C^C" Cp-.--yO i/--* / N Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. KiRST SERIES. BIKTHS, MAREIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narraganskti' Historical Register. Is ISAy Name ^?V^itten. in the Book of Lite?' Volume 3. GLOCESTER. Part I. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. i : Narraoansbtt Historical Publishiko Compant. 1892. % v-^' ACT FOK EEECTING Tt E TOWN OF PEOVIUENCE INTO FOUR TOWNS. In Geneiral Assembly nt :J iwp j; I, tUe tliiVd Tursday of February, 1730-1. AN ACT for Erecting and r?..„r,i,,v.iting the Outlands of the Town of Provi- dence into Three T'lv, • Forasmuch as the oii+liitidfl of the town of Providence are large and re- plenished with inliabitants jbufliclcnt to make and cre.jt three townships besides the town of Providence, aqd the l;md lies convenient for the same, which will be of great ease and benefit W) tht inhabitants of said lands in transacting and negotiating the prudentiaU;.liai)-3 of their town, which, for some time past, has been very heavy and bu nsfime. Be it, therefore, em. r;<:l. by tiiis General Assembly, and by the authority thereof it is enacted, thtitirom Warwick township, eight miles and a half, be measured on the seven-milJ line (so called), in said Providence, and a boundary there hxed ; and from the said '.Hiimdary a line be drawn to Pawtucket river to a place called the Ware, about half a mile northerly of Pawtucket Falls; and that for the time to cof.w the town of Providence extend no further west and north than the aforesaid liuos. And it is also enartfd by the authority aforesaid that all tiie rest of the aforesaid outlands to tie eastward of the aforesaid seveu-mile line and to the northward ot the boun. s of the town of Providence be, and they are hereby, incorporated and erected mto a town called and known by the name of Smith- field, and that tlie iuhi'liiiauts tliercof, from time to time, shall have and enjoy the like benefits and piivileges with other towns in this Colony, according to our Charter. And it is further eos^ted by the authority aforesaid that aU the rest of the aforesaid outlands, to the westward of the aforesaid seven-mile line, be erected and made into l\\o towns; the dividing line between them to begin at the northwest bounds ot the town of Providence at the bounds and monument then made and erected m the afjiftiaid seven-mile line ; and from thence to ex- tend west six degiee^ aul tliiity uunutes north to Connecticut Colony, and all the lands to tlie wcst^^ ' said town of Providence and to the north- ward ot said dividing 1. tiie northward of the town of Warwick up to the Colony line, be, and thoy »re lierel>y, erected and incorporated a tovn, to be called and known b; the n,.nif of Scituate ; and the inhabitants tiereof, from time to time, shall ht. ■<■ and enjoy tlio like liberty and privileges as other towns incorporattMl iu tliis Colony, by our Cliarter, do. And it is further etaeted by tlie authority aforesaid that the rest and residue of the aforesaid .nitlands that lie to the westward of the aforesaid seven-mile Hue, and to t .c ,:..,t:.ward of tlie west line drawn from the north- west corner of the tm ■ , ' u.-nv.; and bounded north on the Province of the Massachusetts IV,, ;, , . on the Colony of Connecticut, be. and they are hereby, erected and iueM,,.,a..U! I a town and called by the name of Gloces- ter: and the inhabitants tl c M' f. ,■ the time being, sliull have ami enjoy the like liberty with other to » Colony, agreeably to our Charter. And it is further em:. >i ie .Justices of the Peace ot each of the respective towns of Smii uiv- ■ -^ - te and Glocester grant forth a warrant m IV ACT OF INCORPOKATION OF GTA'CESTEE. some convenient time to call the inhabitants of euoli town together to chose ana elect their town officers as they shall have occsoion for, as the law directe, jhe places ; and each of ■'isemblj', and so on, as by and to appoint the times of their town me Mnr.~ the towns to send two Deputies to the ne.x- ' ■ the Charter is ordered. And that Major William Smith and Caj-l ' them a surveyor, and from the northwest n r i up a line to Connecticut Colouy, west, sis '• •,: i sembly has ordered and appointed the same And that Providence send one grand j.nd of- j'otit jurjTnau to the Su- perior Courts; Smithfield the same, and Sc>tnal.e and (ilocester each one petit Waterman take vrith ^'i evidence town they run ih, according as the As- juryman, and Providence to send four gran ferior Courts; Smithfield two grand and t ' :-■ ■ grand juror and petit juror, and Glocester the san. And be it further enacted by the authoi i -. Providence, Smithfield, Scituate and Glocest. the interest of the bauk money appropriate!. Colony, according to the sums that the land- for; and that what money the Town Treasu" the town before the division thereof bo repa money before division thereof be made. (E. I. Colonial Eecords, Vol. IV., pages 4 petit jurors to the In- rors, and Scituate one id that the towns of h their proportion of of the towns of this ■h town are mortgaged ence has advanced for 3f thei whole interest GLOCESTER. JVC-A-PtHI-A-Co-ES. 1-286 ADAMS Samuel, and Mercy M. W ilbur ; m. by Rev. Orin F. Otis, March 2, 1856. 1-22 ALBEE AMal, ;ind John Wliite, Ma eli 21. 1765. 1-66 " Mercy, and Peter Lewis, June 15, 1769. 1-116 " Jos>_ph. Jr., ol Caiit. Juseiili, and Mary Wlieelock ; m. by Jonathan Harri.., JusUte, June -0, 1771. 1-116 " Ruth,, and Douglass Whit'. June 20, 1771. 1-270 ALBUO Risiiali, aud Russell Harrin4l.ou, Jan. 13, 1846. 1-139 ALDIS Asa, of Nathan, of Franklin. Mass., and Amey Cowen, of Daniel, of Glocis er; m. by Eld.a- Samuel Winsor, Sept. 14, 1802. 1-5 ALDRICH Susannah, and John Willey, AprU 28, 1732. 1-5 " Dluali, and Edward Aldri' h, July 17, 1732. 1-5 " Edward,, and Dinah Aldi-r It. both ol' Uxbridge, Mass.; m. at Gloces- ter by John Smith, Justice, July 17, 1732. 1-4 " Jeremiah, ot Uxbr.dg,-, and Hannah PUimley, resident of Uxbridge; ni. at Glocester by John Smith, Justice, July 17, 1732. 1-4 " S;u'ali, and Isaac Kichai-dson, July 17, 1732. 1-5 " Abel, Jr., ot Ushii.lg', ami Elizabeth AldJ'icn. of Mendon, Mass.; m. at Glocester by John Smitli, Justice, Aug. 21, 1732. 1-6 " Elixab th, and Ab 1 Aldr:> h, Jr., Aug. 21, 1732. 1-138 " Ja::e, and Richard Steere, April 27, 1735. 1-6 " Daniel, and Jane Herendi en ; m. by John Smith, Justice. Jan. 16, 1735 ti. 1-7 " Abraliaai, of Bellingham., Mass., and Sarah Burguess, of Glocester; m. by Jolin Banth, J nstice, Jan. 12, 1742-3. 1-8 " Noah, and Tabitlia Inman ; m. by John Smith, Justice, Feb. 20, 1743-4. 1-0 " Deborah, and Thomas Jeperson, Oct. 3, 1745. 1-127 " Ebene/er, and Hannah Tliurber ; m. by Andrew Brown,, Justice, Nav. 26. 1747. 1-132 " Jolin, ar.d Deborah F,ddy ; m. by Giles WUllams, Justice. Sept. 13, 1756. 1-23 " Sarali, and William Havens, March 12, 1757. 1-81 " Ell ha. ot (iloi ester, and Constant Cornell, of Providence, resident; m. at Providence by Rev. Joseph Snow, Sept. 22, 1762. 1-37 " Jo^m,, Jr , of Sinit;ifield, and Mary .Smiih, of Glocester; m. by Ruins Smit 1. Justi e. March 10, 1766. 1-22 " James, and Alee Smith ; ni. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Nov. 18, 1766. 1-22 '• Stephen., ami Miry Swe..-l : m. by .lonatliaiL Harris. Justice, June 14, 1767. 1-45 " Sarah, Mrs., and Izreal C:>oK-, Oct. 6, 1768. 1-33 " Sa.-ah, and James Brown, Dec. 5, 1768. 1-68 " Ale, and Eli.ahakt Edly, April 9, 17(;9. 1 1:J3 " Abigail, aid George Brown, July 9, 1770. 1-76 " Abiur, aid Piiel'e Inman, both of Dougia s. Jlass. : m. by Jona- tliaa Harris. Justice, July 11, 1772. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-33 ALDEICH Phillip, of Cumberland, son of Solomon, and Abigail Ballou, of Gluce-ter, rt;iu. ol Jeruuiiah ; m. by Jonuthaii Harris, Justice, Sept. 12. 1777. 1-25 " Jesbu, uf Joscpli, and Anne Smith, of Abraham; m. by Elder Ed- ward MitchcJl. ;it Smi Uillcld, Aug. 15, 1782. 1-110 " Dorothy, an.l Zjphcnlah I.l.shop, .May 21. 1786. 1-23 " Jes e aid Rebecca How la id; m. by Elder WiUlam Bowen, Oct. 22, 1789. 1-151 " Nancy, anl Stephen Wllmarth, Feb. 2, 1794. 1-132 " RusseU, a sd EU^abeth C ok ; ra. by Elder William Bowen, Oct. 25, 1796. 1-150 " William, of Smithfield, Bun of Abraham, and Mary Ballou, of Josepli, 01 oloieatsr; m. by Jesse Armstrong, Just.ce, Jan. 27, 1799. 1-119 " Emor. of St phen. and Dorcas Shippce, of Thomas; m. by John Esten, Jusll e June 7, 1801. 1-lBO " Prnsia, and Dr. Levi E.idy, Uct. 16, 1801. 1-249 " Benedict and N.incy Smith; m. by Elder Thomas Spooner„ Feb. 17, 17U8. (Also i-28). 1-234 « Ira of (,iji 0,1 ;,,|^ ja e Wood, of WUllam; m. by George Smith, Justle, Oct. 27. 1816. 1-261 " Sarah Ann, and S ih Steere, Oct. 16, 1831. 1-283 " El slia M.. of Ric. a d. an.l Rebecca P. Evans, of Ira P. ; m. by Rev. Riuben Allen, Oct. 17, 1831. 1-281 " Amanda M., and Joseph W. Esten, Dec. 27, 1849. 1-59 ALGBB John. Jr.. of Reliobufi, Mass., son of John, and Elizabeth Hnmes. of Lxbridge Mass., dau. of Samuel; m. by Isreal Arnold. Ju Uie. Nov. 25 1773. 1-2 ALLEN Samu 1, and Ph le Barnes; m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, April 17, 1738 (also 128). 1-127 " Ellzaheth, and Const ;nt Weaver, Aug. 27, 1750. *-60 " Phehe, aid John Cole. F b. 21, 1755. 1-273 " Reuhi n L., of Providence, son of Reuben, and Ruth M. Brown, of Warwick, dau. of James; m. by Elder Reuben Allen Juie'oT 1848. • - . 1-127 ANDREWS .lolin and Anne Smith: m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, AprU 8, 1-20 " Sarah, and David Russell, March 11, 1762. 1-134 « Sarah, and Sim on PUce. April 20. 1773. 1-51 " Abiah, and Jer, miah Die' ernian, Sept. 20, 1773. 1-134 « Am/y, 1 nd Thin as Cob'), leb. 26, 177g! 1-212 " zeno, and Polly Durfee, of liobert; m. by Nathaniel Wade. Jns- tic, Aug. 19, 1810. 1-220 " Josep , and Mercy Durfea; m. by Elder Caleb FJdredge. OcU 7. 1-180 ANGELL Joanna, .nnd EUsha Manton, May 8, 1791 1-184 « Darius, of John, of Sni:thlield, and' Na'noy Place, of Peter ol Wocester; m. by Jesse Aiiimtiong, Nov 16 I^OO 1-247 " Emonr. of Kiilingly. Co, n., son of Andrw, and Lucy Arnold, ot Gloccster, dau. of David; m. by George Smith, Justice, Jul, 23. 1-128 ARMSTRONc/tleut. F.Ujah, of Job. and Lydia Coweu, of James; m. by JonaOian Hariis, Justice, Jlarch 28, 1779. 1-97 « .Tesse, of Gloeester, and J miraa Cflpron, of Smithfield; m by Edward Thomp.son. Jnsti..-, Dec. 7. 1783 1-228 " Knight, of Gloeester, and SebUla Cooper, of Moses, of BurrUlvlUo- m. by Duty Smith. JusUue, xjee. 2J. 1812 1-243 " Eligah,^^and Pheb. Pray; m. by Hezeklah Cady, Justice, May 25, 1-t ARNOLD toeal, and Wate Mowry, l«>th ot Smithfield; m. at Gloeester bv John smita, Juaiiee, Maivh 18 1730 1 1-8 " Noah, of Glo<..ester. and Eleanor \™ppl6,' of Uxbridge, Maas.; m. ^y J"!^" Smith, Justice, Uee. 16, 1743 1-S8 Marcy, and Aarou Tuft, Dec. 24. 1749. 1-23 1-21 1-85 1-136 1-79 1-81 1-148 GLOCESTEB MARKIAGB8. ' 1-23 ARNOLD Phillip, ol Smlthfleld, and PaUenco Inman, ol Glocester; m. by licnjaniiiL SmitU, Justice, .UiW 28, 17C,2. « Sarah, and Edward Inman, April 29, 1763. « Aaron, and Rlioda Hunt; m. \>y Jowtban Harris, .Tustlce, May 24, 17G4. 1 no " Lul:' "">! Samuel Comstock, March 23, 1766. 1-45 " Noali, .Ir., of Capt. Noah, and Anno Richardson, of Joseph; m. by J(,nathan Harris. Justice, July 21,"J768. a Abigail, and Rurus Tucker, Sept. IB, 1703. 1^-iB " Lucia, and William CoIwlII, May 10, 1772. « Benjamin, ol Warwick, son ol Benjamin, and Sarah Greene, of Ellsha, ot Glocesier: m. by Elder EUstia Greene, Nov. 14. 1..3. « EUslia of Isreal, of Glocester, and Theodate Mussey. of Uxl.rldge, Mass.. dan. of Thomas ; m. at CJlocester by Jonathan Hurrla, Justice, May 1, 1774. i-i«o " I.ydln, and Richard Slcere, Jr.. Nov. 24, 1791. 1-98 " Avis, and Capt. Benjamin Wilk-lnson, April 21, 1793. 1101 " WlUlam, of Benedict, of Glocester, and JIannnh Buffnm, of WU- llam of SmlUificld ; m. by Ellsha Arnold, Ju.stlce, AprU 3, 1800. 1 175 " Nathan, of William, of Glocester, and ODve R. Hopkins, of Peleg, of Foster; ra. by Elder Stephen Place, Se«pt. 20, 1800. 1-213 " Mary, and Mowry Smith, Feb. 20, 1805. I.n47 " Lucy, and Emery Angell, July 22, 1832. 1-25T " James B., and Anna E. Page; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Jan. 5, 1-273 " James, of David and Polly, and Abble Ann White, of WUUam and Presllla; m. by Rev. D.anlel Greene, Jan. 10, 1B47. 1-275 BABBITT Thomas H., of Seth, ajid Mary S. Bo.s.s, Of Stephen; m. by Rev. M. W. Burllngame, rec. April 17, 1849. 1-22 BAKER Elizabeth, and Samuel Cass, March 1, 1765. 1-59 " Phebe, and Benjamin Butlura, Jr., Deo. 17, 1773. 1-59 « Stephen, of Steplien, and Deborah Grossman, of Eleazer; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, March 20, 1774. 1-64 " Thomas, of parish of Caford, Co. Sussex, Eng., now of Glocester, and Relx-cca Shippee, of Jonathan, dec.; m. by Abraham Waterman, Justice, Oct. 16, 1774. 1-07 « Rufus, of Smlthficld, son of John, and Susannah Ballon, of Gloces- ter, dau. of Daniel; ni. by Jonath.in Harris, Justice, Sept. 14, 1783. 1-74 « Levi, of Abraham, and Anna Moffet; m. by Elder Philemon Hlnes, Jan. 3, 1788. 1-144 " Abraham, Jr., of Abraham, of Glocester, and Martha Paine, of Smlthlield. dau. of John; ra. by Elder PhUemon Hines, Jan. 25, 1789. 1-190 " Benonl, of Abraham, of Glocester, and H.annah Paine, of Smlth- lield, dau. of Jonathan ; m. liy Jesse Armstrong, Justice, Sept. 4, 1796. I.gl9 « Eilzabetli, and Daniel Place, Jr., Nov. 6, 1812. 1-233 " Daniel, of Abraham, and Mary Ann Palnc, of Jonathan ; m. by Samuel Steere, Justice, March 29, 1821. 1-234 " Abraham, Jr., and SUea Vallelt: m. by John H.nwMns, JusUce, Aug. 26, 1821. 1-244 " Abraluun, of Glocester, and Elizabeth Jones, of Providence; m. by Rev. Frederic A. Farley, at Providence, April 29, 1827. 1-278 " Larned C, ot Amasa and Lydia, .and Minerva S. Mitchell; m. by Eider M. W. BurUngame, Sept,. 3ti, 1H49. 1-6 BALCOM Phebe. and Job Comst«ck, Nov. 22, 1736. 1-126 " Samuel, and Susannah Jeperson ; m. by Andrew Jlrown, Justice, Jan. 2. 174.1. 1-37 BALLARD Lydia, and Jonathan Tncker, Nov. 7-, 1775. 1-74 " Abigail, and Timothy Jcnne, May 30, 1779. 1-165 " Benjamin, Jr., and Patience Hendrick; ni. by Klder Willi.am Bowen, March 9, 1796. VITAI. 'RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-127 BALLOU Vsinalj, and Jonathan MitclicU, May 21, 1746. 1-127 " Mary, and John Oomstock. Jr., April 4, 1751. 1-23 " Stephen, of Smithfleld, and Mary Callum, ol Glocester; m. by Benjamin Smith, Jiislk-e, March 29, 1762. 1-23 " Nehemlah. and Abig.ill Perry ; m. by Benjamin Smith, Justice, July 15, 1762. 1-37 " Lydla, and Haliah Snilili. Aug. '25, 1766. 1-66 " Isabel, and Andrew Htrendecn, May 4, 1768. 1-85 " Joseph, of Daniel, and Sarah Sweet, of Timothy ; m. by Timothy WUmarth, Justice. April 4, 1771. 1-68 " Anne, and Jeremiah Sanders, Jlay -20, 1773. 1-69 " Mary, y Moses Cooper, Justice, Jan. 1, 1778. 1-99 " Carlotte, and Stephen llan-is, Aug. 20, 1779. 1-126 " Jinih, of Glocester, and Esther Wood, of Plalnfield, Conn. ; m. at Plainfield by Alextinder Miller, Justice, Sept. 30, 1779. 1-142 " Asa, of Seth, and Uhobe Williams, of Natli:m : ra. by Jonathaji Harris, Justice, Dec. 3, 1780. 1-88 " Susanna, and Esek Harris, Oct. 4, 1781. 1-97 " Susanna, and Rufus Baker. Sn^pt. 14, 1783. 1-188 " Phcbe, and John Inman, Jr.. July 21, 1784. 1-108 " Susannah, and William iJipham, Jan. 5, 1786. 1-60 " Sylvanus, and Mercy Hinds : m. by Elder William Bowen, Jan. 10, 1788. 1 111 " IU>xanny, and Azel Shcnnnn, Au^. 24, 1788. 1-41 " Cinthla, and Aniolrt Smitli. April 24, 1791. 1-144 " .^mey. and Pliillip Walden, AprU 8, 1792. 1-1G4 " Martha, and William Owen, Feb. 5, 1793. 1-163 " Hannah, and Isaac Paine. Jr., April 19, 179.".. 1-150 " Mai-y, and Willi;un Aldrich, Jan. 27, 1799. 1-192 " Martlia, and Asa Carey. Jime 23, 1799. 1-192 '■ Esther, and Bradley (Srcene, June 23, 1799. 1-124 " Joseph, and Lucinda Darling; m. by Elder William Bowen, Aug. 30, 1801. 11 1-204 '• Jlarlha, and Eleazer Bowen, Nov. 11, 1802. 1-199 '• Daniel, and Polly Brown, of George; m. by FJder . 'liam Bowen, Fell. 20, 180r!. 1-270 '■ Pliilcna, and Samuel Phillips, Feb. 23, 1846. 1-272 " Ale.xauder, Jr., of Boston, Mass., son of Alexander and Fannie, and Martha A. Mowry, of Glocester, of William and Amey (Arm- strong) ; m. by Piev. .M. W. Burllngame, May 25, 1848. 1-2-128 BARNES Phebe, and Samuel Allen, Apil 17, 1738. 1-41 " Lydia, aaid Isaac WalUng, Jan. 28, 1760. 1-20 " Mary, aiwl William rnlwoll, Jr., Aug. 1, 1763. 1-101 " Mercy, -and Adam PhlUiiis, Jan. 24, 1771. 1-85 " Josepli, Jr., and Marcy PliilUps, of Jeremiah, Jr.; m. by Isreal Ar- nold. Justice April 2^, 1771. 1-112 " Mary, and Reuben Williams, April 27, 1774. 1-11 " Tlionias, and .loanna Cook, of Elijali ; m. by Zebedee HopMns, Jus- tice, Dec. 1, 1776. 1-167 " Peter, of Peter, and Deborah Irons, of William; m. by Elder Stephen Place, Oct. 14, 1795. 1-234 " Olney, and Celinda Evan<; m. by John Hawkins, Justice, March 3 1822. 1-279 " Eliza)>etli C, and Kufu.s M. Inman, Nov. 8, 1849. 1-28 BARRET Hannah, .and Samuel Sh r>rt, Jr., Dec. 5, 1751. 1-7 BARTLETT Sarah, and Abraliam Inman, Jan. 33, 1736. 1-31 " Daniel, and Abigail Tucker; m. t>y Richard Smith, Justice, Sept. 25, 1749. 1-325 " Ezra, Jr., and Amey Tliovnion ; m. by Richard Steere, Jujstice, Nov 25, 1750. 1-62 " Anne, and ZelKidiah Mitchell, Dw. 29, 1754. GLOOESTBR — MABBTAGrES. ^ 1-23 BAETLETT Kufus, and Margery Smith ; m. by Benjamin Smith, Justice, Dec. 12, 1762. 1-80 " Caleb, of Abner, and Sus.inna Wilson, ol James ; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Marcli 21, 1773. 1-103 " Sarah, and Nathan BurHn -ame. May 13, 1762. 1-217 " Samuel, of Sutton, Mass., and Sarah Inraan, of Capt. John, of Glo- cester; m. by Elder Philemon Hines, Oct. 21, 1790. 1-99 « Mary, and Walter Phetleilace, Jan. 15, 1792. 1-104 BASSET Joseph, and Mary Mowry : m. by Daniel Smith, Justice, Nov. 25, 1768. 1-97 BATTEY Niiliolas, of Benjamin, and Mary Paine, of Nathan ; m. by Jonath- an Harris, Justice, Oct.. 30, 1770. 1-31 BEADLE Thomas, and Phelje Inmnn; m. by Kichard Smith, Justice, Feb. 20, 1749. 1-99 BELLOWS Eleazer, of Hezeklah, aTid Jean Steere, of Stephen ; m. by Elder Philemon Hines, Dec. 2. 1787. 1-160 " William, o! llezeliiah, of filoccster, and Martha Mowry, of Gideon, of Smithfleld; m. by John S:\yles. Jr., Justice, Jan. 20, 1793. 1-267 " Rhobcy, and Dr. Samuel Mowry, July 31, 1839. Note.— The births of these families under Ballon. — 1-51 BENSON John, of John, dec., and Margaret Burden, of Glooesfer, dan. ol Lois Chilison ; m. by Isreal Arnold, Justice, Sept. 19, 1773. 1-63 BERRY Mary, and Jonathan Slielilon, Dec. 1, 1777. 1-194 BICKFORD Sarali, and Goliah Wiliams, Aug. 16, 1801. 1-180 BIGFORD Dorcas, and Xerxis Williams. March 2D, 1800. 1-23 BISHOP Sarah, and John Phcttcphicc, March 10, 17.57. 1-163 " Mehitable, and David Hurlingame, Jan. 9, 1763. 122 " Martha, and Caleb Phillips, .March IS, 1707. 1-76 " Zilplia. and Hcsea Phetteplace, Dec. 11, 1774. 1-112 '• William, of Capt. Edward, dec, of Glocester, and Keturah Leonard, of Asliford, Conn., dau. of Benjamin : m. by Rev. Edward Mitch- eU, Jan. 13, 177S. 1-152 '• Mary, and Beaehel Hercndeen, Feb. 17, 1782. 1-110 '• Zepheniali, of WilUam, of Glocester, and Dorothy Aldricb, of Syl- vanus, dec., of SmithlJcld; m. at Smithfield, by Elder Edward Mitchell, May 21, 1786. 1-01 " Lydla, and Richard Lewis, Oct. 17, 1790. 1-129 BLACKMAR John, Jr., of Smithfleld, and Mary Mitchell, of Glocester; m. by Kichard Steere, Justice, Aug. 2, 1741. 1-131 " Anne, and G«orge Place, Jan. 28, 1747. 1-23 " Ruth, and Jacob Walling, June 20, 1702. 1-52 " Abigail, and Daniel Cooli, Jr., May 2.=i, 1769. 1-62 Ezekiel, of James, and Mary Wuldng, of John; m. by Jonath:in Harris, Jus- tice, Oct. 8, 1760. 1-79 " Mai-y, and Ebenezer Stiiples, S.^pt. 34, 1772. 1-207 " Ezekia, of Thompson, Ct., and Eunice Walling, of Glocester; m. by Richard Steere, JusUc^.-, April 3;J, 1806. 1-242 •• Eliza L., and Serel Cuok, Maieh 8, 1827. 1-9 BLANCHARD Sarah, and Joseph ChiUsoi', July 22, 1746. 1-24 " Josepli, of Sm.tulield. nn.l Mary lage, of Glocester; m. by Richard. Steere, Justice, March 30, 1749. 1-31 BLOYCE Abiga.l, and John Lngleiis, Sept. 30, 1649. 1-153 BOLSTER Ricliard, and Anne Tucker; ni. by David Comstock, Nov. 17, 1754. 1-189 BOOTH Rtbcekah. and Seth Ross, Oct. 24, 1797. 1-207 BORDEN Anuy, and Daniel Lr^ssinau, Jan, 29, 1795. 1-232 BARREL LoU, and David Ross, S pt. 3, 1757. 1-275 BOSS jMary s., a. d lunulas it. i.:ibbttt. recorded April 17, 18-19. 1-126 BOWDISH NathanlT. and Elizabeth King; m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, S.pt. 28, 1745. 1-43 " Rachel, and Gideon Eddy, AprU 4, 1769. 1.170 " Asa, of Diivil. and A;i,;a;i Davis, of Edward, dec; m. by Elder Stephen Place, Aug. 2 i, 1796. 1126 BOWEN .Saruli, and Edward Davis, Dec. 17, 1744. _^ 1-128 " Jabez. and Sarah Yiucei.t. ni. by Andrew i;rown. JnsUcc, June -, 1751. 10 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-46 BOWEN Martha, and Luke Phillips, Jlay 28, 1V81. 1-58 " Jonail.an. and Saiah Liies; ni. hy Caleb Arnold, JusUce, Dec. 20, 1783. 1-189 " Else, and Seth Ross. June 23, ITS."). 1-70 " Loes, and Asul Stone, Oct. 1, 1786. 1-20 " Zeruiali, and David Phittei'lace. Dec. IS, 1794. J-4.'> " Phebe, and Richard Conian, March 27, 1796^ 1-180 " Lllli s. and Thomas Phettei>lace. April 15, 1793. 1-174 " Abigail, and Oziel Stone, Jan. 27. 1799. 1-2U4 " Elea .1, and Martna Ballou : ni. by Elder WUliam Bowen, Nov. 11, 1802. 1.208 " Hannah, and Ebenezer Sprague, Aug. 27, 1804. 1218 " Maria Antonette, and Thomas SniUh. March 29. 1812. 1-232 " Julian, and Thomas Mathewson Mitchell, Aug. 20, 1820. 1-259 " Clovis H., of Dr. Joseph, and Sarah S. Congdon, of George N. ; m. by Elder Reuben Allen. April 30, 1840. 1-278 " aovis H., and Nancy W. Steere: m. by Kev. Roswell Whltmore, at KlUingly, Conn.. Aug. 1, 1S49. 1-229 BRADFORD Silvanus, and Fidelia Kinilpall. of Major Amherst; m. by Elder John M. Hunt, Jan. 3. 1819. 1-98 BRIGGS George, of Providence, son of Abel, late of Freetown, Mass., dec., and Mercy Smith, resident of Glocester. dau. of Solomon, of Mendon, M.n-ss. ; m. by John Smith, Justice. Nov. 16, 1794. 1 260 " Isaac, and Rhobe Owen, nnth of KiUlngly, Conn. ; m. by Elder Thoni.is C. Brown, July 2, 1840. 1-282 BROWNE George H., of Glocester, and Harriet N. Danforth. of Wllllams- town, Mass. ; m. at Pownall, Vt., by Herman Myers, Justice, Aug. 8, 1844. 1-6 BROWN S.irah, and N,athan Brown, Jan 29, 1735. 1-6 " Nathan, and &»rah Brown; m. by John Smith, Justice, Jan. 29, 1735. 1155 " Elizabeth, and Abr/aham Clark, Oct. 20, 1746. 1-9 " Freelove. .and Henry Hill, Nov. 30. 1740. 1-31 " Chart, and Zerviah Evflns ; m. by Richard SmiUi, Justice, June 12, 1749. 1-18 " Andrew, of C;li>c"Ster. and Rachel Smith, of Providence; in. by Elder Thomas Knowltan. Dec. 17, 1756. 1-25 " MaiT, and BenjamiTi Hcrcndeen, Feb 15, 175.S. 1-20 " Anne, and Stephen Herendecn, Sept. 18, 1760. 1-20 " Obedlah, Jr., and Hannah Steere; m. by Jonathan Hanis, JusUce, May 29, 1701. 1-20 " Sarah, and Enos Eddy, Aug. SO, 1701. 1-21 " David, and Mary Emerson; m. by Jonathan llarrLs, Justice, May 1, 1764. 1 1 1-21 " Hallalnjah. and Jonathan King, May 20, 1764. 1-22 " Abraham, and Zilplia Eddy; m. by Jonathan Harris, JusUce, Aprtl 19, 1705. 1-33 '• James, of Glocefter, son of llcnjamin, and Sarah Aldrich, of Douglass, Mass., dau. of Edward; m. by Jonathan Harris, Jus- tice, Dec. 5, 1768. 1-133 '• George, of Glocester, son of Binjaniin, and Abigail Aldrich, of Dougl.i-ss, Jlass., dau. of David ; ni. by Jonathan Harris, Jus- tice, July 9, 1770. j ' , , _ 1-85 " Alice, and Benjamin Herendecn. April 20, 1771. 1-105 " Rhode, and Jesse Molfett, April 16, 1775. 1-110 " Rody, and Thomas Sayles, June 11, 1775. 1-133 " George, of Glocester, and Rachel Dyke, of Killlngly, Conu. ; m. at Ki:iingly, by Rev. Nnadiah Russell, Dtc. 9, 1777. 1-111 " Martha, and ■ehristj.iphcr Sayl' .-. Dec. 6, 1778. 1-111 " Isreal, Jr.. son of Benjamin, of Glocester, and Elizabeth Chlllson, of rxbridge, dau. of Abner ; m. by Aaron Arnold, Justice, Jan. 13, 1779. 1-162 " Amos, of Daniel, and Levino Conistock, of Jeremiali ; m. by Aacon Arnold, Justice, March 10, 1780. 1-173 " Rhody, and Stephen Evans, Aug. 21, 1780. 11 GLOCESTER MARRIAGES. ^^^ 1157 BEOVW Esek. Jr., son of Elislia, and Mary Sayles, of Isreal; m. by Timothy Wilmarlh. Justice, Oct. 2(i, 1783. nm " EUsha, of Pomlret, Coi,n., sun of Uavid, and Rebecca Smith ^ (Widow), dau. of Solomon Lapl.am ; m. by Jonathan Harm. Justice, March 25, 1784. 1-103 " Joseph, and Rachel Inman, .Ian. 15, 1787. „,,,„„„ 1-134 " David, Jr., and Wizabeth Brown, of George; m. by Elder William Bowcn, June 10, 1790. 1 lot " Ellzaljetb, and David Brown, Jr., June 10, 1790. I-IW « Benjamin, of S.oninglou, Conn., and Alee Cunls. of G ocester, widow of Thomas; m. by Stephen Wlnsor, Justice, -May -8. 1792. 1-181 " AblgaU, and Olney Winsor, Sept. 22, 1799. 1-183 " Pero, of Scituat<% and Mary Lewis, of Glocester; m. by SamaeJ Wlnsor, Justice, April 27, IbOO. 1-194 " Asa, and LlUls Sweet, of James; m. by Richard Steere, JusUce. Jan. 31, IfaOl. 1-199 " Polly, and Daniel Ballon, Feb. 20, 1803. x,„„,^ 1-208 " Uriah, of Isreal. and Bcthsheba Wilc.,.^, of Jlrah; m. by Beeeleet Paine, Jan. 3, 1804. 1-202 " Rachel, and Wi.liam Rounds Slanfield, Jan. 29, 1804. 1-246 " Phebe, and William (irocne, 13th, 10m., 1808. 1-226 " Polly, and Arnold Owen, Nov. la, Ibln. 1-230 " Sarah, and WllUara W:Mlc,Jr., March 12, 1818. 1.232 " Kliza Ann, and Rufus SItere, Dec. 20, 1819. 1.073 " Rulh M., and Reuben L. Allen, June 27, 1848. 1-274, " Warren, of Westpoit. Me., and Phebe Hawkins, ot Glocester. m. by Elder Orin F. Otis, March 9, 1849. 1-21 BtTFFINTON Sarah, and Ichabod Eldredge, Nov. 15, 1763. 1-09 BUFFUM Benjamin, Jr., of SmWhfield, son of Benjamin and Phebe Bakw. of Glocester, dau. of John ; m. by Jonathan Harris. Justice, Deo. 17. 1773. 1-179 " Betsey, and John Eslen, Jr., Jan. 16, 1784. 1-143 " Abigail, and Scth Sumner, vMay 29, 1791. X-lOX " llannuh, and William Arnold, April :!, 1800. I-ICO BULLOCK Sarah, and N.iliianlel Greene, Nov. 1. 1793. 1-127 BUJWP George, and Mai-y Calluni ; m. by Andrew Brown, .lustice. Pel). 28, 1745. 1-78 BUNDY Mark, of Ebenezer, of Connecticut, and Silvey Mowry, of Thomas, of Glocesitor ; m. by Elder Edward Mitchell, at Smlthfleld, Dec. 30, 1784. 1-114 BDRCH Anne, and James Eddy, Oct. 11, 1748. 1-51 BURDEN Margaret, and John Benson. Sept. 19. 1773. 1-25G " Arodromiiui, and Chailes Smith, April 11, 1625. 1-128 BURDICK Dorcas, and Joshua Salisl.nry, July B, 1753. 1-9 BURGUESS Sus:innah. and David Phillips, AprU 19, 1741. 1-8 " Racial, and Miie Sly, Ji.ne 29, 1741. 1-7 " Sarah, and Abraham Alilrlch, Jan. 12, 1742-3. l-B " Liire, and Joshua Sly. Feb. 14, 1743-4. 1-245 " Mary 1'., and Solomon Inman, Jan. 1, 1830. l-lt>3 BUivLlNUAMK David, and Mehltable Bishop, ot Edward; m. by Elder iidwai-d Mitchell, Jan. 9, 1763. 1-106 " Asa, of David, and Kachel Cook, ot Silas; m. by Klder Joliu Wil- liams, Oct. 2i, 17dl. 1-103 " Nathan, ot Thomas, and Sarah Bartlett, of Richard; m. by Jolin SmiUi, Justice. May 13, 17b2. 1-142 " Stephen, and Abig.iil Whipple; m. by Kldor John Wlnsor, Oct. 14. 1784. 1-70 " Richard, of David, and Martha Mowry, of Gideon; m. by Elder Joseph Winsor, Dec. 9, 1784 (also 1-172). Another entry reads Dec. 10. 1784. 1-91 " Sarah, and Les-i Lapham, March 13, 1786. 1-123 " Jean, and Je«so Mowry, March 7, 1793. 1-20 " Nancy, and Wanton I'otler, April 5, 1604. 1-202 " Greta, and Barzilba -Sliipiiee, May 13, 1804. 12 VITAL OF RECORD RHODE ISLAND. 1-172 BURLINGAME Eichard, of David, and Mrs. Ehobey Hawkins ; m. by Samnd Wlnsor, Justice, Aug. 5, 1804. 1-211 " l.uclna, and Knock Stecre, ;j(l. April 3, 1806. 1-241 " Anne, and Daniel Tourtellotte, May 13, 1812. 1-222 " MahiWa, and Andrew Harris, March 19, 1815. 1-236 " Manila, and diaries Swan, June 19, 1822. 1-237 " Uetsey, and Joseiih Malhewson, Jr., July 20, 1823. 1-260 " Caroline K., and Alo\;inder IMdy, May 5, 1840. 1-263 " Jcnnel. and Albert Fisk, April 18, 1841. 1-277 " Thomas J., or Ksek, and Elizabeth Paine, of Stephen : m. by Elder M. \V. iJurllngamc. Sept. 16, 1849. 1-220 BUKTON Kayninnil, and Dcborali Siylcs: m. Cy l!Jn. by Jynadian liairts, Ju>tlce, Feb. 22, 1773. 1-59 " Deborah, and Stephen Baker, March 20, 1774. 1-91 " Lydia, and James n.)!nn_'S, April 12, 1778. 1-70 " Lydia, and Jolm Pl)illiiis, Aug. 10. 1782. 1-207 " Daniel, of Gloccster, and Amey Boiden, of Johnston, E. I.; m. by Elder William Bowen, Jan. 29, 1795. 1-75 " Amey, and Ezekiel Phetleplace, Apiil 12, 1795. 1-227 " Benjamin, and Deborah Phillips; m. by Nathaniel Wade, Justice, Feb. 20, 1811. 1-20 CEUFF Eleanor, and WUUam Fairfield, March 29, 1762. 1-134 " Samuel, of Grafton, Mass., and Penelope Inman, of Glocester, dan. of Elislia ; m. tiy Junatlian Harris, Justice, Oct. 25, 1778. 1-31 CUMMINGS Mchitable, and Joseph Jeperson, May 30, 1749. 1-10 " Eebeekali, and Ichabod Wliite, June 14, 1732. 1-224 CUNNINGHAM William, and Eh7.abeth Cook, of Michael ; m. by EUjah Armstrong, Justice^ May 30, 1810. 1-20 CURTIS Thomas, and Mercy Mowry ; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice (also 1-108) May 0, 17t>l. 1-21 " John, and Ebodii Macklntire; m. by Jonatlian Harris, Justice, Nov. 11, 1762. 1-21 " Hannah, and John Short, Jan. 15, 1763. 1-21 " Soraii, and John Short, Oct. 18, 1764. 1-37 " Patience, and Sti plien Gully, April 2, 1766. 1-159 " John, of Thomas, and Else Inman, of Elislia, Jr. ; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice. May 28, 1785. 1-69 " Daniel, and Lucinda Putnam; m. by Elder WiUiam Bowen, April 13, 1789. 1-159 " Alee, and Benjamin Brown, May 28, 1792. X-126 CUTLER Jonathan, and Abigail Cooke; m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, Dec. S, 1743. 1-33 « Sarah, and Isaiah Inman, Oct. 14, 1744. 1-10 CUTTING Zacliarinh, late of I'ennecooke, now of Glocester, and Lydia Mathewson (widow), of Glocester; m. by John Smith, Justice, Feb. 23, 1752. 1-285 DAGGETT Serel N., of Glocester, and Susan Logee, of BurrlUvUle, dan. ol EUsha ; m. by Elder Andrew Stone, Oct. 2, 1831. 1-7 DALY Jeremiah, of Glocester, and Mary White, late of Eehoboth, Mass. ; m. by John Smith, Justice, M.arch 3, 173li-7. 1-136 " Gideon, of Sinithlieli. now of Glocester, son of James, and Amey PhettepUice, of Phillip ; m. by Moses Cooper, Justice, April 30, 1772. 1-70 " Thankful, and Joseph Shippee, Jr., Oct. 16, 1776. 1-282 DANFORTH Harriet N., and George H. Browne, Aug. 8, 1844. 1-4 DAELING Elizabeth, and John Hunt, Oct. 15. 1732. 1-9 " Abigail, and Elisiia Inman, Jan. 16, 1745. 1-84 " David, of Ebenezer, and MeUa Veazey, of Eleazer; m. by Jona- than Harris, Justice. Oct 4, 1767. 1-46 " Mary, and Beth Hopkins. Nov. 22, 1772. 1-64 " Andrew, o[ Ebenezer, and Sarah Potter, of Abel; m. by Abraham Waterman, Justice, Nov. 7, 1773. 1-169 " ■ Lydia, and Al Mathewson, July 1, 1798. 1-183 " Joanna, and Peter Hawkins, Feb. 9, 1800. 1-124 " Lucinda, and Josepli BaUoa, Aug. 30, 1801. 1-169 " Lydia. and Charles Cnderwood. Dec. 8, 1808. 1-276 DAVISON George, and AUce Ann Wolfeiiden, both of Smlthfield ; m. by Elder M. W. Burhngme, July 29, 1849. 1-126 DAVIS Edward, and Sarah Bowen ; m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, Deo. 17, 1744. 16 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-12G DAVIS John, mid Mary Tliorute, of W.irwick; ui. by Elder Samuel Winsor, Feb. 18, 179S. 1-281 " Jl.iranda I... and David O. Hopkins, Feb. 25, 1S50. 1-206 DEAN Timothy, and Hannah Patfey : m. by Elder Williani Howen, April 6, 1306. 1-246 DENNIS Lydln. and William CJrecne. 3d. 7m-, 1822. 1-225 DEXTER Lydia, and Oliver Owen, Jan. 24, 1798. 1-51 DICKEEMAN Jeremiah, now of Glocester, son of ElX'nezer, of Easton, Mass., and Abiah Andrew, of Nathaniel, cf Glocester; m. by Abraham Waterman, Justice. Sept. 20, 1773. 1-286 DREW Abbie Ann, and William M. Chiice, July 3, 1853. 1-126 DUNKEN Anne, and George Keach, May 30, 1744. 1-125 DUEFEE James, of John, and Hannah Page, of Joseph; m. by Slas Wil- liams. Justice, April 23, 1780. 1-212 " Polly, and Zeno Andrews. Aug. 19, 1810. 1-220 " Mercy, and Joseph Andrew. Oct. 7, 1813. 1-259 " Angnslus, of Smithfiold. and Phebe Ann Smith, of Gideon; m. by Elder Reuben Allen, April 19, 1840. 1-133 DYKE Rachel, and George Drown, Dec. 9, 1777. 1-4 EDDY Jonathan, and Sarah Evans : m. by John Smith, Justice, June 6, 1732. 1-6 " Elish.'i. and Sarah Phetteplace; m. by John Smith, Justice, Dec. 2, 17.34. 1-7 " Anne, and Timothy Sweet, Sept. 10, 1736. 1-128 " Eliphnlet, and Phebe King; m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, Nov. 10, 1737. 1-15 '• Ann. and Thomas King. , 1739 ( ?). 1-126 " Alice, and John Inman, Oct. 14, 1745. 1-126 " Eliphalet and Tabitha Inman; m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, Oct. 14, 1745. 1-127 " Elizabeth, and Edward Evans, May 20, 1746. 1-114 " James, son of Salisbury, of Glocester, and Anne Burch, of Ston- nington. Ct. ; m. by Elder Wait Palmer, Oct. 11, 1748. 1-31 " Thomas, and Jeremiah Inman; ni. by Richard Smith, Justice, Dec. 22, 1749. 1-13T " Euth, and ( iziel Inman, June 3, 1750. 1-132 " Abigail, and Thomas Irons, Aug. 8, 1756. 1-132 " Deborah, and John Aldricli, Sept. 12, 17.56. 1-20 " Enos, anil Sarah Brown ; m. by Jonathan Harris Justice, Aug. 30, 1761. 1-22 " Zllpha, and Abraham Brown. April 19, 1765. 1-43 " Gideon, of Joseph, and Rachel Bowdish, of Nathaniel; m. by Jona- than Harris, Justice, AprU 4, 1769. 1-68 " Eliphalet, Jr., of EUphjilet, and Alee Aldrich, of Joseph ; m. by Caleb Arnold, Justice, Apill 9, 1769. 1-68 " Jacoli, of Josepli, and Susannah Sprague, of Joseph; m. by Jonathaa Harris, Justice, Oct. 28, 1770. 1-146 " Jonathan, Jr., and Lydia Randall, of Job, of Scitnate; m. by Elder Joseph Wlnsor, April 12, 1772. 1-157 " Hannah, and John Stone, Sept. 10, 1778 (also 1-617). 1-140 " Mary, and Simeon Smith, Oct. 22, 1780. 1-139 " Levlna, and Willard Joy, Jan. 24, 1791. 1-113 " Alice, and .Silas Smith, July 7, 1791. 1-177 " Betsey, and Mark Steere, Oct. 1, 1795. r,I,0<^ ESTER MARRIAGES. 17 1-196 EDDY Dr. I.pvi. nnd Prnsia Aliliirli. c.f Peter : m. liy Elder Samuel Winsor, Oct. IR. 1801. 1-211 " Riehard, of Jonathan, .and Hope Toiirt^-lhite, of William ; m. by El- der Samuel Winsor, July 20, I.SOT. 3-239 " Amos, son of Thora.is, dec, late of Johnston. R. I., and Cloe Keech, of Zephaninh, of Glocester: m. liy Elder Stephen Place, Sept. 10, 1824. 1-260 " Alexander, and Caroline E. Burlinganic : m. Iiy Rev. Charles P. Grosvenor. May n. IS40. 1-261 " Cyrus T., of Scituate. and Cynthia Paine, of Foster : m. by Elder Thoni.as C. Brown, July 2, 1840. 1-260 " Abble Ann, and John Tluiinns Fisk, April 4, 1843. 1-271 •' Lyman, of Glocester, and Naomi Evans, of Smlthfleld : m. by Elder George Tyler, Mai-ch 2(5, 1846. 1-13.^ EDMUNDS MoMtable, and Isreal Hill. Oct. 30, 1774. 1-20 EDWARDS Samuel, and Judeth Parlter : m. by Jonathan Hants. Justice, July 3, 1701. 1-21 ELDREDGE Icliabod, and Sarah Buffliiton : ni. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Nov. 1.5, 1763. 1-185 " Caleb, and Mrs. Freelove Howland; m. by Elder William Bowen, Sept. 30, 1790. 1-344 " Dacy. and MowiT Paine. Dec. 27, 1S29. 1-16 ELEXS FaJtlifuI, and Daniel Howard, Nov. 28, 1754. 1-67 ELLIOT James, of .Sutton, Mass., son of Jonathan, and Esther Buxton, of Benjamin, of Smithfield; m. by Isreal Arnold, Justice, May 9, 1771. 1-21 EMERSON Mary, and Da^ld Brown, May 1, 1764. 1-30 ESTEN Henry, and Mary Kins; m. by Richard Smith. Justice, Nov. 13. 1748. 1-31 " John, and Lydla Colwcll : m. liy Richard Smith, Justice, Aug. 24, 1749. 1-10 " Jemima, and Benjaniin Paine, ApiU 30, 1751. 1-85 " Joanna, and Elisha Inman, Jr., Sept. 9, 1773. 1-115 " Joseph, of John, and Saraii Prior, of Nathan; m. by Jonathan Har- ris. Justice, Nov. 16. 1775. 1-179 " John, Jr., son of John, of Glocester, and Betsey Buffum, of Benja- min, of Smithlield ; m. at Smithtiel, 1732. 1-127 " Edwaixl, and Elizabeth Eddy: ni. liy Andi'cw Brown, .Tustice, May 20, 1740. 1-31 " Zcrviali, and Cliad Bmwu, June 12. 1749. 1-33 " Esther, and Stephen Cooper, Nov. 8, 1772. 1-94 " Lucretia, and FJialdm Phetteplace, Oct. 8, 1775. » 1-110 " Daniel, of Edward, and Khodii Phetteplace, of Samuel ; m. by Jonathan HaiTis, Justice, Dec. 31, 1775. 1-173 " Stephen, of Edw:u-d, and lihody Brown, of Obadiali ; m. by Jona- than Harris, Aug. 21, 1780. 1-130 " Salviiui, and Samuel lI»rton, Dee. 8, 1784. 1-226 " Anan. and Mai? Young: m. by Elder Samuel Winsor, Jan. 6, 1806. 1-235 " Duly, and Jtuth Owen; m. by John M. Hunt, Feb. 18, 1821. 1-234 " Cellnda, and Olney Barnes, March 3, 1822. 1-283 " Kol>ccc:i 1'., and EUsha M. Aldrich, Oct. 17, 1F31. (Vlt. Rec., Vol. 3.) 2 18 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-249 EVAXS TUomas U., ol Glocester, and Emily Farr, of Smitiifleld; m. at Thompson, Coun., by George H. Jliddlctoii, Justice, Apiil 34, 1834. 1-S71 •• >'ao'iii, ;in;tiee, May 29, 1842. 1-377 FULLER Mauley J., of SmUhtteld, and Sarah J. Colwell. of John, of Glo- ceslcr; m. by Elder M. W. IJurlingame, Kept. 4, 1849. G 1-62 trAKDNEU Sai-:ili. and John Heicndoen, Jan. 18, 1755. 1-200 GLEASON Nathan, ot 1 hompson, Conn., and Ruth Cooper, of Glocester; m. by Elder Stephen Place. May 11, IsOG. 1-222 GOLDSMITH Amos M.. and Nancy PollocK; m. by Elder Thomas Spooner, Aprtl 30, 1810. 1-19B GULDTHWAITE Hannah, and Ephralm Thayer. AprU 7, 1801. 1-28 GOLD Phebe, and 8iraon Carpenter. July 3, 1751. 1-253 GOULD Edward, ot Joseph, and Emeline Harris, of George, both ot Cum- berland : m. by Elder David Cortis, April 1, 1839. 1-117 GRjVNT Thomas, late or Irelancl. noTT of Glocester, and Kezlah Keech, of Wiinain, ot Glocester; m. by John Smith, Justice, Nov. 24, 1784. 1-248 GRA\ 1<;S :Mary. and Jes.se Tourtellotte, Oct. 31, 1832. 1-31 GREENE Sanmel. and Jane White; m. by Richard Smith, Justice, June 20, 1749. 1-79 " Sarali, and Keujamui Arnold, Nov. 14, 1773. l-lif* " Edwai'd, of Ellsha, dec., and Prudence Davis, or lidward; m. by Elder Elisha Greene. June 8, 1777. 1-27 " Mary, and CjTiis Cook, July 29, 1792. 1-160 " Nathaniel, ot Peter, of Glocester, and S:irah BulloT^lj, of Daniel, ol Rehobolh, Mass. ; m. by Elder Stephen Place, Nov. 1, 1792. 1-193 " Bradley, of Thompson, Conn., son of John, and Es»ther Ballon, ot Joseph, or Glocester; d. wy Jesse Armstrong, Justice, June 23 1799. 1-246 •• William, of Samuel and MeMtable, of Johnston, both dec., and Phehe Brown, of Gideon, of Johnston, aJso dec. ; m. 13th lOm 1808. GLOCESTEE MAKKIAGES. 19^ 1-246 GREENE William, of Samuel, and Mehltable, of Johnstfln, botli ttec., and Lydla Dennis, of Joseph and Sarali, ol Pomtret, Uonn. ; m. 3(1. 7m., 1822. 1-245 " Eulli, and Isjiac UaiiduU, Aug. 30, 1831. 1-280,6 " Ann E., and Willl.im \V. Hmvkins, Dec. 9, 1849. 1-285 " Eliza, and Ziba Olney Slocunj. Sept. 6, 1862. 1-387 " Tliomas M., and Mary J. Irons; m. by Rev. Mowry Phillips, July 24, 1864. 1-9 GREY William, and Lydl;.i Robeson, both of Douglass, Mass. ; m. by John Smith, Justice. March 18, 1746 7. 1-265 GROSS Mary, and Orin \';jllett, Oct. 2, 1642. 1-267 " William, of Glocester, and Lydia Ann Leach, of Scituate; m. by Elder Charles Wade, Jan. 1, 1843. 1-37 GULLV Stephen, of Smithfleld, and Patieucc Curtis, of Glocester; m. X>y Kulus Smith, Justice, Ajiril 2, 1766. H 1-123 HAMMON Gideon, of Ames, of Foster, a,ud Sarah Chace, of l-evl, of Gloces- ter: m. by Elder Stephen Place, .Ian. 29, 1703. 1-24 HANDY Job, and Mary Laiiphere; m. liy Richard Steere, Justice, April 14, 1762. 1-46 ILVRNON .-Vnner, and William Herondeen, April (i, 174-4. 1-270 HARRINGTON Russell, , and Risimh Albro; m. by Klder George Tyler, Jan. 13, 1846. 1-4 HARRIS Thomas, and Abigail Smith ; m. by Jnliii Snath. Justice, June 4, 1732. 1-37 " Elisha, and Mary Tourtcllotte ; in. by Riifus Sniitli, Justice, April 28, 1766. 1-91 " Anne, and Yoktan Putnam, April 7, 1770. 1-94 " Ebenezer, of Jonatljan, and Mary Wriglit, of Samuel ; m. by Aaron jVruold, Justice, July 15, 1779. 1-04 " Stephen, of Joseph, and Carlolte IJallou, of Eleazer: m, by Jonri- tlian Harris, Justice, Aug. 2. " Levi, of Jethi-o, and .Sarah Burilngame, oi Capt. Jonathan Harris, Justice, March 13, 1786. " Jesse, and Abigail Sprague; m. by Elder WiUiajn Bowen, Oct. 8, 1786. LATHAM George W., and Maria Colwell, of John ; m. by Elder M. W. Bur- lingame, Sept. 2, 1849. LEACH Anne, and Caleb Steere, Oct. 29, 1772. " Anne, and Jereintali Jenne, Aug. 18, 1803. " Lydia Ann, and William Gross, Jan. 1, 1843. LEE George, of Rlcluuxl, and Mary Harris, of Amaziai; m. by Bezdeel Paine, Justice, Jan. 27, 1805. " Steplien. ot (Je.irge. and Emily B. Ross, of Samuel, all of Bnrrill- ville ; m. liy Elder Augustus Durfee, Nov. 28, 1843. LEONARD Keturali, and William Bishop, Jan. 13, 1778. LEWIS Mary, and Stcpheja Taft, March 27. 1733-4. " Peter, of Jokn, and Marcy Albee, of Klea/.er; m. liy Jonathan Har- ris, Justice, June 15, 1769. " Peter, and Molly Olney ; m. by Elder Edward Mitchell, Sept. 23, 1776. " Richard, and LydIa Bishop : m. by Elder 17, 1790. " Mary, and Pei-o Bnjwn. April 27, 1800. LIMES Sarah, and Jonathan Bowen, Dec. 20, 1783. liOCKWOOD Ehoda, and Russell Hereudeen, March 19, 1824. LOGEE Lydia, and Henry Pollock, Nov. 19, 1805. " Cynis, and Hannah Fairfield ; 5, 1797. " Susan, and Seril W. Daggett, LrTHEE Consider, and Deliverance Justice. Aug. 4, 17ril. " Abla, ;uid Martha Smi(I\ : m Oct. 29, 1758. " Katherine, and Asa Davis, May 31, 1795. Seth, and Mary Hunan, of ObadiaJi ; m. by Natihanlel Wade, Justice, Aug. 14, 3 805. " Asia, aud Samuel Phillips, Jr., Jlarch 30, 1836. WUliiim Bowen, Oct. m. by Elder Wlllllain Bowen, Doc Oct. 2, 1831. Herendeen ; m. by Richard Smith, by Sila-s Williams, Justice, Oct. 29, M 17 1-21 1-22 1-137 1-119 1-186 MACKINTIRE Meliipailx'th, and Samuel Inman. Dec. 24, 1737. " Rhoda, and John Curtis, Nov. 11, 1762. " Rufus. and Phelw Mitchell : m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Nov. 22, 1764. " Preelove, and Robert Trasli, April 3, 1766. MACNAMATiROW, and Mark I'etors, Jan. 18, 1799. JLANTON Elisha, son of Col. Daniel, of Johnston, and Joanna AngeU, of Sniithfield, dauglxtcr of Elder EzeMcl : m. by Elder Samuel Wia- sor, at Smithfield, May 8, 1791. 26 VITAL EECORn OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-5 MA.N Daniel, of Glorcster, and Jeruslia Mowiy, late of SmltMeld: m. t)y John Smith, Justice, Jan. 11, 17R:2-3. 1-85 " Ehorta, and Isreal Herendrcn. March 6. 1772. 1-89 " Catharine, and James Sweet, Ji-.. Aug. 15, 1773. 1-156 " Arnold, of Douglass, Mass., and Frcelove Stone, of Gloe«ster : in. by Elder \Vii:iam Bowen, ,lune 3. 1785. 1-175 " :M:iry A., and Leljans irons, Jan. 21, 1708, 1-63 " Asahil, of Alit-l, and Cyntliia Kelly, of Ezeliiel : ni, hj .Tames Olney, ' Justice, Sept. 2. Iir04. 1-61 " Benoni, of I.sre.al, of Norwirli, N. Y.. and Cyrena Keeeh, of Stephen, of Glocester: m. by Elder Samuel Wlnsor, Feb, 27, 1803. 1-150 MAKTIN n.ai'hel, and Smith Thayer, Mareh 2S, 1793. 1-161 " Lydia, and Benjamin Phetteplaee, July 4, 1793. 1-69 MASON ReulK-n, of Swansey, Slass., now of rHooestcr, and Dorcas Olney, of :via,ior Joseph ; m. by Jonathan Harris, Jusliee, July 4, 1773. 1-5 MATHEWSON Mary, and Jloses Cooper, Dee. 10, 1732, 1-129 " Winchester, and Mercy Ilerendeen ; m. by Richard Steere, Justice, April 18, 1742. 1-129 " Daniel, and Charity Inman. Iiotli of SmitMeld : m. by Richard i5teepe, Justice. Sept, 23, 1742. 1-130 " Daniel and Lydia Mounteigee: m. by Richard Stecre, Justice, July 12, 1747. 1-31 " Wait, and James Cowen, M.arch 2, 1749, 1-10 " Lydia, and Zachariah rutling, Feb. 23, 1752. 1-23 __ " Susannah, and Isaac Phillips, Aug, 29, 1761. 1-21 " Thanlifnl. and Joseph Pnillips. July 11, 17G3, 1-56 " Susanna, and Jloses Cooper, Jfarch 20, 1764, 1-21 " Patience, and Moses \\1u[)ple. Sept, 30, 1764, 1-40 " Hannah, and Thomas Shippee, Sept. 3, 1770. 1-40 " Daniel, of Glocester, son of Daniel, and Abigail Shippee, of Joseph : m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Sept. 3, 1770. 1-48 " Lydia, and Arnold Smith., Jan. 1, 1773. 1-92 " Ai, of Peregrine, and Amey Shippee, of Joseph ; m, by Jonath.an H.ir- ris, Justice, March 12, 1775. 1-158 " Amey, and Caleb Smith, Feb. 3, 1791. 1-256 " Phebe, and Lindon Smith, April 10, 1796. / 1-169 " ^U, and Lydia Darling: m. by Elder William Bowen, July 1, 1793. 1-206 " Joseph, and Zuba Phillips, of Andi-ew ; m. by Bezeleel Paine, June 3, 1804. 1-237 " Joseph, Jr.. of Smithfield, and Betsey Burlingame, of Glocester; m, by Elder Joseph Whit*-, July 20, 1823. 1-107 MAY Elizaljeth, and Richard Mowry, Sept. 18, 1785. 1-280 M'BRIDE Foxcina, and Isaac J. 1!. Taft, Nov. 25, 1849. 1-235 MEDBURY Joseph C, and Mahala Field: m, by Elder Joseph Wlute, April 21, 1822. 1-279 " Amey A„ and Delos T, Field, Oct. 9, 1849. 1-129 MITCHELL Mary, and John Blaelvinor, Aug. 2, 1741. 1-126 " Hazav KliU-r \Villi;uii^ Bowen Dei- 9, n'J2. 1-232 " Tliomas Mathewson, of Tl.omiis, ;uia .Tiilian Huwcu, uf Dr. Joseph; ra. by EWer John W estcott, Aug. 20, 1820. 1-255 " JuUa Ann, ami I'aidon MUclii.ll. June 12, 18o7. 1-255 " Pardon, and Julia Ann Mitehull : m. at Sraithlk-ld l.y Elder Keubou Allen, June 12, 1837. 1-278 " Minerva S., and Lamed O. B;ikcr, Sept. 26, 1849. 1-105 MOFFETT Jesse, oj KiUingly, Conn., and Rhode Brown, of Jeremiah, dec.. of SiuitliBeld ; ni. by Abraham Waterman, Justice, April Hi, 1775. 1-7-4 " Anna, and Levi linker. Jan. 3, 1788. 1-44 MOUSE Mary, and John Japerson. Nov. 5, 1787. 1-130 MOUNTEEGEE Lydhi, and Daniel Mathe-ftson, July 12, 1747. 1-4 MOWRY Wate, fljid Isreal Arnold, Mareli 18, 1730-1. 1-5 " Jerushy, and Daniel M.mii, Jan. 11, 1732-3. 1-5 " Hannah, and Henry Mowry, June 4, 1733-4. 1-5 " Henry, and Hannah Mo-ivry ; m. by John Smith, Justice, Jan. 4 1733-4. 1-6 " Joseph, Jr., and Margery Mowry, both of Smithfield; m. by John Smith, Justuee. April 29, 1730. , 1-6 " Margery, and Joseph Mowry, Jr., April 29, 173ii. 1-9 " MarUia, and David rhiilips, Jr., Sept. 8, 1751. 1-23 " Huldah, and Joseph Page, Jr., Feb. 8, 1758. 1-20-108 •' Mercy, and Thomas Curtis, May (J, 1701. 1-104 " Mary, and Joseph Bassett, Nov. 25, 1768. 1-116 " Daniel, 3d, reputed son of Daniel, 2d, of Smithfield, and JoanoA Smith, of Ellas, of Glocest«r ; m. by Jonatlvm Hanis, Justice, June 9, 1771. 1-128 " Amey, and Samuel Clark, Feb. 14, 1773. 1-70,172 " Martha, and Richard Burllngame, Dec. 9, 1784. 1-70,172 " Martha, and Richard BurJingame, Doe. 16, 1784. 1-78 '■ Silvey, and Mark Dundy, Dec. .30, 1784. 1-107 '■ Richard, of Phillip, of Smithfield, and EUzabeth May, of Samuel, of Gloeester; m. by John Smith, Justice, Sept. 18, 1785. 1-lCO •• Marthfi, and WilUam Btllo-ws, Jpn. 20, 1793. 1-123 " Jesse, and Jean Burliiipame; m. by El(ftr William Bowen, March 7, 1793. 1-162 " Lydfia, and WiUiam Ross, Feb. 23, 1794. 1-168 " Dorcas, and Le-sfls Place, July 20, 1790. 1-201 " Luclna, and Artemus Smith, Jan. 19, 1800. 1-199 " tJrania, and W;inty John Smith, Jusliec, Apiil 22, 1736. 28 VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-69 OLNEY Dorcas, ami Keulioii Mason, .Tuly 4, 177:i. 1-46 " iloUy, ami Peter Lewis, Sept. 23, 177t;. 1-147 •• .Tames, and Mercy Suiitli ; m. by Elder William Bowen, July 3, 17>.»1. 1-247 " George, of Zeba. and Waitey M. Smith, of Howry, dec.; m. by Rev. M. W. Burllnesime, Oct. 21, 1832. 1-250 ■■ Lyilla S., and CTiarlef A. Slocum, Dec. 1, 1833. 1-129 ORR Hope, and Jolm WaUlng, July 19, 1734. 1-215 •■ TlKimas, and Abigail ; m. by Elder .Idsepli Winsor, Dec. 17, 1783. 1-164 '■ William, and Martha BiUlou : m. by Elder William Bowen, Feb. 3, 1793. 1-225 OWEN Oliver, and Lydla De-^^ter ; m. by Stephen Gano, Jan. 24, 1798. 1-226 " Arnold, of Thomas, and Polly Brown, of Esek ; m. by Elder John Westeott, Nov. 18, 1816. 1-235 •• KuUi, and Duty Evans, Feb. IS, ls2i. 1-260 •• Rhobe, And Isaac Briggs, July 2, 3840. 1-262 " Fidelia G., and Francis E. Chace, J;m. 4. 1841. 1-264 " Charlotte B., and Andrew F. Harris. April 21, 1S42. 1-24 PAGE JIary, and Joseph Blanchai-d. March 30. 1749. 1-28 " Sarah, and Marnriah Kellcy, June 14, 1731. 1-23 " Joseph, Jr., and Huldah Mowry : m. by Benjamin Smith, Justice, Feb. 8, 1758. 1-116 '■ Alice, and Aaron Plullips. Jan. IS. 1779. 1-125 " Hannah, and James Durtee, April 23, 1780. 1-227 " Axa, and Benjamin Smifii, Jr., Jan. 12, 1818. 1-257 " jVana E., and James B. Arnold. Jan. 5, 1840. 1-128 PAINE Stephen, and Martha Smitli ; m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, Dec. 29, 1737. 1-128 " Stephen,* Jr., and Sarah Thornton; m. by Andiew Brown, Justice, July 13, 1739. 1-127 " Dongas, and Stephen Keecli, Feb. 9, 1746. 1-10 " Benjamin, ol Smitlilield, and Jemima Esten, of Glocester; m. by John Smith. Justice, April 30, 1751. 1-83 '• Simeon, of Natlian, and .Molly Xalt, of Lxbrtdge, . 1-205 '■ Sarah, and David Kicha^on, Jr.. Feb. 14, 1802. l.iiOl " waniou, and Nancy Burlingame, ol Kzekiei; m. by liezeleel I'aln, Justice. Apinl 5, 160-lj 1-210 " llary, and Jeremiah Keech, Sept. 20, 1807. 1-220 " lydla. and W'diiam HUics, March 27, lbl4. 1-243 I'K-W i'hebe, and Elijah Armstrong, May 25, T82S. 1-8 I-KINCE Job, resident ol clocesu-r, and Sarah Malloy, resident ol Uxbridge; ni. by Jolui Sniilli. Justice, March 8, 1743-4. 1-115 PRIOK Sai^ah, and Joseph Esten, Nov. 10, 1775. 1-yi PUINAM Yaklan, of Lxbridgc, son ol Ellslia, and Amie Harris, o£ John, of Ulocester; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Api-U 7, 1770. 1-69 " Lucinda. and Daniel Curtis. April 12, 17s9. Q R 1-140 KAKDALL lydia, and .lonalhau Eddy, Jr., April 12, 1772. 1-245 " Tsiiac, ol Johuslon. son ol Hev.ekiah, and Kiith tireene, ol Ulocester, dau. of William; m. by Elder M. W. Eurlingame, Aug. 30, 1831. 1-85 KAVMOND Susanna, and Thomas Heiendccn, March 18. 1771. 1-47 " Amev, and Nathaniel Kayniond, Sept. 21, 1773. 1-47 " Nathaniel, son ot Ezeklel, of Plymouth, Jlass., and Amey K.aymona, dau. or WiUiani, of (Jioccsler; m. by Jonatlian Hai-ris, Justice, Sept. 21. 1773. 1-87 " Martha, and llesolved Phetteplace, .March 2, 1774. 1-127 KEAU Alice, and John Calliim, June 6, 174'J. 1-92 " WUliiim, of Smilhaeld, and Abigail Inman ; ni. by .lonathaii ILarris, Justice, May 2, 1770. 1-205 KiCHASUN D.avld, Jr., and Sjirah Potter; tn. by Elder William Howen, Eeb. 14, 1802. 1-4 KiCHAKDSON Isaac, of Sraithlield. and Sarai Aldrich, of Ushridge ; m. at Glocester by Jolm Smith, Justice, July 17, 1732. 1-28 " Deborah, and WiUiam Koss, Dec. 10, 1750. l-as " Joseph, and Susannah Smith; m. by Kichard Smith. Justice, June 11, 1751. l-'j'j " Susannah, and Jo.scpli Thayer, Dec. 26, 1765. 1-45 " Anne, and Noah Arnold. Jr., Jilly 21, 1768. 1-128 KOADS Peleg, and Susannah HopUns; m. by Andrew Drown, Justice, Nov. 25, 1750. 1-S8 KOHEBXS Abraham, and Maiy ^ ; m. by Kichard Smith, Justice, Jan. 7, 1751. 1-9 KOHESON lydla, and William C4rey, March 18, 1746-7. 1-38 KOSS Samuel, and Martha Thornton; m. l>y Kichard Smith, Justice, Jan. 5, 1750. , . „ 1-28 " WlUiam, and Deborah RIchai-dson ; m. by Kichard Smith, Justice, Dec. 10, 1750. 1-H2-87 " Isaac, and Kacbel Hereudcen; m. by Benjamin Smith, Jusnce, tiept 16, 1754. l-aaa " David, jr., and Lois Barrel; m. by Deniamin Smith, Justice, Sept. 3, 1757. 1-23 " Elizabeth, and Thomas Thornton, Sept. 9, 1759. 32 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-33 ROSS Stephen, ot Gloceslor, son ot Samuel, and Hannah Jeperson, of Doug- lass, Mass., ,eluel Sayles, Jr., Nov. 7, 1779. 1-116 " Philadelphia, and Sil.as .Shippee, June 2, 1782. 1-146 " Kathnrine. and Da\id Colwoll, Deo. 11, 1783. 1-173 " Penelope, and .Setli Phetteplace, Feb. 11, 1785. 1-189 " Seth, ot \Villi,am, and F.l.se Bowen, of Kldt-r William: m. by Aaron Arnold, Justice, June 23, 1785. 1-162 '• William, .son ot William, of Glocester, and Lydia Howry, of Eleazer, of SmiUilield; m. by John Sayles, Jr., Justice, Feb. 23, 1794. 1-189 " Seth, and Kebe<-cah Booth ; m. by Elder William Bowen, Oct. 24, 1797. 1-75 " Lydl^a, and Anthony Spragnie, Jan. 1. 1§02. 1-268 " Emily B., and Stephen Lee, Nov. i.^!, Is43. 1-20 RUSSELL DaNid. and Sarah Andrew: in. hy Jnnatlian Hiirris, Justice, March 11, 1702. s 1-128 SALISBURY Jo.shua, aud Dorcas Burdlck : m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, July 8, 1732. 1-153 " Nichohis, of Gloucester, and Rowena Wheelock, of Uxbrtdge; m. by Elder William Bowen, March 15, 17S7. 1-84 " Dartd, and Mary Williams, widow of John : m. by John Simlth, Jus- tice, 12", 1795. 1-214 " Ada, and Hezeklah Smith. Aug. 5, 1810. 1-273 " Sarah C. and Albert B. Copeland, July 4, 1848. 1-379 " Da\-id S., or Providence, son of Martin, of BuiTillvlIle, and Maria Sherman, ot George, of HurrilMUe : m. by Kev. M. \V. JBur- llngame, Oct. 20, 1849. '1-68 vSANDERS Jeremiah, of Robert, and Anne Ballon, "f Daniel : m. by Aiiraliam Waterman, Justice, >Iay 20, 1773. 1-114 " Sarah, and Ephraim Pearce, April 23, 1784. 1-158 " Phebe, and Jonathaji Kiiapp. Sept. 19, 1794. 1-263 " Nancy, and John J. King, Nov. 15, 1841. 1-2G8 " Robert, ot Silas, and Freelove Sweet, of Timothy ; m. by Elder Reu- ben Alien, Dec. '1, 1842. 1-129 SAYLES Capt. Richard 01 Smithtleld, and .Susanna Inman, ot Glocester; m. by Richard Stcere, Justice. Jan. 10, 1741-2. 1-62 " Da\-id, and Lydla Inman: m. by Beniamin Smith. Ju.stlec, Dec. 9, 1733. 1-65 " Sarah, and Asa Ross. March 26, 1775. 1^110 " Thomas, of Smithflelrt. son of John, and Rody Brown, of Ho sauna ; m. by Elder Edward Mitchell, June 11. 1775. 1-94 " Jeremiah, of North fro\-idencc, son of Thomas, and Anne Steere, of Glocester, son of Jonah : m. hy Jon.athan Harris, .I\istlce, July 2, 1775. 1-131 " John, of Ezeklel, and D liverencc Hcrendecn, dau. of John, of Douglass, Mass.; m. by Jonathan H.arris, Justice, Dec. 1. 1776. 1-111 " Christopher, of Capt. Isreal. and Martha Brown, of Benjamin; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Dee. 6, 1778. 1-157 « Mary, and Esek Brown, Jr., Oct. 2fi, 1783. 1-14D " EzeWel, Jr., son of Ezekiel. and Martha Ross, of Joseph : m. by Jonathan H.arris, Justice, Nov. 7, 1779. 1-143 " Arnold, and Lillas Irons; m. by Elder William Bowen, Feb. 27 1795. 1-166 " Hannah, and Elisha Irons, March 0, 1796. 1-220 " Deborah, and Raymond urton. May .1, 1814. 1-35 SESSIONS Mary, and Ellas Smith, pub. Oct. 17. 1745; m. Oct. 30, 1745. GLOCESTEE MARRIAGES. 33 1-31 SHELDOX N;inianiel, and Abigail Tucker : m. by Kicliai'd .Siiiilli. Justice Aug. 4, 1749. l-li27 " Jlai-tlm, and Tbomas Vincent. April 1. 1750. 1-03 " Jonathan, of Glocester, son ot Natlianicl. of Charlestowii, Number* and jMary Berry, dau. o£ Kobert, of Smitbiield : m. by Elder Edward IVIitcbell. Dec. 1, 1777. 1-110 " Stephen, and I>ucretia Inmau : ni. by Elder William Bowen, .Ian 18, 1784. 1-183 " Lydia, and Robert CoIwelJ, Jan. 6. 1793. 1-233 " Nathaniel, of Jonathan, and Hannah Young, of Diiniel; m. by Ed- ward T. Waldron, Justice, April 4, 1821. 1-2'J2 " Joseph, and Nancy Youns: ra. by Abi'am Baker, Justice, Jan. 21, 1838. 1-137 SHEPAKB Ruth, .ind Ezra Thornton, May 23. 1749. 1-45 SHERMAN Daniel, of Elianah. and Riitli Howard, of Daniel: m. by Jona- than Harris, Justice, April 12, 1772. 1-111 " Azel, and Ro.xanna Ballou : m. by Elder William Bowen. Aus. 24, 1788. 1-251 " Waterman, of Glocester, and Hannah Taft, of HurrillN-ille ; m. by- Elder Reuben Allen, Oct. M), 1834. 1-279 " Maria, and D.ayid S. Salisbury, <5ct. 20, 1649. 1-7 SHII'PEE Cliristophei-, of Smlthlicld, and TubiUiu Hix. of Glocester: m. by John Smith. Justice, Nov. 21. 1741. 1-40 " Abigail, and Daniel Matliewson. Sept. 3, 1770. 1-40 " Thomas, of Joseph, and Hannah Matiiewson, of Winchester ; m. by Jonathan Harris, Juslice, Sept. 3, 1770. 1-69 " Freelove, and Samuel Ross, Jr., Jan. 5, 1772. 1-13G " Christopher, Jv., son of ("hristophcr, and Hannah Horendeen, of Aaron, of Douglass, Mass. : ni. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, April 21, 1772. 1-136 " Solonum, of Siituale, son of John, and Ruth Phillips, of Joseph ; m. liy Caleb A]'r;old, Justice. Apiil 26, 1772. 1-69 " Sarah, and Daniel Mitchell, Nov. 12, 1772. 1-64 " Rebecca, and Thoma.s Baker, Oct. 10, 1774. 1-03 " Amey. and Ai Mathcw.son, March 12, 1775. 1-70 " Joseph, Jr., and Thankful Daly: )u. by Tiinotby WVlmarsh, Jus- tice, Get. 1(>, 177G. 1-153 " John, of rianuiel, of Suiithfield, ami Meriba Herendeen, of Re- ncwel. 1-3G " Enock, and Alice Plaec : ni. by sila- WUIiams. Justice, April 14, 17(52. 1-90 " Caleb, of Gloi-ester, and Anne Leach, of Slephen, of Scltuate ; m. by Jeremiah Angill, Justice, Oi t. -», 177-2. 1-132 '• Job. ^on ol .Icinah. nf Uloeesler. and De.-,irc Smith, ol Abraiiam, of SmithUeld ; m. by Elder JuUn Wiiisor at Smltlrflcld, Dec. 17, 1772. 1-79 " Thanlcl'ul, and Tiniolhy WUniarth. Jr., Nov. 28, 1773. 1-91 " Samuel, Jr., son of Jonah, and JIary Smith, of Scituate, dau. of Thomas; m. by Silas Williams, Justice, Jan. 1, 177o. 1-94 " Amie, and Jerennali Sayles, July 2, 177i3. l-lo(i '• DiTisilla, and James Smith, Dec. 3, 177). 1-112 " Ruth, and lieiijaiuiu Henry, June 30, 17.->2. 1-113 '• WUliam. of .Stephen, aiul Esther Smith, of Simeon : m. by Elder J^iseph AMnsor, Jan. 8, 178ti. 1-99 " Jean, and Eleazer Bellows, Deo. 2, 17o7. 1-148 " r.ichjird, Jr., of -Siephen.of CUocoaler, and Lydia Arnold, of Smith- field, son of Dr. William ; m. liy John Smith, Justice, Nov. 24, 1791. 1-J77 " IMark, of Stephen, and Deisey l-'ddy, of Jonatlian ; m. by Eider .Stephen Place, Oel. 1, 1795. 1-187 " EuUi, and Jesse Tourtellotc, April 2, 1797. 1-150 " Joseph, Jr., of Euock. and l.iUios Wilianson ; m. by Ulchai-d Stccre, Justice, Dec. 31, 1707. 1-211 " Enock, 3d, and Lucina Pmlingamo, of Esek; ni. by Nathaniel Wade, Justice, April 3, 1800. 1-222 " Asel, and Sally Kimball ; m. by Elder Thomas Spooner, Oct. lij, 1814. 1-230 " Sercl, of Jesse, and K.sHier Wheeler, of p. P. O. ; m. by Edmund T. Waldrou, Jusiice. Nov. 24, 1819. 1-232 " Eiilus, sou of Col. Robert, and Eliza Ann Brown, of Col. Thomas; in. by Elder John Westootc, Dec. 20, 1819. 1-234 " Pliebe, and James Irons, Jiarch 31, 1822. ■238 " Khoda, and steplien C.joi)er, Sept. 12, 1S24. -238 " William T., and Hiill:ili Irons ; m. by Elder Joseph \\Tille Dec. 2, 1824. -:-261 " Smilh, of Glocesler, son of Samuel, and S;irah Ann Aldrlch, of Kll- lingly. Conn., dau. of Jonathan ; m. by George Smith, Justice Oct. 16, 1831. 1-250 " Charles H., of Smliliflcld, aud llehitable Ann Tourlellotte, of Glo- ccs-ter; m. b.\ Elder Keulieu Allen, Jan. 1, 1832. :-248 " Fidelia, and Arnold II. Tonrtellolte, Jan. 5, 1833. 1-254 " Phebc, and Marvin Plumiiier, June 2, 1839. 1-262 " Joseph C, son of Sau.uel, of Glocester. and AdeUne F. Plummcr of Smithli-ld, dau. of John ; m. by Elder Reuben Allen Dec ' " 1840. ' "' ;-264 " Sally, and SoUimon Sweet, Feb. -21, 1841. 1-371 « Clarke, of Glocester, and Frances P. R. Waterman, of Johnston- m at Thompson, Conn., by George Sitmnel, Jusuce, Dec 5 I84l" Almon (-widower), son ol Zebedee, and Lucy CoIweU, of" John- m' 1-274 1-275 by Elder 31. \V. Bnrliasame, Dec. 11, 1848. Enoclc M., son of Anthony, of Glocester, and Abble Clarke, of Bur- rlUville, dau. of Elea^cr. of Deerlield. Tioga Co., Penn.- m bv Elder M. W. Bm-ling.ime, May 10. 1849 ' " 1-278 " Nancy W., and Clo^^s H. Bowen, Aug. 1, 1849 ■.-157 STONE John, of Ezra, and Hannah Eddy, of Enock; m.'by Jonatlian Harris Justice, Sept. 10, 177-. (Also 1-167.) nauis, ; -153 " James, of E^ra, and Ruth Hopkins, of EUsha ; m. by Jonathan Har- ris, JusUce, June 25, 17S0. L-166 " Frcelove, and Arnold Mali, June 2, 1785. GLOCBSTER MARRIAGES. 37 1-70 STONE Asui, find Lois lid wen ; m. by Elder William Bowen, Oct. 1, 1786. 1-174 " Oziel, and Abigail Bowen ; m. by Elder William Bowen, Jan. 27, 1790. 1-143 SUMNER Setli, son of Jolm, o! Timnton, .'ilass., and Abigail Buflum (widow), dau. ol Mose.5 Farnnm, of Uxbridge; m. by Jolm Smitli, Jus- tice, Slay -29, 1791. 1-236 SWAN Charles, of Smithfleld,, and Jlarilla Bui-lingame, of Glocestcr; m. by Elder Joseph White. .June 19. 1822. 1-7 SWEET Timothy, and Anne Eddy ; ni. liy John Smith, Justice, Sept. 10, 1736. 1-264 " Solomon, and Sally Steele ; m. by Elder Thomas C. Brown, Feb. 21, 1841. 1-126 " Jeremiah, and Freelove Wright, r... ly Androw Brown, Justice, April 11, 1743. 1-127 " James, and Mary WlUp.le: ni. by Andrew Brown, Justice, May 20, 1747. 1-20 " Hannah, and Asa Kimball, Jan. 14, 1762. 1.^2 " Mary, and Stephen Aldri h, June 14, 1767. 1-85 " Sarah, and Joseph Ballo i. April 4, 1771. 1-89 " James, Jr., sou of James, and Catherine Man, of Smithfleld, dau. of Andrew; m. by Jonathan Harris. Justice, Aug. 15, 1773, 1-194 " LUlis, and Asa Brown, Jim. 31, 1801. 1-268 " Fi-eelove, and Robert Sanders, Dec. 1, 1842. 1-5 TAFT Taburali, and James Yeats, Jan. 6, 1733-4. 1-5 " Stephen, of Uxbridge, and Mary Lewis, of New Shearboume; m. by John Smith, Justiie, March 27, 1733-4, 1-28 " Aaron, and Mercy AriioUl ; m. by Richard Smith, .rustice, Dec. 24, 1749. 1-28 " Mercy, and Rufus Smith, Nov. 12, 1751. 1-23 " Nathan, of Uxbridge. and Sarah Cooper, ot Gloeester; m. by Benja- min Siuilli, Justice. Msrch 14„ 1760. 1-20 " Anniu-, and Chailes Colwell, Oct. 3, 1762. 1-83 " Molly, a;d Simeon Paine, Dec. 22, 1774. 1-15 " Susannah, and Joel Thomjjsoii, Feb. 25, 1779. 1-233 " Jemima, and Lamou Sprugue, March 21, 1821. 1-251 " Hannaii, and Wat, nnan Sherman, Oct. 30, 1834. 1-280 " Isaac J. R., of BartlcW, and Forcina McBride ; m. by Rev. M. W. Biirlingame, Nov. •-!>, 1349. 1-9 THARE Mercy,, and Jeremiah Chillson, Jr., Dec. 2, 1730. 1-184 THATCHEUJ Nathaniel, and Lydia Place; m. by Elder Philemon Hines, Sept. 16, 17,'t7. 1-129 THAYER Saiali, and William Jeperson, Aug. 22, 1740. 1-22 " Jos( ph, and Snsannali Richardson (widow) ; ni. by Jon,^than Har- ris, Justiie, Dec. 26„ 1765. 1-75 " Ephraim, and Barsheba "aine ; m. by Elder William Bowen, Feb. 20. 1785. 1-150 " Smith,, and Rachel Martin : ra. by Elder William Bowen, March 28, 1793. 1-19S " Ephraim, of Glocester,, and Hannah Goldthwaite, of Douglass, Mass. ; m. by Elder William Bowen, April 7, 1801. 1-15 THOMPSON Jiiel, of Uxbiidge, son ot Elisa, and Susannah Taft, of US- bridge, dau. of John ; m. by Aaron Arnold, Justice, Feb. 25, 1779. 1-128 THORNTON Benjaiuiu, Jr., and Ehzabeth Hereudeen ; ni. by Andrew Brown, Justice,, Nov. 2, 1738. 1-128 " Mary, and Jonathan Vallelt, Jan. 25, 1738-9. 1-128 " Stirah. and Stephen Pain", Jr., July 15, 1739. 1-126 " Maiy, and John Davis, Jan. 15, 1744-5. 1-127 « Alice, and Diivid Thor:it"n, Sept. 8, 1747. 1-127 " David, and Alic:- Th.Tnton: m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, Sept. 8, 1747. 38 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-131 TJ^OB^^^ON Phebo, and Abraliam Tourtellotte, Get. 11, 1747. 1-127 " Ezra, and Rutli Shepei-d; m. by Andrew Brown, Justice, May 23, 1749. J-125 " Anity, and Ezra Bartlett. Jr., Nov. 25, 1750. 1 26 " llardia, and Samuel R ss, Jan. 5, 17.^0. 1-23 " Thomas, and Eliz^tbeth Ross; m. by Benjamin Smith, Justice, Sept. 9, 1759. 1-20 " Euth, and Zebedee Mitchell, Sept. 19, 17r>2. 1-44 " Benjamin, or Titus, and Alee Covven, of Joseph; m. by Caleb Arnold. Justice, Oct. 11, 1707. 1-52 " Joseph, and ZUpha Havens, of William ; m. by Timothy Wilmarsh. Justice. April 1, 1770. 1-1 " Levi, of (Uoicsler, and Susannah llei-cnrteen, of Thomas, of Glooes- ter; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, April 3, 1773. 1-93 " Elioda, and Joseph Smitli, Aug. 11, 1773. 1-96 " Jeremiah, o! Gliiceslcr, and Esther Wright, of Providence; m. by Rev. Joseph Sliavv, Sept. 12, 1774. 1-176 " Hannah, and Area Phcttephice, Sept. 18, 1796. 1-190 " Esther, and Ira Field, Feb. 4, 1802. 1-276 " Robert S., and S:)rah A. Smith, of Stephen; ni. I)y Elder Ecuben Allen, June 30, 1849. 1-127 THURBEE Hannah, and Ebenczcr Aldrich, Nov. 26, 1747. 1-104 TlNKfOJI Ehzabetli, and Sttpiien Smith, Oct. 27, 1708. l-(i2 TITTS Klizabcth, and James Yeats. Dec. 2(5, 1753. 1-126 TOURXELLOTTE Mary, and Hazadiali Mitchell, Dec. 3, 1741. 1-131 " Abraham, Jr., and Pliebe Thornton, of Thomas; m. by Elclmrd Stccre, Justice, Oct. 11, 1747. 1-216 " Sarah, and Capt. John liinian, about . — , 1752. 1-121 " Abraham, and Ilamiali Coombs; in. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, May 1, 1764. 1-37 " Mary, and Elisha Harris, April 28, 1700. 1-37 " Steplicn, and Mary Smith ".m. by Eiifus Smith, Justice, Aug. 23, 1706. 1-67 " Michael, of Abraham, and Elizabeth Smith, of E/.eldel ; m. by Jonathan llariis. Justice, Dec. 6, 1707. 1-153 " Abraluim, and 31allason Walling, dan. of Cornelius, ol Smlthfleld; m. by Stei>hcn Arnold, Juslice, Dec. 10, 1707. 1-08 " Bernuu, and Pi-esilla Kelley; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, April 8, 1773. 1-167 " Jesse, of Daniel, and Euth Stcere, ol Jeiemlah ; m. by Elder Stei)hen llacc, April 2, 1797. 1-211 " Hope, and Ricliard Eddy, July 20, 1807. 1-241 " Daniel, and Anne Burlingamo ; m. at Cranston, by SluJicly Turner, Ju.stiee, May 13, 1812. 1-235 " Daniel C, and Mary Cooper; m. by Elder Joseph White, June 2, 1 822. 1-242 " Dclilla, and Paris Irons, Oct. 7, 1827. 1-250 " Mehitalile Ann, and CImiles H. Sleere, Jan. 1, 1832. 1-248 " Jesse, of Glocester, and Mary Gr.nes, of Providence; m. at Provl- denee by Elder Dartd Pickering, Oct. 31, 1832. 1-248 " Arnold 11., and Fidelia Stecre; m. at Smithlield, by Klder Reuben Alien, Jan. 5, l...^:>. 1-252 " Jonatiian A., and Maria Wade, botJi of Cbepatchet; m. at Tliompson, Conn., by Elder H. Fltz, Dec. 24, 1837. 1-252 " Jesse S., of Glocester, and Malvlna llo7,l, of Fo5ter; m. by Elder Keuhen Allen, May 2U, 1831). 1-28 TRASK Mary, and Ahner Tuciver, Feb. 11, 1750. 1-37 " Robert, of Menilon, Mass., and Frcelove Macuimire, of Glocester; m. by Rutus Smith, Justice. April 3, 1700. 1-31 TUCKER Abigail, and Nathaniel Sheldnn, Aug. 4, 174!). 1-31 " Abigail, and Daniel Bartlett, .Sept. 25, 17-19. 1-28 " Abner, and Mary Tr.aslJ : m. l>y Richard Smith, Justice, Feb. 11, 1750. 1-153 " Anne^ and Richard Bolster, Nov. 17, 1754. 1-22 " Nathan, and_ Abigail I'airlield ; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Feb. 8, 1707. GLOCESTEB MARRIAGES. 38) 1-85 TUCKER Kufas, Of Bcnoni, and Abignil ArnolO, ol Bavld ; m. by Jonathan Harris, J'usiice, Sept. in, 17(i8. 1-120 " Nehemliiu, ana barali ileniy ; ni. by KlUer WUliam lioweii, July ai, 17U1. 1-37 " Jonathan, now of U.xiindge, son ol John, dec., and Lydla iJallard, 01 Glocoster, dau. ol .icreniiali ; ni. by Lsreal Arnold, JusUcu, NOV. 7, 1775. 1-273 " Melinda M., and John C. Young, Sept. ill, 1848. 1-2B6 TUNMOUE Zer\iab, and Winsnr Colwell, Mareh '23, 1843. 1-6 TUTTLE Martha, and John Nooden. Jr., April iiU, 173G. u 1-180 UNDEKWOOU Charles, of t'omfret, Conn., and Lydia Darling, dau. ol Et>- enczcr, of Glocoster; ra. by Joseph Cady, Justice, Doc. 8, 1808. 1-31 UMGLKNS John, and AljigaU liloyce ; m. by Klchard Smith, Justice, Sept. 30, 174U. 1-128 VALLKXT Jonatlian, and Mary Tliornioii ; m. ly Andrew Urown, Justice. Jan. 25, 17;J8-!). l-iy>j " Wanton, and Urania Jlowry ; lu. by Elder Wilhara i;owen. Fob. 5, 1804. i 1-234 " SUeji, and Abraham Hal-cr, Jr., Aug. 2(5, 1821. 1-2(57 " l^ucy, and WUilam Houghton, Maicli 19, 1838. 1-255 " Horace, of Gloccsier, and Faniila Staples, of SmllhUcld ; m. by Abraham Baker, Ju.stlce, July 1, 183t>. 1-265 " Orln, and Mary Gross: in. by Abraham Baker, Ju.stlce, Oct. 2, 1842. 1-84 VEAZEY Mella, and DavKl Darling. Oct. 4, 17G7. 1-127 VlNstiNT Thomas, and Sarah Smith; m. by Andrew Urown, Justice, Feb. 14, 174(>. 1-127 " Thomas, and Martha Sliuldon; m. by Any Elder Peter Werden, Oct. 18, 17r)6. 1-132 " Eutli, and Zeb:dee IIopI;ins, Feb. 9, 1752. 1-150 " Mary, and Capt. William Ilawltins, Oct. 24, 1793. 1-206 " Pliobe, and George Smitli, Aiiii. 4, 1805. 1-230 " William, Jr., of Glocester, and Sarah Brown (widow), of .Scituat? ; m. by I-:idcr Stephen Place, March 12, 1818. 1-252 " Maiia, and Jonathan A. Tourlelloth, Dec. 24, 1837. 1-144 WAI,DEN PhiUip, and Amey Bailou : m. by Elder William Bowen, April 8, 1792. 1-15 WALKER Lydia, and Thomas Kiing, — , 1749 ( ?). 1-152 WALLING lUiKObeth, and Roger Williams, May 1, 1729. 1-129 " John, and Hope Orr. both of Providence; m. by ElLsba Knowlton, Justice, .luly 10, 17:k). 1_41 " Isaac, and Lydia Barnes: m. by Gideon Harri,s, .lustloe, Jan. 28, 17(;0. 1-20 " Phebo, and Andrew Phillips, Sept. 1-1, 1760. 1-23 " Jacob, and Ruth Blacl.mnr ; m. by Benjamin Smith, Justice. June 26, 17ii2. 1-22 " John. Jr., and Martlia Suiples (widow); m. by Jonathan Harris, Jnslice. Feb. 24, 1705. 1-153 " Maihison. and Abraham Tonrtllotte, Dec. 10, 1707. 1-52 " Mary, and ■Ezeklel Blaolimiir, Oct. 8, 1709. 1-366 " Rachel, and Reuben Walhng, Feb. 27, 1785. 1-366 " Keubc n, of Isaac, and Rachel Walling, of .lohn, dec. ; m. by EliSha Bartlett. Justice, Feb. 27, 1785. 40 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-103 WALLING Ishiueal, and Mary r.uxtoii : tu. by Elder William Boweu, Dec. 21, 1788. 1-159 ■' .iijshua, of John, and Uiiice C'allum. of Daiiiil ; m. by Rich.-ird Stecre, Justice. Sepr. 15, 1791 . 1-53 " Manila, and Soiomaii Fairtield. Dec. 20, 1702. 1-207 " Eunice, and Ezeklel BlacUinar, April 23, ISOU. 1-lOt) WALL Kuth. and Andi'ew PJiillii)!i. Jan. 20, 1783. 1-30 WAKENTON John (transient iJ.iscn), of Gli.cest- lUx ; m. by Richard Smith, Justice, Harcb 9. 1749. l-a71 WATERMAN Frances P. K.. and Clarke Steele, Dee. 5, 1841. 1-1B7 WEIAVEK Elizabeth, and Joshua King, AprU 2, 1750. 1-1S7 " Constant, and Elizabeth Allen, of Kilimgly, Conn. ; m. by Andrew Brown, Justic?, Aug. 27, 1750. 1-56 WELLS Sarah, and Thomas Wood, May 4, 1754. 1-30 WEST Mehltable. and Jeremlali Keech, Sept. 20, 1748. 1-209 " Sarah, and Hanan Hawkins, May 4, 1800. 1-230 WHEELER Esther, and .Serel Steere, Nov. 24, 1819. 1-117 WHEELOCK Mary, and Joseph Albee, Jr., June 20, 1771. 1-153 " Eowena, and Nicholas Salisbury, March 15, 1787. 1-12C WHIPPLE LydLn. and Jonah Steere, Dec. 10, 1741. 1-8 '• Eleanor, and Noah Arnold, Dec. IS, 1743. 1-8 " Lida, and Edward Inman, Jan. 5, 1744. 1-127 •■ Mary, and James Sweet, Slay 26, 1747. 1-9 '■ Freelovc, and Isreal Inman. Sept. 8, 1751. 1-02 ■• Job. and Martha Inman: ni. by Benjamin Smith, Justice, Oct. 23, 1753. l-<)2 " Jonathan, and Mary Inman ; ni. by Benjamin Smith, Justice, MaTCh 4, 1754. 1-134 M.u-y, and Chailes Winsor, Mai-cli 18, 1759. 1-21 " Mosee, and Patience Wathewsoii ; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Scipt^ 30, 1764. 1-22 '• Mary, and John WHliams, April SO, 1767. 1-72 '■ EUjali, ot .lohn, and Snsaii'ial: PhUlips, of David ; m. by Israel Ar- nold, Justice, Oct. 10, 1773. 1-125 WHii'l'LE Stephen, ot Jonathan, of Glocester, and Mary Smith, of Daniel, of Sinithlicld ; ;n. at Smithlield by Elder Ezekiel Angell, Aug. 13, ITrfO. 1-142 Aliigail, and Slephen Burlingsiinc, Oct. 14. 1784. 1-143 '• Esfck. of Henajah, and Jleribo Spragne. of Jeremiah : m. liy Phele- mon nines. Elder, Jan. 3. 1788. 1-212 '■ Daniel, of Jonathan, and Avis Hawkins, of Benjamin; m. by EldrT Stephen Phice, Sept. 28, 1795. 1-236 " ElizabcUi. and Otis I'.alne, April 25, 1823. 1-31 WHITEMAX Alig-.iil, and Joslah Hopkins, June 19, 1749. 1-7 WHITE Mary, and Jeremiah Daley. March 3, 1736. 1-31 " Jane. :ind Samuel Greene, June 26, 1749. 1-lC " Ichabod. and Eebeekah Cnmniings ; m. by John Smith, Justice, Jnna 14, 1752. 1-22 " John, and Abial AH>es: m. b5 Jonathan Harris, Justice, March 21, 1765. 1-116 " Doug-lass, of Ixbridge, son of Ezekiel, and Ruth Albee, of Gloces- ter, dau. of Joseph : ni. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, June 20, 1771. 1-258 ■■ Villiani, of Ciiniberland, son of Samuel, and Prusia Harris, of Gloce-sltr. dau. of Goorge; m. by Elder Da\1d Curtis, Nov. 29, 1838. 1-270 " Caroline, and Stilimnn V.iight, June 7, 1845. 1-272 " Abbie Ann, and James Arnold, Jan. 10, 1847. 1-276 " Eliza Jane, and James 11. Smith, May 20, 1849. 1-265 WILBUR Ellison K., of Scituate. and Sarah Ann Hawkins, of John ; m. by Elder Keubcn Allen. Nov. 27, 1842. 1-285 " Mercy JI.. and Samuel Adams. Jlarch 2, 1856. 1-208 WILCOX Bethsheba, .and Uiiah Brown, Jan. 3, 1804. 1-274 WIILDEK A(la!i M., and William .] . Coolio, April 12, 1849. GT-OCESTER MARRIAGES. 41 l-liO WILKINSON Joseph, and Alice Jenckes ; m. t>y Andrew Bi-owu, JuslUc, Deo. 6, 1741. 1-57 " Martha Jr., and Beajiimin Pbetteplace, May T. 1753. 1-96 " Cupt. Benjamin, and Avis Arnold ; m. by Elder Stephen Place, AprU 21, 1793. 1-150 " Lillies, and Joseph Steere, Jr., Dec. 31, 1797. 1-15;; WILLIAMS Roger, and Elizabeth Walling; m, hy Elder Elisha Knowlton, May 1, 1720. 1-22 " John, and JIary Whipple ; m. hy Jonathan Harris, Justice, April 30, 1767.. 1-59 ■■ John, of Glocestcr, son ol Benoni, ol Scituate, and Alee Hopkins, of Jahez, now of Glocester; m. hy Zehedee HopWns, Justice, Feh. 2:j, 1774. 1-112 " Itenlicn, of Silas, and Mary Barnes, of Joseph; m. hy Elder Beuhen Mitchell, AprU 27, 1774. 1-133 '■• Wtiit, and Nathan Cooper, Nov. 5, 1778. 1-142 " Robe, and Asa Ballon, Dee. 3, 1780. 1-94 •■ Heniieita. and James Cowen, Jr., July 17, 1785. 1-84 " Mary, and David Salisbury, 12, 1795. 1-180 " Xerxes, of Glocester, and Dorcas Bigford, of Thomas, of KllUngly. Conn. ; m. by Nathaniel Wade, Justice, March 23, 1800. 1-194 " Goliah, of Squire, and Sarah Blckford, of Scituate, dan. of ThomaB, m. .at Scituate by Elder Samuel Winsor, Aug. 16, 1801. l-19t; '■ Siikey, and Jesse Irons, Feb, 7, 1802. 1-5 WILLY John, of Uxlord, and Susannah Aldi-ich, of U.xbridge; ni. at Glo- cester, by John Smith, Justice, April 28, 1732. 1-8 " Sarah, and Job Prince, March 8, 1743-4. 1-79 WILMARTH Timothy, Jr., son of Timothy, fuid Thankful Steere, of Richard ; m. by Abraham Waterman, Justice, Nov. 28, 1773. 1.101 " Stephen, sun of Timothy, of Glocester, and Nancy Aldrlch, of C^pt. James, of Scituate; m. by John Harris, Assist,ant, Feb, 2, 1794. 1_221 " Joseph, and EUzabeth Cady ; m. by Elder Thomas Spooner, Feb. 14, 1815. 1-240 " Hannah, and Samuel Winsor, June 23, 182S. 1-80 WILSON Susanna, and Caleb Bartlett, March 21, 1773. 1-8 WINSOR John, of Smithfield, and Mary Smith, of Glocester; m. by John Smith, Justice, Oct. 13, 1743. 1-18 " Amev, and Joseph ColweU, Dec. 9, 1750. 1.134 " Charles, and Mary Whipi)le; m. by Jonah Steere, Justice, M^rch 18, 1759. 1-22 " Amos, and Jlary Bushee ; m. by Jonathan Harris, Justice, Sept. 5, 1765. 1.97 '■ Thanlrful, and Daniel Smith, March 16, 1783. I.ISI " Olney, and Abig.ail Brown; m. by Elder WilUam Bowen, Sept. 22, 1799. 1.201 " Abigail, and Jeptha Hunt. Jan. 2, 1803. 1.240 " Samuel, E.sq., ami Hann;ih Wilmarth, of Timothy, dec.; m. by Movrcy Smith, Justice, June 23, 1825. 1--114 " ^Uice L.. and Jeptha Hunt, Sept. 19, 1833. 1-276 WOLFENDEN Alice Ann, and George Da\-ison, July 29, 1849. 1-55 WOOD Thomas, and Sarah WeUs ; m. by Richard St«erc, Justice, May 4, 1754. 1.36 " Annar, and Isaiah Horton, Feb. 14, 1762. 1-125 " Esther, and Jirah Ballon, Sept. 30, 1779. 1-224 " Jane, and Ira Aldrlch, Oct, 27, 1816. 1-8 WRIGHT Eliphalet, and Lydia Cate ; m. by John Smith, Justice, Dec. 1, 1741. l-ioe « Fi-eelove, and Jeremhoh Sweet, April 11, 1743. 1-96 " Esther, and Jeremiah Thornton, Sept. 12, 1774. 1-94 " Mary, and Eleazer Harris. July 15, 1779. 127^ " StiUman, and Caroline Wlute, both *.f BurrUlville; ni. by Elder Augustus Durfee, June 7, 1845. 42 VITAL RECORD OF KHODE ISLAND. X Y Z 1-280 YATES Sarah C, and William Hicks, Dec. 4, 1849. 1-5 YEATS James, of Providence, and Taliorah Taft, of Uxbridge; m. by Jokn Smith, Justice, Jan. 6, 1733-4. 1-62 " James, and Elizabetli Tilus ; m. by Benjamin Smith, Justice, Dec. 26, 1753. 1-18 YOfNG Lavina, and Daniel Place, Jan. 13. 1774. 1-226 " MaiT, and Anan Evans, Jan. fi, 1806. 1-233 " Hannah, and Nathaniel Sheldon, April 4, 1821. 1-252 " Nancy, and Joseph Sheldon, Jan. 21, 1838. 1-273 " John C, of Millbury, Mass. (age 26 years), son of Othanlel and Rhoby, and Melinda M. Tucker (age 20 years), dau. of Silaa and Esther; m. at GJocester by Kev. M. W. BurUngame, Sept. 21, 1848. I GLOCESTER. EIIITHS ,A-3SriD IDEJ?i.Tia:S. 1-1 ALDRICH WfUlam, of Jonathan and Atirall, Sept. 27, 1726. 1-1 (( Phebo. Jan. 7, 172S. 1-1 « Jonathan, May 1.3, 17,32. 1-1 « Aimer, June 2, 1734. 1-1 a Daniel, July 9, 1736. 1-1 tt Anne, Aprtl 22, 1739. 1-1 tc Abigail, Sept. 27. 1741. 1-118 t< BcTi.iamin (Smlthflelfl), son of Samnel and Presilta, May 30, 1' 753. 1-11 S " Lydia, 1-4G " . Esther, 1-38 " Nehemiah, of Seth and Hannah, 1-38 " Nehemiah, 1-38 " Joseph, 1-38 " Joseph, 1-38 " John, 1-3 S " John, 1-38 " Asa, 1-38 " Sarah, 1-38 " Susannah, 1-38 " Mary, 1-111 " Seth, of Asa and Khoda, 1-J41 " Betsey, 1-141 " &irah, 1-141 " Nathan, 1-141 " Cylinda, 1-178 " • lUchaxd, of Dr. Eleazer and Jean, 1-178 " Eoxanua, 1-178 " James, 1-178 " Daniel, 1-178 " Thayer, 1-178 " Alba, 1-253 " Candas, of Stmeon and Eowena, 1-253 " Maria, 1-253 " Warren S., 1-253 " MarseUa Phoena, 1-253 " Sabln, 1-34 BAENES Mary, of Thomas and Enth, 1-34 " John, 1-34 " DanieJ, 1-34 " Joseph, 1-34 " Maivy, 1-34 " Peter, 1-34 " Thomas, 1-34 " Stephen, 1-2, 44 " Mathew, of Joseph and Mary, 1-2, 44 " Lydia, 1-2, 44 " EUzabcth, 1-2, 44 " Daniel, 1-2 •* Mercy, 1-3 " WlUlam, May 28, 1728. Juue 9, 1730. July 15, 1732. June 4, 1734. Jan. 20, 1748. May 10, 1751. Feb. 27, 1754. Nov. 27, 1750. Oct. 14. 1753. Feb. 20, 1750. April 22, 1756. AprU 14, 17G0. Aug. 1!). I7r,2. June 2t), 1754. May 18, 175(;. Jan. 5, 1753. Feb. 10, 1700. Sept. 22, 1701. April 18, 1703. Nov. 7, 1758. Aug. 17, 1765. May 17, 176S. Oct. 11, 177U. Feb. 7, 1774. April 10, 1777. April 12, 1755. d. Sept. 22, 170 L. Aug. 2(1, 1750. d. Sept. 15, 1701. July 21, 1758. d. Sept. 17, 1701. Aug. 31, 1 702. Dee. 12, 1704. July 13, 1767. June 5, 1775. JiUy 3, 1781. April 18, 1763. March 7, 1785. Dec. 7, 1788. May IS. 1791. June 20, 1788. Jan. 4, 1791. Sept. 18, 1704. JiJy r., 1796. Nov. i7, 1797. Feb. 7. 1802. Feb. 19. 1807. Aug. 12, 1811. April 12, 1813. Oct. 56, 1815. July 18, 1818. Oct. 31, 1736. Sept. 13, 1738. June 2, 1740. March 29, 1742. Feb. 2, 1743. Aprtl G, 1746. ,7an. 24, 1748. Jan. 2-1, 1748. May 14, 1744. Nov. 14, IT! 6. Jan. 10, 1748. Nov. 24. 1750. June 11, 1753. Jan. 25. 1758. 46 VITAL KECOED OP RHODE ISLAND. 1-2 BAKNES Mercy, of Josepi and Mary, 1-2, 44 " Joseph, 1-39 " Welcome, of Joseph, Jr., and Mercy, 1-39 •• Pardon, l-aa " Lydia, 1-ia UAiM'LKl X Kzra, of Ezra, 1-13 " Alice, 1-13 " Anne, 1-13 " mchard, 1-13 " Daniel, of Ezra and Jane, 1-3 " Kurus, of ADner and Abigail (also 1-15), 1-3 •' Ellsha (also 1-15), 1-15 " Caleb, l.(jt " Assa, of John and Deborah, 1-72 " Sarah, of Klchard and Kezia, 1-72 " Hetlila, 1-72 " Lucretia, 1-72 " Susannah, 1-72 " IviShard, 1-71 " Alphia, of Elisha and Knth, 1-71 " Patience, 1-71 " Mary, l-10t> " William, of Cale"b and Susanna, 1-lOtt " Esther, 1-114 BATi'EY Nicholas, of Uenjamln and Marcy, 1-114 " Sarah, 1-114 " Jesse, 1-114 " Hannah, 1-114 " Joseph, 1-114 " Stephen, 1-114 •' John, 1-114 " feylvaniis, of Kobert, 1-55 BASSKT l^aac, of Joseph, Jr., and Hannah, 1-49 " Anno, (also 1-55), 1-49 " Eplir.iim, of Joseph, Jr., and Rachel (also 1-55), 1-49 " Isaac, of Joseph, Jr., and Hannah, 1-49 " Hannah, wife of Josepli, died April 4, 1786. 1-50 BISHUP Jeremiah, of Edward and Mehitable, 1-50 " Jemima (Smlthfleld), 1-50 " Ezekel (Kaynham, Mass.), 1-50 '• William (Attleboro, Mass.), 1-50 " Mehitable (Attleboro, Mass.), 1-212 " Welcome, of William, 1-13 ULACKMUilE Fresilla, of James, 1-13 " Kuth, 1-13 '• James, .1-13 " Ezclilel, of James and Abigail, 1-13 " Abigail, 1-13 " Stephen, 1-73 " Sylvanus, of James and Sarah, 1-73 " Damarlus, 1-73 " Martlta, 1-73 " Kiitli, 1-73 '• Abigail, 1-73 " Nancy, 1-73 " James, 1-121 •• wniiam, of Sylvanus, 1-24 BLANCHAUD John, of Joseph and Mary (Smlthfleld), 1-34 " Timothy '-lore^ter), 1-24 " Andrew (Glocester), 1-24 " Mary (Glocester), 124 " James ((iloccster), 1-24 " Joseph (Glocester), 1-24 " lSen.iamin (Glocestxjr), 1-34 " Laban (Scltnate), Sept. 13, 1759. March 27, 1763. Aug. 5, 1772. March 19, 1774. March 28, 1776. Aug. 30, 1720. Oct. 14, 1733. Aug. 6, J763. Peo. 28, 1733. Dec. 2, 1741. Nov. 16, 1730. Sept. 7, 1742. June 19, 1745. Sept. 2, 1757. May 8, 1763. Feb. 27, 1765. March 27, 1767. March 24, 1769. Nov. 10, 1771. Dec. 20, 1771. Dec. 5, 1773. April 15, 1776. Nov. 3, 1774. ij'eb. 6, 1777. Oct. 29, 1753. Aug. 1. 1761. Nov. 2'J, 1763. March 14, 176G. May 26, 1768. Dec. 22, 1T70. AprU 19, 1773. Sept. 7, 1771. July 1, 1781. Nov. 23, 1784. Sept. 7, 1789. Nov. 19, 1785. June 9, 1733. April 15, 1735. Oct. 10, 1737. March 23, 1739. Aug. 30, 1789. Aug. 12, 17.i4. March 19, 1737. Aug. 13, 1740. Aug. 6, 1742. June 11, 1744. leb. 20, 1745. AprU 28, 1764. Aug. 17, 176(i. Jan. 24, 1769. May 15, 1772. June 8, 1780. Sept. 18, 1782. Aug. 20, 1783. Oct. 29, 1785. Oct. 28. 1749. Ssept. 2, 1751. Aug. Ki, 1754. Nov. 12, 1736. Oct. 28. 1758. Feh. 18, 1763. Eeb. 18, 1763. June 29, 1764. 6L0CESTER BIETHS AND DEATHS. 47 1-24 BLAISICHAED Rachel, of Jolm and M:u-y (Scituate), June 29, 1764. i-a4 " Jacob (Scituate), July It), 1767. 1-34 u James (Scituate), Oct. 1-2, 1769. 1-1:4 " i-bebo (Scituate), May 13, 1771. 1-153 BOJ^bi'JiK Asahel (SmltnHeid), of Klchard and Anna, Ang. 2< Harriet Newell (Danforlh), his wife. dau. of Keyes, and Mary (liushnell), of WUliamstown, Mass., April 14, 1818. 1-283 ii Keyes Danlorth, of Geo. H. and Harriet W. Dec. 14, 1846. 1-282 " Chad Elisha, Oct. 21, 1848. 1-283 " Chad Elisha, (d.) Oct. 7, 1850. 1-282 ii Harriet N., wife of George H., died Oct. 27, 1850. 1-30 BROWN Anne, of Andrew and Mary, Aug. 7, 1734. 1-30 it Rhobey, Aug. G, 1741. 1-30 t( Ellslia, ' ' May 11, 1744. 1-30 a Keslah, June 3, 1745. 1-30 " Deborah, June 24, 1746. 1-30 (( Lydia, Jan. 24, 1751. 1-140 ■• Ezeldel, of Col. Chad and Zervlah, Oct. 11, 1749. 1-140 u Zephaniah, Sept. 22, 1752. 1-140 " Eseli, Nov. 1, 1754. 1-140 " Thanivlul, Jan. 13, 1757. 1-140 It , -Othniel, - April 20, 1759. 1-140 " David, Sept. 4, 1761. 1-140 « Zervlah, Feb. 22, 1765. 1-57 " Abigail, of Joseph and Hannah, March 6, 1752. 1-57 iC Phebe, March 10, 1754. 1-57 " Lilas, AprU 3, 1757. 1-57 " Abraham, March Hi, 1700. 1-10 u Joseph, of Benjamin and Presillfl, AprU 4, 1760. 1-71 <( Luke, of Abraham and ZUpha, Jan. 3, 1766. 1-71 u Mercy, March 3(i, 1767. 1-71 " Chad, Warcli 4, 1770. 1-71 (( Daniel, Feb. IK, 1772. 1-93 (( Hannah, of James and Sarah, July 10, 1771. 1-93 (t Benjamin, July 24, 1773. 1-93 w Sarah, April 20, 1775. 1-93 (( James, April 25, 1777. 1-93 u EUzabeth, of George and Abigail, June 7, 1772. 1-93 it Triphena, March 24, 1774. 1-93 « AbigaU, Sept. 20, 1776. 1-112 Ephralm and Rachel, Oct. 1, 1777. 48 VITAL RECORD OF KHODE ISLAND. 1-112 BKOWN Ebeuezer, of EpUraxm aud Rachel, Dec. 10, 1781. 1-112 " Samuel, Oct. 24, 1779. 1-112 " John, April 0, 1784. 1-112 " Ezra, Feb. 26, 1786. 1-166 u Mary, of George and Rachel, Feb. 15, 1779. 1-166 " Rachel, .Ian. 2, ]781. 1-166 u George. Sept. 30, 1763. l-ir,(i " Sarah, Nov. 30, 1785. 1-16<-, " Slercy, March 6. 1758. 1-166 u Amey, July 1, 1790 1-1 «r. Moses, Dec. 2, 1794. 1-111 '• Urtah, of Isreal and Elizabeth, Jan. 22, 17S0. 1-111 " Jesse. Sept. 9, 1783. 1-111 " Keboknh, Mai'ch 22. 1785. i-ni " JosejUi, .Tune 15, 1788. 1-19:) u Asa. son of Esther Baker, March 10, 17c=;0. 1-117 " Caleb, of Ezekiel and Anna, Oct. 4, 1784. 1-11- " James. Nov. 16. 1785. 1-18:( •' Thankful, of Pero and Mary (col.). July 11, ISOO. 1-193 BUFi'UM Eosanna, son of Esther Baker, May 23. 1783. 1-86 BtTNDY Mark, reputed gon ol Ebenezer and Martlia Staples, May, 29, 1781. 1-286 BITKGUESS Hartk-tt, o£ Beniamln and Emcline F., June 12. 1854. 1-286 u Laura, June 23. 1S55. 1-80 BURLINGAJIE Mary, of Davldand Mary, July n. 1729. 1-SO " Benedict, Nov. 13, 1731. 3-80 II riiomius. Aug. 18, 1734. 1-80 li David. Oct. 26. 1736. 1-80 tt Meribah, May 5, 1739. 1-80 a Stiitclcy, Jlay 12. 1741. 1-80 11 Srirah. ♦ Feb. 19. 174-t. 1-81 tt Sjarah, (d.) Dec. 9, 1745. 1-80 CI Patience, March 9, 1746. 1-80 C( Elisha, Sept. 6, 1749. 1-81 tt Benj amin, March 18, 1753. 1-81 •• David, alwve. died Jan. 27. I7."»5. 1-198 tt Lydia, of Thomas, Oct. 15, 1757. 1-198 tt Thomas, AprQ 16, 1760. 1-198 " Natlian, Feb. 24, 1762. 1-198 (( Esek, March 24, 1765. 1-198 c. Patience, Aug. 5, 1767. 1-198 (C Charles, Nov. 8, 1769. 1-198 ee Jean, April 19, 1772. 1-198 (t Crctfl, July 14, 1778. 1-198 (( James, Feb. 1, 1781. 1-27 CADY Ann (Greene), wife of Hezoldah, dau. of Cyrus and Mary Greene: d. March 17, 1821. 1-137 CARPENTER Job, of Uriah (of Cumberland) and Martli;i, 1-130 CIIACE William, of Peleg and Mary, 1-156 CLARK Abraham, of Abr.aham and Elizabeth, 1-156 " Mary, 1-156 " Mercy, 1-156 " Elizabolli. 1-141 " Ahraliaui, of Elizabeth, 1-111 " Joseph, of Samuel and Aniey, 1-11 1 " Mary, 1-111 '■ Stephen, 1-111 " Anne, 1-111 " John, 1-111 " Mowry, 1-193 COI.W.ELL Nathan, of Robert and Lydla, 1-133 " Asa, (Conlce) Feb. ,s. 1772. Sept. .■?. 17.-.3. July 9, 1747. April 23. 1749. April 23. 1749. April 9. 1751. April 9. 1751. Feb. 26, 1774. .Tan. 22. 177(-. April 16, 1776. Aug. 23, 17.ai. Feb. 27, 3 7S4. Aug. 28, 1786. Jan. 28, 1796. 10. 1T94. GLOCESTER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 49 1-43 COJIAN Rlcliard, of William and Urln, 1-ia 3. 58. Feb. n, July 26. Oct. 16, 17r,3 Sept. 24, 1765 Oct. 14, . April 28, May 18, Oct. 13, Aug. 9. March (i, Feb. 1, 1708. 1771. 1773. 1774. 1736. 1737. 1744. April 22, Aug. 9, May 15, Dec. 22, Jan. 20, Feb. 24, Feb. 25, May 23, Sept. 18, Sept. 18, Sept. 3, Feb. 27, July 22, Apiil 9, March 25, May 22, May 22 1715. 1716. 1718. 1721. 1723. 1737. 1729. 1732. 1734. 1734. 1736. 1740. 1742. 1723. 1730. 1732. 1732. GLOCESTER— BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 53 1-52 HEKENDEEN EUiih, of Solomon and Penelope, 1 53 " Silvanus, 1-53 " Peace, 1-18 " Jaliez, of Jabez and MaiUia, 1-18 " Anthony, 1-153 " Bezuleel, Nov. 20, 1751. 1-83 " Sus:mnah, of Thomas andFreelove, ^ 1-83 " Elislia, 1-83 " ^ Thomas, ^1-118 " ClUoe, of OtliiJel and Mary, 1-118 " Reuben, 1-118 " Hezekiah, 1-118 '■ Richard, 1-118 " LUUs, 1-118 " Mary, 1-118 " Esek (Smlthlield), 1-118 " LUlis, 1-102 " Gideon, of Isaiah and Anne, 1-103 " Gideon, 1-102 '• Seth, 1-103 " Alice, 1-102 " C'andace, 1-103 " Daniel, 1-103 ■• Silas, 1-103 " Joshua, 1-71 " ilariba, of Preserved and Naomi, 1-71 " Preserved, 1-71 ■' Eleazer, .e=_-l-71 " Amasa, , 1-71 " Nicholas, 1-71 " Enos, 1-71 •• Rube, 1-71 " Abner, 1-81 " Labon, of Levi and Maiy, 1-81 " Levina, ^^-81 " Zilpha, 1-81 " Levi, 1-77 " Plicnehas, of Andrew and Isabel, 1-77 " Jesse, 1-77 •' Kezia, 1-77 •• Abfl, 1-77 *' Sarah, 1-77 ■■ Stna, 1-13 " Gideon, of Sylvanus and Hannah, 1-43 " Zervlah, 1-08 HILL Sarah, of William and Hachel, 1-68 " Kachel, 1-68 " Isreal, 1-19 " Aniey, of Henry and Predove, 1-3 9 •• Stephen, 1-229 •• Otis, of Jesse, 1-220 HIKES LyOla H., ol WUllara and Lydia (bom Hartwlck, March 13, 1815. 1-yO HOPKINS Gideon, of Seth and Mary, 1-83 " Samantliy, dau. of Abigail Place, reputed dau. Jr., Nov. 16, 177H. 1-135 " Grtorge WasUngton, of A.^a and Comfort, 1-16 HOWARD Hannah, of Daniel and Faithful, 1-16 " Ruth, 1-16 " Sarah, 1-16 " Ho-ea, 116 " Stephen, 1 16 " David, 1-16 " Jolin, 1-16 " Prudence, Sept. 9, 1735. Aug. 3, 1738. Oct. 19, 1744. Sept. 4, 1745. March 28, 1747. July 15, 1754. Aug. 21, 1757. Oct. 13, 1759. Sept. 9, 1755. Jan. 13, 1758. Dec. 28, 1700. April 18, 1764. April 10, 1767. Dec. 10, 1759. Feb. 10, 1772. d. Jan. 18, 1771. Dec. 25, 1702. d. July 18, 1774. March 19, 1765. April 10, 1767. May 30, 1769. May 4, 1773. June 10, 1775. April 10, 1779. Jan. 8, 1765. May 31, 1768. March 9, 1770. Feb. 30, 1773. Feb. 10, 1774. M:ircli 1-1, 1776. March 2(>, 1779. Jun3 11, 1731. July 2, 1708. Sept. 13, 1703. April 11, 1706. May 15, 1773. Jan. 29, 1769. March 18, 1770. Feb. H, 1773. Dec. 9. 1776. Feb. 20, 1783. March 20, 1784. Jan 5, 1780. May 24, 17 S6. April 2], 1745. Ma'.Cli U, 1747-8. Feb. 19, 1751-2. April 11, 1747. March 20, 1749. March 3, 1803. Otsego CO., N. K.), April id, 1773. ol Elislia Ibiplilns, Dec. 14, 1778. Sept. 22, 1755. Sept. 23, 1755. Feb. 9, 1758. Aug. 23, 1759. Oct. 15, 1701. April 28, 17ii4. Sept. 2, 1706. March 15, 1770. 54 VITAL EECOKD OP RHODE ISLAND. 1-107 HUNT Seth, of SetU and Anne, 1107 " Susanna, 1-1U7 " J( plietli, 1-1)7 " Far Ion, 1 107 " N incv. 1-180 u \VilU:im Smith (Propideme), of Jeplha and Abigail 1-UO tt Francis Burdett (Glocester), 1-180 " jMe cy. 1-1-0 " Abiiie Ann, 1-180 " Ann Evans, July 2G, 1778. Juiy 9. 1780. F b. 21, 17S3. April 9. 1780. Feh. 21, 1790. July 30, 1603. Oct. 12, 1810. M:iy 2li, 1S13. Feb. 19, 1618. Apiil 23, 1821. 147 INMAN Sarah, of John and Susannah, March, 9, 172G. 1-47 «i JIartha, Oct. 10, 1729. 1-47 H Jclin, Aug. 5, 1733. 1 47 It David, Jlay 5, 173G. 1-47 " Eaihel, June 11, 1720, 1101 U Piielie, of Michael and Hannah, July 6, 1730. 1-101 U Itlartlia, April 7, 1733. 1-101 tt D.TUi 1, July B, 1735. 1-101 u Jli liael. died Oct. 5. 1736. 1-155 tl Elislia, of Isaiah, July 10 1T37. 1-44 " SI .ry, of Klijuh and Susannah, April 3, 1742. 1-44, tt Aniey, May 13, 1744. 1-44 " Elijjh, May 3.1, 1746. 1-102 tt Sauiui-1, of Ellsha and Abi^-ail, AprU 2 1T4G. 1-102 tt Daniel, of Samuel and Anua, Jan. 15, 1773. 1-103 tt George, Sept. 13, 1774. 1-102 u Sam;:el, Jr., D.c. 23, 177fi. 1-102 tt Hannali, Nov. 22, 1779. 1-102 It Buirum, Feb. 17, 1783. 1-1C3 " James. Jan. 13, 1785. 134 " Su-anna, of John, Jr., and Anne, Dei-. 31. 1753. 1-34 tt Lyda, S pt. 2, 1755. 134 It Mary, June 20, 1737. 1-34 (( Jolin, July 30, 1758. 1-34 tt Sarah, May 28. 17G3. 1-34 tt Asa, Sept. 17. 1761. 1-34 It Estlier, Aui. 1, 17(3. 1-34 tt Je-.S3, March 27, 17fi5. 134 tt Te te. May 20, 17(;7. 1-34 tt Olive, Oct. 1, I7n8. 1 34 tt Tourlellotte, June 17, 1777. 1 83 " Isaiali, of Capt. Isaiah and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1755. 1-159 It Elee, of Eiisha, Aug. 25, 1703. 1-108 tt Wllliim, of David and Thankful, JIty 19. 1765. 1-188 tt Olnev, of John and Phebe, April 22. 1783. 1-188 « Eacliel, July 1, 1791. 1-168 " Polly, Feb. 21, 1793. 1-188 tt Jolm, March 28, 1796. 1-213 tt S th, of Jesse and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1793. 1-213 tt Maiy, June 9, 1795. 1-213 u Fenner, Nov. 29, 1796. 1-213 " Barton, June 18, 1798. 1-183 " Nathaniel. Of George and Euth, Jan. 10, 1799. 1-182 tt Bull'um, April 11, ISOO. 1-48 IKONS Wlliim, of Jeremiah and Bethlah, Dec. a. 1742. 1-48 It Samuel, Oct. 29, 1744. 1-43 tt BethUUi, Feb. 17, 1746. GLOCESTEB BIKTHS AND DEATHS. 55 1-137 JENCKES Nancy, dan. of Barshcha Mowry, and Thomas JeiicKcs, Sept. 22, 17U8. 1-74 JENNE Jntin. of Timothy and Abigail, 1-47 u leiemlah, 1-74 " Jacob, 1-74 " .losppli. 1-74 " Jirali, 1-74 " Joshua, 1-74 " Timothy, 1-74 " Timothy, 1 74 tt Caleb, 1-25 JEPEnSON" .Iiidnh, , of Joseph and MeJi 1-25 " Jetledlah, 1-25 " Jertisha, 1-25 " Mary. K I3.nr, KEECH Mary, of William, »» 1-336 » Zf'phaniah, 1-1 P9 it Amasa Cooper, of Asahel and Betsey,** lino u Fd.Iy, 1-109 <( Adah, 1219 CI Willinm Walker, of Zephanlah and Phehe, ** 1-219 (I S^ril Warren, 1-219 t: rai-is Thcirntnn, 1-88 KELLY Dnvid. of Manarlah and Sarah,** 1-88 (( rrisi'illa.. 1-88 f( Stephen, 1-88 (C Eleazer, 1-88 . July 13, 3 787. May 9, 17n:» Dec. 9, 17tl3. d. Dec. 9, 1793. d. June 1. 17!lf). June 8, i7.'jr>. Sept. 19. 175S. Oct. 2, 17ro. May 28, 17C.2. 34. 173 June 23, . 1737, n-wrh 15 , 1707. Feb. 21, 1800. May 22, 1803. » AtfX. 24. 1813. April 5. 1814. April 22. 1810. Dec. 23. 17.=>l. Nov. 4, 1753. Feb. 9, 17.-)r,. .Tune 18. 1758. F..b. 7, 1701. July 29, 1703. Auk. 23. 1705. June 15, 1772. May l(i. 1770. fUed Feb. 10, 1771. Jan. 20, 1746. Sept. 10. 1749. July 20, 1753. March 21. 1770. May 0, 1772. Jlarch 23, 1775. S"pt. 20, 1702. Feb. 11, 1704. Nov. 15. 1705. Mar -h 27, 1709. (sio.) Aug. 27, 1700 (8). Feb. 16. 1771. Au?. 30, 1772. July 7, 1774. A6g. 9, 1776. April 30, 1778. Jan. 9, 1778. March Hi, 17S4. April i(">. 1792. Dee. 20, 1794. Apiil 14, 1796. July 8, 1799. July 30, 1801. Oct. 19, 1803. 56 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-217 KIMBALL Finner Salisbury, of Paul and Llllles, .Ian. 1. 1805 1-217 " Tlriah, July 21, 1807 1-217 (( Geoi'ge H., Feb. 7, 1810 1-15 KING Jlary, of Tliomas and Margaret, Dec. 5, 1732 1-15 Anne, Oct. 6, 1734 1-15 Amey, Oct. 17, 1735 1-15 Margaret, May 2. 1737 1-15 Tliomas, ApiU 10, 1739 1-15 " Margaret, wife of Thomas, died AprU 10, 1739. 1-15 Siimucl, of Tliomas and Ann, 2d wile. Sept. 20, 1740 1-15 Steplicji, Nov. 22, 1742 1-16 Amos, April 24, 174b 1-15 Ann, wife of Thomas, died. 1-15 Lydia, of Thomas and Lydla, 3d wife, May U, 1750. 1-15 Koadc, April 22, 1752. J-15 Prudence, Jan. 17, 1756. 1-12 Koado (l^ov.), of ijenjamln and EUzabeUi, Feb. IS, 1754. 1 12 Ooment (Glo.), March 15, 1756. 112 Nicholas (Glo.), Jan. 11, 1758. 3-12 Stephen (Glo.), March 27, 1760. 1-12 wislia (Glo.), March 12, 1702. 1-82 James, died Nov. 19, 1750. 1-241 LAi'UAM Amey, of Lo\-l, 1-241 " Kichui'd, 1-241 •■ Lucina, 1-241 Job, 1-241 Aniasa, 1-241 >■ Jethro, 1-241 " Kmor, 1-241 Thomas, 3-241 •• Levi, 1-92 David, of Jesse and Abigail, 1-02 Nancy, 1-66 LEWIS Frederic, of Arnold and .'iiine. 1-66 '• Aljiha, 1-00 Lydia, 1-66 " Nicholas, 1-66 " Eslher, 1-66 John, of Peter and Miu'cy, 1-66 a^nitlcnce. 1-66 '■ William, 1-66 '• Ell/abcth, 1-63 Alley, of Capt. Peter and Molly 1-63 '• UUve, 1-142 LOGKK Uomlort, of Caleb and itachcl, 1-142 •• <;yrus. 1-142 " Daniel, 1-142 Darling, 1-142 Darplim (son), 1-143 . '• Caleb, 1-143 •• Uurrell, 1-190 '• Duly, of Cyrus and Hannah, 1-190 " Steplion, 2d, Gm., 1786 lOth, 3m., 1790. 25111, 4m., 1792. Oth, Om., 1794. 7lh, Hin., 1796 iOth, 4m., 179H 22d, 10m., 1800. 21st, 4m., 1802. 20Ui, 4m., 1805. Nov. 10 1787. Dec. 20, 1788. Nov. 8, 1764. Sept. 24, 176(i, Feb. 28, 17B». Jlurch 2, 1773. May 30, 1775. Feb. 13, 1770. April 17, 1772. Sept. 1, 1774. Nov. 10, 1776. Aug. 23, 1779. Oct. 15, 1781. Feb. 23, 1777. Oct. 12, 1778. July 25, l7.yo. May 12, 1782. Feb. 26, 1785. March 23, 1796. Jan. 21, 1800. March 28, 1798. Feb. 17, 1804. 1-100 1-142 1-142 1-142 1-142 M MACKINl IRE Kufiis, of Uufiis iind Marj-, " Arrcle CMendon), of Simeon and Mary, " Mary, RuUi, " Asa, 0(t. 15. 1742. Feb. 3, 1774. April 30, 1776. Nov. 27, 1777. May 7, 1780. I GLOOESTER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 07 of Levi and Naomi, of Reuben and Dorcas, of Daniel and Esther, of Peregrine, and Hannali, of Wlncliester and Marcy, 1-180 JIAN'JON Edward, of Elisha and Joanna, l-isn " Pliebe, 1-186 " Sarah, l-13fi *' Joanna, l-18f. " Esther, 1-120 MARTIN Sarah, 1-120 " llary, 1-7 Mercy, Pcrc grime, Sahlna, of Ephralm, and Jemima, Wylls, Deborah, of .lohn and Lydla, 1-9S it John, of .John (of David), 1-lOB " Noah, of Andrew and lUith, 1-239 " Azariah, Jr., of Azaruxh. 1-2:28 " Jolm, Jr., of Party and Senoa, l-i:!5 PLACE Synthla, of Simeon and S:irah, 1-1^5 1-284 u George, Catherine, widow of Kenben, died age 78 1-5)3 POLLOCK Hannah, ol Charles and Sarah, 1-02 1-03 (C Mary, Thomas, 1-93 (( Martha, 1-93 ii Ji na ban. 1-03 " Sa;ali, 1-03 " Tha;ilifiil, 1-93 (( Cliarli s. 1-93 " Kobert, 1-210 u Henry, Oct. 14, 1787. 1-210 u Lemuel. Jan. 15, 1790. 1-119 PUTNAM Lufina, of locktan and Anne, 1-119 1-119 t( JOKCpll, Isaac, 1-119 " I.^aac, 1-119 " Sarah, 1-119 1-119 u Mo' ley, Lyiila, 1-119 " William, Lydia (Smithfield), Dec. years, Aug. 24, 1797. May 4, 1 790. Jan. 10!, 17ii0. Oct. 11, 1771. Ap.il 7, 177:t. Api'il 2C., ir73. July 25, 1777. March 9, 1780. Oct. 2, 1774. May 28, 177i>. Feb. 17, n.0. Dee. 25, 1751. d. Dec. 37, 17.52. Dec. 4, 1750. March 1, i7i;3. Jan. 10. 17r5, May 20, 1707. Dec. 10. 1771. 5. March 2i>, 1755. Sept. 1, 1757. Jlay 25, 1700, Apr 1 29, 1702. Dec. 4, 1704. A' g, 22, 1707. Ap 11 38. 1770. May IS, 1773. Dec. 2, 1741. April 9, 1744. March 7, 1745. eo VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. s 1-368 1-308 1-3G8 1-368 1-368 1-368 1-368 1-3BS 1-197 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-114 1-73 1-1:0 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-182 1-371 1-371 1-371 1-371 1-371 1-371 1-371 1-371 1-371 1-73 1-73 1-73 1-73 1-73 1-73 1-73 1-73 1-73 1-73 1-367 1-90 1-116 1-72 1-00 1-60 1-250 1-250 1-250 1-250 1-250 1-250 1-250 1-250 1-366 1-3(56 1-366 1-360 1-366 1-366 1-366 1-360 1-155 1-155 1-155 BALISBUKY Elizabeth, Of Jonathan, " Abigail, '• Jonathan, '• Sarah, " Beihiah, " Efiward. " Khorta, " Anne, " Jlartha, ol Charles and Kitty. SANDERS &irah, of Robert and Naomi, " Benonl, son ol Sarah, " Doi'cns, dan., Chiirlotl-e. April 23, 1721. July 8. 1726. Dec. 31, 1727. Dec. 12, 1729. Au^'. 29. 1731. Sept. 6, 1733. Oct. 20. 1735. Nov. 27, 1737. April 11, 1782. , 1738. June 6, 1760. Dee. 30. 1707. Nov. 23, 1770. Esther, of Otiinlel and Sarah (North Providence), June 11, 1770. SAYLES Maitlia, of Ezeldel and Anne, " John, ■' Siirah, " EzeWel, " Pbilena, dan. of Mary Esten, SHELDON Nathaniel, ol Nathaniel, " Anthony, '• Mary, " Anne, " Jane, " Jane, (1. " Eselc, " Jane, 2d, " Anne, 2d wife of Nathaniel, buried June 15, 1710. " Stephen, of Esek and Pliebe, " Reuben, . " Anthony, " Maiy, " Lydla, '• -\masa, " Sarah, " Moses, " Benjamin, " Phebe, SHIPPEE Esek, of Christopher and Tabitha, " Elizabeth, of Christopher, Jr., and Hannah, " Koss, of Silas and Philadelphia, " Patience, dau. of Mary Aldiich, widow of Stephen, and P;iul Ship pee, Sept. 1, 1782. SHORT John, of John and Zervlah, " Assa, SLOCUM Sarah A., of Charles A. and Lydla S., Lydia A., Sept. 18, 1753. Nov. 17, 1754. Aug. 4, 1758. July 11, 1702. AprU 14, 1798. Oct. 2, 1726. April 12, 1730. Sept. 27, 1731. Oct. 17, 1733. April l(i, 1735. April 17, 1737. Nov. 10, 1736. Aug. 22, 1738. July 24, 1759. Feb. 28, 1761. March 20, 1763. Juno 4, 1765. Sept. 23, li67. June 23, 1770. Aug. 29, 1772. June 1, 1775. April 6, 1777. Jan. 3I, 1780. Aug. 3, 1742. March 6, 1773. July 2S, 1782. " Ziba Olney, " Candace D., " Mary E., " Charles C, " Cliades, " Ella E., SMITH Benjamin, of Capt John, " Ellas, " Mary, " Esther, " Kulus, " Anne, " Jlarlha, " John, " Ezelael, of Capt. Solomon, ■' Mercy, '• John, Sept. 29, 1751. Feb. 20, 1754. Jan. 27, 1835. March 5, 1838. Aug. 26, 1840. June 19, 1842. June 10, 1845. Sept. 24, 1847. died Sept, 3, 1849. Sept. 13, 1851. Sept. 8, 1719. Sept. 21, 1722. July 9, 1724. Dec SO, 1728. May 11, 1730. Jan. 21, 1731-2. JJaroh 1, 1731-5. died March 28, 1778. March 13, 1726. Jan. 12, 1727-8. Jan. 20, 1729-30. GLOCESTER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 61 1-155 SltlTH William, ol Capt. Solomon, March 5, 1732. 1-155 WlUlam, d. July 3, 173IJ. 1-155 " Sarali, May 4, 1734. 1-155 " . AnpUllis, Oct. 4, 1736. 1-155 " Ruth, May 25, 1739. 1-155 " Naomi, May 3, 1741. 1-155 " Mary, Dec. 24, 1742. 1-39 " Stephen, oI Steplien and Sarah, July 23, 1738. 1-39 " Hazel, Dee. 15, 1740. 1-39 " Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1742. 1-39 " Thomas, Feb. 1, 1745. 1-39 Elisha, Feb. 1, 1745. 1-39 " SUvanus, Sept. 2, 1752. , 1-39 " Noah, Sept. o, 1740. 1-42 " John, of Benjamin and Mercy, Feb. 14, 1740. 1-42 " Susanna, Nov. 20, 1742. 1-42 " Mary, May 16, 1745. 1-100 " WUUam, of Ezoldel and Mary, Oct. 14, 1746. 1100, " Elizabeth, March 3, 1750. 1-100 " Sarah, Sept. 1. 1751. 1-100 " Sarah, d. June 3, 1753. 1-100 " Solomon, Aug. 6, 1754. 1-100 " Anne, May 10, 1756. 1-100 " Naomi, June 18„ 1758. 1-100 " Sebbel, Feb. 13, 1760. 1-100 " .Jonathan, Dec. 15, 1761. 1100 " Kaohel, July 30, 1763. 1-100 " Anne, June 30, 1766. 1-100 " Dexter, July 11, 176S. 1-86 " James, of BuXos and Mercy, Oct. 23, 1752. 1-86 " Bhoda, Jan. 32, 1755. 1-86 " Bhoda, d. Sept. 9, 1761. 1-86 Sylvia, Jan. 13, 1757. 1-86 " Sylvia, d. Nov. 21. 1759. 1-86 " Dacla, Oct. 18, 1759. 1-86 " Dacia, d. Sept. 5, 1761. 1-86 Chad, March 13, 1762. 1 -86 " Area, ol Rnfus and Mercy, Oct. 13, 1764. 1-86 " Sabra, AprU 22, 1767. 1-8G " Sabra, d. Dec. 0, 1767. 1-80 Zadock, .Tan. 1, 1770. l-8(> " Paul, Oct. 00, 1773. 1-73 " Tluinklul, of John (son of B.), and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1763. 1-72 " Cyiia, Sept. 7, 1765. 1-73 " Cyna, d. Jan. 11, 1776. 1-72 '■ Samuel, Dec. 27, 1767. 1 72 " Jrarcy, Nov. 30, 1770. 1-73 " Eber, May 10, 1773. 1-72 " Zenas, June 5, 1776. 1-72 " Mary, July 30, 1778. 1-73 " Sarah, Jan. 31, 1785. 1 56 " Esther, of Jonathan ajid Hannah, March 8. 1765. 1-56 " Joanna, July 3, 1767. 1-56 " Jonathan, April 6, 1747. i-Sb " Sarah, AprU 18. 1749. 1-56 " Phebe, April 28, 1751. 1 56 " Thomas, Marcli 17. 1753. 1-56 " Benjamin, July 6, 1755. 1-56 " Elizabeth, June 17, 1757. 1-5G " John, Feb. 7, 1760. 1-56 " Amos, Dec. 18, 1762. 1-193 " George, of John, April 7, 1767. 1-193 " Urania (Steere, of Jeremiah), his wife, March 5, 17f.:i. 1-193 " Carles, of George and Urania, Jan. IK, 1791. 1-193 " Achsa, Jane 8„ 1795. 1-193 " Fannie, May 10. 1797. 62 VITAL RECORD OF KHODE ISLAND. 1-193 1 103 1 256 1-256 1-256 1-25G 1-250 1256 1-256 1-256 1-256 1-256 1-256 1-256 1 69 193 1-1 56 ^-156 1-166 11 56 1-15(1 1-156 1-181 1-181 1-181 1-181 1-188 -195 -11J5 •105 -105 -105 -195 1-195 1-195 1-170 1-170 1-197 1-213 1-213 1-213 1-256 1-256 1-256 1-256 1-256 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 . 1-50 1-50 1 91 1-01 1-75 1-75 1-75 1-75 l-5i; 1-138 1-133 SMITH Otis, of fU'orge and Urania, Jan. 8, 1709. ItamljiU, July 24. 1800. Linden, of Daniel, of Elisha, botli of Smithfield, Nov. 20, 1768. Piulje (Matliewson, of William,), liia wife (Jolui=,ton), Sepl. 21, 1774. Josepli, of Linden and Phebe, Cliarles, FideUu, Married Fenner Mowry. Rouljen B., Plu be, Pliebe, Eunice, 'Daniel M., Linden, died July 27, 1820. lliebe, his wile, ditd MJ-y 31, Kacliul, of St pli.n and Abigail, David, of Jo.sepli and Eliola, Kufus, ol James and DruslUa, Diliwin, Feb. 2, 1798. March 4, 1800. Dec. 25, 1802. July 4, 1S04. March 2ii, 1807 d. Nov. 26, 1824. May 13, 1809. July 21, 1818. 1838. Jonah, Koade, Warner, Job, Samuel, Iklowry, John, Arnold, or Stephen and Abigail, of Esek and Renewed, Hezeklah, of Asa and Anne, Leuslna, of Dutce and lluldah (Smithfield), Leusina, ( Dennis (Smithfield), Dennis, d Alvah (Glocester), Senaca (Ulocester), Mowry (iJIocester), Huldah Mowry ((ilocester), Wiliard, of Zadoc and Kowena, Job Scott, Kcmeral Tamar, dau. of Sarah Phetteplace, Sarah Arnold, of Mowry and Mary, Wait INlowry, Benedict Arnold, Ruth H., of Charles and Arodromina, Arodromina, Aroilromina, wife of Charles, died July 3, 1828. " Charles Mowry, of Charles and Martha, " Charles, SPRAGUE Andrew, of Samuel and Jerusha, " Andrew, " Peter, '■ Elisha, " Anne, " Andrew, " Ainasa, " Aves. of Elijah and Aves, Feb. 22. 1' " Aves. wife Flijali, died Feb. 26, 1777 " Lamnn, of Anthony and Lydia, •' Jcdrdiah, " Anthony, " Walliam" Ross, SQUIRE John, son of Stephen, resldi Conn., and Hannah, lus wife, born June 20, 1751 STEEKE Anne, of Richard and Anne, " Anne, wife of Richard, died Dec. 21, 1731. Jan. 24, 1773. April 10, 1774. 22, 5m., 1776. 19, 11m., 1777. 16, 9m., 1779. 9, im., 1783. 6, 11m., 1785. 5, 4rn., 1787. April 14, 1778. Feb. 5. 1781. Feb. 17, 1787. Aug. 1, 1779. Oct. 24, 1787. Oct. 28, 1789. .. Apiil 28, 1790. March 25, 1702. March 15, 1795. June 15, 1704. March 1, 179G. Aug. 12, 1798. March 21, 1801. 15, 9m., 1791. 13, 3m., 1794. April 2, 1800. Nov. 4, 1805. April 22, 1807. Dec. 24, 1609. March 2, 1826. Oct. 3, 1827. Jan. 6, 1838. 5d Dec. 18, 1837. Nov. 10, 1745. d. June 13, 1746. March 20, 1746. Feb. 12, 1748. June 2, 1751. April 6, 1753. Feb. 23, 1758. Manh n. 1802. Dec. 2], 1803. Nov. 23, 1805. March 15. 1814. ent of Rlocester. formerly of Killingly, Dee. 0, 1731. I GLOCESTER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. •H3 1-J36 STEEKE Slephen, of Richard and Jane, Nov. 10, 1736. 1-13S c TliOtlKlS, Marili 7. 17:i7H. 1-138 ti Jnne, July 24. 1730. 1-138 u Willlim, Nov. 30, 1745. 1-1 as u lM;iiy. Apiil 11, 1747. 1-138 11 Prescilla, Sept. 6, 1750. 1-133 tt Thankful, Dec. 3, 1756. 1-138 " Thomas, d. Oct. 10, 1743. 1-138 tt Jane, d. March 7, 1747. 1-138 tt Mnry, d. Aup. 28, 1752. 1-138 C( WiUiam, d. Sept. '2, 1752. 1-138 (( Presc>!la, d. Sept. 2, 1752. 1-138 tt Jane, wife of Richard, died Jan. 21, 1763. 1-138 tt Elchard, . ilie, 1779. Nov. 27, 1790. Feb. 24, 17d5, Jan. 7, 1738. Jan. 7, 1738. March 20, 177S. Dec. 3, 1770. Jan. 17, n&2. AprU 9, 1734, June 11, 17S6. Sept. 17, 1788. July 26, 1791. April 19, 1794 Jan. 17, 1798. Juno 3, 1801. Aug. 27, 178G. d. sept. 10, 1786. Dec. 30, 1787. Dec. 29, 1790. Dec. 21, 179J, Oct. 4, 179t. Sept. 7, 1796. July 21, 1798. Sept. 5, 18O0. Nov. 2, 1792. AprU 19 Oct. 12 Aug. 4, April 10, 1799 Jan. 23. 1801, May 24, isorj, April 29, 1803, May — , 1807. June 14, 1811 d. Aug. 7, 1795. d. Sept. 29, 179S, Nov. 19, Feb. 8 June 23, April 15, 1776. Dec. 29, 1780. March 26, 17S4. Oct. 1, 1772. Jan. 28, 1779. April 5, 1781. July 5, 1734. Dec. 29, 178C.. Aprtl 16 Jan. 20, Aug. 12, 1794. 1796. 1797. 1796. 1799. 1810. 1739. 1792. 1794. " John, " Anna, " Mary, STRAIGHT John, of Thomas and Ann (bom -where unknown), March 25, 1761. Ann, April 8. 17ii:!. " Nehemiah, of John, Jan. 7, 1771. 1-117 TAFT Mijamln, of Nathan and Sarsb, Sept. 9, 1760. 1-117 " Moses, Oct. 4, 1762. 1-170 TANNER Esther, March 16, 1767 ; d. March 4, 1853. 1-170 THATCHER Olney Samuel, of Nathaniel and Lydla, Feb. 9, 1789. 1-170 " AmasM, March 15, 1791. 1-170 " Sarah, Sept. 8, 1793. 1-170 " Nancy, May 9, 1796. GLOCS8TBB BIBTBS AWD OSATH6. 65 1-44 THOMPSON George, of George snfl Baehel, 1-117 " Laben, son of Sarah Cooper, 1-78 THORNTON Phebe, of Eira and Eutti, 1-78 " Dorcas, 1-19 ■ Je>ise. of John. Jr., and Uary, 1-10 " Stephen, 1-19 " Daniel, 1-19 " Jon;aUmn, 1-19 " Huldah, of John, Jr., and Jemima, 1-19 " David, 1-19 « Mary, 1-70 " Gideon, of Ebeneeer, Jr., and M^rtlA, 1-70 " Marcy. 1-70 " Marcy, 1-70 « Ruth, 1-70 " Deborah, 1-70 " Ebenezer, 1-70 " Ebenezer, 1-96 '■ Jeri'inkih, (Scituate), {L-96 " Stephen, of Jeremiah and Susannah, 1-96 " Amos, of Jeremiah and Esther, 1-96 " Susanna, 1-96 " Esther, 1-96 " Jeremiah 1-96 " Sarah, 1-96 " Lydla Sweeting, 1-187 TOUETELLOTTE Ann.-, of Jes.se and Ruth, 1-187 " David, 1-187 " Daniel, 1-187 " Delllla, 1-187 " Loisiana, 1-187 " Mary, 1-187 " Jeremiah Field, 1-187 " Ainuld Hawkins. 1-187 " Jess-; Steere, 1-187 " Joiiathan Aborii, 1-187 " Uiania. 1-187 " Ruth. 1-187 '• Doi-ca-s Ahorn, 1-254 " Daniel Bernon. of Jesse :iiiil MalNina, 1-254 " Charles Frederic, 1-254 " Willlaiu Albert, 1-254 " William Albert, 1-254 '■ JIalvina Louisa, 1-254 " Helen Augusta, 1-252 " (ieorge Herbert, of Joiiatliau A. and Marta, 1-252 " .lame^ Bnchannon, 1-352 ■' Jesse, 1-36 TUCKER Jonatlian, son of AbigaU Barelett, 1-152 '• James, of Moses and Esther, 1-152 ■•• Da\-ld. 1-152 " >Silas, 1-152 '■■ I'atieiiec, 1-14R '■ Nieliol.is, I if Jolm (of Benoni) and Elizabeth, 1-140 " Candaee, 1-146 . '■ Barbara, 1-146 " Izreal, 1-14C " Levina, 1-146 " Mary, 1-146 " George. l-ll() " Elizabeth, 1-41 '■' .lonathan, of Joiiatluin and Lydla, 1-41 " Lydla, wife of Jonathau. died Oct. 1, 1776. 1-221 " Mi&ha, ol Robert, 1-221 " Abner, t\it. Roc, Vol. 3.) 5 March 16 . 1746. May 29 1798. Dec. 27 1750. Jnly 28 1759. Jan . 1 1757. AprU 30 1759. AprU 25 1762. Dec. 25 1764. AprU 3 1769. Feb. 10 1772. Feb. 11 1779. Fel . 8 1768. May 1 1770. d. July 19 1772. March 18 1772. May 7 1774. Aug. 20 1776. d. AprU 18, 177-. Jnly 22 1751. 7. ■trn . 1774. 17. 3m 1773. 8. 10m 1776. 21, 10m., 1779. 24, 9m., 1781. M/nch 1^. 1784. Aug • 9, 1789. March •2H, 1798. .Tune 1, 1799. Jan. 10, 1801. Oct. ~6. 1802. June 20, 1804. Feb . 0. 1806. Nov. 1.0. 1807. Feb. 11, 1809. AprU 1, 1811. Sept. 15. 1812. Get 2. 1814. Dec ,s. 1810. Oct. 15, 1811-. JiUy 10, 1840. Sept. 17. 1841. May IS. 184r!. Sept. 12. 1843. May or" 1844. MareL ^, 1340. •Inly •2k. 1839. March 2C}, 1341. Oct. v.). 1342. July 7, 1729. Mai-eli 17. 1741. -VprU S. 1743. llCf. 7, 1749. .Tail. -15. 1751. Scpl. IS. 1772. Sept. 10, 1774. Oci. 27 1773. Feb. 1. 1761. Jan. 10, 17S3. March 1, 1765. .Ian. 7. 1783. July -S, 1790. S.|.t. 1 :2. 1770. Jan. : M. 17--'. July i. 1733. 66. L_ VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. l-3i;i XL'CKER Lucy, ot lonatUan and Lyim, June 17, 1785, 1-221 " James, May 2, 1787, 1-221 u Esek, Dec. 29, 1788. 1-221 C( Wary, June 27, 1791. 1-221 (( David, Maicli 31, 1794. 1-221 (( Thankful, May 7, 1798. 1 221 tl Jesse, June 21, 1802. 1-151 u Mary, of Kobert and Amey (Smlthfield), May 1, 1708, 1-1 Dl <( Betsey (Smitlifield), Marcli 25, 1800. 1-131 u Robert (Smlthneld), Jan. 7, 1802. 1-151 u Nancy (Glocestcr), (also 1-288), Nov. 9, 1804. 1-151 u Amey (Smitlilield), Jan. 19, 1807. 1-151 u Daniel (Smitldield), 1809, d. young. 1-151 tc Daniel, 2d (Smilhfleld), 18x0, d. young. 1-131 " Alilgail (SmlUiflelfl), Dec. 9, 1812. 1-131 u Daniel, 3d (Cranston), July 4, 1814. 1-151 tl Jackson (Smithfield), May 2, ISIQ. 1-189 UNDEEWOOD Lydia Darling, of Charles and Lydlfl, Sept. 2, 1809. 1-110 1-110 1-110 1-110 VINCENT Laban, of Thomas and Martha, " Sarah, " Mary, " Maxtha, w Nov. 30, 17.50. June 10, 1752. Dee. 12, 1754. Dec. 24, 1750. 1-40 WADE Jonathan, of Nathan and Deborah, March 28, 1732. 1-40 u Nathan, Feb. 6, 1734. 1-40 It Elizabeth, March 8, 1736. 1-40 " Dorcas, March 6, 1738. 1-40 It Abner, July 4, 1739. 1-40 tt \Villia.m, Nov. 8, 1741. 1 40 tt NaUianiol, March 17, 1744. 1-40 u Gideon, April 3, 1746. 1-40 tt Zebulon, July 29, 1748. 1-40 tt Mary, Get. 21, 1750. 1-40 tt Mercy, Nov. 7, 1752. 1-40 tl Olive, And in 52d year of mother's age. Oct. 2(5, 1763. 1-116 It Nathaniel, of Dudley and Katliariauey, Aug. 4, 1758. 1-116 tt Alverson, Oct. 28, 1701. 1-121 tt Phebe, of Abner, dec.. July 10, 1767. i-121 " Ciiailotte. of Gideon and Phebe, Dec. 2, 1770. 1121. '• Babra, March 28, 1773. 1-121 " Hawldns, July 2, 1775. 1-121 tt Abiier, Nov. 26, 1777. 1-121 " Amey, March 15, 1780. 'l (SO WALLING isiiae. Of John and Hope, May 8, 1731. l-dO " Jacob, Juno 12, 1732. i-i;o " John, Sept. IS, 1733. l-(;o " lvib.?ckah, June 12, 1735. 1 CO '• rhcbe, Sept. 15, 1736. 'l-no " Mary, May 9, 1740. 1 CO " J osbua. July 5, 1716. '1-41 " Hcuben, of Isa.nc ajid Lydta (Sclt.), Jiino 11, 17B0. '1-41 " Elizabeth (Glo.), AprU 8, 17(;2. 1-40 " Kacbcl, ot John, Jr., and Martha, July 3, 1765. 1 4y " Ishinael, May 12, 1767. 1-49 " Klcharl, April 9, 1769. ! GLOCESTBE BIETH8 AND DEATHS. 67 1-49 WALLING Martha, ol Jolin, Jr., and Martha, Dec. 3, 1773. 1-41 u Din.ih. of Jacob and Ruth, May 10. 1763. 1-41 u Arclielaua, Oct. 12, 17R5. 1-41 u Olive, Aug. 10, 1768. 1-41 *< Rutli, wife of Jacob, died Dec. 7, 1771. 1-103 u Sal ley, of Islimael and Mary, Jan. 22, 1789. 1-103 u Clarke, April 17, 1790. 1-103 (t John, March 2(i, 1793. 1-103 « Rachel, Jan. 17, 1796. 1-103 u Martin, Aug. 23, 1800. 1-366 u Area, of Reuben and Bachel, June 27, 1785. l-3(i6 it Abner, Dec. 18. 1787. 1-366 u Eber, June 4, 1791. 1-366 u Silvia, July 23, 1796. 158 WAKNER I eiijamln, of Benjamin and Maiy, Sept. 4, 1750. 1-58 it Mary, Feb. 21, 1753. 1-58 » Sarah, May 6, 1754. 1-5 S " John, Dec. 31, 1756. 1-55 WELLS Anne, 01' John, Jr., and Mary, May 8, 1756. 155 (( Sarali, Aug. 14, 1758. 1-55 " Ha:inah, May 9. 1761. 1-286 WEST Sarah E., widow. died Nov. 25, 1866. 1-lJO WHIIPPLE Jolm (Providence), Nov. 24, 1718. 1-120 (( Anne, of Jolm and Hannah, Jan. 4, 1742-3. 1-120 (( Elijah, April 9, 1745. laeo Mary, March 24, 1746-7. 1-120 John, Feb. 15, 174S-9. 1-120 " Eleanor, Feb. — , 1750-1. 1-120 u William, March 12. 1753. 1120 K Joab, Aug. 10, 1755. 1-120 tt Nathan, Oct. 22, 1757. 1120 « Daniel, Aug. 15, 1759. 1-120 " Jonah, Oct. 22, 1761. 1-143 " Olney, of Esek and Merehe, Jan. 14, 1788. 1-100 WILLIAMS Maiy, ol John and Mary, May 23, 1707. 1-100 " Thomas, Feb. 5, 1769. 1-81 " Xerzes, ol Esquire and Anna, Aug. 17, 1780, 1-81 " Khoila, AprU 27, 1783. 1-112 " Uohah (Scltuate), Aug. 17, 1(83. 1-45 WILMAKTH Timotliy, ol llmothy and Mary, Dec. 3, 1743. 1-45 " Joseph, March 19, 1745-6. 1-45 " Mary, Feb. 15, 1747-8. 1-45 " Hannah, AprU 20, 1753. 1-79 " Stephen, of Timothy, Jr., and Thanlilul, April 30, 1774. 1-79 " Joseph, Aug. 4, 1776. 1-79 " Mary, April 1, 1773. 1-79 " Hannah, Jan. 25, 1780. 1-79 " Timothy, March 29, 1782. 1-79 " Alee, Sept. 4, 1784. 1-79 tt Nancy, Feb. 4, 1788. 1-79 " bukey. Nov. 23, 1790. 1-231 Timothy, died age 63y. 11m. 4d., April 19, 1781. 1-231 " Mary, his wife, died age 40 years, May 14, 1760. 1-231 tt Timothy, died age 71y. 7m. 14<1., .Inly 28, 1815. 1-231 " Alice, died age 12y. lOm. 13d., July 12, 1797. 1-231 •I Nancy, died age 18y. 7m. 2(ia., Sept. 30, 1806. 1-221 " Timothy, ol Joseph and Elizabeth, March 29, 1817. 1-221 " Joseph Carty, Oct. 5, 1819. 1-231 (i Elizabeth, wire or Joseph, died age 30y. 6m. 13d., Oct. 24. 1819. 1-32 WINSOK Amey, of Joseph and Deborah, Feb. 11, 1736-7. 1-32 " Deborah, Oct. 2 :. 1733. 132 " Abraham, Aug. 7, 1740. 1-32 " Amos, Aug. 22, 1742. 1-33 " ZelUs, Nov. 1, 1744. 1-32 " Ctirlstopher, Feb. 5, 1740-7. «8 TITAI. BBCOBD Or BHODB I8I«iJn>. a-3a WINSOB Azar, Of Joseph and Deborali 1-32 u Daagbter, 1-ita " Daughter, i-aa u Martha, 1-32 " Mary, i-aa tf Samuel, 1-32 " Thanltful, 1-135 " Joseph, of Amos and Mary, 1-135 " Beer, 1-135 " Nahcy, 1-135 " Oliver, 1-135 " Wimam, 1-135 " Lydla. 1-135 " Samuel, 1-135 " KusseU, 1-135 '< Asa, 1-135 " John, 1-135 u Kebeckah, 1-135 " Deborah, 1-135 " Mary, 1-173 " Zlba, oI Stephen and Mary, 1-173 " Asenah, 1-173 " Lydla, 1-173 " Joshua, 1-173 " Olney, 1-173 " Selanah, 1-173 " Paris, 1-173 " Stephen, 1-173 " John Wilkes, 1-lTO M Ippenetas, 1-117 " Eimor, of Darius and Mary, 1-117 " Marcy, 1-117 u Lydla, June 4, 174». Aug. 1, 1751. . Ang. la. 1751. Dec. 18, 1752. AprU 2. 1755. June IS, 1757. Aug. 28, 1763. Oct. 8, 1766. March 30, 1768. Jan. 3, 1770. Nov. 25, 1771. Sept. 20, 1773. Aug. 28, 1775. May 15, 1777. May 25, 1779. July 22, 1781. June 5, 1783. Aug. 20. 1784. Aug. 14, 1786. June 15. 1791. Feb. 4. 1767. July 12, 1768. March 21, 1771. March 19, 1774. Oct. 5. 1776. Feb. -'T, 1779. May 16, 1781. Dec. 11, 1786. Oct. 22, 1788. AprU a, 1793. Jan. 10, 1775. Nov. 26, 1778. Aug. 3, 1780. X Y Z 1-55 WOOD Mary, of Tliom.is and Sarah,' 1-55 Sarah, 1-55 ' Humphrey, 1-55 WilUam, 1-55 ' Mary, 1-203 ' Thomas, Jr., of Humphrey, 1-237 ' George Brown, of John W. and AirlUa 1-237 ' Thomas, 1-237 ' Charles, 1-286 YOUNG John, of Thomas and Anne, May 9, 1754. Oct. 13, 1756. April 1, 1759. May 2, 1761. July 5, 1703. Fell. 29, 178G. May 2,s, 1818. Nov. 24, 1819. Jan. 14. 1823. April -2. l-r,i. f Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. KIRST SERIES. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narkagansett Historical Register, " Is Nly Name Written in tlT^e Boole of Life?' Volume 2. BURRILLVILLE. Part IL t Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. I : Karkagansstt Historical Pudlishing CoMrAirr. U«2. ACT INCORPORATING THE TOWN OF BURRILLVILLE. In General Assembly at Providence, October session, 1806. An Act to Divide the Town of Glocester and to Incorporate the North Part thereof into a Town of the name ot Burrillville. Section I. Bt^ it enacted by the General Assembly, and by the authority thereof it is enacted, that the town of Glocester, in the county of Providence, be divided into two towns by a line drawn westej-ly through the middle of said town to the line of the State of Connecticut, and tliat the northern half of said town thus divided and set o(l be incorporated into a township by the name of Burrillville, and that the inluibitauts thereof shall have and enjoy the like benelits, libertieB, privileges and immunities as the other towns in this State generally enjoy and are entitled to. Sec. II. And be it further enacted that the freemen of said town shall and may assemble in town meeting on the third Monday in November, A. D. 1806, to elect their town officers and transact all other business which by law a town meeting may transact ; and t.liat Simeon Steere, Esq., be authorized, and directed to issue his warrant to any constable in the said town of Burrill- ville, to warn the freemen of said town, to meet in town meeting for tlie pur- poses aforesaid at such place and at such time on said day as he may in said warrant appoint. Sec. III. And be it further enacted that Messrs. Joshua BickneU, Joseph Rice and 'niomas Mann be, and they are. hereby appointed a Commit- tee, to make an equal division of the poor, now supported at the expense of «aid town of Glocehter, between the two towns, and also of the debts due or coming, and money belonging to the town of Glocester and of the debta due trom the said town, which said division shall be settled and made in propor- tion to ttiei last tax assessed in said town. Sec. IV. And be it further enacted that said Committee be authorized and empowered to run the division line afo red escribed, to set up monumentt and boundaries thereon and to report to the General Assembly at th© next »e»- noD. (Public Laws of Rliode Island, 1822, page 84.) I I BURRILLVILLE. ]Vr -A. E,X?,I.A. <3-E S . 1-44 ADAMS Ann B., and George Ballon, Oct. 23, 1847. 1-47 " Sarah L., and James N. Woodart, Aug. 17, 1S4S. 1-5 ALBEE Joseph, of Cliarlestown, Mass., and Lydia Morton, of BiirrilU-Ule ; m. by William tloss, Justice, May 7, 1800. 1-13 " Clarrlssa, and Mo^es B. S;ilisbui'y, Aug. 22, ISlfi. 1-21 ALDEICH Pliebe, and Locth Br wn, Jan. G, 1825. 1-21 " PUebe, and BczlIcoI White. Jan. 23, lo2r). 1-36 " . Alzada, and Gtorge Allen, March 21. Ib41. 1-36 ALLEN George, of John, of Sutton, Ma-s., and Alzada Aldrich, of RnsscD, of BiirrillviUe, dec.; m. by Daidcl M. Salisbury, Justice, Marcll • 21, 1841. 1-46 ANDREWS Charles, of Matteson, and Abbie P. Gi'Utis, of Sydney ; m. by Daniel S. Mowry, Justice, Feb. 3, 1640. 1-41 A-KMSTRONG Elmira, and James N. Carlton. April 8, 1844. 1-42 " Alzada, and Sh.adracic O. Mowry, April 14, 1845. 1-23 ARNOLD Phebe, and Richard Uapliam, JIarch 17, 1613. 1-22 " Emory C, of Ouniberhuid, son or Benjaniin, and Abigail Williams, of Burrillviile, dau. of Natlian; m. by Solomon Smith, Justice, Nov. 0, 1825. 1-36 " Sarah, and Annar Richardson, Doc. 30, 1840. 1-41 ASHTON Freelove B., and Daniel S. Keeob, Aug. If'. 1843. 1-44 BACHELOR Dr. Alexander, and Tlio;-i;ih Walling: m. by F.lder Thomas C. Brown, Aug. 24, 1846. 1-45 " Jonas H., and KaK-hcl Walling; m. by F.lder Thomas C. Brown. Jan. 12, 1848. 1-24 BAKER Anson, of Isreal, and Sally Logce, of Darling; m. by El>er Smith, Justice. March 16, 1825. 1-46 " Meriana, and l;obert R. Matteson, Jan. 21, 1840. 1-5T " Eliza, and Augustus Hopkins, Dec. 16, 1872. 1-11 BALEY Benjamin, and l.ucina I'utnara ; m. by Amaziah Harris, Justice. Jan. 14, 1813. 1-19 BALLOU Canrtace, and Samuel Mathewson, Nov. 26, 1801. 1-5 " Welcome, of Glocester, son of David, and Ruth Mowry, of Smlth- fleld, d;iu. of Eleazer ; m. by James Olney, Justice, Oct. 12, 16011. 1-12 " Welcome, of D.-ivid, of BurrillvUle, and I.evina Chaee, of Stephen, of Cumberland; m. by Eber Smith, Justice, July 18, 1813. 1-13 " Andrew, and M.irllia Fairfield ; m. by Elder John Colby, Oct. 8, 1815. 1-14 " David, of Burrillviile, and Hannah Keynolds, of Swansey, Mass. ; m. at Swansey by John Mason, Justice, Oct. 4, 1817. 1-29 " David, and Mi-s. Ruth Mitchell; m. by Elder Smith, Justice, April 4, 1833. 1-43 " Joseph, Jr., and Elizabeth H. Taft ; m. at Smithfleld by Rev. Reuben AUen, Nov. 23, 1836. 1-32 " Haniiali, and John Es.en, Jan. li, 1888. VITAL KECORD OF KROnE ISI.AXD. 1-35 BALLOr David, of Da\na, and ITeiirictta R. Keech, of Aiiza ; m. by Daniel S. Mowry, May 3, Ib-tO. 1-36 " Nancy, and Genrgp Jl. Taft, June '28, 1840. 1-36 '•■ Sarah K., and Edward S. Stcerc, Ju)y 25, JS40. 1-44 " Cr€orgc, of Wolrome and Loilna, and Ann B. Adams, of Edmund. and Rebecca; ra. by Amasa Ballou, Justice, Oct. 23, 1847. 1-45 " Jo.'.epli, and Pjrcia Staples; m. by Rev. D. H. Lord. April 26, 1P48. 1-20 BARNES Sabra. and David Brown, Jan. 1, 1818. 1-15 " Alee, and Paul Smith, June 22, 1818. 1-36 " Deborah, and Esek M. Taft, June 18, 1&40. 1-16 BARTLETT Mary, and Conmor Smith. Dec. 3, 1S20. 1-56 BARTTAM Richard H.. and Mary Preno ; m. by Kev. Mowry Phillips, Oct. •2, l.^TO. 1-46 BATTEY Maria, and Joseph S. Grlffis. Jan. 30, 1849. 1-28 BLAKE Betsey, and Ochrey Jcnney. Dec. 15. 1F31. 1-32 BI.Y Otis W.. of Smithtield, .^nd Lydia Esten. of Burrillxllle ; m. by Elder M. W. BurUngame, May Ifi, 1830. 1-16 BOLSTER Nancy, and Benonl T. Taft, Maivh 23, 1820. 1-33 " Lucretla, and Edwin W. Walling, Oct. 8, 1839. 1-4 BOW'EN Jemima, and Jesse Ilcrendcen, Oct. 19, 1797. 1-34 " Mary A., and Arnclrt Paine, May 2(5, 1840. 1-51 BRENAHAN Morris, and Mary Dedy ; m. by Rev. William E. Dulfee, July 16, 1861. 1-57 BRIEN Evilina, and Charles Lemlca, Jan. 8, 1871. 1-47 BRIGGS Eunice D., and Simeon W. Steere. July 3, 1849. 1-1 BROWN Jcptha, and AnpliiUas Nichols, m. by Rev. Noiih Millard, April 27, 1807. 1-9 " George, Jr., of George, and Sarah Smith, of Martin ; m. by James Olney, Justice, July 7. ISll. 1-32 '■ Joseph, of Buirill\-ille, and Elsy Mowry, of Smithheld ; m. by JobA Ai-nold, Justice, July 20, l.'^12. 1-14 '• Arrilla, and Col. John Wall Wood, Jan. 7, 1816. 1-20 " David, of Josiah, and Sabra Barnes, of Henry; m. by Solomon Smith, JusUce, Jan. 1, 1818. 1-16 '■ OUs, of Ellsha, of Bnrrillvllle, and Lydia Mowry, of John, of Smlthlield : m. by Sessions Mowry, Justice, July 30, 1820. 1-17 " Lucinrta, and Duty Lapham, Nov. 4, 1821. 1-21 '• Loeth, and Phebe Aldrlch ; m. by Cyrus Logee, Jan. 6, 1825. 1-37 " Eunice, and Abel Japerson, Dec. 18. 1841. 1-48 BUPFIN Benjamin, of Douglass, Mass., and Sophia Wheelock, of U.xbridge, Mass. ; ni. by Elder George Burnham. Nov. 26, 1849. l-ft2 BtJRDICK Mary A., and Charles E. Coh-tii, March 25, 1866. 1-29 BORLINGAME James, and Nancy Lapliam ; m. by Jolm Arnold, JofiUce, Oct 15, 1912. 1-16 " Sarah, and Jethro Lapham, July 4, 1819. 1-32 " Esther, and Dr. Levi Eddy, April 6, 1826. 1-42 BUTTON Lucretla, and Sleriy Evans, Feb. 20, 1845. 1-44 BUXTON Thcron H., and Betsey Chace ; m. by Elder Thomas C. Brown, Oct. 5, 1847. 1-49 " Sally Ann. and Ehim Inman, June 16, 1850. 1-16 CARLEY James, and Dianna Poll ;cl< : m. by Elder Noah Millard, Harch 14, 1819. 1-41 CARLTON James N., of U.xbridge, son of Amos, and Elmira Armstrong, of Burrillville. dau. of Knight; m. by Daniel S. Mowry, Justice, April 8, 1844. 1-33 CARROLL Mrs. Lydia A., and Jesse Ormsbee, Jan. 6, 1842. 1-38 CARY Ebenezcr, and Mary Willla'iis ; m. by Samuel Williams, Justice, Marek 16, 1S42. 1-38 " Jerusha, and Reuben Smith, April 18, 1842. HUKUILLVILLK— MAUUIAGiiS. 1-12 CHACE Levlna, and Welcoiue IJal luu, July 18, 1813. 1-44 " Betsey, and Tlieron H. Duxton, Uct. a, 1847. 1-44 " Nel-.on, of Joseph, and Alzada Harris, of Jesse; m. by Rev. D. H. Lord, Jan. '2^, 1848. 1-13 CLABKE Henjamlii, and Maiilii i,:iiJliani ; m. by John Wood, .(nstiee, July 4, 1813. 1-34 " Lydia, and John Arnold Wood, Uct. 17, 1839. 1-57 CLAEKINS Amey C. and 8,uitli Li' "itsp^^ed. JiUi. 31, 1871. 1-52 COL VIN Charles K., and Mary A. I'.iirdick; ni. by Rev. Mowry PhUllps, March 25„ 1861). 1-4 COLWELL Martlia, and Jacob Hilaiirt, Oct. 1(1, 1808. 1-41 COMOTOCK Caleb, of Esek, and Wait^y Wliipple, widow, dau. of Arica Kecch ; m. by Daniel f^. Mowi-y. Justice, Sept. 13, 1344. 1-47 " Lucy, and Enior Mowry. .March t2i, 1849. 1-47 COOKE Benjamin H., of Kll.sha, d.e., and Angline P. Esten, of Benjamin; m. by Elder Thomas C. lirowii, Uot. 9, 1848. 1-9 CXJOPEE Amie, and Natlian Thayer. June Ki, 1811. 1-16 " Daniel, of Mo^es, and Kizia TafI, ot Moses; ra. Ijy Asel Keech, Justice, Marcli liS, 18-0. 1-14 " Cliester. of Stephen, and Deljorali Ennis ; m. by Key. D. H. Lord, Jan. 3, lo48. 1-2 COWINU Abigiul. and Jereniiali I'liornion, .Ir.. i-'eb. -^-J, ls07. 1-1-2 UAi;LlN(.i Thonias. ol An. 1-37 " John, of Phineas, and Susaunali llairis, of George: m. by Syria Steere, Justice, Nov. 24, 1830. 1-34 " Esek. of Darius, of Glucester ; and Eizpah TafI. of Nallian, ot Hurrillvllle: m. by Daniel M. Siiltsbury. Justice, Oct. (1, 1830. 