HISTORY ^LANO COUNTY COMPRISING ACCOUNT OF ITS GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION- THE ORFPrN op- r^c .. , TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND SPRINrs i't« r.T>. ,^ ^^^ ^^^^' SHIP SYSTEM; EARLY SEtSeSnt/w T^ D s X^ONs'^o'^" SCENES AS VIEWED BY THE PIONEERS, THE FIRST aSfpt can ARGONAUTS OF CALIFORNIA; THE BFA^'fLA THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD; THE PROG lward Crocker. 137 The People vs. William Kemp . . 138 The Pe^],le vs. B«!verley G. Wells 138 Tlie Killing of .Jonathan Cook V)y George K. Mann 140 The PeojJe vs. RoVjert B. McMil- lan 141 The People vs. Philander Arnold 141 Tlie Pw^ple vs. Joseph Zaesf;k. . . 142 The People vs. Merrill Jamf«. . . 142 Tlie People vs. D. H. Fitzjiatrick 143 Tlie People vs. Frank Gra/ly. ... 143 Tlie People vs. William W°'>""8'' if^an. f J.,,ir bei^lTairfo^CJ '.^^3'^ "' "" ^'"-' bayiXa^'^f^jr::: y:i7 t -"''"■ -'' «--''-«- »* s-i^- the Sacrament,. ..IlItLl'j^'/C,:::^' ''^' '°'° "" ™'"^ °' OK THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. into fcgveat Sacvamento Ya.n y^ "e Te altetion of all travde.-a. "ir:;:r;"r:i:r:rra: ..» e,e ^. .^^. a». . i. a fe, words the farmer's paradise. THE STREAMS OF SOLANO COUNTY. -srrrc:sT..s..^^;a*^^^^ irrrLa^:„rr.Tco^»-o :i,..eioi.of m.. p..,., and empties itself into Cache Sl^gh^^ ^^ ^i,,, „,3, „j y^eaville ; e„:X:.?rt=nt r ,r ^«». - -P- - - -- branch of Cache Slough. VacaviUe; runs in a south- ALAMO CREEK "^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ J^^^^^^ creek, near Binghampton. erlydirection^throughE^^^^^^ two miles west of Mr. K Miller s pJpX^:ItTnr:as;:iy direction through Pleasant valley, and empties into Putah creek. ^ south-easterly direction, jr;ies r rS^: SslXi'one and a half miles east of Bridge- ^"green valley Creek rises in the south-west corner of Township 5 K B 2 W anTuls in a south-easterly course about eight miles, emptying into Cordelia slough, at Ih-idgeport. ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^.^ ,, ElkhL sloughs; Grizzly Slough, Roaring River in Montezuma township, with a host of others too insignificant to enumerate. " THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. ORGANIZATION. ORIGIN OF THE TOWNSHIP SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES-ITS EXTENSION TO CALIFORNIA-OEGANIZATION OF SOLANO COUNTY-TOWNSHIPS-BENICIA -VALLEJO-SUISUN-VACAVILLE-SILVEYVILLE-TREMONT-MAINE PRAI- RIE-RIO VISTA- MONTEZUMA -DENVERTON-ELMIRA-BENICIA THE COUNTY SEAT-REMOVAL TO FAIRFIELD-REMOVAL TO VALLEJO-BACK TO FAIRFIELD, ETC., ETC. _ The first organization of counties in the United States originated in Vir- ginia, her early settlers becoming proprietors of vast amounts of land liv- ing apart m patrician splendor, imperious in demeanor, aristocratic in feelinc. lfJ!u7 \^ """'T f^'^'"" '° '^' ^"^°""g P°^^°° «f the population- It wil thus be remarked that the materials for the creation of towns were not at hand, voters being but sparsely distributed over a great area The county organization was, moreover, in perfect accord with the traditions and memories of the judicial and social dignities of Great Britain in descent from whom they felt so much glory. In 1634, eight counties were established in. Virginia, a lead which was followed by the Southern and several of the Northern States, .save in those of South Carolina and Louis- iana, where districts were outlined in the former, and parishes, after the manner of the French, in the latter. In New England, towns were formed before counties, while counties were orgamzed before States. Originally, the to.vns or townships exercised all the powers of government swayed by a State. The powers afterward as- sumed bj the State governments were from surrender or delegation on the part of towns Counties were created to define the jurisdiction of Courts of Jastice. The formation of States was by a union of towns, wherein arose the representative system; each town being represented in the State Legislature, or General Court, by delegates chosen by the freemen of the town at their stated town meetings. The first town meeting of which we can find any direct evidence, was held by the congregation of the Plymouth colony, on March 23, 1621, for the purpose of perfecting military arrange- ments. At that meeting a Governor was elected for the ensuing year ■ and It IS noticed as a coincident, whether from that source or otherwise, that the annual town meetings in New England, and nearly all the other States in Ou^l*'^ *°^^^'"P ''-''- -- -'°P^^^ - ^ ^-- corporation ^ The first legal enactment concerning this system provided that whereas • Particular towns have many things which concern only themselves, and THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 27 the ordering of their own affairs, and disposing of business in their own towns ; therefore, the freemen of every town, or the major part of them, shall only have power to dispose of their own lands and woods, with all the appurtenances of said towns ; to grant lots, and to make such orders as may concern the well ordering of their own towns, not repugnant to the laws and orders established by the General Court. They might also impose fines of not more than twenty shillings, and choose their own particular officers, as constables, sui'veyors for the highways, and the like." Evidently this enactment relieved the General Court of a mass of municipal details, with- out any danger to the powers of that body in controlling general measures of public policy. Probably, also, a demand from the freemen of the towns was felt, for the control of their own home concerns. The New England colonies were first governed by a " general court," or legislature, composed of a Governor and Small Council, which court con- sisted of the most influential inhabitants, and possessed and exercised both legislative and judicial powers, which were limited only by the wisdom of the holders. They made laws, ordered their execution, elected their own officers, tried and decided civil and criminal causes, enacted all manner of municipal regulations ; and, in fact, transacted all the business of the colony. This system, which was found to be eminently successful, became general, as territory was added to the Republic and States formed. Lesser divisions were in turn inaugurated and placed under the jurisdiction of special officers, whose numbers were increased as time developed a demand, until the sysucm of township organization in the United States to-day is a matter of just pride to her people. We will now consider this topic in regard to our special subject. On the acquisition of California by the Government of the United States, under a treaty of peace, friendship, limits and settlement with the Mexican Republic, dated Guadalupe Hidalgo, February 2, 1848, the boundaries of the State were defined. This treaty was ratified by the President of the United States, on March 16, 1848; exchanged at Queretaro, May 80, and finally promulgated July 4th, of the same year, by President Polk, and attested by Secretary of State. James Buchanan. In 1849, a Constitutional Convention was assembled in Monterey, and at the close of the session on October 12th, a proclamation, calling upon the people to form a government, was issued " to designate such officers as they desire to make and execute the laws ; that their choice may be wisely made, and that the Government so organized* may secure the permanent welfare and happiness of the people of the new State, is the sincere and earnest wish of the present executive, who if the Constitution be ratified, will, with pleasure, surrender his powers to whomsoever the people may designate as his successor." This historic document bore the signatures of " B. Riley, Bvt. Brig. Genl. U. S. A., and 28 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTT. £=;:^r •™^^'" - — -H. W. Hanee, B., Cap. .. and Assembly Districts, while the Fi s s" ' '""'rT'"''' ^"^ ^-^^--^ began at San Jose on December 15 1840 ^ °^ *^^ legislature, which Act subdividing the State into o'u^ its a'nTestV^"^" ''' '''''"^^ therem." The boundaries of Solano counttt ''^"'^^f ^"^ «^^t« of justice " Beginning at the mouth .TT ^ ^""^ ^' ^o^^o^s : its channel to the ^o^^h^^oV hf lur^tee^ T"^' "^ ''' ^^^^"^ °^ creek to the eastern boundary line of Nam T" '°"°"''^-^ "^^ ^^^'^ boundary line to the northeasf corner of S '°"^^' *^'"'^ "^°^^ '^^^d Ime to the nearest point of Putah creel . t^ ""T'^' ^'^^^^^ '^ ^ ^^--^ creek to its termination in the Tule ^sh T "° *'^ "^'^'^ °^ -^^ head of Merritt's slouo-h • thence I il ' *^''''='^ ^° ^ direct line to the -outh; thence down tL midCf Sa^am r''^' "' '''' ^^^^^ *° its down the middle of Suisun btto the Sr,' Tn'' ''' "^-^^^^ *h-- through the middle of said 22. *^^ J'traits of Carquinez; and thence -t-^t''-'''^'^^^^^^^^^^ of beginning." I. .J ^--::5;:j;t?-sn::enm^^^^^ power it had not been interfered with t th^r "'''"f " '^™^^ *'-- bu retained the official nomenclatUr givL t Xl"'^ of American rule, ^ W, the gove^ment was administid I X Z^r^^^ ^^ tolM;?^/:X^^;rii^:i-- 1 ^-* ^-^^-^ «°^- mto wherein two Justices'lf the^'ac ^l w'p /.^^ '^'^™^"^ *^^ ^-its at an election to be held on Mr^ 1850 tT '' ''°"^^' ^^ ^^^^ ^0^ ation reads : ■■ The line of division cornm T f ^^'"''*^"^ *^^^ ^imidi- , and running thence in a direct "e to sTc?"^ rV'^^' ^"^^"'^ embarcadero Suscol ranch; thenee down slcol creetTN'" \ "^^ ^' "^^* ^^ -'^ed creek to the middle channel of CaTqute. s^XTh ' *'"^\'^^ ^^^^ Carqumez straits to Suisun bav ..1 . ' """'^ "P the middle of thence up the middle channel of t^^eSul^T °^P°''*' ^^' embarcadero; the place of beginning; and' t fu the , '^ ^^ ''' ^"''^"^ embarcadero ' composed within the^oundari Ibove IttT. ^' *'^ ''^'"^"^ °^ --ty as Benicia township, and tha a" re?due"o?;h .'"^^'^^'^ ^^^ ^--- iy^ng between said boundary line of B nl . f "'"'"^ °^ '^^^'i ^«"°ty W of said county, in every di^eetl be °""1"P "°<^ *^^ boundary township." y ^""'^^^o"' be known and designated as Suisun THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 29 consisted of the County Judge, who should preside at its sessions, assisted by two Justices of the Peace of the county as Associate Justices, they being chosen by their brother justices from out of the whole number elected for the county. The duties imposed upon this organization were multifarious. They made such orders respecting the property of the county as they deemed expedient, in conformity with any law of the State, and in them were vested the care and preservation of such property. They examined, settled, and allowed all accounts chargeable against the county ; directed the raising of such sums for the defraying of all expenses and charges against the county ; by means of taxation on property, real and personal, such not to exceed, however, the one-half of the tax levied by the State on such property ; to examine and audit the accounts of all officers having the care, management, collection, and disbursement of any money belonging to the county, or appropviated by law, or otherwise, for its use and benefit. In them was the power of control and management of public roads, turn- pikes, ferries, canals, roads, and bridges within the county, where the law did not prohibit such jurisdiction, and made such orders as should be neces- sary and requisite to cany such control and management into effect ; to divide the county into townships, and to create new townships, and change the division of the same as the convenience of the county should require, was among their duties. They established and changed election precincts ; controlled and managed the property, real and personal, belonging to the county, and purchased and received donations of property for the use of the county, with this proviso, that they should not have the power to pur- chase any real or personal property, except such as should be absolutely necessary for the use of the county. To sell and cause to be conveyed, any real estate, goods, or chattels belonging to the county, appropriating the proceeds of such sale to the use of the same. To cause to be erected and furnished, a court-house, jail, and other buildings, and to see that the same be kept in repair, and otherwise to perform all such other duties as should be necessary to the full discharge of the powers conferred on such court. Terms were ordered to be held on the second Monday of February, April, June, August, October, and December, with quarterly sessions on the third Monday of February, May, August, and November of each year. In conformity with this enactment, the court held a special term on March 13th, 1851, when it was decreed that Benicia township, which was of an unwieldy size, should be divided into two portions, the division line to commence where the western corner of the town tract of Benicia strikes the bay, thence to the north-western corner of said town tract of Benicia, thence due north to the boundary line of the county of Solano, and all the territory lying east of said division line, shall hereafter be known as Benicia township ; and all the territory lying west of said division line shall hereafter be known as Vallejo township. This is the first mention we 30 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. have of the Vall^jo township; at the time, the city of that name was known as Eden, but on account of the strenuous efforts made by General Vallejo to have the seat of government removed thither from San Jose, the claims of the spot made itself felt, and it was therefore given township rights. In 1852 emigration had set into the fertile valley of the county ; it was therefore found necessary to apportion once more the large extent of terri- tory comprised in the Suisun township into two divisions ; to this end, the Court of Sessions, at a special term held at Benicia on November 1st, directed that Suisun should be partitioned off into two townships, the lines to run as follows : " Commencing at the southwest points of the Potrero Hills ; thence in a direct line to the branch opposite (on the west side) the house of Mr. Cutler ; thence up said branch to its source ; thence in a north- west direction to the county line, and all the coimty east of said line, and south and south-west of Putah creek, is called Vacaville township. With this last apportionment, Solano county was divided into four parts, but still it was found to be of too vast proportions for official purposes ; there- fore, we find the court once more holding a sederunt, on August 8th, 1853, and establishing a new township, to be taken off those of Benicia and Suisun. The limits were described and designated as follows : " To commence at the Tule, on the southwest end of Mr. Thompson's farm, and running in a direct line to the Jerry House, as it is called, on the south-west edge of Green Valley ; thence following the edge of the Tule, east to the mouth of the Suisun creek ; thence up said creek to the cross- ing of the county road, near L. Alford's ; thence along said road west to the house of Mr. S. Martin ; thence due north to the county line ; thence fol- lovnng said county line west to place of beginning." This tract was named the Green Valley Township. , Affairs had not yet, however, righted themselves ; the districts were still too unwieldy in size. A further contraction had therefore to be inaug- urated ; hence we find the Court of Session ordering, on August 15th, 1854, that Solano county shall be divided into townships, as follows : MONTEZUMA TOWNSHIP. " A new township is hereby created and established, to be called Mont*' zuma township, which said township is designated and bound as follows : Commencing at a point in Suisim bay, where the meridian line running north from "Monte Diablo crosses the line of Solano county; thence north with the meridian line to the north-east corner of Section 25 of Township 5 N. R. 1 W. according to the government survey ; thence due east to Cache Creek Slough, or the eastern boun dary of the county or Cache Creek slough to the Sacramento river ; thence down said river and Suisun bay with the line of the county to the place of beginning." THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 31 SUISUN TOWNSHIP. " And the township heretofore known as Suisun township is hereby changed in its boundaries so as to conform to the following description, to-wit : Commencing at the point where the meridian line running north from Monte Diablo crosses the county line of said county ; thence north with said line to the north-east corner of Section 25 of Township 5 N. R. I W. thence in a direct line to the white point of Long's mountain ; thence in a direct line to the residence of E. B. Witt, including his resi- dence ; thence in the same direction to a direct line to the northern boundary of the said county ; thence with said northern boundary in a westerly direction to the foot of the hills on the west side of Suisun creek; thence down said creek along the foot of said hills to a point opposite the residence of William B. Brown, in Suisun Valley; thence down the middle of Suisun creek to its mouth; thence continuing the same general course to the southern boundary of the county in Suisun bay; thence up said bay with the line of the county to the point of beginning." GREEN VALLEY TOWNSHIP. " And the township known as Green Valley township is hereby changed in its boundaries so as to conform to the following description, to-wit : Commencing at the mouth of Suisun creek and running from thence up the middle of said creek to a point opposite the residence of William B. Brown; from thence in a northerly direction running with the foot of the hills on the west side of Suisun creek to the boundary line between Solano and Napa counties; thence in a south-west direction, following said boundary line to the point where the public road leading from Benicia to Napa City crosses Suscol creek ; thence easterly to the house near the tule on Suisun bay, and on the road leading from Benicia to Suisun Valley, known as the ' Jerry House ; ' thence east to the county line in Suisun bay to the southwest corner of Suisun township ; thence in a direct line to the mouth of Suisun creek, the place of beginning." VACAVILLE TOWNSHIP. " And the township known as Vacaville township is hereby changed in its boundaries so as to conform to the following description, to-wit : commencing at the north-east comer of Section 25 of Township 5 N. R. 1 W. according to the government survey, being the north-west corner of Montezuma township, running from thence to the white point on Long's mountain ; thence in a direct line to the residence of E. B. Witt ; thence in the same direction in a direct line with the eastern boundary of Suisun township to the northern boundary of the county ; thence north-easterly with the boundary of the county to Putah creek ; thence down said creek Si THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. to its sink in the tule, and continuing with the Hue of the county in a south-easterly direction to a point due east of the point of beginning ; thence west to the point of beginning." BENICIA TOWNSHIP. " And the township known as Benicia township is hereby changed in its boundaries so as to conform to the following description, to-wit : commenc- ing at the south-west corner of a tract of land purchased by Robert Semple and Thomas 0. Lai-kin, from M. G. Vallejo, and on a part of which is situ- ated the city of Benicia ; from thence with the western boundary of said tract of land to the north-west corner of the same ; from thence due north to the line of Green Valley township ; thence in a south-easterly direction on said boundary line to the ' Jerry House,' so called, near the tule on Suisun bay ; thence due east to the boundary line of the county in Suisun bay ; thence down said bay and the Straits of Carquinez to a point due south of the point of beginning ; thence due north to the point of beginning." VALLEJO TOWNSHIP. " And the township known as Vallejo township is hereby changed in its boundaries so as to conform to the following description, to-wit : commenc- ing at the south-west corner of a tract of land purchased by Robert Semple and Thomas 0. Larkin, from M. G. Vallejo, and commonly known as the Benicia tract ; thence with the western boundary line of said tract to the northwest comer of the same ; thence due north to the boundary line of Green Valley township ; thence in a north-westerly direction with said boundary line of Green Valley township to the boundary line between Solano and Napa counties, at the point where the public road crosses the Suscol creek ; thence with said creek to Napa bay ; thence down said bay and up the Straits of Carquinez, including Mai-e Island, to the southwest corner of Benicia township ; thence due north to the place of beginning." In 1855 a change had come o'er the spirit of the governmental dream of the county. The Court of Session was abolished and an Act passed on March 20th, entitled " An Act to create a Board of Supervisors in the counties of this State, and to define their duties and powers." For better reference the ninth section of the above Act is quoted in full : " The Board of Supervisors shall have power and jurisdiction in their respective counties: First, to make orders respecting the property of the county, in conformity with any law of this State, and to take care of and preserve such property. Second, to examine, settle, and allow all accounts legally chargeable against the county, and to levy, for the purposes prescribed by law, such amount of taxes on the assessed value of real and personal property in the county, as may be authorized by law : provided the salary of the County Judge need ^^ffi^^ THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 33 not be audited by the Board ; but the County Auditor shall, on the first judicial day of each month, draw his warrant on the County Treasurer in favor of the County Judge for the amount due such judge as salary, for the month preceding. Third, to examine and audit the accounts of all officers having the care, management, collection or disbursement of any money belonging to the county, or appropriated by law, or otherwise, for its use and beneiit. Fourth, to lay out, control and manage public roads, turnpikes, ferries, and bridges within the county, in all cases where the law does not prohibit such jurisdiction, and to make such orders as may be requisite and necessary to carry its control and management into effect. Fifth, to take care of and provide for the indigent sick of the county. Sixth, to divide the county into townships, and to change the divisions of the same, and to create new townships, as the convenience of the county may require. Seventh, to establish and change election precincts, and to apjioint inspectors and judges of elections. Eighth, to control and manage the property, real and personal, belonging to the county, and to receive by donation any pro- perty for the use and benefit of the county. Ninth, to lease or to purchase any real or j)ersonal property necessary for the use of the county; provided no purchase of real property shall be made unless the value of the same be previously estimated by three disinterested persons, to be appointed for that purpose by the County Judge. Tenth, to sell at public auction, at the Court-house of the county, after at least thirty days' previous public notice, and cause to be conveyed, any property belonging to the county, appropri- ating the proceeds of such sale to the use of the same. Eleventh, to cause to be erected and furnished, a court-house, jail, and such other public build- ings as may be necessary, and to keep the same in repair ; provided that the contract for building the court-house, jail, and such other public buildings, be let out at least after thirty days' previous public notice, in each case, of a readiness to receive proposals therefor, to the lowest bidder, who will give good and sufficient security for the completion of any contract which he may make respecting the same ; but no bid shall be accepted which the Board may deem too high. Twelfth, to control the prosecution and defense of all suits to which the county is a party. Thirteenth, to do any and per- form all such other acts and things as may be strictly necessary to the full discharge of the powers and jurisdiction conferred on the Board. To these various duties, in themselves of a most difficult nature, were added the oner- ous responsibilities of canvassers of election returns the investigation of bonds required to be given by newly elected officers, and a general superin- tendence of all the monetary transactions in which the county, through her officers, has any interest. The members of these supervisors were three, and held their first meeting at Benicia, on May 7, 1855. On August 11th, 1855, the Board of Supervisors directed that yet another township) be formed, to be named 3 34 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. TREMONT TOWNSHIP, to be made, formed, and constituted on Putah creek, in Solano county, bounded as follows, to-wit : commencing at and including the farm of Mr. Priddy, on Putali creek, about two miles above the crossing of said creek, near Manuel Vaca's; thence running south on the township line to the inter- section of the dividing line between Montezuma and Vacaville townships ; thence east to the boundary line of Solano county ; thence in a northerly direction, following the boundary line of Solano county, to the sink of Putah creek; thence up Putah creek to the place of beginning. The county was now divided into seven townships, and on August 21, were apportioned into supervisorial districts, as under: District No. 1, comprised the town.ships of Vallejo and Benicia. District No. 2, comprised the townships of Green Valley and Suisun. District No. 3, comprised the townships of Vacaville, Montezuma, and Tremont. In the following years the upper part of the county had become thickly populated, while the towns of Suisun and Fairfield had commenced to spring into prominence, and some feeling had begun to evince itself in res- pect to a new location for the county seat. Benicia was found to be at too great a distance from the townships of Vacaville and Tremont ; a more cen- tral position was therefore sought, and a County Seat Convention was formed, which, having appointed delegates to canvass the matter, held a meeting, a report of which is now extracted from the Solano County Herald, of August 14th, 1858. COUNTY SEAT CONVENTION. Pursuant to notice, the delegates elected met at Suisun City, August 7, 1858, for the purpose of selecting some suitable and central location, to be voted for at the next election, for the County Seat of Solano County. " The convention organized by electing the following temporary officers : H. G. Davidson, President ; Phillip Palmer, Vice-President ; Geo. A. Gilles- pie and H. B. Amnions, Secretaries. " Upon motion of A. M. Stevenson, the Chair appointed a committee on credentials, one from each township. The committee consisted of P. Palmer, E. A. Townsend, Wm. G. Fore, Samuel Martin, and R. S. Phelps. Having retired for a few moments they returned into the convention and reported the following named gentlemen as duly elected delegates to this convention: "Suisun Town,ship.— Phillip Palmer, R. D. Pringle, H. Russell, P. 0. Clayton, John Wayman, John Smithers, John A. Payton, V. Hawkins, Frank Aldridge, and J. P. McKissick. " Vacaville Township.— H. B. Ammons, F. J. Bartlett, W. G. Fore, H. G. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 35 Davidson, E. L. Bennett, E. S. Silvey, Mason Wilson, J. M. Dudley, J. W. Anderson, and Geo. A. Gilleepie. " Montezuma Township. — E. A. Towmsend, C. J. Collins, and John B. Carrington. " Tremont Township.— R. S. Phelps and J. B. Tufts. Green Valley Township. — G. B. Stevenson, A. M. Stevenson, Samuel G. Martin, W. P. Durbin. " Upon motion, report received and committee discharged. " On motion of A. M. Stevenson, the temporary officers were declared the permanent officers of the convention. The following resolution was then offered and adopted : "Resolved, That we, the delegates assembled in convention, for the pur- pose of selecting a suitable location, to be voted for at the next annual election, hereby pledge our votes and influence for whatever place the convention may select. " The follo'W'ing places were put in nomination : Mr. Stevenson nominated Fairfield ; Mr. Palmer, Suisun City ; Mr. Bartlett, Vacaville ; Mr. Carring- ton, Denverton. " The following propositions were submitted in writing to the convention : Suisun City, through Mr. A. P. Jackson, proposed giving So, .550 in money and a certain lot 100 by 120 feet, known as ' Owen's Tavern Stand.' He offered to enter into good and sufficient bonds for the performance of the same, pro\dded the county seat should be located at Suisun City. " Fairfield, through Mr. R. H. Waterman, proposed, in case the county seat should be located at that place, to deed to the Board of Supervisors of Solano county a certain piece of land containing about sixteen acres, known upon the plat of the town of Faii-field as ' Union Park ;' also, four blocks, each block containing twelve lots, to be selected as follows : two from the north and two from the south, or, two from the east and two from the west of ' Union Park ;' he offering to enter into bonds for the performance of the same. " Vacaville, through Mason Wilson, offered to give four blocks of lots, §1,000 in money, provided the county seat should Vje located there. " Denverton, (Nurse's Landing) through Mr. Carrington, proposed to run upon its own merits. After a long and animated discussion, the convention proceeded to take the vote, when Mr. Clayton, of Suisun, was appointed teller to assist the secretaries. The Chair announced the result to he as follows : " Fairfield, sixteen votes ; Suisun City, twelve votes ; Denverton, one vote. WTiereupon Fairfield was declared the unanimous choice of the con- 36 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. vention. Upon motion of G. A. Gillespie, a committee of five, consisting of one from each township, were elected to act in connection with the Board of Supervisors in receiving proper bonds from Mr. Waterman for the faith- ful performance of his proposition. This committee consisted of Phillip Palmer, Mason Wilson, J. B. Tufts, J. B. Carrington, and A. M. Stevenson. " Upon motion, it was resolved that the ' Solano County Herald ' be requested to publish the proceedings of the convention. "Upon motion, the convention adjourned sine die. H. G. Davidson, President. Geo. a. Gillespie, Ig,.,, H. B. Ammons, I ^secretaries. In pursuance of Mr. Gillespie's motion Mr. R. H. Waterman entered into the following bond : " Know all men by these presents, that I, Robert H. Waterman, of Fairfield, in the county of Solano, and State of California, am held and firmly bound unto the Supervisors of Solano county, in the sum of ten thousand dollars lawful money of the United States, for which pay- ment will and truly be made. I bind myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with ray seal and dated the twelfth day of August, 1858. " The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas, the said Robert H. Waterman did agree to donate to the county of Solano, for the use of the people thereof, free of charge or cost, the following described land, situated in the town of Fairfield, county of Solano, State of California, and further described as Union Park, a public square in the town of Fairfield, and also four blocks, containing each twelve lots adjoining said park, according to plat of said town, as surveyed by E. H. D'Hemecourt, County Surveyor; these blocks to be selected by the Supervisors of the county, either on the north, east or south side of said park ; and further, the said park shall be kept open and free for the use of the public ; and further, the proceeds of sales of the four blocks shall be appropriated to the erection of the public buildings of the county ; and further, that the County seat of Solano county shall be lawfully located at Fairfield. Now, therefore, if the said county seat of Solano county shall be lawfully located at said town at the coming election in September next, after date hereof, and if the said Robert H. Waterman shall, and does procure and deliver to the Supervisors of said county a good and suflicient deed to the said Union Park and lots herein described, according to the conditions of this obligation, then, and in that case, the above obligation shall be void; otherwise, of full force. (Signed) R. H. Waterman. [seal."] On the second day of September, 1858, the general election took place, THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 37 when the following locations for the county seat were put forth for candi- dature, with the following result : Total votes cast 1,730 Number of votes for Benicia 625 Fairfield 1,029 " " Denverton 38 Vallejo 10 Rockville 2 " " Suisun 26 Total votes 1,730 The consequence, therefore, was the triumph of Fairfield over Benicia. It is supposed, and with much reason, that Vallejo in her inmost heart had long borne a grudge against Benicia, for having in 1852 deprived her of the capital and its attendant glories ; now, there opened a chance for vengeance, and the votes of the Vallejoites went to swell the list of the voters for Fairfield, notwithstanding that by so doing they moved the county seat further away from them than if they had permitted it to remain at Benicia. In this regard, the Solano Herald, then published in that city, announces the disaster in these words : " In every general engagement, however glorious the bulletin of factory, there necessarily follows the melancholy supplement of casualties. In the list of killed and wounded in Wednesday's battle, our eye falls mournfully on the name of Benicia — Benicia ! the long suflfering, mortally wounded, if not dead — killed by Vallejo's unsparing hand ! That the people of Suisun and the adjoining region should have desired a removal of the county seat, was by no means surprising; but Vallejo ! et tu Brute! In the house of our friends we were wounded. While we hold in grateful remembrance the majority of the citizens of Vallejo, let us not forget those aspiring gentlemen who dealt us the deadly blow. ' Lord keep our memory green,' for good and evil. " The grass was not allowed to grow under the feet of the Supervisors. In October following, a brick building erected at Fairfield, by Captain Waterman, for County Clerk and Treasm-er's offices, was completed and handed over to them, and at once occupied ; while at the Board meeting held January 22, 1859, Mr. Waterman's bond, quoted above, with all its provisions, was accepted. Tenders were at once advertised for to construct the necessary edifices, when, at a Supervisoral sederunt held on Mai'ch 14th of that year, the undermentioned bids were ratified : For Court-house and Jail, Larkin Richardson .... $24,440 00 For Court-house for temporary use of County. . . . 1,373 00 38 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. And on September 1st, the county buildings were handed over to the Board of Supervisors. In 1862 "An Act to organize townships and regulate their powers and duties, and submit the same to the vote of the people," was approved by the Legislature on May 15th. The provisions of the act were that town- ships should be corporate bodies and have capacity : First — To sue and be sued in the manner prescribed by law. Second — To purchase and hold lands within its own limits for the use of its inhabitants, and for the promotion of education wdthin the limits of the township. Third — To make such contracts, and to purchase and hold such personal property as may be necessary to the exercise of its corporate and adminis- trative powers. Fourth — To make such orders for the disposition, regulation or use of its corporate property as may be deemed conducive to the interests of its inhabitants. The corporate powers and duties of these townships were to be vested in a Board of Trustees, to consist of three qualified electors of the township, to be voted for by qualified electors within said township, when, at the same time, were to be elected certain officers for especial service within the township. Such trustees were to be endowed with powers appertaining to the peace, order and good government of the townships to which they were chosen by the public vote, and were to collect taxes, which were to be paid into the ofilce of the County Treasurer. The Act was ordered to be sub- mitted to a vote of the people at the general election. In those counties in which the afiirmative should have the majority, the law should take effect ; but in those (like Solano, where the majority against it was sixty-one) in which the negative has the preponderance of votes, the act should not apply or be in force. At the same election, September 3, 18G2, the proposed amendments to the Constitution of California, suggested in the following : Article IV — The Legislative Department. " V — The Executive Department. '• VI — The Judicial Department. " IX — Education. were put to the popular voice, with the result as stated below : Yes 4,800 No 657 Majority for the yeas 4,143 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 39 On August 12, 1863, a petition from 0. Bingham and others was pre- sented to the Board of Supervisors, when, in conformity with the prayer tlierein set forth, it was ordered that a new township be formed, to be called MAINE PRAIRIE, to be bounded as follows, to wit : commencing at the corners of Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18, in Township 5 N. R. 1 E. of Monte Diablo meridian, and running thence north to the corners of Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Township 6 N. R. 1 E.; thence running east to the eastern limit of Solano county, on the line between ranges 2 and 3 east ; thence with said line south to the township line between Townships 5 and 6 north ; thence with said line east, to the centre of Sacramento river, the eastern limit of Solano county ; thence down Saci'amento river and Steamboat or Merritt slough to where the line between townships 4 and 5 crosses said slough ; thence with said line west to the centre of Cache Creek slough ; thence up said slough to the mouth of Linda slough to the line between ranges 1 and 2 east ; thence with said line north to the north-west corner of Section 18, in Township 5 N. R. 2 E. ; thence west to the place of beginning. SUISUN TOWNSHIP. The township heretofore known as Suisun township, is hereby changed to conform to the following description, to-wit : beginning at a point on the southern boundary of Solano county, in Suisun bay, where a section line two inches west of the meridian line, passing over Monte Diablo and run- ning with said line north to the township line between townships 5 and 6 north ; thence with said line west to the east boundary of Green Valley township, as jjreviously established ; thence with said boundary, southerly, to the south boundary of the county, in Suisun bay ; thence with said boundary, easterly, to the place of beginning. VACAVILLE TOWNSHIP. The township heretofore knoAvn as Vacaville township is hereby changed to conform to the following description, to wit : commencing at a point on the Putah creek whei'e the line between ranges 1 and 2 east, crosses said creek, and running thence with said range line south to the southeast corner of Section 1, Township 6 N. R. 1 E. ; thence west to corners of sections 5, 6 and 7 and 8 of said township and range ; thence south to the corners of Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18, in Township 5 N. R. 1 E. ; thence west to the corner of Sections 10, 11, 14 and 15, in Township 5 N. R. 1 W. ; thence north to the township line between townships 5 and 6 north ; thence with said line west to the western boundary of Solano 40 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. county, on the ridge of the Vaca mountains ; thence northerly with said ridge to the centre of Putah creek ; thence down said creek, and following its sinuosities to the place of beginning. MONTEZUMA TOWNSHIP. The township heretofore known as Montezuma township, is hereby changed to conform to the following boundaries, to-wit : commencing on the south line of the county of Solano, in Suisun bay, where the section lines two miles west of the meridian line passing on Monte Diablo would intersect said limit, and running thence north to the north-west corner of section number 14, in Township 5 N. R. 1 W. ; running thence east to the line between ranges 1 and 2 east ; thence south on said line until it intersects the first slough or fork of Linda slough ; thence down said slough to Cache Creek slough ; thence down Cache Creek slough to where the line between townships numbers 4 and 5 north, intersects said slough ; thence with said line east to the eastern boundary of the county, on Steamboat, or Merritt slough ; thence with said boundary and following its sinuosities to the place of beginning. TEEMONT TOWNSHIP. The township heretofore known as Tremont township, is hereby changed to conform to the following description : commencing at the south-west corner of Section number 6, Township 6 N. R. 2 E. of the meridian and base of Monte Diablo, and running thence north on the line between ranges 1 and 2 east, to the centre of Putah Creek, the northern limit of Solano county ; thence with said limit eastward, to the eastern limit of said county, in the line between ranges 2 and 3 east ; thence with said limit south, to the south-east comer of Section number 1, in Township 6 N. R. 2 E. ; thence east to the place of beginning. There was still some difficulty in conforming the townships into some- thing like natural and equable divisions ; the supervisors, therefore, on February 6, 1866, ordered " that the follo-«-ing described portion of Tre- mont townshijj be set off and attached to Vacaville township, and the bound- aries of said townships hereafter shall conform to this change. Said por- tion is described as follows : beginning on the eastern boundary line of said Vacaville Township 7 N. R. 2 E., and running thence eaSt on the Government line two miles ; thence north six miles ; thence west two miles, to the north-west comer of said township 7, on said boundary line of said Vacaville township, and thence south on said line six miles to the point of beginning. On June 27th of the same year the county was again distributed into townships, as under : THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 41 BENICIA TOWNSHIP. The township known as Benicia township is hereby laid down so as to conform to the following boundaries, to wit : commencing at the south-west corner of a tract of land purchased by Robert Semple and Thomas 0. Larkin from M. G. Vallejo, and on a part of which is situated the city of Benicia, from thence with the western boundary of said tract of land to the north- west corner of the same ; thence in an easterly direction to where the line of said tract intersects the boundary of the stone purchase known as the stone line ; thence along said stone line in a northerly direction until the same intersects the north line of Section 34, Township 4 N. R. 3 W. ; thence east on north line of Sections 31 and 32, Township 4 N. R. 2 W., contin- uing east to Cordelia slough ; thence down said slough to Suisun slough ; thence do'WTi Suisun slough to Suisun bay; thence down said bay and Straits of Carquinez to a point due south of the point of beginning. VALLEJO TOWNSHIP. The township known as Vallejo township is hereby laid down so as to conform to the following boundaries, to-wit : commencing at the south-west corner of a certain tract of land purchased by Robert Semple and Thomas 0. Larkin from M. G. Vallejo, and commonly known as the Benicia tract ; thence with the western boundary line of said tract to the north-west corner of the same ; thence easterly to where the line of said tract intersects the boundary of the stone purchase known as the stone line ; thence along said stone line in a northerly direction until the same intersects the north line of Section 34, Township 4 N. R. 3 W. ; thence west on said north line to the intersection of said line with the boundary line of Napa and Solano counties ; thence south along said county boundary line to a mound of stones established by R. Norris ; thence due west along said boundary line between Nlapa and Solano counties to Napa bay ; thence down said bay and up the Straits of Carquinez, including Mare Island, to the south-west corner of Benicia township ; thence due north to the place of beginning. GREEN VALLEY. The township known as Green Valley township, is hereby laid down so as to conform to the following boundaries, to-wit : Commencing at a rock mound on the crest of hills on Section 34, Township 4 N. R. 3 W. established by R. Norris for a boundary between Napa and Solano counties ; thence northerly along the boundary line of said counties, to the north line of Township 5 N. R. 3 W. ; thence east along said township line to the dividing ridge running to the peak called " Twin Sisters ;" thence south- erly along said divide to Suisun creek, passing on the line of A. Blake and William Brown's land ; thence down said creek to the south-east corner of 42 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Hiram Macy's land ; thence south to the north line of Section 16, To^wnshid 4 N. R. 2 W. ; thence west to Cordelia slough ; thence down said slough to the north line of Sections 31 and 32, Township 4 N. R. 2 W. ; thence west along said north line to the boundary line of Solano and Napa counties. SUISUN TOWNSHIP. The township known as Suisun township is hereby laid down so as to conform to the following boundaries, to-wit : Beginning at the mouth of Cordelia slough, thence up said slough to a point due west of the north line of Section 16, Township 4 N. R. 2 W. ; thence east to a point due south of the south-east corner of Hiram Macy's land ; thence north to the mouth of the Suisun creek ; thence up said creek to the line of Alexander Blake's and William Brown's land ; thence northerly along the ridge or divide running to the peaks called " Twin Sisters ;" thence northerly along said divide to the county line ; thence easterly along the county line to the top of the ridge at the south-east corner of Napa county ; thence easterly on the boundary of the Armijo rancho to the north-east corner of Section 3, Township 5 N. R. 1 W. ; thence south on section lines to the main Suisun bay ; thence westerly along said bay to the mouth of Sui- sun creek ; thence up said creek to the mouth of Cordelia slough, the place of beginning. VACAVILLE TOWNSHIP. That a township be established to be known as the Vacaville township, commencing at the north-east comer of Section 18, Township 5 N. R. 1 E. ; thence west on section lines to the south-west corner of Section 3, Township 5 N. R. 1 W. ; thence north to the north-east comer of Section 3, Township 5 N. R. 1 W ; thence west on the township line to the boundary of the Armijo rancho at the north-west comer of said township ; thence north and west, following said boundary to the coimty line at the south-east corner of Napa county ; thence northerly along the boundary between Napa and Solano counties to Putah creek ; thence down said creek to a point one mile west of Mount Diablo meridian ; thence south on section lines to the south-west corner of Section number 1, Township 6 N. R. 1 W. ; thence east two miles ; thence south to the place of beginning. SILVEYVILLE TOWNSHIP. That a township be established to be known as the Silvey^^lle township, and to conform to the following boundaries, to wit : Beginning at the south- east corner of Section number 5, To-miship 6 N. R. 2 E. ; thence west to the south-west comer of Section number 1, To^miship 6 N. R. 1 W. ; thence north to the county line, centre of Putah creek ; thence easterly down said creek to the line between ranges 1 and 2 east ; thence south on THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 43 said line to the northwest corner of Section 7, TowTiship 7 N. R. 2 E. ; thence east to the north-east corner of Section number 8, Township 7 N. R. 2 E. ; thence south to the place of beginning. TREMONT TOWNSHIP. That a township be established to be known as Tremont township, and to conform to the following boundaries, to wit : Beginning at the south-east corner of Section number 5, Township 6 N. R. 2 E. ; thence north six miles to the south-east corner of Section number 5, Township 7 N. R. 2 E. ; thence west two miles to the line between ranges 1 and^2 E. ; thence north to the centre of Putah creek at the county line ; thence easterly down said creek to the east line of the county on the line between ranges 2 and 3 east ; thence with said line south to the south-east corner of Section 1, Township 6 N. R. 2 E. ; thence west to the place of beginning. MAINE PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. That a township be established to be known as Maine Prairie township, and to conform to the following boundaries, to wit : Beginning at the north- west corner of Section 17, Township 5 N. R. 1 E. ; thence north to the north-west corner of Section 8, Township 6 N. R. IE.; thence easi to the east line of Solano county ; then with the said county line south to the line between townships 5 and 6 north ; thence along sai 1 line east to the north-west corner of Section number 4, Township 5 N. R. 3 E. ; thence south to the southwest corner of Section number 21, Township 5 N. R. 3 E. ; thence west to Prospect slough ; then up Cache slough to Linda slough; then up Linda slough to the line between ranges 1 and 2 east; thence north on said line to the north-west corner of Section number 18, Township 5 N . R. 2 E. ; tj^ence west to the place of beginning. RIO VISTA TOWNSHIP. That a township be established to be known as Rio Vista township, and to conform to the following boundaries, to wit : Commencing on the Sacra- mento river at the point where the section line, one mile east of the township line between Townships 1 and 2 east, intersect the river ; thence running north on said line until it intersects Linda slough ; thence down said slough to Cache slough ; thence down said slough to Prospect slough ; thence up Prospect slough to the section line of Section 17, Township 5 N. R. 3 E.; thence east to the south-east corner of said section; thence north on said section line to the Yolo county line ; thence east on said county line to the Sacramento river; thence down the river to the place of begiiming. 