they soon found it to possess characteristics which would indicate a metal of value. The news spread * At the annual meeting held at West's Mills, March 4. 1867, afier hearing the reports of the several town officers the moderator inquired, " < lentlemen, what \\ ill you do with the reports of your town officers?" Thereupon some wag facetiously moved that the selectmen's report he placed on file in the clerk's office and to lei the others "goto the devil," and thus the vote stands recorded. At this meeting S2100 was raised to pay town charges, and $3000 to be expended on the highway. At (he annual meeting in 186S the town voted to raise $1000 to pay on the town debt, and the follow- ing year $800. In 1870 no money was raised for that purpose. 388 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. rapidly that silver, and perhaps gold, had been discovered on the farm of Daniel Gilman, and man}- persons visited the place. The "gold fever" ran high, and almost everyone had a pocket- ful of the rock containing the precious stuff. About this time John Willis obtained a title to the land on which the deposit was located. After the land came into the possession of Mr. Willis, Luther Curtis, of New Sharon, whose attention had no doubt been attracted by the flattering reports afloat, purchased an interest in " the mine," as the people were wont to call it. The manner in which Mr. Curtis worded his ^\wi\ was said to be somewhat peculiar and eccentric, the clause granting privi- leges reading as follows: "To pass to and fro, dig and blow, dam and flow and raise the d — 1 generally for mining pur- poses," causing a great deal of gossip and not a little merriment. During the latter part of the fall a large section of the ledge was unearthed, a few blasts were made, and samples of the quartz from near the surface forwarded to S. Dana Hayes, of Boston, State Assayer of Massachusetts. The only valuable metal that this batch of quartz contained was traces of copper. An effort was made later in the fall to sink a shaft in the ledge, but after a time the undertaking was abandoned on account of the coldness of the weather. In I (S6S the stockholders formed themselves into a com- pany known as the "Franklin Mining Association," with John Willis, John Wesley Norton and Daniel Gilman as directors, and Luther Curtis, of New Sharon, as secretary and treasurer. A tax was assessed on the shares, and active preparations for sinking a shaft were begun. The directors contracted with Joseph W. Smith to sink a shaft ten feet deep, and work was commenced in good earnest early in the month of August. Samples of ore taken from this shaft are claimed to have assayed silver to the value of nearly fifteen dollars to each ton of quartz. But trouble for the Franklin Mining Association was in store in the near future. Some of the shareholders be- came dissatisfied at being obliged to pay an assessment on their shares, — they having imagined that the only thing necessary to accumulate a fortune, in this direction, was just to buy a EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 389 few shares of the stock, when wealth would roll in upon them without further trouble or expense. To the sudden interruption of their " golden dreams " must be attributed their dissatisfac- tion, and at the same time making the discovery that the com- pany was not legally organized, and therefore the collection of the assessments could not be enforced, they flatly refused to pay the tax. The consequence was that, though some paid their proportion of the tax promptly, Mr. Smith was forced to quit work, with a shaft only six feet deep, and even then losing heavily, owing to the perversity of the non-paying shareholders. This state of things proved a material hindrance to further development of the deposit. Had this company been legally organized, the collection of the assessments could have been enforced and funds sufficient to fully develop the deposit easily raised. Had such a course been pursued, there are abundant reasons "to believe that this deposit would have eventually paid not only for working it, but something to its stockholders. The winter of 1868-9 was notable for its frequent and heavy storms and the unusual depth of snow. Storm followed storm until roads were blockaded, fences buried from sight, and in some instances dwelling-houses were nearly buried in huge drifts. The autumn of 1869 was rendered memorable to the inhabi- tants of Franklin County, and especially so to the dwellers of Sand}- River Valley, by a freshet of great magnitude. This in point of destructiveness had not been equaled for many years, if, indeed, it had a parallel in the history of the valley. Rain began to fall early Sunday morning, October 3d, gently at first, but as the da)- advanced gradually increasing until by noon the rain fell in sheets. This continued, with slight interruption, all through the following night and until six o'clock Monday after- noon. The water rose rapidly in Sandy River, inundating the adjacent interval lands, and slowly but surely rose higher and higher until it grew to a torrent of irresistible magnitude and power. Every bridge on Sandy River was either partially car- ried away or rendered impassable by the water. At Phillips a 49 39° HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. portion of the cemetery was washed away and many coffins carried down the river. The bridges at the village and Whit- ney's Mills were also swept away. The suspension bridge at Strong was somewhat damaged, while the western span of tin- Fairbanks and Centre bridges in Farmington, as well as the Chesterville portion of the bridge at Farmington Falls, were carried away by the water. Near the Centre Bridge in Farm- ington was the newly erected corn-canning factory of J. Winslow Jones, with its heavy burden of machinery and packed corn. This was raised from its foundation and carried down the river, as was also the spool-factory of B. Frank Morrill at Farming- ton Falls. Farmers living along the river in many instances sustained serious losses from the flood. But little damage was done in Industry by this freshet aside from the destruction of the mill-dam at West's Mills. The town was visited by a very heavy thunder storm on Thursday afternoon, July 14, 1 870, accompanied by a gale of wind of such power and violence as had seldom if ever been known. The rain descended in torrents, the incessant flashing of the lightning was scarcely less terrifying than the accom- panying peals of thunder, which could be heard with almost painful distinctness above the roar of the wind. So powerful was the force of the wind that in some instances the trunks of large forest trees were broken like pipe-stems, while apple-trees were uprooted, fences blown down, crops injured and much other damage done in the track of the tornado. No hail fell in Industry, but in other towns it proved very destructive to window-glass and growing crops. A very singular and strikingly beautiful auroral display occurred on Friday evening, Oct. 14, 1870. The singular ap- pearance of the heavens was first noticed about eight o'clock in the evening, when it was discovered that the whole southern sky was aglow with the weird mystical light of the aurora borealis. The form was like that of a huge fan, Inning its cen- tre directly overhead and extending east and west from this point to the horizon, while to the north of this boundary the sky was perfectly clear. At the zenith and along the eastern EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 39 1 and western boundaries the color was of a fiery red, and rays of the same color streamed into the mass of silvery light which flooded the whole southern sky, — the whole forming an excellent representation of an enormous opened fan. In less than an hour from the time it was discovered, this beautiful picture had entirely disappeared. At noon on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1870, after an interval of warm, foggy weather, the sky cleared and a strong breeze sprung up, which rapidly increased in intensity until by the middle of the afternoon it became almost resistless in its power. Although the wind continued to blow about twelve hours, con- siderable damage was done to buildings, fences and orchards. THE EARTHQUAKE OF 1870. On Thursday, Oct. 20, 1870, at about half-past eleven o'clock in the forenoon, a low, heavy rumbling sound was heard which was thought to be thunder, as it was raining hard at the time. Soon, however, its real nature was revealed. The shock seemed to move in two waves, the second being much heavier than the first. During the heaviest part of the convulsion, windows, stoves, crockery ware, etc., rattled in an alarming manner, and the buildings themselves rocked and swayed from the violence of the shock. Many families, thoroughly fright- ened, rushed out of doors, regardless of the rain, and only returned when the convulsive heaving of the earth had ceased. Its duration was nearly or quite seventy seconds, and it was claimed to have been the heaviest shock of earthquake which had occurred in the last hundred years. THE GRASSHOPPER PLAGUE. Early in the summer of 1871, an innumerable swarm of grasshoppers made their appearance in Industry. Their advent was the beginning of a period of devastation never before equaled in the history of the town. Not only was the grass crop nearly ruined by the insatiable eating proclivities of this insect horde, but every growing crop of the farmer was alike 39 2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. attacked and frequently completely destroyed. Farms that had previously cut from ten to fifteen tons of hay, yielded from three to eight tons this season. Occasionally a piece of corn would be completely ruined by having the silks eaten of! .is soon as they appeared. Grain of all kinds suffered greal damage by having the head-stalks eaten off, and in some instances the harvest did not equal the amount of seed sown. A remarkable trait of these insects was a tendency to confine their depredations to the highest ground, and seldom if ever troubling the grass on wet land. Under the existing circumstances nothing remained for the farmers but to reduce their stock to correspond with their limited crop of hay, and this reduction was effected at a ruinous sacrifice. Light beef was a drug in the market at three dollars per hundred, and good sheep sold as low as fifty cents per head. According to the inventory taken by the selectmen in April, 1870, there were 4333 sheep owned in town. From the same source it is learned that the number had been reduced to 2358 in 1872. During the same time the amount of neat stock was reduced to 218 head. Even after thus reducing their stock it would have been impossible for the farmers of this town to have: wintered the balance without the free use of western corn. The amount of damage done in Industry can hardly be esti- mated, and man\* years must elapse before "the grasshopper year" will cease to be an important event in the farmer's calendar. The citizens of Allen's Mills and vicinity observed the ninety-fifth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence by a picnic dinner and other exercises in a cool shady grove just west of the village. Here tables, speaker's stand, and seats were built for the accommodation of those present. The day was exceptionally fine, and the usual programme of such occa- sions was carried out under the direction of Moses M. Luce, President of the Day, and his Marshal, Josiah Emery. After the usual morning street-parade, a procession was formed and EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 393 marched to the grove.* The following is a partial list of the exercises in the grove : Prayer, Samuel G. Gould, Industry. Reading the Declaration of Independence, Virgil L. Craig, Farmington. ( hation, Rev. George N. Marden, Farmington. Dinner. After dinner occurred other exercises, followed by a pyro- technic display on Clear Water Pond in the evening. A large concourse of people were present, by whom the exercises were greatly enjoyed. After the close of the war it was found that some towns had paid a much larger sum in bounties to their soldiers than others. To remedy this inequality, the State issued to such towns Equalization Bonds drawing interest at the rate of six per cent. At the annual meeting, March 7, 1870, Gen. Nathan Goodridge was chosen an agent to effect the sale of those belonging to Industry. $3,677.61, including accrued interest, was received from their sale. In the fall of 1871 the citizens residing in the vicinity of Goodridge's Corner met at the Centre school-house, on Wednes- day evening, November 15th, and organized a society for the diffusion of knowledge and mutual improvement of its members. This organization, composed of very many prominent citizens, was known as the Industry Farmers' and Mechanics' Club. A constitution was drawn up and adopted, and the following officers chosen : President, Horatio A. B. Keyes ; Vice-Presi- dent, Sylvanus B. Philbrick; Recording Secretary, William M. Bryant ; Treasurer and Librarian, Hovey Thomas ; Correspond- ing Secretary, Augustus W. Morrell. The exercises were to consist of lectures, essays, and discussions on topics of timely interest and practical importance pertaining to agriculture and * Daniel Hilton, a skilful performer on the fife, furnished the music for this occasion, and it is believed to be the last time he ever played in public. 394 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the mechanic aits. Gentlemen were admitted as members on signing the constitution and paying a nominal membership fee, while ladies became members by signing the constitution and by-laws. During its existence seventy-nine persons inscribed their names upon the club records as members. The club frequently employed lecturers, on practical topics, such as Major Lorin Adams, of Wilton, Major Alexander II. S. 1 )avis, of Farmington, X. G. Foster, of Wilton, Rev. Mr. Kim- ball, of New Sharon, and others. Questions relating to the various branches of husbandry were discussed, books on agri- culture purchased and read, and man)' valuable essays were also prepared and delivered. Thus by the intelligent, well- directed efforts of its members, the Industry Farmers' and Mechanics' Club proved a great and lasting benefit. Meetings were held regularly during the fall and winter months up to the spring of 1877, when the)- abruptly ceased. Prominent among the members not previously mentioned were Thomas Stevens, Josiah Emery, 1). Collins Luce, Truman Luce, Moses M. Luce, Augustus II. Swift, Francis S. Rogers, Alvarez N. Goodridge, Amos S. Ilinklcv, Brice II. Waugh, John R. Luce, Virgil L. Craig, William (). Hargravcs, Holmes II. Bailey, and others. The movement which lead to the organization of the baiter- prise Cheese Manufacturing Company had its origin with the Industry Farmers' and Mechanics' Club. At a meeting held Oct. 30, 1872, the question "Would a cheese-factory in this vicinity prove a paying business?" was discussed with a great deal of earnestness and enthusiasm. The question was decided in the affirmative, and a committee of three was chosen to visit the factory at Strong. Soon after this J. O. Keyes, of Jay, gave the club a talk on the importance of cheese-factories, and methods employed in the manufacture of cheese. The result of these discussions and talks was the association of several gentlemen, who purchased the "Old Red Meeting-House" (sec p. J Jo) of Augustus II. Swift, took it down and moved it to Goodridge's Corner during the winter. The parties inter- ested organized by the choice of the following officers: Presi- dent, Horatio A. P. Keyes; Vice-President, Llewellyn Norton; EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 395 Secretary, Josiah Emery. A Board of Directors, consisting of John A. Stover, Truman Luce, Augustus H. Swift, William D. Mcintosh, and Hovey Thomas, was also chosen. In June following, the factory was built. The building was 24x28 feet, two stories in height, and was furnished with a Ralph vat and the latest improved apparatus. The company divided its stock into twenty-five-dollar shares, and its factory was erected and furnished at a cost of $1300. The first season, the factory was in operation sixty-one days under the superintendency of Nathan Strickland and produced 7000 pounds of cured cheese, each cheese weighing 32 pounds on an average. These were marketed, principally at Farmington, for fifteen cents per pound. The total cost of manufacturing was three cents per pound. The State Legislature, by an act approved Feb. 3, 1874, incorporated Horatio A. B. Keyes, Hovey Thomas, Augustus H. Swift, William I). Mcintosh, Warren Bullen, Thomas Stevens, Alvarez N. Goodridge, and Josiah Emery, with their associates, a body politic to be known as the Enterprise Cheese Manufacturing Company, with a maximum capital stock of $5000. Under this charter the company organized by the choice of the following officers: President, Horatio A. B. Keyes ; Vice-President, Llewellyn Norton ; Secretary, Josiah Emery; Treasurer, Alvarez N. Goodridge; Directors, William D. Mcintosh, Thomas Stevens and Hiram Titcomb. This year the company began the manufacture of cheese June 1st, and the factory was in operation eighty-one days. This year the milk of one hundred cows, aggregating 1600 pounds per day, was received at the factory, and 14,000 pounds of cheese made during the season. The following year (1875), "J62G pounds of cheese was made, and about the same amount in 1876—7-8. But the company had found it necessary to hire a portion of the money required to build and fit up their factor}'. They were doing a good business and had paid the interest on the indebt- edness promptly, likewise something on the principal. But the several creditors becoming alarmed, sued and attached the property, which virtually put an end to all further operations, and the factory fell into disuse. 396 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. In the fall of i 87 2, two orders on the treasurer of Industry, amounting to $3100, were sent by mail to the First National Hank of Lewiston, Me., with the request that a part of their face value be advanced. These purported to have been given by the selectmen to Eli X. Oliver for expenses in the Betsey Nichols pauper case. The letter containing them was post- marked at Norridgewock, and requested that the remittance be sent to a certain hotel at West Farmington, obviously to a person under an assumed name. Suspicious that all was not right, the bank officials notified the selectmen, when it was discovered that the orders were base forgeries. At this time it would have been an easy matter to have detected the guilty party or parties, but the secret got abroad and the golden opportunity was lost. This event caused much excitement and a great deal of talk in Industry and vicinity. The topic reached such proportions at length, that a special town meeting was called to assemble at West's Mills, Dec. 7, 1872. After choos- ing Moses Bradbury, Moderator, Josiah Emery motioned that a reward of $200 be offered for the detection and conviction of the guilt)' parties, which was promptly seconded and unani mously carried. Though some effort was made to earn the reward, it was never claimed, and the criminals escaped Lin punished. Rev. David Church, a gentleman of culture and fine literary tastes, was stationed at Industry in 1873 as pastor of the Methodist Church. While engaged in his pastoral labors, he conceived the idea of offering a prize for the best delivered declamation and holding the competitive test in the Union Church at West's Mills. This proposal was received with much favor, and Elder Church immediately set about perfecting his plans. The heart}' support of many students and teachers was obtained, and a large number volunteered to compete for the prize. The date set for the exercises was Wednesday evening, Feb. 12, 1873. The weather and sleighing being favorable, the attendance" was large, tilling the church to its utmost capacity. An orchestra was improvised for tin: occasion, and the- decla- mations were interspersed with excellent music. Rev. Mr. EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 397 Church acted as president of the evening, and Orville W. Collins, Stark, John G. Brown, New Sharon, and John Willis, Industry, were selected as awarding judges. The desk of the pulpit had been replaced by a convenient stage, on which were seated the president and adjudging committee, and from which the votaries of Demosthenes and Cicero delivered their orations. Among those present from abroad was Rev. Joseph Colby, Presiding Elder of Readfield District, who offered prayer at the commencement of the exercises. The programme in full was as follows : Music. Prayer. Discovery of America. — Everett. Sheridan's Ride. — Read. The Pipes of Lucknow. Horatius at the Bridge, — Macaulay. Extract. "The Skeeter" (a parody). I Assassination of President Lincoln. The Inebriate's Death-Bed. Spariicus to the Gladiators. — Rellogg. Irish Aliens and English Victories. ( )n the American War. — Lord Chatham. Rum's Maniac. — Allison. Launching of the Ship. — Longfellow. Extract. The Diver. — Schiller. Henry D. Watson, Anson. John R. Luce, Industry* Samuel Sherburne Day, Stork. Frank Pinkham, Anson. Joseph L. Coughlin, Industry. Trask. New Sharon (aged 10 years). Adelbert 0. Frederic, Stark. John II. Smith, Stark. Robert Dana Trask, New Sharon. W. D. Morse, New Sharon. fames 11. Greaton, Stark. James E. Trask, New Sharon. Newton J. Jones, Farmington. Frank C. Stone, Neiv Sharon. Fred Bixby, Anson. Much ability was shown by the contestants in the rendering of their respective parts and the interest was sufficient to hold the close attention of the large and appreciative audience. So ex- cellent was every part that the committee found it no easy matter to determine which really was the best, but after carefully weigh- ing the matter the prize was awarded to James E. Trask, New Sharon, with honorable mention of James B. Greaton, Stark. The Centre Meeting-House had by long years of constant service fallen into a state of poor repair. At a meeting of the proprietors holden April 16, 1874, it was voted to raise $100 for * Absent. Omitted. 5° 398 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. repairs by tax on pews. This tax was promptly assessed on the forty-seven pews which the house contained. During that year the roof was shingled, the outside nicely painted, and later the pews were cut down and modernized and the whole interior thoroughly remodeled. A fine Daniel F. Beatty organ was also purchased in [878 and the house nicely furnished, and although not much used since the completion of Shorey Chapel, it is still a pleasant, attractive church. The Greenback party made its first appearance in American politics with the nomination of William Allen for governor of Ohio by the Democratic State Convention of 1874, in opposition to Rutherford B. Hayes, upon a platform containing a soft- money clause. This party made its first appearance in Maine with the introduction into the Democratic State Convention of 1 S75, by Solon Chase, of Turner, a resolution containing this Ohio clause. This resolution was refused a passage. Before the next campaign Solon Chase established a Greenback newspaper, and a [tart)* was formed which nominated Almon Gage, of Lewiston, for governor, who received 520 votes. The next year their can- didate received 5,291 votes in the State, and in 1878 Joseph L. Smith received 41,371 votes for governor. The first votes cast by the Greenback part}' in Industry was at the gubernatorial election, Sept. 10, 1877, when 21 votes were polled for Henry C. Munson. On the evening of December 6th in that year, Solon Chase came to Industry and lectured on finance in the brick school-house at Allen's Mills. His sound logical arguments won many converts for the Greenback part}-, and the next year (1S78) Joseph L. Smith received ill votes in town. The largest vote ever polled by the Greenback party in Industry was in 1879, when Joseph L. Smith received 130 votes for governor. There was a slight falling off from this at the two succeeding elections. But in the following years the part}- lost heavily, anil in the course of time ceased to exist. The summer of 1875 witnessed one of the greatest scourges from the forest tent-caterpillar (Clisiocampa sylvatica, Harris) known in the history of tin; town. So numerous were the}- that whole orchards were as completely stripped of their foliage as EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 399 they could have been by fire. So ravenous were these pests that maple and other shade-trees were attacked when the fruit- trees failed to supply the demands of their appetites. The next year (1876) orchards were again infested, but there seemed to be some diminution in number. Any orchard which chanced to escape in 1875 was sure to suffer in 1876. It was no uncommon sight to see, at evening, large windrows of these insects piled along fences and on buildings and trees. Strange as the state- ment may appear, it was currently reported that railroad travel was seriously impeded by these insects gathering on the iron rails in > t EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 413 try circuit. Elder Mastcrman was a gentleman of great energy and rare executive ability. As soon as he was fairly established in his new home he directed his attention to the matter of a new church. Early in August while in conversation with Richard Caswell, one of his parishioners, that gentleman remarked, " I will give seventy-five dollars toward erecting a church in this village." On the strength of this statement a subscription paper was drawn up and circulated, soliciting funds to build a free-seated Methodist church at West's Mills. Warren Cornforth, George W. Johnson and Franklin W. Patterson followed Mr. Caswell's ex- ample and each subscribed a similar sum. The work of soliciting funds was vigorously prosecuted through the labors of Rev. John R. Masterman, assisted by Richard Caswell and others, and once started in the work of soliciting, the prospects of the enter- prise grew brighter and brighter every day, and substantial aid was frequently received from unexpected sources. First among these surprises was a gift to the society of a superb Wilcox & White cabinet-organ from Twitchell, Champlin & Co., wholesale grocers, of Portland, Me. A little later a munificent cash pres- ent of $225 was received from Mr. and Mrs Alanson C. Bruce, of Minneapolis, Minn. Ere long a sufficient sum had been secured to assure the success of the enterprise, and on the 29th da) r of October the Methodist Quarterly Conference which met at Stark, appointed Warren Cornforth, Samuel C. Rand, Ben- jamin H. Euce, Calvin B. Fish, George W. Johnson, James M. Norton and Franklin W. Patterson a building committee to superintend the construction of the proposed structure. The first meeting of the committee was held at Norton's Hall on Saturday evening, Nov. 5, 1887, and was largely attended Ira and Susan I). (Robertson) Masterman. Early in life he entertained views wholly at variance with the Bible and Christianity, but was converted in 1854, at the age of 17 years, and joined the Christian Band. Was licensed to preach Sept. 14, 1X56. lie joined the M. E. Church in the fall of 185S and soon after was licensed to preach by that denomination. He was admitted to the Maine Conference in 1866, and since that time, with the exception of four years, has been in active itinerant service. Previous to coming to Industry circuit he had been largely instrumental in erecting a union church at Kinglield, ami also built a Methodist house of worship while stationed on Belgrade circuit. 52 414 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. by interested citizens. The committee proceeded to organize by choosing Janus M. Norton, president, Franklin W. Patterson, secretary, Cabin B. Fish, treasurer, and Warren Cornforth, col- let tor. The committee immediately closed contracts for the granite with Asa Q. and Cabin B. Fish, and with George W. Johnson for the necessary lumber. I tovey Thomas was engaged to put n}) and board the frame as soon as the lumber was ready in the spring. A lot for the new house had been previously selected and engaged of James Oliver, and Nov. 15, 1S87, the society took a deed of the land and two days later the lot was surveyed and the boundaries established. The sills were cut and hewn before the snow fell in the fall, and man) 7 of the preliminary arrange- ments made. During the winter and spring man) 7 became dis- satisfied with the lot purchased of Mr. Oliver in consequence of the wet and heavy condition of the soil. At this juncture an ad- vantageous offer was made the society by Franklin W. Patterson, which was accepted by a unanimous vote of the subscribers to the building fund. On the 18th day of June, 1888, the work of clearing the lot was begun, and on the following day a large party of men and boys broke ground for the cellar. Consider- able enthusiasm prevailed, and under the direction of Samuel C. Rand, who had been specially selected to take care of digging and stoning the cellar, work proceeded rapidly. In due time the cellar was completed, granite dressed, sills framed and in position, and by July 4th the walls were up and nearly boarded. At this point it was deemed expedient to suspend work until the ha)' crop had been harvested. Work was resumed at the earliest possible moment, and soon the roof was raised and covered. The committee then engaged Edward A. Maxim, of Madison, to build the tow r er and superintend the finishing of the outside. The committee were very fortunate in their selection of Mr. Maxim as master workman, and the beauty of the exterior is a credit to his skill and judgment. The outside was finished late in the fall of 1888, and finding their funds exhausted and not wishing to incur any indebted- ness, the committee deemed it advisable to suspend work until EVENTS /'ROM 1866 TO 1S93, 415 from some source the treasury should be replenished. At th.it time the interior was partially lathed and some other work had been done. Upon the dismissal of the workmen, Rev. John R. Masterman voluntarily took up the work and only ceased his labors when the interior was read)' for the masons. Through the solicitations of the pastor, ably seconded by those of Rev. George C. Andrews, Presiding Elder, the Maine Methodist Conference, in the spring of 1889, voted the West's Mills society the benefit of its Church Aid fund for that year, from which source $180.79 was realized, and but for this opportune aid the work of finishing the church must have been greatly delayed. From the following churches a donation of five dollars or more was received : Auburn, $5.00 North Anson, $ 5.00 Augusta, 7-5° Portland, Chestnut Street Biddeford, 5.00 Church, 12.00 Conway, N. H., 7-5° Portland, Congress Street Cumberland, 7.00 Church, 7.00 Farmington, 8.00 Skowhegan, 6.50 Gardiner, 9.00 South Berwick, 6.00 Kitlery, 5.00 Waterville, 15.00 Madison, 5.00 Wilton, 5-40 Mt. Vernon, 5.00 Wood fords, 5.00 Nearly contemporaneous with the starting of the subscription paper, the ladies of West's Mills and vicinity began looking about to see in what manner they could best aid in erecting the proposed new house of worship. As the result a Ladies' Circle was organized on Tuesday evening, Nov. 15, 1887, and the following officers elected : President, Miss Ellen A. Frederic ; Vice-President, Miss Eva L. Luce; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. James M. Norton. A good degree of success attended the circle from the very first, and although the fees charged at their suppers and entertainments were merely nominal, a con- siderable sum was raised in this manner. From these funds was purchased and set up, at a cost of seventy-five dollars, one of the Doran Furnace Co.'s furnaces, known as the Siberian Heater. In addition to this, the circle rendered the building committee substantial and opportune aid in other directions. 41 6 . HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Franklin W. Patterson and Alonzo Sawtelle completed the chimney June 24th, and on the following day Cyrus A. Thomas & Sons, of Farmington, began plastering the walls. Early in August, Rev. John R. Masterman and Rufus Jennings began the work of finishing the interior. The completion of this work again found the society destitute of funds, and the interior yet to be painted. Here, as in previous emergencies, aid came from an unex- pected source. One pleasant morning, Mrs. John R. Master- man, wife of the pastor, started out with a subscription paper soliciting contributions to aid in painting. Her efforts were so successful that in a very short time sufficient money was obtained to pay for the paint and leave a small balance toward paying the painter. Robert Campbell, of Farmington, was employed to paint and grain the interior of the house, which he did in a skilful manner, and to the satisfaction of all concerned. The Methodist Society at Farmington, with characteristic generosity, presented the West's Mills church a number of pew-cushions taken from their church at the time it was burned in the fall of 1886. With a small amount of labor these were fitted to the pews by the ladies, and they proved no small addition to the comfort and beauty of the edifice. The house is 34x40 feet on the ground, with fifteen feet posts. The spire, which rises from the southwest corner, is fifty-nine feet tall, exclusive of weather-vane. The main entrance is in the south end, directly under the tower, and opens into an entry 8x10 feet; two doors lead from the entry, one to the audience room, 30x34 feet, the other on the right opens into the vestry, 10x22 feet ; this is connected with the main house by means of folding doors. At the eastern extremity of this room is a flight of winding stairs leading to a room over and of the same size as the vestry. This room has conveniences for setting up a stove, and can be used as a kitchen in event of a church festival, or to augment the seating capacity of the church, with which it is connected with two large windows that can be raised as occasion requires. With the exception of this room, the whole interior is -rained in ash, effectively set off by the judicious use of walnut EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 417 stain for prominent mouldings, etc. The faithful labors and untiling interest manifested by Chairman James M. Norton and other members of the building committee, also Rev. John R. Masterman, the family and friends of George W. Johnson, Mrs. Warren Cornforth, and others, are worthy of all praise and to them, in no small measure, is due the success of the enterprise. Tuesday, Feb. I I, I 890, was the time set for the dedicatory services, and a more beautiful day could not have been had. The sky was cloudless and the sleighing excellent. Under such favorable circumstances, it does not seem so very strange that a large number were in attendance. Among the clergymen who were present and participated in the services were Rev. Wilber F. Berry, of Farmington ; Rev. Henry Crockett, of Kingfield, a former pastor; Rev. George C. Andrews, Presiding Elder of the Augusta District, and Rev. John R. Masterman, the present pastor. Among the congregation, bowed down by the weight of his many years but still possessing a retentive memory, was Samuel Remick, of Stark, who sixty years before had attended the dedicatory services of the Union Church at West's Mills. Although on that occasion the house was packed to its utmost capacity, nearly all had gone over to " the silent majority." Of the remaining few, so far as the writer can learn, Mr. Remick was the only one present. Settees were brought from Norton's Hall and chairs from the neighboring houses, and by the hour appointed for the services the church was completely filled. The services, which began at 2 o'clock P. M., were both interesting and impressive. Much care and attention had been bestowed upon the details of the programme, and its general excellence was a credit to Rev. John R. Masterman, by whom it was prepared. PROGRAMME. i. Singing. Anthem: " Praise Ye the Lord." Choir. 2. Introductory Remarks. Rev. John R. Masterman. 3. Singing :" The Old Bell."* Choir. * The cast-steel bell saved from the old house was the only thing that could be utilized for the new. This hymn was arranged for the occasion by Elder Masterman and sung in commemoration of the fact. 41 8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Report of Building Committee. [ames M. Norton. Singing. . Choir. Scripture Reading. Rev. George C. Andrews. Prayer. Rev. Henry Crockett. Reading of Discipline. Rev. Wilber F. Berry. Singing. Choir. i ollection. Rev. George C. Andrews. Prayer and Sermon. Rev. George C. Andrews. Presentation of Church to Society for Dedication by Chairman of Hoard of Trustees. Franklin W. Patterson. Dedicatory Service. Revs. George C. Andrews and Wilber F. Berry. Dedicatory Prayer. Rev. W. F. lierry. Sinking Doxology. Congregation. Benediction by the Pastor. Rev. John R. Masterman. James M. Norton, chairman of the building committee, reported as follows : Received on subscription paper dated Aug. 5, 1S87, $992.60 Of Ladies' Circle, 131.88 Church Aid Fund, 180.79 Subscription for paint and painting. Mrs. Masterman, 31-00 From sale of the Union Meeting- House lot, 20.00 By sale of stove, 2.00 In labor and material from individuals, 96.78 From Harrison Daggett and Eugene L. Smith for vane,* 19.00 By letter method. 26.61 For land sold to Ellen A. Frederic, 25.00 Liabilities in excess of resources. 22.00 Total cost of house, $1547.66 Music for the occasion was furnished by a choir composed of the following persons, viz. : Miss Lilla Masterman, alto; Mrs. John R. Masterman and Mrs. Alonzo Norton, soprano; Rufus Jennings, tenor, and Messrs. John R. Masterman and Harrison Daggett, bass, with Miss Carrie L. Norton, organist. * This vane was bought with funds raised by subscription, J. Warren Smith gen- erously donating live dollars. The vane was three feet in length, known as the ban- nerette style, and was placed on the spire on Monday, Nov. 5, iSSS, by Melvin A. Burns, a painter who chanced to be stopping in the village. EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 419 Every detail of the programme was carried out successfully, and the dedicatory exercises were much enjoyed by all present. The sermon was pointed and practical and, taken as a whole, an eminently able discourse. The completion and opening of the new church for public worship at once gave a powerful impetus to church attendance, and the accruing good results on the morals of the community are hardly to be estimated. The spring of 1890 was noted for being one of the coldest and most backward in a long scries of years. Added to this a protracted series of cold heavy rains prevented man)' farmers from completing their spring's work until near the middle of June, while a few were at work on their tillage as late as the twenty-first of June. Occasionally a piece of land would be found too wet to cultivate, and from this cause many acres lay idle through the succeeding summer. Even after the seed was in the ground germination proved to be a very slow process, and re-planting in some instances became necessary. A TERRIBLE TORNADO. Tuesday, Jul)' 8, 1 890, was an unusually hot day. During a large part of the season the weather had been cool and agree- able, but on the day in question the mercury rose steadily until it ranged from 90 to 95 degrees in the shade, varying according to the locality. To add to the discomfort of sweltering human- ity scarcely a breath of air was stirring to relieve the awful intensity of the heat. During the afternoon dark and threaten- ing clouds were observed rising above the western horizon ; as this was no uncommon occurrence during the hottest days of summer no notice was taken of the matter. These huge masses of sullen clouds remained almost motionless in the western sky for several hours. Then, as if having gained motive power from their own inactivity, they began to rise, towering higher and higher in the heavens. On and on came the storm, the leaden black clouds rolling volume on volume, driven by some unper- ceived power. The sight was truly grand and appalling ! A wilight gloom settled over the land, and the little birds ceased 420 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. their singing and sought shelter from the coming storm. Driven by an irresistible wind, thick clouds of dust, mingled with leaves and branches of trees, and even small gravel stones, filled the air and added to the gloom which enshrouded the land. The rain now fell in torrents, while the roar of the wind, the inces- sant flashing of the lightning and the pealing thunder presented a scene of weird and striking grandeur. The tornado began at six o'clock I'. M., and lasted about thirty minutes, but in that brief period many valuable shade, field and forest trees were uprooted, while others were seriously injured by having large branches twisted from their trunks. The roads in many places were rendered impassable, so thickly were they strewn with fallen trees. But aside from the demolition of a barn in the northern part of the town, owned by Thomas M. Oliver, build- ings in Industry escaped with slight injur)'. Other towns were less fortunate in this respect, and great damage was done to property, such as farm-buildings and fences, as well as to fruit and shade trees. The lattice-work railroad bridge, 150 feet long, across the Sanely River at Phillips, was lifted from its foundation and dashed to kindling wood by the gale. At Winthrop, Me., the steeple was blown from the Methodist Church, and falling through the roof of a neighboring house, so injured an aged lady that she died soon after the accident. Had the surface of Maine been unbroken by hill or forest, this tornado must have reached the intensity of a western cyclone. A new disease made its appearance in the fall of 1889, and prevailed widely as an epidemic during the following winter, and also during the succeeding winters of 1891-2.* This * The ravages of this disease in an adjoining State during the winter of 1891 .' is vividly pictured in the subjoined editorial clipped from the Manchester ( X. II.) Mirror: There is always a tendency to overestimate the extenl and effects of a widespread epidemic, especially in a community that reads newspapers extensively, lor the disposition to state things quite as strongly as the facts will warrant is not one in which newspaper reporters and editors are generally lacking, hut we question whether the people of New Hampshire are aware how violent has heen the sweep of the disease which, with its numerous attendant and resulting ailments, is known as the EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 42 I disease was characterized by many of the symptoms of a severe attack of influenza. By some it was supposed to have had its origin in Siberia, hence was given the name " Russian Influenza." La Grippe, the name by which the disease was most widely known, is said to have come from the Polish crypka, meaning hoarse. Others claim to recognize its origin in the French word " gripper," meaning to seize. It spreads with great ra- pidity, and in the epidemic just mentioned traveled from St. Petersburg to New York in about six weeks. Children enjoyed to a certain extent immunity from this disease. The invasion was usually sudden, accompanied by accelerated pulse, high fever, severe lumbar and muscular pains, with intense headache. Catarrhal symptoms were usually prominent characteristics, though in some instances they were slight or entirely wanting. These attacks invariably left the patient weak and extremely susceptible to other diseases, especially to pneumonia. A large number died in Industry and adjoining towns, either from the disease itself or its sequela: during its prevalence in 1 890- 1 -2. grip. More than half of the public men of the State who desired to attend the funeral of Hon. Daniel Barnard at Franklin, Wednesday, were restricted to their homes >>n that day by sickness, and we think it is a fact that more than three-fourths "I the entire population of the State has within the last two months been stricken down by this strange disease. A majority of them have recovered or are slowly convalescing, but the death roll for December and January must be longer than that for any other two months for many years. The grip goes everywhere and seizes its victims from all classes. It is quite as prevalent and virulent in the country towns as in the cities. In one town it rages on the hills and in another in the valleys. It does as deadly work in the homes of the poor as in those of the rich and well to do. It does not distinguish between those who work in the open air and those who are closely confined in warm and poorly-ventilated rooms, and young and old are alike its subjects, though it is more fatal among the aged, because they have less strength to withstand it. As a rule, when it enters a family it spares no member of it, and we hear of cases in almost every town in which all the occupants of a house are restricted to their beds. Physicians are everywhere worked to the limit of their endurance and neither love nor money can command the services of nurses in many instances. The cause no one knows. The weather is as bad as bad can be, but the grip rages where the weather is line as fiercely as it does here, and of the cure, if cure there be, physicians seem to be nearly as ignorant as of the cause. In its every phase and hum every point of view it is as mysterious as it is prostrating and fatal. 53 \2 ' HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. SHOREY CHAPEL. It was in the month of February, [824, that Pelatiah Shorey came with his family from Berwick, Maine, to make his home in the town of Industry. Air. Shorey was a native of Berwick, and the youngest of a family of ten children. He was of Eng- lish extraction on his father's side, while his mother was of Scottish descent. Both his father and grandfather were deacons of the Baptist church in their day, and his mother was an eminently pious woman and a constant, earnest student of the Bible. Pelatiah Shorey married, Feb. 23, 1818, Sarah Fogg, daughter of Joseph and Phebe (Hayes) Fogg, of Berwick, a lad_\- of sincere piety and sterling moral worth. On coming to Industry, Mr. Shorey's family consisted of a wife and two chil- dren, — Elizabeth, through whose generosity Shore)- Chapel has been erected, and George, who now resides in Cambridge, Mass. The people of Industry found their newly-acquired towns- man and neighbor to be a man of strong, positive convictions, firm and unwavering in his defense of the principles of right and justice, a christian whose profession of faith adorned the walks ot his daily life, and a man in ewer}- respect worth)' of love and esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Shore)- were the parents of seven children, four sons and three daughters, all of whom grew to manhood and womanhood to lead useful christian lives, thus honoring the name of their revered parents and benefiting their fellowmen. Dec. 21, 1 S 3 S , the family sustained an overwhelming and irreparable loss in the death of a kind, loving wife and mother. Two years later Mr. Shore)- married Elizabeth Walbridge Lowe, with whom he lived happily for nearly a third of a century. She died in Industry, May 1 4, [869, and in the month of September following, Mr. Shore)- left town to make his home in Wayland, Mass., with his eldest daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Price. Here, impelled by the promptings of true filial affection, the daughter anticipated and ministered to his every want, thus making his last days as the flow of a peaceful river. Calmly, and apparently painlessly, on the morning of March [8, 1880, his immortal spirit parted its tenement of clay and was wafted SHOREY CHAPEL. From a photograph made in 1S91 by E. R. Starbird, Farmington, Maine. EVENTS FROM [866 TO 1893. 423 by angels to realms of infinite love. After the death of her father, Mrs. Price ever felt a yearning desire to erect some suit- able memorial to the memory of her deceased parents. But nearly a decade elapsed before a desirable avenue fur the be- stowal of her charity presented itself and it happened in this wise: A house for public worship had for a long" time been a -rowing want with the people of Allen's Mills. For years all religious meetings had been held in the brick school-house, but it was poorly adapted to such use. Time rolled on and the year 1890 dawned. This found the need of a church still a pressing want. Preaching was maintained at regular intervals, and a suc- cessful Sunday-school had been in operation for several years. There was also a flourishing lodge of Good Templars in the village, but like the church-goers they were without any suitable place for their meetings. Early in August, 1S90, Mrs. Price, then a resident of Auburndale, Mass., came to visit friends and acquaintances in that part of Industry. She had for some years manifested much interest in the Sunday-school and in many ways promoted its interests. Almost intuitively she grasped the situation, and to those interested made this suggestive query: "Why not build a chapel with a room connected to accommo- date the temperance people?" This proposal struck a popular chord, and several individuals promptly offered to donate a lot of land upon which to erect the proposed building. Notice was given, and a meeting held on the evening of Aug. 29, 1890. At this meeting Win. J. Rackliff was called to preside, and Mrs. Mary G. Rackliff was chosen secretary. A subscription paper was drawn up as the result, and a vigorous canvass for subscrip- tions begun. Mrs. Price promptly subscribed $500, and others pledged smaller sums. Considering the assistance already promised, sufficient to insure the success of their undertaking, the subscribers met and organized Shorey Chapel Association Monday evening, Oct. 20, 1890. Their organization was per- fected by the election of the following officers : President, Wm. J. Rackliff; Clerk, John T. Luce; Directors, D. Collins Luce, Wm. J. Rackliff, John C. Spinney, Alonzo O. Rackliff, John P. Rackliff; Collector and Treasurer, Herbert B. Luce. 4-4 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. At a subsequent meeting a constitution was drawn up, pre- sented and adopted. 1). Collins Luce and wife generously do- nated a building-lot for the chapel and conveyed the same to the association Nov. 8, 1890. Two days later ground was broken for the foundation, and before winter had fully set in the cellar had been dug and stoned.* Dec. 13, 1 890, a contract was closed with John T. Luce to furnish and deliver by April 1, I 891, the necessary lumber for the frame and covering of Shorey Chapel. The granite for the underpinning was also purchased and hauled from the quarry in Chesterville during the winter. Ere spring had fairly set in the enterprise sustained a serious loss in the death of Mrs. Mary G. Rackliff and her mother, Lydia C. Luce, two of its most earnest friends. Discouraging, indeed, were the prospects of the chapel association after this, and until May 20th nothing further was done toward the building. At this critical juncture Mrs. Price, the originator of the movement, came to the rescue. By mutual agreement with the association she assumed the whole control of erecting and finishing the chapel, as well as all the expense of building. June 2, 1891, Frederick A. Tompson, of Portland, com- menced preparing the plans, and the contract for building was soon after let to Mr. Noyes H. Williamson, of Farmington. The work was soon begun and vigorously pushed under the immediate supervision of Mrs. Price. As the work neared completion it was thought advisable to dedicate the house November 10th, it being the anniversary of Mr. Shorey's birth. In completing and furnishing this chapel the tact, good judgment and business ability of Mrs. Price is shown to the best advan- tage. Every detail received her careful personal attention, and nothing was left undone to make the building complete in all its appointments. A bell of 720 pounds weight hangs in the bell-tower, which is surmounted by a handsome vane of the bannerette style. A beautiful tablet bearing the inscription "Shorey Chapel" adorns the front elevation of the main build- ing, anil the structure as a whole is a model of architectural * By a singular coincidence ground was broken on the anniversary of Mr. Shorey's birth, the gentleman in whose honor the chapel had been named. EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 425 beauty. The auditorium, situated in the main building, is reached from the entrance immediately under the tower, by turning to the right. This room, which has a seating capacity of about 150, may well be termed a paragon of comfort and convenience. Overhead it is finished nearly to the ridge, leaving all the trusses exposed. These by their tasteful arrangement are made objects of beauty as well as utility. The richly-stained finish, the fres- coed walls and ceiling, the ash-wood pews with their cushions of maroon plush, the modestly-figured carpet, the handsomely- furnished pulpit, blend into one harmonious whole in the flood of mellow light admitted through the stained-glass windows. At the left of the minister, as he faces the congregation, is the choir with its fine new organ, while on his right is a small parlor reached by a private entrance, from which a short flight of stairs leads to the pulpit. ( >n the desk lies a handsome copy of the Bible, presented by a sister of Mrs. Price, Mrs. Harriet A. Bassett, of New York City; but aside from this, everything from the furnace in the basement to the vane on the spire, and hymn-books in every pew, came from the generous hand of Elizabeth (Shorey) Price. The wing, extending at a right angle from the main building, contains a vestry, reached from a side entrance, and a kitchen furnished with a china closet, sink and all the conveniences of a first-class cuisine. The vestry communicates with the audito- rium by means of folding doors, and contains a book-case, desk and other necessary furniture. It is designed for the use of the Sunday-school, social meetings and the Good Templars. THE DEDICATION. Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1891, was ushered in with overcast skies and indications of rain, but before the hour set for the dedica- tory services the clouds vanished, and the sun burst forth in all its splendor, giving promise of a perfect afternoon. At one o'clock the silvery-toned bell in the tower announced the arrival of the appointed hour. The people had begun to gather early in the afternoon and soon filled all the pews, and the ushers were obliged to place chairs in the aisles for those arriving 426 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. later, until the house was completely packed. Several ministers were present, aside from those who occupied seats in the pulpit and participated in the dedicator)' services. Among these were Rev. George W. Barber, Pastor of the Industry Methodist Church, and Rev. Otis Andrews, of New Sharon. A pleasant reminder of Mrs. Price's thoughtfulness was the neatly-printed programme, a copy of which was placed in the hands of every- one present at the opening of the service. At a few minutes past one the exercises began, of which the following is the programme in full : < >rgan Voluntary, Miss Agnes E. Allen, Farmington. Solo, Miss Mary 13. Elwell, Farmington. Anthem, Messrs. ( leo. C. Purington, Carl Merrill, Wilbert G. Mallett, Farmington, and J. 11. Conant, Strong. Invocation, Rev. J. \V. II. Paker, Farmington Falls. Business, (a) Report of Herbert II. Luce in behalf of the Shorey Chapel Association, (b) Presentation of the key to Mr. Luce by the contractor, Noyes II. Williamson, who in turn presented it to the proper custodian, Eliz- abeth Price. In well-chosen language this lady responded substantially as follows: "This house, erected to the memory of my deceased parents, Pelatiah and Sarah (Fogg) Shore) - , was built for the worship of the true and living God ; and although it is to be dedicated as a Congregational Chapel, it is my wish that it be made free to all christian denominations desiring to worship here." As she ceased speaking, Rev. Truman A. Merrill stepped forward and read the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Resolved. That we, the citizens of Allen's Mills and vicinity, accept the gift of this beautiful chapel from Mrs. Elizabeth Price for our use and benefit, with feelings of profound gratitude. Resolved. That we will show our gratitude to her now, and in coming years, by doing all we can to the end that her wishes for our good and for the moral and religious improvement of the town may he realized. Resolved. That we will teach our children to revere the name of Elizabeth Price, who by her christian character and her generous gift to us has proved that she is our friend indeed, worthy of our love and admiration. EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 427 Resolved. That by this deed of noble generosity she has enthroned herself in our hearts and awakened within us the heartfelt prayer that the Angel of Peace may ever guide her footsteps in pleasant and pros- perous paths and finally place upon her brow the victor's crown. Mrs. Price, as well as others, was deeply moved by this spontaneous and unexpected expression of gratitude. Scripture Reading, 84th Psalm, ami from the 10th Chap. Hebrews commencing with 13th verse, Rev. Wilber F. Berry, Farmington. Anthem, Messes. Purington, Merrill, Mallett and Conant. Hymn, t Rev. fohn Spinney, Industry. Sermon ( Text, St. |nhn iv, 21, 22, 2 ; . Rev. Hugh Elder, Farmington. Reading Letters, Rev. Truman A. Merrill, Allen's Mills. Dedicatory Prayer, Rev. Herbert Tilden, Farmington. Hymn 4S5 ( in singing which the congregation joined), Rev. Daniel R. Hargraves, New Sharon. Benediction, Rev. J. Henry McLaren, Phillips. The exercises were touchingly beautiful and impressive, and the occasion was one not soon to be forgotten by those whose good fortune it was to witness them. Through the generosity of Elizabeth Price the citizens of Allen's Mills and vicinity were enabled to dedicate their beautiful chapel in just one year to a day from the date of breaking ground for the foundation. Several of the letters read were from former residents of Indus- try and possess such intrinsic historical interest that the author cannot forbear giving them space. Rev. Stephen H. Hayes, 319 Marlboro St., Boston, a native of Industry wdio celebrated the seventy-eighth anniversary of his birth on the 14th inst., wrote in an interesting vein as follows : The Shorey Chape] at Allen's Mills ! The very thought startles me. It is in the town of Industry. I was born there in 1S13. My mind leaps back to those early days, to the memory of that neighborhood, to the school district of which Allen's Mills was then a part. Allen's Mills was in one extremity of the district and I lived two miles east at the other extremity. In those days it was all the world to me. There I went to school, to the Sunday-school, and to meeting on the Sabbath. My father did not own a wagon then ; there were very (cw wagons in 428 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the town. But every hoy rode on horseback ; and I, a mere child, astride a bag of corn or wheat rode two miles to Allen's Mills to have the corn and wheat -round. From my father's farm, on the side of " Bannock hill," I could am day see "Clear Water hake." at the foot of which lay Allen's Mills. I loved to go there, I can see it now. the stream rushing through the gate in the milldam just by the bridge, driving a grist-mill, saw-mill and clothing-mill. Here wool was carded by machinery into long rolls, spun and woven by the women at home. i\\cA and pressed and finished at the mill ; and my sisters and other - i rls were proud to have warm gowns made of it for winter wear. There, too. was a social library, a small affair of perhaps 75 volumes ; hut they were good books — a wonderful library, I thought. It was so nice for me to go to mill and to the library to exchange hooks. I was in despair sometimes lest, when I had read them all. there were no more hooks in the world. Yes, Allen's Mills was a great place to me. But, in those days, there was not a meeting-house in the town. At length the "Union house" was built; my father, Jacob Hayes, furnished the frame from his own farm and forest ; many others furnished lumber and labor. And so the first house of the Lord in this town was built, in about 1S27.* Before this there was preaching in school-houses and in homes, and four different churches had been organized. One of the earliest preachers was Rev. Thomas Merrill, a Baptist minister. Among the preachers I remember were Rev. Josiah Feet, of Norridgewock, Rev. Ceo. \Y. Hathaway, of Skowhegan, Elder Sylvanus Boardman, of New Sharon. the father of the missionary, Rev. Geo. Dana boardman. Father Sewall, of Chesterville, — noble, venerable man, the greatest of all preachers, I thought, but there was no settled pastor in the town. After awhile Rev. Alden Boynton preached in the town statedly for four or five years. Then followed Rev. John Perham, under whose ministry of five years much religious interest prevailed. Afterward Rev. Josiah Tucker ministered to the spiritual wants of the people. Other denominations had their preachers and occupied in turn the Union meeting-house. And there were rare people — men and women — in that school district : the Aliens, ('apt. Newman T. Allen and his brother benjamin, who mainly owned the mills; they were leading men in the town and most worthy men. They were singers and led the singing on Sunday, * Rev. Mr. Hayes is slightly in error as to this. The lust meeting-house in town was the ( >1<1 Red Meeting- House, buill as nearly as can be learned, about 1822. — //•. C. //. EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 429 walking a mile and a half, as we all did for the most part, to the meet- ing-house with a lunch in our pockets, and waiting through the inter- mission for the afternoon service. Then there was another family of Aliens, of another stock — Capt. Win. Allen, a venerable christian man, who was one of the first settlers of the town, who lived in a great square house which took the place of the log-house he at first built on the hill half a mile from here. There was a neighborhood revival at one time with only prayer meetings held at Capt. Allen's house, and there I began the christian life at the age of fourteen years. Capt. Win. Allen was the father of Harrison Allen, a missionary oi the American Board, who died in 1831, and of John Allen, known as "Campmeeting John," whose granddaughter, Lillian "Nordica," of world-wide fame as a singer, is delighting the music-loving crowds at the Symphony concerts in Boston at the present time. He was also the father of Deborah Allen, who was the mother of Rev. Wm. A. Merrill and Rev. Truman A. Merrill, whose boyhood days were mostly passed in this district, and who are so well known for their faithful work in the ministry. Rev. Stephen Allen, I). D., and Rev. Chas. F. Allen, 1 >. I)., were also grandsons of Capt. Wm. Allen ; both of them were born in this school district and became distinguished Methodist preachers.* On this Allen farm, where they were born, afterwards lived Dea. Ira Emery, whose son Ira is a well-known Baptist minister. A half a mile east from here was born Jared Eveleth, the friend of my boyhood, who also became a very useful Baptist preacher. On the road leading south half a mile from the Centre school-house, was born another boy who became a useful minister in the Methodist church, Rev. John M. Howes. Not far from my father's house lived, later on, Brice Edwards, whose youngest son, Brice M., is a minister of the gospel in the Free Baptist denomination, and whose daughter, Susan Edwards, now Mrs. Vaughan, is doing a noble work as superintendent of the North End Mission in Boston. Then there was Dea. Truman Luce of the Congregational church, whose children and grandchildren and nephews and nieces are now living in the vicinity. In the northern part of this district also lived the Rackliffs, Benjamin and Henry, both christian men. In 1834, near the Centre meeting-house there lived a man whose remarkable con- version was occasioned by the christian character and consistent life of Benjamin Rackliff. During a season of special religious interest. * Rev. Chas. F. Allen was born in Norridgewock, though his brother Stephen was a native of Industry. — W. C. H. 54 43 O HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Samuel Ring, a man who was seldom known to attend church or to favor any religious movement, busy at work in his field, had his curiosity excited by seeing Benjamin Rackliff all in his Sunday dress going into the church with many others. Wondering what there was that could lead his neighbor to leave his work those pleasant afternoons, the thought occurred to him that for once he would leave his own work and Step into the church and see what was going on. The result was that Samuel Ring left that church that day a praying man. Benjamin Rackliff's christian example and silent prayer lifted to the eternal throne brought down the blessing of salvation to that worldly, unbelieving man. Another Baptist minister who went out from this district, having resided in the town for several years, was Rev. Ebenezer Trask, a good man and true. In about the centre of the district, near where the old school-house stood, lived Nathan Goodridge, a man prominent as a christian man, and in town affairs in his day, whose mother, Mrs. Jonathan Goodridge, i> worthy of mention, as one of the strong and noble women of that early da) . Last I mention the Shorey family, more memorable than any in connection with this Shorey Chapel. Pelatiah Shorey came to Industry from the town of Berwick in 1S24, and settled in this district. lie brought his wife and two young children, the eldest of whom is now Mrs. P>lizabeth Price, whose heart and hand have ever been in every good work, and who will be gratefully remembered for her generous gift of this Shorey Chapel. Her father was always a sedate, thoughtful man. a devout christian, a deacon in the church, who ruled well his own household, who always went to the house of God on the Sabbath, who prayed for the peace of Jerusalem and loved to sing the songs of Zion. His sainted wife was my own cousin, who died many years ago, but who left her impress on all her children for their good ; one of whom is Rev. Harrison Allen Shorey, well-known for his activity and usefulness. Such were some of the families in that one school district of my childhood. And here are twelve christian ministers, counting myself, all in that small, obscure neighborhood, eight of whom are still living. And now my prayer is that the Divine blessing may so rest on Shorey Chapel, that a hoi)' influence shall go out from it continually, gathering great numbers into the kingdom of Christ now and in coming years. And 1 would that all distinctions might be merged in one name. "The church of the Redeemer." Stephen H. Haves. EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 43 I Rev. Ira Emery, another native of Industry and an able minister of the Baptist denomination, sent greeting from the Granite State in the following interesting letter. Though it did not reach Allen's Mills until the evening after the dedication, it is here given that his many friends as well as the friends of Shorey Chapel may be cheered by its happy, hopeful tone : Meredith, N. H., Nov. S, 1891. Mrs. Elizabeth Price, Industry, Me: Last evening I received a letter from Dea. Joseph P. Thwing, of Farmington, Me., extending to me from you an invitation to attend the dedication of "Shorey Chapel" on Tuesday next. In reply, allow me to say that, while thanking you for the same and would gladly meet you and other friends on that interesting occasion, I cannot do so. My health at present will not allow such a journey ; then again I cannot from this point go in season to get there in time for the service. I am doubtful even if this letter shall reach you until after the services. So you will have to excuse me from coming as desired. But from old acquaintance sake you will pardon me for a more extended letter than I would otherwise write. For some time I have learned something of your intention to do this thing of building a house of worship for that locality in memory of your honored father. Allow me to congratulate you on seeing its completion and participating in its dedication in your lifetime. In so doing I have reason to believe that a high and noble purpose has inspired your action — "In his name and for the glory of God." That chapel supplies a long felt and real need of that place so dear to yourself and me from the hallowed associations of our early years ; although our church home of worship was in the old Centre meeting- house, yet Allen's Mills people always formed a large part of every Sabbath congregation, and how often the evening service was held at the "Allen's Mills School-house." The Aliens of that time and place have passed "over the river," many of them. Others are scattered abroad and possibly none have the ability to so memorize the past as you have done. I am grateful that God has not only given you the ability financially in the "entrusted talents," but also given you the heart to do this for the place and people and for the cause of Christ. How mysteriously strange are the ways of Providence in the purposes of God in the distribution of the goods of this world ; yet, " He doeth all things well." 432 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. A> a temperance man good and true I distinctly recall your father's re< ord. There is one little incident in his life and mine that I can never forget. When I had fully decided in the year i 866 that it was m\ duty to enter the ministry 1 made my first attempt at preaching in the brick school-house at Allen's Mills. Your father was present, and an attentive listener, looking me directly in the face. Somehow I felt a little afraid of the aged "• Patriarch Shorey." I fancied he did not sympathize with me in going into the ministry. But when I got through, Brother Shorey was the first to grasp me by the hand, with tears coursing down his cheeks, in true christian sympathy, saying as he did so, "God bless you, Ira." That hand grasp and "God bless you, Ira," was then of more value to me than any fifty dollars I ever saw. Even now as I write of this scene tears of penitential joy and gratitude till my eyes. Your father was ever my friend and my father's friend and acquaintance. Your father's theology was that of the New Testament, ''Man lost in sin saved through the atoning blood of Christ by repentance toward God and faith in Christ." He was a strict observer of the Sabbath, a man whose faith and christian walk, so far as aim and purpose were con- cerned, was consistent and harmonious. The family altar was one of the chief institutions of his home life. It is in\' earnest desire and prayer that the pure Gospel of Christ may ever be preached from that chapel altar and that many souls there be brought to Christ. I trust, Mrs. Price, you already feel more than repaid for what you have done. Yet your richest reward will be in the glorious hereafter. Sincerely yours, Ira Emery. A steamboat, called " Crystal Queen," for carrying pleasure parties, was put into Clear Water Pond early in the summer of i.S<;2, and made its trial trip on Wednesday, June 8th. The Crystal Queen, originally built for the mackerel fishery, was bought ot parties in Boothbay, Maine, early in that year, by Chester and ( )rville S. Greenwood, Herbert E. Spinney and Edward S. Dingley, now known under the firm name of the Crystal Lake Steamboat Company. These gentlemen re- modeled their purchase, put in a five horse-power engine for driving the propeller, and fitted it with all the conveniences of a first-class pleasure boat. The craft is 33 1-2 feet long, 7 1-2 EVENTS FROM 1866 TO 1893. 433 feet wide, and can conveniently carry forty passengers, and is a fast sailer, even when heavily loaded. With a full load of passengers it has crossed the pond from north to south in eleven minutes. A large building has been erected for the accommodation of pleasure parties, on the northern shore of the pond, a base-ball ground laid out, and other improvements made. A more lovely retreat than this for a day's recreation can hardly be found, and it is confidently predicted that the enterprise of the Crystal Lake Steamboat Company will receive a generous patronage. CHAPTER XX. MISCELLANY* Physicians. — Tallest Soldier from Maine. — Table of Incidents. — Poem: "To the Old Church-Bell." — Town Officers in Industry from the Incorporation of the Town to 1893. — County Commissioners. — Senators. — Representatives to the Legislature. — Marriages Solemnized by Esq. Cornelius Norton. — Examination (Questions. — Statistical. — Town Officers' Bills. — Date of Ice Leaving Clear Water Pond. — Temperature Chart. — Industry's Gubernatorial Vote. — List of Voters in Industry, PHYSICIANS. Doctor Jonathan Ambrose, an educated but somewhat eccentric physician, was the first practitioner to settle in Industry. He was a native of New Hampshire and came to this town early in the present century, and lived for a time near Butler's Corner. He was considered a skilful physician, and was very successful in treating cases of the "cold fever" during the prevalence of that malady. He eventually removed to Stark, where he died at an advanced age in 1863. Dr. John Cook came to Industry from Tamworth, N. H., about 1820. Being a single man he boarded for a time in the family of Esq. Daniel Shaw. He subsequently married, in 1823, Clementine, daughter of Capt. William Allen. He was elected a member of the superintending school committee in [829, and soon afterward moved to New Sharon. Dr. John A. Barnard settled at West's Mills about 1825. Dike Dr. Cook he was a single man and for a time boarded in * In preparing Part lirst of this volume many interesting historical facts have accumulated which could not be conveniently used. These " odds and ends " the author has preserved and incorporated in a separate chapter bearing the above title. MISCELLANY. 435 the families of Dea. Ira Emery and John Gott. He married, in 1828, Clarissa Bodfish, of Norridgewock. He was elected school committee-man in 1826 and re-elected in 1829. He moved to Strong, and in 1841 was in the State Senate. Dr. Josiah Henderson and his son, Jophanus, also a phys- ician, came to Industry from Massachusetts in 1832, or perhaps somewhat earlier, and settled near the Centre Meeting-House. They afterward moved to Goodridge's Corner and lived in a two-story house which they bought of James Davis. About 1842 they removed to Farmington Centre Village, where the elder died Oct. 8, 1845, aged 79 years. Dr. Francis Caldwell came from Kennebec County about 1 8 16 or 181 7, to finish his medical studies under the instruction of Dr. James Brown, of Bloomfield. He was in practice with his preceptor for a time, and also practiced in Skowhcgan and other places before coming to Industry. He came to Industry from Anson in 1835 and settled at West's Mills. He was elected town clerk in 1837 and re-elected in 1838. After practicing in town some four years, he returned to Anson. He died in New Portland, Me., Dec. 3, 1874, aged 85 years.* Dr. William C. Staples, a physician of the Thompsonian school, came to Industry in 1847 and made his home in the family of Zebulon Manter, whose daughter, Annis, he subse- quently married. After a few years' sojourn in town he went to California, where he died. Sherburne W. Elliott, also of the Thompsonian school, came to Industry from New Hampshire and practiced from 1838 to June, 1 841. Dr. H. B. Tuttle practiced medicine at West's Mills for a brief period in 1 85 2-3. Dr. Henry W. Hamilton, a practitioner of the Homoeopathic school, came to Industry in 1858 or 1859, but made only a short stay in town. The author located at West's Mills Dec. 25, 1877, where he practiced medicine until his removal to Stark, May 27, 1891. * From a record furnished by his daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Manter. Headstone gives age as 86 years. 436 II /STORY OF INDUSTRY. THE TALLEST SOLDIER FROM MAINE. John Ingalls Handley, the tallest soldier from Maine, and with one exception the tallest soldier in the Army of the Poto- mac, was born in Industry, Feb. 7, 1839. lie was the eldest son of John and Nancy (Ingalls) Handley, who at the time of their marriage resided in Industry. He enlisted in 1861 and served three months in Co. F, 1st Regiment, Maine Volunteer Infantry. Soon after the expiration of his term of service he re-enlisted as a member of Co. A, 8th Regiment, Maine Volun- teer Infantry, and was mustered into the service Sept. 7, 1 86 1 , and immediately appointed corporal, and soon after was pro- moted to sergeant. Re-enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered out Jan. 18, 1866, at Fortress Monroe, Va. His arm)- measurement was six feet, seven and one-half inches. From the time of his discharge he made his home in East Wilton Village, where he was appointed postmaster in 1889, and held the office up to the time of his death, which occurred Dec. 20, 1891. TABLE OF INCIDENTS. 1798. Nov. 28. Joseph Greenleaf, of Industry Plantation, and Tamson Stover, of New Sharon, married. 1799. May 5. More than two feet of snow in the woods. The spring unusually cold and backward. People obliged to travel on snowshoes. 1806. April 9. The town votes to buy weights and measures. 1808. Voted that Samuel Mason's old log-house be a legal enclosure for impounding cattle and other stock. 1814-15— 16. Very unproductive seasons. Corn sold as high as $2.50 per bushel. William F. Johnson states that his father, James Johnson, who lived on Bannock Hill, was the only person in town whose corn reached perfect maturity in 1816. 18 I 8. Nov. 2. Town votes to hereafter designate the school- house at Davis's Corner as "The Centre School-House." 1822. April 19. Town votes to buy a compass and chain. 1834. March 3. The town votes "To restrain cattle from running at large in the highway." MISCELLANY. 43 7 1834. May 15. Snow fell to the depth of eighteen inches. (Town Records.) 1837. Spring of. Great scarcity of food. Flour $15.00 per barrel; pork 18 cents per pound, and other things propor- tionally high. Fall of. Diphtheria visits this State. 1841. May 9. Very early season. Farmers nearly completed their planting. 1842. April. Census shows that there are 458 scholars in town. 1846. October 7. Carding-mill, clover-mill, and threshing- machine owned by Solomon Luce, John Stewart, and Nathaniel E. Wright, burned. Loss $2000. No insurance. Nov. 21. Elder Datus T. Allen licensed to retail liquors agreeably to act of 1846. He was required to keep a book in which all sales were to be recorded, quantity and kind of liquor sold, name of purchaser, and date of sale. No liquor to be drank at the place where it was sold. 1847. March 1. Town votes to raise $500 for the support of schools. June 29. Ichabod Norton, of Edgartown, Mass., a man of large fortune, dies. Aged 85 years, 6 months. 1852. April 21. About two feet of snow fell. Nearly all the fences hidden from view. 1856. Sept. 8. Two hundred votes polled for Representative to Congress. 1 86 1. September. Benjamin N. Willis elected Representative to the State Legislature by 343 majority. 1864. September. Williams's Great Painting of the American Rebellion exhibited at the Union Church, West's Mills. 1866. Summer of. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey establish a station on Bannock Hill. 1869. Jan. 27. Eclipse of the moon. One-half its diameter obscured. Feb. 5. Great snowstorm. Feb. 15. Hailstorm. Sufficient hail to form a thick, strong crust fell. 55 43 8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 1869. August 7. Eclipse of sun. Nine-tenths of its diam- eter obscured. Sept. 8. Terrific hurricane. Great damage done. Oct. 22. Earthquake of thirty seconds' duration. Oct. 30. Heavy snowstorm. Roads rendered wholly impassable. Between one and two feet fell. 1870. June 11. Town votes to exempt from taxation for a period of ten years any steam-mill which Hiram and Eli X. ( )liver may erect. Sunday, July 17. A smoky, gloomy day. Sun almost obscured. Smoke due to extensive fires in the vicinity of Rangeley Lakes. Dec. 24. Town votes to pa)- Nathan S. Johnson $150 for enlisting soldiers during the war. [872. March 2. Town votes to exempt Smith & Coughlin's steam-mill from taxation, also that every voter's barnyard be a legal pound. 1873. Fall of. Great railroad panic. Money very scarce and exorbitant rates of interest demanded. Money loaned in Industry for twenty per cent, interest. 1 873-4-5-6-7-8-9-80-1 . Raised no money to pay on town debt. 1874. Feb. 5. Richard Fassett stricken with apoplexy at his home in West's Mills. [875. Feb. 3-15. Great suffering among the people of New England and along the coast from the severe and protracted cold. Vessels wrecked and lives lost. March I . Town votes to raise $1 50 for free high school. Dec. 9. Smith & Coughlin's spool-factory burned. [881. April 20. A meteor of great brilliancy falls. 1 882-3— 4— 5— 6-7— 8— 9— 90— 1-2. Raised $500 to pay on town debt. [883. Monday, March 26. Twenty-seven persons from In- dustry and vicinity start for the West. Among those from Industry were Janus M. Norton, Calvin B. Fish, Asa II. Patterson, Charles T. Oliver, Mora M. Rackliff, Milton K. Pinkham, etc. MISCELLANY. 439 1883. By the new legislative apportionment of Representative Districts the following towns and plantations were classed with Industry, viz.: New Vineyard, Freeman, Salem, King- field, Eustis, Madrid, Rangeley, Rangeley Plantation, Green- ville, Dallas and Coplin Plantations. 1884. May 30. Graves of soldiers buried in Industry first decorated by a detail from the Madison Post, G. A. R. May 31. Very heavy frost. Ice of considerable thick- ness formed. June 14. Very severe frost. Much injury done to vegetables and farm crops generally. July and August. Very poor season for curing hay. Unusual amount of rain. Sept. 14. A very heavy frost. Vegetation killed. October. Potatoes rot badly. In some instances more than half the crop left in the field. Nov. 12. Democrats celebrate the election of Grover Cleveland at West's Mills. Dec. 8. Warm and pleasant. Farmers engaged in plowing. 1885. Jan. 8. Truman A. Nottage's barn, near Withee's Corner, burned, including five head of cattle and twenty-two sheep. Jan. 10-14. Wagons in use. Jan. 1 1. Amos Stetson, Jr., dies very suddenly. F*cb. 10. Snow and rain accompanied by vivid light- ning and heavy peals of thunder. March 5. George Manter and Moses Bradbury die at nearly the same hour. April 20. William H. Johnson introduces the telephone into Industry and establishes a line between his residence and shovel-handle factory at Allen's Mills. April 24. An oppressively warm day. The thermom- eter 90 degrees above zero in the shade. July. D. W. Austin, Farmington, erects a boat-house on the shore of Clear Water Pond and puts in a fine new boat. 44° HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. [885. July 29. Buildings of Jerry P. Look, at New Vineyard Mills, struck by lightning and burned together with others. July 30. Henry Day's hotel, at New Sharon, burned. Also Thomas Smith's drug-store and other buildings. October. Harrison Daggett establishes a second line of telephone in town. [886. Feb. 2. Remarkable storm of sleet. Every tree and shrub heavily loaded with icicles. These presented a very beautiful appearance in the sunlight. Feb. 26 to March 4. Heavy storm. No mail received at West's Mills for a week. Trains blockaded throughout the State. June 1 1. George W. Batchelder, Jr., son of George VV. Batchelder, of Industry, instantly killed at Madison Bridge by being thrown from a wagon. Aged 1 1 years. Oct. 22. Great fire at Farmington Village. An immense amount of property destroyed. Loss estimated at nearly $500,000. Oct. 26. Simon Collins, formerly of Industry, instantly killed by a runaway horse at Farmington Village. 1SS7. Feb. 9. John O. Rackliff drops dead in his barnyard. Feb. 26. The Dea. Ira Emery house near Goodridge's Corner burned last night. June. Remarkable from the fact that thunder was heard but once during the month. July 27. Joseph Collins drops dead in the haying field. Sept. 7. Heavy thunder-shower just at night. Benj. Franklin Hilton's barn, in Stark, struck by lightning and burned. Loss $5000. 1888. Feb. I. Quite a heavy shock of earthquake at 11.20 A. M. At Chas. M. Hilton's store a glass jar was shaken from the shelf and broken by the fall. April 21. Very good sleighing. Sept. 6. Very heavy frost last night. All vegetation destroyed. Ice formed as thick as window-glass. Augustus II. Swift's farm buildings destroyed by fire. 1889. Jan. 19. People using wheeled vehicles. MISCELLANY. 44 1 1 891. Spring. In the Goodridge Corner school district 1,418 gallons of maple syrup were made. When Mrs. Win. M. Bryant came to Industry to reside, Charles Hayes, who resided on the old homestead, was the only person in the district who made maple syrup, and he manufactured only a limited quantity. April 30. Apples very scarce and command fabulous prices. Eight dollars and twenty-five cents received for a barrel of Northern Spys shipped to Boston. July. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Surveying party estab- lish a station at the summit of Bannock Hill. July 29. Obsequies of Benjamin G. Eveleth occur at the M. E. Church at West's Mills. First funeral held in the house since its erection. Autumn. Drouth of wide extent occurs. Mills shut down on the Kennebec. Water famine threatened in New York City. Great anxiety everywhere felt. Nov. 15. Total eclipse of the moon, commencing soon after sunset. A clear sky rendered this interesting phe- nomenon plainly visible to many interested watchers. Dec. 3. Clear Water Pond reported to be at least six feet lower than the oldest inhabitant ever saw it before. December. This month will be remembered for its mild, balmy air and pleasant weather. There was but little or no frost in the ground up to near the 20th of the month. On the 1 5th there was a slight fall of snow followed by rain and mild weather. Wheels were in use in January, 1892. T< 1 THE OLD CHURCH BELL.* Ring on, O bell, with music new ! While worship's pure desire Shall, with thy tones, ascend from hearts Like thee, baptized with fire. * When the Union Church at West's Mills was burned in 1881 the cast-steel bell was the only thing saved which could be utilized for the new church. This poem, composed by Miss Julia May Williamson, a well-known Franklin County lady, was written on hearing that the old bell had been raised to the belfry of the new church. 44- 11/ STORY OF INDUSTRY. How often has thy warning voice Led pilgrim hearts to prayer! How often has the burdened soul Here found release from care! We come with joy to dedicate Thy voice anew to God; We come to ask that we may find The way His saints have trod. But while we join the jubilee- Led by thine honored tongue < >ur eyes are dim for voices hushed That, led by thee, have sung. For those who stood anil sung ( lod's praise In that old house of prayer; For those who listened reverently To the sweet, familiar air. For those gray hairs that lent their crown To the wrinkled brow of age, Now in (lod's acre finding rest And Heaven's heritage. For the young and beautiful and good ( )n whom life's burden pressed; lor little children, whose light feet Here met the heavenly guest. I low great a cloud of witnesses Are standing near us now, Each radiant with Heaven's peace, Pure eyes and sealed brow. Ring on, O bell ! and let us hear Enfolded with thy chime The voices of this sainted throng As erst in olden time. Ring on ! and may thy message lead ( )ur wandering hearts above Until we shall become like these Bright messengers of love. Augusta, Me., Nov. 5, [888. Lura Bell. MISCELLANY. 443 Town Officers in Industry from the Incorporation of the Town down to i8gj. SELECTMEN. [The superior or raised figures following each date should be read ist, 2d and 3d, and are designed to show the person's position on the board for that year. Ry this arrangement the reader can easily make up the Board of Selectmen for any desired year, and assign each member his correct official position.] Names. Allen, Win., Jr., West, Capt. Peter, Luce, Daniel, Willard, Nathaniel, Greenleaf, Levi, Eveleth, James, Chesley, Joseph, Johnson, Thomas. Butler, Josiah, Johnson, Abraham, Smith, Henry, Gower, John, Mason, Samuel, Allen, Bartlett, Howes, Nehemiah, Norton, Cornelius, Davis, James, Stanley, James, Norton, Capt. Jabez, Shaw, Daniel, Esq., Davis, Cornelius, Hinkley, Capt. Ezekiel Thompson, Rev. John, Allen, Benjamin, Patterson, Samuel, Luce, David, Swift, Ebenezer, Shaw, Samuel, Tolman, Phineas, Years in Office. 1803', 4 1 , 8 2 , y 2 , io 1 . 1 1 2 1 12 1 . IS03 2 , 6'. 18033. I804 2 . 18043. 1805'. 1805-'. 18053. IS06 2 , 7 1 , 8 1 , 9 1 , io 2 , ii' , 12 2 , *3' , 14 2 , 153, 16 1 1 8o63, 7 2 - 1 So 73. i8o83, 93, 103, I 1 3, 13 2 , , 14 1 , 2T : '', 5 2 ' 8 "\ 9 2 , 3 1 J , 3 1 , 4'- 18123. 18133, 143, 15 2 , 17 2 , 18 2 , 19 2 , 20 ; : , 21 1 . i8t 5 ', 16 2 . 18 1 63, 22', 3 1 , 4 1 , 53, , 6 2 . 1817', 1S 1 , 19 1 . 181 73, I S3, I 9 3, 29 1 , 30 1 , I 1 . I820 1 , 2 I 2 . 18203, 2 1 3, S3. 1822 2 . 18223, 3% 4 2 , 5S 6 '- 18233. 18263, 7 l , 8 1 , 9 3 , 3^- i 2 . 4 2 - 1827 2 , 35'. 6', 7 >. 18273. IS30 2 . 1832', 3 3 - I832 2 . 444 H 1 STORY OF INDUSTRY. Norton, Capt. Clifford B., Norton, Obed, Norton, Elihu, Winslow, George, Goodrid^c. Gen. Nathan, Allen, Gapt. Newman T., Govver, John, Jr., ( iilmore, James, Winslow, Gapt. Garpenter, Allen, Rev. Datus T., Meader, Francis, Norcross, Ransford, Manter, Hiram, Gower, George, 2d, Shaw, Albert, Daggett, Orrin, Hilton, Daniel, Willis, Gapt. Peter West, Emery, Ira, Jr., Cutts, Maj. James, Patterson, David, Manter, John Wells, Tibbetts, Andrew, Frost, John, Willis, Benjamin N., Stevens, Oliver, Norton, James, Snell, James A., Willis, John, Greenwood, Chas. M.. Davis, Gol. James, M;niter, George, Emery, Josiah, Johnson, George W.. 18323, 3;, 8', 9', 40', 1', 4', 5', 6', 7', 8', 9', 51*, 2\ 3', 5 1 , 6', 8', 9 1 , 65-', 6 2 , 7 2 - 18343. l8 35 2 - 1835 3 , 6-', 7 3. i8 3 63, f, 43-=, 83, 9 ^, 5 2-\ 4'. 1838 2 , 9 2 , 43 1 , 543. 18383, 9 3, 4 o3, i3, 1840 2 , 41-, 43. 1842 1 . 1.S42-', 4 2 . 184-3. 18433. 1845 2 , 6\ f. 18453, 63, 73, 8 2 , 50'. 1 1 . 18493,513, 2 3, 5 3. 185O 2 . 18503, 663.* 18533, 63, 623. 1854 2 , 60 2 . 1855 2 , 6 2 , 7', Gy, 4-', 5'. 6'. 1S57 2 , 9 2 - 18573, 83. 1858-'. 18593, 61 >. 1860', 61 1 . l86o3, 33, 43, y l 3 ) 2 -\ r86i3, 2-', 73-'. 1862', 3 -, 4', 7', 72', 3', 4'. 18653. [8663. i866',t 8', 8 2 3, 3 3 s 4 ,\ 18673, 83. .S6S-', 9 2 , 74 3, 5 ->, 6-', 7-'. 8-'. 9 2 , Si 2 , 2\ 3 2 , 4 2 , 5-'. * Elected to fill the vacancy caused bv the removal of Col. lames Davis fro town. t Elected to till a vacancy caused by the removal of David Patterson from town. MISCELLANY. 445 Stevens. Thomas, Hinkley, Amos S.. Oliver, Thomas M., Waugh, Oliver, Bradbury, Moses, Johnson, Wm. H., Perkins, John Wakefield, Norton, James M.. Viles, Melvin, Patterson, Franklin W.. Oliver. Eli N., Hilton, Chas. M., Sayer, Joseph H.. Robbins, Rosalvin, Rackliff. ('has. S.. Rand. Samuel C, Gilmore, Caleb W.. Elder, Joseph. Burns, Ward. First .. Elected. .Nanus. 1X03. Allen. William. Sr.. 1805. Thompson, James, 1808. Puller, Josiah. 1809. Daggett, Capt. Silas. 1 8 10. Allen, Partlett. 181 1. Mason. Samuel, 1 81 2. Davis, James. 1827. Allen, Capt. Newman T. 1830. Withee, Zachariah, 1834. Norton, S. Belcher, I %35- Boyden, Asaph, Esq., 1837. Caldwell, Dr. Francis. 1839. Norton, Charles, 1 84 1. West, John, 1869 1 , 1869-5, 70 1 , i 1 , 5', 6 1 , 7' 70^, 71-'. . 8', 9 1 l8 7 03, 90-'. i J , 2-'. [8723. 1 8 73 3 , 1876s, 1880 1 . 4-'. 53, 83, 9 3. 7 3 - 1 8 So-', /■' INDUSTRY. [843. Butler, Peter West, 1877. Hilton. Chas. M.. 1 885. I )aggett, 1 [arrison, 34 IOWA I RKASUKKRS. 803. Thompson. lames. 804. West, < lapt. Peter, 805. Thompson. Rev. John. 808. Daggett, ('apt. Silas. 809. Winslow, James. Si 2. Allen. Syl\ anus. 816. Davis, Cornelius. 820. Remick, William, 821. Stanley, James, Esq., 832. Emery. I >ea. Ira. 834. Willis, ("apt. Peter W.. 835. I [obbs, < reorge, 838. Cornforth, William. Sr., S42. Goodridge, Gen. Nathan. 843. Hayes, Jacob, X44. Allen. Benjamin, 845. Allen, Capt. Newman T., 852. Shaw. A 1 he rt. 854. Manter, Hiram, S56. , Lure, Nelson ( '.. 857. Merry, I )avid, 858. Willis. Benjamin N.. 859. Elliott, James. 863. Emery, Mark, S72. Norton, Benjamin W., 876. Patterson. Franklin W., XXo. Raekliff, John P., 881. Luce, Ilerhert I!.. 885. Hilton, ('has. M.. 888. 1 >aggett, I [arrison, O <\W\ COMMISSIONERS. 839. Benjamin Allen, ' No. y'rs served. 1 I 3 1 4 3 7 1 8 2 2 3 4 1 1 3 6 1 1 4 1 1 1 9 4 4 r 4 3 5 3 ys. * Mr. Allen was appointed County Commissioner by Governor Edward Kent, on he establishmenl of Franklin County. MISCELLANY. 447 i860. Capt. Clifford B. Norton. 6 yrs. r88o. Franklin VV. Patterson, 9* yrs. SENATORS FROM INDUSTRY. 1832. Rev. John Thompson. 1850. Capt. Newman T. Allen. REPRESENTATIVES TO THE LEGISLATURE. 18 1 9. James Davis. 1846. Truman A. Merrill. 1822. John Gower, Esq. 1S49. Capt. Clifford B. Norton. 1824. Rev. John Thompson. 1853. Hiram Mauler. 1S28. Ezekiel Hinkley. 1858. Albert Shaw. 1830. James Stanley, Esq. [862. Benjamin N. Willis. 1833. Benjamin Manter. 1868. John Frost. 1834. Benjamin Allen. 1876. Benjamin VV. Norton. 1S36. Cornelius Davis. [880. David M. Norton. 1838. Francis Meader. 1891. Franklin VV. Patterson. 1840. Col. Benjamin Luce. A RECORD OF MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED BY ESQ. CORNELIUS NORTON, JR., OF INDUSTRY. 1805. Nov. 7. VVm. Talcott and Betsey Thomas, both of Farmington. 1806. Jan. 23. Nehemiah Cobb, Bath, and Lois Vaughan, New Vineyard. March 27. Bassett Norton, Farmington, and Phebe Read, Stark. June 24. Reuben Hatch, Farmington, and Thankful Collins, New Vineyard. Aug. 21. Apollos Pratt, New Vineyard, and Relief Hatch, Farmington. Aug. 21. Jonah Vaughan and Rebecca Morton, both of New Vineyard. Sept. 1 1. Ebenezer Vaughan and Sarah B. Norton, both of New Vineyard. Nov. 27. Isaac Norton and Katy Cane, both of New- Vineyard. * Re-elected in 1882 for six years. 44 s HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 1807 Feb. 19. Truman Luce* and Rebecca Collins, New Vineyard. March 5. Ichabod Norton and Ruth Kempton, both of Farmington. June 1. David Porter, Farmington, and Jane Butler, New Vineyard. July 24. Rowland Luce and Eunice Mason. Sept. 17. Hugh Stewart, Jr., Farmington, and Patty I aice, New Vineyard. Oct. 1 1. Solomon Luce, New Vineyard, and Mrs. Nancy Norton, Farmington. Now 12. James I Jersey and Susan Butler, both of Farmington. [808. March 3. Elijah Robbins and Abigail Luce. March 31. Stephen Dillingham, Fairfield, and Eunice Cothren, Farmington. June 19. Ezra Heath, Avon, and Sarah Wright, New Vineyard. Sept. 26. John Rates, Avon, and Eunice Askins, Bristol. Oct. 20. Zebulon Manter and Rebecca Norton, both ol New Vineyard. Oct. 23. Mayhew Norton and Nancy Willard, both of Farmington. Nov. 29. John Voter, Strong, and Priscilla McLain, Farmington. Dec. 1. Joseph Collins, New Vineyard, and Annah 1 latch, Farmington. Dec. I. Benjamin Raker and Xabby Roach, both ol Farmington. Dec 13. Joseph Titcomb and Mehitable Belcher, both of Farmington. 1809. June 31. Elijah Waugh, Stark, and Sophia Ferrand, New Vineyard. Dec. 10. William Morton and Sally Ridgeway, both of New Vineyard. * Where no residence is named. Industry is to be understood. MISCELLANY. 449 1S10. July 22. James Ridgeway, 2d, New Vineyard, and Relief Roach, Farmington. 1811. March 6. Zebediah Barker and Mary Merrill, both of Strong. April 10. Samuel Hoyt, No. 3, Curvo, and Elizabeth Sawyer, Freeman. Dec. 5. Nathaniel Backus and Eunice Johnson, both of Farmington. 1812. Jan. 14. James Gray and Eliza Norton, both of Strong. Dec. 20. Increase Hawes, Strong, and Betsey Morton, New Vineyard. [813. Aug. 7. Ephraim Cowen, Farmington, and Hannah Jewett. Nov. 25. Elijah Manter and Mrs. Betsey Small, both of New Vineyard. 1814. March 20. James Jones Wilbur, Plantation No. 6, and Sarah Norton, Strong. May 5. Jacob Eaton, Farmington, and Mary Davis, New Vineyard. Aug. 18. W'm. Presson, New Vineyard, and Judith Merrill, Freeman. 181 5. Aug. 31. Isaac Wilson, New Vineyard, and Rebecca Norton. 1817. Dec. 16. David Caine, New Vineyard, and Mary N. Butler. 1818. Feb. 26. John Gott, Stark, and Serena Norton, New Vineyard. June 28. David H. Harris and Polly C. Davis. Aug. 20. Capt. James Mayhew, Strong, and Mira Allen. 1819. June 15. Patrick Lawler, 2d, Bristol, and Judith Barker, Strong. 1820. March 19. Isaac Cook, Norridgewock, and Charlotte Ferrand, New Vineyard. Aug. 6. John Clayton and Lucy Pratt, both of Strong. Nov. 30. Levi Y. Lambert and P^liza Gray. Dec. 14. Joseph Davenport, Phillips, and Ruth Heath, Freeman. 450 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. [821. March 3. John Dow and Mary Smith, both of Anson. [822. Feb. 21. Plimington Daggett, New Vineyard, and I lannali Snow. March 19. Elisha Luce and Lydia Butler. March 21. Josiah Hinkley and Mercy Williams. April 18. James Hardy, Strong, and Hopestill Cutler. May 9. Zebina Weld, Strong, and Esther Ridgeway, New Vineyard. Dec. 31. Hanson 1 light, Jr., Norridgewock, and Caro- line Ferrand, New Vineyard. [823. Jan. 26. Nathan Cutler and Lydia Baker, Wilton. March 20. Elijah Butler and Naomi Viles, both of New Vineyard. April rs. neighbor, mortgage, surcingle, nonsense, peaceable, canvas, physician, shrewd, special, easily, roguish, utensil, answer, receive, anxious, raiment, victuals, twelfth, alley, indelible, eligible, rhythm, villain, milliner, gypsy, deceitful. ARITHMETIC. 1. Define numeration, insurance, ratio, a board foot and a line. 2. Define an angle, a circle, a triangle, a cube and an octagon. 3. What will it cost to carpet a room 36 ft. long and 30 ft. wide with carpeting 1 1-2 yds. wide, at S2.00 per yard? 4. When hay was $25.00 per ton I gave 3-4 o\ a ton for 1 2-7 tons of coal ; what was the coal worth per ton? 5. What will it cost to fence a road 1 1-2 miles long at .50 per rod. 6. A merchant expended $86.00 for sugar, 5-8 of it at 10 cts. and the remainder at 12 cts., how many pounds did he buy in all? 7. How much corn must a person take to mill that he may bring away the meal of three and one-half bushels after the miller takes out his toll of 12 1-2 per cent. ? MISCELLANY. 453 8. Which will yield the greater income, $19,200 invested in 7 per cent, stock purchased at 96 per cent., or in 5 per cent, stock purchased at 80 per cent. ? 9. A watch which cost $30 was sold for $35, on credit for 10 mos. ; what was gained by the transaction ? 10. What will it cost for boards and shingles for a building 50 ft. long. 40 ft. wide and 24 ft. high ; height of roof above the eaves. 15 ft., allowing for three doors. 8x4 ft., and 20 windows, 3x6 ft. ; shingles laid 5 1-2 ins. to weather and each shingle 4 ins. wide, each lower course being laid double; shingles $3.00 per thousand, boards $12.00 per thousand. GRAMMAR. 1. Define English grammar, a sentence, an adjective, a verb and an interjection. 2. Give the rule for forming the plural of nouns. Write the plural of the following words : motto, chimney, ox, beef, less, salmon, ally, fruit-tree, radius, axis. 3. Give rules for forming the possessive singular and plural of nouns. Write the possessive singular and plural of bird, sheep, brother- indaw, children, thief. 4. Give rules for the comparison of adjectives. When should the comparative degree be used? Gompare wise, next, most, dangerous and first. 5. Define a transitive, an auxiliary, an irregular and a redundant verb. How is the passive voice of verbs formed? 6. Give the principal parts of the following verbs : begin, choose, lay, do, fly, flee, lie (to recline), rise, grow and fall. 7. Give a synopsis of the verb to send, through the active voice. third person, singular. 8. Give the rules for using capital letters. 9. Gorrect the following sentences and give a reason for each cor- rection. We kept silent, her and me. I have not had no dinner. Who did you vote for? Neither of the three went yesterday. 10. Analyze the following sentence : " Let me live a life of faith, Let me die thy people's death." Parse me, live. life, faith, people's and death. GEOGRAPHY. 1. Give three proofs of the earth's rotundity. 2. Name the zones and give the width of each. 57 454 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 3. How many motions has the earth and what does each cause? 4. Define an island, an isthmus, a crater, a watershed and a cape. 5. What are the political divisions of North America? 6. Name the States horde-ring upon the Mississippi with their capitals. 7. Name the counties of Maine. X. Name the three States largest in territory, and the five States having the greatest population. 9. Locate the following cities: Buffalo, Mobile, Memphis, Key West. St. Louis. 10. Bound Pennsylvania and Illinois. 1 1. Name the three leading States in the Union in manufactures. 12. What is the greatest grain market in the V. S. ? the greatest cotton market? What two States produce the most tobacco? what one the most rice ? 13. How could you go by water from Chicago to Bangor? 14. Locate the following islands: Japan Isles, Vancouver. Prince Edward Island. Borne© and Isle of Man. 15. Name the five most powerful countries of Europe with their capitals. 16. Name all the bodies of water which border upon any part of Europe. 17. What are our principal imports from England. France and Bel- gium. iX. Name the principal British Colonies in America. 10. Locate Rio Janeiro, Liverpool. Halifax. Melbourne and Bom- bay. 20. With what would a vessel sailing from Liverpool for Melbourne probably be laden? Through what waters would it pass, and what might it have for a cargo upon its return voyage? PHYSIOLOGY. i. State what you can of the composition of the bones. How many kinds of joints are there? Give an example of each kind. How many bono in the body ? 2. How many permanent teeth are there? Name diem. What is the enamel ? What causes operate to injure or destroy the teeth? 3. Name all die organs of respiration. Into how many cavities is the body divided? What organs does each contain? 4. What is the position and shape of the stomach ? < )f how many MISCELLANY. 45 5 coats is it composed? Describe each, and give its office. What portions of food are digested in the stomach? 5. What is the liver? Where is it situated? What is its office ? 6. What are the organs of circulation? Trace the circulation of the blood through the body. 7. Of what does the nervous system consist? How is the brain divided ? Give position of each part. 8. Explain the difference between arterial and venous blood. Where does the change from out to the other take place? 9. Name the senses and the organs of each. 10. What is the (esophagus, trachea, femur, aorta, and the medulla oblongata? CIVIL GOVERNMENT. GOVERNMENT OF U. S. i. To what body are the legislative powers of the U. S. entrusted? How composed and why so composed ? 2. Name the number of Senators. How distributed? How elected and for how long? 3. Vacancies in the senate how filled? 4. When does Congress meet? Why is its time for meeting regu- lated by the constitution ? 5. Name five powers of CongreNS. 6. In what three ways may bills become laws? 7. Give the mode of choosing a President when he receives a majority of the electoral votes cast. 8. What is the President's salary? 9. In what is the Judicial power of the U. S. vested? What is the judge's term of office? 10. How many amendments have been made to the Constitution? What is the last one ? GOVERNMENT OF STATE. i. Into what departments are the powers of government divided, and in what is each vested ? 2. When does the Legislature meet? What power has it? 3. How is a bill passed over the Governor's veto? 4. When and how often does the election of governor take place? 5. What is the Governor's Council? What is its duty? How are Councilors chosen? 6. How many justices of the Supreme Judicial Court are there? What salary do they receive and how long are their terms of office ? 456 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 7. How may the constitution be amended? 8. Name the principal State officers. 9. Name the chief Count}' officers. 10. Name the principal officers of towns not incorporated as cities. STATISTICAL. The following tabic gives the number of inhabitants in Industry according to the United States Census, also the num- ber of ratable polls, according to the selectmen's report: \ E A R . INHABITANTS. GAIN. LOSS. POLLS. l802. I 7O 7O* l8lO. 562 39 2 123 l820. 778 216 168 183O. 90 2 124 i6if [84O. IO36 134 181 [8 5 0. IO4I 5 190 i860. 847 194 187 1S7O. 7 2 5 122 [81 iSSO. 7i5 IO 186 189O. 545 I 70 146 STATE VALUATION AND STATE TAX. The figures below give the State valuation and State taxes since the incorporation of the town : ■\ liAR. VAU >l ION. I LTE TAX. l802. $ 4,000 l8l2. 7,680 l82I. 38,201 1831. 49> 2 3 ] [841. 139,067 1850. 14 7-545 i860. 1X0,096 1S70. 209,319 1X80. 148,252 1890. 117^93 > 24 00 56 00 IOO 5 2 349 68 4'4 82 296 99 -> s 3 87 C-5 7 72 1,048 40 n 1 r job 43 * Polls over n> years at lust t Tolls over 21 years of age ; OF TOWN ( >FFICERS BILLS. 1806. 1859. 1 891. * 3 33 $ 4 75 $12 OO 3° 33 28 00 50 OU 19 86 18 00 48 OO 16 42 2 2 5° 35 5° 6 00* 6 00 25 00 20 12 40 OO 8 29 T 2 00 10 40 27 67 1 1 7 00 MISCELLANY. COMPARATIVE TABLE OF Town Clerk, First Selectman, Second Selectman, Third Selectman, Town Treasurer, Supervisor of Schools, Town Agent, Liquor Agent, Collector's Commission, $ 86 34 S147 33 £327 5° CLEAR WATER POND. ICE LEFT THE POND. FROZE OVER. 1865, April 24. 1865, 1866, Dec. 15. 1867, Dec. 1. 1S69, Dec. 3. 1 8 70, April 28. 1870, 1871, April 27. 1S71, Dec. 2. 1872, May 8. 1872, Dec. n. 1873, May 8. 1873, Nov. 29. 1874, May 18. 1874, Dec. 3. 1875, May 9. 1S75, Dec. 1. 1876, May 17. 1876, Dec. 10. 1S77, April 25. 1S77, Dec. 14. 1878, April 18. 1878, Dec. 20. 1879, May 10. 1S79, Dec. 12. 1880, April 30. 1880, Nov. 26. 1 88 1, April 30. 1 88 1, Dec. 15. 1S82, May 9. 1882, Dec. n. 1883, May 7. 1883, Dec. 15. 1884, April 28. 1S84, Dec. 13. 1885, May 4. 1885, Dec. 15. 1 886, April 28. 1SS6, Dec. 4. 1S87, May 6. 18S7, Dec. 23. * Four dollars of this sum was for a trip to Augusta to purchase weights and measures for the town. 45 s HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. [888, May 17. (888, Dec. 19. [889, April 20. [889, Dec. [3. 1 890, April 29. 1890, 1 )ec. 5. [891, May 3. 1 892, April 24. TEMPERATURE TABLE. The following table gives a partial record of the extremes in temperature from [868 to 1892 inclusive. The sign plus signifies above and minus below zero. DATE TEMPERATURE. REMARKS. c868, July 5. I02-)- In the shade. 1868, July 11. 95+ In the shade. [SOS, July 12. I 2 2-j- In the sun. 1S6S. July 13. 119-f In the sun. 1S6S. July 14. 99+ In the shade. 1 SOS, July 15. ioi-(- In the shade. 1S6S, Dec. 27. 20 — 1S69, MYh 1. 24— 1S70, July 24. 10S+ In the shade. 1870, July 25. 100-p In the shade. 1SS4. Aug. 18. 97+ Whole week nearly 1884, 1 >ec. 20. 2 3— [as warm. 1SS5, June 16. 95- In the shade. 1 886, Jan. 24. 20— [886, Aug. 27. 1 10-)- In the shade. 1886, Dec 30. 30— [887, Jan. 1. — Rain. [88 7 , Jan. 4. 29— 40— at Madison. 1887, Jan. S. 28— 1887, Jan. 9. 29— 1SS7, Feb. 14. 3 1 — 1887, Nov. 30. 7— 1887, Dec. 30. 1 2 — 1SS9, Apr. 19. 88+ [89 1 , I >ec. 31. 3 1 — At Stark. *This year the pond froze over prior to Dec. nth, hut the ice was hroken up by a strony wind on that day. It closed permanently for the winter on the date Mated above. MISCELLANY. 459 INDUSTRY'S GUBERNATORIAL VOTE. The voters of Industry met to give in their votes for governor, the first time after Maine became an independent State, at the Centre school-house on April 3, 1820. April 3, 1820. Whole vote, 52 Hon. Wm. King, Rep., 40 Scattering, 1 2 Sept. 10, 1821. Whole vote, 73 Albion K. Parris. Rep., 36 Joshua Wingate, Jr., Rep., 2 Ezekiel Whitman, Fed., 27 Mark L. Hill, 8 Sept. 9, 1 82 2. Whole vote, 76 Albion K. Parris, Rep., 49 Ezekiel Whitman, Fed.. 27 Whole vote, 63 All for Albion K. Parris. Whole vote, 93 Albion K. Parris, Rep.. 92 Scattering, 1 Whole vote, 54 Albion K. Parris, Rep., 53 Scattering, 1 Whole vote, 45 All for Enoch Lincoln, Rep. Whole vote, 5 7 All for Enoch Lincoln, Rep. Whole vote, 47 Enoch Lincoln, Rep., 42 Scattering, 5 Sept. 14, 1829. Whole vote, 100 Jona. Hunton, Nat. Rep.. 63 Samuel E. Smith, Dcm. Rep.. 37 Sept. 13, 1S30. Whole vote, 143 Jona. G. Hunton, Nat. Rep.. 91 Samuel E. Smith, Detn. Rep.. 52 Sept. 12, 1 83 1. Whole vote, m I )aniel Goodenow, Nat. Rep., 65 Samuel E. Smith, Dem. Rep., 46 Sept. 8, 1S23. Sept. i3> 1824. Sept. 12, ,825. Sept. 1 1, 1826. Sept. TO, 1S27. Sept. 8, 1828. 460 ///STORY OF INDUSTRY. Sept. 10, 1832. Whole vote, 156 Samuel E. Smith. Dem. Rep., 71 Daniel Goodenow, Nat. Rep., 83 Scattering, * 2 Sept. 9, 1833. Whole vote, 106 Robert P. Dunlap, Dem., 58 Daniel Goodenow, Whig, 29 Thomas A. Hill, Anti-Mason, 19 Sept. 8,1834. Whole vote, 168 Robert P. Dunlap. Dem., 86 Peleg Sprague, Whig, 81 Thos. A. Hill. Anti-Mason, 1 Sept. 14. 1835. Whole vote, 100 Robert 1'. Dunlap. Dem.. 57 Win. King. Whig, 9 Timothy Boutelle, 34 Sept. 12. 1836. Whole vote, 130 Robert P. Dunlap, Dem., 68 Edward Kent. Whig, 62 Sept. 11. 1837. Whole vote, 133 Edward Kent, Whig, 80 Gorham Parks, Dem., 53 Sept. 10. 1838. Whole vote, 188 Edward Kent, Whig, 98 John Fairfield. Dem., 90 Sept. 9, 1S39. Whole vote, 128 Edward Kent, Whig, 70 John Fairfield, Dem., 58 Sept. 14, 1840.* Whole vote, 204 F.d ward Kent, Whig, 112 John Fairfield, Don., 92 Sept. [3, [841. Whole vote, 1 ;<> Edward Kent, Whig, 79 John Fairfield. Dem., ^ Jeremiah Curtis, Liberty. 9 Sept. 12. 1842. Whole vote, 160 John Fairfield, Dem., 79 Edward Robinson, Whig, 57 James Appleton, Liberty, 24 * The total vote for presidential electors this year was 2IO. MISCELLAN\ '. 46 1 Sept. 11, 1843. Whole vote, 109 James Appleton, Liberty, 46 Hugh J. Anderson, Dcm., 32 Edward Robinson, Whig, 31 Sept. 9, 1844. Whole vote, 202 Hugh J. Anderson, Dem., 77 James Appleton, Liberty, 41 Edward Robinson, Whig, 84 Sept. 8, 1845. Whole vote, 157 Freeman H. Morse, Whig, 56 Hugh J. Anderson, Dem., 55 Samuel Fessenden, Liberty, 46 Sept. 14, 1846. Whole vote, 150 John W. Dana, Dem., 37 Samuel Fessenden, Liberty, 69 1 >avid Bronson, Whig. 44 Sept. 13, 1847. Whole vote, 114 I >avid Bronson. Whig, 26 Samuel Fessenden, Liberty. 49 John W. Dana, Dem., 39 Sept. 11, 1848. Whole vote, 155 John W. Dana, Dem., 45 Elijah L. Hamlin, Whig, 48 Samuel Fessenden, Liberty, 62 Sept. 10, 1849. Whole vote, 142 John Hubbard, Dem., 54 Elijah L. Hamlin, Whig. 39 Geo. F. Talbot. Free Soil, 49 Sept. 9. 1850. Whole vote, 127 John Hubbard, Dem., 51 Win. G. Crosby, Whig, 40 Geo. F. Talbot, Free Soil, 36 Sept. 13, 1852.* Whole vote, 146 John Hubbard, Dem., 69 Wm. G. Crosby, Whig, 38 * By an act of the Legislature approved March 19, 1S44, and ratified the follow- ing September by the people, the political year was made to begin on the 2d Wednes- day of May instead of the 1st Wednesday of January as heretofore. In 1850 the Constitution was amended so as to re-establish the commencement of the political year to the 1st Wednesday of January, and by an act of the Legislature the State Gov- ernment was continued over without an election in 1851. 58 462 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Ezekiel Holmes, Free Soil, 5 Anson G. Chandler, Anti-Me. Law, 34 Sept. 12. 1853. Whole vote, 161 Albert Pillsbury, Dem., 66 Anson P. Morrill, Me. Law, 26 Win. (i. Crosby, Whig, 34 Ezekiel Holmes, Free Soil, 35 Sept. 1 1 , 1854. Whole \ i'ir. i 27 Anson P. Morrill. Me. Law and Know-Nothing, 89 Albion K. Parris, Dem.. 28 Isaac Reed. Whig, 7 Shepard (airy. Opposition Dem.. 3 Sept. 10. 1 855. Whole vote, e8i Samuel Wells. Dem.. 70 Anson P. Morrill, jft?/.. 85 Isaac Reed, Whig, 1 7 Sept. 8, 1856. Whole vote, 200 Samuel Wells. Dem., ^ Hannibal Hamlin. Rep., 129 Geo. F. Patten. Whig. 1 <> Sept. 14, [857. Whole vote, 190 Lot M. Morrill, Rep.. 105 Manasseh H. Smith, Dem., 85 Sept. 13, 1858. Whole vote, 178 Lot M. Morrill, Rep., 108 Manasseh H. Smith. Dem.. 70 Sept. 13. 1859. Whole vote, 193 Lot M. Morrill. Rep., 109 Manasseh H. Smith, Dem.. 84 Sept. 10. r86o. Whole vote, 194 Ephraim K. Smart, Dem.. 98 Israel Washburn, Jr., /iV/\. 96 Sept. 0, r86i. Whole vote, 169 Israel Washburn, Jr., Rep., 84 Chas. 1). Jameson. War Dem.. 70 John W. I >ana. Dem.. 15 Sept. .s. 1X62. Whole vote, 149 Miner ( 'ohnrn. Rep., 73 Bion Bradbury, Dem.. 76 Sept. 14. 1X63. Whole vote, '74 I lion Bradbun . Dem., 86 MISCELLANY. 463 Samuel Cony, Rep., 88 Sept. 12, 1864. Whole vote, 175 Samuel Cony, Rep., 94 Joseph Howard, Don., 81 Sept. 11, 1865. Whole vote, 139 Samuel Cony, Rep., 77 Joseph Howard, 62 Sept. 10, 1866. Whole vote, 161 Joshua L. Chamberlain, Rep., 92 Eben F. Pillsbury, Devi.. 69 Sept. 9, 1867. Whole vote, 145 Joshua L. Chamberlain, Rep., 78 Eben F. Pillsbury, Dcm.. 67 Sept. 14, 1868. Whole vote, 180 Joshua L. Chamberlain, Rep., S3 Eben F. Pillsbury, Don., 97 Sept. 13, 1869. Whole vote, 144 Joshua L. Chamberlain, Rep., 67 Franklin Smith, Den/.. 72 Nathan G. Hitchborn, Temp., 5 Sept. 12, 1870. Whole vote, 138 Sidney Perham, Rep., 57 Chas. W. Roberts, Dem., 81 Sept. 11, 1871. Whole vote, 158 Sidney Perham, Rep., 62 (has. P. Kimball, Dent., 96 Sept. 9, 1872. Whole vote, 159 Sidney Perham, Rep., 66 Chas. P. Kimball, Don., 93 Sept. 8, 1873. Whole vote, 107 Nelson Dingley, Jr., Rep., 38 Joseph Titcomb, Dem., 67 Joseph H. Williams, Lib. Rep., 2 Sept. 14, 1874. Whole vote, 91 Nelson Dingley, Jr., Rep., 41 Joseph Titcomb, Dem., 33 Joseph Williams. Lib. Rep., 1 7 Sept. 13, 1875. Whole vote, 150 Selden Connor, Rep., 61 Chas. W. Roberts, Dem., 89 Sept. 11, 1876. Whole vote, 138 464 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Selden i 'diinor. Rep., 50 John ('. Talbot, Dem., 88 Sept. 10, 1877. Whole vote, 98 Seidell Connor, Rep., 40 Joseph Williams, Dem., „ 37 Henry ('. Munson, G. B., 21 Sept. 9, 1878. Whole vote, 157 Selden Connor. Rep., 39 Joseph L. Smith, G. B., 1 1 1 Alonzo Garcelon, Dem., 7 Sept. 8, 1879. Whole vote, 184 Joseph L. Smith, G. B., 130 1 >aniel F. 1 >avis. Rep., 49 Alonzo Garcelon, Dem.. 5 Sept. 13, 1880.* Whole vote, 174 Harris M. Plaisted, G. />'.. 121 Daniel F. Davis, Rep.. 53 Sept. 11, 1882. Whole vote, 170 Harris M. Plaisted, G. B., 108 Frederick Robie, Rep., 62 Sept. 1, 1884. Whole vote, 137 Frederick Robie, Rep., 57 John B. Redman, Don.. 80 Sept. 13. 1SX6. Whole vote, 114 Joseph R. Bodwell, Rep.. 50 Clark S. Edwards, Dem., 55 Aaron Clark, Pro hi Ik, 9 Sept. 10, 1888. Whole vote, 121 Edwin C. Burleigh, Rep., 62 Win. L. Putnam, Dem., 54 Volney B. Cushing, Prohib., 5 Sept. ,S. 1890. Whole vote, 123 Edwin C. Burleigh, Rep., 55 Wm. P. Thompson, Dem.. 66 Isaac C. (dark. Labor, 1 Aaron Clark, Prohib.. 1 * At this election the people ratified l>v their vote the constitutional amendment changing from annual to biennial gubernatorial elections. MISCELLANY. 465 A LIST OF Allen, Benjamin, Allen, Samuel K.. Allen, Charles A., Allen, Datus T., Allen, Ephraim N., Allen, Albert, Ayers, Stephen, Bradbury, John S., Bradbury, Alfred, Bradbury, Moses, Boyden, Asaph, Butler, Peter W., Bryant, James, Bryant, Oilman, Bryant, William M., Burce, Silas, Brown, John, Coombs, Francis, Collins, Joseph, Collins, Joseph, Jr., Collins, Obed N., Cornforth, Bateman, Cornforth, William, Cornforth, William, Jr., Cornforth, Warren, Caswell, Salmon, Davis, Cornelius, Doyen, Abbott, Daggett, Isaac, Daggett, Francis, .Daggett, Samuel, 2d, Daggett, John T., Daggett, William R., Dutton, Josiah, Durrell, Hiram D., Emery, Ira, Emery, Ira, Jr., Edwards, Brice S., Edgeeomb, James, Eveleth, Benjamin G., VOTERS IN INDUSTRY, IN 1 S55. Eveleth, Joseph, Eveleth, Joseph, Jr., Elliott, James, Frost, John, Fogg, Asa. Folsom, Daniel, Folsom, Daniel, Jr., Folsom, William O., Frederic, John W., Fassett, Richard, Fish, Elisha, Goodwin, Reuel, Goodwin, John H., Greenwood, Thaddeus, Greenwood, Hannibal, Gray, Obed W., George, Albert S., Gilmore, James, Gilmore, 1 )avid, Gennings, Rufus, Goodridge, Nathan, Goodridge, Charles, Goodwin, Alonzo, Hatch, David, Howes, John, Hayes, Charles, Higgins, Barnabas A., Higgins, John C, Hilton, Daniel, Howes, Lot M., Johnson, Henry, Johnson, George W., Johnson, Nathan S., Johnson, William F., Johnson, Zebediah. Jeffers, George, Knowles, Ezekiel, Kennedy, Andrew, Luce, Rowland, Luce, Moses M., 466 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Luce, Elisha, Luce, ( reorge W., Luce. Winthrop, Luce, Luther, I ,uce, Luther, Jr., I rU( e, I K\\ 1(1. Luce, Newell P., Luce, Nelson ( '.. Luce, Jesse, Luce, Win. H., Luce, Win. LL, Jr.. Luce, Wm. 1 L, 2d, Luce, Warren. Luce, Joseph, Look, Davis, Leaver, Joseph, Leaver, John 1 ).. Lewis, William, Lewis, William G., Lowe, Daniel (.'.. Lone. Herbert, McLaughlin, Richard, Miller. ( reorge, Mosher, John, Manter, John Wells. Manter, Elijah, Manter, Henry, Manter, George, Manter. Hiram, Manter, Warren, Manter, James, Manter, Asa M.. Manter, John ('.. Miller, Jacob, Merry, David, Norton, ( )bed, Norton, Obe.l \\ .. Norton, Tristram. Norton, benjamin \\ ., Norton, James, Norton, Wm. I)., Norton, I liram, Norton. Samuel IL. Norton, 1 [oratio G., Norton. Clifford B., ( )liver, James, Oliver, Thomas M., Patterson, 1 )avid, Patterson, Wesley T. Pinkham, Curtis, Perkins, John W., Palmer, Reuel, Palmer, Daniel B., Rackliff, Henry B., Rackliff, J. Sumner, Rackliff, Samuel, Rogers, Thomas, Rogers, Francis S., Shorey, Pelatiah, Snell, James A., Swift, Ebenezer, Swift, Ebenezer, Jr.. Storer, Philip A., Storer, Peter M., Spinaey, John, Shaw, Samuel, Shaw, Albert, Smith, Ebenezer, Smith, Elijah B., Stevens, James, Stevens, Oliver, Tolman, Moses, Tolman, John, Tolman, William, Tolman, Aaron, True, J. Bartlett, Tibbetts, Andrew, Tibbetts, Benjamin, Taylor, Daniel 1 [., Viles, Leonard, Viles, John IT, Viles, Joseph 1!., MISCELLANY 467 Viles, Dennis H., Weeks. Vilander, Webster, Isaac, Whitten, Issachar, Whitten, James, Willis, Peter W., Willis, Benjamin N., Willis, Warren N., Watson, Simeon, Woodcock, Alexander, Welch, William. Welch, Philip. Withee, Zachariah, Withee, Daniel, Withee, William, Willard, Haskell, Whitney, Charles, Yeaton, James S.. Yeaton, Jonathan. [Total 181.] Given under our hands. August 9th, 1855. [Signed] C. B. Norton, David Patterson, Albert Shaw, Selectmen of Industry. PART SECOND. GENEALOGICAL NOTES INDUSTRY FAMILIES 59 GENEALOGICAL NOTES. [Throughout these Notes the following abbreviations are employed: b. lor born; m. tor married; unmd. lor unmarried; d. for died; pub. for published; s./>., sine prole, without issue; ,/. v., anod Tide, which see. When the last-named abbreviation is placed after a name it refers the reader to the name of that person in his or her own family register. The raised figures, or supe- riors, following a person's name are used to indicate his generation from the immigrant or com- mon ancestor, who is invariably regarded as one, or of the first generation. The Roman numerals at the left of children's names are used to indicate the order of their birth. When this information could not be obtained these numbers have been omitted. The Arabic numerals at the extreme left of any child's name indicates that it has been carried forward, and will be found by its corresponding number further on in the work. | ALLEN. Captain William Allen,* the first of the name to settle in Industry, traces his ancestry back to George Allen,' who was born in England about 1568. "In 1635," as we learn from the Genealogy of the Allen Family, "when the Puritans were emigrating in great numbers from the old country to escape from the persecution of Archbishop Laud, under Charles I., George Allen and his family came to America and settled 111 Saugus, Lynn. * * * In 1637, George Allen joined with Edmund Freeman and others in the purchase of the township of Sandwich, and the same year settled in that place. When the town of Sandwich was incorporated, he was chosen Deputy, the first office in the town, and served in that capacity for several years. He was a conscientious Puritan and a member of the Baptist Church. He had ten sons, some of whom came over from England before he emigrated to this country, and settled first in the vicinity of Boston; but after the purchase of Sandwich, the most of them, with their families, removed to that town and settled in the vicinity of their father's residence. George Allen, Sr., died in Sandwich, Mass., May 2, 1648, aged about 80. In his will he named his five sons, Matthew, 2 Henry, 2 Samuel, 2 George 2 and Wil- liam; 2 and also made provision for his 'five least children,' without * Mr. Allen gained the title of Captain from holding a commission in the State militia. 47 '2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. naming them." The third son of George Allen, 1 was Samuel,-' born in England and came to Boston with the first settlers, in 1628. By Ins first wife, Ann. he had five children. The third child of this number was James. 3 horn [636, and married Elizabeth Perkins. There were nine children born to James 3 and Elizabeth Allen, the fifth being James. 1 born 1 6 7_| . lie married Man Bourne, and was the lather of eight children, the eldest of whom was Svlvanus.> born 1701. This Svlvanus married Jane Homes, daughter of Rev. William Homes, in 1725. He. was a blacksmith and farmer and lived in the east pari of Chilmark, a town on the Island of Martha's Vineyard. Four children were bom to Svlvanus? and Jane Allen, the third of whom was James," born in 1732. lie married Martha, daughter of Jethro Athearn, of Tisbury. He in- herited his lather's farm, became a worthy deacon of the Congregational Church, and was esteemed as a man of sterling worth. This James 6 was iin father of Captain William Allen' (horn in Chilmark, Mass., Jan. 5, 1756), who was his eldest son. Captain Allen came first to Farmington m the fall of 1792 (see p. J 2 ). and settled on land now ( [892) owned by Obed N. Collins, where he lived for nearly six years, and then removed to Industry. Having learned the trade of clothier, when a young man. Captain Allen, while a resident of Farmington, conceived the idea of erecting a fulling-mill, on a small stream (lowing through his land. This enterprise proved a pecuniary failure and was soon aban- doned, presumably for want of sufficient water-power. Captain Allen was chosen clerk, upon the organization of Industry Plantation, and also town clerk for two years after the incorporation of the town. Ik- was a worth)- member of the Congregational Church in Industry, and its deacon for a period of thirty years. Of him an acquaintance* writes: "He was of good blood, a cousin of Enoch Lincoln, fourth governor of Maine, and likewise of Benjamin Lincoln, lieutenant-gov- ernor of Massachusetts ; also a nephew of the great Harrison Gray Otis. His wile. Love Coffin, was a niece of Charles Thompson, secretary oi the first American Congress, and a descendant in a direct line from John Robinson, father of the Puritans." He married, March 10. 1779, Love Coffin, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Harlock) Coffin, of Edgar- town, Mass.. by whom he had a family of eleven children, six sons and five daughters. Mrs. Allen was a lady of rich intellectual endowments and true moral worth, and it is said that from her " Campmeeting John " inherited his keen wit and fondness for repartee. t With one 1 aptain John Ma on • •,■/. M apt. John Mason in ;i letter to the author, in speaking of the Collin family, many ol vhom were Quakers, relates the following anecdote illustrative of their ready wit : — " < 1 GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 473 exception the children an* grew to manhood and womanhood and Tilled important positions in the various walks of life. A notable fact respect- in- this family is that, although deprived of the excellent advantages now enjoyed for schooling, the ten children who grew up all became successful school teachers. He closed a long and useful life Nov. 5, 1.S42, aged So years and 10 months. His wife (born May 3, 1756) died June 5, 183 1. 1. i. William, b. in Chilmark, Mass., April 16, 1780; m. Sept. 3, 1S07, Han- nah Titcomb, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth (Henry) Titcomb, of Farmington. ii. Bartlett, b. in Chilmark, Mass., Aug. 25, 17S1; m. fan. 9, 1809, Lucy Fairbanks, daughter of Benjamin and Keturah (Luce) Fairbanks, of Winthrop. She was b. Nov. 29, 1785, and d. Aug. 25, 1820. He m. for his second wife Priscilla I >exter, of Tisbury, Mass., Oct. 21, 1821. J. iii. Truman, b. June 19, 1783; m. (pub. Aug. 15, 1816) Hannah Sevvall, of Bath, Me. lie d. in 1S1S, leaving one daughter, Sarah Ann, b. in 1817 and d. m 1851 . iv. Deborah, b. Feb. 13, 1785; m. Jan. 4, 1815, Rev. Thomas Merrill, q. v. v. Jam-, 1 b. June 12, 17S7; Love d. June 14, 1787. Jane m. John Rob- vi. Love, ) inson, son of Shadrach and Deborah (Robinson) Robinson, oi Chilmark, Mass., and d. in 1864. 8 children. vii. Love, b. May 10, 1790; m. April 5, 1816, George Gower, son of Robert and Mary (Henry) Gower, of Farmington. 5 children. viii. Harrison, b. Apr. 2b, 1792; m. Nancy W. Fames. He graduated from Bovvdoin College in 1824, and afterwards from the Andover Theologi- cal Seminary. He then went as a missionary among the Choctaw Indians, and d. at Eliot, Miss , in 1831, leaving two sons, who d. soon alter their father. 4- lx - John, b. in Farmington, March 7, 1795; m. Oct. 20, 1820, Annah Her- sey (b. Jan. 24, 1794) daughter of Capt. Nathaniel and Lucy (White) Hersey. She d. June 24, 1875, and he subsequently m. Mrs. Sarah Ann Fellows, daughter of Enoch and Sarah (Cummings) Whittier, Jan. 9, 1876. She was b. in Athens, Me., Jan. 9, 1814, and d. April 29, 1881. lie d. on the East Livermore camp-ground, Aug. 31, 1887. \. JAMES, b. in Farmington, Dec. 2, 1796; in. (pub. Dec. 23, 1821) Naomi Sylvester, of Norridgewock He settled first in Industry, but in 1825 removed to Bangor, Me., where he became Surveyor-General of lumber. His wife d. Nov. 20, 1834, and he m. a second wife, Elizabeth B. Mills, in 1836. He d. Jan. 20, 1865, at which time he was deacon of the First Congregational Church in Bangor. < )f his family of twelve children only four survived him, viz., two sons and two daughters. xi. Clementine, b. in Industry, March 15, 1800; m. (pub. Sept. 10, 1823) Dr. John Cook, of New Sharon: d. in 18S3. leaving a family of five children. i. William Allen, s eldest son of Capt. William and Love (Coffin) Allen, was born in Chilmark. Dukes County, Mass.. April 16, 1780. When but twelve years of age his father emigrated from Martha's Vine- the young women used to address the sailors at the Bethe] in Boston. She was addressing them one Sunday on 'The Doom of the Wicked,' and in illustrating her subject made the remark that every tub must stand on its own bottom! ' Supposing,' said a young ship-master who was present, ' it lias no bottom? ' ' Then it is no tub,' was the quick and witty rejoinder." 474 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. yard and settled, as has already been slated, irf what is now the town ol Farmington. The events of his journey and subsequent pioneer life are so vividly described in his journal (see p. 72) that the author forbears further mention of them here. Sufficient to say that, toiling early and late for his daily bread, bravely bearing the privations and hardships that fell to his lot, the industrious hoy grew to an energetic, self-reliant man. lie was studiously inclined, and notwithstanding numerous obstacles acquired an education which eminently fitted him for the many re,- sponsible positions that he was called to till. At the age of twenty he began to clear land on a lot numbered 28 in a subsequent survey of the township. His labors were rewarded by abundant harvests, and his wild land eventually became one of the most productive farms in town. When a company of militia was organized in 1799. he was elected com- pany clerk, but as the duties of his office were extremely arduous ami unremunerative he resigned at the first convenient opportunity. No person was more largely instrumental in shaping the early town affairs in Industry than he. Upon the organization of Industry Plantation, in [802, he was chosen one of the assessors and was re-elected the follow- ing year. He drew up the petition lor the incorporation of the town and was elected chairman of its fust board of selectmen. His hand- writing was beautiful, even resembling copper-plate engraving, as is shown by the early town records which he was employed to transcribe. He was a successful school teacher, a practical land-surveyor, and a man well versed in legal lore. but much as he has benefited his fellowmen, he lias rendered them no greater service than by the literary productions of his fluent pen. These form to his memory a monument more endur- ing than the whitest marble or the costliest bronze. His "History oi Industry" has rescued from oblivion many valuable and interesting facts concerning the early settlement of the town. It is. in the second edition, a pamphlet volume of forty-eight pages, and though indifferently printed it is a work ol much merit.* He also wrote a history of Nor- * This edition was issued in 1S69 and printed at Skowhegan by Smith & Emery. Only a 1 i the first edition were printed, and the author is the owner of the only copv he has ever seen. The work, a umo pamphlet volume "l i| pages, was issued in 1856 ami printed by Moms Littlefield of Skowhegan. The story of its preparation told by Mr. Allen in tlir I at rod art ion is as follows : " A ketch of the history of thr low n of Industry was originally drawn off some twenty years since, while tin scenes described were fresh in my recollection, and deposited with the Town Clerk for the inspection of any one who wished In trace the prog- 11 s oi tin town affairs. The same was revised from time to time, and some statistics added till the spring of 1S54, and again deposited : with a hope thai il would furnish some data for a Lyceum Lecture that would be interesting to the inhabitants in a succeeding age. Since that time 1 have been importuned to have the same published : and although subject to some disad vantages in detailing recent event- arising from my non residence in the town for many years, and from not having an opportunity to inspect, personally, the recent records of the town. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 475 ridgewock and a genealogy of the Allen family, beside frequently fur- nishing historical and other sketches for the public press. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, and twice elected a repre- sentative to the State Legislature. He married, Sept. 3, 1807, Hannah Titcomb, of Farmington, who was born in Topsham, Me., Nov. 15, 1780, and died in Norridgewock, Me., March 26, 1859. Mr. Allen was a worthy member of the Methodist church, and closed a long and event- ful life July 1, 1873, aged 93 years, 2 months and 15 days. i. William,!), in Industry, Sept. 2, 1S0S. He entered Bowdoin College, from which he graduated in 1828, with the first honor of his class. He taught school in Gardiner, Me., and subsequently studied law with Hiram Relcher, of Farmington. He gave promise of eminent success. He d. March 31, 1831. ii. STEPHEN, 1>. in Industry, March 20, 1810; graduated at Bowdoin College in 1835 ai11 ' received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the same institution in 1869. He became a member of the Maine Methodist Conference, and in 18S0-2 was Presiding Elder of the Augusta I >istricl He has also held the position of principal of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary. In company with Rev. Wm. II. Pillsbury, of the East Maine Conference, Dr. Allen wrote the "History of Methodism in Maine," which was issued in the fall of 18S7. He m. in 1838 Rachel Sturdi- vant, by whom he had a family of five children. He d. at Winthrop, Me., very suddenly, July 3, 1888. iii. Elizabeth Titcomb, b. in Norridgewock, Sept. 2^, 1813; m. John S. Abbot. She d. in 1S58, leaving a family of nine children. iv. Charles F., b. in Norridgewock Jan. 2S, 1816. Fitted for college and graduated from Bowdoin in the class of 1839. He was elected Presi- dent of the Maine State College of Agriculture am] Mechanic Arts at Orono, and idled that position for seven years. He received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Bowdoin College and the Wesleyan Uni- versity, and is at the present time (1892) an able minister of the Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. Allen m. Aug. 25, 1844, Ruth S. Morse, of Rath, Me. Four children. v. ALBERT R., b. in Norridgewock, March 6, 1819; was a law student at the time of his death in 1841. 2. Bartlett At. i .kn. s second son of ( 'apt. William and Love (Coffin) Allen, was born in Chilmark, Dukes Co., Mass.. Aug. 25, 1781. He settled near the centre of the town on lot No. 26. and cleared what is now (1892) known as the Francis S. Rogers farm. The noble elm standing near the house was set out by Mr. Allen in 1S0K. Then it was a small sapling, but now its branches have a spread of nearly one hundred feet and the trunk a girth of twelve feet two inches. He was elei ted town clerk in 1810 and a member of the board of selectmen in 1813 ; for seven years he was re-elected town clerk, and likewise served eight or parishes, and from having had but little intercourse with the inhabitants for several years, I, however, have withdrawn my manuscript from the Clerk's office, copied it, made some addi- tions to the statistical details to lirinsj the dates forward to the present time, and in my old age, consent to have a few copies printed." 