1-(1 DEAN Deji. Timothy, and Mary Malhew^ou : m. by l!ev. Noah Millai'd. March 31, 1810. 1-49 " Robert P.. :in't Mary Arn Simders : ni. l>y Marlin S. Salisbury. .Tustice, Dev. 2. I'-^li*. 1-51 DBOY JIar.i. and Morris Kienalian. July 115, 1.8H1. 1-24 DIKE Polly, and Daniel Smil'i. June :;. 1S04. 1-50 DUJARDIN iisias, and llenrielta. Snbosiei- : ni. liy Ilev. Willi.-mi U. Brie. Jan. 1. 1871. 1-57 DUSSEAN Kosalie. and .lohu It. Laeroix. .Ian. 22. 1871. 1-10 EDDY Zervlah, and Daniel Harris, Nov. 22, 1812. 1-32 " Dr. Levi, of BurrillviUe, and Esther Burllngame, of Glocester; m. by Elder Joseph White, April 6, 1826. 1-35 " LilUs, and Calvin A. Jenne, Sept. 10, 1837. 1-46 " Duty, ,and Ilarri ! White; m. by Martin S. Salisbury, Nov. 5, 1848. 1-52 " Thomas W.. of Smithfield. and Josephine S. Famnm, of Glocester; m. by Rev. Moses Cliaeo, .Ian. 7, l.SfU'i. 1-46 ELGER Arnle, and William Inman, Dec. 15, 1648. 1-45 ENULEY Chailes W., of Worcester, M.ass., and Betsey A. Mowry, of Bnr- rillville; ni. by Rev. D. P. Hairiman, May 12, 1845. 1-44 ENNIS Deborah, and Chester Cooper, Jan. 3, 1848. 1-5 ESTEN Lydia, and Arad Lapham, April 19. 1808. 1-26 " John, Jr., ot John, .and Lcrina Thayer, of Dr. EUsha, dec; m. by Solomon Smith. Justice, Aug. 11, 1816. 1-20 " Araasa, of John, and Olive Stone, of Ezra; m. by Elder Daniel Esten. Jan. 1. 1824. 1-32 " Lydia, ,ind Olis W. Bly. May 10, 1836. 1-32 " John, .and Hannah Ballon, widow ol David; m. by Duty Smith, Justice, Jan. 6, 1838. 8 VITAL OF RECOKU KHODE ISLAND. 1-47 KSTEM Angcline P., and Benjamin H. Cooke. Oct. 9, 1848. 1-46 " Rachel, and .leremiaU Mowry, Jan. 2!). 1840. 1-48 " riiUence, and Moses Sinitli. Aug. 13, 1849. 1-68 " Alexander Seiano EUas, of BunillviUc. and Josephine Lageltla Taft, of Tliompson, (Jonn, dau. of Sylvester aud Patience (War- nerl Taft; ni. at Hop :laK-, JiUftS., Liy KfV. Adin Lallou, May- IB, 1877. 1-42 EVANS Sterry. of Glocester, and Liicretia Bntton, of BurrUlvUle; m. by- Elder George Tyler, Feb. 20, 1345. 1-4 FAIRFIELD Cynthia, and Theodore F. Jllilard, Nov. 20, 18Uti. 1-13 " Manila, and Andretv Balhiu, Oct. 8, 1813. 1-24 FAUNUM Daniel, of U.-sbridgc, Mai.s., son of Jonathan, and Mary Smith, of Bnrrillvilli', dau. of Martin; m. by John Esten, Justice, June 19, 1S23. 1-52 " Francis \V., and Esther E. Randall; m. by Rev. Levi S. Taylor, Jan. 19, 1802. 1-52 " Josephine S., and Thomas W. Eddy, Jan. 7, 1806. 1-2 FENNER LyiUa, and Beni;xUi.-t T.ift, May 30, lb07. 1-14 " Abigail, and Esok Phettelilacc, AprQ 25, ISIG. 1-40 FIELD John A., of Thomas, of Scituate, and Flurinda A. Hopkins, of Car- ver, of BurrUiville ; m. by Elder Augustus Durfee, April 6, 1843. 1-45 FOWLER Jane, and James S. Mi Do-well, May 2, 1848. 1-10 FRANCE Joseph, of Smithfleld, son of James, and Anne Inman, of Bur- rillville, dau. of Samuel; m. by Eber Smith, Justice, Sept. 3, 1812. 1-40 GAGE Moses G.. of Mcndon, Mass., and Rosamond Steere, of Adin, of Bur- rillvllle; m. by Elder Augustus Durfee, Dec. 27, 1843. 1-12 GLEASON Betsey, and Federal C. Sprague, Oct. 7, 1813. 1-42 " Maria, and Siiyles B. Pliillips, Aug. 30, 1844. 1-57 GOODSPEED Smith, and Amey C. Clarklns ; m. by Rev. William H. Brie, Jan. 31, 1871. 1-13 GRE;ENE John, of Glocester. son of Joshua, and Philena Southtvick, dan. of Isrcal Coi>l;c. of BurriUville ; m. by Samuel Winsor, JusUce, Aug. 6, 1815. 1-30 " Meriah A., and Seril Williams, Feb. 28, 1836. 1-46 GRIFFS Joseph S., of Sidney, and Maria Battey, of L6\-l : m. by Daniel S. Mowry, Justice, Jan. 30, 1849. 1-46 " Abby P.. and Cluarles Andre-ws, Feb. 3, 1849. H 1-59 HAM William S., of New York City, and Belle Warner, of BurrUiville; m. by Rev. J. W. Ward. Dec. 25, 1881. 1-20 HAKKNE8S Prusha O., and Mnwry Smih, Oct. 16, 1824. 1-9 HARRIS LiUies. and Capt. John W. Wood, July 28, 1811. 1-9 " Mrs. Eliza, and Aretus I apham, Nov. 17, 1811. 1-10 " George, of Esek, dec. of BurriUville, and Nancy Phillips, of John, of Gloccsk-r; m. by Pitts Smith, Justice, Nov. 24. 1811. 1-10 " Daniel, and ZcTviah Eddy : m. by Caleb EUdrldge, Justice, Nov. 22 1812. 1-13 " Eleazer, of Amay.Iah, and Maritty Lapham, of WUliam ; m. by •Solomon Stilth, Justice, July 7, 1816. 1-24 " Martin, of Uriah, and Eliza Ann Paine, of Smith ; m. by Syria Steere, JiisMce. July 16, 1826. 1-27 " Snsnnnah, and John Dnrling. Nov. 24, 1830. 1-44 " Alzada, and Nelson fhace. Jan. 28, 1848. 1-49 " Louisa L., and Marvel Morse, May 22, 1850. BUERILLVILLK MARRIAGES. 1-45 HAWKINS Edward \V., and Enicline Stone; m. by Eev. M. \V. Burlingamo JuJy 27, 1848. ' 1-51 HEIALEY Miiry, and Painck Island, May 15, IBfil. 1-4 HEKENDKKN Jesse, of Andrew, and Jemima Bowen, of Elder William, both of Glocestier; m. by Simeon Steere, JusUce, Oct. 19, 1797'. l-o4 HICKS Joanna, and Williiim Millard, Jan. 28, 1840. 1-4 HllAND Jacob, of Natlianlel, and Martha Colwell, of Da\'ia ; m. by John Esten, Justice, Oct. 16, 18U8. 1-51 HOLOWAY Thomas S., of Elxeter, son of William, and Clarrlssa J. Hopldns, of Foster, dan. of Bucklin ; m. by Kev. Samuel D. Hopkins' Feb. 25, 1855. 1-4 HOPKINS Pattey C, and Darling Logee, Jan. 24, 1802. 1-40 " Florlnda A., and John A. Field, April 6, 1843. 1-47 " Mary F., and James A. Potter, May 24, 1849. 1-48 " Phebe, and Edward Ross. Dec. 28, 1849. l-!Jl " Clarissa J., and Thomas S. Holoway, Feb. 25, 1855. 1-57 " Augustus, of Burrillville, and EUza Baker, of Warwick; m. by Elder C. L. Frost, Dec. 16, 1872. 1-52 HORAN John, niiii Catlieriuo Moore; m. by Eev. William E. DuiTee, Jan 4, 1858. 1-7 HOWARD Huldah, and Samuel Millard, June 6, 1810. 1-48 " Cliayscinda II.. and Sti'phi n C. Thayer, Aug. 27, 1849. 1-44 HOWE Phebe Ann, and Stephen KohWns, Aug. 9, 1845. 1-10 HOWIAND Dorcas, and Jacob Jenne, Jan. 1, 1807. 1-36 INMAN James, and Nancy Thompson. 9ni. Id., ]S08. 1-6 " Edward, of BurriUvli e. and Hannah Steere ol Gloceeter; m. by Abraham Baiter, Justice, Feb. 1, 1810. 1-10 " Anne, and Jo-eph France, Sept. 3, 1812. 1-21 " Fenner, of Jesse, and Marltta Pliillips, of Eufus; m. by Syria Steere, Ju^ti e, Oct. 11, 1824. 1-23 " Phehe, and Charles Joslin, Nov. 27, 1825. 1-31 ■' Aea, of John, ard Lydia S. Whcelock, of Flletus; m. by Clark Wal'iiig, Ju tice, June 29, 1837. 1-33 " Miabenl, and Jason Jenckes. April 21, l.«39. l-y*> " Francis Henry, of Burrillville. and Hannah Marsh, of Smithfield; m. by Elder T. A. Taylor, Aug. 10, 1840. 1-37 " Lavlna, and Josiah S. Tliaycr. F. b. 14, 1841. 1-46 " William, of Dexter, and Amle Elger, of Joshua; m. by Daniel & Mowry. Justice, Dec. 15, 1848. 1-49 " Elam, of Abner, of Burrillville, and Sally Ann Buxton, of David, of Smithtiild; m. by Amos BulHn, Justice, June 16, 1850. 1-19 IKONS Arnold P., of Abigail, and Lorinda Talt, of Ellsha; m. by Syria Steere, Justice, Nov. 20, 1823. 1-25 « Sally, and Ells' a Taft, Feb. 2, 1826. 1-51 ISLAND Patrick, and Mary Healey ; m. by Rev. WilUam E. Duffee, May 15, 1861, 1-37 JAPEKSON Aliel, Of William, of Douglass, Mass., and Eunice Brown, of Daniel, of Burrillville m. by Daniel M. Salisbury, Justice, Dee. 18, 1841. 1-33 JENCKES Jason, and Miabena Inman ; m. by Martin S. SaUsbury, Justice, April 21, 18^9. 1-10 JENNE Jacob, ol Itniotliy, of Buri'lllvUle, and Dorcas Howland, of Thomas, of Douglass, Mass.; m. at Biurillville by Bezeleel Paine, Jug- lice, Jan. 1, 1807. 128 " Ochrey, and Betsey Blake; m. by Martin S. Salisbury, Justice, Dec. 15, 1831. 10 VITAI- KECOBD OF KHODJfi ISLAND. 1-35 JKNNK Calrtn A., of Jacob, or Burrlllvllle, and LUIls Kdi!}-. of Douglass, Mass., dau. of Ctmiles ; ni. by Eddy Keech, Jastlce, Sept. 10, 1837. 1-40 " John, and Llllis Walling ; m. by Kev. John Orcott, May 15, 184a. 1-51 JOHNSON Mary Anne, jind Jiinns Kartlcan, Oct. 23, 1B59. l-'23 JOBLIN Cliarles, ol Siockbridge Joslm, and Phebe Inman, ol John; m. by Syria Steere, Ju.siice, Nov. U7, IB^a. 1-17 KEECH Eddy, ol Asel. of (.ilocester. and Mrs. CeJia SiniUi, ..f Burrtllrillo, dau. of Eber: m. by John E.sten, Justice, May i2«, 1822. 7Z5 " Henrietta 1!., and David Ballon, May 3, 1840. 1-39 " Ellsha, and Jiinies Ke<>rli. Nov. 14. 1842. 1-39 " .Tames, of Arica, and Ellsha Keech, of Jerome: ni. by Daniel S. Howry, Justice, Nov. 14, 1842. 1-40 " Calista A., and Whipple Walilng. May 15, 1843. 1-41 " Daniel 8., of Smillificid, son of Jerome, and Freelove B. Ashtfin, of Sanuiel. of Srnithiield: m. by Daniel S. Mowry, Justice, Aug. 10, 1843. 1-6 KELLEY Russell, and Rosina Kimljall ; ni. Ijy Dulee Smith, JusHce, Feb. 4, 1810. 1-12 " Russell, and Naomi Pace: ni. by .Tonn .\rnold, Justice, Nov. 13, 1814. 1-41 KEMPTON Charlotte, and Hale Sayles, July 11, 1844. 1-6 KIMBALL liuslna, and Uusseil Kelley, Feb. 4. 1810. 1-57 LAUEOIX John 11.. and Rosalie Dnssean : ni. liy Rev. William 11. Brie, Jan. 23, 1871. 1-48 LAMSON David A. J., and Sarah Wood; m. by Eldvr Go!.. 2, 1871. 1-29 1-23 1-13 1-13 1-16 1-16 1-40 1-17 BUREILLVILLE— MAKEIAGES. H M 1-45 MucDOWELL James S., m Souihljrldaie, Mass., sou of James, ami Jane Fowler, of Burrillville ; m. by Elder Jf. \\\. Burlliigame, May 2, 1848. 1-35 JMANN Arvlne, and Soplironia i-milli ; m. by Mai'tlu S. Salisbury, Feb. 2, 1840. l-Sfi MARSH Haunali. and Francis Heury Inman, Aug. 10, 1840. 1-38 " Lamunda M.. and Sayles Walling, Sept. 26, 1842. 1-19 MATHEWSON Samuel, of Joseph, of SmithUeld, and Candace Ballou, of Jirali, of Glocester; m. by Jesso Armstrong, Justice, Nov. -Jd, 1601. 1-G " Lydia, and Joseph Putii.am. April 20, 1800. 1-0 " Mary, and Dea. Tiniuihy Bean, .March 31, 1810. 1-7 " Mrs. Mary, and WUlard Talt, Oct. 14, 1810. 1-22 " Laura, and Stephen Vallett, Jan. 22, 182G. 1-29 " Meriuda, and Samuel Smith, June 31, 1833. 1-42 " Bavid, and Eraeline M.Wood; m. at Tlionipson, Conn., by Elder L. (reorge Leonard, Bee. 0, lo43. l-4(j JUATTESt.iM Koljcv't K., of Stoniiigton, Conn., sou of John, and Meriana Balier, ol" Burrlllvil.'e, dau. of Abraiiam : m. by Elder M. N. Bavison, Jan. 21, 1649. 1-25 METCALF Mary E., and Miram Stone. July 13, 1628. 1-4 MILLAKB theodore F., and Cynwia i'airlield ; m. by William Koss, Justice, iNov. 20, 16U6. 1-7 " Samuel, of Providence, sou of Noah, aud HufUah Howard, of Bea. SUas; m. by John Esten, .lustice, June b, 1810. 1-iy " iihoda, and Joshua Barling, Jan. 28, 1816. 1-33 " William M.. of Arthur «:, and Cliloe T. Smith, of Lindon; m. by Baniel M. Salisbury, Justice, Aug. l.H, 1639. 1-34 " \Mlliam, of Smithtield, ,son of John, aud Joanna Hicks, of SmitU- lield, dim. of .Slcpli'-n: ni. by Baiilel .s. Mo-wry, Justice, Jan. 28. 1840. 1-29 MITCHELL Mrs. Kutli, and Bavid Ballou, April 4. 1633. 1-52 MOOKE Catherine, aud Jolin Horaa. Jan. 4, 1556. "i~46 '" MOUSE Jacob, of Cumberland, tind Alvlra Steero, of Syria, ol Burrillville; m. by Elder M. W. Burllngame, Nov. 6, 1649. 1-49 " Marvel, Jr., and Louisa L. Harris; lu. by Rev. B.- P. Harriman, May 22, 1650. 1-5 MORTON Lydia, and Joseph Albec, JUiy 7, 1609. 1-3 MOWKV Rebecca, and Ellsha Tall, July 7, 1805. 1-5 " Ruth, and Welcome Ballon, Oct. 12, 1806. 1-32 " Elcy. and Joseph Brown. July 20, 1612. 1-16 " Nancy, and Arad Laiiluun. Aug. 10, 1617. 1-16 " Lydia, and Oils Brown. July 30, 1820. 1-27 " Alzada, and George Plicttephice. March 6. 1623. 1-39 " Lewis A., ol Levi, of Mciidon, Mass: and Joanua M. Xatt, ol Benoiu; ni. I.y Klder Augustus Burfce, Nov. 25, 1842. 1-42 " Shadraci; O., of JNIillbury, Mass., and .ilzada Armsteong, of Bur- rillville; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, April 14, 1845. 1-45 ■• Betsey A., and Charles \V. Knglcy, May 12, 1845. 1-46 " Jerendah, of Jerehiiah, dec, and Eachel Esten, dau. of the late Jonah Brown, and widow of Beaiamin Esten; m. by Amasa Ballou, Justice, Jan. 29. 1.S49. 1-47 " Emor, and Lucy Comstock ; m. by I'Udcr M. u . Burhngame, MarcH 25, 1849. 1-49 " Esek, of Webster, Jlass., and llauiuih w Ucox, of Burrillville; m. by Martin S. Salisbury, Justice, April 11, 1850. N 1-10 NEWELL Rachel, and Alfred Lapham, Oct. 27, 1820. 1-39 " Matilda, and Buirill Paine, Bee. 4, 1642. 1-1 NICHOLS Anphillas, aud Jeplhah Brown, April 27, (Vlt.. Rec, Vol. 3.) 6 12 TTTAL EKCOED OF KHODE ISLAND. 1-30 1-S4 1-38 OLNEY Nnncy, " Mary, OKMSBKE inid SmiUi Wood, May -7, 1S21. and Duty Phetteplace, JIarcli 29, 1827. .less:', of Thompson, Conn., son of Jesse, and Mrs. Lydiii A. Carroll, dau. of James WUson; m. Allen, Jan. 6, 134-2. OWEN LiUis, anil Benjamin Pal'ic. Nov. (i, 1814. by Rev. Keuben 1-12 PAGE Naomi, and Kussell KeUey, Nov. 13, 1814. 1-29 PAINE Smith, of SmitlLHeld. son of obed, and Anna Walker, of Smltlifleld, dau. ot ('harle.s P. : m. by Thomas Mann, Justice, March 10, 1805. 1-49 " Louisa, and Ana Walling, Aug. 29, 1805. 1-28 " Benjamin, and Lillls Owen; m. by Elder Noah MUlard, Nov. 6, 1814. 1-14 " Abigail, and James Stone, Dec. 4, 1814. 1-22 " Junia, ot Bezelcel. and Lucretla Logee, or Cjtus: m. by Syria Steere, Justice. Nov. 27, 1825. 1-24 " Eliza Ann. and Martin Harris. July Hi, 1826. 1-34 " Arnold, of Stephen, and .Mary A. Bowen, of Obadlah ; m. by Daniel 5. Mowry, Justice, March 20, 1840. 1-35 " Maria, and Othnitl Yoimg, Jr., May 24, 1840. 1-39 PAINE BuiTiil, of .Slcrliiig, and Matilda Newell, of Joseph; m. by Elder Augustus Durfee, Dee. 4, 1842. 1-45 PETTEY Amey, and James P. Washburn, Nov. 24, 1847. 1-14 PHETTEPLACE EseU, of Setli. and Abigail Fenner, of Robert; m. by Solo- mon Smith. Justice. .Vpril 25, 1816. 1-27 " George, of Area, of iiurrlUville. and Alzada Mowry, of Wil- liam, Jr., of Smltlifleld; m. by Nathan Mowry, Justice, March 6. 1823. 1-24 " Duty, of Area, and Mary Olney, of George; m. by Solomon Smith, Justice. March 29. 1827. 1-25 " Lydia, and Enos While, Sept. 30, 1827. 1-20 " Arnolcl, of Biu-riU\-lllc. and Mary Smith, of Scituate; m. by John Westcott, Justice. Mairh 15, 1829. 1-10 PHILLIPS Nancy, and George Harris, Nov. 24. 1811. 1-21 " Marit;a, and Fenner Innian, Oct. 11, 1824. 1-42 " Saylcs li., and Maria Crl'a.son; m. at Thompson. Conn., by Rev. L. George Leonard. A r-. 30, 1844. 1-15 POLLOCK Dia:;a, and James Carlcy. March 14, 1819. 1-47 POTTER Warner, r.i cUney,, and Melissa Sayles, of Nicholas; m. by Elder M. N. Davidson, Feb. 21, 1840. 1-47 " James A., of Jeremiah, and Mary F. Hopkins, of Augustus: m. by Elder M. N. Davidson, May 24, 1849. 1-56 PREMO Mary, and Ricliard H. Barll.nn, Oct. 2, 1870. 1-6 PUTNAM Joseph, of Jaliton, and Lydia Jlathewson, of Jolm, both ot Gloces- ter; m. by Elder Samuel Winsor, April 20, 180G. l-ll " Luclna, and Benjamin Baley, .Tail. 14, 1813. 1-52 1-41 1-14 1-56 1-36 Q R 1-51 RADICAN James, and Mary Anne Johnston : m. by Rev. William E Duffv Oct. 23, 18.59. RANDALL Esther E., and Framis W. Farnum, Jan. 19, 1802. RANKIN Sarah E., and Walter P. Smith, April 18. 1844. REYNOLDS Hannah, and David Ballou. Oct. 4, 1817. " Rachel, and Daniel 0. Tlncom, Nov. 5, 1870. RICHARDSON Ana,ar, of Ixbrtdge, ^son of Defter, and Sarah Arnold, dau of Fenner Wood, of BurriUville; m. by Daniel M. Salisbury, Justice, Dec. 30, 1840. BUURILLVILLE 5[AKRIAGES. 13 1-44 1-7 1-28 1-59 1-37 1-38 1-40 1-45 1-48 BOBBINS Stephen, of Parley, of Thompson, Conn., and Phebe Ann Howe, of Dennis, dec.; in. by Elder Thomtis C. Brown, Aug. 9, 184.5.' BOSS Isaac, and Sjaiah Salisbury, both ot Glocester; ni. by Elder William Bowen, March 17, 17S5. L.iiir.-) Ann, and Bartlett Taft, Sept. 21, 1828. Edward S., of Isa;u-, and Deborah Wliite, of WiUiaru; m. by Sj-ria Steere, Jusiic-, Jun.i 10, 1830. Maria, and Albert Sayles. Nov. 5. 18^8. Hiram, of Samuel, and Nancy Stime, of Amo.s; m. by Daniel S. Jdowry, .Tusticf-, Feb. 20, 1842, William B., of Samuel, and Mercy A. Stone, of Amos; m. by Elder -Augustus Durlee, April on, of J.islina: m. by Jolm Esten. Justic,-. Oct. 14, 1810. 1-11 " Sarali, and Syria Stecre. Jan. 14, 1813. 1-16 " Beno:ii T., ot .Mo-si-s, and Nancy Bolster, of Isaac ; m. by Asel Keech, Justice, Mar. h -JS, l-'M. lURRini.LVII.LE MARRIAGES. 15 1-16 TAFT Koziu. ami Daliid CoopLi-, March 23, 1820. 1-19 " Lorinda, and Arnold P. liuns, Nov. 20, 1823. 1-25 " F.lisha, and Sally Irons ; m. by Elder Andrew Stone, Feb. 2, 1826. 1-25 " ];ai'llfti, and I. aura Ann Rnss: m. by Cyrus Logee, Justice, Sept. 21, 1828. 1-43 « Elizabeth II., and Jos-p:: IJaUou, Jr., Nov. 2y, 1836. 1-34 " Uizpah, and B^ek Darling,, Oct. 6, 1839. 1-36 " EmIc M., and Deborah Uarm-s; m. at Thompson, (Jonn., by Rev. Daniel Dow, June IS. 1840. 1-36 " litoige H., of Nathan, ami Nan.cy BaUou, of Joseph; m. by Daniel S. iiowry, Justice, June 25, 1840. 1-31 " Polly, and Reuben Walling, Nov. 3, 1841. 1-39 " .loanna M., and Lewis A. Mowiy, Nov. 25„ 1642. 1-44 « Maria, and Mani'y T. Sniitli, Oct. 4, 1846. 1-56 " Arsina, and Cyrus Logi-e, Feb. 2,, 1671. 1-58 " Josrphine L., and .Alexander S. E. Esten. May 16, 1877. 1-9 THAYEE Nathan, of Epiiraim, U' d Amey Cooper, of Moses ; m. by Jame3 Olnt-y. Justice, June 16. 1811. 1-26 " Levlna, and John Esten, Jr., Aug. 11, 1816. 1-37 " Josiah S., of Enock, and J^evina Inman, of Olney ; m. by SerU Williams, Justice, Feb. 14„ 1841. 1-48 •■ Sti-phen v., of East Dou-lass, Mass., and Cii.ayscLnda K. Howard, of UurrillvUIe ; m. by Elder George Durnliam, Aug. 27, 1849. 1-26 THOMPSON Nancy, and James Ininan, 9 m., 1st, 1808. 1-2 THOKNTON Jeremiah, Jr., of Jeremiah, and Abigail Cowing, of James; m. by Jnhn Esten. Justice. Feb. 22, 1807. 1-56 TINCO.M Daniel ("., and iiachcl Ucynolds ; m. by Key. Mowry Phillips, Nov. 5, 1870. U V 1-22 VALLETT Stephen, of Wanton, and Laura Mathewson, of Al ; m. by Syria Steere, Justice, .lan. 22, 1826. w 1-39 WALDEN Maretta, and Kussell M. Smith, Aug. 8, 1842. 1-29 WALKEli Anna, and Snuth Paine. March 10, 1805. 1-55 WALLACE Ira M., of Daltou, iN. u., son of Ira and Kezia, and Ana L. iMarla Wilcox, of Davis T. and Hannah ; m. at Charlestown, Mass., by Kev. SUas S. Cummlngs, Nov. 24, 1868. 1-1 WALLlNXi Keuben, of Isaac, and. Nancy Shaw, of John, both of Ulocester; m. by John Esten, Justice, Jan. 5, 1804. 1-49 " Ai-ca, of Ulocester, son of Keuben, and Louisa Paine, of t+locester, dau. of Obed ; m. by John Esten, Justice, Aug. 29, 1805. 1-50 " Area, and Mary Darling; m. by Duty Smith, Justice, March 21, 1813. 1-31 " Isaac, of UuriillvUIe, and Maria Stone, of Wai-wlck; m. by Elder Keuben Allen, at SmilhHcild, March 31, 1838. 1-32 " Sabriua S., and Theron Steere, Nov. 29, 1838. 1-33 " Edwin W., and Lucretia Holster: ni. by Elder Jonathan Oatley, Oct. 8, loo9. 1-37 '• Keiinen, of Clarke, and Polly Taft. of SUas; m. by Daniel S. Mowry, Jhstice. Nov. 3, 1841. 1-38 " Melinda, and Urown S. Wood, Sept. 26, 1842. 1-38 " Saylcs, of John, and Lamanda M. Marsh, of ticorge W. ; m. by Elder Augustus Durfee, Si'pt. 26, 1842. 1-40 " Lilhs, and John James, May 13, 1843. 1-40 " Wliipple, of Providence, and Cahsta A. Keech, of UurriimUe; m. by Kev. John Orcott. May 15, 1843. 1-44 " Theziah, and Dr. Alexander Paobeler, Aug. 24, 1846. 1-45 ■■ Kachel, and Jonas H. Bachelor, Jan. 12, 1848. 1-50 " Area, and Nancy Walling; m. at Thompson, Conn., by Kev. Theron Williams, Sept. 30, 1851. 16 VITAL RECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-50 WALLIXG Nancy, and A.-ca WiilUng, SeiH. HO, 1S51. 1-50 " Jolin, and Maria Steere. in. by Kevs. A. -■. Bradbnry and Stephen H. Andrews, Nov. V.'.. 186J. 1-59 WAKNJiiJ iJellc, and wuiiam «. Ham, Dec. ^5, IbSl. 1-16 WASHBLKN' Susan, and WUliam Wilcox, Ang. 31, 1820. 1-45 " James f., and Amey I'eWey ; ni. by Klder Thomas t). iirown, Nov. 24, 1847. 1-31 WHKELOCK Lydia S., and Asa Inraan, Juno 29, 1H37. 1-48 " Sophia, and Henjamin nullum, Nov. 26, 1819. 1-41 WHll'l'Lt Watey, and Caleb Oin stock, Sept. 13, 1844. 1-21 WHiTli Kezelecl, of KurrUlMlle. and Plicbe Aldrich, or Douglass, Mass. ; m. by Uyrus Logee, .lustice, Jan. 23, 1825. 1-25 " Knos, or John, and Lydia Plietiepiace, ol Simon: m. by Syria st€ere, Ju.stice, Sept. 30, 1827. 1-59 " Uebnrali. and Edivard s. J!r>ss, .liine 10, 1830. 142 " Areu, of Noali, and Anna Young, oI EzeWel : m. by Elder D. P. Harilman, April 12, 3 845. 1-45 " Harriet, and Duty Eddy. Nov. 5, 1848. 1-16 W^LCOX William, aud Susan \V;ishburn ; TO. by Elder Noah Millard, Ang. 31 , 1 -20 1-19 " Euth, pnd George Williams, Sept. 17, 1823. 1-34 " Will'am, of Burrillville, son nf .laim s \V.. ol Warwick, and Marana Wood, of John, dec, of Burrillville: m. by Daniel M. SallB- hury. March 12, 1840. 1-49 " Hannah, and Esek Moivry, Apill 11, 1850. 1-55 " Anna L. M., and Ira 31. Wallace, Nov. 24, 1868. 1-19 WTLLIAMS George, ol John, and Rutli Wilcox, of William ; m. by Jamea Ilanis, Justice, Sept. 17, 1823. 1-22 " Abigail, .and Emory C. Arnold, Nov. .6, 1825. 1-30 " Seril, .and Mariah A. Gr.ene; m. by Duty Smith, Justice, Feb. 28, 183C. 1-38 " Jlaiy, and Ebenezer Gary, March 16, 1842. 1-47 W^OODART James N., of Tliompson, Conn., and Sarah L. Adams, of Smith- field ; m. by Elder Thomas C. Brown, Ang. 17, 1848. 1-9 WOOD Capt. .Tohii W.. of William, and Lillis Harris, of Amaziah; m. by Pitts Sniitli. Justice. July 28, 1811. 1-14 " Col. Jolm Wall, and Arrilla Brown: m. by John Wood, Justice, Jan. 7, 1816. 1-17 " Otis, and Celia Saylcs ; m. by John Arnold, Justice, Dec. 14, 1817. 1-30 " Smith, of John, and Nancy Gluey; in. by .Tobn Esten, Justice, May 27, l.«21. 1-34 " John Arnolil, of Otis, and l,ydi.a Clarke, of Joseph: m. by Daniel jr. .Salisbury, Justice, Oct. 17, 1839. 1-34 " Marana, and William Wilcox, March 12, 1840. 1-38 " Brown S., of Otis, and Melinda Walling, of Jolin ; m. by Elder Augustus Durfec, Sept. 26, 1842. 1-42 " EmeUne M., and Dav:d Matlicwson, Dec. 6, 1843. 1-48 " Sarah, and David A. J. Lamson, Dec. 18, 1849. X Y Z 1-35 YOUNG Othniel, Jr., of Othniel, and Maria Paine, of Smith; m. by Daniel M. Salisbury, Justice, May 24, 1840. 1-42 " Anna, and Aren ^VTiite, April 12, 1845. I BURRILLVILLE. bie.t:e3:s .a-ktid ]dde3.a.ti3:s- A 1.13 ANGELL Whipple, grandson of Eox.il.ina PoUock, April le, 1S15. 1-58 ANTOINE MatakUi, ol Hu\iert E. and Mary, Oec. 11, Ib.j.. 1-45 ARMSTRONG Knight, rolie. 1-30 " J'emliroke. 1-30 " LUUs. 1-30 " George. Oi. JInrcli 2.1, ]7!15. Sabra, April 20, 1816. .July 31, 1617 Dee. 10, 1818 d. Jan. 4, 1819 June 129, 1820 (1. May til, 1822 May 1, 1822 rt. July 16, 1840 Aug. 18, 1824 Jan. 2'2, 1826 May 21, 1828 JIarch 6, 1830 d. Aug. 30, 1833 Aug. 6, 1831 Mairb 9, 1834 1-9 EDDY Ira, of Oliver and Elizabeth, 1-32 •■ Esther, of Dr. Levi, 1-32 " Sally Margery, of Levi and Prusla. 1-33 " Emellne, May 2, 1798. d. Aug. 27, 1838. Sept. 7, 1802. Aug. 6, 1812. 1-33 FAIRFIELD land;ice, wife of Olney, b. Sept. 1, 1813. 1-55 FALAEDO George LeTvis, of Oneminus and Mary A., Jan. 23, 1854. 1-54 FARNELEY William, of Wllliajn and Mary, May 5, 1852. 1-12 FRANKLIN Daniel Knighting.iil, son of WidOTV Lydia. b. Oct. 20, 1797. 1-58 FRERY Williiim, of Patrick and FJIen. June 20, 1877. 1-29 FULLER mUard Erastus. of Willard and Polly, June 1, 1831. G 1-53 GIBBS Esther Ann, of John and Jtary Ann. 1-50 GREENE Albert Scott, of Isreal and Celinda, 1-50 " Charles Nelfon, 1-50 " John S.. Sept. 21. 1852. March 15, 1847. March 13, 1850. Sept. 22, 1852. H 1-54 IIORTON Esther J., of Jerome B. and Sarah B., Nov. 1, 1857 l-2fi 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 INMAN James. Im. 13.. 1785. '•■ Nancy, Tvlfe of James, 4m. 9., 1792. " William Henry, of James ami Nancy. Albert, Henry, Paine, William Dorcas, Francis Hyrena Mary. Betsey, Oliver Arnold. Willi,am Henry Betsey, ^ni 27. LSIO. 7m., 21, 1812. 4m., 27, 1815. 4m., 19, 1817. 9m., 24, 1819. 3m , 7, 1822. 9m., 19, 1824. 6m o 1826. d 9m., 29, 1811. d 7m., 28, 1825. I1UERILLVILLE-- BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 19 incy, l--2(i INMAiN" Il.vivii;i, of .Tamos .ind Js'.i 1-26 " .Tames Osbuni, 1-26 " Anil Butrum, 1-26 " Cliarles Bames, 1-9 INMAN Louisa, of Tourt<>llotte and Achsa, 1-9 " Louisiana, 1-3.5 " Marcus Morton, of Mowry S. and Sally E., rt. rmi.. 21. . July 4, 1829. .Tune 29, 1832. May 10, 1838. April 22, 1806. March 30, 1803. Due. 31, 1839. 1-35 JENNE Charles, of Calvin A. and Llllis, 1-35 " Namanda Eddy. 1-10 " Sfciihen, of Jacob and D ureas, 1-10 " Ollirey, 1-23 « Calvin Aldrich, 1-25 « Calistn, HoKl.ind, March 3, 1S33. Oct. 23, 1839. June 29, 1807. Jan. 11, 1809. Feb. 21, 1812. Oct. 8. 1813. KI.MKALL Serena, d;iu. of Nehemiah, died 1371, aged .S" years, S 1 23 LAPHAM lUehard, of Levi and S.irah, March 19, 1790. 1-23 " Phtbe, wife of Elchard, Deo. 1, 1793. 1-23 " Lilburn. ol Eichard and I'liebo, 1-23 " BeneiUct, 1-23 '■ Enos, 1-23 " Dinsilla, 1-23 '• I'hebe, 1-23 " Arnold, i-20 " Marvin, of William and Susannah, 1-20 ■• Luui-, 1-18 " Mowry, of Jetliro and Sirali, 1-1 » '" riiel>e Ann, 1-19 " Su. annah, 1-1 LOGEE ulney, of 1-1 " Sally, 1-4 " Lconaitl,, 1-14 " Alvlna, of 1-14 " Aaror., 1-14 " Susannah, widow of William, Darling and I'atty C, Elislia and .lerusha, May 7, 1813 ,rune 26, 1816 Sept, 13, 1821 May 19, 1824 April 7, 1327 July 22, 1833 Jan. 11, 1S07. May 24, 1810 Sept. 22, 1820. Marcli 13. 1826. died Sept. 6, 1851. Aug. 31, 1802. May 28, 1804. Jan. 14, 180S. April 8. 1811. Jan. 20, 1813. Dec. 4, 1814. M 1-5 MATHEWSON Peregrine, of John, Jr., of Glocester (son of Peregrine), and Lydia (Glocester), Jan. 17, 1775. 1-3 " Welcome (Glocester), Aug. 15, 1778. 1-5 " Hannah (Glocester), April 28, 1781. 1-5 " Jolm (Glocester), Jan. 1, 1785. 1-5 " Lydia (Glocester), April 18, 1787. 1-3 " Anphilliis (Glocester), March 4, 1790. 1-5 " Amie (Glocester), Feb. 3, 1795. 1-19 " Ada, of Samuel and Cauclace, May 11, 1802. 1-19 '■ Susannali, Oct. 15, 1803. 1-19 " Charlotte, Aug. 17, 1805. 1-10 " Jutyan (dau.), July 27, 1807. 1-19 •' Polly M., M.ay 17, 1809.. 1-10 '" Dearborn, March 27, 1311. 1-19 " Phebe, June 22, 1313. ^0 VITAL BECOBD OF KHODE ISLAND. 1-19 BIATHKWSON Sessions, ol Samuel ana Uanaace, 1-19 " Laura, 1-19 " Esther, 1-31 " Elislia. of Peregrine and Tusan, 1-GO JIcCOY Freelove Jane, of Thomas and Franoes, May 5, 1315. Marcli 15, 1817. Nov. 30, le2-2. Nov. 25, 1820. Nov. 1. lS7o. NOP Martha, ol Bezeleel and Lydla, of Smith, and Anna, 1-11 PAINE Joel, of Bezcleel and Martha, 1-1 1 " Dutee, 1-11 " Junia, 1-11 " Elniina 1-29 " Miulah, 1-29 " Eliza, 1-29 " Sally, 1-29 " Martin Smith, 1-29 " 01>ed, 1-29 " Nancy, 1-29 " John Colby, 1-12 " Burrill, of Sterling and Sar.ili, 1-12 " Angelina, 1-38 " Dianna, of Benjamin and Llllls, 1-59 " George Carpenter, of John Colby and Ann 1-59 " Smith, 1-59 " Jesse Blade, 1-59 " Fiederie, 1-59 " Kufus Jenclces, 1-59 " Martin Smith, 1-59 " Evelin Frances, 1-59 " Anne Jtarla, 1-57 " i>resiU.T, dau. of Christopher Sayles, d., 1871. 1-14 PHETXEl'LACK Maria, of Esex and Abigail, 1-14 " Mary, 1-17 " Fcnner. 1-27 " Hannali, of George andAlzadxi, l-'jo " Thomas llhodes, ol Esex and Abigail, 1-22 " Passamore, 1-22 " Abigail. 1-25 PHILLIPS , son of Bani and IK.iinah, 1-58 POND Edwin, of Elbrldge and Mariah, 1-6 FLTNAM Jenclies JI., of Joseph and Lydla (Glo.), June 15, 1735. Oct. 30, 1790. Dec. 14, 1796. Oct. 14, 1805. Nov. 26, 1805. April 12, 1S07. Sept. 23, 1808. May 10, 1812. Nov. 25, 1S14. June 10, l?ir,. June 21, 1?21. Aprtt 14, ISIO. Jan. 30, 1813. JiUy 21, 1817. Frances , Sept. IS, 1844. Sept. 20, 1846. Sept. 13, 1S52. Jan. 13, 1854. Nov. 29, 1855. Jan. 38, 1853. June 2e, 1860. May 29. 1S64. aged 88 years, Feb. 2, Sept. 7, 1S17. AprU 6, 1820. March 12, l:-22. Oct. 15, 1832. Nov. 18, 1823. Oct. — , 1S25. Sept. 10, 1827. Aug. 17. 1807. Sept. 15, 1S71. Dec. 14, 1309. Q R 1-7 KOBS Theodoie SraUli, of Isaac and Sarali, 1-7 " Abigail Smith, 1-7 " PMladelplila. 1-7 " Eeubea Salisbury, 1-7 " Isaac .Smith, 1-7 " Betsey, 1-7 " Edward Smitli, 1-7 " Lawrann Salisbury, July 20, 1785. April 10, 1788. March 0, 1789. Oct. 7, 1794. April 5, 1799. Oct. !), 1801. May 7, 1805. March 4, 1808. s 1-8 SALISBURY Dutee, of Edward and Alilgail, 1-8 " Cyrcne, of Duty and Cynthia, 1-8 " Martin Smith, 1-8 " Marana, 1-8 " Moses Brown, 1-8 " Alexander, 1-S " Daniel Mowiy, 1-28 " Betsey G., wife of Alexander (also 1-34), July 26, 1810. Dec. 13, 1769. -Vpril 2:;,, , 1791. March 28, 1793. AprU 9, 1795, July 30, 1797. April 15, 1302. March 25, 1808. BUERILLVILLE BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 21 1-28 SALSBL'EY Sarnh Cyrenn, ol Alexander and Betsey G 30, 182S. 1-28 " Edward Martin (.ilso 1-34),. 1-34 " Jorome A., 1-S aiYLES Maiy Mowry, oI Daniel and Pliebe, 1-8 " Smitli, 1-8 " Harden, 1-8 " Maritta, 1-8 " Pitts, 1-8 " Marcllla, 1-8 " Pliydela, 1-8 " Elkabetli, 1-8 " EU/,a Ann, 1-31 " Thomas Dyke, of Pitts and Lucy, 1-31 " Daniel Smith,, 1-53 SCHOFIELD Francis L., of Joseph D. and Elizabeth B., 1-53 " Ettie, 1-53 " Elmer Ellsworth, 1-9 SHIPPEB Feimer (called Owens), son of Mercy, 1-31 SHDWMAY Noah. Jr., AprU 3, 1806. 1-31 " Elizabeth 11., his wile, Nov. 11, 1808. 1-31 " Lucy Dyke, of Noah, Jr., and Elizabeth H., 1-31 " Francis Asbiiry. 1-31 " PhiUip Mason, 1-31 " Thomas, 1-18 " Lucy D., of Noah and Lucy, 1-18 " Daniel S., 1-35 " Sarah Stiness, of Dawd S., and Mary, 1-2 SMITH Martin, of Daniel and Mary (of Smithfleld), 1-2 " Cynlhia, of Martin, and Mary, 1-3 « Pitts, 1-2 " Phebe, 1-2 " Mary. 1-2 " Daniel, 1-3 " Sarah, 1-3 " Susannah, wife of Pitts, born Feb. 19, 1770. 1-3 " Richard, of Pitts and Susannah, 1-3 " Daniel. 1-3 " .Tohn, 1-3 " Lawraun. 1-3 " Mary Steere, 1-3 " ivrary. wife of D.aniel, Jr., born, 1-2 " Lucina, of Jesse and Sabra, 1-2 " Alsada, 1-2 " Sarah, 1-2 " Ablsnil. 1-2 " Elisha, 1-2 " Saben, 1-2 " Aaron. 1-2 " Martin, 1-21 " Sarah, wife of Daniel, June 2, 1800. 1-21 " Lydia Mallssa, of Daniel and Sarah, 1-21 « Jlartin, 1-21 " Mosco Farnum, 1-21 " Harley Ostrunda, 1-21 " John Pitts, 1-21 " David Albert, 1-1 " Dexfa.'r B., son of Sarah Phetteplace, by Daniel field, Jan. 4, 1804. 1-11 " Serll, of Solomon and Maria, 1-11 " Harriet, 1-11 " Alice White, 1-34 " Dennis H., of Senaca andNancy, 1-31 " Simon F., ol Aaron and Julia, 1-31 " Jesse M. r. (;\lso 134), Aug. Oct. 11, 1831. Oct. 30, 1S35. Sept. 3, 1793. ,Tan. 22, 1795. March 7, 1797. Dec. 20, 1798. Aug. 10, 1801. Sept. 5, 1804. March 2, 1800. Oct. 15, IBOS. Sept. 2, 1811. May 2, 1831. May 4, 1834. March 2"), 185S. Nov. 8. 18(50. Sept. 13, 1862. .Tune 20, 1801. ,Tan. 2, 1832. .Tan. 27, 1834. June 6, 1830. Oct. 21, 183S. Feb. 20, 1804. AprU 11. 1809. Feb. 25, 1840. Oct. 15, 1747. Feb. 9, 1765. Oct. 10, 1766. July 21, 1769. April 25, 1772. Oct. 27, 177-1. .Tune 11, 177s. May 15, 17C"'.. .Tan. 22, 1795. Feb. 19, 1.802. May 17. ISOC. March 28, 1808. Feb. 7. 1782. May 19, 1783. April 14, 1791. June 10, 1793. April 9, 1795. July 8, 1797. March 22, 1799. Nov. 18, 1301 April 29, 1S04. Feb. 23, 1823. June 30, 1325. Sept. 24, 1827. Nov. 26, 1831. May 1, 1834. Jan. 31, 1836. Smith, Jr., of Smith- Ang. 31, l.SOT. June 28, 1809. Sept. 4, 1816. Feb. 18, 1S18. Deo. 27, 1826. Nov. 15, 1834. VITAL EECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. 1-11 STEERE Sophia, of Simeon and JIary, April 20, 1773. 1-11 a LyfUa, .hine 20, 1775. 1-11 " Adin, April 26, 1778. 1-11 ti Maria, March 8, 1784. 1-11 " Augustus, Jan. 15, 1787. 1-11 " Syria, Feb. 15, 1790. 1-11 " HannaJi, Sept. 15, 1792. i-n <• Hannah, d. Sept. 30, 1794. 1-11 " Narcissi, Nov. 11, 1795. 1-11 " WllUs, May 31, 1798. 1-15 " Ai'uold, ol Adin and Elioda, March 23, 1799. 1-15 '• Sardens, Marcli 7, 1801. 1-15 •' Sylvanus, March 14. 1803. 1-15 t( Martha, Jidy 15, 1805. 1-15 " Jalaellna, Nov. 21, 1807. 1-15 " Therau, Jan. 23, 1810. 1-15 " Eliza tlradlord. May 21, 1812. 1-15 " Narcissa, Feb. 4, 1815. 1-15 '" ivosamond. Aug. 2, 1817. l-iS " Uulie Salisbury, of Augustus and Cyrene, Dec. 4, 1811. 1-28 " Jlary Ann Smith, Aug. 20, 1813. 1-28 " Edward Shock, Oct. 7, 1815. 1-28 " John Collins, March 2, 1818. 1-28 " Simeon, AprU 1, 1820. 1-28 '■ Simeon, d. Oct. 0, 1821. 1-28 " Marquis De La Fayette, Jan. 11, 1822. 1-28 '* Pitts Smith, May 30, 1823. 1-28 u Cynthia Marana, June 5, 1825. 1-28 " Laiirat F., Sept. 25, 1829. 1-2S " Laurat F., d. Aug. 17, 1830. 1-18 " Uilbert, of Shadrack and Mary, 3m. 15, 1813. 1-18 i> Jonathan Mowry. 2m. 18, 1615. 1-18 u Kol)ert, 8m. 9, 1810. 1-18 " Anthony, 11m. 15, 1818. 1-18 " Thomas Ellwood, 9m. 8, 1820. 1-27 Varnum Smitli of Sardens and Laura, Oct. 21, 1827. 1-37 " Laurantine, Dec. 12, 1829. 1-27 " Ditens, Sept. 18, 1832. 1-27 " Mortimer Chcrbury, May 15, 1835. 1-27 " Khoda Manerva, May 18, 1837. 1-27 " Mary Victory, Nov. 22, 183U. 1-55 (( Joseph B., of Benoni T. T. and Mmy J., Jan. 4, 1861. 1-2 TilOKXTON Jeremiah, Jr., of Jcremiali and Esther, Sept. 24, 1781. 1-2 " SerU, of Jeremiah and Abigail, Sept. 11, 1807. 1-54 TOUKTELLOTTE Emma Mrrta, ..r Keut.rn and Betsey E., May 1, 1856. U V w 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-53 l-.';3 1 53 1-53 1-53 1-53 1-53 l-.'iS 1-53 WALLING ^niith Barnes, of Reuben and Rachel, •' George Washington, of Reuben and Nancy, Charlotte, Isaac, " -Marchall. of Smith B., and Sally, " Marchall, James Thayer, James Tliayer, Sarali Faine, o Sarah Paine, W illiam John, William John, Martin Stnith, Smith B. and Arathn.sa, June U, 1802. Feb. 22, 1804. Aug. 9, 1314. Sept. 10, 181S. May 20, 1826. d. Jan. 3, 1864. Dec. 4, 1829. d. J:in. »;, 1866. Feb. 23, 1832. d. Jan. 11, 1859. May 2S, 1836. d. Jan. 22, 1861. Aug. 1, 1838. BUEEILLVILLE BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 23 1-53 WALLING Martin Smith, of Smitli B. and Aratlinsa, d. Feb. 18, 1864. 1-53 ii Rachel Louisa, Jan. 22. 1841. 1-53 " Rachel Louisa, d. Jan. 3, 1 8.59. 1-53 " Kezia Wing, April 9, 1844. 1-53 u Mary Adelaide. April 15, 1846. 1-53 " Charles B.. Nov. 18, 1854. 1-53 u Sally, wife of Smith B. : d. May 28, 1830. 1-3 WlHIPPLK Nancy, of Steplien and Molly, Feb. 5, 1782. 1-3 tt ZiDy. Aug. 15, 1790. 1-3 u Smith. June 19, ] 79.>. 1-39 u Daniel S., of Ziba and PoOy, J.an. 30, 1815. 1-39 " Phebe S.. Feb. 7, 1817. 1-39 u Sterry, Feb. 1, 1819. 1-39 « Enoclc, May 6, 1821. 1-39 (( flhnrles H.. Feb. 22, 1823. 1-39 te .John. June 25. 1S25. 1-39 11 .Tames L.. Sept. 4. 1827. 1-39 " George B.. July 1, 1 S32. 1-54 Cf George, son of .loseph ; died Nov. 18, 1842, aged 66 years. 1-10 WHITE Jesse, of WlUlam and Deborah, Jan. 15, 1808. 1-10 u Deborah, March 17, 1810. 1-10 " Ksel,-. :»ray -22. 1811. 1-43 \VII.I.I.v:\rs Jami-s. of Lyric and Caroline (Nortlibrldge . Mas^.l. Ann 18, 1-4.". 11 David Andi-ew .Taci^son f^Tilltmry, Mass.). Nov. 30, 1829. 1-43 tc I'rsula Melvrna (BurrillviUe), of Lyric and Deborah. .March 5, 1840. 1-43 " (ieorge Fi-anklin, Sept. 26, 1841. 1-43 " Carol!' :e Howe. March 17, 1844. 1-43 u Lncy Ann, March 11, 1846. 1-18 WOOD Charlotty, of Jolin and Rhoda, Jan. 19. 1795. 1-18 (( Otis,. May 5, 1790. 1-18 (( Fenner, Jan. 1, 179.S. :-18 '■ Smith, Oct. 7, 1799. 1-18 11 Amey, Marcli 24, 1803. 1-18 " Laura, Dec. 23, 1804. 1-18 « Maria. Feb. 13, 1809. 1-18 " Marana, Oct. 21, 1816. 1-15 u WUlixim, of John W. and LUlas, April 7, 1812. 1-15 " ]I:irris, Dec. 3, 1813, 115 '■ Otis H., of John W. and Ai-riUa, July 28, 1816. 1-17 it John Arnold, of Otis and Cella, April 17, 1818. 1-17 " Brown Sayles, Oct. 17, 1820. 1-17 " Lydia Olney, April 8, 1822. 1-17 " Mary Laura, Oct. 28, 1823. 1-17 " Adi'hne Marana, Oct. 27, 1825. 1-17 " EUzabetli Jane, June 11, 1827. 1-17 " Celia Francis. Jan. 31, 1829. 1-17 " Otis Williams, Aug. 25, 1833. 117 ti Rhoba Sayles, Oct. 13, 1835. 1-17 " Su^an Ellen, June 5, 1838. 1-17 » Alexander Selkirk, Marcli 22, 1841. 1-30 tt Emeline Maria, of Smith and Nancy, Sept. 23, 1831. 1-30 tl Emor Smith, May 3 1823. X Y Z Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. First skkies. ^BIRTHS, MARKIACIES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narkagansett Historical Register. "Is Wly Name Written in the Boolt of Life?" Volu^Tie 3. SCITUATE. Part III. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. I : ilAKj:. OAXSKTT HISTORICAL rUBLISHI.NG COilPANT. 1892. ACT FOB EEECTING THE TOWN UF FliOVIDENCE INTO FOUK TOWNS. In Geneiral Assembly at Newport, tlie thinl Tik sduy of February, 1730-1. AN ACT for Erecting aud Incorporating the Outlauds of the Town of Provi- dence into Three Towns. Forasmuch as the outlauds of tlie tov/n of Providence aie large and re- plenished with inhabitants sulliclent to make and cre(;t three townships besides the town of Providence, and the land lies convenient for the same, wliich will be of great ease and benefit to the inhabitants of said lands in transacting and negotiating the prudential altairs of their town, which, for some time past, has been very heavy and burdensome, Jje it, therefore, enacted by tiiis Geuoral Assemljlj', and by the authority thereof it is enacted, that from Warv.ick township, eigiit miles and a half, be measured on tlie seven-mile lino (so called), in said Providence, and a boundary there lixed ; and fi'oni the said boundary a line be drawn to Pawtucket river to a place called the Ware, about half a mile northerly of Pawtucket Falls; and that for the time to come the town of Providence e.\tend no further west and north than the aforesaid lines. And it is also enacted by the authority aforesaid that all the rest of the afore.<, and Susan Wilmarth, of Stephen, of Glocester; m. by Elder John Weslcott, April 17,, 1817. 2 13 " Lydia, and Col-weU Irons, Oct. 20, 1817. 2-27 " Arthur F., son of Joh)i. and ; m. by Elder John Westcott, Jan. 11, 1.82.".. 2-28 " S;irah, and Sinnicl Iton-^. -Xns. 28, 1825. 2-43 '•■ Eliza S., and Whealon A. Harrington, April 1, 1830. 2-46 " ThankfiU W., and Tlionnu W. Hill, Aug. 0,, 1840. 2-01 " Matthew, and Emily Wool, both of North Providence: ni. by Elder Reuben Allen, Nnv. Hi. 1843. 2-62 " Olive S.,, and Constant C. Brown, Jan. 18, 1844. 2-98 '• Aidelia, and Sajnuel J. Blown, Nov. 25, 1844. 2-72 " Elijah A., of Lewis, and 8.arah Bolster, of Rufus, both ot Smith- field; m. by Elder Reuben Alle;i, Oct. 30, 1845. 2-79 " Hannah, and Ehas Fisher, May 13, 1847. , 2-94 '•' Elizabeth W., and William T. Enclies, June 17, 1849. 1-114 ALFSWOKTH David, ot West Grcnwich, and Martha PranJdJn, of James, ot Scituate ; m. by Jeremiah AugeO, Justice, March 8, 1741-2. 2-79 ALLEN Ed^Y^n L.. of Ashford, Conn., and Lydia W. Smith, ot Martin, ot Scituate: ni. by Rev. Cllarles V. Grosvenor, May 20, 1847. 2-85 '• Marj- E.., and Stephen R. Eamsdell, June 8, 1848. 1-200 ANDREWS .Tcrcmiah. and Martha Alathewson, ot Royal; m. by Jereniialr Angell, Justice, Sept. 3 4, 1766. 2-4 " Henry, of John, of Glocester. and Mai-j' King, ot Benoni, of John- ston; m. by Elder Stephen Place, June 3, 1812. 2-18 " Mai-y Ann, and Jared iH. Chapnuin, Aug. 8, 1819. 2-26 " Sarah, and Seril Wiusor, Feb. 6. 1823. 2-70 " Marvin, and Harriet Sialford, both of Glocester; m. by Key. Reuben Allen, June 16, 1845. 2-78 " Richard M., ot Scituate, and Phelio S. Proctor, ot Johnston ; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Feb. 4. 1847. 2-SO " Caleb, of Providence, and Charlotte Millei-, of William; m. by, Rev. Charles P. Grosvenor, June 13, 1847. p VITAL EECORD OV KHODE ISLAND. 1-83 ANGELL Isaiah, and Prudence WilWnson ; m. \t. 21, 1777. 2-2 " James, of North Pro\-idence, son of Isaac, and Hannah Burlingame. of Abraham; m. by Elder John Weslcoti, March 5, 1809. 2-1 " Anstis, and James Heley, Dec. 31, 1609. 2-105 " Ande, and Stephen Boss, July 13, 1817. 2-17 " Nebediah, of Jesse, and Lucy Colwcil, of Arnoid : m. by Eider .Tolir. Westcott, Jan. 17, 1819. 2-37 " Solomon, of Pardon, and Piiebe Arnold, of Simeon: m. I>y Elder John Westcott, Jlay 10, 1819. 2-19 " Arnoid. of Scituate, son of Benjamin, and Dianna Smith, of Foster, dau. of John, Jr. ; m. liy Elder John Westcott, March 20, 1820. 2-21 " Simuel, of Capt. Jesse, of Seituatc, and Alice Pliillips, of Glocester. dau. of JeiX'miah: ra. by Elder John Wostcoit. Marcii 17, 1822. 2-25 " Ezeliiel, of Smithfleld, and Julia Salisbury, of Scutunte, dan. of Abel; m. by Elder Jolm Westcott, April 8, 1824. 2-37 " Fenner, and Cordelia Barnes; m. by Elder Richard Knight, Oct. 9. 1836. 2-54 " Neheniiah, of Glocester, and Jlary A. Wilbiir; m. by Kev. Charies P. Grosvenor, Nov. — , 1841. 2-51 " Sophia A., and William B. Hammond, Dec. 27, 1841. 2-50 " Edward R., and Tabitha A. Angcll ; m. by Rev. Charles P. Gro»- vcnor, Deo. 26, 1843. 2-62 " Tabilha A., and Kdwai-d 11. Angeli, Dec. 26, 1842. 2-62 " Julia M., and Augustus Thornton, Oct. 9, 1843. 2-62 " Eliza A., and Eli Ayieswt.rth, Sept. 20, 1843. 2-65 " James B., of .Scituate, and Caroline Freeman, of Smltlilield; ui. by Elder Reuben Allen, .luly 3, 1844. 2-66 " EUian, and Nahby JI. Smith; ra. by Elder Reuben Allen, July 14, lb4a. 2-08 '■ Harley 1'., of Emor and Waitey C. Smilli, of William ; m. by Elder Reuben Allen, March 6, 1845. 2-71 " Henry S. of Ai-noid, and Lillas H. Round, of John; m. by Elder Reuben Alli-n, Sept. 18, 1845. 2-71 " Sally, and Wanton ViUljtt, Sept. 21, 1845. 2-89 " Zilpba Ann, and .lohn' Staples, Feb. 26, 1S49. 2-44 ANTHONY Albert, of Foster, and Adali W. Jlowry, of Sc:iluate; m. by Rev. Charles P. Grosvenor, April 11, 1839. l-17i ARNOLD Simeon, of Cranston, and ll.annah Chapman, of SLilaatc ; m. by Gideon Harris, Justice, Feb. 26, 1758. 1-229 " Rebecca, anrt« Joshua Balt«y, Aug. 30, 1772. 1-221 " Froelove, and Tliomas Harris, March 33, 1775. 1-249 " Nancy, and John Harris, Marcli 1, 1778. 1-259 " Patience, and Ephi-aim Williams, Nov. 23, 1760. 2-17 " Phebe, and Solomon Angeli, Jlay 16, 1819. 2-27 " Emma Ann, .ind Peleg Rounds, Jr., Aug. 22, 1824. 1-205 " Mary C, and Benedict W. \Miipple, July 8, 1844. 2-06 " Mrs. Zilpha, and Col. William Rhodes, Jan. 27, 1S45. 1-218 ASHTON \Yilliam, Jr.. of Providence, and Eunice Fisher, of Scituate: m. by Reuben Hopldns, Justice, Sept. 30, 1702. 2-82 " LytUa, and F.dward Tanner. Feb. 17, 1S48. 2-9 ATWOOD Lydia, and George B. ILilihins, Nov. :;o, lnl4. 2-21 ATWOOD Betsey, and John 'iaylor, Jan. 8. l'-22. 2-26 " Dorcas, and James i:.uioy. .\pril 15, ],s24. 2-44 " Abraham, and Anne Fiske ; ra. by Eldei- Charles P. Grosvenor, April 24, 1839. 2-104 " Wr>. Anna, and Jonathan R. Fislic, Jan. n, 1850. SCITUATE MARRIAGES. 2-40 ATWOOD Uellnda. ;iiul Alnioncl R.,Kniglit., Sept. 9. 1840. 1-157 AUSTIN Gideon, of Exeter, and Prudence Angc-ll; m. by .Tohn Fiske, Ju- tlee, Feb. IS, 1753. 2^12 " AUen, of Samuel, and Laura M. K.ithbiin. of Almy ; m. by Benjamiu Wilbur, .luslice, July 4, 1838. 2-47 " Angell. Jr.. and llalilali JIatliewson ; m. ly Klil'.r (icorge Collin^. Dec. 14, 1840. B-62 AVLESWOJBTH Eli, 01 Urooklyn, Conn., and Kli7.a .\. Angoll, of Scituat<- ; m. by Rev. Charles P. Grosvenor, Sept. 20, 1843. 2-99 " Phillip Q., son of Arthur, dec, of (.'ovcnti-y, arid Lucy JI. Hill, nl Caleb, of ycituate; m. t>y Kcv. tieorgo <;o!li:is-, l-'cb. 17, 1S5U. 1-196 BAKER Elizabeth, and John T.nylor, March 12, 1761. 1-204 " Ephrium, and Hannah Pcarce; m. by Charles H.nrris, Justice, July 24, 1703. 2-10 " WilUam, of EUhu, and Sabra Potter, of Rouse; m. by Elder John Westcott, March 17, 181f>. 2-77 " Duty, of Smithfleld. and Prndinda Fenner; m. hy Key. Cliarles P. Grosvenor, Sept. 3, 1846. 2-31 BALEY Ambrose B., of Cranston, son of Jeremiali. of Smiiliiield, and Betsey \V. Scott, of Scituate, dau. of Tiiomas; ni. by Eldor Moses FUield, Oct. 25. 1841. 1-205 BALLOU Sarah, and kichawl Angell, Juno 25, 17ij7. 2-100 BANCROFT Mrs. Maiy, .and Caleb P. Mathewson. Dec. 30, 1S49. 2-01 BANNISTER Sarah yi.. and BeRJaniin Anram, Nov. 4, 1843. 2-99 BARBER George D., of George P., and Patience B. I'lilUips. of Kniory ; m. ■by Rev. George Collins, Feb. .17, 1850. 1-256 BARDEN Rebecca, and Thomas Hopkins, May .i:;, J 780. 2-56 BAKDIN Jolm H., and Ann C. Harrington: m. by Elder Reuben Allen. Jan. 5, 1843. 2-69 '■ Job \Y., and Mary Weaver; m. l>y Elder K.nibcn Allen. .May 15, 1845. 2-91 '• Pressllla H., and Steplion Grissel, Jlay 25. 1848. 2-101 •' .T'olin, of Scituate, and Mary Cornell, of Foster; ni. at Foster by Elder George Collins, March 17, 1850. 1-124 BARNES I'reelove, and Silas Field. Nov. 4, 1744. 1-137 " Sarah, and Peter Tetrt, Oct. 12, 1746. 1-151 ■• Elisha, and Lydia Potter; m. by Gideon llnrvis, Jn^liie. April 28, 1751. 1-157 " Anne, and Jedediah Piatt, Jan. 18, 1753. 1-184 " Lydia, and Isaac Walling, Jan. 28, 1760. 1-243 " Elisha, of Iliomas, and Patience Thomas, wido'.v of Viall; ui. Ijy Jeremiah Angell, Justice. Aug. 20, 1707. 1-229 '■ Fi'eelove, and Conian Smith. Mai-cli 21, 1773. 2-9 '■■ Nancy Levina. and Stephen West, Juuo 4. 1S15. 2-14 " William, Jr., of William, and T.abitba Whilalcer, of Cyrel ; m. l>y Elder John Weslicotl, Feb. 23, 1818. 2-37 " Cordelia, and Fenner Angell, Oct. 9, 1S36. 2-50 " Julia A., and Waterman S. Tinkham, Sept. 14, 1341. 1-114 BATES John, and Experience Bray; m. tiy Jedediah Harris, Justice, fee. 9, 1739. 1-119 " Nathan, and Isaliel Edifards. of John ; m. by .Tcroniiali Angell, Justice. Dec. 24, 1743. 1-130 " James, and Phebt Rice; ni. by John Edwards, Justice, Apiii 24, 1746. 1-232 " Oliver, of John, dec, and Abigail Telft, of William : m. by I'cleg Fisk, Justice, Feb. 26, 1778. 2-2 " Charles, of John, of Scituate, and Clinrit-y Carpenter, of Jolm, of West Greenwich; m. by Elder i harles Stwiie, l'ei>. 1, 1801. 2-53 " Betsey, and i;eii(Mliel. .jnhnson. -Vpril 23, 1842. VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-22!) BATTKY Josluia, y Elder Samuel Winsor, Oct. IM, 1782. 1-3S " Owen, of .lostina. of scituale, and Ruth Owen, of tUoeester, dau. of Solomon: in. Ijy John WilUinson, Justice, Oct. 2, ±y Elder Reuben AUen, iici. ir.. i,s4-i. 2-S2 " Ama«a. of Scituate, and Susan Smith, of Jolmslou : m. by Elder Reulten Alleu, Oct. 28, 1847. 2-99 " Alexander n.. of Scituate. and Elizabetli G. Lawtou, of Ellsha, ot Cranston : m. by Elder Richard Knislit, Feb. 14, 1850. 1-160 EAXTKT; lloberl. and Mary 'Hopkins : ni. by Gideon Harris, Justice, Nov. 14. 1754. 2-100 BEIAN Phidelia W"., ,un. 2-71 '• Phebe M.. and Am.a.sa Whilaker, Sept. Ki, 184.5. 2-102 '• Amic L., and Jolm P. Smith, Feb. 10. 1850. 2-81 B€)WL?:;it Samuel Aboru, of Cranston, son of Charles Lee and Hannah GibliK Bowler, and Susan Congdon Potter, of Scaluate, cUiu. of Stephen Sheldon and Rebecca Hill Potter; m. by Rev. (Imrles ;E. Bm-nett, Nov. 17, 1847. 1-240 BOZWORTH Phebe. and Peleg Fuller, May 28, 1700. 1-244 " Elizabeth, and Ezekiel Builingame, Kov. 28. 1771. 1-114 BRAG E.xperience. .and John Bat-s, Dec. 9, 1739. 2-33 BRAYTON Hannah, and Arlemus L. Hanalord, May 22, 1831. 2-52 " Mary Ann. and Thomas K. P.lrkor, Nov. 9. 1841. 2-62 '• James M.. and Jnlia Ann Kaltcy : m. by Elder Richard Knight, Jan. 11, 1844. 2-28 BRLiVNT Palshara, and William Coomer, Aug. 21, 1825. 2-94 BRICIGS Chrtstoplii>r S.. of Warwick, and Barbara C. y Stcplien Hopkins, Jus- tice. Oct. 31, 1731. 1-1 "1 9 " David, .^nd Elizabetli C'lli'inr.n : m. l.iy Jeremiah AugeU, Justice, Jan. 23, 1742-3. 1-ia' '• Ttiomas, of James, and Almy Greene, of Warwick, dan, ol John: m, by Samuel Crcene, Justice, April 3, 1746. 1-207 " Alexander, and AiiiUla Smith ; m, by Elder Tlioma.? Knowlton, June 22, 1757. l-mi ■■ Waito. and Nallian Wond, Av.g. 4, 1762. 1-194 " SArah, and Jolin King. Jr., April 3, 1763. 1-218 " Plielie, and Oliver Slone, Nov. 13, 1763, 1-205 " Alice, and Caleb Perkins, Jan. 20, 1764, 1-2G5 " Samnel. of Richard, Jr.. of Providence, and Rnth Wheeler, of Henrj'. of Scituntc: m. by Elder Reuben Hopldns, Dec. 26, 1765. 1-207 •■ Fleet, and Elizabeth Cook: m. by Jcremiali Angell, Justice, April 19. 1767. 1-207 " Am.nsa, of James, and MaiT Brovrn, of Jeremiah: m. by Zebedee ( Hopkins. Justice, April 18, 1773. 1-207 " Mary, and Amasa Hro\vn, April 18, 1773, l-2r)fi " Fleet, of Tliomas. laic of Scif^iate, and irercy Hopkins, of John : m. by John Westcott, Justice. April 6, 1780. 1-193 '■ Jlercy. and Amos Wood. M:irch :!1. 1783. 2-2 " Fredoriclc, of Jolin Henry, and Amie Parker, of Peiei : m. I>y F.ldcr John Westcott. Jan. 13, 1811. 2-8 '• Philaddpliia, and George Boss, Feb, 3, 1S14, 2-10 " Martha, and Elisha RaiidpU, Dec. 18, 1S15. 2-14 " John, of Henry, .and Idartha Durfec, of Robert; m. by Elder John • Westcott. .Tnly 5, 1818. 2 23 " -John Biirnard, of Johnston son of .Tohn . and Amie Winsor, of Charles ; m. by Elder John Westcott, Apiil 22, 1821, 2-22 '■■ Malaclii, of Henry, of Sciluale, and Hannah Wellman, of smith- fleid: m, at SmitiiJield by Eld.r John Westcott, Aug. 29. 1822. 2-5 5 " EUsh.a. of .Tohnston. and Mary Ann Da\is. of Scituate; m. l>y Elder Reuben Allen. April 20. 1842. 2-58 " Arnold W,, of Jermiah, and Huld.ih A. Harrington, of Joshna: m. by Elder Reuben Alien, Jnne 15, 1843. 2-62 " Constant C, and Olive S. Aldrieh : m. by Rev. Charles P. Grosvenor, Jan. 18, 1844. 2-96 " Qirolinc K.. and Stephen Randall. Oct. 15, 1849. 2-98 " Samuel J., of Scitaate, and Ardclia Aldiich, of Blacksionc: m, by Elder Reuben Allen, Nov. 2.". 1849. 2 90 BRYANT Clarrissa, and Naltianiol 31. Ycav, Dec. 31, 1848. 1-220 BURDEN Ebenezcr. , and Lydia Knovrlton : ni. by Thomas Harris, .Tustice, Sept. 30. 1774. 1-256 " .lohn, of Isaac, and Elizabeth Colv.eU, of Richard; m. by Jeremiah Angell, Justice, Aug. 20. 1780. 1-228 " Cyrena, ar.d William Sheppard, Apill 5, 1795, 2 43 BURGHESS Phebe A., and Lyman Bowen, Feb, 23, 1S40. 2-80 BURKE Sus;in R., and John Martin, Aug, 29, 3847, 1-240 BUELINOAME Damories, and Wiusor Pott-r, April 8, 1771, 1-244 " Ezekiel, of Jeremiah, and Elizabeth BoswoiiU, of Bcn.i.imin: m. by Jeremiah Angell, Justice. Nov. 28. 1771. 2-2 " HannnU. ,and James Angell, 5tarcli 5, 1809. 2-8 " Asahel, of David, of Scituate, and Pliebe Hawldns, of John, of Gloccster, dec; m. by Elder John Westcott, Dec. 2. 1813. 215 " Slary, and Stephen K, Fiske. ?.lai'Ch 2. 1817, 2-136 " Patience E., and George Parker, May 24, 1835, 2-42 " Lucy, and Joab MathoAvson, April 20, 1339. 2-49 " Jennett. and Albert Fish, April 18, 1841, 2-55 " Henry Otis, of Sonfoixl, of Glorfcstcr, and Patience Olney, of Parii of Scituate; m, by Elder Reuben Allen, Sept. 12. 1842. 3-64 " Eunice, and Benoni S. Waterman, May 30, 1844. 2-77 " Patia, and Robert S. Thointon, Oct. 15, 1846. 2-100 " Tliomas. late of Gloccsler, and Mary Eliza Collins, of Da\id, dec. ; ra. by Rev. Eli Noyes, Feli. 4, 1850. SCITUATE MARRIAGES. 11 1-169 BUSHEE Rebecca, anfl Tliomas Salisbury, Dee. 19, 1750. 12-70 GAHUONK Klcliaitt, and Klecia Ami Dyer, l>oth of Coventry: m. l->y Hot. George Coians, Aug. 7, lHi'>. 2-88 " Elizabeth, and Oeorge 31. Knit'lit, Dee. yi. 1848. 2-58 CAl'WELl/ Latcm, of JJuirillviIle.aiid iMaiy Wade, 01' (jlocestcr ; m. by Elder Iteuben Alien, May 3, 1643. 1-145 ('AKI^ENTER Kdward, ol Reliobotli, and Maiy l,ippitt. ol Sclttuite; ra. Dy (jldeon Harris, .Instice. Nov. J!), 1749. 1-195 " Ue.loved, and Mary Willianis; in. by llionias llill, .liistlce, April 25, 17l>3. S-2 " cnarltff. and ('liarlc; Hates, Eeb. 1, laoi, 2-101 " Hellen M., and i'ardon A. rbillips, .Tan. 30, 3 850. 2-48 CARI. Rutli. and Abner W.lbnr, .Tune 114, 1841, 2-84 " Isaac S., ol Joseph and Ann, and (_:aUierine Ami Madden, ol Jolin and Mary Ann, all of Hupe Village: -n. Iiy Kev. BenjamLn J. Kilyia, Oct. 24. 1S47. 1-259 CAR'\':bR Sarah, a :d Timothy HoiiWns, .Tr.. March 7, 1781. 2-86 CENTRE, Mary Ann, and L: renzo G. Devaul, Aug. C, 1848. 1-185 CIIACE Anne, and Robert Williams, Nov. 23, 1760. 2-51 " Clemence. and Almira M. Cooper, ol Eddy; m. by Elder Reuben Allen, Feb. 24, 1S42. 2-57 CHADBOURNE Natiian, and Pliila D. Pray: m. by Rev. Hosea Quimby. Nijv. 10, 1842. 1-177 CHAPMAN Hannah, and Simon Ardold. Feb. 26, 1756. 2-18 " Jaied M., now of Scituate, :unl Mary Ann Andrews, ol William, of Gloccster; m. liy .,ldc:- .Tolin Westeott, Aug. S, 1810. 1-191 C*HILLSON Alexander, of Killiiigly, Conn., and Tabilha Fisber, of Scituate; m. by Thomas Hill, .lustiee, Nov. 10, 1761. 1-252 CLARKE Nancy, and Asa Young, June 20, 1779. 2-67 " Ann E., and Robert H. Steere, Dec. 19, -?.14. 2-3 COLEGROVE Joanna, and Steplicn Fisk. Jan. 22, 1609. 1-137 COLEMAN Hannah, and John StalTord. Nov. ] 5, 1742. 1-119 " Eliz.abeth. and Dav-id Brown. Jan. 23, 1742-3. 1-136 COLE Elizalielb, and Henry Randall, Jr., June 8, 1740. 1-148 " Jonathan, Jr., of Jonaiban, and Elizabeth West: m. by Gideoa Hairis, Justice, Oct. 7, 1750. 1-159 " James, of Scituate. and phebc Winslow, of Glocesier: m. by Gideon Harris, Justice, Feb. 18, 1753. 1-158 " Patience, and Vial Thomas, Oct. 25, 1753. 1-160 " Sarah, and James Scamans, Nov. 21, 1754. 1-163 '•' Ambrose, anil Desire- Fisk; m. by .John Fisk, .Tii-,iice, .Inn. 12, 1750. 1-202 " Uranah, and James Round, Feb. 27, 1763, 1-214 " Pcabody, and Mary D.n\is ; m. by Tliomas Hill. Jiisiice. Dec. 31. 1767. 2-11 '• Jeremiah, and PaUeny John Fishe, Justice. Nov. 1, 1761 . ' 1-19S " Lullier, of John, of Scituate, and Lydia Colviii, of Caleb, ot Coventry : m. by Thoma-s Malliewson, Justice, Sept. Iti, 1762. 1-198 '• Lydia, and Lut'ier Colvin, Sept, 10, 1702. 1-194 '• Annali, and Stuiieley Thornton, Feb. 27, 17fi3. 1-207 •■ Naomi, and John Franklin, Marcii 8, 1707. 1-250 •• Kuth, and Arnold Potter, June 11, 1778. 2-19 '• Olive, aiul Josepli Knight, Aug. 22, 1819. 2-67 '• SjiUy M.. and John Stecrc, Nov. 2S, 1844. 2-66 " Maria, smd liilbcrt Salisiniry, Dc<-. 25, 18-1-1. 2-83 '• Lydia 51. O., and Dennis II. (irav<-s, April 9, 1848. 2-88 " .Ulen J., of Scituate. and FJiza A. Potter, of Coventry; m. by Eleth, .and Fleet Brown, April 19, 1707. 3-28 COOMJiR WilUam, of Glocestcr, son of Nehemiah, and Pulshara Briant, ol Scituate, dau. ol Thanlclul Steere: m. by Elder John Wcsteott. Aug. 21, 1825. 1-110 CtJUPER EU/.abetli, and Jacob Warren, Dec. 27. 1739. 2-51 " ,Vlmu-a M., and Clcmence Chase, Feb. 24, 1842. 2-82 '• Melissa E., and Simon T. Smith, Nov. 4, 1847. 1-210 COKPE John, of Pro^^denoe, and Hannah Men-y, ot Scituate; m. by Gideon Harris, Justice, June 20, 1769. 2-90 '• sieplien, and Pliebe Potter; m. by Rev. George Collins, March 11, 1849. 2-104 '• Thomas H., and Harriet R. Williams: m. by Elder Keuben Allen, April 21, 1850. 1-260 CORNELL Khoda, and Caleb Aldi-ieh, March 10, 1782. 2-101 " Mary, and John Bardln, Manii 17, 1650. SCITUATE ^rARKIAGES. 13 2-i9 COTTRELL Bpnjamiii I!., ot Benjamin B., of Warwick, and Mary Mathewsun, or Uk'luiid. ul' Sfitiiate ; m. liy Elder NolicmiaU W. Wiariicr. J;in. 22. 18^7. 1-110 COKV Andiony. of East Oreonwicli. ind JIary TyU-r. of John. of ScUiiate : m. Iiy Elder Francis Bates. :\Iar(ii 10. 1741. 1-155 " Knih. and .lob Wliitfurd, Off^. 20, 1731. l-'MG '• John, of Seltnate, and P.Uzal.eth Scanians. or I'laintieW : to. I'V .Jeremiah Ansell. .Tusiiof. April 2S. IT'J.'i. 1-220 " Job. of William, of iSeitiiaie, and Anna Ilorton. of Thomn ;. of Kelioboth : m. by Jeremiah Angell. Jnsliec, Nov. 2;>. 1775. 1-254 C.RAJNSTON Hannah, and Jacob Yonnff, Nor. 5. 1779. 1-2.30 DALY Phebc. and Jolm .■^(ouc, Marili If,. 1768. 1-201 DANIELS Martha, and Jal)ez Oolvin, Nov. 1. 17r,l. 1 244 DARBEE Hebsabah. and Isaac Howard, April 7. 1770. 1-133 DAVIS Mary, and Hezekiah Walker. Jnne 20, 1712. 1-136 " Anne, and Chailes Walker. Jr.. Sept. 2. 1740. 1-184 " Steplien, of ScHuaie, and Isabel Smilli. ol , 1775. 1-257 " V.'Uli-im, of Robert, and Penelope Bound, of Jaiucs; m. by Elder Jolm Williams, Oct; 21, 1778. 1-257 " Stephen, Jr.. of Robert, and Presilla Round, of .lames; m. by John We.st<'Ott, Justice, :«ay 28, 1780. 2-10 " Barney W.. of .Tesse, of Glocester, and Betsey Thomas, of Nicholas, of Scituate; ni. by Elder .lohn Weslcolt. April 20, 1820. 2-41 " Tabitba. and fieorfje Congdon. Feb. 28. 1839. 2-45 " Lydia A., and Isaac A. Stokes, April 8, 1840. 2-52 " Aletliea. and Stephen H. OIney, Dec. 10. 1841. 2-.'i3 " Mary Ann. and Elisha Brown. April 20, 1842. 2-81 " Sarah A., and Jeremiah Fiske. Oct. 31. 1847. 2-94 " Joshua, of Providence, formerly of Wales, Eni;., .-ind Ra<:hel M. Fiskc. of Scitnate; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen. June 23, 1849. 2-90 DAVAUL Smith, of Th(mias, and Mary Pliinucy. of (iiivri'ucur ; rn. by Kev. George Collins. July 29. 1849. 2-8 DAWLEY Benjamin, of North Klngestowu, son of Daniel, and Rebecca Potter, ol Jonathan, of .Scituate : m. by Elder John \Vest<'ott, Oct. ,30, 1814. 2-70 DEAN Robert P., and Siirah Sylvester, both of Bunillville ; m. by Elder Reuben Allen, Jan. 6, 1845. 2-86 DEVALL Lorenzo G., of Thomas, of Scituaie, and Mary Ann Centre, of Bos- ton, Ma.ss. ; m. by Rev. Geoi-ge Collins, Aug. 6, 1848. 2-74 DEWRY Deborah, and Geoi'ge Lippill. Howai-d, Jan. S, 1346. 2-32 I^REW Hiram, and Eunice .Spraguc ; m. by .Tosiali Westcott. .luslice, Nov. 8, 1829. 1-172 DUNKIN Anne, and William King. .Inly 11, 1743. 1-137 DURFEE Jolm. and Mary Seaman-; m. by Gideon Harris, .Tusiice, Sept. 4, 17-17. 2-14 " Martha, and John Brown, July 5, 1818. 2-70 DY'ER Electa Ann, and Ri<'hard Calioone,, Aug. 7, 1S45. 1-152 EDDY Peter, of r;loccs("r, and Maiy Round, of John, ol Scituate: ni. by Gideon nari'is. Justice. IJec. 5, 1751. 1-150 " Stinutd, and Itachvl .Smith; m. by Gideon Hai-ris, Justice, March 7, 3 754. 14 VITAL RKCOBD OF RUODE ISLAND. l-2ai) EDDY ZLTViali, iiiul PeregrinG Sniitli, Jan. 1, 1778. 3-3 '• PaUenec, uud Richard Taylor, Nov. 17, 1799. 2-51 '■ Henry Ji., ol Providence, and Amanda Kandall, oi Sciluate; m. by Elder Charles P. Urobvenor. Jan. 6, lSi-2. 2-134 '■ Mary A., and Aiphcus rialisbury, Nov. 10, 185l>. 1-178 EBMUNDS James, of Providence, and Abigail Jenclces, of Scituate ; m. by Jeie'niah An^cll, Justice, Sept. 17, 175S. 1-119 EDWARDS Isabel, and ^■atilan Bates, Dec. 24, 1743. 1-151 " Jolrn, Jr., o; Sciiuate, and Lauranna Thornton, of Thomas, of Providence; m. by Benjamin Fish, Justice, Sept. 1.), 17r)l. 1-157 " Mary, and .labez Ralph, Jan. 11, 1753. 1-208 '• Mary, ;vnil Nlcliulas Edwards, Jr., April 5, 17(57. 1-308 '• Nicholas, .ir., and Mary Edwards; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice, April 5, 17(17. 1-228 " Josepli, and Olive , Sept. 25, 1794. 2-34 ELDKEDGE Siimud A., of Little Comptou, and Tabitha Kldrcd, of Scitu- atc; in. by Elder Charles Stone, June 15, 1823. 2-68 " Ann P., and Richmond Knight, Aug. 30, 1841. 2-(i2 " Diauua, and Hezekiah bmitli, Jan. 4, 1844. 2-HB " Avis, and ChaiK-s Collins, Nov. 29, 1844. 2-75 " Ellen, and Stephen R. llud.son, Aug. 2, 184(>. ELDKED James, of John, and Elizabeth llorton, of Benjamin; m. by Jere- miah Angell, Justice, Jan. 2(i, 17(j7- 2-2-1 '* Tabithii, iuid Samuel A. KIdrcdgo, June 15, 1823. 2-04 ENCHES WJlliani T., and Elizabeth W. Aldi'ich, both of SmlthHeld ; m. by Elder Reuben Allen, June 17, 1S40. 2-5 FARNUM James, of Smithlield, son of Noah, and Hannah ilathewson, of Scituate, dau. of El.sha; m. by Elder John Wcstcott, Jan. 20, 1813. 1-235 FENNEE Abigail, and James Sheldon, April 27, lT(i5. 1-230 " Mary, and (Jharles Harris, Feb. 0, 1777. 2-5 ■• Wilham, of Foster, son ol (_-bLdl;ih, aud Rebecca Harris, of Scituate, dau. of John; m. by Eelder Jolm Westeott, Doc. 0, 1812. 2-24,25 •■ Christopher, of Benjamin and Sarah Smith, of Col. Clcmence; m. by Elder John Westcotfc, April 11, 1824. 2-77 •■ Prudiuta, and Duty Baker, Sept. 3, 184(1. 2-S9 ■• Marj' E., and Benjamin W. Greene, Jan. 1, 1849. 2-102 " Eliza, aud James Howard, April 17, 1850. 3-48 FEKIvELL Andrew T., and Susan W. Harrington ; m. by Rev. Charles P. (jrosvenor, Nov. 1, 1838. 1-124 HELD Silas, of Providence, and Freelove Barnes, of Scituate, dau. of Thomas; m. by Jeri:mlah Angell, Justic, Nov. 4, 1744. 1-lb:. ■ James, of Cranston, auu Hannah Stone, of Sciiuate; m. by Uldeon Harris, Justice, Uct. 12, 17C0. ^0 ■• Jeremiah, and rlorlnda Manchester; m. by Elder Charles Stone, March 7, 1813. 2-40 " David, and Wary Randall ; m. by Elder Henry Tatom, May 12, 1833. 2-41 •■ Delia, and (_;eorge Harris, April 12, 1838. ^-48 •• Allen W., and John Phi. lips, Sei)t. 27, 1838. 2-71 '■ Mary A., and Frederic A. VaUett, July 24, 1845. 2-76 " Lydia P., and Thomas E. Rogers, Dec. 6. 1840. --!*>'' '■ Albert R., of VViiiiam, and Abbie C. Johnson, of Rowland; m. by Rev. John H. Baker, May 19, 1850. 1-191 FlSllEK Tabitba. and Alexander CUUlson, Nov. 16, 1761. 2-79 " Ellas, of Smllhlicld, son of Richard, of Medway, Mass., and Hannah Aldrieh, ol Smithlield, dau. of Thomas, dec. ; ra. by Rev. Charles P. Grosvenor, May 13, 1847. 2-90 " Dr. Charles H., son of Weorge C. and HaiTiet, and Sophia E. Smith, of Russell and Sophia; m. by Eev. Benjamin J. Kelyla, Feb. 22, 1849. SCITUATE MAltEIAGES. 15 1-130 FISK Mary, and John Wriglit, 3I;i.v 1, 1746. 1-148 " William, and. LyOia Tliornlou, ol Kiiliard : iii. by llcnjamln Fish, Justice, March 11, 1749. 1-177 " iienjamiQ, and flannah llaininond; m. by liev. Edward Mltcheli, Dec. o, 1758. ■J.-3 " Steylien, ol Mosos, and Jo.-mna Colegrove, oI WiUiam; m. by Elder Joun Wesicott, Jan. 22, 1800. _ to " Albert, ol Willmr, ol Scituate, and Jonnett Uurlingame, ot aan- lord, ol Cloocster; m. ait (jlocester, by Elder Keuben Allen, Aijril 18, 1841. 1-S3 FISKE Daniel, ol' Scltiiate, son ol' IJcnjamm, and Preelove Williams, (4 Provi- dence, dau. or Feleg; m. by Klchard Fenner, Justice. Dec. 24, 1732. 1-218 " Eunice, and William Asliton, Sept. 30, 1762. 1-235 '• Anne, and John Hammond, Nov. 27, 1765. 1-244 •• Hannah, and David Wright, July 10, 1772. 1-324 •' Phebe, and Deiiedlct Weekcs, l'el>. 21, 1773. 1-163 '" Desire, and Ambrose Cole, Jan. 12, 1755. 1-180 '■ Dorcas, and Benjamin Knight, Jan. IS, 1750. 2-15 " Steplieu K., and Mary CurlinFame, ol Clenience; m. by Elde- Eicliar.l Knight, March 2, 1817. 2-34 '• Mercy, and Jarert Parker, March 10, 1832. 2-44 " Anne, and Abraham Al"Woo(l, April 24, 1839. 2-57 ■- Henry, and Hannah A. Ulsliop : m. by Kev. Hosea Quimby. Feli. 10, 1543. 2-57 ■• Freelove, and Jeremiah Kolly. Julv 30. 1843. 2-ii2 ■■ Mercy H., and Nathan Griggs, Oct. 19, 1843. i-jjl " Jeremiah, and Sarah A. Da-vis, of IJarney ; m. by Kev. Kicliard Knight, Oct. 31, 1847. o-SS •■ Daniel B., find Marcelia B. Salisbury : m. by Elder Reuben Allen, Dec. 28, 1848. 2-91 ■■ William N., ol Coventry, and I'hebe Luther, ol Scituate; m. by Elder Reuben Allen, April 14, 1849. 2-04 " Rachel M., and Joshiui Da\ns, June 23, 1849. 2-07 '■ Phebe O., and Jeremiah Salislmrj'. Oct. 21, 1849. 2-104 " Jonatli,an K., and Mrs. Anna At-wood; 'by Elder Reuben Allen. Jane 11, 1850. 1-111 FOSTER Sarah, and Jonathan Harendecn, Oct. 11, 1739. 2-114 FEANKLIX Martha, and DaNld Aylesworth, March 8, 1741-2. 1-180 " Molly, fmd Joseph Guile. Dec. 24. 1758. 1-191 " Kachel, and Jeremiah Weatherhead, Juno 22, 1762. 1-201 '■ Phebe, and William Taylor, Nov. 10, 1763. 1-20C. " Gideon, Jr., and Abigail Ross; m. by Jeremiah Angell, Justice, Sept. 7, 1766. 1-207 " John, and Naomi Colvin; m. by Jeremi.ah AngeU, Justice, March 8, 1767. 2-74 '■ Joanna, and Harley W. Potter, Feb. 4, 1846. 1-207 FEAZER Alexander, Jr., ol Providence, and Eunice Parker, ol Scituate; m. by Jeremiah Angell, Justice. May 24, 1707. 2-05 FREEMAN CaroUne, and Jameii B. Angell, July 3, 1844. 2-84 FREZEL M-ary. and Thomas Ackles. Oct. 24. 1847. 1-240 FULLER Pelcg, and Phebe Bozworth, ol Benjamin: m. by Jeremiah An- gell, Justice, May 28. 1769. 2-50 « Timothy S., of Attleborough, Mass., and Cyntliia Taft, ol SmltU- fleld; m. by Elder Reuben Allen, April 25, 1842. G 1-1 GALLUP WUlkim. and Haniiali , May 15, 1759. ■"-"0 GARDINER Pcleg W., ol Providence, son of Nicholas E., and Ehoda Bowen. of Scituate, dau. ol Elisha ; m. by Elder John Westgate, Oct. 24. 1820. 2-102 " Thomas W., of Wanvlek, son ol Wickcs and Waltey, and Phebe \Y. Potter, ol John and Mary; m. by Rev. Benjamin J. Kelyla, Feb. 28, 1850. 16 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-45 GA^TXT Sarnli. nnd Alljcrt Steerc. Oel. 17. 3 839. 1-18-t GOODSrEED Steplieu, :ind jViuie Wciithei-head ; m. by Gideon Harris. Jus- tice. Jan. 2T. 17t;0. 1-159 GORTON Juliii, of Warwick, and lihoda Bnwen. of Scilu.ite; m. liy Rev. Daniel Fisli. Aug. :jl, 174(i. 1-218 " Benjamin, of Wanviclc, and Avis Unlet, of Scituate : m. l>y Keu- ben Hopkins, Juslite, July IS, 17r>3. 2-51 GOULD George, of Jolin, and Catlierine M. Hammond, of William ; ni. tiy Elder Reuben jUlen, Dec. 27, 1841. l-24:> GRAHAM William, of Jame.s, and Rachel Steere, of Hezekiali : m. by John Fisli, Justice, June .'!, 1770. 2-22('. GlIASON Richard, of Great Brit;iin. and Eliitabedi Jeffries, of Simon, of Cranston ; m. by .Tcremiah Angell. .lusticc, JIarch 22, 17S0. 2-37 " Amie, and William R. .Stiuic. July 3, 1S31. 2-77 GRAVES John, of Constant, dec of Scitnate, and Joanna Johnson, of Coven (ry, dau. of Samuel: m. at Coventiy by John Remington, Justice, June 12, 1808. 1-137 GREENE Almy. aud Thomas ISrowu. April 3. 1740. 2-02 " Benjamin C. of Ciriswold. Conn., and Saraii Rolierts, of Coventry ; m. at Scituate by Rev. Charles P. Grosvcuor, Fel). 18. 1844. 2-89 " Benjamin W., and JIary E. Fennel': m. by Elder Eeubeii Allen, Jan. 1, 1649. 2-94 " Barbara C. and Christopher S. F.riggs, May 0, 1849. 2-02 GRIGGS Nathan, of ChosliirL-. Conn., and Jlercy 11. FLske, of Scitnate: m. by Rev. Cluirles 1>. Grosveiior, Oct. 19, 1843. 2-97 GRINNELL JIaria E.. and Daniel W. \'ickery. Oct. 28, 1849. 2-91 GEISSEL Stephen, and Prcsilla II. Boixleu, both of Tiverton: m. by Rev. J:im&s A. McKensie. 5Iay 25, 1848. 2-78 GROVES Ann Jlaria. and Sheldon Luther, Oct. 19, 1S46. 2-83 " Dennis H., and Lydja Maria Olney Col\ in : ui. by F.Idei' Reuben AUen, April 9, 1848. 2-S4 " William H., and Adeline E. Kimball: m. by Elder Reuben Allen, May 4, 1848. 1-180 GUILE Joseph, and Molley Frauklin. ul IMiillip : id. by .Tercmiah Angell, Justice. Dec. 24, 1758. H 1-215 1-153 2-58 1-11(1 1-177 1-181 1-235 2-51 2-51 2-80 1-111 1-111 1-124 1-129 1-130 1-230 HAIL Sarah, aud Sonuicl Salisbury. Oct. 27. 17r>8. HAMBLETON Anne, and Shadrach Wells. Jan. (!, 1752. HAMILTON Loui.s;i. and Syria H.Vaughn. July 3, 1843. HAMJIOXn William, of Provideiue, and Deliverance Potter, of Scitnate; m. at Scltiiafe by lienjaniin Fisk, Justice. Nov. 27, 1737. Hauuali. aiul Benjamin Fisk, Dec. :J. 1758. ElizalHith, and Benjamin Seaniaus, April 19. 17,59. .Tohn. and Anne Fisk: ni. by Elder Reuben Hopklus, Nov. 27,1705. CiVtherinc M., and George Gould, Dec. 27, 1841. William V... of William, and Sophi;i A. Angell. of Ethan; m. by Elder Reuben Allen. Dec. 27, 1841. " William, and Susan Ann Jlamfoni. of Covcnlry; ni. by Elder Reuben Alien, April 26, 1847. H-VNNAPORD -\temus L., and Hannah lirayton ; m. by Elder William Stover. May 22, 1831 . HARENDEFN Jonathan, of John, of Scituate, and Sarah Foster, of Tliomas; iv.. by Elder Francis Bales, Oct. 11, 1739. " Lydia. and William Tyler, Feb. 7. ]7:i9-40. " Dorcas, and Jeremiah Hopkins, Dec. 27, 1744. " John, and M:iry Randall: m. l>y Benjamin Fisk. j.-jii.n, .Jun. 3. 1745. " Anne, aud John Randall. April 8, 1746. ". Esqrire, and Jlolly ivrne. both of Civ." .y JereDliah Angell, Justice, Dc . 12, 1707. '■• Estl'.cr. and George IJrcck, Nov. 15, 170,^. 1 -210 1- •248 1- -221 1 -230 1 249 1 23:5 1- 253 2 1 ■1 .•'» S( rirAT]£ — M AlMilAi. KS. 17 2-48 IIAl;Ja>'l.ll>N ~u-lM W.. ;iM(J APc\r T. l-ViTi II. .NdV. 1. 1S3,S. 2-43 •■ Wlu'iVDii AMin, 1. 1 l>7-i.vi1 SrHu- :iii'. 111. liy I'.lilr! i;.MiI..-ii Ali.n. .Vpiil 1, 1S3S1. 2 5(1 " Aun ('.. :iii(i .liihn 11. lim-din. Jan. .'■. 1-43. 2 58 ■■ llill.- X. (011111-, Mart. 1.3. 17.311. 1-131 •■ Charles, and .Vlaiy 11. .plans; in. l.y ,l.il. Handall. .InsUeo, M;.ir(;U 19. 174S. " Hannah, and llenjaniin shieii. 'Marel: 5, 1707. Xaldtha, .and Andrc-w Annll. AinU 19. 1772. Thomas, of Seitaate. son of eiideon. .and i'reelove Arnold, ol, Siinthticld. dau. of .loli ; mi. Ijy lehabod ComsUick, Jii«tLce, Mareh 30, 1775. Charle.s, of Gideon, of f<-lu;aie. aiul Jlarj- Fcnncr, of .lolin, ol (Uorester; m. by I'.lder .Fo.seiJh Winsnr, Feb. 9, 1777. .John, of <.;id(X)n, of Seitaat'-. and Naiiey Ai-noid, of Stephen, Jr., of Siiuthtield : in. by I.IuiIhkI (lomstoelc. Justice, March 1, 1778. Amie, and William lirowuell, Ajiril 2':. 177S. " H./nry, ol Charles, dec., and Rhr.iia Smith, of Sty Elder John Westcott, Feb. 8, 181S. •• Rchec'ca, and William Fcuuev. Dec. li, 1.^12. '■ Abigail, and Dr. Jeremiah Col.^. Oct. 30, ISDI. " Mary Ann, and John W. Smith, Marcli 13, 1317. " George, and Delia Fioltl : m. hy Kev. Benj.arain K. Allen, April 12, lf3S. " Albert, and Ann Ki;;'.a I'hillips; ni. by Elder Charles 1'. Gro.svenor, ciet. 17, 1839. '■ Gideon, and Sophia Kopcr : ni. hy Elder r.euben Allen, Sept. 9, 1.^40. " Fhila A., aii.l I.iiii.'.r C. Warner, Spt. -^i',. IrHr,. " Riuth A., and (ic.. ;■.;..■- W. (.:ol\vill. June 25. 1-44. rhjllip \.. and Estlier dleero, botb id' Sniithtield ; m. by UeV. Charles r. Grosv.-nor. Feb. 2, 1845. '• Amelia, !ind Churbs F. Towiiley, May 10, 1S48. HAWKINS Mercy, and Jo. 1 JI..p'.iii-^, M:i.rcli 10, 17.80. " I'hebc, and .V-alicI i;n. lit.L'ame. Doc. 2, 1813. '■ Snrali Ann. and A,ir..n llichardson. F'di. 1, 1.825. " Allicrt P.. and So[di-.iiiiM T:. AI.Ihiii ; m. by P.ev. Charles P. Gros- venor, Jan. 20. 1.-42. 2-7 " FJiza C, and Edward II :Mar.>h, JlarcU 29, 1847. 2-91 " Sarah 1.'. I!., and. Pas.hal P. WlKX'ler, April 15, 1849. 2-130 HAYNES Mrs. LiirimUi .M., ami Kichard T. llomlngton, Jan. 12. 1808. 3-34 HAZARD Hannah, and (.ieorge W Lovell, Juno 15, 184.8. 2-1 HELEY James, of John, and Anstis Ansell, of Capt. Jesse; m. by Elder John Westcott. Dec. ;n. 1809. 2-20 HENRY Thomas, Jr., of Thomas .and Eliza Rhodes, of Capt. Richard; m. by Elder John West.. nil, June •-, 1824. " Celinda E., and Thomas R. Henry, Ajm-U 15. 1347. " Thomas U. of l»royi''.en<-e, .son of Ttionuis. and Celinda E. Henry, of Sciinate, (L-m. of Sylvester; m. by Rev. Charles P. Grosvcnor, April 15, 1847. lULL ."Mallliow, of North Kingstown, and iMary HaiuUill, of Job, of Scitu- ato; m. by .lec-niiah Ain;ell. Jii^tlcc, Dt*. 15, 1757. lien,iamin, of Thomas, and H.-innah Pott»ir, of Christopher ; m. by Jeremiah Au'-eil, Ju^iiee. Dec. 7, 17li!). " John, of Thoma-, and Priscella WilOnr. ol ,l..b: m. by Jercniiali Angell. Justice, Ang. 19, 1772. (Vit. Ree., \'>\. 3.) 8 2-0 2-11 2-Jl 2-41 2-45 2-47 2-02 2(15 2-(;i» 2-8r, L-255 2-8 2-28 2-51 2-79 2-79 1-17S 1-243 1-343 18 VITAL JtECOKI) or UIMDE ISLAND. 2-1 2-46 »-4« 2-90 8-104 1-101 l-i!50 B-16 £-10 llINIvS IllX P; X-TJ JlUl'Kl 1-14 1-14 1-117 1-117 1-12 1 -i-ii:4 1-131 ai44 1-144 1-157 1-160 1-174 l-'-'Oa l-B-^5 1-206 1-208 1-210 1-215 1-216 1-216 1-231 1-231 1-232 1-232 1 254 1-252 1-252 1-255 1-207 1-256 1-259 1-259 Anna, anl Nolieminh AiiKfll, Bept. 21, 1777. I.yitia, anrt William Haley, Aug. 23, IHOl. I'resilla, and Jos/pli i,iiUliit', Aug. (), 1B40. ■iliiHna.s W., and Tliiuikrul \V. Aldrtcli ; m. by Kldcr Ciiarlcs P. Gni-vonor, Aug. !>. 1840. Lucy M., aud riiUii) 7.. AyU'sworth, Feb. 17, 1850. Itlioda, and Jeromiali S. r^illins;, March 27, 1850. /llpali, and Daniel .S.ainaus, June is, 17G2. Ly.!ia, and Levi Round, Feb. 15, 1781. alienee, and Ja.son Uowen, Jan. 7, 1619. Lyndon, of WUliam, of Seitu.ii:e, .nnd Zllpah Kddy .McDoiinough, ot Jolin, of Johnston ; m. by Kldcr JoUn Westeott, Jan. 7, 1810. MS Stephen, and Sarali ^3Cott; lu. by William Joncl^e-s, Ju.stlce, Oct. y, ]72(;. Kuth, and Nathaniel Wade, Juno 26, 1731. Sus.ani):ili, aud Judjih lirowii, tlet. 31, 1731. Katluiiiie, and Keubeu llopln:iee. Nov. 25, 1742. oziel, ;nd Mirtlia Rhodes; m. by Jeremiah Angell, Justice, Dec. 27, 1744. Jeremiah, and Doi'Chs llarendecn ; m. by Jeremiah Angoll. Justic*, Dec. 27, 1744. Jlaiy, and (inarles Harris, March in, 174-i. Anna, aud John Smith, May 10, 1749. Abner. and Mary Kay; m. by tadeon Harris. Justice. July 16, 1740. l,v"la. and Thnm.is CVillins, Jr., Jan. lil, 1752. Mary, and Uobert Baxter, Nov. 14, 1754. /ci'cdee, and Anne Seamans; m. by (ildeoii Hairis, Justice. Dec. 11, 1757. I'c hlah, and John WllPam^ Feb. 23, I7(ii;. M rcy. and Daniel Colwcll, July 13, 17l>fi. Jos ah, aud Harah I'earce; m. by JeromUiU Angell. Justice. Dec. a, 1706. Mnrtha. aud Ceorge Kounci, Feb. 28. 1768. Fn'h. and William Davis. Deo. 22, 1708. E"liniini, and Mehilnble Waltei-s; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice. Jan. 20. 1709. Jonathan, ot Daniel, and I'aUanco Weaver, of Contcnti; m. by Thomas Hill. Justice, June 4, 1769. Rcyal, nnd A\ifi Pean-e ; ni. Iiy Thomas HIU, Justice, Jan. 25, 177(1. Oliver, nr Jonah, and Susannah Bennett, of Joslah ; m. by KIdor John wailamri, Jan. 10, 1777. FTusilla. and Joseph TiicUcr. Jr., Jan. 25. 177S. Jonah, of Jonah, and Mary Tucker, of Joseph; m. by John West- colt. Justice, March Ifl. 17T8. Daniel, of Nicholas, and Ilaimah Tanner; m. by John WestcotV Ju.sticn, April 19, 1778. Paul, of Filter Reuben, and Abigail Wcstcolt, of George; m. bjr John Weslcfltt, Justice, s 1778. 7er\iiih. and Alwl llorton, Feb. 7. 1779. I!cub''n. Jr., of Reuben and I'hebe Weaver, of Content, dec; m. by John Weslcolt. Justice. June 30. 1779. Joel, of Abiiec, liiiih ecca Borden, of John, of .Scituato; m. by John WcKicott, Justice, May 8, 1780. Amle, nnd F.sek SmiUi, Feb. 1, 1781. Timothy, Jr.. of Timothy, and Sarah Carver, of Capt. Joseph; m. by John WesU;ott. Ju-tl.'c. March 7, 1781. S( irUATE MAniilAGES. 19 2-2 HOPKINS Lillas, iind Oeorpi> T>ectiti:ini. Ian. ], 1S07. 2-17 '• Chancy, and Z;idoek Luth^-r, P'e.b. Iri, 1819. 2-22 " Sanili. and Nicholas Thomas. Nov. 24, 1822. 2-52 " Emcliiie A., and Aiislin A. PuiB 1(1, Sjpt. 27. ]s4i 1^7 JlWJiT02L.E!izi!l>eai*-and_Jam_e^^ 1-255 " Patience, and Hosea Benactt, Dec. 29, 1771. 1-220 '• Anna, ajid Job Corc.v, Nov. 23, 1775. 1-252 '• Abel, of Nathaniel, and Z rviah Hopldns, of Timi.fl.y : ni. l.y .Tohu We.slc:ott, Justice, Feb. 7, 1770. 2-4 '• TJet.KCy, and Alfred Ald.ich, Dec. 22, 1,^11. 1-158 HOL'SK Mai'y, and Stephen Yoii:i :, S pt- 18, 175:i. 1-2ins, Justice, Oct. 23, 1703. 2-9 laTCHINS George Bryant, of Dr. Daniel, of KilUngly, Co :n., and Lydia At.wo d, of John, of .sdLuate ; m. by Elder John Weslcott, Nov. 30, 1814. 2 53 HYUK William H., and Mary A. West; m. by Rev. Hosea Quimby. May 20 1841. 1-123 INMAN Ablg.ail, and Nathaniel Kimball, Aug. 12, 1744. ^-"•^ " Fenner M., of Narthbridgo, Mass., and Melissa Mowry, of Scituate; m. by Kev. Clmrles P. Grosvenor, March 4, 1846. 2-13 IRONS Colwell, of Glocester, of Lemuel, de<-., and Lydia Aldrich, of Wel- oome, dec; m. by JMder John We>,tcott, Oct. 20, 1817. 2-28 '• Samuel, of lilocester, of Samuel, y Bates : ni. liy Elder Keuben Allen, Api-U 2S. 1842. 3.9^ " Ardeli;\ C, and Arnold Phillips, Nov. 5, 1S40. 2.105 '• AbWe C, and AH>en B, Field, May 19, 1^50. liiai l-l:ia 2-11 2-4:1 2-OG ■>84 3-9(i 1-18B 1 -172 1-132 1-188 1-157 1 183 i 1U4 -215 I 237 1 243 :31 119 151 -180 -210 250 J-19 2-40 2-46 J -CO 2-60 2-75 2-88 2 90 1 220 K KKLLV Jereiniali, .-iiid 1-n-clove J■i^ke: ni. by Alanson bteei-o, Jusliee, July 3U, l.-i43. KKK.NE .lohii, ot IJrtdsewuicr, and l-y.Ua I'oiiUT, or Kohei-L, ol Scituatc; m. by jCTcnuah -VngfU, JasUce. Man^U 2H. 17.!). Kl.Mi;-\LL N:il,tiaruel, and -\big!vil Inman ; m. by Jeremlall -Angell, Justice, Aug. 12, 174.1. Dean, ol Gervis, ol .Scituate, and l.y. Lewis, ot Amos, or Warwick, and Surah Poller, ol Owen, ol Bt;ltual<; ; ni. by Elder Xatbaiilel VV. Warner. Oct. 13, 1839. William B., and iSaiaU M. Kounds: m. l>y Kev. Cliarles P. Grosvenor, .liUy 11, 1><42. Adeline K., and William II. Graves, May 4, ld4.S. iillza AniauUa, and lUelmrd M. Swoot, Oct. 9, lti4'J. KING Isajie, and Sarah .Moon; m. by Job Kandall, Ju.-ure, .Vpnl 26, 1741. Williaui. and Anne Dunkin; m. by Job Kandall, Jusucc, July 11, 1743. Freclove, and itiehanl aylvestcr, Sept. 23, 174(;. nope, and Thomas Thornton, Aug. 9, 1752. " Mary, and John SUUtord, Jan. Ic", 1753. i~am\iel, and i'reelove i'lullips; ni. by Jei-omiah Angell, Justice, Doc. 2, 1759. " John, Jr., and r^arah Brown; ni. by Thomas Hill. Justice, April 3, 1703. JiiMuui, and Mar.ha Phicc; m. by '1 nomas Hill, Jusiico, Sept. 20, 1768. hvirah, and Joseph Bowcn. Jr., Jan. 2'J, 1769. i:alph, of .Seituate, son of KOcnezer, or Coventry, and .Maiy lailph, of I'apt. Glirislopher, of Seilnale ; m. by Josiali Colvin, Justice, June 10, 1773. " Mary, and Henry Aiidivw-. June 3. 1S12. *' Geor;;i' J'., ol Isaac, and Lydia \i'aw, ol Job: in. by Klder .lolin Westcolt, Jhireh 9. 1828. KNKillT Mary, aiul i;hristopber Kalph, Dec. II, 1743. " Samuel, and .Mary I'ot ter, ot lislicr; in. by tiideon Harris, Jus- tlci-, *ept. 22, 17."il. " Benjamin, of Jonathan, of Ci-anslon, and Dorcas ilsh, of John, 01 rieiiuale; ni. by Joualiaiu AnA^li, Justice. Jan. 18, 1759. " John, 3d, ol urcUiston, and l-'i'eelovc Tetft, ol Scituate ; ui. by Gideon Harris, Jiisliee. .\piil 16, 1767. " ZUpah, and Moses Poller, Feb. 25, 1779.- " Joseph, ot Darius, of Scituato. and Olive Uolvln,.or Nalluui, of Uov- cntry ; ni. at Goventry. by James Parknian, Justice, Aug. 22, 1819. " Bydia s., and George E. Battej'. March 17. 1839. " Alninnd 1;., now or Herkwick, Long Island, and C<'linda Atwood, ol Kimi>all ; ni. by Elder Keuben Allen, Sept. 9, 1840. " Lyman >S., and Patience E. Parker; m. by John Poller, 2d, Justleo, Sept. 3, 1843. " Olive !•., and itussell Vcaw. Dec. 3, 1843. " Siiity Martin, and Henry Barton Potter, Jan. 1, lo45. " George .M.. and EU7.abeUi Cahoonc ; m. by Hev. Keuben Allen, Dec. 31, 1b48. " Sarah W., and ls;mc N. Stoddard. Feb. 28, 1849. KNOWLTON Lydia, and Ebenezer Burden, Sept. 30, 1774. mai:i;ia(;es. 21 2-43 LAilB Aiitlioiiy W., oJ Woodstock, Conii., :;n(l Aliigail Battey, of Si'ituate; m. liy Uder Cliarlcs p. i;i-osr\x'iu.r, Feb. 17, 1840. 1-261 LAKKIN AWt-'ail. .•-Uiil liciijaniiu Miller, July 20. 1783. 2-77 LAWTON Anttiimy. (■!' .loLiistoii. :i.iwl Mai-y A. WilUnson : m. by l!ev. Charles 1'. (Irosvenor, Aug. ;U, 1840. a-99 '• Elizabeth t;., and Allaiulcr li. Batley. IV.'b. 14, 1850. 2-135 LF.ACII Elisha S., ol Scltuate, ^nd IClcanor K. Eolxjrts, I'orniorly of Coventry; m. by KU'er Kcuben Allen, Oct. 14. 1838. 2-87 LEASON Benjamin, of Cranston, and Ch.arlotte Whipple, ot Seituate; ni. at Coventry, by Kev. William Kmerson, Ang. 31, 184-8. 2-44 I.KWIS Marvin M.. and Maria Williams; ni. by Kev. Charles V. Grosvenor, April 10, 1839. 2-57 " Dennlson P., of E.\ctcr, son of Tiiomas, and SiLsan Bishop, ot Gloccster, dan. oJ Zephiiniiih ; m. by Elder Reuben AUen, Juua 4, 1843. 1-145 Lil'IOTT Mary, and Edward Carj)fnter, Nov. 19, 1740. 1-235 LOCKWOOD Damarins, and C:deb Potter, April 26, 17(17. 2-50 •• ..Joseph .S., of Johnston, and Lurannnh SpraRue, of Seituate; m. by Elder Charles 1>. Grosvenor, June 27, 1841. ' 2-&8 '■ i!ena.iah T., of Ru.ssell. and Khoda J. Walker, of William, both of Smithlield; m. by Kldir Ucut>en Allen, Dec. iiO, 1848. 1-163 LOVELI, M.argaret, and Shadraeh I'lae.', April 27, ]7r,5. S-84 •• (ieorge W., of Siitiiate, and Ilaiinati Hazard, of Kiehmond, R. 1.: m. by .Tames Johnson, Jusliee, June 10. 1848. 2-11 LrrilKi; I.ydla, and Dean Kimball. May 19, 1810. .2-17 " /.adocl<, of Johnston, son of Benjamin, and Chancy Hopluns, o! Stukeley ; m. by EUter John Westeott, Feb. 18, 1819. 2-17 " Al>erief:n, of Aaron ; m. by Wder John WesteoU, Mareh Is. 1824. 2-78 " Sheldon, of Warwick, and Ann Maria Groves, of Seituate, dau. o' John: m. by Kev. J!eul>en Allen. «>et. 10. l.s-1.5. 2-91 '• Thebe. and William .\. Fiske. April 14. 1819. M 2-t.4 MADlniN Cai;iei-iue Ann. and I'-atie T. Carr, (n-t. 21. l.-^17. 1-S04 M.\NCI1K,.--TF.K Job, of Cranston, and Hannah Polter. r.r Joini. .Ir.. of .Situ- ate; ni. by John Fisli, .lustic-e, Nov. 3. 17iu!. 1-305 " Freelove, and Thomas C. 111ns, Nov. 27, ITIW. •2,-tt ■' Florinda, and Jeremiah Field, ^lay 20, 17.s."i. 2-95 MANWAHIIEN' Eliplialet L., of North Providerice. and nanuiiius A. Par- ker, of rtcilnale; m. by Elder Keiiben Ailen, July 22, 1649. 2 00 ^lAHSIIAM-' Linader. and Alpheus S. Waller, March IG, 1811. 2-78 VAK'^ll Edward Jl., of Bnrrillville, son of George W.. and Eliza C. Hawk- ins, of Jain(>s K. ; m. by Elder Charles p. Cirosvener, March 29, 1.H47. l-l-l')-! M,m;TTX Joann.-i. nnd F.-^ekitl Sheldon. Nov. 12, 17-19. 2-'^0 ■■ John, and Susan R. Burlie ; m. by Kev. Charles P. Grosvenor, Aug- 39, 1S47. 1-138 M.VTllKWSr>N Jeremiah, and Sarah Angcll, of Capt. Thomas; m. by I-'divard Sliiddon, Justice, Sept. 1, 1737. 1-177 '• Sarah, arul Jeremiah Potter, April 2, 17."i';. 1-194 •■ John, and Kachel Taylor, ot John, Jr.: m. by Thomas Hill, JuSy- ti-e, Dec. 30, 1702. l-21b ■• Elizabeth, and Moses Hul-t, Oct. 23. 17(;3. 1-205 ■■ lUizabeth, and Benedict. Whipp'o, June 1, 17r, i. 1-201 ■• Kiiliaid, and Jlary I'oltcr : m. by Gideon Harri--, Jusliee, Dec. 1, 17155. 1-aoo ••■ ^i.niha, and Jeremiah An lii/ws, Sept. 1-1, 17i;r.. a-2*i("> " Daniel, Jr.. of Johnston, and Sarah Phillips, of fk-ituaie; m. by .leri'miaU Ansdl, Jusiice, .lune 17, 17i;7. 22 VITAL RECUKD OF RHODE ISI.AXD. 3-262 2-5 2-11 2-17 2-18 2-25 2-24 2-49 2-42 2-47 2-67 2-75 2-100 2-16 1-210 1-201 2-80 1-2(52 2-188 1-201 1-177 2-4 3-20 2 43 2-44 2-59 2-80 2-95 SL\THE\V>iON Thomas, of TliDin.is, :iiul Sarah Smilh. of Capt. St.'phcn : m. t)jr- Jeremiah Ang 11. Justicp, July ;J0, 1709. Klizaheth, and Thomas Mitchell. Dec. 28, 1784. " Hannah, and James Karnam, Jan. 20, 1813. ■' Jeffrey A., of Seiluat<;, and Betsey Bennett, of Cranston ; m. by ai- der liiohard Knight, Aug. 27, 1S15. " Waite, and Abenego Luth_'r, June 0, 1819. Mercy, and James Winsor, Feb. 10, 1820. " .Seria, and Capt. Coomer Sii ith. Dec. 2S, 1823. •' Pliebc, and Jeremiah Lut or. Mareh IS, 1S24. " .Mary, and Benjamin B. C'((i:., Justice, Dec. 2(;, 178-t. MOON Sar:iJi, and Isa.ac King, April 2(!, 1741. '• Mary and Abrara Vtaw, Oct. 24, 1781. MOWKY John, and Laura Potter; ni. by (Udeon Harris. Jusute. 17.^8. " Cynthia, and Paris Olney, Feb. 2, 1812. '■ Stephen, of A1>el, of Siltuale, and Mary Smith, of Glocestcr, daa. of Oliver; m. by Elder John Westcott, May 14. 1820. " Thomas J., .and l.oui-a C. Surle; m. liy Elder lU'Ubcn Allen, Man* 28, 1839. " Adah \V., and Allx^rt Anthony, April 11, 1839. •' William N'., of Nathan, .and Phebe Mathev.'.soii Smith, of Coomer: in. by Elder IVulien Allen, July R, 1843. ■■ Mehssa, and Feuner M. Inman, March 4, 1840. MIMFOKD Susan ..vun, and William Hammond, April 2<;. 1847. Samuel S., of New|>o!l. .son of James, and Marj- F. P.arker. *t ficiluato ; m. by M.Mijamin J. Utlyla, June 17, 1849. and Abigafl by Jeremiak of Thomas . April 2. N :-46 NCTTING Joseph, of l»iMvide.iice, and Prcscilla Hill, ot .Siiluute ; EldcJ- tliarlcs P. Grosv<-nor, Aug. O, 18H). 2-14 2-52 2-65 2-105 2-99 l-3rt OL>;!?TEAD Nathnaiel ilnrris. of Savannah, y Elili-r Hcub(.n Allen, l), lri41. " Piifeuie, and Hei ry (i. liurlingame, Sept. 12, l-it2. '• Lyd a H., .md P J g A. Koi:nd. July 4, Ih.M). ORAN William, of lrovd>nie. a d Tuar.kful M. K. Waters. by Elder Uoub.n Ml n, Jan. 9, 1S50. of Johnston ; m . KCnr'ATE MAItlM \r.Kfs. 2f 1-216 OWEN Harali, ami n<'iij:iinin Wliilmfui, (•"rli. 'JU. 1700. l-SH '■ Rut.ti. and Ow.ii lUittoy, Oit. •-. IT'.W. 1-236 PAINE Molly, ;iii(l Ksiiuirc ll;iiinil<'2 •• TIiDma.-, U.. and Mary Ann Brayfdn, (if Slei)lien ; m. by i.lder Kenl>e*i Allen, Nov. 9, 1S41. 2-50 •• Adeline, and I.alliani \ViK'it» Nov. 14, 1>I2. 2-CO " Patience K.. and Lyman S. Kniglit, Soiii. 3, 1S43. 2-.S4 •' Sarah A., and Asaliel Wall-e.r, June lo. 1.''47. 2-9r. " Mary F.. and Samuel S. Mumfoid, Juno 17, 1849. 2-f)r. •' Damaries A., and EUphalet 1.. Manwarren, July 22, 1S'J9. 2-81 1\m;KIS John, of Nantucket, son of Jy ■Jiiomas Hani-.. JimIIcc, J.*n . 26, 177r.. 2-2 " George, of Kteplieii, and Lilla.s Hopkins, of Timotby ; m. I'y Eli.-ih«. Watliewson, Justice, Jan. 1, 1S07. " Mercy, and Josiah Westcott, Dec. 27, 1807. " John, of Seth, of Glocester, and llamiah Smith, of 'Mdeon. of Scil'i- ate, dec.; m. by Elder John \Vesl<-ot(. Jan. 20, 1820. •■■ Lucy, and Isn-al Smith, Feb. 24, 1828. William S., of Warwick, formerly of Soulli KinRstown, and Ell'i* Hoxsie, ot Scituate, formerly of fharlesfown ; 11:. by Ket^. NichoLa.s Johnson, Sept. 11, 1837. Saiah r., and Samud J. Smith, Oct. i:i, 1840. Daniel W., of Wai-wielv, son of Jeremiali, iind miebo !•. Weaver, aC Lanj-'ford. of .SciiuatuE islaxh. l-ldT I'EKKINS K.ln-iiizrr. .-inil \L-ii-:ii'el. Sl.fwart, alias Ashi-roft, toth of Volun- lown. Ciiiiii.: lu. ill .-(ilimlo. Ijy Benjamin Hsk, Justiof, Sept. TJ. 1T.U. l-ltil ■• Il:iiin:ili, anil l;eiijajnin TauiaT. Juue 5, !1702. l-20Ci '• I'alt'h. and Alice lirownc : m. by Jeremijili AngrU, Justice, Jan. :;(), ITC.t. l-ii^ji; " lliilnies, of liriagcvval;-!'. Mass., and Susiinn.i Tyler, of John, Into or ("ranstoii, K. I.: ni. :>y John Westcott, Justice, April 13, 1780. X--<}t> I'KTKltSd.V Lemuel, and Donas Vi)ung, of Nathan: m. by Tboinas Hill, Justice, Jan. 12, 17U7. 1-25;; I'lVn i':Y Jaaies, .mrt Dore:is I'ai-lier, of John ; m. by John Westcott, .Tustice, I ,„ Oct. ;;, 177a. e-31 l'JIKTTKl'LJ«pK Arnold, of lJurrOlviUe, and Mary Smith, of Scitaatc ; m. ■gy l'".liler John Wcslc.ai, .Mai-eh 15, IKiifi. I-IW! I'llll.Ml'S ftceliive, and Saniiicl Kinp, Dec. 2, 1759. l-2tii> " Sarah, aad Daniel Mathewsan, June 17. 17ti7. 1-338 " Joseph, of S-mHIilield, .son of David, and Sarah Sliippoe, of Jub; m. by Caltjl) Arnold. Justice. Fob. 29, 17(i.s. 1-wlG " David, of SCMiialo, and Eiizabf;tU Weaver, of Warwick; m. by Tl :!s Hill. Justice. S'i>< • -I, 17i;;>. 1-258 " Abram. i>f Nallianiel, and llaiiiuiU Pratt, of Capt. John; m. by Jeremiah Angvll. J.n^iiee. I'eb. 27, I7rtO. 2-10 ■■ Jci'eniiali, "f '<;loi-e-ter. and IScts.y Srnitli, of Stephen, dec, at ^M■it^lal'•; ni. by KhUr .lolm Westcott. Oct. 31, 1815. 2-1-t •• Sar-.ih Ann, and i)aaii-l Smith, J"eb. 8, IslK. 2-21 " Alice d S;inuiel Aa;;ei;, M;iivli 17. 1822. 2-48 •■ Joliii, and Allen W. I'iell ; ui. by llev. ( harles V. Grosvcnor, Sept. 27, 18:>^^. 2-45 " Ann Eli/.ab. 2-101 ■■ I'aixbin .\.. of Ostnauicr and Nancy, and llellen 51. Carpenter, of Dr. Thonvis, O. 11. ; ni. by l»cv. Henjamin J. Kclyla, J;m. 30, 1850. 2-'.)9 " I'atfencc 11.. and George 1). Ilarher, Feb. 17, 1850. 2-95 PIIINNKY JIary, and Sniit!i Dava.l. July 29, 1849. 1-130 1'I.Ari'; Natlian, and Dc>ire Tncke:-: »i. by Kzelxiel llopldns. Justice, Slarch 29, 1742. l-ll>;; " 8hadraelr, and Maigaret b.ivoU, both of Glocester : in. by John Fish, Justice, April 27. 1755. " .Mai-y, and Janitss Tyler, March 31, 1703. 'V Stsphen, and Jlartha Wa rcn ; ni. by Oliver W^^i'-ii Jnstico, JIarch 2:1, l7ilo. " Marth.-i, and Jnshiia King, Sept. 20, 17<>B. POTTER Deliverance, ami WiUia n Hammond, Nov. 27, 17i;7. '■ Lydia, and Kllslia Barnes .V|nil 22, 1751. " Wary, and Sainrel Koigh,, >eLit. 22. 1751. " I'volx'ri. Jr.. an I .S;iri,li fJaltdi; m. by Benjamin Fi:,u, Jusilc?, Nov. 8, 1751. " liaun.ih, :i:, iii-y. Sept. 25, 1755. " Jcreaii:ih. ;, .. -. . ., _,i , :,r'in. of Jeremiah; m. by JercnuaU Angell. Justice. AprU 2. 17.'is. I.aura, and J.-hn Mowry, Ap! il '.;. 1 T:..s. i;ob rt, ol J. 111. in I M ir:.'i Uaiid; ni. by tJideon Har- ris. JusiJci:, S<--pi. 7. 17'" " Hannah, ami .1..., :.:a;- .. ;;, 170:i. Mary, and l.iihaul .^i Dec. 1, 17(;3. " Caleb, of Seii'iale. rnil D 1 is Lockwoort, of Cianslon ; ni. by Klder l.iai.ii n liopki's .\',ril2G. 1707. i-243 '■ Hann.ih, and l>njani;u 11 II. .• •. 7, ]7r,9. 1 194 1 20- 1-21,-, 1-110 1-151 1-151 1-155 1-105 1-177 1-177 1-164 1-21)4 3-201 1235 s( rn.'A'rK— M vi;i;i,\i.i;s. 25 T.-ii4ii I'OTTKi; Wiusor. nl I'lslior, ami Dainaii-^ Hurliiigami'. of .fcremiih : m. by Jeremiah Aiigell, JnstUi-i-. April 8, 1771. l-3ri0 " Margaret, and Amos Williams, .iuiie 19, 1774. 1-L'i;5 '• .Simeon, of C'hrsioiili t, .i al Marie Colwell„ of Ricliard : ni. tjy Jere- miah Angell, Jusliee, -\pnl 19, 1775. 1-250 " Arnold, of .lohii, and Kalh Colvin, of Moses, dee.; m. by .lero- miali .\npH, .liistiee. .lime 11, 177."^. 1-233 " Anne, and S. 1842. 2-6(i '• FJi/.ab(^th U., and Farnnm Veaw. .Ian. 14,1844. a-60 " Ilamiah M., and George H. Kandall. Jnne 23, 1.^4-1. 2-75 '• Henry liartoii. and .'■'ally .^iar(h:l Knijiht: m. by Elder Reuben Allen, Jan. 1, 184.5. 2-75 " John B.. and C. linda M illi' won : 'n. .-it WarivieK, by Eev. Wil- li.am Slovyer., No\". 4. iS45. 2-74 ■■ il.iiley w., of Moses, ami .bianna FranUlln, of ,lerenii:ih, dec; m. hy Elder Ifeiiben All n. Feb. 4. IMii. 2-5I " Susan €., and 8anuiel A. Howler, No%-. 17. 1847. 2-88 " Kll/.a .\.. and Allen J. Oilvin. Nov. 9. 1.h4k. 2--9 •■ c iliv.-r F., and i.onUa H '"ar.l ; ni. ly F.Ubi- R.ulieii .Mien, Feb. •Ji;. 18.19. 2-90 " I hebe. and 8(ej.hen Cor|ie. .Mari'h 11, 1849. 2-102 " Phebe W., and 'momas W. Gardiner. Feb. 2h, 1850. 1-157 PRATT J.d.-diah, and Anne Barn'-, of Tlunnas : m. \n John Flsb. Jtistiee, Jan. 18, 1753. l-2.'>8 '• Il.innali. and .\b;aai I'hit ip . I'lli. 27. 17wi. 2-30 '■■ Alinba. and Jo.s-'ph 8h.-l on. .\iMii 12,, l.s27. 1-153 PRAY .Mai-lha. anU George WrM<- U. Nov. 21, 1751. 1-104 - Ann-, and Cornelbis \Val injr, Jan. (>. 17(13. ."1-253 " Al.igiil. and Si'neon SrM nans, Aug. 19. 1779. 2-57 « FbiU 1)., and Nalhau Cli ili ; ni. by Jeremiah Angell, , Wee. 11, 1743. 1-124 :ind Klias Collins. J.uly 15, 1744. 1-155 ; Robert Potter. Jr., Nov. 8, 1751. 1-157 . I Mary Edwards: m. by .Tolm Fish. Justice, Jan. 11, 1-Iy Elislia M-'!'-en- en. .IdsMce, . iT'.Hl. 25 ■• Nr.ii !ni Wilbur, Jr., July 5. 1812. 2-85 i:.VM'-l>!-;i,l. .. i>i Provi-Je.nce, son of John, dee., an.l I. 'icy, of 8'iii':iii-, and Mary lUizabetli Allen, of Samuel G. and vttiria, of S'-ituate: m. by Rev. licnjamin J. 1! Ivia, June 8, 1848. l-:2» l,'.\::i,i.» l.I. yiarv. and .lohn llarend en. Jan. 5, 1745. 1 '26 VITAL UECOKD OP RUODE ISLAND. a-130 I-13r> 1 K>ri 1-178 1-214 2-40 B-l;i4 2-47 2-r,i 2-45 2-«>r> a-i()5 1 KiU 1-144 1 177 lira s-ia(> 1-1(53 1-124 3-2li 1,1-1 2-96 1-130 2428 «-.135 2-!>5 2-5S 2-62 2-74 2-74 2-7G 2-47 1-206 1-1&2 1-174 1-202 i-ao8 l-a57 I'lanndccn: m. by .lohTi Edwards. Jii^itico, Apifl Eliz:>licth Culo ; in. !■>■ ]:«ii.i:iniln Kisli, .Tu.stlc«, K.VNDAI-I. Jdlin, :ind Amlo 8, 17411. Iltnry, .Ir., and June ri, 174(i. John, Jr., of Providence. ,'Uid i'.liziiti -11 liy Jotin Fish, Justice, Aug. -.;:(, 17.VJ. M:iry, and Matthew HiU, Dec. I."). 17.'-.7. " Stephen, and Uernlce Davis; ni. l>v Thoma-s lliil, 10, 17(j7. Kllsha, of Joseph, and Martlia Hro\Yn. of lloni-j- ; John We,stcott, Dec. 18, 181."). ■ Mary, and David Field, M.ay lii, J 83".. llcniT, ol -Foster, sou ot VVUliam, and Mary Ann U m. tiy Klder Keubcn Allen, Feb. 17, 1840. Mizabetn, and S.epheu KanJall, March 11. 1841. .Stephen, and Mizabeth U;.nd:ill ; m. by Kldcr Cbarl.s I'. (Jrosvcnor, March 11. 1841. Amanda, and Henry Ji. Hddy, Jan. (5, 1842. Zelira, and Lyaian Will ams, July 1, 18-t2. . (.ieorjie H.. and Hannah M. Fot;e:-; in. by Hlder i;onben AllOB. June 23, 1.S44. Stephen, of Seitnate, now f Scltu.ate; m. by isider Kk-hard Kniglil, Oct. ir), 1S4'J. Stephen l!o.-f,, June 11, 18r>i). and Anno Wilbur; ni. by Jol'.n Fxlwards, Jusliw.. rolllns. of Scltuat, " Lippitt, and ll'eeh>ve t'oian 1754. Ivlchard T., and Mrs. Lniinihi M. llayn liowcn, Jan. 12, 18(i8. KKVKOLDS Klizabclh. and WlUlam Tyler, Sept. II".. 1754 KHODh^ Marth.i, and (Izlel Hopkins, Doc. 27. 1744. Kbza. and Tlioui.-ts Henry, Jr., June 8, 1824. .Vlarj- A., and .Mbert lluhliard. Alay 14. 183'.). t'ol. William, of WaiTVick. .son of llolw'rt. de*:.. Austin, July 4, 1838. July 1C>, 17411. Ccllins, of Kliza ; ni. by W ilUani llurtoii. 1740. . by John l-i~li. Justice. Awp. l.-i. m. by U(T\'. Wlllinm 1?. anil Mrs. VAIph.:!. ni. by F.l«1. 184,". " Siiriih. and lienjauiin C Greene, Feb. 1,-;, l.=i44. " Dorcas <;.. and John H. KoberUs, Doc. 20, 1845. John li.. of Anthony, and Dorcas (i. Koherls ; m. by Elder Keutwn Allen. Dw. 21), 1845. IKDGF.HS Thomas K., and Lydla P. Field; m. Dec. C, 1S4(5. K()PP;r Sophia, and tUdeon ll.iiris. Sept liOSS AbiR;iil. and Oirteon Franklin, .Sept KOUND Mary, and Peter F.ddy, Dee. 5, ■• Richard. Jr., of Kelioix th, and m. by Gideon Hairis. Justice, James. Jr., and Frania Cole; n Fob. 27, 17tW. ■• CeorKe, and Mariha Hcpkins Ju.stice, Feb. 2.8. 1708. " Penelope, and WUlUini Havts. < ti-t. 21 b F.ldi'r Ceorge C-ollittK. . n. 1-1(1. . 7, 17c.ii. 17,^1. Uosamor.d Salisbury, of S<'ilna'-tv; , Man^h 20, 1757. 1. i>y Oliver Westcott. .lustii'-o, f 'wlel: m. i.v Oliver Westeutt. RCITC ATI2 — ilAi;i;lA(;HS. ,iT 1-357 HOUND Prcsoilla, and Strr.lnii DiivTS. M;iy -Jh, 17o(i. 3-Z59 " Lovi, Of I'Qlc^'. and l.ydia nines, ol riilli'inan ; rii. ^y John WosirotMi Justice, I'd). ir>. 17H1. S-7 " Hannah, and sui'phc-n Wilbur, Oct. 7, 1H1:I. S-lt! " Sirah, and Kli'hurd His!. op, June 1, 1S17. 2-i>7 " Pelep, Jr., of Foster, and Emma Ann Arnold, or Soltuafo, dan. i>C Kussoill : m. by Kldor John Wi-stoott, Aug. "Ji:, l.-^t-'-t. 2-r>i> " Sarah M., and William U. Kiaihall, .Inly 11, 184',:. 2-71 " LUlns H., and Henry S. AnKcll. S<;pt. IH. iHlf). 2-l<)r> " I'cles A., and Lydia H. Olncy : in. hy Kldor IK'ubon .Mien. Jolv 4. IKr.l). '^-148 ^".M.ISBIIKV ir>niy. ot Kirhai'rt. dec, and Siisanna Holland, of .lolin : m. hj Gideon Harris, Jn.KUee, April 10. IT'.'l. 1-16.^ " Jonal'ian. and H.innah PoH.lt; m. by Gidr.iui Il.-irrls. .Justiee. S^p(.. 25, 1755. 1-160 " Thomas, of Scil.nalc, and Helierea Bu.'ilie.^. of f;loee-if*-r ; m. l>y Gideon Harris, JusUc", Dee,. 19, 17.".i">. 1-174 " Rosamond, ani Richard Round, Jr., Mareh ii'.l. 17.'7. 1-189 " Hanna'i, and Pamuel Smilh, May 21, 17in-. 1-215 " Samuel, of Swansey, and Sai'ah Ha.-1, of l!arnanl. ot SciUiain; m. by Thomas Hill, Justiee, Get. 27, 17C.pi. 1-22 " Jos3I)li, and l.ydia i)avis ; ni. by Tiioinas Harris. Jusfiec. Oe.t. 5, 177.5. 2-12 " Samuel, of William, and l,\dia lierry (widow): ni. by I'Jder Jobs WesleoU, July ;il, 1«17. 2-2.5 " Julia, and K/.cIuel Ansell. April K, 1S24. 2-59 " Patience, and (ieorge heaaians, Aug. 21, ls-42. S-106 '•■ William, of Seitiiate, and Weaiiby Ann Collins, ut Jolinsion; m. by Eldor Kicbard Kni hf, Aug. 27, 1S4-J. 3-55 '■ Kli/.a A., and Daniil Tinltbam, Stpt. !, !S)J. 2-e3 " Ifrirdner, of Abel, and Mary ,M. I'otter, ol Haviel : ni. by Elder l*ea- Alien, June 27, 18.14. 2-r>(> '• C.iiborL, and Maria Colvin ; m. 1>y Rev. rii.iiles I', lirosyenor, Dec. 25, lH-t4. 2-88 ■■ Marcelia 13., and Daniel B. Fiske, Dee. 2^. l.'^tli. 2 W7 " Jeremiah, of tsimuel, and Pliel>o O. FUki\ ol Calel) ; m. by Ker. Daniel W. Carr, Oct. 21, 1.S4!). 2-1S4 ■' jVlplieus, and Mary A. Kddy ; m. liy Rev. \"elsouni;. Feb. IK, 1821. •2$ VITAL KKlnlMi 111' IMidllK ISLANll. 2-i& 1-144 1-145 1-146 1-183 1-235 1-217 1-261 2-30 2-59 1-228 2 25 2-57 1-23S 1-2.H2 2101 1-200 1-210 1114 1-1 ;i7 1-114 1-145 1-1 Sit 1-207 1-18:', 1-1 s-l 1-185 1-190 1 -1 Sll 1-201 1-214 1-237 1-220 1-220 1 230 1-250 1-252 1-254 2 41 1 259 by Elilei- liculien Allen, Aug. SEAJLVNi (.i."!;;'-. and P:ui(-iKi- S;ili,~bury 21, 1842. SHELDON Melccent, and Josiiili liiiirfonl. Seiit. 12, 1740. '■ Ezekiel, of Providence. :iiid .lo:iuna JImtin, or Scltuate; m. at ll.irris. .Iu.>;tico. Nov. 12, 1749. \V,v.t : rri. by (Udeon Harris, Justice. May liy Gideon Jlarri^, Jiisiice, Fct). 23. Abijiail Fenne.r, of Kichatd, of Johnston ; 17I1E1;M.\.\' Clarke, of Piovidenee. and Pauline i;,ny, of Pawtueket : m. by Elder lohn W' sU-ott. I>ec. 10, 1823. '• I'bidelia. and Joseph \V. Tliompson, Dee. 29. l,-'42. and Josepiv PliilLp. Feb. 29. 17Iks. iiid Harbaia Vau-"lin. of John : m. I'V Joliii 25. 17,-1. and Mary Jell'erso:i. both o( Smiiljiklcl : l!<'iifK-n Allei:, Oil. 17, l.'^44!. .Mary E.. ami James D. Webster, Marcli 12. 1.-50. .-•KlLl.lo.N Sarah, and Samuel Wh'ddon. 'I),!-. 1". 17ii::. SL.VCK llerijamin, of Seimaie. and Hannah Harris, c.r Johnston: t;ideon Harris, Justice, March 5, 1707. S>rrrU AMi-'ail. and llenoni Williams, July 8, 1739. D i-i'thy, and SUvanus Al.i'-ieli. March 8, 174eOi, and Richard Waterman, March 2. 1700. " Esther, and Joscpli Williams. DPC. 10, 1707, • '• Sarah, and Thomas Matheivson, July 30, 1709, « (oman. of Capt. Stephen, and Frcelove IJarncs, of lOislia; m. by Elder Keuben Hopkins, M.arch 21, 1773. " Mercy, and S3th Peckham, Jan. 20, 1775. " Peresrlne, and Zerviah Eddy, of Peter: ni. by John Wcstcott, Jus- tice, Jan. 1. 1778. " l.ydia. and .Tohn Walker, Jr.. July 25. 1773. " Ozie!. and jiai-jar t Walton ; ni. by John Westeott, Justice, July 30, 1 778. " Nathan, of Stephen, Jr., and AUee Walker, of Chailes; in. by John Wcstcott, Justice, <. i::i. IrtOO. 2-4 " Cliris(<)i)li(.'r, ol Uicliard, and Nidlit' .SmiLii, widuw of Uidoon ; in, by Elder .lohn Woslcott, .Inly i, Isl-J, 2-4 " Nellie, and Clu-LsUiplici- niitli, July 1, l^l-J. 3-8 '■ JIui-y, and Hob rt Williams, ricpt. Ls, 1.^11. 2-10 '■ Hetlcy, anil Jo:vJilia!i I'liillips, Oct, ol, leli. 2-11 '■ ,l"Ln W., of iMoci'siev, .-jmi of Aniasa, dec, and .Mary Ann Harivs, of Sl'_'i>lu'n. (.f .Si_'ilnate: ni. by F.lder John Wcstcolt, Karoli 13, 1817, 2-12 " Lydia, and .-Stephen IJiAvcn, May 4, 1 S] 7. 2-14 '■ Daniel, of rilt.s, and SanUi Ann PliiUips, ot David; in, by Elder John WcsteoU,, Feb, 8, ISld. 2-17 ■■ llaiy, and Zcplumiah Uisliop. Jlaix;!! 23, 1810. 2-18 llauuali, and JoLu I'ocklvam, Jan. 20, 1830. 2-in •■ Dianiia, .and Arnold An^ell, March 2(;, 1620. 3-20 •• -Mary, and ritepliou Jlowry, Jlay 14, 1S20, 2-33 " Ama.s;i, of '/iba. and Mary Ojlwell, of Arnold; m. by Elder Join Wc'stcolt, Feb. li;, 182:3. 2-2.J •■ C'apt. Cnomer, oi Col, (lenience, ;iud Seria Mathewson, of Elisha ; in. by Elder .lobn Westeotl, Do.', 28, 182:). 2-25 •• S;u-ali, and dhrlstoptier Fenner, April 11, 1624. 3-31 " Isreal, of Scitnato, and Lucy rccliham, o£ Uloeester ; m. by Elder John Wefiteolt, Feb. 24, lS2o. 2-31 " Mai-y, and Arnold Plietteplace, March 15, 1S20. 2-45 " .lohn E., and Jl.ary A. Woodinansee ; in. by Kcv. Charles P. Grosvenor, April !), 1840. 2-48 " Samuel J., and .Sarah C. Pe<*hain ; m. by Elder Cliarles I>. Gros- venor, Oct. l:>, lilO. 2-59 " I'Icobe MaUiewsoii, and William X. Mov.iy, July 0, 184.'3. 2-63 '• llezeldali, ot Glocester, and Diana Kldrirt;;e. of Sriiiuite: m. Iiy Elder Keulxm Allen, Jan. 4, 1844. 2-6G " Xabby 11., and lothan Ansvll. July 11, 1S44. 3-68 '• Waitcy (.:., and Harb>y ]'. Ansell, March 6, 1845. 3-73 " WilUam h., of William, and I'liebe ^V. Thornton, of Dani.l. botk of Johnston; in. by Elder Keuben Allen, Dec. 25, 1815. 2-79 " I.ydia W.. ;,uid IMwin L. Allen. May 20, 1847. 2-82 " Susan, and Amasa iialtey, Q. t. 2--., 1847. 2-82 " Simon T., and .MelLssa E. t'ooper, Ixith of Bma-illville : m. by l';ider i;eul>on Allen, .Nov. 4. 1847. 2-90 " Sophia II.. and Dr. Gharhw 11. Msher, Fob. 22, 1840. 3-98 " Eli/a A., and William G. .Smith, Dec. 4, 1849. 2-98 " WilUam (;,, of Col. William, doc-., and Eliza A. Smith, of Coomer; in. by Elder l!eul>en Allen, Dec, 4. 1S49. 2-103 " John v., of Pills and .-Misannab, ami Amic L. Eowen, of Stephen and Lydia; m. by Uov. Benjamin J. Roly-ia, Feb, 10. 1850. 1-237 SXELL Daniel, Uit« oI Urid'^ewater, Mass., aiuL Mary Collins, of Thomas, of Scituatc: m. by Jeremiah Angell, Justice, Dec. 29, 170S. 2-97 SPENCEi: Thomas A., and Hannah E. S;irle ; m. liy Elder Eeuben jVllcn, Nov. G, 1840. 1-248 SPICER Stunuel,' of Canlerbniy. and Molly Dennett, of .Tonaihau ; m. by Jeremiah Ani;ell, Justice, Marcli 21. 1773. 1-130 SPINK Anstis, and Peter Weaver, Dec. 2i3. 1745. 1-200 vSPEAGlB Milleson. and Samuel Whidden. Jan. 23, 173G. 2-32 SPKAGCE Eunice, and Hiram Drew, Nov. 8, 1829. 2-50 " I.,aurannali, and .Toseph S. Loek-ivood. Jan, 27, 1341. 2-11 STEAVENS John, of Rhodes, of Johnston, and AbiRiMl Vack, of Ebenczor. ot Scituate; ni. by Elder John Westcott. May 13, 1816. 1-117 STAFFORD John, and Hn'inali Coleman, of John; m. by Jeremiah AngelU .Tuiliee, Nov. 15, 1713. I ^0 VITAL RECORD OK RnODE ISLAND. 1157 1-220 2-70 2-B!) 1-24 S 2-13 S-23 1-185 1-218 1-236 2-18 2-37 1-150 2-61 2-70 2-74 2-87 S-04 2-90 1-132 »-70 STAI'FOIUI Ji.Un, anl Mary King, or I«uic ; m. tiy J.iLn FIsk, Juslicc, Jan. 18, 17r)3. Hanniih, and .\biah leik, Sept. 20, 17T4. Hairict, and Mcrvin Andrews, June 16, 1S4j. .STAPLES John, and 7.11 iJha Ann Aiigell; m. by F.lder Reuben .\llrn. Fob. 26, IS-IO. aTEF.KE Kiiihel. and William Graliam, June 3, 1770. LvUia, and Thomas K. Wcstcott, Oct. 26, 1817. t'lovis, of Tlioii.pson, Conn., son of William. late (*I <.5loeester, doc., and Mary Sfeere, of Capt. Wnnton, late of I'rovldence, de*'.; m. by Elder .lolm Wcstcott, May 4, 1823. JIary, and Clovis Stecre. May 4, 1823. '• Ailiert. and Sai-.ih Gavitt, m. iiy Elder Charles P. Grosvenor, Oct. 17, 1830. •• ■ John, of Gloccsler, and Sally JI. Colvin, of .'^citiiale; m. liy Elder Heubcn Allen, Nov. 28, 1844. " KoV-rt II.. and Ann E.Clarke; m. by Elder Koubeu Allen, Dec. 10, 1844. '■ Ksilier. and Phillip V. ll.nrris. Feb. 2, 1843. STEWART Margaret, and Ehenezer Perkins, Sept. 12, 1734. STODD.Alll) Sarah Ann, and Pardon JI. Young, July 10, 1848. ls!im; N., of Thoma? and Hannah, and .Sarali W. Knight, of Rob- citand Siirah ; m. by Rev. Benjamin J. Rclyia, Feb. 28, 1849. STOKES Isaac A., i^f Providence, and Lydia A. Davis, of Scitiiate; m. by Elder Charles P. Grosvenor, April 8, 1S40. snt.N'K Ezra, anl Freelovc Howinnd; m. by Gideon llanis, Justice, April U, 17S8. " Hannah, and James Field, Oct. 12, 1700. " Oliver, of Cinnslon. and Pliebe Brown, of Jeremiah, of Scituato; ra. by Elder Reuben Hopkins, Nov. 13, 1763. " Jolin, of Coventry, anil Phebe Daly, of Scltuate; m. by Jeremiah Angell, Justice, March 13, 1708. '■ Rlioda G., and Elijah Taylor, Aug. 18, 1819. ■■ William R., and Amie Grayson ; m. by Elder Richai-d Knight, July 3, 1831. STRANAllAN Jane, and James Walker, July 4. lT.-,3. .SWEET LucreUa 1!.. and Stephen W. Collins, Jan. 26, 1S44. Ephraim. and Mary E. Kowen, both of Johnston; m. by Elder Reuben Allen, Feb. 12, 1845. Lydia A., and William WHlmr, Jan. 26, 1846. Arnold W.. of Foster, son of Augustus and Mary, and Sarah Ann Tanner, of Abel and Ablg,all ; m. by Rev. IJenjuuiin J. RclylA, .\ug. 7. 184H. '• Betsey, and Jared Waldron, May 6, 1849. " Rleh.ii'd Montgomery, of Henry E., and Eliza Amanda Kimball, of Noah; m. iiy Rev. Reuben Allen. Oct. 9, I&49. SYLN'ESTER Richai-d, and Freelovo King; m. by Ejeldel Hopkins, Justice, Sept. 23. 1740. ; " Sarah, and Roliert P. Dean, JaJi. 6, 1845. 2-53 U92 1-191 1-194 .\prll 25. 1842. of William ; m. by J"remiaU Angell, TAFT Cynthia, and Timothy S. Fnlle T.-VNNER Palmer, and Pheije Wood. Justice, Feb. 22, 17r.l. " Benjamin, of West Gr lenwieh. and ILinniih Perkins, of Oliver, of .Scltuate; m. by T.iomas Hill, Juslhe, June 5, 1702. Hannah, and Dani-I ILipkins, Ap 11 19, 1778. Edward, of Burton and Patience, and Lydia Ashton. of Samuel and Freelovc ; m. by Rev. George W. Brewster, Feb. 17, 1848. Saiah Ann, and Arnold W. Sweet, Aug. 7, 1848. JoliU, and Elizabeth I^ik.r (wIjow); m. b> Jeremiah Angell, Justh-e. Marili 12 17in. Rachel, and John Mutteson, Dec. 30, 1702. 1-232 i- 2-82 " e-87 " 1 1-196 TAYLOR SI'ITUATE MARRIAGES. 31 ."•201 TAVI.dK William, lain of f'i;inston, and Pliebe Fianklln, (lau. oi Ellsha ; m. by Jeremiah An^'". -lu-ticn, Nov. 10, 170.3. 2-.*5 '■ I!i;U:ir,l, Jr., of Uicluii'd, and Pallrnce Edrty, of Elkana ; m. by Ellsha Malh'-wson, Justiro, Nov. 17, 1799. •^-3 •■ WUliain, of Ui(U;ird, and Ihilh Smith; m. by Elder Jolui \Vest< olt, Feb. 14, isorf. 2.]ri ■■ Elijah, of Henjaniin, and I'.hoda a. Slom^, of Wlilpip].- ; m. by Elder John Wolco.t, Aug. 18, 1819. 2-Ul ■• Jordan, of Aimer, and Helscy Atwood, of Abraliani ; m. by Hder John Wesxoil, Jan. 8, 18^-2. 2-1)0 '■ Mary K., and Allicrt I,. Cole, Sept. 18, 1848. l-iar TF.FI'T Peter, Jr.. of Prcvidenec,, and Sirah Barne-, of Si^iluase: m. by HiiijanilM 11, h. JusUie, Oca. 1-2, 174G. 1-210 •■ Frechive, and J; Im Kiiii,'lit„ 3d, April 10, 17G7. 3-233 '■ Abigail, and Oliver Pate.-, Feb. 2(>, 1778. 1-1S8 THAYER Da\id, ,Ir., of Jtendon, and Uebeeca Williani.s, of St-ituate: lu. by (iideon llanis. Jiisliee, Mareli 10, 17;'):;. •2-72 " Su.san E.. and Danbl B Isier. Nov. 2. Isif). 1-158 THOMAS Vial, and Patienno Colo; m. by John Fish, Jnstioe. Oct. 2,'.,. 1753. 1-242 ■■ Patience, and Klislia li.-iroes, Aujj. 20, 17C.7. 1-200 '• Mary, and Natb mi 1 Peais, .T.-m. 3, 17,82. 2-19 '• Betsey, and Barney W. Davi.s, April 20. 1820. !i-22 " Nicholas, and S.u-ah Jlepiins, widow of Timothy ; m. by Elder John Weslcott, Nov. 24. 162-2. 2-20 '• Ueorge, of Cianslon, and L,ydia Poller, of Scittiale, dau. of Jona- tb.m ; m. by Elder Joim Weslcoit, May 7, 1824. 2-57 THOJll'SON Joseph W, and Phidelia Sherman; m. by ISiv. llosea Qulmby, Dec. 29, 1842. 2-03 ■• Danir'I S., of Smithlield, and PliJa lU. Wheelock. of .lohnslon; ni. by Elder Eeuben Allen, Jan. 14, 1814. l-ll.-i JlliiKMDN l.yriia, and WiJUim I'isk, March 11, 1749. 1-151 •• l.auranna, and Jolin Edwards, ,lr., Sept. 15, 1751. l-l.'SM •• Tlionias, and llopt! King: ni. by Job Kandall, Justice, Aug. 9, 17"j2. 1-194 ■■ Stiikoley, and Annah Colvin ; m. by Thomas Hill, Jusliee, Feb. 27, 17(i;i. 1^04 •• I.ydla, and David I'.laekniar, Oct. 20, 17G3. 3-54 ■■ Marllia A., -and William L. Tliornton, May 22, 1842. 2 54 •• William I.., and Martha A. Thornton; m. by Elder Ueuben Allen, May 22, 1842. 2-02 '• Augustus, and Julia M. Angell ; m. by Rev. Charles P. Cirosvenor, Oct. 9, 1843. 2-n« '• Sarah S., and Caleb R. Bennett, March 24, 1844. 2-7:s •• Phebe \V., and William L. Smith, Dec. 25. 1845. 2-77 •• RolKTt s'., of Ethan, and I'atlence Burlingamc, dau. of Paris olney; m. iby Rev. Charles P. Orosvenor, Oct. 15, 1840. £-50 TINKKAM Waterman' S., of smithlield, and Julia A. Barne-s, of Scltuate ; m. by Elder Charles P. Grosvenor, Sept. 14, 1841. 2-05 • Daniel, of Peter, and Eliza A. S;illsbury, of Phiillp ; m. by Eider Reuben Allen, Sept. 1, 1842. 2-95 ■■ I.ydia. and Stephen Wiley, Aug. 12, 1849. 1-158 TOLKTELLOTTE Jonathan, of Gloccstcr, and Elizabeth WlHiami, of Scitna te ; m. by Gideon Harris, Justice, Jan. 38, 1752. B-28 Maria, and oils Will'ams, Jan. 28, 1825. 2-80 TdWNLEV Charles F., of New York (Ity, son of Joiin and Elizabeth, and Amelia Harris, of Asahel and Eliza, of Scltuate; m. by Rev. Benjamin J. Ridyia, May 10, 1848. 1-317 TRIPP Phebe, and James Jenckos, March 29, 1770. 1-114 TUCKER Ruth, and Jeremiah C oi' i;iii>i>i; island 1-llii TVLKi; Mii.-.v. and Anihoii.v r. 1-163 1-194 1 D50 ,M:ilrli 3'.), 1741. WUlimii, of Seibiat:', :irnl F.U7.:il>ctli Kcynolds, of sauiuel. at Mfesi Giccnwich : m. by K.Uler lii'njumin (Jardiner. Sept. 10, 1754. .hiniiv-;, and Mary I'laci- ; ni. by ThllnKl^^ fllll, .lustio;:-, Mai-ch 31, 1703. Susanna, aiul II.jIiiu's 1>.-i-Kiiis. .\i>i'il 1J. 17S0. IT V 1-71 2-71 1-130 l-i:!3 1-1. 18 1-255 1-38-2 2-47 2-58 2 81 2-97 2-58 2-94 l-i:>3 1-130 1-151) 1-250 1-254 2-18 2-31 2-80 2-88 2-50 1-184 1-104 1-232 1-114 1-208 1-108 YALLI'-.TI' |-iidi-ii(k A, of St-iniatc '■ ' Wr.iilvin, Jr., I S{ S;iiah, nnrt Cliiistoplier Wilbur, Deo. 7, 1740. '■ JJenjaniin. ajid Pivsrilla liowen ; in. by IJenjamln Fislc, Justice, Jane 7, 1747. '• Jobn, ;uid Jlary Wooil ; m. by Jolm l'i.sli. Justice, Jail. 3, 1754. '■ William, of .Tobn, aud Mai-y I'otter, of Christopher; m. by Jere- iniaU Angell, Justice, Dec. 2G, 1779. " Barbara, and Levi Simmons, Kov. 25, 17.'?4. " Kliza A., and Samuel A. Win.sor, March 10, 1S41. '• Syria H., of r.attei'son, N. J., and I.onis:! Hamilton, of Sciluate; 111. l>y llev. Charle-s P. <:i*os\enor, July ."3, 1843. " Nancy Oliiey, and Joiin I'arkis, Sppt. 7, 1S47. VlCKEltY Daniel W., and Maria i:. (■linmll: ni. by I'.ldcr RiclLTid Knight, Oct. 2S, 1840. w 1-14 WAD liy Stephen Hopldns, Justice, SatliAuicl, aud Kulh Uopliius; June 26, 1731. " Mary, and Latem Ciipwell, Jlay 3, 1843. WALDUON Jared, of Dudley, Mass., son of NathaJi and Maiy, and Hetsey Sweet, of Scitiiate, d;iu., of KJisliu and Elizabeth Johnson; m. by Uev. lienjamin J. Kel.via, May 0, 1S49. WALKER ll(-/.cld.ah, .-uid Mary Da\is ; m. by F.zekiel Hopkins, Justice, Jane 20, 1742. " Charlc!!, Jr., and Anne Davi^; ni. by F.7..klel Hopkins, Justice, Sept. 2, 1740. " James, and Jane SUan.Uian ; in. liy Gidcm Harris, Justice. July 4, 1753. and Lyuia .Sniilli. of S<-itu;ite, dau., of GUeb, m. by l'et«r Dailin;:. Justice, July 23, 1778. Smith. <>hn, of Oxford, M;us3. ; Alice, and Nathan Jeremiah, of KobLTt, Westcott, Col. (icoige. Wo-stcott, Nov. 30, 1828. " Asaliel, o£ Jolinston, .son of George, and Sarah A. Pai'ker, of Scitu- ate, dau., of \Vostcotl; m. by I'.lder Ucuben Alien, June 10, 1847. " Uhoda J., and Bcnajah T. Lockwood, Dec. 25, 1848. \VALLER Alpliens S., and Linader Marslmll; in. by Elder Charles V. Gro.s- veiior, M^irch 10. 1811. WALLING Isaac, of Glocest, 1703. WAIiTOr> Jffligarct. and Ozlel Smith, July 30, 1778. WARNEU Luther ('., and I'liila .\. Harris; m. l»y Bev. ('harlc= P. Gi-osven- or, Sept. 26, 1843. WAKREN Jacob, of Plaintield. and r.lizaljctli Cooper, of S0. •^m " iit'iiuiii S., ot Hclliuite, and Eiinico liurliiigame, ot C'KVDslon ; ni. by Elder nkliard Knigl.ti, Jiiiy ao. ISU. 3-72 " Edward II.. of .lolin. and Jlai-y S. Btlknai), ot Stephen: m. by Elder Iteubeu Allen, Sept. :;■!. ISti. 2-.S1 " EUza Ann, and George A. Williams, Sept. iil, IS IT. 1--215 WATEKS :MehitaWe. and Ephraim Hopiiins, .Tan. 20, 17G0. 2-iW) " Tl;anl;ral J[. i;., and \V|illiam Oran, Jan. :), 1830. 3-184 WEATHEUHEAD Anne, and St.'phen Goodspeed. .Tan. 27. ] 750. 1-191 " Jeremiah, and Kaehel Franklin; in. liy Thomas Hill, Jusliee. .Tune 22, 1762. 1-1".0 WEAVEK d'cw-r. of East Gremnvith, and Anslis Spink, ot North Kiugs- fown; m. by John Edwards, Justice, Dec. 20, 17-15. l-2iri " Palience, and Jonathaa IfopMns, June 4, 17 : m. by Elder Ueuben Allen, April 15, 1S4U. 2-63 WHEELOCK Phlla D., and Daniel S. Thompson, Jan. 14, 1844. 1-200 WHIDOON .Ssimuel, and Jlillesori Sprasue, of David: m. by Edward Sheldon, Justice, Jan. 2-'i, 17:;o. • 1-205 " Samuel, and S;iraU f-Uillion ; m. by Jeremiah Angell, Justice, Dec. 18, 17(;:j. 1-205 WHIPI'I.E Benedict, and Elizabetli Mathewson : m. by Jeremiah Angell, Jus- tice, Jiuie 1, 17(i4. 3-139 " James, ot Si'Iluate. and Elizabeth Parker, of Foster; ra. by Elder C. St. 1-135 " Christopher, of Westerly, and Sarah Vaughn, of Scituate : m. by Gi:teon Harris, Justice, Dec. 7, 174(i. 1-210 " Stephen, of Scituate, and Sarah Jenekes, of East Greenwich ; m. by Thomas HUl, Justice, Dec. 14, 1769. 1-245 " rre.scUla, and John Hill, Aug. 19, 1772. 2-5 " John. Jr., sou of John, and Nancy Ealph, of Thomas; m. by ivleg Fuller, Justice, Jaly 5, 1812. 2-7 " Stephen, of Job, dec, aud Hannah Rounds, of Zephaniah, dec. ; m. by Elder John Westcott. Oct. 7, 1813. 2-43 " Abner, of Sciiuate, and Iv.ith Carr. of Coventry ; m. at Scituate by Elder George Collins, June 24, 1841. 2-54 " Mary A., and Nehemiah Angell, Nov. — , 1841. 2-57 '■ Mathewson, aud Adeline Francis Batley; m. by Elder Richard Knight. March 1, 1843. 2-74 " WiUiam, of Knight, of Scituate, and Lydla A. Sneet, of Daniel, ot Coventry: ra. by Eld r Reuben Allen, Jan. 20, 1840. 1-232 WILDER Asaph, of Killingly. Coi.n., and Olive WlUdnson, of Benjamin, of Scituate : ni. by Elder John Westcott, March 29, 1778. 2-2 " Stephen, of Asaph, and Betsey Harris, of Stephen; m. by Elder John Wesi<'0lt, Jan. 8, 1809. 2-56 " John, of Glocester. and Elizabeth Westcott, of Scituate; m. by Elder Renben Allen, Jan. 5, 1843. 2-95 WILEY Stephen, of Jeremiah and Sarah, and Lydla Tlnkham, of Cyrus and Rachel ; m. by Rev. Uenjamiu J. Relyia, Ang. 12, 1849. 1-83 WILKINSON Prudence, and Isiilah Angell, Dec. 31, 1732. 1-125 '■ Susannali. and OUver Westcott, Dec. 30. 1744. 1-230 '• Ruth, and Benjamin Williams, April 25, 1773. 1-232 '• Olive, .and Asaph WUder, March 29, 1778. 2-77 '• Mary A., nud Anthony Lawton, Aug. 31, 1846. 1-83 WILLIAMS Freelove, and Daniel Fish, Dec. 24. 1732. 1-108 '■ Deborah, aud Joseph Waterman, April 27, 1737. i-114 " Benoni, of Scituate. nud Abiga'.! Smith, ot in^vidence.; m. by Jed- cdiah Harris, Justice, July 8, 1739. 1-153 " Elizabeth, aud Jonathan Tourtellotte, Jan. 28, 1752. 1-158 '• Itfcbecca, aud Da\-ld Tluiyer, Jr., March i;i. 1752. 1-185 '■ Robert, of Johnston, and Anne Chace. of Scituate ; in. by Gideon Harris, Justice, Nov. 23, • 1760. 1-195 " Jfflry, and Beloved Carpenter, April 25. 170:;. 1-202 '• John, and Bctlriah Hopkins; m. by Oliver Westcott, Justice, F^b. 23, 17t;(;. SCITUATE MAKRIAGES. 35 '.■214 WILLIAJIS Josepb, of Scituatf, and Esther ^ruitli, of Saimifl, ot Jolmslou ; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice, Dec. 10, 17t;7. 1-230 •■ Herjanun, o£ Benonl, and Euth Wilkinson, o( Joseph, dec: m. by Elder Keuben Hopkins, April 25, 177o. 1-230 ■■ Amos, or Johnston, and Margaret Totter, of Cranston; m. by Elder Reuben Hopkins, June Ifi. 1774. 1-233 '• Squire, of Benonl, find Anne Potter, ol Ezra; m. l.v Joliu West- cott, Justice, Auf. 2, 1778. 1^253 '• Benoni, Jr., ,o£ Benonl, and Amis Bennett, ot Josi.-ih: m. by John Westcott, Ju.'rtice, Sept. 13, 1779. 1-250 " Ephi-alm, of Beuoni, of Scituate, and Patience Arnold, of f'aleb, of Glocester; m. by John Westcott, Justice, Nov. 23, 17S0. 1-262 " Abigail, and Moses Aldrich, Dec. 12, 1784. 2-8 '■ liobert, of Ephraim, dec, and Mary Smith, ot Slrphen; m. ty Elder John Westcott, Sept. 18, 1814. 2-28 " Otis, ol William, of Foster, and Maria Tourtellotte, of Scituate, dau. of Roger; m. by Elder Jolm Westcott, Jan. 28, 1825. 2-44 " Maria, and Mei-vln M. Lewi,^, April 10, 1S39. 2-45 '■ Phebe, and William Battey. 2d, Apiil 12. 1S40. 2-54 ■■ Lyman, and Zabra Randall; m. by Elder Reuben Allen, July 1, 1842. 2-81 " Elder George A., of Johnston, and Eliza AJin Waterman, of Scitu- ate ; ni. by Elder Siunuol B. Kniglit. Sept. 21, 1847. 2-104 '• Harriet K., and Thomas H. Oorpe, AprU 21, 1850. 2-12 , WILJLiKTll Susan, and William Aldrich, April 17, 1817. 1-159 WINSLOW Phebe, and James Cole, Feb. 18, 1753. ■1-282 WINSOK Jesse, of Glocestei , and Mercy Smith, of Richard, of Scituate; m. by Jolm Harris, Justice, April 14, 1782. 2-18 " James, ol Johnston, sonof J:unes, and Mercy Mathcwson, of Ben- jamin, of Scituate; m. by Elder John Westcott, Feb. 10, 1820. 2-20 '• MLitilda, and Da\-id Bowen, Dec 24, 1820. 2-23 " Amie, and John Barnai-d, April 22, 1821. 2-36 '■ Sei'il, of Johnston, and Satah Andrews, of Ricliard M.. of Scituate; m. by Elder Ricliard Knight, Feb. <>, 3 823. 2-38 '• Elizabeth, and George E. Battey, Dee. 17, 1835. 2-47 " Samuel A., and Eliza A. Vaughn; m. by Elder Charles 1". Uros- venor, MarcJi 10, 1841. 2-62 " Mary, and TUllughast Wlttsor, June 9, 1844. 2-1)2 '• luimghast, and Mary Wlnsor ; m. by Kev. Charles 1'. Urosvenor, June 9, 1844. Another (2-06) date is given AprU 10, 1844. 2-60 '• Elislia S., of Glocester, and Adah Jenckes, of Scituate ; m. by Kev. Charles P. Grosvenor. July 15, 1845. 2-45 VVOOUMANSEE Mary A., and .lolin E. Siul'th. AprU 9, j.o40. 1-158 WOOD Mary, and John Vaughn, Jan. 3, 1754. 1-192 •• Phebe, and Palmer Tanner, Feb. 22, 1761. 1-190 •• Benjamin, and Naomi Smith ; m. by Jeremiah Angell, Justice. May 3, 1761. 1-191 " Nathan, and Waite Brown, of David; m. by Thomas Hill, Justice, Aug. 4, 176:;. 1-134 '• Daniel, and Tauitha Seamans, of James; m. by TJiomas Hill, Justice, Nov. 25, 176j. 1-215 " Daniel, and Susanna SeamaBs; m. by Thomas HUl, Justice, Feb. 12, 1769. 1-193 " Aiuos, and Mercy Brown ; m. by Elder Benjamin Herrtngton, .March 31, 1785. 2-134 " Mary Ann, and Heniy Randall, Feb. 17, 1840. 2-61 " EmUy, and Matthew Aldrich, Nov. 16, 1843. , a-67 WORK Adehne A., and Hiram 1!. Bat1ha and Lydia. l-24i: " Frecluve, 1-242 " WllUam. 1-206 liATTEY W-ail, ol .lubn, Jr., aud lUilh, 1-208 •■ Caleb, 1-192 BENNETT Francis, ol Joiah, 1-1S>2 " JosiaJi, 1-192 " Dorcas, 1-192 '• Zilpha, 1-192 " JIaDhew, 1-192 " Siisiinna, 1-192 " f^liiilu-n, 1-192 •■ Anilc, 1-161 " Zebiilun, of Daniel and Mercy, 1-161 " Daniel, ; 1-101 " Aslier, 1-160 " Weallliiari. of Nathan and .Susannah, 1-121 liKlilxV JIarian, ol Joseph and Anne, 1-121 " Cliarles, 1-126 " Anne, 1-1S4 " Jnsepli. 1-147 •' Jemima, 1-152 " Mercy, ' 1-1(>8 " Benajah, 1-lTl " barah, of James and Anne, 1-179 liK'KFOED S;cy), 1-128 " John (Scituate), 1-128 " Nalhanlel (Scituate), 1-128 " UaU (Seituafe), 1-3 54 " Abigail (Scituate), 1-154 " Ebenezer (Scituate), 1-224 " Cyrena, of Ebeuezer and Lydia, 1-224 " Mary, of Cad and Mary, 1-224 " Gail, 1-238 BOWEN Jesse, of Hezeldel and Zerviali, 1-238 " Asa, 1-178 " Kachcl, oi Joseph and Sarali, 1-178 '• Joseph, 1-G BKOWN Phelic, of Joseph and Abigail, 1-6 '• Weight, 1-90 " Mary, of Juclah, Jr.. and riusannali, 1-112 " Sus;iimah, 1-112 " Stepiien, 1-112 " Phebe, 1-112 " EUie, 1-119 " Hannali, 1-133 " Phillip, 1135 " Dorcas, 1-150 •' Jnrtah, Jan. 10, 1724-*;. J.in. 20, 1725-45. Jan. 1, 1727-. Aug. 23, 1777. Nov. 11, 17C9. Nov. 11, 17G9. Jan. 19, 1771. Aug. 3, 1773. Feb. 26, 1 728-9. Oct. 7, 1730. July 10. 1732. Aug. 29. 1734. Dec. 1, 1736. Oct. 16, 1735. Oct. 18, 1740. Sept. 16, 1742. Aug. 22, 1745. Aug. 18, 1747. Nov. 15, 1750. S( ITUATE BIRTHS AND DEATHS. S? TlKinia^ :iml Elcy, 1-164 DROWN Bethiab, of .Tudah, .Tr.. and Susiimwh, 1-148 " Wnlt, of David and Eli/.obelh, 1-148 " Ellzabetb, 1-148 " Lucy. 1-148 " Da\-id, 1-241 " .Tnmes, 1-147 " Fleet, ot 1-147 " .Tiulitli, ]-lfi4 " .Tob, 1-ltU ■' Deborab, 1-1C4 " Thomas, 1-190 BULLOCK Catherine, of Christopher and Sarah, 1-inO " Clu-istopher, 2-8 BUMP Nathan, of Wanton and Jiai-tha, 1-1 (Vt BURDON Rebecca, of John and Mary, 2-in BUKLINGAME Thomas \V.. of Henry and Mary, 2-10 " Amle M., •2-111 " Patience C, 2-10 " Mary, Feb. 1, Aug. 24, Sept. 17, Nov. 16, Nov. 30, Jan. 25, Jnly 17, June 3, AprQ 29, Jan. 11, Oct. 18, Sept. 20, Jan. 22, .Tuly 9. April 10. Fob. 22. Jan. 21. Nov. 1, Oct. 23. 1T5*. 1743. 1745. 174T. 17481. 17601. 1740. 1748. 1750. 175-1. I75r.. 175T. 1701 . 1794. 1T55. ISO:.. IfilO. I8ir,. 1817, 1-155 1-200 1-200 1-200 1120 l-12li i-i:).-> 1-152 1-lSO 1-lSO 1-161 1-1 6C. 1-173 l-24(i 1-24R 1-24B 1 241! i-24i; 1246 1-170 1-170 1-1 TO 1-lSS 1-188 1-240 1-240 2-7 2-7 1-234 1-234 1-258 1-257 CARPENTER Eli'abeth, of Edward and Mary, " Patience, of Caleb and Deljorab, " Jfary. « Elizabeth. CARTER Siroh, of William and Elizabetli. " William. " Margaret, CASEY Adam, of Edward and II:iiinab, " Jlartha. of Edwaixl. " Edward. CIL<\PMAN Mary, of Stephen and Zerviali. Lemuel. '• Anne, COLE Reuben, ot Ambrose and Desire, '• Elizabeth. " Tabitha, " Desire, " Hannah. , " Jtary. '■ Rebecca,, of Jonathan. Jr., and Elizabetli. " Obediah, '■ James, Born In Eehoboth, Mass., Scituate and Gl " Ebenezer, ot Samuel and Anne, " Susanna, " Robert, ot Peabody and Mary, '■ Abraham, " Jeremiah, March 13, 1771. Patience, his wife, Jan. 30. 1775. Nabby, of Jeremiah and Patience, " William Arnold, " Marcealy, .leremiali, of Jeremiah and I'ntience, " Eliza, Melissa Ann, i:eorge Arnold. •' Jlary Smith, Andiew, of Cibadiali and Jlartha, Kulu.s, " Welcome, F.ddy. of F.ddy and Kiitli. :May 25, 1752. Aug. 25, 1752. March 13, 1763. Jan. 5,, 1763. Sept. 20, 1741. June 11. 1744. March .30, 1747. Nov. 23. 1751. July 15. 1755. Sept. 8, 1757. June 10, 1754. 3. 4th m.. 1750. June 5. 175T. AprU 2^, 1755. Nov. 10, 17511. Jan. 14. 1703. June 14. 1705. Apiil 1. 176-;. Nov. 5, 1770. June IJ. 1757. Oct. 3, 1749. Nov. 25, 1751. cester resijcctively. April 17. 17(50. Jnly 0. 17G2. May 12. 17i)<-. Jan. 18, 1771". AprU 21). l.rt:;. July 29, 1794. June 12. 179?3. Ma.\ 17. IBIW). April 4, 1B(K;. May 7, IriOT. Nov. 11, IcSOli. Jan. 1, 3611". July 15, 177<'.. March 22, 177T:i. March 27. 17*.>. March 27, 17si'. 40 VITAL RKCORD OF KHODE ISLAND. l-'JOfi l-2o:i l-20t) 1-2')!) 1-2(K) I -!I0 1-12? l-l;!2 1-139 1-211 1-211 1-211 l-l&li 1-18(; 1-lsr. 1-201 1-25-1 1-234 1-254 1-2.54 1-254 1-254 1-120 1-210 1-210 1-210 1-210 l-21t) 1-210 1-210 1-210 COI.LIN.-^ I..villa, ..1 David nnr|i|. 7, 177(1 2-2.". F.I.UKKDGF, Ann PmIu.-. oI Simucl A. and TabiUia, 2-78 " Tliaddeus .S., oI Samuel A. and Patitbia. 2 9 EI)\VAi;OS Joseph, May 7, 1709: d. Sept. 22, 1811. 2 ■■ Olive, bis ivile, May 2(i. 1770. 2-9 " John, of Joseph and Olive, 2-9 " IJenjainiu, 2-9 " Isabella, 2-9 ■■ l.ni-anna, 2 9 ■• Su.sanna, 2-9 " Nicholas, 2-0 •• Israel, of Glirisloplier and Marllia, 2 i; ■■ Welcome, 2-bn (P^o^^dence). Oct. 29, 1727, about one hour after tlie sreat earthquake, -wlneli was on the liisf day of the w.^elc, al.-nu; 10 o'eloelv in tlie evcniiiir. 1-1^9 •■ .leiuJina, of Henry and Jemima, 2-8 FIKl.i) Louisa, of Isaac ami Sally, 2-8 " D.-iyid, 2-40 •• Jmvid. June 13, 1.809. 2-iii •• M:iiy. his wife, Jime 28. isi.'i : died JIareb 2.j, 2-49 •■ Eliza Maria, of David :ind JIary, 2--I0 '■ IsM.ac NcAvion, l-lii FISK F.lizabetb, of lieujauiin and Abigail, dieii .May 1. year. 1-107 '■ Mary, of Benjamin, Jr., and Susannah, a-107 " ElU'.abetb, 1-107 •■ Nalliau, l-lt>8 *■ Palienee, of Joseph and Fr.-elove, 1-124 " lOliy.abeth. 1-109 " En.Tiee, of Daniel and Freelove, 1-11.". •■ Peleg, of John and Elizabeth, l-li:; •• Doi-cas, 1-122 ■■ I'hebe. of Job ami Mary, 1-12;; •■ Khoda. 1-123 •• Abigail, 1-127 " LycUa, 1-142 •■ Job, 1-142 ■■ Thomas, 1-110 •• Fishi'r, of Phinens and Mary. 1-1 J8 •■ Caleb, of John and Elizabeth, 2-3.") •• l-hnory, of Job >\'. .and Cyrena, 1-3.". ■■ .Mirey. 13, . 1809. 1837. jMarch 20, , 1834. :Mareh 13. 1.837. 1731. in li • r 23d .May 1 . 1729. June 3, 1731. D.'c. 2. 1732. AprU 12, 173."). Fell. 20, 1 730-7. April .-., 1730. .lau. 21, i; r39-IO. Dec. 19. 1741. Dec. 19. 1741. May 17, 1743. .liiue 3. 1744. Aug. 1, 174.J. Jidy 29, 1747. Feb. 2. 1718. Si.pl. 29. 1742. .Ian. 21, 1703. Fib. 20. 1,^117. Nii\. 23, 1812. July 20, 1744. Aug. 4, 1746. Feb. 10, 1739. Aug. 31, 1742. Jan. 2o, 1745. July .-). 1747. IMareh 7, 1751. ApiTl 12. 175a. 42 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-213 1-213 1-213 1-105 1-195 1-195 1-195 1-195 1-ISO 1-1 ir, 1-1 fil 1-161 1-161 FE \XKLIN S- " Da-lid, of L'riali and Abigail, " Uriah, " Reuben, Abel. " .Tosluia, " Amie, ot Daniel and Beriali (also 1-190), ■■ Lydia, Fi LLER Lydia. ol Tliomas and PrisoUla, •• Priscilla, " Xaihan, " Ohnl. of Jonathan and Martha, June 8. 1740. July 14, 1751. Oct. 15. 175.';. May 17. 175';. June 28, 17.5fi. .Tan. 12, 1756. Aug. 23, 17r,iV July 2S, 1750. Oct. 10. 1752. Dec. S. 175-1. July 13, 1777. G- 1-240 GALLLT Nalhanlel, ot William and Hannah, 1-249 " Martha, 1-249 " Hannah, 1-249 ■• Ksfher, 1-249 " William, 1-249 " Eber, 1 -249 ■■ Zilpah, 1-249 " Job. 1-245 GRAHAM Experience, ot William and Rachel, 11 49 GREATDCII John, of John and Patience, 1-149 " Zilpha, 1171 ■• Bridget, 1-171 " Snr\ina, 1-253 " James, ot John and Elizabeth, 1-180 GUILE John, of Joseph and Molley, 1-189 " Sarah, 1 200 " Mercy, 1-212 " Henjamin, 1-244 " (i-orge, 1-245 " Phillip, Sept. 23, 1700. June 17, 1762 Sept. 27. 1764 Feb. 14. 1760 Juno 21. 176? Oct. 14, 1770 May 29, 1773 May 2 7. 177C Jan. 24. 1771 Jime 7. 174.? Sept. 29, 1750 Dec. 5, 1754 March IS, 1757 July 31. 1773 April 17, 175.0 Aug. 14. 1761 Nov. 6, 1763 May 27, 1760 June 20. 176f July 23. 1777 H 1-101 ll.\MMUX Al>igail, of Hezekiali and Abigail, 1-iei Hannah, 1-161 '■ Mary, l-2.'.3 '• A-ahel, of Gideon and Frcelove 1-113 llAREXDEEX Josjah, of Josiali, 1113 Eli?ali<;Hi, 1-113 (( Natli.m - 1-113 " Martha. 1-113 (£ ■^t.nry. 1-113 " Silas, 1-135 U Simeon, 1-132 ii Martha, of Amos and ?Iary, 1129 " Stephen, of Jonathan and S;ir.ali, 1-129 " Riifus, 1-129 Maltliew. 1-165 Huldah. of John and Jlercy, 1-165 Khoda, 1165 l.oes. 1-165 " Jenckes, 1-188 " Blizabetli, of Josiah. Jr., and Stii 1-188 Sarah, 1-188 ZUpah, 1-188 " Martha, Feb. 10, 1753. Oct. 10, 1754. Oct. 10, 1754. Ja)i. 10, 177-. Oct. 10, 1727. Oct. S, 17.30. April 27, 173Ti*.. April 24. 1730. Jnly 1, 173A. June 4, 17.t0. April 22, 1743. April 25. 1739. Sept. 9. 1740. June 12, 1743. Jan. 20. 1745.. Aug. 10, 174'-.. Ont. 20. 174-. Jan. 3<). 17.-.4>. Pel). 15. 1752. June 5, 1749. Dec. 17, 1750. Nov. 14, 17.53. Jan. 27, 1750. SriTDATE — BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. 4g 1-1S8 }IAR1':NDF,EN Maiy. ol .Tosiah. Jr., and Sar:ili, AprU 21-., 175-. 1-188 « Tsauih, June 27, 17r,0. l-24i " Amio. July 2, 17r>3. 1-242 " Nancy. M:irch 23, 1760. 1-242 " Stephen, Jan. 13. 1767. 1-242 u John, May 12, l7r,o. 1-242 " Jfargaret, Jan. 14, 1772. 1-242 " Benjamin, .Tan. 14. 1772. 1-131 HARRIS Wail, of Gideon and Damnrifs, Feb. 2. 1 740-1, 1-131 (( Tahithn, March 3. 1 742 -n. 1-131 it Hiildnh, May 25. 1745. 1-131 it Thomas, March 15, 1 74G-7. 1-131 it Asahel, Jan. 29, 17 49-50. 1-131 it John. Oct. 24. 17,53, 1-131 It Charles, Dec. 4, 1750. i-2on it Henry, oJ Charles and Mary, 3Iarch 23. 1750. 1-209 " Amio, Oct. 5. 1753, 1-200 '■ Gideon, Oct. 31. 1755, 1-200 " Stephen, July 23, 175 -, 1-209 " Anne, Nov. 20, 17<;0, 1-209 (( Joseph, Nov. 10, 17r,2. 1-209 (C Oliver, March 10. 17(i5. 1-209 1-209 a Jlercy, George, a Oct. 23, 1771, 2-44 " Rhoda, April IS, 1704, 2-44 a Charles, of Gideon and Khoda, June 19, 17,--2, 2-44 " William B., Dec. 15, l7^■■^. 2-44 " Heni'y, Aug. 2. 