44 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. MONTEZUMA TOWNSHIP. That a township be established to be known as Montezuma township, and to conform to the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the Sacramento river on the line between ranges 1 and 2 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; thence down said river and Suisun bay to the line between Sections 22 and 23, Township 3 N. R. 1 W. ; thence north on section lines to the north-west corner of Section number 35, Township 4 N. R. 1 W.; thence east to the north-west comer of Section 32, R. 2 E. ; thence south to the Sacramento river ; thence down said river to the place of beginning. DENVERTON TOWNSHIP. That a township be established to be known as Denverton township, and to conform to the following boundaries, to wit : Beginning at the north- west comer of Section number 32, Township 4 N. R. 2 E. ; thence west on section lines to the north-west comer of Section 35, Township 4 N. R. 1 W. ; thence north to the north-west corner of Section number 14, town- ship 5 N. R. 1 W. ; thence east to the north-west comer of Section number 18, Township 5 N. R. 2 E.; thence south to the south fork of Linda slough; thence down said slough to the east line of Section number 19, Township 5 N. R. 2 E. ; thence south to the place of beginning. The western boundary line of this township was, however, subsequently changed on May 4, 1868, to the Mount Diablo meridian line, and on November 10, 1870, it was ordered by the Board of Supervisors that " Robinson's Island, and being a portion of Sections numbers 3 and 24, in Township 4 N. R. 1 W., Meridian of Mount Diablo, be and is set over as part of Denverton township," while on May 22, of the following year the under mentioned district was planned and authorized. ELMIRA TOWNSHIP. • It was ordered that a new township be formed out of portions of Vacaville, Silveyville, and Maine Prairie townships as follows, to wit : "Beginning at the south-west comer of the south-east quarter of Section number 3, Township 5 N. R. 1 W., Mount Diablo meridian and base ; running thence north seven miles to the quarter-section corner on the north line of Section 3, Township 6 N. R. 1 \V. ; thence along said town- ship line six miles ; thence along quarter-section lines south seven miles to the quarter-section corner on the south line of Section number 3, Town- ship 5 N. R. 1 E. ; thence west six miles along the section lines to the point of beginning. And it is further ordered that the said township be kno-wna and designated as Elmira township." On August 8, 1872, the boundary line between Silveyville and Vacaville townships was changed to confoi-m to the follomng : " Commencing at a THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 45 point on the north and south line between Silveyville and Vacaville town- ships, and at the corner of Sections numbers 1, 2, 11, and 12, in Town- ship number 7 N. R. 1 W., Mount Diablo meridian ; thence west five miles to line between ranges 1 and 2 west ; thence north one mile, more or less, to Putah creek ; thence along and down said creek to where the present line of Silveyville township intercepts the same ; be and the same is hereby set over to and become part of said Silveyville township." It was then also ordered that the western boundary of Suisun township be and the same is as follows, to wit : " Commencing at a point on the north line of Section 3, Township 5 N. R. 1 W., which point is the intersection of the boundary line of Elmira township ; thence south on half -section line one mile to the southern line of Section 3, Township 5 N. R. 1 W. ; thence east on section line two and one-half miles to Mount Diablo meridian line ; thence south on said meridian line to the southern boundary line of Solano county." With this last adjustment of the boundaries the distribution of townships was so far completed, and leaves these twelve districts as the present parti- tion of the county. In 1873 Vallejo had a sudden accession of success, and the conception of having the county seat moved thither took permanent shape by the pre- sentation of a petition by E. H. Sawyer and others to the Board of Supervisors on September 23, praying that a public vote should be taken in this regard. On the sounding of Vallejo's trumpet the other towns and cities sniffed the battle from afar, champed their bits and tossed their flow- ing manes. A bitter fight waged between the newspapers of the county, while Benicia and her cohorts vented every conceivable argument, not so much that she might be once more endowed with the county honors, but that she should prevent the acquisition of so great a triumph to her former enemy. She had not forgotten the stormy days of 18.58. Leader after leader and argument upon argument appeared in the public prints ; meet- ings wei'o held all over the county, while in Vallejo an executive county seat committee was appointed, having as its officers Messrs. J. B. Frisbie, President ; E. H. Sawyer, Vice-President ; J. B. Robinson, Secretary ; J. K. Duncan, Treasurer, who framed the following address to the citizens of Solano county, which we cull from the columns of the " Solano Democrat " of that period : Your attention is invited to the following reasons why the county seat of Solano county should be removed from Fairfield to Vallejo : First — It is evident to all who have given the matter any thought, that Fairfield cannot be the permanent county seat of a great and growing county like Solano. The entire lack of accommodations for the persons attending court, and 46 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. the fact that those accommodations are growing worse as the town con- tinues to decay, and that there is no hope of any improvement, is a matter of consideration. We cannot comj^are the dreary, treeless plain upon which our county seat is located, and meagre accommodation for visitors, with the pleasant location and ample quarters provided by other counties, without a feeling of shame. The great county of Solano will not always endure this. Second — Assuming, then, that a change in the county seat must ulti- mately come, we say that it should come now. An immediate expenditui-e of many thousand dollars will be necessaiy to make the present county buildings answer the purpose for which they were designed. Fire-proof rooms or vaults must be provided for the county records, and the pajjers and records of the couits. It is criminal to neglect this longer. Consider the confusion, the litigation, the utter ruin that would result from the destruction of the records of our courts and of our titles. And yet at pre- sent they are scarcely more secure than they would be in an ordinary frame-house. Is it wise to make these extensive imjjrovements upon build- ings which in a few years at most must be abandoned ? Is it not best that the change should be made now, and a new location selected w^hich .shall be permanent, that the county may derive some lasting advantage from the expenditui'e of its money ? Third — If the location of a county seat for our county was a new ques- tion, there would be no doubt of the propriety of adopting Vallejo. A line of railroad traverses the whole length of the county, terminating at Vallejo. Regular water communication can always be had from Rio Vista, Collins- ville, and Benicia, to Vallejo, enabling the inhabitants of these places to reach the county seat at all seasons of the year without interruption from floods or impassable roads ; and that other and large class of tax-payers and property-owners of our county, who reside in San Francisco and other counties, would be best accommodated at Vallejo. Vallejo is now, and promises in all future to be, the leading town in the county. It has good streets and sidewalks, convenient means to travel and good hotels, and is, indeed, the only place in the county capable of furnish- ing accommodations for the lar'ge number of people who are at any time liable to be called together by an important term of our District Court. The only two arguments that can be in-ged in favor of retaining the county seat at Fairfield, are these : 1st. That it is near the geographical center of the coiuity. 2nd. The expense of its removal. The first of these reasons, to-wit, its central position — if it was good at the time the county seat was located at Fairfield, wdien people came from all parts of the comity in carriages or on horseback, no longe^- holds good. The days of stage- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 47 coaches are passed. New means of travel have sprung up, and geographical centers have given way to centers of travel. The whole population of the county could rally at Vallejo at le.ss expense, and greater ease and comfort, than at any other point in the county, and could live more comfortably while here. As a rule, county seats are not located in the center of coun- ties. Sacramento City, Stockton, Oakland, Marysville, Yuba City, Napa City and San Rafael, are not situated at the geogi'aphical centers of the respective counties of which they are the county seats. As to the second objection, in respect to the cost of removal. The pre- sent county buildings are said to have cost forty thousand dollars, and cannot be estimated at present at a higher valuation than twenty-five thousand dollars. The City of Vallejo and its citizens have bound them- selves by proper guarantees : 1st. To furnish, free of cost, suitable office room for county officers, court-rooms and jail, until the permanent county buildings are built. 2nd. That they will donate to the county the neces- sary grounds for the location of county buildings, to be selected by the Board of Supervisors of Solano County. 3rd. They pledge themselves to use all their influence with the Board of Supervisors to restrict the expenditure for the erection of county buildings (which will be the sole expenditure of the county) to fifty thousand dollars ; and they offer the guarantee of their most responsible citizens, and the City of Vallejo, that buildings shall be built (according to a plan now on exhibition at the City Hall, in Vallejo, copies of which will be sent to each precinct in the county), suitable for the county for many years to come, and vastly superior to the present buildings, for the sum of fifty thousand dollars. And the payment of this small amount need not be made at once. Bonds may be issued bearing seven per cent, interest, payable in twenty years, and an annual tax of five thousand dollars will pay the interest and leave a large surplus towards the extinguishment of the debt. Estimate the taxable property in the county at ten millions of dollars, which is about the present figure, the man who owns a thousand dollars worth of property will be taxed the sum of fifty cents per annum for the removal of the county seat. How insignificant is this sum compared with the great advantages to be derived. All that we ask of the voters of Solano county is, that they will consider this question dispassionately and without prejudice, looking only to the best good of the whole county in the future, and we are satisfied they will agree with us that the county seat should be immediately removed to Vallejo. On the 9th of October, 1873, the question of removal was brought before the Board of Supervisors, but there being a question existing of how many of the names which were annexed to the petition were those of bona fide voters, forty or fifty names were selected, making the total number of sig- natures 1,097, leaving 300 to be still examined. 48 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Naturally, Suisun, from its proximity to Fairfield, was on the side of non-removal; therefore, every stone was turned to gain their point. Coun- sel was engaged on her side who urged, under the provisions of the law, in the event of the county seat being once removed, a petition for a second removal must contain a number of signatures equal to one-third the names on the gieat register ; that the county seat of Solano had been already removed from Benicia to Fairfield, and that the present case came within the provisions of the law. The examination of the last great register of the county, they stated, shows a total of 5,G00 names, one-third of which was 1,807. The counsel, therefore, submitted that the number of signatures was inadequate, and that in consequence, the petition was invalid. It wa,s finally decided by the Board that the number already passed upon was sufficient, and an order was made premising with the recitation that a petition had been presented to their body, praying that an election, to de- termine the place of the county seat, might be held ; that said petition con- tained 1,32.5 names; and that so far as examined, they had found upon it 1,097 legal names; and that the same being more than one-third of the number of votes, they therefore ordered, in accordance ^vith the prayer of the petitioners, an election to be held on the last Wednesday in November. A protest from the counsel for Suisun was spread upon the minutes, stating in substance, that on such a day the county seat was removed from Benicia to Fail-field : that the archives of the county and county ofiicers were ordered there ; that the Great Register of the county contained 5,000 uncan- celled names at the time, and that it required one-third of that number of signatures to constitute a legal petition for an election, which number was not on the petition upon which the Board had taken action. The " Weekly Solano Republican," published at Suisun, writing on Octo- ber 30, 1873, remarks : "We object to the removal, because — First — The coimty seat is centrally located now, which makes the expense and trouble of reaching the seat of justice more nearly equal to all than any other location can; and we deny the justice of any arrangement which makes any man pay two dollars, or travel two miles, in order that two, or ten other men, may save one dollar each, or avoid travelling one mile each. Second — The county now possesses, unincumbei'ed by debt, buildings fully adequate to its wants for the next ten years ; and we denounce the policy which will add the cost of even le.ss serviceable buildings to the heavy debt the county is now carrying and groaning under. Third — The removal of the county seat will work a huge injustice to a very large majority of the tax-payers of the counfy, whether the cost of removal be much or little. Vallejo contains half of the population of the county, but only one-third of the taxable property ; and whatever may be the cost of removal, two-thirds of that expense will be paid by that half of the population, whose interest will be injured by the removal." ^> i> THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 49 At length the long looked for election day— November 26, 187S — arrived and ended, the ballot showing at its close, a majority for Vallejo over Fair- field, of 333. Benicia's rancor was of no avail ; but retribution was near at hand. It was directed that the county offices should be removed on Feb- ruary 9, 1874, to Vallejo, and that that ciby be declared the county seat, through the public newspapers. In time a few of the offices were carried thence, notably those of residents in that city, when arrangements were made for the temporary location of the several departments. But the northern part of the county had conceived the reasonable idea that the election of Vallejo was not carried out in as clear and straightfor- ward a manner as it should have been ; they, therefore, proceeded to Sacra- mento, and while the Legislature was in session, had a bill passed through both the Assembly and Senate, creating Vallejo into a county seat in its own right, since it was so ambitious of provincial honors. This, to the eyes of the Govei'nor, seemed too preposterous a scheme, acknowledging at the same time the justice of the objections, he, therefore, vetoed the bill, but informed the complainants that another one, locating the county seat at Fairfield, would be favorably considered. Thus, for the present, all heart-burnings were ameliorated, and ruffles smoothed, and the question finally set at rest by the Act of the Legislature, approved March 28, 1874, whose first section pronounces the doom of Vallejo, in the following ver- dict : " The county seat of Solano County shall he Fairfield, in said county." THE SETTLEMENT OF SOLANO COUNTY. In the old days, long ago, somewhere in the year 1817, as has been shown in another part of this work, Jose Sanchez, then a Lieutenant in the Span- ish Army, was despatched ■with a small force to subjugate the Suisun tribe of Indians, an expedition which was attended with but little loss on one side, and sad havoc on the other. As time dragged out its weary course, but little was gained ; the aboriginals were coerced into the service of their taskmasters, and without doubt endured many a torture of mind and body, when brought under the yoke of the Mexican Government. It is not for a moment to be imagined that, though the savages were driven into bondage, they suS'ered all the distress supposed to be a part and parcel of their thral- dom; this is not the case ; for General Vallejo, who had the lands of Suscol granted to him, held as lenient a sway over his aboriginal vassals as was possible under the circumstances ; and, indeed, was the first to prove the .soothing influences of even a partial civilization ; yet, these people have now vanished, whither it is impossible to trace ; the advent of a dominant race was more than they could cope with; hence, they are nowhere to be 4 50 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTT. found ; and it is only at distances, few and far between, that traces of their former locations are to be discovered. It is believed that those who inhab- ited the valleys with which we have especially to deal, were thinned by the hostilities in which they were engaged with the Spaniards, materially aided by a decimating scourge of small-pox that carried oft' numbers of the half- fed and ill-clothed savages. This epidemic broke out in the year 1839, and sucli was the devastation which ensued that almost an entire race was ship- wrecked, leaving but few survivors of the catastrophe. They died so rap- idly that the usual funeral rites were abandoned: huge pits were dug, and the pestilential corpses placed therein by twenties while they were covered up, when filled, -with a rude mound of earth ; many of them forsook the land of their birth, now become accursed on account of the presence of the odious intruder ; their wives and daughters, by the maltreatment received at the hands of these half -civilized soldiers from the Spanish Main, had ceased to bear children, and thus they drifted out of ken, until now they are a thing of the past, their presence in Solano County being at best but a memory which only lingers in the mind of the early pioneer. A short distance from the small to^vn of Rock\'ille, situated at the foot of Suisun valley, on the property of Lewis Pierce, stood a rude cross, which was popularly believed to mark the resting place of Sem-Yeto, otherwise Francis Solano, the Chief of the Suisuns. It is said that this tribe removed in 1850 to Napa county, taking with them all their grain, to the amount of several hundreds of bushels which had been held in reserve in their rude granaries near the above-mentioned site. This exodus would appear to mark the arrival of the hated white man. It has long been, and in all human probability, it will be many a year before it shall be authentically decided who was the first settler in Solano county. That General Vallejo and his troops were the actual pioneers of the district now known as Solano, is conceded on every hand ; but they can scarcely be classed among the settlers, for though a great district of some ninety thousand acres had been granted to him by the Mexican Gov- ernment, still, he never had, until later, any actual domicile in the county, his residence being at Sonoma, whither he had been ordered to fix his head^- quarters, and lay out a town. The people immediately succeeding the aboriginal Indians were Span- iards ; or, more properly speaking, natives of Mexico, a race who were by no means calculated to improve and lay out a new country. Born in a warm and enervating climate, they were prone to pass their days in indolence. To be able to get suflicient food to allay the pangs of hunger and enough of water to assuage their thirst was to them satiety. In their own land they had made no change, nor in any way advanced their home interests by any civilizing influence save that of a forced Christianity, since the days when Montezuma was so barbarously and treacherously murdered by Cortez THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 51 and his pirate crew ; therefore, this country wherein they had cast their lot, was allowed to rest in its state of tangled confusion. Happily all of those who came from this southern clime were not of this somniferous kind, as the following i-eniarks will show. The Baca (now pronounced Vaca, and in some law deeds Americanized into Barker) and Pena family arrived in Los Angeles, and after a residence of one year, came, in 1841, to the valley which now bears the name of the former, and there settled, building adobe houses for themselves ; that of Juan Felipe Peiia being constructed in Laguna (Lagoon) valley, and Manuel Baca's about one mile north-east there- from. These structures still stand on their original sites, the former being occupied by the widow of Peiia, while the latter is the dwelling of Westley Hill. In the succeeding year (1842) there arrived the Armijo family, who took up their grant in the Suisun valley, built an adobe, and entered into residence about five miles north-west of Fairfield, the present county seat. With these three families to take the lead, others, as a matter of course, followed, not so much to labor in their own interests and toil for their wealthier fellows, but that they loved the dolce far niente mode of living to be found on the Haciendas of the rich. A certain amount of state was maintained by the rancheros of those days, which they had learned from the splendor-loving cavaliers of old Spain ; they seldom moved abroad ; but when they did, it was upon a handsomely caparisoned horse, with at- tendant out-riders, armed, to protect their lord from wild animals, which infested the country. The earlier locators of land brought with them herds of cattle, which, in the natural sequence of things, became roving bands of untamed animals that provided the Spanish master and his servile crew with meat ; while enough grain was not so much cultivated as grown, to to keep them in food, as it were, from day to day. Their mode of travel- ing was entirely on horseback ; accommodation there was none ; when halting for the night, an umbrageous tree was their roof ; the fertile valleys their stable and pasture ; while, when food was required, to slay an ox or a deer, was the matter of a few moments. Mention has been made of the adobe houses of the early Califoruians. Let us consider one of these primitive dwellings : Its construction was beautiful in its extreme simplicity. The walls were fashioned of large sun-dried bricks, made of that black loam known to settlers in the Golden State as adobe soil, mixed with straw, with no particularity as to species, measuring about eighteen inches square and three in thickness ; these were cemented with mud, plastered within with the same substance, and white- washed when finished. The rafters and joists were of rough timber, with the bark simply peeled off and placed in the requisite position, while the residence of the wealthier classes were roofed with tiles of a convex shape, placed so that the one should overlap the other and thus make a water- shed ; or, later, with shingles, the poor cententing themselves with a thatch 52 THE HISTORT OF SOLANO COUNTY. of tule, fastened down with thongs of bullocks' hide. The former modes of covering were expensive — the Pefia family, it is said, having given a man a considerable piece of land for shingling their house — and none but the opulent could afford the luxury of tiles. When completed, however, these mud dwellings will stand the brunt, and wear and tear of many decades, as can be evidenced by the number which are still occupied in out-of-the-way corners of the county. Thus were these solitary denizens of what is now the prolific garden kno\vii as Solano county, housed in the midst of scenery which no pen can describe nor limner paint. The county, be it in what valley soever we wot, was one interminable grain field ; mile upon mile, acre after acre, the wild oats grew in marvelous profusion, in many places to a prodigious height — one great glorious green of wild waving corn — high over head of the way- farer on foot and shoulder high with the equestrian. Wild flowers of every prismatic shade charmed the eye, while they vied with each other in the gorgeousness of their colors and blended into dazzling splendor. One breath of wind and the wide emerald expanse rippled itself into space, while with a heavier breeze came a swell whose waves beat against the mountain sides, and, being hurled back, were lost in the far-away horizon. Shadow pursued shadow in a long merry chase. The air was filled with the hum of bees, the chirrupping of birds, an overpowering fragrance from the various plants, causing the smallest sounds, in the extreme solitude, to become like the roar of the ocean. The hill-sides, overrun as they were with a dense mass of almost impene- trable chapparal, were hard to penetrate ; trees of a larger growth struggled for existence in isolated sterile spots. On the plains but few oaks of any size were to be seen, a reason for this being found in the devastating influence of the prairie fires, which were of frequent occurrence, thus destroying the young shoots as they sprouted from the earth ; while the flames, vdth their forked tongues, scorched the older ones, utterly destroying them, leaving those only to survive the rude attack which were Well ad- vanced in years. This almost boundless range was intersected throughout with trails whereby the traveler moved from point to point, progress being, as it were, in darkness on account of the height of the oats on either side, and rendered dangerous in the lower valleys by the bands of wild cattle, .sprung from the stock introduced by the first settlers. These found food and shelter on the plains during the night ; at dawn of day they repaired to the higher grounds to chew the cud and bask in the sunshine. At every yard, cayotes sprang from the feet of the voyager. The hissing of snakes, the frightened rush of lizards, all tended to heighten the sense of danger ; while the flight of quail, the nimble run of the rabbit, and the stampede of antelope and elk, which abounded in thousands, adde'd to the charm, making him, be he THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 53 whosoever he may, pedestrian or equestrian, feel the utter insignificance of man, the " noblest work of God." At this time, as now, the rivers, creeks, and sloughs swarmed with fish of various kinds that had not, as yet, been rudely frightened by the whirl of civilization. The water at the Green Valley Falls, that favorite picnic resort of to-day, then leajjed as it e'en does now from crag to crag, splashing back its spray in many a sparkle. Then, the shriek of the owl, the howl of the panther, or the grufl^ growl of the grizzly was heard. Now, the scene is changed ; it has ceased to be the lair of the wild beast, but civilization has introduced the innocent prattle of children, and the merry tones of womanhood, causing one to stay and ponder which be best, the former wild solitude, or the pleasing pleasant present sunshine of sparkling voices and sparkling water. Let us here introduce the following, interesting resume of the experiences of the first of America's sons who visited California : THE AMERICAN PIONEERS OF CALIFORNIA. The following interesting record of the adventures of the first American argonauts of California is abridged from an article which appeared in " The Pioneer " in the year 1855 : The first Americans that arrived in California, overland, were under the command of Jehediah S. Smith, of New York. Mr. Smith accompanied the first trapjjing and trading expedition, sent from St. Louis to the head waters of the Missouri by General Ashley. The ability and energy dis- played by him, as a leader of parties engaged in trapping beaver, were considered of so much importance by General Ashley that he soon proposed to admit him as a partner in the Rocky Mountain Fur Company. The proposal was accepted and the aflairs of the concern were subsequently conducted by the firm of Ashley & Smith until 1828, when Mr. William L. Sublette and Mr. Jackson, who had been engaged in the same business in the mountains, associated themselves with Mr. Smith and bought out Geneial Ashley. They continued the business under the name of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company until the summer of 1830, when they retired from the mountains, dispofffng of their property and interest in the enterprise to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Bridger, Solomon, Sublette, and Trapp. Mr. W. L. Sublette subsequently re-engaged in the business. In the spring of 182G Mr. Smith, at the head of a party of about twenty- five men, left the winter quarters of the company to make a spring and fall hunt. Traveling westerly he struck the source of the Green river, which he followed down to its junction with Grand river, where the two form the Colorado. He there left the river and, traveling westerly, approached the Sierra Nevada of California. When traveling in that direction in search of a favorable point to continue his exploration towards the ocean, he crossed 54 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. the mountains and descended into the great valley of California near its south-eastern extremity ; thus being not only the first American, but the first person who, from the east or north, had entered the magnificent valleys of the San Joaquin and Sacramento, or who had ever seen or explored any of the rivers falling into the bay of San Francisco. The following winter and spring he prosecuted with success the catching of beaver, on the streams flowing into the lakes of the Tulares, on the San Joaquin and tributaries, as also on some of the lower branches of the Sac- ramento. At the commencement of summer, the spring hunt having closed, he essayed to return, by following up the American river ; but the height of the mountains, and other obstacles which he encountered, induced him to leave the party in the valley during the summer. He accordingly re- turned ; and, having arranged their summer quarters on that river, near the present town of Brighton, prepared to make the journey, accompanied by a few well tried and hardy hunters, to the summer rendezvous of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company, on the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains. Selecting favorite and trusty horses and mules, Mr. Smith, with three com- panions, left camp to undertake one of the most arduous and dangerous journeys ever attempted. Ascending the Sierra Nevada, he crossed it at a point of elevation so great, that on the night of the 27th of June, most of his mules died from intense cold. He descended the eastern slope of the mountains, and entered upon the thirsty and sterile plains that were spread out before him in all their primitive nakedness ; but his horses were unable to accomplish the journey. Next to the Bedouin of the great African desert, if not equally with him, the trapper of the wilds of the American continent worships the noble horse, which not only proudly carries his owner up to the huge bison, when hunger presses the hunter, and swiftly flees from the overpowering horde of savages who seek his life ; but while the solitary, benighted, and fatigued hunter snatches a few shreds of repose, stands a trusty sentinel, with ears erect and penetrating eye, to catch the first movement of every object within its view, or with di-stended nostril, to inhale the odor of the red man with which the passing breeze is impregnated, and arouse his aSectionate master. What, then, were the feelingf of these men, as they saw their favorite steeds, which had long been their companions, and had been selected for their noble bearing, reeling and faltering on those inhospitable plains. Still worse when they were compelled to sever the brittle thread of life, and dissolve all those attachments and vivid hopes of future com- panionship and usefulness by the use of the rifle, which, at other times, with unerring aim, would have sent death to the man who should attempt to deprive them of their beloved animals. They hastily cut from the lifeless bodies a few pieces of flesh, as the only means of sustaining their own existence ; and in this manner they supported life until they passed the desert and arrived on foot at the rendezvous. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 55 A party was immediately organized, and, with such supplies as were required for the company, left for California, Mr. Smith hastening his de- parture. Traveling south, to avoid in some degree the snow and cold of ■^vinter, he descended and crossed Grand river, of the Colorado, and, contin- uing south-westerly, he approached the Colorado river from the east, near the camp of the Mohave Indians. In the attempt to transport his party, by means of rafts, over this river, in which he was aided by the Mohaves, who professed great friendship and hospitality, he was suddenly surprised by the treacherous Indians, who, uj)on a pre-concerted signal, simultaneously attacked the men who were on each bank of the river, and upon a raft then crossing, massacred the party, with the exception of two men and Mr. Smith, who escaped, and after great suffering arrived at the Mission of San Gabriel, in California. They were immediately arrested by the military of&cer at that place, because they had no passports. This functionary forwarded an account of the arrival and detention of the foreigners to the commandant of San Diego, who transmitted the same to General Echandia, then Governor and Commander-in-Chief of California. After a harassing delay Mr. Smith was permitted to proceed to Monterey, and appear before the Governor. Through the influence and pecuniary assistance of Captain John Cooper, an American, then resident of Monterey, he was liberated, and having procured such supplies as could be obtained in that place, partially on account of beaver-fur to be sent from the summer quarters on the Sacramento river, and partly on credit, he hired a few men and proceeded to the camp of the party which he had previously left in the Sacramento valley. After forwarding the fur to Monterey, he travelled up the Sacramento, making a most successful hunt up this river and its tributaries within the valley. Ascending the western sources of the Sacramento, he passed Shasta mountain, when he turned westerly and arrived on the coast, which he followed south to the Umpqua river. While Mr. Smith and two men were in a canoe, with two or three Indians, engaged in examining the river to find a crossing, his camp was unexpectedly surprised by the Indians, who had, up to this time, shown the most friendly disposition, and the entire party, with the exception of one man, were murdered. Mr. Smith and the men with him in the canoe, after wandering many days in the mountains, where they were obliged to secrete themselves by day and travel by night, to avoid the Indians, who were scouring the country in pursuit, succeeded in escaping from their vicinity, and arrived at Fort Vancouver, a post of the Hudson's Bay Company, on the Columbia river. The man who escaped from the camp at the massacre of the party was badly wounded, and without arms to defend himself or procure food, succeeded in sustaining life and making his way through many vicissitudes for a period of thirty-eight days, when he reached Fort Vancouver. On his arrival there Mr. Smith con- tracted with the superintendent to sell him the large quantity of fur which 56 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. had fallen into the hands of the Indians on the Umpqua, provided he would assist in recovering it, and to furnish a guide to lead a trapping party into the Sacramento valley. A company was fitted out under the command of Lieutenant McLeod, which proceeded to the scene of disaster, and after re- covering the fur, with which Mr. Smith returned to the fort, continued south, under the guidance of one of Smith's men, to the Sacramento valley, where a most valuable hunt was made. A large number of horses from California were also obtained, with which the party attempted to return in the fall of 1822. In crossing the mountain they were overtaken by a violent snow-storm, in which they lost all their horses. From the hasty and un- suitable manner in which they attempted to secrete their valuable stock of fur from the observation and discovery of the Indians or other body of trappers, it was found in a ruined state by a party sent to convey it to the fort in the following spring, and McLeod was discharged from the service of the company for his imprudence in attempting to cross the mountains so late in the fall. Another band was fitted out from Fort Vancouver, by the Hudson Bay Co., under Captain Ogden, of New York, who for some time had been in the employ of that corporation, with which Mr. Smith left the fort on his final departure from the Pacific shore, for the rendezvous of the Rocky Mountain Fur Co. This company traveled up Lewis river, in the direction of the South Pass, when Mr. Smith pursuing his journey with a few men. Captain Ogden turned south, and traveling along the ea.stern base of the Sierra Nevada, entere^i the valley of the Tulares, on the trail which Smith had made in 1826. McLeod having left the valley before he was en- countered by Ogden, who spent the winter of 1828-9, and the following summer returned to the Columbia river mth a valuable hvint. One of the survivors of the massacre of Smith's party on the Rio Colorado remained in California. He was a blacksmith by trade, and obtained em- ployment at the Missions of San Gabriel and San Luis Rey. His name was Galbraith, and while in the mountains previous to his advent to California, was recognized as the most fearless of that brave class of men with whom he was associated. His stature was commanding, and the Indians were awed by his athletic and powerful frame, while the display of his Herculean strength excited the surprise of all. Many were the incidents that occurred in California during his residence, of which he was the principal actor. On one occasion, while employed at the Mission of San Luis Rey, he became riotous while under the exciting influence of aguadiente, and was warned that unless he conducted himself with greater propriety it would be necessary to confine him in the guard-house. This served to exasperate instead of to quiet his unruly passions. A corporal with two men were ordered to arrest Galbraith. On their arrival at the shop, they found the follower of Vulcan absorbed in anathemas, which he was pouring forth in rapid succession THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 57 against the Reverend Father, soldiers, and neophites. Having delivered himself he enquired what they wanted. On the corporal's replying that he had been sent to conduct him to the guard-house, Galbraith seized a sledge, and swaying it above his head rushed upon the soldiers, who, intimidated at the gigantic size of the blacksmith, whose broad and deep chest was swell- ing with infuriated passion, horror stricken fled in di.smay. With uplifted hammer he pursued them across the court of the Mission, and to the guard house in front of the Mission, where the affrighted corporal and soldiers arrived among their comrades, closely followed by the terrific mountaineer, who, alike fearless of Spanish soldiers as he had ever been of Indians, drove the trembling forces, a sergeant and twelve men, to their quarters, where they were imprisoned. He then hastily loaded with grape shot a fine piece of artillery which stood in front of the quarters, and directing its mouth towards the Mission, he gathered up the arms which the soldiers in the confusion had abandoned, and prepared to act as exigencies might require. The priest, seeing the course events were taking, sent a messenger to open communications with the victor, who, from the sudden burst of passion and violent exercise had dispelled the effects of the brandy, and with its removal his choler had subsided. In the early part of 1839 a company was made up in St. Louis, Missouri, to cross the plains to California consisting of D. G. Johnson, Charles Klein, David D. Button and William Wiggins. Fearing the treachery of the Indians this little party determined to await the departure of a party of traders in the employ of the American Fur Comjiany, on their annual tour to the Rocky Mountains. At Westport they were joined by Messrs. Wright, Gegger, a Doctor Wiselzenius and his German companion, and Peter Lasson, as also two missionaircs with thier wives and hired man, bound for Oregon, as well as a lot of what were termed fur trappers, bound for the mountains, thg entire company consisting of twenty-seven men and two women. The party proceeded on their journey and in due time arrived at the Platte river, but here their groceries and breadstuff gave out ; happily the country was well stocked with food, the bill of fare consisting henceforward of buffalo, venison, cat-fish, suckers, trout, salmon, duck, pheasant, sage-fowl, heaver, hare, horse, grizzly bear, badger and dog. The historian of this expedi- tion thus describes this latter portion of the menu. " As much misunderstand- ing seems to prevail in regard to the last animal alluded to, a particular description of it may not be uninteresting. It is, perhaps, somewhat larger than the ground squirrel of California, is subterranean and gregarious in its habits, living in ' villages ; ' and from a supposed resemblance in the feet, as well as in the spinal termination, to that of the canine family, it is in popular language kno-\vn as the prairie dog. But in the imposing technology of the mountain graduate it is styled the canus prairie cuss, because its cussed holes so often cause the hunter to be unhorsed when engaged in the chase." 58 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. After enduring a weary journey, accompanied by the necessary annoy- ances from treacherous and pilfering Souix, hail-storms, sand-storms, rain and thunder-storms, our voyagers arrived at Fort Hall, where they were disappointed at not being aVile to procure a guide to take them to California- This was almost a death-blow to the hopes of the intrepid travelers ; but having learned of a settlement on the Willamette river, they concluded to proceed thither in the following spring, after passing the winter at this fort- Here Klein and Doctor Wiselzenius determined to retrace their steps ; thus the party was now reduced to five in number — Johnson going ahead and leaving for the Sandwich Islands. In September, 1839, the party reached Oregon, and sojourned there during the winter of that year ; but in May, 1840, a vessel arrived with Missionaries from England, designing to touch at California on her return, Mr. William Wiggins, now of Monterey, the narrator of this expedition, and his three companions from Missouri, among whom was Mr. David D. Dutton, now a resident of Vacaville to'wnship, in Solano county, got on board ; but Mr. W., not having a dollar, saw no hope to get away ; as a last resort, he sent to one of the passengers, a compara- tive stranger, for the loan of sixty dollars, the passage-money, when, to his great joy and surprise, the money was furnished — a true example of the spontaneous generosity of those early days. There were three passengers from Oregon, and many others who were " too poor to leave." In June, they took passage in the " Lausenne," and were three weeks in reaching Baker's bay, a distance of only ninety miles. On July 3rd, they left the mouth of the Columbia, and, after being out thirteen days, arrived at Bo- dega, now in Sonoma county, but then a harbor in possession of the Russians. Here a dilemma arose of quite a threatening character. The Mexican Com- mandant sent a squad of soldiers to prevent the party from landing, as they wished to do, for the captain of the vessel had refused to take them farther on account of want of money. At this crisis, the Russian Governor arrived, and ordered the soldiers to leave, be shot down, or go to prison ; they, there- fore, beat a retreat. Here were our travelers, at a stand-still, with no means of proceeding on their journey, or of finding their way out of the inhospit- able country ; they, therefore, penned the following communication to the American Consul, then stationed at Monterey : " Port Bodeoa. July 2.5, 1840. " To the American Consul of California : " Dear Sir — • We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, being desirous to land in the country, and having been refused a passport, and been opposed by the Government, we write to you, sir, for advice, and claim your protection. Being short of funds, we are not able to proceed further on the ship. We have concluded to land under the protection of the Rus- sians ; we will remain there fifteen days, or until we receive an answer from THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 69 you, which we hope will be as soon as the circumstances of the case will permit. We have been refused a passport from General Vallejo. Our ob- ject is to get to the settlements, or to obtain a pass to return to our own country. Should we receive no relief, we will take up our arms and travel, consider ourselves in an enemy's country, and defend ourselves with our guns. " We subscribe ourselves, " Most re.spectfully, David Button, John Stevens, Peter Lasson, Wm. Wiggins, J. Wright." To John R. Wolfskin is the honor due of being the first American settler in Solano county. In 1838, his brother William and himself came to Los Angeles, and there remained until 1842, when the former received a grant of four leagues of land, situated on both sides of the Rio de los Putos, which, under a family arrangement, the latter located on in that year. John R. Wolf- skill, being, therefore, the actual American pioneer of the county, we have made it our duty to personally consult him by visiting him at his magnificent man- sion on Putah creek. Having ridden on horseback from Los Angeles, where he had been laboring for years for a miserable pittance, he drove with him ninety head of cattle, and ultimately arrived at his destination after a weary journey, cheered by no society save the growling of wild beasts and the low- ing of his own kine. When he arrived on the northern side of the bay of San Francisco, he made for Napa, and here procured a horse from George Yount, the pioneer of that county, and crossing the mountains, struck into Green valley, and thence into that of Suisun, and thus travelling, passed through the present site of Vacaville, and arrived on the banks of the Putah. On his attaining his haven, the country had the appearance of never having kno-wn the foot of man ; Indians there were none ; cattle there were none save those which he had brought with him ; but there were evidences on eveiy hand of bears, and other wild animals. Mr. Wolfskill, inured as he had been to hardship almost from his birth, thought little of these things ; he had early served a hunter's craft in the wilds of unsettled Missouri^ whither he had accompanied his father in the year 1809, from his native State of Kentucky; had learned the bitterness of being cooped up in Cooper's Fort, now Howard County, Mo., during the war of 1812, and could check-mate the tricky savage at his own game, and prove a match for the ferocious grizzly on his own ground. The first night on his new domain the lonely voyager passed high up on the fork of a tree away from the possible hug of prowling bears and the presence of creeping things ; the 60 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. dawTi found him with gun on shoulder on the search for food ; no time was lost in making arrangements for a permanent location. A position for his future home was chosen on a site near to that where now stands the house of his brother, Sarshel Wolfskill, and, half a mile from his own present dwelling ; what timber was necessary was cut, and in a short time, with the a.ssistance of a stray Indian or Mexican, the pioneer hut was completed, and the energetic backwoodsman had once more the comfort of a roof over his head, with more ample security from the lurking animals without. At this time \Volfskiir.s nearest English-speaking neighbors were, on the one hand, at Napa, on the other, at Sutter's Fort, now Sacramento ; dis- tances of forty-five and thirty miles, respectively. Many a time was the never-ending solitude broken by a ride and return on the same day to these places, undertaken simply for the pleasure of a short conversation, which, when accomplished, again would recur a season of prolonged lonesomeness, varied only by the toil of clearing ground, the pursuit of game, and the prosecution of a deadly war with grizzlies, of which Mr. Wolfskill has killed a large number. One evening alone he having, in a distance of a mile and a half, while riding along the course of the Putah creek, sent five to their long account. Uncle John Wolfskill, as he is familiarly spoken of in the district in which he resides, carries his seventy-five years well, and, but for the extreme whiteness of his beard and a slight bend of his shoulders, would still be considered a man in the prime of life. Fortune has smiled upon him in the fullness of his 3'ears. Portions of his estate he has sold or rented, but he, with his son and brother, have a large tract under cultivation. His resi- dence stands nearly three hundred yards from the banks of the Putah creek, surrounded on every side by a splendid orchard of fruit trees of every variety, including oranges, olives, figs, and gi-apes, one vine having tendrils of forty feet in length that form a magnificent arbor ; while the building is of fine, soft, smooth stone, found on the property in considerable quanti- ties, which has a beautifid appearance, and combines all the comfort of an old country establishment, with the advantages of habitation, which a glorious climate affords. Thus we have satisfactorily traced the establishment of the first American in Solano county, but emigj-ation had not, as yet, come into California, for no sign of gold had then been found, nor, indeed, had the remarkable adapt- ability of the soil for agricultural as well as pastoral purposes been given to the world. Those who occupied the lands did so in peace, and continued so to do for years. It was not until 184G that any positive influx in the population of the county made itself apparent. In this year Benicia was first settled, but ere relating this portion of Solano's history, let us draw attentiou to the circumstances which induced to the selection of the site by Doctor Robert Semple. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 61 In the early part of 1846 the United States and Mexico were at war. A fine fleet of the best ships of the Union proudly bore the flag on the Pacific ocean and along its coast. Fremont, the intrepid, with a small force of regulars, were engaged on the frontier of California on a supposed scientific survey. Great Britain and France, through their representatives, were watching with keen anxiety the out-turn of affairs, being ready at a moment's notice to take advantage of any loop-hole that might present itself, and assume a protectorate over the coast, or take forcible possession of the country. The native Californians were not numerous ; those were divided in council, scattered over a vast territory and poorly equipped with defensive weapons. At this juncture affairs culminated to a point, and the little town of Sonoma wa.t called upon to play a part in the history of the west, which was finally settled by the acquisition of California to the United States. On the morning of June IGth a band of thirty-three Americans, recruited from Sutter's Fort and the adjacent districts, marched into the town of Sonoma, captured the garrison and took General Vallejo, the officer com- manding the Province of California, a prisoner. The company who carried out this high-handed action were under the orders of one of their number named Merritt, whom they had elected to the position of Captain. They proceeded entirely on their respon.sibility, committed no excess, but still were determined in their policy. Being without authority to use the flag of the United States, a banner of their own was therefore resolved upon, and three men, Ben Duell, (now of Lake county) Todd, and Currie, manufactured the standaixl, the two former, who were saddlers it is believed, sewing the stripes of red, white, and blue together, while they with the bear, from which the color received its name, were painted by the latter. A narrator of these events naively remarks : " The material of which the stripes were made was not, as has l)een stated, an old red flannel petticoat, but was new flannel and white cotton, which Duell got from Mrs. W. B. Elliott, who had been brought to the town of Sono- ma, her husband, W. B. Elliott, being one of the bear-flag party. Some blue domestic was found elsewhere and used in making the flag. The drawing was rudely done, and, when finished, the bear resembled a pig as much as the object for which it was intended." The idea of adopting the insignia of a bear was that having once entered the fight, there should be no surrender until the thorough emancipation of California was accomplished. The bear-flag is still preserved as a choice relic by the Society of California Pioneers, and on notable occasions it sees the light in a procession by the Association. In the meantime after a few fights, and tlie murder of one or two of the independents, Fremont made his appearance on the scene, and fitted out an expedition to pursue the Californians whicn he did with much vigor, finally 62 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. driving Castro, their commander, with his forces, out of the disti'ict. While these events were being enacted, the American flag was hoisted at Monterey on July 7th, by direction of Commodore Sloat ; on the following day it was opened to the breeze on the plaza at Yerba Buena, and, on July 10th, the revolutionists received one with eveiy demonstration of joy ; down came the flag of independence, 'the inartistic bear-flag, and up went the stars and stripes, thus completing the conquest of the district of Sonoma of which Solono county then formed a portion. The detachment to escort General Vallejo to Sutter's Fort, wherein he was to be held as a prisoner of war, was placed under the command of Doctor Robert Semple, then a captain serving under the bear flag, who, while proceeding by boat along the shores of the Carquinez straits, casually observed to the general on the remarkable eligibility of the present site of Benicia as one on which to found a city. At the time the matter was refeiTed to simply as a topic of conversation ; on the return journey, how- ever, after the short detention of the General, he once more brought up the subject, which terminated in his promise to make a concession for that purpose of five miles of water front and one in depth ; this we find on reference to the county records was finally carried out, by deed of gift, on May 19th, 1847, the name of Thomas 0. Larkin, consul for the United State at Monterey, being associated with those of General Vallejo and Doctor Robert Semple, the deed containing certain provisions which will be treated on in the histoiy of the city of Benicia. Thus the fii'st town in Solono county was located and soon after settled. We must now return to the doings of the year 1846. In this year immigration was greater than on any previous one, among those arriving being Landy Alford and Nathan Barbour. What their experiences were let us here relate. Starting from Andrews county, Missoui'i, for this, then almost "undiscovered country," they crossed the plains and came to the banks of the Feather river in October, 1846. The waters being in flood it was too deep to ford, they, therefore, with that wit which becomes sharpened by a stern necessity, devised the following mode of reaching the opposite bank. Taking the box, or bed of their wagons, they fastened to each corner an empty keg, thus making a raft or float ; in this they conveyed, not only all their household goods, but also their entire families, the live stock which they were bringing with them being compelled to swim across. Not long after this our party found themselves at Wolfskill's ranch, already referred to, and here they divided, the Alford's going to Sonoma accompanied by Barbour's wife, while Barbour remained behind for a few days, and finally enlisted in the battalion that Fremont was at the time recruiting, with which he went to Sacramento and served five months. In the end of March, 1847, Mr. Barbour followed his friends to Sonoma where he, with AKord, framed two houses which they intended erecting on a couple of lots given THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 63 them for the purpose. On one occasion while at work shaping out their posts and beams, they were fountl by Thomas 0. Larkin who made them an offer of a startling nature, this being no less than a proposal to take both their houses to Benicia free of charge, to give them one thousand dollars each for them, they having the privilege of living in them during the winter, only with this simple proviso, that they should be erected on certain specified lots in that city. The otter was accepted and they moved to Benicia in October, 1847. With the same train in which started for Cali- fornia those mentioned above, traveled Daniel M. Beny, who with his family arrived in September, 1846, and at once proceeded to Rio Vista, but in the following spring removed fi'om there and came into the Suisun valley and pitched a tent on what is now the farm of Joseph Blake, situated about six miles west of Fairfield. In this year there also located in Vaca valley, Albert Lyon, John Patton, J. P. Long, Willis Long, and Clay Long, who commenced the business of stock-raisers. At this time there also lived in the adobe at Rockville, formerly occupied by Solano, the proselytized chief of the Suisuns, one Jesus Molino, an Indian who farmed some land. Captain Von Pfister, a most worthy gentleman of Benicia, who arrived in that city in the month of August, 1847, possesses a set of books, a day-book and journal, used in his business, which impart a fund of information in regard to the early settlement of the county, and in a measure serves as a directory for that year. When the captain landed in Benicia, one William McDonald was then building an adobe, which Von Pfister rented on com- pletion, and opened the first store in the county. From this establishment the neighborhood for many miles around was supplied, including residents in Contra Costa, notably the Spanish family of Martinez, who founded the pleasant town of that name on the opposite shore of the Carquinez Straits. The books above referred to inform us that there then lived in the county the following gentlemen — of course there vs^re others whom it has been impos- sible to trace — all of whom did business at this pioneer emporium. Robert Semple, Edward Higgings, Charles Hand, Benjamin Furbush, David A- Davis, William Bryan, George Stevens, James Thompson, Stephen Cooper, F. S. Holland, Landy Alford, Benjamin McDonald, William Russell, William Watson, William I. Tustin, Henry Mathews, while Ward & Smith, and Robert A. Parker, then the principal mei-chants of Yerba Buena, were the wholesale establishments with which Von Pfister did business. The foregoing names are produced merely to give a sort of genei'al idea of who some of the original settlers were, but it must be by no manner of means inferred that they were the first to locate in that section. It is fair to assume that Doctor Robert Semple was the first to appear with any defined ideas of taking up a permanent residence on the spot, for to him and two others did the land belong ; there were no houses wherein to live ; so those who came were per force content to dwell in their wagons and 64 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. tents. Yet this was for no lengthened period, as in 1847 we find on record that houses were constructed Ijy William I. Tustin, now of San Francisco, Robert Semple, William Bryan, William Russell, Thomas 0. Larkin, Stephen Cooper, Nathan Barbour, Landy Alford, and a man named Benedict. In this year, too, Samuel Green McMahon arrived in the northern part of the county and located on certain lands in the Wolfskill grant, on Putah creek, while in the previous year Don Juan Bidwell, an American, who had adopted a Spanish sjTionym of his name, and had served against the Bear- flag party with the Spaniards, received a grant of land in what is now Rio Vista township. About this time William McDonald, of Benicia, purchased a farm ld the Sulphur Spring valley, on what was for many years after known as the Wood's ranch, and there broke the first ground in the south- ern portion of the county, and produced crops, principally of vegetables, which were a marvel to those early residents who had come from the Eastern agricultural States. In the fall of the year 1847, Captain Von Pfister, traveling overland, visited the site of the present State Capital. His journey was made through that portion of the district now known as Solano County, he having started from Benicia and forded the Rio de los Putos, somewhere between Wolf- skill's house and that portion of the marsh where the creek loses itself in the tules, presumably at the point where the old Spanish trail crossed that stream. There were then only five houses between these two points, at four of which the captain visited. The first was that of the Indian, Jesus Molino, at Rockville ; here he found about one hundred acres of gi'ound under cultivation, producing beans, peas, wheat, barley, and other cereal and bulbous plants with which the producer was wont to purchase his necessaiy stores ; his farming implements were of the most primitive kind, the plough used being the crooked limb or elbow of a tree, armed with a pointed, rough, iron socket, which was unevenly dragged through the soil. He next visited the Berry ranch, in Suisun valley, and here found a clap-board house, the only one in the district of the kind ; and hence he proceeded ia turn to the ranches of Armijo and Vaca and Peiia, and made his exit from the county as already described. This year of 1847 may be said to close the pre-historic days of the State, for it was not until the following year that California became a household word and had her name tremblingly and hopefully pronounced by eager lips. As things were then, matters progressed smoothly, but it was little calculated what was in store for the county in the f utm-e ; Avhat there was we shall attempt to define as we go on. The j'ear 1848 is one wherein reached the nearest attainment of the dis- covery of the Philosopher's stone, which it has been the lot of Christendom to witness : on January 19th gold was discovered, at Coloma, on the American river, and the most unbelieving and cold-blooded were, by the THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 65 middle of spring, irretrievably bound in its fascinating meshes. The wonder is that the discovery was not made earlier. Emigi'ants, settlers, hunters, practical miners, scientific exploring parties, had camped on, settled in, hunted through, dug in and ransacked the region, yet never found it ; the discovery was entirely accidental. Franklin Tuthill, in his History of Cal- ifornia, tells the story in these words : Captain Sutter had contracted with James W. Marshall, in September, 1847, for the construction of a saw-mill, in Coloma. In the course of the winter a dam and luce were made, but when the water was let on, the tail-race was too narrow. To widen and deepen it, Marshall let a strong current of water directly into the race, which bore a large body of mud and gravel to the foot. On the 19th of January, 1848, Marshall observed some glittering particles in the race, which he was curious enough to examine. He called five car- penters on the mill to see them ; but though they talked over the possibility of its being gold, the vision did not inflame them. Peter L. Weimar claims that he was with Marshall when the first piece of the " yellow stuff " was picked up. It was a pebble, weighing six pennyweights and eleven grains. Marshall gave it to Mi's. Weimar, and asked her to boil it in saleratus water and see what came of it. As she was making soap at the time, she pitched it into the soap kettle. About twenty-four hours afterwards it was fished out and found all the brighter for its boiling. Marshall, two or three weeks later, took the specimens below, and gave them to Sutter, to have them tested. Before Sutter had quite satisfied himself as to their nature, he went up to the mill, and, with Marshall, made a treaty with the Indians, buying of them their titles to the region round about, for a certain amount of goods. There was an effort made to keep the secret inside the little circle that knew it, but it soon leaked out. They had many misgivings and much discussion whether they were not making themselves ridiculous ; yet by common consent all began to hunt, though with no great spirit, for the " yellow stuff " that might prove such a prize. In February, one of the party went to Yerba Buena, taking some of the dust with him. Fortunately he stumbled upon Isaac Humphrey, an old Georgian gold-miner, who, at the first look at the specimens, said they were gold, and that the diggings must be rich. Humphrey tried to induce some of his friends to go up with him to the mill, but they thought it a crazy ex- pedition, and left him to go alone. He reached there on the 7th of March. A few were hunting for gold, but rather lazily, and the work on the mill went on as usual. Next day he began " prospecting," and soon satisfied himself that he had struck a rich placer. He made a rocker, and then com- menced work in earnest. A few days later, a Frenchman, Baptiste, formerly a miner in Mexico, left the lumber he was sawing for Sutter at Weber's, ten miles east of Coloma, and came to the mill. He agreed with Humphrey that the region 66 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. was rich, and, like him, took to the pan and the rocker. These two men were the competent practical teachers of the ci'owd that flocked in to see how they did it. The lesson was easy, the process simple. An hour's observation fitted the least experienced for working to advantage. Slowly and surely, however, did these discoveries ci'eep into the minds of those at home and abroad ; the whole civilized world was set agog with the startling news from the shores of the Pacific. Young and old were seized with the California fever ; high and low, rich and poor, were infected by it ; the prospect was altogether too gorgeous to contemplate. Why they could actually pick up a fortune for the seeking it ! Positive aflluence was within the grasp of the weakest ; the very coast was shining with the bi'ight metal which could be obtained by picking it out with a knife. Says Tuthill : Before such considerations as these, the conservatism of the most stable bent. Men of small means, whose tastes inclined them to keep out of all hazardous schemes and uncertain enterprises, thought they saw duty beckoning them around the Horn, or across the plains. In many a family circle, where nothing but the strictest econonomy could make the two ends of the year meet, there were long and anxious consultations, which resulted in selling ofl' a piece of the homestead or the woodland, or the choicest of the stock, to fit out one sturdy representative to make a for- tune for the family. Hundreds of farms were mortgaged to buy tickets for the land of gold. Some insured their lives and pledged their policies for an outfit. The wild boy was packed oft' hopefully. The black sheep, of the flock was dismissed with a blessing, and the forlorn hope that, with a change of skies, there might be a change of manneis. The stay of the happy household said " Good-bye, but only for a year or two," to his charge. Unhappy husbands availed themselves cheerfully of this cheap and i-eput- able method of divorce, trusting Time to mend or mar matters in their absence. Here was a chance to begin life anew. Whoever had begun it badly, or made slow headway on the right course, might start again in a region where Fortune had not learned to coquette with and dupe her wooers. The adventurers generally formed companies, expecting to go overland or by sea to the mines, and to dissolve partnership only after a first trial of luck together in the " diggings." In the Eastern and Middle States they would buy up an old whaling-ship, just ready to be condemned to the wreckers, put in a cargo of such stufi" as they must need themselves, and provisions, tools, or goods, that must be sure to bring returns enough to make the venture pro- fitable. Of course, the whole fleet rushing together through the Golden Gate, made most of these ventures profitless, even when the guess was happy as to the kind of supplies needed by the Californians. It can hardly be believed what sieves of ships started, and how many of them actually made the voyage. Little river-steamers, that had scarcely tasted salt water THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 67 before, were fitted out to thread the Straits of Magellan, and these were welcomed to the bays and rivers of California, whose waters some of them ploughed and vexed busily for years afterwards. Then steamers, as well as all manner of sailing vessels, began to be adver- tised to run to the Isthmus ; and they generally went crowded to excess with passengers, some of whom were fortunate enough, after the toilsome ascent of the Chagres river, and the descent either on mules or on foot to Panama, not to be detained more than a month waiting for the craft that had rounded the Horn, and by which they were ticketed to proceed to San Francisco. But hundreds broke down under the horrors of the voyage in the steerage, contracted on the Isthmus the low t3q3hoid fevers incident to tropical marshy regions, and died. The overland emigrants, unless they came too late in the season to the Sierras, seldom suffered as much, as they had no great variation of climate on their route. They had this advantage, too, that the mines lay at the end of their long road ; while the sea-faring, when they landed, had still a weary joui-ney before them. Few tarried longer at San Francisco than was necessary to learn how utterly useless were the curious patent mining con- trivances they had brought, and to replace them with the pick, shovel pan, and cradle. If anyone found himself destitute of funds to go farther, there was work enough to raise them by. Labor was honorable ; and the daintiest dandy, if he were honest, could not resist the temptation to work where wages were so high, pay so prompt, and employers so flush. There were not lacking in San Francisco, grumblers who had tried the mines and satisfied themselves that it cost a dollar's worth of sweat and time, and living exclusively on bacon, beans, and " slap-jacks," to pick a dollar's worth of gold out of rock, or river bed, or dry ground ; but they confessed that the good luck which they never enjoj^ed abode with others. Then the display of dust, slugs, and bars of gold in the jDublic gambling places ; the sight of men arriving every day freighted with belts fiill, which they parted with so freely as men only can when they have got it easily ; the testimony of the miniature rocks ; the solid nuggets brought down from above every few days, whose size and value rumor multiplied according to the number of her tongues. The talk, day and night, unceasingly and exclusively of " gold, easy to get and hard to hold," inflamed all new comers with the desire to hurry on and share the chances. They chafed at the necessary detentions. They nervously feared that all would be gone before they should arrive. The prevalent impression was that the placers would give out in a year or two. Then it behoved him who expected to gain much to be among the earliest on the ground. When experiment was so fresh in the field, one theory was about as good as another. An hypothesis that lured men per- petually farther up the gorges of the foot-hills, and to explore the canons G8 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. of the moimtains, was this : that the gold which had been found in the beds of rivers, or in gulches, through which streams once ran, must have been washed down from the places of original deposits farther up the mountains. The higher up the gold-hunter went, then, the nearer lie approached the source of supply. To reach the mines from San Francisco, the course lay up San Pablo and Suisun bays, and the Sacramento — not then, as now, a yellow, muddy stream, but a river pellucid and deep — to the landing for Sutter's Fort ; and they who made the voyage in sailing vessels, thought Mount Diablo significantly named so long it kept them company and swung its shadow over their path. From Sutter's the most common route was across the broad, fertile valley to the foot-hills, and up the American or some one of its tributaries ; or, ascending the Sacramento to the Feather and the Yuba, the company staked off a claim, pitched its tent or constructed a cabin, and set up its rocker, or began to oust the river from a portion of its bed. Good luck might hold the impatient adventurers for a whole season on one bar ; bad luck scattered them always farther up. ******** Hoards sought the mining camps, which did not stop to study roads. Traders came in to supply the camps, and, not very fast, but still to some extent, mechanics and farmers to supply both traders and miners. So, as if by magic, within a year or two after the rush began, the map of the country was WTitten thick with the names of settlements. Some of these were the nuclei of towns that now flourish and pi'omise to continue as long as the State is peopled. Others, in districts where the placers were soon exhaused, were desei'ted almost as hastily as they were begun, and now no traces remain of them except the short chimney-stack, the broken surface of the ground, heaps of cobble-stones, rotting, half- buried sluice boxes, empty whisky bottles, scattered playing cards, and rusty cans. The " fall of '49 and spring of '50 " is the era of California history, which the pioneer always speaks of with warmth. It was the free-and-easy age when everybody was flush, and fortune, if not in the palm, was only just beyond the grasp of all. Men lived chiefly in tents, or in cabins scarcely more durable, and behaved themselves like a generation of bachelors. The family was beyond the mountains ; the restraints of society had not yet arrived. Men threw off the masks they had lived behind and appeared out in their true character. A few did not discharge the consciences and con- victions they had brought with them. More rollicked in a perfect freedom from those bonds which good men cheerfully assume in settled society for the good of the greater number. Some afterwards resumed their temperate and steady habits, but hosts were wrecked before the period of their license expired. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 69 Very rarely did men, on their arrival in the country, begin to work at their old trade or profession. To the mines first. If fortune favored they soon quit for more congenial employments. If she fro%vned, they might depart disgusted, if they were able ; but oftener, from sheer inability to leave the business, they kept on, di'ifting from bar to bar, living fast, reck- less, improvident, half -civilized lives; comparatively rich to-day, poor to-morrow ; tormented with rheumatisms and agues ; remembering dimly the joys of the old homestead ; nearly weaned from the friends at home, who, because they were never heard from, soon became like dead men in their memory ; seeing little of women and nothing of churches ; self-reliant, yet satisfied that there was nowhere any " show " for them ; full of enter- prise in the direct line of their business, and utterly lost in the threshhold of any other ; genial companions, morbidly craving after newspapers ; good fellows, but short-lived. Such was the maelstrom which dragged all into its vortex thirty years ago ! Now, almost the entire generation of pioneer miners, who remained in that business, has passed awa}'^, and the survivers feel like men who are lost and old before their time, among the new comers, who many be just as old, but lack their long, strange chapter of adventures. No history of a county in California would be complete without a record of the rush to this coast at the time of what is so aptly named the " gold fever;" hence use has been made of the graphic pen-picture quoted above. Where there were so many homeless, houseless wanderers, the marvel is not so much that thousands should have succumbed to sickness, as that there was no epidemic to sweep ofl" the entire reckless population. In the winter of 1849-'50 large numbers of miners repaired to Beniciai and there pitching their tents, plunged into the most head-long dissipation. Saloons and gambling hells were in full blast, large sums of money being spent on and in these canvass palaces, ornamented and embellished with the wildest display of meretricious splendor. In the spring of the year, when the weather opened, the majority returned to their will-o'-the-wisjD pursuit after Wealth in the mines, while those who remained, heart-sick at hope deferred, cast aside their rockers and picks, and betook themselves to the ploughshare, so to try their luck at fortune-making by the production of golden grain, as against the acquiring it from golden sand. In these years commenced the arrival, in numbers, of settlers in Solano county, a goodly share of her oldest and most worthy residents having each had, at one time or another, a long or a short spell at the mines, and truly do they love to narrate their experiences in these eventful years, which is usually done with a simplicity at once " child-like and bland." But to return to the settlement of Solano county: In 1848, John Stilts, who had two years previously visited the district, returned and settled in Green Valley, where he was shortly after followed by W. P. Durbin and 70 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Charles Ramsey. In the following spring came Landy Alford from Benicia to the Suisun Valley, and located on the farm now owned by Lewis Pierce. Alford was of that class of whom the most stolid citizens are made. He was a man brought up on the frontier, and, as usual with such characters, lacked those more refined qualities which education and contact ■«'ith society brings. A man who was passionately fond of hu^nting, and when not engaged in the pursuit of deer, bear, or other wild animals, or recoimting his exploits to interested listeners, was silent, reserved, and almost moody. After his coming to this township, and when civilization became more advanced and game became sparse, he pushed on to the valley of the San Joaquin, where he died a few years ago. He, with many of the early set- tlers, have been gathered to their fathers on the brighter shores of the Great Beyond. A few are left awaiting the summons to join those who have gone before, but who shared with them the hardships and privations incident to pioneer life in this part of the Pacific .slope, erst the home of Solano and his tribe of Suisims. In this year, too, there established themselves in Vaca valley, J. H., W. B., and Garard Long, who were soon after followed by Marshall M. Basye ; General J. B. Frisbie, too, at this time arrived in Benicia : while there were others, who it has been impossible to trace, arri\ang almost daily. Most of these have been gathered to their fathers ; while some have left the county to reside in other parts of the State. In the fall of 1850, John R. Wolf skill was joined by his brother Mathias, on his grant on Putah creek ; the same season Nathan Barbour transferred his residence to Suisun valley ; while in that year, among the arrivals in the county, were J. H. Bauman, W. A. Dunn, and his family (among whom was Alexander, the present County Clerk of Solano), who located in Fairfield in December, but afterwards moved permanently to Vaca valley ; Dr. Frisbie, and Paul K. Hubbs and his family, in Benicia ; S. W. Long, in Vacaville ; and Harvey Rice, of Suisun. In 1850, Benicia had assumed considerable proportions as a city ; while, through the auspices of General Vallejo, another town, within seven miles of it, was commencing to spring into existence. This is now the city of Vallejo, which was to have been called Eureka, and at one time actually bore the name of Eden. It is known to all how this county became the possessor of the legislature — it fluctuating between Vallejo and Benicia, until it was gobbled up by Sacramento — the full history of these doings appear in another portion of the work ; and also to this period belongs the credit of seeing the erection of the first two-storied frame building in the county. This was built by Daniel M. Berry, in the summer of 1850, and is now occupied by his son, Elijah Berry ; it being located on the farm of THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 71 Joseph Blake. The following years still saw the population on the increase ; in 1851, came E. F. Gillespie, to the upper end of Suisun valley, where he commenced farming and haying ; Robert and Thomas Brownlie, with their families, to Vallejo ; James G. Edwards, to Suisun, locating on the farm now OAvned by John McMullen ; Charles Ramsey, to Green valley ; about this time there settled, also. Captain Wing. In the following year, among those who cast their lot in the county, were W. G. Davisson, George A. Gillespie, the present Deputy County Clerk, a most worthy gentleman, and a complete encyclopoedia of information in the various affairs of the country since the date of his location in it ; J. B. Lemon, the present County Treasurer, in Green valley ; Christley Manka, in Suisun township ; Elijah S. Silvey, in Silveyville, from whom that village and township takes its name ; and Dr. 0. C. Udell, on Putah creek. At this epoch of the county's history, there was only one blacksmith shop ; it was situated at the foot of Suisun valley, and kept by J. M. Perry ; to this establishment had the farmers from miles around to come to get their ploughs repaired, their harrows mended, and horses shod, consuming, in many instances, two entire days. In 1852, the first store was opened in the Suisun valley, by J. W. Seaver, on the ground now occvxpied by Sam. Martin, which lessened the distance to procure the necessary commodities for existence. The country had now become well populated ; the wild oats of earlier years showing a commencement of van- ishing before the enterprise of the new-comers ; they for the while contented themselves with but scant covering from the rude winds ; a log cabin, of proscribed dimensions and primitive build, was all that the greater number could afford. True, John R. Wolfskill had already built a fine frame dwell- ing on the banks of Putah creek, the timber for which he had procured from Benicia, a distance of forty miles, which cost him a " bit" a foot, and for transporting which, he providing horses and wagons, he paid a driver sixteen dollars a day. The later arrivals were not thus blessed ; their mode of getting along was different. A few acres would, at the outset, be enclosed by a ditch and mound, with brushwood heaped on top, to protect the rising crops from the depredations of the wild oxen and other animals ; timber was not to be procured save under disadvantageous circumstances of fatigue and risk ; while a still greater enemy was ever to be feared in the firing of the uncut portions of the wild oats, which, when ignited, burned with fearful rapidity. Civilization had, however, made its impress upon the land. Hay was made ; grain was grown ; and though the markets were at a long distance from the producer, even at this early date small crafts found their way to the Suisun embarcadero, and transported the freight, to what was then, the thriving city of San Francisco. 72 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. We. quote from the abstract of the census of 1852, of the State of Cali- fornia, the following return, having reference to Solano county : Population 2,835 Whites, male 2,324 Whites, female 402 Citizens, United States, over 21 years of age 1,298 Negroes, male 26 Negroes, female 2 Mulattoes, male 35 Mulattoes, female None. Indians, male 31 Indians, female 15 Foreign residents, male 790 Foreign residents, female 101 The quantity of land under cultivation in 1852, was five thousand nine hundred and forty-nine acres, which was situated chiefly in the Suscol, Sulphur Spring, Green, Suisun, Ulattis, Yaca, and Putah valleys. The number of horses, cattle, and live stock generally, is appended : Horses , 1,957 Mules 187 Milch Cows 2,185 Beef Cattle 1,085 Hogs 2,264 Sheep 2,000 Oxen 1,149 The quantity of produce raised in the county was : Bushels of Barley 105,630 Bushels of Oats 13,870 Bushels of Com 3,555 Bu-shels of Wheat 8,395 Bushels of Rye 100 Bushels of Potatoes 25,905 Tons of Hay ••••.. 2,146 Number of Grape Vines 5,811 Number of Fruit Trees 1,961 Tlius is seen what gigantic strides had been made towards the establish- ment of Solano county as a centre of agricultural production, and with what just pride may we now refer to those of our relations and friends who are still alive, who did so much towards bringing the valleys, and now some of the mountains, within the influence of the plough. It is not within the THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 73 province of this work to follow individual by individual in his location in the county ; it has been a sufficiently intricate task to particularize those few whom we have enumerated ; how much more difficult, therefore, would it be, were it possible, even to account for the two thousand and more who were already settled in the county in the year 1852. As year followed year, the cry of immigration was " still they come ;" as month succeeded month the wants of the communities were supplied. Churches were built, schools established; peace, order and good government were maintained as effectively as could be ; while the judicial system had been put into practi- cal operation. The first hotel opened in the county was naturally at Benicia, the then metropolis of Solano. It was carried on in an adobe house, by Major Stephen Cooper, and named the " California House." The Major kept it but for a short time, when it passed into the hands of Captain E. H. Von Pfister, at a rental of five hundred dollars a month. The first church was one for the Presbyterian order, constructed by the residents in 1849, the frame having been imported from one of the Eastern States, and occupied by Doctor Sylvester Woodbridge, now of San Francisco. The first school was opened in 1849. The first birth was that of a daughter to the wife of Nathan Barbour; the first marriage occurred on December 16, 1847, being that of Doctor Robert Semple to Miss Fannie Cooper, daughter of the Judge of the Court of First Instance, Major Stephen Cooper, at which there was considerable merriment ; and the first record of a death, is that of John Semple, a young man of twenty-one years of age, and son of the Doctor by a former marriage. In December, 1851, the plat of the town of Vacaville was filed, the origi- nal grantors of the land being sponsors for the same ; while in every portion of the county immigrants arrived, and locations taken up on all sides. Such, indeed, was the influx of settlers into these valleys, the fertility of which had already been noised abroad, that we find, in the year 1853, the estab- lishment of a post-office at Cordelia^ a small village, which now only exists in name. In this year, Doctor S. K. Nurse established himself at a spot, which he named Nurse's Landing, now known as Denverton, where he built a residence, and in 1854, continued his enterprise by building a wharf of considerable size, and a store as well. Let us now consider what the prospects of the county were in 1855, as we gather from statistics. In that year the amount of land within the county, was 535,000 acres, of which thei'e were under cultivation, 18,500 acres, divided as follows : Mowed for Hay 4,000 acres— yield 6,000 Tons. Planted in Wheat 7,500 acres— yield 150,000 Bushels. Planted in Barley 5,200 acres— yield 156,000 Bushels. Planted in Oats 700 acres— yield 28,000 Bushels. 74 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Planted in Corn 700 acres— yield 21,000 Bushels. Planted in Potatoes . . 200 acres— yield 30,000 Bushels. Planted in Onions ... 50 acres — yield 50 Tons. Planted in Broom-corn 135 acres — jdeld . . . . ♦ Planted in other crop. 26 acres — yield The estimated stock of animals was : Horses 3.000. Cattle 24,000. Mules 300. Sheep 18,000. Goats 200. Hogs 17,000. While the value of animals slaughtered was approximately stated to be $100,000, an emphatic proof of the increase of population. This, however, did not rest here, railways were mooted, steamboats already plied to Suisim, which daily left loaded to the water's edge with produce for the San Fran- cisco market. Early every morning strings of wagons, sometimes of forty or fifty in number, arrived with large loads of grain and vegetables, which were borne down the muddy slough and through the vast bleak expanse of tule to the centre of traffic. Suisun was then the outlet for all the surroud- ing country ; the county, through the energies of successive governments, had been intersected in every direction by good roads, making travel easy and pleasant ; the fertile valleys were becoming more thickly peopled as day succeeded day ; a ready market was found for produce, and all went " merry as a marriage bell." The attention of the reader is called to the following report of the County Assessor in 1862 as an example of what remarkable progress was made in the first ten years of the agricultural history of Solano. Description. No. Acres. Valley Land adapted to tillage 292,000. Mountain and Hill Land suitable for grazing 'purposes.. . 118,440. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, lying principally on the eastern and southern side of the county, about 92,000. The Bays and Estuaries within the borders of the county cover the surface of 43,000. Total 545,440. AGRICULTURAL LAND. Of the two hundred and ninety-two thousand acres of tillable land, there is not probably uj^on the face of the globe, so large an amount of THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 75 farming land, lying in a compact form, that presents more alluring induce- ments to the husbandman than this. Experiments have proven it to be susceptable of the highest state of cultivation, yielding abundant harvests of the grains and fruits indigenous to every zone. Wheat, barley, oats, rye, corn, buckwheat, peas, beans, potatoes, yams, onions, etc., flourish luxuriantly while the growing of flax, hemp, tobacco, cotton, rice, broomcorn, and Chinese sugarcane, has been pronounced a success. Here also grow beauti- fully, the apple, peach, pear, plum, cherry, nectarine, quince, apricot, fig, orange, olive, pomegranite, pineapple, almond and prune trees ; and goose- berry, raspberry, sti'awberry, and grape vines, are yearly laden with fruit. We have according to statistics : Description. No. Acres. Land enclosed 115,774. Cultivated 44,454. In Wheat 14,256. Barley 15,687. Oats 580. Eye 320. Corn 970. Buckwheat 36. Peas 120. Potatoes 1,473. Onions 462. Hay 42,160. Alfalfa 23. Broom Corn 170. Of fruit trees and vines, we have : Description. Number. Apple trees, acres 15,996. Peach trees 32,381. Plum trees 1,592. Pear trees 3,573. Cherry trees 1,486. Apricot trees 2,144. Fig trees 1,772. Grape vines 520,630. Wine, manufactured, gallons 10,580. Brandy, manufactured, gallons 460. It will thus be seen that the inhabitants of Solano are not unmindful of the comforts that surround civilization, and make happy homes ; and as the great drawback on California, the land titles, are becoming adjudicated, new evidence of thriftiness and industry are being added to those already inau- gurated. 76 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. GRAZING LAND. This portion of the county (one hundred and eighteen thousand four hundred and forty acres) consists of the mountain spurs of the Coast Range, and lie on the eastern side of the dividing ridge between this county and Napa, and the low hills that are adjacent to, and form a portion of the shores of the Suisun hay. The surface is covered with a dense growth of " bunch grass " and wild oats, the former growing upon the summits and the north sides of the highest peaks, being green nearly the whole j'ear, and a grass of hardy growth, flourishing best \ipon the most sterile hills. It is valuable to the farmer, being very nutritious for stock. Of the wild oats it would seem almost superfluous to speak, being indig- enous to the soil, and familiar to nearly every inhabitant of California. But, lest there were some who have not visited this portion of the State when its growth is most abundant, I will endeavor to describe it : The seed bears a strong resemblance to the tame black oats, with this difference: it is smaller, and has a hirsute appendage that grows upon the base of the grain and nearly envelops it. This seemingly useless appendage has its uses. In the fall, the soil, after many months of iminterrupted sunshine, is hard and impenetrable, and would be impossible to seed were it not for the cracks that are produced by contraction. The oats ripen in the months of July and August, and are shattered by the action of the wind. Falling upon the hard and impervious earth, they could not take root if they did not make their way to these cracks, which they do in two ways : First. — The heavy fibres that surround it act as legs, and prevent the grain from lying close to the earth, at the same time being a sort of sail that catches the lightest breeze that blows, thus turning it over and over until it is safely lodged in the nearest crack, to await the coming rains of winter. Second. — The action of water upon these fibres has a singular and novel efTect. The first rains falling upon the seed, produce a desire for locomo- tion, or a crawling propensity, and, by a curious process, the grain will move itself several inches, thereby falling into cracks that are yawning to receive and nourish it. Early in the winter, the oats, sprouting from these cracks, give the earth the appearance of being spread with a beautiful net- work. This grass is the stand-by of the farmer. It nourishes his stock in the spring, fattens them in siunmer and fall, and sustains them in winter. From it he makes his hay, which is pronounced by good judges to be the best that is used. SWAMP AND OVERFLOWED LAND. As before remarked, om- estimate of the quantity of this land laying in this county is about ninety -two thousand acres. A few yeai-s since, this THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 77 portion of our State was deemed valueless ; but more enlightened and recent experiments are awakening the public mind to the fact that it will be quite an important element in enhancing our future wealth. The manner of its disposal, as marked out by the Legislature of 1858, in a law enacted during that session, was a wise termination of this previously mooted question. Since the passage of that law, these lands are being rapidly taken up, and are yielding an increasing revenue to the State. Moreover, there is no one now who doubts the fact that these lands are a more speedy way to reclam- ation by private energy and enterprise than they would have been had they been jobbed out in large quantities to corporate associations and irrespon- sible parties. The more elevated portions of these lands in our county are being tilled to good advantage, and the day is certainly not far distant when this now neglected soil will be made to furnish support and susten- ance to thousands of immigrants arriving upon our shores. MINERAL LAND. This county has long since been denominated a " cow county;" therefore little will be expected under this head. Gold has been found, however, within our borders. There are about seven thousand acres of mountain and hill laying on the north of Township No. 7 N. R. 2 W., and on the south side of Township 8 N. R. 2 W., in the vicinity of Putah creek, from which gold dust has been taken to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars, in the past year. Stone has been found in several localities suitable for building purposes. Still, our quarries are inferior to those of Folsom. Our marble quarries have gained considerable celebrity, furnishing a peculiar kind of striped, variegated marble, that admits of the highest poli.sh, and is elegantly adapted for ornamental uses. These quarries are located upon the summits of the hills that suiTOund Suisun valley. The timber of Solano comprises several species of oak, pitch-pine, ash, cotton-wood, etc., growing upon the mountains, in some of the valleys, and on the margin of streams. It is worthless for any mechanical use, and serviceable only for fuel. It is the opinion of many, that as soon as the land is all fenced, and the annual fires prevented from ravaging the country, timber can be grown here as successfully as upon the praiiies of Illinois or elsewhere. LIVE STOCK. We come now to a branch of industrial pursuit that, next to our agricul- tural interests, surpasses all others in point of importance. The rearing of stock of every species has occupied the attention of our citizens for years ; VS TIIK mSTOUY (»K SOl.ANO ('(n'NTY. «i\il iijiou WO otlior nvtifntiim Im.s Uu> snnu* niuoiiiil of iiionoy lioon oxpoiulcd U.S upnit tliiH, St-iillions, Imlls, jacks, nuil rams of tlio i-hoicost bivotls, Itavo luH>n impiirti'il U\n\\ Kiii>>i>o and t.lu> nKlcr St.atos. If tlu> snino inU>ivst tliat is now Inkcu in r<\s;;anl to (ho i\i>jirovi>n»ont. of our l>n>oils of stock, ivuiaii\ unalxitcil, \vitl» (lie lu>altl»ful climato wo possess, tlio time is ni>t far dist^uit when \vc will pixuhlly toko rank with the stock-rnisinjj localities of the Kast. Aoi-ordiMj;- to ouv statistics, wc l>avo as I'olUnvs : l\>»orii>U>u\. NmniR>r. IU>rs(>.s, Auicrican l.IHS Uoixos, Sj^vuish 2.1>(>7 Mnlos 2(51) fattlo, Auvcrican i">.l>52 (.'attlo, Sjvjvnish S.t)3-i t>xo« (^\\>kc) U50 Kl\oop lS-2.000 lK>j;p) 1 l,7o7 Ohickcns 12.iU50 l\»rkcYs, 2,4.