4/6 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. years as selectman. He sold his farm to John Bailey, of Farmington, March 25, 1823, and returned to Martha's Vineyard, settling al Holmes' Hole, now Vineyard Haven. His first wife, Lucy Fairbanks, died Aug. 25, 1X20. and he married a second time, Oct. 21, [821, Priscilla Dextei (born May 12. 1707). who died March 24. 1867. lie- died fan. 31, 1X72. aged 90 years. 5 months and 6 days. ( Children. 1. Truman Augustus, b. in Industry, Aug. 11. 1810; m. Oct. 13, 1850, Susan Wendell Eaton, daughter of Isaac and Mary ( Lyon) Eaton, of Farmington, Me. Mr. .Allen went coasting for some years and then became a skillful and reliable pilot on the New England coast. He has also held many town offices in Tisbury, Mass., and only declined re-election when the infirmities of age compelled him to do so. lie d. July 30, [888, leaving one son, Win. II. Allen. ii- Caroline Augusta, b. in Industry, July 26, 1814; m. Charles Harding, of Holmes' Hole. Three children. iii. Ch vrlotte LuCY,'b. in Industry, Nov. 23, 181 8; m. Benjamin Nye. I le d. in 1 Si id. Three children. iv. Charles Dexter, b. July 17, 1X22; m. Caroline M. Luce. v. WILLIAM II., b. in 1S29;' a student at law. Died in 1S51. 3. Truman Allen, 8 third son of Capt. William and Love (Coffin) Allen, was born, probably in Chilmark, Mass., June 19, 17X3. At the age oi seventeen his youthful mind became a captive to the glowing accounts of "a life on the ocean wave," which he had heard from his father and others, and he decided that this, above all others, was the life for him. Fearing he could not gain the consent of his parents he packed his small wardrobe and clandestinely left home. He went to Portland. Me., and there shipped as cook on a vessel bound for the West Indies. The voyage was of several months' duration, and young Allen saw rough times, "getting more kicks than coppers.'' as his brother, " Campmeeting John," tersely expressed it. Returning home on the completion of this voyage his father informed him that if he wished to follow the sea he could do so without running away ; hut like a dutiful son the young man remained at home until he became of age. On gaining his majority he again went to sea, and rose rapidly from forecastle hand to the position of commander. As a captain he sailed for the most part from Hath. Me. His last voyage was to the A/ores or Western Islands as captain of the brig "Hiram." He was somewhat out of health when he left Bath, and during the voyage he failed rapidly, and died on the home- ward hound voyage in the fall of 1818. He lies buried at Shelburne, Nova Scotia. On the next voyage the " Hiram " was commanded by Captain Allen's first mate. Nathaniel Harding* of New Sharon. Me.. ' Captain Hardin:; was born in i ; g, and aili d from Bath, Me., for the West India I I ind in September, 1S1S. No intelligence was received of ship or crew after they left Bath. , 2-^-1 ^f€&^ t Engraved byJoHN Allen Lothrop, Boston. From a photograph made about 1S83 by ('•■ O. Aver, Augusta, Me. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 477 but nothing was ever heard from the ship or crew after they left Bath. He married Hannah Sewall, of Hath, and left one daughter. Sarah Ann, who died in 1S5 1. 4. John Allen, s widely known as Campmeeting John, was the eighth child of Capt. William and Love (Coffin) Allen. He was horn in a log 1 abin in the newly-settled town of Farmington, Me.. March 7, 1795. When he was three years old his lather pushed his steps still further into the wilderness and settled near the outlet of that beautiful lakelet. Clear Water Pond, on land owned by the Plymouth Company, as one of the pioneer settlers of the present town of Industry. Here was spent the boyhood and early manhood of this eminent divine, and here, too. he was converted at a camp-meeting held near the residence of "Father Thompson." Some years ago Elder Allen wrote Ids autobiography, but the manu- script was destroyed in the great fire at Farmington, Oct. 22. [886. Fortunately, however, the enterprising publishers of the Lewiston Journal had a verbatim copy of the original manuscript, which was published in their paper soon after the good man's decease. Acknowl- edging his indebtedness to that sheet, the author here reproduces JOHN ALLEN'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I was born in the interior of Farmington, Me., in a log-cabin, March 7th, 1795, which was of course before my remembrance, yet I was surely there. My parents were formerly of Martha's Vineyard, poor, but highly respected by all that knew them. They soon removed from Farmington to what is called Plymouth Plantation, afterwards incorporated in the town of Industry, the name of which my father had the honor of suggesting.* Some of the first of my recollections was of attending school in a barn by a maiden Iadyf who was not highly educated. Here was where I learned my letters and to put them together in easy words, of which we were required to give the defini- tion, and when we could not she would. The word anecdote was read. "What is the definition?" "Don't know." "Anecdote," said she, "is what people eat between meals." In another school, taught by a young man,J the word biscuit was read. While we hesitated to pronounce, the master cried out " Bee-squit, you rascal — that is," he said "to stop." This may show how deficient my early teachers were in education. My father was anxious that his children should have a decent education, and made as great sacrifices in this direction as his limited circumstances would admit. At length he sent *Secp. 5 q.— \V. c.H. I Miss Dependence Hun-, who married Benjamin Burgess for his second wife.— W. C. //. t Klihu Norton.— IV. C. H. 60 47 s HIS It )R ) ' ( >/■■ TNDl SIR J \ myself with a brother older to an academy*— the first one in that region of ountry. I had an exalted opinion of an academy and I thought a pre- ceptor must be a very dignified character. When we arrived at tin- academy the preceptor was absent on a preaching tour. A student had charge of tin- school. I waited with impatience to sec tin- dignified man. At length In- arrived, took oft ids hat and threw it down, ami gave a history of his preai h ing tour. Said he. " 1 went down to Mount Vernon yesterday to preach to them. As soon as I commenced an old woman popped up and began to - reei h and scream. When she closed, I commenced again, when up popped another and began to screech and scream. I told them I had not come there to be insulted and if they would hold their peace 1 would preach to them, otherwise J would take my hat and go home. They kept still." By the way, then- was a reformation in that place, but the old man did not seem to under- stand that kind of business at all. After remaining in this institution a few monthsf the preceptor visited my father, who was anxious to know how the boys got along. "Well," said the old man, " Harry will make a scholar, but as tor John you will never make much of 1dm, he is too full of the devik" This was th» recommendation he gave of me to my father, which he soon conveyed to me. but 1 thought the old man was not altogether free from his Satanic majesty's influence, for he would get mad and throw the Bible or lexicon or anything else he could get hold of at our heads whenever we stepped aside from the strict path of rectitude. The preceptor was a Scotchman! about fifty years of age. He had lost his wife and 1 suppose he desired to have his loss made up as soon as possible. There was a beautiful young lady in his school about fourteen years of age to which he took a great fancy, and had many opportunities of granting her special favors. Her name was Hannah — he used to call her Honey, and would climb trees to procure robins' eggs to make his Honey a necklace. On one occasion he climbed a tree, backed out on a limb on which there was a robin's nest, and just as he reached the nest the limb broke and down he came, bird's nest and all, which so disenabled him that he did not come into the school for a number of days. He at length married the beautiful lady — she made him a good wife and raised him up a numerous offspring. So much for my academ- ical training and acquirements. Thus I blundered along until 1 was employed several times to teach dis- trict schools. This was when school-masters wen scarce; but by keeping my ignorance out of sight and putting my best foot forward. I succeeded in passing an examination before the committee, in fact some of them knew but a precious little more than myself, and sometimes they had to succumb to me I armington Academy, chartered by the General Court of Massachusetts, Feb. i ;, 1807.— W. C. II. | Thi author i- of the opinion that tins is an error, perhaps of the types. Elder Allen once wrote the author: " With the exception oi a few -weeks at an academy, when 17 years old, my education was gaini A from tin- early town schools. — // ". C. II. [This preceptor was Rev. James Hall. Although at times peevi h and fretful, In- was nevertheless a scholar of rate attainments.— //'. C. II. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 4/ s « HISTORY OF rNDUSTRY. as soon as you please. 11 Said I. "If that is what you want, put you out it is."' I then called out two or three large scholars and said to them, " Mere is a suspicious character that wants to he put out of doors — put him out, but lie careful and not hurt him." Little did I care how much they might hurt him, hut 1 thought in the sight of the law it might he better to say that. We all clinched him, and out he went, sprawling in the mud. He attempted to re- turn, but I forbade him. saying, " This is my castle; if you come in here you are a dead man." He went home and informed his father, who. by the way, was a justice of the peace, a man of some note. He came to the school-house and attempted to come in, but 1 refused him, saying, " Your son has made some disturbance in the school this morning and we are not prepared for company." He went home, took his horse, and rode some twenty miles to consult a lawyer, who, after hearing his story, advised him saying, " If you have got a bad master, get along with him as well as you can, and next winter get a good one!'' In the mean time I had called the district together, who sanctioned my course and legalized what I had done. 1 was employed two winters following with a salary increased from ten to twelve dollars per month and boarded. During the winter of 1812, politics raged to a great extent. The two par- ties were called Federalists and Republicans. There was a retired sea captain who was a republican : he employed a preacher who was a republican to preach a political sermon. The people assembled at his house. The preacher took for his text. " Curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof because ye came not up to the help of the Lord against the mighty." "Now," says the preacher, ••this means the Federalists — thus we shall read, 'Curse ye the Federalists, etc. 1 " " Yes," said the sea captain, "curse them, curse them," when an old Englishman present, who was a federalist, said, "That is a lie: there is no such thing in the Bible," — when a stout man took him by the collar and pitched him out of doors saying, " I will teach you to dispute the man of God while he is preaching the Gospel." The next day the old Englishman said "that the minister did lie and he told him so, but Chancy butler - took him up in an unbecoming manner and pitched him out doors." I served an apprenticeship [as a clothier] with a man who was a good work- man, but a periodical drunkard. I felt desirous of learning the trade and becoming a good workman, but had no idea of learning or practicing his bad habits, yet I must acknowledge to my shame I was too tractable even in that also, and by degrees became an inebriate. This caused me much trouble and sorrow, and sometimes a hair-breadth escape from death and destruction. ( )ne instance : While driving a stage from Camden to Bucksport, descending a long hill, at the bottom of which was a high bridge some twenty feet above the stream and bowlders below, there was a curve in coming on to the i ndoubtedly Ebenezer Chaney Butler, i Benjamin and Amy (Daggett) Butler, of Farmington, is the person here referred in. Ik- was noted far and near lor his great physical strength, and it may be tli.it en this o< casion his desire tor an opportunity to exercise his mus cular powers u.i> greatei than thai of maintaining the dignity of " The man of God."— W. C. H. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 48 I bridge, which had no railing. Through my carelessness, no doubt in conse- quence of drink, the horses took the bit, started into a swift run and made straight for the bridge, regardless of the curve. I saw nothing but destruc- tion before us. But a colored man who was on the box with me, seeing the danger, grasped the pole horses and made a tremendous surge to the right and we barely escaped being dashed in pieces. As soon as I found we were sate I cracked on the whip, when a gentleman in the coach, seeing the dan- ger, cried out at the top of his voice, saying. ••Where are you driving us? 1 " "To Belfast," said I, '"about three miles — good roads.'" Said he, "You like to drove us off that bridge." " Oh, 1 ' said I, " I can drive within an inch and go safe." " An inch of my life," said he : " I will inform the stage contractor in Port- land." " Well," said 1, "you will inform him that 1 drove you safe, will you?" I soon quit the business, as I found it was not safe for one who took his bitters. One ridiculous incident occurred while I drove stage. 1 put up at a tavern where they kept the "creature." In retiring late one night, I found it necessary to be cautious in going up to my lodgings. When I arrived there, in attempting to set my light on the stand, it fell short and went out. I found some difficulty in getting into bed, thought the chamber-maid had not made up the bed right, as the quilt extended over the head of the bed to the floor. However, I succeeded in getting into bed. Next morning I awoke and found I had made a mistake and got into bed wrong end foremost, as my feet were on the pillow instead of my head. Ah! Rum makes a fool of a man, sure enough ; but finally a better day dawned upon me, for, after many fruitless attempts single handed, to cure myself, I was prevailed upon to sign the tem- perance pledge in company with others in December, 1824. I kept this pledge and thus weathered the cape and with it the destruction which would have followed. In my efforts to promote temperance, I was not aware that the use of tobacco was any hindrance. On one occasion we secured a lecturer who read Dr. Hickcok's prize essay on temperance. He showed in a masterly manner the evils of intemperance in the use of intoxicating liquor which 1 well understood. All at once he attacked the narcotics and with this my tobacco, and withal said that a man was not a thorough-going temperance man who was a slave to tobacco. This was too much for me and I threw my quid into the (ire. He preached on till I threw my fig,* from my pocket, into the lire, which caused a little merriment in the congregation to see this practical illus- tration of the subject. When he closed I arose and said, "I have professed to be a thoroughly temperance man, but according to your address, I have not been ; you have preached the tobacco out of my mouth and out of my pocket, and I am determined not to use any more." In going out of the house a gentleman said to me, "You will have a quid in your mouth within a fort- night : I have tried that game, but didn't succeed." 1 said nothing audibly, but to myself I said, "John, die or live, you shan't * In those days what is now known as a "plug" of tobacco was invariably known as a fig."— IV. C. H. 4' s - HISTORY ()/■' INDUSTRY. have it." but it was not long before I thought I should die; but, thank God, I um alive yet, and although that was forty-five years ago I have- not tasted one particle as big as a mouse's ear since. My health improved. I increased in weight, and on the whole it was a great victory. Notwithstanding 1 had early religious instructions, yet by carelessness and wicked associations, 1 became skeptical and embraced what I now con- sider false and dangerous doctrines. But when I was twenty-eight years old, I had a very frightful dream, which, although it was only a dream, it checked me in what 1 afterwards considered a dangerous course. June 29th, 1825, when 1 was thirty years of age 1 attended my first camp-meeting. There I was more than ever convinced of my wretched condition out of Christ. I then sought and obtained pardon of all my past sins, was made remarkably happy in believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. One year from that time, at a camp- meeting, I received a wonderful baptism of the Holy (Jhost. I have never had a doubt since of the privilege of all Christians obtaining the inestimable Messing of perfect love." In August, [867, at Martha's Vineyard, I had the blessing wonderfully restored, since which my peace has been like a river almost continually. Very soon after my conversion to God, while alone I was solemnly impressed to preach the gospel. I began to think about the same, for I had no prepara- tion in that direction, but this impression never left me. Three years after this 1 made my first attempt, but failed. An old lady arose and thanked God for the truth, and said. " Xo doubtGod had called him. 1 ' Thought I, "called him to do nothing." Again I endeavored to get a subject matured. 1 commenced but had not proceeded far when a man of note as well as piety came in, and 1 1 losed at once lest I should be criticised by him. Thus I had my ups and downs, but I found I could not preach like others. On a certain occasion I expected to be called to preach at a watch-meeting. 1 thought 1 would prepare my sermon and preach like other people. So I divided my subject into three grand divisions, and each grand division into three subdivis- ions. Sure enough, I was called upon to preach. 1 took my text and said : ■• My first grand division is this ;" I labored away for a little time when some- thing put it into my head to enquire what my next grand division was ; I could not remember and again the thought came. " What are you about now." and this I had forgotten. Said I. " Let us pray." When I closed, another brother commenced. While he was praying the subject came to me again. I arose and began again, but I let my grand divisions go to the bugs and gave it to • A good story is told concerning Elder Allen's conversion. As :i boy fohn was noted for his boldness and brawn and was held in awe by his associates, whom he was apt to summa rilv chastise for any affront received from them. One fellow in particular bore a particularly bitter grudge against John, am! when he heard of his conversion lie determined to revenge him self, lie met John the next morning after tin- future divine returned from that memorable camp-meeting, where he had " his first experience." " Look-a-here, John Allen, you licked me ono ind now I am going to pay you lor it. You're pious now and can't fight." John gazed steadily at the threatening face and brandished fists and then calmly but significantly replied, •• Daniel, Keep back ; John Allen is pious now, but he is liable to backslide." Daniel forebore 10 tempt.— W. C. II. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 483 them in my own style and had a good time. When I looked it over 1 had some trials about it. and coming home I asked a young convert who was with me what he thought of my strange exercises last night. He said he did not know to what I referred. "Why," said I, " my break-down in preaching." "Why," said he, "that was all the difference I discovered between a watch- meeting and other meetings, and thought that was in the programme of a watch-meeting." I was at length received into the Maine Conference. I had not succeeded well in business, hence was poor. I procured a hoist cheap, one reason on account of her being ugly and had done mischief in breaking carriages and harnesses, but could be rode on the back. 1 thought, however, I would try her in a carriage as I wanted to go to a camp-meeting about thirty miles away, but the first hill I came to she stopped, backed back and spoke as plain as a horse could speak, saying, "Strike me so that I can throw myself down and break the carriage and harness." " No, Dolly," said I, " if you wait for me to strike you, you may wait all day." So I took out my hymn-book and sang some of our revival pieces, spoke to her kindly, turned her towards home; she would go that way a spell, then I turned her again and came to the hill, where she was accustomed to practice her pranks, stopped again, and again I would sing and speak kindly. After going through these operations two or three times she went up the hill and moved on with- out further trouble. And after that when she attempted anything wrong i used her in the same manner, and she became one of the most docile and ser- viceable creatures I ever owned. I drove her thirteen years over large cir- cuits, never failing to perform good service. That's the way I break balky horses. I felt so much better in cutting off my whig blinders, that I immediately cut off the blinders from my horse, thinking a horse would feel better looking out every way, as well as a man. I had great success on my circuit. There were three instances of receiving one hundred converts into my society a year. I once cured a rumseller and drinker in this wise : He came into my meet- ing requesting prayers. He kept a little shop, sold rum and was a great cus- tomer himself. I called upon him. He was leaning on his counter, partly intoxicated; I inquired how it was with him, he said he was a great sinner; I said, "There is no doubt of that, but," said I, "the rum is what is destroy- ing you." "Oh," said he, "my heart, my heart." "Yes," said 1, "and your head, too. I will buy your rum and give you the first cost." I urged the subject so hard that he rolled out the keg, set it up on end, took out the fau- cet and kneeled down to give himself up to the Lord. I slyly tipped the keg down and let it run, when he opened his eyes and cried out, "wasting, wast- ing, 11 which were the first words of his prayer. He sprang up. 1 rolled the keg out of doors, and called for a boy to bring an axe to knock in the head ; he said it had not been measured — "never mind," said I, "guess at it and be sure and guess enough." New rum was only thirty-five cents a gallon. This was a lone; time before the Maine law was in force, but the principle was the same. 484 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Said some of the rummies in the place, "If Allen is sent here to preach the gospel, why does he not attend to his preaching ? What is he down here kicking rum out doors for ? " 1 told them that the rum must be kicked out before the gospel can take effect there. That man bought no more rum I >ut became a christian and at length did well. On one circuit there was a good revival and many converts. When the presiding elder came he was late, but took for his text. "Feed my lambs." lie was rather dull at this time, and preached an hour and twenty minutes. When he closed I arose and said that in order for lambs to do well, three things were necessary: First, feed in season: second, give them a little at a time: and third, give it to them warm. " Now," said 1, " if they cannot eat such food as they have had given them to-day, it must lie their moral appetite is poor." When the elder came clown from the pulpit he said to me. " You knock a man down, and then try to raise him up again, will you?" I was on a Christian Commission in the army, being appointed a chaplain in a hospital at Camp Stoneham, where was an old surgeon who had used other chaplains with insolence. I was informed of this, and 1 was told that probably he would use me in the same manner. When I arrived there he immediately began his insolence, first by inquiring where 1 was from. I told him from Maine, away down east. He commenced questioning and insulting me. 1 let him run for a spell when I could discover the chuckling of the inmates of the hospital in seeing the old surgeon handling the old chaplain so. When the proper time arrived I said to him, 4 ' I got well acquainted with a man away down east that minded his own business ; he got along nicely and 1 think of taking the same course here." This brought down the house at the old surgeon's expense. He could make no reply, but became my personal friend. Sometime after I called at the office of the surgeon-in-chief of the station, who said to me. " What do you think old Haveling, the surgeon, says about you?" I told him I did not know and neither did 1 care. " Well." he says, " we have got an old gray-headed chaplain at the hospital, but he is no fool ; he used me up short war])," and then told him the story. In our ministerial associations the ministers take great liberty in criticising each other's preaching, etc. When they came to me they said, "There is no use in trying to straighten him, he is like a rickety cart, he will roll and kill a snake and then whip back again and roll on.' 1 "I think," said 1, "that is better than to roll so smoothly as to kill no snake at all.' 1 In one of these meetings there was a Baptist minister present. The subject of .Methodist polity and economy was up for discussion. When the baptist minister was called upon to give his views in regard to it, he spoke favorably, and at length said he thought there was too much machinery attached to the Methodist economy. It came my turn to speak next, when I said, "There is a good deal of machinery attached to the Methodist economy, but it does not take quite so much water to run it as it does the baptist." They all laughed at me. In one instance a reformation commenced ; a man became very much en- GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 485 raged with me in that his wife had become a penitent, and unbeknown to me had threatened to whip me if I came to his home. Next day I went there, but as he saw me coming over the hill, he retired to his barn. He had heard that 1 followed people up, as he told me afterwards, hence he took a pitch- fork, saving to himself, " I have left my house, but if he comes to the barn there will lie a fight." His wife became a christian and was baptized. He was angry, but said to me, withal, that I might come to his house if I would not quarrel with him. Said he, "It will be altogether according to how you begin with me." '• Oh," said I, " I will begin clever with you." Next day I went and found him in a rage against these professors, saying they were all a miserable pack of hypocrites. Said I, " Would you not like to have real pure religion yourself?" " Yes," said he, " if I could have the good old-fashioned religion such as Saint Paul had." Said I, " That is the right kind ; let us pray for it." I knelt down and said, " Oh Lord, give this man that good old-fash- ioned religion such as Saint Paul had ; for Christ's sake. Amen." His wife told me afterwards that he sat looking into the fire after I left and said, "What a tool that was! just as though there was more kinds of religion than one." He, however, became a penitent and was converted and became one of my warmest friends. There has been in other instances threats to whip, but I did not get it. There was a man in my congregation who had gone far astray from the path of virtue and rectitude, but without contrition or repentance would fre- quently speak of his persecution, but withal would say that a tree which had many clubs under it bore the best apples. I told him the rest of the story, that it was not always so, for sometimes there was a hornet's nest in the tree ; —rather personal, yet a true application. One day I was in a missionary con- cert when the meeting became dull. I took occasion to tell them the cir- cumstance that was related to me of some seamen on board a craft, when they expected every moment to be lost. One enjoined upon another to pray. Said he. •• I can't." " Well," said he, " sing." The answer was, " I can't sing." ■• Well." said he, " then let us take up a collection, for I think we ought to have religious exercise before we go clown !" So 1 thought we ought to have some religious exercises if it was no more than taking up a collection in a missionary meeting — before we go down. 1 have attended now 376* camp-meetings — all interesting, and with so many interesting incidents that I dare not enter upon them lest I weary your patience. Suffice it to say that I have obtained a title which answers my pur- pose better than a D. I). But titles are of very little consequence.! *The figures here given are those of the editors of the Lewislcn Journal. Elder Allen died while attending his 376th camp-meeting, while this sketch was prepared some years pre- vious to his death. — W. C. //. |- The sobriquet Campmeeting John Allen was not acquired, as many supposed, simply from his fondness for attending those gatherings, hut was first used to distinguish !dm Iron, another minister, of the same name, though of a different denomination. When Elder Allen was spoken of, people would ask, " Which Allen?" when the reply would be, " Why, Campmeeting Allen."—//-. C. //. 6l (.86 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY, Thus closes the interesting autobiography of a man whom the Boston Globe aptl) styles "the most popular if not the most famous clergyman in America." Reared amid scenes of privation and want, he was obliged at the age of ten years to work early and late through the busy season of the year without shoes or hat — a home-made woolen cap taking the place of the latter. If he attended the training of the militia or the gen eral muster, the only holidays known to the early settlers, he was required to take a stint each day until the lost time was made up. lie says, •• I remember well when I had my first suit of gray clothes, felt hat and thick shoo. Oh, how proud I felt !" I lis first silver dol- lar was earned when a small hoy by raising some water-melons which he -old on a public holiday. A man came along and offered him a silver dollar for his change ; accepting the offer, he went home feeling as rich as Croesus with so much money in his pocket. I lis disappointment can he better imagined than described, when the discovery was made that his precious dollar was a hast' counterfeit and hew n penniless. Aboul the time he became of age he was employed to teach a term of school in the town of Prospect, in what is now Waldo Count) in this State. So doubtful was he of his ability to give full satisfaction, that In- would agree to leach only lor one month, and that on trial. At the expiration of the month he was so well liked that he was retained for die remainder of the term. He taught the same school for three winters in succession, and was earnestly requested to accept the position the sue ceeding winter, hut declined. lie married, Oct. jo. t820, Annah Mersey, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel and Lucy (White) Hersey, by whom he had a family ni four children. After his marriage he continued to teach in Farmington, I'lul lips and Strong, dining the winter, for a period of nearly ten years. He made a profession of religion June 29, 1825, at a camp-meeting near the residence ol Rev. John Thompson, as has been previously stated. Here. to use his own language, he •'went in a swearing Universalist and came out a howling Methodist." The next year he received an exhorter's license and at once began the work of the ministry, in which he has since 50 signally successful. He was admitted to the Maine Methodist Conference in 1835. After joining the Conference he baptized 530 converts on seven circuits, or an average of a fraction over seventy-five lor each circuit on which he was stationed. His seventh circuit was In- dustry, where a sweeping reformation resulted from his preaching. After laboring on circuits for twenty two years he became an evangelist and traveled extensively in Maine. Massachusetts, and other New England States. Main singular experiences have occurred in the hie of this GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 487 remarkable man winch, could the} be < ollected, would form an interest- ing volume. He was once requested to visit a family where the husband and wife did not live in the utmost conjugal felicity. After much per- suasion the belligerent couple were induced to kneel with Elder Allen while their case was presented to the All-wise Arbitrator. In the course of his prayer, Elder .Allen asked "that the woman might become a lov- ing, faithful, obedient wile, in all things submissive to the will of her hus- band." This was too much for the aggrieved husband ; he could no longer repress the emotions of his troubled bosom. Springing excitedly to his feet and wildly flourishing his arms, he shouted, "'That's just what 1 want, Elder, that's just what I want, but d — 11 her, she won't." The ridiculousness of the situation for the nonce nearly upset Elder Allen's equanimity, but instantly recovering his accustomed composure he said, in a tone, the sternness of which precluded the slightest delay, "Kneel down, sir." The excited husband obeyed die command in silence and the prayer was concluded without further interruption. The wit and originality for which he was noted were inherited, it is said, from his maternal ancestors. Perhaps no anecdote better illustrates the richness of his humor than the following, which he was fond of relating: "One day," said the veteran preacher, "I was going to a ride with my wife. She was quiet and retiring-like — very serious minded. I was helping her into the carriage when she said. 'John, I ain't so buoyant as when I was a girl.' 'No,' says I, 'and I ain't so gallant as when I was a boy.' " After a long and faithful service in the ministry he retired and set tied in the quiet village of Farmington, Maine, though he continued to preach occasionally up to the time of his death. Though small in stat- ure, Campmeeting John Allen was a man of commanding appearance, one who would attract attention in any place. His erect figure was usually clad in a suit of black, and the black tile and white cravat which he invariably wore gave him a decidedly clerical appearance. A cleanly shaven face revealed a striking physiognomy, and the sparkle of his clear blue eyes bespoke the underlying current of quaint humor. His step was elastic, and even in the last years of his life he seemed to depend but little upon the assistance of his walking-stick. He served as chap- lain in the Legislature for two years. On one occasion during chaplaincy he prayed for the legislators after thiswise: "Oh Lord, enable them to condense and to be able to stop when they get through." His wife died June 24, 1875, and ne again married, Jan. 9, [876, Mrs. Sarah Ann bellows, daughter of Enoch and Sarah (Cummings) W hittier. She was born in Athens, Me., Jan. 9, 1814, and died in Farm- 488 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ington, April 29, t88i. While making preparations to close up his affairs 111 Farmington for the purpose of going to live with his daughter, Mrs. Lothrop, of Boston, occurred the disastrous lire of Oct. 22, 1886. In this lire he lost two houses, all his household goods, private papers, etc. Disposing of his real estate, he went to Boston and resided with his daughter as he had previously planned. Early Monday morning, Aug. 29, [887, he left Boston to attend a camp-meeting at Epping, N. H., hut through some inadvertence he was carried past the station at which he wished to stop. He then changed his plans and kept on to the Fast Livermore camp-ground. After his arrival he seemed lor a time much fatigued by his journey, but soon recovered his customary good spirits and nothing serious was apprehended even up to the hour of his death. Tuesday forenoon he seemed brighter and took part in the meetings during the day. At night he ate no supper. In the evening prayer-meet- ing he spoke 1o considerable length. On this occasion he seemed to feel that the end was very near, and his remarks were mostly to that effect. Wednesday afternoon he seemed bright and cheerful and chat- ted pleasantly with those around him. His death, which occurred at 5 o'clock P. M., in the cottage of John Worthier, was so eas) and sudden that those in the room hardly noticed it. He was sitting in an arm- chair when he drew a long breath and fell back dead. His face looked as natural as life, and it seemed as if he had just fallen asleep. The last sentence he uttered was. " 1 shall be ready to go to boston to-morrow morning." But a few hours previous to his death he executed the nec- essary legal papers for placing a $300 memorial window in the new Methodist Church, at Farmington, then in the process of erection. Not long before his death he said to a friend. " I had as lief die on the Easl Livermore camp-ground as anyplace in the world." And there the gracious Father permitted him to breathe his last. There, too. were held the last sad rites of burial before the mortal remains of the (amp meeting saint were brought to Farmington for interment. His funeral, on Friday, September 2d, was attended by a large concourse oi relatives and friends, bong before the appointed hour every available seat was occupied. The forenoon trains brought large numbers, while a constant Stream of carriages came from all directions until between three and four thousand people had gathered to pay their last respects to the departed. The funeral services were conducted in an impressive man ner by Rev. George C. Andrews, of Wilton. Among the opening exer cises was the reading of the twenty-third Psalm, which had been a greal favorite with the deceased during his lifetime. Agreeably to a promise GENEALOGICAL NOTES, 489 made to Elder Allen, Rev. Dr. Cullis, of Boston, preached the funeral sermon, [n an eloquent address Dr. Cullis paid a glowing tribute to the memory of the venerable divine. After the services the remains were brought to Farmington, where, in the gloom o( the fast-fading twilight, the mortal remains of Campmeeting John Allen were consigned to their last resting place, in Riverside Cemetery, there to await the coming of the resurrection morn. Amanda Elvira, 1). Aug. 8, 1821; m. Mar. 9, 1841, Edwin Norton, son of James Instance ami Sarah (Smith) Norton, of Farmington. She is the mother of six children, the youngest of whom, Lillian, has acquired great fame as a vocalist, both abroad and in this country. |"ii\ Wilson, b. in Farmington, Me., Dec. 19, 1823. He graduated from the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and subsequently taught for many years in Norwich, Conn. He m. January, 1S75, Vannie F. Geyer (b. in Friendship, Me., July 7, 1S50), daughter of Francis and Almira L. (Thompson) Geyer. Now | 1892) resides in Maplewood, Maiden, Mass., s. p. Clementine Elizabeth, b. Feb. 15, 1S27; m. June 4, 1851, Lewis W. Howes, of ISelfast, Me.; d. in Cambridgeport, Mass., May 31, 1880. Three children. Augusta Cook, b. Aug. 28, 1831 ; m. July 2, 1854, Capt. John A. B. Lothrop. Her husband d. at Foxboro', Mass., Nov. 15, 1875. She now resides in Boston. Six children. Zebulon Allen,? a younger brother of Capt. William Allen, was born in Chilmark, Dukes Co.. Mass., in 1 764. His wife was Prudence, daugh- ter of Doctor Mathcu Mayhew. He was a clothier by trade, having learned the business of an Englishman by the name of Hazleton. Then the work of dressing cloth, now so nicely and rapidly done by machinery, was all done by laborious hand process. It is said that the shears which he used would now be regarded as a curiosity in any museum. In com- pany with Amos Nourse, in 1805, Mr. Allen put in operation the first carding machines ever seen on the Island of Martha's Vineyard. He removed to Industry in 1818, in consequence of misfortunes in business, and settled at Allen's Mills, a short distance west from where Newell P. Luce now (1892) lives. After living in town for four years he removed to Farmington, where he died in December, 1837. Prudence his wife died ( )ct. — , 1N42. Julia, b. March, 1791; d. in Berkley, Mass., May, 1854. Mvka, b. September, 1794; m. Dea. James Mayhew, son of Nathan and Abigail (Boardman) Mayhew, at Chilmark, Mass. She d. in 1 S 7 1 . Five children. Sakaii MAYHEW, b. July, 1797; m. Adoniram Crane, of Berkley, Mass. She d. in Edgartown, Mass., September, 1874. 490 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iv. |oshua, b. March, 1800; m. Naomi Daggett Sweet, of Farmington. She d. at Augusta, Me., Dec. 10, 1856.* He 111.. [anuary, 1858, Rosaline !.. Crane, of Fayette. Seven children by firsl and two by second marriage. \. Hurai 1. b. September, 1804; m. Mary Macomber, of Wilton, Me. He d. Juno, 1854. vi. Lot isa, 1). November, 1809; m. Leander S. Trip, February, 1X34. He studied medicine and practiced in thai profession some years, bul afterwards became a preacher in the Baptist denomination. S^ lvanus Ai 1 1 \.< brother of Capt. William Allen and son of James ami Martha (Athearn) Allen, was born in Chilmark, Dukes Co., Mass.. Aug. j;. 1770. His wife, whom he married Aug. 30, 1 792. was Kather ine Athearn. daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Allen) Athearn, of Tisbury, Mass., born Sept. 30, 1773. He came from Chilmark in r8o6 and bought of John Patterson the farm now (1892) owned by Horatio A. II. Keyes. While a resident of Industry he was deputy sheriff for several years and likewise a successful school teacher. In [809 he was elected to the responsible position of town treasurer. He sold his farm to his son Freeman in 1817 and removed to Farmington Falls, where he en- gaged in trade with Col. Daniel Heal. Not being successful in business here he went to Nantucket. Mass.. where, in 1X22, his wile died. He subsequently returned to Martha's Vineyard, and married for his second wife Prudence Cathcart,t daughter of Hugh and Bathsheba (Allen) Cathcart, of Tisbury, Mass. He died in 'Tisbury in 1X53. at the ad vanced age of 83 years. Children. i. MARTHA, 1>. in Chilmark, 1792; d. in infancy. ii. Catherine, l>. in Chilmark, 17^4; d. fan. 10, 1794. iii. Martha Worth, 1>. in Chilmark, Dec. 22, 1795; m. Thomas Whittier, and d. in 1SN1 . iv. , son, 1). in Chilmark, May 10, 171*7; d. fune 21, [79 1. v. Freeman, b. in Chilmark, Aug. 16, 1798; m. (pub. Feb. 20, [821) Martha X. Goodwin, of Litchfield, Me. vi. Lydia, b. in Chilmark, Oct. 12. 1799; d. unmd., in Strong, Me., in l8 37- vii. Achsah, I), in Chilmark, Nov. 10, 1802; d. in Farmington, in 1N20, unmd. viii. Lovina, l>. in Chilmark, May 13, 1805; living in Farmington, unmd., in 1880. ix. CATHERINE, 1>. in Industry, June 25, 1S07; m. Dec. 11, 1833, Zadoc Davis, son of Deacon Henry Davis, of Strong, Me. lie was l>. April 1S, 1807, and d. June 10, 1887, at Farmington. Two children. x. Calista, b. in Industry, in 181I; d. April 28, 1811. *The Allen Genealogy, from which the above date was taken, also gives it as Dec. c . 1 51 t Mr. Allen's second wife is said to have been a cousin of Ins first will-. ; This does not agree with the record oi the family as given in the Genealogy of the Allen Family on page t2, which names only ten children, and the fourth as Freeman, who married Martha Goodwin. The record here given was compiled mainly from the town records oi [ndu try, and is Indies cil m In correct. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 49 1 \i. SVLVANUS, b. in Industry, in 1S14; went whaling and d. off the coast "I Madagascar in 1836. i. Freeman Aim \0 son ofSylvanus and Catherine (Athearn) Allen, married Martha Nason Goodwin, daughter of Andrew Goodwin, of Litchfield, Me. She was born Oct. 12, 1798, and died Aug. — . [855, aged 57 years and 10 months. She was a sister to the wife of Moses True. q. 7'. After leaving Industry he resided in Gardiner and Windsor, and subsequently for twenty years in the town of Madison. After this he resided in Rome. Me., a few years and then settled in New Sharon, where the remainder of his life was spent. He married, Mar. 17. 1 ct. 26, 1S74, and she m. July 15, 1SS0, Rev. < Mis Am lews, of New Sharon, v. Sarah Ann, b. in Industry. Nov. 5, 1835; m - ^" v - '4- '865, Ebenezer Humphrey, M. D. He d. in New Portland, Me . July 29, 1882, s. p. Rufus Allen, it is believed, was not a resident of Industry, although he operated the saw-mill at the outlet of Clear Water bond for some years. Several of his sons, however, having become prominent citizens and business men in Industry, it is believed that a brief sketch of the father might not be deemed inappropriate. " Rufus Allen." as we learn from butler's History of Farmington, "was the son of Oliver and Lavina (Hopkins) Allen, of Winthrop, and grandson of Edmund and Elizabeth (Woodward) Allen of Hallowell." So far as is known, no relationship exists between this family and that of ("apt. William Allen. From the author previously quoted we learn that he came to Farmington in 1794 and the same year married Abigail Fairbanks, daughter of ('apt. Benja- min and Keturah (Luce) Fairbanks, of Winthrop. She was born Feb. 9. 1776, and died Jan. 12. 1.842. He died from the effects of a fall from the tail of his mill Oct. 24. 1836, aged . Children. i. Lavina, b. in Farmington, Jan. 22, 1795; m. Aug 6, 1815, William Rice, who was I). April 27, 1 794, and d. Aug. 17, 1841. She d. Aug. 11, 1857. |.92 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ii. Betsey, b. in Farmington, I »ec. m, [897; d. May 27. (815. 1. iii. Benjamin, b. in Farmington, July 26, 1799;* m. April 7, 1823,+ Sophro nia Norton, claughtei ol Cornelius and Margaret (Belcher) Norton, ,!. 7'. 2. iv. Newman Truman, b. in Farmington, May 20. 1801; m., May 7. 1823, Betsej Belcher, daughter of Samuel and Betsey 1 titcomb) Belcher, of Farmington. She was b. April 5, [807, and d. in Industry, Feb •(• 1833. For his second wife he m. Sarah Goodridge, daughter of lonathan and Sarah 1 Moody) Goodridge, Dec. 27, 1N37, «/. Z'. v. William Henry, b. in Farmington, Sept. 3, 1806; m. Ann Webster, daughter of Col. Eben Webstei oi Orono, Me. He was a prominent physician in ' hrono, where he d. Jan. 2u, 1863. vi. Charles Luce, b. in Farmington, Oct. 12, 1S09; m. May 21, 1832, Abigail I!. Eveleth, daughter of James and Judith (Meader) Eveleth, '/■ '■■■ 3. vii. Hannah, i b. in Farmington, Aug. 10. 1813. Hannah in. viii. Dennis Fairbanks,] Dec. 28, 1837, Henry B. Titcomb, son of Joseph and Mehitable fBelcher) Titcomb, of Farmington, and d. Oct. 1. [887. I tennis F. in. March, 1837, Mary Ann Frost, daughter of George and Phebe (Tibbets) Frost, ix. Betsey Evelina, b. in Farmington, March 8, 1816; m. Sept. 22, 1835, Benjamin M. Smith, son of Rufus and Lydia (Mayhew) Smith, oi Farmington. i. Benjamin Allen, eldest son of Rufus and Abigail (Fairbanks) Allen, married Sophronia Norton. His educational advantages were such as the district schools of his time afforded. Being ambitions and studious, he made the most of his opportunities and eventually bet ante a fine teacher, especially in mathematics and music. He came to the town of Industry about the time or soon after his marriage, in [823, and m company with his brother, Newman T. Allen, purchased (dower's Mills at the outlet of Clear Water bond. He likewise purchased the farm now ( [892) owned by Herbert B. Luce, and divided his time be tween farming and operating the grist-mill, which was under his special care. These mills, under the management of Messrs. Allen became very popular and received a large patronage, especially the grist-mill. As the village increased in population and prosperity, its name, by common consent, was changed born (lower's to Allen's Mills. Perseverance and energy were ruling traits in Mr. Allen's character and combined, as they were, with principles of honesty and integrity, made him the suc- cessful business man which he ultimately became. He was a member of the board of selectmen lor six years and in 1X27 and 1828 served as < hairman of the board. He was a member of the State Legislature in [834, and on the establishment of Franklin County in 1838, he was appointed County Commissioner by Governor Kent and served in that ' Butler's Historj of Farmington uives tin year as 179S, bul this i~ obviously erroneous. 1 From Butler's History of Farmington. This does not agree with the date as recorded by iIh magistrate who solemnized the marriage, see /• fjoof this volume. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 493 capacity for three years. He was elected town treasurer in 1S44, and was six times re-elected to that office. His wife died May 25, 1S56, mourned by a wide circle of relatives and friends. He married for his second wife, Oct. 1 6, 1859, Mrs. Eliza A. Coombs, relict of benjamin F. Coombs, of Strong. She was born in Lewiston, Me.. March 9. 1832, and a daughter of Joseph D. and Jane (Preble) Coombs. He sold his farm at Allen's Mills March 21, 1864, to Moses M. Luce, and moved to the town of New Sharon, where he died Dec. 22, 1871, aged 71 years, 4 months, and 26 days. Hiram Belcher, b. in Industry, November, 1823, was really one of the good boys of his time. The early instructions of a christian mother made a deep and lasting impression on his youthful mind, and at the age of twelve years he became a member of the Congregational Church. The excellent educational advantages at his command en- abled him to take a high rank in scholarship. At the age of 19 he en- tered Bangor (Me.) Theological Seminary, to prepare for the ministry. Failing health compelled him to give up study and relinquish his fondly cherished plans. lie subsequently attended the Boston Con- servatory of Music, and became a skillful performer on the violin. He afterward engaged in business in Gardiner, Me., Boston, Mass., and New York City, and accumulated considerable property, which he willed to his father and sisters previous to his death. He d. at his father's home in Industry, Nov. 12, 1856, aged ^ years. Lucy MARGARETTE, b. in Industry, April, 1826; d. Dec. 10, 1835. Augusta, b. in Industry, Mar. 13, 1829; m. August, 1856, Isaac Fobes, of North Easton, Mass. He d. February, 1872, leaving one daughter, b. May 26, 1861. She m. in Waverly, Iowa, W. J. Quinn. Mrs. Fobes d. at the home of her son-in-law, W. J. Quinn, in Pratt Centre, Pratt Co., Kansas, May 5, 1888. Elizabeth, b. in Industry, June 8, 1832; m. Feb. 9, 1858, Charles S. Prince, of Industry, son of Ami and Abigail (Reed) Prince, of Cum- berland, Me. She was a successful school teacher and a fine singer. She d. in Canton, Dakota, March 18, 18S6. Their children are: i. Cora May, b. in Industry, Oct. 7, 185S; d. August, 1859. ii. Walter Hiram, b. in N. Easton, Mass., Dec. 28, i860; d. at Aplington, la., Oct. 16, 1876. iii. Birdie Sophronia, b. in Industry, March 18, 1862; m. Dec. 13, 1882, at Aplington, la., Benj. F. Eichelberger, son of William and Susan (Mell) Eichelberger. iv. Evelina Augusta, b. Industry, June 25, 1865. I. rev MARGARETTE, b. in Industry, Jan. 10, 1836; m. Mar. 16, 1867, John B. Maddocks, of New Sharon, Me., son of Nathaniel Maddocks. Her husband d. leaving no issue. She then m., June 12, 1872, in Cherokee, la., Edward Alphonso Caswell, son of Salmon and Eliza (Smelledge) Caswell, of Industry. She d. in Canton, South Dakota, June 24, 1889. Abbie Cutler, b. in Industry, Aug. 9, 183S; possessed tine musical talent and evinced much aptitude for playing the piano and organ, and with only limited advantages became a good performer on those instruments. She d. in Industry, Jan. 13, 1864. Martha Treat, b. in Industry, Aug. 27, 1840; m. Feb. 3, 1861, Edward Alphonso Caswell, son of Salmon and Eliza (Smelledge) Caswell. She fl. in Aplington, la., Jan. 7, 1S68, leaving children. Benjamin Franklin, b. in Industry, Sept. 4, i860; m. July 12, 1887, 62 494 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Sylvia C. I. akin, of New Sharon, daughter of Nathaniel ami Nancy J. (Morse) Lakin. ix. GEORGE Howard, b. in Industry, Jan. 5, 1863; 111. Mar. 31, 1885, Florence T. Clark, "I New Sharon, adopted daughter of Starling and Palona (Tufts) < 'lark and daughter of Warren and Martha |. | Tarbox 1 Tufts. Their child, Jennie 1'.. was b. in New Sharon, Aug. 8, 1886. x. Joseph Warren, b. in New Sharon, fuly 9, 1S65. xi. Charles S., b. in New Sharon, Dec. 29, r866. 2. Newman Truman Allen, son of Rufus and Abigail (Fairbanks) Allen, married Betsey Belcher.* He came to Industry about the same time as his brother benjamin, with whom he was in partnership in the many enterprises which gave the little hamlet at the outlet of Clear Water Pond its name of Allen's Mills. Mr. Allen was for many years an influential and highly esteemed citizen of Industry, and his opinions were received with deference and respect by all who knew him. He possessed a profound knowledge of mechanics and was an expert mill- wright. Among the work done in this line were mills at Great Works and other places on the Penobscot River, but the larger part of his business life was spent in Industry in conducting his farm, operating the saw-mill, which he owned jointly with his brother Benjamin, and various other enterprises, nearly all of which were attended with pecuniary suc- cess. He erected the commodious two-story house now (1892) occu- pied by Newell P. Luce, in 1830. Captain Allen filled many and responsible public positions in the town of his adoption. lie served as town clerk in 1X27-9 and 1833. He was a member of the board of selectmen in 1838 and 1839, chairman of the board in 1843 and 1854, and also held the office of town treasurer in 1S51. He was frequently a member of the superintending school committee, beside holding other offices. He was also the senator from Franklin County in the State Leg- islature of 1 850. He served the regular series of military offices up to captain in the State militia, and when the independent company known as the Industry Rifle Grays was organized he was elected their captain, and held the office until the militia disbanded. His wife died Feb. 24, 1833. He married, Dec. 27, 1837, for his second wife. Sarah Goodridge. He died Sept. 2. [855, and his widow subsequently married Abel H. Weeks, of Farmineton. ! In Butler's History of Farmington, tins name appears as Eliza. It also appears in the town records ot ln,li, i,\ ,,, the handwriting ol Capt. Allen while he was town clerk, as Pol lows: " Eliza, wifeofN. T. Allen, born April 5, iS., 7 .' - The change in this work is made on the authority of Mi. (has. A. Allen, youngest son of Capt. Allen, who says his mother was named lor her mother, whose name was Betsey, and that she was always Known by thai name. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 495 i. Achsa Evelina,* b. in Industry, Mar. 1, 1824; m. Jan. 5, 1851, Dr. Charles Alexander. She d. Nov. 13, 1856; two chih hen; both d. young. 4. ii. Samuel Rufus, 1). in Industry, Sept. 28,f 1826; m. May 5, 1850, Frances Lucinda Boyden, daughter of Asaph and Susan W. (Butler) Boyden, q. v. hi. Charles Augustus, b. in Industry, Aug. 14, 1830; m. Nov. 23, 1S62, Betsey E. Luce, daughter of John T. and Betsey (Wendell) Luce. Served as a soldier in the Civil War, in Co. E, 14th Me. Reg't, Inf.; teacher of vocal music and dealer in musical merchandise. Resides in Farmington. Children: i. Agnes Elizabeth, b. Aug. 12, 1864. ii. Alfred Raymond, b. May 28, 1870. iv. Helena Alice, b. in Industry, Dec. 9, 1840; m. Feb. 17, 1864, Joshua G. Bullen. Resides in Ashton, S. D. Four children. 3. Dennis Fairbanks Allen, son of Rufus and Abigail (Fairbanks) Allen, married Mary Ann Frost. He inherited the homestead farm in Farmington, on which he lived until May, 1858, when he removed to Industry. He settled on the farm previously owned by his brother, Capt. Newman T. Allen, where he died Aug. 28, 1859, aged 46 years. Children. i. Rush. la Rice, b. in Farmington, July 2, 1838; m. Feb. 6, 1859, Charles B. Smelledge, of New Sharon. He enlisted as a private in Co. K, 28th Me. Reg't, Inf.; d. at East New York, Jan. 2, 1863; buried in. grave No. 575. One child, Lorenzo W., b. in New Sharon, July 5, i860. She subsequently m. (pub. April 10, 1867) Dexter Merry, of Edgecomb, where she still resides. ii. Henry Titcomb, b. in Farmington Jan 16, 1840; m. Dec. 12, 1867, Mary J. Oreenleaf, daughter of Horatio N. and Hannah S. (Cook) Greenleaf, of New Sharon. He has six sons, and now (1892) resides in Campello, Mass. iii. Eliza Mosher, b. in Farmington, Jan. 3, 1842; m. May 12, i860, Joseph Collins, Jr., q. v. iv. Abigail Fairbanks, b. in Farmington, Oct. 28, 1844; m. Frank Bum- pus, of Livermore. One child. He d. and she m. (pub. Aug. 19, 1S67) Henry L. Collins, son of John and Betsey (Yeaton) Collins. He d. Feb. 17, 1S72. She m. for third husband Rodney Tibbetts, Smithheld, by whom she had one child. Her fourth and present husband is Elbridge Wilson. Two children. Resides in Ilarpswell, Me. v. Eben Norton, b. in Farmington, May 10, 1847; m - Sybil F.Collins, daughter of Lemuel and Betsey K. (Fish) Collins, of Stark, q.v. He d. in Antrim, N. H., Mar. 14, 1882. Five children. vi. Ri lis Rice, b. in Farmington, May 12, 1849; d. Jan. 25, 1856. vii. . Annie Gerry, b. in Farmington, Jan. 19, 1852; d. in Ilackensack, N. J., Jan. 19, 1877. 4. Samuel Rufus Allen, son of Newman T. and Betsey (Belcher) Allen, married Frances L. Boyden. Mr. Allen was a farmer and mill- * From a record in Vol. I., p. 75, Industry Town Records, made by Capt. Allen himself. Mr. Butler, History of Farmington, p. 367, has the name Achsa Elizabeth. f Industry town records. Butler says, September 24th. 496 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. wright, and spent the major part of his life in his native town. He has owned and operated both the grist and saw-mill at West's Mills, and was postmaster at the Industry office in 1863-4. He was honest and upright, a man of strict integrity and a worthy christian gentleman. He died of cerebro-spinal meningitis at his home in West's Mills, April 3. 1873, aged nearly 47 years. Children. i. CHARLES HENRY, b. in Industry, Mar. 21, 1853; iii. June 9, 1883, Eva L. Kempton (1). in Phillips, Aug. 24, 1853) dau. of James M. and Mary J. (True) Kempton, of Strong. Mr. Allen possesses a remark- able aptitude for mechanical work, and has, since attaining his majority, been engaged in operating wood-working machinery and as engineer in various places. At present he resides in Bradford, Mass , where he has charge of a large mill and grain elevator; 5./. ii. ACHSA ELIZABETH, b. in Industry, May 19, 1857; m. May 10, 1879, Robert Dana Trask, son of Robert and Xelpha (Drew) Trask, . in Livermore, Mar. 12, 1818; m. Feb. 19, 1843, Muses Page True, son of Moses and Betsey (Goodwin) True, q. v. Ephraim N., b. in Wayne, Jan. 20, 1824; m. June 8, 1862, Ellen Sewell Backus, dau. of John and Eunice (Luce) Backus. Resides in Farm- ington, s. />. Eben NoRRIS, b. in Livermore, June 17, 1826; d. in Industry, Jan. 2, 1852. John Allen, Jr. It is not positively known that this gentleman is related to any of the forementioned persons bearing the name of Allen. His father, John Allen, was born July 1, 1772, and married Susannah , (born Oct. 10, 1 7 7 1 ) , but aside from the fact that they resided in New Sharon nothing is known concerning them or their ancestry. Mrs. Allen died Dec. 30, 1852. He died Sept. 23, 1858. Children of John and Susannah. i. Susan, b. Dec. 17, 1797; m. (pub. Mar. 16, 1817) Benj. B. Merry, son of Asa and Sally (Bartlett) Merry, q. v. She d. April 28, 1842. ii. BETSEY, b. May 4, 1799; m. Dec. 20, 1821, William Ramsdell, son of Aimer and Jerusha (Collins) Ramsdell, of Farmington. He d. in Lincoln, Me. She d. May 29, 1882. 1. iii. John, b. Dec. 10, 1800; m. Mar. 29, 1S25, Joanna Ramsdell, dau. of Abner and Jerusha (Collins) Ramsdell, of Farmington. iv. Olive, b. April 17, 1802; m. June 22, 1826, Daniel Seaward, of Orono, Me. She d. Oct. 5, 1834. ' v. Mary, b. Aug. 10, 1803; d. unmd., Jan. 29, 1819. vi. Catherine P., b. Feb. 2, 1804; m. Averill. She d. Nov. 6, 1853. vii. Winthrop, b. April 15, 1805; m. . He d. Sept. 30, 1S41. viii. Nathan, b. June 23, 1807; m. . He d. Sept. 7, 1886. ix. Esther S., b. Sept. 8, 1810; m. Wood. She d. April 18, 1851. x. Abigail B., b. Nov. 17, 181 2; m. Flanders. She d. Mar. 26, 1854. xi. Elbridge G., b. June 8, 1814. He d. May 21, 1884. i. John Allen, Jr, the third child and subject of this sketch, settled first in New Sharon, and about 1830 came to Industry and settled at West's Mills. He traded in the Col. Peter A. West store for some years (see p. igj J and in 1S39 went to Aroostook County and settled in Presque Isle, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits. Here he suc- ceeded in making an excellent farm, and eventually acquired a comfort- able fortune. He invested largely in real estate in Aroostook County, and in nearly every instance his ventures were crowned with success finan- cially. He went to Southern California in 1879 anc ^ there invested ex- tensively in real estate, which also proved highly successful. Of the last years of his life a relative writes : " His energy was quite remarkable and his vigorous old age cheering to see." He died at Riverside, Cali- fornia, June 16, 1887, where he had spent a portion of his life for the 498 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. last eight years. * I lis remains were brought to Presque [sle for inter- ment. His wife, who was horn April 26, 1803, died at Maysville, Me., ( )ct. 31,1 870. Children. 1. [ames Augustus, b. in New Sharon, April 18, 1S27; m. April 5, 1851, Lovina Pratt, at Presque Isle. Ik- d. Feb. 1, 1863. ii. |oan Augusta, 1>. in Industry, Feb. 2, 1831; m. Oct. 30, 1853, Warren P. Pratt, at Maysville, Me. iii. foHN Augustine, b. in Industry, Nov. 10, 1836; m. ( >ct. 17, i860, Eli/a Anna Heald, of Norridgewock. Resides in California. iv. Charles Leroy, b. in Presque Isle, June 23, 1S42; d. Aug. 21, 1843. v. Benjamin Franklin, b. in Presque Isle, Feb. 29, 1S44; m. Mar. 29, 1875, Louise E. Averill, at Fort Fairfield, Me. Resides in California AMBROSE. Dr. JONATHAN AMBROSE, son of Samuel Ambrose, was born in Sutton, N. H., March it. 1783. He married in Mt. Vernon, Me., April 19, 1 Si 1, Mehitable Carr (born in Rochester, N. H.), daughter of John ( 'air. of Vienna, Me., and soon after came to Industry. He died in Stark. Aug. 3, 1863, aged 80 years. His widow died in Sherman, Me., Jan. 6, 1882. Children. i. RHODA Carr, b. in Industry, Aug. 30, 1813; in. John Wells and resided in Vienna, Me., where her five children were 1>. She d. in I.iver- more, Jan. 30, iSSS. Children: i. Matilda, 1>. June 26, 1842; d. in Farmington, Nov. 14, 1891. ii. MARCELL1 S, b. Sept. 2, 1845. iii. Nelson Augustus, b. Mar. 3, 1847. iv. John Edwin, b. Nov. 19, 1S4S. v. Mary Lovina, b. Nov. 18, 1850; m. Rev. Jonas Burnham, of Farmington. Me d. She has one dau.; resides in San Miguel, Cal. ii. Samuel Goodhue, 1>. in Industry, Sept. 12, 1815; m. Aug. 6, 1S44, Henrietta W.Greeley (b. Sept. 23, 1819), dau. of John and Susan ((.ilniani Greeley, of Mt. Vernon; Methodist clergyman. Went to Illinois, and d. in Virgil Township, Kane County, [uly 25, 1S74. ( Children : i. EMMA R., b. in Readtield, Jan. 20, KS46; m. James L. IIol- ley. Resides at Garden Grove, Cal. ii. JOHN G., \>. in Strong; d. at age of 16 mos. iii. Susan E., b. in Wilton, Oct. 14, 185 1; m. Albert J. Chaffee. Resides in < larden Grove, Cal. iv. Mary 1'., b. in Standish, Sept. 28, 1853; m. John W. Rate- man. Resides in Chicago, 111. v. NETTIE, 1>. in Readtield; d. in Kaneville, 111., aged about two years. vi. BELLE F., b. in Kaneville, Jan. 10, 1S5S; m. Arthur C. Helm. Resides in Chicago, 111. * A sou informs the writer that during his lifetime his father crossed the continent eleven times in his travels between Maine and California. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 499 vii. Samuel I... b. in Shabbona, 111., Mar. 30, 1861 ; m. Helen | I odd; resides at Downer's Grove, 111 Eunice Mason, b. in Industry, Dec. 26, 1S17; m. Robert Wells, a farmer residing in \ lenna, where all their children were burn. < Ihildren • I. Elvira, b. Sept. 17, 1S42; m. Zenas White; d. June 20, 1800 II. Ellen, b. Mar. 9, 1844; d. Feb. 28, 1870, unmd. III. Annette, b. Nov. 26, 1847; m. Everett Brown. iv. Hannah, b. Aug. 10, 1850; m. Wilson David, b. in Industry, June 2, 1826; m. Julia Whitcomb, of Amesbury Mass. factory operative; d. in Lawrence, Mass., May 6, 1886 • s /> His widow, now Mrs. Julia Burpee, resides at 63 Lowell St 'Law- rence, Mass. John Gott, b. in Stark, Sept. 20, .822; m. Mary Ann Goff, dau. of James Goff, of Andover, Mass.; railroad engineer; d. at Port Henry N. Y., where his widow still resides, of disease contracted in the army. James Wb. in Industry, Jan. 3, ,826; m. Dec. 27, 1846, Mary Lovina Littleheld, dau. of John and Mary (Page) Littlefield, of Wells \t the age of nine he left the parental roof and, to use his own lann i86r m Lucy I). Chatman. J ' iv. Emma Frances, b. in Strafford, N. II., Aug. 16, 1S59; m. Anson L. Griffin, carpenter and contractor; 'resides 46 Bellevue St., Lawrence, Mass. Three children. 500 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. AMES. Abner Craft Ames, son of James and Elizabeth (Craft) Ames, was born in Lewiston, May 31, 1773. He married (pub. April 15. 1798) Betsey Bean (born Dec. 10, 1780), daughter of John and Betsey (Moody) Bean, who subsequently settled in New Sharon. The date of Mr. Ames's removal to Industry cannot be fixed with any degree of certainty, but this entry is found on the records of the baptist Church : "Second Sat- urday of ( October, 1 808, Mr. Ames received as a member of this church." The second Saturday would have been Oct. 8, and the year here given may be taken as an approximation to accuracy. His daughter lietsey, living in San Francisco, California, in 1890. states that she was born in Industry, July 4, 180S. This is additional evidence that Mr. Ames was a resident of Industry in that year, and it is probable he came to town in the spring or early summer. He settled on a small tract of land which embraced the present Centre Meeting-House lot. His house stood on the elevation of land to be seen just back of the church. Here he lived in an unpretentious cottage, and here it was that he died in man- hood's prime. The story of his untimely death is one of the saddest events of the "cold fever" epidemic in Industry. Mr. Ames had just returned from " Farmington Hill," as the village was then called.* I hir- ing his absence a neighbor had died and he was requested to assist in preparing the body for burial. Though many were terrified and abso- lutely refused to lend a helping hand in the afflicted families, Mr. Ames, prompted by a truly christian spirit, responded to the summons without delay. That very night he was prostrated by the same terrible disease, then claiming its victims by scores in his own and adjoining towns. Fully realizing his critical condition, the husband and father, ere reason was dethroned, gathered his family about him and gave each friendly advice and christian council. The disease ran a rapid course and Mr. Ames died after a brief illness, April 13, 1814, aged nearly 41 years. He was buried at the top of the hill near his own home ; his remains were subsequently removed to Weeks's Mills, New Sharon, and placed beside his wife and children. He was a man of eminent piety, a prom- inent member of the church and, though poor, was greatly respected by his fellowmen for the many noble traits of his character. After the death of the husband and father the family were separated and the tale of their struggles and privations is painful in the extreme. Mrs. Ames * Mrs. P.ctsrv (Ames) Manly states thai she will remembers her Cither's return from this journey. 1 le called his lour children about him and gave eai h a new book,— the three oldest a eopv of Webster's spelling book, the youngest a new primer. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 50 1 survived her husband many years and died in New Sharon, Oct. 19, 1S62, aged 81 years. 10 months and 9 days. i. Jacob, b. in Lewiston, Aug. 24, 1799. After the death of his father he worked wherever he could find employment. Went to sea one voyage; (1. May 10, 1826. ii. David, b. probably in Lewiston, May 11, 1S01; worked on a farm, went to sea, and worked in a saw-mill in Gardiner; d. in New Sharon, after a long illness, Aug. 22, 1829. 1. iii. Lydia Bean, b. in Industry, July 4, 1808; m. May 1, 1832, Aretas Hardy, of Strong. He was a son of James and Priscilla (Mooar) Hardy, iv. Margaret Frances, b. in Industry, July 22, 181 1 ; wandered away from school, fell into a well and was drowned, July 16, 1S15. i. Aretas Hardy married Lydia B. Ames, daughter of Abner C. and Iietsey (Bean) Ames. He was born in Lewiston, Jan. 25, 1805, and died in Napa. Calif., June 4, 1S82. Mr. Hardy was a carpenter by trade. Mrs. Hardy was living in San Francisco in 1890. Children. i. Priscilla Mooar, b. in Strong, July 22, 1833; m. Dec. 6. 1857, Cyrus Williard, of Boston, Mass. She d. July 16, 1890. ii- , Dau., 1). and d. in New Sharon, Mar. 6, 1841. iii. Achsa Elizabeth, b. in Stark, Jan. 13, 1844; m. Dec. 27, 1864, Henry Monroe Allen, of San Francisco, Cal. Five children. iv. Edwin Hawks, b. in Strong, June 17, 1846; m. April 5, 1870, Ella Van Hazen, of San Francisco, Cal. Five children. Resides in San Fran- cisco. ATKINSON. William Atkinson, 2 an early settler in Industry, was born in Lanca- shire, England, about 1765. His father was James Atkinson, a captain in the British army, his mother, Nancy Metcalf, of Lancashire, was the daughter of Thomas Metcalf, a wealthy Englishman. In consequence of his religious views James Atkinson was compelled to clandestinely leave England and seek refuge in America. His family soon followed him. They settled first at Mount Desert, off the coast of Maine. At that time the family of Mr. Atkinson consisted of a wife and three children, namely, William,- Thomas M. 2 and Nancy. 2 In June, 1774, James Atkinson and his family removed to Winthrop, then known as Pondtown, and in 1788 William 2 married Mary Blunt, daughter of Major John Blunt of Revolutionary fame. After their marriage William and Mary Atkinson resided for a number of years in Winthrop, and while living there had the misfortune to lose their home by fire. The exact date of his removal to Industry is not known, but was probably about TS07. Prior to removing his family to Industry Mr. Atkinson, with his 63 502 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. two sons, James3 and Thomas M.. ; having previously purchased a tract of land, came to this town and began a clearing on lot Q, comprising the farm now (1892) owned by Nathan Fogg. With the assistance of his sons he built a comfortable log-house and soon after moved his family thither and here his two younger children were horn. He had not lived in town many years when he was stricken with the "cold fever," (see />. J0~ ) and died March 16, 1X14. Mr. Atkinson possessed a kmd. benevolent disposition, and was never known to close his doors against the poor and needy. I [e was also loyal to his country and strove zealously to promote its best interests. He was, in brief, a kind husband, an indulgent father, and an exemplary citizen. His wife, Mary (Blunt) Atkinson, was one of the most active and intelligent women among the early settlers in Industry. She was of Scotch descent, a daughter of Captain, afterwards Major John Blunt, an officer in the Continental army. She was born in Pondtown, Feb. 19, 1769. At that time there were hut six families in the settlement, and the present town of Industry was an unbroken wilderness. Her father, who was an active and efficient officer, had the misfortune to be made a prisoner of war by the British and was in confinement eighteen months, during which time he suffered indescribable hardships in a wretched prison. In those days schools and colleges were beyond the reach of these hardy pioneers, and Mary blunt received her education from her mother, a lady of excellent judgment and superior scholastic attainments. At the age of nineteen she married and at once assumed the duties and re- sponsibilities devolving upon the head of a household. The story of her married life is that of many another wife and mother, who by patient industry and with loving care has nursed, (vd and clothed a large family of children. At the time of her husband's death Mrs. Atkinson was so ill from the same disease that for a time she did not fully realize the loss she hid sustained. Soon after her recovery her two oldest sons enlisted in the I mited States army, and from that time until its close took an active part in the 1 , 1832, \ii. , Dau., 1 Hiram Manter, q. v. This daughter was brought up in the family of (apt. fohn Thompson. Her twin sister d. in infancy, xiii. ANDREW BLUNT, b. in Industry, Mar. 25, 1812. He chose the vocation of sailor, and soon rose to the command of the largest merchant ves- sels. Hearing of the Mexican War, he returned home, gave up the command of his ship, and enlisting as a common soldier served until the close of the war. Re-engaging in his former nautical pursuits, he continued in the same until, in a Chinese port, news of the great Rebellion reached him. Immediately he gained permission to return to the States, urged by an ambitious desire to serve in the capture oi the daring and successful Semmes, and feeling a conviction >>l proba- ble success on account of the skill and experience gained in the thirty years he had followed the seas. Entering the navy he, with much regret and chagrin at the failure of his worthy ambition, was assigned to a signal vessel, the " Young Rover," at Norfolk, Va. There he served as quartermaster, until stricken by disease, and lacking proper care, he d. at fortress Monroe, Va., May, 1863. 3. James Atkinson,3 son of Win. and Mary (Blunt) Atkinson, married Betsey Holbrook. He was a soldier in the War of 1.X12 and alter the death of his lather took the responsibility of the farm work and assisted in making a home for his widowed mother and her large family. His wife died in Chesterville, Dec. 2, 1861. He died Oct. 9, 1857. Children. i. BENJAMIN F., b. in Mercer, June 8, 1S21; m. May 26, 1864, Ellen < aro- line Holley, dau. of Hiram and Sophia A. (butler) Holley, of Farm- ington. < >ne son : LEROY, b. June 20, 1882. ii. WILLIAM, b. in Mercer, Jan. 26, 1823. iii. Cyri S T., b. in Mercer, Nov. 8, 1825; d. in Chicago, III. Sept. 16, 1858. iv. Mary Ellen, b. in Mercer, June 21, 1827; 111. Blair; d. in Warren, Mass., May 10, 1862. v. ALBERT, b. in Mercer, Jan. 18, 1832; d. in Portland, < >regon. vi. 'I HOMAS M., b. in Mercer, < >ct. 5, 1834; d. in < besterville, July 20, 1856. vii. James NT., b. in Mercer, Oct. 29, 1836; d. in Chesterville, Mar. 12, i860. viii. John !•'., 1>. in Mercer, July 24, 1838. He was a soldier in Co. G, 24th Regiment, Mass. Vol. Inf., in the War of the Rebellion; d. at St. Augustine, Ida., Nov. 17, 1863. i\. HENRIETTA, b. in Chesterville, Aug. 24, 1845; d. Sept. 24, 1845. 4. Thomas Metcalf AtkinsoN,3 son of William and Mary (Blunt) Atkinson, married Mrs. Eunice I!. (Gallison) Atkinson. Like his brother James, he assisted in clearing his father's farm in Industry and was like- wise a soldier in the 1 X 1 2 War. She died I )eeeml>er, [847, aged 37 years. and he married for his second wife Mrs. Tobey, 1>\ whom he had two children. He died in New Sharon. Feb. 25, 1875. Children. Charles Albion, b. Jan. 9, 1837; resides in Norridgewock; farmer and drover. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 5°5 Henry Thatcher, b. in Mercer, Mar. 15, 1839. Children by second marriage : Thomas Wilber. Millie, b. 185S; m. William C. Bursley; d. in Farmington, May 11, 1S80. 5. James Snell, son of James and Betsey (Young) Snell, married Bet- sey Atkinson. He was born in Brunswick, Nov. 30, 1 792. James Snell, senior, died in 1796, leaving two sons: James, aged four, and Eleazer, two years older. After the death of his father, James went to live in the family of his grandfather Snell, in Woolwich. Later he came to Sandy River Valley, learned the trade of a shoemaker and then went to Stark, where he worked, and for a time camped, with his brother Elea- zer. He then purchased of Rev. Daniel Young the farm now (1892) occupied by the heirs of Win. 1). Smith, which formed a portion of the tract set off to New Sharon in 1852. Here he lived in single blessedness for a time attending to the affairs of his farm. He continued a resident of Industry until 1S35, when he sold his farm and went West. Returning from his western trip early in the spring of 1836, he settled in New Sharon on May 10th of the same year. In 1 843 he moved to Abbot, where the remainder of his life was passed. He was kind and affectionate in his family, honest and upright in his deal- ings, and a worthy member of the Methodist Church. His wife died in Abbot, Dec. 20, 1865. He died March 20, 1852, aged 60 years. Children. i. Stephen Decatur, b. in Industry, Aug. 20, 181 7; m. Mary L. Rogers, of New York. ii. Betsey < ! \i lison, b. in Industry, May 2, 1819; m. James Dyer, of Low- ell. Resides in New Sharon. Several children. iii. THOMAS [amis, b. in Industry, Aug. 26, 1821; m. Harriet , of Lincoln, Kansas. iv. HARRIET I., 1>. in Industry, July 21, 1823; m. Alden Snell, of Lowell. v. ELEAZEK,"b. in Industry, Mar. 30, 1826; m. Batcheldcr, of Minne- apolis, Minn. 6. William Atkinson, 3 son of Wm. and Mary (Blunt) Atkinson, married Eunice B. Gallison. He died of cholera in New Orleans, La., Oct. 25, 1832. Their child, Helen E., b. in Gardiner, Dec. 30, 1829; m. Nov. 6, 1852, Frederick Gage, son of Daniel and Mary (Curtis) Gage. He was born in New Sharon, May 31, 1821, and d. in his native town, May 5, 1887. The children of Frederick and Helen E. Gage are: i. Fred Atkinson, b. in Chesterville, Oct. 5, 1853; m. Dec. 26, 1882, Josephine S. Bragdon, of New Sharon, ii. Felicia, b. in New Sharon, Sept. 29, 1856; m. Jan. 3, 1882, Thomas Williams, of Farmington, Falls, iii. Charles Henry, b. in New Sharon, Mar. 13, 1859. 506 HISTORY OF TNDUSTRY. 7. Neweli Bullen married Clarissa J. Atkinson. Alter their mar ria they resided for a time in Brookline, Mass., then emigrated to California, Mrs. Bullen riding the whole distance on the hack ol a pack mule. They resided in San Francisco, and prior to the fall of [850 emigrated to Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. She was living with her sons in Cache County, Utah, when last heard from, June 30, [883. Children. Francis I [erschel. John Joseph. Cincinnati s; d. in San Francisco, three months alter their arrival there. Sami el, 1). April 24, 1850; d. in Salt Lake City, Any. 8, 1850. < me other child. 8. Asa \Y. True married Nancy Atkinson. He was a rising young lawyer at the time of his marriage, and a few years later removed to Portland, where he continued the practice of his profession. Here he was very successful, and soon acquired the reputation of being an upright man and a skillful lawyer. He was a close student and was constantly engaged in matters which required all his energies. Under this constant strain his health broke down, and after five months of suffering he died of consumption, June 1, 1854, leaving a widow and four children, three sons and one daughter. < )f her life previous to her marriage Mrs. True thus writes : -- My girlhood of twenty-one years and twenty days was spent in various ways, sometimes in climbing apple-trees or scouring the woods in quest of beech-nuts, not minding if in my rambles it were necessary to wade brooks or climb high hills. Sometimes climbing my big brother's knee to obtain a kiss of forgiveness after I had been a naughty girl, or to coax a ride when he was going away. At other times trudging off to a country school through snow and rain in compliance with my brother and mother's wishes." At the time of her husband's death her eldest son had just completed his law studies and was ready to he admitted to the bar. The daughter and two younger suns were still at school. The sons both became excellent scholars, but their mother was unable to give them the benefit of a collegiate education. After leaving school they both obtained good situations, one in New York City, the other in Portland, the mother eventually going to New York City to live. When the War of the Rebellion broke out Mrs. True was in Quincy, 111., with her daughter, who had married a gentleman residing in that pla< e. Her son-in-law was one of the first to enter the service, and with other ladies Mrs. True engaged in making clothing for the sol- diers and in this direction did a noble work. Ere long her son-in-law was appointed Assistant Adjutant General, and with his family she went GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 507 to Springfield, the State Capital, to live. Here her eldest son, Llewellyn, soon obtained a position in the same department with his brother-in-law. Learning that her second son, Samuel, was about to enlist, she returned to New York and persuaded him to go to Springfield, as she knew that his brother and brother-in-law could materially aid him in securing a desirable position. He was commissioned to a position on the staff of the 14th Illinois Cavalry. Her youngest son had already enlisted in the 1 2th Regiment, U. S. Infantry, and was stationed at Fort Hamilton, in New York Harbor. After this son left for the field Mrs. True again resumed her work for the good of the soldiers. She began enlisting nurses for the hospitals, hired a room and employed the best surgeons in the city to instruct them, through lectures, in dressing wounds and caring for the sick. Through her efforts twenty-nine competent nurses were enlisted and, after the necessary instructions, sent to those hospitals most in need of their services. Money, clothing, and necessary supplies were in the meantime collected for hospital use and the men in the field. She was also unremitting in her attentions and efforts in behalf of the sick and wounded soldiers brought North and placed in the forts in the harbor. Amid these onerous duties her youngest son was brought to her worn and emaciated from disease, and was tenderly nursed to health and strength. He went back to his regiment again only to return with the loss of one eye and a severe wound of the leg, from the effects of which he never recovered. The tender rare of a loving mother soothed his last moments and he was laid to rest beside his father. Peace had been declared but a few months when she had not a son to call her mother. She died in Washington, I). C, a few years since. Children. Llewellyn. , daughter. Samuel F. Joseph M. BAILEY. James Bailey came to Industry prior to his marriage and settled on a lot of land near where the Centre Meeting-House now stands. He was born in Farmington, March 12, 1790, and was the fourth child of Eliphalet and Rebecca (Perham) Bailey, early pioneers to the town of Farmington. When a voting man. James Bailey moved to lot No. 11, on the Lowell Strip, which he sold to benjamin R. Rackliff in the fill of 1S30. He married, April 4, 1S20, Rebecca Fletcher, daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Perham) Fletcher, of Wilton. After leaving Industry he went to Wilton, but eventually settled on the homestead in 508 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Farmington, where he died April 16, 1865. His wife was born in West- ford, Mass., July to, 1789; died April 11, 1S79. Children. i. Elizabeth Ann, b. in Industry, Feb. 20, 1S21; m. David Sweatland; d. in Farmington, May 30, 1890. ii. JOSEPH GRAFTON, 1>. in Industry, April 4, 1S22; m. Sept. 2, 1S5S, Susan H. Griffin. Resides in New Hampshire. iii. Rebecca, b. in industry, < >ct. [9, [828; m. Oct. 31, 1850, Rufus Rartlett Smith, sun of Rufus and I.vdia (Mayhew) Smith, of Farmington. She d. April 1 5, 1NS5, s. p. iv. Martha Fletcher, b. in Wilton, May 31, 1821; unmd. George Washington Bailey, a nephew of the forementioned James and a son of Asa and Betsey (Bailey) Bailey, was horn in Farmington, Sept. 25, 1823. He married, March 30, 1851, Drusilla Taylor (b. in Stark. April 22. 1825), daughter of James and Abigail (Higgins) Tay- lor, of Farmington. He came to Industry from New Sharon in May, 1.S76, and purchased the Ah in Howes farm, on which he still lives. He is an industrious farmer, and his family are highly respected in the town and community. A son and daughter are graduates of the Farmington Normal School, and several of the family have gained distinction as prominent educators. i. MARIANNA CR0WELL, b. in Farmington, Jan. 17, 1852; m. Jan. 1, 1883, Albert Caswell, son of Salmon and Eliza (Smelledge) Caswell, of New Sharon. She graduated from the Farmington State Normal Sehool in the seeond elass of 1872. She has taught 277 weeks, gain- ing distinction as a teacher fully abreast of the times. Mr. Caswell is a farmer, and resides in New Sharon. One son : Frank PERLEY, b. in New Sharon, April 2, 1S84. ii. Hoi. Mis HlGGINS, b. in Farmington, April 8, 1854. He graduated from the Farmington State Normal School in the second class of 1876, and in the advanced course in 1881, having previously studied languages at Wilton Academy and Waterville Classical Institute. He has been a successful and enthusiastic educator and supervisor of schools in Industry for four years. He has ever been an ardent loser of the town of his adoption, and a zealous worker for the upbuilding of her educational and other interests. He is now in the employ of Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, as agent for their educational pub- lications; unmd. iii. JULIETTE, b. in Farmington, Jan. 17, 1856; m. May I, 1 889, Nelson I >. Keith, son of James B. and Ann E. (Welch) Keith, of Farmington. She has been a school teacher with a good degree of success. ( »ne child: EDNA GERTRUDE, 1>. in Farmington, April 11, 1890. iv. Henry Milner, b. in Farmington, Feb. 19, 1858; m. Jan. 6, 1889, Ella E. Nottage, dau. ofChas. B.and M.Jane ("Williamson) Nottage, of Farmington; farmer; resides in Farmington. One child: Jennie Leone, b. in Farmington, May, 1890. v. Benaiah Corydon, b. in Farmington, Dec. 22, 1859; m. Sept. 24, 1SS7, Mary ( '. Perkins, dau. of Samuel F. and Annette (Smith) Perkins, "I New Sharon. Mr. Bailey is a farmer, and resides in New Sharon. ( hildren : i. Charles Henry, l>. in New Sharon, Aug. 3, 1SS8. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 509 ii. Leon Augustus, b. in New Sharon, March, 1890. iii. , son, b. in New Sharon, Aug. I, 1S92. vi. Frank Hamilton, b. in Farmington, Dec. 3, 1862; resides in Industry; unmd. \ ii. James ATWOOD, b. in Farmington, Dec. 19, 1865; resides in Industry; unmd. viii. Lena SYBIL, b. in Farmington, Nov. 1, [868; d. in New Sharon, Aug. 8, 1874. BEAN. Jeremy Bean, eldest son of John C. and Olive (Berry) Bean, was bom in Jay, Me., Nov. 25, 1829.* He married Mrs. Sarah Bean, relict of Elias Bean, of Jay, and daughter of John H. and Sophia (Bean) Smith. He came to Industry in the month of March. 1S56, and purchased the Charles Luce farm of Philip A. Storer, on which his after life was spent. He was a good citizen and highly respected by his neighbors and townsmen. He died after a brief illness, July 26, 1883, s. p. He was a member of the M. E. Church, having been converted under the labors of Rev. Thomas J. True in 1866. Mrs. Bean had one daugh- ter by her first marriage, who married Eleazer S. True, son of Caleb E. and Dianna E. (Snell) True, q. v. BEEDE. Capt. Daniel Beede, an early settler in Industry, was born in Sand- wich, N. H., April 8, 1784. His ancestry runs back to Eli Beede,' who came to this country between 1700 and 1720, at the age of sixteen years. He was the only son of a widow who lived on the Isle of Jersey, where it is said the name of Beede is quite common. f He worked his passage by mending some damaged stockings, which he did so skillfully that the captain of the ship got full price for them. He spoke the old Norman French spoken by the peasantry of Jersey to-day. He settled in Kingston, N. H., and married Mehitable Sleeper, the first white female child born in that town. He became a man of considerable local dis- tinct ion. was a sort of Rarey, and was yclept doctor for his skill in treat- ing sick horses and cattle, and wizard for his power of teaching and taming wild and vicious horses. He became an extensive land-owner, as did also several of his children. Seven children, four sons and three 'This date was copied from the militia rolls of 1S64. It docs not agree with the record on his headstone, which reads : " Died July 26, 1SS3, aged 56 years, 9 months." John S. Bean, a younger brother, is convinced that the aye as given on the stone is incorrect. His recollections favor the date given above. t Some of the descendants of Capt. Daniel now spell their name Beedy. The Captain, when a resident of Industry, employed the same orthography as did the early ancestors of the race, and this form the author prefers. 64 5 lO HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. daughters, were born to Eli and Mehitable Beede. Daniel, 2 one of the sons, removed to Sandwich, N. H., where he became a prominent and highly respected citizen, lie was appointed Judge (probably of the probate court), represented his town several times in the State Legis- lature, and raised up a very fine family. He was the father n{ twelve children, among whom was a son named Daniel,3 who married Dolly Hackett. They were the parents of eight children, vi/. : Elizabeth,') Nathan. i Aaron.) Daniel.' Peter, t Dolly.-* Kphraim.i and Jeremiah. i Nathan t married Nellie McGaffy, and is the immediate ancestor of the Phillips, Maine, lieedes. I >aniel,» whose name stands at the head of this sketch, married, Feb. 12, 1S07, Polly Eveleth, daughter of James and Betsey (Williams) Kveleth, of Industry. The date of his settlement in Industry is uncertain, but he probably came to town some years prior to his marriage. Dolly 4 married, March 16, 1813, Solomon Turner, of New Vineyard. Peter Beede4 married (pub. Oct. 29, 1808) Sally Gil- man, of Mt. Vernon, and settled on a lot adjoining his brother Daniel on the east. Daniel Beede ' settled on the Lowell Strip and partially cleared the farm now (1892) owned by Alburn C. Robbins. He was in command of the Industry company of militia when called out during the 1812 War. Soon after this he sold out and moved to No. 6, now a part of Phillips. His first wife died and he subsequently married Nancy ('handler. He was the father of sixteen children, twelve by his first, and four by his second marriage. When the Captain moved to No. 6 he followed a spotted line. Selecting a suitable location, he began a clearing, and by unflagging industry cleared a good farm and reared a large family to manhood and womanhood. He died 1S64, aged 80. His second wife died in 1886. Dolly Hackett, b. in Industry, Jan. S, 1808; m. George F. Reed,; spent their whole lives in Phillips; both dead; one son. Daniel, b. in Industry, Nov. 23, [809;* m. Emily Ela; d. 1858; in. Helen B., dau. of John and Ruby (Strout) Coffin, of Harrington, Me. Benjamin, b. in Industry, July 7, 1811. Frederic, m. Thirza Harding; went to Wisconsin; d. leaving children. James Eveleth, m. in Nova Scotia; d. leaving a smart family, who reside in Stillwater, Minn. Polly E\ eli mi. Betsey II., m. Joseph Sherburne, of Phillips. [OSEPH Evei 11 11, m. an Irish lady ai < alais, and removed to Iowa. Caroline S., m. A. G. Newman, of Weld; three suns and two daughters. * This date was copied from the town records of Industry, and the entry appears to have been made in iSu. The Farmington Chronicle, in an obituary notice of Mr. Beede, see Vol. ;o, Nil ,;i, states thai he was born in 1810. From a careful comparison of dates, tin- author i> .1 thi opinion that the Chronicle is in error. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 5 I I El NICE P., d. Charles [., m. fudkins, and moved to Minnesota, about iSs.?> s - A Abbie II., in. Augustas Sanborn; resides in Somerville, Mass. Lucy Ellen, m. George Batchelder; resided on the homestead. Laura !■'., always an invalid; d. about 1878. Edwin It., unmd; lives with sister Ellen. I. Daniel Beede, sun of Capt. Daniel and Mary (Eveleth) Beede, married Emily Ela. When three years of age his father moved to a township, a portion of which is now in the town of Phillips. Here, engaged in the pursuits of farm life, young Beede spent his boyhood days, getting occasional glimpses of the outside world in his trips on horseback to mill, and to the then distant seaport town of Hallowell, whither all the inland settlers in this section of the State went to find a market for their produce. Diligent in his studies, he obtained a good education in the English branches by attending the town schools in his own and adjoining districts. Having manifested a decided taste for such work, he decided on becoming of age to devote his life to civil and hydraulic engineering, and accordingly prepared himself for this work. When the projectors of the Bates Mills advertised for plans, in 1854, Mr. Beede was one of several competitors ; his plans were accepted and he was employed to build Mills No. 1 and 2. He moved to Lewiston with his family, and but for the failure of the company for which he was at work would probably have spent the rest of his life in that place. In consequence of poor health he went to California in the spring of 1S62. At that time there was a general depression in business in the Golden State. On his arrival Mr. Beede was met on the wharf by a gentleman, who said, " If you have come here expecting work you may as well return." He staid, however, and was soon employed to go to Mexico, build and superintend the running of a quartz-mill. At the expiration of two and one-half years he went to Oregon, where he built and operated a similar mill for the same length of time. While in Mex- ico and Oregon he contributed an able and interesting series of letters to the Franklin Patriot, published at Farmington, Me. He was the projector and builder of the suspension bridges at Strong and Kingfield, in Franklin County. At the last mentioned place the following incident is related in regard to the newly-completed bridge. The sway of the bridge when completed caused many people unac- quainted with such structures to question its safety. To show his own confidence in the permanency and strength of the structure, Mr. Beede, in the presence of a large company of people, drove his horse across the bridge and back at full speed, and was heartily cheered on his return as he turned his horse's head toward Farmington. He was much re- 5 I 2 ll/SIi )RY ( '/ fNDl S1RY. spected by those who knew him, alike as a good citizen and an exem plary christian. His wife, by whom he had three children, one son and two daughters, died in 1858, and he married, Aug. 5, [875, Helen B. Coffin, who survives him. He died in Farmington, where he had for many years made his home, (ulv 29, [889, aged 79 years. BENSON. Benjamin Bi nson was anion- the pioneer settlers to that part oi New Vineyard set off to Industry in 1^44. He was horn Feb. 21. [733, and probably came from Martha's Vineyard, though nothing is positivel) known of his ancestry or early history. His wife, by whom he had sev era] 1 hildren, was Mary Chamberlain, born Feb. 22, 1735. He erected a mill, on a small stream flowing near his home, soon after immigrating to the District of Maine. Children. i. Rhoda, 1). < >ctober, 1764. ii. ( Ieorge,* h. May 1, 1768. iii. Mary, b. July 9, 1770; m. Benjamin I >i ts' >n. iv. Benjamin, l>. Aug. 14, 1772; m. Mary Jordan, of Mt. Desert, v. Lucy, I). Nov. 20, 1774; m. Sept. 11, 1801, Robert Nichols (b. Nov. is. 1769), son of George and Betsey (Sawyer) Nichols, of Stark. She (1. Aug. ii, 1825; several children. vi. Bartlett, 1). May 22, 1777; m. Mary Nichols (b. June 10, 1778), dau. of George and Betsey (Sawyer) Nichols, of Stark, vii. Hannah, m. Mar. 29, 1804, Ezra Vincent,! of New Vineyard. \ iii. Matthew, b. June 3, 1782; m. Feb. 18, 1 See. Mary GottJ (b. Nov. 24, 1782). She (1. and he m. Sept. 21, 1843, ^' rs - Mary M. Wade, relict ol Caleb Wade. She 1!. April 15, 1880. lie came to Industry from Stark, and settled on lot No. 25, on the Lowell Strip, on the farm recently occupied by Benj. Warren Norton, )r. lie was a man ol some property, kept a large apiary, and also delighted in hunting the wild honey-bee. He subsequently moved to Madison, where he d. at an advanced age. Among his children were: i. Permelia, b. Jan. 18, 1S07; m. Dee. 5, 182(1, Levi Wy man, of Milburn (now- Skowhegan). ii. John, b. Feb. 10, 1808; joined Maine Methodist Conference, and was for many years an alile and successful minister of that denomination; d. ■ The New Vineyard Records contain this entry : " Family oi George Benson (d. Nov. S, " i. George, 2d, b. Mar. 1, 171m; ii. Benjamin, b. Feb. 20 ( ?) , 1792; iii. Pris( ili.a, b. April S, 1 7. < 1 ; iv. S VRAH (.'., I). \\\\\ (0,1 96; v. Thomas, b. Sept. 6, 1798 ; vi. Pegos , b. Aug. 1, 1S01." While 1 lure are no means oi identifying this family with thai oi Benjamin Benson, circum stances lead the author to believe them to have been father ami sun. Bu( how George, son of George Benson, could be George, 2d, the writer is unable to say- Undoubtedly it should be < ii'»i ge, Jr. I I Ins name was quite commonly spelled Vinson. t She was a sister of John Gott, who in. a dau. of Abner Norton, ,/. v. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 513 iii. M.\m A., b. I >ec. 7, [809. Charles, m. (pub. Oct. 28, 1808) Love Pinkham, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Chesley) Pinkham, q. v. He d. a young man, leaving two children. His widow m. |ohn Daggett for her second husband. l.YDIA.* BOARDMAN. Herbert Boardman,s one of the earliest settlers in that part of New Vineyard annexed to Industry in 1844, was a descendant from William and Frances Boardman, who immigrated to this country in 1638. Wil- liam Boardman was a tailor by trade and settled in Cambridge, Mass. Of the nine children born to William and Frances Boardman, the fourth was Aaron. 2 To him was born, by his wife, Mary, seven children. Moses, 3 the second, was born Feb. 17, 1675-6. He married, June 25, 1700, Abigail, daughter of Dea. Walter Hastings. His son, Andrew boardman, 1. was a graduate of Harvard College and a clergyman of the ( Congregational denomination. Fie married Katharine Allen, daughter of Sylvanus and Jane (Homes) Allen, and was for some time pastor of the church at Chilmark, Mass. He died of small- pox at Chilmark, Nov. 19, 1776. Children. i. Andrew, b. July 16, 1748. ii. Abigail, b. April 9, 1750; m. Dea. Nathan Mayhew. iii. Katharine, b. Mar. 19, 1752; m. Nathaniel Bassett. iv. William, b. Nov. 16, 1753; unmd. v. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 25, 1755; m. Peter Austin. \i. Sylvanus, b. Sept. 15, 1757; m. April 12, 1700, Phebe Dana, dau. of George and Margaret (Clark) Dana, of Stow and Ashburnham, Mass. lie was a Baptist minister, and eventually settled in New Sharon. He frequently preached in Industry, where he was well known and highly esteemed. He d. in New Sharon, Mar. 16, 1845, a g e( ' $7 vrs - His wife d. in Bloomfield, Sept. 23, i860, aged 91 yrs., 10 mos.; eight children, vii. Walter, b. July 12, 1761; m. Jane Hillman. viii. Herbert, b. April 11, 1764; m. Dec. 4, 1788, Mary Merry, dau. of David and Eunice (Chase) Merry, q. v. ix. Jane, b. Aug. 14, 1767; m. Sarson Chase. I. Herbert Boardman,? as will be seen, was the eighth child of Andrew and Katharine. His birthplace was undoubtedly the town of Chilmark, on the Island of Martha's Vineyard. He came to the Dis- trict of Maine with others in April, 1792, sailing from the Vineyard and up the Kennebec River in the schooner "Snubbet," Capt. Sarson Butler, master. t It is probable that he made a brief residence in Farmington * The author is not certain as to the order of birth of those whose birth. date is wanting. t As the schooner made the mouth of the Kennebec River she encountered a terrible north- east snowstorm, and the passengers and crew were in great peril . To lighten the vessel, Captain Butler ordered the deck load to be thrown overboard. Mr. Boardman had fifteen sheep on the 5 14 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. before settling in New Vineyard. In 1795, he purchased of Tristram Daggett one hundred acres of land lying at the base of the mountain which now bears his name, for which he paid forty pounds, English money. The deed is recorded in the Lincoln Count)' Registry and bears the date of Sept. 15. 1795. This instrument was acknowledged before Moses Starling, Justice of the Peace, and Samuel and Rebecca Daggett wrote their names as witnesses to grantor's signature. In this >.\^^^,\ Mr. Boardman's residence is given as New Vineyard, and it is pos- sible that he may have lived for a short time in the western part of the township prior to making his purchase of Mr. Daggett. The author has been unable to fix to his own satisfaction the date of Mr. Boardman's removal to his newly purchased farm.* This farm under the judicious management of Esq. Boardman became one "\ the largest and best in that part of the town. He was a man of more than ordinary ability and transacted a considerable business as a magistrate. Though in some re- spects a little eccentric, he was noted for his generous hospitality. He was a blacksmith by trade, but it is believed he did but little at the business during the latter years of his life. His wife was noted for her industry,' intelligence and piety. Esq. William Allen says of her : " No one in town was more respected as long as she lived ami her memory is held in kind remembrance." both Esq. boardman and his wife were consistent and worthy members of the Methodist Church. On the night of Jan. 22, 1S24. their well-furnished house, with its contents, was destroyed by tire. I le built another house soon after, in which the remainder of his life was spent. He died July 31, 1838, aged 74 years, 3 months and 14 days. His wife died Aug. 1, 1843, aged 76 years, 4 months and 23 days. Children. i. Catharine, l>. < let. 5, 1789; d. Oct. 10, 1789. li. Andrew, b. 1790; d. at Hallowell, in 1807. 1. iii. Leonard, \>. Sept. 29, 171)2; m. (pub. Dec. 2, 1814) Abigail Hobbs, dau. of Stephen and Abigail (Yarneyj Hobbs, of Berwick, Me. quarter-deck, tin which he besought mercy. lie made a personal appeal to Captain Butler, say- ing "that lie- was going into a new country, where these sheep would lie of inestimable value to him." 1 rritated and annoyed no doubt by this impassioned appeal, Captain Butler shouted in Stentorian tones, " Mate, cut the lines and let Hoard man's sheep go to h — 1." 1 sq. Win. Allen says (see History of Industry, p. ij): " A new road being cut out from Daniel Collins'S to Herbert Boardman's, Mr. 15. moved his family from the river settlement ill December, 1705, with his furnit me on an ox-sled, being the first ox-team that passed over this road to the north of .Mr. Collins's." This agrees with the date of Esq. Boardman's deed, Sept. 15, 1705, for it would he hut reasonable to assume that he moved his family to their new home at the first available opportunity after its purchase. But Esq. Allen further relates that he and a younger brother overtook Esq. Boardman, with his team and goods, as they were on their way with a package lor the relief of James M. inter, who was very ill of a disease which terminated liis life a tew days later. We learn from the stone mark iny Mr. Mauler's grave that lied. Dee. jo, 1796. This disagreement of dates the author has sought in vain to harmonize. Evidently Mr. Allen must he in error as to dates. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 5 I 5 2. iv. LEANDER, 1). April 11. 1795: m. Mar. 25, 1819, Hannah Jones, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (Ballister) Jones, of Farmington. 3. v. MENZIR, b. in New Vineyard, July 4, 171)7; m. < >ct. 16, 1821, Sarah Davis, dau. of Wendell and Mary (Smith) Davis, q. v. vi. Mary, b. in New Vineyard, May 22, 1799; m. June 14, 1821, Francis Remick, son of John and Elizabeth (Nevens) Remick, q. t. vii. Catharine, l>. in New Vineyard, Mar. 4, 1801: m. Sept. 22, 1844. Rich- ard Fassett, son of Richard. He d. at West's Mills, Mar. 16, 1874, aged 67 years. She d. Jan. 8, 1880, s. /. i. Leonard Boardman, 6 son of Herbert and Mary (Merry) Board- man, married Abigail Hobbs. He settled on the John Marshall farm re- cently occupied by Thomas Stevens. He was a young man of much promise and had served as captain of the militia. He died Jan. (1. 1S22.* His widow subsequently married (pub. Jan. 24, 1826), James Davis, Jr., son of James and Betsey (Look) Davis, q. v. Children. i. Andrew, b. May 26, 1817; m. Naomi Savage, of Lexington, Me. She d. and he 111. for his second wife. Augusta Savage, also of Lexington, a sister of his first wife. He is now dead. One son by lust ami three by second marriage, vi/. : Leonard, Fred, Leander and Jesse. ii. George Hobbs, b. Jan. 10, 1820; m. Sept. 15, 184(1, Ruhamah Frizzell (1). Feb. 4, 1821), dau. of John, Jr. and Tamar Frizzell, of Mercer; d. in Oakland, Me.; one son, H. Edwin. iii. Temperance Stanley, b. June 16, 1822; m. Henry Williamson, son of Stephen, [r., and lietsey (Greenleaf) Williamson, of Stark. She d. in Stark, Jan. 11, 1866. Four children. 2. Leander Boardman, 6 son of Hebert and Mary (Merry) Board- man, married Hannah Jones. His early life was spent on his father's farm. After his marriage he settled in New Portland and in 1834 re- moved to Farmington, where the remainder of his life was spent. He settled on a farm in the northeast part of the town. After a residence of two years he exchanged his real estate for a stock of goods, and soon became one of the leading merchants at the Centre Village. Having acquired a competency, he retired from mercantile life in 1853. When the Sandy River Bank was established he was elected one of its direc- tors and was also postmaster in 1841. His death occurred ( )ct. 19, 1866, at the age of 71 years, 6 months and 8 days. His wife. Hannah, born Jan. 30, 1S02, died Nov. 14, 1887. Children. i. Mary, b. [an. 15, 1820; m. Aug. 19, 1845, Hiram 1'.. Stoyell, son ol Dr. Aaron and Abigail D. (Belcher) Stoyell, of Farmington. She d. in Farmington, fune 10, 1886. Six children, ii. Adeline, b. Aug. 2, 1821; d. Sept. 20, 1881 ; unmd. iii. Leonard, b. July 23, 1825; d. Feb. 20, 1839. iv. John Leander Stoyell, Ii. Feb. 14, 1836; d. Feb. 20. 1S37. fc This date was copied from Captain Boardman's gravestone. A copy of the record from the old family Bible gives it Jan. 23, 1S22. 5 16 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 3. Mkx/ir Boardman, 6 son of Herbert and Mary (Merry) Board man, married Sarah Davis. He settled on the homestead, with the intention of caring for his parents in their declining years. After their home was burned, in 1824, father and son each built a house. He died after a brief illness, May 17, 1838. aged 38 years and 10 months. His widow subsequently married. Jan. 30, 1S40, Benjamin C. Norton, q. v. A few years after Mr. Norton's deatli she married Elijah Manter, of [ndustry. She died Feb. 11. 1.S67. Children. i. Harriet, b. 1826; d. May 4, 1840. ii. Sarah; m. May 28, 1867, Hiram Ramsdell, son ofAbner, |r., and Han- nah (Corhett) Ramsdell; resides in Farmington Centre Village. BOYDEN. Asaph Bovden, youngest son of Isaac and Jemima C. Boyden, was born in Greenwich, Hampshire Co., Mass., Dec. 7. T.S02. When only five years of age his mother died and one year later the father was laid b) her side. After the death of his parents an elder brother took charge of the father's affairs and provided a home for the family at the old homestead. While he lived in Greenwich young bovden constantly attended school, and from the first made rapid progress in his studies. Even at this early age he frequently won high encomiums from the superintending committee and his teachers for his aptitude and ability in attaining knowledge. When nine years old. Calvin Neweomb, a sil versmith, took the subject of this sketch to his home in Malone, N. Y., with the intention of teaching him the trade when he became of suitable age. He remained with Mr. Neweomb three years, and attended the Malone Academy a large portion of this time. His master treated him with kindness and consideration, but Mrs. Neweomb was harsh and cruel and Asaph frequently staid away from home all night to escape her flagellations. While living at Malone the War of 18 r 2 occurred. Young as lie then was. Asaph was an expert performer on the tenor drum. The barracks where the troops were rendezvoused were near Mr. New- comb's house, and young boyden was engaged as their drummer. lie was dressed in full uniform and every morning beat the roll to summons the soldiers to their drill. At one time it was rumored that a British raiding party was coming through from Canada to pillage and burn French's Mills, a small settlement about fifteen miles from Malone. A party was detailed to repel the invaders, and among them was Boyden, the drummer-boy. They were just in season to thwart the designs of the enemy, who beat a precipitous retreat on learning that their plot had been discovered. it 3 Cl/t ft 'Jv tjCic K^ Engraved by Geo. E. Johnson, Boston. From a photograph made in 1SS5 by Z. D. Ingalls, .Madison, Me. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 517 After three years, owing to domestic infelicity, Mr. Newcomb re- turned to Greenwich and Asaph to his brother's home. Here he at- tended school until he was fifteen years of age. About that time his brother went to Albany, N. Y., and engaged in the grocery business, leaving his family at Greenwich. After getting well established he sent for Asaph to assist him in the store. This journey of more than 100 miles he performed in company with a peddler named Luther Fuller. After he had been with his brother a short time, being desirous of a trade that he might earn his own living, he apprenticed to Philip Burnop, a baker in Albany. Mr. Burnop was an Englishman by birth, and pos- sessed an ungovernable temper. One day after whipping his apprentice severely for an act committed by one of his own children, young Boy- den ran away. Packing his worldly possessions in a pocket handkerchief he went down to the wharves in search of a vessel bound for New York City. He succeeded in finding a sloop, commanded by a Captain Bull, just ready to sail for the great city. On the voyage down the Hudson River the sloop encountered a severe squall. Captain Bull roughly ordered his passenger to assist in securing sail or he would throw him overboard, to which young Boyden pluckily retorted, "Throw if you want to, I can swim ashore." He arrived in the city with only a New York shilling in his pocket, which he gave to his landlady for a night's lodging. The next morning, breakfastless. friendless and a stranger in the great me- tropolis of the new world, he started out in search of work. He at length found a lad about his own age who owned a jolly-boat, in which he carried passengers to and from vessels lying at anchor in the harbor ; by assisting him he was able to earn enough to provide himself with food from day to day. During this time he frequently slept under the up- turned jolly-boat. He also slept a portion of the time in the main- sail of an abandoned vessel, which afforded him very comfortable quarters, and one night was spent in an old market house. After he had been in New York some weeks he fell in with Capt. Allen Chase of the sloop "Sally," who asked young Boyden "if he would not like to go coasting." When the interview ended he had engaged to ship with Captain Chase as cook. His first trip was to Newburn, N. C. While on the way the vessel came near being stranded on a sand-bar. One day in getting dinner, while at Newburn, the cook accidentally upset the "slush-bucket," which happened to be sitting near the door of his galley. The weather being hot the oily contents spread over a considerable portion of the surrounding deck. Going to the long-boat, which was hanging on the davits over the side of the ship, he was busily engaged in procuring some oakum to clean up the greas\ deck, which 65 5 1 8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. he could just reach by leaning over the taffrail ; while thus engaged, Captain Chase came on deck, dressed in his Sunday best to go on shore. As he crossed the deck he inadvertently stepped upon that portion cov- ered with the contents of the slush-bucket, when he slipped and fell, rolling over and over in the unctuous mass. Rising to his feet in a towering passion his eye caught sight of the cook's bended form reach- ing for the oakum. Seizing him by the nape of the neck, before he had time to regain an upright position, the angry captain beat him unmerci- fully with a heavy piece of tarred rigging. Shocked at his cruelty, the mate remonstrated, and young Royden, more dead than alive, was liber- ated from his uncomfortable position. Notwithstanding this unpleasant episode Captain Chase ever afterward treated his cook with kindness and consideration. Returning to New York, the next voyage made was to Richmond, Va., from which place they shipped a cargo of flour and started on their return to New York. A mulatto was engaged to pilot them down the James River. His incompetency was soon apparent, for before going far, he ran the vessel aground. It was raining hard at the time, and in the exposure, which the accident necessitated, young Boyden contracted a serious illness. During his protracted convales- cence he was kindly cared for by the captain's family. At the age of seventeen he apprenticed to a cabinet-maker named Ebenezer Howard, with whom he remained nearly four years. After leaving Mr. Howard, who was an inferior workman, he went to work for Harvey Dresser, of Charlton, Mass., who carried on an extensive business in the cabinet line. Here he became acquainted and worked with a very skillful jour- neyman named Charles Burnett. This gentleman learned his trade in England, and from him Mr. Royden learned many valuable things per- taining to the trade, and under whose instruction he became an excel- lent workman. After working with Mr. Dresser for a time he returned to his native town and worked for Warren I'. Wing, engaged in manu- facturing carding-machines. In the fall of 1S27 he visited his uncle, Dr. Joseph Hoyden, of Tamworth, N. H. While there he formed the ac- quaintance of Esq. Samuel Shaw, who had moved from Tamworth to Industry and was engaged in trade at West's Mills. Esq. Shaw wanted a competent book-keeper and clerk, and Mr. Boyden having been recommended, was employed. He rode from Tamworth to Industry in a gig with Esq. Shaw and arrived at West's Mills Dec. 27. 1S27. He remained in the employ of Esq. Shaw about fifteen months, after which In- built a shop and resumed his trade of cabinet-maker. In this direc- tion he did a good business, making furniture for many families in Indus- try and adjoining towns. March 26. 1829, he married Mrs. Susan (Rut- GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 519 ler) West, relict of Col. Peter A. West, and daughter of ('apt. Jeruel and Susan (West) Butler. By this marriage he had six children, four of whom are now (1892) living. He was the first inn-keeper in town, having opened his house to the public in 1832. He was chosen town clerk in 1835 and re-elected the following year. About 1840 he was appointed deputy sheriff for Franklin County, and was likewise a licensed auctioneer for some years and held the office of Justice of the Peace for more than forty years, transacting in that position a great deal of business. In September, 1846, he formed a co-partnership with John C. Manter and for several years kept a general merchandise store at West's Mills. He was appointed postmaster Jan. 15, 1866, and continued in office nearly fourteen years and only resigned when the infirmities incident to his advanced years compelled him to do so. His services were frequently sought, by the merchants of the village, in billing goods and taking account of stock, as he was an excellent penman and an ac- curate accountant. His wife, with whom he had lived for more than half a century, died Jan. 6, 1882, and he went to live in Somerville, Mass., with his son, Wra. B. Boyden, with whom he remained about two years. He then returned to West's Mills and died in Stark, Sept. 1, 1886. Children. i. Frances LUCINDA, b. in Industry, Jan. 18, 1830; m. May 5, 1S50, Sam- uel R. Allen, son of Capt. Newman T. and Betsey (Belcher) Allen, q. v. He d. at West's Mills, April 3, 1873. His widow now (1892) resides in Haverhill, Mass. ii. JOSEPHINE, b, in Industry, July 22, 1831 ; m. in Amesbury, Mass., May 6, 1853, John Adams Wilson (b. in Bangor, 1823). He was a pho- tographer by trade, and also president of the West Florida Collegiate Institute. He d. in Milton, Fla., Aug. 14, 1S56. Mrs. Wilson subse- quently m. Dee. 12, 1857, Flavius Josephus Fuller, who d. in Weathers- held, Vt., Feb. 14, 1864. She m. in Rutland, Vt, Oct. 12, 1867, for third husband, James Henry Flagg. He was a sign and ornamental painter; d. in New Haven, Ct., Jan. 6, 1871. Pension attorney; re- sides at Wendell Depot, Mass. Children by 1st marriage: i. Florida Josephine, b. in Milton, Fla.; d. in Weathersneld, Vt., July 16, 1867. ii. Mary Abbie, b. in Pensacola, Fla., June 1, 1855; d. June 17, 1855. Second marriage : iii. Frank William, b. in Weathersneld, Vt., Sept. 28, 1858; paper-maker and musician, iv. Fred Chase, b. in Weatherstield, Dec. 25, 1862; bee-keeper ami musician, iii. ( lEORGE Wyai 1, b. in Industry, April 10, 1833; m. Nov. 27, 1856, Sophia R. Davis, dau. of Jacob and Lois (Kelly) Davis, of New Hampshire; was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion, serving in Co. F, 9th Reg't, N. H. Vol. Inf. (see p. jsg). Engaged in railroading, after the war, and d. in Brenham, Texas, Oct. 28, 1889. Their son: Frank J., was b. July 25, 1858; m. Feb. 22, 1884, Rose Snell. iv. Susan Octavia, b. in Industry, April 30, 1835; m - Oct. 3'> ^58, War- ren N. Willis, son of Capt. Peter W. and Calista (Norton) Willis, q. v. v. William Butler, b. in Industry, May 7, 1S37; m. Nov. 6, 1872, Mattie Bates, of Boston, Mass., dau. of James E. and Sarah S. (Doble) Bates, HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ■ >l Avon. Mr. Boyden went to Boston in [856, and has since made that city ami Somerville his home. In April, [861, he enlisted under the President's call for three months 9 men to aid in suppressing the Rebellion. The company in which Mr. Boyden enlisted was an independent company, anil with two other companies, afterward be- came the Third Batallion, Massachusetts Rifles. I le went to Washing- ton, I ». < '., on the steamer "Cambridge." The company remained in Washington about a week and then went to Fort McHenry, where he served the remainder of his time. In December, 1861, Mr. Hoy- den went to Washington and entered the quartermaster's department, where he remained "off and on," to use his own words, until Gen. Grant took command of the army. After that he returned to Boston and entered the employ of Fiske & Co.'s Express, which was after- ward merged into the U. S. and Canada Express, and that in turn was absorbed by the American Express Co. During all these changes the services of Mr. Boyden were retained, and he is still ( 1892 1 in the employ of the company. In 1S7S he purchased a home in Somer- ville, where he now resides, s. p. EVELINA ADALINA, b. in Industry, July 16, 1844; d. in infancy. BRADBURY. Paul Bradbury, 6 an early settler in Industry, traces his ancestry back five generations, viz.: Rowland, * John,4 Wymond,3 Wymond 2 to Thomas Bradbury,' the original ancestor in this country. Rowland Bradbury,? the father of Paul, 6 was a caulker by trade and resided in York, Me. Paul 6 married, March 14, 1780. Ruth Ware, who was horn in York, Dec. 23, 1756, and died in Industry, Dec. 21, 1823. He moved from York to Tamworth, N. H., and subsequently, among the early settlers, to Industry. He settled first on lot No. 3, on the north side of Bannock Hill. After a brief period he (hanged his location and took up lot No. 54. near Stark line. Here he spent the balance of his active life and cleared quite a farm. He was a shoemaker as well as a farmer, an ear- nest, conscientious christian, and a member of the Methodist Church. He was not noted for his force of character, but was a man of a moder- ate, easy-going disposition. According to Win. Allen, but two sons came to Industry, though there is conclusive evidence that he had three. He died in Belgrade, Me.. Dec. 21, 1832. Children. 1. i. John Stevens, b. March 22, 1783; m. July 3, 1807, Lois Pinkham, for- merlj "I Woodbury, V H., and dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Dan- iels) Pinkham. ii. Jane CHOATE, b. March 22, 1783; m. John Gould. iii. Mary, 1>. < let. 1. [785, m. Daniel Townsend, of Sidney. 2. iv, True, b. Jan. 31, 1788; m. Lydia Cushing Allen. \. Hannah, b. 1790; d. young. vi. Abigail, b. 1 792; d. young. v ii. Susan, b. Jan. 10, 1794; m. John Lord, of Belgrade, Me. 3. viii. Samuel Hidden, b. March 20, 1796; m. Bethiah II. Dinsmore. I. John Stevens Bradbury,? son of Paul and Ruth (Ware) Brad- GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 521 bury, married Lois Pinkham. Farmer; resided in New Vineyard and Industry. His wife died Jan. 15, 1S54. He died some years later. Children. i. Alfred, b. in Industry, Sept. 19, 1S07;* d. July 26, 1886; unmd. ii. MARY, b. in New Vineyard, May 13, 1810; d. of consumption, April 4, 1876; unmd. 2. True Bradbury? married Lydia Isabella Gushing. Children. i. Wyer, b. June 14, 1S14; m. Eliza Webber. ii. Samuel Hidden. iii. Mary Jane; m. William Guptill, of Lubec, Me. iv. Stephen Decatur. v. Sarah Ann; m. William J. Balch, of Machias. 3 Samuel Hidden Bradbury 7 married in Cherryfield, Me., Bethiah H. Dinsmore. Children. i. Rowland, b. August, 1826. ii. Wyman Collins, b. July 31, 1829. iii. Mary, b. August, 1836; m. John Ryan. iv. Susannah, b. July 3, 1840; d. Aug.' 17, 1857. Moses Bradbury, son of Charles and Mary (Chase) Bradbury, was born in Anson, March 3, 1816. He married (pub. Jan. 30, 1841) Abigail Manter, daughter of Capt. Benjamin and Deborah (Luce) Man- ter, of Industry. She died Nov. 1, 1846, s. p. He married for his second wife, Sept. 19, 1847, Mr S- Anna West (Manter) Luce, relict of Col. benjamin Luce, and daughter of Henry and Mary (West) Manter, of Industry. She was divorced shortly before her death, which occurred Dec. 19, i860. No issue. He married a third time, Nov. 11, 1S62, Clementine O. Fish, daughter of Simeon and Anna (Hutchins) Fish, of Stark. He died in Stark, March 5, 1885, aged 69 years, s. />. Mr. Bradbury was a man of more than ordinary intellectual ability. He has been a merchant and farmer in Industry (see p. 200), and was several times a member of the board of selectmen. He also resided in Anson, Cornville and Stark. BROWN. Joseph Brown, as nearly as can be learned, was a native of Mass- achusetts, born in one of the towns bordering on the Merrimac River. Mrs. Brown, maiden name Mary Greeley, was a native of Haverhill, *This date furnished the author by Dr. William B. Lapham, Augusta, Me., can hardly be counted correct. The New Vineyard records contain that of the family of John S. Bradbury. There he is credited with but one child, viz., Molly, born as above stated. Had Alfred been the oldest child, his name and birth-date would also have appeared. 522 HISTORY OF rNDUSTRY. Mass. Mr. Brown was an early settler in Winthrop, and in May. 1781, with Nathaniel Davis, moved his family to Sandy River, being the first permanent settlers in the present town of Farmington. Coming into the wilderness at so early a date, they encountered hardships and endured privations of which the present generation has no definite con- ception. Mr. Brown was a soldier in the French War and received a hall in his leg. which, as it was never extracted,* partially crippled him for life. This so incapacitated him for manual labor as to reduce him from comfortable circumstances to a state of abject poverty. He came to Industry in company with his son Samuel, about 1796,! ami died in the spring of 18 19, aged over 90 years. The author has it noted that his wife Mary died soon after moving to Industry, but cannot now recall his authority for the statement. Samuel Brown, son of Joseph and Mary (Greeley) Brown, was born in Hallowell, March 14, 1763. He married Mary Butler, born at Mar- tha's Vineyard, May 23, 1764. and died in Industry, Sept. — , 1807. It is believed that Samuel brown moved to Vienna prior to 1S19, for Aug- ust 3 1 of that year he deeded land in Industry to Ebenezer Swift. Children. i. JAMES, l>. in Farmington, March 10, 1793. ii. POLLY, b. in Farmington, Dec. 3, 1795; d. March io, 1799. iii. BETSEY, 1>. in Farmington, March 28*, 1797; m. June 29, 1S17, Samuel ( hurch, son of John and Susanna (Cony) Church. He was I., in Farmington, May 9, 1 791, and d. in Salem, March 27, 1829. She then removed to Farmington, and d. Nov. 14, 1879, aged 82 years. I' i\ e children. iv. Dennis, b. Nov. 28, 1798; m. (pub. Feb. 21, 1821J, Nancy Davis. Far- mer; settled in New Sharon, where he d. April, 1847. v. SAMUEL, b. in Industry, Dec. 28, 1S01. One dau.; m. James Torsey, of Lowell, Mass. vi. MOSES, b. in Industry, March 4, 1803; m. Perkins, and resided for some years in northeast part of Farmington; farmer, and Methodist local preacher. vii. Thomas, 1). in Industry; m. Clough; settled in Hodgdon, Me. • This statement, copied from Judge Thomas Parker's History of Farmington, is, in the opinion of the author, incorrect. Truman A. Allen, of Vineyard Haven, Mass., once a resident ..I Industry, says that an ounce ball was removed from the [eg of Mr. Brown near the beginning of the year 1818 by I>r. Sir II, of Winthrop, assisted by Or. Thomas Flint, of New Vineyard. At that time Mr. Brown was supported by the town in the family of Peter Norton, whose log- house stood hut a short distance from Mr. Allen's home. Mr. Brown was then near 90 years of am'. ( There are circumstances which had tile author to doubt the statement that Samuel came to Industrvwith his father. Polly, their second child, died in 17.M, in Farmington. Hence the statement is either incorrect, or Mr. Brown must have returned to Farmington and made a brief residence in that town about 17<^-M. } Industry Town Records. March 15, Farmington Town Records. The author regards the 1. 1st named records the better authority. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 523 BRYANT. James Bryant,s a resident of Industry for many years, traces his ancestry back to Benjamin Dole Bryant,' who emigrated from England at an early date and eventually settled in New Market, N. H. His son Walter Bryant 2 is supposed to have been born on Goat Island, neat- Portsmouth, N. H., in 1 71 1, and died 1S07, aged 96 years. He was a worthy magistrate and a celebrated land-surveyor. He had three sons and two daughters, who became heads of families. His sons were Wal- ter^ Jeremy-'' and John.3 The daughters became the wives of Edward Smith of New Market and Eddy Hall Burgin of the same place. Jeremy Bryant -5 married and had among his children a son, Walter,^ born in New Market, March 21, 1774. He moved to Tamworth, N. H. June iS, 1795, and married, Nov. 16, 1797, Ruth Oilman, of Albany, N. H. (born Sept. 4, 1774). They had four sons and one daughter. Among these was James, s born in Tamworth, Sept. 17, 1S01, whose name stands at the head of this sketch. When a young man he learned the trade of cabinet-maker and painter. He came to Industry in 1822 and married, Jan. 20, 1825, Lydia Mason (born in Tamworth, N. H., Jan. 1, 1802). daughter of William and Abigail (Hayford) Mason. He resided near Esq. Daniel Shaw's for a time, in a house which has long since been torn down. After his marriage he worked at his trade much of the time. In the fall of 1S50 five of his family were stricken with malignant typhoid fever, and within a week his wife and two children became victims of this disease. His second wife, whom he married ( )ct. 26, 185 t, was Belinda W., daughter of Enoch and Catherine (Watson) True (born in Moultonboro', N. H., Dec. 26, 1814). Mr. Bryant sold in Industry and moved to Stark, Feb. 2, 1864. His wife Lydia died Nov. 6, 1S50. He died in Madison, Dec. 7. 1S76. James Alvin, 1>. in Industry in 1826; d. Nov. 6, 1850. William Mason, b. in Stark, April 4, 182S, m. June 8, 1852, Sophronia A. Fletcher, dau. of Abner and Betsey Fletcher, of Wilton. (in. MAN, 1). in Industry, April 9, 1830; m. Oct. 9, 1862, Lucy L. Morse, dau. of Rev. William F. and Betsey B. Morse, of Farmington. He was a school teacher and merchant, for ten years, at (heat Falls, N. H. He d. in New Sharon, Dec. 17, J 863, leaving one son : Charles G., who in (1886) was engaged as engineer in a large flouring mill in Minneapolis, Minn. Allen, b. in Industry, Oct. 18, 1832, d. Nov. 6, 1850. Mary Jane, b. in Industry, June 8, 1S35; d. Aug. 30, 1839. Charles, b. in Industry, Sept. 4, 1838; d. Aug. 29, 1839. Mary Jane, l>. in Industry, June 20, 1840; m. Hiram A. Harvey; d. [anuary, 1878, leaving two sons, viz. : Clarence. II. Al.LIE. Lydia Ellen, b. in Industry, Jan. 15, 1843; d. Nov. 4, 1850. 524 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ix. John Hoyt. b. in Industry, Sept. 20, 1852; resides in Boston. x. KATE Sarah, 1>. in Industry, Nov. 24, 1856; m. Sept. 30, 1879, Orlando II. Brackett, son of James and Eunice (Dinsmore) Brackett, of Stark. Their child : Grace K, b. in Stark, June 26, 1S80. William Mason Bryant, son of James and Lydia (Mason) Bryant, married Sophronia A. Fletcher. He is a farmer and resides near Allen's Mills in Industry. He is highly esteemed alike by his neighbors and townsmen. i. Ellen Mary, b. in Industry, March 20, 1855; m. Oct. 26, 1876, Charles L. Stevens, son of Thomas and Sarah (Currier) Stevens, t/. v. ii. Arthur William, b. in Industry, Dec. 2, 1857; d. November 15, [888. iii. Carrie Emma, b. in Industry, Dec. 3, 1859; d. Oct. 6, 1876. iv. Edna GERTRUDE, b. in Industry. Dec. 23, 1862; m. Sept. 26, 188S, Asa C Sheldon, of Woburn, Mass. BURGESS. Benjamin Burgess, who immigrated to Industry from the Island of Martha's Vineyard near the beginning of the present century, was born Jan. 14, 1773. He married, Nov. 10, 1S00, Dependence Luce (born Nov. 25, 1764) and settled not far from the present site of the Centre Meeting- House but on the opposite side of the road. So far as is known they had but one child, viz. : Abigail, born in Industry Nov. 9, 1803. She was a tailoress by trade and at one time had her shop in the second story of Esq. Peter West's store. She married (pub. Jan. 4, 1836) Ben- jamin Gates of Thorndike. One daughter. Mrs. Burgess died May 1, 1814, and he married (pub. Oct. 25, 1814) Drucilla Luce, daughter of Robert and Mary (Burgess) Luce, q. v. One daughter married David Page. Mr. and Mrs. Burtress both died in New Portland. BURNS. William Burns, the only person bearing the name among the resi dents of Industry, was a grandson of Robert Burns and claimed kinship to the Scottish bard. His grandfather, Robert burns, was born in lied Ibid. Hillsborough Co., N. H., Jan. 1, 1750. His wife, whom he married Jan. 30, 1 781, was Mary Smith, born in New Boston, N. H.. Sept. 4, 1 757. Their son John was born in Merrimac, N. H., Nov. 22, 1781. With a younger brother, Samuel, John came to the Kennebec Valley and settled in Madison, May 10, 1805. He married, Nov. 16, 1807, in Embden, Mary Cray, born in Wiscasset, Jan. 13, 1785, and died in Mad- ison, Sept. 18, 1858. John burns was a prosperous farmer and .it one time a captain of the militia. John and Mary ((bay) Burns were the GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 525 parents of twelve children, nine of whom lived to reach adult life. The tenth child was William, of Industry, horn in Madison, March ra, 1826. He married, Nov. 12, 1859, Phehe Ward, daughter of Christopher and Phebe (Wagg) Ward. She was born in Rockport, Westmoreland Co., N. B., July 3, 1838. Mr. Burns came to Industry in the spring of i860 and purchased of Wesley T. Patterson the farm at West's Mills now (1892) owned and occupied by John Willis. In October, 1S62, he sold to Major James Cutts and bought of Benjamin N. Willis the farm now occupied by his widow and her two sons. Here he spent the remainder of his life and died April 28, 1870, aged 44 years. Children. i. Ward, l>. in Industry, Nov. 21, 1S60; m. March 7, 1S85, Martha E. Dag- gett, dau. of John A. and Cynthia P. (Kurbush) Daggett, q. v. Mr. Hums is a farmer and carpenter; has been tax collector and is now selectman. li. ROBERT, l>. in Industry, March 5, 1S62; unmd. BUTLER. Nicholas Butler, 1 the common ancestor of this numerous race at Martha's Vineyard, whose descendants are now scattered over the length and breadth of the civilized world, is found to have been a resident of the Island of Martha's Vineyard as early as 1662. It is a matter of deep regret that so little is known of his personal history. There is a tradi- tion among his descendants to the effect that he was of English extrac- tion, but to what extent this is worthy of credence the writer is unable to state. The general characteristics of the race leads the student of ethnology to suspect that, like the Manters, this family may have been of Scottish origin. Nicholas Butler ' had wife Joyce, whose maiden name has not been learned. His son John- had a wife, Mary, and several children, among whom were sons: Capt. John' and Thomas'. Capt. John' married Priscilla Norton; and Thomas,' Jemima Daggett. Among the children of Capt. John was Simeon,-t who married Hannah Cheney. Elijah Butler,5* son of Simeon and Hannah (Cheney) Butler, was born at Martha's Vineyard, May 16, 1713, and married, April 14, 1737, Thankful Smith, daughter of John and Hannah (Pease) Smith, of Edgar- town, Mass. As nearly as can be learned, this Elijah was the father of eight children — three sons and five daughters. He died (April 7 ?) 1789, probably in Edgartown, and the widowed mother a few years later came to the wilds of Maine with her son Henry. 