17S7, 2-44 " Otis, Jan. 12. 17.49. 2-44 " Betsey, May 7, 1791, 2-44 Amasa, Fel>. Hi. 1794. 2-44 Lydia li-. Sept. f^. 1795. 1-221 IJaniiirics. of Thomas and Freelove, April 17, 177(;. 1-221 '• Grideon, I>ec. 30, 1777. 1-159 IIIIJ- Joiiatlian. of Tliomas and Alice, Sept. 1. 1744. 1-159 Benjamin, March 2'.). 1740. 1-159 Thomas, Dec. 29. J 747. 1-159 John, March 2, 1749. 1-159 " Elizabeth, :\Un-li 11. 1751. Above born Xorih Kingstown; last one Sciliialc 1-214 " Rebecca, .lime i:. 1754, 1-214 a Anne, July -'. 175r,, 1-214 " Heniy, Feb. 1, 1759. 1 231 " Caleb, of Roberii and Innocent, Sepi. 1. 177n. 1--231 " Zephaniah, Aug. 7. 1775. 1-231 " Caleb, (it Caleb and Avis. Aug. Ifi. 1770. 1-1,-13 HOLMES Molley, ol Samuel and I'.lnathan, iNOV. 2. 1752, 1-1 «:; Samuel. / Nov. 17, 1754, 1-183 " ^largaret, S«a)t. 9. 1757, 1-71 llciIM. :1NS KnliiH, of Stephen and Sarah, Feb. 10. 1 .726-7, 1-72 '■ John, Nov. 0. 172-, 1-72 Ruth, Oct. n. 1731, 1-72 Lydia. Jan. 0. 1 732-3. 1-123 " Hanan. of Reuben and Katherine, March 1. 1 743-4 1-130 Rut-li, Nov. 22, 1745, 3-141 Abel. April S.' '174.^, 1-147 .Tonatlian. of Timothy and Penelope, Sept. 2. 1747. 1-147 " Phcbe, April 21. 1749 1-217 " Philip, iMary, of Samuel and Treelove, 1-114 '■■ Tabitha, 1-144 " >amupl. 1-14-; " Willi:nn. of John and Freelove, .Inly 5, ITiio. Dec. 5. 17r>7. Oct. 21. 1750. Aug. 21, 1753. Feb. 1, 1756. Jan. 19„ 1758. Sept. 10, 1755. July 22, 1701 . Sept. 28, 3 703. Aug. 21, 1709. Jan. 24, 1767. M.ay 21, 1709. Feb. 28„ 1810. Sspt. 2, 1811. Aug. 6, 1757. Jan. 28, 1700. June 10. 1745. Jan. fi. 1 740. Oct. 4, 1748. July 1, 1747. I J l-lOri 1-10* 1-10- 1-108 1-10? 1-108 JIvNCKKS Snsanna, of Joseph and ^arah, " '• Wait. '■ Sainncl. l.ydia, " Caleb, " Sarali, Above born In Cranston except two last, Jnn e 0. r40. Aug. 14. r42. July 17. r45. May 31, 747. Jan. 27, 7.50. May 1».. 753, rn In So Ituate. 1 -200 IvEEN Ell/abelli, ( of John and Lydia, 1 -J 00 cc Roberl , 1-110 KlMHAl.T- .Joseph, of Joseph and Mary, 1-lir, '■ Surah. 1-1 111 '• St,.-plien, 1-13-1 (( Mary. 1-219 " Sarah, of Stephen and M'-rian, l-21'.i } lowland. 1-219 (( William, 1-219 " Mercy, 1-219 cc Daniel, 1-21 n tc Freelove, 1-219 " Stephen, 1-219 " As.a (also on page 258), 1-120 KING Phebe. of John, Jr., and Martha, 1-120 (( Slartha, 1120 (C Hope, of John, Jr.. and Deliverance, 1-120 cc Thomas, 1-120 " Mary, 1-153 cc JIarv, of Isaac and Elizabeth, 1-153 cc Flizabcth, 1-153 " Samuel, 1-153 '• Mercy, 1-153 " Margaret, of Isaac and Sarah, 1-153 cc Sarah, 1-153 cc Kezijih, 1-153 " Lois, 1-153 ({ Joshua, 1-153 cc Prudence , 1-153 " Isaac, Aug. 7, 1779. April 26. 1781. Sept. 13, 1735. May 19. 1738. Feb. 10. 1740 1. Jan. 20. 1743. March 5., 1701. Marcli 30, 1703. Feb. 11. 1705. Feb. 15. 1767. June 1. 1709. June 14. 1771. Sept. 10, 1773. Dec. 25, 1778. Jan. 7, 1731-2. Sept. 18, 1733. May 10, 1738. June 13, 1739. April 4, 1743. Sept. 23, 1733. Dec. 10. 1734. -\pril 5, 1737. Nov. 21, 1739. June 27, 1742. Sept. 0. 1743. AprE 30, 1745. Aug. 15, 1746. June 13, 1748. Feb. 23, 1749-50. Dec. 28, 1751. I SCITUATE BIK IHS AXD DEATHS. l-llS 1118 1-1 2« 1-125 1-135 1-172 1-173 1-172 1-172 1-172 1-172 1-lGS 1-168 1-168 1-168 1-252 1-178 1-178 1-178 KNOW KNOW l?utb, of Eljene/-er and DHUverance, Joseph, Ebenezer, JoUn, of Joliu, Jr., and Deliverance, Peter, Sarah, or William and Anne, Araaziali, John, Zer\'iah, Susannah, Annlo, First born Smlthfleld ; next two Glocester ; Xathan, ol Isaac and Sarah, Hope, Patience, Georgo, LES Molly, or Edward and Molly, LTON Sasarma, ol Thomas and Lydla, Jlary, Lydla, Aug. 29, 1711 April 28. 1743 March 3. 17+4-5, July 15, 1744 Feb. 20. AprU 7 July S March 11, Feb. 27, Jan. 4, AprU 7, rest, Scituate. Sept. 6, 175: Nov.- 25, 1 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Juue 4 July 17: March 14 Oct. 24, 1746. 1745. 174G. 174U. 1751. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1755. 1778. 1754. 1756. 1757. 1-107 LI ■\ KLL Anna, ol Alexander and Mary, Oct. 4, 1733 M 1-138 MATHEWSON Jeremiah, of James and Baizabeth, 1-110 •■ James, of James, Jr., and Elizabeth, IrllO " Elizabeth, 1-138 " Sarah, of Jeremiah and Sarah, 1-138 '• Keziah, 1-138 '■ Mary, 1-138 " Mary, 1-138 " Mercy, 1-186 " Maiy, 1-139 " Thomas, 1-1&5 " Plilllip, of Thomas and Sjirah, 1-139 " Thomas, 1-139 " Thomas, 1-155 " Phillip, of Jeremiah and Sarah. 1-115 " PhllUp, 1-155 " Mai-y, 1-156 " Susanna, 1-163 " Susanna, 1-1S3 " Elizabeth, 1-163 " Kezlah. 1-163 " Jeremiah. 1-224 " Jellrey, of PhUllp and Lydia, 1-224 " Anne, 1-2SJ4 " PhlUip, 1-334 " Angell, 1-3-46 " Elizabeth, of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, 1-346 " EUsba, 1-346 " Abigail, 1-247 " Uiivid, of Stephen and Sarah, 1-347 " Betsey, 1-169 MILLAKD Nathan, of Nathan and Khoda (Kehoboth), 1-169 " James (Soltnate), 1-169 " John (Kehoboth), 1-312 MOWRY Anne, ot John and Lois, 1-312 " Earl. 1-313 " Ralph. 1-213 " Susanna, Ocl. 17, , I7i::;. Feb. 20, , 1731. Api-il 3, 1735. JIarch 10, , 1737. Nov. 2/, 1739. Aug. 31, , 1741. d. July 0, 1744. -March 4, 1743. Jlay 19, 1746. March 12, 1744. Sepi. t, 1737. Jan. 8, 1739. d. July 8, 1743. Dec. 2, 1748. d. Nov. 6, 1750. d. Nov. 7, 1750. Aug. 11, 1751. d. Dec. -24, 1752. March 9, 1753. March 28, 1755. April 11, 1755. Nov. 26, 1761. June 24, 1763. March 26, 1765. Dec. 7, 1769. Nov. 12, 1764. Apnl 17, 1767. May 14, 1770. Oct. 10, 1791. June 6, 1794. Dec. 31, 1751. Jan. 19, 1753. May 2, 1736. Nov. 15, 1759. April 25, 1763. May 28, 1765. Dec. 3, 1767. 46 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE 1SLAXI>. NOP Feb. 22, 178^,. Nov. 20. 17S4. March 12. 1787, .Tilly 2%, 1790, March i, 179.'!, Jan. -1, 1795, Jan. 20, 1800. Dec. 20, 1800. d. Nov. 9, 1834. ■2\"r PAl^KKf! Thomas, of Joseph, 2(1. April 2, 1756. 2ir,.s ■• I.urania. Ms ■wife, .Tan. 12, 1760. 2-l.^.■< •■ Joliii, of Thomas and Liiranla, 2-1 3s " Arnold. 2-13.S " Joseph. 2-1 H.-^ '• Isabella, 2-i:jo " Thfimiis, 2-13fe " JIah.-illa. 2-i:i.-^ " 5Iar,v. 2-3.'j ." .Tared, of George and Sarah, 2-3r> '• Jared. 2-13? '• Gei.'Ke. of George and Sarah (of Warwick), Sept. 20. 1.S12. 2-133 " Patience E. (Burlingame, of Henry and Mar}); bom Scituate 1, 1813. 2-138 " Susun. of George and ratlence E., 2-1 3,< '■ Henry H., 2-lS.s " George T., 2-13K '■ George T., 2-"-! " Jared, of Jared and Mercy, 2-19 PATT Anfhiiny Burtlong, of \V(11Uam and Rebecca, 1-142 rEARCi: M:irtlia, of JoJin and Sarah, 1-1 50 '• A\-ls, 1-1 H3 •• Levi, 1-163 •• Thomas. 1-239 PECK I'eleg, of Thomas and Dorothy, 1-239 " Jacob, 1-2 .9 " Peter. 1-239 '• Doroll-.y. 2-8 " Hannah Barnes, of Ebenexer and Esther, 1-161 POTTER Phebe. of Fisher and Mary, l-18i " Chvislopher, 1-181 '• John. 1-18' ' V.'nisor, 1-197 " Phebe, of John, Jr. and Mary, 1-197 '• Hannah, 1-197 ■• ]>hiUlp, 1-197 '■ John, 1-197 " Susannah, 1-197 " Gilbert, 1-197 '• Mary, 1-149 '• Da\id, of John and Elizabeth, 1-161 " Sarah, 1-162 " Lydia, of Ezr.a and Zen-lah, 1-178 " Bathshcba, 1-178 " Martha, 1-184 " Anne, of Ezi^i and Zerviali, 1-184 " Eunice, 1-212 " Mary, 1-186 " Mercy, of Jeremiah and Sarah, 1-186 '■ Fisher, 1-212 " Jonathan. 1-212 •' Ezra, of Ezra and Zenlah, 1-212 " Zer\iah, 1-240 '■ Rhoda, of Ezr.a and Zerviah, 1-230 " Lusl, 1-223 '■ William, of Chi-istopher and Elizabeth, 1-223 " Emmor, 1-223 " Phebe, Fii^t 2-4 '• Zer\1ah, o 24 " Asaliel, 2-4 " Smith, 2 (i " Ezra Dean born Providence, second Johnston, last I Ezra and Saijih, Nov. 13, 1832. Nov. 9, 336. July 27, 1839. d. Tay 20. 1840. April 2, 1833. Jan. 6, 1797. Jan. 23. 1 743-4. Dec. 17, 17.50. April 24, 1753. April 30, 175.->. .Sept. 24. 1760. May 31, 1764. March 27, 1767. -March 12, 1770. March 30, i?n. May 20. 1742. Ang. 22. 1741 Oct. 31, 1747. Jan. 15, 1749. Nov. 20, 174i2. Dec. 9, 1744. Aug. 20, 1749. April 20, 1753. Dec. 25, 1755. June 22, 1758. March 25, 1760. Aug. 16, 1749. Nov. 20, 1754. .Sept. 29, 1754. Feb. 26, 1736. Nov. 21, 1757. Aug. 7, 1759. Aug. 7, 1739. Aug. 29, 1761. :May 26, 1759. Jan. 26, 1761. May 13, 1763. March 16, 1765. Feb. 15, 1767. May 4, 1771. June 8, 1777. April 5, 1706. July 13. 1767. Feb. 1, 1769. St Stltuate. Oct. 18, 1805. Oct. 5, 1807. Sept. 15, 1809. March 24, 1812. siiTi'ATE — niinns and heaths. l-iis;; I'KA'i l".-('lv. i.r Joiuithfiu, .li-.. ami Siirali, i-i;;i; i'i;(isri:i; wiiihun. oi i'rov)i,T miuI Kose, 1-12(; ■■ Flllic'..-. 1-12(> '• .lames. .lull.' .--. ITTn. .Tan. 1-J, 17;j7-S. JIaich :i, 17.^n-40. Jlay in, I71ii. Q R i-22:i i;. M.I'Il riiiisliipluT. (.1 Nalhan and Kutli, .Inly 1. 17i;4. 1-22:! Slrjllic'll, .Ian. 2.->. I7r.(;. 1-223 liaiinali, (lot. Ki, 17(iS, 1-223 Jlary, April 17. 177(5, 2-1 David. Aliril 22. 1770. 2-1 I'hi'be. ills wile. Jan. 20. 1779. 2-1 Zilpha, of David and I'liebe, Apiil 11. 1 79,-^. 2-1 ^- Daniel. •Ian. 8. l.-'OO. 2-1 '• Freelove. Mvg. 18, , I'^OS, 2-1 Eliza. Nov. 3. 1807, 1-145 Ill •".AD .Innathan. of .Tud-ili. died .Tnne 2, 1749. 1-154 r.i »;j[IX(.iTON Mai-garel. ol Thomas and Mary, :May 1,?. 1742. 1-154 " .TonatUan. Dec. 21, 1743. 1-154 " rrudence. JIanli Ifl. 1749, 1-154 *• .Toseph Lippitt, .Tune 15. 1751. 1-154 " Jlai-y, March 20. 175.3, 1-171 '• John, oI Lippitt and Frt-flove, .lunr 20. 1757. s :May 28. 1740. May 29. 1742, Sept. 2H. 1744. May 29, 1747. Sept. 7, 1750. July 20. 1753. Feb. 15, 1736. June n. 1-/56. July 9. 1709. Nov. 5. 1770. April 18. 1772. Sept. 10, 1773. March 29. 1775. March 28, 1778, Oct. 15. 1779. 1-115 SAI.ISHruv. of r.irhard. dec, and Kuth, 1-115 •■ Coinforr, ol WUliam;! and Hannah, 1-124 ■■ Dorcas. 1-1.37 '• William, 1-155 '• Phillip. 1-166 '■ David. 1-166 " Joseph. 1-160 " Mary, of Ephraim and Martha, 1-222 '• Ellzabelh, of William (of William'' and EUzabeth, 1-222 '• Moewell, 1-222 ■■ William. 1-229 '• Amie. 1-229 •■ Davui. 1-257 '■ Samuel, of William, Jr., and Elizabeth, 1-218 " Abraham, of Joseph, and Lydla, 2-eO ■• Abel, ol Jonathan and Amle, May 18, 1781. 2-60 " S:irah (Smith, of Capt. Coomer, and Freelove), his wife, Oct, 9 1784. 2-60 •■ Julia, of Abel and S.irah, 2-60 " Ja%is, 2-60 " Marietta Mrirla, 2-60 " Gardiner Ahab, 2 6 '■ Fenner, of John and Walt, 1-6 SCOTT Joseph, of Daniel and Mary, 1-72 '■ Jolrn, 1-107 ■ '• Mary, 1-109 '• James, 1-142 SEA.MANS Tabitha, of William a)id Elizabeth, 1-176 •• James, of James and Sarah. 1-176 " Tabitha, 1-111 SHELDON Deliverance, of William and Rebecca, 1-111 '• Ehoda, 1-123 SHELDON Kuger, of William and Reliecca. 1-149 '• Kebecca, wife of William, died, Dec. 3, 174. 1-132 '■ WilUam, of William .and Barbara, 1-153 '• Kzekiel, of E/.ekiel and Joanna, 1-153 '■ Edw.'ird, Jan. 16, 1805. Sept. 7, 1808. June 20, 1810. Aug. 17, 1822. May 20, 1785. Aug. 4, 1731. Apiil 20, 1733. May 7, 1735. Aug. 24, 1738. Oct. 13, 17)8. 3Iay 18, 1755. Nov. 25. 1756. May S. 1740. June 19. 1741. Feb. 0, 1743 4. May 22. 1740. Mai-cb 10, 1749-50. e'Ct. 7, 1751. 48 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-C4T SlIELDOX .Tohn, of Ezelilel ^ind Jciaiiua, 1-247 " Asa, 1-247 " E/.eldel, 1-247 " Elizatjetli, 1-122 SHIPPP:k Sarah, of .lob ami Rosp, 1-122 " Elizalietli, 1-143 '•■ Job, 1-158 SLACK Jlaiy, ol B-njaiiiin and PliebP, 1-173 •• Joseph, 1-196 " Thomas, 1-190 " Lemuel, 1-196 " Wait, 1-240 "■ LyiUa, oI Uoiijanilu and Jlamiah, 1-140 SI.ATElt Josi-ph, ol Joseph ana Hannah, 1-146 •• mall, 1-170 •• Zerviah, of John a. -a. Elizabeth, 1-18-1 - Benjamin, 1-150 .S3I1TH John, of Thomas and Joanna, 1-156 •■ Silas, 1-161 " David, 1-lBa " Jlary, I-IKJ " Betty, 1-167 '• Eliy.abetli, ol Stephen and Sarah, 1-167 " .S;iran, 1-167 " (Oman. 1-176 •• Anne (also 1-193), 1-176 " Amlttii (also 1-195), 1-176 " Stephen (also 1-195), 1-228 " Ithoda, 1-228 " Chioe, 1-228 " Gideon, 1-328 " Amie, 1-170 " JJeboiah, of Benjamin and Molly, 1-170 " Alice, 1-311 " Sarah, of Joseph (of John) and Sarah, 1-211 " Ituth, 1-211 " John, 1-238 " Ulirlstopher, of Richard and Lydla, 1-238 " Chirke, 1-238 " Mary, 1-238 " Lydia, 1-238 " Phebe, 1-212 " A-sa, of Joseph and Walte, 2 15 " Stephen, of Stephen, Jr., and Anne, 2-15 " Wary, of Stephen and Elizabeth, 2-15 " ilardln, 2-15 " Stephen, 215 " Jonathan, 1-228 " Lydla, of Coman and Freelove, 1 228 " Ulemence, 1-144 " Nehemlah, of Stephen. Jr., and KUzabeth, 1-85 " West, of Ulrteon and Hannah, 1-85 " Jeremliih, 1-85 " Coomec, 1-85 " Gideon, 1-85 " Kussell, 1-85 " Hannah, wite of Gideon, .\prll 30, 1772; died page 16). 2-10 " Joseph U., of Christopher and Mary, 1-72 Sl'KAGUK Solomon, of DaMd, Jr., and Experience, 1-72 " David, 1-196 " Sarah, 1-1H7 " Richard, of S^imuel and Ruth, 1 -167 " Ruth, 1-167 " .Mary, 1-I(i7 " l>ydla, July 5 , 1754. July 29, , 1756. Feb. 10; , 1760. Sept. 17, , 1762. Sept. 28; , 1738. 1 May 31, , 1741. Sept. 28. 1747. Xov. 28, 1753. July 10, , 1750. Nov. 5, 1758. Aug. 6, , 1760. May 2, 1702. .VPILI 11; , 1773. Oct. 10, 1743. Sept. lo, 1747. Nov. 1, 1730. Aug. 28, 173,^. Nov. 15, 1749. March 18, 1731. Feb. 27, 1754. Dec. 25, 1755. May 13, 1739. July 15, 1750. Oct. 11, 1752. Feb. 18, 1755.__ AprU 29, 1737.' Feb. 8, 1700. March 14. 17r.2. April 1.--. 171-. I. March 12. 1 700. June 21, 17(>8. Dec. 3, 1774. May 11, 1754. Dec. 16, 1733. Nov. 23. 1756. Oct. 8, 1738. Oct. 11, 1761.). March 1", 1739. Aug. 7, 1760. March 31, 1762. Feb. 17, 1704. 1763. Dec. 29, Sept. 12. 1762, Feb. 6, 176(5. May 2. 1784. Aug. 30, 1793. March 31, 1.98. April 1, 1801. Jan. 1, 1774. Jan. 31, 1776. Feb. 15, 1789. Dec. 29. 1769. May 14. 1792. Sept. 27, 179;:. May 21, 17B3. May 1797 Feb. 5, 1798 (also on May 15. 1792. April 2. 1730. March 14, 1732. ilarch 10. 1733. .lune 13, 1743. Aug. 17, 1743. April 13. 171.S. June 0, 173(1. SOITUATE BIKTHS AND DEATHS. 4y 1-167 SPRACtUE Peles. of &itniifl and Kntli, 1-167 " Kbenezer, l-19t> " Le^inaii, or .lolin ;inrt lliionati, 1-1 »6 " l)a^^(l, 1-186 " Johii, 1-196 " Hannali, 1-196 " Kstlier, 1 196 " S.iiah. 1-196 " ilelecent, 'j-10 SiK\KXS .lolin, of Knodes and Abigail (.lohnston), 1-117 sii.»NK lizra, of George and Itest, 1-117 " Kest, 1-117 " JIannab, 1-iao " Jane, l-iaa " .lamos, or Kzra and L'roflove, 1-lSfi " -Tohn, 1-18'J " Asaliel, 'J-i;ua '■ Kreelove, 2-i!0y '• Mary, 3-203 '• Ji/.ra (also 12-1:11). 1-ail " ADel, of (ireorge, Jr., and Mpit, •■i-a " WUllam, of Andrew, Oci. S, , 185S. April ■-It, 3 7.->5. Auk. *. 1745. July U, 1749. April S), 17.'il. June n. 175:j. I'et). -Jj, 17,")5. April 14, 175B. April :;.-,, 1700. April la. 1701. March ai. I7:iii. Dec. 19, 3 7:S7. March lo. I7:t9. Sept. '), 174:i. July IS. 17 .-.9. April -JT,. 17(il. I'i'b. tit). ]7U:!. .Ian. — , :7(i.^>. l).-c. ir.. i7(i(;. net. :!. 17li.-!. MaiTli Hi. 1 7(;!>. Del. :il . 1 7-<'.l. 2-1 n 2-32 1-149 1-149 1-149 2-219 2-219 1-226 1-226 1-226 a-22(i 3 -226 1-226 1-226 l-22(i 1-226 1-226 1-257 1-257 1-256 1-2&7 1-256 1-257 1-256 1-257 1-256 1-256 1-256 1-257 i-2nr l-£::>7 l.a57 1 -257 1-257 1-200 1-200 1-200 1-200 T.\^ l.oi; SnK-ey Ann. of Rllphet and Amle, Manehester B., of Klchard, Jr., and TliFFT Mary, of Samuel and Ma»-y, " John, " Joseph. " .lesse. of William and Abigail, " Keziah, THOKNl'ON Liuana, of Thomas and Hope, Phebe. Thonla^s. ■' I'reelovo, " Darius. '* Deliver.Tnee, " Anna. " . inioda, " (lideon, " Stephen. TirUS Arthur Fenner, of Jonah and Phebe, TOl'UTKLI.OTTE .Jonathan, -Sept. 25, 1728. Kll/.abeth. his wife, Jan. 16, 1734. '■ Christopher, ot Jonathan and Elizabeth, '■ Christopher, ouve, " Olive, ^' ilet>erca, •^ llebeeca, " Asa. " I'atlence, '' Jonathan, " Roger, " Joab. •' l''.liy.:il>eth, " ElizalKJth, Silas, Silas, TKACY Mary, of John and Eunice, " William, " .John, " Thomas, (\it. K'T., Vol. 3.) 10 Fob. 29. 1796. Patience, (ti^t. 9. 1S24. Nov. 2, 1733. Sept. 27, 1736. July 19. 1738. ' Sept. 21. 1770. AprU 6, 1774. Nov. 18. 1752. Jan. 17, 1754. June 11. 1756. Jan. 4. 175S. Oct. 23. 1759. Jan. 13. 17(il . Nov. 12. 17H2. Oct. M. 17HI. Sept. 15. 1766. July 3. 1770. Feb. 4. 1829. lb. Jlay 9. 1753. d. Oct. 1 H. 1 753. JlUy C. 175^. d. Sept. 12. 1764. June 21). 1757. d. Jlay 3. 1778. July 23. 1760. Sept. 8. 1762. Sept. 3. 1764. Dec. 24. 1766. Oel. 5. 176S. April 7. 177(). d. Aug. 7. 1770. Jtuic 7. 1774. d. June 1. 1775. S^pt. 14, 1757. Jan. 9. 1759. April 23. 1701. Sept. 2, 1763. •?>■) VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. :i-lir) TYLER Bathsheba, of Jolm ;iud S:irali, 1-110 ' James, 1-12:.' ' Sarah, of William and Lyilia, 1-1311 ' Kllzabeth, 1-147 Martha, 1-150 ' Willijini, I-ICO ' Kfbecca, of William and E'izabetU 1-173 Lydia, July 19, 1734. Oct. 12, 1736. April 20, 1743. Aug. 2, 1747. Apill 29, 1749. Feb. 24, 1750. Dec. 24, 17&4. Sei)l. 12, I7r.(i. 1-141 VAUGHN Sarah, of David and DiBHh, 1-141 1-141 1-141 1-141 1-141 1-141 1-141 1-141 1-141 1-141 1-141 3-141 1-19 I 1-1 ilO 1-100 1-19) 1-190 1-260 Sept. 2,, lienuniiix, Aug. 8. .7ohn, July 4, David, June 17, Elizabeth, July 4, Mary, Aug. 1, Abigail. Sept. 4. James, Nov. 16, Dinah, Aug. 9, Henry, Oct. 30. Daniel, Feb. 21, Obediab, Feb. 21. First five bora North Kingstown, rest Scituate. Mary, of Benjamin and Priscllla, March 3. Slbella, of John and Barberry, March 13, William, Dec. 10. John, " May 27. Charity, Feb. 17. Abigail, April 8. First born North Kingstown, rest Scituate. George, of William and Mlary, Jan. 17, 1720. 172S. 17.10. 1733. 1735. 1737. 1739. 1741. 1743. 1745. 1747. 1747. 1747. 1 749. 1750. 1753. 1756. 1758. 17S2. w 1-113 WADE Simon, of Nathaniel and Ruth, 1-1 1:{ (( DuiUey. 1-113 " Mary. 3-113 " Rulh. 1-141 '■ Deborah, 1-141 " John. 1-173 WATERS Mary, of Daniel and H'stJei-, 1-117 WEI.LS Nahaniel, of Shadrach, 1-197 WESTCOTT' John, of OUver and Susaiuia, 1-197 i( I'rudence. 1-3 97 " Sibella. 1-197 u Caleb, 1-197 " Phebe, 1-107 " Mehetable, 2-13 " Caleb, April 15, 17.")3. 2-13 II Lydla, hLs wife. Oct. 24, 1757. 213 u Oliver, of Caleb and Lydia, 3-13 II Thomas, 2-13 •' Susanna, 2-13 u John, 2-13 11 Lydia, 2-13 " Mary, 2-13 " Nathan, 2-13 II Caleb, 1-204 " Hannah, of Oliver, Jr., and Rhodtt 1-204- 312 '• Job, 1-229 « Susanna, of John and Amie, 1-2 9 II Christopher, 1 229 " Stephen, 1 229 ti Artemu.s, Dec. 11, 17.'il. Dec. 1. 1734. Dec. 10. 1736. Aug. 28, 1740. May 23, 1744. Jan. 1, 174(!. Aug. 21, 175B. Sept. 11. 1754. March 26, 1745. Feb. 2. 1747. Jan. 11, 1749. April 15, 1753. Feb. 29, 1756. Jan. A, 1761. Aug. 8. 1783. Feb. 24 1787. Aug. 15 1788. Dec. 3 1791 Oct. 27 1793 Oct. 17 1795 Nov. 3 1797 Aug. 1800 June 1 1706 May 26 1768 May 12 1771 Jan. 10 1773 AprU 2 1775. Nov. 15 1776 S( ITUATE BIKTHS AND DEATHS. 51 3-2ti0 WKSTCOTT Charles, of Jolin and Annie (also 1-253) 2-1-5 u Otis, of George Gardiner and Nancy, 2-15 " Betsey Ann, 3-5 '■ William Aldrlch, w-5 ti WiUiam Aldrlch, 2-5 (( AmeUa Smith, 2-5 ii Amle, of Joslah and Mary, 2-5 " George Clinton. 234 " George Cliaton, 2-5 ii Sally, 2-5 Mellecent, 1-179 •■ Esther, 1-14U WJLlJLi: Minannah, of Ueorgv and Elizabeth, i-i4i; Thomas, l-14(i .Simeon. 1-181 Oliver, of Abuer and S;irah, 1-181 Joseph, 1-ltU WILKINSON Anne, of .losepli and Alice, 1-1 (>4 Aliie. 1-lbl Ainie. 1-164 Joseph, 1-164 Mai-tlui, 1-164 '• Joseph, 1-258 " Alice, ol Josepli and Elizabeth, 1-258 " Josepli, 1-6 WILLIAMS benoiii, of Joseph and Sarah, 1-6 - Goliah, 1-162 '■ .Joseph, of Bcnoiii and Abigail, 1-162 i- Benjamin, 1-162 '■ John, 1-162 " Sarah, 1-162 Benoni. 1-102 '•• Jeremiah, 1-1 (2 William, 1-162 OUver. 1-1 1>2 S.iis ; that the dividing line bet'veeu the, two towns atuiH be lun and :iseertmu<'d in tlie following manner, to wit: By ac- curately measuring the dividing line between the town.s of Coventry and Scituate, ajid lixing aud establisliing a boundary in the middle thereof, and from thence running north parallel witli the Seven Mile line until it oomes to the dividing line between Scituate and Glocester in such manner as to divide the present town of Scituate into two to\vn8 of equsj ext<:'nt and dimensions as neaily as may be; that all the lauds to tlie westward of the said dividing line last mentionCid b*'twcen Coventry and Glocester and ex- tending to Connecticut line be, and the same ai-e hereby, enacted and incor- jKjratetl into a t^iwusliiij, to tie distiuguislietl and known by the name of Fos- ter ; that tlie inlialntants thereof shall choose two Deputies to reprj Daniel Howard, Justice, Aug. il-J, 1824. 1-23 ALBEO Caleb, of Job, and Patience Poltcr, of I(liulx)d ; m. by Nebemiftli Angell, Justice, Marcli, 7, 1797. 1-02 " SaKill Ann W., and Alexander Jolmson. Dee. 27, 1S29. 1-95 " Stephen G., .und Kuth (.i Potter ; ni. Ijy Kev. Jaiaes Burlingame. March 29, 1S40. 1-9-t ANDERSON John, ol Coventiy. and Diaiina Wells, of DoMjaniin. of Foster; ni. l>y Daniel llowani, Justice. .March 15, 1621. 1-114 ANDIvEW.S Mary, and Hazard Li Wilcox, Nov. iJ, 1W27. J-.'i2 ANGKLL Mercy, and Dr. lianis ( olwcU, July 4, 179'J. 1-:19 ■■ lyiieinda, and .Stephen Howard, March 21, 1H02. 1-48 ■• Alice, and Josepb Wallcei', Feb. 3, lb07. 1-50 •• Wate, and Simeon J. llerrington, JIarch 24. 1S08. 1-72 " Etluin, of Col. Neliemiah, and Anna Eddy, of C;u)t. Jolm ; in, by John Paine, Justii-e Aug. li;, 1817. l-KK". ■• Zilplia. and Steplien Waljcer, March 24, 1.^22. 1-138 •■ Mary E., and William ('. Hay ward, Jlarch 24. 168r!. 1-49 ANTHONY Contenia, and Elisha ulney, June 30, 1^06. 1-49 '■ Lydla. and WilUani Davis, Jr., Jkueh 2'.i, 1807. 1-113 " Dr. Pliillip S., of Dr. .!(nialh;ni, an.l i'aiiline Kiii^hi : in. by Daniel llowaixl, Jr. Jnslice. July 21. 1822. 1-117 '■ Dr. John 11.. iif Dr. Jouallian, and , .Snsainiali Hopkins, of Col. Benjaaiin : m. iiy IX-niiel llowani, .)r.. .lu.-^iice. Atr^. 20, 1830. l-9<; " Henry, and Itoiana Stone; ni. bj liev. James liurliiiiiame. Sept. 28, 18-10. 1-121 " Rebecca H., and fiiimuel E. Sidne, Sept. 11, 1848. 1-21 ARNOLD Aesah, and Jonatiian ifiown, M.iy 2i;, 178li. 1-11 ■■ liethi.ny, and lUzkiah C le. May ;J1, 1787. 1-8 ■' Oliver, of Caleb., a id Azabah Davis, of Capt. .leieiiiirtli. dei . : m. br John Westcott, Jiittiri', Feb. 7, 1788. 1-10 " Mercy, and tUsha HopKins. June 1(5, 1793. 1-18 " Ei:z,abcth, and Stephen Cole, Si-pl. 7, 1794. 1-llr, ■• Mary, and Alva R<.und. Miirch 8, 1829. 1-97 " Mowry P., of Bclc.liertown,. Mass., and Dorcas Pccklumi. of tilocSi- ter; ni. atClocesler by David Arnold, .Instice, April 10, 1828. 1-97 ■• Uv, Mowjy P.. and Elec I i ItaiuLilI ; in. by Kev. James Burhngame, March 8. 1841. i^ 1-119 " Dr. yioKi-y, P.,, ol Israel, and Asonetli P. Pl.K e ; m. by Rev. Mason B. Hoiikins, Jan. 24, 1847. 1-8 AUSTIN Kuth, ai'd Jiimes Craislo-, Miircli 1. 17.-7. 1-20 " Benoiii. ulias Hound, son of Sii>anniili„ now wile of Joseph Austjic, and Nancy I'ole. of !:inies: in. by Me/.i'kiali .Scamoiis. Justice. Dec. IS. 179(!. 1-33 " Samuel, of Joseph, dec , .il I'o.-ter. inirl l.'eljecca Hill, of .John, of Sc'.tuate; m. by H /..-kiali .Scaiiiiiiin, .Insiice, April 26, 1801. 1-43 " 8ilas. of Josefih. de<-., iiiid I.ydia Spencer, ill. dau. of former widow Mary (ir.-ene. the new .vi:e of Peabmiy Cole: m. liy llezekiaU SeiniMii . .Inline Ii ■. I s. 1803. VITAL ilKLOBD OF lillHliK ISI.AXD. 1-.J0 Al >'TIN lo-wph. or .Iowi>li. ilec. .i id ll;i'inah B:iston. ol Obidiali; m. by William Potter, Jiistic ■. -Tiine 1. 180(i. 1-110 •■ .lohn, anil Anjie Hopkitih. uf .li-iickr-s : m. by D.uiii-l Howai-d. Ji-., .lustice, Not. '21. 18i;4. 1-110 '• tvlia, aid Daniel Bennett. J>e( . !><, 183S. 1-13:^ '• KUwaKl, and Anne G. Eail, both i,i Scituat:?; ni. at Foster by Rev. Daniel Ciecne. Feb. \f>. 1H70. 1-60 AVEUn .hilin, of Santlwidi, Mas^.. and Mr.s. llopo lluward, ol Coventry; m. by Elder Charles Mone, April 'J!i. 18-J7. 1-lD AYLESWiiUTU Jllkanun, of Thomas, and Mary llerrinstou. of Nathaniel ; m. by Elder John Wc-tcott, Jan. '21, 17t«. l-li; '■ lliumah, and Capt John llerrlngton, June :-'4, ITua. ]-a8 •■ Mary, and l>«vi I>re.ston, -Nov. '2, 1801. 1-38 '■ Arthur, ami Molly I'restiW, Dec. 31, 1801. 1-M •■ Alloc, and Siniu>.l lleriiiinton, Aug. 7. 1808. 1-111 ■ Hannah, and Horace W. rhilllps. Oct. 1«, lb-Jo. 1-111 ■■ Eliza, and Nathaniel ii. Titus, Oct. 30, 18il5. 1-116 ■■ PoUy, and Henry Phillips, April 9, 1830. i-llf. '■ Lucinda, and 8 e ry Davis. April ■2'2, 1830. 1-12U '• John 11., of Artlinj, and ilercelia llice, both ol Warwick; m. by Kev. Mason B. Hopkins, -Atijr. -20, 1849. 1-3S BAKEK Mary, and Danid Preston. April 10, 1781. 1-6 " Abljah. of George, and Mary Toogood. of S;inmil ; m. by John WestteJTeli.n Greene, both of Soitiuite; m. by Rev. ticnigc W. Kennedy, May '21, 1870. 1111 H.M.l.iir SUiis, of Asa, of Foster, and I'helie I'ray. of John, ol tiloueester; ui. by NfiUiauiel Wad.;, .Iiistlce, Oct. 11. 171(4. 1-li) '• Ttetsey. and Natluvnlel KoU-rtson, Jan. 4, 1793. l-4(( •■ Esther, and Dudley Wade. 3Iay 4, 1806. 3-^2 " Auguslns. of (aiit. liichard. late of Cumberland, de<-., ,-jJid Isiibel Foster, duu. ol James Howai-d; m. by Elder John Williams, Aug. •J>j. 1825. l-SK) 1-uiy Ann, and James K. Foster, July 31, 1842. 1-14 |;.m;1!EEN Aaron, of IreUind, and Hepzlbah Perkins, of lii-idgew^tcr. Jlass. ; m. by Elder John Westcott, May 13, 1792. 1 124 '• Eichard E., of John and l»riscilla, of SciUiate, and Maria A. Hopkins, ol Daniel and Ann/i; m. by Itev. Daniel Greene, Jime 12. 1851. 1-7 ll.iRTON Anuc, and Asahel Ho-\vland, Feb. 12, 1786. l-i; li.\TES Asa. of James, and Elizabeth Cranston, ol Peles : m. by John West- eott, Justice, Aug. 7, 1780. 1-123 " Sarah, aiid Wilbur O. Matteson, Nov. 14, 184!). 1-109 13ATTEY Betsey, and Adier B. Seamans, Oct. 12, 1823. 1-110 " NHlli;ini( I. of n;impson, :ind Adah Hopkins, ol Allen, in. by Daniel HoTvard, Jr., Justice, Jan. 25. 1824. 1-110 '■ Daniel, of Sampaon, and Presiilla Uriggs, of IJohert. dec: in. by Daniel Howard. Jr., Justice. April 18, 1824. 1112 '- Patience, and Kobei-t C. Fuller, Jan. -22, 182r>. 1-91 " Sitis, and Marcy Dennett; m. I.y l;ev. James Unrlin-amc at Cov- entry, Nov, u, 1,S34. 1-94 " Sainiison. of tsinipson. and HannaJi li. Sweet, of Dea. -Vnj^ustus; m. by. IVler Place. Justice, Jan. 13, 1839. 1-18 iJAXTEi; Stephen, of Thomas, de;--, and Patience .s-amans, of Dea. James; ni. by .lo^sepli l>a\'is. .Insti<-e. Feb. 2, 1794-0. I'OSTEl; MAURI AT. ES. 1-31 BENNETT Aslicr. iuid Mary llcniiigloii. Si-iifc. 6, 1778. 1-5 " JIta.iali, of Elder .losiali, iinrt Mary HOTiington, of S(«iili.'ii : ni. by .lolui Wostcott, JnsUce, April 11, 178:2. IH " Jolin, of Scitnute, and L'i(i-eti;i Totli't4 of Cank-rbm'y. C'orm. ; in. at l»i'os(«ii. Conn., by IJonianiin Coir,. .In-itice, ne<'. 11, 1784. 1-40 " Tamer, and William Wood. Apiil 11. 179<). 1-20 " Labon. of Natlinn, ajid Tabitlia Hci-ringlon. of Amos; m. by .Tohn W.oslcoU, .luslice. .luno -"7. 17'.»i). 1-22 '• Freelove. .ind WilIiaiM lIciTingtciii. Keb. -20, 171)1. 1-22 " Sjirab. and Zopl.aniah IMiillips, .Mareli 27. 1701. 1-12 " Jemima, and Kestus Williams, Mairh 0, 1792. 1-33 " Martha, and Rutns Williams, .Ian. 18, 1801. 1-40 " Nathanii'l, ol I'.enjamin, iuid Bothiah WilUam.s, of Elder .Tolin ; m. by Uraekiah Seamons, JiusUct?, Oct. 24. 1802. 1-51 " Abraham, of Stephen, and Susannah Wood, of Nathan : m. by Elder John Hammond, Nov. 1, 1807. l-(il ■• Asher, Jr., of .\4iei- and ilaiy Card Wiloox, nf Junatluin, both of K.Kclcr: m. by Elrtci- .Ichn lUininion. Jan. 10. 1811. 1-02 '• Anizy. and Zebulon IJennctt, Feb, 14, 1813. 1-02 " Zebnlnn, of Asher, of Fo.stci', and Amxy Bennell. of Jcilah. of Sloi-linK, Conn.; m. by Elder Josinh Bennelt, Feb. 14, 1813. 1-62 '• Naomi, aJid tieoige Stone. Nov. 4, 1813. 1-09 " Arnold, of Foster, R. I., and Party Kenneti. of Stetlin?, Conn,; m. by Josinh Bennett, Jn^tire, Jnly 20, 1810. 1-09 '■ Tarty, and Ariiold Hennett, .iuly 20. 1810. 1-70 " Jeremiah, Jr., of Jeremiah, and SiiraU Herringtlien, of Epliraim, Jr.; m. by Diuiiel Ilnwai'd, Jr., Justice, May 16, 1810. 1-77 '■ Amie, and tJeoi-jje Wiilinis, Oct. 3, 1819. 1-108 " Eunice, and Walter Crosby, June 15. 1823. 1-109 " Burton, of Nathaniel, and Mai-y llerrinsdeeji, of Ephraim; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr„ Justice, Nov. 9, 1S23. 1-110 " 01)iey, of Ichiibod, and Lucy Searaans, ot .Teremiah, dec.; m, by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Jnly IS, 1824. 1-110 " I'olly, and Zcpluiniah llerrington, Nov. 21. 1824. 1-111 " Anna, and Hawkins B. Wood, Sept. O, 182.1. 1-112 " Eliza, and Ben,iamin Herremleen, Nov. 8, 1m2.j. 1-85 " Susannah, and -lacob Krings, March 15, 1S20. 1-114 " Ro.xanna, and Easton Cole, April 2, 1827. 1-87 " Mercy, and H.arris Franklin, Jan. 25, 1.829. 1-118 " Susan, and Jauics Cole. 3(1, Dec. 2, 1830. 1-118 " Isrcal. of Ichabod. and Rebecca Slraishl ; ni. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Dee, 23, 18:{0. 1-91 " Mercy, and Slla.s lialtey, Nov. 0, 1834. • 1-119 " Daniel E., of Josiah, and Maiy Bennell, of Nalh.an, Jr.; m. by l>aniel Howard. J. c. C. Fleas. Feb. 8, 183o, 1-119 " Mary, ami Daniel E. Bennett, Feb. 8, 1835. 1-119 " George, V.. of Josi;ih aud Minind:i Hopkins, of Major .Samuel; m. by Daniel Howard, J. C. C. Wcjis. Dec. 10. 1836. 1-119 " D.aniel, of Jeremiah, and Cella Austin, of Capt. John; m. by Daniel Howard, J. C. C. Fleas. Dec. IS, 1838. 1-93 " Jeremiah, Jr., of Jeremiah, and JJaiia Wilcox, of Solomon; m. by William ii. Stone, Justice, l>ec. .'>. 18-11. 1 101 " Aslicr. 2d, and Kliza E. Sweet; m. by Rev. James Bm-lingame, Jan. 1. 1844. 1-101 " WilMam, ot Jcrciniuli, of Fo^t.r, and .Mary Ann Fiik, of John, of Volnntown, Conn. ; ni . by William Potter, Justice, Jan. 21, 1844. 1-103 " Mary E., and Kmery Sweet. Dec. 2.8, 1845. 1-104 " Elctliia, and Arnold Phillips, Jan. 17. 1840. 1-120 " Elizabeth, and William II. SaUnbury, .May 17, 1847. 1-121 " Celia, and Noali B, Grossman, April 4, 1848. 1-121 " Hannah, and Cenrgo A. Wond, ,Ian. 14, 1849. 1-123 " Phebe, and Cyril Hcrrington, .\ov. 7, 1840. 1-140 BENTLEY Ellen .1., and Elmer E. I'arkcr. Oct. 18, 1888. 1-46 BISHOP OUyc, ami Hi'nry Jnnc-, June 10, 1805. VITAL RKCORD OP KHODE ISLAND. 1-lOS Kl.ACK.MAN Ini, of Amxriuli, and Uetsiy Stone, of Phcbe : m. by Daniel Howaid, Jr., Justice, Der. ^i. 1821. 1-137 IILACKJIAK Irc'd M., and Pliebe K. Wood; m. by Eev. Nelson Luther,, Jan. 31, 18.S8. 1-109 •■ Fr.elove. and (ie -rga W. Pkillips, July 3, 182.1. 1-44 KLA.NCHARI) Uuth, and Alexander Peck, Dec. 10, 1804. 1-60 • Ilaiinih. and W.Uiam Ilerrinpton, Jan. 19. 180C.. 1-97 i;oi»TH Abraio, nf .Smitlilield, son of William, a,iid Julia Ann Phillips,, of Fos- ter, dau. of Col. Israel ; m. by Kov. Henry Waterman. March 1(3, 1841. 1-100 liOSWELL Almira, and \V lliim Silisbury, March 22, 1841!. 1-135 BOTHAM F.nima J., and James Day, Oct. 4, 1877. 1-21 BOWEN S;irah. and Jonathan Ski mans. Dee. l.T, 1787. 1-11 •■ Abigail, and Jcreiiah Irniis, Jlarch 19, 17SK). 1-14 " ATiii.s. if DlM. Jiib z, and Alice Seamans, of Caleb: m. by Elder John Welcot, May :;1, 1792. 1-17 " Vincent, of Dca. Jabez, and Huldah Esten, of Obediah ; m. by Eld ]■ John Wl.llams, Jan. 2, 1794. 1-19 ■' JalKZ, Jr , of Jabcz, of Foster, and Sarah Tanner, of Palmer, of bcituate ; m. by Chris opher Westcott. Justice, Sept. 12, 1794. 1-31 •• Charles, of Jabe/, and Mercy Esten, of Obadlah ; ni. by Elder John Williams. May 29, 1800. 1-73 '■ Isaac, of Auios, and t-aly Se.imans, of Jonathan : m. by Daniel Howar.l, Jr , Justice. July 4, 1819. 1-77 '• Ali)Iie"s, of Vincent, and Patty Stone, of Col. Nathaniel: in. by Daniel Howard. Jr., Justice, Aug. 29, 1810. 1 8 UKADWAV Sabra, and John Sack, Aug. 22, 1784. 1-17 •• Abel, of \Vi:iiam, and Naomi Seamans, of Thomas ; m. by Elder John Westcott. Oct. IC, 1793. 1-00 BR.WTON Itutli, ad John llerrington. May 8, 1812. 1 8.J " John, or Oiney. dec. and .MaUlda Tyler, iif .lolm : m. by Benja- min Welli. Justice, Api'il 15, 1.S27. 1-89 " Stciiheii. of 01i:ey. d'C. and Harriet Wuod, of Aaron; m. by Daniel Howard. Jnstiie, May 8, 1831. 1-90 , Col. John, and lluldnh W cid ; m. by Eld-'r Charle.s Stone, April 21, 1S33. 1-9-i '■ Tlnnnas, of olney. dec., and Ruth IS. Hopkins, of Mathewson, Jr.; m. by William G. Stone, Justice. July 4, 1841. 1-47 " Olney. of Thomas and Patience, of Foster, and Sabra Lewis, of Coycntiy. dau. of Juhn ; (m. Nov. 7, 1.805). 1-98 BRIANT Caleb II.. v.{ Smithlield, and Sophia Saunders, of Foster; m. by •Rev. Charles p. Crosvenor. Nov. 8, 1841. 1-23 HEIGGS Rolert. rirnierly of Fost r, now re.side:it (f Scituate, son of Role t of Cr nst'ii. R. I., and Dinah Walling, dau. of Jacob, of Gh.cester ; ni. by John Smitli (son of B.). Ju.stlce. July 24, 1785. 1-106 '■ George, and Pi lly CMe, of Edward; ni. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Scjit. 8, 1822. 1-110 •■ rriscilla. and Daniel Battey, April 18, 1824. 1-85 ■■ Jacob, of RolxTt, dec, and Sns;innah Bennett, of Iciiabod; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, March 15, 182ii. 1-84 ■■ Mercy, and Amos Herington. April 13, 1827. 1-141 ■■ Minnie E., and All)ert H. f^ornell, Mawh 13, 1889. 1-70 BROWNE Samuel, of Attlelnoro, M.ass., of David, and Freclove Eastou, of King, of Foster. R. I. ; m. by Abraham Walker. Justice, Jan. 15, 1817. 1-84 •■ Betsey O., !Uid Arnnld Cilwell, Oct. IC. 182:j. 1-1 BROWN Wait, and Capt. Joseph Weatherhead, Nov. 17. 1782. 1-1 ■' Lydia, and Stephen Hopkins, Dec. 22. 1782. 1-2 ■• Stephen, of Capt. Judah, and Tablotha Seamans. of James; ni. by John Wesicof, Justice, April 10, 1783. 1-21 ■■ Jonathan, of James, of Foster, and Acsali Arnold, of Caleb, dec., of Gloeester; m. by John Westcott. Justice. May 26, 17^8(i. 1-11 ■• Stephen, of James, and Elizabeth Sndth, uf Riihaitl ; m. by John Westcott. Justice. Der. 25. 17SS. J'OSTEK MARRIAGES. 2-1:; IIKUWN Mercy, ajid ShihuhI OjIp. Nov. 6, 1791. l-ll> ■■ David, of Foster, and llorey Sletid, of SwanscMy ; ni. liy Klder Kussell Mason, ,7aii. 24, 1793. 1-15 >r:i.ry Ann. and Kot>i?it Hopkins, March 31, 1703. 1-15 Tiioinas, of llfet, and Pliebe Cole, ol Richard; m. ly Eider .lohn Wcstcott, April 14, 1703. l--'t •• Kliy.abe(li, and William Stone, Man'h 10, 179ii. 3-10t> ■■ Ucliorah, ai:d Tlionias WiMiams. Sept. Hi, 18-21. 2-119 •■ Alvurson, of Calvin, and Rosavilla Toogood, of Jon;iihan: m. by Daniel Howard. .Ir., .lustjce, Aug. 10, 1833. 1-37 BUEC'KLIN Rebecca, and EpUiaim Hopldns, Feb. 18, 1798. 1-119 iJUCKLlN Polly, and Kaliis liound, Dec. 14, 1H-J3. 1-17 ULLLOLK Klly,abeWi, and )iu>ssell Stone, Dec. Iti, 179:j. 1-26 •• Abigail, and NclKMliah Sinllh, Dec. 8, 1790. l-l-J lil MP Wanton, and Martlia Dyer.ot Abijah ; m. Iiy Jolm Wi-...U;oi|., Jnsiicc, Nov. 23, 1788. 1-118 JUltLINCAMK l/Oid.sa Ann, and Albert H. Wood, Maivh 3, 1831. l-ltXJ •• Fenncr, of Kllllngly, (Vmn., and Sas-un Walker, of Foster; in. by Kev. James liarlinKume, Dec. 31, 1843. l-8() liLKiiLKS Alice, and (J\-ld Hopkins, April 10, 1818. 1-83 •■ Field, of Dlaii, and Susiin Potter, of ihonias ; in. by Diiniel Pi'oston, Justice, Oct. 17. 1819. 1-76 " Anne, and Tlionias Wo(k1, D6c. 5, 1819. 1-114 •• Gideon, Jr., of (;idc«in, nnd Martlia Seamans, of LSalman, dec; m. Ijy Daniel Howard. Jr., Justice, Sept. 30, 1827. 1-20 Kimball, and Martha Randall; m. by Kev. Daniel Cireene, Dec. 19, 1847. 1-143 ■■ Im Cyrus, and Sarah Piree ; m. by Kev. J. E. Uessemer. May 22, 1889. 1-52 lil 1 IDN Eleanor. ;uid Joseph Da\is, (Jet. 13, 1803. 1-37 t.\n\ Amos, of Abel, and Nancy Baker, of William; m. by llczeklah Sea- mons, Ju.stice, Uct. 4, 1801. 1-78 CAMPBELL Calherine, ana vNiUiam A. Potter, Sept. 10, 1820. 1-42 '• MaKKle, and Byron E. Salisbury, April 5, 1889. 1-24 CAK\ER Elizabeth, and Stephen Westcott, Aug. 7, 1794. 1-24 •• lihoda, and Pardon Potter, Nov. 30, 1795. 3-124 CIIACE RUcy. and .\linira .Simons, both of Kllllngly, Conn. ; m. at Foster, by Rev. Thomas C. Brown, Aug. 11, 1850. 1-17 CHAMliEKLAlN Aaron, and Zei\1ah Mackoon, of James ; m. by b-lder John Westcott, Nov. 21. 1793. l-B CHAP.MAN Wllll.am, of Stephen, and Alice Williams, or .lo^oph ; m. by John Westcott, Justice, Sept. 29, 1785. 1-37 CHATMAN Kebe<'ca, and Newman Place, March 7, 1802. 1-3 CI.AliKK l.'Siac, of WUllam, and Annie Herrington, of .I'oseph, Jr.; m. by John Westcott, Justice, Aug. 31, 1783. 1-12 •• Caleb, of William, and Lydia Eddy, of Lewis ; m. by John WesV cott. Justice, March 28, 1790. 1-25 ■■ Siimuei, of Foster, and Lucy Walker, of Phillip, of Scituate ; m. by Elder John Westcott. April 5, 179(>. 1-135 '• Alljert, of Scituat«, and Susan A. Miller; ni. by Rev. Nelson Lu- ther, June 19, 188-1. 1-6 ('Oi.EORUV E AJinic. aiiu inonias West, June 3. 1785. 1-5 '• Welthian, and Edward Fcnnor, March 30, 1786. 1-1 COLE Martha, and loiin Jlammon, Feb. 10, 1782. 1-2 •■ Ebenezer, of Samuel, and Chloo Esicn, ol Henry: ni. by John Wes*t- 1 cott. Justice. Feb. 27, 1783. 1-8 •■ Mary, and Nat'umiMtl Plilliiis, June. — , 1784. 1-5 •• Nathan, of John, and Mary Danlet, of .Stephen ; ni. by John Westcott, Justice, Sept. 12, 1784. 1-11 •• llczeklah, of Rnhard, an.l Helhany Arnold, o! Caleb; m. by John Westcott, Justice, May 31. 17S7. 10 VITAL RECORD OF RHOUK ISLAND. 1-1 1 CUI.K AlM-iili:nii, nf IValjudy, and Aiuif I'a^f. ol James: iii. by John We-stcon. Jasticf. Sept. 9, 17tS7. 1-lJ. " Asa, of JoUii, and rtusuiiiuaU L'olc. ol Samuel, dec.; iii. I>y Jobu WesU'Otl, Jlisliee. Nov. 1-, 1787. 1-11 " Su^aunah, and As;i Cole. .Nov. l".:, 17,~7. l-ai " Kobtiri, ol I'cabody. of Fostor. and .Melutablc Kddy. of Caleb, or tjcituaU-: m. by .lolui Westeott, Justice. Sept. 6. ITS'J. 1-31 " Peabody, ol Hugh, (lee., and Mary liit-ene. widow ol Daniel: m. by John \Vest«otc, Ju.sliee, Sept. iHi, 1700. 1-14 " J^udene.e, and Jc3.se .Sanders, Sept. '.:, 1791. 1-ia " SinmueJ, of Samuel, dee., and Mercy lirown. of Fleet: m. by John Westcolt, Jus-tiec, Nov. 0, 171)1. 1-15 " Jeremiah, of Kiehard. and ratlonee Colwell. ol William: m. by Elder John Wcstcott, Nov. 11, 179:2. 1-15 " riiebe. and thonias Krown. April l-l. 1 793. 1-18 " Stcpheii. of Kiihard, and KJizaboUi Ai-nold, of Caleb: ni. by Chris- topher Wcsicott. Justlpc, Sept. 7. 171>4. 1-05 " Thomas, of James, afid Molly Sheldon, of William: m. by Elder John Wcstcott, Dec. 20, 179.'). l-ae " Nancy, and ISenonl Austin, Deo. Irt. IT'Jii. 1-28 " Kbene/.er. of Peabody, imd Annie Round, of .lolin : m. by Jonathan liopKins. Justice, ich. 9. 1799. 1-42 " lietsey, and Slophen Salisbui'y, April '-4. l,sii:j. 1-48 " Arnold, ol Hezekuib, of Foster, and Ruth llopUlns, of Stituate, diiu. of .Mary: ni. by Abraliani WalKer, Justice, .S.ipt. 7. ] s06. 1-50 " Kastim, of Ki^enezer, of foster, and I'olly Lewis, of .loseph, of Kxeter: ?n. at Kseter. by Elder Kllet Locke, Doc. 6, 1807. 1-75 " Zllplia, and Jesse .SUippc". Feb. 11. 1821. 1-108 " Cbloe. and John Williams, May G, 1821. 1-75 " John I)., of Joseph, and I'rudnnce Potter, of Daniel : m. bv Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Oct. 15, 1821. 1-100 " Jobn, of Kbenezcr. and Iluldah Salisbury. oT Daniel: m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., .lusUcc. March 24, 1822. 1-80 " Olncy, ot l-Wwanl. ami Rlioby llopliins, of Ahollab : ni. by Daniel llowari. Jr., Jusiic<-. May 12, 1822, (also 1-80-1071. " IN)Ily. and (iex>i'ti:e ISri^gs, Sept. 8, 1822. " Louisa, and William R. Scamans. Nov. 9, 182:i. " LUhis. and Aivihony Adams, Aug. 22, 1824. " Marsella. and Charles S;disbury, March 12, 1827. " Kastcin, and Roxana IJennett. of .Stephen, Jr. ; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Jujitico, April 2. 1827. " Alvira, and . .las Sj^nnians, Jan. 2o, 1829. " Oilson. of Uilliam. and D.amarles i-mUips, of Charles; ra. by Daniel llovvanl. .Ir.. Justice. SejJt.. 1. I.s29. " Clailssa, and Cliarli-s I'billlps, Jr.. Sept. 29, 1829. " Riley, and S;illy Cole, of inward; m. by Daniel llowawl, Jr., Justice, AuK. 21, l.s:iO. I •Jiilly. and Riley Cole, .Vu?. 21, 18:to. " James, ;Mi,son of ^a,waid, and S. Delllla. and Allied WluiJ|j|e. .\.a. il, 1.^23. 1-94 "' .loseph 11., nl lUeliard. and Hiinnah l)a\vlc\v. ol' Jul.: ni. liy Kddy Walker, Justice, July 14, 1839. 1-121 " Susan JI.. and Stei'i'y 1". Yiiuns, Jan. l:i. I84fi. 1-6 CRA.N.STON Elizabeth, and Asa Hates, Aug. 7. 1785. 1-8 •• James, oI I'eleg, i>! roslcv. and Kulh Austin, nlMiideini, of .Seitiiale; ni. by Elder .John Willjanis, Maceh 1, 1787. 1-41 •■ Juhn. or I'elcs. ol' Foster, and Phebe Ann Edwards, of Ei)lirai'n. nl Seiluate: ni. Ity Daitiel llowani, .h-., Jnstiee, ,\i)ril 4, 170O. Patience. and'lSenJamin Dextx-r. Si-pl. li, I7!1.s. Esther, and WiLli;un .loni's. Nov. 25. l.-ilo. '• Annie, and Clarke Howard, Jan. 27. 1811. Mary, and (iorton Howard. Nov. 12. J 812. CRCSBY Walter, and Eunic^e liennett. -widow, cd Plynijilon : ai. I.y liaiiiel Hofward, Jr.. Justice. June 15, lo2:;. CROSSMAN Orrey, and 8!i.ninel I.. Taylor, Aiis. II. 1839. " Noah H., of Asahel, aiid Celia Benneti. of .Vrnold : ni. by Rev. 3fa- son R. Hopkins. Anril 4, 1.848. CKOWSINGSHEILD James, of John, nl nn-^iciii, l,|. Conn., and Tlieil.-i mi- lei', of Isaac, dec, d Foster; m. by liidcon l:iir;.'nss, .Instice, :Marcli -n, 1824. I'clci;. and I'l b.\c Wells, of James: m. by Elder .lohu Westeotl, O-t. 22. 1815. r Jlaiy, and Nathan <'oh'. Sepi . 12. 17,-'t. IG William A., and Ida P. .lefTers : rn. hv Riv. Ileni'y C. Hopkins, Oct. 12. 1879. heb{', anil Richard Salisbury, Dee. 8. 17.82. Mason, of Ishmael. and SHs;innah Round, of Barthrnin : m. by .John Westcott, .rustiee. 8ept,. 4, 1785. A-'.abah, and Oliver Arnold, FiO>. 7. 17:->.s. John, of Foster, son uf Jeivtniah. dee., and Meliilable Rutlonbough, of North Providence, of Daniel. r. Jcni.-dhan; m. by Dauiel Howard, Justice, .March 29, 1807. 1-79 " Phelw, and Barton Round. Dec. 31, 1820. 1-105 '• Seamaus, of Cap! . Stephen, and ZeiTiah Round, of Caleb; m. by Daniel llowai-d. Justice, Oct. 30, 1.821. 1-106 " Stephen R., of c;apv. Stephen, and Zerviah Smith, of .lohu, 2a; m, by Dauiel Howard. Jr., Justice, Ajuil 14, 1822. 1-107 "■ Berniee, and Joshua Seamaus, May 19, 1822. 1-109 " Zerviah, and James R.ninds, Oct. 5, 1823. 1-111 ■• Jlaiy Ann. and Hardin Harris, EeD. 20, 1825. 1-113 " f^ucy, and Uufus Walker. Jan. 27, 1828. 1-116 '■ Sicily, and l.neinda .\yle^woriJi. of .bjiui ; in. by lianiel Howard, .Ir., Jn-.i)ie. April "22. 1830. 1-140 •• Julio, and F.lizabclh .lane IbipkiiiN: in. by l!ev. Slei.hen I'liilUps. I>ei. 12. i.-.s^. (\ it. Ree.. \ ..I. :;.! 1 I 1-66 D.VM.^X 1-5 DANFE'J 1-130 DARLIN 1-3 DA\1S PI 16 " 1-8 a 1-22 ii 1-24, u 1-25 " 1-32 a 1-53 a 12 VITAL KECOKD OF KIIODK ISLAND. 1-94 DAWLEY Haniiiili, :uul JuoCpLi 11. Cori), July 14, 1839. 1-135 DAY James, and Emma J. Hotham; m. by Uev. David O. Hoiilans, Oct. 4, 1877. 1-88 DEAN John R., of I'laintlcld, and Lucy L, Carpenter, ot Foster, of Benja- min U. ; m. by IScnjamin Wells, Justice, March 19, 18'.29. l-i;8 DEXTEK Benjamin, of John, of i ■ranstjui. ami Patience CRinslon, of Peleg, of I'^Dster; lu. by Eldei- Joiui Williams, Sept. (i, 1798. 1-192 DOREANCE James, and Mehltable Tuckeiraau, Nov. 14, 1793. 1-79 " Sarali A., and Jeremiah Wells, March -JS, 1821. j.;^Q5 " Thomas, of Miich.iti, of Fosier, and Nabby llathbuu, of John, iuia ot Exeter; m. by Daniel Howard. Jr., Justice, Feb. 2, 1822. J.Q2 « Palmer, aJid Umisa I!. Place; m. at tXjventry, tjy Elder James Bur- lingame, Aufe'. 3. 1834. 1-126 " Polly H., and John Hill, M;ireh 20. 1836. 1-90 DEEW Abbie Ann. and De-tter B. Hopkin^ March 20, 1834. 1-124 DROWNE Sopliia E., and Henry M. Raw son. Nov. 24. 1850. 1-12 DYER JIartha, and Wanton Bump, Nov. 23, 1788. 1-133 EARL Anne G., and Edward Austin. Fel). IC. 1879. 1-50 K,\STON Hannah, and Joseph Austin. June 1, 1806. 1-70 " Fiei love, and Stimuel Browne, Jan. 15, 1817. j.KK! " Obediah, 2d son of Capt. Henry, and 'Zilpha Wood, of Capt. Jona>- tliau ; m. by Daniel llowaisl, Justice, Apia 21. 1822. J.115 " Savally, and Simeon So;imans, Jan. 27, 1828. J.115 " William, of Capt. Henry, and Susanna Slater, of Dr. Daniel; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Nov. 23, 1828. 1-6 EDDY' Patience, and Simeon Randall, Sept. 18. 1785. 1-21 " M hitable, and Robert Cjle, Sept. 6. 1789. l-jo "i Lyd:a. and Caleb Clarke, Maicli 28, 1790. 1-22 " Rulli, and Jolin .Smith, Jr., April 10, 1791. J.07 '. relet;, of Cal'-b. and Anne Smilli. of Daniel; m. by JetiU Fuller, of Krance-s : m. liy Dani 1 Howard. Justice. Jan. 15. 1809. l-9,'> •■ Eliza L.. and Riyniond G. Place. Nov. 10, 1839. l-i:; FtHiK Judilh, and Jesse Utile. Jan. n, 1794. 1-38 PULLEK Obfd, and Rachel Preston, Jan, 17, 1799. 1-52 •• FJizal>ctJ'. and Arnold Fry. Jan. 15. 1809. i-107 ■■ Francis, of Major Francis, dec, and Nancy Howard, ol James ; m. liy Daniel Howai-d, Jr., Justice, Dec. 25, 1822. 1-02 ■■ Thcda, and James Cj-owniiiKsirii'lrt. March 31. 1824. 'ill2 •• Robert ('., of Thomas, and Patience Baltcy. of Sampson: m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Jan. 22, 1826, 1-89 ■ Hannah, and Ainoll Sunle, Nov. 2.«. 1831. 1-90 •■ Alfred, of Francis, and Aljliclina R. A. Hopkins, of Nathan: m. by Daniel Howard. Justice. Sept. 15. is;a. i-99 " .Su.san. and John Johnson, April 10, 1843. 1-2 GAFFEL Lucy, and David I'lace, Jan. 14, 1783. 1-139 GALLLTP Mabel V.. and Fred. H. Jacques, Sept. 3. 1888. i-137 GIFFORD FiancLs M., and M. Louise Salisbury ; m. by Rev. Nelson Luther, March 24, 188.S. 1-1 GOODSPEF.I) Jo.seph, ot Sl-eplien.and Dorcas Herrlngton, of Jonathan; m. liy Nathaniel Phi lips, Jus-tice, March 4, 1783. 1-70 '■ tiara, and Alice Shippce. with Joseph Mitchell, March 17, 1817. 1-113 CtORTON Merian, and Tliomas V. Youn?, Feb. 6, 1827. 1-324 tiilAVKS Mary M.. ami William Mathewson. Sept. 14, 1851. 1-2 GKEENK Maiy. and Joseph Romtd, Dec. 29, 1782. 1-102 " Joliu^ and Mehitable Tuckermau. March 18. 1784. 1-7 " Richard, of WiUuini, and Lillas Bray, of Hugh; m. by John West- cott, Justice. Dec. 8, 1785. 1-8 '■■ Annie, and '/adock Y'lnins, Mareh 27, 1788. 1-21 '• Mary, and Pcalxjdy Cole, Sept. 2(>, 1790. 1-lB '• Wanton, of William and Sarah Thornton, ot Noah; m. by Elder John Westcott, Nov. 29, 1792. X-18 " John, of William, and Freelove Payn, of Capt. Isaac; ra. by Elder John Westcott. May 11. 1794. 1-43 " Nathaniel, ot Oliver, and Phehe Wells, of James; ra. by Daniel Howard, Justice, Jan. 12, 1806. 1-118 " Nathaniel, of Oliver, dec., and Ruth Stanton, ot Warwick, dau. of John; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Jan. 2, 1831. 1-95 " Nathaniel, and Polly Wisters; m. by John Brayton. Justice, June 3, 18.39. 1-96 " Henry, and Lucy M. Hopkins; m. by Elder Thomas C. Brown, Nov. 15, 1840. 1-121 '• Cella, and F.ddy Walker, April 2, 1848. 1-122 " Luclnda, and Alrfed Randall. July 4, 1849. 1-131 " Mcrcella, and George C. Bak^.-, Slay 24, 1870. 1-76 GRIFFITH Mary, and Oliver Mathewson, April 26, 1820. 1-82 " George, ot Simthwai-d, and Dorcas Holoway ; m. by Peleg Place, Justice, Jan. 27. 1825. 1-90 HAMMOND, Elder John, of Foster, and Sarah Hoxsie, of Coventry: m. by Joseph Hice, Justice, Oct. 2, 1815. 14 TITAL KECOKD OF KHODE ISLAND, 11 ]IAALM(iN .l.iliii. or TUiinia-. iiiul JhirllKi fok', t>i Uyniul : m. by .loUii Wot- coll. Justice, Feb. 10, 17S-J. l-7-«& ■• I'liebe, mid -Step'.u'ii \Vilci>x, 'h\. -Ji;. or JT. IT-Jii. l-2i! •• JliUT, iiiid Noah Hopkins, Di-< . lu, 1769. 1-19 '• Lydia. and I,iu-li;s .Miller. iKi. 30, 1794. 1-24 •• Tlioimi.s, Ji-.. ol Thomiis. :iiul Su.sanna, I'laie. dan. uf Jii'uajali; ni. by Kldi-r Joliii Weslcott. Nov. 1, 1795. 1-111 )1.V1;RIS Hai-diii, and Jlai-y Ann Davis, of Caleb \V. : ni. l.\ Daniol How- ard, Jr., Ju.sUoc Feb JO, 1825. 3 ]-j;; •■ M.iry A., and Jen' niaU .\. Ho|)).ins, Nov. 11. IcJ'.). 1-00 HAin'EY Koliey, and Jolin W. HoUoway, Oct. 11, 1640. 1-104 ILAWKIK.-^ Klioda, and James Williams Lewis. March 29, 184(i. 1-138 HA\"\VAi;i> William U., and Mai-y K. AnRell : m. by H^v. Nelson LnUier,. Jlaveh 24. 1886. 1-1:j:j UELME Charles W., and Leonora 1,. Whipple: ni. by Itcv. dearies li. Ymmg, Dec. 17. 1880. ^^1-:>1 HEURlNd'l'ON Mary, and Aslier Bennett, Sept. li, 17.^2. 1-5 ■■ Mary and Mlajah Bennett, April 11. 17.^2. 1-1 " Dorcas, and Joseph Go ilspecd, -Mai'cli 4. ]7s:i. l-:i '• Amie. and I.s;iae Clarke, Aur. :;1, 178.'). l-.T '■ Josial:, od. or Josiah, Jr.. and Susannah Warni-i-; ni. by John West- eott, Juslice, Nov. 23, 17-:!. 1-2 " Amos. Jr., of Capt. John, and Mary Mil : oi. by John Westcott> Jnstiee, .March 21. 1784. 1-20 " labilha. and Lalran Bennett, June 27. 17!iO. 1-22 '• olicdiah, of Obediah. and Uhmla l.yini. of .lohn : ni. by John West- cott. Justice, Feb. (i, 1791. 1-22 '• William, of Anms, and Freelove Bennett, of Nalhan ; ni. by Joha Westcott. Justice. Feb. 20. J791. 1-15 " Mary, and Klkanan Aylesworth. Jan. 21, 1793. 1-16 " Capt. John, of Foster, and UaniiaU Aylesworth, of Coventry; m. by Jo.sepli Kice, Justice, June 24, 170^. I-IG " Stephen, of Josiah, and Mary Weaver, of John; m. by FJder Jolur WiUinins, Sept. 12. 1793. 1-20 " Benjamin, of Jo.siah, and Lydia Sweet, of -Vnaell ; ni. by Elder- John Williams, April 23. 1795. 1-24 '• Peter, of Capl. Simeon, and .Mercy Sweel, of Ansell ; ni. by Elder- .Tohn Williums, May 28, 1795. 1-24 " Sn^anna, and Jonathan Wood, Aup. 30. 1705. 1-25 " Saiali, and Thomas Wood, Jan. 17, 179(;. 1-60 ■■ William, ol Josiah and Hannah lilanchard, of Capt. Isaac : ra. by Benjamin Wells. Justice, Jan. 19, 1806. l-5i) '• Simeon J., of Simeon, and Wate Ansell, of Nehemiah : m. by Elder John Hamnion, Mardi 24. 1808. 1-54 " Samuel, of John, of Foster, and Alice Aylesworih. of Coventry ;. m. by Elder John llamnnni, Auk. 7, 1808. 153 " Susannah, and Holden Kins. I"eb. li!, 1809. 1-60 " John, of Joseph, and lliilh Hrayton. of Thomas: m. by I'aitlou Holden. Jusjiie, May 8. J812. 1-GO " Thomas, of Jenckes, and Klioda Wilcox, of Jeremiah. Jr^: m. by Elder John Hammon, Nov. S, 1812. 1 63 " Waterman, of Jenckes, and l.ncy Wilco.x, of Jeremiah, Jr. ; m. by Eider Josiah Bennett. Dec. 4. 1814. 1-1-5 " Josiah, of Foster, and Lonisa Lewis, widow, of E.\e(/er ; m. at E.\e- ter by Job Kenyon, Justice, March 14, 1816. 1-76 " Sarah, and Jeremiah liennelt, Jr., May 1(5, 1819. 1-73 " Nathan, of William, and Barbara .Mitebell. ol Elisha : m. by Dnniel Howaril. Jr.. Jusiiec. Oct. 17. 1819. 1-107 " Betsey, and Ashahel Stone, Apiil (i. 1823. 1-108 " Barbai-.i, and Da\ld Hopkins, >lay 25, 1623. 1-109 " Mary, and Barton Bennett, Nov. 9, 1823. 1-110 " Zcphaniah, of William, and Polly Beiniett, of I.abon : ni. by Daniel Howiud. Jr., Justice, Nov. 21, 1824. 1-112 " Benjamin, of Epbnum, and Eliza P.ennett. ol lehabod ; m. by Daniel Howard. Jr., Justice. Nov. 8. 1S25. I'fisTEl; MAUlMAl^KS. l-Cl IlF.KinXcrroN Anms. -M. of Amos iiiid iM.ii'iy Liiiggs, nf Rnlici'l. dfc : m. by lliMijaniin Wells. Jiistkc. April 13, l.s^T. 1-87 ■• Waiiicr. ol William, Jr., aud Avis Eandall. or lonallian, dec. ; m. by Di'Tijamiii Wills. Justice, IJec. 5, 1827. 1-P8 '• Amos. 3rt. ot Amos, ami Aleo WMtc, of Jason, dec. of Scitiiat«; m. by Hen.i:imin Wells. Justiee, Dec., 14. l.-<2.s. l-lli'> '• Olive, and Nel-on .1. Wileox, June 7, 1820. 1-92 '■ Sarah, and Medbufy Owen. Feb. S. 18o5. 1-10-1 '• Sarali i:.. and Charles H. Sejimans, Nov. 8. 184li. 1-12:'. '■ C.vrel. ol William, dec and Pliebp BenTiett. of Josiali ; m. by Ehler Joshua Wells. Nov. 7. lS4i), l-l"-ii '• Henry, and Snsan F.. Shippee : m. by Rev. Daniel Greene. July '.io, 1870. 1-41 HILL KUoda, and Stephen Seamans. April 29, 1747. 1-20 '■ rhristopher. of Benjamin, of Foster, and Mary WHiipple. of War- wick: m. by Elder Samuel Littlefleld, April 2, 1795. 1-30 '- Benjamin, of Foster, and I'lizabeth Roberts, of Warwick: m. by Elder Samuel Litt.letield. Dec. 29, 1799. 1-33 '■ Rebecca, and S;innicl Auslin. April 2t>, 1801. 1-40 ■■ Rhoda. and Nicholas Hopkins, Oct 4, 1802. ]-4(", ■• Anna, and Izrenl Phillips. March 10. f.sOo, l-r)7 •■ "MLle^s, of Benjamin, and Nancy Stone, of James: m. liy Abraham Walker, Justice, Nov. 13, l.SOS. 1-72 '• .Innaihan. 2d. of (^'apl. Thomas, dec. and Mary PliilUps, of (.'apt. AlM-ahani : ;m. l)y John I'aine, Justice, A'up. 10. l.'iie. 1-lOj ■■ Jenisha, and Charles Stone. Dec. 23. 1821. 1-80 '■ John W.. of (apt. Tliomas, dec, and Annif Wood, of William : air liy Daniel Howard, Ju.^tice. March 14, 1822, l-.-^l •• Orilla. and Robert S. Whipple, Aug. l,"). 1824. 3-111 '• Sheldon, of Capt. Jonathan and Mercy Randall, of William: m. by Daniel Howard, Ji-.. .lustice. Dec ."i, 1824. 1-111 •■ IJebccca, and Daniel Thurber, Oct. 9, 182.->. 1-84 ■■ Tallman. of Foster, and Nancy King, of Pomlrel, Conn.: m. by Elder Charles Stone, Aug. 23, 1820. 1-114 '• Joseph L.. of Natlianiel. and Ssirah Wright, of Benjamin: m. by Daniel ,'Huward, Jr,. Justice, March 19, 1827. l-sii '• John. Jr.. of Knight, of Siituate, and Polly Howard, of Daniel, dec, of Foster, m. by Benjamin Wells, Justice, Oct. 7 1827, 1-60 '• Anna, and George B, Smiih, Feb. .". 1828. 1-118 ■• Mary W., and Bcnoni lyler, June 19, 1831. 1-13«; •• John, of Sterling. Conn., and Polly H. Dorrance. of Foster; m. by Rev. Jiimes Biirlingame, March 20, 1830. 1-94 " I/mra S., and Benoni Tyler, March 24, 1839. 1-122 ^- Maiy E., and .Sheldon P. Lyon, Nov. 10, 1844. 3-122 ■' Lucinda P., and George B. Lawton, April 2rt, is49, 3-123 ■■ l^illy E., and Obediah B. King, Dec 13, 1849. 1-37 JIIMF.S Obediah, of James, late of Scltuate, and Mary Walkei-, of Willi;im, of Foster: m. by Elder John Williams., March :;0. ).-iOO. 1-39 •■ Ann.', and Jabin Smith. Fob. 30, 1802. , 1-.3 HIT Mary, and Amos Herrington, Marcli 21, 17H4. 1-190 HOLDF.N Mercy P. B.. and Jabez N. Horton, Aug. 7, lri32, 1-101 " Mary E.., and Charles 31. Stone. Nov. 29, 1832. 1-21 HOLLEY Sabra, and Asa Martin, Jan. 4, 1788. 1-96 HGLI.OWAY J ihn W., a-id Rribey Harvey: m. by Rev. JaLaes Barlingann', Oct. 11. 1840. 1-S2 " Dorcas, and G.orgc CiriMith. .Tan. 27. 1825. 1-5 HOPKINS Thomas, of Timothy, aid OrpaU Malaveiy, of John, dec : m. by John Westcoti, J, !>., Oct. 21. 1781. 1-2 " Alice and John Round. Oct. 28, 17S1. 11 « Stephen, ef Nit-ho'a-, of Foster, and Lydia i;ro-.v]i, of Isaiah, ot K:llngly. Coun. : m. Iiy Nathaniel Phillips, Justice, Pec. 22, 1782. 1-5 ■■ JeieTUiah, of ^ohn, anil Martha Weiiver, of Con^lant: m. by Jolra Weslcott, Justice, May 20, 1781. ,1-5 " I'elcr. of John,, and llaanah Weaver, of Constant: m. by Jolm WcstCot(, Ju-lice, .May 21. 1784. 16 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-7 HOPKINS \VUli:\m, of Nicholas and Joa na Tanner, ol Benjamin : m. by Jolin Westx'Ott, .Tustiie. April 17, 1785. J.O0 " Jcncke,s, of ScituatR, son of Hannah, and Penelope HopUlns, of Jona- than, Jr., of Fostsr: ni. by Hdi, r John Williams, Oct. 2r,,, 1789. 1-20 '• Penelope, and Jenekes Hopkins. Oct. 25, 17S9. 1-22 " Noah, of Nicholas, and Jlary Ilammon. of Thomas: m. by John We t(0t',. Justice, Dec. 10, 1780. 1-12 " PelBK, of Ezekiel, and Elizabeth Place, of Stephen : m. by Elder John W.lllams, ApiSl 1, 17!)0. 1-12 " Co stant. of Jon ithan, and Ahis:iil Cilwell. of William, ra. by Jota Weslolt Jus ico. An;. 14, 1791. 1-15 ■• Rohcrl, of Zel ed e ;inl Mary Ann Ijrown. of Daniel: m. by Elder Jolin Westcot , March 31, 17!).'i. 1-16 " Elisha, of John, and Mu-cy Arnold, of William; m. by Elder John Westc tt, June 16, 1793. 1-24 •■• Stutfley, of Dayid, a!;d CI auncey Da\-is, widow of Simeon, Jr., d c, and da: g fer of Elder Reuben Hopkins, dec. ; m. by Elder John Wi liams. Aug. 27, 1705. 1-27 •' Ephi'alm, oi Ephraim, and l{el)Occa Uucklin, of S'..er loiui Wes^lcott, April 2;i, 1809. 1-80 " 0\ia. of Enoch, and Alice liuiguess, dau. of Jereminb Hopkins; m. by_V\uila.in I'oltcr, .lustice, April 10., 1H18. 1-73 " Peleg, Jr., of I'eleg, and Delia Tucker, of .lames; m. by Willlan Potter. Justice, Oct. 15, 1818. 1-73 " Daniel, Jr., ot Hoyat, and Anno Mllletl ; m. by Daniel Howard. .Jr., Jus-tSce, Oct. 18, 1818. 1-77 " Phebe, and John Round, Jr., March 20, 1820.- 1-108 " William, 2<1, son of Bennett, of Foster, and HulOali We-st,, >f John, of >Sci'tuate; m. by naniel Howard, Jr., Ju.stice, Aug. 13, 1820. 1-80 " Rhouy. and Olney Ck>le, May 13, 1822 (also 1-107), 1-113 " (.ieorgc W., ot Joseph, and Meicy Shlppce, of David; in. by Dani-a Howard, Jr., Ju.L*liiida \\ hiiipk'. nl J(»lui; m. by Eeiijaiuin Wells. Jiistue. JJec. 14. 1-20. 3-78 " jrartin, of Fiislei-. and Uatli WHipiJle. ol James, of Scitnate : iii. by Kenjamiii Well<, Jiistito. jliaiih 4. l,Si21. 1-107 " Naiify, and Fr.inois Fiillei'. iXT. 2."). IM'J. 1-85 " Mrs. Hope, and John Aveiy. .Vpiil 29. 1H27. l-BU " I'lilly, and John Hill, Jr., Oct. 7, 1827. I-O.'i " Phil.i-, and Ceorgp S. TilliiiKha.-il. Sept. 21. lh:;l. l-n2 " Horace, of Daniel, and Hannah Randall. of Zeiiiianiali ; m. by Zelotes W. lloldcn, Jusliio, Oct. 28. 183:.. 1-09 " Malilda, and E:isha Johnson, I'eb. :i. 1840. 1-12:! '■ Owen, and Oiilla II. R. n id : ni. at Kllliiitly, Conn., by Rev. Daniel Williams, Dr-c. ] !). 1841. ]-10:! '■ (Jroifre. t. 1-100 •■ Jiptscy M.. niMl (•a-i'\ i:. Tylci'. Auji'. -JT. isr.l. 1-1132 •• Pattcy M., null l.yrjiaii ICry ikiIi)-,, Oct. ir>. 1S4S. '1-13:; ■■ .I;\Uitia. ;iiiil I'hilliii Sliiru-, Kel>. -2 L Is.M). 1-.')+ .IliIINSON \V;ui(. 1-92 •• .\l<'\:m(l( 1-. nr Cijyi'nlry. :;nrt S.-irnh Ann \V. Albrn, nl J'nii«-r ; m. by BIdcv Chnili". Sinn.-. Di-c, 27, ls:i!). ]-.«» •■ J)r. As;ilicl, of Wiintiin, ;ind Ksllier Wriglil. o[ Ben.j:iinin: m. liy TclPS I'l;u-p. .Tuslire. Nov. 1, 18:i2. 3 !i!i ■■ F.lislia. (if Sciduitc. :md Jl;itiUUi Howii'.-d,. ol Foster; ni. .'it Killinj^ly, Conn., liy l!oy. Ku-soll Wliilrnan. 1-Vl>. 3, ]«4'0. 1-Oi' " .Inlin, of Wiinttm, :ind Siisim Fuller, ol Fpaiicis : ni. bv F.ddy^ Wal- ker, JusUco. April HI, 1843. 1 21 .lii.VKS I.ydhi, nnd Moses Ycnw, ^■(■llt,. 17, 17.-^fi. 1-24 •• Henry, of JosliiKi, and Jlnrv Sn.illi, nf cliarlis: ni. by Klder ,Ioliu Williams. Deo. 17. 17D,">, 1 2'.i ■■ KsthiT. and IJeii.iarniu Samdi'i^. .\imi1 1:s, 179S). l-lo '• Homy, of Jolin. laio of i;iistol. \(.. cIch-., and Olive liislioii, (if Ab- ner, doe,, of Smilhli-'td : iii, by Klder John Williams, ,lnne Ifi, LSOr.. l-r.G ■• Joshua, of Fo^iei-, and llnblalL \Villi,nns, i>[ tiloei-ster, dan, of lab.j?, ; in. by Natlianicl Wade. .In; t ice, (Jot. 29, JslO. 1-57 ■• Williahi, of Foster, and Kstlier Cranston, of Sanuiil ; ni. by Hen- .januii Wells. .Instlcv. .Nov. 2r>, l.sKi. 1-142 JOi;i)AN l!andall il,, and Anni' M. HowanI : ni. by Hev. lleorse W. Kennedy. Aiiril 21, isso. K l-:i!) KK.N.NKDV .\li-.\ander. anil liolliana \N .loil : in. h\ i;,-\ . .hiincv llnrliir^anie. An;;. Is. isio. 1 211 KIMIi.M.I. .Ii.bn. of Nallianiel. lale of (.locosiei, dei-,, and Mary i.nliier, widow, of Sriinate: in. by ,lo]in Westrott, .iusiiee, ^ViM-il 2, 17.S7. 1211 •■ Sli-phen. of Col, Sleiilien, of Si'ilnate, dei-., and Marllia lioiind. of liariliriim, of Foster: ni. by F.ldei- Ste|ibcii riacr. Fob. :., I7'.il. 1-21 KIN(i iiirali, and Isaiali Tyler, Sept, 12, 1790. l-:ir. ■■ N'adian, :nid JIary Well-: in, )'y Flder ,l.,lin Haninion. .bin. 17, l.s02, 1-9:! ■■ I'olly. .-KMl ,bilin f.islrv, Maul 2.S, 1,S02, l-.-il ■■ Clii.slia". ,!nil ,bii:ill,;ni Sianians, ,Ir„ Nov, 29, l.s07. 1-.">:i lloMen, or Cranston, .-ind Snsannali HeiTinglon. of Williiini, of Foster: in. by D.inie! Howard. .Mistiec, Feb. HI. l.siiii. 1-S'J ■• ninali. and OIney Matliewson, F'eb. 12, 182(>. t-m •• Nancy, and Tallniau IIUl, Ang, 2n, 1820, 1-123 '■ Obndiali li,. ot Kufiis, of Foster, and Folly E, Hill, of .lolm, nf Scitiiatc; ni, by Elder Henry C, HopWn.s, Deir. 13, is-tii. 1-7 K.NUiilT Willi.aiii, of CUristopIiei', ami Rosamiah Maekoon, of ,lames: in. by Jolm Wesffott, .Instieo. April l(i, 1787, 1-12 ■• ,lo)i, nf Clirisfoplier, dec, and rrudenoe Roniid, of D«i. PcIol;; in. by .lolin Woslooll. .Tnstiee, Dee. 29, 1791. 1-lT ■ Cliristoplior. of Dea. SlepUen. of Cranston, and l!arb;ira Fiske. of Pele.s. of Pfitnalo: in. by Elder .lolm Westcott. Deo. 1. 1793. 1-lj:; ■• Paulina- ami In-, i'billii. S. Ai'lliony, .Inly 21, 1.^22. 1-107 ■■ Aniie. and Hriiry 'i raw. Fib. r,. l.s-Ji;. 1-122 l.AWTON Gcorse IJ.. and Liicinda P. Jlill. bntli of Craii^li.m : m. by Kev. .lames Dnrlingaine, April 2S, l.s40, 1-90 I.K.VCil ZUplia A., and ,Iol.ii Kai'isdiH, Hay 2 1, 1.S40. 20 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAKD. 1-G5 LEWIS Hannah, and Stephen Wilcox, Aug. 14, ISOO. 1-50 " Polly, and Easton Cole. Dec. O. 1807. 1-125 ■' Louisa, and Joslah Herringlon, March 14, 1810. 1-104 " Jamci Williams, and Rlicxla Hawkins, dan. of Tionnett Hopkin.i. dec; m. liy Daniel Kmind, .lusUcc, March 20, 1840. 1-47 '• S.aTira, and Olney Brayton, Nov. 7. 1805. l-ir> LITTLE Jesse, of Charles, dec, and ,Tudith Fuge, widow of .Tohii ; m. Ij? Hder John Westeott, Jan. 0, 1704. 1-20, HTHER Mary, and John Kimball, April 2, 1787. 1-21* LYON Polly, and Jeffrey Amherst Fry, Jl.arch 1. 1780. 1-22 " Rhoda. and Oliediah Herrinfrton. Fcl>. 0, 1701. 1-S6 •' (Jardinfir, ttt Cajit. Ileulieii, and Anna Phillips, of Asaph ; m. b^ DaniLl iloward, Jr., Ju.sUce, March 17. 182;L 1-123 •• Sheldon P., and Mary 15. Hill; m. at fovciiti-y by Rev. Jnmiw nurlingame, Nov. 10, 1&44. M 1-28 JLVCKIX Susannah, and Bcnnni Stono, June 21, 1708. 1-7 MACKOON liosanna. and William Knight. April Hi, 1787. 1-20 " ^ Martin, of Jame.s, and Phcbc Williams, of Eldei' John ; m. liy John Wcs.tcott, Justice, Oct. 25. 1780. 1-14 '• Siinih. and Kobert Potter, Nov. 1, 1702. 1-17 '■ Zcrviiih, and Aaron Chamberlain, Nov. 21, 1703. 1-,-) MALAVERY Orpah, and Thomas Hopkins, Oct. 21. 1781. 1-8 yLVNCHE.STER Phelie. .and Benjamin Wells. Jr., March .lO, 1788. 1-35 " Lydia, and James Wells, Jr., Nov. n, 1797. 1-11 M^\RTIX Kathcrine. and Ksek Sliippcc. Nov. ~, 1787. 1-21 •• A-a, of John, of Killinf;Iy, Conn., and feihra Holley, of Fostuc: m. by John We-stcoti, Justice, Jan. 4, 178S. 1-125 3L\SOX C;r(.rge L.. son of David, ;ind Lucy A. Simmons, of RnfiLS, botJi o.{ Klllingly. Conn.; m. by Rev. Thomas C. lirown, Nov. 16, 1.851. l-l.'iO ■■ Almcda M.. and Leonard F. Wood. Dec. ni. 1859. 1-70 MATHEWSON Oliver, of Daniel, and Mary (irilfeth. of Joseph: m. hr r>ank'I Howard, Jr., Justice, April 20, 1820. 1-81! ■■ (iliiey, of Scitmile. and Dinah King, of Fester: m. by Elder Charles Stono. Feb. 12, 1820. 1-102 •• Alphias. of .Tohn. of Scituate, and Phcbo Kound of Peleg; m. liy Key. James liurlingjnnc. March 27. 1845. 1-120 •• riiebe, and Albert Hopkii.is, Oct. 11, 1847. 1-124 '• William, of Klllingly, Conn., .-nid M.ary M. (Jravcs of Foiiler ; «. by Jlev. Tl'onia-s C. Brown. Sept. 14, 1851. 1-90 JIATTESON I.ydia. and Oliver Waterman, May 25. 1840. 1-90 Hannah, and Na;than W. Parker, March 27. 1842. l-12a •■ Wilbur <>.. ol Ulne.y. of Covontry, and Sarah liat«s, of VVlUiam. *C Foster; m. by Rev. James Uurllngame. Nov. 14, 1849. 1-41 M GEE Ocorpo. a'lid Kllphal Pciklns; m. by Daniel Howard, Ju'Jliee, Aprii 4, 1787. 1-24 MERREIIU.., Sarah, and William Irons, .liinc 12. V79 1. 1-73 " Barbara, and Nathan Heirington. Oct. 17, 1819. 1-19 MILLER l.iwiu.s, of Jonathan, dec, and Lydia llamnion, ol 111,, mas ; m. i>t Killer John Wei^t<^ott, Oct. 30, 1794. 1-135 " Susan A., and Albert Clarke, June 10, 1884. 1-73 .MILLEIT Anne, and Uaniel HoplinH, Jr., ikrt. 18. 181 s. 1-70 MITCHELL Jascrph, of titek-leJ, of Killinglj-, (;onn.. and Claia tioodspeod. ot Stephen, Jr.. of Foster, also Alice, dan. of Amey shippce ; m. by Elder John Williams, March 17. 1817. 1-21 MrrillAEL Mary, and Hosea Shippee. Jan. 14, 1790. 1-134 MOREY Charles, and Uoi-a E. Hopkins: m. by i:cv. Hunry C. Hupkius, Jul-,- 4. 1879. 1-127 MOlMXiX Samuel, Esther Wilcox: m. according to rites of UuU-h Ueforuv< Church, New York, by Rev. \'. J. .Mar.selos. Aug. 27, 1841. I FOSTER — markia(;ks. 21 N O l-4',> OI.NKY Klislm. of Nehem:ah, dec and Cuntenta Anthony, ol Dr. .lonathnn ; m. l>y WlllUini l'otti;r, Justice, June :J(>, 180H. l-;»- <.)\\EN Medrmrp. ol Joseph, and S;imh Herrin^ton, oI Josian : ni. hy Urn- jamin Woll.s, Justice, FOk «. ls:;r>. l-ll I'AGK Anne, and Ahraham Cole, t^yt. !), 17S7. 1-75 PAINE Susan, and James PhuUps,, Nov. -1, 18I!>. 1-104 " Hannah, and Isaac Wood, March 4, lisi;i. 1-19 PAUKKR Catherine, and OlMxlmh Smith, Oct. iiH, 17U4. 1-OU " Natlian W., of Providence, son of We.steo'tt, of Hcituatc, and Han- nah MatJteson, of VVilfiain; ni. at Coventry, by Kev. J.ames Hnr llngame, JIai-ch 'J7, 1842. 1-140 " Klmer K., and Kllen J. Ifentley, holh of Scltuale: m. hy Bev. Ueorgc W. Kennedy, Oct. 18, 1B88. 1-41 I'AXriilviSUN Uosaniond, and Caleh Wci:s, Keh. Irt. 171iii. 1-107 " llarrtct, and Khmles Hopkins, March '2'J, l.s^:j. 1-^1 PAYNK Zurlpl, of Capt. Isaac, of Foster, and Mary Weaver, la'tc of Newport: m. hy John Westcott, Justice, Aug. :il. 178f>. 1-18 " ireelove, and John Greene, May 11, 171)4. 1-3:) PEAIU3E Allen, of -uvi, and Sarah Hopliins, nt I'cleg: lu. i\v Klder John William,s. Nov. 14, 1799. 1-97 PECKHAM Dorcas, and Mowry P. Arnold, April 10, 1S-J3. 1-44 PECK Alexander, of Coventry, son of JMajor S;irauel, and Kulli HIanchaiil. of Capt. Isaac; m. hy Honjainin Wells, Justice, Dec. l(i, ]8(M. 1-21 PIERCE Job, of John, and AmiePhillips, of .lacoh : ni. hy .liihn Westcott. Jus' ice. May :JI, 17bi). 1-107 " lUles, of Coventry, son of Benjamin, dec, and LuciiKla WelLs, of Ucnjiimin : ni. hy Daniel Howard, Jr., Jii.s-tlce. Nov. 7, 1H2'_'. 1-131; " Dinah lavini. and Chailos F. Corey, Oct. IS, 187i;. 1-8 PELLETT Luerettia, and John nennett, Dec. 11, 1784. 1-41 PERKINS Eliphal, and George M. McG«e, April 4, 1787. 1-14 " llepzibuji, and Aai-ini IJa'den, May i:>, 1792. 1-24 " Ruth, and Jacob Phillips. Oct. II, 179:.. 1-69 " Jonathan, and Polly Sheldon. June 2, 1808. 1-63 '• Hetueda. and James Preston, De<'. 5, 1813. 1-91 " Mary, and Naliian SaliRliury, .Ian. S, 1835. 1-143 PIKCE ,Sai-ah..and Ida Cyrus Knigess, May 22, 1889. 1-H PHILLIPS Nathaniel. Jr.. or Nathaniel, and M:iry Cole, of l>Xldy : m. hy John West<'ott, Jusfce, June — . 1784. 1-6 " David, of J.acob, and Mrrcy Westcott, of George: in. by lohn Wesi- co'tt. Justice, Oct. 9. 1785. 1-7 " Mary, and Ileujainin R.-und, March 24, 178(). 1-21 " Anile, and job Peln-e, May 31, 1786. 1-57 " Asaph, of James, of Foster, and Esther W hippie, of Uenedlct, of s:inii'l IToAvarrt. .Tr., .1" Willinm : of Arilmr '>y by Ijy DaniiJ l>v Diniio] tf Aiipistus: m. rilll.l.irs Miiiv, :il!il .Icnalkall Ilil'. \n^. 10. ISKJ. *' .lanio^. Ill" Asaph, of FoKf'Oi-. aiitl s;iisan Palin'. (if .Tames, dec., of Re- lidboili, JNos-. : ni. by Daniel Howard. .Tr.. .Tn>;tl(e. Nov. 4. 1319. " Emory, of Cliarles. an, IP.TO. " Henry, of Ch.arles. and P lly Ayleswnrlh, of Arihni- Howaitl, Ji'., .lustice, April 9. 1S.30. '■ Clarissa, and Robert D. .Salisbury. March in. l.~;!i. •' .^Irs. Mary, and Daniel Vv ton. Nov. H. isril. S;illy Meretta, and Al'iiond Salisbury. Sspl. 27. l.^'!9. " FJi7.a. and Brsiyton H, Cole. Nov. 22, 1840. " Julia -Vnn, and Abrani liooih. M.arch 10, lfi41. " Mar\- .\nn, and Horace llopUins, June 20, 1841. " (ieoive \V.. Jr., of Cieor^e. and Mary Ann SAveel. bv .Tonathan llopldns. Juslice. Jan. 19, 184.'i. " I.nrania «., and Abijah li. .-^weef. Jan. 1, 1844. '• Lcmu?l, of Kphraim. and Elizabeih M. William.", of Thomas M. : m. by Rev. Mason i;. Hopldns. Del. 21. 184."). Arnold, and raethia Hcnneit, both of 8phen, of StephcJi, of Foster, and Sally Rathbun, of John. Jr., of F,.\eter: m, at Exeter by Hev. Ellct Locke, May 2s, ]809. " J^onisa U.. and Palmer Dorrance. Aug, 3, 18.34. •'■ Raymond G., and Kliza I,. I>y ; m. by Rev. James nnrlingame, 10, 1839. " Anson B.. of Job H.. and Hannah I,. Wood, of Daniel : Mason H. Hopldns, t)ct. 8, 1846. " Ascuetli P., and Mowrj- P. Arnold, Jan, 24, 1847. ■■ Stephen W., and Emclinc Simmons; m. by Rev. Daniel C. Oct. 10, 1871. POND Hannah J., and Javis Hopkins, Dee. 30, 1827. POTTER Simeon, of Christopher, and Abial Colwell, of Richaiil : Westcott, Justice. Feb. 20, 1784. " IJobert, of William, and Siirali Mackoon, of .Tames : n John Westcott, Nov. ], 1792, " John, of WilUam, and Sarah Ellis, of Benjamin : m. bv Joseph Darts, of by Rev. James John, del'. ; m. cot!. .Tnstice. .Ian. of Abrali; 1790. 1793. by John at Cov- Nov. l)y Rev. Hopkins, I. by John by FJder Justice, Maicii 1. 17 Pardon, of Winsor. and Uhoda Cancr, Davis, Ivislicc. .Nov. 3:1. j79.->. of 'diver: m. by Joseph I I'dSTiiK — -\ni;i:iAt;KS. 2.!> l-iS I'ori'KK l';llU-li.-i>. :ni(l Crllrli Alljn.. M:inli 7. 1707. 1-61 ■• Lydln, and .Miii'vln Kouiiil. .M;iy -2, IHi:!. 1-73 " Daniel \V., iif Daniol, anil Euiiive Pi-iiy, (if lliinli. dr..; m. by U:uiiel Ilowiinl, .li'., .Tuslice, Manli 7, ISli). 1-83 '• Su.^iiin. and I'lcld JSiii'sucss, (.><-L IT, 1810. 1-78 •' WllUam .\.. nf Vnslvr. and Catlieriiie Cady, foi-iiifr of Killingly, Conn.; m. by Elder Charles Stone, 8rpt. 10, 18JI). 1-75 •• I'nideiiec. and .lohn I). Cole, Oei. 1... 18-jl. 1-95 •• Kutli (;.. and Stephen n. Allji-.i. .Mai-eli -J'.), Isio. 1-100 ■■ llcrbcrl A., of William A., and ilalU.sa A. Hoi.Ulii., ,>in,-ii,|aiiilii ; Ml. Uy Kcv. Ueuben Allen, Sept. 27, 18-4;>. 1-7 I'lJ.nT Abenleeii. of Zeheriee, .ii'd Lydi:i I'lall. (.f .l.-ilr.li.ih : ni. I.y Jnhii Weslcol'. .In-lire, Ai)ril 8, 1785. 1-7 " l.yriiri, and .Vberdeen I'l'att, April s, 1785. 1-7 J'HAV Lillas, and i;irliai'd (iieene, Deo. S. 1785. 1-21 ■• Ilii^h. Jr., of Hugh, of Fof^ter, and F.siher Sanders, .if olliniel. of Cloeester; ni. liy .John Westcotl. .luslice. Marili .--, J 7-7. 1-19 ■■ IM.ebe. and Silas I'nllou, Orl. n, 1794. 1-73 '■ Enniee, and Daniel \V. r-ottt-r, iMareh 7. 1810. 1-38 PltlCSTOi^ Daniel, and Mary liaker, April 15, 1781. 1-38 " Rachel, and Ohvii l''nller, .Ian. 17. 170aniel, and IJelncda I'erUins, of Eliene/.cr ; in. I.y Elder Jo.iiah IteniM'tl, Dei-. 5, 1813. 1-03 " Oaniel. ind i\Ir's. Mary Phillips, Avidnw i.l Xatliaiiii-l : ni. I.y ■Ethan Ansell. .Inslic-e. .Viiv. .'i. 1831. l-nti QflNX Cinii'liii-. .-iiKl Sii-an 8ilislinry. i.f Si.-phcn; m. i.y D.inicl llmvard, Jiisll.e, I'.-l.. J-, l.-:;l. 1-14 ISAI.l'll .liihn. iif iilii'Uiiili. and M.iry Ir.iiis, ..r Samuel; in. I.y Elder John Weslcntt, .May 17. 1702. 1-96 KAMSDEI.L John, and Zilpha A. Leach: in. liy Key. James Bnrlingamo. May 24, 1S40. 1-3 KANDALL S'las, of ('apt. John, and llaniiali Fish; ni. hy John Westeott, Jnstlec-, Nov. 0. 178:;. 1-3 " John, Jr.. of .lolin, and .Mary Seaman.s. of James; m. by John West- colt. .Uisiice. March 7. 1784. l-() " Simeon, of Capt. John, and I'atiencc Eddy, of Le\vis ; m. liy John We.stcott. Justice, S-pt. 18, 1785. 1-14 '■ Xathan, of John, and Elizabeth Wcittlit. of John: ni. by Ehler I'eleg Burroiigli, Jan. 20. 1786. 1-43 " Jonathan, of William, and IthocUi Itonnil, of Levi; ni. by William ro:ter, Jnsticc, Oct. 23. 180;;. 1-53 " Zerviah, and James Walker, Jnly ;;, ] sq..,. 1-72 " Jiirah, and Levi Wo.id, Jr.. Am^. 4. 18] li. 1-113 " Celia, and Emory Philliiis. .Varcli 23„ 1.820. 1-111 " Mercy, and Sheldon 11111, Dec. 5, 1824. 1-93 " Kirhard. of Jonathan, dec, and Betsey .Matilda Weaver, of Abijali, dec; m. by Benjamin Wells, Justice, May 3], 1826. 1-87 " Avis, and Warner IIerrin;ton, Dec. 5, 1827. 1-117 " Patience TL, and Benjamin F. Hopkins. Nov. 21, 1330. 1-62 " llaniiali, anil llorac.' Howard. Oct. 28, 1835. 1-98 " Polly, and M.iwry Hopkins. Sept. 4, 1.840. 1-96 " Alfred, and l.ydia K.innd : m. by Uev. James liurlirigame, Oct. 11, 1841). 1-07 " Electa, and Dr. Moivry 1". Arnold, March 8. 1841. 1-127 " Eincline, and Geirgc Simmons. March 10, 18-14. 1120 " I'hebe X-. ami Ile/.cl.iali Walker, Nov. 14. 1847. 24 VITAL KEl'ORD OF KllODE ISLAND. 1-120 K.^NDALL Mill- 111. and Kinil a 1 Bui-.uess, Dec. 19, 1817. 1-12-J •■ Alfr'rt. and Lucinda Greene; m. by Elder Daniel Greene, .July 4, 1849. l-(iO KATHKUN S Ily„ and St^ilien Plaee, Jr.. May 28, 1809. 1-105 " Nabby, and TluimHS Dorrance, Feb. 2, 1622. 1-112 " Eobey, and Jei-craiali Plulllj>s, Feb. 23, 1823. 1-12-1 llAWSON Henry M., of Grindal and Lucretia, and S pliia E. Drowne. of Solumiin H. and Susa i, botli of Woodstock, Conn.; m. by Rev. Daniel Greene. Nov. 24, 1850. 1-122 HEYNOLDS Lyman, of Coventry, and Pattey M. Jenckes, of Foster; m. by Kcv. Janus HurUiigame, (let. 15, 1848. 1-141 " Hattie M., a id John Jam s, Jan. 3, 1889. 1-30 RHODES Mary, and William Sheldon. AprU 27, 1797. 1-122 RICE Mercelia, aJid Joiin H. Ayleswortli, Aug. 20, 1849. 1-11 ROBBINS Luruuy. and Chad Field, April 20, 1788. 1-19 EOBBmrsoN Nathaniel, of Jeremiah, and Betsey Uallou, of Jeremiah; m. by Eider Jolin Westcott. Jan. 4, 1795. 1-30 ROBERTS Elizahetli, and Benjamin Hill. Doc. 29, 1799. S-124 ROBINSON EUjah S., of Sterling, Conn., and Fann4e Foster, of Foster; m. t)y Rev. James BurlinKanie, Feb. 9, 1851. 1-75 ROOD Welcome, of Stcplicn, and Rhoda Tyler, of George, dec. ; m. by Daniel Preston, Justice. May ]."(. 1819. 1-2 ROUND Jolin, Jr., of Pelej;, and Alec Hopkins, of Jonatlian, Jr. ; m. by John Wcstcott, Justice, Oct. 28, 1781. 11 '■ Simeon, of Peleg. and Anne Weaver, of Constant, .le*-. ; m. by John Westoott, Justice, Marcii 27, 1782. 1-2 '• Jo.seph. of Barthmm, and Marj' Greene, of Wiilhun ; m. liy John Wcstcott, Justice, Dee. 9, 1782. 1-0 " Susannah, and Mason D.ivis, Sept. 4, 1785. 1-7 '• licuj-imin. of James, and Mary Phillips, of Natliauicl ; ni. by John We^t<■olt. Justice, Miirrli 24, 178(1. 1-12 " Amle, and Jonatluin Wood, May 26, 1791. 1-12 '• lYudeiice, and Joli Kiiiglit, Dec. 29, 1791. 1-20 " MarUia, and Steplien Klniliall, Feb. 5, 1794. 1-28 " Aiuie. and Elienezer Cole, Feb. 9, 1799. 1-43 " RhiKla, and JonaUian Randall, Oct. 23, 1803. 1-43 " Jolin, of James, dec., and Joanna Tanner, alias Hopkins, late divorced Tv-lfo .if Willi.im Hopkins, late of F^^s-ter; ni. by Heze- kiah Suamans, Justice. March 15, 1804. l-(Xi " JonaUian. of John, and SiUicry Salkbury, of Joseph ; m. by Elder John Williams, July 7, 1805. 1-63 " Parley, and Betsey PhJIips, of Capt. Abraham: m. by Benjamin Wells, Justice, Aug. 21, 1608. 1-54. " I^titia, and Daniel .Seanians, May 18, 1809. 1-60 " Lncy, and Nathaniel Stone, Sept. 2, 1810. 1-61 " Marvin, of Capt. Levi, dec., and Lydln Potter, dim. of William: m. by John Ptiine. Justice, May 2, 1813. 1-87 " Cyrel, of Capt. Levi, dec., and Clarrlssa Baker, of Capt. George; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, April 4, 1819. 1-77 " John, Jr., of Capt. Peleg, and I'hebe Hopkins, of Weaver; m. by WTlliam Poller, Ju.stlco, March 2G, 1620. 1-T9 " Burton, of Benj.aniin, and PhclKj DavLs, of (Jjipt. Stephen; ni. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Dec. 31, 1620. 1-105 " Ztlpha, and Nathaiiitl .stine, Jr., May (>, 1821. 1-105 '• Mary, and Ojrcl Wliitiman, Sept. 2, 1821. 1-105 '• Zei-viali, and Scannins Da\is, Oct, 30, 1821. 1-100 " James, of Benjamin, and Zer\iah DaWs, of Capt. Steplien ; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Oct. 5, 1823. 1-100 " Alice, and Jerenmih Hopkins, Jr., Nov. 10, 1823. 1-109 '• Rufns, of Benjamin, and Polly Bucklin, widow of Jonathan, dan. of M.athfw. on Ib.pkins; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Dec. 14, lh2.). 1-89 " Georse, of Benjamin, and Hannah Phliiip.s, of ('apt. George; in. by Daniel Howiiid, Juaticc, Nov. 28, 1824. FOSTKR- JlAllRIAGES. 25 3-115 EOrNl> Alva, of Fostw, :mil -Mary Arnold, of Russell, of Si-ituate ; m. by D;miel Hciwaixi, Jr., Justice, March 8, 1829. 11-117 '■ Zor\iali, and Jo.siali l>. Seaunnis, Ix*. 7, 1821). 1-96 '• I-ydJa, and Alfred Randall, Oct. 11, 1840. 1-133 •• UrvUla H., :ind Owen IKnvard, Dec. 19, 1841. 1-102 •• Phebc, and Alplious JIathewson, M:u-cli 27, 1345. 310". ■• -M:ihala, ajid WilUam Riley Cole, Aug. 3, 1845. 3-102 Arnold, of Awi, and Mcn^y llopkin.s, of Sampson; iti. by Daniel llowai-d, JusUce, Aug. 22, 184,>. 1-103 '■ Alinlra Orlnda, and Ueoi-ge Howai'd, Oct. 21, 1845. j-124: •• Dii\1b, of Ji>natli:in. and Luranna Salisbuiy, of Roliert; m. by Rev. Danid Greene, Aug. 24, 1851. i-137 " Delia M., and Samuel E. Hopkins, Jan. 3, 1888. 1-22 KliTENBOUGH Meliltablc. and Jolin Davis, Marcli 22, 17t«>. s 1-8 SACK John, and Sibra liradway. ol William; m. by John We^tcott, Justice, Aug. 22, 1784. 1-3 KALlSliURY Kichai-d. of F.phraini, and Pliebe Davis, of Robert; m. by Na- t'umlel I'lillliiLS, Ju^tire, Dec. 8, 1782. 1-7 " Henry, Jr., and Khoda, Salisbury, of Ephraiin ; m. by Jolm West- cott. Justice, May 23, 1786. 1-7 " Rhoda, and Henry Sa;i>b ry, Jr., May 23, 1736. 1-22 " Henry, Jr., of Henry, of Scituate, and Rhoda Irons, of Samuel, ot Foster; m. by John WestcotI, Ju-,tice, Dec. 29, 1790. 1-19 '■ Oliver, ot Tiiomii.s. ol Sc.Ciuite, and ^ar»h Walker, of Plillllp, of Fdster; m. by Cliristiipher Westcolt, Justice, Oct. 1(!, 1794. 1-25 " Anne, and Stephen Wlnsur, Feb. 25, 179H. 1-42 ■• Stephen, ol Richard, dec, and Uetsey Cole, of Pcabixly ; m. by Hezeldel Seanians, JuvtJCe, Ai Til 24. 1803. 1-63 '• S;ihra. and Jona'han Itound, July 7, 1803. 1-106 " Hnldah. ajid John Cole, March 24, 1822. 1-106 '• (_k?ors;e. of Daidel. and olive Westcott; m. by Daniel Howaid, Jr., Justice. April 23. 1322. 11-114 ■• Charle-., of Slephi'ti, and JIarsella Cole, of WilUam; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justce, HareJi 12, 1827. ;i-ll'; '• Abraliani C. of steplien, and Harriet. Phillips, of Capt. Nathaniel; m. by Daniel HowanI, Jr., Jusllce, March 25. 1830. 1-118 •• Robert D.. (f Stephpn. and Clarrlssa rhUlips, widow of Charles. Jr., djiu. of WlHain Cole: m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, March 16. 1831. ?-110 " Susan, and Cornel u- i.miiian, Feb. 23. 1334. 1-91 " Nathan, of James, dec, and Mary Perkins, of Jonathan ; m. by Nathaniel Rcuuid. Jusll e. Jan. 5. 1835. 1-04 " Squire W.. of Daniel, dec , and Phehe Hopkins, of Daniel, son of Royal, dec. ; m. by John Brayton. Justice, Dec. 30. 1838. 1-95 " Almond, of James, and sally Marctta Phillips, of Nathaniel; m. by William Potter, Justice. Sppt. 27, 1839.. 1-100 " William, of James, and Almlra Boswell, of William; m. by Jonathan Hopkins, Justice, March 22, 1843. 2-120 " William H.. of St phen and Elizabeth, and Elizabeth Rennett, of Lorey ind Mary ; m. by Rev. Daniel Greene, May 17, 1847. 1-134 " Lorrana. and DaNls S. Rounds, Aug. 24. 1851. 1-137 ■■ M. Louisa, and Francis M Gttford, March 24, 1888. 3-143 " Byron E.. of Scituate. and Maggie Canipt>ell ; m. by Rev. Nelson Lnther, April 5. 1339. 1-31 SANDERS Ksther. anet Hugh Pray. Jr., March 8. 1787. 1-14 " Jesse, of Robert, and Prudence Cole, ol Samuel ; m. by Elder Stephen P.'ace. sept. 2. 1791. 1-29 '■ Benjamin, ot Robert, dec., and Esther Jones, of .Toshua, April 18, 1799. I 1-95 " Othniel, Jr., of Othniel, and Mercy Young, of Richard; m. by Willlnra I'oit^i-. Jusllce, Oct. 10. 1339. 1-98 " Sophia, and Caleb R. Briant, Nov. 8. 1841. 26 VITAL llKCOIilJ OF KIIODK ISI.AXD. 1-13 SCHOOLEK Aiuie. :uk1 .Ubii> Tiii'l'. April :.'■-. l.li:;. 1--2 SEAMANS Taliitha. und Slcplieii lii-owii. Apiil m. J7.~:j. 1-3 " >I:il-.V. !\i»l .John l!:iiul;ill, M;il-(>li 7. ]Ts4. J.J •• Hi"/,ck'iali. ol fnU'lj. aii'l Anna Kstrn, nl lli-nrv : in. by .l»hu West- coll, .lu^ik-i', Api-il 1. 17pi4. l-(i " Lois, ami Julm Wunioii ('onkc-. .Unw .">, I 7s.''i. l^j_ ■• Stephen, of James, aiul IIIhkUi Hill: in. I'.v i)nniel llmvanl. .lu^tice, April -2^. 17.S7. 1-21 '■ Jonathan. Jr.. n! .Icinalhaii. and saiali liowen, of Dea. Jabea ; ni. by Jnliii VVitilee. i:;. 17-t7. 1-11 - Ahv, anil' Amus liuwiMi, -May ol, 17!)J. l-l-l •■ Slei'lien. nl llMimas. anrt Sarah Tliorniiiii. nl liciijainin : ni. by HUU-r .l"lni Wesliotl. July .S, ! 7ii-2. 1-17 '■ >ai)nii. and Abel IJiid\va>. v). 17:p:!. 1-16 " Valieiiee, and 8leplien Daxler, Feb. J. 17;-4. 1-42 •• I'hioe, and JJavid Soia, Feb. 13, 1603. 1-51 '• Jonathan, Jr., of Josiah, and ("hrUtian KiiiK. of Sciluale, dan. of Klisba : ni. by WjUiani I'ottcr. Justi( e. Nov. -JO, 1807. l-:>-t ■• Daniel, of Daniel, dee., arjd iHiUlui lloiiml. .il Capi. IVlc-a : m. by WUUani Porter, Justiee, May l.~, l^no. 1-73 " SjiUy, and Isaac Bowen, July 1, ISli). ]-l()7 ■■ Joshua, of .Tosiah, and Ucrniee Davis, ol ('apt. Stephen; ni. by Daniel Uo»a:-d, Jr.. Justiee, .May in, 1322. I lo'.i •■ -Vilier ]!.. of William, and Detsey Itaitey, ol S;inipsnn : m. by Daniel Iliivvaid, .Ir., .lusliee, Oet. 12. Ic23. 1-KHi " AVilliani li., of William, and Louisa (**)!e. of Jaines. 2d; in. I'V Dan- iel Howard, .ir., Jusliee, Nov. 0, 1 -523. 1-110 '■ Lucy, and Ulney Hennell, July LS 1(^24. 1-83 " Mi'.s. Deliorah, and (ieni'ite Waterman, Oct. 3, 1824. 1-85 " Celia, and Obeiliah Hopkins, Aug. 11. 1827. 1-114 •• ilartlia. and Cideon Hurpu-s.s, .Jr.. Sept. 30. 1827. l-llo " Situeon. of Joiunhan, and .SjivaUy Ka.sion. of Kini;: in. I'V Daniel HoT^ard, Jr., .lusliee, Jan. 27, 1628. 1-.S8 '•' Silas, of Job, and .\lvita Cole, of Joseph: in. b\ liaiile! llnwai'd, Jr., Jusliee. Jan. 2'«. Iis2'.i. 1-117 *• Josiah J)., ot Josirili, and /erviah Kound, of James, dee.; ni. by Daniel Howard. Jr.. Justiee. Dee. 7. l.S-2!). 1-104 •■• I'ljarles 11.. :ind .Sarah J!, ilenington. of Thomas: ui. by Rev. -MasDii v.. Ilepkins, Nov. .s, 184G. 1-25 SIIF.I.DON lioll). and 'Ihoma.s t'ole. Dee. 20. 1795 1-30 '■ William, of Slei-t. l-"0 " Alio', and Clara tioodspeed. marries .Joseph Mitchell, March 17, 1 S17. 1-"- " Mary, and Zebedee Shiiipi'e. s-pi. 24, isi.-^. 1-"- " Zebedee, of Solomon, and ^laiy Sliippee, of K.sek ; m. by Daniel Howard. Jr., .Instice. S'pt. 21. Isl.s. l-"5 " Jesse, of .Tob. and Zilpha Coh-. of Josepli : lu. by Daniel Howard, Jr.. Ju.stice, Feb. 11. 1-21. 1-80 " .\nnah. and Hol^cri Shipiii^'. .March :il. I.s22. l-^'t* '■' Kobert. ol Willard. a :d .vniia:i Sliippee. of Tliomas : ni. by Elder .■Stephen Place. March ::i. I.s22. 1-113 " Mercy, and Georse W. llopldns. Sept. 22, 1S22. 1-115 " Mary Ann. and Seaman S'lippee. fecpl. 13. 1828. 1-113 " .Seaman, or Anthoiy. ant Mai'v -\nn Sliippee. ot Thoma.? ; m. by- Daniel Howard. Jr.. .Iiistice. Sept. 13. 1.32,^. 1-120 " Su.sjin F... and Henry Ib-rrinptoii. July 30. 1870. 1-133 " Leonora L.. and Charlo \V. Hi-line, ilc-c. 17. Is.sO. KOSTEE— MARRIAGES. 27 1-127 SIMMONS Gforgf, of Solomitn. :ina Eiiieline rtandall, of John; m. by WiUiiiiii O. Stone, Justice, March 10, 18i4. 1 124 •• Ali.'jira, ;.m " William, of Oliver, and Elizabeth Brown, of Jeremiah ; m. by Elder John Williams. March 10, 1790. 1-S2S " Beuoni, and Susann.-ih Mackintire, boili 01 iSmltlilioId : ni. by Thomas Mann. Justice. June 21, 1798. 1-50 " Marcy, and George Phillips, Dec. 20, 1307. 1-S7 •• .V.ancy. and Miles Hill. Nov. 13. 1808. 1-60 " Nathaniel, of Col. Nathaniel, and Lucy Round, of Capt. Levi, dec. : m. by Benjamin Wells, Jnslice, Sept. 2, 1810. 1-63 " (icorge. of Jame-s, and Naomi Bennett, of Asher; m. by Elder John Hammon, Nov. 4, 1813. 1-66 " Sally, and Nathaniel riiillips, April 16, 1313. (Vit. Rec, Vol. 3.) 12 •2S VITAL OF UECOED KIIODJ: ISLAND. 1-77 STuXE Piittey. ;iiiUlu.s bowen. AufT. -20. 1819. l-]Or> '• Nathaniel, Jr., of Col. NaLliiinicl, and Zilpha Rcniinl. ol Cai)t. Levi : m. by Daniel Howard, J'.-., Justice, May (i. 1821. 1-lOH " Beteey, and Xi-i Bliickm.ou, Dec. 3, 1621. l-io:, " Charles, of Col. Naithaniol, and Jeruslia HUl, oC Nallianii-i ■. m. by Daniel Howard, Justice, Dec. 23, 1821. 1-107 '• Asahel, oi James, and Betsey Heriungton, of Amo;- : m. by Daniel Howard, Justice, AprU, 0, 1S23. 1-ini '■ Charles M., of Alei-son, of Coventrj-, and Mary E. ilolden, of Par- don, of Foster; ni. by Pelcg Place, Justice, Nov. 20, 1832. 1-UC, '■ Eo.Nanna, and Henry Antlhony, Sept. 28, 18-10. 1-121 " .'^anjuel E., and Rebecca H. Antliony ; m. by Rev. Daniel Greene, Sept. 11, 1848. 1-12:; " Phillip, of Warwicic, and Jalana Jenclies, of Foster; ni. by Rev. James Buriingiime, Feb. 24, 1830. 1-118 STRAIGHT Rebecca, and IsreiU Bennett, Dec. 23, 1S30. 1-20 SWKET Lydia, and Benjamin Heritngton. April 23, 1795. 1-24 " Mercy, and Pet«r Herrington, May 28, 1796. 1-39 " Augustus, of AngeJl, and Mary W'eavci-, of Reuben ; m. by Elder John WiUliuns, May Hi, 1802. 1-113 '• Arnold \V., of Deacon Augustus, and Lydla Thurljer, of Na,thanicl ; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Ju.sUce. Jan. 4. 1827. l-ll.'i '•■ .Solomon, of Glocoster, and Harriet Hopkins, of Jei-eniinh ; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Dec. '.io, lb27. 1-94 " Hannab B., .Tnd Sampson Battcy, Jan. 13, 1839. 1-99 " Mary Ann, and George W. Plullips, Jr., Jan. 19, 1843. 1-101 " Abijah B., and Liu'ania S. Phillips ; ni. by Eev. Jame.s Durlingame, Jan. 1, 1844. 1-101 " Eliza E., and Asher Bennett, 2il, Jan. 1. 1844. 1-103 " Emery, of Augustus, and Mary R. Bennett, of Noah ; ui. by Daniel Howard, Justice, Dec. 28, 1843. 1-130 " Ida M., and Leonard Hopkins, Dec. 24, 1873. 1-144 " Cyrus S., and Mrs. Loulsti, M. Wadsworth ; m. by l!ev. George H. (^hild, at KUlingly, Conn.. Feb. 28, 1891. 1-7 TANNER Joanna, and William H.>pldns. April 17, 1783. 1-19 '■ S.arah, and Jabez Bowen. Jr., Sept. 12. 1794. 1-43 '• Joanna, and John Round, March 13, 1804. 1-20 TAYLOR Phehe, und (ioorge Baker, Jr., J:in. 15, 17SS. 1-95 •• Samuel L., and Orrey Crossnian ; ni. by Peleg Pbue. Justice, Aug. 11, 1839. 1-95 '• Fi-anecs J., and lliraiu Wood, Nov. 12, 1839. 1-14 THOHNTON Sarah, and Stephen Seamnns, July 8, 1792. 1-13 '• Siuali. ami W:uiton Greene, Nov. 29, 1792. 1-111 TIIT'RBER Daniel, of N.athaniel. and Rebecca HUl, of Capt. .lonathan; m. by Daniel Howard, Ji., Justice, Oct. 9, 1825. 1-113 " Lydia, and Arnold Sweet,Jau. 4, 1827. 1-53 TILLINGHAST Siirah, :uid Benjamin Wilbur, JIarcb 12, 1609. 1-93 '■ Cieorge S., of West Greenwich, and Phila Howard, of Foster; m. at Coventiry, by I!cv. James Durlingame, Sept. 21, 1834. 1-0 TITUS Nathaniel, of Capt. Constant, and Sirali Baker, of John ; m. by John We-stcotl, Justice, Dec. 8, 1785. 1-111 " Nathaniel (.;., ajid Eliza Aylcsworth, of Arthur; m. by Daniel Howard. Jr., Justice, Oct. 30, 1825. 1-6 TOOtiOOD Mary, aiid Aliijali ISiiker, Aug. 23, 1785. 1-119 " RosaviiUi, and Alveison Brown, Aug. 10, 1833. 1-139 TEASK John E., and Lucy M. Hopkins; m. by Rev. J. H. Carr, Oct. IG, 1888. 1-15 TRIPP Albro, of Benjamin, and A mie Schooler, of Christopher, dee.; ra. by Elder John WestcotI, April 28, 1793. 1-102 TUCKERMAN MeJiilal)lc, and John Greene, Starch 18, 1784. 3-102 " Mebitable (widow Greene), and James Dorrance, Nov. 14, 1793. 127 TUCKER Drusilla, and Jo.seph lloi)kiu-,, Ai)ril i. 1798. rosTEi; — :\rAEKiAGES. •2;> 1-53 TICKiai .^'Mlira, aiiiloviil lioiilans. Sept. in, 180S. 1-73 •■ Delia, ami Peltg Iloiikins. Jr., (Jit. Kj, ISIS. 1-99 '■ Susan, aiKl Ephraim Sniilb, May <.). 184-2. 1-138 '- Jatiies S., and Susan M. llopkUis: m. by I!ev. Nelson i.nlliri-. .lund 30. 18S8. 1-21 TYLKi; Isalali, nf .lulin. and Sarali King, of Joshua: in. by J"liu WestcoU, Justice. Sept. 12. 179(1. l-T.'J '■ Khoda. and Welcome Rood. May 13, 1819. 1-85 " Matilda, and John Brayton. April ,25, 1827. 1-118 '■ lienjiui. of George, dee., and Marj- \V. Hill, of Capt. TlMnnas, dee. ; in. liy Daniel Howard. Jr., Justice, June 19, 1831. 1-9-t '■ lieiioui. aiifi Laura iS. Hill ; m. hy John Braytxjn, Justice. JIarcli 24. 1839. 1-94 '■ .lames E., ;i,nd Watcy Auu Foster; m. by Elder James Hurlingame. July 21, 1839. 1-1110 ■• Casey li., and Ketsey M. Jenckes: m. by Rev. James Durlingtime, Aug. 27, 1840. U V w 1-37 WADE Xehemiali. of Simon, and Huldali Hoplilns, of Royal: ni. by William Potter. Justice. Juno 25. 1802. 1-49 •■ Dudley, of Levi, dec., and Estlier linllou, of Capt. Asa. May 4, 180G. 1-117 " Harriet, and Jlchin Hopkins. Aug. 22, 18.30. 1-144 WADSWORTH Mrs. Louisa M.. and Cyrus S. Sweet. Feb. 28, isni. 1-19 WALKER Sarah, and Oliver SallsbuiT, . 1-37 " Jiary, and Obsdiah Himes. March 30, 1800. 1-48 '- Josepii, of Abraham, and .Mice Angell. of CoL Kehciniali : m. by Elder John Hammon, Pel>. 5. 1807. 1-53 " James, of William, and Zerviah Randi^ll, of William ; ni. liy Ben- jamin Wells, Justice, July 3, 1808. 1-55 " Elizal.etli, and Pardon n..pkins, April 23, 1,809. l-lOCi ••■ Stephen, of Abraliain. and Zilpha Angell, of Col. Nehemiali ; m. by JJaniel Howard, Jr., Justice. Mar.di 24, 1.822. 1-114 " Nathan, of Coventry, son of Stephen, and Polly Wells, of Foster, dee., of lienjamln; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Nov. 25, 1827. 1-115 " Kiifus P., of William, and Lucy Da\1s, of James; m, by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice., Jan, 27, 1828. 1-117 '■ -Vbraham, and Sarah Eddy, widow of Capt. John; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Sept, 5, 1830. 3-118 " Thomas Varnncnt, of Joseph, and Elizabetli Wliitmau, of William; m. by Daniel Howard, Justice, Man>h 6, 1831. 1-91 " Abigail, and Jonathan Hopkins, June 22, 1834. 1-100 " Susan, and Faniue Burlingame, Dec. 31, 1843. 1-104 " Marietta A., and Turner Williams, June 4, 184S. 1-120 " Hezekiah, and Phebe N. Randall ; m. by Rev. Daniel C.recne, Nov. 14, 1847. 1-121 " Eddy, of Abraham, and Celia Greene, of Benjamin ; ni. by Rev. Mason B. Hopkins. April 2, 1848. 1-23 WALLING Diiiah, and Robert Brlggs, July 24, 1785. 1-3 WARNER Su.saiinah, and Josiah Heriington, 3d, Nov. 23, 1783. 1-122 WARRP'.X Ezekiel, of Killingly, Conn., son of Ephraim, and Lois A. Wood, of Foster, dau. of Thomas ; m. by Elder George Collms, Nov. 20, 1819. 1-120 WASHINGTON .Mary S.. and Allen Wells, Sept, 8, 1847. 1-83 WATERMAN George, of Coventry, and Mrs. Deborah Seamans, of Foster; m. Ijy Elder Charles Stone. Oct. 3, 1824. 1-96 " Oliver, of Coventry, and Lydia Matteson, of Foster; m. by Kev. James Burlingame, May 25, 1840. 1-1 WEATHERHEAD Capt. Joseph, and Walt Brown : m. l>y Natlianlel Phillips, Justice. Nov. 17, 1782. 1-1 WEAVER Anne, and Simeon Round, March 27, 1782. 38 TITAL UECOKI) OF KUOUE 1SLA.ND. 1-5 \Vi:.VVEK -Mailhii, and .T.'icTuiali llopkui.^. May iO, 17S4. 1-5 " Hannah, and Peter HopMns, May 21, 1784. 1-21 " Slary, aal Zuiiel Paine, Aug. ^1, 1786. 1-16 " Maj'y, and Stephen Herrlngton, Sept. 12, 1793. 1-39 " MaiT, ajid Augustus Sweet, .May 16, 1802. 1-93 " Betsey Matllcta, .ind Eicliard FLandall, May 31, 1826. 1-14 WEIGHT Elizabeth, and Nathan Randall, Jan. 26, 1780. 1-8 WELLS Benjamin, Jr., ol James, and Phebe Manchester, oJ Nathaniel ; m. by John Westcott, Justice, Maifh 30, 1788. 1-41 " Caleb, of James, and Rosaima Patterson, of Lemuel; m. by Daniel Howard, Justice, Feb. 18, 1790. 1.3j '• James, Jr., :uid Lydiu Jlauchester ; m. by Elder John Hammon, Nov. 3, 1797. 1-35 " Jlai-y, and NathiUi King Jan. 17, 1802. 1-43 " Phebe, and Nathaniel Greene, Jan. 12, ISOO. 1-54 " lluxia, and John Young, Feb. 19, 1S09. 1-66 " Freelove, aud Peleg Daman, Oct. 22, 1815. 1-70 " Joseph, oI James, Jr., and Diimna Jenekes, ol Amos; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Nov. 26, 1S19. 1-94 " Dianua, and John Anderson, March ,15, 1821. 1-79 " Jeremiah, aud Mrs. Sarah A. Dorrance ; m. by Peleg Place, Jus- tice, Jlnrch 25, 1&21. 1-107 " Lucinda, :uid Giles Peii'ic, Nov. 7. 1622. 1-113 " -Uleu, of Jame-<, and Tamor Wood, ol William ; ni. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, March 11, 1827. 1-114 '• Polly, and Nathan Walker, Nov. 25, 1827. 1-128 " Lucy, and Henjamin Wriight, Jr., Aug. 25, 1833. 1-120 " Allen, and- Mary S. Wasliington ; m. by Elder Daniel Greene, Sept. 8, 1847. 1-122 " James N., ol Allen, and JJary A. Howard, ol Gardiner; m. by Eev. JIason B. Hopkins, Feb. 25, 1849. 1-6 \\'ESTCOTT Mercy, :md David Phillips Oct. 9, 1785. 1-42 " Stephen, of John, aud Ellztibeth Carver, of Oliver; m. by Daniel Howard, Justice, Aug. 7, 1794. 1-lOG " Oliver, and George Salislmiy. April 23, 1S22. 1-8 ^VEST Charles, of Hon. WUUam, and Mary Williams, of Benoiu ; m. by John Westcott, Justice, March 6, 1782. 1-6 " Thomas, ol John, and Amie Colgrove, ol Stephen; m. by John Westcott, Justice, June 3, 1785. 1-108 " Huldah, and WUliam Hopkins, 2d, Aug. 12, 1820. 1-57 WHIPPLE Esther, apd Asapli Phillips, Aug. 16, 1787. 1-20 " Mary. ;uid Christopher Hill, April 2. 1795. 1-33 " James, of Warwick, and SanUi Phillips, of Poster; m. by Eldffl' John Hammon. Mjirtli 22, 1801. 1-63 " PoUy. and lUcluuxl Howard, July 3. 1814. 1-83 " Alfred, :md Lucy EUis ; m. by Benjamin Wells, Justice, Jan. 7, 1819. 1-7S " Selindii, and Gardiner Howard, Dec. 14, 1.^20. 1-78 " Kutli. and Martin Howai-d, March 4. 1821. 1-81 ■• Lobert S., of John, of Foster, and Orilla Hill, of Kuight. of Soituate: m. by Daniel Howard. Jr.. Justice, Aug. 15, 1824. 1-82 " Alfred, and Mrs. Delia Corp; m. by Elder (3iarles Stone. Nov. 6. 1825. 1-88 WHITE Alee, and Amos Herrlngton, Dec. 14, 1828. 1-1 WHITMAN Anne, and Daniel Smith, Sept. 12, 1782. 1-3 " Darius, of Noah, and Mary Smith, ol Benjamin ; ni. by John West- cott, Justice, Jan. 5, 1784. 1-30 " Nancy, and WUDam Squires, Feb. 10, 1799. 1-105 " Cyril, of William, and Mary Kound, of Benjamin; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Sept. 2, 1821. 1-113 " Otis, of WiUiam, and Penelope H. Young, of Zadock; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, March 11, 1827. 1-117 " Keuber, of WlUiam, and Betsey Eddy, of Peleg; m. by Daniel How- ard, Ju.s-Uce, Aug. 27, 1830. 1-118 " Ellzaljeth, and I'homas Varnnent Walljer, March 6, 1831. FOSTER MAKKIAGES. 31 1-133 WH1TM^\N Alljeil li., ;inil Jlai-iiida A. WUlmr. Ijcilh or S, 1S23. 1-5;; WILULK i;i'njaniin, of Capt. Siunuel, of ScituaK?, and Sarah aillinghaait, of S:inm<-I, of Fosifi-: in. I.y Daniel Howard, Justice, Maroh 12, 1H09. 1-133 " Mnrinda A., and Allierb II. Wliitman, Sept. '20, 1870. 1-7 WiLfOX J^ydla, and ,loUn i'lace, Feb. 23, 1786. 1-7 " Stephen, ol' Abraham, and Phebe Hammon, of Thom;is; ni. by John Wesleo'Lt, Justice, Vcl. 20, or 27, 17ti(i (also l-()3). 1-20 " JeremUm, ol Jcremiaii, of Foster, and Susannah WUrn.x, of West Greenvrteli, dati. or Thomas ; m. at West Ureenwlch, by John Farker, Justice, Feb. '.), 1793. 1-20 " Susannah, and Jeremiah Wilcox, F'eb. 9, 1793. 1-65 " Stephen, and Hannah Lewis. Aug. 14, 1800.' 1-63 " Mary Card, and A«her licnnett, Jr., Jan. 10, 1-ill. 1-60 '■ Ithoda, and Thonuis ilerrlngton, Nov. 8, 1812, 1-65 " Lucy, and Waterman Herrington, Dec. 4, 1814. 1-111 " Solomon, of Solomon, dec, and Orrula Hopkins, of Allen; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, March 27, 1825. 1-11-4 " >lazard b., of Dr. Jeremiah, and Mary Andrews, of Jeremiah ; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, Nov. U, 1827. I-IIU " Nelson J., of Dr. Jeremiali, and (Hive Herrington, of Uapt. Kphralm ; m. by Daniel Howard, Jr., Justice, June 7, 1829. 1-127 " ilsther, and Saninol Martin, Aug. 27, 1841. 1-98 '• Mariji, and Jeremiah Dennett, Jr., Dec. 5, 1841. 1-125 " ' Sus:m, and Jonathan Cook, July 9, 1852. 1-8 WlLl.lAJUS Marj-, and Charles West, March 6, 1782. 1-6 '■ Alice, and William Ch.'ipman, Sept. 29, 1785. 1-30 " Phebe, and Martin Mackoon, Oct. 25, 1789. ^ 1-12 " Kcstus, of Elder John, and Jemima Bennet. of Nallian ; m. by John Wostcott, Justice, March 9, 1792. 1-15-10 '• Mercy, and Stephen Sjirague, Feb. 10, 1793. 1-32 " Kulus, of F.lder John, and Martha Bennett, of Nathan, dec; m. by Nehentiah Angell, Justice, Jan. 18, 1801. 1-40 " BeOiia, and Nathaniel Bennett, Oct. 24, 1802. 1-46 " Reuben, of John, and Hannah Phillips, of Jacob; m. by Abraham WiUker, Justice. March 17, 1805. 1-56 " Huldah, and Joshua Jones, Oct. 29. 1810. 1-77 " George, of Elder John, and Amie Bennett, of Jeremiah; m. by Benjamin Wells, Justice, Oct. 3, 1819. 1-108 " John, Jr., of Elder John, and CMoe Cole, of James; m. ty Dan- iel Howard, Jr., Justice, May 0, 1S21. 1-106 " Thojnas, of Wuliam, and Deborah Brown, of Fleet; ra. by Daniel Howard, Justice, Sept. 10, 1821. 1-103 " Elizabeth M.. and Lemuel Phillips, Oct. 21, ISl.j. 1-104 " Turner, and Marietta A. Walker; ni. by Kev. James Burlingame, June 4. 1840. l-2o WINSOR Stephen, of Anon, and Anna Salisbury, ot Joseph; m. by Elder John Wj_'stcoti, Feb. 25, 179(>. 1-96 WISTERS Polly, and Nathaniel Greene, June 3, 1839. 1-97 WOODFL .lames B.. of William, dec, and Eliza A. Hopkins, of Simon; ni. by William G. Stone, Justice, Jan. 3, 1840., 1-40 WOOD William, of Daniel, and Tamer Bennett, of Nathan; m. by Daniel lUiw.-iitl. Justice, April 11, 1790. 1-12 ■■ Joi.aUum, of Daniel, and Amie Kound, of WlUiani ; m. by John Westcott. Justice, May 20, 1791. 1-34 " Jonathan, of Daniel, and .Susanna Herrington. of C'apt. Simeon; m. by Hldev John Williams, Aug. 30, 179'). 1-25 " Tlu-mas, of Daniel, and Siirah Hen-ingtun, of Eplir;iim ; m. by Elder John Williams, Jan 17, 1790. 1-51 " Susanna, and Abraham IJennett. Nov. 1, ISO". 1-51 " Susaniiali, and Benjamin Hopkins, Jlarch 20, ISOS. 1-72 " Levi, Jf., of Levi, and Sarah Randall, of WilUam' m. by John Paine, Justice, Aug. 4, 1810 32 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-76 WOOD 1104 " 1-80 " 1-106 iC 1-108 1-111 u 1112 1 113 1-114 1-118 1-89 1-90 1-95 1-99 1-104 l-iai 1-122 1-130 1-137 1-114 1-89 1-128 1-98 WEIGH Thomas, Sei)t, 17, 1786, " Henry, and Amie Knight, of James; m. bv Daniel llow.ai-d. Jr.. Justice. Feb. (!, 182:;. iOl Nc; Zadock. of Elder Nathan, and Aniic Gitene, of Capt. James, dec.; m, by John Westcott, Justice, March 27, 1788, " John, of Coventry, and Ho.Nie Wells, of Foster; m, ))y Abraham Wolls, Justice, p-eb, 19, 1809. '• Thomas V., of Zadoek, and Jlerian (iorton, widow of Oeorge ; m. by Daniel Howard. Jr.. Justice, Feb. 6. 1827. " Penelope H., and Otis Whitman, March 11, l,s27, Jlercy, and uthniel Sanders, Oct. 16, l,s39. " Sterry T.. ril 22, 1797. April 17, 1799. Sept. 23, 1802. Fcl). 2, 1834. June 26, 1837. died Aug. 2(i, 1837. .Tune 0, 1802. 1-63 liAKER William, March .".O. 1786. 1-62 " Polly Jlill, d.iH. of William, 1-31 UKNNETT Martha, of Ashcr and Mary, 1-31 " Maiy, 1-31 " Naomi, 1-31 " Asher, 1-31 " Ivebnlon, 1-31 " Elizabeth, 1-13 " Levi, of John and l.iu i'e(,i:i, 1-13 " Nancy, AuiT. 21, 1311. June 30, 1731. April 5, 1783. Nov. 4, 1787. Nov. 28, 1789. .Tan. 7, 1792. April 9, 1795. -Vug. 27, 1736. Feb. 27. 1739. 34 VITAL EKCOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. .■rul Lurrotia. and Koxcey, and Tluinkful, of Cai>t. OIney and Sabra, Tvlfc of Thomas, dan. of Mathewson 1-13 r.K.:;XF.Tl' Dank-l, of .loliii 1-136 " Caleb \V., of Leban 1-27 BOYICE John, of Joseph 1-27 " Thankful, 1-27 " Elisha, a-27 " Jabez, 1-27 " James, 1-27 " Sarah, 1-59 BEAYTON John 1-59 " Stephen, 1-79-12 o •• Thomas, 1-125 " Euth B. 1S25. 1-125 " David, of Tliomas and Kuth B., 1-125 " JIahala. 1-125 " John, 1-91 " Matilda, of Stephen, and Harriet, 1-91 " Susan, 1-103 •■ l-.liza, of .John and Huldall. 134 liHOWXKLL Wale, of Gideon and Jlary, 1-34 " Mancy, 1-34 " Rebecca, 1-34 " Samuel Wilbur. 1-26 BROWN Slade, of Da\id and Mercy, 1-48 '• Richard Bowcn, of AUen and Huldah, 1-4.8 " Oliver Hall, 1-15124 BUEGUESS Field, of Dean, AprU 2fl, 1801; 1-45 " Dean, died Not. lo, 3803., ^^.^-j 1-63 '• Ethan A., of Field and Susan, "^ 1-83 " Thomas A., June K), 1791. Nov. 9, 1836. June 4. 1778. .Tan. 15. 1781. Nov. 2S, 1763. May 8, 1785. Feb. 7, 1789. Jan. IG, 1791. Jan. 22, 1307. April 4, 1800. Dec. 28, 1820. Hopkins, Jr., May 9, Apiil 3, 1843. Oct. 8, 184G. JIarch 12, 1849. AprU 30, 1833. Nov. 18, 1834. I^eb. 5, 1845. March 16, 1794. Nov. 15, 1795. Aug. 13, 1797. Sept. 24. 1799. Jan. lu. 1794. April 13. 1707. Majx;h 5, 1804. Sow 7, 1849. April 21, 1820. July 17, 1823. 1-9 VOLE ' iVillLam. 01 Sis-on and iilizabe'Ui, 1-9 " Amle, 1-9 " Nehemiah, ; 1-9 '■ Elizabeth, 1-9 " LUlas. 1-9 " James, 1-9 " Esek, 1-9 " Thomas Fame, 1-0 '• Lucretla, 1-16 " Susanna, of Peleg, Jr., and Mary, 1-16 " SybeJ, 1-16 " Gardner, l-7<> " Edward, of .lames. 1-29 " ilug-h, of Hugh aiKt Dolly, 1-29 " Orra, 1-62 ■' Joanna Joslin, of Col. Hugh, 1-12S " Minnie A., of Henry S. and Frances L., 1-12K *' Georgianna M.. 1-12H COLVIN ' Elhe C, ot .lohn and Eunice A.. 1-10 COLWELL Joseph, of Christopher and Martha. 1-10 " Robert. 1-10 '• Isaac. 1-10 '• Lydia, 110 " S;imuel. 1-10 " Charles, 1-10 '• Richard, 1-10 " Alfred, 1-10 " Eiifus, ]-l7 COOKE ConsUint. Aug. n, 17 58, died Nov. 6, 1 47 ii Sarah, his wife, Sept. 27, 1761. Dec. 11, , 176'-.. May 3, , 1769. Sept. 18, 1771. June 23, 1773. April 16, 1770. Feb. 16, 1778. AprU 12, , 1780. March 14. 1782. Deo. 30, 1787. June 5. 1776. May 21, 1780. April IS. 1782. Sept. 20, 1778. March 11, 1791. March 12, 1793. Feb. 11, 1801. Feb. 28, 1855. June 14. 1858. Sept. 9, 1355. Sept. 12, 1773. Feb. 7, 1775. Jfarch 12, 1777. Dec. 31, 177."^. Dec. 7, 1780. Feb. 16, 1783. June 10, 1785. 0P Susan, widow ot UicJiard s., died, aged G7y. 1-47 CHANSTON Samuel. .Jr., of Samuel, l-i:>o (i:osSMAX George A., of Nathan H. and Mary A., died, asfd 2ny. 15rt., Sept. 30, lS79.iji.tt;i j; '£, Jan. 2, 1784, May 10, 1783. Aug. 4, 17S6. Aug. 13, 1788. Jan. 1. 1791. March I'i, 1793. d. April in. 1793. May .■?. 1794. Manli (5, 1797. Aug. :n, 1799. July -2, 1802. April 12, isor.. Md., Aug 2, 1864. Dec. 30, 1781!. 1 70 D.WIS Santord. ot Benjamin, 1-70 " Aldah, 1-VO " Klv-lna, 1-7(1 '■ Jercmiali, 1-70 " De.\ter, 1-70 " Parley, 1-70 " John, 1-1" " John, ot John, and Mehitable (I'l-ov.). 1-32 •! Lydia, of .Toseph and Eleanoi'. l-.''>2 " Sarah, 1-52 '• ]!cnoni, 1-102 l)()m!.\.\CM'; John, of James and Jlehitable, 1-102 " Jolui, 1-102 ■■ Abraham. 1-102 '• Sarali Susannah, 1-102 " Mehitable, 1-102 " E.stlier, 1 102 " James, died AprU 23. 1833. 1-102 '• -Mehitable, Ms wife, died March G, 1344. 1-40 1>0\V Clirisioiiher Smith Carpenter, of Paul and Betsey 1802. Oct. 3. 1783 April — , 1785 May 22, 1787. April - -, . Maicli 22, , 17—, .Tuly 1-1 , . Nov. — . Fell. 2G, 1793. April 20, 1804. March 2, 1800. -■ipril ir>. 1808 -%ua. 30, 1794. d. July 20. 1814. June 11, 1796. Jime 15, 1799. Nov. 15, laoi. June 15, 1807. Jlntilda, Sc Pl. 2, 1 32 EDDY Fiveldve, born leb. 0. 1791. 1-127 1-127 1-127 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 110 1-10-17 1-10 1-10 i-5i; l-5(i l-io FAi;i;i-:i; \Uvcd G., of Enos and Hannah G., M.arch 5. 1851. •• Flank A., April 20. 1853. .Mary E., Oct. 21, 1855. FlSir Klisha, of Benjamin and Presilla, of Portsmouth, P.. I., born (Ports- mouth), 13, 2m., 1752. Hannah, Ms wife, dau. of Joseph and Eutb Ssson, of Portsmouth, E. 1., bom (Portsmouth) 30, Sm., 1763 ; removed to Foster and settled 1, 4m., 1788. llannali, of Elisha and Hannah, 8, 10m., 1788. Elijah, 7, Im., 1790. " Rlislia. 10, 9m., 1791. " Susanna, 30, 7m., 1793. I.ydia, 1, 7m., 1795. ilenjamin, 25, Gm., 1797. FUIJDS Arnold, of Joseph and Olive, .lune 28, 1768. Amie, Jan. 24, 1790. roily, April 29, 1792. 36 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-5(5 FORDS Nancy, of Josepli and Olive, 1-56 " Joseph, 1-58 FRY Rhode!?, of Benjamin and Esthter, 1-5 FULLER Isaac, of Jonathan and Martha, 1-38-59 " Lymon, of ObeA and Rachd, 1-59 " Simeon, 1 59 '■ Jonathan, 1-59 " Aaron, 1-59 " Pattey, 1-59 " Anna, 1-59 •■ William, Sept. 4. 1791. Sept. 9, 179l>. JIarch 7, 1793. Sept. 9, 1779. May 27, 1802. May -27, lao2. Jan. 31, 1805. April y, 180G. March 6, 1807. March 13, 180S. Nov. ■2'.}. 1809. 1-87 GILBERl' lltMiry Tyler, of Septimus and Sally, 1-67 " Natliankl Kossitcr, 1-23 GOODSPEED Isaac, of Nathan and Mary (Sciluate), 1-33 " Asahel (Foster), 1-23 ■• Merabah (Foster), 1-23 " .^irah (Foster), 1-23 •■ Hannah (Foster), 1 1(12 (il!i:ENl-: John, Aug. 27, lo20. April 14, 1824. Aug. 14, 1779. Oct. 31, 1781. Feb. 24, 1782. May 16, 1783. April 2. 1785. d. April i.l. 1792. 1 42 l-4,s l-5(i 1-60 1-64 1-79 1-79-91 1-83-91 1-91 1-91 1-32 1 -32 1.32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-35 1-35 1-3,-. 1-35 1-3". 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-71 1-71 -71 71 71 71 71 71 1-71 1-71 1-128 1-128 1-29 1-29 I lAl L LytUa Jcnckes, HALE liethia, of Nathan, Nathan Walter, Eliza Ann, " .lames Mauley, '• Christopher Masou, '• IJiza Ann Julia, " Nancy Dean, ■InseiJli Tristaui, JIary M., 11AMM< INI) Elder John, born Nov. 30. Marllia, bis -wife, born Dec. - Cynthia, of John and ilartha, I'clc!:, ** KenlK*n, '* Azabali, HILL Christopher, '■ George, " Sarah, *• Elizabeth , Itenjaniin. Alice, JUlcs, " Richard, " Ainia, Thomas '* Tliomjis, burn April 20, ]ri04. M:u'ch 28, 1806. Aug. 25, 1808. Dec. 2, 1810. Oct. 8, 1812. Aug. 6, 1814. April 22, 1821. AprL 28, 1825. Nov. 16, 1829. June 28, 1632. 1756. 3, 1758. of Benjamin and Hannah, ribbetts, born May 30, Mary WalUer, his wife, .lolm Wallier. of Tlionia Ihonias, ■' Jerah, Elizabeth, Abigail, -Mary Walkei-. '■ llixobc Slieldon, William, HOI.LOWAY (lan>sa C " TlLomas ('., IKIPKINS Sanih, of Ephraim and Mehiiabl Martha (Scituate), 177U, died .Inly 11, 1616. Feb. 2. 1780. s and Mary. of Thomas T. and Clarissa J. (SciUsate), Dec. 28, 17.^2, March 22, 1784, March 16, 1787, July 26, 1769. Feh. 14, 1770. Dec. 5, 1771. Sept. 8, 1773. JIarch 9, 1775. Jan. 7, 1777. Oct. 24, 1776. Aug. 25, 1780. Jan. 2, 1762. April 15, 1784. Dec. 30, 1766. Jan. 22, 1 799. Jan. 4, I.SOI. July 14, 1603. Aug. 21, 1805. April 22, 1.-06. Nov. 7, 1611). Mareh 10, 1613. Feb. 1(>, 1617. Feb. 29, 1856. Jan. 2. 1656. FOSTER BIKTUS AND DEATHS. 37 1-20 HOPKINS Abigail, of Ephraim and JK'lutaljI.' i:Scifu;ilf), . 1-29 " Da\1d Walter (Scltuate), 1-29 " Ephrtiiin, Jr. (Scltuate), Maivh 14, 17 1-29-45 " Paixloii (.Scitniitc), .Vlai-ch (;' 17 1-29 " MalutiiWe ( ), ' J 1-29 " Rebecca (Foster), 1-30 " Abel (Foster), , ]-30 " Elizabeth (Foster), , 1-30 " Anthur (Foster), 1-127 " Daniel, oi: Polly (Ulcg.). 1-121 " Otis H., died in 39 year, 1-12H " .lolin E., of JoseiJli B. and Sustviuia, died 26 y., 6 m., 24<1., Aug. 17, 1803. 1-4j HOWARD William, Feb. — , 1747 ; died June 22, 18 1-1''> " Marj-, of 'WUliani, Feb. 13, 1-4"> " Stephen, 1-45 " Jolin George, 1-45 •* Debomb, *. 1-45 " William, 1-45 " J'eter Coolc, 1-45 " Danfortb, 1-45 ■' Martha, 1-45 " Isaac, 1-45 " Phillip, 1-45 " Joanna, 1-4 5 ■• Alniy, 1-44 •• Daniel, July — , 1752 ; died Sept. 14, 182 1-44 " Dorothy, his ■wile, June 0, 1758; died Jan 1-44 " Auiie, of Daniel and Dorothy, 1-44 " Amle, 1-44 " Isaac, 1-44 " Isaac, 1-44 " EIi/,abeth, 1-44 ■■ flarkc, 1-44 " (Norton, 1-44 " Daniel. 1-44 " JIai-tin. 1-44 " lUcliard, 1-44 " PoUy, 1-44 " Gardiner, 1-70 " James, of Joseph and JIary, 1-74 " Clarke, born July 29, 1782. 1-74 " Amie, his wife, born Aug. 14, 17So. 1-74 " Peleg. of Clarke and Amie, 1-74 " William. 1-74 " William, 1-74 " Matilda, 1-74 " Daniel CUirke, 1-74 " Ray. 1-74 " Gorton, Sept. 4, 1784. 1-74 " Mary, his "wife, April 1, 1787. 1-74 " Pliila, of Gorton and :Mary, 3-74 " George, 1-74 " Arnold. 1-74 " John, 1-100 " D.aniel, Marcli 15, 1787. 1-100 " Betsey, his wife, Aug. 22, 1760. ]-fi4 " Horace, of Daniel and Betsey (.also I-IOO), Jan. :;1, Islii: (li.. 170.';. Nov. 20. J 705. June 14, 1707. .Tan. ir,. 1750. June ,s. l.sll. July 3, 3,S13. d. Xov. 24, 1,S48. May 10, 1H15, Ang. 11, 1818. June : 20. 1,«21. Sept. : 31. 1.-I4. April : 13. I,sl7. JiUy : 21, 1,'-19. April : 15, l^-2'.. Dec. 0, l,s:;ii. .Sept. 0, 1 8-111. Aug. 2. 1830. Dec. 14, 1841. Jan. 5, 1815. 38 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1->1 IlnWAUD Owen Eedmoiul. of Richord and Polly. l-^^l ■• Isiiac Whipple, 1-81 '• M:u-y Aim, 1-til '• Siisan Abigail, ol Gardiiur iiiid S:iliud:i, l-.Ti " Amie Elizabetli, l-8(i •• Daniel, Town Clerk of Foster, died aged 75 Sept. 14, 1S27. Had been Town Clerk ovi 1-121 " Ray, ol Daniel C. and Hannah, 1-121 '■ William, died, in S(i y., 1-127 '■ Lester, ot Daniel C. andAan, 1-127 " Adelia W., Jan. 27, 1817. Feb. IS, 1819. May 31, 1823. July 6, 182t2. Aug. 31, 1325. y. and nearly 2 m., ■r 21 years. J;m. 8, 1843. Nov. 23, 1348. Oct. 28, 1851. Oct. 6, 1853. I J l-ici .loilNSUN (ieoip-'. Fell. 1. 17110. 3-101 •■ Zilpha. his wife. May 10, 1790. I-IOI ■• Eli-ha. of George, and Zilpha, 1-101 " Kcuben, - 1-101 •■ Hnidtord W., 1101 " Job. 1-101 •■ Uufus. 1-101 •■ Hiram. 1-101 '• John E.. 1-101 •■ Keed, 1-101 ■ Albert C, 1-30 Jti.NKS Lydia, of Joshua and Lois, 1-30 •• F.lizabeih, 1-30 " Esther. 1-30 " Henry, 1-30 " NaJicy, 1-31 " Maley. 1-F!1 '• Olive. 1-31 " WiUlani, 1 -31 " Lois, 1 31 " Joshua, June 15. 1814. Dec. 24, 1815. March 6. 1318. March 10, 1820. Dec. 6, 1821. Dec. 18, 1823. Jan. 31, 182fi. March 2, 1829. Dec. 26, 1331. Jan. 28, 1708. June 11, 1770. March 2, 1772, March 27, 1774 — 21, 1777 Sept. 14, 1779. Sept. 13, 1732. July 30, 1785. June 29. 1788. Jan. 17, 1791. 1-2.- KI.NG F.lu;Ch. Of 1-26 (i SiVlly, 1-28 t< Isaac, 1-28 " George, 1-28 " Nathan. 1-28 Jo hua. 1-28 " PoUy. 1-28 " Arnold, 1-72 KNIGHT Rufus, 1-72 " Sural), Joshua and Martha, ot James, of John and Lcrinla, (Scit.) .M.iy 15, 1709. (belt.) Oct. 27, 1771. (Sclt.) June 23, 1776. (8clt.) May 21, 177o. (Scit.) apt. 10, 1780. (Fostei-) May 25, 1783. (Foster) Sept. 20, 1787. (Foster; Sept. 2, 1790. April 20, 1796. Jan. 2, 1802. 1-6G LYON Aldeii, of Benjamin and Hannali, 1 101 " Gardiner, b. April U, 1804. 1-SO " Aunls, of Gardiner and Anna, 1-80 " Albert, Feb.. 14, 1794. May 19, 1825. Oct. 1, 1827. 1 -:!4 1-34 l-i;4 134 M iRD Hannah, of Noah, .ir., ami Ihinnali, Esther Bowen, Tiieodore Foster, ^Vrtluir Fenner, S-pt. 8, 1780. Jane 15, 1785. AprU 11, 1788. May 14. 1790. FUSTEl: lilRTHS AND DEATHS. 39 N O 1-49 OLNEY Julk't, o: T)r. Ellsha and Contenta, Oct. 2, lrM:>6. 1-88 1-88 1-88 1-88 1-88 1-88 n-88 1-88 1-88 1-56 1-16 1-16-22 1-69 1-69 1-69 1 69 1-69 1-69 1-58 1-58 1-52-58 1-58 1-58 1-58 1-58 1-58 1-58 1-53 1-58 1-70 1-90 10 21 1-23 1-22 1-23 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-02 1-22 1-23 1-22 1126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 1-126 PARKER Adeline, of George and Sarah, May 18. 180r,. " AUred, Dec. 8, isor. " Jared, Dec. 20, 1809. " George, Sept. 30, 1812. " AUen Sweet, May 30, 1814. Thomas Oliver, July 3, 181T. " Sarah Ann, April 28. 1820. " Samuel Bela, Oct. 17, 1821. Mary Eliza, Julv 8, 1825. PATTERSON Horace Strong, of Flavlcl. May l.«, 1S09. PA'i'N Andrew, of Zuriel and Mary (also 1-22), July 22, 1783. " Polly, April 27. 1791. PERKINS Jonathan, of EUas and Martha,, July 14, 1771. " Polly Sheldon, Ms wife, March 29, 1772 ; d. April 25, 1816. March l.'S, 1809. Feb. 11, 1311. Feb. 19, 1813. Dec. 1. 1615. Feb. 19, 1788. Aug. 22, 1789. Sept. 25, 1791. March 10, 1794. J.nn. 4, 1797. Jan. 29, 1800. d. Nov. 20, 1818. Feb. 6, 1804. June 20. 1807. Aug. 30, 1321. " Harriet Eliza, of Jonathan and Polly, " William Merchant, '■ Watey Sprague. " Mary, PHILLIPS As.aph, July 4, 1764; died July 7, 1829. " Esther, his wife, April 2, 1767. " Benoni, of Asaph and Esther, " Betsey, " Walte, " James, " Whipple, " Jeremiah, " Jeremiah, " Anne, " Esther, " Theodore WiiitJirop, of James and Susan, " Isreal George Manchester, of Nathaniel, 2d, and Nancy, Deo. 22, 1822. " Jerenuah, died in his 49y., Nov. 20, 1848, liiUed hy lieiiig cansht in the gearing of his grist mill. PLACE Isaac, of Stephen and Martha, " MeliitaWe, " Elizabeth, " Desire, " Thomas, " Marcy, " John, " Worden, " Phebe, " Stephen, " Stephen. May 29, 1783. " Sally (Rathbun), his wife, April 11, 1787. " John Rathbun, of Stephen and Sally, " John Rathbun, " Raymond Gardiner, " Olive Luctnda, " Abby Clarinda, " Abby Clarinda, " John TUllnghast, " Ann Eliza, " Ann Eliza, " Sarah Ann, " Khody Alzada. " Raymond Gardiner, of Stephen, Nov. 12, 1813. Dec. 24. 1766. April 0, 1770. Jnly 31, 1771. Feb. 20, 1773. Aug. 2D. 1775. July 9, 1777. June 27, 1779. July 18, 17S2. Mareh 9, 1785. Sept. 24, 1787. Sept. 16, ISll. 1. Jan. 31, 1821. Nov. 12, 1813. May 29, 1616. July 8, 1818. d. Dec. 23, 1836. Sept. 10, 1820. Feb. 16, 1823. d. Dec. 15, 1849. Dec. 1. 1834. April 18, 1327. 40 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Aug. i.'.-), IS.'i' 1-1-J(i IM.Af'E Eliza L.. his wife, dnii. of Richnrcl Fry, Jan. 25. 1S13. 1-1-ii ■• JIai'.v t'larinda. of E. G, aud. Eliza L., Fell. 2, 1-1-ii ■• JIarle Aiituiiiettx;, Sept. 10, 1-1-'' '■ Alfred L'asey, July 28, 3-1-I'' ■■ Heniy Gardiner. Jan. 31, 1-20 I'oil'JiR Margaret, of Cliarles and Hannah, (Sc-ituate), March 11, l-2,s •• Benjanihi. (Scituate), May is. 1-28 '■ Adam, (.ScHuate), Oct. 7, 1-28 '• Abraham, (Seltuate), Aug. 11, 1-28 " rharlcs, (Scituate), 8ept. 25, 1-13 ■- eiuirles, ol Sprague, and Mary, July 31, 1-13 " Phillip, Jaji. 2U, 1-86 " .lohn omey (lu. chUd) of Rusha Potler nnd Tallmau Hill, July 23, 1824. 1-120 ■• (laicnce M., of Thomas H. and Almlra K 1-38 l'i;)i8TiJN iJanidl, Aug. 18, 1763 (also 1-39). 1-38 " Mary (Baker), hit 1-38 " Knchel, of Daniel 1-38 '• Levi, 1-38 " Son, b. Jan 1-38 '•- Molly, 1-38 '• -Samson, 1-38 " Walte, 1-38 •• Amarilda. 1-38 " Amartlda. 1-38 '• James, 1-38 " liandilla, 1-38 " Adah. 1-38 '• Joanna, 1-38 " Anna, 1-38 - cipida, of Levi and Mary, 1-5!) "• .lames liaker, of Sampson aud Olive, March 14, It 1-112 " Mary. «ile of Daniel, died, aged 6!)y. 4in. 2Jd. 1841. 1843, 1845. 1850. 1772. 1773. 177.1. 1778. 1780. 1788. 1790. bom wUe, April 8, 1761. and Mary, April 27, Oct. 16, . 16; d. 17, June 24, Feb. 2, Aprtl 4. Dec. 24, d. June 18, June 20, April 11, Sept. 23, April 28, June 21, July 13, Feb. 25, 09. , Sept. 2, 18: 1782. 1783. 1784. 1786. 1788. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1795. 1797. 1790. 1.800. 1802. 1 802. Q R 1-14 RANDALL Nalhaii, of John and Mary, 1-14 '■ .lohn. of Nathan and Kllzabeth, 1-14 ■■ Mary, 1"3 •• Ricliard. of .lotiathan, Jan. 29. 1804. l-y3 •• Uetscy Malilda Weaver, his wile, Feb. 10, 1808. l-"3 •• Henry Allen, of lilchard and Betsey M., 1-93 " Le^iiiai-a Mabrey, 1-93 •• Hnldali Wetiver, 1-93 •• (' Hester 3lason, 1-'J2 '■ Hannah, of Zephanlali, 1-77 ROOD John, of Steadman, of Welcome, ^-'•'i " lieorge Tyler, of Welcome and Rhoda, 1-78 " isilzabeth, 1-78 •■ Klias Harris, 1-81 ■■ Alliert Olney, 1-83 •• /ilpha Ann, 1-87 ROl ND Cyrel, Dec. 7, 1795. 1-87 •■ Clai-issa Haker, his wife. May 24, 1799. 1;**" ■■ -JlniT l-'orncll. of CjTel aud Clartssa, 1-87 ■■ .iHlia Ann, 1-87 •• Sallv Maria, June 2(j, , 1766. Oct. 23, 17.87. Sept. 27. 1790. Aug. 27, 1826. Sept. 7, 1828. Aug. 7. 1830. April 25, 1833. April 18, 1817. June 8, 1817. Jan. 9, 1820. AprU 26, 1821. Sept. 23, 1822. June 7, 1824. Dec. 13, 1825. April 19, 1820. Dec. 14, 1822. March 13, 1826. s 1-9 SAL1> 1-9 1-9 liLi;'l S;ilali. Anna. Daniel, 111 .liJSepb and Sarab. Jan. 14. 1771. Jan. 5, 1773. April 8, 1775. FOSTER BIRTHS AND DEATHS 41 1-1) >-ALI^^^. I i;y I'l'uilerue. ciI .losi'iik :iiul SaraU. 1-il " Kiicliel, l-'j ■• ticorfce. 1-2;J SEA.MA.NS Ai'bali, of llezokiali and Aimy, 1-i;;i '• Nancy, 1-2:; " Louisa, l-2:> ■• .Marcy, l-2:i •■ Marcy, 1-41) •■ Sai'ah Knight., ot .lolin and I,c^'1nn, l-i:i ■• J):n'1s llanynon, of ,Iohn. l-'Hi ■■ Arhe SalnKKlla., T-K4 SllKl.DON Anne, Of Natlhanicl. l-i;il SIMMONS 'rhiinias K., of (ieiii'Be and Emeline. 1-iai " ImoRcne, 1-45 SLATRi; F.ealali, of Sil;is and Beal.nli, 1-9S SMITH .Tol.in. ot ,lohn, Oct. 17, 1770. 1-98 '•■ Anna, his wife, dan. of .lamcis Hines, Sept. 12, ]77i;. 1-0!) ■• .Idlin. of S;imuel, Dec. 1, 1749. Was Inlled -with an axe by Amos Miner, wUile atleniptins to arrest him on a civil process, June 21, 1832, lor wliich said Miner Tv-as tried at the March term of the Sui)reme Court and sentenced lo be executed July 5, 18"", which execu- tion was postpo)ied by the General Assembly, and he was hung on the 27th of December, 1833. Accoi'dinKly Miner was buried on the David Corp farm, on hill ticnr Uocldand. Smith had been 40 years Town Sergeant of ^Foster. Arnold and Hannah, .Inly 4. 1777. April 3, 17,S(). June 12, 1782. June 4, 1785. June 27, 1787. April 12, 1780. Feb. 21, 1791. March 9, 1793. Jan. 1, 1802. ^sept. 2.-.. 1803. April 1. 1805. Sept. 27, 1731. Dee. 17, 184.8. Dec. 14. 1850. Sept. 12, 178(i. 1-SO SOt'L \> .'iliiani Ansel, of 1-90 " Maiy Ann, 1-94 '• lUirley Wheaton. 1-89 STONK Olivci', ot Benoni, 1-89 '■ Lewis, 1-S9 Jlaria. 1-89 " Lyrtia 11.. l-Si) Josepli Nelson, ■May 1, 1832. aivh 18, 1834. Nov. 15, 18.36. July 20, 1800. Oct. 20, 1804. Dec. 11, 1805. April 1. 1810. Aug. 10, 1820. 1-29 TIIOUNTOX Loni.^a, ot Gideon and Eunice, 1-18 TII.LINtillAST James, of Samuel and Elizabeth, 1-18 " James, 1-18 " John, 1-18 '■ Sarah, \ 1-18 " Benjamin, 1-18 '• Hannah. 1-18 " Marcy, 1-18 " Welthian, 1-102 TUCKEUMAN Meliitable, of Jacob and Maiy, 1-102 '• Susannah, 1-102 " Benjamin. 1-102 '- Abniliain, 1-102 '■ Sarali, 1-102 ■■ Isaac, 1-102 •• Jacob, Sept. 9. 1797. Nov. 21. 1773. d. July 25, 1783. July 12, 1770. Sept. It, 1779. 0*'t. 25, 1761. June 12, 1784. March 15, 1788. May 20, 1792. March 14, 1702. Dec. 5, 1703 Aug. 30, 1700. Nov. 5, 1708 May 20, 1771, May 25, 1773, June 1. 1775, U V w 1-13 WAl. ,KEI! Anne, of Phillip and Amio, 1-13 Sarah, 1-13 Lucy, 1-13 Waterman, 1-13 PaMon, 1-13 Aniic. 1-13 Zcrviah, 1-13 Varnuni, 1-13 a John, Aug. . 5, 1771. Aug . 3, 1774. Dec. 12, 1770. Jan. 27, 1779. Feb. 28, 1781. Sept 27, 1784. Feb. 25, 1787, Jlay 12, 1789. July 22, 1793. 42 VITAL KECOKD OF KHODE ISLAND. 1-46 1-48 1-54 1-10 1-8 1-14 1-04 1-64 1-64 1-64 1-64 l-(;4 I-IU 1-64 1-1)4 1-91 1-C. 1-R 1-6 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-18 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-C,7 1-67 1-68 1-I}S 1-68 1-68 1-68 WATEK.MAN George, of Stephen and BHza, " Sarali, " Oliver, WKSTC'Cirr SusaniKih, nf Julm Miid Amie, May 12, 17 1789. Ju^iah, '• George Gai'dlner, •■ Susannah, ol Stephen and Betsey, WHIPPLE John, Nov. 24, 1771. " Abigail, his wife. May 22, 1773; d. March 20, •• Nehemiah Knight, ol John and Ahlgall. Sept. " Polly, AUred, " Cynthia, ■■ SiilLnda, " Robert Stone, Jason Stone, " James, d. Api-il 30, 1835. WHITMAN Edey, of John and PresclUa, " Asena, " John, WILCOX Stephen, Feb. 31, 1764. " Phebe Hammond, his 'wUe, Aug. 14, 1763. " Susannah Lewis, his mfe, Nov. 25, 1774. " John, of Stephen and Phebe, " David, " James, " Phebe Lewis, of Stephen and Susannah, " Mary Stanton, " Stephen Hovey, " Lydla Place, " Kelda Rogers, " Olive Hazard, WPOD Aaron, of Nathan and Lydla, " Nathan, 2d, son of Le^l, " Polly, " ^Vheaton, " neUght, " Olney M., " Ira. Albert H., •' Huldah. " Louisa. Harriet, of Aaron, Hec. 13, 1801, Aug. 29, 1806. Dec. 7, 1809. n ; died May 26, Oct. 5, 1781. June 11, 17S1. June 10, 1795. 1810. 1703: d. . 179.-). Nov. 5, 1795. May 8, 1796. March S, ISOl. Oct. 27, 1803. Dec. 20, 1800. Feb. 5, IBIO. Feb. 3, 1780. Dec. 3 2, 1761. Jan. 0, 1784. Izreal, Nathan. Ellsha P., Lydia F.mlly, April 27, 1787. Oct. 29, 1791. jr.irch 14, 1793. Dec. 23, 1S02. Nov. 8, 1804. Nov. 25, 3 806. June 14, 3 806. May 3, 1810. Oct. 19, 3 812. Aug. 23, 1789. Oct. 9, 1794. June 28, 1706. .Tnne 25, 179S. Jan. 3 2, 3801. March 3. 1803. July 4, 1805. Jan. 26, 1808. Feb. 10, 1830. Aug. 25, 1812. June 25, 3 815. July 5, 1812. May 13, 1814; d. July 23, 1814- May 25, 1815. d. Nov. 23, 1824. May 7, 1823. Aug. 3, 1S20; X Y Z 1-23 YOLTfC Isaac, of Abiatha and Lydla 1-26 tt Salathiel, of Asa and Anna. 1-26 Charles, 1-26 Izreal, 1-26 Mary, 1-26 Asa, 1-26 Nancy, 3-26 Amle. 1-26 « Susanna, Feb. 20, 1792 Sept. 25, 1779 Sept. 27, 1781 Feb. 11. 1784 March 4, 1786 April 25, 1788 Feb. 18, 1791 Oct. 21, 1793 Oct. 24, 1796 Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. KIRSX SKRIES. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor of the Narragansett Historical Register. Is Nlv Name Written, in the Book of Life?' Volume 3. CUMBERLAND. Part V. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. 1 : ilABRAGANSBTT HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMFAST. 1S9:;. ACT INCORPORATING THE FIVE TOWNS SECURED FROM MASSACHUSETTS. In General Assembly at Providence, January 27, 1746-7. An Act for Incorporating thi> Inliabitanta of the Lands Lately Taken Into This Colony by the Settlement of the Eastern Boundary Into Five Toivu- ships. Whereas, His Majesty has been graciously pleased by his royal deter- mination to settle the eastern boundaries ol this Colony, whej-i^by soiveral large tracts of land and a great number of inhabitants are taken under the jurisdiction of tliis Government, and it being absolutely nect'ssary for the well governing of the said people that the said tracts of land, with the in- habitants thereon, be set off and incorporated into townships, and the sam.* being conveniently situated for the making of five townships. He It, therefore, enacted by the General Assembly, and by tlie autliority of the same it is enacted, that the aforesaid tracts of land, with the inhabi- tants theiToon. be sot oft and incorporated into five towns in the following manner, viz. : All that part v;hich heretofore has lieen called Bristol, with the inhabi- tants thereon, be set off and incorporated into a township by the name of Bristol; and tliat part which was heretofore (known) as part of Tiverton, ■with a part of Dartmouth and Freetewn, adjoining thereto, be incorporated into a township by thei name of Tiverton ; and that part which has hereto- fore been a part of Little Compton and a part of Dartmouth, theieto adjoin- ing, be incorporated into a township by the name of Little Compton ; and that the line which formerly divided Tiverton from Little Compton be ex- tended easterly to the Colony line, and the whole to bo the dividing lines between said towns ; and that part which has heretofore been a part of Swansey and Bavriugton, vrith a small part of Rehoboth, thereto adjoioing, •with the inhabitants thereon, be incorporated into a township by the name of Warren; and that part which has been commoiUy called and k-nown by the name of the Gore of Land, with the inhabitants thereon, b«? incorporat- ed into a township by the name of Cumberland ; and that the inhabitants of eiach respective town, for the time being, shall have and enjoy equal liber- tiiee and privileges with the other towns in tliis Colony, agreeably to our Charter. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that a special Jus- tice of the Peace be chosen and appointed in each of the above-mentioned towns to keep His Majesty's peace and to call the inhabitants of the respec- tive towns togefhw by a warrant, to meet on the second Tuesday in Feb- ruary next, to chriose such town officers, as are directed by tlie laws of this Colony, and also deputies to represent said towns at the adjourmnont of this Assembly, And that the said Justices be commissionated by His Honor, the Gov- ernor, and to continue until the next session of this Assembly ; and tliat the General Tieasurer furnish each of the above-mentioned towns with a Colony law IV ACT OF INCORPOKATIOX OF CUMBERLAND. book ; and tliat the Seci-etary send to each of the said towns a copy of th& late act of Assembly, directing the manner of making freemen and regulating the meithod of voting ; and that S'lid law books and copies of said act be de- livered to the above-mentioned Justices as soon as conveniently may be. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that every man in- habiting within the above-mentioned towns of Bristol, Tiverton, Little Comp- ton. Warren and Cumberland, who is pt>sst?sseert, of Cumberland, and SiUly Cook, of Silas, dec, oJ Warwick; n\. at SrnitJifield by Caleb Aldrich, Juftice, Jidy 20, 1783. " CJeorgc. of Sniilhtield. son of Jeibro. anil Ilozilla Cook, of Cumber- land, dan. of Abi'ahanj : m. Uy Levi Ilallou, Justii'e, Jan. 26, 1786. VITAL I:E(<>R1> of RHODE ISLAND. l-ltx) .vLI>R1(;H JonutlKui. ■!)■.. Ill Joii^itliMD. and SusaDmi Shippee ; m. by Jotbam Caiiii:e.utei-, Juslfew, Mmvli 20, 1788. 1-94 " Patience, and Aia Harris, July 24, 1788. 1-107 " .Lames, ol Able, and JUiunah .Teuekes, of Amos; m. by Elder Ab- ner Ballon, July 31. 1701. 1-114 " Ahaz, ot TJxbrirtge, son of Setli, and Joanna Scott, of Belllngham, clau. of Stitniiel ; m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, April 22, 1792. 1-123 " Alice, and Jenciccs Whipple, March 9, 1794. 1-122 " Capt. Pliine.is. of Levi, and Hannah Cook, of Ichabod, both ot Men- don; m. by Vevi Ballon, Justlco, April 29, 1794. l-12tj " Doroa«. and Aurou Grant, Nov. 23, 1794. 1-131 " Ali.iz, of M(^ndpn, .h"r. and I)e.\l i- llallou. Feb. 18, 1813. 2-54 " Roena. and James Wilkinson, Nov. 4, 1813. 2-63 " James, and Waily Arnohl : in. by Ariel Cook, Justice, June 18, 1814. D-80 " Anson, ot .Mendou, son of l.nke, dec. and Lydia Capron, widow of William, dau. of Amos Aldi-icli : m. by Smith Arnold, Justice, March 18, 1831. 3-37* " Amos, ot James and Susan, and Sarah Abigail Cook, of Horace, of Wrentham. Nov. 27, 1634. 2-5 00 " Snsan, and Aliab lieart, Jr., Feb. 20, 1838. 2-110 " Lousa, and Chri-slopher Kobin.son. May .5, 1839. 2-125 " Marvel, of Richard, and Dinah I'.rown, of John, all of Smlthfield ; m. by F.lder David Cnrlis. March 28, '1841. 2-130 " FJijah A., and Betsey A. I'ickerlng, both of ; m. at Thomson, Conn., b.v Rev. Loomis George Leonard, May 7, 1&43. 2-13S " Uraniah !■;.. and Kzekiel S. Wlieelock, Jan. 1, 1844. 2-210 " Ann E., and William 11. l.'ay, Aug. 22, 1&17. 