^•J Duoks. , , "^t'O t^MWO I -S \\\m>K Au\cvvo»i\. |H>umls lo4.lHH> Wool, Sjvuxish, potntds SiO.CHH) f IMVROYKMRNI'S, Our b»nUlu\4»s ftr»^ W^innu\4j to assnino m\ apjH^rsuiw of stabilitv. Rod- wvvhI sh8U\ti«\s atv Winsj sv»ppla\\tmfvM-taWo frame and brick dwel- Ht»^ ; suKstontial plank feuvw* atv tnkiujjtho plaivof the nus-f — The l"nit<\l Stat«>* Navy YarvJ. at Ma»v Islauvl- This island Hos nt>ar tho sovul»ern sl»oiv v\f the wvuvty, opjHviiite the tv^wn ^\f YaUejiv It was formerly the pwjHMty of t^enoral Yallejvv and was p»nvhas»\l by t\>vornment v>f \Ym, H, Aspinwall. fvxr the svu»» of eijjhty thousanvl vKUlai-s, The in\menst> sum v>f four n»illun\s t\ve hnuvhwl tlvovisanvl xUxUax^ has Kvn ex\vnvh\l in buildinjj d^vks capable v\f raisiixjj vt-^ss^^ls v\f the lai"^^t class, and the following nan\i\i buildings, which aiv i\\ustnu'T<\l in the JUvvst durable manner, v\f brick ai\d st^Mie-. fv>ur naval stoiv-hvn»,-5v\<, sixty-tiv<* by fv^ir hundnxl ftvt each ; Wacksinith shojx two hu»\d»\\i by twv^ huuvhwl and tifty f«vt ; fv>«ndry,t»\v hundr^\l by nine hundiwl tWt— x^\d tv> Iv the laj-gv>st bwiid»»i^of ti.e kind in iho l'nit^sidenl^^ fvtf vxlRcx^rs ; a luagaaine, sixty-tiw by >,v«e hun»ii>\l ftvt, and a s*\* wall vw bulklu\»d lour hvmdrevi fe»;^t long, Thk V^xoino XUn, «,\x\irAS\. — This cvuwjNany has, at R^nicia, two build- TiiK msnutY or sm.ANd coi'ntv. 79 iilijs ol" larL;;i> tliiiuMlsioiis, uscil as a roiimlry ami iiiacliiiif .slio]). Ilin- (licy ii'iniir aiul coal tlicir sU-amors, lii'siilcs doiiii^- an iiimn'iist' aiiiomil ol' work for other partii-s. M.utvsvii.i.io AN1> San Kkancisco Kaiihoah. Of this road, forty cii^'ht mill's am looatoil in Solano i-ounty. Twenty two niilos from I'utali i-rook to Siiisini - an- ijiiuU'd at a cost of alioiit oi\(' tlionsanil ilolliirs pci' iiiilo- (>iir comity owns stock in this road to the amount of two hundred thousaml dollars. CoiMtr lldi'SK AND .Iaii,. Ouv county has n'cently com|>leted a new (\uii-t House and tiail, at a cost, of thirty live thousand dollars. 'riu> amount was raised by siu'cial assessment. liinsi' Mil.l.s. — We haAc two eiist mills-ouo Iniilt of stone, and not yot linisliod ; is to have four rtni of s(one, and to cost fifteen thousand di>llars. Tile other is huilt of Inick, at a cost of twonty-livo tliousand dollars. It has three run of stone, and is proptdled by a forty-horso-powcr enjjino ; lias ^'round two thousand live hundred and twelve tons of grain durin^j; the past y>>ar, and is capable of making seven hundred and eighty barrels of flour per week. ASSESSMENTS. Assessed value of real estate ISCO $l,-2]7.47-'.48 Assessed value of iniprovenu>nts TOi.oUi.OO As.sessed value of jiersiiual property 1,900,712. r)0 ToUvl S:VSS-2,70t).!)S It can be gathered from the fori>going reptn't how much the ^n'osperity of Solano ci)unty hail increased. \\'ith the est-ablishment of the Navy Yard on Mare Island, a full account of which will be foinid elsewhere, a new lini- of labor was imported, whereby the .skilled mechanic was introduced to this portion of the State, who brought a variety of excellent qualities which have made many of them citizens worthy of thi> best coniidence of their fellow residents. Among these may bo named Messrs. A. I'owell. .lohn Went worth, Honorable 0. B. Denio, and others, who have tjtken prominent, positions in the supervisoral chair, county otlices, and the political rostrum. In later years the racitie Mail Company have almost entirely withdrawn their interests from Benicia ; these works, therefore, have fallen into disuse. Let us now present the statistical report for the year 1^71) furnished to the Surveyor-Cicneral by the Assessor for Solano county, which shows a most flourishing condition of atl'airs when taken in ooutradistiuction witli those which we have already alludei.1 to: 80 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Description. Number. Number. Land inclosed — acres 9,652 Land cultivated — acres 109,394 Wheat — bushels and acres 1,965,175 93,575 Barley — bushels and acres 553,665 15,819 Oats — bushels and acres 4,700 145 Corn — bushels and acres 5,980 237 Beans — bushels and acres 400 25 Potatoes — tons and acres 60 20 Sweet potatoes — tons and acres 23 11 Hay — tons and acres 19,515 13,502 Butter— pounds 118,800 Wool— pounds 427,240 Value of fruit crop — dollars 112,000 Bearing orange trees 264 Grape vines — acres 1,387 Wine — gallons 149,710 Brandy — gallons 2,200 Breweries 3 Beer— gallons 180,000 Horses 5,476 Mules 622 Horned cattle 12,790 Sheep 71,146 Cashmere and Angora goats 35 Hogs 8,322 Grist mills (steam power) 3 Flour made — barrels 312,000 Corn ground — bushels 1,000 Miles of railroad 56 ASSESSED VALUE OF PROPERTY FOR 1876. Description. Value. Real estate $6,350,519 Improvements 1,560,895 Personal property 1,327,248 Total valuation $9,238,662 Estimated total population 20,750 c.^^^^^^^ THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 81 Among the many improvements that have been worked in the county, more especially those of a public nature, which attract the largest share of attention, is the GOOD templars' HOME FOR ORPHANS. This beautiful structure is situated on an eminence commanding a fine view of the city of Vallejo, Mare Island Navy Yard, Vallejo and Napa bays, the Straits of Carquinez, and the varied and beautiful mountain scenery adjacent thereto, including Mounts Diablo and Tamalpais. It is a frame building 110x71 feet, three stories high, with a Mansard roof, and will accommodate about three hundred inmates. The rooms in each story are lofty and well ventilated, the general plan being well adapted for the pur- poses for which it was designed ; while the interior and exterior archi- tectural design and finish are highly beautiful. This noble work is the property of the Good Templars of California and Nevada, and will ever stand as a monument of their enterprise, disinter- ested benevolence, and charity. Its doors are open to ALL orphans under fourteen years of age, without distinction. The origin of this orphanage is ascribed to Mrs. Elvira Baldwin, of Sacramento. In December, 1867, W. H. Mills, then the Grand Worthy Secretary of the Order of Good Templars, being inspired with the idea suggested, visited George W. Simouton at Vallejo, and they formed the plan, and were the originators of the Orphans Homestead scheme. On December 3d, by request of Mr. Mills, Mr. Simonton introduced the subject to the officers and mem- bers of Vallejo Lodge No. 64, I. 0. G. T., at which time the following committee was appointed to consider the matter : George W. Simonton, A. D. Wood, and S. C. Baker. This committee immediately placed itself in communication with the Executive of the Grand Lodge, Messrs. R. R. Mer- rill, G. W. C. T. ; W. H. Mills, G. W. S. ; Mrs. F. L. Carlton, G. W. V. T. ; A. C. McDougal, G. W. Counsellor. After considerable correspondence between the two committees, that first named proposed to " incorporate a Homestead Association, purchase a tract of land, donate twenty acres to the Grand Lodge as a site for a Home for Orphans, divide the remainder of the tract into lots for the Homestead, to be sold at $100 each, and, after paying for the land and all incidental expenses, the excess of money should be placed in the hands of the Trust Committee of the Grand Lodge and the Directors of the Association, to be expended in the erection of suitable buildings on the site donated for the Home." The propositions were accepted by the Executive Committee of the Grand Lodge and one hundred and three acres were immediately purchased of John B. Frisbie, Edward Frisbie, and A. D. Wood ; Messrs. Wood, Simonton, Mills, Baker, E. H. M. Bailey, and C. A. Kidder, perfecting the Articles of Incorporation, Associa- tion, By-Laws, etc., with the following named persons as the original incorporators : A. D. Wood, W. H. Mills, George W. Simonton, Mary F. 6 82 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Carlton, S. C. Baker, Harriet T. Hildreth, E. H. M. Bailey, and C. A. Kidder. On January 22, 1868, a meeting of the Directors was had at the office of S. G. Hilborn, Esq., when A. D. Wood was elected interim President, and G. W. Simonton, Secretary pro tern. At a subsequent meeting had, January 29, 1868, the same gentlemen, with E. H. M. Bailey as Treasurer, were named the permanent officers of the Association. On May 4, 18C8, the stockholders held their first meeting, at which time the same officers were selected, and S. C. Baker, C. A. Kidder, E. Giddings, J. F. Coftey, C. S. Haswell of California, and Adolphus Waitz of Nevada, were chosen Dii'ectors of the Association. The enterprise was liberally sujjported by the membei"s of the Order throughout the jurisdiction, many paying up the full pnce of the lot or shares subscribed for, viz., $100, at once. In the report of the Secretary, G. W. Simonton, presented September 23, 1868, the following intei-esting statistics appear : Total number of shares in the A.s.sociation 334 Total number of shares sold 242 The following named stockholders have paid for their shares in full : Shares. Elijah Wadsworth. . . . Yreka 1 J. N. Chappelle Sacramento 2 Henry Miller Sacramento 2 Henry Ashcrof t Sacramento 2 W. C. Ralston San Francisco 1 Horace L. Hill San Francisco 1 Alexander Badlam . . . San Francisco 1 G. H. Greenwood Valk-jo 1 N. Smith Vallejo 1 Benjamin F. Cole Folsom 2 The following Lodges of Good Templers also subscribed for stock, as follows: Shares. Pacific Lodge No. 1, of Santa Cruz, California. . 1 Union Lodge No. 4, of Carson City, Nevada. ... 2 Rainbow Lodge No. 9, of Washoe City, Nevada.. . . 2 Roseville Lodge No. 255, of Roseville, California. . 1 Morning Star Lodge No. 25, of Marysville, California. . 1 California Lodge No. 7, of San Francisco, California. 2 Reform Lodge No. 287, of Lincoln, California. ... 1 Vallejo Lodge No. 64, of Vallejo. California 1 Maine Lodge No. lOO.of Binghainpton.California. 2 Sylvania Lodge.. . .• No. 12, of Grass Valley, California. 2 Red Blutr Lodge No. 1 92, of Red Bluff, California. . 1 Evening Star Lodge No. 114,of SanFrancisco.CaUfomia. 1 Taylor Lodge No. 222, of Forbestown, California. 1 Grand Lodge of California 20 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 83 In his annual address delivered before the Grand Lodge at its ninth session in 1868, G. W. C. Templar, R. R. Merrill, speaking of this matter said : " This enterprise needs no vindication at my hands. It bears upon its face its own recommendations ; its affairs have been faithfully and honorably conducted and its merits are so patent to the common sense of all men, tliat I feel confident it will be fully appreciated without further encomium. The thanks of this Grand Lodge are due in an eminent degree to Brothers W. H. Mills, George W. Simonton, A. D. Wood, and others, for their energy, enterprise and zeal, in conducting its affairs to its present gratifying state of success." It should have been mentioned that at the eighth annual session of the Grand Lodge in 1867, a resolution was adopted authorizing a levy of one dollar for each member of the Order for the support of the Home. This appears to have been the first action taken towards laising money for the purpose of meeting the current expenses of the institution. At the ninth session the Constitution of the Grand Lodge was amended by the adoption of Article XVII, whereby the financial system of the Home was perfected. At this session the following persons were elected to serve as the first Board of Trustees for the Home : for the long terms. Doctor C. S. Haswell of Sacramento, George F. Mallett of Vallejo, and Joseph Middlemiss of Sacra- mento, those for the short terms being the Rev. N. B. Klink of Vallejo, J. A. Albertson of San Francisco, F. A. Hornblower of Sacramento, and M. H. Eastman of Marysville. At this session also the plans and specifications reported by the committee were approved by the Graiid Lodge, and adver- tisements soon appeared for proposals to construct the building ; when the time expired, however, the committee or Board of Trust found themselves without a single bid ; under these circumstances it was resolved by the Board after due consideration, to build the Home by day work, and it was unanimously agreed to employ Bro. E. M. Benjamin to superintend the same ; and as soon as practicable a force was set to quarry and supply stone for the foundation, which, fortunately, was obtained in the vicinity of the Home grounds. On May 11, 1869, the corner-stone was laid with appro- priate ceremonies and the construction of the building progressed very rapidly. In his annual address to the Grand Lodge at its tenth session, held in the Assembly Chambers at Sacramento, September 28th of that year, the G. W. C. T., A. D. Wood, speaking of the Home said : " But few can realize the labor which the successful prosecution of this enterprise has involved. The Order and the Cause owes a debt of gratitude to the pro- jectors of this scheme, and when its history is referred to, the names of Brothers Mills, Wood, Simonton and Benjamin should be remembered ; nor should the names of Carrington, Hornblower, and others be forgotten." At the same session the Grand Secretary, W. H. Mills, closed his report on Orphan's Home matters in the following language : " In closing my ofiicial 84 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. relations with this institution, I may be indulged in the reflection that its existence and interests have occupied much of my time and thought, and I feel assured that its importance to our Order will be better understood and more fully appreciated in coming yeai-s. I indulge no fears of its failure and decline, for the Orphan's Home is in the line of true policy. If there are any who regret this and kindred undertakings, they are destined to be numbered with those who are to be forgotten when the true actors of this temperance reform come upon the stage. That reform will not go back- wards. Men may desert it ; they may renounce it ; they may fall by the wayside ; they may prove wanting in faith to believe, or courage to endure ; but others will arise to take their places, and the cause will finally triumph. In success or failure our Orphan's Home will be a proud landmark in the history of our cause. Greater achievements than this are yet to be accom- plished before this warfai-e is over ; greater labors are to be endured ; greater sacrifices made than any we are proposing to ourselves to-day, so, whatever may be the fate of our Home, it will have served a grand purpose, and one which cannot now be defeated." During the session of 1869, Brothers W. H. Mills, R. R. Merritt, and F. A. Hornblower, were appointed a Committee to memoralize the Legislature at its next session, pi-a3ang for a portion of such moneys as the State may set apart for the maintenance of orphans, in the State of California. This seems to have been the first step taken to secure State aid. At this session, G. W. Simonton, M. J. Wright, of Vallejo, W. H. Mills, and Brother East- man, of Sacramento, and C. B. Proctor, of Healdsburg, were elected trustees of the Home. In accordance with a resolution passed b}^ the Grand Lodge, on September 29, 1869, the Home was declared open for the admission of children ; on and after October 1st, when it was dedicated, with imposing and impressive ceremonies Doctor C. S. Haswell, P. G. W. C. T., delivering the address in the presence of a large number of the friends of the institution. To convey some idea of the deep interest taken by the members of the Order in this admirable undertaking, it may not be out of place to state that on the third day of the Grand Lodge Session, September 29th, Mi-s. Tlomteaux and Mrs. Hayden were appointed a committee to raise a collec- tion in the Grand Lodge, for the benefit of the Home. In a very short time they reported as collected : Gold S 248 50 Currency 25 00 And the following indiN-idual pledges : A. D. Wood $ 100 00 J. Bartlett 50 00 F. A. Hornblower 50 00 J. V. B. Goodrich 20 00 J. T. Counts 20 00 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 85 N. V. Wagner 15 00 R. Swarbrick 10 00 R. G. Houston 10 00 T. H. Woodworth 10 00 And others 20 00 Vallejo Lodge, No. 64 1,000 00 Sacramento 500 00 Brooklyn Lodge, No. 384 100 00 Star of Hope Lodge, No. 32 100 00 California Lodge, No. 7 100 00 Athens Lodge, No. 286 100 00 Union (of Nevada), No. 4 100 00 Woodland, No. 237 100 00 Eleven other lodges, $50 each 550 00 San Francisco Dramatic Club 50 00 Thirteen lodges 340 00 Making a total of $3,618 50 At every .succeeding session of the Grand Lodge, liberal donations and pledges were made in support of this noble charity. From 18G7 to 1878, inclusive, the donations and pledges thus made and paid into the Home treasury have amounted to $31,003 61, besides $12,504 75, -per capita, tax raised by the Grand Lodge, for the same purpose. While touching on the financial history of the Home, it will be proper here to repeat the closing remarks of Bro. George W. Simonton, Secretary of the Orphan Homestead Association, in his report under date September 19th, 1870 : '■' In conclusion, permit me to say, that at the time the associa- tion was organized, we claimed the benefits to be derived from the associa- tion, to the Grand Lodge, for the Orphans' Home, would be twenty acres of land, and $20,000. Our figures above show twenty acres of land and $23,120 76, $3,500 of which is represented by thirty-five lots remaining unsold." The following Table will clearly explain the financial position of the Orphans' Home : Nucleus of the Home Building Fund was $23,120 76 Donations from members of the Order to 1878.. . . 31,003 61 Per capita tax paid by Grand Lodge 12,504 75 Earnings of the Home, by fees, farm, etc 27,509 77 Aid from-the State 24,186 02 General Bidwell, Chico (donation) 1,000 00 Sundry donations 149 25 Making a grand total of $119,474 16 raised for the erection and maintenance of the institution, up to September 30th, 1878. 8G THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. At the Twelfth Annual Session of the Grand Lodge, held in 1871, G. W. Siinonton, W. H. Mills, A. G. Clark, and J. B. Carrington, were elected trustees of the Home. It was at this session also that Grand Secretary W. H. Mills, in his report, advised the creation of a Board of Lady Managers ^ to have charge of the domestic affairs of the Home ; and the Grand Lodge, acting on the suggestion, elected the following as. a Board of Lady Managers : Mrs. E. J. Wilson, Mrs. N. B. Klink, Mrs. G. W. Simonton, Mrs. E. M. Ben- jamin, of Vallejo ; Mrs. E. C. Fowler, Valley Ford; Mrs. M. M. Carpenter, of San Francisco, and Mrs. C. P. Huntoon, of Sacramento. The fu-st Board of Trustees chosen by the Grand Lodge, at its Ninth Session (the subsequent Boards are given seriatwi), were elected in : 18G8 — Doctor C. S. Haswell, Joseph Middlemiss, of Sacramento ; George F. Mallett, Eev. N. B. Klink, of Vallejo ; J. A. AJbertson, F. A. Hornblower, and M. H. Eastman. 1869— W. H. Mills, G. W. Simonton, M. J. Wright, F. A. Hornblower, C. B. Proctor, G. F. Mallett, and Joseph Middlemiss. 1870— C. S. Haswell, G. W. Simonton, M. H. Eastman, William Carpenter' M. J. Wright, Joseph Middlemiss, and G. F. Mallett. 1871— G. W. Simonton, G. F. Mallett, C. S. Haswell, A. G. Clark, J. B. Carrington, H. Crowell, and W. H. Mills. 1872— G. W. Simonton, President; W. H. Mills, C. S. Haswell, A. G. Clark, I. S. Halsey, J. B. Carrington, and Rev. N. B. Klink. 1873— W. H. Mills, S. Kitto, C. S. Haswell, G. W. Simonton, I. S. Halsey, J. B. Carrington, and A. G. Clark. 1874 — W. H. Mills, President ; George B. Katzenstein, Secretary ; L S. Halsey, treasurer ; S. Kitto, C. S. Haswell, G. W. Simonton, J. B. Carring- ton, and A. G. Clark. 1875 — J. B. Carrington, President ; W. Crowhurst, Secretary ; I. S. Halsey, treasurer ; W. H. Mills, C. S. Haswell, A. G. Clark, and S. Kitto. 1876— A. G. Clark, President ; W. Crowhurst, Secretary ; I. S. Halsey, treasurer ; A. D. Wood, R. Thompson, W. H. Mills, and S. Kitto. 1877— A. G. Clark, President; C. H. Haile, Secretary; I. S. Halsey, Treasurer; W. H. Mills, Robert Thompson, J. B. Carrington. and S. Kitto. 1878 — George B. Katzenstein, President ; C. H. Haile, Secretary ; I. S. Halsey, Treasurer ; W. H. Mills, S. Kitto, A. G. Clark, — — Bagley, of Stockton, and T. T. Heald. The G. W. C. Templar and G. W. Secretary are ex officio members of all meetings of the Board of Trustees. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 87 The first Board of Lady Managers chosen by the Grand Lodge (the sub- sequent Boards are given seriatim) was composed of the follo'wang ladies, who were elected in the year 1871 — Mesdames N. B. Klink, President; G. W. Simonton, Secretary! E. J. Wilson, E. M. Benjamin, of Vallejo ; C. E. Fowler, Valley Ford; and C. P. Huntoon, of Sacramento. 1872 — Mesdames Klink, President ; Benjamin, Secretary ; Wilson, Fowler, F. L. Carlton, Huntoon, and Alsip. 1873 — Mesdames Wilson, President ; Robbins, Secretary; Huntoon, Alsip, Carlton, C. B. Thompson, and Benjamin. 1874 — Mesdames Carlton, President; Robbins, Secretary; Wilson, Ben- jamin, Thompson, A. G. Clark, of Napa, and M. M. Carpenter, of' San Francisco. 1875 — Mesdames Carlton, President; J. Macarty, Secretary; Wilson, Alsip, Benjamin, Carpenter, and M. E. Partridge, of Oakland. 1876 — Mesdames Carlton, President; Klink, Secretary; Wilson, Car- penter, Alsip, Partridge, and Clark. 1877 — Mesdames Klink, President; Carpenter and Partridge, Secretaries; Clark, Thompson, Alsip ; V. A. Rix, of Washington Corner ; and M. G. Moriis, of Vallejo. 1878 — Mesdames Klink, President ; Carpenter and Thompson, Secretaries ; Aslip, Clark. Rix, and Partridge. The first matron was Mrs. R. C. Armitage ; the second matron was Mrs. M. L. Pexton ; the third matron was Mrs. H. M. Chandler ; the fourth ma- tron was Mrs. Geo. Moms, (nee Mattie Parker) ; the fifth matron was Mrs. B. Derby ; the .sixth and present one, Mrs. L. Stewart. The teachers are Mi\ and Mrs. N. Smith. The average number of child- ren who have been admitted to the Home for Orphans since its foundation, is about four hundred ; while the approximate yearly attendance has been in the vicinity of fifty and sixty. Present number one hundred and three. The school is managed under the direction of the Board of Lady Man- agers, and the Vallejo Board of Education, with a daily attendance of about eighty pupils, twenty of whom are admitted from the outside. The school- rooms have been newly furnished with the best double desks, at a cost of about three hundred and fifty dollars, and paid for by voluntary subscrip- tions of members of the Grand Lodge, while visiting the Home in October last. We next draw attention to the 88 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. NAPA AND SOLANO AGRICULTUKAL AND MECHANICAL ARTS SOCIETY. Was incorporated on June 24, 1872, under the Presidentship of M. R. Miller, ^\dth Messrs. J. B. Frisbie, and John M. Gregory, Jr., as Treasurer and Secretar^^ respectively ; and has for its object the holding of a District Fair, embracing the counties of Napa, Solano, Yolo, Lake, Mendocino, So- noma, and Marin, when premiums are offered in the following departments : Live Stock, Cereals, Fruits, Wines, and Daily Products, as well as foj" all manner of Agricultural Implements made in the district ; Domestic Manu- factui-es ; Carriages, Buggies, etc.; Saddlery, Harness, etc.: Painting, Orna- mental Work, etc.; Embroidery, Needlework, etc.; Bread, Crackers, etc.; Plants, Bouquets, etc.; with a special class where prizes are offered to child- ren. Special premiums are open to competitors; while there is a speed progi'amme which is carried out on each of the days during which the fair is held. The exhibition grounds and park are situated on the Napa road, about three miles from Vallejo, and cover an area of sixty acres, having buildings for th^ benefit of exhibitors ; while there is accommodation for from two to three hundi-ed animals. The hotel is a two-storied erection of handsome appearance ; the sheds are all in the very best condition ; while nothing is wanting that may ensure the comfort of the visitor. The race track is declared to be, by men of experience, one of tbe very best in the country for speed, while it possesses many other advantages. Up, until last year, the Society was more or less a private one ; but by operation of the Legis- lature last session, a sum of fifteen hundred dollars was granted to them, which now officializes their position, and calls for a yearly report from them to the State Board of Agriculture. The officers for the present year are : President, John B. Carrington ; Vice-President, John T. Dare ; Secretary, A. J. McPike ; Treasurer, J. K. Duncan ; Directors, John E. Williston, L. B. Abernethie, Robert Brownlee. W. P. Dm-bin, John Neate, John Callender, J. B. Hoji;, Stephen Eaton, John Wilson, William Carter, H. Connolly, John Brownlie, D. W. Harrier, C. Hartson, Luke Kelly, A. Goodyear, W. A. Fisher, J. C. Wolfskin, John Farnham, J. M. Thompson, S. S. Drake. Meetings are usually held in September of each year. We have, in the commencement of this chapter, entered upon the appear- ance of the county in the days when but few white men had penetrated into its wilds. A faint attempt was made to picture the beauties of the wild waste, as described by the lir'st settlers in Solano ; we now select a spot whither to allure the reader, namely, the WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Of all the spots worthy of a visit in the vicinity of Vallejo, none can, probably, compare with the White Suljjhur Springs in regard to the beauty THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 89 of its surroundings. Originally being included in the grant to General Vallejo, he disposed of them to Milton Broekman, who, in turn, sold them to Henry Connolly, from him they were purchased by General J. B. Frisbie, and latterly, falling into the hands of the Vallejo Land and Improvement Association, the property was bought by James Kelly, the present proprie- tor, for the trifling sum of twenty-five thousand dollars. When the Springs became the property of General Frisbie he, with a taste which it would be next to impossible to excel, ornamented the grounds in the most lavish manner, expending no less a sum than one hundred and thirty thousand dollars in beautifying the property which consists of about one hundred and sixty acres. The management of the White Sulphur Springs is now vested in Mr. James Condon, than whom no more hospitable a host exists. These Springs lie in a north-easterly direction from Vallejo, with which city they are connected by coach, which runs the distance of four miles, direct from the railroad depot, and are situated in a hollow of the hills, which rise in easy slopes, surrounding them on all sides and protecting the grounds from the rough breezes of the bay. The road passes through a country of rare cultivation, cattle may be seen browsing on a thousand hills ; while the residences of the thriving farmers, with the bright sun glittering on their whitened walls, add an appearance of life to the scene, which goes a great way towards enlivening the prospect. For rare beauty the environs cannot be surpassed. In spring and summer the flowers and foliage attain their truest perfection ; the former in their brilliant colors, forming a charming contrast against the darker leaves of the trees. A small lake has been excavated, around which are secluded walks and cosy seats, placed within the shadow of the spreading weeping willow. An island in the centre, which is gained by a bridge or boats, is laid out with marvelous skill, revealing many a gorgeous vista of color ; here, again, the weary may find rest, the social enjoy their tete-a-tete, or the book-worm be free from intrusion. Summer houses and kiosks are built along the mai'gin of the water, aiTanged with tables and rustic chairs, where the merry tea or enchant- ing kettle-drum may be partaken ; while labyrinthine walks traverse the grounds in all directions, amply shaded by umbrageous trees, oSering seclu- sion to those who may wish to converse with " ling' ring sweetness long- drawn out." Canopied bowers and bosky dells, evergreen shrubbries, flower gardens and vineyard, diversify the sloping surface and give a fairy-like effect to the landscape that cannot well prove otherwise than enchanting to the visitor. Nature has given the White Sulphur Spring a magnificence of position which recalls the most perfect spots of Swiss scenery, and forms a watering place where the votary of pleasure may find delight, and the hard- worked city merchant obtain relaxation from the cares of business. 90 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. THE SPRINGS Are cosily placed in a recess in the mountain side forming a small pond of about forty feet in circumferrence and built around with a rockery over which creepers and lichens cling in tangled confusion. The water presents a pale bluish color, imparting at first a slightly unpleasant odor, and is protected from the rays of the sun by a large weeping willow, while con- tiguous to it is a circular seat and table whereat the invalid or the curious may take the waters, which is not by any means unpleasant to the palate. The liquid it is believed has never been properly analyzed but it is princi- pally composed of sulphur with a very slight proportion of iron. To prove that there is nothing obnoxious in its flavor, this water is generally used on the premises, while the stock on the gi-ound drink it with great relish. Adjacent to those already described there is a sweet water spring bubbling forth the clearest and most delicious beverage for those who may not appre- ciate the medicinal properties of the former. THE BUILDINGS On the grounds are all of framework and of elegant design approached by a well kept carriage drive. The first erection which is passed on arrival is a kind of bachelors' home, for on the first floor is the saloon, containing bar and billiard room which connects by an archway; the appointments in these appartments are of the first order and in themselves should be an inducement to visitors. Off" the.Se there are lesser rooms, one being fitted up with a telegraphic apparatus, the wires of which connect with Vallejo and thence to San Francisco, while the other is used as a barber's shop and office. The second story is divided into one parlor or club-room, seven bed- rooms and a large and convenient bath-room with all the necessary improve- ments. Some fifty yards from this building stands the main structure, of two stories in height and protected on three sides by a spacious verandah. A wide flight of steps flanked on either side by well laid out parterres of flowers leads to the piazza from which entry is made into a dining room of grand proportions capable of accommodating one hundred and &ity guests, while adjoining it are spacious and well furnished sitting parlors. The upper fioor is entirely devoted to bed chambers of which there are sixteen of various sizes and all furnished with a view to the comfort of the occu- pants. Near the lake there is a neat detached building called Knoll Cottage, while in close proximity to the sulphur spring there are two others named respectively Spring and Linda Vista Cottages. These detached residences each contain one large room with alcove for bed, and three small single rooms, Avith lavatory, all furnished and carjjetted with every regard to com- fort. These tenements are also provided with verandahs, those of the two THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COXTNTY. 91 latter commanding a prospect of the most ravishing order, situated as they are, half-way up the mountain, a panorama of the country is had, with all its variations of hill and dale, light and shadow ; while in the distance a glimpse is caught of the church towers and higher situated houses of Vallejo, backed in the distance by the expanse of water of the San Pablo bay and the coast range of mountains. The cottages are all that could be desired for families, or a party of friends. The Baths are eight in number, and are connected with the Springs by means of pipes, and thence distributed into the different rooms, where the receptacles are tin-lined. In a large room attached, is a monster boiler from which hot water is conveyed, which may, with a shower in each, be used at will. The Stables, too, are a feature on the premises, there being stalls for twenty-five horses ; sheds for buggies, and the necessary harness-rooms, with water laid on throughout. Gas is the means by which the different buildings are illuminated, which is manufactured in a gasometer, some distance off, and which answers ad- mirably. No description of the White Sulphur Springs can be considered complete without reference to the high mountain at the foot of which it stands. Capped, as it is, by large, unwieldy boulders, heaped upon each other in utter chaos, the ascent to which is gradual and smooth, and will well repay the adventurer to its summit; for from thence a grand and magnificent view, which brings, on a clear day, the city of San Francisco within its ken, is to be obtained. Nowhere vdthin such easy distance of the coast metropolis does there exist so pleasant a locality for recreation ; and with the many advantages of comfort and accessibility, which the Springs now possess, their is no reason why it should not be the most fashionable resort in Cali- fornia. TOLENAS SPRINGS. Among the various wonders that nature has so lavishly bestowed upon California, but few are more deserving of notice than her Mineral Springs. As though intending that every physical ill should be provided with an antidote, healing waters are made to rush forth from the bowels of the earth, and bubble up on the tops and sides of mountain chains. In these, the counties of Solano and Napa seem to be the most favored. The Solano, or Tolenas Springs — to the description of which the attention 92 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. of our readers will now be confined — are situated about five miles north of Suisun City, at an elevation of eleven hundred feet above the level of the sea, and in the midst of the most beautiful climate and romantic scenery. For more than half the distance the road from Suisun runs across the level valley, that, in the .spring, is carpetted with green turf and variegated with flowers of everj' hue. Groves of dark green oaks, with an occasional farm- house peeping from among the foliage, and here and there live stock quietly reposing, or eagerly feeding, di.splay a scene of beauty which can be rarely surpa-ssed. t Ascending the steep but smoothly sloped and gentlj- rounded hills, dotted with trees, a panorama of vast extent and great beauty is rolled out before you. To the south-east a broad plain extends as far as the eye can reach ; to the south Mount Diablo is the crowning point of a long chain of hills ; to the east, and north-east, the shimmei-ing tops of the snow- covered Sierra Nevadas shine through the deepening haze, vnth a richer glow than the glittering gold that is hidden deep beneath their icy crest. Arriving at " Empire Spring," and looking do-\vn the canon, is the " White Sulphur Spring." Before going further perhaps it ought to be mentioned that there are several mineral springs in this chain of hills, the principal of which seem to be the Empire, "White Sulphur, Seltzer, and Congress. The former is located near the head of a ra%-ine, on the south side of Soda Spring CaSon. This spring furnishes a considerable volume of water, that issues in a jet, ^^*ith a gurgling noise at intervals of from one to two seconds. The numerous hubbies that rise to the surface would indicate the pressure of a larger amount of carbonic acid gas in this than in any of the other springs ; but a careful analysis has failed to coniirm it. The White Sulphur Spring, as I have said, is near the foot of the canon, some 200 feet above the bed of the small stream that runs through the latter. The flow of water from this spring is small, probably not more than from three to four gallons daily, but it is highly impregnated with sulphxir, the smell of which is perceptible for some distance. From this spring can be seen the famous Suisun marble quary. The Congress Spring is but a short distance from the Empire, and very much resembles the latter, except that the escapement of gas is less. The Seltzer Spring is on the west side of the di\ade, overlooking the upper portion of Suisun valley. Its pellucid and sparkling waters are equal in taste to the best soda water ever drank, eclipsing in flavor at least, the more celebrated Congress and Empire. Each of the springs, with the exception of the White Sulphm-, issues from the fissues of a light, porous calcareous rock, of singular formation. These mineral waters have been knoM-n to, and even the resort of native Californians, for many years; but they have received but little attention until recently, when the following careful analysis of two of the springs by THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 93 Dr. Hewston of San Francisco, discovered the valuable medicinal properties they contain. Component Parts. Congress. Empire. Specific gravity l.OOoG 1.0132 Iodide of Potassium 0.24 1.64 Chloride of Potassium 0.71 1.66 Chloride of Sodium 2G.90 90.83 Carbonate of Soda 6.67 14.38 Biborate of Soda 2.-57 6.44 Carbonate of Lime 6.04 4.46 Carbonate of Magnesia 1.36 4.-57 Carbonate of Iron 0.08 0.09 Alumina 0.12 trace. Selica 0.20 0.40 Dry solid matter in 1 pint 4-5.00 124.47 Free Carb. Acid gas, cub. in 33.735 26.297 Their value will be better appreciated by the persual of the following note from Drs. I. Eowell and B. A. Sheldon, and with which we shall close this description. " We have carefully examined the results of Doctor Hewston's analysis of the waters of the Congress and Empire Springs, and believe them possessed of remedial virtues superior to any other of the vaunted waters of California, and equal to any in the world. Their tonic, alterative, antacid and aperient qualities render them invaluable, when judiciously administered, in the treatment of various chronic affections." The consumption of these waters is becoming general throughout the State, superseding iif a great measure that from Napa county. Mention has elsewhere been made of the MARBLE QUARRY Near Suisun, the property of Judge Swan. We append verbatim the report to that gentleman of a Geological Survey of the locality, made by Mr. Charles Rueger in 1876. " From the examination of your property above specified, as made in your company, I have come to the following conclusions ; of course such a local examination of the grounds specified, does not enable me to give a correct picture of the geology of the entire vicinity, or an idea of the mineralogical value of lands adjoining near and far. My problem has been. 94 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. as I conceived, merely to determine what of useful mineral is to be found on your property, above specified. That is to say, what I have not examined I cannot judge of. The rock formation on the above lands consist of alternating strata or layers of sandstone, limestone and argillaceous shale with an abundant variety of transition rock.s ; particularly of marls. The strata have the strike, or course, of the Coast Range, the eruption of which was evidently the cause of their upheaval in ages past. Their dip is therefore naturally to the north-east, the strike being N.W. — S.E. This agrees with the general position of the stratified rocks of the slate, and therefore serve as to guide the identification of strata in their continuation at a distance. There are many peculiarities in these strata that point to the coal forma- tion as the one to which they are probably to be ranked, even if they did not stand in line with the Mount Diablo coal deposits. Nothing of a fossil nature was found, however, to support or confirm such an opinion. Of course even the presence of strata, incident to the coal formation, would not necessitate the presence of coal strata, but merely makes it possible. The experience and geology of many regions shows this, and more. In Switzer- land, for instance, the coal formation is largely represented, and coal found in many places, but a number of companies have failed in the vain efibrt to find a paying deposit. They have been found invariably to be of limited extent, though often of good quality. In order to make my remarks better understood, I subjoin an outline of the topography of the locality from the county map, and have sketched in the approximate position of the various strata, as observed.* The figures give the source of the specimens of corresponding number, as accompanying this report. The dotted lines show the courses taken in three days' exami- nation of the ground. The course over the Marble Quarry Hill, gave the following observations of importance : The hill consists mainly of sandstone strata forming the north-east side and a limestone strata on the south-west side, inter-stratified with sand- stone. The hill in which the old quarry and the lime-kilns are situated, seems to be, partially, at least, a pile of debns, agglomerated by a calcai'eous deposit of speml. The variegated marble in the quarry, occurs in disconnected masses in the debris, which, although facilitating, on account of its looseness, the quarry- ing work, predominates to an extent, and is in itself so worthless as to outweigh the advantage mentioned. These detached blocks of variegated marble would probably lead ulti- *The sketch referred to above, is, unfortunately, not procurable. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 95 mately to a continuous main deposit. This, I think, would be found some- what higher on the slope, or farther east, and prove to be a contiuuation of the marble vein, which is found abruptly cut off or dislocated, near the boulders and cliffs forming the brow of the hill adjoining on the north. Following our course, we find on the west slope of the hill, the dense, red- rish-yellow limestone No. 2. This will burn pretty white, and make a good mortar lime. On the point of the north-west slope of the hill, we find the dense, cream- colored limestone No. 3, distinguishable from a distance by its marked light color. This is certainly the best limestone found by me on the whole gi'ound. It burns very white, slacks very readily, and makes a rich lime. The value of the limestones, Nos. 2 and 3, is enhanced by the fact that, in them is situated the well defined ledge or vein of variegated marble No. 4. This, together with the situation on the slope of the hill, would make it possible to combine the quarrying of the two, and, thei-efore, render the operation, more profitable than if they were apart. The vein of variegated marble above spoken of, runs in a line from there to the top of the hill in a south-easterly direction, dipping No. 3, and is two- fourths feet thick. It is distinctly defined for a distance of several hundred feet, and, I have no doubt, reaches to a considerable depth. The marble, when polished, is of great beauty, and would be made of considerable value in countries where labor is cheap. It is only fit, however, for inside ornamental purposes, such as mantles for fire-places, etc.; is a fissured struct- ure, favoring destruction by atmospheric action. At the marble works of Mr. Heverin, on Jackson street, between Montgomery and Lawi-ence, in this city (San Francisco), specimens of finished work from this marble can be seen in form of a fire front, and a block for the Vienna Exjjosition, both of which show the peculiarities and great beauty of this marble to the best advantage. At the top of the hill this marble vein strikes the sandstone strata, which then forms the wall-rock of another smaller vein of the same marble, strik- ing in from the north-east. This vein cuts off or dislocates, the main vein ; at any rate, they are both lost in the boulders and precipitous cliffs forming the south side of the brow of the hill. It is probable, however, their con- tinuation will be found on the south-west slope, and that the quarry marble is from this continuation. The dislocation is also apparent in the sandstone and limestone strata. Crossing the sandstone in an easterly direction, we find on the east slope of Quarry Hill a number of soda springs. One of these — the highest up on the hill — shows an oily scum floating on top of the water. This is the only acknowledged indication of the presence of coal that I have found on the premises. That this indication is too indefinite to be of any value, needs, I think, no explanation to any one at all acquainted with the origin, 96 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. course and nature of springs, especially as the oily matter may have its origin in other organic matter than coal. (No. 5, sandstone.) Descending around the south side of Marble Quarry Hill, we find exten- sive calcareous deposits. No. 6, of ancient, now dried-up, soda springs, like those now in action on the east side. With the line, a suificient quantity of silica and other matter has been deposited to render this deposit strictly unfit for lime burning. It does not lose its grey color in the fire, and slacks after burning slowly to a gritty powder. It might do servdce for some archi- tectural purposes, or, as an accessory in the manufacture of artificial Port- land Cement, where a better material is wanting. In the limestone district occur also a variety of argillaceous limestones or marls, some of which might serve to make hydraulic limestone or cement. I observed no deposit of the kind, however, which was uniform and exten- sive enough to seem of value. In specimen No. 1, nearly all the j^iincipal rocks on the hill are found represented as a breccia. The second day's examination was begun at about C, on chart, and ex- tended along the creek to its various soui-ces, and the soda springs, as sho\\ai by the dotted coui'se. I followed up the creek bed, as the storehouse of specimens of most of the rock formations are along its course. Up to the point where we lunched, at the base of the limestone knoll, near Congress Springs, my examination developed nothing of interest. I crossed alternating strata of sandstone and clay slate, with transitions of both, common to these, containing, also, some subordinate deposits of lime- stone. Some specimens of these are presented by Nos. 7, 8 and 9. A cal- careous agglomeration of river-bed material found here and there, indicating that the waters at one time had traversed a limestone region. This was found ultimately at the place above mentioned as a deposit of great extent. The most striking feature of this limestone, at first sight, of flint-like density, seemingly, but in fracture, coarsely crystalline, full of fissures, and of peculiar, partly pearly lustre. This occurs in limestone more dense and opaque, with gradations into marl and calcareous sandstone at the bound- aries with other rocks. The translucent limestone, or " White Marble," as it has been termed, seems, at first sight, to be pure calcite, or carbonate of lime, of great purity ; and I was in hopes that it could be pronounced excellent for burning lime. My examination and practical tests have shown it, however, to be a mater- ial for which I at present know no use, except for road building, and in its decomposed state. No. 11, as found on the hill-sides to the south, perhaps for agricultural purposes, as an admixture for sandy, clay, and peat soils, containing these substances in excess. The mineral. No. 10, or limestone, as it may be termed, is one-half — one degree harder than pure calcite ; it precipitates violently and falls to a fine. J^/ /l^^V /l}J'l^-(^-f^>c^^^ THE HISTORY OP SOLANO COUNTY. 