6 Taken away from the *The writer has it noted Elijah was " Captain," but questions the correctness of the state- ment. 66 526 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY scenes of her childhood at an advanced age, she was very homesick tor a time and constantly repined for the friends and familiar sights of her Vineyard home. Whether or not this materially shortened her days is a matter of mere conjecture. She died in New Vineyard, Oct. 20, 1797, aged 80 years. Children. i. Elijah, b. 1738; m. Jane Kelley. He was a tanner by trade, and immi- grated to Farmington about 1790; erected a tannery about 1805; d. in Farmington, Aug. 20, 1825,* aged 87 years. I lis wife d. July 7, 1820, aged 75 years. Among his children were: Jonathan. Sarson. Elijah, b. in Edgartown, Mass., May 14, 1773; m. in New Vineyard, Nov. 13, 1794, Lucinda Smith, dau. of Joseph and Abigail (Butler) Smith, q. v. She d. Nov. 15, 1S15. Buried in the cemetery near the Court House in Farm- ington. f Edward, 1>. April 24, 1780; m. Jan. 23, 1800, Mehitable Norton, dau. of Ephraim and Deborah (Instance) Norton, of Farmington. Settled in New Vineyard prior to his marriage, and afterward moved to Farmington. He d. May 2, 1849. She d. April 10, 1S67. Ten children. Samuel. WlNTHROP, b. 17S5; m. (pub. Jan. 29, 1807), Elizabeth May- hew, dau. of Xaccheus and Pamelia (Smith) Mayhew. BETSEY, m. Henry Smith, son of Joseph and Abigail (Butler) Smith, q. v. ii. ABIGAIL, b. 1740; m. April iS, 1764,1 Joseph Smith, son of Ebenezer and Thankful (Claghorn) Smith, q. v. iii. Elizabeth, b. 1743. 1. iv. HENRY, Ii. in Edgartown, Mass., May, 3, 1747, 0. S.; m. 1 77 1 , Mehita- ble Norton, dau. of Major Peter and Sarah (Bassett) Norton, q. v. v. ZEBULON, b. 1749; m. Bethia . vi. MARY, b. 1 75 1 ; m. James Manter, son of Col. Benjamin and Zerviah (Athearn) Manter, q. v. vii. Thankful, d. viii. DEBORAH, b. in Edgartown, Mass., Nov. 13, 1759; m. Capt. Silas Dag- gett, son of Seth and Elizabeth (West) Daggett, q.v. i. Henry Butler, 6 son of Elijahs and Thankful (Smith) Butler, married Mehitable Norton. Henry, like his brother Elijah, Jr., was a ' Headstone. Butler's History of Farmington, p. 401 , gives the date August \n. t The New Vineyard records give thein nine children, viz. : i. ZEBULON, 1>. Dec. 1(1, 1795; d. in infancy. ii. Polly, b. Sept. 2, 1796; d. unmd. iii. Abigail, b. April [4,1798; m. IsaacThomas. iv. Clarissa W., b. Nov. [3, 1800; d. unmd. v. Elijah, b. March 2\, 1S02. vi. fosEPH Smith, b. March 24, 1S02; d. April 9, 1S04. vii. Edward, b. May 8, 1804; lost at sea, in April, 1S23, on his passage from New Orleans to Boston, by falling from the yards. viii. Lucinda, b. July 1, 1806; d. April 9, 1S0S. ix. Lovina, b. Jan. 11, 1809; m, Amasa Hosmer. J Edgartown, Mass., records. Hon. Richard I.. Pease, the Island genealogist, has the dale " [762 " among his notes. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. S 2 7 tanner and currier, and this vocation he followed to a certain extent after coming to New Vineyard. He settled on the northern half of lot No. 4 in the second range, being a part of the territory set off to Industry in 1844. This farm was afterward occupied for many years by Obed W. Gray, and more recently by Mr. Gray's son-in-law, John C. Pratt. The date of his settlement in the township is not wholly unclouded by doubt. Esq. William Allen and Hon. Francis Gould Butler* agree in fixing the date 1792, and this the writer deems approximately accurate. His tan- nery was located on a small stream not far from his house, and traces of the tan vats can still be seen. Mr. Butler at one time held a commission as lieutenant in the militia, but this was probably before he came to Maine. f In their declining years Mr. and Mrs. Butler were kindly cared for by their son Elijah, who assumed the management of the farm and provided his parents a comfortable home. He died Jan. 22, 1822, aged 75 years, 8 months. His wife died Feb. 5, 1826, aged 75 years, 2 months and 21 days. Children. 2. i. Peter, b. in Edgartown, Mass., Nov. 8, 1 77 1 ; m. Dec. 10, 1798, Rhoda Merry, dau. of David and Eunice (Chase) Merry, q. v. 3. ii. JosiAH, b. in Edgartown, Mass., Dec. 26, 1772; m. Jan. 3, 1799, Lydia Norton, dau. of Dea. Cornelius and Lydia (Claghorn) Norton, q. v. 4. Abigail, m. Levi Butler, of New Vineyard. Sally, b. in Edgartown, Mass., May 14, 1777; m. Alvin Smith, son of Joseph and Abigail (Butler) Smith, q. v. Asa Merry, m. (pub. Dec. 19, 1807), Sarah Daggett, dau. of Esq. Sam- uel and Rebecca ( ) Daggett, q. v. At the time of his marriage he resided in New Vineyard. He afterward moved to New York and probably settled in Lyons. It is supposed he d. in Ohio. lie was father of a large family. Among his children were Sarah and Samuel. 5. Henry, m. Oct. 2, 1806, Lucinda Daggett, dau. of Elijah and Margaret (Smith) Daggett, q. v. Deborah, b. in Edgartown, Mass., Nov. 17, 1780; m. Dec. 16, 1802, Joseph Warren Smith, son of Joseph and Abigail (Butler) Smith, q. v. 6. John, m. Betsey Lemon, of Lyons, N. Y. 7. Martha, m. Moses Williams, of Embden. 8. Joseph, m. Eeb. 26, 181 8, Sarah Norton, dau. of Joseph and Deborah (Smith) Norton, of Farmington, who d. Aug. II, 1856. 9. Elijah, m. March 20, 1823, Naomi Viles, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Han- cock) Viles, q. v. 2. Peter Butler, son of Henry and Mehitable (Norton) Butler, married Rhoda Merry. Farmer and magistrate. His wife Rhoda died in New Vineyard, July 15, 1827, aged 47 years 7 months. He married, Dec. 17, 1829, Mrs. Catherine E. Clark, relict of Jacob Clark, q.v. He died Jan. 21, 1854, aged 82 years, 8 months. * See History of Industry, page 13, and History of Farmington, page 401. t There is a tradition among his descendants that he was commissioned by General Wash- ington as an officer in the home guards, organized for the defense of the Island of Martha's Vineyard in the War of the Revolution. 528 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. % Children. 10. i. Philandj k, 1). in New Vineyard, Jan. 23, [800; 111. March 9, 1824, Mary Norton, dau. of Benjamin ('. and Margaret ( Merry) Norton, . in New Vineyard, Jan. 29, 1811; in. May 19, 1832, Charles B. Clark, son of Jacob and Catherine E. (Bean) Clark, q. v. viii. Catherine Luce, 1>. in New Vineyard, March 1, 1813;! m. (pubi Nov. 15, 1836), Gen. George W. Clark, son of Jacob and Catherine P. (Bean) Clark, q. v. ix. Paine CHASE, b. in New Vineyard, April 11, 1S15; m. Butts. Harness-maker. lie d. in New Portland, Sept. 21, 1860, aged 45 yrs., 5 mos. x. Rhoda, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. 17, iNiS; m. Jan. 1, 1838, Joseph Merry, son of Asa and Sally (Bartlett) Merry, q. v. xi. Peter, d. in infancy. xii. Andrew, d. young. Children by second marriage : xiii. Sarah Cotton, b. in New Vineyard; m. (pub. June 17, i8s4J, Rev. David Pratt, Jr.; children, xiv. John. 3. Josiah Butler, son of Henry and fvlehitable (Norton) Butler, married Lydia Norton. Mr. Butler probably came to the township of New Vineyard with his father. He resided in that town some years after his marriage, and there we find his name on the list of tax-payers for the years 1802-3. As nearly as can he ascertained, he came to Industry in 1805 and settled on lot No. 14 on the Lowell or fvlile-and- a-half Strip. Here he built the two-story frame house now (1892) owned and occupied by Oliver I). Norton. It was customary in those times to "name the frame" after it had been raised. ( )n this occasion the person selected for the purpose recited the following doggerel from an exalted perch on the newly-erected frame : "Some build large and some build small, Put Josiah Butler beats 'em all." He was elected town clerk in 1808 and continued in office four years. In 1806 he was chosen a member of the hoard of selectmen and eight times re-elected. Aug. 20, 1820, he sold his farm to Cornelius Davis, *New Vineyard Town Records. Dr. Stephen Allen, in " Methodism in .Maim-," p. ji>j ; gives the year of his birth :is 1S00. This is obviously erroneous. I New Vineyard Town Records. Another entry made by Gen') Clark ^ives the date March 3. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 529 reserving a small part of the south end of the lot. Here he erected the one-story dwelling-house subsequently occupied for many years by Win. 1). Norton. He afterwards sold to Charles G. Norton and moved to Norridgewock, where he died in old age. His widow died in New Sharon, Me,, Aug. 19, 1867, aged 88 years. Children. i. ZebulON, b, in New Vineyard, Sept. 12, 1799;* drowned Aug. II, 1S01. ii. LYDIA, b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 26, 1800; m. March 19, 1822, Elisha Luce, son of Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce, q. v. iii. SARAH BUTLER, b. in New Vineyard, May 8, 1802; m. Feb. 10, 1824, Benjamin Jennings, son of Benjamin and Mary (Lawrence) Jennings, of Farmington. Moved to California, where the husband died in July, 1871. iv. BETSEY II., b. probably in New Vineyard, Oct. 5, 1804; d. of "cold fever" in Industry, March 29, 1814. v. ELECTIA, b. in Industry, June 12, 1806; m. for second husband John Wadsworth; one son. vi. ZEBULON, 1). in Industry, May 9, 1808; m. Sophronia Philbrick. vii. Henry, 1). in Industry, Dec. 23, 1809; m. Mary Ann Farnsworth, of Norridgewock. Several children, viii. CORNELIUS, I b. in Industry, March 23, 1812. Cornelius m. Mary Sawyer; ix. Josiah, ( d. Feb. 22, 1846. Josiah, m. Mary Gordon. He d. in Farmington, April 8, 1SS1 . Two children. One son, Josiah, resides at Madison Bridge. x. Isaiah Atkins, b. in Industry, July 28, 1815. He left home when a young man. Supposed to have d. in the Confederate Army in War of Rebellion. 4. Levi Butler married Abigail Butler, daughter of Henry and Mehitable (Norton) Butler. The parentage of Levi Butler has not been learned. He was first cousin to his wife, and may have been a son of either Elijah, born 1738. or Zebulon, born 1749. Various circumstances seem to favor the younger brother as the father of Levi. He was an early member of the Baptist Church organized on the New Vineyard Core. He was a butcher by trade. Drowned in Sheepscot River, at \\'is< asset. His widow died in New Portland. Children, i. REBECCA, m. her cousin James Butler. He was a farmer and lived anil died in New Portland; s. p. ii. Mehitable, m. Oct. 24, 1818, Lemuel Adams, of Farmington. One son resides in Temple, iii. Thomas, m. Goodridge, a relative of the Industry Goodridges. One son, Levi Butler, resides in Lexington or some of the adjacent towns, or may have moved to Lewiston . iv. Julia, d. in New Portland unmd., aged about 60 years, v. Love, d. young in New Portland, vi. William, d. in New Portland, aged about 45 years. 5. Henry Butler, son of Henry and Mehitable (Norton) Butler, married Lucinda Daggett. He was a farmer and resided on several dif- *New Vineyard Town Records. The Industry Town Records give the year 179S; this the author believes to be incorrect. ' 53° HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ferent farms in New Vineyard, the last one being at Talcott's Corner. He died in Boston, aged 74 years. His wife died in New Vineyard. Both are buried in the cemetery near Talcott's Corner. Children. 11. i. fosiAH, b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 28. 1807; in. (pub. March 20, 1834), Lucy Jane Waugh (1). in Stark, Me., July 25, 1810), dau. of Elijah and Sophia (Ferrand) Waugh, of Slark. ii. John Gray, m. Dolly Stevens; resides in Milo. iii. ABIGAIL DAGGETT, unmd.; resides in Boston. 12. iv. James Madison, 1). in New Vineyard, March 19, 1815; m. Nov. 16, 1844, Sarah Ann Bloomer, of South Sodus, Wayne Co., X. Y. She- was b. in Fishkill, Duchess Co., N. Y., and the dau. of Daniel and Phebe ( ) Bloomer. v. SAMUEL 1 >AGGETT, m. Sophronia Williams, of Solon. Went to New York. vi. WARREN Smith, b. in New Vineyard, July 28, 1821; m. Eliza M. Bates (b. in N. V., Oct. 15, 1831). He was a private in Co. D., 17th Regt., Me. Inf. Resided in Lewiston when last heard from. vii. HENRY, m. (pub. July 2, 1846), Patience Bray, of Anson. Resided in New Vineyard. Present residence Solon, Me. viii. Francis Caldwell. Resided in Eureka, Cal., when last heard from. ix. LUCINDA, m. Samuel Elder.* 6. John Butler, son of Henry and Mehitable (Norton) Butler, mar- ried Betsey Lemon. He was a farmer, married, lived and died in Lyons, N. Y. Children. i. Isabella. ii. Henry. iii. Jane. iv. Horace. Dead. v. John. Dead. 7. Moses Williams married Martha Butler, daughter of Henry and Mehitable (Norton) Butler. Mr. Williams lived and died in Embden. Children. i. Ml 111 rABLE, ii. LUCINDA. iii. XaI I IAN ILL. iv. Moses. v. Martha. vi. Abigail. vii Henry. lam All dead with possibly the exception of Moses, who, if living, resides in New Port- 8. Joseph Butler, son of Henry and Mehitable (Norton) Butler, married Sarah Norton. Mr. Butler moved to Stark and settled on a farm near Mercer line on the south side of Sandy River. He was not an energetic man, according to the common acceptation of the term, *The following partial record of births furnished by a member of the family cannot be relied on for absolute accuracy: John Gray, Jan. 2S, 1S11; Abigail Daggett, Feb. 10, 1S13: James Madison, March 19, 1S1 5 ; Samuel Daggett, July 4, 1S17; Henry, fan. 1, 1S21 ; Frank Caldwell, Oct. 10, iS-vf, Lucinda, Aug. 3, 1S27. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 53 I hence his efforts as a farmer were successful only to a very limited extent. His wife was a delicate lady, better fitted for employment requiring skill and artistic taste than for a farmer's wife. Both he and his wife are dead. Children. i. Mary, d. in 1S91. ii. MEHITABLE. Resides on the homestead in Stark. iii. Sarah. iv. Levi, d. in the U. S. Army during the War of the Rebellion. 9. Elijah Butler, son of Henry and Mehitable (Norton) Butler, married Naomi Viles. He resided on the homestead and cared for his parents until their death. He afterward resided for some years in Lex- ington and subsequently removed to Wisconsin. Children. i. Harriet, m. John Leeman, of Ilallowell. ii. Asa Hunt. iii. Sumner. iv. Sarah. v. Frances. vi. Martha. vii. Ruhama. viii. Mary Anna. ix. Andrew or Ichabod, b. in Lexington. 10. Philander Butler, son of Peter and Rhoda (Merry) Butler. married Mary Norton. He was a farmer; died in New Vineyard, May 23, 1S60, aged 60 years, 4 months. She died in New Portland, Feb. 27, 1S70. Children. i. Caroline E., b. in New Vineyard, April 19, 1825; m. April 10, 1S45, Hovey Thomas. Divorced, s.p. Married for second husband, July 11, 1866, Tristram N. Daggett, son of Isaac and Sarah 11. (Norton) Daggett, q. v. ii. Eunice Chase, b. in New Vineyard, July 22, 1827; d. Aug. 1 1, 1830. iii. Amanda I., b. in New Vineyard, June 4, 1829 (?); m. March 30, 1854, Abiather Learned. One dau. m. Daniel Collins, son of Daniel and Fanny (Creenleaf) Collins, q. v. iv MARGARET Norton, b. in New Vineyard, Sept.- — , 1S31; d. March 1, I833- v. Margaret Norton, b. in New Vineyard, July 2, . vi. Mary Chase, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. — , 1S36; d. April 30, 1859. vii. David Merry, b. in New Vineyard", Jan. 25, 1838; m. March 16, 1867, Mercy Elliott. Resides in New Portland, viii. Aurelia, b. in New Vineyard, Oct. 10, 1844; m. April 4, 1865, Leander Daggett, son of Leander and Margaret (Anderson) Daggett, q. v. 11. Josiah P3utler, son of Henry and Lucinda (Daggett) Butler, married Lucy Jane Waugh. Farmer. He died in Stark, Sept. 1, 1889, aged 82 years. Children. i. Leander Francis, b. in New Vineyard, March 13, 1837; m. in Grafton. S3 2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Mass., Dec. 9, 1S6S, Mell S. Holt (1>. in < >akland, Me., ( let. 17, 1839), dau. of Theodore and Betsey (Corson) Holt, of Canaan, Me. He is a fanner and a member of the board of selectmen; resides in Stark. < hildren : i. BLANCHE M., 1). in Stark, Jan. 25, 1S70. ii. II. Kate, b. in Stark, Oct. 14, 1 87 1. iii. BESSIE B., b. in Stark, Sept. 27, 1874. ii- Sophia W., b. in Norridgewock, Me., Feb. 1, 1844; m. Edwin 1ST. Hall, iii. Jam: !•',., b. in Norridgewock, July 26, 1850; d. [an., 18S7, unmd. iv. HELEN M., b. in Stark, Sept." 19, 1852; m. Feb. I, 1873, Herbert E. Hale. She d. in Norridgewock, Sept. 17, 1885. 12. James Madison Butler, son of Henry and Luanda (Daggett) Butler, married Sarah Ann Bloomer. When a babe Mr. Butler was christened by his great uncle, Capt. Samuel Daggett, in honor of James Madison, then President of the United States. He manifested a decided fondness for learning when very young, and soon learned to read well in Webster's Spelling Book. Before he was eight years of age he had read the New Testament through by course, and was counted one of the best scholars of his age in school by the superintending school committee. At the age often years he made a public profession of religion and was baptized by immersion in Winslow's brook in midwinter, and became a member of the M. E. Church. At the age of twenty-one he was licensed to preach by the quarterly conference. Feeling keenly the need of a better education he attended an academy for a time and then entered the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, where he remained nearly four years tak- ing up the study of Greek and Latin in connection with other branches. In 1840 he went to the State of New York, where he engaged in teach- ing in the higher branches. After teaching some ten years he married in 1844 and soon after purchased a farm in South Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y.. and engaged in growing garden seed, in which he also became a dealer. He has resided in different localities in New York State, and at the present time (1892) is living at Hemlock Lake. Children. i. Antoinette Louisa, b. in South Sodus, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1847; m. May 27, 1866, George H. Matthews, of Newark, N. V. He had served three years in the War of the Rebellion. He afterward studied and practiced dentistry in Rochester, N. Y. Abandoning this profession in 1870, on account of poor health, he engaged for a time in farming. He entered the Baltimore Medical College, from which he graduated in 1S84. He now resides at Hemlock Lake, N V. (.'hildren: i. Minnie Man, d. of cholera infantum at 4 mos. of age. ii. George Butler, b. April 12, 1871. iii. Francis Vivian, b. May 19, 1873. Sarson Butler, son of Elijah and Jane (Kelley) Butler, married Susannah Young. He was a sea captain and commanded the Snubbett and perhaps other vessels. Lived a while in N. V., and then returned GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 533 to his seafaring life. He was a terribly profane man and would swear like a trooper when he encountered rough weather. Children. Henry Young, m. (pub. Feb. 8, 1806), Naomi Luce, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce, q. v. Sarson, 111. Catherine Norton, dau. of Abner and Mary (Claghorn) Norton. Capt. Jeruel Butler, although of a different branch from others of the same name who settled in Industry and vicinity, like them traces his ancestry back to Nicholas Butler, 1 of Martha's Vineyard. Turning to the commencement of the Butler Genealogy in this volume, take Thomas,3 who married Jemima Daggett. Among his children was a son David,4 who married. Dec. 2, 1725, Anna Hatch, daughter of Samuel and Lydia Hatch, of Chilmark. David Butler was also a resident of Chilmark at the time of his marriage, but aside from this fact nothing is known of him. David and Anna (Hatch) Butler had a daughter Mary ,5 born 1 720. who married Rowland Luce and became the mother of Daniel Luce, an earl)- settler in Industry ; also a son Thomas,5 born 1732, who was twice married. First in 1754 to Rebecca Butler, who died, and second in 1769 to Betsey West.* Jeruel/' eldest son of Thomas and Betsey (West) Butler, was born at Martha's Vineyard, probably in Tisbury, Aug. 23, 1770. His parents were christian people and consecrated their son in infant baptism Jan. 24, 1 7 7 1 .t The father, as near as can be learned, was a man of consid- erable wealth, and this son was well educated for his time. When he became a man he engaged in nautical pursuits and in due time walked the quarter deck as commander of a vessel. In this capacity he was engaged in an extensive coast trade and frequently made voyages to for- eign ports. So widely and favorably was he known that his name would command unlimited credit in almost any commercial city on the Atlan- tic coast. He married. Aug. 14, 1791, Susan West, daughter of Capt. Peter and Hannah (Cottle) West, of Tisbury. He left Martha's Vine- yard, with other emigrants, bound for the District of Maine and arrived at Farmington, July 26, 1793, where his family remained upward of a year. Farly in 1794 he purchased lot No. 9 in the first range of lots in the township of New Vineyard. J During the summer and fall he felled trees, built a log-house, moved his household goods and laid in a store * Mrs. Annie C. Pratt says he married, 1769, Abigail West. David Butler, son of Jeruel, is very sure that his grandmother Butler was Betsey West. f Tisbury church records. J More recently this farm has been owned and occupied by Ruel Goodwin, Daniel Gil- man, Amos Stetson, Jr., and John O. RacklifV. 67 534 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. of provisions for the approaching winter. When ready for occupancy, the house and its contents were burned to the ground before Mrs. Butler ever saw it. With the assistance of kind neighbors he soon had another ready for his family, in which they spent the winter of 1794-5. He after- ward built a two-story house which was taken down about e868. Captain Butler also built a store near his home and engaged in trade in connei tion with his farming. He likewise engaged extensively in the manu- facture of potash in New Portland and Strong, as well as at his home in New Vineyard. In 181 1 he purchased Salter's Island, at the mouth of the Kennebec River, and during the 1S12 War made salt there. While thus engaged he was an eye witness of the naval combat between Amer- ican ship " Enterprise" and British " Boxer." On the close of the war with (Ireat Britain, Captain Butler resumed his seafaring life and was thus engaged when he died of yellow fever in New Orleans, June 25, [824, aged 53 years, 10 months. Captain Butler was a man of more than ordinary talent and business ability. He was a devout christian, whose life was adorned by the practice of many noble virtues ( see p. 32Q. ) His wife, a most excellent woman, survived him nearly ten years and died March 15. 1834, aged 63 years and 10 months. Children. i. ABIGAIL, 1>. at Holmes' Hole, May 17, 1792; d. in New Vineyard, Me., Nov. 10, 1809. 1. ii. WILLIAM, b. in New Vineyard fnow Industry) Nov. 24, 1 704 ; in. June 25, 1 81 6, Sarah Remick, dau of John and Elizabeth (Nevens) Rem- ick, of Industry, ct. 20, 1804), dau. of I >a\ id and Nanc) (Foote) Hasty, of Vork, Me. iv George, l>. in New Vineyard, July 11, 1S07. Lived 18 hours. x. George Halser, b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 30, 1809; killed by a falling tree, July 1, 1823. \i. Abigail, 1». in New Vineyard,! >ct. 1, 1810; d. at the age of three weeks 5. xii. Thomas, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. 19, 1812; m. Feb. 6, [838,* Amanda Shaw, dau. of Samuel and Ruth (Oilman) Shaw, . in Lexington, Feb. 4, 1840), dau. of George and Sarah (Knowles) Pease of Lexington. Mr. Butler is a farmer and innkeeper, and has served as plantation clerk and lust assessor of Flagstaff Plantation for a period of more than sixteen years. Children : i. ( )i i\ 1 M \\. b. in Flagstaff, March 5, 1S71 ; m. Feb. 25, iSSS, Carlton Savage, son of Benjamin Eaton and Ruth C. (Gammon) Savage, of Flagstaff. ii. Charles Clifford, b. in Flagstaff, Feb. 22, 1872. iii. Effie Ruth, b. in Flagstaff, Dec. 21, 1873. viii. Amanda Shaw, b. in Flagstaff, July 12, 1839; m. Oct. 2, 1865, George A. Hewitt, son. of ( Irrin and Delight (Clapp) Hewitt, of Flagstaff. Mr. Hewitt is a lumberman and merchant. Resides at Madison Bridge. Pour children. i\. Sophia Lawrence Bickey, b. in Flagstaff, Aug. 27, 1841; m. Jan. 2, 1869, Luther Longley, of Raymond. She d. Sept. 26, 1874. Three children. x. Olive Waugh, b. in Flagstaff, Nov. 17, 1844; m. Dec. 2, 1871, Augustus Hilton, son of William and Betsey (Foss) Hilton, of Brighton. Mr. II. is a farmer and resides in Wyoming. Five children. 2. Peter West Butler,? son of Capt. Jeruel and Susan (West) But- ler, married Mary E. Robinson. Born in a log-cabin on the very out- skirts of civilization, Mr. Butler's boyhood differed in many respects from that of boys of the present generation. Incessant toil, privations and hardships were invariably the lot of sons of the pioneer settlers. Neighbors were remote from each other, hence the advantages for schooling were very limited. But notwithstanding this, the subject oi this sketch succeeded in acquiring the rudiments of an English educa- tion which was supplemented by a course at the Farmington Academy. When he left school his education was considered sufficient to qualify him for any business or profession he might choose to enter. After he became of age he engaged in mercantile pursuits and for a time was in Charleston, South Carolina. Possessing an aptitude for mechanical work, he served an apprenticeship with a ship carpenter and afterward followed that occupation for man)' years. In this capacity he worked in various places, including St. Andrews. New Brunswick, where he formed the acquaintance of his future wife. Soon after his marriage, in 1827, he returned to New Vineyard and resided on the homestead with his widowed mother, and here his first two children were born. In 1832 V&b . in Industry, Jan. 15. 1846; m. Dec. 10, 1869, Daniel E. 1 iwen, "I Skowhegan. She d. in Industry, July 26, 1870. i\ Susan Boyden, b. in industry, Nov. 19, 1848; m. June 21, 1868, Albert 1 1 . Wilson, sun of < has. and Angeline ( Pettingill ) Wilson, of Auburn. Her husband died in Auburn, April — , 1874. Some years later she went to l'.au Claire, Wis., where she 111. Henry W. Lewis. Children by first marriage — second m. s.p.: i. Charles, 1>. in Auburn, Dec 19, 1870. ii. FRANK, b. in Industry, Dec. 7, 1X71. \. FRANKLIN PIERCE, 1>. in Industry, July 4, 1851. lie resides in Eau Claire, Wis.; unmd. 3. Charles Butler,' son of Jeruel and Susan (West) Butler, mar- ried Mary Catherine Burrell. He was a ship carpenter by trade, and is supposed to have died at an advanced age in Troy, N. Y., to which place he removed with his family. Children. i. Charlotte Augusta, l>. in Chateauquay, I.. C, < >ct. 29, 1827. ii. CHARLES AUGUSTUS, 1>. in Beauchainois, L. C, Sept. 9, 1829; d. at same place, Sept. 12, 1830. iii. Mary Jam:, b. in Beauchainois, L. C, Sept. 21, 1831. iv. George West, b. in New Vineyard, Me., Nov. 5, 1833; d. in Industry, July 12, 1834. v. Jeruel West, b in Industry, April 21, 1835. vi. Susan Elizabeth, 1>. in New Portland, Feb. 5, 1838. vii. FREDERICK AD0LPHUS, 1>. in New Portland, March 23, 1840. 4. David Butler,' son of Capt. Jeruel and Susan (West) Butler, married Charlotte Hasty. Possessing an aptitude for mechanical work, and especially carpentry, he divided his time mainly between that and farming. He settled in Industry in 1835 and remained in town until near the close of 1855. He now (1892) resides in New Portland, where his wife died Feb. 19. 1890, aged 85 years, 4 months. Children. i. Emily IIamv, 1>. Dee. 3, 1831. ii. Abby Hasty, b. Feb. 24, 1834. iii. Charlotte Frances, b. < >ct. 22, 1835. iv. I.\i>i\ Hasty, b. in Industry, Sept. 23, 1840. v. MlLTON SHAW, 1>. in Industry, May 23, 1844; m. Dee. 10, 1881, Mary Etta Seavey, dau. of Alvin and Mary (Cowan) Seavey, q. v. Di- vorced, s. p. Harness-maker; resides in New Portland. 5. THOMAS BUTLER,? son of Jeruel and Susan (West) Butler, mar- ried Amanda Shaw. Lumberman, and for many years proprietor of the Mt. Bigelow House at Dead River. Has resided and been in business in Wisconsin. Now resides at Head River. Children. i. Si >an West, b. in Flagstaff, April 11. 1839; m. Samuel A. Parsons. He is proprietor of the Mt. Bigelow House at Dead River. Two children. ii. Emily Shaw, b. in Flagstaff, July 13, 1S40; m. Alonzo II. Chase. IK- GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 539 is a lumberman and farmer. Resides in Lexington, where he has held the office of town clerk, selectman, as well as other offices of profit and trust, iii. Faustina, 1>. in Flagstaff, Aug. 29, 1S42. She is an artist, making a specialty of painting in water colors. Went to California in 1875, and at present (1891) resides in San Francisco, iv. GEORGIANA, 1). in Industry, March 24, 1845; d. May 26, 1845. v. [eruel M., b. in Industry, Oct. 4, 1846; d.in Edson, Wis., Dec. 19, i8<>8. vi. Flora, b. at Dead River, Sept. 23, 1849; m. S[ylvanus?J B. Sawyer. He is a railroad conductor, and resides in Wabasha, Minn, vii. Reuel M., b. at Dead River, Nov. 27, 1851 ; m. Nellie Bennett, of Eau Claire, Wis. He is a farmer, and resides at Edson, Wis. Three children, viii. Amanda, b. at Dead River, July 14, 1854; d. young. Georgia May, b. at Dead River, Nov. 11, 1857; m. Enos S. Culver. Her husband resides in Eau Claire, Wis., and keeps a boot and shoe store. 6. George H. Butler, s son of Peter W. and Mary E. (Robinson) Butler, married Catherine S. Nichols. He was a farmer, and resided in Industry. Served in the War of the Rebellion (see p. JJj); d. Nov. 9, 1864. Children. i. George Walter, b. in Industry, Nov. 29, 1858; m. Nellie Fern, of Chippewa Falls, Wis , where he resides, s. p. ii. Eliza Robinson, b. in Industry, Jan. 26, 1861; m. and has children. Resides in Montana. iii. William < )., b. in Industry, March 15, 1863. After his father's death he went to live with (.'apt. Silas Perham, of Farmington; graduated from the Farmington State Normal School, second class 1883. Went to Uxbridge, North Dakota, where he m., < >et. 27, 1888, Catherine A. Walks. Teacher and magistrate; one child. CHESLEY. Joseph Chesley, one of the early settlers in Industry', and a native of New Hampshire, was born about 1744. Residing on the very out- skirts of civilization, his parents lived in constant fear of the Indians, and were often compelled to seek the protection of the fort. For the safety of the child, his mother sent him to her father's, in the southern part of the State. The family were people of ample means, and edu- cated their protege at Harvard College. He married Sarah Drew, whose mother was the daughter of an Irish colonel named McGreer. So far as is known, Mr. Chesley's family consisted of five children, two sons and three daughters. The sons were Joseph and Elisha. The daughters were Comfort, who married Samuel Longley, an early settler in Industry; Sarah, who married Samuel Pinkham (q. v.), and Anna, who married John Jones. One son, Joseph, Jr., was a tailor, the other, a blacksmith. They moved to Industry in 1803, and lived a year in a log-house on the northern side of Bannock Hill, lb- then 54° HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. located on a hundred-acre lot which subsequently became a part of the well-known Shaw farm, and to which the name "Chesley lot" still clings. A part of the orchard set out by Mr. Chesley is still standing. Me was selectman and assessor in 1X05, and had served as deputy sheriff before coming to Maine. His sons did not remain long in town. Joseph went to Vermont, and nothing is known of his subsequent his- tory. Elisha, while living in Industry, lost one child, and his wife was at the same time seriously injured by the accidental explosion of a quantity of powder. He returned to New Hampshire, and nothing is known of the family's ultimate destiny. Joseph. Sr., died in Industry in 1 . in Lexington, Aug. 1, 1844; m. Sylvester J.Walton; resides in Skowhegan. iv. ELLA CatE, b. in New Vineyard, Feb. 18, 1853; d. Dec. 25, 1861. Children by second marriage, v. Sarah M., b. March 3, 1856; d. Oct. 24, 1856. vi. George Douglass, b. April 21,1858; m. and resides in New Vineyard. COFFIN. John Coffin, son of Nathaniel, was born May 3, 177S. His wife, Sally, was born March, 1778.* Mr. Coffin came to Industry early in 1803, and settled on land lying east of Goodridge's Corner. Aside from these facts, nothing is known of him. He left town prior to 1832. Children. i. Nathaniel, b. Sept. 29, 1804. ii. Sarah, b. Aug. 1, 1806. COLLINS. Daniel Collins, was born in Providence, R. I., Nov. 10, 1755. His mother was Phebe Rogers, a lineal descendant of the martyr of Smith- field, while he claimed to be of Scotch extraction on his father's side. At an early age Mr. Collins chose the vocation of a sailor, engaging both in whaling and the merchant service. In the former he rose to the position of boat-steerer, and on one of his voyages sailed around Cape Horn, which was considered quite a feat in his day. Dec. 31, 1778, he married Thankful Ashley, f of Rochester, Mass. When the Revolutionary War broke out, he owned an interest in a merchant ship, doing a thriving business in the foreign carrying trade. The British confiscated the vessel. He immediately enlisted in retaliation, and ent disposition that we possess; consequently, it will be Greek meeting Greek, and then will come the tug of war. I want to be in the company with you, and if the war continues I think 1 shall enlist, for I adopt for my motto, ' My Country, Right or Wrong.' * * Remember the dying injunctions of your departed mother — ' He virtuous and good.'" *It is probable that his wife died about 1S0S, and he married for second wife, in 1S10, Sabia Lovell, of Stark. f Mrs. Collins had brothers, Barnabas and Joseph Ashley. The former, a lieutenant in the Continental Army, was granted a pension of $ij.( per year in his old age. lie spent the last of his life in the family of a Mr. Martin, in Rochester, Mass., where he died unmarried. [oseph, also a soldier in the same war, died in the service. Mrs. Collins named two sons for these brothers. She was a cousin to Adam Mott, of Wilton, noted for his great weight (320 lbs.), also related to Ichabod Johnson, of Industry, or to Malintha, his wife. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 543 served three years under Gen. George Washington. He was pensioned in his declining years, and received eight dollars per month as long as he lived. The journey of his family to their home on the Gore was characterized by many hardships (see p. 46). Their progress was slow and tedious, — by water to Hallowell, thence over rough roads and through the unbroken forest to their cabin home. After living five years in a log-house, Mr. Collins built a frame-house on the site now (1892) occupied by John Venue's old house. This was demolished by a whirlwind in 1797. At the time of the accident, Mrs. Collins had gone to a near neighbor's, leaving her infant daughter asleep on the bed. The family hearing an unusual sound, rushed out of doors to learn the cause, when, in the twinkling of an eye, the building was twisted and torn to a shapeless mass of ruins. Their first thought was for the babe beneath the ruins, and immediate measures were taken for her rescue. When the debris had been cleared away, to their un- speakable joy, she was found alive and uninjured, not having received a single scratch by her remarkable adventure.* Mr. Collins rebuilt his house on the same site soon after, and an examination of the frame will convince any one that it was his determination to have something that could be depended upon in an emergency. The number and size of the timbers used in the construction of the frame give it a stability not often obtained. Mr. Collins was an easy talker and an inveterate story- teller, which made him popular with the early settlers. He was a good shot and very fond of hunting. There is preserved in the family the old flint-lock Queen's Arm, whose faithful service in ridding the settle- ment of bears, wildcats and foxes, is a tradition coeval with the days of its usefulness. He usually kept a well- trained dog, hence his services were sought whenever a bear commenced depredations on a cornfield or a wildcat or fox made a filibustering expedition among the poultry and young lambs of the settler. The Gore was incorporated as a part of the town of New Vineyard in 1802, and Mr. Collins was elected chairman of the board of selectmen, with Tristram Norton and Elder Elias Bryant for associates. He was also superintending school com- mittee in 1804. Twelve years after he cut the first tree on his lot, Mr. Collins had by untiring industry cleared thirty-one acres of land, built three houses, including his log-cabin, and a barn. He then paid a money tax of $7.87, this being, with the exception of Capt. David Davis, the highest tax paid by any individual on the Gore.f *This daughter was christened Mahala,and eventually became the wife of Saunders Luce. t A truly remarkable characteristic of the entire family was the longevity of its members. They all lived to good old age with one exception, as shown by the following table : 544 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Daniel Collins, his wife and several children, became worthy members of the Methodist Church. He was a constant church goer, until the in- firmities of age compelled him to remain at home, and often, in company with his wife, went to Norridgewock and other distant places to attend quarterly and other meetings. Nov. 3, 1835, the wife, who had shared his joys and sorrows for more than half a century, died. After that he lived for a time in the family of his son-in-law, Obed Norton, where he received the kind care his declining years required. At length becom- ing restive away from the familiar scenes of the old farm and home his own labor had wrested from the primeval forest, he returned to spend the remainder of his days beneath its roof. Under the pressure ot his extreme age his mental faculties gradually gave way. though his physical health continued good until near the time of his death. He passed away Aug. 3, 1S45, a '"ter a brief illness, and lies buried, with his wife, in the Deacon Cottle burying-ground, where loving hands have erected marble slabs to their memory. Children. i. Elizabeth, "I b. Sept. 13, 1779. Elizabeth m. Sept. 12, KS04, Daniel 1. ii. PHEBE, j Luce, sun of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce, q. v. Phebe m. Feb. 19, 1S00,* Henry Cushman, son of (apt. Jonathan and Mary (Spooner) Cushman. 2. iii. Joseph, b. July 13, 1781; m. Dec. 1, 1S08, Annah Hatch, dau. of Abel and Lear (Weeks) Hatch, q. v. iv. THANKFUL, b. Sept. 8, 1 783 : m. June 24, 1806, Reuben Hatch, son of Abel and Fear (Weeks) Hatch, q. v. v. REBECCA, b. Nov. 3. 1785; m. Feb. 19, KS07, Truman Luce, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce, q. v. vi. Sarah, b. Dec. 7, 17S7; m. April 7, 181 3, Obed Norton, son of Obed and Mehitable (Pease) Norton, q. v. 3. vii. DANIEL, i b. Sept. 24, 1790;+ Daniel m. July 7, 1S14, Sally Presson, of 4. viii. Nancy, | New Vineyard. Nancym. Dec. 24, 1818, Josiah Dutton, sonoi Daniel, Sr., 89 years, 8 months, 23 days. Thankful, Elizabeth, PlIEISE, Joseph, Thankful, Jr., Kl KLl l A, Sarah, s^ " 10 " 29 Daniel, Jr., 79 " 1 " 24 Nam'i , 77 " 10 " 19 William, M AiiAi.A, 7" " [i " 6 Barnabas A., S2 " 6 " 29 Tli is g ives an average length of life fur the family, including father and mother, of 75 years, 3 months and 33 days. By omitting William, whose age falls 57 years short of the average, th( average age of the family would then be over So years. • Butler's History of Farmington,/. 450. Farmington Town Records, March 5, 1S01. t Whin the census was taken in 1790, Daniel Collins, Sr.,was a resident of Tisbury, Dukes Co., Mass., and probably all or nearly all the forenamed children were horn there. 89 years, S month: 77 S " 69 " 10 " 75 " 5 S3 " ■) " Si 1 1 " 7 S " .; " s 7 " 10 " 7V " 1 " 77 10 " is •■ 2 " 76 ■« 1 1 " S2 " " GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 545 Josiah and Lois (Young) Button, of Stark. ix. William, b. Oct. 20, 1793; d. Jan. 12, 1812. x. MAHALA, 1). Sept. 2, 1796; m. Nov. 5, 1S22, Sanders Luce, son of Zeph- aniah and Thankful (Crowell) Luce, q.v. 5. xi. Barnabas Ashley, b. Nov. 30, 1797;* m. Jan. 23, 1S22, Nabby Pratt, dan. of [esse and Anna (Martin) Pratt. She was b. in Rochester, Mass, April 12, 1805. i. Henry Cushman,! oldest son of Capt. Jonathan and Mary (Spooner) Cushman, married Phebe Collins. He was born in Dart- mouth, Mass., Aug. 21, 1 78 1. Capt. Cushman moved to Farmington when Henry was a mere lad. Here, by patient, persevering effort, he acquired a superior education, and eventually gained considerable celebrity as a school teacher. He taught for more than half a century, and when the Maine Wesleyan Seminary was established at Readheld, was chosen principal. He was also a farmer, and July 2, 1822, was licensed a local preacher of the M. E. Church. Lived in Strong, Farmington and Avon. His wife died in Avon, March 10, 1855. He died in Newburyport, Mass., while visiting a daughter, Nov. 12, 1855. Jonathan, b. April 22, 1801; m. Dec. 26, 1830, Abigail Mersey, dau. of James and Susan (Butler) Hersey, of Farmington; s.p.; dead. Elizabeth Luce, b. in Strong, Oct. 12, 1802; J m. Dee. 11, 1828, Stephen M. Pratt, son of Jesse and Anna (Martin) Pratt. Ten chil- dren. Thomas [1:1 1 kkson, b. in Strong, June 7, 1804; m. (pub. Oct. 25, 1834), § Phebe Luce, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Collins) Luce, q. v. Henry, b. in Strong, Jan. 8, 1806; m. Sept. 8, 1823, Mary, dau. of Capt. Samuel Wardwell, of Castine. Methodist clergyman; d. in Brewer, July 4, 1S44. Five children. Mary, b. in Strong. July 1, 1808; m. Nov. 11, 1832, John Church, of Phillips; farmer; moved to llallowell, where he d. in 1884. Eight children. Phebe Collins, b. in Strong, May 16, 1810; m. Nov. 9, 1837, Robert Perkins Littlefield, son of Joseph and Mary (Perkins) Littlelield, of York, Me. Sailor and millman; d. in Newburyport, Mass., May 12, * New Vineyard Town Records. A record in the family evidently made some years later, gives the year 1798. f The writer disclaims all responsibility for errors found in these Cushman notes. So many conflicting dates are found that it is only by the most laborious and painstaking com- parison of family, town and church records that the genealogist may hope to obtain a reason- able degree of accuracy. Careful and methodical as was its author, the record of Henry Cushman, as given in History of Farmington (/. 450), contains many dates which conflict with other records. Some of these the writer has been able to correct, others are still unsettled questions. J Family Record, and Butler's History of Farmington. New Vineyard Town Records, 1S03. § Industry Town Records. Butler's History of Farmington, /. 430, says m. Oct. 2S, 1S35. The marriage was returned by the magistrate to the town clerk of Industry, April 24, 1835, but the date is omitted. Undoubtedly the day and month, as given by Mr. Butler, is correct, but the year should evidently be 1834. 546 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 1875. '^' le d- while visiting relatives in Phillips, Dec. 27, 1S89, aged 79 years. Six children. Of these CHARLES M. served in 9th Ills. Cavalry, in War of Rebellion; d. in service. WILLIAM C. served as mate on U. S. steamship "Bienville," in War of Rebellion; d. in service. fosi ill Q. served in 9th Ills. Cavalry. Henry C. served in 5th Y. S. Cavalry; d. in service. vii. Sarah Norton, b. in Strong, Dec. 10, 1S11; m. Nov. 14, 1835, Adoni- ram Cates, of Berlin. She d. in New York, May 8, 1875, her hus- band having d. some years previous. Two children, viii. THANKF1 1, HATCH, b. in Strong, Nov. 12, 1813; d. Feb., 1873, in Natiek, Mass.; unmd. i\. William Collins, b. in Farmington, May 28, 1816; m. April 20,1840, Sarah Rollins, of Chesterville. Farmer, lived in Avon; d. fan. 7, 1890. Ten children. \. REBECCA LUCE, b. in Farmington, Feb. 3, 1817; m. Norton Cook. < Ine child; m. June 8, 1849, Nathan French, of Newburyport, Mass. xi. LUCY \'i \ ENS, b. in Farmington, Jan. 13, 1820; m. Nov. II, 1846, James L. 1-itch, of Newburyport, Mass. Three children, xii. Ri 111 BANGS, b. in Farmington, Dec. 30, 1821; m. Nov. 16, 1843, Rufus l.ibby. of Avon. She d. March 27, 1847. Two daus. xiii. Charles Wesley, b. in Farmington, May 27, 1S23; m. Oct. 19, 1845, Jane Hall, of Uxbridge, Mass. Four children. 2. Joseph Collins, son of Daniel and Thankful (Ashley) Collins, married Annan Hatch. He settled first, on fifty acres taken from the eastern extremity of his father's section of the Gore. This house stood on the hill in a westerly direction from the Deacon Cottle bury- ing-ground, but on the south side of the road. He moved to Bingham in 1S18, where he remained about two years, and then returned to Industry. He was drafted for service in the 18 12 War. His wife died in Industry, Dec. 17, 1 861, aged 73 years. He died in Farmington, Nov. 24, 1864, aged 83 years, 4 months, 11 days. Children, i. Thankful, b. in New Vineyard, May 13, 1S09; m. Luther Luce, son of Daniel and Llizabeth (Collins) Luce, . in Kingfield, Jan. 22, 1S22; m. Elisha C. Atkins, of Exe- ter. She d. July 2, [879. iii. Ashley Collins, b. in Salem, July 17, 1823; m. March 25, 1846, Deb- orah J. Fowler, of Alexandria, N. II. lie was converted when a young man, and joined the Methodist Church. lie entered the ministry, and in 1853 joined the New Hampshire Conference, locating in kS6o. His wife d. Jan. 30, 1869, and in January, 1 . in Industry, April 25, 1834; m. Nov. 23, 1856, Joseph Pitman, of Levant. Children: i. Kate Leah, Ii. Feb. 22, 1858; m. Sept. 29, 1877, Fred A. Carleton. ii. Ella Lillian, b. Sept. 11, 1804; m., Nov. 15, 1880, James W. Knights. Their son, Lyman Pitman, was b. May 26, 1883. 5. Barnabas Ashley Collins, son of Daniel and Thankful (Ash- ley) Collins, married Nabby Pratt. Mr. Collins was a sailor in his early life, and afterward carpenter and farmer. He resided in Northport, Belfast and Industry. June 2, 1S52, he moved his family to Rangeley, and in that locality the remainder of his life was spent. When the town of Rangeley was incorporated in 1S55, Mr. Collins was elected a member of its first hoard of selectmen. He died in Greenvale Planta- tion. June 29, 1880. His wile died Sept. 21, 1880. Children. i. GEORGI Wiim 11 11 in. Ii. in Industry, April [1,1823; d. April 6, 1824. 13. ii. ADALINE, b. in Industry, April 27, 182^; m. Sept. 15, 1841), Edwin Til- ton (Ii. in Chilmark, Mass., July 23, 1817), son of Thomas and Fear (Hau'kcs) Tilton, of Chilmark. iii. George Whitefield, b. in Industry, Nov. 28, 1S27; d. April 0, 1833. 14. iv. William Wali \< 1. b. in Northport, May (1, 1832; m. Nov. 12. 1862, Abby E. Ross (b. in Rangeley, Oct. 1, 1844), dau. of Elbridge G. and Sarah ( Wilbur) Ross. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 549 v. Daniel Webster, b. in Belfast, July 7, 1834; m. Jan. 9, 1S63, Rhoda Frazier, dau. of Joseph and Rhoda (Butterfield) Frazier. Mr. Collins is a carpenter and farmer. Resides in Crystal, Pembina Co., X. Dakota. 15. vi. James LUCE, b. in Industry, July 14, 1856; m. Jan. 28, 1862, Eleanor < ». T. Boodry (b. in Rangeley, July 12, 1839), dau. of Joseph and Catha- rine (Ryant) Boodry. vii. Henry Clay, b. in Stark, July 1, 1838; m. Fe'o. — , 1S63, Laura, dau. of John Grant. He is a farmer and carpenter; resides at Madison Bridge. His wife, Laura, is dead. Children: i. Mary Elizabeth, b. 1868; m. 1892, Willis M. Copeland. Resides in Everett, Mass. She was a successful school teacher prior to her marriage, ii. John Ashley. viii. Harrison, b. in Industry, May 24, 1841; d. May 29, 1842. ix. John McLeish, b. in Industry, June 26. 1843; m. Aug. 13, 1871, Laura L. Ellis, dau. of John and Mary J. (Oakes) Ellis. Mr. Collins is a farmer and sportsman's guide Resides in Rangeley. Children: i. Elsie Marion, b. in Dallas Plantation, Aug. 3, 1875. ii. Henry Clay, b. in Dallas Plantation, April 6, 1878. x. Helen Marion, b. in Farmington, Aug. 2, 1847; m. March 26,1864, John Llliott, a shoemaker by trade. She d. in Campello, Mass., June 10, 1S87, where her husband still resides. Children: i. Charles Wilson, I). Feb. 11, 1867; m. ii. Herbert L., b. April 11, 1873. iii. Helen Marion, b. Aug. ii, 1880. 6. Thomas Jefferson Cushman, son of Henry and Phebe (Collins) Cushman, married Phebe Luce. Farmer; lived in Avon; died May 20. 1864. I lis widow is still (1.892) living; resides with her youngest son in K.irigfield. Children. i. Daniel Luce, b. Oct. 6, 1836; d. Feb. 15, 183S. ii. Henry A., !>. Aug. 11. 1838; d. in infancy. iii. Susan Elizabeth, b. Aug. 8, 1840; unmd. A tailoress; resides in Phillips, iv. Julia, b. Aug. 28, 1842; m. 1862, Thomas G. Harnden, of Phillips, where they now ( 1892) reside. Several children, v. Mary Jane, b. March 1, 1844; m. Lafayette Plaisted; d. Aug. 5, [882. vi. Lucy Abby, b. Aug. 18, 1846; m. 18(14, Ephraim Hackett, of Phillips. Several children, vii. Charles Thomas, b. June 29, 1848; d. Sept. 15, 1S65. viii. Phebe Angeline, b. May 9, 1849; m. Charles X. Davis; resides in Madison. Three children, ix. Daniel Henry, b. Oct. 29, 1852; m. Nov. 8, 1890, Mary E. Voter, dau. of Ezekiel S. D. and Electa W. (Fuller) Voter, of New Vineyard. He is engineer and head mechanic on the Franklin & Megantic R. R. Resides in Kingfield. 7. Elias Bryant Collins, son of Joseph and Annah (Hatch) Collins, married Lucy P. Howes. Possessing a keen perception and a retentive memory, he acquired a superior English education and engaged in teaching. He also served an apprenticeship with a clothier, and was for some time head dyer in a woolen mill in Dexter. This trade he abandoned for carpentry, and spent the remainder of his life as a 69 5 50 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ship and house ( arpenter. While a resident of Industry he rose to the position of commander of the Industry militia, and was frequently elected a member of the superintending school committee. He died m Brewer, Feb. 7. [881. His wife died, [887. Children. i. Margarei Annah, b. in Bangor, March 3, 1S40: d. Aug. 10, 1S50. ii. Jane Warren, b. in Brewer, Feb. 1^, 1852; m. Nov. 22, 1NS4, Col. Waller G. Morrill, son of Aaron II. and Eliza A. Morrill, of Brown- ville. Now (1892 resides in Pittsfield, s. p. iii. Charles Snell, b. in Brewer, Dec. 17, 1855; m. March 5, 1877, Char- lotte E. Carter (b. March i S. 1855). Children: i. Edna Treat, b. in Brewer, Sept. 2, [877. ii. Li cy Pierce, b. in Brewer, June 12, [883. iii. Charlotte E., b. in Brewer, June — . 1886. 8. Silas Weeks Collins, son of Joseph and Annah (Hatch) Collins, married Caroline W. Tuesley. At the age of twenty he pur- chased his freedom of his father. During the following summer he worked on the new county road to Rangeley hake, and the next winter labored in Penobscot County. For several years after this he engaged in farming in Industry and the adjoining town of New Vineyard. He subsequently returned to Penobscot County and for several years obtained employment in the saw-mills near Bangor in the summer and in the logging swamps during the winter months. His health finally broke down and he engaged in peddling tinware and yankee notions for two years. He was also in the tin and hardware business at Oldtown for two years with William Stevens, of Bucksport, as a partner. After this he sold out his interest in the business to his partner and continued to peddle for four years. In 1855 ne exchanged his property in Oldtown for a small farm in Stetson, where the remainder of his life was spent. From 1875 to 1882 he was a successful solicitor in life, fire and accident insurance. Died Feb. 17, 1888, aged 72 years. 6 months. 16 days. Children. i. Margarei Annah, b. in Oldtown, July 14. 1S51; m. May 1, [873, Shu- ber R. Robertson. She d. in Stetson, Nov. [8, 1881, leaving two children, viz. : i. Alby RaYiMOND, 1). in Stetson, Feb. 8, 1S74. ii. Silas Everett, b. in Stetson, June 24, 1877. ii. Frances Abbie, b. in Oldtown, May 14,1853; d. in Stetson, Dec. 22, 1863. ni. Josephine, b. in Stetson. May 28, 1859; d. Aug. 12. 1880. iv. Charles !•',., b. in Stetson, June 30, 1863; d. fuly 14, 1876. g. Joseph Collins, son of Joseph and Annah (Hatch) Collins, married Eliza M. Allen, lie was a farmer and resided in Industry. hell dead while at work in the haying field, July 27. 1887, aged 66 \ ears. 6 ^. ^u^t^f Engraved by Johnson & Thompson, Boston. From .1 photograph made in 1888 by Putnam, Middleboro', Mass. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 5 5 l Children. i. Thomas Cushman, b. in Industry, Oct. 23, 1861; d. Jan. 15, 1870. ii. Mary Adelaide, b. in Industry, '< >ct. 5, 1863; d. Dee. 29, 1869. iii. Robert E. Lee, 1>. in Industry, Oct. 27, 1865; d. Dec. 11, 1869. iv. Joseph Fairbanks, b. in Industry, ( >ct. 6, [867. v. ELIZABETH REMICK, b. in Industry, Sept. 7, 1870; m., May 6, 1888, Arthur W., son of Eli I [awes. Two children, vi. Elias BRYANT, b. in Industry, Sept. 17, 1S72; d. March 28, 1891. \ ii. GEORGE W. Luce, b. in Industry, Dec. 28, 1874. viii. MARTHA E. NORCROSS, b. in Industry, Ian. 13, 1S7S. 10. Obed Norton Collins, son of Joseph and Annah (Hatch) Collins, married Amelia M. Wilcox. Farmer ; resides in Farmington. Children. i. ARTHUR Lamon i. b. in Industry, April 17, 1861 ; m. < )ct. 29, 1883, Alice f. W. Collins, dau. of Thomas C. and Lavina (Warren) Collins, q. v. Children : i. Arthuretta Aurelia, 1). in Middleboro', Jan. 4, 1SS4. ii. Florence Pearl, b. in Farmington, ("une 9, 1889: d. June 18, 1889. iii. Lavina Florence, b. in Farmington, June 26, 1891. ii. , dau. b. Aug. 7, 1863; d. in infancy. iii. Walter Grant, b. in Farmington, Nov. 7, 1866. iv. Herbert Warren, b. in Farmington, May 9, 1872. v. Elmer William, b. in Farmington, March 20, 1874. vi. Stella Florence, b. in Farmington, Sept. 12, 1876. 11. Thomas Cushman Collins, son of Joseph and Annah (Hatch) Collins, married Jane Warren. He was educated in the common and high schools of Industry and Farmington, which he attended in winter alternating with work on the farm during the spring, summer and fall. When thirteen years old his father gave him his time and he began the battle of life for himself. At the age of eighteen he apprenticed to Richard Hiscock, an apothecary doing business at Farmington. After serving a year he left Mr. Hiscock and engaged in the manufacture of maple candy, for which he found a ready market in the neighboring villages as well as in the larger cities. At the age of twenty years he went to Middleboro', Mass., and engaged in the manufacture of shoes and boots. This he followed steadily for twelve years, making in that time 60,000 pairs. May 12, 1849, he married Jane, daughter of James and Margaret (Finney) Warren, a descendant of General Joseph Warren. His wife died within a year of her marriage leaving an infant son. After a lapse of more than three years he laid aside the weeds of the widower and again assumed the gown of the benedict, marrying Lavina Warren, a sister of his first wife. In consequence of failing health, he moved to Farmington, in 1858, and purchased a farm hoping that a change of occupation might prove beneficial. He worked at fanning until the spring of 1862, when he returned to Middleboro', where he has since made his home. In 1S67 he accepted the agency for an 5 5- HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. insurance company and was so successful in his own locality that he was soon appointed special New England Agent of the Hahneman Life Insurance Company at a salary of $2500 and expenses, with headquarters at 136 Washington St.. Boston. Alter traveling extensively in New England for several years, failing health compelled him to relinquish his position and retire from the more active duties of the business, much to the regret of his employers. He has since built up a fine insurance business in the town of his adoption, where he is regarded as authority on all questions pertaining to the subject. The fact that he has held the nomination for county commissioner, representative and senator, and invariably ran ahead of his ticket (democratic), speaks well for his pop ularity with his townsmen. He is serving (1888) the second term as register of voters in his town, and has been three times commissioned a justice of the peace. Methodical and accurate in his business trans actions, his services as a magistrate are highly valued and widely sought. Aside from his other business, Mr. Collins has more recently engaged m real estate brokerage, in which he also receives a generous patronage. Children. i. William Warren, b. in Industry. Feb. 2, iS s o; m. Oct. 5, 1878, Fidelia F. Gay, dau. of Henry and Mary A. 1'.. ( Hathaway} < lay, of Middle boro'; went whaling at the age of i(> years, and rose step by step until he reached the position of mate. In consequence of injuries received in capturing a whale, he was obliged to give up the busi- ness, lie next engaged in house painting and paper hanging, in Middleboro', and soon built up a thriving business, lie cl. very suddenly, of apoplexy, April i 3, 1891 Children: i. William Warren, b. Sept. 5, 1882; d. Sept. 8, 1883. ii. Rose, b. Nov. 3, 1883. iii. Mary Lavina, b. < »ct. 8, 1886. ii. Jane Warren, b. in Middleboro', Jan. 30, 1855; d. Sept. 10, 1875. iii. Thomas Cushman, b. in Middleboro', Jan. 10, 1X57; d. in Farmington, Me., July 10, 1861. iv. Rose, b. in Farmington, [ulv 24, 1850; d. in Middleboro', March 24, 1883. v. Alice Jane Warren, 1). in Middleboro', Sept. 19, 1862; m Oct. 29, 1883, Arthur L. Collins, son of Obed N. and Aurelia M. (Wil Collins, //. v. vi. Leonard Nelson, b. in Middleboro', May 19, 1867; m., Jan. 27, [888, Annie Louisa Sandstrom (b. in Carlstad, Sweden, Nov. 1 5, 1863), dau. of Olof and Carrie (Peterson) Sandstrom, of Gefle, Sweden. Shoe-finisher; resides in Middleboro', Mass, Their child is: Leonard ( >lof Ci si 1 man, b. April 20, 1888 vii. Wallace Cushman, i b. in Middleboro', April 2, 1870. Walter C. d. viii. Walter Christian, i Aug. to. 1S70. 12. JOSIAH BROOKINS Snell married Susan E. Collins; farmer, resides in Stark. His wife, Susan E., died of consumption, Jan. 9, 1N64. c 'hildren . i. Melissa Ann, b. in Stark, April 29, 1843; '"■ I-' 111 - '• 1863, Orrin A. Nickerson, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Rollins) Nickerson, of Mercer. She d. Feb. 3, 1S67, leaving two children. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 553 ii Alonzo Washington, 1). in New Sharon, Jan. 7, 184(1; enlisted in Co. G, 30th Regiment, Infantry. Entered the service Dec. 30, 1863; d. April 13, 1864. iii. Louis ALMONT, 1>. April 2(1, 1847; d. at age of 4 years. iv. Henry Almont, 1). in Stark, March 27, 1851; m. Dec. 21, 1875, Alice L. Pressy (b. in Stark, Sept. 30, 18O0), dau. of Cyrus S. and Emma J. (Thompson) Pressy. Farmer; resides in Stark. Children: i. [da Gertrude, b. in Stark, Sept. 21, 187(1. ii. George Henry, b. in Stark, Aug. 18, 187'). iii. Herbert Edmond, b. in Stark, Jan. 7, 1882. iv. Harry Raymond, 1>. in Industry, Sept. 2(1, 188;. v. Thomas BUZZELL, b. in Stark, April 21, 1853; m. Feb. 2(1, 1876, Laura E. Chapman (b. in Stark, Feb. 8, 1853), dau. of Alvin L. and Lucinda (Churchill) Chapman. Farmer; resides in Stark. Children: i. foHN Leslie, 1>. in Stark, March 24, 1S77; d. Jan. 6, 1882. ii. Jennie A., b. in Stark, Feb. 24, 1871). iii. Ernest Lesj ik, b. in Stark, Aug. id, 18S2. vi. Rose, b. ; d. when two sears old. vii. Haiiii: Frances, b. in Mercer, Sept. 3, 1858; m. Oct. 29, 1877, Clevi land \\. Wade, son of William Frederic and Ann (Greenleaf) Wade. Resides in Fargo, North Dakota. 13. Edwin Tilton married Adaline Collins. Farmer; resided in Temple, where he died, Sept. 11, 1S75, aged 58 years, 1 month, 15 days. Children. i. THOMAS, ) b. May 15, 1851. Thomas d. unmd., July 1, 1889. Ella m. ii. Ella, ) fan. 1, 18(18, Julian Herbert George, son of James P. and Betsey L. (Pressy) George. Mr. George is a mason, and resides in Norridgewock. Children : i. MARION, 1>. in New Sharon, Nov. 7, 1868; m. March — , 1889, Charles P. Greenleaf, of Mercer, ii. Perley Ernest, Ii. April 29, 1871. iii. Edwin, l>. < >ct. 30, 1S52. iv. Adaline, b. Feb. 10, 1S53; m. Jan. — , 1875, Augustus S. Sampson, son of Abel, Jr., and Zuriah (Stewart) Sampson, of Temple. Resides in Minneapolis, Minn. Several children, v. AMY, b. Aug. 22, 1855; m. Feb. 10, 1S80, Henry I. Buzzell, of Norridge- wock. She d. Dec. 14, 1883, leaving one child: Amos, b. Dec. 14, 1883. vi. Nabby, b. Feb. 22, 1857; d. June 15, 1863. vii. Delia, b. May 22, 1858; m. Nov. — , 1880, George Locklin. Children, viii. Wallace, b. June 14, 1863; d. Nov. 7, 1880. ix. Geneva, b. May 27, 1868. 14. William Wallace Collins, son of Barnabas Ashley and Nabby ( Pratt) Collins, married Abbey E. Ross. He is a farmer and resides in 1 )allas Plantation, where he has been assessor for ten years, plantation clerk, and superintending school committee. Children. i. Helen Marion, b. in Rangeley, July 13, 1863; m. Aug. 6, 18S2, Samuel A. Hoar, son of Daniel and Hannah (Abbott) Hoar, of Rangeley. Farmer and sportsman's guide. She resides in Range- ley. He d. June 1 1, 1889. Children: i. Wallace Everett, b. in Dallas Plantation, June 8, 18S4; ,1. July 31, 1884. 554 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ii. Amy Ethel, b. in Dallas Plantation, Jan. 28, 1886. iii. Linnie Helen, b. in Rangeley, May 3, [889. ii. George Edmond, b. in Rangeley, May 21, 1865; unmd. iii. Mary Adaline, b. in Dallas Plantation, Feb. 6, 1868; m. Jan. 1. 1888, lames Frank Nile, son of John I, .and Dorcas (Haley) Nile, of Range- ley. Farmer and guide; resides in Rangeley. Their child: Si 1 1 May, b. March 30, 1889. iv. Ami- ELLA, b. in Dallas Plantation, March 3, 1871; m. Oct. 25, 1889, Samuel Raymond, son of John Wesley and Hannah (Haley) Ray- mond. Farmer; resides in Dallas Plantation. Their son: David Linwood, b. in Dallas, Dee. 25, 1890. v. ALTHEA May. 1). in Dallas Plantation. July 18, 1873; in. Feb. 14. [892, Elias, son of George Batchelder, of Dead River; resides in Dallas Plantation; farmer, vi. Sail Ashley, b. in Dallas Plantation, Nov. 4, 1S77. vii. Herbert Weldon, b. in Dallas Plantation, April 4, 1SS0. viii. Alton Emerson, b. in Dallas Plantation. May 12, 1SCS4. ix. Florence Edna, b. in Dallas Plantation, Oct. S, 1889. 15. James Luce Collins, son of Barnabas Ashley and Nabby (Pratt) Collins; married Eleanor O. T. Boodry. Has been assessor anil clerk of Rangeley Plantation, also assessor in Greenvale Plantation, where he now resides. Farmer and guide for tourists. Children. i. Annie Gertrude, l>. in Middleboro', Mass., Oct. 2, 1S63; m. July 4, [880, Walter P. Twombley, son of John and Maria (Eastman) Twomhley, of Rumford; taxidermist, guide and hunter. Resides in Rangeley. Children : i. Eleanor Makia. b. in Greenvale Plantation, July 1. 1882. ii. KATE IDA, 1). in Rangeley, Sept. 25, 1884. iii. NABBY FRANK, 1). in Rangeley, Aug. 16, 1886. iv. ALMENA MYRTIE, b. in Rangeley, May 25, iSSS. v. CARROl I'i <• km., 1). in Rangeley, Dec. 19, 1890. ii. Nabby Sophia, 1>. in Middleboro', Mass.. May 11, 1866; m. July 23, [882, Timothy Scannell, son of Timothy and Margaret ( ) Scan- nell, of Salibatis. Resides in Rangeley, a./. iii. Frank Warren, 1>. in Greenvale Plantation, Sept. 24, 1878. iv. FRED Ernest, b. in Orcenvale Plantation, Jan. 30, 1880. Lemuel COLLINS, 2 the Industry immigrant, was born on Cape Ann m the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Feb. 28, 1757. He was a son ot Lemuel, 1 and claimed to be of English descent. The father was a mariner, and died of yellow lever on his homeward voyage from the West Indies. Me left two children, a son Lemuel, above named, and a daughter named Mary. This son, Lemuel, J when he reached a suitable age, was apprenticed to a block-maker. At the aye of sixteen he en- listed in the American Army,* and served through the struggle which gained for the American colonies their independence. Dec. 7. 1 7X0. Mr. Collins's first enlistment was probably as "a minute-man." lie also served 53 months, 16 days, in the Kith Regiment, Artillery, Col. Crane, \\ renthain Seward, Captain. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 555 he married Merc}- Garrin, of Cape Ann. She was horn Dec. 14, 1750. and died in Industry, May tS, 1805. After his marriage Mr. Collins moved to Wiscasset, where he worked at his trade for a time, and afterward came to Industry. He settled on lot No. 50 (see p. /i ;. which has since been divided, and is now owned by fudson Bailey and Asa H. Thompson, the house standing on the part owned by Mr. Thompson. His family consisted of seven children, four sons and three daughters. The sons married and all settled near their father — the farthest living not more than a mile away. Mr. Collins married, Oct. 5, 1805, for his second wife, Jane Sullivan, relict of Daniel Sullivan, q. v. He spent the last of his life in a small cottage built on a small plot of land purchased of James Winslow. His second wife died in Industry. May 18, 1836. A plain marble slab in a small cemetery near Industry line in Stark, bears the following inscription : LEMUEL COLLINS. A Soldier of the Revolution. Died Sept. 28, 1841, .E. 84 vs. 6 Ms. His wift MERCY Died .May 18, 1805, .]•:. 48. Children. i. i. Lemuel, b. on Cape. Ann, Aug. 21, 1781; m. Dec. 4, 1S00, Sally Green- leaf (b. Oct. 1, £779), dau. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Chapman 1 Oreenleaf, of Stark. ii. Mercy, b. on Cape Ann, July 18, 1783; m. Dec. 24, 1801, Alvin Howes, son of Lemuel and Jerusha (Sears) Howes, t New Sharon. 4. vii. Daniel, b. in industry Plantation, March 31, 1801; m. ban. 5, 1831, Fanny Greenleaf, dau. of Joseph and Tamson (Stover) Greenleaf, of New Sharon. 1. Lemuel Collins,-? son of Lemuel and Mercy (Garrin) Collins, married Sally Greenleaf. He settled on lot No. 49, adjoining his father's on the south, in 1801. This was set off to New Sharon in 1.852. and is embraced in the well-known William Henry Manter farm. He felled the first trees on his lot, burned his " cut-down," cleared the land and erected a log-cabin in which his oldest daughter, Eliza, was born. After living for ten years in a log-house, Mr. Collins built a 556 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. larger and more convenient frame house, it being one of the first in that section of the town, lie died on the homestead in New Sharon, fuly 31, 1851. She died in Stark, Feb. [3, [853. Children. i. ELIZA, b. in Industry Plantation, March 25, 1S01; m. (pub. I >ec. 15, 1821), Isaiah Higgins (1>. in Stark, Sept. 15, 1 800), son of Richard and Lydia ( ) Higgins, of Stark. Resides in Rochester, X. H. Six children. 5. ii. George, l>. in Industry Plantation, Feb. 21, 1803; 111. Jan. 20, [825, Mary Ann Norcross, dau. of Josiah and Mary (Smith) Norcross, q. v. iii. ABIGAIL, 1>. in Industry, Nov. 15, 1804; 111. Sept. [3, 1832, Thomas Beckett, of Hallowell. < >ne child. He d., and sin- m. Edward Page, of Quincy, Mass. Two children, iv. Mahala, 1). in Industry, July 6, 1806; m. March 12, 1829, John L. Williamson, son of Jonathan and Lydia (Landers) Williamson, q. v. Moved to New Portland, where she d. Twelve children, v. SARAH GREENLEAF, b. in Industry, April 21, 1808; m. June 7, 1832, Granville T Beedle. Resides in Richmond. Six children. 6. vi. JOHN GREENLEAF, b. in Industry. Dec. 31, [809; m. (pub. May 23. [835), Betsey Yeaton, dau. of John and Temperance (Cathcart") Veaton, of New Sharon. vii. HENRY Leeman, b. in Industry, July 18, 1811; d. when a young man, Ulllllil. viii. BELINDA,* l>. in Industry, June 10, 1813; m. Jan. 12, 1835, Bartletl Ben- son, son of Bartlett and Mary (Nichols) Benson, q.v. Farmer; resided in Anson, where his wife died. He d. in Kingfield. Five children. ix. Betsey, 1>. in Industry, Oct. 18, 1815; d. in 1829. 7. x. LEMUEL, lb. in Industry, Nov. 17, 1817. Lemuel m. 'pule xi. Ann Greenleaf, i April 7, 1843), Betsey Kincaid Fish (b. in Stark, Oct. 18, 1820), dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Kincaid) Fish, of Stark. Ann G. m. Nov. 10, 1840, John S. Tolman, son of Ezekiel and Mary (Paul) Tolman, of New Sharon. He d. in New Sharon, Jan. 15, 1870, aged 58 years. She m. for second husband, Maj 17. 1872, Ezekiel Tolman, a brother of her Inst husband. Light chil- dren by tirst m.; second m., s. />. Resides in New Sharon. 8. \ii. Eben Greenleaf, b. in Industry, July 15, [819; m. Nov. 24, i^i-', Cordelia A. Howes, dau. of Lemuel and Harriet Dutton Howes, q. v. She d. July 5, 1852. aged 27 years, and he 111. for second wife, April 4, 1855, Lois J. Ilersey (b. in Spaulding, Ohio, fell. 28, [827 . relict of James L. Ilersey, and dau. of Gardner and Louisa | Lovell) Sherman, xiii. Lucy S., b. in Industry, April 11,1821; m. (pub. June 27, 1845), John N. Dutton, of Abbot, Me. She d. leaving one dau. xiv. BETSEY, b. in Industry. Sept. 2, 1825; in. 1 >avid Joy; resides in Quincy, Mass. Five children. 2. John Collins,3 son of Lemuel and Merc)- (Garrin) Collins. married Dorcas Greenleaf. He settled just over the town line in Stark. not more than a mile from his father. He died in Stark, March 4, 1875, aged 85 years, 9 months and 20 days. His wife died June 5, [880, aged 93 years and 3 months. Children. 9. i. Katherine, b. in Stark, April 2, 1800; m. Abbot Doyen. ^ This name also appears as Melinda and Zelinda. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 5 57 ii. John Sullivan, b. in Stark, July 5. 1811; m. Nov. 22, 1835, Sylvia Williamson, dau. of Jonathan and Lydia ( Landers) Williamson, 1/. n. He 111. for second wife, Susan Jane, dau. of James Millay, of New Portland. Nine or ten children, iii. l.i:i m/m: Greenleaf, b. in Stark, April 22,1813; a physician; d. in Indiana, about 1844; unmd. iv. MERCY Howes, b. in Stark, Sept. 25, 1815; m. Jan. 19, 1S40, Levi Young, son of Robert and Betsey (Hinkley) Young. Mr. Young is a farmer, and resides in Stark. His wife d. Dec. 19, 1889. Ten children. v. James, b. in Stark, Jan. 27, 1S20; m. Christina C. Wallace, of ('uncord. N. 11., mariner; d. about 1850, at sea, as is supposed, s. f>. vi. Amy Greenleaf, b. in Stark, June 14, 1822; m. Dec. 22, 1S42, Stephen Decatur Greenleaf (b. in Stark, ( >ct. 20, 1817), son of Anthony ami Nancy ( Brown | < Ireenleaf, of Stark. Mr. ( Ireenleaf is a farmer, ami resides in Stark. Nine children. \ ii. Apphia Higcjins, b. in Stark, Dec. 29, 1824; m. Oct. 2, 1845, Benaiah P. Bradford, son of Capt. Peleg and Martha ( ) Bradford, of Stark. He d. in Australia. She resides at Farmington Palls. Two children. viii. Lydia Williamson, b. in Stark. April 20, 1S27; m. May 24, 1849, John Piper (b. in Stark, April 25, 1829), son of Simon and Sarah W. Pierce) Piper, of Stark, ix. Daniel Garrin, b. in Stark, April 27, 1830; m. in Hallowell, Sept. 22, i8=;3, Mary Ann ( Ireenleaf ( b. in Stark, Nov. 22, 1835), dau. of Anthony and Sarah (Perkins) (Ireenleaf. She, a half sister to Stephen D., who m. an older sister of her husband. Farmer and ship-carpenter. Now (1892) resides in San Luis. Cal. Wife, Mary A., divorced, and m. 2d, William Merrow, of New Sharon, now dead. Children of Daniel G. and Mary A. Collins: i. Stephen Decatur, b. in Stark, March 23, 1856; d. in San Luis, Obispo Co., Cal. ii. Fred Perkins, b. in Stark. Sept. 13, 1861; m. Louisa Ball. Resides in San Luis. 3. James Collins, 5 son of Lemuel and Mercy (Garrin) Collins, married Mary Greenleaf. He settled on land now (1892) owned by the McLaughlin Brothers, where he resided in 1S52, when his estate was set off, with that of others, to New Sharon. He died in Farming- ton, Nov. 6, 1873, aged 78 years, 7 months, 16 days. His wife died in New Portland, ( )ct. 23, iSS 1 . aged 81 years. Children, i. Mary, b. in Industry, about 1820; d. in 1822. 10. ii. Simon, b. in Industry, July 30, 1S21; m. July 3, 1853, Martha Jane Paine (b. in Standish, Dec. 23, 1829), dau. of Thomas and Permelia (Thompson) Paine, iii. Daniel, b. in Industry, Dec. 6, 1823; went to Australia when a young man, and d. there about 1873, unmd. iv. William Greenleaf, b. in Industry, June 13, 1825; d. Sept. 5, 1847, unmd. v. John, b. in Industry, April 29, 1829; d. Sept. 28, 1854; unmd. vi. LEMUEL, b. in Industry, Ian. 23, 1S31 ; m. Mary Ann Buker, of Bowdoin- ham. Ship-carpenter; resides in Bath, Me. Two children, vii. Mary Jane, b. in Industry, Feb. 22, 1835; m. Granville B. Williamson, son of lohn L. and Mahala (Collins) Williamson. She d. in New Vineyard, s. />. viii. ORLANDO, b. in Industry, March 31, 1837; m. Mary R. Bruce, of Bath. She d. leaving one child; m. second, llattie Gilmore, of Woolwich. Resides in Bath, Me. Second m. s. p. 558 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ix. HARRIET ADALINE, b. in Industry, May 9, 1S40; m. Joseph Stevens, of Sol m. He is a tailor by trade, and resides in Solon, s. p. x. AMANDA, b. in Industry. Jan. o. 1843; d. umml., on the old homestead, 1 >ec. 1 2. 1864. 4. Daniel Collins,3 son of Lemuel and Mercy (Garrin) Collins, married Fanny Greenleaf. He resided first on the homestead and afterward in Litchfield and New Vineyard, and then on land near his brother James's. W\> estate was set off to New Sharon (see p. 2g6 ) in 1 ,S 5 2 . He died in New Sharon. Nov. 15. [885. His widow resides in Skowhegan. Children. i. CHARLES, b. in Industry, Dec. 20, 1831: d. in Australia, July 12, 1855. ii. MARY Pease, b. in Industry, Dec. 24, 1833; m. Thomas Houghton, son of Luke and Dorcas (Fletcher) Houghton. Resides in Anson. One child, d. young. iii. fOHN Nelson, 1>. in Litchfield, Jan. 10. 1836; m. March 25, 1S84, Nan- nie YV. Luce, dau. of Albert E. and Syrena B. (Taylor) Luce, q. v. He left Industry in 1866, worked at farming in various places, and after- ward went to Nevada, where he acquired an ample fortune. He now resides in Skowhegan. One son, d. young iv. Daniel, 1>. in Litchfield, July 25, 1838; m. April 13. 1873, Lorinda A. Saw telle (b. in Stark, July 20, 1847), relict of Orlando Sawtelle, and dau. of Thomas and Susan (Williamson) Waugh. She d. in Stark, March 2, 1S87. He m. for second wife, Oct. 2, 1889, Abbie M. Learned, dau. of Abiather and Amanda (Butler) Learned, of Now Vineyard. Mr. Collins is a farmer, and resides in Stark. Children: i. Coka Lee, b. in Stark, Jan. 16, 1874. ii. Walter Hartley, b. in Stark, Nov. 20, 1S78. v. CLARINDA Malcom, b. in Litchfield. Aug. 14, 1840; m. Frank L. Hough- ton, son of Luke and Dorcas (Fletcher | Houghton, of Anson. Three children. vi. FANNY, i>. in New Vineyard, Aug. 21, 1844; m. J. Henry Dane. She d. in Skowhegan, July 8, 1878, leaving one son. vii. Clarissa Ann. Ii. in New Vineyard, Aug. 20, 1852; m. Richard Em- monds. Resides in Biddeford. Six children. 5. George Collins,-* son of Lemuel and Sally (Greenleaf) Collins, married Mary Ann Norcross. Resided in Industry and adjoining towns. Went to Australia, during the gold excitement, and never returned. His widow died in Stark. N. H.. July 25. 1.876. aged 70 years, 6 months. C children. 11. i. [AMES WARREN, l>. in Industry, Nov. 3, 1825; m. Evelyne W. Luce, dau. of Samuel D. and Abigail N. (Spencer) Luce, , 1853. Mehitable II. Meader, dau. of Shu- bael L. and Abigail L. (Follett) Meader, q. v. Went to Australia with his father, and never returned, iii. |mi\ A., m. Nov. 9, [848, Thomas Selden Greenleaf (b. in Stark, Me., April 22, 1825 l, son of Ebenezer, Jr., and Mary (Chapman | < .reenleaf. Resides in Stark, X. 11. iv. Lewis Lemi EL. At the age of nineteen years he chose the vocation of sailor, and shipped on a merchant vessel bound for Liverpool. At GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 5 59 that time England was at war with I'ersia and India. While in that port he was impressed into the English service, and saw five years' service in the British army. He finally escaped and sailed for home on an American vessel. Without visiting his parents, he shipped on a three years' whaling voyage. < hi his return he enlisted as a soldier in the War of the Rebellion, and served in the army and navy until the close of the war. He then settled in Industry and attempted farming with his brother, James W., but the work was uncongenial to his tastes, and he again became a wanderer in the land. When last heard from he had m. and was engaged in farming in Valparaiso, Porter Co., Ind. v. Helen. Adopted by Rev. William Wyman; m. Rufus Brann. Resides in Newburyport, Mass. vi. Lavina. 6. John Greenleaf Collins. t son of Lemuel, Jr., and Sally (Green- leaf) Collins, married Betsey Yeaton. Farmer; settled in that part of Industry set off to New Sharon in 1852. His wife died Feb. 28, 1866. He died in New Sharon, Aug. 9, 1890, aged 80 years, 7 months, 8 days. Children. i. Henry Leeman, b. in Industry, Feb. 25, 1S37 ; m. (pub. Aug. 19, 1867), Abigail F., relict of Frank Bumpus and dau. of Dennis F. and Mary A. (Frost) Allen, q. v. He d. Feb. 17, 1872, s. p. Soldier in War of Rebellion. Served in Co. G, 9th Me. Regt., Inf. Entered the ser- vice March 26, 1864. ii. Laura Etta, b. in Industry, Sept. 17, 1839; m. March 15, 1863, Alonzo Frost, son of Samuel and Martha (Littlefield) F'rost, of Industry. Mr. Frost is a farmer, and now resides in New Sharon. Four children. iii. Fannie Ella, b. in Industry, Jan. 28, 1841; m. Hiram Smith Trask, son of Daniel and Lydia (Smith) Trask, of New Sharon (see family of Daniel Luce, Sr.) ; resides in New Sharon. iv. Emily Page, b. in Industry, June 1, 1843; m - George W. Storer. Re- sides in New Sharon. Four children. v. Lucy Ann, b. in Industry, Aug. 24, 1845; m - Benjamin Franklin Con- nor; resides in Farmington. Four children. vi. Elizabeth Hannah, b. in Industry, May 17, 1847; m. (pub. May 18, 1874), J. Calvin Oliver, son of John and Jane (Oliver) Oliver, q. v. He d. and she m. Dec. 24, 1887, for second husband, Samuel Parlin, of New Vineyard. She d. April 6, 1888. vii. Frank, b. in New Sharon, April 29, 1856; m. Etta, dau. of Eli Cook. Parmer; resides in New Sharon. One dau. 7. Lemuel Collins,^ son of Lemuel, Jr., and Sally (Greenleaf) Collins ; married Betsey K. Fish. He was a farmer, and spent his whole life on a farm in .Stark adjoining Industry line. Dead. She died Nov. — , 1890. Children, i. Ursula M., b. in Stark, Aug. 19, 1844; d. in Stark, Nov. 3, 1848.* ii. Ann TOLMAN, b. in Stark, Oct. 30, 1845; cL Aug. 6, 1866, unmd. 12. iii. Chesley Williamson, b. Aug. 26, 1847; m - Olive Howard, of Lexing- ton, iv. Mary Fish, b. May 13, 1S49; d. in New Portland, Feb. 25, 1852, From headstone. Stark Town Records say {Vol. 2, p. 37), November 31. 560 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. v. SlBYL FlSH, b. Aug. 3, 1850; m. Eben X. Allen, sen of Dennis F. and Mary A. 1 Frost 1 \llen, q. v. vi. George Franklin, 1). May 23, 1852; m. Nov. [6, 1875, Abbie E. Horn, nl Weld. Farmer; resides in Weld. F. 11. local preacher. Chil- dren. vii. Sami ! 1 Fish, b. May 21, 1854; m. Ella Bean, of Chesterville. Farmer and teamster. Resides in Chesterville. viii. Lydia Jam:, b. Any. 31, 1856; m. Charles Plaisted; resides in Chester- ville. Two daus. ix. Nathaniel Fish, b. in Stark, April u, 1858; d. Aug. 12, 1879. 13. x. Elmer Ellsworth, b. June 13, 1861; m. March 9, 1884, Annette K. Chapman. xi. HlNKLEY Williamson, 1). in February, 1864. Resides in Stark. 8. Eben Greenleaf Collins,4 son of Lemuel and Sally (Green- leaf) Collins, married Cordelia A. Howes, and second, Mrs. Lois J. Hersey. Farmer; has resided in Industry and Farmington; now resides in New Sharon. Children. i. Charles Washington, b. in Industry, Aug. 13, 1843; enlisted as a pri- vate, Co. A, 19th Regt, Me. Vol. Inf. Mustered in Aug. 25, 1862, counting on Stark's quota. Killed by a shell, at the battle of Gettys- burg, July 2, 1863. ii. Elliot Fletcher, b. in Industry, June 25, 1845; enlisted at same time and in same company as his brother. Also served in Artillery Brigade; d. of disease contracted in the service, Dec. 18, 1864. iii. Addison FRANKLIN, b. in Industry, June 4, 1847; m - April 11, 1869, Amanda Melvina Oliver (b. in Stark, Aug. 29, 1852), dau. of Stacy and Permelia (Fish) Oliver, of Industry. Soldier in War of the Rebellion (see p. 334). Farmer; resides in New Sharon. Children: i. Charles Elliot, b. in New Sharon, April 15,1870. ii. ARTHUR WlNFRED, b. in New Portland, Dec. 4, 1872. iii. Edwin FRANCIS, b. in New Portland. ( let. 6, 1873. iv. Maid May. b. in Kingfield, Sept. 20, 1875. v. Ethel Alberta, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 13, 1SS0. iv. Sophia Rosetta, b. in Industry, Jan. 6, 1850; d. Feb. 15, 1851. v. Cordelia Rosetta, 1>. in Industry, Feb. 26, 1852; m. March — , 1S71, Percival B. Hills, of Lewiston. Mr. llills is a machinist, and resides in Providence, R. I. One son. Children by second marriage. \i. James HERSEY, i b. in New Sharon, Feb. 13, 1857; James II. resides vii. foSHUA EBEN, i with his father in New Sharon. Joshua E. m., [886, Belle F. Knowlton, dau. of |ohn ami Romelia (Conner) Knowlton, of Farmington. Blacksmith and tanner; resides in Farmington. Two children. \iii. Carrd Alice, b. in New Sharon, Feb. [6, 1859; m. John Algeroy Knowlton, son of John and Lucy (Vaughan) Knowlton, of Farming- ton, by whom she had one dau.; divorced; m. for second husband Ian. 1, 1891, Arthur I. Innman, who is a plumber, and resides in Providence, R. I. ix. Gardner Jacob, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 20. 1861; m. Sept. 11. [888, Lottie Tibbetts, dau. of Nathan and Mary ( ) Tibbetts, of Nor- ridgewock; machinist. He d. in Solon. April 22, 1892. Three children. \. Ellen Dennis, b. in Industry, Dec. 8, 1803; m. Dec. 10, 1891, I evi M GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 561 Williams, son of Thomas F. and Sarah (Carson) Williams, of Farm- ington. He is a farmer, and resides in Farmington. < me son. xi. Annie Eldridoe, b. in Industry, Jan. 8, 1 866. Resides in N'ew Sharon; unmd. g. Abbott Doyen married Katharine Collins. He was a fanner, and resided in Industry and Stark. He died in Norridgewock, 1S7S. She died in Norridgewock, June, 1892. Children. i. Julia Ann, b. Sept. 6, 1831; m. Oct. 17, 1858, Benjamin C. Mosher, of Stark. Resides in Mercer. Six children. ii. Eben Collins, b. July 27. 1833; m. Lovina Jewell. Seven children. Resides in Norridgewock. iii. James T., b. Nov. 1, 1835; m (pub. Feb. 19, 1859), Nancy S. Wing, of Phillips. Enlisted in Co. D, 28th Regt, Inf., and was mustered into the U. S. service Oct. 13, 1862; discharged; d. Sept. 6, [863. One son. iv. Eunice |ank, I b. Feb. 14, 1838. Eunice Jane m. Oct. 14, 1856, Seth v. Dorcas Jane C, / Daggett, son of Lendall and Lydia (Norton) Daggett, q. v. Divorced, s. p.; m. George Owen Brackett; resides in Oregon. One child. vi. Faustina Emma, b. Aug. 1, 1S39; m. Jan. 6, 1866, Isaiah C. Mosher, of Norridgewock. Four children. vii. John Collins, b. Feb. 5, 1S44. viii. Wallace Daniel, b. March — , ; m. April 3, 1870, Mary E. Chap- man (b. in Stark, March 22, 1849), dau. of Alvin E. and Lucinda (Churchill) Chapman, lie d. in Stark, Sept. 25, 1880. Three chil- dren. ix. Charles Rodolphus, m. Jan. 28, 1879, Ardera M. Chapman (b. in Stark, Nov. 22, 1S54), dau. of Alvin E. and Lucinda (Churchill) Chapman. Pressman in a clothing manufactory in Skowhegan. Four children. 10. Simon Collins,' son of James and Mary (Greenleaf) Collins, married Martha J. Paine. Learned the trade of stone-cutter, in Quincy, Mass., when a young man. Settled on the homestead, where he lived for many years. Went to Farmington Village, about 1870; worked at his trade. He was instantly killed by a runaway horse, Oct. 26, 1886, aged 65 years. Children. i. ROSE Hi LI 1 , b, in New Sharon, May 19, 1854; m. Sept. 7, 1891, Joshua Hopkins, son of Joshua M. and Sophronia (Mason) Hopkins, of New Sharon. He is U. S. Inspector of River and Harbor Improve- ments. Resides at Farmington. His wife graduated from Farmington State Normal School, second class, 1878, and prior to her marriage taught extensively in the public schools of Farmington and elsewhere. ii. Simla Byrganette, b. in New Sharon, May 10,1857; graduated at Western State Normal School, second class, 1S76. Taught in the public schools of Farmington and Leering; d. in Farmington, |ulv 5. INN;. 11. James Warren Collins, son of George and Mary A. (Nor- cross) Collins, married Evelyne W. Luce. Mr. Collins was a farmer, 562 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. and resided in Industry; afterward moved to Brunswick, where lie died about 1890. (Seep.jj6). Children. i. George A., I). Jan. m. 1855. ii. I »ORA I-'., b. Dec. 7, [857 iii. Ella I-'., b. I >ec. 11, [859 i\ . M vry I... b. July 12, 1 Nil 1. v. Lewis W., b. Nov. 18, [863. 12. Chesley Williamson Collins.S son of Lemuel and Betsey K. (Fish) Collins, married Olive Howard. Farmer; resides in Stark. Children. i. MARY A., b. in Stark, May — , 1875. ii. RALPH, b. in Stark, Dec. — , 1876. iii. CARROt . 1 1. in Stark, April — , 1S7S. iv. Florence, 1>. in Stark, April — , 1880. v. Rose, 1>. in Stark, Nov. — , 1882. vi. GRO\ 1 R C) 1 VELAND, b. in Stark, Nov. [883. vii. Chesley, 1>. in Stark, April — , 1886. 13. Elmer Ellsworth Collins,5 son of Lemuel and Betsey K. ( Fish) Collins, married Annetta R. Chapman. Children. i. Walter B., b. Oct. 12, 1885. ii. Benjamin M., b. Nov. 8, 1887. CORNFORTH. William Cornforth, son of Robert and Mary (Linton) Cornforth, was born in the town of Gersby in England, March 3, 1794. He was onl) three years old when his parents immigrated to America. His father settled in Readlield and followed the occupation of farmer and drover. William, when he became of a suitable age, was apprenticed to a clothier and thoroughly mastered every detail of the trade. He mar- ried, March 3, 1X1G. Lydia Gates* (born in Gorham, Feb. 20, 1794), and in 1 . /So), and cloth-dressing and wool-carding became an important branch of his bus- \l 1 s. Cornforth had a brother Benjamin, who married Abigail, daughter of Benjamin and Dependence (Luce) Burgess, <>l" Industry, //. v. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 563 iness. He also purchased the grist-mill (see p. i6g ) and rebuilt it in a most thorough manner, and was likewise interested in other enterprises. He sold his stand in the village at West's Mills to Capt. George Cutts and bought of Zebulon Manter the well-known James Manter farm, which was afterward sold to John E. Perley. After that he lived at West's Mills for a short time and then moved to New Portland, where he died Aug. 13, 1881, aged 87 years, 5 months, 10 days. He was an efficient and worthy member of the Methodist Church, and for many years held an exhorter's license. His wife, who was noted for her goodness of heart, industry and frugality, died in New Portland, April 15, 1 -S 7 7 . aged 83 years, 1 month, 25 days.* Children. i. Linton, b. in Unity, Nov. 11, 1S16; drowned in the mill-pond at West's Mills, June 10, 1S19. ii. Betsey, b. in Industry, March 16, 1818; m. July 4, 1837, Albert Shaw, son of Daniel and Mehitable (Gilman) Shaw, ( fire-wood. One morning-, after having been reminded that some wood must be prepared to conk the dinner, he went to his work, probably having entirely forgotten the matter in his haste. Nothing daunted. Airs. Cornforth prepared her dinner in due season and hung the pot on the crane of the fire- place now destitute of fire; spread the table as usual, and on the arrival of the dinner hour blew the horn. The men came in with keen appetites and with them the derelict husband. What his thoughts were as he surveyed his uncooked dinner was never known, tor not a syllable did he utter. " But," continued Mrs. Cornforth as she would laughingly relate the incident in her old age, " never since that day have I been obliged to even ask for wood to 1 00k a meal of vict- uals." 564 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. vi. RoBERSON, 1). in Industry, July I, 1S24; in. May 20, 1S51. Julia E. Mer- shon, of Rochester, Minn. Mr. Cornforth went to California in 1849, In 1853 he found his way to Minnesota, locating in St. Paul, and engaged in the lumbering business. Four years later he settled in Rochester, where the remainder of his life was spent. He has been alderman for two years, and a member of various organizations; d. of rheumatism of the heart. Jan 29, [883. 1 me son. vii. Warren, b. in Industry, April 20, 1826; m. June 23,* [850, Mary W. Luce, dau. oi Col. Benjamin and Anna W. (Manter) Luce, q. v. Mr. Cornforth left home on the day he attained his majority, and engaged to work for his brother-in-law, Albert Shaw, one year. He subse quently labored one season for his father, and also in the granite quarries in Hallowell. Soon after his marriage he bought the farm on which he still | [892) lives, built a neat, comfortable house thereon the following year, and commenced housekeeping (an. 2, 1S52. Mr. Cornforth is an industrious, upright and benevolent citizen, enjoying the confidence and esteem of a wide circle of friends, s.p. viii. CHARLES, b. in Industry, April 15, [828; m. in i860, Mary Ann March, of New York State. Spent a part of his active business life in Rochester, Minn , where he has been repeatedly elected a member of the board of selectmen. ix. BATEMAN, b. in Industry, May 13, 1831; 111. June 24. 1862, Sarah Went- worth (b. in Embden, March 13, 1838), dau. ..I Andrew and Rozilla (Thompson) Wentworth, of Embden. Went to Australia with others, during the gold excitement, early in the fifties. < )n his return he shipped on a merchant vessel bound for Callao, Peru, S. A , and from thence to Norfolk, Ya. He subsequently lived with his parents "ii the James Manter farm in Industry. He sold his farm to John E. Perley, and moved to China in the spring of 186S. He d. Oct. 24, 1881, s.p. x. Julia Ann, b. in Industry, Nov. iS, 1833; d. July 31, 1836. xi. James FARRINGTON, b. in Industry, Dec. 19, 1838; m. [une 9, 1S70, Marcia E. Black (b. in Embden, March 1, 1844), dau. of Hazen and Mary Ann (Bray) Black, of Solon. He is a farmer, and resides in New Portland, where he has held various municipal offices. Children : i. William II., b. in New Portland, April 25, 1871. ii. Frank Lin ion, b. in New Portland, lulv 10, 1S74; d. Sept. 6, 1875. 111. Edna Amy, b. in New Portland, May 6, 1877. iv. George Roberson, b. in New Portland, Dec. 7, 1SS3. xii. LYDIA Ann, Ii. in Industry, July 26, 1841; d. in New Portland, Nov. 7, 1880; unmd. i. William Cornforth, son of William and Lydia (Cates) Corn- forth, married Sarah S. Norton. After reaching his majority he bought of his father the Thomas Branch farm near West's Mills, recently owned and occupied by the hue Miws Bradbury. Soon after this he erected the house still standing on the premises, and here with his bride on the day of their marriage, Dec. 4. 1851, he established his home. In [865 he sold to Oliver Stevens and removed to Waverlv. Iowa, where he still resides engaged in fanning. Children. '■ Orrin, b. in Industry. Sept. 27. 1852; in. April 20. 1880, Alice, dau. of ►Town Records gives the date June 1 6, which is an error, evidently ol the clerk in making up 1 In reco GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 565 George Barker, of Waverly, Iowa. Salesman; resides in ('.rain] Forks, N. D. Their children are: i. George William, b. May 23, 1SS1 . ii. Etta. ii. Bateman, 1). in Industry, Dec. 11, 1S53; m. Oct. 23, 1S77, Maggie Har- per (1>. in Belvidere, 111., July 18, 1857), dau. of Samuel and Mar- - garet (Caulfield) Harper, of Waverly, Iowa. Farmer; resides in Waverly. ( )ne dau. : Clara Bessie, b. Nov. 24, 1884. iii. Sarah Lenora, b. in Industry, Jan. 15,1859; d. March 9, [860. iv. Charles Henry, b. in Industry, Aug. 20, 1861; m. March 29, 1883, Jennie M. Hanner (b. in Warren, 111., Sept. 22, 1862), dau. of [ohn and Margaret (Jewell) Hanner, of Waverly. She d. < let. 10, 1883, and he m. for second wife, Sept. 20, 1880, Libbie Powers (b. in Geneva, Wis, July 4. 1863), dau. of Oliver and Esther (Owen) Pow- ers, of Keck Rapids. Iowa. Farmer; resides in Waverly, s. p. v. Mary Elder, b. in Industry, May 21, 1863; m. April 3, 1884, Erwin L. Kingsley (b. in DeCalb Co., Ill , Dec. 28, i860), son of Silas 1 1, and Eleanor J. (Demorest) Kingsley, of Waverly. Children: i. Laura, b. Dec. 24, 1885. ii. Edith, b. March 9, 1888. COTTLE. Benjamin Cottle, son of Seth and Abigail (Claghorn) Cottle, was born on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, Feb. 11, 1765 ; married, Nov. 14, 1787, Miriam, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce. q. v. He settled first in New Vineyard on a lot adjoining the Gore in 1 793, but came to Industry prior to its incorporation, possibly as early as 1 796, and settled on lot No. 13, where the whole of his active life was spent. Both he and his wife were members of the baptist Church. He was elected deacon in April, 1809, and held that office up to the time of his death. He was a shoemaker by trade, as well as a fanner. In per- sonal appearance he was a man of small stature, quick and impetuous in all his movements and quite eccentric in some respects. Deacon ( lot- tie died June 9. 1843, a g e d 78 years, his wife having died May 9, 1837, aged 67 years. Children. i. Abigail, 1>. Dee. 26, 1790; d. in Industry, Feb. 8. 1808. ii. Joanna, 1>. Jan. 10, 1792; m. June 10, 1S13, David M. Luce, son of Charles and Catharine (Merry) Luce, q. t. iii. Betsey, b. May 18, 1796; m. (pub. Dec. 20, 1843), Reuben Hill, of New Portland; d. May 8, 1867. iv. POLLY, 1>. June 20, 1799; d. July 22, 1S0S. v. Sally, b. June 25, 1801; d. Sept. — , 1808. vi. Susanna, 1>. in Industry, May 30, 1803; m. March 23, 1826, Adin. son of Adin Uriggs, of Stark. CROMPTON. Samuel Crompton, a blunt, well-meaning Englishman, came to Indus- try from Staffordshire, England, in 1794 and settled on lot No. 47, now 71 566 HISTOR)- OF INDUSTRY. owned by John Yeaton.* Ik' was very poor, but honest and industri- ous, and by his diligence made an excellent farm and acquired con- siderable property. His wife, Martha Crowley or Cooley (born June 4, 1767), belonged to a wealth) - English family, but as she married contrary to the wishes of her parents she received no dower. She was. however, a lady of culture and refinement and an expert at line needle-work. It is related of her that in journeying with her husband to their cabin home in the wilds of Maine they passed an ordinary looking logdiouse. " Whose house is that?" asked Mrs. Crompton of her husband. "That," he replied, "is the house of 'Squire Gower." " If that is the residence of a 'Squire, what must my own home be !" she exclaimed in astonish- ment.! Both Mr. Crompton and his wife lived to a good old age. Tra- dition says the orchard now standing on the homestead was grown from seed which Mrs. Crompton brought from her native land. She died Aug. 31, 185 1, aged 84 years, 2 months and 27 days. Mr. Crompton died probably in the summer of 1830. Children, i. Hannah, b. in England, April 9, 1790; d. iinmd. ii. SAMUEL, b. in England, Feb. 5, 1793; m. (pub. Feb. 24, 1821), Sarah Ramsdell (b. March 25, 1802), dau. of Aimer and Jerusha (Collins) Ramsdell, of Farmington. He d. about 1834, and his widow m. (pub. Sept. 27, 1836), Joel Whitney; d. in Phillips, s.p. iii. GEORGE, b. in Industry "Plantation, Jan. 4, 1796; J m. (pub. March 5, 1825), Susan H. Harris, dau. of Moses and Rachel (Hooper) Har- ris, of Greene. He settled in New Sharon, where he held the office of selectman, etc. He d. Aug. 8, 1S70. His widow survived him many years, and d. May 8, 1889, aged 84 years, 11 months, S days. Children : i. Hannah J., b. Jan. 23, 1826; m. Luther Curtis, of New Sharon. Two children, ii. George Harrison Andrew Jackson, b. Jan. 20, 1830. Four children, iii. Susan Ann, b. Aug. 30, 1836; d. April 23, 1S89. iv. William, b. in Industry Plantation, May 1, 1798; m. July 6, 1826, Nancy Ford, of New Sharon, sister of Cabin F., who m. Martha Crompton. Settled in Industry after his marriage. Moved to Free- dom, 111., in summer of 185 1. He d. Sept. — , 1S74. She was b. in Fayette, Oct. 22, 1802, and d. in Chatsworth, 111., June 15, 1S79. Children : i. William Warren, 1>. March 10, 1827; m. Aug. 14, 1851, Sarah 11. Remick, dau. of Francis and Mary (Boardman) Remick, q. v. She d. April 29, 1878, and he m. for sec- ond wife M. Emma Gerry, of Illinois. He d. Aug. 14, 18S3. Two children by 1st and one by 2d m. ii. EMELYN, 1). March 19, 1830; d. in Illinois. *Mr. and Mrs. Crompton brought witli them Robert Potter (born in England, Dec. 27, 1/9°). whom they reared :is their own child. He was second cousin t<> Mrs. Crompton. f In England a 'Squire was a gentleman of wealth and usually lived in a house of palatial dimensions. t Industry Town Records. A record recently compiled by a member of (be family bus it 171,7. The author is inclined to regard the Industry records the better authority. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. S 6 7 iii. Sarah Jane, b. Dec 2, 1834; m. ■ • Davis, s.p. iv. CHARLOl 11 ■", b. Jan. 4, 1837; in. Davis; resides in Kan- sas, v. Samuel, b. Feb. 14, 1841; m. Jan. 10, 1S77, Alice Lawrence, of Prairie Centre, 111. Now living in Superior, Wis. vi. ANN, b. in 1843; m. and has one son. v. Sarah, b. in Industry Plantation, Nov. 14, 1799; d. in Industry before 1S2 1 , unmd. vi. Isaac, 1>. in Industry Plantation, May 12, 1S02; m. (pub. Sept. 9, 1828), Lucinda Harris, dau. of Moses and Rachel (Hooper) Harris, of Greene. He d. in Industry, about 1S47. Children: i. I.i CINDA A., b. in Industry; m. (pub. Nov. 4, 1848), John Record, of Phillips. Two children, ii. REBECCA, b. in Industry; m. Jacob Booker, of Phillips. Re- becca and her two children d. of diphtheria, in Phillips. \ ii. Charles,* b. in Industry; d. at age of 8 years. viii. Martha, l>. in Industry, Dec. 7, 1805; m. Calvin F. Ford, of New Sharon. Moved to Freedom, 111., "then to Cedar Falls, Iowa. She d. June 29, 1S63, s.f. He was b. Sept. 26, 1S19, and d. Oct. 23, 1880. ix. Mary, 1>. in Industry, April 15, 1S0S; m. Jan. 20, 1835, Hiram Butter- tield. of New Sharon. Moved to Ohio in 1849. She d. in Indiana. Two children. x. NANCY, b. in Industry, June 4, 1S11; m. Feb. 20, 1834, James Ramsdell, of New Sharon, son of Abner and Jerusha (Collins) Ramsdell, of Farmington. He was b. in Farmington, March 27, 1801, and d. Nov. 27, 1850.1 She d. May 15, 1S71. Six children. CUTLER. Nathan Cutler was born in Milford Mass., Sept. 14, 1779, and claimed to be a descendant of James Cutler, who settled at Watertown, Mass., as early as 1634. When Mr. Cutler was a mere lad his parents moved to Lewiston, Maine, where he grew to manhood and eventually married. The history of his early life is veiled in obscurity. He mar- ried, March 15, 1800, Mary Mooar. After his marriage he made his residence in Lewiston for a brief period and then removed to the adjoin- ing town of Minot. Here he remained for eight years and then came to New Vineyard, and purchased a farm on that part of the Gore set oft to Industry in 18 15. Here he made his home for the remainder of his life and reared a large family of children. \ His wife Mary died in 1822, and he afterward married (published Jan. 16, 1823) Lydia Baker, of Wilton. In 1833 he made a public profession of religion and united * The writer is inclined to regard Charles as younger than this position would admit. No mention is made of him in the family births as recorded in Industry, where the name of Nancy is also omitted. The inference would naturally be that both were born after the record was made. Charles is placed as the 7th child on the authority of Mrs. Bartlett H. Oliver's record, which is but fragmentary and in some instances obviously incorrect. f This date was furnished the author by Mrs. Bartlett H. Oliver, a daughter of James and Nancy. This does not agree with Butler's History of Farmington (p. joi), which has it, " d. March, 1863." J; Mr. Cutler was fond of relating the following during the last years of his life: After settling in New Vineyard, though he always lived in the same house, lie had been a resident of two States, three counties and three towns. 5 r »> s 1 1 /STORY OF INDUSTRY. with the East Strong Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he remained an acceptable member to the day of his death. He was generally re- spected for his honorable dealings with his fellowmen as well as for other christian virtues. He continued to labor on his farm until within two years of his death, when the encroachments of disease made such inroads upon his physical strength as to incapacitate him for further labor. Mr. Cutler at one time owned and operated a saw and grist-mill located on a small stream flowing through his farm ( sec p. iji ). He died Nov. i. 1859, aged So years 1 month and 1 7 days. His widow is also dead. Children, i. Henry, 1>. in Lewiston, June 9, 1800; m. (pub. Oct. 29, 182^), Esther Hall, of Strong. Farmer; d. in [ndiana, leaving children. ii- Hopestill, b. in Minor, Jan. 8, 1802; m. April iS.'iSjj, fames Hardy, oi Strong. iii. Harvey, b. in Minor, Sept. 2b. 1803; m. Nov. 1 1. [830, Lucy Matthews (I), in Warren, June 30, 1804), dau. of Robert and Lydia (Prior) Matthews, of Warren, lie d. in Warren, Sept. 27, 1880. His wife d. June S, 1884. Nine children, iv. Nelson, b. in Minot, April 25, 1805; m. March 8, 1827, Love Thomp- son (1). in Hope, April 3, 1810), dau. of Robert ami Mary ( Richards) Thompson, of Hope. Merchant and lawyer. He d. in Union, Dec. 27, 1852. His wife d. July 2, 1868. v. Levi, b. in Minot, Feb. 27, 1807; m. Nov. 3, 1831, Margaret Moore Norton, dau. of Cornelius and Margaret J. (Belcher) Norton, q. v. Blacksmith; resided in Industry. His wife d. in Kingsbury, Mass., Nov. 18, [859, aged 49 years, 7 months and 5 days; and he m. ' >ct. 21, [861, Lydia C.Norton, a sister to first wife. Wed in New Sharon, Jan. 3, 1880. His wife, Lydia C, d. June 18, 1800, aged 71 years, 4 months. Five children by second marriage; all dead. vi- Sinn, h. in Minot, Feb. 4, 1800; m. June 12, 1834, Abigail Stoyell Nor- ton, dau. of Cornelius and Margaret (Belcher) Norton, q. v.; d. in Norridgewock. vii. Betsey, b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 29, 1S10; m. (pub. March 24, 1834), Barzilla D., son of Reuben Dyer, of Strong. He d. s.p. viii. Esther, b. in New Vineyard; m. William Heald, of Norridgewock. Went west; all trace of the family lost. ix. Nathan, b. in Industry, Feb 11,1815; m. Sept. 9, 1855, Lucinda Bar- ker, dau. of William and Dorcas 'Morrill) Barker, of New Vineyard. She d. Sept. 13, 1862, aged 43 years, and he m. for second wife, March I, 1866, Mrs. Mary (Green) Brown, dau. of John J. and Mary P. (Russell) Green, and relict of J. Sylvester Brown. * Resides in Farmington. Soldier in War of Rebellion. One son by first, and one dau. by second marriage. x. JosiAH, b. in Industry, March 26, 1S17; m. (pub. Aug. 20, 1S40), Nancy Stanley, dau. of Charles and Lucinda (Macomber) Stanley, "I Attleboro', Mass. She d. in Strong, Nov. 23, 1847; in. second, Nov. 28, [848, Mary Margaret Craig, dau. of John and Drusilla (Stanley) Craig, of Farmington. Resides at farmington Falls. Three chil- dren by first marriage; second marriage, s. p. >•'■ Rctii, b. in Industry; m, Sept. 10, 1845, James B. Wood, of Norridge- wock. Two children. Resided in Augusta in I 890. xii. IIikam, b. in Industry. Farmer; and was living in Conticook, N. II.. when last heard from. Children by second marriage. xiii. MARY MOOAR, b. in Industry, Oct. 17, 1S25; m. Sept. 2, 1847, Ephraim GENEALO GICAL NO 7 ES. 5 69 Hartwell, of Strong, who was b. in that town May 28, 1S20, and a son of Ephraim and Mary (Hitchcock) Hartwell; s. p. \iv. Sarah A., b. in Industry; m. Jan. 11, 1846, Joshua Williams, of Strong. xv. Charles, b. in Industry; d. unmd. \vi. Ira Vaughan, b. in Industry; m. (pub. Oct. 6, 1849), Deborah Norton. I lead. Several children. xvii. LYDIA Ann, 1>. in Industry, Sept. 17, 1833; '"• ( ,cl - L3> 1852,* James I. Norton, son of Ephraim and Jane (Norton) Norton, of Farmington. Farmer; resides in Farmington. Seven children, xviii. Cordelia J., b. in Industry; m. (pub. Oct. 10, 1857), Zebadiah M. Barker, of New Vineyard She d. Nov. 7, 1859, aged 24 years. CUTTS. Thomas Cutis, who came to Industry in 1829, was born in Buxton about 1773. He married Sally Colburn (born about i 777), daughter of Oliver Colburn, of Pittston. Mr. Cutts was a blacksmith by trade as was also his son James, who learned the trade of a brother in Pittston before the family came to Industry. Mr. Cutts came from New Port- land and settled at West's Mills where, in company with his son, he plied his trade ( sec p. igo). Soon after becoming of age the son, James Cutts, purchased a stand just north of the Union Church, where he lived until his removal to Farmington in 186S. Sally, wife of Thomas Cutts, died May — , 1853, aged 77 years. Thomas Cutts died in 1857, aged about 84 years. James Cutts eventually married, Jan. 28, 1834, Olive Colburn, of Pittston. He succeeded in building up a good business in blacksmithing. Afterward he dealt largely in stock, and for a time was in trade with John C. Manter ( see p. jgg ) under the firm name of Cutts and Manter. He was major in the State militia and twice a member of the board of selectmen. Of a benevolent disposition he gave liberally for the support of the gospel and other charitable objects, and while he remained in town was one of the leading members of the Methodist Church, frequently tilling important positions therein. Popular education ever found in him an earnest advocate and a faithful friend. His wife died in Farmington, May 12, 1S87, aged 73 years, 7 months, 2S days. He now resides with his children. Children. i. Edwin R., b. in Industry, Dec, 0, 1834; m. Farmer; resides in Farm- ington. ii. Helen, b. in Industry, Jan. 1, 1837; d. April 2, 1S37. iii. Helen M., b. in Industry, April 1, 1838; m. George Viles, q. v. For second husband m. Charles Luce, son of Joseph and Dorcas (Cutts) Luce, q. ?■. iv. Maria C, b. in Industry, Feb. 5, 1841; m. Oct. 7, 1859, John Sedgeley. For second husband m. William L. Metcalf, a native of Frankport, Me. Their child, Edwin ('., 1>. in Industry, Oct. 5, 1864. She d. in Farmington, leaving several children. * Family record. New Vineyard Town Records, Oct. 27, 1S53 570 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. v. Charles C, b. in Industry, Nov. 5, 1843; m. March 10, [867, Luella E. Stevens, dau. of Oliver and Jane 1- . (Stevens) Stevens, q. v. Prior to his marriage he was a student at the Maine Wesleyan Semi- nary, at Kent's Hill, and also taught school. After his marriage he purchased the Baldwin farm in New Sharon, where he deleaving one dau. vi. foHN C, b. in Industry, Nov. 30, 1845; ''■ Feb. |S < '' S 4 h - vii. Olive, b. in Industry, May 27, [847. viii. OCENA, b. in Industry, Jan. 27, 1850. i\. Sarah, b. in Industry, Dec. 19, 1 85 1 . x. Georgia, b. in Industry; m. Melville II. Kelley, of Saco. DAGGETT. Ebenezer Daggett, father of Peter, the Industry immigrant, was at the time of his removal to the township of New Vineyard a resident of Tisbury on the Island of Martha's Vineyard. Owing to imperfect records and the frequent occurrence of the same name in different families, gen- ealogists experience much difficulty in tracing out ancestral lines in the Daggett family. One of these enigmatical problems is the parentage and ancestral line of Ebenezer above named. Mrs. Annie C. Pratt, who has given the subject much stud}', sets up as a hypothetical line the follow- ing : Ebenezer, ^ John,+ Joseph.' Joseph,-' John. 1 * Ebenezer Daggett was by occupation a weaver, as was also Ids son Peter. Ebenezer mar- ried, March 6, 1759, Jedidah Vinson, of Edgartown, Mass..t daughter of Nathaniel and Deborah (Stuart) Vinson. Feb. 25, 1793, in company with his son Peter, he bought lot No. iS, 2d range of lots in New Vine- yard Township. March 11, 1796, he sells his interest to his son Aaron. He died (probably in New Vineyard) at an advanced age. The mother was cared for by her son Peter in her declining years, and died in In- dustry. Peter, b. Jan. 17, 1770; m. Dec. 1, 1791, Damaris Luce, dau. of [ona- than and Urana (Luce) Luce. Aaron, m. March 2, 1796, Susanna llilhnan, of New Vineyard. Was in trade in Industry, about 1810-12. Moved away. Betsey. Received by letter from Tisbury, Mass, Baptist Church (In- dustry Baptist Church Records), Oct. 21, 1810. Probably returned to Martha's Vineyard. Hannah, b. Sept. 21, 1776; m. June 21, 1796, Rowland Luce, son of Daniel and Elizabeth | Merry) Luce, . at Martha's Vineyard, Aug. 8, 1792; m. Nov. — , 1814, Christy Barker, of New Vineyard. 3. ii. Jonathan Luce, b. - - — , ■ ; m. Oct. 29, 1S20, Sally Carle, of Farmington. 4. iii. PLAMENTIN,* Ii. in Industry, May 5, 1795; m. Feb. 21, 1822, Hannah Snow, dau. of Ezekiel and Hannah (Pratt) Snow, of New Vineyard; 5. iv. LEANDER, b. May 15,1799; in. March 16,1826, Margaret (b. Oct. 27, 1806), dau. of William Anderson, of New Vineyard. 6. v. Albert, b. July 8, 1801; m. Aug. 1, 1826, Elizabeth Cannon. vi. Betsey, b. Feb. 7, 1804; m. April 13, 1S26, Samuel Green, of Wilton. He d. and she m. for second husband Cower. vii. Petkk, b. , 1S07; d. Nov. 23, 1S10. Child by second marriage. viii. Lavina, b. March 23, 1812; m. Dec. — , 1830, Jacob Clark, son of Jacob and Catherine E. (bean) Clark, q. v. 2. William Daggett, son of Peter and Damaris (Luce) Daggett, married Christy Barker. Farmer. Resided in Industry. He died in Phillips, June 25, 1879, aged nearly 87 years. Children, i. AUREI.IA, 1). Feb. 23, 1S17; d. in Phillips, March 7, 1842. 7. ii. Dennis, b. March 11, 1821; m. Feb. 20, 1S45, Mary Wright. iii. RACHEL, b. Sept. 30, 1824; m. Shepard Ramsdell. Pie d. and she m., Dec. 31, 1870, Ezra R. Wright, iv. Paulina, b. July 11, 1829; m. Oct. 31, 1859, Ezra R. Wright, and d. at Pin Hips, Aug. 12, 1864. Their child was: Fred A., b. Nov. iS, i860. 3. Jonathan Luce Daggett, son of Peter and Damaris (Luce) Daggett, married Sally Carle. Children. 8. i. MARY, b. Oct. 20, 1821; m. Jan. 18, 1S39, Frederick Richards. ii. Jonathan, b. Feb. 13, 1823; m. June 19, 1853, Adaline Curtis. Their child : ELLA F., b. April 2, 1854; m. Jan. 1, 1S84, Stephen W. Mayo. *This name appears on the Industry Town Records as Plimington Daggett. 5/2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 4. Plamentin Daggett, son of Peter and Damaris (Luce) Dag- gett, married Hannah Snow. In early manhood he served in the War of 1X12, and subsequently settled in New Vineyard, clearing a large farm where he made a pleasant home for more than forty years. His wife, a lady of strong mind and sterling qualities, reared a family of five sons and one daughter. He was prominently identified with the growth of his town, and its public interests. He held many public offices in town and was long regarded as one of its most respected and influential citizens. In the early years of the State militia he was commissioned commander of the New Vineyard bight Infantry, and the name of Captain Daggett became familiar in the military circles of Franklin County. Religiously, he was a Methodist ; politically, an early Democrat, but cast one of the first Free Soil ballots of his town and was a member of the convention in Strong which organized the Republican party. After the death of his wife in [862 he removed to Strong, where he died March 28, 1 866. Children. i. Ezekiel Snow, b. Feb. 7, 1823; d. in New Vineyard, Kel>. 2;, 1858. ii. Plamentin, b. May 3, 1825; m. Oct. 1, 1856, Nancy Thomas Vining; d. in Strong, Dec. 12, 1884. Their children are: i. Walter Snow, b. Feb. 11, 1859; m. Nov. 12. 1882, Louisa ii. George Franklin, b. May 26. 1S66. iii. Fred Herbert, b. Nov. 25, 1S07. iii. Albert, 1>. June 13, 1827; 111. April 2, 1S57, Sarah Montgomery Porter. Their children : i. Willie, b. Dec. 17, 136S; d. Aug. 26, 1S70. ii. , dau., 1). June 22, 1872; d. June 23, 1872. iii. Minnie Warren, b. Aug. 31, 1873; d. Sept. 4, 1873. iv. Oliver Cromwell, 1>. April 20, 1830; d. in New Vineyard, April 3, 1847. v. Washington Libby, 1>. May 6, 1835; m. Sept. 20, 1868, Reliance Col- lier Dickey, vi. Hannah Snow, 1>. Jan. 14, 1S39; m. June 25, 1867, George W. Luce. Their children : i. , d. in infancy. ii. George Ernest, b. in Xenia, < >hio, Jan. 17, 1872. 5. Leander Daggett, son of Peter and Damaris (Luce) Daggett, married Margaret Anderson. He died in New Vineyard, Nov. 23, 186S, aged 69 years, 6 months, 8 days. ( Ihildren. i. Mary A., b. March 13, 1827; m. (pub. Dec. 17, 1846), Columbus Harvey. son of Columbus and Esther (Stafford) Harvey. She d. in New Vineyard, Aug. 22, 1880, leaving children. ii. William A., l>. April 11, 1831; d. in New Vineyard, Oct. 31, 1858. iii. Leander, I). < >ct. 10, 1841; m. April 4, 1865, Amelia P. ISutler. 6. ALBERT DAGGETT, son of Peter and Damaris (Luce) Daggett, GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 573 married Elizabeth Cannon. He died in .Manchester, Nov. 25, 1878, aged 77 years, 4 months. 17 days. Children. i. Albert, b. May 17, 1827; m. May 17, [854, Abbie I!. Fifield. Their children : i. Harriet S., b. Oct. 28, 1855; m. Dec. 25, 1S78, Bradford C. Harvey. ii. Emogene W., b. Sept. 23, 1S57 ; d. in Manchester, fune 11, l8 7 3- iii. < )REANA l 1 ., b. July 2<), 1S59; d. in Manchester, Oct. 22, 1862. iv. Lizzie <"., 1>. Oct. 30, 1861; d. Nov. 16, 1878. v. Effie A., b. Dec. 5, 1863; d. in Manchester, 1 >ec. 2, 1865. \i. John A., b. May 9, 1866. vii. Charles !•'... b. Sept. 13, 1869. ii. Plamentin, 2d, 1). Dec. 14, 1828; 111. Dec. 14, 1853, Elvira A. Capen. Their child : Cora A., 1>. Oct. 10, 1863. iii. Elizabeth S., b. Dec. 25, 1830; m. Aug. 21, 1851, Procter S. Gilbert. Their children : i. Ella B., 1>. Sept. 4, 1N54; m. Nov. 8, 187(1, Eugene II. Fur- bush, and d. Feb. 15, 1877. ii. Edwin S., b. July 26, 1856; m. Oct. 31, 1883, Sarah J, Bealer. iii. Manly A., b. March 21, 1858. iv. Jennie F., b. March 4, 1863; m. July 23, 1881, Wm. II. Gearheart. v. William A., b. Oct. 3, 1865. iv. Martha J., b. Jan. 22, 1834; m. < )ct. 12, 1S5S, Wm. G. Fifield. Their children : i. John A., b. July 31, 1861. ii. Walter L., b. Oct. 16, 1867. iii. Irvine D., b. Feb. 25, 1873. v. Harriet S., b. April 8, 1S32; d. in Rochester, Mass, June 29, [838. 7. Dennis Daggett, son of William and Christy (Barker) Daggett, married Mary Wright. Children, i. Feander A., b. April 3, 1846; in. Sept. 22, 1875, Florence Worthley. ii. William J., b. Oct. 26, 1851; m. Sept. 22, 1879, Lizzie S. Higgins. Their child : PIarold L., b. April 3, 1883. 8. Frederick Richards married Mary Daggett. Children. i. Velzora, b. < >ct. 21, 1841; m. Dec. 15, 1S61, John Hodgman. Their children : i. Fred R., b. May 12, 181.4. ii. Frank R., b. Feb. 11, 1870. iii. < 'iiaki.es F., b. Aug. 13, 1872. ii. BENJAMIN F., b. Nov. 3, 1S39; d. at Salem, March 15, 1846. iii. WlNFIELD S., b. April 27, 1S55; d. at Salem, Jan. 23, 1862. iv. Affie T., I), fan. 2, 1862; m. Feb. 29, 1880, George F. P>rig»s. Their child: Audit: M., b. Aug. 17, 1882. John Daggett, who settled in that part of New Vineyard annexed to Industry in 1844, was a native of the Island of Martha's Vineyard, and 72 5/4 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. prior to his removal to the District of Maine resided in Edgartown. His ancestry has not been traced, but like others hearing the name, is sup- posed to have descended from John Daggett, the immigrant ancestor to this country. lie was a miller, and tradition says he operated a wind mill on the Island. He was also a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Mr. Daggett married Rachel Coffin, who soon died. He married for second wife in 1761,* Thankful Vinson, daughter of Nathaniel and Deb- orah (Stuart) Vinson. She was a sister to the wives of Ansel Norton and Ebenezer Daggett. . in New Vineyard, April 29, 1S22; m. April 9, 1S44, Josiah Tinkham, son of Ariel and Susan (Bray) Tinkham, of Anson. Mr. Tinkham is a prosperous farmer and resides (1892) in Anson, s. p. v. Love, m. (apt. Charles II. Deck, of Augusta, for his second wife, s. p. \. vi. William Riley, 1>. in New Vineyard; m. (pub. Aug. 18, 1848), Mary T. Viles, dau. of Leonard and Annah I Bray 1 Viles, q. v. 4. vii. WARREN, b. in New Vineyard, May 1, 1829; m. July 15, 1 S 5 5 , Jane W. Ramsdell, dau. of John and Catherine (Hutchins) Ramsdell, of New Vineyard. He d. in Industry, Jan. 31, 1883, and his widow subse- quently m. April 26, iSSo, Eli Ilawes, of Anson. ^. viii. Ann Cordelia, b. in New Vineyard, March 0. 1838; m. 1859, Nelson W. Fish, son of Nathan and Rhoda (Walker) Fish, of Anson. 2. John Atwell Daggett, son of John and Love (Pinkham) Dag- : married Cynthia P. Furbush. Resides in Industry. *The author is unable to harmonize this date with the birth of John. Possibly he may have be< n son of first marriage. t John Daggett was related to Ebenezer Daggett. May have been a brother. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 575 6. i. John Fred, b. in Industry, Au». 24, 1S47: m. Jan. [9, 187 1, Clara L. Flood 1I1. June 20, 1840), dau. of James ami (aniline (Lothrop) Flood, of Farmington. ii. , son, 1). in Industry, Sept. 10, 1848; d. Dec. 6, 1N4X. iii. I. HoVEY, h. in Industry, April S, 1851; d. Jan. 17, 1870. iv. C. Emma, b. in Temple, Feb. 2, 1856; d. of diphtheria in Salem, Feb. 0, 1862. v. Frank A., b. in Salem. Nov. 6, 1859; d. Dec. 3, [860. vi. Martha 1-'.., b. in Salem, June 22, 1861; m. March 7, 1885, Ward Burns, son of William and Phebe ( Ward) Hums, q. v. vii. Mary Jane, b. in Industry, Oct. 2, 1864; m. Dec. 24, 1889, Eugene I,. Smith, son of Joseph W. and Lydia A. ( Daggett) Smith, ,/. v. viii. CAPITOLA, b. in Industry, Sept. 8, 1866; m. Fell. 14, 1885, William Henry Durrell, son of Iliram P. and Lucy (Hanson) Durrell. He was 1). in Industry, Dec. 28, 1858, and now (1892) resides in Dix- lield. Their children are: MATTIE MAY, b. in \e\v Sharon, Nov. 27, 1885. BERNICE BELLE, b. in New Sharon, April 4, 1888. 3. William Riley Daggett, son of John and I^ove (Pinkham) Daggett, married Mary T. Viles. Resides in California, if living. Children. i. Warren Marshall, b. in Industry, Aug. 4, 1855; m. Aug. 25, [884, Estella Ranger, dau. of Lafayette and Sarah (Gardner) Ranger, of Wilton. He resides in Farmington, has one dau. b. Sept. 4, [890. ii. Charles II. Beck, b. in Industry, March 25, iS^S; m. Mrs. Sarah Ilutchins. Resides at Livermore Falls. 4. Warren Daggett, son of John and Love (Pinkham) Daggett, married Jane W. Ramsdell. Farmer. Died in Industry, Jan. 31, 1883, aged 53 years, ,S months, 30 days. Children. i. Cassia Jane, Ii. in Anson, April 1, 18 — ; m. Jan. 7, 187S, < >rrin Leeman, son of John and Betsey (Stover) Leeman, of Stark. Since his mar- riage he has resided principally in "Industry. Their children : i. Jennie Maud, b. in Industry, March 10, 1878. ii. Bessie Ella, b. in Industry, June 21, 1879. iii. Hattie Blanche, b. in Stark, ii. HlRAM, b. in Anson, June 4, 1862; resides in Industry, unmd. iii. Sarah Elder, b. in Anson, July 11, 1863; tn. April 27, 1887,* Edward A. Hilton, son of Benjamin F. and Mary ( Furber) Hilton, of Stark. Mr. Hilton is an enterprising young farmer and is interested in sheep and neat-stock raising. Two children. iv. Ella MILLER, Ii. in Anson, Dec. 2S, 1S64; m. Nov. 24, 1880, James Tucker, son of Daniel Staples'. Their children are : i. Warren Daggett, b. in Industry, May 15, 1887. ii. James Tucker, b. in Oakland, July 1, 1888. v. Emma, Ii. in Anson, Feb. 20, 1807; m. July 5, 1SS6, William C. Watson, son of Joseph and Emma (Coglan) Watson, q. v. vi. Anna Love, b. in Industry, Dec. 25, 1870; m. Charles Haynes. Resides in Oakland; children, vii. Frances Elmira, b. in Industry, July 20, 1873. * May 3, Industry Town Records. 57 6 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 4. \ki son W. Fish married Ann Cordelia I >aggett, daughter of John and Love (Pinkham) Daggett. He is a tanner and resides in Anson near the Industry line. Children. i. , dau., 1). in Anson; d. young. ii. Helen Gusta, b. in Anson, April 18, 1861; m. John II. Jeffreys, son of John and Ann D. (Ryant) Jeffreys,* of Industry. iii. Alvin Tinkham, b. in Anson, May 16, 1865; m. Oct. 13, 1885, Elvira A. Spencer, dau. of Sylvester and Matilda (Watson) Spencer, of Anson, iv. Nelson John, b. in Anson, March 6, 1873. v. , dau., d. in infancy. 5. John Fred Daggett, son of John A. and Cynthia P. (Furbush) I >aggett, married Clara L. Flood. He is a traveling salesman for a firm of New York nurserymen (see p. Jj6 J. Resides in New Sharon. Children. i. Ink/ Caroline, 1>. in Farmington, June 1, 1871. ii. Bessie Lena, b. in Farmington, Sept. 9, 1872; m. Dec. 1, 1889, Prank Lane. Reside in New Sharon. Children: i. Clara Belle, b. in New Sharon, May 9, 1890; d. May 21, 1890. Cut. Samuel Daggett 6 and his brothers Silas and Nathan, pioneer settlers of the present town of Industry, trace their ancestry back five generations, to John Daggett or D#gget,t who was born in England and came to America with Winthrop in 1630. Removed to Martha's Vine- yardj Savage says, "perhaps with Mayhevv." Died in Plymouth, Mass., 1673. The name of his first wife, the mother of his son Thomas,-' has not been found, neither place or date of marriage. Thomas D days. Two sons, Nathan and West d. in War of the Rebellion. He d. in one of the Western States. ii. BETSEY, m. Richard Pomeroy and afterwards went West. Children. iii. Catherine, m. John < Jray, of Embden, parents of < >bed W. Gray who m. I (eborah Smith, q. v. iv. Nancy, m. Eben Colby, of New Vineyard. Went West with her sister, Mrs. Pomeroy, and family. Lydia, m. April 28, 1S17. John Elliott, of New Portland. He d. and she m. Moses Wescott. They also went West. 11. THOMAS West, m. (pub. July 20, 1S19), Hannah Merrill, of New Port- land; lived in Madison. Probably d. there. 12. Jesse, m. 1 pub. Nov. 13, 1S21 ), Sophia Lovejoy, a sister of Thomas and I. oval Lovejoy. Went West. NATHAN, m. Feb. 5, 1815, Polly Elliott, of New Portland, a sister of the forenamed |ohn Elliott. 3. Silas Daggett, 6 son oi Seth and Elizabeth (West) Daggett. married Deborah Butler. The exact date of Capt. Daggett's settlement in Industry is not known, but there is conclusive evidence that it was as early as 1806, and he may have t ome a year earlier. Like his brother Samuel, he was a sailor and also a commander of vessels. He was a man of honor and integrity, and while a resident of Industry was much respected by his townsmen. He settled on lot No. 16, at Thompson's Comer, on the east side of the road leading from Joseph H. Sayer's to George W. Johnson's. The land now comprises a part of the Albert ( ieorge farm owned by Mr. Johnson. In 1809 he was elected town clerk and also town treasurer. Concerning the last named office Esq. William Allen relates the following somewhat amusing anecdote: "Captain Thompson having served three years as town treasurer as a successor to Captain West, declined re-election the fourth year, and as a reason said ' He could not afford it, the office run him in debt every year, — he paid out more than he received.' He was requested to present his bill and. it should be allowed. He replied that ' he had kept no account of debt or credit during the three years.' being regarded as an honest, patri- otic man, the town heard his verbal statement and allowed him a small sum, with which he was satisfied, and chose a man who had been a sea 1 aptain in his stead and directed him to keep an account of his doings. The next year the Captain [Daggi 'a] brought in his account entered in a treasury book and declined a re-election because his book would not tell the truth. He stated that he had charged all the bills paid, and entered all the orders he had drawn on collectors to pay bills with — that he had done all the business by orders and bills, had not received or paid out a dollar in money on the town's account ; but his book showed a considerable balance due to him which he knew was not the case.'' GENEALOGICAL NOTES. $79 Finding himself unable to gain a comfortable support by farming, he re- turned to the Vineyard soon after the events just narrated and resumed the occupation of a sailor. His wife died in Farmington, Sept. 12, 1847, aged 87 years,* and lies buried in the old burying-ground in the rear of the new county building. i. Mary, b. in Tisbury, Mass., Aug. 27, 1778. ii. West, b. in Tisbury, Mass., Nov. 26, 1780. 5. iii. Silas, b. in Tisbury, Mass., Feb. 9, 1782; m. Aug. 2, 1S02, Peggy Cleve- land. iv. Deborah, b. in Tisbury, Mass., July 5, 1785. v. Sarah, b. in Tisbury, Mass.. Dec. 6, 17X7;! m. (pub. May 31, 1809), Joseph Johnson, son of Thomas and Thankful (Smith) Johnson, q. v. She d. Nov. 17, 1869. vi. Joseph Bassett, b. in Tisbury, Mass., Dec. 14, 1790. vii. Elizabeth West, b. in Tisbury, Mass., Sept. 24, 1793; m. Aug. 25, 1 Si 2, Bartlett Luce, of Farmington. % viii. SoPHRONiA,b. in Tisbury, Mass., July 31, 1796; m. 181 5, William Dunham. 4. Esq. Samuel Daggett,? son of Capt. Samuel, married Rebecca § Daggett. Mr. Daggett was in early life a seafaring man and came to New Vineyard among the first settlers. He served as chairman of the board of selectmen in New Vineyard in 1803. He returned to the Vine- yard after a time leaving two of his sons, Isaac s and Samuel, s with their grandfather, Samuel Daggett, with whom they remained until they attained their majority. Revolutionary pensioner. Died in Tisbury, Sept. 3, i860. Sarah, b. Dec. 29, 1 791 ; m. (pub. Dec. 19. 1807), Asa Butler, son of Henry and Mehitable (Norton) Butler, q. v. Moved to New York. Isaac, b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 5, 1794; m. March 5, 1S1S, Sarah But- ler Norton, dau. of Tristram and Sarah (Butler) Norton, q. v. Rebecca, b. in New Vineyard, Nov. 25, 1796; m. Isaac Daggett. || * Though the headstone gives her age as above, the Records of Industry show that she had nearly completed her S8th year and was S; years, 9 months and 29 days old at the time of her death. tThis date was copied from a record made by the father in 1S09, see Industry Records of births, Vol. /, /■ 14- Mr. Butler, Hist. Farmington (p. 512), gives the date 17SS. J The Town Records of Industry, Vol. !., p. r/8, show that Bartlett Luce, of Farmington, and Betsey West Daggett, of Industry, were married as above. Though there is some degree of doubt in the author's mind as to the identity of Betsey with the above Elizabeth, yet circum- stances indicate that they are one and the same. §There is some doubt as to the maiden name of Samuel Daggett's wife. Mrs. Deborah Gray, who possesses a wonderful knowledge of Vineyard family histories says: " Esq. Dag- gett's wife was either a Butler or a relative of the Butlers." After much painstaking investi- gation the author is inclined to accept the latter statement as the correct one. || Win. Daggett, says Mrs. Annie C. Pratt, of Chelsea, Mass. 5. in New Vineyard, Nov. 17, 1S02. vii. Mary MERRY, b.in New Vineyard, May 7, 1805. Accidentally drowned. viii. |dhn Tobey, b. in New Vineyard, Sept. 27, 1807. ix. Bradford Brush, b. April 15,1812*. He followed the sea, principally as a whaleman, and in this vocation, it is supposed, lost his life. x. Amanda Melvina, b. Aug. 4, 1815; m. Oeorge P>. Manchester. 5. Silas Daggett,'' son of Silas and Deborah (Butler) Daggett, married Peggy Cleveland. Fanner and mariner. Resided in that part of New Vineyard set off to Industry, also at Martha's Vineyard, where it is supposed he died. Children. 8. i. Lendal, b. in Tisbury, Mass., ( >ct. 14, 1804; m. Lydia Norton, dau. of Tristram and Sarah (Butler) Norton, q. v. ii. Abigail Cleveland, b. in Industry, Me., May 16, 1807. iii. Joseph. iv. West, m. (pub. June 7, 1837), Ann Kicker, of New Vineyard. Resided in Solon, but subsequently went to Iowa. Seven sons. v. DEBORAH, m. Tilton, of Martha's Vineyard, a brother of Peter Til- ton, of Industry. vi. Hiram, m. Nov. 3, 1824, Eliza Burnham, of Farmington. He was a merchant in Farmington; went to California. Two sons and two daughters. vii. Isaac C (leveland?), b. Feb. 6, 1816; m. Eliza N. Robinson. Resides in Tisbury, Mass. 6. Isaac Daggett, 8 son of Samuel and Rebecca (Daggett) Dag- gett, married Sarah B. Norton. Farmer. Spent his whole life in New Vineyard and Industry. His wife died in Industry, Nov. 27, 1880, aged 81 years, 6 months. He died Aug. 17, 1884, aged 90 years, 12 days. < liililren. 9. i. SAMUEL, b. in New Vineyard, Nov. 30, 181 8; m. Louisa W. Pennel. 10. ii. TRISTRAM Norton, b. in New Vineyard, Oct. 21, 1820; m. June — , 1846, Lucy Churchill, dau. of Tobias and Jane (Everett) Churchill, of New Portland, iii. ISAAC, b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 2, 1823; d. of rheumatic fever while engaged in driving logs on the Penobscot River, May 15, 1850. 11. iv. John TOBEY, b. in New Vineyard, Sept. 13, 1826; m. Jan. 31, 1856, Caroline Norton, dau. of Benjamin \V. and Amy A. (Manter) Norton, q. v. v. ANDREW Jackson, b. in New \ ineyard, Nov. 26, 1829; m. Aug. 14, 1852, Susan Tinkham, dau. of Ariel and Susan (Bray) Tinkham, of Anson. He d. April 21, 1S60. She resides in Anson. Several chil- dren. vi. FRANCIS Marion, b. in New Vineyard, April 24, 1833; d. in California, July 9, 1868. vii. William Harrison, b. in New Vineyard, May 28, 1831); m. Abbie Frost, dau. of John and Olive (Leaver) Frost. For second wife he m. Angie Coughlin, dau. of Andrew and Ann ( ) Coughlin, of New Vineyard. lie d. in California, July 27, 1876. viii. |i iia Jones, b. in New Vineyard, June 1, 1839; m. (pub. June 23, 1859), Benjamin YV. Norton, son of Benjamin \V. and Amy A. ( Manter) Norton, q. :<. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 581 7. Samuel Daggeit, s son of Samuel and Rebecca (Daggett) Dag- gett, married Julia Jones. He was high sheriff of Franklin County from 1842 to 1846, was also a colonel in the militia. He subsequently re- moved to Farmington Falls, where he died June 10, 1859. His widow afterward married Rev. George Webber and resided in Evansville, Ind- iana. She died about 1887, and her remains were brought to farmington fur interment. Colonel Samuel lived with his grandfather when a lad, and subsequently after his marriage cared for his aged grandparents un- til their death. Bradford, b. Aug. 9, 1825; a student at the Farmington Academy- Drowned, July 15, 1841, while bathing in Sandy River. Mary, b. Dec. 26, 1830; d. Feb. 9, 1841. Charles Boardman, d. Nov. 6, 1875. He was 1st Sergt., Co. L., 2d Me. Cavalry. 8. Lendal Daggett, 8 son of Silas and Peggy (Cleveland) Dag- gett, married Lydia Norton. His father died when he was quite young and he went to live with his great uncle, Capt. Samuel Daggett, in New Vineyard. He died May 13, 1868, aged 63 years. 6 months, 29 days. His widow died in Industry, Dec. 1, 1885. Children. i. Skth, I b. April 24, 1828; Seth m. Oct. 14, 1856, E. Jane, dau. of Abbott ii. Silas, 1 and Katherine (Collins) Doyen. Divorced, s.p. For his second wife he m. Mrs. Jane Morrison, also without issue. They now (1892) reside in Waterville. Silas m. Mellison, dau. of Nahum and Nancy (Nash) Pinkham, of Anson. They now reside in North Dakota. iii. Lydia Ann, b. Sept. 19, 1835; m - Feb. 2 ^> '^57' J ose ph Warren Smith, son of Peter B. and Eleanor (Spencer) Smith, '868, Maria, dau. of Stephen and Sarah (Brown) Gilman, of Anson. Resides in Anson. Children : i. Burtis Albert, b. in Stark, Dee. 20, 1869; m. Sept. 18, 1886, Lilta A. Devoll, dau. of David and (Young) Devoll, of Norridgewock. Their child : Omar Gardiner, b. in Stark, June 13, 1887. ii. Maud EUGENIA, b. in Stark, June 14, 1876. 9. Samuel Daggett, q son of Isaac and Sarah B. (Norton) Daggett, married Louisa W. Fennel, who died Jan. 20, 1848, aged 23 years. Mr. Daggett was a farmer and resided for many years in the northern part of Industry. He married for second wife (pub. Sept. 30, 1848) Lydia Norton, daughter of Samuel and Susannah W. (Davis) Norton, q. v. He removed to Sanborn, Iowa, about 1883, where he still resides. Children. i. Sarah N., b. Sept., 1847; d. Jan. 6, 1848. 73 5-S2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Children by second marriage. ii. ANDREW JACKSON, b. in Industry, May 25, [849; m. and resides in Cali- fornia. iii. Amanda W., b. in Industry, Nov. [9, 1S52; m. (pub. Jan. 15, 1873), John W. Keith, of Farmington. Farmer. She d. in Farmington, Jan. 22, 1889. iv. Lydia Jam-., I>. in Industry; m. Mark Bunker, son of Ichabod and (Albee) Hunker, of Anson. Divorced. Resides in Sanborn, Iowa. 10. Tristram Norton Daggett,9 son of Isaac and Sarah B. (Nor- ton) Daggett, married Lucy Churchill. Farmer. Has resided in In- dustry, New Vineyard and in Iowa. He married for second wife. July 11, 1866, Caroline E. Thomas, divorced wife of Hovey Thomas and daughter of Philander and Mary (Norton) Butler, q. v. He died in New Vineyard, March, 1891, aged 70 years, 5 months. Children. i. ORRINGTON, ) 1). in Industry, July 19, 1847; Orrington d. of diphtheria ii. ( IRRAVILLE, ) July i, 186}, and Orraville d. of the same disease Aug. 3. 1863. 12. iii. Isaac W.,* 1>. in New Vineyard, |an. 2, 1851; m. at Hampton, Iowa, ( let. 29, 1872, Emma A. Ward, dau. of William and Emily T. (< >lds) Ward, of Burns, Marion Co., Kans She was b. near Krie, I'enn., June 18, 1 85 1. iv. Sarah Elizabeth, b. in New Vineyard, Feb. 28, 1853; d. of diphtheria, June 16, 1863. v. Russell Everett, b. in New Vineyard, Sept. 28, 18^5; d. of diphtheria, July 12, 1863. vi. Warren Tristram, b. in New Vineyard, July 21, 1858; d. of diphtheria, June 25, 1S63. vii. LUCY ANNAH, b. in New Vineyard, Aug. II, i860; d. of diphtheria. Sept. 4, 1863. 11. John Tobey Daggett,9 son of Isaac and Sarah B. (Norton) Daggett, married Caroline Norton. Farmer. Settled on the home- stead, where he continued to live up to near the time of his death. His wife Caroline died April 14, 187S, and he married for second wife, Nov. 16, 1879, Eleanor Greenwood, relict of Hannibal Greenwood, of Indus- try, q. v. He moved to Farmington Village in the fall of 1890, and died of pneumonia Dec. 23, 1891, aged 65 years. Children. i. Harrison, b. in Industry, Aug. 14, 1857; in. April 14, 1883, Ellen M. Smith, dau. of Joseph W. and Lydia A. (Daggett) Smith, q. i\ She d. March 17, 1888, and he m. for second wife, Aug. 4. 1889, Frances M. Ijrackett, dau. of Franklin and Florilla (Woodcock) Bracken, of Stark. He is a merchant at West's Mills, also postmaster, town clerk, treasurer, etc. Children: i. CLIFFORD, b. in Industry, June 17,1890. ii. Rl BY EMMA, b. in Industry. April 24, 1892. * Tin- " W " in this name was not a part of tin- name given at his christening, but was after- ward added by Mr. Daggett himself simply to give a middle letter to his name. Hence he has no middle name. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 583 ii. Charles M., b. in Industry, Nov. 21, 1861; d. July 20. 1863. iii. Emma A., b. in Industry, Oct. 29, [864; m. Jan. 4, 1884, Charles E. Crowell (b. in Oakland, Aug. 30, 1850), son of Calvin C. and Cordelia (Blair) Crowell. lie is a machinist (1892) in the employ of the Somerset R. R. Co. Their child: Mildred Louise, b. in Oakland, Feb. 3, 1889. iv. James Morton, b. in Industry, June 7, 1867. v. Abbie Norton, b. in Industry, Aug. 7, 1872. vi. Julia [ones, 1>. in Industry, Oct. 6, 1876. Children by second marriage. \ ii. Blanche M., b. in Industry, Dec. 31, 1880. viii. John, b. in Industry, May 13, 1SS2. ix. Delia F., b. in Industry, Jan. 31, 1884. 