2-181 " Phebe A., and Corbin Cooper, May 15, 1848. 2-203 " LouLs N., and William R. I'inniman, Aug. 8, 1849. 2-191 " Aaron, and FJi/.a A. Corbetl. both of Uxbridgc; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, Scipt. 9, 1849. 2-209 " Caroline, and tiimuel J. Handy. Feb. 17, 1850. 1-19 ALEXANDER June, and Robert Tayhir, June 13, 1759. 1-11 " Sarah, and JapUoth Tatt, May ■). 1763. 1-39 " Jemima, and Dau I'roeman, Sept. 7, 1769. 1-112 " Roger, and Dorcas Peters; ni. by .Totharu Carpenter, Justice, Oct. 4, 1778. 1-113 r " Hannah, and Oliver Bly, .\ug. 20, 1780. 1-112 / ■" liocer. .Ir., anil Aim ll.ivens; m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, / March 20. 17H5. 1-93/ " Jesse, of Roger, and Pliel.e Jillson. of Knns : m. liy John Dexter, I Justice, Dee. :>••.). 17.S7. rUMBEKI.ANIl MAKKIAGE^ 1-07 ALKXANUKil Numy, ;ind Eli:is DarliiiK, Ure. 31, 1780. ]-iaT " David, of f'ogf'i'. .'inil Clwrlotte Peters, (l.iu. of Dorcas Aloxander; tn. liy -iiniii.i \V,Ukiii-<"ii. .lustice, Dfc. i(i, 1790. l-LVl '• .Iiihn. nf .InUn. and l,avir.:i Wcathci'liPnd, of .lohn ; ni. by John iioii'.-rs. .lusliof. MaicU -2, 1800. i-5 ■ '•' Patience, and William Harris, Nov. 21. 1S02. 2-12 " DavUl, of I'oi-'it. and Hannah AWritli. of Abel; ni. Iiy Gilliert (irant, .Tiisticf, Alarcli 11, 1804. 2-13 " Aiuianius, of Roger, and Cynlliia slioUlon, of William; m. by Levi Halloa, .histlce, April 29, 1S04. 2-30 " Obeicall. and Daniel Lane, Feb. 28. 1782. 1-86 '■ ll<-n:amin, ot Joseph, of liarrinslon. M. I., and Joanna S»ott. ot Jeremiah, of fniml>erlan(l ; m. by John Dexter, Justice. July 18. 1781. 1-113 *• Mary, anft .(o^^p'i Dexter, I_)ec. 15. 1785. 1-122 '• Thom.'is, of NeheJt!i,ah, dec., and Olive Bunietl. of Timolliy; m. by Ama/.lnh Weatherhead, Justice. Oct. 27, 1792. 1-120 '■ Olive. :md Steplien Wniipplc, April 5, 1795. 1-134 ■• Mrs. Joanna, and Terre I Gillmore, Nov. 19, 1795. 2-6 '• .\sa, of Iloldeu. Mass.. sou of Jesse, dec, and Cynthia Drown, ot Ablnh; m. by Levi Dallo\i, Justice, Dee. 12, 1802, 2-83 '• Kuchol Ann, and Harrison Holmes, Aup. 16, 1826. 2-16S ■■ Abby E., and Smith B.ohngame, Jan. 10, 1847. 2-163 '■ Caroline, and Thomas Bray, .lAn. 17, 1847. 2-203 '• Mary C, and F.rastns A. Cook, .Inly 1, 1849. 1-17 ALVF.USON Mary, and Willlxim Wilkinson, July 5, 1750. 2-50 ALVIS Uebeeca, imA William Harris, Oct. 19, 1816. 2-1 AMESBITEY Hannah, and Levi S-nUh, July 3, 1788. 1-151 " Jabez. of Jrrcmiah. and Nancy Mlllir. of Peter; m. by John Rosers, Justice, Nov. 24, 1799. 2-15 •■ Mary, and Benedict Bur'.lngame. Sept. 30, 1805. 2-G9 ■• Ann Fl''a, and Leonard Ballou, Nov. 6. 1822. 2-72 " Mowry, ol Jalic-z. and Bct-e- W. Clark, of De.xter ; m. by William Whipple, Justice, Oct. 31. 1823. 1-.89 ANGELL I.ydia, and Ebenezer C irpenter. April 28, 1785. 2 27 " Mary, and Jabez Brown, Feb. 13, ls03. L-;i() " Stephen, ot Abraham, and Eunice Novell, ot Elislia : m. by Isaac Eogers, Justice, -'^ng. 19, 1810. --26 " Amey, and Cornelius H ■lulrick, Dec. 22, 1825. 2-140 •■ Cyrus, and .Sabra Ann I'.vter: ni. by Alfred Arnold. Justice, Feb. 27, 1843. 2-1U8 APPLEBY Waity, and Job Shaw, Oct. 25, 1848. VITAL EECUKD OF RIIODK ISLAM). l-r> AKXOLD Joseph, and Jlp.rv Chaimiau: m. bj- Elder Xatlianlfl Cook, Au^. ;», 1755. 1--J1 " John, aud Amey C'aas ; n.. Iiy Job Bartlutt. Justice, (let. 1, 1701. 1-25 " Eleazer, and Alice Carp n i-.- m. by Nathaniel Robinson, Ju^-. tict. Apra IT, 1706. 1-54 " Mary, and David TucUer, May 13, 1770. 1-44 " Susannah, and Nicholas Brown. June 3, 1770. 3-12* " Joseph, and Patience Wilbur, May 28, 1775. 1-64 " Amey, and Laban Aldrioh, April '27, 1777. 1-66 '• Ezekiel, of SmltUfield, son of Elisha, and Mary Capron, ol Cum- berland, dau. ol Charles; m. by I'eter Darling, Justice, May 4, 1777. 1-67 " Sarah, and Elihu Brown, "lay 11, 1777. 1-65 " Katherine, and Joseph Rai.ee, 3d, May 18, 1777. 1-09 " KuJns, of Amos, and Naomi IVyle. wUfe of Hugh Young; m. by Elder Abner Ballou, Dec. 10, 1777. 1-77 " Sarah, and WUllam Swee'land. Dec. 9. 1779. 1-84 " Samuel, of Cumberland, and Mercy Aldrich, of Smlthfield ; m. by Iriah Alvei'son, Justi e, Nov. 22, 1781. 1-84 " Phebe, and Daniel BarUeU. .May 22, 1782. Knock, of Cumberland, aud Lydla Bweetfand, of Attloboro ; m. at Attleboro, by KUsha May, Justice, May 1, 1783. 1-88 ■• Chloe, and iSatbauiel Jillson, Oct. 28, 1784. 1-98 ■• hiimuel, of Nathan, dec., and Ehoda JUlson, of Nathtuilel ; m. by Levi Hallou, Justicei, Ar.g. 17, 1780. 1-93 ■• Lydia, and Nathaniel Scott, Dec. 10, 1787. 1-1SJ4 '• Richard, of Bellingham, son of Seth, and Amey I'eoli, of George; m. by Levi llaUou. Justice, Aug. 11, 1793. 1-125 '■ i'iiUadelpnia, and liezckiah Caller, Nov. 9, 1794. 1-143 '■ Amos, of AuKis, dec. aud Mary Newell, of Jason : m. by Jotham Carpenter. Justice, Aug. 20, 1797. 1-144 " Mary, aud Danf il WUco.x, Oct. 29, 1797. 1-147 " Lydla, and Luke Jenckcs, April 22, 1798. 1-152 '• Rohy, and Like Jenckes. Jan. 1, 1800. 2-17 '• lileazer, and Hannah Wliipple; m. by Klder WUllam VMUiams, Oct. 26, 1806. 3-24 " Lucy, and Nalhnn liallou. M.irch 20, 18(17. 2 21 " William, of Joseph, and Sally iuller, of John ; ra. by Isaac Razee, Justice, U.'c. 3, l-tdi. — 2-26 " Nathan. Jr., of Nathan, and R.azina liallou. of Ariel; m. by KIder Stephen l-iaci\ April 9, 1809. 2-44 " Mrs. Ksther, and Joseph (apron, April 10, 1814. a-53 " Waltey, and James Aldrich, June 10, 1814. 2-79 " William, and Lydla Karl" : m. by Klder Stephen Cutler, Aug. 14, 1825. 2-96 " Amey Ann. and Dr. Kelly Peck, Nov. 17, 1831. 2-102 " Daniel, of Oluey. and Lillis staples, of E/.eklel ; ni. by John S. Dexter, Justice, Feb. 19, 1835. 2-109 •■ Harriet, and Allied IC. Gardiner, .May O. 1839. 2-123 ■• Louisa -U., and Augustus Adllngton, Dec. 9, 1840. 2-142 " Mary Jenckes, and Jhoinas Miller, (let. 9. 1842. 2-132 " Sarah A., and (ioorge C. Wilder, Nov. 22^ 1K42. 2-137 " Reuben A., ana Kuth A. Creenc: m. by i:cv. Leonard ^^aHeliClJ., May 28, 1.-V13. 2-147 " Julia A., and .Joseph K. Warren, Aprd 24, 1845. 2-170 " Hubbard W., and .Mrs. Adeline Sheldon, both of Blackstone. Mass.; m. by Rev. John jxiyden, Jr., Nov. 21. 1847. 2-181 " Melissa .M., and uuiiani II. Clark. Aug. 21. 1848. 2-212 " Daniel P.. and Kiimi li) lotson : m. bv Rev. C. H. Titus, .March 10 1850. 2-153 ARTHUR Andi-ew, of U.ivld, and Jlrs. Klizabctb Ann Language, dau. of Johu Carpenter; m. by Rev. Warren Kmereon, July 20, 1846. 2-178 ALL John, and I'atlenc.- Morse : m. by Rev. Charles H. Titus. July 4, Itvl-. CUMBERI.ANn MAR IMAGES. 2-5r, KAKKi; Eiiz:ilji-lh. a)i(l Jiiliii W liipiili-. Ii.r. 7, 1-17. 2-lin " Aljliy, and William l.oiigloy. Jan. lb, 1810. 2-197 BAILEY Bet^,ey (;.. and William M. .Martin, July 4, 1840. 2-10(; " Nancy, and Edwin Brant, Oct. 14, 1R49. 1-125 liAIN PLelx;. aiul Preserved Oxilv. April C, 17f)4. 1-111 BALCOMK Caroline, and Israel BartUtl, Nov. 12. I7S2. 2-169 " Williiuu .S., and Ann 51 .Sniilli ; ni. l.y Rev. Wai ren Kni.rson. Dec. S, 1.S47. 1-UO BALL.\1;D Sarah, and Elisha Waterman, JIareli 2cl, 1775. 2-95 " Seth R., of Andrew, 6. 1-41 " Reuben, of Cumberland, son of Ezckiel, and Chloe Comstock, of Joseph; m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice, Nov. 29, 1767. 1-31 " JehSH, and Lydla Mason ; m. by F.lder Nathaniel Cook, Oct. 6, 1768. 1-53 " Asa, of Cumberland, son of Ezekiel, and Phebe Comstock, of Joseph, of Smitbfleld; m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice, Sept. 28, 1769. 1-45 " Laviiia. and Nathaniel Jillsou, Jr., Nov. 9, 17C9. 1-64 " Silvia, and Uavid Staples, March 27. 1774. 1-57 " Silas, of James, and Hannah Hilton, of Izreal ; m. by Peter Dar- ling, Justice, AprU 17, 1774. 1-58 ■• Anne, and Elijah Brown, May 29, 1774. 1-62 " Jo.mna, and Oliver Carpenter, May 14, 1775. 1-61 " Kath.-irlne, and ElLsha Sayles, Nov. 10, 1773. 1-62 " Jesse, of Wrentham, son of EzelU(d, of Cumberland, and Eliza- beth Pitts, of Bellingham, daughter of John, of Providence; m. by Elder Abner Kallou. Jan. 11, 1776. 1 06 " D.ivid, of Cumberland, son of Noah, and Lucy Martin, of Ben- jamin, of Reholjolh ; ni. by John Dexter, Justice, Nov. 2iS. 1776. 1-71 " William, of Elder Abner, and Sarah P.ennctl, of John; m. by Peter Darling. Justice. Feb. 2, 1777. 1-67 " Nathaniel, of Amariah. of Bellingham, and Jane Ware, of .Michael, of Wrentham; m. by l-Uder Abner Ballon. May 15, 1777. 1-69 " Hannah, and Ichabod Brown, Nov. 9, 1777. 1-69 " Eunice, and Daniel Sayl 'S, Jan. 4. 1778. 1-70 " Absalom, of Noah, and Patience Razee, of David; m. by Elder Abner Ballon, Feb. a, 1778. 1-70 " Moses, of Samuel, deceased, of Smithtield, and Desire Long (widow), daughter of Deacon Jotliam Carpenter, deceased, of Cumberland : in. by F.lder Abner Ballon, March 22, 1778. 10 Vn.M, KE< OBD OF KHODE ISLAM). 1-7,') HAU.or Duty, 111 Ai-ii-l. ;iucl Wall..' .lillson. of Nnlli.ini.-l : ra. by Peter Dar- ling, Justice, Dec. 24, 177,-;. 178 " Edward, ol Sttplitu, deceased, and lli'thaiiy Sti'eeter, of Isaiah, deceased; m. by John Dexter, JustJoc, Dec. 13, 1779. 1-78 " Selah, and Saul Sfott, May 13. 1781. l-^i: " liiLssell, 111 i;i( iiiiicnd. X. II., sou ol James, and Henneratta Aldrich, of Jonathan, ol Cumberland; m. by John Dexter, Justice, Feb. 23, 1783. 1-87 " Lydla, and Levi Lee, M.iy 4, 178.3. 1-83 '• .Nathaniel, of Amariali, dec., late of Partridge Field, and Jane Pickering, of Benjamin, of Mendon ; in. by Bev. Abner Ballou. May 2n, 1783. 1-91 '• Pliiland, and Arthur Cook, Dec. 11, 1783. 1-86 " Ke/.ia. ami .loc-1 Peck, Feb. 15,. 1784. 1-5 " Abigail, and Jo)m Fisk, Jr., April 14, 1784. 15 '■ Noali. of rumhe;land. an I l.yitia Ware, of Wrentliani ; m. by Rev. William Williams, June 10, 1784. 1-.-8 " S.irah. and Harney Claik, Sept. 8, 1784. 1-lOG '■ Darius, of J.'sse, of Cuml-erland, and Silva Metcalf, of Abijah, of Franlvlin, Mass.; m. by Lev-l Ballou, Justice, July 1, 1785. 1 104 '■ Khoda, and Thaddeus Cook. Sept. 15, 1785. 1-»1 " Esthei-, and Solomon liraliv, Oct. 23, 1785. 1 112 " .^fajor Reuben, and Freelovc Whipple; m. by Jotliam Carpenter, JiLstlce, Jan. 31, 17s 7. 1-S>4 " Ziha. of Noah, and M(:lly Ma~on, of Jonathan : m. hy Elder Abner i;.illou, March 2. 17-8. 1-111 " Nancy, and David Lanham, April 27, 1780. 1-102 " Abner, Jr., of HUder Abner, and Henrietta Brown, of Stephen, Jr., dec. ; m. by FJijah lirown. Justice, Jan 3, 1790. 1-105 " Beulah. ^ind Jenter, Justice, June ■-(.>, 1703. 1-120 " Joai na, and Zlrari Cook, Nov. 7, 1793. 3-121 " Piletiah, of Cumberland. >-«n of Capt. Jesse, of Wrentham, and Han- nah 8heldon. of i;ot; : m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, March 10, 1794. 1-122 " William, of Levi. .inU Mary Wilcox, of Daniel: m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, March 17, 1794. 1-1-5 " Gi orgc, of Major Reul)en. and Anne Bartlett, of Kufos; m. by Jotham Carpenter. Ju-tice, Sept. 12, 1794. 1-126 " Siilly. and John Rogers, Nov. 16, 1794. 1-132 " Caroline MatUda. and Levi Newell, Oct. 1. I79ri. 1-133 " Estlicr. and Joseph Mowry, Nov. 15, 1795. 1-149 " Noah, of Cumberland, and Abigail Cook, of Wrenlhani: m. by FJder Abmr Hallou. July 7, 1796. 1-14U •• Parley, and Naliam Kates. June 7, 1797. 1-143 " Lydia, and William Wllliinson, Jr., Sept. 10, 1797. 1-147 " Flu\ius, of Levi, and Phllln Cook, of Silas: m. Ijy lotliam Car- penter, Jusrtice, Oct. I I, 1798. 1158 " Rachel, and r>evi Cook, Jr.. April 2, 1801. 2-3 " Chloe, and Levin Jillson, Feb. 9, 1802. --- " Capt. Ariel, of Wrentham, and Edilda Tower, of Cnmberland, daa. of Capl. Levi: m. liy John Rogers, Justice, June 20, 1802. --tj " Meliitatile, and Jaljez Rhodes, Dec. 20, 1802. J-12 " Lydia, and Heulien Miller, May 27, 1804. '-^'- " Stephen, of F.dwai-d, and Alice Braley, of Roger: m. by Isaao Razee, Justice, Oct. It. 1804. 2-19 " William, Jr.. and Ahig;iil lirown : m. by Levin liarilett, Jnstiee, Feb. 4. 1807. ■^■Sli '• Otis, of Cnmtierland, son of Jesse, dec., of Wrentham, and Nancy Jenckes, of Joseph, of Cumberland; m. by Elder Stephen Place, March 20, 1807. 2-24 " Natlian, of Duty, dec, and Lucy Arnold, of Nathan: in. by Elder Stephen Place, March 20, 1807. < I MHKliLAND MAUKIAI'.ES. ]1 2-21 BALLUU Polly, and .lonatliiiii MUler. Nov. 13, 1807. 3-27 " Angeline, and John l-uSi'l. Aus. 18, 1808. 3-34 " Nabby, and Davis Couk, Dw. 8, 1808. 3-26 " Eozina, and Nathan Arnold. .Ir.. April u, loO'J. 3-26 " Cyrus, ol -Vi-ifl, and Susanna liallmi, of Nonih ; in. by Eldm- Ste- phen I'lace, Feb. 14. 1810. 2-2B " Susanna, and Cyru,s Ual on, Feb. 11, Isio. 3-30 " Leonai-d, of Edward, and i>bebe Tiask. of .lain.-.s; m. by Isaac i;;iyee, Jnsticf, Seiit. 27, 1810. 2-4- " Dexter, of Oliver, and Estlier Kisln-r Aldrich, of Orcn, of Senaca. N. Y.; m. by Mdor .Stcplieu Phiee, Feb. 18, ISl.'i. 2-4* " Anfc-ustns, nd Lucy Tower; m. by George Tillinsbasl,, .lastice, Aug. 8, 1814. --46 " Harvey, and Kutb Could; m. at Wmitbtield, by Ariel (Jook, .lustice, Nov. l.S, 1814. e-46 " Ebenozer, of Ziba, of Cumberland, and Mary lluiil. of .lob, of JIaj-blehead, Mass.; m. by Kev. Zephaniali 8. L'hissnian, Ang. 6, 18ir.. 2-48 « Kezlah, and ISurreil Jl. Tapiou, 8ep( . .1, 1815. 3-47 " Lydia, and Lewis C. Brown, Nov. 26, 1815. 2-49 " Htildali, and Alfred Peek, ^ept. ic. isid. 2-97 '• Welcome, of 1-I:i\'ins, and Louisa .liUsini, of W eli onio ; ui. by .Smith Arnold, .Tuslice. .April, ■_'. 1820. 2-71 " Mary, and Sinvm W. 8.beldon, Aug. 2-2, 1822. 2-69 " Leonard, of Noali, and Ann Eliza Amesbury, of Jabez : ni. by Elder Keuben Poller, Jr., Nov. 6, 1822. 2-78 " Edward, Jr., of Edward, and Oliver Perk, of Solomon; m. liy Wil- liam Whipple, Jnsljie. Atlg. 21, 1S2D. 2-94 " Mary Ann, and Kllslia VV. Hucklln, May 23, 1S30. 2-04 " Harriet, and William C. liisbee, Sept. 22, 1831. 3-104 " xVrlel, Jr., M. D., and Haiinali Ilorlon; m. by Rev. Adin Ballou, Sept. 11, 1832. 2-215 " Alfred, and Matilda Cook; m. by Rev. Leonard Wakefield, June 11, 1835. 2-106 " Jonathan, and Nancy Poller; ni. by Elder Joseph Smltli, Oct. 8, 3 837. e-108 " Ellas S., and Louisa J. lianas; ni. by Kev. Leon.ard Wakelield, March 4, 1839. S-120 " Maria C. and niristopher C. Oatcs. June 24, 1840. 8-220 " Lncy Ann, and James B. Foster, July 7, 1842. 3-133 " Maria A., and J. B. Brown, Ang. 9, 1842. S-146 " Charlotte M., and Charles S. Fislier, Feb. 9, 1840. 3-145 " On n A., and Sophia A. Harrington; m. at Philadelphia, Penn., by Kev. W. H. Trapswell, Dec. 17, 1843. 2-189 " IJiiiim II., and Nancy L. Norbury, both of East DougUiss, Mass.; m. by Rev C. H. Titus, Nov. 25. 1849. 2-172 BAUL. Sophjiuia, and Hosea WiUes, Jan. 5, 1848. 2-180 " George, and Mary G. Hodgeson ; m. by Rev. C. H. TitiLS, Aug. 19, 1848. la 2-118 BANCROFT Jolin, of Samuel, of Smithfield, and Amey Tisk, of Cumberland, dau. of Isett; m. by Christopher Koblnson, Justice, June 15, 1840. 2-186 " William, of Marblehead, Mass., son of Mary, ol Medway, Mass., and Sarah J. Stanley, of ^larbleheail. dau. of Joseph iind Miiry; m. by Key. L. 1). Hill, Nov. 7, 1849. 2-170 BANGS Joseph L., and Mrs. Emma A. Gales; m. by i;ev. John Uoyden, Jr., June 14, I -^ 17. 2-204 " Chancey, and Julia A. Lum ; ni. by Ke\ . John Hoyden, Jr., Dec. 2(;, 1849. 1-36 BABBEK Joseph, of flehobolb, and Lydia MiU'r, of Cumberland; m. by Ilder D.-miel MUler, Dec. 14. 17ii(>. 1-38 " Thomxis, of Rehoboth, and Hannah Miller, of Cumberiand ; m. bj BUder Daniel Miller, Aug. 4, 1768. 3-39 BARDEN Thomas, and Rachel Smith; m. by Ariel Cook, Justice, Sept. 13. 1812. 2-125 " M-Tj-ia S., and Hiram S. rinflinton. M:iy 2n, 1841. , ; VITAL EECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-130 BARKER Fanny, and Samuel Gooilale, Nov. 1, 1795. 2-2i: HAKNEY Alexaiirier. of WaiTen, R. I., son of JosiaU, and Hannah Clark, ol Samuel, of Cumberland ; m. by Isaac Razee, Justice, Nov. 26, 1807. 2-32 " Mehitable, and .Toseph Howard, Jan. 13, 1811. 2-162 '■ Welcome, and Abby W. Carpenter; m. by Kev. Haylett Ar^'lne, March 10, 1H47. 1-0 HARXS Mary, and James Galloway, Oct. 20, 1757. 1-3 BARRUS Ebenezer, Jr., and Experience Oimsby ; m. by Job Bartlett, Jus- tice, Feb. 11, 1749-50. 1-3-t " John, and Hannah Robinson: m. by Elder Daniel Miller, Dec. 20, 17t)4. 1-74 ■• Xehemiiih. Jr.. of Nehemlah, ot Rehoboth, and Mary Allen, of Tlmo- iliy, of Cumberland: m. by John Dexter, Justice, Dec. 13, 1778. 1-5 IJAUTLF.rT Mary, aiul John Fisk, May 5, 1755. 1-17 •' Sarah, and William Emerson. Juno 3, 1756. 3-13 " Jemima, and .Siimuel Chamberlain, July 29, 1759. 1-9 •■ John, and Sarah Hndaway ; m. by EUder Nathaniel Cook, Sept. 13, 1761. 1-9 " Jeremiah, and Reuben Lapliam; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, March 25, 1762. 1-10 " Susannah, and Stephen Staples, April 22, 1762. 1-29 " Sarah, and Joseph Ballou, May 15, 1760. 1-31 " JIartha, and Uriah Carpenter, Sept. 4, 1768. 1-46 '■ Eber, ot Joseph, and Zeblah Razee, of Da\-id : m. by Elder Na- thaniel Cook, Jan. 6, 1771. 1-56 '• Jacob, of (.'nmberland, son of Joseph, and Judah Cook, of Smith- lielil. dau. of Samuel; m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice. Sept. 26, 1773. 1-67 '• Job, of Job. dec, of Cnm' e land, and Molly RanisdeU, of Moses, of Men- don : m. by Elder .Xliucr Halloii. Oct. 29. 1775. 1-7U '• Phebo, and .Icemlali Inman, April 26, 1781. 1-109 >• Abnei', ot Joseph, of Cumbeiland. and DruslUa Smith, of John, of Smitliheld : m. by Jonathan Comstock. Justice, Sept. 27, 1781. 1-84 '• Daniel, of Jiihii, of Ciuibeil: i d, and I'bebe Arnold, of Jacob, of .Smithtield : m. by Siephen Arnold, Justice, May 22, 1782. 1-111 " Izreal, and Caroline Balcom : m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, Nov. 12. 1782. 1-86 " Joseph, Jr., ot Cumberland, son of .losepb, and Phebe Sayles, of Smlthficld. now of Cumliei land. dan. ol Ellshn : m. by Peter Darl- ing. Justice. April :10, 1784. 1-111 '■ Al|)lia, and Whii)ple Lovi t. June Is. 1784. 1-90 ■■ Levin, of Joseph, and Nancy (iaskcll, of Williaui ; m. by Jotham Cji.pcnter, Justice. Feb. 16, 1786. 1-113 '■ TiUvy. and Thonuis Jelfers, Nov. 10, 1788. 1-97 " Jeremiah, and Jerusha Jetfcrs ; m. by John Dexter, Justice, April 12, 1789. 1-125 " Anne, and Oeor?) Halbui, Sept. 12. 1794. 1-131 '• Lavina. and Newman Eraer.son, Aug:. 17, 1795. 1-137 " <'hloe. and Reuben Cook, Oct. 29. 1795. 1-141 " Jcivmiah. of Jeremiah, and Jerusha Jotters, of Caleb: m. by Levi Halloo. Justice, May 22, 1796. 1-141 '■ Henjamin, of Jub. and Mary Tucker, of MoiTls. dec. : m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice. Feb. 5, 1797. 1-150 '• David, and Hannah Joslin : m. at Warren. U. I., by William T. Mil- ler, Justice, Aug. 21, 1798. 1-148 /' Levi, of Je'-emiah. and Hannah Jelfers, of Caleb, dec: m. by Jo- tham Carpenter, Justice Nov. 28, 1798. 1-163 " BaiU, of Cumberland, son of Eber, deceased, and Philadelphia Pick ering, of Bellingham, Mass., dau. ot Samuel: m. by John Rogers, Justice. Jan. 27, 1S02. 3-18 " Kebekah, and Silas Clark, July 6, 1806. S-20 " Elijah, and Sally Bartlett; m. by Le\-iii Bartlett. Justice, Sept. 17, 1807. 2-29 " Sally, and Elijah Bartlett, Si-pt. 17, 1807. CUMBERLAND JIAREIAGi:S. C :jl r.Al.TLF.TT Elijah, of Joscpli. and Miirlhn lunian, o£ Friiiici-s, il.'c. ; in. by Ln- %in riartletti. Justioe, Feb. 23, 1808. S-S*"' " Alpha, and Cornriius Keiidrick, April l(i, 180U. i-'-^il " F.ber, of Joseph, of Cumberland, and Patience Scott, of Samuel; ni. hy Isaac Razee, Justice, Nov. 27, 1810. 2-35 " Oeorge, and Nancy Cook; m. by Ariel Cook, Justice, July 7, ISll. 2-79 '• Maria, and Autliony Sweet, Aug. 18, 1825. 2-81 '■ PhllM, and Chad Mason, Dec. 22, 1825. 2-88 '■ William, 2d, of Aimer, and Anna A. Saunderson, of Joseph N., Ijoth of Smithfield ; ni. by Thomas Mann, Clilef Justice l'. C. Plea.s, July 3, 1828. 2-93 ■■ El>er, 2d, of Bani. and Deborah Brownell, ol BurrillvlUe. dau. of Shadrack; m. at BurrillvUle by Syria Steere, Justice, Aug 20, 1830. 2-103 '• Sarali, and George W. Tingley, April 3, 1834. 2-203 '■ Lucy, and William S. ilowiy, Oct. 28, 1849. 2-218 ■■ Lavina, and Sylvester \V. .iUlson, recorded Feb. 1.^. ].ij7. 2-160 BARTON I-Yancis M.. and Eliza Ann Brown; m. by Rev. Warren Emerson. July 23, 1S47. 1-50 BATES Jolm, of Altleboro. and Siliel I!rovvii (widow), dnu. of John Burllii- game: m. by .lohn l>e.\ter. .luslicc, Maix'h Hi. 1775. 1-04 '• Elias, of Cumberland, son of William i>r .labez, of Conn., and Han- nah Burlingame, of John, of i'umbcrland; m. by John Dexter, Justice, May 18. 1777 (also l-(>5). 1-74 ■• Hannah, and John Cole, Jan. 28, 1778. 1-114 •■ SiiUy, and Stephen Inman. Jan. 14, 17,s(;. 1-101 " Margaret, and William Whitman. Jan. 21, 1700. 1-140 •■ S;illy, and Benjamin Hall, April 20, 1707. 1-149 " Nathan, of Bellingham, and Parley liallou. of Cumberland: m. by El- dor Abner Ballon, June 7, 1707. 2-100 '■ Nathaniel, and Ann Eliza Slociun ; m. by Rev. M. M. Preston, Aug. 31, 1847. 2-213 BEEIJE Alpbonso B., of Siindwich, N. H., son of Aaron and Mary, .and <'atheiine Gunn, of Pietou, N. S., dau. of Robert and Isabella ; m. by Rev. Lutlier D. Hill. AprU 18, 1850. 2-181 BELLOWS Mary,N., and Arland R. Marsh, Aug. 20, 1S4S. 2-187 Bl'.LL Isaiah, and Lucy Brownman ; ni. by Rev. Cliarles H. Titus. July 9, 1848. 1-20 BENNETT Timothy, of Smithfield. and Hannah Darling, of Ciimbirland ; m. by Josejih Davis. Justice, May 20, 1705. 1-71 '■ Sarah, and William liallou, F-eb. 2, 1777. 1-73 '• John la .soldier of the Continental Army), son of William, of Bos- ton, Muss., and Ph"be Brook, of Cumberand, dau. of Amos, dec, of Scituate: m. by Jolin Dexter, Justice, Die. 3, 1778. 1-77 ■• Robert, of WUliam, and Mary Chase, of Isaac ; m. by Peter Darling, Justice, Nov. 14, 1779. 1-105 '■ Lucy, and Daniel Ray, Dec. 20, 1789. 1-122 '■ Olive, and Thomas Allen. Oct. 27, 1792. 1-141 " Russell, of Cun.b rland, and Prudence Mowry, of Smithfield; m. at Smlthtield by Benjamin Sheldon, Justice, Nov. 30, 1706. 2-10 " Joseph, of Timothy,, of Cumberland, and Nancy Aldrlch, of Sraith- lield, dau. of Jethro ; m. by Levi BaUou, Justice, Nov. 25, 1803. 1-4.3 BICKNELL Japheth, Jr.. of Attleboro, son ol Japheth, and MoUy Carpenter, of Cumberland, dau. of Nathaniel; m. by Elder Daniel Miller, Dec. 21, 1769. l-oO '• Thomas, of Japheth, of At Lieboro. and .Sabra Dexter, of John, of Cumberland; m. by E'der Abner BaUou, Jan. 19, 1775. BICKNESS Mary, and Joseph Miller, April 14, 1794. 2-75 BILLINGS Julia, and Whipple R izee. May 12, 1822. 2-199 " Samuel N., of MenUon, Mas<., and Dorcas H. Blanchard, of Cum- berland ; m. by Jolm Boyden, Jr., Nov. 20. 1848. 1-65 BINGHAM Beiijanihi, of .Tabez, and Louis Dunbar (widow), dau. of John Boyden; ra. by John Dexter, Justice, May 25, 1777. 2-94 BISBEE WUliam C, and Harriet Ballon : ni. by Rev. Jacob Frieze, Sept. 22, 1831. 2-194 " C'elia D., and Cyrns Bishop, June 21. 1840. 14 VITAL i:i:coi;n of riiode ist.axp. 1 --'l: 1-74 BISIIOr Asnbus. of Cuinb.rlana, .-luil K.»ViPOkali Sw.'pUaud. of AlUebOTO ; m. by Nathiiiik'l Kobiuso.i, Ju^Ull-, Oct. 29. ITiW. 1-25 " Lydia, and Jum&s Curam ns, AprU 10, ITCjO. ]-27 '■ Anne, and .lolin JiMickes, Aui;. 7. 170(1. 1-27 ■• Hannali. and Ai-tt-mus Allii'ii. ■■^' Pt- lu, JT(>7. Prisiilia, and Jolin Krown. Oct. 11. 17ri7. 1.43 •• ,lohn. Jr.. of Cumberland, son of John, and Betty Fuller, of Jona- than ; ni. Ijy Elder Dani.l MUler, Dec. -21, 1769. " Naanian, of Atileboio, son of tiould, dec, and Hannah Grant, of Cuuibeiland, dau. of .lobn : ni. by JoUu Dexter, Justice. Dec. 24, 1778. 1-74 " Sarah, and Zeljulun Khoe^ M.iion, Nov. 11, 1779. 1-7 -i " Gideon, of Gideon, dec, and Klizabetli Whipple, of Samuel; m. by John Dexter, Justier. April 27. 1781). 1-78 " wuiiini, of Cumberland, and Prlscilla \\'hiiiple, of Altleboro ; m. at Attleboro by , F'-l'- --t. 1"99- 2-3 " llusilva, and Jason Lockwood Stone, June 4, 1803. 2-201! " Euock 8., and Maila Cook : m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., May 20, lti49. 2-i»4 " Cyius, of iVasUua, K. H., and Oelia D. BLsbee, of Cumberland; m. by Kev. C. H. Titus, June 31, 1649. 1-40 BI-\CKINGruN Oliver, of Attleboro, and Mary Wlupple, of Cumberland ; m. by — , July 17. . 2-184 BLAKELEE Williiim H., of omitliiiold. and Aijb.v A. Could, of Cumberland; m. by Ue\'. C. il. Tiiii^, Nov. 29, la4n. 1-23 BLAKE Kexia, and Ji.sepii (..unld, sept. 13, 17(13. 2-63 " Kespah, and Wjliipplo Josliu, Feb. 16. 1 820. 3-68 " Nancy Fislier, and Alfred Joslin. Jan. 34, 1822. 2-53 " Ezra, iiiid L'liilene Joslin; m. by Da\is Cuok, Justice, May 25, 1617. 2-117 " Ezra, and Klizabeth Ci'oTvningsMcld : m. by Rev. Leonard Wake- field. March 23, 1S40. 2-147 " Ellis L.. of Ezra, and EHza Grant, of Amos; m. by Kev. Janiea 11. Oarix-nter, March 2. 1845. 2-12(i BI.ANCHAKD Miuy A., and Ben.jamin Knshee, June 27, 1841. 2-127 " l{obi>rt A., and Haniet A. Chase; m. by Rev. B. P. Byi-am, July 2, 1841. 2-19!) " Dorcas H., and Samuel N. BlUlngs, Xov. 29, 1848. 1-20 BL^\NDING Ephriuni. of Cumberland, and Dorcas Wi.se. of Attleboro: m. by Job Bartlett, Ju-stlce, Feb. 2(1, 1761. 1-21 " Siimuel, .^nd Mary Clark; m. by Job BartUtt, Ju.^fice, Auff. 14. 1761. 1-99 " J>orcas, and Jabez Giant, May 3, 1790. 1-31 BLIE Oliver, and Catherine Jenckes ; m. by John Dexter, Justice, M:irck 31, 1752. 1-18 1?LISS Jacob, of Reluiliotli. and Judeth Smith, of Cumberland ; m. by Jcre- niiali Wliipiie, Justice, Dec. 1. 1757. 2-201 BLi;>OD Maranda, and George Cay, Dec. '.), 1^41). 1-113 ELY Oliver, and Hannah Alexander: m. by .lotliam Carpenter, Justice, Aus. 30, 1780. 1-163 " Naomi, and George Fislier, Oct. 35, 1801. 213 " SaUy, and Barnard Jliller, Dec. 0. 1S04. 2-33 " Wheaton, of uilvei . and Cynthia Polsey, of Adam; m. by Isaats Razee, Justice, Sept. 29, 1805. 3-42 " Pamela Andrew,, and George Thomas. Api-il 22, 1813. 1-23 BOON Cybel, and John Croii.y, Apiil 5, 1765. 2-175 BOOTH Joseph, of Joseph, and Enieline King, of Roswell, both of Black. stone, Ma.ss. : m. by Rev. Warren Emerson, Jan. 13, 1848. 2-113 BOWDITCH I'armelia, and Joseph Wade, July 4, 1839. 1-14 BOWEN Lydia, and Jolm Sweetland, Feb. 5, 1754. 1-15 " Caleb, of Attleboro. Mass., and Sarah Ingalls, of Rehoboth ; m. by John Dexter, Justice, July 26, 1764. 1-47 " William, of Smiihtield. son of David, of Ashfoi-d, Ma.ss., and Free- love Whipple, of Cumberland, dau. of S:imue! : m. by John Dext?r, Justice, Aug. — , 1770. 1-48 " Thomas, of Thomas, of Cumberland, and Hannah ilhodos, of Cum- berland, dau. of , of Stonington, Conn.; ni. by John Dexter,. Justice, Feb. 7, 1771. o_oo CIMBERLAXI) IIAUUI A( . ES. 15 1-31 BOWES llulUiili. and .Uia.s Aldricli. Aug. 3], 1703. 2-198 BOWERS Edwaid U.. and Mai-y Wolfcnden, lioUi ot East Douglass, Jlass. ; m. by Kev. C. II. Titus, July 1. 1349. 2-205 BOVDEN JusUua N., and StoUea Fllz.pati-k'k ; iii. by Kev. Jolui Uoydc-n, Feb. 10. 1830. 2-128 " Cliailotto i;.. and Calrtii llobbs, Oct. -7, lS-11. 2-185 BOYD Walter, and i-.tiaUetU StrcuUT ; m. by liev. C. 11. TitiLS, Tcb. 0, 1849. 1-12 EOZWUKTH .Joanna, and SilvaniLS Scott, Aug-. 1, 175 1. 1-42 " loUabod, phen Ball(ra, Oct. 14. 1304. 2-85 " I.ydia, and WlUard Whipple, March 21, 1810. 2-58 " Mar.-mda, and Seth Cook. Feb. 23, 1817. 2-61 " Deborah, ;md Nntbanii-l JUl-son, Jr., Oct. S, 1817. 2-190 BILVXT Edwin, and Nancy Bailey, both of Smittilield : m. by Kev. C. H. Titus. Oct. 34, 1840. 2-140 BKAY'.VfAN David, and Cynthia E : m. bv jUfi-ed Arnold, Justice, — , IS-W. 2-1C3 BRAY' Thomas, and Caroline Albu : la. try K. v. .Idiin Boyden, Jr., Jan. 17, 1847. 2-210 BRESS I.ncins W., of N.wl.en-y, Vermont, and Lucy A. McBrlde, ot Nortli- hridge, Mass.; in. by Rev. George W. Wooding, April 27. 1850. 2-177 BRICKNEl.I, Eliz.ahelh. and N.jlson Pi-ice, June S. 1848. 1-14 ERIGGS Samuel, and .'Wariha Wh.vitherhead: m. by John DeJlrr, Justice, April 5, 1751. 1-89 " Hannah, and Samuel I.ee, March ". ]7i;0. 1-79 " Betsey, and Elisha Hopkins, Jr.. June 3. 1731. 1-82 " -Vmey, and Charles Scott, April 28, 1782. 1-112 " .\nne. and Isreal Joslin, Oct. 4. 1787. 1-108 " Betsey, and Is.-iac Otis, Dec. 10. 1787. 2-179 " Stephen, and Mary Gray, both of Smithlicid; m. by Kev. M. M. Preston, Feb. 3, 1S48. 2-206 " Chester W. "of East Douglass, and Ptu-andla A. Greg,n-y of .'^prlng- Held ; m. by Uc-v. C. H. Titns, Jan. 1, 1,S50. 1-113 BEITTON Betsey, and Abraham Fl.-tcher, Dec. 14, 17B5. 2-204 BROCKW.VY Jerome B., and Charlotte F. -Blncoln: m. by Kev. John Boy- den, Jr., Jan. i:!. 1H30. 1-73 BROOK Pheb.!, a!;d John Bennett, Dec. 3. 1778. 2-93 BROWNELL Dehorau. and Eber Baitlett, 2d, Aug. 29, 1830. 2-143 " JIary Elizabeth, and Samuel Flagg JLann, Nov. 28, 1844. 2-207 " SUu-y W., and John M. Koss, Jan. 14, 1850. 2-187 BROWNMAN Lucy, and Isaiah BeU, July 9, 1849. 1-1 BROWN .losepli, of Kehoboth. and Enuico Thompson, of Cuinborland ; m. by Job Bartlett, Justice, Dec. 0, 1747. 1-2 " Joseph, Jr., and Esther Darling; m. by Izreal Wiiipple, Justice, • Jlarcli 25, 1748. (Vit. R.c, Vol. 3 I 14 , 16 . VITAL REOOED OF EUODE ISLAND. 1-2 UKOWX oosfi)h, :id, sdu of Lieut. Joseph, and DeboraU Inman ; m. by Job liarllctt, Jusliec, Aug. 11, 174s. 1-18 '• KliiatUan, aud Samuel H. Holmes, Aug. 15, 1751. 1-li " Joseiili, 3d, and HopestUl I'eck; m. by Julin l>e.xter, Justice, Jan. 2, 1752. 1-1& " Lucy, and Josepli Seott, Jan. 17, 17.').5. 1-15 '• JIaigaiet, and Gldeou Tripp, May 5. 1755. 1-33 " Callieriue, and Icliabod Wlilpple, Feb. 16, 17(>-J. 1-11 '• Abigail, and SUvanus BucKlln. Feb. -27, 176,T. 1-28 •• David, aud Sarah Peek; m. by Klder Nathaalel Cook. April 2S, 1 705. 1-29 " Ephraiui, and Alice Whipple; m. by Elder Nalhauiel Cook, July 7, 1705. 1-35 " Benjamin, and liibcl Burllngauie ; m. by Elder Daniel Miller, Oct. 13, 1705, ". John, or Attleboro, and PriscULi liishop, of Cumlicrlnnd ; m. at Attle- boro, by ', Oct. 11, 1767. 1-30 '• Ichubod, aud Waitstlll Dexter; m. by lllder Natlianiol Cook, Feb. 31, 1708. 1-32 " KuUi, and John Sly, March 16, 1760. 1-43 '• Jercmlali, of Smlthticld, son ol Nicholas, supposed deceased, and Heart Allen, of Capt. N'ohemiah ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, Nov. 10, 1769. 1-44 '• Chloe, aud Timothy Ma-son, May 0. 1770. 1-44 •■ Nicholas, of Cumberland, son of Nlciiola-.. Lite of .Sinithtield, de- ceased, and Susannah Arnold, of Amos, of Cumberland ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, June 3, 1770. 1-S2 " Stephen, Jr., of .Stephen, and liuldab Dexter, of James ; ni. by John • Dexter, Justice, Dec. 10, 1771. 1-56 •■ Caleb, of Caleb, dec, and Amey JIasou, of relutiali, dec. ; m. by Pete.- Darling, Justice. Oct. 10, 1773. 1-58 " Elijah, of Sb-phen, and Anne liallon, of I'.xekiel ; m. by Elder Abner liallou. May 29, 1774. 1-58 " Mary, and Thomas Falrbnithcr, Aug. 29, 1774. 1-50 " bibel, and Joh'u Bates, March 10, 1775. i 1-63 " Mary, and Kobcrt Swan, July 18, 1770. 1-C3 " Mary, and Dr. John Ooixld, Oct. 20, 1776. 1-63 " Joseph, of John, dec, and Anne Wiipple, of Daniel; m. by Elder Abner liallou, Dec. 27. 1770. 1-67 " Elibu, of Stephen, of Ciunberland. and Sarah ArnoUl. of Smlthheld; m. liy Elder Abner liallou. May 11. 1777. 1-69 '• Ichabnd, of .Vicholas. drc. of Sinithlield, and Hannah liallou, of Stephen, dec, of Cumberland: m. by Elder Abner Hallou, Nov. ' 0, 1777. 1-70 " Nancy, and JoMn WiUiams, May 14, 1778. 1-108 " Rutli, and Is:uic OtLs, Aug. 31, 1780. 1-84 " David, of William, di*.. and Chloe Carpenter, of Asa; m. by John Doxtcr, Justice, Dec. 2, 1790. 1-108 " Dexter, of Joseph, of Wlnsor, Jiass., and Sarah Klg, of Cumber land; m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, March 21, 1782. 1-89 " Chloe, and Nathaniel Nichols, Jan. 23, 1785. 1-93 " Kobe, and Jonathan Strceter, Oct. 8, 1786. 1-98 " John, and itrs. Wuitc;tiU Itazee; m. by Jotham CarpiMiter, Justice, Feb. 10, 1787. 1-111 " lluldah, aud Capl. Joseph Follett. Nov. 2. 1788. 1-95 "■ Hannah, and William Kent, Dec 14, 1788. 1-110 " Ssirali, and WllUam Slieldon, Feb. 10. 1780. 1-102 " Henrietta, aud Abner liallou, Jr.. June 3, 1790. 1-99 " Elizabeth, and Welcome Jeiickes, March 14, 1790. 1-105 " Jesse, of Stephen, and Benlnh Hallou, of Elder Abner; m. by Levi Bullou, Justice, June S, 1701. 1-119 " Eleazer, of Nicholas, and Betsey Cole, of John, dec; m. by Elder Abuer liallou. Aug. 18. 179:). 1-124 " Gideon, of John, and' Su.sannah Jenckcs, of John; m. by Jotham Carpenter. Justice. Aug. 17, 1704. 2-20 " . Luslna, imd Welcome Jill^ou, Jlarch 1, 1705. CUMBEKLAND MAIiKIAGES. 17 l-13t) LiUOWJS' JIary, anl Guorgn Mason, Jan. 24, 170G. 1-15(! " Sylyndti. and Libm-ty Mftcalf, June -3, 1799. 1-155 " Joanna, and Rufu.s SlieUlon, M:iy 18, 1800. 1-1D9 '• Barbara, and Simeon Dagsiett, Aiiril 26, IciOl. l-KiO " Lydia, and Joel Ricliardson, Juno 28, 1801. 2-:: " ClUoc, and Sweeting Taft, June 20, 1802. 2 4 •• Dexter, of lehabod, and Abigail Wilkinson, of Baniel, dec; ni. by John Rogers, Justice, Aug. 29, 1802. 2-T ■• llnlilah, and t„'aleb Haskell. Sept. 19, 1802. 2-(i '• Cjnthiu. anil Asa Allen, Dec. 12. 1S02. 2-7 •■ Jabez, and Mary Angell, of Abraliam ; ni. by John Ilogi'i'.',, Justicu, Feb. 13, 1803. 2-13 ■■ Sylvia, and Ue.vter Newell. Oct. 18 180i. 2-18 ■• Saiah. and Dexter Freeman, Jan. 1, 1807. 2-19 ■• Abigail, and William Halloa. Jr., Feb. 4, 1807. 2-49 '• Ruth, and James Weatherhead, Nov. 24, 1813. 2-60 '• Lucy, and John Russell lladicy, June 13, 1814. 2-45 " Ezeliiel B., of EliJaU, and Lydia Sprague, of Gideon ; m. by Ben- jamin Wilkinson. Justice, Dee. 22, 1814. 2-47 ■■ Lewis C, of Elijah, and Lydia Pallou. of Noah; m. by Jason Newell. Justice, Nov. 20, 1815. 2-51 '■ Fenner, of Elijah, and Sarah Foliet, of Joseph; m. by Jason New- ell. Justice, Feb. fi, 1817. 2-5!i '• Smith, of FJlhu, and Uuth Folktt, of Comfort; m. by David Cook, .Tusticc, Feb. 19, 1818. 2-7;> ■■ Elijah, of Cumberland, nndKlinima Wellman, of MansHeld, Mass.; m. by WUliam Whipple. Justice, Dec. 28, 1823. 2-75 •■ Lydia, and UecJrbe Lapliam, Oct. G. 1824. 2-84 '• Jcihn, and Elniira BeUason ; m. by Elder Benjamin F. Lombard, Dec. 31, 182(1. 2-99 •■ Jesse, and Mary Coi>lie ; ni. by Elder Daniel Dow, June S, 1834. 2-114 " Maria Ixiuisa, and Rev. Oliver J. Fislt, May 20, 1839. 2-113 " Lydia B., and Horace Woodard. Nov. 28. 1839. 2-125 '• Dinah, and Marvel Aldrich, March 28, 1841. 2-132 ■• J. B.. of Cilocester. and Maria A. Ballou. of Smithfleld; m. by Rev. John Boydeu, Jr.. at Woonsockct. Aug. 9. 1842. 2-160 " Eliza Auu. aud Francis 51. Baiton. July 23, 1847. 2-185 " Loni a T., and Maxey Miller. June 13. 1848. 2-180 " Phebe 1>., and Clinton Palter. Aug. 20„ 1848. 2-132 " George A., aud Abby Ann Hudson ; m. by Rev. John Bordon, Jr., Sept. 17, 1848. 2-184 " John F., of Charles and Nancy, and Luclnda Hakes, of Jesse and Clara: m. by Rev. Bayles P. Talbot, Oct. 18, 1848. 2-98 " Charles, and Jane Fento", both of Medway, Mass.; m. by Eev. C. H. Titus, July 4. 1849. 2-216 " Sumner, and Ruth Jane Whipple ; m. by Rev. Calvin Damon, Oct. 28. 1849. 2-205 " Leonard, and Meheta B. Metcalf; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., Feb. 24, 1850. 2-205 BEYDEN Joshua N.., Jr.. and Stallia Fit4!patrick ; m. by Kev. John Boy- den. .Ir.. Fell. 19. 1850. 1-21 BUCKLIN Sally, aud Ellplialet Read, June 2. 1757. 1-11 " Silvanus,, of Smithlield. aud Abigail Brown, of Cumberland ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook. Feb. 27. 17(«. 1-31 " Aniey. and John Laphain. June 21. 1707. ]-7:i " Joseph, of Capt. Joseph, of Rehoboth, and Amey Whipple, of Cum- berland, dau. of Capt. David; m. by John Dexter, Justice, Jan. 6, 1774. 1-153 " David, of David, dec, of Rehoboth, and Dorcas Waterman, of Elisha, of Cumberland; m. by Elder Stephen Place, Oct. 27, 1799. 2-S4 " ELLsha W.. and Mary Ann Ballou; m. by Elisha Atlans, Justice, May 23, 1830. 2-199 BUCKLEY Mary R., and Samuel C. Da^^s, Oct. 30, 1848. 18 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-123 BUFFIXGTOX Illi-am S., auU :M:iiia >. llaiden ; ra. bj I'.vv. John Boyden, Jr., May 23, 184J. 2-181 BTj'GBEE Mu-anda, and Ailnali S;iil-i-ti. .lum/ 5, 1.-54S. 2-l»5 BLLLEN Edwai-d M., and Sarah D. llayfoid, both of Jledway, JIass.; m. by L. B. Arnold, Ju-stln-. .July 29, 1S40. 2 92 BULLOCK J.remiah, of Kiohraund. N. H., now of riiuithfiold, and Temper- ancu JilUoii, of Cunil'i-iland : ni. by Arid Cook, Justice, May :U. 1.S12. 2-175 " Andi.w J., of Kiclimond. X. H.. and .Umira Newell, of Cumber- land; m. by Eev. Jobi. Boyd, n, Jr., Jlarch 12, 184S. 1-3.1 BURLINGAME Sibfl, and Benjamin lirown, Oct. IS, 17G". 1-30 " S!ii-ah, and CUrL,topher WliilU'lo, March 26. 1767. 1-4,6 " Joseph, of John, of Cuniberlaud, and Mary Johnson, of John, dec., of llollLslon, Mass.; ni. by John Dexter, Justice, Uct. 25, 1770. l-r,4 " Jlanuah, and Elias Bates, -May IS, 1777. (Also 1-05.) l-i:_;0 " Johnson, and Lucina Joslin, of Thomas ; in. by HoUim.an Potter, Justice, AuK. 28, 1794. 2 15 " BeuoUict, ol Smilhliold, son of Uauii'l, and -Mary Amesbury, of Cumberland, dau. of Jeremiah ; ni. by Isaac K;>zee, Justice, Sept. 30, 1805. 2-jy " Barton, ol Johnson, andl.ydia .Stallord; ni. by Benjamin WUKin- .sou, JusUce, July 2;;. 1*1.'). 2-(;i " Olney, of Johnson, and Nancy Mason, of Ceorge; m. by Elder Keuben Potter, Jr., Jan. 2, lo20. 2-04 •' Lyman, of Johnson, and Alpha Cook, of Major Zobria ; ni. by mdcr Ueuben Potior, Jr., v'ct. 1, lo20. 2-87 « lanny C, and Daniel liillett. May 22, 182S. 2-128 " F.vellnc S., and Alniou DarUng. Nov. 14, 1S41. 2-134 " Jamo-s, and Mhierva Pheiteplace, both of Smithtield; m. by Eev. A/.el D. Cole, March !<, 1S43. 2-1(5;; " Smith, of Wrentham, and Abby V.. Allen, of Franklin, Mass.; m. by Itcv. John Boyden. Jr., Jan. 10. 1847. 2-174 " Sylvia B., and Mowry Suiph'S, .March 25, 1843. 2-182 " Sarah JI., and EM-ivln F. Smith. Sept. 19, 1S48. 2-203 " Harriet H., and Lewis W. Whiiiple. Feb. 2S, 1850. 2-212 " Mary Ann, and Sl>phen West. JIarch 17, 1350. 2-207 BUKNHAM Nancy Maria, and Charles C. Wilson, J;m. 20, 1850. 2-160 BUKROUCiHS Margaret, and Lewis Martin, Dec. 31. 1S40. 2-100 BUSllEE Benjamin, and .Mary A. Blanchard ; m. by Eev. George N. Waito, June 27, 1841. 1-40 BUTLER Benjamin, of Cumberland, and Susanna Whithig, of WrentUam, Mass. ; m. by John Dexter, Justice. Jan. 14, 1757. 1-85 " Sarah, and Annanias Cook, Dec. 11. 1783. 2-182 " Abby E., and Calvui A. Whcelock. Sept. 17, 1848. 2-182 " CaroUue A., and George W. Smitb., Sept. 17, 184^. S-124 BUTMAN John, of Wrentham, and Maria took, of Franlilhi, M.iss. ; m. by Eev. John Boyden, Fel). 21, l.-!41. BUTTERWOKTH Noali, of Cumberland, and Rachel Ray, of Wrentham; m. by Eev. William Williams, Aug. 17, 1783. 2-302 BUXTON SyU-ia A., and Jobn II. Rockwell. April 11, 1840. 2-192 " Caroline, and John Holland, May 13, 1849. 2-193 " Benson, and Martha Eogers. both of Grafton, Mass.; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, May 27, 1849. •-211 " Henry, of Rufus. and Jmlitb, and Ami Jane Hall, of Smithheld, dau. or George and Esther, of Ireland; m. by Eev. L. D. Hill, -Alarch 7, 1850. 2-129 CARD Cynthia .V., and Roderick Kelley, Oct. 27, 1.-S41. 1-ei CALLER Ebenezer, of Jonathan, dec. and Lucy McMuUen, of James (tran- sient person) ; m. by John Dexter, Justice, Oct. 17, 1771. 1-126 " Hezekiah. of Cumberland, son of Jonathan, dec., and Philadelphia- Arnold, of Smithfleld. dau. of Thomas: ni. by Jotham Carpen- ter, Justice, Nov. 9, 1794. 2-30 " Mary, and Obed Alexander, Nov. 18, 1810. lUMIiERLAN'Ii jrAl:l;i.\(;ES. 19 2-ljl CAMEL Alnvli:i, and I.r-wis (iohler, .Tnn. -2, 181(5. 2-133 C'AJIPBKLL Launi A., uuU Tlionias Magef, Nov. 24, 184-2. ■2-195 '• Tliomas, and Catherine McAiiletf, Ijoth of Jielchertowii, Mass: m. by L. K. jVrnold, Justice, Aug. 27, 1849. 2-190 C.;VN-VDY John, ajid ^iurah Itazee ; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, Api-il li;, 1849. 1-lfi CAPKON Sarah, and David S'ott, April 20, 1752. 1-8 " Oliver, of CnmlicrlaTid, and Esther Kreeinaii. of Bellinghani : m. by Elder .NatlKUiirl Cook, Aug. 21, 1757. 2-3 " Flulliii, 1)1 Charles, and Presilla TUl.son, of Joseph ; m. by I'Jder Al>- ner H:illou, Nov. 8, 1772. 1-57 " rbebe, ;uid Isaac Ita/.ee, June 20, 1774. 1-tii; '• Mary, and Ezeklel Arnold, May 4, 1777. 1-llG " Nathiiniel, of Charles, and Wait.still Collins: m. by Jolham Carpeu- ter. Justice, June IS. 1786. 1-115 " Prusia, and Zubina. Cook. Maroh 11, 1792. 1-134 " Diadani, and Willis KelJey, Jan. 24, 1796. 1-14:; " r^Uas, of Plilllip, and Phete Joslin, of Thomas; ni. In- .Ir.Uiam C.ir- penter, Justiee, Oft. 19, 1797. 1-1,",4 ■■ Asa, of Joseph, of Cnnitier .ind, ami Sally Mahoney, of Timothy, of Smithlield ; m. by Thomas Mann, Justice, April 24, 1800. 1-15G '■ Betsey, and Nathan Inman, Nov. 23, 1800. 2-15 " Sil\Ta, and Riley Jill son. .Tiuie 23, 1805. 2-53 " William, of Phillip, andLydia Aldrieh, of Amos : ra. by Elder Stephen Place, April 26, 1809. 2-77 " Oliver, of PhUlip and ailana Harding, of .Seth ; ni. by Elder Uazee, Justice, May 20, IblO. 2-7G '■ '• Olney, and M;uria E. Carpent-er: m. by Eev. John Boyden, Jr., Oct. 26, 1848. 2 19*; CAREY Phebe Ann, and John Humphrey, Oct. 2S, 1849. 1-92 CAROIlyL James, Jr., of James, and Chloe ChaUee, of Atherington ; m. by John Dexter, Justice, Jan. 14, 1787. 1-100 " David, of James, and Thankful White, of William ; m. by John Def- ter, Justice, July 29, 1790. 2-41 •• Sophi.i. and Daniel .Tcuckes, Dec. 29, 1811. r:.7i; '• Willard, and Maiy Panning Cottorell ; m. by Elder Reuben rott<>r, Jr., Feb. 20, 1822. 2-89 " Ephraim Whiting, and Amey Comstoek Wcaiherhead : m. by Elder Da^id Benedict. Dec. 5, 1S29. 2-1 ru •• I?arton, and Weltha Jenckes; m. by Rev. Stephen Cutler, Apiil 15, 1S.".2. 2.-203 " Henry K.. and Frances E. Jenckes; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., Sept. 2, 1349. 2 210 C.^ELTON David, of Hopklnton, Mass., and Mary A. Wilson, of Cumberland; m. by Rev. George W'. Wooding. June 16, 1850. 2-162 CAENES Robert W., and Mixry A. Hyer ; m. by Rev. Haylett Arvine, Nov. 8, 1346. 1-4 CARPENTER Prescilla, and Chiistopher Dexter, Sept. 23, 1749. 1-20 " Asa, of Cumberland, and Abigail FoUott; m. by Job Bartlett, Jus- tice, May 13, 1700. 1-20 " Betty, and Benjamin Gould, July 6, 1761. 1-13 ■• .Mfhitable. and Nathan Mason, Mai'ch 7, 1765. 20 VITAL RECORD OF RHODK ISLAND. 1-2S CARPE>"TRR Eli/.;ibolh. nnd X.illianiel riii-|ii>ntfr. May !). ITfiS. 1-S28 " Nafhani.'l. of ReliohoUi, and Elizabeth Carpenter, ol Cuniherland ; ni. by Elder Xathanlcl Cook, May 0, 1705, 1 25 " Alice, and Eleazer Arnold. April 17, 1766. 1-37 " Stephen, of AtUeboro, and Rebekah Sprague (widow), (jf tiinitbtield ; m. by Elder Daniel Miller, Jtiiie 0, 1768. 1 32 " ITriah, and Martha Bartlett ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, Sept. 4,, 1768. 3 32 " Ilezekiah, of Johnston, B.I., and Joanna Aldrich, of Jlendon, Mass.; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, July 2, 1769, 1-05 " Jotham, Jr,, of Jolham, of Cumberland, and nann;th Gulley, of Smithfleld, dau. of William, dec. ; m. by Elder Natlianlel Cook, Aug. 20, 1769, 1-43 " Molly, and Japheth Bicknell, Dee, 21, 1709. 1-51 " Mary, and John llopplu, Jr., Feb. 4, 1772, 1-56 " Desire, and William Umf, Oct. 27. 1773. 1-59 " Betty, and David De.xter, Jr,, Jan. 26, 1775. 1-62 " Oliver, of Dea. Jotham. and Joanna llalluu, of Ezeklel ; m. by El- der Abner Ballon, May 14, 1775. 1-60 " Kenben, of Attleboro, .son of Eli.sha, and Sarah Miller, of Cumber- land, dau. of Daniel ; m. by John De.xter, Justice. Angp. 27, 1775. 1-64 " Aseneth, and George Robln.sou, March 27, 1777. 1-84 •' Chloe, and David Brown, Dec. 2, 1780. 1-84 '• JlaDn.ih, and Noah TilTauy, JIarch 22, 17.*1. 3-87 •' Joseph, of Asa, and Robe .Miller, of P'ter: m. by John D.-xter, Ju.stice, Aug. 5, 1784. 1-89 " Ebcneztr, of WUiam, and Lydia Angell. of Abraham: m. by John Dexter, Justice, April 28 1785. " Lois, and Benjamin Ilill.ii'd, Nov. 7, 1791. 1-127 " Polly, and Benjamin Lovet, Dee. 5, 1794, 1-127 " William, of Jolham, of Cnmb.rland, and Alice Dexter, of Jonathan, of Smithtield : ni. Iiy John .Mann. Justice, at Smithfleld Jan 1 1795. 1-130 " Noah, of Attleboro. and Lucy Wilkinson, of Cumberland, dau. of William; m. by llolllnian Potter, Justice, recorded April 15 1795. 1-147 " Levi, of Asa, and Rebecca Sheldon, of Itosrer ; m. by Jotham Car- ps nter, J Btlce, M.ly 20, 1798. 1-15." " Dolly, and Dan Carpenter, Dec. 22, 1709. 1-153 " Dan. of Ezekiel, of AMI -boro, and Dolly Carpenter, of Asa, of Cumberland: m. by Ebcnezer Carpenl r. Justice, IX'C. 22, 1799. 1-160 " Daniel, of Cumberland, and Olivo Howard, of Mendon ; ni. by John Rogers, Justice, May 22, 1.S01. 1"1''- " Jotham, Jr., of Jodiam, of Cumberlanil, and Sarah Dexter, of Smithtield. dan. of Jonathan : m. by Thomas Mann. Justice May . 31, 1801. 2-37 " Sully, and l-:iriu?0 Whlppli>. Dec. 27, 1^10. 2-30 " Elsey. and Charljs I'isl;, Dec, 31, 1811. 3-54 " Permela, and Lewis Peck, March 24, IsHi. 2-50 " Nancy, and John Cajiron, Dec. 24, 1816. 2 93 ■■ Thomas, and Dorcas Haskell; m. by Rev. Leonard Walcelield, JIarch 6, is:i4. 2-100 " Jotham, and Amanda A. Haskell: ni. by R.v. Leonard \VaK-li{AR]!1AGES. 21 2-205 rARROLL J. A., and s.inih J. Fiillrr ; th. by K.'V. John lioj-di'ii. Jr., April 21. 1850. 2-204 rARTES Lucy, Miul Willuuii J.. KlUcill. .Nui. 1. lK,-,0. 1-12 CARTWRKiJlT Dorcas, and .losi-ph s. 2, 175r,. 3-169 CAIIVKN' JaniPS, of SiniiliHeld, and CatlKTini' HorcrtUie, (intention), Sept. I, 16r>a (also 2 2I(il. 2-130 CASROY James, anil .\iis. Eliz,.i I'.iolr : m. In R«-v. A/,el D. Cole, May 1, 1842. 1-1 CASS Jonallian, of llrnclon. and AMiRail Salisbury, ol Cnmborland ; m. bj- Job I3artli-tt. Justice, Nov. 29. 1747. 1-7 •■ Susannah, and .lohn Dnnliy, Fi'b. 11, 17r>9. 1-21 ■■ Anii'y, and Jonn jVj'nold, urt. 1. 17(il. 1-70 ." riiebe, and Jolm Kliig, Nov. :i0. 1774. 2-201 CAV Georg(5, and Jlarauda Blood, bolU of JlllUord, Mass. : ni. by Key. C. H. Titus, Uhc. U, 184!). 1-02 CHAFFEE Chloe, and James C-u-gill, Jan. 14, 17S7. 2-l.')n CIIAFLAND Jami;s M., ol' Cumberland, and Esther M. lunian, 01 lilack-stouiij Mass. ; m. by Kev. John Boyden. Jr., May 28, 1,-I4(!. l-i:f CHAMt!EKLv\lN Samuel, and Jemima Rarllett: m. by Elder Nathaneii Cook, July 29, 1759. 1-86 " licnjamin, of Cumberland, son of Benjamin, of lirldpewater, Was.s., and (Jlivc Wilkinson, of Cnmberland. d.an. ol Capt. Daniel, doc.; m. by John Dexter, .lustice, Dec. 18, 178:{. 2-200 CHAMPl.AIN Daniel J., and JVIabala Fisher, both of Smitbtield :. m. !>y Rev. Jolin Boyden, jr., March 11. 1S49. 1-5 CHAPMA.V .'Mary, and Josiph Arn(dd, Ang. :i. 1755. 1-19 CHASE Comfort, and I'liillip Loge, July 4, 1754. 1-14 " Anthony, of Cumberland, .and Katherlne .Sewell, of Men'don, .Msuss. ; m. by Sanniel Karllett, Justice. Sept. 2:j, 175o. 1-17 " Ablg.iil, and Edward I'icki-ring, Jr.. April 10, 1757. 3-53 " William, Jr., of William, and Hannah Innian, of Jcreminh ; m. bju I'eter Darling, Justice, June 1. 1772. 1-77 " Mary, and Robert Bennett, Nov. 1-1. 1779. 1-81 •■ John, of Joseph, and Rdth Wilkinson, of Willi. im : m. l>y Peter Darling, Justice. Dec. 29, 1782. 1-93 ■' Charles, of Joseph, .and Ahigail Icb-. of Timotliy ; m. by ElUac AliinT Ballon, Nov. 5, 1780. 1-101 •' Sarah, ami Preserved Cook, Aug. 12. 1790. 1-124 ■■ Sarah, and Peter Keech, Dec. 20. 1792. 1-120 ■• Mary, and .fosiah King, Oct. 27, 1793. Charles, of Cumberland, and Ruth JencKes, ol Wnniliam; m. bfi Kev. Williani Williams-, Dec. 28, 1794. 2-127 ■■ Harriet A., and Robert A. Blanihard. July 2, ]:s41. 2-205 " Sally J., and John C. Talt, April 7, l8.-,0. " 2-199 CHATTKKTON John, of Providence, and CaUierine Smith, of Cumb.rlaud: m. hy Kev. John Boyden, Jr., Feb. 25, 1849. 2-187 CHILDS Ann M., and Dwlght O. Prouty, July S, 1849. 2-204 Cil.BY Benjamin F., and Amanda White; ni. by Rev. John Boyden. .!r.. Ft"!*. 11, 18.50. 2-189 CL.\FI,1N Martha, and l^wis P. Hayward. Nov. 11. 1S49. 1-20 CI .ARK Abigail, and Benjamin Follett, JI,arch i:;. 1760. 1-31 ■■ Mary, and Samuel Bl.anding, Aug. 1 1. 17(il. 1-35 ■• Rachel, and Joseph Aldrlch, Sept. 12. 1705. 1-27 ■■ Isaac, .and Alee Pliilhrick ; in. by .b.^eph Davis, .Tusiice. Jh-j. 1, 1707. 1 30 •' Rachel, and Aaron Cook, July 20. 17(i7. 1-54 " Eliz.abeth, and liriali .lillsim, Dec. 3, 1772. 1-68 " Martha, and P.-inl Jillion, Jan. 8, 1778. 1-88 " Barney, and Saiali Ballon: m. by Levi Ballou, Justice. Sept. ^, 1784. 1-102 " Eddy, of Cnmberhiiul. son of James, dec. and EloHy Draper, of Bol- lingliam. dan. o( .binallian : in. by Levi iJallou, Justice, Di'C. 5, 1700. 1-122 " Clinda. and lienjauiin Harliim. "March 2:;. 1794. " .^irs. J'li.-nikllil, :i ni .la H' . Ka.\ . .Ni.v. -'O. 1794. VITAL KECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. l-14r> CLARK Lucy, ami Elizn n.-.rliii.i;. Jan. 7. 1798. 1-1'%> •• !~etii. ol Iclialio'l. and Silvi:i Stapli's. of Stephen ; m. by John lU)gers, Justice, Dec. 10, 1601. 2-lt> " Silas, and K"be<'J>-ili Harllctt : m. by Levin Jiai-tlctt, Jnsllce, July i;. ISOO. 2-iJU " Hannah, and Alexander Harney. Nov. 'JO, 1807. 2-48 '• .roanna, and Leonard Seott, Scpl. 17, 1 810. 2-D7 " Samuel, ol liaruey, and Kverliuc 1). Whipple, oI Duuicl P. ; m. by Jason Xewell. Justice. Doc. -JI. 1S17. 2-&(5 '• Amanda, and Jolm Millon Smith. April 7, 1618. ■2-li'2 '• Ambrose, ol Doxter, .and .'iarah Waterman, of James, dee. ; m. by Elde.- Reuben Potlcr. Jr.. March li:. 1S20. 2-71; •• lietsey W.. and Mowry Amesbury. Oct. Ji, le'JU. 2-.'5.« •• I'hilcna. and (lark Smith. Nov. -M, lb-Mi. S-207 " Otis M., and Aniey Ann WMpirte; m. by Eev. C. Culler. Jan. 16, isne. i;-li;; " IUsik-i .I.. and AllR-rf M. Whipple, Oct. 17, 1344. 2-147 '• Amey Ahn. ind Henry Aelson Thomas, Oct. S, 184r>. 2-10!. Arnold; ni. by Kev. Jolin Doyden, Jr., Ans. 21, 1S48. 2-204 " Thoma<. and Celia Day ; m. Ijy IJev. John I'oyden. Jr., .fan. 20, is,->o. 2-210 " Asa, and Havilla Dailini;. bodi i,l Medway. Mass.: ni. bv itev. Georiie W. Wofiding. June :J0, IPSO. ■^'■.i CLKMEXS riiel.e. and Esek Cook. Feb. 27. 1823. 2 177 CL. Ilill. Mardi 14, 184S. com! John, of Wreiith.am. and Hi.-idama Jillson. of Cumlwrland : m. by Itenjamin Cnild. Jnslice. May 22, 1795. 2-21 t • Alfred, and Abby n. Maxey. both ol Wr.ntliaTn : m. l.y 1.. B. Arnold. Justice. June .">. 1S.")0. 8-lM COCKRAN Mary, and James M. (.riflin. Jfarch l,->. 1847. 1-74 COLE John, of Worcester. Mass.. and Hannah lint<>s (widow), of Cnmberland, dan. of Jidin TUirlintr i7ne : m. by .lohn Dexter, Justice, Jan. 28, 1779, 1-108 " Ruth, and Roger Braley. Jr.. Aup. ]:>, 1770. 1-119 " Betsey, and F.Ienzer Brown. Ans. 18. 1793. 1-140 " James, of John, Jr.. dec., ••ind Levina Coolf, of Ariel; m. by Klder Abner Ballon. AuR. 28, 17nr.. " Anna, and Jesse Foster V vk. Ni.v. 3, 1700. 2-81 '- H.'innah. .ind Chad Maso'i. Feb. 1. 1,^18. 2-00 " Jol-.n 1!.. of Cuniberlaiid. and Alice Sherman, of Pawtncket, Mass.: ni. by F.lder Benjamin Paine. April P, 1830. 2-185 " Joseph, and Mary Weatherliend ; m. by George L. Dana, .TiLStice, Feb. 27, 1S49. 1-113 COLLINS Waitstill. and Nathaniel Capron, June 18, 1786. 2-25 " Phebe. and Nathan Sprafnie, Mareh 13, 1808. 2-140 COLVIN Sarah, and Mason W',iles, July 0, 1845. 2-140 " Eli/.:ibetli, and Arnold TelTt. .Sept. 26, 18-15. S-210 " William. aTid Charlotte Dejirborn. both of Medway, Ma.ss. ; m. by; Rev. Georiie W. WooJinjr, June 30, 1850. 1-132 COLWELL ^Vi-fhur. and Rboda T.~tes : in. by Jotham Carpenter, Jn.stlce, Oct. 11, 1795. 1-18 COMMNOS Margaret, and >aLhaniel AU'.i. Dec. 5, 1753. 1-15 " Benjamin, and Ruth Streit.M-: m. hv Samuel Barllett, Justice, Nov. l.>, 1751. 1-8 " Joseph, of Cnmberland, and Bettey Read, of Wrentliam ; m. by Elder Natliauiel Cook, Sept. 13, 1759. 1-2B " James, of Cnmberhind. and Lydia Bishop, of Wrentham ; m. bjl Nathaniel Robinson. Justice, April lo, 176G. 1-87 " Olive, and Joseph ComminL-s. Msirch 4, 1761. 1S7 " Joseph, and Olive (-omminss; m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justica, March 4. 17ol. rMi;i;i;T.ANii - ,mai;i:i.\g?:s. 23 2-18 COMSTOCK Jfmimfl, and N.illian f-laijlcs, Sept. 7, 17.>2. 2-18 " Martha, and Nathan Staples, Oct. 21), 1737. 1-78 " Ksthor, and Sd'pli.-n Talt. Ort. s, 17<;7. "1-41 " Chloc. and Krub.ii Ualloii. Nov. 29, 1707. 1-53 " rhelje. and Asa iJallon. .Srpt. 28. 17t;',i. 2-20i; " Elisha, and Ann M. Smith. Iioth nf Smitliliold : m. l,y Kev. Joseph Smith, Doc. 25, 184!). 2-177 ISl CONANT Kdwin A., and I.diii^a \'. Holdrn ; in. by Kev. John Boyden, Jr., May 4, l,SiS. ,\notti"r »:-ntry reads " Edv.'ai-d'' and "Loiza." 1-::J CUI'.VIN' Edward, and Helty iiealcy, both of Attleboro ; m. by Elder Dani.>l Milb r. JIarch 8, 17()2. 1-2 COOK Kezia, and Aniariah lialloii, l''eb. 7, 1748-9. 1 ■"' •■ Tliaddeus, of Pr.-slon, ani Hannah llngley, widow, late of Attle- boro : ni. by J. hn Di-x ir. .Insiicc,, Api-il 4, 1731. 1-18 " Mehit.-iblf, and Sk-phi-n B illoii, June i:i. 1751. l-t5 " Coinelins, and Anne ParlridRe. both of Wrentliam ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cool;, Marc i 2ii, 1753. 1-3 '•■ Abn>T, of Cumlierland, a m1 Kliodia Thomp.son. of li'llingham : m. by Elder Natlianiel (J ."U. March 27, 1757. !-'• " Nlcliol.is, and PliiUis Jills.. n ; ni. liy Elder Natbaniel Cook, Oct. 20 1 737. 1-1'i' " Jonathan, and Tabitha .-^I'W, hotli ot Mendon, JMass. : m. by Robert .\ldrlch. Justice. Dec. 7, 1760. 1-26 " He/ekiah. and Hannali O.ilfs: ni. by I'riali Jii'son, JusUc;, March fl, 1703. 1-13 " Ho/.eiiiah, .nnd Ilannali — , March 6, 1763. l-2n " Ezi'tiirl, of Hollintiham, and Ji-rusha Rallou, of Cnmberland ; m. by FMtT Nathaniel Cool;. Oct. 20, 1763. 1-1- " Jeiu->iia. and Thomas Wo 'd. Jan. or June 12. 17iU. (Also 1-30). 1-13 " Sii.s.innah. and Da'-ld Newell. .Tan. 20, 1764. (Also 1-.30). 1-30 " Aaron, and n;ichel I'larK : m. by Elder Nathaniel Cool;, July 26. 1767. 1-29 " Am.'y, and Seth Aldiiob, Aug. 13, 1767. 1-30 « Joanna, and John Hall. April 28, 17(58. 1-30 " Anne, and Peter Darling, June 12, 1768. 1-31 " .T. mima. and Eli Fuller. Juno 16, 1768. 1-74 " Nathanii'l. Jr.. of Elder Nathaniel, and Aniey Whipide, of Daniel; m. by Peter Dai ling. Justice, Nov. 24, 1768. 1-42 " Chloe. and Ichabod Boiworlh, Sept. 2S, 1760. 1-46 '• X.athan. of Wrentham, son of Jo.siah, Jr., and Mary Grant, ot Ebenezer, of Wrenlhaai : m. by Elder Nathaniel Cool;, Aug 26, 1770. 1-48 " Sile, and George Staples. March 25, 1771. 1-51 " Lucy, and John Grant, D -c. 12, 1771. 1-JO " Ariel, of Elder Nathaniel, and Dorcas Whipple, of Daniel: ni. by Elder Abner Ballon, Feb. 20, 1772. 1 50 " Ichabod, ot Noali, and Elizabeth Smith, of George, all of M'-n- don ; m. by I'etei- Dai-liuir. Ju.-itice, April 29, 1772. 1-54 " Georgi-. of Boilingham, s m of Caleb, and Phebe Tlll.son. of Cum- lierland, d.au. of James: m. by Peter Darling, Justice. Oct. 9, 1772. 1-56 " Judah, and Jacob Bartle'l. .-ept. 2(., 1773. 1-63 " Olive, and Daniel Wilcox, Sept. 22, 1770. 1-71 •• I'bebc, and Joseph Thayer, 3Iay 28, 177,s. 1-106 •■ Elizabeth, and Benjamin Thayer, Sept. 16, 1779. 1-87 " Stcpli. n, of lle?,el;iah. and Desu-c iJenltt, of John : m. by I'eter Da;,-!- ing. Justice, July 4, 17.-'2. 1-82 ■• Mai-tha. and Capt. Amos Whipple, Dee. 12, 1782. 1-.84 " Sally, and Amos Aldrich, July 20. 178;!. 1-85 •' Jndllii, and Nicholas Thayer, Nov. 16. 1783. 1-83 ■■ .Minanius, of Elder Nath:inii_l, dec, and S;irah Butler, uf Benjamin, dec; m. by Elder Abner Ballou, Dec 11, 1783. 1-91 ■• .\rthur, nf Noah, and Philana Ballon, of Levi: in. by Peter IJarling, Justice, Dec. 11, 1783. 1-131 •■ I ilivc. and 8aniiiel <;a^li.ii. May 27. 17.s4. 24 VITAL RKCOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-88 CC)OK .loseph, of nezeki:ih, of CiimlKTliina, and Mcivy lIcto'iiiiK, of Hi-njii- niiu, ol Mendon, Mass.", m. by Elder Abiiei' Ballou, .lurie 17, l't:i''.i"r, or Abniliain, .■uid S^iia Cuok. ol j|.-zi-Uiah : in. Ipy EldiT .Vb- iicr liallon. Jlay 19, 17,-r,. 1-89 •■■ Sena. ;iud tUi.zi.-i- Cook. .May 19, 1785. 1-104: " Xliaddeus, ol' Daiiiol, of Wrenlhani, and EUoda Jiallou, of Levi, Of Cumberland ; m. liy tldcr Abner liallnu, Sept. 15, 1785. 1-92 " EaziUa, and (iooige Aldi-ich, Jan. SO, 178(1. 1-98 " Esek, of Noah, and Hannah Estes, of Samuel; ni. by Levi Bullou, Jastioe, Nov. 19, 17 9. 1-110 " Kfziah, and Micah Thorn on, June 17. 1790. 1-101 " I'r solved, of He eli ab. aid Siiv.ih Cbase, of William: ni. by Jjfvi Hallou, Justice, Aug. 1:^, 1790. 1-105 " Sabria, and Wh.pple rra-man, Sept. 9, 1790. 1-115 '• Esi'k. of Nalhannl. and TlianUful Whipple, of Simon, Jr, ; m. by Elder Ahnei- liallou, Oct. 10, 1790. 1-115 " Joanna, and Wing Kelley, Jan. .3, 1792. 1-115 •' Zabina, of Cumberland, son of Hezekiab, and Piusia Capron, ol Pbillii) : m. by Levi Hallou. Justice, March 11, 1792. 1-llfl " Adams, of llizeklali, of Cumberland, and I.usina Pike, of Hopkiu- tnn, R. I , dau. of Tliomas ; m. by Levi Hallou, Justice, Nov. 1. 179-J. 1-119 •■ Mni^, and Wanton Tower, May 20, 179:i. 1-130 •• Zimri, of Wrentham, .and Joanna Kallou, of Cumberland; m. by Elder Abner B.allou. N. v. 7, 1793. 1-125 '■ Preserved, of Cuinbi-rland. son of lli'zekiab. and Phe!>e Riin. of Mendon. .Mass., dau. of r.eiijaniin, dec: m. by Levi Ballon, J>is- tice. April li, 1794. 1-122 '■ Hannah, and ('apt. Pliim as Aldrich, .\iiril 29, 1794. T-VS7 " Rcnbi.n. of Wrentham, and Chloe Barllett. of Cumberland; m. by Elder Abner Ballou, Oct. 29. 179.->. 1-130 ■• .\riel. of Mendon, and Crusa Cook, nf r..llinpbam ; m. by Elder .\bn<>r liallou, Jiuie 31, 1790. 1-136 '• ('rusa, and Ariel Cook, Ian. 31, 17l)i;. 1-149 " Abigail, and Noah Ballon, July 7, ]79(;. 1-140 •■ L.vina, and James Cole, .\ug. 2,s, 1790. 1-139 ■■ Wliipple, of Franklin, Mass.. son of Nalbanii-1. and Lucy Darling, of Bellingliam, dau. of Samuel ; m. by Levi Ballou, Justice, Nov, 10, 1706. 1140 •• Elislia, of li-lliuKliam, son of Stephen, and S;illy King, of Mendon, dau. of John ; m. by Jotham Carpenter. Justice, Feb. 12, 1798. 1-147 " Philia, and Flavins Ballou, Oct. 14, 1798. 1-157 " Phube, and William (Jaskell, Jan. 1, 1801. 1-158 " Levi, Jr.. of Danlil, dec, of Wrentham, and Uachel Ballou, of Levi ; m. by John Holers, Justice, April 2, .1801. 2-1 " Ezekiel. of Cu.nberla.id, son of Daniel, dec, of Wrentham, and Hannah Masoi,, nf Tinuithy, dec. : m. by John Kogcrs, Ju-stice, Feb. — , 1.S02. 2-2 " K.-ulien, of .--ilas, and .Martha Whipple, i>f Simon : m. by John Uogers, Justice, April 2,"), 1802. 2-4 " Esther, mid Abel Aldrlch, May 9, 1.S02. 2-4 " Abigail, and Clark Cook, Sept. 19, 1802. 2-4 " Clark, of Wn nlliam, son i f Aaron, and Abigail Cook, of Mendon, duu. of Steplun : m. tiy John l! " Sarah Barney, and Welcome Greene Darling, Sept. 27. 1832. 2-96 " Esek, of Cumberland, and .lane Cook, of Chester, Mass.; ra. at Ches- ter, Mass., by Elder Kutus Bruce, Nov. 1, 1832. 2-06 " Jane, and Esek Cook, Nov. 1, 18.32. 2-99 " Mary, and Jesse Brown, June 8, 18.34. 1-37' " Sarah Abigail, and Amos Aldrich, Nov. 27. 1834. 2-215 " :Matilda, and Alfred Ballon, June 11, 1835. 2-lOS " John S., and Mary Carpenter; m. by J!ev. Leonard Wakefield. Fnb. 26, 1S39. 2-154 " Harriet J., and WUllam E. RraTit, Jlay 17, 18i0. 2-124 " Maria, and John Butman, Feb. 21, 1841. 2-125 " Louisa Ann, and MUton Cook, April 22. 1841. 2-125 " Milton, of Wrentham, son of Whipple, and Louisa Ann Cook, of Bellingham, dau. of Fenner ; ni. by Elder Da\id Curtis, April 22, 1841. 2-124 " Nancy J., and T. W. Darling, May 7, 1841. 2-129 '• Ellis W., of Seth, and Liu-ana Niclcerson ; m. by John Boyden. Jr., Dee. 19, 1841. 2-133 '• Elonl;i M., and John Mowry, Oct. 19. ].-<42. 2-136 " Malancy A., and George W. Gage, April 23, 1843. 2-136 '• Ann E., and Edwin R. Thomas, May ;!] , 1843. 2-138-141 " Catherine, and Albert P. Holley, Dec. 29, 1843. 2-147 " Edmund L., of Amos, and Ann Eliza Mason, of Otis: m. by Rev. James H. Carpenter, Feb. 29, 1844. 2-144 " Nelson, and Sus.an Alison, both of Brooklin, Vt. ; m. at Town- send, Vt., by Rev. II. Graves, May 3, 1844. 2-150 ■• Horace L., of Wrentham, and Lucy A. E. Hawkins, of Cumberland; m. by Rev. M. JI. Pi'eslon, Jan. 2:!, 1,845. 2-147 " Adelia M., and Albert C. Jenckcs. March 12, 1845. 2-150 ■' Nathan A., of Bellingham, and Siiia A. Cook, of Wrentliam ; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., JIarch :!0. IS-t.".. 2-150 " Sina A., and Nathan A. Cook, March SO. 1845. 2-148 " Henry, of Smithlield, son of D.arius, and Ann Eliza Rounds, of Cum- berland, (Ian. ot . of Taunton, Mass. : m. by Rev. James H. Carpenler, May 27, 1845. 2-148 " Abner, ot Wrentham, and Julia B. Cook, of lli'llinghnm ; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., Nov. 2, 1845. 2-148 " Julia B., and Abner Cook, Nov. 2, 1845. 2-148 " Sirah Jane, and Stephen W. J'^nekes, Nov. 2."., 1845. 2-156 " Horace, and Julia A. Co ik ; m. by Rev. Juliu Boyden, Jr., Dec. 21. 1845. 2-15t> " Julia A., and Horace Coo'f, Dec. 21, 1845. 2-156 " Sterry M.. and Eliza A. Greene; m. by Rev. Jnlin Boyden, Jr., Jan. 1, 18 16. 2-157 " Seth A., and :Mrs. Julia A. Slreler; m. by Re\ . .Tolin Boyden, Jr.. JaTi. 21, 1646. 2-155 « Lucia E., and Samuel Easlon. March 20. 1846. 2-158 ••■ Eveline, and Smith Cook, July 6. 1846. 2-15S " Smith, and Eveline Cook; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr.. July 6. 1846. 2-159 " Divid, of Belliiigliam, and Elmira Smith, of ISlackstonc ; ni. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr.. Nov. 15, 1846. (Also 2-164.) 2-170 " Sally, and John R. Hayweol. Oct. 21. 1847. 2-199 " Davis T., and AUby Hoair: ni. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., Feb. 18, 1849. 2-18S " Alinii-j. and J..hn S. Hor " i. Ifay 7, 1849. 26 VITAL UKCOIU) OF KIIOI>E ISI.AXD. 2-202 COOK ^rariu. and Knoi-h s. I'.isli p. May CO. Ifi40. 2-20y " Ej-astus A., and Alaiy C. All.-ii : m. by ll'\. .lolm Boydeu, Jr., July I, 184!i. 2-204 '• Liicinda H., and Ani..s I). Crooks, Nov. 14, ISIO. G-aOR " Mary F.. and Thomas P. I'atten, Dec. 23, 1849. 2-209 " Goorge B., of KUslia and Xurcissa. of Cumberland, and Elizabeth L. Shippi'e, il Wddiisoekct. dau. of Jesse, ol Foster, K. I.; m. by Rov. L. 1>. Hill. Feb. 24, ISM. 2-205 " Carolice C, and Jeremiah t). Scott, April 28. 1850. l-4.-> COOPER Mehitable, and Daniel Jillson, Jr., July 5, 1770. 2-181 " Corbin, and Phele A. Aldrich: m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., May la, 1848. 2-191 COHBETT Eliza A., and Aaron Allrlch, Sept. 9. l.'^«. 2-107 COKBIN Martha, and Martin Kent, Feb. 12, 18H9. 2-19i; COKVIX Alexander, and Betsey Price, both of W oreesier. Mass. ; m. by Eev. C. II. Titus. Oct. 21, 1-19. 2115 CORY .l.iin'N. ol Josppli and Rel.e < i. ..ind Margai-et .Slljley, ol Simeon and Lucinda; m. by Rev. Joseph Smith. Jan. 1, 1840. 2-7.; COriRELL Maiy Fanning, and WiHard Cargill, Feb. 20, 1822. COX Christian, and Benjamin FarrinRlnn, July 10, 17D3. 1-27 '• Susannah, and Jeremiah Richardson, April 14. 170ri. 2-20:; CUjVPEN Tlionms. and Delia I.axelle : in. liy Rev. H. Slade. Nov. 11, 1849. 2-219 CREIlilITC)X liridget, and Jolni M-.nr. Nov. 28, 18.-,r>. 2-146 CROCKER Uev. E. R., of North S'ituate, and Rebecca C. Fletche.-. of Cnmborhin.l : ni. hy Id-v. Jotni Hoyden. Jr., Jan. 29, 1945. 2-168 ■■ M.ary )>., and Samuel A. Edmunds, June 8, 18-47. 1-22 CHENEY .John, and Cjbel Boon ; m. by John Dexter, Justice, April 5, 17t>.'i. 2-124 CRO<^iKS Jeremiah M., of Hcllins-'liam. and Amey Ann Ila.sl. 2-199 CURTES (ieorge II., of Smlthfleld. and Maria Jones, of Cumberland ; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr.. .Tan. 8, 1849. 1-7.T CrSlIING M.'iHh.w. or Mallhciv, of Itehoboth. and Mary Dexter, of DavW, of Cumberland ; m. by J..hn Dexter, Justice, Dec. 10, 1778. 2-157 D.\BOLL Randall 11.. ol Smithfi. 1 I. and Lucietiu .M. Harris, of Cumberlajid; m. by Rev. John I'.oyden. Jr.. June 14, 1840. 1-137 D.\GGETT Joslah, and R.-becr-.i French ; m. by JoUiam Cai-penter, Justice, May 23, 17911. 1-159 " Simeon, of Rehoboth, and Barbara Brown, of Cumberland ; m. by John Rogers, Justice, April 20, 1801. ---9 " Otis, of Joab, of Attleboro, and Content Smith, of .\ria ; m. by El- der Steplii n Place, Nov. 12, 1-09. 7, 1749-0. , oX Asa, both of llnUiston, Feb. 10. 1700. bj- Rev. Jolm Kuyib.'n. Ji'., |jy lley. ( :'. H. TiULS. April m. by n OV. .Ili ihn lloydoii, ■cb is. 1- r43. ■43-9. Siiniiiel BarU '-■tt, Jii.?tice, < lMLKl;i.AM> M.VKlilAGES. 2-110 DAGGETT Tlirtma-. G., ol 1 ruvid. iir:, and Frances C. Sti-eetor, of Cumberland.; m. by llev. Benjamin 11. DavLs, Juno 2, 1839. 1-7 D.4Jy Elder Nathsmiel Cook, July 9, 1708. 1-16 " Mary and Edward lluni, July 27, 17i;o. 1-17 " Ahiel, and John Marble. Aug. 7. I7r,((. 1-S4 " Esther, and John Kiii^ht. Aug. 25. 1703. 1-26 " Hannah, and Tiraoihy Bennett, May 20. 1705. 1-29 " Penelope, and l/.v.irl Wilson. July IS, 1705. 1-30 " Peter, and Anne Cook; iii. by Elder Nathaiiiil Cook, June 12, 17G8. 1-41 " Bath-sheba, aud Stephen Inuiau. April 30, 1709. 1-50 " Peter, of Kicbard, :ind Amey Wilkinson, of Jeremiah: m. by Elder Abner Ballon, Aug. 20. 1772. 1-57 " Phebe. and St. 1774. 1-107 " Mary, aud John Hasiiell. Oct. 1, 17S0. 1-83 " Jemima, and Ellas Jones, .Tune 24, 1782. 1-90 " lluUIah. aud Timothy Jlerriman, June .30, 1785. 1-96 " Patly, and Danns Ksk. Feb. 12. 1789. 1-97 ," Ellas, of John and Nancy Alexander, dau. of Anna Alison: m. by Simon Wllkin.son. Justle-e, Dec. 31, 1789. 1-122 " Ben.iamin. of Belliugham. and Cell ndu Clark, of Wrenth:un : m. by Jotham Carpenter. Justice, March 23, 1794. 1-133 " John, .Ir.. of John, aud Mrs. E.sther Jlason, of Timothy: m. by .lolbam Carpenler. Ju.stlce, Oct 18, 1795. 1-138 " Zil)a. of BelUniibani. aud Mrs. ViannUi Freeman (widow): m. by Jo- Iham Carpenti'r. Justice. July 24, 1790. 1-139 " Lucy, and Whipple Cook. Nov. 10, 1790. 1-144 " Joanna, and Jonalban Wilkinson, Nov. 19, 1797. 1-145 " Elijah, of I>eter. and l.ucy Clark, of li'babod; m. by Jotham Car- penter, Justice. Jan. 7. 1798. 1-148 " Benjamin, of l>etcr, and Levinia Jill.-.on, of Nathan; m. by Jotham Ciirpent^r. .lusticc, Nov. 18, 1798. 1-150 " Dutee, and Ezra Kiniton. Dec. 19, 1798. 2-6 " Nathan, of Peter, Jr., dec, and Sina Cook, of Ariel: m. by John Rogers, Justice, Feb. (i, 1803. 2-14 " Elihu, of Peter, Jr.. and Nancy Kay, of Robert; m. by Levi Ballou. Justice. March 10, 1805. 2-9 " James, of John, :ind PresciBa Herendeen. of James; m. by Simon Wilkinson, Justice. March 13, 1803. 4-22 " Ziba. and Freelove Thomas, both of Pro\-idence ; m. by Nathan Ar- nold, Justice. Feb. 11, 1808. '2S VITAL OF EECOUIJ KIIODK ISLAND. 2-:irt DAKLIN'G Wclcume, and Sally i.c)()d:il<' ; ni. by Levi Biirtktt, Justice, March 18, 1810. •J -40 ■• Johu, .Ii-.. of John, and Polly Wheaton, of John: m. ^y Samuel Grant, Justice, May 26, 1811. ■2ar, " Amelia, and Jerauld O. Wilcox, Aug. 31, 1320. 2-90 " Timothy, of FKinUUn, Mass., aud Patty Hawkins, of Cumberland; m. by Jabez Amesbuiy. Justice, Nov. 3, 1&23. a 90 " Welcome Greene, of Welcome, of Cumberland, and Sarah Barney Cook, of Wreniham, dau. of Avery ; m. by Alexander Ballou, Justice, Seiit. 27, lb32. 2-124 " T. W.. aud Nancy J. Cook, both of Dcllingham ; m. by Eev. John Boyden, Jr., March 7, 1841. 52-12S " Almon, and Eveline S. Burlin;;ame; m. by Kcv. William 11. Richards, Nov. 14, 1841. 2-1J8 " Alfred O., of Franklin, Mass., and Eleanor M. Weatherhead, of Wrentham ; m. by Uev. John Boyden, Jr., Nov. 8, 1840. 2179 •■ Alexander C, of Worcester, Mass., son of Benjamin, of Boston, Mass.. aud Emily Flint, of Woonsocket, dau., of Sally; m. by Kev. L. D. HUl, July 13. lri4S. 2-203 '• Harriet A., and J.imes R. Gould, July 4, 1849. 2-211 " Jessj C, of Samuel aud Sophia, and Mary Masce, of John ajid Mary, all of Franklin, Mass. ; m. by Rev. L. D. Hill, March 5, 1850. 2 210 •' Havllla, .and Asa Clark, June .30, IH.'iO. S-219 •• James O., of Welcome G., and Sarah, of Cumberland, and Anna E. Pearce, of .Swans'y, dau. of William H. and Rosanna (inten- tion), recorded. Sept 27, 1859. 2-168 DARTON Jason, of Middle HaUdjni, Coun., and Margeret L. K. West, of Cuniberlaud: m. by l!ev. George W. Stacy, April — , 1847. 2-Ml DAVENPORT Georg.' B., and Sarah C. Warren, both of Attieboro; m. by Rev. Jolin Hoyden. Jr.. May 13. In44. 1-72 DAVIS Aseneth, and Ebene/.er Jtetcalf, Feb. 22, 1771!. 1-90 " Ellsha, and rri.ssilla Jill on ; m. by Ji.hn Dcxler, Ji.stiee, Aug. 7, 17S5. 2-109 " Nathan, aiul Hannah II. Vose, bolh of Sinithfidd; m. by Rev. Leonard Wakefield, March 7, 1839. 2-132 " Benjamin, and Amia M. Newell; ni. at Woon.socket, by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., Aug.. 9, 18i2. 2-ll)U " Siirauel C, and Mary R. Bucklin : m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., OctI :jO, 1846. 2-207 -' Andrew J., and Susan J. PlulUps, both of Smltliheld; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, Jan. 6, 1850. C-llii DAWl.EY Leviiia W,.. and Lorenzo MQler, Jan. 1, 1840. 1-38 DAY Elipluilet, of Attieboro, and Anne Peck, of Cumberland ; m. by Elder Daniel Jliller, March 2, 1769. 2-204 •• Celia, and Tliomas Clirk, Jan. 20, 18.->0. 2-210 DEAUBOUN Cli.-irlotte. and William Colvin, June 30, 1.^50. 1-5.'! DECKER Melative. and Tlionias Quandland, May 4, 1773. 2-201 DEETS Daniel, of Cumli.iland, and Harriet Hay-ward, of Smlthfleld; m. by Eev. Josepli -M. Brown, .March 21, 1837. 2-87 DENNIS Deborah, and John Sawyer, March 30, 1828. 2-00 DEVOLL Sally, and Jason NeweJl, May 30, 1821. 3-4 DKXTER Chrlstoplur, of Providence, and Priscilla Carpenter, of Cumber- land; m. by John De-\ter. Justice. Sept. 28, 1749. 1-14 '■ Anne, and Enock V.'eatlierhead, Jan. 2, 1752. 1-19 '• Sarah, and TlieopliUus Hallowell, Jan. 15, 1755. 1-20 '• Mary, and Jonntiian .«p<'ar, Jan. 20. 1761. 1-20 '• Ixjvimi, and Mason Wheaton, April 9. 1701. 1-36 " Hopestill, and lienjaniin May, June 21, 1767. 1-30 " Waitstill, and leliabod Brown, Fob. 21, 1708. 1-31 " Freelove, :ind Daniel Mosse, Feb. 16, 1709. 1-52 " Huldah, and Stephen Brown, Jr., Dec. 19, 1771. a-51 '■ Amey, and Gilbert Grant. Feb. 13, 1772. 1-59 '■ Sabra, and Thom.as BicKnell, Jan. 19, 1775. 1-59 " David, Jr., of David, and iBetty Carpenter, of WUliam ; m. by John Dexter, Justic, Jan. 26, 1775. 1-50-79 " Hannah, and Waterman Thomas, April 18, 1775. 2-(i9 o_or o o CUMBERLAND MARRIAGES. 29 1-iis DKXTl-u; Mary, and lionjamiii Wulcott, June 18, 1778. 1-73 " Mary, and MattUew Ciislilnf,', Dec. 10, 1778. ' 1^-77 " Lydla, and Joseph Jeucke.s, Dec. 31, 1779. ^ ll-i " •'"seph, or .'onathan, of Smitliflpld, and Ma'i-y Allen, .,f aimbcr land, dau. of Capt. Nathaniel; m. by Jotham Carpent.T Justice Dec. 15, 17S5. 1-10-t '■ Nancy, and Jeremiah Wliipiil.-, Jr., March 31, 1701. 1--J1 '• John, of Providence, and l.ucina De.xter, of James, of C'uraijerland • m. by Holliman I'otter, Justice, Jan. 13, 1794. 1-1-1 " Lucina, and John Dexter, Jan. 13, 1794. 1-127 '• Abee, and WilUam Carpenter, Jan. 1, 1705. 1-138 " Sabra, and Nahum Marsh, Oct. 9, 1706. 1-163 '■ Sarah, and Jotlvam Carpenter, .Jr., May 31. 1801. Anna, and Simuel Uri^gs. March 'Jl, 1802. Samuel, of David, and Sabra Wliipple', of Ibrooi^ : ni. by Js.aae Razee. Justice. April 2, 1808. -"■^" " I'hebe. and Thomas (ij-ant, May 10. 1812. Steptien, of Stephen, and l-.Vdia Alexander, of Jesse; ni. by Benjamin Wilkinson, Justice, Nov. 12, 1815. Julia, and Russell Jenckes, Sept. 9. 1822. 2-131 ■■ WUliam, and Caroline Streeter; m. by Rev. Henry li. Stewart Aug. 8, 1842. 2140 •• Sabra Ann. and Cyrus Ansell. Feb. 27, 1843. 2-140 DICKINSON Retsey Ann. and James Jaci|ues, AuR. 1, 1842. 1-10 DILl.INtJllAM Mercy, and Joiin Lovet. Jr., Dec. 9, 1762. 204 DISl'EAU George, and Mary J. Tillotson ; m. I,y Rev. John i;oyden, .Tr. Nov. 25. 1849. 1-ir, DOD(iK Nathan, .and Jfarv Fuller, both of Providence; m. by J,,b Bartlett Justice, Dee. 13, 1752. l-(;9 DOYLE Naomi, and Rnfus Arnold, Dec. ir>, 1777. DRACAN Peirce, of Uxbridge, and Margaret McAvoy, of Cumberiarid (inten- tion), Sept. 19, 1855. 2-172 DRAKE James H., of Cumberland, son of Cyras and Hannah, of Worcester. Mass., and Olive J. Hendriclc, of Cumberland, of Wing and Fanny; m. by Rev. L. D. Hill, Jan. 4, 1848. 1-102 DRAPER Molly, and Eildy Clark. Dec. 5, 1790. 1-52 DROWN Renjamin, of Barrington. R. I., son of lienjamin, and Rachel Scott, of Cumberland, dau. of .Teremiah ; m. by John De.xter Justice. Jan. 10, 177:;, ' . 2-208 DLTBF.CK Joshua, and Deltna Hanghton, both of Fjist Douglass, Mass • m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, Jan. 27, 1850. 1-63 DCNr.AR l,eHis, and Ib'Mjamin Bingham. May 25, 1777. 2-101 DUNHAM Thomas, and ll:ino,ih Kempton ; m. at Woon.socket, by Elder E. P. Ingersoll, Jnly 20, 1835. 1-136 DUNTON Ambrose, and Filey Tingley; m. by Elder Abner Ballon Jan 24. 1796. 2-79 EARLE Lydia, and William Arnoll, Aug. 14, 1825. 2-155 EASTON Sanmel, of Cumberland, and Lucia E. Cook, of Wrentham ; m. by Rev. .Tohn Hoyden, Jr., M.arch 20, 1846. 2-116 EATON Albert G.. of Fall River. Mass.. ,son of Thaddeus and Abigail, and Hannah Gay, of Cumberland, dau. of Mace and SiUly ; m. by Rev. Joseph Suilth, April 1.1, 1840. 2-139 EDDY .lohn H., and Mrs. Nancy P. Horton, both of Foster, R. I.; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., March 1, 1844. 2-168 EDMITNDS Samuel A., of Griswold, Conn., son of Samuel S. and Mary B. Crocker, of Cumberland, dau. of Rev. Warren Em"rson; m. by Rev. Warren Emerson, June 8, 1847. 2-114 ELLIOTT Polly K.. and Joshua Gray, Dee. 15, 1839. 2-204 " William L.. and Lucy Cartes; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., Jaji. 1, 1850. 2-209 " Simeon, and Mary B. Hewett, both of Sutton, Mass.; m. by Rev. Daniel Fillmore, June23, 1850. 30 VITAL !;i;C01!l> raU 15,iril.-ti : in. l.y .l..lj P.arilett, Justice, June 3, I'M. 1.72 •' William, of Elea/.er, and .Mrs. Ilaiuiali \VliiiH)l«, Of Daniel; m. by Ti-KT IJarlint;. .Uisiico. .luly Jti. ITTs. 1.J32. " Nuwnian, ol Kehoboili, and Laviua liaitleli, of Jeremiali, or Cum- lierlaud; m. by .lotliani Carp.'Uter, Justice, Aug. 17, 1795. ■^-o-2 " llamjah, and Le\l Tower, Jan. S, 1817. 2-197 E.N(.1LEY Lewis, and llan-let L. A. (.iibson, both ol iledway, Mass.; m. by Kev. C. 11. Titus, July 4, IS 19. 1-21 E-STHS li:iniiali, and Juuatlian liasUell, Nov. Lid, l.Ul. 2-58 •■ Haldah, and Timothy Mahoney, Feb. 20, 1774. X-57 ■• rit.-ph>n, or lUchard, .and I'heljo Darling, nf Jiiscph ; m. by Elder Abiier LlaUou, -May H'. 1774. !-'.),> '* Hannah, and Esek Cook, Nov. 19, 17>-^7. 1-llW " Erculove. and Maili Estf.s, Jan. 9. 179o. 1-13;{ ■• Jlark, of Zacolieus, and l"reelove Estes, of Samuel; ui. by Le^l Uallou, JiLStice, Jan. 9, 17r:j. I.i:i2 " Khdda, and .iVrthur Colwell, Oct. 11. 1795. 1-151 " "NiUy, and Asa Thompson, Nov. 27, 1799. l-lOi") " Gulielma, and William Wilcox, .luly 10, l-~00. 1.159 " Siimuel, of .Samuel, and Lavina W...id, oi Thomas; m. by John Uogei's, Justice, April 12, loOl. 2-2 " Vi.iuna, and .Samuel IJarlb'U Fi.sk, .lunc 3, 1802. 2-91 '• OU\e A., aud William W. Snow, Aug. 2ri, 1849. 2-140 E • I'ynlliia. and David iiniyman, , 1.S43. 2-213 FLAGON Kosa, and Francis Jlinor, April 1, 1S50. 2-131 FAlltUANKS Susan E., and Zclous 1!. Lockwood, Aug. 21, 1S4-2. l-Otf FAIUBEOTH ER I'honias, of Thumas, dec, and Mary I'.rovm, of Joseph; ni. by Elder Abner liallou, Aug. 29, 1774. 2-129 FALES Charles, Jr.. and Cariiline M. La Croix; ni. by Rev. J. N. Parker, Dec. 15, 1841. 2-105 FARNDJI Uai liel, and Edward Harris. Dec. 2, 1835. a-204 •' Maria, and Willard Jtarcy, Jan. 1, 1850. FARRINGTUN Jienjamin, of ("umberland, and Cbrisiian (ox, of Wren- tliam ; m. at Wrentliam, by Rev. Joseph i;ean, July 10, 1753b l-5> " Rcbetkah, and Samuel Haws, Jr., Sept. 20, 1773. 2-20 " Susanna, and Whipple Tucker, May 31, 1807. 2 117 FARRIS Jloses, of Sniithtield, son of S;imuel and Jane, and Slary Ann -Mooty, of Blackstone, dan. of Ricliai-d and Margaret (Inten- tion), Oct. 26, 1S55. 2-118 FAFLKN-ER Mary A., and Samuel S. GilTord, July .'i, 1840. 2-198 FE.NTON Jane, and Cliarles Hiowii. .luly 4, 1^49. 2-20a FERNATJLD Dephne. and Ariah L. Smith, Jan. 23, 1850. 2-198 FIELD Abigail, and Nathan C. Sprague. Dit. o, 1848. 1-C2 FISHER Experience, and Samuel Gram. April 11, 1776. 1-76 •' Jonathan, Jr., of Jonallian, of Cumberland, and Phebe Thurston, of James, of Plainlield. Conn., m. by Elder Abner Ballou, -May 6, 1779. 1-SO '• BoUsoy, aud Jedediiih Jeiukes. July 14. 1782. 1-118 2-93" Christoiiher, of Jonathan uf Oumbirland. and Rachel Johnson, of John, of Newport; m. by Levi Ballou. Justice, Nov. 11, 1793. 1-131 •■ I'oUy, and Nathan Met«alf, Aug. 23, 1795. 1-162 " tTcorge, and Naomi Bly, of Oliver; m. by John Rogers, Justice, Oct. 25, 1801. 2-86 " Lemuel, of Lemuel, and Lucy Aim Gould, ol Jonathan; m. by Ban! liarllett. Justice, Feb. 18, 1828. " Charles, and Celhi Aun Whipple; m. by Arnold W. Jenckes, Jus- lice, Dec. 0, 1832. 2-109 " Susan H., and Merrick Woudwurth, May 11, 1839. B-14<3 ri SlIEK 2-200 u 2 205 " 13 FISK Ki 1-80 " 1-5 " 1-49 '* 1-B8 „ 1-107 ii orsrr.EiM. AXii — MAnniACES. 31 Charles S., i.l IVovidTico, and Charlutlo 51. BaJlou, of Cumber- land: m. by R.-v. John IJojden, Jr., Feb. 9, 1845. Mahala. and Daniel J. Champlaiii. .\lai-i-h 11, 1S40. Andrew J., and Francis E. Palnn-r : m. by Kpv. John lioydfn. Jr., Feb. -JC, IS-'jO. Kachil, and Bi-noni Studley, Aus. :;i). 17 in. AnMellii-s, and Elienezer Jones, July ■J'J, 1752. John, and JIary Harllctt ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Coolc, May j, 1755. Amasi, 01 Smithfleld, son of Bjizalee!, and Anna JIauuing, ot Cum- land, lUiu. of Thomas ; ni. by Elder Nathaniel Cooli, Nov. 24, 1771. Polly, and William Whitalier, Oct. l->, 1773. S.iuire, of Maj. Ju!\n. ;uid Aniey .'.apliam. of Abner ; m. by Jotlum Carpentor, Justice, Nov. 23. 1777. 1-100 " Join. Jr., of Maj. John, and Abigail Ballou. of Elder Abner; m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, April 14, 1784. 1-96 " Darius, of Cumberland, son of Maj. John, dec, and Tatty Dar- ling, of liellinRham, dau. of Josluia : m. by l^evi Halloa, Justice, Feb. 12, 1789. 1-KI3 " I.usena, and John Hill, Jan. 6, 1791. 2-2 " Samnel Bartlett, of Squire, and Viamia Estes, of Zacueu.s : rn. by Jolin Rogers, Justice, Jiuie 3, 1S02. 2-39 " Cluirles, and Elsey Carpenter; m. by James D. Wolcott, Justice, Dec. 31, 1811. 2-11-t '• Rev. Oliver J., and Jlaria Louisa Bi-oivii, botli of Smithfield ; in. by llev. Joseph Smith, May 26, 1839. 2-112 " Martin, of Levi, and Sophia iiowe, of Samuel; m. by Rev. J(wei)li Smith, Jnly 4. 1839. 2-13 8 " Amey, and John Bancroft. June 15, Isio. 2-39 •' Squire, and Aurilla Franklin ; m. by Alfred Arnold. Jusiico, Nov. :0, 1841. 2 205 FIT/PATRICK Statira, .nnd Joslnia N. Boyden. Jr.. Feb. 39. 1850. 1-113 FLETCIlEll Abraham, of Mendon, and Betsey llriHain; ni. by Jotham Car- penter, Justice. Dec. 14. 1785. 2-146 " R»becca G., and Rev. E. R. Crocker. Jan. 29. 1S45. 2-179 FLINT Emily, and Alexander C. Darling, July 13, l.=48. 1-19 FOLLETT StLsanaah, and Samuel Hemingway, April 10. 1754. 1-20 •' Abigail, and As;i Carpenter. March 13. 1760. 1-20 " Benjamin, and Alngail Clark; m. by Job Bartlett, .Tustiiv. M.ueh 13, 1700. 1-26 " Joseph, and Slli.l Wliipple; m. by Jeliii Gould, .Justice, Drr. 28, 1762. 1-23 " Lucy, and James .=;weetl.,ncl. Oct. 25. 1763. 1-88 " Le^^. of Abraham, and Sarah Ray, of .Joseph; m. by Eldei- Abner B.allou. Sept. 12. 1784. 1-109 " Amos, of .Joseph, and Betsey Jenckes, of John; m. by Jnibam Car- penter, Justice, Sept. 26, 1734. """ " Abner, of Attleboro. and Sirah Grant, of Cumberland; m. at Atlla- boro, by John Daggett, Jnslice, Nov. 11. 1784. 1-04 " Mercy, and Joseph Whipple. Nov. 29, 1787. 1-111 " Capt. Joseph, and lluldah Brown; ni. by .Jotham Carpenter, Jus^ tlce, Nov. 2, 1788. 1-106 " Hannah, and Amos Sprague, June li;, 1791. 1-105 " Binijarain, of Abraham, and Dianua .Tenckes, of Daniel ; m. bjj F.Ujah Brown. Justice, March 17, 1791. 1-116 " Comfort, of Abraham, and Lois Tower, of Enock ; m. by Elder AI>- ner Ballon, May 27, 1792. " Luther, of Cumberland, and Molly Whiting, of Wrentham ; in. by Rev. WilUam Williams, Oct. 4, 1796. 2-19 " John, of Amos, and Perley Smiili, of Levi; m, Ijy Isaac Razee, •Justice, Aug. 31, 1806. 2-51 " Sarah, and Feimer Brown, Feb, 6, 1817. 2-59 " Ruth, and Smith Brown, Feb. 19. 1818. 2-58 l.ayton J., of Amos, and inula M.isou ; m. by Arthur A. Ross, Jus- tice, Feb. 14, 1819. iVit. Lee., \ ll. 3.1 15 32 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. " U5 I'oLLETT Olivii-, of Alnaham, ot Cumberland, and Levina Pickering, of Bel- lliigliam, of Samuel ; m. by Nathan Arnold, Justice, March 18, 1821. 2-83 " Jenckes, of Benjamin, dec, and Betsey F. SaUy, of James, dec. ; m. by William \VUii>ple, Justice, April 9, 182G. „ g„ i, ]-^„i 1 yj t)Uver, and Fanny C. Burlingame, of Johnson : m. by "^ ' William Whipple, Justice, May 22. 1h28. 2_g_s .. Nolson, of Luther, and Polly T. Tower, of Emerson ; m. by William Whipple, Justice, Oct. 2, 1828. „.^ " Adeline, and Benjamin Kazee, April 16, 1829. 2''j7o " James H., and Mary A. Peck; m. by l!ev. John Boyden, Jr., Nov. 26, 1847. JJ.J70 .. Maria R., and Charles Wcatherhead, Feb. 10, 1848. 2.J91 '• Albert E., and Abby H. Ci-owningshltld ; m. by Uev. John Boyden, Jr., May T, 184.S. 2-20& " Huldah E., and Jo.seph Whipple, May 21, 1850. \-i FOSTEE EsUier, and WiUliim Walcott, Jr., March 1, 1749-50. J.17 1. Mercy, and Soloimm Peck. Jr., Juno 24, 175G. j.lO " Leah, and OHver Peck, AprU 22, 1759. j.j^ « jiicliae!. of Attlcboro, and Tiary Bradford, of Cumberland : m. by Nathaniel Robinson, Justice, Oct. 24, 17(14. o o.^O •' James B., and Lucy Ann Ballon ; ni. by Alfred Arnold. .Justice, "" July 7, 1842. 3.2I8 " Elizabeth, and John JosUn, Dec. 27, 1850. B-174 FOWLER Mary L., and Charles L. Pelrce, Feb. 27, 1848. jj.jg^ I. Alsey P.. and David .Sonthwlck, Nov. 25, 1849. 3-lO.T FRANKLIN Lepha, and CV)mfort Haskell, Oct. 25, 1789. J-101 " Ruth, and Banuibus Thurber, Fob. 14, 1790. 3^9 " Aurilla, and Squire Fisk, Nov. 10, 1841. 1-8 FREEMAN Esther, and Oliver Capron, Aug. 21, 1757. 1-23 " Ralph, of Bellliigham. and Phebe Thompson, of .Mendon ; m. by Uriah Jillson. Justice, Jan. 1, 1765. 1-39 " Dan, resident of Cuml)erland, son of Ralph, of Winchester, N. H., and Jemima Alexander, of Richard, dec., of Cumberland; m. by John Dexter. Justice, Sept. 7, 1769. 1-105 " Wlilpple, of Nathan, of Belllngham, and Sabrla. Cook, of Hezeklah, of Cumberland; m. by Elder Abner Ballou, Sept. 9, 1790. l-iyft " Mrs. Vianna, and Ziba Darling, July 24, 1796. 2-18 " Dexter, of Smithfield, .son of Natlian, and Sarah Brown, of Cum- berland, dnu. or Ichabod; m. ijy Isaac Razee, Justice, Jan. 1, 1807. 0.34 " WlUard. aud Uiilh Jl.iskell: ni. by Ariel Cook, Justice, June 30, 1811. 3-131 " Martha, and James 11. llervey. Jlay 17, 1840. J.137 FRENCH Rebecca, and Josiah Dagsett, May 23, 1796. 2-79 PRETTER Sarah, and Joel Hawkins, Oct. 2, 1825. 1-144 FRITTER Morris, and Sarah Tingley, of Benjamin ; m. by Jotham Carpen- ter, Justice, Dec. 10, 1797. 2-89 FROffT Eliza A., and Arnold J. Newell, Nov. 26, 1829. 1-16 FULLER Mary, and Nathan Dodge, Dec. 13, 1752. 1-Sl " Ell, and Jemima Cook ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, June 16. 1768. 1-43 " Betty, and John Bishop. Jr., Dec. 21, 1769. 1-50 " Esther, .and Mnrveious Hall, Dec. 3, 1772. a-ll " Mary, and William Wlilpple. April 15, 1804. 2-21 " Sally, and WUlhim .\rnold. Dec. 3, 1807. 2-52 " Lydhi, and Willaid Haskell. May 28, 1817. 2-205 " Sarah J., and J. A. C;irroll. April 21, 1850. i:-].30 GAGE George W.. and JIalancy -V Cook; m. by Rev. Leonard Wakefield April 23, 1843. 1-65 GALLEY llann;ih, and Jotham Cai-penter, Jr., Aug. 20, 1769. ( UMl!El;r,AXD MAK IMAGES. 33 1-0 GALLOWAY .lamos, and .Mar>' IJains; m. by Elavil- Nathaniel Cook, Oct. 20, 1757. i-109 GAKDINEK Altrcd K., ol Providi-nce, and Hiirriet Arnold, of Cumberland; m. by Rev. Leonard Wakefield, May 6, 183U. 2-107 GARSOE Mary, and Paul Prow, Nov. 2, 1847. 2-173 " CatUerlne, and Oliver St. George, Jan. 6, 1848. 1-19 GASKILL William, and Susanna Aldiich ; m. by Job Bartlelt, Justice, Jan. 2(>, 1755. 1-21 " Jonathan, and Hannah Estes ; m. by Uriah JOlson, Justice, Nov. 30, 1701. 1-22 " Benjamin, ol Smithfleld. and Amey Ballou, of Cumberhind ; m. by Uriah JUlson, Jastice, April 12, 1764. 1-13 '• SUa.s, and Siirah Jillsou ; ni. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, March 4, 171)5. 1-96 " Amey, and Francis Inman, May 23, 1782. 1-151 '• Samuel, of Mendou, son ol Rbeuezer, and Olive Cook, of Cumber- land, dau. of Noah: m. Ijy Peter Darling, Justice, May 27, 1784. 1-90 '■ Nancy, and Levin ISarliett, Feb. 10, 1780. 1-117 " Lusina, and Lemuel Hall. Dec. 10, 1789. 1-118 '• James, of William, and Mary Sprague, of Amos ; m. by Levi Ballou, Justice, May 23, 1790. 1-157 '■ WUllam, of William, dec, and Phebe Cook, of Silas; m. by John Rogers, Justice, Jan. 1, 1801. 2-4 " Hannah, and Wlllard Wilcox, Oct. 10, 1802. 2-43 " Amey, and Stephen Wilcox, Jr., Aug. 12, 1813. 2-174 " LebbeuH, and Mary A. Law ; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., April 10, 1843. 2-120 GATES Christopher C, of Charles, and Maria C. Ballou, dau. ol Jonathan ; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., June 24, 1H40. 2-170 '■ Mrs. Emma A., and Joseph L. Bangs, June 14, l.t>47. 2-204 GATHAM Emily D., and James M. Latham, Jan. 30, 1850. 2-110 GAY Hannah, and ^Ubert G. Eaton, April 13, 1840. 2-1611 ■• Thomas i;., and Ellen Haylb ; m. by Rev. M. M. Preston, Oct. 10, 1847. 2-0 GIl;siiN' Betsey, and Conifoit Wlilpiile, Dec. 12, 1802. 2-170 •■ Jesse, of Cumbviland, and Elizabeth K. Cunningham, of Smithtield ; m. by Rev. M. M. Preston, March 21, 1848. 2-194 ■■ i:irhard H., of Mllford, Mass., and Charlotte M. Pond, of Frank- lin, JIass. ; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, Jane 17, 1849. 2-197 '• Harriet L. A., and Lewis Engley, July 4, la49. 2-38 GIFFORU Levina, and Sjimuel Wheeler, Jan. 19, 1812. 2-97 '■ Sarah Ann, and Arnold Staples, Nov. 29, 1819. 2-118 " Samuel S., of <;raftjaniin, of Ttii-tfonl. Vt.. son of IJoiiJaniin. ami Amey Slu'ldon, of i'limberland. dau. of William ; m, by Jotbam Cai-penter, Justice, irarch 10. 179:!. 2-46 " Rutli. and Haivey Ballou. Nov. 13. 1814. 2-RB " Lucy .\nn, anil I,cmncl Fishei-, Feb. 18, 1828. 2-ir.2 " EbiMif/.cr. of Comfort, and .Abby Stophi'ns, of Abel ; m. by Kev. Haylett Arvin ■, April 14. 1846. 2-184 " Abby A., and William BlaUelec. Nov, 29, 1848. 2-20." " James R.. and Hamct A. Darling : m. by Key. John Boydr-n, Jr., JiUy 4. 1849. 1-32 GUANT Betty, and David Wiswell, Ucc. 0, 1~&1. 1-40 " Mary, and Nathan Cook, Aus. 20, 1770. l-.">4 " Jolm, of Wr^nlbain, son of Kbcnczec, and Lucy CooK, of Cumber- land, dau. of MczeKiall ; m. by Jo-eph Blown, Justice, Dec. 12, 1771. l-.'il " Gilbert, of Jolm. and jVmcy Dexl'i-, of Daxiil: m. by .lolin Dexter, Justice, Feb. 13, 1773. l-f'2 " Samncl. of Joseph, of Cunibeihuul. and K.xperieuce Ftsher, of Jfedtray. Mass., dan. of Jonathan, of Cnmberlaud; m. by Elder Abner BjUIou, April 11, 177ii. l-''0 " AUen. of John, and Mary Brass, of Tlionias. dec. : m. by John Dexter, Justice, May 22, 1777. 1 "-t " Hannah, and Xaaman Bi-hop. Dec. 24. 1778. " Sarah, and AbU'-r Follett, Nov. 11, 1784. If 9 " Jabez, of Wrentham, son of F.b.Tii zor, and Dorcas Blandlng, of Cumborhmd. dau. of Ephraim ; m. by Levi Ballou, Justice, May 3. 1700. 1-102 " Beriah, of Ebenczer, and Elizabeth Rhodes, of Jeremiah, both of. Wrentham; m. by Levi Ballou, Justice, Dec. 26, 1790. 1-12G " Aaron, of Wrentham, son of F.ben .zer, ajid Dorcas Aldrich. of Camberland, dau. of Ali " IIiLldab, .and .lames Sall.v, De,-. 24, 1797. 1-155 " Elipaz, of Ebenezer, of Wrejith.-ini, and Mary Whipple, of Simon, of Cumberland ; m. by John Kosers. Justice, May 18, 1800. -'-^ " -^«i. of Benjamiii. of Wrentli am, and Elizabeth Parker, of Samuel, of Douglass, Mass. ; m. by Elder Stephen Place, Feb. 14, 1808. 2--5 " Mehltable. and Hela Wliipjile. April 2, 1809. 2'"''' " Thomas, and Phebe Dexter; ni. by Ariel Cook, .Justice May 10 1812. 2-62 •' Willai-d, of Jabez, and .M n y Harris, of George; m. by Elder St«- pllen Place, Nov, 18, 1S13. 2-51 " J^uka. and William Hawluns. Dec. 28. 1815. 2-89 " Polly, and John Newell, Nov. 14, 1824. 2-77 « Eliab T.. and Eliza TS'ilUinson; m. by Elder Stephen Cutler, .\pril 10, 1825. 2-86 •' Lucy, and William B. Smilh. June 17, 1827. 2-100 " Samuel, of Samuel, dec., and Alpha -\nn Weatherhead, of Daniel; m. by Alexander Ballou, Justice, Oct. 5, 1834. 2-135 " 1-liillip, ami Lillis Cuirier; m. by Rov, Leonard. Wakefield, March 27, 184:j. 2-147 " Eliza, and Ellis L. Blake, March 2, 1345. 2-146 " EUery. and Ascneth A. Ha.skell ; m. by Rev. M. M. Pi-eston, March :;o, 1843. 2-154 " William E.. and Harriet J. Cook, both of Wrentham; m. by Kev. John Boyden. Jr., May 17, 1846. 2-163 " Emily F.. and Allen H. Newell, Jan. 17, 1847. a-180 GRAVES Elizabeth, and Jal>ez liodgeson, Aug. 19, 184g. 2^152 GRA^T>IN Matilda, and George Prew, July 26, 1840. 2-202 GRAY Mary Ann, and Oliver Harris,' May 21,' 1829. 2-114 " Joshua, of l>rovidcnce, son of \Vimam ;ind PoUy, and Polly K. Elli(Jl, of Nathaniel and Jlelinda ; m. by Rev. Joseph Smith Dec. 15, 1839. ' 2-179 " Jlary, and Stephen Briggs, Feb. ;:, 184*. 1-66 GREENE Anrtiew, Into of Gre.at Brittain, and Amey Aldi-ich, of Capt. Jonathan ; ni. by John Dexter, Justice, May 29, 1777. ( TMP.EKIAN'I) M AUKI AllES. 35 —-11" CVKEENE Jliu-y Ann. mul K.li,i;ih ( ■uiiiruln'. Aiiiil -M, 16-40. --lyT ■' Ituth A., :in(l Kviibcii A. Ai-ncilu, Miiy i-'S, loj:;. " Izreul, ol SmitLitii-ld, and Mrs. lii'tsoy Mclntu-e, ul Ciiriilpi rlaud ; m. at WoousiK'ket, by Key. Jolin Hoyden, Jr., .Ian. ul, 1844. •Z-1M> " Eliza A., and Sttrry M. Conk, .Tiui. 1, 184U. £-17a " Francis A., .Ir., nt Cuiulj.'Hand, .son of lYancli A. and Hannah, o£ Thompson, Conn., and .hilia F. Kke, of Cuinljerland, Uau. ot James and Adeline; m. by Kev. Luther D. Hill, April 18, 184a. •2-i'M " SUas, and Sarah S. Whipple ; m. by Key. John Hoyden, Jr., Feb. 15. 1S19. 2-ilOO " Dr. John, ol Lowell, Mass., and Canda<.'o S. JIartin, or .NTorthbridge, Mass. ; m. by Ilev. John lioyden, Jr., March 6, 184!). i;--03 '• Eeulien. and DelUah L. Harris; m. by Eev. John lioyden, Jr., Nov. «, 1841). 2-205 '• Munton, and -Vdelia Joslia : m. by Kcv. John Doyden, Jr.. April 15, 1850. -2-20fi GUKGORY Parandii A., and Chester \V. Briggs, Jim. 1, 1830. 2-ltW uniFFIN' James M.. and Mary Cockran : m. by Kev. Warren KaicTrion, Mai'ch 15, 1847. il-'2b G1']LI> Timothy, of lYankliu, Mass, son ot Kbenezer, and Ksther Smltli, of Cumberland, dan. of Daniel; ni. by Isaac Riizee, Justice, Itb. 4, 1810. l-t;i7 GUILE Esther, and John Johnson. June tz:i, ]79i',. Lois, and Stephen TetTf, Nov. 1, 170!). •2-^S '• Siimucl, Jr., of Samuel, of Franklin, Mass., and .Sjiihia Haskell, of fk)mIort, of Cnmberhind ; in by Elder WUliam WilUams, May 10, 1812. U-40 '■ Cyrus, of Franklin, JJass., and Olive Haskell, of Cumberland; m. by Abner Ballou, Justice, Ajiril 7, 1813. l-lliB GULLEY Martha, and Ilenjamin Tower, Feb. 2-J, 1793. S-2iri CJUNN" Calhrriii.-. and Alphonso II. I'-'ede. .\pril 18, ]8.-)0. H 2.J71 HACKETT C. W.. anil Mrs. Mary (i. Wood; ni. by Rev. .Tohu Boyden. Jr., Jan. 15, 1848. 1.9 HADAWAY Sarah, and John Hartlett, Sept. 13, 17(;i. J-39 " fiusannah, and St^'Phen Low, Jr., Aug. 6, 17ti9. '•'-<;o IIADLEY John Russell, of North Providence, and Lncy Brown : m. by George TilUnghast, Justice, June 13, 1814. 1-19 ILM. LOWELL TheophUus, of Providence, and Surah Dext«r, of Cumberland; m. by Jeremiah Whipple, Justice, Jan. 15, 1753. l.iao " Capt. (Jeorge, and Marth.a Whipple, of Col. Simon: m. by Holllman Potter, Justice, Jan. 1-2, 1794. l-;i ILVLL llez''kiah, of Uxbrldge, .ind Deborah Daniels, ot Mendon ; m. by .lob Hartlett, Justice, March 7, 1749-0. 1-21 " 8eth. of Belllngham, and Elizabeth Spear, of Cumberland ; m. by Uriah JlUson, Justice, Deo. 17, 1761. 1-10 " Deborah, .and Daniel Shoperd, Dec. 9, 1702. 1-30 " John, and Joanna Cook ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Coolc, April 28, 1768. l-.W " M.arvelous, of Seth, and Esther FuUor, of Peleg; m. by Pot-r Dailing. Justice, Dec. 3, 1772. 1-50 '• Susanna, and Benjamin Wliipple. Jan. 8, 17S4. 1-117 " Lemuel, of Belllngham, son ot Seth, and Louisa Gaskell, of Com berland, dau. of William; m. by Levi Ballou, Justice, Dec. 10, 1789. 1-120 " Anna, and WUliam Miller. June 12, 1794. 3-140 " Benjamin, of Cumberland, and Sally Bates, of Belllngham; m. by Elder Abner Ballou, April 20, 1797. 1-211 " Ann Jane, and Henry Buxton, March 7, 1850. ii-139 HAKES Sarah Ann, and Joseph Matteson, Doc. 30, 1S42. a-184 " Lnelnda, and John F. Brown, Oct. 18, 184'-. ;^-01 HANCOCK Sally, and Addison Thompson, July 1, 18;)0. j 36 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-209 HANDY Siimnel J.. Ill' Mendon. ami Caroliup Aldrich. of Kiirrillville : ni. by C. H. Titus. Feb. 17. 1850. 2-80 HAUDEN St^th, and Lydia Thurston; ni. by William 'vVliipiilo. .Tustioo, Oct. 20, 18-25. 2-27 HAKDINO Sllana, and Oliver Capron, May 20, 1810. 2-75 " Nancy, and Whipple Kazee, Sept. 11, 1817. 2-72 n.A,IlDY Lyman, and Mary Haskell; m. by Elder Kenjanili) N. llazai-ft. .Tune 1, 182a. 2-186 " Lydia Ann, and Edwin B. Miller, April 1, 1840. 2-213 " lietsey, and .leremiah I'eij'cc, May 16, 1850. 2-43 IlAltlUNtiTON EllZiibelh, and J-..isha Waterman, April 26, 1814. 2-141 " Boxana, and Dexter Newell, Aug. 12, 1844. 2-145 " Sophia A., and Oren A. Ballon, Dec. 17, 1845. 2-203 " Dorea.i, .and lienoiu A. Rice, .Inne 24, 1849. 1-81 IIAREtIS Oliver, of Christopher, and Lydia Jenckes. of David ; m. by John Dexter, .lustlce, Aug. 18. 1782. 1-94 " Ala, of Shirley, .Mass., and Patience Aldrich, of Jonathan ; m. by John Dexter, Jnstlce. July 24, 1788. 1-137 " MarUia, and Esek HiU, June 5. ]79i5. 3-146 ■• Nathaniel, of Preserved, d c. of Smlthlield, and Mary Lovet, of Cumberland, dan. of EHphalet ; m. by Jotham Carpenter, JnB- lice, Feb. 16, 1798. 1-161 " (niristopher, and Thankful .Teiuk.-. : ni. by John Rogers, Jnstlce Aug. 30, 1801. 2-5 " WUliam, of Christopher, dec, and Patience Alexander, of Roger,; m. by John Rogers, Justice. Nov. 21, 1802. 2-29 " Selinda, and Daniel Weutherhead, Jan. 1, 1810. 2-67 " Nathan, of Oliver, and A'pha Weatlnnlnart. of Levi : m. by Samuel Grant, Jr.. Justice, Ojt. 9, 1811. 2-82 " Mary, and WUlard Grant, Nov. 18, 1813. 2-51 " Roxalana. and Whipple P-ik, Nov. 19, 1810. -50 " William, and Rebecca ^Vlvi^: ni. by Nathaniel V. Sivan. Justice, Oct. 19, 1816. 2-69 " Electra, and James Jlllso'i, Dec. II. 1823. 2-202 " 011\er, and JIary Ann Gr.iy ; in. by Rev. Slephen Cutler, May 21, 1829. - 1"3 " Edward, of Cumberland, and Radiel Farnum, of Mendun ; m. by- Rev. Joseph M. Brown, Dec. 2, 18.35. 2-108 " Louisi J., and Klias S. Ifallou, March 4, 1839. 2-220 " Eliah T., and Ann Phillips: m. bv Rev. (;eorge N. Waite, Oct 20, 1841. 1-128 " Mary S., and Alphia WliiliUR, (let. 21. 1.--H. 2-157 '■ Lucrella M., .ind Randall H. Daboll, June 14. 1846. 2-176 " Edward, of David F., and Abby P. Medalf. of Joseph; m. b? Judge W. R. Slaples. April 19. 1848. 2-203 " D.lilah L., and Eeubjn G icne, Nov. 6, 1849. 1-16 HART llepsilielli, and .Jacoli N. well, Jr., Juno 26. 1750. . 2-103 JIAIIVTRY i>ren S.. and Sopliia Ann Perrln, both of .Mention, Mass.: ni. by R^v. Hiram Cunimings. Nov. 24, 1830. 2-203 " Maria, and Dexter N. Sihloy, Aug. 12, 1649. 1-46 HASKELL Lucy, and Asa AMrlch, June 28, 1770. 1-107 -• John, of Cumberland, son of Abner, and Mary D.-irling. of Jiellinj;. ham, diiu. of John ; ni. by Peter Darling. Jr., Oct. 1, 1780. 1-88 ■' Molly, and James Jenckes, (let. 10, 1784. 1-90 " Comfort, of Abner. and Hannali Ray, Uau. or itoger Hraley ; m. Ij- Elder Abner Hallou. .luiie 9. 1785. ^"''^■^ " Comlort, of Abner. of I iimberland, and LepUa Franklin, of John, of Wrentbam; m. by Le\-I Ballon, Ju.stico, Oct. 25, 1739. 2-7 " Caleb, and Hnidali Brown : m. by Elder Abner Ballon, Sept 1'* 1802. 2-34 " Ruth, and Willaril I'n. man, June :j(), 1811. 2-38 " Sophia, and K:nuuel (;iiii,.. Jr., May 10. I.sl2. 2-40 " Olive, and Cyrus (iuile. AprU 7. 1813. 2-58 '■ -^arah, and Wliipple \V.:ithrrliead. May 14. 1816. CUMBERLAND MAURIA«ES. '^T £-52 HASKELL WiUard, of John, and Lydia KnlltT, fit' ^^lorris ; m. by Uouj amLT-i Wilkinson, Justice. May 2K, 1^17. 2-70 " Levi, and Lydia Trash; m. hy KIiIit Ucnjamin ll:a'ris. Nov. 3, 182-2. 2-78 •• Sally K.. and (icor-f,'(i Mason. 2d. \)ih\ 22. 1822. 2-72 •• Mary, and Lyirian Hardy, Juin' 1, 182:1. 2-99 ■• Dorcas, and 'riionias Carpenter. :\rarch (>, 18of. 2-lOt) ■' Amanda A., and Jo(ham Carneulcr, May 14, lK;i7. 2-120 ■■ vVrdelia C, and Simeon Steadman, Aug. 12, 1,840. 2-124 " Amey Ann, and Jeremiah M. Crooks. April 4, 1S41. 2-140 " Aseneth A., and Ellery T. Grar.t, JIarch 30, 184'5. £-1.52 " Hannah, and Cieorge P. Packard. ,A7n-il 8. 1840. 2-181 HATCH Sarah J., and Benjamin Jacobs, June 25, 1848. 2-r>9 HATHAWAY Lydia, xvnd Knight Kny, Scpl. 29, 1811. 2-68 " Chloe, and Olney Jillson. Oct.. 20. 1822. 2-lOS " Osman. and I.ois H. Hnllirook : m. hy Rev. Henry Wal^'ninin, April 2:j. 18:!'.). 2-119 " Sylll. .and David Viclcory, July 20, 1840. 2-208 HATTGIiroN Dehna. and .loshna Duiieck, Jan. 27. 1850. 1-112 HAVKNS Ann, and Roger Alexander, March 20, 1785. 1-22 HAWKINS Andrew, and Rebecca Robinson : ni. by Jolm De.\U;r, JiL-iUM, Jan. 1, 1750. 1-08 " Amey, and Latham Mosher. Oct.,!!). 1777. 2-25 " Levi, of David, and Patty Staples, ol Mephi'U : m. by Isaac Ray, Justice, Jan. 1, 1.809. 2-90 " I'atly, and Timothy Darling. Nov. rs. 1823. 2-51 •• William, of David, and Salia (Irani, of .labi'z : in. by r.en.i.imin Wilkinson, Justice, Dec. 2.1. Inf.. 2-99 " Amos F., of Darius, and .Mary Ann llaydeii. of Daniel; in. i>y WUIiam Whipple. .Uistice. Aug. !.">. 1824. 2-79 " Joel, of David, and Siirah Frelter. ot Morris; m. liy ]''.Ider Kboiiv zer Blake, Oct. 2, 1845. 2-1.50 " Lucy A. E., and Horace L. Cook, Jan. 23, 1845. 2-107 " Mary Ann, and Henry P. Lewis. June 11, 1847. 1-55 HAWS Samuel, Jr., of Wreiitham. sL Kullen. July 29. 1849. 2-169 HAYTH Ellen, ,and Thomas R. Gay, Oct. 10. 1847. 2-201 HAYWARD Harriet, and Daniel Deets, March 21, 1837. 2-147 " Samuel P.. ot Jlendon, and Rachel G. Rhodes, of r.ellingh.-ini ; ui. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr.. March 19. 1845. 2-189 " Lewis P., and Martha W. (Taflin. boili i.r llopk.nten. Mass.; ai. by Rev. C. H. 'Htus. Nov. 11. 1849. 2-170 HAYWOOD .lohn R.. and Sjilly Cook, both ol Mendon, Mas-.; m. by IV>v. John Boyden, Jr., Oct. 24, 1847. 1-34 HEALEY Betty, and Edward Convin, March .^, 17(i2. 1-82 HEAKTWELL Samuel, ot Joseph, of New Jlilloi-d. Conn., and Elizaboth WUUlnson, of Jeremiah, ot Cumberland: ni. by John Dexlw, Justice, March 23, 1783. 2-190 HEFERTINE Catherine, and James Corven (in(cnliou), (also, 2-210), S.'^pt. 1, 1855. 1-19 HEMINGWAY SannicI, and Susannah Folletl, belli of Attlcboro, Mass.; m. by John Dexter, Justice. April lo. 1754. 2-130 " Sarah N., and John Warrell, May 5, 1839. 2-203 ■' E. D., and Catherine Scott: ui. hy Rev. John Eoyden, Jr., Oct, 25, 1849. 2-26 HENDRICK Cornelius, ol tUnnberhmd, son of Dr. Stephen, of Smlthlield, and Alpha. Baillett, of Cumberland, dau. of Asa; m. hy ir. • Nathan Arnold. Justice, April 10, 1809. 2-82 " Cornelius, of Sleiihen. dec, and Amey Angell, of Gideon : m. iiy William Whippb-. Justice, Dei'. 22, 1.^25. £-172 " Olive J., and Jann s II. Di'ake, Jan. 4, 1848. 38 VITAL liElORl) OF KHODE ISLAND. 2-190 IIF.XDIUCK U.sdomoniii. and Horace LtUcp, Fob. 25, 18-M). •> a-0 ILlillENDKEiV iTi'StUla, and James Dailing. March 13, 1803. l-Ol ItEERINGTON Ada. and Comfort Wealherhead, Jan. 6, 178G. 2-131 IIEEVEY .lam. s jr.. and Manila rrncman : m. by Kpv. Ji. P. 7!yi-am. May 17. 1840. 2--2ttO HEWETT Mary B., and Simeon EllioU. June 23, ISSO. 2-l(i.'^ HICKS Deboi-ah. and EastoQ Inman. Aiiril 25, 1S47. 2-lii7 " Ann, and John Khodes. July — . 1847. 2-1 CO HIUGJNS Hanna)i E., and Abraham TillL.t.son, Marrh 31, 1847. HJLLAIID Conjaniln. and Lots Carpontor. both of Cumberland : m. at At- tleboro. by . Not. 7. 1791. 1-lli HILL Barleny. and Ckorge Lapham. Aug. 20, 1787. l-lOo •■ John, ol Smithfleld, son of .'simuel, and Lnsena Fi.sk, of Cnmber- land. dan. of John. dre. ; m. by Lpvi Ballon, Justice. Jan. 6, 1791. 1-1'j'i " SIei>hen, and lluldah Wade: m. by Ilollimnn I'otter, Justiee. Miinh lb, 17i)4. 1-137 " Ksek, of l'ro\-ldenco. and Marlha Harris, (d smithfleld ; m. by Jnthani Carpenter. Justii e. June 5. 179G. D-2ir. '• Lewis jM.. and Alice Wliilcher ; ni. by UeV. Ueoi'ge Taft. Sept. -, 1834. 2-llk; " Martha T... and Joliii S. stcwuit. May 13, l.->4n. e-20.s •■ ll.-tsey A., and Je.ssi- c. Hoyt. March 28. lSr>0. " ('alisla i;.. and William K. WilMnson. Aug. 13, 1857. 3:>7 HILTON Hannah, and Silas lialloii. .\Iiril 17. 1774. 2-204 HINSELEFK Klizab.tli. and I'eter Quinn. Nov. 11, 18-19. 2-ir>.''> >nX(iN Jothum. ol Hollislon. Mass.. and Louisa riekering. of Cumber- land; m. by l!cv. Leonard WakelMrt. March 25. 1843. 2-199 HOAO .\hliy. and I)a\is T. Cook, Feb. IS. 1849. 1-13 HOAR Dmsilla. and William Joslin, May lO. 170). 2-123 HOBV.S Calvin, of Charilon. Mass., and Charlott(^ I!. lioyden. of Sturbrldgo, M.-iss. : m. by Kev. John Hoyden. Jr., Oct. 27, 1841. a-16« HODGESON Ai-Ties, and Thomas >r(.rsc. April 24. 1847. S-l.oo " Jabez, and Elizabeth Gravs; m. by Kev. C. 11. Tltas. Aug. 19, 1848. 3-lWO " M.ary S.. and George Hall, Aug. 19. ,1818. 1-121 HO(^G Ros-;innah. and John ITowawl. Jan. 14. 17(i2. 2-108 HOLBROOK 1 ois H., and Osnian Hathaway. April 23. 1839. 3 59 HOLDEN J.ibeir.. of l^ovidene.>. son of .lulm, dec., of Mendon, Mas-S.. an4 Molly Lapham. of C.nnil»erland. dan. of Abner: m. by Elder Reuben Potter. Oct. 24. IBl.-". 2-159 " llavillah, and Dimrous Roper: m. by Rev. John Hoyden, Jr., Oct. 11, 184(1. 2-177-lSl '■ Loiza B., and Edward -V. Conant. May 4. 1848. Another entry reads, Louisa and Edwin. 2-202 " >lar>- A., and Phillip T. .Milbr. June 24, 1649. 2-192 HOLLAND John, and Can liuo I'.uxton. both of East Douglass, Mass.: m. by Rev. C. 11. Titus, May i::. 1848. 2-13><]41 HOLLEY Albert P.. of Smilbliiid, and Catherine Cook, of Cumbertand; m. by Rev. John Hoyden. Jr., Dec. 29, 1834. 1 18 HOLMES S;imucl, of Sc.ituale. and Elimthan Browu, of Cumberland; m. by John Dexter. Justice. Aug. 15, 1751. ■2-Ki " Harrison, and Rachel Ann Allen; m. by Elder Eonjamin F. Lombard, Aug. 10. 1826. !i-l.<'2 " LydJa S,. and Heniy M. Smith. Nov. 15, 184S. HOOD Thomas, and Elizabeth SiJeaknum. both of Boston, Mass.: m. by Rey, Henry (i. Sli-wart. Nov. ill). 1819. 1 79 HOI'KINS Klisha, Jr.. of Kli^ha. (d' Gloi^oster. and Betsey Briggs, of Samael, dec. of Cnmberlaiid : m. by John Dexter, Justice, June 3, 1781. 2r209 '• Mclis.sa A., and Levi L. Pcirce. Feb. 25, 1850. i-r>l HOPi'IN John, Jr.. of Pro^ld. lie. . son of John, and Mary Carpenter, of Cumberland, dati. of William : m. by John Dexter, JasUce^ Feb. 4, 1772. 2-101 HOETON Hannah, and Ariel Ballon, .h-., M. D.. Sept. 11, 1532. 1-121 " Lucy H., and Edward Ray, Oei . 1. 18K), ■.;-139 " Mrs. Nancy P., and John ll. Kddv. .March 1. 1344. i... ^ < I'.MBEItr.ANIl MAi:niA(;E> 2-liU HOKTON Cluriss:! !>., ftlld Ch.uifs \V. lirudfoi-d. Fcl). 0, 1817. 2-17K " Siisan P., and Jamfs L. Paine, Jnne 5. 1848. 2-lb8 '■ .lotin S., and .\Jmira ok: m. by Rev. <\ H. Titus, May 7, 1649. 1-14 nOWART) Mindwoll, and William Swcetland, March 2, lia'J. 1-7 '■ KlK)n<;"/,tr, and Dorotliy Ormshec : m. liy Klfler Natbaniol c^oot, Feb. 11. 17;-)!). 1-32 " &imin-l, and Wailslill Whipple; ni. liy Klder Daniel Millei-. Dfy .loUij CenUl, .Tii,sU(m', .Ian. 14, 1762. 1-1(<0 " Olive, and Daniel Carpenter, May 22, 1801. 2-.'12 " Joseph, of Ithabod, and Mehit.-xble Barney, of Cnraberland. duu. of .losn.ah : m. by Nathan Arnold, .lustiee. .Tan. 13, 1811. 2-7+ " Kunice. and Henry Thoma's, May 2.^, 1824. 2-112 IliiWF, Sophia, and Martin Flsk, July 4, 183!). 2-2fir, lid's T .Tesse C, and Betsy A. Hill; m. by; P.'V. .Tohn P.oydin. .Ir., Feb. 28, IS.W. 2-ir.2 IInriPARD Lucy A., and William "vratteson, Xov. 18, 1840. 2-lftn IIITI)80N «:imuel. and Lydia Vallett, both of Sniithtield : m. by Rev. Leon- ard Waliefield. Oct. 10, 1840. 2-182 " Abby Ann, and GeorRe A. Brown. 8ept. 17. 1848. 2-134 iniJIES Susan W., and David Phetteplaee. March 8, 1843. 2-200 " Ma.snn, and Susan Ann Jlann : ni. by Kev. .Tohn Hoyden. ,Tr.. Feb. 2.'i. 1840. 2-l$K! llirMPHKF.Y .Tohn. and Phebe Ann Carey, both of M. divay. Mass.; m. by Rev. C. II. Titns. Oct. 28, 1840. l-ir, IITTNT T^dwarrt, and ilnrv Darlins: m. by I!ol>ei-t Ahlrieli. .Tiistlce. JiUy 27, 1700. ICtCi '■• Anna, and Silas Thayer, Nov, 31, 1702. 1-23 " Mary, and Hobby Pioltering, Feb. 22. 170."). 2-4«; '•■ Mary, and Eb-^nezer Rallou, Aur-. <>, 18I,-i. 2-102 HVr.R Mnry A., and Robert W. Carnes. Nov. s. Is to. 1-03 IDF. Abig-ail. and Cbailes fUiase. Xov. r., 1780. 1-ln IN'GALLS airab, and Caleb liowen. .Inly 20, 17,".4. ' ■ 1-2 INMjVN Deborah, and .Toseph Brown, Ans. 11, 1748. 1-4 " Waite, and Joseph Smith. .3d, Feb. 10, 1750. 1-18 " Bathslieba, and Joseph Darling, Anp:. 20, 17.")0. 1-19 " Mary, and Joseph Streefev. March 4, 17.'>2. 1-41 " Stephen, of Stephen, dee,, and Bafhsheba Darlin?, of Joseph; m, by Peter Darlins, Justice, April 30, 1760. 1-.">r> "■ Hannah, and Williani Chase, Jr., June 1, 1772, 1-79 " Jeremiah, of Jeremiah, and Phebe Bartlctt, of .Toseph: ni. by Peter Darling. Jastice, April 26, 1781. 1 00 '■ Frances, of Jeremiah, dec., and Amey Gaskell. of WlUijim : m. by Peter Darling, Justice, May, 23, 1782, 1-114 •' Stephen, of Stephen, dec, and Sally Bates, of John. d>'C. : m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, Jan. 13, 1786. 1-135 '■ RholBi, .and Nathan WTiippIe, March 13, 1700, 1-156 •• Kathan, of Francis, dec, and Betsey Capron, of Joseph; m. by John Rogers, Justice, Xov. 23, 1800. 2-13 " William, of Stephen, and Polly Williams, of Robeit: ni. Iiy Isaac Itizee, Justice, Nov. 9, l.SO."), 2-14 " .loanna, and Isaac Sheldon, Sept. 13, 1804. 2r31 ■• Martha, and Elisha Bartlett, Feb, 23, 1808. 2-34 •■ Prnshia, and Rhodes .Sheldon, Sept. Is, 1808, 2-32 '■ Stephen, of Stephen, of Cumberland, and Sally Streeter. of George, of Smithfleld; m. by Samuel Grani. Jr., Justice, March 22, 1811. 2-159 " E.sther M., and J.ames M. Challand, May 28, 18-46. 2-168 ■• Fjiston, and Deborah Hickes ; ni. by Alfred Arnold, Jastice, Aprtt 25, 1847. i: 20:j •■ :Mary M.. aud .Martin SniilU. Oct. 14, 1849, . , 40 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 .". JACKSON Mary, and Peres Bradfoid. J.in. 24, IT.JO. 1.15 « Benjamin, and Lydla pick, both of AtUctjoro ; ni. liy John ]).•!- ter, Justice, Dec. 29, 1750. 1-20 " Joseph, of Cumberland, and Elizaheth Newell, o;' Attlelioro : ni. hy John Dexter, Justice. Dec. 20, 1759. 1-7.S ' Chloe, and William Ross, Feb. 1, 1781. 2-103 .T.VCOBi? William H., and Levlna Kazee ; ni. by Eldei^ Sii],iien Cnvt<>r. Dsc. 0, 1832. 2-181 " Benjamin, and Sanih .T. Hatch, both of ficiluate. Mass.: m. t»r r.ev. .Tolm Boyden, Jr., June 25, 1S48. 2-140 JAQUES Janie.s, and Betsey Ann Dickinson; ni. by -Vlfred Arnold. JusMc«, Aug. -, 1842. 1-113 JKFPERS. Thomas, and Mary Bartletl : m. by lolham Carpenter, Jiw- tice, Nov. 10, 17S8. 1-97 " .Tenisha, and Jeremiah, Eartlett, April 12, 1789. 1-141 " Jenislia, and Jeremiah B'rtlett, May 22, 1790. 1-142 " John, of Caleb, dec., anl Joanna Lapham. of John; m. hv Le\i Ballon. Justice. .Tune 19. 179*5. 1,148 " Hannah, and I.evi Bartlett. Nov. 28, 1798. 1-1 JENCKES Rcbeckah, and Jeremiah Scott, April 20. 1746. 1-21 •' Catherine, and Oliver Illie, March 31, 1752. 1-15 " Hannah, and Henry Ray. May 21, 1752. 1-14 " Jeremiah, and Patience Tower; m. by Job I'.artlett. Justice, Marcti 22, 1753. 1-19 " Daniel, and Leah Whipple; m. by .Tob BartleH, Justice. Dec. 11. 1754. 1-11 " Phebe. and Enos JQlson, Oct. 31, 175*;. 1-6 " David, and Martha Whipple; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, Aug. iJ, 1758. 1-10 " John, of Cumberland, and Thankful Roljinson, of Attloboro; ra. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, July 4, 17(i2. 1-26 " Daniel, Jr.. and .Sarah Wliipple ; ni. Ijy John CrtJuld, Justice, Jaii. 6, 1763. 127 " John, of Smithfield, and -Vnne BLshop, of Cumlierland; m. by Josspii D.a\'ls, Justice, Aug. 7, 17(iO. 1-38 " Amos, and Aniey Kavajje ; m. by Elder Daniel Miller, Jan. 29, 1769. 1-52 " Haiuiah, aiul Xathau Weeks, Nov. 4, 1770. 1-61 " .leieniiah, of Jonathan, dec, and Lucy Wliipple, of Jeremiah; m. by John Dexter, Juitiee. Feb. 25. 1770. 1-77 " Joseph, of David, of rurriberlaud. and l.ydia Dexter, of Andrew, of Smithfield; ni. by Jotliaui Cai-penter, Justice, Dec. 3, 1779. 1-80 '• Jedediiih, of Jereaiiah, and Betsey Fisher, of Jeremiah; ni. by Johc Dexter, Justice, July 14, 1782. 1-81 " l.ydia, and Oliver Harris, Auk. 18. 17s2. 1-109 " Bet.sey, and .\mos FoUetl, Sipt. 20. 17o4. 1-88 " ' James, of David, and Molly Haskell, of Abn.r; ni. by Elder Abuer BaUou, Oct. 10, 17S4. \ v/ / 1-106 " Patience, and Thomas Newell, Jr., Aug. l-." 1766> AIoa, 11 -17^5 "Nl C\ ^N " .\una, and Kbenezer Mctralt, July 3, 1787. / 1-94 " Gideon, of Daniel, Jr., and Anna Wliiie, ot Attleboro, of William; m. by John Dexter, Justice, F<-1>. ;;, 1783. 1-110 " Sarah, and David Ray. Nov. 13, 1786. 1-97 " Peter, of David, and Elizabeth King, of Reuben; m. by John D-x- tcr. Justice, Oct. 21, 1789. 1-99 ■' Welcome, of John, and Kliz.abeth Brown, of John ; m. by John Dex- ter, Justice, March 14, 1790. 1-105 " Dianna, and Benjamin FolleK. March 17, 1791. 1-107 •' Hannah, and James Aldrich, July 31, 1791. 1-110 " Lemuel, o( Cumberland, son of Daniel, and Hiinnah Kelley, of li>bl- llngham, daughter ot Elisha : ni. by I^;\ i B.-.Uou, JusHce, Aug. 19, X791. 1-117 '■ Anna, and -\bsalom Ballon. June 20. 179.;. 1-119 " Mary, and Enos Jillson, Jr., Oct. o, 1793. (IJtREKLAXD -MAltUIAGES. 41 1-124 JENCKE^; Susaiinali, and Gideon KidWi,. Auf;. 17, 1704. " Ruth, and Charles Chase, Dec. 2S, 1794. 1-147 " Luke, of Wi-entham si>n or William, and Lludla Arnold, of Joseph; m. by .lotluun Cai iientcr. Justice, April i!-J, 179S. 1-15-2 " I.iil " Sarah, and Silas Gaskcll. -March 4. 37i;5. 1-22 " Katherine. and Joseph Jlerrilield, recorded April 18, 1765. 1-40 " Nathan, of Nathaniel, of Cumberland, and Susannah Sheldon, of William, of SmithHeld ; ra. by Peter Darling. Justice. Nov. 3. 1768. 1-45 " Nathaniel, Jr., of Nathaniel, and LcAona Ballon, of Abner : m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, Nov. 9, 1769. 1-45 " Daniel. Jr.. of Attleboro, son of Daniel, and ,Mehitable Cooper, of Attleboro, dan. of S:tmirel, dec; ni. by .lohn Dexter, Justice. July 5, 1777. 4 1-54 " Uriah, of Uriah, and EUzib<'lh Clark, of Samuel: in. by Elder .\h- ner Ballon, Dec. 3, 1772. 1-59 " Martha, and Nathan Aldrich, June 19. 1774. 1-75 " Sarah, and John Vicory. Jfarch 27, 1777. 3-67 " Luke, of Cumberland, son of Natbaniel. and Anna Shearmiui. of liellingham, dau. of Neheuiiah : m. by Peter D.irliiig, Jastice. May 29, 1777. 1-6S " Paul, of TTrlah, and Martha Clark, of 8;iiiiiiel: m. by Peter Darling, Justice, Jan. 8. 1778. 1-75 " Waite, and Duty BaUou, Dec. 24, il7T.s. 1-75 " Stisanna, and William Wilkinson, Feb. I, 1779. 1-88 " Nathaniel, of Nathaniel, ilee., and Chloc .\i-noUi. ol John : m. by Elder Abn.'r Bali.ui. i lel . 28, 1784. 42 VITAL KECOKD OF RHODE LSLAXD. 1-lX) JlLLW-iN UiusUla. aua l.lislia l)!i\is. Aii^. T. ITf-r.. 1-96 " Uhoda, and Sanmd Arnold. Any:. 17, 17w.. l-9:i '• I'Ucbe, and Jesse Alexander. J)e<-. ao. 17.~7. 1-119 " Knos, Jr., ol' Euos, and Hary Jentke-s, ol David: m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, Oct. t>, 1793. ■2--20 •■ Welcome, of Nallianiel. and Lusina lir.mii. ol >teplien, dec; m. by Levi BaUou, .Uislii e, M;u-cii 1, 1705, '■ Diadania, and John Cobb, -May '2C 17!)."), l-iai ■■ OtLs, and Cliloe >liepcrdson : m. by .lolliain Carpenter, Justice, AprU a, 1791!, « 3-139 '• iNiraii, and Nahiini AldrieU, (Jet, 9, 1790. 1-148 '• Levina. and Benjamin Darling, Nov. 18, 179S. J-3 •• l.cvin, of Xalhaniei. uf Ci.mberland, and Chloe KaJUou, of Keuben, of I'rovldence : m. by Klijali .iVinoUl, Justice, Feb, 9, 1802, i-l.'i •■ Kilc'y, of Nathan, and Silvia Capron, of Joseph; m, by he\i BaUou, Justice, Juno 23, l.stia. 2-31 " PrLscilla. and Charles Wleaton, l>ec. 2, 1S10. 2-92 " Teniperance. and Jeremiah liulhiek. May 31, 1812. ::-til •• .NaihaTii-l. Jr., and Deborali Bra ley ; m. by D.avls Cook, Justice, Oct. s. 1817. 2-97 '• l.oiiis.-i. and Welcome Kallon, April 2, 1S20. 2-68 •■ I 'Iney, and Chloe Hathaway; m. by William Wliipple, Jn.stice, 'K-1. 20, 1^22. 2-71 '• Isaac, and Meliltable sj nei- : m. by Daniel Aldrich, Justice, Dec. 7, 1823. 2 liSi '• James, and Electra Harris : m. by David .\ldrieh. Justice, Dec. 14, 1823. 3-82 " Kunic'-. and Lemuel Cai>nin, Jan. 27. lf-24. 2-87 " Sjilly. and Lyman Staples, July 2(1. 1828. 2-90 •■ Kauny C. and Nathan Stapbt;. .March 20, 18:i2. 2-127 •• Kliy.alielh. and Milton Whipple, Aup. 29.' 1841. 2-133 '• .Mrs. Nancy, and tieorge W. Tingley, Dec. 1, 1842. 2-137-lC>'5 " Mary .\. and .Sylvester R. (or K.) \S hippie, Dec, 14, 1843. 2-l.'>4 " (isliorn. of Cumberland, and Sally A, Crooks, of BeUlngham ; m. by Kev. John Hoyden, Jr., Oct. 6, 1840. 2-200 " Alliert ('., of Attleboro, and CUmentine JliUer, of Cumberland; m. by L. B. Arnold, Justice. .March 27, 18:)0. 2-318 " Sylvester \V., age4, 1-40 ** Mary, and .losejili Iluiiinganie, <->ct. 25, 1770. 1-118 " Itachel. and Christopher wisher. Nov. 11. 1793. 1-1">7 '■ John, of Wrenthum, sou of Jolin, dec, and JCstUer Guild, of Frank- lin, Mass., dau. of KbeneKer; m. by Le^l Ballon, Justice, Jane 23, 1796. 2-10:; '• Asa, and Kunice 1!. Knapp; m. by Kev. Jolm Boyden. Jr., Jan. O, 1847. ■2-205 " Margaret, and James Purlngion. Miu-ih 24, 18J0, 1-SO JONES Ebenezer. and Ansellus l(sk; m. by John Dexter, Justice, July 29, 1752. 1-S3 " F.lias. ot Mendon. son ol Ife/.cleel and Jemima DarUng, of Cumber- laud, dau. of John ; m. by John De.xter, Justice, June 24, 1782. 3-f 18 ■• I riaU, of Cumberland, son of John, and Amey Smith, of Smithfleld, dau. ot Joshua; ui. by Enos Smith, Justice, Juno 25, 1791. 2-170 '• Thomas, and EUcn Saver; m, by Joliu Boyden, Jr., July 18, 1847. 2-199 " Maxia, and Georgu H. Curtis, June 8, 1849. 2-13 JOSLIN William, and Drusilla Hoar; in. by Elder Natliani'l Cook, .May 10. 17(54. '• I 'hillis, and Joseph Spragio-. Drv. 29. 1708. 131- " Israel, and -Viine Briggs ; m, by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, Oct. 4, 1787. 1-130 " Lucina. and Johnson Burlinganie, Aug. 28, 1794. r,MHi;i;r,AXD — mauuiages. 43 1-uri hi-i.lN Phebc, ami Silas Ciiprdii. , 1815. 2-52 " rhUena, and K/.ra i;ialii-. May -2:,, 1S17. 2-63 " NVWpph'. 01' .-^(oiilii-n. ol Cunib.Tland, and Ke.-spah l;lake. of Saniuvl, dec. ol Wi'i'nlliam : m. by Eldir K^'Uboii Potter, Jr., Fob. 10, 18-_'0. 3-77 " Lsirned, and Nanoy Varre : ni. by Jaln-z Armesby, .Tustice, Dec. 6, 1821. 2-68 " Alfred, of IJufii.'i. and Naucy Fi^hi'r lilake ; m. by Eldor Koubpu Potter, .Ir.. Jan. il, 1622. 2-91 " William, of Stephen, and Sai'ali Cook, of /.L-bina : in. by William \Vliippl(% .lustico. April 3, 1825. 2-65 " Slophoii, 2d ,ol Unfus, and Mary PoL^cy, of Adam: m. by LiwLs P.jck, Justice. Juno 14, 1827. 2-98 " William, of Steplu-n. and Sabru Staples, of E^zekiel ; m. by Alex- aadcr BhUoii, .lustice, Jan. lo, loo2. ^ 2-148 " Ezra R.. and Mary Wmith : m. by Rev. John. Boyden, Jr., Xov. 2, 1845. 2-178 " Adam, of Smlthiicld, son of Mrplini and llury, and Maranda Cro.ss- man, of Srnithlicld. d:iu. of l.iiUicr and Chariot'''; ni. by Key. L. 1). Hill, Juno £2, 1848. 2-205 " Adc'lia. and .M:uuon Lirreno. April 15. 1850. 2-218 " John, of William, of Cumbi'iland. and Klizabetli Fosltr, of IleUlng- ham. dan. of Francis : m. by William G. Arnold, Justice. Dec. 27, 1855. K 1-145 1-143 1-124 2-23 1-2 1-13 1-22 2-155 2-171 1-116 1-115 1-132 1-134 3-129 2-190 3-101 3-83 2-107 1-OS KAY Jonathan, of Hem'y, of Cnmbfiland, and KUzal»(h \Vood. of Jonathan. of Attleboro : m. by Natlianiel Sheperd.son, Justice, Nov. 4, 17S4. " Henry, of Cumberland, and Dorothy Kead, of Kehohoth ; m. by Jor.athan Carpent.r, Justice, July 16, 1797. KEKCH Piti-r. of Abniliani. of Smilhficld. and Sarah Chase, of Jos'ph : m. Elder Rufus TelTt, D.c. 20, 1792. KEEN John, of John, and Levinia Williams, of Robert: m. by Isaac Razee, Justice, Dec. i:i. 1.--07. KEITH Uatlisheba. and Eiisha Newi'U. Dec. 25, 1748. " Ksther, and Asa Tlrompson. March 8, 1764. " ?Tary. and Joseph Swilt. Dec. 6, 1764. " Wellington, of I'xljridKc. son of Lymaii. and Almeda R. Preston, of Cumberland, dau. of Joliu : m. by Roy. Haylett -\rvine, s-pt. 13, 1840. " Sopbronla, and Willard C. Mai-sh. .Tan. 2:!, 1846. KELLEY Hannah, and Lemuel Jenckes. Aug. 19. 1791. " Wiuit, of I!eilin?liam, son of Eli.slia, and Joanna Cook, of Abrsv- ham; m. by Levi Ballon. Jnstii'C. Jan. 3. 1792. " Sefli. of Walliiisford, Vt., and Mrs. Ablffail Albee, of Milford, Mass.; m. by .Totham Carpenter. Justice, Oct. 14, 1795. " Willis, of Mondon, .son of Setli. and Diadama Capron. of Uxbridge, dau. of Comfort: m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, Jan. 24, 1796. « Roderick, and Cynthia A. Cai-d; in. by Rev. 27. 1341. " F.Iizalielh T.. and Lilierty Whipple. May ^.T KEMPTON Hannah, and Thomas Dunkham. July 20, KENDALL i;ets<>y, and Caleb Peck. Nov. 26, 1826. ITP.TJT Martin, and Martha Corbiii ; m. by Rev. Edward K. Fuller, Feb. 12, 1839. " WUliam, of Cumberland, son of Ezra, of Rehobotb, and Hannali Brown, of Abial, of Cumberland ; m. by John Dexter, Jus- tice. Dec. 14, 1788. I:!. P. B;-ram, Oct. 1849. 1835. 44 VITAL KECOED OF KHODE ISLAND. 2-1'n KEXT Sarah E.. and Williuin F. Wright, Dec. 6, 18-l(i. 2-l'J9 " Emma A., and William H. Jenckes, Feb. 14, 18411. 1-108 KIG Sarah, and Dexter nr4)wn. M:irch 21, 1782. 1-150 KIMTON Ezra, ul Uxbrldgc, and Duta Darling, of Cumberland ; m. by Elder Abner Ballon, Dec. 1!>, 1708. 2-1 itj KINGSBURY WUliam, of Mediield, JIass.. and Caroline Knapp, of Cumberland; m. by K v. John Boyden, Jr.. Jan. 24, 1841. l-7i; KI.VG John, of John, and Phebe Cass, of Jonathan; m. by Stephen Arnold. Justice, Kov. 30, 1774. 1-97 ■• Elizabeth, and Peter Jenckes, Oct. 21, 1789. 1-120 ■■ Josiah, and Mary Chase, of Joseph; m. by llolliman Potter, Justice, Oct. 27, 1793. 1-14(; ■• SiUly. and Elisha Cook, Feb. 12, 1798. 2-175 '■ Emeline. and Joseph Booth, Jan. 13, 1848. 1-157 KIllKY lintb. and Enoeh Tower, Oct. 19. 1800. 2-lHS KIKKiLiN Mary, and Charles D. Wild, May Its, 1849. KNAPP Bradford F., of Ephralm, and Hannah Albee, of Samuel; m. by John S. Durfee, Jus lice, June 6. 1833. 2-121! ■' Caroline, and WLMam Kingsbury, June 24, 1841. 2-157 '• KNOWLTON lienjaniin, of Wrentliam, and Molly Tower, of Cumberland; m. by Joseph Davis, Justice, Dec. 3, 1764. 2-194 KNOX Franklin, aud Eliza Q. Walker, both of SlUlbury, Mass.; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, July 22, 1849. 2-15.1 2-129 1-16 1-49 1-80 2-62 2-92 2-153 1-70 1-20 1-9 1-31 1-107 1-112 1-112 1-111 1-142 1-142 2-59 2-75 2-181 2-191 LA DUKE Jlary, ai-.d Edward Naylor, M;'y 7, lS4f.. I-A CROIX CaroUue M., and Charles Fales, Jr., Dec. ID, 1841. LANE Bethiab. and Jonathan Nutting. Sept. 14, 1758. '■ Prescilla, and SCcrry Kozworth, Jan. 1, 1771. " Daniel, of Attleboro, son of Ebenezer, and Abigail Allen, of Cum- berland, dau. of Capt. Nehemlah ; m. by John Dexter, Justice, Feb. 28, 1782. '■ Matilda, ancl Daniel Alexander. Sept. 22. 1822. " Sally Caroline, and Daniel Alexander. Dec. 5, 1830. l.AXGU.\i;E Mrs. Elizabeth Ann. and Andrew Arthur, JiJy 20, 1846. " Desire, and Moses Ballou, March 22, 1778. LAPILVM Abner, and Mary Mowry, m. by Job Bartlett, Justice, May 3, 17C.1. " Ecbeckah, and Jeremlali Bartlett, March 25, 1762. " John, and Amcy Bueklin ; m. bv Elder Nathaniel Cook, June 21, 1767. '• Amcy, and Sv. 11, 1849. S-2Il; LEIiUuW Peter, of WbltinsvUle, Mass., son of Joscpli and Mary, of Montreal, L. C. and Ann McGlone, of do., dau. of John and Mary, of Antrim, Ireland ; m. by Kev. Luther D. Hill. March 27, 1850. 17 l.Ep; .lose[ili. and Hutlj Weatlierlieart ; ni. by Elder Nathaniel C/Oolf, April 15, 175(>. 1-89 " Samuel, of Cumberland, son of Kiehai'd, dec, of Rehobotli, and Hannah Hrif-'gs, of Thomas, of Cumberland; ni. by Jolin Dexter, Justice, March .3, 17(50. 1-87 " Levi, of Joseph, and Lydla liallou, of Elisha; m. at .Smithiield by John Dexter, Justice, May 4, 1783. 1-104 " Amazlali, of (umberl.and, son of Joseph, and Nancy Taylor, of Providence; m. by John Dexter, Justice, Dec. lit, 1790. 2-10 " Ephraim, and Alpha White; ni. by lireal Joslin, Justice, April 11, 1802. S-187 " Marcelia, and John Wliipple, Sept. 23, 1848. !M17 LEGGETT William, and Mary S. Martin; m. by Rev. John lioyden, Jr.. AprU 5, 1840. 2-206 LETllERKOOD Alien, and Grace Morehouse; m. by Kev. <'. 11. Titus, .Tan. 7, 1850. 2-lli7 LEWIS Heni-y p., and Mary Ann Hawkins ; ni. by Rev. Chailis Noble, June 11, l.'-47. 2-l!>.'! LINCOLN Pnincls W.. of Fisherville, N. II., and Marian A. Westcolt, of Attlelioro, Mass.; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, May 22. 1849. 2-204 '• Charlotte F. L.. and Jerome H. lirockway, Jan. i:;. 1850. 2-203 LITTLEFIELD Susan A., and Andrew J. Miller, June 30, 1S49. 2-14<; LOCKE Mary, and James Curies, J in. 1. 184.''.. 2-131 LOCK WOOD /elotes B., of Sufl'olk. \"a., and Susan E. Fairbatiks, of Cumber- land; m. iiy Uev. Elcazer Bakei , Aug. 21, lo42. 1-19 LOGEE Phillip, of Smithfield, ani Comfort Chase, of (^nnilierliinrt : m. by Job Barlletf. Justice. July 4, 1734. 2-192 " Lucretia, .and Edmund M. Tappan, Aug. 15, 1849. l-r.(i LONG Williani. ol .M.hn. ol iije "land, and Desire Car|>entci'. of Deacon .lotliaiii, or Cnml>cilant : ni. b> Elder Abn.-r Ilallon. Oct. 27, 17r:i. 2-119 LON(iLK\ Willi.MUi. and .Mihv l;;ikor: m. Iiy Cliristupher Robinson. Justice, Jan. l.">, 1.--40. l-;i3 LORY Jolm, and Ellzabctli Brady, botli of Gnat Uritain : m. by Eider Daniel Miller. July 8, 17()1. 2-156 LOVELY CUarlottc, and Oramel E. Abel, April 3, 184i;. 2-171 " Sarah, and Joseph Page, .Tan. 15, 1848. 1-10 LOVETT Lucy, and Enoch Tower, Dec'. 9, 1762. 1-10 " John, Jr., id Cumberland, and Mercy Dillingham, of Sniilhtield ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, Dec. 9, 1702. 1-31 " Lois, and Rufus Aldricli. Aug. 7, 1768. 1-60 " Eliphalct. of John, and Mary Wliipple, of Siimuil ; ni. I>y Elder Abner Ballon, Oct. 19, 1773. 2_in ■■ Wliiiuile. and .\lplia liartlett ; m. by Jcdham Carpenter. Justice. June 18, 1784. 1-1-27 " Benjamin, of James, and Polly Carpenter, of Jothain : m. by Le\1 Ballou, Justice, Dec. 5, 17C4. 1-146 " Mary. .MUd iValnaoiel uairis, Feb. 16. 179s. 3_o7 *• .lolm. of .loiin, and Angeline IJallon, of Edward ; m. by Elder Stephen Place, Aug. 18, 1808. 1-39 LOWE Stephen, Jr., of W.arwlck, son of Col. Stephen, aud Susannah Hada- way, of Cumberland, dan. ol .lolm. di'c-. : ni. Ijy Eldi'r Nathaniel Cook, Aug. 0. 1769. 2-208 " Elizalieth K., and Selah P-ihaio. .Ian. -27. 1.^,30. 2-199 LUKE Horace, and Di'.sdeaionia Ili-ndi'icU ; in. by i;ev. John i:oyden, Jr., Feb. 23. 1849. \2-204 LUM Julia A., and Cliiincy Hangs. Dec. 26. 1849. 46 VITAT, RECOr.D OF TtHODE ISLAND. 1-106 Lt.'TIIEl; Klishn. >'I >Wiiiisc-y, si.ii nf Ki..Mi.»zi-r. iuiil Siiilh:i I'uwrr, i.r Ciim- berlaiul. ihiii. of Kimrli ; iii. hy Levi 1;m11iiu. .Inslipo. .liUy 3, ITsn. 2-1117 LYU-\ Eslli.T. :iml ,~|. ph.n ~. \V:.t.rii]iiii. Miinli -Jl. l.-:;n. M 1-13 JIA'.'i;iNTllU'. rUiUiii, akd ni-lic-i-a Manii: iii. l.y Siiniucl Barllelt, Justiec, ifiirch 3. 1T50-1. 2-i;iJ JIAaEE Thomas, and Laura A. Caiiii'l>ell ; iii. ai Wooiisockot by R»v. Jolin Uojdcn, Jr., Nov. -24, IS 12. 2---I1 '■' JIai-y. and Jesse C. Dai-Iiii;,'. March 5, IriiO. 2-58 M.\HONEY TiffiotJiy, of Sniithlidd, son of Timothy, and Iluldali Estes, of Cuiuberland, dau. of Kiohaid; m. by Piter J)arliiig, Justice, Feb. 20. 177(. 1-15-t " Sally, and Asa Capron, April 24, ISOO. 1-161 " Hulda,h, and Nathan Olney, Aug. 13, ISOl. 2-170 3L\LLABD GeorKO, of Uriwslir. Mass., and Wessa Newell, of Cumberland; by Uev. Jolui Uoyden, Jr., iliiy 20, 1847. l-m 3IANNING Auua, and Amasa Fisii. Nov. 24, 1771. 1-18 3IANN Rebecca, and Pliillip Maclcintire, Jfaroh 3, IT&O-l. 1-130 " Hannah, and Izrcul rhUIips, Aug. (i, 179.