97 fibrous powder, assuming, at the same time, a permanent brownish-gray color. This powder, when treated with water, shows no sign of slacking. These reactions would indicate the mineral to be dolomite ; but this is belied by its form, its inferior hardness, and the readiness with which it emits its carbonic acid and dissolves in coal muriatic acid. It may be classed, there- fore, a dolomitic, calcite or magnesian limestone. It has been satisfactorily proven that certain magnesian limestones make excellent hydraulic mortar and cement, particularlj^ adapted for salt water work. I, therefore, at once tested the mineral for its qualities in this direc- tion, but with unsatisfactory results. It is lacking in the proper proportion of magnesia. With the discovery of a magnesia deposit of suitable nature, the rock could be made valuable — not otherwise, to my knowledge. It is needless for me to express my opinion in regard to the mineral or soda springs in this section of your premises ; anyone who has seen them and tasted the water must bear witness to their good qualities. As regards its practical value, I can form biit an imperfect opinion. It seems to me its best day is past, and that now it is merely a question of successful competition and, perhaps, attraction of locality. The experience of European springs of note, has shown that after their situation, other chance circumstances determine their fate, ahead of their intrinsic qualities. I cite Carlsbad, Ems, Wiesbaden, Baden-Baden. In dreams of the future and its possibilities, I cannot indulge. Following our course of examination in a southerly direction, the extent of the deposit of dolomitic limestone was evident, from the pieces of it strewn over the hills, within the boundaries of the limestone strata, for a distance of over a quarter of a mile. Crossing, then, the limestone going east, there is found on the southern slope of the hills, a top-ground of decomposed limestone containing, however, considerable clay. This, on account of its softness, would probably make excellent material for agricul- tural purposes, to mix with soils requiring lime — tule lands, for instance. No. 11. My attention was then drawn by Judge Swan to lumps of the radical fibrous mineral. No. 12, which, at first sight, I thought might be fibrous gypsum. This, however, was at once disproved by its hardness ; gypsum yielding to the nail, this barely to the knife. It is arognite — a peculiar quality of carbonate of lime — and of no value except for a mineral collec- tion. The further examination elicited nothing more of interest. The third day's course of examination began at about D, and was made with a particular view to the discovery of coal indications. Following up the creek bed, from the point where it is claimed specimens of coal were found in 1862, 1 crossed the limestone, sandstone, and clay shale strata, common to the locality, without discovering in the drift any- 7 98 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. thing new except specimens of homblendic rock — a peculiar conglomerate — and some new varieties of argillaceous limestone or marl, similar to those found on marble-quarry hill ; Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, are specimens from both places, having, more or less, the characteristics of what is termed cement rock than any other found. My examination of it has shown it to be such, of serviceable quality. All of the other rocks, of the same class enumerated, could be made serviceable for the manufacture of cement, though it would probably need judicious mixture of different varieties to attain good results. Nothing but experiments on a large scale could settle these points satisfactorily, since it is a well-known fact to cement manu- facturers of experience, that a material may contain all the necessary constituents of cement in proper quantity, and yet not make good cement. My course was thence taken to the east, as far as the road, to visit another point, where coal is claimed to have been found in digging a well ; thence up the ravine to the north, going west, crossing the sandstone and shale strata both ways. The course, from the top of the hill, was taken south- ward, down the deep ravine, forming the main branch of the creek in which the coal was found. At the head of this ravine are found thick beds of a sandy shale, in their distorted lamina?. No. 20, indicating an irruptive action in the vicinity. Further do-svn was found the bed of peculiar conglomerate before mentioned, No. 21. I speak of this because such conglomerates, of the most varied kind, are oftenest met in the coal formations, and are valuable as giving a clue to the nature of the rocks of the less immediate vicinity. The shells in this specimen are not perfect enough to be deter- mined, otherwise they would be a clue. Farther down, I found boulders of synite, and the solid rock itself, protruding on the east side of the ravine. This explains the distortion of the strata in the vicinity — Nos. 22 and 23. Part of this synite is exceedingly rich in hornblende ; more so than the small piece attached. May not such massive hornblende have been mista- ken for coal, since the latter seems to have been found (12) only in the vicinity of this hornblendic rock ? I, at least, can find no indication of its presence than the vagueness mentioned. Cinnabar, or other quicksilver ore, will not be found, I think, on your land. The examination developed nothing more of interest. Resume. — The materials on your premises, which may be considered in the question of value, are : The limestones, Nos. 2 and 3 ; the variegated marble. No. 4 ; the soda springs, and some of the varieties of cement rock mentioned. In considering the cost of burning limestone, it may be mentioned that Santa Cruz lime, of superior quality, is sold here (San Francisco) at the rate of S2 per bairel of 250 pounds, gross — say 230 pounds, net. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 99 In regard to the cost of production, I have tried to obtain notes on the experience in this State, but, as might be expected, did not succeed. I can only give the following : In the best kilns at present used in Germany, the results are : For 3 J tons lime, li cords wood, (kind not given) or 1 ton of good coal. Production about 10 tons per day in kilns of the largest build. As much as 3| tons of lime is burned in some places with the above proportion of fuel. Kilns of the foregoing kind, as were generally used, burn only 6-7 tons lime per twenty-four hours. A somewhat different kind — simpler — kiln used near the Rhine, is only about half as large, and turns out per day one and a half and one and three quarters tons of lime, with a consumption of say one cord of good, dry pine wood. The patent furnaces of Hoffman & Licht, such as are used by the Patent Brick Company of San Francisco, to burn brick, will turn out 6-8 tons lime per day, consuming only 2,900 to 3,900 pounds good coal. These furnaces are all expensive to build, especially the first and last mentioned . A cheap form of kiln is also much used, in which the fuel is mixed with the limestone, as in burning cement at Benicia. It will turn out 5-5 i tons lime, with a consumption of two tons of coal. Taking the last form of kiln as a basis, an approximate calculation of the total cost of delivering lime to market, I calculated it to be 50 to 60 dollars for five tons, or, say 40 baixels. This makes $1.25 to $1.50 per barrel. Santa Cruz lime, as above, selling at $2.00, it would not be safe to count on more than $1.75. From this I judge that with the use of coal as fuel, and a good kiln, lime burning could be carried on with good profit on your premises at the point specified. I do not think it would be more than a profitable busines.s. In respect to the value of" marble, I can give the following : Italian marble, per cubic foot $3 00 to $12 00 Vermont " " " 5 00 " 5 50 Variegated foreign marble, per cubic foot ....300" 5 00 Suisun marble, per cubic foot 1 00 '■ 150 I have been to a number of marble yards in this city, but could get no ofier or estimate out of anyone for the Suisun marble, though they all admitted that it was a fine stone, etc. Mr. Heverin seems to be the only one that takes any interest in the matter, and he will therefore be best able to determine what can be done with the marble. The marble, it seems, is more difficult to work than the imported, and the preference of the product to others is a matter of taste, and therefore a high price asked. These con- 100 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. siderations limit the market for it, and make its intrinsic value more ques- tionable than in the case of a large deposit of a less rare material. As I said before, Mr. Heverin is at present best able to give positive information on this. Although the material is abundant for the manufacture of Portland cement, it would be difficult at present to compete with the factory at Benicia, I think, since they have also found an abundance of rock near their factory." We will now draw this already lengthy chapter to a close ; it has been impossible to follow every outline of the settlement of Solano county up to its present state of prominent prosperity, while it has been a hard task to verify the dates of the earlier arrivals. All would appear to have gone through the earlier toils of pioneer life without any special regard to the flight of time, save wherein it was to bring them to their desired goal ; hence it has been no easy task to arrive at the information we now lay before the reader. In bidding adieu to the subject of settlement, therefore, the sad story of the Donner party may not be uninteresting, especially as some of the survivors are well known to residents of Solano. Tuthill's History of California tells us : " Of the overland emigration to Calirornia, in 1846, about eighty wagons took a new route, from fort Bridger, around the south end of Great Salt Lake. The pioneers of the party arrived in good season over the mountains ; but Mr. Reed's and Mr. Donner's companies opened a new route through the desert, lost a month's time by their explorations, and reached the foot of the Truckee pass, in the Sierra Nevada, on the 31st of October, instead of the 1st, as they had intended. The snow began to fall on the mountains two or three weeks earlier than usual that year, and was already piled up in the Pass that they could not proceed. They attempted it repeatedly, but were as often forced to return. One party built their cabins near the Truckee Lake, killed their cattle, and went into wduter quarters. The other (Donner's) party, still believed that they could thread the pass, and so failed to build their cabins before more snow came and buried their cattle alive. Of course these were soon utterly destitute of food, for they could not tell where the cattle were buried, and there was no hope of game on a desert so piled with snow that nothing without wings could move. The number of those who were thus storm-stayed, at the very threshold of the land whose winters are one long spring, was eighty, of whom thirty were females, and several children. The Mr. Donner who had charge of one company, was an Illino- isian, sixty years of age, a man of high respectability and abundant means. His wife was a woman of education and refinement, and much younger than he. During November it snowed thirteen days ; during December and Janu- ary, eight days in each. Much of the time the tops of the cabins were below the snow level. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 101 It was six weeks after the halt was made that a party of fifteen, includ- ing five women and two Indians who acted as guides, set out on snow-shoes to cross the mountains, and give notice to the people of the California settlements of the condition of their friends. At first the snow was so light % and feathery that even in snow-shoes they sank nearly a foot at every step. On the second day they crossed the " divide," finding the snow at the sum- mit twelve feet deep. Pushing forward with the courage of despair, Ihey made from four to eight miles a day. Within a week they got entirely out of provisions ; and three of them, succumbing to cold, weariness, and starvation, had died. Then a heavy snow-storm came on, which compelled them to lie still, buried between their blankets under the snow, for thirty-six hours. By the evening of the tenth day three more had died, and the living had been four days without food. The horrid alternative was accepted — they took the flesh from the bones of their dead, remained in camp two days to dry it, and then pushed on. On New Years, the sixteenth day since leaving Truckee Lake, they were toiling up a steep mountain. Their feet were frozen. Every step was marked with blood. On the second of January, their food again gave out. On the third, they had nothing to eat but the strings of their snow-shoes. On the fourth, the Indians eloped, justly suspicious that they might be sacrificed for food. On the fiftli, they shot a deer, and that day one of their number died. Soon after three others died, and every death now eked out the existence of the survivors. On the seventeenth, all gave out, and concluded their wanderings useless, except one. He, guided by two stray friendly Indians, dragged himself on till he reached a settlement on Bear river. By midnight the settlers had found and were treating with all Christian kindness what remained of the little company that, after more than a month of the most terrible sutferings, had that morning halted to die. The story that there were emigrants perishing on the other side of the snowy barrier ran swiftly down the Sacramento Valley to New Helvetia, and Captain Sutter, at his own expense, fitted out an expedition of men and of mules laden with provisions, to cross the mountains and relieve them. It ran on to San Francisco, and the people, rallying in public meeting, raised fifteen hundred dollars, and with it fitted out another expedition. The naval commandant of the port fitted out still others. The first of the relief parties reached Truckee Lake on the nineteenth of February. Ten of the people in the nearest camp were dead. For four weeks those who were still alive had fed only on bullocks' hides. At Donner's camp they had but one hide remaining. The visitors left a small supply of provisions with the twenty-nine whom they could not take with them, and started back with the remainder. Four of the children they carried on their backs. Another of the relief parties reached Truckee Lake on the first of March. 102 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. They immidiately started back with seventeen of the sufferers ; but, a heavy snow storm overtaking them, they left all, except thi-ee of the ehildi-en, on the road. Another party went after those who were left on the way; found three of them dead, and the rest sustaining life by feeding on the flesh of the dead. The last relief party reached Donner's camp late in April, when the snows had melted so much that the earth appeared in spots. The main cabin was empty, but some miles distant they found the last survivor of all lying on the cabin floor smoking his pipe. He was f rocious in aspect, savage and repulsive in manner. His camp-kettle was over the fire and in it his meal of human flesh preparing. The stripped bones of his fellow-sufferers lay around him. He refused to return with the party, and only consented when he saw there was no escape. Mrs. Donner was the last to die. Her husband's body, carefully laid out and wrapped in a .sheet, was found at his tent. Circumstances led to the suspicion that the survivor had killed Mrs. Donner for her flesh and her money, and when he was threatened with hanging, and the rope tightened around his neck, he produced over five hundred dollars in gold, which, probably, he had appropriated from her store." In relation to this dreary story of suffering, this portion of our histoiy will be concluded by the narration of the prophetic dream of George Yount, attended, as it was, with such marvelous results. At this time, (the winter of 1846) while residing in Napa county, of which, as has been abeady remarked, he was the pioneer settler, he dreamt that a party of emigi-ants were snow-bound in the Sierra Nevadas, high up in the mountains, where they were suffiering the most distressing privations from cold and want of food. The locality where his dream had placed these unhappy mortals, he had never visited, yet so clear was his vision that he described the sheet of water surrounded by lofty peaks, deep-covered with snow, while on every hand towering pine trees reared their heads far above the limitless waste. In his sleep he saw the hungry human beings ravenously tear the flesh from the bones of their fellow creatures, slain to satisfy their craving appetites, in the midst of a gloomy desolation. He dreamed his dream on three successive nights, after which he related it to others, among whom were a few who had been on hunting expeditions in the Sierras. These wished for a precise description of the scene foreshad- owed to him. They recognized the Truckee, now the Donner Lake. On the strength of this recognition Mr. Yount fitted out a search expedition, and, with these men as guides, went to the place indicated, and, prodigious to relate, was one of the successful relieving parties to reach the ill-fated Donner party. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 103 THE POLITICAL HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. EARLY POLITICAL HISTORY — FIRST CIVIL OFFICER COJDIISSIONED — GOVERNOR BOGGS AND STEPHEN COOPER APPOINTED ALCALDES — PEOPLE OBJECT TO A MILITARY GOVERNMENT — PROCLAMATION OF BRIG.-GENERAL RILEY — THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION — SUPERIOR TRIBUNAL OF CALIFORNIA IN 1849 — APPOINTMEET OF JUDGE OF FIRST INSTANCE — FIRST ELECTION TICKETS — FIRST ELECTION IN SOLANO COUNTY — ELECTION MATTERS FROM I80O TO 1877 — TABLE OF OFFICERS FROM 1850 TO 1877. The early political history of Solano county is enveloped in considerable mystery. Prior to the acquisition of California by the Government of the LTnited States, the large District of Sonoma, which included all the territory between the Sacramento river and the ocean, and Oregon and the Bay of San Francisco, was under the rule of the Mexican Government, who pro- mulgated theii- laws after the year 1835, when General Vallejo took command, from Sonoma. The District was apportioned into Prefectures, amenable to a gi-and council at that town, the holders of office being known as Alcaldes. The first ci\al officer commissioned, after the American occupation, was John Nash. He had a very exalted idea of the dignity of his office ; assumed ministerial as well as judicial powers ; signed himself " Chief Justice of California," and otherndse made^iimself and his office ridiculous. Squire Nash, as his neighbors called him, was a good-natured, illiterate, but honest man, who was emploj'ed by several persons to proceed to the mines on the discovery of gold in 1848. He returned with gold dust to the value of eight hundred dollars, and shortly after, going to Mormon Island with a company of Sonoma miners, he died there during the winter. He was succeeded in office by Lilbum W. Boggs, Ex-Governor of Missouri, in the office of Alcalde ; a like appointment being made for Benicia City, as will be seen by the accompanjdng commission : " Kjiovv all men by these presents, that I, Richard B. Mason, Colonel 1st Regiment of Dragoons, United States Army, and Governor of California, by virtue of authority in me vested, do hereby appoint Stephen Cooper an Alcalde at Benicia City, at present in the District of Sonoma. " Given at Monterey, the Capital of California, this third day of January, A. D. 1848, and of the Independence of the United States the 72d. (Signed) " R. B. Ma.son, [official SEAL.] " Col. 1st Dragoous, "Governor of California." Let us see what was the state of the political horizon at that time. According to Tuthill — as to civil law, the country was utterly at .sea. It had a governor in the person of the commandant of the military district it belonged to, but no government. While the war lasted California, as a 104 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTT. conquered province, expected to be governed by military officers who, by virtue of their command of the Department, bore sway over all the territory that their Department embraced. But after peace had come and the suc- cession of military governors was not abated, a people who had been in the habit of governing themselves, under the same flag and the same constitu- tion, chafed that a simple change of longitude should deprive them of their inalienable rights. General Persifer F. Smith, who assumed command on arriving by the California, the first steamship that reached San Francisco (February 28, 1849), and General Rilej', who succeeded him (April 13, 1849), would have been acceptable governors enough, if the people could have discovered any- where in the Constitution that the President had power to govern a ter.itory by a simple order to the commandant of a militaiy department. The power was obvious in time of war ; but in peace it was unprecedented. Left en- tirely to themselves, the people could have organized a squatter sovereignty, as Oregon had done, and the way into the sister-hood of States was clear. They felt that they had cause for complaint, but in truth they were too busy to nurse their grievance and make much of it. To some extent they formed local governments, and had unimportant collisions with the mili- tary. But, busy as the}' were, and expecting to return home soon, they humored their contempt for politics, and left public matters to be shaped at Washington. Nor was this so un-\vise a course under the circumstances, for the thing that had hindered Congress from gi\dng them a legitimate con- stitutioual government was the ever-present snag in the current of American political history, the author of most of our woes, the great mother of mis- chief on the Western continent — Slavery. Wlien it was found that Congress had adjourned without doing anj-thing for California, Brigadier-General Riley, by the ad\-ice, he said, of the Presi- dent, and Secretaries of State and of War, issued a Proclamation, which was at once a call for a convention, and an official exposition of the Admin- istration's theory of the anomalous relations of California, and the Union. He strove to rectify the impression that California was governed by the military arm of the service ; that had ceased with the termination of hostili- ties. What remained wa.s the civil government, recognized by the existing laws of California. These were vested in a governor, who received his ap- pointment from the supreme government or, in default of such appoint- ment, the office wa.s vested in the commanding militarj- officer of the de- partment, a secretaiy, a departmental or territorial legislature, a superior court with four judges, a prefect and sub-prefect, and a j udge of the first instance for each district, alcaldes, local justices of the peace, ayuntanien- tos, or town councils. Ho moreover recommended the election, at the same time, of delegates to a convention to adopt either a State or Territorial Con- stitution which, if acquiesced in by the people, would be submitted for ap- proval to Congress. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 105 In accordance with these announcements we find that the " Superior Tribunal of California " existed at Monterey in 1849, for in September of that year a " Tariif of Fees for Judiciary offices " was published, with the following order of the Court : " That the sevei'al officers mentioned in this order shall be entitled to receive for their services, in addition to their regular salary, if any, the following fees, and none other, until the further order of this Court." Here is added a list of the fees to be appropriated by Judges of First Instance, Alcaldes and Justices of the Peace, Clerks of the several courts. Sheriff, or Comisario, District Attorney, and Notaries Public. Stephen Cooper, already alcalde of the city of Benicia, was appointed by General Riley, in August, Judge of First Instance, and commenced his labors in that function in October, 1849, as appears in the only record of the proceedings of that Court extant in the office of the county clerk, at Fair- field. The record of one of the cases tried is reproduced as an instance of the short but quick justice that was doled out in 1849 : " The People of California Territory, vs. George Palmer.. " And now comes the said people by right their attorney, and the said de- fendant by Semple and O'Melveny, and the prisoner having been arraigned on the indictment in this cause, plead not guilty. Thereupon a jury was chosen, selected, and swoi'n, when, after hearing the evidence and argument of counsel, returned into Court the following verdict, to wit : " The jury, in the case of Palmer, defendant, and the State of California, plaintiff, have found a verdict of guilty on both counts of the indictment, and sentenced him to receive the following punishment, to wit : " On Saturday, the 24th day of November, to be conducted by the sheriff to some public place and there receive on his bare back seventy-five lashes, with such weapon as the sheriff may deem fit, on each count respectively, and to be banished from the district of Sonoma within twelve hours after whipping, under penalty of receiving the same number of lashes for each and every day he remains in the district, after the first whipjjing. " (Signed) Alexander Riddell, " Foreman. " It is therefore ordered by the Court, in accordance with the above ver- dict, that the foregoing sentence be carried into effect." The manifesto calling a Constitutional Convention divided the electoral divisions of the State into ten districts ; each male inhabitant of the country, of twenty-one years of age, could vote in the district of his resid- ence, and the delegates so elected were called upon to meet at Monterey, on the 1st day of September, 1849. The number of delegates was fixed at thirty-seven, five of which were apportioned to San Francisco. Those elected from the district of Sonoma, were General Vallejo, Joel Walker, R. 106 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Semple. L. W. Boggs was also elected, but did not attend. As resolved, the Convention met at Monterey on the date above named, Robert Semple, of Benicia, one of the delegates from the district of Sonoma, being chosen president. The session lasted six weeks ; and not^\^thstanding an awkward scarcity of books of reference and other necessary aids, much labor was per- formed, while the debates exhibited a marked degree of ability. In framing the original Constitution of California, slavery was forever prohibited within the jurisdiction of the State ; the boundaiy question between Mexico and the United States was set at rest ; provision for the morals and education of the people was made ; a seal of State was adopted with the false Greek, though now more famous motto of Eureka, and a quantity of other matters discussed. It was submitted to the people in English and Spanish ; and on November 13th, was ratihed by them. The Constitution was adopted by a vote of twelve thousand and sixty- four for it, to eight hundred and eleven against it ; there being, besides, over twelve hundred ballots that were treated as blanks, because of an inform- ality in the printing. The following are two of the tickets which were voted at the time and were destributed in and around Sacramento and the upper portion of the State. people's TICKET. PEOPLE'S TICKET. FOR THE CONSTITUTION. FOR GOVERNOR, John A. Sutter. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, John McDougal. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, William E. Shannon, Pet. HaLsted. FOR STATE SENATORS, John Bidwell, Upper Sacramento, Murray Morrison, Sacramento City, Harding Bigelow, Sacramento City, Gilbert A. Grant, Vernon. FOR ASSEMBLY, H. C. Cardwell, Sacramento City, P. B. Cornwall, Sacramento City, John S. Fowler, Sacramento City, J. Sherwood, Elisha W. McKinstry, Madison Walthall, Coloma, W. B. Dickenson, Yuba, James Queen, South Fork, W. L. Jenkin, Weaverville. FOR THE CONSTITUTION. FOR GOVERNOR, Peter H. Burnett. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, John McDougal. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, Edward Gilbert, George W. Wright. FOR STATE SENATORS, John Bidwell, Upper Sacramento, Murray Morrison, Sacramento City, Harding Bigelow, Sacramento City, Gilbert A. Grant, Vernon. FOR ASSEMBLY, H. C. Cardwell, Sacramento City, P. B. Cornwall, Sacramento City, John S. Fowler, Sacramento City, H. L. Ford, Upper Sacramento, Madison Walthall, Coloma, W. B. Dickenson, Yuba, James Queen, South Foi-k, Arba K. Berry, Weaver^-ille. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 107 The result of the election was : Peter H. Burnett, Governor ; John Mc- Dougal, Lieutenant Governor ; and Messrs. Wright and Gilbert were sent to Congress. In regard to our especial subject General Vallejo was then elected to the Senate, his seat, however, was first given to Jonas Spect, but on the 22d of December the official return from one of the polls gave Spect but two votes instead of twenty-eight, a total of but one hundred and eighty- one votes against General Vallejo's one hundred and ninety-nine. Mr. Spect then gave up his seat to the General, who during that session of the Legis- lature, made his memorable report on the derivation and defination of the names of the several counties of the State ; a report unsurpassed in its style and its store of interesting and valuable information. On Saturday, December 1.5, 1849, the first Legislature of the State met — it will, however, be unnecessary here to enter into its movements until finally located at Sacramento, such will be found fully discussed in the history of the city of Vallejo. The earliest record of an election in Solano is one held on April 1. 1850, to chose the following State and county officers, viz.: Clerk of the Supreme Court, District Attorney, County Judge, Clerk, Attorney, Surveyor, Sheriff, Recorder, Assessor, Coronor, and Treasurer. L. B. Mizner being appointed Inspector ; William McDaniel and Sarshel Cooper, Judges ; with Joseph Winston and W. Rowe, Clerks. The officers being duly sworn by Stephen Cooper, Judge of the District of Sonoma, the polls were opened, and one hundred and seventy-six duly qualified electors deposited their ballots. The result of the election was : Votes. For Clerk of Supreme Court E. H. Tharp 142 For District Attorney R. A. Maupin 107 ' For County Judge James Craig 88 For County Clerk Sarshel Bynum 107 For County Attorney D. R. Wright 94 For County Surveyor Benjamin W. Barlow. . 137 For County Sheriff Frank Brown 86 For County Recorder Sarshel Bynum 143 For County Assessor Stephen Cooper 174 For County Coroner W. F. Peabody 178 For County Treasurer David F. Beveridge 100 The foregoing poll included the votes of officers and soldiers of the United States Army, and the officers and sailors of the Navy, to the number of forty-three, as is shown by the statement submitted by the President and Canvasser, on April 8th. The election was held pursuant to an Act of the Assembly of the State, approved March 2d, 1850. 108 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. It was found, however, that James Craig, the nominee for the County Judgeship, had failed to qualify according to law ; the office was therefore declared vacant, and a new election called in accordance with the above quoted Act, by F. M. Warmcastle, Judge of Contra Costa County, to be held on May 11, 1850, at two precincts in Solano County, which he had named, viz., the Court House at Benicia, and the i-esidence of Daniel M. Berry, in Suisun Valley, the Inspectors being respectively George H. Riddell, of Benicia, and D. M. Berry. The result was the election of Joseph Winston, with sixty-six votes, as against forty-seven for William McDaniel. Thus, Judge Winston was the first Judge for Solano County who actually took his seat; and on the assumption of his office, almost his fu-st duty was the organizing of the county into the two townships of Benicia and Suisun, and fixing certain boundaries, consequent on the necessity to elect two Justices of the Peace and one Constable for the newly partitioned districts. This election was called for May 25th, and on June 1st the elected Justices were directed to meet at the ^ity Hall, in Benicia, for the pui'pose of electing two of their number as Associate Justices, to sit with the County Judge, to form the Court of Sessions of said County of Solano. There is, unfortunately, no record of the names of the Justices then elected. In the meantime, the office of County Attorney was declared vacant, and C. Gillis, being the only candidate, was duly elected July 22, 1850. On October 7, 1850, another election was held for the appointment of a Clerk to the Supreme Court ; Superintendent of Public Instruction ; Attorney General ; District Attorney, for the district composed of the counties of Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Solano and Mendocino ; Senator for the district composed of the counties of Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Solano, Mendocino, Yolo, Colusa, and Trinity ; and a Member of the Assembly, for the District composed of the counties of Marin, Sonoma, Napa, and Solano, while the votes of the people were called to settle the location of the seat of government, with the following result : Votes. For Clerk of the Supreme Court E. H. Tharp 96 For Superintendent of Public Instruction . . Fred. P. Tracy 56 For Attorney General James A. McDougal ... 98 For District Attorney J. D. Bristol 132 For Senator Martin E. Cook 101 For Member of Assembly John S. Bradford 113 While, for the location of the seat of government, Vallejo received one hundred and eighty-six votes, as against one for each of the cities of San Jose and Monterey. Shortly after this, the offices of Sheriff and County Sur- veyor, held by Messrs. Francis Brown and Benjamin W. Barlow, had become vacant ; another election was held on December 21st, when B. C. Whitman was chosen for the first named office, and A. F. Bradley for the latter. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 109 Thus the electoral interests for the year 1850 were brought to a close. In this year party spirit had not yet run very high. The bulk of the early settlers were pretty evenly divided between the Whigs and Democrats, while of the officers elected, the opposing factions shared the honors more or less equally. On January 25, 1851, Calvin Brown and J. G. Dennis were respectively elected to the offices of Justice of the Peace and Constable for Benicia Township, while, in March, two more vacancies occurred in the offices of Sheriff and County Attorney, consequent on the resignation of Messrs. B. C. Whitman and C. Gillis. To fill these offices a special election was called, as also to choose two Justices of the Peace and one Constable for each of the townships of Vallejo, which would appear from the Petition of Electors to have then been named Eden and Suisun. At this epoch of the county's history, the list of votes was: For Benicia Township, 174; for Vallejo, 29 ; and for Suisun, 72. The result of this election, which was held on March 24th, was : For County Sheriff Paul Shirley SS' For County Attorney Thomas M. Swan . . 128 For Justice of the Peace, Vallejo Township . [■ j w f t 9fi For Justice of the Peace, Suisun Township . -! tt -d t-v ' ijo ^ ( U. P. Degman 63 For Constable for Vallejo Township. . ..William E. Brown, D. C. . 28 For Constable for Suisun Town.ship. . ..William Munn 69 On the 9th September, 1850, California was admitted into the Union, and the pleasing, though foreordained intelligence, was hailed with much enthusiasm when brought to San Francisco, on the 18th October, 1850. On September 3, 1851, the first gubernatorial election was held under the new order of things. The event being so important a one, we reproduce the entire vote throughout Solano County, as gleaned from the official records of the county. 110 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. for governor. Reading, Pierson B. No. of Vot««. Benicia 182 Vallejo 93 Suisun G7 Vacaville 51 BiGLER, John. Benicia 98 Vallejo 77 Suisun 41 Vaca\-ille 17 LIEUT. GOVERNOR. Baldwin, Drury P. Benicia 166 Vallejo 91 Suisun 67 Vacaville 49 PuRDY, Samuel. Benicia 112 Vallejo 78 Suisun 41 Vacaville 17 justice supreme court. Heydenfeldt, Solomon. Benicia 110 Vallejo 77 Suisun 43 Vacaville 17 Robinson, Todd. Benicia 1.59 Vallejo 92 , Suisun 65 Vacaville 50 393 233 373 248 247 attorney-general. Hastings, S. C. No. of Votes. Benicia 114 Vallejo 78 Suisun 44 Vacaville 16 Fair, W. D. Benicia 162 Vallejo 90 Suisun 64 Vacaville 50 state comptroller. Pierce, Winslow T. Benicia Ill Vallejo 78 Suisim 42 Vaca\'ille 17 Abell, a. G. Benicia 166 Vallejo 90 Suisun 64 Vacaville 49 Houston, John S. Benicia 1 366 surveyor-general. Eddy, Wm. M. Benicia 119 Vallejo 77 Suisun 41 Vacaville 17 Herron, Walter. Benicia 159 Vallejo 89 Suisun 66 Vacaville 49 252 366 248 369 254 363 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Ill state treasurer. Roman, Richard. No. of Votes. Benicia 118 Vallejo 130 Suisun 43 Vacaville 27 Burt, J. M. Benicia 159 Vallejo 38 Suisun 65 Vacaville 39 Gift, Col. W. Benicia 2 CONGRESSilAN. McCoRKLE, Jos. W. Benicia 107 Vallejo 82 Sui.sun 42 Vacaville 19 Marshall, E. C. Benicia 118 Vallejo 86 Suisun 43 Vacaville 27 Kewen, E. J. C. - Benicia 170 Vallejo 87 Suisun Go Vacaville 49 MooRE, B. F. Benicia 157 Vallejo 88 Suisun 64 Vacaville 38 Bryan, D. C. Benicia 34 Vallejo 4 Suisun 18 Va aville 7 318 301 250 274 371 347 63 Borland, James. No. of Votes. Benicia 48 Vallejo 8 Suisun 47 Vacaville 103 state senator to represent the counties of SOLANO AND NAPA. Bradford, John S. Benicia 157 Vallejo 9 Suisun 50 Vacaville 5 Estell, Ja3IES M. Benicia 129 Vallejo 147 Suisun 52 Vacaville 46 Long, James H. Vacaville 2 .Sawyer, Jesse. Benicia 1 Vacaville 1 Semple, Robert. Vacaville 1 221 374 members of assembly to represent solano county. Graham, James S. Benicia 122 Vallejo 117 Suisun 28 Vacaville 45 Semple, Robert. Benicia 85 Vallejo 28 Suisun 17 Vacaville 15 312 145 112 HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. county sheriff. Shirley, Paul. No. of Votes. Benicia 195 Vallejo 122 Suisun 84 Yacaville 62 Stocker, James. Benicia 91 Vallejo 38 Suisun 26 Vaca\"ille 6 county clerk. Bynum, Sarshel. Benicia 259 Vallejo 148 Suisun 107 Vaca\dlle 65 Jones, J. W. Benicia 1 district attorney. Swan, Thos. M. Benicia 145 Vallejo 102 Suisun 65 Vacaville 43 Blair, J. D. Benicia 134 Vallejo 48 Suisun 35 Vacaville 14 county coroner. Peabody, Wji. F. Benicia 169 Vallejo 18 Suisun 57 Vaca\411e 45 463 161 355 231 289 Hamji, Samuel F. No. of Votes. Benicia 109 Vallejo 122 Suisun 41 Vacaville 14 COUNTY treasurer. Evans. 0. H. Benicia 194 Vallejo 77 Suisun 73 Vacaville 43 Hayden, C. W. Benicia 73 Vallejo 52 Suisun 21 Vacaville 14 Leviston, Geo. Benicia 1 COUNTY surveyor. LoRixG, F. R. Benicia 153 Vallejo 76 Suisun 67 Vacaville 43 Bradley, A. F. Benicia 124 Vallejo 56 Suisun 34 Vacaville 14 COUNTY assessor. Vaughan, Singleton. Benicia 192 Vallejo 78 Suisun 47 Vacaville 33 286 387 160 339 228 350 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 113 COUNTY ASSESSOR. Howell, E. P. No. of VotCB. Total V Benicia •. 69 Vallejo 53 . . Suisun 54 Vacaville 25 . . Cooper Stephen. Benicia 16 Suisun 7 201 23 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR OF SOL. CO. CuRREY, John Benicia 136 Vallejo 76 Suisun 71 Vacaville 43 Leviston, Geo. Benicia 135 Vallejo 51 Suisun 24 Vacaville 14 Luce, S. W. Benicia 1 .326 224 justices of the peace for benicia. Riddell, Alexander Wetmore, C. E. . Gillis, Calvin . . . Hyam, B. D . . . . McDougal, John Lowiy, ' Dick . . . Bennett, Bill . . . constables for benicia. Brown, A. W . . Brown, Jno. S. Siddons, Wm. . Mitchell, I . . . . Jones, John W Brown, VV. C . . Andrews, J. H . 1.30 95 199 62 1 1 1 188 169 126 1 1 1 1 DISTRICT JUDGE 7tH JUDICIAL DIST. Total Votes. Hopkins, Robert 1 Bosgs, T. J 1 Wiii'tman, B. C 1 Lee, Harvey 1 JU.STICES OF THE PEACE FOR VALLEJO. Hook, Henry 101 Tierney, E. P 36 Leslie, Lyman 77 Shipley, David 31 Veeder, Charles 13 Loveland, J. E 3 CONSTABLES FOR V.ALLEJO. Brown, W. A 116 Bryant, W. T 87 Dupaix, Henry 13 justices of peace, suisun. Berry, D. K. Suisun 07 Vacaville 9 Degman, U. p. Suisun 50 Vacaville 49 Beveridge, David F. Suisun 54 76 99 54 CONSTABLES FOR SUISUN. Stevenson, G. B. - Suisun . . .• . . 62 Vacaville . . 50 112 MuNN, Wm. Suisun .. 49 LiNDSEY, Wm. Suisun .. 23 Scattering .. 6 114 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. On September 11th, notice was given in accordance yviih the Fourth Article of the Constitution of California, by Robert Semple, of his intention to contest the election of James S. Graham to the seat in the Assembly ; there is no reason to believe, however, that the case ever came to a recount. The division of votes showed a democratic preponderance for the State offices ; while for tho.se of the county, the Whig part}- had the majority of positions. In this contest, Bigler, who received twenty-three thousand seven hun- dred and seventy-foui- votes in the State ; while Pierson B. Reading, his Wliig opponent, got twenty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-tliree, had the assistance of that new power which had commenced to creep into the State, in the shape of the squatting element. He was Democratic in his manners, being " hale fellow " with all. Not so his opponent, who was a gentleman of more genteel bearing than the kind-heai'ted, unambitious, landless Governor, who was always mindful of his friends. Bigler, in all his messages, urged economj-, but found it difficult to prevent an office being made for a friend. Tuthill remarks: "It was his pet project to unite the Southern and Western men of his party, and let the free-soilers shift for themselves ; but it is not in that direction that party cleavage runs. The Southeners scorned the alliance. They were ' high-toned,' and looked downi upon a Missourian a.s little better than a man from Massachusetts. The Governor's project would not work. He carried water on both shoulders, and spilt very little on either side." In regard to the election of officers to till the positions requiied in those years, it was very hard to find those willing to, or capable of, undertaking the arduous duties : besides, everyone was on the qui vive for news of gold on the fii-st receipt of which, judges and constables alike, would leave their more dignified duties, and make for the mines, caring not who their succes- sors might be, or how they were appointed. But few changes of any political moment occurred in 18o:i, .save the establishment of a polling precinct at the Suscol rancho, at the residence of L. Curtis ; and the Presidential election of November 2nd, when we find the three well-kno^ii names among the successful candidates for count}' honore, of Judge E. W. McKicstry, now of the Supreme Bench of Califor- nia, then elected for his first term as Judge of the Seventh Judicial District ; Andrew J. Bryant, the present Mayor of San Francisco, then a Constable of Benicia township ; and Dr. Sylvester Woodbridge, Junior, the elocivient pastor of a Presbytirian Chuich, in San Fiancisco, at the time of which we write, a resident of Benicia, and the fii^st Commissioner of Common Schools in the county. On February lyth, of the following year, Sarshel BjTium, resigned his office, when Joseph P. Vaughn was appointed interim County Clerk, in which charge he was confirmed, at the general election of 7th September. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 115 On May 18th, an Act, ai^portioning the State into certain Senatorial and Assembly districts, was passed ; the " Tenth Senatorial District," being com- prised in the counties of Solano, Napa, and Yolo, with power to elect one Senator, while one member of Assembly was to be returned from each. It would appear that at this juncture the number of residents in the county had so increased, that greater facilities had to be given to the public for recording their votes. The distances from the principal locations of the townships being so great, new precincts were made ; the city of Benicia being divided into two wards ; the headquarters of one being at the Pacific Works, and the other at the Court House. The Vallejo township comprised Vallejo and Suscol. Wolf.skill's and Montezuma belonged to Vacaville ; while Suisun and Green Valley each had their polling places. At their De- cember term, the Couit of Sessions ordered that the salaiy of the District Attorney should be fixed at one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month, or fifteen hundred dollars per anmion, commencing from the first Monday in October. In the year 1855, a vacancy occurring in the office of County Treasurer, by the death of John C. Gulick, Jabez Hatch was appointed in his stead. In this year, too, the Court of Sessions was abolished, and a Board of Su- pervisors created in lieu thereof. The first Board consisting of Lloyd A. Rider, A. W. Rodgers, and John C. Fisk, met at Benicia on May 7th, under the Presidentship of the first-named gentleman, when they appointed George Leviston to be a Justice of the Peace, vice Alexander Riddell deceased. On May 4, 1855, an Act of the Legislature was approved, "to take the sense of the People of the State, at the General Election in A. D. 1855, on the Passage of a Prohibitory Liquor Law ;" the provisions of which were, that the manufacture and sale of all spirituous and intoxicating liquors, except for mechanical, chemical, medicinal and sacramental purposes, should be prohibited. On being put to the vote in Solano county, the result was : Yes 143 votes. No 378 " The precincts for polling jjurpose.s were divided by the Supeivisors in this year, to be as under : Green Valley 1 Suisun ■ 2 Vacaville 2 Montezuma 1 Tremont 1 Benicia 1 Vallejo 1 On November 13, J. W. Jones was appointed to the position of County 116 THE HrSTOUY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Coroner, vice Larkin Richardson, who had failed to file his certificate of election. On August 21, 18.55, it was directed by the Board that the Su- pervisoral districts be changed, as under : I Benicia. District No. 1 -| ( Vallejo. C Green Valley. DiSTBICT No. 2 -< (_ Suisun. C Vacaville. District No. 3 - Montezuma. (Tr emont. In the years 1856 and '.57, nothing of anj* moment occurred in the county, in regard to its political aspect. In 1858 the removal of the coimty seat occurred, a full account of which will lie found in the chapter on County Organizations, in this work. On January 22, 1859, the Board of Supervis- ors accepted the Bond of Captain Waterman, in respect to the handing over certain lands in Fairfield, for county purposes. On March 14th, they opened the bids for the erection of the Court House and Jail thei'e, viz : Larkin Richardson, for Court House and Jail S24,440 • J. D. Perkins, for temporary Court Hou.se, etc 1,373 And on September 1st, the buildings were handed over by the contractoi's. By an Act of the Legislature, approved Aj)ril 28, 1857, the Suj)ervi.sors of the coimty of Yuba were authorized to subscribe a sum of 8200,000 to a railroad company which should connect the city of Marysville, and either the city of Benicia or any point on the Sacramento River, at or near Knight's Feny or Sacramento City. In May, of the .same year, the Super- \-isors of Solano county proposed that $250,000 worth of stock should be taken in the Sacramento and San Francisco Railroad, another company which had been started with warm advocates in Benicia. The newspapers of the time ardently urged the adoption of this scheme, and its submission to the vote of the people, which was afterwards done, and carried by a large majority. In a little while the Marys^alle company awoke to a sense of their danger in the opposition of the contemplated Sacramento road, when the former association filed their articles of incorporation forthwith, and commenced operations. The road is set forth as commencing at Marysville, and extending through Yuba, Sutter, Yolo, and Solano counties, to a point on the San Pablo Bay, near Vallejo, eight}' -five miles in length, which was expected to cost 83,000,000. The bill was duly introduced into the Senate, and approved. On April 10, 18.59, an Act authorizing the county of Solano to subscribe 8200,000 to tlie capital stock of this railroad, was approved, THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 117 subject to the accepting thereof by the people, which was submitted to their vote at the general election of 1859, with the following result : Yes 796 No 6G1 The Supervisors were empowered to issue bonds bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent j)er annv/in from date of issue, i)ayable half-yearly. Only $100,000 of these bonds were paid, however, to the company, who, not having fulfilled the contract under which the amount was subscribed, an amended Act was submitted to the Legislature, during the regime of Messrs. Mizner and J. B. Frisbie, as Senator and Assemblyman respectively, and approved March 20, 1868, by which the California Pacific Railroad Company, a new corporation wliich had been started and duly incorporated under the general laws of the State, were to have assigned and transferred to them all stock subscribed for the San Francisco and Marysville Railroad Company. This was not to be limited to the first named corporation, how- ever, for section 14 of the Act directs : "The said Supervisors are hereby authorized and empowered to issue and deliver to the proper ofiicers of any railroad company which may, within two years from the passage of this Act, complete and have in running order a railroad from the Straits of Carquinez, or Vallejo Bay, to the northern boundary line of said Solano county, the same amount of bonds as the said San Francisco and Marysville Railroad Company would have been entitled to, had its said road have been fully completed in the year 1861, less the amount already issued." Of the original stock there is still $112,000 outstanding, which is being reduced at the rate of $9,000 a year. An Act, approved May 13, 1861, to separate from the office of County Clerk, the office of County Recorder took effect on the first Monday of Octo- ber, and an election for the latter office was also ordered to be held at every succeeding general election. To the duties of Recorder were added those of Auditor. An Act was also approved on the 14th of May, in which it was provided that Road Masters be elected, so soon as the County shall have been divided into Road Districts, at the general election of Sept. 4th, whose, duties were " to have the care and general supervision of the public roads within the district, to maintain them in as good repair and to erect such necessary bridges and culverts as the means at his command will permit ; and he shall also, by direction of the Supervisors, cause suitable guide- boards to be erected at the intersection of important roads. He shall oversee and direct the labor expended upon the roads, and see that teams, ploughs, scrapers and other implements, ai-e furnished for the road sei'vice. He shall, between the first day of October and the first day of June, in each year, give to each person in his road district, who is liable to pay road tax, at least three days notice of the time and place at which such person shall appear for the purpose of working on the public roads," etc. 118 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTV. In February, 1867, the county was divided into assessment districts con- forming to those Avhich elected Super\-isors, offices wliich were afterwards discontinued as being unwieldj'. Nothing of anj- particular impoi-tance to affect the county occurred in the few following years until 1871 — the year of the Tapeworm ticket ; the following history of which has been kindly supplied by Mr. George A. Gillespie. FAC-SIMILE OF THE TICKET. lor. NewtoD Booth. For Lieuti ate Treasurvr. PenlioaQd 8aehr. For Sui ve. For Clerk of the Supreme Court. Grant I. Taggarl. For State Printer, r Atueod to Art. 1 of theCon*t.— Yes. Refund Debt.— No. For Congre^smai r Sheriff. Joseph Jacobs- For Treasurer. K. D. Perkins. For Recorder. Geo. I . Joseph HoTt- For Surve.vor, Wni. W. Fitch. For SupL of Schools. Wni. H, Frv. For Pub, Administrator. Hazen Hojl. " " " -xisor. 1st Dist.. A. D- Starr. For Constables, Ed. Longan and W. Marker. For Boadmaster. A. E. Thnrber. rernor, Romudld P acbeco- For Secretarv or State I>ru T Melone. irvevor-Oeneral Robert Garda r. For Attoraey-G :. JobD L. tiomas A. Spriug CommUsi McGtTQQ. Third DUtrict. Joht M. CoghUD . For Asse mblrma .M. J. WriEht. Sic Kin ley. F.t k.Chas. A. Kid.ler. F«> Allorney.J.F. The so called " Tape-wonn Ticket," the use of which at Yallejo, at the election of 1871, ca,used so much comment and adverse criticism, both in and without the State, and even in the United States Congress, had its origin in this wise : The Navy Yard, at Mare Island, after the election of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency, passed into the control of the Republi- can part}', and, especially during the war, a very large number of mechanics and laborers were given employment there. These men, or a large majority of them, prior to each general election, became enrolled members of Repub- lican clubs, and were to all appearances, supporters of the Republican ad- ministrations, but it was found at the c hunting of ballots at each election there were an uncomfortably large number of Democratic votes in the ballot boxes. To remedy this, various kinds of " non-imitative " and " non- scratchable " ballots were de\"ised, both printed and engraved, but in every case the Democrats, by the use of tissue-paper " pasters," and other devices circumvented the ^^gilance and craft of the administi-ation politicians and managed to have a large number of Democratic votes put into the ballot boxes by these professed Republicans. At a meeting of the Republican County Central Committee of Solano in August, 1871, after it had made an-angements to supplj- all the precincts of the county with a sufficient "quantity of Republican ballots — save VaUejo, the members from that section announced to the committee that it would be necessary to have a new and different style of ballot for that precinct in order to prevent imitation, pasting and scratching. After some deliberation the matter was left to a sub-committee of two pei-sons, with orders to have printed three thousand ballots of a design which it should adopt. This sub-committee subsequently went to San Francisco, and applied to the printing stationers, William B. Cooke <&: Co., to have the proposed ballots printed. They were not decided as to the plan or style of the ballots needed, so Mr. Cooke suggested to them that he would have several different designs prepared by his foi'eman -printer during the day, and if they would call on the follo^ving THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNT V. 119 morning they could make their selection as to which they would order. Four or five designs were prepared, and among the lot was this " tape-worm ticket," which in the judgment of the committee seemed specially designed " to fill the bill," and it was selected by them and an order given to print the required three thousand. These ballots were sent to Vallejo, and on the night previous to the day of election they were parcelled out to the Navy Yard foremen, who in turn reparcelled them out t« their workmen, and they were very extensively voted during the day, carrying the precinct largely for the Republican party. But even with all the intricacy of its design and make up, one hundred and twenty -eight of these ballots were scratched and pasted by Democratic voters. Hundreds of these ballots were preserved by the curious as mementoes of political intimidation, and one of them in the hands of Senator Ca.sserly, found its way to the United States Senate where it was exhibited to the gaze of astonished Senators as the acme of " bull-dozing " acumen. This episode in Solano's political history, dis- graceful as such proceedings were claimed to be, was not without a Vjenefi- cial result, for beyond a doubt, to this tape-vmm ticket and its use are we indebted for our present wise, and satisfactory uniform ballot law. On May 7, 1873, the ofiices of Recorder and Auditor were consolidated, by direction of the Board of Supervisors, whose numbers were in this year increased from three to five, while the new office of Commissioner of High- ways was created ; but after one term it was abrogated, the duties of the office lapsing into the hands of road-masters, as before. At the Judicial Election, held on October 15th, the votes for County Judge resulted in a tie, as under : 0. B. Powers receiving 1,241 votes; John M.Gregory, Jr., receiving a like number. A new election was therefore called for December 16th, when Judge Gregoiy received 1,286 votes, as against 1,212, obtained by Mr. Powers. An Act to permit the voters of every township or incorporated city in the State to vote on the question of granting licences to sell intoxicating liquors was approved by the Legislature, March 18, 1874. It was famil- iarly known as the " Local Option Law," and was put to the voters of Solano County on May 3Uth of that year, showing : For liquor license 1,022 For no liquor license 904 Majority of 118 for license. The office of Auditor was established and made separate from that of Recorder by Act of the Legislature, approved March 30th, T. P. Hooper being the first incumbent of the former office. The same Act also pro- vided that the County Treasurer should be ex officio Tax Collector, thus 120 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. abolishing that office, while the offices of Public Administrator and County Coroner were xinited and consolidated on May 11th, lcS7"). We now come to the last great event in the political history of Solano count}', namely, the order for a new Constitution of the State, and its ulti- mate passage by an immense majority, that in Solano being two hundred and ninety-three. It was found that the provisions in regard to taxation and property were of too vague a nature to be allowed to hold at this period of progre.ss. At the time when the old Constitution was framed in Monterey, it was never contemplated that the State would be ever anj-thing but a purely mining country ; and as each mining section had its own local laws, more distinct terms in regard to what was legally meant by property and taxable pro- perty, were not thought to be necessary. At last the day came when a de- cision of the Supreme Court ruled that credits are not property in the sense in which the word property is used in Section 13 of Article XI of the Constitution, and cannot be assessed for taxes, or taxed as property, even if secured by mortgage. (The People rs. Hibernia Bank, Cal. Reports, 51.) The popular voice became clamorous on this decision for a change of rule ; and though having been before mooted, and successfully balked by former sessions of the Legislature, an Act to provide for a Convention to frame a new Constitution for the State of California was approved on ilarch 30, 1878 ; and by a Proclamation of the Governor an election throughout the county of Solano was ordered to be held on June 19, 1878, for the pur- pose of electing delegates to a Constitutional Convention, to meet at Sacra- mento, on September 28th. Thirty-two delegates were to be elected by the State at large, of whom not more than eight should be residents of any one Congressional District. One delegate was allowed for the counties of Solano and Yolo, jointly, and three for Solano county alone. The result was: Delegate for Solano and Yolo counties, jointly : C. F. Reed (of Yolo) 741 votes. For Solano county : Joel A. Harvey 859 votes. J. M. Dudley 821 " S. G. Hilborn 769 " The election for the adoption or rejection caused a deep seated feeling throughout the entire State, and for months the county was in a perfect ferment ; at last the 7th of May arrived ; the following morning the news wa« flashed throughout the length and breadth of the land of the adoption of California's new organic law ; and now nothing but Time can solve the riddle as to whether the decision was a wise one or not. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 121 00 •s = ■ - 1 ?: iJ o ' i^zzzzzz::z -z •~ z .■- .-,..-.- -. .::;:. = = = = ;...= I 1 i ^ ^ n : : : : : 1 ::;::; 1 1 o CO lO 00 2 i S5 Snap.?- -S gg aa f; Mil ; :^ \ifi./. 1= 1 III 4is a c 5.gE :^£raSi°o ■^ S 5 s 5:::::::: •:: • ..: .;:::::=: ^ a s : : 'c ?> 2 : : : : : J ; . : : » • = ■ • 10 1 : : : : :'c- i ■ 3 g* •3 ■ ■ S a 0^ =■ 'f . . ■2 "^ oo z ililiH •■a :5 :i;i '-0-. ^.-U z ' '3 • S S £ s c — = .Q S ; ic :S55-aaDS< «S«||£3 |-3pSj= = iiitfliifiii >^Ci ■ ■3 ^ ■0 s--« 2 S D,= = r-r::: ■: ::r '• ' ' :r::;rr : : : g ?i 3 S ^ •.;;;; ^ ^ ■^ ^ f^ Xi J^ . - c » ^' sa is S "3 S'a*' d 3^ £ ■§ 03 ^ i s ^^■z : c S |2 •§ S J.- 11 p "t I =2=- . .. :-: l>_ui^ II _. B<-J O »i fee Is OOaKo fn' H<;S3;a ^- »€3p .- ill 4 =^3 ■£ • s" ¥ ■§ m S! c u ^ |g||a5 fl.- «'|".ia)a w ^^-3 J: "S" g».2oooooooo§'^§3°^*'°°°- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. fuQ si .-> o := > » .a ^o^ ■grHJSVS's 1 ar; a; ps 4S^ ■5 >= s - c 2 £ * S s 2 o 0>T,^ JO 3 =^ SS 123 124 g 2 00 I^ ?? Cb 10 -«? s « ^ ?; t O s? §^' THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. •? H '^ ^ BJ ■? -2 a c; :ko < S'sl = 5S^^ 3H-- s^s :>& r^^ : -• >. S Ke-hoc-c-^ks. ;^x Cms; 5 &5=: o ==•; :(a Q fi V>| ||il|z_^.;|^^.--''>|=.=^i;s;-.a<-.< 5 3 3 5''"— -1'^ ■Si°°^>= '"I ■ c .-t^ .s" -^ = ? '^ 5 -'=0 ^ > -^ S ; 5 2 5 > >;5^«'? Ci-"-^.cc=';^^ 5^ >>^s&; :oo J°f s^Jllj ^•^ >*to ■ &0 d|z£z -z" s i~ =>S^ §"-'•* J > .o ;g a I s •t; ~ >v'. ;-. >! >. >i >> >> >-.^ ^i.iiiiiioi-i'^ssii'^ss' THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 125 a. ■■■''■■- ■■ ■■ .= . : = '- ■■ ■■ ^ ■' p. McElroy, Vallejo R. S. Maguiness, Vallejo H. Norton, Benicia R. E. Bournes, Benicia. . W. A. Field, Green Val- ley. E. Tilton, Green Valley . V. Wilson, Suisun C. Loomis, Suisun J. C. Maupin, Vacaville. J. S. Johnson, " J. McFarland, Tremont. S. G. Little, Tremont.... J. F. Pierce, Montezuma R. G. Garfield, Monte'nia S. Triplett, Maine Pra'ic G, B. Triplett, " John Sedgley, Vallejo . . J. G. Johnson, Benicia. . R. C. Gillespie, Green Valley. H. Blanchard, Suisun. . . H. Eversole, District No. 1, Vacaville. James Ewing, District No. 2, Vacaville J. W. Zurnwaldt, Dis- trict No. 3, Vacaville.. W. Driesbach, Tremont. G. A. Daniels, District No. 1, Montezuma J. M. Upham, District No. 2, Montezuma. S. Stewart, District No. 3, Montezuma. J" ■'■' '■-■'• = = P. McElroy, Vallejo Chas. Ackermau, Vallejo J. O'Donnell, Benicia. . . Mich. Peiidergast, Beu'a W. A. Field, Green Val- ley. D. Lander, Green Valley R. M. Apgar, Suisun .... Hooker Ballard, Suisun. J. T. Hull, Vacaville.... James 0. Zurnwaldt, Vacaville. S. F. Hyde, Tremont.. . . S j John Sedgley, Vallejo . . Charles Quigg, Benicia. . J. H. Delameter, Green Valley. A. L. Chapman, District No. 1, Vacaville. M. M. Richardson, Dis- trict No. 2, Vacaville . 15 .i il oal ^z z z z z z z z z : z z z = .: . : . = = P. McElrov, Vallejo T. H. Colbv, " H. Norton, Benicia R. E. Bournes, Benicia.. W. P. Durbin, Green Valley. M. Packard, Green Val- ley. N. C. Butler, Suisun .... C. W. Webster, Suisun.. J. C. Maupin, Vacaville . J. 0. Johnson, " John Wilson, Tremont. . J. J. Saunders, Tremont J. F. Pierce, Montezuma H. Pierce, " J. W. Farmer, Vallejo . . Charles Quigg, Benicia. . W. Fowler, Green Valley A. B. Meacham, Suisun . 1 X II m §, V: M. Whitfield, Vallejo Thomas Casey, H. Norton, iicnicia R. E. Bournes. Benicia. . John Bryant, Green Val- ley. John Breedlove, Green Valley. William Quinton, Suisun R. M. Apgar, Suisun .... T. P. Long, Vacaville.,. James Johnson, Vaca- ville. Shepard Andrews, Tre- mont. Floyd Potter, Tremont. . John Pierce, Montezuma H. Cruder, " S' John Dawson, Vallejo. . . Jesse Wright, " ... H. Norton, Benicia R. E. Bournes, " C. T. Canfleld, Green Valley. John M. Cutler, Green Valley. M. W. Pratt, " C. H. Stevenson, Vaca- ville. JanieS- Johnson, Vaca- ville. Shepard Andrews, Tre- mont. J I 1 J '1 126 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. E = -g i|j.t "•-i-= - 1- = = = 1= "^1 :fEr : J_ -I". ^>|_ = ^ ■> I; £1 ?: g. S. ;^'ia£^--^;i^^ -^:- ^i i ^ THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. ;= = = . ...... <: .. -. -. Edward Longan, " J. O'Donnell, Benicia. . . W. M. Sanderson," . . . David Ramsay, Gresn Valley. Hillis Martin, Green Valley. M. V. (.>wen, Suisun James T. Wells, " .... U. K. Korns, Vacaville. . S. W. Lavcock, " .. J. S. Graves, Silveyville T. P. Barnes, L. Pearson, Tremont. . . H. W. Royce, " W. L. Talbot, Maine Pr'e G. Luttgess, " " B C. Sidwell, Rio \ista W. S. Johnson, Rio Vista C. H. Rice. Montezumi C. K. Marshall, " W. S. Johnion, Denver'n David E. Wallace, " W. C. Bobbit, Elmira... JohnTruett, " .. ::........... ...... ;^= ; J. G. Hudson, " J. O'Donnell, Benicia... Josejjli Rr.xburv, " Isaac Hickman, Green Valley. James Lemon, Green Valley. M. V. Owen, Suisun H W. Blanehard," .... H. Eversole. Vacaville . . L. B. Hawkins, " C. R. Rouse, Silveyville. William Turnish, " Reuben Brunson, Trem't Samuel Triplett, Maine Prairie. Mathew Rychard, Maine Prairie. J. D. Ingersoll, RioVista W. S. Johnson, William McMeans, Mon'a '■ c ' '■ ■ ^ rt • :Sa : P '■ ■■;■ ; J. R. Lee, " . . J. O'Donnell, Benicia.. Joseph Rnxbury, " ... William Higgings, Green Valley. M. V. Owen, Suisun.. H. W. Blanehard, " . . Charles T. Loomis, Vaca- Richardson Long, Vaca'e D. 0. Musselman, Sil- veyville. T. P. Long.'Silveyville.. Reuben Brunson.Tiem't C. P. Dryden, Maine Prairie. Stephen Lent, Maine Prairie. R. Thrush, Rio Vista... J. M. Perry, John Trueman,Mont*ma E. D. Shed, (J. Garfield, Denverton . . S. S. Seely, ,■''■'■ ' ■ ■ - • ■ '- - ' - William E. Burke," J. O'Donnell, Benicia... R. E, Bournes, " ... Thomas Tickle, Green Galley. E. Tilton, Green Valley. W. T, Bartlett, Suisun.. N. C. Butler, v.. H. Stevenson, ^'acav'e J E. Duncan, E. Brown, Jr., Tremont. Reuben Brunson, " Daniel Cushman, Mon- tezuma. R. Trush, Montezuma.. C. P. Dryden, Maine Prairie. Stephen • Lent, Maine Prairie. '•'•'■'■' ■■ =-- = = = ■-'- ■'■■ -■ K. S. Maguiness, " .... H. Norton, Benic.a R. K. Bournes. " .... W. A. Fiold.Green Valley E. Tilton, V. Wilson, Suisun C. Loomis, " J.C. Maupin.Vacaville.. J. S. Johnson, " J. McFarland, Tremont. S. Little, " J. F. Pierce, Montezuma R. Thrush, " S. Triplett, Maine Prairie G. B. Triplett," t 111 '^ '5 S £ -o'S t B " a S.M%= g = S i S 127 I 'S-s 'SO 1 ■== -S 2 ^t^ q:= .^•=3 = = g -s'J H at 'I .= § -g ", " s.e- ? £. ^ .=■ -L O i! = S !• li I Ji'^ § »il I alls" ^'^sstll '. I I. I.l] ;; [& I I i 1^ IjjT I. I. I. J; . Jili J; - '. ' i ; 2 ^ 2 2 - S |2 | S'^.^J 2" - :^ 3 22 S 32 1 2 = 2 2| 22 | i j^ bcbi) ip bb^ ^^^t.o J5'*» ^X* ^ ^ ■: ^ -C* ^~^' Sio t3 '^ .s- G £ 1% i S-E- r'tg SJ ** « ft* ^ & = ■ go. -g I u~ i,s^- S ?? fc' M o-:3 .§ ;aa3 ;«.■£■§ is "! as I I iia -iTjSi-^lra'-sS'^'S'?'"*^'? S:>-oEl D '1 tc ^ "^ 2i ^ * ^ fc. .2 .2 . M .'o'^ 2 tii^2 ^C' w-2> .c j3 ^' ^^ g •^ri'''~'c'^ "^ l-?M l.s' o I.S fa fe a <»; Z; faS I.Zfa fa 2 128 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 00 1-4 ^ = -- a* ... ;= = . . ^. -- : = = -- = = -. = = 2 X 1 = £ Si r-'S 1 = l":: 1^1 ■3 c -i • III ■§-;-« ; I : : iio ; Ss:§S.2'^2< Ss=£lsa. : ■ g" ■i- ^ ~?o _ ill >>- 1 J •S=l = = ? fe 1 1 3 c 1 1 < 1 1 5 X >6 00 c s t s 1 :;;:;;§ ; ;ImI = = 2 S 1 1 ii ii3 > f <-^ 1 = 1 ■ t ^ — -■ S j j 2 ■2o-= J J 1 •i f t 1 > 1 5 i 1 CO 00 :=:....= ; rr— — — = = 2 X 1 i 1^ II i 1 Ho4 B£ i ■ii Jc J C j s 5 '= s i 1 > ^ j s I i 1 ■j I -1 8 e o ij 1 ; i £ J 3 )5 >6l :l : c :| Jll i i i i 1 !i 55 5 = i «5 -mo m e « « s-ii-^ a £ te > c SI'S ^ E "^ -E rt 3 1 gix-iScoj! |m jd !&; THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 129 fitlipi 5 gjij ^ >' si J a ^iBa; ^ ° g o. I >..S •a .S "2- 2j=o !> ■*£>'hI| I--1 l| l-g I 11 111 fa &, <-<:zi fc.ss W " >,~ "S ^ .2 -^ ISici S'-'Xa'S^"^ o d ss;p-i^| lis; ' " 'a ■< ^ < "B ^ _5)^ I I I 2 m^^is 5 ^-SEsc; > 1 r,-;s ;Soj = -««£-5.= o^aja odaJs^iB^i I. t, faSSM !60 Q s s ■^- 130 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. MEXICAN GRANTS. BY A. J. DOBBINS. SUSCOL — SUISUN — TOLENAS — LOS PUTOS — RIO LOS PUTOS — . TILPINOS. When California was acquired by the United States by treaty with the Mexican Government, the larger portion of the five hundred and forty-five thousand four hundred and forty acres included in the present boundary lines of Solano county was covered by, and claimed under, six Mexican grants, distributed as follows : " The Suscol," Ij'ing in the southern and western portion of the county, includmg the to'v\Tiships of Vallejoand Benicia, and containing aVjout eighty- four thousand acres. The " Suisun," lying to the eastward of the Suscol, including within its limits the whole of Suisun valley, together with the towns of Suisun and Fairfield, and containing seventeen thousand seven hundred and fifty-two acres. The "Tolenas," or " Armijo," lying to the north and east of the Suisun, and containing thirteen thousand three hundred and fourteen acres. The " Los Putos,." or Vaca and Pena, hnng to the northeast of the Armijo, covering the town of Vaca^^lle and the whole of Vaca valley, and contain- ing forty-four thousand three hundred and eighty acres. The " Rio Los Putos," or Wolfskill, lying to the northwest of the Los Putos, and on both sides of Putah creek, in both Solano and Yolo counties. That portion situated in Solano county, containing eight thousand eight hundred and eighty acres. The " Ulpinos," or Bidwell, located in the eastern portion of the county, at the junction of the Sacramento river and Cache Slough, covering the to'WTi of Rio Vista and the Montezuma hills, and containing seventeen thousand seven hundred and fifty-two acres. By the terms of the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, the United States, upon proper showing of titles by grantees of the Mexican and Spanish Governments, was found to confirm them, and not only were perfect titles acquired by the inhabitants under Mexican domination agreed to be re.spected, but also such equitable claims as had their origin in the action of the Mexican Government, but were undeveloped and incomplete at the date of the treaty ; and it was stipulated that such steps should be taken as were necessary to protect the same. The rights of property of the citizens of the ceded territory were to remain unchanged. By the law of THE HISTOBY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 131 nations those rights were sacred and inviolable, and the obligation passed to the Government of the United States to protect and maintain them by proper legislative action when the requisite protection could not be afforded by the ordinary course of judicial proceediftgs in the established tribunals or by existing legislation. In many instances, however, the boundaries of the grants were indefinite, and the titles to some being imperfect, for years the affairs of the county were in an unsettled condition, consequent upon the frequent recurrence of acts of violence and bloodshed growing out of the litigation of land titles. Surveying parties were frequently forced to desist and driven off by armed gangs of squatters, who desti'oyed and removed monuments and land-marks, obstructed the officers of the law in the discharge of their official duties, and who carried their lawlessness to such an extent that many bona fide pur- chasers willingly disposed of their claims for a nominal sum and betook themselves to some more quiet county, where the danger of loss of life or limb was not a necessary concomitant upon the ownership of real estate. The bitter and protracted controversy which arose out of the dispute as to the location of the line between the Suisun and the Armijo Grants, pre- sents a striking illustration of the indefinite and uncertain manner in which these grants were located by the original grantees, at a time when the question of a few hundred, or even thousand, acres was a matter of so little importance as to be unworthy of attention. But, subsequently, as the years rolled on, and the increase in values required the boundary lines to be distinctly and permanently settled, the latitude which had formerly been allowed to the original grantees in locating their grants, as necessity or convenience dictated, proved a source of almost interminable annoyance and vexation, as well as a heavy expense to those who purchased under them. On the 16th of January, 1837, Francisco Solano, the chief of the tribe of Indians known as the Suisunes, presented to Commandant-General M. O. Vallejo a petition for a grant of land in the following terms : "To the Commandant-General: " Francisco Solano, principal chief of the unconverted Indians and born captain of the ' Suisun,' in due form before your Honor represents ; " That, being a free man, and owner of a sufficient number of horses and cattle to establish a rancho, he solicits from the strict justice and goodness of your Honor, that you be pleased to grant him the land of the Suisun, with its known appurtenances, which are a little more or less than four square leagues from the ' Portzuela to the Salina de Sacha.' Said land belongs to him by hereditary right from his ancestors, and he is actually in possession of it, but he wishes to revalidate his rights in accordance with the existing laws of our Republic and of the order of colonization recently decreed by the Supreme Governement. 132 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COrNTY. " He, therefore, prays that your Honor be pleased to grant him the land which he asks for, and procure for him, from the proper sources, the titles which may be necessary for his security, and that you \vill also admit this on common paper, there being none of the corresponding stamp in this place. (Signed) " Francisco Solano. " Sonoma, January 16, 1837." To this petition the Commandant-General responded by issuing a decree, in which he granted to Solano, temporarily and provisionally, the use of the land petitioned for, to the amount of four square leagues, at the same time instructing the grantee to ask from the governmental of the State the usual titles, in order to make valid his rights in conformity with the order of colonization. Accordingly, on the loth of January, 1842, Solano presented a petition to Governor Juan B. Alvarado, accompanying it with the above petition to the Commandant-General, together with the temporary grant made by that officer, and asked for a permanent and perpetual grant of the premises. In answer to this petition. Governor Alvarado, on the 21st of January, 1842, issued a gi-ant in due form, of Mdiich the following is a copy : [seal.] " Juan. B. Alvarado, "Constitutional Governor of the Bepartment of the Californias. " Whereas, The aboriginal, Francisco Solano, for his own personal benefit and that of his family, has asked for the land known by the name of Suisun, of which place he is a native, and chief of the tribes of the frontier of Sono- ma, and being worthy of reward for the quietness which he caused to be maintained by that unchristianized people ; the proper proceedings and examinations having previously been made as required by the laws and regulations, using the powers conferred on me in the name of the Mexican nation, I have granted to him the above mentioned land, adjudicating to him the ownership of it, by these presents, being subject to the approbation of the most excellent Departmental Junta, and to the following conditions, to-wit : 1. " That he may inclose it, without prejudice to the crossings, roads, and servitudes, and enjoy it freely and exclusively, making such use and culti- vation of it as he may see fit ; but within one year he shall build a house and it shall be inhabited. 2. " He shall ask the magistrate of the place to give him Juridical posses- sion of it, in virtue of this order, by whom the boundaries shall be marked out ; and he shall place in them, besides the land-marks, some fruit or forest trees of some utility. 3. " The land herein mentioned is to the extent of four ' sitios de ganado mayor,' (four square leagues) with the limits, as shown on the map, accom- panying the respective expediente. The magistrate who gives the possession THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 133 will have it measured according to ordinance, leaving the excess, that may result, to the nation for its convenient uses. 4. " If he contravene the.se conditions he .shall lose his right to the land and it may be denounced by another. " In consequence, I order that the.se presents be held firm and valid ; that a register be taken of it in the proper book, and that it be given to the party interested, for his voucher and other purpo.ses. " Given this twenty-first day of January, one thou.sand eight hundred and forty-two, at Monterey. (Signed) " JuAN B. Alvarado. (Signed) " Manuel Jimeno, Secretary." In September, 184.5, the Committee on Vacant Lands submitted to the Departmental Assembly a report in which the approval of the grant was recommended ; and, thereupon, in the following month, that body i.ssued the following order : "Angeles, Oct. 3, 1845. " In session of this day. the proposition of the foregoing report was approved by the most excellent Departmental Assembly, ordering the original expediente to be returned to His Excellency, the Governor, for suitable purposes. (Signed) " Pio Pico, President. (Signed) "Augustin Olona, Secretary." A copy of the order of approval was issued to Solano on the same day. The first application of Armijo for his grant was made some two years subsequent to that of Solano, and was in the following language : " Senor Coramandant-General : " Jose Francisco Armijo, by birth a Mexican, before your Honor, in the manner which may be best for me in the law, say : That having four sons, natives of the same country, without owning any lands to cultivate, finding myself owner of about one hundred head of cattle, the product of which I annually lose, supplicate that your Honor will be pleased to con- cede to me the place known to me by the name of Tolenas. That in company with my son, Antonio Maria, I dedicate myself to the cultivation of my own land and the breeding of cattle, with the understanding that the land which I solicit is from the place already mentioned to Ololatos creek, containing about three leagues of land, more or less, and it joins with the Suisun rancho. " For this I pray that you will be pleased to decree as 1 have petitioned, for which I respectfully forward, herewith, the map. " This favor I shall perpetuate on my memory. [Does not know how to sign.] " Sonoma, Nov. 22d, 1839." 134 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Immediately upon the receipt of the petition the Commandant-General made an order upon its margin, in which permission was given to Armijo to occupy the premises described therein upon condition that he should not in any manner molest or disturb the wild Indians who lived upon it ; but, on the contraiy, he should endeavor to inspire them with confidence in the whites ; and should any act of rebellion occur among them he should imme- diately communicate the same to Solano, the chief of the " Suisunes," with whom, by reason of his proximity with both parties, it would be convenient to advise as to whatever might conduce to the lives and tranquility of the settlers. Armijo, upon this order, entered into the possession of the land, and subsequently presented a petition substantially the same as the one to the Commandant-General, to Jose Castro, the Prefect of the First District, asking for a permanent grant, in accordance with the law of colonization. This petition the Prefect referred to the Governor, together with his Report upon the same, as follows : "Most Excellent Senor Governor: " The Prefecture being informed of the petition which Jose Francisco Armijo makes in claiming the land which he indicates, and of the oi'der of the Senor Commandant-General, no objection is found to the concession which the Government ought to decree, provided the party interested ob- tains the necessary requisites to be attended to, and that the place which he solicits is found to be entirely vacant. (Signed) Jose Castro." In response to the petition, Governor Alvarado, on the 4th of March, 1840, issued a grant to Ai-mijo for the three square leagues, to which grant the same conditions were annexed as were contained in the grant to Solano, relative to the manner of acquiring possession, establishing boundary lines, and the planting of trees within its limits, to which an additional condition was annexed that through no motive whatever should he in any manner molest the Indians who were there located, nor the immediate neighbors with Avhom he Avould adjoin. The grant was issued in all respects with due regard to form, with the single exception that it never received the approval of the Departmental Assembly, as was the case in the Suisun grant. However, it was subse- quently decided by the Supreme Court of this State that such lack of ap- proval did not in anj-^ way impair its title. Solano's title to the Suisun grant was subsequently acquired by M. G. Vallejo, by purchase, and that of Armijo to the Tolenas, upon his death, in 1849, by his son Antonio. Before the death of the elder Armijo, some time in the year 1847, a dis- pute arose between M. G. Vallejo, Solano's grantee, and Armijo, concerning THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 135 the location of the boundary line between the two grants, which resulted in the institution of an action of tresspass by Vallejo against Armijo, before Alcalde L. W. Boggs, Armijo claiming that a certain arroyo seco, or dry gulch, formed the line, and Vallejo placing it some distance to the north- ward, the difference in question involving several thousand acres of land. It was finally, agreed, however, that the matter be submitted to two arbi- trators, whose decision should be final. Accordingly one Cajetano Juarez was selected as arbitrator on the part of Vallejo, and one Salvador Vallejo, on the part of Armijo. The arbitrators held a meeting in August, 1847, at which time proofs and documents on both sides were presented to them, and on the 16th of that month they submitted the following award : " We, the undersigned, appointed arbitrators by and for Mariano G. Vallejo, and Francisco Armijo, to decide upon the question existing between them for having the last trespassed his limits, and usurping part of the land be- longing to the farm of the first, as it is expressed in the complaint presented before the Alcalde of the jurisdiction, L. W. Boggs ; and after hearing the declaration of both parties, and examination made of the proofs and docu- ments presented to us, we find that the limits of each farm are clearly deter- mined, in their respective titles, being those of the Tolenas fann, according to the said, the Suisun creek, which runs to the N. N. E. of Suisun, and be- ginning from thence, at the first limits mentioned there are to be measured three leagues running at E. N. E. as the ridge (Sierra) runs ; leaving the said ridge the natural limits lying between the two farms, separate them, leaving one at the north and the other at the south. Thus neither of the both parties is prejudicated, and the titual meaning of the respective titles to both farms are fulfilled with, and in order to so not burden one part more than another, the costs of the judgment and those of the tribunal ought to be paid equally by lioth parties. " And for the fulfillment of the contents of this pre.sent writing, we sign it by our hands and seals before the Alcalde of this jurisdiction, on the 16th day of August, A. D. 1847. (Signed) Cajetano Juarez, Arbitrator for M. G. Vallejo. (Signed) M. G. Vallejo. (Signed) Salvador Vallejo, Arbitrator for Francisco Armijo. (Signed) Francisco Armijo." This award as before stated, was made upon proofs and documents pre- sented by both parties, and was recived as a victory for the Armijo faction. For a time the matter was regarded as settled ; but the question subse- quently came again into dispute between purchasers under the respective claimants, in which the Armijo faction claimed that the award was final 136 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. and conclusive of the action in their favor, and they also offered testimony to show that Vallejo and others claiming under him had stated to certain parties that the arroyo seco, or dry gulch, in reality formed the north line of the Suisun grant, and contended that such admissions fixed the boundary at that point. One Archibald A. Ritchie had in the meantime purchased Vallejo's in- terest, and procured a United States Patent for a large tract of land, which included in its limits that in controversy. The Ritchie purchasers claimed that the patent was in effect superior to the award made by the arbitrators, though issued at a later date, and for a time a bitter warfare, not un- attended with frequent acts of violence and bloodshed, was waged both in and out of Court. The matter finally culminated in the celebrated case of Waterman vs. Smith, in which it was decided upon appeal to the Supreme Court that the award was only conclusive until the action of the General Government. The dispute was continued for several years, however, until all the land in controversy was finally settled by compromise, or otherwise, and the danger which had formerly been attendant upon its ownership being removed, it rapidly increased in value, amply repajdng those who had suc- ceeded in retaining their claims after so many years of stubborn and tena- cious warfare. The most noted litigation almost in the annals of the State, grew out of the Suscol and the so-called " El Sobrante," or Luco grants. In the case of the former, it was claimed that General M. G. Vallejo had at various times during the Mexican troubles furnished the Government with large sums of money and otlier supplies ; and in consideration of these favors and in part payment for his services as an officer in the Government employ, the Suscol, an eleven leagued grant, had been deeded to him. The title subsequently came into dispute ; and after a most vexatious and expensive contest in the Courts, the grant was declared invalid and became public land. The Con- gress of the United States came to the relief of purchasers under the Vallejo title by the enactment of a special Pre-emption Act, allowing them to enter such lands, at $1 .25 per acre. In the case of the " Sobrante," one Juan Luco claimed to have purchased from a Mexican vaquero a grant which he had received from the Mexican Government, of the stupendous quantity of two hundred and eighty-four thousand acres ; but this grant, after a number of years of litigation, was rejected by the Courts, and that vast extent of territory added to the public domain. In respect to the Vaca and Peiia grant, nearly the entire property has gone out of the hands of the original grantees, they farming and owning but a very small portion of the original estate, while a history of the Los Ulpino grant will be found in the description of the township of Rio Vista. THK HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 137 MURDER TRIALS OF SOLANO COUNTY. THE PEOPLE VS. EDWARD CROCKER — WILLIAM KEMP — BEVERLEY WELLS — GEORGE K. MANN — ROBERT B. MCMILLAN — PHILANDER ARNOLD — JACOB ZAESCK — MERRILL JAMES — D. H. FITZPATRICK — FRANK GRADY — WILLIAM WESTPHAL — D. G. GORDON — PANCHO VALENCIA — GUADALUPE VALENCIA — JAMES MALLON — JAMES LOWTHER. Mention has been made in another portion of this vohime, of the estab- lishment of Perfectiires, and a Judge of First Instance ; while the judg- ment decreed in a suit heard in the court of the latter, has been copied verbatim. With the acquisition of California by the Government of the United States, and the increase of population, better provision was made for carry- ing out the law. County Courts were established, and the Seventh Judi- cial District Court, among others, inaugurated. The first Judge of this Court was Robert Hopkins, who was succeeded by E. W. McKinstry, now of the Supreme Court. In the following resmne of the chief trials which have taken place in Solano county, we have confined ourselves to those of individuals who have been arraigned for the crime of murder. It has, however, been deemed best to refer to the following curious case as a starting point. The People v. Edward Crocker. — This was a case instituted at the instance of S. G. Hastings, Attorney-General, complaining that the defend- ant had intruded himself into the office of County Trea.surer, and un- lawfully held and exercised the duties of .said ofiice, and received the emoluments thereof. The plaintiff represented the different appointments to the office from its incipience in 18.51, until the election of November, 1852, when George Leviston was preferred to fill the vmexpired term for which Osgood H. Evans, the original Treasurer, since dead, had been elected. That in due time his certificate of election had been granted and bond filed ; but, on demanding the books from S. C. Gray, the ap- pointee of the Court of Session as the locum tenens of Evans, prior to the general election, he refused to deliver them to the said Leviston, and continued to exercise the duties of the office and receive the emoluments until the 14th of December, 1852, when he left the county. That on or about the 16th of December, the defendant, Crocker, intruded himself into the office without legal authority, and unlawfully held the books and papers from Leviston, to the detriment of the public interests. 13S THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. In answer, the defendant gave a general denial to the case as set forth in the complaint, which, on going to trial, Judge McKinstry, on February 3, 18.53, founil for the plaintiff with costs. The People v. Peter William Kemp. — The first murder trial in Solano, county was that of Peter William Kemp, for the killing of Thomas Sullivan on the night of February 1, 185.5. The victim was a fireman on board of one of the steamers then lying in the port of Benicia, while the slayer was a workman in the blacksmith's shop of the Pacific Works there. From the ev^idence adduced at the trial, it Avould appear that Sullivan and Kemp, who lived together, had a quarrel as to which of the two should cook their supper, and that the latter took up a Mississippi rifle which was within reach, and followed the former into a room, in the act of doing which the piece exploded, killing Sullivan. The verdict at the trial was one of not guilty. Among the witnesses examined in this case for the prosecution were Bev- erley Wells, whose trial for murder immediately follows this, and that of his boon companion, Jolyi C, Heenan, the " Benicia Boy," of prize-fighting fame. The People v. Beverley T. Wells. — The facts of this distardly deed are the.se : James H. Dunn, was Third Assistant Engineer of the Pacific Mail Steamer " Golden Gate ;" he was killed by Beverley Wells, under the following circnmstances : It appears that Dunn and Wells had been inti- mate friends for some time ; that whenever the " Golden Gate " was in port they were constant companions, and never had any difficulty previous to the 17th February, 18.56. On that morning they went out together to take a pleasure ride in a buggy. In the evening they returned and proceeded to the steamboat landing. After remaining there a short time, \\'ells got into the buggy, and started up to^vn ; Dunn ran after him, saying, " Hold on ! " what, are you going without me ?" and caught the horse by the head. Some angry words passed between them, when Wells proceeded to the stable of the American Hotel with the buggy, and paid the bill. He then went to the store of Mr. T. Pander, and purchased a large knife, and then walked down towards the wharf. When about half-way along the plank road lead- ing from the ferry house to the landing, he was met by Dunn and a man named James Morgan. Dunn said : " Hallo Beverley ;" and immediately Wells struck him with the knife several times in quick succession. Dunn fell, crjdng : " Morgan, run for a doctor — I'm stabbed ; Oh, Mother ! Mother 1 Mother ! " He expired in about ten minutes. On examining the body, four ghastly wounds were found, one in the abdomen at least six inches long, through which the bowels protruded ; one in the right breast ; one in the right thigh, six or eight inches long, and another on the right arm, near the right shoulder, completely severing the muscles. Wells was a large, power- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 139 ful man : Dunn, about the medium size, slightly built. The murderer was at once arrested ; but there being no jail in Benicia, where the foul deed was perpetrated, he was confined in 'Martinez prison, Contra Costa County. The trial of the accused commenced on June 17th, and lasted the two following days, and was fully argued on both sideS, when on the 19th the following verdict was brought in: "The jury in the case of the People of the State of California vs. Beverley T. Wells, find the said Beverley T. Wells guilty of the crime of murder. John Doughty, Foreman." Monday, the 28rd of June, was fixed by the Court to pronounce sentence, which was done as follows: It is ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Court, that the said Beverley T. Wells be remanded to jail in charge of the Sheriff, from whence he be taken to some suitable place, to be selected by said Sheriff, in Solano county, on Friday, August the eighth, A. D. 1856, between the hours of ten A. M. of that day, and four P. M. of the same day, and then hung by the neck until he be dead. As the execution of Wells was the first to take place in Solano county, we reproduce an account of it from the " Herald " of August 9th, 18-56 : " Upon examination, it was found that our jail did not afford the neces- sary room, and no other place could be procured in town (Benicia) for the purpose. It was, therefore, necessary to have the scaffold erected in as secluded a spot as possible, in the hills adjacent to the town. " The ferry-boat, ' Carc^uinez,' being laid up, repairing, the Sheriff found it necessary to provide a small vessel to transport the prisoner from Marti- nez (where he had been confined). An escort of twenty men was detailed from the Solano Engine Company, at the request of the Sheriff, to perform guard duty, and all left at an early hour for Martinez. The prisoner had been attended by the Rev. Mr. McDonald (at present writing, pastor of the Church of the Ascension, at Vallejo), and he was immediately taken on board the vessel, which arrived at the wharf at half -past eight — Rev. Mr. Woodbridge met them there. The prisoner appeared quite weak from loss of blood, but was calm, and expressed himself as prepared to die. He had a short interview with one of his counsel, to whom he renewed his assur- ance of the truth of his former statements of the affair, and referring to a letter he had written about the time of his first attempt to commit suicide, requested that it might be published after his death. " At precisely ten o'clock the procession moved to the place of execution, accompanied by a large number of people. On arriving at the place, he ascended the scaffold, attended by the Rev. Messrs. Woodbridge and McDonald, Mr. SheriflT Shirley, and one of his deputies. " The Sheriff immediately proceeded to read the warrant, and, upon its conclusion, informed the prisoner that he could then have an opportunity to say anything he might wi.