12. Isaac W. Daggett, 10 son of Tristram X. and Lucy (Churchill) Daggett, married Emma A. Ward. Went to Hampton, Iowa, in the spring of 1865, and engaged in farming and teaching for four years. Then entered "Iowa College" at Grinnell, where he remained two years. In September, 1873, he commenced reading law in the office of D. W. Dow, of Hampton. Took a course in the Law Department of the Iowa University and graduated as Bachelor of Law in June, 1S75. Practiced law until 1878, and then engaged in real estate and general banking bus- iness. He is now cashier of the Citizen's National Bank, of Burns, Kan- sas, where he now resides. i. ARTHUR E., 1>. in Hampton, la., Auy. 20, 187(1; d. July 3, 1SS7. ii. Nellie May, b. in Primghar, la., Sept. is, 1878. iii. Emma ROSEMOND, b. in Sanborn, la., Jan. 1, 1SS1. Tristram Daggett is shown by the Town Records of Industry to have been a son of Elijah. The church records at Edgartown, Mass., show that Elijah, son of Brotherton and Mrs. Thankful (Daggett) (Butler) Daggett, was baptized April 21, 1734. He probably married, Nov. 9, 1757, [edidah Chase, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Atheam) Chase. Jedidah was born 1736. Elijah's children, so tar as can he learned, were :* 1. i. Tristram, b. Aug. 22, 1758; m. 1785, Jane Merry. 2. ii. ELIJAH, m. April 4, 1787. Peggy Smith, dau. of Capt. Smith. f iii. Matthew, b. 1764; m. his cousin, Rebecca Daggett; resided in Warren, Me.; d. Oct. 15, 1831, aged 67 years. Two children: *The husband Elijah subsequently died and his widow, Mrs. Jedidah (ChaseJ Daggett, married a Hamblen, of Martha's Vineyard. She died, with her daughter Abigail, in New Vine- yard. Child by her second marriage : Martha, b. 1781 ; married Joseph Williamson, q. v. t Mrs. Annie C. Pratt, Chelsea, Mass., says, "daughter o{ Samuel and Sarah or Priscilla (Chase) Smith." Levi G. Leeman, who in his early life knew Mrs. Daggett well, states that she was a daughter of a Captain Smith, who married a Spanish woman. While a grandson, James M. Butler, of Hemlock Lake, N. Y ., is confident that she was of Scotch descent. 584 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. i. Fred, b. 1794; d. at sea. ii. LUCY A., m. Reuben Alford, and d. in < Hdtown, Me. iv. ABIGAIL, 1>. 1766; m. ('apt. Samuel Daggett, q. v., son of Seth and Eliza- beth (West) Daggett, for his second wife; she d. s. p. v. Mary, m. Long. vi. Nathan.* 1. Tristram Daggett, son of Elijah and Jedidah (Chase) Daggett, married Jane Merry. In his early life Mr. Daggett was a sailor. He served five years in the War of the Revolution and received the following discharge : By his Excellency George Washington, Esq., General and Commander- in-chiej oj the forces of the United States of America. These certify that the bearer hereof, Tristram Daggett, soldier in the seventh Massachusetts Regiment, having faithfully served the United States and being enlisted for the war only is hereby discharged from the American Army. [Signed] G. Washington. By his Excellency's command. [Signed] J. Trumbull, Jr. Registered in the Books of the Regt. The above Tristram Daggett, soldier, has been honored with a badge of merit for five years' faithful service. [Signed] J. Brooks. Lt. Col. commanding 7th Mass. Reg. "Mr. Daggett," as we learn from Allen's History of Industry, " was one of the original purchasers of the township of New Vineyard, pur- chased by subscribers for single lots and drew his hundred acres in the fust range adjoining the Lowell Strip east of the New \ 7 ineyard moun- tains, and was the first to commence operations for a settlement in that quarter of the township. In June, 1791, he procured a backload of provisions at the settlement at the river, now Farmington, and went to the (lore by the path, stopped over night with Daniel Collins, and then got Mr. Collins to pilot him up the mountain a mile to the town line which had been newly run and plainly marked by spotted trees, with the corners of the lots marked and numbered on the line. Thence he proceeded "afoot and alone' with his pack on his back and axe in his hand, noticing the numbers of the lots from No. 13 to his lot, No. 6,t "Authority of James M. Butler, Hemlock Lake, N. Y. The above Nathan Daggett was Mr. Butler's great uncle on his mother's side, lie further states that Nathan Daggett was a pilot to tin- French licit while in American waters during tin- Revolutionary AYar. f See foot note, p. 53. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. -^-^ the corner of which he found in a swamp, but on following the (heck line a short distance he came to good land, made a temporary camp near a good spring of pure water which issued from the mountain, cov- ered his small camp with spruce hark, prepared a bed on the ground and a coat of hemlock boughs with small twigs in the room of feathers, so that he could crawl into his camp to sleep and be protected from the rain. He commenced cutting down the trees in order to make a farm, and soon made an opening of live or six acres. He often said he never enjoyed himself better in his life than while thus employed ; that he slept more comfortably in his rude camp than others could in beds of down who lived in idleness, and quenched his thirst from the spring with a better relish than any epicure ever enjoyed over the choicest wine." After clearing some land he built a log-house and moved his family into it the next year. Here he lived till 1795, when he sold his farm to Esq. Herbert Boardman and settled on the Lowell Strip at the head of Clear Water Fond, where he made an excellent farm which he- sold to David M. Luce and settled on a lot near by. Aug. 19, [828, he purchased a small lot and house east of West's Mills. He was placed oil the pension list in 1818, under an Act of Congress, and subsequently under the Act of 1828, and at last under the Act of 1 .S - 2 , which last he received as long as he lived. He was afflicted with much sickness in his family for many years ; and his wife and several children died while liv- ing in Industry. He married for second wife (pub. Oct. 23, 1830), Nancy Norton, relict of Sprowel Norton and daughter of James Eveleth, q. 7>. She died in Industry, April 18, 1S46, aged 63 years. After the death of his second wife, he removed to Parkman, where he died in 1848, aged nearly 90 years. Elijah, b. June — , 1786; d. young. Henry, b. May 27, 17S9; m. Cleveland, of Enibden. Susan, b. May 25, 1791; d. Aug. — , 1808. ABIGAIL, b. July 22, 1793; m. Oct. 29, 1814, |al>e/. Norton, son of [abez and Phebe (Luce) Norton, q. v. Jane, b. March 12, 1796; d. unmd. at the resilience of David Merry, April 27, 1 86 1. Matthew, 1>. May 9, 1797; m. Cleveland. Tristram, b. June 8, 1799; ra. April 30, 1823, Martha Luce, dau. of Alsbury and Mary (Burgess) Luce, of Farmington. TIMOTHY, b. May 29, 1802;* m. Nov. 29, 1S38, Thankful Merry, dau. of Asa and Sally (lSartlett) Merry, q. v. Isaac, b. Aug. 13, 1805; d. Sept. — , 1808. * From Industry Town Records. Mr. Daggett's family record gives date of birth May 26, D.ite of marriage is from Industry M. E. Church Records. The record referred to above gives date of marriage Nov. 20. 586 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 2. Elijah Daggett, son of Elijah and Jedidah (Chase) Daggett, married Peggy Smith. Mr. Daggett was a mariner and probably died cither at sea or at Martha's Vineyard. His widow came to Industry and afterward married. April 16, [812, Dea. Levi Greenleaf, of Industry, for his second wife. She lived but a short time after her second mar- riage and died about Aug. 1, i8i2>* Children. — Order of birth not known. i. Love, b. at Manila's Vineyard; m. May 14, 1S12. Samuel Leeman, son of facob and Keziah (Chapman) Leeman, of Stark. Mr. Leeman was for some years a resident of Industry. His first wife was a dau. of I )ea. Levi Greenleaf, . in St. Albans; d in l)exter, aged about 14 years. iv. LYDIA ANN, b. in Dexter; m. a sea captain; d. at Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Dec. — . 1851, s.p. v. Susan Jam;, 1>. in Dexter; m. James Brown, of Dexter. She d. Dec. 31, 1861. Several children; one, Nettie, d. Sept. — , 1858, aged 9 vears, the others d. younger. vi. Amanda Jordan, b. in Dexter; m. Nov. 28, 1872, Rufus Washburn. Resides in < 'doversville, N. Y. 4. Timothy Daggett, son of Tristram and Jane (Merry) Daggett, married Thankful Merry. At the age of seventeen Mr. Daggett left his parental home to seek his fortune in the wide, busy world. A part of the time for thirteen years he followed the sea, alternating with work on a farm. He was prudent and saving of his wages, and ere long had amassed a snug little sum for a laboring man. He owned several pieces of real estate in Industry at different times, but did not make his home there very long at a time. One summer while at work on a dam in Augusta, he had a narrow escape from instant death. During the noon hour, while Mr. Daggett was in his room, some of the workmen made a blast in the ledge close at hand. A fragment of rock entered the side of the house just above his head, — his small stature saved his life, lie moved to Parkman in 1S45, where he owned several different farms and continued to reside until 1S74, when he disposed of his property and moved to Ripley, where he died, July 31, 1879, aged 77 years, 2 months, 2 days. His wife died in Parkman. July 1 ;, 1S67, aged 50 years, 5 days. ( hildren. i. Mary Luce, b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 8, 1839; m. June 14, 1862, Ed- ward Freeman Libby (1). in Dexter, April 3, 1832), son of Joseph Weeks and Mary (Jordan) Libby, of Dexter. Mr. Libby is a farmer and resides in Dexter. 6. ii. Tristram,!), in New Vineyard, Jan. 2, 1841; m. 1866, Hannah Wood- cock, dau. of Theodore and Deborah (Bessy) Woodcock, of Ripley. iii. Sarah Jane, b. in New Vineyard, Oct. 23, 1843; •'• m Parkman, June 11, 1863. iv. Asa Merry, b. in Parkman, July 22, 1845; m - t)ec. 18, 1870, his cousin, Rhoda Merry Williams, dau. of Henry and Catherine (Merry) Williams, of Embden. Near the close of the war he enlisted at Ban- gor as a substitute and became a member of the Twelfth Co., Unassigned Infantry. He was stationed at Galloupe's Island, Boston Harbor, and discharged at the close of the war. He was absent from home five weeks and five days and received $550, beside his clothes. After his discharge he settled on a farm in New Portland, where the remainder of his life was spent. He d. of consumption, May 19, 1889, aged 43 yrs., 9 mos., and 27 days. Children : i. Carrol Linwood, b. in New Portland, April 30, 1872. ii. Elsie Mae, b. in New Portland, Nov. 15, 1874; d. April 29, 1889. 588 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iii. Arthur Earl, 1>. in New Portland, April 23, 1882. iv. Lena Alice, b. in New Portland, Jan. 26, 1887. v. Catherine Amanda, b. in Parkman, May 31, 1848; m. Jan. 8, 1S71, I Ienry True Woodcock, son of Theodore and Deborah (Bessy) Wood- cock, of Ripley. She d. in Ripley, March 24, 1S77. ( >ne child: Minnie May, b. Jan. 24, 1872. vi. William Merry, b. in Parkman, March 24, 1851. Resided in Parkman with his father until they sold out in 1S74. Then he engaged in brick-making two or three seasons. In the spring of 1S77 he hired with Priggs and Leighton to work on a sheep ranch in Colorado. < me season he was in New Mexico and Texas with a lot of sheep. In 1883 he was a part owner of the herd of neat cattle he tended. This venture proved quite a financial success. Settling up his business he came to Maine on a visit, but was so homesick that he soon went back. He now resides in Midland, Texas, unmd. vii. CLARA Hi. la, b. in Parkman, June 14, 1854. Resides in Norway, unmd. 5. Timothy Daggett, son of Tristram and Martha (Luce) Dag- gett, married Mary Jane Fletcher. Mr. Daggett is a farmer and (1891) resides in Dexter. Children. i. Emeline Addie, b. in Dexter, Sept. 4, 1852; m. Sept. 6, 1879, Wilbur Colby Gerry (b. in Dover, May 30, 1854), son of Benjamin Stephens and Miranda (Rowe) Gerry, of Dexter. Mr. Gerry, the younger, is a fanner and resides in Dexter, s. p. ii. CHARLES, b. in Dexter, June 18, 1854. At the age of 18 years he went to Lowell, Mass , and worked on a milk route. Next he was owner of a route and afterward superintendent of a creamery. He now ( 1801 ) keeps a jewelry store and pawnbroker's shop. iii. Ann Loretta, b. in Dexter, Feb. 2S, 1859. She was a school teacher and taught seventeen terms prior to her marriage. Married Aug. 27, 1886, William Albert Darling ( b. in Meltham, Yorkshire Co , England, Sept. 3. 1853.) lie was the son of Jonas and Elizabeth (Heigh) Darling. Farmer; resides in Garland, J. /. iv. NATHAN, b. in Dexter, June 2, i860. He has been clerk in the Dexter Co-operative Store six years and manager of I he Pittsfield Co-operative one year. He now keeps a boot and shoe store in Dexter; unmd. v. MARY Elizabeth, b. in Dexter, March 20, 1S62.* Dressmaker; unmd. vi. AMANDA, b. in Dexter, July 12, 1865; unmd. 6. Tristram Daggett, son of Timothy and Thankful (Merry) Dag- gett, married Hannah Woodcock. On the breaking out of the Rebel- lion he enlisted as a member of the Third battery, First Regiment, Mounted Artillery, and was mustered in Dec. 11, 1861. March 28, 1863, this Battery was transferred to the First Regiment, Heavy Artillery, as Co. M. On the 24th of December, 1863, Mr. Daggett re- enlisted for the remainder of the war. On the twenty-third day of the following February the company was again re-organized and became the Third Battery, Mounted Artillery. Mustered out June 17, 1865. The * Mr. Samuel B. Doggett, of Boston, Mass., furnished the record as follows: v. Maui E., b. March 20, 1S61. vi. Amanda, b. July 12, 1866. For various reasons the writer is inclined to favor the dates as given in the record above. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 589 following spring he purchased a farm and settled in Ripley, where the remainder of his life was spent. His wife died of consumption \ug. 17, 1871, aged 24 years. He subsequently married. March 24, 1X72, Mrs. Phebe Cummings Libby, daughter of Nehemiah and Polly (Drake) Leavitt, of Cambridge. He died of consumption. Jan. 30. 1879, aged 38 years, 28 days. Children. i. Tristram Linwood, b. in Ripley, March 28, 1869. Children by second marriage. ii. Charles Delbert, b. in Ripley, July 13, 1873. Lives in Cambridge. iii. Fred, b. in Ripley, July ro, 1875; d. Oct. 30, 1876. iv. Fred Eugene, b. in Ripley, July 31, 1877. Lives in Pittsfield. * DAVIS. Dolor Davis, the immigrant ancestor of the Industry Davises, is be- lieved to have been a native of Bennefield, Northamptonshire, England, where, Dr. Palfrey once told Mr. Savage, the graves of Dolor Davis's ancestors were to be found. He married Margery, daughter of Richard Willard, of Horsmonden, County of Kent, England, and came to this country in 1634111 company with his brother-in-law, Major Simon Wil- lard. He stopped first at Cambridge, and is next found as one of the original proprietors of the lands in Concord, Mass. He was of Dux- bury, April 6, 1641, when he was bondsman for George Willard of that town. In 1643 he and his sons were included among those able to bear arms at Barnstable. He was by trade a carpenter and master builder, which fact explains his frequent removals from place to place. In the new settlements he found more employment than in the older ones. Neither Mr. Davis nor his sons were ambitious for distinction in politi- cal life, consequently their names seldom appear in public records. Of Dolor Davis the author of Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families says : " Perhaps among all the families which came to New England, not one can be selected more deserving of our esteem and unqualified approbation than that of Dolor Davis. As a man, he was honest, indus- trious and prudent ; as a christian, tolerant and exact in the perform- ance of his religious duties ; as a neighbor, kind, obliging, and ever ready to help those who needed his assistance, and as a father and head of his family, he was constantly solicitous for the welfare of all its mem- * Mr. Samuel B. Doggett, Hollis Street, Cor. Tremont, Boston, Mass., has an elaborate work on the Doggett-Daggett families of America, nearly ready for publication. To this exhaustive work the reader is referred for a more complete history and genealogy of that numerous race. 74 590 HISTORY ()/■' INDUSTRY. bers, cultivating those kindly feelings and amenities of life which render home delightful. His sons and his grandsons followed in his footsteps. They were men whose characters stand unblemished." Margery, wife of Dolor Davis, died probably at Concord, and he married for his sec- ond wife |oanna. widow of John Bursley and daughter of Rev. Joseph Hall. He died in i < > 7 3 - John Davis, the eldest son of Dolor, was born in England and married, March 15. 1648, Hannah, daughter of Robert Linnell, of Barnstable. This son was likewise a carpenter and one of the last three survivors of the early settlers of Barnstable. He was the father of twelve children, all horn in Barnstable, and died in 1703. The eldest son, John, Jr., born Jan. 15, 1649-50, married three wives. He married first, Feb. 2. 1674-5. Ruth, daughter of Roger and Alice Good- speed, who died , . His second wife, whom he married Feb. 22, 1692-3, was Mary Hamlin. She died in November, 1698, and he married a third time in 1699, Hannah, widow of Nathaniel Bacon. He was a house carpenter, like his father and grandfather before him, and in 17 10 removed with his family to the new town of Falmouth. He died in 1729, at the age of 80 years, leaving an estate valued at _/, 1.S10. He was the father of twelve children, ten sons and two daughters. From which one of the sons of John Davis, Jr., the Industry Davises are descendants is at the present time an unsettled question. Mrs. Annie ('. Pratt, of Chelsea. Mass., who has given the subject much study, in- forms the writer that in tracing the ancestry back the earliest name of the line she has is : Barney Davis. This Barney probably had a son: Thomas Davis, who m. Catherine Wendell, of Albany,* and is known to have had children as follows: i. Thomas, b. 1722; m. 1. ii. David, b. 1726; m. 1750, Sarah Cozzens.f iii. Catherine, unmd. It is believed that Col. Melatiah Davis, 1>. 1717, who went from Falmouth to Martha's Vineyard, and d. at Edgartown, Mass., Jan. 9, 17'/;, was an older son of Thomas and Catherine, though no evidence to that effect has yet been adduced. Melatiah Davis, above named, married Jemima Dunham, who was born 1726, and died Dec. 14, 1799. Among the children of Melatiah and Jemima 1 >a\ is were : 2. Benjamin, b. 1752; m. 1775. Molly Daggett, of Edgartown. 3. Melatiah, b. .May 24, 1758; m. Dec. 17, 1771, Mary Cousins Davis, dan. of David and Sarah (Cozzens) Davis, ,/. v. * Perhaps Albany, New York. fThe name Cousins, and in some instances Corson, is identical with this, differing only in orthography. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 59 1 i. David Davis, son of Thomas and Catherine (Wendell) Davis, married Sarah Cozzens. He probably spent his whole life on the Island of Martha's Vineyard. His wife died in Edgartown, Mass., June 14, 1810, aged 84 years. Among his children were : 4. i. Sanford, 111. 1700, Deborah Coffin ( 1>. Feb. 24, 1761 ); moved to Farm- ington in 1 791. His wife Deborah, d. in Farmington, April -, [829. ii. WILLIAM, immigrated to Maine.* iii. Mary Cousins, b. May 27, [753; m. Dec. 17, 1771, Melatiah Davis, son of Melatiah and Jemima (Dunham) Davis, q. v. 5. iv. David, b. 1759; m. Olive, dau. of Zaccheus Mayhew. v. Wenuall, m. Polly, dau. of Ebenezer Smith. Farmer; resided in New Vineyard, Industry and Farmington. Children: i. Cornelius S., 2<], b. at Martha's Vineyard, Sept. 12, 1790; (1. Sept. 26, 1790. ii. Mary, b. Dec. 26, 1791; m. (pub. April 20, 1814), Jacob Eaton, son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Thorn) Eaton, of Farmington. She d. Aug. 10, 1S6S. Four children, iii. Sarah, b. March 26, 1795; m. Oct. 16, 1S21, Menzir Boardman, son of Herbert and Mary (Merry) Board- man, q. v. vi. Rufus, m. May 15, 1S00, Abigail Smith, dau. of Joseph and Abigail (Butler) Smith, q. v. At time of his marriage he was a resident of Farmington. Built mills in Industry, at the outlet of Clear Water Pond. Moved to Hallowell, where both he and his wife d. Children: i. RuFUS, resideil in Boston. ii. Martha, m. Bowdich, of Hallowell. iii. Warren, m. the dau. of a F. B. minister in New Portland. iv. Charlotte. v. Betsey, m. Dunning, of Hallowell. 2. Benjamin Davis, son of Melatiah and Jemima (Dunham) Davis, married Molly Daggett. Farmer; resided in Edgartown. His wife- died and he married for second wife Miriam, daughter of Ephraim Hunt, of Middleboro, Mass. He died in Edgartown, Mass., July 23, 1838, aged 84 years. Children. 6. i. Henry, b. in Edgartown, Nov. 20, 1778; m. Dec. 12, 1805, Betsey Athearn, of Tisbury, Mass. ii. ZADOC, b. in Edgartown; m. Elizabeth Bassett. Settled in Cincinnati, Ohio. iii. Sally, b. in Edgartown; 111. Argalis Pease. iv. Polly D., b. in Edgartown, July 3, 1795; m. Charles Smith, of Edgar- town. v. Benjamin, b. in Edgartown, Feb. 2, 1S05; 111. Almira Newcomb, of Edgartown. * May have settled in New Mil ford (nowAlna). Farmington Town Records show that Win. Davis of that town and Mary Inman, Farmington, were married, Nov. 2S, 1S05. The cir- cumstance that he had a brother Sanford in Farmington, and another, David, not far away in New Vineyard, offers an explanation for his coming to Farmington to marry his wile. He may have afterward moved to Farmington, and in 1S14 married for second wife, Lydia 1 [ussey of Nobleboro', a town not far from New Milford. 59- HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 3. Melatiah Davis, son of Melatiah and Jemima (Dunham) Davis, married Mary ('. Davis. He was a resident of Edgartown, where he died Oct. T2, 1821, aged 63 years. His wife died Dec. 10, 1818. aged 65 years. Children. 7. i. [AMES, 1)., probably, in Edgartown, Mass, Feb. 15, [773; m. Betsey I 00k, dau. of Samuel and Margaret (Chase) Look. She was I). July 14, 177-.* probably in Tisbury. 8. ii. Cornelius, b. in Edgartown, Mass., April 2, 1775; m. Dee. 17, 1S07, Hepsebath Norton, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Davis) Norton, . Sept. 10, 1795; m. (pub. April 23, 1818), William Butler, son of Benjamin and Amy (Daggett) Butler, of Farmington. Moved to Canada about 1S40. v. Nathaniel Mayhew, b. 1796; d. unmd. Oct. 19, 1843. vi. Susannah Wade, 1). April 10, 1799; m. (pub. May 6, 182(1), Samuel Norton, son of Tristram and Sarah (butler) Norton, q. v. She d. in Kinglield, June 19, 1882. vii. Myra, m. Oct. 2, 1824, Philip Hunter, son of John and Betsey ( Hanley) Hunter, of Strong. Farmer; resided in Strong, where his wife d. Their children were: Betsey ( '•., John, Myra A., and Phebe ( >. viii. Eunice, b. 1807; d. unmd.. Aug. 21, 1866. t 6. Henrv Davis, son of Benjamin and Molly (Daggett) Davis. ♦Benjamin H. Davis writes: " I recall an anecdote of Grandfather Davis illustrating his Puritanical character, related to me by uncle Benj. H. Cushman, mother's half brother. One day, when a young man, my uncle went to Grandfather Davis's to court one of his girls. The open lire-place in grandfather's room affording a good chance to spit, he seated himself, took out his pipe and began to smoke. Fixing his eye reprovingly on him, my grandfather said: ' Young man, I never sung a song, danced a jig or smoked a pipe, and I married the likeliest girl in Martha's Vineyard.' * My grandfather's favorite names were Thomas and David (I suppose they were ancestral names; and he depended upon my mother to raise up two boys to perpetuate them. But finally worn out by the weight of years and hopes deferred, he joined the ' innumerable caravan' before my brother and I were summoned to join the family circle, leaving his names in trust for us, but we never got them. The names Hiram Stoyell and Benjamin Harvey were thrust upon us poor innocents too young to remonstrate and with no grandfather to intercede." t Family Record. Farmington Town Records, Nov. 15, 1818. Here as well as in New Vineyard, where the intention of marriage was also entered, the name appears as Anna Mes- servey. Butler, History of Farmington (/. 44Q), calls the mother's name Anna. He rvey. The writer is of the opinion that the name Harvey was originally Messervey and was evolved thus : Messervey, llervey, Harvey. Regarding the christian name, Anna, her son, Benjamin Har- vey Davis writes : " My mother's maiden name, I suppose, is properly Nancy Harvey. Her mother's name, I believe, was Annie or Anna, and I think my mother was sometimes called Anna when she was young, but whether that name legally belongs to her or not I cannot say." 594 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. married Betsey Athearn. Farmer. Resided in Farmington, Strong, and New Vineyard. Died Oct. 13, [874, aged nearly 96 years. His wife was horn in Tisbury, Mass., Aug. 17, 1785, and died in New Vineyard, Max 17, 1868. i. ZADOC, b. in Farmington, April 18, 1807; m. Dec. 22, 1833, Catherine Allen, dau. of Sylvanus and Katherine (Athearn) Allen, q. v. Dead. Two children, ii. Cordelia, b. in Strong, Dec. 22, 1808. iii. Charles, b. in Strong, Nov. 24, 1810. iv. MARY, b. in Strong, Oct. 8, 1812; in. Aug. 7, 1834, Winthroj) Norton, son of Fbenezer and Martha (Norton) Norton, ayers in that town on its incorporation in 1802. Both he and Mrs. Davis were admitted to the Baptist Church on the Gore, June 2, 1802. by baptism, and it is claimed that their son fames, Jr., (born Aug. 25, 1 799), was born in New Vineyard. On coming to Industry Mr. I )avis purchased the betterments on lot No. 27, at Good- ridge's Corner, of Archelaus Luce, and resided there for many years.* This lot now comprises the farm owned and occupied by the late Hovey Thomas. Mr. Davis was a tanner and shoemaker as well as a farmer — a man of much ability and one who figured prominently in the early affairs of the town. Personally his character was above reproach, and * When Mr. Davis first came to Industry he lived for a time in a small log-house, and after- ward built a large framed house which Dr. Henderson took down and moved to Farmington after he came in possession of the farm. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 595 he was highly respected by his townsmen for honor and integrity. He was a prominent and influential member of the church — served as town clerk in 1812 and 1813, and was chairman of the hoard of selectmen in 1817, iSiSand 1819. On the third day of May, 1819, while still chairman of the board of selectmen, he was elected to represent his town in the Massachusetts Legislature. On that occasion he was elected by a hand- some majority over five other prominent citizens in the town. Mr. Davis, the first representative from Industry, wore a suit of blue home- spun made from the raw material by members of his own family — as was also every article of his wearing apparel, including his shoes. It is doubtful whether the skill and industry of any one family was ever bet- ter represented in legislative halls than was Mr. Davis's on that occa- sion. In 1821 Mr. Davis succeeded Jonathan Goodridge as postmaster at the Centre of the town, and held that office continuously for a period of more than eighteen years. Prior to his election to the Legislature he had erected a store on his farm, and for many years the junction of the roads near his home bore the name of Davis's Corner. Me eventu- ally returned to Martha's Vineyard, where the last of his life was spent. His wife died at Vineyard Haven, Mass., March 13, 185 1. He died at Vineyard Haven, Mass., Sept. — . 1855 in his 83d year. Children. i. Mary Cousens, b. April 25, 179S; m. (pub. April 14. 1818), David II. Harris, son of Moses L. and Rachel (Hooper ) Harris, of Greene, q. v. He (1. Aug. 22, 1824, and she afterward m. James Dickerson, sun ol Samuel and Mehitable Dickerson, of Wiscasset, who was 1>. Oct. 15, 1792. 14. ii. [AMES, 1). Aug. 25, 1799; m. (pub. Jan. 26, 1826), Mrs. Abigail Hoard- man, relict of Captain Leonard Boardman, of Industry, and dan. of Stephen ami Abigail (Varney) Hobbs, of Berwick. iii. Anna, b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 29, 1805; d. May 1, 1837, unmd. iv. Betsey, b. in New Vineyard, Oct. 5, 1807; m. William C. Downs. 8. Cornelius Davis, son of Melatiah, Jr., and Mary C. ( Davis) 1 )avis, married Hepsebath Norton. Like his brother James, Cornelius learned the trade of tanner and shoemaker in his youth. He first came to the Dis- trict of Maine a single man about the same time or soon after his bro- ther James, in whose family he undoubtedly made his home. His name is included in the list of tax-payers in New Vineyard in 1802, but he had probably returned to Martha's Vineyard prior to "taxing time" in 1803, as only a colt is taxed to him in that year. About the time of his mar- riage in 1807 he settled on a farm in his native town, where he remained until 1S10. On the 15th of February in that year he exchanged farms with his brother Dennis and came to live on lot No. 15 on the Lowell Strip in Industry, now comprising the eastern part of Oliver D. Norton's 596 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. farm. When Mr. Davis came in possession of this land, quite a clear- ing had been made and there was a comfortable log-house on the prem- ises. Immediately on receiving a deed of the property he came to In- dustry and began the task of preparation for the coming of his wife, in tin- mean time boarding with Deacon Benjamin Cottle. As soon as the ground settled in the spring Mrs. 1 >a\is. with her household goods, em- lurked on a sailing vessel and came to Hallowell, and thence to Farm- ington by private conveyance, where her husband met her with a horse on which she rode to her new home, carrying her oldest child, a babe of fifteen months, in her arms. Being industrious and frugal. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were ere long enabled to replace their humble log-dwelling by a more pretentious and comfortable framed one, and here for years the husband and father divided his time between farming and following his trade of tanner. All the while his faithful wife, with skillful hands, carded, spun, wove, dyed, cut and made the products of her wheel and loom into articles of dress for herself and family. From time to time Mr. Davis added to the area of his farm by the purchase of adjacent land. First, about 1817, by the purchase of fifty acres from the eastern extremity of the (lore, which he bought of Joseph Collins, and secondly, Aug. 24. 1M20, he purchased of Josiah Butler his large farm with newly erected two-story house thereon, for which he paid SO00. This last pur- chase, which embraced portions of lots No. 13, 14 and 15, made Mr. Davis one of the most extensive land-owners in his section of the town. Though not an office-seeker in the modern acceptation of the term, he occasionally filled important official positions to the perfect acceptance' of his constituents and townsmen. He was elected town treasurer in 1816, and filled that position for seven years. He was a member of the board of selectmen in 1822, and in 1836 represented his town in the State Legislature. As a husband and father he was indulgent and kind, manifesting the deepest love and affection for his children and making their welfare and comfort his highest ambition ; as a neighbor he was kind and obliging in all things, dealing honorably with his fellowmen ; while as a man he was positive in his opinions — firm and true to his con- victions of right and justice. His son-in-law, James Norton, came to live with and care for him in his declining years, and from whom he re- ceived every care and attention that love and affection could bestow. He died March 27, 1N61, aged 86 years. His wife (.lied June 28, [868, aged X 1 years. Children. i. SoPHRONIA, b. in Edgartown, Mass., Jan. 31, 1809; m. Nov. 30, 1830, William 1 >. Norton, son of Samuel and Anna ( 1 >avis 1 Norton, q. v. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 597 ii. HARRISON, b. in Industry, April 26, 1S11; d. April 15, 1S14. iii. MARY, b. in Industry, Jan. 7, 1814; m. Dec. I, 1836, James Norton, son of Samuel and Anna (Davis) Norton, q. v. iv. Oliver Cousens, b. in Industry, June 6, 1816; d. April 6, 1837. l S- v - LYDIA, b. in Industry, April 22, 1819; m. (pub. Dec. 24, 1842), Vilan- der Weeks, son of Uzzie] and Zipporah (Match) Weeks, of Farm- ington. vi. Ann, b. in Industry, Dec. 26, 1825; d. March 28, 1840. 9. Dennis Davis, son of Melatiah, Jr., and Mary C. (Davis) Davis, married Mary Norton. Dennis Davis came first to the town of New Vineyard and from thence to Industry. He bought, April 13, 1808, lot No. 15 on the Lowell Strip, of Asa Conant, for which he paid $800. He resided in town nearly two years, but not liking pioneer life, he ex- changed farms with his brother Cornelius and returned to Edgartown early in the year 1S10. He died in 1S18, "distracted in his mind." so the Vineyard records state. Melatiah. Samuel, m. Shubael, m. Rufus, m. Dennis. Eunice. Sarah. Mary. 10. Daniel Davis, son of Sanford and Deborah (Coffin) Davis, married Hannah Grant. Farmer, and colonel in the militia in 1832-3. He died in Strong, Me., Sept. 14, i860, aged 67 years. His wife died in Farmington, March 16, 1884, aged 83 years. i. Samuel S., b. in Farmington, Aug. 24, 1S24; m. Evelyne Hooker. For second wife he m. Emma Jewett. ii. HENRY A., b. in Farmington, Feb. 13, 1826. iii. Daniel W., b. in Farmington, Jan. 22, 1828; m. Electa Miller. For second wife he m. Emma White. iv. Hannah, b. in Farmington, July 3, 1830. v David G , b. in Farmington, Oct. 9, 1832; m. Martha E. Shields. vi. Sarah (.1., b. in Farmington, July 8, 1834; m. vii. William T., b. in Wellington, Nov. 15, 1836. viii. Francis M., b. in Wellington, Aug. 17, 1839. 16. ix. Hiram Sanford, b. in Wellington, Dec. 28, 1841 ; m. April 13, 1866, Addie Freeman (b. in Baltimore, Md., July 23, 1848), dau. of Ed- mund A. and Martha A. (Henry) Freeman, of Savannah, Ga. x. William T., b. in Wellington, Dec. 17, 1844; entered the U. S. service soon after the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, as a private in Co. E, 12th Me. Reg't, Infantry. He re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1S64, and was taken prisoner at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864; d. at Salisbury prison, N. C, Jan. 20, 1865. 75 598 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. i i. William Broderick Davis, son of David and Olive (Mayhew) Davis, married Nancy Harvey. Mr. Davis's youth was spent amid the toil incident to clearing a farm in the wilderness, varied by an occasional term at school. After his marriage he settled in New Vineyard, where his time was employed in farming and as a dealer in real estate and neat stock. Appointed coroner by Governor Parris in 1S24, and a justice of the peace soon after. Returning to Industry, he engaged in trade at Cut- ler's Mills on the (lore. Soon after this he moved to Farmington, and in 1842 to Foxcroft, where he purchased a farm just outside the twin villages of Dover and Foxcroft. Here he continued to deal in real estate, investing largely in wild lands. His foresight in selecting for investment those points where future increase in population would correspondingly increase the value of his purchases was remarkable. As an instance, among many, may be mentioned the purchase of a farm on Sebec Lake, near where Wilson stream empties into the lake. A friend once said to him, " Your farm on the lake is not worth a gallon of molasses." He re- plied, " I do not expect any immediate income from that farm, but at no distant day there will be steamers on Sebec Lake and a town on the falls of the Wilson above my farm, and then it will be wanted for a landing for steamers and for a site for a hotel." His predictions have been literally fulfilled. The flourishing village of Willimantic is near the falls of the Wilson, and steamers pass over the lake where, when the prediction was uttered, nothing above the dignity of a birch canoe ever sailed. In the midst of a successful business career he died May 19, 1857, aged 66 years and 12 days. His widow survived him twenty-three years. The Piscataquis Observer, in an obituary notice, thus truthfully portrays her character : " Mrs. Davis always felt a profound interest in the education and welfare of her children and had the satisfaction of seeing them esteemed members of the community and reasonably prosperous. In the long years which are to come her healthful moral influence upon her children and their descendants will not be lost. She was intellectually strong. Age did not seem to impair her men- tal faculties or weaken her sound judgment. Her sympathies were also strong and always judiciously expressed. She made an impress on the minds ot those with whom she associated. 1 ' She died in foxcroft. Nov. 11. 1XS0. aged 82 years, 6 months and 3 days. Children, i. Ann Cushman,* b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 30, 1S19; m. (pub. Aug. 27, ♦■From ;i record furnished tin- author by her brother Benjamin. Butler s;iys (History Farmington, p. ./oi), Manley Eames married Ann Caroline Davis. WM. BRODERICK DAVIS. Engraved by G. H. Dunston, Buffalo, N. Y. From a photographic copy of a daguerreotype made by Stewart in 1S54. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 599 1840), Manley Eames, son of Samuel and Thankful ( Hawkes) Eames, of Farmington. She d. in Dover, July 12, 1847. ii. Olive Mayhew, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. 16, 1822; d. Sept. 10, 1825. iii. Elizabeth Fletcher, b. in New Vineyard, May 16, 1824; m. James Madison Weymouth, of Freeman. Resides in Sangerville. iv. Sarah Maria, b. in Industry, June 24, 1826; m. Otis Wellington Camp- bell, of Sangerville; d. in Foxcroft, July 3, 1881. v. Eunice Olive, b. in Farmington, Jan. 6, 1829; m. Joseph 1). Brown, of Guilford; d. in Foxcroft, Dec. 15, 1S84. vi. Julia Wendell, b. in Farmington, Sept. 5, 1834; d. Sept. 21, 1834. vii. Julia AUGUSTA, b. in Farmington, July 15, 1836; m. Oilman B. Blood, of Foxcroft. viii. HlRAM STOYELL, b. in Farmington, Dec. 5, 1839; m. Dec. 30, 1877, Hattie Marble (b. in Harmony, Aug. 29, 1849), dau. of Charles W. and Sarah F. ( Laughton) Marble, of Ripley. Farmer; contractor and builder. Resides in Foxcroft. Children : i. William Broderick, b. April 21, 1879. ii. Sarah, b. May 24, 1882. iii. Mary Marble, b. Aug. 21, 1S84. ix. Benjamin Harvey, b. in Foxcroft, July 26, 1843. Taught school in Oregon and California from 1864 to 1869; afterwards was secretary and a director of the Foxcroft Manufacturing Company, and also a director of the Piscataquis Savings Bank. Engaged in mining in Idaho, Washington and British Columbia, from 1882 to 1887. At present is located in Foxcroft, where he is secretary of the Piscata- quis Loan and Building Association, and one of the directors of the Foxcroft Board of Trade. During the spring, summer and fall he- is a contractor and builder. 12. James Sproyvell Marchant married Olive Davis. Settled first in New Vineyard, but eventually moved to Canada West, and settled in or near Camden, Kent County, where they both died. Children, i. Eunice, b. in New Vineyard; m. Peter Patrick, of Ontario, ii. BETSEY, b. in New Vineyard; m. Richard Beal. iii. RuFUS. iv. HENRY, drowned in Lake Huron, v. Josiah. vi. Dennis. vii. John. viii. Anna. ix. JULIA, 1>. in Michigan; m. William Bell ( ?). 13. William Butler married Betsey Davis. Mr. Butler was a farmer. Settled first in Farmington. Moved to Camden Township, Kent Co., Province of Ontario, in 1S40. He was born in Farmington, Oct. 10, 1795 ; died Sept. 13, 1S48.* She died Nov. — , 1858, aged 63 years. Children. i. Davis, b. in Farmington; m. Edith Gallarno. Resides in Camden, Ontario, ii. WILLIAM, b. in Farmington; m. Margaret Petit; d. in Camden, Ontario, May 6, 1874 (?). * April — , 1S49, History of Farmington {p. 401). Mr. Butler was probably misinformed. The above date was furnished the writer by Davis Butler, eldest son of William and Betsey. 600 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iii. JOHN S., 1). in Farmington; ni. Nancy Young; d. in Camden, Ontario, Mav -, [865. iv. BETSEY,.b. in Farmington; m. John Strjgley; resides in Camden, Ont. v. Mak\ Ann, b. in Farmington; m. Thomas Meade; d. in Camden, ( Int., Jan. 10, 1874. vi. Myka, b. in Farmington; m. George Hutchinson. Resides in Camden, Ont. vii. NANCY, ) b. in Camden, Ont.; Nancy m. Peter Fallardau; Benj. d. viii. Benjamin, f Oct. 13, 1845. 14. James Davis, son of James and Betsey (Look) Davis, married Abigail (Hobbs) Boardman. After attaining his majority Mr. Davis re- mained with his father for a time. With his wife, was admitted to the Industry Baptist Church, Nov. 19, 1831. Town clerk in 1824-5-6 and 1832. Moved to Stark in 1839, where he held various town offices and was also trial justice for many years. His wife died March 30, 1865. His second wife was Mrs. Emeline B. Welts, of Norridgewock. Moved to Vineyard Haven, Mass., where his wife died Aug. u, 1883.* He died in Stark, April 7, 1885, aged nearly 86 years. Children. 17. i. Eliza Ann, b. in Industry, July 15, 1827; m. May 9, 1849, Erasmus Thaxter Welts, of Mercer, son of David and Susan Danforth (Burr) Welts. 18. ii. JOPHANUS Henderson, b. in Industry, Feb. 12, 1829; m. Feb. 1, 1857, fane Claghorn Merry (h. in Anson, Jan. 5, 1S38), dau. of Jonathan and Eliza (Luce) Merry, of Stark. . in Industry, Nov. 28, 1842; m. Aug. 7, [869, Lydia E. Whittier, of Madison. Entered the Maine Medical School, and graduated June 9, 1868. Since graduating he has been engaged in the active practice of his profession, in Western Pennsylvania. Three sons ( see /. 338). Bryce Merrill, b., in Industry, June 1,1849; m. June 17, 1875, Susan Houghton Tinkham (1>. in Anson, Aug. 18, 1856), dau of John and Katurah (Houghton) Tinkham. When eleven years old, his parents moved to Hallowell, and he began to work for a living by wheeling chalk at the whiting mill. Afterward learned the trade of making sash, doors and blinds. Was converted at the age of 13, and felt called to preach, but thought he would prefer the profession of law. Studied at the Eaton School, in Norridgewock, and subsequently fitter! lor college at the Nichols Latin School, in Lewiston. Spent two years in Pates College. While at school, the call to preach became irresistible, and he immediately began preaching, and during his college vears supplied the Last Bowdoinham Free Baptist Church. While there nine new members were added to the society, and a new house of worship was erected. He left college in January, 1875,10 become pastor of the Second Free Baptist Church in Brunswick. I lis pastorate here was attended with a good degree of success. In eight years, ninety-three members were added to the society and a house of worship built and dedicated free from debt. His health failed, and in January, 1883, he moved four miles back in the country. settled on a small farm, and became pastor of the First Free Will Baptist Church in Brunswick. Here the church was thoroughly repaired, refurnished throughout, and twenty-three new members added to the society. He supplied the pulpit at North Freeport and ( irr's Island for a while, and in April, 1887, became pastor of the GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 603 Lisbon Falls church. During a pastorate of two years and four months, the Society built a line new church, added $6200 to the prop- erty of the parish and several new members. Itis next and present pastorate was the Corliss St. Church in Bath, where his labors arc proving highly successful, as well as acceptable to the society. Re- sides in Brunswick. Seven children. ELDER. Isaac Elder, son of Joseph and Ruth (Quint) Elder, was born in Anson, Oct. 20, 1S16. He is unable to trace his ancestry farther than his grandparents, Isaac and Mary Elder, who were residents of Windham, Maine. Joseph Elder, son of Isaac and Mary, left his native town when nineteen years old and came to Anson, where he resided for a time in the family of Bartlett Benson. He eventually became a drover and en- gaged in buying stock which he drove to Canada. On these trips he frequently allowed his young son, Isaac, to accompany him. When Isaac was in his fourteenth year the family moved to Canada anil settled at Point Lava. Here both the father and mother died of cholera ere they had lived a twelvemonth in their new home. Shortly after this the sorrowing children returned to Maine, and Isaac went to live with Thomas Williamson, of Stark. Leaving Mr. Williamson after a three months' stay he worked, whenever a chance was offered him, until some years after his marriage. Oct. 26, 1841, he married Sail}- Daggett, daughter of John and Love (Pinkham) Daggett, t/. v. In 1856 he commenced farming, and four years later he purchased a farm in the northern part of Industry. Here he lived until 1867, when he sold his farm and settled near West's Mills, where he still (1887) resides. Children, i. John Daggett, b. in New Vineyard, Nov. 10, 1842; d. June 5, 1863 (see A 33S). ii. JOSEPH, b. in Industry, Aug. 26, 1844; m. (pub. Sept. 4, 1864), Betsey Houghton, of Anson. She d. and he m. June 1, 1SS6, for second wife, Adalaide A. Manter, dau. of Hiram and Jane (Atkinson) Manter, q. v.; farmer; resides in Industry, s. p. iii. Mary Deborah, b. in Anson, April 10, 1846; m. Nov. 5, 1865, Charles Jeffers, son of Thomas and Sarah (Kennedy) Jeffers, q. v. iv. Dolly, b. in Anson; d. young, v. Sarah Louisa, b. in Anson, June 7, 1852; m. (pub. Dec. 23, 1874), Charles W. Shaw, son of Samuel and Betsey (Manter) Shaw, q. t. vi. Lucy Jane, b. in Anson, April 20, 1856; m. Oct. 10, 1886, Benjamin W. Seavey, son of Alvin and Mary Seavey, q. v. ELLIS. Atkins Ellis,* a Revolutionary soldier, came from Harwick, Barn- * Mr. Ellis has descendants living in Rangeley and vicinity. Cornelius Ellis, an early settler in that locality, may have been a son. This Cornelius is said to have married for his second wife a Miss Bryar. 604 II /STORY OF INDUSTRY. stable Co., Mass., in 1800, and settled on lot No. 35, adjoining New Sharon line. He was in indigent circumstances, and his large family often suffered for the common necessities of life ; being unable to pay for his land he removed to lot L south of Pike's Corner and afterward to Ripley. He was pensioned under the act of 1818 at $96 a year, which he received up to the date of his death.. The subjoined is a partial list of his children. Children. Bethia, m. Nov. 7, 1S0S, Benjamin Church, of Sidney. Hi LDA, 111. (pub. July 26, 1813), Elisha Luce, q. v. l.i 1 [NDA, I). 1 7<>S; m. (pub. Au». 25, 1814), Richard Stimpson. She d. Feb. 28, 1 81 8. WILLIAM, m. (pub. Nov. 18, 1817), Nabby Williams, < if Industry. In [833, a widow Ellis, formerly of Industry, resided in New Sharon, but the author has not been able to identify her as the wife of William. EMERY. The origin of the Emery family in England is veiled in obscurity. Some claim that they originally came to England with William the Con- queror, while others hold that they were expatriated Huguenots from France. The genealogical history of this family begins in this country in 1635, when, on the third day of June, two brothers, John and Anthony Emery, carpenters from Ramsey, County of Hampshire, England, landed in Boston from the ship "Jane." These brothers settled in Newbury, Mass., on land now comprising a part of Newburyport. The place of their settlement is situated about four miles outside of the city of New buryport and some traces of this settlement still remain. The descend- ants of Anthony Emery settled in the direction of Portsmouth and Kit- tery and so on into what is now the State of Maine. Hence, the larger part of the Emerys in this State are descendants of Anthony Emery, those of John having settled more generally in Massachusetts. Anthony Emery, 1 by his wife Frances, had a son James, 2 born about 1630. lames Emery 2 married Elizabeth , and had a son, Daniel,-* born Sept. 13, 1667; married, March 17, 1695, Margaret Gowen. They were the parents of Zachariah,4 born March 12, 1704. Zachariah* married Ann Hodgdon and had a son James,s baptized Nov. 1, 1730. James? married, July 4. 1752, Mary Fogg. James Emery,"son of James? and Mary (Fogg) Emery, was born in Berwick, Me., 1753; married. Feb. 20, 1777, Mary Bowden. Children. i. James, l>. Dec. 13, 1782. ii. I'hkkksa, 1). Dec. 30, 1785. iii. Margaret, b. April 9, 17CSS. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 605 I. iv. Ira, b. in Berwick, April 18, 1790; m. July 2, 1813, Sarah Stanley, a former schoolmate (b. in Berwick, April 7, 1793). v. William B., b. June 10, 1792. Purchased a tract of land in Industry, north of the brick school-house at West's Mills, but made only a brief residence in town. vi. Mary, b. May 7, 1795. vii. Rufus, b. Nov. 25, 1797. viii. Mark, b. March 16, 1S01 ; m. Olive Thurrell, and lived for many years in Anson. Settled at Goodridge's Corner in Industry, prior to April 1, 1856. Was postmaster and town treasurer in Industry; d. March 30, 1883, aged 82 years, 14 days. His wife d. Jan. 12, 1891, aged 86 years. Several children. I. Ira Emery,? son of James and Mary (Bovvden) Emery, married Sarah Stanley. After his marriage they resided in Berwick until February, 1 818, when they removed to Industry, by a single team, bringing with them their two children, Josiah and Clara Ann. Mr. Emery's brother, Mark, accompanied them with another team, conveying their household goods. He purchased of Esq. Peter West the house and land now (1892) owned by Barlow D. Nichols, and known as the Sidney Watson house, where he lived till January, 1S34; he then moved to Waterville with his family and remained one year. In January, 1835, he returned to Industry and lived for a time in the house subsequently occupied by Richard Fassett for many years. In April, 1836, he sold and bought the Win. Allen farm at the Center of the town, for which he paid about $750. The house at West's Mills and a few acres of land were bought by Asa M. Manter, the balance of the land by Asaph Boyden and James Cutts. Deacon Emery was a shoemaker and tanner, having learned these trades of his father. He commenced to work on shoes at the age of ten years and continued in that business with but few interruptions so long as he lived, a period of more than seventy years. He was not what would be called a finished workman at the present time, but bore a wide reputation as a maker of good, serviceable boots and shoes. His work was largely what was termed custom, his patrons being largely residents of the south and west part of Industry, with some from the adjoining towns of New Vineyard, Anson and Stark. " It was often my duty," says his son, the Rev. Ira Emery, "to carry home shoes to his customers and bring back pay in the shape of shoe-thread and farm products, such as corn, potatoes, wheat, beef, pork, veal, candles, and occasionally some silver dollars." In those days the leather and pegs as well as the thread were all home-made. " Frequently," con- tinues his son, " have I carried home a pair of women's shoes and brought back all the pay in shoe-thread. I recall, among others, some who spun very nice thread, and when a lot of this smooth, even, well- twisted thread, was brought in it always produced a pleasant smile on 76 606 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the face of the ' Old I )eacon.' Among otlier excellent spinners of shoe- thread, I recollect Aunt Lois Bradbury, wife of John S. Bradbury, who lived over east from Esquire Shaw's. Aunt Jane Daggett and her mother, wife of Tristram Daggett, who lived east of Esquire West's. Still further east, in the town of Stark, lived the family of John Spencer, in a log-house just across the Lemon Stream bridge. This family also made good shoe-thread. On the road on the south side of the West's Mills mill-stream, near Valentine Frederic's, in Stark, lived the Pollard family in another log-house. The family were poor and had a great deal of sickness, but they were always cheerful and everything was as neat as wax ; here we got the very best of shoe-thread. Many a weary mile have I traveled to these and other places to carry shoes and bring home thread." He also manufactured to some extent for the wholesale trade, and not unfrequently carried from ioo to 200 pair of boots and shoes by private team to Hallovvell, Gardiner, Bath. Wiscasset, Bangor and Houl- ton, where he sold them for cash or exchanged them for family stores. As a father, Deacon Emery was indulgent and kind, as a citizen, he was esteemed for honesty and integrity, while everyone loved and respected, both him and his kind-hearted wife, for their benevolence and exemplars- piety. Perhaps the writer can give no better illustration of their good- ness than by quoting from a letter written by Capt. John Mason, who once lived in the Deacon's family : " Before I go any further I must try and do justice to the memory of dear Deacon Emery and his estimable wife, for it was with them that I made my home while in Industry. Two people never walked this earth to whom I owe a greater debt of grati- tude, hence it is beyond my power to do them /////justice. They never tired of their kindness to me and always manifested a deep interest in my welfare. * * * * Nor did their kindness end after I left them. They wrote to Henry Emery and Lawyer Chadbourne, of East- port, in my behalf, which proved of great advantage to me, as I was among strangers. I have no doubt but what they are now in heaven." Both Deacon Emery and his wife were consistent members of the Baptist Church for many years, he having been chosen one of its deacons at an early date. He closed a well-spent life March 3, 1871, aged 80 years, 10 months and 23 days. His wife died Jan. 27. 1 .S 7 7 . aged St, years, 9 months and 20 days. ( Ihildren. 2. i. JOSIAH, 1). in Berwick, March 16, 1S14 ; m. Nov. 4, 1834, Hannah C. Mauler, dau. of Zebulon and Rebecca I Norton) Manter, . in Berwick, Feb. 23, 1816; m. Nov. 26, 1835, Asa M. Manter, sun of Zebulon and Rebecca (Norton) Manter, q. v. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 607 iii. Martha Nelson, b. in Industry, April 10, 1818; m. March 25, 1842, Rev. William A. Merrill, son of Thomas and Deborah (Allen) Mer- rill, (J. v. iv. Mary, b. March 25, 1820; m. April 5, 1839, Eben G. Trask, son of David S. and Mary (Davis) Trask, q. v. v. James, b. Dec. 25, 1821; d. Dec. 29, 1821. 3. vi. Ira, b. Jan. 5, 1823; m. May 12, 1852, Sophia A. Backus, dau. of John and Eunice (Luce) Backus, of Farmington. vii. Sarah, b. July 6, 1S24; d. Sept. 2, 1836. 4. viii. James Stanley, b. July 3, 1826; m. Sept. 14, 1854, Mary Rice, of Brandon, Rutland Co., Yt. ix. Theresa, b. April 3, 182S; unmd. x. Marantha A., b. Oct. 23, 1830; m. May 5, 1865, John M. Wood. Re- sides in Lawrence, Kansas, s. />. xi. Ann Judson, b. April 13, 1832; m. Oct. 2, 1853, Benjamin Learned, son of Asa and Sarah (Green) Learned. He d. in Industry, Sept. 24, 1872, aged 52 years, 11 months. Mrs. Learned now (1892) re- sides in Lawrence, Kansas. Children : i. James Albert, b. in New Sharon, Jan. 19, 1855; d. Aug. 13, 1872. ii. Edmund Russell, b. in Industry, Aug. 2, 1858. Is in busi- ness in Lawrence, Kansas, iii. S. Stanley, b. in Industry, Dec. 30, i860; m. Dec. 30, 1885. Is a clerk in a dry goods store in Lawrence, iv. ROSCOE E., b. in Industry, Nov. 3, 1S67; now (1886) a student in college, xii. Elvira S., b. in Waterville, Aug. 5, 1834; m. Nov. 5, 1854, Charles Meader, son of Francis and Nancy (Willard) Meader, q. v. 2. Josiah Emery, s son of Dea. Ira and Sarah (Stanley) Emery, married Hannah C. Manter. Though his advantages for an education were limited, by a natural aptitude for acquiring knowledge, he became proficient in all the common English branches. He was endowed by nature with talents which eminently qualified him for any calling or pro- fession which he might have chosen to enter. After his marriage he lived in Industry and New Vineyard, and was, for a time, clerk of the last named town. He likewise kept a public house at Stewart's Mills. Like many another able man, habits of intemperance seriously impaired the best years of his life, but it is gratifying to know that in after years he overcame the cravings of his appetite and became a temperate, praying man. He was an active and efficient worker in the tem- perance cause from the inception of the Iron Clad movement up to the time of his death. He was chairman of the board of selectmen in Indus- try in 1867, and was several times re-elected a member of the board. On the 23d day of December, 1S51, his wife died, and he subsequently married, Oct. 8, 1S53, Mrs. Eliza Jane Seaver. For the last quarter of a century of his living in Industry he tilled the farm near Goodridge's Corner, on which his father settled after leaving West's Mills. As a public speaker and presiding officer he showed much ability and was frequently called upon to serve in the last named capacity. As a marshal on pub- 6o8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. lie occasions lie manifested rare skill and ability, and at such times his excellent horsemanship was admired by all. At the celebration at West's Mills July 4, 1881, he acted as marshal. After the exercises of the day. before dismounting from his horse, he said, and as the writer recalls his words they seem to have been uttered in a spirit of prophecy, " Gentlemen, this is the last time I shall ever have the pleasure of serv- ing you." Little did those who listened to his words think that in a feu- short months the tongue which uttered them would lie silenced forever in the grave. Shortly after this he removed to Beatrice, Neb., where he died from an attack of typhoid pneumonia. The following editorial notice of his death appeared in the Beatrice (Neb.) Express of Feb. 7, 1882 : "Died, on Wednesday morning, Feb. 1st, 1882, after a brief illness, Josiah Emery, of this city, aged 68 years. .Mr. Emery was the father of our towns- man, C. N. Emery, and came to Beatrice from Industry, Maine, but a few months ago. His last illness was from an affection of the lungs that had troubled him for a number of years. Although a resident of Beatrice but a short time, Mr. Emery was well known and highly esteemed. He was a man of firm convictions, was well informed, and withal a thorough gentleman. His temperance principles, particularly, were decidedly strong. Coming west in his old age to build a new home for his two younger sons, he has thus soon been called from them. His wife, two daughters, and two sons, accompanied him from the old home in Maine, and another daughter who is married re- sides in Norridgewock in that State. Peace to the ashes of this good man." Children, i. CHARLES NEWTON, b. in Industry, Aug. 15, 1835;* m. in Lawrence, Kansas, May 4, 1858, Mary Benson. The History of Nebraska con- tains the following sketch of Mr. Emery's life : " Charles X. Emery, proprietor of livery stable, came to Nebraska in 1S61, and engaged in keeping a ranch for the ' Rutland Stage Company,' at Thirty-two- Mile Creek, east of Kearney. He was there until 1S64, when he moved to Liberty Farm, twenty-five miles east of his former location. August 8, 1864, he went to ' Pownel Ranch,' an Indian outbreak having occurred the day before, wherein a man named Burke was killed. From there he went with his family to Atchison, Kansas, and was engaged in freighting between Atchison and Colorado; from the fall of 1864 or 1865 to the winter of 1866-7, he had charge of the overland stage at Kearney. While freighting between Atchison and 1 )enver, during his freighting service, trouble with the Indians was a daily occurrence. In July. [867, Mr. Emery came to Beatrice, Neb., and engaged in stock-raising and farming. In 1870 he opened the Emery House, and kept it a year and a half at first, and for a like length of time in 1 S 7 7 . In 187S he entered the livery business. He was also engaged in farming, and is principal owner in the opera house. He has twice served as alderman. He organized the Temple of Honor, and belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows." Children : i. GEORGE E., b. in Lawrence, Kansas, March 7, 1859. * New Vineyard Town Records. History of Nebraska says 1S36. ;,i J- ^■■iM&- i Mi;'' ; /?'^ 0/^ne4yf^ fa Engraved by Geo. E.Johnson, Boston. From a photograph made in [S84 by Reed & Preble, Brunswick, Me. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 609 ii. foHN C, 1). at Mt. Florence, Kansas, Dec. 23, [862. ii. REBECCA MANTER, b. in Industry, Dec. 26, [836; m. Dec. 13, 1855, David H. Staples (b. in Temple, March 18, 1830), son of Samuel and Lydia (Russell) Staples. Carpenter; d. in Norridgewock, Sept. 16, 1S72. She resides in Norridgewock. Children: i. Carrol N., b. March 7, 1858. ii. Ida Louise, b. Nov. 23, 1863; d. Jan. 31, 1875. iii. Helen A., 1). Sept. 18, 1869; d. April 8, 1881. iv. David 11., b. Feb. 7, 1873. iii. Zebulon Manter, b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 20, 1838; m. (pub. Nov. 13, 1862), Ann H. Johnson, dau. of Henry and Catherine (Sullivan) Johnson, q. v. Soldier in War of Rebellion (see p. 343): d. at Fort Kearney, Nebraska, in 1865,* aged 27 years, s. />. iv. Ira, b. June 29, 1840; served three years in War of Rebellion, in the 23d Reg't, Mass. Inf. He m. in Topeka, Kansas. Now resides in Iowa. v. Carlton Parker, b. Feb. 13, 1844; soldier in War of Rebellion (see p. 342). He was a brave, fearless fellow, and during his army life was for a time General Reynolds's orderly; was by the General's side when he was shot, and led his horse from the held. During the war he had three horses shot from under him. On one occasion, after a hard-fought battle, Mr. Emery, completely worn out, threw himself down on the field and soon fell asleep. As the detail for burying the dead came along, he was mistaken for one of the dead, carefully measured, and his grave dug. Only when a squad of men raised him to lay him in his grave did he awake; d. in Beatrice, Neb , in 1870. vi. George Cornforth, b. Dec. 23, 184S; m. Get. 19, 1872, Ella R. Viles, dau. of John H. and Mercy E. (West) Viles, q. v. Soldier in War of Rebellion (see p. 343 ). Divorced; painter, resides in Hallowell. vii. Sarah E., b. Feb. 14, 1850; d. Feb. 4, 1862. viii. Ella H., m. (pub. May 18, 1874), Augustus D. Witherell, of Norridge- wock. Children by second marriage. ix. Annie M. ] x. Hattie. I Went Beatr i ce NeD . xi. Charles. xii. Oscar. 3. Ira Emery, 8 son of Dea. Ira and Sarah (Stanley) Emery, mar- ried Sophia A. Backus. His father, living within the limits of the village school district at West's Mills, afforded him an opportunity of attending what was considered one of the best schools in town. He also attended the several terms of high school taught in the village, and thus by diligence and perseverance he gained from the schools of his native town an education which eventually made him a popular and success- ful educator. At the age of nine years he began attending Sabbath- school, and with the exception of one year, has been a member of some similar organization ever since. When seventeen years of age he made a public profession of religion * Rev. Ira Emery writes : " I have been informed that the Stage Company in whose employ Zebulon M. Emery was at that time paid the bills ot his last sickness, and that they placed a monument with a suitable inscription to mark his last resting place." 6lO HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. and united with the Industry Baptist Church. His early religious life was one of constant struggle with convictions of duty ill regard to enter- ing the christian ministry. From his twelfth year this conviction occupied his mind, and three times during his early life he resolved to educate himself for the work of the ministry. But circumstances beyond his control precluded the consummation of his plans. Naturally of a retired and timid disposition, and keenly realizing his innate weak- ness, he kept his convictions of duty locked for many years within his own bosom and remained with his parents, so long as they required his assistance, a helpful, dutiful son. He commenced teaching school at the age of nineteen years, and during the time thus engaged taught twenty-four terms averaging two and one-half months each, making a grand total of sixty months, or five years, spent as an instructor in the schoolroom. Almost one-half of this time was employed in teaching in his own native town. He also frequently served as school supervisor or as a member of the superintending school committee of Industry. On the i 2th day of May, 1852, he married Sophia A. Backus, and settled on the Sylvanus Allen farm in Industry. In less than eight years he cleared himself from a heavy debt, which the purchase of this property had incurred, earning every dollar of the sum with his own hands. While serving in the diverse vocations of farmer, teacher and school officer, the conviction that he ought to engage in the work of his Master was ever present with him and the thought often troubled him greatly. At length being unable to longer suppress his convictions, he made known his leelings to his own family, his parents and a few of his more intimate friends. Receiving the approval and encouragement of relatives and friends, he resolved to devote the remainder of his life to the work of the ministry. He preached his first sermon at the Allen's Mills school- house in January, 1867. The following month he received a license to preach from the baptist Church, of Industry. The meeting called for this purpose was held in an upper room of his lather's house. Shortly afterward he obtained a dismissal from the Baptist Church and assisted in re-organizing the Industry Free Will bap- tist Church, of which he then became a member and was licensed as a preacher of that denomination immediately afterward. For a time he supplied churches in Madison. Stark and Industry, as occasion required, and in September, 1867, was ordained an evangelist by the Anson F. B. Quarterly Meeting, at the Centre Meeting-House. He subsequently studied for nearly a year at the Bangor Theological Seminary, and after- ward, in 1869, became pastor of the Free Baptist Church at Richmond, where he remained two years. He went to Deerfield, N. H., in June, GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 6 1 I 1 87 1, and there labored for five years as pastor of the Free Baptist Church. His next field of labor was in Littleton, N. H., where he likewise remained two years. In June, 187S, he returned to Maine and purchased a house in Lewiston, which he thoroughly remodeled and repaired. While Living there he did not preach regularly, but supplied such churches as required his services. His wife died July 29, 1879, and on the first day of January, 1880, he accepted a call from the Wolf borough, N. H., church to become its pastor. After a sojourn of three years in that place he returned to Maine and assumed the pastoral care of the Free Baptist Church at Brunswick. The Brunswick Herald of Feb. 21, 1883, thus introduces Mr. Emery to the townspeople : " In relation to the new pastor of the F. W. Baptist Church in this town, we cannot give our citizens a better idea of the man than to extract from the Granite State News, of Wolfborough, N. H., an editorial notice, which is as follows: 'Sabbath, Jan. 28, Rev. Ira Emery, pastor of the F. Baptist Church in this town, preached his farewell sermon. Mr. Emery has been pastor of this church for three years, which position he has occupied to the full acceptance of that church and the people of that congregation, and it is with much reluctance that they part with him. Mr. Emery is a ready speaker, a diligent worker and of an amiable disposition. Not only will the people of his pastorate miss him, but the community at large, for his good works were not limited by denominational lines. He recognized the fact that 'the world is his field ' and that there are important interests outside of those of a strictly pastoral character, that have claims on him as a citizen, if not as a minister. In fact, during his residence here he has shown a readiness to help in any work that had for its purpose the elevation of his fellows and the promotion of their welfare. He will be especially missed by the temperance workers of this region. He has been one of the principal supporters of the Wolf- borough Reform Club, where he has rendered efficient service as chaplain. He goes to Brunswick, Maine, among a people, who, while they cannot better appreciate his services, are probably able better to compensate his labors. 111 While at Wolfborough he married, Oct. 10, 18S1, Mattie M. Coffin, of Lewiston, Me. On the 1st of January, 1S85, on closing a very pleasant and profitable pastorate of nearly two years with the Brunswick F. Baptist Church, he also withdrew from that denomination and very soon after united, by letter, with the Baptist Church in Brunswick, this change and return to the people of his early life associations having been a subject of earnest thought and of mature and prayerful delibera- tion. In April he received and accepted a call to the pastorate of the Baptist Church in China, Me., and immediately entered on his labors, and in July was publicly recognized and installed as pastor. On leaving 6l2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Brunswick to accept the pastorate of the Baptist Church at China, the Brunswick Telegraph of May 29, 1885, gave him the following compli- mentary notice : •' Rev. Ira Emery left town on Saturday for his new field of labor at China, as pastor of the Baptist Church there. * * When Mr. Emery came to town he called upon us for some information which we were enabled to give him, and from that hour until the day of his departure we have always had the most pleasant relations with the gentleman. We have found him singu- larly discreet in conduct, well posted in matters of public interest, frank in speech, generous in his criticism of others who differed with him, though holding with determination his own opinions. Mr. Emery came here to do a good work, as pastor of the F. B. Church, and we believe that he strove to do it from first to last." Mr. Emery closed up a three years' pastorate with the China Baptist Church in April, 18S8, and in November, 1889, settled as pastor of the Chatham (Mass.) Baptist Church, but resigned ere he had been with the church a twelvemonth, to accept the pastorate of the Baptist Church in Meredith, N. H., where he still resides. He is a man of strictly temperate habits and an earnest worker in the cause, having joined his first temperance society at the age of eleven years. A gentleman of winning manners and pleasing address, he is loved and respected wherever he is known. In 1886 he was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of the Maine Baptist State Convention. Children. i. John BACKUS, b. in Industry, May 20, 1853; m. July i, 1S79, Maria Tutt, of Lynn, Mass. Resides in Lynn. < hie dau. ii. Charles, b. in Industry, March 17, 1856; d. in infancy. iii. Willie, b. in Industry, Feb. 18, 1858; d. in infancy. iv. Harry Young, b. in Industry, Oct. 6, 1861; m. Nov. 26, 1-SS5, Ilattie Burton. Resides in Lynn. One dau. 4. James Stanley Emery, s son of Dea. Ira and Sarah, (Stanley) Emery, married Mary Rice. At the age of sixteen Mr. Emery taught his first term of school, receiving for his services eleven dollars per month and board. He fitted for college at Farrriington Academy ami North Yarmouth Classical Academy. Entered Waterville College in 1S47 and graduated in 1S5 1, having the valedictory address at the commencement. After graduating he was principal of the Vermont Literary and Scientific Institution, at Brandon, for one year. Studied law at Troy and in New York City, and was admitted to the bar in the latter place in January. 1854. In September, 1854, he went to Kansas, where he has since made his home. Of his subsequent history the writer can give no bet- GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 6 1 3 ter idea than by quoting from The Leading Industries of Lawrence, Kansas : "James S. Emery came to Lawrence in 1854, at a time when the history and future of Kansas were in a state of rapid development. His ability was at once recognized, and he attained the position of a leader, being the first mag- istrate appointed by Kansas 1 first Territorial Governor (Reeder) under the pro- visions of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. His various addresses before the State Historical Society in the State University Course of Lectures and in the lecture courses in many of the chief towns of Kansas, all attest his wide and varied scholarship. He was a member of two of the four constitutional conventions — the Topeka Constitutional Convention of 1855, and that held in Leavenworth in 1858. He has served two terms in the Legislature of the State, and was instrumental in securing the location of the State University in Lawrence. Judge Emery was appointed U. S. District Attorney for Kansas in 1863, and has twice served as a member of the Board of Regents of the State Univer- sity. He has at all times advocated progressive ideas, has favored the great- est freedom and broadest education possible, and all through the history of Kansas, from the year he became one of its citizens, his name has been asso- ciated with its political, educational and material advancement. He is one of the able writers for the Kansas City limes, and wields an influence, both by pen and voice, which makes itself felt whenever the interests of the public demand. While practicing his profession he won the confidence of a large clientage, and was recognized as a powerful opponent, combining a perfect understanding of law and practice with indomitable energy. He is largel} identified with the city's material interests, and is recognized as one of its foremost citizens. He is now pursuing a scholarly life, giving much attention to questions of a public and social character/' Resides at 141 Massachusetts St., Lawrence. Kansas. Three chil- dren. Two now living. Hoska Washburn Emery, who came to Industry in 187 1, was born in New Sharon, Nov. 23, 1834. He traces his ancestry no further than to Nathaniel Emery, who came from Dracut, Mass., and settled in Stark, where he died May 7, 1824, aged 79 years. Daniel Emery.- son of Nathaniel,' married Mehitable, daughter of Nathaniel Davis, of Mercer, and settled in that town. The fifth child of Daniel and Mehitable Emery was Amos,-' born in Mercer, June 5, 1S04, and died in Stark, Jan. 16, 1876. He married Martha, daughter of William and Rebecca (Dutton) Boyington. These were the parents of Hosea W. Emery. 4 He married, Nov. 17, 1S58, Huldah O. Spinney, daughter of Rev. John and Patience J. (Oliver) Spinney, q. v. Farmer; resides in Industry. Children. i. Martha Louisa, b. in New Sharon, April 4, 1861; m. Nov. 29, 1883, Oliver I >. Norton, son of James and Mary (Davis) Norton, q. v. 77 6 14 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ii. ANDREW SPINNEY, i>. in Stark, Sept. 6,* 1866; fanner, and supervisor of schools in Industry, iii. P. vn a MABEL, 1>. in Industry, Jan. 26, 1873. EVELETH. J vmes Eveleth,S an early settler in Industry, traces his ancestry back to Sylvester Eveleth.t who appears first as a baker in Boston, in 1642, soon after, probably in 1644, removing to ( Hoik ester, Mass., where he became a farmer and died Jan. 4, 1689. His son Joseph, 2 by wife Susan or Susanna, was baptized at the First Church in Boston, "the 26th day of ye 1st month, 1643, aged about 1 yr., and 3 quarters," and died in Ipswich, Mass., Dec. t, 1745, at the great age of nearly 105 years. He married Mary Bragg, of Ipswich, and had a family of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters. One of the sons, James,3 was born about 1690; died, 1773,111 his native town of Ipswich. His family consisted of four daughters and a son, James,-* born 1715, and died 1 802, who also resided at Ipswich. James + was the father of thirteen children, among whom was James, 5 born about 1752-3. James s was a carpenter and resided at Cape Porpoise (Kennebunkport) about the close of the Revolution, but remained there only a short time. He probably lived in Beverly and Salem, Mass., where his children Joseph and Nancy were born. It is supposed that he moved from Cape Por- poise to Wiscasset, and from thence to Industry. James Eveleth 5 was married three times, having children by each marriage. His first wife, whose name the author has not been able to learn, died leaving two children, and he married for second wife Betsey Williams, who died of "cold fever," April 25, 1814. On coming to Industry Mr. Eveleth settled on land now owned and occupied by Davis Look. His log- house stood some seventy-five rods southeast of Mr. Look's house. His third wife, whom he married June 7, 1814, was Mrs. Sarah Connor {nee Blackstone), of New Sharon. He resided in Berlin for a time and died in New Sharon about 1832, aged 80 years. His widow married for third husband, Ebenezer Rollins, of Richmond. Children by first marriage. i. , son. ii. , dau.J Children by second marriage. 1. iii. JOSEPH, 1). in Beverly, Mass., April 4, 1782; m. (pub. March 30, 1813), ' September 12,1111 Stark Town Records. t This name was spelled Eveleigh on the earliest records in Massachusetts. % A memorandum in the possession of the family says, " Two daughters by first marriage, one of whom married in Salem, Mass." GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 615 Eunice ( Jennings * (b. Nov. 7, 1789), dau. of Benjamin and Mary (Lawrence) Gennings, of Farmington. iv. NANCY, b. in Salem, Mass., Jan. 14, 1783; f ">• July 12, 1S01, Sprowel Norton, son of Jabez and Phebe (Luce) Norton, q. v. v. Polly, b. March 31, 1786; m. Feb. 12, 1S07, Daniel Beede, son of Daniel and Dolly (Hackett) Beede, q. v. vi. JAMES, b. July 14, 1788; m. March 15, 1S10, Judith Meader, dau. of Francis and Mary (Holley) Meader, q. v. vii. Frederick Hammond, b. in 1790; m. (pub. Oct. 20, 1813), Eunice Pratt (b. March 18, 1787), dau. of Paul and Jael (Bennett) Pratt, of New Vineyard, viii. Benjamin. He served in company with James Sherburne, also of Industry, as a soldier in the War of 181 2. Both were taken prisoners by the British and carried to Halifax, N. S. Here Mr. Eveleth's health gave way, under the hardships incident to prison life, and he fell a victim to consumption. He d. at Halifax, Dec. — , 1 813, far from his kindred and friends, with no one to care for him save his kind-hearted comrade, Mr. Sherburne, who did what he could to make his last days comfortable, ix. Sally, m. June 7, iS 14, Thomas Lovejoy, son of Thomas and Nancy (Burgess) Lovejoy, of Stark. Seven children. x. Harriet; d. at age of 19 years. Children by third marriage. xi. Benjamin, b. April 12, 1815; drowned at the age of 19 years, by break- ing through the ice while skating on Clear Water Pond, xii. Daniel, b. April 13, 1816. xiii. John. xiv. Horace. xv. Frank. xvi. Harriet. xvii. Henry. I. Joseph Eveleth,' 1 son of James and Betsey (Williams) Eveleth, married Eunice Gennings. He bought of Samuel Mason, June 9, 1S12, the farm near Tibbetts's Corner, on which his whole life was spent. Soldier in 1812 War ( see f>. ijq). Farmer; died Jan. 22, 1861, aged 78 years, 9 months, iS days. His widow died Aug. 28, 1887, aged 97 years, 9 months, 21 days. Children. i. Mary Gennings, b. in Industry, Oct. 14, 1S14; m. March 10, 1836, James Kerr Commings (b. in Greenock, Scotland, July 4, 1813), son of Israel W. and Susan (Kerr) Commings. Mr. Commings learned the carpenter's trade of Colonel Lancaster, of New Sharon. Besides in Kirkwood, 111., where he is in the insurance business. She d. April 5, 1878. Four children, two of whom d. young. 4. ii. Benjamin Gennings, b. in Industry, July 5, 1816; m. Nov. 16, 1852, Tamson C. Luce, dau. of Leonard and Susan B. (West) Luce, q. v. * Since the date of her marriage the family have changed the orthography of their name, substituting J for the initial G formerly used. fTown Records (Births, Vol. I, /. 44). The headstone at her grave says : "Died April 18, iSf6, aged 63 years." Here the age corresponds with date of birth. Notwithstanding this, the author is inclined to regard the birth-date incorrect. A record among her descendants has it, Jan. 14, 17S5. 6 I 6 HSITORY OF rNDUSTRY. iii. Emeline, 1). in Industry, Sept. 4, [820; resides al West's Mills, unmd. iv. Joseph, b. in Industry, Jan. 9, 1822; resides at West's Mills; unmd. v. Caroline Maria, 1>. in Industry, April 17. 1828; m. June 18, 1S54, Nelson Fogg, son of Asa and Mary (Knowlton) Fogg, of Industry; 2. [ames Eveleth, 6 son of James and Betsey (Williams) Eveleth, married Judith Meader. Resided in Industry up to [834, afterward in Orono. Carpenter and stage-route contractor. Builder of the Centre Meeting-House in Industry. Died of cancer in Orono, April — , 1841, aged nearly 53 years. His widow died in Lawrence, Mass., Jan. 4. 1S52. Children. i. Abigail Butler, b. in Industry, Aug. 6, 181 1; m. May 21, 1832, Charles 1,. Allen, son of Rufus and Abigail (Fairbanks) Allen, q. v. She d. in 1856. Four children, ii. Jared Fisher, b. in Industry, May 17, 1S14; m. in Orono, Sept. 12, 1X41, ( (live Lunt (1). in < Irono, June 10, 181S), dau. of Joshua and Abigail (Freeze) Lunt. Converted, baptized and joined the Baptist Church, at the age of 14 years. Educated at Farmington Academy and Kent's Hill. School teacher, carpenter and builder. Began to preach in 1858, and has since been a successful clergyman of the Baptist denomination. Resides in Bluehill. Children: i. Dana Boardman, b. Aug. 27, 1S42; d. Jan. 8, 1S46. ii. Abbie Frances, b. March 4, 1846; m. Octavius M. Storer. Resides in Bluehill. iii. Edward Marden, b. May, 17. 1848; d. Feb. 9, 1855. iv. Mary Ella, b. May 13, 1X^0; m. Austin T. Stevens; resides in Bluehill. v. Martha Howard, b. June 26, 1852; m. Fred H. Eveleth, Missionary to Burmah. Resides in Somerville, Mass. vi. NELLIE Maria, 1>. July 2}, 1854. Resides in Massachusetts. vii. Charles Allen, 1>. July 4, 1856; m. Rosie Prairie; resides in 1 ,owell, Mass. viii. Emma Augusta, b. Oct. 17. 1858; d. Oct. 9, 1859. iii. ANGEL1NE, b. in Industry, (Jet. 18, 1818; m. April 12, 1855, William Storer Lufkin (b. Paris, Me., March 28, 1S30), son of Seth S. and Deborah (Marshall) Lufkin. Merchant; resides in Yarmouth. Two children, iv. GEORGE II., b. in Industry, Feb. 15, 1822; d. April 3, 1824. v . GEORGE IF. b. in Industry, Oct. 12, [826; m. Mary Robinson; d. in Chicago, July 22, 1867. vi. PHIDORA Sherwi b. iri Industry, April 19, 1831; m. April 5, 1851, Samuel, son of William Lowder, of Bangor. He d. in iS73,andshe m. at Fairport, V Y., Nov. 13, 1873, Charles W. Pawling.* Resides at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Three children by first marriage. 3. Frederick Hammond Eveleth, 6 son of James and Betsey (Williams) Eveleth, married Eunice Pratt, who probably died young. He married for second wife. Elizabeth, daughter of l'hineas Whitney, of * Local usage has changed the orthography to " Pauline." GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 6\J of Phillips. She died in Phillips in 1863. He was a farmer: died in Phillips, April 2, 1854. Children by first marriage. i. George W., resides at 2758 Welton St., Denver, Colorado. ii. Elvira S. Children by second marriage. iii. , b. April, 1831 ; d. in infancy. iv. FRANCIS MARION, b. in Phillips, Slay 22, 1832; m. in 1857, Ellen Ange- line Sanborn (b. in Chesterville, May 10, 1836), dau. of Dr. Amazi and Julia A. (Pierce) Sanborn, of Phillips. Teacher and farmer in early' life. Graduated from the Ohio Medical College in 1856. Practiced in Phillips, Presque Isle and Waldoboro, where he now resides. Served four years in War of Rebellion, as Surgeon of the 7th Me. Reg't; s. /. v. Martha C, b. in Phillips, Oct. 6, 1834; m. Charles Strout; resides in Phillips. vi. Fernando Cortez, b. in Phillips, 1836; d. in Presque Isle, 1861; unmd. \ ii. CHARLES LeRoy, b. in Phillips, 1838; <1. in Illinois, 1878. viii. Mary WHITNEY, b. in 1840; m. 1st, Charles Reed; 2d, Charles Moore. Resides in Madrid. 4. Benjamin Gennings Eveleth,? son of Joseph and Eunice (Gennings) Eveleth, married Tamson C. Luce. Mr. Eveleth was a successful farmer and spent his whole life in Industry. His wife died Nov. 7, 1882, aged 54 years, 2 months, 22 days. He died in Industry, July 27, 1891, aged 75 years. Children. i. Charles Albert, b. in Industry, Aug. 23, 1853; m. Aug. 9, 1874, Clara M. Young. Mr. Eveleth is a farmer,and resides in Farmington. Children : i. Beri 11: P., b. July 8, 1875. ii. Alton C, b. Aug. 7, 1879. iii. Prank E., b. Dec. 17, 1881. ii. Ellen Susan, b. in Industry, March 30, 1862; d. Oct. 7, 1865. iii. Frank BENJAMIN, b. in Industry, Nov. 25, 1806; m March 25, 1886, Mary M. Trask, of Stark. One child, d. in infancy. Resides at West's Mills, iv. George Leonard, b. in Industry, (Jet. 9, 1868; d. July 1, 1879. FISH. Elisha Fish, who settled in Industry in the fall of 1853, was horn in Stark, Feb. 15, 1805, and was the son of Elisha and Mary (Kincaid) Fish, and a grandson of Nathan and Betsey (Kinney) Fish, of Wiscass'et. He married, March 1, 1827, Mary Robinson (born in Bath, Aug. 26, 1809), daughter of Bryant and Patience (Oliver) Robinson. He settled in his native town where he lived until his removal to Industry. On coming to Industry he purchased of Map James Cutts, a small tract of 6l8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. land adjoining the farm on which Eli N. Oliver now (1892) lives, on which he erected buildings. Here he lived until a short time previous to his death, when he went to live with his sons, Asa Q. and Calvin B. Fish, on the Esq. Boardman farm. He died in Industry, March 24, 1888, aged 83 years. His wife died June 19, 1892, aged nearly 83 years. Children, i. John OLIVER, b. in Stark, Feb. 15, 1S28; d. Nov. 7, 1851. ii. Hannah, b. in Stark, ( >ct. 9, 1830; m. March 25, 1847, Benjamin S. Gordon, son of I)aniel S. and Anna (Gordon) Gordon, of Industry. Mr. Gordon is a farmer, and resides in Stark. Eight children, iii. Elizabeth Robinson, b. in Stark, March 25, 1833; m. Dec. 13, 1849, Benjamin Horn, son of Benjamin and Eunice (Hursom) Horn, of Smithfield. Mr. Horn is a farmer, and resides in Smithfield. Eleven children, iv. REUBEN, b. in Stark, April ^^. 1835; ''• ^ u g- ! 4> 1835. 1. v. Asa Qi i.\n;v, b. in Stark, Aug. 7, 1837; m. May 6, 1865, Esther A. Horn, dau. of John and Athalia (Gage) Horn, of Smithfield. 2. vi. Calvin Bryant, b. in Stark, April 9, 1840; m. March 21, 1866, Henri- etta Howard Horn (b. Aug. 5, 1850), dau. of John and Athalia (Gage) Horn, of Smithfield. vii. Charles Edward, b. in Stark, July 11, 1843; m - February, 1877, Rose Worcester, dau. of Lemuel and Mary ( Nickerson) Worcester, of Mercer. For the past twenty-nine years Mr. Fish has been engaged in mining on the Pacific Slope. Now resides in Mexico. His wife d. in Mercer, leaving one child : Cecil Edward, b. in Mercer, Aug. 15, 1S78. viii. Eben, b. in Stark, Nov. 29, 1844; d. from wounds received before Petersburg, Va., Aug. 14, 1864 (see p. 348). ix. MARY ADELAIDE, b. in Stark. Feb. 17, 1847; m. Dec. 13, 1865, Charles Greenleaf, son of Stephen and Fanny (Taylor) Greenleaf, of Stark, by whom she had one son, Frank Herbert, b. in Stark, July 29, 1869. She was subsequently divorced and m. Arthur D. Locke, son of James and Hannah (Colley) Locke, of Stark; resides in Augusta. x. JOHN ALPHONSO, b. in Stark, Nov. 29, 1851; m. Oct. 23, 1880, Eliza A. Pinkham, dau. of Wright and Mercy (Norton) Pinkham, of Lexing- ton. Divorced, s. p.; m. May 21, 1887, for second wife, Mantha B. Hatch, dau. of David and Harriet (Collins) Hatch, q. v. Mr. Fish is a shoemaker, and resides in New Sharon. One child : Edna Leone, b. in New Sharon, Oct. 3, 1888. i. Asa Quimby Fish, son of Elisha and Mary (Robinson) Fish, married Esther A. Horn. Prior to his marriage he spent some years in California engaged in mining, but afterward settled in Industry. He owns, in company with his brother. Calvin B., the Esq. Herbert Board- man farm, considered one of the best in town. 9 Children. 3. i. Charles ROBINSON, b. in Industry, Jan. 1, 1S66; m. Nov. 6, 1889, Lucinda Cunningham, dau. of Samuel and Lucinda (Brown) Cun- ningham, of Readfield. ii. DORA BELLE, b. in Industry, Dec. 23, 1867; d. of scarletina, Dec. 19, I.S73- , . iii. JENNIE ESTELLE, b. in Industry, Sept. 16, 1869; d. of scarletina, Dec. 27. 1873. Engraved by K\ es & Woodbury, Worcester, Mass. From ;i photograph made in i Su i by C. W. liolden, of Worcester. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 619 iv. Henry Clay, b. in Industry, Dec. 9, 1871; d. of scarletina, Dec. 26, 1873. v. Philip Augustus, b. in Industry, Jan. 16, 1874. vi. John Douglas, b. in Industry, May 16, 1876. vii. George Warren, b. in Industry, April 20, 187S; d. Nov. 2, 1878. viii. Warren Cornforth, b. in Industry, Sept. 16, 1879. ix. Athalia Gage, b. in Industry, Nov. 23, 1SS1. 2. Calvin Bryant Fish, son of Elisha and Mary (Robinson) Fish, married Henrietta H. Horn. He is a farmer and resides on the Esq. Boardman farm with his brother Asa (see also p. 345 ). Children, i. GEORGIA ELLA, b. in Industry, Nov. 19, 1867; d. of scarletina, Dec. 19, 1873. ii. Hattie May, b. in Industry, Aug. 5, 1869; m. June 20, 1S8S, Blanchard A. Luce, son of Benjamin Henry and Amantha S. (Tinkham) Luce, of Anson, q. v. iii. THIRZA MADELLA, b. in Industry, March 25, 1876; d. July 16, 1885. 3. Charles Robinson Fish, son of Asa Q. and Esther A. (Horn) Fish, married Lucinda Cunningham. Being a youth of good principles and studiously inclined, he acquired by diligent, persevering effort a fine English education, and graduated from the public schools of his native town, with the first class after the adoption of Wade's Graduating Sys- tem {see p. 100). The summer following his graduation he worked on a farm in Anson at $20 per month. In the fall he attended the high school at West's Mills, but left before the term closed to accept the position of teacher in the town of Stark. The term proved eminently successful, and after its close, in January, 1884, with the snow two feet deep, he began his first trip as a "tree missionary." The territory assigned him was the western part of Anson Valley and New Portland. A more unpropitious field for an inexperienced canvasser, eighteen years of age, could hardly have been found. The result of his labors was discouraging in the extreme. Four days of faithful work and not a single order. Many young men would have become disheartened and abandoned the work in despair. But young Fish was made of different mettle. He went bravely on, and on the fifth day was rewarded by his first order of $12 from a lady in East New Portland. This greatly en- couraged him, and when Saturday night came he was able to make a very creditable report to his employers. He worked on the horse cars in Lewiston for about three months in the summer of 1884, at $10 per week, but was obliged to give up his position on account of his health. Again he engaged in the nursery business at $35 per month and ex- penses, making a canvass of Lewiston and Auburn with gratifying 620 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. success, counting among his customers many prominent citizens, such as \ra Cushman, the shoe manufacturer; Ex-Governor Garcelon, etc. During the winter of 1884-5 ne taught a three months' term of school in his native district. The following spring he resumed the fruit-tree business at a salary of $45 and expenses. He continued in the employ of one firm for three years with increased salary. With the knowledge gained and money saved from his three sears' work he began business for himself with headquarters at South Framingham, Mass. From the start this new venture proved a success, the first year netting him a handsome sum. For the two succeeding years he had as a partner I). VV. Whitmore, also a native of Maine. The business was conducted under the firm name of Chas. R. Fish & Co. The volume of business was greatly increased and at length was removed to Worcester. After a pleasant and prosperous co-partnership of two years, Mr. Fish bought out his partner and assumed the entire management of the business, and during the year sold between $8,000 and $10,000 worth of stock. Mr. Fish is a member of the Dewey Street Baptist Church and an earnest. efficient worker for the cause. He has a pleasant, happy home in Worcester, where he enjoys the confidence and esteem of a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Still young in years, lie is to be counted a successful business man. while before him lies a brilliant future. Child. Charles Robinson, l>. in Worcester, Mass., Dec. 15. 1890. Daniel Homestead Fish, a younger brother of the forenamed Elisha, was bom in Stark, Dec. 24, 181 2. He married, Nov. — , 1838, Betsey Spencer, daughter of John P. and Eunice (Tibbetts) Spencer, who was born in Stark, Dec. 30, 181 7. Mr. Fish resided on the farm now (1892) owned by Sumner Kenned)', lor seventeen years, also at West's Mills and other points in Industry. Children. i. Abigail Norcross, b. in New Vineyard, June 14, 1839; m. (pub. March 21, 1859) Charles Wesson Gardiner, son of Allen and Rosana (Doyen) Canliner, of New Vineyard. Ten or eleven children. ii. Joseph Dunphy, b. in Stark, May 4, 1841; d. when two months old. iii- DELILA CLARK, l>. in Industry, Jan. 29, 1843; in. Feb. 10, 1861, Allen Gardiner, son of Allen and Rosana (Doyen) Gardiner, of New Vineyard. He served as a private in Co. E, 24th Me. Reg't, Inf., and d. in New Vineyard, leaving one dau., who m. James Pinkham, q. v. She 111. for second husband, Ichahod Norton, son of Ephraim and Jane West 1 Norton; Norton, of New Vineyard, q. t. iv. EBENEZER, I), in Industry, Dec. 24, 1N42; d. May 1, 1843. v. JoTHAM SEWALL, b. in Industry; d. in infancy. vi. JOTHAM SEWALL, 1). in Industry, Feb. 3, 1847; m. April 26, 1868, Mrs. Maria Horn. I Ie was divorced, and subsequently m. Ida May, dau. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 62 I of Nathaniel Reed. She d. at North Anson, s. p. He m. for third wife Esther Foss, of Concord. She d. in Farmington, s, p. lie m. for fourth wife Mrs. Louisa (Thurston) Goodwin, of Rome. < >ne child by first marriage, viz. : Mabel, m. vii. ELEANOR Smith, b. in Industry, March 14, 1S4S; m. Jan. 1, 1865, Hannibal (Ireenwood, son of Thaddeus and Malinda (Caldwell) Greenwood, of Industry, q.v. He d. Feb. 23, 1S7S, and she m. Nov. 16, 1879, for second husband John Tobey Daggett, of Industry, son of Isaac and Sarah Butler (Norton) Daggett, q. v. viii. Sarah Butler, b. in Industry, Sept. 9, 1849; m. Joseph Foss. ix. Andrew Jackson, b. in Industry, Nov. 24, 185 1; m. Mary Elizabeth Smith, dau. of James and Lois (Staples) Smith, of Flagstaff; resides in New Vineyard. Six children. x. Hannah Maria, b. in Industry, June 1, 1853; m. Chesley, son of Stephen Hollis, of Dead River. He resides in Kansas. Three children. \i. Louisa Greenwood, 1>. in Industry, Nov. 1, 1S55 ; d. at the age of seven weeks, xii. William Henry, 1>. in Industry, March 15, 1858; d. Dec. 24, 1858. xiii. Mary Robinson, b. in New Vineyard, Sept. 17, 1859; m. April 13, 1874, Seth Robbins, son of Elisha and Rozilla (^ Stevens) Robbins, q. 71. FOLLETT. Benjamin Follett,* a native of New Hampshire, was born Dec. 13, 1775, and died in Industry, Oct. 28, 1819, aged 44 years. His wife Abigail, born June 6, 1784, may have been a Moody or perhaps a Hil- dreth. Mr. Follett settled on lot No. 36, recently owned and occupied by Wm. W. Campbell. After his death, Lydia, an unmarried sister, came to town and provided a home for the family. Mrs. Follet died at an advanced age. Lydia Follett subsequently married (pub. Jan. 31, 1834), John Chesley, of New Sharon, formerly from New Hampshire. Children. i. Abigail L., b. April 13, 1803; m. (pub. Sept. 11, 1S26), Shubael L. Meader, son of William and Celia (Luce) Meader, q. v. ii. Cai EB, I'. June 2^, 1808. An invalid; d. unmd. iii. John, b. in Industry, April 16, 1810; a shoemaker. Went West. iv. Anna, b. in Industry, Jan. 7, 181 2; m. Knights. Thrown from a wagon; d. at Allen's Mills, from injuries then sustained, s. p. v. Almira, b. in Industry, Oct. 12, 1814. vi. Hannah, 1). in Industry, May 3, 1817; d. a young woman; unmd. vii. BENJAMIN, l>. in Industry, July 10, 1819; m. Christina, dau. of Thomas Merrill, farmer, and soldier in War of Rebellion (see p. 34g); d. fune 7, 1S63. His widow subsequently m. Oct. 11, 1863, Reuben B. Durrell. She d. in Farmington, Sept. 6, 1883, aged 40 years. Chil- dren : i. Charles Sylvester, b. in Industry, March 29, 1859. Sunn after the death of his father he was adopted by James Edgecomb, of Industry; unmd. ii. Elizabeth M., b. Nov. 12, 1861; d. young. * In 1851, Rev. Benjamin Follett resided in Stark. So far as can be learned he was not a near relative of the Industry Benjamin. 78 622 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. FROST. This name is found among the residents of York County as early as r 6 cS 9 . In that year Charles Frost executes his will, in which sons Charles. John and Nicholas are mentioned. The data necessary to complete the line from (diaries, senior, to George Frost, several of whose children have resided in Industry, has not been obtained. George Frost, who may have been a son of Samuel, was born April 18, 1783; married May 6, 1801, Phebe Tibbetts, who was born April n, 1781, and died in Industry, Oct. 25, 1869. He died May 28, 1834. aged 51 years. Children. i. Eli/a, b. Jan. 26, 1S02; 111. Oct. — , 1826, William Mosher; resided in Farmington. Seven children. ii. RoziLLA, I). April 29, 1S04; m. Feb. — , 1830, James M. Mosher; resided in Farmington. Nine children. 1. iii. Samuel, b. in Somersworth, X. II., Feb. 10,1807; m. Oct. — ,1X29, Martha Littlefield (b. Feb. 9, 1807). i\. Esther Jane, b. Aug. 22, 1809; m. June 15,1834, Elbridge Gerry; resided in Farmington. Five children, v. Olive T., b. July <>, [812; m. Nov. 17. 1835, Edmund Coffin; resided in Industry; d. in York County, hive children. \i. foHN, I). May 17, 1 S 1 5 ; m. Oct. 18, 1835, Olive II., dau. of Joseph Leaver; resided in Industry; moved to Farmington, where he d. Three children, vii. Mary Ann, b. [an. 7, 1818; m. March 30, 1S37, Dennis F. Allen, sori of Rufus and Abigail (Fairbanks) Allen, . 350 ); d. July 20, 1862. viii. ALONZO, 1). Feb. id, 1843; m. (pub. March 9, 1S63), Laura Collins, dau. tit John (Land Betsey (Yeaton) Collins, q. v. Farmer; resides in New Sharon. Four children. • One daughter, Martha M., died June 27, 1848; the author has not been able to learn the date of birth, hence the name does not appear in this record. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 623 Hiram, b. May 27, 1845; ll - Oct. 2 > l $47- Helena, i b. < >ct. 4, 1847. Helena m. Jan. 21, 1866, Alanson V. Brooks. Hiram, i Mr. Brooks is a farmer and carpenter. She d. March 28, 1SS4. Several children. Hiram d. young. CLARA A., 1). July 23, 1849; nl - Nov. 11, 1868, Truman A. Nottage, son of William II. and Frances (Snell) Nottage, of Stark. Divorced, s. />. She m. Dec. 25, 1891, James \V., son of Nathaniel and Betsey t Winslow ) Totter, q. v. FURBUSH. Israel H. Furbush, born March 8, 1818; married Nov. 14, 1844, Rosilla Hanniford, of Farmington, horn Aug. — , 18 15. Settled in Industry prior to his marriage, and resided at West's Mills. Children. i. Cordelia F.,* b. Dec. 12, 1S46; m. April 8, 1866, Joseph llolley, son of Marchant and Susan (llolley) llolley, of Farmington. Two children. ii. Ellen F., b. Aug. 27, 1848. J. Simon Furbush, son of Reuben and Betsey (Tuttle) Furbush, was born in Anson, June 6, 1S46. He married, Sept. 29, 1879, Katie A.Jennings (born in Farmington, Jan. 25, 1861 ), daughter of George IS. and Roxana (Ramsdell) Jennings, of Farmington. He came to In- dustry in the fall of 1880 and purchased, of Winthrop Luce, the farm on which Abner Norton was the original settler in 1791. Frugal and industrious Mr. Furbush is counted a prosperous farmer by his neighbors and townsmen. Children. i. Flossie Ethel, b. in Industry, Sept. 8, 1882. ii. George Alanson, b. in Industry, Jan. 3, 1889. GILMORE. James Gilmore, son of William F. and Mary (Trott) Gilmore, was born in Woolwich, Oct. 17, 1798. He married. Now 6, 1823, Lucy Wade (born in Woolwich, May 21, 1795), daughter of Abner and Hopestill (Delano) Wade. She died in Woolwich, Jan. 21, 1827. He married, Sept. 1, 182S, Rachel Wade (born May 19, 1803), a sister of his first wife. Mr. Gilmore came to Industry in March. 1830. and bought of Elisha Drew the farm on which his son, Caleb W. Gilmore, now lives. He was elected a member of the board of selectmen in 1840, and twice re-elected. Was also deacon of the Baptist Church in *Industry Town Records (i'ol. I, p. 87). Butler's History Farmington (/. jo/) has it Cordelia A. 624 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Stark. His wife died July 27, 1853, aged 50 years. He died Aug. 14, [868, aged 69 years, u> months. i. MARY HOPESTILL, 1>. in Woolwich, Feb. 1, [825; m. June 28, 1862, Amasa Works (b. in New Sharon, Sept. 19, 1816). Resided in Abbot; lumberman and farmer, lie d. Aug. 1, [866, s. p. ii. LUCY Wade, b. in Woolwich, Jan. 21, 1827; m. Jan. 21, 1849, William B. Tibbetts, of Amesbury, Mass. She <1. Nov. 12, 1867. Four chil- dren. Children by second marriage. iii. David, 1). in Woolwich, April 27, 1S29; m. Sept. [9, [852, Emma Gardiner, b. in Bristol, England; mariner; resides in Sanger ville, s. p. iv. Caleb Wade, b. in Industry, Aug. 29, 1 Sji ; m. Nov. 6, 1856, Nancy \. Manter, dau. of William W. and Betsey W. | Norton) Manter, . probably in Industry, Dec. 20, 1806; m. (pub. Nov. 14, 1837), John Fogg, of Industry, for his second wife, vi. Sarah, b. in Industry, Feb. 16, 1S09; m. Dec. 27, 1837, Newman T. Allen, son of Rufus and Abigail (Fairbanks) Allen, . in Industry, Oct. 26, 1820; m. Sept. 12, 1842, John Dyer. She d. Oct. 16, 1S63/ 1. Nathan Goodridge, son of Jonathan and Sarah (Moody) Goodridge. married Emeline Eaton. He inherited his father's estate and spent his whole life on the old homestead. He was a gentleman of strict integrity and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He held various offices of profit and trust ; was postmaster for twenty years, selectman seven years, trustee of the Franklin County Agricultural Society, and served a regular course of militia offices up to the rank of brigadier general. He was likewise a prominent and influential member of the Methodist Church and active in every good work. General Goodridge died Sept. 30, 1S71, aged 70 years. His wife died April 25, 1878, aged 69 years, 1 month, 16 days. Children. i. Charles Greenwood, b. in Industry, Jan. 14, 1831. Studied medicine with Dr. John F. Moses, of Farmington; attended medical lectures in Worcester, Mass., and subsequently at the Eclectic Medical Insti- tute, of Cincinnati, Ohio, graduating with honor, Feb. I, 1856. After his graduation he located at ( Htawa, Ohio, where he remained until the War of the Rebellion broke out. May 2, 1863, he entered the service as second assistant surgeon of the 4th Illinois Cavalry, and was sebsequently promoted to assistant surgeon. He was discharged May 16, 1865, a physical wreck, from the exposures and hardships incident to his position. He d. at Hennepen, Illinois, June 20, 1865, unmd. * Industry Town Records. Sept. 5, Pejepscot Records. C)2f) HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ii. Leonidas William, b. in Industry, Aug. 22, 1832. He was a school- teacher and farmer; m. Julia, dau. of Joseph Stubbs, of Milo. He (I. July 31, 1867. ( hildren : i. Elmer ( irlando, a graduate of the Maine State College, ii. Lucien William, graduated from the public schools of Industry, regular course, in the spring of 1883, and in the advanced course in August. 1884. Engaged in teaching and farming; d. March 5, 1886. iii. Alice Emma. iii. ( )rlANDO THAXTER, 1). in Industry, Sept. 2, 1S34; is a prosperous farmer in Milo, and has been a school-teacher and member of the State Board of Agriculture. He m. Mrs. Julia Goodridge, widow of his brother Leonidas. Children : i. Charles. ii. Nathan. iii. Perley. iv. Orrin. iv. [OHN G., b. in Industry, April 22, 1S40; d. < )ct. 20, 1840. \. Alvarez Nathan, b. in Industry, Jan. 17, 1842. He inherited the home farm from his father, where he now 1 1892) resides, lie m. Nov. 27, 1 S71 , Delia A., dau. of Jonathan 0. and Annourill (Row- ell) Kyes, of Jay. One child: Emelyn Eaton, born in Industry, Aug. 29, 1877. John Goodridge, a younger brother of the forenamed Jonathan, was born in Alfred, March 17, 1773. He married (pub. Oct. 5, 1799), Hannah Goodwin, of Shapleigh (born May 4. 177S). Esq. Wm. Allen says (History of Industry, p. ly) that John Goodridge came to town in 1 800. This is probably incorrect, as his name does not appear either on the petition for incorporation of the town or list of voters in 1803. He settled on the farm near Goodridge's Corner now owned by Cyrus B. ( Jdell. His log-cabin was afterward occupied by Elisha Luce, who came from Farmington. All evidence has a tendency to prove that both brothers came to town about the same time. After a few years' sojourn John moved away and all traces of him have been lost. Children. i. Henry, b. March 30, 1800. ii. Mary, b. ( >ct. 22, 1802. iii. Alice, b. Sept. 22, 1804.* iv. Lois, b. Aug. 6, 1806. v. John, b. Nov. 8, 1808. GOODWIN. Reuel (1 win, son of Andrew and Martha (Easter) Goodwin, was bom in Halloweil, Jan. 29, 1799. He married, Aug. 26, 1X24. Harriet Goodwin, daughter of George and Relief ( Farwell) Goodwin, ofVassal- » The New Portland Town Records show that Sihis Williams and Alice Goodridge, of Gil man Pond, or No. 2, wire married Oct. 9, 1S23. This was undoubtedly the Alice above named. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 627 borough. In 1840 he came to Industry and purchased the Capt. Jeruel Butler farm on which he lived for upward of twenty years. He then sold to Daniel Gilman and moved to Farmington, where the remainder of his life was spent. His wife, b. in Vassalborough, April 23, 1801, died Aug. 19, 1887. He died at Farmington Falls, Nov. 13, 1890, aged 9 1 years, 9 months and i 4 days.* Children, i. Martha Louisa, 1). in Hallowell, Sept. 15, 1825; m. (pub. March 28, 1S45), J onn Claghorn Manter, son of Zebulon ami Rebecca (Norton) Manter, q. v. She d. May 14, 1872. 1. ii. John Henry, b. in Hallowell, April 8, 1827; m. Feb. 22, 1852, Caro- line Augusta Luce, dau. of Wendell and Maria (Burce) Luce, q. v. iii. Hannah Palmer, b. in Hallowell, Nov. 19, 1828; m. Nov. 10, 1849, Cyrus Nelson Hutchins, son of James and Annah (Sullivan) Hutchins, q. v. She d. Oct. 1 1, 1856. iv. Benjamin Franklin, b. in Hallowell, Aug. 12, 1830; d. Feb. 26, 1833. v. Harriet Frances, b. in Hallowell, Aug. 11, 1S32; m. June 27, 1854, Warren Norton Willis, son of Peter W. and Calista W. (Norton) Willis, (/. v. She d. April 7, 1S57. 2. vi. Alonzo, b. in Vassalborough, July 22, 1834; m. Sept. 4, 1855, Lydia S. Rice, dau. of John C. and Elizabeth (Verrill) Rice, of Minot. She was b. Dec. 10, 183^. vii. Charles Browning. 1>. in Augusta, Feb. 19, 1836; m. Ellen Maria Luce. dau. of Wendell and Maria (Burce) Luce, q. v. Enlisted as a private in Co. F, 14th Reg't, Me. Vol. Inf., and was mustered into the U. S. service, Dec. 20, 1861. Promoted to corporal. Killed in action, at Raton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, 1862. His widow, Ellen M, d. Sept. 26, 1865, aged 21 years, 10 months. viii. George Reuel, b. in Industry, April 2, 184S; m. Ella Knowlton; moved to California. Has not been heard from for ten years (1891) and is supposed to be dead. i. John Henry Goodwin, son of Reuel and Harriet (Goodwin) Goodwin, married Caroline A. Luce. He enlisted on the breaking out of the war as a private in Co. F, 14th Reg't, Me. Vol. Inf., and was mustered into the service Dec. 21, 1861. Promoted to sergeant and subsequently wounded at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, 1862. Discharged Oct. 2, 1862, for disability caused by wounds. He is now a farmer and resides at Farmington Falls. Children. Cyrus Hutchins, b. in Industry. Feb. 22, 1853; supposed to be living in Texas. John Franklin, b. in Industry, June 12, 1854; resides in Boston, Mass. Reuei. Wendall, b. in New Sharon, Sept. 7, 1857; m. Clara Bixby Manter, dau. of Peter W. and Sarah F. (Bixby) Manter, q. v. Junette Maria, b. in New Sharon, Oct. 6, 1861; m. Charles Herbert Ring. Charles Browning, b. in Stark, Nov. 15, 1S63. Evangeline Belle, b. in Stark, Nov. 20, 1869; m. Jacob Kemple. *Mr. Goodwin was one of a family of seventeen children. Six of these were living at the time of his death, the sum of whose ages made a grand total of 514 years. 628 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 2. Ai.ox/o Goodwin, son of Reuel and Harriet (Goodwin) Good- win, married Lydia S. Rice. He was a shoemaker and resided in Auburn, where he died April 15, 1891. aged 56 years. Children. i. Ernest A., b. in Auburn, Sept. 20, 1857; m. Laura Gilman; resides in Boston, Mass. ii. Hattie E., b. in Auburn, Aug. 10, 1859; m. J. Melvin Wheeler; resides in Phillips, iii. Nellie S., b. in Lewiston, June 10, 1862; m. Charles S. Rice; resides in Auburn. GOWER. [AMES GOWER and his brother John, early settlers and prominent citizens in the town of Industry, were of English extraction.* Their father. Robert Gower, was born near Norwich, Norfolk County, Eng- land, Oct. 9, 1723, and was the son of Robert and Margaret (Hereson) Gower. He died in Farmington, Aug. 29, 1807. Robert Gower was twice married. By his fust marriage with Margaret Alexander he had two sons. His second wife, whom he married. Jan. — , 1771, was Mary Henry, sister of Mrs. Stephen Titcomb, one of the pioneer settlers in the town of Farmington. She was born in Johnston, R. I.. Jan. 22, 1745, and died in Farmington, Jan. 13, 1836, aged nearly 91 years. Children. i. Edward, m. and settled near Gardiner. Two dans. ii. William, b. 1764; m. June 1, 1784, his cousin, Margaret Alexander. Settled in Farmington. Two daus. Children by second marriage. i. iii. [AMES, b. in Topsham, Jan. 2, 1772; m. (pub. Sept. 2, 1800), Susanna Norton, dau. of Cornelius and Lydia (Claghorn) Norton, q. v. iv. Margaret, b. in Topsham, Aug. 14, 1773; m. Dec. 5, 1793, Elijah Nor- ton, sun of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Smith) Norton, of Farmington. She d. April 2, 1853. Eleven children. v. Hannah, 1>. in Topsham, Feb. 27, 1775; m. Jan. 29, 1793, Henry Nor- ton, son of Samuel and Mary ( Davis! Norton, q. v. vi. Mary, 1>. in Topsham, May 1, 1777. vii. SARAH, b.in Topsham, March 25, 1779; m. May 26, 1S03, Robert Coffren, and settled in Vienna. 2. viii. John, b. in Topsham, March 16, 17S1; m. May 13, 1807, Susannah Bailey, relict of Nathan Ames, of New Sharon. ix. SAMUEL, b. Aug. 16, 1783; resided in Industry, as an employee in the clothing-mill of his brother James; d. in Canaan. x. Anna, b. June 23, 1785; m. May 24, 1S07, John Mayall, of Lisbon, where she d. xi. Rebecca, b. March 17, 1788; m. Nov. 12, 1812, Elnathan Pope, of Farmington; lawyer and farmer. She d. Jan. 9, 1861. He d. April 7, 1 86 1, aged 80 years. * Robert Gower and Samuel Crompton were intimate friends in England, before coming to America, it is said. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 629 xii. George, b. April 9, 1789; m. April 5, 1S16, Love Allen, dau. of Wil- liam and Love (Coffin) Allen, q. v. He d. in Farmington, May 5, i860, aged 71 years. She d. Aug. 31, 1S60. Five children. I. James Gower, son of Robert and Mary (Henry) (lower married Susannah Norton. He bought the mills at the outlet of Clear Water Pond, which were for many years known as Gower's Mills. He died at Farmington Falls. His wife died in Abbot, June 10. 18 — . Children. i- Mary, 1>. in Farmington, Sept. 13, 1801; m. Oct. 14, 1821, Thomas Croswell, sun of Andrew and Sarah Croswell, of Farmington. He d. Jan. 6, 1879. She d. Dec. 3, 1887. Nine childien. ii. Robert, b. in Farmington, Jan. 26,* 1803; m. Rosamond Greenwood. One child living in 1885. iii. John Holmes, b. in Farmington, Nov. 13, 1804. Lost at sea. iv. James Henry, b. in Farmington,, Oct. 22, 1806; m. Borredell, dau. of Alexander Greenwood, of Abbot. Three children living. \. Cordelia, b. in Farmington, June i8,f 1808; m. Horace C.reenwood, of Abbot. Six children. vi. CORNELIUS Norton, b. in Farmington, Dec. 15, i8io;J m. Abigail Hawes, of Vassalborough. Four children. vii. Chaki.es, b. in Industry, Aug. 25, 1812; m. Clarissa J. Hawes, of Vas- salborough. He d at Greenville, S. C, Feb. S, "1861. One child living in 1885. viii. Ebenezer Norton, b. in Industry, April 21, § 1814; m. Frances Garri- son, of (Jreenville, S. C. Six children. i'x. SUSAN Norton, b. in Industry, March 2, 1819; m. Willard Hammond, of Abbot. Seven children. x - Davis Norton, b. in Industry, Sept. 30, 1820; m. Susan Hawes, of Vassalborough. Two children living in 1885. xi. Thomas C, b. in No. 7, afterwards Abbot, April 23, 1822; m. for his hrst wife, Jane J. Williams, of Greenville, S. C; for his second wife, Mrs. Betsey Rowland, also of Greenville. His third wife was Sally Martin, of Abbysville, S. C. Seven children. xii. Samuel P., b. in Abbot, July 4, 1826; d. Feb. 22, 1827. 2. John Gower, son of Robert and Mary (Henry) Gower, married Susannah (Bailey) Ames. He came to Industry from Farmington soon after the incorporation of the town and settled in that part of Industry set off to New Sharon in 1852. There he made an excellent farm, and engaged largely in stock-raising. He was a man of strict integrity, and greatly respected by all who knew him ; was a justice of the peace and a licensed local preacher of the Methodist Church for many years. He was elected selectman in 1808, and served in that capacity fourteen * Industry Town Records {Vol. /., /. 24). Butler, in Hist. Farmington (/. 482) says January 25. t Industry Records. Butler says June 2S and further states that she married Hollis Green- wood. I Butler says 1S1 1. § April 24. Butler. 79 630 History of industry. years. In 1822 he represented the town in the State Legislature. He died Aug. 29, 1843, aged 62 years. I lis wife was born in Bradford, Mass.. April 28, 1774: died Feb. 7. 1844. Children. i. John, b. in Industry, Feb. 1, 1808; m. April 8, 1834, Dorothy Weeks, of New Sharon. He was a successful school teacher and farmer: moved West, where he still resides. ii. GEORGE, 1>. in Industry, March 25, 1810; m. June 21, 1835, Martha Jane Merrill, dau. of Kev. Thomas and Deborah (Allen) Merrill, q. v. She d. June 30, 1837, an( l ne m - f° r second wife, April 2, 1839, Tarn- sin 15. Weeks, relict of Allen II. ISrainerd. She d. June 11, [883, and he m. June 7, 1885, Sarah Bixby, relict of Peter W. Manter, ct. 23, 1676. Elizabeth Gerrish, daughter of ('apt. William Gerrish, by whom he had ten children. Their eldest son was Daniel Greenleaf/* born in Newbury, Feb. 10, 1680. He graduated from Harvard College in 1699, and for nearly six years practiced medicine in Cambridge, Mass. He then abandoned practice and became a minister of the Congrega- tional denomination. In 1701, he married Elizabeth Cooking, of Cam- bridge, by whom he had thirteen children. The eldest son of Rev. Daniel and Elizabeth (Gooking) Greenleaf* was Daniels born in Cam- bridge, Mass.. Nov. 2. 1702. Like his father he became a disciple of . I'.sculapius and practiced the healing art in Bolton, Mass.. for many years. He died in Bolton, July — , 1795, at tne n P e a S e or " 93 vears. His first wife, by whom he had ten children, was Silence Marsh. The fourth of these children was the forementioned Israel,' 1 the father of Levi. 7 Israel Greenleaf 6 was born in Bolton, March 28. 1732,31111 died in Columbus. N. Y., March 4. 1824. He married, Nov. 28, 1754, Prudence Whitcomb, who died Sept. 15, 1784. In March following he married Ursula Woods. By his two marriages he had twenty-two chil- dren, fifteen sons and seven daughters, fourteen being the children of his first wife. The sixth child of Israel and Prudence (Whitcomb) Greenleaf" was Levi,? whose name stands at the head of this sketch. He married in 1 788, Polly Willard, daughter of Nathaniel, as is supposed, and shortly after removed to Maine. 7 He came to Industry and settled on land included in that portion of the town set off to New Sharon in 1X52.J Mr. Greenleaf was a man of more than ordinary ability and possessed a comfortable property for his time. He was a member and iii of the Congregational Church in New Sharon, and was a member of the board of selectmen in Industry in 1X04. His wife died Aug. — , ' This Tristram Collin was tin common ancestor of tin \< w England Collins. (■This statement is based on tin- authority of Jonathan Greenleaf, of Brooklyn, X. Y , compiler of Greenleaf Genealogy seep. 77). The Town Records of Indus-try show that in , I .1 Grei nli a 1 li id wife " Amy, born Dec. \, 1763." As the eldest daughti . of Li \ i bears the same n line a question arises as to whether or not he married Colly Willard. I I'h ■ .late of Mr. Greenle it's sett Inn ait on the Plymouth P.itent {seep, it) conflicts with the date of his marriage. As the fust mentioned date is reliable it is evident that the date of marriage as given by Jonathan Greenleaf is incorrect. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 633 1N11, after twenty years' residence in Maine and he subsequently married, April c6, 1N12. Mrs. Margaret Daggett, of Industry, relict of Elijah Daggett, q v. With infirmities of age upon him he entrusted his business to his son |ohn, who by injudicious management soon squandered the parental estate and left his aged father a homeless men- dicant. The personal appearance of Mr. Greenleaf is thus described : "About the medium height, rather spare, and a little stooping; thin favored, light complexion, and rather sandy hair, inclined to baldness over the forehead."* He spent the latter part of his life, with the ex- ception of two years in New Portland, in Industry, where he died in 1850, aged S3 years. Children. Amy, I). Aug. 12, 1789; m. Sept. 4, [806; Samuel C. Leeman, son of Jacob and Keziab (Chapman) Leeman, of Stark. She d. of typhoid fever, June — , 181 1, leaving one son, Levi < \. Leeman, b. Nov. 11, 1809. who, as late as May, 1891, was living at the Home for Aged Men in Boston. Samuel C. was a soldier in 1S12 War; m. May 14, 1812, Love Daggett, dau. of Elijah and Margaret (Smith) Daggett, q. v. ii. Israel, b. May 14, 1792; moved to New York State; m. Naomi Trum- bull; carpenter. Had two daus. iii. Polly, b. June 24, 1794; m. (pub. March — , 1N14), ( '.eorge Boyington, of Mercer. f lie started foi Ohio in 1816. At Augusta, N. Y., he visited his brother-in-law, Israel Greenhaf. Was never heard from after he left Augusta. She m. 2d, John McKay, of Hallowell. Two daus by first marriage. iv, Levi, b. May 11. 1797; m. Dec. 18, 1S17, Sarah Daggett (b. Dec. 7, 1792), dau. of Elijah and Margaret (Smith) Daggett, q. v. He built a house in that part of Industry set off to New Sharon in 1852, now owned by Bartlett H.Oliver. Here he resided for some years. The house has since been destroyed by lire. Went West. Children: i. Ann Churchill, b Sept. 15, 1818; d. Sept. 22, 1840. ii. Isaac S , b. July 2. [820. iii. Esther D., b. Jan. [6, [822; d. June 10, 1841. iv. Emma, b. March 5, [824. v. William <.'., b. May 31, 1826. vi. John, l>. April 28, 1828. vii. Sarah, b. Dec. 19, 1830. viii. Cordei iv W., Ii. July 11, 1S33. ix. Levi, b. June 23, 1835. v. John, b. Sept 21, 1799; m Sept. 24, 1828, Clymene Philbrick, dau. of Caleb and Dorothy A. (Gordon) Philbrick, of Mt. Vernon. Mr. Greenleaf was a carpenter and builder; learned his trade by taking jobs and working with his men, and became a superior workman. * Deacon Greenleaf was a very strong man lor out of his size, and in his younger days an expert wrestler, frequently throwing opponents much heavier than himself. At the age of 62 years he « ould leap a five-rail fence in preference lo letting down the bars. After the erection of a house of worship in the Thompson neighborhood, Deacon Greenleaf withdrew from the Congregational Church in New Sharon and joined the Methodist Society in Industry. His first wife was a sister to Ezra Willard, an early settler in Mercer. f Industry Town Records. Mr. Greenleaf, in his genealogy, savs she " married a Mr. .Mc- Kay, is now a widow, and resides in Embden, Somerset Co., Me." Undoubtedly tins had reference to her second marriage. 634 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Moved i" Lowell, Mass.. where she d. June 6, 1879. He d. in Hancock, V 11., March u, [882. Five children; four .lead. 1. \i. fosm \, I), fan. [5, [802; in. pub. Feb. 15,1821), Betsey Marsh, of Anson, dau. of Nathan and Betsey I Hale) Marsh, of Anson. i. Joshua Gri eni i \k son of Levi and Polly (Willard) Greenleaf, married Betsey Marsh. Mason by trade. Resided in Industry and in Somerset Co. Died at Pleasant Ridge, in Somerset Co., Jan. 5, 1880, aged nearly 78 years. She was born in Granville, X. Y., June 1, 1799; died at Pleasant Ridge, June 7, 1887. Children. i. GORHAM, b. in Industry, Jan. 10,1822; m. Malinda E. Bradley; resides in Waltham, Mass. 2. ii. . GARDNER, b. in Industry, Oct. 7, 1S23;* m. in Yassalborough, Nov. 17, 1847, Hannah Pinkham, dau. of Abraham and Hannah (Capen) Pinkham, of Sidney, iii. ELIZABETH M., b. in Anson. April 21,1826; m. John Dinsmore, d. in Lowell. Mass.. Aug. 8, 1888. iv. CLYMENE PHILBRICK, b. in Anson, March 25, 1828; 111. Charles B. Messer: resides in San Francisco, Cal. v. M \r.\ \\ '., b. in Norridgewock, July 29, 1830; m. Horatio Andrews; resides at Pleasant Ridge, vi. ( Iranville, b. in Anson, June 29, 1832; m. < leorgianna Bencher; resides in West Holiston, Mass. vii. Amy L., b. in Stark, June 30, 1834; m. Barzilla Coleman; d. in Augusta, Nov. 2, 1862. viii. George 1, b. in Mt. Vernon, Oct. 31, 1836; m. Ellen Arnold; resides in Maiden, Mass. ix. ESTHER M., b. in Moscow. Sept. 15, 1840; d. Dec. 27, 1840. x. Sarah A., b. at Pleasant Ridge, March 19,1842: m. March 30,1857, Isaac P. Andrews, son of Levi and Achsa (Andrews) Andrews; resides at Pleasant Ridge. Six children, xi. Nancy P., b. at Pleasant Ridge, July 28,1844; m. Samuel G. Caldwell; resides in Providence, R. I. 2. Gardner Greenleaf, son of Joshua and Betsey (Marsh) Green- leaf, married Hannah Pinkham. At the age of fourteen he worked in the logging swamp during the winter and followed the life of a lumber- man until twelve winters were placed to his credit. He attended the Farmington Academy as opportunity offered, and labored zealously to acquire an education. After his marriage he lived in Vassalborongh. Anson, and in 1 . in Stark, Nov. 17, 1859.! Resides in largo, N. I )akota; unmd. vi. George Gardiner, b. in Stark, Oct. 20, 1861; m. Sophia F. Waugh, dau. of Wm. W. and Melvina (Williamson) Waugh, of Stark, vii. Prince Edwin, 1>. in Stark, Nov. 29, 1863. viii. Frank Ernestus, b. in Stark, Aug. 25, 1867. GREENWOOD. Thaddeus Greenwood,5 who removed from Farmington in October, 1844, and settled on a farm in that part of New Vineyard set off to In- dustry in 1844, traces his ancestry in an unbroken line to Thomas Green- wood, 1 a weaver residing in Boston as early as 1665. It appears that he removed from Boston, to that part of Cambridge now Brookline, soon after the date just mentioned. He was made a freeman in 16S1, was likewise a member of the church and also filled the positions of con- stable, town clerk and selectman. He married, July 8, 1670. Hannah, daughter of John Ward, who died leaving him two sons. Thomas,- the eldest, graduated from Harvard College in 1690 and was pastor of the church in Rehoboth, Mass. John, 2 the second son, became a prominent citizen of Newton. After the death of his first wife, Thomas, 1 Sr., mar- ried Abigail , by whom he also had two sons, the youngest of whom was William, 2 burn Oct. 14, 1689. He married, June 21, 1 7 1 5, Abigail, daughter of John Woodard, of Cambridge, and removed about 1725 to Sherborn. Here he filled many important positions, such as deacon of the church, town clerk, representative and selectman. He died about 1756. The ninth child of William and Abigail (Woodard) Greenwood, 2 was Joseph,-* born June 10, 1734. He was a carpenter, joiner and weaver, by trade, and settled first in his native town of Sher- born. He removed from there to Holden and subsequently to Dublin, N. H., where he became the most prominent business man in town, serving as selectman, town treasurer and clerk, school-master, justice of the peace and representative to the first Provincial Congress from New Hampshire. He removed to Maine in 1793 and died at Bethel, Dec. 27, 1825. He married about 1758, his cousin Sarah, daughter of Josiah Greenwood. They had three sons, namely, Ebenezer, 4 born in 1759, * Family Record. Stark Town Records {Vol. 2, p. 14) gives the year 1S5S. f Family Record. Stark Town Records {Vol. 3,/>. 14) gives the year 1S60. 636 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. John. t horn Dec. 24, [760, and Nathaniel,'' horn Now 6, 1761. Nath- aniel Greenwood 1 married. June 24. 1782, Mary, daughter of Moses and Lydia (Knapp) Mason. In 1793 he removed to Bethel, where his wife died Feb. 25, i^-5- He married for his second wife, in [827, Mrs. Abigail Irving, of Paris. lie subsequently removed to Farmington and died Now 7. 1X46. Nathaniel Greenwood • was die lather of fourteen children, eleven h\ his firsl and three by his second marriage. Among the children by his first wife were three sons. Khene/etv Nathaniel. - ; and ThaddeusS (horn Jan. 14. 1 793), whose name stands at the head of this sketch. He married, Nov. 4, 1 8 1 ,S, Malinda Caldwell (horn May 24, [801), daughter of John and Sarah Caldwell. When Mr. Greenwood came to Industry he settled 011 the Col. Samuel Daggett farm, which he bought of Aaron Hanniford. He died March 31, 1864. His wife died May 19, 1878. Children. i. Ai BION ( ikvn.LK, b. June 26, iSjo; he went to the State of Georgia in the capacity of school teacher and d. in Albany of consumption, Oct. 26, [843. ii. SARAH [ANE, b. < >ct. 8, 1S22; when two and a half years of age she lost her hearing in consequence of a severe illness. She entered the Hart- ford, Conn., school for deaf mutes in 1837, an '' remained in that insti- tution rive years; d. in Industry, Feb. i(>, 1849 iii. Malinda, b. March 27, 1825; d. in Gilead, Me., March 10. [828. 1. iv. Hannibal, b. June 23, 1827; m. Jan. 1, 1865, Eleanor, dau. of Daniel II. and Betsey (Spencer) Fish, of New Vineyard. v. Malinda, b. May 20, 1829. She was a very successful school teacher and had taught eighteen terms at the time of her death; d. in Indus- try May 1, 1849. vi. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 13, 1832; d. in Industry Aug. 11, 1847. vii. George Henry, b. Oct. 18, 1834; m. (pub. Dec. 21, i860) Cyrena Walker, of Embden. lie is a farmer, and now resides in Xorridge- wock. Three children. viii. CHARLES Mam in, l>. March 14, [837. He was a school teacher and a member of the superintending school committee in Industry. Was also a member of the board of selectmen in 1865. He m. Mary, dau. of Richard Caldwell. He lived on a farm in Anson until after the death of his wife, Sept. 22, 1S75, when he went to Iowa, where he bought and sold stock, etc. He d. in Anson. Dec. 23, 1N70. < >ne child was born from this marriage, viz.: Charles, b. Aug. 4. 1S74; d. Sept. 12. [876. ix. Caroline Augusta, b. Jan. 14, 1839; m. Jan. 1. 1861, William Os- car Merry, son of Win. B. and Caroline 1 West) Merry, . in Industry, Jan. 23, 184^; d. in Industry, Aug. 31, IS70. 1. Hannibal Greenwood, 6 son of Thaddeus and Malinda (Cald- well) Greenwood, lost his hearing when only eleven months old, in con- sequence of a severe illness. At the age of fifteen years he entered the Hartford, Conn., school for deaf mutes, where he remained for five GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 637 years. At the age of thirty-seven he married Eleanor Fish and settled on the farm now owned by Charles Jeffers, where his five children were born. In the fall of 1S71 his barn, with its contents, was destroyed b) fire, and a few years later his house shared the same fate. Both barn and house were rebuilt. He died quite suddenly Feb. 23, 1878. His widow subsequently married John T. Daggett, q. v. Children i. Ada Maria, b. in Industry, Dec. 19, 1S65; m. in 1883, John P. Daggett, son of Samuel Daggett, of Dead River Plantation. Their child : Olive May, b. at Dead River, Sept. — . 1884. ii. P-iRiii i S., I), in Industry, July 4, 1867. iii. ALBION Orville, b. in Industry, Oct. t;, 1869. iv. MALINDA, 1>. in Industry, Oct. 21, 1S71. v. Hannibal Lee, b. in Industry, ( )ct. 31, 1877. HAMMOND, A widow of the above name came to Industry with her three daugh- ters and lived during the following winter in the old Pike house, near Withee's Corner. Tradition says seven families, numbering thirty-five persons, spent the winter together there. It is supposed that the Ham- monds came from Connecticut. The father was a sea captain and brought his family to Gardiner, Me., in his own vessel. He was soon after drowned at sea, as the tradition runs. It seems probable that the family had relatives in Industry, otherwise the)- would not have come to this town to reside. Children. i. Mary, b. in Connecticut, 1796; m. Jan. — , 1814, David Ilildreth, son of Capt. David and Esther (Moody) Ilildreth, q. v. She d. in Gardiner, ( >cl. 14, 1834. He d. July 4, 1842. ii. Lucy, m. Feb. 1, 1815, Job Swift, son of Job and Jemima ( Monk) Swift, q. v. She d. in Gardiner, June — , 1868. He d. fan. — , 1873. iii. Hannah, m. (pub. Aug. 25, 1815), Benjamin Swift, son of Job and Je- mima (Monk) Swift, q. v.; d. in Rome, Me. HARRIS. David Hooper Harris, son of Moses L. and Rachel (Hooper) Harris, was born in Lewiston, now Greene, Me., Feb. 8, 1796. He was a tan- ner by trade, having learned the business of his father. He came to Industry, probably in 181 7, and established himself as a tanner near the centre of the town, his tan vats being located near the present site of the Centre Meeting-House. July 20, 1818, he married Polly C, daughter of James and Betsey (Look) Davis, q. v., by whom he had two chil- dren. He died of typhoid fever, Aug. 22, 1S24, aged 28 years. II is So 638 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. widow subsequently married James Dickerson, of Stark, and afterward moved to Georgetown, where he died. Children, i. Betsey, b. in Industry, April 10, 1819; m. Abisha Peasa. Resided in Mobile, Alabama, when last heard from. ii. Rai in 1., I), in Industry, June 15, 1820; 111. Hartley Williams. Resides in Worcester, Mass. HATCH. David Hatch, who settled at the head of Clear Water Pond in In- dustry in the spring of 1850, is supposed to be a descendant of Thomas Hatch, 1 who, with his wife Grace, came to America from Sandwich. Kent Co., England, with Governor John Winthrop and his party, land- ing at Salem, Mass., early in the year 1630. About 1638, C). S., Thomas Hatch settled in Yarmouth, Mass., where he died in 1661, leaving a widow Grace * and daughter Lydia. who married, Dec. 19, 1650, Henry Taylor; also a son Jonathan 2 (born about 1624), who married. April 11, 1646, Sarah Rowley, daughter of Henry and (Palmer) Rowley, and was subsequently one of the original proprietors and pioneer settlers of the present town of Falmouth, Mass. Jonathan Hatch- was a man of strict, unbending integrity, possessed of indomitable perseverance and energy. From him descended the numerous Hatch family of Falmouth, whose descendants are now scattered over the length and breadth of the civilized world. His early life, passed away from home, had been a checkered one, characterized by many changes and hardships. He was the father of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters. Nine of these children grew to manhood and womanhood, and in turn had fam- ilies of their own. He died in Falmouth, Mass., Dec. — , 1710, aged about 84 years. t The fourth child of Jonathan and Sarah (Rowley) Hatch was Joseph,^ born May 7, 1654 (June 10, 1654, Falmouth Rec.) He was the most distinguished of Jonathan's sons — a soldier in King Philip's War, 1675-6, lieutenant in the militia in 1702, and afterward captain. He inherited the homestead. Married, Dec. 7, 1683, Amy Allen, of Chilmark. Site joined the church at Barnstable and was baptized Aug. 3, 1701. On the formation of a church in Falmouth, * Amos Otis, author of " Barnstable Notes, " who is of the opinion that Grace was a second wife, inferentially says : " If Jonathan and Lydia had been her children, she would not have allowed them in youth to have been aliens from their father's house and exposed to all the tempta- tions of a wicked world. 1 have no other evidence that she was a second wife. I want no other." f This does not agree with date of his birth, which, as given by Amos Otis {Barnstable Notes, p. 463) would make him 86. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 639 Oct. 10, 1 70S, she. with others, was dismissed to that church. He died Feb. 16, 1735. a g e d '83 years. The fourth child of Joseph and Amy (Allen) Hatch was Ichabod.t horn Oct. 28, 1 69 t ; married, Dec. 2, 17 14, Abigail Weeks, and settled in Tolland, Conn. The sixth child of Ich- abod was David.? born Sept. 24, 1726. It is believed that he returned to Falmouth and there married, March 19, 1749, Mary Tobey, of Fal- mouth. It is probable that this David married a second wife, Elizabeth, prior to July 10, 1777, at which time he conveyed certain lands to his sons Abel and Micah.* The date of David's death is unknown, but he is supposed to have moved to Western Maine near the close of the eighteenth century. The children of David were : David, who settled in Falmouth, or the adjoining town of Sandwich, Mass. *• Abel, b. April 9, 1752; m. Sept. 14, 1777, Fear Weeks (b. Dec. 26, 1757). Micah, settled on Onion River in Vermont. Fail, said to have been a very strong man. Died from injuries sustained in lifting a heavy box on a wager. Emma, m. a Gifford and settled in Sidney, Me. < Irace, married. Lydia, m. Wm, Case, of Sidney, Me. i. Abel Hatch, 6 son of David and Mary (Tobey) Hatch, married Fear Weeks. Mr. Hatch was a shoemaker and farmer. Settled first in Sandwich, Mass., where his six children were born. Aug. 9, 1802, he purchased of Ichabod McLain the farm in the northeast corner of Farm- ington now owned by his grandson, Reuben Hatch. He there spent the remainder of his life and died after a brief illness, May 16, 18 14, aged 62 years. His widow died Feb. — -, 1S33, aged 75 years. Children. 