->. 2-131) ■' Cordelia, and George Mason. IJec. 2(1, ]j:42. 2-143 ■' S.iniuel riagg. of Aaron, ..f .Siiiithlicld. a:i t ilary Elizabeth BrowneU, of JonaUian, of Little Coniptou: m. at Smithfield by Eev. Niuiuel Penny, Nov. 23, 1S44. 2 20(J " .«Hsaa Ann, and Mason liuines. Fob. 2.5, 3S49. 2-202 " George, aud Lueinda Wliippie; in. by Lev. John Boyden, Jr., May 27, 1649. 2 205 " Callierine <:., and Willi.nu V. Thonipsou, .May 31. 1850. 1-17 3IAUBLE John, of Swansey, and Abiel Darling, of Cumberland; m. by Uobeit Aldrich. Just/ice, Aug. 7, 1700. 2-142 " Joseph E., and Laura E. Jlilchell ; m. by Rev. Henry G. Stevrart, Sept. 8, 184-1. 2-204 MARCY Willard, and .Maria laniuni : m. by Kev. John Boyden, Jr., Jan. 1, 1850. 1 22 HAKRIPIELD Joseph, of IloUistoii. .Mass.. l::te of Cumlierland, and Kather- ino Jlllson, of Cumberland ; ni. by triah .lillson. Justice, re- corded Apill 18, 171^5. 2-40 MARSHALL .Mary, and Houi)en Miller, April 2, 1815. 2-149 " Thomas P., of Cuniberbuid, and Aluiira P. Reynolds, of Smith- field; m. l>y Kev. John Boyden. Jr.. July 0, 1845. l-i:;8 MAlISll Nalmm, of .Mendon, Mass., .son of Dougla.ss, and Sabra Dexter, of (^■iiniberland. dan. of Benjamin : m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, Oct. 9, 1790. 2-70 " Silas, and Marcy Stiveter; ni. "y Wiliiajn Whijiple. Justice, Feb. O, 1S23. 2-171 " Willard C. of SniitlUicld. and .Sopliroiiia Keiih, of Cumberland; m. by Rev. Warren Emei-son, Jan. 23, 1848. 2-181 " Arlaud R., and Mary N. Bellows, both of Blackstone, Mass.; m. by Kev. John l.'oyden. Jr., .vufe. 20. 1848. 1-00 MARTIN Lucy, and I)a\-iQ Ballou, Nov. 25, 1770. 2-1J7 " Mai-y S.. and William l.cggett, Apiil D, 1640. 3-100 " Lewis, and Jla-garct liunough-; m. by Kev. Warren Emerson, Uec. 31, 1840. 2-200 " Candace S., .and Dr. Joljii Greene. Marcli 0, 1849. 2-197 " William M.. and Betsey «. Bailey, both of Hopliinton, Mass.; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, July 4, 1849. 1-13 ILASON Nathan, aud Mcliital)!.' Car))entei'; in. by Elder Nathaniel Coolc, March 7, 1765. 1-31 " l.ydia, and Jesse Ballon, Oct. 0, 1708. 1-41 " Timothy, of John. dec., and Cloe Brown, of Josepli : m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, May O. 1770. 1-52 " Zerviah, and Ephi-aim Whipple, March 11, 1773. 1-56 " Amey, and Caleb Brown. Oct. 10, 3773. ICMBERLA-ND MAIUUAGES. 47 1-70 MAS(JN Keziiili, ami Ebenezer Siroct.-i-. Ai.iil '.i. 1778. 1-82 " Palientc, and Asa Pirkering, July i!l, 176i. 1-85 " ],jiiia, ami .Inhiisou Streetor, Oct. 10, 1763. 1-94 " JluUy. ami Zilja Hallou, March 2, 1788. 1-133 " Jlrs. KsthiT. ami .John Dai-liiig, Jr., Ort. IS, 1795. 1-136 •' G'.-iirtri'. and Mary Browu ; in. by Elder Abner liallou, Jan. 24, 179(1. 1-158 " SopMa, and Nathan Stapl'-s. Jr.. March .5, 1801. 2-1 " Hannah, and Ezeldel C'^ok, Feb. — , 1802. 2-55 " Olney, o£ I'liad, ana\i<. of Cnniberliinrt, son of Eljenezer, and Sarah Newell, of .lasr.n: m. by Simon Wilkinson, Justice, April 17, 1803. (\it. Re.'., Vol. ;i.) lu ^8 VITAL OF RECORD RHODE ISLAND. 2-I-J:! -METCALF Welcome, and Nancy E. Tower; m. by Rev. Leonard Wakefield, Feb. 21, 1840. 2-14G " Eleanor A., and CUarle-i A. .'^initli. Nov. IS, 1844. 2-176 " Abtiy P.. and Edwaid Harri.s, April 19, 1S48. 2-1:05 " Mil.eta B.. and Leonard Brown. Feb. 24. 1850. 2-205 " Sarali L., and Frederick Matthias. April 11, 1850. 1-17 MILLER Daniel, Jr., of Cumberland, and Lucy Newell, of Attleboro ; ra. by Jolin Dexter, Justice, Nov. 18, 1759. l-sr> " Judl h, and Richard Weelcs, Nov. 11, 1761. 1-35 '■ Josiah, and Jemima Whipple; m. by Elder Daniel MEler, June 19, 1766. 1-3.J " Peter, and Amia .Mdricb : m. by FJder Daniel Jlillor, Nov. 13. 1766. 1-36 " Lydia, aud Joseph Barb -r, Dec. 14. 1766. 1-38 '• Hannah, and Tlionias Barber, Aug. 4, 1768. 1-60 " Sarah, and Reuben Carpenter, Aug. 27, 1775. l-7i " Daniel, Jr., of Daniel, and Mary Wise, of , dec, of Attleboro; m. by John Dexter, Justice, June 23, 1773. 1-87 • Robe, and Joseph Carpenter, Aug. 5, 1784. 1-95 " Cynthia, and Abraham Rice, Sept. 29, 1788. " Joseph, of Cumberland, and Mary Bickness, of Attleboro; m. at Attleboro, b . April 14, 1794. 1-126 '• WiUiam, of Cumb. "•nd. aird Anna Hall, of Bellingham ; m. by Elder Abner i, illou, .June 12, 1794. 1-151 " Nancy, and Jabez Ame-.bury, Nc.'-. 24, 1799. 2-12 " Reuben, of Josiah, and Lydia Ballon,, of Ezekiel ; m. by Levi Ballou. Justice, May 27, IHOi. I 2-13 " Barnard, of William, "nd Sa'if; Bly, of Oliver : m. by Isaac Razee, Justice, 9, 1804. 2-21 ■• Jonathan, of William, and PoUj- Ballou. of Oliv.r; m. by Isaac Razee. Justice, Nov. 15. 1807. 2-46 • Reuben, and Mary Marshall; ni. by Ariel Cook. Justi-jc, April 2, 1815. 2-104 " Almenia H., and James H. Smith, Dec. 11, 18;jci. S-116 " Lorenzo, of Cumberland, and Levilla W. D:>wley. of Wrenthani ; m. by Rev. Jonalbm E. Forbush. Jan. 1. 1840. 8-142 " Thomas, a!;d Maiy Jenekes AniolU ; m. at Woonsocket by Rev. John Gairettscm. Oct. 9, 1642. »-lS5 " Ma.xey and Louisa T. Brown; m. l.y liev. Charles Noble, June i:{, 1848. 2-186 '• Edwin B , of Jonaiha i and Polly, of Cumberland, and Lydia Ana Hardy, of Lf^eman anil Mary, of Carroll, N. H. : in. by Rev. L. D. Hill. April 1. 1^19. S-202 ■• Phillip T.. and Mary .\. Jlolden ; m. by Rev. John Bojden, Jr., June 24, 1849. a-203 " Andrew J., and Susan A. Lilllefield; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., June 30, 1849. S-206 '■ Clementine, and Albert C. Jillson. March 27, 1650. 2-213 MINER Francis, and Rosa Fagon ; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus. April 1, 1850. 2-142 MITCHELL Laura K.. and Joseph E. Marble, Sept. 8, 1844. 2-206 MORF.HOUSE Grace, and Allen Letherwood, Jan. 7, ]S."j0. 2-177 MORGAN Caroline A., and George W. Clough. March 14, 1848. 2-208 MORGAUM Catherine, and Henry Thayer, Jan. 20, ISV*- 2-217 MOOTY Mary Ann. and Mo.ses Farris (intention). Oct. 26, 1855. 1-31 MORSE Daniel, of Henry, dec, y Rev. .John Boyden, ,1r., April 27, 1846. 2-191 " Nancy K.. and Pardon D. LapUam, Sept. 9, 1840. 2--03 ■■ William 8., and Lncy Barllctt ; m. by Rev. John Boydcn, .Ir., Oct. 28. l84i). 2-204 '■ 'fllizabi'th .!., and tiersha Itcniinglon, Nov. 25, 1849. 2-214 '■ Abisail, and S:impson C Stoele, Nov. 27, 1850. 2-219 .MrKKA") John, and Bridget Crelghton : ni. bv Rev. Michael M(s Arnold, Aug. 20, 1797. 1-148 " Da\id, Jr., of Dartd. and Charlotte Williams, of Robert, dec; m. by Jotham Carpenter. Justice, Nov. 8, 1798. 2-11 " Sarah, and Davis Mctcalf, April 17, 1803. 2-13 '•' De.vter, of Thomas, and SyUia Brown, of Elijah; m. by Isaac Razee, Justice, Oct. 18, 1804. 2-30 " Eunice, and Stephen Angell. Aug. 10. 1810. 2-38 " John, and Rachel Taft : m. by Ariel Cook. Justice. Nov. 3, 1811. 2-45 " Jerusha. and Arthur A. Ross. March 2, 1815. 2-66 " Jason, of Jason, dec, and Sally Devoll, of Pardon, of Troy, Mass. ; m. by Smith Arnold, .Instice, May 30, 1821. 2-67 " WUliam. of Jahez, and Lydi.-i Thompscm, of Ale.xander; m. by Elder Reuhen Potter, Jr., May 12, 1822. 2-89 " John, of Jason, and Polly Grant, of Elisha ; m. by Elder NeweU J. Spauldlng, Nov. 14, 1824. 50 VITAL RECOliD OF EHODK ISLAND. •2-77 NEWKLL EJisliii, and Ruth Thurston: m. at Freetown, Mass., by WlUlam B. Candy, Justice, Jan. ■2S, 1825. 2-89 " Ai-nuld J., and Eliza A. Frost ; m. liy EMiy Stf-phen Cutler, Nov. SO, 1829. 2-112 " John, and Ann D. Whilins, oi Ei)lii-aim ; ui. by Kev. George Stoae, Aug. 9, IS.'iJ. 2-132 " Anna .M., and JJunjauiin I)a\is, Aug. 9, 1812. 2-141 " Dextur, of Franldlu, Jlass., and Eoxana llei-ringlon, oi Cumber- land; m. by Kev. John lioyden, Jr., Aug. 12, 1644. 2-149 " Benjamin, Jr., and .Sarah i;. Walker; in. by Kev. John Boy den, Jr., May 18, 1840. 2-10:5 '• Alien 11., and ICnjily i'. tuaul ; m. by l!i-v. John Koyden, Jr., Jan. 17, 1647. 2-17U " Idessa, and C.corge .Mallard, Jlay 2ii, 1847. 2-173 " iVlNlia, and .Vndrew J. Bullock, .March 12, 1848. 2-203 JS'EWTON ilary M., and Benjamin Qulmby, JUay 7, 1850. 1-L:7 ^'ICHOLS Kebeckah, and Juuathau SmiUi, April 7, 17i>s. 1-30 '• Abigail, and L<.l I'ercy, i'ob. 18, 1773. 1-79 " MoUy, and JoneiJh Ivtuee, Aug. 9, 1781. 1-89 " Nathaniel, and Chloe Brown, ol Amo.s ; ni. by John Dexter, Jus- tice, Jan. 23, 1783. 2-1S3 " Joseph \\'., ol North rrvldence. and Jlary C. Walcott, ol Cumber- liUid; m. by Kev. Charles Noble, Aug. 3, 1848. 2-129 NICKEKSIJN Lui-aua, and Ellis W. Cook, Dec. 19, 1841. 2-1 o9 NUKBERKV Naiicy J... iind Hiram H. Ballon, Nov. 25, 1849. 1-lG NUTTING Jonathan, ol Cumberland, and Beihiah Laue ; m. by Johu Dex- ter, Justice, Srpt. 14, 1738. 1-2G GATES Hannah, and llezekiali Cook, Harcb G, 17G3. 1-61 OLNEY Coggeshall, ol WtUlani. ol Schenectady, N. Y., and Sarah Scott, ol Jeremiah, ol Cuinlji-rland ; m. Ijy EldiM- Ahn.^r Ballon, April 2, 1775. 1-129 •' Richard, of Sinithlbld. and .VbiguU Wilson, ol Kehoboth; m. by Jothani Carpenter. .)ustlce, April B, 1793. 1-161 " Nathan, and Huldah Mahoney ; m. by Johu Rogers, Justice, Aug. 13, 1801. 1-3 OEMSBY Experience, and Eljenezer barnis, Jr., Feb. 11, 1749-0. 1-7 " Dorothy, and Ebonezer Howard, Feb. 11, 1759. 1-8 " Jonathan, and Ruth Staples; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, Feb. 19, 1759. 2-197 " \Yilliam. and Martha B. Bozworlh. l)oth of Foxboro, Mass.; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus. July 4, 1S49. 1-108 OTIS Isaac, and Ruth Brown, ol Stephen; ni. by Jothaui Carpenter, Jus- tice, Aug. 31, 1780. 1-111 " Isaac, and Betsey Briggs ; m. by Jotbain Carpenter, Justice, Doc. 10. 1787. 2-186 OWEN Mary, and .Inhn A. Trirce, July 15, 1849. 2-152 PACKARD George P., and Hannah Haskell; m. by Ri?v. M. M. Preston, April 8, 1846. 2-171 PAGE Joseph, and Sarah Lwn, 3d, Jan. 2, 1752. " Solomon, Jr., of Cumberland, and Mercy Foster, of Altlehnro; m. by Job Bartlott, Justice, June 24, 1756. " Lydla, and Benjamin Jackson, Dee. 29, 1756. " l)liver, and I.eah Foster; m. by Job Bartlett, Justice, AprU 22, 1759. " Hannah', and Stephen Jillson. Dec. 13. 1701. " Sarah, and David Browu, April 2h. 1705. " Ama, and Eliphalet Day, March 2. 1709. " Cxeorge, ol' Cnmberlaud, son ot Daniel, dec, and Phebe Whip- ple, of Smitlifleld, d;iu. of .Stephen; ni. at Smitlifield by Elder Nathaniel Cook, April 12, 1770. 1-S6 " Joel, ol Solomon, of Wentham, Mass., aud Kezia Ballou, of Noah, of Cumberland; m. by Elder Abner Ballou, Feb. 15, 1784. J.-124 " Amey, and Richard Arnold, Aug. n, 179:! " Jesse Foster, of WreutUam, and Ainra Cole, of Cumberland; m. by Cornelius Kollock. Justice, Nov. 3, 1799. 2-51 " Whipple, of Solomon, and Koxalanna Harris, of OMver; m. by Benjamin Wilkinson, Justice, Nov. 19, 1815. 2-51 " Lewis, and Perraela Carpenter, both of Smitlifleld; m. at Smith- Jield by Elder Pliiiey Brett, Nov. 24. 1810. 2-49 " Alfred, of Solomon, and Huldah Balloxi, of Edward; m. by Benja- min Wilkinson, Justice, Sept. 26, 1810. 2-50 " Philena, and Alfred S. Wliipple, Aug. 27, 1817. 2-78 " Olive, aud Edward Ballou, Jr., Aug. 2l, 1S25 2-83 " Caleb, of Cumberland, and Betsey Kendall, of Suiiihtield; m. by Kev. Benjamin l\ l.i nibard, Nov. 20, 1820. 2-90 " Dr. Kelly, .nnd Amey Ann Arnold; m. by Elder Izre-il Washburn, Nov. 17, 1831. 2-121 " William R.. of Alpha, and Nancy M. Whipple, ot Daniel; m. by Rev. B. P. Byram, Apiil 30, 1840. 2-127 " Russell, aud OUve Ann Whipple; m. by Rev. B. P. Byram, Oct. 3, 1841. 2-170 " 'Marv A., and James P.. FoUett. Nov. 20, 1847. . 2-224 " ICstlier. and I.indl.-y Nelson, Fell. 28, 1850, 2-156 PEELIEU Fianas, and Aurilla Naylor; in. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., May 3, l."40. 2-174 PEIRCE Charles L., and .Mary L- Fowler, both of North Prortdeiice ; m. by Rev. S. S. Bradford, Feb. 27, 1848. 2-186 " John A., and .M.Tiy i)wen, both ot Hopklnlon, Mass.; m. by Rev. C. H. Til us. Jnl^y 15, 1849. 2-209 " Levi 1,.., ami :Melissa A. Hopkins: m. liy Rev. r. II. Titns. Feb. 2.'>, 18.V). 2-213 " Jeremiah, of AlUeboi-o. and Betsey Hardy, of ( iimbei-land ; ni. by i;ev. Luther D. Hill. May 16. 1850. ji-203 PENNIJLVN William R., and Lonis N. Aldrieh; m. by Rev. J(din Boyd.'M, Jr., Aug. M. 1.44!i. 1-50 PERCY I.o(. of Biilingham. son of Ebenezer, and Abigail NlcboLs, of Cnm- lierland. dan. of Wiiliam Peters; m. by Peter Darling, Justice, Feb. ],M. 1773. 52 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2--208 PERHAM Seliih, of Uoston. Mass., and Elizabeth K. I..OWP. of Modway Mass. : m. by Rev. (".. H. Titus, Jan. 27, 1850. 1-34 PERKINS Hnlh. and William Wolcott, Dec. 5, 17(«. 2-103 PEltRIN S PKliliY Oliver, of Fiellinsliam, and Elizabeth Streetcr. of Cnniberland: ni by .lob Uartleii. .lustiee, Manli 17. 1752. 1-27 •' ^iary, and Benjamiiiu Partridge, .Jr.. * >et. 28. 17r>.".. 1-58 •' Klizalieth, and Levi Aldrieli. Jr.. Dec. 4, 1774. 2-12c., and H.innab Maim, of Iticliard. dee., boik of .Mendcm, .Mass.; ni. by Levi Hallou. Justice. Au2. (>. 3795. 1.1*1 '• Abigail, and .(onatban S:olt, Dfr. 1.'), 17!h;. 2-220 " Ann. ami Ellab T. Harris. Oct. 211. 184 1. a-lhO " .Sarah J., and o/.ias Walker, Oct. 28. 184ii, 2-1.. '<' ** .Susan J., and Andrew .1. Davis. Jan. t>, 18">0. 2-17:i I'HIPPS, Mrs. .Manila C. and Silas Whipple. -April 5. 1848. 117 I'lCKERINi. I'.dward, ,Ir.. of Meiidon. and .Vbli;ail Chase, of Cumberland; m. by Robert Aldrlch, Justice. .Vpril H), 1757. 1-7 '* S:iinm i. and Sarah Uallou : m. by Klder .N'athaniel Cook, Feb. 2, 17.5!l. 1-23 " Hobby, and .Marv Hunt, both of :Mendi.ii : m. by lilah Jillson, .lustice, I'V-b. 22. 17(j5. : 1-82 " Asa, of rienjamin. of Meiidon, and Patience :\lason. of Jonatlinn, of Cumberland: m. by Elder Abner Hallou. July 21, 1782, 1-83 " Jane, and Nathaniel Ballon, May 29, 178,'!. 1-S8 " Mercy, and Joseph Cook, June 17, 1784. 1-99 " Hirab, and Autlioiiy Raze-. June 24. 1791). 3-lii3 " Philadelphia, and ISanl liartlett, Jan, 27, 1802. 2-H; " Mason, of Meudoii, son ot .\sa, and Anna Staples, of Stephen ; m. by Isaac Razee, Justice, Oct. 31, 1804. 2-65 " I.Hvina. and Oliver Follctt, .March IS, 1821. 2-101 " EmelLne, and Mowry .Stiiiiles, Sept 4, l.s34. 2-155 " Loni.sa, and Jotham Hixon, March 25, 3 843. 2-130 " Betsey A., and Elijah A. Aldridi, Jlay 7, 1843. 1-11(> PIKE Luslua, and Adams t;ook, Nov. 1, 1792. 2-173 " Julia F., and Francis A. Oreeue, Jr., April IS, 1S48, 1-62 PITTS Elizabeth, and Jesse Ballon, Jan. 11, 177i;. 1-U4 POLSEY Adam, and Mary Tillson ; m. by JoUiani Carpenter, Justice, April 14, 1782, 2-33 ■■ Cyntliia, and Wlieaton Bly. Sept. 29, 1805. 2-S5 " Mary, and Stephen Joslin, 2d, June 14, 1827, 1-25 POND Jerusha, and Isaac Haydeu, Oct. 29, 1705. 2-191 " Charlotte M., and Rich;u-d H. Gibson, June 17, 1849. 2-130 POOLE Mrs. Eliza, and James Casroy, May 1, 1842. 2-8 PORTER Lydia, aud Amos Whipple, April 10, 1803. 1-72 POTTER Holbnuan, ol Craustou, sou of Major Benjamin, dec, and Silnili Allen, of Capt. Neheiuiaii, of Cumberlaud ; m. by John Dexter, Justice, Sopl, 20, 1778. 1-120 ■• Siiuiuel, aiKl Cloe Paysoii ; ui. by Holliman Potter, Justice, Nov. 25, 1793. 2-lOG " Nancy, and Jonathan Ballon, Oct. 8, 1837. 2-115 '■ 3Iary, aud Olney Preston, Jan. 19, 18-11. CUMBERLAND MARRIAGES. 53! £-115 PRESTON Olney, son of John O., :iii(i Miii-y Potter, of Steplien, bolli ot Meiidon, Mass. ; m. by Chilstoiilicr Robinson, Justice, Juu. 19, 1841. 2-155 •• Almeda K., ;in(l Welliiigiun Kr.itli, Si'pt. 13, 184(5. 3-155 ■' Susan H., and Edmund 51. Ui-ynolds. Sopt, 13, 1846. 2-15-..: PRKW tK'Oigf, of J'aul, and Matil :a Hi.-ivbn. ul Charles; m. by Rov. War- ren Emerson, .luly ilO, 1.^4(;. 3-107 '■ Paul, and Mary Garsoe ; m. by Rev. Warreu Emer.son, Nov. 2, 184T. 3-177 PRICE Nelson, of Cumberland, and Elizabeth Brieknell, o£ Smith field ; m. by Rev. C. 11. Titus, Juno 8, 1848. 3-19ti ■' Bet-py, and Abxander Car\-in, Oct. 31, 1849. 3-300 " Francis, and DelUah Tower; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, Dec. 18, 1849. 3-187 I'UOUTY Dwit'hl O., and Ann M. Childs, both ol Upton, Mass. ; m. by Rev. Daniel p'ilimore, July 8. 1849. 3-180 PUFFER Clinton, and I'lo-lir P. Brown; m. by Rev. Charles H. Titus, Au?. 20, 1848. 1-31 PULLEN Mary, and Ichabod Tower, (let. IC, 1708. 3-305 PURIN(3TON James, and Margaret .lolnisoii ; m. \py Rev. Jolm lioydon. Jr.. March 34, 1850. 1-53 (JUANDLAND Thomas, of Attleboro, and Melative Decker, of Cumberland; m. by John De.xter, Justice, May 14, 1773. 2-205 QUIMBY Benjamin, and Mary M. Newton : m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., May 7, 1850. 3-27 QXJINDBY Catherine, and Asa Wliipph'. .Ir., Sept. 3, 1809. 2-204 QUINN Pet'-r, aTid Kli/ab.th lliii.seliir : ni. Iiy Riv. 11. Siade, Nov. 11, lo4d'. R 1-40 KAMSDELL l.ydia, .nul l)ani.-l Weatlierhe.-id. Ann. -Jl, 1758. 1-67 ■• Molly, and Jol) Hartlitt. Oct. 29. 177,-). 1-13 •• Jemima, and Janus Lapham, July — , 1795. 1-sl i;.\NDl=;i.L Eleazer. of William, and Martha Staples, of N:. 111. r. : m. by Joim Dexter, Justice. Feb. 13, 1783. 2-138 " Cynlbia. and Willard 11. Wilder, Jan. 14, 1S44. 2-144 ■' Moses, and JIary E. Jenekes: m. a I TlioMipson, Conn.. Iiy Rev. Vinr- non Styles. Jan. 19, l.';45. 2-301 " Moses, and Betsey B. Walker: ni. by IJcv. S. S. Mallory, March ;';. 1850. 5-15 RAV lleiiry, and llannali .leiickrs: m. by .loliii Dexter, Justice, May 21, 1753. 1-5(3 " Daniel, of Henry, and Relieckah Scriii, ot .Icremiah: ni. by K.lder .W ner Ballon. Feb. 11. 1774. .Icrnsha, and Joali Wilkinson. Manli 3. 1774. 1-75 " Asa, of Jos.-ph, and Hannah Ural, v, .m Uogci- ; m. by Klder Abnor BaUou, Feb. l.s, 1779. " Rachel, of Noah Butterwortli, Aug. 17. 1783. " Gideon, of Robert, dec, of Wrentlia-n. and Eunice Wyni.-ui, dau. 'tt Hannah Grant, of Cumberland; ni. by Elder Abner Ballou, March 31, 17S4. ■■ .Sarah, and Levi Foiled. Sept. 13, 1784, " Hannah, and Comfort llaskcll, June 9, 1785. D.avid, of Henry, and S.irah Jenekes. of Baniei ; m, by Jotham Car- penter, Justice, Nov. 13. 1788. " Daniel, of Henry, of Cumberlaiul, and Lucy Bennett, oC KilUngly, Conn.; m. by Elijah Brown, Justice. Dec, 20, 17S9, '■ Sarah, a.nd William Whipple, Dec. ;>1, 1780. " James, of Cunil>crh(nd, and Mrs. Thankful Clark, of Wrenib.ini ; ai. by Rev. William Williams, Nov. 30. 1794, " Nancy, and Edwin Darling, March 10, 1 s()5, Dr.niel, of CumbcHaod, and Hannah Aldrich, ul Siniiluicld ; ni. -v Job Arn-ld, Justuc Sept. 7, 1800. 1-89 1-89 1-88 1-90 1-110 1-105 1-96 2-14 3 17 .11-.. All!-'. IS. 180.S. ml Mniy liazee, of David : ni . Iiy Is :aac IS, 180S. 11. Ijy Kld.'i- \vnii:mi Willlaiiis. .liinf -+. N:uii\ Ihirdiii^'. .it >cUi. dec. ; ni. by r,l VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAXD. •J-r,9 KAY Kniglit, and Lydia Ilallia way : m. by Elder William William';, Sept. •J9, 1811. 2-94, " Nancy, and Laban \V;ildron, Jlai'cli 24, 18-25. 2-121 " Edward, ol' Norwirli. Conn., i50n of Levi and Elizabeth, and Lncy B. llorton, dau. oi' David and Sarali ; m. by Kev. .luseiili SmlUi, Oct. 4. 1840. 2-216 " William H., and Ann E. Aldricli. Anp. 22, 1847. 2-lTO " Amanda M., and Chailes H. Scott, Nov. 4, 1847. 1-4 E.\ZEE AbipaU, and Noah Ballrn. Oct. IT. 1750. 1-48 " Zehiah, and El)er Bartlett. .Ian. (J. 1771. 1.S7 " Isaac, of Benjamin, and Phebe Capron, of Charles: m. by Peter DarluiR. JnsHce. .linn) SG. 1774. l_i;5 " Joseph. r?d, of .Joseph, of Cnmberland. and Katlierhie Arnold, of Tliomas. of ?initlilield : m. by Stephen Arnold, Juslice. Jlay 18, 1777. ■)-70 " I'atiV'nce, and Absolam Hallen. Feb. 5, 1778. 1-70 '■ .loscph. of Kenjamin. dec, of Ctimbcrland, and .Molly Ni<-liols. of. Samuel, of Nmlh Kinj-'stown : m. by Elder Aimer HmIIimi. Ana:. 9. 1781. j.Qg " -jirs. Waitstill. and .lobn liiown. Feb. 10. 1787. l.,,g " Anthony, of Ciimlierlanil. son of Benjamin, dec. and Sarah Pick- frins. of l;eliin.i;hani. dan. of S;imuel: m. by Levi r.albm. .Justice, .June 24. 179(1. 0..24 " Mary, ami .b's.-ph Ilazc.-. o.).j «. Joseph. Jr.. '<( Josepli. ; Kaxec. Justice, An^'. ■2-41 " Olney, aud Sally EllU: i 1813. 0.7-, •• Whipple, iif Anlholiy. and Davis fook. Justice. Sept. 11, l.sl7. 0.75 1. Whipple, anil .UiUa Dillin.!.'-,, : m. Ijy Elder Itenbeii l>..tlcr. Jr., Jlay 12, 18-J:;. o.rin " li.njaniin. "'' Aiitlji'iiv. and .\dcliiie FoUeit. of Comfort: m. by William Whipple. Jii> ae. April 1(>, l.'*20. o.io:j " l.evina, and Williani 11. .Jacobs. Dec. 0. 18:)2. o.i:j7 " Jonah, and :viaiy ^milh ; m. by Ahner Jillson, Justice. Aug. 17, 184:;. 0.190 '- Sarah, and J.ilili CiUiaily. April lii, 1840. "l-"! KE.VD Eliphalet. of Cinih.rland. and Sally BucKlin. of AtUeboro: m. by Jeremiah Wliippl.-. .hi>tice. June 2. 1757. .|_c, ii Betty, and .1 '- pli C"nimin!.'s. Sept. 1.3. 1759. 1.-1(10 '• FJi'/.abetb. and .liiliii Vicory. May 0. 1790. l.]42 " Dorothy, ai.d Ibury Kay. .luly Ifi, 1797. o.ior, " Ahab, Jr.. and Susan Aldricli. both of Cnmberland: ra. at Thomp- son. Conn., by Simon Davis, Justice. Feb. 20, 1838. 2-214 REDDY Ellen, ond John Mc<;rinl>y. Sept. -24. 1851. 2-204 REMIXOTON Gerusha. and Elizabeth J. Mnwry : m. by Rev. .Tobn Boyden, Jr.. Nov. 25, 1.X49. 1-.97 REXETT Desire, and SI. pluii Cool;. July 4. 1782. 2-122 HEYXOLDS Elizalx-lh. and Peter T. WheelocU. Nov. 8. 1840. n-141) " Almira P.. and I'liomas P. Marshall, July li. 1845. 2-155 " Edmund M.. and Susan II. Preston: ni. by Rev. Ilaylett Arvlne, Sept. i:;. 18Ui. 1-128 RITIDER Olive, and Amariah Daniels. Feb. 10. 1795. 1-48 RHODES Hannah, and Tliomas Bovrcn, Feb. 7. 1771. 1-92 " John, of Jeremiah, of Boston. .Ma.ss.. and Elizabeth Thurber. of Barnabas, of Cumberland: m. by Elder Abner Ballou, March 9, 178(i. I--IO2 " Elizat>eth. and I!<-riali iJraiil. Dec. iitJ. 1790. o.,; " .Tabez. of Smilhtield. and Mehilable Ballou. of Cuiubeilaud, dau. of Ert-vvai-d: m. by John liogers. Justice. Dec. 20. 1802. •2-17 " Lydia, ami Eliah Thompson. Oct. 19, 1806. 2-147 " Rachel G., and Sjiniiul P. llaywnrd, March 19, 1845. 2 151 " Mary E.. and Andrew- B. Pearce. May 4. 1840. 2-107 " John, and Ann I liclcs :„,. by Alfr.-d Arnuld. Justice, July —, 1843, crjrr.ERLA>fi> — .MA];niA<:Ks. 55 1-93 ItlCE Abraham, nnd Cynthia MUlor, c.[ IVk-r ; m. by .lolin Dexter, Justice, Sept. ;!U, 1788. 2-111" " TlKinMul, and Clark Simmons, 4lan. ol, 1839. --1IH> " .leliiel \V.. (jl' Waieliain, Mass., and Dorothea S. Clart, of Cmnbt-r- land: m. liy Hev. Warren Emerson, Oct. 2i, 3 347. 2--20:i " Beuoni A., and Dorcas Herrington ; m. liy l!ov. John Doydeii, ,Tr., Jniie 21. l.~49. 2-211 '■ Al™-a. and rc-l..-g D. W.'st. March :,, IS.-.O. 1-27 EICHARDSON Jeremiah, and Susannah Cox: ni. by Joseph Davis. Jiistica, April 14, 17i)6. l-icn " Joel, of Attlchoro, Mass., and Lyiiia Brown, of Cumberland, dan. of Nicholas: ni. by John Eogers, Justice, June 28, 1801. 2-1 U " Laui-a, and nr.n .smith. Sept. ], 1839. 2-15] " Susan, and .lohn S. TUley, Feb. 17, 1840. 2-204 Ell HARDS Caroline A., and Benjamin S. Wilbur, Dec. 31, 1849. 2-Sj r.IPLEY .Mary, and Capt. Xutban Whipple, Aug. 2S, 1825. 1-22 IMIBIXSOX Eebccca. and Andrew Ila-nldngs, Jan. 1, 175(;. 1-17 ■• John, Jr., and Iluldeth Xewell, both of Attleboi'o : m. by J..b liariletl, Jiistlce, June ;j, 175(1. 1-33 " Margeret. and Izrcal Wliippb'. Jan. :;2, 17(U. 1-10 •• TlianJcfnl. and John Jenckcs, July 4, 1762. 1-34 " Hannah, and John liarrus. Dec. 20, 1704. 1-G4 •' George, of Klllingly, Conn., son of George, of Attleboro. and .\sen>-Ui Caii)entei'. of Cnmborbind, dan. of William: ni. b\ .b.hn l)'' .lohn Dexter, Justice, Feb. 1, 17S1. 2-45 '• Arthur .V.. and Jiiaisha Ni'-vvell, of Jabe/. ; m. by Hen;amin Willdn^on, .Tnstice. March 2. 1815. 2-74 '• Sally, and Ainos Whipple. March 10. 1810. 2-207 ■• Jcdm M.. and Jlary W. Browuell. bulb of Xortlibridje. Mass.: m. b.y L. B. Arnold, Justice. .Tan. 14, 1850. 2-li;l ROTllWEI.L lietty. arid Thomas S ott. March 28, 1847. 1-1."! ROINHS Vlartin. and Jrmiuja Ballon: m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, March I, 1764. 2.1t8 •■ Ann Eli'/.a, and Ib'ury Cook, May 27. 1845. s 2-1 >1 S.VCKl'.Tt .\dnab. of Provirti-ni e. and Miranda. Bugbee. of Cumberland: m. by Rev. Jolin Boyden. J.-.. June 5, 1848. 2-17.') S.MM' (.F.iiRGE Oliver, and Catherine IJar'^oe : m. by Rev. Warren Emer- son. .Ian. r,. 1848. 1-1 S,\i,isr,ri;\ Abigail, and Jonathan Cass, Nov. 29, 1847. 1-7 ■■ Sarah, and Azariali Whipple. f5ept. 3. 1758. 1-2;! '• Rhoda. and Jesse Ballon, Nov. 8, 1701. 1-115 SALI.Y James, and lluldali Grant, of Samuel: m. by Jolh.-nn CarpintiT. lus- tiee, Tiec. 24. 1797. ■2-r:', •■ Betsey F.. and Jeuckr-s FoUett. April 9. 1820. 2-92 '• Eoxa. and Frederick A. Traslc, Sept. 20, 1829. 56 VITAL KKCORK OF KIIODE ISLAND. 2.].-,l SANSt>NEY Lewis Bell, and M:uia Snow: m. by Rev. Ilayleu Aiviii.'. .Imii. i. ]84(!. 2-80 SAUXDEEPO.V Anmi, and William liarllott, dl, .Inly :t. is-j.-. 1-38 SAVAGE Ani'-y, and Amos .TpiicIm s, .Inn. 29. 17(in. 2-170 SAVKK Ellen, and Thomas Jones. .luly is. ISIT. 2-87 SAWYKR .lolin. and Deborah Dennis; ni. by .1.,!. .biuke-. .lastn-e. Aiarca :M), 1828. 2-170 '■ Lonisa. and George funleff, Oct. 1i. 1847. 1-61 SAYT-ES r;iishn. of liichai-d. of Smlthtield, and KatUcriiie liallou. of Ariel. of Camberland : ni. by Rider Abner Tlallou. Nov. Ki. 177r>. j.gg u Daniel, of Rieliard, of .smithfleld, and Eunice liallon, of Ariel, of Cumberland; m. by Elder Abner I!all. 1.829. 0.97 « Stephen \V.. and Elizabeth W. Patt: nt. by Rev. George Talt, Sept;. 4, 1831. 2-101 " Pardon, and Mrs. Nancy G. Verry, bolh of Ciiml.eiland : m. a^ l»i-ovldeuce by Rev. David Pickering, March 29, 1835. 1-1 SCorr Jeremiah, and Rebeckah Jenckes; m. by I/.real Whipple. Justice, Ai>ril 20. 1746. j.ie " David, and Sarah Capi-oa ; ui. by Jol. liartlett. Justice, April 20 1752. 1-18 " Jcseph. of Bellingham, and Lucy Brown, of rumberUmd ; m. by John De.vlei-. Jusiee, Jan. 17, 1753. 1.12 " Sylvanus. of Bi Uinph m, and Joanna Bo/.worili. of Cumberland ; ni. b? Elder Natliaiiiel i'ook. Aug. 1. 17.">4. 1.12 " Joseph, and Doreas Carlwright ; ni. by Elder Nathaniel l^ook, Feb. 2, 175r>. 1.5 « Abigail, and .\lvah Wilkinson, June 1, 1755. 1-30 " Sarah, and Nathan Veriy, .M.ay 27, 1707. 1.5-1 « Stephen, of Cumberland, son of Jeremiah, and Jemima Wood, o' North Providence, din. of TlKmias : m. by John Dexter. .Tu7 John Dexter, Justice, Dec. 16, 1787. 1-114 " Joanna, and Alioz Aldrich. AprU 22. 1792. 1-140 " Jonathan, of Bellingham, sou of Siiiiiuel, dec. and AbigaU Phillips, of Mendon, dau. of David; m. by Levi Ballon, Justice, Dec. 15. 1796. 1-149 '■ .Sabra, and Enoch -Vldiieli. March 28, 1798. 2-3 " Samuel liriggs, of Charles, and Anna Dexter, of Benjamin ; m. by- John Rogers, Justice, March 21, 1802. 2-31 " Patience, and Eber Bartlett, Nov. 27, 1810. 2-33 " Harvey B., of Cumberland, and Hannah Gleason, of 0.\ford, Mass.; m. by Sylvanus Town, Justice, Dec. 31, ISIO. 2-48 " Leon.oid, of Nathaniel, and Joanna Clark, of Barney ; m. by Davis Cook, Ju.stice, Sept. 17, 1815. 2-57 " Olney, of Charles, ajid Martha Whil)ple, of Asa; m. by Davis Cook, Justice, March 24, 1816. 2-54 •■ S;imuel Briggs, and Fanny Jenckes; m. by Elder David Benedict. Dec. 18, 1817. I'U.MIiEIIT. \\|l — .MAi;i;i.\r,KS. 'J-VJi SCdir K.li-;ha, Jr., iil' l!i-l'ii)nhM m, nml MMninaa Capron, of Ciimhei-l;intl : 111. by Ri'V. I,.-i>naiit Wakcli.'UI. Feb. 25, 1S41. 2-125 " Anna (i.. anil William Caiiierit-r, May 2, 1841. 2-132 " Abby M.. and Nalhan Weathcrtii'atl, Nov. 13, 1842. 2-134 " Ciaia, and Wyniaii Sibli'y, .Ian. O. 1S43. 2-135 " Adeltua. and Klijali D. Wilciix. Marcli 15, 194:;. 2-101 " TboiiKis. nl SinitUIlLld, s(mi oi Tlionias, and Hetty Kotlnvll. oX I'uni- berland, dan. (if (Jcm^.'; ni. by Riv. iJaylfS P. Talbot, March 28. 1S47. 2-170 " t'liarlps 11.. and AniaiMfi M. Itay. both of Franklin. Mass.; ni. by bVv. .lolin lioyd.-ii, .Ir., Nov. 4, 1 H47. 2-203 " Calbiriiie, and K. I). Ik-niinKW.-iy. Oct. 25, 1849. * 2-205 " Jeremiah O., and Caiidiue <'. Cnolc; in. by Uov. .lolin ItoydfU. .Ir., April 2S, 1,^50. 2-i):i SESSIONS .bilni S., of Cunilicrland. and ,lidia Ann Sayles, of North l'ro\-idPncp : nn. by Kev. Jacob Frieze, June 18, 1821). 2-120 SEITLE S;uah A., and William J. Perry, Nov. 1, 1841. 1-14 SEWELL Katherlnc, and Athony Chase, Sept. 23, 1753. 2-152 SlIAW Marion, and George Robinson, March 2:1, 184. I si::. 2-203 " ])e.'£lir X., and Haiia Hiuvcy ;.ni. by Ki'v. John Boyden, Jr., Aug. 12, 1819. 2-lor SIJLMOXS Clai-k, and Tbankfid Kiev: in. by IJrv. Edward K. Fuller, Jan. 31. 1S39. 2-133 SIMP.SON Joseph, of Pi ier. and .Vnn F.li/.alxdh Snow, of Joseph; m. by Elder David Curtis, Jan. l.">. l.si:!. 2-204 SISSON John, and Lydia WiUianis; m. by lit-v. Jolin Boyden. Jr.. Jan. 20, 1850. 2-70 SKIN*JEE J.rnsha M., and James A. Alexander, Feb. 23, 1823. 1-11 SLACK l^slll(■r. and Saiaiiel Darlin;;. .Ian. 20, 1753. 1-17 SLEW Tabillia. and .lonathan Cook, Dee,. 7, I7(;0. 2-lti'.i SLOCC-M .Vnn i:ii/,a. and Nathaniel Bale.s. Aufc'. 31. 1847. 1-32 SLY Jolni, ni SiuilUliebl, son of Sleijb.'ii, and Until Brown, of Cnmberland, (Ian. 1. 1 I'hillip. del-,: in. by Daniel Mowi'y, Jr., Justice, March ir., 17r.il. 1-4 SMITH Jns.-iiii. :!d, of Sniithlicld, and Wait Innnm, of Cumberland; ni. by .h)b Ha rtlet I, Justice, Feb. 10. 1750. 1-l.S " iiri.ri:c-, and Margaret . both of Mendou. .Mass.; m. by Sam- uel Hartlelt, Justice, Oct. 11, 17.)0. 1-14 " Dani.l. .Jr.. of Cnmlicrland. ami Esther Sweethmd. of Attleboro ; ui. by Job Uartlett, Jnsliee, March 2, 1753. 1-11 " Marllia. and (ibadlab Ballon. .May fl, 1753. 1-lS ■■ .ludilh. anil .la<-ob Bliss, Dec. 1, 1757. 1-27 •■ I.vdia. .Ir.. and Oziel WlUiinson. April H. 17(11;. 1-37 •• .biiialliju. ol Cumberland, and Rebeckali .Nichols, of llehobolh ; m. i.\ i;idcr Dainel Miller, April 7. 17(18. 1-50 " I'.lii.abeih, ami Icbabod Co(d(, April 21). 1772. 1-7(5 '• I'bebr. and Elisha Sewell, Sejit. !1. 1770. 1-109 " DiM-illa. and Abnei- Uarllett. Sept. 27, 178] . 2-n . " l.uey. and .lepth.i Wilkinson. March 25, 1784. 2-1 " l.i'vi. and llaunali .\niesbnry : in. by Simon Wilkinson, Justice, July :i. 17SS. 1-95 " liaei.i. nf Cumberland, son of Daniel, dec. and Elizabeth Smith, ilaii. iif .lereniiah Fuller, dec. of Attleboro. .Mass.; m. by John lie\ici-, JnsUce. Dec ;!0. I78S. 1-05 " l-:ii/ab,-iii. and Daniel Smith. Dec. 30. 1788. 1-118 " AnuN , and I'rhih Jones. June 25, 1791. 1-129 " Sylvester, of Cumberland, and Lnrnhamma Coir, of Smithfield ; m. by Holliman Potter. Justice. June 22, 1704. 2-19 " Percy, and .luhn Folleii. Aut;. 31, 180(5. 2-29 " Conleiil. and Otis DaRsett, Nov. 12, 1809. 2-28 " Esthca-. ami Tinmthy Guild, Fob. 4, 1810. 2-32 '•' Sabra. and Amasa Whipple, July 1, 1810. 2-39 " Hacliel. and Thonuis Barden, Sept. 13, 1812. 2-41 " Job. of ,lann's, of Cumberland, and Sarah Sayles, of Esek, of Smith- tleld: m. by Elder Rufus TelTt. AprU 8, 1813. 2-50 " John :Milt - MAl;r>l AtiES. 59 2-] liO 2-lSi2 2-183 2-1S2 2-184: 2-100 2-20:i 2-20G 2-208 2-133 1-101 2-191 2-193 1-S3 1-20 1-21 1-36 1-69 2-71 1-3 1-37 1-47 1-83 1-118 l-lOG 2-25 2^5 2-45 2-95 2-156 2-98 S-205 2-53 2-1 Ml 2-210 2-18 2-18* 1-8 1-9 111. by EoY. Ill' i.loie.stc'i-; (luiibi-rlaiid ; 0(.-t. SMITH Aim JI., unit Williaiii s. Iijhiiiu, Die. 8,1847. Geoi-ge N., or Blackslmn-, Mass., and Cordelia A. Butler, o: Cum berland; m. by Itov. .luhii Uoyden, Jr., St^H. 17, 1848. ,7aiiiL-s 11.. aiKl Miin'i\a ii. Thayi-r, both ol IJurrlllvUlo .loku IJoydin, .li-., S.pt. 18, 1848. Kdwlu 1'., Ill l;iii-riUvilli'. and Sarali 51. Burlingain.-, lu. Iry i;uv. Joliii IJuydeii, Jr., Sept. 10, ls4S. Henry JI., ol' Provideuce, and Lydla S. Holmes, of m. by Kev. (_'. II. fitiis, Nov. 15, 1848. Calheriue, and John Chattertou, I'eb. 2o, 1840. Martin, and Mary M. liuuan; m. by Rev. John linyihii. Jr 14, 1b4!). Ann JI., and lilislia CoiiisUick, Dec. 25, 1849. Ariali 1^.. ot Gloouster, son ol Artemus and Lncina, .•uid DeiihiiR Fernanld, ol' Black-slonc, dau. ol EMmnnd and lieity: ni. by Kev. Lullier 1). Hill, Jan. 23, 1850. SNOW Ann lilizabel h, and Joseiih Simpson, Jan. 15, 184:;. Maria, and Lewis llelt Sansoney, Jan. 2, 1840. " William W., of Worcester. JIass., and Ullve A. Estes, of Cumber- land; ni. by Rev. C. H. Titus, Aug. 28, 1849. SOLITHWIt'll David, of Norllibridge, Mass., and Alsey P. Fowler, ol Cum- berland; m. by Rev. C. 11. Titus, Nov. 25, 18-40. SPAULDING Uiloe. and Gideon Spragiie. March 27, 1763. SPEAKMAN EUzabelh. and Thomas Hood, Nov. 30, 1849. SPEAK Jonalhan, ol Ciiiiilicrlaud.and Mary Dexter, ol Smllhlield ; ni. by John Dexter, Justice. Jan. 20, 1701. Elizabeth, and .Seth Hall. Dec. 17, 1701. " Mary, and William -Sh'-ldon, March 11, 1707. " Thomas, of Thomas, dec., and Amey WliippI Abner Kallon, Dec. 18, 1777. SPOUNEi; Mehitable, and Isaac Jillson, Dee. 7, 1823. SPRAGUE Joshua, of Smithlleld, .and Amla Darling, ol' Cumberland Job liartlett. Justice. Feb. 7, 1748-9. " Rebeckah. and Stephen Carpenter, June 0, ]7(;S. " Joseph, of Cumberland, and Pliillls Joslin. of Attlelioi-o: Attleboro, by , Dec. 29. 1770. " Phelie. and Elieiuzer WIiilaKer. Jr., Sept. 23, 1770. " Gideon, uf Ciimherlaiid. and Cbloe Spaulding. or Smiililicld Uriah Alverson, lustice, March 27, 17S3. " JIary. and James tfaski'll. May 23. :79n. " Amos, of Seth. and Hannah Follelt. of Al.ialiani: iii. \'\ Aimer liallou, June 12, 1791. " Jolin. Jr.. of East Green'wieh, son of John of Cumberland, dan. of Benjamin May 17, 1807. " Nalhan, of Gideon, and Phebe Collins Justice, March 13, 1808. " I.ydin. and E/.ekiel B. Bro\^^l, Dec. 2: " William, of (iideon, and Polly Joslin. of Stephen Wilkinson. .Tjistke. Feb. 9, 1315. " Eliza, and William Whipple, Jr., Dec. 29, 1.831. " Mary Ann, and Harris Mowry, April 27, 1840. " Nathan C. and Abigail Fhdd ; m. by Kev. John Boj'den, Jr..'>et, 8, 1848. " 'William C. and Ann JI. WUeo.x ; m. by R.'V. .John Boyden, .Ir. AprU 18, 18.50. STAFFORD Lydia. and Barton Burlingame, July 2:!. 1815. STANLEY Sarah J., and William Kaneroft, Nov. 7, 1840. " JIartlia A., and William II. Kiiapp, June 30, IboH. of John ; m. by Elder m. liy at by i:ii|er m. 1 and (.'yntliia Wilkinson, ly Isaac Razee. Justice, by Samtiel Grant, Jr., 1814. liy Benjamin STAPLES Nathan, and .Teminia Cmnstock ; Sept. 7. 1752. « Nathan, and Martha Ciimsloek; m 20. 1757. " Ruth, and .loiiariiaii Oi-nisby. Fe " Jonalhan, and I'ivcIi.n i- Tow.r : Aug. 18, 1700. 111. by .lohn Aldrlch, Justice, by John Aldrlch, Justice, Oct. in, 1750. bv Elder Nathaniel Cook, 60 VITAL EECOKD OP KlIODE ISLAND. 1-Jii Sl'Al'LKS St'Plii'ii. and Su>;iini:;iU B:iiHi'tt : in. by ElUi-r .>:illjaniel Cook, Api-U 1-1 :i lliuiiuli. :in(l lli'iijamin Wilkinson, April liJ, 1770. l-i^ ■■ ULorgii, or N;itli!iu, and h^ile Cook, ol Abrahaui; m. by Jo.suph Brown, Jubtit't', March 'J.">, 1771. 1-05 ■• Lavina, and Siniuri Wliipple, May L!, 177:-". 1-55 '• .Silvia, and Asa Wliipple, Aug, 1, ]77o. l-(>4 •■ David, oi Nathan, and Silvia liallou, of Stcplii-n ; ni. by IVler Uarliiig, Jiis.ice, March 27, 1774, 1-nl •• Martha, and Kluizer Ka:idaU, Feb, 13, 17.s:!. I-Im; •- Nallian, of ('n:iil)t;rlaud, son of Nathan, dec, ami Fry Jotham rarpent<>r. Justice. March i;.">, 1793. LAND Relieckah. anil Jolin Gortintr. Auk. Ki. 17."')0. Estlier. and D.-iniel Smith, Jr.. March 2. 1753: William, of Atileboro. and Mindwell Howard, of Cumberl.and: m. by Job Bartletl. Tusti-e, March 2. 175;!. John, Jr.. and Lydia Bow"n. both of Attleboro; m. by .Tob Bart- letl, Justice, Feb. 5. 1754. .laraes. and Lu<'y Follett ; m. by Nathaniel Robinson. Justice, Oct. 25. 1763. Hannah, and Isaac Jolmson. Jan. 30. 1764. Rebeckali. and Apibus Bishop. Oct. 29, 1764. Esther, and Jabez Gould, April 22. 1766. '• r.etty. and Nathaniel Sli'pcrdson, Dec. 30, 1778. 1.77 '• William, of John, of Attleboro, and .Sarah Arnold, o£ Amos, of Cumlierland ; m. by Elder Aimer Kallou, Dec. 9, 1779. " Lydia. and Enock Arnolrl. Jlay 1. 1783. " George, of Attleboro. and Nancy Walker, of Cumberland ; ra. at At- tleboro, Ijy Elisha May, Justice, Dec. 30, 1784. 2-79 SWEET Anthony, of SmithtiHld. son of Jonathan, dec: and Maria Bartlett. of Bani. of Cumberland, Aug. 18, 1825. 1-22 SWIFT .loseph. of Mendcm, and .Mary Keiih. of Cumlierland ; m. by Uriah Jillson. Justice. Dec (i. 1764. j..2g <• Samuel, and Chloe Alrtrich : m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, May 19, 17li5. 1-110 TAESON .Morris, and Liu'iua Sh-ldon : m. by Jotliam Carpenter, Jus- tice, Jau. 1, 1789. 1-11 TAIT Japheth, of Mendou, and Sarah Alexander, of Cumberland; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook. May 4. 1763. 1.7g ii Stephen, of rxbridg-. son of Mijamin, and Ester Comstock, of Smithfleld. dan. of loseph; m. by Stephen Arnold, Ju.stice, Oct. 8, 1767. 2-3 " Sweeting, and Clih.e Brown, of Stephen; ni. by John Rogere, Justice, June 20, 1802. 1-117 2-32 " 2-76 " 2-50 '■ 2-7(1 '■ 2-110 2-131 '■ 2-157 2-165 " 2-185 '■' 1-n STUDLY 1-63 SW AN r 1-146 '= 1-3 SWEETl 1-14 '■■ 1-14 ' 1-14 " 1-23 " 2-24 <■• 1-24 it 1-25 a 62 VITAL KECOKD UF IlHOllE ISLANJ). ' 2-38 TAFT R;nlu-1, :iu.l .loliii XfW.ll. N.iv. :i, 1811. 2-205 " Jnlui C. and Sally J. Chase; m. I>y Krv. .lulm UoycUMi, Jr.. April 7, IsriO. 2-192 TAPPAN Ednmiitl M.. , Justice, Nov. 1, 1799. 2-149 " Arnold, of liiifus, and Elizabeth Colvin, oi Darius, both ot Smithfleld ; m, lij Kcv. ,S. \V. Coggcshall. Sept. 2r.. 1545. 1-9 THAYER Simeon, and Zerviah i;alloa ; m. by Elder Natlianiel Cook, De«. 3, 1701. 1-26 " Silas, of Boston, and Ann,a Hunt, of Ciiinbci-land ; m. by John GonId, Justice, Nov. 30, 17G2. 1-71 " Joseph, of Joseph, dec., of Mendon, and Pliebo Cook, ot Elder Nathaniel, dec., of Cumberland; m. by Eider Abuer liallou. May 28, 1778. 1-108 " Benjamin, of Mendon, and EUzaljeth Cook, of Cumberland, dau. of Elder NathSmiel. dec.: m, by Jothani Carpenter, Justice, Sept. 16, 177D. 1-S5 " Nicholas, of Joseph, dec, of M.ndoii, and Judith Coi.l;. of Elder Nathaniel, dec, of (.'nmbeiland ; ni. I>y Folder Abiier liaUou, Nov. 16, 1783. 2-lOU " Otis, Jr., and Mercy Ann Wellnian ; ni. by Elder lO. P. Ingersoll, Jan. 4, 1835. 2-157 " ^Ubert, and Charlotte 'SI. Knapp; ni. by Kcv. Jolin Coyden. Jr., Jan. rj, 1846. 2-182 " Minerva O., and Jami's i). Smith, Sept. 18. 184S. 2-208 " Henry, and t^atherine -Morgauni, both of East Douglass : ra. by Tev. G. H. Titus, Jan. 20, 185o. 1-GO THOMAS Waterman, of Cumberland, late of Waldoborongli, Maine, son ot Anthony, of Marshliclil. Mass., and Hannah De.\ter, of Jolin, of Cumberland; ni. by John Dexter, Justice, April 1«, 1775. 2-42 " George, .and Pamela Andrews Bly ; m. by Elder Stephen G«no, AprU 22, 1813. 2-22 " Freelove, and Ziba Darling. Feb. 11, 1808. 2-7-4 " Henry, and Eunice Howard: m. by A.aron Lurnnius, JiLStice, May 23, 1824. 2-110 " • Amey Jlarla, .and Josepli I). Weatlierbeail. May 22. 1S39. 2-136 " Edwin R., and Ann K. Cook: m. Ijy Rev. Jolm I'.oyden, Jr., May 31, 1843. 2-147 " Hem-y Nelson, of George, and Amey Ann Clark, of Stephen : m. by Kev. James 11. Carpenter, Oct. .3, 1845. 1-1 TFKjMPSdN Eunice, and Josepli Brovrn, Dec. (>, 1747. 1-8 " Khoilia. and Abner Cook, Jfarch 27, 1757. 1-13 " Asa. and Esther Ketth: ni. l)y Elder Nath.miel Cook, M.irch 8, 1764. ]-33 " I'hebe, and Ralph Freeman. Jan. 1. 17(>r>. 1-28 " Comfort, and Levi Ralloii. Marcli 21, 1765. 1-53 " Edward, of Mendon, son ot Edward, .and Jfary Aldrlcli, of Cumber- land, dau. of Roberl ; in. hv Caleb Aldrich, Justice, April 31, 1772. 1-110 « Abner. of Edward, and Mary Whipple, of Benjamin, both of Smith- field ; ni. by .Totham Carpenter. Justice, Feb. 23. 1785. 1-110 " Micah, of Asa, and Keziah Cook, of Noah, both ot Jlendon ; m. by Levi Ballon, Justice. June 17. 1790. 1-121 " Prnsla, and Simon Wood, Vlanli (!. 1794. 1-123 " Alexander, and Joanna Wilkhison, of Daniel : m. by HolUman Pot- ter, Justice, Jl.iy 4, 1794. 1-151 « Asa, of Mendon, Mass.. and Sally Estes, of Zaccheus ; m. by John Rogers, Justice, Nov. 27. 1709. 2-17 " Eliab. of Ichabod, and Lydla l!lu)de.s, ot Jolni ; m. liy Isaac Bazee, Justice, Oct. 19, l,sO(i. CUjrllKRLAXD MVUKlAdES. 68 ii-m J>liiMPSUiN l.y.liu, ami Wiliinin N. w.4l. .M:iy ^■2. Is-J-J. 2-91 " Artdison, of Wr.'nilinn], son of Eliah, (lud Siilly Hanoock, of Samuel ; m. by AlMxancler liaUnn, Juslic.', July i, 1830. 2-303 " AVilli.-im V., ;iiicl CatUfiin.- r. M:inii ; in. by Rev. Jobn Boyden, Jr., May 31, 1850. l-4« THURBER Kli/.abi'lli, and .Tolin UlKirie-;, Uarrh 9. 1780. 1-101 " liainabus, son of Barnabn-i, of Ciinibprland, and Ruth Franklin, of John, of Wivntbam, Mas?. ; m. by Elder Abnor Ballon, Feb. 14, 1790. 2 I7r> " Eilward, of .T^irncs and .Sarah, and Irene K. Mason, of Miller and Lelti^; ni. Uy W-v. I.nther ]). Hill, March 14, 1848. l-7r> TIR'RSrON Phebe, and .Tonafhan Fisher, .Tr.. May 15. 1779. 2-28 " Sally, and Eni(r-;on Towx. May 24. 1810. 2-77 " Rnth, and ElWui Newoll, .Tan. 2.3, IbiS. 2-80 " I^ydia, and Seth Harden, Oct. 20, 1825. TIFFANY Xoah, of Aftlcboro. and Hannah Carpenter, of CuiLljerland ; lu. at .Vttb'boro by Rev. Peter Tlialcher. March 22. 1781. C-l.-.l TILI.EY .Tolio S., and Sn-an Ricliardson; m. t>y Rev. Haylott .Irvine, Feb. 17, 1846. 2-ir,.-> TTLLOTSOX .Vbraham, and Hannah E. lUij-iiis; ni. by Lewi^ T!. Arnold, .lusflce, March 31, 1847. 2 204 " Mary J., and George Dlsiiean, Nov. 25, 1S49. 2-113 " Emma, and Ilaniel R. Arnold, March 10. 1850. 1-13 TILLSON Sarah, and Aaron New 11, Deo. 20. 17rk3. (Also 1-29.) 1-43 " Molly, and Thomas Wood. Jr.. Pec. 3, 17C9. 1 54 " Phobe, and Gtorce Cook. Oct. 9. 1772. 2-3 " Priscilla, and Phillip Carron, Nov. 8. 1772. l-.TO) '• Sn'.anna. and Stephen Wileox. Nov. 5. 177(1. 1-114 " Mary, and Adam Polsey. April 14, 17.82. 1-83 " Freflove, and lohn Tlanly, Oct. 20, 1782. 1-5 TINGl.EY Hannah, and Thaddens Cook, April 4. 1751. 1-22 " Samnel. of Attli-boro, and Jemima Streeti'r. of rnmherland ; m. by Abiel Brown, Justice, Dee. 11, 1764. 1-91 " TSen.iamin, of S.inuiel. dec, of AlUeboro, and Elizabeth Philbroofc (widow), dan. of John Oole ; m. by Elder Abner Ballon, Nov, 10, 1785. 1-1,30 " Filey, and Ambro.se Diintoii, .Tan. 24. 17n(;. 1-144 " Sarah, and Morris Friller, Dec. 10, 1797. 2-103 " Georse W., and Sirah liarilett; m. by Eliler Penjamin P.alne, Api-ll 3, 1834. 2-133 " (;eorne W., and Mrs. Nancy JUlsoii : ni. by Rev. Henry G. Steward, Dec. 1, 1812. 2-ir.fl TINI-CHAM William, of Taunt-m, Mass., and Ann Capron, of Cumberland; ra. by Rev. M. M. Preston, Jnne 2, 1847. M4 TOWEK Patience, and JereTniali Ji'nclces, March 22, 1753. 1-9 " Freelovc, and Jonathan Staples, Aug. 18, 1760. 1-10 " F,noclf, and Lucy Lovott; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cool,. Dec. 9, 1702. 1-34 " Jonathan, and Sarali Wliipple, both of Cumberland; m. by Elder Daniel Miller, Feb. 17, 1763. 1-26 " Hannah, and James Streoter, Oct. 21, 1704. 1-26 " MoUy, and Benjamin Knowlton, Dec. 3, 1704. 1-31 " Ichaljod, and 3lary Pollen ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, Oct. IG, 1768. 1-47 " Capt. Levi, of Capt, (iidcon. and Jlary 'Whipple, of Ensign Daniel; m. by Elder Nathanic;! Cook, Jan. 19. 1771. 1-100 " Sintlia. and Elisha Luthor, July 3, 1791. 1-116 " Lois, and Comfort FoUett, May 27, 1792. 1-119 " Wanton, of Enock, and Finis Cook, of Abraham: m. by Elder Ab- ner BaUou, May 20, 1793. 1-128 '■ lienjamln, lat ■ of Cunib, rland. now of \erniont, ^on of Capt. Enoch, i.r Cnniberlaiid, and ."Mai'ilia Gnlle.v, ot (liarlton, Mass., datt. of \ViIlia,m : m. by .fotliani Carpenter. Jnsiice. Feb. 22. 1795. 1-142 " .\miy. and .\bner Lapba.ii. June 2!). 171)7. (\'it. i;ec., \ej. ;;.) 17 a-44 li-a2:) a-i(-;i 04 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. l-14i TUWKR Enocli. and Kills Wliik- ; iii. by EMer Stephen riaci', St'iit. 10, 1797. 1-157 " Euocli, of Gideon, ot (.umbeilaTid, and Ruth Klrby, of ,1ohn. of New- poi't; ni. hy Elder Sleiiheu Plafc. Oct. If), ISOO. Edildii, and tapt. Ariel i;allou, June 20, 180-2. Zillah, and Pardon Saylf.s, Jan. S, 1S07. Knie.siin. of l.i'Vi. and Sally Tlvurston, "f Jazues; ni. by I-^aae Razee, JuSLice, May 'M, 1S1<'. Lucy, and Au^astas liallou, Aug. 8, 1811. Levi, and liaTuiali Emerson; m. by Davi.s Cool;, Justice, Jan. 8, 1817. Polly T., and Nelson KoUett, (let. "A 1S38. Nancy R., and Welcome Metcalt, Feb. 21, 1840. William E., of Cumb-rhind, son of James and Su,san, of Randolph, Mass., and Urania Wakefield, of <_'uiiib«rland, dan. of Leonard anrt Nancy; m. by Rev. L. D. HUl. June 11, 1848. ^___ a-200 '• UclUah, and Francis Plice, Dec. 18, 1849. 1-151; TlwVSK James, and Freelove Weathcrhead; ni. by Elder Abner BaOlou, Oct. i:i, 170S). 2-30 '• rbelK/, and Leonard Ballou, Sept. 27, 1810. ^__ 2-(i5 '• Mary, and Robert Wood, Dec. 23, 1820. • .-70 " LyAia, and Levi IlaskeU, Nov. 3, 1822. 3-02 " Frederick A., and Roxa Salla ; m. by Elder Stephen Cutler, Sept. 20, 1S29. 115 TIUPP Gideon, of Providence, and Margeret Urown, of (;umberhind; m._by John Dexter, Justice. May 5. 1755. 1-.-.4 TUCKER David, of Cujuberland, son of Mori-is, dec, and Slary Arnold, of BcUlngham, dau. of Boidey ; ni. by Elder Nalliani<-1 t'ook, Jlay iri, 1770. tk. ^.150 '• Mary, and lienjamin Bartlett, Feb. 5, 1707. 54-20 " Whipple, and Susanna Fanington ; ni. by Levin Bartlett. Justice, May :n, le07. 2-05 " llopey Ann. and Seth R. Hallard. .Vjiril 27. 18:>2. U V £-lt)0 VALLETl Lydia, and .Satniiel Hudson, Oct. ir>, 1840. 2-77 VAECE Nancy, and Lamed Joslin, Dec. 0, 1821. 1-30 VERRV Nathan, and Sarah Scott ; ni. liy Elder Nathaniel ( imk. May 27, 17G7. 2-101 " Mrs. Nancy G., iind Pardon Ssiyles, March 29, 1835. 2-163 VESLETE Mary, and James Nolles, Feb. 14, 1847. 1-75 VICOKY John, of Cuniberiand (transient person), and Sarah Jillson. of Attleboro, dau. of D.inlel ; ni. by John Dexter, Justice, Mareh 27, 1777. 1-100 " John, of Great Britain, and Elizabeth Read; m. by .John Dexter, Ju-stice, May 9, 1790. j-llO " David, and Sybel Hathaway; m. by Cliristophor I'.olnnson, .Jus- tice. July 20, 1840. C-10!> \''>SE Hannah, atid Nathan Davis, .Manh 7. Ls39. J-120 WADE Huhlah, and Stephen Hill, March 18, 1798. 2-113 " Joseph, .and Parmelia Bovrdltch ; m. by Rev. Joseph smith. .Inly 4, 1839. 2 183 WAKEFIELD Uranali. and William E. Tower, June 11, 1848. 2-84 WALDRON Laban, and Nancy Ray ; m. by Samuel Mann, Justice. Man-h 24, 1825. 2-149 WALES Mason, of Cumberland, and Sarah Culvin, of Black-stone ; m. by Rev. John Hoyden. Jr.. .Tiily 0, 1845. 3-172 " Hosea, and Sophronia Ball; m. by Rev. Jolin Boyden, Jr., Jan. 5, 1848. WALKER Nancy, and George Swcetland, Dec. 30, 1784. 2 122 " Abby S., and .Seth J. Whipple, Oct. 12, 1840. CIIilBERI.AND MAKKIAGES. 65' S-149 WAI.KEi; Sanih i;., :m18!i " Ozius. ot Mftdway, ;\Iass.. son of Isnac and LyOia, of Alixaiulrla, N. H., and Sarah .1. PliiUiiis, ol" Mcdway, M.-iss. ; ni. by Ilpv. L. D. Hill, Oft. liH. li-49. 2-201 '■ Ui-lsey B., and Hloses liandall, March 3, lsr>0. 1-4 ^VAl.C•0■rT William, .7r.. and Esther Foster; m. by John Do.\!er. Jiwticf, March 1, 1749-50. 1-t " Lydia, and Ichabod Peck, Jr., Feb. 2S, 17&(). 1-24 " William, and Ruth PerUins (widow): m. by Nathnnii'l Rohinson, Justice. Ueo. :>. 17(ia. 1-68 " Benjamin, of Benjamin. a]id Mary Dexter, ot James; ni. by John Dexter. Justice, Jan. 18, 177.S. '•■ JIoscs. of Attlelioro, and Ruth Whipple, of Cunibeiland ; ni. at Attleboro l)j , Dec. 19, 170(>. 2-S '• James D., and Hannah Jcnckes ; m. by John Uo);er.s, .Justice, May 2(5, Ihdii. 2-lS:T. '• Jlary f., and Joseph W. Nichols. An^. M, 1848. 1-41 WAl.I. Thomas, ot Norlli Kingstown, son of WlUiani, and Phebe Rogei's. of Cuniberhinil. d.-m. <■! John ; ni. by John Dexter, Justice, Aug. 24, 17C.9. WAKE K:,ther. and Peb-r AJ.anis, JIarch 19. 17,-jO-]. 1-117 ■■ Jane, and Natlianiel Ilallou. May l.--.. 1777. Lydia, and Noali H.-illon, June 10, 1784. 2-ino WAiatELL John, and Sarah N. Hemingway; m. at Woodstock, I'onn.. by Rov. Hezekhrh H. Davis, May .">. 1839. 2-141 WARIIKN .-^arali (.'., and (Teorge B. Davenport. May 1."), 1844. 3-147 " Joseph E.. and Julia A. Arnold, of Lewis; m. by Rev. James H. Carpenter, Api'il 24, 1845. 2-188 WASllBrKN (.corge, of Cumberland, son of Roliecca, of Ware, Mass., and Matilda J. Wpod. of Cumherland, dan. ot Rhoda ; m. by Rev. L. D. lltU, April IC, 1849. l-r>o w ATKl.'MAN' Klisha. of Cumberland, son of Araaziah, of Providence, and Sarah P.allou (widow'), dau. of Francis Herendeen, Late ot Smithfield, now of Uoosick, Mass.; m. by Jolui Dexter. .lustico, March 20, 1775. 1-140 " James, of Capt. Elisha, and Fi-eelove Whipple, of Christopher; ni. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, Dec. 15, 1790. l-15a " Dorcas, and David Bucklin, Oct. 27, 1799. 2-10 '■ Abigail, and Bennett Wl ipple, Dec. 8, 1803. 2-43 " Elisha, and Eliz.abetli Herrington ; m. by Benjamin WIDdnson. JiLS tlce, April 26, 1814. 2-62 " Sarah, and Ambrose Clark. March 12. 1820. 2-107 " Stephen S. of Cumberland, and Estlier Lyon, of .Tohnston. R. 1.; ni. at Smithlield, by Elder Reuben Allen, March 21, 18:jl). 2-142 " Alpha S., and Nehemiah N. Carpenter, Oct. 17, 1844. 1-14 WEATHEIUIEAO Martha, and Samuel Briggs, April 5, 1751. 1-14 " Knock, and Anne Dexter; m. by John Dexter, Justice, .Tan. 2, 1752. 1-7 " Ruth, and Joseph Lee, April 15. 1756. 1-40 '• Daniel, and I,,ydla Ramsdell (widow); m. by John Dexter, Justice, Aug. 21, 1758. 1-43 '• John, of Cumberland, son of Daniel, and Tabltha Kempton, of Cum- berland, dau. or Mannassus, of Smithfield; m. by Elder Daniel Miller, April 19, 1770. 1-01 " Nathan, of Enock. and Hiildah Whipple, of Samuel; m. by Elder Abner Ballon, Feb. 29, 1776. " Hannah, and Dr. Daniel Peck Whipple, Nov. 6, 1783. " Comfort, of Cumberland, and Ada Herrington, of Danby ; m. by Jeremiah Whipple, Justice, Jan. 8, 1786. " Freelove, and James 'I'rask, Oct. 13, 1799. '■' Lavlna, and John Alexander, Jr., March 2, 1800. " Daniel, of Levi, and Selinda Harris, of Oliver; m. by Siimuel Grant, Jr., Justice. Jan. 1, 1810. " Alpha, and Nathan Harris. Oct. 9, 1811. '• Ruth, and David Whipple, Nov. 24, 1811. 1-85 191 1-152 1-154 2-29 3-67 2-35 6S VITAL KECOKD OF UHODE ISLAND. 2-84 2-39 2-49 2-5S 2- 30 2-Vl 2-64 2-fe9 2-100 2-11(1 2-111 2-i;i2 2-15S 2-1T2 2185 i-y.t 1-32 2-73 2100 2-163 2-168 2-211 2-212 1-20 2-31 2-40 1-J5 2-38 S-182 a-122 2-138 1-19 1-6 1-7 1-40 1-33 1-32 1-33 1-26 i-ae 1-S4 1-29 WEATIIEKIIEAD John, Jr., of John. :nul Ailisnh Whipple, ol -iiiiinn. id : m. hy Samuel Grant, Justicf, Aug. 23, 1812. " Enoclc, and Naomi Staples; ni. by Arit-l fnok. .iiisiicf. M;ircli 1">, 1813. " .lames, and Kutli Brown; m. by Ariel Cook, Ju-stice, Nov. 24, 1813. " \Vhi])i)lp, fit .liiiin. anil hvirali Haskell, of Samuel ; m. li.\ i;iil.[- Wil- lijim waiiani^, -May 14, 1810. " Enock, of Samuel, aud Naomi SIreelei-, of El.enez.T : ni. liy H.-ii- jamin \Vilkin--,on. .lu-;t!ce, Jan. 30, 1317. •• -Vnn Eliza, and Lewis .b-nckes, April 28, 1817. " Jlerebah, and William WllMnson, 2d, July 9, lb20. " Amey Com.slui, 1840. " Charles, and ilaria K. FoUett ; m. by Kev. John Toyden, Jr., Feb. 10, 1848. " Mai-y. and Joseph Cule, Feb. 27. ISJn. WEEKS Kiohard, and Jiiclilli Miller; ni. )iy Elder Daniel MUler, Nov. 11, 17C.1. " Nathan, of Cumberland, son ol lUehard, and Hannah Jeuckos, ol Cumberland, dau. of Jonathuu, dee.; in. at SmitUlield, by John De.Kter, ,Tnstiee, Nov. 1, 1770. WELLMAN Elmina, aud Elijah Brown, Dec. 28, 1823. " Mercy Aim, aud Otis Thayer, Jr., Jan. 4, 1830. WESTCOTT Marian A., and Francis VV. Lincoln, May 22, 184!). WEST JIargaret L. K., aud Jason Darlou, April — , 1847. Peleg D., of l>ro\idence. son of Elisha and Catherine, of Westerly, R. I., and Aluira Ulce, of Blackstoue, dau. of Stephen and Jane; m. by Kev. L. D. Hill, March 5, 1850. . " Stephen, aud Mary Ami Bmlingame, botU of Wrentham ; m, by Kev. C. 11. Titus, March 17, 1850. WHEATUN Mason, ol I'lovideuce, and Leviua Dexter, of Camberland; m. by JalH'i lioTven, Asst., April 9, 1761. " Chillies, of Uehoboth, and UosUla Jillson, of Cumberland; ra. by Levin liartlett, Justice, Dec. 2, 1810. Polly, and John Darling, Jr., May 26, 1811. WHKELER Isaac, and Lovi.s Allen ; m. by Job BaHletl. Justice, Jnne 3, 1755. " Saiuuel, and Le\-ina Gitl'ord ; m. by James D. Wnllcot, Justice, Jan. 10, 1812. WHEELOCK Calvin A., of Enfield, Conn., and Abby E. Butler, of Cumber- land; ni. by Kev. John Uuydeii, Jr., Sept. 17, 1848. " Peter, of \Vln.sor, and Elizabeth Kevnolds. of John and Hary; m. by Rev. Joseph Smith, Nov. 8, 1840. " Ezekiel S., and Uranlah E. Aldrich, bf^th of Sinilhlield ; m. by liev. John Boyden, Jr., Jan. 1, 1844. WHIPPLE Leah, and Daniel Jenckcs, Dec. 11, 1754. " Martha, and DaWd Jenii, ITiiT. 1-37 " Aunc, and Daniel Willdiisoii, Jr., Oct. 10, 1707. 1-38 " Hannali, aii. 1772. 1-55 " Simon, of Daniel, and Lesimi Staples, of Nathan; ni. by Peter Darling, Justice. May 3, 1772. 1 ''- " F.phraim, of Ephralm, of Sniithfield, and Zerviah Mason, of Pele- tiah, of Cumberland ; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, March 11, 177:;. l-''3 " Asa, of Joseph, and .SUvia Stajiles, of Nathan; m. by Peter Darling, Justice, Aug. 1, 1773. 1-73 " Ami'y, and Joseph BncMin, Jan. il. 1774. 1 60 " Jilary, and EUphalet Level, Oct. lit, 1773. 1-61 " Lucy, and Jeremiah Jenck"s, Pel). 23, 1776. 1-61 '• Huldah. and Nathan Weatherhead. Feb. 29, 1776. 3-76 '■ Izreal, Jr., of Izreal, and Leah Whipple, of Joseph; m. by Peter Darling, Justice, Oct. 20, 177ii. 1 70 " Leah, and I/,ri al Whipple, Jr.. Oct. 20. 1770. 1-63 '• Anne, and Joseph Brown, Dec. 27, 1770. 1-69 " Aniey, and Tliomas Spear, Dec. 18, 1777. 1-71 " Mary, and Squii-o Aldrich, March 3, 1778. 1-72 " Mrs. Hannah, and William Emerson, July 20, 1778. 1-78 " Elizabeth, and Gideon Bishop, April 27, 1780. 1-82 " Capt. Amos, of Daniel, and Martha Cook, of Elder Nathaniel, dec; ni. by Elder Abner B.iUoii, Dec. 12, 1782. 1-85 " Dr. Daniel Peck, of John, and Hannah Weatherhead, of Enock ; m. m. by John Dexter. Jnstiee, Nov. 6, 1783. 1-17 " Benjamin, of Cumberland, aud Susannah HaU, of Wrentham; m. at Wrentham by Eev. Joseph Brown, Jan. 8, 1781. 1-110 " Mary, and Abner Thomps.m, Feb. 23, 1783. 1-112 " Freelove, and Major Keuben BaUou, Jan. 31, 1787. 1-96 " Ficelove, and Nathan Staples, AprU 32, 1787. 1-94 " Joseph, of Eleazer, dec., and Mercy FoUett, of Abraham ; m. by Elder Abner Ballou, Nov. 20, 1787. 1-90 " William, of Moses, aud Sarah Ray, of Henry ; m. by L^'Vi BaUou, Justice, Dec. 31, 1789. 1-ll.j '• ThankJnl, and Esek Cook, Oct. 10, 1790. 1-104 " Jeremiah, Jr., of Cumberland, son of Jei-emiali, and Nancy Dex- ter, of James; m. by John Dexter, Justice, March 31, 1791. l-4o " William, elf i'et-er, and U'aitslill J>al!ou (widow); m. by Slmtm Wil- kinson, JusLice. Dec. 15, 1791. 1-120 " Martlia, and Capt. George Hnllowell, Jan. 12, 1794. l-12:i " Jenckes. aud Alice Aldrich ; m. by HoUimau Potter, Jui>tie't:^ May i), 1794. l-ini •• Josejdi. of Mosi's. )il Ciiniberland, and Anne Mathe-wson, of .Toseph, of Smlthtield ; m. by John Mann, Justice, Oct. lo. 171)1. 1-120 " Stephen, of l*reserved, and OUve Allen (widow), dau. ol Timothy Bennett; m. by Nathaniel Sheperdson, Justice, April 5, 1793. l-iaa " Naihan, of Asii, and Khoda Inman, of Stephen: m. by Elder Abner Ballon, March 13, 1796. 1-138 " Abigail, aud Asqutre Aldrich, May 15, 1706. 1-139 '■ Lydia, and George Wilkinson, Oct. 23, 1790. 1-144 •■ Freelove, and James Waterman, Dec. 15, 179U. " Kuth. and Moses Waleott, Dec. 19, 179»!. ; 68 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1146 WHIPPLE Lucy, niiil Duly bliaw. Marrh -JS, 1798. '• PreclUa. and William Bislioi), Feb. i!4, 1799. 1-40 '• Mary, and Oliver Blai-Jdimtmi. .Tuly 17. . 1-155 ■' Mary, and Eliphaz Grant, May 1«, IKOO. 2-3 •• Martha, and Keulien Cook. Ai)rll ;!.'>. 1802. 2-5 ■■ Comfort, of Preiiprved, and Uetsey cihscin: ni. Ijy .Inlni lioacrs. .Ju-s- tioe, Deo. 1-2, lM-2. 2-8 " Amos, of Cumberland, and Lydia I'orter. of Wrenlhani : ni. by Elder Abner Hallon, April 10, ISO!!. 2-8 " Amos, and William WUkin-ii-n. May 8. 1S03. 2-10 ■■ Bennett, of Cumberland, son of .Toel. and Abigail Waterman, of Elisha : m. by Le-s-lBallon. .lustlee, Dec. 8, 1803. 2-n ■• William, of Izreal. and Mary l-'iiller, of .lob: m. by K.lder Abner Hallon. orU l.j. 1804. 2-1-t " Daniel. 2(1, of Simon, and Dorea« Cooli, of Ariel: ni. by Isii.»c Kazcic. .lustire. Ort. 1!), ISOfi. 2-li> ■ Sarah, and William .losiin. Feb. ii. 1800. 2-17 •■ Hannah, and Eb-azer Ajnold, fJct. 20, 180c;. 2-2:> Subni. and S;ininel Dc\tir, April 2, 1,808. 2-2,''i ■' liela, of -Slepnen. and MebUable y Sjimuel (iranl. Jr., Justice, Nov, 24, 1811. 2-3(i " Lewis, of Asa, and ,ludilli Paine, of John, dec. of Sinitlitield : m. by David Aldricb. Justice, I'eb. 2. 1812. a-H4 " Achsah. and .loliii Wealli 'rbead, Aug. 2:i, 1812. 2-7-t " Amos, of Ciiinberland. and .Sally Ross, oi Tliompsoii. (lonii.: m. nt, Tliompson. Cinin.. by Elder Pearson Crosby, March 10. 1810. 2-85 " Willard. of Willi im. anil Lydia Rraley, of Solomon: m. by Davis. Cook. Justici'. Marcli 21, 1810. 2-57 " Martha, and olin.y Scoit. Marcli 24. 1810. 2-50 " Alfred S., and Pbilana Pwk, of .Soloiiion : ni. by Jason Newell, Ju.s- tlce. Aus- 27, 1817. 2-55 " Jidin, of Joseph, and EU/abeth liaker, of .\biel : m. by Davis Coofc, Justice. Dec. 7, 1817. 2-57 " Eveiline D., and S:iniiiel I'lark. Dec. 21. 1,817. 2-72 •■' -Sarah, .and Hart ford Jenckes, Auk. 25. 1?22. 2-85 " Capt,. Nathan, and Mary Ripley; m. b\ T>aviii Aldricb, Ju.stUe, AuR. 28, 1825. 2-12.G " Joanna, and ,le.sse M.ason, Oct. 25, 1827. 2 98 " Lillip, and Ephralm Currier. S;'pt. 14, ]c3]. 2-95 " William, Jr., and Eliza Sprajrue; m. by Elder Steplion Cutler. Dec. 29, 1831. 2-207 " Amey Ann, and Otis M. <'lark. Jan. 10, 1832. " Celi.n Ann, and Charles Fisher, Dec. i), 1832. 2-121 '•■ Nancy M.. and William R. Peck, April riO. 1840. 2-122 " Seth J., of William and Lydia, and Abby S. Walker; in. by Rev. .loseph Smith. Oct. 12. IsiO. 2-127 " Milton, and Elizabeth Jills(m:in. by Daniel Dow, Justice. Auj. 29. 1841. 2-127 " Olive Ann. and Russell Peck. Oct. 3. 1841. 2-137 •' Sylvester R., or K., and Mary A. Jill.son : m. by Lewis Ii. AriuJd, Justice, Dec. 14. 1S43 (also 2-lf>5i. 2-143 ■' Albert M., and RIspa J. Clark: m. liy Rev. John Boyden, Jr.. Oct. 17, 1844. CUMBEKLAND MAltUIAGES. 69 -2-173 WHII'PLE tjilas. .iiid :Mis. \Liii!i;i r. I'liiiu'-- ; in. by Rev. John Boyden, Jt., April 5, 1.S48. 2-187 " John W., of CuniliKrUuKl. niid Muiri'liu, Lee, of SmltUfielci' ; ni. I)y Rev. Junius M. Wiluy, Sept. ti:,, 1846. 2-19!) " Sarah J., and Siliis Greene, Feb. 13, lci9. 2-190 " Liberty, of IndeprnJeiiee, and Sopliia, and Klizabetli T. Kelly, of Mark and Uiura ; m. by Uev. liayles P. Talbot.t. May 2"J, 1849. 2-2()2 ■■ Lucina, and Ceorgo Mann. May 27, Ihi'.t. ■ 2-21i> ■' Uutb Jane, and Sumner lirow n, <)et, -ri, 184:». 2-2f)'> ■• Lewis \V., ami Harriet II. Unrlinjiaine ; m. by Uev. John Boyden, Jr., JlaV 2,H, ld5;i. 2-20.") ■• Joseph, and Huldab E. Folleti : ni. by Uev. John ISoyden. Jr., May 21, 1850. 1-47 WIllTAKKIl Kbenev.er, Jr.. ol Cunilierlaiid, .son of Ebeuezer. de<-.. of KeUo- bolh, and IMiebe 8]»r;igin*, of .\Uleboro, Uau. oi William, dec., of Smithtield; m. by EUb'r IT.miel Jliller, .Sept. 2;!, 1770. 1 lis •• William, of lirlllnKham, son ol Izreal. and Polly Fi.sk. of ('Mm. bi-rhind. dan. of John: mi. by I'rI.r DarUn^', .!iis(le.>. net. 12, 1775. 1-71 " Lucy, and Ncdeblali Wilkinson. .Iiine 11, 1778. 2.1i;4 " William SI., and Lydia V.. Jenilies ; iii. Iiy Rev. Jolin lIoydcMi. Jr., Nov. 24, 1841). 2-215 WllirniKK Alice, and Louis M. Hill, sipl. -. l.->:!4. 1-94 WlUTl, Anna, and (iidcou Jenekes. Fi'b. ;;. 1788. 1-100 " Thankful, and D.avld CarniU. July 29, 1790. 3-144 " Ellis, and Enoch Tower, 8ept. 10. 1797. 2-10 " Alpha, and Ephralm Lee. April 11. 1.802. 2-123 " DarlinR, and Hannah S. Youn^: ni. by Rev. Leonaul \\'!ikiii WHITING Elk.anah. of Wr.'nfham, and Margery Could, of Cnmbi rianri : ni. by Job liartlett, Juslie.-, .Inn<' 25. 1755. 1-40 ■' Susannah, and Benjamin Bulb'r. Jan. 14, 1757. " .Molly, and Luther FoUelt. Oct. 4. 1791'.. 2-112 " Ann D., and John Newell. Aul'. 9, 1835. 1-128 " Alpia. of Smilbfield, and Mary S. Harris, of Cuinherland : m. by Rev. Jolin lioydin, Jr.. Oel. 21, ls41. 1 ini WHITMAN Willi ir.i. of Hriilgewater, son of William, and Marpsret Bates, ot Attleboro. dan. of John: ni. by L''vi Rallon. Justice, Jan. 21. 1790. 2-12 WlLBl'R Patience, and Joseph Arnidd, May 28, 1775. 2-204 " Benjamin S., and Caroline A. Richards; »i. by i:"V. John Boy- den, Jr., Dec. 31, 1849. 1-K! WILCOX Daniel, of Cumlierland, and Oliv.- Cook, of Mendon : m. by Kider^ Ahner Kallou, Sept. 22, _ 177r,. 1.5(i " .Stephen, of ])ani.-l. and Susanna Tillsoii. of James; ni. by Peter Darling, Jiisxice, Nov. 5. 177(i. 1-122 •' -Mary, and Willi.im Ballon. Manh 17. 1794. 1-144 " Daniel, of Danid, and Mary Arnold, i.t .foseph ; m. by Jolliani Ca'penter, Justice, Oct. 29, 1797. 1-1.56 " AViUiam, of Stephen, and Onliclnia K.stes. of /achens ; m. by John Rogers, Justice. .Tuly 10, 1800. ■j-1 ■• SiUia, and (Comfort Wood, Mari-li 21, 1802. 2-4 " Willard. of stcpln-n, an I Hannah i;a>keU. of Samuel; m by Jidm Rogers, .lustice. del. I'l. Is., of Llackslcinc. Mas;., and Mrs. IMiebe J, Wllhlnsoll. of rumbei-laiid : in. bv I,, li. AriH.hl, Jiislice, Sepl . J.. Ih49. TO VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAXD. 2-20r. \^^I.COX Ann I.r.. and Willimn f^. Sprapie, April IS. 1S50. ■2-'20o " Hauiiah M., anil Fratici.s \\ . Daniels. May 'J, 1S50. S-13i; WILDER Georgia C, and tiiiali A. Arnold; ni. at Woonsocket, by Ecv. JoliU Hoyden. Jr., Nov. 22, 1K42. 2-13.-> '■ Willard H., and C'lUlhia Kandall ; ni. at Woimsoekit, Ijy EfV. Joliu Boydcn, Jr. Jan. 14, 184-t. 2-1. S.-^ WILD Cbarlos D., and Mary Kli-linian. l.otli ol Watvrford, Mass.; m. by Eev. O. li. Titus, May 10, Irt-tO. l.) WILKINSt)N Abal>, of SmltUlield, anil Abijuiil S, 17'.)1. 1-123 " -Vniey. and Josei)h Staphs. Mai-cb 1. 1792. l-llti " steplii'M, of JureiuiaU, and Klizaiieili Slieldon, ol Rosier; m. by Jothani Cariienler, Justice, Api-il 1, 1792. 1-123 •' Joanna, ami Alexander 'flumipsou, May 4, 1791. l-13v> " Lucy, and Noah Carpt-nl r, nxoruiMl April 15, 1795. 1-135 " Kuth. and \Villiam Newell, r.'b. — , 1790. 1-139 " George, of William, and l.ydia Whipple, of Chrislopher; m. by Jottiani ('arp*'iihT. Jnsliie, -'»et. 2:i, 1790. 1-1+.". " William, of William, of Cumberbind, and Lydhi Ilallou, of Obediah, of Glocesler ; m. by Jotham Carpenter, Justice, Sept 10, 1797. 1-144 " Jonathan, of Jeremiah, ami .foanna Darling, of Peter; m. by Jothun Carpenter. .Justice. Nov. 19, 1797. 2-4 " Abigail, and Dexter Brown, Aug. 29, 1802. 2-8 " William, and Eunice Whipple; m. by Elder Abner Ballou, May 8, 1803. 2-20 " Cynthia, and John Sprague, Jr., May 17, 1807. 2-54 " James, of JereniLih, of Cumberland, and Roena Aldrlch, of An gustus, of Smithlbld ; m. by David Aldricb, Justice, Nov. 4, 1813. S-47 " Mary, and Amasa CooK, Feb. 4, 181G. ;.'-lH. " William. 2d. of William, dec, and Meribah Weatlierhead, of I^ipl ; m. by Elder Reuben I'otttr, Jr., July 9. 1820. 2-77 " Ellaa, and Eliab T. (.rant, Apiil 10, 1825. S-B6 " Willard I!., of Willi.am. 2d, and Lucy Ann Alexander, of John; m. by Lewis f'.-ek. Justice, Sept. 23, 1827. 2-195 " Mrs. I'hebe .1.. and .l '■ roily, and William Ininan, Nov. 9, 1805. ----'■ " Le\-lna, and John Keen. Dee. 13, 1807. "-20-1 " Lydla, and .Tohii SLsson. Jan. 'M, 1850. I A-2 WILSON James, of Bellinghiim, und Esther Ballou. of Cumberland; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, Aug. 29, 1754. ^'-'■' '• Izreal, and P.-nelope Darling; m. by Elder Nathaniel Cook, July 18, 1765. l-liii) " Abigail, and Richard Olney, AprU 3, 1795. 2-207 '• Charles C, and Nancy Maria Burnham, both of Wrenthani ; m. by Rev. C. H. Titus, Jan. 20, 1850. 2-210 ••' Mai-y A., and David Carlton, June IC, 1850. l-:io WISE Dorcas, and Ephriini lilandlng, Feb. 6, 1761. 1-"- " -Mary, and Daniel MUler, Jr., June 23, 1778. t-'2tl WISWTXL David, of Attleboro, and Betty Grant, of Cumb.-ilaud : i:i. by Abbl Brown, Justice, Dec. 6, 1764. 2-198 WOLFENDEN Mary, and Edward 1!. Bowers, July 1, 1849. 2-113 WOUDARD Horace, ol Pomfret, Conn., son of Calvin and Btti;k Alnii;a J., and Marcus T. Daniels, April 29, 1849. 2-123 YOl NG ll.'innnU S., and Darling White, Feb. 15, i841. CUMBERLAND. BIR-THCS A-lSriD IDEj^THS. i-iir. AAilu:>" .itisvph, sou of Sarali (.liirtian), (Providence), Mii.v 1-', 17:rt. 1-86 ALDRICH Eunice, of Solomon and Martha.' T fA^tM^l-rv-y Sept. 15, 1734. 1-K8 JetUro. l'^ .1 luie 21 , i7ao. 1-BS Ariel, Jan. 12, i; ra7-38. 1-88 (Jeorge, Dec. !), 1709. 1-88 I'UUllp, Nov. 6. 1741. 1-88 Mnion, Sept. 2u, I74:t. 1-88 Betty, .tunc :«), 1745. 1-88 •' Anne, April 2. 1747. 1-88 Ishmael, March 21. 17.-,0. 1-88 " Martha, wile of Solomon, died Man- h 22, 1750. i-aii Asa, of Jonatlian and Patiouce, May 10. 1744. i-ij« " Aretemus, .May 21, 174»i. 1-26 " Anne, Feb. 7, 1749. 1-26 '■ .Ulce, J Squire. \ June 14, 1701). 2-M i'allenoe, AprU Hi, 176;;. 1 2« Patience, tUed Aug. 31, 176:;. 1-26 lleiiiiaritlia. Aug. 21 J, 1764. 1-26 l^ttience, July 16, i7i;7. 1-65, ,Ioal), of KolM-rl r.ud Patience, Dec. 15, 17 17. 1-65 " Anne, Dec. 25, 1749. 1-63 Alaj-y, Api-U 2;j, 1752. 1-65 l.aban, April ;=, 1751. 1-65 Amos, Julie 11, 1756. 1-65 ■' Amey, June oO, 1758. l-Co Harncli, March 14, 17r,0. 1-65 Abigail, Dec. 15, 17cl. 1-65 " Luke, March 17, 1764. l-(i5 I'atience. fob. 25, 1766. 1-65 *' Ka<'bel, I'Ch. 11, 1770. l-4<) " Susauuali, ot ("aiel) and Mary, Nov. 25, 1748. 1 .10 Thomas, AprU 7, 1750. 1-40 William, April :;, 17.52. 1-41) " Hannah, leb. 2, 1754. 2-55 " Oren, of Alile and Jlannali, I'el). !). 1772. 2-55 Tillson, July 11, 1774. 3-55 " Hannah, May :;i. 1777. 2-55 Able. May l.s. 17.S1. 2-55 " Pruda, .Sepl. 1. 17-14. 2-70 " Mary, of Asijuire and Maiy, April 4. 178U. 2-70 " Abncr, July 27. 17.-2. 2-70 '■ Asqnire, April 7. 17-5. 2-70 " Amey, Jan. M, 17-f. 2-70 " Anne, Feb. 4, I7!ll. 2-70 Abigail W.. of Asipiire .md Abigail, July :jo, 17!)ii. 2-75 James, ol Amos and SuIIt, Nov. 29, 17;^;;. CUSrBERI.ANI) ItlRTHS \Nli J)EATH^ 73 2-75 2-75 2 75 2-75 2-75 2-42 2-50 2-2:i 2.](l " lames Arnold, of James and Walty (2d wifi), 3 ■• Susanna, " Henry, of Joseph C. and Asenetli, " Peter G., '• Hannah, " Elias, " Josepli Hartftii, " Lucy B., " Jane, " John, " Caroline, *• Kdwin, " Moses, Mary. Nolo: Jane, John and Caroline dii'd viry Harriet EmUy, of George and Catherine. " Harriet Emily, " Ann Eliza, " Susan EmUy, , _» , ' " Susan EmUy, " Adonu-am, " liiU)ert Amos, of Amos and Sarah A., Lewis James, ■' Lewis James, " Luoretia Bates, md Mary, July fi. 1785. April 13, 17rt7. Sept. 6, ]7d9. Dec. 4, 1791. April 10, 1790. May 10, 179.-. l>cv. 24, 1788. Jan. 13, 1790, March 2, 1793. ]\I:iry tovi-tl, .l;in. 11(1 Wiiit liallon, Kel,. 1-70 ALEXANDER , ol Thomas an 1-70 " Peter, 1-70 Richard, 1-70 '• Martha, 1-70 '• Mary, 1-70 ■• Roger, i-7;i ■' Sarah, 1-70 " — ' — , 1-6 Mnry, ol Richard anil Mary, 1-0 .leinima. 1-0 Elizabeth, 1 (•> '• Hannah, 1-4 ■' I^ydia, of Peter and Ann, 1-4 " Sarah, 1-4 " Phebe, 1-4 " Thomas, 1-4 ■' Anna, 1 151 Mary, of Roger and Mary, 1151 " Roger, 1-151 " Elizateth, 1-151 ■• Jesse, 1-151 Thomas. May 0, 179o. Dec. 21, 1799. Sept. (> , IrfOt. Aug. 29, , 1800. .Ian. 24 , lbl3. Sept. 1 , 1816. Oct. - ., . (Jet. 25, 1S17. Aug. 15, 1819. June 30, , 1821. Feb. 14, 1S23. Dec. 30. 1H24. Jan . 2, 1827. July 10, 1832. July 10, 1.S32. July 25, l.-(34. Oct. 14, 1 836. Dec. 11, 1.S39. May 1.., 184-2. ■ >onnf;. July 2. l.sl'^. d. Oct. 0, 1820. June 19. 1.S20. Dec. 12, lo22. d. Nov. 8, 1h2o, March 0, 182.-.. Aug. 11, 1.S37. Aug. 1, 1&39. d. March 11, 1 -59. Jan. 13, 1,-49. Aug. u; (1. HI. 1 -, .-t. Mar(!h l(i, 1 725. April 2(), 172.^. AprU U, 1731. Dec. 18, 1733. .lull. 31, 173.'). AprU 28, 173ft. i(t li. May 17, 1745. Ang. abra, of Jesse and Phebe, 2-69 '• Obed, of Da\id and Charlotte, ■20'J •• Samuel, a-69 '• Welcome, 2-69 " Tro, ■2-ti'J '■ Amcy, 2-C9 ■• James Aldrich, of Da^id and Hamuib, 2-69 " Roger, ii-r,'.i " Pnidence Aldrleli, 2-li;r. " ("luulotte, of Ananias and CjTitliia, 2-ltii; '• Rliodcs. Sliiii •' William Sheldon, a-ir.O '• Daniel, of Obed and Mercy, 2-15(1 •• SlepUen, 2-1 5(; " Lemuel George Washington, 2-1 at; '■ Ainey. 2-l."iii ■• Jeremiah, 2-1 5(j •• Sar.'ih, 2-151", " Ann, 2-1 i-:; '■ .Alarv, (.r Welcome and Alpha, 2-I;^••3 •• lielsy. •';4 '• Harri I MatUda, ol David and Matilda, a-4 •• Amanda Alvina, n 4 '• ilary .lane, 34 " Josc'ijliine Gulla, 2-21.11 " David, of Ira and Francos, o-ii •• Kliza .Vnn, ot Daniel and Caroline, J-:J3 '• <;eiii;;c' Sherman, of Ira and Frances, S-'JR '• Rachel Frances, 3-33 " Julia. y-3.'! " Chailolte Morton. l-*.') ALLEN .\niey. of Daniel and Sirah. 1 4.S Uavid S|>ratrue. 2 S-1 '■ Anson A., of 'Jhom.is and Olive, 2-81 '• Ahigail, 2-1 lii '■ K.li/.a. of Asa and Cynlhia, 2-lHi •• .Nancy. l-l-i:; A.\IK-l!l i;V Ji-remiah. ol Jeremiah and Hannah, 1.14:; •■ Cynthia. 1-14;; '• lynlliia, 1-14:; •• Hannah, 1-143 •• Jes.se. 1-14;; '• Isreal. 1-143 " Mary. 1-14:; '■ Jabe/., 2 11!) ■• Silene Urowi bury, AujT. 27, 1799. 2-12* •• Ann Klb.a. of Jabe?. and Nancy 2-12- '• Mowry. 2-128 " Mala. 2-128 '• Ame>- Ann. £ lf>7 " Jabez, ol Mowry and Betsey, 2-93 ANfiKLL Abraham, July 23, 1733. 2 n;; " Mary, Us wife, Dec. 31, 1741. 2-9" '• Alice, of Abraham and Mary, 2-nr. '■ Lydla, 2-93 " Gideon, 2-9;; " Gideon. 2-93 •• Stephen, 2-93 " Da-vld, reputed daughter ol Lucy Oct. 13. 1769. Aug. k;, 1771. March 4, 1781. Jnn7. Jiin. 10, 1770. CUMBEELAND BIKTHS AND DEATHS. 2 9:; ANul- ■LI. Mary. A;>ril il, 1772. 293 Pardon, Ai)r!l r>. 177r, 293 " Pardon, d. Oc(. :J.*, 177->. 2-ft'l •' Sarah, Jan. =!. 1777. 2-93 ** Sai-ah, d. Sept. 1."), I77f-. 2 9:! .i .\.mey. April 7, 1770. 2-93 ** Amey, d. Feb. 3S, 1794, ■' Hannah, of Elisha and Phebe, M.iy 14, 17,S0. it Jason, Sept. i#, irsi. u Euth, Nov. IG, 1783. (C Eunice, Nov. — , 17rt,-,. " Ell, March 26, 17SS. (( Albemarle (dau.), May 5. 1791. a Patience, Sept. 21, 1793. " .lohn Smltb, Oct. 20, 1705. u Elisha, S.Tt. 17, 1797. 3-4 Sarah, of Stephen and Eunice, Feb. 26, 1812. 3-4 " David Carpenter, Dec. 12, 1313. 3-4 u Cyrus Angell, .Tan. 7, 3 817. 3-4 tt Mahala Pearce, July 2. 1819. 3-4 John Jay, Oct. 26, 1821. 3-4 l< Gideon, Feb. 17, 1824. 3^ u Hannah Carpenter, Sept. 10. 1828. l-t>2 -\i;.\'ii LB Joseph, of Enoch and Deborah, Dec. 27. 17.51. l-ti2 Amey, May 7. 1757. 1-106 Samuel, of Xathan and Lucy, Sept. 23. ITlid, 1-10<5 '■ Elisha. Aug. 20. 17U,-.. 1-106 " EUsha, d. Oct. 16, 1769. i-ioi; Nathan, Nov. 22. 17ii<-.. 1-62 Amos, of Amos and D'»horali, Jan. 27. 1767. 1-62 " Lncinda, Aug. l,"i, 17i;i). 1-62 it SI afford. , 2-127 (( Waitc. of Levi and Anna, April 1.-, ITTH. 3-127 (i Israel, Oct. 19. 177:;, 2-127 u Aldrlch, Feb. 19. 177:.. 2-127 t( JIary. May ,-.. 177.-. 2-127 u I'adence. Sept. 3, 17,^0, 2-127 " , 1812. Feb, ■ 4, 1814. April 9, 1816. AprU 21, 1822. 2-107 liAI.COM F.!i:is, of William and Nancy, July 4, 1793. 2-r07 William Todd, Sept. 3. 1795. 2-107 '• Bebee Capron, March 3, 1798. 2-107 Elisha Smith, June 3, 1803. 2-107 Abigail. April 7, 1806. 2-1P7 •• Nancy Ann, March 29, 1809. -Note: First and third horn in Attlcboro, rest In Cumberland. (Recorded also lu book 2, p. 138). 1 ii2 BALLOU PreseUla, of James and Catherine, Nov. 6, 1731. 1 77 '• Zerviah. of Obcdlali and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1741-2. 1 77 ** .losei)h. May 5, 1743. 1 77 '• Benjamin, July 11. 1747. l-.->|-. Jessf, of EzeMel and Joanna, March 30, 1741. 1-51. Le\i, Sept. 23, 1744. 1-511 '• Amey, Nov. 24, 1745. 1-56 " Reuben, Nov. 26. 1747. l-5ri Asa, .March 2. 17.'>0. 1-51-, -Mary. Aug. 12, 1752. 1 -.-.(•, Anna. March 1, 1756. l-'iC. Joanna. Sept. 27. 1759. 1-llC. .limlnia. of Ariel and Jerusha, Nov. 23, 1741. 1-llti •• Jt'rusha. Nov. 13, 1745. I-IK! rioe. March 10, 1749. l-nti Jleletiah. March 2(;, 1752. 1-lir. Katherlue, Aug. 21. 1754. 1-1 ic, Duty, April 22, 1736. 1-1 Hi Ariel, Feb. 21, 1758. 1-11(> Eunice, June 28, 1700. 1-116 " Esther. ' March 13, 1762. 1-llli Selah, May 23, 1764. 1-52 " Dauirl, son of Abigail Razee, Feb. 19, 1742. 1-52 Hope, of Daniel and Amey, Marcll 2, 174(1. 1-115 Seth. of James, Jr., and Tamasln, Feb. 20. 17^K. 1-115 Olive, May 13. 1731. 1-115 SUas. Feb. 24, 1753. 1-115 Susanna, June 10, 1755. 1-115 Ozlel, July 11, 1737. 1 115 " Thnuiasin, June 29, 1759. 1-115 James, April 25. 1701. 1-115 Russell. July 11, 1763. 1-115 Aaron, Sept. 25, 1766. 1-115 Daniel, .May 20. 1708. 1-115 " PriscUla, Jan. 3, 1772. CUMBERLAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 77 llic, i;.\LU)r Sileuee. of Eaisha and Hepzlbeth (also 2-15), M:ir(i[ -J.i, 1750. ■ i:-is Phebe, Jan. 10, 1752. ■ 2-1 r. " Joamui, March 21, 1754. •J-I.j l^yclia. Feb. li. 1757. ;: i:. LycUa, d. Aug. 1. 1757. 2-13 Lydla, July 7, 1738. 2-1 S James, Dec. 11. 1760. 2-15 Nancy. April 2'j, 1763. 2-13 Waltf, Feb. 4, 1767. 2-15 '■ Lucy, Feb. 19, 1770. 1-87 '• Nathaniel, of AmariaU and Keziah, Oct. 0, 1750. 1-37 Klias, Dec. 24, 1752. 1-37 Uorca.s, of Amariali and Mary, March 30, 1754. 1-37 " t'hester. April 20. 175o. 1-37 " Chester, d. March 4, 1761!. 1-37 Mary, Aug. 19, 1750. 1-37 Hannah, Oct. 20, 1761. 1-37 cmina. April 5, 1766. 1-38 '• La\'lna, of Aimer and Ueiilab, Feb. 1. 1752. 1-3S '* William. Dec. 24, 1753. 1-38 Nathan. .lunc 18, 175o. 1-3H Abigail. Aug. 22, 1761. 1-38 '* Abner, April 1, 1763. . 1-3H Beulab, June 22, 176(5. 1-38 Wally, May 9, 1775. . l-ll) Hannah, of Stephen and Mebitable, March 15, 1752. . 1-10 Silva, .Inly 25, 1734. 1-1(1 Kdwavd, Nov. 24, 1736. 1-10 htephen, .lune 9, 1759. l-lll Kobe. May 15, 1761. 1-10 .loel. Sept. 7, 1763. 1-111 lUith. June 3, 17(i9. 1-10 Mehltable, May (i, 1771. X-ili. " Absalom. (»f Xoali and Abigail, April 1(1. 1752. 1-1 1'J Mary, J une 3 , 1734. 1-110 David, March 21, 1756. 1-110 Kezta . J Dec. (!, 1737. 1-110 Noah, JiUy 29, 1759. 1-110 ■Silence, Sept. 7, 1761. 1-110 " Silence, d. age 3 weeks. 1-110 '' Abigail, Sept. 7, 1761. 1-110 '■ Oliver, Sept. 4, 1763. 1-110 Zilja, Aug. D, 1705. 1-no Kliel. Feb. 20, 1767. 1-110 Amariali, • i Fob. 14, 1771. 1-12-) Sjirali, of Jes>e and Uboda, June 17, 1762. 1-12.-. Darius, June 17, 1762. 1-123 olive, of Jesse and EUzabeth, Jlarcli 10, 1782. l-OO iracbel, of Levi and Comfort, Sept. 11, 1765. 1-U4> Kachcl. d. Sept. 29, 1765. 1 -00 PbUana, Oct. G, ]7r,C.. 1-90 Khoda, Dec. 13, 1768. 1-00 Vlanna, Jan. 29, 1771. ■ 1-00 '• Welcome, March (i, 1773. 1-00 Joanna, Feb. 25, 1775. 1-90 Flavins. Oct. 13, 1776. 1-1 (>4 Lydia, of Joseph and Sarah, April 1, 1707. 1-1«)1 ** Obadiah, May 20, 1769. 1-1 (U Jarotbmel, May 28, 1771. 1-I(i0 frtjorge, of Reuben and Cliloe, June 20, 1708. 1-169 '• Suia, June 9, 1770. 1-169 " Reuben, Aug. 24, 1773. 1-169 " Anne, June 22, 1778. 1-169 William, of Reuben and Preelove, Nov. 2(>, 1785. 1-169 " L6\ina, Dec. 20. 1787. 2-62 " IJeniamln, o* Benjamin and Saralx, AprU 10. 1770. 78 VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-62 DALHiU Tlumi.'is, March 4, 1772. 2tVJ Caioline MiiUldM, Dec. 20, 1773. 2-«2 S:iUy, Aug. 21, 177U. 2-r,2 '• .losepb. Feb. 19, 1780. 2-62 " Freelovu, March 19, 1781. 2-63 " Prosper, April 10, 17.-3. 2-63 " Jonas, Nov. 10, 1786. 1121 " 1-avlna. vt As;i. and Phelie, May 4, 1770. 1-121 " Luke, Aug. 5, 1771. 3-121 SUas. July 23, 177i;. 2-87 " Mercy, of i;kh:ii-d dUd Lucy, April in. 1776. 2-87 " Arnold, May in, 1780. 2-87 " Lydla, March 14, 1762. 2-87 Lydla, d. Nov. f), 17r9. 2-87 ' Augustas, May 4, 1784. 2-87 ' Thomas, Feb. 21, 178(i. 2-87 Itkhard, Marcii 21. 1V88. 2-87 ' Lucy, Sept. 19, 1790. 2-87 WUlard, July 28, 1795. 2-87 Polly, Feb. 6, 1799. 2-47 ' Parlee, of William and Sally, .luly 11, 1778. 2-47 ' \Villiara, Sept. C, 1782. 2-47 WiUard, March 29. 17.-6. 2-47 ' Nathan, Oct. 3, 1791. 2-47 &ally. April 6. 1795. 2-22 ' Mehitable, of Edward and Bethuna, Feb. 16, 17ol. 2-22 ' Stephen, -May 11, 1783. 2-22 ' Angelina, Oct. 25, 1785. 2-22 ' Lucy, Dec. 25, 1787. 2-22 * Leonai'd, March 23, 1790. 2-22 Elizabeth, Nov. 11, 1792. 0_0i» « ' Barney, Nov. 11, 1792. 2-22 ' Barney, d. July 22, 179:;. 2-23 ' Huldah, July 22. 179.,. 2-22 * ' Silas, March 9, 1796. '*-22 ' ' Kdward, Aug. 13, 1801. O.OO i ' Bethuna, wife of Edward, died Feb. 22, 1808. 2-102 ' Kazina, of Capt. Ariel and Luslna, Dec. 2, 17o3. 2-102 Nabby, April ICi, 1786. 2-102 Cyrus, March IS, 1789. 2-102 ' Arnold, .Miiivh 31, 1792. 2-103 SaUy, March 1, 1795. 2-102 ' SiiUy. d. Oct. 11, 1808. 2-102 ' Alfred, Juue 2, 1799. 2-102 ' Adin, of Capt.. Ariel and Kdllda, April 23. 1803. 2-102 Ariel, Oct. 25, 1805. 2-92 Patience, of Absolem and Pattence, May 14. 1787. 2-92 Aniariah, April 24, 1788. 2-92 ' Amey, of Absolem and Anna, Nov. 24, 1793< 2-92 Hartford, Oct. 17, 1795. 2-92 ' Hartford, d. Sept. 10, 1808. 2-92 ' .lohii Adams, March 31. 179..^. 2-92 Amos .lonckes. March 24, 1600. 2-92 ' Oiney, Nov. IC. 1804. 2-92 .lercmiah Jenckes, Nov. 12, 180ii. 2-92 Anna Susan, Dec. 25. 1811. 2-92 AvUda Jfarian, Sept. 14, tol5. 2-65 Polly, of Oliver and Abigail, Oct. 31, 1787. 2-65 Dexter, Jan. 28, 17p9. 2-65 " Hervey, Jui>- 30, 1792. 2-(15 " Hosea, Nov. 4, 1793. 2-65 Nancy, 2-65 Nancy, died soon. ' 2-65 evi Thompson, '■ Mary Freeman, " Welcome, of Steplien and Rice, William ritts, of Olis and Nancy, " Olis De.\ter. Warren Jenckes, AMiert, of Cyrus and SiiSiinna, " Cyrus, " I'aroline Kliza, of Nathan and Lncy, Nov. 12, 1788. Jan. 2.S, 1792. -Vug. 4, 1704. Nov. 0, 1790. l>ec. 2.5, 1798. Jan. 18, 1801. Dec. 27, 1802. Oct. 21, 1804. July 25, I80*i. May 17, 1808. Ian. 2:i, 1815. JIarch 11, 1791. d. Oct. 19, 1792. Aug. 27, 1792. Aug. 19, 1794. Nov. 21. 1790. Oct. 21. 1799. Feb. 18, 1802. March 25, 1804. .Inly 27, ! 806. d. July :i. 1808. Dec. 10, 1809. July 11, 1812. Feb. 10, 1794. Aug. 20, 17115. July 8, 1800. JIarch 17, 1808. March 2i;. 1810. Sept. 20. !812. Aug. 12, 1814. ;r, VI.: :id, 1!. 1. May 2-., , 4th, 1798. July 27, l.-'Ol , Ansi-llna T: la'.loii. (Vil I irln Aldrich, of Dexter and Esflier Nancy, Hosea. Fj-.ra Blake, Francis Hlake, JIarch 20. If 23, 1842. Henry Dexter, Henry Dexter, Elizabeth. Cyrus Adin, Oliver Franklin, of Harvey and liuth Harriet Amelia, I'ain Goold. Cynthia Ann Jeneit;.?, Kuth Arlette, ( ieorge Adam.s, Rrr. Vol. :!.| IS Aliril 20, 1805. Aug. 27, 1807. Nov. 18, 1800. March 1, 1812. Feb. 25, 1814. March i;!, I8I0. June 9, 1811). Sept. 7, 1805. Jan. 24, 1808 Jan. 20, 1810. Jan. 9. 1812. Aug. 4, 1811. Oct. 27, 1812. Nov. 10, 1811. Aug. 22, 18iy. Marcli 24, 1815. July 19, 1810. March 10, 1818. (lied at Mataiuas, W. I.. Mareli .Vpril 1. Irt22. d. Feb. 24. 18^12. May 24, 1824. Feb. 20, Dec. 25, April 1, June 0. .\pril 0, Feb. 18, 1829. Sept. 28. 18'J1. 1828. 1315. 1318. I 820- 1 82 I . 80 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAITD. 2-208 2-208 2-208 £■.08 2-208 2-208 2-208 3-10 3-10 3-10 3-10 3-10 3-10 3-10 S-10 2-194 2-207 2-207 2-207 ■2-207 2-207 2-193 3-8 3-8 3-S 3-8 3-8 3-8 36 3-6 3-R 3-6 3 6 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-21 37 3-7 3-7 3-5 3-5 3-2 3-29 3-29 3-29 329 3-29 3-29 3-29 3-36 336 3-22 3-22 3 22 3 22 3-23 3-22 3-:!4 1 116 2-159 b.VLLOU Kutli Aun. of Jouatlian and Anna, " Ruth, " Terry, " JIaria Capron, " Emma Ann, " Jonathan, " Helen Atianda, " Frederlcli Milton, of Alexander and Rinny, " Henry Swceteer, " Fanny Amelia, " Alexander, " James, " Julius, " Slary, " Austin, " Lydia, of LTOiiard and Ann Eliza, " SamaJitha Purlngton, of Fenner and Julia AJin, " Ziba, " Ziba, " Alvah FranUln, " Cyrena Aldrlck. " Mary Ann, ot Barton and SaraJi, " Oeli;v Ann, of George C. and Kutli Eliza, " Oliver Aldricli, " Oliver AldricU. " Abigail Colburu, " Alplia BarUctt, " David, " Susan Mary, of Welcome and Eliza, " Susan Mary, " Flavius Joseiilios, « Ann Eliza. " Oliver Sayles, " Frederick, of Preston and Harriet, " Emily, " Henry Clay, " Henry Clay, " Caroliuo, « Walter. " Irving, " Irving, " Halsey, ot Edward and Olive, " Mary Ann, Albert, July 18, 1817. d. Oct. 19, 1821. March 23, 1830. May 12, 18-J2. Dec. 2, 1824. Sept. 7, 1827. Aug. 3, 1830. June 21, 1818. f«b. 25, 1820. AprU 8, 1822. AprU 22, 1825. May 9, 1828. June 14, 1830. June 14, 1832. July 26, 1835. May 22, 1823. Oct. 20. 1824. Jan. 13, 1827. d. Jan. 15, 1827. Jan. 6, 1828. AprU 3, 1830. Nov. 8, 1824. Sept. 8, 1825. May 2, 1827. d. Oct. 26, 1827. Sept. 18, 1828. Aug. 5, 1830. Feb. 15, 1833. May 4, 1326. d. Dec. 19. 1833. Aug. 31, 1828. Oct. 31, 1330. Jan. 23, 1833. Aug. 29, 1826. Feb. 10, 1829. Dec. 29, 1831. d. March 12, 1832. AprU 1, 1833. Feb. 19, 1835. Oct. 10, 1837. d. Jan. 24, 1838. May 14, 1827. Feb. 17, 1831. Aug. 29, 1837. Charlotte LoveU Gibson, ot Abner, Jr., and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1829. " Allen Norcross, " William Emory, of William P. and Matilda, ■' Ariel Alclidufi, of Ariel and Hannah, " Ariel Alclldus, " Anna, " Ella, " Ella, " Laura, " Noljle, " Martha Ann, of Alpla and Matilda, « Ira, " Adilaide Victoria, ot Oren A. and Charlotte, " Dextor AngeU, " Isabel Esther, « Ed-ward Randall, " Edivard Bandall, « Charlotte (AngeU), trtfe of Oren A., d. July 25, 1844. « Jlnry Clark, of Warren J. and Almlra (also 2-209), Nov. 22, 1838. « Capt. Ariel, died April 29, 1839. BABDEN John Smith, of Tliomas and Bachel, Nov. 19, 1813. Dec. 28, 1831. Dec. 7, 1829. Nov. 23, 1833. d. Sept. 11, 1844. Jan. 1, 1836. Dec. 7, 1839. d. age 2 weeks. Jan. 17, 1841. Sept. 18, 1843. April 26, 1836. Sept. 3, 1838. Feb. 8, 1837. Sept. 12, 1838. April 26, 1840. Oct. 5, 1843. d. March 9, 1844. CUMBERLAND — BIETHS AND DEATHS. 81 2-150 2-150 2-150 2-150 2-128 2-128 2-128 2-128 1-23 1-23 1-23 1-23 1-23 1-23 1-23 1-23 1-23 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-101 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 2-34 1-50 1-50 1-9-136 1-136 1-136 1-136 1-136 1-136 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-9 29 2-9 2-9 2-9 BAKNEY Albert Miller, of Alexander and Hannah, " Milton Bronson, " Wlitalon Clarlie, " Hanniili, wUo of Alexander, died Ang. 12, 1812. BAKRAS Mlcliael, of Ebenezer and Experience, " Ellzabetli, " Ebenezer, " Ebenezer, BARROWS Joiin, of Abraham and Abigail, " Abraliam, " Oliver, " Sarah , " Jonathan, " Nathan, " Jeremiah, " Ebenezer, " Mary, " Eunice, of Ichabod and Rebecca, Sinion, " Caleb, " Peter, " Ichabod, '• Pailonce, Comlo.-t, '• Btnajah, Chioe, '■ Del.orah, " Ezra, " Anne, Sept. 17, 1808. Feb. 12, IrilO. July 25, 1812. July 2, 1751. Dec. 18, 1753. Dec. 16, 1760. d. Sept. 9, 1763. May 22, 1740. June 2, 1742. Feb. 27, 1744. Aug. 11, 1747. March 15, 1750. June 29, 1753. Oct. 17, 1756. Feb. KJ, 1759. Oct. 19, 1761. Dec. 25, 1749. Nov. 6, 1751. Sept. 24, 1753. July 10. 1755. Oct. 13, 1756. June 15, 1758. Oct. 5, 1759. May 24. 1762. April 29, 17G4. Juiy 15. 1766. March 30, 1768. July S, 1774. Note— First 3 and last 4 born in Attleboro, rest Cumbeilind. BAIJTLE T John, of Job »ud Mary " Job, " Daniel, ■* Hannah, " Jemima, " Job. " Martha, " Hannah, " MoSPS, " Phebe, " Eber, of Joseph and Abigail, Abel. " Chloe, " Jacob, " Abner, " Phebe, " Joseph, " Levin, " Ann?, of John and Sarah, " Anne, " Daniel, of John and Deborah, " Asa, " Maiy, " Lemuel, " Freelovc, " John, " Biloti, of John and Sarah, " Phinehas, " LUlas, " Sarah, " Sqob'e, " Isroal, " Thanlcful, " Hope, " Mercy, May 14 , 17 34. Ftb. 1 0, : 17. 5 6. Feb. 2, J 1737-8. March 8 . 17o9-40. July 2, 1742. June 0, 1744. April 11. 1746. Feb '. 4, . 1747. March 24 , V r49-50. April 22 1753. S pt • 7, 1745. AprU 18, 1743. Ang ■ 4, 1749. Feb. 24, 1751. April 9, 1752. May 9, 1756. Nov, ■ 9. 1758. May 6, 1763. Aug. 28, 1748. d. July 27, 1849. April 11. 1756. Sept. 2, 1757. Marph 31. 1759. July 31, I7r,i. Oct. 13, 1771. March 27, 1776. Feb. 11, 1762. April 12, 1763. May 27, 1766. March 19, 1768. Jan. 26, 1770. July 25, 1773. March 26. 1776. March 26, 1778. Uarch 26, 1776. S2 A'lTAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. '.;-9 BARTLKXr IKiuietUi, June 10, 1777. 2-9 It John, Nov. 18, 1779. 2-49 u Joanna, of Jeremiali and Rebecca, Sept. 20, 1762. 2~iO ti Mercy, June 20, 171Vt. 2-49 ti Rebecca, •Nov. 15, 1766. 2-49 (C Zephaniah, .Sept. 2fi. 176?. 2-49 it PrescUla, Jan. 12. 1771. 2-49 ct Rachel, May 26. 177.!. 2-49 it Jeremiah, April 6, 177:.. 2-49 u Lo-sinah, April li, 177:.. 2-49 it Amos, March 17, 1777. 2-49 it Levi, July 26, 177i). 2-20 II Anne, of Rulus and ^Wargery, Sept. 19, 1763. 2-20 I< Alpha, Sept. 8, 1764. 2-20 11 Philadelphia, Jan. 7, 1766. 2-20 . 2-20 II Abner, Sept. 17, 1771. 2-20 " :jmlth. Note.— First lour boiu Glocestei- ; April 21, last two Cumberland. 17^6. 2-16 II Uavld, of Eber and Zlbiah, -A^ug. 3, 1771. 2-16 II Banl, Dec. 10, 1772. 2-10 11 Uhloe, April 21, 1777. 2-16 II .Seluma, Dec. IS, 17.^). 2-11 lieiijaniin, ol Job and JloUy, .hme, 29, 1770. 2-11 Elijah. AprU :;, 177^. 2-11 John. March 10, 17S0. 2-11 Lt-niuel, .\pril 26, 17o2. 2-11 Joanna. Oct. 19, 1785. 2-91 •i Sally, 111 Asti and i'aUencr. Aug. IS, 1781. 2-91 -Vlpha. -May y. 178o. 2-91 •• Jame,^. Nov. 23, 1790. 2-53 Dexter, "1 Abner and DnisiUa, Sl^pt. 22, 1782. 2-5S Amey , July 12. 1784. 2-5S .. Sa\1d, Nov. 5, 1787. 2-53 .. Smith, AprU 11, 171H1. 2-5S Abel. June 21, 1793. 2-53 Lydia. .\prll 2.1, 170.-.. 2-5:i Mao'. AprU 25. 1795. 2-5:1 Daniel. April 8, 1798. 2-24 WlUiani, of Daniel and I'h.-be. .Nov. 24. 1782. 2-24 Susanna, June 9. 1784. 2-24 i. Daniel, July 10, 1786. 2-24 ■I Lemuel. April 1, 1788. 2-24 " Khoby, Nov. 10, 178!l. 2-24 " Deborah. Jan. 8, 1792. 2-24 I. Uo'wena. Feb. 7, 1794. 2-24 •■ Polly. Dec. 31, 17!l7. 2-52 .' Xanev. of l>r.al and Caroline, AprU 19, 17.-3. 2 52 Polly. , 1785. 2-80 Eber, of .Joseph and Pliebe, Fi'b. 19, 1785. 2-80 •> EUsha, July 29, 1786. S-80 II IJrinton, Marrli If). 1788. 2-80 II Phene, June 21. 170 :. 2-80 it Stephen, May ,30. 179.-.. 2-8(1 '• Naomi, June 23, 1797. 2-80 ■• Sil«a, .Vpril 20. 1799. 2-124 (I Phila, of Lo\-ln and Nancy, April 15, 1786. 2-124 If George, Sept. 2, 1789. 2-124 If Lemuel, Dei'. 22, 1791. 2-124 If Nancy, Jan. 12, 1804. 2-124 u Levin, Dec. 2, 1800. S-4 tt Sarah, widow of John, died, Nov. 7. 1794. 2-99 it Ell^ia, of Jeremiah, Jr., and Jemsha, May 1 1. 1797. 2-99 tt , dan.. Nov. 11. 1708. CUJ[BERLAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 83 2-277 il-102 2-102 2-114 2-114 2-114 2-175 2-175 S-175 2-175 2-175 2-175 2-175 2-175 2-77 2-131 2-131 2-141 2-141 2-203 2-203 2-203 i-203 2-203 2203 2-203 2-177 2-177 2-177 2-177 ii-177 2-177 2-177 2-177 2-177 2-177 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-33 3-33 3-33 1-39 1-30 2-63 2-07 2-07 2-07 2-97 2-07 2-07 2-132 2-132 2-132 24 2-4 3-18 nAUTI.Kir John staples, reputed son of John Bartlett and Jlannali Staples Aug. 7, 1797. John, reputed son of OUver Bartlett and Betsey Capron, Sept. 25 '•^ Alpha, of David and Hannah, Nov. 30, 1798 " ^f*; March 17^ 1802 Benjamin, of Benjamin and Mary, July og 1799 Feb. 4, ISOl Job, Marian, WUlarrt, of Bani and Philadelphia Wlllard, Maria, Kber, Sarah, Varnnm, Levtna, Burrell, W illiam, reputed son of Abner Bartlett and Betsey Capron, July 25 1805. Smith Jenckes Comstock, of Abner and Susan, Dec. 2, 1806. Susan, wife of Abner, died, aged 25y. Om. 29d., Jan. 29, 1807. Dec. 22, 1803. Oct. 22, 1802. d. Dec. 6, 1809. April 20, 1804. Sept. 18, 1805. Feb. 29, 1808. May 10, 1810. Jane 16, 1814. Oct. 22, 1816. of Kber and Patience, Susanna, of Ellsha and Martha, " Phlla, Plidu, of ueorge and Nancy, George, " Welcome C, WUllam C, Harvey S., Julia Ann, Sethi .>Iadlsoii, -Madison, .luly Ann, '■ Eber, Mary, Ruth, Patience, . Samuel, '* John, Phebe, Callsta, of~John S. and Lucy, WUUam n., WllUara H., " Julia Aon, William H., Lyman Alonzo Staples, of John S. and S:ill> . Horace Staples, " Thomas Wilson Dorr, DATKS John, of John and Slbbel, " FJias, " Varnum James, of Nahani, (of BeUlngham. M .• • . 2S, 1798. LE.N.NETT Joseph, of Timothy and IJannah, Olive, Sukey, " Hannah. " Timothy, " Deborah, " Joseph, of Joseph and Nancy, Timothy, WiUiam Allen, BICKNELL Martha, of Thomas and Sabra, " Sabra, Died at Grafton, Mass., April 7, 1778. BISIfEE Lalimer Ballou, of Wm. O. and Harriet, April 19, 1809. Sept. 4, 1810. Jan. 19, 1811. Nov. 22, 1813. Dec. 8, 1815. March 8, 1817. Sept. 14, 1822. March 19, 1824. Jan. (i, 1827. Sept. 8, 1811. a. June 4, 1817. May 26, 1813. Oct. 15, 1815. May 14, 1817. Sept. 13, 1818. Sept. 19, 1820. June 22, 1822. Aug. 10, 1824. Dec. 16, 1835. March 4, 1823, Sept. 2.'), 1826. d. July 5, 1828. April 13, 1628. Feb. 16, 1830. .>Lirch 28, 1844 Sept. 5, 1830. Feb. 16, 1845. May 6, 1776. April 27. 1778. and Parlee, Feb. Nov. 6, 1767. Feb. 16. 177(>. March 3, 1772. Oct. 13, 1774. June 10, 1777. Nov. 16, 1781. April t), 1904. Aug. 6, 1805. JiUy 7, 1307. Oct. 16, 1775. Feb. 3, 1777. Feb. 5, 1835. 84 VITAL BKCOED OF BHODB ISLAND. 3-18 1-154 1*154 1-154 1154 1-154 1-154 1-154 1-154 1-154 1-154 1-154 1-154 1-154 l'l54 1^154 1-154 1-154 1-164 1-154 1-69 ' T-• Elizabeth, March 23. 1755. 1-79 ■' Esther, of Joseph and Esther, March 2, 1748-9. 1-79 '• Joseph, June 14, 1700. 1-91 " Deborah, ot Joseph, Jr., and Deborah, Dec. 22, 1749. 1-91 " Cloo, of Joseph, Jr., and HopestUl, July 22, 1752. 1-01 Dexter. March 17, 1754. 1-91 " Simon, June 14, 1756. 1-91 it Esex, May 15, 1759. 1-91 " Nancy, June 22, 1761. 1-91 " Freelove, Dec. 17, 1703.. , 1-91 " Benjamin, Sept. 21, 1766. 1-91 " Hopestm, Oct. 11, 1770. 1-16 " Corel, of Cliristopher and Esther, Nov. 14, 1756. 1-16 " Anne, Feb. 24, 1758. 1-14 (( Lydla, Oct. 9. 1759;^ ,1-16 it Hannah, .Tan. 12. 1768. 1-lG u Esther. May 18, 1764. !*(; VITAI. RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. lit; lilUiWN AbigaU. 1-10 » Abigail, I-IG Abigiul, 2d, 1-11. Robe, 1-16 Jabez, 1-16 Barbara, 1-16 nebe. 1-142 Jobn, ol jVbie! and AbigaU, 1-142 Sarah, 1-142 Hannah, 1-142 George, 1-142 Cjuthla, 1-142 Jonathan. 1-142 Lucy, 1-143 Elizabeth, 1-3 Aniey. of Ephraiiii and Alice, 1-3 Anne, 1-3 Hosea, 1-3 Lucretia, i-144 Cynthia, ol Dexter Uavld and ! 1-144 '• James, 1-144 " Abigail. 1-144 " David, 2-43 " Gideon, ol Jolin and PrisclUa, !t43 It John, 2-43 it Anna, 2-43 u Daniel, 2-43 li Lucina, 2-43 (t liezeleel. 2-- James, ol Klislia and Seu-aU, 2-*2 " Mercy . 2-i-' " Kulus. •J^'l " K.llhu, 2-- " Lemuel, 2-2 " Henry, 2-- " Stephen, 2--.' " Sarah. 2-2 " Joseph. 2-2 " Smith, Note.— SiOly aJid Klisha, J 1-44 •• Henrietta, of Stephen, Jr., and 1-44 " Lncy, 1-44 " Oliver, 1-44 " OUver, 1-44 " Mary, 1-44 '.I Abigail. 1-44 Holdall. 1-44 " Chloe, 1-44 " WUliatii l>ext«r. 2-112 (' Elea/er. i)f Nlchola.s .•uid Susann: 2-112 Lydla, 2-112 " Amey, S-J12 " Jabez. 2-112 Benjamin. 2-112 Lucy, 1-13." •' nmotliy, of Caleb and Amoy, 2-1 C.-lluda. of KUjah and Ann (1 2-1 " Chad, 2-1 '• Chad, a-1 " Joanna, a-i Elijah. 2-1 " Lewis, 2-1 " Eliza, 2-1 (( Ezekiel ISaUoa, 2-1 " Fenner. 3-1 '( Ruth, Sarah. 1'., died unmaiTied UiUdeth, Hallou), March 27, 1766. d. April 23, 1766. May 10, 1767. May 23, 1769. , 25, 1771. May 14, 1774. Sept. 24, 1776. Nov. 15, 1761. AprU 12, 1763. Oct. 8. 1764. Nov. 8, 1767. March 3, 1769. Jan. 26, 1771. Feb. 7, 1773. April 15, 1777. April (■>, 1766. Oct. 28, 1767. June IS, 1769. Jan. 30, 1771. Stpt. 22. 1766. Nov. 2, 1768. July 25, 1770. Dec. 3, 1772. March 28, 1768. Oct. 13, 1769. -May 14, 1771. April 2, 1773. June 5, 1780. AprU 11, 178-1. Aug. 1, i 11777). Oct. 4. 177(8). AprU 12, 17(KO). Jan. 13, : 17(82). Doc. 16, 1784. July 31, 1786. .March 11, 1788. July m. 1790. May 7, 179(3). sept. 2;'.. led. 1 7U(4). B»'pt. 13. 1772. Jan. 24, 1774. Oct. 31, 1775. d. Oct. 9, 1776. Aug. 12, 1777. Sept. 20, 1779. Dec. 1. 1781. April — , 1784. AprU 23, 1786. Oct. 13, 1773. .May 23. 1776. Nov. 22, 1778. Jnly 15, 1781. .March fl. 1784. Aug. 22, 1788. f-eb. 18, 1774. July 18, 1775. bept. 2, 1777. d. Au;;. 1,-i, 1778. Sept. 4, 1779. Oct. li). 1781. June 24, 1786. Jan. 25, 1784. .March 22. 1789. Oct. 2. 1791. .\ug. 19. 1794. I UMI:E1;I.A.VD— |;IKTMS A.\]. DEATHS. 87 2-1 ■2-1 -Z-V.i ti-60 •.;-Gu 2-60 2-60 •2-7(1 2-76 2-7t; 2-7(i 2-100 2-10<.> 2-174 2-174 2-17-1 2-174 3-174 2-174 2-180 3-180 2-180 :;-180 2-17 2-207 2 207 3-1 3-3 1-44 1-14 1 44 ■:-44 1-J4 1-44 2-151 2,-151 2-151 2-151 2-151 2-151 2-151 2-lSl ;>.28 3-28 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-15 1-15 i:KO\V.N Al,xuii(l.-i-. " John, KUjah, Sr., found dead at Nuw Bedford M-, .s wmiam. Of ichabod, Jr., and Hannah ' lIflii(;iblo, •| Jesse, reputed son of Jesse Bi-owti and Phtbe .st Leeta, of Joseph and Cynthia, Joseph, Cynthia, Khoda. " Eber Kies. ■■ -Maria, of Jes.so and BnrLili. " Abner, " Eliza, '" William Otis, Susannah, of Eleazer and KJiz.abitb Abifrail, ;■ Lucian BaUou, of Lewis (_'. and Lydia. '' Darwin, Darwin, Krtwin Lewis, of Lewis and Susan. Leonard, l.ydi.-i, first wife of Lewis, died Jiareh 20. iKi Maria Ixjuisa, of Ezekiel J:. and Lydia. Cordelia Lafayette, Dallis Frances, K/.eliiel Ballon, Alvira. reputed duaghter "f Alexamlei- l:r.nv[i ken, Aug. 7, 1824. Abner, of Ale.xandor T. aTid Naniv " Albert, HLCKLIN Waterman, of Ellsha \V. and Jfary Am. Bl FFU.M .Meh-lna, of Darius D. and W.iitey. BULLOCK .leremiah, of ChHstopher and Sarah, " Ebenezer. " Ebouezer. " Sarah, " Nathan, " Ebenezer, i:i i;i.1\(;a.\IF, Olii.-y. ..| i,,i,ns„n ;,nd la.rina Bartin. " Betsey, " Lyman, Ann. " Israel. " Fanny. " Joseph, BURN-HAM Daniel Webstvr. of .lolii. anil Bobby. " John Tyler, Bl TLEH Sarah, of Benjamin anil Sasanna. ** Benjamin. '• .Vathanlel, " James, BUTTKIiWORTH Olive, of Noah and Doreas, " William, of Noah and Sarah, •• Olive. wifi> of Noah, April 10, 1797. Oct. Ifi, 1800. , April 13, 1801. Feb. 27, 1778. Nov. 25, 1779. ..aplos, Jan. 18, 1781. Dec. 21, 1783. June 16, 1785. Feb. 14, 1787. Dec. 24, 1790. Aug. 8, 1796. Nov. 23, 1792. Nov. 20, 1795 June 25, 1800. Dec. 28, 1801 . Dec. 13, 179.'i. Aug. 1, 17DC. April 8, 1816. Nov. 18, 1821. d. May 29. 1833. Sept. 16, 1825. Sept. 11, 1828. .March 11, Isic. July 3, 1817. •May 15, 1819. April 16, 1821. anil Ardelia C. Has- Aug. 2.'-, July 18. Feb. 17, Nov. 29, Aug. 7. March 25. d. Aug. 19, .Fan. 32, .\pril 16, Feb. 1, •Ian. 21, Sept. 1, .Nov. ;;. Feb. 5, Feb. 16. Dec. 14. May 18. ^ily 22, May 12, Dec. 17, Dee. 3. Feb. 27, June 14, Oct. 8, June 18, Dw. 10. diiKl .\pril ]r>. 1328. 1830. 1831. 1830. 1848. 1749. 1751. 1752. 1754. 1756. 1795. 1797. 1799. 1802. 180-1 1807. . 1809. 1811. 1834. 1843. 1757. 1759. 1761. 1763. 1756. 1782. 1754. li 109 1-28 1-28 1-28 1-28 1-38 CAMFBKLl, Levina, of Ebenezer and Abigail CAPRON Charles, of Charles and Mary, " Joseph. Mary, Nathaniel. Lydia. .\pril 17, 17G1 June 8, 1749 Sept. 1.^ April •; Sept. 22, 1753 Aug. 31. 1755. 1850. 1753. 88 VITAL OP EECOED RHODE ISLAND. 1-28 CAPRON John, .Inly 28, 1757 1-28 It Jemima, Dec. 13, 1758. 1-28 it Grace, Nov. 2, 1701. 1-3 " Nathan, of Nathan and Olive, April 23, 1758. 1-113 (( l^usla, of Phillip and PresclUa, Oct. 6, 1773. 1-113 " SUas, May 16, 177B. 1-113 it Patience, May 22, 1777. 1-113 a WiUiam, Aug. 27, 1779. 1-113 it Sarah, Nov. 14, 1781. 1-113 " Nancy, Oct. 20, 1783. 1-113 it John, Aug. 2, 1785, 1-113 it Oliver, AprU 10, 1787. 1-113 tt Lemuel, May 27, 17S9. 1-113 " Seth, Aug. 24, 1791. 2-2 " Asa, of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 14, . 2-2 " Ruth, Aug. 5, . 2-2 It Nabby, June 2, . 2-2 it SUva, April 7, . 2-2 it Betsey, AprU 20, . 2-2 tt Otis, March 2, . 2-2 it Joseph, June 15, . 2-2 tt Thomas, April 28, . 2-2 " Lucy, Oct. 9, 179-. 2-2 u Patty, May 16, 1791. 2-2 " Subra, Mai-ch 3, 179-. 2-2 " Klisha, July 13, 179- . 2-2 u Fanny, May 23, ISO-. 2-32 Ahab, ol Charles and Jehoshaba, .Iuui> 23, 1782. 2-32 " Smith, AprU 10, 1784. 2-32 ti Charles Scott, March 14, 1789. 2-48 •• Nuwtoii Maiui, of Dr. Seth and Eunice, Aug. 24, 1791. ;t48 ti John Milton, AprU 10, 1797. 2-48 u Seth Makepeace, Note.— 2d born Attleboro, 3d Cumberland. Sept. 11, 1799. 2-98 " Biu-rell Munroe, of Bllas and Phebe, Jan. 28, 1798. 2-llG " Edwin, of Asa and Stilly, Oct. 16, 1800. 2-110 [( George, May 16, 1802. 2-110 Adella Maria, Aug. 17, 1808. 2-116 Owen Arnold, March 19, 1814. •Note.— 3d bom Bmithfleld, 4th Cianston . K. 1. 2-1C9 '■ Sidly Ann, of WUUam and Lydiu, Dec. 10, ISOtt. 2-1C9 " Carlile Willis, Oct. 2, 1811. 2-169 '• William, d. June 21, 1817. 2-149 Newton, of Oliver and Silence, March 28, 1812. 2-149 (( Mary Ann, July 24, 1814. 2-149 it Elece Smith, June 27, 1816. 2-149 " Anyenette, Oct. 20, 1S13. 2-149 •' Julia Ann. Jan. 15, 1822. 2-149 " Lucylda, Aug. 16, 1825. 2-149 a St;itlord Scott, June 13, 1826. 2-149 it Sanlord Taft, Oct. 14, 1828. 2-192 Aurllla, of Otis and Anrilla, Feb. 23, IHir; 2-192 *' KIl7.a, Aug. 23, 1817 2-192 it Arnold. March 4, 1819. 2-192 Olney, March 21, 1821. 2-192 " Emily, July 1, 1822. 3-27 Mary Warren, of HUishji, Oct. 8, 1819. 3-27 Nathan Arnold, Dec. 16. 1821. 3-27 Lydia Caroline, Feb. 26, 1829. 3-27 Esther EmelLne, March 12, 18^3. 3-27 it Lucy Faruum, of Elisha, July 4, 1335. 3-27 it Sarah Arnold, Doc. 27, 1837. 3-27 tt Joseph Banoaeld, Nov. 7, 1841. 1-111 CARGILL Ehodia, of James and Dorcas, June 16, 1759. 1-111 " James, April 22, 1708. CUMBERLAND BIRTHS AND DEATH.'S. 89 1-111 CAHGILL David. 1-111 " Nathan, 1-111 " John, 1-111 " George, 2-67 Another entry reads May 28, 1777. 2-134 " Benjamin, of David and Thankfol, a-134 " Barton, 2-134 " WUlard, 2-134 " Olney, 2-134 " Jason, 2-134 " Susanna, 2-134 " James, 2-134 " William, a-134 " Amey, 2-134 " Fanny, 2-134 " Cynthia Anna, 2-182 " EpUralm Whiting, of G«orge and Elizabeth, 2-182 " Clarence, 2-182 " Harriet, of George and Dmssey, 2-142 " William, of David, 2d, and Hannah, 2-192 " Arnold Potter, of WUliara and Mary, 3-29 " Charles A., of James and Mary, 3-29 " Sarah J., 3-17 " Edwin White, of Barton and Welthia, 3-17 " Laura Maria, 1-80 CAKPENTKR Jemhna, of William and Mary, 1-80 " Mary, 1-80 " Ebenezer, 1-80 " Ebenezer, 1-80 " Aseneth, 1-80 " Bettey, 1-80 " PresclUa, 1-80 " Amey, 1-80 " Hannah, 1-80 " Samuel, 1-80 " Ebenezer, 1-159 " Chloe, of Asa and Ahlgail, 1-159 " Joseph, 1-159 " Levi, 1-159 " Louis, 1-159 " DoUy, 1-159 " AbigaU, 1-159 " John, 1-159 " George, 1-159 " Ljdia, 1-159 " Josey, 1-159 " I'oaris, 1-159 " Paloy, 1-159 " baley, 1-161 " Otis, of Ezeldel and Anne, 1-34 •• Nathan, of Uriah and Martha, 1-34 " Uriah, 1.07 •■ iknjanun, of Jotham and Hannah, Died at Martinlco, Dec. — , 1790. 1-97 " William, 1-97 " Polly, 1-97 ■' Jotham, 1-97 ■' Martha, 1-97 " Nancy, 2-33 " William, of Ebenezer and Lydla, 2-33 " Amey, 2-33 " Lucreti:i, 2-33 " Maria, a-33 " Hannah. e-33 " .'olin Jay, May 2, 1705 March 16, 1768 Jan. 27, 1771 May 28, 1776 Oct. 12, 1790 Feb. 2, 1793 Feb. 20, 1795 Oct. 25, 1796 Feb. 4, 1799 March 24, 1802 Jan. 8, 180(6) il 18 (24), 180 (8) Jan. 18, 181 (1) May 15, 181 (3) Feb. 13, 1818 Dec. 10, 1803 Sept. 11, 1800 Aug. 22, 1819 Feb. 20, 1809 May 17, 1823 AprU 24, 1838 Feb. 14, 1840 Sept. 18, 1836 May 29, 1839 Oct. 13, 1745 June 30, 1747 Jan. 13, 174S-9 d. Aug. 24, 1751 Jan. 4, 1750 Dec. 15, 1753 Oct. 4, 1766 .\.ug. 13. 1760. June C, 1782 Nov. 18, 1763 Sept. 24, 1765 Jan. 24, 1761 Jan. 16, 1763 March 25, 1765 Dec. 4, 1767 Nov. 22, 1769 Nov. 8, 1771 June — , 1774 June 38, 1776 June 18, 1778 Nov. 9, 1780 March 2, 17b5 June 18, 1786 April 15, 1786 Dec. 22, 1767 Jan. 113, 1769. June 21, 1770 Aug. 31, 1770 — "^^ Mareh 26, 1775 June 16, 1773. Nov. 4. 1777 April 14, 1780 Jan. 6, 1784. Jan. 21, 1786. Nov. 3, 1787 Sept. 13, 1789. Sept. 12, 1791 Nov. 25, 1793. March 2, 179'i :!)U VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. i-S;; CARPKNTER David Angell. 2-33 ■■ Ebenezcr, 1-98 ■• Alpha, reputed daugliloi- of Bonjamin CarpenW pie. Nov. 23, 17!K). 3-8f> '■ De--iter, ol William (of Jotham), and Alee, 2-85 " Smith, 2-85 " Betsey, 2-85 '• Polly, 2-86 " Kuth, 2-8S " WUUam Earl. 2-77 " James, of Levi and Rebecca, 2-77 ■ Lydla, 2-77 " Lyman. 2-77 " Levi, 2-77 '• Kehecca, 2-77 " Mary, 2-77 '■ Geoi'gr, 2-1 (a " Freelovo. of Jotham and Sarah, 2-lfi:! " Ai-nold, 2-1 0.'i " Thomas, 2-16:i ■• Polly, 2-163 ■' Jotham. 2-163 •• William, 3-16 " George Uendall, of James M. and Hctsey, 3-26 '■ Ellen, of Thomas and Dorcas, 3-20 •' Jane, .1-20 " Mary, 3-26 " Charles Edwin, 3-26 ■■ Payette Wilson, 3-2() •• Sarah Matilda, 1-58 CASS Mary, of John and Alice, 1-58 " Alice, ] -53 " John, 1-58 '■ Vavid, 1-58 " Hannah. 1-58 '■ Hannali, 1^5* ■• Adah. 1-58 " ZUa, 1-58 " Joel, M13 CHAMI!I5RLA].\ I'liehe, of Sanin'l and Jemima, 1-113 " Hannah, 1-113 " Morcy, 1-113 " Job, 1-113 " Jemima, 1-113 ■' Levlna. 1 li:: " Khobu, IJi:; " Mary, 1-113 " Samuel, 1-113 '• Amey, 1 U:; •• WiUiam, 1-113 '• Lemuel, 1-163 " Lewis, of Benjamin and Olive. 2-46 •■ Maiy, daughter of Ehoba, I -CO. CIIAP.MAN Molly, daughter of Saiah Peek, 1-148 CHASE Benjamin, of Isaac and Amey, 1-148 " Abner, 1-165 " Christopher, of Benjamin and Mary, 1-93 " Sarah, of WlUlam and Joanna, 2-35 " Timothy Ide. of Charles and Abigail, 2-35 " Timothy, 2-35 " Sally, 2-83 " Fanny, reputed daughter of Bacbol Bowen and 1-19 CI-AEK Nicholas, of Samuel and Rachel. 1-19 " Samuel, 1-19 " Samuel, l-lfi " Rachel, Feb. 20, 1798. Juno 9. 180<). I- and Anne Whip- April 22, 1795. .Ian. 13, 1797. Aug. 23, 1798. May 13, 180O. Marcll 30, ISOi;. Marcli 10, 1807. .March 29, 1798. July 28, 1799. April 32, 1S02. Oct. 28, 1803. March 23, 180.5. March 12, 1807. Aug. 29, 1810. JiUy 10, 1803. April 2, 1806. July 24, 1811. Nov. 21. 1813. Feb. 8, 1816. June 20, 1818. -May 10, 1833. Jan. 28. 1835. Feb. n, 1837. Nov. 29, 1838. Sept. 27, 1840. Oct. 27, 1842. May 29, 1845. Aug. 15, 1742. Feb. C, 1743. Jan. 1, 1745. Aug. 9, 1747. Jan. 26, 1748. d. May 20, 1750. July 10, 1750. July 20, 1755. Nov. 22, 1757. March 0, 1760. June 5, 1701 . Nov. 30, 170:!. Oct. 15, 170.5. July 25, 1767. May 12, 1769. Feb. 2, 1771. Aug. 15, 1772. March 20, 1775. Dec. 28, 1776. April 15. 1779. April 18, 1781. May 22, 1784. July 27, 1802. April 24, 1738. April 28. 1747. Dec. 4, 1749. Dec. 28. 1768. July 1, 1773. March 0, 1787. d. Sept. 12, 1789. Nov. 7, 1789. ElLsba Cha.se, . Aug. 5, 1744. Aug. 25, 174S. 6. . 1747. July 17, 1748. IU.MBEKL\NU KIRTHS AND DEATHS. '.U 1-lii ci.MtK Anion, April :i. I7')(i. l-li' •■ Stvi)heu. M.-iy 1-2. IT.jl. 1-19 ■■ Klizabetli, April ao. IT.i:;. l-l'* " Willmm, Feb. 8. I7r>r>. 1-19 •' Martha, April 14, ]7r)Ci. 1-1!> •• .Silas, Kcb. l-l. IT.ir-. 1-J5) •■ IJurney, oi Kiiiiiivl :iu::. 1-13.-> •• S;nali, Sept. 15, 17()->. 1-135 '■ FiTdfri.k. June 5, J7iiS. 1-135 ■• crn.i,-. .lune 4, 177;;. 1-135 •• lietly, May -27, 177.-.. 1-107 •• I'liobe. Ill I'llir aud Zcrviali, Oct. 6, 17GO. ^45 *■ .Tes.se. ol IJanify ;nld .Sai'all, Oct. IS, 1764. -^5 ■■ Khoda, July 3. 17.*i --45 ■■ .liisepli. tiept. IS. 17S-. --15 ■■ .iiKsepU, d. Nov. 10. 1700. ^-45 •■ De.xter, Jan. 2!i. 1791. 1-79 " l.iiciua. (.1 1. Iiahi.d and I'licbe, Deo. 4. 17SJ. l-'<'9 ■■ .bislali, .March 31. 178i;. --1 •• Kaclnl. ul' Kddy and .MuUy, Ante. :j, 1791. --17-J ■• Anriiida, ol D<'.\lcr and .\iina, Keii. 10, 17!):;. ■2-lT-J ■• Kisjiali Jenekes, .liuie :;7, 1794. --17i^ •■ .Vuibrosc, .luly -il, 179ti. i;-17:: Hetsey Whipple. March SO, 1801. ii-17;j '■ S;Llly W-Iilpple. June 30, ],sO:i. 2-172 " Samuel Dexti-r, July 2^, 1H0(). 'J-172 '• Polly Gason. Dec. ilO, 180.--. 2-172 " litis iMason. March ii(i, 1811. 2-17-J '• .lol.n Fosier, March 27, lcii:i. 2-iJ " OIncy, leputed son ol I'rederic L'larlv and Frc-lnve WiMtherlwa-ii. Juno (i, 1791 i. 2-119 " siephen Suiples. of S'Mh and Sylvia, June ].-,. i.:;02. S-119 " l'he.l>e Capron. .Nov. !-i. Isor.. 2-119 " l.ucina, March is, ISOT. 3-110 ■• l^ucy, P'eb. 15. Irilo. 2-10(5 ■• Silas, Jr., ifpat-il sen ol' Silas (larli and I'.ili.io'e Arnold. .Ian. 12, 1605. 2-39 •■ DeMer, repul-'d >on (d .\lii).i us.- ( lai-K and 1 lil,,,- llaliiauai. Dee. 12. 1817. 2-174 •■ i.eorne Whippb-. t>! Sainin-1 2-174 •■ Kuflls. 2-174 •• ,\iney ,\nn, 3-35 •■ Ambio.se \Y., of oii, M. and ::-3r> " liet^ey A., 2-2<; ( (.11. K .lames, "i J"-e|di .-ind fali'in 2-26 •■ .Vnne. 2-2(> •• Kaehel. 2-3l> •• I'oUy. 2-108 ■• Lydia. id James and L.-vin; 2-lOB ■• Olive, 2-108 •• Olive, 2-106 ■• Ariel fook, 2-10,'n ■■ Dorcas, 2-106 •■ .liweidi. and Kvelin.i, Jii ily 6, l.^l.s. Nov. 311. 1 62 1 . (sic) March 9. 1625. .\iiiey Ann. -Miirch 5, 163;;. Oct. 19, 1.634. e, Aug. 26, 177(>. .March 30. 177r. Mar.'h 12, 17.-1. I'Vb. 28, 1763 Kcb. 2. 179T. Oct. 10, 179o. d. Ans;. 25, 1604. April 26, ISIlll. July 13. 1602. ( let. 211. l.so:;. 92 VITAL RECORD* OP RHODE ISLAND. U-lUB COLK Olive, Sept. 3, 1805. 2-108 " James, May 22, 1807. a-108 " John Brown, Feb. 25, 1809. 2-108 " Levi, Nov. 19, 1810. 2-108 " Lewis Whipple, April 2S, 1812. 3 20 " \Vm. Halsey, ol Jolin B. and Alice, March 3, 1831. 3-20 " Eliza, May 17, 1833. 3-20 " Cordelia Perry, Aug. 25. 1835. 2-100 COLLAR Mficy. ol : Jonathan and Drusllla, Nov. 18. 1789. 3-1 no " Sally, Oct. 14, 1791. 2-160 " Da\id, Dec. 23, 1794. 2-160 " Di;nma, Nov. 8, 1797. 2-77 COMMINS Uttsey, of Joseph and Olive, March 29, 1784. 1-107 COMONS Josopb, of Joseph and Deborah, Aug. 15, 1759. 1-108 " J:im*'S, of Joseph and Betty, March 29, 1760. 1-86 COOK Jerusha. of Nathaniel and Martha, April 2, 1743. 1-86 " James, JiUy 23, 1744. 1-80 " James, d. Jan. 22, 1747-8. 1-86 " Ellas, Aug. 15, 1746. 1-86 " Ellas, d. Dec. 14, 1746. 1-86 " Nathaniel, AprU 4. 1748. 1-86 u Ariel , Oct. 15, 1749. 1-86 II M.irtha, Sept. IS, 1751. 1-86 " Sihis, March 23, 1753. 1-86 " Phf.be, ■ Jan. 16, 1755. 1-80 ti Elizabeth, AprU 25. 1757. 1-86 u Judcth, Jan. 19, 1750. 1-86 " Ananias, Jan. 12, 1761. 1-05 (( Amey. of Abraham and Mary, Dec. 9, 1744. 1-95 ti Abraham, AprU 23, 1748. 1U5 " Joanna, Aug. 26, 1750. 1-05 " SUnnce, Sept. 11, 1752. 1-05 u Cloe, Oct. 21, 1754. l-!)5 " Wavy. Dec. 25, 1756. 1 05 " Eleazer, May 21, 1759. 1-90 " Eunice, of Hezeldah and Rachel, AprU 13, 1746. 1-'.W " Eunice, d. Sept. 3, 1749. 1-96 " Asahel, AprU 8, 1749. 1-96 " Lucy, June 15, 1751. 1-96 a David, March 8, 1753. 1-96 U Phebo. May 21, 1755. 1-06 " Stephen, Sept. 28, 1757. 1-96 " JoseiJh, Jan. 23, 1760. 1 96 " Chester, April 5, 1762. 1-06 (( Chester, d. June 11, 1764. 1.96 " Rachel, tv Ue of Hezeldah, died In her 36th year, Sept. 30, 1762. 1-96 " Silence, of HezeJdali and Uannah, bom aud died June 1, 1764. 1-96 a Preserved, June 12, Ifh5. 1 96 u Asenetu, June SO, 1766. 1 96 u Aidanas, July 24, 1767. 1 06 " Sabra, Sept. 24, 1768. 1-96 •' Rachel, Nov. 16, 1769. 1-96 t( Lazarus, March 0, 1771. 1 06 " Ziblan, July 4, 1772. 1-104 (C Lavlna, of Abner and Rhodla, May 27, 1758. 1104 u Melethih, July 31, 1760. 1-104 " Cynthia, Juno 17, 1762. 1-162 u Nancy, of Abraham, Jr., and Elizabeth, JiUy 3, 1768. 2-4 a Esek, of Nathaniel and Amey, Dec. 29, 1768. 2-4 " Jerusha, Sept. 7, 1770. 2-4 " Amasa, Jan. 9, 1772. 2-4 (( Whipple, May 23, 1773. 2-4 u Amey, May 7, 1775. 2-4 (t Martha, Juno 17, 1777. 2-4 u Nathaniel, Feb. 0, 1779. 2-4 u Nahum, Nov. 19, 1783. CUMBERLAND BIETHS AND DEATHS. 93 2-16 COt)k Le\l, ol Ariel and Dorcas, Jan. ]3, 1773. 3-lG La^na, Sept. 7, IV 74. 2-16 '• Amos, Oct. 10, 1776. e-iG Siiia, Jan. 10. 1779. 2-16 '• Ariel, Jan. 30, 1781. 2-16 " Dorcas, Jan. 34, 3783. 2-1(5 Dariua, AprU 7, 1785. 2-16 '• Davis, May 21, 17S8. 2-5 •' IJeuhen, ol 811as and Joanna, Dec. 27, l-,76. 2-5 I'hUa, Sept. 34, 1778. 2-5 '■ I'liebe. July IC, 1780. 2-5 .Tames, May 37, 1782. 2-5 SUas, . Feb. -li, 1784. 2-5 Joanna, Feb. 7, 1786. 2-5 " Olney, Juno 29, 1788. 2-5 " Zlba, Feb. 32, 1791. 2-5 '• Miranda, AprU 9. 1793. 2-5 '■ Michael, May 39, 1796. 2-5 Michael, d. Sept. 39, 1798. 2-5 " Michael, 2d, Nov. 25, 1798. 2-27 " Phebe, of StepUen .and Desire, Sept. 35. 1782. 2-27 •' Zlbina, AprU 33, 1784. 2-39 Dianna, o£ Annanlus and Sarah, June 5, 1785. 2-39 Liirana, Feb. 34, 1787. 2-39 " LucLnda, Dec. 17, 1788. 2-39 Lebbens, Jan. 9, 1791. 2-36 Whipple, of BUeazer and Aseneth, Aug. 34, 1786. 3-36 Eleazer, May 2, 1788, 2-36 Hezeklah, June 15, 1791. 2-36 Abraham, June 4, 1793. 2-36 " Abraham, d. Feb. -, 1795. 2-36 " Colin da. Sept. 15. 1795. 2-36 •' rtlas. March 11, 1789. 2-36 (£ Herman, May 04, ISOl. 2-36 t( Zebbeus, May 30, 1803. 2-36 " Lyman, March 10. 1807. 3-12 " Lydla, of Esek and Hannah, Feb. 15. 1790. 2-42 " Samuel Ga-skUl, Sept. 30, 1792. 2-42 U Seth, Jan. 37, 179R. 2-42 (( Narcissa, Jan. 0, 1799. 2-42 -' James Fonner, Feb. 5, 1803. 2-42 " Nelson Allen, May 23, 1809. 2-42 it Hannah Jane, of Esek and Jane, Oct. 7, 1834. 2-58 u Francis, of Preserved and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1790. 2-71 " Luis (sou), of Esek, Jr., and Thankful, Jan. 11. 1791. 2-71 " SaUy, Dec. 4, 1792. 2-71 » Whipple, Jan. 15, 1795. 2-71 U Amey, Dec. 34, 1798. 2-71 a Amoy, d. Aug. 26, 1800. 2-71 (( Simon, Juno 15, 1800. 2-71 a Fenner, May 14, 1802. 3-71 li Ammon, April 4, 1904. 2-58 tt Avellna, of Zeblna and Frosha, June 31, 1791. 2-68 It Nancy, Oct 5. 1795. 2-58 tt Welcome, July 14, 1797. 2-58 tt Lyndon, Aug. 9. 1808. 2-106 t. Perky, ol Le\i and Bhodia, Aug. 5, 1798. 2-106 u Alpha, ApiU 34, 1800. 2-106 it Sally, Oct. 33, 1801. 2-106 tt wmis, Sept. 5, 1803. 2-106 U Lyman Ainold, Dec. 15, 1805. 2-106 (( James Madison, Feb. 16, 1809. 2-110 tt Amasa, af Amnsa and Patty, Oct. 15. 1798. 2-110 tt Ell, July 11, 1810. Note.— iBt bom Franklin, Mass., 2d Cumberland, E. 1. 94 VITAL KECOKI) OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-112 2-127 2-127 2-125 2-125 2-125 2125 2-125 2-125 2-125 2-125 2-125 2-175 2-175 2-175 2-175 2-175 2-175 2-157 2-157 2-17ii 2-191 2-191 2-209 2-209 .n-10 :!-io 3-22 0-22 n-:!2 :j-32 :i-32 n-32 :;-9 3-9 1-91 C()OK MU-., ol Amos and Olive, " Elias, of l'rul)en nnd ILu-tlia, '• Lymau, " Elmira. " Liu-y Devek's. ol Naliuiu ami Lucy, " Harry Ballon. '•■ Amey, " Xo\atus Koss. " Caroline Wasbiug'.on. " I'hyhnicler Perry. -' Susanna Arnold, " William >;ahun. Note. -1st Ixjrn tliimberland. 2d Watf-rfoi'd, l).rland, E. I. " Ann. of llr. Nathaniel and Nancy, *■ rreorgi\ of .Vrlc! and Eliza, " Altjert, " .Tobn Sabens. " Edmonri, '• Edmond. '• Charles, " Sally Mari;'. i>f Saniud (•. and Cellnda, • Amoy. " Smith, of Setii and yiirandii, " Reuben Slieniian. nf Silas and Joanna, '• Lncian Austin, Eliplialel Shick, i.f Willis and Cyrena, " Horace Capron, " r.eiicdlct Mowry. ol All«Mt and ruebe Aniey. '• Daniel Jesse, '■ Conrad, of WHiippl". .Ir., and Lnrina, " Sallndin, CKOWNlXCSllElI.l) Charles W.. ..f William and Amanda. •' George W., " Eugene F., " Henry H., CUKniEi; William Oscar. ..f K.phiaiin and l.illas, " John Patten, CUTTEl; ll.«1-.-s. of p.eacli and l.ydia. Aug. 2(i. ISO". Aug. 24. 1S02. March 17, 1804. April 2o, l-i05. Oct. 4, IriOll. .\pril 12, 1800. March 6, 1811. .Ian. 21, 1813, Feb. 10, isl.-,. Nov. 15, 181"-.. M.ay 21, 1825, X:\y 30. 1 827, (•cOlTl.. rest Cum Oct. 4. 1805. Aug. IS, 1810. AprU 3, 1812, Dei'. 2.S. 181 t. Feb. 29, l8ii;. [i. Ao-il 1 I. isir.. Feb. 17. 1S17, .lime 17, 1812, June 23. 1812, Jan. i. 181 ■'. May 12, 1.822. June 12, 1.S2 1. March 23, 1829. Nov. 13, 1830. Sept. 4, 1 831 . Sept. 28, 18:«i. Mamh «. 1835. .Inly 30, 1837. .Ian. 27, 1840. Oct. 19, 1841. July 30, 1843. ..an. 25, 1846. April 29, 18:w. Aug. 31, 1833. Feb. 20. 1757. 2-140 DAtKJETT Susan, of Otis and Content, 1-99 HANBY Margaret, of John and Sasannah, 2-24 ■' CK"f rge, of John, Jr., and Freolove, 1-117 DAltLlNtJ Stephen, of Pot<'r and Prescilla, 1-117 " Stephen, 1-117 " Kicharil. 1-117 " Ulchard. 1-117 « Peter. 1-117 " Daiins. of ivier and Anne, 1-117 " Luke, 1-117 " Anne. 1-117 '•■ Anne. 1-117 " Elijah, of ivter and Amey, 1-117 " Benjamin, 1-117 " Joainia. l-3f. " Bathsheba. of Joseph and Hathsheba, 1-30 " Phebe. 1-36 " Ebenezer. l-3r. " Abigail. l-Sfi " Lucy, 1-150 " Pameha. nf John, .h-.. and Martha, 1-150 " Slartha. 1-1,50 " John. March T. isld. Sept. 9. 1759. Oct. 27, 17.82, M.iy (i. 17.>0. d. Oct. 11, l7,-)0. Sept. 10, 1733. d. Oil. 7, 1750. Aug. 22. 1757. May 21, 171.9. July 21, 1770, .\ug. 2. 1771, a. Miirch 1. 1772, July 10. 177".. July 23, 1774, Jan. :;, 177.1. .Tan. 30, 1752. Dec. 10, 1753. Oct. 30, 175(3. June 2, 1700. July 3, 17 2-io:i 2-74 2-74 2-199 2-117 2-117 2-137 2 137 2-107 2-137 2-137 2-137 3-137 2-13- 2-]J;i 2-149 2-1 4f" 2 132 2-132 2-188 2-188 2-188 2-153 2-202 2-202 2-202 2-202 2-202 2-202 2 202 2-19 2-19 2-19 3-19 3-14 3-17 1-4C 1-46 1-46 1-46 1-46 1-46 1-46 1-46 1-46 1^6 1-46 1-46 1-46 1-59 \.K1-UNU Lmuul;!, Jan. 2. 1772. •' James, Aug. 20. 1773. " Gideou, Nov. 5, 1777. '• Joshua, March 5. 1781. Jacob, Feb. 14, 1765. Njithan, ol ivter (of Puter), and Jvrnslia, Aug. 7, 1779. PresciUa, May 24, 1731. PrescUIa, ' d. .SL-pt. 28, 179S. " Amey, July 20, 1784. " Esther, Dec. 3, 1781.. •• .\iiiia. Oct. a, I790. J onishii. June 14, 1793. .li-nisha, d. Feb. 11. 1795. Peter, -May lo. 17SI5. Pf.Ui; Sr.. died Nov. i:;, 1796. Lois, of Abel and Mary, .luly ::, 1791. '• Samuel, I'd). 12. 1793. Jacob, reputed son of Mercy Alexander, and adopted son ol Jacob DarUiiK. Feb. 6, 179-1. -Ui.soii, of Darius and Amey, 1-VIj. 14, 17'.J(;. Nancy, .Sept. 2, 1801 SQvia, of ,T;inics and I'l'^'scilla, Dec. SO. 1603. IVrcy. May 21, 1805. ^I;llalKl;t. July 28. 1807. ■Miami S.I. Oct. 24, 1809. lii-itania. Sept. 1. 1811. " Harvey Barney, Nov. 20, 1813. " James Anson. AprU 3, 1816. t.oiinda. Auk. 27. 1818. !''■'' r Uohiiisun. of l-'Jihii imd N:in'*v. March 27. 1305. " William Ray, Nov. 18, 1800. Rlizii. Sept. G, 1809. Orynda, cif .V^uium ;iii(l Sina, July 19, 1807. MUton, Nov. 18, )809. " Welcome (ireon..,, (jf Welcome and Sally, Oct. 29. 1.S10. -Vlmon. Jan. 2, 1812. William T.orinp:. June 17, 1823. l-oretta, of Jnlin. Jr.. nnd PoUy. Nov. 22. 1811. Henjamln. of Timotliv .iiul Pattrv, Oct. 22, lB2(i. Luke, Aiiril 22, 1828. l.ucy, .Tan. 22, 1«.';0. Kninia Ann. Dec. 19. 183(i. D.'lita. March If.. 18-to. Albert, AprU 0. 1843. " Nathan, June 6, 1846. DAVENPORT .Tames Henderson Elliott, of Matthew and Sally, Oct. 29, loo4. Amelia Ames, June 27, 1809. " Kdward Andrews, Dec. 9. 1811. " Charlotte Bigelow, March 29, l.sli. DA\'IDS(iLN David, late of St:hialtock, Bavaria, died Oct. 16, lS3i. DAY -Uchis Hallou, of Fllig and MeUetiah. DEXTEn .S;irali, of John and Sarah, Lavinia, Liivlnia, " James, " Amey, " Amey, '' Freelove, " Hannah, " Sabra, " John Singer, " Daniel Singer, Nathaniel Balch, " .Tabez Bowen, " HopestUl, of .Tames and .Uitliea, l\if. R-c-.. Vol. 3.) 19 Nov. 2*;. 18.30. Oct. 8, 1736. Sept. 26, 1741. a. Nov. 14, 1770. Nov. 14, 1743. April 10, 1745. d. Nov. 18, 1748. March 25, 1747. Sept. 14. 1710. June 1. 1753. June 8, 1754. July 31, 1757. July 16, 17:,'.). Aug. 7. 17(2. June 20, 1747. 86 VITAL KBCORD OP KHODE ISLAND. 1-59 1-59 1 bJ 1-59 1 59 1-59 1 59 1-59 1-5U 1-59 1-59 1 43 :-4.J 1 4a 143 1-43 1 43 1 43 2-32 £-o2 £-32 2-32 2-32 S-32 L-32 2-32 L-3^ o.'jf> 2 12 2 12 o,| o 2-12 2-12 2-12 2-12 2 12 2-43 243 2-43 243 2-43 2-43 2-43 2-47 2-46 2147 2147 2-147 2-13 2-170 2 170 2-170 2-170 1-84-14' DEXTER .lames, of Jamos and Amhea, " lluldetli, " Meicy, " S..iieuQ, " i!-.-,eli, " binuniin Greene, " Nunoy, '• Ai.i.ita, " Luc. Uy " jliiiotljy, " Am .1 , of David and Mary, " 1 av.a, " ba.iu-el, " M.ii-y, " Ai.lie, " Ui.s. " L.eo ge, " \\ aiei man, of Iteujamin, of .\iidrew, H nah, " lia lUih, " bab.a, IKiiiy, " ile.ii-y, " Cla .l33a, " AiJii^. " Ph b>, " LL'la, C. .li, " i'.« j min, \. 1 III Jiiiikos, " \Vi I am Jcnckes, " 1' lly. of D;ivld and Betty, " . U.S " Gi gi.ry, J. 1.1, " f^^i u 1, " Si.pfila, " Aniey, " I <.: LB, " B tsey, • Ic earce, of John Singer and Mary, " l>;iiightor, " D;iuf^hter, " Daniel Slngor, " Aiixaiidcr Scanimel, " Eliza, " Maiy Anno, Note— Two lait born Camberland, rest East Greenwich, K. I. " Hadwin Ita/.oo, son of Ruth Razee, Dec. 17, 1781. " blepli 11, reputed son of Stephen Dexter and lierlah Wilson, Sept. 15, 1783. " Eli, icputt^d son of Timothy Dexter and Rhoba Chamberlain, June 2, 1795. " Jam s Messenger, of Timothy W. and Sally, I'eb. 11, 1804. " l; njamln lireene, May 18, 1805. Es k Walker, June 1, 1807. A. ,uy Ann, reputed daughter ol Sally Caller and Stephen Dexter, June 25, 1813. " .lolin, or .Stephen and LydU, May 29, 1810. " .l.riK's, Sept. 5, 1813. " Jd.seph, Oct. 19. 18211. " Mary, Sept. 2, 1 22. DOILE Si: ii. (If lliomas and Mary, June 18, 173(i. 7-105 DL.V.K1U Melitta.son of Hannah Streeter, and James Ducker, Aug. 0, 1759. AprU 22, 174a. Dec. 17, 1750. July 18, 1752. June 24, 1754. July 24, 175B. June 7, 1758. Feb. 21, 17l)0. Dec. 22. 1701. Feb. 12, 1764. Ma.ch 31, 1706. Jan. 15, 1768. May 2, 17,0. AprJ 22, 17.,2. Nov. 28, 1754. June 18, 17,)7. Feb. 22, 176J. July 1(), 1/62. Sdpt. 29, 17. ,4. Dec. 2, 1773. Ftb. 17, 1776. d. Mar.h l9. 1776. Feb. 5, 1777. May 19, 17o0. died at sea AprU 12, 1799. May 7, 17c3. Aug. 6, 1784. Feb. 4, 17.-8. Oct. 31, 1791. d. June 27, 179 J. March 22, 1795. Aug. 2(i, 1797. d. Sept. 23, 1798. Die. 20, 17,-5. June i:9, 1778. AiJill 22. 178). Feb. 8, 1782. AprU 22, 1734: July 15, 1786. Aug. 20. 17e9. ApiU 2, 1792. Feb. 16, 17il5. Aug. 27, 1777. Aug. 27, 1777. d. Sipt. n. 1777. Nov. 12, 1779. March 9, 1785. March 5, 1787. July 25, 1790. CUMBERLAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 97 2-1 on ELLIS Kiithorlno, of Jesse and Mille, 2-109 " Koxaima, 2-109 " Mille Mann, 2-109 " Sally, 2-109 " Nabbe. 2-109 " Jesse, 3-109 " UlcUard, lioru lifter decease of father. l-t EMMERSdN William, of H'Uli.im and Sarah, liJIEIiY William, of William P. and MatUda, l-fi.5 EbIKS Davlil, of Samuel and Elizabeth, 1-S5 " Hannah, 1-85 " I"ivelove, 1-85 " Hetsey, 1-85 " Samuel, Ji*., 2-91 " Peter, of Abigail and Elizabeth, 2-91 " niLssell Abigail, Note.— First torn Mendon, Mass., 2-84 " Hetsey, of Mark and Freelove, 2-84 " Uelana, 2-111 " I'rusia. of Samuel and Lavlna, Nov. 20, 1789. Dec. 19, 1792. Jan. y, 1794. Aug. 0, I79r.. March 8, 1793. Feb. 20, 1800. Sept. 7, 1803. Sei)t. ;9. 1757. Dec. 7, 1829. Dec. 2r{, 17l-,0. Aug. 9, I'iOS. April <■,. 1770. June 7, 1772. May fi, 1774. Dec. 28, 1773. March 2.s, 1770. second Cumberland. May 29, 1793. July 23, 1795. Aug. 19, 1801. 1-69 i-r>9 i-e9 1-41 1-41 1-41 1-41 2-Sl 1-72 1-72 1-73 1-72 1-27 1-27 1-27 1-37 1-27 1-27 1-27 1-27 1 27 ] 27 1 27 1-6 1-0 II! 16 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 2 93 2-98 2-98 2 93 2-98 260 FATRBROTHRR Esther, of Thomas and Mary, " Welcome, " Joseph, FELT Joslma, of Joshua and Kacliel, " Juillah. " Kachel, Mary, .Tnly 27, 1776. March 15, 1779. April 1, 1781. Ai)ril 21, 1747. Feb. 10, 1749. Oct. 11. 1751. Jan. 1, 1753. FILES Silvanus Bucklin, reputed son of Jacob Files and Mary Chamberlain May 24, 1795. FISHED Rebecca, of Joseph and Rebecca. " ■ , lau., " Anne, " Mary, " Betty, of Jonathan and Betty, " Jonathan, " Experience, Berta, " Esther, " HiUilclh, " Coi'nellus, " Darius, " Susannah, " Chrlstoplier, " Aaron, " , of Jeremiah and Hannah, Elizabeth, James, Sarah, Sarah, William, Eunice, Eunice, Chrstoplier, Ang. 7. 1767. KacbrI, bla wife, Jan. 27, 1770. John Johnson, of Chrlstoiiher and Rachel, Sally Johnson, Susanna, Avury, of Darius and Rachel, June 16, 1747. b. and d. June Hi, 1747. Marcli 5. 1750. Dec. 8, 1752. Oct. 27, 1751. Jan 13, 1753. Mav 9. 1754. June 12, 1756. Aug. 3, 1758. March 8. 1760. Oct. 4, 1761. May -^7. I"i(i4 AprU 4, 1766 Aug. 7. 1767. Aug. 27, 1763. b. and d. Dec. 1, 1761. b. and d. July 8, 17(i3. Sept. 22, 1763. Oct. 16, 17(V4. May 27, 1768. d. June 1, 1763. Jan. 24 1770. Nov. 23, 1772. d. June 10,' 1773. Aug. 17, 1794. May 11. 1'97. May 11, 1707. June 25, 1767. 98 VITAL KKCOBD OF RHODE ISLAJfD. •J-60 FISHEK OiL-j. ul Diuius and KjicUel, a-60 " Darius, a-60 " Aaron, •J-60 " Nancy, a-60 " Jonatlian, i;-(iO '■ Cluirles, CUldren of Samael Fislier, and Ollvo, hl~ Wrentham, now of Cumberland : •J-133 " Schuyler, 3d son, 2-13o " Lucy Ann, daugbter, 2-136 " Kleanor, of Avery and Persia, 2-130 " MUaney, 2-13(; " I'.ltctiL K., or Charles and Cella Ami, 2-136 " Henry, 2-136 " llachel, 2-136 " Lydia L., 2-136 " Cliarles E., 2-136 " Francis B., 1-118 FISK John, ol Josiah and Sarah. 1-118 " Rachel, 1-118 " Joyce, 1-118 " Sarah, 1-118 " Martha, 1-118 '■ Mary, 1-22 " Ksquiie. of John and Mary, 1-22 " Polly, 1-22 " John. 1-22 " Chloe, 1-22 " Freelove, 1-22 " Uarlus, 1-22 " Lncena, 2-23 " .lemmy LSalloii. nf Jolin and Aljisiiil, 2-23 " Nathan, 2-23 " Betsey, 2-179 '• Asquire. of Charles and Else, 2-179 " Nabby Ann, 2-179 " Joseph Carpenter, 1-134 FOl.LETT WUliani, ol Abr:\ham and Patience, 1-134 " Mary, 1-134 " Levi. 1-134 " George, 1-134 " Lucy, 1-134 " Henjamin, 1-134 " Comfort, 1-134 " Oliver, of Abraham and Patience, 1-134 " Hannah, 1-134 " Luther, 1-134 " Patience. 1-134 " Abraham, 1-129 " Jesse, of Benjamin and Abigail, 1-129 " James, 1-129 " Kezia. 1-129 " Prudence, 1-8 " Joseph, of Joseph and Sibel, 1-8 " Amos, 1-8 " Daniel, 1-8 " Simon, 1-8 " Isabel, 1-8 " Esther, 2-96 " Anna, of William ajid Nancy, 2-96 " Thynthla, •-;-96 •• Hannah, 2-90 " Nancy, 2-96 « William, 2-31 " John, of Amo.-i and Betsey, Feb. 5, 1791. June 6. 1793. May 9, 179ri. March 9, ISO'. SfiH. 22, loO.^. wife, formerly of July 19, 160o. Dec. 18, 1807. -lug. S, 1807. Nov. 8, 1809. Feb. 13. 1834. May 10. 1835. Aug. 6, 1837. Feb. 2. 1839. May 14, 1S40. May 22, 1843. Feb. 20, 1729. July 1. 1730. Feb. 24. 1732. Sept. 5. 1733. May 10, 1741. M'rii. 12, 1743. Jan. 10, 1756. June 24, 1758. Oct. 24, 1760. Feb. 18, 1763. Feb. 18. 1706. May 7, 1768. July 21, 1770. Deo. 14, 1784. Feb. 1, 1787. Oct. 24, 179C1. June 24, XAl-2. July 3, 181 -. Jan. 22, 1S21. Dec. 20, 17'37. Uec. 14, 175~. Feb. 13, 1761 . Sept. 18, T702. July 4, 176 1 . July 11, 176'i. Apn\ 4. l70^i. April 4. 176-. Feb. 28, 1T70. March 21. 1772. July 14, 1774. Dec. 29, 177:,, Nov. 17, 1761. July 4, 1764. Aug. 10, 1761"). Sept. 24. 1769. Oct. B, 1763. Feb. 4. 1765. Oct. 24, 176ii. Jan. 30, 1769. Nov. 27. 1770. Oct. 2&, 1772. Dec. 23, 1762. Nov. 26, 1784. Feb. 24, 1787. Nov. 30, I7t>::. June 0, 1797. Dvc. 31, 17a4. CUMBERLAND BIETHS AND DEATHS. 99 £-51 KULbt-'lT Amiia, of AmoH and Betsey, Oct. 11, 178«. li-51 u Betsey, Oct. 29, 178S. a-61 ti OIney Whipple, Feb. 23, 1791. 2-Bl " Layton Jencbes, Aug. 14, 1795. 351 '• SuJie Ann, Aug. 24, 1798. 2-46 Jesse, of Levi and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1785. 2-46 " riabrlna, Feb. 21, 1787. 2-40 " Sally, May 3, 1791. 2-39 *' Dexter, of Capt. Joseph and Hnldah, July 26, 1789. 2-30 Dexter, d. Nov. 13, 1791. 2-39 u Betsey, Oct. 29, 1791. 2-3'J ■* Sally, March 12, 1794. 2-109 " Ambrose, of Comfort and LoIb, Si pt. 18, 1793. ^-joy " EUis, AprJ 7, 1705. 2109 " Kuih, AprU 13, 1797. 2-109 " Nathan, ApiU 30, 1800. 2-109 (4 Nathan, d. Feb. 11, 1816. 2-109 " Lydia Slnda, Juno 8, 1802. 2-109 " WUlaid, May 26, 1807. 2-109 Adeline, July 20, 1809. a-109 " Albert, Feb. 10, 1811. 2-109 ** Laura, May 3, 1813. 2-109 w Horace, Aug. 8, 1815. 2-109 *• Horace, A. Feb. 5, 1816. 2-109 " Nelson, of Luther and Molly, Sept. 8, 1805. 2-135 *' Anson, of John and Persls, Jan. 24, 1807. 2-135 « Lyman, Nov. 22, 1812. i:-]35 u Horace, Dec. 9, 1817. 2-203 u Nelson CraJg, of Amos, Jr., and. Julia, Oct. 18, 1821. 2-203 '' Mary Ann Scott, Dec. 7, 1823. 2-203 " Amasa Waterman, AprU 4, 1826. 2-203 *' Amasa Waterman, d. Nov. 4, 1826. 2-203 u Louisa Jane, Sept. 19, 1827. 3-19 " Julia, of William, Jr., and Fanny, June 25, 1824. 3-19 Albert Allen, March 2, 1826. :j-19 " WUllam Henry, AprU 24, 1829. 3-19 " Fanny Malinda, Aug. 10, 1835. 2-20S (4 Mary Ann, of Nelson and Polly, Aug. 31, 1S29. 1-115 FORTUNE Sarah, daughter of Sarah (Indian), Nov. 27, 1744. 1-120 FOSTEU Mary Stuart, ol Benjamin and Eachel, May 23, 1756. 1-120 FEKEMAN Ziliia, ol Natlian and Anne, Oct. 27, 1700. 1-120 M Salisbury, Sept. 1, 1762. 2-86 U Anna, of Whipple and Sabra, Aug. 5, 1793. 2-86 " Dexter, July 12, 1795. a-161 M William HaskeU, of WlUard and Euth, March £9, 1812. 2-61 • 4 WlU.am Haskell, d. Sept. 12. 1814. 2-161 " Amos Thnrber, Oct. 12, 1613. 2-161 Amos TUurber, d. Oct. 3, 1814. S-161 " Olive, July 23, 1815. i:-l«i •' Emela, JiJy 8, 1817. 2-161 (( Lewis W., Jan. 23, 1820. 2-161 '• Vienna D., Feb. 8, 1.S26. 2-203 FRENCH Cliax'les CuUor, of Benjamin and Hannah, June 23, 1828. 2-203 4( , son. March 24, 1830. 2-203 " , son. d. May 7, 1830. 2-21 FULLEK PliUadelphla, reputed daughter of Thomas Fuller and Ruth Colo. Aug-. 27, 1776. 2-lU " John, of John and Cbloe, Doc. 12, 1776. 2-13 " Mary, Dec. 13, 1776. 2-1.-, " Hannah, July 3, 1779. 3-14 M.iry l!ay, of Job and Mary. Marcli 30, 1781. 2-14 " Deborah Day. AprU 5, 1784. 2-14 " Eimice, Oct. 30, 1786. 2-14 " Nancy, Sept. 26, 1790. 2 141 Cl Benjamin Urowii, of William and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1787. 