-:h Whereupon, he stepped forward firmly, and in a clear, unbroken voice, spoke, substantially as follows : 140 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. " ' Gentlemen — This is a malicious murder ! James Morgan has perjured himself on the trial, not once, but fifteen or twenty times ! He is my mur- derer ! The homicide of Dunn, I am sure was justifiable ! I forgive Morgan. I am about to die like a man. I commit my.self to God, and die on ami- cable terms with all men.' " He then stepped forward on the drop ; his arms and limbs were tied by the Sheriff", and the prayers of the Episcopal Church were read by the Rev. Mr. McDonald; at their conclusion, and at the given signal, the drop fell. To all appearances he died instantly ; and after one or two slight convulsive struggles, all was .still. " The execution was witnessed by about four hundred people, all of whom seemed deeply aflteted, and throughout the entire scene the most perfect decorum prevailed. Mi-. Paul Shirley, the Sheriff", and Messrs. Estell and A. J. Bryant, Under and Deputy-Sheriff"s, respectively, performed their re- spective duties in a highly satisfactory manner." The following is a letter which Wells wrote while in Martinez jail at the time when suicide was contemplated by him : " To THE Public — Gentlemen : My life is a burden to me at this present time ; and being of a pi'oud spirit, and the way that I have been so unjustly dealt with, I have come to the conclusion to dispose of nij'self in the man- ner which you here observe. I think that I am in my rational mind, al- though sorely afflicted with my present position, together with the false heart and ffattering tongue of James Morgan, has caused me to commit myself in the manner that I have, and to present my soul to Almighty God for forgiveness of the so-called unpardonable sin. My exposition on the 23rd of June, in the Court House, at Benicia, was the truth, and is my dying declaration. I die, knowing that he, James Morgan, has sworn to several malicious and absolute falsehoods knowingly ; but yet I forgive him. I hope that I leave this world on amicable terms with all mankind. After this publication let my name be ignored. " Beverley T. Wells. " Martinez Jail, July, 18.56." It may be interesting here to note that Sheriff" Shirley is now Senator from Contra Costa county ; Under-Sheriff" Estell is Under-Sheriff" of Sacra- mento county ; and Deputy-Sheriff" Bryant, the Mayor of San Francisco. It should here be observed, that as early as 1854 a case of homicide occurred in the count}', when Jonathan Cook was killed by a gun-shot from George- K. Mann ; but, owing to the absconding of the culprit, with Siff"ord, an accomplice, the case was never brought to trial. The facts are these : Cook, it appeared, had missed a considerable amount of money, and charged Mann with the theft of it, which was indignantly denied ; while Cook was warned not to repeat such an accusation. He disregarded the warning ; THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 141 angry words ensued, which was followed by the killing of Cook as above described. This deed was done in the presence of a Justice of the Peace, and others ; yet the prisoner escaped. The People v. Robert B. McMillan. — This was a case of killing which occurred in Vacaville, whereby the defendant was indicted for the murder of John Parks, by reason of a dispute which took place through the alleged trespass of certain stock, the propeily of the defendant. The case was brought for trial before the District Court; but on September 30, 1859, the venue was changed to Yolo county, on motion of the attorney for the defendant. The People v. Philander Arnold. — The defendant was indicted and tried for feloniously killing one John M. Sweeney, at a certain corral in the township of Montezuma, in Solano county. The plea put in was that the homicide was in self-defense. The testimony, was, however, somewhat con- flicting as to the facts occurring at the time of the killing ; or, at least, was claimed to be so by the defendant. The reason for the shooting would appear to have been, that a difficulty occurred on the 24th of August, 1859, between Philander Arnold and Sweeney, in the course of which the former discharged a double-barrelled shot-gun at the latter, the charge taking effect in his thigh, causing Sweeney to fall foi-ward, from the effects of which he died on August 27th. At the time of the charge of murder being brought against the defendant, the charge of aiding and abetting was preferred against Oscar D. Arnold, the son, who had brought the weapon to his father. The Court, in its instructions to the jury, took occasion to make the follow- ing logical remarks, which for forcible diction, cannot well be surpassed : " When you were being impanelled, certain of your number declared that they wei'e strongly opposed to the infliction of capital punishment, but were not prepared to say that this opposition would preclude them from finding a verdict of guilty. I understood them to indicate only that as cifAzens — by V(jte and influence — they would endeavor to bring about such a change of legislative policy as would abrogate the death penalty, and substitute another punishment in its stead. This repugnance to taking part in a pro- ceeding which may result in depriving a human being of that life which we can never recall, is natural. I am not prepared to say that it is not highly proper ; at least, when it is not indulged in to such an extent as to cause us timidly to shrink from one of the duties which, as freemen, are imposed upon us as the means of presei^ving our liberties, among which, trial by jury, has ever been regarded as one of the most valuable of our privileges. I trust that, not only those of your number who are opposed to capital punishment, but all of the jurymen, have well considered the consequences to this defendant, of a verdict of murder in the first degree. Upon such verdict will follow an ignominious execution — the disgrace of an interesting 142 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. family — and, whether or not, he be prepared for the awful separation — the dissolution of those mysterious bonds which unite the soul to its earthy tenement. " Logically, it might be argued that the jury have nothing to do with all this ; that their task is simply to ascertain whether the prisoner at the 1 lar be guilty or not guilty of the offense charged in the indictment. But it would be demanding too much of human nature, as it is constituted, to ask that these incidents .shall be disregarded; nor do I think it deairAble to require twelve rational men to shut their eyes to the consequences of their own acts. Accord them all due importance to these considerations. They can do no harm ; while they operate to urge you on to a full and candid in- vestigation into the facts of this case. I would have you feel the weight of the responsibility impo.sed upon you. But I would also have you summon all the faculties of your mind — especially all your moral courage — that you may make yourselves equal to the responsibility. I would have you prove yourselves worthy of the position you occupj'^ — worthy of the confidence reposed in you, not only by the prisoner and the Court, but also by the District Attorney, the representative of the People. Remember the evil consequences, if you permit a mistaken clemency to overwhelm the dictates of reason. Although they may not seem so distinctly visible and immediate, they are no le.ss certain than those which flow fi'om an error in the opposite direction. If, through your instrumentality, an innocent man should suffer, or a guilty man escape, you may not cast the fault upon the court, the counsel, or even upon the witnesses ; for you must say whether the latter are to be believed or not. You must endeavor in such case to satisfy your own violated consciences, and make peace with the offended God, in whose name you have sworn ' a true verdict to render, and true deliverance to make — according to the evidence.' " After a full trial, the jury brought in a verdict of manslaughter. The People v. Joseph Zaesck. — The above case is another of those of trespass, with a resort to violence, to enforce what was thought to be right. It would appear that the defendant had ordered off Daniel Thompson, and his brother, Ole, the man killed by Zaesck, off certain grounds, situated on the Montezuma hills, and also refused to give up certain sheep, their prop- erty, which had strayed into the flock of one Ambrose, for whom defendant had been a herder. A dispute ensued, which resulted in the stabbing of Ole Thompson, by Zaesck, inflicting a wound, from the eftects of which he died on the I'tth day of November, 18G1, the day succeeding the commis- sion of the crime. A verdict was rendei'ed of guilty, on May 20, 1862, and he was finally sent to the State prison for four j'ears. The People v. Merrill James. — This was a case in which the defendant shot one Ashford Ashbrook, when at a dance at Mr. Fowler's in Green valley. James effected his escape, and has never been brought to trial. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 143 The People v. D. H. Fitzpatrick. — This was one more of those cases arising out of a trespass, where the use of firearms was resorted to by Fitz- patrick, to assert his rights, resulting in the shooting of one Croesdale, a squatter, on the Potrero Hills. The trial was had in due course, and on Saturday, May 21, 1864, defendant was sentenced to ten years in the State prison : but, after serving two years, through the indomitable jjerse- verance and energy of his wife, he was pardoned. The People v. Frank Grady. — This was a cutting affair which occurred at the election polls at Bridgeport, on the 6th of September, 1865, in which a man named English was killed and two others fearfully wounded, while a third received two shots in his breast and shoulder from a pistol. The cir- cumstances attending the evieute are briefly these : About this time English aud his two sons, Charles and Perry, were cutting wood on land owned by Perry Durbin, and the latter restrained them by injunction, on account of which, it is suppo.sed Charles English made complaint to the military authorities at Benicia and caused the arrest of Durbin, Ramsey, Lamoree, Stilts and others for rejoicing over the assassination of President Lincoln. While at the polls, as above stated, English and Durbin were conversing ; English gave the lie to Durbin ; Durbin made a motion as of drawing a weapon, whereupon Charles English drew his revolver and com- menced tiring, two of the .shots taking effect upon Durbin, hitting him in the left breast and shoulder. Durbin then drawing his knife, turned upon Charles, who, in attempting to escape, ran out of doo s, but stumbled and fell, and commenced cutting at his throat, presenting a most horrible sight. Perry English on seeing his brother in a critical position, ran to his assist- tance, but just as he reached the contending parties, Frank Grady drew his revolver and shot Perry ju.st at back and under his right ear, killing him instantly. Grady mounted his horse and left for parts unknown. The father then went to the relief of his son Charles, when Durbin turned upon the old man, and stabbed him in the breast three times, making fearful wounds. Durbin and the elder English were brothers-in-law. In due course Grady was captured and twice tried, when on 19th September, 1866, he was acquitted. The People v. William Westphal. — The facts of this case are : Two Prussians, Fritz Poizing and William Westphal, were engaged in hauling barley from Westphal's ranch, about five miles south-ea.st of Denverton, to-the residence of Poizing, and when near the latter place went to the house and informed Mrs. Westphal, half sister of Poizing, that he had fallen from the wagon, and had been killed by being run over. She at once repaired to the spot and found Poizing still living and able to raise upon his elbow and signify by motions that he wanted water. She at once stai-ted to procure 144 HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. the required beverage for the wounded man, when, after proceeding a short distance, on looking around, she saw Westphal strike Poizing three times upon the head with an axe, exclaiming " I will fix you out this time," and on again returning to the spot found life extinct. The defendant was found not guilty in the May term, 1866. The People v. D. G. Gordon. — The particulars of this case are : The crime was committed at Vacaville by the killing of William Byron by David G. Gordon. It appears that Byron and Gordon had been on terms of enmity for some time, and during the day had been using severe language towards each other. Just before the occurrence Byron was playing billiards in a saloon with Antonio Do Santos, and was just preparing to make a play, when Gordon came in somewhat intoxicated. The latter approached BjTon, put his arm around him, and the two talked for a little while apparently very amicably. They then shook hands, but as Gordon turned to go aAvay BjTon struck him with his cue, raising it to strike him again, when Gordon drew his pistol and shot Byron in the stomach. The latter then ran out of the back door and Gordon pursued him to the creek, firing at him four different times, each shot taking effect. Byron fell near the creek and ex- pired in a few moments. On 21st May, 1868, Gordon was convicted of manslaughter. The record of crime of this man Gordon did not cease here, for he has since in the State of Missouri been found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, which was afterwards commuted to imprisonment for life. The People v. James Campbell and Annie Robinson. — This was a case of poisoning which took place on the 25th January, 1869, whereby Jabez Robinson lost his life by the administering of strychnia at the hands of the defendants. Campbell, who though only an accessory before the fact, was indicted and tried as a principal and convicted and sentenced to death. Against this judgment he appealed to the Supreme Court, on the grounds that the verdict wa.s insufficient inasmuch that the jury had omitted to specify the degree of murder in their finding. This was held to be good in law by Judges Crockett, Rhodes, Temple and Wallace of the Supreme Court. Judgment was therefore reversed and the cause remanded for a new trial. This was appointed to take place on January 23, 1871, and one hundred persons were summoned for difficulty was expected in the selection of a jury. One, however, was impanelled, who brought in a verdict of not guilty. The People v. Pancho Valencia and Guadalupe Valencia. — The cir- cumstances attending this murder are briefly these : On the night of the 3d March, 1S71, at seven o'clock, after the family of Joseph W. Hewitt had taken supper and retired to the parlor with some visitors, one of the family went to the door, in opening which she discovered two men crouch- ing low and approaching the house ; finding they were observed they I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUXTT. 145 straifjhteiied up and coming towards her asked for " the man of the house." The little girl, Lizzie, who had gone to the door, went into the inner room and called her father, who came to the door ; she followed him. Upon this one of the men asked Hewitt if they could stay there all night. Hewitt replied that in consequence of there being company in the house, and his barn havnng been bm-nt but a few weeks ago, he coidd not accommodate them, but informed them that they would be able to obtain the desired lodgings at the next ranch where there was a barn. The man who had questioned him at first, now asked him if he would mind coming out a little way and point out to them the direction. Hewitt complied and stepping oti' the porch walked down the yard a few paces, and while raising his hand to direct them, the larger of the two men— he who had spoken during the inter%'iew — di'ew a pistol and shot Hewitt who fell crpng " I am murdered." The defendants were traced into Contra Costa county, arrested, brought home and put upon their trial for murder. Guadalupe was discharged, but Pencho was con^dcted and sentenced to death, said sentence ha\'ing been carried out on November 24, 1871. making the second execution in Solano comity. The People v. Ja:mes Mallox. — A case of wife murder which occurred at Benicia on the evening of the 23d May, 1877, where the defendant came home drunk and beat his wife until death ensued. He was in due coui-se arrested, tried and convicted of murder in the first degree, and on Septem- ber 25th, was sentenced to imprisonment for life. The People v. James Lowther. — On Sunday, June IGth, 1878, the town of Rio Yista was thrown into a high state of excitement by the killing of John Thompson by a stranger, and apparently in cold blood, without cause or provocation. The shooting occurred on Thompson's door step and in full view of his wife. The mui'derer gave himself up to the officers and was lodged in jail, and in due time tried. At the trial the follo^ving facts were developed : The murderer's name was James Lowthaich, Patrick Crawley, Thos. Woods, Daniel Hayes, Jas. McGarvey, Edward O'Malley, Peter Lyden, John Leary, Benjamin Martin, Thos. Ryan, Peter Bourke, Robert Casey, Charles White, John Walsh, Henry Buckland, Anthony Murray, W. J. Cunningham, James Doyle, Thos. Gan- non, Thos. Grannen, John Casey, Owen Behan, H. B. Hendi'ickson, John Crannin, John McManus, Thos. HoUern, Daniel Wynn, Thos. Kenney, Pat- rick O'Malley, John Mullin, John McGuire, Richard Walsh, John Kennedy, John Ferryman, Nicholas Clavo, Richard Palmer, Edward LjTich, Bartholo- mew Turner, Patrick Kelly, Patrick Lynch, John Hurley, Joseph Sullivan, Patrick Murphy, Lawi-ence Barry, Patrick Crotty, Henry Knowles, John Brennan, Thos. Carroll, Patrick Delehunty, Chas. Cunningham, Angus Mclnnes, Denis Driscol, Wm. Browier, Wm. Flynn, Michael Sullivan, James Toland, Patrick Tracy, John Wise, James Lane, C. Quinlan Henry McCul- lough, T. J. Baldwin, Daniel Donovan, Lawrence Dempsey. Honorary Members — Michael Derwan, Edward C. Doran, Lieut. F. Harrington, John Di-ennan, John O'Gi-ady, Patrick Londregan, and Mrs. Lawi-ence Walsh. It is gratifying to announce that this Society is in a most prosperous con- dition, financially, and other^\^se. The office bearers for the present term, are : P. C. Lynch, President ; M. L. Kelly, Vice-President ; John Cunning- ham, Secretary ; Council Members — Robert Couerdale, Patrick Tracy, Charles Barr, James Costello, Hugh Cunningham, Thomas Smith, James McGarvey, Nicholas Clavo, James Mitchell, Timothy Conners, Thomas Reed. The number of active members are 127 ; Life Members, 1, ■with 3 Honorary Members. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 221 Vallejo Post Office. — This office comes under the second-class post offices of the United States, and carries with it a salary of $2,100 per annum. It is also a money order office, transacting business in domestic, British, and Italian orders. It receives and despatches seven mails per day : Mails fi-om San Francisco and Sacramento twice a day, and Eastern mails every even- ing. Issues about 2,500 money orders, amounting to about $60,000 a year, and pays about $6,000 in the same time. The first money order issued was dated May 20, 1867 ; while the date of the first one paid was the 27th of the same month. This post office registers on an average 1,100 letters in a twelve-month ; receives about 800 letters daily and forwards nearly the same number ; has 400 lock-boxes ; while the total receipts for stamps, etc.^ is in the vicinity of $5,000 yearly. The present officers in charge of this establishment are M. J. Wright, Postmaster, and W. F. Wright, Deputy, gentlemen of much merit and extreme courtesy. Appended is a list of appointments, obtained from the Post Office Department at Washington, since the establishment of the office at Vallejo : Eleazer Frisbie, January 19, 1855 ; Wm. W. Chapman, March 3, 1857 ; Joseph S. Mclntyi-e, May 28, 1860 ; Edson J. Wilson, June 28, 1861 ; Edwin H. Sawyer, January 27, 1864 ; George P. Wescott, June 17, 1864 ; Edson J. Wilson, Decem- ber 27, 1865 ; James E. Ryan, June 5, 1868 ; Miss Mary J. Falls, April 16, 1869 ; Edson J. Wilson, October 23, 1869 ; Martin J. Wright, December 10, 1873, reappointed January 25, 1878. Homestead Associations. — Of all the important features necessary to be observed in the progress of a rapidly-rising city, the organization of home- stead associations is one which bears a satisfactory impress, for these, by consolidated capital and united effort, place it within the reach of every industrious person to obtain a tract of land that he can call his own, where- on he may erect that typical castle which is usually held to be sacred against the aggressions of the outside world. By a payment of a small sum into the capital stock, and the disbursement of a trifling amount in stated assessments, one and all may, through this channel, which is within the grasp of each and every one, become, in a short time, the possessor of a site for a homestead free from encumbrances of any kind. To the proprietors or shareholders, associations of this nature have always been of benefit ; while the advance of real estate, secured in this manner, has been marked and rapid, the investments in nearly all instances having proved safe and profitable. The Vallejo Homestead Association was incorporated on April 25, 1867, under the direct auspices of the following gentlemen : Elisha Whiting, George W. Simonton, J. F. Smith, William C. Root, H. B. Bell, M. L. Torn- bohm, and Sanford C. Baker ; Mr. Whiting being elected President, and Mr. Simonton Secretary and Treasurer. 222 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. The capital stock of the Association was $27,000, and was to continue in existence for the term of three years, from and after the date and the filing of the certificate, as above stated. Each member taking a share of stock paid into the treasury two dollars on each share taken, as a fund for defraying the current expenses of the Association, and five dollars per month, in advance, on each share, to be known as the " Homestead Fund," to be used in the purchase of land and improvements thereon. At the regular monthly meeting, held July 13, 1867, an election of officers was held, resulting in the returning of E. Whiting, President ; G. W. Simon- ton, Secretaiy and Treasurer, and five Directors, viz : J. F. Smith, H. K. Snow, M. L. Tornbohm, H. B. Bell, and W. \V. Skinner, who held office until the annual meeting of the stockholders, which was held on the first Monday in May of each year. The By-Laws provided for a standing committee of three members of the Board of Directors, to attend to all matters relative to investment in real estate, title, pi-ice, terms of sale, etc., and the President appointed J. F. Smith, E. Whiting, and M. L. Tornbohm. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, convened on June 24, 1867, it was ordered that the report of the committee on the purchase of land be adopted, viz : " That we purchase of General J. B. Frisbie five full blocks of land situate in the town of Vallejo, and numbered on map of said town, blocks 392, 394., 395, 398, and 899, containing eighty lots 50x130 feet, at a cost of $8,000. Thirty lots in blocks 396, 397, and 400 were bought on October 12, 1877, at the same rate as first purchase, viz : $3,000, making in all one hundred and ten lots. On November 9, 1867, the land was distributed among the shareholders by drawing for choice of lots, with the understanding, which was voted in public meeting, that, as the Association had been at the expense of fenc- ing in the property, those drawing corner lots should defray the extra cost of inclosing the same, to the extent of ten dollars. The lots, when fully paid up, including the outlay of fencing, recording deed, and other incidental expenses, cost the holders $122 25 for corner lots, and for those on the inside $112 25. Many of the owners, in the fall of 1867 and the following season, built houses and made other improvements, so that in thiee or four yeai-s nearly every lot had its comfortable home, and to-day the property is one of the prettiest in the city of Vallejo. Vallejo Land and Improveiment Company. — This company was incor- porated on the 27th day of October, 1871, with a capital stock divided into 40,000 shares, of $100 each, the whole capital being $4,000,000. The ob- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 223 jects of the corporation were to purchase, and sell, and convey lands in the county of Solano; to erect and maintain wharves and docks on the same for the purposes of manufactures, trades, business and commerce; to reclaim lands, purchase and otherwise improve the same by buildings, fix- tures and erections, to be placed thereon for warehousing and other pur- poses ; to lay out public streets, avenues, boulevards, squares and pleasure- grounds across, over and upon the land purchased, and dedicate the same to the public use. It was then declared that the time of existence of said company should be fifty years, and the following trustees were elected to manage the afl!airs of the company, viz.: John B. Frisbie ; Faxton D. Ather- ton; Leland Stanford; Milton S. Latham; Alexander De Laski, and E. H. Green; the officers being: President, John B. Frisbie; Vice President, F. D. Atherton ; Secretarj^ J. K. Duncan ; Treasurer, Milton S. Latham. The first annual report of the company puts forth the state of the associa- tion as being most flourishing. When submitted, on January 17, 1872, their property consisted chiefly of 2,000 acres of land in and near the town of Vallejo, the value of which was estimated at nearly 83,000,000. One thou- sand acres were situated within the town limits, including much in the best localities, and six hundred acres along the water-front. The portion lying inside the town limits was laid out in lots, while the balance was suburban lands, and other tracts of considerable value. At this time the prospects of Vallejo had reached its zenith, and the relapse which has since occurred was not then deemed probable. Throughout the following years the Vallejo Land and Improvement Com- pany has been on the wane, monetarily speaking. Owing to the declension of trade, and other losses, the association is not in as flourishing a condition as might be expected, yet there is every prospect of its recovering the ground lost. Its property is unquestionably valuable. It owns large ware- houses in most desirable localities, which cannot but prove advantageous in the near future. The Board of Trustees for the year 1878 are: Hon. S. G. Hilbom, Vallejo; Messrs. E. J. Wilson, A. T. Robinson, Vallejo; Hon. C. Hartson, Napa; and Messrs Edmund R. WHiite, and J. K. Duncan, of San Francisco and Vallejo; while the officers are: President, Hon. S. G. Hilborn; Vice President, E. J. Wilson; Treasurer, Hon. C. Hartson, and Secretary, J. K. Duncan. Vallejo City Water Company. — Was incorporated in 1870. The present directorship is: Messrs. A Chabot, of Oakland, President; Louis Pierce, and J. C. Edgecumbe, Superintendents; J. E. Abbott, Secretary, and A. J. McPike, Cashier, Book-keeper, and acting Superintendent. The main reservoir of the company is situated near the Napa road, three miles north of the city, being constructed on a portion of 425 acres pur- chased by the company at a sum of 342,000. The dam covers an extent of 224 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 160 acres; it is three hundred feet wide, by forty feet high, with 150 feet at the base, and 100 feet at the apex. Its capacity is said to be 8 or 900,000,- 000 gallons. From this immense receptacle the fluid is conducted to the city through twelve-inch cast-iron pipes, and tlience distributed by branch pipes aggregating more than sixteen miles in length. The town is M^atered by two systems of piping, as follows: On the top of Capitol Hill there is a reservoir which is filled by means of pumping, and thereafter distributed by lesser pipes to those high positions which the water from the main reser- voir will not reach. The pump in use is a No. 8 Hooker, driven by a sixty- horse-power engine, and has a pumping capacity of about 500,000 gallons in the twenty-four hours. Where the pump is located there is yet another reservoir which has a capacity of 200,000 gallons, and is used to feed the dam on the summit of the hill, when there is not sufficient pressure from the main reservoir. The company also supplies the Mare Island Navy Yard with 1,000,000 gallons per mensem, transmitted by means of a sub-marine cast-iron pipe with flexible joints, a distance of two thou- sand feet, across the bed of the Napa River. This water is used for irri- gating purposes, as well as through the buildings and machine-shops,and with- out doubt its acquisition has been a great saving to the government. Be- sides this vast supply, the company provides the railway establishments, the flour-mills, and the steamers which ply to San Francisco, with water. From thirty to sixty ships per annum, after loading with grain, fill their tanks from the company's pipes ere sailing for foreign lands, while the home con- sumption amounts to fully three-fourths of the population. The elevation of the main dam is eighty feet above the level of the sea; that on the hill is one hundred and fifty feet. In conclusion, there is an admirable system, whereby, in case of fire, connection is made between the Capitol Hill dam and the main pipes, which gives a pressure of 150 feet; besides, in this regard, thirty five hydrants, of the very latest patterns, have' been placed at the most convenient street-comers. Vallejo Gas Light Ccmi^awy— Incorporated July 23, 1867, with a capital of $40,000, under the Directorship of J. B. Frisbie, President, and Harvey W. Snow, Secretary. The Company erected their first buildings on Main street, near the water front, by contract, for the whole of the original cap- ital of §40,000, but these have given place to more spacious ofiices on Mary- land, between Marin and Sonoma streets. In November, 1871, the capital stock of the Company was increased to $250,000, when a new Retort House was built to contain fifteen retorts capable of yielding 60,000 cubic feet of gas per day. The consumption, however, is about 10,000 feet daily. Gas is distributed through the city in main pipes aggregating about five miles in length, which was first brought into requisition to light the town towards the end of 1867. The present officers are J. K. Duncan President ; Hon. S. G. Hilborn, Secretary ; and P. B. Fegan, Superintend- ent, who has held the position since the first organization of the Company. 3^ ^^■^m five to seventeen years, 1,481: negro. 7 ; monarolians, 24, showina: a total of 1,512. THE HISTf^RT OF SOLAXO COTTXTT. 247 Add to these 753 children under fire years — makes a grand total of 2.265. The amount of monev reqxiired to meet the expenses of the Vallejo School department may he gathered from the following exhibit, taken from the Annual Report of the Secretary, for the year 1S7S: R^ceipt^ — Balance on hand at beginning of year $5,122 S-t. Total received from State and eoimty, §1S.6S1 20. Total. $23,804 04. Expenditure — Current expense.?. .■?17.132 SO. Lots purchased. $522 50. Paid off mortgage, S5.000 00. Sundries. $313 08. Balance in treasury, §835 66. Total.$23.804 04. At this term. lS7S-75>. there are employed twenty teachers, receiving salaries ranging from $50 to $150 per month. The monthly pay-roll of teachers and school officers aggregates $1,625 S3. The session lasts ten months of the year, ■while the revenue is derived from the State and Countv. and Special District Taxes, the amount required annually being alx)ut $20,000. The valut of the school property, including a library of several hundred volumes, many of them standard works of reference, is $50,000, while there is yearly expended, for library books, under the provisions of the State law. a sum of $150. The graduates of the High School in Class 1870 were : James McCaTiley. Mwar"! E. Kavanagh. A. Lulu Frisbie. Netta Meei, Kate S. Klink, Annie L. Wvnne. Helen May Towle, and Louise J. Grinnage. MARE ISLAXD. Much curiosity has been excited by the peculiarity of name given to this island: the origin of its appellation is related as follow^s: In former davs there was only one ferry-boat on the waters near Vallejo and Benicia, a crude one at that, being made principally of oil-barrels obtained fre)m whal- ing ships, which were secured together by beams and planking : the craft was di\nded into compartments for horses and cattle, the transportation of which was its principal use. On one occasion, while the boat was making its way from Martinez, on the opposite shore of the Carquinez Straits, to Benicia. a sudden squall overtook her, causing her to pitch dreadfully. The animals, then on board, being for the most part horses, became alarmed and commenced to kick, causing the weak partitions to give way. The vessel was capsized and the living eai^ thrown into the bay. Some reached the shore, while others were drowned. Of the former was an old white mare owned and much prized, by General Tallejo : its capture was effected on the island a few days after the disaster, when the General dubbed the place " Isla de la Yegua." or Mare Island. The island forms a portion of the eastern side of San Pablo bay. its south- erly end making the intersection of the Straits of Carquinez and Mare Island Straits, the former, which is the outlet of the two largest rivers of 248 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. California, the Sacramento and San Joaquin, and the latter, constitutes the improved front of the Navy Yard, as well as that of the city of Vallejo, on the opposite shore, and also the outlet of the Napa creek, which drains the fertile valley above. The distance from San Francisco is twenty-six miles. The island is 2jo miles in length by Ofoo in width, and is of an oblong form, having a direction from northwest to southeast, while its area is 876 acres. The upland is diversified into hills and level sloping plains, the shore of the bay presenting vertical bluffs lined with a rocky back until nearing tlie southern extremity, where it tenuinates in high, I'olling hills, with steep, inaccessible slopes to the water. The highest point on the island is at its southern end, where it is 280 feet in altitude. The soil is, away from the marsh or tule lands, of which there are 135 acres, adobe loam and clay over- lying stratified sandstone and shale ; some good building stone has been found in small quantities, while brick clay of a good quality is to be pro- cured. Small quantities of hydraulic limestone have also been discovered, as has also a few spiings of inferior water. At the northei'n end of the island there are three large Imlian mounds or graves covered over with burnt mussel-shells, upon which nothing will grow. Sometime ago one of these was opened and a large number of skulls, bones, bows, arrow-heads, etc., were found. Each of these mouiids has a legend attached to it. They were probably made during the small-pox epi- demic which committed such havoc among the native Indians in the year 1839. The position of Mare Island is admirably adapted for a Naval station. The straits separating it from the mainland is a quarter of a mile wide, and has a depth of five fathoms. The mean rise and fall of the tide is 4io feet ; while, when the rivers are swollen, the water loses all brackishness. The channel is remarkably direct and easy of navigation, the only defect being a limited shoal called " Commission Rock," which lies at a point nea.rly opposite the island and about mid-way in the stream. There is deep water, however, on either side of the rock, the deepest being on the side next to the island ; and good anchorage is to be found anywhere, the bottom being of a soft and sticky na.tiu-e. The first historical fact in connection with Mare Island, with which it has been possible to become cognizant, is that in the year ISoO it was granted to one Castro by Governor Alvarado, and purchased from him by John B. Frisbie and Bezer Simmons, for the sum of $7,000, who, in turn in 1851, sold it to W. H. Aspinwall and G. W. P. Bissell, in consideration of the sum of $17,500. By an Act of Congress, dated 30 June, 1851, appropriations were made, and subsequently a contract entered into between Messrs. Dakin and Moody, and Messrs. Gilbert and Secor, on the one part, and the United States Government on the other, for the construction of a floating sectional THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 249 clock on some point on the Pacific coast ; and after inspecting positions of likelihood at Benicia and Racoon Straits, Mare Island was selected as the spot offering the greatest facilities for the purpose desii-ed. The dock, of which the measurements will be hereafter given, was first constructed in New York, and then taken to pieces and shipped in four vessels named the " Empire," " California Packet," " Queen of the East," and " Defiance," and despatched round Cape Horn, all of which arrived at Mare Island in the fall of lb>52. At this time the entire sphere of the island was overgrown with wild oats and overrun with wild cattle, horses, mules, and one ass, who stood v)i loco parentis to the latter ; a solitary squatter occupied a dingy hut among the rank verdure, his principal occupation being the tending of stock ; while on the opposite shore, where now the city of Vallejo rears its head, there were but two or three occupied houses. The shores were not as they are to-day. Silting had not then commenced ; the mud from the mines had not yet been despatched into the bay by way of the Sacramento river, and it was easy for ships to make fast to the shore. Discharging cargo for the dock was first attempted by means of rafts from mid-stream ; a storm coming on, however, caused the vessels to drag their anchors, and thus dis- covered the depth of water in shore, and lieljjed to solve the riddle of land- ing dock stores. The first party to arrive in charge of stores and machinery for the sec- tional dock was that under D. Peckham, who came in the month of Septem- ber, 1852 ; twenty days later the second detachment consisting of six mechanics arrived with Theodore Dean, Manager and Superintendent in charge. Many of the passengers on the vessels who were mechanics sought and obtained employment at the docks, among whom are a number of Vallejo's most worthy citizens, while laborers being few and hard to get, their places were principally filled by sailors who proved to be invaluable workmen in unloading ships, rigging derricks and performing dock-work generally. Labor was proceeded with in such earnestness thatthe in fall of the following year the dock was completed. Wages were high, the rate at the time being for first class mechanics $5 and $6 per day, but when vessels were under- going repairs, ship carpenters and caulkers got as much as $9 a day with a glass of grog as an extra inducement to toil. Before the work was handed over to the government the contractors had the privilege of using the dock for a certain number of years which they would appear to have done. Affairs had arrived at this stage when on August 31, 18-52, an Act of Congress was passed authorizing " the Secretary of the Navy to select a site for a Naval Yard and Naval Depot in the bay of San Francisco, the same to be surveyed and a plat thereof to be recorded in proper form, the said Secretary to establish a Navy Yard and Naval Depot on the site and erect a foundry, machine shop, blacksmith's shop, boiler shop, engine house pattern house, carpenters shop and store houses." The amount of appro- priation being $100,000. 250 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. A Board consisting of Commodore John D. Sloat, Commander \V. S. Ogdcn. Lieutenant S. ¥. Blunt and W. P. S. Sanger, Civil Engineer, were deputed to make the neces-sary .surveys, eventuating in the selection of Mare Island ; and it was purchased by the Unitt>d States from W. H. Aspinwall, G. W. P. Bissell and Mi-s. ilary S. Mac Arthur for the sum of SS3,()(){), on January 4, 1853, and on February 28th of that year Aspinwall and Com- stoek liound themselves in the sum of S200,0(1() to convey the whole of the island to the authorities. The expenses of the Board were deducted from tlie original appropriation as was also tlie cost of erecting buildings, making the first layout on the part of the government to be : Cost of Mare Island, amount paid to Aspinwall, Bissell and Mi-s. McAithur, S83,000 ; expenses of Board of Survej*, SI 1,508.20 ; erection of building for use of yard, S5,401.80. Total, 8100.000^ As has been remarked above the selection of the site for a Navy Yard was the result of an Act of Congress, approved by the President of the United States, of the olst August, 1852, and on March 3, 1853, another ap- propriation of §100,000 was voted b)^ Congress, for building blacksmith's shop, cai-penter shop, store-house and wharf, " Provided, That before this sum shall be expended, the Attorney General of the United States shall decide that the United States have good title to the land upon which the buildings are to be erected." The same Act directs the Secretary to com- plete and carry into execution the verbal contract for a basin and i-ailway in California in connection with the Hoating dock already referred to, ami on August 5, 1854', a fui-ther grant of S200,000 was appropriated for the continuing of the building-s mentioned above. The fii-st Commandant of the Yai'd was appointed on September Ifi, 1854, Commander David G. Farragut being the otKcer chosen. At the time of his assumption of office, the island was a mere grazing locality, there being visible only squattere, one or two humble dAvellings, and a few sheds which had been put up by the builders of the sectional dry dock. Arrangements for the occupation were pushed with characteristic vigor liv Captain Farragut, and on October 3, 1854, the National flag was lii-st hoisted on its newly acquired property. In the archives of the Conunandant's office is preserved a Log in the handwi-iting of the officer who afterwai'ds achieved such glory for his coun- try and name at New Orleans, when he caused himself to be tied to the shrouds of his flagship, the " Hartford," and ran the gauntlet of the enemy's guns. The pages of Farragut's diary may become tarnished by time, the ink may fade, but his memory will remain nntinged as long as the U^nited States will have a history, and be cherished in the hearts of his country- men in such a manner as is only done for the great and the good. " September 16, 1854. — Commander Farragut took charge of the Island, and forthwith ordered all of the squatters off — Vara, Gilbert and Antonio Pintro were their names. Weather cleai". THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 251 " September 17, 1854. — Looked around the Island for the localities speci- fied in the plan of the Navy Yard ; also engaged in examining the amount of property on the island that could be advantageously used by Govern- ment. Weather clear. •' ,S('pteml)er 18, 1854. — The sloop-of-war " Warren " came up to be moored as a store-ship for the accommodation of the Yard. Also employed Vara, who was a cai-pcnter, to put up a flag-.staff. Paid $500 for towing up the .ship, and f 192 for pilotage. Weather clear. " September 19, 1854. — Made arrangements to dock the " Warren," and employed three or four more to work on the Yard and fi.x foundation for flag-staff. Also sent to San Francisco for lumber and other appliances to work with. Weather cloudy. And so does this interesting relic go on ; day liy day aic tlic facts re- corded with like simplicity until now it is regarded as evidence, the authen- ticity of which can never be doubted. The year 1855 began with great Viustle; on January 24th, the stone foun- dation for the smithery was commenced, and that for the residence of the Commandant was started on the March following, while on Api-il 20th the annexed entry is found in Captain FaiTagut's Log : " Received by the ' Napa City,' the coppei'-plate for the comer-stone engi-aved with the fol- lowing words, viz., 'This Navy Yard was founded SeptemVjer 18, 1854. Franklin Pierce, President of the United States ; J. C. Daffin, Secretary of the Navy ; Charles Smith, U. S. N., Chief of Bureau, Docks and Yards ; D. G. Fari-agut, Commandant of Yard ; D. Turner, Civil Engineer, A Powell, Master Carpenter, R. S. King, Master Blacksmith, Mr. Warner, Master Mason. The corner-stone of this building was laid January 2.3, 1855." During the year the (Jommandant found it his duty to address the men on desertion and the aiding and abetting it, for this offense had become alto- gether too common ; the word in season had its reward, for those employed tiocame steadier, and there was a marked decrease in the number of malcon- tents. On July 2] , an interesting seiies of experiments was inaugurated in regard to the testing of native woods when Puget Sound tiudier was found to be very much stronger than Eastern oak and Geoigia pine, a result scarcely to be anticipated. On October 26th, we find that the Astronomers of the Exploring Expedition erected the Observatory on the highest point of the island, while the year was wound up by a ball given under the auspices of tlie Di-y Dock (Company, who it will lie remembered retained possession of tne dock for some years subsequent to its completion. It will thus be seen that the new Navy Yard was assuming something like shape ; on the fourth day of the New Year, the planting of trees was commenced. Early in the following month three of the forges in the smithery were completed and ready for use, while the basin to admit the 25a: THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. ' sectional dock was being completed with all speed. On the 7th of August, 1856, this was effected, water being admitted into it, and on the 2.5th of September the " Warren " was hauled ashore from the sectional dock and basin, which was the first use of the basin and railway. In the following year another test on the relative strengths of different woods was made, on this occasion between teak and Puget Sound timber, the latter of which again carried off the honore. Space will not permit of entering into a full detail of the yearly occur- rences at the yard ; such, indeed, would but tax the patience of the reader ; suffice it to say, that but few idle days were admitted into tlie roll of time ; the construction of buildings was pushed with becoming energy, until the works are not to be excelled on any portion of the globe. As the Island looks to-day, it is a credit to all concerned ; the buildings are noble speci- mens of the mason's art ; the grounds are neatly laid out and pleasantly wooded ; while the rising ground behind shows that its cultivation has not been forgotten, there being 350 acres under the plough, its produce being entirely used for Government pui-poses, what others may say to the con- trary notwithstanding. Since the appointment of Captain Farragut, up to the present time, in- clusive of the present holder of the office, there have been altogether fifteen commandants at Mare Island, as, under : Commander D. G. Farragut, September 16, 1S54 ; Captain R. B. Cunning- ham, July 16, 1858; Captain David McDougal, March 13, 1861; Captain W. H. Gardner, June 5, 1861 ; Captain Thomas 0. Self ridge, May 27, 1862 ; Captain David McDougal, October 17, 1864 ; Commodore Thomas S. Craven, September 5, 1866 ; Commodore James Alden, August 1, 1868 ; Captain Reed Werden, March 17, 1869 ; Rear-Admiral Thomas S. Craven, April 15, 1869; Commodore John R. Goldsborough, January 1, 1870; Commodore E. J. Parrott, April 15, 1871 ; Rear-Admiral Thomas 0. Selfridge, Septem- ber 3, 1872 ; Rear-Admiral John Rodgers, July 3, 1873; Commodore E. R. Calhoun, April 17, 1877. The Sectioned Dock: — On Mare Island, is the first erection of the kind ever attempted on the Pacific coast, and was commenced in the year 1852. It is composed of 11 sections, each 130 feet long and 33 feet wide, each sec- tion standing 6 inches apart. The extreme length of the construction is 325 feet, and is capable of accommodating a ship of 3,000 tons burthen. The dock basin, in connection therewith, is "tOO feet long by 150 feet wide, with a proper depth and ways, 350 feet in length. To get a vessel on to the dock, it is first sunk to a sufficient distance, when she is floated on to it ; the water is then pumped out by steam engines, built expressly for the pur- pose, when the entire structure rises ; it is then floated into the basin, being hauled by hydraulic power ; the basin is then emptied by means of pump- ing, and the dock sinks on to the floor, where it becomes a fixtui'e. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. . 