2. i. REUBEN, b. April 3, 1779; m. June 24, 1806, Thankful Collins, dau. of Daniel and Thankful (Ashley) Collins, q. v. ii. ZlPPORAH, b. Feb. 18, [781 ; m. Oct. 13, 1803, Uzziel Weeks, son of fohn and Mary ( ) Weeks, <>f Sandwich, or Falmouth, Mass." Ik- was a farmer and settled in Farmington on a farm adjoining his father- in-law. She d. Nov. 1, 1845. f l e . May 16, 1825; m. Jan. 13, 1S57, Flavilla E. Norton, dau. of ( (bed and Sarah (Collins) Norton, cl. id, [869, s. p. ii. Nathan William, b. |ulv2, 1834; m. Jan.—, 1869, Ann Elizabeth, dau. ol Asa and Elizabeth M. (Butler) Abbott, of Farmington. lied, in Farmington, Nov. 10, 1875, s. /. His widow subsequently m. March 10. 1883, Hon. (has. W. Fish, of Elkhart, Indiana. iii. Rachel Em eli NE, b. Sept. 24, 1830; m. Sept. 8, [859, George Holley, son of Win and Susan (Daggett) Holley, of Farmington. Mr. Hol- ley was a firmer. Died in Farmington, Jan. 2, 1892. Children: 'i. Ai gusta Backus, 1>. April 21, 1861 ; m. June 20, 1885. Llew- ellen M. Felch, of Linneus. Both she and her husband graduated from Farmington Stale Normal School, class of 1885. Two children. Resides in Houlton, Me. ii. Annie Abbott, b. Aug. 4, 1864. iii. Florencb Emm \, b. Nov. 20. 1869. iv. foHN Fairfield, b. Dec. 19, 1838; m. Jan. 1. 1861, Alice P. (lark, dau. of George W. and Catherine L. (Butler) Clark, q. v. Farmer, d. in farmington, < let. 7, 1879. Children: i. Fred Fairfield, b. Sept. 6, 1803. ii. Ai'i.it Alice, b. Aug. 28, 1805- GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 64 1 v. Semantha, b. Feb. 6, 1841 ; d. Jan. 8, 1S5S. vi. Hiram Stoyell, b. Dec. 21, 1842; unmd. Resides in California. vii. son, b. Jan. 8, 1845; ( '- J an - lI > ,s 45- 4. David Hatch, son of Reuben and Thankful (Collins) Hatch, married Harriet Collins. The boyhood of Mr. Hatch, like that of most farmer's sons, was an uneventful one. ( )n attaining his majority he found employment with the neighboring farmers, sometimes working for the same person the entire season. The winter months were usually spent in the lumbering regions of Northern Maine. The spring follow- ing his marriage he purchased the farm in Industry now (1892) owned and occupied by Frank W. Stetson. Here he resided for thirteen years, and here his four children were born. Early in the winter of 1863, he sold to Col. James Davis, of Salem, and removed to the adjoning town of Stark, where he remained three years. Returning to Industry he settled at West's Mills, where he owned and operated the saw and shingle-mill in company with Albert Shaw. Afterward engaged in farming. His wife, who had been in feeble health for many years, died Aug. 16, 1882, and during the remainder of his life he lived with his children. He was somewhat reserved in his intercourse with his fellowmen, hence those most intimately acquainted with him best appreciated his sterling char- acter and moral worth. He loved the right and detested sham, fraud and deceit. He was a kind father, manifesting a deep solicitude for the welfare and happiness of his children, even to the close of his life. Both he and his wife were devout christians and worthy members of the Methodist Church in Industry. He died in New Sharon, Me., Nov. 12, 1 89 1, aged 67 years, 9 months and 20 days. His wife was a fine scholar and a successful school teacher prior to her marriage, and died at the age of 64 years, loved and respected by a wide circle of friends. William Collins, b. in Industry, Sept. 14, 1850; m. Oct. 31, [874, Lavina I'. < )liver, relict of (ohn Oliver, of Stark, and . in Industry, April 21, i8;2; m. Aug. 24, 1878, Eliz- abeth D. Gordon, dau. of Benjamin S. and Hannah (Fish) Gordon, of Stark. Butcher and dealer in stock. Resides in New Sharon. Chil- dren : i. Oris Edgar, b. in Industry, March 3, 1879; d. Nov. 13, 1879. ii. Herbert Carlton, b. in Industry Sept. 11, 1880. iii. Edith Hannah, b. in Farmington, Nov. 9, 1883. iv. Horace Soule, b. in New Sharon, Feb. 19, 1889. 642 / J /STORY OF INDUSTRY. iii. MANTHA BA( KUS.b. in Industry, July 13, 1858; in. May 21, 1SS7, John A. Fish, sun of Elisha and Mary ( Robinson) Fish, q.v. iv. HATTIE Mi i.vina, 1>. in Industry, June 17, 1861; d. Aug. 25, 1861. 5. Reuben Hatch, son of Reuben and Thankful (Collins) Hatch, married Flavilla E. Norton. Settled on the homestead and cared for his parents in their declining years. He acquired a good education in the English branches and taught school prior to his marriage. In con- nection with his (arm work he transacts a large business as justice of the peace and is also a pension attorney. Children. i. Edmund Storer, b. July 1, 1857; d. of diphtheria Nov. 18, i860. ii. GEORGE MlLTON, b. Oct. 20, 1859. School teacher and newspaper cor- respondent. Resides in Farmington; unmd. iii. EviE Adaline, b. March 20, 1862; she is a successful school teacher; resides in Farmington; unmd. HAYES. Jacob Hayes,* who came to Industry about 1809, traces his ancestry to John Hayes, 1 who with his brother Ichabod immigrated to this coun- try in 16S0. Ichabod, it is believed, went South. John settled in what is now Dover, N. H. He married a Miss Home, who is said to have been but thirteen years of age. as one has written, "as true now as ever." To John Hayes, by his marriage with Miss Home, were born seven sons. Peter/ the fifth son, was born April 25, 1688, and died March 28, 1757. lie married Sarah Wingate (born Feb. 17, 1697); died in Berwick, March 28, 1779. Their children were Ichabod,-' John,3 Reuben,' Eli- jahs Elijah,-' youngest son of Peter, 2 was born Jan. 4, 1741, O. S., and died Nov. 10, 1805. He married Elizabeth Chadbourne, of Berwick, Jan. 8, 1764. He was the father of sixteen children, twelve of whom grew up to maturity and most of them lived to old age. Of these Jacob 4 was born in Berwick, District of Maine, Feb. 26, 1787. He came to Industn about 1809, as has already been stated, and purchased a farm (lot No. 18) of Jonathan Knowlton, Jr., situated on the north side of Bannock Hill. He married. Feb. 3, 1811, Ruth Hobbs (born March 18, 1789), daughter of Stephen and Abigail (Varney) Hobbs, of Ber- wx k. Si ion after his marriage he exchanged farms with John Patterson and removed to the south side of the same hill, where he continued to live until his death, which occurred March 17, 1853. He was a prac- tical farmer, and under his cultivation the farm which he received in exchange with Mr. Patterson became one of the best in town. Fie was especially interested in sheep husbandry, and it is said that he made REV. STEPHEN H. HAYES Engraved in Boston in [886. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 643 some money in this business. His first wife died of consumption, Feb. 27, 1843, and he subsequently married Mrs. Mary P. Weston, of Madi son, Aug. 26, 1S44. She survived her husband over 14 years and died in New Sharon, July 12, 1S67. i. Svi.vina, b. in Industry, Jan. 10, 1812; m. Feb. 19, 1833, Charles Nor - ton, son of Ebenezer and Martha (Norton) Norton, q. v. 1. ii. Stephen Hobbs, b. in Industry, Nov. 14, 1813; m. June 29, 1846, Eliza- beth Bean, of Belfast, iii. Gustavis, b. in Industry, Aug. 16, 1815; d. May 29, 1816. 2. iv. Gustavis, b. in Industry, March 4, 1817, m. June 16, 1844, Sarah Clough Shaw, dau. of Samuel and Ruth(Cilman) Shaw, g, v. 3. v. Eliza, b. in Industry, Feb. 26, 1819; m. Sept. 23, 1845, Enoch Weston, of Madison. 4. vi. Charles, b. in Industry, Dec. 26, 1820; m. May 17, 1850, Ann E. Bul- len, of New Sharon. 5. vii. Edmund, b. in Industry, April 6, 1823; was drowned in Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 2, 1848. viii. Abigail Boardman Stani.ev, b. in Industry. Named for two aunts; d. young. ix. Hiram, b. in Industry; d. young. 6. x. Hiram, b. in Industry, May 24, 1832; m. Nov. 29, i860, Mary F. Newton. i. Stephen Horbs Hayes.s son of Jacob and Ruth (Hobbs) Hayes, married Elizabeth Bean. Fitted for college at Farmington and subse- quently entered Bowdoin College, from which he graduated in the regu- lar course in 1838. Previous to and during his college course, he taught several terms of school in Industry and elsewhere. After graduating he was principal of the Lincoln Academy at Damariscotta for two years. Entering the Bangor Theological Seminary in 1840, he graduated three years later. In the autumn of that year he became pastor of the Con- gregational Church in Frontport, now Winterport, Me., situated at the head of winter navigation on the Penobscot River, for years a large ship- building town, where he continued for fifteen years. In March, 1858, he accepted a call to the Union Congregational Church in South Wey- mouth, Mass. There he remained for thirteen years. From 1870 to 1880 he was pastor of the Salem and Mariner's Church, Boston. His ministry had been so unbroken that from his entrance on his first pas- torate to the close he was not without his own pulpit for a sabbath. In later years, while preaching at times, he has been connected with the Young Ladies' Home and Day School at 68 Chester Square, Boston, es- tablished by Mrs. Hayes in 1872.* His wife died in South Weymouth, Jan. 1, 1863, aged 48 years. June 2, 1869, he married Mary E. Cobb, *This sketch was prepared in iSS7, at which time the school was located as stated above. Since then the location has been changed to 319 Marlborough Street. 6 4 4 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. of Tinmouth, Vt, for some years vice-principal of the Female Seminary m Brattleboro in that State. Children. i. MARY EVELINE, 1>. March 29, 1848. She was teacher of music in the Tilden Female Seminary in West Lebanon, N. II.. and subsequently in the Home and Day School, Boston. ii. ABBY STANLEY, b. Nov. 9, 1849; is connected with the Home and Day School, Boston. iii. Emily Kendall, b. Jan. 10, 1852; m. Charles F. Bush, of Boston, Dec. 20, 1875. Their children are: i. Stephen Hayes, b. Sept. 15, 1878. ii. Theodore Stanley, b. Dec. 29, 1882. iv. Stephen Lewis, b. Oct. 11, 1854; d. of typhoid fever Oct. 7, 1865. v. Charles Edmund, 1>. Aug. 12, 1857. Fitted for college at the Boston Public Latin School. He entered Harvard College in 1875, and re- mained two years, but completed his course at Williams, graduating with honor in the class of 1879. For a year he was on the report- er's staff of the New York Sun. He then entered the service of the Union Bridge Company at Buffalo, N. Y., in the engineer's depart- ment. He had inherited a delicate constitution and here his health failed. By advice of his physician he went to Colorado and spent two or three years there and in New Mexico, but with no permanent relief to his lungs. He returned in the spring of 1886 and spent the sum- mer with his friends in Boston, going to the seashore and the moun- tains, but having little strength. In November he visited his friends in Buffalo, where he failed rapidly and died Jan. 29, 1887. He had an active mind and a tine literary taste. He was fond of books and read much and with discrimination. He loved music and painting, and might have excelled in either. He was choice of his friends and drew them strongly to him. His short career was without reproach, and he departed in the hope of a better life. vi. George Shepard, b. Dec. 28, 1859; d. Feb. 11, 1867. vii. M illicent Gay, b. March 29, 1870. 2. Gustavus Hayes,S son of Jacob and Ruth (Hobbs) Hayes, is a successful farmer and has for many years resided in Farmington, Me. In early life he taught in the public schools with marked success. He married Sarah C. Shaw. Children. i. M ei.i.en, b. Aug. 18, 1S46; in. Dec. 25, 1875, Alfarata Rackliff, dau. of Ezekiel and Mary (Waugh) Rackliff, of" Industry. < iraduated from Farmington State Normal School, class of 1868; he is a farmer and teacher. Resides in Farmington. Children : Mary Ella. Edmund. Charles Benjamin. ii. EDMUND, 1>. May 15, 1849; m. April 30, 1S78, Mary H. Warren, of Buf- falo, N. Y. He entered the scientilic department of Dartmouth Col- lege and completed his course in the Boston School of Technology in 1873, having given special attention to civil engineering. He is ( 1887 I one of the principals in the Union Bridge Company, residing at Buffalo, N. Y., where a portion of the shops are located, the combined capacity of which is 26,000 tons, and the financial responsibility of the company over $ 1, 000,000. The contracts in hand at this time (Feb., 1887) EDMUND HAYES. Engraved in Boston in 1886. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 645 amount to between five and six millions of dollars. Mr. Haves was engineer of the magnificent Cantilever bridge at Niagara Falls, built of steel and spanning a chasm from bluff to bluff of 859 feet, and is consulting engineer in all their work.* iii. Clarence, b. March 1, 1852; d. June 26, 1861. 3. Enoch Weston married Eliza Hayes. She resided in Madison until her death, March 31, 1876. Her husband survived her but two years. Children. i. Eomund Hayes, d. in infancy. ii. Fannie S., b. Sept. 16, 1848; m. Eugene Sewall, of Livermore Falls, Me., Jan. 6, 1886. They have one child: Louise Eliza, b. < >ct. 24, 1 SS6. iii. Mary A., b. Sept. 17, 1850; m. T. William [ones, Oct. 2S, 1SS5. iv. Albert S., b. May 23, 1852; d. in Oakland, Calif., March 4, 1883, leav- ing a widow and two children. v. Emma A., b. March iS, 1858; m. June 28, 1881, Cyrus W. Goodrich, of Madison. t vi. ALICE E., b. Dec. 14, iS62; m. Sept. — ,~i8S2, Arthur S. Smith, of West- boro, Mass. vii. Carrie M., b. Jan. 10, 1865. 4. Charles Haves married Ann E. Bullen. He remained on the homestead place with his father and followed the occupation of a farmer. He died of typhoid fever. May 17, 1S57. Children. i. Mary ELLEN, b. in Industry, Feb. 19, 1S51; m. April 22, 1875, Charles Sparrow; they resided ( 1S87) in Leavenworth, Kans. They have had four children, viz. : one d. in infancy, Nellie, Emma Hayward, and Charles Edward; the two eldest of these d. in the autumn of 1886. ii. Charles ADDISON, 1>. in Industry, Nov. 7, 1852. After completing his academical studies he spent three years in the Rush Medical College, at Chicago, 111., and after graduating was appointed assistant physician in the State Hospital for the Insane at Ossawottamie, Kans., which position he held for several years to the entire satisfaction of the direc- tors, but voluntarily resigned, and is now (1887) in successful practice at Chippewa Falls, Wis. iii. Stephen Edward, b. in Industry, Dec. 9, 1857. lie pursued a part of the regular course in Amherst College and then entered the Harvard Medical School, graduating after a full course in 1881. He then spent a year as resident physician in the General Hospital at Providence, R. I., and is now (18S7) a practicing physician with much success in Eau Claire, Wis. June 1, 1886, he married Miriam Ingraham of that city. *The Company employs about 1200 men at all seasons; 200 of these skilled and well-paid mechanics. Their operations extend throughout the United States and in other lands. The Company is building an immense bridge at Hawkesbuiy, New South "Wales, the contract of which was awarded them in open competition with the most celebrated bridge-builders of Eng- land, France and Germany, and aggregates $2,000,000. They have also in course of construc- tion across the Hudson River, at Poughkeepsie, an immense viaduct. It is a double-track railway bridge of five spans, two of 550 feet, and three of 525 feet, besides 3000 feet of trestle- work approaches, and is at the centre 212 feet above low water mark. Such is the stupendous work of civil engineering at this day. 8l 646 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 5. Edmund Hayes, son of Jacob and Ruth ( Hobbs) I laves, entered Bowdoin College in 1844. He was accidentally drowned in Cleveland, ( )hio. Aug. 2, 1848. One of his college friends. E. B. Webb, now (1887) Rev. Dr. Webb, of boston. Mass., at that time wrote for the Bangor ( Me. ) Whig (iii(/ Courier as follows : "With many warmly attached friends he spent more than three years in the successful discharge of college duties. Near the commencement of his senior year he left college to teach school a few months. While thus engaged as a teacher, he made so great intellectual exertions in other departments of study that he became somewhat debilitated and by exposure to the cold was suddenly prostrated upon a sick bed for some weeks. Although having par- tially recovered, by the advice of his friends he reluctantly gave up his studies for a while until he should fully recover his health. In the mean time he ac- cepted an agency from Sanborn & Carter, book publishers, of Portland. Me. Here perfect health soon returned and he exhibited such a knowledge of man- kind and such a comprehension of business operations as to win the entire confidence of his employers. It was in the prosecution of this business that he met his untimely end. 1, A published letter from Cleveland. Ohio, dated Aug. 3, 184S, con- tained the following statement : "About one o'clock yesterday morning a gentleman who had just arrived at this port, from buffalo, on the steamer Ohio, was walking the pier and by mistake, occasioned as some supposed by nearsightedness or by a peculiar reflection of the lights on the steamer Niagara, which was near, stepped off and fell into the river. 1 ' Owing to the darkness and confusion efforts to rescue him were un- availing until life was extinct. An editorial in the Bangor (Me.) Gazette said of him : " As a teacher he had few if any superiors ; teaching as he did, by example and by persuasive eloquence which was irresistible. Lessons under his teach- ing were no longer tasks, his mode of teaching being that favorite one of developing the mind rather than fashioning it. He was an independent thinker and possessed an analytical mind which sought to discover the reason of things. He had a manly bear- in- and easily won the respect and confidence of his fellowmen. He had high and noble aims, and had his life been spared be would have filled an important place among men. 6. Hiram Hayes, son of Jacob and Ruth (Hobbs) Hayes, married Mary E. Newton. Having fitted for college, he entered Bowdoin in 1S47, and graduated in 1851. He engaged in teaching while in college GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 647 and afterward. In 1854 he went to Wisconsin, where he married in the fall of i860, and immediately afterward started for Washington, D. C. That winter he was clerk of a Senate committee of which Jesse D. Bright, of Indiana, was chairman and Jefferson Davis a member. He saw much of the rebel leaders, the Slidells, Toombses, Quincys, Masons, Benja- mins, and so on. All through the early ferment he worked away, in one place or another, in the departments as a clerk, at one time in the Interior, at another in the Treasury. Mr. Hayes was appointed captain in the Quartermaster's service in the fall of 1862 ; was commissioned March 12, 1S63. But he entered the service in January, 1863, right after his appointment ; was assigned to the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Army Corps, in the Army of the Potomac. Soon after was promoted to Division Quartermaster; in the fall of 1863 was promoted to the Quar- termastership of the nth Corps; in the spring of 1864 was transferred to the 4th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, and was Chief Quar- termaster of that body until January, 1865, when he was assigned to duty as a member of an examining board, having the duty to look into the supply service of the army, south of the Ohio, also to examine offi- cers as to their qualifications, investigate irregularities. Le Due, Com- missioner of Agriculture, was also on the board. He continued in this duty until the fall of 1S65, when, at his urgent request, he was relieved and his resignation accepted. His rank was lieutenant colonel, but the authority of that title in the quartermaster's service was equal to that of a general of a division, and the responsibility far greater, and the ser- vice as arduous ; the personal peril greater. He was at Antietam and Yorktown, in Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and minor engagements, east ; was in the all-summer's fight before the capture of Atlanta, and in the battles of Franklin, Nashville, etc. In his campaignings he forded great rivers, passed high mountains, and waded through big swamps with inter- minable supply trains. He rode two horses nearly to death and rectified a blunder (not his own), so saving an army. When a young man he published a key to a treatise on algebra, and more recently has compiled several works of a legal character. He is now a lawyer and resides in Superior, Wis. ; s. p. HIGQINS. The ancestry of those in Industry bearing the name is traced back no further than Richard and Lydia Higgins,* early residents in the town of Stark. Among their twelve children was Aaron (born Jan. 18, 1786), * The name is spelled Heggans in the early records of Stark. 648 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. who married Apphia Gill, and settled in Stark. He died Jan. 6, 1849, aged 63 years. His wife Apphia died Sept. 5, 1842. Children Barnabas Atwood, the eldest child, was burn Sept. 27, 1 s 1 2 ; m. Jan. 25, [835, Ann ( '>. Frederick (1). Nov. 24, [812), dau. of Joseph and I.ydia (day) Frederick, of Stark. Soon after his marriage he settled at Allen's Mills, where he remained until after the outbreak of the Civil War. He was a carpenter by trade, and during his residence at Allen's Mills built several houses in Industry. He eventually moved to New Portland, where he died, s. p. !. John Chandler, b. July 19, 1824; m. Feb. 23, 1844, Cordelia Oliver, dau. of John and Jane (Oliver) Oliver, . in Pejepscot, April 1, 1801; m. in 1822, Elmira Smith, of Gardiner, who d. Feb. 20, 1859; m. for second wife a widow. He d. Feb. 21, 1875. Nine children by first marriage; second marriage, s. p. *The author is of the opinion that this is incorrect. The Town Records show Mr. Hil- dreth to have been a resident of Industry, April i, iSo5,when he was elected a surveyor of lum- ber. While there is no evidence that a school-house was built prior to the summer of 1807. Either the family occupied the deserted cabin of some settler, which seems probable, or there must have been a house on the lot which Mr. Hildreth rebuilt after a school-house had been erected. t Pejepscot Records. Jan. 17, Industry Town Records. 650 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. vi. Esther, b. in Pejepscot, Jan. 22, 1S03;* m. June 20, iSjj, Joseph C. Syphers, of < lardiner. She d. < tct. [9, 1853; he d. < >ct. 5, 1885. Six children. vii. THADDEUS, li. in Industry, March 2, 1805; m. May 2, 1 S ;o, Sarah Knox, of Gardiner, and d. Sept. 4, 1878. His wife d. Jan. i(>, 1885. Three children, viii. Love, 1>. in Industry about 1807; d. at the age of eleven years, ix. Hiram, b. in Industry, June 9, 1809; m. Olive Plummer, of Richmond; she d. Dec. 29, 1838, aged 27 years (headstone).^ He m. for second wife, Sept. 10, 1839, Hannah E. Libby, of (lardiner, who d. Jan. 15, 1858. I le d. in New York, cm his way home from California, March 5 (?), iS^2. Six children by second marriage. x. Henry, l>. in Industry, April 3, 1814: m. July 25, 1S34, Lli/.a Lemont. He d. Aug. 2y, 1883; his wife d. Jan. 12, 1877. Five children. HILTON. Oilman Hilton (born March 10, 1775), came from Sanborntmvn. N. H., to Industry, soon after the incorporation of the town, and settled on a small lot of land at West's Mills north of the present brick school- house. He was a blacksmith by trade, but intemperate habits greatly impaired his usefulness as a citizen. His house was burned after living in town a few years, and he soon after began to rebuild. Before his new house was ready for occupancy he sold to Col. Peter A. West. Mr. Hilton then moved to the south side of the mill-stream and continued to work at his trade until about 1845, when he removed to Augusta. His wife, Polly Mason, was born July 16, 1775, in Tamworth, N. H. She was a sister of Moses Mason, of Industry, and also of Eunice Mason, wife of Rowland Luce. She was a member of the Congregational Church, and died in Strong, April 30, 1853, in her 78th year. Children. i. GREENLEAF, b. Jan. 8, 1798; m. March 28, 1824, Mary Manter, dau. of Capt. Benjamin and Abigail (West) Manter, q. v. She d. in Anson. May 16. 183S, and he m. for second wife, June 28, 1830, Mary Fogg, He d. in Anson, March 24, 1845. Like his father, Air. Hilton was a blacksmith and farmer. By his first marriage he had four children, Pejepscot Records. A record of births in town clerk's office in Industry (see Vol. [., /. Sj), made some years after the Pejepscot record, {jives the month as January, but does not give day of month. Roth parents, and lour of the six children recorded, do not have the day of the month on which they were born given on the Industry Records. Presumably these omissions wtia- due to a slip of memory on the part of the person furnishing the data. Mr. Janus (i. Elder, of Lewiston, who has given some attention to the genealogy of this family, writes the author as follows, relative to this matter: " The Pejepscot Records arc clear, and give as the date of her birth, January 22; but just now I am confronted with another date. Her son, who has tin- old Bible, and whom 1 met this morning, assures me that she was born January 3. This rec- ord, he says, was undoubtedly made soon after her marriage, and was unquestionably as she understood it. The dates of the births of the other members of the family, so far as known, agree with those in possession of the families. Which shall we adopt?" t The author is unable to account for this discrepancy between date of death and age. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 65 I three daus. and one son. James, the son, resides in Cambridge, Mass., and is said to be quite wealthy. By his second marriage he had one dau., who married Wade, of Farmington. Mary, b. in Sanborntown, N. H., Dec. 10, 1799; m. April 3, 1828, John D. Spaulding, son of Willard and Deborah (Daggett) Spaulding, q. v. Mellen, 1). Sept. 25, 1S01. lie went to North Carolina, where he m. and became a planter in a small way; he also pursued his trade of blacksmithing. He d. leaving one son and two daus. Horace, the son, is an Episcopal clergyman in that State. Susan, b. Aug. 4, 1803; m. Thayer, of Milford, Mass., where she d. Jeremiah, b. in Industry, June 26, 1805; m. Feb. 3, 1828, Margaret (Getchell) Savage (b. in Vassalborough, Feb. 13, 1798), dau. of Ed- mund and Abigail (Savage) Getchell, and relict of Savage. He learned the blacksmith trade of his father and became a very skil- ful workman. He moved to Augusta and became a veritable recluse in his old age. He d. Nov. 28, 1874; she d. April 18, 1872. Four daus. Cynthia, b. May 11, 1807; m. in Massachusetts, a Mr. Taylor. She d. in Milford, Mass., s. p. Louisa, b. March 31, 1S09; m. John Jones, of Augusta. Had several children, but with the exception of one son all are dead. Cyrus, the son, is a machinist, and resides in Lawrence, Mass., where the mother d. Betsey, b. June 28, 1811; d. at West's Mills, Oct. 28, 1836. Buried in the old Union Church lot. Velina, b. May 9, 181 3; m. John Lancaster, of Augusta. Mr. Lancas- ter was a farmer; both dead; s. />. Isaac, b. July 22, 181 5; m. Lucinda Reed, of Augusta. He was a ma- chinist by trade and d. in Augusta, Feb. 23, 1S53, s. p. His widow subsequently m. for second huband, a Mr. Stone. Gilman, b. March 5, 1819. He was lame nearly the whole of his life and d. unmd. at Augusta, Sept. 20, 1864. HINKLEY. Ezekiel Hinkley, son of John Hinkley, was an early settler in Indus- try, on the Thomas F. Norton farm, which he received of Samuel Look in exchange for one in Georgetown. Tradition says John Hinkley was a captain in the American Army during the Revolution and was killed in an engagement at Castine, where the Americans had a fort. He left three sons, Miller, David and Ezekiel. David died a young man, un- married. Miller and Ezekiel eventually became residents of the present County of Franklin, the former settling in Madrid, the latter in Industry. Ezekiel Hinkley was born June 14, 1778, and married, April 18, 1793, Eunice Spinney (born Aug. 23, 1768), daughter of Jeremiah Spinney, of Georgetown. He was a sea captain before coming to Industry, also a selectman in Georgetown. After settling in Industry he was delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 18 19, selectman and representative in the State Legislature. He was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church and a man much esteemed by his neighbors and townsmen. 652 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. He erected the two-story house now standing on the old farm, and died March — , 1853, aged nearly 75 years. I lis widow died in Livermore, April 29, 1864, aged nearly 96 years. Children. i. foHN, 1). in Georgetown, May 12, 1794; m. Hannah Trafton, dau. of [otham and 1 [annah ( Spinney | Trafton, of ( ieorgetown; live children. lie (1. in Georgetown, Feb. — , [878. ii. Hannah, b. in Georgetown, May 10, 1796; m. (pub. Sept. 8, 1819), Benjamin Athearn, of New Vineyard. He was a farmer and d. leav- ing several children. She afterward m. Joel McKinney, of Hope. She d. in Livermore, May 6, 1865. One son, William Athearn, lives in Sumner, and one in Lincolnville. iii. Sarah, b. in Georgetown, Jan. 12, 1798; m. March 16, 1S2S, her cousin, ( iliver Hinkley, of Township No. 1. son of Miller Hinkley, of Madrid. iv. MARY, b. in Georgetown, June 21, 1S02; m. (pub. May 21. 1832), Wil- liam F. Johnson, son of James and Sarah (Leeman) Johnson, q.v. She d. Dec. 18, 1873. v. fosiAH, b. in (ieorgetown, March 6, 1S04; m. March 19.* 1822, Merc) Williams, of Industry, dau. of William ami Mehitahle ( Hall) Williams, of Bath. He was a drover and lumberman; d. in California, March 9, 18^0. She was 1). in Bath, Feb. 10, 1794, and d. in Greenville, Me., Sept. 21, 1852. Children : i. El \u 1 SPINNEY, 1>. in Industry, Jan. 6, 1824; m. June 0, 1847, Milton G. Shaw, son of Daniel and Mehitahle (Gil- man ) Shaw-, , 1833; m. Samuel Davis; d. February, 1881. vii. REBECCA W., b. in Industry, Oct. 14, 1836; d. Sept. 12, 1839. vi. MEHITABLE, b. in Georgetown, Dec. 4. 1806; m. (pub. Jan. 14, 1839). Elias Butler, son of Benjamin, Jr., and Huldah (Bradford) Butler, of Farmington. He resided for a time near Stark line in Industry, on land now (1S92) owned by Benjamin S. Gordon, lie eventually went to Illinois, where both he and his wife d. Three sons, viz. : Granville, living in Illinois; Hiram, dead; Addison, dead, vii. EZEKIEL, b. in Georgetown, Feb. 21, 181 1; m. (pub. Aug. 25, 1834), Dolly Came, dau. of James and Sally (Johnson) Came. He and his family moved to Illinois, where he d. Samuel, the eldest son, was a member of an Illinois regiment, and d. impaled by a rebel bayonet. Another son, Theodore H., b. in April, 1838, d. in infancy. 1. Oliver Hinkley married Sarah Hinkley. He settled on a piece of land on the east side of Bannock Hill, where he was living as early as 1832. Was not taxed in 1838, and had probably left town. Knlisted as a private in Co. F., 33d Reg't, Vol. Infantry. Lost his right arm in the battle of the Wilderness. Claimed to be one of the oldest members of the G. A. R. at the time of his death. His wife died in Livermore, March 28, 1S65, aged 67 years, 2 months, and 16 days. * Another record gives this date March 21 GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 653 Married for second wife, Hannah Kennison, of Chesterville. He died Jan. t, 1887. Children. i. Semantha, b. Feb. 5, 1829; m. James Hoar, of Madison, now of Range- lev. ii. Julian AMELIA, b. Dec. 22, 1831 ; burned to death while living on Ban- nock Hill, aged about 7 years. iii. JOSIAH, b. Aug. 28, 1834; d. young. iv. Juliette. v. Enoch. HOBBS. Stephen and Abigail (Varney) Hobbs were residents of Berwick. Several of their children came to Industry, among whom were : i. JOSEPH, b. Oct. 21, 1786; m. (pub. Jan. 30, 1814), Sally Harvey, of Ber- wick, who was b. Dec. 23, 1794. He d. at Belgrade, April 12, 1832. < 'hildren : i. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 3, 1814. ii. Sally Harvey, b. Nov. 5, 181 5. iii. Gilman, b. Aug, 5, 181 7. iv. William. v. Nancy. ii. Ruth, b. March 18, 1789; m. Feb. 3, 181 1, Jacob Hayes, son of Elijah and Elizabeth (Chadbourn) Hayes, q. v. iii. Abigail, b. May 7, 1791; m. (pub. Dec. 2, 1814), Leonard Boardman, son of Herbert and Mary (Merry) Boardman, q. v. iv. Temperance, b. Feb. 17, 1793; m. Dec. 5, 1814, James Stanley, q. v. v. Apphia, b. Feb. 17, 1795; m. William Harvey (b. Nov. 28, 1794). Re- sided in Industry for a time; eventually moved to Aroostook County. Children : i. Leonard Boardman, b. Sept. 11, 1822. ii. Clarissa Augusta, b. April 29, 1826; d. March 12, 1828. iii. Clarissa Augusta Barnard, b. Dec. 2, 1828. iv. Charles Osgood, b. < >ct. 24, 1831; d. Jan. 17, 1832. 1. \i. George, b. in Berwick, Dec. 3, 1797; m. June 13, 1821, Olive Winslow, dau. of James and Betsey (Willard) Winslow, //. v. 1. George Hobp.s, son of Stephen and Abigail (Varney) Hobbs, married Olive Winslow. When a young man he served an apprentice- ship at carpentry under his brother. On reaching his majority he came to Industry and worked at his trade. He settled on the Atkins Ellis farm, and afterward on the Bartlett Allen farm, now owned by Francis S. Rogers. After a residence of twelve years on this farm he sold to Philip A. Storer and settled in the south part of the town. His estate was set off to New Sharon in 1852. He died in that town April 3, 1877, aged 80 years, 4 months. She died June 3, 1888. Children. 2. i. Betsey Winslow, b. in Industry, March 18, 1S23; m. April 15, 1845,* Franklin Stone. * Industry Town Records. 82 654 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ii. ELMIRA, b. in Industry, Nov. n. 1X24: m. May 11, 1848, Cyrus G. Brown, sun of Asa ami Sarah (Greenleaf) Brown, of Stark. She <1. in New Shamn, April 1, 1859, Three children : George II.. Asa. and Elmira. iii. CAROLINE, b. in Industry, Sept. 17. 1826; m. puli. March 7, r 868), John Tolman, son of Moses and Sarah H. Tolman, q. v. Shed, in Industry, May 14, 1892. iv. George, b. in Industry, Feb. 26, 1S2S; m. Ke/iah. dau. of Nahum Bald- win, of New Sharon. He was a carpenter by trade; went to Illinois soon after his marriage; d. in Creston, Iowa, early in February, 1890. Two children. v. JAMES WiNSLOW, b. in Industry, July 3, 1831 ; d. Sept. I, 1S32. vi. ABBY (i.,* b. in Industry, Feb. 12, 1834; m. Dec. 20, 1857, Asa II. Thompson, son of Robert and Alice 1 ( loodridge) Thompson, q. v. vii. OLIVE A., b. in Industry, Dec. 12, 1835; m - J an - "'• '858, Khenezer Swift, son of Kbenezer and Hannah (Goodridge) Swift, q. v. viii. AMANDA, 1>. in Industry, March 13, 1841; resides in New Sharon, unmd. 2. Franklin Stone, who settled on the Esq. James Winslow farm in Industry, was born Pel). 11, 1820, and was the son of Stephen and Sarah (Merrill) Stone. His educational advantages were very limited in early life, being such as were afforded by the district schools of his time, yet by studious diligence he acquired an education which emi- nently qualified him for his future active business life. In 1838 his par- ents moved to Deerfield, N. H., and on attaining his majority Mr. Stone engaged in selling an improved pump, traveling through many Maine towns and doing a profitable business. He married Betsey Winslow Hobbs, daughter of George and Olive (Winslow) Hobbs, of Industry, and soon after purchased the Esq. James Winslow farm, on which he continued to live up to the time of his death. He was a successful farmer and by industry and frugality accumulated a large property. He died very suddenly of heart disease, Aug. 18, 1883, aged 63 years. Children. i. William Wallace, b. in Industry, Aug. 2, 1845. Resides in New Sharon, unmd. ii. Sarah Frances, b. in Industry, Aug. 28, 1847; m - J an - ! 5> '^7°> Frank- lin W. Patterson, son of Samuel and Susan 1 Thompson ) Patterson, '/■ ■■ iii. Ellen Alvena, b. in Industry, Oct. 19, 1849; m. Jan. 1, 1S70, Asa II. Patterson, son of Samuel and Susan (Thompson) Patterson, q. v. iv. Frank CARLTON, b. in New Sharon, July 13, 1S53; m. March 20, 1S70. Mary Viola Whittier, dau. of Levi and Mary | Bean) Whittier; she d. June — , 1S83. He m. June 3, 1888, for second wife, Isa D. Cookson, dau. of Charles F. and Minnie (Fletcher) Cookson, of New Sharon. Mr. Stone is a farmer and resides in New Sharon. < 'hildrcn : i. WINNIE, Ii. in New Sharon, March 23, 1SS0. ii. . a dau , h. in New Sharon; d. in infancy. Children by second marriage, iii. Carrol, 1>. in New Sharon, < >ct. 22, iSSS. \\. CHARLES CAR] TON, b. in New Sharon. July 27, 1890. v. Charles Edgar, 1>. in New Sharon, Jul) 9, 1861. He is a carpenter by trade and resides in New Sharon. Inserted simply as a middle initial. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 655 HOWES. Lemuel Howes, 6 the ancestor of the Industry Howes family, was a native of Dennis,* Mass., but aside from this nothing is known concern- ing his early life. He was a son of Samuel Howes, * and traces his an- cestry back five generations, through Joseph,* Samuel/ and Joseph % to Thomas Howes, 1 who, with his wife Mary, came to this country from England. Lemuel Howes was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, and was taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island and confined on board one of the British prison ships. Here he suffered untold hard- ships from ill-treatment, hunger and cold. At another time he was on an American warship. During an engagement he went overboard and under water to stop a leak in the ship. While thus engaged a broadside volley was discharged which rendered him partially deaf for the remain- der of his life. He was granted a pension, which he received for many years. He married Jerusha Sears and subsequently came to Farming- ton in 1786. The next year, in company with Josiah Parker, he took up lot No. 48 on the east side of the Sandy River, near the present village of Farmington Falls. Here he built his log-cabin, and in 1789 had five acres under improvement. He eventually moved to Industry and spent his last days with his son Lemuel. f He closed a long and eventful life Nov. 22, 1839, aged 87 years. His wife, Jerusha, survived him nearly six years and died June 12, 1845, aged 88 years, and both lie buried in the Week's Mills burying-ground in New Sharon. But little can be learned of their large family of children. Children. Kimball, a sailor; never came to Maine. Nathaniel, a sailor; resided in New York. 1. Alvin, b. in Dennis, Mass., Jan. 14, 1775; m. Dee. 24, 1801, Mercy Collins, dau. of Lemuel and Mercy (Garrin) Collins, q. v. SEARS, a sailor; lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. Married and had children. Jerusha, d. unmd. at an advanced age. Samuel. Lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. Had two sons and two daus. Deborah, b. 1781; m. (pub. Sept. 8, 1819), David Howes, of Readfield, Me. She d. July 2, 1841, s. p. Daniel, m. May 9, 1826, Margaret, dau. of Simon Davis, of New Sharon. He d. in Stark, N. H. Two children, Dennis, and Betsey, who m. George Blake, of N. H. 2. Lemuel, b. in Farmington, Jan. 26, 1793; m. July 22, 1S22, Harriet Dutton, dau. of Josiah and Lois (Young) Dutton, of Stark. Sarah, b. in Farmington, Jan. 6, 1795; m. March 29, 1829, Haskell Willard, son of Samuel and Catherine (Crowell) Willard, q. v. Betsey, b. in Farmington; m. Howes, of Dennis, Mass. Resides, if living, in Yarmouth, Mass. No issue. * There is a graveyard in the town of Dennis where nearly 500 persons lie buried who bore the mime of Howes. f Butler says {Hist. Farmington, p. bjo) he died in Farmington early in the present cen- tury. This is incorrect. 656 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. I .' 1 1 . 1>. in Farmington. Resided in Stark; farmer and sailor, went away and was never heard from. i. Ai.vin Howes, son of Lemuel and Jerusha (Scars) Howes, mar- ried Mercy Collins. He came to Industry in 1 79S and settled on lot No. 44,* where he made the first clearing on what is now known as " Howes's Hill." Here he cleared up and brought into an excellent state of cultivation the farm now (1892) owned and occupied by George W. Bailey, and on which lie spent his whole life. He was honest and industrious — a man of strict, unbending integrity, a consistent christian, and a worthy member of the Methodist Church. He died, respected by all. (an. 9, 1847, having nearly completed his 72d year. His wife died May 24, 1862, aged nearly 87 years. Children. 3. i. Georce, 1). in Industry, Sept. 10, i8o2;f m. Dec. 17, 1833, Martha Knowlton, dau. of Capt. Joseph and Nancy (Harmond) Knowlton, of New Portland. 4. ii. Betsey, b. in Industry, July 24, 1806; m. June 9, 1S25, Simon Green- leaf, son of Joseph and Tamson (Stover) Greenleaf, of New Sharon. 5. iii. John b. in Industry, Feb. 12, 1808; 111. Jan. 1, 1833, Annah Dutton, dau. of Josiah and Lois (Young) Dutton, of Stark. 6. iv. Mary, b. in Industry, July 30, 1810; m. Dec. 6, 1S44, Orrin Hibbard, son of Stephen and Lucy (Jordan) Hibbard, of New Sharon, for his second wife, v. LYDIA, 1). in Industry, Nov. S, 1813; 111. (pub. Dec. 9, 1S4S). Seth Howes (b. June 115, i8i4),son of Zenas and Molly A. (Sears) Howes, of Dennis, Mass. He is a farmer and resided | [890) in I )ennis. They have one son, Seth Manley Howes, who was b. in Industry, July 12, 1852; m. Emily J. Booker. 7. vi. LOT, b. in Industry, Feb. 26, 1819; m. March 20, 1S53, i .oretta J. George, dau. of David and Sarah (Steele) George, of New Sharon. 2. Lemuel Howes, son of Lemuel and Jerusha (Sears) Howes, married Harriet Dutton. He came to Industry when a young man and purchased of Pelatiah Shorey fifty acres of wild land adjoining his bro- ther Alvin. Here he made a clearing, erected a house and barn, and re- sided for a period of nearly thirty-five years. Temperate, frugal and in- dustrious, Mr. Howes was regarded as a good citizen by his neighbors and townsmen. He was a Methodist in religious sentiment, and nearly all his family became members of that church. He sold his farm in [n- dustry and removed to Kent's Hill, where he died Dec. 18, 1 S 7 5 . aged * See note, page 41. f The above date, furnished by his son, Win. K. Howes, does not agree with the Industry Town Kecords of births, marriages and deaths [see Vol. /■,/>■ 27), where it reads " horn Sept. 16, [802." GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 65 7 nearly S3 years. His wife (born in Stark, March 3, 1800), died June 3, 1882, in die 83d year of her life. Children. 8. i. Harriet Maria, b. in Industry, April 28, 1823; m. March 11, 1S50, John Brown, son of John and Hannah (Frederic) Brown, of Stark. ii. Cordelia Ann, b. in Industry, March 11, 1825; m. Nov. 24, 1842, Eben G. Collins, son of Lemuel and Sally (Greenleaf ) Collins, q. v. She d. [uly 5, 1852. iii. Sophia Button, b. in Industry, Feb. 23, 1S28; m. May 31, 1869, Gen. William Tufts, son of Francis and Sarah (Blunt) Tufts, of Farming- ton. He d. at Kent's Hill, May 12, 1884, and she m. Feb. 19, 1886, for her second husband, William Perkins, son of William and Nancy (Gilpin) Perkins, attorney at law.* Resides in Bellview, Florida. iv. DEBORAH Jane, b. in Industry, Nov. 23, 1S30; m. Thomas Dingman Bradley"(b. in Manchester, England), Aug. 16, 1820. He is a reporter and resides in Boston, Mass., s. p. 3. George Howes, son of Alvin and Mercy (Collins) Howes, mar- ried Martha Knowlton. Carpenter, millwright and contractor. He died in Strong, Jan. 18, 1885 ; his wife died Oct. 15, 1889. Children. i. Joseph Kempton, b. in Lexington, Dec. 17, 1834; d. March 3, 1835. ii. Mary, b. in Lexington, June 16, 1836; d. July 17, 1S36. iii. George, b. in Lexington, May 18, 1837; d. May 8, 1838. iv. Mary E., b. in Lexington, Feb. 19, 1839; d. Sept. 2, 1840. v. William Kempton, b. in Lexington, Oct. 4, 1840; m. Oct. 4, 1865, Anna M. Greenleaf (b. in New Vineyard, May 22, 1847), dau. of William and Harriet H. (Twitchell) Greenleaf. Farmer; resides in Strong. Several children. vi. GEORGE F., b. in Lexington, March 7, 1842; d. Aug. 3, i860, vii. Carrie P., b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 12, 1S44, m. William H. McKinney, of Embden. viii. JOHN A., b. in New Vineyard, Feb. 12, 1850; d. April 9, 1850. ix. Edmund R., b. in Strong, Dec. 5, 1855; d. March 6, 1856. 4. Simon Greenleaf married Betsey Howes, daughter of Alvin and Mercy (Collins) Howes. He was a farmer and spent his whole life on *Concerning himself Mr. Perkins writes: "I was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, Jan. 13, 1S13. The Perkinses, scattered through the States and Territories, have descended from three brothers, who came from England nearly two centuries ago, as is our tradition. One- settled in New England, another probably in Maryland, and the third further south. The name originated in this wise : it was given to a man who went about claiming to cure all diseases with an herb called Perkins. My mother was of the large Gilpin family. The immigrant an- cestor, a brother-in-law of I'enn, crossing the ocean with him and at first living in a cave on the Brandywine River. My grandfather, Israel Gilpin, had his farm there and lost it, as the battle defeating us terminated on it. He died July 4, 1S32, aged about 93 years. I studied law from '33 to '36, emigrated to Illinois, and practiced for years with the ablest bar in the State. I am a hygienist scientist, lecturer and writer for journals, living only to do the little I can to ad- vance myself and fellowmen about me in wisdom." 65 8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. a farm in the northern part of New Sharon. Died Now 15, [866. His widow is still living ( [890) in New Sharon, l Ihildren. i. John Wesley, b. in New Sharon, Sept. 24, 1827; m. Helen Howes. Eight children. ii. Tamson Jam. b. in New Sharon, March 11, 1829; m. 1857, Harvey Knight. Resides in Norwich, Vt. Four children. iii. Rufus Stover, b. in New Sharon, Dec. 3, 1830; m. Nov. 18, 1854, Mar)- A. Jordan, of Ripley. He was killed by a railroad accident in Cambridge, Mass., March 29, [856. < >ne child, now dead. Mis widow resides in Cambridge. iv. Alvin Howes, b. in New Sharon. Aug. 14, 1832; m. Rhoda, dau, of Jacob Chandler. He d. in New Sharon, Sept. 23, 1881. One child, which d. in infancy. v. SARAH GEORGE, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 28, 1834; m. Charles C. Brown, of Boothbay. They now reside in Brooklyn, N. Y. Seven children. vi. Simon, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 29, 1836; m. Oct. 7, 1854, Elizabeth B. Trask, dau. of Daniel and Lydia C. (Smith) Trask, of New Sharon. He served in the War of the Rebellion as sergeant of Co. K, 28th Me. Reg't, Infantry. Entered the U. S. service Oct. 13, 1862. Mus- tered out Aug. 31, 1863. Resides in his native town and at present (1890) holds the office of deputy sheriff. Three children. v ii. George Howes, b. in New Sharon, Sept. 4, 1838. On the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, he enlisted as a private in Co. G, 9th Me. Reg't, Infantry, and was mustered into the U. S. service Sept. 21, 1 861. Taken prisoner in 1862; returned to company in 1863. He re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, and d. at Point Lookout, Md., Aug. IO, 1864, of wounds received before Petersburg, June 30, 1864. viii. Charles Smith, b. in New Sharon, Oct. 24, 1843; d. April 5, 1846. ix. Emily Lydia, b. in New Sharon, May 12, 1S48; in. Jan. 6, 1869, James W. Smith, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Tuttle) Smith, of New Sharon. Two children. x. Mary Helen, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 4, 1850; m. Oct. 5, 1874, Alfred L. Bruce, son of William and Sarah (Hodgdon) Bruce. They now (1890) reside in Bath. Four children. 5. John Howes, son of Alvin and Mercy (Collins) Howes, married Annah Dutton. He began life for himself with no capital aside from a pair of willing hands and a brave heart. At the age of twenty-two years he purchased of his father the homestead farm whereon he lived and died. Steady and industrious in his habits, he never engaged in specu- lative schemes, but gained his property by honest toil on his farm. Four of his children became school teachers, and the fifth had fitted herself for teaching when she died at the age of eighteen years. As his sons and daughters became of age he gave them in the aggregate one thou- sand dollars, a portion of the fruits of a life of frugal toil. He died in Industry, Oct. to, [875, aged 67 years, 7 months and 28 days. His wife was horn July 3, 180S, and died Nov. 23, 1861.* Children. i. John, b. in Industry, Feb. 28, 1834; d. June 7, [839. * John Howes married, June ig, 1864, for second wife, Mrs. Betsey (Dutton; Folsom, relict of Win. Folsom, and a sister of his first wife. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 659 ii. Martin, b. in Industry, April 15, 1837; d. Aug. 7, [839. iii. John Martin, b. in Industry, Slav 8, 1839; m. Sept. 5, 1870, Elizabeth Hani Wilson, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Baker) Wilson, of Falmouth, iv. Mary Frances, b. in Industry, Nov. 21, 1840; d. Oct. 31, 1 877. v. Florence, b. in Industry, June 15, 1S42; d. March 8, i860, vi. ALVIN, b. in Industry, Sept. 27, 1843; m. Sept. 27, 1S70, Susan C. I )udley (b. in Readfield, May 2), 1847), dau. of William II. and Caroline E. ( Packard ) I )udley. School teacher, farmer, supervisor of schools, and representative in State Legislature. Resides in Palmyra. Children: i. Irving A., 1 l>. May 27, 1873; Wilmer A., d. Oct. 23, ii. Wilmer A., 1 1875. iii. Allison P., b. July 28, 1881. vii. Mercy Ann, b. in Industry, June 30, 1845; d. Nov. 13, 1877. \ iii. Caphira, 1). in Industry, March 4, 1S47; <'• Sept. 10, 1S75. 6. Orrin Hirp.ard married Mary Howes. He was a farmer and resided in that part of Industry set off to New Sharon in 1S52. He was born in Lisbon, March 27, 1807, and died in New Sharon, March 4, 1 89 1. She died in the same town, Nov. 3, 1889, aged 79 years. Children. i. Orrin Augustus, b. in Industry, March 28, 1845; m. Yilroy A. Whittier. Resides in Worcester, Mass. ii. Ransford Norcross, b. in Industry, April 14, 1847; d. in New Sharon, July 31, 1851. iii. Calista Elizabeth, b. in Industry, June 4, 1S49; in. Willard J. Hutch- inson, of New Sharon. iv. Susan Emma, b. in New Sharon, May S, 1852; m. John A. Whitney. Resides in Grafton, Mass. v. Stephen Alvin, b. in New Sharon, October, 1855; m. Edith Smith. Resides in Stoneham, Mass. 7. Lot Howes, son of Alvin and Mercy (Collins) Howes, married Loretta }. George. Moved to New Sharon in 1859. Lied June 16. 1884. She died of consumption, June 10, 1882. Fidelia C, 1>. in Industry, March }, 1854; d. in New Sharon, Jan. 25, 1872. Sarah L., b. in Industry, June 16, 1S56; 111. John A. Webster. Resides in Farmington. George A., b. in Industry, Aug. 28, 1858; m. Feb. 20, 1889, Mary P.. York (b. in New Sharon, July 3, 1869), dau. of Samuel and Ellen Augusta (Drew) York. Mr. Howes is a farmer and resides on the farm which he inherited from his father. One child : [ENNIE P., 1). in New Sharon, Dec. K>, [889. Al.r.RA A.. 1>. in New Sharon, Dec. 4, 1861. Lydia M., 1). in New Sharon, June 21, 1866. 8. John Brown married Harriet Maria Howes. Mr. Brown was born in Stark, June 13, 1819. For some years after his marriage he resided in 660 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Industry. He then moved to Farmington, and later to Freeport, where he still resides, engaged in farming and gardening. c Children. i. EDWIN Hi avis. b. in Industry, Dec. 30, 1851; unmd. ii. Addie Man. 1). in Industry, June [8,1858; m. Lemuel Baker, oi Frei port. iii. Nettie Viola, b. in Farmington, Aug. 10, 1X59; m. Frank Howard 1 \i iffin, of Freeport. iv. Cora \i ice, b. in Farmington, July 30, 1863. 9. (mix Martin Howes, son of John and Annah (Dutton) Howes, married Elizabeth H. Wilson. He was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion I see />. Jj 1 ). I le is now a minister of the Methodist denom- ination and also engaged in farming. Resides in Caribou, Aroostook Co., Me. Children. i. Wilson Davis, b. in Biddeford, May 11, 1873. ii. Mabel Ardelle, b. in Palmyra, Jan. 14, 1876. HUSTON. John Huston, one of the early settlers in Industry, was, according to Esq. Win. Allen, a man of intemperate habits. He was a son of John Huston, and was born, probably in Dunstable, N. H.,* Sept. 10, 1773. His father was an early settler in the town of Farmington, having taken tip lot No. 17, east side of Sandy River, in 1783. John, Jr., married at Farmington, Sept. 26, 1799, Nancy Eagle,| and evidently made a short stop in New Vineyard after his marriage prior to coming to Industry, as he was assessed a poll-tax in that town on the list of 1802. His name appears on the list of voters in Industry for 1803, hence it is but reason- *The town of Nashua was known as Dunstable prior to December, 1836. t Butler says (see ///si. Farmington, p. 630) that John, the pioneer settler in Farmington, married Nancy Eagle, and spent the latter part of" his life in Industry, supported by the tov n. The writer deems this erroneous, for the following reasons : [. The Town Records oi Indus- try show that John Huston, son ot John, deceased, was horn Sept. 10, 1773. Thus it will be seen that the Industry John was only ten years old in 17S3, when lot Xo. 17 in Farmington was taken up. 2. These records further show that John, Jr., had a wile Nancy, born , 177.'. 3. His eldest child, born June i, 1 Sou, strengthens the theory that his marriage was in 1700. 4. The Town Records of Farmington show that John Huston was born Sept. 10, 1 7S-S, and died fune 10, 1705. This, the writer believes, was the Farmington pioneer, whom Mr. Butler probably confounds with the son John, of Industry. If this is the correct solution of the mystery, John, Sr., certainly hail a second wife, Abigail, as is shown by the forementioned records. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 66 1 able to infer that the date of his settlement in Industry was the latter part of 1802 or early in 1803. Moved away, as is supposed. 31 Children, i. John, 1). June I, 1S00. ii. Mary, b. in Industry, Jan. 11, 1S04. iii. Zeri iaii, b. in Industry, Dec. 23, 1805. JEFFERS. Thomas Jeffers was a native of Nova Scotia. He was born 1788 and came to the Kennebec Valley when a young man. He eventually married Sarah Kennedy; settled in Industry in 1850; died Nov. iS, 1869, aged 8t years. Among his children were the following, who have resided in Industry : |i win, b. 1820; m. Sept. 4, 1S4S, Ann D. Ryant, probably dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Webber) Ryant, of Farmington. Enlisted as a private in Co. B, 28th Me. Reg't, Vol. Inf. Mustered into the U. S. Service Oct. 10, 1862; mustered out Aug. 31, 1863. He d. in Industry, May 5, 1879, aged 59 years, leaving a large family of children. ( Ieorge, who m. Elizabeth, dau. of Hiram Crocker. She d. May 9, 1S72, leaving several children. He m. for second wife, Lucinda Wilson. Six children by second marriage. Farmer; resides in Industry. 1. Charles, b. in Farmington, Feb. 24, 1833; m. Nov. 5, 1865, Mary 1). Elder, dau. of Isaac and Sarah (Daggett) Elder, q. v. Ai.mika, b. in Industry, May 26, 1836; m. Dec. 28, 1S70, George Luce, son of Luther and Thankful (Collins) Luce, q. v. i. Charles Jeffers, son of Thomas and Sarah (Kennedy) Jeffers, married Mary I). Elder. The first year after his marriage he worked for Capt. Charles H. Beck in Augusta. He first settled in Industry on land in the northern part of the town now owned by Samuel C. Rand. He resided there until April 20, 1SS1, when he exchanged farms with the heirs of Hannibal Greenwood and immediately took possession of the well-known Greenwood farm, near West's Mills, on which he still lives. Children, i. ANNIE Manter, b. in Industry, Nov. 5, 1866; m. Oct. 25, 18S7, Charles Fartlett beck, son of Capt. Charles H. and Annah (Fogg) beck, of Augusta, where they now reside, ii. Fred Nelson, b. in Industry, March 31, 186S. iii. Isaac Elder, b. in Industry, Aug. 11, 1869. iv. Charles Albert, b. in Industry, June 22, 1875. v. Dora Louisa, b. in Industry, March 22, 1879. vi. William Arthur, b. in Industry, March 11, 1882. vii. Nina, b. in Industry, Oct. 2, 1884. * Another bearing the name of Huston, perhaps a brother to the above John, must have resided in Industry a short time, as the following- extract from the Farmington Town Records clearly proves : "James and Polly fjewett) Huston's children. Betsey, b. in Industry, Oct. 13, 1S05." See Jewett Family. 83 662 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. JENNINGS.* R.UFUS Jennings, who came to Industry in 1825, was born in Farm- ington, Feb. 22, 1799, and was the seventh child in a family of sixteen children. He was a son of Eliphalet and Mary (Butterfield) Jennings, and a grandson of Joseph and Nancy ( ) Jennings, of Bradford, Mass. Mr. Jennings was prominently identified with the business interests of the town for many years and was considered one of its wealthiest citizens. He settled at Allen's Mills and operated a fulling- mill, carding-machine, etc. He also erected a tannery which was in successful operation for some time, and subsequently kept store and engaged quite extensively in the manufacture of potash. He lost heavily through business reverses and afterward engaged in farming. He married, Jan. 20, 1S25, Sophia Butterfield, who died Nov. 6, 1850, and he married for second wife, March 18, 1852, Mrs. Betsey Bickford, daughter of Samuel Fling, of Anson. She died June 10, 1869, and he married for third wife, Aug. 31, 1869, Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgden. When the infirmities incident to his advanced years rendered him no longer capable of conducting his farm he surrendered his business to his son, Rufus Jennings, Jr. He died in Stark, Dec. 23, 1S87, aged 88 years, 10 months and 1 day. Elvira, b. in Industry, July 16, 1826; m. (pub. Jan 16, 1855), Moses M. Thompson, of New Sharon. Resides in Freedom, 111. Five children. Eliza Ann, b. in Industry, Nov. 15, 1829; m. (pub. Nov. 6, 1851), Fze- kiel R. Fogg, son of Asa and Mary (Knovvlton) Fogg, of Industry. She d. in Illinois. Two children. Edwin, b. in Industry, June 8, 1853; m. Jessie McDonald (b. in Scot- land), dau. of Archie and Ann McDonald. He resides in North Easton, Mass., and has an excellent position in the extensive works of (Jakes Ames & Co. One dau. : Christy Ann, b. in Boston, April 18, 1885. RUFUS, b. in Industry, Sept. 29, 1859; 111. Sept. 16, 1876, Carrie Locke, dau. of Perley W. and Sarah (Fish) Locke, of Stark. Carpenter; re- sides in Stark. Children : i. ' Gertrude May, 1>. in Industry, Sept. 13, 1877. ii. ALTON ( >tis, 1>. in Stark, Feb. 21, 1892; d. April 1, 1892. Annik, b. in Industry, May 22, 1857; m. July 7, 1877, Llewellyn Sterry, son of F. Larkin and Hannah (Fish) Sterry, of Stark. Children: i. Carrol Henry, b. in Stark, May 6, 1878. ii. Frank Delmont, b. in Stark, Feb. S, 1889. HELON KNIGHT.f 1>. in Industry, 18511; ,1. Aug. 1, 1864. *This name was formerly spelled (Jennings, but some years ago by mutual agreement the orthography was changed. {See p. bis). \ The above name appears in selectmen's return of deaths as Eben. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 663 JEWETT. Benjamin Jewett, who settled in Industry in 1800, was born March 16, 1762. His wife Hannah, daughter of Samuel, Sr., and Hannah Moody, was born May 9, 1765. He came to Industry from Shapleigh in the month of March, hauling his goods and family on a sled drawn by four oxen. The Androscoggin River was crossed on the ice below the falls at Lewiston. At that time the only building in the cities of Lewis ton and Auburn was a small mill on the Auburn side of the river. He settled on the east slope of Bannock Hill, on land occupied by Aholiab Nichols in 1886. He was living in town as late as 1809. Children. i. Polly, b. Feb. 19, 1785 ; m. Aug. 2, 1805,* James Huston, son of perhaps John Huston ( see foot note, p. 660 J. ii. Hannah, b. Sept. 12, 17SS; m. (pub. Aug. 15, 1813), Ephraim Cowan, of Farmington. iii. Elisha, b. in Shapleigh, Nov. 22, 1790. At the age of seventeen he was apprenticed to a blacksmith and served his indentures with John Church, Sr., of Farmington. At the age of twenty-two he enlisted in the American Army for one year, and on the expiration of his term of enlistment he re-enlisted until the close of the war. He participated in the memorable battle of Chateauguay Woods, as well as in several skirmishes. In 181 5 he returned from the army, and soon after located at Norridgewock, where he remained a few years, working at his trade. From that place he removed to Farmington, and in the fall of 1820, to Strong, Me. At that time there were but two dwelling-houses in the village. He m. Oct. 20, 1816, Hannah S. Cowan, of Farming- ton. Mr. Jewett has held various offices, such as deputy sheriff, cen- sus enumerator in 1840, and was also constable and collector of taxes. He d. in Freeman, May 7, 1884, aged 93 years, 5 months and 15 days. His wife d. in Freeman, Jan. 6, 1886, aged 91 years. Their child : Mary, b. April —,1817; m. Isaac F. Whittier; d. at Lisbon Falls, Nov. 1, 1885. iv. Benjamin, b. Nov. 30, 1796; m. Knox. v. Abigail, b. July 23, 1799; m. Knox. vi. Nathan, b. in Industry, Jan. 28, 1802. vii. Calvin, b. in Industry, March 15, 1S04; m. Rebecca , who d. in New Vineyard, Aug. 5, 1847, aged 37 years. viii. Love, b. in Industry, Oct. 27, 1806. JOHNSON. Henry Johnson,! who came to Industry in 1811, was born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 9, 1791. His father was Zebadiah Johnson (born March 25, 1768) ; his mother was Sarah Kneeland (born Feb. 4, 1769), both natives of Boston. When Henry was two years old his father died. The mother survived her husband but two years, and died April 7, 1795. * Farmington Town Records. t It is said that the grandparents of Henry Johnson came to this country from England. 664 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Thus early left an orphan he went to live with an aunt who resided in Thomaston, Me. When lie arrived at a suitable age he was apprenticed to a blockmaker, which trade he thoroughly mastered. In i.Sii he came to Industry and bought of Jonathan Hunker a farm on the east side of Bannock Hill, where he spent his whole life and reared a large and highly resperted family. 1 lis wife, whom he married July 12. [812, was Catherine Sullivan, daughter of Daniel and Jane (Paul) Sullivan. To Henry and Catherine Johnson were born fifteen children, nine sons and six daughters. The sons were all capable business men, active and energetic, and noted for their aptitude for acquiring property. Though thrown upon their own resoun es at an early age, they all earned a good living and some of them acquired quite large fortunes. Mr. Johnson, though possessing only an ordinary education in other branches, was a remarkable mathematician. He could easily solve long and intricate problems mentally, and students often came to him with knotty questions which he always promptly and correctly solved. He was a hard work ing man, gave his children as good an education as his circumstances would allow, and lived to good old age. He died June 24, 1870, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. His wife survived him but a few months over two years and died Sept. 13, 1S72, aged 76 years, 7 months and 4 days. John Elliott, b. in Industry, Oct. 12, 181 2. lie was a school teacher of much promise; d. Dec. 19, 18^5. IIk.nky, 1>. in Industry, July 14, 1814; d. Dec. 10, 1842. ZEBADIAH, b. in Industry, Feb. 18, 1816; m. May 12. 1839, Clarissa T. Swift, dau. of Ebenezer and Nancy ( Hildreth) Swift, ct. 18, 1846, Isaac S. Mitchell, of Litchfield. She d. Jan. 15, 1852, leaving one dau., Sarah Abbie, b. in Litchfield, Dec. — , 1847, wno ' s a milliner in Augusta. 6. x. Richard Elliott, b. in Industry, April 16, 1829; m. Oct. 5, 1854, Louisa A. Reed. xi. Elias HUTCHINS, b. in Industry, April 7, 1831 ; d. in Hallowell, Oct. 22, 1883; unmd. Possessing a decided fondness for trading he traveled extensively for many years, in early life, with a stock of Yankee notions and such articles as usually find a ready sale in rural communities. Afterward he went to Lewiston, where he built a large tenement house. This proved a paying investment, but the building was un- fortunately destroyed by fire. After the loss of his property he resumed peddling, making his home principally in Litchfield and I lallowell. He continued in this business until failing health compelled him to abandon work. \ii. Mary Paul, b. in Industry, Nov. 10, 1833; m. March 25, 1862, Harvey Jack, of Litchfield. He d. May 13, 1882, and she m. for second hus- band, Feb. 1, 1883, Samuel Williams, also of Litchfield, where they now reside, .c. /. 7. xiii. John Elliott, b. in Industry, Feb. 9,* 1836; m. May 24, 1862, Ann Judith Roberts (b. in Rome, May 13, 1836). xiv. Sarah Abby, b. in Industry, May 21, 1S38; d. Aug. 21, 1844. xv. Ann HUTCHINS, b. in Industry, Nov. 5, 1840; m. Nov. 23, 1862, Zebulon M. Emery, son of Josiah and Hannah C. (Manter) Emery, q. v. She d. in Litchfield, July, 1SJ4. I. Zebadiah Johnson, son of Henry and Catherine (Sullivan) Johnson, married Clarissa T. Swift. Mr. Johnson was brought up as a farmer's son, working on his father's farm in the summer and attending the district school in the winter, until he was twenty years of age. He then apprenticed to William Lawery, a journeyman carpenter, thoroughly learned the trade, and eventually became a superior workman. He was very diligent and could accomplish a great amount of work in a given time. After his marriage he settled in Mercer, where he built a house which he subsequently sold to Moses P. True, and removed to Gardiner. He next moved to Valley Falls, R. I., and after a time returned to Industry. He was at one time a licensed local j>reacher of the M. E. Church. He now resides in Appleton, Wis. Children. i. EBENEZER Swift, b. in Mercer, June 26, 1840. Enlisted in Co. L, 1st Reg't, Me. Cavalry; mustered into the l*. S. Service Nov. 1, 1861. Promoted to sergeant, Jan. 1, 1863, and subsequently to quarter- *Industry Town Records (I'ol. I., p. 30). Mr. Johnson understands the date of his birth to have been February 12. 666 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. master sergeant. lie was discharged at the expiration of his term of enlistment, Nov. 25, 1864. While in the service he was wounded, for which he now (1892) receives a pension of four dollars per month. Studied medicine with Dr. John F. Moses, of Farmington, and settled as a practicing physician in that town. Hem. Georgia F. Parsons, dau. of Peter P. and Elizabeth Parsons, of Chesterville. She d. in Holyoke, Mass., April 21, [885, aged 39 years, 10 months. Children: i. CHARLES PARSONS, 1>. in Farmington, December 1S71. ii. HATTIE BERNICE, 1). in Farmington, September 1X73. iii. Frank HENRY, b. in Farmington, 1876; d. 1878. ii. ZEBADIAH, b. in Mercer, March 19, 1842; learned his father's trade when young; m. May 10, 1863, Susan H. Dutton, dau. of Jefferson and Sibyl (Fish) Dutton. She d. in Farmington in 1S75. He m. for second wife, Lizzie Walker, of Litchfield. Resides in Gardiner. t hildren : i. Minnie Belle, b. in Industry; dead. ii. Geneva Wilde, b. in Industry; dead. iii. Orville Eugene, b. in Industry, Aug. — , 1870. Child by second marriage, iv. Inez, b. in Chelsea, 1879. iii. Caroline OreanA, b. in Gardiner, March 10, 1847; c '- °f scarlatina, Jan. 6, 1 85 1. iv. Frances Elizabeth, b. in Valley Falls, R. L, June 6, 1849; d. of scar- latina, Jan. 6, 185 1. v. Frank Henry, b. in Industry, Oct. 30, 1852; m. in 1874, Mary Rich, of Bar Harbor. An overseer in the Bates Mills at Lewiston. vi. Orville Gleason, b. in Industry, March 7, 1S55 ; d. in Farmington, May 28, 1865. vii. Augusta Clara, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 24, 1859. Teacher of music and painting. Resides in Chelsea, Mass., unmd. 2. Daniel Sullivan Johnson, son of Henry and Catherine (Sullivan) Johnson, married Mrs. Mary Stanford. Engaged in teaching with a good degree of success when a young man. For a time was in trade at West's Mills with Isaac S. Mitchell. He afterward traded in Gardiner, Me., and Boston, Mass., carrying a good stock of merchan- dise. Later he became a contractor and builder, and was in successful business in Appleton, Wis., at the time of his death in 1878. Children. Henry, Daniel Sullivan. 3. George Washington Johnson, son of Henry and Catherine (Sullivan) Johnson, married Emily Weston. As a prominent citizen and business man whose whole life has been spent within a few rods of the spot where he was born, Mr. Johnson stands without a peer among those claiming Industry as their natal home. Endowed by nature with robust health and in manhood's prime possessed of great physical endurance, no task was deemed too severe and no hardship too great for him to endure. £*n^y€ ] ■£u>-y\r Engraved by Johnson & Thompson, Boston. From a photograph made in 1S91 by E. R. Starbird, Farmington, Me. GENEALOGICAL NOTES.^ 66j His school life began when as a lad of four summers, he attended a school kept in a school-house located near the present residence of Alvin L. Chapman. As he grew up he developed a decided fondness for agricultural pursuits, and while still a boy the sole management of the farm work devolved on him while the father was away working at his trade. His career as a dealer in stock began when only sixteen years of age, at which time he sold two yoke of oxen to a drover named Josiah Hinkley. He was much elated over his success, and this induced him to buy more oxen and other cattle, which he invariably sold at a profit. After he was old enough to assist in the farm work his advan- tages for attending school were abridged to a winter term, usually of six or eight weeks' duration, and wholly ceased with the completion of his nineteenth year. At the age of twenty he was employed by Nathan Weston, of Madison, during the winter, and thereafter continued in his employ six consecutive winters and two summers. He always stipulated with his employer that he should have the autumnal months for buying stock. The fall after his twenty-first birthday he visited Brighton, Mass., the great cattle mart, three times, and thereafter for many years regularly drove stock to that market. At the age of thirty years he purchased seventy acres of land now comprising a portion of his valuable and extensive farm. The fine set of buildings now on his farm were all built by him, with the exception of one small barn. His farm now contains about 900 acres including woodland, and the owner ranks among the most successful and extensive farmers in Franklin County. He has held the office of selectman thirteen years, and has twice been a candidate for representative to the Legislature, in both instances receiving a handsome majority in his own town, although his party was largely in the minority in the district. He has also been a large dealer in wool, alone and in company with such men as Albert Shaw, John Willis, and Vernon Gil- man. He is one of Industry's most enterprising and public spirited citizens, and always contributes liberally for public and private charities. Children. i. Viola Alice, b. in Industry, April 30, 1857; m. Sept. 25, 18S7, Chas. E - Weston (b. June 25, 1857), son of Col. William and Marion S. (Hop- kins) Weston. Entering the Farmington State Normal School, she graduated in the second class of 1883. Upon the completion of her studies in this institution she was chosen, from among several appli- cants, Principal of its Model Department. She remained in that position two years, her connection with the school marking an era of continued posperity in its history. She subsequently taught one year in the Ueering Grammar School, and in the same grade in Bartlett, N. H. Also one year in Boston, Mass., and Bradford, Pa. After graduating, she devoted much time to the study of special branches, and has also taken the Chautauqua Course. Resides at 228 Tenth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. 668 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ii. NATHAN WESTON, b. in Industry, May 25, 1S61. Graduated from the [ic schools of Industry in 1883. Resides on the homestead in Industry, unmd. iii. Clara Almeda, b. in Industry, Nov. 23, 1862. Graduated from the Farmington State Normal School, first class of 1883. Her career as a teacher began at the age of thirteen when she was engaged to teach a summer term of school in Norridgewock. Since graduating, she has taught extensively in Maine and Massachusetts with gratifying success. She has also devoted considerable time to the study of paint- ing and drawing; unmd. iv. BERTHA Emily, 1>. in Industry, June 7, [867; m. June 7, 1S92, John Witham Nichols. M. I »., son of Walter and Rosana (Witham) Nichols, of Farmington. She graduated from the Farmington High School, (lass of [887. Engaged in teaching prior to and after graduating. I lr, Nichols is a graduate of Bowdoin College and the Maine Medical School. Resides in Montpelier, Vt. v. Georgia Faustina, b. in Industry, July 29, 1S70. Graduated from the Farmington High School, class of 1887. Fngaged in teaching. 4. Nathan Smith Johnson, son of Henry and Catherine (Sullivan) Johnson, married Mary C. Butler. Was a farmer and spent his whole life in Industry. Bought and sold stock, kept store and engaged in other branches of trade and traffic. Acted as agent for the town in several important lawsuits. During the war he was a regularly com- missioned recruiting officer and through his efforts many enlistments were made. He died at West's Mills, June 30, 1874. His widow married for second husband, May 30, 1877, David C.ilmore, of Stark. He died, and she returned to Industry where she now resides. (. hildren. i. Adriance Regal, b. in Industry, Jan. 3, 1S4S. Member of the 2d Reg't, Me. Cavalry (see p. 3^2). For the past twenty years he has made his home in various places on the Pacific Slope, ii. OREANA FRANCES, b. in Industry, Feb. 7, 1852; d. April 13, 1S64. iii. KATE, b. in Industry, May 20, 1856; m. Jan. 23, 1S75, Leonard M. Chap- man, son of Charles and Harriet | Murch | Chapman, of Stark. Mr. Chapman is a farmer and resides in Industry. < hildren : i. Frank Ladd, b. in Industry, June 14. 1876. ii. Lillian Emma, b. in Industry, May 4, 1878. iii. Haiti k BLANCHE, b. in Stark, Dec. 13, 1879. iv. Fannie Maud, b. in Industry, Oct. 27, 1882. v. Bertha Mary, b. in Industry, Sept. 26, 1884. vi. Henry Leroy, b. in Industry, July 9, 1892. iv. Lillian Elizabeth, b. in Industry, July 19, 1858; m. March 20. 1S7S, Daniel Wentworth, of Lewiston, s. p. v. EMMA WESTON, b. in Industry, July 14, 1861; m. May—, 1 88 1, John I ranklin Waugh (b. in Stark, Sept. 2, 1851), son of Jeremiah F. and Julia (Chapman) Waugh; divorced, s. p. Married for second hus- band, May 8, 18S7, Charles A. Prescott, of Industry. She d. in Man- chester, June 20, 1890; one son: Joseph Sayer, b. April 28, 1S90. vi. Henry, b. in Industry, Feb. 8,1866; m. (pub. April 17, 1891), Viola ( iould, of Kingfield. One child. 6. Richard Elliott Johnson, son of Henry and Catherine (Sulli- van) Johnson, married Louisa A. Reed. Went to Gardiner when a GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 669 young man and there amassed an ample fortune in mercantile pursuits. He died in Farmingdale, Dec. 4, 1881. His widow died June 7, 188-. Children. i. Henry, b. in Gardiner, June 25, 1855; m. July 26, iSSr, Fannie- Maria Robinson (b. March 18, 1859), dau. of Geo. Land Helen M. (Stack- pole) Robinson, of Thomasfon. Professor in Bowdoin College. Children : i. Helen, b. April 5, 1885. ii. Annie Louise, b. April 30, 1889. ii. , dau.; m. George II. Ray. Resides in La Crosse, Wis. 7. John Elliott Johnson, son of Henry and Catherine (Sullivan) Johnson, married Ann J. Roberts. He has been a farmer in Industry, and after the death of his first wife, a merchant at Allen's Mills. He moved to Stark, March 18, 1879, and April 10, 1883, to New Sharon Village, where he is now engaged in trade, carrying a stock of gen- eral merchandise. As a salesman he has few if any equals in Franklin County. His wife died in Industry, Sept. 29, 1867, aged 34 years, 4 months, and 16 days. He married for second wife, Aug. 31, 1869, Mrs. Sarah E. Hall, relict of Lucius W. Hall, and daughter of Henry B. and Elizabeth (Oliver) Rackliff, q. v. Children, i. LURA May, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 18, 1863; d. in Stark, Nov. I, 1881. ii. NATIE, b. in Industry, June 14, 1866; d. May 15, 1867. iii. Charlie Nathan, b. in Industry, Feb. 28, 1871; d. June 10, 1879. iv. Harry 1 1 all, b. in Industry, Aug. 6, 1873. Ichabod Johnson,* who came to Industry from Farmington, formerly of Vermont, was born June 5, 1738. On coming to Industry, he ex- changed farms with Thomas Johnson, letting him have the farm now owned by Benjamin M. Titcomb, and received the buildings and land now occupied by Augustus H. Swift. He had a wife, Malintha, but the author has not been able to learn her maiden name or the date of his marriage. He sold to Alfred Leathers, and went to live with a son in New York State, where he died. Children.! i. Hannah, was a school teacher; married and settled in Stark, ii. Rhoda S., m. (pub. March 14, 1831), Elisha B. Neal, son of James and Sarah (Baker) Neal, of New Sharon. Children. * Ichabod Johnson, Jr., was tythingman in Industry in iSii, also in 1S16 and 1S17. From this circumstance it is believed that the above named Ichabod was the tythingman and was con- sequently a son of Ichabod. Some believe him to have been a brother of William Johnson, who married Polly Meader, q. v., but as there is a difference of forty-eight years in their ages this is hardly probable. May have been a son or nephew. t Order of birth not known. 84 6/0 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iii. C\ RUS, in. a Miss Thaxter, of Mercer, embraced the Mormon doctrine and removed to the State of New York, where he d. leaving several chil- dren. iv. Elijah I)., in. Jan. 20, 1830, Love Goodridge, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Moody) Goodridge, q. v. lie was a millwright by trade, settled first on the farm now owned by McLaughlin Bros., but after- ward moved to Mercer and built mills on Sandy River, near Davis Ferry. His wife d. July 28, 1S40, leaving several children. One son, Elijah I)., Jr., b. probably in Industry in 1832, was captain of Co. C, 2d Me. Cavalry, in War of the Rebellion, als<> colonel of 21st Me. Reg't, Infantry. There were also two daus., Hattie and Emily. The furmer is married and resides in Lewiston.i Elijah L)., Sr., m. for his second wife Graffam, of Mercer, by whom he had four chil- dren. He d. in Lewiston in 1S71. v. Joshi a, m. (pub. Feb. 15, 1813), Esther Withee, dau. of Zoe and Sally ( llettis) Withee, q. v. Moved to New York State, w r here he d. leav- ing a large family of children. vi. Sarenus, m. (pub. Jan. 1, 1816), Esther Moody, dau. of Ephraim and Dorcas Moody, q. v. He d. in Bingham leaving children.* vii. MARCENUS, unmd., settled in ( >rono. Thomas Johnson, who settled on lot No. 8, on the Plymouth Patent, in 1794, was born Sept. 15, 1742, and is supposed to have been a native of North Carolina. Aside from date of birth, nothing is definitely known of his ancestry or family history. Tradition says he had the same num- ber of sons and daughters as there were in his father's family and gave them the same names. He served as a soldier in the Continental Army and was made prisoner and carried to Spithead on a prison ship. Availing himself of the first opportunity, he escaped and took passage on a whaleship, and at length reached Martha's Vineyard. He settled in Edgartown ; married, April 24, 1769, Thankful Smith (born Nov. 22. 1 752) .f He afterward learned the trade of tanner and shoemaker. ( !ame to Farmington in 1793 and the next year settled in industry. In the spring of 1809 he moved to Farmington and settled on a farm which is now owned by Benjamin M. Titcomb. Pensioned in 18 iS and died soon afterward. Children. I. i. James, b. March 16, 1773; m. (pub. Nov. 9, 1707), Sally I.eeman, dau. of Jacob and Sarah j (Chapman) Leeman, of Mercer. ! ,1. ih I >. Johnson, horn in Bingham, March 24, iS^j, was probably his son, He married Harriet B. and came to Industry as a workman in Amos S. Hinkley's shovel-handle factory at Allen's Mills. Their daughter, Gertrude, was born in Industry, Oct. 27, 1864. Esq. Win. Allen says she was adaughterof Timothy Smith, and Mr. Butler (Hist. Farm- ington, p. 510) evidently takes him for authority and reiterates his statement. Mis. Annie C. Pratt, the Island Genealogist, who is unable to verify this statement, questions its correctness. I This name may have been Keziah. [f so, Mrs. Johnson was a sister of Samuel C. Lee- man, who married Amy, daughter of Dea. Levi Greenleaf, a. v. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 6/1 Timothy, b. Dec. 14, 1774; m. March 7, 1802, Abigail H. Livermore. Farmer and merchant in Farmington, was also postmaster in that town for many years and an able minister of the F. \V. B. (hutch. He d. very suddenly in Berwick, Nov. 27, 1849, aged nearly 75 years. His wife d. May 19, 1856, aged 71 years. Eleven children. Thomas, b. Dec. 28, 1776; m. Jan. 14, 1802, Katherine Luce, dau. of Solomon and Celia (Tilton) Luce, of New Vineyard; settled in Farm- ington. Farmer, merchant, colonel in the militia, deputy sheriff and town treasurer. Was probably selectman in Industry in 1805. He d. in New Vineyard, May 16, 1844. His widow m. Nov. 1, 1847, Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Amy (Daggett) Butler; d. Nov. 4, 1854. Nine children. Abraham, b. April 3, 1779;* m. Feb. 15, 1810, Jane Morrison, dau. of William and Hannah (Benson) Morrison, of Farmington. Settled on lot No. 13, adjoining his father on the south, in 1796. Captain of the militia and selectman in Industry, in 1806-7. Went to Farmington with his father. Was the first captain of the Farmington Artillery. Owned and operated mills in Madison from 1820 to 1828. Returned to Farmington and again engaged in farming; d. July 11, 1866. Flis wife (1). in Middleboro', Mass., Jan. 31, 1786) ; d. Aug. 5, 1868. Nine children. Sally, b. April 16, 1784;! m. (pub. Aug. 29, 1S06), James Came, of Industry; farmer, Went to New Vork State. Four children. Joseph, b. March 31, 1786; m. (pub. May 31, 1809), Sally Daggett, dau. of Capt. Silas and Deborah (Butler) Daggett, q. v. First settled in Industry but soon moved to Farmington, where he became one of the leading business men; drover, merchant, lumberman and innholder, in the old Backus House, at Farmington Centre Village. Postmaster, sheriff, representative in the State Legislature, member of Governor's Council, etc. He d. in Reedsburg, Wis., March 18, 1867. She d. Nov. 17, 1869. Seven children. William, b. Oct. — , 1787; m. June 20, 1S13, Mary, dau. of Isaac Treby, of New London, Ct.; farmer, mill-owner in Madison, and merchant in New Orleans; d. 1823. His wife (b. Jan. 9, 17.94) d. in Augusta, June 20, 1850. Three children. Henry, b. Oct. 13, 1789; m. Jan. 30, 1812, Mirinda Blake. Merchant, deputy sheriff and postmaster, innkeeper, selectman, etc. His wife was b. in Mt. Vernon, April 26, 1791, and d. Nov. 6, 1850. He m. for second wife, March 26, 1854, Mrs. Millie Sanford, of Manchester. He d. July 31, 1861. His widow resides in Industry with her dau., Mrs. Joseph H. Sayer. Nine children by first marriage. Betsey, b. Dec. 5, 1791;+ m. Jan. 23, 1812, Christopher Atkinson; d. April 9, 1881. He d. in Baraboo, Wis., March 31, 1875. Several children. i. James Johnson, son of Thomas and Thankful (Smith) Johnson, first came to Industry with his father in 1794. He afterward settled in Farmington and engaged in farming on land owned by the late John Henry Backus. While here his house was destroyed by fire early in the present century and he returned to Industry, where he spent the * Industry Town Records {Births, Vol. I., p. 28) ■ Sept. 3, 177s, Butler's Hist. Farmington, J>. 5/0. t Industry Town Records. Butler says , 1785. \ Town Records of Industry. Dec. 4, 179,5, Butler. 672 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. remainder of his life. He died very suddenly Nov. 3, 1843. His wife survived him many years and died in Livermore, Feb. 14, 1867. Children. i. Mary, b. in Farmington, Nov. 11, 1798; d. in Farmington, 1 >ct. 7, 1813. ii. Thomas, b. in Farmington, Aug 22, 1S01; d. in Industry, Sept. 7, 1803.* iii. HENRY, b. in Industry, March I, 1S06. lie was a seafaring man and went on long foreign voyages. He d. of yellow fever in the West Indies, May 5, 1S27. 2. iv. William Frederic, b. in Industry, April 21, 1809; in. May 24, 1832, Mary Hinkley, of Industry, dau. of Capt. E/ekiel and Eunice ( Spinney ) Hinkley, . in Industry, April 2, 1838; m. July 15, 1863, Frank T. Bean, son of Hiram ami Abigail (True) Bean. He was b. in Moul- tonborough, N. IT., July 14, 1829. Resides in Farmington. Two children, ( leorge Franklin and Charles. v. Fidelia RUSSELL, b. in Industry, Sept. 22, 1840. Resides ai Strick- land's Ferry, unmd. vi. William Henry, b. in Industry, Sept. 27, 1842; 111. April 29, [864, Orintha M. Packard, dau. of Benjamin and Delia (Gifford) Packard, of Livermore. She d. Aug. 17, 1880, leaving four children. He m. Feb. — , 1884, for second wife, Mrs. Mary E. Thorns, of Ilartland. She was a dau. of William and Mary 1 Remick) Super, of Livermore, and relict of Amos Thorns. ( )ne child. William Johnson,! born Jan. 8, 1784; married at Farmington, Feb. 28, 1X02, Polly Meader (born Jan. 26, 1787). He resided in Industry, but nothing can be learned concerning him. *Tht-sr dates are from a record in the possession of William F.Johnson. The [ndustrj Town Records of births, marriages and deaths ( Vol. I., p. /J7,) has the following entry: "Thomas, son of James Johnson, died Sept. 23, 1804, aged 4 years." f See foot note under Ichahod Johnson. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 673 Children i. Joshua, b. in Farmington, June 8, 1803; m. March 7, 1830, Frances E. Moore, of Norridgewoek. ii. Deburah, b. in Farmington, Nov. 28,* 1805. iii. William, b. Sept. 30, 1807. iv. Henry, b. March 8, 1811. v. James Madison, b. Aug. 28, 1814. vi. Charles, b. May n, 1816. vii. Joseph, b. Aug. 10, 1818. viii. RuFUS A., 1). Jan. 28, 1821. KYES. Horatio A. B. Kyes, who came to Industry from Jay, traces his ancestry back to Robert Keyes, who settled in Watertown, Mass., prior to or in 1633. Robert Keyes was undoubtedly of English parentage, although information on that point is very meagre. He was the father of eight children, the seventh of whom was Elias, 2 born in Watertown, May 20, 1643; he married, Sept. 11, 1665, Sarah, daughter of John Blanford or Blanchard. The fifth child of Elias and Sarah Keyes- was Thomas,3 born in Sudbury, Mass., Feb. 8, 1674; he married in 1698 Elizabeth, daughter of John Howe. This Thomas, who became a dea- con of the church in the town where he lived, was the father of five chil- dren, the second of whom was Jonathan^ born Nov. 19, 1702. The wife of Jonathan Keyes was Patience Morse, of Marlboro, Mass. He settled in Shrewsbury and was a deacon in the North Parish. The eld- est of his eleven children was Jonathan,? born Jan. 21, 1728. He mar- ried Sarah Taylor and lived in the North Parish of Shrewsbury, where his seven children were born. He subsequently settled in the town of Rumford, Me., as one of its earliest pioneers. The fifth child of Jona- than and Sarah Keyes was Ebenezer, born Oct. 24, 1765. He married, June 12, 1787, Jemima Jackson, and June 7, 1805, bought lot No. 14, seventh range, in the town of Jay. He removed with his family to that town in January, 1806, where he spent the remainder of his life and died May 31, 1838. His name was spelled Keyes, but because people persisted in calling him AVr.s- he dropped the first c in his name when he moved to Jay and ever afterward spelled it Kyes, as do also his de- scendants. To Ebenezer and Jemima Kyes were born ten children, the sixth of whom was Solomon,/ the father of Horatio A. P»., s born June 2, 1798. Solomon Kyes married, June 17, 182 1, Rhoda N. Eldridge, of Readfield, Me. He died in Wilton, Jan. 27, 1871. Horatio A. B. Kyes 8 was born in Jay, Jan. 19, 1837. He was brought up as a farm- *B"armington Town Records. October 2S, Industry Records. 674 HISTORY (>/■ INDUSTRY. er's son, and on the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted as .1 pri- vate in Co. A. 8th Me. Reg't, Infantry, and was mustered into the ser- vice Sept. 7, 1S61. He was honorably discharged Sept. 23, 1864, hav- erved three years and sixteen days. Me married, Jan. 22, 1S60, Miranda, daughter of Joseph II. and Margaret (Blaisdell) Kimball, of Pat- ten. He came to Industry in the fall of 1868, and purchased the Sylva- mis Allen farm of Ira Emery, Jr. Mr. Kyes is a farmer of enterprise and interested in fruit-growing. He was at one time tax collector in Industry, and has been a trustee of the Franklin County Agricultural Society. Children. i. Albert 1'.. b. Aug. is, 1866. ii. Gayton II., b. Sept. 1, 1868. iii. Alberta M., b. in Industry, Dec. [3, [869. iv. WINNIE A., b. in Industry. June j, 1874. LOOK. Those of the name who settled in Industry and vicinity trace their ancestral line no further than Robert Look, of Martha's Vineyard, among whose children was a son Samuel, born in 1735, ailc ^ married in 1769. Margaret Chase (born 1750), daughter of Abraham and Mercy ( Nickerson) Chase. Children. i. Betsey, b. at Martha's Vineyard, July 14, 1772; m. James Davis, son "I Melatiah and Mary C. (Cousens) Davis, q.v. ii. Jonathan, b. at Martha's Vineyard, 1773; m. June 2, 1799, Betsey Holley (b. May 2, 1 781 ), dau. of John and Hepzibah (Marchant) Holley, of Farmington; farmer, settled in New Vineyard. Was at one time deputy sheriff; d. April 4, 1850. His wife d. Aug. 5, 1858. Ten children. iii. MARGARET, b. at Martha's Vineyard, April 24, 1776; m. Peter Norton, son ofZachariah and Hannah (Smith) Norton, . in Industry, Oct. 24, 1813. v. Henry, b. in Industry, July 16, 1815. vi. Prince Hillman, b. in Industry, March 14, 1S17; m. Wyman. vii. Waitstill. 2. Valentine Look, son of Samuel and Margaret (Chase) Look, came to Industry about 181 2 and took up lot No. 9 ( ?) on the Lowell Strip, on which Robert Luce had cleared some land and built a log- house. Mr. Look built a frame-house soon after he came in possession of his lot, which he subsequently moved to a more favorable location. This was the first building of any considerable size ever moved in that part of the town and a great deal of labor was required in cutting stumps and preparing a road for its removal. On his marriage he brought his wife to Industry with his own team, the journey occupying nearly a week. Soon after his marriage he was elected captain of the Industry militia, and was ever after as long as he lived known as "Captain Look." He made a good farm and raised a large family. In 1839 he removed to Phippsburg. at the mouth of the Kennebec River, and was drowned Sept. 21, 1 84 1. She died in Industry, Dec. 31, 1889. Children. i. Caroline Smith, 1). in Industry, Nov. 25, 1S17; d. March iS, 1S49. ii. Dams, 1». in Industry, Nov. 9, 1818; m. (pub. May 7, i860), Eliza F. Pettingill, of Madison, farmer; resides in Industry. Children. iii. Mary Waitstill, b. in Industry, Dec. <>, 1819; m. (pub. March S, 1859), Ichabod Bartlett, of Jay. iv. Charles Valentine, b. in Industry, Feb. 24, 1S22; still living in In- dustry, unmd. v. JOHN JUSTIN, b. in Industry, May 24, 1824; m. April 29, 1849, for first wife, Susan L. Wendell, dau. of Thomas and Susan (Lyon) Wendell, of Farmington. She d. June 29, 1S72. He m. a second wife, and d. in Farmington. One dau. by first marriage. vi. Elizabeth Lilly, b. in Industry, Oct. 3, 1828; m. Josiah Farnham. vii. Tisiiel, b. in Industry, Jan. 17, 1830; d. Feb. 2, 1S51. viii. Margaret Norton, b. in Industry, Aug. 2, 1832; m. John M. Rumpus. ix. Jabez Smith, b. in Industry, Feb. 19, 1S35; (L ' m Eau Galle, Wis., Aug. — , i860. x. SARAH W., b. in Industry, March 4, 1837; m. June 7, 1S57, Henry True Luce, son of Sanders and Mahala (Collins) Luce, q. v. LUCE. Zephaniah LuceS was among the first bearing this family name to settle in Industry. His ancestry runs back four generations to Henry 676 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. and Remember ( ) Luce, the common ancestors of tins numer- ous race in New England.* His lather. Stephen Luce.) was horn Sept. 25, 1 714, and died March 13, 1801, aged 86 years, 5 months, 18 days, ••a deacon." He married. I )ec 5, 1735, Content bresbury, by whom he had a family of nine children, Zephaniahs being the eighth. The father of Stephen t also bore the name of Zephaniahs who was born Feb. 19, 1695. an( l married, April 29, 1714, Hope Norton. He was a son of Experience Luce.-' who was born Feb. 7, 1673, and died Jan. 9, 1 747. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of John Manter. Experience 2 was the son of Henry and Remember Luce. 1 but little is known of Henry Luce, the maiden name of whose wife has not been learned. Documentary evidence shows, however, that he died prior to the month of March. [689. Zephaniah Luce, the Industry immigrant, was born April 2. 1752, and married, April 6, 1775, Prudence Manter. She died leaving three daughters, and he married for his second wife, Jan. 2, 1 794, Thankful Crowell (born April 2, 1758), daughter of Samuel Crowell. I le came from Tisbury, with other Vineyard families, to Industry in r8oi and settled on lot No. 31, adjoining benjamin burgess's on the north. The commissioners appointed in 1802 to appraise the settlers' lots, set the price of Mr. Luce's hundred-acre lot at one hundred and fifty five dollars, or at an average value of one dollar and fifty cents per acre. It is supposed that, being unable to raise a sufficient sum to pay tor his land, he left town soon after this appraisal. t We next find him a resi- dent of Farmington near Industry line, at the head of Clear Water Fond. How long he lived in that town cannot be determined, but it is evident that he was well advanced in life when he returned to Industry. He spent the last of his life in a small logdiouse near the Deacon Cot tie burying-ground. His wife Thankful died Jan. — , 1825. He sur- vived her some years and died about 1830. Children. i. Prudence, b. in Tisbury, Dukes Co., Mass., Oct. 11. 1794: d. Oct. 15. 1S04. ♦ Hon. Richard L. Pease, of Edgartown, Dukes County, .Mass., during his lifetime authority on all matters of genealogy pertaining to Martha's Vineyard families, replying to a query respecting a member of this family says : " I (oubtless la- was from Martha's Vineyard, as all bearing that family name can trace their descent from the first Luce who came to tin Vine- yard, viz. : Henry Luce." rThis inference is based on the fact that his name does not appear on the petition for in- corporation, dated January, 1803, nor on tile list of voters for that year, all of which seems- to indicate that he had moved away prior to 1803. On the other hand, among the original entries of births made soon after the incorporation of the town is a record of births in Zephaniah Luce's family. His eldest daughter died Oct. 15, 1804, and Iter death is also entered on the Industry Tow n Kecords. The writer is unable to harmonize this seemingly conflicting testimony. HENRY TRUE LUCE. Engxaved by Johnson & Thompson, Boston, photograph made about 1S75 bj Alden, of Boston- GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 6 J J ii. Mary, b. in Tisbury, Sept. 7, 1796; m. Sept. 26, 1824, Ichaboil Foster, of Berlin, Me.; d. without issue. 1. iii. Sanders, b. in Tisbury, April 25, 1 799 ; m. Nov. 5, 1822, Mahala Collins, dau. of Daniel and Thankful (Ashley) Collins, q. v. i. Sanders Luce, son of Zephaniah and Thankful (Crowell) Luce, married Mahala Collins. When a young man and prior to his marriage he learned the trade of carpenter and builder, serving his apprenticeship with Uriel Hillman, of Farmington, a skillful and thorough workman. Soon after his marriage Mr. Luce settled on a lot of land lying north of and adjoining Clear Water Pond, where all his children, three in number, were born.* About 1831, while a resident of Industry, he was elected and commissioned captain of the militia and held that office for several years. He moved to Phillips in 1834 and remained there seven years, much of the time engaged in working at his trade. After this he had charge of the wood-working repair shop of a woolen mill in the town oi Readfield. After a year in this position he went to Wilton, and from there in 1S50 to Auburn, Me. He was a superior workman, and his services as master-builder were in good demand as long as he fol- lowed his trade. He died in Auburn. June 25, 1S63, aged 64 years and two months. His widow survived him some years and died in Auburn, Nov. 6, 1874. Children. i. George Whitefield, b. in Industry, Feb. 26, 1824; d. young. 2. ii. Henry True, b. in Industry, May 23, 1827; in. July 13, 1851, Mary E. Parker, dau. of Charles and Diana (Drake) Parker, of Auburn, iii. Christopher Columbus, b. in Industry, Sept. 13, 1831; m. Nov. 5, i860, Clara W. Gower, of P'reeport. Merchant tailor; in business in Boston. 2. Henry True Luce, son of Sanders and Mahala (Collins) Luce, married Mary E. Parker. She died in Lewiston, Feb. 22, 1854, and he married, June 7, 1S57, Sarah W. Look, daughter of Capt. Valentine and Mary (Smith) Look, of Industry, q. v. His wife, Sarah W., died in Auburn, about January, 1858. He married for third wife, Oct. 3, 1859, Mrs. Amelia I). Fuller, daughter of Charles and Mary (Doyle) Holmes, of Thomaston, and relict of Sylvester Fuller. He is a carpenter and resides in Cottage City, Dukes Co., Mass. Children. i. Henrietta True, b. in Auburn, Feb. 28, 1852; m. Nov. 20, 1876, Wil- liam A. Jackson, son of Lemuel Jackson, of Lewiston. Their child : Lemuel Luce, b. Jan. 9, 1880. ii. Augustus Mitchell, b. in Auburn, Feb. 12, 1854; d. Sept. 4, 1854. *The buildings stood quite near the shore of the pond and were at one time occupied by Peter Tilton and Francis S. Rogers. They were taken down and moved away many years ago. 6/8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Samuel Luce, 6 a nephew of Zephaniah,s was bom in Tisbury, Mass.. Dec. 23, 1769. He was the oldest son of K/ekiel Luce,? who was horn 1 750, and married in 1768 Hannah Manter.* Samuel Luce" married Lucy Cathcart (horn in Tisbury, Mass., May 28, 1776), daughter of Hugh and Bathsheba (Allen) Cathcart. He was a farmer and eventu- ally settled in New Sharon. His first wife died in New Sharon. Sept. iX, 1811, and he married Jan. 26, 1812, Sally Webster, of New Sharon. She lived but a few years. His third wife, whom he married Feb. 29, [816, was Phebe TibbettS, of New Sharon. He died June 9. 1834, in New Sharon. i. SOPHRONIA \V., 111. Dec. 26, 1816, Warren Williamson, of Stark. ii. EZEKIEL, I). Sept. 4, i 79 1 ; m. Jan. 15, 1824, Nancy Norcross, k 11 1 a Ann, born in Tisbury, May II, 1849; married Feb. 24, 1S07, Samuel Ed- ward \\ est (born in Chilmark, April j(, 1847), son of George and Prudence (Lambert) West. Farmer; resides in Wist Tisbury, Mass. Three children. Theodore Luce married a second wife, by whom he had one son. t N'eu Sharon Town Records. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 679 1. Ezekiel Luce, son of Samuel and Lucy (Cathcart) Luce, married Nancy Norcross. Farmer ; settled first in New Sharon, but moved to Industry in 1833, where he resided for upward of thirteen years. Died in New Sharon, July 21, 1861, aged 69 years, 10 months and 17 days. His wife died Dec. 12, 1861, aged 55 years, 1 month and 6 days. Children. i. SoPHRONIA, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 8, 1826; m. Dec. 24, 1843, Alden Hilton, of Industry. Divorced. She died in Dedham, Mass., Oct. 8, 1889. ii. Joanna Norcross, 1). in New Sharon, Sept. 18, 1828; m. Seth N. Wil- liams; d. at Kent's Hill, Nov. 20, 1868. She has a son, Frank Williams, who resides in Fresno, Fresno Co., California. iii. Mary Ann, b. in New Sharon, Sept. 13, 1S31; m. Samuel Collier Mr. Collier has a brother living in Farmington. iv. Wealthy Norcross, b. in Industry, May 8, 1S35; c '- Au §- l 7> '838. v. Albert Ezekiel, b. in Industry, Aug. 6, 1837; m. Feb. 7, i860, Syrena Bickford Taylor (b. in Stark, May 22, 1839), dau. of Albert Taylor. His wife d. in Skowhegan, March 2, 1890. Mr. Luce is a dealer in stoves and resides in Brunswick. Children : i. Nancy Wealthy, b. in New Sharon, Oct. 5, 1861 ; m. March 215, 1884, John N. Collins, son of Daniel and Fanny (Greenleaf) Collins, rleans, where they arrived January 29, and were assigned to the 2d Div., 19th Army Corps, Department of the Gulf. The regiment encamped Feb. 15, 1863, on the old battlefield <>f Gen- eral Jackson. From thence went to Warrenton and Pensacola Navy Yard, Florida. The regiment then divided, detachments sent to Fort Butler and Plaquemine; at the latter place Mr. Luce was acting adjutant of regiment. Were next ordered to Port Hudson and partici- pated in the siege which lasted 47 days. Mustered out as sergeant major, Aug. 31, 1863, having served two and one-half months after term of enlistment had expired. He is now a hoot and shoe dealer in Bath, located at 132 Front St. Is also a member of Post Sedgwick. No. 4, G. A. R., and has held the following offices: sergeant major, 1 year; quartermaster, 4 years; assistant inspector on department com- mander's staff, 1 year; member common council, Citv of Bath, in iSSS to 1 89 1. ii. EVELYNE W., b. in Industry, June 5,* 1837; m. James Warren Collins, son of George and Mary A. (Norcross) Collins, q. v. Resides in Brunswick, iii. Eliza Amelia, b. in Industry, Aug. 12, 1840; m. Oct. 28, 1856, Louis Schoppe (b. in Hanover, Germany), son of Christian and fohanna (Gehrung) Schoppe. Mr. Schoppe was a musician and d. in New York City, Jan. 10, 1883. Children, all b. in Bath, Me.: i. Lolls AUGUST, b. March 28, 1859; m. Adelaide Shealer. Resides in New York City, ii. Harrison Melville, ) b. April 14, 1861. Harrison m. iii. Francis Everett, / Theresa Strater. Resides in New York City, iv. Emma S., b. Oct. 6, 1863. v. Henry Rudolph, b. Feb. 6, 1865. vi. Samuel Burtice, b. Aug. 3, 1867. vii. Edward, b. May 27, 1S71. viii. Benjamin Stimpson, b. June 20, 1S75. ix. Tony Frank, b. March 26, 1877. iv. Samuel Harrison, b. in Industry, July 12, f 1843; m. Caroline E. Williams. Resides in Cambridgeport, Mass. v. Sarah Webster, b. in Industry, June 6, 1845; d. Sept. 15, 1S47. vi. Burtice S., b. in Industry, Nov. 14, 1847; m. Ann Hunter. Enlisted as a private in Co. B, 7th Me. Reg't, Inf. Mustered in Nov. 26, 1862. Discharged for disability in 1864 Resides in Topsham, Me. vii. George W., b. in Industry, Aug. 6, 1849; m - Elizabeth Brown. Served ^ months in Co. L, 1st Me. Reg't, Heavy Artillery. Wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, May 19, 1864. Promoted to corporal. Dis- charged with the regiment. Member of city council of Hath two years. Resides in Bath, viii. Mary E., b. in Industry, Oct. 18, 1850; m. Horatio N. Johnson. Resides in Durham, Me. ix. Dexter G., b. in Farmingdale, April 2S, 1854. Resides in Denver, Colorado, unmd. Daniel Luce, an early settler in Industry, was born on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, July 20,} 1 747- His father was Rowland Luce,§ * Family record. June 6, Industry Town Records. t Family record. July 6, Industry Town Records. J Martha's Vineyard Records. July 31, Industry Town Records. § He was second cousin to the father of Zephaniah Luce, whose name stands at the open- ing of these Luce notes. His wife, Mary Butler, was a sister to Thomas, father of Captain Jeruel Butler, g. v. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 68 I his mother, Mary, daughter of David and Annah (Hatch) Butler. Dan- iel Luce married, Jan. 19, 1769, Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Merry; she was born in Tisbury, Mass., July 16, 1751. Her descendants say that she was a cousin to Asa Merry, who married Sally Bartlett, but the author is inclined to doubt the correctness of their statement. But lit- tle is known of the family history of Daniel Luce. He is said to have had a brother Rowland, who settled in Rochester, Mass., and was repu- ted to be very wealthy ; also sisters, Mary and Betsey, who died unmar- ried. They were ladies of means and educated a nephew, Leonard Luce, for the ministry. Mr. Luce was a shoemaker and lived in Tisbury until about 1775, when he removed to Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn., where three children, Rowland, Daniel and Truman, were born. He then returned to Martha's Vineyard and continued to reside in Tisbury until August, 1 790, when he removed to Farmington, where he remained a little more than a year and then settled on the south half of lot No. 15,* in the first range, in the township of New Vineyard. Like many of the Vineyard emigrants, Mr. Luce and his family came by water to Hallowell, from which place his household effects were conveyed to Read field in a cart, and from thence to their destination at Farmington on a rude horse-sled constructed of poles, the thills and runners all in one piece. A son says : " When father moved into this part of the country he was in very poor circumstances, having no team or stock of any kind, not even a cow. We had to carry all our grain on our backs to Starling's (now called Walton's) Mill, to be ground, a distance of nearly ten miles. He never owned a team until he raised a pair of calves from hired cows, yet I never saw the time when we did not have enough of something to eat." In 1795 or ear ly m J 796 he sold to Dr. Thomas Flint and removed to the Lowell Strip in Industry and settled on lot No. 1 7, now comprising the farms of James Edgecomb, and Amos Stetson, Jr. Here he built a log-house, and subsequently a framed one which is still standing on the Stetson farm. His four sons married and settled near him : Rowland on the east, on lot No. 19 ; Daniel on the west half of his father's lot; Truman on lot No. 18, between his father and oldest brother, Rowland ; David on the north half of lot No. 26. He eventually sold to Jesse Pratt and went to live with his youngest son, David. He died July 10, 1814. Children. i. MIRIAM, b. in Tisbury, Dukes Co., Mass., April 1, 1770; m. Nov. 14, 17S7, Benjamin Cottle, son of Seth and Abigail (Claghorn) Cottle, q. v. * Mr. Luce bought his land in New Vineyard of Zachariah Smith, of Tisbury, as is shown by the original deed dated Aug. — , 1794, and recorded in Lincoln County Registry, {Book 38, p. 10b). The consideration was 4^ 6s. in lawful money, "or other things equivalent.' The boundaries were to include "his new dwelling and comprise 120 acres." 682 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. i. ii. Rhoda, 1). in Dukes Co., 1 eb. 15, 177--; m. June 23, 1796, Eleazer Pratt, son of Paul and |ael (Bennett) Pratt, of Middleboro', Mass. fuDiTH, b. in Dukes Co., March [3, 1774; m. Feb. 20, 1S00, John Trask, son of Thomas and Lydia (Sylvester) Trask. of Edgecomb, Me. Rowland, b. in Sharon, Conn., March 13, 1776; m. June 21, 1796,* Han- nah Daggett, dau. of Ebenezer and Jedidah (Vinson) Daggett, q. v. Daniel, b. in Sharon, Conn., June 21, 1779; m. Sept. 12, 1S04, Elizabeth Collins, dau. of Daniel and Thankful (Ashley; Collins, q. v. \. b. in Sharon, Conn., May 9, 1781; m. Feb. 19, 1807, Rebecca 1 ollins, dau. of Daniel and Thankful (Ashley) Collins, q. v. MARY, b. in Tisbury, Mass., Sept. 22, 1783; m. Sept. 15, 1804, Jabe/. Norton, son of Jabez and Phebe (Luce) Norton, q. v. N U)MI, b. in Tisbury, fuly 10, 17S6; m. (pub. Feb. 8, 1S06), Henry Young Butler, of New Vineyard, son of Sarson and (Young) Butler. BETSEY, b. in Farmington, Nov. 22, 1790; d. in Industry, Sept. 3, 1836, unnnl. David, b. in New Vineyard, June 7, 1793; m. Feb. 17, 1819, Mrs. Marcia Chapman, relict of John Chapman and dau. of Ballard, of Tamworth, N. H. 2. in. ,v iv. 4- V. 5- vi. vii. 6. viii. 7. X. I. Eleazer Pratt married Rhoda Luce.j Mr. Pratt was born in Middleboro', Mass., June 3, 1767, and was the second child of Paul and Jael (Bennett) Pratt, who, with their numerous family, were among the pioneer settlers in the town of New Vineyard. On coming to the District of Maine he engaged in farming in the town where his father had settled, and there all his children, ten in number, were born. A W\s years prior to his death he moved to Farmington, where he died of dyspepsia, Jan. 24, 1832. aged 64 years, 7 months and 21 days. His widow survived him many years and died in Orono, Me., Aug. — , 1850, aged 78 years. Children. i. Rachel, b. in New Vineyard, May 7, 1792; m. Simeon Ripley; d. April 24, 1823. ii. Aurelia, b. in New Vineyard, Sept. 17, 1793; m. Solomon Ripley. Children by second marriage. iii. RHODA, b. in New Vineyard, March 1, 1797; d. January — , 1839. iv. Lydia, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. 20, 1799; m. Dominicus Mitchell, v. Sally, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. 16, 1801; m. James Mitchell. Died Sept. 25, 1823. vi. Eleazer, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. 2, 1803; d. Feb. 3, 1S03. vii. TRUMAN, b. in New Vineyard, Feb. 29, 1804; m. and died in Illinois, Sept. 19, 1844. viii. Anna B., b. in New Vineyard, April 20, 1S07; died in New Vineyard, Sept. 30, l820. ix. Eleazer, b. in New Vineyard, Feb. 11, 1S10; d. April — , 1835. 8. \. Georgj , b. in New Vineyard, July 16, 1812; m. Dec. 31, 1S31, Rebecca Ross, of < hcsterville. *From ;i record in the family Bible. Farmington Town Records gives the date June 2Z, 1796. I |< azer Pratt married May — , 1791, for his first wife, Aurelia Winslow, who was born Nov. i\, 177J, and died Nov. 12, 1705, leaving two children. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 683 2. John Trask married Judith Luce. After his marriage he lived in Industry a short time and then moved to New Sharon, settling near the village, on the south side of Sandy River. He was a shoemaker and followed that occupation in connection with farming. He served a full line of militia offices up to captain ; was a member of the Congrega- tional Church and a man of influence in the community where he lived. He was sexton and had charge of the village cemetery in New Sharon for many years ; he died Sept. 8, 1852, aged 74 years. His wife died May 5, 1854, aged 80 years.* John, b. in New Sharon, June 8, 1801 ; in. Nancy Greeley, of Massachu setts. Shoemaker and farmer. Settled on the homestead in New Sharon, and while living there was elected high sheriff of Franklin County. He afterward moved to Dubuque, Iowa, where he died. His first wife died, and he married in Dubuque a second wife by whom he had one child. Three children by first marriage. DANIEL, b. in New Sharon, May 19, 1803; m. July 5, 1827, Lydia Smith, dau. of Jeremiah and Deborah (Norton) Smith, of New Sharon. Mr. Trask was a farmer and spent his whole life in his native town. He d. March 12, 1866. His widow is still living (1890) with her son, Hiram Trask, of New Sharon. LYDIA S., b. in New Sharon, Feb. 17, 1805; m. Nov. 17, 1824, Joshua Berry, son of Willis and Hannah (Hopkins) Berry, of New Sharon. She d. Jan. 17, 1839. Five children. JUDITH, b. in New Sharon, Feb. 2, 1807; m. May 4, 1826, Samuel, son of Dea. Nathaniel Baker, of New Sharon. Mr. Baker was a farmer and kept a public house for the accommodation of travelers to and from Hallowell. He d. in Lawrence, Mass. She is still (1890) living in California. Nine or more children. Elizabeth Merry, b. in New Sharon, Jan. 12, 1809; m. (pub. Feb. 27, 1830), Lucius Bolles Robinson, of New Sharon, formerly of Mt. Ver- non. He was a farmer and shoemaker and spent his adult life in New Sharon. She d. Jan. 13, 1837. He died in New Sharon. Betsey S., b. in New Sharon, 181 1; m. Hiram Bass, of Orono, son of Samuel Bass. She d. July 2, 1843. He d. Dec. 20, 1854, aged 46 years. Three children. Mary Norton, b. in New Sharon, Aug. — , 1813 (bapt. Dec. 7, 1815); m. Charles S. Porter, of Augusta. He was a farmer in New Sharon. She d. May 18, 1877. He d. in Livermore, April 15, 1890, aged 80 years, 5 months. 3. Rowland Luce, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce, married Hannah Daggett, who was born Sept. 21, 1776, and died in Industry, May 4, 1807. He married, July 23, 1807, Eunice, daughter of James Mason. She was born in Tamworth, N. H., July 1, 1777, and died in Industry, May 1, 1853. Mr. Luce was a farmer and prominent member of the Baptist Church. He spent his whole life on the farm now owned by James T. True and died Dec. 22, 1862. : Headstones. 684 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. o. i. Jonathan, b. in Industry, Dec. 12, 1797; m. May 16, 1821, Eliza Bryar,* dau. of Andrew and Ruth ( ) Bryar, of Tamworth, N. II. 10. ii. Leonard, 1>. in Industry, Nov. 17, 1799; m. Sept. 25, 1827, Susan Butler West,t dau. of Peter, Jr., and Anna (Butler) West, q. v. iii. ELIZA, 1). in Industry, Nov. 30, 1801; m. May 9, 1822, Jonathan Merry, son of Asa and Sally (Bartlett) Merry, q. v. iv. Hannah, b. in Industry, July 22, 1804; m. (pub. Dec. 9, 1828), Fisher Viles, son of Joseph and Sarah (Hancock) Viles, q. v. Children by second marriage. n. v. Christopher Sanborn, b. in Industry, April 22, 1808; m. Oct. 3, 1831, Sarah ( i. Pottle (b. April 23, 1 809), dau. of Henry and Sarah (Hoyl Pottle, of Stratham, N. H. vi. James, b. in Industry, Sept. 8, 1809; d. Jan. 17, 1810. \ ii. Susan Sanborn, b. in Industry, May 13, 1 8 1 1 ; m. Dec. 1, 1831, Ebenezer Norton, of Farmington, Son of Peter and I.ydia B. (Norton) Norton. Farmer; resided in the eastern part of Farmington near Allen's Mills. She d. Jan. 20, 1858, s. />. He m. a second wife and d. in New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 19, 1887, aged 81 years, 4 months and 1 day. 12. viii. Jesse, b. in Industry, Oct. 6,1813; m. Dec. 1, 1836, Lydia Hurd, dau. of George and Susan (Brown) Hurd, of Harmony. ix. Daniel, b. in Industry, April 2, 1815; d. Feb. 13, 1838. He was a min- ister of the Baptist denomination, having received a license to preach about two years prior to his death. Not being well, he went to Nan- tucket for the improvement of his health and was drowned by break- ing through the ice while crossing a creek. 13. x. MOSES Mason, b. in Industry, Jan. 22, 181 7; m. May 10, 1842, I.ydia Cottle Luce, dau. of David M. and Joanna (Cottle) Luce, q. v. \i. Eunice Mason, b. in Industry, Oct. 25, 1822; d. May 7, 1841. 4. Daniel Luce, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce, mar- ried Elizabeth Collins. He married at the age of twenty-five, and for a time lived in the family of his father on the farm owned in 1892 by Frank W. Stetson. Here his two older children were born. About 1807 Mr. Luce bought sixty-six acres from the western portion of the homestead farm, and on this land he immediately erected a house and barn. In his new house his third child, Phebe, was born. He contin- ued to live on this farm for nearly half a century. His wife died July 17, 1849, and four years later he sold his farm to James Edgecomb, who came from Livermore, and afterward made his home with his sons. Mr. Luce was not a man who figured prominently in town or public affairs. But fortunately a man's ability and moral worth is not to be measured by the number or importance of the public positions he has filled. The most worthy are by no means the persons who usually receive the suf- frages of their townsmen. A far greater honor is it to rear a family of intelligent, capable children, than any favor the public can bestow. Mr. * Elizabeth Bryar on New Vineyard Town Records. t The family ncord kept by her father gives the name Susan Mary, and it so appears on the headstone marking her grave. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 685 Luce's three sons and three daughters were a family of which a father need in no wise feel ashamed. The sons were enterprising and indus- trious and with the daughters were esteemed as worthy members of society. He died in Bangor, May 27, 1875. at the advanced age of 95 years, 1 1 months and 6 days. Children. i. George Washington, b. in Industry, July 23, 1805; m. March 29, 1831, Susan Remick, dau. of William and Abigail (Gilman) Remick q. v. Mr. Luce was educated in the schools of his native town and at the Farmington Academy. He became a successful school teacher and frequently taught in his native town. When a young man he bought the Capt. Jeruel Butler farm in company with his brother Luther. This they cultivated together for several years. Selling his farm he bought the well-known Peter Daggett farm adjoining his father's on the west. This farm is now (1S90) owned and occupied by his nephew, George Luce. Mr. Luce was a practical farmer and much interested in stock-raising, his specialties being neat stock and Merino sheep. His well-directed efforts in these departments did much to elevate the standard and improve the quality of the stock in his neighborhood and town. His flock of sheep was for years re- garded one of the best in town. He was a member of the Franklin County Agricultural Society for many years, and held various offices therein. He was devoted to strong temperance principles and was a consistent member of the Congregational Church. He died in Mt. Desert, whither he had gone for the improvement of his health, Sept. 3, 1875, anc l nes buried in Bangor. His widow d. in Industry, ( )ct. 16, 1887, s. p. Buried beside her husband in Bangor. 14- ii- Luther, b. in Industry, Oct. 12, 1806; m. May 18, 1S30, Thankful Collins, dau. of Joseph and Annah (Hatch) Collins, q. v. iii. PHEBE, Ii. in Industry, Aug. 18, 1S0S; m. Oct. 28, 1834,* Thomas Cush- man, son of Henry and Phebe (Collins) Cushman (see p. J4JJ. iv. Hebron, b. in Industry, Aug. 22, 181 1; m. Angeline Ewer, dau. of John and Lydia (Dexter) Ev/er, of Bangor. He acquired a very good edu- cation and when a young man went to Bangor to seek his fortune. Here, engaged in various enterprises, his whole adult life was spent. For many years he was one of the leading farmers in Bangor. He devoted considerable attention to stock-raising, one of his specialties being the breeding of Southdown sheep. His skill and good judg- ment in this branch of husbandry was rendered patent by the high degree of excellence attained for his flock. He died in Bangor, July 27, 18S7, aged nearly 76 years, s. p. The Daily Whig and Courier of July 28 paid the following tribute to his memory: "Mr. Hebron Luce, one of our oldest and best-known citizens, passed away in this city, Wednesday morning, at an early hour, at his residence on the Cram road, at the advanced age of seventy-five years, eleven months. Mr. Luce has a host of friends in this city and the surround- ing towns, by whom his sudden death will be heard with great regret. Being a sound, practical farmer, he always has taken a great interest in agricultural organizations; was one of the charter members of the Penobscot County Agricultural Society, and also of the Penobscot County Farmers' Club, and was president of the latter organization for a number of years, enjoying the respect and confidence of all its members. In fact, he took a deep interest in all the organizations of the day, whose objects are to aid in promoting the interests, improving the condition and increasing the influence of the industrial classes, *See note, p. 545. 86 686 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. by enlightening their minds, strengthening their affeetions and sym pathies, and elevating their characters as members of society, and as citizens of the State and Nation, lie was president of the old Wash- ingtonian Society, and earnestly and warmly encouraged all tem- perance movements. While he was plain and unassuming in his manners, he had distinct, firm and well-defined convictions on all political questions, and expressed his sentiments without fear or equivocation." v. ABAGAIL, 1). in Industry, Sept. 22, 1813. She was her father's house- keeper after the death of her mother until the family was broken up in 1853. She adopted the infant son of her deceased sister and lavished upon him a mother's care and attention. She spent the last years of her life in the family of James Edgecomb, under the very roof that had sheltered her in childhood's days. She was in feeble health many years, and died after a brief illness, Feb. n, 1S91, unmd. vi. ELIZABETH, b. in Industry, Sept. 19, 1819; m. Jan. 18, 1844, William Burrell, of Freeport. She d. May 29, 1848, leaving one son : Warren Augustus, b. in Portland, Jan. 8, 1848. Resides in Farmington, unmd. 5. Truman Luce, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce, mar- ried Rebecca Collins. When Mr. Luce was a lad of nine years his father came to the District of Maine and settled in Farmington. Two years later the father settled on a lot of wild land in New Vineyard and after- ward, in 1796, in Industry. Reared amid the scenes of pioneer life, the subject of this sketch had extremely limited advantages for acquiring an education. Indeed his early life was one of incessant toil and many privations. At the age of fifteen* he made a profession of religion, and when the first Congregational Church was organized in Industry he was chosen deacon. Subsequently moved to New Sharon, where he died July 12, 1843, aged 63 years. His widow survived him many years and died Feb. 15, 1864. Children. i. TERRESSA, b. in Industry, July 4, 1809. Resides in New Sharon, unmd. ii. MARY, b. in Industry, Nov. 22, 1811; m. Feb. 1, 1S4S, fob Morse, of New Sharon, who d. in the winter of 1868. She resides in New Sharon. iii. James COTTLE, b. in Industry, Aug. 11, iSij; d. in New Sharon, Sent. 17, 1836. iv. Daniel Collins, b. in Industry, Oct. 10. 1815; d. March 13, 1816. 15. v. Daniel Collins, b. in Industry, Oct. 9, 1S17 ; m. Oct. \\ 1S40. Lucy Ann Lake (b. in Rath, Nov. 16, 1821), dau. of John I ). and Lucy (Roberts) Lake, vi. NANCY, b. in Industry, Sept. 7, 1819; m. May 15, 1853, James Leavitt, Jr., of Lowell, Mass. He was b. in Exeter, X. II., Aug. 25. 1S04, and d. of diphtheria, in Wilmington, Mass., March 21, 1865. R. R. station agent. She d. in New Sharon, May 21, 1892, s. />. 16. vii. TRUMAN, b. in Industry, Aug. 11, 1821; m. Nov. 20. 1849, ^bby B. Rich- ardson, dau. of John and Abigail (Pierce) Richardson, of New Sharon. 17. viii. FlFlELD, b. in Industry, June 8, 1823; m. March 1^, 1849, Sarah Ann Knight, dau. of Eben and Hannah | Pinkham) R night, of Strong. * Christian Mirror. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 687 6. Henry Young Butler* married Naomi Luce, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce. Mr. Butler was a resident of New Vineyard at the time of his marriage, engaged, as is supposed, in farming. He subsequently went to Hallowell, where he kept a public house for many years. His death occurred at Hallowell. His widow married Capt. Shubael West, of Hallowell, son of Capt. Peter and Hannah (Cottle) West, of Industry. Children. i. Henry Yoini;, was a coaster. Lost overboard. ii. Israel, was a sailor. Went to sea and never returned. iii. Susan, m. John F. Hutchinson, of New Sharon. 7. David Luce, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce, married Mrs. Marcia Chapman. Always resided in Industry. His wife died Sept. 12, 1876, aged 87 years, 8 months. He died June 20, 1880. Children. iS. i. Nelson Chapman, b. in Industry, Dec. 7, 1S20; m. Nov. 12, 1848, Lu- cene Bruce, ii. Naomi Ballard, b. in Industry, March 9, 1823; d. at the age of ten years, iii. Martha Ann, b. in Industry, July 6, 1826; m. Dec. 1, 1846, John Wells Manter, son of Capt. Elijah and Betsey (Small) Manter, q. v. iv. Amanda Elizabeth, b. in Industry, Feb. 20, 1824; m. Oct. 23, 1853, Elijah Manter, son of Capt. Elijah and Betsey (Small) Manter, q. v. 19. v. Newell Payson, b. in Industry, May 6, 1830; m. Aug. 19, 1855, Amy X. Hilton, dau. of Daniel and Eliza (Manter) Hilton (see Manter Genealogy). 8. George Pratt, son of Eleazer and Rhoda (Luce) Pratt, married Rebecca Ross, who was born Oct. 24, 181 2, and died Sept. 3, 1842. The educational advantages of Mr. Pratt were extremely limited, being such as the district schools of his native town afforded. Later in life he made good use of his opportunities for mental culture and sup- plied many of the defects of his early education. He was converted about 1830 in the town of Farmington, united with the Methodist, and soon after commenced preaching. In 1836 he supplied the church at Corinna ; in 1837 was at Corinth. The following year he joined the Maine Conference, and on its division in 1848 was included in the East Maine Conference, where he filled numerous appointments, among which were Exeter, Dexter, Orono, Belfast, Rockland, etc. He also served efficiently as presiding elder for a term of years. A descendant of an ancestry noted for the honor and integrity of its members, and reared amid the scenes of pioneer life, his preaching was characteristic of the *Mr. Butler was a brother to Sarson Butler, who married Catherine, daughter of Abner Norton. 688 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. man, — plain, straightforward, earnest and effective. He died at Winter- port, June 28, 1NX2, having preached two sermons on Sunday, the 25th, three days before his death. His second wife, whom he married March 7. 1843, was Sarah Banan (horn in Granlau, Ireland, May — . 1818), daughter of Francis and Mary (McCauley) Banan, of Knox. Me. She- died in Belfast, Feb. 20, 1886. Children. i. William R., b. in Chesterville, April 18, 1833; died in Knox, May 22, 1858, unmd. ii. George E., b. in Chesterville, Sept. 15, 1834; died in Knox, Nov. 30, 1857, unmd. iii. L.YDIA A., b. in Chesterville, Sept. II, 1836; m. Samuel R. I liner. Re- sides in Rockland. iv. RHODA E., 1). in Newburg, May 22, 1839; d. March 12, 1840. v. GEORGIA S., b. in Hampden, March 20, 1847; resides in Belfast, Me., unmd. 9. Jonathan Luce, son of Rowland and Hannah (Daggett) Luce, married Eliza Bryar, who died in Anson, Aug. 7, 1838, aged 40 years. Mr. Luce married for second wife, Oct. 2, 183S, Sally 1!. Merry, daugh- ter of Asa and Sally (Bartlett) Merry, q. v. He died in Anson, March 27, 1867, aged 69 years, 3 months. Children, i. MARY Jane, b. in Industry, 1822; d. Nov. 3, 1846. 20. ii. Leonard, b. in Industry, June 17, 1825; m. May 13, 1851, Lois M. Currier (b. in Vienna, Oct. 31, 1828), dau. of David and Lydia (Brown) Currier, iii. GEORGE, b. in Anson; m. Hannah Yiles, dau. of Fisher and Hannah (Luce) Viles, q. v. 21. iv. John P., b. in Anson, July 24, 1829; m. March 31, 1857, Melvina < >. Viles, dau. of Fisher and Hannah ( Luce) Yiles, q. v. v. PHILENA, 1). in Anson; m. Sanborn L. Viles, son of Fisher and Hannah (Luce) Viles, q. v. vi. Eben, b. in Anson; d. Oct. 9, 1838, aged 11 months. Child by second marriage. \ ii. Charles Llewellyn, b. in Anson; m. Julia Walker. 10. Leonard Luce, son of Rowland and Hannah (Daggett) Luce, married Susan Butler West, who died Nov. 27, 1843, aged 34 years. He married for second wife, Nov. — , 1S44, Elizabeth N. Sprague, of Farmington. He died in Industry, Sept. i<8, 1852, aged 53 years. Children. i. TAMSON Coi iii., b. in Industry, Aug. 15, 1828; m. Nov. 16, 18^2, Ben- jamin G. Eveleth, son of Joseph and Eunice (Gennings) Eveleth, q. v. 22. ii. John WEST, b. in Industry, June 19, 1832; 111. Nov. 10, 1854, Harriet M. Manny, of Middlebury, Vt. iii. LEONARD MURRY, b. in Industry, Feb. 20. [834; d. (let. 31, 1837. iv. Hannah Daggett, b. Oct. 12, 1836; m. Edwards. v. Leonard Hannibal, b. in Industry, Feb. 10, ; m. Nov. 24, [864, Mary B. Merry, dau. of David and Betsey (Remick) Merry, q. v. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 689 11. Christopher Sanborn Luce, son of Rowland and Eunice (Mason) Luce, married Sally G. Pottle. His opportunities for attend- ing school while young were very limited, but when he arrived at the age of thirty, and thought of entering the ministry, he commenced a course of home study and thus supplied the many deficiencies of his early education. When seventeen years old he was apprenticed to Dea. Ira Emery, a shoemaker, with whom he remained for two years. At the age of twenty-one he started out in the world penniless and alone. He went first to New Hampshire, where he remained for three years, and worked for a gentleman who had married a sister of his mother. While here he married Sally G. Pottle, an excellent lady, by whom he had five children. After finishing work for his uncle he came back to Industry, bought a stand at West's Mills and engaged in shoemaking for two years. While there he built on contract the brick schoobhouse which is still standing in the village. He afterward sold out and re- moved to Bangor, where he remained a short time, and in 1837 went to Illinois and settled in Payson, Adams County. About this time he com- menced preaching (sec p. ng ), and has since devoted his life to the work of the ministry. In the month of January, 1858, his first wife died, and on the first day of September in the following year, he married Mrs. Elvira Gee,* of Bushnell, 111., by whom he had four children. In 1863 he removed to Minnesota and settled in Morristown, where he purchased a tract of land. After living in Minnesota seven years he returned to Illinois, and after a brief sojourn he went to California, in which State he still resides. His second wife died in California, June 1, 1872, and he married a third time on the 28th day of November, 1S72. His third wife, with whom he is still living, was Mrs. Joanna Culver, of Poway, San Diego County. Mr. Luce was identified with the Washingtonian tem- perance movement as an earnest, consistent worker, and likewise in the Anti-slavery cause. At the age of seventy-eight he had the appearance of a person of sixty, and during a visit to his native town in the summer of 1886 he frequently preached at Allen's and West's Mills, as well as at the Centre Meeting-House. Hale and hearty, the indications are that he may yet live for some years. t * Mrs. Gee was the widow of Willis Gee, and daughter of Solomon and Sarah (Cole) South- ward, of Lafayette, Ind. His third wife was a daughter of Nathan and Joanna CNetlin) Mer- riam, of Bellvue, Ohio, and relict of Samuel Culver. | Early in the year 1SS4 the writer was furnished with the following interesting statistics of Rev. Mr. Luce, which are deemed worthy of preservation in this work : Rev. C. S. Luce, born April 22, 1S0S; converted, April, 181S; baptized in Clear Water Pond by Sylvanus Boardman, April, 1S24; commenced preaching, 1S3S; ordained to the ministry, 1S40. Since commenced preaching has traveled twenty-one thousand miles; baptized over 1500 persons; attended 100 funerals; married 30 couples; built and directed the building of six meeting- houses. 690 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. , dau., b. in New Hampshire; d. young. , dau., (1. at West's Mills, in infancy. Georgj; Dana 1!., b. in Bangor, Oct. 28, 1834. Studied law and was admitted to the bar at theageof 21 years. At the time of bis death he had a large and lucrative practice. He died in Monmouth, 111., March -, 1861. William Taylor, b. in Levant, Penobscot Co., June 8, 1837. Read law and was admitted to the bar at the age of 23 years. lie d. in Wilton, Minn., Nov. — , 1865. Musks Augustine, b. in Payson, Adams Co., 111., May 13, 1844; m. Adelaide Mantania, of Bushnell, Illinois. Eunice, b. May 14, 1862; d. in infancy. 1 RANK, b. in I5ushnell, 111., Feb. 10, 1S63. Accidentally shut himself, at the age of sixteen years, while hunting deer in California. Emma G., d. in infancy. Dana SANBORN, b. in Morristown, Minn., Nov. 9, 187 1 . 12. Jesse Luce, son of Rowland and Eunice (Mason) Luce, mar- ried Lydia Hurd. He learned the trade of a shoemaker, serving his apprenticeship with Dea. Ira Emery, before he reached his majority, and has followed that business all his life. He now (1892) resides at West's Mills. Children. 24. ROWLAND, b. in Levant, Penobscot Co., Aug. 18, 1S37; m - ^ov. 30, i£ Joan Luce, dau. of Benjamin C. and Caroline (Boston) Luce, q. v. vn. ii. SUSAN M wn, b. in Industry, Feb. 21, 1839; m. Sept. 10, 1869, Alme- rian N. Griswold, of Weathersfield, Conn., son of John and Ruhama I Wetherell) Griswold, of Weathersfield. She d. in New Britain, Conn., Nov. 13, 1875, leaving one child : Nellie Laura, b. in Weathersfield, May 24, 1870. 25. iii. Eunice Mason, b. in Farmington, Feb. 18, 1841; m. Nov. 28, 1858, William E. Dolbier, of Freeman. 26. iv. Josephine, b. in Harmony, Nov. 23, 1S44; m. July 25, 1S63, Augustus W. Hiscock, of Farmington, son of Hiram and Mary (Hoyt) Hiscock. 27. v. ROSETTA, b. in Harmony, Dec. 15, 1S4S; m. June 15, 1S71, Frank V". I oi ke, of Farmington, adopted son of Thomas Locke. She died in Farmington, March 7, 1883. 28. vi. EBEN NORTON, I b. in Industry, Nov. 12, 1851; Eben X. m. Jan. 19, EMMA Norton, \ 1884, Lizzie A. Harvey, of Dover, X. II., dau. of < liven and Abigail (Burns) Harvey. Emma N. m. Jan. 16, 1885, Henry I. Buzzell, of Norridgewock, for his second wife. He was a son of Isaac and Nancy (Holmes) Buzzell, of Norridgewock. Their children : i. FLORENCE Eva, b. in Norridgewock, Sept. 4, 1886. ii. EDNA Man', b. Jan. 3, 1 890; d. Jan. 23, 1S90. Eva Lydia, b. in Industry, Feb. 6, 1857. Dressmaker; resides in Industry. 