100 VITAL KECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-141 FULLER Mercy, of WUliam and Sarah, 2-91 ' Willard, of Ebenezer an.l Lucy, 2-113 Ha land Daggett, of JoaL and Lucy 2 113 Waiietta, 2-1 3 Emel a. 2-1 13 ' David Henry, 2 li3 ' Lucy Aim, 2 ll:i Eunice Kay, Jan. 20, 1787. Jlarcli 20, 1797. Jan. 3, 1831. July 24, 18,)2. Aug. 23, 1804. Nov. 20, ]80(i, Feb. 10, 1809. June 7, 1811. G- 1-45 GALLOWAY WUliam, ol John and Elizabeth, AprU 4, 1738. 1-45 " Joseph, Feb. 4, 1742. GASKELL James, of William and Susannah, Dec. 6, 1763. " William, July 30, 1778. 2-56 Hannah, of 8amuel and Ohve (also 2-106), Feb. 11, 1785. 2-50 Nahum (also 2-106), May 8, 1788. 2-56 " txirah. Nov. 18, 1793. 2-10 " SiUts, of James and Mary, June 13, 1791. 2-36 " Amey, Feb. 4, 1793. 2-36 " Annah, Feb. 22, 1796. 3-34 GILL John, Jr., of John and Elizabeth, Juno 27, 1848. 1-50 GOULD Jabez, of Jabez, Jr., and Mary, March 24, 1748. 2-73 Nalliaulel, ol Nath;inlel and 8arah, Nov. 12, 1761. 2-72 " 8arah, Oct. 11, 1763. e-72 Chloe, Juno 3, 1765. 2-72 " Ho.sca, July 28, 1767. 2-72 " Tliomas, Sept. 14, 1769. 2-72 John, Feb. 13, 1772. 2-72 Tabltha, Feb. 11, 1774. 2-72 AbigaU, Feb. 20, 1777. 2-72 Joanna, Aug. 7, 1779. 2-72 William, Nov. 15, 17d1. 2-72 Sarah, died Oct. 18, 1782 (Sr. or Jr. !). 1-158 Ucts.y, of Uenjamin and Betty, April 5, 1763. 1-158 George, March 19, 1765. 1-158 Beble, Sept. 18, 1767. 2-11 '• Jabiz, of Jabez and Esther, March 9, 1767. 2-11 " Mary, July 30, 1.6.'?. 2-11 Daniel, May 16, 17 76. 2-11 Daniel, a. Nov. 14, 1771. 2-11 Esther, June 2, 1772. 2 11 Hannah, June 10, 1774. 2-11 " Samuel, April 3, 17/6. 2-11 " Samuel, d. April 10, 1776. 2-11 " Jemima, Sept. 15, 1778. 2-11 " Zcrviah, AprU 15, 1780. 2-11 Ellsha, March 23, 1782. 2-11 Cynthia, May 16, 1785. 2-38 Molly, of John and Matilda, Jan. 29, 1780. 2-38 Sally, Jan. 31, 1782. 2-38 *' Lcbbeus, Aug. 8, 1785. 2-38 " Hulilah, June 6, 1787. 1-63 GltANT(illl.iii, of John and Anne. AprU 28, 1744. 1-63 " Allen. March 8, 1746. 1-63 Betty, June 1, 1743. 1-63 " John, ApiTl 8, 1750. 1-03 " Anne, March 6. 1752. 1-63 " Hannah, March 20, 1734. 1-63 " Sarah, Nov. 22, 1758. 1-63 David, Jan. 24, 1761. 2-7 " Samuel, of Samuel and Experience, Feb. 24, 1777. 2-7 Huldah, Dec. 24, 1778. 2-7 MehlLible, Nov. 19, 1780. 3-7 Patty, Aug. 16, 1783. CUMBERLAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 101 2-7 •2-G •J-C) a 1 2-(U 2-1)1 2-1 16 2 11.S 2-11 S 2-118 2-118 2-118 2-118 2-118 2-11] 2-111 2-111 2-111 2-111 2-111 2-111 2-187 2-187 2-187 2-187 2-187 2-1 5- 2-198 2-196 2-1 9t; 2-100 2-1 Of; 2-197 2-197 2-197 2-197 3-1 IS 3-lti 3-16 3-37 2-78 2-100 2-100 2-100 2-160 2-8 -t 2-84 1-122 of Allen and Maiy. ol .Tab'^z and DDrcas, GRANT Joseph, ol Samuel and Experience, '* Joahua, Thomas, Patty, Patty, Fisher, llaiinali, of Bbenezer and Esther, " Justus, " Stephen, Susanna, WiUard, or.ii, of Aarfiii and Dorcas, Uoxalana, Aaion, '■ Anson, " Dorcas, ■' Dorcas, " Abel Franklin. " Christopher Fisher, " Fenner, of Samuel, Jr., and Urania, " Ellab Thompson, " Samutl, " Samuel, " Caroline Fisher, " Urania Cook, " Samuel, " Arunah, of Eliphoz and Mary, " Amos, Polly. '• Ellxa, " Warren, " Amasa Smitli, " Behi, of WdUarrt and Amey, " Cordelia, " Harriet Ann. ■' GeorRC. Milton, " Phil.idelphia, " Mary, of Ellab T. and F.lizn. " Jane Francis, " Jane Francis, " Frances. ' F.pbraira Wliitint'. of WarriMi :iiid Hetsey. " Jo.seph Warren, " Sanford Whitins. (iRlNOLD George William, reputed son of William G Nov. 20, 1800. GUILD Wlliiam Smith, of Timothy and Esther. " Reuben II.. of Samuel and Lepha, " Reuben H., " Allen Dexter, '■ Thomas Nelson, Note— Third born Franklin, Mass. • , son of Cyrus and Olive S. B., " Olive, wife of Cyrus, died .Sept. 12, 1814. GULl.Y .Stephen, reputed son of Stephen Gully (of Peters. May 5, 1764. Aug. 31, 17,S5. Dec. 15, i7oU. Oct. 7. 1-01. Feb. 23, 1 i:i:,. d . N nv. 2 ), 1H»5. 1 eb. ir. I7'.j/. s p . :;i. 1/..-. Jlairh 1:;. l,o.>. l-eb. 2j, 1 1 16. leb. 11. 1791. Aug. :;y. 1 <•;. Jlareb 3, 1 . o.-.i Aug. 17, liU . Jan. 2ii, 180). May 11. 18112. May 11. 1.-02. d. June 0, 1 802. Nov. 17. 1804. June 22, 1807. Sept. 21. 1801. J;in. i:i. 11^04. Ju le 10, 1800. d. Feb. 19. 18(;7. Feb. 27. 1808. Dec. 7, 1810. Feb. 1j. 1813. Aug. 12. 180 J. March 10. 1W(J4. July 13, 1805. St-pt. 2.">, 1807. f'ept. .1, lHte# May 29. 1822. Nov. 24. 1813. May 2. 1818. June 30. 1.S21. July 11. 1 8-J4. AprU 15, 1820. Oct. ■2-2. 1i-25. Feb. 7. 1828. d. Sept. — , 1828. Feb. 10. If 30. May 20, 1831. Aug. 10, 1833. Oct. 20. 1835. •inold aid Mary Ch;LS9, May 20, 1810. Oct. 24. len. d. Dec. 23. 1813. April 7, 1815. .Sept. 7, 1817. April 29, 1814. Smithlield) and Dorca.* 2-170 2-179 2-170 2-179 1-140 1-140 HADLEY Jpmes Russell, of John RiLSsell and Lucy, Oct. 8, 1814. Charlotte Elvii-a, April 7, 181(1. " Nicholas Brown, March 7. 1818. Benjamin Halsey, Feb. 17. 1F20. HALLOWRLL Sabra. of Theophalus and Sar.ah. A'ig. 30, 1756. Sarnli, March 9. 175S. ^^\•2 VITAL RECORD OF BHODK ISLAND. 1-140 1-140 1-140 i-10:s a-(>7 3-;ta il-«4 2-e4 2-<-.4 a-64 2-64 a-«M 2-1 UO a- 200 2-50 2-50 '2-60 2-50 2-50 2-60 2-8S 2-88 2-88 2-124 2-124 2-124 2-124 2- J If 2-191 2-191 2-191 2-191 2-191 2-1 5;i 2-153 2-153 2-153 2-153 2-153 3-153 1-33 1 99 l-'.>0 1-99 1-99 1-90 1-99 1-99 1-09 1-99 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-10O 1-100 1-100 1-100 l-!'lil 1-103 1-103 l-io;i i-io: ilALLOWELL . (l.m. of Tlieoiilialns and Sarati, h. and d '• Ann, George, HALL LUlas, ot John and Joanna, '• Susanna, ot Lemuel and Lnsina, JIAMMET Honsileer Gilbert, of John and Lacy, HjUJRINGTON Pi-LscUIa, of James and Margate, " SU\ia, Rosaline, RuUi, " George Bradley. Will iain Carpenter, Itozlna Jane, of Joaepli F. and Cozina, " William Jenckes, ot WillUam C. and Dianna, lIARraS Daniel, of Oliver and I.ydJa, '• Nathan, . April i:>. 17(ji>. Oct. 22, 1761. March 4, 1766. Sept. 26, 1768. Feb. 26, 1790. July 23, 1842. Dec. 19, 1786. Dec. 11, 1788. March 23, 1791. JiUy 14, 1793. March 31, 1796. June 21, 1798. Marcii 8, 1822. Nov. 21, 1824. May 12, 1784. Nov. 8, 1786. Martha. AprU 23, 1790. Sclinda, May 24, 1792. Joel lYcli, July 23, 1795 Roxallany, AprU 30, 1796. Jomitliau, of Asa ;md I'atience, Oct. 16, 1789. Tlioma.s, March 9, 1792. Unlce, Dec. 20, 1795. Edward, of David F., bom Smithfield, Oct. 3, 1801. Rachel (Farnum, of Moses and Rachel), his wife, horn V^bridge, Mass., March 15, 1811; d. Feb. 7, 1846. JonaUian. of Danlol and Illtobal, Suiiford, William. Rachel, Alexander Fi>ga,son. ot William and Patience, Elial> 'ITiompson, ot Nathan and Alpha, Marllia Ann, " Olive Jenckos, Louisa JilLson, " Nathah Weath<«iiead. Julia -\nn. ot Ellab T. and Ann (Phillips) '- Loaij^u Martha, " Eugetu' Madison, " Marian Angcllne, " Jamrs Phillips, Ida T., " Chail.s Henry, HASKELL Estli.r, of Abner, " Ellas, of Comfort and Mary, Ellas, " Rufus. Molly, " EUly. " Sally, " Sally, " , sou, Mai-j. mto ot Comlort, died Oct. 3, 1784. " Aniog. of Comfort and Hannah, '■ Ezeldel. '■ Hann.ih. wife of Comfort, died Oct. 1, 178^. Knight Di'xtwr, ot Comfort and Llpha, " Liplia, '• Jesse, " Jesse, Ruth, " Sally Frai Icltu, " Reuben, Reuben. Nancy, April 5, lb02. Jtily 30, ISOi. June 21, 1^07. March 18, 1809 March 16, lf04 March 13, 1813. Jan. 29, 1815. Feb. 9, 1817. Oct. 27, 1818. Feb. 25, 1823. Aug. 20, l&t2. March 30, 1844. Nov. 3 5, 1?46. March IB, 1848. April 24, 1851. De;. 9, 1653. Sept. 1, 1856. June 11, 1760. Jan. 31, 1776. d. Oct. 6. 177.*. Aug. 3, 1777. Feb. 3, 1779. May 3, 178". Oct. 26, 1782. d. July 26, 17S5. b. and d. Oct. 3, 1784. March 6, 1786. Oct. 18, 1787. Oct. 11, 1790. May 15, 1792. Nov. 5, 1793. , March 1'^, 1795. Oct. 0, 1795. May 31, 1799 April 9, 1801. d. AprU 9, 1802. Jan. 23, 1803. CUMBEKLAND BIKTHS AND DEATHS. 1«3 l-iai HtVSKELL Nancy, ol Comfort :mci lapbu, d. 1-103 " AbdUa (jomfort, 1-103 ■' Comforl, died in his 57th year. Marcli '.i.«. Hi4. 2-47 ■• Olive, ol .lolin nnd Murj-, 2-47 '• l.ydia, '.-5-47 '• Altnor, 2-47 •• John, 3-47 •• Hnnuah, a-69 •■ Caleb, of Saiimi-l, 2-69 " Pattey, ii-G9 '• Joshua. 2-eft " Seley, 2-fi9 ■■ Turner. ^-09 '• iSamuel, !i-137 •• lienjamin Stewart, of Calel) and Hnldah, ii-137 " Kdmnnd i>ro'.vn, ^■i-137 ■■ Charles Whipple, 2-137 •• .\lbert Slacli, 2-171 •- Amey Ann, or John, Jr., and Asenath, 2-171 ■• Hannah, 2-171 ■• Eliza Ann, 2-171 •■ Asenath AJdrich, 2-171 •• John, 2-171 ■• Abigail Amanda, 2-171 .Mary .Maria, 2-171 ■' Labon AltlrUli. 3-lb ■■ Willard, Jr , of WUlard and Lydia, .3.1» " Willard, d •'-1^ ■■ -Mary Ann Marsyloa, of Wiilard and Lydia. >I;iy Jidy 19, 1825. o-lf> •• l.ydia Lamlra, 3-18 " Lydia Lamli-a, d 3-18 '• Harah Samantha, 3-18 '• WUlard, 2d, 3-lS " WUlard, 2d, d 3-lS Kniclla Alnianza, S-l.-- i'^iuolia Almanza, d 3-18 ■• JuUa Ann Jlaria, 3-18 •■ LytUa Frettor, 3-18 •• liradford, 3-18 '■ liradford, d 2-1 llAi'liAWAY IJachel, of .Tamos (dec), and Susannah. 2-73 '• WtdUia. of Molotiah and Stirah, il-73 ■• Seth, 3-73 •• CUloe, :.;-73 ■• -MUa, 2-73 ■• IJiautha. 'J-73 i'ardon. 2-73 " SUvanus, a-73 " F.mellne, 1-152 HAWKINS Amey, of Andrew and Kebeeca, 1-152 " Dorcas, 1-152 " Dexter. 1-152 '■ David, 1-162 •■ Sahra, 2-62 " iiulus, of Darius and Esther, 2-62 '• Siilly, 2-62 ■■ I'oUy, 2-62 Amos Fenner, 2-71 •■ Levi, reputed son of Mercy Jenckes and David II 1787. i-25 '• William, of David and Mary, i-143 ■■ WUlard Jenckes, of Levi and Patty, a-143 '• Sally Ann, S-143 '■ Eliza, S-143 '• -Maria, June 10. 1803. jMay 27, 1804. .\prU 10, 1781. Jan. 2, 1783. Jan. a, , 1785. Aug. 23, 1787. Jan. 20, 1790. May 15, 1782. Marcli 28, 1784. AprU 9, 1780. Juno 1, 1788. ijopt. 8, 1790. Aug. 4, 17 93. June 3, , 1803. Uec. 21, 1804. Feb. 13, 1807. Dec. S, 1809. Nov. 5, 1815. Dec. 2, 1817. June 2, 1830. Oct. 19, 1822. Nov. 15, 1824. July 22, 1827. Oct. -s, 1831. Sept. 25, 1833. July 28, 1819. . Aug. 31, 1822. 13, 1,^21 : dim Dec. 13, 1823. I. July 23, 1825. Aug. 4, 1824. Oct. 9, 1820. . June 11, 1829. Oct. 17, 1828. . June 13, 1830. May 8, 18.30. July 3, 1833. Aug. 23, 1838. . May 27, 1840. Feb. 14, 178-. March 8, 1792. AprU 25, 1794. Sept. 28, 1797. Feb. 7, 1799. AprU 7. 1801. May 12, 1803. June 28, 1806. Sept. 30, 1808. Feb. 9, 1757. May 5, 1759. March 19, 1761. Aug. 16, 1766. May 8, 1769. May 7, 1787. May 15, 1789. Dec. 17, 1796. Oct. 5, 1803. lawkinrf. Deo. 3, March 1. 1795. June 4, 1809. Sept. 10, 1811. AprU 6, 1813. Aug. 1, 1816. 104 VITAL EECOBD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-14;! HAWKINS George Jenckes, of Le\1 and Patty, April 2S, 13ia. 2-1 (i4 " C'h;iiles, of Rufus and Anna, Nov. 23, 1812 2-1 (-,4 '• Eufus M;irtin, July 28, ltfl7. 2-l(i8 " Lucy, of William and .Suka, Apiil 2, 1817 2-l(;4 " Lucy Ann Esther, Sept. 8, 1826. 3-12 " Ma y .'V-nn, of Amus F. and Mary Ann, March 10, ld25. 3-12 '■ Anuinda Malvlna, Sept. 1, 1828- 312 •' Lydla Esther, June 22, 1830 3-12 '• Amos Fenner, Oct. 28, 1833. 3-12 " El man Alphonso, July 14, 1843. 3 30 HAZELTON Ann, or .leremlah .nnd Eliza Ann, .Mal-.h 20, 1837. 3-;!0 <' lliiniiah. Mari;h 23, 1839. 3-30 " John Adin, Sept. 20, 1841. 3 30 " F.djar, March 5, 1844. 3-30 " F.ugena. Feb. 25, 1847. 3-35 " Andrew, June 16, 1848. 3-:jr, '• Mahala. March 29, 1851 1-57 HEi:i; 1 > N PhiladelpMa, of Nathan and Huldah, Nov. 21. 1709 1-57 " Hnldah, April 22, 1772. 3-2r, IIERVEV .T;iii..s K.. nf .Tames H. and Martha, .Mach 13. 1841. 3-26 " Mary E., March 13, 1841. 1 55 HILL Hoger, of Roger and Lydlii, Sent. 8. 1733 1 05 '• .Mark. Feb. 22, 1735 1-55 a Thomas, S pt, 14, 1739 1-55 '■ Lydia, Silit. 16, 1741. 1-55 " Lyda, d. Nov. 22. 1748. 1-55 li ELzabeth. Oct. 15, 1743. 1-55 " Ellzabjth, d. Nov. 19, 174S. 1-55 " David. Oct. 3, 1745 1-55 '■ Pall>nce, Aug. 20. 1747. 1-55 (1 Patience. il. Nov. 22, 1748. l-5r> '• — — , Sept. 27, 1849 1-55 " d. Oct. 30, 1750. 1-55 " Mary, June 25. 1751. 1-55 " I'hebe. .Tuly fi, 1753. 1-55 li Lydia,- .Vl.arch 15, 17.54. 1-55 i: Jonathan, AprU 8, 1756 2-206 •■ Lewis, of .-^tephon and Hnldah, Ai.ril 14, 1791. 1-87 HILTON Hannah, of Isreal and M irgarct. F b. £2, 17.-.6. 1-110 HOGG Abraliani. of Abraham and Priscilla. .luly 13, 1758 1-17 HOPPF.N Levi, of John and ELzabeth, Nov. 20, 1753 1 17 " Cynlhla, Aug. 3, 1756. l-ll'S HOAVAKl) Nancy, of Samuel and WaltstUI, Nov. 2, 1760. 1-133 " Esek, Nov. 27, 17ti2. 1-133 " Ruth, Feb. 16, ITifi. 1-133 " WUliam. May 21, 1767 1-133 " Joseph, Sept. 30, 17r,». 1-133 a Wait. Oct.. 8. 1773. 2-19 " Natlian, of Seth and Phebe, April 29, 1761 . 219 u Cyn hla. Nov. 19, 1762. 2-19 " Frederick, May 12, 1764. 2 19 (( Jesse, Jan. 14, 1766. 2-19 « Lncinda, Dec. 7, 1767. 2-19 iC MindweU, May 2C., 1769. 2-19 li Seth, Mnv 10. 1772. 1-141 u Philander, of John and Rosannah, Nov. 26, 1764. 2-C6 " Ichabod (M sonl, of Ichnliod mid Mary. Aug. 24, 1791. 2-6o " Peter, July 21, 1786. 2-66 " Joseph, June 29, 1788 2-66 " Jeremiah, Aug. 24. 17!>;l. 2 en " Barbaa, Feb. 1, 1796. 2-r6 " John, July 31, 1799. 2-66 « Simon (called Dr.), Dec. 25, 1801. 2-66 (( lehahod, Sr., d. July 2], 1R16. 8-66 u Dr. Simon, Mlled by Wasting rock at Woonsocket, Sept. 11, 1827. CUMBERLAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 105 2-1^1 HOWARD PUlIa. of Joseph and Huldah, 2-124 *' Ruth, 2-134 " Allen, 2-124 " Halsey, 2-124 •' Hmvey, 2-124 " Sabra, 2-205 " James Tisdale, of Joseph, (of IcLabod), 1811. 2-205 '• Jonathan Russell, 2-t.05 " Wai-y Ann, 2-205 " Joseph, 2-205 " Nelson When ton. 2-205 " Daniel Thurber, 2205 " Liberty Melealf, 2-205 " Harriet Thurber, 1-20 HUNTING Samuel, of John, 1-14 HUNT Joanna, of Edward and Mary, 2-15 " Richard, of Joseph W. and Abigail, Dec. la, 1703. May 21, 1795. Feb. 15. 179S. Dec. 2li, 1600. Dec. 17, 1802. May 14, 1805. and Mehitablo, Oct. 13, Nov. 24, 1812. Oct. H, 1814. March 23, 1810. AprU 1, 1818. Oct. 3, 1821. July 2!), 1824. April 1, 1826. Oct. 18, 1771. Feb. 22, 1770. May 28, 1781. 1-131 IDE Timothy, of limotby and Abigail. May 13, 1702. 1-131 " George, Feb. 15, 17s 1-98 1-9? 198 3-153 1-153 1153 1-153 1-15S 1-153 1-153 1-153 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-8 32-8 2-66 2-«S6 a-6C 2-«C VITAL RKCOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. JACKSON Jeremiah, ol JoRcph and Zeporali. Ang. 2 173!). " Zeporah, May 14, 1742. , 11 Nehemlah. Sept. 11, 1744. tt Eleazer, Aug. 10, 1747. '■ Michael, June 7, 1750. a Joseph S., ot Morris and Lncina, July 2, 1739. " Benjamin Tower, Sept. 13, 1791. JACOBS Rachel AlUrlch, of William H. and Lnrlna, April 2, 1833. JKFFERS Tanny. of John and Joanna, Aug. 25, 1796. JENCKES Kalherino. of Daniel and Morcy, March 28, 1729. « Jeremiah. Feb. 12, 1730. ■• H.nnnah, Nov. 1, 1732. " Jolm, Nov. 2, 1734. " Phebe, Feb. 19, 1735. '•■ Mar?-, Sept. 2, 1737. " David, June 21, 1739. Daniel, March 19, 174.". " Jfary. June 3, 174t;. " DavPI. ol Jonathan and ilannah, . July 4, 1737. " Jeremiah, Nov. 22, 1739. ■' Asa, Dec. 21, 1741. '■ Mary, March 22, 1744. »• Amos. Jan. 6, 1746. " Nathaniel. Dec. 23, 1747. " Oliver, Dec. 29, 1749. '•• Hannah, Dec. 25, 1751. u Anne, Sept. 1, 1753. Jonathan, Aug. 26. 1755. •■ Anthony, of Jeremiah and Patience, Sept. 2, 1755. Gideon, Jan. 7, 1759. Jertedlah, April 13, 1761 . '• Levi, Oct. 8, 1763. " An na nlus. Dec. 19, 1766. ■< Desire, July 1, 1772. " Joseph, of David and Martha, Oct. 24, 1758. " Lydla. March 17, 1761. >• James, Jnly .31, 1763. " Mercy, June 20, 1766. " Peter, Fept. 22, 176B. " Patience, Sept. 1, 1771. (( Phebe, Oct. 31, 1773. (( Phobe, d. Oct. 2. 1794. '• Gideon, of Daniel and Sarah, May 31, 1764 (( Lemuel, ot Daniel and Rhodla, Aug. 8, 1768. " Sarah, Sept. 8, 1769. " Ezra, ot Daniel and Sarah, Mai-ch 20. 1771. " Dianna, Nov. 4, 1772. " Kispah, Sept. 29, 1774. " Daniel, Feb. 21, 1777. " Russell, Oct. 15, 1782. James, May 27, 1784. Lucy, of Amos and Amey, April 11, 1769.. '■ Hannah, Nov. 11, 1770. 0 u Pi iscllla, of Uriai, Jr., and Ellzabetli, March 1, 1774. 1-60 u Prudence, Sept. 17. 1775. i-(;o tl Temperance, April 12, 1778. 1-00 II r.li/.alielh. ApiU 24, 1783. l-BO u Uilah, Oct. 8, 1785. 1-60 u Aehsah, Aug. 24, 1704. 1-60 " SUas Clark, AprU 17, 1709. 2-99 CI Asa, of Luke and Anna, Sept. 5. 1783. 2 99 u William, Spt. 8, 1791. 2-99 (I Maranda, Oct. 12, 1793. 2-!9 " SiHh, Aug. 5, 1796. 2-71 u Aniey, of Enos and Mercy (Jenckes), Feb. 15, 1794. 2-71 (I LyiUa, March 23, 1796. 2-71 cc Isaac, AprU 4, 1797. CUMBERLAND— ISIKTUS AND DEATHS. 109 2-71 JILLSON James, of Eiios and ilercy (Jenckes), Dec. 11. 1799. 2-71 Olney, Feb. 2. 1801. 2-71 " SuUey Ann, Deo. 24, 1803. 2-71 u Siillv Marietta, Oct. 2'J, 18J5. 3-71 " Fanny C, Nov. IC), 18j9. 2-89 " LJeiUali, of Welcome and Lucy, Dec. 31, 1795. 2-89 '• Abner, Oct. 13, 1797. 2 89 u SaUy, Nov. 26, 1799. 2-89 Louisa, AprJ 10. 1>0J. 2 80 •• Ell.jnn, Aug. 5, 1804. 2-89 " Horace TLayer, Oct. 3, 1806. •J-89 ilani Iclou 'Itiayer. Oct. 3, loOG. 3128 Jeromiati, of Stephen and Sina, Dec. 11, 1804. 3-143 '• Tcriison Merct, of Urlali, Jr., and Mary, Aug. 7, lolO. 2-143 " Allen Uennett, Oe'u. 19, 1812. 2-143 " Lucy T., July 14, lo.j. 2206 " Tamson Ann, of LuJie and Elizabeth, June 4, 18-9. 3-19 " Lucina, of Jarvls and Mary, teept. 8, lo:;9. 3-19 " Luclna, Sept. 19, lo.il. 3-19 " Charles, March 13, 1833. S-19 '■ Emily, Oct. 10, 1834. 3-19 " Emily, d. Sept. 24, 1836. 3-19 A mi re w. March 2 4, 1837. 3-19 u Barton, July 7, 1339. 3-31 " JosL'piilne Semyra, of Abner and EUlzabeth, Dec. 12, 1835. 3-31 Joscpliine, d. May ](i. 1845. 3-31 WlilUara Henry, Nov. 17, 1837. 3-31 " AuRustus Franklin. July 17, 3 840. 3-31 " Anzutine Malica, June 27, 1842. 331 Aiizutiue Malica. d. Oct. 11. 18.14. 3-31 " Anzutino EhzalK-th, Oct. 12, 1844. 3-37 " Henry Francello. of Allen B. and Abby H., Nov. 22, 1 836. 3-37 '• Henry Francello, d. Sept. 2, 1833. 3-37 " George Francis, Aug. 11, 1838. 3-37 •• George Francis, d. Aug. 13, 1840. 3-37 " F'rancello George, Sept. 22, 1841. 3-37 " Abby Madaro, March 20, 1843. 3-37 " OUey S. Allen, Aug. 13, 1845. ]-ii;o JOHXS' IN Jepbthali, of Is.aae and Hannah, Jan. 7, 1765. 1-100 " Abigail, June 8, 1T()7. 2-71 " Eber. r.'puted son of Mercy Jenckes and Charles Johnson. Aug. 0, 1791. 1-57 JONES Jamts. of Elijah and Mary, March 5, 1746. 1-57 « Hann.ih, July 11, 1748. 1-57 (. Thankful, April 5, 1751. 1-57 u Samuel, Oct. 5, 1753. 1-57 u Elijah, AprU pO, 1756. 2-55 T'olly, of Uriah and Amey, Oct. 11, 1791. 2-41 u Lyman Remington, of Sally, Dec. 11, 1802. 1-21 JOSLIN .\br.iham, of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 9, 1736. 121 " William. Jan. 21. 1738. 1-21 i< Faith, Jan. 23. 1740. 1-21 » Ablger, Aug. 13, 1743. 1-21 a Thomas, of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 27, 1746. 1-21 a Mary. May 5, 1748. 1-21 li Phebe, Aug. 30. 1750. 1-21 a Abigail, Sept. 7, 1751. 1-8 •■ Thanliful, of Abr.iham and Naomi, Aug. 11, 1758. 2-10 . 2-4 fi JOfiLlN Willai-d. iif Israel aud Anna, Feb. S, 17d6. 2-48 Leonard, June 24, 179S. ■2-48 Leonard. d. Feb. 2S, 1797. 2 48 Amey, .Tan. 2, 1797. 2-122 « Polly, of Stnplien and Sally, July 28, 1797. 2-122 George, April 27. 1799. 2-122 Phelenia, June 27, 1801, 2-322 AVTiippIe, March 14, 1803, 2-122 " WUUam. Oct. 25, 1805, 2-122 " WUlard. Arte. 28, 1807, 2-122 « Leonard. April 23, 1809, a-122 Dexter. April 4, 1811. 2-122 Leonard, of Kutus and and Lusina, Sept. 19, 1797. 2-122 Alfred, June 27, 1799. 2-122 Stephen, Aug. 6, 1803, 2122 l.e-wls. June 16, 1805. 2122 Lewis, d. Aug. 11, 1823. 2-122 Thomas, .Ian. 25, 1807. 2-122 Liberty, June 29, 1809. 2-122 Phebe, March 28, 1812. 2-122 Hannah, March 28, 1812. 2-122 Lydia, .Tuly 6, 1814. 2-122 Lydla, d. Sept. 38, 1830. 2-122 nufiis. died June 22, 1827. Note.— First child born Smithfiold : rest Cumberland. 2-iaj Samuel Briggs, of WlUard and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1300. 2 123 Mary Ann, Aug. 10, 1808. ■•-lO** Hannah Whipple, Aug. 10, 1810. ::123 Isreal Leonard, Nov. 4, 1813. i;-123 Daniel Pock, Sept. 14, 1816. ;i-123 Sarah Thurber, March 15. 1819. Note.— Fifth child bi>rn Providence. 2-30:j Eira Blake, of Whipple and K ispah. June 21, 1820. 2-203 William, Sept. 11, 1822. 2 203 Sarah Emily, Feb. 11, 1834. •J 203 Edwin, Dec. 12, 1826. ::203 James Whipple, Oct. S, 1838. •J 203 Miab Blake, Feb. 2, 1830. 2203 Aseneth, of William aud Lara, April u. 1823. 2-203 Betsey Ann, Feb. 19, 1826. 2203 Maria, Nov. 23, 183b. 2 203 Louisa, Jan. 13, 1830. 3-11 u Charles, oi William and Sabi-a, June 2, 1833. 2-139 KKiiCll Ivulu-s, ui Teler aud ?iarah, 2-139 KEEN Sally (-irueue, of Johu luid Luvin.i, 2-139 ■■ I'liillip TUlingha-st, 2-44 KENT llenrj lUov.n, ol William and Hauuah, 2 44 •• Abigail, 2-44 " Willi;: ni ( ushing, 2-44 '• Peleg HaU, 2-44 •' Horace Messenger, 2-44 ■• Cynthia. 2-44 •■ Amanda, 2 101 •• Amey >Uui, ol ll.;/..-kiali anil Leviua, 21t;i •• David Do-tter, 2-161 " Ezra, 2101 ■' Jlary Tyler, 2 H>1 ■■ Ori.ssa Levina, 1-1 4,s K.NKJHT CharloUv, of John and Esther, 1 It" ■■ EslUtu-. March 10, 1793, July 4, loOo Dec. 10, 1H)9, Aug. -M, 1789, Dec. 3. 1790. Oct. 1), 1792. Oct. 1, 1794. -May 2o, 179P. Oct. 19, 1802. leb. 2i, 1800. July 10, 1794. Jan. 23, 1797. April 0, 1799. Out. 26, IbOl. Aug. 3, 1806. June 10, 1705. June 1, 1767. CUHBEELAND JilETHS AXD DEATHS. Ill 1-157 KNiiWI.TuN Timotliy, of TiiuolUy and SjiraU, 1-157 •• EiJbraim, 1-157 " Hannah, -■llj '" JIary. rt-'iJUtvil dim. ol' MeUcUible Eazee, and June 27, 1803. .laii. 7, 17(iS. .June 1, 1789. Aug. i:;. 1770. Kluj'.vlloil, 1-1(5G L.VPHAJr Amcy, i>{ AljniT and Mercy, Ang. 29, 17111. 1-lBB " James, Jan. 5, 171)4. 1-160 ** Nancy, Nov. l(i, 1706. 1-lGO < >livei-, AprU 2:j, 1771. l-l(i(> '* Abner, Dec. l.'i. 1772. 2-59 " Gt'Orfjo, of .lohu and Amey, Jlay 11, 170r^. 2-59 .loanna. July 17, 1772. 2-59 .lllN.-IJll. May 17, 1774. 2-59 " Natluinlel, Jnly 14. 1780. 2-59 " N.UH-y, -May is, :7a4. 2-59 " Jobn, July 21, 1787. 2-59 '' Uebecca, May 4. 1793. 2-89 " l.nis, ol .lain'-s and Jemima, Aug. 18, 1785. 2-89 " .lames, Dec. 18, 1780. 289 " WUliam, July 21. 1789. 2-89 " AUiba, Peb. 9, 1790. 2-89 •' Harriet, July 8, 1792. 2-S9 ft Patty, March 1, 1705. 2-.-9 " ■ . dan.. Jan. 18, 1797. 2-183 u Eliza, of Abner and Amey, Feb. 5. 1798. 2-185 u Molly. March 1, 1800. 2-185 u Oliver Mowry, April 14, loU2. 2-1 So n Jlercy, -May 12, l^o-k. 2-185 7. 2-1 ao -Vlit:e, of Epbraim and Alpha, July 27. 18(12. 2-130 Alice. d. April 27, 1. -.(>;:. i-130 " Hannah, Jan. 20, 1b04. (Vit. Kec, Vol. 3.^ 20 112 VITAL RECORD OF BHODE ISLAND. •J.-VM LEE (Jaroliin-, i>l Epliiaim aud Alpha, July 2-130 '■ Aliilia, ATilo 01 Kplu-alm, died in iit-v iiotli year, Oct. 15, U-i'j LOVETT Mary, ol ELiiHialet and Mary, June ■2-49 " Estk, Aug. 12-49 " llanuah, Aug- ;>-49 '• Whipple, April •2-4'J " Lucy, J""- li-4'.) " Squii-e, March a-tiy '• Thomas, 71U sou, ol James and UiitU, April U-o;) " Jabez, 8th sou, July U-Gi " Amcy, M Oau., -S5 " James, 2-85 " Jotham, 2-85 •■ Olney Whipple, 2-85 " Cemelia, 2-85 " Jabez, (boru SchenccOady, N. Y., 2-85 " I'olly, ^vtfe of Uenjamiu, died at Schenectady, N. 2-163 " Otis Carpenter, son ol Martha Carpenter, dau IS, 1804. 2-163 " Ueorgo Wasliihgum, son of Martlia Carpenter, born Schenectady, N. Y., Doc. 29, 1809. 2-139 '• Sani'ord Malhewson. of John and Angelrne, 1800. 1807 1770. 20, 1778. 11, 1780. 25, 1783. 25, 1785. 1789. 1778. 3, 1/80. 16, 1782. 16, 1785. 14, 30, «ept. 19, June 19, .May 20, Dec. 7, -Vpril — , July 22, Sept. 7, Oct. 19, March 12, Marcli 13, AprU 4, April 4, May 11, Sept. 22, June 9, v.. May 31, of Jotham 1784. 1786. 1(88. 1790. 1793. 1795. IV 97. 1799. 1802. 1795. 1797. 1797. 1800. 1804. 1809. 1813. , Jan. dau. of Jotham, Marcli 4, 1809. M 3-33 MANN Mary Elizabeth, of Samuil F. and Mary IClizabeth, Oct. 20, 1845. 2-55 MAKLiLE Joseph KllLs, .son of Ko.xanna EllLs, .May 10, 1810. 1-130 MASON Nancy, of .lomvthan and Patience, May 30, 1761. 1-139 ii. LyOia. Aug. 22, 1762. X-139 " Patience, July 16, 1764. 3-14 " Otis, ot Cliad and Cliloe, June 5, 1791. 3-14 " Olney, Dec. 1, 1793. 3-14 '• Nancy, Aug. 33, 1796. 3-14 u J esse. Dee. 23, 1798. 3-14 « Luclna, Nov. 9, 1801. 3-14 «' Lewis Cole of Chad and Hannah, Juno 13, 1820. 3-14 '■ Harriet Chloe, July 31, 1822. 3-14 " Mary Manerva, of Chad and Phebe, Aug. 6, 1829. 2-88 U llr.ldah, of George and Mary, Oct. 23, 1796. 2-88 tl Electra, .luly 7, 1798. 2-88 " Nancy, March 6, 1800. 2-88 (( Lydia. June 1, 1802. 2-88 (i Fanny, Dec. 18, 1803. 2-88 u Elraira, May 9, 1806. 2-88 " Charles, March 5, 1809. 2-88 u Mary Paster, Aug. 17, 1817. 2-88 tl James Brown, Nov. 22, 1811. 2-88 " Benjamin, May 30, 1813, 2-88 u Benjamin, d. Dec. 29, 1815. 2-50 li Phlla, reputed daughter of Christopher Mason and Susanna Staples, Nov. 16, 1801. CUMBEULAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 113 Deo. ^. 1802. Jan. 22, 1805 Sept. 2, 1807. Jan. 12, 1810, June 12, 1812 Cumberland. Jan. 4, 1819. Nov. 1, 1820. July 2, 1824 Oct. 28, 182G. June 4, 1834. June 24, 1823. Aug. 21, 1837. Sept. 18, 17;->4. Juno 18, 175(;. July 18, 176.5. Oct. 8, 1767. Dec. 2, 1770, Aug-. 8, 1776. Feb. 10, 1778. Dee. 28, 177(1, Dec. 7, 1781. Oct. 27, 1783. May 29, 1788. Sept. 28. 179;>. May 17, 1800. Nov. 3, 1801. Jan. 26, 1804. 2-126 iI.V»j.N 1,11. ia, of Dr. Abr.-ihain ;in(l Jlerey, 2-126 •' Dai'wln Barton, 2-126 " Cliarlotte, 2-12(; •• Eliza, 2-126 ■■ Harriet, Note.— Two first bom Salisbury, N. II., rest Cumberland. 3-12 " Lucinda, of Olney and Perley, 3-12 " Adelia Martmor, 3-12 *• l.yiiian Cook. 3-12 ■■ William Olney, 3-12 ■• Ellen Maria, --If'^i •• Mary Franklin, of Georgx;, 2d, and Siilly h:, 3-25 " Jerome Jes.se, of Jesse and Joanna, 1-122' Mcmullen Lucy, of Jonas and Sarah, 1-122 " John, 1-13 MF.TCALF IluldetJi, of Lavel and Rhoda, 1-13 '• Alice, 1-13 •• SUas, 2-3 " Liberty, of Ebenezer and Asenetli, 2-3 " Davis, 2-3 " Ammon, 2-3 " Ebeiiezer, 2-3 '■ Joseph. 2-3 " Aseneth, wife of Ebenezr-r, died Nov. 22, 1783. 2-3 " Whipple, of Ebenezer and Anna, 2-3 " Whipple, 2-3 ■■ Anna, wife of Ebenezer, died Oct. 11, 179."). 2-123 •• Whipplc\ of Liberty and Sylinda, 2-123 " Aseneth, 2-123 " William, 2 123 '■ Levrts, 2-8 MILES James, sou of Mary JenclJcs, 1-168 MILLER Lucy, of Daniel, Jr., and Lucy, 1-168 " Lucy, 1-168 " Daniel, t 1-1 68 " Luke, 1-16S •' Lydia, 1-168 " Judith, 1-1 68 " Hannah, 2 26 " Robe, of Peter and Anne, 2-26 " Asa, 2-26 •'•' Cynthia, 2-26 *• Ephraini. 2-26 '■ Squire, 2-26 " Nancy, 2-26 " Nal.by, 2-26 '■ WeUomc, 2-23 '■ Jo.siali, of Josiah and Jemima. 2-28 '■ Lucy, 2-28 . " Russell, 2-28 •■ Molly, 2-28 •• Il.rooli, 2-28 ■■ Riifus, 2-2S " Reul>en, 2-28 ■• Whipple, " Hannah, of Daniel and Mary, 2-86 " Betsey, of \Villiaui and Joanna, 2-,'!.'; '• Dillrt, of William and Anna, 2-140 " Samuel S., of Russell and Betsey, 2-140 " Whipple M., 2-140 " Ordana, 2-140 " Maria, 2-140 " Caroline, 2-140 " Russell, 2-147 " ^Vlpha Whipple, of Ebenezer, Dec. 23, 1805. May 17. 1798. Sept. 6 1760. d. Sept. 11, 1-63. April 6, 1763. Dee. 29, li61. Oct. 21, 1767. Aug. 10, 1776. Sept. 12, 1778. Jan. 20, 1767. Feb. 13, 1769. Miarch 21, 1771. Aug. 5, 1773. Sept. 12, 1775. March 17. 1778. June 4. 1781. Nov. 29, 17S4. July 10, 1767. Nov. 15, 1709. Feb. 18, 1772. Aug. 14, 1774. .Ian. 21, 1777. Nov. 11, 1779. June 30, 1782. Nov. 5, 1784. Sept. 12, 1778. June 14, 1791. Oct. 3, 1795. Oct. 14, 1796. Aug. 13, 1799. Nov. 3, 1801. Jan. 17, 1804. Juno 25. 1806. April 24, 1808. Nov. 26, 1797. 114 VITAL RKCOED OP RHODE ISLAND. •2-147 2-147 2-147 2-115 2-154 £-154 2-154 2-154 2-154 2-154 2-154 2-154 2-154 2-154 2-19(5 2-196 2-106 2-196 2-1 96 3-28 3-28 2-80 1-118 1-118 1-118 1-118 3-33 3-3.-? 2-87 2-87 2-87 2-87 2-87 2-87 Mll.Llil! l.iuy. " Mary, Klifiiezer, N.iomi, Naonii, repuled daughter of Molly Razee and Nathan ilillor, 1801. Kutli, ot Jonathan and Polly Eulh, Louisa, Almena, Leander, Alnion G., Clementine, Edwin, Solomon, Luprelet, Amey Ann, of Aurln, Auiin Bishop, Aurln Bishop, D.miel Hunt, Susan Northup, Hannah Stanuy. JohH, Lydla Maria, of Thomas and Mary, Second child born at Ashton, under line Langshlrc county MOKKISON Emily, of Da\1d and l.ydia, MOKSE Lydla, of Daniel aud Fieelove, " John Doxter, " LaN-ina, " Daniel, Note— Three last bom ""t. George, Mas.s " Waldo J., of M.arvel and Charlotte, " M.nia C. MOWRY Dorcas, of James and Abigail, " James. " Mollis, " Oliv.-r, '■ OUvor. " Ablpill. Jan. 24, ISOO. Fob. 21, 1802. Aug. 16, l^iO■.^. 111 ilillor, Dec. 1, Jan. 19, ISOS. i. Jan. 29, 160S. May 11, 1611. JiUy 6, 1813. June 22, ISl?. Jidy 10, 1S2U. July 2B, 1822. AprU 20, 1824. Sept. 17, 1B26. Oct. 27, l»2b. July 26, 1S21. AprU 2S, 1524. 1. Dec. 20, 1621. April 2.5, 1824. Jan. i>. 1826. July 17, 1843. April 5, 1845. Oct. 3, 1846. shlrc county , Ellg. Aug. 15, 1S18. Aug. 1, 17H9. Sept. 1. 1771. Nov. 10, 1772. Oct. 9, 1774. Nov. 27. 1S45. Dec. 1. IS 17. Aug. 5, 1772. Feb. 20, 1771.. March 7. 177ri. Dec. n. I 7,'51 . d. July n. 1784 Den. IS. 17.«3. N 1-91 NEWELL Aaron, of Ellsha and Susannah, 1-93 tt lXn\id, 1-93 u Maiihu. of Ellsha and Bathsheba 1-93 " Ellsha, 1-93 <( Bathsheba, 1-93 11 .Tason, 1-93 " Patience, 2-9 " Elisha, of Aaron and Sarah, 29 U Benjamin, 2-9 u Susannah, 2-9 " Mai-y. 2-9 u Cynthia, 2-9 u Rufos, 2-9 u Amos, 29 u Phebe, 2 94 " Hannah, of Ellsha and Phebe, 294 tl Jason, 2-94 11 Ruth. 2-94 " Eunice, 2-94 u Eli, 2-29 " Albemarle, 2-29 tl Patience, 2-29 (t John Smith, 2-29 u EUsha, Aiifr. in, 1740. Jan. 20. 17i2. Aiiff. 6. 1749. May 14. 17.-.1. Dec. 22. 17.-. 3. Jan. 22, 17.-i7. Jan. 19, l7r,o. Pet. 1, 1764. Aug. 8, 1706 May 20. 1770 May 20, 1770 April 8, 1772. Jan. 30, 1774 Nov. 13, 1773 April 28, 177.S Way 14, 17S0. Sept. IS, 1781 Nov. 16, 1783 Nov. — , 1783 March 26, 1768 Slay 5, 1791 Sept. 21, 1793 Oct. 20 17K.-. Sept. 17, 17ii7 CUMBERLAND lilRTHS AXD DEATHS. 115 1.-T3 NP.w'i-: ;ll TlHimas, reputed son of Thomas Newell and Hannah Staples, April 16, 1765. i;-45 tt Jabez, of Jason and Sarah, April 10, , 1772. •2-45 it Mary, Nov. 25, , 1773. 2-45 " wmiam. Dec. 14, , 1773. ■2-15 u Sarah, Dec. 21, , 1777. •2-43 " Amey, April 7, , 1730. 2-45 u Jesse, Aug. 15, , 1782. 2-45 u Jason, Sept. 24, , 17S4. 2-45 u John, AprU 2, , 1788. 2-45 " Spaulding, Dec. 21, , 1790, 2-45 ii Nathaniel, Sept. 21, , 1795. Note.— Two first born Smltlifleld ; thli-d North Pi-ovidence ; rest Comberland. 2-*''2 (( Huiinah, of Elisha and Phebe, May 14, 1780. 2-22 '• Jason, Sept. 18, 1781. 1-133 '( Dexter, reputed son of TUonia-s Newell, Jr. and Mercy Jenclces (also 2-71), AprU 7, 1785. 2-57 it Lewis, ol Thomas and Patience, Aug. 11, 17p';. 2-57 Abner, Feb. 8, 1786. 2-37 it Olis, June B, 1791. 2-92 " Keuben, of David, Jr., and Elizabeth, July 14, 1795. 2-103 Willaid, of Jabez and Jcrusha, July 30, 1790. 2-141 Arnold Jenclies, of Dutee and Sylvia, Feb. 31, 1807. 2-141 " Phebe, JiUy 19, 1809. 2-145 Dianna, of Jolm and Darsheba, June 11, 1807. 2-145 " Adeline, Jiuie 11, 1809. 2-143 Nelson, May 11, 1811. Note— 2 first born Richmond, N. H., last Cumberland. 3-23 " Spaulding, of Nathaniel and Ruth, Jan. 28, 1818. 3-23 (' William, June 12, 1820. 3-23 it ^Ulen Halsey, Aug. 30, 1822. 3-23 '' -Uma Ann, March 13, 1829. 3-23 it Jlary Arnold, J:in. 9, 1833. 2-159 John.^of Willard and Lydla, Nov. 10, 1822. 2-159 " Ijouisa, Feb. 16, 1825. 2-202 KUza G., of John and Polly, Sept. 24, 1825. 2-202 it Jason, Nov. 3, 1827. 2-202 George Edwin, Sept. 19, 1830. 1-66 NICHOLSON Sarah, of Jolin and Mary, July 29, 1747. l-y.'i NUTTING P.elty, of Jonatlian and BetMaJi, July 6, 1759. 1-83 (( Jonathan, Dec. 8, 1761. 1-83 •' Hannah, Ju;ie 21, 1764. 1-83 " Oliver, April 5, 1706. 1-S3 a George, March 12, 1768. 1-83 Ebenezer, Dee. 17. 1770. Fom-th and filth clilld born St. Ge orgp, Mass. OTIS William, of Isaac and Ruth, '• Isa.ic, of Is.iac and Belsey, Ruth. " l.ucy, llclsev. March 1, 1781. Aug. 2, 1788. July 17, 1791. June 6, 1793. May 19, 1790. 1-00 PKCK Sanili, o£ Daniel, Jr., and llopestill. 1-06 George, 1-12 Jiary, of Icbabod, Jr., aud Lydla. 1-12 Daniel, 1-12 Seth. -..-12 l.ydia. Feb. 27, 1747-.S. Sept. 3, 1749. .Ian. 14, 1732. May 4, 1754. Feb. 22, 1757. Fob. 17, 1759. 116 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. il3 PKOK IcUaljod, of Iclialjod, Jr., iind Lydla, Nov. 26, 1761. 1-12 " Jeremiah, June 7, 1764. 1-12 " Joseph, ,Sept. 16. 1767. 19 '• S. 231 Alice, Dec. 11, 1774. CUMBERLAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. m 2-31 rUBLBEOOK jUice, ol EUlas and Elizabeth, 2-31 " Lydia, 2-135 I'lCKl' ;u*- - .iW.y, ol Mason (born Mendon, Mass.), 2-135 *' (Jtis .Ma.son (born Mendon, Mass.), 2-135 ** Elie Ann (born Mendon. Mass.), 2-135 '' Betsey (Cumberlaud), 2-135 " Emelinc, 2-135 " sally, 2 135 Ueorso Uallou, 2-135 Le\ina Staples, 2-135 Abraham Mason, 2-135 Edwin Henry, 2-135 ■' Keziah Ballon, 2-135 " Kezlah BaJJou, 2-135 " Tarrel ^arwln. 2-135 Louisa, 2-135 " Thomas Jetferson, 1-8-1 I'Ll.MI' TON Anne, of Jeremiab and .Mary, 1-84 t( Jeremiah, 1-84 " Irane, 1-84 '■ .lonathan. 1-84 '• John, 1 84 " Hannah, 2-55 I'liLSEV NMiicy. ol Adam ,ind Mary, 2-55 " Jacob, 2-55 " Adam, 2-55 " Thyntha, 2-55 " Abner, 1-147 " Sarah, of Daniel, Jr., and HopestUl. 1-147 George, 1-1 (!5 I'MWKKS Charity, reputed daughter oi Nicholas Streeter, Sept. 13, 1756. d. Sept. 8, 177U. Jan. 25, 1770. March 30, 1805. I'ub. 20, 1S0(>. .^OV. 2, lrij7. Aug. 18, lb09. March 10, 1811. Nov. 25. 1812. An-i' 29, 1814. April 25, 1813. June 17, 1817, June 16, 1818. July 19, 1819. It. Auk. 31, 1819. Aug. 4, 1820. Sept. 4, 1823. Dec. 11, 1824. May 2B, 1738. Oct. 6, 1740. Feb. 11, 1742-3. JiUy 18, 1744. Dec. 8, 1745. Jan. 11, 1748-9. .\ug. 27, 1782. July 12, 1784. July 12, 17,84. Sept. G, 1780. Sept. 23, 178S. Feb. 27, 1717-8. Sept. 3, 174r». rowers and Hannah Q R 2-25 K..\NDALL Ko-Kclina, of Eleazer and Martha, 3-9 R-VWSQN Louisa Maria, of Otis and Mary, 3-9 Charles Carroll, 2-42 RAY Asa, of Joseph and S.irah, 2-42 " Hannah. £-42 '■ Joseph. a-42 (( Oliver, S-42 " Sarah, 2-42 ti James, «-42 . Sipt. 23, 1703. Nov. 28, 1700. Sept. 23, 1771. May 20, 175.'$. Dec. 31, 1754. Oct. 4, 1757. Oct. n. 1759. Fell. 12, 1700. Feb. 14, 1780, .Tunc 22, 1785. June 0, 17.^7. July 24. 1791, Sept. 25. 1793. July 20, 1785. Jan. 21. 1787, July 2, 1738. Sept. 1, 1789. March 24, 1791. Oct. 14, 1793. April 12, 1795. Oct. 3, 17,88. Feb. 26, 1791. 118 VITAL EECOEI) OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-00 RAY i:);niifl. of Daniul aad Lucy, 2-50 " William Kufus, Note— First bom, Killlngly, Conn., rest '2-fi-l: " Kniglit, of Da\-ld and Sarah, 2-94 " Alpha, •2-9i " WUIiani, 2-94 " Jolm, 2-94 " Isaac, 2-94 " Simon Whipple, 2-17? " .Sarah Jane, ol Knight and Lydla, 2-17.^ " Chloe Bu-sh, 2-178 " .Tanins WUson, 2-17S " .lames Wilson. 2-17.3 " .Tolin Halsey, 2-17.? " Lydla Hatha-way, 2-17S " Knrtron Jenckes, 2-17? " Allen Richmond, 3-16 " Kmily Mystlllla. of Henry and Sally, 3-16 " William Henry, 3-10 " Arnold Jenckes, 3-30 " Harriot EraUy, of William H. and Ann E.. 3-3fl " Susan M., 3-30 " Addison Leslie, .3-30 " Adin Wesley, 1-7S KAZEE Frcelovc, of Da^^d and Freelove, 1-78 " WaltsfiU, 1 76 " HoposHU. 3-7.S " .Sarah. 1-7S " Zibla. 1-78 " Hannah, 1-78 " Mary, 1-132 " S:\rali. of .Toseph and Mehitable, 1-132 " Mercy, 1-132 " Joseph. 5-132 " .lonah, 1-132 " Mehltable, 1 132 " David, 1-132 '■■ Ruth. l-o3 " .loseuh. of Benjamin and EUzabeth, 1-33 " Isaac, 1-53 " KlizabeUi, 1-53 " nenjamin, 1-53 " Anthony, 2-29 " Lucina, of Joseph, Jr., and Catherine, 2-29 " Rachel, 2-29 " Eunice, 2-29 " Eunice, 2-20 '• Aaron, 2-29 " William. 2-29 '■ Asa, 2-90 '•■ Whipple, of Anthony and Sarah, 2-90 " Olney, 2-00 '• William, 2-90 •• Benjamin, 2-113 " Mehltable, of David and Anna, 2-113 '■ MoUy, 2-113 " Betsey B., 2-115 " Jonah, 2-115 •■ Jared, 2-115 ■• Oliver, 2 115 '• Nancy, 2 115 " Simon, 2 115 " Abigail, 2 lD-> " Lavinia, ol Olney and Sally, 2-lOS " Jesse ElUs, Aug. 30. 1703. Dec. 1, 1795. Cumberland. Feb. IS, 1789. July 14, 1790. Feb. 11. 1792. Nor. 13, 1793. Sept. 7, 1795. Jan. 27, 1797. July 9, 1812. April 26, 1815. May 13, 1817. d. Sept. 9. ISl.?. July 10, 1820. Sept. 22, 1823. Jan. 11, 1826. Sept. 24, 1829. Oct. 16, 1818. May 22, 1823. .Tan. 2, 1829. Oct. 13. 1849. Feb. 28, 1353. Nov. 25. 1857. Nov. 25. 1857. .T.in. 7, 1738. June 18, 1740. .Tune 13. 1742. Aug. IS, 1744. Oct. 13, 1746. Nov. 30, 1748. Jan. 15. 1 760-1. May 13, 1745. March 12, 1748. July 4, 1749. Oct. 14, 1750. March 31, 1754. July 21, 1757. March 14, 1761. Dec. 11, 1746. Aug. 14. 1748. April 3. 1750. Jan. 25, 1752. July 31, 1754. April 12. 1778. May 5 1780. AprU 14 1782. d. J.an. IS 17S4. Oct. .8 1784. June 30 1786. Nov. 11 1788. Nov. 0, 1790. June 5, 1792. JiUy 14, 1795. Aug. 4, 1801. Dec. 8 1780. May 8 1783. Jan. 28 1785. May 23 1767. Nov. 28 1769. July 10 1791. Feb. 25, 1794. Aug. 5, 1790. March 13, 1799. on. 14. 1 .^13. Oct. 27, 1*15. CUMBEELAND UIRTHS AND DKATUS. 119 ■2-\'.l^ i;a/I', I'', .loseph Anthony, of olney and Sally, Feb. 14, 1818. ■2-lf>i~ Julia, Oct. 30, 1820. 2-I!l.> Siirah Olney, Oct. 19, 1822. e-isi) '■ Nancy, of Whlpiile and Nancy, Feb. 12. 1810. ::-ls9 Whipple, July 3, 18211. i: is'j Whipple, d. July 8, 1820. U'-ldtJ Nancy, wife of Wliiyple, diod in hci- 22d year, J uly 18, i8; 20. i-169 ■■ Julia, of Whipple and Julia, b. and d . March ], 1,-23. 2-180 Juha, wile of Whipple, died March 11. 18 23. r,-3S Ann ElizabeUi, of fvcnjaniin and Adeline. Dec. 10, 1829. :i-3s " lienjamiu Allen, April 7, 1832. :;-yo ■ Knlh i'oUett, Aug. 28, 1834. :;-:'>.s Albert Olney, Jan. 8, 18:!ii. :j-o8 Isaac Everett, Dec. 25, 1837. •j-'->S ."Marianna Lowe, Sept. 8, 1840. 0-3S Lois Ei™-a Follett, March 2, 1843. 3-3S George Diillas, Nov. 7, 1844. 1 -."ji; j;KAn Jonathan, son of Judith Scott, June 12, 1747 2, 1740. : lUed at Scitiuite . June ■2-il KHODES LytUa, of John and Elizaljetli, May 18, 1786. ■2-41 John, Juno 25, 1791. :;-41 .N'athaniel, Dec. 8, 1792. 1-1C.7 KK'llMONl) Warner, i)l Jeremiah and Eliza'ietli, April 3, 17G7. l-liiT Amos AtweU, Note.—] st born Smilhlield. Jan. .'SO, 1700. 1 ;mi i;ui;i!I.N'S Jlary, of Eljenezer and TriscUla, Nov. 5, 1747. l-;i(i Eenjamin, July 2. 1750. 3-00 Azuba, Nov. 5, 1753. l-li: KOBJNSUN Sarah, of Nathaniel and Kezia, Nov. 16, 1749. l-i;2 Elizabeth, Sept. 9, 1751. 1-4-2 .i lieuben. Aug. 4, 1753. 1-42 Nathan, May eo. 1755. l-4i; Sarah, died Sept. 19, 1752. 1-42 " Nathan, died Sept. 17, 1752; was born in . berlaud. Attlebcj iro, died in Cum- i-ii; it Noah, died Sept. 25, 1752 : born Attleboro, tlieil . in Cunibe rlaud. i-ji " Noah, 2d, March 5, 1757. 1-4-J " Nathaniel, March 13, 1759. 3-4'J li Kezia, Oct. 18, 1760. l-i-J " Amos, Aug. 10, 17G2. 1-4-J Ezefciel, July -, 1765. 1-42 •' Margaret, June 14, 1766. 1-11 " Timothy, of Timothy and Elizabeth, Dec. 24, 1750. 1-137 Welcome Fuller, of Joseph and Freelove, April 29, 1763. 2-37 Olney, of Joel, 3d (of Attieboro), and Mc dly, April 3, 1788. 3-24 Albert Greene, of Christopher and Louisa, Sept. 20, 1840. 1-52 Kocii: ;|JS James, of James and Mary, Feb. 14, 1751. 2-]0.-> •- Abigail, of John and S;illy, April 25, 1795. 2-101 it Nathan Ballon, Feb. 3, 1797. 2-100 John Adams, Feb. 18, 1790. 2-105 Jolin Adams, u. July 18, 1003. 2-105 George Washluglou, March 37, 1801. 2-105 11 Eliza B., March 37, 1803. 2-105 " Eunice C, March 27, 1803. 2-105 James, Feb. 6, 1805. 2-o5 iioss lienjamin, of George and C'liloe, May 29, 1780. 3-24 S.VI>LE1 Belinda, of Alfred and Prndeneo A. :,-2l •■ Koxy Trask. 2-95 SAYLES Pardon, of Capt. Da^id and SUencc, 3-95 '■ Sally, 2-05 •• Harriet. .2-95 ■• Henry, Dec. 1, 1837. April 5, 1841. Dec. 11, 1784. April 3, 1787. MiU'ch 11, 1789. b.— d. in Prov. 120 VITAL BECOED OF KHODE ISLAND. •2-ya 2-95 2-95 2-95 2-95 2-95 2-95 2-95 2-95 2-1,'iI 2-1 :u 2-131 2-131 2-131 2-131 2-131 2-131 2-131 2-163 1-115 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-41 1-41 2-82 2-82 2-82 2-82 2-82 2-82 2-23 2-23 3-23 2-23 2-23 2-37 2-37 237 S-37 S-37 e-37 S 37 «-37 S-37 2-37 2-37 2 37 237 2-37 2-23 2-172 2-172 32 3-2 3-2 3-2 32 3-34 3-34 3-34 aVYLllS AriKiid, of Capt. D:ivil ajul Silence, " Lyman Whipple, '■ Anna Wliipiile, " Sleplii'U Wliipple. " 8l«plifn Wliipple. '• .Tniia Ann Scott, " .Inlia Ann Scot I . Jlartha. " Elislia,, Note— 1st two born Smilblicld. next llireo in Cnmberlimd. " Juliannn, of Pardon and Zillali, " Sttplien Wliijiple, " Mary, " Mary, " Mary Ann, " Mary Ann, " Henry Ward, " Harriet, '' Harriet, " Calistji, or Caloli and Rhoda, .SCOTT Anne, of Koger and Anne, " Stepiien, of ,Tcrenii!ili and Relieekah. " Sarah, " Rebickah, " Kachel, " N;itlianiel, of David and Sarah. *' Silvanns, " Nancy, of Capt. .Inrnmiali and Sally. " David Hucklin. " Iletsoy. Sally, " (i corse Arnold, " Almira, " Sainnct Hrififrs. of ("h.arles and Amey, " treorjre, " Flora. " Olney, " .jcrcnilah, '■■ .lenckes, of NMdianiel and T-ydia, " Leonard, " Elca'cr Arnold. Flislia. " SVik-'y Ann. " Snkey Ann, " Maiy Ann, " Stafford Arnold, " .Toseph Arnold, " ,Iohn Smith, " .Tohn Smith. " Sally. " Snlly, " Nathaniel, " (^larri.ssa, reputed dangliier of Ilarvoy Sentt, AprU 23, 1811. " Lsaac Kazeo, of Samnel and .Toonna. " William Leonard, " Lewis Whipple, of Olney and Martha. " Sarali Jane, " William Penn, .leremiali Olney. " Henry, • Abliy Ilalcoine. of .fosepii A. and .luliet, Juliet, EUzal.itli'lIowlnnd. Jan. 17, IT'JJ. Sept. 15, 1707. Jlay 4, 1830. Dec. 16, 1802. d. June 12, 1806. July 23, 1805. d. Juno 10, 1S06. May 27, 1807. Nov. 7, 1809. Pro\idonce, tile vmt Oct. 31, 1 .707. Dec, 7, 1K0!». Doc. 10, ISll. d. Sept. 7. 1813. June IS, 1814. d. April 16, 1815. Feb. 7. 1810. Dec. 15, 1816. d. March 5, 1334.- Jan. 18. 1309. Oct.' 10, 17*5. May 2S, 1747. Feb 21, 1749. Nov. 23, 1751. Oct. 8, 1753. JiUy 31, 17.52. Sept. 7, 1758. AprU r.O, 17S1. March 13, 1784. Oct. 3. 17S6. :\Iarch 10, 1789. July 9, 1701. Nov. 9, 1793. Sept. 15, 1732. Sept. 15, 1784. Dec. 23, 1789. April 33, 1795. Aug. 14, 1798. March 10, ]7S.a. March 31, 1791 . April 24, 1793. April 4. 1795. d. April n. 1797. .Inly 1, 1797. Oct. 3, 17U». Nov. 29, 1 KOI . Sept. n. 1 303. d. Jan. 2, 1304. March 11, 1305. d. May 23, 1.307. Aug. 23, ISOS. find lliiida llallou. Aug. 5, 1317. Dec. 30, -1.318. April 6, 1319. Jan. 24. 1323. Jan. 21, ],'524. Sept. 13, 1320. April 7, 1829. Aug. 24, 1832. Dec. 12, 1834. Dec. 4. 1.33«. CUMBBRLAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 121 3-34 SCOTT Emily Limglfy, of Joseph A. and .liiliet, 3-34 " Walter, 3-34 '• Louisa, liarton. Note: Fii-st born in N. Provirteiic rest Cumberland. 3-28 '• EUen Mann, ol Niithaniel, Jr., and Susan, 3-3 SEAGRAVES Caleb, of Edward and Hannah, 3-3 " Zelos Harris, 3-20S SISSONS Fi-edtric W., nf .John S. and Julia Anii, 2-208 " Frederic W., 2-208 " Hannah, 3-208 " Frederic, 1-89 SHEARMAN Calcli.. ol' George and Rebeckah, 1-89 " Josliua, 1-89 " Ruth, 1-89 " William, 1-89 " George, 1-145 SHELDON Elizabeth, of Roger and Hannah. 1-145 " Kcbeeca, 1-145 " Dn\'ld, 1-143 " Hannah, 1-145 " Huldah, 1-145 " .lames. 1-145 " James. 1-145 '• Rufus. 1-145 " Sarah, 1-145 " Sarah, 1-145 ■■ (son). 1-145 " Joseph, 1-145 " Joseph, 1-145 " I.saac, 1-145 " Rhodes, 1-145 " Kuth, 1-35 " Khoda. of William and Mai-y, 1-35 " Amey, 1-35 '• Luoina, 1-35 " , son, 1-35 " — 1, son, 1-35 " Mary, 1-35 " Shjnthia, 2-43 " Pardon, of William and Sarah. 2-43 " William Brown, S-43 " Sarah, 2-43 " Marietta, 8-76 " James Manning, of David .and Viflnna, 8-76 " Vianna, 8-76 " Marianna, 8-7R '■ Simon WHiipplc, »-76 " David WUldnson, 2-76 ■■ William Peniier. 2-76 " lUifus Greenleaf, 2-129 " Hyson, of Israel and Joanna, 2-lt!9 " Mancy, 2-129 " Roger Willlam.s, 2-129 '■ Ruth, 2-129 '* .Toanna, 2-129 '• liathsheba. 2-144 " Stephen, of Rhodes .and Prusliia, 2-144 ■■ Huldah, 2-144 " Marietta, 2-144 " Nathaniel, ^205 " James Manning, and Elizabeth, his wilV', ( 2-205 " Lucina Wilkinson, 2-205 •■ Amnion Metcalf, 2-205 '■ Vianna Willdnaon, .Vjuil ;i, 1839. Nov. 28, 1841. Nov. 12, 1845. iie.xt two Providence. May 2, 1838. Sept. 3, 1831. Sept. 19, , 1833. Oct. 5, , 1829. (1. Sept. 30, , 1830. Jan. 10, 1831. April l(i. 1833. Sept, 30. 1743. May G, 1745. May 24. 1746. AprU 14, 1748. July 17, 1749. Pel). 16, 17fiG. Oct. 12, 1767. Dec. 2, 1769. Oct. 13, 1771. July 31, 1773. Jan. 31, 1775. il. April S. 1785. Jan. 20. 1777. Oct. 11, 1778. d. AprU 19, 1782. b. , ana d. Oct 11, 1780 May IS, 1782. d. Nov. 23, 1783. Sept. 26, 1784. July 21, 1780. Feb. ](!, 178!». Aug. 27, 1767. Nov. 3. 1709. Feb. 3, 1772. Dec. 10. 1775. d. Jan. 7. 177G. Dec. 30, 1779. Oct. 9, 17,S5. May 21, 1790. Sept. 2(>, 1794. Sept. 29, 1796. Oct. 24, 1801. Dec. 12, 1791. July 24, 1794. Aug. 15, 1797. Oct. 20, J 800. Feb. 10. 1S04. Feb. 11, 1807. Feb. 8. 1810. May 23, 1807. May 27, 1806. Oct. 23, Ic09. .Tan. 28, 1811. March 28, 1817. May 29, 1818. Oct. 23. 1806. Oct. r.. 1810. April 24. 1812. Dec. 13, 1814. ■h ildren : Aug. 20, 1810. March 28, 1812. March 30, 1814. 122 VITAL OF RECORD RHODE ISLAXD. 2-20.J 2-205 2-205 2-205 2-186 0-13 1-24 i-2-l 1-2-4 1-24 1-21 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-llli 1-1 IC. 1-Hli 2-20'J 2-200 2-200 2-200 2-200 l-(i0 1-liO 1-60 l-«0 1-(jO i-(;o 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 17 1-7 1-100 1-100 1-100 3-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 2- 97 2-07 2-97 2-97 1-31 2-107 2-107 2-107 2-107 2-107 2-107 2-107 2-107 £-107 2-107 2-117 2-n;:- SilELDUX James Mauulug. ul Jainos Manning and Kllz: " Thomas Barney, ■' Horace Weatherhead. " Ellzabetli Angelitie, ' " -Ubcrt Norris, of Simeon W., and Mary, " Mary Ann, oJ Eufns G., and Adeline D., SIIEPAKUSON Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Saiuh, " Mary, " EUzabeth, " Isaac, '* Lucy, " Chloe, " Olive, '■' Sabui, of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, " Otis, " Hannah, " Nan<-y, ^IirnTLKFF Janies, of SUas, Silas, Oliver, SIIJLEY Darius Andrew, of Darius and Alnura, " Charles Addison, '■ Almii'a Ann, " Thiodore Albee, Theodore Albee, d. .■rMlTlI John, of Daniel and Judeth, " Ei-eelove, 2d, " Frcelove, 1st (b. Rehoboth), lYeelove, 1st (d. Cumberland), •• Kaehel [b. Eihoboth), :beih, March 15, lilfi. Dec. 17, 1819. Aug. 18, 1823. Sept. 1, 1826, JIarch 9, 1823. Sept. 12, 1834. March 22, 1758. April 18, 1762. July 25, 1764. Feb. 4, 1766. April 27, 1768. May 29, 1771. July 22, 1774. April 20, 1770. Aug. 21, 1778. Aug. 23, 1781. July 24, 1768. Aug. 12, 1770. AprU 12, 1773. Oct. 3, 1824. June 26, 1828. Nov. 22, 1830. April 18, 1836. July 14, 1837. Nov. 3, 1745. June 13, 1750. Sept. 16, 1747 Uachel (d. Cumberland), Nov. 23, 1751. Daniel, of Daniel, Jr., and Esther, Aug. 17, 1756. Uavltt, Oct. 4, 1758. LeM,_ July 7, 1760. Rachel, April- 9, 1764. Rachel, 2d, of Daniel. Jr., and Elizabeth, .March 1, 1789. Esther, Marcn 7, 1793. Robe, ot Jonathan and Robe, Feb. 20, 1760. Jonathan, March 5, 1763. .lesse, of Jonathan and Rebecca, Jan. 6. 1762. Silvester, Dec. 15, 1772. Rebecca, Aug. 31, 1776. Jacob, of Jonathan and Margaret, April 18, 177it. Margaret, Dec. 13, 1781. Owen, of Chad and Joanna, Sept. 22, 1777. Chad, May 24, 1780. Nancy, Feb. 11, 1783. Samuel, March 2, 1789. John, of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 36, 1777. I'ersis, of Levi and Hannah, Aug. 4, 1788. Zelanda, June 24, 1790. Polly, Dec. 31, 1791. Israel, Sept. 8, 1793. John, Sept. 8, 1795. Levi, AprU 9, 1797. Hannah. Feb. 25, 1799. DaNad, Sept. 23, 1800. Emily. Nov. 9, 1804. Luclnda. Feb. 8, 1807. .\iinah, of Jacob, 2d, and Nabby, July 12. 1803. James Henry, reputed son of James Henry Smith and Mary Chase. March 2, 1814. Nathan Brown W1iipple,rcputed son of Janus Henry Smith and Mary Chase, Sept. 17, 1816. Catharine Gray, ol Job and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1815. CUMBEELAXD— IJIKTHS AXIl DEATHS. 123 2-1 (sr) SMITH .liilili .7:i,v, o " William Horace, 2-103 " Eddy flnrke, ol John 31. and Aiiia 2-195 '• EniUy Alenieua, 2-1 9r> '■ John Miltou, 2-195 Ariicy Aim. 2-195 " Fost.T AVolcott, 2 195 '• Oils 3Iasoa. 2-195 '• I'oUy Moor. 3-1 '■ Silas Clark, of Clark and I'liiloiiia, 3-1 « llebecca -Malvina, 31 " Virgil clarlnda, 3-1 " Albert, Allen. 3-23 " LiiciUla Maiia. ol James llrury ai 1-77 SPEAK Sarali. ul Jonalhan and Hannah. 1-77 '• Molly. 1-77 '• llaiiiiali. 1-29 " Lydia. ..1 Elkanah .and Elizahelh. 1-29 " Cyntliia, 1-29 " Elkanah, 1-53 SPltAt; i"E John, of Stephen and Mary, 1-33 " Amey, 1-53 " Stephen, 1.33 (i Mary, 2-2O0 '• Amos, son ol Deborah Whipide. Ijo 2-104 " MehiUible, ot Gideon an(i C'hloe, 2-104 " Jonathan, 2-101 '• Jonathan, 2-104 " Kathan, 2-104 " Joseph, 2-104 " WUUam, 2-104 " Lydia. 2-104 (( :>lary. 2-104 <■ Anna, 2-133 Eliza, ot Xatlian and I'lirbe. 2-1 K2 Mary Ann. iif William ami I'ully. 2-1S2 " Sarah, 2-1 M2 " Amey, 2-1 S2 " Amey, 2-1H2 " Winiani CiiUeii. 2-182 (( Elmlra. 1-12C, STAPLES Rutli. ul .los.'i'li Mini IlMliiinli, 1.120 ti Sarah, 1-120 Jonath;in, 1-120 " Ezekiel, 1 12! David and SlUla, 2-0 " Stephen, 2-0 '• Olney, 2-78 " Amey, ol Joseph and A'ney, 2-78 '■ Thynlhia. 2-78 " William WUldnson, 2-78 " I'erley, 2-81 '■ Arnold, of Ezeklel and Dorcas, 2-81 " Alpha, 2-81 '• Lyman, 2-81 " Lulls, 2-81 " Electra, 2-81 " Nathan, 2-81 '• Ezcluel. 2.81 '• Sabra, 2-81 '• MowTy. 2 57 " WiUiara, of Phebe, 2-90 " Amos, of Hannah, 3-13 " William Henry, of jVi-nold and S;irah Ann, 3-13 " DorcTS Ann, 3-25 " Amos Whipple, of Lyman and Sally, 3-25 " Albert Mowry, 3-25 " Lucy Ann, 3-25 '■' Gf'orgc Henry, 3-25 " Electra, 2-1)1 STEA^^ENS Welcome Allen, of Samuel and Lucy, 2-151 " Benjamin, 2-151 " WailstlU Dudley, 1-1(>0 STK-\TTEN .lames, of Richard and Sarah, l-KiO " John. l-l(K) '■' John, 1-100 " Rachel, 1-1 «X) " George, 1.100 " S;irah, 1-100 " S:iniuel, 1-100 " Richard, 1-100 " Robert, 1-100 " Da\id, 1-32 STRKETEK Huldeth, ol Isaiah and Elizabeth, 1..32 " Jabcz, 1-32 '• Nathaniel, 1-32 '■ George, 1-32 " Rufus, 1-72 " Cloe, of Ijenjamin and Elizabeth, 1-72 '• t'loe, 1-72 '■ JoSepli, 1-72 " Benjamm, 1-72 " Benjamin, 1-72 " John, 1-72 " Cloe, 1-72 " Benjamin, Note : Two last born in Mlddleboro, Jan. 2-t, 1771 Jan. 20, 1773. Jan. 10, 1775. Feb. 18, 1777. May 28, 1779. AprU 8, 1781. May 1, 1783. Dec. 21, 1784. n book 2, page 3. June 20, 1770. Nov. 18, 1770. Jan. 30, 1773. March 14, 1770. May 22, 1779. June 23, 1774. May 18, 1776. Nov. 13, 1778. Oct. 14, 1792. April 9, 1794. March 10, 1790. Aug. 25, 1797. May 15, 1793. Dec. 5, 1797. July 20, 1800. March 10, 1802. Jan. 5, 1804. AprU 4, 1805. AprU 27, 1809. AprU 7, 1811. March 13, 1813. Jan. 25, 1794. Nov. 15, 1802. April 7, 1820. June 22. 1830. Jan. 4, 1829. Nov. 13, 1831. Oct. 27, 1834. Nov. 14, 18.37. May 28, 1840. Fob. 22, 1798. Nov. 20, 1800. Jan. 13, 1803. Sept. 28, 1751. July 7, 1753. d. -Vng. 19, 1753. June 27, 1754. Sept. 24, 17'56. Oct. 20, 1758. March 23, 1701. July 23, 1703. July 19, 1705. March 23, 17r.3. Sept. 23, 1747. Feb. 24, 1748. Aug. 23, 1751. Marcli 21, 17.j2. Feb. 21, 1754. Jan. 18, 1 747-8. d. June — , 1753. AprU 27, 1748. Jan. 18, 17 49-50. d. , 1752. Sept. 29, 1751. Dec. 25, 1756. May 7, 1754. Mass. CUMBERLAND IIIRTHS AND DEATHS 125 i-as STUKETER Nathan, of .loseph and Mary, Uct. 18. 1752. l-.T. '' Ebenezer, Feb. 3, 1754. i-u.j " Rebeckali, Mar<-h 8, 1756. 1-3"^ ElPazt^r, Nov. 1, 1757. 1-y.j P.radrel. May 1, 17 i9. 1-35 JoUuston, Oct. Hi, 1761. i-:;r. Knock. June 2-2, 1763. 'i-7)» Silas, or Enock and Eslhor, b. a nd (1. 1)LC. JO, ] TBI). l-7li Robfckah, April 2i>, 1766. i-7i; Benoni, Aug. 2, 1769. 1-7I-, B'/noni, rt. Aug. 7, 17(59. l-7(j Rachel, July 12, 1770. 1-71) Ichabort. Jan. (1. 1772. l-7li Ichabod. d. March M~. 1772. l-7ti Comfort, Jan. 19, 1773. ■J-(i-J lienoni, of Eleazer and Lydia. Aug. 10, 1782. 1-120 '■ Ebcnt-zer Mason, of Je.sse and Naama, -Vug. 4, 1798. 1-120 " Naomi Adelaide, May 23, 1806. l-lio *• 8<)i)hia Slieldon, Note : First boru Chesterfield, N. H. Aug. 9, 1S07. 1-iS) STUDLEY Sarah, of Benonl and Rachel, Jan. IS, 1749. 1-49 '• Barah, 4. Jan. 30, 1751. 1-49 " Desire, Oct. 20, 1751. 1-49 '■ Desire. d . March 13, 1758. 1-41) '• Benoni, Dec. 14, 1753. 1-40 Benonl, d. March 10, 1758. 1-49 Eiihu, Dec. 20, 1755. 1-49 Klihu, d. . March 10, 1758. 1-49 Yeimorcy, Nov. 13, 1758. 1 +1) Consider, Nov. — , 1760. 1-40 Rachel, Sept. 25, 1762. 1-40 " Sarah, Oct. 17, 1769. 1-9 STUUTEVANT James, son of Doi'Othy Oruisby, April 22, 1754. 1-9 SWEKTLAND Sabra, dau. of Deborah Hogg, JiUy 4, 1752. and Chloe, 2-8 TAl-'T Simon, of Steiihcn and Esther, 2-S " Martha, 2-S •• Anne. 2-S '■ Jared, 2-138 '• Alniira, of SweetinK 3-138 •■ AUij-'ail Brown. 2-138 '• Timothy Dext«r, 2-87 THAYER Ucn. Simeon, died Oct. 13, 1800. 2-168 THOMAS Levina Brown, of Phillip and Levina, 2-168 " Levina, -vviro of Pliltlin. died June 8, 1812. 2-16S ■• Callieriiie Colvin, of Phillip and Amey, 2-168 " Edwin Randolph, 2-lOS '■ Amey Maria, 2-168 '■ Joseph Jenckes, 2-16.5 •• Amey, w fe ol PhUUp, died July 12, 1824. 2-168 '■ ticorgc Henry, of Phllli|) and Sarah, 2-156 " I.ydia M.asnn, of George and Pamela, 2-158 " Wheaton Bly, 2-158 " Henry Nelson, 2-158 '• William Jackson, 2-158 " Maltha Catherine, 2-158 " Julia Ann Pamella, 2-158 " George Albert, Note : 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th born Smithlield, 2-201 " Philip Henry, of Henry and Eunice, 1-92 THOMPSON Comfort, of Ichabod and Sarah, 1-92 " Khodia, Feb. 29, 176S. June 29, 1770, Api-U 13, 1773. Feb. 17, 1777. Dec. 2. 1802. Oct. 6, 1808. Feb. 3, 1815. Jime 4, 1812. AprU 13, 1815. Jan. 8, 1817. Aug. 11. isis. March 22. 1821. AprU 9, 1828. Feb. 2, 1814. Dee. 2, 1815. Nov. 21, 1818. May 1, 1822. May 19, 1824. May 2i;, 1831. Sept. 26, 1836. re.st Curaberl.md. Sept. 11, 1826. July 17, 1772. July 17, 1772. \-ic> VITAL KECORI' OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-152 2-152 2-153 2-152 ] -^ 40 1-140 l-7(i 1-76 1-76 1-76 1-7(3 ]-85 1-85 1-85 1-85 1-85 1-85 2^0 J- 1 I 2-K) 2-115 1-130 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-20 1-20 1-20 1-20 1-20 1-20 1-20 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-127 1-137 1-127 1-127 3-127 2-104 2104 2-104 2-104 2-104 2-104 2-104 2-104 2-104 TlIOMPS(_>N .Tohii Klicides, of rJialj .iiid Ljdia, " Addison, " EUab, Jr., '• Elizabeth, Note: 1st born Wrrntham, Mass., " Pbebe. ol Jlicah and Kezia, TIILKliEK Sally, ol Barnabus and Tbauklul, PoUy, lloralio Gates, TILI.SUN Molly, ol Joseph and Mary, " Sarab, " Joseph, " Jlenjamlii, " Priscilla, " Hannah, ol James and Susannah, " James, rhehc, " Edman, " Ereelove, " Snsanna, " Elias, ol Benjamin and EUzabeth, Lyman, " L'ol,nnibia (son), TIXGLEY Alphous, of Benjamin, Jr., and Polly, TITUS Ezeldel, of John and Lydia, TOWER Deborah, of Capt. Gideon and Mary, Paiicnce. " Jlary, '• <;ideon, *• Enocli. Ichabod, " Levi. " Rt'ubcn, " Samuel, LydJa, A daughter. Jonathan, of Jolm and Hannah, Fi-eclove, Hannah, MoUy, John, Deborah, Gideon, Benjamin, of Joseph and Juditli, Joseph, Nathaniel, Joshua, Joshua, Lucy. William, Gidi.iu, of Knock and Lucy, Bt u.,amln, W-.ivMm. Elizabeth, Lois, Mary, of Ichabod and ^lary, Dartd, AVilliam, Mai-y, Isaac. Joseph. Siimuel, Marian. Patience, March 11. l.-nr. JiUy 311, IbOi. May 28, 1810. July 10, 1812. 'est Cumberland. July 25, 1701. Api-il 20, 1775. March 17, 1777. March 10, 177?. April 29, 1741. May 25, 1743. Feb. 13, 1745. Jan. 3, 1747. Nov. 15, 1749. Dec. 17, 1744. Jan. 5, 1740. Dec. 17, 174o. Dec. 15, 1751. Jan. 23, 1754. Feb. 25, 1757. Aug. 22, 1780. July 3, 17p'.). March 15, 1792. April 28, 1S03. Jan. S. 1705. April 5, it:;i. May 23, 1733. Jlay 2.-!, 1733. July 23. 1735. Dec. 20, 1737. 1-^eb. 28, 1740. July 19, 1742. Nov. 9, 1715. May 2, 1747. b. •d. March 5, n ■49-50. Aug. 4, 1752. b.-d. June 25, 17115. Dec. 12, 1740. Aug. 2S, 1742. Aug. 5, 1744. Sept. 19, 1740. Sept. 7, 1748. Aug. 20. 1750. April 30, 1753. Sept. 22, 1744. April 28, 17-l(i. •June 2S, 1748. June 30, 1750. d. Nov. 8, 1753. Oct. 13, 1752. Miueh (■>, 1755. Dec. 15, 1703. April 21. 17(i:i. Jan. 4, 1708. Nov. 12. 177J. Dec. 15, 1773. Oct. 29. 17C..-. May 27, 1771. Oct. 21. 1774. Oct. 22, 1770. Dec. 31, 1778. May 8, 1780. Sept. 24, 17.82. March 10. 17,-0. Sept. 24, 17.--7. CUMBERLAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 1-27 1-lrt T< iWl'.i; : lAlild;!. uf CAitt. I.fvi and Mary, May -7. 1771. 1-18 iMlihIa. nvilo or Ariel iiallmi), d, Dec. 27. u;w. lis Chloe. of I.fvi and JIary, Sept. 7. 1773. 1-18 " Levi, May 2, 177li. 1-18 '• Nancy. ■Sepl. :;. I77r». 1-18 li Nancy. d. Oct.. :!. 17.S4. 1-1 S it Zillali. Oct. 15, 1781. 1-18 a Zillali, (Wil'' .il rardiin Sayles), d. Oct. 1, 1834. 1-lS (i .lason. Aug. 30, 178(5. 1-18 "' Kmerson, Jan. 31, 1789. 2-143 c Polly Thnrsion. of I'.nifM'soii, and Sally, :MarcU 31 , 1811. 2-145 '• D.-lia. Dec. 2, 1S12. 2 1 ■!■■-> Calisla, Sept. 23. 1S14. 2-145 Lydia. Sept.. li». LSlti. 2-145 ErTKTSoii. .Jr., .Tune 29, ISIS. 2-143 " n.-lila, of i:iiifrs..n and Sally (Wliiplde), Nov. 14. 1828. 2-3 45 " Cliloe. Nov. If). 1830. 2-145 " Rntli Ann. May 15, 1832. 2-145 '• Rntli Ann, d. Jan. 21. 1833. 2-145 " Zillah, .Sept. 27, 1834. 2-140 " William Eni.'i-^nn, of .las.)n and Philania, May 13, 1811. 2-14G " Mary. .Ian. lo. isi;;. 2-14(3 " .lolm lloAvaril. Dei'. (1. 1S14. 2-14G " I-ydia, July l.-i. ISIO. 2-146 '• Nancy Kay. An;,'. 19, , 1818. 2-14C " Dwi, Sept. lo, 1813. 2-1 4B " Philania. Sept. 27. 1822. 2-i4i; '■ .lason. Nov. 10. 1824. 3-13 " I,cwis Warren, i.r [..wis and Martha, ■Inly 14. 1833. 3-10 '• William Cull.'.,. .ran. IS. 1835. 3-13 " Nathan Alien, May 23. 1837. 3-13 '• Sarali Tliomas, .Inly 15. 1841. 2-101 Ti; ASK Lalian, of .lames and Siis;Hina. Jan. 11. 1738. 2-101 Phebe, Sept. 10, 1791. 2-101 Susanna, of .lann-s. and l-'reelove, .Vpril 12. 1800. 2-101 Mary, AuR. 23, 1802. 2-207 I.ydia Harris, ol' FredoT-lek .\nsnsfns and E oxy, Ang. in. IS.'iO. 2-207 " William AnRiisins, May 15, 1832. 2-207 '■ S;nnuel .Sella, Marcli 22, 18.33. 1-0 Tl :LLF,I ; i;a<-hel, ol Ilenjanun and r,acliel, April IS. 1734. 1-87 TYLEU Aliisail, of Eljenezer and Sarali, Ans. ]7. 174S. 1-87 " Natlianiel, Nov. 14. I7i:). 1-S7 '■ Kachel. Jnne 1 7. 1751. 1-87 " Kaehel. Not. — First lii>rn I'reston, Cnnii.. rest d. Oct. 23. ('iind>eilainl. 1732. XJ V 3-31 VIf'Ki;i''A H.^nry Tlay, of David and Maria, Feh. 7, 183S. w 1-54 W.VDE llnldah. dau. or Iluldah MiUer, 1-45 WALLCOTT Willi.im, ol WiUiam, Jr., and Estiier, 1-124 " r.en.iamin Stnart, of Benjamin and Mary, 1-124 " Jolrn, 1-124 " George, 1-124 '• Sarah, 1-124 " Michael, 1-124 " Ebene/.er, 1-124 '• -Mary, 1-124 '• "tis, 1 124 " Fannioh, 1-124 " l.ncy, {\'H. Kec, Vol. 3.) 21 June 2(1. 1772 .Inly 13. 1731 July 27, 1755. June 1(1, 1757. July 3, 1759. JiUy 4. 1762. July i. 1762. June 1, 1765. Feb. 15, 1767. Nov. 11, 1768. May 21, 1771. May 27, 1774. 128 VITAL EECOBD OF KHOD£ ISLAND. 2-30 W-U-LCOIT James, ol Beujauiin and Mercy 2-30 '• Naiicy, 2-30 '• Philadelphia, 2-30 '• Benjamtu btuait, 2-30 '• Merey, 2-30 " Esek, 2-30 " William, 2-30 '• Edward, 2 30 ■• LewLs, ol John and Mary, 2-30 '■ John Foster, 230 '• Sally, 2-30 '• Jabez, 3-30 " Foster, S-30 " :kloUy Ellia. Note— 1st born Attleboro, 2-70 " Parlee, of Otis, 2-79 " SaUy Ann, 1-132 WAUE Louis, ol Ezra and Hannah, 1-132 '• Le\-1, 1-43 March 10, 1778. Oct. 29, 1780. Nov. 7, 1782. Sept. 29, 1783. Dec. 7, 1787. Jan. 7, 1792. Aug. 9, 1794. AprU 3, 1796. July 3, 1779. June 30, 1781. AprU 27, 17S3. Aug. 30, 1785. Sept. 11, 178S. AprU 5, 1794. ;d Westerly, rest Cumberland. Feb. 12, 1794. July 5, 1797, born Coventry. June 8, 1765. Jan. 20, 1767. 2-121 2-121 2-20 2-29 2-29 2-29 ■2-29 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-07 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-67 1-155 1-155 1-155 1-155 1-155 1-155 1-155 1-155 2-95 2-95 2-95 2-95 2-95 2-95 3-95 S-70 2-70 2-70 2-70 •J-70 Levi, of Daniel and BertbJa, Daniel and Susannah, " Abner, reputed son ol Abiel Ware and Esther Haskel!. Mothei" alterward.3 married W. Hawkins and changed the name Abner to Louis. " Abner Haskell, o£ Louis and Matlla, AprU 14, 1805. Eulns, Jan. 30, 180S. WATEKMAN AbigaU, ol Elisha .and Sarah, July 14, 1775. '• James, AprU 9, 1777. " Amaziah, Aug. 30, 1779. " Dorcas, Nov. 21, 1781. " Amasa, reputed sou ot EUsha Waterman and Elizabeth Hcrendeen. June 15. 1790. " Amaziah, Nov. 14, 1801 '• -Upha L.. ol Amaziah ann Hannah, " EUsha, " Eulus, " Richard, WEATHEKIIEAD '• John, ol " David, " Hetluah, '• Conilort, " ieremiah, '• Levi, of Daniel and Lydia, '■ Susanna, " Mary. " Daniel, " Fieelove, q£ John and Tabitha, " Welcome, " Levtna, '■ Susanna, " Mary, " Kuth, Wlilpple, " John, " Samuel, " George. " Hexter, I'hUa, " James, " Joseph, " Ann Eliza, " S;imuel, of Levi and Joanna " Alpha, '• Daniel, " Levi, " Pi-eston, of Nathan and Huldah, Sept. 11, 1S2.3. Jan. 4, 1828. Feb. 10, 1831. March 13, 1834. Aug. 19, 1739. Dec. 27, 1740. Feb. 8. 1743. Aug. 14, 1746. July 14, 1749. Feb. 20, 1755. Sept. 15, 1759. Eeb. 0, 1761. April 4. 1763. July 24, 1766. Dec. 14, 1771. Feb. 8, 1776. Sept. 1, 177S. Jan. 3, 1781. Feb. 11. 1784. March 9, 1786. June 22, 1788. May 22. 1790. Inly 31, 1776. Oct. 11, 1778. Mai-ch 3, 1783. Aug. 9, 1785. Nov. 15, 1787. Sept. 30, 1790. Aug. 18, 1797. May 3, 1784. Feb. 27. 1786. Feb. 6, 1788. Dec. 29, 1789. Nov. 23, , 1791. CUMBEELAND BIETHS AND DEATHS 129 WEATIIERIIEAD Euooli, reputed son of Samuel \V Staples. July 6, 1794. eatherUcad and llannau ■2-173 " George, of George B. and Amey, Dec. 9, 1803. 2-173 William Whipple, April 30, 1807. ii-15:i " DelUali, of Daniel and Silindlah, Jan. 30, 1810. 1M9S " Lavinia, of John and Aclisah, Sept. 17, 1812. 2-198 Daniel. Sept. 26, 1815. 2-198 " Horace, July 13, 1817. 2-198 PoUy, March 9, 1819. 2-1 9S Charles, March 0, 1821. 2-198 Amasa, March 31, 1838. 2-167 " Joseph Darwin, of James and Ruth, March 8, 1815. i-176 " Amanda Pond, ol Whipple and Sarah, Dec. 23, 1810. 2-1 7C, LlUis, July 19, 1818. 2-17(i Sarah Poster, May 19, 1828. 2-195 " Sarah Amey, of George and Atala, May 19, 1823. 3-19.J Nancy Amsbury, May 23, 1825. 1-137 'W'EElvES Susannah, ol Eichard and Hannah, June 6, 1758. 1-137 " William, of Eichard and Judith, Nov. 5, 1762. 1-137 " Hannah, Oct. 17, 1764. 1-138 WHEATON Amey, ol Mason and Lavinia, June 1, 1762. 1-138 " Amey, d. Sept. 19, 1762. 1-133 " Molly, Sept. 30, 1763. 1-138 Molly, d. Nov. 28, 1763. 1-138 " Lydiii, Feb. 1, 17G5. 1-138 Lydia , d. July 25, 1766. 1-102 WHIPPLE Daniel, of Daniel and Mary, Aug. 19, 1716. 1-102 •' Joseph, Aug. 34, 171 S. 1-102 " Eleazer, died, aged 3 years: . 1730. 1-102 Mary, Dec. 3, 1724. 1-102 " Anne, of Daniel and Anne, Jime 12, 1736. 1-102 " Eve, Dec. 7, 1737. 1-102 " Alice, March 36,- 1740. 1-102 " Amie, April 14, 1742. 1-102 Joel, Aug. 3, 1744. 1-102 " Preserved, Sept. 26, 1740. 1-102 " Comfort, Sept. 26, 1740. 1-102 " Sarah, Feb. 7, 1749. 1-102 Job, March 15, 1752. 1-102 " Preelove, dau. of Anne, above, and Capt. dence, Sept. 24, 1758. John Whipple of Provi- " Isreal, of Nathaniel and Bethla, March 1, 1736-7. " Ichabod, April 2, 1738. " Nathaniel, March 24, 1741. Mary, June 18, 1743. " Squire, AprU 18, 1745. Kutus, Jan. 14, 1746-7. " Eltanali, Dec. 3, 1749. " Dan, Aug. 34, 1751. '* Sai-ah, Nov. 6, 1753. 1-82 WHIPPLE Simon, of David and Martha, Sept. 38, 1738. 1-82 DaMd, July 14, 1740. 1-82 " George, July 11, 1742. 1-82 Otis, Aug. 19, 1744. 1-83 " Cynthia, Aug. 17, 1746. 1-83 Lydia, Sept. 7, 1748. 1-83 " Amey, March 31, 1761. 1-83 '■ Jonathan, Nov. 2, 1750. 1-83 Benjamin, Oct. 7, 1752. 1-83 " Joseph, Nov. 17, 1754. 1-83 " Joseph, d. July 18, 1702. 1-74 Waitstlll, of Samuel and Elizabeth, AprU 4, 1739. 1-74 " Hannah, ; June 15, 1741. 1-74 Anne, April 14, 1743. 1-74 " Anne, ;', . . . d. July 9, 1744. 130 VITAL RBCOBD OF KHODE ISLAND. J-74 WHIPPLK WlHiMiii. ot Samnel and Elizabeth, Mai'ch 7, 174j. 1-74 " William, a. .A.ug. (3, 17()7. 1-74 Freelove, April -u 17:7. 1-74 HUzabetli, JtUy 7, ITlll. 1-74 " I'tUoe. i'eb. li, 1 7:,\. 1-74 HuhlMli. June 10. 17.-.>1. 1-74 '■ Hulrtali, d. Aug. {), I7i;7. 1-74 " Mary, (Sept. 10, 17.^j1. 1-11 . '• Martha, nf Daniel, Jr., and Mai-tha, Sepl. IS, 1730.^ 1-11 " Mary, or Daniel, Jr., and Mary, Dee. 2i), 171.-,. 1-11 " Hannah, March 17, 1747. 1-11 Daniel, Nov. 27, 174s. 111 " Dorcas, Oct. 2, 175(1. 1-11 " Simon , Feb. 3 3. 17:>2. 1-11 '■ Amos, Jan. 1. 17.->1. 1-11 " J'alience, Nov. 24, 17:..-.. 1-103 ^• Sarah, ui Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 2t>, 1741. l-io:! " (Udeon, Jan. 30, 1744. i-io:{ Uideon, d. May — , 1752. i-io:j " Sible, Aug. IS. 174li. 1-103 It Amos, Feb. 3, 1749. 1-10.-! '■ Amos, d. May — . 1752. 1-10.3 M l.eah, Jiily o, 1751 . i-io:j "- Kaohel, JiUv .5. 1751. ]-l(W " Rachel, d. May -. 1752. 1-103 " Asa, .Tan. 0, 1754. 1-81 " Oliver, of Jui'emi.ah .-md Ilanuiih, Feb. IS). 1743. 1-81 " l.iicy. April l(i. 1746. 1-81 " Jeremiah, March 27, 174.S. 1-81 li Hannali. May 14, 17,^>(1. 1-81 U Bettey, May 13, 1752. 1-81 " Bcla, May 2, 1754. 1-81 C( Jabez, Nov. 10, 175(;. 1-81 " Anne, Maivh 5, 1759. 1-68 '•■ .S;irah. Iff .lolin .-nul S;irali, Aug. 27, 174.;. 1-68 (C Cbristoplier, May 20, 1745. 1-68 u John, Feb. 12. ] ;747-.S. 1-13 li Jemima, of Ihrook and Mary, April 3, 1745. 1-13 " Peter, March 17, 1747. 1-13 " Ruth, Jan. 13. 1750. 1-13 « Ibrook, Api-51 21. 17.52. 1-99 it Izreal, of Izrael and Kunlce, March 31, 1754. 1-99 It CaMn, June 27, 1700. 2-5 (• Kleazer, of Meazer and Anne, Nov. .S, 173S. 2-5 (.' Joseph, Dec. G, 17B0. 2-5 " Suze, July 11, 1702 . 2-5 tt Anne, Feb. 12. 1700. 2-5 tt ' Betty, Jan. 9, 1768. 3-5 li Jesse, Fel). 7, 3 771. 2-5 " Amey, Sept. 10, 177;;. 2-5 C( Preelovc, Dec. 5, 1775. 2-5 Cf SUencc, Oct. 23, 17)51. e-83 u Patience, ol Moses and Patience, Jan. l.S, 1707. 2-83 It William, D.-c. 1,'i. 170.-. 2-83 tt Joseph, •Inly ti. 1771. 2-83 11 Thankful, May 20, 1773. 2-19 a Sabra. of ("liristophcr and .Sarah, .Sept. 5, 17(i7. 2-19 It Sarah, Sept. 25, 1709. 2-19 tt L>dia, May 10, , 1771. 2-19 C( Samuel, Feb. 7, 1773. a-10 It Fi-celove, Oct. 13, 1774. 2-75 It Otis, of Pi\;served and olive. Dec. 28, 17(>7. 2-75 (C n-eserved. Miuch 27, , 1770. 2-75 " Stephen, Nov. 27. . 1772. 2-75 tt Philadelphia, April 25. , 1770. CUMBEELAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. IJJI WHIP 1-15(1 l-15(i i-i5(; 1-15(; 1-14(> 1-122 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-25 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-42 2 42 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-20 2-20 1-lGl 2.2n 2-23 2-27 2-"7 2-27 2-30 2-30 1-167 1-107 1-1 07 'I'LK SUas, of Pi-fscrved arid Olive, St-pl. .^, , 177.3. Comlori. J.an. 7, 1781. Nancj-, Olive, Sept. IS, 1733. JiJy 2. 1780. Kussell, Aug. 11, 1789. James, April '30, 1792. Cyntliia, oX Otis and Harv, Sept. 17, 1768. airah, June 16, 1770. Mary, Sept. 10, 1771. Pardon, May .-JO, , 1773. Pardon, of Sriim-e and Mary, Feb. 11. 1769. Simon, sou of Hannah, July 4, 1704. Martha, of Simeon and Mavy, Aug. — , 1770. .Tolin Ciray, July 9, 1773. Mary, July 17. 1774. Simon, May 23, 1776. .Sarah, Sept. 19, 1778. Note-Three first bomin Boston, two last born in Cnmberland. Wekome. of John, Jr., and Eunice, Sept. 12. 1772. Olive, July 12, 1775. Jabez, March 15, 1779. Nancy, April 27, 1781. Bola. or Capt. Stephen and Luclna, May 18, 1774. Olney, Aug. 23, IVV, . Olney, d. July 5, 1793. Nancy. Jan. 1.3, 1780. Kancy. d. Oct. 0. 179). James, Sept 19, 1782. Sally, Oct 11. 1784. Uetsey, Sept. 25, 1787. Lucina, M.iy IS. 1790. Luclna. d. March 12, 1799. Pi'u.sha, Oct. 13, 1792. Ainey, July 11, 1795. Welcome Arnold, Jan. 27, 1799. J'nisia, of Asa and SiUia, May 20, 177(5. Priisia, (1. May 12. 1785. Ezeldel, April IS, 1778. E/.ekiel, a. May 27, 1785. Nathan. — , 17—. Asa, Aug. 12, 17S0. Amos. Jan. 22, 1783. Lucy, June 26, 1785. Silvia. Oct. 15, 1787. I.evett, Nov. S, 1789. MarUia, Nov. 2S, 1791. .Sarah, April 29, 1790. Simon, of Simon and Wary, May 21, 1770. Dexter, of Izreal, Jr.. and Leah, June 21, 1770. Eunice, Sept. 30, 1778. (ieorge. Jan. 20, 1781. William. Jan. 15, 1783. DavU, June 18, 1785. Piusha, Dec. 9, 17S7. Lucy, AprU 1, 1790. Prescllla. of Ephralm aud Prescilla, July, 27, 17«0. Anno, June 22, 1782. Bennett, of Joel and Deborah, June 14, 1783. Leonaid, March 30, 1785. Knight, Jan. 1, 1787. Florlntlna, March 15, 1791. Hannah, of Capt. Amos and Martha, Jan. 17, 1785. ^Vmos, April 10, 1787. Thankful, of Simon, Jr., and Levlna, Oct 28, 1772. U.'ulien, Nov. 28, 1774. Mary, Feb. 24, 1777. 132 VITAL EECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-167 1-167 1-167 1-167 1-167 1-167 2-57 1-151 1-151 1-151 1-151 1-151 2-68 2-68 2-68 2-68 2-68 2-68 1-120 2-84 2-84 2-84 2-84 2-84 2-84 2-84 2-84 3-84 2-84 2-84 2-78 2-78 2-61 2-61 2-61 2-61 2-61 2-156 2-156 2-156 2-156 2-79 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-121 2-152 2-152 2-152 '^-152 2-152 2-152 2-152 2-126 2-126 2-126 3-12G . 2-126 WTIIPPLE Martha, ot Simon and Levlna, David, " Daniel, " Amasa, " Simon, " Nathan, " James, reputed son of Josepli Whipple and 28, 1787. " Alphai'd, reputed son of Joseph Whipple and 12, 1791. " Lydla, of Joseph, Jr., and Mary, " John, " Benjamin, " Le\-1. " Joanna, " David, of Eleazer and Betta, SaUy, " Isaac, " Isaac, " Almlra, " Cornelius, " Robert, of Ibrook and Mary, " Phlla, of William and Sarah, " Leonard, " Hannah, " Otis, " Lyman, " William. " Barton, " Sarah, " James Madison, " Harriet, Albert, " Barn\-iUe, of Barnvllle and Anne, Enth, " B§111 (son), of Jeremiah, Jr., and Nancy, " Betsey Bowen, " Lonlsa, " Kancy, " Jeremiah, " WUlard, of William, 2d. and Waltey, Wilder, " Wealthy, " Worthy, " AJlda, ot Jenclies and Ales, " Amey, of Joseph, 2d, and Anna, " Mary Ann, " Joseph, " Welcome, " Sukey, " Rebecliah Mathewson, " Stephen Very, " Belah, " Dlanna, of Reuben and Molly, Olney, " Jason, " Hannah, " Noah, of Reuben and S;i]ly, " Mary Ann, " Lewis, " Fanny, of Daniel, Jr., and Dorcas, Ellab, " Charlotte, " Ariel Cook, " Amey, June 20, 177i>. Jan. 22, 1782. June 19, 1784. Aug. 31, 1780. Jan. 12, 17S9. July 16, 1792. Phebe Staples, Feb. Phcbe Staples, July April 4, July 13, Sept. 0, Sept. 7, March 20, June 9, April 13, Oct. 21, d. July 1. April 1, Oct. 6, Sopt. 2, July 16, May 27, Jan. 5, May 21, Sept. 13, .Inly 11, Jan. 3, .luly 4, .luly 27, Sept. 20, July 25, .July 17, Feb. 18, AprU 7, April 12, May 24, March 5, Jan. 9, April 17, May 26, Sept. 7, July 25, Oct. 14, June 27, Sept. 27, May 15, July 13, June 20. Oct. 16, Feb. 15. May 31, Dec. 19, Oct. 17, Jan. 31. Nov. 22, July 7, AprU 19, Sept. 4, Aug. 17, Feb. 2, Dec. 6, Sept. 23, Aug. 22, 1783. 1790. 179f.. 179?. 1803. 1789. 1792. 1794. 1790. 1797. 1800. 1789. 1790. 1792. 1794. 1796. 1798. 1801. 1804. 1806. 1809. 1811. 181S. 1791. 1794. 1792. 1794. 1796. 1799. 1,S02. 1792. 1794. 179<';. 179t. 1794. 1797. 179«. 1803. 1806. 180S. 1810. 1813. 1817. 1799. 1801. 1604. 1806. 1810. 1812. 1814. 1806. 180«. ISO©. 1811. 1813. CUMBERLAND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 133 2-126 WHIPPLE Daniel, of Daniel and Dorcas, Dec. 7, 18ir.. -.2-1213 " Olney, Sept. 2, 181T. 3-130 " Nancy Mason, Aug. 4. 181!». 3-126 Welcome, June 26, 1834. 3-164 " Mary Blake, or John Gray and Nancy, -Sept. 3, 1808. 3-164 " Irena AngeUna, May 13. IBIO. 2-164 John Gray, Oct. 17, 1812. 2-164 " Benjamin Walcott, Dec. 24, 1814. 3-164 WiUiara Edward, July 17, 181T. 2-164 " Emiluie IJarton. of John Gray, and liliza. Aug. 22. 1.S24. 3-164 Joseph Barton, May 19, 182r,. 3-148 " Emeline Delia, of I_-Jela and >Iehitahle, Jan. 15. 1810. 3-148 " Nancy, Dec. 0. 1811. 3-148 EUzaheth. Apm 28, I8i:e. 2-148 '• JnUa Ann, Dec. 17. 1815. 3-148 Olney, Oct. 28, 161T. 3-148 Rnth, Doc. 13, 1810. 3-148 Horatio. Jan. 8, 1821. 3-148 " Sarah. Sept. 7, 1826. 3-157 " Emeline. of Amasa and Sabra, Dec. 30, 1810. 2-157 " Emiline, d. Feb. S, 1811 . 3-157 mins Grant, April 7. 1812. 2-157 " Caroline, Aug. 17, 18ir.. 2-157 " Ama^a Smith, July 13, 181T, 2-157 " Mary Amanda, Nov. 3, 181». 2-181 " Sarapta Helena, of Simon. 1th, and Olive. AprU 1, 1813. 2-181 " James Rnssell, April 7, 18ir.. 3-181 " Philander Meralia, June 24, 181T. 3-181 " Olive Ann, April 13, 1820. 2-154 " Washington, of Dartd and Ruth, rob. 24, 1813. 2-154 " Anley Ann, Sept. 2, 1814. 2-154 " ftylvest*T Kerapton. March 20, 1S1«. 2-154 " John Weatherhead, June 30, 1816. 2-154 " Mary Amanda, Dec. 18. 1821. 2-154 " D!i-\-ld tilncy, .Tan. 15. 1824. 2-154 " Euth Jane, March 16, 183T. 2-154 " Erastus Koss, June 4. 18,30. 2-183 " Horace Larned. of Larned and Sally, Aug. 7, 1814. 2-183 " Asa Carpenter, Nov. 14. 181T. 2-183 " r^orge jVlherti, March IR, 1820. a-5 " Llbbens, repnted son of prnsia Whipple and N.- 30, 1818. ith-i-^ Whipple, An?. 3-184 " Amey, of John and Elizaheth. Aug. 4. 1819. 2-184 " Benjamin. .Tune 18, 1821. 3-27 " Lewis Everett, of Wilder and Fanny. March 30. 1820. 3-27 " I^orinda Susan. .Tuno 5. 18a*. 3-37 •' Sarah Sly, Oct. 23, 182T. 3-37 " Fanny Freeman, Sept. 9, 183W. 3-200 ■• Stephen Brown, of Knight, and Lucy. Nov. 11, 1820. 3-200 " Arnold Jesckes, Feb. 10, 1823. 2-300 Edwin Knight. March 2S, 132T. 3-15 " Stephen, ot .T.nmes and A 3-15 " Anna, ■• 315 Lucy Lamb, AprU 0. 1826. 3-15 " .Tames Cl.arenden. Sept. 5. 182T. 3-17 " Malisp.a, of Washington and Chavlolte, .Tune 3, 1834. 3-17 " Clarissa Ann Jenette, May 8, 1830. 3-17 " Enth Adeline, May 11. 1838i. 3-17 " Nathan William, AprU 14, 1843. 3-17 '■ Sarah Augusta, May 13, 1850. 3-20 •■ Elizabeth Arnold, of Jeremiah and Sarah, Aug. 21, 1B3T. 3-30 •' Jeremiah. Dec. 2. lH3ii. 3-20 George Smith, Sept. 25, 184«. 3-20 " S-axah Smith, Nov. 10, 1842. 331 " George Anthony, of Lewis and .Susan H., May 3, 183^. 134 VITAL RECORD OF EHOBE ISLAXD. s-:n 3-31 3-31 3-31 3-31 3-31 2-74 2-90 2-9« 2-01 ; •3-9(1 2-9(i 2-9(i 2-9(; 2-9C. 2-96 2-1 Tn 2-173 2-173 2-173 2-173 2-173 2-173 3-173 2-173 2-173 2-173 2-167 2-167 2-167 2-167 2-167 2-167 2-167 2-134 2-134 2-134 2 134 2-134 2-131 2-1 34 2-131 2-134 2-134 2-134 2-1 3 f 1-64 ]-fl4 3-li4 1-64 1-64 1-64 1-6-t 1-64 1 64 l-ti4 1-64 1-103 1-103 1 103 1 103 1-103 1-13(1 1-130 1-130 \YniE'l'l,i; John I'liine. of Lewis nml Susuii. Ant'. -1. I'-iO. Sophia Augusta. Aug. 12, 1.S42. '■ Sti'plifii Rumford, Sept. 24, 1844. " Frances. Aug. 9. 1846. '• Lewis Eeuben, of Sylvester K. .inil Mary A. M.ay 10. 1844. Ruth Electa, JlarcU 25, 1846. WHjTM^VN Alanson, of WUlhim and JIargarat«, Api-il 13. 1793. WILCOX Oeliorali. o! Daniel and Sil\-ia, Aug. 20, 1755. '■ Htcpjien. — r.-«ept. 20, 1757. '• jVIeril'e. May — , 1760. '- Silvia, (if Daniel and Anna, AprU 4, 1767. Klioda. Dec. 18, 1769. •■ Cdiitciil. April 1. 1771. Mary. AprU 4, 1774. Daniel. :\ray 25. 1776. Malissa. ol' Daniel and Olive. .lune 21, 17.S1 . " Anna, of Stephen and Susanna, March 27, 1777. William, Oct. 27, 1778. Willard. Aug. 21, 1784. " Sil\ia . March 13, 1736. " Susannali. March 13, 17S<). '= Stephen. .11-.. Aug. 13, 1780. '• JlPiicia. Dec. 3, 1791. *■ l^elmrah . .Tan. 18, 1795. '■ Olive, nf Si'-phen ant! Susanna. .Inly 13. 1797. '• Daniel. Miiy 3, 1800. Lydia. Marcli 14, 1804. '• Mclinda. ol' Willai-d and Hannah, AprU 3, 1805. '■ Samuel (JflslieU, March 20, 1807. Willard. Jr.. .lime 22, 1809. '•■ I.urinda. April 1, 1811. '' rj;e Waslnn.u;lon. .Inly 13, 1813. " Susanna. Sept. S, 1815. '• Oelmraii. .Sept. 23, 1817. WILKINSON WiUiain, ol' .lerenii.-ih and Amey. .rnly 31. 1739. '• .leremiali. .Tuly 6, 1741. '■ Simon. Sept. 24, 1743. Uenjamin. Nov. 1. 1745. ralience. :March 20, 1747. Amey. :March 20, 1747. " Mercy. Aug. 14, 1750. '• .lemima . Nov. 29, 1752. '■ Steplien, Jan. 29, 1753. .Teptha. April 3, 1757. '■ Elizalieth. Dec. 6, 1700. Del.orah, Aug. 28, 1764. '• .)o.al>, of Capl. Daniel and Ahisail. .Inly 30, 1741. D:miel , JiUy 7, 1743. '• Nedahinh. Sept, 24, 1745. " Lydia. Oct. 14, 1747. " Lydia. d. Sept. 29. 1756. Aliijrail. Feb. 9, 1749. A^i!;aU. d. Sept. 17, 175(i. (son'i. .\ug. 6, 1751 . '• (soni. died soon. '■ .lohn. TJov. 13, 17.58. '■ Olive, March 28, 1701. '•■ Lydia, of Daniel, and Anna, March 14, 1768. '■ Joanna, Aug. 13, 1769. Kuth, July 12, 1772. '■ Shnbael, Jan. 11, 1775. Abigail, Oct. 14, 1779. " Dlanmi. of Simon and Hannah, >'ov. 18, 1768. " Luclna, May 26, 1771. " Hannah, Aug. 17, 1777. CUMIiEKT.AND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 135 i-iao 1-130 1-23 1-2.-) 1-23 1-2:! 1-23 24<; 2-4f. 2-4G 2-4f. 2-40 2-41 i 2 4e 2-r>-t 2-20 2-1 81 2-181 2-181 2-181 2-166 2-66 2-171 2-171 2-171 2-171 2-171 2-171 1-115 l-llo 1-115 1-115 1-115 1-165 2-0 1-17 1-17 1-17 1-17 1-17 1-17 1-17 2-iii) WJLKlNscjN Iliiminli, uf Simon and Hnnn:ih, " Hannah, " Amoy, of nriijniiiiii and ITannab, " Benjamin, " Benjamin, " W(Oc.orni'. " Alpha, of .I.|)llia and Liir'V, " Nancy, " Arnold, " Ransom, " J. Avi'i-y, " Lucy, '■■ Mary Ann, " AbigaU, " Sally, of Sleplicn and F,liz.a1>cth, " Nelson, reputed son of .losepU Willdnson 9, 1802. •■ Rozina, of Willi.am, 2d, and Eniiioe, " Willard Burrell, " Clarissa, " SiLsan, '■ Daniel Smith, of Sliubael and Mahala, '• Ziza, dau. of Nancy Carpenter, dau., of Jotliam, '• Alcy Almeua, of James and Ilowena " Jame.s Auguslus. " Jeremiah Aldi'icli, " Ai'nold Aldi-icb. " Eowena Aldi-ich, '• Jane EUzabeth, WILLIAMS Hannah, of Koljert ami Ueljccca, '• Charlotte, Betty, '• Montayne, " Lavlna, WIL.IIAKTH CJidney, reiiuicd dan. of Bariah Wilson, WlLllOT Olney, of Beriali, WOOD Peleg, of Thomas and JeriLsha, " Simon, of Thomas and Molly, " Keuben, " Amma, " Oomfort, ■■ Levina, '■ Susanna, " Ksiiier, of SlinoH anil I'rnsha, d. Miircli21, 1778. Oct. 10, 1782, Oct. 20, 1770. May 8, 1772. d. Nov. 3, 1772. Dec. 11), 1773. Oct. 12, 1784. Jan. 18, 1736. May 25, 1787. March 4, 1789. April 23, 1791. April 11, 1792.. Sept. 23, 1793. Juno 4, 1795. Oct. 17, 1792. and Silvia flapron. April Sept. 14, 1803. Oct. 2©, 1805. June 9, 1808. Sept. 8, 1811. Jan. 8, 1813. otliani, Feb. 28, 1815. June 4, 1815. June 4, 1817. AprE 11, 1819. April 25, 1823. Dec. 4, 1825. Dec. 20, 1831. March 16, 1774. Dec. 30, 1775. March 20, 1778. Feb. 26, 1779. Aug. 19, 1783. m, Nov. 30, 1780. April 10, 1801. June 5, 1767. June 18, 1771. March 5, 1773. Sept. 12, 1774. March 18, 1776. Sept. 2G, 1777. Sept. 20. 1777. Jan. (1. 1795. Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=1850. KlRvST SERIES. BIETHS, MARKIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N. Arnold, Editor ok the N.\KK..v(iAx.sF.TT Historical Register. Is N-Iv Nanie Written in tl^e Boole of Life?" Volume 3. SMITHFIELD. Part VI. Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly. PROVIDENCE, R. I: Uarkagansett Historical Publishing Compant. 1S92. ACT FOK EEECTING THE TOWN OJT PROVIDENCE INTO FOUR TOWNS. In General Assembly at Newport, tlie tliiid Tuesday of February, 1730-1. AN ACT for Erecting and Incoi-porating the Outlajids of the Town of Provi- dence into Three Towns. Forasmuch as the outlanda of the tovai of Provideuce are large and re- plenished with inhabitants sufficient to make and erect, three townships besides the town of Providence, and the land lies convenient for the same, which will be of great ease and benefit to the inhabitants of said lands in transacting and negotiating the prudential affairs of their town, which, for some time past, has been very heavy and burdensome. Be it, therefore, enacted by tliis General Assembly, and by tlio authority thereof it is enacted, that from Warwick township, eight miles and a half, be measured on the seveii-mUe lino (so called), in said Providence, and a boundary there fixed ; and from the said boundary a, line be drawn to Pawtucket river TO a place called tlie Ware, about half a mile northerly of Pawtucket Falls ; and that for the time to come the town of Providence extend no further west and north than the aforesaid lines. And it is also enacted by the authority aforesaid that aU tlie rest of the aforesaid outlands to the eastward of the aforesaid seven-mile line and to the northward of the bounds of the town of Providence be, and they are hereby, incorporated and erected into a town caUed and known by the name of Smith- lield, and that the inhabitants tliereof, from time to time, shall have and enjoy the like beuelits and privileges with other towns in this Colony, according to our Gliarter. And it is fui-ther enacted by the authority aforesaid that all tiie rest of the Oiforesaid outlands, to the westward of the aforesaid seven-mile line, be erected and made into two towns; the dividing line between them to begin at tlie northwest bounds of the town of Providence at the bounds and monument then made and erected on the aforesaid seven-mile line ; and from thence to ex- tend west six degrees and thirty minutes north to Connecticut Colony, and all the lands to the westward of the said town of Providence and to the north- ward of said dividing line, and to tlie northward of the town of Warwick up to the Colony line, be, and they are hereby, erected and incorporated a town, to be called and known by the name of Soituate ; and the inhabitants tliereof, from time to time, shall have and enjoy the like liberty and privileges aa other towns incorporated in this Colony, by our Charter, do. And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the rest and residue of the aforesaid outlands that lie to the westward of the aforesaid seven-mile line, and to the northward of the west line drawn from the north- west corner of the town of Providence, and bounded north on the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, and west on the Colony of Connecticut, be, and they are hereby, erected and incorporated a town and called by the name of Gloces- ter ; and the inhabitants thereof, for the time being, shall have and enjoy the like liberty with other towns in this Colony, agreeably to our Charter. And it is further enacted that the Justices o£ the Peace of each of the lespective towns of Smithfield, Scituate and Glocester grant forth a warrant ia iV ACT INCOKPOEATING THE TOWN OF SMITHFIELD. some convenient time to call the inhabitants of each town together to chose and elect their town officers as they shall have occasion for, as the law dlrectB, and to appoint the times of their town meetings and the places ; and each of the towns to send two Deputies to the next General Assembly, and so on, as by the Charter is ordered. And that Major WUliam Smith and Capt. Eichard Waterman take with them a surveyor, and from the northwest corner of Providence town they run up a line to Connecticut Colony, west, si^: degrees north, according as tlie As- sembly has ordered and appointed tlie same. And that Providence send one grand and one petit jurjTnan to the Su- perior Courts ; Smitlilield thei same, and Scituate and Glocester each one petit juryman, and Providence to send four grand and three petit jurors to the In- ferior Courts; Smithfield two grand and two petit jurors, and Scituate one grand juror and petit juror, and Glocoster the same. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the towns of Providence, Smitlifield, Scituate and Glocester have each their proportion of the interest of the bank money appropriated to the. use of the towns of this Colony, according to the sums that the lands lying in each town are mortgaged for; and that what money the Town Treasurer of Providence has advanced for the town before the division thereof bo repaid him out of the whole interest money before division thereof be made. (R. I. Colonial Records, Vol. FV., pages 442-45.) SMITHFIELD. lvd:-A.R,E,IA.C3-ES. NOTE. — The tollo-wiiij: mari'ijiK*'s in lids town slari'tMi refen-ed to niattev thiit was not copied Ironi tliR original fii-sl Ijoo).-. 2-292 ABALA Coustantlne, of Ignatu-, aiid JIary Evin-lf, or JIaltliew ; m. liy Eev. Caleb Blood, Jan. 23. 1.S44. 2-414 ABORT Mary, anil Natlianiel M. IngaUB, March 2, 18S1. 2-30C ADAMS James M., of Elijah, and Mary Ann Paine, of Ransom, olf Glouces- ter, R. I.; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Oct. 21, 1644. 2-359 " Sarah L., and James N. Woodarr, Aug. 17, 184S. 1-33 ALBEK Kleazer, and Mercy Shippee ; m. by Wni. Jenelces, J. P., Nov. 8, 1743. 1-24' ■- Joseph, anil Riidi Darling: ni. by William Arnold, Justice, Nor. 8, 1744. 1-83* " Ebeio'ier. and Esther Fi-ili: in. by Win Arnold, Justice, Feb. 28, 1750. i-212 •■' Lydia, and Aaron Ballou, Mar.;h 5. 1773. 1-372 " Abbie, and Henry A. Ellis, May 2ii. 1849. 3-42."! AbDKICil .\bigall. and John .Smith. Aug. 22. 1723. 3-99 •• Mary, and Izrael Wlllcinson, Aijril O, 1732. 1-4^ '• David, and .Meliitnlilc Mann, both of Pi-o\-ldsnee, July 0, 1733. 1-3 '• Susanna, and Benjamin Ballard, March 25, 1734. 1-j* '• Sobjnion. and Martha Jillson ; ni. by VaK^ntine Whitenian, Justice, April 30. 1734. 1-9 " Jane, and Kichai'd steere, Ajiril 27, 1735. 1-32 '• Mary, and Daniel Smith. Aug. 3, 1735. 1-20' " George, and Mai-y Meinani : m. by Wni. Arnold, Justice, Aug. 7, 1735. 1-17 " Sarah, and John Bartlett, Oct. 15, 1738. 1-17 " Peter, and Mii-iam Ray ; m. by David Comstock, Justice, Nov. 20, 1738. 1-17 « Sarah, and .lolin liariled, March 3, 1739. 1-30* ■•' .Abigail, and Simeon Keith. June 2(;, 1740. 1.20 " Samuel, of Peter, and Pi-LsciUa Paine; m. by Thomas Styles, Jus- tice. Aug. 21, 1740. l.f>l» ■■ Margaret, and Edward Thompson. July 2, 1741. 1.7X •• Abel, and Umnia .Sprague ; m. by David Comstock, Justice, Nov. 3, 1741. l-70~ " Jonathan, and Patience Gaskill, both of Mendou, Mass.; in. by David ComstocJi, Justice, March 17, 1742. 1-23-' •' Si.rah, and Jam-s Cargill. Feb. 23, 1743-4. 1.17 " Abigail, and Joseph Bartlett. Nov. 7, 1744. l.^X " Retilien, and Ruth VeiTy ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Nov. 22, 1744. 1-60' •" Levi, and Abig;ul Hunt: ni. by Wni. .\rjiold. Justice, Feb. 27, 1743-6. l.gl* " Robert, and Patience Jliinn; m. by Wm. Arnold, Justice, .Sept. 7, 1740. 1-62* •• -ibner. and Elizabeth Conk: m. by Wm. Arnold, Justice, Dec. 10. 1747. (Vit. Ree., Vol. 3.1 22 VITAL EECOKD OF KUODE ISLAND. t-82* ALDKICH Caleb, and Jlaiy .Vi-uold, Jau. 1, 1747-S. 1-79 " Ciileb, and Mary Aldi-icli ; m. by Wiu. Arnold, Jiistife. Jan. 1, 1747-8. 1-79 " Maiy, aud OUob Aldiitli, Jan. 1. 1747-8. 1-69 " Daniel, and. Eutli Clarke; m. by XUomas Lapliani, Justice, Nov. — , 17o0. 1-85 " Ku,b. aud Ezclaal Mowry. May 1-2. 17&1. 1-71* " Suiumou, ol Cumberland, E. I., aud Sarah Wlupple, ol SmiUi- lield; m. by Thomas Lai>hani, Justice, Oct. 20, 1751. 1-89 " Eacbel, and David Flynn, .March :;i:, 1752. 1-83 " Daniel, and Anne Steere; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Nov. 9, 1752. 1-84 " E..lh, and Sleyheu Keith, Feb. 25. 1753. X-lO •* Mary, and Thomas Steere, Dec. 20, 1754. 1-23 " Moses, of Jlendon, Mass.. and Mercy LiiUis, of Smithiield; m. by Thomas l.ai'h.im, Justice, Feb. 16, 175&. 1-139 " Job, and Abigail Smith ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Justice, Dec. 26, 1759. 1-20 " Amie ami Elisha Steere, July 10, 1760. 1-20 ** Samuel, of Peier, and Siirah Paine, vvidow ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Justice. Oct. 5, 1760. 1-81 " CxeurKe, and Anne Buclilin ; m. by Stephen Sly, Justice, Aug. 27, 1761. 1-204 " Jethro, and Maiy Mann; m. by Jabe?. Harris, Justice, June 14, 1762. 1-164 " Hannah, and Jonathan Millei-, Dec. 9, 1702. 1-164 " Hannah, and Levi Bhickmore. May (i. 1763. 1)86 " Kaebel, and William Comstock, Feb. 21, 1765. 1-192 " Si.sanna, and Israel Mowry, April 28, 1768. 1-239 " stei hen. and Kezlah King; m. by Daniel Mowry, Justice, May 27, 1760. 1-190 " Man., ot George, of Meudou. rjiass., lajwl Hannali SmJttH, oJ Joseph, ot «uilihfleld; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, Sept. 27, 1770. 1-209 " Hannah, and Sanmel White. Dec. 23, 1770. 1-26 " Jean, and Oideon Cook, March 28, f771. 2 255 " Thomas, ot Caleb, and Joanna Arnold, of Stephen ; m. by William Arnold, Justice, May 0. 1771. 1-208 " Simon, ot holmuon, late ol Cumberland, and Mary Mathewson, ot 11 1 lint el ol SmilliHi'ld : m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, June 21, 1772. 1-230 " Anne, and S:inuiel Aldr eh, Nov. 12, 1772. 1-230 " Siinuiel, od, of Samuel, and Anue Aldrich, of John, dec. ; m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice. Nov. 12, 1772. 1-235 " Alice, and D.iniel Mowry, March 7, 1773. 1-216 " Izrael. ot S;miuel. and Ann Mann, of Ouver; m. by Caleb -Aldrich, Justice, March 2.j. 1773. 1-212 " Deborah, and Ishmael iSayles, C)ct. 7, 1773. 1-214 " Liiice, and Eleizer Mowry, Nov. 7, 1773. 1-232 " Peter, of tjarauel, and Amie Mowry, ol Joseph; m. by Kev. Eleazer -AngeU, May 15, 1774. 1-173 " David, ot Samuel, and Kobe Arnold, of Jacob; m. by Stephen Ar- nold, Justice, iNov. 30, 1775. 1-211 " William, of ('Ml b. and Priisha Paine, ol Arnold; m. by Stephen .Ar- nold, Justice, April Is, 1773. 1-368 " Isaac, ot John, and Mary Jones, of Timothy ; m. by Daniel Wlnsor, Justice, Nov. 2, 1806. 1-427 " George, of Cumberland, -son of William, and PoUy Sayles, of Smlth- lield, dau. of Smith; m. by Samuel Mann, Justice, April 30, 1807. 1-438 " James, of Smithfield, sou of Nathan, and Hannah Comstock, ot lleury ; m. by Richard Steere, Justice, Sept. 25, 1808. 1-384 " Caleb. Jr., ot Caleb, and Rachel Arnold, of Stephen; m. by Rich- ard Steere, .lustice. April 2, 1809. 1-439 " Sayles, of Nathan, and .Mplia Peets, of James; m. by Samuel Mann, Justice, June 3, 1810. 1-440 " Lydia, and Olney Patt, Sept. 9, 1810. 1-12;! " Mrs. Anna, and Nathaniel Sayles, Jan. 20, 1812. 1-457 " Joel, Jr., son of William, and Lucy Mowry, of Jonathan, 3d; m. by Elisha Olney, Justice, Dec. 13, 1812. 1-283 " Alpha, and Levi Mowry, June 12, 1814. l-4i;; " Amie, and Stephen Wood. June 30, 1814. 1-369 " Apema. and Nathtin Castl'-, Nov. 28, 181d. 1-366 " Arnold, Jr., son ol Augn-lus, and Cyreua Paine, of Cyrus; m. by FJljah Arnold, Justice. Dec. 19, 1816. 1-248 " Diana, and Arnold Steere, March 30, 1817. 1-377 " Asahel, of Augustus, and Freelove Farnum, of Noah ; m. by Elijah Aruold, Justice, AprU 10, 1817. :2-63 " Len-is, of Naham, and Diana Mjlntire; m. by Samuel Mann, Jus- tice, Jan. 21, 1821. 2.31 " Wlnsor, of Simon, and Anna Clarlt, of Samuel; m. by Thomas Mann, Justice, Dec. 2 9, 1822. 2-46 " Kuth E., and George C. Ballou, May 24, 1825. 2-48 " BurriU, of Smithfield, son of Reuben, dec, and Maranda BaUou; m. by Tliomas JIau». .Justice, June 5, 1825. 2-58 " Nathan, of Smitlittekt, and Amie Aruold, of Thompson, Conn. ; m. at Thompson by K«v. Daniel Don, April 6, 1826. 2-60 " Joanna, and Edward Holchkiss, March 4, 1827. / VITAL EECORn OF KIIOUE ISLAND. 2-73 ALDKKH Olnny. uiul ("iilli^iriiie Mniin : m. by Henry S. Mansfield, Justice) Sept. 25, 1828. 2-97 " Adeline, and Le\l Ranrt;iH, Mmv 1. 1831. 2-317 " Ablpail Scotf. .Tnd Mason IlarrL'<, Jul.v 4, 1833. 2-123 " Prn'iia P., and Joseph O. Brown, Aug. 12, 1834. 2-118 " Jlarh. and Saiah Nichols: m. b.v Rev. Leonard WakeHeld, Bee. 23, 1334. 2-136 " Robert, and Martlia EeniinjiUMi : ni. *y Kev. Leonard Wakefield, May 5, 1836. 2-241 " Da\-ld \V.. and Abbie D. foiiis(oik : m. hy Rev. Henry Waterman, Oct. 13, 1836. 2-127 " Diana, and Smith R. Mfwry, June 11, 1837. 2-317 " Patience, and WUliam Mowi-y, Jr., Hay 29, 1S38. 2-203 " Desire B.. and Mar\in Carey, May 11, 1840. " Abijnill A., and Ste-wart Mom-y, Ang. 9, 1840. 2-218 " Polly, and Orln HuteUinson, Oct. 11, 1840. 2-218 " Olive Ann. and Ethan F. Place. Nov. 15, 1840. 2-285 " Robert H.. and Mai-y S. Standish : m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, March 5, 1843. 2-303 " Hamilton P.. and Asabiah Handy ; m. by Rev. Junla S. MoTfiy, July 8, 1844. 2-313 " Mary A., and James FoUett, April 10, 184S. 2-309 " Grace C, and Joanna B. Hilden ; ni. by Rev. Asel D. Cole, March 9, 1845. 2-318 " Elijah Arnold, ot Lems, and Sarah Bolster, of Rufus ; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Oct. 30, 184."). 2-321 " Alpha B., and Robert P. Williams, Feb. 1, 1846. 2-329 " Mercy Ann, and Emer Smith. Oct. 19, 1847. 2-392 " Laui-a F., and Reuel P. Smith, May 15, 1S50. 2-19 ALGEK Elizabeth, and Joshua Al^er, June 24, 1821. 2-19 " Joshua, of Smithtield, and Elizabeth Alger, ot BurrilMlle ; m. by Samuel Mann, Justice, Juno 24, 1821. 2-104 " PauUna, and Stephen Collins, Jan. 13, 1833. 1-30* ALLEN Daniel, and Sarah Sprague; ni. by William Jenckes, Justice, Aug. 11, , recorded Nov. 3, 174.';-6. 1-345 " Barberry, and William Harris, Oct. 24, 1789. 2-5 ." Cynthia, and Luke I'lullips, May 2i, 1809. 2-47 " Sarah, and EUjaU Arnold, March 4, lsl9. 2-47 " Richard M., of Pawtucket, Mass., and Sally M. Reynolds, of Smith- Held; m. Hem-y S. Sc Scon, Justice, Dec. 2, 1832. 2-161 " James N., of Newport, and Surah A. Mooney, of Smithfield; m. by Kev. Reuben Allen, S-pt. 30, 1839. 2-239 '• Joseph ColwcU, and Harriet Celimla Hatch; m. by l5;iac Taber, Justice, Jan. 12, 1841. 2-350 " William H., of Sabiu, and Dcsdemona Pearcc, of Duuiel ; m. by Rev. Charles Hyde, Nov. 7, 1847. 2-416 " Alfred, and Susan M. Freciuan ; m. by Rev. Charles WilUtt, May 3, 1848. 1-320 ALMY Chrislo'jhcr, of Portsmouth, son of Holder, and Lydla. HiU, of Samiiel, of Smlthiield ; m. by Joel Aldiich, Justice, Oct. 9, 1794. 1-445 " Benjamiu, uud Rachel Blake: m. by liev. Pliney Bett, Sept. 30, 1813. \ 1407 " Alice L., art<( William Darker, Jan. 30, 1617. 1-445 " Benjamin, of )\A), of Newport, and Abigail Eddy, of Elkanah, of Scituate ; m..\y Caleb Farnum, Justice, Sept. 18, 1817. 2-14 " Joseph, and Susaii Herd ; m. by Arnold Spear, Justice, March 29, 1821. 1-10 ALVERSO.N' David, and Rebecca Sherlock; m. by Thomas Lapham, Justice, Nov. 4, 1754. 1-70 •■ David, ol Providence, and Elizabeth Sherman, of Smithtield; in. by Stephen Sly, Justice, April 20, 1758. 1-106 '■ Uriah, and Marey Sayles ; m. by Daniel Mowry.. Jr., Justice, .April 16, 17G1. 1-225 " .Abigail, and SluUely .Sayl.s. March 5, 1760. 1-250 " M.-rcy, and Henry Darling, Feb. 25, 1S07. SMITHFIELD .MARRIAGES. i-3Gl ALEXANDKK Elli-n Cliarlotte. and Daiii.'l II;iynes, Feb. 6, 184S. --363 " John, of WUpple, and Mary Ann Lapliam, of Isaac, of Nortk Providence : ni. by Howard M. King, Justice, Aug. 27, IStS. 3-323 AMES Proctor, of .Jacob, dec, of Mount Holly, Vt., and MeMtable Harrte, of Daniel; m. by Rev. Junla S. Mowry, Marcb. 8, 1316. 2-101 AJiMLDOWN Ruth ('., and Whipple li. Mowry. Sept. 13, 1832. 2-380 " Sarah Ann, ami Alpheus T. Young, Dec. 31, 1849. 1-199 ANDERSON Thomas, of Smithlieid, sou of .Tames, of New Jersey, and Patience Lockwood, resident of Smithtield, dau. of Adam, of Warwiclr, K. I. ; m. by Icliabod Com^toclc. Justice, Aug. 4, 1774. 2-140 ANDREWS Hannah L., and Albert U. Wilbur, March 18, 1839. 1-135 ■• Abigail M-.iria, and Albert Todd, July 30, 1839. 2-233 " Sarah, and WillUim G. Barnes, Nov. 23, 1840. 2-250 " Orin W.. and liosellana M. Day: m. by Rev. Reulwn Allen, Feb. 25, 1841. 2-287 " Alvli-a, and Joseph C. Pearoe, July 2, 1843. 2-315 " Laura, and Willard Colwell. June 12, 1845. 1-8 ANGELL Mary, and Thomas broadway. .\pril 27, 1735. 1-34 " Ruth, and Jolm Wilkinson, Jr., Nov. 12, 1743. 1-40 " Wait, and Matthew Sweet, Dec. 16, 1744. 1-23 " Zerviah, and Ananias Mowry, .March 2 or 7, 1745. 1-186 " EzeJsicl, and Ruth Sprague : ui. by Ebenezer JencUes, Justice, July 29, 1745. 3-432 " Ezeliiel, of Stephen, and Phebe Brown ; ra. by Thomas Steere, Jus- tice, Jan. 3, 1750. 3-432 " Stephen, Jr., and Ilathissah Sprague; m. by Thomas Steere, Jus- tice, Oct. 21, 1750. 1-93 " Hud-sah, and William Eddy. Aug. 12, 1756. 1-93 " Hannah, and Daniel Owen, Aug. 15, 1756. 1-153 " Jemima, and Seth Taft, March 20, 1761. 1-204 '• Eber, and .leru^ha Eddy; ni. by Jal>ez Harris, Justice, Aug. 2«, 1761. 1-204 '■ Abraham, .and Mary Hawkins; ni. by Jabez Harris, Justice, Dec. 13, 1761. 1-224 •■ David, of Ezekiel. and Paiieuce Smith, oi Phillip; m. by Elder John Winsor, Sept. 1. 1774. 1-201 •■ Abigail, and Esck Saunders, Jan. 11, 1778. 1-249 " Abraham, of Cliai-les, of Smitlifleld. and Anne Whipple, of Benji- min, Jr.. of North Providence ; m. by Rev. Ezekiel Angel, Nov. — , 1779. 1-306 " Job, of Job, and ,Susannah Burnett, of, Timothy, of Cumberland; m. by Amaziah Weatherhead, Justice, May 27, 1792. 1-310 " Stephen, of Col. John, and Mary Harris, of Abner, dec; m. by Kev. John Win.sor, Dec. 23, 1792. 1-323 " Mary, and John Carpenter, Feb. 13, 1796. 1-386 " Daniel, of Job, dec. and Abigail Jenckes, of Thomas; m. by Edward. Mulbury. .lustice. Jan. 22, 1797. 1-329 " Naomi, and Knius Hill. I>ec. 8. 1797. 1-379 " Jason, of Jason, and Mary Arnold, of Simeon ; ni. by Thomas Mann, Justice, Jan. 17, 1802. 1-147 " Mrs. Amle, and Gideon Mowry, Nov. 24, 1808. 1-18.0._ " Mrs. Mehltable, and Harris Hawkins, Nov. 19, 1809. 1-459 " George, of Benjamin, aial Lydia Farnum, of Noah ; m. by Rev. Rufujs Tetlt, Nov. 25, 1810. 2-32 " Deborah, and Edwin (^apron. Dec. 26, 1822. 3-192 " Amie, and Benjamin Waterman, April 8, 1840. 2-191 •• Manning 11.. of John, .-iUd Harriet Arnold, of David; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, AprU 8, 1840. •2-197 " Susan E., and Zebulon R. Wilson, May 3, 1840. 2-227 •' George W., and Emily M. Mann: m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor. Nov. 12, 1840. 2-273 " George A., of William A., and .Maiia Angell ; m. by Rev. Charles C. Taylor, May 31, 1842. 2-273 '■ Maria, and George A. Angell, May 31, 1842. 2-2S6 ■• Hannah P., and George N. Booker, June 2, 1843. 10 VITAL OF RECORD RHODE ISLAND. 2-320 -UfGELL Caroline F.. and Georpe B. Medbury, Dec. 22, 1845. 2-324 " Mahala P.. and Uayles Bom-ne, April 23. 1846. 2-347 " George A., of William, and Harriet G. Brown, of Henry, dec. ; m. bv Kev. Movrrv Plilllip.^. Oct. 28. 1847. 2-7 " Dr. Avery F., of Taunton. Mass.. and Cyntiiia Day, of Smlthfleld : m. by Rex. Edwin C". Brown, .Tuly 31, 1850. ANGERS EUzabetU, .and .loshua Angers. June 24. 1821. " Joshua, and Elizabeth Angers. June 24, 1821. 2-299 ANTHONY Amie Ann, and Daniel Richardson, JIarch 21, 1844. 2-303 " Patience, and D-.ivid R. Stone, Sept. 22, 1844. 2-333 " Catharine, and .lohn Clark, Sept. 10, 1846. 1-160 APPI/EBY Elizabeth, and EUsha Smith, Jr.. July 9, 1761. 1-189 " Hannah, and Nathaniel Smith, March 1, 1768. 1-193 " James, and Anne Sayles. widow, dau. of Benjamin Paine : m. hy Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, April 12, 1770. 1-216 " Benjamin, of James, and Mercy Sly, of Stephen; m. by Danie' Smith, Justice, .Sept. 15, 1771. 1-215 " Ratua. and Isaac King. Oct. 1, 1775. 1-288 " Martha, and Junl Smith. March 24. 1782. 1-227 " Hannah, and Gideon Phillips, May 26, 1782. 1-252 " John, of James, and Elizabeth Aldrich. of Daniel ; m. by Rey. Jidward Mitchell. Jan. 2. 1783. 1-238 '• Thomas, of James, Jr.. and Waite Smith, of John, 3d; m. by Rev. Edward MltcheU, Nov. 14, 1764. 1-267 " Sarah, and Benonl Latham, Oct. 13, 1785. 1-263 " Phebe. and .athan Aldrich. Oct. 16, 1785. 1-245 " Stephen, of Smithheld, and Anna Olney, of Gloeester; m. by Rev. WiUiara Bowen, March S, 1792. 1-293 " Elizabeth, and James Brown. Nov. 25. 1792. 1-371 " Seth, of James, and Nancy Spear, of Elkanah; m. by Joel Aldrich. Justice. June 26, 1800. 1-408 " Charles, of Smlthlield, and Esther Olney, of Gloucester ; m. by Rev. William Bowen, Feb. 13, 1803. 1^06 " Nancy, and William Evans. Feb. 24. 1803. 1-407 " Content, and Jeremiah Jlowry. 3d. Feb. 16, 1804. 1-260 " George Mnnrne. and Phebe Smith: ni. liy Rev. T. A. Taylor, Sepr. 21, 1841. ' . 2-312 " George M., of Charles, and Adah F. Smith, of Appleby: m. by Rev. Martin Cheney. April 24, 1845. 2-293 ARMINGTON Edward R., of F.aU River. Mass., and July M. Read, of SmiHi- field: m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Jan. 29, 1844. 2-370 ARMSTRONG Charles J!., of Pnnldence. and Harriet J. iiimball. of Smlt'.:- tield : m. by Rev. D. L. McGeer, Dec. 25, 1849. 1-18 ARNOLD William, and Margaret ('apron: m. by Valentini> Whitman. .Justice. May 5. 1729. 1-1 " Anna, and Benjamin Paine. Dec. 24, 1731. 1-3 " Abigail, and Abner Bartlett. April 30, 1734. 1-11 " Susannah, and John JIalavery. Dec. 26, 1736. 1-11 " Jloses. and Bethiah Man ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Jnstlce, Nov. 25 or 28. 17.'!fi. 1-12 " Tliomas. Jr.. and Annie Smith: ni. by Daniel Jenckes, Jnstlce. Nov. 9. 1737. 1-12 " Alice, and Capt. Richard Savle-s. May 14. 1738. 1-16 " Josiah. and Annie Phillip., m. Iiy Da\1d Comstock. Jnstlce, July 20. 3 738. 1-13 " Edmund, and Mary Staples: m. by Daniel Jenckes. Justice, Dec. 24. I73,s. 1-14 " Ruth, and Gideon Comstock. March 3, 1738-9. 1-15 '• Jane, and Henry Blackiiirir, Feb. 18. 1739. Another entry reads Sept. 29, 1739. 1-33 '• Thomas, and Marv Man : m. bv William Arnold. .Itistlce. Nov. 14. 1739. 1-62 " Benjamin, and Anna DoTiler: m. by William Jenckes, Justice, Feb. 14 or 15. 1740 1. 1-38 1-39 1-70 1-79 1-65 1-65 1-82* 1-60 1-60 SMITHFIELD — MARRIAGES. 11 1-18 ARNOLD William, Esq., ol SmithfieUI, anil Hannah Haywarrt, o{ jrendon., Mass.; m. by Tliomas Sayless, Justice, April 1, 1740. 1-70 " S;irah, and Nathaniel Jillsoii, March or May 14, 1741. 1-102 " Freelove, and .Tob Arnold, Aug. 13, 1741. 1-103 " Job, and Fi-eilove Arnolil: ni. Iiy Williana Jenokes. Justice, Am;. IH. 1741. 3-456 " John, and Hannah Howard; ni. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Oct. .1, 1742. 1-22 " Martha, and John SaylfS, Jr., Doc. 19, 1713. 1-24 " Ruth, and Thomas Man. June 4, 1743. Also 3-455. 1-35 " Elisha, .aTid I'Uelie Jlowry : m. liy William Jenckes, Justice, April 26, 1744. 1-83 " Thomas, and .Mary 3Ian ; m. by WilUam Arnold, Justice, Jan. 20, 174(!. 1-45 " David, and Mi'rcy Whiiiole ; iii. l.y Tliomas Stcere, Justice, Fel}. 9, 1745. .\notljer record re;ids Mary \\'LippIe; ni. by John Aid- rich, Justice, same day (probably man led twice by justice ol each choice,!. " Cileb. and Patience Brown; m. by William Jenclces, .Justice, .Tan. 26, 1743-6. " Amos, and Sarah Wilkinson; ui. by William .Tenclccs, Justice, Feb. 23. 1745-6. " Mary, and Hezediali Comstociv, Jr., .Vpril 20, 1746. " Enoch, and Deborah Comstocli: ; m. by William Arnold, Ju.stlce, June 23, 1747. " Phebe, and Jeremiali C^imstock. Oct. 25, 1747. " Mercy, and Oliver Man, Nov. IS, 1747. " Mary, and Caleb Aldricli, Jan. 1, 1747-s. " Racliel. and Stephen Arnold. May 27, 1749. " Stephen, and Rachel Arnold; m. by Thomas Steero, Justice, May 27, 1749. 1-64 " Soth, and Mary CargiU ; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Oct. 35, 17.50. 1-188 " Larona. .and ('aleb Raymond. Nov. — , 1750. 1-76 " Amie, and Joshua Arnold. Aug. 30, 1752. 1-76 " Joshua, and Amie Arnold; m. by Tliomas Lapham, Justice, Aug. 30. 17.53. 1-76 " James, .and IMary Brifrcs ; m. liy Thomas Lapham, Justice, Sept. — , 1752. 1-85 " Dorcas, and James Oarjiiil. Dee. 7, 1752. 1-54: " Lydiii. and WiUlam folter. Nov. 18, 1753. 1-8 " Susannah, and Richard Man. May 10, 1755. 1-19 " William, and Hannah Eddy; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice. Blay IH, 1755. 1-145 " Amie, and Daniel Mowiy. Jr., Aug. 19, 1756. 1-131 " Jacob, and Susannah liallou : m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Nov. 25, 17.'.6. 1-93 « Nathan, ami . " Deborah, and Amos Arnold, May 8. 1761. 1.304 " .lohn, and JIartha liuclUin: m. by Jabez H.arrL^, Justice, Oct. 13, 1761. 1-204 " Amie, aud Stephen Drayton, Dec. 2, 1762. 1.153 " -\bigail, aud Nathan Comstoelc, Jau. 2, 17t>3. 12 VITAL EKCORD OF RHODE ISLAND 1-205 1-191 1-18C 1-189 1 -IJi 1-134 l-a08 : -1208 1-192 1-192 1-175 1-198 1-178 1-178 l-io^) l-:208 i-i;ui 1-231 l-'!08 1-208 1-224 1-229 1-229 1212 l-9(i 1-232 1-229 1-221 1-173 1-217 1-232 1-30J 1-100 1-29.-) 1-350 1 234 1 251 1 250 1 293 1 178 1- 291 1-337 by Jjibez Harris, Justice, Fob. 24, 1703. AJiXOLD Euocl;, ami M.-ir.v linntir, 171)3. Catlierine, and George Coiusiock, Marcli 9. Lydia, and William liulTnni. Oct. 1. 17(J7. Abraljani, and Sanili Uc.\i>i-; ni. by Danifl 3Iowi-y. Jr., Justice, Feb. 25, 17r.8. Marilia. and Setli Arnold, .Ir.. April 34, 17U8. Setli, Jr.. of Setli, and Jiartba Arnold, of Tliomas ; m. by Steplien Ai-nokl. Justice, April 14, 17G8. Alpha, and I'eleg Arnold, Sept. IS, 1769. Peleg, of Thomas doc, and Alpha Arnold, of Stephen ; m. by John Siiyles, JiLstice, Sept. l.s, 17(38. Isaac, and L.?vina Arno.'d ; m. by Uaniil JSIowry Justice, Dec. 8, 17iif.. Levina, and Isaac Aj'nohi. Dec. S, 1708. Kutli. and JClislia IJartleU, Sept. 5, 1769. Anne, and .John liucJilin. 2d, uct. 30, 1770. Eli.sha, of Stephen, and Jianuah Arnold, of Thomas ; m. by Caleb Aldrich. Justice. Feb. 14, 1771. Hannah, and Flisha Aniuld. Feb. 14, 1771. Joanija, and Thomas Aldrieli. May 9, 1771. James, of Jonathan, and Kuth S;tyles, of Daniel; m. by Daniel JlowTy, Jr., Jnsticc, Aiii-'.' 22, 1771. Simeon, of Uenjaniin, and Freelove Olney, of Uljediali : m. by Wel- come Arnold. Jn.st-iei' Jan. 10, 1772. Naomi, and DavM Eddy. Feb. 13, 1772. Luke, of Tliomas. Jr., and Pliebe Arnold, of Seth : m. by Daniel Jlowry. Jr.. Jiisliee. June 25, 1772. Phebe, and Luke Arnold, June 25, 1772. Welcome, of Jonatlian, of smithtield, and Patience Greene, of Capt. Samuel, of \\arwicli, E. 1. : m. at Warwick by Elder John Gorton, l-ib. 11. 177.L Anne, and Caleb Arnold, June 3, 1773. Caleb, of Gloucester, son of Joseph, and Anne Arnold, of Daniel, of Sirtilhfield; ni. by SitpUen Arnold, Justice, June 3. 1773. Hannah, and Iriah Mowry, Xov. 28, 1773. Sarah, and E/.ekiel I'hiUips. Jan. 30, 1774. Joseph, of Knock, of cnniberland, and Patience Wilbur, of Dan- iel; m. by Slephen Arnold, Justice, May 28, 1775. Izreal. of .loslnia. anil Deliorali Ulney. of Jeremiah; m. by Icha- bod (•omstov Tliomas Man, Justice, April 22, 1804. •2-168 '■ Euth. and Ahab Read, Oct, 23. 1805, 1-238 " Clarissa, and Henry Comstocic, March 23, 180G. 1-433 " Lydia, and George \Miipple, Jlarcli 22, 1807. 1-428 •■ Joshua. Jr.. of Isaac, of Smithtield, and Silence Whipple, of Cum- berland, dan. of Eleazer, dec: m. by Samuel Man, Justice, April 3, 1807, 2-32 •■ (ii'orse, of Eleazer, of Smitlifield, and Mary Evans, of Gloucester, dan. ot Ricliard ; ni. by Daniel Wiiisor, Justice, Nov. 6, 1808. 1-384 '•■ Rachel, and Caleo Aldrich, Jr., AprU 2, 1809. 2-314 • Elizabetli, and David Ide, Dec. 8, 1811. 1-141 ■■ Izical, Jr.. ami Alibie Brown; ni. by Elder Byron Henry. Api1l 24. islii. 1-437 ••■ Dhmna. and Paris WheelocU, .Tan. 22, 1818. 1-439 " Rulli, and Steplieii Jendies, March 23, 1818. 2-47 '• Elijah, of Smithtield, and S.arah Allen, of Richmond, N. H.; m. at Ciiesliire, Ma^s., by Josepli Weeks. Justice, March 4, 1819. -2-28 ■• Alpha, and Wyman Walcefield, .Tan. 17, 1822. 2-58 " Amie, and Nathan Aldrich, April G. 1826. 2-59 '• James, of Cumlieriand, son of Seth, and AVailey Handy, of Cum- berland; m. iiy 'J'homas Man, Justice, Aug. 10, 1826. 2-71 " Franiatu Mnnroe, and Joanna S. Spaulduig : ni. by Rev. Asa Kent, March 29, 1S29. 2-05 " 'ially. and James T. HoTVard, Jan. 3. 1830. •2-134 " Whipple, of Cumberland, son ot Luke, dec, and Sally CoggesliaU, d!iu. of John Greennian: ni. liy John Paine, Justice, Feb. '26, 1839. •2-154 " Jnlia A., and .Tames T. HarUness, June 20, 18.39. 2-151 " Leonard ScoH, of Whipple, and Eleanor Cogshall, both of Cura- berland; ni. l>y i^eorge Aldrich. 3d, Aug. 12, 1839. 1-421 " Mrs. Mary, and Ahab Read, Oct. 20, 1839, 2-7^ " Wiiipple, Jr., of Whipple, and Betsey Inman, of Esther; m. by George Aldrich, Justice, Nov. 24, 1839. 2.191 " Harriet, and Manning H. Angell, April 8, 1840. ■2--2.01 ■■ Amie M., and Mark H. Mowry, Aug. 13. 1840. 2-218 '• Sylvan, of Olney. and .Vaney Ann Nicker.soii, ot Dean; m. by (ieorsre F. Jenclces. .Tnstice. Oct. 0, 1.840. 2.on,5 '• wUliam B.. and JlatUda W. Darling; ni. by Qev. T. A. Taylor, Dec. 31, ISIO. 14 VITAL RECORD OP RHODE ISLAND. 2-342 AnXOLD William, of Steplien. and Waitey Mowry, ot Izreal ; m. by Rev. Keuben Alien, March io, 1841. 2-238 " Mary Ann, and George \Y. Beal. «i'Pt. -26. 1841. 2-268 '• Levina E., and James i;. Simmons, Nov. 21, 1841. 2-284 " Angelina, and &imuel Foster, AprU 23, 1843. 2-324 '• Elizabeth, and Ur. Warner Cook, Nov. 25, 1845. 2-325 " TUanklul, and James Grant, April 12, 1846. 2-385 '- Emeline F., and \Vm. H. Handy, Sept. 17, 1849. 2-397 " Horace, of Smithfield, and Abigail E. Riley, of Attleboro, Mass. ; m. by Rev. Edwin C. Bro\vn, Nov. 11, 1849, 2-401 " Mary, and Raymond Jiriggs, June 20, 1S50. 2-402 " Nathaniel T., and Candace C. Ftiller, both of Cumberland; by Rev. P, B.md, Oct. 13, 1850, 1-401 ASHLEY Phonlus, of Fie^eman, of Smlthlield, and Lucina Brown, of Cum- land, dau. of John: m. by Thomas Jl.an, .May 2, 1803. 2-208 ASHTON Susan B., ;ind Samuel -rlin(la Austin ; ra. by Kev. B. P. Byram, Marcli 13, 1844. 2-296 " Sorllnda, and Nathaniel S. Austin, March 1:1, 1844. 2-319 BACHELOR Fannie E.. and John F. MansUeld, June 1, 1847. 2-374 BACON Ann, and Alexander Uowell, May 27, 1849. 1-17* BAETS Joanna, and Elijah Cook, July 1, 1739. 1-80* " Rachel, and Hezekiel Cook, Sept. 24, 1741. 1-170 BAILEY Perry D., of North Providence, son ot WUiiam. and Elizabeth S. Hoyle, of Smithfield, dau. of Henry: m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Nov. ]}. 1839. 2-414 " William B., and S.irab A.Northup, dau, or Stephen and Betsey; m. by Kev. WaiTcu Lincoln, Nov. 24, 1850. 2-44 " Ruth B., and Albert A. Tyler. Dec. 30, 1850, 2-423 " John G., and Adelaide FuUer: m. by Rev. C:. W. BaUou. Aug. 10. 1878. 1-160 BAKER Jacob, and Esther Keerh : m. Ijy Sanuiel Winsor, Justice, March 17,' 1760. 2-371 " William, of Dutee, and Amanda M. I'rior, dau. of Ethan M. Briggs : m. by Rev. Jlovvi'y Pliillips, JIarch 18, 1849. 1-270 BALCOME Joseph, of Joseph, and Prudence Aldrich, of Job: m. by Kev. Edward Jlitcliell, Feb. 7, 1783. £-386 " John, of Kbenezer and Abigail S.. and Sarah Clarke, of Daniel Lyman and Amie; m. by Kev. I. J. Burguess, Dec, 16, 1849. 2-396 " Nancy B., and Ephraini Palt, April 14, 1850, 2-414 " A, C, and &>rah .V. M.-irlin : m. by Rev. C. H. Ford, April 20, 1850. BALFORD David, and Sarah Herendeen. May 26, 1763. 1-3. BALLARD Benjamin, and Susan Aldrich : m. by Thomas S;iyles, Justice, March 2."., 1734. 1-13 " Benjamin, and Mary Sayles: m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, July 27, 1738. 1-13 " Benjamin, and Mary Slaplrs: m. by Daniel Jenckes, Justice, March 1."), 1738-9. 1-18 " Dorothy, and SUas ruiker. Jlarch 13, 1739. 1-Sl* " Jeremiah, and Abigail .^lan: m. by Darid Comstock, Justice, June 3, 1742. 1-58 " Jonathan, and Dorcas llerendeen: m. by Daniel Mowrj', Jr., Jus- tice, April 27, 1700. 1-71-204 " Jeremiah, and Wait«> llerendeen: m. by Jabcz Harris, Justice, Dec. 15, 17C1. SMlTHFIELn MARRIAGES. 15 1-165 BALLARD Dawl, and Sarah Ucivnrtcen ; m. by Stephen Sly. Jnilioo May "6 17H.-5. 1-165 " Jeremiali. .Ir.. of Smithfield. and Riilh Mathetvson, of Glocester : m. by Daniel Mowry. Jr.. Justice, Dec. 8, 1763. 1-179 " Benjamin, Jr., and S:irh SWppee ; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice. Sept. 6, 1764. 1-179 " Dayid, and Mary Smith; m. bv Thomas Steere, Justice. Nov. 1-. 1764. 1-191 " Ichabod, and Rhoda Smith, of Daniel : m. by Stephen Arnold, Ju.?- tlce, Feb. 3, 1767. 1-13 BALLOU Rebecca, ,Tr., and William Sprague, Jr., Aprii 10, 173S. 1-19* " Sus.niinah, and ElLsha Newell, Dec. 26 1738. 1-lS " Aliraliain, and JIary Staples; ni. by David Comstock, Justice, Fe^. 3. 1739. 1-20 " Ezekiel, and Joanna L'ook ; m. by William Arnold. Justice, Julv 3. 1740. 1-21» " Euth. and Stephen Brown, Dec. 11, 1740. 1-21 " Obediali, and Sarah Saulsbury ; m. by William Arnold, Justice. Dec. 26, 1740. 1-22* " Bathsheba. and Mekel Keith. Jan. 27, 1741-2. 1-22 " Martha, and Nathaniel Cook, Jan. 27, 1741-2. 1-23 " Hannah, and David Cook. Feb. 3, 1742-3. 1-24 " James, Jr., and ThonipMi.i Cook; m, by William Arnold, Justlc-?. Juue 7, 1714. 1-38 " Phebe. and Stephen Wiipple. Jan. 12, 1745. 1-81* " D.aniel. and .\mie lirown: m. by William Arnold, Justice, Jan. 4, 1746-7. 1-54 " Elazer. and Phelic Lapham ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Au?. m. 1750. " Patience, and Joseph Sayles, July 10, 1752, " Su.s. arid Betsey, and Rntli 31. Paine, ol Sniiilitield, dau. of Epliraim and Cynthia; m. by llev. Joseph Smllh, Oct. 1, 1840. 2-249 " Alpha Maria, and Janus II. Clapp, Feb. 25, 1841. 2-257 " Me.sella. and Stephen Smilh, Oct. 10, 1841. 2-274 " Sarah Ann. and CJeor^'e \V. Briggs, Sept. 20, 1^42. 2-326 " Emily \V.. and John 1". Leonard, Feb. 20. 1S43. 2-270 " Cemanlhe P., and Eniary U. Brayant, June 10, 1844. 1-1 BALL Ilannali. and Daniel I'tiililps, ilarcli 1, 1731-2. 1-81* '• Jeremiah, and Abigail Man; ni. by David Comslocl;, Justice, Jiuie 3, 1742. 2-109 BANCKOFT Caroline M.. and Albert 11. Paine, Nov. 10, 1839. 1-34* BANGS Jacob, ajid Dinah Stow ; m. by Thomas Arnold, Justice, Sept. 29, 1760. 1-115 BANNISTER George, and Phebe Field; m. by Thomas Owen, Justice, Feb. 19, 17,-,4. 1-407 BAEKEK WUli.ini. ol Sraithfleld, sou ol William, dec. late of Norringtoii, Lancaster. England, and Alice L. Almy, of (Jol. Job, dec, late of Ne\vi>o.'t. R. I. : m. by Rev. John Turner, J.an. 30, 1817. 1-59 BARNE.S Lydia, and Eleazer Crossman, Api-ll 20, 1747. 1-74 '• Capt. Knock, of Smithfield, and Alice Brown, of Glocester ; m. by Tliomas Owen, Justice, Feb. 23. 1751. 1-217 •■ Levi, of Enock, and Haunali Waterman, of John, uf Johnston. R. I.; m. by Samuel Winsor, Justice, July 2, 1775. 1-298 •• Nancy, and Ananias Mowry, Jr., May 10, 1798. 2-423 ■• Merc'y, and Arnold Mowry, Jan. 3, 1805. 1-449 '■ Jonathan, of Le\'i, and Nancy Lovell, of Alexander; m. by Elijah Arnold, Justice, March 2, 1809. 2-lG " Mary, and MarUn Telft, March 11, 1821. 2-124 " Nelson, of Smithfield, an* Emily Sweet, of .lolinston, K. I. ; ni. by Hey. Jlartin Cheney, Aug. 22, 183G. 2-124 •■ Mowry. and Rosann.ih P-arker : m. by Rev. n.nben Allen, Oct. 2, 1830. 2-233 ■• Anson W.. of Soituatc, son of Pardon, ol Smithfield, and C.irollne F. .Macker, ot Smithfield, dau. of Simeon, of Taunton, Mass.; ni. by Rev. Charles C. Taylor, Nov. 23, 1840. 2-233 '• William U.. of Scituate, .son of Paidon, of Sniitlifield, and Sau'ati Andrews, of Soltuate : m. by Rev. Charles C. Taylor, Nov. 23, 1840. 2-302 •' Mary, and William IJelknai), July 21, 1844. 2-308 '• Horace, of Jonathan, dw., and Elizabeth A. Evans, of Stephen; m. by Rev. Junia S. Mowry, Feb. 9, 1843. 2-383 " F. Sophia, and James Kenyon, Oct. 2, 1849. 2-311 BARTERSON Lucy Ann, and Dennis Wheelock, Feb. 6, 1845. 1-18* BARTLETT Jol). and Mary Partlett : m. by WilUam Arnold, Justice, May 27, 17:;;!. 1-18' ." Mary, and Job Bartlelt. May 27. 17:i3. 1-3 '■ Abner. and Abagail .\rnild: m. by Valeutim- Whitman. Jastlce, April 30. 1734. 1-17 '• John, and Sarah Aldricli : ni. by David Corastock, Justice, Oct. 15, 1738 ; March 3, 1739 (both dates given). 1-24'-' " Joseph, and Abigail .\ldrich ; m. by William Ai-noUl, Justice, Nov. 7, 1744. 1-81* '■ Noah. Jr., and Elizabeth rUillips; m. by WUUam - — — , Justice, Jtily 14, 1746. 1-105 " John, of Cumb.-rland. and Deborah PhUIlps. of SmitliUeld ; m. by Stephen Sly, Justice. Feb. 29, 1750. 1-122 " Amie, and (.Hiver Ca.-s. Jan. 18, 1737. 1-191 " Chloe, and John Soutlnvick, June 5, 1700. SMITHFIEI.D MAKKIAGES. 17 1-1»3 liARXLE'lT .Mjipiil. nnd .hiijies Mihm->, Auk. 1 i. 1T(!8. 1-17J " Elisha, of Abner, or GIoiic-sict, nna Ruth Arnold, of Slepheii. ot Smilhfield; ni. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, Stipt. 5, 1769 1 -(H " Sylvanus, of Sniitlitield, son f)I Noali, and SaiaU Mail, of NaUian!el ; m. by Kev. Edward Jlitcbell, Oct. 10, 1780. 1-;;LI9 " Jcrusba, and St»?plien Aldiicli, Sept. 29, 1782. "'■'■^~ " Hannah, and L'nah Mowry. Sepl. 7, 1763. '"-''I " Silvanus, of Noah, and Sarali .Mau, of Nalhaul.l: m. hv Rev. Ed- ward Miltlioll, Oct. 10, 17.S3. '-•'*** " Alpha, and Caleb Aldrlch. .Ir.. .\piil yo, iTSfi. l--"" " Otis, of Elisha, and Waite liullnni, of WiUiaiii : ni. by Elijah Arnohl, Justice, Oct. 20, ison. 2-3 " Duulel, and Mrs. Koenna Cillun, : rii. bv SiHjiuel Man, Justice, July 11, 1819. -'*" " Xant-y. and Francis Bow n, .Inn.' :;, 1824. --^' "■ Konjaiiiin, of .I.ib, of Cumhrrlaml. d.r., aud Margai-.-t Fi-evmau, ot .Saulsbury, of Smltbtield : ni. by Thomas -Man, .liLStlce, Jan. ■2-j, ISiO. (Also 2-8t;i. 2-298 " Rebecca, and John U. i;ii>\vn. June 18, 1841. 2r:tll " Burrlll, of North Providence, and Ann M. Phetteplace ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, April 2c!, 1843. 2-346 " Knih ft-aiicls, and Elisha White, Oct. 21, 1849. 2-409 " John S., of Daniel, and I'hebe .\nii lilaelimar, of S?nlthtield, dau. of .Tames, iif England; m. by Rev. J. S. Mowi-y. .lune — , 1850. 3-302 ISAKTON Ann P., and (ieorge Ncrrtliiip, Aug. (i, X84S. 1-71 E.\SSETT Joseph, and Elizabeth m- Alic Spragne : m. by David CfMnstock-, Justice, Jan. 7, 1741. 1-103 '• Amie, and Jelhm Laphaiii. Jiily 14. 17ii:!. ]-180 •■ Many, and Ellas Spragne. Aug. 3, 1704. 1-190 " Alice, and Neheniiah Sfn-agU'-. May 20. 1770. 2-390 ■• l.unlsa, acid lli-iiry ririggs, Jlay 12, l,s30. 1-17 BATES .loanna, and Elisha Cciok, July 1, 1739. 1-22 " Elizabeth, and Peter Cook. Sept. 14, 1741. 1-349 ■• William, ui' Tlmriias. of Smlthhi'ld. and Patience Cooper, ot Moses, Jr.. of i.loiiceslei- : III. by K'-iioni Paine. Justice. Aug. 7, 179B. 2-170 " Caleb, oi .loliii. of >niilliti.-hl. .mil Mrs. Mary :\r:inlhrope. dan. of William Riiss.'ll. of .M.iiilon. .Mass.: m. by Rev. Henry Water- man, Oct. 27. 1.S39. 2-273 " Susan E., and Alexandra- 1;. Cli.-iee, June 4, 1S42. 2-78 B.VrTEKSDN Zadoc, of Edgarlowii, Jfass.. and Ereelove E. Mclnl.yre. of Henry, of Sniillitb'hl : in. by Henry S. Jlansfield. Justice, .luiie 28, l.^-".l. 1-191 KATTLES Susaliinili. ami Lawrence Jenekes, Xov. 20, 170(1. 1-242 B.XTTI'n" Mary, and Kieliaicl imlliim. .March 3, 1799. 1-09' J;.Vn.STOX nielianl. ,iinl .\nie 'l-iieUei- : m. by David Comstoek. Jii^liee, Jan. 21. 1711. 1-418 BAXTER John W. C. and Tlinilkfnl Mowiy: in. by Daniel Winsor. InslicH, March 24, lo03, 2-225 •■ Caroline S.. and Thomas.!, suert. iiei. s. 1840. 2-274 '• .Manarikla. and Henry ('. I'oMer, Jan. 2. 1S42. 1-203 l:.\VLl''.V .'Vlargai-et, and Ichaliod Ji'llckes. Dec. li;, 1702. 1-327 ■■ Maitlia, and Tiniolhy Ihn-den. Sepl. 14, 1789. 2-393 r.lsACH Iloraec M.. .ind Anih- .V. Day: m. b\ Rev. Edwin C. Ibr.lTn. net. 13. IS49. 2-2.3a KI'.AI. (e'oi;;e w., of W ..oil iii.i 11 , .Hid Mary Anil .\i-iioId, ot Olney : in. by lb v. .lohii c. i;isl.-y. s..])!.. 2«. 1.SJ1. 2-203 •■ .'iiiii J.'aii.ite. i;.. and Sullivan S.3agraves. Jan. 3, 1842. 2-313 ■■■ Hannah, and .S'.-lson S. Read, .May 1, 1843. 2-338 •■ (.Hive, and Ib'orge Chainberlain. .May 3, 1848. 2-374 IlK.AI.Mi.i.NT Abrali.iin. .Ir.. ..f Abraham and Martha, and Eliy.abelh Smith, of i;.-orge and .\iMie. of Milbury. Mass.: ni. by Rev. Rayles P. Talbol, June 111. Is 111. 1-803 liEfKWrril ParM ia, and J»seiili W. Tin pin. Jar. 14. 1810. 2-404 " Matilda E., and (div.-r .\. liinian. .\ov. 1, J830. 2-273 BEEUE Emily \'.. and •b>liii Th..n.p..oli. (;iet. :!. 1842. 18 VITAL RECORD OF RIH)1)E ISLAND. l-2d" HENCHLEV William, and Siirali Jeiickes ; m. liy WiUiam Jenckes, Justice, Bee. 25, 1744. 1-248 " Joseph, aud Lucinda Bi-own ; m. liy Uiiali Alverson, Justice, Jau. 16, 1780. 1-400 '■ Sally, and Jame.s Bly. March 24. 1S03. 2-305 BENEIDICT Elizabeth \V., and John D. Burguess, July (J, 1840; also 2-325. 1-66* BENJA3IIX Josepli, of Mendoii, .Mass., and Ann Penniman ; m. by Da>id Comstoclc. Justice, Nov. 4, 1749. 2-302 BELKXAP William. o£ Smithfleld. son of Jeremiah, of Joluiston, E. I., dec, and Mary Barnes, of .Toiiathan, dec, of Smitlifield ; m. by Kev. Junia S. Mowry. JiUy 21, 1844, 2-425 BELL ArcliibaUl, and .leanette Fraxier; m. by Rev. S. S. Molloy, April 8, 1S45. 2-364 " Thomas, of SmiULheld. and Susan M. Gooding, of BurrUl^ille ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor. Oct. 30, 1849. 3-444 BEafNETT Joseph, and Mary Sprague; m. by Thomas Lapliam. Justice, Dec. 8, 1749. 1-83- " Joseph, and Eunice Ward ; m. by Thomas Lapham, Justice, Nov. 2. 1751. 1-204 " John, and Eanah Plimpton : m. by Jabez H.irris, Justice, Jlay 20, 1762. 1-228 " Charles, of Smitiifield. and Anne Sprague, of Cumberland; m. by Uriah Alverson, Justice, May 21, 1775. --312 " Mai-y, and Stephen Hendricic, July (i, 1800. 2-210 " Susan, and Joseph Kingsley, July 10, 1840. 2-322 •■ Louisa, and James F. TinK, -ipril 6, 1846. 2-381 '■ WUIiam H., of Worcester, Mass.. and Melinda Jane Guild, of Smitll- lield; m. by Rev. D. L. McGeer, July 8, 1849. 1-20' BENSON" Maltha, and Joseiih S:iraguo, Sept. 9, 1736. 1-21 " Jacob, and Judah TinUham; m. by William Arnold, Justice, Kov. 8, 173(!. 1-82" " Sarah, and Sanm-l Darling. March 5, 1746-7. 2-313 •' Lucinda, and William E. Hartley, April 13, 1845. 2-271 BENTLEY Eliza A., and Samuel O. White, July 22, 1842. 2-315 " Ruth, and John S. JeniU^nn, June 5, 1845. 2-323 " Welthlan A., and Joshua Cutting, Jan. 22, 18-16. 2-333 BICKNELL Selma C. and John B. liurdicJv, Nov. 26. ISIC. 2-23S BILLINGTON Joseph, of Nicholas aud Mary, and Abigail Copeland, dau. of William and Abipiil Dewney ; m. by Kev. John E. Elsley, Dec. 27, 1840. 2-422 " Joseph, and Thrphenia Westgate, both of Cumberland; m. by Kev. B. P. Byram, Feb. Hi. 1345. 2-333 " Robert G., of Robert, and Sarah A. Tyler, of Gardiner; m. by Kev. Junia S. Mowry. May 1, 1646. 1-1 BISHOP Edward, and Mehlt-ible Shippee, dau. of Solomon ; m. by Valen- tine Whitman, Justice. Jan. 14, 1732-3. 1-59 " Edwai^, and Sarah Herendeen: m. by Jonathan Sprague, Justice, Sept. 11, 1733. 1-59 '• EUzabetl:. and Robert Staples, Sept. 1, 1758. 1-370 •• Jemln\a, and Dartd Evan-, March 27, 1755. 1-180 " Thomas, of Glou. Talbot, AprU 22, 1d47. 2-155 " Mary, and Ambrose Todd, July 4. Id^O. 1-84' BORDEN lames, and Mh-ubah romslocli; m. by William Arnold, Justice, March 14, 1752. 2-160 BOSS Emily, aud \Mlliam PhlU'.ps, Sept. 8, 1S3L). 2.X59 " James M.. and Nancy Vicliery, both of Scltuate ; m. by Key. i^euben Allen, Sept. S, 1639. 1-1* BOSVVORTH Henry, and Deborah DarbLu, April 25, 17o2. 2-214 " Richar* T.. .ind Sarah Ann llUl ; ni. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Sept. 2i, 1840. 3-314 BOURNE Harriet, and Jtice, May 4, 1817. 2.15 " Mary, aud John Rankin, May 12, 1819. 2.40 " iVauctj, ol Providence, and Nancy Bartlett, of Cumberland ; m. by Samuel Man, Justice, June 3, 1824. 2-201 " Clovis 11.. and Sarah S. Congdon, both of Crloucester ; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, AprU 30, 1840. 2-205 " Joshua, ot Scituate, son ol Asa, and Nancy Bushee, of Nicholas, of Gloucester; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, June 28, 1840. 2-391 " Betsey, aud Jeremiah Bishop, Oct. 12, 1843. 3-293 " Harriet J., and rhristopher \V. Mowry, Feb. 15, 1843. 3^328 " Dianna, and Avery F. Weatherhead, July 16, lo40. "-337 " Stephen P.. of Scituate, son ot Stephen, and Martha J. Fuller, of Smithlield, dan. of Charles, dec.; m. by Rev. MowTy Phillips, Oct. 29, 1840. 3^04 BOWMAN L;iiu-a. and Epliraim Rice, Sept. 29, 1850. 1-79 BOYCE Ehzabeth. and Ichabod Comstock, March 26, 1746-7. 2-166 BOVD Abbie E.. and Elmer X. Maynard, Sept. 2, 1839. 2-396 " Marsaret. and Truraan Freeman, March 10, 1844. '«'3"2 BOYES Mary, and Ewiug McPearson, Jan. 15, 1846. 2-130 BRADFORD "sarah Ji., .-md William H. Gardiner, Dec. 20, 1S37. 3-231 " M. B., and Moses K. Holbrook, Dec. 31, 1840. o"o4g " WUlard, of James H., of Smitlilield, and Laura Ann Clemence, of Gloucester, dau. of Richard R. ; m. by Rev. Reuben AUen, March 29, l8il. 2-249 " Alcy Spencer, and Jonathan Inman. AprU 6, 1841. ■^0 VITAL EECORP OF RHODE ISLAND. ;: 115 BIIAIJLEY WilUani A., of Providenc.'. and Martha .1. Jluwiy. of SmitUlield; m. by Kev. Jamos H. Cook, Xov. 13, 1834. 2-l(i7 '• Mrs. Mary E., and Abraham Wheeloik, Sept. 30. 1S39. 1^3Pui, Feb. 4. 1790. 1-363 •• Lucy, and Isaac (ilassle, Dec. 10, 1800. 1-435 " Patience, and John (iray lloss, June 30, 1800. 1-420 '■ Baelston, of John, and AHce Mowvy, of Col. F.llsha. dec; in. by Samnil .'Mau. Jiisllce, Feb. 34, 1811. 3-339 B1;F.\VE1; .Sophronla. and (fenrge Sweelzer, March 3, 1843. 3-290 •■ liachcl i\V., and Smith S. SfndJey. Sept. 30, 1843. 3-311 ■• William S., and Lydhi Latham.; ni. by Kev. T. A. Taylor. Jan. ■2-2. 1845. 1-30- BRI.\.NT Kli/.abrlh. and .Tohn ^ oiin,^', Fel), 16. 1740-6. 1-330 JilMCKNF.I.I, William A., ot James, ol Canton. Mass.^ and Mary Ann Fi-lnne- lomc. of George H.. Jr., of Smithtield; m. by Rev. T. A. Tay- lor. .Si'pt. 18. 1845. 1-73 liRIiK^S Mary, and .lames Arnold, Sept. — , 1733. 1-30.J •■ JIary, uud Enoch Arnold, Feb. 34, 1763. 1-443 " James, of Joseph, and CynthLa JencUes. of John : in. by Beuoiii Piiiue, Justice. June 4, 1707. a-41!^ " Jo.sepU. and JIartha MiNaniarmw : m. Ty Tlionnis JIaii. Jnstlcu, June 30. 180.). 1 4;>7 •■ Mlllrr, of Warwick, 1!. I., m.u ut Josei>h. and Mrs. M.-iry JleXaniar- row. ol Smllhticid; m. by Samuel .Man. Justice, Aug. 37, 1800. 