13. Moses Mason Luce, son of Rowland and Eunice (Mason) Luce, married Lydia C. Luce. Mr. Luce settled on the homestead farm and provided a comfortable home for his aged father as long as he lived. He was a hardworking, practical farmer, and made a good living GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 69 1 by tilling his farm. In the spring of 1864 he sold to Caleb G. True, of Stark. He then bought out Benjamin Allen and moved to Allen's Mills, where he subsequently died, Sept. 4, 1881, aged 64 years, 7 months and 12 days. When the post-office was changed from Good- ridge's Corner to Allen's Mills, Mr. Luce received the appointment of postmaster, which office he filled up to the time of his death. He was esteemed as a good neighbor, a consistent christian and a worthy citizen, by his townsmen. His widow survived him nearly ten years and died Feb. 22, 1891. Children. i. MARY GARDNER, b. in Industry, July 21, 1843; m. April 28, 1S67, Wil Ham J. Rackliff, son of Benjamin R. and Rachel (Oliver) Rackliff, q. v. Shed, at Allen's Mills, March 16, 1891. ii. Susan Norton, b. in Industry, April 5, 1846; d. Jan. 22, 1866. iii. Miriam Clark, b. in Industry, June 8, 1848; m. April 15, 1871, Eugene Charles Smith, son of Charles Grandison and Hannah (Atkins) Smith, of New Sharon. He was b. in New Sharon, where his whole life was spent, March 12, 1S46. Farmer. He d. of pneumonia. Dec. 18,1891. Children: i. Helen Cornelia, b. in New Sharon, Jan. 7, 1S73. ii. Mabel Evelyn, b. in New Sharon, Sept. 28, 1874. iii. Ernest Edmund, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 17, 1S76. iv. PERCY Eugene, b. in New Sharon, Jan. 1, 1881. iv. , dau., b. in Industry, Sept. 8, 1857; d. in infancy. v. Herbert BOARDMAN, b. in Industry, April 17, 1859. On the death of his father he assumed the management of the farm and provided a pleasant home for his widowed mother. Soon after the death of his father he was appointed postmaster and held that position nearly eight years. He was also elected town treasurer in 1881, and three times re-elected. He is a dealer in grain and groceries at Allen's Mills, and is regarded as a rising young man. 14. Luther Luce, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Collins) Luce, married Thankful Collins. Mr. Luce was a farmer and spent nearly the whole of his life in his native town. He lived for a time on the Capt. Jeruel Butler farm, and later on the farm cleared by his uncle Truman. He sold this and settled on the New Vineyard Gore, where the remainder of his life was spent. He died in Industry, Sept. 11, 1874, aged nearly 68 years. Children. i. Joshua, b. in Industry, July 23, 1831 ; d. Aug. 15, 1S38. 29. ii. LUTHER, b. in Industry, July 15, 1834; m. Feb. 3, 1861, Margaret 1. Ii. Norton, dau. of Capt. Clifford B. and Rhoda (Weeks) Norton. ,/.' v. 30. iii. Harriet Elizabeth, I), in Industry, April 15, 1836; m. Jan. 17, 1858, Justin S. Voter, son of Easty and Mercy (Taylor) Voter, of Strong" iv. Laura Ann, b. in Industry, Nov. 24, 1838; m. Feb. 3, 1861, Horatio G. Norton, son of Capt. Clifford B. and Rhoda (Weeks) Norton, q. v. He d. in Industry, Oct. 12, 1862,5./. She m. for second husband, Jan. 3, 1865, Augustus E. Voter, of New Vineyard, son of Gilbert and Betsey (Sweet) Voter, of Madrid. She was divorced in May, 1891, 6(J2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. and assumed her maiden name; is now proprietor of the Dirigo I louse, Old ( hchard, Me. Children : i. Charles Edwin, b. in New Vineyard, March 29, 1S66; m. Resides in Huston, ii. Jin mi Ai 1.1 STA, 1>. in New Vineyard, March 27, 1868. iii. — , son, 1). in New Vineyard, May 7, 1871 ; d. May 10, 1871. iv. , son, b. in New Builalo, Mich., July 20, 1S72; d. Sept. 7, 1872. v. GEORGE, b. in Industry, Oct. 5, 1842; m. Dec. 28, 1870, Almira B. fetters, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Kennedy) Jeffers, q. v. Mr. Luce is a farmer and resides on the farm formerly owned by his uncle, deorge W. I .uce, s. p. vi. WESLEY Norton, b. in Industry, Nov. 15, 1S49; m. June 16, 1871), Frances E. Jennings, dau. of George 1!. and Roxana (Ramsdell) Jennings, of Farmington. Resides in Livermore. Children: i. Helen BERNICE, b. in Industry, Feb. 4, [880. ii. Ernest Wesley, b. in Industry, June 28, [882. iii. Clarence Joshi a, b. in Industry, Jan. 23, 1885. 15. Daniel Collins Luce, son of Truman and Rebecca (Collins) Luce, married Lucy Ann Lake. He has been a farmer all his life and now (1892) resides at Allen's Mills. He is a worthy citizen, and has been for many years a consistent member of the Congregational Church. Children. i. EULALIA PERHAM, b. in Industry, July 17, 1S41; m. Josiah Wesley Green, of Wilton, June 23,* 1861. Mr. Green was a farmer; d. in Bangor, Nov. 23, 1892. Children: i. CHARLES Wesley, 1>. in Farmington, June 28, 1862; d. May iS, 1867. ii. Josiah Franklin, b. in Farmington, June 24, 1804. iii. Freddie Mitchell, b. in Farmington, March 8, 1867; d. Feb. 18, 1870. iv. TENA CUTLER, 1). in Concord, Dec. 10, 1S68. v. Clara Smith, !>. in Bangor, Aug. 24, 1873. vi. Florence M., b. in Bangor, April 5, 1876; d. Jan. 16, 1880. ii. John Truman, b. in Industry, Feb. 21, 1843; ''• at Ship Island, Miss., June 8, 1862. Soldier (See p. 334). iii. 1' 11 111 i> A 1 1.1 STUS, b. in Industry, ( ict. t. 1848; m. Dec. 31, 1875, Susie F. Hills (b. in Searsmont, July 9, 1859), dau. of Nathan and Mary S. (Severance) Hills. His wife d. in St. Louis, Mo., April [8, 1800. lie now resides in I .ewiston, Me. Soldier (See p. JJJ ). Children: i. Lucy Ann, 1>. in Lewiston, Oct. 1, 1870. ii. BERTHA May, b. at Fort Worth, Texas. Aug. 27, 1878; d. May 17, 1871). iv. Henry Harrison, b. in Industry, Dec. 29, 1850; m. April 5, 1872, Chris- tina C. Hall. Is a farmer anil resides in Dixlield. Children: i. Charles S., b. April 19, 1874. ii. Georgie E., b. Oct. 21, 1877. iii. JosiE N., 1). Jan. 7, 1880. iv. Leon. v. Clifford. v. Clara ELLEN, b. in Industry. May 2b, 1854; m. Sept. 23, 1874, George H. Butterfield, of I. ewiston. Children: *June 27, Farmington Chronicle. Mr. Green's mother is said to have been :i sister to Nathan Cutler, Senior, a. v. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 693 Wilbert H., b. Sept. 30, 1875. Fred E., b. April 10, 1S7S. Archie, b. Jan. 9, 1880; d. Jan. 13, 1SS0. Florence Eulalia. v. < Iuy Clifford. vi. Susan Georgia, b. Industry, Dec. 1, 1S57; m. March 6, 1879, Clifford Newman. lie d. May 20, 1889. Resides in Dixfield. Six children: i. Henry Scott, b. in 1SS0. ii. Arthur Leavitt, b. in 1SS2. iii. Horace. iv. Harold. v. Florence. vi. Lucy A. \ ii. James Leavitt, b. in Industry, Sept. 8, i860; m. Rose Starbird, of Auburn. Farmer; resides in Livermore, s. p. viii. John Truman, l>. Nov. 14, 1863; m. Jan. 15, 18S7, Anna M. Allen, dau. of Thos. A. and Delphina (Williams) Allen, of industry. She '1. Ma) 21, 1888. lie m. for second wife. Dec. 31, 1889, Nellie M. Allen, dau. of John A. and Rose (Hutchins) Allen, of Industry. Children: i. Clem iM Gerald, 1>. in Industry, Feb. 17, iSSS. Child by second marriage. ii. Wesley Clifford, b. in Industry, March 19, 1891. 16. Truman Luce, son of Truman and Rebecca (Collins) Luce, married Abby B. Richardson, who died in New Sharon, Oct. 27, 1853. He married for his second wife, Jan. 26. 1858, Harriet Ann Hall, daugh- ter of David and Elizabeth (Hanson) Hall. His second wife died in New Sharon, Dec. 12, 1877, aged 56 years, s. p. Mr. Luce has been engaged in farming all his life, and has been a resident of both New Sharon and Industry. Now resides in New Sharon. Children by first marriage. i. Mary Ann, !>. in New Sharon, Sept. 15, 1851; d. May 5, 1N57. ii. John Richardson, b. in New Sharon, (Jet. 26, 1853. Entered the Farmington State Normal School, from which he graduated, fune 29, 1876. Has since been engaged in teaching and farming. He m. I >ec. 14, 1884, Annie L. Clarke, dau. of John D. B. and Mary (Young) Clarke, of Oakfield. His wife d. Dec. 8, 1885, leaving one child, Annie M. C, b. in Oakfield, Nov. 21, 1885, and d. Sept. 27, 1888. Mr. Luce was assessor in Oakfield in 18S5, and supervisor of schools in that town in 18S5 and 1886. 17. Fifield Luce, son of Truman and Rebecca (Collins) Luce, mar- ried Sarah A. Knight. After his marriage he settled on a farm in New- Sharon and resided in that town until 1856, when he removed to Strong. In the winter of 1862 he located at West Farmington, and was in the grocery business something over a year. In the spring of 1863 he moved to Wayland, Mass., where he was superintendent of the almshouse, ami in 1864 held a similar position in Wilmington. The next year he was station agent for the Loston & Lowell R. R. at the same place. During the years 1866 to 1869 inclusive he was superintendent of almshouses 87 694 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. in Lexington and Leominster, Mass. Returning to Maine in the spring of 1870, he lias been engaged in farming continuously excepting the winter and summer of [876, when he was in a restaurant in Lewiston. His wile died in Madison, Oct. 23, [878, and he married for second wife, Feb. 12. 1879, Martha Lorenza Norton (horn in Farmington, Sept. 6, 1835), daughter of George W. and Ruth (Rice) Norton. She died in New Sharon. Aug. [8, [892. Resides in New Sharon. Child by first marriage. Frank Gkinfill, b. in Strong, Feb. 9, 1859; m. June 29. [892, Emma |. [ngalls J 1. in Naples. March 8, 1865), dau. of Francis 0. and Nancy R. (Vance) [ngalls. Printer by trade; lias been a school teacher and newspaper reporter. Now (1892) U. S. postal clerk between Farmington and Portland. Resides in Farmington. 18. Nelson Chapman Lice, son of Daniel and Mania (Chapman) Luce, married Lucene Bruce. Mr. Luce was a farmer and settled on the Isaac Norton farm near West's Mills. I [e was elected town treasurer in 1S56 and three times re-elected. In the spring of 1865 he sold his farm and moved to Vineland, N. J., where he still resides. Children. i. Cyrus Bruce, b. in Industry, March 2, [851 ; m. and d. in Vineland, X. J. ii. Emma Jkan, b. in Industry; d. in Vineland, X. J., unmd. 19. Newell Payson Luce, son of David and Mania (Chapman) Lnce, married Amy N. Hilton. Mr. Luce settled on the homestead farm with his father, and provided for his parents in their declining years. In July, 1885, he exchanged farms with Charles B. Norton, and moved to Allen's Mills, where he has since resided. Children. i. Corridon Woodard, b. in Industry, June 17, 1S57; m. Mary Mills, of Jamaica Plains, furniture dealer. Resides in Rhode Island. No children, ii. LEONORA BAXTER, 1>. in Industry, Nov. 1, 1863; m. June 4. 1887, James W. Moore, sun of Cephas R. and Helen M. (Williams) Moore, of Anson. Mr. Moore is a farmer and resides in Stark. Children: i. Fannn May, 1). in Stark, May 8, [888. ii. HELEN Amy, b. in Stark, Jan. 5, 1891. iii. Frank Charles, b. in Industry, July 27, [873. 20. Leonard Luce, son of Jonathan and Eliza (Bryar) Luce, married Lois M. Currier. Mr. Luce is a farmer and resides in New Portland. Children. i. Orlando, b. in New Vineyard, May 5, [854; m. July 14, r88i, Adelia M. stevens, dau. of Jeremiah C. and Sophronia ( Williamson 1 Stevens, oi New Portland. She was 1>. Aug. 23, i860, and d. in New Portland, GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 695 Aug. 23, [883, s. p. He m. for second wife, < >et. [9, 1SS4, Marcia |. Young (b. March — . 1855), who died in New Portland, April 13, 1886, leaving one child, Perley Currier, b. Jan. 10, 1SS6. He m. for third wife, May 30, 1887, Effie Alice Emery (b. in Anson, May 19, 1867), dau. of Jason and Martha J. (Robbins) Emery.* Carpenter; resides in Skowhegan. Leonard Murry, b. in New Portland, Sept. 8, 1858; m. April 29, [882, Fannie A. Ingalls (b. in Anson, Nov. 1, [860), dau. of Gardner H. and Sarah Ann (Walker) Ingalls, of Anson. Mr. Luce is a car- penter and resides in Skowhegan. Their child : Abbik Pernitha, 1). in in Skowhegan, Dec. 19, 1S84. Pernitha, b. in New Portland, May, 11, 1862; d. April 4, 1864. Jonathan, b. in New Portland, Sept. 14, 1866. Lydia Pernitha, b. in New Portland, May 10, 1868. 21. John P. Lick, son of Jonathan and Eliza (Bryar) Luce, married Melvina 0. Viles. He is a farmer and now resides in Lyons, Neb. His wife died in New Portland, Nov. 7, 1882, aged 46 years. C hililren. i. Orion Forest, b. in New Portland, Aug. 29, 1859; m. Mae P. Hilton. Resides in Madison. ii. Hannah Maria, b. in New Portland, Oct. 22, 1862; d. May 7, 1S7S. iii. John Maylon, b. in New Portland, Sept. 15, 1865; resides in New Portland, unmd. iv. Aura FRANCES, b. in New Portland, Oct. — , 1S71. v. Etta May, b. in New Portland, Dec. 10, 1S74. 22. John West Luce, son of Leonard and Susan 15. (West) Luce, married Harriet M. Manny, who died, Sept. 29, 1863, leaving two sons. He subsequently married Miss D. A. Lowhead, of Cayuga, N. Y. He has been in the mercantile business with his son, William L., in Red Wing, Minn., and later in Minneapolis, where he died of consumption on the 60th anniversary of his birth, June 19, 1892. Children i. William L, b. in Lawrence, Mass., May 30,1856; m. May 4, iNSi, Nellie 15. David, of Burlington, Iowa. He is an extensive grain dealer in Red Wing, Minn. Children : i. Earle D., b. May 20, 1882. ii. George W., b. Feb. 22, 1S84. ii. John Edwin, b. in Red Wing, Minn., Oct. 27,1860. Graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, at Phila- delphia. 23. Moses Augustine Luce, son of Christopher S. and Sally G. ( Puttie ) Luce, married Adelaide Mantania. When fourteen years of age he left home to attend school at Hillsdale College, where he entered the preparatory department, remaining in that institution until the end of * See Robbins genealogy. 6()6 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the sophomore year and the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion in i No i. when he enlisted in the 4th Michigan Infantry at Adrian. Michigan. On reference to the Grand Army records the following is found : "M. A. Luce enlisted in Company E of the 4th .Michigan Infantry, May 16, 1861. Served as a private and sergeant with the renowned Griffins' Sec- ond Brigade, First Division of the 5th Army Corps, taking part in the follow- ing engagements: Bull Run. New Bridge, Hanover Court House, Mechanics- ville. < '.aines' Mill. Savage Station, Turkey I lend. White Oak Swamp. Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run. United States Ford, Chancellors ville, Kelley's Ford, Ashby Gap, Brandy Station, Middleburg, Gettysburg, Williamsport, Wap- ping Heights, Culpepper, Bristol Station, Rappahannock Station, Mine Run. Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy Creek, Jericho Mills, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor and Petersburg — a series of engagements of which he may justly feel proud. Was wounded slightly at Spottsylvania while with the forlorn hope in the assault of May 12 : was mus- tered out June 24, 1864, at the expiration of his term of service. Comrade Luce was the first Commander of Heintzelman Post, No. 33, of which he is a member. After the war Mr. Luce returned to college, graduated in 1866 and commenced the practice of the law at Bushnell, 111., in [868; was city attor- ney two terms : candidate for State senator in 1872 ; removed to California in 1873, and settled at San Diego; was elected county judge in 1875, aQ d served until the new constitution went into effect ; was one of the organizers of the California Southern Railroad Company in 1880, and has been a director and the attorney of that company up to the present time." 1 After he had graduated at college, in 1866, Mr. Luce attended the Law University, of Albany, of which Chancellor Walworth was principal, and was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of New York in i 867. He began practice at first, as quoted above, at Bushnell. Illinois, in [868, and was elected city attorney in that city for two terms. Owing to del- icate health, he removed to San Diego in May, 1873. This was the time of the beginning of work on the Texas Pacific Railroad, in which enterprise Judge Luce took an active interest. The high estimation in which In- was held, and the position which he occupied in his profession as a lawyer, gave: him influence and prominence as a citizen. This was shown by his election as judge of the county court, and by Ins appoint- ment as vice-president and attorney of the California Southern Railroad ( oinpany, in the organization of which he was largely instrumental. Children. i. Grace. ii. Mary. iii. tii - iv. Edgar. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 697 24. Rowland Luce, son of Jesse and Lydia (Hurd) Luce, mar- ried Joan Luce. Farmer; settled in Lexington. Children. i. FRANK, 1). in Lexington, May, [863. ii. Caroline Boston, b. in Lexington; d. in Lowell, Mass. iii. Benjamin, b. in Lexington. i\. Hattie, 1). in Lexington. v. Rowland Leroy, b. in Auburn, Aug. 18, 1877. 25. William Ellsworth Doliuer, son of Amos Eades and Clarissa (Phillips) Dolbier, married Eunice Mason Luce. He has been a farmer all his life and resides in Salem. Children. i. Clara Lydia, b. in Kingfield, July 12, 1859; m. Nov. 27, 1881, Frank Wyman, son of Thomas and Ruth (Dolbier) Wyman, of Eustis. Two daughters: i. Ora Susan, b. in Coplin, July 5, 1883. ii. Maiiai.a Pottle, b. in Kingfield, Jan. 23, 1861; m. Sept. 16, 1880, Alphonso Curtis Nickerson, of Phillips, son of Dearborn and Mahala (Dunham) Nickerson. Three children : i. Mabel Susan, b. in Phillips, April 23, 1882. iii. Amos Edgar, b. in Kingfield, Sept. 17, 1863. iv. Susie JOSEPHINE, b. in Kingfield, Feb. 3, 1867; d. in Salem, Jan. 5, 1882. v. John Moses, b. in Salem, Aug. 12, 1874. vi. Charles Almerian, b. in Salem, July 6, 1876. vn. viii. Willie Ray, 1 , . c1 ^. lQ T , , ' V b. in Salem, Dec. 27, 1879. Li lei e May, " ' y 26. Augustus William Hiscock married Josephine Luce. Children. i. Fred Walter Augustus, b. in Farmington, Me., Sept. 16, 1S65; Sept. — , 1884, Carrie McLeary. Their children are: i. Edith Estelle, born in Farmington, April 25, 1885. 27. Frank Yeaton Locke married Rosetta Luce. Farmer ; resides in Farmington, where his wife died. Children. i. Belle Fields, 1). in Farmington, July 14, 1S72. ii. Edith Emma, b. in Farmington, June 5, 1874; d. in Farmington, Sept. 8, 1S83. iii. Frank William, b. in Wilton, Me., Feb. 29, 187(1. iv. George Washington, b. in Farmington, June 5, 1878. v. Delbert Yeaton, b. in Farmington, November, 1880. 28. Eeen Norton Luce, son of Jesse and Lydia (Hurd) Luce, married Lizzie Harvey. She was born in Vassalborough, Me., P'eb. 14, 1861. 698 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Child i. Ernest Linwood, b. in Industry, Sept. 4, [884. ii. Benjamin Franklin, I), in Farmington, May 2^, 1886; d. in Dover, V II.. Aug. 21, 1887. iii. Ellen Abbie, b.in Dover.N. H., March 22, 1889; d.in Rochester, N. II.. May 19, 1890. 20. Luther Luce, son of Luther and Thankful (Collins) Line, married Margaret J. B. Norton. Mr. Luce is a farmer and has resided in Industry, Lexington and Farmington. His wife died in farmington, Nov. 4. 1882, aged 43 years. Mr. Luce now ( 1892 ) resides with his son at Allen's Mills. Children. i. FRED GARDNER, b. in Industry, May 12, 1862; m. Sept. 6, 18SS, Carrie Bullen, dau. of Ilariph M. and Mary (Smith) Bullen. ii. Alice Carrie, l>. in Industry, ( »ct. 13, 1S63. iii. RHODA THANKFUL, 1>. in Industry, Aug. 31, 1866. iv. ELIZAB] mi liM.i 1 1 , 1). in Lexington. (Jet. 6, 1870; d.in New Sharon, ( >ctober, 1888. 30. Justin S. Voter married Harriet E. Luce. Mr. Voter was born in Strong. April 29, 1834. and was the son of Lasty and Mercy (Taylor) Voter. After his marriage he settled on a farm in Madrid, where the most of his life was spent. In the fall- of 1S64 he was drafted and entered the service on the 20th of September. He served until the close of the war and was honorably discharged June 30, 1865. He died in Phillips, Oct. 2. 1885. Children. i. Eva Lai ri ite, b.in Madrid; m. Curtis A. Walker, of Madrid. Children: i. Llewellyn, b. Jan. 17, 1878. ii. Harry, l>. May 18, 1880. iii. Henry Alvin, \>. April 22, 1882. iv. Carrie Belle, 1). May iS, 1884. v. Bessie, 1>. July 5, 1887. vi. .son, b. July 16, 1889. ii. Elmer Warri \. b. in Madrid. June i s, [864; m. Nov. 9, [884, Geneva A. Harnden, dau. ofThos. and Julia (Cushman) Harnden, of Phillips. * He is an employe on the Sandy River K. R. Their son, Win. War- ren b. . iii. Luther Adelbert, b. in Madrid, Dec. 24, 1S74. CHARLES Luce was born, probably on the Island of Martha's Vine- yard, in 1759. He was a descendant of Henry Luce, like others bear- ring the name, although the necessary data to connect them has not been obtained. From the circumstance that Mr. Luce gave two of his children the names of Joseph and Deborah, some genealogists are led GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 6Q9 to suspect that he may have been a son of Joseph and Deborah Luce, of Martha's Vineyard. He married Catherine Merry, daughter o( 1 >a\ id and Eunice (Chase) Merry, q. v. When the tide of emigration was tending strongly from Martha's Vineyard toward the District ^i Maine. Mr. Luce, then of Tisbury, came with his family and settled on what is now known as the Jeremy Bean farm, on which Eleazer S. True resides. The date of his settlement cannot be definitely fixed at the present time. The land on which he settled was the east half of lot No. 7, in first range of lots in the township of New Vineyard. This he purchased of Ebenezer (Jakes, July 17, 1795, paying therefor the sum of jQ() 4s. ster- ling. Though there is no evidence to support the theory, it is supposed that Mr. Luce moved his family from the Vineyard soon after purchas- ing his land in New Vineyard.* There may have been a small clearing on Mr. Luce's lot when he purchased it, or it may have been wholly covered with the primeval forest. The writer, however, is inclined to favor the former theory. Oakes was an active, industrious man. and he had probably bought the land with a view of settling thereon. As Mr. Oakes was a single man it is very doubtful whether or not a house had been erected when the land came into Mr. Luce's possession. All of the children of Charles Luce have long since passed away, and many of the third generation have died aged men and women. Under such cir- cumstances it is not an easy task to gain reliable information of events which transpired nearly a century ago. Weighing the fragmentary and sometimes conflicting testimony of his descendants carefully, the writer is led to believe that Mr. Luce erected a house on his lot soon after purchasing and moved his family from " the Vineyard " the following year. It is a matter of deep regret that so few facts have been preserved relative to one, the story of whose life would have furnished a narrative more fascinating than the choicest fiction. One of his adventures came near costing him his life. The story of this occurrence was related to the author some years ago by Truman A. Allen, a native of Industry, then in his seventv-seventh year: "Capt. Charles Luce came from Holmes Hole, now Vineyard Haven, and settled on what is now the Jer- emy Bean farm in Industry. He was prosperous in his new employ- * Esq. Wm. Allen seems to have been a little confused on this same point. Me states (Hist, of hid., p. 12) that Tristram Daggett began to fell trees on his lot in June, 1791. " Built a log-house and moved in the next year, where he lived three years and then sold his new farm to Charles Luce." Then adds, "Charles Luce and others commenced a settlement near .Mr. Daggett's the same year that he did." Evidently Mr. Allen was in error, as there is no of the transaction either in the Lincoln or Somerset Registry of Deeds. Tristram Daggett sold his " new farm " to Esq. Herbert Boardman the same year that Mr. Luce bought of Oakes. 700 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ment and, after some years, kept among his other stock a small flock of sheep, which every night, during the summer season, he was obliged to yard in an enclosure near his cabin to protect them from the hears. wolves, and other wild animals. One night Captain Luce was aroused from his slumbers by a disturbance among his sheep. Feeling extremely anxious for the safety of his flock, he quickly arose, seized his faithful 'Queen's Arm' and hastened en deshabille to his sheep-pen. On the way he met the bear which had been the cause of the disturbance, and at short range gave him the contents of his musket. Though badly wounded, Bruin attempted to crawl away, but was pluckily followed by Captain Luce, who pelted him with stones and whatever else he could lay hands to. Stung to madness by his wounds and the boldness of his assailant, the bear turned and seized Captain Luce with his enormous paws, before he could get away the captain was scratched and torn in a shock- ing manner. His hand got into the bear's mouth during the affray and was fearfully mangled. At length, by almost superhuman effort, he suc- ceeded in extricating himself from the embrace of his enemy and, bleed ing from numerous wounds, started for the house. A messenger was immediately dispatched for a surgeon, and Dr. Stoyell, of Farmington, answered the summons. Fortunately the wounds did not prove fatal, though it was a narrow escape. The doctor decided that the hand could be saved, but its usefulness was greatly impaired. Ever after his recov- ery, unsightly scars bore mute testimony of the serious nature of that eventful night." He died on the homestead, and his remains were buried on the very farm his toil had cleared. The slab marking his grave bears the following inscription : Beneath this marble sha,l< is entombed the body of MR. CHARLES LU< I . "who died May 22, 1821, /;/ the sixty-second year of bis ag> His wife survived him many years and died May — , 1846. ( ?) ( Ihildren.* i. CHARLES, 1>. in Tishury, Mass., 1786; 111. March 20, 1814, Mary Foss. Mr. Luce was a fanner and resided in the eastern part of New Vine- yard. He was at one time a captain in the militia. Died in New Vineyard, Jan. 29. 1*44, aged 58 years. His widow m. Feb. 24, [846, Ebenezer Humphrey, of Jay, and d. in New Portland, Dec. 17, 1 S 7 < » . aged 81 years, months, s.p. * In addition to the children given in this list five others, who died jroung, were born to Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce. Their graves are to be seen in the family burial-lot on i he "lil homestead. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 70 1 David Merry, b. in Tisbury, Mass., 178S; m. June 10, 1S13, Joanna Cottle, dau. of Benjamin and Miriam (Luce) Cottle, q. v. Deborah, b. in Tisbury, Mass., March, 1792;* m. May 4, 1815, Capt. Benjamin Manter, son of James and Mary (Butler) Manter, q, v. Catherine, b. in Tisbury, Mass., April 5, 1793; m. Feb. 21, 1813, True Remick, son of John and Elizabeth (Nevins) Remick, (/. v. Elisha, b. in New Vineyard, Me., Dec. 10, 1800; m. March 19, 1822, Lydia Butler, dau. of Josiah and Lydia (Norton) Butler, q. v. Joseph, b. in New Vineyard, Oct. 23, 1802; m. Dec. 29, 1824, Dorcas Cutts, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Colburn) Cutts, of New Portland, q. v. BENJAMIN* b. in New Vineyard, Nov. 11, 1804; m. Jan. 8, 1S28, Anna West Manter, dau. of Henry and Mary (West) Manter, q. v. William Henry, b. in New Vineyard, Oct. 17, 1806; m. April 26, 1831, Lucy B. Chapman, dau. of John and Marcia (Ballard) Chapman (see p. 682). 2. David Merry Luce, son of Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce, married Joanna Cottle. He settled first in New Vineyard, on half of lot No. 5, sixth range. This he sold to Ammiel Robbins, Jr., of Industry, May 1, 1821. Prior to this date he had returned to Industry and settled on the Tristram Daggett farm, which his father owned, \ and of whom he bought. Here he lived until May. 1S54, when he sold to Vilander Weeks and moved to Lexington, where he died Aug. 6, 1854, aged 66 years. His widow died March 23, i860, aged 68 years, 2 months and 13 days. Children. i. Mary, b. in New Vineyard, March 31, 1814; d. in Industry, July 12, 1S36. 7. ii. Charles, b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 27, 1815; m. Sept. 21, 1837. Sarah Savage (b. July 30, 1814), dau. of John and Sarah (Oliver) Savage, of Norridgewock. iii. Miriam Cottle, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. 11, 1818; m. Nov. 27, 1834, Jacob Clark, son of Jacob and Catherine (Bean) Clark, q. v. iv. Lydia Cottle, b. in New Vineyard, March n, 1820; m. May 10, 1S42, Moses M. Luce, son of Rowland and Eunice (Mason) Luce, q. v. 8. v. Benjamin Cottle, b. in Industry, Sept. 4, 1821 ; m. Jan. 1, 1844, Caroline Boston (b. in Norridgewock, Aug. 25, 1824), dau. of Allen and Betsey (Marston) Boston, of Norridgewock. 9. vi. True Remick, b. in Industry, Feb. 11, 1824; m. April, 1849, Sarah E. Whittier, dau. of James and Sarah (Locke) Whittier, of Pleasant Ridge, Me. 10. vii. David Merry, b. in Industry, October, 1826; m. Dec. 11, 1857, Laura A. Norton, dau. of Capt. Clifford and Rhoda (Weeks) Norton, q. v. 11. viii. HERBERT BoARDMAN, b. in Industry, [an. 11, 1828; in. March 28, 1852, Mary W. Norton, dau. of Capt. ' Clifford B. and Rhoda (Weeks) Norton, q. v, 12. ix. Carlo, b. in Industry, Sept. 9, 1830; m. June 10, 1865, Melvina Carville, dau. of Joseph and Eunice (Watson) Carville, of New Portland, x. Seneca White, b. in Industry, Jan. n, 1833; went to California in i860, where he engaged in various pursuits, lie died in Sheridan, Placer Co., California, Aug. 23, 1879, unmd. * From age on her headstone. The writer is of the opinion that she was older, and was probably born about 1790. t Charles Luce bought this farm of Francis C Lowell, June 20, 1S07. 702 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 3. Elisha Luck, son of Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce, mar- ried Lydia Butler. He was a farmer and settled on the Abner Norton farm, now occupied by J. Simon Furbush, where his whole life was spent. Me died in Industry, July 2, 1859, aged 58 years, 6 months and 22 days. Children. i. CHARGES, died when a young man, unmd. 13. ii. WlNTHROP, !>. in Industry; m. June 22, 1S5 1 , Velzora A. Norton, dau. of Capt. Clifford B. and Rhoda (Weeks) Norton, ,/. t. iii. ELISHA, b. in Industry, 1829; m. and settled in Norridgewock. Shoe- maker. iv. Deborah Manter, 1>. in Industry, 1832; m. April 29, 1851, Joseph R. Lambert, of New Vineyard. v. Sarah Ann, b. in Industry, 1838; m. Nov. 25, 1S60, Lewis A. Guild. 4. Joseph Luce, son of Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce, married Dorcas Cutts. Farmer. Settled in that part of New Vineyard annexed to Industry in 1844. Selling his farm he started for California via the Isthmus of Panama and arrived in San Francisco, Oct. 23, 1865. He died in Sutter County, Cal., Nov. 26, 1869, aged 67 years, 1 month, 3 days. His wife died in Ukiah, Sutter County, June 18, 1889, aged 87 years, 1 month, 3 days.* 14. i. William Henry, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. 28, 1826; m. July 4, 1S52, Jane ]. Emery, dau. of Mark and ( Hive (Thurrell) Emery, of Industry. 15. ii. WARREN, b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 12, 1828; m. June 15, 1856, Mrs. Caroline F. Moran,t relict of George Moran. iii GEORGE, b. in New Vineyard, June 24, 1S30; m. June 24, 1862, Aphia M. Luce, dau. of Col. Benjamin and Anna W. (Manter) Luce, q. v. She d. in Industry, July 7, 1864, leaving one child : i. Annie May, b. in Industry, Aug. 21, 1S63, m. Oct. 11, 1884, Seneca Luce, son of Herbert B. and Mary W. (Norton) Luce, of Lexington, q. t. Mr. Luce m. Jan. 29, 1866, for second wife, Mary Hilton, dau. of Daniel and Eliza (Manter) Hilton, of Industry (see Manter notes). [6. iv. CHARLES, b. in New Vineyard, Sept. 12, 1832; m. April 7, 1866, Helen M. (Cutts) Viles, dau. of Maj. James and < Hive (Colburn) Cutts, q. v. 17. v. NlRON, b. in New Vineyard, April 10, 1836; m. Sept. 20, 1867, Charlotte Wheeler, dau. of Rev. Mr. Wheeler, of Pittsfield. 18. vi. foSEPH MERRY, b. in New Vineyard, July 1, 1838; m. March, 1S65, Annis M. Tinkham, dau. of Col. Samuel W. and Catherine (Dins- more) Tinkham, of Anson, vii. Catherine, b. in New Vineyard, March 23, 1840. Died of consumption in Industry, Feb. 28, 18615. * Mrs. Lun was a native of Ilallowell, Me., where she was born May 15, 1S02. At her burial four sons, viz., Warren, Charles, George and Joseph, acted as bearers, and tenderly con- signed the mortal remains of their beloved mother to the final resting place of all living. Nothing could have been more touchingly beautiful than this deed of love and filial affection — the last that human hands could perform for a dear mother. t She was a sister of Ann Judith Roberts, who married John E. Johnson, g. v., and a cousin of llihhard S. Roberts, of Industry. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 703 5. Benjamin Luce, son of Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce, married Anna W. Manter. After settling in Industry * he opened a gen- eral variety store at West's Mills in the building now (1892) occupied by Joseph Eveleth as a dwelling house. He received a generous pat- ronage and continued in trade up to the time of his death. He was one of the most prominent men in town in social and business life. He held a justice of the peace commission for many years and transacted a great deal of business in that line. He was a deputy sheriff in Somerset County and colonel in the State militia. In 1840 Mr. Luce represented Industry in the State Legislature. He died after a few days' illness, July 14, 1842, aged 37 years. His widow married, Sept. 19, 1847, Moses Bradbury, of Industry ; she died Dec. 19, i860. Children. i. Mary West, b. in New Vineyard, Jan. 29, 1829; m. June 23, 1850, Warren Cornforth, son of William and Lydia (Cates) Cornforth, q. v. ii. Charles, b. in New Vineyard, March 24, 1S34; d. in Industry, May 18 i8 5 7- 111. Aphia Manter, b. in Iudustry, Jan. 11, 1837; m - J une 2 4> !S62, George Luce, son of Joseph and Dorcas (Cutts) Luce, q. v. iv. Benjamin Henry, b. in Industry, April 5, 1840; m. Feb. 2, 1862, Aman- tha S. Tinkham, dau. of Col. Samuel W. and Catherine (Dinsmore) Tinkham, of Anson. Mr. Luce is a prosperous farmer; resides in Anson. Children : i. Benjamin Dexter, b. in Anson, Oct. 12, 1862; m. February, 1S91, Kate Luce, dau. of Rev. Charles and Helen M. (Cutts) Luce, q. v. Resides in California, ii. Aphia Mertie, b. in Anson, June 11, 1864; m. March 9, 1886, Charles Parker Luce, son of George and Hannah (Viles) Luce. Resides in Lyons, Burt Co., Nebraska, iii. Beanchard Aouili.a, b. in Anson, May 12, 1S66; m. June 20, 1888, Hattie May Fish, dau. of Calvin B. and Henrietta H. (Horn) Fish, q. v. Resides in Anson, iv. Allen Edward, b. in Anson, Dec. 4, 1868. Resides in Ukiah, California, v. Charles Henry, b. in Anson, Dec. n, 1S74. vi. Katie May, b. in Anson, June 14, 1878. vii. Samuel Marvin, b. in Anson, Sept. 18, 1880. viii. Morrill Filcher, b. in Anson, March 16, 1883. 6. William Henry Luce, son of Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce, married Lucy B. Chapman. He purchased of John Gott the south half of lot No. 24, April 7, 1829, and the remaining half of his father. He was a farmer and spent his whole life in Industry. He died Jan. 8, 1872, aged 65 years, 2 months and 21 days. His widow died in Eau Claire, Wis., March 9, 1886, aged 74 years, 1 month and 19 days. Children. i. William Henry, b. in Industry, Jan. 2, 1833; m. Feb. 21, 1866, Ellen * See foot note, p. 196. Col. Luce bought the brick house just north of the village Nov 1 1S36. 704 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Watson, dau. of Simeon anil Olive (Patterson) Watson, q. v. She d. in Industry. Sept. 15, 1872, and he 111. March, 1N74, Adeline S. \'iles, dau. of Fisher and Hannah (Luce) Viles, q. v. Mr. Luce resided on the homestead farm and made a home for his mother after his father's death. He was an industrious and enterprising farmer and his farm was a model of neatness and thrift, lie died after a brief illness, Dec. 26, 1S80. First marriage s. p. Several children by second mar- riage. ii. Naomi Ballard, b. in Industry, April 13, 1835; ''• Sept. 21, 1837. iii. Ann DYER, b. in Industry, May 4, 1840; m. Sept. 15, 1864, Albert I.orin Shaw, son of Albert and Betsey (Cornforth) Shaw, q. v. iv. HELEN AUGUSTA, 1>. in Industry, Oct. 18, 1842;* m. June 25, 1870, Francis Hilton, son of Fdgar and Adeline (Moore) Hilton, of Anson. She was a successful school teacher for many years prior to her mar- riage, teaching in her own and adjacent towns. Resides in Anson. He was b. in Anson, March 11, 1844, and is a prosperous farmer in his native town. Their child : Villa F., 1>. in Anson, March 16, 1S75. v. CHARLES NELSON, b. in Industry, Dec. s, 1843; d. March 7, 1847. vi. NEWELL AUGUSTUS, b. in Industry, June 13, 1847; went to Wisconsin, where he d. < )ctober, 1882, unmd. vii. Ida Amanda, b. in Industry, July 15, 1853; m. in Fau Claire, Wisconsin, Nov. 28, 1879, James F. Bowne, son of Charles A. and Mary (Mott I Bowne, by whom she has one son. 7. Charles Luce, son of David Merry and Joanna (Cottle) Luce, married Sarah Savage. In 1837 Mr. Luce went to Lexington to reside. He subsequently removed to New Vineyard and afterward to Boston, Mass. His next place of abode was Norridgewock, where he lived for seven years working at his trade of carpenter. From this place he re- moved to Fairfield, his present residence. For many years he has been engaged in moving buildingsf and has been State constable several years, having been appointed in 1883. Children. i. Charles Augustus, b. in Lexington, April 16, 1839; m. Dec. 25, 1865, Marie Jane Appleby (b. in Palmyra, Feb. 2, 1846), dau. of Elbridge and Sarah (Carr) Appleby. He was a carpenter by trade and resided in Augusta, where he was killed by a drunken rough, Nov. 26, [888. ii. Mary JANE, b. in New Vineyard, Nov. 17, 1844; m. May 29, 1864, Galen Hoxie Lamb (b. in Clinton, April 18, 1837), son of David and Bloomy ( ?) (Lannev) Lamb, of Portland. He d. in Portland, Feb. 14, 1885; killed by a fall. Children: i. SADIE BELL, b. in Waterville, Jan. 3, 1865. She is a singer with bright prospects for the future, ii. Florence, b. in Fairfield, < )ct. 29, 1865; d. Jan. 13, t866. 8. Benjamin Cottle Lu< i . son of David Merry and Joanna (Cot- * Industry Town Records. f Mr. Luce has a wide reputation in this direction. In Portland he moved a depot 257 x 60 feet a distance of 700 feet. Then moved a block containing i.\ tenants and three stores a dis- tance ol 10 rods. At Norridgewock in December, 1885, he mo veil a two-story house 45 x 34 feet, with an ell 50 feet long, having five chimneys, each of 30 tons weight, a distance of ten rods. This was done without the least injury to building or contents. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 705 tie) Luce, married Caroline Boston. His boyhood was spent on the homestead farm in Industry, with the exception of three years, he having lived with his grandfather, Deacon Benjamin Cottle, from nine to twelve. About the time of his marriage he removed to Lexington, where he has spent all of his married life with the exception of six years. Two years of this time he spent in California, one year of it in the mines of that State. Like his father and grandfather before him, he has followed the occupation of farmer. He has been a member of the board of select- men for two years and a man whose mind is stored with a rich fund of useful information. Joan, b. in Highland Plantation, now Kingsbury, Nov. 7, 1844; m. Nov. 30, i860, Rowland Luce, son of Jesse and Lydia (Hurd) Luce, (/. v. Hattie M. S., b. in Lexington, March 18, 1850; d. March 17, 1856. Charles Allen, b. in Lexington, June 10, 1855; m. Aug. 10, 1878, Van- dalia Fogg (b. in Freeport, Aug. 15, i860), dau. of Captain John and Mary (Todd) Fogg, of Freeport. Mr. Luce is a farmer and resides in Freeport. Their child : Mabel A., b. in Freeport, Nov. 25, 1SS6. Carl, b. in Lexington, April 10, 1862; m. May 6, 1887, Roxana Churchill, dau. of Joel and Lorinda (Chase) Churchill, of Lexington. Mr. Luce is a farmer and resides in Anson. Their child : NORKIS, b. in Anson, Aug. 6, 1888. 9. True Rf.mick Luce, son of David Merry and Joanna (Cottle) Luce, married Sarah E. Whittier. About the time of his marriage he settled in Highland Plantation, and afterward in Lexington, where he remained some ten years engaged in farming.* Early in the year 1859 he removed to Norridgewock. His wife, who was born Nov. 2, 1829, died April 28, 1859. He subsequently married, July 12, i860, Cather- ine Manter, daughter of Daniel and Lydia (Pratt) Manter, of Madison. Returning to Lexington, he remained until about 1865, when he went to Kingsbury, Piscataquis Co., where he engaged in manufacturing lumber and farming. Selling his property there in 1876, he moved to Fairfield, purchased a small farm and engaged in farming and fruit-raising. He died Aug. 4, 1885, aged 61 years, 5 months and 21 days. Children. i. James WHITTIER, b. in Highland Plantation, May 28, 1851; m. in Fair- field, May 1, 1879, Nellie M. Taylor, dau. of John O. and Rebecca (Childs) Taylor, of Fairfield. She d. of consumption in Fairfield, * Mr. Luce's eldest son writes : " Father and mother were married in Pleasant Ridge Plant- ation, Maine. The day following, mother rode on horseback through the unbroken forest, guided by a spotted line to what is now Highland Plantation, a distance of some eight miles. In this journey to her home on the borders of civilization she carried all her worldly goods on the horse she rode." 706 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Sept. 18, 1880, ami he m. July 21, [883, Emma J. < larter, dau. of Samuel M. and Susan E. (Knight) Carter, of Troy. Mr. I.uce is a farmer and resides in Troy. Children by second marriage: i. Guy C, 1). in Fairfield, Feb. 1, 1886. ii. EDNA E, b. in Troy, < let. 12, 1889. ii. Sarah Ann, b. in Lexington, Oct. 5, 1856; d. of diphtheria in Lexington, Feb. 17, 1862. iii. ELLA ELIZABETH, 1l in Xorridgewock, April 6, 1859; d. of diphtheria, March 9, 1862. Child by second marriage. 10. David Merry Luce, son of David Merry and Joanna (Cottle) Luce, married Laura A. Norton. He resided in Lexington, Industry and New Vineyard. For a time he engaged in farming and afterward in buying and shipping eggs to the Boston market. For years he drove through the country collecting the eggs, exchanging therefor his stock of groceries and tinware. He also kept a grocery store at Allen's Mills for a short time. He sold his property at Allen's Mills in 1870, and set- tled at Stewart's Mills in New Vineyard. Here he continued the egg business, cultivated a small farm, and during the winter season engaged in making brooms. He died in New Vineyard, Sept. 13, 18S5, aged nearly 59 years. His widow subsequently married a Mr. Jones. Children. i. Washburn Israel, b. in Lexington, Aug. 16, i860; married and resides in New Vineyard, ii. SUMNER P., b. in Lexington, Dec. 20, 1862; d. in Industry, July 31, 1864. iii. HORATIO Norton, b. in Industry, Oct. 20, 1866; m. April 27, 1887, Lelia VV. Kennedy, dau. of Jophanus H. and Mary (Smith) Kennedy, of New Vineyard (see Smith genealogy). iv. True Remick, b. in Industry, July 1, 1869. v. Charles B., b. in New Vineyard, March 18, 1S72. 11. Herbert Boardman Luce, son of David Merry and Joanna (Cottle) Luce, married Mary Weeks Norton. Mr. Luce is a farmer and has spent the most of his life in Lexington. Children. i. Juliet, b. Dec. 11, 1852; d. Aug. 21, 1856. ii. Clifford Norton, b. June 17, 1855; m. July 29, 1881, Libbie Canfield, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. iii. Mason M.,l>. May 7, 1858; m. April 1, 1882, Nellie M. Berry, of Lex- ington, Me. iv. SENECA, b. Aug. 23, i860; m. Oct. 11, 1884, Annie M.Luce, dau. of George and Aphia M. (I.uce) Luce. Their child: Warren Boardman, b. in Industry, April 23, 1887. v. Dw.in Ki.li. Nov. 20, 1863; m. July 3, 1885, Maria M. Gammage, dau. of Ezra W. and Jane Gammage, of New Vineyard. vi. Clark J., b. June 20, 1866. vii. Herbert, b. July 13, 1869. viii. Mary, b. Aug. 12, 1874; d. May 6, 1875. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 707 12. Carlo Luce, son of David (Merry) and Joanna (Cottle) Luce, married Melvina Carville. She was born in New Portland, April 26, 1831, and died of pneumonia in Highland, Feb. 19, 1S76. Still resides in Highland, engaged in farming. Children. Aphia, b. in Highland, May 25, 1866; d. Sept. 17, 1868. SHERIDAN, b. in Highland, Jan. 16, 1871; d. June 2, 1S71. Hattie, b. in Highland, Jan. 5, 1872. Mellie, b. in Highland, May 10, 1874. Tosfph 1 k- ' n Highland, March 2, 1S76. Joseph d. April 27, 1876. 13. Winthrop Luce, son of Elisha and Lydia (Butler) Luce, mar- ried Velzora A. Norton. Farmer. Settled on the homestead in Indus- try, where he continued to reside until after the death of his wife. Now resides in New Vineyard. Children. Carrie, b. in Industry, Sept. 23, 1854; d. Aug. 12, 1S62. Albert,^ b. in Industry, Oct. 10, 1857; Albert d. Jan. 29, 1858; Allen Allen, j d. Jan. 31, 1858. Charles, b. in Industry, March, 29, 1859; d. Dec. 21, 1867. Isaiah, died young. Laura, b. in Industry; m. Sept. 30, 1883, Albert Leavitt, of New Vine- yard. 14. William Henry Luce, son of Joseph and Dorcas (Cutts) Luce, married Jane J. Emery. Farmer. Resided in Industry until 1866, when he went to California. Now resides in Lincoln, Placer Co. Children. i. George Walter, b. in Industry, Dec. 23, 1853; m. May 20, 1885, Levia Hinman (b. in Bloomfield, Sonoma Co., Cal., Aug. 2, i860), dau. of Rev. Justus M. and Betsey (Burlingame) Hinman. Mr. Luce is a carpenter and builder. Resides in Lincoln, Cal. Three children. ii. Albert Willis, b. in Industry, June 10, 1855; m. May 22, 1877, Katie Cohen, dau. of Michael and Mary (Curry) Cohen, of Nevada City. She was born in New York, Oct. 5, i860. Mr. Luce is a carpenter and builder and resides in Lincoln. Two children. 15. Warren Luce, son of Joseph and Dorcas (Cutts) Luce, mar- ried Mrs. Caroline F. Moran, who died March 14, i860, aged ^7, years. Went to California soon after the death of his first wife. He married for second wife in Sheridan, Cal., June 12, 1883, Rosa Ellen Higgins. Resides in California. , son, d. in infancy. Charles N., b. in Industry, Jan. 2, 1859. 708 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 19. Charles Luce, son of Joseph and Dorcas (Cutts) Lure mar- ried Helen M. Cutts. Mr. Luce was born Sept. 12, 1S32, on the old farm on the Norton brook situated at the foot of Norris hill. Me was raised on the same farm and availed himself of such meager school privileges as the sparsely-settled country afforded, consisting of from six to ten weeks a year. At the age of seventeen he was a wild, fun-loving boy who cared hut little how the world went, when a severe accident, the dislocation of one of his knees, and about the same time the pro- fession of religion, turned the whole tide of his life. On his back, suffering from an injured limb, this world with its awful realities appeared before him, and what to do with himself was the all- important question ; and among all the trades and professions teaching seemed to be the one that would soonest afford an income, and to the attainment of that all his energies were then turned. It was a bold undertaking. Uncultured and illiterate at that time, he had never studied more than the spelling-book, reader, and Smith's Arithmetic, (for that was all he had). About the first question was, how to gel books. His father had a large family to support and could not afford to buy such books as grammar, geography, history and philosophy. Algebra seemed preposterous ! But necessity was the mother of inven- tion. The brook was there, along whose banks he had so many times strolled in quest of trout ; but now it seemed to be a new bonanza, for in that early day many minks frequented its shady banks and log jams. With cane and crutch he wandered up and down the stream, setting traps for the sly little fellows, whose furry hides would afford him the means with which to get books. A grammar first, and on his hack he went through Weld's Grammar ; next the geography, and so on, until, alternating between books and labor on the farm, and fortunately, a lest,. ration from Iris lameness, he, at the age of twenty taught his first school in the Rollins District, in Stark, for eleven dollars per month. The next fall he attended high school, and in the winter following taught two schools in the town of Solon. Having fully recovered his health, in the spring following he attended the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, and the winters of 1854 and 1855 taught the grammar school in Skowhegan, for forty dollars per month. Again in the spring he attended the Seminary, and summers he worked on a farm. In October, 1855, abandoned Imoks and school and went to California. He took passage on a Nica- ragua steamer at New York. Oct. 5, 1855 > had rough steerage fare, and arrived on the Isthmus just in time to be in the roughest of Walker's War. The steamer on which he went up San Juan River was shot into by the natives, and two passengers were killed, and two wounded, and after VO/, 6*Cf Engraved by Geo. E. Johnson, Boston. From a photograph made about .SS S by A. O. Carpenter, Ukiah City, Cal. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 709 much trouble and excitement, with delays and privations, he, on the third of November, arrived in San Francisco, well and hearty. The next day started to the mines at Grass Valley, Nevada County, and after trying his luck awhile, turned his attention to mill-work and soon was promoted to engineer, which he followed with other duties till 1858, when he was elected secretary of the Gold Mountain Mining Company, which office he held for three years, and then resigned and engaged in farming in Sutter County. In 1865 he returned to Industry. He was on the Pacific Ocean when General Lee surrendered, and was on Long Island Sound when President Lincoln was assassinated. He spent the summer of 1S65 in Maine, in October returning with his parents and two of Major James Cutts's daughters (Helen and Olive) to his home in Sutter Co., Cal. April 7, 1S66, was married to Helen Cutts by the Rev. Mr. Paderson. He followed farming and teaching some years. Octo- ber, 1S70, he was licensed as a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and at once began work in the local ranks, alternating with farming. In October, 1877, with his mother and wife and three children, moved to Ukiah, Mendocino Co., and bought a farm near the town or village. At the election held in 1879 he was elected to the office of county supervisor, which he held three years ; and now, at this writing, is extensively engaged in sheep husbandry, and owns over three thousand acres of land besides his home farm. With the care of all this property he superintends a Sunday-school and preaches regu- larly every month. Politically, he was raised a Democrat, and voted for Stephen A. Douglass at the election of i860, but he now is an uncompromising Prohibitionist. Religiously, he is Methodistic, holding to the doctrines of Wesley, but is charitable toward those of different faith. Benevolence is with him a prominent characteristic, and he gives liberally of his means for all charitable objects. He recently gave five hundred dollars toward building a church in Ukiah, also donated a beautiful grove of ten acres to the same church for a permanent camp-ground, and thus his whole life has been spent in the furtherance of temperance and morality. Resides in Ukiah, Mendocino Co., Cal. Children. i. Kate, b. April 7, 1868; m. February, 1891, Benjamin D. Luce, sun of Benjamin Henry and Amantha S. (Tinkham) Luce, q. v. ii. Jennie Maria, b. April 3, 1870. iii. James Marvin, b. < >ct. 1, 1872. iv. Sadie < >cena, b. June 1, 1879. 17. Niron Luce, son of Joseph and Dorcas (Cutts) Luce, married 710 HISTORY OF rNDUSTRY. Charlotte Wheeler. Went to California in the fall of 1855. Engaged in mining and subsequently in lumbering and farming. Mr. Luce now owns a ranch of [560 acres, being one of the largest in Placer County. Mr harvested in i8gi as a part of the income of his farm 4620 bushels of wheat and 3584 bushels of barley. Resides in Shendan, Placer ( lounty, ( !al. Children. i. El 111. M.. 1). May 25, 1868; m. May 25, [890, William Brewer. ii. Niron, d. at age of 5 months, iii. Ida Dorcas, b. July 2, 1872. 18. Joseph Merry Luce, son of Joseph and Dorcas (Cutts) Luce. married Annis Tinkham. Farmer; resides in California. 1 hildren. i. KATIE ELLEN, b. in San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 15, 1S69. ii. Samuel Tinkham, b. in Santa Barbara, Cal., Jan. 8, 1871. iii. Bertha, b. in Chico, Butte County, California, Feb. 11, 1873. iv. Clara Mabel, b. in Ukiah, California, Dec. 27, 1879. Robert Luce, son of Robert, married Mary Burgess. 7 Settled on the Lowell Strip in Industry prior to 1 798. He was from Martha's Vineyard, but the author has not been aide to connect him with others of the name who settled in Industry. He sold his lot to Capt. Valentine Look, also from the Vineyard, and moved to New Portland, where he died at an advanced age. November, 1857. his wife having died March. 1850. Children. 1. BENJAMIN, b. in Martha's Vineyard;t m. (pub. Nov. 26, [805), Mrs. Betsey (Fassett) Holden, of Farmington. Abigail, b; about 1785; m. March 3, 1808, Elijah Robbins, son of Ammiel Robbins, q. v. Dri iua, m. (pub. < >ct. 25, 1S1.1), Benjamin Burgess, q. v. Bothdiedin New Portland. One child by second marriage, who married David Page; both dead. Lydia, in. Abraham Page, q. v., by whom she had three children. 2. [rvin, b. Dec. 25, 1798; m. Sept. 2, 1819, Charity Furbush (b. in Lisbon, Me., March 1, 1^03). I Sin- was ;i sister to the wife of Alslnnw I.utv, ,/. v. • \ grandson, Dea. Cyrus S. Line. ol New Portland, says; "I have always understood thai a part of his children were born on the old Vineyard, the rest in 1 ml us try. 1 [e left Industry aii< 1 the birth of his youngest son, Uncle Hovey Luce. Mrs. Page must be mistaken in saying her lather | Irvin Luce was born in New Portland, Me." GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 711 RoBl 1; 1 , b. in Industry, April 5, 1798;* m. Aug. 24, 1822, Almira W. Gilkey, dau. of James and Susannah (Bacon) Gilkey, of Freeman. Katherine, m. (pub. May 5, [826), Thaddeus Kilkenney, a native of Ireland, then of Freeman, Me. Betsey, m. Benjamin Brooks. Children. I \mi is, 111. Sally Turtle. Resided in Freeman, where he died. A large family. One dau., Mary, m. fohn Furbush, <>f Farmington. Mary, 1>. in Industry, Dec. 28, 1806; m. Nov. 12, 1825, Samuel, son "i Benjamin Trask. She d. in Stark, March 20, 1885. " c ''• '" Stark, Jan. 12, 1880. HOVEY, 1). in 181 1; m. Lucy Furbush. He died in New Portland, March 13, 18S7. She d. June 4, 1878, aged 65 years. Children: i. Abigail, m. Tilson Churchill. Resides in New Portland, ii. CLARINDA, m. Bradbury Hoyt. Resides in New Portland, iii. William Henry, m. Mary Jacobs. Resided in New Port- land. i. Benjamin Luce, son of Robert and Mary (Burgess) Luce, mar ried Mrs. Betsey Holder), nee Fassett. He resided in Industry at the time of his marriage, and was living there in 1806 ; afterward moved to Lexington and then to Madrid, where he died Dec. — , 1S43 or 1S44. aged 58 years. Children. i. SOPHRONIA, m. Oeorge Craves, of Lexington. Several children, ii. Clarissa, m. Silas Moore. She d. in Farmington, leaving children. iii. Emeline, 111. George W. Kinney. Several children, iv. John, died in Madrid, April, 1842 or 1843, aged 25 years, v. Cordelia, 111. Manley Kinney,f of Madrid. She d. March, 1883, aged 65 years. 2. Irvin Luce, son of Robert and Mary (Burgess) Luce, married Charity Furbush. On attaining his majority he married and after a few years settled in New Portland, where the remainder of his life was spent in farming. He died of consumption, May 2, 1867. His wife died of same disease, Aug. 21, 1873, aged 70 years. Children. 5. i- HOOPER, b. in Lisbon, March 28, 1 8 1 9 (?) ; m. Dec. — , 1840, Laura Fuller. She d. and he m. for second wife, Mary Ann Brackley. He d. in Freeman, June 8, 1869. ii. Benson, b. in Lisbon, Feb. 21, 1821; m. Lovina Tuttle. Died in New Portland, March 21, 1890. No children, iii. Harriet, b. in Freeman, Jan. 26, 1823; m. Henry Carville, of Freeman. Resides in Farmington. Several children, iv. Samuel, b. in Freeman, May 29, 1825; m. He d. Dec. 14, 1890. * Much perplexity results from the birth date of these two persons, Irvin and Robert Luce, which a daughter of each claim is the year 1798. The writer is inclined to think the Robert's birth correct, and that Mrs. Page, who furnished the other date, is in error. Irvin Luce, according to the headstones marking his grave, died " May 2, 1S67, aged 70 years." This would place the year 1797, and he was probably older than 70 when he died. f One authority says Marman Kinney. 712 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. v. Christiana, b. in Freeman, April 12, 1827; m, Dec. 5, 1845, Ivory Page, of New Portland, said to be a younger son of Abraham and Lydia (Luce) Page, of Industry. Three children. vi. Bartlett, b. in Freeman, Jan. 1, 1S50; d. in New Portland, Me., Sept. 29, 18 (N, unmd. vii. Nam'i A., 1). in Freeman, Feb. 8, 1833; d. Sept. 26, 1833. viii. Charles Lee, b. in Freeman, Sept. 5, (835; m. Jan. 28, [860, Ellen Pullen. Blacksmith. He d. in New Portland, June 18, (889. ix. Ladora Ann. b. in Freeman, March 26, 1839; m. May 17, 1856, Zacha- riah Moore. He d. without issue, March 8, 1866, aged 38 years. She in. Nov. 2, 1867, for second husband, Jacob Thomas Hodgkins (b. in Vienna, Oct. 12, 1835), s " n °f A ' ,cl ani1 Hannah (Tilton) Hodgkins. Mr. Hodgkins was a shoemaker and resided in New Sharon, where he d. March 28, 1892; his wife d. of consumption, May 28, 1886. Children: i. Henry Warren, b. in New Sharon, Feb. 13,1869; d. Sept. 20, 1S70. ii. Abbie Mayhew, 1 , • xt ci t ,c~ Tr ,. • b. in New Sharon, une 8, 1879. in. Hattie Ridley, | - IJ x. Si 1 ena, b. in New Portland, Oct. 10, 1845; d. Oct. 4, 1847. 3. Robert Luce, son of Robert and Maty (Burgess) Luce, mar- ried Almira W. Gilkey. He was a farmer and spent his adult life in New Portland. His wife, who was born in Gorham, Aug. 15, 1 798, died of typhoid fever, Jan. 15, 1850, and he subsequently married for second wife, Dec. — , 185 1, Lucinda Hutchins,* daughter of David and Mary (Allen) Hutchins, of New Portland. He died April 18, 1884. Children. i. James Franklin, b. in New Portland, April 3, 1825; m. ki/pah A. Walker, dau. of L)ea. Joseph Walker, of Embden. He d. Nov. 2, 1864. One son, Ulysses G., d. at Mars Hill, June 12, 1892, aged 27 years. Leaves a mother, brother and widow, who was a dau. of W. L. Boyinton, of Mats Hill. ii. CYNTHIA Almira, b. in New Portland, June 13, 1825; in. Charles P. Carsley, farmer. Resides in New Portland. Three children. iii. WILLIAM Henry, b. in New Portland, Jan. — , 1828; d. Feb. 26, 1833. 6. iv. Cyri S S., 1). in New Portland, Dec. 26, 1830; in. at Norridgewock, Nov. 2, 1857, Ceorgia Parton, dau. of Esq. Alfred and Sarah F. (Collins) Barton, of North Anson. She was 1>. in Anson, Nov. 2. in New Portland, March 10, 1833; m. Elijah II. Cars- ley, son of Eben and Amy (Hodgden) Carsley, of New Portland. ( )ne son. 7. vi. Benjamin <1. in New Portland, Pel). K>, 1 S37 ; d. Mareli 8, 1858. viii. ELECTA M., 1>. in New Portland, Feb. 9, 1840; m. Isaiah Merrill. She d. in 1 ,ewiston, May 1 S, 1863. ix. Martha A., t b. in New Portland, Aug. 16, 1842; Martha A. m. July x. Mary Elvira, i 4, 1868, Franklin Llewellyn Emery, son of Alvin and Susan ( Hanson ! Emery, of New Portland. Three children. Man P.. m. Dee. 13, 1866, |ohn William Churchill, son of Win. and Nancy I Walker) Churchill. Their children are: Ei 1.1 ni A., Ii. 1 >ec. 10, 1867. <• At the time of her marriage she was a widow Thompson. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 713 A. Beli.e, b. Aug. 22, 1S69. Ni D, b. Aug. 27, ICS70. EFFIE M., b. Jan. 19, 1873. Clinton, b. fan. 29, 1877. Coka G., b. Oct. 19, 1880. IIattik M., b. June 25, 1883. xi. Emily F., 1>. in New Portland, Nov. 8, 1844; m. J. Frank Hutchins. Blacksmith; has resided at Allen's Mills. Now lives in Strong. Sev- eral children. Child by second marriage, xii. Alvin Eugene, b. in New Portland, Oct. 28, 1852. 4. Thaddeus Kilkenny married Katherine Luce. He was a farmer and resided in Freeman, where he died Aug. 16, 1868. His widow died in 1873. Children. i. Mary, b. in Freeman, 1827; m. Ansel Peabodv. Died in Freeman, Oct. 18, 1883. ii. Samuel, b. in Freeman, 1829; m. Mary A. Gammon. Resides in New Portland, iii. Almira, b. in Freeman, 1831; m. Henry Carville. Resides in Farm- ington. iv. Hovry, b. in Freeman, 1833; m - Achsa Brackley. Resides in New Portland. v. John, b. in Freeman, 1835; m - Charlotte Brown. Resides in Freeman. vi. JAMES, b. in Freeman, 1837; m - Ellen Brackley. Farmer. Resides in New Vineyard, vii. Benjamin, b. in Freeman, May 15, 1839; m. May 18, 1868, Helen M. Tripp, dau. of James and Betsey E. (Elliott) Tripp, of New Portland. Farmer, resides in New Portland, s. p. He was a member of Co. F. 1st Regiment, Me. Cavalry, viii. Sarah, b. in Freeman, 1S41; m. Robert Holbrook. Resides in Auburn, ix. PHILENA, b. in Freeman, 1843; m - George Pratt, of New Vineyard. x. Hiram, b. in Freeman; d. May 14, 1861. 5. Hooper Luce, son of Irvin and Charity (Furbush) Luce, mar- ried Laura Fuller. He was a farmer and resided in Salem, New Port- land and Freeman. He died of consumption, in Freeman, June — , 1869, aged 50 years. His wife also died in Freeman. Children. i. Fidelia, b. in Salem; m. Oct. 20, i860, George Barker. She d. in New- Vineyard, July 28, 1882. ii. AUGUSTUS, b. in Salem, 1844. Enlisted as a private in Co. C, 16th Reg't, Volunteers, and was mustered into the U. S. Service, Aug. 14, 1862. He was wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. In this battle the regiment lost fifty per cent, of the number engaged, in killed, wounded and missing. He died from the effect of his wounds, Jan. 21, 1863. 8. iii. EUGENE, b. in New Portland, Feb. 24, 1847; m - Lucy Furbush, dau. of John and Mary (Luce) Furbush, of Farmington. iv. Selena, b. in Freeman; d. in New Portland, May, i860; unmd. v. Bvrtlett, b. in Freeman; m. Millie Buzzell. vi. Edward, b. in Freeman, where he resides, unmd. 714 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 6. Cyrus S. Lu< i. son of Robert and Almira W. (Gilkey) Luce, married Georgia Barton. Mr Luce is a worthy and highly esteemed citizen of New Portland, where the larger part of his life has been spent. On the organization of the Congregational Church in that town he was chosen deacon, which office he still holds. He is likewise an earnest Sunday-school worker, and has held the office of superintendent for up- ward of ten years. Children. i. Delmok* (.., b. in Anson, March 4, i860; m. in Bangor, Oct. 17, [888, May E. Morse (b. in St. Albans, Feb. 25, (862), Jan. of Henry M. ami Mary A. (Scott) Morse, of Caribou. Mr. Luce was educated at Anson Academy and graduated from that institution in the class of [881. 1 le engaged in teaching and subsequently studied medicine. lie graduated from the Medical School of Maine in the class of 1887, and immediately entered upon the duties of a practitioner of medi- cine. Was supervisor of schools in Easton in 1889-90. Now resides in ( anbou. ii. El.GlVA B., b. in New Portland, April 3, 1869; educated in the schools of her native town, Anson Academy, and entering the Farmington State Normal School, she graduated with the class of 1888; com- menced teaching when fifteen years of age. and has already taught more than one hundred and twenty-five weeks. iii. GEORGIA F., b. in New Portland, June 26, 1872; student and school teacher. 7. Benjamin Gould Luce, son of Robert and Almira W. (Gilkey) Luce, married Jenette E. Stowers, who was born Dec. 22, 1846, and died in New Portland, Feb. 28, 1 S 7 5 . Child. i. , dau., d. Nov. o, 1 S 74 . 8. Eugene Lu< e, son of Hooper and Laura (Fuller) Luce, married Lu< v Furbush. He is a farmer and resides in the east part of Farming- ton. Children. i. Simon J., b. in Anson, Feb. 3, 1870. ii. Mary A., b. in Anson, Aug. 25, 1871. iii. Emii.Y lb, b. in Anson, Sept. 18, 1874. iv. Frank ('.. b. in Farmington, Aug. iS, 1876. v. GEORGE M.. b. in farmington, Sept. 8. 1880. vi. Clyde E., b. in Farmington, fune 17, [883. \ ii. A 1 ■ii 1 \. b. in Farmington, Feb. 27, 1885. \iii. E\ \. I>. in Farmington, June 2, 1SS7. ix. ALMOIN J., b. in Farmington, July 15, 1890. The parentage and ancestry of Alsbury and Elisha Luce is shrouded in mystery. They were natives of Martha's Vineyard, but aside from this nothing is known of them. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 715 1. i. Alsbi ry Luce, m. Sarah Burgess; she was a sister to Nancy, wife of Thomas Lovejoy, also to the wife of Robert Luce. She d. in Farm- ington, April 17, 1846, aged 77 years. 2. ii. ELISHA Luce, married. 1st,* for second wife (pub. July 26, [813), Hul- dah, dau. of Atkins Kllis. i. Alsbury Luce married Sarah Burgess. Settled in Farmington. Children. i. Bartlett, m. Aug. 25, 1812, Betsey West Daggett, dau. of Captain Silas and Deborah (Butler) Daggett, q. v. Was a resident of Industry in 1816. ii. Nathan, m. (pub. Oct. 17, 1S26), Mary Wellman. iii. ALSBURY, 1>. 1807; m. May 29, 182.S, Mary Sweatland. lie d. in Farm- ington, July 15, 1846, aged 39 years. iv. Eunice, i>. [an. <;, 1805; m. Sept. 3, 1826, John Backus, son of Nathan and Iluldah (Pease) Backus, of Farmington. She d. Oct. 28, (868. lie d. Sept. 6, 186S. Seven children. v. Martha, m. April 30, 1823, Tristram Daggett, son of Tristram and Jane ( Merry) Daggett, of Industry, q. v. vi. Mary, m. Cotton; resided in Wilton. \ii. Sarah, m. March 27, 1823, Samuel Brown, son of Samuel and Mary ( Butler) Brown, HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. moving from place to place, and the last that can be learned of him was Jan. i, 1850, when he was in I lallowell. Children. i. Olive, m. May — , 1822, John Perkins, of Stark. Several children. One son, Nathaniel < '., lives in Chesterville. She d. in New Sharon about 1861. ii. Si SAN, 1). July 9, [802; m. Dec. 6, 1S22, John Jewell, of Mt. Vernon, son of Jacob Jewell. She d. in Monticello, Oct. 9, 1X4(1. Sixchildren. iii. Deborah, m. George Lord, of Gardiner, where she died. 3. iv. Wen D ALL, b. in Industry: m. Sept. 7, 1 830, Maria Burce, dau. of Holmes and Lydia (Givens) Burce, of Industry. Mr. Luce also of Industry. She d. in Stark. 4. v. Henry, m. Dee. 31, 1829, Loiza Spinney, dau. of [ohn and Miriam (I lliver) Spinney, of Georgetown. Children h\ second marriage. vi. CELIA, 1). in 1809; d. in Industry, Sept. 2, 1819. 5. \ ii. William, b. April — ,1814; m. (pub. March 2, [836), Eliza Pomeroy, dau. of Jeremiah and (Harding) Pomeroy, of Stark. viii. Sarah, m. — — Galusha; m. for second husband, Alexander Berral. < Ine dau. by first marriage. Second marriage, s. />. ix. ELISHA, m. Martha (?) Choate. Millman. He d. in Fairfield. Six children, x. CoRNELIl s, m. Olive Emery; d. in Massachusetts, leaving one daughter. 3. Wendall Luce, son of Elisha Luce, married Maria Burce. Farmer. Resided in Hallowell, Stark and Industry. He died in Industry. She died in Stark. SlLAS BURCE, 1>. in I lallowell, Me., July 4, 1831; resides in Philadelphia, at Soldiers' Home. Enlisted as a private in Co. F, 14th Reg't, Me. Volunteer Infantry, soon after the breaking out of the war between the States, and was mustered into the U. S. Service, Dec. 14, 1861. Was taken prisoner at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, 1S62, and soon after exchanged. Served three years. Caroline Augusta, b. in Hallowell, Oct. 8, 1835; m - Feb. 22 > '852, John Henry Goodwin, son of Reuel and Harriet (Goodwin) Good- win, q. v. Kr its Augustus, b. in Stark, Dec. 13, 1837; m. May 19, 1861, Jane Foss, dau. of James and Aphia ( Mullen | boss, of Embden. GEORGi HENRY, b. in Hallowell, 1839. He was a private in the Fifth Battery, Mounted Artillery. Entered the Y . S. Service, Jan. 30, 1862, Discharged for disability, July, 1862. El 1 1 N Maria, b. in Hallowell, 1844; m. July 21, 1861, Charles Brown- ing Goodwin, son of Reuel and Harriet (Goodwin) Goodwin, q. v. 4. Hk\k\ Luce, son of Elisha Luce, married Loi/.a Spinney. Mr. Luce was a farmer and after his marriage resided in Stark, Augusta, and other places. About 1838 he went to Aroostook County, and took up a farm in what is now the town of Monticello. Here he cleared land and made a comfortable home for himself and family. In his home life Mr. Luce was a loving husband, and a kind, indulgent father. His wife GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 7 I 7 died of cancer in Monticello, Dec. 13, 1857. He survived his wife scarcely a sixmonth, and died May 4, 1858. Children. 7. i. Charles Spinney, b. in Stark, July 12, 1830; m. Jan. 17, 1854, Rebecca If. Lowell, dau. of Teter and Susan M. (Briggs) Lowell, of Monti- cello. She was b. in Dixmont, July 19, 1834, and d. in Monticello, April 21, 1881. ii. CELIA A., b. in Stark; m. Hiram, son of Samuel Stackpole. Died in Monticello, < let. 20, i8(>4. Two children. 8. iii. ELIZABETH, b. in Augusta; m. John Auguste, son of Charles and Dolly (Spofford) Auguste, of Norridgewock, Me. 9. iv. Hezekiah, I), in Stark, 1840; m. Feb., 1859, Mary E. Rankin, dau. of John W. and Jane E. (Tapley ) Rankin, v. GEORGE P., 1>. in Monticello; d. Sept. 15, 1841). 5. William Luce, son of Elisha and (Sallie Ladd?) Luce, married Eliza Pomeroy. She is known to have been living as late as Feb. 24, 1852. Mr. Luce was a wandering planet, and lived in Fairfield, Water- ville, and in other towns on the Kennebec, but never long in one place. He received support from the town of Industry as early as 1S46, and died supported by the town. Though quite intelligent and active, he seemed to have no faculty for accumulating property. His second wife- was Mary Libby. He died in Industry, Oct. 1, iS8a. She died some years later. Horace B., b. April 27(7), 1837; d. Feb. 27, 1839. Franklin Barnard, b. in Industry, April 8, 1839. Married and resides in I Iartland. Mary Elizabeth, 1>. in Industry, Sept. 20, 1S41 ; married; now (1892), dead. CHARLES Edward, 1). 1851, perhaps. Was in Dakota when last heard from. 6. Rufus Augustus Luce, son of Wendall and Maria (Burce) Luce, married Jane Foss. Farmer. Resides in Livermore. His first wife died in New Portland, Nov. 26, 186S. He subsequently married, Oct. 9, 1870. Mrs. Thirza S. Brown, relict of Hiram Brown, of Stark, and daughter of Cyrus and Julia (Greenleaf) Rogers, of Stark. Divorced. Married, May 13, 1887, for third wife, Mrs. Sarah A. Richards, nee Stevens, relict of Collins Richards, of Livermore. Children by first marriage. i. CHARLES, b. in Iloulton, Julv 21, 1866; d. in New Portland, July — , 1S71. ii. ANNIE Maria, b. in Strong, Me., Dec. 13, 1868 (?); m. Albion R. N. Young, son of J. D. B. Young. He died in Strong, iii. Reuel Wendall, b. in New Portland, Aug. 13, 1868; d. in same town, March, 1869. 90 7l8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 7. Charles Spinney Luce, son of Henry and Loiza (Spinney) Luce, married Rebecca H. Lowell. He enlisted as a recruit for Co. E, First Regiment, Maine Cavalry, of which his brother Hezekiah was already a member, and was mustered into the U. S. service, Feb. 25, 1864. Entering the service as a private, he was twice promoted, first to corporal and subsequently to sergeant, and was mustered out with the regiment, Aug. 1, 1865. As a civilian, Mr. Luce has filled the office of assessor, in Monticello, for a period of ten years with a good degree of acceptance, and has also been collector of taxes for eleven years. Children. i. FRANCES V., b. in Monticello, Oct. 20, 1854; m. Oct. 3, 1874, John Ho- gan, son of William and Norah (Donovan) Hogan, of Monkton, N. B. He is a merchant and resides in Monticello. Seven children. ii. LAURA L., b. in Monticello, Nov. 2, 1857; m. Jan. 26, 1881, Robert W. McLeod, son of William and Ada (Hunt) McLeod, of St. Andrews, N. B. Mr. McLeod is a trader and resides in Monticello. One son. iii. Clinton Casius, b. in Monticello, April 23, i860; m. Jan. 17, 1884, Bar- bara Cecelia Good (b. in Jacksontown, N. B., June 27, 1863), dau. of Charles and Priscilla J. (Burgoyne) Good, of Jacksontovvn, N. B. Mr. Luce is a farmer and resides in Monticello. Children : i. RlSPAH FERN, b. in Monticello, Sept. 12, 1886. ii. Isa Mabel, b. in Monticello. April 15, 1889. iv. Isa M., b. in Monticello, July 31, 1862; m. Jan. 1, 1883, George A. Hall, son of Eben E. and Emily H. (Weed) Hall, of Winterport. Mr. Hall is a provision and grocery merchant and resides in Littleton. ( >ne child. v. Susan L., b. in Monticello, July 18, 1867; m. July 27, 1883, Harry B. Sharp, son of Henry C. and Eliza (Falconer) Sharp, of Jacksontown, N. B. Mr. Sharp was b. in Jacksontown, Nov. 18, 1866, and is a lumberman. Resides in Monticello. One son. vi. Nellie May, b. in Monticello, Sept. 7, 1872. 8. John Auguste married Elizabeth Luce. Mr. Auguste was born in Norridgewock, Jan. 16, 1837. Enlisted as a member of Co. F, 17th Regiment, Me. Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered into the U. S. ser- vice, Aug. 15, 1863. Wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Discharged for disability, Dec. 22, 1864. His wife died in Monticello, Jan. 13, 1864. Herberi Henry, b. in Monticello, July 3, 1859; m. Ella 1!. Stoddard dau. < >f Laban and Nancy (Carney) Stoddard, of Jacksontown, N. B. Resides at Iron River, Wis. Two sons. Albert Fremont, 1>. in Monticello, May 4, 1861; m. Sept. 16, 1S84, Mary L. Briggs (b. in Littleton, March 8, 1864), dau. of Elijah H. and Cordelia A. (Allen) Briggs, of Littleton. Mr. Auguste is a farmer. Resides in Littleton. Two children. JOHN SCOTT, 1>. in Monticello, July 16, 1863. Resides in Boston, Mass. I'mnd. PlRA LOUISA, b. in Monticello, April 9, 1865; d. May — , 1866. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 7 19 9. Hkzekiah Luce, son of Henry and Loiza (Spinney) Luce, mar- ried Mary E. Rankin. He enlisted in the early part of the late Civil War as a private in Co. E, First Reg't Me. Cavalry, and was mustered into the U. S. service Aug. 18, 1862. Subsequently promoted to ser- geant and discharged May 8, 1865, soon after the close of the war. i. LEVANDER W., 1). in Monticellu, Jan. 2, 1861 ; m. Rebecca ii. Charles, b. in Monticello. iii. Henry, b. in Monticello. iv. Scott, b. in Goshen, Pa. v. Otis, b. in Goshen, Pa. vi. Herbert, b. in Goshen, Pa. vii. Alda Louisa, b. in Goshen, Pa. \ iii. Abbie Alice, b. in Goshen, Pa. ix. Philip, b. in Rockton, Pa. Archelaus Luce, son of Abram Luce, was born probably in Tisbury, Mass., July 10, 1773. He came to Farmington and there married, Feb. 2, 1796, Deborah Luce (born May 18, 1773), also of Farmington. He settled first on lot No. 18, on the north side of Bannock Hill, prob- ably prior to his marriage. He sold his improvements to Jonathan Knowlton and in 1798 took up lot No. 27, at Davis's Corner. Here he continued to reside until he sold to James Davis and moved to George's River.* He was an honest, hard-working man, fair and impartial in his dealings, but of a roving disposition and did not accumulate property to pay for his land. Children. i. Anna, b. in Industry, Sept. 24, 1796. ii. Dependence, b. in Industry, Feb. 2, 1799. iii. Abigail, b. in Industry, Aug. 30, 1800. iv. Archelaus, b. in Industry, Aug. 21, 1802. v. Mahala, b. in Industry, Aug. 3, 1804. MANTER. Benjamin Manter, father of James, one of the pioneers to the Dis- trict of Maine, was a native of Martha's Vineyard, and probably a descendant of John Manter, though the necessary data to connect them are wanting. Benjamin Manter was a man of note on the Vineyard in his day and a colonel in the militia. He married in 1742, Zerviah Athearn and had a family of five or more children, three sons and two daughters. * A Hen's History of Industry, p. 44. 720 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. When the British bombarded Edgartown, the sailors frequently came ashore to commit acts of plunder and rapine, carrying off sheep, cattle. poultry and whatever else they took a fancy to. Mr. Manter chanced to own a flock of fine turkeys which he was anxious to save. Wishing to make friends with the commander of the fleet that his property might not suffer molestation, he dressed several of his finest turkeys and going on board presented them to the admiral, who was so delighted with them that he gave Mr. Manter a fine, large, gray horse which was undoubtedly a portion of the plunder of his crew. This horse became a great pet in the Manter family, and was kept till it died of old age. James Manter, the second son of Benjamin and Zerviah (Ath- earn) Manter, one of the pioneer settlers in that part of New Vine- yard set off to Industry in 1844, and the ancestor of the numerous and highly respected family of Manters who have since settled in Franklin and Somerset Counties, was born, probably, on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, in 1746. His wife was Mary Butler, daughter of Captain Elijah and Thankful (Smith) Butler. He came from Holmes' Hole, Dukes County, Mass.. to New Vineyard, in the spring of 1796. and set- tled on lot No. 4, in the first range of lots adjoining the Plymouth Patent. Mr. Manter and his family came as far as Hallowell in a sail- ing vessel and from thence the family, with the exception of Mrs. Man- ter, journeyed on foot to their home in the wilderness. The wife and mother rode on horseback, carrying at her side a small wicker-basket. containing a small collection of china and earthen ware, which she had brought from her Vineyard home. A log-cabin was erected, and a clear- ing made during the summer. The fire-place and chimney of the cabin were built of stones up to the roof and the latter topped out with mud and sticks. Mr. Manter's eldest son, Benjamin, then a young man of twenty-two years, and a Cay Head Indian named Takoosa. accompanied him. The former intended, after seeing his father comfortably settled. to return to Martha's Vineyard and continue his chosen vocation ol a sailor. Late in the autumn of 1796 he bade his parents adieu and Started on his return'. While at Hallowell waiting lor a vessel on which he 1 ould set tire a passage, he was summoned home on account ot the dangerous illness of his father. The disease proved to be the dreaded ••cold fever," and Mr. Manter died Dec. 26, 1796, aged 50 years. After the death o\' his father, benjamin Manter abandoned the idea of again going to sea. and. like a dutiful son. assumed the care ol his father's farm until the children were all able to care for themselves. The family endured hardships and suffered privations during the early GENEALOGICAL NOTES. J2\ years of their pioneer life, of which the present generation have but a vague conception. A rude mortar was made from a hollow log, in which Mrs. Manter used to pound corn for hominy when there was no meal in the house. During the summer the cooking was frequently done by a fire in the open air, and bread was baked on a board before the fire. Mrs. Manter was a woman of much strength of character, and her cool- ness and courage are well illustrated by the following anecdote : ( )ne day, while her sons were at work in the field, she discovered that the roof of her house was on fire. Instead of giving the alarm, she procured a lad- der and with calm deliberation climbed to the roof and by her well directed efforts succeeded in extinguishing the flames. She survived her husband nearly fifty years, and died May 22, 1845, at the advanced age of 94 years. Children i. i. Benjamin,* b. Sept. 16, 1773; m. Sept. 8, 1798, Abigail West, dau. of Capt. Peter and Hannah (Cuttle) West, q.v. 2. ii. Betsey, l>. March 17, 1775; m - Benjamin Hilton, of Anson. 3. iii. HENRY, b. Nov. 2S, 1777; m. Nov. 28, 1S05, Mary West., dau. of Capt. Peter and Hannah (Cottle) West, q. v. iv. Mary, b. , 1781; d. of "coid fever," Jan. 20, 1797. 4. v. ZEBULON, 1>. Aug. 24, 1783; m. Oct. 20, 1808, Rebecca Norton, dau. of Abn'er and Hannah (Claghorn-Bartlett) Norton, q. v. 5. vi. James, b. May 18, 1786; m. March 30, 1809, Susanna Sawyer, dau. of Luke and Rachel (Greenleaf) Sawyer, of Stark. 6. vii. Elijah, !>. Dec. 29, 1790; m. Nov. 25, 1813, Betsey Small (b. in Truro, Mass., June 28, 1792), dau. of and Betsey (Atkins) Small, of Truro, Mass. i. Benjamin Manter, son of James and Mary (Butler) Manter, married Abigail West. Mr. Manter, as has already been stated, followed the sea when a young man. After the death of his father he relinquished his intention of again going to sea and with the aid of his younger brothers cleared and successfully cultivated the farm, thus providing a home for the family. He procured apple trees at Farrnington, brought them to Industry on his shoulders, and set out an orchard on the home- stead.! He fell the first tree on lot No. 1, in the first range, afterward owned and occupied for many years by his son, Hiram Manter. When the settlers' farms began to produce more than was required for family use, Mr. Manter, in company with Esq. Daniel Shaw, sometimes bought •From Martha's Vineyard Church Records : Benjamin, baptized 17S9, March 19; Elizabeth, baptized 1 ;s m - Susie A. Roderick, of California, iv. James Manter, b. Nov. 27, 1847; m - Elizabeth Ea Fleur, of Wisconsin, v. Edmund C, b. Feb. 3, 1850; m. Phoebe Kincaid, of Madison, vi. William J., b. Aug. 3, 1852; m. Laura E. McFadden, dau. of F.lder McFadden. x. Charles Luce, b. in Industry, Aug. 26, 1824; m. July 3, 1850, Cordelia Dinsmore, dau. of William and Mary (Hilton) Dinsmore, of Anson, She d. in Madison, March 30, 1S90. Resides in Madison. Children: i. Mary Dinsmore, b. in Stark, Oct. 16, 1854; m. May 28, 1882, William S. Caldwell, son of Henry and Rebecca (Dinsmore) Caldwell, of Anson. She d. Dec. 29, 1891, leaving four children, ii. ABBIE, b. in Stark, Jan. 30, 1857; m. Chas. A. Ross, of Lowell, Mass. For second husband, Chas. S. Caldwell, iii. Emma, b. in Stark, May 24, 1S58; m. Harry Caldwell. xi. BETSEY Hilton, b. in Industry, April 25, 1830; m. (pub. Nov. 7, 1849), farvis Hilton (b. in Stark, Feb. 24/1820), son of Capt. Edgar and Betsey (Hilton) Hilton, of Stark. Several children. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 723 2. Benjamin Hilton married Betsey Manter. He was a son of Benjamin and Susan Hilton, of Stark. He was a blacksmith by trade, and resided in Anson. He was born in Pownalborough, March 21, 1772, and died July 21, 1845. His wife died Aug. 8, 1869, aged 94 years, 4 months, 22 days. i. James, b. in Anson, November, 1797; m. Polly Waugh (b. in Stark, April 22, 1803), dau. of John and Lydia (Hilton) Waugh, of Stark. She d. and he m. for second wife, Widow Pierce. Five children by first and one by second marriage, ii. T. Harnden, b. in Anson, August, 1S00; d. unmd. Nov. 17, 1854. iii. Benjamin, b. in Anson, Feb. 4, 1803; m. Margaret, dau. of Thomas Athearn. Farmer; d. in Stark. Three children, iv. Elijah, b. in Anson, May 3, 1805; m. Harriet, dau. of Major Thomas and (Moore) Dinsmore, of Anson. Children. v. Edgar, b. in Anson, March, 1807; m. Adeline, dau. of Col. John and Keturah (Sawyer) Moore, of Anson. Children. Died very suddenly, Aug. 26, 1886. vi. Mary, b. in Anson, Aug. 16, 1S10; m. Jesse, son of Thomas Athearn. Four children. vii. Fidelia, ],-, a 1 o o .-•/- viii. Cordelia, i b ' in Anson ' A P nl ~ lSl2 or l8l 3; d. in infancy, ix. Angeline, b. in Anson, Jan. 31, 1815; m. Bainbridge Crowell, of Water- ville. Resided in Waterville. Died Jan. 12, 1868. x. Joshua, b. in Anson, Nov. 9, 1819; m. Susan, dau. of John and Ketu- rah (Sawyer) Moore, of Anson. Several children. 3. Henry Manter, son of James and Mary (Butler) Manter, mar- ried Mary West. After his marriage he settled on the farm recently owned by Thomas J. Johnson, where he remained until about 1816, and then sold to his brother, Elijah Manter. He afterward purchased what is now known as the Brackett farm, in Stark, which he exchanged with Captain Martin Moore for the farm now owned and occupied by Mrs. Sarah Lewis. Here he built a commodious house, and spent the remain- der of his life. He died Jan. 29, 1858, aged 80 years. She died April 23, 1868, aged 79 years and 6 months. Children. 11. i. William West, b. Aug. 17, 1806; m. Dec. 2,* 1828, Betsey W. Norton, dau. of Sprowel and Nancy ( Fveleth) Norton, q. v. ii. Anna West, b. Dec. 31, 1808; m. Jan. 8, 1828, Benjamin Luce, son of Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce, q. v. 12. iii. John West, b. Dec. 13, 1811; m. Nov. 12, 1844, Hannah C. West, dau. of Peter, Jr., and Anna (Butler) West, q. v. iv. Caroline, b. July 29, 1814; m. April 25, 1836, Caleb S. Patterson, son of John and Susan (Starbird) Patterson, /. v. 13. v. Henry, b. April 24, 1817; m. Nov. 30, 1848, Abigail M. Remick, dau. of Francis and Mary (Boardman) Remick, q. v. vi. Susan B., b. April 21, 1820; m. Jan. 18, 1843, J onn Holley, son of fohn and Eliza (Hoi way) Holley, of Farmington. Four children. 'Family Record. Dec. 4, New Vineyard Town Records. 724 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. i 1. vii. George, b. April 26, 1823; m. June 3, [847, Mar) S. Holley, dau. of lolui and Eliza I Holway) Holley, of Farmington. 15. viii. Peter West, b. April 29, 1826; m. Sept. 18, 1S52. Sarah F. Bixby (b. May 21, 1833), dau. of Simon and Deborah N. (Flint) Bixby, oi Anson. 16. ix. Wakren Norton, b. Aug. 26, 1829; m. (pub. March 14, 185 1), Cath- erine II. Heald, dau. of Ephraim Heald, of Anson. 4. Zebulon Manter, sou of James and Man (Butler) Manter, married Rebecca Norton. Lived with his father-in-law, Abner Norton, for a number of years, but eventually settled on the homestead. He moved to Palmyra in 1854. and died May 23, i860, aged 76 years. 8 months, 29 days. His wife died March 12, i860. Children. 17. i. Benjamin, b. Oct. 19, 1809; m. May 10, 1831, Lucy II. Gould, of New Portland. 18. ii. Asa Merry, b. Aug. 22, 1811; m. Maria II. Gould. i<). iii. ZEBi LON, Ii. July lis. 1813; m. July 2, 1844, Mary Manter, dau. of Elijah and Betsey (Small) Manter, q. v. iv. Hannah ( '., b. March 18, 1815; m. Nov. 4. 1834, Josiah Emery, sun of Ira and Sarah (Stanley) Emery, q. v. v. Ai;m 1 Norton, b. Aug. 27, 181 7; d. Aug. 29, 1817. vi. [OHN A., 1). Jan. 29, 1819; d. March 22, 1819. vii. Annis C, b. March 21, 1820; m. fpub. March 17, 1845), Dr. William < ole Staples, of Farmington. He settled in Industry after his mar- riage, but left town for California, Sept. 20, 1851. He d. in that State the following year. She d. in Newport, Me., April 27, 1872. viii. John Claghorn, b. April 13, 1S22; m. (pub. March 28, 1845), Martha Louisa Goodwin, dau. of Reuel and Harriet (Goodwin) Goodwin, q. v. Merchant and farmer. Died in Missouri, Jan. 27, 1859. She d. May 14, 1872, leaving three children. ix. Edward, b. June 27, 1824; d. Aug. 20, 1S24. x. Rebecca, b. Oct. 31, 1825; m. Dec. 22, 1845, George Cornforth, son of William and Lydia (Cates) Cornforth, q. v. He d. May 22, 1S66, and she subsequently m. in 1868, Capt. Joseph Chase, of Newport, Me. He d. Feb. 2, 1875. She d. about 1890. xi. Caroline E., b. Dec. 9, 1829; d. Aug. 20, 1832. xii. PHILURA S., b. Feb. 27, 1829; resides at Cape Elizabeth, unmd. xiii. Elizabi iii Caroline, b. Nov. 21, 1832; d. in Industry, July 5, 1854. 5. James Manter, son of James and Mary (Butler) Manter, mar- ried Susanna Sawyer. He learned the blacksmith trade of his brother- in-law, Benjamin Hilton, and spent nearly the whole of his subsequent life in Anson, engaged in blacksmithing, lumbering, and fanning. He died Oct. 4, 1845. aged 59 years, 4 months, 16 days. His wife was born in Stark, Nov. 26, 1789, and died in Anson. Jan. 19, 1865. ( Ihildren. i. LUKE SAWYER, b. May 2, 1810; m. Abigail Norris. His wife d. and he married for second wife, Amy A. Norton, relict of Benjamin Warren Norton, q. v. Nine children by first marriage. ii. GkORGI ' . b. Dec. 19, 181 1; d. March 15, 1813. iii. GOFJF M IE, b. Aug. 24, 1813; m. Abilene Colman. lied. Fel'. 21, [886. Ten children. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 725 iv. Am, 1. link, 1). Jan. 13, 1815; d. Nov. 8, 1816. v. Betsey, b. Jan. 4, 1818; m. Nov. 27, 1838, Columbus Steward (b. in Anson, July 15, 1815), son of Daniel ami ( tlive (Patten) Steward. Merchant in Anson. Three children. vi. Benjamin, b. Feb. 12, [820; m. (Jet. 19, 1852, Emily Frances Snell, dau. of Joshua and Susan (Moore) Snell, of Anson. Two children; only one living, vii. James II., b. Feb. 10, 1822. Farmer. viii. Susan Sawyer, b. Dec. 29, 1S23; m. Dec. 6, 1842, George A. Fletcher (b. in Anson, Dec. 4, 1817), son of Joel and Abigail (Dinsmore) Fletcher, of Anson. Merchant. Two children. i.\. Mary, b. June 16, 1825; d. Nov. 8, 1830. x. Con mbi s Sawyer, b. Jan. 31, 1829; m. Sept. 2, 1855, Korea Churchill, dau. of Tobias and Irena (Walton) Churchill. Resides in Anson. Cabinet-maker and joiner. One son: Clarence, b. Nov. 1, 1865. xi. Helen C, b. Nov. 23, 1833; d. June 23, 1S52. 6. Elijah Manter, son of James and Mary (Butler) Manter, mar- ried Betsey Small. His wife died May 21, 1840, aged 48 years. He married for second wife in 1843, Mrs. Sally Norton, relict of Benjamin C. Norton, q. v. He died of paralysis, in Newport, Me., April 1, 1868, aged 78 years. Children. J. Aphia Atkins. !.. in 1 8 1 5 ; m. April 30, 1836, Eben G. Trask, son of David S. and Mary (Davis) Trask, q. v. Converted in October, 1831, and joined the Baptist Church. Died Feb. 24, 1837. ii. Mary, b. Oct. 18, [816; m. July 2, [844, Zebulon Manter, son of Zebulon and Rebecca (Norton) Manter, q. v. iii. Martha I'.., 1 b. in 1819; Martha B. d. March 10, 1839, unmd. Bet- iv. Betsey Small, j sey S. m. Dee. 27, 1854, Samuel Shaw, son of Samuel and Ruth (Gilman) Shaw, q. v. v. John Wells, b. April 10, 1821;* m. Dec. 1, 1S46, Martha A. Luce, dau. of David and Marcia (Ballard-Chapman) Luce, q. v. Mr. Manter was for many years an extensive dealer in sheep, wool and neat stock. He inherited the homestead on which he lived for many years. He was a member of the board of selectmen in 1857 and 1859. He sold his farm to Moses Perley and moved to Iowa. Children: i. Willie A., b. in Industry, Dec. 2^, 1S52; d. in Canada West, July 17, 1868. ii. , son, 1). in Industry, Sept. 10, 1861. vi. James II., b. in 1822, d. Sept. 29,1842. vii. Elijah, b. Aug. 26, 1S24; m. Oct. 23, 185S, Amanda E. Luce, dau. of David and Marcia (Ballard-Chapman) Luce, q. v. Mr. Manter for a time was a resident on the homestead with his brother John W. He was a prominent educator and frequently served as superintending school committee in Industry. He d. in Boston, Sept. 3, 1887, aged 61 years and 8 days.f *This date was furnished the author by Mr. Manter himself. The Industry militia rolls for 1S64 have \he year of his birth iS20. f Headstone. The author learns from members of the family that Elijah Manter, Jr., ami his cousin Charles Luce Manter were both born on the same day. There is no record of births in Capt. Elijah Manter's family, but the old family Bible shows that Charles L. was born Aug. 26, 1824. This would have made Elijah, Jr., 6; years and S days old at the time of his death. 91 J 2 6 HISTORY OF fNDUSTRY. viii. Charles S.,b. in 1827; d. February, [835. ix. Lucretia T., b. in 1830; d. May 23, 1843. x. I \mi \ dead. xi. Celestia Evelyne, m. Harvey Greeley, of Foxcroft. Shed. 1869. 7. Hiram Manter, son of Benjamin and Abigail (West) Manter. married lane Atkinson. When he became of age, he settled on a lot of land his father bought of John Spencer. Mr. Manter was naturally skill- ful in the use of carpenter's tools, and adopted the trade as a means of earning a livelihood for a time. He spent the larger part of his life in farming, however. He was a devout christian, and a deacon of the Congregational Church in Industry. He has served in various town offices, such as selectman, town treasurer, and has twice been in the State Legislature. He was a stanch friend of the temperance cause and a prominent member of the first division Sons of Temperance organized at West's Mills. He died, respected by a wide circle of friends. Jan. 30, 1882, aged 82 years, 6 months and 8 days. Mrs. Manter was a woman of exemplary piety, an affectionate wife, kind mother, and a neighbor universally loved and respected. She died May — , 1880. Children. i. John THOMPSON, b. Aug. 4, 1 S33 ; went to California, where he subse- quently married and is now extensively engaged in sheep husbandry. Resides in Delano, Kerne Co., California. ii. James ATKINSON, b. Feb. 23, 1S37 ; went to California. Is a jeweler in ( iridley, California. iii. Adelaide Augusta, b. April 4, 1841; m. June 1, 1886, Joseph Elder, son of Isaac and Sarah (Daggett) Elder, q. v. Resides on the home- stead near West's Mills, in Industry. iv. HlRAM LORIN, b. June 18, 1849; went to California, where he now resides. 8. James Manter, son of Benjamin and Abigail (West) Manter, married Maria Norton, farmer; died in Mercer, March 28, 1882. aged 7. S years and 6 months. His wife died in Stark, Nov. 8, 1864, aged 59 years, 7 months. Children. i. Benjamin Franklin, b. in Industry, Nov. 5, 1827; m. June 19, 1851, Arilla I'. Cornforth (b. July 1, 1832), dau. of Roberson and Rosetta (Young) Cornforth, of Waterville. She d. in Stark, of typhoid fever, ( let. iS, 1864. He married for second wife, Cornforth, dau. of Roberson and Melinda ( Hussey) Cornforth, of Waterville. Farmer; has resided in Anson, Stark and Milo. < hildren : i. Helen Eugenie, b. in Anson, Dec 6, 1856; m. Charles Dearborn. ii. ESTELLE, b. in Stark. Feb. 7, i860; matron in the Dickenson Hospital, Northampton, Mass. iii. Frank Ellsworth, b. in Stark, June 5, 1861; d. Oct. 16, 1SS5. iv. ANSEL W., b. in Stark, Oct. II, 1864; d. Oct. 12, 1864. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 727 Children by second wife. v. Edwin, b. in Milo, Aug. 21, 1869; d. young. vi. Ralph Barton, b. in Milo, Aug. 29, 1873. vii. Bernard, l>. in Milo, Aug. 31, 1 S75 ; d. July 10, 1876. Harriet Maria, b. in Industry, April 5, 1831; m. Nov. 2, 1853, Birks ( lornforth, son of Roberson and Rosetta (Young) Cornforth. She d. in San Mahonie, Penn., Aug. — , 1844. Two children. HlRAM, b. in Industry, April 3, 1836; m. March 12, 1862, Frances H. Weymouth (b. in Carrol, Me., Aug. 11, 1843), c l au - °f Mark G. and Lydia (Wiggins) Weymouth, of Lakeville, Me. Farmer; resides in Fort Fairfield, s. p. James Murry, b. in Industry, July — , 1838; d. Dec. 9, 1838. Charles, b. in Industry, April 6, 1843; resides in California. Amy Allen, b. in Industry, ( >ct. 8, 1849; m - Rollins Morse Resided in California. She d. leaving three children. g. Daniel Hilton married Eliza Manter. Mason and shoemaker. After his marriage he resided in Solon, Stark, and Anson, but settled at West's Mills in 1845. Died Jan. 7, 1873, aged 67 years, 5 months and 12 days. His widow died of pneumonia, March 19, 1885, aged 79 years and 10 days. Children. i. Evelyn Leadetter, b. in Solon, Feb. 29, 1832; m. May 19, 1852, John S. Fassett. Farmer. Resided for many years on the farm now owned by Charles S. Rackliff. Now resides in Xew Vineyard. Children, ii. Amy Norton, b. in Stark, Feb. 18, 1834; m. Aug. 19, 1855, Newell P. Luce, son of David and Marcia ( Mallard-Chapman) Luce, q. v. iii. Abigail Manter, b. in Anson, June 19, 1837; m - Aug. 12, i860, Aholiab McLaughlin, son of Hiram and Mary A. (Wilson) McLaughlin, of Stark. Farmer. He was b. Oct. I, 1832, and d. in Stark. She- resides in Minneapolis, Minn. Children : i. Emma, b. June 27, 1S61; m. March 20, 18S1, Orrin Cross- man, of Minneapolis. Two children, ii. Mary, b. Dec. 22, 1862; m. Aug. 30, 1883, Edward Wilcox, of Minneapolis, iii. Ellen, b. Aug. 2, 1865. iv. ALICE, b. Oct. 29, 1867; d. in Lowell, Mass., Oct. 5, 1876. v. Frank, b. Aug. 5, 1872; d. in Lowell, Mass., Sept. 30, 1876. iv. Mary Manter, b. in Anson, June 6, 1840; m. Jan. 29, 1866, George Luce, son of Joseph and Dorcas (Cutts) Luce, q. v. v. Martha H., b. in Anson, Jan. 2, 1843; m. Charles Norton, son of David M. and Caroline (Smith) Norton, q. v. vi. George Washington, b. in Industry, Jan. 4, 1846; unmd.; resides in one of the Western States, vii. Charles Manter, b. in Industry, Aug. 30, 1850; m. Feb. 15, 1880, H. Augusta Hilton, dau. of Vernon and Fannie ( ) Oilman, of Anson. Merchant and harness-maker. Has been postmaster, selectman, town clerk and treasurer. Five children. Resides at West's Mills. 10. Elijah Manter, son of Benjamin and Abigail (West) Manter, married Irene C. Shaw. Dec. 10, 1834, Mr. Manter bought of Alexan- der Maxwell a farm in Anson, on which he lived for many years, and J2S HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. greatly enlarged by the purchase of adjoining lands. Sold to Hiram Look about 1881. Now resides in Industry, near Anson line. Children. i. Benjamin, b. Sept. 27, [836; m. July 28, i860, Augusta Caldwell (b. in Vnson, Feb. 7, 1S40), dau. of Dr. Francis and Rachel (Frost) Cald- well, of New Portland. Children: i. Joseph II., b. July 3, 1861. ii. Carlton ("., b. Dec. 13, 1872. iii. Clara Ella, b. Feb. 17, 1883. ii. Edward Payson, b. Sept. 25, 1838; married and resides in California. Three children. iii. VIRGINIA I .. b. Ma) 6, 1846; m. Warren Houghton, sun of Jonah and Charlotte (Williams) Houghton, of Anson. One son. iv. Ann V., b. April 20, 1850; m. Sept. i, 1S70. John Remick.son of Samuel and ( >live (Norton) Remick.* v. Aha M.. b. Nov. 20, 1853; 111. May, 1883, John E. Weston, son of Ben- jamin and (Jewett) Weston, of Madison. Resides in Starks. Two children. vi. Ruth S., b. Dec. 14, 1S56. 11. William West Manter, son of Henry and Mary (West) Man- ter, married Betsey W. Norton. Settled in Industry. Built the bri< k dwelling-house at West's Mills, and afterward resided in Anson. His wife died in Mercer, March 7. 1890. He died in Mercer, March 28, 1 So 1, aged 85 years. Children. i. Maria, b. in Industry, Nov. 7, 1829; m. John B. Drew, son of Elisha and Lucretia (Burce) Drew. She d. July 14, 1881. three children. ii. Nancy Norton, b. in Industry, Nov. 25, 1831; m. Nov. 6, 1856, Caleb Wade Gilmore, son of James and Rachel (Wade) Gilmore, q. v. iii. ANNA, b. in Industry, Aug. 28, 1833; m. William Waite. She d. Sept. 15, 1855. He d. Nov. 6, 1892. Two children. iv. MARY, b. in Industry, March 6, [836; d. April 22, 1857. v. William Henry, b. in Anson. March 31, 1842; m. Jennie Stilson. Farmer. Resides in New Sharon. Two children, vi. George Edwin, b. in Anson, Sept. 4, 1846; d. Jan. 30, 1865. vii. ALBINA GRAY, b. in Anson, April 13, 1850; m Charles A. Witham. He d. Aug. 17, 1885, s. p. \ iii. Mary Anna, b. in Anson, Feb. 17, 1855; m. Rufus S. Leeman, son oi lolm and Betsej (Stover Leeman, of Stark, fanner. Resides in Mejrcer, .f. /. 12. John West Manter, son of Henry and Mar) (West) Manter, married Hannah ('. West. Mr. Manter was in trade at West's Mills and was also postmaster. Moved to New Sharon, where he resided for fourteen years, holding during that time various town offices ; and was also deputy sheriff. He afterward resided in Farmington, Mt. Vernon, and at Kent's Hill, where he was postmaster tor six years. Sold his business at Kent's Hill in 1875, and went into trade at Readfield Comer. See record of Elijah Norton in this volume. GEORGE MANTER. Engraved by Photo I ngraving Co., Ne v \ 01 GENEALOGICAL NOTES. /2Q After his death, his sons, George W. and Melville \\\, assumed control of the business, and now enjoy a generous patronage. He died in Read- field, June 29, 1878. She resides in Readfield. Children. i. Jri.n 1 W., b. in Industry, Dec. 3, 1 845 ; graduated at the Maine Wes- Ieyan Seminary and Female College, and subsequently engaged in teaching. She d. of pneumonia in Chicago, whither she had gone to accept a position in the public schools, March 1, [869. ii. GEORGE W., b. Dec. 3, 1849; merchant in Readfield. iii. II. Ellen, b. July 20, 1856; d. in New Sharon, April, 1859.. iv. John W., I>. April 3, 1858; married and has three children. v. Melville W., b. May 12, 1861 ; merchant. 13. Henry Manter, son of Henry and Mary (West) Manter, mar- ried Abigail M. Remick. Mr. Manter is a successful farmer and resided in Stark for some years prior to 1863. Sold to Moses Bradbury, and moved to Farmington. Children. i. Wellington II., b. Feb. 21, 18^4. ii. George B., b. Aug. 12, 1864. 14. George Manter, son of Henry and Mary (West) Manter, married Mary S. Holley. After his marriage he engaged in farming and spent the larger part of his life in Farmington and Industry. He settled first in Farmington, where he lived until the spring of 1S60, when he returned to Industry and settled at West's Mills, where he lived for many years. Both he and his wife were hardworking people, and suc- ceeded in accumulating a handsome competency. They were respected members of the Methodist Church and Mr. Manter frequently filled responsible positions in the church, such as trustee, steward, super- intendent of Sunday-school, etc. He was chairman of board of select- men in 1866 and 1868, and several times thereafter a member of the board. He removed to Farmington about 1870, and there his first wife died June 1, 1875. He subsequently, Nov 19, 1876, married Martha D. York, daughter of Roland S. and Sarah B. (Wellman) York. He returned to Industry in the spring of 1880, and died after a brief illness, March 5, 1S85. His widow resides at West Farmington. Children. i. Mary Ki i/.\. b. April, 1848; m. Alanson Caleb Bruce (b. in Newark, Yt., June 28, 1847), son °f Hollis and Matilda (Allen) Bruce. Mr. Bruce has been extensively engaged in lumbering in Wisconsin. Now resides in Minneapolis, Minn. Two children, one of whom died young, ii. Rose E., b. April, 1856; d. young. Children by second marriage. iii. ANNIE York, b. in Farmington, Sept. 12. 1876. 730 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iv. [ennie, b. in Farmington, March 15, 1S81. v. GEORGE II., b. in Industry, Aug. 29, 1881. 15. Peter West Manter, son of Henry and Mary (West) Manter, married Sarah F. Bixby. Farmer; lie died in Farmington, Me.. June [3, [880. His widow subsequently married George Gower, q. v. Children. i. Thomas Flint, b. in Stark. Me., April 30, 1854. He is a watchmaker and jeweler, no (892 in trade at Madison, Me. ii. Llewellyn Bixby, b. in Industry, Aug. 3, 1S55 ; went to California when a young man; m. Addie M. Robinson, of Garden Grove, Cal., in 1886. Resides in Pasadena, California, iii. SUSIE HOLLEY, b. in Industry, Jan. 21, 1S5S: d. in Anson, Dec. 18, 1863. iv. JOHN SHERMAN, b. in Industry, Aug. 3, 1S60; m. July I, 1S8S, Susie W. Snow, of South Braintree, Mass. v. Clara Bixby, b. in Anson, Aug. 8, 1861; m. vi. , b. in Farmington, Sept. 26, 1864; d. July 28, 1865. vii. WILLIAM West, b. in Farmington, Sept. 12, 1866. viii. FRED AUGUSTUS, b. in Farmington, Jan. 17. 1868. ix. Sae Frances, b. in Farmington, Aug. 16, 1870; m. Aug. 24, 1891, James H. Campbell, of Los Angeles, California, x. FLORA ELECTA, b. in Farmington, July 16, 1873; m. Nov. 19, 1891, George E. Knapp, of Farmington, Me. He d. from the effects of a railroad accident in 1892. 16. Warren Norton Manter, son of Henry and Mary (West) Manter. married Catherine H. Heald. Merchant in Norridgewock. Now on a milk-farm in Oakland, Cal. Children. i. 1 1 ENRY A., (lead. ii. Etta II., m. John B. Greenleaf, son of Cyrus M. and Myra (Chapman) Greenleaf, of Stark. iii. Charles, dead. iv. Frank, dead. v. Fred, dead. vi. J. Adams, dead. vii. Edwin. 1 ,. , , ' Dau. d. young. vni. , dau. j J ° ix. M \ ;■■ 17. Benjamin Manter, son of Zebulon and Rebecca (Norton) Man- ter. married Lucy H. Gould. Farmer; resided in Stark. Anson, Indus- try, and afterward in Parkman. Died in Chaska, Minn., Oct. 30, 1870, aged 61 years, 11 days. His widow was living in Parkman in 1885. Children. i. Maria ()., 1). in Stark, April 22, 1832; m. June 1, 1853, Joseph Bunker, ol Athens. ii. Rebeo \ V, b. in Anson, March 22, 1835; d. in Parkman, March 27, 1 854, unmd. iii. LYDIA G., 1>. in Anson, June 2, 1837; m. Charles Smart, of Parkman. iv. I.i CI 1 am . b. in Anson, May 26, 1839; m. Dec. 16, 1863, William Rob- bins, of Parkman. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 73 I v. Zebulon Gould, b. in Industry, April 3, 1S41 ; m. Sept. 29, 1867, Lovica Packard, of Guilford. vi. Mary E., b. in Parkman, June 14, 1845; m. Jan. r, 1X64, Marcus M. Loring. vii. Benjamin A., b. in Parkman, April 2, 1X45; m. March 23, 1S70, olive Todd. viii. (amis II., I), at Parkman, Feb. 3, 1X47; in. April 20, 1872, Myrtie Rol- lins. ix. Eva I-'.., 1>. in Parkman, July 11, 1851; m. Jan. 1, 1S70, Melville fewett. 18. Asa Merry Manter, son of Zebulon and Rebecca (Norton) Manter, married Maria H. Gould, who died Dec. 28, 1833, aged 19 years, n months. He subsequently married, Nov. 26, 1835, Clara Ann Emery, daughter of Dea. Ira and Sarah (Stanley) Emery, q. v. Resides, if living, in Lawrence, Kans. Children. i. Edward, b. June 5, 1837. ii. Hannibal, b. Dec. 3, 1841. iii. Addison, b. July 14, 1844. iv. Clara Maria, b. Jan. 20, 1850. 19. Zebulon Manter, son of Zebulon and Rebecca (Norton) Man- ter. married Mary Manter. When a young man he made a profession of religion and united with the Methodist Church at West's Mills. Hav- ing pursued a preparatory course of study, he was licensed to preach by the Methodist Quarterly Conference, and in 1841 was stationed on the Palmyra circuit, in Somerset County. The next year he labored in Anson, and in 1843 he was stationed at Sidney. He was sent to Indus- try circuit in 1844. and located the following year. He married, July 2, 1S44, Mary, daughter of Capt. Elijah and Betsey (Small) Manter. Soon after locating, his connection with the Methodist Church was severed (seep. 132), and he subsequently united with the Christian Band, of which denomination he became an able and efficient preacher. After locating, Mr. Manter remained in Industry some ten years. He was engaged in tanning a part of the time, and was joint owner of the grist- mill with his brother, Asa M. Manter, for a period of over six years. In 1855, or early in 1856, he removed to Palmyra, and from thence to the town of Albion, where he remained several years. His next field of labor was Newport, Me., in which town and vicinity he preached for a period of nearly eighteen years. In 1872 he removed to Rockland, R. I., where he preached three years. While there his health became so impaired that he could preach only a part of the time, and after spend- ing a year in Connecticut, he returned to Maine, and settled in Cape Elizabeth. Here he lived up to the time of his death, which occurred Dec. 1 1, 1887. Of him, his son, Zebulon C. Manter, writes : " His life 732 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. although attended by much bodily suffering, was a happy and useful one, and his death peaceful and triumphant." His wile was living in 1889 at the advanced age of 72 years. Children. i. K\ ERAKD, 1). in Industry, July 2, 1845; d. at the age of live weeks, ii. Charles Everard, b. in [ndustry, May 22, 1847; m Sept. 25, 1872, Melissa Maria (b. Jan. 25, 1850 [oratio Nelson and Augusta Frost (Soule) Tedford, of Freeport. Salesman. They reside in Port- land. Their son : I \\i 1 3 F.\ i.k \RD, was 1). < >et. 23, 1875. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. in Industry, May 20, 1850; m. Jan. 9, 1876, Charles K. Clarke, M. D., of Fiskeville, R. 1. Their children are: i. Daniel Allen, 1>. April 19, 1878. ii. Mary Manter, b. Feb. 25, [881, iv. Zebulon Crosby, 1>. in Albion, Sept. 15, 1853; m. Dee. 13, 1SS2, Lucre- tia Agnes Nelson | b. at ('ape Elizabeth, June 3, 1857 1, dau. of Niles and Mary Ann Marr: Nelson, of (ape Elizabeth. He resides in < ape Elizabeth. v. fOHN, I), in Palmyra, Jan. 6, 1859; m. April 30, 1883, Fannie Julia, dau. of Benjamin F. and Julia (Trundy) Henley, of (ape Elizabeth. He is a minister of the gospel and resides ( 1891 ) in Milton. N. 11 Their child: Marion Edna, was 1>. in Lewiston, April 9, 1889. MARSHALL. fOHN Marshall (born Aug. 4. 175'') came to Industry from Lewis- ton in 1800, and was probably the second settler on the farm now owned b) David W. Merry. Samuel Brown having been the first. He was a carpenter by trade, and had wife Sally (born Dec. 13, 1757.) His sons. John and Samuel, took up lot No. 31, lying south of their father's. They had all left town prior to May 20. [812. According to Esq. Wm. Allen, one of Mr. Marshall's sons became colonel of a regiment, and Alfred rose to the rank of Brigadier General, and became a member ot ( longress. Children. i. Hannah, Ii. Dec. id. 1781 ; ii. John, b. Feb. 28, 1 785. iii. Sami EL, b. June 1, 1 787. iv. Daniel, b. Nov. 13, 1790. v. Isaai . Ii. March 31, 1 794. vi. Alfred, 1>. April 18, 1 797. \ ii. SALLY, l>. March 23, 1 799. MASON. The Masons. Daltons and Moultons were Normans, or Norsemen. and came to England in A. I). 1066. with William the Conqueror. They were of the nobility, and marriages frequently occurred between GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 735 the three families, thus inseparably linking them together. Sir John Mason was private and confidential councilor during the reign of four monarchs, namely : Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth. He was a bachelor and an uncle to Capt. John Mason, who was the presi- dent of the Plymouth Council of forty knights and gentlemen, and who received a grant of land in 1622 (see p. 26) from said council, embrac- ing the lands of New Hampshire and a portion of Maine. Samuel Mason, son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Dalton) Mason, was born in Tamworth, N. H., April 30, 1773. His wife was Judith Clark, born in Greenfield, N. H., May 18, 1770. On the 12th day of June, 1807, he purchased of Francis Cabot Lowell one hundred and sixteen acres of land, it being a portion of lot No. 22 of the Lowell, or Mile-and-a- half Strip. Here he cleared land, built a house and made a good farm, which he sold to Joseph Eveleth July 9, T812. Mr. Mason possessed a good education, and frequently taught school while a resident of Indus- try. He was an active and consistent member of the Congregational Church, as well as a prominent citizen in town affairs. He was town clerk in 181 1, and a member of the board of selectmen when he left town in 181 2. On leaving Industry, he returned to Tamworth, but sub- sequently came back, and settled in New Sharon, where he died Aug. 30, 1858. His wife died Oct. 24, 1846. Children. i. SuPHRONlA, b. in Tamworth, N. H., Jan. 5, 1S00. She was a successful school teacher and taught several terms in Industry, about 1819; m. (pub. Feb. 12, 1S22), Joshua M. Hopkins, of New Sharon, ii. Joanna Knight, b. in Tamworth, X. II., Nov. 4, 1S01. iii. Harriet, b. in Tamworth, N. H., May 23, 1804; m. (pub. March 15, 1828), Myrick Hopkins, of New Sharon, iv. Mary, b. in Industry, Sept. 23, 1807. v. Abigail Douce, b. in Industry, March 26, 1809; m. Myrick Hopkins for second wife, and in 1885 resided in (iardiner. Me. vi. Samuel, b. Feb. 11, 1813; d. in infancy. Moses Mason, an early settler in Industry, was a son of James Mason. He was born in Hampton, N. H., and his parents removed to Tam- worth, among the early immigrants to that town, when he was a small boy. There were five children, one son and four daughters, viz., Moses, above named, Mrs. Ballard, the mother of David Luce's wife, Eunice, who married Rowland Luce, Susan (?), who married a Sanborn, and Polly, who married Oilman Hilton. Moses settled in Industry soon after Wil- 92 734 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. liam Remick and others from Tamworth. He occupied a small lot of land near Esq. Daniel Shaw's. He was always in delicate health and died prior to 1819. He married a Mudgett. Died about 1826. Children. v i. James, m. ii. Jacob, moved to Augusta. iii. Nancy, m. William Tobey. i\. El NICE. v. Abner, m. (pub. Feb. .;. 1826), Love Paine. MEADER. Francis Meader, born March 11,1 744, was the first of the name who settled in Industry. Esq. Wm. Allen says : " Mr. Meader was from Nan- tucket, a carpenter, a Revolutionary soldier, and a pensioner when he died." Mr. Meader was undoubtedly of Nantucket origin, but probably settled in Edgartown, Mass., prior to his marriage. He was known to be living there in January, 17S1, and also at the time of taking the first U. S. census, in 1 790. He settled on lot No. 24, on the Plymouth Pat- ent, about 1807, and died with his son in-law, James Eveleth, in 1831. His wife, Mary Holley, was born May 24, 1751. and died July 25, 1832. Children. i. John, l>. about 1772. ii. FRANCIS*, b. about 1774; was in Industry, April S, 1809, when he regis- tered with the town clerk his mark fur sheep. iii. Christopher Pease, b. about 1776. iv. Joseph, b. about 1779. v. Anna, m. Jan. 17, 1799, Levi Norton, son of Ansel and Deborah (Vin- son ) Norton, q. v. vi. HENRY, m. March 11, 1S11, Sally Young, of Stark. Was living in town in 1 Si 5. Lost at sea. 1. vii. William, b. Feb. 1, 1785; m. (pub. March 11, 1803), Celia Luce, dau. of Solomon and Martha (Tilton) Luce, of New Vineyard. viii. fUDlTH, b. March 15, 1792; m. March 15, 1S10, James Eveleth, son of James and Betsey (Williams) Eveleth, . in Stark, Dec. 10, 1809; m. (pub. Dec. 31, 1S33), Abi Coburn, dau. of Jeptha and Abi (Coburn) Coburn, of New Sharon. Died at Allen's Mills, leaving three children, iv. Cordelia, b. Feb. 5, 1S12. v. ALPHEUS, b. Sept. 25, 1815; in. Abbie Phillips. She d. in Lowell, Mass., and he moved to Indiana in 1848, where he d. soon afterward, leaving live children. vi. •, d. in infancy. vii. , d. in infancy. Children by third marriage. viii. Sylvia Landers, b. Feb. 17, 1825; m. Williams. Resided in Port Byron, 111., in 1868. ix. William Henry, b. July 4, 1826. Resided in Port Byron, 111., in 1868. x. GuiLDEROY, b. March 4, 1828. Went away from his home during the War of the Rebellion. Has not been heard from since. xi. Cari >LINE F.. m. Bowes. Was living at Prairie Centre, 111., in 1868. xii. Josephine B., m. Wallace. Resided in Troy Grove, La Salle Co., Ill, in 1S68. xiii. Emei.ine A., m. Ross. Resided at Dwight, 111., in 1868. xiv. TAMAR C. Resided at Ottawa, 111., unmd., in 1868. xv. Solomon Luck. Resided in Hampton, 111., in 1868. There may have been other children, as Mr. Meader is claimed to have been the father of seventeen children by his two marriages. 2. Francis Meader, son of William and Celia (Luce) Meader, mar- ried Nancy Willard. When a young man, Mr. Meader learned the blacksmith's trade, serving his apprenticeship with Mark Trafton. He subsequently opened a shop at Allen's Mills, and there he plied his trade as long as he was able to work. Of a studious disposition, he embraced every opportunity for the improvement of his mind. He represented his town and district in the State Legislature in 1838, and was a member of the board of selectmen in 1842. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, a performer on several different musical instruments, and a fine singer.f He died in Industry, April 4, 1846, aged 42 years. His widow removed to Indiana with her children, and died in Fowler, Benton Co., in 1876. * Stark Town Records. This makes him one year older than does his headstone. fThe Meaders were all natural musicians and some of them excelled in this direction. They frequently belonged to musical societies both here and in the West. In this branch of the family there have been eight blacksmiths. Those who went West are in good circumstances financially. ■jlG HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Children. 4. i. CELIA, b. in Industry, Nov. 5, 1825; in. at ( ireat Kails, \. IF, April 3, [853, John Tilton. ii. Emj LINE, b. in [ndustry, Nov. 5, 1825; m. Charles C. Butterfield, sun of John C. Butterfield. She d. in Prairie Centre, 111., Dec. 15, [883. < >ne sun, Howard, m. Etta Kellogg, and resides in Prairie Centre. 5. iii. Chakles, Ii. in Industry, April 28, 1827; m. Nov. 5, 1S54, Elvira S. Em- ery, dau. of Ira ami Sarah (Stanley) Emery, q. v. iv. M \ki 11 \, b. in Industry, May 9, 1829; m. Dr. Amos A. Mann. I tied in Skowhegan, July 7, 18S0. Three daughters. 6. v. GEORGE, 1>. in Industry, March 7, 1831; m. Hepsey Rogers ( b. in Somer- set Co., Me., Sept.' 18, 1842), dau. of Jeremy W. and Sarah (Davis) Rogers. 7. vi. PHILURA LUCE, b. in Industry, Feb. 13, 1S34; in. Jan. 2, 1856, Jacob R. Prince (b. in Cumberland, Me.) vii. JOHN, b. in Industry, May 3, 1838; m., and d. in Los Angeles Co., Cal., |une 28, 1SS2. viii. REUBEN F., b. in Industry. March 14, 1S42. Married and resides in Bradford. 3. John Wesley Meader, son of William and Celia (Luce) Meatier, married Abi Coburn. Like his brother Francis, he was by trade a black- smith. He resided in Stark, but moved to New Sharon prior to his marriage. He died in New Sharon, March 31, 1839. His wife was born in New Sharon, Feb. 4, 1.809, an( l died in the same town. May — , 1844. Children, i. Darics COBURN, b. in New Sharon, July 4, 1S34; m. Mrs. Caroline F. Perkins. Resides in Oakland, Me., s. p. ii. MEHITABLE HlNKLEY, 1). in New Sharon, Sept. 26, 1836; m. first, Josiah Collins; went to Australia and never returned. Married sec- ond, Robert Whitney. She d. in Augusta, Sept. 30, 1872. iii. Mary Wesley, b. in New Sharon, ( >ct. 21, 1838; m. Feb. 20, 1869, Au- gustus F. ( (liver, son of Stacy and Permelia (Fish 1 I Hiver, of Industry. Mr. ( tliver is a carpenter and resides in Madison, Me. Children : i. Joseph YVarkkn, b. in Industry, Jan. 31, 1870; m. June 11, 1892, Lizzie A. Fish, of Madison, ii. Benjamin Franklin, b. in Industry, Jan. 25, 1872. iii. Henry Thomas, b. in Stark, May 2b, 1874. iv. STACY, b. in Industry, April id, [876. 4. John Tilton, married Celia Meader. They lived at Great Falls, N. H., till November; 1859, when they removed to Nashua, where they have since resided. Mr. Tilton was a native of Sandwich, Carroll Co., N. H. He was brought tip as a farmer's son and received such educational advantages as the schools of his native town afforded. When seventeen years of age he engaged in the manufacture of cotton goods and continued in the business until he was twenty-six. He sub- sequently engaged in mercantile pursuits, which he still follows. I lis wife was a consistent and worthy member of the M. E. Church, having professed religion early in life. She died in Nashua, N. H., Sept. 15, GENEALOGICAL NOTES. J^J 1883. Mr. Tilton has held numerous offices of profit and trust, and has been three times a representative in the State Legislature. Children. i. FKANK HERBERT, 1>. at Great Falls, July 2, 1856; graduated from the Nashua High School in the classical course; studied medicine in New York City and graduated from the Medical Department of the Uni- versity of Vermont, at Burlington, and is now a practicing physician. lie m. Fannie Prescott Small and has two children. ii. ( )SMAN Baker, b. at Great Falls, Oct. 8, 185S; also a graduate of Nashua High School. Took a special course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is now superintendent of Nashua Manufacturing Company. He m. Alice J. Shattuck, of Pepperell, Mass. iii. John LlTTLEFIELD, b. in Nashua, Jan. 11, 1863; graduated from the High School of his native city, and afterwards from Middletown Uni- versity, and is now principal of the High School at Niantic, Conn. 5. Charles Mkader, son of Francis and Nancy (Willard) Meader, married Elvira S. Emery. At the age of sixteen years, Mr. Meader found himself obliged to take sole charge of his father's blacksmith shop, and do what he could toward the support of a family of ten, in conse- quence of the severe illness of his father. Two years later his father died and his hopes of obtaining a liberal education were forever blasted, though by working early and late he was able to attend an occasional term of high school until he was twenty-three. Mr. Meader went to Illinois in the spring of 1852, and engaged in blacksmithing in Aroma, Kankakee Co. He subsequently resided in Iowa, and at present resides in Fowler, Benton Co., Indiana, where he owns a fine farm of nearly 300 acres. His corn crop in 1S90 was 6,000 bushels. His wife died at Fowler, Ind., Aug. 16, 1888, aged 54 years and ii days. Children. i. , dau., b. in Aroma, 111., Sept. 2, 1856; d. Oct. 9, 1856. ii. Herman Francis, b. in Aroma, 111., March 17, 1858; d. June 27, i860, iii. Charles Edwin, b. in Aroma, III, Nov. 23, 1S59; m. Dec. 6, 1883, Ella M. Jones. Stenographer. Died in Fowler, Ind., Oct. 18, 1885. iv. Emma Makantha, b. in Burr Oak, Iowa, March 2, 1S63; m. April 17, 1884, Wm. J. Henry. Resides in Valparaiso, Ind. v. Ira Frank, b. in Prairie Center, 111., Feb. 12, 1865; m. May 28, 1890, Ella McDowell. Graduated from Indiana State Normal School at Valparaiso. Farmer; resides in Fowler, Benton Co., Ind. vi. Herman, b. in Prairie Center, 111., April 16, 1868; d. Aug. 3, 1868. vii. Vesta Stewart, b. in Prairie Center, 111., Aug. 23, 1869. viii. Nellie Elvira, b. in Fowler, Ind., Sept. 5, 1S74. 6. George Meader, son of Francis and Nancy (Willard) Meader, married Hepsey Rogers. Went West many years ago and settled in Illinois. He is the inventor and patentee of a hay-loader which he is introducing in the Western States. He is also interested in farming, and resides in Fowler, Indiana. 738 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Ida M., b. in Waltham, 111., July i, i860; in. James Shady. Resides in East < 'enter, I ml. Horai 1. b. iii Prairie Center, 111., April 15, 1S62; d. April 10. [863. . si 'ii. 'I. April >i. 1863. Laura A., !>. in Prairie Center, 111., March 12, (864; m. Samuel E, Lewis. Resides in 1 Chicago, 111. Georgi W .. b. in Prairie (enter, < >ct. 13, 1S68. Gracb P., b. in Prairie (enter, Nov. 16, 1 875. 7. Jacob R. Prince married Philura Luce Meader. Mr. Prince came to Industry when a young man, and after his marriage engaged in tanning in Cumberland, New Sharon, and at Allen's Mills. Went West in March, 1865, and settled in La Salle Co., 111., where he lived for seven years. He then spent eighteen years in Indiana, and in 1890 moved to Centerville, S. 1)., where he now resides. His wife died in Wadena. Ind.. April 26, 1889, aged 55 years, 2 months and 13 days. Children. i. Wayland F., b. in Cumberland, Me., Oct. 10, 1856; m. Lizzie Lucas. Resides in South Dakota. ii. EMMA A., b. in New Sharon, Sept. 25, 1859; m. Joseph Lucas. Resides in Fowler, Ind. iii. CLARENCE E., b. in New Sharon, Jan. 11, 1S61; m. Clara Abbott. Re- sides in South Dakota. iv. Annie M., b. in Industry, March 16, 1863; resides in Centerville, S. D. v. HERBERT \Y., b. in Prairie Center, 111., June 29, 1S65; m. Lettie Peters. Resides in Elsinore, ( 'al. vi. Maggie E., b. in Wadena, Ind., Aug. 13, 1S77. Resides in Centerville, South Dakota, unmd. MERRILL. Thomas Merrill, son of Ezra Merrill, was born in Salisbury, Mass., in 1773. In company with his youngest brother, Benjamin, he came to the town of Solon, in 1 80S, where Benjamin settled upon a farm. Two years later Thomas Merrill came to Industry in the capacity of school teacher and preacher. In 181 2, he was ordained by an ecclesiastical council, which met in New Vineyard. Soon after this he became pas- tor of the Baptist Church in Fayette and remained there until some time in 1.S14. He married. Feb. — , 1814. Deborah, daughter of Captain William and Love (Coffin) Allen. The next summer he moved to Prospect, now Stockton, and became pastor, of the baptist Church in that town. This position he acceptably filled till his death in November. 1824. The following \ ear the widow, with her live children, all born in Prospect, returned to Industry and lived in a small house on Allen Hill, where she remained until her children became young men and women GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 739 and began life for themselves.* They all, with one exception, as soon as they were able to be of service, lived away from their home and worked for other parties. At first working for their board, clothes and school- ing, but in time were able to command better wages. The eldest daughter lived with an aunt until she was nearly fifteen years of age. William, the oldest son, when eleven years old, worked like a hero for a well-to-do farmer, six months, beginning in the early spring, and received only a bushel of corn and common factory cloth enough for a pair of shirts, for himself, for his season's work. The second son, Truman A., lived with a man in an adjoining town. Here he received such cruel treatment from overwork and exposure that he was prostrated with a "fever-sore" and returned to his mother. With the excellent nursing of a kind mother many years elapsed before he fully regained his health. The younger of these two sons is still living, and both have been acceptable ministers of the gospel, zealously laboring to elevate and better the condition of their fellowmen. Mrs. Merrill died in Farm- ington, Jan. 19, 1866, aged 81 years. Martha Jane, b. in Prospect, in 1815; m. June 21, 1835, George Gower, son of John and Susannah (Bailey) (lower, ,/. v. She , 1871, ( Iwen las lor, of Lyman. Two children. Eva WRIGHT, I), in Passadumkeag, Nov. 19, 1854; 111. May 3, 187(1, |erome Smith, of Lyman. Two children. Husband and children d. oi diphtheria, in November, 1879. She m. for second husband, Dec. 25, 1883, Edward E. Herrick, of Beverly, Mass. Hue child. CARRIE S., b. in Deer Isle, Oct. 14, 1S50: was a successful school teacher. Married, ( >ct. 23, 18.X5, Charles A. Wren, of Sherman. William TRUMAN, b. in Deer Isle, Jan. 26, 1801. Tins conflicts with the record in the Allen Genealogy. That work is not correct. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 74 1 MERRY. David Merry, the immigrant ancestor of the Industry and New Vine- yard Merrys, was a native of Tisbury, Dukes Co., Mass., as nearly as can be learned. He was born in 1741, and married, Dec. 29, 1761,* Mrs. Eunice (Chase) Chase (born 1738), relict of Valentine Chase, and daughter of Isaac and Mary (Chase) Chase. Feb. 1, i 793,t ne bought lot No. 1 in Range 2, paying therefor the sum of eight pounds, sterling. There is some uncertainty as to the date of his removal to New Vineyard, but it was probably soon after making his purchase. This farm is now (1890) owned by Charles F. Oliver, its present occupant. Mr. Merry seems to have been a man much loved by his kindred, and his name is still borne and perpetuated by his descendants. He died July 8, 181 5, aged 74 years. His wife died Aug. 6, 1797, aged 59 years. Children. i. CATHERINE, b. about 1759; m. Charles Luce, q. v. ii. Mary, b. March 8, 1767; m. Dec. 4, 1788, Herbert Boardman, son of Rev. Andrew and Katherine (Allen) Boardman, , m. and moved to Lyons, New York, where he d. Oct. 27, 1S47. v. MARGARET, b. October, 1776; m. Benjamin C. Norton, son of Abner and May (Claghorn) Norton, q. v. vi. Rhoda, 1). in Tisbury, Dukes Co., Mass., Dec. 10, 1779; m. Dec. 10, 179S, Peter Butler, son of Henry and Mehitable (Norton) Butler, q, v. 1. Asa Merry, son of David and Eunice (Chase) Merry, was an honest, intelligent man. He settled on the farm now owned by Chas. F. Oliver, which he cleared and brought into an excellent state of cultiva- tion and gained a comfortable competence. When his mind was once made up as to the honesty or justness of a thing, no argument could swerve him from his course. To illustrate his peculiar manners, the following is related : Mr. Merry kept many cows and made a great deal of cheese. It mattered not what the market-price was, he always sold his cheese for 10 cents per pound. When his neighbors chided him for selling cheese below the market-price, his invariable reply was : " I make as good cheese as anybody ; I know the amount of labor required for its manufacture, and the value of the milk, and all I want is a fair compensation for the same." Mr. Merry was for many years a * Tisbury Records. j See Lincoln Co. Records, Vol. 3b, p. 78. J Tradition says her father was killed in 177S, during the Revolutionary War, by the In- dians. While in camp in Yirginia, he went to a spring after water. While on the way he was shot and scalped by Indians lying in ambush. 93 742 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. consistent member of the Methodist Church, and was much respected for his honesty and integrity. He possessed an excellent memory, and was a keen analyst of the motives which actuated his fellowmen. < )nce when sitting on a jury, a case was tried where a great amount of evidence was introduced. He allowed the eleven to make up their minds, which were contrary to his own. His retentive memory here served him an excellent purpose, and he explained so many points in the evidence which they had overlooked that the eleven reversed their verdict. He died Feb. 17. 1837, aged 67 years.* His wife, Sally, died June 22, 1S42, aged 68 years. Children. i. BENJAMIN BARTLETT, 1>. in New Vineyard, Sept. 9, 1795; m. (put). March 16, 18*17), Susan Allen, dau. of John and Susannah ( ) Allen, of New Sharon. She d. and he m. May 21, 1S44, for second wife, Mrs. Susan Tinkham, relict of Ariel Tinkham, of Anson. Four children by first marriage. He d. in New Portland. ii. EUNICE Ciiask, b. in New Vineyard, March 28, 1797; m. Sept. 10, 1S15, Rufus H. Viles, son of Joseph and Sarah (Hancock) Viles, q.v. iii. David L., ) b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 29, 1798. David L. d. July 6, 2. iv. Jonathan ]., 1 1802. Jonathan J. m. May 9, 1822, Eliza Luce, dau. of Rowland and Hannah (Daggett) Luce, (/. v. 3. v. Asa, 1). in New Vineyard, Dec. 16, 1800; m. March 15, 1827, Deborah Butler, dau. of Peter and Rhoda (Merry) Butler, q. v. 4. vi. DAVID.'b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 15, 1805; m. Jan. 22, 1833, Betsey Remick, dau. of Francis and Abigail (Marstonj Remick, of Industry. vii. Sally Bartlett, b. in New Vineyard, 1804; m. Oct. 2, 1838, Jonathan Luce, son of Rowland and Hannah (Daggett) Luce, q. v. viii. CHARLES, Ii. in New Vineyard, 1808; m. in Bangor, Me.; moved to Ohio. ix. JOSEPH, b. in New Vineyard, 1810; m. Jan. 1, 1838, Rhoda Butler, dau. of Peter and Rhoda '(Merry) Butler,",/ v. She d. Nov. 9, 1873, aged 55 years, 10 months. He resides in Anson. Several children. x. Catherine, l>. in New Vineyard, 1814; m. Williams, of Embden. 5. xi. WILLIAM Bakti.iti, II in New Vineyard, March 29, 1815; m. April 12, 1838, Caroline A. West, dau. of Esq. Peter and Anna (Butler) West, xii. THANKFUL, b. in New Vineyard, July 8, 1817; m. Nov. 29, 1838, Timo- thy Daggett, son of Tristram and Jane ( Merry) Daggett, q. v. xiii. LOVE, d. at the age of two years. 2. Jonathan Merry,! son of Asa and Sally (Bartlett) Merry, mar- ried Eliza Luce. When a young man Mr. Merry learned the trade of shoemaker, and during the autumn and early winter months was in the habit of going from house to house among the farmers, with his kit of * When his sons became of age, lie gave each a tract of land for a farm. To Benjamin he gave the farm on which Ichabod Norton now resides; and an adjoining tract to his son Jona- than. To David he gave the farm in Anson, on which Benjamin H. Luce now resides, and to Asa, the farm, in same town, now owned and occupied by Alvin T. Fish. t The New Vineyard Town Records give the name Jonathan J. Merry in the record of his birth. In the record of intention of marriage the J is omitted, and the writer is informed that it was not used in business transactions. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 743 tools, to manufacture the family supply of leather into hoots and shoes. About the time of his marriage he settled on the southern part of lot No. 5, in Range 4, adjoining his brother Benjamin's farm. Here he built a house in which he lived for some years. At length he sold his land to his brother Benjamin, and moved the house on to the farm now occupied by Nelson W. Fish and son. He sold his farm and bought in Stark, Nov. 7, 1850. Died very suddenly, May 7, 1S72.* His widow survived him some years and died in Stark, Dec. 10, 1S85, aged 84 years and 1 1 days. Children. i. Hannah Daggett, b. in Industry,! Sept. 29, 1824; m. James Rhoety. Resides in Rockland, Mass. Was a tailoress, learned trade of Mr. Gup- til at Karmington, when young. ii. Clementine Allf.n, b. in Industry, Feb. 25, 1826; m. Thomas Pelton, son of Thomas and Betsey (Gray) Pelton, of Anson. For second husband she m. Augustine Crowell or Cromwell. Resides in Glouces- ter, Mass. Was a tailoress; learned with her sister at Farmington. 6. iii. Asa, b. in Industry, Jan. 2, 1S28; m. April 13, 1853, Mary Viletta Wood, dau. of Silas and Mary F. (Boyinton) Wood, of Stark. iv. Eunice Chase, b. in Anson, May 22, 1831; m. Elias Burrell(?). She d. in Abington, Mass., April 28, i8c2. v. Eliza Luck, b. in Anson, Aug. n, 1833-4 m. Charles Dill. She d. in Rockland, Mass., March 12, i877.§ vi. Sophia Jank, b. in Anson, Aug. 2, 1835; cl - at tne a g e of 3 years and n months. vii. Jank CLAGHORN, b. in Anson, Jan. 5, 1838; m. Jophanus II. Davis, son of James, Jr., and Abigail (Hobbs-Boardman) Davis, q. v. He d. < »ct. 23, 1875, anc ' she m - for second husband, Charles Dill, above mentioned. A twin to Jane C. d. in infancy. viii. Dkhorah Butler,|| b. in Anson, Jan. 21, 1843; m - March 20, 1862, Men- zir B. Merry, son of David and Betsey (Remick) Merry, q. v. She m. for second husband, William Tarbox. Resides in Lewiston, Me. 3. Asa Merrv, son of Asa and Sally (Bartlett) Merry, married Deb- orah Butler. Settled in New Portland. He died March 10, 1856, aged 55 Y ears > 3 months. His wife died Nov. 20, 1869, aged 64 years. Sev- eral children. Their daughter, Rhoda Butler, b. Aug. 7, 1828; d. Dec. 4, 1841. *The circumstances of Mr. Merry's death were as follows: He had been in his usual health, and during the forenoon on the day of his death had busied himself about the premises until near the hour of the noon meal. Going into the house and learning that dinner was not quite ready he lay down on the lounge to rest. On summoning him to dinner a few moments later the family were overwhelmed with grief to find that the spirit of the loved one had taken its flight to realms from which none ever return. fThe author is of the opinion that the place of birth of the first three children was not In- dustry but New Vineyard. True, the farm on which Mr. Merry first lived is now a part of In- dustry, but it was not annexed until 1S44, some sixteen years after the third child, Asa, was born. % One record says August 21. § There is some confusion in the different records of births in this family. The writer can not vouch for their correctness. ||This name is entered among the intentions of marriage in Industry as "Dora B. Merry." 744 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 4. David Merry, son of Asa and Sally (Bartlett) Merry, married Betsey Remiek. Farmer; resided for many years on die homestead. His wife died in Industry, March 3, 1865, aged 53 years. He married for second wife (pub. Feb. 26, 1867), Sarah L. Taylor, of Mercer. Went West with his whole family soon after his second marriage. Children. i. Abby M., !). July 27, 1835. ii. MENZIR BOARDMAN, b. July 22, 1836; m. March 20, 1862, Dora B. Merry, dau. of Jonathan and Eliza (Luce) Merry, q. v. House painter. Resided in Industry. Went West. Their son : ERNEST LlNWOOD. Now resides in one of the Western States, iii. Gilbert Remick, b. July 17, 1838; soldier (sie p. 335). Died May 17, 1863. iv. Francis Remick, b. July 2, 1840. Went West. v. Mary BOARDMAN, b. Aug. 2, 1842; m. Nov. 24, 1864, Leonard 11. Luce, son of Leonard and Susan B. (West) Luce, 7. v. vi. David Leonard, b. June 10, 1844. vii. Betsey Cyrena, b. Aug. 22, 1845; d. April 6, 1862. viii. SARAH, b. April 22, 1848; went West, ix. Joseph, b. July 27, 1850; went West. x. Aphia E., b. Sept. 18, 1853; went West. 5. William Bartlett Merry, son of Asa and Sally (Bartlett) Merry, married Caroline E. West. Farmer ; settled in Anson. Died May 22, 1880, aged 65 years, 1 month and 23 days. She died Oct. 4, 1880, aged 60 years, 4 months and 21 days. Children. 