3-61 " Tyler, of Phillip, and JoaiLoa Man. ol Sanun-1 : m. by Menry ,S. Manslirld. Jnsllce. .I.an. HI. I,s33. ■-.:-ft ■■ David, and .\rdi-lia .M. Ibilbuk; ni. by l!.v. T. A. Taylor, Dct. 13. 1840. 3 36+ ■■ .Marfjar''! W., and Charb's <;. Klnssnian. I>rc, :,, ISH. 3-374 " Ceorse W., of James, and Sarah Ann llalhm. of Welcome: in. by Simon .\. Saylcs. Sepi. M, 1843. 3-:!00 " Henry, of .North Providence, son of Ebein'zer, of Berkshire, Mass., ilec. and Louisa Has.selt, of Thomas and Ell/,abe(h, of ,«millitield; m. by Kiv. Warren Lincoln. .May 13, 1830. 3401 " Raymond, of I'rovidcnce, and .Mary Arnold, of Smithtield : m. by Kev. S. S. Hrartford, .lune 30, 1830. 1 143 BKl'f TAN Mary, and .\aihanlel Woodward, Feb. 7. 1739. 1-44 ■■ Paticnci-, and .fereniiah Broadway. F.-b. 18. 1760. 1-8 BRi>AI)WAV Thomas, anil Mary .^n^ell : m. l,y Tliomas Styles, Jnsllce, .\pril 37, 17:i.-|. 1-44 " Jeri'miah. and i'.iii.iin' niilialn: in. by Danl.l Siniih. Jnsllce. I'.-b. 19. 1769. 1-149 •■ Richard, of Snillhliehl. iiiMl llaiiiiali laniier. of Kxeler ; ni. by .b,b lYJiip. Justice, Oci. -J], 17."is. 1-148 '• Ruth, and .\nthony Harris. Jan. 1. 1761. 1-160 BIWMFIELD Sarah, and Joseph l.aihain. Jan. s. 1738. 1438 DltOW.NF.LL .Stephen F., and .Mary Wlili.- : in. by David Aldrich. Jnsllce. Nov. 34, 1811. 3-317 ■■ Susan F.. and .George Darling. .\iig. 17, 1844. 3-367 ■■ Nancy A., and Nathan D.iialby. Dec. :!1, 1848. 3-:i33 IiRiiWNlNc; Mary S., and Williaiii \. Drrk. April 13, 1848. 3-391 •■ Jane Ann, and William Tucker. April 34, 1.830. 1-19 BRiiWN Dorcas, and Francis llcniMbcn. Feb. 13, 1733-6, SSriTIIFIELI) — MVltRlAGES. ' l-S" BROWN Alici'. ;ind lulin Cass. Felj. Is. 1T;!5-C.. 1-13 " Marv. and .WliHinhih SpiMSvii", .\pril Ki, 17:J8. 1-13* " Beiijamin, and I'rlscUla JlUson ; m. by David Comstock, Justlco. AprU 1:;, I7;>!i. 1-21* " Slc-phon. and IIiiili llallon : iii. I.v William Arnold, Jiistice, Dec. 11, 1740. 1-28 " Marllui. and l>Miiitl Coui^locl,. ,]i-., ] ).i-. 12, 17fJ. 3-45 " Zcrviilli, and II. mj slii]i| , .inly -Jil. 1743. 1-34 " ^^ Xicholas. and llippr Whi|i|ili': rn. fi.v William Jenckes. Justice, April 2iJ, 1744. 1-36 " Sarai, and .Nnaii man. Dit. ;;i>. 1744. 1-38 " Patii-nie, and CaNlj Arncild, Jan. 26, 1745-6. 1-48 " Denjaniin, and Alice llen/ndcn ; ni. by Thomas Sayles, .Tusflce, Oct. 3, 1746. 1-81* " Ainlc. and Daniel Dallou. Jan. 4. 1746-7. 3-432 " Phebe, and Ezekiel Angell. Jan. :;, 1750. 1-74 " Alice, and Capt. Enocli Barnes. Feb. 28, 1751. 1-106 " .laTnes, and Snsaniiali -Man ; m. by Thomas Stuere. .Tustlco, April 20. 17.-55 . 1-03 " Sarali, and Natli;m Arnuld, June 7. 1737. 1-39 " Nebediah, of Gloucester, and Maiy riaike. of Sniithlield ; ni. by Stephen Sly, Justice, Dec. 4, 1757. " Izreal, and Lydia Snutli : m. by .Stephen >lv. Jnsliee. Dec. 15, 1737. " Eliazer, and S;irab Scott: ni. by Daniil Mewiy, Jr., Justice, Dec. 14, 175S. 1-166 " Deborah, and Joseph Sprasue, Jun.' 2S. 17()1. 1-205 " Sarah, and Jeremlali S^olt. Dee. 21, 17r,2. 1-183 " Hosanna, .and Elizabeth Uerenden : ni. by Kicliard Sayles, Justice, Nov. 22, 17(i6. 1-109 " Dr. Simeon, and Elizab'lh JIan : ni. by liaincl Smith, Justice, March 19, 1767. " Jerusha. and Sylvamis s. 2-17 " Abigail, and Izreal Wilkinson, Dec. 9, 1813. 2-83 " Wmiam K., of -Vapau. .New Voi-li, son of William, and l.ole Dester, or Capl. .lohn, of Smiilifield ; m. by Thomas Man, Jtistice, Feb. 1, 1830. 2-301 " AJUi F., and .loliu C. I'aine. Nov. 12, 1840. 2-383 " David, and Mary A. Uavls, bolh of Foxboro, Mass. ; m. by Kev. B. P. Byram, May 27, 184l>. 1-434 CAKKOLL Joseph, of Walpole. .Mass., and .-Vbba Man, ot John, of Smith- held, dec; m. by Kev. Kdward Mitchell, Nov. 2, 17SG. 1-24 " Susan, and S;imuel Kay. April 8, l.-ilS. 1-25 " James, luul .Mis. Sally iilaUe; m. by Kev. Pliney Bretl, Aug. 26. 1814. 2-100 " James, and Nancy llUl: m. by Henry S. MausUeld. Justice. March 3, 1831. 1-25 '• James, ami Xaucy Hill; in. by Ih-iuy S. Mansfield. Juslice. March 3, 1S31. 1-178 " SaUy B., and Stephen Slat'-r, Jr., Dec. 23. 1839. 2-408 CAKD Calherine. and William Gaskill, Feb. 17, 1850. 2-351 CARTEK Eliza, and Alliert Lockwood. Jan. 3, 1S4S. 2-271 CAKVIN Kobcrl. and Mary Carmout: m. by Rev. Asel D. Cole, July 20, 1812. 2-221 C.\SE M;'s. Susan, and John Place. Ori. 28. 1840. 2-334 •■ Willlani S.. and Coi-delia Tylei', of Gardiner; m. by Rev. Moivry Phillips. .Inly 12, 18)ii. 1-8 CASS John, of Mendon, Mass., and AUce Browii, of BeUingham, Mass.; m. by Thomas Ssiyles. Juslice, Feb. 18. 1735-G. 1-23 '• Maiy. and Selh look, .\pill 5. 1739. 1.29 •• Daniel, and Mary Corjk; m. T^y William .\rnoli.l. Justice. April 7, 1711. 1-67 •■ Ebenezer, and Sai-ali Howard: m. by DaAld Comslock, .lusticu, Feb. 14, 1717. 1-122 " Olivei', and Amie liarUetl : m. by Stephen Sly, Justice. Jan. IB, 1757. 1-151 '• Hannah, and Joiiatlian Comslock, I'l-b. 19. 1761. 1-99 " Nathan, and Elizabeth Mussey ; in. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, April 24. 1761. 1-230 " David, ol John, of Kichmond, R. I., .and KezLa Arnold, of Job. of Smithfield: m. by Welcome Arnold, Justice, June 7, 1781. 1-367 •' Marcv, and Hcber Southwick, Dec. 14, 1804. SJUTHFIELU MARItlAGES. 25 l-r,r,0 CASTLE Nalhan, J'.-., of Dmiglass, Mass., son of Nathan, and Apema AldilcU. of Siinds, of Smithfleld : m. bv Caleti Farnum, Justice, Nov. 23, X816. 1-110 CHACE .Irisepli, and .Maiy Sherloik ; ni. by Stephon Sly, Justice, Nov. 30, 175&. 1-1.S6 " Coggeshall, .Tiid Amio DiiUips ; m. by Stt-plicn Sly, .Instice, Jan. 31, 1765. I-IS!' •■ Ilaniard, and Margery I'aiii : tn. liy Rirhard S.nylos. Jiistioe, May 21, 17R7. (Also 1-344.) 1-330 " Hannah, and navld Bead, irny IR, 1790. l-3fiS " Anna, and Izieal Arnold, AprU 16, 1801. 1-431 " lieorge, of Barnard, and Mary Smith, of Jeremiah; m. by Thomas Man, Justice, Feb. 7, ISOti. 2-74 " AdeUa A., and Arnold Man, May S, 1828. 2-273 " Alexander 1!., of Jobn B., and Susan E. Bates, of Alice Esther Kates; m. by Rev. C. C. Taylor, June 4, 1842. 1-414 " George E., of Samuel, deceased, and Susan J. Phillips ; ra. by BeT. Warren Lincoln, Jan. KI, 1S51. 2-338 CHAMBEKLINE Geoi-s;.', ol East Winsor, Conn., and Olive Seals, of Smith- field; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, May 3, 1848. 2-206 CHAMBERS WUliam, and llannali Hetock ; m. by Rev. B. P. Byram, May 20, 1844. 2-116 CHAPIN Moses Sanford, of Natli.-iii, of MUford, Mass., and Martha Walte Comstock, of Henry, ol Smithfield ; m. by Arnold Spear, Justice, Nor. 6, 1834. 2-129 " Nathan Tyler, of Milford, ,irass., and Sarah Maria Comstock, ol Smithfleld; m. by ll.nry S. Mansfield, Justice, Nov. 29, 1837. 2-3S7 CHAIRMAN dliver S., of Martin S and Betsey, and Abbie D. Sweet, of FelLi and Sarah ; m. by Ro\-. J. J. Burguess, Dec. 23, 1849. 2-1 S CHARLEY Abbie, and Sterry Jenrkes, Sept. 2, 1821. 2-:!10 . CHARTER Riichil. and Hugh Tliomas, Jan. .5, 1845. 2-318 CHATMAN dUve. and Isaac Booker, Sept. 12, 1845. 2-32-1 CHATTERTON Sarah, and Ellis Farrar, AprU 2, 1846. 2-38-5 " Alfred, and Ellen Harris, both English ; m. by T. A. Taylor, Sept. 17, 1849. 1-35' CHECKERY AbignU, and Samuel \ >'rry, AprU 2. 1735. 2-340 CHESEBOROl'Gll Phenia J., and L. S. Watlcins, Jan. 27, 1847. 1-4 CHILLSON AblgaU. and Aaron Hcrendeen, June 10, 1734. l-»4 " SaraJi, and Christopher S!ii])pep, June 20, 1746. 1-93 " Jonathan, and .Tane HereTid.-eTi ; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Feb. 9, 17r.7. 1-158 " John, and Rarah Newland : m. by Rev. Rufus TelTt, Oct. 20, 17B7. 1-339 " Nancy, and Henry Peirce Greene, Feb. 23, 1815. 2-380 CRITCHLEY Jane, and James R Horswieh, June 27, 1349. 2-292 CINECOME Sarah G.. iind Charles Brown, Jan. 1, 1844. 2-249 CLAPP James H., and .Vlpba Maria Ballon ; m. by Rev. T- A. Taylor, Feb. 25, 1841. 1-84 CLARKE Sarah, and Peter Holbrook. Jan. 27, 1736-7. 1-14* " Robpi-1. and Ann.-i Taft. both of Uxbridge ; m. liy na\'ld Comstock, Justice. Oct. 24, 17:>'J- 1-69 " Tabitiia, and William Hocker. Aug. 10, 1760. 1-69 " Ruth, and Daniel Aldricb, Nov. — , 1750. 1-39 « :\lary. and NebecUah Brown, Sept. 4, 1757. 1-358 " Joseph, of Samuel, and Mary Foster, of Jesse; ra. by Thomas Man. .Ttistice. Nov. 2, 1,800. 2-31 " Anna, and Winsor Aldi-ieh, Dec. 29. 1822. 2-1211 " -Mfri'd C. and Ann Thayer: m. by Ephraim Sayles, Justice, July 12. 18-40. 2-253 '■ Amii', and Thomas Burbank, June 8, 1841. 2.3-23 " Daniel S., of Daniel S.. of Woodstock, Conn., and Amanda Malvina Fi-eeraan, of William: m. by Rev. WUliam Verrlnder, AprU 3, 1846. 2-338 " Betsey, and Felix R. Klmliall. Aug. 11, 1846. 2-332 li John, ol John, and Cynthia Anthony, of Smithfield, dau. of PhUUp, of Gloeester; m. by Rev. Jnnia S. Mowry, Sept. 10, 1846. 26 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-420 CLARKE Maria K., and Howard \V. King, Jan. 11, 1847. 3-363 " Joshna S. (of Joslma and Mary, of South Kingstown, E. I.), and Cynthia A. Palsey (of Adam and Lydia, of Cumberland); m. by Kev. J. .T. Burguess, Dec. 7, 1848. 2-386 " Sarali, and Jolin Balcomf, Dec. 16, 1849. •2-412 ■' Daniel L. (of Daniel and Aniie, Iwrn Killingly, Conn., now age 30), and Lydla A. Stanley (of William and Patience, of Cumberland. now age 26); m. by Kev. J. J. Burguess, Jan. 9, 1851. 3-53 CLEVELAND Moses, of Paris, and Juliaiina Nichols, of Joseph ; m. by Thomas Man, Justice, Jan. 1, 1826. 1-59 CLEMENCE Ricliard. and Elizabeth Thom:Ls : m. by Thomas Steere, Jus- tice, Feb. 4, 1749. 1-285 " Weight, of Richard, late of Sniithfleld, :uid Sarah Crossman, of Eleaxer, latv of Gloucester; m. by Kev. Philemon lUnes, Nov. 1, 178S. 2-246 ■' Laui-a Ann, and Willard Bradford, March 29, 1841. 2-272 " Phebe S.. and FrancLs Man, Dec. 25, 1843. '2-383 CLOUGH Freeman, and Phcbe K. Hill, both of Providence; m. by Rev. B. P. Byram, J\Uy 29, 1849. 1-395 COE Benjamin, of John, .and Mary Williinson. of Robert, dec; m. Itf Thomas Man, Justice, .Nov. 27, 1800. 1.438 '• Epluaim, of .lohn, and Deborah Mowry, of Jonathan: m. by Sam- uel Mon, Jnstlce, Oct. 27, 1808. 2-68 '■ Alden, of Benjamin, and Lydla Taft, of Brown; n^.. by Thomas Man. Justice, Oct. 9, 1823. 2-124 ■■ Robert W., and Nancy Pain, of Wilbur ; m. by Nathaniel Mowry, Justice, Sept. 12. 1833. 2-134 COGOESHALL S:illy, and Whipple Arnold, Feb. 26, 1839. 2-151 •• Eleanor, and Leon:ird Scott Arnold, Aug. 12, 1839. i5-123 COLBURN Sarah, and Calvin W. Brown. May 8, 1836. 1-126 COLE Mary, and Simeon Ballou, April 1, 1762. 1-203 '• Reliecca, and F.lisha Spragiie, Oct. 31, 1776. 1-399 " Samuel, and Pcrmcla Streeter, of George; m, by Samuel Man. Justice, Oct. 4, 1808. 2-278 •■ Piecilla, and Benjamin Dext«r, Nov. 28, 1840. 2-244 •■ Lucretia. and Alphcus Humes, .\pril 25, 1841. 2 278 •■ Amie Adeli.i, and Henry Austin, Dec. 30, 1841. 2-368 •• Mason D., of Blaclsstone, son of Alpheus and Olive, and Betsey Burn, of Ezelsiel and Esther; m. at Waterlord, JIass., by Kev. M. W. Biuiingame, Jan. 14. 3 849. 2-7 •■ Mary A., and Richard S. Biu'lingauu-, July 3, 1850. 2-104 COLLINS Stephen, and Paulina Alger; in. by llem-y S. .Scott, Justice, Jan. 13, 1833. 2-91 •■ Thomas, of Thomas, and ^Umlra Sweet, of James; m. by Rev. Junia S. .Mowry, Nov. 29, 1843. 2-393 '• Daniel S.. and Sophronla Trask; m. by Kev. J. E. Gilford, May 1. 1S50. 2-394 '• Herman S., and Mary E. Trasli ; m. by Rev. J. E. Gitrord, May 1, 1850. 2-390 '■ Re\. Barnabas, of Richard and Hope, of Dartmouth, Mass., and Th.ankful H. I.eon.ard, of Nathan B. and Anstis, of Smithlield; ui. by Rev. Warren Lincoln, Oct. 2, 1850. 1-267 COLWKLI, Anne, and (Jardiner .\ldi-ich, March 22, 1789. 1-335 •■ Amie, and Robert Tuck -r. Jan. 28, 1798. 1-403 • " Prudence, and Stephen Usher, March 20, 1803. 1-181 ■■ John. Jr.. of Jolm, and Siirah Mowry, of Jonath:in: ni. by Robert Harris, Justice, June 6, 1813. 1-190 " Dianna, and Edwai-d Evans. March 20, 1840. 2-315 " Willard. and Laura Andrews, widow ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, June 12, 1845. 3-92 COMSTOtK Ichabod, and /ebiah Wilkinson, both of Providence, Sept. 13, 1722. 1-3 •■ Abigail, and Nathaniel Spraguc, Oct. 1, 1733. 1-7 " Azaiiah, and Zerviah Spnigue ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, April 20, 1735. SMITHKIELD MARRIAGES. 27 1-9 CuiViSTOC.K Mary, luid David Thi>nis.iii. Nov. 18. 1735. 1-10 '• Catherine, and ThomaK Sleere, May lii, 1736. 1-1* " Oid.-on, and Ru(h Arnold ; ni. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Miirch 3. 1738-0. l--!* " LUiiiiel, and .^rart.ha Brown; ni. l.y William Arnold, Justice, Dec. 12, 1742. 3-*^9 " Aulliony, and Jlaiy Staples; ni. by Thoma.s Sayles, Ju.stice, May 1, 1744. 1-30 " Mercy, and Amos Sprague. April 7, 1745. 1-78 " John, and Rnlli Comstock : m. by William Ai'nold, Justice, Jan. 19, l74.->-i;. 1-78 " Rulli, and John Comstocif, Jan. 19, 174r)-«. 1-70 ■■ Ilei-cdiah, Jr., and Mary .\nioUl ; m. Iiy D.a\id C^mstoclc, Justice, April 20. 1745. 1-47 •' Rachel, and Anthony Sleere. May 11. 174i;. 1-79 " Ichabod, and Elizabeth Boy-e; m. by William .\riiold, Justlca, .March 21;, 17tii-7. 1-56 " Anne, and Joseph Comstock. June 7, 1747. 1-56 " Joseph, and Anne Comstock: m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, June 7, 1747. 1-79 " Deborah, and Knock ArnuUI. .hMll^ 2:!, 1747. 1-65 "■ Jeremiah, and Phebe .Arnold : m. liy DaN-id Comstock, Justice, Oct. 25, 1747. 3-432 " James, and Mary Eplu'aini ; ni. by Thomas Steere, Justice, July «;, 1750. 1-64* " Mii'abah, and James Uord»>n. .March 14, 1752. 1-59* " Lucy, and Mosos Farnum. Dec. 17. 1752. 1-11 " Eliiabcth. and John Malavery, Jan. 9, 1753. 1 121 " Martha, and John I-arnum, Aug. 19, 1756. l-33r. " Ezekiel, of Smithlield. and Jlartha Arnold, ol Gloucester; m. by Thomas Arnold. Justice. June 30, 1757. 1-146 ■' Icbabwl. and Sarah Jenckes ; m. by Daniel Mowry, .Ir., Justloo, April II, 1760. 1-151 •• Joiijitlian. and Hannali Cass; m. liy Stephen Sly, Justice, Feb. 19, 1761. 1-153 " Nathan, and Abipiil Arnfild ; ni. by Ezelriel Comstock, Justice, Jan. 2, 1763. 1-166 •' William, and Rachel .•Udrich ; m. by Stepben Sly, Justice, Feb. 21, 1765. 1-191 " Cienrse, and Catlierine Anntld : ni. by Stephen Arnold, JiLstice. Marcli n, 1765. 1-179 " l):iniel, and I'atience .Tenckes ; ni. by Daniel Mowry, Jr.. Justice, April 7. 1768. 1-198 " Anna, and Oayid Rallou. .Tune 9. 1770. 1-309 " Mary, and William .Staples, Xov. 15. 17T2. 1-261 " Jenislia. and Joseph 5Ian, May .f, 1765. 1-309 " Rachel, and Trudiah Trash, Aur. 26, 1790. 1-355 " Er.ock, of Stephen, and Joanna Aldrich, ot Samuel ; m. by Benja- min Sheldon, Justice, Dec. 25, IfiOO. 1-aOl " XathaD, of Stephen, and Abi Paine, ol Jonathan: m. by Edward Meribnry. .Justice, Jan. 1, 1801. 1-360 " Steph''n, of Steplien, and .Joanna I'aine, of .John: m. by Edward .Medbnry, Justice, Jan. 1. isoi. 1-375 " Isaac, of Dr. Ichabod, dec. and Mary Scoll, of Jerorniali ; m. by Thomas Man, Oct. 25. Isol . 1-348 " Patience, and Ellsba Arnold, Jr., April 22, 1804. 1-338 " Henry, of Ezeldel, and Clarissa Arnold, of Uriah; m. by Elljali Arnold, .Instlce. March 2:i. 1806. 1-438 " Hannah, and James Aldrich, Sept. 25, 1S08. 2-25 " Welcome A., of Avisih, and Chloe Mowry ; ni. by Henry S. Mans- fleld. Justice, Aug. 4, 18S2. 2-421 " Mory Elma, and Tliomas J. Latliam, May 14, 1829. 3-116 •' Mart,ha Walte, and Jloses Sanlord Chapln, Nov. 20, 1834. 2-121 " Simon, of Smithlield, son ot .Stephen, and Phebe Tiiayor, of Btir- i-illville, dau. of George ; m. by Solomon Smith, ,Tustlce, M.irch 19, 1835. 28 VITAL KErORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-241 COMSTOCK Al.l.ie D.. and D.-ivid W. .\ltli-kli, Oct. i::. 1830. 2-12y " Sarah .Maiia. and Nathan Tyler Chapln, Nov. 39, 1837. 2-271 " Arni.ld, and EUy.a C. Tuck.r: m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, May 22, 1842. 2-201 CONGDON Sarah S., and Clovis II. Duwen, AprU SO, 1840. 2-375 CONNELLA Hannah, and John E. .'•llans, June 10, 1849. 1-17 COOK Benjamin, and Mary Cook; ni. by Da-.-ld Comstoclc, Justice, March 26, 1739. 1-17 " Mary, and Benjamin Co.ik, JIarch 20, 1739. 1-23 " Seth, and Mary Oss ; m. by William Arnold, Justice, April 5, 1739, 1-1'i' " Elijah, and Joanna liato- ; m. by Da\-id Comstock, Justice, July I, 1739. 1-17 " Elisha, and .loanna Bates, July 1, 1730. 1-20' '• Joanna, and Ezekiel Ballou, July 3, 1740. 1-22 " Peter, of BeUingham, and Elizabeth Bates, ol Smlthtteld; m. by Thomas Sayl'S, Justici-, •^ept. 24, 1741. 1-15* '• Peier. and Elizabeth Bates : m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Sept. 14. 1741. 1-22" " Nathaniel, and Mai-tha ISallciu : rn. Iiy William Arnold, Justice, Jan. 27, 1741-2. 1--* " A'sal, and Kezlah Tiins; m. liy William Arnold, Justice, Dec. 6, 17-12. 1--3' " Jo>iah, Jr.. and .Sarah AtwcU; m. by WUliam Arnold, Justice, Dec. 2;!. 1742. 1-"1 " Elisha. and S;.r:Ui Sly: iir. by David Comstock. Justice, .Lan. 27, 1742-;!. l-23» " David, and Hannah Ballon: m. by William Arnold, Justice, Feb. 3, 1742-3. 1-23* '• Jiuldali, and .n-reniiah InniaM. Pfb. 13. 1742-3. 8-439 " Abraham, and Mary Whi] pl" : ni. by Thomas Sayles, Justice. Dec. } !.'•>. 174:;. 1-fcO* " Ebenezer, Jr., and Catherino Leonard; m. bv William Arnold. Justice. M.arcli 1, 1743-4. 1-29 " Mary, and Daniel Cass. .\i)ril 7, 1744. JL-24:* " Thompson, and Joseiili Eiillon, Jr.. June 7. 1744. l-23» " Eleiiezcr. and Hannah Kin?; m. by William Arnold. Justice, Feb. 13, 174,)-i;. l-.'tO " Ilizekiah. nd Racliel Atwcll : m. by Wiliiam Arnold, Justice, June 6. 1740. 1-Ki " Joseph, and .^ilcncc Mowry '. fn. by Thomas Steere. Justice, Juno 8, 1740. 1-78 " Samuel. and isirali Snii!h: ni. Ijy WUliam Arnold, Justice, Dee. 14, ITIO. 1-81* •' Daniel, and Kil/.abetb Scott: \u. by Wllliaii Ai-nold, Justice, Dec. 25, 174\' SiiiitliM"ld : m. I)y Benjamin Sheldon, .Justice, :May 2-1. l-oi. 2-"2fl " yiiriam B.. and .lolm :m. Krtdy. .Tnne 23. 184G. 2-238 COPELAND Abigail, and .losepli Bll!inf;ton. Dec. 27, 1840. 2-50 CORHY Martha, and ods Tucker. March 27. 1852. 2-207 '• Sarah Ann. and Alvin E. A. Pi.sk:. July 5. 1840. 2-201 roi;XF.Bl. Ilenrse. of Portsnioulb. son of nic7;s. and Abbie C Humec, of rogshaU : m. by Kev. .Tiinia Jlowry, Nov. 5, .--i:!. 2-31fi '• SemanthP, and Xelson .S. F.yans. May 29. IS*."!. 2-41-I- COPT Alma A., and Nathaniel M. Ingalls. March 2. 1851. 1-On COWEX S:irali. and Obadiah Spra.^ue. June 2fi, 1748. 1-233 « Sar-ili. and F.sck Saylcs. Dec. 30. 1770. 2-3fiO COZZEXS :\l,Mry E.. and George TT. HartwoU, July 13. 1848. 2-378 '•' Amie M.. and Jame.s; It. Campbell, May 20, 1849. 2-41.-. " FHza. and Alexander Smith, April 13, 1851. 2-05 CK-YXsToy F.dward, and Louisa P. Pearco ; m. liy Henry S. Mansfield, .Tnsiice, Nov. 28, 1822. 2-340 CRA\T.\- Mary Ann. and Ezckiel Staples, June IS, 1840. 2-295 CROCKER Cynthia, and John Perry. April G. 1835. 1-21R CEOSBEE Charles, resident of Smithlield. son of Benjamin, of Wor- cester. Mass.. and Mary Dailey, of James, of Smithfleld; m. by Ichabod Comstock, Justice, ,Ian. 19, 1775. 1-39 CE0SSM.\X F.ieazer, and Lydia Barnes; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, April 29, 1747. 1-164 " Hannah, and Elijah Woodward. Jan. 30, 1763. 1-175 " Abiah. and Jerusha Young; m. by .Tohn Farnum, Justice, April 6, 1766. 1-385 " Sarah, and \V>'igh( Clemeuce. Xov. 1. 17.SS. 2-320 GEOWELI, Mary, and Darius Horton, Dec. 16, 1845. 2-328-331 '• Paulina, and William Henry Dean, Ang. 6, 1646. 1-25 CECPF Thomas, Jr., and Sarah Man : ra. by William Arnold, Justice, July 1 or 2, 1745. 1-73 "■ Samuel, and Abigail _ Spra;;ne : m, by WiUia]]i Arnold, Justice, March 15, 1746-7'. 1-323 " Susannah, and Eichard Thornton, Jan. 1, 1707. 1-360 •• Artemus, of Samuel, and Anna Teflft, of Elder Eutus ; m, by Ed- ward 31edbm-y. Justice. Aug. 14, 1800. 2-321 CUDWORTH Sarah, and William F.llsbree, Jan. 27, 1840. 2-295 CUETIS Eliza Ann, and Sterry Smith, Oct. 16, 1842. 2-290 '• Orin, and Elizabeth Burlingame ; m. liy Rev. T. A. Taylor, Auj. 7, 1843. 2-299 " Nathan J., and Dianna Young; m. Ijy Rev. T. A. Taylor, June 2, 1844. 2-320 •• Talrott, sou of widow Huldah C, and Abigail Harris, of Jeremiali; ni. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Nov. 25, 1845. 2-113 CUSUING Louisa, and Arnold Smith, Feb. 27, 1834. 2 317 CUTLER liancis. of Holliston, Mass., and Mary A. Patt, of Cumberland; m. by Rev. E. M. Porter, Si-pt. 13, 1845. 2-:;2:! CCTTINU Joshua, of Worcester. Mass.. son of Tbemial, of Boylestou, Mass., and Wellhian A, Bentley, Of Gardiner B., oi Smilhfield: m, by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Jan. 22, 1840. 30 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-216 DATLfcY Mary, and Cli;ii-les Crossb.ee, J.iii. 10, 1775. 2-30ti DALBY Mark-, anil Elizabpth Jelf eis ; m. by Kev. AJistl D. Cole, Nov. 28, 1844. 3-345 DAMPNEY John, and Cynthia E. Swiulng : m. by George H. Mervey, Jm-s- tice, April 18. 1837. 1-355 DAUBEU EllzabetU E., and William LlncLsey, Dec. 28, 1S47. 1-9 DA^^ELS James, and Martha Shiiipee; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice. Sept. 20, 1735. 1-19* " Abigail, and Epliralm Mow ry. April 3. 1737. 1-20 " Mary, and Daniel WetU rhy, Sept. 22, 1740. 2-90 " Naiimi >!., and iieiijamin Evans, Jan. 21, 1787. 1-81 DANTON Mary, and Andrew Man, Dec. 7, 1746. 2-348 UANWEI.L Henjamin fe., and Eliza T. Joiickes, ol Joseph: m. by Rev. C. C. Taylor. May 12, 184a. 3-341 " Sarah Me, and Edward Hyndeman. May 18, 1847. 1-1' DAEBIN Deborah, and Henry Hosworth, April 23, 1732. 1-25 DAKLISIt Benjamin, and Elizabeth Force ; m. by William Arnold, JtisUce, July 28, 1733. 1-20' " Joseph, and Mary Fish ; m. by WiUlani Arnold. Justice, Jan. '5. 1735. 1-19' " Susannah, and David Thompson, Oct. 11, 1737. 1-11 '■ Keziah, and John Hunt, June G, 1738. 1-24 •' Kuth. and Joseph Albee, Nov. 8, 1744. 1-39 " Ebenezer, and Mary lltUves ; ni. by Thomas Steere, justice, Feb. 25, 1745. 1-82 •' Samuel, and Sarah Benson : ra. by \\m. Arnold, justice, March 3, 1746-7. 1-82 '• Ruth, and John Pettis, Sept. 22, 1747. 1-93* " John, and JIargaret Cook : m. by William Arnold, Justice, Feib. 23, 1748-9. 1-83* " Peter, and IMscUla Cook ; m. by Wiillam Arnold, Justice, April 20, 1749. 1.89* " Enofk. of Hellingham, Mass.., and Loes Thompson, ol do. ; m. by Thomas Arnold, Justice, Nov. 26, 1751. 1-191 " Rachel, and Daniel Tra.sk, Aug. 29. 1705. 1-25C ■' Henry, and Olive Horendoen ; m. by Kev. Edward Mitchell. Jan. 23, 1781. 1-264 •• Penelope, and Levi Aldrieh, Nov. 13. 1786. 1-250 " Henry, Jr., of Heury and JIary Wilbur, of D;iuiel ; m. by Thonus Man. Justice, Dec. 13, 1805. 1-25G ■' Henry, and Mercy Alverson : m. by Samuel Man. Jitstiee, Feb. 25. 1^07. 1-440 ■• Roxanna, and Cyrus Marble, June 0. 1S15. 2-98 •• Williaiii Smith, of Henry, and Adeline Sheldon, of Charles : m. by Thomas .Man, Justice. AprU 20, 1832. 2-217 " George, of Boston, Mass., son of Samuel, and Susan F. IJriiwuoU, of Steptien F., ol Smlthfleld ; m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr.. Aug. 17. IMO. 2-216 " JIaria, and William DarUng, Oct. 4, 1840. 2-216 " William, of HurrllUiUe, son of Henry, deceased, and Maria Dar. ling of do., dau. of Elisha : m. by John Pain, Justice, Oct. 4. 1840. 2-228 " Matilda W.. an;! William B. Arnold. Dec. 31. IMO. 2-283 " Lewis, of Henry, and Mrs. Pmsia Paine Brown, dau. uf Joel Aldrioh : m. by Simon A. S:iyles. Justice, March 17. 1843. 2-292 DA%lDSON John, and Sabura R. Potter: m. by Rev. Asel D. Colo. Jan. 28, 1844. 1-36 DA'\^S Benjamin, and Jemima Whipple: m. by William Jenckes, Jusfie>, Dec. 2, 1744. 1-26 " Joseph, of Cumberland, and Ilanmih Wilkmson of Smithfield : m. f>y Thomas Latham, Justice. p*eb. 17. 1754. 2-361 •' Harrison R.. and Rutli Keith: m. by Kev. C. H. Titi;s. Jun.- l"*,. 1848. SMITUFIELD ACAREIAGBS. 31 2-365 DAVIS Luclnda V.. and George W. raldwell, Nov. 30, 1848. ^383 " Mary A., :ind David Ciirpenter, May 27, 1849. 2-383 " Harriet P., and WiUiam }I. Targett. .Time 17, 1849. 1-59 DAVROND Aaron, and UrusiUa Owen; ni. by Thomas Lapham, .Justice Nov 17, 1754. 2-26 " MatUrta, and Ora F. Steere, Aug. 1, 1822. 2-250 " Eosellaua M., and Orrin W. Andrews, Fob. 25, 1841. 2-289 " Simeon G., a resident of Tliompson, Mass., and Susan E. Cook, of SmitlUielrt ; m. liy Eev. Asel D. Cole, Aug. 31, 1843. 2-395 " Amio A., and Horace JI. Beadi, Oct. 15, 1849. 2-7 " Cyntliia, and Dr. Avery F. Angell, July 31, 1850. 2-312 DEAKF. .lolm B., of John, and Martlia Ann ^^milh : hy Kev. T. A. Taylor, April 15. 1845. 2-328 DBIAN William Henry, or Eleiizer, and PaiJina Cj Dwell, of Ebeuezer; m. by Rev. Charles Hyde, Aug. 6, 1S40. 2-331 DEIRK Henry, of William, of Uxbridge, and Amelia Keith, of Royal, of Smithfield: m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor. March 15. 1846. 3-456 DEMPSEY Neal, of Boston, Mass.. and Rutli Smith, of Wrentham; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, May .'j, 1743. 2-355 DEKK William V., of William V. and Esther, and Mary S. Browning, of Wil- liam and Phebe ; m. by Rev. Baylis P. Talbot, April 13, 1848. 1-62 DEXTER Anna, and Benjamin Arnold, Feb. 14 or 15, 1740-1. 1-100 " Gideon, and Martha Smith; m. by William Jcnclies. Justice, Aug. 21, 1748. 1-59 " Andi-ew, and Lydia Jenck-.s; m. hy Thomas Lapham, Sept. 25, 1748. 1-189 " S;irah, and Abraham Arnold, Feb. 25, 1768. 1-231 " Waterman, of Andrew, anil Sarah Wilbur, of Daniel: m. by Icha- bod ComstocU, Justice. Oct. 23, 1774. 1-106 " Phebe, and Elder John Winsor. Jan. 23, 1777. 1-224 " Samuel, of WUJiam, deceased, and Candaco Winsor, of bMer John; m. by Rev. Samuel Winsor, June 14, 1778. 1-350 " ilamiah, and Job Arnold, Dec. 21, 1780. 1-442 " Cluistophcr. of .lonauian of SmithUelil, and Betsey Whipple, of Cumberland, of Eleazer. dec. ; m. by Rev. Rulus Telft, Dec. 10, 1789. 1-370 " Clarissa, aud Smith Dexter, Sept. 30. 1801. 1-370 " Smith, of Waterman, and Clarissa Dexter: m. liy Thomas Man, Justice, Sept. 30, 1801. 1-365 ■• Kebeccii, and Isaac Tower, Feb. 4, 1802, 1-422 '• Lydia, and Nathaniel Mowi-y. 3d. April 20, ISOH. 1-402 •■ John, of Jonathan, and Mary Hall, ol John: m. Ijy Thmnas Jtan. Justice, May 11, 1806. 1-283 " Lole, and William E. 'Carpenter, Feb. 1, 1830. 2-149 " Ann Eliza, and Daniel T. Waldron, Aug. 3, 1839. 2-278 " Henjamin, and Presilla I'ole : m. by Rev. II. P. IJryam. Nov. 28, 1840. 1-13 DlLLINt.llAM EMsha, and Huldah Wilidnson ; m. hy David Comsloek. Jus- tice, June or Sept. 10, 1738. 1-173 ■■ Hulda, and Nathan Herendeen, April 30, 1764. 2-339 DIXON iillzabeth, and James Sykes, Dec. 31. 1.546. 2-165 DODGE Lucy, and George vV. Holt, Sept. 3, 1830. 1-59 DORK Aaron, and PressUla Owen; m. by Thomas Lapham. Justice, Jlay 10, 1748. 1-416 DOTEN Hope, and Samuel Smith, May :il, 1791. 1-25 DOTEY Sarah, and William Phillips. Jr., dec, Dec. 23, 1745. 2-374 DOWELL Alexander, of Blackstone, Mass., son of Francis and Bridget, aud Ann Bacon of do., dau. of Jared and Sarah : m. by Rev. Baybs P. Talbot, May 27. 1 s49. 1-346 DUNLAP Patrick, of Ireland, and Anna Man, of Allred : m. by .loel Al- drich. Justice, July 3, 1814. 1-S04 DYER Jones, and Hannah Herendeen : m. by Jabez Harris. Justice, Sept. 27, 1761. 2-338 '■ Am F., and Curtis K. WUIard, Dec. — , 1846. VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAXD. 2-354 EAKLE Calh'-rliii'. aud I'eleg Wilbur Llppitt, Mineli 22, 1848. 2-248 EAST3LA_X Lyuian T., or Lowell, Mass.. son oJ Samuel, and Lydia A. Nlcliol, ol Lowell, Mas.s., dau. ol Holt, ol Nashua, N. H. ; m. b.v Ki-'V. Charles C Taylor, April 2o, lt.41. and May 19, 1841, also page 268. 1-U78 KASTOX Donas, and Sylvester 3Iowry, Jr.. April 2, 1801. 1-6 EDDY Daniel, aud Mary riumer' ni. liy Thomas Sayles, Justice, Dec. 12, 1734. 1-9 '■ J DSeiih, of Gloucester, aud Bathsheba Smith, of Smithtield : m. by ■J homas Sayles, Justice, Nov. 23, 1735. 1-14 " Nathauiel, and Hannah Whipple, ol Capt. Job; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Feb. 22, 1738-9. 3--128 " Zachnriah, of Sniithli' Ul and Mary Uuiik. of Stoniiigton. Conn.; m. by Joseph Palmer. .iusHce. Ma.v 9, 1743. 1-19 " Hannali. aud WilHaa'i ..\rnold. May 18. 175."i. 1-93 " WilUam, aud Hadssah Angell : m. by Thomas Steere. Justice, Aug. 12, 1750. 1-204 " Jerusha, and Eber Angel: Aug. 26. 1701. 1-231 " David, of Nathaniel, and Naomi Arnold, ol Thomas; m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice, Feb. 13, 1772. 1-215 " Mercy, and Darius Wlnsor, Jlay 15, 1775. 1-327 " Desire, and Ezek Smith, June 19, 1794. 1-339 '■ Amie, and Aaiou ^Vrnold. Feb. 19, 1799. 1-445 " Abigail, and Benjamin AUuy. Sept. 18, 1817. 2-300 " Phebe A., and Henry T. Brown. July 28, 18-M. 2-329 " John M., of filoncester. and Miriam B. Cooper, of Burrlllvllle ; ni. by Kev. T. A. Taylor, June 23, 1846. 1-143 EDMCNDS Lydia, and Stutely Arnold, Dec. 17, 1758. 2-L;75 ELKINS John, ol Worcester, JIass., son of George and Mary, and Hannah ConneUa, of Blackstone, dau. of John and Bridget; m. by Kev. Bayles P. Talbot, June 10, 1849. 1-178 ELLET Jonathan, of Thomas, aud Amie Greene: m. by Peleg Ai'nold, Jus- tice. Jnly 27, 1783. 2-283 ELLIOT Lydia, and Lyman Smith. March 20, lo43. 2-353 ELLIS David, aud Alvina Gilbert; m. by Rev. T. A. Talbot, Feb. 28, 1848. 2-372 '• Henry A., of Jlollistou, Mass., sou of Haney. of Jamaica, Vt., and Abbii' Albee, of EurrUlville, dan. of Amos : m. by Joseph Aluiy. JusUce, May 26, 1849. 2-.321 ELLSBKEK William, aud Sarah Ciidworth ; m. by Rev. George Tyler, Jan. 27, 1846. 1-138 EMERSON Kbeiie/.er. ,itid Elizabeth Wolcutt ; m. by Jouatlum Sprague, Jus- tice, April — , 1733. 1-347 " Catherine, and Joel Sayles, June 23, 1813. 2-6 ENCHES Thomas, of ,le.sse, and Parley Sayles, of Gideon, Feb. 14, 1820. 2-39 " \\ illiain, ol .lesse, and Levina Sayles, of Benjamin : m. by James Williiusou. Justice, Jan. 3, 1823. 2-358 KNNIS Susan v., and lleiijamin F. Holmaii, July 20, 1848. 3-432 KPHKAIJI Mary, .itid .lames Coiustock, Jnly 6. 1750. 1-72 ESTON Jemima, and Biiijamlii Pain. April :j0, 1751. 1-432 " S;irah. and Sterling I'aiu. JiUy 28, ISOS. 2-41 ESTERBUOOK Susauuali. and .lesse Mowry, March 5, 1818. i-32 ESTIS John, aud llauuali Walling: m. by Stephen Sly, Justice, Nov. 23, 1756. 1-370 EV.\XS David, and .leniiiiia Kishoii; ni. by John Aldrich, Justice, Malrcli 27, 1755. 2-90 " Ben.inmin, cii DavhI. of Siuilhlield, and Naomi Daniels, of Johnston, Iv. 1., dau. of BarricK- : in. by Kev. Edward Mitchell, Jan. 21, 1787. ;-406 " Wuiiani. and Naney Ai>i)leliy: m. by Daniel Witisnr. Justice, Feb. 20. 1803. 2-52 " Mary, jiiid lieorge Arnold. Nov. 6, ISOS. "-287 " John, and s.illv Mowrv: m. by Robert Harris, Justice, Oct. 17, 1816. SMITHFIELD MAHKIAUE.S. 2-19U EVAXS Kdwaid. iil ll.-ii,|iiiiiiii. :iiid Dhiuiui (olwfll, ol Wjlliarii. il.;..-. ; ill. Itev. KfUbiMi Allen, .M:u-cli -jr,, 1840. 2-ii04 '■ BurrUl, of Boiijaiuiii, ami Khoda B. I'iace, ot James ; ui. by Ki-v. Keubeu Allen, May Utf, 1840. a-293 " Kdward C, ol (iloueester, and Abljie Emeline Mo wry ; m. by Itev. T. A. Tayliir. Jan. 4, 1844. 2-308 " JiUzabeth A., and Horaee Uani.v., Fc-b. 9, 1845. 2-316 •• Nelson te., ol steiihen, of Sniitlilield. and S;im:uitlia Cornell, ..f .N,,ri!i Providence, dan. of Clarice, ol East Greeuwloh ; ni. by Ki»v. JuDia S. .MowTy, .May -M, 1443. 2-29-.2 EVLLE Mary, and ( ■.>nslanlin.' Al.ala, .hiii. :.M, 1844. 2-313 FAIKBANKS Josepli oivUl'. ,d. lames, and l!ai h.l Hewilt. of Rhonia C. Spra!;ue : m. by Rev. I)a\'ld Pickering, May 3, 1.820. 2-378 FANNING John M., of Providence, and .\iiii.- Ann :Miller, of Sri.itlilielrt : m. by Eev. B. P. Byrani. .May I'.i, 1842. 1-P9* " Moses, and Lucy Conisii>ck; ii!. by rhonias Arnold, Jnsiice, Dec. 17, 1752. 1-66* F.\RNL:M Mary, and Silas Taft. .Tan. 26. 174S. 1-1-1 '■ John, of Uxbridse. acd Martha Comsloek-. of Smithti.'M, wid.>w of Daniel. Jr.- m. I.y Thomas .\rnold. Justice, Aug. 19. 1736. 1-191 •' Jonathan, of li.\brUlge, and Urania Harri-. of Preserved, o£ Smith- field ; m. by .Stephen Arnold. JusHi'e. Sept. 29, 17Ik5. .Mary, aud Capt. Wni. Waterman. Nov. 27, 1777. Lydia, and BenjiT-.iin Tucker, M.ircU 23, 1786. -Mary, and George Smith. March 11, 1804. Lydla, and George jNjigell. Nnv. 25, 1810. ■lohn, ol Noah, ami Lydia Mathewson. ol Joseph : iii. by Robert Harris, Justice, Aug. 16. 1812. Freelove. and Asahel Aldiich. AprU If), lr-17. Ruth, and DanLd Mowry. 3d. Dec. 6, 1818. Emily, and Henry S. Mansfield, Sept. 12, 1S44. Ellis, of Daniel F.. and .Sarah Chattertou, ol Nathan C, )X)lh of England; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor. Api-U 2, 1SI6. Mary, and Jos.-ph Hansom, Dec. 21, 1S46. William, of Dun., and Sarah (UU, of John: m. by Rev. Bayles P. Talbot, , 1846. FEATHERGILL .Mrs. Mary, and Jonathan Arniitage Fltield, Nov. 11. 1743. lion, of Attlehoro, Mass., and Lydia Inmau. of Sniiiliiie'.d : in. by Elijah Aniold. Justice, June 7, 1815. 2-418 FELTUS AVilliam II., and Olive L. Hill, both of Danby. Vt. : m. by Eev. David Andrews, J.in. 13, 1852. 2. 371 FENNER I.ydia A., aud Isaac M. Sweet, March 18. 1549. 2-284 FERT-:NT John ismings, and Julia Ann Laliiam: m. by Rev. Ascl D. Cole, May 15, ISti. 1-llj FIELD Phebe. and Georgo Bannister, Fob. 19. 1754. 2-314 " Mary A., aud Charles A. Scott, Dec. 2, 1844. 2-424 FARNf^I George Van R.-inssaleur, and Nancy V. Webb: m. by Asa W'ln- sor, Justice, Dec. 24, 1834. 3-456 FIFIELD Jon.ithan Armitage. and Mrs. Mary FeathergiU : m. by Thomas .Sayles. Justice, Nov. 11, 1743. 1-21* FISHER Daniel, and Mary Pond: m. by WilUam Arnold. .Tusllce. Oct. 9, 1741. 1-81* •• Joseph, and Rebecca Nason : m. l>y William Arnold. Justice. Sept. 3, 1746. 2-230 " Susan L.. and Da\-id Buffinton, Dec. 24, 1840. 1-20- FISH M.iry, and Jo.sepli Darling, Jan. 6, 1735-6. 1-22* " Ruth, and Samuel Hayward. July 1:!, 1743. 1-234 1-312 1 1-409 " 1-459 " 1 1-433 a 1.377 1 1-253 " 1 1-319 1 £-324 FARUAR 2-339 : 2-335 " 3-456 FEATHE 1-363 FELSH \ 34 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-&3* FISH Esther, :>nd Kbiiii'zor AU.ee. Feb. -28, 1750. 1-218 " Chloe. nnd Aufoistris Mowiy, Nov. 30, 1780. 2-207 FISK Alvln E. A, of i^mithflelrt, "on of W 11 ird. and Saiah Ann Corey, of Cumberl.'nd, dan. of Christopher H. ; m. hy Rev. Reuben Allen, July 5, 1840. fl-383 '• Abbie Ann. and Benjamin Kingslpy, May 0, 1849. 2-380 ■• Mrs. J n ttp, and James Lawton. April 22, 1>50. 2-399 " Hopesey 15., and l.OAi I'hillips, July 4, 1850. ii-301 FITT()N John, :ind Martha Winterbottom : m. by Eev, Ascl D. Cole, Oct. 14. 1844. 3-189 FITTS FJizalieih Ann, and Rev. Daniel Rounds, April 1, 1840. a-389 FLETCHER Matilda, .and James F. Smith, March 25, 1850. 1-89* FLYNN David, and Raihel AliUich : m. by Thomas Arnold, Justice, March .».> 175^* 1-25* FORCE Kll7abeth, and Benjamin Darling, July 28, 17.^5. 1-69 FORDS William, and Jemima Calluin ; m. by Thomas Lapham, Justice, March 26, 1749. 1-09 FORD Willi:'!!!, and Jemima C:illuin; ni. by Thomas Lapham. Justice, March 17, 1752. 2-41 FOLLETT Lewis, nf Cumberland, son of George, and Rebecca Mathewsou, of Smithfield. dau. or Joseph ; m. by Thomas Man, Justice, June 10, 1824. S-276 " Leonard Jenckes, of Leonard, and Phebe H. Vallett, of Wanton ; m. by Simon A. S;iyles. Nov. 24, 1842. 2-313 " James, and Mary A. Aldrlch : m. by Rev. John Boyden, Jr., April l(i, 1845. 1-84 FOOT Abipail, and Daniel Cooli, .lune 0, 17S1. 2-361 FOSS Charles M., and Susan N. MUler; m. by Rev. B. P. Byram, June 25, 1848. 1-358 FOSTER Mary, and Joseph Clarki\ Nov. 2, 1800. 3-284 " Samuel, and Angelina Ainold, ol Olney ; in. by George P. Jenckes, Justice, April 23, 1843. 2-202 FOWLER John M., of Uxbridge, and Jane Uurlingame, of Smithfield; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, May 3, 1840. 2-425 FRAZIER Jenette, and Archibald liell, AprU 8, 1845. 2-51 FREEMAN WtUard, of Whipple, aiM Olive Wlpen ; m. by Thomas Mann, Jus- tice. March 27, 1825. 2-81-8G " Margaret, and I'enjaniin Uartlett, Jan. 25. 1830. 2-296 " Truniiin, Jr., of Providence, and Margaret Boyd, of Pawtucket, Mass. ; m. by Rev li. P. Byram, March 10, 1844. 2-323 " Ama!!da Melvlna, a!id Daniel S. Clark, April 5, 1846. 2-328 " Mary E., and Stephen KimbalL May 16, 1846. 2-366 " Lattice P., and Hiram B. Tucker, Nov. 29, 1847. 2-416 " Susan M., and Alfred Allen, May 3, 1848. 1-320 FRINNECOME Mary Ann, and William A. Brlckell, Sept. 18, 1845. 2-338 FROST EUza, and Samuel Hixon, Jr., Dec. 22, 1846. 2-367 FRY Hannah G., and WiUiam R. Jolinson, Sept. 27, 1841. 2-35 FULLER Barnabus S , of Smithfield, son of Hezekiah, of Hachnlach, N. J., and Elizabeth Phillips ; m. by Thomas Man, Justice, Sept. 4. 1823. 2-173 " Loi-enzo D., of Zachariah, and Martha A. Greene; m. by Bphralm Sayles, Justice, Oct. 3, 1839. 2-219 " Tliomas P., of Zechariali, and itobey Austin ; m. by Ephralm Sayles, Justice, Oct. 2.'), 1840. 2-337 " Martha J., and Stephen P. Bowen, Oct. 29, 1846. 2-403 " Candace C, and Nathaniel T. Arnold, Oct. 13, 1850. 2-425 " Adelaide, and John G. Bailey, Aug. 10, 1878. 2-200 GAGE Joan, and Isaac Mathewson. May 30. 1840. 2-96 GARDINER Samuel E., and Alice Mowry, of Nathaniel ; ra. by Rev. Reuben AUen, Fob. 3, 1631 2-130 " William H., and Sjirah H Bradford; m. at Mendon. by Rev. Adln Ballon, Dec. 20, 1837. SMITIIFIELD ^^AKRIA(iES. 35 2-144 (iAi;i)L\KK Xelsoii, and .liiiio Siiylis ; in. Ijy NiclioUis S. Wiiisor, Justice, July 25. 1839. £-303 " Vincent C, of Smithfleld, :uid Miiry Leach, of Cumberland; m. by Eev. Wtii. Verrinder, Oct. 7, 1S44. ■:. iVJ " Erastus G., of Norlli Kingstown, age -Ja, son ol William II. and Patience, and Ann E. Sherman, age -25, dau. ol Joiin B. and Ann E., of Pawtucket: m. by Kev. I. J. Uui-guess, Jan. 1(5, 1S51. .-■.:i GASKILL Mary, and Adam Ilarkiiess. Dec. -28, 1741. 1-70^ ■• Patience, and Jonathan Aldrieh, March 17, 1742-3. 2-294 •• Libbeus, of Cumberland, and I'hUeiia S. Siiwyer, of Smithilcld ; m. by Rev. John Borden, Jr., Oct. 19, 1841. 2-40S " WiUlara, of Smithfield, son of Edward, of Maldstonie, Vt., and Catherine Carr, of Ireland ; m. Ijy Rev. Juuia S. IVlowry, Feb. 17, 1850. iliS GAVITT Lucy, and William Perkins. Aug. 1, 1839. i-300 GEE Henry, and Vesta, Ann Randall ; ni. by Kev. T. A. Taylor. July 3, 1844. J-3&1 UlFi'OKD Farnum, of Seth, of Uxbridgi', and Ivobey Brown, of Seth. of Rehoboth, M.iss. ; m. by Caleb Farnum, Justice, Aug. 31, 1815. 2-25S " Seth B., and Koxa WeatUerhead ; m. by Kev. Leonard Wakefield, Oct. 24, 1841. :^335 tflLBEUT Elvina, and David Ellis, Feb. 28, 1848. 1-32 tilLE Joseph, and Tabitha Harris ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, Sept. 13, 175(). 1-23 GILLIS Mercy, and Moses Aldrieh, Feb. IC, 1758. i,-330 GILL Sarah, and William Farrar, , 1840. ■ ^2-285 GILMORE Sarah J., and Balsa Fisk Johnson, Jan. 26, 1843. e-369 '• Phebe B., and Albert Cook, Sept. 24, 1848. 3-363 GIASIE Isaac, of Jacob, of North Dxbridge, and Lucy Braytou, of James, of Smithfleld; m. by Elisha Arnold, jnstice, Dec. 19, 1800. 2-331 GLEASON XJiv-iel. of North Providence, and Emily Kelley, of Smithfield: m. by Rev. E. W. Porter, Sept. 29, 1846. £;-359 '■■ Charles, and Mary Aim Gurley ; m. by Hkv. Thcimas C. Brown, July 2, 1848. S-356 GOFF Sarah, and Henry Wright, May 1, 1848. 1-79 GOLDWAITE Siinili, and Joseph. Buxton, Feb. 10, 1752. 3-343 '• Pelatiah. of John, and Charity Buxton, of James; m. by Elijah Arnold. Justice, Dec. 5, 1799. 1.-320 '• Sally, and Thomas S. Brown, Dec. 8, 1844. i-364 GOODING Susan M., and Thomas Bell, Oct. 30, 1848. 1-19* GOEE Mehltable, and WUUam Maccavy, June 27, 1740. :^393 GOULD William, of BurrUlvllb-, and Eliza Buxton; m. by Rev. T. A. Tay- lor, March 21. 1844. £-348 '• Mary D., and Henry Palsey. Nov. fl. 1847. "J-325 GRAFF Philadelphia, and James Peets, Aug. 1, 1793. 2-32S GRANT James, and Thankful -■Arnold: m. by Rev. S. S. Bradford, April 12, 1846. 3-390 GRASON WUliani, of Richard and Urania, of Scituate, dec. and Hannah Mowry, of Darius and Lydia, of Smitlifield ; m. by Rev. War- ren Lincoln, May 14, 1850; i.-a34 GREENHALGH Mary, and William Prince. — . 1846. 1-224 GREENE Patience, and Welcome Arnold. Feb. 11, 1773. 1-250 *' Mary, and Stephen Arnold, Jan. 5, 1783. 1-242 " Ruth, and Richard BufTum, Fob. 23, 1783. 1-178 '• Amie. and Jonathan Ellet, July 27, 178:;. ;j-235 '• Ebene;er, and Mary Jones; m. by Ananias Mowry. Justice. Oct. 2, 1808. ■i-339 '■ Henry Pclrce, and Nancy Cliillson ; m. by Elijah Arnold, Justice, Feb. 23, 1815. 2-173 " Martha A., and Lorenzo D. Fuller, Oct. 3, 1839. 2-200 " Sarah, and Joseph S. Whitman, Sept. 17, 1843. 2-297 " Benjamin P., and Lucy Ann Spencer; m. by Rev. Edwhi l>eigh, Not. 30, 1843. 2-336 " Minerva A., and Augustus Phillips, Jr., Nov. 29, 1816. i,-353 " Hannah A., and Champlin L. Watson, Feb. e, 1848. 36 VITAL REOOED OF KHODE ISLAND. 2-208 GKOSS Samuel, of lli'nr,\ , and Susan 1!. AsUtou, of Samuel; m. by Rev. Kenben .\llen, Juno -JD, 1840. 2-214 UBOSVENUB Caroline HaU, and Kl\ . Timotliy Alden Taylor, Sept. 2, 1840. 2-335 (iVILD Caroline M., and James E. Lewis, Dec. 3, 1846. 2-381 " Melinda Jan.-, and WiUiam H. Bennett, Jidy 8, 1B49. a-129 GILLEV Phebe, and EUsha Howry, Jr., Jaji. 28, 1757. 1-27 " Thomas, ol Jonathan, and Mrs. Hannali Mowry, oi David; m. by Samuel Man, Jusllce, Dec. 14. 1809. 2-79 " Sarah, and Simon li. Razee, July 27, 1829. 2-359 UUKLEY Mary Ami, and Cliarles Gleason, July 2, 184s. (also 2-366.) 1-64 HACKEK William, and Tabithu Clarki'; in. by David Comstock, Justice, Auf?. 10, 1740. 2-bl3 llADLEY William E., of Providence, son oI John, of Cumberlajid, dec, and Lucinda Ben.son,oi Providence, dnu. ot Aaron, of Lodl, N. Y.; m. by WiUiam Verrindcr, April 13, 1845. 1-39' HAKES Mary, and Rbonezer Darllns, Keb. 25, 1745. 2-353 HALLOWELL Kichard. and Hannah Scholes; m. by Rev. Warren Emerson, March 1, 1848. 1-72' HALL .loshua, Jr., of Cumberland, and Susannah Spragii-", of Smithfield; m. by Thomas Lapliam, Justice, June 2, 1751. 1-385 " l.uclna. and Reuben Aldrich, .May 6, 1802. 1-402 " Mary, and John Dexter, Jlay 11, 1806. 2-99 " DeUa, and Paris Richmond, Aug. 13. 1829. 1-264 HAJIES Aaron, son of Robert, ol Douglass, Mass., dec, and Lydla Walker, Of Reuben ; m. by Peleg Arnold, Justice, Feb. 17, 1785. 2-153 HAMMt)ND Parley, of Douglass, Mass.. and Elizabeth B. Mansfield, ot Smlthlield; m. by Kev. Timothy A. Taylor, May 15, 1839. ■2-:i07 " Mary A., and William Brown. Dec. 16, 1844. 2-:j32 HAM Phebe .1., and Joseph Willunson, Sept. 23, 1846. 2-346 " George W., of Isaac L., of Lowell, Mass., and Diana IsLs Steere, of Arnold, of Smlthlield: m. by Rev. I. J. Burguess, Oct. 13, 1647. 2-270 HANCOCK Guy, of Mendon, Mass., and Itosanna lierkei-, of Smithfield; m. by Rev. Asel D. Cole, JiUy 13, 1842. 2 358 HANDON .Mary \V., and Edwin L. .Smith, July 4, 1848. 1-341 KANDY Ke/.ia, and Simeon Harris. May 19, 1791. 1-411 ■■ Lucy, and Nicholas Harris, -Aug. 10, 1797. 2-59 " Waitey, and James Arnold, .iug. 10, 1826. 2-267 '■ .Mary K., and Simon Strange, July 4, 1841. 2-300 " .l.HliiUali, and Emer C. Smith, June 4, 1844. 2-303 " Asabiah, and Hamilton P. .\ldrlch, July 8, 1844. 2-365 " ftilas, of Cuniberhin-l, iind I'aroline Snow, of Smithfield : ui. by liev. C. H. Titds, Dec. 31, 1848. 2-386 " V.'illiani H., " Lydla, .and Nathaniel ifpaulding, Oct. 27, 1774. 1-3C5 " Elethan. and (Uiwr Arm Id, Dec. 3, 1778. 1-245 •• Jesse, of Preserved, and Naomi Jenclies, of Tiiomns : m. by Ste- phen lirayton, Justic-i', Nov. 1, 1781. 1-241 "■ David, of Abner, and Rachel Jenckes. of Thomas : m. by Stephen Brayton, Justice, Sept. 19, 1782. 1-267 •■ Jonathan, of Abner, and Mary Jenclies, of Thomas ; m. by Stephen Brnyton, Justice, Oct. 3, 1785. 1-282 •■ Jeremiah, of Jeremiah, ol Smlthficld, and nachel Hathaway, of Sll- vanus, of Cumberland; m. by Hev. Abner Ballon, May 29, 1788. 1-345 •' William, of Abner, dec, .and Barberry Allen, of Waterman, dec, of Cumberland: m. by Uev. Edward Mitchell, Dec. 24, 1789. 1-304 •■ Mary, and Michael Spra^-ne, Feb. 11, 1790. 1-341 •■ Simeon, of Smlthficld, and Keslah Handy, of Uxbridge; m. by Uev. William Bowen, May 19, 1791. 1-310 '• Mary, and Stephen Angel, Dec. 23, 1792. 1-321 " Mary, and (Jeorge Hill, Nov. 11, 1793. 1-322 ■■ Welc(mie, of David, ,Tr., and Zeriah Sayles, of John: m. by Ben- jamin Sheldon, Justice. May 2fi, 1790. 1-326 '■ .\eh/ah. and Kphraim Mowry, Jan. 8, 1797. 1-411 '■ Nicholiis. of Richard, of Smillilield, and Lucy Handy, of Benjamin, of Uxbridge ; m. by Edwiu-d Medltury, Justice, Aug. 10. 1797. 1.359 •■ David F., ot Joseph, and l,ydia Streeter, of Kutus : m. by Thomas .Man, Justice. Dec. 31. 1800. 1-410 '• Jaliez. of Stephen, and Waite Wing, oi Joshua: m. by Thomas Man. iTtus*.lct% May 1, 1803. 1-425 " ISetsey, and Silas Smith, May 25. 1806. 1.444 ■• Farinim. of David, dec, and Olive Mowry, of William ; m. by Tliomas Man, Justice, Jlarch 12, 1809. 1-451 " Martha, and Tliomas Mowry. June 9, 1811. 2-281 " Kcziah, and Ilenjamin l,ind.scy, Juno 7, 1818. 2-36 " Da\'ld, 2d sou ol Weleome. and Lavlna Mowry, of Ablal ; m. by Thomas Man, Justice. March 13, 1823. 2-85 " Thomas J., of Nichola". and Holley, of William: ra. by Thomas Man, Justlci'. Jan. — , 1830. 2-317 " Mason, of P.urriUville, son Of Simeon, of Uxbridge, and Abigail Scott Aldrich, of (George 4th, of Smithfleld ; m. by Nathaniel Mowiy, Justice, July 4. 1.''33. 2-209 " Eliza J., and Allen Bishop, July 28, 1840. 2-240 " Alien Tillinghast. and Frances Amanda Sherman: m. by Rev. Wl'li-ira S. Balch, Feb. 25, 1841. 2-27» " Joanna, and George Tyler, Feb. 5, 1343. 2-297 " Hczeklah S., and Susan M. Jawger; m. by Key. Edwin Leigh, Ang. 27, 1843. 2-434 ■• Waity Ann, and Richard Mowry, Nov. 30, 1343. 2-320 " .Vhipail, and Talcott Curtis, Nov. 25, 1845. 2-322 " Mehltable, ai:d I'roetor Ames, March 8, 1340. (Vit. Rec, Vol. 3.) 24 38 VITAL KECOKD OF RHODK ISLAND. 2-327 HARRIS Caroline R., and tiiyles C. NewoU, M;iy 10, lS4e. 2-385 " Ellen, and Alfred. Chatterton, S.pt. 17, 1849. 2-385 " Kalyh, and Eli".abetli Tliomiisou. txith of S^leni, Mass.; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, Auk. 21, 1850. 2-12 HARTSHORN Sylvester, of Provlderce, son of Charles, and Amle Water- man, of Sinithfield , dan. of Thomas, Dec. 7, 1820. 2-380 " Wellington P., of Lynn, M ;ss., and Ehobe M. Ketm, of Srallli field; m. ly Rev. Edwin C. B own. May 2?, 1849. 3-360 HARTWELL George M., of Fitehburg, M s., son of Na:ban, of Littleton, Mass., and Mary E. Ctzzens, of Smitlifiel.t ; m. by Rev. Mowry rhilllps. July 13, 1818. '2-423 HART Wellinstm S., and Celista E. Pliillii s, both of Mendon, Haas.; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Aug. 2(i, 1844. 3-314 " Jerbind. and Mary Smith, of Smlthfleld; m. by Thomas Arnold, Justice. April 15. 1759. 3-314 HOIT .Joseph S.. of Millbnry. M;iss., and Harriet Bourne; m. by Rev. Emory W. Porter, March 20, 1843. 1-378 HOLBROOK Sarah, and Stephen Bullin, Oct. 11, 1789. 1-84 " Peter, and Sarah CHarke : m. by William Arnold, Justice, Jan. 27. 1736-7. 1-84' " Samuel, and Lydia Staples; ni. by William Arnold, Justice, Sept. 26, 1750. 2-231 " Moses K., and M. B. Bradford: m. by Rev. John Borden, Jr., Dec. 31, 1840. 2-240 " Alice Ann, and Abner Young, Aug. 15, 1.943. 2-343 HOLBURTON .Susan A., and Henry S. Smith. June 28, 1847. 2 309 HOLDEN Jaanna B.. and Orace C. Aldrleh, March 9, 1345. 2-8!5 HOLLEY , and Thomas J. Harris, .fan. — , 1640. 2-162 " Rufus, and Katy Ann Pain Mowry; m. by Nicholas Shlnson, Jus- tice, March 5, 1840. 2-288 " Amanda, and John W. Burkett. Oct. 3, 1843. 2-356 HOLMAN Ansel, and Nancy W. Tabor ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Feb. 28, 1848. 2-368 " Benjamin F., and Susan C. Ennls; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, July 20. 1S48. SMITHFIELD MARRIAGES. 41' 1-148 HOLMES Samncl, ot Samuel, and Mercy Winsor. of Elder John : m. by Rev. Ezeldel Angel, Dec. 19, 1779. 2-76 " William, and Philena Stearns ; m. hy Rev. Pliney Brett, Feb 27 1816. 2-352 « Church, of Smithfield, son of Thomas, of Rochester, Mass., and Emily Maria Jenckes, of .Smithfield, dau. ot John, 3d; m. by Simon A. Sayles, Justici', Jan. 2,'5, 1848. 2-152 HOLOWAY Albert, son of Icliabod, and Sarah Straight, of Henry; m. by George F. Jenckes, Ju tice, July 14, 1839. 2-165 HOLT George W., and Lucy Dodge ; m. by Rev. Timothy A. Taylor, Sept. 3, 1839. 2-250 " Lucy Ann, and Albert Mowi-y, Sept. 29, 1841. 2-264 " Joseph, and Nancy R. Hejendeen ; m. by Nicholas Shlnson, Justloa, Feb. 7, 1842. 3-220 HOPKINS George E., of Foster, R. I., son of Simeon, and EUza Cook, ot William, of Gloucester; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Oct. 11, 1840. 2-234 " Minerva, and Benjamin IJruwn. Doc. 31, 1840. 2-360 " Lucy, and Joseph Phillips, 'Jd, June 25, 1848. 2-380 HORSWICH James R., and Jane f'Htcliley ; m. by Rev. Edwin C. Brown, June 27, 1849. 1-445 HORTON Simon, and Mrs. Abigail Ilathawuy, ot Dr. Peleg ; m. by Samael Man, Justice, June ao. 1811. 2-320 " Lydla A., and Jcihn Shaw, Nov. 27, 1845. 2-320 " Darius, of Benjamin, and .Mary Crowell, of Nathan; m. by BoT. Charles Hyde, Dec. 10, 1845. 2-370 " Nathan S., and Abbie M. Martin; m. by Rev. D. L. McGeer, March 20, 1849. 2-6B HOTCHKISS Edward, and Joanna Aldrlcb ; m. by Henry 6. Btanafleld, Joa- Uce, March 4, 18:27. 2-289 HOUGH Louisa, and NatLaniel L. Parsons, June 13, 1843. 3-456 HOWARD Hannah, ai.d John Arnold, Oct. 3, 1742. l-«7 " S;irah, and Ebenezer (.:ass, Feb. 14, 1747. 2-43 " William, and Nancy Johnston, ot Solomon ; m. by Henry S. Hans- fleld, JusOice, Feb. 20, 1825. 2-95 " James T., of Joseph, and Siilly Arnold, of Whipple ; m. by Thomas Man, Justice, Jan. 3, 1830. 2-342 " Sarah, and DaiUel Buxton, July 1. 1847. 2-342 " Siirali, and Henry M. Wlieelock, March 25, 1847. 2-29 HOWLAND Uranah, and William Smith, June 19, 1822. 2-56 HOXIE Mary, and Andrew li. Latham, Oct. 7, 1841. 1-83 HOYE Jostph, and Fide.la Hexton ; m. by Wiillam Arnold, Justice, Dec. 12, 1741. 2-170 HOYLE Elizabeth S., and Perry D. BaUey, Nov. 14, 1839. 2-171 " Mary B.. and George W. Pain, Nov. 14, 1839. 1-43 HUDSON Mary, and Natiianiel Staples, Juno 23, 1734. 2-256 HUGHES William, of William, and Margaret Read, ot Andiew ; m. by blmon A Sayles, Justice, Aug. 23, 1841. 3-244 HUMES Alphcus, Jr., of Mendon, son of Aipheus, and Lucretla Cole, of -Jona- than D., of Smithfield; m. by John Pain, Justice, April 25, 1S41. 2-201 " Abbie C, and George Cornell, Nov. 5, 1843. 1-11* HUNT Jolui, and Kezhih Dai-llng; m. by Daniel Comstock, Justice, Juno e, 1738. 1-80* " Abigail, and Levi Aldrich, Feb. 27, 1745-6. 1-36 " Martha, and Ariel Man. June 25, 1815. 2-407 •■ Onn, of Darling, dec, and Joanna Sayles, ot Richard; m. by Rev. Junla S. Mowry, Dec. — , 1849. 2-388 " A. C, of Smithfield, son of Abnor and Minerva, ot N. Y., and Mary Jane Booker, of Gardiner, Me., dau., ot Nicholas and Sally ; m. by Rev. I. J. Burguess, Feb. 3, 1850. 1-106 HUTCHINSON John, and Ruth Ship pee ; in. hy Thomas Lapluun, Justice, AprU 23, 17G0. 1-281 " Daniel, and Mercy Wilkinson: m. liy Abraham Mathewson, Justice, Oct. 9, 1785. 42 VITAL EECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-218 HUTCHINSON Orin, of SinitUCeW, and Polly Alclrich, of Goorgc : m. by George F. JencUos, Oct. 11, 1S40. 2-341 H'VNDEMAN EUw.ud, of Samuel, und Sarah McDun-wcll, of John; m. by Eev. Charles Hyde, May 18, 1847. 1-117 IDE John, and Taln'.lm Thornton: iii. by Thomas SleerL'. .lusUce, July 11, 17.^)0. 2-n]4 " David, and EUab.tli Arnold, of Daniel; m. by DaWd Aldrich, Jus- tice, Dec. 8, 1811. 2-160 " Willhim T., of .SeeUonk, son of Timothy, and Sarah Ann Stone, of Henry, of S.i,lthfio:d; m. at Olneyville; m. by Eev. Martin Cheney, Jan. 2, 1810. 1-324 ILLINGWOUTH I resilla 1!., and Juhn Warswich, March 28, 1846. 1-12 INCHES Thomas, and Margar, t Siippee; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, AprU 4, 1745. 2-414 INGALLS Natliani 1 M., of Smi hflold, son of Arhl, of Itehobolh, and Almy A. Coit, of Ardlii and LeUnda, of Seekonk, Mass., March 2, 1851. 2-287 INGRAHAM .laeph, and Ellen lattcrson ; m. by Eev. C. C. Taylor, May 2, 1843. 1-24 INMAN Abigail, and Daniel Wllkn on, Sept. 22, 1740. 1-23* " Jeieniiali, and Holdall Cook; m. by WlUlam Arnold. .lusUce, Feb. Hi, 174-J-3. 1-84* " Susanna, and James Tillson, March 18, 1743-4. 1-57 " Mariha. and Elisha Sayles, Sept. 10, 1717. 1-68 " Benjamin, and Thomson or Thurogen Page; m. by Thomas Sayles, JusUce, Oct. 16, 1748. 1-124 " Sarah, and Joseph Philips, Dec. 7, ]75.'>. l-£r>8 " Mary, and Joab Man, April 15, 1781. 1-309 " Henry, and Sarah Aldrich : m. by Elisha Arnold, Justice, Jan. 2, 1 803. 1-363 " Lydia, and Walton Folsh, June 7, 1815. a-33 " Almira, and Ihomas N. -SUiplcs, May 20, 1822. 2-77 " EuLh, and James Wood, Oct. 12, 1.^28. S-172 " Betsey, and Whipple Arnold, Nov. 2i, 1839. 2-177 " Daniel M., and Mary Saunders: in. by Eev. T. .\. Taylor, Dec. 23, 1839. 2-214 •■ Fi-ancis H., of EurrillvIUe, and Hannah Marsh, of Smlthfield ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor. Aug. 10, IH40. S-249 " Jonathan, of Danifl, and Alcy Spencer Bradlord, of Jamce; m. by Isaac Taber, Justlee, AprU 6, IrAl. 2-261 " Heorge, Jr., of Burilllviili\ and Unth Wheeler Mowry, of Smlthflold ; m. by Eov. T. A. Taylor, Sept. 21, 1841. 2-266 " Lydia, and Olnoy Robins. Jan. 9, 1S43. 2-320 " Emeline, and Albert Tllfany, Sept. 25, 1845. a-104 " Oliver A., of BurrlllvUle, and Matilda E. Heckv.ith, of Smlthtteld : m. by liov. T. A. Taylor, Nov. l.'lBuO. 2-75 IKONS Lucy, and Ueorgo Smith, Dec. 18, 1828. 2-15B " Alniira Maria, and Lejmder Smith, Ang. IS, 1839. 2-245 " Mary Ann. and Lawton Rounds, March 28, 1841, 1-94 IKWIN William, and Kiisannah Siiulsbury : m. by Samuel Winsor, Justice, Nov. 2, 1758. 1-94 " Susanna, and Izrcal Brayant, Nov. — , 1700. 2 4')5 .lACKQL'ES James, ol «mithUeld, (b. Coventry, i;. I., sou ol James anl Phebe, age 24), and Ellen Pi-lngle, of Blnckstone (b. Ireland, dau. of James and Ann, age 10): m. by Rev. 1. J. Burguess, Sept. 25, 1H50. 1-193 JAPERbON Mary, and Daniel Itewndeen, Sept. — , li 70. 2-7 JAQlEIH Harriet, and Nathaniel Heaton. April 29, 1819. 2-297 JAWGEai Susan M., and Hezeldah .S. HaiTis, Ang. 27, 184:!. SMITOFIELD MARRIAGES. 4.5 1-461 JJsiFKEKS Botsey, and Daniel Mowry, Nov. 6, 1814. 2-200 " Fannie, anrt llichaid Bayus, March 16, 182a. S-'-Sn •• Eztldi'l, anrt El zabetli W. St<>:ivns ; m. hy Ucv. Ascl Coic, Feb. l.'t,. 1S42. 2-306 " Elizaljeih, and Mark Dalby, Nov. 2.3, 1844. 1-26" JEN<;KKS Sarali. anil WUIiani JJcnclilcy, J)«c. 25, 1748. 1-38 " Martha, anrt Aliraham Scott, March U, 174-5-0. i-59 " Lydla, and Andrew Dexter, Bept. 25, 1748. 1-59 " William Jenckis, Bd, anil Esther Tingle; m. by Thoiu.a.s Laphum, l- Justice, Sept; 25, 1748. 1-74 '• Chr KtoiiU_>r, and llanuali Whipiil. : m. by Thom.is Laphani. JusUco. Mai-ch 29, 1752. 1-75 ■■ Anphiilus, and Samuel Weight, July 20, 1752. l-l"-'' " Jesse, and Mary Smith ; ra. hy Daniel Howry, Jr., Justice, Sept. 11, 1757. 1-105 " Edmund, anrt Kc?.Lah Ulney; ni. hy Uenjamln Arnold, Justice. Jan. 4, 1756. 1-146 ■' Henry, ol Dr. John, and Amity Hanis, of Amaziali; m. by D.-uiieS Mowry, Jr., Justice, uct. 7, 1759. 1-162 '■ Peggy, and Joseph Coman, Jan. 3, 1700. 1-146 " Sarah, and Ichabod Couistock, April 11, 1700. 1-205 " Ichabod, and Margaret i; i.aley ; m. by Jabcz Harris. Jnslice, Doc, 16, 1762. 1-173 " Mary, and Nicholas Pullen, Oct. 14, 1704. 1-191 " Lawrence, of SnithHeld, and Susann:Lh Battles, of Mcndon, M:uss.', m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice, Nov. 20, 1706. ,1-179 " Patience, and Daniel Com .toch. April 7, 1768. 1-198 " Isaac, of Dr. John, and Ruth Lapham, of Joshua; m. by Dnniei Howry, Jr., Justce, Oct.. 5, 1709. l-ins " Lydla, and Daniel 1 aphnn. Oct. 5, 1709. 1-109 " Hannah, anrt 'Iharteiis WUli.ams, Atig. 25, 1774. 1-217 ■' Dinah, and Oliver Read, M.arch 12, 1775. 1-221 " Stephen, Jr., of North Pr ividoiice, son of Stephen, and Mary Arnold, of Sralthfield. rtnn. of .Toshna : n1. by Ichabod Comstocit, Justice, Nov. 19. 177."i. 1-100 " Benjamin, of North Proviii. iu'i>, ,iiu of ("apt. f-'tephen, and Sarah Ainold, of S I i hiield. dan. or Joshua; m. by Hope Angel, Jus ^ tJce, JIarch 12, 1780. 1-227 " Jacob, and Marl ha Mcrwrj : la. I.> I'riah Alverson. Justice, Aprd 22, 1781. 1-345 ■ Naomi, and Je se Harris. Nov. 1. 1781. 1-241 " Itachel, and Davll Hari , Sejn. 19, 17.-<2. 1-274 " Sli|)hi!n, of .lessn, anrt Aiiiie Sayle.;. of Olrteon ; ni. by liriali Alver- son, Jus ice, Aug. 5, (784. 1-267 " Maiy, ard Jonathan llan-is, Oel. 3, 1785. 1-103 " Jesse, of Dr. John, die, .and Abigail Saylos, of Capt. Gideon: m. by Eov. Kdward Mlldell, June 28, 1787. (Also 1-280.) 1-133 " Klizabeih. and Simeon W l,.iu.-:on, June 10. 1792. 1-386 ■• Abigail, ami Daniel Ang ■!, .Ian. 22, 1797. 1-443 " I'yntliia, am) Jam;s i;ri.i;;js, June 4, 1797. 1 331 " JoslMia, of ('liii--!oplier. o S>nitlilielrt, and Susannali Whipple, of Elen/.er. ol Cnmb'-i art: m. liy Elisha Olney, .Inslice, Oct. 29. 1798. 1-364 •• Araie, arid Thomas Arno! I, Peb. 8, 1801. 1-397 " t;alheilne, and Iisn al Ar uild, Nov. 15, 1802. 1-41S " Will am. of Joh', and Mary Mclntjrp: m. by Thomas Man, Jus- tice, JiUy 8, 1804. 1-439 " Stephen, of North Prov'al Mice, anrt Rnlh Arnold, ol Smlthlield ; m. by Isaac Comi-tocii, Justice, March 2:i, 1818. S-18 " suriy, and Abby Charley; m. hy Samuel M.m, Justice, Sept. 2', 1821. 2-64 " Jeremiah, of Kufus, and .Anne Ballon, el Dr. Peter; ni. by Thomaa Man, Justice, March 31, 1827. a-67 " Parlle, and N well Phette;'lace, June 21, 1827. 3_24S " Eliza T.. anrt Benjamin s. Dnliwell, May 12, i 841 . (Also ■2--2ffT.]^ 44 VITAL RKCORD OF ROODE ISLAND. 2-304 JENCKES Ann P.li7.a, -.luti WilliMii l!:iinbrldge Mowrj . Nov. 21, 18*4. 2-307 " Geoige \V., of EpUraini. and Mary E. Kussell, of Mrs. Frances; m. by K, of I'awtucket. 1!. 1., and Rebecca Braman, of Smltti- Ucld: m. by Rev. I!. I>. liyrJira, Jan. 16, 1848. 2-35(; ■• ijllum, and lluldah Woodward; m by Kev. T. A. Taylor, April 10, 1848. 2-364 '• Sarali L., and Joseph B. Sheple, Oct. 30, 184:8. 2-385 " Ann A., and James N. Bullock, July 2, 1849. l-5» JILLSON Mar.lia. and Solomon Aliiicli, AprU 30, 1734. 1-ia' " Presilla, and Benjamin Bioivn, AprU 12, 1739. 1-C9' " El.zahe;h. and Simuel W ilpple, March 30, 1740. 1-70 " Nathaniel, jind Sarah Arnold ; m. by David Comstock, JasUc«, March or May 14, 1741. 1-8 " Susannah, and Daniel Sa/les, l"eb. 11, 1749. 1-84' " Jonathan, and Cliloe CargiU: m. t'y William Arnold, Justice, Feb. 20, 1752. 2-89 " Mrs. S;illy, and William Whipple. June 15, 1830. 2-43 JOHNS'JN Nam y. and William Howard. Feb. 20, 1825. 2-267 " William I!., and Hannah f;. Fry; m. by Rev. Charles C. Taylor. S.'PI. 27, 1841. 2-2.S5 " Balsa I'isli, of Uplon, Mass., and Sarah J. Gilmore, of Smltll- fleld; m. by Ilov. C. V. Taylor, Jan. 26, 1843. JONES John, and M.iry Smith: m. by .Stephen Sly, Justice. Feb. 8, 175—. " Maiy. and t-^aac Aldilch. Nov. 2, 1806. " Mary, and Ebenezer Oreene, Oct. 2, 1808. " Susan W., -ind Henry W. Plilllip^, 8 pt. 4, 1848. " Mary A , and (^rsl om P. Ihurber, March 5, 1849. JOSLIN AV)r ha'i>, and N lorni Arnold; m. by Thomas Latham. Justice, Marcli 30. 1758. " Rut' , anil Ji nail an Butfum, March 20, 1762. Thon'a--. of Sinithfield, and Mrs. Sarah Taft, of Uxbrldge; m. by Richard .-Niyles, Jusllco. Feb. 1, 1767. 2-167 JOXJRDAN I'hc e M.. and Preserved I'.raley, May 7. 1848. (Also 2-361.) 2-82 KANE George 11.. .ind Vl.il.'tla I.aihain: m. by Richard S. Scott, Justice, Feb. 7, 1S43. 1-160 KEECH Esther, and Jacob Baker, March 17, 1760. 1-20<1 " Milton, of Pet«.r, of Smithfielil. and PhUanda Blake, of Zacchens ; m. by Caleb Farnum, Justice, Feb. 29, 1816. 1-390 " Maria F., and Daniel Mltohcll. AprU 29, 1850. 2-280 KEENE John F., of John, and Nancy M. WhKtng, of Augu.stus ; m. by SlmOB A. Sayles, Ju.sliue, Feb. 7, 1843. l-]8» KEITH Job, and ll.iiinah Lovitl; m. by William Arnold, Justice, March 16. 173(;-7. 1-20' " Simeon, and .\bigail Aldrich : m. by William Arnold, Justice, June 26, 1740. 1-22' " -Mekel, and P.arsheba Ballon ; ni. by William .iVrnold, Justice, Jan. 27, 1741-2. 1-84 •■ Stephen, and Ruth Aldrich ; in. by Thomas steere. Justice, Feb. 25, 1753. 2-3:J1 '■ Amelia, and Henry Deirk, March 13, 1846. 2-365 " Rutli. and Hanisiin H. Davis, Juno 18, 1848. 1-27 KELLEY Jospli, and Lydia Itnirnm; m. by William Arnold, Jtistice, Oct. 6, 174:j. 1-56 " Mannariati. and T.iliiiha tilney ; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, M»jr 19, 1748. A-192 ■• Dinah, and .los. pii Wing. April 29, 1763. 1-123 1-368 1-235 2-301 2-370 1-23 1-106 1-1^3 SMITHFIELD— MARRIAGES. 45 1-301 KKI.LEV Eliiih;il,l, ol S.niilili.ui, ai;d I'nideii.x' Matbewson, of Gloucester; ni. by Kev. VVillium Uowen, April 18, 1790. 1-439 ■• &imufil H., of Mount lloltey, Vt., son or David and Anna, and Elizaljctli Laphain, ol Israel ami Dicbe, of Smlthfleld : m. by Rev. .lospph Siiiitli, Feb. r>, 183fl. 1-128 •• Elihu S., and T'Im-Iic Lnphjiii : ni. by Rrv. George Taft, Fi>b. 24 S-312 " Albert \V., of Noah W., ofVermoiit, and Susan Pinkham. of Smith- flcld; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor. April 3, 184.'-). 2-331 " Emily, and I'rziel Gleason, Sept. 129. 184t;. 2-133 KEl-XON Jenckes 11., of Newport, and .Susan llaydon, of EpUraim, of Smitbfield : m. by Tliomas Man, .luslice, I>ee. 23, 1838. 2-380 " Pbebc M., and Wellington P. Hartshorn, May 28, 1849. 1-73 KEMPTON Mauassah, and Sabina Paine: ni. by Thonia.s Siiyles, Justice, Nov. 17, 17.'51. 2-422 KENT Hannaii E., and Joseph G. Skinner. May i;, 18(>(;. 1-220 KENYON l.ueretia, and Stephen Wliitnian, June 9, 1774. 2-383 •' James, of Oentro Cambridge, Niw York, and P. Sophia Barnes, of Smitbfield; m. by Eev. 1. J. linrguess, Oct. 2, 1849. 2-220 KIMBALL Maria, and Joseph I,'. Potter. Sept. 17, 3 840. 2-247 " Waliy Ann, and Cyrus Kouiids, Ajrll 11, 1841. 1-315 " Patience M., and Winsor Stone, March 27, 1845. 2-328 " Stephen, of DaTiiel, of(.lou(cstL'r. and Mary E. I'Teeman, of WIL lard, of Smitbfield ; m. by Kev. VVillim Verlnda, May 16, 1846. 2-328 " Felix R.. of DMnbl. of Gloucester, and Betsey Clarke, of Daniel, of SmlUilielil: m. byRev. Willlm Verlnda. Aug. 11, 1846. 1846. 2-370 '• Harriet J., and Charlfs B. Armstrcmg, Dec. 25, 1849. S-410 " Benjamin H., of Daniel, and Syl..l lelft, of Arnold; m. by Rev. J. S. Mowry, July — , 1850. 2-210 KINGSLEY Joseph, of Seiluate, son of Dyer, and Susan Bennett, of Noah, of Johnston, R. I. ; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, July 19, 1340. 2-383 " Benjamin, of Smithlield. and Abbie Ann Fish, of Cumberland; m. by Rev. B. P. Byram, May 6, 1849. 2-264 KINGSMAN Charles G., son of Ho.sea, of Norton, Mass.. and Margaret W. Briggs, of SmllJiBeld. dau. of Rufus, of Attieboro. Mass.; m. by Simon A. Siiyies, Justice, Dec. 3, 1841. 1-68 KINGSTON Jfrnassah, and Sabina Paine; m. by Thonta.s .%iyles. Justice, Nov. 17, 1731. 1-16 KING Elizabeth, and John Harris, Nov. J, 1739. 1-23* " Hannah, and Ebenezer Cook, Feb. 33, 1745-6. 1-71 " Anne, and James Han-ts, Nov. 18, 1757. 1-239 " Kezlah, and Stephen Aldrich, M.iy 27, j7o9. 1-215 " Isaac, of Isaac, of Scituate, and Katua Appleby, of James, of Smlthfield; m. by Daand, and Maria K Clarke, of SnilthHcld; 1-170 '• Patlenre, and Benjamin Aldrich, June 20, 1778. 1-420 " Howard W., of Cnniberland, and Maria K. Clarke, of .Smlthfield; m. by Rev. John Borden, Jr., Jan. 11, 1847. KIMS John E., and Hannah Connella, June 10, 1849. 1-^35 KNOWiIjES Power, of Providence, son of Jonathan, and Iranla Whitman, of Stephen, of Smithlield, Feb. 2, 1798. 1-162 KNOWLTON Sarah, and John .Sherlock, Jan. 1. 1761. 1-8S LACY" Augustus W., of Benjamin W., .and ZilpUa I'otter, of Arnold ; m. by Eev. Reuben Allen, M irch 1, 1840. 2.31C. LAMAS James, of England, and Mary Smith, of 2-31G 2-340 2-306 1-19* 2-233 1-11 1-n 2-323 1-415 2-153 a-319 2-319 2-1 7fi 1-4* 1-11 1-33 1-81* 1-81* 1-24 1-24 1^1 1-83 1-25 1-81* 1-81* 1-65 1-10 1-8 1-106 1-110 1-204 1-163 1-199 1-226 m. by Kev. LOJA Abratinni, Jr.. ami tice, Feb. 5, LOGE Aaron, of PliiUip, Kev. Ezc'kiel LOCKLIN Ellzabetli, and Josepb Worscly, April 22. 18:!5. LOCKWOOD Patience, and Tlionus Aiuierson, Aug. 4. 1774. " Charles M., of Cumberland, and Biartha H. Haniinnn, of Smlth- tield ; m. by Kev. Wairen limer.soii, July 3, 1847. Albert, of Norlli ProNnacnee, and Eliza Carter, of Sniitbdeld; D. L. McOcer, Jan. 3, 1348. ilnnnaU Peckring; m. by William Ai-nold, Jas- 1746-9. and Su-iannab Herciideen. of Hezpkuili ; ' m. by Angel, April 1, 1779. LO.N'G I>olla, and Arnold Aldri.h, Jan. 7. 1790. LOVELL Nancy, and .;()natlian Uarnes, March 2, 1809. LOVITT Hai:n!ili, and Job Keith, March 1(>, 1730-7. LITTHER Edward S., of Henry, and Lydia S. Thurston, of Smlthfield, dan. of Jabez, of Cranston. R. 1.; m. by liev. Jnnia S. Mow- ry. May G, 1845. " Caroline, and Alvin Warner, Dec. 21, 1840. LYSON Ann. and Robert Taylor, Oct. 24, 1844. M MACCAVY William, and MebiUible Core ; m. by William Arnold. Justice, June 27, 1740. MACKKR Caroline T., and An.son W. Barnes, Nov. 23, 1840. MALA VERY John, and Susannah Arnold ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice. Dec. 2(!, 17.".(i. " John, and Elizabeth Coni-;tocIc; m. by Thom;is Sayles, Justice, Jan. 9. 1753. MANCHESTER Mara^da W.. an1. William Tyler. March 22, 1846. MANSFIELD Henry Sleplien, of Henry, of Middletown, Conn., and Eliza Buffum, of Joshua, late of Smlthfield. dec; ra. by Daniel AI- drioh. Justice. Nov. 10, 1811. " Elizabeth Tt., and Parley Hammond, May 15, 1839. " Henry S., of Smithfielrt. and Emily Farnum. of Mendon, Mass.; m. by Rev. Miebnel Bnrdett, Sept. 12, 1844. " .lolm F., and Fannie E. Baehflor : m. by Rpv. T. A. Taylor, Jane 1. 1847. MANTHROPE Mrs. .Mary, and Cal-b 1!;H s. Ort. 27, 1739. MAN Mehitabli>, ami D'lvid Aldrieli, .July C 1733. " Bethiah, and Mos"s ArnnM, Nov. 2.-> or 28, 1736. " Mary, and Thomas Arnol'', Nov. 14. 1739. " Abiga'l, and Jeremijih Ballard. .Tune 3, 1742. " Abigail, and Jeremiah F.allard, .Tune 3, 1742. " Thoraas, and Ruth Arnold: ni, by William Arnold, Justice, June 4, 1743. Also 3-4-,5. " Patience, and Elisha Mowrv, Ocl. 2, 1743. " John. Jr., and Susannah Smith; m. by Thoraas Sayb'S. .Tustice, Jan. 27, 1744. " Miiry, and Thomas Arnold, .Tan. 20, 1745. " Sarah, and Thomas CrufT, July 1 or 2, 1743. " Patience, and Robert Aldrich, Sept. 7, 1746. " Andrew, and Mary Dant'~n ; m. by William Arnold, Justice, Dec. 7, 1746. " Oliver, and Mercy Arnold; m. by r>.i\id ComstocK'. .Tnstice, Nov. 1 or 18. 1747. " Dorcas, and Rufus Herendcn, NiV. 22, 1754. " Richard, and Susannah .\rnold ; m. by .lohn Aldrich, Justice, March 16, 175.5. " Sus.annah, and James Brown. April 20, 175.''>. " Sarah, and Gideon Pain, (ct. 20, 1755. " Mary, and Jethro Aldi'ieh, Jan. 14, 17()2. " Kezia, and Noah Smith, Aug. 25, 1703. " Elizabeth, and Dr. Sirae >n Brown, JIareh 19, 1767. " Daniel, of Gloucester, son of Naihanirl, of Smithfleld, and Phebe Sprague, of Gloucester, dau. of Anthony, of Lanesboroagli, Ma.ss. ; tn. by Rev. — Mitchell, May 3, 1772. 48 VITAL KErOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-216 MAN Anne, and Izroal Aldiic-h, Miir
  • Sanuiel. of John, and Amie Brayton, Jr., of .Stephen; m. by John Sayles, Justice, Feb. 4, 1790. 1-304 '• Gldion, of Nat aniel. dee., and Anne Cady, of Benajah ; m. by Bev. Edward Mitchell, rjc. Jan. .30, 1792. 1-332 ■• Alf.id, of Sniilhfleld, and l.ydla Metcalf, of North Providence; m. at North Providence by Rev. Jonathan Ma.\i y, Aug. 23, 1792. 1-362 " Alse, and Moses Malhewson, March 8, 1801. 1-396 " Thomas, of John, and Lyrtia Lapham, of Aujiiistu^ : m. by Kllsti» Olncy, Justice, May 2, 1802. 1-404 " Sophia, and George Aldr.cli, Oct. (5, 18n:t, 1-414 " Lucy, and Jlarcus Arnold, Nov. 10, 1803. 1-346 " Anra, and Pati1cl< Dunlap. July 3, 1814. 1-136 " Ari.l. of Joab, and Mariha Hunt, of Daniel: m. by Caleb Famum, Justice, Juno 2.j, 1815. 2-27 , •• Sarah, and N.itlian Mowry, Dec. 23, 1819. 2-61 '• Joanna, and 'r>Iev Briggs. Jan. 10, 1822. 2-74 " Arnold, and Adeline A. Chsice, of George; m. by Asa Winsor, Jus- tice, May 8. lK-.;8. 2-73 •' Catherine, and Oliiey Alirlcli. Sept. 25, 1838. 2-94 " Job S., and Olive L. Hill : m. by Rev. Daniel Greene, Oct. 13, 1831. 2-227 ■' Emily M., and George W. Angell, Nov. 12, 1840. 2-272 •' Francis, of SmllhlieM, and Phebe S. nenience, of (Jlonccster ; m. by Bev. T. A. Taylor. Dec. 25, 1843. 2-310 " Elijah T.. of Milford, Miss,, son of Richard, of Mendon, Mass., and Emily Pain, of Smithficld, dan. of Ran.sum, of Gloucester; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Jan. 1, 1845. 2-376 " Elza S., and William H. Wilbur, April 2;i, 1K4!». 3-404 " Maria, and Alba Wade, Aug. 4, 1850. 1-440 HAUbLK C^rns, of Sutton. -Mass., son of Joel, and lloxanna Darling, of Job, of Smlthlield ; m. by Caleb Farnum, Justice, June B, 1815. 2-241 MAKKHAM Itobert. of rrnvidence, and Angelina Nichols, of Smlthlield; m. by Rev. J. E. Rlsley. April 11, 1841. 1-10 MARSH Daniel, and Susannah Wilkinson, both of Providence; m. by ThomM Lapham, Jusllce, Dec. 29, 1754. 2-214 " llaiinnh, and Frances H. Inman, Aug. 10, 1840. 1-225 MARTIN Sarah, and Ahel Man. Dec. 7, 1780. 2-299 " Betsey M., and Edwin Coombs, May — , 1844. 2-370 " Abble M., and Nathan S. Horlon, March 20, 1849. 2-414 " Sarah A., and A. ( ). Balionie, April 20, 1830. 1-87' MARVEL Mary, and Zephaniah HawKins, Nov. 26, 1752. 2-56 MASON Phlla, and Hugh Rowley, Feb. 6, 1825. 2-287 " Edward, Jr.. of Providence, and Mary Ann Llndsey ; m. by Rev. Charles E. Taylor. May 21, 1843. 1-1 M.VTHEWSON Peregrine, and Hannah Hide; m. by Thomas Sayles, Ju.sUce, AprU 26, I7:i:i. ' I ' :l 1-2 " Othnlel, and Sary Winsor; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Feb. 3, 1733-4. 1-158 " Mary, and John Telll, (i.l. 2i), 1762. 1-165 " Rntb, and Jerem ah Ballard, Dec. 8, 1763. 1-224 " Daniel, of Ollinicl. of Sniillinelri, and Martha Cooper, of Moses, of Gloucesti'i-; m. by Izreal Arnold, Justice, March 2, 1764. SMlTUb-IKLU AiAUltlAUKS. 49 1-208 1U14 1-21G 1-301 1-335 1298 2-13 1-363 1-453 2-41 2-55 2-137 2-175 2-20r, 2-3ti2 2-293 2-293 2-1 fi6 2-341 1-lfiO 2-297 2-297 1-15* 1-453 1-413 2-63 2-78 1-419 1-437 2.322 1-93' 1-93 2-320 2-369 1-30* 1-285 2-293 1-83 1-333 2-414 1-9!) 1-285 l-lCi'' by liuv. I).v Mcnjumin 81iel- MATHEWSON Mary, ami ^Silnl■.,li Aldricli, .luin- 3], 1772. Joseph, «r otiiiil.l, and IJctty JSrowii, or Nlcliolas ; Ez(ikl«l An^'cll, April 8, 1773. Sylvanu.s, of Sinithlied : so Winchester, and JJothlaU Shipper, of Joseph, of (jlouc.»tor: ni. by Jonathan llari-ls. JusUcn. June- 19, 17,-4. Pnidenoo, and Ellphalet Kelly, April 18, 1790. Stephen Smith, of .Stntaate. son of Thomas, and Maroy I'aln, of Smllhneld. dan. of John ; m. by EUsha Mathew.son, Justice, Dc>c. 17, 1798. " Ellzabetli, and Stephen Sheldon. Oct. 13, 1799. " Cclian, and Silas Wheelook. Jniie 25, 1800. " Sloses, of Daniel, and Alse Man. of Daniel, don. Justice. March 8, 1801. Lydia. and John Kannim. Aug. 10. 1813. " Rebecca, and Lewis Follelt, June 10, 1824. " Wellhian. and Caleb Slicrnian. April 3, 1626. " Stirali. and Nelson Whittemore, March 17, 1839. " Deaby Ann, and WilUam K. Mowry. Jan. 1, 1840. " Isaac, of Greene, and Joan Gage, of Benjamin; ni. by Kev. Reu- ben Allen. May 30, 1840. Rutli M., and Di-xter Olney. Nov. 14. 1841. " CTCorgc. of Mendon. Mass.. and Mary Whealon, of Snilthfield; ni. by Rev. Ansel D.Cole. Feb. 15, 1844. MAVIS Phebe D., and Nelson Paine. Jan. 25. 1844. MAYNARD Elmer N., and Abby ('. lioyd : m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor. Sept. 2.'!, 1839. McDONWEH, Sarah, and Edward llyndenian. May 18. 1.847. Mcdonald Barlck. and Alice Sprague : ni. by Samuel Winsor. .histice. Dec. 18. 17.'>7. McDOUGALL Janettc S., and .leiikins Pearson. Aug. 14. 1S43. " Agnes, and Patrick H. Scouler. April 4, 18-44. McINTIRE Rulus, and Mary lilac kniar: m. by Thomas March 18, 1741. Ruth, and Jonathan Mowry. Feb. 10, 1790 '■ Mary, and William Jenckes. July 8, 1804. DIanna. and Lewis Aldrich, Jan. 21, 1821. " Freelove E., and Zadoc IJatterson, June 28, 1829. McNA)IARRO\V Martha, and Joseph Briggs, June 30. 180.-.. " Mrs. Mar.v, and Miller Briggs, Aug. 27, 1809. McPEARSON Ewing, and Mary Boy&s. both of Pi-ovidencc : Charles Hyde, Jan. 15, 1840. MEDBl'RY Ann, and James Olncy, June 2, 1754. " Edward, of Benjamin, and Annie .Smith, of Wiliiatii : Mowry, Jr.. Justice. April 5. 1770. Geargi' B., and Caroline F. Angel; m. by Rev. Dec. 22, 1845. MEGGETT Alexander, and Marcy ('. Tabor; ni. by Rev. T. A. Taylor. Aug. 10, 1847. MERIAM Mary, and George Aldricli, Aug. 7, 1735. MERRY Freelove, and Stephen MUlard, Sept. 38. 1800. " Stewart, of Joseph, and Aliigail A. Aldrich, of Col. Dexter: m. by Rev. Reuben Allen. Aug. 9, 1840. METCALF Mary, .-inrt Izreal Thayer. March 8, 1750. " Lydia. and Alfred Man, Aug. 33. 1793. " Michael, of Franklin. Mass.. and Mrs. Hannah Sunderland, of Smlthlield; m. by Rev. ■('. H. Ford, Nov. 11. 1850. MILLARD Jonathan, and Mary Sly. of Stephen; m. by Daniel Smith, Jus- tice. Jan. .3. 1774. " Stephen, of Sniilhlield, son of Jonathan, and Freelove Merry, of Providence, dan. of Samuel: m. by Samuel Man, Justice, .Sept. 28. 1800. MILLER Jonathan, and ll:iniiali Aldricli: ni. by Daniel Smith. Justice. Dec- 9. 1 702. Eunice, and Oliiey Arnold. Dec. 20, 1801. Sayles, Ju.s^ce, HI. by 1U:'\ . III. by Daniel 1. A. Taylor, 50 VITAL KECOUl) OF lillilDK ISLAND. 1-278 MILLER; Arale Ann, anil Jukn j\I. Funning, May 19, 1842. 2-319 " Miranda, and Stephen PlillMps, .lune 4. 181B. 2. J-oO " Joseplia, and Sanuel Si-iaerue, Mni'ch £4, 1745. l-.SO " JIaitha, and Caleb Smith, del. 2,-.. 17D0. l-2f.5 " Elioda. and John Place, .March 28. 1790. C-3'jO " Daniel, of IiO!,ton, Ma^s., son of Dankl and Hcnnali, of Boxford, Mass., and IMaria F. Keaoh, of Olney and Joanna, of Smlth- ficld ; ni. liy Kev. Warren Lincoln. April 29. If^M. Z-2re. MOFFATT Hehecca, and Willard rrifchard. May 2. lE-43. 2-316 " James G., of Mtndon, Mass., son r.f Angustiis, i.nd Emclina SaliB- hnry, of M'-ndon, Mas.o., d::i;. of Ilimner, of Smlthfleld; m. by Rev. Jnnia S. Mo-wry. April 12. 1ft45. 2-101 M(K>NRY .'^ara'i A., and Janr r N. Allen, S pt. 30, -1839. 2-235 MORTON EII-^ a' >plh ani Jeremiah Mewry, JuiylS 1781. 1 313 " Thomas, of James, of Smi hfi Id, and E i7,aViPti'i Wn'llne, of Is;iao, of UloHcester; m. by Elsim Partlett, Jnstice. April 20, 1783. 1-427 " Patience, and Daniel Rerrinpton. D-^c. 27, 1^07. " Betsey .M.. and F.dmn C orbes, Mav — , 1P4-1. 3-438 MOWRy Daniel, and Mary Steere ; m. by WUllam Harris, JasUce. April 4, 1722. " Man', and Jonathan Sprng e March 6, 17'27. " Hannali. and H«'nry Mowry, Jan. 4, 1733 4. " Heiry. and Unnnali Mowry; m. at. Gloucester, by Jobn Smith, Jus- tice. Jan. 4, 1733 4. " Amle, and Bcniamin Pain, Nov. 2, 1734. " Anne, and Benjamin Pain, Nov. 2, 17.34. " Sarnli. and Ish-neal Wl'Mnson, Feb. 27, 1734-5. " Allcfi .-md J re • lah Mowry, Feb. 27, 1734-5. " Jerenii:>h. and Alice .Mowry; m. by John Siyles. Jnstice, Feb. 27, 1734 5. " Eith an! Thomas Ship-iee. March 20, 1735. " -Alee and .'ci m ali Mowry, Dec. 4 1735. " Jeremiah, and AllCf Mowrc; m. by Daniel Jeiolies, Justice, Dee. 4. 1735, 1-11 " JocaUian, .-intl Elizabeth Sayles; m, by Thoma,^ Sayles, JnsUoe, M.irch 13. 173(5. 1-10 " Abigail, and Noah Smilli, May 3'., 1730, l-« " Jonathan, and Eli/.a iSayles; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, March 13. 17.)r. 7. l-in* " Fphraim, and Ahi','all Darlols, Ang 3. 1737. 1-23 " Mlrabrih, and Job Phillips, Nov. 7. 173^ 137 " Josrph. of Capt. Dmiel, and Anne Whipple: m. by Wllllani Jenckes, Ju-tico, Fob. 12, 174.3. 1-32 " Jacob an! 7erviah Shippee; m. by WUllam Arnold, Justice, Jan. 3, 1743-4. 1-24 " EUsl.a. and Patience Man; m. by Willinii Arnold, Justice, Oct. 2, 1743. 1-35 " Martha, and Preserved Harris, April 2(i, 1744 (also 1-200). 3-35 " Phebe, and Elisha Arnold. April 20, 1744. 1-26' " Thomas, and Amle Wliipple; m. by William Jenckes, Jnstice, Aug. 12, 1714. 1-84* " Jacol), and Zerviali Wlilpplo ; m. by William Arnold. Justice, Jan. 20, 1745. 1-23 " Ananias, and Zer\1ah Angel ; ra. by WUllam Arnold, Justice, March 3 or 7, 1745. 1-59 " Sarah, and Samuel Shippee, Feb. 1, 1740-7. 1-40 " .'iilence, and Jo.seph Coo'.;, June 8, 1740. 1-60 " Daniel, Jr., anl Anne PhilUps ; m. by Thomas Steere, Jnstice, Aug. 27, 1749. 1-85 " Ezekiel. and Rutli Aldrlch ; m. by Thomas Arnold, Justice, May 12, 1751. 1-83 " Abigail, and Samuel Saunders, Aug. 9, 1752. 1-130 " PhUlip. and Mary Pain ; m. by John Lapham, Justice, Jan. 18, 1750. 1-45 1-1 J-1 1-1 1-4 1-6 16 1-0 1-0 10 1-0 SMITHFIELD MARRIAGES. 51 a-145 MOWRY Baniel, Ji-., uiid Aniie Arnold; m. by TUomus Arnold, Justice, Aug. 10, 175(1. 1-50 " Gideon, and Uorcas Sinitli ; lu. by St<-pben Sly, Justice, Oct. 22, 1750. 3-12'J '■ Elislia, Jr., ami rhobe GuUcy ; m. by TUomas Lapliam, Justice, Jan. 2t<, 1757. 1-147 '• MatUaiiiol, and tU-anla Puiii ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr. Justice, Jan. S), 17(10. 1-140 " Job, and Zclpba Sayles ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, Marcll 20, 1700. 1-169 " Stephen, and Aniio Cook ; m. by Stephen bly, JusUce, May 20, 1762. 1-144 " Wanlon. and Dinah Harris; m. by Stephen SJy JiisUce, June 25 17(i-J. 1-210 •' PhilUp, Jr., and Ehzabetb NoweU ; ni. by John Sayles, Justice, Oct. 28, 171)2. 1-172 •■ John, of Joseph, and Wait* Mowry, of Eli.sba ; m. by Stephen Sly, Justice, April 20, 17ii4. 1-172 ■■ Waite, and John Mowry, April 20, 17(j4. 1-179 ■■ jVnanias, Jr., ana Aiii;,'all Pain; m. by Thomas 6t«ere, Justice, Sept. 20, 1704. 1-186 " (,'apt. Jonathan, and Tabltha Tiler; m. by Stephen Sly, Justice, Sept. 27, 1764. 1-177 " Mary, and Jlartln Smith, Nov. 4, 1764. 1-191 " John, and Sarah Siiyles ; ni. by Stephen ^Vi-nold, Justice, Marcll 19, lio5. 1-199 " iSllzabeth, and Dr. Sinjeon lirown, March 19, 1767. 1-129 " David, and piiebe I'ain ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, April 8, 1707. 1-192 '• Izreal, and Susannah Alorich; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, April 28, 1708. l-19o •■ James, ol Smithliold, and Abigail Uartlett, of Uumberiand ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., J 1-224 " ivichard, formerly of Sni tliHekl, and late ol Scituate, and Phebe Smith, of (.iloncester ; m. by Zebedee Hopkins, Justice, May 6, 1770. 1-73 '• Job, of Josepli, dec, and Hannah Smith, ol Walhaniel, dec; m. by Daniel Smith, Justice, Jan. 1, 17(2. 1-209 " Dinah, and Jonathan -Newell, AprU 12, 1772. 1-211 '* Zervah, and Knoch Ste<'re, .lune 24, f.j2. 1-208 '• Anna, and Kzekiel Smith, Jline 24, 1^72. 1-209 " Unth, and Jeremiah liiiwkins, Aug- 1^, 1772. 1-235 " Daniel, oi Daniel, Jr., Esq., and Alice Aldrlch, of Samuel; m. by VNuliam VVinsor, Jn:tice, March 7, 1773. 1-214 '• Eleazer, of Joseph, and Eunice Aiurieh, of Ueuben ; m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice, Nov. 7, 1773. 1-20 " Sarah, and Elisha Slcere, Nov. 25, 1773. 1-212 " Lrlah, of Henry, and Hannah Arnold, dau. of Job *\ hippie ; m. by (_:aleb Airtrich. Justice, Nov. 23, 1. .;!. 1-232 " Amie, and Peter Ahlr eh, May 15, lwij , and Susiiinmli Mowry ; in. by Kov. John Wlnoor^ March W, Im'i. 1-347 '• Uriah, of KUsha. ol iSmitlili<'l(l, and Hannah Jlartlett, of Joremlah, ol Cumberland: m. by .lonatlian i^arpenter, Justice, Sept. 7, 178;>, 1-274 " Charlotte, and Charles -^ayles, Jan. ;27, 1785. 1-235 " Dianna, and Abraham liallou, March G, 1(«5. l-2ae •• Amle, and John iNiyle.s, Nov. 5, 1780. 1-265 " Solomon, ol Phillip, and Jerusha Tucker, of Izreal ; ni. by Hew Kdward Mltehell, Jan. 4, 17 87. 1-278 " David, of Smiihheld, and Mariha I'lumer, of Gloucester; m. by Rev. Kdsvard Mitchell. April 11, 1789. 1-283 '• Hiildah, and Dutee Smilh, June 18, 1789. 1-276 ■• Jonathan, Jr., son ot I'hiiUp, Jr., and Patience Tftitchell, of Uen- jamin, of iielllngham ; m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice, June 28.. 1780. 1-311 •' Mary, and Simon ihoniton, July 2, 1789. 1-304 " Urania, and S:imuel Sm th, Jan. 20, 1791. 1-299 '■ Ahaz, of tjidion. and Levlna IJnIlnm,, ol Uavid : m. by Stephen- Arnold, Justice. .lulle 2*i, 1791. 1-300 '• Meynni. and Jesjse Taft. July 10. 1791. 1-307 " Seth, ol I'liillip, and Hannah Staples, ot IClionezei- ; ra. by Stephen- Brayton, Justice, Feb. 23, 1792. 1-303 '• Anne, and David Tucker, May 7. 1792. 1-392 " Nathaniel, of Daniel, Jr., and Martha Tucker, of Izracl, dec; m. by .\bram Mathewson. Justice, Nov. 4, 1792. 1-314 ■• .loseph, of John, and Hannah S.iyles, ot Jonathan: m. by Dute« Smitli, Justice, Dec 5, 1792. 1-315 '• Zerviah, and Jonathan Saylcs, Aug. 15, 1793. 1-333 '• Sylvester, of Kllsha, of Sniithfield, dec, and Patience Cook, of William, of Tiverton, u. 1,; ni. by Edward Medhury, Justice, Oi't. 17. 1793. I :H!) K.li'/.al«'th. and Cyrus Pani, May 1. 1794. 1-320 " Martha, and V:\]i;\> Uem •is.-l.iii. Nov. 1, 1795. I tos •■ Caleb, of Jonathan, and NincN Mo\vr\. of David: m. by John Sayles, Justice, March 10, 1790. 1-40S -■ Nancy, and Caleb Mowry, March 10, 1791!. 1-320 • F.phralm. of Job, and Achjiili Harris, of Isaac; ni. by Duty Winsor, Justice, Jan. 8, 1797. 1-394 '■ Alial>. of Col. F.lisha, and Hannah Whipple, of Benjamin: m. by Deiioni Pain. Justice, Fel>. 23, 1797. 1-280 '• Ananias. Jr., and Niincy Harnes, of Levi: ni. by F.dwai-d Medbury, Justice, May 10, 1798. 1-360 " .lohn. of Phillip, and Levina Smith, o! Jeremiah: m. by Joel Aldrioh. Justice. Oct. 17. 1798. 1-342 " liinedict. of Stephen, and Phebe Mowry. of David: m. by Joel Aldrlch. .Tnstice, Jan. 17, 1799. 1-342 " l'hel>e. and lienedict Mowry, Jan. 17, 1799. 1-307 " Seth, of Plillllp. and Lvrtia Wilkinson, of Stephen: m. by Ben- jamin Sheldon. Jnst-ict^, Jan. 17, 1799. 1-453 •• Jonathan, of Smlthtield. son of Phillip, and Ruth Mclntlre, ot ciocesier, of Simeon: m. l>y Hcniamin Sheldon, Justice, Feb. 10, 1799. 1-378 " Sylvester, Jr.. .-ind Dorcas Kaston ; m. by Tliomas Man. Justice, April 2, ISOl. 1-365 '• Unlce, and John Cooper, May 24, 1801. 1-374 " Anna, and Jnh Mowry, 3r1, S>pt. 20, 1801. 1-374 " Job. 3d. of Job. and Anna Mowry. of Job; m. by Benjamin Shel- don, Justice, Sept. 20, 1801. 1-430 " I'rania, and Amasa A. Aldrieli. Dec. 1, 1803. 1-407 " Jeremiah, 3d. of J(»lin, and Content Appleby, of John; m. by Thomas Man, Justice, Feb. 16, 1804. 1-417 '■ Reuben, of Daniel, 3d, and Phebe Smith, of Junia. dec; m. by- Thomas Man. Justice. Dec. 30, 1804. 1423 '• Arnold, ot Richard, and Mercy Barnes, of Levi ; m. by Thomas Man,- .Tustlce, Jan. 3, 1805. ■-MITHFIELU MARKIAGES. 53 1-418 JlUWllV ThMuUlcil. anil .lului W. C, Kaxti'i-, M-.nvh 2i. 1805. 1 432 " Natluuiiel, .3d, of Col. Elbiha, dec. and LydJ.i Dexb'r. ot Jonathan; ni. by Thomas Man, .liisticc, April 30, 1806. 1-429 " Lydia, and David Lapham, O^'t. S, 1807. 1-234 " Daniel, Jr., of Daniel dec .ind Susiuma Stcere. ot ElLslia. dec; m. by Samuel JIan, Ju.sliee. April 21, 1808. 1-438 ■' Deborah, and PVphraini Coe, Oct. 27, 1.S08. 2-2t " Arba, and Arnold Spear, i)ct. 30, 1808. 1-447 •' Gideon, of Daniel. Jr., and Mr.s. Amie Anjtel. nl .b.iiathan; mi. by .Samuel JIan, Justice,, Nov. 24, 180S. 1-444 " Olive, and I'arjium Harris, Jlarch 13, 1809. 2-112 " Stephen, of Zebedee, and Klizabeth Pain, of Jomilhaii : in. by Suuuol Man, Ju.stice. .M.irch 19, 1809. 1-27 •' ,Mrs. Hannah, and Thomas Gulley, Dec. 14, 1809. 1-420 " Alice, and Banlslon Ih-ayh.n. Feb. 24, 1811. 1-451 " Thomas, ot Daniel. Jr., and Martha Harris, ot Jonathan; m. Ijy Daniel Winsor, Jiistic-. June 0, 1811. 1-448 " Wanton, of Williau], and Alpha I'ain, ot John : ui. by David Aldrlch, Justice, .ran. 1, 1812. 1-351 " Izreal, of John, of Sniilh'ield, and Hebecca Brown, of I/.rcal, ol of BurriUvUle; m. by .larnes (ilney, Justice, Feb. 9, 1812. 2-:i84 '• Angel, and .Mercy Mo\v]-y : in. by Kobei-t Harris. Justice, Aug. 30, 1812. 2-384 " Mercy, and Angel -Mowry. .Vii;;. i:j, 1812. 1-457 " Lucy, and Jo.-l Aldrieb, Jr.. D.e. 13, 1812. 1-181 " Sarali, and .lohn Odwell, June 0, 1813. 1-400 " Rlea/.er, ot Eleazer, dec. aiut Mercy Halhiu, ot lii'iijaniin ; ui. by Judge Siiniucl Hill, No\ . II, 1813. 1-283 " Levi, of Joiuithan, and -\liili:i Aldrieh. of Naaman ; m, by EUishS Arnold, Justice, Juii'' 12, 1814. 1-461 " Daniel, ol .lonatlian, ot SiniiliHetd, anil Dolsey Jcllers, of Thomas, of Cuniberlaiid: in. by Samuel Hill, Justice, Nov. 6, 1814. 1-249 " Silas, of Smltlilieid, son ot Alia/., and Luey Phillips, of Scitmite, dau. ol David, de<-.; ni. by Denjamin Wilbur, Justice, .Jan. 5, 1815, 1-3S8 '* Tyler, of .leri-niiah, .Ir., and t rania .Sayles. of .loiiatlian; m. by: SiunuW Ilill, Justice, March l(i, 1815. 1-282 •' Amie, and .N'ichol-is P. White, Jnne 25, 1SJ5. 1-307 " .V'th, ot Smiiiilnlii, and Nancy Waterman, of Johnson ; m. at> Johnston by Hev. Elislia Spra^ue, May 15, ISKi. 1-287 " Salty, and .folm Kvans, del. 17. 181G. 2-125 ■• l>:iviil. .Ir.. .111(1 I'l-.r-lex ,■ nallou: ni. by liobert Harris, Justice,. Oct. Hi, 1.S17. 2-241 " .lesse, of Rltslia, and Susanna Esieibrooks ; ni. by Samuel JIan, Jus- lice, March '*, 1818. 1-252 " Daniel, 3d. of Danii'l. Ji-.. ami Uiiili I'ai-inuii. of .Stephen; m. by Silvanus Jlowry, Justier. Dee. 0, 1818. 2-27 " Xathaii, of Seth, and .Sarah >laii, of Samuel: m. by Kes . Henry Edes, Dec. 23, 1.819. 2-23 " Levi, 2d, of Enos, and Su-aii \ os". of Jereujiali ; ni. by Thomas .Man, Justice. June 10. Is22. 2-25 " Chloe, and Welcome A. ComstocK, Aug. 4, 1822. 2-36 •' l.avinia, and David Harris. March 13, 1823. 2-108 " Alias. Jr., of Abas, of Sniithheid, and fluldah M. Smith, of Dutee, or HurrlUville : m. by Samuel Man, Justice, May IS, 1823. 2-37 " Le\i, of Elea/.er, ol Siuilhlb'lil. .ind Ceriah Warner, of Mendon, Mass., dau. of Daniel : in. by Thomas Man, Justice, Mov. 23, 1823. 2-60 " Levina W., and Junia S. Lapham, Sept. 14, 1826. 2-93 " Elizabeth, and Dan .Sniiili, f'eb. 3, 1828. 2-181 " liarney, and PiiUa Mowry. ol Amos: ui. by Henry S. Mansfield, Justice, Jan. 21. 1829. 2-181 " Phila, and IJarney Mowry, Jan. 31, 1829. 2-181 " Esther, and Ephraim Sayles, Jlarch 18, 1830. 2-88 " Amie, and David P. JIowTy. .luue 29. 1830. (Yit. r.ee.. "\ ol. 3.) 2.". 54 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. i-88 MOWKY David P., and Amie Howry ; m. by Henry S. Mausfield, Justice, June 29, 1830. 2423 '• La%lna, and Richard Mowry. July 1, 1830. 2r423 " Kichard, aud Levina MoTrry; m. by Heni'y S. Mansfield, Justice, July 1, 1330. 3-96 " Alice, and Samuel E. Gai-diiicr, Feb. 3, 1831. 2-114 " Harris J., and Lucy B. Thayer; m. at Xew Lebanon, N. Y., by John Ball, Justice, June li, 1831. 2-101 " Whipiile B.. and Ruth C. Ammidon; m. by Hemy S. Mansfield, Justice. Sept. 13, 1832. 2-107 " Adah, aud lUi Mowry, AprU 6, 1833. 2-107 " Ell, and Adah Mowry; m. by Job Jenckes, Justice, April 6, 1833. 2-115 " Martha J., aud WUlam A. Bradley, Nor. 12, 1834. 2-127 " Smith K., and Dinna Aldrich; m. hy Rev. Reuben Allen, June 11, 1837. 2-317 " WilUani, Ji., and Patience Aldrich ; m. by Rev. Reuben AldricU, March 29, 1838. 2-139 " Winsor S., and Eliza Latham; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, May 2, 1839. 2-141 " Chailcs C, and Sally Ann Sherman; ui. by Rev. Reuben Allen, June 10, 1839. 2-175 " William I?., and Deaby Aim Math'wsou; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Jan. 1, 1840. 2-182 " Katie Ann Pain, and Euliis Holley, March 5, 1840. 2-252 " Mercy B., aud Alfred T. Wilmarth, May 17, 1S40. 2-244 " Stewart, aud Abigail Aldi-ich, Aug. 9, 1840. 2-251 " Mark A., aud Amie M. Arnold ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Aug. 13, 1840. 2-215 " riuirlcs, of Am:isa, and Emeliiie Brown, ot Stephen; both of Bnr- rilU-lllc ; ni. by Rev. Rfubcu Allen. Sept. 10, 1840. 2-242 " Waitey, aud William Arnold, March 25, 1841. 2-257 '• David B., of Welcome, and Elizabeth Mowry, ol NeweU ; m. by E.ev. Reuben Allen, Sept. 12, 1841. 2-257 " Elizaiicth, aud David B. Jtowry, Sept. 12, 1841. 2-261 " Euth Wheelei-. and Georpo Inman. Jr., Sept. 21, 1841. 2-259 " Dutee, od, aud Ann Maria Thayer; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Justice, Oct. 7, 1841. 2-259 " Albert, of Silas, and Lucy Ann Holt, of Joslah ; m. by Isaac Taber, Justice, Oct. 29, 1841. 2-277 " Gldion, of Daniel, and Susan Piatt, dau. of Jonathan Angell; m. by 01>ea I'aine, Justice. Doc. 12, 1842. 2-28S " SyUia Ann. and Ulysses Mowry, AprU 26, 1843. 2-283 " Ulysses, aud Sylvia Ann Mowry; m. by Rev. Arthur A. Ross, April 2rv, lS4:i. 2-424 " Eichai'd. of Smitblield, and Waitey Ann Harris, of Cumberland; m. by TJlyss&s Mowry, Justice. Nov. 30, 1843. 2-292 " Abba Emeline, and Edward E. Evans. Jan. 4, 1844. 2-298 " Christopher W., and Harriet J. Bowen : m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Feb. 15, 1344. 2-304 " William Bainbridse, of Eleazer, and Ann Eliza Jenckee, of Arnold ; m. by Rev. William Verinder. Nov. 21, 1844. 2-358 " William G. 1^. and Lydia Olney ; m. by Rev. E. W. Porter, Nov. 30, 184C.. 2-342 " JIai;-hall J., of Jesse and Ehoda, ar.d Blartha A. Sherman, of George; m. by Rev. I. J. Burge.ss, June 9, 1847. 2-344 " Huldah, aud Smith PhUlips, Sept. 26, 1847. 2-353 " Augustus Q., of Dan, and Dorcas J. Olney, of AUred; m. by Asa Winsor. Jn.stice, Feb. 1, 1848. 2-367 " Smith, of .loab. dec and Louisa West, of Hiram; m. by Rev. Mowrr PhiUips. Fi;b. 8. 1849. 2-419 " Joseph C, aud Laura M. Bushee; ni. by Rev. James M. Davis, Sept. 27. 1849. 2-400 " Jesse T., and Hamet M. Harrison; m. by Rev, James M. Davis. Nov. 11. 1849. 2-386 " William A., and Roslna M. E. Weaver: m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Nov. 15. 1849. SMITHFIELD MAKKIAGES. 55 2-390 ilOWEY Hannah, atiil WiUiam Orasoii, May M, ISSO. 2-403 " Julia A., and Elisha D. Sinitli. Oct. 24. 1350. 2-1-25 " MiiiPrYU, and Daniel Smllli, Aug 27, 1853. 2-125 " Desire, and Georce J. M.iwry, Aug. 30, 1855. •2-125 " George J., and Desire Mowry : ni. by Kev. JIowit Pliillips. Au2. 30, 1855. 2-328 jrURDOCK .«arali, and Avery F. Weatlierliead, Oct. G, 1S14. 1-71 M0SSEY Iluldali. and i;cn]amln Cook, Jan. IB, 175S. 1-99 " ElizahoUi, and Natliau Cass, April 2,i. 1761. 1-198 '•' Rutli. and Isri^al Harris. Dec. 9, 1770. N 1-238 NAP Anne, and Mi.slia Carpenter Eenitf, April 15, 1781. 1-81* NASON Kebecca, and Jo.sepU Fisher. Sept. S. 174G. 1-19* NEWELL Elislia, and Su.sann.a Ballon: m. by WUIinm Arnold. Justice, Dec. 2«. 1738. 1-210 " Eli-/!ibeth, and Philip Mowry, Jr., Oct. 28, 1762. ' 1-209 " Jonathan, of Joseph, late of Attleboro. Mass.. dec. and Dinah Mowry, widow of Jonathan Harris; ni. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, April 12, 1772. 1-215 " Benjamin, of Joseph, and Leah Sayles, of Da\id : m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice. Aug. 13, 1775. 2-10 " Simeon, of Benjamin, and Rachel Sayles, of John, Jr., ,ind Ruth; m. by Samuel Man, .lustlce, March 28, 1819. 2-327 " Sayles C, and Caroline K. Harris: m. at Thompson. Conn., by Vernon Stiles. Justice, March 10, 1846. 2-318 NEWHALL Hannah, and WUliam H. Thrasher, Oct. 17, 1845. 1-158 NEWXAND Sarah, and John Chillson, Oct. 20, 1787. 1-183 NEWMAN Thomas, and Sarah Pain; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, Nov. 22, 1766. 1-383 " William, of Thomas, dec. and Mary Ballou, of Capt, Benj amin ; m. by Thomas Man, Justice, Feb. 14, 1802. 1-143 NICHOLS Stephen, and AblgaU Peters; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Jnstlce, April 1, 1759. 2-53 " Jullanna, and Moses Cleveland, Jan. 1, 1826. 2-105 " Phebe Ann, and Dean Nickerson, Jan. 14, 1833. 2-118 " Sarah, and Mark Aldrich, Dec. 25, 1834. 2-212 " Mary Ann, and Stephen S. Nichols, Sept. 13, 1840. 2-212 '• Stephen S., of Smithtield, son of John, and Mary Ann Nlchol, widow, formerly Stone : m. by George F. Jenckes, Justice, Sept. 13, 1840. 2-241 " Angellne, and Robert Markham, April 11, 1841. 2-48 " Lydia A., and Lyman T. Eastman, April 25, 1841. 2-268 " LydJa N., and Lyman T. plastman. May 19, 1841. 2-105 NICKEKSON Dean, of Smithiield, and Pbebe Ann Nichols, of Burrillville ; m. by Henry S. Scoti, Justice, Jan. 14, 1833. 2-142 " Horace M., and Sarah W Brown; m. by Kev. Heni-y Waterman, June 9, 1839. 2-218 " Nancy Ann, atid Sylvan Arnold, Oct. 6, 1840. 2-414 " Dean, of Pawtucket, and Betsey White, of Smllhfleld; m. by Eev. Warren Lincoln, Oct. 20, 1850. 2-271 NILES Jeremiah, and Mary Elizal>cth Hastings ; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, May 17, 1842. 2-362 NOKTHKUP George, and Ann F. l;arton ; m. by Rev. D. L. McGeer, Aug. 6, 1848. 2-378 " Charles F., of Sylvester, of Scituate, and MatUda A. Lindsey, of WUlUm, of Smithfield; m. by Rev. Mowry PhilUps, July 1, 1849. 2-37& •' Nathaniel C, of Sylvester, of jocltuate, and Emma londsey, at WUliam, of Smithfield; m. by Kev. Mowry Pliillips, July 4, 1849. 2-385 '• Kebecca Jane, and Danforth Weaver, Jiiu. 21, 1850. 2-414 " Sarah Ann, and WUliiim E. Bailey, Nov. 24, 1850. 1-85 NOX Elizabeth, and James Walling, March 24, 1751. 56 VITAL KECOED OF BHODE ISLAND. 2-367 OATLEY Natlian D.. of John, of Tlioiiipson, ronii., and Nancy A. Browuell. of SmiUilield, daugblei- of Joseph: ni. by Kev. Mowry Phillips, Dec. 31, 1848. 2-406 0*GKA1)Y Elizabeth, and James W liil.iKir. Kov. 3, 1850. 1-56* OLNEY Tabitha, and M.innariah Killiy. May 19, 1748. 1-93 " James, and Ann Medbury : in. by Thomas Lapbam, Justice, June 2, 1754. 1-105 " Kezluh, and Edmund Jomlie.-., Jan. 4, 1756. 1-142 " L''Vina, and Jeremiah Smitli. Oct. 4, 1750. 1-100 '•" S:iiah, and Charles Hawkins, iSepl. 4, 1760. 1-204 " Abraham, and Esther Y'ounir; ni. by Jabez Harris, Jnstice, Sept. 27, 1761. 1-221 " Freelove, and Sinieou AiMiolrt, Jan. 1!). 1772. 1-229 " Deborah, and I?.real Arnold. Sept. 28, 1775. 1-245 " Anna, and Ste|iben Apple .y. March 8, 1792. 1-408 " Esther, and I'harles Appl by. i'eb. 13, 1^03. 1-150 " Mrs. Haniel, and Asa Whiti'. July 21, 1839. 2-262 " Dexter, of Foster, R. I., anil Kutb M. Mathewsoii, of Smlthfleld ; m. by Nicholas S. Wlnsor, Justice, Nov. 14, 1841. 2-358 " Lydla, and William G. R. Mowry, Nov. 30, 1846. i>.353 " Dorca.s, and Augustus Q. Mowry, Feb. 1, 1848. 1-259 OSSIEL Susannah, and Joseph White, July 17, 1780. 1-59 ' OWEN Pi-esilla, and Aaron Doit, .May 19, 1748. 1-59 " Drnsilla, and Aanm Davrond. May 19, 1748. 1-93 " Daniel, and Hannah An^-ell : ni. by Tlionias Steere, Justice, Aug. 15, 1756. 1-6H PAGE Thamson iTlmrci^in i, and licnjaniin lniii;in, Oct. 10, 1748. 1-1 PjUN Benjamin, anil .\niia iVmold (2d wild; ni. b> Valentine Whllman, Justhe, Dec. 21. 1731. 1-4 " Benjamin, and Arule Mowry I3d wile^ : in. by Thomas Sayles, Jus- tice, Nov. 2, 1734. 1-72 " Benjamin, of Smilhtield, and Jtmim.i Kslo)i, of (ilocester, (4th wife) ; m. by John Smith, Justice, April 30, 1751. 1-20 " Presilla, and Samuel Aldrich, Aug. 21, 1740. 1-34 " Mercy, and John Phillips, April 25, 1744. 1-40 " Trephenah, ami Hez.kiah Sleere. Sept. 23, 1744. 1-61 " Rebecca, and Ezeliiel S.a.yles. May 14, 1740. 1-173 " Sabina, and Maiinassah Ken\pton, Nov. 17, 1751. 1-68 " SabiiKi, and MannassiihKemplon, Nov. 17, 1751. 1-120 " Arnold, and Judith Staples: ni. by Thomas Arnold, Justice, Sept. 19, 1754. 1-110 " Elizabeth, and Jonathan Sayles. Aug. 24, 1755. 1-110 " Gideon, and Siirah Man : ni. by Stephen Sly, JiLstice, Oct. 26, 1755. 1-130 " Mary, and Philii) Mowry, .Ian. 18, 1756. 1-72 " William, and S:irali Hawkins: ni. by Slephen Sly. Justice. Nov. 23, 1757. 1-195 " John, and Mailba Cook: m. by John Aliliich. Justice, , 1757. 1-147 " Urania, and Nathaniel , Mowry, .Ian. 9, 1760. 1-20 " Sarah, and >ainuel Aldrich, Oct. 5, 1760. 1-179 " Abigail, and .Vnanias Mowry. Kept. 20, 1764. 1-183 " Sarab, and Thomas Newman. Nov. 22, 1766. 1-183 " Margery, and Barnard Chace. May 24, 1767 (also 1-344). 1-129 " Phebe, .and Da\id Mowry, Nov. 8, 1767. 1-237 " Abia. and Jolin Sayles, Jan. 31, 1774. 1-184 " Bemmi, of Benjamin, and Martha Wilbur, of Daniel: ni. by Calel> Aldi'icb, Justice, April in. 1774. 1-255 " Jonathan, and Amie Whitman ; m. by Uriah Alverson, Justice, Feb. 8, 1776. 1-211 " Prusba, and William Aldrich. April 18, 1776. SMITHFIELD MAURI AGES. 57 l-24;i P.UN Joseph, of P.enj:niiin, Miirt Uiill, Willmr, of natiici : m. l,y iiriiih AlviAi'SOli, Justice. Dec. -M, 1731. ^'"^^ " Ilezrfeel, of Kfujaruiii, and Mai-iUa I'hillips, . „i Uani.-l ; m. by Uriah Alvurson, Justitc. March U5, 1784. ^'■^•' " ObeA, or benjamin, dec. and l,e\i„a Smith, of Rufiis ; m. by Uriah Alversou, Justice, Oct. 7. 1781. ^"2*'- '■' Itel'*- o* Benjamin, dec, and Ilutii Latham, lA Josepli; m. by UriaU Alver.son, Justice, Nov. 7. 17.S-i. 1"^"^ " 1-adou, of Benjamin, dec, .-ind Eiizabeth Westcott, of Nathan; m. by Eev. Edward Miteliell. Nov. lr>, 1787. 1-31-' '■ I'yrus, of lienjarniii, and I'.lizabeth Mowry, of Phillip • May 1 1701. l-S^T " Arnold, Jr., nl Arnold, ami Anna Aldricli, of Thomas: m. by Joel Aldrich, Justice, April 30, 1795. 1-335 " JIarcy, and Stephen Smltli Matliewson. Dec. 17, 179S. 1-33" " Hannah, and Stephen Arnold, Jr., June 5, 1800. 1-361 •• .Vbi, ;ind Nathan Comstocif, Jan. 1, 1801, 1-360 " .loanna, and Stephen Comstock. lau. 1, 1801. l-**- " Sterling, of Ijela, of Smithtield. and Sarah Eston, of Bnrrillx'lUe ; ni. by Elijah Arnold, Justice, July 38, 1808. 2-11*- " Elizabeth, and Stephen Mowry, March 19, 1809. 1-44S " .Upha, and Wanton Mowry, Jan. 1, 1813. 1-366 " Cyrene, and Arnold Aldricli, I>ec. 19, 1816. 1-325 '• David, of Joseph, and Sarah Smith, of Rufus : ra, by Samuel Hill, lustice, Feb. 8, l.sis. 2-14 ■• Arnold, and Waitiy Tetft: m. by Henry S. Jlansfield, Justice, April 1, 1824. 1-448 " Jonathan, of Benjamin, dec, and Hannah SmiUi. of Oliver; m. by Tliomas Man, Justice, Nov. 3, 1830. •2-91 " S;irah, and James Phetteplace, Feb, 10, 1831. 2-120 " Nancy, and Robert W. Coe, Sept, 12, 1333. 3-111 '• Julianna, and Morton Phetteplace, Nov. 28, 1333. 3-160 '■ Albert H., uud Caroline M, llaucrolt: m. I)y "Nicholas S. Wlnsor, JiLstlce, Nov. 10, 1839. 2-171 " George \V|., of Johnston, R. I., son of Asel, dec, and JWary B. Hoyle, of Henrj', of Smithlield ; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Nov. 14, 18,39. 2-222 " Ruth M., and Joseph R. Ballou, Oct. 1, 1840. 2-243 " Smith, W., of Wilber and Mahala Remington ; m, by Ephraim .Sayles, Justice, March 21, 1841, 2-291 " John C, of Burrillvllle, son of Smith, and Ann F, Carpenter, of (ieorge C. : m. by obed Pain, Justice, Nov. 12, 1843. 2-292 '• Laura JI., and Edwin H. Busliee, Dec. 1, 1843. 2-293 " Nelson, and Phebe D. Ma\'ls, both of Burrillvllle; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, .Tan. 25, 1844. 3-306 '• Mary Ann, and .lames M. Adams. Oct. 31, 1844. 2-310 ■• Emily, and Kliiah I'. .Man. .Ian. 1. 1845. 3-364 ■■ Naomi, and Jelferscm Reminiilon. Sept. 28, 1848, 2-213 I'AI.SEV Nancy M., and sinn'ou i:. Whippl.-. .luly 30, 1840. 2-349 " Henry, of Adam, and Mary I). Could, of Tabcas ; m. by Rev. I. J. Burguess. Nov. 11, 1847. 2-363 " Cythia A., and Jo.shua S. Clarke, I>ec. 7, 1848. 3-377 " Wheaton, ot Adam and Lydia, and Eydla A. Walker, of Williatt and Lydia : m. by Rev. 1. J. Burguess, May 24, 1849. 3-124 PARKER Itosannah, and Mowry Barnes, Oct, 3, 1836. 2-289 PARSONS Nathiinicl L., of Dedham, Mass., and Louisa Hough, of Smithtield ; m. by Rev. Thomas S. Rogers, June 13, 1843. 2-315 PAfBSMOR Elizabeth, and Benjamin P. Taber, July 8, 1845. 2-287 PATTERSON Ellen, and Jo.seph Ingraham, May 3, 1843. 1-23 PATT Lydla, and Robert Latham, June 10. 1756. 1-440 " Olney, of Jonathan, of .lehnston. R. I., and Lydia Aldrich. of Ishmeal, of Sinitlil!->ld : ui. hy Benjamin Hall, Justice, Sept. 9, 1810. 3-377 " Susan, and Cideon Mowry, Dee. 12. 1842. 3-317 " Mary A., and Francis Cutler, Sept. 13, 1845. &s VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-390 PATT Ei)liraim W., of Cumberland, son of Jacob and Sally, of Smitli- Celd, and Nancy li. Balcome, of Luna and Hannah ; m. bj Itev. Warren Lincoln, April 14, 1850 (also 2-396). 2-263 PEAECE Hannah, and Isaac Taber, Oct. 8, 1809. a-65 " Louisa U., and Edward Cranston, Nov. '28, 1828. 2-287 " Joseph C, of Hmithllold, son of Joseph, of Urldgew.ater, Mass., and Alvlra Andrews, of Artliur, of Smithfleld ; m. by Simon A. Bayles, Justice, July 2, 1843. 2-350 " Desdemoiii, and William H. Allen, Nov. 7, 1847. 2-297 PEAllSON Jenkins, of Pro\'ldence, and Janette S. McDougall, of Smithaeld: ra. by Kpv. IMwin I.ciph. Aug. 14, 1843. 2-232 PECKHAM Laura A., and GorUm N. Hajrward, Jan. 27, 1841. 1-82* PECKBING Hannah, and Abraham Loj.n, Jr., Feb. 5, 1748-9. 1-15 PECK Nicholas, and Itachel Siirague; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Feb. 18, or June 10, 1739. 1-204 " Jerusha, and Uenjamin Whipple, Feb. 25, 1762. 1-325 PEETS James, and Pliiladelphla Liralf, of Jacob; m. by John Man, Justice, Aug. 1, 1793. 1-439 " Alpha, .and Sayles Aldrich, June 3, 1810. 2-262 PIERCE William F., of Isaac, and Paulina Brown, of Walter; m. by Key. Reuben Allen, Oct. 25, 1841. 1-66' PENNIMAN Ann. and .loseph iienjamln, Nov. 4, 1749. 2-148 PERKINS William P., .and Lucy GaMtt ; ra. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Aug. 1, 1839. 2-295 PERRV .iohn, and Cynthia Crocker, of Attleboro, Mass. ; m. by Rev. G«orge Taft, AprU 0, 1835. 2195 " William W., and Mary Smith; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, May 11. 1840. 2-214 " Susan B., and Henry M. Smith, Aug. 31, 1840. 1-105 PETERS Bethiah, and William lUrendeen, April 5, 1756. 1-143 " Abigail, .and Stephen Nichols, Api-U 1, 1759. 1-164 " Esther, and Ezeklel llerendecn, Sept. 5, 1761. 1-274 " Lydia, and Charles Sayles, Aug. 24, 1794. 1-82' PETTIS John, and Ruth Darling; m. by William Arnold, Justice, Sept. 22, 1747. 2-67 PllKTTEPLACE Newell, and I'arlie .lenekes; m. by Lewis Dexter, Justice, June 21, 1827. 2-87 " Huldah, and Ubediah Smith. Oct. 25, 1829. 2-91 " James, and Sarah Pain, dau. of Kufus Smith; m. by Asa Winsor. Justice, i'cl). 10. 1831. 2-110 •' Morton, of Benjamin, and .Uilianna Pain, or D.nrtd; m. by ArnoM Spear, Jtistlcc, Nov. 28, 1833. 2-23S " Jesse, of Aroa, and Rachel Sayles, of Eli.sha ; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen. Jan. 28, 1841. 2-292 " H.annah T., and Thurston E. Phetloplace. Dec. 25, 1843. 2-292 " Thurston E., and Hannah T. Phetteplace ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Dec. 25, 1843. 2-311 " Caroline, and Samuel E. Stone, Feb. 20, 1845. 2-311 " Ann M., and Burrill Bartlelt, AprU 26, 1845. 1-1 PHILLIPS Daniel, and Hann.ah Ball ; in. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, March 1, 1731-2. 1-lG " Job, and HuUi llerendecn; ni. l>y Thomas Sayles, Justice, Dec. 24. 1 736. 1-16 " Amle, and .losiah Arnold, July 20, 173S. 1-23 " Job, and Mf.abali Mowry ; m. by WlEiam Arnold, Justice, Nov. 7, 1738. 1-34 " John, Jr., and Mary Pain; m. by William Jcnckes, Justice, April 25, 174J. 1-25 " 'Wimam, Jr., and Sarah Dotey ; m. by William Arnold, Justice, Dec. 23, 1745. 1-81* " Elizabeth, and Noah Bartlett, Jr., July 14, 1746. 1-84* " Peter, and Zervlah Herendeen; m. by Thomas Steere, JiLstlce, Dec. 28, 1748. 1-60 " Anne, and Daniel Mowry, Jr., Aug. 27, 1749. SMITHFIELD MAKR1A<:ES. .') (} 1-124 PHILLIPS Joseph, ami Sjrali Iiimnii : ra. by Jobn ^Udrioh, Ju3tlco, Dec. 7, 1755. 1-105 " Debo.ah. aiiy Bev. T. A. Taylor. Fel>. 24. 1846. 2-234 " Elizaletli. and Allen Place. Fell. 24. 1840. 1-10 PLIMPTON Amip. and Pamuel Day. Nov. 17. 1754. 1-204 " Eonali. and .lolin Bennett, May 20, 1762. l-(i PLUMER :Mary, and DaniiM Eddy, Dec. 12, 1734. 1-278 " Martha, and Da\-id Mowiy, April 11, 17o9. 2-370 '• Adeline P., and .losejih C. Steele, Dee. 2. 1841). 2-157 POLLOCK Henrj-. and Lnci'etia Smith, both ol Woonsocket ; ni. by Nicliolas S. Wlnsor. .lustiee, Aug. 18, 1839. 1-21" POND Mary, and Daniel FiKlier, Oct. 9, 1741. 2-342 " Phebe, and Klislia Spaulding, May 30. 1.S47. 2-174 POOKE Julia, and Sjinnnl White, Dec. .'5, 1839. 2-203 " Mary H.. and Henry Potter. Dec. 26, 1841. 2-277 " Susannah A., and Anthony Steere. Nov. 4. 1842. 1-82* POTTER Ablprail. anil .lohn Welister, March 31, 1741. 1-59 " Abel, and Ann Thornton: m. by Thomas Steere. Justice. Nov. 27, 1747. 1-54 ■• Wllliim. of Warwick, and l>ydia Arnold, ol Sniilhlielri : m. by Thomas J.apbani. .Instico. Nov. Is. 17.'»:i. l-16,"i " Mary, .'iml .lacnb Wilkinson. Aup. 21. 1703. 1-202 " House, of Christopher', of Scituate, and Anne .Sheldon, ol William, of SraitbtiNd : in. by Daniel Mowiy. Jr.. Justice, Auj;. O. 1775. l-27r. '• Mary, ami Isaac lirayton, March 10, 1788, 2-188 '• ZUpha. and .Aupnstus W. Lacy. March 1, 1840. 2-187 " Laura, .ind (ieorge W. Winsor. March 19, 1840. 2-220 '• Joseph C, of licnjamin, and Maria Kimball, of Dean, bith of Scitu.itc: m. by Re>-. Uenben Allen. Sipt. 17, 184<^>. 2-263 '• lleni'y, of Cranston, It. I., son of Izreal, and Mary H. Pooke, dan. of Milton, of SniUlifield : m. by Lewis Dexter, Justice, Dec. 6, 1841. 2-274 •• IMii-y ( '.. of I'rovidcine, son of Christy, and Amasilda. Baxter, of Aliel. c.r Simtbtiehl : m. liy Rnv. H. C. Stewart. Jan. 2, 1S42. 2-270 " Elizab?lh. :iTid Joseph Steere, Jan. 1, 1843, 2-292 i^abara I!., .ind John Davidson. Jan, 23, 1844. 2-232 " Nancy, unil Nelson Smith, Feb. 2. 1840. 1-39 PRAY Deborah, anil Pelw I'lace, June 17, 1774. 2-138 " Fidelia Ann. and Martin L. Thornton, April 4, 1-*3U. 2-286 PRICHARD William, son of iMrs. Amie, and Rebecca MofTatt, of Caleb: m. by Re'.. Cliarbs E. Taylor, May 2, 1843. 2-334 PROKCE William. of I'niTibcrlnd. .son of Halph. and Mary Greenhalgh. of Black^lone. Mass.: m. by Rev. P. B. TalBot. , 1810. 2-40:j I'RINC.LE Fllen. and James Jacques, Sept. 25, 1850. 2-340 PRIOR William R.. of Cranslon, R. I., and Catherine Borden, of Smlth- lield • ni. by Rev. D. L. M<'(;eer, Feb, 25, 1847, 2-371 " Amanda M.. and William Baker. March 18, 1849. 2-286 PROFFATT Anslis, and Richaril Robinson, June 4, 1843. 1-173 PIJLLEN Nicholas, and .Mai'v Jenckes : m. by D.aniel Mowry. .Ir., Justice, Oct,. 14, 1761. Q R 3-l(iT K.\N1)AL1. I'ln'l.i'. ami .Irremiali Winsor. Nov. 24, 1763, 1 :19S " Job, of Norlh Providence, son of Jo.s'ph, and Irene .Sayles, of John, Jr. : m. by Klislia Olney, Justice, Fob. 27, 1803. 2-97 " Levi, of Jlcnrion, Mass,, son of Ri-uben, of liichniond, N. H., and Adeline Aldiich, of Simeon, of Smithfield ; m, by Rev. Jordan Kerfoi'd. May 1, 1831. 2-186 " Hem-}', of William, and Mary Ann Wood, of Andrew, both of Scitu- ate: m. by Rev. Reub^^n Allen, Feb. 17, 1840. 2-293 " Zeberra K., and Louisa M. .Smith ; m. by Rev, T. A, Taylor, March 2, 1S44. ^^MITIIFIELD AtAKRlAGEs. CA -2-300 RAXBAI.L V..sl:, Auii. ,,,„l l|.„vy n^-. .Inly :j. 1844. -'-15 KANKIN John, mirt ilvny Howcn ; i,,. Ijy NiilUun AldrifU, .I.Htlco JI-iv l-> 181!). ' ' i;-l!):i KATHIJONK N.atli.-,ii, : siMcy Voin.i.-; ni. l.y Kev. William Stovyor Miy 10, 1 n40. - " ' -^ :: 1S8 ItAYMOND Cjilol., ;iiia l.iU'aiiM Ai-iioui ; ,„. i,y William .Tenckn^. .TusUce Nov. — . IT.'iO. ' 1-17 1!A^■ M.arhm, and Pi'l<'r Alili-icli. Nov. -JO. 17;!8. l---" ■■ .Sanmol, i.r .I,)s,.ph, of Ciiiiilici-lana. and Siisau CarroU, of Joseph, 111 .SriiilUlii'ld: ni. by David Aldricli. Justice, AprU 8, 1813. l-l'" " Heujamin. and Abigail H.ruiins ; m. l.y Elisha Arnold, Justice, Mirrli ^4. LSI 6. --•*'■■* " Jnn.cs K.. and Jlaiy A. •!'lnii-l,.T : ni. by K.-v. T. A. Tavlor, Sept. .".. 1H4.S. :;-T'.i 1;AZP,F, .Sinmn IJ., of Cunibcrland. and Sirali GulU-y, ol Sniilhlield; m. by Kev. Stepllcn Culler. .Inly -27, 1829. 1 14 liAZV lia\id, .-iiul l-'reelove .Si-i)ti : ni. l.y .linnilUan Sprague, Justice, Marcli 12, 17;!8. l--^2 HKAU Ann.', and Ephraim Tatt. .Inn.- 2!i, 1747. ^--l" " Oliver, ol .lonalban, and Dinah JoncKes, ol Xhonias ; ni. by Icbabod I'oinslock, JiLStice, Mai eh 12, 1775. 1-25.-^ •• Unldah, and Ebenezer Trash. .Ir.. April 1, 1783. 1-17.^ •• Dinah, and KlijaU Arnold. Feb. 5, 1781). 1-330 •• D.ivirt. of SmilliMeld. and JIaiinab Chaef. of (iloee.sliT : ni. by Rev. William liowen. -Ilarc:' 10, 1700. 1-337 '■ ralience. ami A a Arnold. .Xov. 17. I'l'.Hi. 2-los ■• Ahab, ol Oliver, deceased, and linlli Arn(.lil. ol Elijah; m. by Thomas .Man, Justic.'. Oct. 25, 1805. 3-421 '• Ahal.. and Mi-. .M.a-i y .Xiiiold ; ni. hy Kev. T. A. Tayloi-, Oct. 20, 1830. 2-250 " .Marwnel. and William Unfiles. An^-. 23, 1S41. 2-203 ■• July M.. ami Edward K. Ai-miugton, Jan. 29, 1844. 3-315 •• Nelnou .s., ol Milton, Mas-., and Hannah Heals, ot Samuel K. ; m. by Kev. T. A. Taylor, May 1, 1845. l 32-1 KKMINi.TOX Cal.h, .ind Jlarlha Howry; m. by Re\ . John Winsor, Nov. 1, 1795. i,^^^ 1-427 " Daniel, ol .Meiidoii. Mass.. -on .d lieiiediet. and I'atienee Morton, ot James : m. by Elijah Arnold, Justice, Dec. 27, 1807. 2-120 ■• Martha, and Robert Ald.ieh, -May 5, 1830. 2-243 ■■ Mahala, and Smith W. Pa n. March 21, 1841. 2-292 •• Jell'ersoji, ol Smithlield, and. Eunice Waterman, oJ BurrillvLlle; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, Oct. 12, 1843. 2-:i04 " Jellersou, of Sraithfleld, and Naomi Pain, of BurrilUllle ; m. by Kev. T. A. Taylor, Sept. 28, 1848. 2-220 KENEHAM CliUonc, and Natlum .Staples, Sept. 20, 1840. 1-238 UENIFF Misha Carpenter, of John, ot t'nmljerUind, and Anne Nap, ot • loshna, of I'xbridg'; m. by Edward Thompson, Justice, April 15. 1781. 1-254 ■■ -Vblsha <.'.. and Anna Mowry : in. l.y I'riah Alverson, ,lustice< March 22. 1784. 1-357 liBNWOKTllY Williimi. and Elbn Shirt: m. by Kev. C. II. Titus, Api-U 27, 1348. 2-103 KEYNOLDS S:illy JI., and Kichard M. Allen, Dec. 2, 1832. 3-414 " Abbie A., and John C. TaUman, Oct. 25, 1850. 2-315 RICE Huldah P., and Asa Young, May 4, 1S45. 2-401 •• Ephraim, of Thompson. Conn., and Laura Bowman, of Smithlield; m. by Kev. T. A. Taylor. Sept. 20. 1850. 1-336 RICHARDSON Nancy, and Jonathan Smith. Aug, 10, 1817. 2-294 '• Daniel, and Amie Aun Antliony ; ni. by Sunon A. Sayles, Justice, March 21. 1844. 2-290 '■ Mrs. El.sa, and Thomas Smith, M.ay 2, 1844. 2-99 RICHMOND Paris, and Delia Hall ; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Aug. 13, 1829. 2-397 RILEY' Abigail E., and Horace Arnold, Nov. 11, 1849. 1-420 ROBINSON Bryant, and Fi-eclove Whipple; m. by Samuel Man, Justice, Juna 26, 1808. 62 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2-"86 EOBrNSON Richard, and iAB,st.Ls Piotfat; m. by Simon T. Saylos. .Justice, .(mi..' 4, 1843. •2-336 " Robert, of North Providence, and Jane Brown, dau. oJ James Mc- Carthy; m. by Rev. Charles Hyde, Nov. 23, 1846. 2-266 ROBINS Olney, and Lydla Inraan, of Esten ; m. by Ephraim Sayles, Justice, Jan. 9, 1843. 2-325 " Erastus, of Walpole. Mass., and EUizabeth C. Smith, of SmJthlield : m. by Kev. N. S. Loyell, at Bclliugham, Mass., May 6, 1846. 1-23 ROGERS John, and Plain Wllliinson ; m. by William Arnold, .instice. Nov. 7, 1738. 1-89* " James, of CunUierland, and Mary Cook, of Smithfield: m. by Thomas Arnold, Justice, Nov. 2, 1750. 1-191 '• Anne, and Daniel Wilcox, Dec. 21, 1766. 2-340 " Dortnda, and Whitley Koyalston, Sept. 28, 1846. 1-143 ROME James Corbel t, and Hannah rsooth : m. by Rev. Henry Waterman, June 24, 1839. 1-435 ROSS John Gray, and Patience lirayton, of .Inmes. dec. ; m. by Elijah Arnold. Justice, June •_'!!, 180!). " Nancy Adeline, and Thomas Dacon. .\ug. 11, 1S41. 2-261 " Oliver, and Fidelia Snow, both of Cumberland: m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Oct. 28. 1841. 2-189 ROUNDS Rev. Daniel, of Nantucket, son of Daniel and Sarah, and Ellza- belli Ann Fitts. of Smithfield. dau. of Abijah W. and Betsey ; ni. by Rev. Joseph Smith. April 1, 1840. 2-245 •' Lawton. formerly of Foster, son of Thomas, and Mary Ann Irons, of Glocester, dan. of Jesse; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, March. 28, 1841. 2-247 " Cyrus, formerly of Foster, and Waltcy Ann Kimball : m. by Hev. Reuben Allen, April 11, 1841. 2-56 ROWLEY Hugh, and PhUa Mason ; m. by Henry S. Mansfield, Justice, Feb. 6, 1825. 2-299 " John, Jr., of Webster. Mass., and Ann Booth, of Smithfield: m. br Rev. Ansel D, Cole, May 5, 1844. 2-340 ROYALSTON Whifley, and Dorinda Rogers; m. by Rev. Thomas C. Broirn, Sept. 28. 1846. 1-84* RUMBLEMAESH Hannah, and Tom W^osamogne, Oct. 5, 1748. 2-307 RTT.SSELL Jlary I'... and George W. Jenckcs. Nov. 24. 1.^44. s 1-22* SABIN Thomas, and Mary Brown: ni. by William Arnold. Jusiiee, March 4. 1741-2. 2-196 SANDBORN Stephen, of Jonathaan, dec. and Aranda Colvin, formerly of Scituafe, dau. of David: m. by John P.aln. Justice. April 13. 1740. 1-21* SAULSBrRY Sarah, and Obediah Ballon, Dec. 26, 1740. 1-94 " Susannah, and William Irwin, Nov. 2, 1748. 2-179 '• Philip, of Peleg, and Betsey Smith, of John; m. by Rev. Reuben AUen, Jan. 12, 1840. 2-316 " Emellne, and James E. MoIIatt, April 12, 1845. 2-321 " Sarah, and Abel Sleerc, Juno 1, 1846. 1-83 S.Vt'NDERS Samuel, and Abigail Mowry ; m. by Thoma.s Steere, Justice, Aug. 9, 1752. 1-201 " Eselv, of Johnston. R. I., son of Henry, dec, and Abigail Angell. of Christopher; m. by Rev. Samuel Winsor. Jan. 11. 1778. 2-177 " Mary, .and Daniel M. Inni.an, Dec. 23. 1839. 2-279 " Lucy, and Elisha 1;. Waterman, Jan. 22, 1843. 1-294 SAWYER Philena S., and Libbeus GasWU, Oct. 19, 1841. 2-414 " William, of Providence, and Mary Ann Wood, of Smithfield, dau. of Jonathan and Betsey, of Attleboro, Mass. : m. by Rev. Warrim Lincoln, Nov. 3, IS-iO. 2162 SAY'EE Edward G., and Lucy H. Whitalicr : m. by Rev. Reaben Albn. Oct. 6, l.-(39. 1-11 SAY'LES Ehzabeth, and Jonalhan Mowry, March 13, 1730. 1-6 " Eliza, and Jonathan MonTy, March 13, 1736. SMITHFIELD MAEEIAGBS. 1-12 SAYLES Capt. Richard, and Alifo Arnold; m. by Willinm Arnold, Justice, May 14, 17;i8. 1-13 " Jlai-y, and JJenjaniin Ballard, July 27, 1738. 1-52 " Richard, Jr., and Ahigall Hawkins ; m. by Thomas Sayles. Justice. Sept. 2, 1742. 1-22 " Johu, Jr., and Martha Arnold; m. by WUllam Jenckcs. Justice, Dec. 19, 1742. 1-49 " Anne, and Sylvanas Sayles, Juno 12, 174G. 1-49 " Syivanus, of Thomas, and Anne Sayles, of John; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, June 15, 174G. 1-57 " Elisha, and Slartha Inman ; m. by Thomas Savles, Justice, Sept. 10, 1747. 1-83' " Phebe, and Stephen Sayles, Feb. 4, 1747-8. 1-83' " Stephen, of Thomas, Esq., and Pbehe &iyles, of John ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Feb. 4, 1747-8. 1-Rl " Ezekiel, and Rebecca Pain ; m. by Thomas Lapliam. Justice, May 14, 1749. 1-8 " Daniel, and Susann.ah JUlsnn : m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Feb. 11, 1749. 1-77 " Joseph, and Patience Ballou; ni. by Thomas Lapham, Justice, July 10, 1752. 1-75 " Gideon, and Sarali Sbippee; ra. by Thomas Lapham, Justice. July 2fi, or Aug. 23, 1752. 1-110 " .Tonatban, and EUzabeth Pain ; m. by Stephen Sly, Justice, An?. 24, 1755. 1-111 " Thomas, and Mary Slocum ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., .Tu.stice, June 13, 1757. 1-140 " Zilpha, and Job Mowry, March 20, 1700. 1-106 " 'Marcy, and tiriali Alverson, April 10, 1761. 1-160 " Elizabeth, and Simeon Smith, April 7, 1762. 1-160 " DaN-id, and Anne Smith; m. by Izreal Sayles. Justice, Aug. 10, 1703. 1-191 " Sarah, and John Mowry, JTarcb 10, 1705. 1-191 " Rhodii, and Elijali Phillips. Aug. 29, 1765. 1-193 " Anne, and James Appleby, April 12, 1770. 1-208 " Ruth, and James Arnold, Aug. 22, 1771. 1-228 " Mary, and Thomas Smitli. Jan. 9. 1772. 1-212 " Ishmeal, of John, and Deborali Aldrirli, of Samuel; m. by William Winsor, Justice, Oct. 7, 1773. 1-237 " John, of Richard, and Abia Pain, of renjamin ; m. by Daniel Smith, Justice, Jan. 31, 1774. 1-215 " Leah, and Eenjamin Newell, Aug. 13, 1775. 1-2.13 " Oziel, of Syivanus, and Syl\-ia Bowen, of Richard; m. by Uriah Al- verson, Justice, Jan. 7, 1770. 1-233 " Esek, of Smltbfleld, and Sarah Coweu, of Glocester; m. at Gloces- ter, by Timothy W'tUmarsli, Justice, Dec. 30, 1776. 1-222 " Ellis, and Beruck White, Dec. 18, 1777. 1-225 " stuteley, of David, and Aljignil Alver.son, of Uriah; ra. by Stephen Braytcm, Justice, March 5, 1780. 1-326 " Smith, of Sniitbtield, and Abigail Scott, of Bellingham, Mass.; m. by Uriah Alverson, Justice, July 30, 1780. 1-121 " Rachel, and Clu-istopher WUbui-, Nov. 15, 1781. 1-236 " John, 3d son of Jolui, and Temar Cook, of Samuel ; m. liy Steplien Arnold, Justice, Dec.„27, 1781. 1-292 " Stephen, and Rose Shippee; m. by Uriah Alverson, Justice, Jan. 2, 1763. 1-274 " Anne, and Stephen Jenckes, Aug. 5, 1784. 1-274 " Cliarlcs, of Syivanus. and Cliarlotte Mowry, of Stephen; m. by Uriah Alverson, Justice, Jan. 27, 1785. 1-236 " John, of John, and Amie Mowry, of Plillip ; m. by Stephen Arnold. Justice, Nov. 5, 1780. 1-309-289 " Abigail, and Jesse Jenckes, June 28, 1787. 1-273 " Benjamin, of Jonatlujn, and Lydia Smith, of Jeremiah; m. by Rev. Edwni-d MltcheU, June 28, 1787. 1-314 " Hannah, and Joseph Mowry. Dec. 5, 1792. ()4 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-315 SAYLE? lonaUi;!!!. of .Tiin;\Ui:ni. and Zi-rvlaU Mmviy. of Pliilip ; ni. by Jolin Sayles. .lustlce. Aug. 15, 17i)3. 1-274 " Cliarlfs, of Syh-anus, of SnalliHclri. iiiiil LyilUi Teters, of Mark, of Glooestcr; m. by .lolin J^ayb's, Justice, Aug. 24, 1791. 1-322 '■ Zeriah, and Welcome llaiii.s. May 2(5, ITOO. 1-391 " Gideon, of Jonathan, and .S;illy Ballon, of Cumberland, dau. of Benjamin: rn. by Joel Aldvich, Justice, Feb. 20, 1797. 1-328 " Martha, and Israel Arnold, Jan. (i, 17!)9. 1-383 " Lydia, and Noah Smith, Aug. 21, 1801. 1-398 " Irene, .ind Job Randall, Feb. 27, 1803. 1-423 " Nathainel. of John, Jr., and Zcrviah Steere, of Enock; m. by Dan- iel Winsor, Justice, Jlay 1, 1800. l-4r>2 '•' Caleb, of Esek, of SmlthfiiUl, and Ehoda Smith, of James, of Glocester: ra. by Riciuird Steere, Justice, May 4, 1806. 1-427 '• Polly, and George jUdi'ich, April 30, 1807. 1-423 " Nathaniel, of John, and Mrs. Anna Aldrich. of Simon : ni. by Samuel Man, Justice, Jan. 26, 1812. 2-2 '■' Thankful, and DaAld Wilkinson, Dec. 27, 1812. 1-347 '■ Joel, of Sti'phcn and Catharine Emerson: m. by Kobert Harris, .lustice, Jime 23, 1813. 1-338 '•' Vrania. and Tyler Mowry, Maix-h Ifi, 1815. 2-10 " Ihuhi-l. aiifl Simon N.'well, March 28, 1819. 2-e '• Parley, and Thomas Enches, Feb. 14, 1820. 2-20 • '• .loanna. and Jesse B. Sweet, Dec. 25, 1821. 2-22 '• AbipiU, and Adin Ballon. Jan. 17, 1822. 2-21 '• Sally, .and Ileniy Scott. Feb. 0, 1822. 2-39 " Leviua. and Williiini Enehes. Jan. 3, 1823. 2-20O •■ Richai-d. of Smith, and Fannie Jetfers, of John : m. March IG, 1823. a-l.Ol "■ Epliraim. of Sniillilield, son of .lonathan, and Esther Mowry, of Bur- rillville, dan. .if JeiemLih: m. by Syria Steere, Justice, March 18. 1830. 2-147 '•■ Tlioiiias. of Providence, and Olive Swan : m. Ijy Rev. Reuben Allen. June 17. Is3i). 2-144 " Jane, and Nelson Gardiner, July 25, 1839. 2-189 " William S., of Siitnate, son of Robert, and Amanda Leavens, of Oliver, of Sniitlilield : m. by Eev. Keuljen Allen. Feb. 17, 1640. 2-235 " Rachel, and Je.sso Phetteplace, Jan. 28. l.>tl. 2-407 " Joanna, and Oiin Hum, Dec. — , 1849. 2-352 SCHOLES Hannali. and Richard Hallo well, March 1. 184.S. 2-373 SCIIOLFIELI) Marllia, and WUliam 11. Sherman, May 13, 1.S49. 1-84 SCOTT Fieelove. and David Kazy. March 12, 1738. 1-23' '■ Mary, .and Charles C'^ipron, Dee. 1(>, 1742. 1-38 " Abraham, and Martlia Jenckes: m. by William Jenckes. Justice, -March :!. 1745-1;. 1-81* " Elizabeth, and Daniel Cook, Dec. 25, 174C.. 1-83- losepli. and Leali Capron ; m. by WUliam Arnold, Justice, June 21. 17,50. 1-143 •■ Sarah, and Elcazer .Brown, Dec. 14, 1758. 1-205 " Jeremiah, and Sarah Brown: m. by .labez Harris, Justice, Dec. 24, 3 7(12. 1-189 " Sylvanus. and Jerusha Bi-own ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, Nov. 19, 1707. 1-205 " S.irali. .and Benjamin Sheldon, May 19, 1771. 1-.326 •■ Abigail, and Smith Stiyles, July 30, 1780. 1-375 •• Mar>-. :nd Isaac Comsto(^c, Oct. 25, 1801. 2-21 " Henry, of Jerenjiah. of Smitb.Deld, and SaUy Sales, of Cumber- land, dau. of Capt. David, dec: m. by Thomas Man, Justice, Feb. 0. 1822. 2-133 '■■ George w.. of Cumberland, and F.liza Ann Blanchard, of SmlthHeld; m. by Rev. John Borden. Jr., June 10, 1844. 2-314 " Charles A., of Providence, son of Charles, and Mary A. Field, of do., dau. of Gc-orge Augustus; m. by Eev. Henry Waterman, Dec. 2. 1844. 2-302 " John, of Thomas and Susannah, and Elizabeth G. Waterson, of Champlin L. and Elizabeth G.; m. by Eev. B. P. Talbot, Oct. 30, 1848. 1- 1 1 ;i02 244 -298 1 -:i47 1 -420 1 -441 2-98 -265 S.\riTHl Il:l,D .\[AURI.\GES. 65 2-.'!U0 SCOTT Willhini 11.. ..I .Siriil lilirlil. soli nf IhivitI :ill(l l.yili:i. „l Xdi-IU I'rovl- (li-nce. anil 8ai-;ih K. Tlioiiias. of Gc-orgc 1).. 'il .^inilhlii'lrt : m. l»y Ki'V. \V;ii-reii Lincolii. Ayril 28. 1850. 2-297 SCHOULER Patrick H.. and Affnes Mi'Dougall ; ni. Iiy Kl-v. Edwin Lcigli, April 4, 1844. 2-205 SEAGEAVES Sullivan, ol T-.-cbridKc and Ann Janet I!, lirals; ni. by Rov. T. A. Taylor, Jan. 5, 1.842. 2-230 SHAW JoUn, and Lydia A. Ilorton, widow; m. by Kcv. T. A. Taylor, Xov. 27, ie45. l-2(il SHEAFE (.'al('l), of Jo.sluia. and Esllipr Tucker, ol Jlorris : in. hy R.-v. E<1- \vard JliU-lifll, April 1, 1787. 1-115 SlIEPARl) Z«iilianlali. and Ruth Hill: ni. by •I'iioinas (i\v,n. .lustiiv, Sc-pt. 20. 17.-.4. l-C.l SHELDON John, of William, and AbiKail I'hillip.s, of J)aiii.'!; ni. by Daniel Smilli, .Iiislii-e, Oct. 15, 17ii9. 1-21)5 " Uciij.-iniin. ol William, and Sarah Sniilli. of I'lioma.-,; m. by Stephen Arnold. .Uistice, May li), 1771. '• Anne, and Rouse Potter. Auk. ti. 1775. " Rebecca, and Rufn^ PUilllp.s. May 1, 1777. " Steplien. of Benjamin, and Elizabeth Malkewson, of .lo.^epli ; m. by Edward Medbury, .Instioe, Oct. 13, 1799, *■ l.iike, of Henjamin, and Mercy Aldrich. of Samuel ; m. by Thomas Man, .lustice. Oct. 24, 1799. '• Asa, of IJen.janiin, and Mary Hawkins, oi ,labe/. ; m. Ijy Aii.'inins Mowry, Justice, May li, ls04. \ienna, and James Wilkinson, June lo. l.slo. " Adeline, and William Smith Darling, April 21), l.s32, '■ Eliza, and Ceorge H. Lee, Feb. 2, 1842. 2-31)4 SHEPLE Joseph li., of Boston. Mass., and Siirah L. Jeiiiiison, of Smilliiield; m. by Rev. T, A. Taylor. Oct. 20, 1848. 1-10 SIIERI.OCK Rebecca, and David Alversou, Nov. 4. 1754. 1-26 " Martha, and Jonathan .Sliippee. Dec. 9, 1754, 1-110 •• M.ary, and Jo.seph Cliace, Nov, .'iO, 1755. 1-162 ■- John, of I'xbridge, and Sarah Knowltini. of Wrenihaei: ni. by Thomas Lapham, Justice, .Ian. 1, 1761. 1-87 SHERMAN Hannah, and Jo.shua Lapham, April ;:, 1747. 1-48 •• Elkanah, and Margaret Wuel : iii. by Thomas i^apliani, .lustice, Oct, 18, 1747. 1-70 " Elizabeth, and David Alversou, April 20, 1748. 2-55 " Caleb, of Exeter, and Wealthian Jlathewson, ol Sniithtield: m, by Henry S. Manslield. Justice, April 2, 1826. 2-141 " Sally Ann, and Charles C. Mowry. June 16, 1839. 2-183 " LoLs, and Reuben S. Sludley, March 22, 1840, 2-240 '• Frances Amanda, and Alberl ■nillnshasi Harris, leb. 25. 1,-41. 2-304 " David P., and Mary H. Hi-o\vii ; m. by Rev. William Verinder. Nov. 3, 1844, 2-392 •■ Martlia A., and Marshall J. Mowry, June 0, 1847. 2-373 " William H.. of Lawton A. and Nancy, and Martha Scliollield, of John anid Sarah ; m. by Rev, 1!, P, lalbot, May 13, 1849, 2-413 " Ann E„ and Erastus G, Garduier, Jan. 16, 1851. 1-1 SHlPi'EE Mehetable, and Edward liishop. Jan. 14, 1732-3. 1-G •■ riiinnas, and Ruth .Mowry: iii. by Thomas Bayles. Juslice. March 29, 1735. 1-9 •■ Martha, and James Danii'ls. Sept. 20, 17.i5. 1-X3 " Jol), and Rose Shippee : in. Iiy Thomas .Sayles, Justice, June 25, 1738. 1-iy '• Rose, and .lob siiippei'. .lune 25. 1738. 1-143 ■• Mary, and Joseph Heiendeen, Nov. 12, 1738. 2-457 •• Henry, and Zerviah I'.rown ; ni. by Thomas Sayles, JiLSlice, .Inly 29, 1743. 1.3a ■• Mercy, and Eleazer Albee, Nov. 8, 1743, and March 3, l745-(). 1-32 " Zerviah, and Jacob Mowry. Jan. 3, lS43-i. 3-434 '■ Nathan, of Springti.-ld. and Mary White, of ixlnidge: lu. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Jan. 22, 1743-4, 66 VITAL KECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 'i-i-2 SHIPPEE Joseph, and Bethiah Herendecn ; m. by Thom.is Sayles, .lusticc, Aug. 2, 1744. 1-42 " Mai'Carot, and Thomas Inches, April 4, 1743. 1-44 " Chiistnphpr, and Sarah Chillson; m. hy Thomas Sayles, Justice, Jnno 20, 1746. 1-59 '•■ f?amnel, and Sarah Jlowry ; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Feb. 1, 1746-7. 1-57 '• Peter, and Zerniah Herendeen; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Dec. 28, 1748. 1-175 '■ Sarah, and Gideon Sayles; July 26 or Aug. 23, 1752. 1-26 " Jonathan, and Martha Sherlock; m. by Thomas Latham, Justice, Dec. 9, 1754. 1-310 " Solomon, and Martha Herendeen; m. by Stei)hen Sly, Justice, Dec. 11, 1755. 1-143 " Natlianlel, and Sarah Arnold; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice, D<-c. 3, 1758. 1 61 '• Hettabel, and Izreal Herendeen, March 19, 1759. 1-152 " Patience, and Benajah Cady, S<>pt. 13, 1759. 5-106 " Ruth, and John Hutchinson, April 23, 1760. 1-179 " Sarah, and Benjamin Ballard, Sept. 6, 1764. 1-183 " Martha, and Stephen Herendeen. May 3, 1767. 1-33 " David, of Nathan, and Rlioda Herendeen, ol Kbenezer; m. by Rich- ard Sayles, Justice, Jan. 1, 1769. 1-216 " Bethiah, and Sylvanus Mathewson,- June 19, 1774. 1-202 " Rose, and Stephen Sayles. Jan. 2, 1783. 1-312 '■ John, of John, and Mary Staples, of Nathan ; m. by Ananias Mowry, Justice, March 12, 1S09. 1-363 " Nancy, and Elijah Bowen. May 4, 1817. 1-357 SHIRT Ellen, and William Eeuwoithy, April 27, 1848. 2-402 SHOLES Eveline, and James Wood, Oct. 11, 1850. 1-145 '• Sibley Abigail, and David W. Streeter, July 25, 1839. 2-268 SIMMONS James B., of Syrel, and Levina E. Arnold, of Benjamin, late of Bolton, Conn. ; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, Nov. 21, 1841. 2-242 SKINNER Jo.scph G., and Hannah E. Kent; m. by Rev. Stewart Sheldon, May (•), 1866. 2-30 SLADE Ruth Howland, and Ebenezer Allen HUl, Nov. 4, 1819. 2-42 " Mary L., and Simeon A. Winslow, Dec. 11, 1823. 2-194 " Stephen S., and Mary Jane Pitts; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, May 4, 1840.^ '^ 2-17B SLATER Steplien, Jr., and S;Uly B. Can-oil ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Dec. 23. 18:J9. 2-315 " Rhoda A-, and John L. Stimpson. July 3, 1845. 1-157 SLEW Rebecca, and Jacob Jump, Sept. 29, 1760. 1-111 SLOCUM Mary, and Thomas Sayleb, June 13, 1757. 1-175 " EUzaljeth, and Samuel Cooper, April 20, 1746. 1-216 '■ Benjamin, Jr., of Benjamin, and Sarah Mowry, of Ellsha; m. by C;Ll liro\Yn, Avitlow, daughter of ThonnT.s Sliippee, Sept. 3, 1780. 1-2S8 " Juni. of Elhslia, and Mariha Ai)pleby, of James ; m. by Eev. Ezeklel -Vngell, March 24, lT,'i2, 1-424 " Levina. and 'Jbed Pain, dct. 7, 1784. 1-238 '• W.ilte, and Thomas Appleby, Nov, 14, ]7,-s4- 1-273 '■ Lydia, and lienajmin Siyles, June 28, 1787. 1-283 " Dulee, of Daniel, and lliildah Mowry, of St«plien : m. by Kev. Edwaixl Mitchell, June IS, 1780. l-2rondi'<.n : m. hv Nicholas S. Winsor, .Justice, Aug. 2. 2-329 " Emer, and Mercy Ann Aldrlch : m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, Oct. 19, 1846. 2-343 " Henry S.. ajid Su=an A. Holburton ; m. by Rev. Charles Hyde, June 28, 1.S4T. 2-351 " Porter, and Susan Smith : ni. by Eev. D. L. McGeer, Dec. 23, 1847. 2-351 " Susan, and Porter SniitU. Deo. 23. 1847. 2-358 " Edwin L., of Shai'on. M.ass., and Mary W. llandon. nf Sinithtleld; m. by Rev. T. A. T.aylor. July 4, 1848. 2-374 " Elizabeth, and Abraham Beaumont. Jr., June 10. 1649. 2-389 " James F., and Matilda Fletcher; m. by Rev. C. II. Titus, March 25, 1850. 2-392 " Reuel P., of Eeuel and Judith, and l.iiiu'a F. Aldrlch, of Dutee P. and Hannah R. : m. by Rev. B. I'. Talbot, May 15, 1850. 2-403 " Elislia D., of Brattleboro, Vt., son of WiUiam, and Julia A. Mowry, of Smlthfield; m. by Rev. B. P. Talbot, Oct. 24, 1650. 2-415 « Alexander, of W'eat and Sarah, and Eliza Cozzens, -widow, daughter of Cliristopher and Charlotte Potter; ni. by Rev. I;. P. Talbot, AprU 13. 1851. 2-125 " Daniel, and Min. rva Moivry: m. by .lames Joluison, Justice, Aug. 27, 1853. 2-261 SNOW Fidelia, and Oliver lioss, Oct. 28, 1841. 2-365 " Caroline, and SUas Handy, Dec. 31, 1S48. (Vlt. Rec, Vol. 3. J 26 70 VITAi RBCOED OF EHODB ISLAin). 1-191 SOUTHWICK John, ol Smithfield, and Chloe Bartlett, of Joseph, of Com- terland; m. by Stephen Arnold, Justice, June 5, 1766. 1-367 " • Heber, ol John, of Mendon, Ifass., and Mercy Cass, of Amos, of Smithfield; m, by Elijah Arnold, Ju-stice, Dec. 14, 1804. 2-80 " James, ol Zaccheus, and Destlmona Cook, of Eli; m. by Elijali Aruold, JusUce, May a4, 1812. i-a40 SPAXJLDING Kathaniel, of Joseph, and Lydla Harris, of Preserved; m. by Ichabod Comstock, Justice, Oct. 27, 1774. 1-413 " Nathaniel, of Smithfield, and Thankful Whipple, of Cumberland; m. by Eev. Stephen I'lace, Oct. 25, 1798. 2.71 « Joanna S., and Franklin Miinroe Ai'uold, March 29, 1827. 3-342 " misha, and Phebe Pond; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, May 30, 1847. 1-214 SPEAlt l^ydia, and David Wilkinson, April 25, 1773. 1-371 " Nancy, and Seth Appleby, June 26, 18O0. 2-24 " Arnold, of Eikanah, and Arba Mowry, of Gideon ; m. by Ananln* Mowry. Justice, Oct. 30, 1808. a-397 SPENCER Lucy Ann, and Ilcnjamin P. Greene, Nov. 30, 1843. 1-46 SPBAGDE Jonathan, 3d. and Mary Mowry, both of Providence; m. by EUshA KBOWlton. Justicf, March 6, 1727. 3-433 •• Bnth, and Henry Wlulman. May 24, 1732. 1-2 " Phebe, and Peter Wiipple, April 15, 1733. 1^3 «■ Nathaniel, and Abi;:ail Comstock ; m. by David Comstock, Justice, Oct. 1, 1733. 1-7 '■ Zervlah, and Az.-uiah Comstock, April 20, 1735. 1-25 " Ebenczer, and lielhiah Thayer; m. by WilUam Arnold, Justice, June 2, 1735. 1-20* " Joseph, and Martha Benson ; m. WUliam Arnold, Justice, Sept. 9, 1736. 1-13 WUliam, Jr.. and U"l>''cca Ballon: m. by Daniel Jenckes, Justice, April 10, 1T38. 1-12 " N«h>miah. and Mary ISrown; m. by David Comstock. Justice, April 16, 1738. 1-71 " Sarah, and Stephen Sly, .Sept. 17, or Oct. 15, 1738. 1-15 ■■ Rachrl, and Nicholis Peck, Feb. 18, or June 10, 1739. 1-71 " L'rani:!, and Abel AidriiU, Nov. 3, 1741. 1-71 " EUzabelh. and Joseph Bas>ett, Jan. 7, 1741. 1-71 " AlCf, and Joseph Bassett, Jan. 7, 1741. 1-42 " Capt. William, and Mrs. Mary Walling ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Jus- tice, Aug. 26, 1744. 1-30 " liimu' 1. and Josepha (or Jerusha) Mitchell ; m. by WUllam AmolA, Justice, March 24, 1745. 1-30 " Amos, and Mercy Comstoik : m. by William Arnold, Justice, April 7. 1745. 1-186 " nath. .and F,zekiel Angell. July 29, 1745. 1-30* " Sarah, and Daniel Allen. Aug. 11, recorded, 3Iarch 3, 1745-6. 1-73 " Abigail, and Samuel Cutr, March 15, 1745-6. 1-69 " ObcUiah. and Sarah Covrtn ; m. by Da\-id Comstock, Justice, JuBe 26, 1748. 3-444 " Mary, and Joseph Bennett. Dec. 8, or Jan. — , 1749. 3-433 " Had:;ssah, and Stephen Angell, Jr., Oct. 21, 1750. 1-72* " Susaiinali. and Joseph Hall, Jr., June — , 1751. 1-110 " Lydia. and Enoch Wliit#. Aug. 31, 1755. 1-160 " Alice, and Barick McDonald, Dec. 18, 1757. 1-160 " Sarali, and Stephen Wllkin.son, April 9, 1760. 1-166 " Josiph, and Deborah Brown; m. by Eev. John Winsor, June 28, 1761. 1-165 " Marcy, and William Hai-ris, Oct. 16, 1763. 1-186 " Elias, and Mercy Ba.ssett; m. by Stephen 61y, Justice, Aug. S, 1704. ^-183 " Hezfklah, and Mary Ballon; m. by EUchard Sayles, Justice, May 8, 1767. 1-199 " Nehemiah, of Smithfield. son of Nehemlah, and Alice Bassett, of Glocester, daughter of Joseph; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., JusUce, May 26, 1770. 1-226 " Phebe, and Daniel Man, May 3, 1772. SMITHFIELD MARRIAGES. . 71 i-238 aPRAGUE Anne, and Charles Bennett, May 2, 1775. 1-203 " ElisLa. of Smithfield, sou of Samael. and Eet)ecca Cole, of Scltnate, daoghtsr of JonaLhaa; m. by t-lLis Williams, Jostice, Oct. 31, 1776. 1-266 " Jonathan, of Elias, and Patience Pldgesley. of Robert, of New Graft.in, Mass.; m. by Peleg Ariiold, JnsUce, Ang. 12, 1785. 1-304 " Jllchal. and Mary Harris; m. by Rev. Edward Mtichell, Feb. 11, 1790. 1-354 " Hosea. of Xehemiah, anl Cbloe Streeter, of KuTus : m. by Joel Allrich, Justice, June 27, 1798. 1-139 " Xathin B., of Capt Daniel, and Sarah Smith, of Darius : m. by Dutee Wiiisor, Jnsllce, April 15, 1813. 2-8 " Man,-, and Geor;e O. Smith, Dec. 31, 1813. S-224 " Parthe.iia C, and Daniel G. Fales, May 3, 1829. 2-365 SQUIRE Edvard H. an' Eophroiia Sweeiland ; m. by ReT. C. H. Tltaa, Jan. 7. 1849. a-2S5 6TANDISH M.„y S., and Robert H. Aldftch. March 5, 1843. 2-413 BTANLEY Lydia A., !i>id Daniel L. Clarke, Jan. 9, 1851. 1-43 STAPLES XaUiani.^l. and Mary Hudson; m. by Jonathan feprapie, Jnstlca, June 23. 1734. 1-13 " Mary, and Edmund Arnold, Drc. 24, 1738. 1-13 " Mary, and Benjamin Ballard, March 15. 173S-9. 1-18 " Mary, and Abraham Ballou. Feb. 3, 17b9. 8-429 " Mary, and Anthony Comstock, May 1. 1744. 1-79 " Nathan, and Sarah Smith; m. by William Arnold, Justice, Oct. 4, 1747. 1-59 " Robert, of SmitLfield, and IJizabeth Bishop, of Attleboro, Masa. ; m. by Ih'inias Steere, JtLstice, S?pt. 1, 1748. 1-34' " Lydla, and Samuel Hdbrook, Sept. 26, 1750. 1-120 " Judeth, and Arnold Pain, Sept. 19, 1754. 1-209 " WUllara, of Thomas, of Smithfield, and Mary Comstock, one* Wright, of .lohnston, E. I. : ni. by Daniel Mowry, Jr,. Jostlee, Nov. 15, 1772, 1-49 " Hannah, and John Man, March 1, 1775. 1-307 " Hannah, and Seth Mowry, Feb. 23, 1792. 1-312 " Mary, and John Shippee, March 12, 1809. 3-33 " Thom:is X., of Smithfield, and Almtra Inman, of Burriflvllle^ daughter of George : m. by Nathaniel Mowry. Justice, May 26, 1822. a-185 " Ephraim M., of Scltnate, and Churissa D. Hopkins, of Smithfield, daughter of Eleazer; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen. Jan. 30, 1640. 2-229 " Nathan, and Chllone Rencham; m. by Rev, Dav^id Curtis, Feb. 20, 1840. 2-340 " Ezeklfl, of Cumberland, and Mary Ann Craven, of Smithfield; m. by Rev. Thomas C. Brown, June 18, 1846. 2-354 " Esther J., and Cyrus D. Heath, March 13, 1848. 2-76 STEARNS Philena, and William Holmes, Feb. 27, 1816. 2-269 " Elizabeth W., and Ezeklel Jeffers, Feb. 13, 1842. 3-438 STEERE Mary, and Daniel Mowry, April 4, 1722. 1-9 " Richard, of Glocejjter, and Jean Aldrich, of Smithfield; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, April 27, 1735. 1-10 " Thomas, and Catherine Comstock; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, May 16, 1736. 1-40 " Hezekiah, and Tryphtnah Paine; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Sept. 23, 1744. 1-47 " Anthony, and Rachel Comstock; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, May 11, 1746. 1-83 " Anne, and Daniel Aldrich. Nov. 9, 1752. 1-10 " Thomas, and Mary Aldrich; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Deo. 26, 1754. 1-10 " Ellsha, and Amio Aldrich; m. by Daniel Mowry, Justice, July 10, 1760. 1-15 " Stephen, of Glocester, and Mrs. Rlspey Smith, of Smithfield ; m. by Samuel Winsor, Justice, Oct 28, 1764. 72 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-aO 8TEERE Elisha, of Thomas, and P,-iieloi)i- Stecre, or AnthonyJ m. by Daniel Mowr>-, Justice, Oct. -26, 1709. 1-aO " Penelope, and Ellsha Steele, Oct. 20, 1769. 1-311 " Enock, of Anthony, and Zerviali Mowry, of Ananlus ; m. by Stephen A'mold, Justice, June 7, 1772. 1-216 " John, of t;locest«r, and Anna Smith, of Daniel, of Smilhfleld; m. Ijy Eev. Ezoldel Angell, May 9, 1773. 1-20 " Elisha, of Thomas, and Sarah Mowry, widow, daughter of Blchsri Sayles; m. by Caleb Aldrleh, Justice, Nov. 25, 1773. l-3flS " Noali, of (Jloresler, and Ruth WUbur, of Smithfleld; m. by Benjamiai Sheldon, Justice, Feb. 11, 1801. 1-423 " Zerviah, and Nathaniel Sayles, May 1, 1806. 1-234 " Susannah, and Daniel Mowry, Jr., April 21, 1808. 1-248 " Arnold, of Richard, and Diana Aldrich, of Thomas; m. by EUjaJi Arnold, Justice, March 30, 1817. 1-11 " David, and Mary Latham ; m. by liev. Elisha Sprague, Oct. 6, 1820. 2-28 " Ora F., of GloceAer, and MatUda Day, of Smithfleld; m. by Eev. Joseph White, Aug. 1. 1822. 2-285 " Joseph C, of Glocester, son of Samuel, and Adeline F. Plumer, of John ; m. by Eev. Keulx n Allen, Doc. 2, 1S40. 2-245 " Arnold A. M., of Enock, of Glocester, and Susan T. Brown, of Arnold, of Smithfleld; m. by K^v. Reuben Allen, March 14, 1841. 2-277 " Anthony, of Shadrach, and Susannah A. Pooke, of William ; m. by Eev. Keubcn AUen, Nov. 4, 1842. 2-276 " Joseph, of Robert, and Eli7.a)>cth Potter, of Iz'.-eal, deceased; m. by Obed Paine, Justice, Jan. 1, 1843. 2-280 " Thomas S., of Siej.hi n, and Delia B. Tallmau. of John : m. by Olied Paine, Justice, F.b. 12, 1843. 2-298 " Thomas, Jr.. of Venlonville, JIlcli., and Sarah Wilkinson, ol Smltlifleld ; m. by Rev. Asel D. Cole, July 2, 1^44. 2-321 " Abel, of North Providence, and Sarah Saulsbury, of Smithfleld; m. by Eev. Gcnge Tyb r, June 1, 1848. 2-346 " Diana Ists, and George \V. 11am, Oct. 13, 1647. 2-417 OTILLMAN Henry W., aged 20 ycai-s, born Hopklnton, son of Ezra and Charlotte, aJid Clara Llndsey, of Smithfleld, aged .'30 years, dan. Benjamin and Kexia : m. by Rev. I. J. Enrguss, May 1, 1330. 2-316 BTIMPSON John 1.., of Thurlow, of Leicester, Mass., and Rhoda A. Slater, of Stephen, of SmitUtield; m. by K«v. T. A. Taylor, July 31, 1845. 2-310 BIOCKWELL Sylvester, of Millbury, Mass., and Fannie Sweetzer, of Smith- field ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Jan. 1, 1845. 1-138 BTONE Uriah, of Providence, and Martha Ilerendeen, imputed daughter of Elisha; ni. by Stephen Arnold, Justice, Sept. 8, 1771. 1-426 " Benjamin, of .Montpeller, Xt., and Barberry Hill, of Smithfleld, daughter of Samuel; m. by Samuel Man, Justice, Nov. 1, 1807. a-lO* " Eliza, and James WllUams, Sept. 4, 1831. 2-160 " Sarah Ann, and WUllara T. Ide, Jan. 2, 1840. 2-303 " David K., and I'atience Anthony ; m. by Eev. William VeiTinder, Sept. 22, 1S44. a-311 « Samuel E., of ilcnry, and Caroline Plielteplace ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Feb. 20. 1845. 1-315 " Wlnsor, of Henry, of Smithfleld, and Patience M. R;indall, of Sliad- rach; ra. by Eev. Martin Cheney, March 27, 1845. 1-31* STOW Dinah, and John Wilson, July 16, 1744. 1-84' " Dinah, and Jacob IJangs, Sept. 29, 1760. 2-341 « Walter D., of Belllngham, Mass., son of Walter and Cyntlila, and Europe Cahoone, of Charles and Kezlah ; m. by Rev. B. P. Talbot, AprU 21, 1817. 2-267 aTBANGE Simon, of Providence, and Mary E. Handy, of North Provi- dence; ni. by Eev. C. C. Taylor, July 4, 1841. 1-300 STRATFORD Lncy A., .ind Benjamiil W. Healey, March 4, 1845. 1-81* STEEETEE i;e]ij.amin, and EUzabeth Bump ; m. by William Arnold, Jus- tice, June 19, 1746. 1-65 " John, 01 James, of Attleborn, JIass., and Jean Smith, of John, of Smithtield; m. by St phen Arnold, Jiistlce, Aprd 13, 1771. SMllHFiELK MAKKIAGES. n J-219 STREETEE George, and Rhndii l;allim ; m. by Uriali Alverson, JusUce, Oct 13, 1776. 1-354 " Chloe, and Hosea Spraguj, Jime 27, 1798. 1-356 " Nathaniel, of George, and Waite Wilkinson, of Robert, deceasad; m. by Thomas Man, .lustice, Oct. 31, 1799. 1-346 " Amey, and Jacob WilUlnson, Jan. 30, 1800. 1-359 " Lydia, and David F. llairLs, Dec. 31, 1800. 1-399 " Permala, and Samuel (;olr, Oct. 4, 1808. 2-1 " Hannah, and Isaac Wil Unson, April 22, 1819. 2-119 " Lucy W., and Lorenzo S. IJrowii, Nov. 1, 1832. 1-145 " David W., and Abigail Sibley ; m. by Nicholas S. Wlnaor, Justice, July 25, 1839. a-152 STRAIGHT Sarah, and All.ert Hailoway, July 14, 1839. 2-183 STUDLEY Reuben B., and Lois Sherman; m. by George Aldrleh, 3d, Jus- tice, March 22, 1840. 2-290 " Smith B., of 51enaon, Mass., and Rachel W. Brewer, of SmUh- field; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Sept. 20, 1843. 2-414 eiTNDERLAND Mrs. Hannah, and Michael Metcalf, Nov. 11, 1850. 2-147 SWAN Olive, and Thomas Sayles, June 17, 1839. 2-339 SWEETLAND Cluxlse, of Thomas, and Nancy P. Brown, of Samuel; m. by James M. Arnold, Ju^stice, March 4, 1847. !2f'66b " Sophr-onia, .and Edward 11. Squire, Jan. 7, 1849. 3-265 SWEET/ER George, and Siiplirouia Hiewer ; in. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Maroh 23, 1842. 2-290 " Cynthia, and Enoch Whipple. JiUy 27, 1843. 2-306 " Charles, and Mary J. Bi-lloc:; ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Sept. 17, 1844. S-CIO " Fannie, and Sylvester Stockr/ell, Jan. 1, 1845. 3-385 " Janics E., of Jaci'b S., dec, and Harriet E. Jenckes. of James; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Sept. 11, 1849. 1-40 SvVEET Matthew, :uid Waiie Angell; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Dec. 16, 1741. 2-20 " Jesse B., of I'hllip, and Joanna Sayles, of Smith; m. by Thomits Man, Justice, Dec. 25, 1821. 2 12-t " En.ily, and Nelson Barnes. Aug. 22, 1836. 2-225 " Thomas J., and Caroline S. Ba.vter; ni. l.y ICcv. T. A. Taylor, Oct. 8, 1840. 2-9'. *■ Jilnlra, and Thomas Collins. Nov. 29. 1643. 2-330 •• Ruth A., and Thom.is E. WUbur, Aug. 17, 1840. 2-371 " Isaac M., of Brown, dec, and Lydla A. Fenner, of Uriah ; m. l>y Eev. Mowry Phillips, .March 18, 1849. 2-387 " Abbio D., and Oliver S. Chapman, Dee. 23, 1849. 2-345 SWINING Cyntloa R., and John Dampney, April 18, 1837. 2 338 SYKES James, of John, and Elizaleth Dixon, of Benjamin; m. by Rev. B. P. Talbot, D-.-c. 31, 1846. 1-278 TABOK Isaac, of lohabod, of I'awtucket, R. I., and Hannah Pcarce, of Ben- jamin, of Smithlield: m. by Elijah Arnold, Justice, Oct. 8, 1809. 2-203 " Isaac, of Ichabod, d.-c. and Mary Smith, of Chad; m. by John Pain, Justice, Dec. 19, is^l. 2-315 " Benjamin P., of Isaac, and Elizabeth Passmar, of Comstock, dec.: m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, July 8, 1845. 2-329 " Samuel O., and Caroline F. Brown: m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Get. 6, 1 840. 2^09 " Marry C, and Alex.mder Meggett. Ang. 10, 1847. 2-35C " Nancy W., and Ansel Ilolman, Feb. 28, 1848. 1-14- TaFT Anna, and Robert Claik, Oct 24, 1739. 1-82* " Ephralm. and Anna Read ; m. by William Arnold, Justice, June 29, 1747. j.ee " Sil.-r;, and Jlaiy F-.irnnm, both of U.Kbridge : m. by Da-^ld Comstook; Justice, Jan. 2ii. 17-18. 74 VITAL EECOBD OP RHODE ISLAND. 1-72 TAFT Sarah, and Jedediah Buffum, Sept. 22, 1757. 1-1B3 " Beth, of Uxbrldge. and Jemima Angell, of Mn]. John, of Smlth- lielrt ; m. by Stephen Sly, Justice, March 20, 1761. 1-165 " Myamln, and Baiah Smith, of Jacob ; m. by Stephen Sly, Justice, Oct. yo, 1763. 1-183 " Mrs. Sarah, and Thomas Joslln, Feb. 1, 1767. 1-183 " Wary, and Daniel PhilUps, Nov. 1, 1767. " JeiTishn, and Thomas Bishop, April 16, 1769. 1-300 " Je-sse, of Nathan, of Uxbrldge, and Mejuni Mowry, ol Kleater; m. by John Sayles, Justice, July 10, 1791. a-68 " Lydla, and Alclen Coe, Oct. 9, l«2o. 2-334 TAGAES Ann, and Jnhn Uiown, , 1846. TALBOT Fannie, and Henry N. ISlanchard, Sept. 15, 1844. 2-314 " Geoige, of B.iiUhlleld, son of Simeon, of Kiliingly, Conn., and Mary Uilliams, of Smlihti Id, «au. of Benjamin; m. by Kev. Wil- liam VeiTlnder, M:iy 4, 1845. 2-280 TALLMAN Delia B., and Thomas S. Sleere, Feb. 12, 1843. 2-414 " John C, of Jonathan ant Mary, of Portsmouth, and Abble A. Uey- nolds, of SmiUiUeld, d;iu. of Nathanll T., of North Kings- town ; m. by Kev. Warren Lincoln, Oct. 25, 1850. 1-149 TANNER Hannah, and R.thard H.oadway, Oct. 21, 1758. 2-383 TAEGETT William H., and Hani t P. Davis; m. by Kov. B. P. Byram, June 17, 1849. 3-456 TAYLOR Mercy, and Janns Walling, Dec. 12, 1742. 2^14 " RcY. llniolhy Alden, of Sriiltufield, and Caroline Hall Grosvenor, ol Brooklield, Mass. ; m. at Brooktleld by Rev. W. A. Nichols, Sept. 2, 1840. 2-260 " Thomas Hacon, and Nancy Adeline Ross; m. by Rev. T. A. Tay- lor, Ang. 11, 1841. 2-226 " Su-sannah V., and Smith li. Hawldns, Jane 29, 1843. 2-306 " Robert, and Ann L.vson ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor. Oct 24, 1844. 1-158 TEPFT John, of Sniiihficld, and Mary Malhewson, of Glocestor; m. by John Sayles, JusUce, Oct. 29, 1762. 1-180 " Jerusha, and Thomas Bishop, April 16, 1769. 1-369 " Anna, and Artcnius ('mil, Aug. 14, 1800. 2-16 " Martin, and Jlaiy Barnes; m. by Samuel Mann, Jnstlce, March 11, 1821. 2-44 " Walley, and Arnold Pain. April 1, 1624. 2-117 " BnrriU, of James, and RLoda Buffum, of Slephoii, Jr., dec. ; m. by George .Aldrich, 3d, Justice. Dec. 4, 18r,2. 2-136 " Rufus W., and Jndeth Buxton; m. by Rev. Roaben Allen, Ang. 27, 18;iS. 2-290 " Laura, ami Albert TUIany, June 29, 1813. 2-410 « Sylicl, and Benjamin H. KimbaU, July — , 1S50. 1-25' THAYER Bethiah, and Klicnezer Sprague, June 2, 1735. 1-20* " Hannah, and Mosea Thayer, Jan. 22, 1735-6. 1-20' " Moses, aiid Hannah Thayer; m. by WiUiam Arnold, Justice, Jan. 22, 1735-6. 1-27" " Patience, and John Legg, Jr., May 3, 1747. l-s;!" " Abigail, and Xoah Thayer, March 8, 1749-50. 1-83* " Noah, ana Abigail ThayLr; m. by WUliam Arnold, Justice, March 8, 1749-50. 1-83* " Jesse, and Mary llUl ; m. by William Arnold, Justice, March 6, 1749-50. 1-83* " Izrael, and Mary Metcalf ; m. by William Arnold, Justice, March 8, 1750. 1-84* " Joseph, and Abigail Cook ; m. by William Arnold, Justice. March 12, 1752. 1-167 " Hannah, and Ellsha Thompson, May 31, 1759. 1-462 " Cynthia, and Asa Twist, Aug. 16, 1812, 2-82 " Smith, of Capt. Stephen, and Mary Latham, of Benoni, dec. ; m, by Thomas Man, Jnstce, Feb. 1, 1830. 2-114 " Lncy B., and Harris J. Mowry, June 6, 1831. a-121 " Phebe, and Simeon ComstocH, March 19, 1835. a-Oll " Ann, and AUred C. ClarK, July 12, 1840. SMITHFIELD MAKRIAGES. 7& SS-259 1-50 a-aio 2-390 1-y 1-13 1-18' 1-18' 1-19" 1 l:i' 1-89 1-81 1-12 1-157 ] 157 2-275 2-385 1-31 1-59 1-117 1-226 1-311 1-S23 a-138 2-218 1-58 2-384 2-376 2-316 2-338 2-290 2-320 1-23* 23S2 1-59 1-21* 1-23* 2-155 2-398 2-214 1-21* THAYER Ann Maria, and Dntee Mowry, Ud, Oct. 7, 1841. THOMAS Kllzabelli, and Hlchard Clcmence, Feb. 4, 1749. " Hugh, and Kachel Ctiarter, recenUy from England; m. by Rev. T. A. Tajlor, Jan. 6, 1845. " ijarali F.. and William 11. .Scott, AprU 28, 1850. THOMPSON David, of Mendon, am Mary Comstock, of Smlthlteld ; m. I>j- Thomas Sayles, JusUc , Nov. 18, 1735. " Margaiel, and Ji sluh W.lliinfson, Dec. 13, 1736. '■ Icbai o;l, and tochel Thompson; m. by William Arnold, Ju.4. " George, and Joanna Harris ; m. by Rev. Asel D. Cole, Feb. 5, 1843. " William, of Nathaniel, and Maranda \V. Manchester, of Ira, of .Cranston, R. I. ; m. by Rev. William Vcrrlnder, March 22, 1846. " Sarah A., :ind Robeit G. BiUington, May 21, 184«. " C«rdeli:i. and William 8. Case. July 12, 1846. " Albert A., of Nathaniel, of Smithficid, and Ruth 13. Bailey, of Ira, of NoiMli Providence; m. by Rev. Mowry Phillips, Dec. 30, 1850. 1 4l>3 USHER Stephen, «if .lohii. ;i>id IVudeiiec Colwell, ol Glocester, dau. of David: m. 1 y Jehu Esteii, Justice, March 20, 1803. 2-269 VALLETT Jenckcs. of Waiimn, and Ko.vauna li. Burkett, of John ; in. by Eev. Reuben AlUn, Juno 23, 1842. i-276 " Phebo II., and I.eoJinrd Jenekcs. Nov. 24, 1S42. SMITHFIELD MAERIAGES. 77 l-aS" \'EKRY Samuel, and Abigail Chachery ; m. by WOUam Arnold, Justice, AprU 2, 1735. 1-41 " Enth, and Eneben Aldrich, Nov. 22, 1744. 1-361 " Sally, and Henry Brown, Sept. 30, 1817. 2-159 \aCKEKY Nancy, and James M. Loss, Sept. 8, 1839. 1-42 VINTON EUzabetb, and Thomas Walling, March 30, 1710. 2-23 VOSE Susan, and Levi Mowry, 2d, June 16, 1822. a-223 " Nancy T., and Jacob Hicks, Dec. 3, 1840. 2-329 " Mary T., and Hiram Welcome, July 9, 1846. w 2-404 WADE Alba, and Miirla Man, botb of Glocestei- ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Aug. 4, 1650. 2-28 WAKEFIELD Wyman, and Alphi Arnold, of Cynis ; ni. by Henry S. Mans- tii'ld. Justice, Jan. 17, 1822. 2-149 WALDEON Daniel T., ot Olocester, and Ann Eliza Dexter, or Scltuata; m. by Rev. Eeuben Alien, Aug. 3, 1839. 1-264 WALKER LydJa, and Aaron Ilames, Feb. 17, 1785. 2-45 " Fannie, and Wing Heudricb, Nov. 27, 1823. ■2 377 " Lydla A., and Wheaton Palsey, May 24, 1849. 1-1 WALLING Abigail, and James Blackmai-, AprU 12, 1733. 3-456 " James, and Mercy Taylor; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Dec. 12, 1742. 1 42 " Tboma.s, and Elizabetli Vinton ; m. by David Comstock, Jostlcev March 30, 1740. 1-42 " Mrs. Mercy, and Capt. William yprajaie, Aug. 26, 1744. 1-85 " James, and Elizabetli Nox; m. by Thomas Arnold, Justice, March 24, 1750-1 or '51-2. 1-81 " Abigail, and Benjamin Smitti, Nov. 13, 1752. 1-32 " Hannah, and John Estls, Nov. 23, 1756. 1-313 " Elizabeth, and Thomas Morton, April 20, 1783. 2-301 WABDWELL CaioUne ChnnhUl, and Samuel Donplass WyeUi, Sept. 11, 1844. 1-S3* WARD Eunice, and Joseph lii'unctt, Nov. 2, 1751. 2-27 WA.K.NE1R Ceriah, and Iwi Mowry, Nov. 23, 1823. 2-340 " Alvln, of EzeMel H., of Cranston, E. I., and Caroline Lnther, ot Cranston, dan. of H?nry, of Pro-vldence ; m. by Eev. Mowry Phillips, Dec. 21, 1846. 2:J2-1 WARSWICH John, and PrcsUlla B. IlUngwortb ; m. by Eev. E. W. Por- ter, March 28, 1846. 1-15 WATERMAN John, of Providence, and Mary Whipple, of Smlthfleld, dan., of Capt. Job; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice. June 17, 1739. 1-«1 " Andrew, and Sarah Wilkin.son ; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Sept. 25, 1749. 1-217 " Hann.nh, and Lc^^ Barnes. July 2, 1775. 1-234 " Capt. William, and Mary Farnum; m. by Rev. John Wlnsor, Nov. 27, 1777. 1-276 " Mary, and Augustus PlillUps, July 13, 1788. 1-389 " Lydla, and Daniel Tucker, March 15, 1792. 1-307 " Nancy, and Scott Mowiy, Miiy 15, 1816. 2-12 " Amey, and Sylvester HarisUorn, Dec. 7, 1820. 2-102 " Benjamin, of Rhodes, and Amey Angell, of John, both of Gloces- ter; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, April 8, 18-10. 2-292 " Eunice, and Jefferson Remington, Oct. 12, 1843. e-279 " Elisha E., and Lucy Saunders; m. by Rev. Asel D. Cole, Jan. 22, 1843. 2-340 WATKINS L. S., of New York, aiid Phenla J. Cheeseborough, of Smlthfleld; m. by Rev. D. L. McGeer, Jan. 27, 1847. 2-307 WATSON Mary Jane, and Smith Young, Jr., Jan. 19, 1845. 2-353 " Champlain L., Jr., of (hamplaln L., and Hannah A. Greene, of Ca- leb; m. by Rev. B. P. Talbot, Feb. 0, 1843. 2-362 " ElizaboUi G., and John Scott, Oct. 16, 1848. 78 VITAL BECOED OP KHODE ISLAND. 1-15* WEATHEEHEAD Joseph, and Merabah Herendeen; m. by Thomas Saylca. Justice, Dec. 25, 1740. a-268 " Roxa, and Seth B. Gilford, Oct. 24, 1841. 2-303 " Avery F., aud Sarah Murdick; m. by Eev. ■WUllam Verrinder, Oct. 6, 1844. 2^2g " Avery F., of Daniel, of Cmnberland, and Dlanna Bowen, dan. of John Weekes, of Chesterfield, Conn.; m. by Rev. WilUam Ver- rinder, July 16, 1846. B-386 VS'EAVEE Eoslna M. E., and WlUiam A. Mowry, Nov. 15, 1849. 2-385 " Dantorth, of New Orleans, La., son of Daniel and Dlanna, of Pro- vidence, E. I., and Rebecca Jane Northup, of Ebenezer and Jane, of SmitUfidrt ; m. by Rev. Warnn Luicoln, Jan. 21, 1850. a'424 WEBB Nancy V., and George Van Rennsaleuer Farnuni, Dec. 28, 1834. 1-82* WEBSTER John, jind Abigail Potter; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Marck 31, 1741. 1-75 WEIGHT Samuel, of Exeter, and AnsUus Jenckes, of Smithfield; m. by Thomas Lapham, Justice, July 26, 1752. 2-329 WELCOME Hiram, and Mai-y T. Vose; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, July 9, 1848. 2-253 WHELDON Abigail, and George A. Hayes, July 25, 1841. 1-209 WESTCOTT Elizabeth, and Loadon Pain, Nov. 15, 1787. 2-422 WESTGATE Thyrphenia, and .loseph Billington, Feb. 16, 184.">. 2-367 WEST Louisa, and Smith Jtowry, Feb. 8, 1849. 1-20* WEXHERBY Daniel, and Maiy Daniels; m. by William Arnold, Justice^ Sept. 22, 1740. 2-293 WHEATON Mary, and George Mathewson, Feb. 15, 1844. 1-457 WHEELOCK Paris, of Barick, and Dlanna Arnold, of Asa; m. by Joel Aid- rich, Justice, Jan. 22, 1818. 2-13 " Silas, and Celian Mathewson ; m. by WllUam Aldrlch, Justice, June 25, 1820. a-167 " Abraham, of Shrewsbury, Mass., and Mrs. Mary E. Bradley, of Smithfleld; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, Sept. 26, 1839. 2-311 <■ Dennis, and Lucy Ann Bartei'son ; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, Feb. 6, 1845. 2-342 " Henry M., and S;irah Howard; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, March 25, 1847. 1-2 WHIPPLE Peter, and Phebe Spraguo; m. by ViJentine Whitman, Jus- tice, April 5, 1733. 1-2 " Hannah, and William Heavens, Jan. 14, 1732-3. 1-14 " Hann;Ji, and Nathaniel Eddy, Feb. 22, 1738-9. 1-15 " Mary, and John Waterman, Juno 17, 1739. 1-69* " Samuel, and Elizabeth Jillson; m. by David Comstock, Justice, March 30. 1740. 3-439 " Mary, and Abraham Cook, Dec. 15, 1743. 1-37 " Anne, and Joseph Mowry, Feb. 12, 1743. 1-34 " Hope, and Nicliolas Brown, April 22, 1744. 1-20 " Amey, and Tliomas Mowry, Aug. 12, 1744. 1-66 " Jemima, and lionjamin Davis, Dec. 2, 1744. 1-38 " Stephen, and Phebe Ballon; ra. by waillain Jenekes, Ju.itlee. Jan. 12, 1745. 1-84* " Zerviah, and Jacob Mowry, Jan. 20, 1745. 1-46 " Mary, and Da\1d Arnold, Feb 9, 1745. 1-45 " Mercy, and David Arnold, Feb. U, 1745. 1-71* " Sarah, and Snhnmni .\1.1riili, Oct. 20, 1753. 1-74 " Hannah, and <;hristoplier Jenekes, March 29, 1752. 1-204 " Abigail, and William Winsor, Nov. 10, 1761. " Benjamin, and JerushaPeck, ni. by Jabcz Harris, Jusliie, Feb. 25, 1702. 1-68 " Peter, of Cumberland, son ol Ibrook. and Sarali Sly, of St'-phon Esq. ; m. by Cnlob Aldrlch, Justkc, Oct. 12, 1769. 1-214 " Abigail, aud Resolved Smitli, Sept. 12, 1773. 1-249 " Anne, and Abraham Angell. Nov. — , 1770. 1-442 " Betsey, nny George Aldrlch, 3d, Justice, July 21, 1839. 1-174 " Samuel, of Pardon, and Julia A. Pooke, of Milton; m. by Eph- raim Sayles, Justice, Doc. 5, 3 839. 2-271 " Samuel O., and Elba A. Bentley ; m. by Rev. T. A. Taylor, July 22, 1842. 2^299 " Maria S., and Albert Smith, June 17, 1844. 2-346 " EUslia. and Ruth Francos li.irtlett; m. by Rev. Edwin C. Brown, Oct. 21, 1849. 2^.414 " Betsey, and Dian Niokcrson, Oct. 20. 1850. -3-432 WJLBIJB Jeremiah, and Mnry Smilh ; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Aas. 5, 1750. VITAL KECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3-132 l-3ia 1-uai 1-68 1-184 1-231 1-232 1-131 1-243 1-382 1-256 1-450 l-32» 2-140 2-236 2-330 2-376 l-14ti 1-191 2-146 2-341 1-92 3-99 16 1-8 1-12 1-26 1-13 1-24 1-34 1-30 1-61 1-26 I-IO 1-12 1-160 1-165 1-186 1-206 1-205 1-aoe 1-314 WILBUR Duniel, Jr.. and Rutli Sniitli ; m. by Tliom^is Ht«ere, JuiUce, Deo. 13, 1750. " Daniel, and Mary Wilbur : iii. at East Green wlcti by Thomas Aldrloh, Justice, July 5, 1756. " Maiy, and Daniel Wilbur, July 5, 1756. " Mary, and Levi ilervnilei ii, S-pt. 17, 1750. " Slartba, and Benoni Pain, Aprtl 10, 1774. " Bar-an, and Waterman Dext'^r, Oct. 23, 1774. " Patience, and Jo ei!h Arnold, May 28, 1775. " Cliristopher, of Daniel, and Itocnel Sayles, of Jonathan; m. by Eev. Ezelilel Angel, Nov. l.'i, 1781. " Kutb, and Josepb Pain, Die. 20, 1781. Knlh, and Noali Streeter, Feb. 11, 1801. " Mary, and Henry Darling. Jr., Dec. 13, 1804. " Lorana, and Jesse Smith, .May 19, 1808. " Daniel, Jr., or Daniel, and Mary H.iUon, of Dr. Peter; m. bf TUoraa?; Man, Justice. July 12, 1818. " Albert G., and Hannah L. Andrews; m. by Rev. Henry Watnrmnn, March IS, 1839. " Mary Jane, and Orin Wright, Feb. 3, 1841. " Thoma.s K., of Wanton and Mary, and lluth A. Bweet, of James and Eliza; ni. by Rev. Addison Woodard, Aug. 17, 1846. " William 11., of North Provlilence, and KUza S. Howry, oX Smltb- Held ; m. by Rev. Henrv Kayles, AprU 23, 1849. WlliCOX Joslah, and Ca-haba la lum; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Jnstlce, (Jet. Iti, 1760. " Daniel, of Bmlthlield, and Annie Rogers, ot Daniel, of Ctimberland; m. by Stephen Arnolil. Ju.n of D:miel, and Louisa A. Wood, ot Leb- bins, of Dlack-stone, Mas;;. ; m. by Rev. B. P. Talbot, May 13, 1847. WILKINSON Zebiah, and Ichabod Coins-tock, Sept. 13, 1722. " Iziael, and Mary Aldrlch ; ni. by Valentine Whitman, Jnstlce, April 6, 1732. " Isbmael, and Sarah Mowry ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Feb. 27, 1731-5. " Jeremiah, and Patience Hide; ni. by Daniel Jencke.s, Justice, July 3, 1735. " Joslah. and Margstret Thompson ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Dec. 13, 1736. " Philn, and John Rogers. Nov. 7, 1738. " Huldnh, :'tid Elisha Dilliogham, June 19, or Sept. 10, 1738. " Daniel, and Abigail Inmiin ; m. by William Arnold, Justice, 6cpl. 22, 1740. " John, Jr., and Ruth Angi>ll : m. by William Jenckes, Justice, Nov. 12, 1743. ' " Sarah, and Amos Arnold. Feb. 23, 1745-6. " Sarah, and Andrew Waterman, Kept. 25, 1748. " Hannah, and Joseph Davis, Pcb. 17. 3754. " Susannah, and Daniel Marsh. Deo. 29, 1751. " Joslah, and Margaret Thompson ; ni. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, Dee. 13, 1756. " Stephen, and .Sarah Sprague ; m. by Samuel Winsor, Justice, April 0, 17, 1744. " Zebulon K., of Upton, Mass., son of Samuel, dec, and Susan E. Angell, of Nathan H., dec. of Smitbfield ; m. by John Pain, Justice, May 3, 1840. " George, of Jae^jb, and Mary G. Latham, of Smithfield; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, Jan. 1, 1845. WILMAKTH Albert T., of Noith Providence, son of Jonathan, and Marcy B. Mowry, of Danll, of Smithfield; m. by Rev. Reuben AUen, May 17, 1840. WING Joseph, and Dinah Kelley ; m. by Danlol Mo\\ ry, Jr., Justice, April 29, 1768. " Content, and Stephen Hendi-ick, June 13, 1773. " Waite, and Jab'-z Harris, Justice, May 1, 1803. WINSLOW Simeon A., and Jlary L. Slade ; m. by Henry S. Mansfield, Jus- tice, Dec. 11, 1823. WINSOB Sary, and Othnlel JIathowson, Feb. 3, 1734-5. " Mary, and Eeiijaniin Smith, Nov. 7, or 26, 1733. " Abraham, and JIary Smith ; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, April 2, 1740-1. " John, of Smithfield, and Mary Smith, of Glocoster; m. by John Smith, Justice, Oct. 13, 1743. " Abraham, and Sarah Smith ; m. by Thomas Steere, Justice, Nov. 24, 1752. " Joshua, and Abigail Smith ; m. by Thom.is Owen, Justice, June 20, 1765. dS VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-168 WINSOE Willlnm, and Abigail Whipple ; m. by Rev. Edward Ultchell. Nov. 19, 1701. 1-167 " Jeremiah, and Phebe Randall; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Jus- tice, Nov. 24, 17r..3. 1-215 " Darius, of Elder John, and Mary Eddy, of Daniel, ol Glocester; m. by Kev. Sjimnel Wlnsor, May 15, 1775. 1-196 " Elder John, and Thebe Dexter, widow of WlUlam ; m. by Elder Samuel Wlnsor, Jan 23, 1777. -■, 1-224 " Candace, and Samuel Dn.xter, June 14, 1T88. /V "7 !<-*-**■ /*" '*' 1-148 " Marcy, and S:imuel Holmes, Dec. 19, 1779. 2 S4 " James, and Amey Prown, of Eleazer ; m. by Henry S. Mansfield, Justice, Feb. 20, 1826. £-187 " GeorRe W., of Jeremiah and Laura Totter, of Benjamin, both of Sciluate; m. by Rev. Reuben Allen, March 19, 1840. 2301 WINTERP.OTTOM Martlia. and .lohn Fttton, Oct. 14, 1844. 2-51 WTPRN Olive, and Willard Freeman, March 27, 1825. 1-138 WOLCT'T Elizabeth, and F,hfnP7er Emerson, April — , 1733. 2-369 WOODART Jmies N., of Thompson, Conn., and Sarah L. Adams, of Smltli- fleld ; m. at RuiTllU-llle, by Rev. Thomas C. Brown, Aug. IT, 1848. 2-402 WOODBURY G. Sullivan, of llopklJl'on. Mass.. and Anna Eliza HUl, of SmlthtieW; m. by Rev. P. Bond, June 11, 1850. 1-143 WOODWARD Nnthani"l. and Mary Brittaln ; m. by Daniel Mo-wry, Jr., Justice, Feb. 7, 1759. 1-164' " Elijah, and Ha"nah Grossman ; m. by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Jasttce, Jan. 30, 1763. a-366 " Huldah, and Silum Jennlson, April 10, 1848. 1-413 WOOD Stephen, of William, and Amey Aldrlch, of Gideon; m. by Isaac Comstock. Justice, June 30, 1814. 2-77 " James, of Rmlthfield, and Ruth Inman, of Burrillvllle ; m. by Lewis Dexter. Justice, Oct. 12, 1828. 2-186 " Mary Ann. and Henry Rnnilall, Feb. 17, 1840. 2-341 " Louisa A., and Anson Wilcox. May 13, 1847. 2-402 " James, of Cumberland, and Eveline Bholes; m. by Rev. P, Bond, <"ct. 11, 1850. 2-414 " Mary Ann. and William Sawyer. Nov. 3, 1850. 2-163 WOESELEY Joseph, and Elizabeth Locklen; m. by Eev. David Pickering, April 22, 1835. 1-84' WOSAMOGUE Tom, and Hannah Rumblemash ; m. by Thomas Steere, Jnstlce, Oct. 5, 1748. 1-6 WEIGHT Annp, and Jonathan Smith, June 19, 1734-5. 1-93 " Zephanlah, and Phebe Place; m. by Thomas Steere, JnsHce, Oct. 20, 1754. 2-236 " Orln of Augustus, and M.iry Jane Wilbur, of David ; m. by Rev. Reuben All n. Fob. 3, 1841. 2-256 " Henry, and Sarah Golf; m. by Rev. Charles Wright. May 1, 1843. 2-301 WYATT Samuel Douglass, of Philadelphia, Penn., and Caroline Churchill Wardwai, of Smilhfleld; m. by Rev. Asel D. Cole, Sept. 11, 1814. X Y Z 3-456 YOUNG David, and Jemima Blaclnnar; m. by Thomas Sayles, Justice, March 25, 1743. 1-30* " John, and F.lizabeth liryant; m. by William Jencbes, Justice^ Feb. 16, 1745-6. 1-115 " James, ajid Lydia Hawkins; m. by Thomas Owens, Justice, Nov. I'J, 1755. 1-204 " Esther, and Abraham OIney, Sept. 27, 1701. 1-175 " Jerusha, and Ablah Grossman, April 0, 1766. 2-193 " Stacy, and Nathan Rathlione, May 10, 1840. 2-290 " Abner, and Alice Ann Holbrook; m. by Eev. T. A. Taylor, Aug. 13, 1843. SHITHFIELD HASBIA6ES. 8$ .2-299 YOUNG Dlanna, and Nathan J. Curtis, Jane 2, 1844. 2-307 " Smith, Jr., or Sutton, Mass., and Mary Jane Watson, ol Smith- fleld; m. by Rev. Asel D. Cole, Jan. 10, 1843. 2-315 " Asa, of Alpheus, and Huldah P. Rice, of iielchertown, MaS3. ; nii liy Rev. T. A. Taylor, May 4, 1845. 3-380 " Alpheus T., and Sarah Ana Armldown; m. by Kov. T. A. Tay- lor, Dec. 31, 1849. SMITHFIELD. BIItTIiS -A.l>TnD rjE.A.TP3:S. 3-428 ALDRICII Reuben, of S:iiuuel, Jr., and Ilannali, b. July 5, 1726. a-428 " ameon, , 3-128 " Levi, b. Feb. -23, 1708; rt. March 24, 172G. 3-4!28 " Hannah, 3-428 " Phebe, S-428 " Samuel, 3-428 " Renben, 2U, 1-50 " Hannah, of John and Sus;innah, h. Jan. 13, 1728 1-50 « Daniel, 1-60 " Samui'l, b, Aug. l(i, 1732, d. Oct. 20, 1747. 1-BO " Job, 1-BO " Josepli, 1-50 " Jethro, 1-60 " Susannah, wifo o£ John, d. Nov. 29, 1711. 1-51 " Hiuinah, ol John and Elizabeth (2d w.), 1-51 " John, 1-51 " Susannah, 1-51 " James, 1-51 " Jane, 1-51 " Jethro, prob. d. Oct. 13, 1753. 1-51 " Anne, 1-51 " Samuel, 1-51 " Amie, 1-51 " Caleb, 1-155 " Simeon, of Sanuu-l and F.Uzabeth, 1-155 " Izreal, 1-165 " Hannah, 1-155 " Deborah, 1-155 " Da^-ld, 1-155 « Esek, 1-155 " Samuel, 1-109 " Mercy, of Samiiol, Jr., and PrecUla, 1-109 " Elizabetli, 1-100 " Samuel, 1-109 " Alice, 1-109 « Peter, 1-100 " Benjamin, 1-109 " Gideon, 1-132 " Stephen, of >iLvanii,-i and Dorothy, 1-132 " , dnu., 1-133 " Amety, 1-132 " Mary, b. Nov. s, 1753; d. March, 1759. 1-133 " Lydla, 1-132 " DrusUla, 1-132 " Martha, 1-132 " Mary, 1-133 " Hannah, 1-132 " Dorothy, 1704; d. Jan. 14, Maich 12, 1706. May 17 1711. Ang. 18 171T. May 4 1722. July 1, 1723. d. Nov 10 , 1741. Oct. 25, 1730. Juno 25, 1734. Jane 29 1738. March 19 1740. Jan. 16, 1742. Feb. 5, 1743. Nov. 25, 1745. Nov. 7, 1747. Nov. 4, 1740. Dec. 23, 1751. Doc. 16, 1753. March 0, 1756. Feb. 28, 1758. April 2, 1740. Jan. 29, 1723. . July 11, 1747. July 12, 1750. Aug. 12, 1753. Sept. 5, 1756. Sept. 28, 1757. Sept. 2, 1740. May 15, 1746. Oct. ae. 1748. Oct. 3, 1751. May 30, 1753. May 30, 1753. Aug. 4, 1763. Aug. 4, 1747. Dec. 24, 1748. April 12, 1750. Feb. 4, 1755. Jan. 28, 1757. June 9, 1750. July 16, 1761. Sept. 3, 1763. Oct. 19, 1765. SMITHFIELD— BIKTHS AND PKATHS. 85 l-i:itl l-iii i-ai 1-150 l-lBi 1-181 3-181 1-1.^1 1-181 1-81 i-tzno 1-239 1-239 i-2;;o 1-23'J 1-23D l-;i39 1-239 1-119 1-122 1-122 1-122 1-122 1-122 1-122 1-122 1-122 1-132 1-122 1-123 1-122 29 29 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-B 2-9 29 2-9 2-9 2 9 2-9 2-9 1-230 1-230 1-230 1 -230 1-230 ]-23l> 1 230 1-201 1-201 1-201 1-232 1 -232 1-232 1-232 1 -232 1-232 1 -2r>l 1-231 1-231 (Vit. IIICII Gardiner, of Syramts and Domthy, ■Vpiil 17. 176S. Ballou, Aiiril .■<, 1772. Naomi, of Caleb and Mary, -May li, 1736, Joel, June 2, 1758. ' Augustns, May 9, 17TO, JIarcy, of .Simeon :i'»l ILmuali, April 22. 175. Antliony, Nov. 9, ]7fi(;. Asa, Oct. 2S, 17(;-'. ' Elizaljetli, Oct. 15, 1772. Mahab, Dec. 27, 1775. Weston, of Steplun and Koziali, Dec. 2, 17GS. Louis, May 22, 1770. Kobey, Oct. 15, 1771. Isaac, April 17, 1773. George, May 27, 1775, Lydia, May 2, 1777. Silvan iis,^' Feb. 15, 1779. Abel, Doc. 29, 1780. PresUla, daii. of Susannah Sayles, Dec. 1, 1759. Stephen, of Thomas (of Caleb) and Joanna, April 15, 1772. Anne, Jan. 23. 1774. Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1776. George, March 11, 1778. Mary, Jan. 9, 1781. Susannah, Sept. 7, 1782. Sally, Sept. 7, 17S2. Rachel, Oct. 2, 178ii. Thomas. Aug. 31, 178,s. Joanna, May 23. 1790. Dianna, Nov. 16, 1793. .M;ii-(y SiiiiUi (of Thonia.s and Mary), his wile, b . Jan. ,^. 1774. Charlotte, of Stephen and Marcy, b. June 4, 1795 ; a. Sept. 13. 170G. Corinna, b. Feb. 7, 1797; d. March. 17, 1797. (son), b. and d. Dec. 2,5, 1797, Warn.'i- JfitHin, May 19, 179;/-. Mary, June 19, 1801. Thomas, Aug. 12, 1803,. Mercy. Nov. 7, 1803. Sally, b. Dr-c. 27, ISOT ; d. May 1, 1814. su-annah JJrnnell, .Ian. 9, 1810. .Stephen, . Jan. 21, 1812. GroTge. Oct. 22, 1814. ((hill.), b. Ni.v, 2r,,l8ir>; d. Nov. 28, l,s ii;. -Joanna, April 10. 181,S. Kliy.ahrth, of Samuel, 3d, and Anne, Jllay 7, 1773, I /.real. Oct. 20, 1774. 3rercy. Sept. 8. 17711. llaiiiiuli. April 5, 1773. .lames. Marcli 8, 17S0. Adin, March 17, 1783. Susannah, Oct. 22, 1767. Uoiie, ot David and Robe, Sept. 25, 1776. Arlemesa, Nov. 27, 1778. David, of David and Rebecca, Aug. 18. 1780. Jlarl;, of Naanian and Mercy, Oct. 13, 1777. Lul;e, March 22, 1780. Lucy. July 25, 1782. John, Jan. 20. 1785. Feleg, Nov. 5, 1787. Alpha, Aug. 30, 1790. A.'iron, or Augfustus and llathsheba. May 17. 1784. Uuth, Nov. 6, 1785. Kowena, April 4, 1786. Kec, Vol. 3.) 27 VITAL RECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-aDi 1-251 1-231 1-251 1-251 ?-26li 1-203 l-lMi3 1 263 1-263 1-263 1-263 1-263 1-334 1-33-t 1-334 1-33+ 1-334 1-384 1-384 1-384 1 3i^l 1-364 1-384 I-'JSl: 1-232 1232 1232 1-232 2-72 2-72 2-72 1-3K4 1-384 1-384 3-384 2-92 2-92 2-02 1-427 1-427 1-427 1-427 1-427 1-457 1-4D7 1-457 1-457 1-457 1-457 1-457 1-457 1-377 ot -Moses and I' hiladelphJa, 21, 17! died soon. 1302 ;U.:H Au.uiisiu^. ol Augustus and Batlisheba Asaliel, Arnold, -\ivati. Alice, liallishcba, .liillanna, James, of is'atlian and Piifbe, Verry, Sayies, Simon, 1 homas, Nathan, Scott, Esther, Calloni, Paris, Robert, (s(in1. Ffl). Joseph Arnold, Elisha, of Caleb, Jr., and Alplia, Ezekiel, Otis, iiliver. li. Inlv !l. 17nf) ; d. Jlarch 2i; Ruth, Jlercy, (snnV or 2Caaman and Mercy, b. May i: 1793. (dan.), b. Dec. 13, 1794: d. Jan. 13, 17n.->, fson^. b. An?. 21, 1790: d. Oct. 18, 179f.. Lewis, Marie Aniouette, Hannah (Sniiflifield), of Dexter ;ind Margery, Cynthia S. (Luther Falls), Moretta (Sutton Fallsl. Alpheus i;. (Uxbridgpi, Dexter A. (Uxbridge), Cyrns C. (Smlthfieldi, Benjamin i:. (Smithfield), Simon \V. iSmithfield), Abigail A. iSmithfieldJ, Jlarandii. dan. (UleKitiinate), of Lucy Aldrich Jr., Jan. 11, 1806. Caleb, of Caleb and Hachd, Stephen Arnold, Oliver Bartlett, George liartlett, Celia Emma, of Da\id and Solly, Lucius Harrison, Da\-ld Whipple. Abii-'all Scott (Cnml.erland), of George and Polly, Marry Ann, Amie Bucldin. Smith Sa.\les, Polly Almeily, Pruciu P.iiiio FJizabeth, Patience, Abi Paine, Mowry, Judith Whipple. Almira Mo wry. Albci-t \Vhipple, (son), of Asahel and Freelove, b. Dec. 30, 1817. IVIj. 2, 1790. Sept. 11, 1792. May (>, 1794. Feb. 2i, 1797. Sept. 3, 1796. April 18, 1800. Aug. 30, 1804. March 29, 1786. March 27, 1788. Sept. 20, 1791. Feb. 30, 1794. July 29, 1796. Feb. 23. 1799. Jane 6, 1801. Nov. 6, 1S03. Aug. 21, 1791. Feb. 15, 1794. Nov. 1, 1795. Feb. 21, 1798. May 26, 1792. Oct. 23, 1794. June 30, 1797. Nov. 16, 1801. Nov. 28, 1805. 1793 : d. Dec. 28, Feb. 18, 1799. June 9, 1802. Dec. 9. 179!». May 23, 1802. Jan. 22, 1804. Dec. 16, l.qoo. Dec. 16, 1806. June S, 1808. March 14, 1810. April 13, 1814. Jan. 6, 1817. and Mo.ses Balluu, of Joel, Jr., and Lucy, Nov. 7, 1S09. March 25. 1811. March 13, 1812. Oct. 24, 1813. Dec. 14. 1809. Jan. 19, 1812, Aprtl 1, 1814. Feb. 22, 1811. July 31, 1813. Oct. 25, 1814. May 7, 1816. March 30, 1818. Juno 6, 1813. AprU 7, 1816. Miirch 6, 1818. Jan. 22, 1820. Oct. 24, 182-. Oct. 16, 1828. Dec. 30, 1831. Dec. 27. 1833. :9, 1817; d . Dec. SMITHFIELD BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 87 -i-377 1-448 ■2-73 J-73 J-73 2-73 '-1-73 iMlS S-118 •^341 '2-305 a-305 1-1 74 1 445 1-445 l-OK 1-10'i 1-lOC. 1-lOH 2 -80 1-80 1-89 1-S9 -.-89 1-89 1-BO 1-89 l-s!) 1-S*(I 1-90 1-18T' 1-187 >187 1-187 1-187 1-187 1-1 87 ■.•1&7 1-103 l-14(i j-14t; i-l4r, 1-202 1-202 1-202 1-202 1-107 --107 1-107 1-107 :-lfi7 1-107 1-107 1-133 lis:; 1-133 1-133 1-133 j-141 1-141 1-141 1 141 1-316 .\IJJ1UCU Alia Fiances, of Asaliol aud Freelos'e. * May 17, 1819. " Miranda Perry, Ulegltimatc cJiild of Paniielia Smith ami Nathan Aldrich, Feb. 5, 1828. " Alfred M., of Olney ami r;itliariiie, " Izreal, " Rebecca, " Mary Jane, " Henry, " Lois Ann, of Mark and Sarali, " Mercy Arnold, " Abbi.' Wliipple, of Da\i(! \V. and Abbip U., '• Kachcl A., •widow of Caleb, " Maria A., of Naaman and Mercy, AI-LKX Seth, of Walter and Meliitable, ALMY Moses Brown, of UenjaniLn and AbigaU, William Barker, AT.VF.RSON David, reputed son of Da\id .fUvcrson May S. 1754. " Abigail, of Uriah and Mrrcy, " Stephen, " Ricliard, Freelove, of Jolui and I,ydi;i, ANGEL h. Hannah, Avis (also 90), li. Fi Alnahani (also llOl. Jemima, Daniel. AbiaUirr lalso 90), Naomi, John (also 90), b. An, May 15, 1831. July 21. 1831. April 8, 1S3S. April 21, 1835 Feb. 12, 1838. March 19, 1836. AprU 10, 1841. April 11. 1841. d. May 24, 1844. d. July 14, 1844. Feb. 17, 1785. April 5, 1818. April 8. 1820. Patience Sluppee, March 14, 1762. AugH 24, 1764. Feb. 24, 1767. Nov . 3, 1735. Jan. 19. 1736. 45. Jan. 9, 1743. Oct. O.T 1744. 12. 1739: d. May 11, 1740 (111. 1, 1740; d. Oct. !i. 174 Jan. 21. l.-^47: 0. March 1, 1749. Jan. ;. 28, 1750 ; d. Sept. 22. 1751. ,\ssel. b. Jan. 13, 1752: d. Dec. 19, 1752. " Lydia, .■\nne, of Ezekiel and Ruth, b. Maixh 14, 174 Kenjamin, b. May 2, 1749; d. Nov. 8, 1753. Joseph, b. March 12, 1752 ; d. Nov. 8, 1753. " David. " Jonatlian, " Joshua, " Ezekiel, " Nathan, '• Amie, of Stephen, dec, and Hndd.mia, " Thomas, ol D.iniel and Phebe, " Frei'love, •' Kilian, ANTHONY Joseph. 2d .son of Daniel and Mary. " Richard, 3d son. '• Ruth, 4th dan., Daniel, 4th son, API'I,R]!Y James, of Jajnes and Hannah, . ■■ Klizabeth, of James and Dorcas, '■ Hannah. " Tlioraas, ■' lionjamin, '• Amie, •■ Zcbedee, « Jolm. '■ Ketnrali, " Pain, " Nathan, " Sarah, Hannah, of James and F.sther. " Thomas, " Martha, " Phebe. - " Jnsricp, of Benjamin and Mercy, April 24, 1754. d. April 17, 1752. Sept. 23, 1754.- Jnly 31, 1757. March 21, 1760. Oct. 25, 1763. May 21, 1766. Aug. 23, 1752. Dec. 27, 176». Sept. 8, 1772. Feb. 27, 1783. May 24, 1765. April 19, 1767. Feb. 3, 1769. Dec. 10, 1770. March 3, 1742-3. Sept.. 25, 1744. AprU 7, 1746. March 2, 1750. Oct. 4, 1753. Dec. 19, 1756. Feb. 15, 1758. June 10, 1759. Sept. 13, 1761. Nov. 2, 1763. April 26, 1765. June 12, 1758. March 10, 1760. Jan. S, 1762. Sept. 30. 1763. May 9, 1775. / 88 1-110 1-119 3-427 3-427 3-427 3-427 3-427 3-427 3-427 3-427 3-457 3-457 3-4 1;7 3-457 3-457 3-458 3-468 3-458 3-458 3-458 lis l-l'J l-ll) 1-19 1-19 1-19 l-l'J 1-19 1-10 3-4i;y 3-42(1 3-429 3-429 3-4530 3-4;<0 3-430 3-430 1-03 l-«3 l-t;;i 1-B3 1-63 1-63 1-63 1-63 1-03 1-63 1-59 1-12 112 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-62 1-62 1-62 1-62 1-33 1-35 Sept. I'J. L7. " Kach 1. " Dorcas, " Anne, " .Stephen, of Joseph, Ji 1726. " Jlercy, " (sun), h. Nov. -27 " Phebe, " Jacob, " WilUam, " Caleb, " Patience, " Phlladelpiiia, " Stephen, of Ruhard, .Jr., and Ruth, " Uenedift, of William and Margaret, b. June 30, 17L'9: d. 1744. " H:innali. h. Sept. 16, 17r!l ; d. Sept. 20, 1744. '• -J AH.VOLD Joel, "f EzeWcl .niirt Mary, 1-262 " Anne. 1-262 " Abigail, 1-262 " Lydla. 1-371 " Thomn-i. of Liiko and Phebe, 1-371 « Phebe, 1-3T1 " Seth, 1-371 " Edward S.. 1-371 " Shnbal P.. 1-295 " Welcome (Franklin, Mass.), of Eleazcr and Jlaiy, 1-395 ■ George (Smithfleld). 3-295 ■' .Tonatlian (Smitlifield). 1-414 " Marens, of Daniel and Patience, 1-414 " Lncy (Man, of Joseph), his wife 1-414 " OUver, of Marcus and Lucy, 1-350 •■ Keziali. nt lob and Hannah, 1-350 " Bezaleel. 1-350 " Oliver, 1 -350 " Dexter. 1-360 " Elizabeth Mary, of Luke and Phebe, 1-300 ■• Dlann.'i, of Aaron and Amle, 1-300 " Nancy. 1-300 " Pcleg. 1-300 " Clarlnda. 1-300 " Sally, 1-364 " Anna, of Thomas and Amle, 1-364 " Sabra, 1-373 " Frar.klln Munroe, of Thomas and Olive, 1-373 " Ai-tei- Aldrich, 2-62 " Louisa Anna, of Preserved and Betsey B., 2-62 " Cornelia, 2-62 ■' Betsey Wliiiiple, 2-62 " EUen Maria, 2-62 •■ Hannah A.. 2-62 " Lucy D., 2-62 •• Pi'eserved W., 2-47 " .luUan, of I'.lijali and Sarah. 2-47 '• Sarah Allen. 2-47 " Elijah, 2-70 " George Washington, of lYanklin M. and .lonnna Feb. m. 177-1. April 3. 1770. Dec. 7, 1732. June 20, 1785. June 14, 1778. Aug. 4, 1782. July S, 178&. July 21. 1790. July 16, 1792. March -JO. I7S1. Dec. -J. 1782. March 17, 1784. Dec. 20. 1781. Jlarch 1-J. 17SG. Aug. 7, 1804. April 11. 1782. Api-il 1. 1738. March ir.. 1793. March Id. 1793. Aug. 27. 1798. Aug. 31. 1799. Oct. 19. 1801. Jan. 9. 1S03. 1 let. 10. i^ar. May 2, 1514. Jan. >;. 1802. Sept. 29. 1805. April 8. 1603. Sept. 8, 1818. July 1, 1813. Sept. 3, leai. Nov. 10, 1823. March 6. 182G. June 26, 1826. June 2G, 1828. June 26, 182S. Jan. 1. 1820. .Mai-ch 29, 1821. Sept. 25, 1822. .. June 25, 182T. 3-354 BALCOME Sarah, 3-135 BALLAKD Isaac, of lienjaniin and Su-saunah, 1-43 " Stephen Ballon, of Benjamin and Mary. 1-43 '• Jeremiah, of Jeremiali and Abigail. 1-43 " Eleazer, 1-43 •■ l.ydia. 1-43 " Ichabod, 1-43 " J.uk-e, 1-43 " Andrew, 3-451 BALl.Oir. Jonathan, 3,151 " Lydla, 3-451 " Phebe, 3-451 •■ Eleazer, 3-451 •• Patience, 3-434 •■ S:imuel. 3-434 '• Samuel, 3-434 " Siimuel, 3-434 '■ Susanna. 3-434 '• Jemima, 3-434 ■• Ti.\\id, of S.aniuel and Susannah, d. Nov. 19. 175t>. Nov. 28, 1734. Dec. 14, 1736. March 12. 1 743-4. (sic.) Oct. 12. 1744. May 7, 1741^. Jan. 6, 1747. Jan. 29, 174d. July 24. 1752. Nov. 10. 172S. Dec. n. 1725. May 9. 1726., June 12, 173^>. July ]-'■'. 1732. Slay 24. 173r,. (1. July 1. 1735. Feb. 4. 17.3*;. June 2S. 1739. May 14. 174'. .Aug. 23. 174i. SMITHFIELD BIETHS AND DEATHS. 91 3-434 3-434 1-18 1-55 1-55 1-55 1-55 1-185 1-185 1-185 1-1«5 I -3.S4 1-284 1-284 1-264 1-284 1-284 1-284 1-185 1 -1 85 1-185 1-185 1-185 1-185 1 74 1-2S() 1-280 1-280 l-28() 1 280 1-280 1-280 1-440 1-4J0 1-440 1-4-19 1-440 1 440 T-270 1 -270 1-270 1-270 1-270 1 270 2-:n7 2 317 2 317 ■J-317 1 154 1-154 1-154 1-154 1-154 1-154 1-348 1 -'(V." 1-62 1-62 1 444 1-370 1-370 1-120 1-120 1-120 BALIX)U Aaron, of Sauiuel :UKl Susannah. ■' Moses, Simeon, ot Abraham and ilary, " John, of John, Jr.. and Bllzabetb, '■ Ki'iijamin, " Anna, " Matnrin, '•■ Williahi, ot Moses and Elizabetb, '• Cioorge, '■ Arnold, Klizabetb. Mydla, " lionjamln, ot Joseph and I.uclnda, 1!1:NNF.TT Joseph, of Timothy and Hannah, " Olive. " Susanna, BEN.SON Sarah, of Job and M.riam, BISHOP Jemima, of Edward and Jlehitable, .lomlma, -Mary, of Sarah, Ezeldel, Edward aiid Sarah, Jan. 30 , 1744 .Ian. 30 , 1746 March 21 April 3 Nov. 20 , 17^0. , 174;; , 174n, Ih'f. 14, 1 li. May 7 July 25 April 19 3Iai-<-h 26 749-50. , 1760. , 17GS, , 1770. , 1772. Feb. 28 , 1770. Aug. 1, March 12, , 177.-;. 1775. April 14, March 30, 1777. 1779. June 8, 1781. May 19, Si>pt. 27, M.'iy 31, June 2, 17S;>. 1784. 1779. 1781. -■^larch 27, 1784. Feb. 19, 1783. March 12, 1792. -VprU 20, :March 1, 1794. 1753. :\Iarch 10, I77i;. Feb. 1, 177s. Feb. 20, 1781. Oct. 29, 1784. Jan. 2, 179«. May 13, 1702. N.)v. 10, 179-i. Jan. 2, 1810. .lull ■ 23, 1811. Juiie ti. 1813. .liine IS, 1S15. J;,n. 18, 131». Feb. 11, 1821. nc(. G, 1804. Nov. 3, 180C.. Jan. 1, ISOs. Sept. 1, June 14, 18U.1. 1812. . May 22, .Vpi'U 21, Dec. 22, 1813. 1820. 1833. Oct. 2, 183r.. Nov. 13, 184.1. May 27, Jan. 25, 1745. 1751. Nov. 9, 1753. May 11, 175». Aug. 23. Jan. 14, 1757. 1760. -March 7, 1781. Nev. 0, 1767. Feb. 10, 1771 >. March 3, 1772. Sept.. 20, 1730. June 9, 1733. March 1, 18i:^. July 25, 1734. Oct. 19, 173r.. Jan. 5, 1 738-9. d-2 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-15 1-15 1-15 1-15 1 15 1-190 1-196 1-196 1-lfui 1-1 9t; 1-106 1-191. 1-190 1-196 1-196 l-lOi; 1-196 l-isr, 1-156 1-156 1-156 1-156 1-290 1-48 1^8 1--J8 1-4& 1-48 1-223 1-223 1-223 1-223 1-223 1-223 1-22.3 1-223 1-223 1223 1-294 1-294 i-2r)4 1-443 1-443 1-443 1-413 1-437 2-61 2-61 1-34 1-34 1-34 1-34 1-34 1-271 1-271 1-271 1-271 1-149 3-433 3-433 3-433 3-171 3-171 3-171 C-171 of D.ivicl and HopestlU, of Paul .and Hannah, IJLAC'K.MAi; Levi, of Henry and Jane, '• Adonljah, " Stephen, " Lucretia, " Cain, BLIS.S Ann Janette, of Orin N. and Susan, BOWEN Lemuel, of William and Anne, John, William, '• Thomas, '■ Jennings, '• Samuel, " Saitili, '• Remember, " Anne, " Isaac, Hoab, BOYCE Ciidls, " John, " Nathan, " Nieoue, (son) " Jacob, EKUCKE'r Joseph Leanler, of Joseph, BRAYTON Patience (SuMiizei ), of Banlston and Mnjg;ii-. " Isaac, (Smlthflelii). '• David (Sraitlifi kit. John (SmlUifleld>, " WUllam (Smithticldi, Maiy (Poitsmiiiiiln. of ricephin and Annie, " Isaac (Smlthfield), of .Stephen and Amey. '• Phebe (Smlthlield), " Amie (5-milhticld). " Stephen (Smlthfleld), '• Arnold (Smithiieldi, " Elizabeth iStnitliliiMdi, " Joseph (Smlthfleld , " Je.sse (Smlthlield). " Daniel (STnillilield', " Sirah. of Jolm .-I'lrt I'liiathan, " Amic, " Baulstou, UEIGtiS Jenckcs, of James and Cynthia, " Amle. " Almond, '' Lainioiid. '■ Fanny Owen, of Miller and Mary, " Darwin Tyler, of Tyler and Joanna. " Samuel Man, BKITTAN Jonathan, of'Ablal. Jr., and Elizabeth, " Mehltable, " David, " Elizabeth. " Martha, WiUUim, of AMal and Alice, " Abial. " John, Ichabod, BROADWAY Abel, of BR'bWN Phebe, of Capt " Weight, " Amle, '■ Patience, of William and Patience, William, '" Susanna, " Amle, Samuel :ind Hannali. Joseph :md OMJah. Nov. 25, . 1741. Sept. £ 1, 1743 Jan. 2 , 1749. Jan. 27 , 1753. Oct. 27, , 1755. April 10, 1848. March 9, , 1755. AprU 16, , 1757. March 17, 1701. AprU 16, 17(«. June 1, 1765. March 24, 1768. April 27, 1770. Oct, 15, 1772. Oct. 15, 1772. Dec. 30, 1774. April 11, 1779. July 27, 175b. April 21, 1760. Feb. 12, 1762. April 17, 1765. Sept. 29, 1767. April 21, 1820. May 3, 1740. Nov. 4. 1742. Feb. 7, 1744. Sept. 23, 1751. •April 30, 1751. Aug. 10, 1764. Oct. as. 1755. Oct. 19, 1767. Jan. 4, 1770. June .4, 1772. Ang. 10, 1774. June 29. 1776. Dec. 6, 1779. Nov. 3. 1781. April 22, 1783. Dec. 25. 1784. AprU 12, 1787. Dec. 3, 1797. Feb. 26, 1800. Nov. 1, 1801. Feb. 1. 1806. AprU 23. 1810. June .30, 1823. Oct. 3, 1825. July 25, 1752. Nov. 21, 1756. Aug. 8, 1756. March 22, 1760. Feb. 16, 1772. May 2, 1772. May 6. 1774. July 17. 1779. Jane 17, I7a3. AprU 19, 1760. Ich. 28, 1728-9. Oct. 7, 1730. Dec. 9, 1734. July 3, 173©. April 10. 1731. M.iy 19, 1733. March 2, 1734. SMITIIFIELD BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. 93 o 171 UKiiWX i:i.Mz.T. of \Villi:nii ;in(l Palicnro, I)( !■ 'il I T'"-/! 3-171 '• David, I'l 1 . .> 1 . J 1 .,1, l-i():2 1-20'J '■ Riotiard, or James aud Sii.saiiiiu, ** . Andrew. April 27, 1739. Marcli 13, 1706. March 30, 175.-, 3 sm: l-;20ii i-2()l: Lydia, Williarii. " Joseph, Sept. ,30, 1760. Murcli 2t;. 17C2. June 10, 1764. 1-202 1-1!»<) J CI mes, Lucius, of Dr. Simeon and Eiizalietli. July 5, 1767. Oct. 7, 1772. i-29:f " Lydia (Noiiih Providence), of Jolm and Mary, July 3, 1790. 2-lli) Samantba Letitla, of Lorenzo S. and Lucy W. June S, 1S35. 2-ll!i AbWo Frances, .March 18, 1841. 2-ll'.i " Eanarli Chancy, June IS, 184;!. l-'.Jl i.Li'l'UM Jcd.'diali, of Josipli and Mjirgarct., Aug. 17, 1737. 1 01 " Jonathan, Dec. 1, 1739. l-i)L WUliam. Dec. 20, 1741. i-;>i " David. Oct. 17, 1743. .01 " CamUn-i, Dec>. 10, 1745. 3 '.) 1 i-;;i/abeth, April 24, 1748. 1-91 Hannah. Foh. 15, 1749. 1-91 Anne. Nov. 27, 1751. 1-91 Joseph, Feb. 25, 1753. 1-91 " Margaret, .\ov. 28, 1735. 1-01 " James, Oct. 29, 1757. 1-91 Elchard, March 22, 1760. l-yi Ahigall, ■March 22, 1760. 1-127 " Henjamin. of Bi njainiu and I'.lizal.'i li. April 12, 1750. 1-127 " Annie, Sai-ah. April 15, 1791. 1-372 " Benjamin, M.irch 17, 1793. i-a72 " AUen, Jan. 29. 1795. 1-381 " Wheeler, of Ricliard .and ii:tn', l)ct. 14, 1799. 1-381 " Hannah, July 23, 1.S01. 1-381 " Thomas, July 28, 1803. 1-381 " WiUlam Almy, Aug. fi, 1805. 1-381 '' Mary Ann, July 3, 1807. 1-3S1 " Albert GaiUtan, July 15, 1809. 1-381 " Horace, of Thomas aud ."^lai-iah. Nov. 21. 1803. 1-405 " Peleg Arnold, of Thomas and Mariah, Dec. 25, lb05. 1-400 " John, Aug. 9, 1808. 94 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 140.1 r.rFFIM David, ol Tliiiiiias and Martah, 1^05 " James, 1-405 " Albert Arnold, 1-37SJ "■ Klioda, ol Stephen, Jr., and KntU, 1-372 '■ Enth Ann, 1-56 BUNDY James, ol Ebeuf-zer and Jemima, 1-56 *' Martha, 1-79 lUIXTON Anne, of .Inseph and Saiah, 1-79 " Sarah, 1-79 •■ Samn''l, Oct. l!i, IS] ■ Jlay 4, 1814.. June IS, 1818 Sept. 23, 1S2-2 Oct. 29, 1825. May 28, 1754. March 24, 175f. Jan. 23, 1748. June 25, 1752. .V(iv. 1, 17.->4, 1-152 CADY Mary, of Benajah and I'atience, March .*!J, 1T6: . 1152 " EUas, Sept. 8. 1763.. 1-152 a Phebe, Nov. 10, 1766. 1-152 " Anna, -May 2, 1766 1-152 '• William, Aug. 31, 1771. 1-152 (( Nicholas, Jan. 20, 1774. 1-152 .'( Sylvanus, Oct. 15, 1777. 1-94 CALLUM Lydla, of l).nniel and Lydla, Dec. 5, 1752. 1-94 " Anna, July 27, 1754. 1-94 « Sarah, Dec. 22, I75r.. 1-94 a Eunice, June 15, 1759 1-94 (i Uacliel, AprU 3, 1762. 1-94 (( Elizaljeth, March 16. I76r;, 1-434 CARIU>I,L James, of Joseph and Abble, May 19, 1788. 1^34 u Susan, .\prtl 4, 1790. 1-25 (C Sally Blalie, of James and Sally, May 1, 1816. 1-25 " Eliza Smith, Slarch 3, 182.1 1 -2.-> .\bbiP. Jan. 20. 1825, 8305 " Jesse, d. Jan. 13, 1344. J-108 CASS Hannah (Meudcn), of Nathan and Hannah, Oct. 18. 1741. 1-108 " Joanna (Mendon). Dec 21, 1743.. 1 10s " iiirali (Mendnn). June 30, 1748. 1-1C8 " Jonathan (Smlthfleld), May 16, 1748. 1-108 " I.ydla (Smithlield), May 12. 1752. 1-108 u <;li]oe (Smlthfleld), April r,. 1754. 1-29 " Samuel (Mendon), of Daniel and Mary, Aug. 10, 174(V. 1-29 u Joseph (Mendon), March 31 . 174-1. 1-29 " Hannah (Mendon), Jan. 10. 1740. 1-29 " Mary (Smlthfleld), Jlardi 30. 17,12 1-29 " Daniel (Smithfleld), Oct. 24, 1753. 1-29 u Jonatlian (Smlthfleld). March 3. 175<.. 1-20 '■ J(Hiah (Smlthfleld), Sept. 24, 1757. 1-29 " Sarah (Smithfleld). Nov. 9, 175ft. 1-67 '■ Amos, of Ebenei.er and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1749. 1 -67 il John, April 10, 1752. 1-67 Luke, Sept. 9. 17riJ. 1-67 " Selve, May 23, 175T. 1-67 li Deborah, May 14, 1761. 1-3-14 ("HACE Barnard, of Barnard and Margery, Sept. 30, 1767 1-344 " Levtna, .Tan. 31. 176'.'. 1-344 it Anne, Aug. 22, 1771. 1-344 n George, Feb. 1 n. 1771. 1-344 ■■ Nathan, Nov. 17, 177li. 1-344 ■' Urania, Nov. 1. 1778. 1-344 u Alpha, Oct. 3, 178i'>. 1-431 " Adeline, of George and 5Iary, June 22. 1807. 1-118 fIUI.1 L.SfiN Eliz.abetli, of Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 28. 1747 1-118 " Mary, May 1. 174?. 1118 " Mary, d. Deo. 7. 174.1. 1-118 " Tosepli, Defc. 28. 174^1. 1-llS Kufus, Nov. 13. 175i. 1-118 " John, .\pril 24, i7r.', SMITHFIELD BIRTHS AND DEATHS. !)5 1-158 t'HILLSoN Siirah, of John .ind Sii-iih, Sept. 5, 1788. 1-158 " Nancy, Dec. 19, 1790 1-158 it Ethan, May 2, 1792 1-156 a Betsey. May 6, 1794. 1-158 " Amie, April 29, 179- . i-ir,8 <( John, April 2'J, 1801 1-158 '■ Eliza .\n))a. Aus;. 12, 1807. 1-158 Euth, Feb. IS, 1812, i^il-36f) COATS Charle-s Newton, iit .lames. June 15, 184rj- 1-395 COE Alden, ol' lienjamln and Mary. Dec. 24, 1801. 2-54. 08 " Mary I^apham, of Alden and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1624. 1-399 COLE SuiiiiK-r, of Samuel and PormeUa, July 13, ISOf.' 1-399 " Julian, Aug. 4, 1611. 1-399 Stephen, Jan. 16, 1814. l-;)99 " Alexander Burguess, of Ansel D. and Befs 18, 1844. ey PeriT (liowers), Jun- 1-102 COMAN Nathan, of Joseph and Pegg>-, Aui,'. 4. 1700. I 1(12 ti ■ Isaac, May :J2. ITOO. 3-92 COMSTOCK Ruth, of Ichabod and Zebiali, .Ian. 20, 172:i-4, 3-92 Elizabeth, Dec. 18, 172r,. 3-92 " IcLabod, March 17, 1727-b. 3-92 " Zobiah, Mari-h 19, 1729-30 3-B3 u Abraham, Dec. 30, 1734 3-93 '■ Jonathan, Sept. 7, 1737. 1-104 " Jemima, of Azeriah and Zcruih, Aug. 5, 173r. 1-104 " Moses, Nov. 9. 1737 1-104 (f Lydia, Juno IS, 1741. 1-104 if Aaron. Jan. 13, 1746. 1-104 (( Abener, Aug. 1, 1747. 1-104 " Amie, June 19, 174P 1-104 " Azeiiali. Sept. 21. 1755 1-104 (( Mary, Sept. 22, 1751. 1-lOG " Adam, of Gideon and I\uth, Jan. 18, 1739-40. 1-106 a Alpha, March 12. 1741-2. 1-106 it ■ Ruth, Sept. 11, 1755. 1-106 It True, Feb. 14, 174j(i 1-38 a Israel, of Daniel. Jr.. ami Martha, No%'. 0. 174::. 1-28 ••' Daniel. Jan. 0, 1745, 1-28 Jacob, Nov. 1. 1747. 1-28 Caleb, Jan. It. 17.")0- 1-28 Chloe, March 2. 1752. 1-28 •' Martlia, Mairli i:;. 175-1, 1-1&2 '■ Esther, of Joseph and Anne. Jan. 20, 174'=. 1-182 " Phebe, .\pril i:;. ]7.-.(>. 1 182 " Chloe, -\ug. 15, 1752, 1-182 " Laban, -Alarcli ■), 175.'>. 1-182 a Luke, Ceb. I'). 17-.!., 1-182 " Ezeklel, Jan. 17, 1702. 1-70 " Slephen, of Hezcdiah, Jr., and Mary, Aug. 13, 175-. 1-70 '• ■ Caleb, .Inly 2.-, 170:-.. 1 130 •• Jfartha, of Kzeldel and Martha, Oct. 2c;, 175t». 1151 " Rachel, of Jonathan and Hannah, c)et. !l. 1701. 1-440 '• Anthony, b. March 26, 1702. 1-446 " Hannah, liis wife, b. Oct. 4, 1773. 1-440 William, ot Anthony and Hannah, Miueh 2.-,, I7MI, 1-440 '■ Phebe, l--eb. 7. 1793. 1-J40 <■• Anthony, Oct. 7, J79r,, 1-440 i( Hannah, July 15, 1797, 1-440 " .Martha, Nov. 17, 1798. 1-440 " Ezra, Nov. 1. 1.(00, 1-446 i.- Olive, July 10, i.so;:. 1-446 it Eliza, March 25, l.SOO. 1-338 it Ezeltiel Henry, of Henr>- and Sarah, -Mardi .-", 17S8. 1-338 a Caleb Greene, Feb. 7, 17!K>. 1-338 (( Hannah, June 5. 17'.I2, VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-33S COMSTOCK Job Scott, of Herry and Saruli, Ai>ril IS. 1701. l-33;>- ii Mary Greene, Feb. 17, 1.-^07. i-3as C( William Henry, March 20, 1809. i-33b (i MaitUa Waite, Aug. 8, ISll. 1-33S tt Sarah Maria, Aug. 4, 1813. l■33^ li Elizabeih Eense, Nov. 5, 1315. l-33tt t'larissa Arnold, May 5, 1S18. 2-421 '■ Slary Elma, of Aroocli and Joanna, July 17, 1808. i.25 i; Klisha, of Welcome A., and Cliloe, June I, 1823. --25 " iletcalf. Dec. 21. 1825. ■2-2o •• Amanda Marlali, ot Wclcouie and Cliloe, Feb. 1, 1S29. 1-37 COOK Eunice, pt Elijah and Joannai, Jan. 16, 1739. 1-17 '■ .Martha, Sept. 16, 1741. 1-17 Silvan us. Feb. 10, 1743. 1-18 '■ Gideon, July 10, 1745. 1-18 ti Elijah, Jan. 16, 1754. 1-18 '■ Joanna, Nov. It;, 1757. 1-18 Benjamin, Ajn-U 10, 1704. 3-44S Sarah, of Seth and Miuy, Jlarch 26, 1740. 3-448 " Hannah, May 12, 1741. S-148 " Maxy, .Ian. 21, 1742. 3-448 " Seth, May 28, 1746. 3-17 '• Experience, Feb. 26, 1747. 1-17 Aaron, of Ikiijumin and Msiry, April 18, 1740. 1-17 " .\mie. July 4, 1744. 3 437 WUliam, of I'etcr :md FJkabeth, Feb. 4, 1741. 1-78 li Eve, of Samuel and Sarah, July 22, 1748. 1-78 '• Eve, d. Aug. 2, 1752. 1-78 (i Best, Nov. 1, 1750. 1-78 li Best, d. July 17, 1752. 1-78 " Judith, Oct. 5, 1753. 1-76 ti Joseph, Bee. 25, 1756. 1-78 " Tamar, April 30, 1759. 1-77 EU, Jan. 18, 1762. 1-77 U Lydia, May 1, 1764. 1-77 11 Jer^h, M.-U-ch 28, 1767. .2 122 '■ rhiletus Henry, of Silvanus S. and Nolby i;., March 9, 1738. 1-58 COUEY Adin Trasli, ot Talur and Prubha, Feb. 25, 1780. 1-58 u Leah, Sept. 14, 1783. D-443 COWEN Mary, ol John ;uul Siuali, Feb. 28, 1719-20. K-443 ti Sarah, May 22, 1721. 3-443 ii James, Feb. 19, 1722-3. 3-443 ii John, Jan. — 1724-5. 3-443 a Joseph, May 1, 1727. 3-443 li ^Uice, Feb. 26, 1728-9. 3-444 '■ Hannah, April 25, 1732. 3-444 Benjamin, Dec. 14, 1734. 1-26 (■KIFF Mary, of Thoina^ anil Hannah, April 0, 1742. 1-73 '• Ruth, or SamiKi ami Abigail, July 21, 1747. 1-73 Rhoda, Feb. 9, 1748-9. 1-73 Elizabeth, J>ec. 25, 1750. 1-73 u Joel, Feb. 1, 1757. 1-123 DALKY M;uy, ol James and JudiUi, 1-123 " Gideon, 1-123 " Solomon. l-liJ3 " Benben. 1-123 " Thankful, 1-123 " Emor, •3-440 DANIELS James, of James and Martha, 2-348 " David, found dead In his bed, 1-250 DARLING Henry, of Henry and OUve, 1-256 " William Smith, of Henry, Jr., and Mary, Oct. 25, 1748. June 15, 1751. AprU 13, 1754. March 30, 1757. March :10, 1757. July 25, 1760. Sept. 22, 1736. May 17, 1847, March 20, 1784. June 2. 1808. SJIITHFIELD BIRTHS AND DEATHS. !-:;.">(; IJARUNG Deiiuis Albert, of Ilem-y. Jr., and .Mary, .S.'i)i. l:>, lolo. l--Oti '■ Sarah, ol Henry and Mercy, Sf^lJI. .1.:;, loljS. l~35(i " Lewis, June 17, 1618. 1-101 DAY (JUloB, of Samuel and Amie, April 4, ITiiU. 1-161 " Jeremiah, Xov. 1<3, 1761. 1-101 " Amie, July 21, 1701!. 1-161 " Samuel, Aug. a, 1760. 1-161 " Loling, June :i-, 1707. 1-161 " Mary, Feb. 18, 170!). 3-14U DEXTEU John, of James and Hannah, Feb. 11, 1710-17. ;j -449 " Anne, Oct. 2-2, 1713. 4-450 " James, Feb. 24, 17:;01. 4-450 " David, ^ - • Feb. S4, 17-2-2-3. 4-450 " HoiKy.-i'ilT^.J^C^i Sept. 1.5. 17:J6. 4-45() ■■ Jhircy, Oct. 10. 17oU. 1-100 " Amie, of (iideon and Jlariha, Juno 20, 1751. 1-1(K) " Phebe, Juno 7, 17ja. 1-100 '• Stephi)!, Deo. 1, 1755. 1-100 " Isabel, March 2a, 1759. 1-100 " Marlha. Jan. 20, 1703. 1-100 " David, April 18, 1765. 1-163 " LydJ.i. lit Anilrew and Lydla, Oct. 13, 1762. 1-442 '• Anthony, ot Christopher and liotsey, April 1-1. 1790. 1 442 " Amie, Nov. 24, 1791. 1-442 " Suls./y, April 1.-, 179+. 1-442 " PoUy. . Feb. 8, 171)8, 1-443 " BetS'-y, March 18, iriOU. 1-443 " Maria, Feb. 11, 1307. 1-13 DILLINGHAM M:ny. of EUsha ami lliililali, July 12, 1739. 1-13 " Huldah, March !). 1741. 1-340 DIXON EObert, d. June 18, 1839. 1-340 DUNT.AP Gnstavus Man. ol' Patrieic and .\nna, Feb. 13, LSIS. 1-87 EDDY Mary, ol Nati\anirl and Ilannali, 1-87 " Ruth, 1-87 " Stephen. 1 -87 •' Daniel, 1-31 " Mary. 2-(iO ' « Gideon Sayles, ol Tliomas and Parley, 3-6 " SaUy, 2-39 " WUliani S.iyhs, i.l Williani and Levina 2-39 (( Phebe, 2-39 Ed-ward Smith, 2-39 JeremitUi i >lney. Tss E^'A^■s Edwaixl. of Danii'I and Estlier, 1-85 " Anne, 1-85 if Esther. 1-85 " Tlianklul. 1-85 a David, 1-S5 a Zerviah. u Cf Ruth, of n.ivid :ind Jemima, MeliltaM". Lydla. Sarah, DaWd. Benjamin. 1-370 " Ellsha. 1-370 it Elizab.lh, 1-370 tt John, 1-370 it Edward. 1-370 it Gideon, Dec. 7, 1730. Jan. 4, 1742. May 18, 1745, Oct. 23, 1747. Feb. 10 , 17—. April 8, 1793. April 4, 1820. Sept. 10. 1822. ')ct. 1, 1822. Nov. 4, 1^24. Dec. 0, 1820. June 12, l.^ol. Nov. 27. 1710. Sept. 2, 1712. Dec. 17. 1714. l"cl>. 1 7. yiay Ic;. 1 1 1-. 1721. Nov. 1 7. 1724. larch 24, 1750. May 13, 1757. Mar .1. 175-. Sept. 9, 17.-,9. -ilay 11, 1761. Feb. 20, 1703. July 11, 1765. Nov. 22, 1700. Feb. 20, 1709, May 8, 1770. Jlarch 4, 1772. 98 VITAL EECOBD OF RHODE ISLAND. i-370 EV^VNS Jouatbaii. of David aiid Jemima, 1-370 " William, 1-370 " David. Sr., Dec. 8, 1773. Sept. 5, 1775. d. Oct. 6, 1800. •2-2ii4 FALES EUzabetli K., of DaNid G. and Parthenla, Dec. 3, 1830. 2-224 It John R., March 5, 1833. S-224 u Geo. Stephens, Dec. 25, 1836. 1-28 FAENUM Mary, of Jolin and Martha, Dec. 12, 1757. 1-28 " Rachel, Nov. 14, 1759. i-121 « Stephen, Jan. 19, 1762. 1-28 li John, June 14, 1764. 3-448 FISK Annsllia, of Jonah and Sarah, May 12, 1735. 3-448 (( Jonah, Juno 15, 1737 1-128 FINCH Hopestill. of Hem-y and Abigail, March 23, 1751. 1-128 ({ Stephen, March 6, 1754. I i2J«> " Peter, Oct. 8, 1756. 1-128 u Rebecca. Sept. 11, 1758. 1-128 " Henry, July 16, 1760. 1-69 FOKU ' William, ol William and Jemima, Sept. 12, 1749. 1-69 ti Jean. Nov. 2, 1750. 1-60 •• Ladoc, Sept. 21, 1752. 1-69 Richard, Dec. 13, 1753. 1-69 " Joseph. Aug. 18, 1755. 1-69 u Anne, April 21, 1757. 1-69 (( Bathsheba, Nov. 25, 1758. 1-69 " Richard, Dec. 6, 1760. 1-69 " Prudence, Jan. 8, 1763. ::-421 FRAZEU William J., of William H. and IsabeUa, .May 9, 1845. 2-421 it John H., Sept. 28, 1850. 3-422 it Isabella, d. Oct. 14, 1852. 111 FREEMAN Thomas, son of Joshua, b. Barnard, Vt., d. March 1, 1848, aged Sly. 11m. 17d. 1-9 FULLFJl Ezeldel, of Ezeldel and Abigail. Jan. 1, 1761. 19 u Isaiah, March 19, 1753. 1-9 " George, Sept. 27, 1755. 1-9 (( Abigail, Deo. 29, 1757. 1-43 " Abigail, of William and Sarah, April 2, 1780. 1-43 tt William, April 12, 1782. 1-30 GASKILL Leviiia, of lienjamin and .\mle, 1-30 « Joanna, 1-30 " Ezeldel, 1-201 GILE Joab, of .Toseph and Tabitha, 1-201 " Doi-cas, 1-201 " Amie. \-ZOr " Da-i-id. 2-345 GLF.ASON Cyntliia .\., of ,Sniithti'Jd, b. March 1-235 GREENE William, of Ebenezer and Mary, 1-235 " Mary, 1-235 " Gi'iirge. of Ibiiry P. and Nancy. 3-145 UULLEY Stephen, of WlUlam and Martha, 3-145 " Jonathan. 3-145 " Christoi>lier. 3-14^ " Phebe. 3-145 " Mercy, 3-145 " William. 3-145 " Hannah. Sept. 27, 1765. Jan. 19, 176S. Dec. 12, 1769. Aug. 16, 1761, Nov. 27, 176:;. Dec. 7, 1766. March 16, 1770. : rt. Ang. 3, 1847. Aug. 27, 1809. Nov. 5, 1811. .Tune 23. 1816. Feb. 9. 1731-2. Feb. 6, 173.3. Feb. 24, 1735. Jan. 25, 1737. Jan. 9, 1740. March 2, 1743-t. Jnlv 4. 174 s. SMITHFIELD BIRTHS AND DKATHS. i)9 H : ill HALL Jonathan, of .lusliua and Siisannuh, .Inn,- 27, 1752. 1-4. :i-177 ** Adam, Dec. 16, 1750. 1-177 " Jame,s, Nov. 16, 1752. 1-177 *• Ruth, Sept. 15, 1754 . 1-177 *' Robert, Nov. 4, 1750. 1-177 '•' Amie, Sept. 29, 1759. 1-177 '• Samuel, Aug. 30. 1761. ii-4tir. HAiii; IS Mai-y, of llicliard. Jr., and Lydia, March 5. 1725. :-42r. '' Jeremiah, July 7. 172(!. ■J-425 '' Lydia. I'eb. 6, 172,-. 3-425 " Uriah. Nov. 23, 1729. .i-42& ti Richard, Aiv.rai, 17.'32. ;)-42o j\jnl('. Nov. 9, 1733. :i-435 '■ David, AprU 1, 1735. J-423 " Antliony, June 5, 1736. -425 u Amily, June 5, 1730. •-425 ii Tabitha, of Rlchai-d. Jr., and Dorothy, Oct. 2, 1738. 1-20-0 " Uraniah, of L'reservcd and Martha, April 2, 1745. 1-200 " Izreal. Marcli 14, 1747. 1-201) u RuJus, Nov. 23, 1740. 1-200 u Lydia, May 8, 1752. :'-20{) '• Elnathan, Aug. 21. 1755. 1-200 " Nathan, March 23, 1738. T -200 '■ Jesse, Aug. e'. 1700. 1-200 " Martin, Feb. 24, 1704. 1-20(1 Nathaniel, Jan. 9, 1774. 1-2011 '• tSlephou, of .Jahez and Mercy, Oct. 24, 175t^. ".-200 Mary, Two last also recorded on page 353. Dec. 11, 1700. 1-35:; " Mary, of .labez and Mercy, d. Miv. 10, 1778. 1-353 " Benjamin, IVb. 4, 1763. 1-353 Anna, Sept. 14, 1764. 1-353 " Mercy , Dec. 8. 1767. 1-353 Jabez, Oct. 17, 1771. 1-353 Jabez, d. Nov. 17. 1778. 1-353 " Joseph, Marcli 6. 1776. 1-345 u wmiam. Sep(. IT. 1767. 1-345 " Barberry, (Allen), his wire, Jan. 1.^. 1767. 1-345 c< Allen, of ^Villianl and tJarherry, Slay Ifi. 1790. 1-345 " Otis, March 9, 1792. 1345 " Maria, AprU :;. 1793. 1-343 " Daniel, July 3, 1795. 1-345 " Avis, May 25, 1797. 1-345 Wni. Brown, June 15, 1799. 1-322 ■• Welcome, of David and Abigail, A]iril 24, 1772. 1-322 ii Zerua Sayles, (of John and Abi.) his wUe, April 26, 1778. 1-322 " Abigail, nf Welcome and Zerua, Marcli 25, 1797. 1-322 AbigaU, d. April 20, 1809. 1-322 " John. .Tan. 2, 1799. 1-322 (( David, Feb. 2, 1801. 1-322 it Georpe, March 1, 1803. 1-322 11 Kufus, Oct. 14, 1805. 1-322 it Rufus, d. AprU 22, 1809. 1-322 " Edwin. June 2, 1808. 1-322 Ann Eliza. Dec. 26, 1811. 1-322 " Rachel, Oct. 20, 1815. 1-340 (( Pai'.i, i.f Rufiis and Lucy, May 8, 1774. 1-340 " Martha, Jan. 5, 1776. 1-340 (1 Peter, April 23, 1778. 100 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-340 1-340 1-3^ 1-340 1-340 1-340 1-340 1-354 1-254 1-254 . 1-411 1-411 1-411 1-411 1-411 1-411 1 (11 1-411 1 411 1-359 1-444 1-444 1-444 1 441 1-144 1-444 •23i'J 'J-3:;i! 2-326 2-350 2-350 HARRIS Lei-1, of Eufiis and Lucy. Martin, Artliiir, Seth, Betsey, Lucy, PoOy, Farnum, Olive, Ms wile. Achsah, djin. of Ainie JIi)Wiy, Keziali, of Xkliulas ami i.ucy, Thomas, Celaty, Wescott, Polly, Lymau, Cella Ann, Laura Ann, Dinivius, (dau.t Edward G., of David F. and Lydja, Lucy, of Farnum and Olive, Abigail, h. July G, 178]. June 15, 1762. Sept. 11, 1785. Feb. 11, 17es. April 28, 1790 May 1, 1792. JIarcli 8, 1794. Aug. 4, 1773. Aug. 13, 17S3. June 22, 1731. May 12, 1794. Aug. 2, 1801. March 3, 1803. March 18, 1606. July 1, ISOS. Oct. 16, ISIO. Aug. 7, 1812. Feb. 27, 1814. May 4, 1816. Oct. 3, 1801. yov. 20, 1810. July 5, 1S12. April 22, 1817. April 22, 1817. June 11, 1821. Sept. 8, 1823. July 17, 1820, son of Siimurl I;, and Adeline Susan Ann, Diamia, Elisha M., Wanton M., Henry Sprout, (Sprout). Sarah Ann, of Ma.soii and Abbie S., Jan. 9, 1834. Benjamin Wilkinson, Sept. 30, 1835. Alfred Bayles. of Samuel B. and Adeline (Sprout), May 8, 1838. AdeUne (Sprout), wife of Samuel i;., anis, Oct. 16, 1738. June 10, 1752. Nov. 20, 1754. -May 6, 1733. Dec. 28, 1736. March 29, 173r. Nov. 7, 173U. March 7. 1740. May 14, 1753. June 23, 1757. Nov. 8, 1759. Sept. 13. 1762. Feb. 0, 1765. Feb. 6, 1768. SMITHFIELD BIRTHS ANI> DEATHS. 101 JIK1!EN1>EEN Ilebor, of Hczoklah and Froclove, " Mercy, " Klljah, ol Joseph and Aliiwiil, " Penusylvanlfl, ol N.'itliaii niid IliildMli, " Mercy, Welcome. " Aime Sa^•llla, ol' Ahiaiiaiu :!iid ll'jyy.abcth, born Dec. 19, ITSil. ubedlah. " Stepheu, HILL Samuel, of .Samuel and EJioda, HOLBROOK Eenjaciln, of Micah and Mary, HOLMES, Salome, 01 San.uel .-tnd Mercy, '• Stephen, '• Jolin, •• Cyntlila, " Hai-vey, of \\'|iUi;im .ii\d Pliilona, " Lydia, " Mary, William, HOTCHIiISS Thomas Ed-vv.ud. of Kdward and .loanna, " James Irvrin, HOWARD Thomas Grundy, of WilliMiii and Mary, '• Trcorge Frederic, " Joseph, " Samuel, of William and Nanoy, " FJlery, III I'l'HlNSDN' William, of D.aniel and M.-ycy. Ijorn North IS, 1T85. May n 1770 Aug. 19 177^. May ;iO 17f>;!. Jan. la ITS'".. Nov. 7 1700 April IB 17C.^. Springlield, Vt., Oct. 25 17t. 1787. May 15, 1817. Oct. 1:9, 1822. March 37, 1824. July 5. 1827. Sept. 13, 1831. Feb. 20. 1842. Feb. 7, 1812. Aug. 27, 1814.. Oct. 5. 1827. Aug. 2(i, ia2r). June IS, 1S29. Providence Julv 3-314 2-314 2-314 2-314 1-65 1-G5 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-65 1-1 1-1 IDE Elizabeth (Arnold), wife of David, '■ Lewis Draper, of David and Elizabeth. '• George Leonai-d, " Maria Arnold, INXUES ZerMah " Ishmael Ituth, •' .leau, " Jean. " Jesse, .loscph, l-'.dward. INMAN fGloucester), yf Thomas and Mar; (Smithiield), aret, March 20. 1794 Aug. 11, 1813 Feb. 14, 1819 May 22, 1821 May 22, 1745 April 24. 1748. Aug. 20, 1750. Oct. 7, 1752. d. Feb. 5, 1755. May 25, 1757. died May 9, 1734. died June — , 1735, of AdolpUuB and Rachel, or thilstopher and Hannah, 1-44S JACOBS David A, 1-74 JEXCKES Lydia, 1-74 '' Joshua, 1-74 " Hannah, 1-74 " ^VnsUas, 1-74 '■ Christopher, 1-74 '• Adam, 1-74 " Elizabeth, 1-74 " Charles, 1-74 '■ Amle, 3-452 " Rutus, of Uaniid :md Joanna, 3-452 " Maiy, 3-452 " John, 3-452 '• Sarah, 3-452 " Phebe, 3-452 " Joanna, 3-453 " Daniel, 3-4. ",3 " Rhoda, 1-05 •• Kiila: iVit. Rue, vol. ;il;0\i-. lli.At Julv 2j. 1741. I.J 26 V^^O- ^l'^ 'Jei. 1816. Dee. S 1752. Jan. 15 1754, July 21 1756, Pel. 20 1757. May 17. 1760. Nov. 7, 1702. Nov. 12, 1764. Aug. 7, 176T. Sept. 21, 1770. March 13, 1736. Feb. 23, 1728. Nov. 4, 1730. Oct. 9, 1733. Nov. 20, 1735. . May 1, 1737. March 28, 1739. Nov. 13, 1741. lOfi VITAL KKCOBD OF BHOI>£ ISLAND. ~-2a4 JKJiCIUiS Arnold, son of Stephen, of North Providence. April 5, I77ii 3-224 " Mary, wife of Arnold, b. Smithfleld, Nov. -Ji, 177-2. 1-224 " Horace Powers, of Arnold and Mary, :i-224 " Lyman, 1-224 •■ WUlla.'M, a-224 " Adali, 1-224 " Henry, 3-331 '■ Seliiida, of Joshua and Susannah, 1-331 '■ Anphillas, a-331 " Parley, 1-331 " Hannah, S-326 " Lemuel, 1-43 JOSLIN Izreal, of Jonas and Martha, Jano 30, 1802. Fob. 24, 1803. Oct. 1, 1806. April 5, 1810. Jan. 27, 1812. Feb. 21, 1794. Sept. 2.1, ISOO. Jan. 31, 1802. July 1, 1S03. d. July 10, 1845. Dec. 13, 1779. 1-92 KBLLEY Benjamin, of Joseph and Lydio, April 24, 1743. 1-92 ti Hannah, Nov. 25, 174ti. 1-92 It Joseph, AprU 23, 1749. 1-92 u Daniel, Nov. 2(>, 1750. 1-92 u David, Nov. 23, 1754. 1-92 " Bettey, June 25, 1765. 1-92 Jllcajah, May 2, 1757. 1-92 (« HopestlU, July 4, 1761. 1-92 '• Lydia, Sept. 21, 1763 1-92 Ellphalet, Nov. 20, 17G»i. 3-301 ii Ai-.el, of EUphalet and Prudence, July 12, 1790. :i-301 1* Joseph, Feb. 19, 1795. 1-301 •• Cieorgc Wing, July 17, 1797. 3-301 (• Hannah, Aug. 23, 1799. 1.301 " Timothy, Jan. 12, ISO:;. a-i2b [. Smiucl lliU, of Elihn and Phebe, Feb. 20, 183fi. ;3-442 LAPHAAI Silence, of Thomas and Abigail, May 8, 1731. 3-442 u David, Nov. 23, 1732. 3-442 u Phebe, Sept. 23, 1734. 3-442 u Abigail, Oct. 6, 1737. 3-442 it Thomas, June 15, 1740. 3-442 (( Bethsheba, AprU 24, 1743. 3-442 (( Jethro, June 11, 1747. 3-442 u Augustus, Nov. 5, 1750. 1-54 « James (Scltuate), of Benjamin and Lydla, March 21, 1743. 1-64 u James, d. May 31, 1751. 1-54 ti Mary (Smlthfield), Sept. 13, 1745. 1-54 u I-yrtIa, May 2, 1751. 1-64 u Lydla. d. May 26, 1751. 1-54 tt LydIa, wife of Benjamin, d. May 20, 1751. 1-66 u Ruth (Dartmouth), of Joshua and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1748. 1-66 u Daniel. May 31, 1749. 166 u Lydia (Smithfleld), May 13, 1751. 1-66 u Da\-id, Dec. 28, 1753. l-6fi it Abraham, JtUy 15, 1754. 1-66 " Phebe, Jan. 18, 1759. 1-352 " Thomas, of Amos and Mary, Sept. IS, 1799. 1-352 (( Mary, Feb. 23, ISOl. 1-352 tl Arthur, March 8, 1802. 1-352 It Ozlel, Feb. 29, 1804. 3-352 tt Augustas, Dec. 27, 1806. 1-3S2 tl Moses, Oct. 16, 1808. 1-362 tt Le-rt, April 23, 1810. 1-362 u Mercy, Oct. 28, 1815. 1-380 " Cliloe, of Job and Adah, Feb. 17, 1802. 1-429 u Hannah, of David and Lydla, March 13, 1808. 3-428 u Wnnw^ll d. Aug. 19, 1808. SIHTHFIELD BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 163 .1-429 L.VPHAJI Mowiy, of David and LjOla, 1-429 u Eliza, 1-429 " Sarah, ■J -429 " Scottk 1-420 " Lydla T^lmfl, 1-429 " Mary, 1-421 " VVUliam 11., of Thomus J. and Mary Elma 3-421 " Louisa Alma, June 14, 1809. Feb. 18, 1811. May 11, 1812. April 17, 1816. Feb. 23, 1819- Sept. 10, 1833. July 25, 1833. Nov. 14, 1830. i 207 liEHlGH Edwia, of Thomas, of Suuili HerwicJc, Me., Grover, of Ashburtou. Mass., bis wife. Their children's biiths : V297 " Martha (South Berwick, Me.), 2-297 " Ann Eliza (Winchendon, Mass.), i:-i:«7 " Thomas (Smltbfield, K. I.), 3-3i;6 LEONARD Mary EUen, of John P. and Emily W., 3-326 " George Parsons, 2-281 LINDSEY Mary A., of Benjamin and Kezlah, :^28l " Claiisaa, 1-403 " Stephen, of WlUiam and Mary, ;i-403 '• Benjamin Franklin, 1-30 LCXJKE Htmy Haines, of Joshtut and Abigail, 1-32 LOGA Caleb, of PhilUp and Comfort, 1-33 " Aaron, 1-02 LOGEE Aliraliam. and bu.san (c^LOilej) of March 20, 1640 May 18, 1342. .March 23, 1844 March 3, 1844 Dec. 26, ItviS June 7, 1819 Aprtl 23, 1621 Jan. 13, 1821 Oct. 9, 1835 March 25, 1761 July 19, 1756. Feb. 16, 1759 d. Aug. 9, 1767. M 1-11 1-11 1-11 1-11 1-11 1-413 2-319 3-319 3-06 3-96 3-96 3-96 3-96 1-55 1-41 1-41 1-41 1-41 1-41 1-41 1-226 1-226 1226 1-226 1-226 1-226 1-226 1-226 1-226 1-49 1-49 1-49 JIALA\EKY Amie. of John and Susannah, " Mary, " Isaiali, of John and ElizabLtli, " Misheal, " Orpha, MANSFIELD John Henno, of Henry S. and Eliza, " Henry Farnum, of Henry S. :ind Emily F.. " Emily, MAN AblgaU, of John and AbigaU, " Sai-ah, " Mary, " Dareks, " John, " Susanna, of Daniel, dec. and Josepa, born Jan. 15, 1736. " Asa, of John, Jr.. and Susannah, " David, " Caleb, " Johab, " Abba, " Thomas, " Daniel, of Nathaulol, " Phebe (Sprague), his wife, " Elizabeth, of Daniel and Phebe, " Elsie, " Daniel, " Phel*, " Jerusha, " Anna, " Sprague, " Mary, of John and Susannah, Bartba, Samuel , of John and Mercy, Dec. 18, 1740. June 6, 1745. Oct. 2, 1754. June 10, 1756, July 28, 1758. May 8, 1813. June 13, 1845. Jan. 18, 1347. Dec. 11, 1720. Nov. 13, 1753. Sept. 6, 1726. June 27, 1731. Dec. 13, 1734. (Gloc ester). Feb. 9, 1744. Feb. 17, 1746. Feb. 26, 1749. June 3, 1752. Jan. 11, 1755. AprU 13, 1758. May 12, 1746. Nov. 4. 1747. Aug. 20 , 1772 March 8, 1780. March 21. 1782. May 6, 1785, Jan. 11, 1788. July 13, 1790. Sept. 20, 1793 June 12. 1763. Feb. 22, 1765. Sept. 2, 1786. lO-l VITAL RECOED OF RHODE ISLAKD. 1 380 MjVX Kacliel. of Moses and Alice, 1-260 •• George Corliss, 1-300 " Soplironia, 1-3U0 '• Alpha, 1-200 " Diamia. 1-200 " Thomas \VJiii)plc, 1-300 " Thomas, of John aud Meicy, 1-300 '• I.ydia (Lapham, of Augustus and Mary) 1-396 " Job is of I, of Thomas aud Lydia, 1-39G " Arnold, 1-396 " Kutli, 1-390 " Mary, 1-390 '■ Staffoi-d, 1-396 " Abigail Slallord, 1-268 " iVriel, of .loab and Mary, 1-268 " Elisha, 1-208 " Mary, 1-368 '■ Phila, 1-368 " Bonaparte. 1-286 " John, ol Saaiuel and Aiiiie, l-28'5 " Mercy, 1-286 " A daughter, 1-286 " A daughter. 1-280 " Amie, 1-280 " Sarah. l-28i> " Daniel, l-3o6 " Joanna, 1-280 " Ai-noUi, l-2sO " Ai'nold, 1-280 " Ann Klba, 1-280 '• William Hiayton, 1-280 " Stephen Sliillord, 1-280 " Thomas Aruold, 1-332 " Oliver, ol Allied and Lydia, 1-332 " WUlium, 1-332 '• Anna, 1-332 " Mercy, 1-332 " Catherine, 1-332 " Stephen, 1-332 " Lydia, 2-94 " Phebe Erama, of Job S. and Olive 1.., 2-9-1: " Thomas Stallord, 2-9 1 " Aruold Augu.itus, 2.94 " Adelia Chacc, 2-74 " Ardelhi AUlra, ol Arnold and Ardella, 3-7'l " Ai-delia .-Vun, n-lte of Ai-nold. died Feb. 8 months, ilays. 2-li9 MAKSII Adeliuc ;v!atilda, of Siiiis and 5Icrcy, 2-09 " Ai-land Kjindolph, 2-09 " David Winsor, 1-94 MAKTIN Hem-y, of Henry and AbigaU, .1-2 MATlIEWbON D.iniel. of otUniel and &irah, 1-2 " Sarah, 1J3 " Joshua, 1-2 " Susannah. 1-2 '• M;iry, 1-2 " Joseph. 1-217 " Elisha. of .->iivanu.s and Heihiah. 1-302 " Mansa, of Moses and Also, 1-273 McINTYEE Mju-y. mdow of Simeon, kite of Gloc 1-119 McNAMAlIKOW Moses, of John and Esther, 1-119 " MalUda, 3-417 MEDBUKY Edward, of Natlianlel (also 444), r--n7 ■' .Nai'.iiiiivl. of Isaae an^I I.ydia, :i-iir " Lydia. .M:u-ch 12, 1770. Dec. 31, 1777. June 14, 1785. Aug. 7, 1787. Aug. 24, 1791. May 21, 1790. Sept. 2, 1769. , his wile. VKt. 19, 1777. -March 21, 1S03. Juno 1, 1801. Doc. 8, 1805. Dec. 13, 1807. Feb. 21, 1814. June 8, 1816. Sept. 30, 1781. AprU 27, 1787. June 12, 1792. Oct. 27. 1795. Oct. 27, 179o. CXd. 13, 1701. Icb. 19, 1793. Be<^. 2, 1794. Dee. 9, 1794. March 9, 1790. Juno 9, 1796. June 9, 1798. April 3, 1800. Feb. 14, 1802. d. April 17, 1803. Aug. 23, ISOO. Nov. 29, 1806. AprU 21, 1811. Sept. 14, 1S12. May 28, 1793. Dec. 10, 1794. March 10, 1797. April 0, 1799. Feb. 10. 1802. Sept. 1, 1804. Feb. 5, 1807. Oct. 12, 1832. Oct. 3, 1834. AprU 12, 1836. April 12, 1842. Oct. IS, 1,S33. 38, 1S34, aged 20 years. Sept. 17, 1821. Juno 22, 1826. Oct. 4, 1827. May 22, 1740. June 19, 1738. Aug. 2.'), 1740. Dec. 20, 1741. June 20, 1744. Aug. 0, 174ii. Dec. 20. 174.-1. Oct. 2S, 177D. Nov. 4, 1313. ester , died Nov. t;. 1849. July 4, 1779. AprU 3, 1782. March 2, 1735. Dee. 2 1. 1747. Aiiril 9, 17.:.' '. SMITHFIBLD BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 105 :-29i 1-291 1-291 1-291 1-291 1-291 2-293 2-293 2-293 1-99 1-99 1-99 1-99 1-151 1-J51 1-161 1-151 1-313 1-313 1-313 1-313 3-43S 3-43S 3-438 3-438 1-95 1-95 1-95 1-95 1-95 1-85 1-95 l-9(i l-9r, 1-94 1-135 " Mary, of Diinlel, Jr., and Amie, Oct. 14, 175r 1-135 '■ Marcy, Ang. 28, 1758 1-129 " WilUam. of Elisha and Phebe, Aug. 23, 1701 1-129 « Mercy. July 29, 1763 1-129 " Ahab, Sept. 9. 170G. 1 120 Silvester, Ang. 7, 1708. 1-120 Phebe, Sept. 1, 1770, 1-129 " Jesse, Jan. 5, 177n. 1-129 " Nathaniel, Dec. IB, 1774 1-129 " Jeremiah, d. Aug. 12, 1702 1169 " HiUdah, of Stephen and Amie, Oct. 10, 170::.. 1-161) " Charlotte, Oct. 7, 170:i.. 1-169 " Aaron, March 3. 170.-.. 1169 " Wanton, May IS, 1767. 1-109 Mary, April 2, 1770. 1-169 " tirania. Aug. 20, 1772. 1-169 " Benedict, !^>pt. 23, 1777. 1-169 " Amasa, April 7, 1770. 1-169 " Stephen, Sept. 7, 1781, 1-169 " Charles, Dec. 7, 178;i.. 1-108 " Jonathan, son of Rutli Ilerondeen, March 20, 176:i. 1-103 William Peters, Aug. 23, 1771. 1-aio " Jonathan, of Philip and Elizabetii, April 10. 1763. 1-210 " Seth, Dec. 8, 1704. 1-210 I.ydli, Doc. 19, 1705. 1-210 Mary, Feb. 12, 1768. 1-SlO " Elizabeth, March 5, 1769. 1210 " Philip, June 20, 1771. 1-210 " Zervlah, July 14, 1772. 1-210 '• John, Octu 5, 1774. 1-SlO " Sarah, Sept. 8, 177(1. 1-210 " Moses, Nov. 25, 1779. 1-246 " Mercy, of Gedeon and Doivas, f-r ;'■ -/^ ^ '• - Jan. 14, 1703. 1-240 " Dianna, ^^-- — Feb. 6, 1767. 1-246 " Luke, Sept. 17, 170fl. 1.24(i " Ahas, Nov. 5, 1770. J B4i; " Uachel, May 20, 177:i. 1 246 " Martha, Juno 13, 177r,. I 24C. " Itobe, Aug. 14, 1778. 1-246 Abigail, May 31, 178(1. 1-24(1 " Arba , Oct. 0, 1782 1-246 " r.ideon. Dec. 29, 1784. 1246 " Hannali, Oct. 30, 178T SMITHFIELD BIRTHS AND DEATHS. U7 1-160 1-160 1-180 1-160 1-172 3-172 1-1 7 J 1-172 1-129 i-im 1-73 1-73 1-173 l-17o 1-235 1-23.-. 1-235 ]-23,^ 1-235 1-235 1 ■^2■.^:, 1-235 1-235 1-235 1-235 1-235 1-235 1-390 1 390 1-390 l-39() 1-390 1-390 1-390 1-390 1-390 1-390 1-390 1 390 1-296 1-29G 1-290 1-29G 1-290 1-290 1 -290 1-S9G 1-235 1 246 1-246 1-G40 1-305 1-299 1-299 3-299 1-299 1-307 1-307 1-307 1-307 1-333 1 333 J 333 1-S33 MOWE.Y Enos, of Ananias and AMgnil " Elizabeth, '• Ananias, Abigail, " Nathaniel, ot John and W.iito, •' Liverlty, '■■ Joseph, " John, " Sarah, of David and Phebe, '■■ Thomas, son of Mary Sly, Nathaniel, of Job and Hannah, " Dorcas, Joseph, of Andrew and Elizabeth, I-ydla, Note— First born in Rniithflrlri. socoml " .Tal.L'z, of Daniel. 4th. :iir.l .\lic.-. iiimael, " Mary, " Reuben, " Thankful, Aniio, " "ill!. 'Oil. ■■ Tl'Omas. ■' Daniel, " Aldrlch, " .Samuel, above, died Cliarle.ston, .S. C., '• Alice, wife of Daniel, 4t '• Mary, above, '• Margery, of El!a/.rr and Knnlce, Lydla, " Eunice, Reuben, Uhoda. Phlla. Kuth, •' Robe, " Eicasor, Joseph, '■ Ezeldel, Lert, William, of RioUiinl .uul li.-iiiiiali, " Urania. '• Candaoe, " Darius. " Arnold, " Welcome, '■ Richard, Angoll, '■ Ruth, of Jtremiali and Elizabeth, <51ive. of William and Susannah. Wanton, Dinah. Levi, of J(>n.athaji ana I'atieiiei', " Osborne, of Ahas and Ln\in;i. Silas. '■ Aseneth, • Ahas, Nathan, of Seth and liannali. " Simeon: of Seth and Lydia, " SaUy, " Seth, " Waitc, of Sylvo.si'M'. and Palimico. " .Smith, « Phebe, " Charles Cook, Feb. 27 March 7 March 2 .luly 12 May 27, June 28, Oct. 14 May 20, Nov. 18, Nov. 20, June 23, Oct. 3, Aug. 3, Aug. 22, uocesler. July -22, May 10, Nov. 4, Sspt. 20, Aug. 18, Juno 10, May -.1, Sept. 20, .lune 15, Jan. 1, Oct. 30, d. Oct. 27, d. Nov. 2, May 3, Joly 23, April 11, M.-iy 10, I'cb. 24, Job. 4, Nov. 38, 176ii. 1768. 1771. 1773. 1765. 1767. 1771' 1773. 1766. 1769' 1772. 1774. 177a. 1774. Oct. 22, Sept. 7, •lune 25, March 4, .\ufr. 29, -\pril S, 1 )<•<•. 2, Jan. 29, Mareh 18, July 4, Oct. 31, Aug. 20, Fob. 13, -Vug. 13, April 7, Nov. 22, Jan. 12, .Al:!i-eh .",1, .\pril 24, March 11, Nov. 13, C^ct. 17, Sept. 28, Dec. 29, Oc'. 16. Oct. 31, ?.lnri;li 17, Dec. 9, July 13, 177U. 1770. 1770. 1770. 1760. 17B2 , 1784. 178!i.. 17S9, 1794. 179''*. 1806. 1806. 177*. 177B. 177B. 1780. 1783. 1765. ]78«i. 1789, 5791. 1795. 1798. 180r> 177T. i77;». 17Wi. 1763. 1784. 1780. 1787. 1788. 1782. 1783. 1788. ]78!>. 1790. 1792. 17»r:. 1705. 1798. 1703. 1865. 1803. 1806. i79a. 1795. 170G. 170-5- luS VITAL RECORD OF BHODE ISLAND. l-i(ie Wt.>\VllV Jtwse. of Dileli ami X:iii-y, Juno 4. 1-408 " Dutflf, Feb. 14, 3 408 " Elvana. May i!2, 1-408 " Barney, May 3, l-i27(i " NcKi'U, 01' .T(inatli;ui and Patience, Feb. 14, 1280 '• Waterman, ol Ananla.s :\nd Nancy, Sept. 13, 1-2811 " -Mary Ann, April 22, l-3Bii " Alpha, of .ToUn and l«vina, June 11, 1-453 " Samuel, of .Jonathan 3d, and Rntti Juno 20, l-ir»:i •' Speneri, Nov. 27, 3-403 " Nelson, Juno 20, 1-453 " George Wasiiin^'loii. of .Tnnnttian 3d, and Ruth, Oct. 7, 1-463 " Patience, Dec. 7, 1-453 " Philip, Dec. 17, 1-44T •• Thomas Steele, of Gideon and Amie, Aug. 10, 1-447 " Susanna Caroline. April 19, 1-447 " Simon Boliver. Sept. 10, 2-272 '• Luke, of AngcU and IMcicy, Ang. 31, 2-272 " tiiroUno, AprU 13, 2-27L: " John Angoll, July 29, 2-271; " RnsK.>ll. May 8. 2-27-2 " Susan, July 25, 2-272 " Jasor. Nov. 22, 2-272 " Smith, Oct. 3, 1-451 " Immer Earl, of llioni;i.s and Martha. Sept. 24, 1-451 " Martha Harris. Juno 7, l-46<' " Ahner, of Ele.i/.ci- and Merey, Sept. 22, 1-460 " William Bainbvidgi', March 9, 1-4^0 " Conti'iit Ralloii, ' Juno 22, l-4«0 " John Ando, Feb. 24, l-30.^ " Mark Aldrich, of Levi ami .Vlissha, July 12, 1-305 " Dntee March 9, l-30r> " Lyman, April 16, 1-305 " Lewis Alilrloli, March 27, 1-305 " Maranda llallou. Jan. 29, 2-los " Sally SmIUi, of Aims. .ir. :inf. llulJah. Ang. 27, 2-lO.s " Untee Smith, March 3, 2-10,-i "' Amanda VVilhird. Feb. 2, 2-lO.S " Alv.ih S. (also 2!mi. Juno 29, 2 lf-1 " Orrln Fiatl, of Barney .Mid ri.ila. May 24, 2-lbl " Albert. March 9, 3-161 " Arlon. Feb. 23, 2-l!:l " StalVDifl, April 14, 2181 " Alwcll. Nov. 18, 2-;i25 " Cenrg.' i.oe. of Levi, Dec. 4, 2-101 " Alma \V.. ol Whipple B. ami l.iiih ('., Juno 11, 2-101 ■• l.eandor Scott, Aug. 20, 2-304 " Arnold Jenekcs, of William liainliiidgi' am) Anna Eliza. April m. IMi;. 2-304 '• Anson Byron, July 31, 2-7 " t'andnce. dau. of lUeharo. ilec. died: Sept. 22, 2-4(K) ■• Irvln J.>s<% of Jcss<' T. and Ilai-riot, Aug. 20, 1790. 1798. 1800. 1804. 1797. 1798. 1800. 1799. 1800. 1802. 1804. 1806. 1808. 1810. 1809. 1824. 1826. 1812. 1816. 1818. 1821. 1822. 1824. 1826. 1812. 1818. 1814. 1816. 1817. 1820. 1815. 1817. 1819. 1831. 1824. 1823. 1825. 1838. 1830. 1829. 1831. 1833. 1835. 1836. 1832. 18.34. 1836. 1849. 1849. 1850. N 1-215 NKWl- LL l.^dia, of 'leii.ianiin ;nnl Leali. IMA. 19. 1775 1-215 u Joseph, Oct. 30, 1777 1237 " Sayies C, of Simon, July 2, .1810 1-237 u Cai-oline K., his wife, ilaiiJihtcJ of IJeiijniniii ilariis, Aug. 18, m24 1-190 NEWMAN Nathaniel, ox Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 15, 1767 1-190 u Jeremiah. Sept. 27, 1772 1-190 " William, Dec. 26, 1777 X-SB^i " Lyman, of Uilliam and .Mary, Aug. 14, 1804 1-383 Benjamin, Oct. 12, 1810 i-3ii3 It William, Feb. 3, 1S13 SMlXni-IELD BIRTHS .VND DHATII^- lOH 1-44 1-44 1-44 1-44 1-44 1-44 1 44 2-122 1-4 1-4 1-5 !-.> 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-(1 1-C 1-6 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-38 1-38 1-38 1-38 1-3S 1-2!) 1-29 l-2f) 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-120 1-3 20 1-120 1-120 1-195 1 195 1-196 1-195 1-196 1-102 1-432 1-432 1-4^2 1-432 1-432 l-t32 1-432 l-tS2 1-43'i 1-42-1 O P PAUK .rii;ilu/.oll, of Josi'iili and Pliobc-, " James, .loscph. M;iry. Stephen, Aunc, Eli, Au entry oa pagu 87 reads Amia. ,lob, ol SmitMeUI , iliod at. lioyalton, JIiis.s L'AIN I'rusilUi, of Benjamin and Elizabeth, l.'Jt w " Dorcas, " Nathan. " IJcnjamiji. " .lohn, " Arnold, ol lienjamin and Anne, 2d wife, " Anna, or Benjamin and Amie. od wil'.', ■• Amie, " lilizabeth, " IMary, Sarali, John, John, " Abagail, '• Margery, " Joseph, " Benonl, '• Amie, wife of Benjamin, died .May 4, 1' " Jonathan, of Benjamin and Jemima, 4tli Abl, Jemima, Obed, " Bcla, '■ Laoden, Hcv.olcel, Atdon, " Zerlah, " Cyrus, " lienjamin, Sr., died, " PhelJC, of Benjamin. Ji-.. 'Ice, and Saial " Benjamin, Lucinda, of Arnold anil .ludetii, " John, " Prusha, " Dan, •' James, " Arnold, Hircna, Caleb. Daniel, ol John anil Maitla. Eliznbetli, " Simon, " Martha, '• Joanna, Aseneth, dau. of Sarah |:assctt, " Wllbnr, of Bononl and .Martlia, " Amie, (Darling, of Henry and Olivei, hi- Marie Antonetto. of Wilbur and Amie, " Nancy, Smith Wilbur, " Sarah Ann, " Lydia Elma, Amii; Ann, I,aura O., " Smith, of Obed and L.jvlna, Oct. 13, 1729. July Hi, 1730. Sept. 21, 1733. Oct. « , 1742 Sept. -21, 1745. July 5, 1747. Feb. 26, 1750. I'i.ni IVlJ. 23, 1746. Aug. 25, 1834. lie, Juno 5, 1722. July 29, 1724. May 18, 1720. March 17, 1728. Feb. 2, 1730. Feb. 12, 1734. Aug. 31, 1735. March 7, 1737. April 27, 1738. July 31, 1738. March 14, 1741. Dec. 21, 1742. ■ a. Aug. 27, 174t;. May 2, 1744. May 17, 174R. Aug. 17, 1747. April 25, 1749. 749. WLfe, i\.'li. 8, 175.T. Sept. 12, 1754. Dee. 8, 1756 Dec. 31, 1756 Jan. 26, 1762. Jan. 27, 1764. Juno 21, 1765. June 20, 1767. Marcli 17, 1770. April 29, 1772. Jan. 1, 1784. li, Feb. 4, 1749. Jan. 17, 17.52. Aug. 9, 1755. March 8, 1757. Nov, 13. 1709. March 15, 1762. June 25, 1765. Dec. 23, 17G7. Jnly 19, 1770. Jime 8, 1773. March 11, 1760. Feb. 12, 1762. Feb. 1, 1764. Aug. 26, 1765. Sept. 10, 1767. June 2, 1776. •Inly 4, 1783. ■; wile, June 3, 1737. De<^ 21, If 00. Sept. 12, 1S12. Oct. 1, 1818. March 20, 1832. Feb. 6, 1S25. Nov. 12, 182-'. March 7, 18.-B. Get. 14, 1785. 110 VITAL RECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1-424 PADJ Mary, of Oljed and lyo^ina. Aug. 22, 1 7cT. l^t24 u Abel, April 28, 17831. i-vm " Lydia, June 3, 1791. 1-424 " RufQS, •Sfept. 11, 179:".. 1-424 " Mercy, Aug. 2, 179'-.. I-45J4 " Jesse Taft, Feb. 19, 1800. 1-424 " Naomi, -iprU 16, 1802. 1-424 " Arnold. July 21, lb04. 3-302 Epliraim, of H.'la and KuUi, Dec. 6, 1785. 3-302 Sarah, Jan. 3 3, 178«. 1-302 Sterling, AprU 15, 1791). 1-S02 a Jlicliaol, March 13, 179-^. 1-260 " ("jntliia, of Ladon and Elizabetli, .Tan. 25, I78ri. l-26« it Cyntliia, d. Nov. — 1790. l-sno J'liUadelphia, .Sept. Ill, I7f»'1. 3-2C9 '• Cliloe, May 25. 179-i. 1-269 " OtLs, Aug. 2, 179'.. 1-269 " Otis. Aug. 2, 1705. 1-310 " CsTas, of (Jyriis and Klizabeth, May 31, .179)1. 1-318 >• Seth. S pt. 21, 3801. 1-14 j'K(;k Hannah, of Nicholas and ISachel, Sept. 4, 1739. 1-14 " Jeshureha, Feb. 11, 1741. 1-220 I'UKT -James, son of Mary Sprague, June 2S, 1709. 1^11! I'KIRCK FJiza, of Isiuic and Nabbii, Juno 2S, 1804. 2-84 u Horace, of Rhoda, July 13, 1H\~. 2-295 I'KKKY .Toscph Williams, of John and Cyntliia, Jan. 8. I63i>. 2-205 " Klizabeth Ann, JIarch 29, 1837. 2-2»5 " May Riiliamah, Dec. 28, 1S39. 2-285 It Lydia Jane, Jan. 17, 184-3. 2-ll(> I'UKTTKPLACR Binitli Paine, of liorlon and JuJianna, April 23, 18.34. J -125 PIITLMPS Azeial., of Mikcl and Freolove. .\ng. 16, 1710. 3-125 " Mary, June 4, 1721. 1-125 *' .fohn. July 31, 1723. 1-125 '" Mikel, March 0, .1725. 3-125 ;i Jeremiah, Jan. 17, 1730. 1-125 (( Sarah, Deo. 19, 1.732. 1-126 '' Deborah, March 27, 1735, 3-126 u Freelove, ydia, Sept. 17, 17,3.t. 1-64 " Mercy, Sept. 11, 1741. 1-84 *' Joshua, UOI. 14, 1744. 1-S4 ,£ Adam, Nov. 15, 1746. 1-64 *' Ephraim, Oct. 28, 1751. laoi *• Mai-y, of D;inicl and HMiinah, April 19, 1735. l-Ull Isaac, .\pril 2«, 1737. 1-101 ti Amie, Sept. 10, 173S». 1 101 " Klizahetli, Juno 1, 37.13. l-IOl *• Daniel, M:irch 22, 174S. 1103 .£ Hannah, Feb. 3 8, 1747. 3-101 Rufus, Dec. 2, 17if'. 1-101 " -\bigaU, Nov. 17, 175'.' 3-101 " Mercy, June 21, 175>;. 1-55 '■ Job, .son of I'ailh Horeudeen, Dec. 24, 173r,. 1-55 •• James, died. Doc. 12, 174<-.. 3 124 Kutli. of Joseph .and ftirah, Jan. 14, 1757. 1-156 Asol, of Isaac and Susannah, Dec. 6, ]7i;:- RMITHFIBLD BIRTHS AND DEATHS. iii 1-150 rillLLII'S Marcy, of Inane and Siisaniiah, .Ian. 29, 1765, 1-15« " Hannah, Dec. ao. 1707 1-156 \ espatlon. Dec. 18, 17 (it' 1-42 Israel, son of liutheriuc Comslock, i'ob. 19, 1705. 1-100 Augustus, of JSlijaU and lihoda. Dec. 18, , I7ri.'>. J -190 Martlia , March 10, 1707 1-190 •' Asa, May B, 176if 1-190 " Amasa, I'eb. 14, , 1771. 1-244 OUs, 01 iluius :uia icehecca, J?'ob. 4, 177«. 1-244 Lucy, , Sept. 21, 177K, 1 244 " Amos, July 1, 17 Ki, 1-277 " Martlm, of Uadeon and u annaii. March 22, 17H4. 1-277 •' Estner, March Bi, 17K(i. 1 277 Mary, Kept. B, 1787. 2-6 " Itoclra, of Luke ana UyiiUiia, April 24, 1812 2-5 " Luke Waterman, AprU a, 1814. 2-5 '• George Washington, Sept. IS, 1710. 2-5 Colista Emellne, Jlarcb 6, J^HltV 2-5 Luke, St., died, aged 51 yeare. Jan. 12, IBU. 2-5 Cynthia, his wife, died, aged 72 years. Aug. 2, 1861. 1166 Lucius Johnson, of Henjamin Barney and Betsey, , April 27, 1825, 1-98 roi'TEB Sprague, of Samuel ana Abigail, July 27, 1754. 161 rLlJMhUi Bimeon, of Samuel ana Tabltha, NOT. 9, 1751 1-61 " Elchard, June 15, 1755. 1-61 I'EAY John, died. l>ct. 9, 1730. 8-455 PULLEN Nicholas, Of William ana Naomn, Sept. 4, 1742, Q R 2-15 HATVKIN ivObert, of John and Mercy, 2-15 " Thomas, 2-15 " Sarah, 2-15 '• Catherine, 1-380 UATllBTIN Lydla, of Rowland ;ind Alice, 1-380 " Mercy Peckham, 1-S80 " Mftry, 1-380 " Edward BuT-rougb, 1-380 " Francis Howgall. 1188 iiAYMOND Phebo, of Caleb and l..ivLna, 1-188 " Caleb, 1-34:J i;av Albert, of Levi and l-aizaiielli, 1-84.1 '■ Caroline, 1-343 '• Edward, 1-343 '■ Hann.ah, 1-343 " Sarah, 1-343 •' Le\i Clark, 1-24 •■ Cynthia, of Simu..'! mul Susan, 1-34 '■ Abba Carroll, 1-24 " Joseph CairoU, 1-24 " Mary, 1-24 •• Samuel Stillmaii, 1-24 • James Edwin, 1-24 " Charles, 1-4R nK.VD Anna, of John jind Abig.nil. 1.46 " Abigail, 1-117 " Mercy, of r.enjamin and Elizabeth, 1-117 '• Taborah, 1-23 " I'aUenco, of Ilan.snn and Hannah, 1-330 Jto.ses Famum, of David nnd Hannah, 1-330 " Khoda. 1-330 " Anson, l_j2i " Hiram Nelson, of Ah.ab and, Bath, 1-427 R1';miN«T()N Ellzahcth, of Daniel and Patience, 1-427 " Minerva, Dec. 12, lolt'. AprU 30, 1,^2 Aug. 11, 1824 June 15, 1827. July 13. 1 80;; , April 2, , 1805. Oct. 1, 1800. Oct. T, 1800. Aug. 19, 1811. Dec. IC. 1753. Sept 2, 1757. Jan. 31, ],-il2. July 21, isi:;. June 3, 1818. Oct. 6, 1,^20. Oct. — , 1822. Jan. 25, 1820. l\>b. 15, isk;. Jan. 24. 1819. July 20. 3 82(1. (Jet. 12, 162.'J. Jftn. 10. 1820. Feb. 21, i82r'. Juno 13, 1832, March 4, 1750. March 12, 1758. Oct. 29, 1750. AprU 5, 175b Jan. 16, '1758 . May 20, 1791. Oct. 11, 17i)2 Jan. 3, 1797 Jlarch 15, 18O0 March 18, i8o:> June 24, l.-ilti' 11-2 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAXD. 1 mv IIKJUNGTON James Mussey, of Daniel aiul l';ili.'iii r. Jan. 11, 1.^12. 1.-428 " Washington, of Daiil'l and Palionce, Fub. l.'j, 1817. l-42fc " Jefferson, *'eb. 15, 1817. 1-428 " Monroe, t'eb. 15, iai7. 1-254 '• Mowry, May 27, 1786. 1-254 ICIiNll'P Dclilali, ol Mlsha and Anna, Oct. HO, 1784. 1-25-1 " Delilah, (Ued, Feb. a, 1785. 1-35 KICJlAUDbKiN Mary Lawtoii Alany, ol William anil .Mary, Jane ,1, 1817. 1-3011 " William Aagnstas, ol John K. and Sylvia, June 30, 1828. 2-5(i ROWLKY Nancy, of Hugh and I'hila, AprU 1, 182U. 2-5t; " John, Juno 22, 1827. 2-5ti " Mary, Aug. 17, 1820. 2-5« " Hugh, Sept. 21, 1833. -'-5t; " James William, Oct. 19, 1837. s 1 IV 1-14!) 3-149 l-14!l l-14!» 1-201 3-353 3-353 3-353 3-353 3-354 3-354 3-364 3-22 l-Oo 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-52 1-52 1-52 1-52 t-52 1-52 1-52 1-52 1-52 1-B7 1-57 1-57 1-57 1-57 ;-57 1-57 1-57 1-57 1 57 1-57 1-5,H 1-58 l-fiX aAU.NDHRS F.lisha, of Henry and Anne, '• Abigail, of Henry and Jniie, '• KKeii, '• Rispah, " Asher, Note.— The former bucn Johnston, Ueld. " Dutcc, of Ksek and Abifiail, SAYI.KS TlioinaB, of Tlioinas .iiid Ksther. « MaHha. " Martha. " Ksthor, " Elizabeth, . Nathan, " Jereinlali, " /ilphn, of Jolm, .h.. .nii! Mnrtlin. " Rhoda, " Martha, Ksek, " Ighmacl, " Thomas, " Hannah. " Ksthor, " Mary, of KiilKinl :i!hI Abigail. " WUIIam, " Sarah, " Stephen Abigail. John, " Elidia, " Daniel, Smith, Abntiiam. of Elishu ami .\tariha, " Susannah, Mary, " David, " AUce, " SUvanns, " iNirah, I'hebe, Kuth, " Anne, " DrusUla, " Kzeklol, ol Stephen and I'iiebo, " Sllranns, •' Dntee, " Mordecal, Nov. 25, 175S. May 12, 1763. April 14, 176fi. AprU IG, 1768. .luno 3, 1771. tlie llirec la.st In Smith Nov. n, 1770. June 21, 173.'!. Aug. 5, 1735. d. Nov. 18, 1737. Jan. 7, 1738. Oct^ 15, 1740. April 21, 1741. Dec. 17, 174;i. :«arch 22, 1742-3. July 4, 1745. Aug. IS, 1747. Aug. IB, 1749. lice. l,'175r. April 5, 17?4. June 22, 175B. Aue. fi, 1758. Dec. 13, 1742. Feb. 28, 1744. Sept. 22, 1747. Oct. 0, 1740. Sept. 12, 1751. Juno 14, ]7r>:v March 15, i" Jan. 18, 1758. Aug. 31, 1759. JIarcti, 13, 1747-8. Oct. 17, 1749. Oct. 4, 1752. May 17, 1755. .\pm P, 1757. April, 17, 1760. l-"el). 25, 1763. Oet. 2^, 1766. April 15, 1768. July 8, 1770. Aug. 13, 1772. Jan. 25, 174S. May 6, 1750. Dec. IS. 1751. Oet. 2, 1753. SMITHFIELD lilRTHS AND DEATHS. Hi: 3-5.S SAYI.K S .VUab, ol' ^trplu'ii !iml Plielio, i:)(;n. 10, . 17r.ii. 1-tU ti Joauna, of Sllvunus and Anne, Nov. 16, 1 74e'. 1-ia '• Amey, Aug. 27, 1751 . 1-75 •• liJcUaiU, 01 Gideon and SunUi, Sept. 29, 1752. 175 •• Abigail, Juno 0, 1758. 1 75 " Anne, Sept. 15, 1T61. 1-75 " stepUon. Sept. 15. 1762. 1-77 '■ Jthoda, of Jc.soiih, and l':ilii-ii(e. Feb. 17, 1753. 1-77 " Amoy, March 20, 1755. 1-77 " i'atloneo. June 23, 17G2. a -77 " HcltL-y, June 23, 1764. 1-110 " John, of KitharJ and Alnnaif, June 14, 1753. 1-llU " Alice, of .l(niatli!in iind I'.li'/.alirlli, Fob. 5, 1755. 1-110 " Amey Aivor.son, <_)et. 21), 1757. 1-ilO " Ainoy Alvi-i'son, died, Jiarch 10, 1790. 1110 e: KaeliC'l, of .lonathan and Rlizalicih, Jan. 27, 1700. 1-8 " Leah, of David and Lydia. Nov. 12, 1750. 1-8 " Klcmucl, March 18. 175.~. 1-S (( Stutcle.y, .Tunc 17, 1700. 1-8 <( Geoigi', of Thomas and JIary. SepI . 0. 1758. 1-21 " Hannah, of .John, Jr., and Martha, d. Dec. 1-2 day.s. , 4,, 17.".!!. avveci :i ,\ . .^tn. 1-111 " Levina. of I'homas and Mary, May 4. 1700. 1-111 C( Darius, July ->. 1702. ]-ni ••' Lucinda, .Tuno 28. 1764. 1-111 <£ Lydia. March 3. 170-. 1-21 a .Tolin. "f .lol'.n. .Ir., .and JIartha, Dec. 12, 1700. 1-21 ti 3th si.n, July 4, 170::. 1-21 11 5lh .son. d. July 7, 1703. 1-170 cc Mary, of .Tonatlian and Eliz.abefh, Dee. 3, 1701. l-17fi " Benjamin. Feb. 20, 1701. 1 170 li Gideon, Nov. 22, 1705. 1-170 a Eiizabefh. March 0, 17firi. 1-176 « David, Dec. 10, 1700. 1 1 70 « Jonathan, Nov. 20. 1772. 1-170 '• Hannah. July 1 o, 1774. 1-170 " Isreal, Aug. 22. 1770. 1-176 " Isi-oal, &. Sept. 4, 177h. l-17(i It Welcome, April 4, 17711. 1176 a Jonathan, labove) son of Kiclianl, May I--. T7:;0 ; died Fe 1.. 27. 1 300. 1-8 (( Waite. of David and Anne, Oct. 1 . 1701. 1-8 it Lydia, Dec. 2, 170.-). 1-134 it Welcome, of Tliomas and Pnidy, March 31, 1771-.. 1-233 (.- Asalifl, of E.sek and S;ii-ah, June 11, 1777. 1-233 it Mnrtlia, Oct. 13, 1778. 1-233 a Asa, April 24, 17-0. 1-233 '■ Cileb, Der. I, 17-1. l-23;j " Prusle. Oct. 8, 17-3. 1-233 '• Surah. Sept. 27. 178.".. 1-233 " Willi.'im. June Iti. 17.S-. 1-233 a \'a.shtj. Jane 1, 1700. 1233 «' Anna. June n , 1702. 1-233 '• Dutue, Nov. 0. 1701. 1-330 " Jlercy. (pf Smiili and Al)ig.ill, Aug. 5, 17ri). 1-320 (( Mercy, a. Nov. 14. 17!).-,. l-32(> " Polly, May 8. 17H4. 1-320 " Sijilly. Fcl-. 14, 1780. 1-320 (( Sally. d. Jane 13, 17S(;. l-32(; u Thankiiil. July 3, 17S7." 1-320 a Sanniel . Jan. 4, 1700. 1-320 ti Richanl. Feb. 13. 17!)::- 1-320 it Scotl. Aug. 2d, 1704: 1 :;m ■• .Io;in..a. Nov. 0. 17;).'. 1 -■■■•■M Al.l-ail. April 1 , l-0_'. 114 VITAL KKCOBD OF RHODE ISLAND. i-UflS tiAVLEb Prusui, (if Steplic-u and KoSf, July 8, 1783. 1203 " Joe), Jan. 22, 17S5. 1-29J u Aimu, Dec. 15, 1786. 1-292 u Barali, Feb. 22, 1789. 1-292 M Arteinisa. March 16, 1791. 1-292 a Ehoda, May 2, 1793. 1-292 u Dan Ai(liii-!t, Oct. 3, 1796. 1-292 " Almlra. Oct. 6, Ib02. 1-292 " Stephen, May 15, 1805. 1-172 " Pardon, ol David and -jileua. Dec. 11, 1784. 1-274 a Martha, of Cliarles and Cliailottc, Jan. t), 1786. 1-274 " Mowry. June 12, 1788. 1-315 t( Urania, of .ioiiatlian and /irviali. Nov. 24, 1793. 1-31 D " Mowrj, Dec. 14, 1798. i-ai& " ilowrj. d. Feb. 3, 1622. 1-aif) M KpHiaiui, July 9, 1805. i-yyi ClarKe, of c.ideon and Sally, Nov. 8, 1798. 1-391 " Parley, June 29, 1800. 1-U91 '• .(Vmoia, July 23, 1802. 1-452 " Kmor ttmiUi, of Caleb and liliody, Sept. 16, 1808. 2-102 " Pliebe, of David and Piiebe. AprU 17, 1814. 2-102 Mary, Dec. 14, 1816. 2-102 " Amey, March 27, 1820. 2-102 " Lenaiia, Aug. 3. 1823. 2-102 " i,ydia, Aug. 2o, 1827. 2-102 - David, May 17, 1832. 1-34 -" Setli, of Juil and Cathiiine, Nov. 3, 1814. 1-347 •■ ilariau. Sept. 2;;, 1816. 1-423 " Simon ..Udricb, of Natbaui^ 1 and Anna, Feb. 23, 1816. 2-317 " Henry fidmand, of Jessi- and Lucluda, May 5, 1821. 2.317 " -Mercy Harris, Nov. 5, 1827. 2-200 " KdwUi, of Bielmrd and Panule, Maich 23, 1824. 2-200 ■• Joanna, Juno 5, 1825. 2-20O " Lymau, Nov. 7, 1826. 2-200 " Daniel, Feb. 12, 1828. 2-2011 " OrvUle, Dec. 22, 1829. 2-200 " Abigail, Aug. -1. 1831. 2-200 " Harriet, -46 " David, a-46 •■ Metiitable, 3^5 •' wmiam, 3-436 " FatloBce, ot lliOM;is and Ilutll, 3-430 " Solomon, a-436 " Enth, 0-436 " Martba, 3-436 " Nlctiolas, 3-43B •• Mercj. of XlKijiuis ami Kiith, 3-430 " Gideon, 3-436 ■' Anioy, 1-44 •' uni istoiiuer, (if curistopiit-r and Saiah, 1-44 '• labitua, 1-44, aa •■ Susanna, ol Jiuiatbau and Martha, "'-33 •■ Ximotby, 01 J)avld and Kboda, 1-16 SLOCI.II i'eleg ThJU( > . of Poleg and Prnslia, 3-16 SLY Stephen, died Feb. 27, 1737-8. 3-16 " Elizabeth, wife of Staphen, died Aug. 29. 1741 1-16 •' WUllam, died Aug. 20, 1741. 1-16 '• Mary, (if Sii'iihrii and S.Trah, I- Hi " Mary, 1-Hi " Phebe, 1-16 " Phebe, 1-16 " Williarii, 1-lC. " Miii-y, It-n; " John. 1-16 " Siirah. 1-10 " SU'phen, 1-li; '■ Mercy, 1-16 " Patienee, 1-lia " Joanna, l-lSr. " Natliaii, 1-135 " David. 1-lUi '• Phebe, 1-llf) •' Avis. 1119 " Jamey, 1-75 '- Nancy, of .i.ihii and Euth, 3-423 SMITH Snsanna, of John and Abigail 3-423 •• John, 3-423 " Jolui. 3-423 " Sarah. 3-423 " I'hebe, 3-423 " Benjamin, 3-423 " .ibigaU, 3-423 " John, 3-423 " Samuel, 3-423 '• Thouia.s, 3-423 " Jean, 3-423 " Kuth, 3-423 " Abigail, 1-65 " John, difd luJy y, 1752. 1-55 " Abigail, 01 Jacob and Dinah, 1-55 " David, 3-55 " Jeremiah, 1-55 " Patience, 1-55 " Mary, 1-55 '• Bnlas, 3-55 '• Sarah. Not( — One record reads leaac and Dinah. i-23 " Mary, nf Nonh and iMary, j-23 " Noah, 1744. 1740. 1748. 1751. IT.l'.i. 1752. July 25, 1725. i'eb. 23, i72y 30. May If, 1735. March 0, 1736-7. March 2, 1733-a. AprU 5, 1741. July 19, 173K Jan. I a, 1737-8. Peb. 10, 1739 40. Ang. 1«, 174^4. Nov. Jan. iN'oV. 15, July IS, July Sept. 15, Doc. 13, 1754. May 5, 1769. Aug. 21, 179<;. March 28, 1739. d. Oct. 15, 1740. Feb. 7, 1741. d. April 3, 1742 AprU 28, 1742. July 6, 1744. June 12, 1746. March 28, 174B. March S, 1749. Jan. 3, 1752. AprU 14, 1754. Juno 13, 1756. July 20, 1702. July 30, 1764. Oct. 20, 1762. March 29, 1765. Feb. 22, 1768. June 12, 1771. Oct. 8, 1724. 1726. r36. Dec. 21, 17157. March 20, 1729-30. Aug. 21, 173!S. Feb. 14, 1734-6. ». AprU 22, 1737.f- May 20, 1739. Jan. 14, 1740-1. Jan. 12, 1742-3. June 27, 174b. a. June 5. 1752. S March 30, 17£ i d. June 2a, 171; Jan. 11, 1729. AprU 19, 1731. Feb. 11, 1733. lleo. 20, 1735. Sept. 30, 1737. Jan. 17, 1740-1. Dec. 24, 1745. March 12. 17Si». July 10, 1734. 116 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. l-ii4 8JUTJI Anicy, ol Noiili and Aliig;ia, 3d -wife, 1-24 '• John, n-449 " Phebe, of Abialiaiii luid Keljcccii, 1-3 " Abraham, 1-3 " .liilUeel, 1-3 " Nathaniel, 1-3 " James, 1-45 " Jonathan, of L(.'on:u-il tiuii i:iiz;il)cUi, 1-45 " t^rah, 1-45 " LeonaiHl. 1-45 " Simon, r>-4;j5 '' Sar:ih, of liciijainin ami Anno, :i-435 " Benjamin, 3-435 " Kuth, ;;-435 " Amey, 3-424 " son of John and Abigail, ]-80 " l»atience, of Caleb and Maitlia, 1-80 - " WlUhim, 1-80 " Bhadrack, 3-nJ " Unssell, 1-80 " Caleb, 1-S(i '■ Mary, of Josei)h 3d. and Waite, 1-86 " David, 1-86 " John, 1-81 " Chloe, of Benjamin and Abigail, 1-81 " Enos, 1-81 " Siunuol, 1-103 " Abraham, of Noali and Anna, i-l " I'hubo, of John and Mary. 1-105 " DruslUa, 1-70 " Samuel, of Joseph and Mercy, 1-70 " Samuel, of John, dec., and Abigail, — 1-171 '• lUspah, of John, son of I'hlllii and Phebe, -. 1-171 " Mary, 1,171 '• Tnuia, of Ellsha, and Elizabeth. 1-163 '■ Oeorge, of Noah, and Keziali, 1-163 " Esquire, 1-163 " Ellsha, ^ 1-76 " Cj-nthia, of Martin and Mary, 1-76 " PitU, , — 1-26 " ^Upheu-s, of Salomon and Mercy, 1-26 " Hope, 1-26 " Nancy, 1-2B " Hannah, 1-161 " jUlen Brown, son of Mary lirown, 1-209 '■ Abigail, of John and .Sar.ah, 1-209 " Noah, 1-257 '• Abigail, of Benjamin and Mary, 1-257 " Lydia, 1-257 '• Devlna, 1-257 *• Mary, 3-257 " Nancy, 2-8 " George Olncy, or John and Dorothy. 1-416 ■• Lucy, ol Samuel and Hope, 1-416 " Doton, 1-416 " Harriet, 1-416 ■• Chandler Uobbins, 1-440 '■ Annah, of Sylvester and Knhanaili. 1-440 " Jesse, 1-440 " Prelat«, 1-440 " Lewis, 1-440 '• Charles Westcott, 1-440 " Lydla, ^.-450 '- I.eon.ird Nichols, ol' .li--. mid l.civiiia, : 45

    r,. Feb. IR, 1753. Sept. 17, 1757. AprU 12, 1700. June 2, 1754. March 20, 1757. Juno 13, 1759. Feb. 14, 17'55. Jan. 10, 1758. Sop(. 29, 1759. Jan. 10, 175S. d. Feb. 3, 1759. July 3i>. 17(1:;.- JlUy 4, ]7ii4. July 28. 17r.3. -Ian. 2">. 17(54. Oct. 18, 17«j. Sept. 25, 1768. Fe)j. 9, 1765. Oct. 10, 17Gi;. Aug. 1, 176«. Aug. 10, 17rvS. Sept. 21, 1770. Feb. 1. 1773. Nov. 25, 1773. Feb. 11, 1777. .\iiK. 11, 1781. .Inne 15, 1777. March 19, 1779. March 14, 1781. June 15, 1783. Sept. 22, 1785. Feb. 17. 1789. March 27, 1792. June 13, 1793. Feb. 21, 1795. Nov. 17, 1797. Jan. 18. 1795. Nov. 8, 1790. May 13. 1802. Bee. 20, 180;i. Aug. 13, 180i(. Aug. 20, 1814. Mr.i-rh 21. 1.-09. April 15, 1.^1(1. • s.Mi liii-iKi.Li — i;ii;riiK and dkatiis. 117 1-450 1-400 1-450 1-450 1-450 1-450 1-450 1-450 2-8 2-90 2-fO 2-80 2-80 2-80 2-80 2-80 2-80 1-328 l-:!2-; 1-240 1 -412 1-412 1 412 1-412 1-412 1-412 1-412 1-412 2-24 2-24 2-24 2-2 1 2-24 3-100 3-100 :j-ioo 3-101 :;-ioo y-101 3-101 3-101 B-iOL :i-lui 1-45 i-4fl 1-45 1-45 1-45 1-4:5 1-17 1-17 1-17 1-30 1-30 i-ai> 1-30 1-30 1-30 l-ld5 1-220 1 -220 1-220 S3UT1I Jacob, of Jc8.su and Lovina, Rebecca, Arnold, Levi, " George, " Caroline, " Orrln, " Martin SiinIps, " Mury Sprngue, of fleoi-Kc- nnd jM.-iry, " Lyflia Ann, of Uaii ;ina Kllzatjptb, SuimiWICll Ellzn. of J:inM-s .-inrt Destlmona. " -Alice Ratliliim, " Jonattian Osborni', •' Patience Arnold, " Alonzo Henry, " Fmncis George, " Destlmona Coolc, SPAIJLDING Joseph, of Aholhib and HopestUl, I'resilla, of Abolinb and Anna, 2d wife, " .\niey, of Nathaniel and l^ydla, " Lydla, of Nathaniel and Thankful, " Mary, " Nathaniel, " ThanWul, " Hannah, " wmiam W., " Sarah, " John Newell, SPEAR j^xnold, of Elltanali and I'.lizabeth, " Arba, (Mowry of Gideon and Hannab)f " Seth, (b. Cumhorlandl, of Ainold And AiIj! " Jlannnh SSmitli, of Arnold and Arba " Arba Arnold, SP1!A<;IT|.: Lydla, of Hr/.cUlah and Sarah, '.' Ruth, " Anne, " Hadassah, " Mehltablo, " Hezeldah, " Joseph, " Karah, " Merc.N , Alllgllll, " HHthlnh, of Jr>nathan aiiU j'Mary, viary. Aiiraiiani, /upjia, Jonaiiiati, " iiideon, (0. Cum.) Martlui, or \Mmairi, .iiv, and Rebecca, " Ruth, '■ Klea?er, Note— First born Mendon. IIk:" otliers " I'hehe. of Amos and Mei-cy, " Seijh, Anne, " .Ruth, " Amey, " Mary, »lr Henry, of He/.ekla!i. Jr., au'l Alpha, " Jonaihan, of J'^iias and Mary, " rueodnte, " Ainey, ijiiijaniln, i.ovnia. J-rb. 10, Dec. 4, r. I.. 27, Jnnc 3. Jan. 13, Nov. 21, Nov. 8, Aug. 10, JMay 30, March 4. Nov. 18, Oct. 4, Oct. 2, May 5, Jan. 5, Aug. 13, Aug, 11, Oct. 15, April 0, Feb. 16. April (i, March IR, Mareh, 18, July 6, April 15, May 1, Jan. 9, May 5, March 1, uct. 6, Aug. 1, Sept. 12, Sept. 10, Feb. 30, Dec. 26, Jan. 11, Juno 2 March 7, Jnly 14. .Ian. 15, March 15, March Xii, teo. ^:i, .miy 5, Sept. 14, Aug. 1:4, Aprn *J^, Dec. 25, July J-5, I'BO. I'_", May 22, Nov. 10, Smithfield. March 31, April l.">, Jan. 31, Jan. 14, Dec. 19, Feb. 7, Oct. 15, Dec. 9, .lull. 4, ' 'l-L. ti. April 1 1 , AUK. 12, IHI-J. 1813. 1815. 1816. 1819. 1R20. . 1822. 1824. 1820. 1829. 1812. 1814. 1816. 1818. 1820. 1823. 1826. 1772. 1791 . 1775. 1799. 1801. 1 803. 1805. 1808. 1810. 1812. 1815. 1782. 1782. 1810. 1813. IHlii. 1726. 1727. 1730. 1732. 1735. 1737. 17.39. 1742. 1745. 170^. iva«. X(3". M.il. 1739. 17-tJ. J /4 . . I ,.i!». 1741. 174:!. 1730. 175:;. 175.J. 1757. 17ii2. I7l)6. 171j5. 1765. lYHrt. ITdii. 1771. 1773. 1-220 3-220 1-320 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-220 1-3S 1-20(1 1-354 1-139 1-139 1-53 153 1-53 1-53 1-53 1-53 :; -MD 3-449 3-439 3-439 3-439 3-439 3-439 3-439 3-439 3 439 1-42 1-42 1-42 1-42 1-13 1-04 l-fi4 1 r,4 1-R4 1-64 2-33 •2-33 l-3n(> 3-ll>2 3-102 3-102 3-102 3-102 3-102 3-103 3-103 3-103 3-103 3-1 o:; 3-103 1-137 1-137 1-20 1-20 1-20 1-248 2-368 1-219 1-219 1-21B J 21U VITAL KECOKD VF IIHODE ISLAND SPR.\(3rUE Stepliun, of Elias aud Mary, Nov. IS, 1773. (( Preserved, Oct. 17, 1777. » Thankful, Oct. 19, 1779. (( WUUam, June 3, 1782. » Alice, Aug. 29, 1784. a Phebe, of Xeliemiah and Alice, Deo. 27, 1771. " Amey, Oct. 7, 1773. u Hosea, June 1, 1775. (C Amos, of Setli and Deboiali. Nov. 20, 1772. CI Sarah, of .Tonatlian and Patience, Dec. 5. 178.-). " F.lma Murln, of Hoaca and Cliloe, March la. 1800. " Esther Smith, of NaUian B. and Sarah, Jan. 29, 181-1. " Daniel, Apm 8, 1810. STAPLES Kutli, of lliomas aud Experience, Dec. B4, 17SS4. " Win lam. Jan. 29, 1727-8. " Susannah, March 1«, n 29-30. u Sarah, July 9, 1732. " Thomas, Oct. 10, 1734. " Martha, Nov. 4, 1736. " Hannah, of Samuel and Rose, March 8, J 727-8. (t Snmnel, July '28, 1731. (( Xathaii. of Nathan anil 5Iary, March 7, 1731. ct Nathan, d. May 13, 1732. u Nathan, ua. May 28, 1733. " Jnfleth, Dec. 13, 1735. " Hannah, • Feb. 8, 1737. " Mary, Oct. 5, 1739. u Ebeneier, Dec. 1. 1742. " Samnel. a. Feb. 19, 1742. " Mary, of Nathaniel and Mary, Ane. 19, 1737. (t Susanna, Oct. 8, 1744. " Hannah, May 21, 1747. " Martha. Jan. 24. 17^1" " Jemima, May 23. 1753. t( Kselc. of Kbenezer and Hannah. May 10, 1770. " Hannah, AprU S. 1775. u Nathan, , 1777. " Thomas Newell, of Nathan and Mary. April 15, 1802. " Martha, Sept. 10. 1805. u Hoorffp WlU.nd. of Thnnia<; N. and Almlra. Feb. 1. 1824. " Nathan, May R. 1P2R. sr.MM. ■:t<>N Elizabeth, danphter of Ihinnali llolrton. Sept. 20, 1782. STKHKE 'riiomris. djprt. Aug. — , 1735. " Ellsha, of Thiimas and t^ntherlne. Kept. 10. 1737. ii Andrew. Nov. 19 1738 " Andrew, dlnd Dec. 18, 1751. " Susannah. May 10. 1740. " Susannah, died Dec. 5. 1751. " ITiomas, Fob. 2, 1744. " Thomas. died Dec. 8. 1751. u Da^1a. May 20. 1743. " NafHan. Sept. 23, 1747. " Rachel. Jan. 18, 1750. " Catherine. vtf« of 'Jliomas, died Dec. 17. 1751. u Catherine, of Tliomas and Mary, Jan. 16, 1756. u Mary, irtie of Thomas. died Nov. 21-,, 1757. u Susanna, of Ellsha and Amey, . Oct. 19, 1760. u Thomas, Sept. 21, 1 762. u SUva, Sept. 4. 1764. u William Arnold, of Arnold and Diana, March 17, 1818. STON-K Emily Marta, of James R. and Ablgidl F., Feb. 28, 1845. STREETER Natiianlel, of Ueorge and Rhoda, July 3, 1775. Annt., Aug. 2i, 1776. u llollou. March 10, 177B. M Amey, Dec. SB, 1780. SMITIIFIKT.I) lURTIlS AND DEATHS. 119 i-i'jn SrilKF.TI'.K I'tMlHlopi', of (iciirgi; ylid iihuihi, June 1^, 1787. 1-210 " G«orge, Aug. 13, 179;;. l-35ii '• Mary, ol NaUuiilel nnil Wuite, Nov. 5, isoo. 1-350 " Aui'flia, of Mbove paieii;s. Aug. 22, 1802. 1-356 " Jleiry. or N.iliialli' 1 Mini Wllitc, July 22, ISUj. 1-350 " Lucy Wilkiusoii, May 20, ISll. 1-350 ■■ WllUiim Henry H.iriisoii. Oct. 28, 1S14. 1-330 " Da^i^l WiUUuson, Marck 13, 1.-.17. i-111 " Eliza, of Naliam and KJiza, Maicli 31, Io20. 2-111 William, May 9, 1S24. 2-111 " Mary Ann, Marcll 9, I82r>. 2-111 " Jliuerva, May 10, 182S. 2-111 Abbio JIason, Aug. 7, 1S30. 2-111 EmUy, July 26, 1S33. 2 ll.> May Laiini, of D:i\icl W. anil Abigail. Bee. 30, 1830. 1-278 TADF.U Elizabi-Ui, of I-a.TC and Hannab, 1-278 " Ilenjamiii Penrec, 1-278 " William Krown, 1-278 " Isaac, 1-278 " George Pcaice, 1-27S " G-eorere Poarce. 1-278 " Nancy Wilkinson, 1-27S " . Samnpl. 1-278 " Mary, 1-278 " Hannah, v.'ife ol' Isa;ie, 1-33 TEFFT Samuel, ol Peter and .-iarali, 1-33 " Mary, 1-158 " Prudence, ol John ;niil C'ilvoy, 1-223 '• Olive, of James and Mary. 1-223 " Eunice, 1-223 '■ Nathan, 1-223 " Aman, 1-223 " Eber, 1-222 " AblgaU, 1-222 " Abia. 1-222 " Enock, 2-117 " Stephen Bnffuin, of BunUl and Rboda, 2-13G ■■ Mary Ellzabotli of Kufus W. and Jiidetb Nov. 27. 1841. 1-401 " Tliilley Smith, ^on of .Sarah Smilh and Kli Feb. 25, 1780. 1-31 'lHciltNT(jN llachel, of Kbene/.-r aiul Knlh, 1-31 " Stephen, 1-31 " Ruth, 1-31 " Daniel, 1-31 " Daniel, 1-31 " Ebenezer, 1-32 " Phebe, 1-32 '• Elisha. 1-32 " Mary, 3-430 " Joanna, of Benjamin and Jfarlha, 3-440 " John, 3-440 " Roger, 3-440 " Mary, 3-440 " Ebenezer, 1-25 " Henry, of Caleb and Mary, 1-137 TlliiM.SON Benoni, of Samuel and Khoda. 1 -137 " Uriah, 1-137 " Ahne, 1-43 TRASK Frederic, of Ebenezer and Sarnli, 1-258 " Adin, of Ebenezer, Jr., iind lliild.ili. 1-25S '■ Esther. July 2, 1810. March 12, 1812, Dec. 31, 1814. Feb. 28, 1817. Feb. 24, 1819, Sept. 11, 1820. June 25, 1821. Sept. 20, 1823. June 11, 1826. d. Nov. 11, 1838, June 9, 1755. March 11, 1759. June 15, 1763, Sept. 26, 1770. March 22, 1772. Oct. 16, 1775. Sept. 6, 1770. July 30, 1773. M.irch 29, 1780. Jane 18, 1783. Aug. 16, 17iS. Nov. 25, 1837. boiii Mllbnry, Mass., lia Thilley, April 8, 1733. July 7, 1735. March 9, 1737. June 8, 1739, d. Sept. 5, 1748. March 31, 1742. Sept. 3. 1744. June 30, 1748. Sept. 23, 1750. Aug. 3, 1739. June 6, 1741. Oct. 13, 1744. .\ug. 2, 1746, Oct. 27, 1751. .March 26, 1757. AprU 19, 1767. March 31, 1709. May 14, 1771. May 26, 1752. Sept. 3, 1 764. Nov. 21, 1788. 121) vn'M, i;ki.ikii • Jlohr-rt S.. of t;ioce.stor, and Amey Clarke, wile of Jeremiah ; chuaren of Kobcrt Tucker, lat ■ ol Bmlthtiria, st.ile Unit h'' was tbe son of l/.rael, and that lie wa.s b. Jlay :;5, 1770. d. Jan. 22, 1824. " Amie (Colwefl, of John and Elizabeth), ■ftile of Hobert, d. ape 72y., Ira., 3d., Feb. 18, 1844. U V VT 1-85 WAI.LING James, 1-65 •' James, 2-57 WARNEK William K., of George T. and Tanizcn, 1-234 WATEKMAN Mary, of William and M.iry, 1 23t '• Stephen, 1-234 " Kancy, 1-34 WEt.KES John, of Nathan and Hannah, 2-13 WIIK.EI.OCK EzeWel, of Silas and CVlinn, .^-445 WHIPPLE Mary, of William and Elizabeth, 3-445 " Elizabeth, 3-445 " Jimima, 3-445 " Amey, 3-445 " William, 3-44i; " Jlercy. 3-444 " Jeremiah, 3-445 " Hopey , 3-445 " John, 3-445 " Anthony, 3-445 '• Sarah, 3-44 -> " Beniamin, 3-44l> " Moses, 3-44r) " Joseph, 3-44C. " Amey, 3-44(; " Elcazer, 3-41(; " Hannah, 1134 " Phtbe, of Ivplmiim and Prcsilla, 1-134 " Mary, 1-134 " Joseph, of Nathaniel and S,-u-ah, 1-134 " Amey, 1-184 " Lydla, 1-184 " Swlna, 1-37 WHITEMAN John, 1-37 " Abljuh (dau.l, of Noah and Sarali, 1-37 " l)a^id. 1-37 " Susannah, 1-37. " Esquire, 1^7 " Hannah, 1 -37 " Dennis, Another entry reads ilrst child Abigail. 1-253 " Valentine, of John and Crania. Sept. in, 1749. 1-253 " Nancy (Morelieud, of Joim and Pnidy), his wile. 1-253 " Sarali, of Valeniine and Nancy, 1-253 " Amey, 1-253 " James. 1-253 " Lydia, 1 259 WHITE Hannah, 1 259 '• John, of Joseph and Susannah, d. April 4, 1753. (I. April 4, 1754. .^rarch 31, 182(i. July 28, 1778. March 24, 1780. Jan. 27, 1782. Fob. 22, 1772. Dec. 6, 1820. ■ Feb. 28, 1714. May 26, 1715. Oct. 4, 1717.^ Oct. 24, 1718. Not. 1. 1710. -Marcli 15, 1721. May If), 1722. April 28, jm^ "Say^, 1724, April 0, 1725. Oct. 10, 1720. June 2, 1728. Jan. 21, 1729. April 18, 1731. .May 31, 1732. Jan. 20, 1733. May 2. 1735. Nov. 4. 1755. Dec. 15, 1757. -May 14. 1759. AUR. 27. 1701. Feb. 19, 1764. June 27, 1765. d. July 0, 1741. Oct. l.i. 1745. Oct. 17, 1747. Sept. 20, 1749. Jan. 7. 1702. Sept. 22, 17.54. Aug. 27. 1757. Sept. 10, 1 ro2. Dec. 18, 1772. Dec. 21, 1774. Dec. 18, 1777. Oct. 21, 17o2. Aug. 30, 1780. Dee. 30, 1781. SMirill-llOl.Dj — niKTIlS AVI i-2.",n WIIITF. Jimios, of Jiisi pb ;ui(l 8usaini!tli U-ITO WILTtTII ; Peter, ot Georse and Karhel, ::-i70 a Dn\1(i. iiivy iMllrtlisl, ol l>.iiin-l ;inil Kijili, 1-279 " Snnili, 1-279 •' Lyftin, 1-279 " Clirisloiiljof, 1-279 " ItntU, 1-279 " Daniel, 1-270 " Abisail, 1-279 " T,nl)ffli.-i,- 1-279 (( .Toll, 1-279 (( Rmitli, 1 279 (I Mercy, l-2ir! " PattenCi^, of Dnnlel and Jfary, 3-2i;! " norothy. i-2iy " lienjamin. 1-213 '• r.ldeon. 1-213 " Samuel, 1-213 " Uldinrd, 3-431 WII.KINS'IN Amey, ol Jolin niirt KebPrc.-i, 3-431 " Anne, 3-431 " Anne, 3-431 " .lolm, 3-431 " Sarah, 3-431 " sn-nnnah, 3-431 " Kiith. 3-431 " .loanna. 3-432 " Ahiib, 3-99 " llannali, of Izrae] and Jfaiy, 3-99 " lluldali. 3-99 " Hnldali, 3-90 " .la cob. 3-99 " Jzrao], 3-99 « Itobert, 3-99 " Walte, 3-99 " David, 3-94 " .Susannali, of David and Jfary, 3-94 " William, :i-!i4 .S:imnel, 3-94 " Mary. 3-438 " .lemlnia, of .loslali and Mai-Raret, 1-178 " ("ynlhia. ol Jacob and Mary, l-20ti " .lacob. of Robert and Mary, l-20(; " .loseph. l-20fi " Abner, l-20l> " Kacbel, 1-209 l.jcli.i, of Stephen and Sai->ih, 1-218 '• Abigail, of Izrael, .Tr., and Silana. 1-218 " ISllab, ot Da\-id and Lydja, 1-218 " Spear, 1-218 (• Spear, 1-218 u Isaac, 1-218 " Izrael, 1-218 " David, 1-218- " DaA^ld, 1-218 " David, 1-303 " (still born) 4tli. child of Izr.'iel. 1-303 " Matthew, 5th obild of Izrael, 1-303 " (still born) 0th child of Izrael 1-303 (( ZaccUeus, 7t,li child of Izrael, ] -303 " Izrael, 8th child of Izrael, 1-203 M Silence, 9lli cliild of Izrael, 1-349 (t j;iioda, ut .lauob and Amey, 1-349 •* tiabra. 121 May 25. 17S4 May 10, 1740. April 10, 1742. June l(j. 1751. April 10, 175S. March 5, 1757. Jan. 7, i7.->y. Oct. 19, 17<10. Ang. 13, 1704, Ang. (i. 1760. Oct. 24, 17RS. Nov. C, 1770, Sept. r,. 1772, April 13. 1774, Oct. 24, 1750, May 15, 1758. Sept. 20, 1762, March is. 1765, Feb. 29. 17<;,^, Jnly 26, 1770. . Jan. 23, 1719. May 19, 1721. d. .Sept. 7, 1722. March 20. 1724, June 27, 1727. Sept. 20, 1729. March 5, 1731. Hept. 12, 1732. Dec. 16, 17.'!4. Feb. 1, 1732. Dec. 3, 1735. d. Api-il 23, 1737. Oct. 27, 1738. May 10, 1740. April 18, 1743. Sept. 30, 1740. Oct. 30, 174-. Feb. 8, 1732. April 24, 1735. Sept. 26, 1738. Sept. 15, 1740. April 22, 1738. May 2, 1704. Feb. 8, 1769. Dec. 21, 1770. rt. Oct. 5, 1770. July 4, 1777. June 13, 1769. June 27, 1772. Dec. 22, 1773. May 14, 1775. d. Sept. 3, 1776. Oct. 1, 1776. Nov. 16, 1777. Sept. 21, 1779. d. April 1, 1780. April 12, 1780. Nov. 18, 1777. Oct. 24, 1780. Oct. 16, 1783. March 2, 1786. March 23, 1789. April 28, 1791. Feb. 3, 1801. March 18, 180B, 122 VITAX KECOBD OF RHODE '2-2 WILKINSON Abha Ann, of David and J^ucy, •2-il '■ Lucy, wllo of Da\-id, died, aged 18y. 7im. : 1-441 " Silence, of James and \'janna. 1-441 '• Laura, 1-141 u Hannah, 1-441 '• Amasa CooU, 1-441 " On-llla Chapin, 2-2 (( Lucy Capron, of JJavld ana Tlianl.liU, 2-2 •■ Robert Smith, 2-2 (( JIary Laphani, 2-2 " Joanna S:iyles, 2-2 (1 Julia Emma. 2-2 '• William Scott. 2-2 " Amanda Jlalviaa. 2-17 " Alexander 'Jhayer, of Jzrael, Jr., and Ablg; 2-^17 " Edwin Cavpcnt'-r, 2-17 " Lo^-icy Thayer, 2-17 •■ Silence Judd, 2-1 fc* David Spear, of Isaac and Hannah, 2-1 •• Lydla, 2-1 " Hannah )Iasou, 2-337 '• Abigail, ol Isaac and Silence, d. aged 73y., 2-370 Serephina Siluess, of David S., and Almiia, 2-109 WILLIAJIS Calvin Uuy, of .lames and Kliza, 2-109 •■ Mary lUlza, 3-423 WINSOK Sarali, or Joshua and Maiy, 3-423 Joshua, 3-423 Samuel, 3-423 Susannah, 3-423 •■ Mary, 3-423 •■ Abraham, 3-441 •» John, of Joshua and Deborah, 3Ht41 " John, of Abraham and .Mary, 3-441 " Stephen, of Jolm and Meiey, 3-441 " Sarah, 3-441 " Providence, 3-441 •• Joshua, 1-166 '■ Dutee, of William and I'bebe, 1-168 " Ira, 1-168 Nicholas, 1-168 •• Mary, 1-167 ■' Anna, of Jeremiah and I'hebe, 1-167 " Job, 1-167 " Phebe, 1-167 It Mercy, 1-197 it Ei:th, of Jolm and Mercy, 1-197 u Alice, 1-19T (( Darius, 1-197 f( Deborah, 1-197 " Candace, 1-197 « Tliomas, 1-197 (( Mercy, 3-197 <( Zllpha. 1-197 tt Cynthia, 1-197 u Lydla, 1-197 " Adah, 1-197 (( John, 1 197 (( Salome, 1-197 tt Joshua, 1-3 97 " Jolm, l-lOfi ti Abraham, of John and I'hebe, 1-196 It John, 2 33(i WRU; IIT Grin, of Augustus, 2-33« *' Mary Jane (W'Ubnr, of David), 2-336 " Clara Jane, of Orln and Mary Jane, SL.VXD. Nov. 1, 1810. 7in. 22d., June 1, 1811. May S, 1811. Oct. 8, 1812. April 8, 1814. Dec. 2, 1815. Jan. 17, 181S. April 20, 1814. Feb. 19, 1817. Jan. 7, 1819. March 29, 1820, Oct. 13, 1621. March 2(>, 1823. March 21, 1825. Abigail, June 10, 1815. Oct. 19, 1816. Jan. 10, 1819. Jan. 2d, 1821. I'eb. 29, 1820. Nov. IS, 1821. jJec. iti. 1823. 73y., -May 2, 1845. mn-a. Oct. 23, 1845. Dec. 30, 1832. Sept. 13, 1835. Aug. 27. 1707. Sept. 17, 170U. Nov. 7, 1712. June 19, J715, Vcc. lb. 1718. tx-t. 4, 1720. March 2, 1723. Oct. 25, 1744. Dec. 14, 1744. June 4, 1740. l>ec. 3, 1747. Jan. 19, 174U. J Illy 30, 1762. Oct. 10, 1764. March 4, 1767. l»ec. 2S, 1769. Sept. 22, 1764. Jan. 31, 1766. Dec. 16, 1767. Aug. 31, 1769. May 18, 1751. Jan. 12, 1753. Sept. 3, 1754. March 31, 1756. Feb. 7, 1758. Oct. 22, 17S9. Aug. 5, 1761. AprU 1, 1763. May 20, 1765. Jan. 1, 1767. Nov. 8, 1768. Dec. 20, 1769. AprU 12, 177.';. d. Jan. 19, 177C-. d. Jnne 3, 1771;. Jan. 16, 177S. March 19, 1783. Oct. 28, 1P16. Feb. fi. 1823. Feb. 13, 1842. SMITHFIELD — BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 12S 2-3:i(> WliKillT I'liebe Brown, of Oriii and Jlai-y Jane, luly Jo, 1843. 2-336 " SUas. Dec. !>'. 184)' 2-336 " Agnes Augusta, d. Nov. 8, 184c.. 2-336 " Daniel Angcll, July ]2, ]840. 2-336 " Orlii, d. Aug. 24, 18i9 ; (also 2-3R3). X Y Z 1-330 YOUNG Polly, of Levi .-nid Deborah, Dec 9, .1TT4. 1-330 " Joanna, Dec. 19, 177i;. 1-330 " Jerfimiali, Oct. 23, 177- 1-.330 " James, Nov. 21, 1760. J LBAp'05