7. i. William Oscar, m. Jan. 1, 1861, Caroline A. Greenwood, dau. of Thad- deus and Malinda (Caldwell) Greenwood, q. v. 8. ii. Peter West, b. Oct. 29, 1841; m. Jan. 1, 1863, Ellen M.Greenwood, dau. of Thaddeus and Malinda (Caldwell) Greenwood, q. v. iii. Martha W., b. in 1843; d. Nov. 14, 1848. iv. JOHN MANTER, b. 1845; m. Nov. 27, 1873, Ellen M. Greaton, dau. of ( )rrin W. and Hannah V. (Nichols) Greaton, of Stark. Killed by a falling tree, Jan. iS, 1876. One child: Annie West, 1). in Stark, Sept. 3, 1875. v. ANNIE West, m. Nov. 26, 1868, William L. Remick, son of Samuel and Olive (Norton) Remick (see Elijah Norton note.-). vi. David WEST, m. Aug. 31, .1881, Ida May Oliver, dau. of Hiram and Nancy A. (Nichols) Oliver, q. v. I lis wife d. in Industry. March 24, 1891. Children: i. John Alton, b. April 8, 1882. ii. George Clinton, b. Sept. 10, [883. iii. Charles, 1). July, 1885. iv. , son. 6. Asa Merry, son of Jonathan and Eliza (Luce) Merry, married Mary Viletta Wood. He chose the vocation of a farmer, and cared for his parents in their declining years. Sold his farm in Stark, March 16, [886. Now resides in Washburn, Aroostook Co., Me. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 745 Children, i. Nellie Elverna, b. in Stark, Jan. 27, 1858. Entered the Farmington State Normal School and graduated in the second class of 1878. Has taught extensively in Maine and California. She is teaching at the present time (1890) in El Cajon, in the latter State. ii. Will I.., b. in Stark, Aug. 23, 1866; m. Lillian .May Bearce. "Hi. Herbert L., b. in Stark, Feb. 28, 1871. 7. William Oscar Merry, son of William Bartlett and Caroline E. (West) Merry, married Caroline A. Greenwood. Farmer ; resides in Anson. Children. i. Charles E., b. in Anson, June 2, 1863; m. April 18, 1885, Sadie R. Oliver, dau. of Eli N. and Diantha H. (Nichols) Oliver, q. v. He is a farmer and resides in Anson. Their child: i. , dau. b. Anson, July 15, 1886. ii. Nellie L., b. in Anson, Dec. 15, 1S54; d. May 13, 1879. iii. PETER West, b. in Anson, June 26, 1870. iv. Carrie M., b. in Anson, Aug. 9, 1876. 8. Peter West Merry, son of William Bartlett and Caroline E. (West) Merry, married Ellen M. Greenwood. Farmer ; resided in Industry. Died of apoplexy. Sept. 26, 1884, aged 42 years, 10 months, and 27 days. Children. i. William Bartlett, b. in Anson, Jan. 24, 1864; m. and resides on the homestead in Industry, ii. Ida BELLE, b. in Industry, Feb. 9, 1866; m. Aug. 23, 1884, Charles F. < tliver, son of Eli N., and Diantha H. (Nichols) < (liver, q. v. iii. Cora Annie, b. Sept. 6, 1870; d. July 8, 1878. iv. Cake Ray, b. June 15, 1S73; d. July 13, 1876. v. Haklie Ray, b. Nov. 27, 1876; d. June 1, 1883. vi. Ellen Marion, b. Oct. 12, 1880. MOODY. Samuel Moody, born April 18, 1732 ; came to the Plymouth Patent and settled on lot No. 22 in 1797, his son Joseph taking up lot No. 37 the same year. There is some doubt as to how long Samuel, senior, remained in town. Had probably left town prior to its incorporation. His wife Hannah was born April 15, 1736. They were from Shapleigh, York County, where the name is very common. Children. i. Joseph, b. Sept. 20, 1760; had wife, Bridget (b. Sept. 10, 1 761 ). Probably moved to Kingrield. Perhaps m. for second wife, Aug. 5, 1814, Rhoda Fling, of Anson. Children: i. Daniel, I). < >ct. 1, 17S5. ii. Hannah, b. Dec. 15, 1787; may have m. (pub. [uly 7, 1S10), Archable Landers. 746 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iii. JOSEPH, b. June 28, 1789; m. April 26, 1812, Irene Dudley, both of "Million Acres." iv. Davis, b. Sept. 15, 1 791 . v. Samuel, 3d, b. Feb. 28, 1794. vi. EPHRAIM, 2d, b. May 12, 1796; perhaps in. Oct. 13, 1821, Saily Oranger, of Kingfield. vii. PRISCILLA, 1). Dec. 9, 1799. viii. Bridget, b. May 20, 1802. ii. Hannah, b. May 9, 1765; m. Benjamin Jewett, q. v. iii. EPHRAIM, b. Aug. 10, 1767; had wife, Dorcas (b. April 10, 1775). Children : i. Esther, 1>. Feb. 9, 1796; m. in 1816, Sarenas Johnson, . April 5, 1804. iv. Esther, b. in Waterboro', May 16, 1770; m. David Hildreth, q. v. v. BETSEY, m. John Bean. Settled in New Sharon. vi. Sarah, b. in Alfred, Aug. 14, 1777; m. Oct. 24, 1796, Jonathan Good- ridge, \\\\, b. Dec. 2, 17N2; 111. John Williams. ii. Elizabeth, b. June 10, 1784; m. Moses Kimball. iii. Sarah, b. May 30, 1 7 S 7 ; m. Nathan Kimball. iv. Abigail, b. April 12. 1789; m. Bradbury Blake. v. [AMES, b. [an. 20, 1792; m. 1813, Hannah Yeaton. Two children, per- haps more. vi. Susannah, b. June 9, 1794; m. Peter Wvman, of Michigan. vii. Skiii, 1. Sept. 12. 17yd; m. June 23, 1831, Wealthy < >aks. She was b. Nov. 14, 1796, and d. Aug. 18, 1835. He m. Oct. 13, 1S36, Arabel Higgins, who was b. Sept. 14, 1802. One child by first marriage, one ami perhaps more by second marriage. viii. Sophia, b. Nov. 28, 1798; d. in 1801. i\. Mary, b. June 4, iSui ; m. John C. Shaw, d. March 30, 1874. x. Nancy, 1>. Nov. 6, 1806; m. Jan. 15, 1NJ4, Ezekiel Luce, son of Samuel and Lucy (Cathcart) Luce, of New Sharon, q. t. 2. JosiAH NORCROSS, son of Samuel and Mary (Wiswall) Norcross, married Charlotte Smith. Mr. Norcross was a brickmaker, and went to Readfield when a young man, and there he became acquainted with Miss Smith, whom he subsequently married. He moved to Farmington early in the present century, and there followed his trade for many years. He was not a potter by trade himself, but he did a large business in that direction through the medium of hired workmen. His son, Mathias S., learned the business in that way. Among the journeymen potters in his employ was a Mr. Snow, Mr. Cox, and William Hill. At length, in conse- quence of a money panic, he lost heavily from the sale of his wares on credit to his patrons. Soon after this he disposed of his business, and his bundle and started out. He soon came to a corner where a cross-road, little traveled, branched off from tin- highway. He obeyed the impression to turn in here, and not long after lie came to a miserable hut where a poor woman lived with several half-clothed children, lie gave her the cloth, spoke words of kindness and consolation, and went his way. Thus he labored on, taking from his employers in payment, anything of use in a family, and distributed among the poor, at the same time praying, exhorting, and speaking kind words wherever lie went. How noble to thus lorgct his own sorrows in sympathy for the sorrows of humanity. What a lesson it teaches to those who sit down and mourn that their trouble is grt ater than they ( an bear. * By the Brigadier of the County of Lincoln, Maine. The return of 32 men by him raised in said county, as his quota of 1000 men to be employed as guards to the troops of the convention anil magazines and public stores in the State of Massachusetts Bay, and to "be under command of General Heath, agreeable to a resolve of the General Court on the j;d of June, 177S. Josiah Norcross, of Gardinerstown, was one of the seventeen men drafted from that town. He was in t'apt. John Berry's Co., Reg't of Guards. Discharged Dec. 14, 1778. Time of service from [uly iS, to D -r. 2;, 1778,5 months, 6 days. Philip .Norcross was also a member of Captain Timothy Heald's Co., Col. Samuel McCobb's Regiment of Militia in the expedition against Penobscot. Time of service from June 30, 1770, 2 months, 27 days. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 749 on the 29th day of March, 1818, moved with his family to the town of In- dustry. The land on which he located was bought of Dea. Levi Greenleaf, and was in that part of Industry set off to New Sharon in 1852. It is now (1892) a part of the farm on which William Henry Manter lives. Prior to his removal to Farmington his first wife died, and he married her sister, Mary Smith. The Smiths were Martha's Vineyard people. Mary's father was Ransford Smith, and he a son of Ransford and Thank- ful (Claghorn) Smith. There is still preserved among the descendants of Mary (Smith) Norcross a jar which was picked up, filled with tea, at Martha's Vineyard after "the Boston tea party" by her grandfather, Ransford Smith ; and from which his wife Thankful brewed many a cup of that delightful beverage.* The father of Mrs. Norcross, Ransford Smith, Jr., was an early settler in Winthrop, Me.,| but in time of Indian depredations returned to the Vineyard, where he remained until his daughter Mary was 16 years of age. This daughter attended school but three months in her life, not being able to bear the rigid discipline of the schools of those days. Yet she obtained a good education and became a successful teacher. She was a woman of clear perceptions, lofty purpose, good sense and dignity of character. The many virtues which adorned her life left an image of inestimable value in the memory of her children. Josiah Norcross and his ancestors likewise bear a good record, being remarkable alike for sobriety, honesty and uprightness. He died of apoplexy, Oct. 21, 1828, after a ten years' residence in Industry. His widow returned to Farmington, and afterward went to New Sharon, where she died Dec. 5, 1856. i. Cynthia, b. in 1784; m. Page Lyons, of N. V. ii. Charlotte, m. Roswell Alfred, of N. V. iii. Josiah, m. Dolly Dow. 9 children. iv. Mathias S., b. May — , 1792; m. (pub. March 16, 1818), Martha Turner, dau. of Reuben and Lucy (Everett) Turner, of Farmington, Me. lie d. Oct. 23, 1868. She d. March 5, 1872. 10 children. J v. Mary, m. April 2, 1832, Samuel Basset Norton, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Smith) Norton, of Farmington; d. April 18, 1872. He d. in Pontiac, 111., Aug. 29, 1874. *The following anecdote of Ransford, senior, illustrates a peculiar trait of his character: Ransford Smith was a faithful and worthy member of his church, where he held the office of deacon. Though the position was a highly honorable one, he resigned soon after the meridian of life. When urged to resume the honor he gave as his reason for declining, "Although at present I am capable of filling the position, a time is coining when the infirmities of age will render me unfit for the office. Then I might be unwilling to resign, therefore I desire to do so now ere my reason departs and my mind becomes weakened by age, that some younger brother may be elected to the place." f The reader will please bear in mind that Readfield was originally a part of Winthrop and was setoff" and incorporated in 1791. Hence Mr. Smith was a citizen of the latter town until the former was set off. % Butler's History of Farmington gives the number as seven, which we believe to be in- correct. 94 750 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. vi. CELINDA, (I. at age of 20 years. Children by second marriage. vii. Mary Ann, b. in Farmington, Jan. 26, 1S06; m. Jan. 26, 1825, George ( ullins, q. v. viii. |i lia Ann, b. in Farmington, July 12, 1807; m. Aug. S, [834, Rev. Wil- liam Wyman. She d. in Farmington, Jan. 14, 1880. 3. ix. Ransford, 1). in Farmington, Nov. 6, [808; m. Sept. 3, 1851, Mrs. Cyn- thia T. True, relict of Dr. James S. True, of New Sharon, and ay. of Augusta, son of George and Tab- itha (Davis) Hay. He is a carpenter and has six children, ii. Minnie Lavina, b. in New Sharon, May 21, 1853; m. Aug. 11, 1869, James II. Nottage, son of William and Frances 1 Snell) Nottage, of Stark, by whom she had two children. He d. at Sauk Center, Minn., Nov. — , 1S74, and she m. July 4, 1876, for second husband, Charles Emery, son of John and Esther E. (Savage) Emery. He is an uphol- sterer and dealer in furniture, and resides in Augusta, s. p. iii. Julia May, b. in New Sharon, March 13, 1859. She began writing poetry at an early age, and when twelve years of age published the " Choir of the Year," a small volume of her own poems. Another and larger collection, " Echoes of lime and Tide," appeared in 1878. Both volumes were well received and widely circulated among her friends and acquaintances. The last named volume has been out of print for some years, and a third and larger edition is prom- ised in the near future. She is an easy and versatile writer and has been an extensive contributor to the periodical literature of the day. Her pen is seldom idle, and ardent friends confidently expect she will yet win fresh laurels in the realms of literature. 3. Ransford Norcross, son of Josiah and Mary (Smith) Norcross, married Mrs. Cynthia T. True. He learned the carpenter's trade of his brother Philip, and followed that vocation for many years. The first house he built after completing his apprenticeship was one for Albert and Daniel Shaw, now owned and occupied by Joseph H. Sayer. The excellence of the work clearly proves that Mr. Norcross mastered his trade. Like his brother Philip, he divided his time between farming and house-building. He settled on the farm where his father had lived, and was among the inhabitants set off to New Sharon in 1S50. He was keeper of the franklin County jail for a long term of years. He died 111 Farmington, Me.. July 6, 1882, aged 73 years, 8 months. His widow (born in Fayette, Me.. June 19, 181 5), survived him nine years, and died GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 75 I in Farmington, Aug. 31, 1S91. Both she and her husband were con- sistent christians, and worthy members of the Methodist Church. Children. i. Martha Eva, b. in New Sharon, Jan. 17, 1853. ii. Charles RANSFORD, b. in New Sharon, June 2. 1857; d. April 30, 1865. iii. Josiah Marden, b. in New Sharon, April 14, 1859. 4. Philip Norcross, son of Josiah and Mary (Smith) Norcross, married Susan T. Hibbard. He learned the carpenter's trade when a young man, of John Greenleaf, of Industry, and became a skillful work- man. After his marriage, Mr. Norcross settled on the Captain Howes farm, in the south part of the town, and was among the petitioners for annexation to New Sharon in 1S52. He was a resident of Stark Village for some years, and afterward of New Sharon Village, where his son was in trade. He died in New Sharon, Nov. 11, 1890. Children. i. Lucinda PITTS, b. in Industry, April 20, 1837; m. Aug. 25, 1861, Charles C. Folsom, son of Esq. William Eastman and Betsey (Dutton) Eol- som, of Stark. He was b. in Stark, Me., March 25, 1840. Resides in Somerville, Mass., s. p. ii. Charles Scammon, b. in Industry, Nov. 29, 1841. Choked to death by a kernel of corn, March 12, 1848. 5. iii. William Wyman, b. in Industry, Nov. 28, 1845; m - Se pt- [ 3> lSl,s - ' >ra Ann Greaton (b. in Stark, April 24, 1847), (,au - of Lyman M. and Betsey (Waugh) Greaton, of Stark. 5. William Wyman Norcross, son of Philip and Susan T. (Hib- bard) Norcross, married Ora A. Greaton. He was a carpenter by trade, also a merchant at West's Mills, Stark, and New Sharon. Was State Senator from Franklin County in 18.87. Now resides at Kent's Hill, Me. Children. i. Fred Carroll, b. in Stark, Aug. 30, 1871. ii. Susie Bessie, b. in New Sharon, Dec. 24, 1875. NORTON. With the exception of Abner and Jabez Norton, all of the name who settled in Industry were descendants of Major Peter Norton, of Revo- lutionary fame. He was a son of Ebenezer, a grandson of Joseph and a great grandson of Nicholas and Elizabeth Norton, early residents on the Island of Martha's Vineyard. Butler, in his History of Farmington, says : "Peter Norton of Revolutionary renown, son of Ebenezer and Deborah (Mayhew) Norton, was born in Edgartown, Mass., Sept. 9, 752 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 1 718. He inherited from his father a landed estate lying chiefly in Ed- gartown, and became a large farmer. Of his family of ten sons, all but Samuel, Andrew, Ichabod and Peter, left their native Island probably between 1788 and 1796, generally with large families, and settled in Farmington or vicinity, while three of the sons of Samuel above named, Henry, Samuel and Tristram, settled in New Portland and Kingfield, early in the history of those towns, and became industrious and suc- cessful farmers. He married in 1740, Sarah, daughter of Cornelius Pas- sett, who was born March 19, 1720." Children. i. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 29, 1741 ; m. Sept. 24, 1761, Elizabeth Smith. Set- tled in Farmington, where he died Aug. 26, 1805. He was one of the original purchasers of the New Vineyard Gore. 1. ii. Samuel, b. April 16, 1743; m. Molly Davis, iii. Patty, b. Oct. 16, 1744; d. unmd. 2. iv. CORNELIUS, b. Feb. 27, 1746; m. Lydia Claghorn. v. Lydia, b. Nov. 17, 1747; d. unmd. vi. Eliakim, b. March 25, 1749; settled in Farmington and subsequently removed to Norridgewock, where he died. vii. M EHn able, b. Nov. 17, 1750; m. Henry Butler, an early settler in the town of New Vineyard, viii. EPHRAIM, b. Aug. 2S, 1752; m. Deborah Instance. Died at Farmington, in 1839. ix. Zachariah, b. Aug. 28, 1754; m. May 22, 177S, Hannah Smith. 1 hree of his sons, viz.: Dehave, Peter and Elihu, have lived in Industry. x. Joseph, b. June 4, 1756; m. May 20, 1819, Deborah Smith. Died in Farmington. \i. Andrew, b. Feb. 7, 1758. xii. Ichabod, b. Dec. 17, 1 761 ; d. unmd. xiii. Peter, b. Oct. 4, 1763; d. unmd. i. Samuel Norton, son of Major Peter and Sarah (Bassett) Nor- ton, married Molly Davis. Mr. Norton was one of the original pur- chasers of the township of New Vineyard. He died in Edgartown, Mass., Nov. 22, 1 801. His wife died Feb. 20, 1820, aged 76 years. The author is able to give only the names of those children who came to Industry and New Vineyard. Children. 3. Henry, b. in Edgartown, June 7, 1770; m. Jan. 29, 1793,* Hannah Gower, dau. of Robert and Mary (Henry) Gower, of Farmington. 4. Tristram, b. in Edgartown, Aug. 17, 1772; m. Dec. 2, 1794, Sarah Butler. 5. SAMUEL, b. in Edgartown, 17S0; m. in iSo^, Anna Davis, dau. of Mela- tiah, Jr., and Mary C. (Davis) Davis. HEPSABETH, b. in Edgartown, Feb. 5, 17S7; m. Cornelius Davis, . in New Vineyard, Feb. 14, 1811; m. Sept. 22, 1833, Rebecca B. Gilbert, dau. of Spencer and Nancy (Dudley) Gil- bert, of Mt. Vernon. She was b. in Kingfield, and d. May 21. 1877. \. Harrison II., !>. in New Vineyard, May 23, 1814; m. Betsey Batchelder 5. Samukl Norton, son of Samuel and Mary (Davis) Norton, married Anna Davis. As nearly as can be learned he settled first in Edgartown where he married about 1S04. Early in 1809 he came to Industry and settled on a lot, near Thompson's Corner, which he pur- chased of James Thompson. He was a prosperous fanner, kept a large amount of stock, and was said to be one of the wealthiest men in town. He enlarged his farm by purchasing adjoining land until it far exceeded its original area. He died Sept. 24, 1824, aged 44 years. His widow superintended the farm work for some years, and thus provided a home for the children until they all grew to manhood and womanhood and started out in life for themselves. \ In her declining years she lived with * See Lincoln County Registry of Deeds, book 32, /. 85. fFrom a record in the family Bible. The New Vineyard Town Records give the date "Sept. iS." X George W.Johnson, whose father was a near neighbor of the family, once tr>Id the writer that he had seen eighteen persons, including hired help, on their way to church from widow Anna Norton's, everyone on horseback and every horse was owned on the farm. 756 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. her children and died in Industry, Oct. 3, 1865, aged 86 years, 5 months and 26 days. Children. 14. i. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 24, 1805; m. Dec. 26, 1833, Simeon Parker (b. in New Portland, April 6, 1805), son of Josiah Parker. She d. July 4, 1855. ii. SARAH Bassett, b. May 25, 1S07; m. May 14, 1829, James Shaw Norton, son of Francis and Lydia ( ) Norton, of Farmington. She d. aliout 1841. One dau., d. young. He was b. in Farmington, Aug. 10, 1806. 15. iii. William Davis, b. in Industry, April 24, 1809; m. Nov. 30, 1S30, So- phronia Davis, dau. of Cornelius and Hepsebath ( Norton) Davis, q. v. 16. iv. James, b. in Industry, July 27, 1S11; m. Dec. I, 1836, Mary Davis, dau. of Cornelius and Hepsabeth (Norton) Davis, q. v. 17. v. Thomas Flint, b. in Industry, Sept. 14, 1S13; m. March 25, 1847, Funice G. Edgecomb, dau. of Didymus and Harriet (Gould) Fclge- comb, of Livermore. vi. Eliza, b. in Industry, June 14,* 1816; m. Nov. 29, 183S, Coburn Elliott, by whom she had one son, Harrison Elliott. She m. a second time, Dec. 5, 1852, Thomas Corbett, of New Vineyard. ( )f several children by second marriage, one only lived to reach adult life, viz. : Sarah Ann, who m. William F. Furbush. She d. in New Vineyard, April — , 1887, aged 7 1 . \ ii. Lydia, b. in Industry, Jan. 5, 1819; d. Jan. 6, 1819. viii. Julia Ann, b. in Industry, June 1 1, 1820; m. at Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Sept. 27, 1S46, William Hale, son of John and Hannah S. (Norton I Hale, of Norridgewock. ix. HEPSABETH, b. in Industry, May 25, 1822; m. Elisha Dunham. She d. June — , 1872. One child, Clifford, b. Sept. — , 1855. Resides in Providence, R. I. 6. Cornelius Norton, son of Dea. Cornelius and Lydia (Claghorn) Norton, married Margaret J. Belcher.f He commenced a clearing on the north half of his father's section of the New Vineyard Gore, which he subsequently purchased, soon after Daniel Collins and Abner Norton made the first clearing on their respective lots. He did not, however, make his permanent home there until about the time of his marriage, Aug. 25, 1794. After living on his newly-cleared farm nearly eight years, he exchanged with his brother and went to live with his father on the south half of the same section. He assumed the management of his father's business and provided him a comfortable home in his declining years. He built in 1803 a commodious two-story house, in which his fifth child, Clifford Belcher Norton, was born.:]; Mr. Norton was a prominent *This date is from the town records. The record in the family Bible gives the date June 27, [816. The writer regards the former most worthy of credence. f Cornelius Norton, Jr., as per deed recorded in Lincoln County Registry, book 33, page IQ2, was on March 4, 179.;, a resident of Tisbury, Dukes Co., Mass. I This house subsequently owned and occupied by this son until near the close of his life. It eventually, with the farm, became the property of Luther Luce, Sr., and about 1S69 was taken down and moved to Farmington Village. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 757 member of society, an intelligent and judicious magistrate who attained to a large and lucrative business. He was likewise a practical land surveyor, and in this capacity was employed to survey and lot out the Mile-and-a-half, or Lowell Strip, in 1802. He was chairman of the board of selectmen in Industry several times and a member of the board seven years. In the Congregational Church, of which he was a worthy member, he wielded a powerful influence for good, and was much respected by all. His wife, Margaret, died Sept. 30, 1S39, and for a second wife he married (published Sept. 7, 1840), Sarah Burgess, of Norridgewock, who survived him. He died June 16, 1849, aged 77 years. Children. i. Cornelius Bassett, b. on the New Vineyard Gore, Sept. 25, 1795;* d. in Industry, Dec. 30, 1836, unmd. ii. Harriet, b. on the New Vineyard Gore, March 6, 1797; d. March 24, 1846, unmd. 20. iii. Supply Belcher, b. on the New Vineyard Gore, Oct. 6, 1799; m. Jan. 16, 1824, Sarah H. Smith, of Martha's Vineyard. iv. SOPHRONIA, b. in New Vineyard, May 4, 1802; m. April 8, 1823, Benja- min Allen, son of Rufus and Abigail (Fairbanks) Allen, q. v. 21. v. Clifford Belcher, b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 10, 1805; m. Oct. 9, 1828, t Rhoda Weeks, dau. of Uzziel and Zipporah (Hatch) Weeks, of Farm- ington. vi. Margaret More, b. in New Vineyard, April 13, 1S10; m. Levi Cutler. She d. Nov. 18, 1859. vii. Abigail Stoyeli., b. in New Vineyard, March 4, 181 3; m. June 12, 1834, Seth Cutler, viii. Lydia Claghorn, b. in Industry, Feb. 27, 1S17; m. Oct. 21, 1861, Levi Cutler. 7. Ebenezer Norton, son of Dea. Cornelius and Lydia (Claghorn) Norton, was probably younger than his brother previously mentioned, though the writer can learn neither the date of his birth, marriage or death. It is believed that he had not attained his majority when his father removed to the District of Maine. He assisted his father in clearing land and eventually, it seems, came in possession of the south half of his father's quarter section. This he exchanged with his brother Cornelius and received the farm now (1892) occupied by Hiram Norton. Here he lived until his death, which occurred in March, 18 14, during the cold-fever epidemic. His last resting place is on the premises but is unmarked, and rank weeds and bushes have nearly obliterated the *The writer is unable to account for the discrepancy between the above date, from Butler's History of Farmington, and the New Vineyard Town Records, which give it Sept. 21, 1794. Mr. Butler is undoubtedly correct in his date, but he gives the date of Cornelius B.'s death Dec. 30, 1S3S, which does not correspond with date on headstone. fThis date is from a record in the family Bible. The town clerk's certificate is dated Oct. 20, 1S2S. The author is unable to account for this discrepancy. 95 758 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. grave of this good man. He was one of the original members of the Baptist Church, organized Aug. 12, 1795, and was the first church clerk of the society. He was also the first delegate to the association from this church. Win, Allen says of him: "He was a pious, good man. respected for industry, integrity and christian character." 1 lis widow, who was Rebecca Norton, married (published Sept. 3, 1815), Capt. Isaac Wilson, of New Vineyard, for her second husband. Children. 22. i. WARREN, b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 15, 1802; m. Sarah Almira Pottle (b. in Wiscasset, Me., in 1807). She d. in Phillips, April 9, 1836. He m. in 1839, for second wife, Elmira Robbins, dau. of Eleazer and Mehitable (Ladd) Robbins, of Phillips. 23. ii. Charles G., 1>. in New Vineyard, Dec. 8, 1803; m. Lucy Mayhew.* She d. Ian. 19, 1S32, and he m. Feb. 19, 1833, for his second wife, Sylvina Hayes, dau. of Jacob and Ruth (Hobbs) Hayes, q. v. 24. iii. WlNTHROP, b. in New Vineyard, July 27, 1S05; m. Aug. 7, 1834, Marx- Davis, dau. of Dea. Henry and Betsey ( Athearn) Davis, of New Vine- yard. He was the first child b. in Hiram Norton's house. Resided in Strong. One dau. m. James T. Skillings, of Strong. iv. MARTHA, b. in New Vineyard, Oct. 27, 1809; m. Oct. 12, 1823, Samuel Butler, of Industry, for his second wife. lie was a son of William and Rebecca (Smith) Butler, of Edgartown, Mass. Mr. Butler (b. in Edgartown, Mass., June 20, 1793) was a farmer, and spent the most of his life in his native town. He d. at Cottage City, Jan. 15, 1881. She d. at the same place in 1SS8. Children: i. Charles W., b. Jan. 31, 1825. He was a shipmaster, and d. in Hong Kong, China, of yellow fever, March — , 1865. ii. Rebecca Smith, b. April 3, 1S29; m. Bradford. Resides at Cottage City, Mass. iii. William A., b. Oct. 13, 1831; m. Elizabeth Hanscomb. Resides in Chicago, 111. iv. Wilmot S., b. in 1833; d. in Cottage City, Mass., Dec. 31, 1890. v. John Mayhew, b. July 12, 1S35; m - ^ ate ^ oc ^- Resides in Chicago, 111. vi. MARCIA A., b. in 1838;! m. L. W. Lincoln. Resides in Woburn, Mass. 8. John Wesley Norton, son of Henry and Hannah (Gower) Norton, was born in Farmington, Me., Feb. 14, 180 1. He spent nearly his whole life in New Portland, following the pursuits of farm life. He married, Dec. 23, 1823, Lydia Pope Flint, daughter of Dr. Thomas and Sarah (Norton) Flint. She was born Aug. 15, 1800, and died in New Portland, April 15. 1859. He married for second wife, July 19, 1861, Melvina Patten, of Anson, and died in New Portland, July 19, 1886. Children. i. Henry Davis, b. in New Portland, Sept. 23, 1824; m. Esther J. Mosher, dau. of (ames M. and Rosilla (Frost) Mosher, of Farmington. He * Lncy Mayhew was a niece of Francis Remick's second wife, q. v. t Another record, said to be from the family Bible, gives the date Aug. 17, 1S42. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 759 learned the watchmaker and jeweler's trade of Benjamin R. Elliott, of Farmington, and now follows that business in New Portland. ii. Clarissa Flint, b. in New Portland, Nov. 25, 1S26; d. Jan. 22, 1874, unmd. iii. Sarah Flint, b. in New Portland, May 7, 1829; m. Hanson Hight, of Harmony, iv. Thomas Flint, b. in New Portland, March 2, 1833; d. April 6, 1834. v. Elizabeth Pease, b. in New Portland, March 5, 1S35; unmd. vi. Roscoe Green, b. in New Portland, Dec. 5, 1838; m. Mary Merrill, of San Juan, Cal. 9. Robert Gower Norton, son of Henry and Hannah (Gower) Norton, married Candoce Case. Among die very first to leave their New England home to seek a fortune on the verge of civilization in the then far Northwest, was Robert Gower Norton and his future wife. He drove a team from his home in Maine to Belvidere, 111. Miss Case going via the Erie Canal and the Lakes to Chicago, which then consisted of old Fort Dearbon and a few log-cabins. Reaching his destination, Mr. Norton beheld a broad expanse of fertile prairie furrowed here and there by Indian trails, but undisturbed by the plowshare of civilized man and a stranger to his footsteps. Here, remote from the marts of busy men, Mr. Norton and his companions decided to fix their future homes. Many were the privations and hardships endured by these early pioneers, who gave up good homes in the east for the log-cabin in a country just vacated by the Indians. They were far from markets and mills and often forced to go in parties from cabin to cabin with their coffee-mills and grind corn into meal which was made into coarse bread. Some- times three or four families would be crowded into one house. These houses were always made of logs, the cracks plastered with mud and the roof made of "shakes" held in position by cross poles. One night the log-house, in which Mr. Norton and his wife were living with two or three other families, was completely unroofed by a terriffic wind-storm accompanied by rain, thunder and lightning, and the occupants were exposed to the heavy rainfall all night long. Fine crops were raised, but they must be carted to Chicago, a distance of 76 miles, over almost impassable roads and then sold at starvation prices. Mr. Norton's son writes : "There was no public land in the market when my folks came to Illinois in 1836 and 1837, and I think the nearest grist-mill was at Ottawa, about as far distant as Chicago." Though he began in life under such unfavorable circumstances and surroundings, Mr. Norton lived to see Illinois "grow to a populous and wealthy State. He died in Belvidere, Boone Co., 111., Dec. 3, 1882, aged 77 years, 6 months and 28 days, his wife having died only the day previous aged 78 years, 3 months and 24 days. They left one son : 760 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Eliphalet C, b. in Flora, Boone Co., 111., April 7, 1S44; m. Abbie J. Eggleston. Resides in Belvidere. 10. William Gower Nor ion, son of Henry and Hannah (Gower) Norton, married Elmira Parker. He is now (1890) a resident of Earl- ville, 111. His wife died at Sugar Grove, 111., Dec. iS, 1S78. 4./g2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ii. Tristram, l>. in Eustis, March 16, 1830: m. May 1, 1S59, Amanda A. I >urrell (b. in Kingfield, May 15, 1837), l ' au - 0I " ' ra ( '• an 'I Lucy Ann Fessenden | 1 turrell. iii. Sami 1 1 \. !>.,!>. in Kingfield, Nov. 7, 1836; m. Lorinda Cross. Resides in Kingfield. iv. Si san Ki.mikaJ). in Kingfield, Aug. 23, 1S40; m. Feb. 14, 1859, Thomas J. Horn, sim of Thomas and Elizabeth (Barnes) Horn, of Kingfield. Mr. Horn is a carpenter and farmer, ami resides in Kingfield. Chil- dren : i. FRANK II., b. in Kingfield, Oct. 14, i860; m. Dec. 7, 1883, Dura Hoyt, dau. of Winthrop B. ami Clarinda (Luce) Hoyt. They have two children: Minnie B. and Clarence R. ii. Lizzie S., b. in Kingfield, July 14, 1865; m. Oct. 28, 1883, Hovey Hoyt, son of Winthrop B. and Clarinda (Luce) Hoyt. They reside in Kingfield, and have two children : Frank E. and Hiram E. iii. LliXA B., b. in Kingfield, May 31, 1869; d. in Kingfield, Aug. 30, 1872. iv. Eddie B., 1>. in Kingfield, Oct. 17, 1873. 13. Tristram Gardiner Norton, son of Tristram and Sarah ( Butler) Norton, married Rebecca Butterfield Gilbert. He has always been a farmer. In 1889 was living in Kingfield, Me. His wife died May 21, 1877. Children. i. Charles Spencer, 1). in Kingfield, Aug. 6, 1834; m. April — , 1856, Martha J. Ranlett. ii. Nancy Dudley, b. in Kingfield, Nov. 11, 1835; m. Dec. — , i860, Hiram I.. Preston, son of Hiram and (Ramsdell) Preston, of Free- man. Mr. Preston resides in Lowell, Mass., and is an overseer in a mill. Four children, iii. Sarah Butler, b. in Kingfield, Nov. 7, 1837; m. Jan. — , 1862, John C. Webster, son of Benjamin and Harriet (Clough) Webster, of Wilton. She d. Aug. 24, [868. < >ne child; dead, iv. MELVIN HARRISON, b. in Kingfield, ( let. 13, 1839; m. Mary Roberts. v. JULIA Ai GUSTA, b. in Kingfield, April 23, 1S41; d. March 23, 1859. vi. Hannah Gilbert, b. in Kingfield, Jan. 11, 1S43; m. June 15, 1889, Reuel Williams, son of A. R. and Emma (Read) Williams, of Carra- tunk, Me. No children, vii. TRISTRAM Sami EL, b. in Kingfield, Dec. 31, 1S45; unmd. Resides in Lawrence, Mass., is a carpenter and keeps livery stable, viii William Gilbert, b. in Kingfield, Dec. 19, 1847; m - Luella Mills, ix. Joseph Warren, b. in Kingfield, L)ec. 19, 1849; m. Nov. 9, 1882, Jennie Stearns, x. Mary Ann Curtis, b. in Kingfield, Sept. 9, 1850; m. June 25, 1869, Edmund S. Larrabee, son of Jeremiah and Louisa (Soper) Larrabee, Of Kingfield. Mr. Larrabee resides in Salem, Me., and is a millman and blacksmith. Two children. \i. Frank Pierce, b. in Kingfield, Feb. 13, 1853; m. Alice Snyder. 14. Sim kox Parker married Mary Ann Norton. He was a farmer and resided for a time in his native town of New Portland, Me. He subsequently moved to Vineyard Haven, Mass., where he resided up to GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 763 the time of his death. He died July 29, 1890, aged 85 years, 3 months and 23 days. His widow died of drops}' in Livermore, Me., July 4, r 855, aged 49 years, 9 months and 10 days. Children. i. ABEL Ware, b. in New Portland, Sept. 7, 1 S35 ; m. July 24, 1859, Mary Bradford Pratt (b. in Taunton, Mass., Dec. 13, 1839), dau. of fames M. and Rebecca (Presbury) Pratt, of Taunton. Three children. ii. William N., b. in New Portland, July 6, 1839; m. Isabel Presbury. 15. William Davis Norton, son of Samuel and Anna (Davis) Norton, was born in Industry, where he spent the whole of his life engaged in farming. He married, Nov. 30, 1S30, Sophronia Davis, daughter of Cornelius and Hepsabeth (Norton) Davis, q. v. She d. 1 891. Children. i. Samuel Harrison, v b. in Industry, P)ec. 31, 1831; unmd; d. June 15. 1891. ii. Ann, b. in Industry, Nov. 7, 1833; d. Sept. 20, 1834. iii. CORNELIUS Davis, b. in Industry. June 21, 1835; d. Feb. 20, 1S36. iv. Aw HEPSABETH, b. in Industry, Aug. 9, 1837; d. Dec. 4, 1854. v. Cornelius Davis, b. in Industry, June 27, 1839; m. Sarah Elizabeth Greenleaf, dau. of William C. and Adeline (Greenleaf) Greenleaf, of Stark, Feb. ■ — , 1867. Their child, Charles Harrison, b. in Industry, July 4, 1S68. She d. and he subsequently m. Cora M. Richards. vi. Amanda Sophronia, b. in Industry, June 30, 1S41; unmd. \ ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. in Industry, May 7, 1843; m - William Farrand, son of William and Deborah (Norton) Farrand, of New Vineyard, April 30, 1S71. Eight children. 16. James Norton, son of Samuel and Anna (Davis) Norton, married Mary Davis. After his marriage he settled at Thompson's Corner, on what is now known as the Thomas M. Oliver farm, in com- pany with his brother, William D. Norton. He afterward removed to Livermore, where he remained some two years and then lived in Stark about the same length of time. After that he went to live with his father-indaw, Cornelius Davis, at the head of Clear Water Pond. He was highly esteemed in the neighborhood where he lived, as well as by his townsmen generally. As a neighbor he was kind and obliging, a friend ever ready to assist the poor and needy and an able and faithful champion of their cause. Though no office-seeker he was five times elected a member of the board of selectmen, besides frequently filling other positions of profit and trust. In all these positions the duties incumbent upon him were discharged with the honor and fidelity which characterized his daily life. He made a profession of religion in the fall of 1 866, under the preaching of Rev. Thomas J. True, and united with the Methodist Church. He closed a useful life, Dec. 12, 1873, 764 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. deeply mourned by a wide circle of friends. His wife survived him some years, and died at her son-in-law's in Farmington, Nov. 17, 1886, aged nearly 72 years. Children. i. EMELINE A., b. in Industry, July 19, 1838; d. July 1, 1844. ii. < M ivi.u DAVIS, b. in Industry, Jan. 21, 1N41. He served his country for three vears during the War of the Rebellion (see p. JjSj. He is a farmer and resides on the homestead farm in Industry. He m. Nov. 29, 1883, Martha L. Emery, dau. of Hosea W. and Huldah I 1. (Spinney) Emery, q. v. Two children. iii. ARVILLA JOSEPHINE, 1). in Industry, Nov. 19, 1S43; d. April 26, 1861. iv. (amis AUGUSTUS, b. in Livermore, June 29, 1845; dead. v. FIDELIA ANGELINE, b. in Stark, Oct. 9, 1846;* m. Nov. 19, 1868, Llevv- ellyn Norton, son of Joseph and Miriam (Pike) Norton, of Farming- ton. Her husband is a farmer and resides in Farmington. Children : i. Mary Etta, b. in Farmington, Nov. 4, 1869; m. Geo. Wood, ii. ANNA SANDS, b. in Farmington, Aug. 28, 1879. vi. Edwin Augustus, b. in Industry, Oct. 14, 1854; m. June 16, 1884, Thirza S. True, dau. of Caleb G. and Dianah (Snell) True, of Industry, q. v. Mr. Norton vent to Middleboro', Mass., in the spring of 1874, and is still making that place his home. One child. 17. Thomas Flint Norton, son of Samuel and Anna (Davis) Norton, married Eunice G. Edgecomb. Mr. Norton was a farmer by occupation and settled first in Livermore, where several of his children were born. In March, 1S60, he exchanged his farm with William Frederic Johnson for the Capt. Ezekiel Hinkiey farm in Industry, on which he spent the remainder of his life. He was a man who had no enemies, and a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. During the last of his life he was a great though uncomplaining sufferer. He died in Industry, Feb. 18, 1887, aged 73 years, 5 months and 4 days. She died, June 8, 1891, aged 63 years. Children. i. James Davis, b. in Livermore, Jan. 21, 1848; m. Oct. 8, 1872, Elvira Ilackett, dau. of Horatio and Sarah (Shaw) Hackett, of Taunton, Mass. She was b. in Middleboro', Mass., Jan. — , 1849, and d. July 22, 1876. He m. Feb. 14, 1880, Flla F. Hackett, a sister of his first wife. Mr. Norton resides in Taunton, Mass., and is a carpenter and builder. Children : i. ALLIE P., b. in Taunton, June 10, 1873. ii. ARTHUR L)., b. in Taunton, June II, 1876. iii. Elvira S.. \ b. in Taunton, March 6, 1882. Luella E. d. iv. Luella E., j Nov. — ,1882. v. FLORA THOMAS, b. in Taunton, Jan. 6, 1890. ii. CHARLES THOMAS, b. in Livermore, Sept. 18, 1850; d. in Industry, April 9, 1863. iii. ANNETTE SARAH, b. in Livermore, Feb. 2, 1856; m. Albert H. Huntoon, son of Louis and Mary (Richards) Huntoon, of Livermore, Me. He is a carpenter ami resides in Lynn, Mass. Their children are: * Butler's History 0/ Farmington says " horn in Industry, Oct. 9, 1S47." GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 765 i. Lilian E., b. in Industry, Sept. 6, 1874. ii. Clifton Albert, b. in Lynn, Mass., Aug. 6, 1889. iv. Almira Lilian, 1). in Livermore, Oct. 28, 1858; m. April 1 8, 1887, James S. Dyer, son of James and Betsey G. (Snell) Dyer, of New Sharon, v. Charles Lee, b. in Industry, Aug. 1, 1863; m. Oct. 30, 1886, Emily S. Dyer, dau. of James and Betsey G. (Snellj Dyer, of New Sharon. Their children are : i. IIazell Flint (son), b. in Middleboro, Mass., Oct. 6, 1888. ii. Bessie May, b. in Middleboro, Mass., Feb. 27, 1890. 18. William Hale* married Julia Ann Norton. Mr. Hale was born in Norridgewock, Aug. 27, 1S19, and on the breaking out of the Civil War, enlisted as a private in Co. K, 3d Maine Reg't, Volunteer Infantry. He was mustered into the U. S. Service June 4, 1861, and served with his regiment until the battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. On that day he lost his right arm and was severely wounded in the side. Months of intense physical suffering followed and when, at the end of two and one-half years, he was able to return to his family and friends, he was but a mere wreck of his former self. After the war he resided for a time in Industry, but for some years past has been an inmate of the National I). V. S. Home, Chelsea. Children. i. Mary E., b. in Mercer, July 30, 1849; m. Roscoe E. Harlow, and resides in Freeman, ii. Iamks F., b. at Martha's Vineyard, Mass., July 28, 1852; d. Oct. 18, 1857. iii. Johm W., b. at Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Aug. 5, 1855; d. Oct. 22, 1857. iv. Mercy L, b. in Livermore, April 27, 1858; m. Harry McCausland. Resides at Great Works, Penobscot Co., Me. v. Annie S., b. in East Livermore, Dec. 23, 1859; m. Daniel McDonald. Resides at Augusta. 20. Supply Belcher Norton, son of Cornelius and Margaret J. (Belcher) Norton, married Sarah H. Smith. He settled first on a lot of land joining his father's farm on the west, and there built the house subsequently occupied for many years by the late Luther Luce. About 1834 he purchased an interest in the store and goods of John W. Dunn, at Allen's Mills, and entered trade. Soon afterward he bought his partner's interest and became sole owner. Here he remained until 184 1, when he disposed of his store and goods and in May, 1844, moved with his family to Martha's Vineyard and engaged in the whale fishery. Five years later he sailed for California, via Cape Horn, in the bark Sarah with his brother-in-law, Capt. John O. Morse. While in California he engaged in trade at Stockton and finally returned home in the ship Splendid. After this he kept a summer hotel and in con- k This name is spelled Ileald in the Adjutant General's Reports. 96 J 66 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. nection with it conducted a small farm on the Vineyard. lie also trailed to a considerable extent with vessels touching at that port, and frequently assisted captains to float their vessels when stranded. He was likewise a notary public for many years, and in that capacity received a considerable patronage. He died June 29, 18 71, aged 71 years, 8 months and 13 days. Children. i. MARY S., b. in Industry, Nov. 29, 1S24;* m. May 4, 1847, Capt. Holmes D. Luce, of Tisbury, Mass. He d. at sea, and she afterward m. June 20, 1852, for her second husband, Capt. Edward Harding, a retired shipmaster. They have two children, James A. and Minnie K., both of whom are married and have children. ii. Margaret M., b. in Industry, Oct. 14, 1826; d. Feb. 7, 1S31. 26. iii. SHUBAEl Hawks, b. in Industry, July 23, 1828; m. June 1 1, 1855, Susan M. Colt, of the family of Samuel Colt, the inventor of the revolver bearing his name. iv. MARGARET A., b. in Industry, July 6, 1834; m. Capt. James Claghorn, June n, 1855. They have one son, James Osborne, who is m. and resides in Chicago, 111. He has two sons. v. Sarah Jane, b. in Industry, Oct. 7, 1836; d. Oct. 8, 1836. vi. John Osborne, b. in Industry, May 13, 1838; d. Aug. 1, 1840. vii. John OSBORNE, b. in Industry, Nov. 15, 1840; went to sea with his brother, Shubael, who was then master of the bark " Cleora," of New Bedford, Mass., as a cabin-boy. He rose to the position of master of the bark " Clarabell," and ship "Nightengale," employed by the Western Union Telegraph Co. on the Siberian coast. Since then has been in Chicago, 111., in business with his cousin, II. M. YYihnarth. He m. Mary Cray, of Vineyard Haven, Mass. They have one son living. Their eldest son d. in 18S2. 21. Clifford Belcher Norton, son of Cornelius, Jr., and Mar- garet J. (Belcher) Norton, married Rhoda Weeks. After gaining from the school in his own district a good common school education, he com- pleted his studies at the Farmington Academy, and engaged in teaching during the fall and winter for some years. He inherited the homestead farm from his father, and lived nearly the whole of his life in the very house in which he was born. During a long series of years he was an influential and leading citizen of the town. He was a captain in the militia, and for twenty-two years served as a member of the board of select- men. He was elected a representative to the State Legislature of 1849, and ran more than forty votes ahead of the party ticket in his own town. In 1859 he was elected county commissioner for six years, and it is believed filled the office to the perfect acceptance of his large constit- uency. Personally Mr. Norton was not a man of positive convictions, but he nevertheless bore an irreproachable character. He possessed a mild disposition, and enjoyed the friendship and confidence of a large *This date was furnished the author by Capt. Shubaol Hawes Norton, and is claimed by him to be correct. The Industry Town Records give the date of birth Dec. 2q, 1S24. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 7 6 7 circle of acquaintances. He disposed of his farm and moved to Allen's Mills a few years prior to his death, which occurred Oct. 15, 1869. His wife, Rhoda (Weeks) Norton, was born in Farmington, July 20, 1807, and died Sept. 26, 1869. Children. i. VELSORA A., b. in Industry, March 8, 1830; m. June 22, 185 1, Winthrop N. Luce, q. v. She d. in Industry. ii. Horatio Gates, b. in Industry, Feb. 16, 1 S 3 _^ ; m. Feb. 3, 1861, Laura A., dau. of Luther and Thankful (Collins) Luce, q. z. He d. Oct. 12, 1862, s. p. iii. Mary Weeks, b. in Industry, Feb. 7, 1834; m. March 28, 1852, Herbert B. Luce, son of David M. and Joanna (Cottle) Luce, q. v. iv. Laura A., b. in Industry, Nov. 14, 1835; m - ^ ec - J 6> 1857,* David M. Luce, son of David M. and Joanna (Cottle) Luce, q. v. He d. in New Vineyard, v. Margaret Johnson Belcher, b. in Industry, Oct. 28, 1S39; m. Feb. 3, 1 861, Luther Luce, son of Luther and Thankful (Collins) Luce, ■/. v. She d. in Farmington, Nov. 4, 18S2. 22. Warren Norton, son of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Norton) Norton, married Sarah Almira Pottle, who died in Phillips, Me., April 9, 1836. He married for second wife Elmira Robbins. Mr. Norton • was a farmer and clothier and has resided in Strong, Phillips, and Mt. Ver- non, in Maine, also in New Bedford, Mass. In 1S46 he went to Wis- consin, where he remained a few years, and soon after the discovery of gold in California he went to that State. He was engaged in mining in California and Nevada until within two or three years of his death. His wife Elmira (born in Phillips, Aug. 15, 1810), died of consumption, in Milwaukee, Wis., July 6, 1851. He died in Augusta, Jan. 12, 1884. Children. i. Warren, b. in Strong, Feb. 5, 1830; resides in Milwaukee, Wis. ii. Julia Eastman, b. in Strong, Sept. 8, 1S32; m. June 12, 1854, Augustus W. Coolidge. Resides in Livermore, Me. Two children, iii. MYRA, b. in Phillips, Aug. 28, 1834; m. June 17, 1858, Cyrenus W. Has- kins. Resides in New Bedford, Mass. iv. Martha E., b. in Mt. Vernon, July 21, 1838; m. June 20, i860, Samuel Anderson, of Bath. She d. in Bath, March 16, 1889. Two sons, v. Mary A., b. in New Bedford, Mass., July 20, 1846; unmd. 23. Charles G. Norton, son of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Norton) Norton, married Lucy Mayhew. He acquired a good education in the English branches and engaged in teaching and farming. He lived for many years in Industry at the head of Clear Water Pond, on the farm recently occupied by Wm. D. Norton and sons. His wife, Lucy (Mayhew) Norton, died Jan. 19, 1832, and he married, Feb. 19, 1S33, Sylvina *The above date is from the record in the family Bible. Another record gives it Dec. 1857. 768 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Haws, daughter of Jacob and Ruth (Hobbs) Hayes. While a resident of Industry he frequently filled the office of superintending school com- mittee and was elected town clerk in 1839 and 1S40. From Industry he removed to Norridgewock, where he remained for some years. After that he resided for many years in the town of Farmington. He died June 2, 1884, and in 1887 his widow went to reside with her daughter and only surviving child in California. Children. i. LUCY MAVHEW, b. in Industry, Jan. 24, 1834. She was educated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, taught school for some years and m. Emerson J. Crane, of San Lorenzo, Cal., Ian. 1, 1864, where she now resides, s.p. ii. REBECKA, 1). in Industry, May 12, 1836; d. Jan. 28, 1 iii. WlNTHROP, b. in Industry, Nov. 19, 1S3S; d. in War of Rebellion, Sept. 20, 1863. iv. EDWARD PAYSON, 1*. in Industry, May 3, 1841; m. Mary E. Cobb, of Rockland, Me., Sept. 20, 1S66. For some years a merchant in New Orleans, subsequently in business with his father-in-law, Francis < !obb, of Rockland, where he d. June 14, 1885. Children : i. Martha Haves, b. Nov. 8, 1867; d. April 23, 1869. ii. Frank, b. Dec. 20, 1870. iii. Mary, b. Aug. 31, 1877. 24. Winthrop Norton, son of Ebenezer and Rebecca ( Norton) Norton, married Mary Davis, who was born in Strong. Oct. 8, 1812, and died April 7, 1880. His father died when he was but nine years old, and his mother married soon after, Capt. Isaac Wilson. In the fall of 1^23 his step-father moved to the town of Strong. Here Mr. Norton spent his whole life, figuring prominently in town affairs and as an entei prising business man. He was for a long period of years a clothier and wool-carder, and for a time a manufacturer of cotton-batting and wad- ding. He likewise engaged in the manufacture of potato-starch in com- pany with the Porter Brothers, of Strong. For many years he was a member of the board of superintending school committee in Strong, and also treasurer of the North Franklin Agricultural Society. Appreciating his sterling business qualifications and strict integrity, his townsmen repeatedly elected him as their treasurer, which office he held at the time of his death. He was also elected county treasurer in 1868. In principle and practice Mr. Norton was a zealous temperance man. and one of the original members of the Republican party, organized in Strong in 1854. He died in Strong, Jan. 1. 1873. aged nearly 68 years. Rev. fonas Burnham, who preached his funeral sermon, spoke from the fol- lowing eminently appropriate words: "Mark the perfect man. and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." The following item, relative to his death, and showing the esteem in which Mr. Norton was held by his townsmen, is copied from the Farmington Chronicle. Cuuj-co Engraved by Geo. E.Johnson, Boston. From a photograph made in i8S6 bv Warren, of Cottage City, M:iss. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 769 "Hon. Washington L. Daggett writes from Strong, under the date of March 3 : "At the annual town meeting held to-day in this town, the following tes- timonial to one of our most lamented citizens was presented by Col. B. F. Eastman, and unanimously adopted and ordered to be spread upon the records of the town : ' Whereas, since our last annual town meeting, Winthrop Nor- ton, Esq., our late town treasurer, has gone the way of all the earth, therefore Resolved: That in the death of Winthrop Norton, Esq., the town has lost one of its most valued citizens, as well as one of the best of town officers, — he having held several town offices, besides having served as treasurer during twelve consecutive years, in all of which he discharged his duties efficiently and with strict fidelity. His loss we deeply deplore.' This is a merited compliment to one worthy the affectionate regard of our people." From the minutes of the Franklin County Conference (Congrega tional) the subjoined eulogistic remarks are copied : "Dea. Winthrop Norton, for thirty-nine years a faithful servant of Christ, liberal in his benefaction, a pillar in the church, and a tower of strength in the community, has been called higher. 11 Children. i. Charles Augustus, b. in Strong, April 5, 1845; d - Sept. iS. 1S47. ii. Martha Jane, b. in Strong, March 4, 1849; m. fames T. Skillings. iii. Charles Edwin, b. in Strong, Sept. 7, 1852. Left home when a young man. Present residence, if living, is unknown to his friends. 25. Tristram Norton, son of Samuel and Susannah W. (Davis) Norton, married Amanda A. Durrell. He is a farmer and resides in Kingfield. 27. i. Lavella Augustus, \b. in Kingfield, Feb. 16, i860. Lavella A. m. Aug. ii. Stella Frances, | 19, 1883, Imogene F. Parker, dau. of Joseph n! and Josephine (Boyinton) Parker, of New Portland. Ste'lla F., 111. Sept. 6, 1881, Samuel Vose, son of and Ruth ( Hanson) Vose, of New Portland. Mr. Vose is a shoedealer and resides at Madison.' They have two children: Agnes, b. 1884, and Grace, b. 1887. iii. William F., b. in Kingfield, Feb. 21, 1S71. 26. Capt. Shubael Hawes Norton was born in Industry, Maine. July 23. 1828, in a house near where his grandfather, Cornelius Norton, made his first clearing on the New Vineyard Gore. He was the oldest son of Supply B. and Sarah H. (Smith) Norton, and was the first child born in the forementioned house. He first attended school in the dis- trict school-house on the Gore and afterwards in the brick school-house at Allen's Mills. He made a public profession of religion in April, 1843, and in the month of October following went to New Bedford 770 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Mass.. where he attended school until the month of April. 1844, when he sailed as steerage boy on the ship York, of Edgartown, Mass., George Coffin, master. "On the morning I sailed on my first voyage," writes Captain Norton, " my sister Mary took me to her room, where we knelt together and sought God's protection and blessing." and no one who follows the story of his eventful life and notes his almost miraculous escapes can for a moment doubt that the kind Father heard and answered those prayers. Three times during this voyage he fell from aloft, three times the boat in which he pulled the after oar was crushed by whales, and yet he escaped unharmed. The York sailed around Cape Horn and cruised for two seasons off the northwest coast, and the sub- ject of this sketch had an opportunity of visiting many ports, including the Sandwich, Society and other islands. He arrived at home in Feb- ruary, 1847, having just completed the first half of his nineteenth year. He received a two-hundredth lay, and his wages amounted to $208. In May, 1847, he sailed from Vineyard Haven, Mass., on the schooner Harvest, of Searsport, Maine, engaged in freighting, and visited all the principal ports from Bangor to New Orleans and the West Indies. This vessel seemed doomed to misfortune and twice, while Captain Norton was with her, she was on fire, and twice came near foundering at sea. He left the vessel at New Orleans, in March, 1S48, the offer of a first officer's berth being no temptation to remain. After leaving the Har- vest, he shipped on the bark Isabella, Captain Griffin, of Richmond, Me., for New York. The captain was a fine christian gentleman, but his crew was a set of pirates. The vessel narrowly escaped shipwreck off the Jersey coast in a terrific gale. He shipped second officer of the new brig, Governor Carver, of Fairhaven, Mass., in June, 184S, and received fifteen dollars per month for his services. He left after the first voyage and sailed August 3, 1848, on the whaleship Mary, of Ed- gartown, Mass., Captain Frederick Crocker, as steerer of the mate's boat. The Mary doubled the ("ape of Good Hope and cruised off New Holland in the China and Sooloo seas, and also in the Pacific Ocean. As usual, Captain Norton was very successful, and his boat's crew on one occasion took six whales at one lowering of their boat. At the Isle of Celebes, assisted by the captain and a shipmate, he captured an enor- mous boa-constrictor. "Of the events of this voyage alone," writes Captain Norton, "an interesting volume might be written." He arrived home in November, 185 1, and attended school during the following winter. He sailed fust officer of the bark Cleora, in April, 1S52, bound on a whaling voyage with his uncle. Captain James L. Smith. After a successful cruise of nearly three years, the Cleora set sail for home. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 771 Touching at St. Helena, Captain Norton was engaged to take the ship Finland, of Baltimore, Md., to London, its commander having just died at St. Helena. When only a few days out the Finland sprung a leak, and after a perilous and toilsome voyage, Captain Norton succeeded in reaching a Brazilian port, with an exhausted crew and the ship in a sink- ing condition. He married, June n, 1855, Susan M. Colt, daughter of Captain Henry Colt, and a cousin of Col. Samuel Colt, of revolver fame. He sailed as master of the hark Cleora, June iS, 1855, and com- menced taking oil when a few days out. So good luck attended him that in a cruise of less than three years he cleared nearly seven thousand dollars. \ Oct. 15, 1858, Captain Norton sailed as master of the ship Splendid, of Edgartown, Mass., on a four years' sperm-whaling cruise. He was accompanied by his wife, she being the first woman who had sailed from that port on such a voyage. In the Gulf Stream the Splen- did encountered a hurricane in which she was dismasted and came near foundering, but was almost miraculously saved, and after out-riding the gale put into port at Norfolk, Va., for repairs. When the ship again resumed her voyage bad luck attended her for a twelvemonth. Whales were frequently struck, but none were captured and the crew narrowly escaped shipwreck in the Aloo Straits. Here, when the ship was swept in among the rocks by a strong tide, in a calm, the piratical natives of the Isle of Pautar, thought they had a prize and in their delight swung their torches and made the air hideous with their howlings. Fortunately a breeze sprang up and blew from off the land, and the ship was saved from its impending doom. Notwithstanding all these unfavorable circum- stances, the voyage eventually proved a very profitable one. The wife of Captain Norton died quite suddenly in December, 1864. He subse- quently married for his second wife, Ellen M. Vincent, daughter of Hon. Samuel G. Vincent, July 26, 1865. His last voyage was in the bark Alaska, a fine-looking, fast-sailing new ship, built by Hon. Jonathan Bourne, of New Bedford, for him. All her appointments were first- class, costing, ship and outfits, $75,000. A large amount of trade was taken on this voyage, owned equally by the captain and owners to be exchanged for recruits ; gold in bars, spices, turtle shell, whalebone, Birds of Paradise, elephants' tusks, pearls, choice shells, gums, sandal- wood and ebony. His wife and son, Herbert .Lincoln, sailed with him on this voyage, leaving New Bedford Aug. 21, 1867. He left the Alaska, having been severely injured while taking a whale along- side the ship when short handed, four boats and crews having been lost from the ship, which, however, reached Celebes Island in safety, and came home from Java on ship Fleetwing. The writer regrets that 77 2 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. he is able to here give only a brief outline of a few of the interesting events of Captain Norton's busy life, for to tell of his numerous adven- tures, how he fell from the icy mast-head, off Cape Horn, crushing a boat in his descent and narrowly escaping instant death ; of his fortunate escape from a watery grave, when, with his boat and crew, he was blown on a coral reef in a gale : of his contest with a mutinous crew wherein the mate was seriously injured and both came near losing their lives; of his sawing off the ropes at mast-head, in a hurricane, relieving the ves- sel of a mass of wreckage and thus saving the ship, would be sufficient to fill a whole volume. Captain Norton has been for several years employed in the Revenue Marine as boarding officer of the Port of Vineyard Haven, where nearly X.ooo vessels anchor annually. Both the captain and his wife are influential and valued members of the Metho- dist Church, as was also his first wife. He now resides in Cottage City, Mass., of which place he is a useful and highly honored citizen. / Children. i. HERBERT L., b. 1S66; he started in the grocery, grain, lime, wood and coal business at the age of eighteen years, lie is a very capable, reliable christian young man. ii. Florence, b. 1870. 27. Lavella Augustus Norton, son of Tristram and Amanda A. (Durrell) Norton, married Imogene F. Parker. Entered the Farming ton State Normal School, and graduated from that institution in the class of 1881. He is a carpenter and builder by trade and employs his win- ters in teaching. Me has served on the board of superintending school committee. t Ihildren. i. Parker I.., b. in Kingfield, Jan. 11, 1885. ii. Stella |., b. in Kingfield, Sept. 26, 1886. Peter NORTON, son of Zachariah and Hannah (Smith) Norton, was born on Martha's Vineyard, April 26, 1 7.S2. He was a brother of Dehave Norton (bom Sept. 16, 1780), who married, April 23, 1 No 1 . Phebe Pease, of F/armington, and who was for a time a resident of Indus- try, and a signer of the petition for incorporation of the town. He mar- ried Margaret Look (born April 24, 1776), daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Chase) Look, of Tisbury. Mass.. q. v. Mr. Norton settled in Industry, on the firm now (1892) owned and occupied b) Andrew J. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 7 J 3 Spinney. He lived in town some years and then removed to Madison, where he died. Children. i. Mercy, b. Feb. 17, 1807; d. June 23, 1S0S. ii. MERCY, b. March 23, 1809; m. a Savage. iii. Clement, b. Nov. 23, 1S10; m. Died in Madison. iv. ABIG Ml , 1). Sept. 23, l8l2. Elihu Norton, a brother of the forementioned Peter, was born July 3, 1787, and married, Jan. 22, 1818, Mary Fletcher, of Augusta. She died April 6, 1826, and he married, Jan. 10, 1827, for his second wife, Hannah I). Page, of Bath. He resided for some eight or ten years in Industry, on the farm known as the Benjamin Warren Norton farm. He died in Sunbury, 111., Sept. 24, 1868, his wife having died March 15. 1864. Of his seven children the Industry Town Records give only the births of those by his second wife. Children. i. Wilson Page, b. Nov. 17, 1827. ii. Elizabeth Huntington, b. Aug. 24. [829. iii. Minerva Huntington, b. Aug. 14, 1832. Ansel Norton came from Edgartown, Dukes Co., Mass., where he had owned a fine farm on which was a valuable orchard. He sold his estate at a great sacrifice when he decided to immigrate to the District of Maine. As nearly as can be learned, he came directly to the New Vineyard Gore, where he purchased two hundred acres of the north- west section. He married Deborah Vinson, daughter of Nathaniel and Deborah (Stuart) Vinson, and died, says Esq. Wm. Allen, in 1S10. His widow died in Industry, aged about 93 years and 4 months. Children. Nathan, settled in Philadelphia. He was a man of superior education and much force of character. A sea captain; was lost at sea. Four children. Levi, m. Anna Meader, dau. of Francis and Mary (Holley) Meader, of Industry. He d. and she m. (pub. Sept. 13, 1807), for second hus- band, Solomon Luce, son of Jonathan and Urana ( Luce) Luce, of New Vineyard. Children : i. Julia Ann, b. in New Vineyard, June 8, 1S00; m. Pinkham, of Strong, ii. Fanny TEMPLE, b. May 27, 1802; m. Simeon Weymouth, of Freeman, iii. Mary Meader, b. in Farmington, Sept. 11, 1805;* m. < >ct. 4, 1825, Noah Pratt, Jr. * Farmington Town Records. The Records of Industry give the year 1S14, the month and day agreeing with the above. 97 774 HISTORY OT INDUSTRY. fOHN Merchant. He built a house on the Mayhew lot in Farmington. He then went to sea, intending to marry on his return home, but was drowned. (His nephew, Chas. Graham, says he was the youngest child of Ansel Norton.) Sarah, m. Aaron Pease, of Hope. Me. LUCY, m. a Luce; her son, Capt. George Luce, resides on the island of Nantucket. Mass. Ann, I), in 1772; m. Benjamin (?) Hervey, who was killed by a falling tree, leaving one dau., Nancy (b. in Barrettstown,* May 8, 1798), who m. William B. Davis, son of Capt. David and olive ( Mayhew) Davis, of Industry. She m. Jan. 10, 1805, for her second husband, Capt. fonathan ( ushman, of Farmington, son of James and I Iannah (Negus) Cushman, by whom she had four children. She d. May 1, 1850, aged 78 ) ears. 1 )> bi iRAH, m. Asa Conant, one of the pioneei settlers on the Lowell Strip in Industry. They had two daughters, and four sons, viz.: Asa, Simeon, Warren, and Sew all, who now I I SSo | resides at Camden Harbor. [edidah, b. in Edgartown, Mass.; m. James ( iraham, of Hope, Me. She d. in Industry, Jan. \o. 1835, aged 54 years and some months. Jabez Norton, son of Isaac and Hannah (Norton) Norton, was horn, probably in Edgartown, Dukes Co., Mass.. Sept. 18, 1738. He was a brother of Abner Norton, but the writer has not been able to establish the existing relationship between these brothers and Major Peter Norton, though undoubtedly like him, they were descendants of Nicho- las Norton. Mr. Norton came to Industry about 1795, and settled on the northern part of lot No. 21, on the Lowell Strip. Here he cleared land and built a log-house for his family ; this he afterward replaced by the substantial trained one now standing on the premises. He eventu- ally surrendered the care of the farm to his son Jabez. He married Phebe Luce, who was born January, 1745, and died April. 1S06. He died in 181 2, aged 74 years. Children. i. MARY, b. in Edgartown, Mass., April 5, 1773; m. Capt. William Roach. 1. ii. I \i:i./, b. in Edgartown, Mass., Aug. 22. 1777; m. Sept. 15, 1804, Mary Luce. dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Merry) Luce, q. v. She d., and he 111. Oct. 20, 1814, Abigail Daggett, dau. of Tristram and Jane . ^j ( Merry) I >aggett, q. v. 2. iii. Sprowel, !>. in Edgartown, Mass., July 4,^87+; m. July 12. 1801, Nancy Evi leth, dau. of |ames and Betsey (Williams) Eveleth, . in Industry, 1806; m. Lydia Weeks and resided in Illinois when last heard from. Four children. iii. , b. in Industry; d. young. iv. , h. in Industry; d. young. v. MARY, b. in Industry; d. young. vi. TRISTRAM, 1>. in Industry, where he d. at the age of eleven years. vii. Benjamin, b. in Industry, Dec. 25, 1820; m. Roxana Patterson. Resided in Brunswick, Minn., when last heard from. viii. Clementine, b. in Industry; m. Charles Webber. Resides in Spring- field, Me., s. p. ix. George Butler, b. in Industry, March 3, 1826; m. Dec. 3, 1854, Minerva Gatchell (b. in Plymouth, Me., Dec. 14, 1837), dau. of Albert S. and Lydia S. (Staples) Gatchell. Went to Black River, Wis., in 1S71, and in the spring of 1873 to Stillwater, Minn. Overseer of a large crew of lumbermen. Injured by a falling tree and d. in Pine City, Minn., Feb. 9, 1873. Five children. His widow m. J. B. Blanchard, and resides in Moorhead, Minn. x. Hannah L., b. in Industry, June 29, 1828; m. Jan. 9, , Rufus W. Noble, son of Isaac and Mary (Coffin) Noble, blacksmith. Resides at Summer St., Portland, Me. xi. HARRISON Allen, b. in Industry, March 17, 1 S3 1 ; m. Feb. 2, 1856, Lucy S. Dwelley, dau. of Allan and Polly (Hodges) Dwelley. She was b. in Springfield, Me., Feb. 4, 1824. Farmer; resides in Lee. Five children. xii. Simon Lowell, b. in Lee, Me., June 29, 1833, m. April — , 1858, Angeline Merrill (b. in Lee, Me., Dec. 13, 1837), c ' au - °f James and Mary (Hewey) Merrill. She d. in Lee, Jan. 27, 1881. Mr. Norton served as a soldier in the War of the Rebellion from Sept. 1, 1S63, to June 10, 1865, in Co. D, 19th Reg't, Me. Infantry. Wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, May 6,1864. He is a lumberman and farmer, and resides in Minnesota. Seven children. xiii. Cyrus Douglas, b. in Lee, Me., May 2S, 1836. When last heard from resided near Atken, Minn.; unmd. 77& HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 2. Sprowel Norton, son of Jabez and Phebe (Luce) Norton, married Nancy Eveleth. After his marriage he settled on lot No. 20, on the Lowell Strip, now known as the Charles H. B. True farm. Here he cleared some land and buill a log-house some distance up the moun- tain and north of the present road. At the time of his marriage no settler on the Lowell Strip had a title of the land he occupied. Some years later an effort was made to purchase the entire strip, and Mr. Norton was chosen one of a committee of three to negotiate for the same ( see p. 50). This venture proved extremely disastrous in a finan- cial sense to all concerned, and hoping to better his condition by finding some lucrative employment, he returned to Martha's Vineyard. He afterward went to New Orleans in company with his son and ('apt. Jeruel butler, where all died of yellow fever. His death occurred at Natchez, Miss., Sept. 1, 1824, at the age of 43 years, 1 month and 27 days. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Norton married (pub. Oct. 23, 1830), Tristram Daggett, of Industry, for his second wife. She died April 18, 1846. Children. Maria, b. in Industry, June 15, 1X04; m. Jnly 25, 1826, lames Manter, son of ('apt. Benjamin and Abigail ( West) Manter, q. v. Benjamin Franklin, b. in Industry, May 23, 1807; d. in New Orleans, Aug. 18, 1824. I'.i 1 3EY Williams, b. in Industry, June 7, 1809; m. Dec. 4, 1828, William West Manter, son of Henry and Mary ( West ) Manter, q. v. 3. ELIJAH Norton, son of Jabez and Phebe (Luce) Norton, mar- ried Rhoda Norton. He has resided in Industry, New Vineyard, Lee, and Stark. For many years he was a victim to a species of mania ; at such times he was much given to wandering from place to place, unit tering rhymes of his own composing, of which the following, concerning the breaking of his pipe is a sample : " I broke my pipe to-day. — My pipe was made of clay; And if I break my pipe again, I'll throw my pipe away." He died in Industry. April 1, 1863, at the age of 75 years, 1 month and 22 days. His wife, who was born in Edgartown, Mass., in 1 785, returned to Martha's Vineyard, and died in Tisbury, Feb. 25, 1874, aged 89 years. Children. i. MARY I.., b. in Industry; d. at the age of one vear. 4- >>• Olive, 1>. in Industry, June 11, 1S15; m. Aug. 20, 1838, Samuel Remick, son of Nathaniel and Eliza (Dinsmore) Remick. iii. William R., b. in New Vineyard; d. at the age of one year. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. JJJ iv. Sarah Ann, b. in New Vineyard, July 9, 1822; m. Nov. 3, 1850, Ephraim N. Wescott, son of Major and Frances (Nason) Wescott, of Anson. Their child, Ellen 1-'., d. in 1853, aged 4 mos. She was divorced and subsequently m. March 1, 1870, Abraham I,. 1 h dmt-s. of Cold Spring, L. I. Mr. Holmes was a brickmaker by trade. He d. at < old Spring Harbor, L. I., Sept. ■ — , 1888. Mrs. Holmes then made her home in West Tisbury, Mass., where she d. of apoplexy, May 4, 1892. v. Caroline M., b. in New- Vineyard, Oct. 7, 1823; m. April 24, 1852, at Falmouth, Mass., Theodore Luce, son of Willard and Love (Lewis) Luce, of Tisbury, Mass. Her husband is a fanner and resides in Tis- bury, Mass. Their children: i. Ellsworth A., b. in Tisbury, Oct. 1 1, 1855; d. Jan. — , i860. ii. HENRY L., b. in Tisbury, Oct. 17, 1 863; m. Annie Lawton. 4. Samuel Remick* married Olive Norton. Mr. Remick was born in Chester, Rockingham Co., N. H.. and his parents afterward removed to Anson. After his marriage he settled in Anson and engaged in farm- ing. He has followed the occupation of farmer all his life, and now (1892) resides in Stark, where his wife died Jan. 16, 18S7. John DlNSMORE, b. in Anson, Sept. 11, 1838; m. Sept. 1, 1870, Ann F. Manter, dau. of Elijah and Irene C. (Shaw) Manter, q. i'. A farmer, resides in Anson. Three sons. Sarah Ann, b. in Anson, (Jet. 1, 1S40; m. Allen H. Putnam. Resides in Humboldt Co., Cal. Two children. WILLIAM Lyman, b. in Anson, May 10, J843; m - N° v - 26, 1868, Annie W. Merry, dau. of William B. and Caroline (West) Merry, q. v. Resides in Madison. One child. Ki 1 BEN DlNSMORE, b. in Anson, Oct. 2, 1S44; d. April 11, 1845. AMOS Couch, b. in Anson, July 5, 1846; m. Ella Orr. Resides in San Luis, Obispo Co., Cal. Four children. Nathaniel BARTON, l>. in Anson, Nov. 7, 1849; m. Cynthia Sumner. Farmer; resides in San Luis, Cal. Six children. MARIA MANTER, b. in Anson, Dec. 31, 1851; m. Jonah Houghton. Resides in Rio Crande, Cal. Seven children. Mary Olive, b. in Anson, Nov. 3, 1853; m. Harry H. Cookson; resides in Tiburon, Cal. One child. LYDIA ELIZA, b. in Anson, March 20, 1856; m. Herbert W. Maxtield, son of fohn B. and Lydia (Creenleaf) Maxfield. A prosperous merchant in Stark Village, .f. /. Ha 1 tie Frances, b. in Anson, April 18, 1857; m. Laforest F. Witham, son of Joseph and Nancy (Young) Witham, of Stark. Meat and provision dealer in Farmington Village. One son. Abner Norton, son of Isaac and Hannah (Norton) Norton, was a brother of Jabez Norton, who settled on the Lowell Strip. He came to the District of Maine in company with Daniel Collins, and settled on the Gore. His first wife was Mary Claghorn ; his second wife, Mrs. * Mr. Remick was a son of Nathaniel, and a grandson of Samuel Remick, of New Hamp- shire. They were of the same stock as William and John Remick, of Industry, but the degree of kinship has not been learned. ;-S HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Hannah (Claghorn) Bartlett, a sister of his first wife. Mr. Norton was a man of considerable property, and made a good farm on his section of the Gore. After spending a few years in his log-house, he built a i ommodious two-story framed one. This house was afterward so much damaged by lightning that it became necessarj to cut it down to a one- story edifice. Mr. Norton's was probably the first frame house erected on the (lore. He was a weaver by trade, and sometimes wove for his neighbors when he became too infirm to till his farm. Mr. Norton was a member of the Methodist Church and school committee in New Vine- yard in 1803. During his dec lining years he was kindly cared for by his son in-law, Zebulon Manter. Died about 1813. His wife died about 1837. Children. 1. Benjamin Claghorn, b. in 1777; m. March 31, 1799, Margaret Merry, dau. of David and Eunice (Chase) Merry, q. v. 2. ISAAC, m. Nov. 27, 1806, Katy Caine. Catherine, m. Feb. 15, 1815, Sarson Butler, son of Sarson Butler. Chil- dren by second marriage. REBECCA, b. May 1, 1794; m. Oct. 20, 1808, Zebulon Manter, son of James and Mary (Butler) Manter, q. v. Hannah, m. May 31, 1814, John Patterson. SERENA, m. Feb. — , 1818, John Gott. They went to Lee, Me., with Capt. Jabez Norton, and d. there, s. />. Thankful, m. Oct. 2, 1817, Alfred Viles, son of Joseph and Sarah (Hancock) Viles, . in Stark, Jan. — , 1829; d. of scarlatina, May 14, 1838. Hannah, b. Jan. — , 1831; d. Aug. 27, 1832. Benjamin, b. in Stark, 1833; m. Mrs. Lavina ( Hodgkins) Stinehlield, of New Sharon. Settled in New Sharon. A member Co. G, 1 6th Me, Reg't, Infantry, promoted to corporal; d. Oct. 21, 1862. One dau. Mary, m. William G. Snell, son of Thirza (Greenleaf) Snell, of Stark. Reside in Madison. Children: i. Jennie F., b. May 6, 1863. ii. Winfield Scott, b. Sept. 18, 1865. iii. Everett T., b. May 21, 1868. iv. George Edward, b. Oct. 3, 1871. Charles Smith, b. May — , 1836; d. Jan. 2, 1838. Charles Andrew, b. about 1S38; m. Martha H. Hilton, dau. of Daniel and Eliza (Manter) Hilton, (/. v. He was a soldier in War of Rebellion. Carpenter; resides in Waverly, Iowa. < »ne dau. Smith, b. Dec. 29, 1840; m. Dec. 25. 18(14, Antoinette Wood (b. Aug. 21, 1845), dau. of James and Annah (Greenleaf) Wood, of Stark. Farmer; resides in Stark. Children: i. Frank J., b. Dec. 3, 1867. ii. Clarence A., b. Nov. 30, 1870. Henry Edwin, b. 1842; m. Lucretia Elliott. Was a private and cor- poral in Co. D, 9th Reg't, Infantry, War of the Rebellion. Now resides in Waverly, Iowa. One dau. EDWARD Payson, b. June 19, 1845; m - *^ u g- 2 4> 1865, Sarah M. Viles, dau. of John H. and Mercy E. Viles, 1/. v. Soldier in Co. D, 9th Me. Reg't, Inf., War of Rebellion. Mason by trade; resides in xMinnesota. Children : i. Oreanna Frances, b. in Stark, Sept. 12. 1866; m. Erastus Baker. Has two children. 7 So HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ii. GEORGE ANDREW, b. in Industry, July 21, 1S6S. iii. Lawrence Woodman, b. March 14, 1872. iv. Albert LeGrande, b. May 4, 1875. v. FRANK, l>. Sept. 30, 1 S 7 7 ; drowned in June, 1878. vi. William Henry, b. June 28, 1879. vii. Mary Edmonds, l>. |une 11. 1883. \i. Marshall Willis, Ii. January, 1N4.X; d. fuly 10. 1SS3. 4. Benjamin Warren Norton, son of Benjamin ('. and Margaret (Merry) Norton, married Amy A. Manter. Farmer; spent his whole life in New Vineyard and Industry. Died July 18, 1865, aged 59 years, 2 months and 5 days. His widow subsequently married Luke S. Man- ter. q. v., and died Sept. iS. 1NS1. aged 73 years, 4 months and 2 days. Children. i. Caroline, l>. in New Vineyard, Dec. 9, 1833; m - J an - 3 X > 1856, John T. I >aggett, son of Isaac and Sarah B. (Norton) Daggett, q. v. 5. ii. Benjamin Warren, b. July 3, 1836; m. July 3, 1859, Julia J.Daggett, dau. of Isaac and Sarah B. (Norton) Daggett, q. v. (>. iii. ALONZO, b. Dec. 5, 1838; m. Jan. 1, 1862, Leone A. Willis, dau. of Ben- jamin X. and Catherine P. (Bennett) Willis, q. r. 7. iv. David Merry, b. March 23, 1841; m. Sept. 18, 1866, Emma B. Merry, dau. of Joseph and Rhoda (Butler) Merry, q. v. X v. [amis MANTER, b. Aug. 20, 1843; m - J an - n > ^72, C.eorgiana Eddy, dau. of Dr. Wm. II. and Caroline X. (Willis) Eddy (see Willis notes). vi. ABBIE MANTER, b. June iS, i. L885, Henry Everett Hodgkins, son of Henry T. and Ann Greeley (Stinchlield) Hodgkins, of Chesterville. lie is a carriage and sign painter and resides in Chesterville. One son, Ernest Warren, b. in Chesterville, April 24. [889. ii. David Merry, b. in Industry, Feb. 2], 1864; m. Nov. 22, 1890, Orie Woolworth (1). at Steamboat Rock. Iowa, Sept. 12, 1S69), dau. of William and Mary (Taylor) Woolworth, of Sanborn, Iowa. Mr. .Norton graduated from the public schools in Industr) in the class of 1883, and the following year in the advance course. lie went to San- born, < I'Brien Co., Iowa, with his parents in the spring of 1886; since he went West, has been divided between farming and teaching, with exception of one year, when he was a clerk in the banking house of his cousin, Isaac W. Daggett. He is ( 1S91), and has been, clerk of Franklin Township, in < Tl'.rien Co., for a term of three years. Taken all in all he is a young man of whom his native town may well be proud. iii. EMILY D., b. in Industry, Sept. 20, 1869. 6. Alonzo Norton, son of Benjamin W., and Amy A. (Manter) Norton, married Leone A. Willis. She died Aug. 19, 1863, s. p., and he GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 78 1 married, Oct. 31, 1863, Deborah Smith, daughter of Peter B., and Elea- nor (Spencer) Smith. Farmer; has resided in Stark and Industry. Children. i. Carrie Leone, b. April 26, 1868.* ii. Abbie Frances, b. Jan. 25, 1870; m. Fred Witham, of Norridgewock. One child. iii. AMY ALLEN, b. July 15, 1873; m. Henry Oliver, son of Thos. M. and Rachel A. (Gordon) Oliver, q. v. iv. Ellen Smith, b. Feb. 16, 1875. v. , son, b. March 31, 1878; d. in infancy. v !: ( .' ,RA ' lb. March 21, 1881; Cora d. Aug. 10, 18S2. vn. plora, J & 7. David Merry Norton, son of Benjamin Warren and Amy A. (Manter) Norton, married Emma B. Merry. He was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion ( sec p. 358). Settled on the homestead, and later at West's Mills, where he owned and operated a steam box-mill. Rep- resentative in Legislature, and superintending school committee in In- dustry. Moved to Anson, where his wife died Aug. 21, 1881. He married, Nov. 1, 1881, for second wife, Ellen M. Mann, who died May 12, 1884, s. p. He is now living with his third wife. Children. i. Lena M., b. in Industry, Dec. 18, 1867; m. and lives in Anson. ii. Alice Ii., b. in Industry, June 18, 1S69; m. and lives in Anson. iii. Fred W., 1>. in Industry, July 20, 1S71; d. March 16, 1874. iv. INFANT, 1). in Industry, Feb. 15, 1873; d. June 23, 1S74. v. HENRY M., b. in Industry, Sept. 14, 1875. vi. Ralph, b. in Industry, July 14, 1877; d. Nov. 28, 1877. vii. foSEPH W., 1). in Industry, Feb. 2, 1879. 8. James Manter Norton, son of Benjamin Warren and Amy A. (Manter) Norton, married Georgiana Eddy. Mr. Norton spent some years in Wisconsin when a young man. On his return to Maine he pur- chased of Sampson Duley his store and stock of goods at West's Mills, and has been a successful merchant for the past twenty years. He has also been a dealer in stock, and interested in lumbering in company with his brother Alonzo ; has likewise been a member of the board of selectmen several times, and is one of the town's most enterprising citi- zens and business men. Children. i. Clara Emma, b. in Industry, May 6, 1874. ii. Reuel Butler, b. in Industry, Aug. 3, 1875. iii. Della Frances, b. in Industry, Oct. 23, 1876. *The Industry Town Records, which give year Carrie L.'s birth as 1S69, are evidently in- correct. Mrs. Mary W. Cornforth says: " Carrie L. was b. same day that Polly Manter was buried." As Mrs. Manter died April 23, 1S6S, it is probable that she was buried on the 26th. '82 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iv. FRED WARREN, 1>. in Industry, Dec. 28. [878. v. Annie Merry, b. in Industry, Sept. 13, 1880. vi. EDITH Bl m i, b. in Industry, Aug. 19, 1882. vii. Ida May, b. in Industry, Aug. 28, 1884. ( >bed Norton, who came to Industry when a young man, was born in Edgartown. Mass.. March 20, 1787. He was a son of Obed and Mehitable (Pease) Norton, a grandson of Timothy, and a great grand- son of Hayes Norton. His father was drowned in 1788 in attempting to cross a creek on the ice. He came to Industry soon after reaching Ins majority and married, April 7, 18 13, Sarah, daughter of Daniel and Thankful (Ashley) Collins. He purchased the Jabez Norton farm soon after this, and here his whole life was spent. He was a carpenter by trade, having learned his trade of Uriel Hillman, of Farmington. Soldier in the 181 2 War, and selectman. He acquired a good property, and died Aug. 15, i860, aged 73 years, 4 months and 25 days. His widow- died Nov. 8, 1S75, aged 87 years, 11 months and 1 day. Children. i. ABIGAIL Pease, b. in Industry, March 29. 1815; m. June 20, 1837, Reuel Packard (b. in Readfied, July 13, 1813), son of Caleb and Lydia (Ford) Packard. Farmer; d. at Kent's Hill, Sept. 12, 1883. Shed. Dec. 28, 1 89 1. Children: i. [osi PHINE Ai RELIA, b. July 15, 1838; d. Aug. 25, 1862. ii. Rinaldo Wellington, 1>. Oct. 3, 1841; m. June 23, 1879, Sylvia Ann Smith, dau. of Ephraim S. and Marietta (Cumner) Smith, of Wayne. Farmer; resides at Kent's Hill. ( >ne son. ii. [OHN WESLEY, b. in Industry, Jan. 2, 1S1S; m. Jan. 1, 1S63, Augusta V. Cray, dau. of Obed W. and Deborah (Smith) Gray. Settled on the homestead, but went to Bangor about 1870, where he d. Dec. 22, 1876. She was a successful dressmaker in Bangor: d. Sept. 8, 1887. iii. MAHALA, b. in Industry, Aug. 29, 1S19; unmd. Resides in Industry, iv. THIKZA MARIA, b. in Industry, Nov. 9, 1822; m. Feb. 21, 1843, Philip A. Storer (b. in Vassalborough), son of Andrew and Mary (Keazer) Storer. Farmer; has resided in Farmington, New Vineyard, New Sharon, and Industry, his present resilience. One child, Fva Adelaide, b. April 27, 1845; d. of diphtheria, Nov. 13, i860. v. OBED WILSON, b. in Industry, July 25, 1824; d. June 12, 1826. \i. Sarah Collins, b. in Industry, March 30, 1826; m. Oct. — , 1848, Simeon Perkins Keith (1.. in Minot, Oct. 28, i8i6),son of Joseph and Rebecca (Perkins; Keith. Mr. Keith is a blacksmith, has resided in Industry. Now resides in Auburn, where his wife d. Jan. 11, 1879. Their dau., [ulia Ann, was b. May 3, 1846, and d. Jan. 15, 1878. vii Obed Wilson, b. in Industry, Feb. 27. 1828; m. May 10, 1857. Maria 1 ... dau. of Isachar and Mary (Leaver) Whitten, of Industry. Farmer; resided on the homestead, where he d. March 5, 1867. Children: i. Maria LORENA, b. in Industry, Aug. 12, 1858; m. < .(-urge R., son ol ( leorge Jackson. Resides in Industry. Three chil- dren, ii. SADIJ \m:h. I', in Industry, March 23, i860; m. Walter Keazer, of Salem, Mass. One dau. viii. FLAVILLA ELIZABETH, b. in Industry, May 2, 1830; m. Jan. 13, 1857, Reuben Hatch, son of Reuben and Thankful (Collins) Hatch, q. v. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 783 OLIVER. Hiram Oliver, son of Dea. John and Huldah (Robinson) Oliver, was born in Stark, Me., July 24, 182';. He married, July 7, 1850, Nancy A. Nichols, daughter of George and Nancy (Fish) Nichols, of Stark. Carpenter and millwright. Resides at West's Mills. Children. i. George Clinton, b. in stark, May 24, 1851; m. Dec. 24, 1890, Mrs. Lottie E. Lunt, relict of William Arthur Lunt, and dau. of William J. and Elizabeth (Sutherland) Forsyth, of Newburyport, Mass. She was h. in St. Jbhnsbury, Vt. He left Industry, which for many years had been his home, in the fall of 1885, and went to Newburyport, Mass. In May, 1S86, he engaged with the Towle Manufacturing Company of that place and with whom he has remained up to the present time. This company employs, constantly, about two hundred hands and uses $5000 worth of sterling silver per week in the manufacture of solid table ware, which is but one branch of their extensive business. Mr. Oliver is a member of the New Sharon Lodge of F. and A. Masons. ii. Eli S., b. in Stark, Sept. 21, 1S55; m. Aug. 2, 1879, May B. Jeffers, dau. of George and Elizabeth (Crocker) Jeffers, of Industry. Inheriting decided mechanical talents he eventually became a skillful mechanic, and now (1890) has a fine position as head machinist in Morrill i\: Stinchfield's spool-factory at Farmington Falls, s. p. iii. Eddie, b. in Stark, Aug. 7, 185 — ; d. June 2, 1863. iv. Ida May, b. in Anson, May 2, 1862; m. Aug. 31, 1881, David W. Merry, son of William B. and Caroline A. (West) Merry, q. v. v. Minnie E., b. in Anson, May 18, 1864; m. July 3, 1887, Barlow D. Nichols, son of Aholiab and Almeda G. (Messer) Nichols. Mr. Nichols is a farmer and resides in Industry. vi. Charles Edward, b. in Industry, June 6, 1866; m. Annie Morse. Carpenter; resides in Norridgewock. Eli Noyes Oliver, son of Dea. John and Huldah (Robinson) Oliver, was born in Stark, Me., June 8, 1836. He married, Nov. 3, 1856, Diantha H. Nichols (born Oct. 2, 1S32), daughter of John and Sarah (Skillings) Nichols, of Stark. Carpenter and farmer. Resides in In- dustry. c hildren. i. George, 1>. in Stark, Aug. 4, 1S00; m. May 27, 1S84, Mary Janette Stan- clift, of Sheridan, Cal. She was b. in Erie, Penn., Nov. 5, i860, and was the dau. of Hiram and Sarah (Ward) Stanclift, of Brookiield, Mo. Mr. Oliver went to California about the time of attaining his majority. Here by dint of industry and steady habits he rose until he now com- mands a handsome salary as superintendent of a wholesale commission store in San Francisco. Children : i. Charles Everett, b. in Sheridan, Cal., June 20, 1885. ii. Raymond Holmes, b. in Chico, Cal., July 22, 1886; d. May 20, 1887. iii. Ralph Emerson, b. in Sheridan, Cal., Nov. 8. 1888. iv. Virgil Stanclift, b. in Sheridan, Cal., Jan. 22, 1890. v. ■, son, b. in Industry, March 8, 1892. ii. Charles Fremont, b. in Stark, Dec. 4, 1862; m. Aug. 23, 1884, Ida B. 784 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Merry, dau. of Peter W. and Ellen M. (Greenwood) Merry, of Indus- try, q. v. Mr. Oliver is a farmer and resides in Industry. He has served as supervisor of schools for several years. Two children. iii. Sarah Robinson, b. in Stark, Feb. 28, [867; m. April iS, [885, Charles E. Merry, son of Win. < >scar and Caroline A. (Greenwood) Merry, of Anson, ct. 24, 1824), dau. of Rev. Harry W. and Sophia (Jenkins) Latham. 8. iv. Cordelia E., b. in Industry, May 2, 1822; m. Feb. 4, 1847, George W. Pattison, son of Aaron R. and Cornelia (• ) Pattison. v. William Thompson, b. in Industry, April 1, 1824; m. 1866, Annie McDonald, of San Francisco, Cal. He d. Sept. 28, 1879, s. p. 9. vi. W 7 eslky Thompson, b. in Industry, Feb. 21, 1826; m. Irene, dau. of Christopher Thompson. \ii. Susan Thompson, b. in Industry, Nov. 29, 1827; d. May 30, 1873. viii. Thomas P., b. in Industry, March 30, 1830; m. Eleanor, dau. of Walton Withee. Resides in California. Several children. ♦From some source the writer has the memorandum that John Patterson was once a resi- dent of New Vineyard, but can learn nothing definite as to time or place. Possibly thi New Vineyard John may have been the husband of Hannah, daughter of Abner Norton, q. v. 786 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ix. Jam Atkinson, b. in Industry, < >ct. 23, 1831; d. Nov. 10, 1851. \. James Thompson, b. in Industry, July 2, 1833; d. Jan. i(>, 1867; unmd. 10. xi. Fka.nki.in WlTHEE, b. in Industry, June 20, 1835 ; in. [an. 15, 1S70, Sarah Frances Stone, dau. of Franklin and Betsey W. 1 Hobbs) Mum-, q. 7: xii. Ann Hi ston, b. in Industry, Nov. 4, [836; m. April 11. 1868, Tohn 0. Rackliff, son of Benjamin K. and Rachel (( Hiver) Rackliff, of Industry, q. v. She d. March [3, 1S78. xiii. Asa Heath, b. in Industry, Aug. 1, 1838; 111. Jan. 1, 1S70, Ellen Alvena Stone, dau. of Franklin and Betsey W. (Hobbs) Stone, q. v.* When a young man he went to < lalifornia and was very successful in acquiring property while there. After spending some years in the Golden State- he returned to his native town and purchased the well-known Issachar Whitten farm, of Flias II. Yeaton, on which he lived for several years, lie has also owned several other farms in town for a longer or snorter period. He was in trade at West's Mills a short time ahout 1876. His wife d. April 5, 1882, and his home was broken up. Completely overwhelmed by ins bereavement he went West and d. in Dunbar, Otto Co.. Neb., Nov. — , 1889. ( ,1U ' son - George Wallace, b. in In dustry, Dec. 10, 1S72. 2. David Hunter Patterson, son of John and Susan (Starbird) Patterson, married his cousin, Mary Fitch, who died Jan. 17, 1812. He married second. Margaret Withee, who was born Oct. 6, 1792, and died Aug. 22. 1X44. He died in Solon, Me., Aug. 28, 1836.7 Child by first marriage. i. Mary, b. in Damariscotta, Me.. Sept. 16, 1811; m. Jonathan Blake. Children l>v second marriage. ii. ' >LIVE, b. ill liingham, Oct. 9, 1S14; j m. Simeon Watson, son of Joseph and Abigail (Hilton) Watson, q. v. She d. Nov. 13, 1852. iii. Serena, b. in Bingham, .April 9, 1S17; m, Joel Fletcher. II. iv. David, b. in Madison, Feb. 15, 1819; m. May 17, 1848, Harriet K. Chancy, dau. of Luther and Sally (Fierce) Chaney, of Solon. She was b. in Solon, Me.. March 14, 1827. 3. Thomas Patterson, son of John and Susan (Starbird) Patterson, married Anna Colby. He settled in Madison, where his whole life was spent. Children. Al RILLA. Hortense. Benzula. Farmer; resides on the homestead. See lli >bbs ni it< . fTliis date was furnished the author by his son David, in 1891. The writer also lias it noted that lie died July Jo, iS;S, hut cannot now recollect the source of this information. 1: ord furnished by a younger brother, David Patterson, of Solon. Mary, b. Sept. 10, 1810. Olive, b. Oct. 2S, 1814. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 7K7 4. James Phillips married Mary Patterson. Lived in Bangor, Me. Children. i. Susan T. ii. James, d. young. iii. Charles, d. young. iv. Angeline. v. Ursula. vi. Edmond. 5. Caleb S. Patterson, son of John and Susan (Starbird) Patter- son, married Caroline Manter. He died in 1883. She died in Madison. Jan. 31, 1889, aged 74 years, 6 months. Children. George. Melvin \. Mki.yin. John W. v. Henry M. vi. Abbie. 6. John Thompson Patterson, son of Samuel and Susan (Thomp- son) Patterson, married Veronica U. M. Roche. She died in Mt. Vernon, Ind., Jan. 29, 1841, aged 22 years. He married a second wife, who also died. He married for his third wife Angeline James, of Ml. Vernon, Ind. Five daughters and one son by last marriage. Child by first marriage, i. Veronica l T . M. 7. Samuel Patterson, son of Samuel and Susan (Thompson) Pat- terson, married Elvira Susan Latham. Mr. Patterson is a carriage-maker by trade, and now (1891) resides in Lynnfield. Mass. Children. i. Ellen Maria, b. in Avon, May 23, 1848; m. in Manchester, N. H., Dec. 24, 1868, Harrison Henry Cole, son of Elijah and Lucinda (Holt) Cole. He was b. in Dorchester, N. H., Aug. 15, 1845, and is a car- penter by trade. Resides in Manchester, X. II. Their children are: i. ALICE May, b. in Manchester, Aug. 6, 1871. ii. Frank Herbert, b. in Manchester, Feb. 17. 1874. iii. Harry Eugene, b. in Manchester, Feb. 19, 1876. iv. Ethel Marion, l>. in Manchester, Oct. 2^. 1886. ii. George WlLBER, b. in Phillips, April 27, 185 1. Resides at Lake View, Worcester, Mass. iii. Harry WlLBER, b. in Phillips, March 17, 1853; m. Mary Weaver. Resides in Wenatchie, Wash, iv. Fred Norman, Ii. in Phillips, Nov. 27. 1859. Resides in Wenatchie, Wash, v. Belle May, b. in Phillips, Dec. 22, 1862; m. March 16, 1881, ( )rrin Bigelow, of Worcester, son of Fernando C. and Lucinda (Wheeler) Bigelow. Mr. Bigelow was an electrician and at the time of his death was located in Rutland, Mass. He d. Feb. 20, 1891, s. p. 788 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 8. George W. Pattison married Cordelia K. Patterson, daughter of Samuel and Susan (Thompson) Patterson. He died in Cleveland. Ohio. Children i. Mary A., m. May 8, 1867, James E. Lewis, son of Edward and Harriet Lewis, of Cleveland, Ohio. Their children are: George Edward, Harriet M., and Alice ii. Jennie A. iii. CORN] i i \ A., m. Aug. 1, j.X-S, Charles W. Fish, son of Charles L. and Susan M. Fish, of Cleveland. Ohio. They have one child, Julia Cornelia. 9. Wesley Thompson Patterson married Irene Thompson. ( liililrcii. Anna Maria, b. in [ndustry, Sept. — , 1857; d. of diphtheria, fune 5, [864. Charles A., b. in Anson. 1 855 ; d. of diphtheria. Sept. 7, 1864. 10. Franklin Withee Patterson, son of Samuel and Susan Thomp- son Patterson, was bom in Industry, June 20. 1 835 . Of a family of thir- teen children, he was the eleventh child. When he arrived at a suitable age. he was sent to school at West's Mills, where he attended both pub- lic and private schools until he was ten years of age. At that time his father moved to Belvidere, 111., where he remained but a short time, and afterward removed to Ohio City, now a part of the City of Cleve- land. Ohio. After living in the Western country about a year his father died, and the mother, with her children, returned to Maine. The fam- ily then separated, and the subject of this sketch went to live in Avon with his brother Samuel, who was a carriage-maker by trade. After living in that town a short time, his brother removed to Phillips, and he attended the village school during the winter. He then went to live in Embden with another brother. Here, when only fifteen years of age, he cared for a large' stock of cattle, cut the tire-wood for the family, and regularly attended the district school through the winter, while his brother was away at work in the logging-swam]). Leaving his brother the following spring, he worked for his cousin. David Patterson, until about the first of September, when, in company with an elder brother, he started for Bangor, where he hoped to be able to ship on some of the numerous vessels sailing from that port. Here he took passage for boston on board a small schooner, from which place he shipped on board the brig Benjamin Carver, of Searsport, Me., for Pensacola, Kla., loaded with granite for the United States Navy Yard. The voyage proved a very rough and stormy one, and on his return to Boston he /v'^r. ■* 4 istmsbd ^lA^ZjtZuz^ rtn the thirty-first day of Decern- GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 7. in Industry, April 2, 1852; d. in Industry, April 30, 1853. iii. Sarah, b. in Industry, Aug. 10, 1854; m. Oct. 15, 1878, Philander Coburn Baker (b. in Carratunk, Feb. 28, 1852), son of Seth and Mary ' Holway) Baker, of Carratunk. Mr. Baker is a farmer and resides in Carratunk. Children: Eda Ellen, b. in Carratunk, Aug. 27, 1879; Charles Urban, b. in Carratunk, March 12, 1881; David Seth, b. in Carratunk, March 21, 1888. iv. Horace D., b. in Industry, May 28, 1858; m. Aug. 1, 1880, Flora Ellen Eocke. Resides in Athens. v. Ellen Harriet, b. in Industry, July 22, i860; m. May 15, 1883, Ernest Whipple, son of Sumner anil Martha Whipple, of Solon. He was b. in Solon, Me., March 20, 1856; farmer. Resides in Madison, Me. Their son, Malon Patterson, was b. in Solon, Me., Aug. 18, 1884. vi. Mildred Edith, b. in Solon, Sept. 9, 1S70. PIKE. The Pikes trace their ancestry back to Maj. Robert Pike, 1 an early settler in Salisbury. Essex Co., Mass., to whom a lot of land was assigned in the first division of the town in 1639. Major Pike was from England, a man of much strength of character, and very prominent in the busi- ness affairs of the new town. He had a son, Robert, 2 who had a son Moses,3 who had a son Elias/t who had a son Joshua.-^ This Joshua had a son Elias," who was the father of the Joshua Pike' who settled in In- 792 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. dustry in the early part of the present century. He was born in Salis- bury, Mass., March g, 1775. His wife, whom he married in 1800, was Miriam True, born Sept. 8, 1775, daughter of Moses True, of Seabrook, Rockingham Co., N. H., and a descendant of I LenryTrue, whose wife was a sister of Robert Pike. 1 Mr. Tike was horn and brought up on the farm once owned by his ancestor, Major Robert Pike, where he lived until his removal to the District of Maine in [802. In the spring of that year Mr. l'ike came to Industry and took possession of lot No. 51, near Stark line, known as the Joseph Badger lot and now owned by William J. Gilmore. Here he made preparations tor his family, which came to Industry in the tall of that year. Mr. Pike sent his household goods in a schooner from Newburyport to Hallowell, hut he and Mrs. l'ike per- formed the journey, a distance of nearly two hundred and fifty miles, on horseback, bringing their second child, a babe of three months, in their arms, leaving one daughter, older, with her grandmother Pike. Mrs. Pike was a very energetic woman, and frequently assisted her husband in piling logs, clearing off the burnt land, etc. He sold his farm to Phin- eas Tolman, and settled on a smaller one near the present residence of Augustus H. Swift, where he remained until the fall of 1.S45 and then went to live with his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Norton, of Farmington. He was an honest man and a good citizen. He died June 13, 1856. His wife died in Farmington. Aug. 5, 1865, aged 89 years. 1 1 months. Children. i. JUDITH, 1>. in Salisbury, Mass.; m. Moses Bartlett, by whom she had three children. Died about 1S38. ii. MARY, b. in Salisbury, Mass., June 6, 1802; m. Samuel Gilman, by whom she had two children. He d. and she subsequently m. Moses Bartlett for his second wife. iii. Sarah, b. in Industry, Aug. 20, 1S05; m. Umphrey Bartlett. Two chil- dren. She d. many years ago. iv. Lois, b. Au». 13, 1S10: m. Samuel King, of Industry, by whom she had live children. If living, resides in Medford, Steele Co., Minn. Her husband d. in [885. v. foSHi \, b. |uh 4, 1813; 111. Dorcas V. Houghton, dau of Thomas and Bridget (Spaulding) Houghton. Nine children, [f living, resides in Medford, Minn. vi. Miriam, b. March 23, 1819; m. Nov. 8, [842, Joseph Norton, of Farm- ington, by whom she had seven children. RACKUFF. Those of the name who settled in Industry were descendants ol Sam- uel and Zelinda (Spaulding) Rackliff, of Georgetown. They were the parents of twelve children, among whom were : 1. Hi nun Barti k, b. in Georgetown, Sept. 20, 1794: m. Jan. o, 1X22, Eliz- abeth Oliver (I). April 12, 1793), dau. of John and Sarah (Sweetzir) < >liver. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 793 Benjamin R.,b. in Georgetown, Dec. 21, [797; m. Feb. 21, 1819, Rachel Oliver (b. in Georgetown, March 8, 1802), dau. of John ami Sarah I Sweetzir | < >liver. William, m. Elizabeth Perkins, who d. May 25, 1S40, aged 42 wars. i. Hkxrn Barter Rackliff, son of Samuel and Zelinda (Spaul- ding) Rackliff, married Elizabeth Oliver. He was a sailor and shoe- maker. Settled in Industry prior to 1M23. on the farm now occupied by his grandson. William L. Rackliff. Afterward lived at Allen's Mills. His wife died Aug. 29, 1 . in Industry, Oct. 20, 1X27; m. Aug. 20, 1852, ( >ra- ville S. Potter (1>. Jan. 7, 1833), dau. of John F. and Huldah C. (Symonds) Potter, of Denmark, Me. iv. Elizabp:th, b. in Industry, July 16, 1829; d. Dec. n>. 1836. v. Sarah E., b. in Industry, Dec. 3, 1833; m. July 10, 1859, Lucius W. Hall, of Industry, son of David and ( Hanson) Hall, of West- brook. lie was drafted under the Conscript Act on the quota of Anson, Julv 27, 1863. Died a prisoner of war, Dec. 4, 1864. Their child: Addie Myra, b. in Industry, Sept. 16, 1863; m. March 28, 1882, Charles H. Brann, and d. March 18, 18S6, leaving one son. After the death of her husband she m. |ohn E. fohnson, son of Henry and Catherine (Sullivan) Johnson, q. i. 2. Benjamin R. Rackliff, son of Samuel and Zelinda (Spaulding) Rackliff, married Rachel Oliver. He was converted in 1816, baptized by Rev. George Lamb on Christmas-day in that year, and united with the Free Baptist Church. By trade Mr. Rackliff was a carpenter. Came to Industry in March. 1831, and settled at the head of Clear Water Pond. Benjamin and Rachel Rackliff were the parents of fourteen chil- dren, but never saw all their family together. Both husband and wife were industrious, temperate people and devout christians. He fell dead in his field, Aug. 17, 1 ct. 3,* 1880, s. p. vi. Benjamin Randall, b. Aug. 3, [829; m. Loraina Sanborn; m. for ii ! wife, Jane Manler, of Anson. 6. vii. John Oliver, b. March 14, 1832; m. March 7, 1853, Esther Ann [ones, dau. of William and Betsey 1 Rowe I Jones, of Moscow. viii. Rebecca Lennon, b. May 21, 1834; m. Capt. Peter Parker Tufts, of I 11 mington, for his third wife. I le was a son of Francis, Jr., and Mary I Parker I Tufts; s p. ix. Harriet Ann, b \. [835; m. Dec. — , 1X1)7, Charles Manter, of Anson. \. Km Noyes, 1). Nov. 25, 1837; m - Sc T'- ' '• '865, Mary Adeline Neal, of Vienna. Resides in Livermore, Humboldt Co., Iowa. Several chil- dren. 7. \i. WILLIAM Jackson, b. April 24, 1S40; m. April 28, 1867, Mary G. Luce, dau. of Moses M. and Lydia C. ( Luce) Luce, •/. v. xii. Edwin ALBl RT Rl rHVEN, b. Aug. 19, 1841; m. Dec. 3, 1879, Alice W. Tredway (b. Sept. 5. 1852), dau. of John G. and Elizabeth (Sears) Tredway, of Kansas City, Mo. Resides in Kansas City, Mo. Two children. xiii. ALONZO Owen, b. March 23, 1843; '"• Nov. 10, 1S75, Annie M. True, dau. of Charles 11. I!, and Rachel A. (Oliver) True. Blacksmith; resides at Allen's Mills. \iv. Viola Adelaide, b. March 24, 1S45; unmd. 3. William Rackliff, sou of Samuel and Zelinda (Spaulding) Rack- liff, married Elizabeth Perkins. Resided in Anson, and for a short time in Industry. Two of his sons have lived in Industry, viz. : Children. i. Ezekiel, b. Dec. 4, 1818; m. Sept. 8, 1S44, Clementine Oliver, who d. in the summer of 1845, s - P- He. m. June 9, 1846, Mary Sampson Waugh (b. June 1;, 1827), dau. of W'm. and Martha (Sampson) Waugh, of Stark. Carpenter and chair manufacturer. Settled at Allen's Si ills, where he d. Sept. 28, 1878. Children: i. Wm. HENRY, b. March 10, 1847; m - Annie Moore. Resides in Augusta, ii. LlBBY GREENLEAF, b. June 29, 1849; m. Emma ('lark; divorced; m. for second wife, Liz/.ie Harlow. Resides in Salem. in. Charles Franklin, 1>. Aug. 5, 1850; m. Mary Jane Clark. Resides in Petrolia, Cal. iv. ALFAR vi \, 1>. April 15, 1856; m. Dec. 25, 1875, Mellen Hayes, son of Gustavus and Sarah C. (Shaw; Hayes, q. v. v. JUNITA, b. Oct 5, i860; m. Charles E. Burnham. Resides in Salem, vi. Caleb Augustus, lb. Sept.. 20, 1863; Clara M. d. Sept. 23, vii. Clara May ) 1805. Caleb resides in San Francisco, Cal. viii. Benjamin Wood, b. May 2, 1867; m. Mary Alice Brainerd. Resides at Allen's Mills. Two children, ix. Mary Alice, 1>. May 11, 1800; d. March <), 1870. ii. JOHN PERKINS, b. March 2, 1827; m. June 20, 1861, Susan J. Griffin (b. * Butler's History of Farmington. A family record has it October i. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 795 in Passadumkeag, Jan. 4, 1842), dau. of Daniel and Fanny (Winslow) Griffin, of Vienna. Millwright and farmer; has been town treasurer in Stark and Industry. Resides at Allen's Mills. Children: i. , son, b. May 13, 1862; d. May 14, 1862. ii. l'.hKi A.NDREW, b. Nov. 2. 181)4; d. Dec. 28, 1877. iii. Fannie Isora, b. June 1, [866. iv. Lillian Maude, b. Feb. 10, 1868; m. Fred A. Allen, of In- dustry; d. at Allen's Mills. v. Susan Winnifred, b. Nov. 1, [881. 4. Elbridge Henry Rackliff, son of Henry B. and Elizabeth (Oliver) Rackliff, married Oraville S. Potter. Tinsmith, and soldier in the War of the Rebellion (see p. 366). Has been postmaster at West's Mills. Merchant and postmaster at Allen's Mills, where he now resides. i. Joseph Henry,"! b. in Denmark, Me., July 18, 1856. Joseph Henry m. ii. Frank D., i Sept. — , 187^, Nellie May, dau. of Daniel Brackett. She d. leaving one child and he m. Dec. 3, 1878, Ida Hardenbrool* Lewis (b. in Brighton, Me., Dec. 4, 1856), dau. of Charles and Sarah A. (Hardenbrook) Lewis, of Auburn. Fanner; resides in Industry. Child by first marriage. i. Lillian M. K., 1». Feb. 20, 1875. Children by second marriage. ii. LENA D., b. in Industry, Oct. 31, 1871;. iii. GARFIELD E., b. in Industry. Sept. 8, 1881. iv. Mildred F., 1 , ■ T , . , „„ ,qq„ ,, T ' Vb. in Industry, Aug, 20, 18.S5. v. Millard L., J - ' fe ' J Frank D. m. Emma Rogers, tanner; resides in Industry. Children: Eugene E., Maude, Orrie, Verna Mabel. iii. CHARLES S., b. in Industry, Nov. 5, 1S57; m. in 1877, Annie E. Wheeler (b. in Oldtown, Nov. 29, 1857), dau. of Abner < ». and Hannah A. ( Ridley) Wheeler. Farmer; resides in Industry. Children: i. BERT W., 1>. in Canaan, March 3, 1879. ii. Chas. Guy, b. in Industry, Sept. 20, 1.SS2. iii. MINNIE M., 1>. in Industry, May 14, 18X5. iv. William Luther, b. in Industry, March 8, 1859; m. Nov. 24, 1881, Hattie Marilla Niles (b. in Auburn, Oct. 3, 1858), dau. o\ Beniah and Matilda A. (Fields) Niles. Farmer; resides on the farm in Industry on which his grandfather settled. Their child: DORA ESTELLE, 1). in Industry, Sept. 28, 1882. 5. Samuel Rackliff. son of Benjamin R. and Rachel (Oliver) Rackliff, married Sarah R. Butler. Farmer in Industry, and soldier in the War of the Rebellion (see p.j6g). Died in a rebel prison, Dec 5, 1864. Children. i. George Butler, b. in Industry, Aug. 10, 1853; d. April 8, 1857. ii. Flora May, b. in Industry, April 3, 1858. Graduated from the Farm- ington State Normal School, class of 1882. Taught in Maine and Wisconsin. Married in Wisconsin, < >ct. 20, 1883, George F. Lovejoy (b. in New Portland, Me., March 28, 1858), son of Joseph C and 79^ HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Rebecca (Smith) Lovejoy. Mr. Lovejoy is a farmer and millwright and resides at West's Mills. Children: i. [NA M \v, I), in Industry, Nov. 24, 1884. ii. Joseph Edwin, b. in Industry, Sept. 25, 1886. iii. Harrison E., b. in Industry, March 30, 1889. iv. , son. b. in Industry, Dec. 23, 1892. iii- Viola ALICE, b. in Industry, March 24, r86i; m. April 24. 1879, Marshall W. Smith, son of Peter B. and Eleanor (Spencer) Smith, q. 7'. iv. SAMUEL, l>. in Industry, March 10, 1S65. lias been one of the principal proprietors of a steam-mill in Industry, and has been a successful salesman of fruit-trees and other nursery stock. The following anec- dote pertains to that period of his life : In his youthful days Sammie, as everyone called him, was decidedly fond of the violin and became quite an expert performer thereon. Some years ago he was travelling in the eastern part of Somerset County soliciting orders for fruit-trees. Calling at a house one morning he noticed a violin in a case and in- quired of a gentleman in the room if he played. The person in question replied in an indifferent tone, that he did practice a little once in a while. Whereupon Sammie asked and received permission to try the tone of the instrument. ( )n taking it from the case he noticed that the violin was no ordinary affair, still his suspicions were not aroused. Alter drawing the bow due or twice across the strings and finding the instrument in perfect tune he commenced playing a lively air. This was too much for the owner of the violin, he jumped hom his chair and in perfect time, with the grace of an Apollo, went through all evolutions of a familiar dance, calling the various changes as the\' came. " Who is that gentleman?" queried Sammie, after the music had ceased and the dancer left the room. "That? Why that is Professor A., of Boston, the celebrated teacher of violin music and dancing, who comes down here every year for a short vacation." "Then," said Sammie, as he afterward related the storv, "if ever I felt my absolute insignificance, if ever I longed for the ground to open and swallow me up, it was at that moment." 6. John ( )liver Rackliff, son of Benjamin R. and Rachel (Oliver) Rackliff, married Esther A. Jones. She died, and he married, Dec. 11, 1 SOS, Ann H. Patterson, daughter of Samuel and Susan (Thompson) Patterson, q. v. She died .March 13, 1S78. His third wife, whom he married (pub. Jan. 3, 1883), was Ellen A., daughter of Caleb G. and Diana E. (Snell) True, q. v. Soldier in War of Rebellion (see p. 368), and farmer in Industry. Died very suddenly Feb. 9, 1887, aged 54 years, 10 months and 25 days. His widow married Wm. J. Rackliff. Children by first marriage. i. Marshall. ii. WILLIAM C. Proprietor of Franklin Laundry. Resides in Farmington. Children by second marriage. iii. EDWIN, b. in Industry, Jan. 30, 1870. iv. FRED T., b. in Industry, May 20, 1871. v. Mak\ i\ M , b. in Industry, July 25, 1S72. 7. William Jackson Rackliff, son of Benjamin R. and Rachel (Oliver) Rackliff, married Mary G. Luce. Carriage-maker, and soldier GENEALOGICAL NOTES. jgy in War of Rebellion f see p. 370). His wife died March 16, 1S91, and he married, Sept. 27, 1S92, Mrs. Ellen A. Rackliff, relict of his brother John. Resides at Allen's Mills. Children. i. George Dana Boardman, b. Dec. 8, 1869; d. March 9, 1S70. ii. Arthur Irving, b. Sept. 4, 1871. iii. Edith May, b. and d. Dec. 2, 1873. iv. Kent Ruthven, b. fuly 1, 1877. REMICK. Enoch Remick, from whom the Industry Remicks are descendants, was a native of England, although it is said there was Irish blood in the family. He married Sarah Trefethern, by whom he had ten children, six sons and four daughters. Two of the sons, James and 1 >aniel, served in the War of the Revolution and were taken prisoners. lames died in confinement, and Daniel soon after his release. His first place of resi- dence was New Market, N. H., but emigrated among the early settlers to Tamworth, where both he and his wife died, the latter at the age of nearly 100 years. Two sons have lived in Industry, viz. : I- John, b. in England; m. Elizabeth Nevens. William, Ii. either in England or New Market, N. II., soon after the arrival of his parents in this country; Dec. 17, 1771, m. Abigail, dau. <>t Samuel Gilman, of Tamworth, who emigrated from England with or about the same time as did Enoch Remick. 1. John Remick, son of Enoch and Sarah (Trefethern) Remick, married Elizabeth Nevens. He was a carpenter by trade, as were also several of his sons. It is probable that he did not come to Industry until after the death of his wife, when he made his home with his sons, Francis and True. Five children, four sons and one daughter. Children who settled in Industry. 3- '• Francis, b. in Limerick, N. H., June 19, 1789; m. (pub. Feb. 27, 181 1), Abigail Marston, of Tamworth, N. H. 4. ii. True, b. in Tamworth, N. H., Feb. 14, 1789; m. Feb. 21, 1813, Catherine Luce, dau. of Charles and Catherine (Merry) Luce, q. v. iii. Sarah, b. in 1795; m. June 25, 1S16, William Butler, son of Capt. feruel and Susan (West) Butler, q.v. 2. William Remick, son of Enoch and Sarah (Trefethern) Remick, married Abigail Gilman. Mr. Remick moved to Industry from Tam- worth, N. H., in March, 1S05, and settled on land recently known as the Amos S. Hinkley farm. There was a barn but no house on the premises at that time, and the family lived for six weeks in Daniel Luce's kitchen. Meanwhile, Mr. Remick constructed a temporary dwelling for 798 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. his family, principally from material obtained from a couple o\ corn- cribs. In this small cabin his family lived while he planted his corn and completed his spring's work, after which he built a convenient one-story house. This was located about twelve rods north of the buildings now on the premises. He also bought trees of Capt. William Allen, and set an orchard on his farm. He afterward brought seeds from New Hamp- shire, planted a nursery, and sold trees to the neighboring farmers. Mr. Remick was an excellent penman. He was elected clerk of the Con- gregational Church in 1812, and held the office until his removal from town in 1831. During this time the records were kept with unusual neatness and accuracy. About the time of the 1812 War, a rumor was circulated that a band of Indians were coming through from Canada to kill the settlers and burn their dwellings. Several families gathered at Mr. kemick's, in their fright, but after waiting some time and seeing no Indians, their fears were dispelled, and they dispersed to their homes. After living in town more than a quarter of a century, he sold to Moses Washburn, who also came from New Hampshire, and removed to Dover. He subsequentlv went to Glenburn, where both he and his wife died. Children. i. [ACOB GlLMAN, b. March 17,1798; m. (pub. Jan. 10, 1S24), Hannah Shaw, of Tamworth. Resided for a time at VYest's Mills. Their dau., ( Ictavia, d. in Industry, Sept. 2, 1N27, aged 1 month. ii. Samuel, b. July 1, 1801. Farmer; settled in Hampden, where he was killed by a tailing tree. 5. hi. Daniel, b. Aug. S, 1803; ro. June 18, 1840, Rhecardo T. Sherbune, dau. of John and Judith (Boyer) Sherburne, of Orland. iv. Susan", b. in Industry, Oct. 29, 1805; 111. March 29, 1831, Ceo. W. Luce, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Collins) Luce, q. v. v. Sarah, b. in Industry, Aug. 29, 1807; m. in 1829, Shubael M. Stevenson, of Hampden. Four children, vi. Louisa, b. in Industry, Sept. 21, 1810; d. in Glenburn, unmd. vii. CATHERINE BOARDMAN, b. in Industry, Jan. 25, 1813; 111. John W. Lice, of Hampden, by whom she had several children. Died at the residence of her son-in-law, W. < ',. < lark, at Lincoln, July 4, 1SS5. viii. GEORGE, b. Sept. 21, 1816; d. in Penobscot Co., Me., Jan. — , 1885. 3. Francis Remick, son of John and Elizabeth (Nevens) Remick, married Abigail Marston. He came to Industry soon after his uncle William, and settled on the Lowell Strip and eventually cleared a farm, which gained a wide reputation for its excellence. When he removed to Illinois in LS54. it was regarded one of the best in town.* His wife Abigail was born Dec. 15, 1 7X6, and died May 12, 1S15. He married for his second wife (pub. Oct. 15. 1S15), Lucy, daughter of Nathan May- hew, of Strong. She was born at Martha's Vineyard, Sept. 18, 1782, *This farm is now (iSy2) owned by Charles V. Look, though in :i sadly run-down condi- tion. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 799 and died in Industry, Dec. 30, 1820. He married for his third wife, June 14, 1821, Mary Boardman, daughter of Esq. Herbert and Mary (Merry) Boardman. He removed to Freedom. La Salle Co., 111., where he died Sept. 8, 1858. His wife died at the same place, April 4. 1873. aged 73 years, 10 months and 12 days. Children. <• Betsey, b. in Industry, Nov. 21, 1811;* m. Jan. 22, 1833, David Merry, q. v. ii- , son, 1). in Industry; d. in infancy. iii. GILBERT, b. in Industry, Jan. [3, i.Si.S; ,|. July 7, 1838. iv. , dau., b. in Industry; d. young. v. Catherine Boardman, 1). in Industry. Sept. 19, 1S22; d. Sept. 4, 1832. vi. Mary Boardman, b. in Industry, April 27, 1S24; m. May 30, 1843, f oh n Greenleaf Brown (b. in Stark, July 16, 1825), son of Asa and Sally (Greenleaf) Brown. He is now a respected citizen of the town of Farmington. Children : i. Leonard Boardman, b. Feb. 24, 1844; m. Oct. 30, 1863, Annette A. Iliggins. Resides in New Hampshire, ii. Rose E., b. Nov. 13, 1848; m. Aug. 25, 1864, Asa S. Duley, <»f Stark, i'i- Flora A., b. June 27, 1852; 111. May 24, 1871, J. D. Jordan, of New Sharon, iv. John H., b. Feb. 15, 1858; d. Nov. 3, 1872. vii. ABBIE M., I), in Industry, Nov. 17, 1826; m. Nov. 30, 1848, Henry Man- ter, son of Henry and Mary (West) Manter, ,/. v. viii. LUCY Mayhew, 1>. in Industry, May 26, 1829; d. Sept. 28, 1832. ix. Sarah Boardman, b. in Industry, April 4, 1832; m. Aug. 14, 185 1, William W. ( rompton, son of William and Nancy (Ford) Crompton, q. v. She d. in Illinois, April 29, 187S. \. LEANDER BOARDMAN, lx in Industry, March 17, 1S34; moved to Illinois in 1854; m. Sept. 1, 1859, Helen G. Day. She d. and he married second wife. Now (1S92) resides in Jefferson, Iowa. xi. I. rev C, b. in Industry, Dec. 22, 1836; d. Nov. 10, 1844. \ii. Ellen E.. b. in Industry, April 29, 1843; moved to Illinois with her par- ents and m. Nov. 1, 1865, Rufus T. Sparks. Resides in Jefferson, Iowa. 4. True Remick, son of John and Elizabeth (Nevins) Remick, married Catherine Luce. Settled first on the Capt. Valentine Look farm. Sold to Captain Look and went to Ohio. Not liking, he returned to Industry, settled on land near West's Mills and built the house now occupied by William C. Watson. Sold his farm to Samuel Patterson and moved to Madison, and subsequently to Athens, where he died April 2, 1863. His wife died there Dee. 9. 1867. Captain of Industry militia. Deborah Luce, m. in 1833, Joseph H. Thurston, of Madison. Had a large family of children; d. in Pierce Co., Wis., in 1883. Sarah, m. Nathaniel Blackwell, Jr., of Madison. Died in Augusta in *The register of the Merry family (see Town Records, Vol. /, /. ~j) gives the year as 1S15. This, however, is deemed incorrect. 800 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. 187801 1879. Had three daughters, Catherine, Mary ami Imogene. Mary resides in Athens. iii. CATHERINE, b. in Industry, April 21, 1S17; m. Herman Blackwell. She il. in Freedom, 111., leaving three children, Mashon, Thankie and Charles. iv. ENOCH, b. in Lyons, Ontario Co., X. Y., May 20, 1819; m. June 25, [846, < lementine Hobart, of Solon. Their child, Alfrida, d. at the age of seven months. Mrs. Kemick d. Sept. 5, 18^2. Me next m. Jan. 12, [863, Sarah C. Hobart, s. />. Resides in ( 'uster. Big Stone Co., Minn. v. MARY, b. in Industry; d. young. vi. CHARLES, 1>. in Industry; d. young. vii. BENJAMIN, b. in Madison, Jan. — , 1842; m. July — , 1859, Sarah Emily Shaw, dau. of Albert and Betsey (Cornforth) Shaw, q. v. IK- d. Aug. 2, 1S60. His wife d. Feb. 20, i860. viii. John, Il in Madison, Dec. 17, 1833; m. Nov. 14, 1865, Melvina Patterson, dau. of Caleb and Caroline (Manter) Patterson, of Madison. Two sons: Benjamin Luce, b. May 28, 1867, a student at Cornell Univer- sity; and John True, b. Dec. 24, 1869, who is preparing for college. He resides in Waverly, Iowa. 5. Daniel Remick, son of William and Abigail (Oilman) Remick, married Rhecardo T. Sherburne, whose parents were natives of Eng- land. Mr. Remick died in Muskegon, Mich., April 11. 1 n Ipswich. Mass., 1 let. 1, [866 iii. ALLIE R., 1). Jan. 21, 1S47; m. Jan. 21, 187.1, < harles P>. Morse, of Bucks- port. He (1. at Rockland, Me., Jan. 1 ?, 1N77. iv. William Arthur, b. Aug. 8, 1849; m. Dec. 11, 1872, Mary J. Holt, of Boston, Mass. Their son, Charles M., d. Aug. 22, iSSi. I lis wife d. Sept. 24, 1881, in Bucksport, Me., and he m. May 3, [886, Minnie I'.. I low, of Bucksport. ROACH. William Roach (born Jan. 24, 1 7 7 1 ) , was an early settler on the south half of lot No. 21, now occupied by Joseph F. Collins. He is supposed to have been a native of the Island of Nantucket, but noth- ing is known of his early life or ancestry. He was a sailor in early life, and tradition says, rose to the command of a whaling vessel. Landing at Edgartown, he became acquainted with his future wife, Mary, daugh- ter of Jabez and Phebe (Luce) Norton, q. v. He resided in Edgar- town after his marriage until 1804, when he settled in Industry.* He died in Farmington in old age. His wile died in Farmington, April — . 1841. Children. i. Phebe, b. July 23, 1795. * Mr. Roach was a cabinet-maker and made oars, bedsteads, etc., after coming to Industry. / DANIEL SHAW. w H Engraved by Johnson & Thompson, Boston. I- rom a daguerreotype made about 1S50. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. Soi B] i ;ey, l>. < )ct. 21, 171)7; m - '' l ''' "'•' 1822, Asa fennings, son of Eliphalet ami Mary 1 Butterfield) Jennings, of Farmington George Royal, b. June 22, 1802; m. (pub. July 5, 1833), for first wife Elizabeth C. Bradley, of Anson, and had children. < )ne dau., Mrs Mary E. Corson, resided in Augusta, Me., in [886. Mary Dexter, b. in Industry, June 10, 1806. SHAW.f Samuel and Elizabeth (Staples) Shaw were early residents of New Hampshire, but whether this was their native State cannot be as< ertained from descendants now living. Three sons have resided in Industry for a longer or shorter time. viz. : 1. i. Daniel, b. in Lee, Strafford Co., N. H., April 16, 1784; m. Feb. 7, i8u, Mehitable ( iilman. 2. ii. SAMUEL, m. Ruth Gilman, dau. of Benjamin and Sally ((.lough) < iilman. iii. Noah, b. in 1705; m. Fannie Durgin, of New Hampshire, by whom he- had two children, a son, who d. young, and a dau, who m. a Mr. Sharpe, and resides in Montreal, P. Q. His second wife was Eliza Packrell. Mr. Shaw had by his second marriage a son George, who was a telegraph operator; and two daus., all living in Chicago at last accounts lie was a carpenter by trade and resided in Montreal for many years, and became quite wealthy. Lost his property through the perfidy of those he regarded as staunch friends. In his old age lie came to Industry and made his home with his nephew, Albert Shaw. Died June 10. 1868, aged 73 years. 1. Daniel Shaw, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Staples) Shaw, married Mehitable (iilman. He came to Industry about the time of his marriage and settled on the farm now owned by Joseph H. Sayer. Mr. Shaw was a man of much business ability and was held in high esteem by his townsmen. He became an extensive drover and dealer in country produce, which he often shipped east to the British Provinces, from Wiscasset, or to such other points as promised the most favorable market. He had thus accumulated some ten thousand dollars in ready money when the great land speculation craze of 1835 occurred. Though naturally very cautious in business transactions, he was at length drawn into the terrible whirlpool of excitement and when he escaped was finan- cially a ruined man. His wife Mehitable (born March 9. 1787), died in Industry, July 29, 1.S27, and he married (pub. June 10, 1831), for his second wife, widow Alice Fernald {nee Lewis), relict of Jonathan Fernald, of Cherryfield, Me. He moved to Bangor about 1X36 and continued in the stock and produce business in connection with farming. * Butler says January [2. |The legend on the coat of arms of the Shaw family in England is said to have been, " Make haste slowly." HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. He died Nov. 28, [852, aged 68 years, 7 months and 12 days. She died in Bangor, April 8, [860. Children. 5. 1. Ai BERT, b. in Industry, Nov. 20, 181 1 ; m. July 4, 1837, Betsey Cornforth, . in Industry, March 30, 1813; m. Sept. 26, 1841, Ann F. Hutchins, dau. of James and Annah (Sullivan) Hutchins, of Industry. iii. SARAH (in MAN, b. in Industry, Dec. 21, 1814; d. Jan. 30, 1837. iv. BENJAMIN (in. man, !>. in Industry, Aug. 30, 1S16; m. in Hampden, Feb. 1 s, 1845, Julia Ann Lewis Fernald (b. in Steuben, Oct. 5, 182 1), dau. of Jonathan and Alice (Lewis) fernald. Went to Bangor and en- gaged in business with his father, lie d. July 5, 18S1 . His wife d. April 7, 1X73- Two daus. The eldest, Alice Lewis Shaw, was 1>. in Bangor, Jan. 21, 1846; m. April 16, 1S70, Hanson Webb Leonards, son uf Solon and Dolly (Patterson) Leonards. They had one child, which d. young, fanner; resides on the Shaw homestead in Bangor, v. EMILY NEWELL, b. in Industry, June 21, 1818; m. June 16, 1844, Man- chester Fairfield Waugh (b. in Stark, Nov. 23, 1807), son of James, Jr., and Sarah (Manchester) Waugh. He d. in Mercer, Jan. iS, 1875. Children (all b. in Mercer) : i. Addie Maria, b. Aug. 23, 1846; m. Oct. 15, 1879, Noah Shaw, son of Samuel and Ruth (( lilman) Shaw, q. v. ii. Juliette Sawyer, b. < >ct. 6, 1848. Resides in Lau Claire, Wis. iii. Daniel Shaw, b. March 11, 1851; m. July 3, 1883, Ilattie Goodwin (b. in Lvanston, 111., Aug. 8, 1^54 ) , dau. of P. and Frances M. (Dart) (loodwin. Resides in Denver, Col. Two children, iv. AUGUSTA Ann, b. July 14, 1S52: resides in Denver, Col. 5. vi. Milton Gilman, b. in Industry, Dec. 31, 1820; m. June 6, 1847, Eunice Spinney Hinkley, dau. of Josiah and Mercy (Williams) Hinkley, q. v. vii. , son, b. in Industry, Dec. 3, 1X22; d. in infancy. viii. , son, b. in Industry, Jan. 29, 1824; d. March 23, 1S24. ix. ADELINE, b. in Industry, Jan. 25, 1825; m. April 3, 1854, ( hark-s A. Bul- len (b. ( >ct. 25, 1825), son of Joshua and Clarissa I Hoyt) Bnllen, of New Sharon. Resided in St. Paul, Minn., until 1 S 5 7 ; since then in Eau Claire, Wis. Engaged in the lumber business. His wife d. of typhoid fever, Sepl. 14, 1863. Children : i. HATTIE COLE, b. Feb. 9, 1855; m. April 23, 1XX3, Carroll Atwood, son of Dr. Alson and Lavinia (Dowd) Atw i, of Juno, Wis. Attorney at law. Resides in Aberdeen, S. D. Three children, ii. CLARA Ann, b. June 24, 185(1; m. Sept. iS, 1X77, Fred W. Rogers, son of Charles and Adeline II. (Spear) Rogers, of ( Cambridge, Me. Resides in Milwaukee, Wis. One child, iii. Nellie Augusta, b. Feb. 21, 1858; d. July 14, 1859. iv. Mary Augusta, i b. April 22, i860; Mary A. d. Aug. 22, v. Nellie Maria, i [863; Nellie M.m. June 16, 1885, Walter G. Bronson, son of Henry F., and Editha F. (Pierce) Bronson, of ( Htawa, Canada. Lumberman. Resides in ( Utawa, s. p. vi. Charles Edward, b. Jan. 27, 1862; m. June 25, 1885, Ilattie M. Bullen, dau. of Joseph Addison and Annie M. (Parker) Bullen, of Leavenworth, Kans. Dealer in lumber. Resides in Trinidad, Col. Two children. \. MEHITABLE GlLMAN, b. in Industry, Feb. 17, 1827; m. William Sylves- ter Oliver (b. in Georgetown, Dec. 26, i8i9),son of James and Anna (Trafton) Oliver. She d. in Lau Claire, Wis.. March 30, 1880. Seven children. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 803 2. Samuel Shaw, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Staples) Shaw. married Ruth Oilman. He bought the Moses Tolman store at West's Mills in the fall of 1827, and placed it in charge of Asaph Boyden, then a young man of twenty-five years. He immediately returned and brought his family to Industry. They spent the winter in the Richard Fassett house, now (1892) owned by Thomas M. Oliver. The next spring he- moved into a shed-roofed house on the Isaac Norton lot, west of the village. It was while living here that he made the following unique return of his property to the Assessors : I 111". INVENTORY OF SAMUEL SHAW. ( >n May the first I had in trust Three cows, with hones most hare : For want of feed for present need, For milk I scantly fare. I've one old mare, with bones as hare, And sixteen winters old; She might, if need required the deed, For twenty crowns he sold. A colt I've got, a little knot, Ik color, gri/.zle-gray ; I will reach the goal of two years old The very last of May. 1 have a camp, one roof aslant, With lobby on its stern; Wherein we keep a hroom, to sweep, And lire-wood to burn. 1 have no hog, no goose, no dog; But children I have many; < >f these, beware, the law is clear, You can't tax me with any.* I have one store upon the shore ( )f Mill-brook's babbling stream; Where bibbling, babbling, gibbling, gabbling Is made the favorite theme. I have one head, though badly made. Which, according to the law, Must pay a rate, or you will hate Your servant, Samuel Shaw. He was a justice of the peace and selectman in Industry. He sold oul in the fall of 1835, or early in the winter of 1836, and moved to Her- * The father was required by law to pay a poll-tax on all sons between sixteen and twenty- one years of age. 804 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. mon. Me., where his wife died Feb. 22, 1837. Taught school in Virginia two years. Soon after this he left Maine and was never heard from afterward. Children. i. Irene Carter, l>. in Tamworth, X. II., March 31, 1815; m. Dec. 15, 1835, Elijah Manter, son of Benjamin and Abigail (West) Manter, '/• '<•■ ii. ELIZABl iii Si VP1 ES, b. in I'aniworth, X. II., Oct. — , 1816; d. in Provi- dence, R. I., at the age of 56 years, unmd. iii. Amanda, b. in Tamworth, Dec. 5, [818; m, Feb. 6, 1838, Thomas But- ler, son of (.'apt. Jeruel and Susan ( West ) Butler, q. v. 6. iv. Samuel, b. in Tamworth, Dec. 31, 1819; m. (pub. July 16, 1847), Bet- sey S. Manter, dau. of Capt. Elijah and Betsey (Small 1 Manter, q. v. v. Sarah Clough, b. in Tamworth; m. [une 10, 1844, Gustavus Hayes, son of Jacob and Ruth | Iloblis) Hayes, q. v. vi. Virginia, b. in Tamworth. Went to Wenham, Mass., and subsequently m. Aaron Foster, a sea captain. She d. about 1850. vii. Sophia, b. in Industry, May — , 1827;* d. of typhoid fever, in Anson, (.ct. 25, [843. yiii. Frances, b. in Industry, Dec. 23, 1828; the mother d. when Frances was eight years of age, and she went to Montreal, B. Q., and resided with the family of her uncle, Noah Shaw, for six years During this time she attended the best schools in the cits', thereby acquiring an educa- li 'ii far superior to that of her associates in her native town. She m. <>ct. 20, 1870, Joseph Spaulding Houghton, son of Thomas and Bridget (Spaulding) Houghton, of Anson. Mr. Houghton is a farmer, and resides in Anson, s. p. 7. ix. Noah, b. in Industry, June 19,1831; m. Sept. 25, 1856, in Lowell, Mass., Mary A Dexter (1>. in Lexington, Me., July 28, 1836), dau. of Rufus, Jr., and Mary (Felker) Dexter, of Lexington, x. Ill \i;ii 1 i,\, Ii. in Industry, July 2, 1833; m. July I, 1855, at Dead River, Me., Charles Xewell (b. in New Portland, June 2, 1830), son of John and Sagy (Strout) Xewell. Mr. Xewell now resides in Eau Claire, Wis., where he divides his attention between lumbering and farming. Children: i. VIRGINIA, b. July 1, 185b; m. John B. Jacobs. Resides in Eau Claire, ii. Laforrest, l>. Ian. 7. 1863; m. Carrie Wingan. Resides in Eau Claire, iii. Fred S., b. Jan. 15, [868. iv. Mabel, b. in Eau Claire, Lei.. 20, 1873. 3. Albert Shaw, son of Daniel and Mehitable (Oilman) Shaw, married Betsey Cornforth. Engaged in farming on the homestead, first with his Brother Daniel, and afterward alone. By the purchase and improvemeni ol adjoining land, he became the owner of one ofthelargesl and Best farms in Industry. In connection with his farming, he was interested in lumbering for many years, and was also a dealer in neat stock and wool. lie has held the office of selectman and town treas- 1 Hrr headstone bears this inscription: " Died Oct. 25, 1843, .Kt. 15 yrs., 5 mos. r ' This would make the year of her birth 1S2S instead of 1827. Yet her sister Frances positively declares that she has always understood the date of her own birth to be Dec. 23, 1828. As there is no record extant, the writer is inclined to favor the record on the headstone, and to place 1829 as the year ol Mrs. Houghton's birth. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 805 urer in Industry, and was in the State Legislature in i860. He died of typhoid fever. Dec. 18, [868, aged 5 7 years and 21 days. His widow- resides in Eau Claire, Wis. Children i. Albert Lorin, b. in Industry, May 22, 1838; m. Sept. 15, 1S64, Ann I ». Luce, dau. of Wm. H. and Lucy B. (Chapman) Luce, q. v. Mr. Shaw went to Wisconsin about the time of his marriage and settled in Eau Claire, where he now resides, engaged in lumbering. < >ne child : Ida A., b. July 3, 1875. ii. Mary Emily, b. in Industry, March 16, 1S40; m. (pub. June 29, 1859), Benjamin Luce Remick, son of True and Catherine (Luce! Remick, q. v. She d. Feb. 20, t86o. iii. Sakaii Elizabeth, b. in Industry, Nov. 5, 1841; m. July 6, 1S63, James Henry Whitten, son of Issachar and Mary (Leaver) Whitten, of In- try. He was b. in Lyman, Me., May 18, 1833, and d. in Farmington, Jan. 16, 1877. His widow resides at West Farmington. Children: i. Laura Ann, b. Nov. 8, 1869; m. Elmer Howard Lowell, son of Timothy B. and Wealthy S. (Briggs) Lowell. Mer- chant at West Farmington. One son. ii. John Henry, b. Dec. 31, 1873. iv. LAURA Ann, b. in Industry, July 9, 1843;' d. Aug. 7, 1864. v. Henry Smith, b. in Industry, April 27, 1845; m. Oct. 22, 1875, Jeanette A. Hutchins (b. in Lawrence, Mass., June 30, 1850), dau. of James P. and Elizabeth J. (Sales) Hutchins. Went to Eau Claire, Wis., when a young man and d. there Aug. 15, 1880. Two daus., both dead. vi. Maria Mantek, b. in Industry, Aug. 30, 1848. Entered the Farmington State Normal School and graduated in the class of [871. Taught in her native town while a member of the school, and after graduation in Eau Claire, Wis. Died of typhoid fever, in Rochester, Minn., « here she had gone to accept a line position as teacher, Sept. 4,* 1S72, unmd. vii. ROBERSON CoRNFORTH, b. in Industry, June 28, 1S50; d. of diphtheria, July 17, 181.4. viii. ( >i;i VNNAH, b. in industry, Dec 12, 18^2; d. Aug. 20, 1864. i\. WILLIAM CORNFORTH, b. in Industry, Dec. 1, 1854. Filtered the Farm- ington State Normal School, fall term of 187}' Died of typhoid fever ( )ct. 1, 1873. \. Daniel, b. in Industry, March 31, 1857; d. July 17, 1804. \i. Benjamin Remick. b. in Industry, March 23, 1S60; m. Lottie E. Hun- ter (b. in Clinton, Me., April 16, 1865), dau. of Benjamin and Aro- bine M. (Cole) Hunter. She d. Nov. 25, 1886. Married for second wife, Aug. 19, [889, Bertha T. Blair (b. Aug. 26, 1868), dau. of James and Abbie 1 I >odge) Blair. \ii. LENORA May, b. in Industry, Jan. 27, 1862: resides in Fau Claire, Wis. 4. Daniel Shaw, son of Daniel and Mehitable (Gilman) Shaw, married Ann F. Hutchins. When a young man he purchased the home- stead in Industry in company with his brother Albert, and together they engaged in farming and lumbering. He resided in Maine until 185 1, when he sold his property in Industry to his brother Albert, and removed to Allegany Co., N. Y. In 1855 he moved to Eau Claire, where he made his home for the remainder of his life. Here he immediately * History F'armington State Nor-ual School. Sept. 6, Industry Town Records. 806 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. erected a mill and engaged in lumbering. He continued in business with marked success, enlarging from time to time, until at length the firm of Daniel Shaw & Co. had gained a wide reputation for the mag- nitude of its operations. In 1X75 the Daniel Shaw Lumber Co. was organized, and Mr. Shaw elected president and held that office up to the time of his death. Mr. Shaw was a man of rare business qualifica- tions and executive ability, as the large business which his genius had built up bears abundant testimony. He died Oct. 23* [881, aged 68 years, 6 months and 23 days. Children. i. EUGENE. Resides in Eau Claire, Wis. ii. George B. Resides in Eau Claire, Wis. 5. Milton Gilman Shaw, son of Daniel and Mehitable (Oilman) Shaw, married Eunice S. Hinkley. When a young man just setting out in life, Mr. Shaw went to Chicago, performing a larger part of the jour- ney on foot. At that time the great metropolis of the West consisted of a few straggling log-cabins. Not finding the outlook as promising as he anticipated he returned to Maine in October, 1845, settled in Green- ville at the outlet of Moosehead Lake. His subsequent life has been one of great activity in connection with extensive business operations in various directions. His principal business has been lumbering, how- ever. In company with his three sons. Mr. Shaw cuts large quantities of lumber from their own land during the winter, giving employment to from 250 to 500 men during the winter season at their various lumber ing camps. In 1883, the firm erected a large steam saw-mill at Bath, which gives constant employment to eighty men and annually manu- factures several million feet of logs into long and short lumber, such as boards, clapboards, shingles, laths, etc. The firm also own and conduct several large farms in the vicinity of their lumbering operations. They are also largely interested in hotel property and wholesale dealers in farm produce and lumbermen's supplies. Though seventy-two years of age, Mr. Shaw is still actively engaged in business and constantly planning and directing the various enterprises of the firm. He is a line type of the self-made man and one of whom any town might well be proud. Resides 638 High St., Bath, Maine. Children. i. Mellen, 1). in Greenville, May 27, 1849; 111. Sept. iS, 1874, Mary Ella Mitchell, of Greenville. lie d. March 4, 1880, leaving one dau. ii. El 1 1 -. b. in Greenville, Feb. 1. 1851; d. April 28, [863. iii. Ciiaki.i s 1)., b. in Greenville, April 5, 1852; m. in East Saginaw, Mich.. ■ Another authority says < >Ctober 2 \. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. So; Oct. 20, 1874, Clara Frances Norcross (b. in Bangor, Me., Feb. 23, 1854), dau. of Henry W. and Ruth L). ( Harrows) Norcross, of Cleve- land, < >hio. Resides in Greenville, where all his children were born. Children : i. Henry Milton, b. Sept. 10, 1S70. ii. BESSIE A , b. July 20, 1880; d. March 18, 1881. iii. GRACIE A., b. Sept. 7, 1881; d Sept. 6, 1882. iv. Cecil C, b. June 16, 1SS3; d. Aug. 29, 1S.X4. iv. Frank, ) !>. in Greenville, June 27, 1854; Fred d. Jan. 27, 1855; Frank v. Fred, \ d. May 16, 1867. vi. ALBERT II., b. in Greenville, April 21, 1857; m. Aug. 19, 1879, Martha E. Mansell (b. in Shirley, Me., July 15, i860), dau. of Oliver E. and Sarah A. (Young) Mansell, of Greenville. A member of the firm of M. G. Shaw & Sons. Resides in Bath, Me. One child : Madelyn, b. in Bath, Feb. 4, 1889. vii. William M., b. in Greenville, March 3, 1861 : m. Ida Mansell. Also a member of the firm with his father. Resides in Greenville, viii. George M., b. in Greenville, Feb. 20, 1863; d. Aug. 3, 1863. ix. Mary Emma, b. in Greenville, Sept. 6, 1865. 6. Samuel Shaw, son of Samuel and Ruth (Gilman) Shaw, married Betsey S. Manter and settled on the farm now (1S92) occupied by Eleazer S. True. His wife died and he subsequently came to West's Mills and conducted the Union Store for nearly a year and then settled in Stark, on a farm which he purchased of William Ladd. In 1875 ne went to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where he resided until near the time of his death. He died in Stark, Me., Oct. 11, 1885. S. i. James Samlel, b. in Industry, Aug. 6, 1848; m. Aug. 1 1, 1876, J.ydia M. Coffin. 9. ii. Charles Walter, b. in Industry, April 20, 1853; m. Sarah Louisa Elder, dau. of Isaac and Sarah (Daggett) Elder, q. v. 7. Noah Shaw, son of Samuel and Ruth (Gilman) Shaw, married Mary A. Dexter. Divorced. Married for second wife, Addie M. Waugh, daughter of Manchester F. and Emily N. (Shaw) Waugh. He is a machinist and resides in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Ella, b. in Fau Claire, May 25, 1858; m. James McGrath. Emma, b. in Eau Claire, April 24, 1861 ; m. Will Thomas. Fred, b. in Eau Claire, July 14, 1863; d. Aug. 31, 1865. Frank, b. in Eau Claire, Feb. 4, 1868. 8. James Samuel Shaw, son of Samuel and Betsey S. (Manter) Shaw, married Lydia M. Coffin, daughter of Alexander G. and Caroline C. Coffin, of Durand, Wisconsin. When seventeen years of age he went to Eau Claire, Wisconsin. He became an apprentice in the machine 808 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. shop of his uncle, Noah Shaw, and thoroughly mastered the trade He died in Eau Claire, in August, 1892. Children. i. Eward James, b. in Eau Claire, June 17, 1 s 7 7 . ii. Chaki.es Walter, b. in Eau Claire, Dec. 7, 1879. 9. Charles Wai ii r Shaw, son of Samuel and Betsey S. (Manter^ Shaw, married S. Louisa Elder. He is a fanner and resides in Stark. Children. i. Charles Edwin, b. April 13, 1875. ii. Sadie Betsey, b. April 26, 1877. iii. Joseph Elder, b. May 15, 1880. iv. Aim \ Faustina, b. July 7, 1882. v. Fanny Louisa, b. < >ct. 30, 1885. SHOREY. Pelatiah Shorey removed from Berwick to Industry in the month of February, 1S24. The earliest record of the name in America is that of Samuel Shorey, who came from England and settled in the town of Kittery in the latter part of the seventeenth century. Pelatiah, son of Miles and Betsey (Mc ) Shorey, born in Berwick, Me., Nov. 10, 1 785, is believed to have been a descendant of the above named Samuel. Both the father and grandfather of Pelatiah Shorey were deacons in the Baptist Church, and his mother was an eminently pious woman and an earnest student of the Bible. Like many others residing on the sea- board he followed the life of a sailor for many years, and during his voyages he visited many foreign ports. In those days the discipline on shipboard was very severe and the food and water often unlit for use. He married, Feb. 23, r8i8, Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Hayes) Fogg, of Berwick. She was an excellent woman and belonged to a family which developed much business talent and mercantile ability. She has long since gone to her reward, dying Dec. 21. 1838. Mr. Shorey, after coming to Industry, engaged in farming and in this voca- tion was fairly prosperous. He was a man of strong convictions, inter- ested in the highest welfare of the town, loyal to the church and taking an active interest in educational matters. His delight was the Sabbath and the sanctuary, where he led the singing for mam years. He was an earnest worker in prayer and social meetings, and his influence was always on the side of right. He married (pub. July 21. 1840), Eliza- beth Waldbridge Lowe, of North Yarmouth. She died May 14, 1869. Being thus left alone, in the month of September following he decided PELATIAH SHOREY Engraved by Geo. E.Johnson, Boston. From a daguerreotype made in New York Citv. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 809 to go to Wayland, Mass., and live with his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Price. Here he lived for eleven years and saw his children and chil- dren's children gather about him. Calmly and peacefully, on the morn- ing of March 18, 1880, lie fell asleep to awaken on the Resurre< tion Morn. He left his children no earthly inheritance but a rich legacy of pious example. Children. i. Elizabeth, b. in Berwick, Feb. 6, 1819; m. Sept. 2, 1850, George P. Price, of Boston, Mass., son of Janus and Anna ( ) Price, of Bristol, Eng. As a girl, she was very studious, and exceedingly fond of hooks. She obtained quite a liberal education for those times and has always been a great reader of varied literature. After her marriage she and her husband lived for a few years in Boston, after which they removed to Mobile, Ala. ( )n the passage, her eldest dau., a beautiful child of six, d., and was buried at New ( irleans. Mr. Price d. at Mobile, Oct. 17, 1858, of yellow fever, when his widow re- moved to the North, settling in Wayland, Mass. There she was for man) years prominent in every good work, and the teacher of a large Bible class in Sunday-school. From early life she was an earnest christian and deeply interested in the work and progress of the Con- gregational Church, of which she has been a member for nearly half a century. Her house, like the Shunamite'sof old, contained a "prophet's chamber," which was rarely unoccupied. She now resides in West Newton, Mass. (see p. 422). Children: i. ANNE, b. May 5, [852; d. in New Orleans, La., Feb. 16, 1858. ii. George, b. July iS, 1854; d. May 27, 1868, from injuries received in playing base-ball. iii. LlZZIE, b. Aug. 19, 1856; she was for a time a successful school teacher; m. Dec. 25, 1876, Charles A. Harris. Their children are: Florence Lillian, b. Oct. 31, 1 877 ; and Orrin Lyman, b. Oct. 22, 1S79. He d. March 20, 1882. iv. Hattie, b. in New York, Dec. 14, 1858; she early developed tine musical talent, and served in the capacity of church organist at the age of fourteen. She was educated at Mount Holyoke Seminary. Married, Sept. 2, 1879, Ed- ward L. Morey. Their children are: Ruth Edna, b. Feb. 3, 1881; d. in' West Newton, Mass., Dec. 4, 1885. Robert Shirley, b. in Berwick, Me., Jan. 8, 1885. ii. George, b. in Berwick, Me., Feb. 12, 1825; he was always a close stu- dent; attended school for a time and eventually became a highly suc- cessful teacher. Through his own unaided efforts he has obtained a superior education. During the years of 1845-6 he was connected with the publishing house of Fowler Bros., of New York City. From 1S54 to 1858 he was with Hovey & Co., and engaged in selling their exhaustive treatise on the " Fruits of America." While thus engaged he acquired an intimate knowledge of the different varieties of fruit. He m. May 14, 1863, Anne Clapp, of Wayland, Mass., and has one daughter : May Belli:, b. Feb. 3, 1864. She is a young lady of supe- rior attainments and high moral worth. Mr. Shorey's health failed him some years ago and he was compelled to abandon all active business. He now ( 1892) resides in Cambridge, Mass. iii. Harriet Atwood, b. in Industry, April 24, 1824; m. July — , 1853, George H. Barrett, a prominent merchant of New York City. He d. July 30, 1866. Mrs. Barrett is and has been a very active business 8lO HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. woman and owns a large amount of real estate at Long Branch, X. [., where she now resides. She enjoys the reputation of being a kind- hearted, benevolent woman. iv. John Fogg, b. in [ndustry.May (4,1826. At the age of sixteen years, he apprenticed to Dudley Wiggin, a draper and tailor doing business at Great Falls, V II., after which he engaged in the clothing business in Boston. Being of a roving disposition he subsequently went to New York, and in 1853 b sident of New < Irleans, where he resided until the firing on Fort Sumter in 1861. Being a Union man he immediately gave up all his interests in the city, and coming North settled on a small farm near Fall River, Mass. lie afterward exchanged this for a larger one in Wayland (near Boston), Mass., where lie became quite a successful farmer. On Christmas night, [864, li<- was burned out, losing all of his buildings and most of their contents, the household narrowly escaping with their lives. Misfor- tune seemed to follow him and discouragement took the place oi success, and for years he again became a wanderer in the earth. Bui in the providence of God and in answer to the pravers of a dear lather and mother, he was led into the Moody and Sankev meetings, in New York, March, 1876, and became converted to Clod, "old things passing away and all things becoming new." Since that time he has been engaged in evangelistic and gospel temperance work. In 1SS0 he received a cordial invitation to visit (ireat Britain, where he spent fifteen months, holding meetings in that country, receiving great and signal blessings therefrom. Upon his return he was called to the superintendency of the McAuley Mission, Water St., New York, where he has labored successfully among the most degraded of the intemperate and homeless of that city. Mr. Shorey is one of the leading spirits of the Prohibition Part)- in Xew York, and at the elec- tion of 1SS6 he was a candidate for Congress of that party. Mr. Shorey's present tield of labor is in London, England, where he is doing a noble work for the cause of temperance and Christianity, lie m. in 1865 and has children : John Fogg, b. in Wayland, May, 1S64. Lyman Elwell, b. March 20, 1866. v. HARRISON ALLEN, b. in Industry, Feb. 7, 1831. He apprenticed to a shoemaker when a boy and thoroughly mastered even the minutest details of the trade. Deciding to enter the ministry, in 1863 he attended the Andover Theological Seminary for a year, and graduated from the Bangor, Me., Theological Seminary in 1S66. Accepting a i all from the church at Last Orrington, Me., he was ordained and immediately entered upon the duties of his pastorate. He was after- wards settled at Camden, Me., and Spencer, Mass.. where he did good work. In 1S76 he was offered a position on the Golden Rule, a religious weekly paper published in Boston. Accepting the position he eventually became its editor and also a part owner. At the same time he supplied a church in Dorchester. He was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature in 1862 as a representative from the town ol Wayland, w here he then resided. 1 1 e is a self-made man in the fullest sense of the term. lie now resides at 1 09 Third Street, Port- land, Oregon. Mis wife, whom he m. Aug. 30, 1851, was Mary Palmer, dau. of ( aptain Marble, of Somerset, Mass. Their children are : i. Marcus Pelatiah, b. Oct. 17, 1S52; .1. in Camden, Me.. ( let. 1 7, 1S70. ii. Amy, b. Dec. 14, 1854; d. July — , 1856. iii. Harry, b. June 3, 1857. iv. I Ilk AM F< IGG, b. Dec. 27. I v. T. Lyman, b. March, 1864. \i. Ella Man, b. Feb. is, 1869. I hey also had a son and a dau. who d. in infancy. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 8 I I Elvira Stanley, b. May S, 1833; m. March 19, 1857. Hiram Studley, of Nev\ York. Mr. Studley, in company with his brother Warren. first introduced the check system for railroads and steamers. Both Mr. and Mrs. Studley were valued members of Dr. Crosby's church. Mr. Studley d. June 13, 1874. Mrs. Studley still resides in New York City. Children : i. George Barrett, b. March 9, 1858. He has been in busi- ness in ( California for several years. ii. ELLA, b. Dec. 19, 1861; d. July 14, 1884. iii. , son, d. in infancy. iv. Carrie, b. August, 1866; d. in December of same year. Lyman Munson, b. in Industry, Oct. 29, 183b. He was a very helpful boy to his father and was anxious to study, but had no means. Through the influence of his uncle, W-. II. Fogg, he entered Phillips Academy at Andover, in 1859. He enlisted in a Maine regiment in [861, and was wounded at Antietam (see p. 374). Resigning his commission as first lieutenant on account of his wounds, he entered the Harvard Law School and subsequently practiced law in Chicago, 111. His health failed and for some years he was obliged to rest and wait. In 1870 he went into business in New York City. He m. Feb. 23, 1S79, Margaret Tappan, of Brunswick, Me. Died Dec. 28, 1889. SMITH. Joseph Smith + came to the District of Maine, probably as early as 1795. He was born in 1736 and married, April i. in Industry, fan. 24, 1801; m. Batchelder. iii. Martha, b. in Industry, Dec. 3, 1S02; d. unmd. iv. Joseph, h. in Industry, Nov. 30, 1805; m. Lovina Gilman, of Anson. v. ZEBULON Bl 1 1 1 :k, Ii. in Industry, July 31, 1807; 111. (lilman, of Anson. vi. [nii\ BUTLER, b. in Industry, Oct. is, 1809; was always lame. Learned the tailor's trade, and worked in Hallowell, Me., where he d. of t\ phoid fever, vii. Clementine Allen, 1>. in Industry, Feb. 26, 1813; m. David Marston. < )ne son, , resides in Farmington. viii. Henry, b. in Industry, Aug. 20, 1815 ; 111. Sprague. ix. Warren, b. in Industry, Jan. 18, [818; m. and d. in Hath, Me. 2. Joseph Warren Smith, son of Joseph and Abigail (Butler) Smith, married Deborah Butler. He inherited the homestead and pro- vided a home for his widowed mother. Here he lived till about 1.S25. when he settled on lot No. 1 , Range 3, now owned and occupied by Sumner Kenned} - . Here he erected a log-house in which his family lived for several years. Mr. Smith was possessed of much artistic taste and was noted for his skill in lettering and drawing with a pen, his designs showing originality and fine taste. Possessing considerable mechanical ability, he conceived the idea of making gravestones from a spe< ies of native stone found in his locality, and many specimens of his work may be seen in the older graveyards in this town and vicinity. He was for a time town clerk of New Vineyard, and the records of that town show some very line lettering done by him with a pen. His wile, Deborah, died Oct. 21, 1.840. He subsequently married. April 17, 1845, Mrs. Rhoda Greaton {nee Lovejoy), relict of Lee Greaton, of New Vineyard. He died Feb. 17. 1.846. Children. i. Almira, I', in New Vineyard, April iS, 1S04; m. Stephen Chapman, of New Portland. ii. Joseph Warren, b. in New Vineyard, May 14, 1806; d. Aug. 31. 1N11. 3. iii. Peier Butler, 1>. in New Vineyard, June 7, 1S0S; m. Dec. 20, 1832, Eleanor Spencer, dau. of John and Eunice (Tibbetts) Spencer, of New Vineyard. iv. Alvin, b. in New Vineyard, Sept. 16, 1S10; m. Judith, dau. of Apollos Gilmore. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 813 v. Deborah, b. in New Vineyard, Oct. 11, 1 S 1 4 ; 111. Dec. 15, 1835," ),,etl xv - Gray. 4. vi. EBENEZER.b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 7, 1817; m. Nancy, dau. of Thomas and Sally Lovejoy, of Stark. vii. Benjamin !■'.. 1) in New Vineyard, May 15, 1820; m. Fanny Hall. 5. viii. Elijah Butler, b. in New Vineyard, July 14, 1S22; m. Feb. 21, 1S47, Annah B. Viles, dau. of Leonard and Annah (Bray) Viles, of Indus- try. 3. Peter Butler Smith, son of Joseph Warren and Deborah (Butler) Smith, married Eleanor Spencer. He was a farmer and spent the whole of his life in Industry and the adjacent towns of Stark and New Vineyard. Children. 6. i. Joseph Warren, b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 22, 1833; m. Lydia A. Dag- gett, dau. of Lendal and Lydia (Norton) Daggett, (/. v. ii. John, 1>. in New Vineyard, Dec. 15, 1 835 ; m. Feb. 10, 1869, Abbie F. ( iilman, dau. of Stephen and Sarah (Brown) Gilman. She d. in Nor- ridgewock, Me., and he m. Ar/illa Nichols, dau. of Robert and Mary (VVasson) Nichols. iii. Mary Butler, b. May 29, 1S3S; m. Feb. 25, i860, Jophanus II. Ken- nedy, son of Robert Kenned v. iv. DEBORAH, b. in New Vineyard, Oct. 7, 1840; m. Alonzo Norton, son of Benjamin Warren and Amy A. (Manter) Norton, q. ?-. v. Franklin, b. Jan. 5, 1843; d. Sept. 1, 1855. \i. Charles Greenwood, b. in Industry, June 14, 1845; m - March 7, 1869, Mrs. L. Marie Norton, relict of Obed W. Norton. They now (1892) reside at West Farmington, s. f>. vii. Lydia Ellen, b. Oct. 27, 1850; d. Feb. 8, 1S53. viii. M VRSHALL Willis, b. in Stark, July 10, 1854; m. Viola A. Rackliff, dau. of .Samuel and Sarah R. (Butler) Rackliff. Their children are: i. Walter. ii. Edna. iii. , dau. 4. EiiEXEZER Smith married Nancy Lovejoy. Farmer. He died Nov. 29, 1867, aged 50 years. 3 months and 22 days. His widow sub- sequently married Joseph Hatch, of Wilton. i. BRADFORD B., m. (pub. Dec. 20, 1863), Maria F. Pratt, of New Vineyard; m. for second wife, Ellen Parlin. Soldier in the War of the Rebellion. He went to Lewiston, Me., about January, 1S92, and ran a lunch shop on Franklin Street. Fie d. of heart disease, in Lewiston, April 30, 1892. Two or more children. ii. Thomas W., b. in 1846; d. Oct. n, 1848. iii. Martha M., b. in 1S49; d. March 6, 1850. iv. Carrie M., b. in 1851 ; d. Aug. 12, 1863. 5. Elijah Butler Smith, son of Joseph Warren and Deborah (But- ler) Smith, married Annah B. Viles. Farmer ; has resided in New Vine- yard and Industry. For many years past has kept the Franklin House at New Vineyard. 8 14 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Children. i. Lauriston Arthur, b. May [5, 1847; m - Feb. J 7> '892, Lillian A., dau. of William II. Morrill, of Vienna. Merchant in Farmington. ii. Amanda Tinkham, b. Aug. 12, 1850; m. Woodward lewis, of New Vineyard. Children. iii. CHARLES EDWARD, 1>. March 4, 1857; m. Jennie Abbott, of Anson. Reside in New Vineyard. Children, iv. Ella Marie, b. Nov. 21, 1862; d. May, [866. 6. Joseph Warren Smith, son of Peter B. and Eleanor (Spencer) Smith, married Lydia A. Daggett. Mr. Smith was in early life a farmer, and for some years after his marriage lived on the farm now (1892) occupied by Isaac Elder. In the summer of 1S65 he purchased the Cutts blacksmith shop at West's Mills, and for a time hired workmen to (any on the business. Being a natural mechanic, he easily learned the trade, and has since had a generous patronage. He married, Feb. 26, 1857, Lydia Ann Daggett, daughter of Lendal and Lydia (Norton) Dag- gett. Children. i. Ellen Mary, b. in Industry, Jan. 6, 1858; m. Harrison Daggett, son of John Tobey and Caroline (Norton) Daggett, ■/. v. ii. Frank Webster, b. in Industry, Aug. 8, 1859; m. Oct. 29, 1885, Augusta Brackett, dau. of Franklin and Florilla (Woodcock) Brackett, of Stark. He now (1892) resides on a farm in Stark. Their child, Ellen Frances, was b. in Stark, April 18, 1886. iii. Eugene Lendal, b. in Industry, May n, 1861; m. Dec. 24, 1889, Mary J. Daggett, dau. of John and Cynthia P. (Furbush) Daggett, q. v. Mr. Smith is a millwright, and resides at West's Mills. One son, Earl Welcome, b. in Industry, April 10, 1892. iv. Charles Gardiner, b. in Industry, April 5, 1867; d. Aug. 16, [869. v. Fred Warren, b. in Industry, March 17, 1869. vi. Charles Marshall, b. in Industry, Aug. 25, 1874. SPINNEY. Rev. John Spinney^ traces his ancestry, like the Olivers, back to Kittery, York County. Me., to Jeremiah Spinney, 1 whom we find a resident of that town at an early date. He afterward moved to Sagadahoc County, and settled in Georgetown. His son John J was a farmer and sailor, and also a resident of Georgetown. John Spinney married Eunice Pettigrew, by whom he had twelve children, the third being Jeremiah.-' He mar- ried Anna Oliver, daughter of James B. and Jane (Spinney) Oliver. These were the parents of Rev. John Spinney,* who was born 111 Phipps- burg, Me., Jan. 21, 181 7. He married, June 30, 1841, Patience J. Oliver (born in Bath, Me., Feb. 6, 1819). daughter of Dea. John and Huldah (Robinson) Oliver, blacksmith. Likewise an able minister of the Free Will baptist denomination. Resides near West's Mills. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 8 I 5 i. HULDAH OLIVER, b. in Stark, April 24, 1842; m. Nov. 17, 1859, Hosea W. Emery, son of Amos and Martha ( Boynton) Emery, q. v. ii. Olive II., b. in Stark, Oct. 12, 1843; d. Dec. 30, 1844. iii. John COLBY, b. in Stark, Nov. 24, 1844; m. Sept. 20, 1869, Rose F. Gor- don, dau. of Ithiel and Elvina (Small) Gordon, of Phillips. Soldier in War of Rebellion (see p. 378). Resides at Allen's Mills. Children : i. Almon Ithiel, b. in Stark, April 26, 1S71. ii. Andrew Gordon, b. in Stark, July 2, 1873. iii. JOHN Delmont, b. in Stark, June '30, 1887. iv. ANDREW, b. in Stark, Jan. 16, 1846. Soldier in War of Rebellion (see P-377)- Died Nov. 19, 1864. v. Annie, b. in t Stark, Dec. 22, 1847; m - J an - 2 9> 1870, John Alvin Seavey, son of Alvin and Mary (Cowan) Seavey, of Industry. Children : i. Olive Frances, b. in Stark, Aug. 4, 1870. ii. Alvin, b. in Stark, Nov. 22, 1871. iii. Arthur Farrington, b. in Industry, Aug. 24, 1873. iv. John Wesley, b. in Industry, July 23, 1878. v. Annie May, b. in Industry, Sept. II, 1885. vi. Mary ( »live, b. in Stark, June 10, 1849; d. Sept. 14, 1858. vii. Almon, b. in Stark, July 29, 1851; d. Oct. 25, 1852. viii. Julia Etta, b. in Industry, March 17, 1853; m. Oct. 31, 1874, Alonzo Sawtelle, son of Elijah and Nancy (Merchant) Sawtelle, of Stark. Their children are : i. Frank Orlando, b. in Stark, Oct. 25, 1875. ii. John Spinney, b. in Stark, May 31, 1879. ix. George Robinson, b. in Industry, April 21, 1855; d. in Lexington, Feb. 14, 1S61. x. Almon Robinson, b. in Stark, Aug. 12, i860; m. Nov. 15, 1882, Alice D. Moulton (b. Aug. 7, 1859), dau. of John W. and Mary Ann (Coop) Moulton, of Embden. Their children are : i. George Albert, b. in Embden, June 8, 1S83. ii. Carrie Lula, b. in Stark, July 3, 1885. iii. Ralph, b. in Industry, Feb. 4, 1887. Andrew Jackson Spinney,5 who came to Industry from Stark in v the fall of 1872 and settled at West's Mills, was a son of Moses B. and Patience R. (Spinney) Spinney.4 He was born in Georgetown, Me., Nov. 10, 1846, and was the youngest of a family of fourteen children. His grandparents were Jeremiah and Eunice (Bastow) Spinney,3 the former being a brother of the forementioned John Spinney, 2 whose wife was a Pettigrew. He married, Jan. 30, 1S69, Mary H. Oliver, of Indus- try, daughter of John and Jane Oliver, of Industry. Machinist and engineer. He now (1892) resides near Allen's Mills. Children. i. Herbert Erving, b. in Stark, Jan. 18, 1870. ii. Hattie Louisa, b. in Stark, Aug. 8, 1871. iii. Willie James, b. in Industry, June 27, 1875. iv. Cora Belle, b. in Industry, Nov. 29, 1876. STEVENS. Solomon Stevens was born in Newburyport, Essex Co., Mass., in . ( >ct. 25, 1846; m. March 10, 1867, Charles C. Cutts. He d. and she subsequently m. Jan. 25, 1872, Austin Reynolds, M. U. Engaged in teaching at the age of 14 years. Has since taught exten- sively in the town schools and those of a higher grade. One dau. by first husband, Jennie M. Resides in Farmington, Me. ii. [ami-s LINCOLN, b. March 21, 1845. Oraduated from Maine Wesleyan Seminarv, at Kent's Hill. Married Dec. 10, 1S70, Delia, dau. of Cal- vin Hopkins, of Mt. Vernon. Merchant. Died at Mt. Vernon, Feb. 23, 1872. She d. Sept. 24, 1873. One dau. iii. MARTHA Ann, b. March n, 185 1; m. Jan. 27, 1872, Lorin Dolloff, son of David and (Fletcher) Dolloff, of Mt. Vernon. She d. in Farmington, April 8, 1874. One dau. d. at the age of three or four years. iv. Mary B., b. July 1, 1858; d. in Hanover, Aug. 28, 1878. SWIFT. Job Swift, born in Sharon, Mass., March — , 1769, is said to have 8l8 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. been of the same blood as Jonathan Swift, the celebrated dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral. He married Jemima Monk, of Readfield, Me., and came to Industry, in April, 1S14, and died on the first day of the following month. He located on the farm now owned by his grandson, Augustus H. Swift. His widow died in Augusta, Me., Aug. 20, 1828. i. BENJAMIN, b. in Readfield; m. I pub. Aug. 25, 1815), Hannah Hammond, q. 7. He lived in Industry a short time after his marriage, and then moved to Bingham and engaged in farming. He afterward moved to Gardiner, and d. in 1849. His wife d. in Rome, Me., about 1877. Children : i. Benjamin, d. in Moscow, Dec. 10, 1882. ii. Jemima, m. John Peavey. iii. Betsey. iv. Ruth Brown. v. MARY Jane, m. John Robinson. vi. Hannah, m. Joseph Dill. For second husband, Sidney I >oble. vii. Tryphena, m. Jonathan Trask. viii. Caroline. ix. Elmira Smith, b. in Augusta, Sept. 20, 1834; m. in Vienna, March 9, 1853, Josiah ( Ireenleaf Allen (b. in Vienna, Aug. 25, 1825), son of John F. and Nancy (Healey) Allen. Four children. x. Eben. xi. Ashley. xii. Henry. In addition to the forementioned children, two d. in infancy. 1. ii. EBENKZER, b. in Readfield, March 4, 17175; m. Dec. 4, 1S17, Nancy Hil- dreth, dau. of David and Esther (Moody) Hildreth, q. v. iii. Job, b. in Readfield, about 1797; m. Feb. 1, 181 5, Lucy Hammond, q. v. Settled in Bingham. Died in Gardiner about 1873. His wife d. in the same town in 1868. Twelve children, viz: Andrew J.; Job; Mary Ann; Eunice, who m. Mr. Richardson; Luther T., resides in Augusta; lermina; Philena; Emeline; Hiram; Evelyne; Franklin, and Augusta. 1. Ebenezer SwiFT, son of Job and Jemima (Monk) Swift, mar- ried Nancy Hildreth. He was a young man when his father settled in Industry. He succeeded his father on the homestead and here his whole life was spent He was an apt scholar and became a successful school teacher. By diligence and frugal economy he cleared a good farm and provided a comfortable, pleasant home for his family. He built in 1833 the first brick house ever erected in town. His wife died June 4, 1.823, aged 26 years, 4 months and 17 days. He married for second wife, June 21. 1S25, Hannah, daughter of Jonathan Goodridge, (/. v. She died Nov. 1. 1876 ; he died June 18, 1878. Children. i. Clarissa T., b. in Industry, Aug. 22, 1819; m. May 12, 1839, Zebadiah Johnson, son of Henry and Catherine (Sullivan) Johnson, q. v. ii. , son, b. in Industry, May — , 1823; d. in infancy. iii. , son, b. in Industry; d. in infancy. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 819 iv. NANCY IIiliiketh, b. in Industry; m. Sept. 22, 1853, William \V. Rogers, of Gardiner. Two children. v. Sarah Ann, b. in Industry, May — , 1828; d. of croup, Dec. 20, 1830. si. EBENEZER, b. in Industry, June — , 1831; m. Jan. 19, 1858, Olive A. Hobbs, dau. of George and ( (live ( Winslow) Hobbs, //. v. lie resides in New Sharon, and has three children, vii. Sarah Ann. 1>. in Industry; in. Daniel Fuller, of Gardiner. She d. of consumption in 1 86 1. One child, who d. in infancy. 2. viii. Augustus Henry, 1 b. in Industry, Oct. 12, 1835; Augustus II. m. ix. Augusta Charlotte, j (pub. May 21, 1859), Amanda S. Emery, dau. of Mark and Olive (Thurrell) Emery, of Industry. Augusta ('. m. George Fuller, of Gardiner. Three children. x. Hiram, b. in Industry, April — , 1840; d. Jan. 20, 1844. 2. Augustus Henry Swift, son of Ebenezer and Hannah (Good- ridge) Swift, married Amanda S. Emery. She died Dec. 10, 1867, aged 29 years, 7 months. For his second wife he married (pub. March 12, 1869), Abbie M. Jones, daughter of March and Sally (Mayo) Jones, of Farmington. Farmer ; resides on the homestead where his grandfather settled. Children. Sarah A., b. March — , 1862; d. Dec. 24, 1867. Olive Emery, b. April — , 1863; d. Aug. 29, 1S64. Nellie M. Lena M. Children by second wife. Allie A. Alma L. Walter. Winnie. THING. Dudley L. Thing (born May 23, 1770), was a son of John and Ann (Dudley) Thing, of Brentwood, N. H. His mother was a descendant of Gov. Thomas Dudley, 1 who landed at Boston in 1630. Her father, John,5 was the son of Samuel/* grandson of Stephen/ great-grandson of Rev. Samuel/ son of Governor Thomas. 1 Mr. Thing above named came to Industry about 1815, and settled on land near Esq. Daniel Shaw's, since known as the Ezekiel Knowles farm. His wife, Rachel Sanborn, was born Jan. 25, 1771, and died July 23, t86o. He died Nov. 15, Children. i. Joseph, b. Jan. 25, 1791 ; m. in 1818, Abigail Brown; and second in 1830, Mary (?) Allen. ii. Jonathan, b. Aug. 15, 1792; drowned in Feather River, Cal., "in early days." iii. Samuel, b. May 13, 1795; drowned in Boston Harbor, iv. Nancy, b. Aug. 8,* 1799; d. April 20, 1858, unmd. '/'<)«'« Records, Vol- /, /. 6/. 820 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. v. JOHN, b. April 9, 1802; went to Valparaiso, S. A. Ultimate destiny unknown. vi. David, 1>. Aug. 18, [804; d, Sept. iS, 1S12. vii. DuDLEY.b. March 7, 1806; m. and settled in Columbus, Wis. lie was a clergyman and there known as Rev. Dudley Tyng, which is believed to lie the correct name. Ilattie (Tyng) (iriswold, the poetess, of Col- umbus, Wis., is his dau. Me d. about the same time as did his sister Elizabeth. 1. viii. JESSE, b. Aug. 22, 1808; m. in 1831, Mary R. Allen, dau of Datus T. Allen, if. v. ix. Elizabeth, b. March 31, 1813; m. Oct. 10, 183;,, William Lawrey, of Industry. He was b. Sept. 22, 1807, and d. May 22, 1841. She m. for second husband, March 31, 1846, Capt. [oab Quint, b. fan. 30, 1S10, and d. in Stark, Feb. 3, 1851. She m. for third husband, July 11, 1858, Silas Burce (1). Jan. 25, 1806), of Industry, son of Holmes and Lydia (Givens) Burce. He d. in Eau Claire, Wis.. Sept. S, 1880. She d. at the same place, May 11, 1885. Children by tirst marriage: Susan A., b. July 7, 1834; d. Oct. 15, 1853. K. Augusta, b. Nov. 29, 1836; m. Anthony Bracket, of Stark; d. Sept. 20, 1S64. Ruby E., b. July 20, 1839; d. Oct. 6, 1850. Her children by second marriage were Win. L, b. Feb. 7, 1847, and d. Sept. 8, 1861, and Albanus D.. b. ( let. 4, 1849. i. Jksse Thing, son of Dudley L. and Rachel (Sanborn) Thing, married Mary R. Allen. Mr. Thing was in trade at West's Mills, ami at the same time manufactured potash. His wife died Dec. i,S. 1X47. and he married for his second wife a Mrs. Putnam, relict of John Putnam and daughter 0% Deacon Ephraim Heald. Divorced after a few years. He removed to Stark and spent his last days a veritable recluse. He was found dead by a neighbor who chanced to call at his house. He was about 70 years of age. Children. i. Christania A., b. May is, 1831. ii. Elvira D., b. Feb. 26, 1834. iii. David < >i is, b. Nov. 6, 1839. iv. Mary Allen, 1>. Aug. 12, 1842. v. Billings Allen, b. Oct. 31, 1844. vi. Datus Allen, b. Feb. 13. 1 S47. THOMPSON. The common ancestor of this family came from Londonderry, Ireland, to Derry, N. H., with a large party of emigrants. These people were of the Presbyterian faith and brought their pastor with them. Hugh Thompson, the father of James and John, then a lad of eight summers, accompanied his parents. On reaching man's estate, he married and eventually, with a large family, settled in Mount Vernon. He probably came to Industry after the settlement of his sons, James and John, and GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 82 1 is the same person who took up lot No. 17. in 179S. The date and place of his death cannot be learned. Samuel. Adam. A very active, athletic man and an expert swimmer. Drowned in attempting to ferry a gentleman and lady across the Merrimac River. 1. James, b. Nov. 14, 1758; m. Isabel Bean (b. Oct. 24, 1762), of N. II. WILLIAM, m. in Xorridgewock. Moved to Bangor. Had a large family. MARGARET, m. Luke Withee, of Xorridgewock, and had sons: Luke, John, and Thompson II. 2. John, b. June 26, 1765; m. Susan Perham, of Mt. Vernon. i. James Thompson, son of Hngh Thompson, married Isabel Bean. He settled first in Norridgewock. where he was several times a member of the board of selectmen. In 1794 he made some improvements on No. 2, on the Plymouth Patent, but did not make his permanent home there until some years later. He was a magistrate, also town and planta- tion clerk in Industry, as well as first town treasurer. After living in his log-cabin some years, he built a two-story frame house, which he sold to Samuel Norton and moved to Canondagua, X. Y. 3. i. John, 2d, b. April 3, 17CS4; m. (pub. April 4, 1S08), fane Winslow (b. Oct. 15, 1783), of Stark. Children: Eliza, b. Aug. 8, 1808; Caleb, b. June 22, 1810; James, b. Jan. 12, 1812; Martha lane, b. Dec. 25, 1813; William, i). < let. 5, [816. ii. Janet, b. Oct. 5, 1785; m. (pub. Sept. 27, 1806), Samuel Bean, of Xew Sharon. iii. HUGH, 2d, b. July iS, [787; m. (pub. Nov. 30, 1811), Betsey White, of Fairfield. iv. Margaret, b. April 16, 1789; m. (pub. Jan. 25, 1811), William II. Hil- dreth, son of David and Esther ( Moody) Hildreth, q. v. v. Caleb, b. Jan. 9, 1791. vi. JOSHUA, b. May 10, 1793; m. Feb. 2, 1816, Betsey Patterson, dau. of John and Susan (Starbird) Patterson, q.v. Poisoned by accidentally tak- ing ratsbane. Children: Warren, Marvin, Betsey and James. vii. Content, b. April 13, 1795. viii. Jesse, b. July 13, 1797. i\. Martha, b. April 22, 1799. \. Rhoda, b. Aug. 8, 1802. \i. James, 3d, b. March iq, 1805. 2. John Thompson, son of Hugh Thompson, married Susan Per- ham, and second, Betsey Winslow (born in Gardinerston, Me., June 20, 1770), daughter of James and Ann (Huston) Winslow. Prior to his settlement in Industry, he resided in Mt. Vernon.* In 1794, while living in that town, he made a public profession of religion and ever afterward led a consistent christian life. He came to Industry in 1795. At that time the town was sparsely settled, and a large part of the way * Esq. William Allen says he came from Vienna, which is incorrect. 822 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. the only guide was blazed or spotted trees. Mrs. Thompson rode on horseback with the children, while her husband walked on ahead and cleared the way for the horse. He settled on lot No. 16. near his brother James, where he built a comfortable log-house, cleared land and lived for a number of years. Afterward he removed to lot No. 53, near Stark line.* Mr. Thompson was the first captain of the Industry militia and subsequently served as chaplain of the regiment. Receiving a local preacher's license in 1X01. he preached for mam years with marked success. In 1S05, he was elected treasurer of the town, held the office three years, and then declined a re-election. t He was also selectman in 1 ^23. and the following year represented his district in State Legislature, and was also State senator for the County of Somerset in [832. In connection with his tanning he bought stock quite largely for the Brighton (Mass.) market. In addition to his other business he was justice of the peace for many years. It can be truthfully said that, in his day. no citizen of Industry was more widely or favorably known than he. As a local preacher he gave much of his time to the service of the church, not only on the Sabbath but in delivering lectures, admin- istering the ordinance of baptism and attending funerals, for which he invariably refused any pecuniary recompense. Traveling ministers always received a cordial welcome to his home and fireside, where religious meetings were frequently held. Camp-meetings, in which he took an active part, were also held in a grove on his farm. At one of these the venerable "Campmeeting John Allen," now gone to his reward, had "his first experience." Perhaps the most notable trait of Mr. Thompson's character was his benevolence. This "with him," writes Rev. Asa Heath, "had no limits but the want of means and opportunity. The poor, the sick and needy, he sought out, visited, sympathized and prayed with and relieved. He has often gone from his own comfortable fireside in severe weather and sometimes on snowshoes, to \ isit the abodes of poverty, sickness and want, but he never went empty-handed, merely to sympathize and pray, and say 'God bless you, be ye warmed and filled.' But he gave them those things that were needful for the body while he imparted spiritual encouragement and S( e pp. |3 and 1 7_> , also foot note. p. 07. \ Esq. Win. Alien says (see Hist, hid., p. j(>): " Capt. Thompson having seised thru- years "i to Captain Peter West, declined .c re-election tin- fourth year, and as a reason said ' lie could not afford it, the office run him in debt every year, lie paid out more than he received.' He was requested to present his account and it should be allowed; he replied that ' he kept no account, that he had made no account of debt or credit during the three years.' " Being regarded as an honest, patriotic man the town heard his verbal statement and allowed him a small sum with which he was satisfied. The sum allowed Capt. Thompson (see Town ' ol. I, /. 38) was $lS-49. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 823 comfort to the soul." Illustrative of his characteristic benevolence is the following anecdote : "On a certain occasion. Father Thompson," as he was frequently called, " preached a sermon on Thanksgiving Day from the text. ' He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none.' The day was raw and unpleasant, and as a precaution against a sudden cold, Father Thompson wore an overcoat. It so happened that among the congregation was a man in his shirt sleeves, probably too poor to own a coat. At the close of the services, Father Thompson took off his overcoat and. with a heart overflowing with sympathy, pre- sented it to the poor man." Perhaps it is needless to add that many an eye in the congregation moistened with tears on witnessing this gen- erous deed of their beloved pastor. Modest and unassuming in his habits of life, he cared but little for distinction or fame, and during his last sickness, when giving directions for his burial, he requested that his coffin be made perfectly plain and that the officiating clergyman should in no wise extol him. He closed a well-spent life, May 17. 1836, and was laid to rest in the shadow of the very church his liberality had helped to erect. His wife died March 7, 1840. Though he has passed away, no fulsome eulogy is required at the writer's hands. The many virtues which adorned his life, his noble character, his deeds of charity, his devotion to the cause of religion, form to his memory a monument more enduring than the finest marble, more valuable than the costliest bronze.* James, b. in Mt. Vernon, June 21, 1 791 ; m. Feb. 1, 1 Si 3, Susan Patter- son, dau. of John and Susan ( Starbird ) Patterson, q. v. lie d. April 24, i860. Children : William H , Joshua S., James, who d. in infancy, Mary P., James C, Caroline M., and John T. Their son, William H., although he d. at the early age of 28 years, had graduated at Water- ville College, and already gained a fine reputation as an educator and a lawyer of ability. He d. in Swedesborough, X. J., Aug. 16, 1842. William, b. in Mt. Vernon, Feb. 8, 1793; went to the Province of New Krunswick, where he m. Catherine Cameron. He was a man of great physical strength and courage. Though by no means a quarrelsome man, he was never known to turn aside from his course to avoid a fight. Pie d. Nov. 25, 1842. Among his children were John, Betsey, Alexander and William. Robert,! b. in Industry, July 7, 1795; m. Oct. 28, 1819, Alice, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah (Moody) Goodridge, q. v. Susan, b. in Industry, Jan. 9, 1798; m. April iS, 1815, Samuel Patterson, son of John and Susan (Starbird) Patterson, q. v. Asa Heath, b. in Industry, June 17, 1803; educated at Bloomtield and Ilallowell academies. Spent a larger part of his time in teaching. Became principal of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female Col- * It is related that for a period of nearly Oo years, not a single dav passed without family prayers in the home of this devout christian. f Claimed to have been the first child horn of white parents in Industry as subsequently in- corporated. 824 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. lege; also a member of the M. E. Church, and an able worker in the Master's vineyard. lie d. July 2<>, [825. vi. Wesley, b. in Industry, Oct. 27, 1805; m. ( >ct. 4, 1827, Mrs. Betsey, dau. of George Furgurson, of Durham, Me. hied in Durham, July 20, 1825. 3. Robert Thompson, sou of John and Betsey (Winslow) Thomp- son, married Alice Goodridge. He inherited the homestead and spent his whole life in his native town. His wife died Feb. 2, 1N40. and he married, Sept. 2, 1X40. Fanny Lane, of Fayette, who died Aug. 21. 1841, ere she saw the first anniversary of her wedding daw His third wife, whom he married Dec. 5, [842, was Emma Russell, of Madison. He- died Feb. 21. 1.854, aged 58 years. <> months and 14 days. His widow died ( )ct. 3 1, 1872. Children. i. Betsey, b. Sept. 13. 1821; m. Aug. 28, 1842. Aaron Tolman, son of Moses and Abigail (Rollins) Tolman, q. v. ii. Sarah, b. June 27, 1823; d. Nov. 2, 1825. 4. iii. Asa Heath, b. June 24, 1825; m. Dec. 20, 1857, Abbie (i. Hobbs, dau. of George and < >live | Winslow) Hobbs, q. :■. iv. Margaret, b. Sept. 3, 1827; d. 1 let. 1 s, 1829. v. Martha Ann, b. Oct. 13, 1829; m. (pub. Nov. 14. 1 s^ 7 . Frederick Swan, 2d , of New Sharon. vi. Susan, b. Jan. 25, 1832; d. June 22, [833 vii. Charles Wesley, b. Dee. 22, 1833; m. Dec. 25, 1861, Ann Elizabeth Potter, dau. of Nathaniel and Betsey ( Winslow 1 Potter, . Jan. s. 1836; d. Dec. 23, [858. ix. Roberi Granville, 1>. March — , 1838; d. in Columbia, Cal., Oct. 18, 1858. Children by third wife. x. Alice Goodridge, 1>. Jan. 5, 1844; m. Nov. 2;, iNj^, Josiah (handler, of Illinois, xi. Olive Russell, b. March 2, 184s; »»• May ^-, 1880, Christopher C. Studley, of Illinois. \ii. Russell if, b. ( let. 5, 1846; d. July 3, 1865. xiii. William, l>. April 24. 1848; killed by a falling tree, lei.. 20. 18(15. xiv. John E., b. Dec. 13, 1849; ''• May 3- 1869. xv. < lEORGE Melvin, b. ( >ct. 25, 1 85 1 ; m. May (I, 1876, Nellie Ring, of Gar- diner. 4. Asa Heath Thompson, son of Robert and Alice (Goodridge) Thompson, married Abbie G. Flolihs ; she died Dec. 20. i<866, aged 32 years, 10 months. For his second wife he married. March 26. 1871, Augusta Smith, daughter of Nehemiah and Mary 1!. Smith, of New- Sharon. Farmer. Resides in New Sharon. HattIE 1'.. I), in New Sharon, June II, 1859; m. July 20, 1890, Hugh I opeland. Resides 77 franklin St.. Portland, Me. Graduate Farm- ington State Normal, second class of 1871). Matron, Maine Eye and Kar Infirmary . GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 825 ii. Mary A., 1). in New Sharon, Dec. 12, i860. Assistant Matron at the Eye ami liar Infirmary, Portland, iii. ROBERT rville E. d, in infancy. v. Emma 0., J J 3 ' vi. Alton, l>. in New Sharon, Nov. 6, 1S78; d. in infancy. vii. Willie A., b. in New Sharon, Aug. 9, 1880. 5. Charles W. Thompson, son of Robert and Alice (Goodridge) Thompson, married Ann Elizabeth Potter. He is a farmer and resides in New Sharon. Children. i. ( 'ark i ; Ai gi sta, 1>. July 15, 1864; d. Nov. 10, 1880. ii. John Edward, b. Jan. -,• 1870. iii. Nellie Kim;, b. March 10, 1871. iv. Charles Allen, b. Sept. 12, 1883. TOLMAN. MOSES Tot. man and his brother Ezekiel were early settlers in the town of New Sharon. Ezekiel married. April 7, 1801, Mary Paul, and spent the whole of his after life in that town. Moses was born in Dor- chester. Mass.. April 19. 1774. He was a shoemaker and followed that occupation in connection with farming for many years. He married, |au. 25, 1797. Abigail, daughter of Captain Joseph Rollins, of New Sharon. He purchased a small farm east of Bowley's Corner in that town and there five children were born to him. In 1807 he sold his farm and moved to Industry. He bought of Jacob Mathews and Ben- jamin Stevens the improvements on lots No. 9 and 10. lying east of Withee's Corner. This farm was subsequently owned for many years by his son, the late John Tolman. His wife. Abigail, who was born in New Sharon. Nov. 12, 17.81. died Nov. 4, 1819, aged 3cS years. He married for his second wife (pub. Aug. 1, 1821 ). Mrs. Sarah H. (New- comb) Frizzell. He was father of fourteen children by his two mar- riages. For these he provided a home and educated as well as sur- rounding circumstances would admit. Of him his eldest son writes : ••With his large family, I never knew my father to omit giving a warm invitation to his hospitality. The weary and hungry were always cared for and fed. He was not a religionist, but believed more in warm beds and full stomachs than in prayers. In social intercourse he was always obliging and ready to grant any accommodation in his power." He died in i860. Children. 1. i. MOSES, b. in New Sharon, May 20, 179S; in. July 18, 1821, Mary Motley (1>. Jan. 17, 1798), dau. of Capt. Alex, and Mary (Waite) Motley, of Portland. 826 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. ii. Arilla, b. in New Sharon, Feb. 2, 1800; in. Dec. n, 1S17, ferry C. Look, son of Samuel ami Margaret (Chase) Look, q. v. She lived to the age of more than 85 years. iii. Abigail Foster, b. in New Sharon, Oct. 21, 1801; m. (pub. Aug. 16, 1823), Seth Ford, of New Sharon. Moved to Milo, where she d., comparatively a young woman, leaving two sons, who became smart, active business men. iv. PHINEAS, b. in New Sharon, July 31, 1803; m. (pub. June — , 1826), Elizabeth Burbank, of Belgrade. He first attended school in a log- cabin on his father's farm, in Industry, kept by Ira Wilson. At the age of fourteen he attended a school kept at the centre of the town by Win. McLeary. of Strong, walking two miles night and morning for that purpose. Three years later he attended the Farmington Acad- emy for three months. After finishing his studies at the Academy, he taught school at West New Portland for ten dollars per month. The superintending committee gave his school such a flattering report and the district were so well pleased that he taught the same school for three winters in succession. His ability to govern difficult schools soon became known and his services were eagerly sought wherever an unruly school was to be found. In the meantime he had been elected superintending school committee. In 1831 he was commissioned a justice of the peace and in 1832 was selectman and assessor. He sold his farm, formerly owned by Joshua Pike, and moved to Milo in 1833. There he served as selectman and school committee for many years. He also represented his district in the State Legislature, and Piscatacpuis County for two years in the Senate. He likewise held the office of trial justice for fourteen years, and only gave it up when the infirmities of age rendered him unable to longer attend to the business of that office. He d. April 1, 1890. Children. v. PATTY, b. in New Sharon, Oct. 13, 1805; d. Jan. 3, 1809. vi. Sarah, b. in Industry, March 29, 1808; d. at the age of 22 years, unmd. vii. Martha, b. in Industry, June 19, 1810; m. (pub. Sept. 2, 1837), Thos. Coghlan, of Industry. She d. March 3, 1855. Three children. viii. TiiiKZA, b. in Industry, Oct. 6, 1812; m. March iS, 1832, Elijah Calkins, of Brownville. Carpenter. She d. in Andover, Mass., about 1889. Three children. i\. ADALINE, b. in Industry, March 1, 1815; m. John Eason, a native of England. She d. in Lowell, Mass., about 1S87, s. p. \. AARON, b. in Industry, June 5, 1818; m. Aug. 28, 1842, Betsey, dau. of Robert and Alice (Goodridge) Thompson, . in Industry, in 1829; 111. Eliza Haskell, of Anson. Died of typhoid fever in Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Nov. 25, 1864. < >ne dau. d. at the age of sixteen years. \iv. William, b. in 1832; m. .Sarah Pillsbury, of New Vineyard, where he now resides. Four children. I. MOSES TOLMAN, son of Moses and Abigail (Rollins) Tolman. In his youth he had better educational advantages than most farmers' sons, having been sent away to school. He afterwards served as a clerk in a store in Hallowell and also in Portland. He was subsequently in trade at West's Mills for several years (seep. iq6 ), and in 1831 moved to Piscataquis County and entered trade in the town of Milo. He had been in business there but a short time when he was stricken with fever and died, Dec. 23, 1S32. She died in Medford, Mass.. at the age of 72 years. Children. i. All.il Motley, b. in Portland; d. in Medford, Mass. ii. Harriet, b. in Industry; in. Charles Mason. He was a merchant en- gaged in the West India trade. He d. in Addison, N. Y., May 25, 1857, leaving one child: Charles Tolman Mason, b. in Portland, Me., March 15, 1853; d. in New Vineyard, July 21, 1892. She subse- quently m., in i860, James A. Henderson, of Great Barrington, Mass. He is now (1892) engaged in business in New York City. iii. Alexander Motley, b. in Industry, resides in Carroll, Me. iv. Moses, b. in Industry; was a seafaring man and d. at sea. v. Charles Phineas, b. in Milo, Me.; d. at sea. vi. Mary Waite, b. in Milo; m. Matthew F. Whittier, a brother of John G. Whittier, the poet. He was a merchant and a writer of humorous sketches over the nom de plume of Ethan Spike. At the time of his death, held a position in the Boston Custom House. He d. at the Maverick House, East Boston. His widow resides in Philadelphia, Pa. TRASK. Jonathan Trask,''* who settled in that part of Industry set off to New Sharon in 1852, traces his ancestry back five generations to Osman Trask, 1 the English immigrant. Osman Trask was born, probably in Somersetshire. England, in the year 1625. He came to this country about 1645, and settled in Beverly, Mass. Of his seven sons, John 2 was born in Beverly, Aug. 15, 1653, and married Hannah ■ — , by whom he had four children. The youngest child of John and Hannah Trask was Nathaniel,-* born in Beverly. Jan. 20, 1695, who removed to Lexington in 1 7 1 5 . He married Anna . by whom he had eight * The author acknowledges his indebtedness to a "History and Genealogy of the Trask Family," by Robert Dana Trask, Rsq., for the facts pertaining to Jonathan Trask and his ancestors. 828 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. children, three sons and five daughters. Hudson's "Genealogical Reg- ister of Lexington Families" says of him : " lie was a man of consider- able property, standing oil the tax bill for 1729, the tenth in point of amount. His property at the time of his death was inventoried at / 7.596." He died Aug. 4. [753, aged 59 years. Nathaniel. 1 fourth child of Nathaniel and Anna Trask, was born in Lexington. Mass.. March 18. 1721. He graduated at Harvard College in 1742, studied theology and in i 74S settled in Brentwood, X. H. He was the first pastor of the Congregational Church in that town and was ordained Dec. 12. [748. lie married. June 15. 1749. Miss Parnel Thing. He- died Dec. 12. 1789, and was buried in the old cemetery near the church where he had preached so many years. Seven children were born to Rev. Nathaniel and Parnel (Thing) Trask, the youngest being Jonathan. ; horn in Brentwood. Dec. 12. 1764. He was the father of eight chil- dren by his wife Elizabeth Leavitt, the second of whom was Jonathan." whose name heads this sketch. He moved to Mount Vernon, Me., in l 806, and died in Industry, Oct. 12. 1835, a g e d 7' years. His wife died May 16. 1843, aged 84 years. Jonathan Trask, 6 son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Leayjtt) Trask, was born in Brentwood, N. H.. Sept. 1. 1787. He married, June 4. 1810, Martha Jewell (born Sept. 8, [791 ). and settled in Industry about the time of his marriage. He died Sept. 27. L838, aged 51 years. His wife died Feb. 10. [855, aged 64 years. Children. i. James, 1>. in Industry, Dec. 1, 1811; m. Nov. 14, 1833, Sarah ( Ireenleaf, of Stark, and settled in the town of Etna, Me. lie d. [une 24, (886. Ten ehildren. ii. Leavitt D., b. in Industry, June 7, [813; 111. his cousin Eliza, dau. of Timothy Trask. Died in Stark, July 4, i. in Industry, May 25, 1S17. Owing to a difficulty between himself and his father, left home at the age of seventeen and never returned. It is known that he went Inst to Penobscot County, hut there the family lost all trace of him. Orlando W. Trask met a man in Talcahuana, Lhili. S. A., whom the family believes was Jonathan. 1 ». W. Trask thus refers to the meeting: " In the year 18^2, while in port at Talcahuana, Chili, I fell in with a man by the name of Trask. He seemed to be speculating in cattle and horses and appeared to be a man of means. Said he was raised in Kennebec County, Maine. He inquired all about my family, who my father was, and. in short, questioned me very closely. I gave him full information, hut could get no satisfactory information as to his family. The manner in win. h he questioned me betrayed that he knew the family concerning whom he was making inquiries. He was a large, muscular man, and in stature bore a close resemblance to my ideal of my brother." It is of course very uncertain whether he is now ( [887) living or dead, even if he were living in 1S52. 1. v. Robert, b. in Industry. 1 let. o. 1818; in. Oct. 30, 1N45, Zelpha II. Drew (b. Dec. 16, 1822), of Stark. vi. HARRIET, l». in Industry, July id, 1S21; m. Oct. 5, 1841, Asa Brown, of GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 829 Stark. Moved to Portland, Me., in 1S65. He d. June 28, 1S74, aged 58 years. She d. Feb. 25, 1S76. Eight children. vii. Jacob ]., 1>. in Industry, Felt. 19, 1823; m. Sarah E. Sawyer, of New Sharon, who was b. May 13, 1S31. Emigrated to California in 1853. Three children. viii. Mary C, b. Feb. 20, 1S25; m. Nov. 16, 1853, James Madison Sawyer, of New Sharon. They immediately emigrated to California. She d. in Columbia, in June, 1S61. ix. Peter H., b. in Industry, Feb. 9, 1827; m. Rachel Fogg, of Bath, Me. They lived first in Bath and then in Portland. Removed to Califor- nia in 1 86-. Three children. x. PRENTIS Mellen, b. in Industry, May 9, 1829; m. about 1853, and set- tled in Columbia, Cal. xi. Albion K. P., b. in Industry, June 1, 1831. Went to Bangor about 1850; m. Oct. 17, 1852, Jane L. M. Stockwell (b. in East Eddington, Me., Feb. 14, 1835). Resided in Bangor until 1863, when he moved to Philadelphia, Pa. He is a practical photographer. Two children. 2. xii. Orlando W., b. in Industry, April 29, 1833; m. Aug. 24, 1856, Nancy B. Rich (b. Oct. 13, 1831 ), of Atkinson. xiii. John RuGGLES, b. in Industry, Dec. 13, 1836. He went to California in 1853, where he has since resided, a part of the time at Columbia, Tuolumne Co., and a part at San Francisco. He has an interest in mines in California and Mexico, also in lands in Power California and Costa Rica. He is unmd. xiv. E.VICTORIA, b. in Industry, July 7, 1838; m. Oct. 4, 1S57, Harrison Woodcock, of Mercer. Two children. i. Robert Trask, son of Jonathan and Martha (Jewell) Trask, married Zelpha H. Drew. By the death of his father he was called to assume the duties of head of the family at the age of twenty years. Soon after he became of age he went to Aroostook County with a view of taking up land for a farm, but an early frost that year caused him to abandon the enterprise, and he returned to the homestead farm after a six months' absence. He then resolved to pay for the homestead farm, which was heavily involved at the time of his father's death. This he succeeded in doing by strict economy and the most untiring industry. He spent a life of constant labor, improving his farm in the interim be- tween the busy seasons of the agricultural year. An enduring monu- ment to his ceaseless toil is to be seen in the walls of stone upon the farm. It is estimated that there are 1000 rods of this substantial fence on the farm, nearly all of which was built by him. He was a man that always had a word to offer in behalf of Christianity and morality. He died Oct. 19, 1869, aged 51 years. At the time of his death his prop- erty was inventoried at $6,000. Children. i. Annik M., b. in Industry, Feb. 17, 1851; m. March 28, 1870, Charles H. Cox, son of Rev. Elbridge Cox, of Stark. They now (1887) reside in Haverhill, Mass. Two children. 3. ii. Robert Dana, b. in New Sharon, Aug. 14, 1852; m. Aug. 14, 1872, Etta E. Sawyer, dau. of Levi Sawyer, of Stark. She d. and he m. May 10, 1S79, Achsa E. Allen, dau. of Samuel R. and Frances L. (Boyden) Allen, q. v. 104 830 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iii. James E., b. in New Sharon, March 2, 1855. He left the homestead at the age of 18 years; graduated from the Waterville Classical Institute in 1876. lie then entered Colby University and graduated in 1SN0. taking the degree of A. IS., and A. M. in 1883. Now ( 1887) Profes- sor of Natural Sciences in the South Jersey Institute at Bridgeton, iv. FRED R., b. in New Sharon, June 6, 1862. Graduated from Waterville Classical Institute in 1882 and entered Colby University, but left in the middle of Sophomore year and entered the law office of his brother. \ year later he gave up the study of law for commercial pursuits. Married, June 8, r886, Grace I >. Palmer. He is now a book-keeper in Bradford, Mass. 2. Orlando W. Trask, son of Jonathan and Martha (Jewell) Trask, married Nancy B. Rich. After he was six years of age he had no advantages for attending school in summer, and attended school in winter only about two months each year. He left home to earn his own living at an early age. At the age of nineteen he embarked on board the bark " Gold Hunter" and worked his passage around Cape Horn to the Golden State. He worked in the mines the most of the time at Columbia, Tuolumne County, until 1856, when he returned to Maine. They lived in Bangor two years and then settled in Atkinson, where they still (1887) reside. In the fall of 1861. when men were receiving no bounty and while recruiting was the most difficult, he took out recruiting papers for the 14th Reg't Me. Vol. Infantry. Notwith- standing he had only twenty- eight days in which to raise a company, while other officers had been recruiting for nearly two months, greatly to the surprise of all he went into cam]) with sixty-five men that passed the mustering officer. He was commissioned as captain of this com- pany (E) Dec. 12, [861. During his term of service he participated in five engagements ; the first being at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, 1862 ; the last at Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1863, where he received a wound supposed at the time to be mortal, and from which he has ever since been a great sufferer. When wounded he was acting as major on the regimental staff and had been for a period of more than three months. He was honorably discharged, Aug. 27. 1863. He was a brave and effi- cient officer, and his promotion would have been certain had not his wound compelled him to resign his position in the army. He has an excellent farm in the town of Atkinson, where he has filled various municipal offices. 3. Robert Dana Trask, son of Robert and Zelpha (Drew) Trask. married Etta 1'.. Sawyer, who was bom Aug. 30, [853, and died Jan. 25. 1877. His boyhood was spent on the homestead, where he remained until he had attained his majority. lie completed a practical course REV. EBEN G. TRASK. Engraved by Geo. E.Johnson, Boston. Prom a photograph made aboul 1SS3 at A. II. Hall's studio, Chatsworth, III. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 83 I ot study at Waterville, in 1875, anc ^ commenced reading law with F. A. Waldron. In April, 1877, lie entered the law office of H. & W. J. Knowlton, of Portland, and in May following entered the law depart- ment of the Boston University. So diligent and thorough had he been in his studies that he was able to enter this institution a year in advance. He was admitted to the bar at Augusta, in Kennebec County. Aug. 13, 1877. He entered upon his studies at the University October 3d, and received the degree of LL. B. June 5, 1878. In September following he opened a law office at New Sharon for the practice of his profession. He practiced in New Sharon until June, 1882, when he removed to Haverhill, Mass.. where he still resides. Previous to entering upon the practice of law Mr. Trask taught with success in the town and high schools of his native State. He is an easy and graceful writer and occasionally contributes articles for the public press. He married, May 10, 1S79, Achsa E. Allen, of Industry, s. p. Eben G. Trask, who settled in Industry about 1832, was born in Jefferson, March 22. 181 1, and was the eighth child in a family of nine. His father, David Sylvester Trask, was born in Edgecomb, March 17, 1773, and married, Nov. 25, 1793, Mary Davis, born in New Castle, October, 1 776. He was a son of Thomas and Lydia (Sylvester) Trask, of Edgecomb, and a grandson of Dr. Samuel Trask (born in Salem, Mass., Aug. 14, 1671), whose wife was a Stuart,* and whose adventurous and romantic life reads like fiction. When Eben G. was a small boy his father moved to Norridgewock and died Nov. 4, 1823. Thus early left an orphan he was reared to a life of incessant toil. Amid these sur- roundings the industrious boy grew to a persevering, self-reliant and energetic young man. About 1829 he removed with his mother to Stark and settled near West's Mills on the farm recently occupied by George F. Randall. After a brief residence in that town he settled in Industry on the farm now owned by Chas. L. Jennings. His mother was an excellent christian woman, "and to her," he writes, "I owe much of what I am." He made a profession of religion and united with the Baptist Church in December, 1831. He married, April 30, 1S36, Aphia A. Manter, daughter of Elijah and Betsey (Small) Manter, q. v. She died Feb. 24, 1837. His second wife, whom he married April 5, 1839, was Mary, daughter of Dea. Ira and Sarah (Stanley) Emery, q. v. *She claimed descent from the royal English house of that name, and said "The lion would crouch to her presence " in verification of her claim. 832 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. About this time he was commissioned captain of the Industry Militia. Ever after his conversion he felt it his duty to enter the christian minis- try, but not until after his second marriage did he obey the call. He preached his first sermon at the home of Moses M. Luce in Industry. from these words : " Here am I, send me." He was ordained at West's Mills, Dec. 5, 1844 ( see p. 122 ). After laboring in various pastorates until October, 1854, he went to Illinois, hoping a change of climate would benefit his wife, who was in feeble health. In December, 1862, he en- listed as chaplain of the 4th Illinois Cavalry. His wife died soon after the close of the war. He married a third time, at Chatsworth, 111.. Sarah J. Sherwin, who still survives him. He closed a long and useful life in Chatsworth, 111., Feb. 17, 1887, aged nearly 76 years. Mary Aphia, 1>. July 1, 1X40; m. Jan. 17, 1 86 1, Charles G. Greenwood, of Granville, Putnam Co., 111. Resides in Silver City, Iowa. Ira WAYLAND, b. Jan. 20, 1842. On the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion he enlisted, Sept. 7, 1861, as a private in Co. K, 8th Illinois Cavalry, and was mustered into the United States Service on the eighteenth day of the same month. lie was promoted to second lieu- tenant Jan. 28, 1862, and tirst lieutenant, Aug. 6, 1S63. Having served the term of his enlistment, he was mustered out Sept. 18, iN<>4. He m. Jan. S, 1864, Miss Louisa M. Hotchkiss, of Canton, Conn. Died at Vicksburg, Miss., March 9, 1SS2. Sakeita F., b. Nov. 8, 1845; m - J une 2 > l ^°7> Seth W. Pearson, of Liv- ingstone Co., 111. Eben Burritt, b. July 22, 1847; m. Aug. 23, 1883, Mary Hanson, of Nevada, Iowa. Judson, b. April 15, 1854. TRUE. Moses True, son of Moses True, of Seabrook. Rockingham Co.. X. H., was horn in 1779. He is said to have been a descendant of Henry True, 1 the immigrant ancestor, whose wife was a sister of Robert Pike. 1 The date of his settlement in Industry is not known, but he was in town as early as 1808. His wife was Betsey, daughter of Andrew Goodwin, of Litchfield, a sister to the wife of Freeman Allen, ct. 5, 1 853. Children. i. Eleanor, b. in Industry; m. (pub. Jan. 31, 1834), Rufus Burce 1 b. April 13, 1808), son of Holmes and Lydia (Givens) Burce, of Stark. If living, resides in Alton, Me. Ten or more children. ii. Caleb Goodwin, b. in Industry, March 16, [813; in. June 3, 1838, Diana E. Snell (b. < >ct. 7, 1S14), dau. of Eleazer and Thir/a (Creen- GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 833 leaf) Snell, of Stark. He was a farmer and has resided in Stark and Industry. He d. in Industry, May 8, 1S73. She d. |uly 1, 1882. Children : i- AUGUSTA Romantha, b. in Industry, March 14, 1839; in. April 16, 1862, Benjamin F. Trask, son of Samuel and Mary (Luce) Trask. Reside in Stark. One son, Ludel- phus E. Trask, who is married and has one child, ii. Lavina Joy, b. in Industry, May 13, 1841; m. May 18, 1864, Jacob Ela Holman, son of Andros and Fanny K. ( Ela ) Holman, of Weld. One child, iii. Moses Edward, b. in Industry, July 20, 1844; d. Dec. 14, 1850. iv. Mary Jam., b. in Industry, Jan. 18, 1846. Resides in Middleboro, Mass., unmd. v. Eleazer Smell, b. in Industry, Oct. 7, 1847; m. (pub. Oct. 18, 1873), Mary Louisa Bean, dau. of Elias and Sarah L. 1 Smith) Bean, of Jay, and step dau. of Jeremy Bean, q. v. She d. about September, 1882. Farmer; resides in In- dustry. One child; d. in infancy, vi. John Bartlett, b. in Industry, June 13, 1S49; m. 1872, Georgiana F. Holt (b. in Hampden, Me., 1850), dau. of John Y. and Ann (Delano) Holt. Carriage-maker; resides in Portland, Oregon. One son, Rolland S., b. in ( >ttawa, Kans., in 1S78. vii. Albert Edward, b. in Industry, April 10, 1851; m. (pub. Oct. 29, 1878), Mis. Susan E. Wells, dau. of Benjamin and Miriam i CousensJ Tibbetts, of Industry. Reside in Lynn, Mass., s. p. viii. James Turner, I b. in Industry, Jan. 27, 1853. James T. is ix. Ellen ALFREDA, j a farmer and resides in Industry, unmd. Ellen A. m. (pub. Jan. 3, 1883), John O. Rackliff, son of Benj. R. and Rachel (Oliver) Rackliff, q. v. He d. and she m. for second husband, Wm. I. Rackliff, a brother of her first husband. x. William Byron, b. in Stark, May 28, 1856; m. in Middle- boro, Mass., Maria Walker. He is an engineer and resides in Waltham, Mass. One child, xi. THIRZA SNELL, b. in Stark, May 16, 1859; m. June 16, 18S4, Edwin A. Norton, son of James and Mary (Davis) Norton, q. v. Moses Page, b. in Industry, Aug. 25, 1815; m. Feb. 19, 1843, Eliza G. Allen, dau. of Datus T. and Lydia (Norris) Allen, q. v. He d. Nov 16, 1863. She d. in Mercer. Children: i. Norris Allen, l>. in Mercer, Dec. 7,* 1849; d. Feb. 25, 1850. ii. Norris E., b. in Mercer, Feb. 10, 1853. Resides in Mercer, where he has served as town clerk for many vears. ni. Lizzie I'., I>. in Stark, Dec. 12, 1861. Leonora S., I>. in Industry; m. ([nib. Dec. 5, 1845), lames Munro Snell (b. in stark, May 3, 1818), son of Eleazer and Thirza (Greenleaf) Snell. Mr. Snell is a blacksmith and has followed his trade in Stark and at " Madison Bridge," where he still resides. Their son, Bethel 1 .., was b. in Stark, Sept. 8, 1846. DORCAS E., b. in Industry, about 1822; m. Oct. 10, 1842, |oseph Giles, of Athens; dead. One dau. now dead. Charles Henry 1!., b. in Industry, |uly 18, 1N24; m. May 6, 1849, Rachel A. Oliver, dau. of John and Jane (Oliver ) ( >liver, of Industry! farmer; d. in Industry, Feb. 20,1871. Children: Annie M., who 111. Alonzo ( ). Rackliff; Frank G., resides at Allen's Mills, unmd; Carrie, who m. John M. Craig, of Farmington, and Nellie M., who m. * Headstone shows it to have been December 5. S34 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. De< - 28, 1S91. Alfred F. Johnson, son of Win. II. and Kate (Folsom i < >luisi ui, of Industry, vii. [acob I!.\k'ii.i 11, I), in Industry; 111. Susan Cuningham, of Hallowell. Three children. Their child, Mary E., I>. in Industry, Nov. 21, 1N47; d. April t. [864. VILES. fosEPH Viles, an early settler in that part of New Vineyard setoff to Industry in 1S44. was horn in Orland, Me., in 1770.* His wife. Sarah Hancock, was a daughter of John Hancock, who traced his ancestry back to " the four Hancock brothers," who immigrated to this country, and from whom the numerous race of Hancocks in America are descendants. Nathan Hancock, one of these brothers, was Sarah's great-grandfather. She was born in Castine, District of Maine, about 1772. Among the traditions preserved by her descendants is one that her father was a free mason and when the British ships blockaded the American ports, in 1773. he was able to obtain all the tea and sugar he wanted from the British officers, nearly all of whom were masons. Joseph Viles and family moved from Orland, Hancock Co., Me., as early as 181 1 and settled on lot No. 2. range 3, in New Vineyard. Joseph and Sarah (Hancock) Viles were the parents of eleven children, eight sons and three daughters. He died in Anson, July 12. 1848, aged 78 years. His wife died in New Portland, May 5, 1859, aged 87 years. Children. i. i. RuFUS,t !)• in Orland, July 20, 1790; in. Sept. 10, 1815, Lunice Chase Merry, dau. of Asa and Sally ( Bartlett ) Merry, q. v. ii. JOSEPH, 1>. in Orland; m. a Ileald, of Anson; d. in Wisconsin. 2. iii. LEONARD, b. in Orland, May 3, 1795; m. Annah Bray, dau. of Joseph and Annah (Gott) Bray, of Anson, j. iv. Sarah, b. in Orland, March 7, 1S02; m. Dec. 27, 1S25, Judah Baker, son ofAbnerand Elizabeth (Young) Baker, of Litchfield. 4. v. Fisher, Ii. in Orland, July 27, 1804; m. (pub. Dec. 9, 1828), Hannah Luce, dau. of Rowland and Eunice (Mason) Luce, q. v. vi. ALFRED, m. < >ct. 2, 1817, 'Thankful Norton, dau. of Aimer and Hannah ( ( laghorn-Bartlett | Norton, q. v. Died in Wisconsin. One son, viz. : Alfred, lr., m. Jan. 16, 1847, Abigail W. Holbrook, of Stark. Went West with his father. \ii. Win 1 w 1 >k in, 111. Judith llray, of Anson. Died in New Portland, viii. Naomi, m. March 20, 1823, Elijah Butler, of New Vineyard, son of Henry and Mehitalile (Norton) Butler, q. v. Died in Wisconsin. *The first settler in what is now the town of Orland, Maine, was Joseph Gross, from Ft. 1'ownal, in [764. The second was Ebenezer Gross, from Boston, in 1705, and the third, Joseph Viles, from Milton, N. II., in 1766. This Joseph, who was father of the Joseph above named, built a house in 1777 in which were held the town and plantation meeting's until a school-house \\ as built in [804. [The record first marriage shows the name as Kutus 11. Viles. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 835 i.\. GEORGE, m. Elvira Wing, of Dead River Plantation. Died in Wisconsin. x. FRANCIS L.,m. (pub. Nov. 31, 1834), Leander Perkins. Died in Hollis- ton, Mass. Several children. 5. \i. John HANCOCK, b. in New Vineyard, Dec. 10, 1S1S; m. (let. 31, 1 S43, Mercy Edmonds West, dau. of Peter A. and Susan ( Butler) West, 1]. v. i. Rufus Viles, son of Joseph and Sarah (Hancock) Viles. married Eunice Chase Merry, who died in Industry, Aug. 1, 1828. He married for second wife, March 22, 1829, Sarah Ann Stanley, a niece of Deacon Ira Fernery's wife, with whom she made her home prior to her marriage. She was born, Sept. 29, 181 1, and died in New Portland, Feb. 15, 1864. Mr. Viles while a resident of Industry occupied several different farms ; as a farmer he was not as successful in accumulating property as were some of his townsmen. In 1832 he moved to Flag- staff and engaged in lumbering. In this he was successful and is said to have gained a comfortable competence. Mr. Viles was a fine singer and an excellent teacher of vocal music. He formed and taught large classes in the art of singing while a resident of Industry. He gained the title of captain from service in the militia. Died in New Portland, Nov. 28, 1873, aged 83 years. Children. i. Rufus, b. in Industry, July 24. 1S16; m. Ann Marshall. Resides in Madison, Me. ii. Asa Merry, b. in Industry, June 8, 1818; m. Eliza Butler, dau. of Wil- liam and Sarah (Remick) Butler, q. v. Resides in Madison, Me. Their son, John Remick Viles, b. in Flagstaff, ( )ct. 27, 1844; m. Nov. 29, 1868, Olena F. Moore (b. in Madison, Feb. 6, 1851"), dau. of Robert and Dolly (Enos ?) Moore, who d. of measles. He m. second, Jan. i, 1885, Etta S. Hammond (b. in Kingfield, Jan. 22, 1862). Merchant and lumberman; resides in Flagstaff. Children: Nina, b. in Flagstaff, Dec. 14, 187I; m. Lamont Hammond; Gertrude, b. in in Flagstaff, March 21, 1873; Bruce, b. in Flagstaff, Feb. 26, 1874; Carrol, b. in Flagstaff, Feb. 16, 1875; ^ a y< ''• m Flagstaff, July 22, 1877; Lena, b. in Flagstaff, Aug. 31, 1878; Maude, b. in Flagstaff, March 29, 1879; Merlin, b. in Flagstaff, April 29, 1880; Lynn, b. in New Portland, Nov. 11, 1882; Glenn, b. in Flagstaff, Oct. 20, 1889; Leah, b. in Flagstaff, March 2, 1891. iii. Caroline D., b. in Industry, April 21, 1820; m. William Douglass. • iv. Sarah Merry, b. in Industry, March 1, 1822; m. Isaiah Jenkins. v. Joseph, b. in Industry, July 11, 1823; m. Lucilla Rogers Hewitt, dau. of Orrin and Delight (Clapp) Hewitt, of Flagstaff. vi. Emily J., b. in Industry, April 25, 1825; m. Theron Lane. vii. Eunice Merry, b. in Industry, Aug. 5, 1828, d. Oct. — , 1828. Children by second marriage. viii. Hannah S., b. in Industry, Feb. 16, 1830; d. in Flagstaff, May 30, 1848. ix. Eunice Merry, b. in Industry, June 4, 1832; m. Samuel F. Cutts. x. APPHIA Stanley, b. in Flagstaff, May 20, 1834; 111. John Smith, xi. Mary D., b. in Flagstaff, Oct. 1, 1835; m - Gustavus B. Dam. xii. Sarah A., b. in Flagstaff, June 16, 1838; m. Frank S. Brown, xiii. Edward Payson, b. in Flagstaff, May 4, 1842; m. May 21, 1876, Ada A. Spooner (b. in New Portland, Sept. 22, 1847), dau. °f Lemont and 836 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. Caroline C. (Cragin I Spooner, of New Portland. He is a lumberman and resides in New Portland. One child : Blaine S., 1). July 22, [879 \iv. Edwin, i b. in Flagstaff, July to, [846. Edwin d. Aug. 21, 1846. xv. Emma R., i Emma R. m. Frank Luce, son of Solomon, Jr., and Minerva (Pratt) Luce, of New Vineyard, where she now resides. xvi. Hawaii S.. b. in Flagstaff, Aug. 5, [848; d. unmd., Sept. 10, 1879. xvii. Julian Kossuth, b. in Flagstaff, March 4, 1852; m. Frances C. C. Cross. 2. Leonard Viles, son of Joseph and Sarah (Hancock) Viles, married Annah Bray. He was a tanner and miller : died Now 27. 1864. Children. i. Dennis H., b. March 6, 1820; m. (pub. April 11, 1839), Leodicea Greaton, of New Vineyard. Entered the I . S. Service as a private in Co. A, 28th Maine Reg't. Infantry. Oct. 13, 1S62. Died of disease, Feb. 24. 1863. ii. SALOME S., b. June 24. 1S23; m. May 21. 1844, Andrew Kennedy, Jr. iii. JOSEPH B., b. May 10, 1825; m. April 30, 1848, Arabella S. Savage. iv. Annah 1!., b. April 28. 1827; m. Feb. 21, 1847, Elijah B. Smith, q. v. v. Ariel T., b. June 11, 1829. vi. MARY T., b. May 5, 1832: m. Aug. — , 184S. William R Daggett. Resides in Lewiston. 3. [udah 15aker married Sarah Viles. He was born in Litchfield. fune 14, 1799, and died in Moscow, Aug. 2, 1886. She died in Mos- cow, May 14, 1887, aged 85 years. Mr. Baker was a farmer and resided in several different towns in Somerset County, including Moscow. Xorridgewock and Anson. Children. i. Elizabeth, b. in Moscow, Feb. 26, 1827; m. July 8, 1854, Obed W. Pierce, son of Alvin and Sarah (Baker) Pierce. Soon after the break ing out of the War of the Rebellion. Mr. Pierce enlisted as a private in Co. D, 9th Me. Reg't, Vol. Inf. He was taken prisoner during an assault on Fort Wagner, July II, 1863, and was confined in Libby Prison, at Richmond, Va., where he d. Nov. 2^, 1863. His widow subsequently m. April — , 1873, Reuben B. Pierce, a brother of her first husband. Resides in Bingham, Me. Three children by first marriage. ii. ABNER, b. in Moscow, Oct. 14, 1828. Enlisted as a private in ( !o. A. 10th Me. Reg't, Vol. Inf., and was mustered into the U. S. Service, Aug. 25, 1S62. Promoted to corporal; wounded at the battle of Gettys- burg, and d. at Summit House Hospital, Philadelphia, Penn., Aug. <>. 1863, unmd. iii. WENTWORTH VlLES, b. in New Vineyard, June 19. 1830. Enlisted in a California regiment and served in the War of the Rebellion. The family have no knowledge of his present residence if living. iv. LEONARD VlLES, b. in New Vineyard, Aug. 13, 1832; m. Jennie Pentlen. Enlisted as a private in Co. K, 9th Me. Reg't. Vol. Inf. Taken prisoner in 1863 and afterward exchanged. Re-enlisted March 18, [864; d.in Bingham, Nov. 14, 1880. His wife d lulv — .1870. One chill. v. SARAH FRANCES, b. in Xorridgewock, Oct. 20, 1834; m. July 15, 1854, Oustavus Foss, of Bingham, son of Levi and Caroline (Fowler) loss. Five children. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 837 Cyri s Crosby, b. in Norridgewock, Dec. 8, 1836; m. Sabrina B. Whit- comb, dau. of Seba and Dorcas (Pierce) Whitcomb, of Bingham. Enlisted as a private in Co. D, 9th Me. Reg't, Vol. Inf. Promoted to corporal, Oct. 17, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec. 12, 1863. Taken a prisoner in action at Deep Bottom, Aug. 18, 1S64; d. a prisoner of war at Salisbury, X. ( '., Fell. 15, 1865. One child. CHARLES Manter, b. in Anson, Feb. 17, 1841. Enlisted as a member of Co. A. 16th Me. Reg't, Vol. Inf. Immediately promoted to corporal. Discharged for disability, Dec. 23, 1862. Re-enlisted as a private in Co. D, 9th Me. Reg't, Vol. Inf., and mustered into the U. S. Service April 9, 1864. Died of wounds at Point Lookout. Md., July 8, 1864, unmd. 4. Fisher Viles, son of Joseph and Sarah (Hancock) Viles, married Hannah Luce. Farmer ; resided in Anson and Industry. Died April 22, 18S2. His wife having died Oct. 7, 1877. Children. i. SANBORN LUCE, b. in 1829; m. (pub. June 18, 1852), Philura Luce, dau. of Jonathan and Eli/a (Bryar) Luce, q. v. Soldier in Co. A, 28th Me. Reg't. Died Aug. 6, 1863. Children: Wilson G., b. March 31, 1854; Eliza J., b. Sept. 22. 1857. ii. Susan T., m. Oct. 3, 1849, J oe l S. Yeaton, of New Portland. Resides in Nebraska. iii. HANNAH, m. George Luce, son of Jonathan and Eliza (Bryar) Luce, q. v. iv. Melvin, m. May iS, 1862, M. Ann Bruce, dau. of Ilollis and Matilda (Allen) Bruce. She d. in Lyons, Burt Co., Neb., Feb. 5, 1885, aged 42 years. Their children are : Alma II., Charles M., and George W. v. Melvina < *., m. John P. Luce, son of Jonathan and Eliza (Bryar) Luce, q. v. vi. Eliza, m. Oct. 20, 1867, Lorenzo Watson, son of Simeon and Olive (Patterson) Watson, of Stark. Farmer; resides in Industry. Chil- dren : i. Ellen Augusta, b. April 9, 1869; m. Charles L. Jennings, son of Geo. B. and Roxana ( Ramsdell) Jennings, of Farm- ington. Resides in Industry. One child, ii. EUGENI SAMUEL, b. June 16, 1871 ; m. Cora Fletcher, dau. of Joel K. and Ann (Norton) Fletcher, of Anson. One child, iii. Reuel Lorenzo, b. May 19, 1878. iv. George. vii. Adaline, m. Wm. II. Luce, Jr., son of Wm. II. and Lucy B. (Chapman) Luce, q. 7>. 5. John Hancock Viles, son of Joseph and Sarah (Hancock) Viles. married Mercy E. West. He was a farmer and resided in Stark for more than twenty-five years prior to his decease. He died May 7, 1887. Children. i. Francis Augusta, b. in Industry, April 23, 1845; c '- m Lynn, Mass., June 1, 1866. ii. Sarah Marie, b. in Industry, March 25, 1847; m - Au g- 2 4> I 865, Ed- ward P. Norton, q. v. iii. Susan Josephine, b. in Industry, Jan. 19, 1849; m. Dec. 14, 1878, Napo- leon B. Johnson, of Medway, Mass.; s. p. 105 838 HISTORY OF INDUSTRY. iv. Ella Richards, 1>. in Industry, April 1, 1S52; m. Oct. 19, 1872, George C. Emery; m. fur second husband, (iross; resides in Cleve- land, < >hio, s.p. v. Florida Octavia, b. in Industry, Dec. 27, 1855; m. Oct. 5, 1875, Eben I. add, son (jf Eben S. and Sylvia (Landers) Ladd, and a grandson of William and Sarah (Stevens) Ladd, who were early settlers in the town of Industry. Their child: Carl John, b. in Industry. May 26. 1880. WEST. Captain Peter West, from whom the village of West's Mills acquired its name, was born on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, prob- ably in Tisbury, Aug. 6, 1 746. His father, who was also known as ('apt. Peter West, was born in 171.x. and married in 1740, Elizabeth, relict of Thomas Chase, and daughter of Jabez and Catherine (Belcher) Athearn. Captain West, the elder, was a soldier in the French War, and died at Fort Edward, on the Hudson, ( )ct. 3, 1 757. His widow died in Tisbury, Mass.. Sept. 2. 1 7.S0, aged 75 years. Capt. Peter, the Industry immi- grant, married, Dec. 21, 1769. Hannah, daughter of Judge Shubael and Amy (Allen) Cottle,* of Tisbury. He came to the town of Farmington in 1 791, where he remained several years and then removed to Hallowell. He was a carpenter by trade, and at the latter place he built a small vessel which he named "Bonaparte" in honor of the great French leader. He began a clearing on a lot of land, now the site of West's Mills Village, in 1797, erected a log-cabin the following year and soon after moved his family to their new home. He was a very active, resolute man, possessing much intellectual ability but very eccentric in some respects. His son, Esq. Peter, who succeeded him in business, is said to have strongly resembled his mother in disposition with none of his father's peculiarities. ( 'aptain West was selectman and treasurer after the incorporation of the town, and was a man of influence among the earl}- settlers. In 1S03 he was chosen chairman of a committee, with Daniel Luce and Sprowel Norton as associates, to negotiate with Francis * Judge Shubael Cottle was born on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, Mass., probably in Tisbury, April 14, 172;,. lie married, Nov. S, 1744, Amy Allen (b. April 10, 171-'), daughter of Samuel and Mary fTilton) Allen. The children of this marriage were: i. Edmund, b. Nov. 17, 1745. ii. I [ANN AH, b. Dee. ] |, 1747. iii. SUSANN \n, b. April II, 17)0. iv. Shubael, b. June .js, 1751. His second wife, whom he married Nov. _•;, [7S0, was Catherine lioardman, of Chilmark, reliet of Rev. Andrew lioardman, and daughter of SylvanuS and Jane (Homes) Allen. She was the mother of Esq. Herbert lioardman and an aunt to (apt. Win. Allen, both well known to the early settlers of Industry. He married (3), June 9, 1S03, Mary Allen, a sister of his < ■ .n.l wife. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 839 Cabot Lowell for the purchase of the Mile-and-a-half Strip. Though reputed to have been worth eight hundred dollars when he came to town, he was reduced to the verge of bankruptcy by the failure of this venture. He died quite suddenly, as did also his wife, Feb. 25, 1828, aged 82 years. She died Dec. 28, 1826, aged 79 years. Children. i. Susannah,* b. May 22, 1770; m. Aug. 14, 1791, Jeruel Butler, son of Thomas and Betsey (West) Butler, q. v. ii. SHITBAEL, b. about 1772; m. Mercy Edmonds; and for second wife, Naomi (Luce) Butler, relict of Henry Y. Butler, and dau. of Daniel Luce, q. v. Resided in Ilallowell. Their son, Peter Augustus West, was b. in Hallowell, Me., in 1801. Little is known of this son's early life and educational advantages. He came to Industry when a young man and was clerk in his uncle's store. He m. Oct. 28, 1824, Susan W., dau. of Capt. Jeruel and Susan (West) Butler, q. v. He after- ward engaged in trade at West's Mills (see p. ig4). He was of com- manding personal appearance, a colonel in the militia, and at the time of his death, a fast-rising young man. He d. of consumption, Feb. 12, 1828, aged 27 years. His widow m. Asaph Boyden, q. v. i. Mercy Edmonds, b. in Industry, July 31, 1825; m. Oct. 31, 1843, J°h n H. Viles, son of Joseph and Sarah (Hancock) Viles, q. 7\ ii. SUSAN BUTLER, b. in Industry, Oct. 15, 1826; d. Jan. 27, 1828. iii. William, h. about 1774; was a sea captain. Twelve children, iv. Betsey, b. about 1776; m. Abraham Howard Willis, q. v. v. Abigail, b. April 1, 1777; m. Benjamin Manter, son of James and Mary (Butler) Manter, ct. 22, 1830, a few days' sail out of Havana en route to New York. iv. Ill iskv, 1). July 26, 1800; m. (pub. March 29, 1S20), Windborn Pink- ham, son of Samuel and Sarah (Chesley) Pinkham, of Industry. She d. in Fau Claire, W r is., Dec. 11, 1SS8. Several children. i. Peter West Willis, son of Abraham and Betsey (West) Willis, married Calista Norton. Nothing is positively known of his carl)' life aside from the fact that after the death of his mother he lived in the family of his grandfather, Capt. Peter West, after whom he was named. *A record furnished the author by Mrs. Ada S. Cleveland, of West Tisbury, Mas--., a granddaughter of Mrs. Stevens, gives the date March 31, 1796. The date given above is from the headstone of her grave and is believed to be correct. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 84 1 At the age of twenty he married and settled on a lot of land in Anson. which subsequently became a part of Industry. Here, by persistent and well-directed effort, he changed a small clearing to a large and produc- tive farm, fie sold his farm to James Stevens and removed to Strong. Some years later he sold to his son John, returned to Industry and settled at West's Mills, where he spent the remainder of his life. He held many offices during his life, and at an early date was commissioned as justice of the peace. In this capacity many cases came before him for adjudi- cation, and so far as known, his rulings of law were characterized by fair- ness and impartiality. He was at one time captain of the militia, served several terms as deputy sheriff and crier of the court. Though possess- ing abilities of a superior order, which rendered him capable of filling important positions, he was no office seeker, consequently, whenever called to any position in public life, it was the office seeking the man. He was elected treasurer of Franklin County in 1845, an( l likewise filled positions of responsibility in other towns where he resided. He died in Industry, Feb. 10, 1861, aged 65 years. His wife died at her son Warren's, in Waverly, Iowa. Children. 2. i. Benjamin Norton, b. Nov. 16, 181S; m. May — , 1841, Catherine P. Bennett, dau. of Elisha and Azubah (Crovvell) Bennett, of Anson. 3. ii. foHN, 1>. in Industry, Nov. 19, 1823; m. Sept. 2, 1849, Elniira F. Blanch- ard, dau. of Isaac and Elmira (Monck) Blanchard, of East Stoughton, Mass. She was born in East Stoughton, June 1, 1831. 4. iii. Caroline Norton, 1>. in Industry, fan. 1, 1826; m. Dec. 7, 1845, Wil- liam II. Eddy, M. D. 5. iv. Margaret Norton, b. in Industry; m. June — , 1S50, Ceorge W. Clay- ton, of Strong. He d. in Brockton, Mass., July 21, 1872. Children: i. George Edwin, b. Nov. 16, 1851; m. July 3, 1872, Linnie V. Morton, of Boston. Their children are : Walter Henry, b. July 5, 1873; Guy Lauriston, b. Nov. 26, 1874; Charles Edwin, b. Dec. 1, 1876; George Morton, b. Sept. }o, 1878; John Willis, b. Oct. 27, 1S80. ii. A 1 'A Frances, b. June 10, 1853; d. in Vineland, N. J., [ulv 8, 1868. iii. Abbie Augusta, b. May 30, 1855; m. May 12, 1872, Ira A. Eeach, of Brockton, Mass. Their children are: Allen, b. Jan. 14, 1874; Cora Belle, b. March 19, 1S76; Ira Allen, . b. March 2, 1878; Carrie Ethel, b. July 20, 1880; ( irace Morey, b. Nov. 5, 1882; Helen Frances, b. July 21, 1884. iv. Eli, en Louisa, b. June 30, 1857; d. at Philadelphia, Penn., Dec. 6, 1871. v. Carrie Willis, b. Nov. 11, 1859; m. April 9, 1872, Austin H. Deane, of Brockton, Mass. Their child: George Austin, b. Sept. 12, 1883. vi. CORA BELLE, b. April 15, 1862; d. in Vineland, N. [., Sept. 3, 1S68. vii. Alice May, b. May 26, 1S04; m. March 1, 1872, Henry W. Jones, of Brockton, Mass. Their child : Thomas Francis, b. Aug. 15, 1884. viii. Henry Horace, b. Nov. 6, 1866. ix. Willis Walter, b. Nov. 22, 1870. S4- 1 HISTORY OF IXPL'SIRV. v. Warren NORTON, b. in Industry, June 8, 1832; m. June 27. 1854, Han- nah F. Goodwin, dau. of Reuel and Harriet (Goodwin) Goodwin, q. v. she d. April 5, 1857. He m. fur his second wife, Oct. 31, 185S. S. I Ictavia Boyden, dau. of Asaph and Susan W. (Butler) Boyden, q. v. He was a superior workman at carpentry. Merchant and postmaster at West's Mills. Went to Iowa in the spring of 1866, and now (1892) resides at Webster City. Children: Frank Forrest, b. in Industry, Vug. 1 ;, 1859; d. March 25, i860. Fred Frnest, b. in Industry, Dec. 31, i860; m. in Meridan, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1884, Ftta J. Ring; their child. Clyde, b. Oct. 10, 1884; d. Jan. 2, 1885. Annie Frances, b. in Industry, Sept. 13, 1862. Susie Maria, b. in Waverly, Iowa, March 26, 1867; d. Jan. 5, 1879. 2. Benjamin Norton Willis, son of Peter W. and Calista (Norton) Willis, married Catherine P. Bennett. Mr. Willis has been a farmer, car- penter, merchant and innkeeper ; also selectman, town treasurer and representative in the State Legislature. He went to Waverly, Iowa, in 1867, where he still resides, engaged in farming. His wife was born June 3. 1824, and died in Waverly, June 3, 1882. Children. i. Leone Augusta, b. May 30, 1843; m - J an - '> 1862, Alonzo Norton, son of Benjamin W. and Amy A. (Manter) Norton, q. v. She d. in Stark. Me., Aug. 19, 1S64. ii. Albert, b. July 24, 1848; m. May 28, 1884, Mary Claghorn. Farmer. Resides in Iowa. iii. JUNETTE, 1). Jan. 24, iS — ; m. Jan. 19, 1877, Robert Nugent. iv. Ida FRANCES, b. in Industry, Sept. 23, 1855; resides in Waverly, Iowa, unmd. v. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, b. in Industry, April 4, 1857; m. April 4, 1SS0, Nettie Spicer. Farmer. Resides in Iowa. Children : Frank Clifton, b. May 13, 1881; Leo, b. Sept. 2, 1883, d. Dec. 8, 1883; Catherine, b. March 23, 1884. 3. John Willis, son of Peter W. and Calista (Norton) Willis, mar- ried Elmira F. Blanchard. The boyhood of the subject of this sketch did not differ materially from that of a large majority of farmers' sons in those days. At a suitable age he commenced attending school at West's Mills and by diligence acquired a good education in the English branches, which he supplemented by attending several terms of high school. He taught his first school, at the age of twenty, in the town of Anson, Me., and afterward for several winters in a school in Gardiner, Me. The first season after he reached his majority he worked for his father by the season. At the age of twenty-three he went to Massachusetts to seek his fortune among strangers. Naturally ingenious and skillful in the use of wood-working tools, he worked at carpentry during the summer for several years, and taught school during the winter. Some years later he bought a livery business in Past Stoughton, which he conducted for nearly three years. Selling out his business, he next purchased a store GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 843 and stock of goods and engaged in mercantile pursuits. The gentleman to whom he sold his livery stable being unable to make his payments, Mr. Willis disposed of his store and again assumed control of that busi- ness. Shortly afterward, having an advantageous offer, he disposed of his entire business and came to Strong. Me. On the second day of April, 1852, he purchased his father's farm and for a time engaged in agricul- tural pursuits. In the fall of 1859, having disposed of his farm in Strong, he came to Industry and purchased a store and goods at West's Mills (see p. 200). He was several times a candidate for county commis- sioner, but as his party was in the minority, he was not elected. In 1862 he was elected chairman of the board of selectmen and re-elected in 1863-4. These were years covering the most exciting period of the Civil War, when large sums of money were required to pay men who entered the service, consequently great responsibilities devolved on the board of selectmen, and especially upon the chairman. Those unac- quainted with the duties of this office at that time can form no adequate idea of their arduous and perplexing nature. He subsequently served as chairman of the board of selectmen in 1872-3-4 ; also as supervisor of schools and as a member of the superintending school committee. He has likewise dealt in wool and stock to some extent. Disposing of his store and goods in 1868 ( see p. 201 ), he bought the James Cutts farm and engaged in farming. For several years he was in trade at Madison Bridge. About 1880 he returned to Industry and settled on the same farm he left when he went away. He sustained a serious loss in the destruction of his buildings by fire, Aug. 26, iS.St f see p. 404). Soon after this he purchased a small stand adjoining his farm, where he has since made his home. i. Isaac BLANCHARD, b. in Strong, May 14, 1854; d. in Strong, Feb. 20, 1859. ii. Charles Forrest, b. in Strong, Aug. 2, 1857; m. April 23, 1881, Lottie II. Ladd, . in Industry, July 29, 1802; m. June — , 1832, Martha Potter, dau. of Nathaniel and Catherine (Grows) Potter, of Brownville, Me. James, t>. July 6, 1X04; m. : pub. June 19, [828 1, Emeline Brown, of New Sharon. Two children. Betsey, b. Nov. 7, 1806; m. Aug. 16, 1840, Nathaniel Potter (b. in Bruns- wick, Me., Jan. 22, 1814), son of Nathaniel and Catherine (Grows Potter. Resides at Farmington Falls. Five children. CARPENTER, b. in Industry, Aug. 21. 1X00; m. Feb. 4, 184^, Betse) Pres- cott (b. in Readfield, Jan. 2, 1S26), dau. of Flisha and Phebe ( Mc- Causland) Prescott. He taught school when a young man. Farmer. Captain in cavalry militia, and several times selectman. He settled in -Manchester, where he d. Jan. 15, 1870. Children : i. Emma Florence, b. in industry, May 6, 1S46. ii. HELEN AUGUSTA, b. in Manchester, .Vug. 21. 1S4.1. L06 846 HISTORY OF INDUS FRY. 1. George Winslow, son of James and Betsey (Willard) Winslow, married Martha 1 'otter. Children. i. GEORi 1. I), in Industry, Due. 7. [832; d. Feb. 1. [838. ii. Martha Ann, b. in Industry, April 27. [835; m. Zina Cunningham, am was living in 1885 in < takland, Cal. iii. [ami s < ' VRPEN 1 1 R, I). < >ct. id, (837. iv. Elizabeth Catherine, b. March 29, 1839. v. ( lEORGE, 1). April 13, [841. vi. Desiah Frances, b. Sept. 10, 1843. WITHEE. Z01 Wiiiim. the earliest settler of the name in Industry, was a son of Zachariah VVithee, of Dunstable, now Nashua. X. H. Zachariah Wi thee, who claims to be of English descent, was bom in Dunstable, fan. 2. 1.N27. He married Esther , who was born Oct. to, 1725. To these parents were born Abigail. Zachariah. Samuel, Susanna, Luke, Zoe, and Uriel. The father and two sons came to the township of Gouldsboro' in 1768 to take up land and dear a farm, but all three were drowned b) the upsetting of their boat. Zoe, the sixth child, was bom April 22, 1762. After his father's death he went to live with Major Pinkerton, a wealthy merchant residing in Londonderry. N. 11. He en- listed in the Continental Army in 1779, and served until the (lose of the war. He then came to Sandy River Plantation, now Farmington, and worked on a farm near the Falls. At the close of his season's work he visited Ids native State, married Sally Bettis * (born in Nottingham, Sept. 16, 1769), and returned to Sandy River. He remained there nearly a year and then became one of the pioneer settlers in the present town oi Vienna. In 1 7 <>* > lie settled on lot No. 38 on the Plymouth Patent, now Industry. He found the soil of the newly-cleared land highly productive, and bountiful crops rewarded his labors. After his removal to Industry he was converted under the preaching o\ Rev. John Thompson, and joined the Methodist Church. He died Dec. 27. 1840. His wife died JulyS. [863. Children. i. Hannah, m. Feb. 2^, 1803, Jacob Mathews, ami lived in Industry for a time, but subsequently removed to St. Albans. Sin.- was the mother of six children; d. < >ct. 3, 1873, aged about 88 years. ii. .Naomi, 1). Nov. 25, 1700; m. Nov. — , 1813, Caleb Morse. Had a large family of children. iii. Esther, l>. Sept. 30, 1792; m. 181 3, Joshua Johnson. Was the mother of a large family. The family removed to Western New York, where Mis. f. d. of consumption. *This name w.is sometimes spilled Beattie. BHI '£&i ZACHARIAH WITHEE. Engraved by Geo. E.Johnson, Boston. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. 847 iv. Robert, l>. Nov. 5, 1794; tn. iNm, Sally Currier, oi \ ienna. Moved to Gardiner, Me., where he spent the remainder of his life. lie was a respected citizen and an honored member of the Masonic fraternity. Died in [872. v. Zachariah, b. March 26, 1797; m. 1832, Julia Wentworth, of Gardiner, Me. vi. Andrew Beattie, b. Nov. 4, 1799; d. Oct. 9, 1804. vii. Mary, b. Aug. 11, 1801; d. ( »ct. 6, 1804. viii. Samuel, b. Nov. 13, 1803: d. Oct. 4, 1804. ix. DANIEL, b. ( )ct. 13, 1806; m. Jan. 20, 1837, Janet McLaughlin, and settled in his native town, after which he moved to Wisconsin and in 1885 lived in Augusta, Me. He has two sons, one in Augusta the other in Wisconsin. i. Zachariah Withee, son of Zoe and Sally (Bettis) Withee, mar- ried Julia Wentworth and settled on the homestead farm. He kept a store at Withee's ( 'orner for a time -and also manufactured potash. In his early life he was a school teacher of considerable note. He was town clerk in 1831, and during his term of office the books were kept with neatness and accuracy. He was likewise a justice of the peace and did much business in that capacity. In 1857 he sold his farm in Industry and moved to New Sharon, where he lived for ten years, and then removed to Boston, Mass. Here he and his sons engaged in the pro- vision business. At the age of eighty years he retired and spent the remainder of his days within the quiet of a pleasant home. He died Feb. 22, 1885, aged 87 years. He was a man of sterling worth, kind- hearted, generous, active and persevering, with a kind, encouraging word for everyone. His wife died in Boston, Jan. 10, 1887. Children. i. Julia A. C., 1>. in Industry, Nov. 18, 1S37: m. March 2S, 1864, George II. Mills, of Boston, Mass. ii. JosiAH W., b. in Industry, Dec. 21, 1839; m. March 4, 18C9, Emily Gar- diner, of Boston, Mass. iii. Edward Augustus, ) b. in Industry, March 25, 1N42. iv. Edwin Augustine, j' Edwin A. d. April 26, 1843. v. Adelaide D., b. in Industry, April 20, 1844; d. Nov. 28, 1844. vi. Elizabeth B., b. in Industry, April 9, 1847; m - ( ,ct - IO > 1869, Henry W. Woodman, of Boston, Mass. ERRATA. Page 20, 5th line of foot note. — For " Coregonsus" read Coregonus. Page 43, 30th line. — For "Vienna," read Mt. Vernon. Page 65, 10th line. — For "Joseph Mathews/ 1 read Jacob Matthews. Page 130, 2d line of foot note. — For "p. 292," read/. 123. Page 183, 5th line of foot note. — After "bought out, 1 * omit comma and insert Rufus Jennings. Page 184, 2d line of foot note.— For " latter, 11 read lathe. Page 190, 28th line. — For " Silas Bruce, 11 read Silas Burce. Page 190, 26th line. — For " Holmes Bruce, 11 read Holmes Burce. Page 204, 6th line. — After New Vineyard, insert Gore. Page 212, 7th line. — For "Thorns Flint. 11 read Thomas Flint. Page 509, 18th line. — For "Caleb E. True," read Caleb G. True. Page 521, 7th line. — For " Lydia Isabella dishing." read Lydia Isabella ( Cushing) . I lien. Page 585, 38th line. — For " Mary (Burgess)," read Sarah (Burgess). Page 607, 1st line. — For "March 25, 1842," read A/arch 23, 1841. Page 609, 33d line. — After " Children by second marriage," insert Mary and change the Roman numerals to correspond. Page 662, 31st line. — For "m. Sept. 16," read m. Pee. [6. Page 688.— For " Philena," read Philura. Page 710, 5th line. — For " Shendon," read Sheridan. Page 716, 10th line. — For"m. George Lord," read ///. (pub. Feb. 23, 1826), Moses H. Lord. Pa°-e 726, 32c! line. — For " 59 years, 7 months," read 60 years, 5 months. Pao-e 727, 45th line. — For "H. Augusta Hilton," read //. Augusta Oilman . Page 758, iSth line. — For "Hiram Norton's house," read the Hiram Norton house. Page 764, 21st line. — For "one child," read two children. Page 773, 12th line. — For " Benja. Warren Norton," read Ben/a. // 'arren Norton, Jr. Page 779, 30th line. — After son of, insert Eleazer and. Page 798, 25th line. — For " Sherbune," read Sherburne. GENERAL INDEX. ADAMS, Joseph, preaches for Baptist, I 10 Adams, Lorin, lectures to Farmers' Club, 394 Allen, Bartlett, takes up land, 45 < )n committee, 214 Recommended for P. M . 22 7 Selectman, 443 Town clerk. 445 Sketch, 175 Benjamin, buys mill, '7- 1 Builds saw-mill, 173 Sells same, •74 Freets starch -factory, 1 So Builds tannery. 1 83 Finishes outside ( Centre Church, 221 Member of Watch Club, 249 Valuation of real estate, 295 Selectman, 443 Town treasurer. 44" Representative, 447 Sketch, 402 1 >atus T., pastor Baptist Church, 1 20 Merchant, 195 Selectman, 444 Sketch, 496 1 >ennis F., sketch, 195 Freeman, sketch. 49 ' fohn, conversion of, 12S The Shad-eyes and. [29 Pastor at Industry, 131 Sketch, 477 |ohn, jr., merchant, '95 Sketch, 497 Newman T.. delegate to County Conference, 14S ( aptain of Militia, 163 Ind. Rifle Grays, [64 Buys grist-mill. «72 Owns saw-mill. 173 Brings shingle-machine to town, 178 Builds starch-factory, Erects tannery. Special agent oi town, Selectman, Town clerk, Senator, Sketch, Rufus, owns saw-mill, Sketch, Samuel R., buys grist-mill, ( hvns saw-mills. Postmaster, Sketch, Sylvanus, town treasurer. 'Sketch, Truman, sketch. William, settles in Farmington, Clears land on the Patent, Settles there, Agent for settlers. Town meeting at, Town clerk, 1 lighway surveyor, Sketch, ' William, jr., takes up lot N 24 445 67 47' 1-5 80 59 60 61 64 68 83 443 66 72 7" si Si S2 212 173 489 300 271 434 498 271 s 5- GENERAL /XDI X. Apples, great scarcity of, Vrnold's, Ambrose, plantation meeting at, ii ion, Wool-( irowers', Atkinson, William, sketch, William, fr., sketi h, William P., sketch, Auguste, John, sketch, Auroral display, 28 ! tory, BA< Kl S, Nathan W., family of, Baile) , < leo. W., sketch. Baker, Judah, sketch, Philander t '.. famil) Balloon ascension, Bannock Hill. I . s. coast survey station, Altitude of, fbid. < ieographical position, Barnard, John A., student of, School committee, Anecdote 1 if, Physician, Baptist < 'hutch organized, hirst money raised. Buys communion sen ice, Branch organized in Stark, Bati helder boy killed, Bean, Jeremy, sketch, 1 lower and the, Visits Industr) . Hears, depredation of, Beede, I )aniel, sketch. I >aniel, 4th. sketch, Bensi m, Benj . sketch, Black, 1 la/en. nuns grist-mill. Blacksmiths, Blizzard, Maine, Boarriman, I [erbert, settles in New Vineyard, 51 t ( 'lass leader. Sketch, 1 .eander, sketch. I eonard, sketch, Mountain, Boundary line between Mark and Industr). 1. Asaph, joins 1 !ongrega- tional ( 'hurch. 1 lei k in store. Merchant, i>i; P. M. at West's Mills, Sei retary at war meet- 3°7 59 ;i6 501 505 844 718 [75 508 S36 7'" I'M [6 '7 •5 1 1 1 27' 434 "5 "7 121 I 21 : [O 508 263 40 s 263 509 51 1 512 l 7" [89 410 5 54 I2 5 -'.1 '47 1 16 loo ings, 500 ;oi Town clerk. 445 Sketch, 465 Boys in Blue, 327 Bradbury, John >.. ske till. 520 Martin, family of, M< ises, 11111 1 li.mi. 200 President Reform ( lull. Selectman, Sketch. Paul, sketch, Samuel, sketch. True, family of, Brown, John, family of, Joseph, sketch, Samuel, sketch. Bryant, James, sketch, William M., sketch, Bullen, Newell A., sketch, Bull-] lorse Pond, Puree, James ( )., soldier. Taken prisoner, Burgess, Benj.. sketi h, Burial ground, Burns. William, sketch, Burrill, William, family of, Bush, < 'has. I\. family of, Butler, ! >avid, sketch, Elijah, sketi h, I 1& irge 1 1., soldier, Family of, I Ienrv, sketch, I Ienrv. fr., sketch, 1 Ienrv V., sketch. James M.. sketch, feruel, settles in New Vine yard, Merchant, < iorrespondence of, Robbed by pirates. Sketch. John, sketch, Joseph, sketch, Josiah, menikt. Church. Selectman, Town clerk. Sketch, Josiah, 2d, sketch, I e\ 1. sketch, Peter W , postmaster, ( loes to ( harleston. S. ( '.. Town clerk, Sketch, Philander, sketch. Samuel, family of, Sarson, sketch, Thomas, sketch, William, sketch, William, 2d, sketch, Butterfield, George II., family of. Buzzell, Henry I., family of. 553 ( M.HWI I.I., Francis, physician, I own clerk, Candles, Carding and fulling-mills, ( aswcli, Albert, famil) of, 259 445 521 520 52 1 521 659 521 524 506 '7 33' 563 5-4 5 -M 1 ,8l 1 "44 538 53' 533 539 526 529 687 194 239 -4' 533 530 Baptist 204 IK. 443 445 528 53" 5-"' 23' 245 1 1" 536 53 1 758 53 2 538 535 599 692 690 435 445 269 '7 s 508 GENERA], IN HI \ . 85: Richard, settles in town, Keeps store, 1 1 '. ( laterpillar scourge, Cattle Show at West's Mills, Celebration at Allen's Mills, Celebration at West's Mills. Centre Meeting-House, erected, ki paired, < lensus 1 if [837, Chair-factory, Chapman, Leonard M., family of, ( :hase, Solon, visits Allen's Mills, Churchill, John W., family of, ( !i\ il War. citizens rally, Muster at West's Mills, < ireat excitement, Ibid. Militia enrolled, Industry's first offering. Ibid. 1 >raft impending, Aid to destitute soldier's families, 1 1 inscription Act, Rebel privateer Tacony, I .ee's invasion. First conscripts, Sharp trick of ;i conscript, Ibid. Kinglield riot, Efforts to secure bounty, Call for troops, Eastern border raided, Tow n bounty, Second draft. Efforts to relieve soldiers. Inflated prices. Ibid. < lose of the struggle, Cost of to the tow 11, Claghorn, James, family of, I larke, < has. K , family of, ( lark, Ceo. W., sketch, Jacob, sketch, Jacob, Jr., sketch, Ibid. ( 'layton, ( leo. W., family of, Clear Water Pond, description of, First sail-boat in, \ arieties of fish in. Weight of fish taken. First cusk caught, Chivens discovered, Ibid. Stocked with black bass, Salmon, Time of freezing over and breaking up, Clocks. ( 'oat shop. Coffin, John, sketch, Cold, great suffering from, Spring, '■ ( old Plague," Collins, Barnabas A., sketch, < Lesley W., family of, 138 20 J 398 401 Vi ' 291 219 397 iSS ( ,< 18 598 7' 2 500 3°4 307 3< iS iiu ;i 1 315 3 l6 517 518 319 525 766 732 54i 540 841 '7 [9 20 21 457 >( 1 ; 542 438 410 207 548 562 I )aniel, sketch. I )aniel, Jr., sketch, Daniel, 3d, sketch, Flias B., sketch, l.lim r, sketch, Eben ( 1., sketch, I lei irge, sketch, lames, sketch, James L., family of, John, sketch. John ( !., family of, Joseph, sketch, Joseph, Jr.. familj 1 if, Lemuel, sketch, Lemuel, Jr., sketch, Lemuel, 3d, sketch, Lemuel, 4th, ( )bed N.j family of, Silas W.. sketch, Simon, family of, rhomas < ' , sketch, William \V , famih of, Comet of 1861, < 'onant, Asa, family of, 1 !ongregational Church, First sermon preached. Society organized, 1 bmse of Worship, County Conference at West's Mill, 148 150 Branches at Flagstaff and I .exington, Ibid. Hiram Mantcr deacon, Revival meetings, Ibid. Religious reading intro- duced, Cook stoves introduced, Cornforth, William, exhorter, Builds grist-mill. Saw -mill. Establishes clothing-mill, Trustee, Town treasurer, Sketch, William, Jr., sketch, Correspondence. In early times, ( >f fohn Mason, Of Jeruel Butler, Cottle, Beni., sketch, Shubael, family of) County, attempt to establish a new, Commissioners, Crowell, Chas. E., family of, Crystal Lake Steamboat Co., Currency, individual, L. S. fractional, Ibid. Cushman, Henry, sketch, Thomas, J., sketch. Cutler, Nathan, sketch, Cutts, Thomas, sketch, 542 si" 558 549 562 560 558 557 554 556 559 546 55° 554 554 555 559 55 1 55° 561 55 1 553 305 774 142 '43 144 '47 >5i 150 267 127 [69 1 70 180 282 446 562 5 6 9 234 239 565 838 20b 446 583 432 306 345 549 5"7 5 6 9 107 854 DAGGETT, Albert, family of, fohn, sketch. [ohn, |r.. famil) of, John A.. Jonathan I ... family of, Ebenezer, sketch, Elijah, sketch, I endal, family of, Nathan, sketch, Peter, sketch, Samuel, sketch, Samuel, Jr., sketch. Samuel, 3d, sketch, Silas, sketch. Silas, Jr., sketch, Timothy, sketch. Timothy, 2d, family of, I ristram, clears first lane New Vineyard, Sketch, Tristram, Jr., sketch, Tristram, 3d, sketch, Tristram, X., sketch, Warren, family of, William, family of, William R., family of, I lavis, Benj., sketch. 1 nrnelius, tanner. Town treasurer, Representative, Sketch, I >avid, sketch, David, Jr., sketch. I >olor, sketch, 1 lenry, sketch. Hiram S., family of, James, sketch, James. Jr., sketch, Jophanus II., family of, Melatiah, family of, Melatiah, Jr., sketch. Sanford, sketch. 1 >ay, a dark, gloomy, Democrats celebrate, 1 )iphtheria, Dolbier, William 1'.. famil) of, Domestic life, I >routh of 1825, 1 8& ., 1891, I hirrell. William 1 1., family of. FARIA settlers, inconveniences "i going tu mill. Earthquakes, I Idwards, Bryce S., sketch, Eddy, Wm. II., I ggleston, Alpheus < '.. famil Elder, I >avid, family of, Elliott, John, familj of, Ellis, Atkins, sketch. J9 1 GENERAL /NJ>/:X. SI 2 Ellsworth, death of < lolonel, 573 1 mbargo Act, 574 1 fifei 68 574 Emery, Ira. tanner, rSi 57" ( Organizes Sunda) -schoo 1, 214 57" 1 '1 istmaster, 228 586 Innkeeper, 278 ?72 Town treasurer, 44" 577 Sketch, 605 57' Ira, Jr., selectman. 1 n ^7" 1 ii ensed i> 1 preach, 1 22 579 Sketch, 609 58] James S., sketch, 612 578 Josiah, sketch, 607 580 Emigrants, Western, 438 587 Enterprise < iheesi ' 1 131 394 588 Equalization Bonds, 393 1 in Eveleth, Benj. ('•., sketch. 617 53 Frederick 1 1., sketch. 616 583 etseq. James, sketch, 614 586 James, Jr., sketch, 616 588 Joseph, sketch. 615 582 Excise tax, 3 '* 575 57i FIFIELD, William < i.. family 1 lf - 573 575 Financial crisis of 1837, J 7'> VII Fish, Asa Q., sketch, 618 182 ( alvin 11., soldier. 446 Family of. 619 447 Nelson W.. family of. 57" 595 hire of 1825, 21S 561 At New Vineyard, 437 440 592 At New Sharon. 440 589 At Farmington, 440 593 At West's 'Mills. 404 601 Flag raisings, 594 Follett, Benj., sketch. ()2I 600 Folsom, William Q., soldier. 549 60 1 food, scarcity of. 457 590 Franklin County incorporated, Mining Association. 388 5 " Free 1 [igh Schools. 97 98 138 Soil Party, 293 439 Text-books, [08 109 299 437 Will Baptists, 153 697 Freshet of 1S21. 265 [869, 218 1878, V '1 frost. Samuel, sketch, 622 44' William 1 1., soldier. 35° 575 1 Ibsequies of. 307 Frosts, heavy. k39 ccs Fuller, Flavius [., family of, 519 "'7 Furbush, Israel, famil) 1 1. 1 1 58 440 602 1 . A< IE, Frederick, family of, 505 843 1 >eorge, Julian I 1.. family of. 553 >f, 7-1 < iilbert, Procter S., famil) of, 573 563 Gilmore, James, sketch. 549 ( rold excitement. 387 603 ( iood Templars. GENERAL INDEX, «55 First lodge organized, Juvenile Temples, < >ther lodges, 255 Goodridge, Nathan, General i militia, Postmaster, Selectman, Town treasurer. Sketch, 1 ioodwin, John II., sketi h, Gower, (ames, sketch, John, sketch, Gower's Mills annexed. Grant of King fames, Grasshopper plague. ( treat gale, Greenback party, Green, Josiah W., family of, Greenleaf, Gardiner, sketch, Joshua, sketch, Levi, sketch, Simon, family of, ( ireenwood, Hannibal, sketch, Thaddeus, sketch. Grist-mill erected, < iriswold, Almerian N., family of. Gubernatorial vote, HAIL-STORM, 78 Hale, William, sketch. Hall, Lucius W., family of, Harding, Edward, family of, I lardy, Aretas, sketch, Harness-makers, Harvey, Hiram A.. William, Hatch, Ghas. E., famil) David, sketch, Reuben, sketch, Reuben, Jr., sketch. Win. < '., family pf, Hayes, Chas., family of, (has. E., sketch, Edmund, sketch, Edmund, 2d, sketch. ( "lustavus, sketch, Hiram, sketch, Jacob, sketch, Stephen H., sketch, Ilibbanl, Orrin, sketch. Higgins, Barnabas A., sketch. John C., family of, High schools, 1 lilton, Benj., Jr., sketch, Daniel, sketch, Francis, family of, Gilman, sketch, Ilinkley, Ezekiel, sketch, Hiscock, Augustus W., family of, 1 [obbs, George, sketch, Stephen, family of, 2\2 Hodgkins, Jacob T., family of, 712 256 258 Hodgman, John, family of, 573 257 2 5 8 llogreeves. queer custom in elect- n ing, 270 [63 Horn, Thomas J., famil) of, 762 22S I Iotel, Temperance, 278 444 Howes, Alvin, sketch. 656 44" Geo., family of, 657 625 John, sketch. 658 627 Lemuel, sketch. 655 629 Lemuel, Jr., sketch, 656 02i) Lot, family of, 659 Hoyt, Hovey, family of, 702 24 Huntoon, Albert IL, family of, 704 39 1 1 1 urricane, terrific, 438 212 ( if Nov. 12. 1883, 407 398 692 IGE freshet at West's Mills, 1 So 634 Ice-storm, 440 D34 Implements, early agricultural. 2d2 631 Incidents, Table of, 436 ">7 Independence Day at West's Mills, 403 636 Industry, area of, 13 635 Boundaries of, Ibid. 107 Description of, '3 690 Acquired territory, Ibid. 60 459 hirst settler in, 41 Settlement named, 80 289 | $7 ( )rigin of the name, 59 765 State tax levied, «3 793 Concessions to other towns. 295 766 " Hears," 162 Soi "Farmers' and Mechanics' (91 l bib," 393 5 2 3 " RiHe Grays," [63 663 Inhabitants of New Sharon petition 641 for incorporation with In- 641 dustry, "3 640 Inhabitants in south part petition 642 to be annexed to the town (141 of New Sharon, 277 645 644 JEFFERS, Thomas, sketch, 60 1 646 Charles, sketch, 661 644 lennings, Rufus, sketch, 662 <>4 + Jewett, Benj., sketch, 663 646 fohnson, Daniel S., sketch, 666 (142 George W., buys grist-mill, 170 "1 5 Introduces Buckeye Mower, 268 659 Takes contract to build 648 town-house, 291 648 Drafted, 320 96 ( ',1 immittee to buy poor 723 farm, 400 7^7 Member Church building 7"! Committee, 413 050 Selectman, 444 65] Sketch, 666 f, 697 lames, sketch, 671 653 John E., sketch, 669 653 Nathan S., sketch, 668 8q6 GENERAL fNDEX. Richard 1... sketch, Thomas, sketch, William, family of, William F., sketch, Zebadiah, sketch. KEITH, Nelson 1 >.. family of, Kelly. Muses (., teaches high school, Kennebec County established, Purchase, Proprietors i !. K erosene, Kilkenney, Thacldeus, family of, Kyes, Horatio A. 15., sketch, LACONIA, Patent of, La ( Irippe, Lamb, I >avid, family of, Land from Stark annexed. Titles, 1 .am:, Frank, famil) of, Learned, Benj., family of, Lee, Jesse, sent to Maine. 86 Leeman, < >rrin, family of, Leighton, John J., family of, Lewis, James E., family of, Liberty Party, Library, social, Lincoln counts. Memorial services, 1 ,iquor agents, 1 iterary si iciety, I .ittlefield, Robert P., famil) - if, I ocke, Frank Y., family of, Look, Samuel, family of, Lovejoy, < ieo. F., family of, Lowell Strip, settled. Surveyed, Ibid. Luce, Alsbury, family of, Benj. < i., family of, < arlo, family i if, < lharles, sketch. ( lharles, 2d, sketch, i harles S., sketch, Christopher S.. sketi h, < yrus S., sketch, I >aniel, settles on 1 ,owell Strip, Selectman, Sketch, I )aniel, Jr., sketch, I )aniel (.'., family of, 1 lavid, famil) i if, I »avid M., sketch. I >avid M., Jr., sketch, Eben \., family of, Elisha, sketch, Llisha, 2d, sketch, Kugene, family of, L/ekiel, sketch, Fifield, sketch, 1 tebron, sketch, S3 668 Henry, sketch, I [enry T.. sket< h, I terbert 15., famil) of, i<-2 1 terbert B., 2d, sketch. 1 lezekiah, sketi h, I [ooper, family i if, 51 18 Jesse, famil) of, John P., faniil\ of, 97 John W., sketch, 69 Jonathan, sketch, 27 Joseph, sketch, Joseph M , family of, 713 I ,eonard, sketch. 07 ^ Leonard. 2d, family of, Luther, sketch. 26 Etals., 420 Luther, Jr., family of, 704 Moses A., sketch. 215 Moses M.. sketch. 24 Nelson 1 '.., sketch, 571 1 Niron, sketch, 607 Robert, sketch, Robert, Jr., sketch, ;7> Rowland, sketch, 499 Row land. 2d, family of, 788 Rufus A., sketch, 288 Samuel, sketch. 27 | Samuel 1)., sketch. 69 Sanders, sketch, J 55 Theodore, family of, 294 True R., sketch. 409 Truman, sketch, 5 1 5 Truman, |r., sketch, Wendall, family of, <\ 1 William 11.. sketch, 795 Winthrpp, family of, 50 M All. carriers. 71 5 Routes. Ibid. 714 Maine. Becomes a State. 707 ; »sgoi "1 ( larlton's map 1 if, 698 Mant-r, Asa M., sketch, 7"^ lienj., sketch, 71 8 lienj., 2d, sketch, Benj., }d, sketch, 7 1 ! Llijah, sketch, ;i 1 iei irge, sketch. 443 I [enry, sketch, "Si i I liram, sketch, 684 James, sketch, James. Jr., sketch, 687 Warren V. family of. 7m Zebulon, sketch, 700 Zebulon, Jr., sketch. 697 Maple sugar making, 715 Marriages, intentions of, 7112 Solemnized by Cornelius 714 Norton, 679 Marshall, John, sketch, 693 Mason, John, correspondence of, 685 Moses, sketi li. 710 "77 Oil :' i 695 688 702 710 688 691 296 695 7" ' 710 712 683 007 7'7 678 070 777 7<>5 686 7.0 7<>7 >8 73' 7-' 1 7-^7 723 720 7>" 7-4 73' 270 447 73 2 234 733 GENERAL rNDEX, 857 Samuel, sketch. , 53 And Slidell, 506 Vlassachusetts Hay Co., 27 Matthews, George II., family of, 532 McLaughlin, Aholiab, family of, 7 '7 Meader, Charles, sketch, 737 Francis, sketch, 7 M Francis, 2d, sketch. 735 t leorge, sketch, 737 John W., sketch. 736 William, sketch, 734 mics, [89 Meeting-House, town raises money for building, 119 First erected. Ibid. Second erected, Ibid. < 1 institution of, ' '■ Third erected. Constitution of, Ibid. Merchants, 193 Mercantile Association, Franklin and Somerset, 200 Merrick, Hezekiah, teaches high school, 16 Merrill, Thomas, sketch, 738 Truman A., sketch, 739 William A., sketch. 740 Merry, Asa, sketch, 741 Asa, Jr., sketch, 74.7 Asa, 3d, sketi h, 711 1 >avid, sketch, 741 I tavid, 2d. sketch, 744 Gilbert 1< . conscript, 310 Soldier, 335 Jonathan, sketch, 742 1'eter W., family of, 745 William IF, sketch. 741 William O., family of, 745 Meteor falls, 438 Meteors, shower of, 178 Methodists, History of, 1 2 3 Industry circuit formed, 1 !0 ( lasses and leaders, 127 hirst camp-meeting, 128 House of worship erected, 130 Sweeping revival, 131 Other revivals. 137 1 50 Union Churches erected at West's Mills and < entre of the town, 13 J 140 Farsonage erected, 133 Enlarged and repaired, 134 Remodeled, 135 Pastor stationed at Indus- try, )4° ( hurch erected, 41 ' Mile-and-a-half Strip, 28 Settlement of, 5° Survey of, Ibid. Militia, [56 Company organized, Ibid. Equipments required, Ibid. First training, [37 1 1 >st ol pow der, 157 Money raised to buy lire- arms, [60 Cavalry formed at Farm- ington, 160 Ei |uipments of, Ibid. Amusing anecdote, 1 1 > I Banner presented. Ibid. Powder- house built, 102 Rifle company formed, 163 Millerism, prevalence of, 2X4 Mills and Manufacturing, 166 Moody, Samuel, sketch, 745 Moore, lames W., family of, (104 Morse. Atwood, soldier. 320 Sketch, 357 NEAT ST( >CK in town, 270 Newman, Clifford, family of, 693 New Somersetshire, 26 New Vineyard Gore, settlement of, 46 Purchase of Massachusetts, 47 Divided, Ibid. First clearing, 48 Becomes a part of Indus- try, 209 Petitions to be annexed to Strong, 215 New Vineyard, land and inhabi- tants of, annexed to In- dustry, • 284 Nile, lames F., family of, 554 Nickerson, Alphonso C, family of, 69^ Norcross, Josiah, sketch, 746 fosiah, Jr., sketch, 74X Philip, sketch, 74S Philip, sketch. 75 1 Ransford, sketch. 750 William W., sketch, 7>i North Industry, settlement "I. 53 North, Joseph, encamped on Fan- nock Hill, [6 Funs North line of Fly- mouth Patent, 28 Norton. Abner, buys land, 47 Quarterly meeting at home ' of, 125 Sketch, 777 Alon/.o, sketch, 780 Amos IF, sketch, 760 Ansel, sketch, 773 Benj. 1 '.. sketch, 778 Benj. W., sketch, 780 Benj. W., Jr., sketch. Ibid. (has. ( ;., sketch, 767 Clifford IF, school teacher, 113 Member Protestant Metho- dist Church, 1 53 Captain in militia. 163 8 5 8 GENERAL INDl \ Member Industry Rifle < o., Remarkable dream, Member of Watch < Ink < :ommiltee to locate town- house, Selectman, < ounty Commissionei Representative, Cornelius, buys section of ( K ire, n Baptist < hureh, 1 1 5 \ isited by I esse I ,ee, Sketch, ( Cornelius, Jr., clear- land on ( !ore, Surveys 1 ,owell Strip, 50 Member 1 'ong'l < Ihurch, I >elegate to ( tounty ( lonfer- ence, Selectman, List of marriages solemn- ized by, Sketch, David M., sketch, I >a\ id M., 2d, soldier. Representative to Legisla- ture. Sketch, 1 >avid M., 3d, sketch. Ebenezer, sketi b, Llihu, sketch. Elijah, sketch, 1 lenry, sketch. Isaac, family of, Jabez, first settler on I ,owell Strip, Sketch. Jabez, Jr., ensign, 82 Member committee to re- monstrate against new 1 unty, Selectman. Sketch, fames, selectman. Sketch, James M., owns interest in grist-mill, Enters trade. Property imperiled 1>\ freshet, ' ommittee t<> solicit funds for < 'hurch, Chairman of building com- 165 '7" 444 147 47 11, 124 75 2 49 215 ■47 [48 44.5 447 75'' 77" 558 447 78l 788 757 77.^ 77" 7^ 5 77" 774 '56 Peter, 2d, sketch, Robert 1 .., sketch, Samuel, sketch, Samuel, sketch, Sewall P., sketch. S. 1 1 awes, sketch, Sprowel, settles on I ,owell Strip, birst collect! >r, Sketch. Tristram, sketch. Tristram ( »., family of, Warren, sketi h, William 1 )., sketch, William ('■., family of, Winthrop, sketch, 1 >AKES, Ebenezer, settles on Gore, Johrl, settles on I < Hiver, Augustus F., family of, Eli X., family of, I liram, family of, ( >rders on town forged. mittee, Selectman, Sketch. John ( I., sketch. 1 .avella A., sketch, 1 leu ellyn, family lr., sketch. < >liver I ».. soldier. Pi in, sketch, M3 Ml 508 214 44 5 774 144 763 '7> JO I 412 417 781 700 77-: 764 782 358 75' PAN L . great railroad, Parker, Carlton, teaches high school, 1 'reaches for Baptists, Simeon, family of, Patterson, Caleb S., family of, David, family of, I >avid 11.. sketch, franklin W., committee to buy poor-farm, Secretary Church building committee, Selectman. Sketch. John, sketch, John T., sketch, Samuel, family of, Thomas, family of, Wesley T., family of, Perihelion of planets, Petition for Incorporation, Philbrick, Win., family of, Phillips, James, family of. Physicians, Plantation, first meeting. Named. Ibid. Plymouth Patent, ( lompany, Ibid. North's sin \ c\ . Ballard's survey, Ibid. Trouble with settlers, ( leneral ( lourt petitioned, Petition of Proprietors, Industry Plantation sur- vey id. Settlers sign power of att'y, Appraising commission ap- pointed, 759 75 ' 755 701 769 51 64 77" 754 7"7 7" 5 760 7" s 7*3 783 393 438 00 1 21 762 7*7 7'" 783 412 414 t 15 787 786 788 61 678 7 s 7 434 5') 28 .9 83 Jo 51 GENERAL Exorbitant appraisal, 57 Form of submission, 38 ( Commissioners return, 39 Settlement of, 4° Lands appraised, 84 Pond, "The Little," •0 Pi ipulation. -1 213 45 6 Postage, early rate>. .26 > '1 1 Stamps introduced, Ibi d. I '< ist -i iffices established, 22 7 22i ) North Industry, 2 33 Route, effort to change 275 Potato crop, failure of, 4 II Rot badly, 43'* Pounds, 205 Protestant Methodists, '53 Pratt, Eleazer, sketch. < reorge, sketch. 687 Prescott, Chas. A., famil) of, 668 Price, current, 1808 1 69 Price. Elizabeth, builder of Shorey Chapel, 3 15 2 : ' seq. Prince, Charles S.. family of, Jacob R., sketch, 738 Prize declamations. ' Property in town, (850, *95 Province of Maine. 26 INDEX. 859 Robertson, Shuber R., famil) of, 550 Loads. m.| _'7i 289 J85 QUESTU INS, Examination, Quill pens, Quota, effort to reduce. RACKLIFF, Elbridge 1L. soldier. Family of. Ezekiel, family of, Henry B., sketch. John (_)., sketch, fohn P.. family of. Samuel, family of, William, famil) 1 if, William ]., soldier, , Sketch. Lain bow Cascade, Lake-factory, Led sunsets, Meeting- 1 louse, Reed. Daniel F., family of, Religious Meetings, Societies, Remick, Daniel, family of, Enoch, sketch, Francis, sketch, fohn, sketch, Samuel, sketch, True, sketch, William, sketch, Reminiscences, Representatives to the State Legis- lature, Revival of religion. Loach, William, sketch, 45 1 270 !20 793 796 794 795 794 370 796 '7 r85 .|iio [30 535 114 85 81 ii 1 797 798 7"7 777 797 ":l 447 1 ii. Si iO ilecl SAW II I I b, Alonzo, family of, Seavey, fohn A., family of, Ibid. School, incompetency of earl) teachers, first school-house built, Text-books, 1 Mher houses, 93 School-house burned, Wade's Craduating System First class graduates, Statistical, Districts allowed t agents, School officers, Ibid. first supervisor, Schoppe, 1 ,ouis, family of. Seasons, unproductn <-. Very carls . Selectmen, Senators. Settlement, condition 1800, Sew all, Eugene, famil) of, Sewing-machines, Shad- 1 Shaw. Albert, member cavalry, ( hvner of grist-mill, saw-mill. Introduces mowing-ma- chine. Builds new county road. Value of real estate, Selectman, Lepresentative, Sketch, ("has. W.. family of. Daniel, member Congrega- tional Church, Lebuilt saw-mill. ( In committee, Petitioner on road, Selectman, Sketch, Daniel, Jr., Captain in militia 1 Iwns part of saw -mill. Sketch, James S., family of. Milton ( >., sketch, Samuel, family of, Samuel, Jr., merchant. Selectman, Inventory of. Sketch, Samuel, 3d, sketch. Sheep, 261 Shingle -machine introduced, Shoemakers, Shoemaking, Shovel-handle manufacturing. 81 90 01 92 14 95 94 99 100 109 1 1 1 1 12 < ,8o 436 437 443 447 5" 645 268 129 162 170 171 >7^ >68 289 !95 444 447 804 80S '47 16S 214 289 443 ■So 1 161 '7" 805 So 7 S06 So 1 196 443 803 803 So 7 295 176 101 "'7 1 S3 276 GENERAL INDEX. Shorey, 1 larrison \.. sk 8io [ohn 1., sketch, 8io Pelatiah, sketch, Sil\ er change, scarcit) of, Small-pox scare. i tutbreak in Industry, J21 Smith, Ahin, family of, M • 5, family of, 74° [ ili, and s., family of, 55 2 William < !., family of, Snow -fall, Snow and rain-storm, \o9 Somerset County established, 69 Si ildiers banquet, 319 Tallest from Maine. 439 < .ra\ es of, firs! deci irated, 4.?') From Industry. 327 1 rancis I >. Bean, 327 Nelson • >. Bean, ( ieorge W. Bo; ( has. E. I !i 331 James ( >. Burce, 331 h ilm ( '. Burce, 331 William S. Bui > . i S3 ( ieorge II. Butler, 3 5 5 John P. Butler, 33 5 Addison 11.' 1 334 Addisi in 1 . ( lollins, 334 1 )aniel S. ( Collins, 335 lames \\*. ( lollins, 1 >aniel A. * !onant, 336 John F. Dag 336 1 liram P. I )urrell, 337 William 1 1. Edwi 5& John 1). Elder, J38 i arlton P. Emery, 54 2 ( ieorge < . Emery, 343 Zebulon M. Emer) . 543 < lalvin B. I ish, .US Eben Fish, 548 Benjamin Follett, 349 William Q. Folsom, 549 William 1 1. Frost, 35° John F. < ierry, 550 Brai [ford < iilmore, Almore 1 laskell, 55' John M. How es, 35 1 Mlriunce R. Johnson, 552 William ( i. 1 ,ewis, 352 Fifield \- 1 ,uce, 353 John T. 1 ,uce, 354 1 lenry S. Maines, 355 Gilbert R. Merry, 555 l.lias Miller, Henry G. Mitchell, Atwood Morse, 357 M. Nash, I >avid \l. Norton, < Hiver 1 ). Norton. James Pinkham, Samuel Pinkham, Wellington Pinkham, W ildei Pi ( harles S. Prince, Albanus 1 K Quint, William L. Quint, Edwin A. R. Rackliff, Elbridge II. Rackliff, John ( ). Rackliff, Samuel Rackliff, William J. Rackliff, Reuel 1 1. Rogers, I .yman M. Shorey, Andrew J. Spinney. John C. Spil Benjamin Tibbetts, Benjamin F. Tibbetts, < linton B. Webster, 1 >avid ( '. Whitney, .Aaron E. Williams. ( ieorge 1-. Williams. 0. I .. Young, Smith. Elijah B., family of, Joseph W . ■ I. sketch, Peter I!., family of, Spinney, Andrew J., 2d, famil) of, Spirituous Liquor, first license to sell, Spool-factory, Smith ,\ ( loughlin's, erected, Burned, (86 Spring, backw ard, Stamp Act, Staples, David II., family of, James T., family of, Starch- Factory, erected. Stale and County tax assessed. Valuation and tax. Statistical knowledge, '70 Steamboat in (dear Water Pond, Steam Box-Mill, < (liver Bros., The Industry Lumber Co. 's, Sterry, Llewellyn, family of, Stevens, James, sketch. Moses, family of, ( Hiver, sketi h, Store opened in Industry, Swift, Augustus II.. skc Ebenezer, sketch, Job, sketch, Sunday-school organized, Sunderland Falls, Sun, eclipse of, Surplus Re\ 1 Survey, coast and geodetic, 1 If Tow nship. 357 358 358 ;i„ 1 ; 1 361 361 36l 36S 365 566 ;68 -1,., 57° 374 374 377 S7 S 381 583 583 384 813 814 813 S15 [85 438 43 6 318 >7> 1 80 58 15° 45' 43 2 186 188 66 j 816 816 • s '7 193 Mo 818 817 -''4 19 438 j, Si 437 GENERAL INDEX. 86 I TANNERY, Dea. Emery's, 1S1 Tolman, Moses, sketch. 82s Tavern, Hrst opened, -75 Moses, Jr., sketch, 827 Tariff, high. 270 Tompson, Frederick A., architect Telephone introduced, 349 of Shorey Chapel, 424 Temperance, prevalence of rum- Tornado, a terrible. 419 drinking, 40 Town, settlement of. 40 Committee to suppress un- Incorporated, 61 lawful sale of liquors, 294 Meetings held in Centre First Temperance Society. 247 school-house, 68 Esq. West's Temperance < Hikers' compensation, 205 456 Society, 24S House, effort to build, 218 290 ( iuiding Star 1 Hvision S. of \ otes to buy poor farm, 409 T. organized, 252 Officers, 443 445 446 I'utnam Division, 249 Trask, Eben ( \., 831 finishes hall, 2 5 r John, sketch, 68 s Iron-Clad Reform Club, 259 Jonathan, sketch, 827 Resolutions of Ministerial ( trlando \V., sketch, 830 Association, 2 47 Phineas, sketch, 826 Union Peace Temperance Robert, sketch, 829 Society, 252 Robert D., sketch, 830 \ ote to amend liquor law. 389 True, Asa W., sketch, 1506 ( >n prohibitory law. 294 Chas. 1 1. 1!., family of. 833 Watch Club, 24W Moses, sketch, 832 Temperature Table, 45 s Twombley, Walter E., family of, 554 Text-books, 103 'Thing, Jesse, sketch, 821 > UNDERW< >< >D, Joseph, pastor of Dudley, sketch, 819 Cong'l Church, 145 [48 'Thomas, Cyrus A., and sons, 410 Lucy, member of Temperance Thomas's tavern, 34 Society, 248 'Thompson's Corner, 4' Union Agricultural Society, 409 Thompson, Asa IT, sketch, S24 Usher, John, takes deed Province (/has. W., family of, 82s of Maine, 2 7 James, settles in town, 4 2 57 Plantation clerk, 60 V \( 1 THAN, ( has., agent for the Directed to call first town Plymouth Co., meeting, "4 36 38 39 Si 8 3 84 Moderator of, Ibid. \ aughan, J. Warren, owns grist- Treasurer, Ibid, 44" mill, 170 Town clerk, 445 Viles, Fisher, family of, 837 Sketch, 821 John II., family of, 837 John, settles in Industry, 43 Joseph, sketch, 834 Wife proposes name for Joseph B., son of killed, 171 plantation, 59 Melvin, Lieut, in militia, 3° 7 < >n committee to locate Vice-President Ag'l Society, 401 road, 66 Selectman, 445 Highway surveyor, 67 Leonard, operates grist-mill, 170 Captain militia, 82 156 157 163 Family of, 836 ( iuide for Jesse Lee, 124 Rufus, sketch, *3S Builds mill, 172 V'ose. Samuel, family of, 769 Benevolence of, 208 Voter, Augustus E., family of, 691 On committee of remon- Justin S., sketch, 698 strance, 213 Voters, a list of, 465 Aids in building first meet- ing-house, 219 WA( ".< >N, first thoroughbraced, 267 Town treasurer, 446 Walker, Curtis A., family of, 698 Representative and Senator, 447 War 181 2, 15" Sketch, 821 Water power of Industry, 166 Robert, sketch, 824 Watson, Lorenzo, family of, 837 Thunder-storm, heavy, 390 Weeks, Vilander, sketch, 600 Tilton, Edwin, family of, 553 Wells, John, family of, 498 John, sketch, 73" Robert, family of, 499 108 862 GENERAL INDEX. West, Peter, settles on Patent, Builds mills. Selectman, 64 Treasurer, 68 8 5 Sketch, Peter, Jr., member M. E. Church, Joins Cong'l ( hurch. Erects saw-mill, Merchant, Postmaster, Sketch, West's Mills, Weston, Enoch, family of, Wheat yield in 1837, Whipple, Ernest, family of, Williams, Muses, sketch, lames S., family of, Williamson, Noyes II., takes con- tract to build Shorey Chapel, Willis, Abraham Il„ sketch, Benj. N., sketch, fohn, school supervisor, Si Merchant, 200 167 Director Mining Associa- 443 tion, 388 44<) Home burned, 405 838 Selectman, 444 Sketch, S42 1 -•; Peter W., sketch. 840 149 Wilson, Albert II., family of, 538 175 fohn A., family of, 5*9 i<>4 Winslow, Carpenter, family of, 845 231 ( ieorge, family of, 846 839 James, sketch, 844 5- Winter of heavy storms. 389 645 Withee's ( orner, 1 ! 170 Withee, Zachariah, sketch. S I7 7'" /.ue, sketch, 846 53° Woodcock, Henry T., family of, 588 664 Wright, Ezra, family of, 57' Wyman, Frank, family of, ""7 Young, Levi, licensed to exhorl by ■I-'-' Baptist Church, 116 840 1 ,evi, Jr., teaches school, 91 842 ( >rdained an evangelist by 1 12 Baptist ( hurch. 1 iS <*%, * J -« 4? *s ***. *k *o. 5?* A* OOBBJ BROS. IBRARr BINDING ■AUGUSTINE: ZS3l FLA. ■ 3>* % o*