253 The operation of sinking the dock, is to open the gates that are at each end of the main tank ; as they fill, they sink, because the combination of wood and iron, of which they are constructed, has made them heavier than water. To keep them under the command of the dock-master, the floats are set in operation by the machinery connected to the steam engines situated in the houses on top of the frame work. The master speaks not a word, but calls the attention of the attendants by a whistle, and by mystical signs conveys his orders to them, and the dock sinks slow or fast, as he wills, to the depth required. The gates being shut, the buoyancy of the floats keeps it in that position. The vessel is then floated in ; the centering beams or shores lowered to a level, run against the sides of the ship, each side being adjusted forward or back, till the numbers on each cori'espond. Then the vessel is in the center of the dock, ready to be raised. The operation of raising the dock is to pump the water out of the sections and keep it level with the floats. As the water is taken out, the dock rises. To eflect this, each section has three pumps on each end, each one with capacity to throw three hundred gallons a minute. They are connected to the machinery above by long rods, and run to the pump, on the deck of the section. When the vessel is in position, i-eady to be raised, the pumps are set in operation by a sign, and as soon as the sections lighten a little, the floats are started, and they move downwards on the gear jjosts j ust as fast as the post rises, so that the floats keep the same depth on the surface. When the vessel is lifted about twelve inches, the bilge-chocks are run under to sup- port her all around. They are large oak blocks, built up, one on top of another, and connected together by ii'on dogs, so that they can be made high or low, as the shape of the vessel may require. These slide on ways fastened to the deck of the section, and are held to them under water by bended iron clamps, that slide freely. They are di'awn under the vessel by rope and chain, worked by the attendants on the platform of the dock. After the bilge-chocks are set the dock is put in full operation. The floats keep it traveling, by the fast or slow machinery, as the pumps discharge the water, causing the dock to rise, the master governing the operation as he wills, stopping each pump as his judgment dictates and the necessities of the operation requires, till the dock is above water. The Stons Dock: — Now in course of construction, will be, when finished, the finest piece of workmanship of its kind in the United States. Its dimensions are : Feet. Length between inside line of invert and first altar 418. Length of keel block fi'om inside of caisson 440. Length froui outside line of apron to outside line of invert. 7.9 Length of invert 41. 254 . THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Eeet. Width of floor 30. Width of floor on lino of keel blocks 58. Extreme length of dock over all 525.9 Extreme length of invert over all 126. Extreme length of invert, inside 114. Depth of water at mean high tide on invert 27.6 Depth of water at mean high tide on floor of dock 32. Width of entrance to dock 78. The cost of this prodigious undertaking was estimated at $2,149,099; the masonry alone being put down at $1,307,877 ; but concrete has been substituted instead of mason work, as was originally intended, whereby, the expense, it is expected, will be lessened by at least twenty per cent. The cost, up to the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1879, will be $1,094,146 73. It is built on the principle of an inverted arch, the pressure being entirely from the outside towards the centre ; this design serving the purpose of keeping the floor intact should the contingency arise of water sapping underneath. The concrete work, which is, as it were, the shell of the struct- ure, is quite new to America, the idea having been brought from France by Mr. Calvin Brown, the Civil Engineer of the dock ; while the lining is of dressed granite ; the flooring is composed of granite blocks, averaging five and a half tons in weight, which are placed in position by means of a der- rick, and what is technically known as a " Lewis," an iron pin, which is larger at the bottom end than at the top, having a wedge of iron fitted into it, and fixed in a socket in the block. The strain of hoisting causes this to tighten, making the hold secure, while to disengage it requires but a few taps of the hammer. The blocks, by these simple contrivances, are moved at will, and eventually rested on a thickness of four feet of concrete. In connection with this undertaking, there is a concrete mixing machine, which is fitted at the top with two hoppers, into which gravel and sand are put ; when started, the contents of the two hoppers meet before arriving on the second floor, where another one is met charged with cement; hereafter they shoot down in a zig-zag fashion towards the floor of the dock, mixing as they descend, until it is discharged, amalgamated in proper proportions. It was originally intended to construct the dry dock entirely of rubble stone work, but this substitution of concrete will be a vast saving to the Government. The building is provided at its upper end with two timber shoots, while its sides will be constructed after the manner of a staircase. When completed the largest men-of-war that float will be able to be repaired at Mare Island ; no little source of pride in itself, yet it is unfortunate that for want of suflicient appropriations by the Government the work can not be proceeded with as rapidly as could be desired, while it is feared that a delay of year after year may have the effect of weakening some portions of the work when nothing but dire catastrophe would result. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 255 Water: — Is supplied to the Navy Yard by the Vallejo City Water Com- pany to the extent of 1,000,000 gallons a month, transmitted to the island by means of a submarine cast iron pipe with flexible joints, a distance of two thousand feet across the bed of the straits. Besides this quantity, which is used in the ofticers' quarters and machine shops, there are thirteen cisterns, capable of containing 1,500,000 gallons of rain water, while there is a reser- voir, built during the time of Admiral Rogers' command, which cost !ii35,0()0 (received over and above the appropriations made during his term of office). It is 680 feet in length, with an average width of 265 feet, a depth of 32 feet, and a capacity at present of only 14,000,000 gallons, which could be considerable increased by further excavation. Connected with the reservoir is a tunnel, to connect with the supply pipe, 600 feet long, which is laid in concrete and will fill all the ditches, which are about three miles in length Foundry and Machine Shop: — Which comprises the following divisions, viz.: the foundry, machine, boiler, blacksmith, pattern and coppersmith's shops, is situated at the northeast end of the island and is a magnificent con- struction of red brick. The dimensions of the machine shop are 365x55, and contains an upper story which is used as the pattern shop. In the lower story of this building are located all the different appliances requisite to turn out the very heaviest machinery which might be required for naval pur- poses, all of which are put in motion by a condensing engine of eighty horse power. The foundry, forming a wing of this building, has the capacity of making castings of 100 tons, and has room to employ 150 moulders. The Hoor is 300 feet long by 60 feet wide, and has a depth of 6 feet of moulding sand, which is procured from San Francisco. Within the structure are five cranes, these having a lifting power of 15 tons, while the others are capable of hoisting 25 tons ; there are also four cupolas for melting iron, with the following capacity: two of 40 tons, one of 20, and one of 10 tons ; in connec- tion with these are two ladles of 20 and 10 tons respectively, while there are three ovens, used for drying purposes, with tracks and carriages to match, of the respective measurements of 20x40, 12x20, and 8x15 feet. The foundry is als(j supplied with ten brass furnaces, while the elevators and blowers are worked by a separate engine of 20 horse-power. When these works were visited moulding for a screw propeller for the U. S. S. "Iroquois" was being made, which, when finished, will have a weight of about 8,000 lbs. avoirdupois. Castings of 8-inch water pipes, for the use of the yard, were being also proceeded with. The Ordnance Department : — Is in keeping with the other remarkably elegant buildings with which the Navy Yai'd abounds. It consists of the Ordnance Store-house of 200x60 feet, two stories in height, and built of brick ; the Shell House, also of brick, of one story, and occupying a space 256 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. of 25x28 feet, and two Gun carriage sheds, one of brick and the other of wood, having a measurement respectively of 150x30 and 100x45 feet. In connection with this branch are two magazines, one of one story in height, fire and bomb-proof, 160x50, and the other 100x45, both being constructed of stone and brick, while in addition there are the Filling House and Shell House, each 100x30 feet, and the Gunner's and Watchman's Quarters. The Magazine Reservation alone occupies an area of 22.45 acres, and is situated at the extreme southern end of the island ; in the building are included the Filling and Shell houses referred to above, there being also tanks to hold powder and other rooms appertaining to buildings of this nature ; the entire structure is covered with a slate roof. The precautions against fire are numerous and ample. In close proximity to it is a reservoir containing one million gallons of water, which would be used if needed to flood the magazine ; in addition, no vegetation of any kind whatsoever is permitted to grow near the jjremises, for fear of ignition ; no painting is done on any portion of the edifice, lest that the oil should by chance ignite, while a par- ticular costume is worn by the employes, (a long smock-frock and shoes of canvas with soles of chamois leather) so that buttons, nails or like sub- stances may not be hastily struck and cause a spark. On the Yard there is altogether stored about 500,000 pounds of powder ; 100,000 projectiles (shot and shell) varying from 12 to 400 pounds ; 644 ordinary cannon, howitzers and large guns, the largest size being 15 inches in diameter, the smallest 4| inch or 12-pounder howitzers ; of small arms, i. e., rifles, bayonets, cutlasses, boarding pikes, etc., thei'e are 2,722, all of which are intended purely for the fitting out of United States vessels- of -war. This establishment is the very perfection of neatness, indeed so are all of the others, and finds continuous employment for thirteen men, while it is the only department on the Yard that has telephonic communication with the oflice of the Commandant. Cotistruction and Repwir Workshops : — Are of two stories in height, built of brick and cover an area of 400x65 feet. The first of these is used as a block, boat and cooper's shops, with convenient tool-rooms attached. The upper floor of the building is occupied by the oflice for tins depai-tment, as also the workshops of the pattern makers and shipwrights. TIw Construction and Repair Store Houses :- — Are also of brick, of two stories, and occupy a space of 400x65 feet. It is used entirely for the storage of all articles of ship chandlery, with the exception of a small space in the east end of the second story, which is occupied by the store clerks, and the Bureau of Navigation : — Whose particular duties are to supply such ship's gear as charts, compasses, chronometers, nautical instruments generally, THE HISTORY OF SOLANO OOITNTV. ^ 257 lanterns, and all lights and flags. In this ofSce are stored the charts of every known survey in the universe, while there are on its shelves a large and complete collection of the best works bearing on nautical lore. The Smitliery : — Is one of the first buildings erected after Mare Island be- came the property of the United States Government, and is thus appor- tioned ; the main structure is 2G8x.55 feet, and has, two wings, each of 145x5.5 feet. The first named, and the northern wing, is u.sed by the Bureau of Construction and Repair as Blacksmiths' and Coppersmiths' shops, while in the south wing are contained the Blacksmith shop and Gas Works, under the direction of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. The Blackmiiiths Shop: — Is a marvel of cleanliness and neatness. Its capacity is sixty fires, the forges being all of cast iron with improved water backs. There are three steam hammers in use: the first with 100 pounds oi steam has a striking force equal to 30 tons ; the second, under like circum- stances, 10, and the third 5 tons. In addition, there are two hollow fires, or forges ; 4 feet 4 Blooming furnaces with a capacity of 600 pounds per hour; 2 large cranes capable of raising 30 cwt. each; 1 Sturtevant blower with capacity for 60 fires ; 3 eyebolt steam dropping hammers used for stamping work, the whole machinery being driven by an engine of 24-horse power. Blacksmith's Shop, (Yards and Docks): — There are eight forges with Sturtevant blowers, and here is done all iron work used in the building of ships, hou.ses, derricks, and general work required on the Yard, including horseshoeing. Gas: — Is manufactured on the Yard from gasoline, a substance which was formerly procured from rosin and fish oils, but now it is the first running from petroleum. The consumption of the oil is about 850 gallons a month, pj'oducing 175 cubic feet of gas per gallon, with a quality of light, clear, good, and safe, of fifteen candle power. The manufacture of this gas, on Mare Island, is entirely eff'ected by one man, although there is employment for four ; while he has in his charge the supply of meters, lamps, etc. The works are well supplied with all the necessary gasfitters' tools. The Store House: — One of the earlier erections, is a brick building of 400 feet in length by 55 in width, and has, besides two stores, a cellar underneath. This erection is divided, the southern half being occupied by the stores necessary for the bureau of provisions and clothing ; while the northern end contains the requisite impedimenta for the bureau of steam engineering. Directly east of the above stands the splendid 17 258 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Wm'Jcshops for Equipment and Repairs: — Also a two-storied building with cellar, and covering an area of 190x55. In the cellar are stored such arti- cles as tar, oil, etc., while the two upper floors are respectively used as a rigging and sail loft. This is without doubt the finest erection on the Yard, built, as it is, entirely of compressed bricks. Tlie Equipment and Repairs Store House: — Is a brick building two stories in height, of the area of 200x60 feet, and used entirely for the storing of sails, cordage, and general running gear. • Yards and Docks Workshops: — This erection occupies 400x60 feet of ground, is also of two stories, the first being used as a machine shop, lumber, and store room ; while the upper is apportioned into joiners' shop, paint shop, and oflices. Iron Plating Shop: — Is a one-story brick building of 200x70 feet dimen- sions, with a wing 58x60. It is erected on the site of tlie old ordnance building, but is at present unfinished. Saio Mill:— The main building of this establishment is 150x55, having two stories, with a cellar. There is also a brick wing attached 55x55, one story in height. The cellar and first story of this building are used as the saw mill, and the second as a mould loft. Timber Shed: — Is a one-story brick edifice 200x70 feet, used for the pur- pose which its name denotes. The Office Building. — This .structure is of most elegant design, and commands an imposing position on a knoll in the centre of the other con- structions. It occupies a space of 130x50 feet; is of two stories in height, of brick, with a cellar, used as a store room, boiler room, water closets, etc. The first story is devoted to the offices of the Paymaster and clerks ; Exec- utive officer ; Naval Constructor, clerks, and draftsmen ; Civil Engineer, clerks, and draftsmen ; Assistant Naval Constructor and Post office. The second story is occupied by the Commandant, clerks, printer, school room, watchman, library, and court room, used temporarily as a chapel. Marine Barracks: — Is a two-storied brick building of 500x40 feet, wherein are the men's quarters, armory, store room, etc., as well as the residences of the officers of that corps, the Commandant having a house in the reserva- tion, which comprises an area of 24.68 acres, or thereabouts. Yard Stables: — ^A two-.storied brick building 150x40 feet, the upper portion being used for the storage of grain, hay, etc., while the lower one is divided into stables for mules and horses, cart sheds, etc. Barn: — Is a wooden structure 150x40 feet. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 259 Naval Hospital: — This noble structure is located on the southern part of the island, near to and on a line with the Marine Barracks, and is a build- ing worthy of a great government. It is 250 feet long, with an average width of 30 feet, with wings and pi-ojections, three stories and an attic in height, with Mansard roof. It is an imposing edifice of elegant design, and, from its elevated position, can be seen afar off. The building is of brick, of which one million and a half were required. The walls are of great thickness, and the entire superstructure is of unusual solidity. It is hard finished throughout, and the inside wood-work is of white pine. The whole structure is arranged with special reference to the object to which it is devoted, note having been made of all the recent improvement in this regard, including an elevator, whereby patients and goods are raised and lowered, with ease and conrfort, from one part of the building to another. Particular attention has been paid to light and ventilation. Water tanks of large dimensions are placed upon the roof, and a cistern for rain water has been built. In a word, it is all a firSt-class hospital building should lie. To it is attaclicd a stable and gas house. The reservation, in which the hos- pital buildings stand, occupies an area of about 31.21 acre.s. In addition to these already-mentioned buildings, there are the officers quarters, including the residence of the Commandant, all of which (five and a half double and one single house) are built on a beautiful avenue some distance back from the water front and parallel with it. They are a few yards from the sidewalk and possess well laid out gardens in front of them ; while on the outside of the walk there is a row of magnificent shade trees. The rooms are .spacious and have all the modern improvements, including gas, bath-rooms, etc. Among tlie other most prominent erections on the yard are the Bishop's derrick, capable of raising forty tons; the railroad track, laid from the foundry to the .saw-mill, a distance of about 3,000 feet ; and the Kearsarge column, on the capital of which stands the "fiddle," or figure-head of that famous vessel, while there is a cemetery and light-house resei-vation, which comprise 6.G5, and 4.89 acres respectively. The following is a list of the naval, marine, and civil officers and attaches of the Navy Yard and Station, Mare Island, on March 29, 1879: — Commo- dore Edmund R. Calhoun, Commandant; Captain P. C. Johnson, Executive Officer. Comrtiandant's Office: — William R. Cox, Jr., Chief Clerk; C. W. Mornington, Second Clerk; B. F. Calhoun, Writer. Department of Yardti and Docks: — Calvin Brown, Civil Engineer; E. A. Willats, Engineers' and Time Clerk; C. C. Hall, Store Clerk; Thomas O'Connor, Writer. Depart- ment of Navigation: — Commander C. J. McDougal, Navigation Officer; Lieutenant-commander, Charles H. Craven; Lieutenants, Leonard Chenery, C. W. Christopher; Master, J. S. Abbott; Clerk, Wm. G. Overend. Depart- 260 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. merit of Orcbnaivx: — Commander C. J. McDougal, Ordnance officer; Gun- ner E. A. McDonald, in charge of magazine; E. J. Overend, Clerk. Depart - ment of Construction and Repair: — Naval Constructor, George W. Much; Assistant Naval Constructor, George F. Mallett; Constructors' and Time Clerk, George W. Simonton; Store Clerk, John A. Day; Writers, John O. Watkins, Herbert Mallett, N. B. Klink. Department of Steam Engineer- Ing: — Chief Engineer, M. Fletcher, in charge of department; Chief Engin- eer, Geo. F. Kutz, in charge of stores; Passed Assistant Engineer, James Entwistle; Engineers' and Time Clerk, A. L. Hathaway; Store Clerk, St. Clair Fletcher. Department of Equipment and Recruiting: — Commander, Louis KempfF, Equipment Officer; Boatswain, John Keating; Sailmaker, Thomas 0. Fassett; Clerk, A. H. McCobb. Department of Proii>iions and Clothing: — Pajanaster, George Cochran; Pa3rmaster's Clerk, Hobait Ber- rien; Writer, Daniel Hubbard. Department of Paynuister of Yard: — Pay- master, George E. Hendee; Paymaster's Clerk, L. T. Binder; Writer, G. S. Grecfson. Department of Mediciiie and Surgery- — Naval Hospital: — Medical Inspector, John M. Browne; Passed Assistant Sirrgeons, R. A. Mar- mion, Hampton Aulick; Assistant burgeon, C. H. H. Hall; Apothecary', John G. Taylor: Navy Yard Surgeon, George W. Woods; Apothecary, John R. WTiittaker. Marine Barracks:— ^a,]ov C. D. Hebb, U. S. M. C, Commanding; First Lieutenants, 0. C. Berryman, H. G. Ellsworth; Second Lieutenant, Andrew Stevenson. Receiving-ship Independence: — Captain John Irwin, Commanding; Lieutenant-commander, Samuel S. Wilson; En- sitrn, N. R. Usher; Mate, P. C. Van Buskirk; Passed Assistant Paymaster, Fred C. Alley; Assistant Surgeon, D. O. Lewis; Paymaster's Clerk, John A. Kelly; Boatswain, J. Hai'ding; Gunner, Stephen Yoimg. There are at present the following vessels of the XJ. S. Navy In Ordinary at the Yard, Mare Island: Sailing sloop-of-war "Cyane;" steam sloops-of- war "Iroquois," (old) "Mohican," " Narragansett," "Nyack," "Saco," "Benicia," and the iron-elads "Monadnock," and " Comanche." In commission, are the frigate "Independence," steam-tug "Monterey," and yard-schooner "Freda." There have been built, and are now building, the U. S. side-wheel steamer "Saginaw," and the steam sloop-of-war (new) "Mohican." The first of these was constructed in the year 1859, and was of the following dimensions: Register length, 158 feet; breadth, 26 feet; depth, 11.3 feet, and tonnage, 282 tons; she was wi-ecked on Ocean Island, in October, 1870. In refer- ence to the loss of this vessel, the following interesting record, which is attached to one of her boats, now suspended in the construction-store, is produced: "Gig of the U. S. S. "Saginaw," which vessel was wTecked on Ocean-island reef, Lat. 28 deg. 36 min. N., Long. 178 deg. 25 min. W., October 29, 1870. This boat was fitted out on Ocean Island, manned bj' a crew of five, who volunteered to sail to Honolulu, distance 1,600 miles, for the purpose of .saving theij- ship-mates. Sailed November THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 261 18, 1870, arrived oft' Kanai (one of the Haiwaiian group) evening of De- cember 18, 1870; capsized morning of 19th of December, in surf, while trying to land at Kalihi, Kdai, island of Kanai. Four of the five volun- teers were drowned, viz.: Lieut. J. G. Talbot, drowned ; Seaman J. Andrews, drowned; Quartermaster P. Francis, drowned; Seaman J. Muir, drowned; Coxswain W. Halford, sole survivor." Halford, for his heroic conduct, was promoted to the rank of Gunner in the Navy, and presented with a bronze medal by the Government. He is now serving on board of the U. S. S. "Lackawanna." • The steam-tug "Monterey," and schooner "Freda" were also built at Mare Island. Besides these, the following ships have received largo repairs there : The sloop-of-war "St Mary's," paddle-wheel "Saranac," steam sloop-of-war "Onipee," "Lackawanna," "Resaca," •' Kearsarge," "Pensacola," "Benicia," "Tuscarora," and "Iroquois." The vessels now attached to the Pacific station are: "Pensacola," (fiag-ship), "Alaska," Jamestown," "Tuscarora," "Adams," with the store-ship "Onward" at Callao, Peru. In the fore-going remarks mention has been made of the "Monadnock." She now lies in honorable retirement in the straits at Mare Island, her sides and turrets showing the marks of having been in many a hard-contested fight prior to having made the risky journey around "The Horn." A new "Monadnock" is now being built, a few remarks on which we append: The "Monadnock," United States double-turretted monitor now in course of con- struction at Vallejo, is an item of considerable historic interest to the county, more especially in regard to its shipping interest. The Navy Department at Washington having, foi' some reason best known to themselves, granted the building of this craft to private indiv-iduals, under the plea that it could be so done at a less cost than if built in any of their own yards, gave the contract to Mr. Phineas Burgess, of Brooklyn, New York, to construct a ves- sel to take the place of the old ship of the same name, bringing into use what- soever portion of her gear as might be found suitable ; the work carried on to be under the supervision of the Government Naval Inspector; Mr.Bui-gess having as his representative Mr. Wm. W. Vanderbilt, for many years con- nected with the service of the Pacific Mail Company, on this coast as well as elsewhere. There were three separate contracts entered into: First, the frames, deck-beams, etc., were to be erected by Mr. Burgess ; second, the plat- ing-contract, as it may be called, was to put on the inner and outer skin, com- plete all bulkheads and the iron deck-plating; and third, to place the armor and its backing, to remove the turrets from the old "Monadnock" and erect them on the present ship ; to lay wooden berth and main decks, and other- wise to complete the monitor for sea to the approval of the Government Inspector. The dimensions are as under: Length between perpendiculars, 250 feet; length over all, 263. 6 feet; bi'eadth moulded and lower side of armor shelf 262 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 55.0i feet; breadth, moulded abreast the armor, 50.8^ feet; breadth, ex- treme, over armor, 55.10 feet; depth, from bottom of flat keelson plate to top of main deck-beams, 14.8; projection of ram built in hull, 10 feet. The vessel is to all intent^s a double one, she having both an inner and an outer skin, the thickness of the latter being | and f inches thick, while | inches is the dimensions of the former. Between these two skins there are 84 water-tight compartments, which will add materially to her natural buoyancy, there being besides three athwart ship water-tight bulkheads, which are more particularly to keep her afloat should any unforeseen dis- aster occui\ Her turrets, which are to be two in number, will carry two guns in each, of 15-inch calibre. She will be driven by two pair of compound engines of 500 hoi-se-power each; she will be provided with a twin-screw propeller of 11 feet in diameter; all her machinery will be below the water line ; her outside armor plates will be 7 inches in thickness of solid iron, and will extend for three feet below the water line ; her smokestack is to be armored for a certain distance ; it will also have a telescopic working ; she will be rigged with one mast; her di'aft will be 14 feet; she will have ■ a freeboard, i. e., there will be exposed above the Avater 30 inches of plat- ing, and her displacement is calculated to be about 5,000 tons. When ready for sea the " Monadnock " will be supplied with a steam launch, and the other necessary small boats, five in number, and her complement of of- ficers and men will be one hundred and fifty. Unfortunately work progresses but slowly on thi.s magnificent specimen of naval architecture for want of the necessary Government appropriations ; were such to be made she could be completed in a year, but under present circumstances it is hard to say when she mil be launched and ready for sea. Were the work proceeded with, it could not be otherwise than a great boon to Vallejo, for a decided impetus would be naturally imparted to labor, and bring money, that source of all good, into circulation. In concluding this sketch of Mare Island's admirable ^avy Yard, and with it the Township of Vallejo, no more appropriate leave can be taken than by introducing the story of that maritime pioneer which now lies so peacefully alongside the sea-wall of the Ai-senal. The " iTidependence." — The " Guerriere," 44, the first frigate that had been put into the water, on the seaboard, by the American Government since the year 1801, was launched at Philadelphia June 20, 1814. It was intended that the " Independence," 74, should have gone ofi" the same day at Boston, but .she stuck on the ways. She was got safely into the water on the 20th July, however, and wa.s the first two-decked ship that ever properly belonged to the American NaAy, the " America," 74, haAang been given to the King of France while yet on the stocks. Cooper's Naval History thus gives us the date when the old ship was THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 263 launched, to do her part in showing to the world- the American flag, and, if necessary, to protect it from and to resent its insults. She made her first cruise as flag-ship of Commodore Bainbridge, in the Mediterranean sea. She was commanded on this cruise by Captain William McCrane, and then by Captain C. G. Ridgeley, sailing from Boston on July 3, 1815, and fin- ishing the cruise by arriving at the same port on December 7, 181.5. Her second cruise was as flag-ship of Commodore J. B. Nicholson, to Europe and Brazil. Commanded by Lieutenant Alexander Slidell, she sailed from Boston on May 21, 1837, carrying out Mr. Dallas, as the Amer- ican Minister to Russia, and arriving at Cronstadt on the 29th July. After leaving her distinguished passenger with our friends at Cronstadt, she sailed for the Brazil station, stopping a few days at Madeira. Finishing her duty in Brazil, she returned home, arriving at New York March 30, 1840, under the command of Lieut. John Pope. Her third cruise as th^ flag-ship of Commodore Charles Stewart, was made in the home or West India squadron. She sailed from New York May 14, 1842, and went to Boston, where Capt. L. Gallagher was relieved by Capt. H. Stringham as Commanding Ofticer. She then sailed from Bos- ton on September 29th, and made her cruise about the " Indies," returning to New York. Sailing again from that city on June 2, 1843, she visited different ports on the coast and returned to her station, Boston, on Decem- ber 3, 1843. Her next cruise was to the Pacific Coast, bearing the flag of Commodore William B. Shubrick, and commanded successively by Capt. E. A. Lavalette and Lieutenant R. L. Page. Sailing from Boston on the 29th August, 1846, and stopping at the different ports of the coast, visiting San Francisco several, times, and making a safe and successful cruise, she returned to Nor- folk, Va., on the 23d May, 1849. Her fifth cruise then was made by going a second time to the Mediter- ranean. This cruise she bore the flag of Commodore C. W. Morgan, and was commanded by Captain T. A. Conover, at her sailing from Norfolk on July 26, 1849. During most of the cruise she was commanded by Com- mander George S. Blake, and returned to Norfolk on the 25th June, 1852, under command of Captain William Jameson. The last cruise the old vessel made was in 1855 as flag ship of Commo- dore William Marvine. Captain W. B. Nicholson was Elect Captain, and Captain Tatnall Commander of the ship. Since then her cruising days are over and she has been used as a receiving ship both at San Francisco and Vallejo, and has often changed commanders. Among them were Captains Carter, Shirley, Phelps, Commander Gherardi and other distinguished officers. She now lies securely moored and comfortably roofed in as a home for old men-of-war's men, some of whom knew her when she was first launched, and raw recruits who take their first lessons in drill. 264 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. The old ship although launched too late for the war of 1812 has done good service, especially while on the Pacific Coast under command of Com- modore Shubrick, for the " Independence " crew and officers figured in almost every action with the Mexican towns of the coast, and Cooper gives several instances where the American flag was hoisted on shore in token of victory under a salute from the guns of this vessel. She was superintended in her building by Commodore W. B. Shubrick, and the solidity of her timbers and knees and their present freedom from rot show the care used and skill exercised in the performance of his duty. Built as a 74, it was found that she carried, on her first cruise, the sills of her midships lower-gun-deck-ports only three feet above water. She was razeed in 1836, thereby making her a 54 gun frigate ; and besides being the first double decked ship that ever went to sea under the American flag, she was the first 74 that was converted in the U. S. Navy. " She was always called a good sailor and said to behave well at sea. During her cruise in the Pacific from 1846 to 1849 she avei'aged 140 knots per 24 hours for 400 coirsecutive days." Her record also says, " Is sure in stays, stiff" under canvass, inclined to gripe, and is hard on her cables." (1849-52) " It has been recommended to dispense with the popo and top- gallant fore-castle, and ten tons of ballast ; to shorten the lower masts, and to do away with the tiller on the gun-deck, as it interferes with the work- ing of stern guns." The good old vessel is now stationed at Mare Island Navy Yard as a receiving ship, and she is as sound in every respect as she was fifty years ago. Although the new order of ships of war have come into use, there are none that are built more substantially than the " Independence." The seclusion of Vallejo harbor with its beautiful surroundings, is a fit retirement for this Naval Argonaut of California. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 265 RIO VISTA. BY L. L. PALMER, A. M. Geography. — The township of Rio Vista is situated at the extreme north- eastern corner of Solano county. It is bounded on the north by Maine Prairie township and Yolo county, on the east and south by the Sacramento river, on the west by Montezuma and Maine Prairie township. Its botmd- ary line runs as follows : Beginning at a point on Sutter slough wliere the Yolo county line intersects said slough ; thence in a southerly direction along the bank of said slough to its junction with Steamboat slough, a dis- tance of about four miles ; thence southwesterly along the bank of Steam- boat (or Marietta) slough to its junction with Cache slough, a distance of about six miles ; thence in a southwesterly direction along the west bank of the Sacramento river to the intersection of the Montezuma township line, a distance of about twelve miles ; thence north to the intersection of the line with the south fork of Linda slough, a distance of about thirteen miles ; thence easterly along the south bank of Linda slough to its intersec- tion with Cache slough, a distance of about live miles ; thence northeasterly along the east bank of Prospect slough, a distance of about two and one-half miles ; thence east a distance of about one mile ; thence north to the Yolo line, a distance of about three miles ; thence east to the point of beginning, a distance of about three and one-half miles. The entire distance around the township is tifty miles. The eastern boundary line extends along the Sacramento river and its tributaries, a distance of twenty miles. The greatest width is ten miles. The township is located in north range four, east two. Topography. — The topography of Rio Vista Township varies from the lowest swamp and overflowed lands to the boldest hills. The swamp lands lie in the northern end of the township, extending down as far as Cache slough, and comprising several large islands. A narrow belt of the character extends entirely along the eastern side, bordering on the Sacramento river. From Cache slough southward for a distance of from one to ten miles the land is very level, and is termed locally " the plains." The surface of the country, as we go southward from the plains, begins to undulate gently ; and the further south we go the more marked and distinct do the hills become until you i-each the very steepest and most abrupt of the famous Montezuma hills. From Rio Vista southward these hills come out to the 266 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. river, presenting bold bluffs, the facade of which is broken here and there with canyons and ravines. The swamp lands are comprised of what is termed " tule lands." Geology. — The township does not present any marked geological character, yet, as far as its alluvial formation is concerned, is a study well worth the attention of the scientist. The tule lands are of a character similar to all others in the Sacramento valley, viz., an alluvial deposit intermingled with the deposits of decaying vegetation. The formation of these lands has nec- essarily been slow, and it has doubtless taken almost countless years to fill the great basins of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers from the Granite mountains, fi'om whence the supply must come. This loam extends from a depth of a few feet to nearly 100 feet, and the Avhole body of it is an hetero- geneous mass. Underneath this, and what once formed the bottom of the great inland sea, lies a stratum of argillacious clay called locally the " hard pan." The formation of the " plains " is a kind of clay, pregnant with alkali. Occasional spots of adobe also appear in this section. The hills are formed entirely of adobe, varying through all the grades of that peculiar soil. The formation of and peculiar phenomena presented by the hills would afford ample matter for a long dissertation. Character of Soil. — The soil of the swamp districts is a rich loam, alluvial in formation, and very rich and productive. Almost all kinds of grains and vegetables thrive well. The soil of the plains is claj-ey, and adapted mostly to grazing, with occasionally a small spot tit for cultivation. The hills are entirely adobe, and well suited for growing grain, but of little value for other purposes. Prodiwts. — The products of Rio Vista Township are as varied as the State of California itself. In the warm, rich loam of the lowlands are per- fect hot-beds, and produce almost everything. Grain, vegetables, fruits, berries, &c., do well. On the plains only grain grows to any extent, al- though there are some tine garden spots, where vegetables and fruits thrive with proper irrigation. The hills are adapted almost exclusively to the growing of grain. Wheat and barley are the cereals grown in this town- ship. Climate. — The climate of the township is quite uniform — being mild, cool and pleasant. The cool and refreshing trade ^vinds prevail during the sum- mer season, which modifies the temperature, and catises the climate to be the most salubrious. Shipping Facilities. — Probably no township in the State enjoys such extended shipping facilities as this. The Sacramento river extends along its entire eastern and southern boundaries, while Cache, Elk, Miner, and THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 267 other sloughs extend through portions of it. Ships of any burthen can come to the veiy doors of the farmers and receive their products. The stage of water up the river as far as Rio Vista will accommodate vessels of any size. Early Settlement. — So much for the general features of the township. We now pass to its settlement. The earliest record we can find of any settlement is that established by General John Bid well, in 1844. In the case of John Bidwell vs. the U. S. Ulpinos grant, one Samuel J. Hensley testified as follows : " In the fall of 1844 I took Mr. Bidwell on board of a schooner to the land (Ulpinos, or Bidwell grant) with some hands to make a settlement. They remained there and built an adobe house, in which an Englishman, who had charge of the building, remained during the winter. The next season a small part of the land was cultivated, and in the winter of 1845-46 the house was occupied by P. B. Reading and hands." This house was located on the land now owned by Geo. H. Jenkins. The hands spoken of in the above were mostly Indians. There was quite a rancherie of them there during that and the following winter, and they were known as " Bidwell's Indians." During the year 1846, a party of emigrants arrived from the East. As this was before the days of gold, an eligible agricultural location was always sought for by these hardy pioneers — the advance ripples of the great flood-tide of immigration which was so soon destined to flow in upon the great Pacific shore. This party was induced by Bidwell to go down the Sacramento river and spend the winter on his grant, hoping to dispose of portions of it to them in the spring. The winter was a .severe one on the poor settlers, and for many days during the I'ainy season starva- tion seemed to stare them in the face. The Indians were reduced to a fearful extremity also ; and, as the days passed wearily and drearily by, their frequent exclamation was " hale-che-rauk," which means nothing to eat. For years that name was applied to the Bidwell settlement, and in many of the real estate tranfers on record the grant is mentioned as the Hale-che-muk grant. In the spring of 1847 the party of immigrants left never to return to Hale-che-muk, the city (?) of starvation. Most of them passed over into the valleys on the western side of the county, and some of their descendants remain there at the present time. Perhaps, before going further in this history, it would be well to give the recorded history of the Ulpinos Grant. In 1844 General John Bidwell sent the following petition to Micheltorena, Governor and General-Commandant of the Depart- ment of the Californias, under the Mexican Government : " Monterey, April 30, 1844. " To His Excellency, the Governor : "Juan Bidwell, native of the United States, with the most profound respect, presents himself and sets forth : 268 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. " That, having been naturalized a Mexican, and desiring to devote himself to agricultui-e, he beseeches your Excellency to vouchsafe to grant him the tract known by the name of 'Sillac' or 'Ulpinos,' which tract is unoccupied. It consists of four ranges (sitios) for meat cattle, as shown by the design which he duly annexes, and its boundaries are: On the N. W. unoccupied lands, to the N. E., the " Ulpinos Slough," (Estero), to the S. E., the river Sacramento, and to the S. W. inioccujjied lands, ^^'^lerefore he praj^s your Excellency to vouchsafe to accede to this his humble petition, and give orders that said tract be adjudicated to him in colonization, wherein he will receive a grace. He makes the necessary verifications. " Juan Bidwell. " Monterey, April 30, 1844." J. A. Sutter duly certified that the tract was then occupied. Upon the receipt of the petition, the Secretary suggested to the Governor that it might be well to allow the matter to remain in suspense till such time as the Governor might make a visit to the river Sacramento. Whereupon the Governor so ordered. This evidently did not satisfy Bidwell, for we find that under date of July 26, 1844, the Governor issued the following order: " Let him occupy it provisionally till I go up, when I will dispatch the business." It does not appear whether Governor Micheltorena ever paid that visit or not, but in November, 1844, he issued the following order and decree : " Monterey, November, 1844. " In view of the petition, wherewith these proceedings originate, the re2:)0its and all other things that were brought forward, and were proper to to be kept in view, conformably to the laws and regulations afl'ecting the matter, I declare Don Juan Bidwell, a naturalized Mexican, the absolute owTier of the tract known bj' the name of Los Ulpinos, (here follows bound- ary as above) containing four ranges (sitios) for meat cattle. Let the pi'oper patent be issued, be entered of record in the proper book, and let these minutes of proceedings be forwarded to the most excellent the Departmental Assembly for its approval. " His Excellency, Don Manuel Micheltorena, Brigadier-General of the Mexican Ai-my and Adjutant-General of the staff of the same, Governor, General-Commandant and Inspector of the Department of the Californias, has so ordered, decreed, and subscribed, which I certify." Very shortly after the above was issued from the Governor-General, he saw fit to issue to Bidwell a true grant to the rancho in due and legal form. This paper bears date of November 20, 1844. The following is a copy of the ti-anslation of that grant as filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Land Commissionei's in San Francisco : THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 260 " First-class stamp, eight dollars. Issued provisionally by the Customs of the Port of Monterey, in the Department of the Califoi'nias, for the years 1844 and 1845. [seal.] " MiCHELTORENA, " Pablo de la Guerra. " The citizen, Manuel Michelt'a, Brigadier-General of the Mexican Army, Adjutant-General of the staff of the same, Govei'nor, General- Commandant, and Inspector of the Department of the Califoi'nias." Wherfeas, John Bidwell, a naturalized Mexican, has solicited, for his own benefit and that of his family, the tract known by the name of "Los Ulpinos," bounded at the N. W. by waste lands, at the N. E. by the Ulpinos Pond, at the S. E. by the Sacramento River, at the S. W. by waste lands, the necessary legal steps and investigations having first been duly taken, as provided by the laws and regulations, by virtue of the faculties conferred on me, in the name of the Mexican nation, I have come to grant to him the tract afore- said, declaring the same to be his property, by these presents, letters subject to the approval of the Hon. Departmental Assembly, under the following con- ditions : 1st. He shall have no power to sell it, to alien it, to encumber it with rent-roll, lien, bond, mortgage or other encumbrance of any kind, nor shall he even have power to donate it. 2d. He may fence it without, prejudice it without, prejudice to the cross-roads, highways and rights of way, he shall enjoy it freely and exclu- sively, applying it to the use or custom which best may suit him, but within one year he shall construct a house which shall be inhabited. 3d. After confirmation to him of the title, he shall solicit from the Judge who has jurisdiction that judicial possession be given to him, by virtue of the grant, and thereby shall be marked out the Ijoundaries, in the lines of which he shall place, beside the corner maik.s', some fruit or forest trees of some utility. 4th. The tract hereby conceded is of four (sitios) i-anges of large cattle, as set forth by the design relating hereto. The Judge who may give posses- sion will cause the same to be measured according to law, the surplus remain- ing the property of the nation for its own proper use and benefit. 5th. If he shall break these conditions he .shall lose his rights to the tract, and it may be claimed by others. Wherefore, I order that these presents, being his title deeds, be considered firm and valid, that they be recorded in the proper book, and delivered to the party in interest for his security and other uses. Given at Monterey, November 20, 1844. Manuel Micheltorena. Manuel Jimeno, Secretary. This grant is recorded in the proper book, pp. 12 se. Jimeno. 270 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTT. In a fe^v yeai-s more the Mexicaai Government lost its claim to California' and Biihvell thinking, doubtless that the obligations which bound him not to dispose of any portion of the grant were null and void, began to sell por- tions of the grant. The fii-st sale was made to Jacob D. Hoppe and Lucy Hoppe, his wife, deed bearing date of October 15, 1847. The consideration was S500, and the land tiansferred wa« " an undivided one-fourth of the tract of land known by the name of ' Hela Chammac,' " being one league square. The deed was a wainanty deed, and was witnessed by L. W. Boggs. It was acknowledged before George Hj-de, 1st Alcalde of San Fi-ancisco. Numerous other tracts were disposed of by BidweU, all being undivided fractional portions of the gi'ant. A full list of these transfers will be found in the list of transfei-s fai'ther on. Aft*?r the United States obtained possession of California the titles of Mexican gi-ants began to get a little " shaky," and requii'ed, in many instances, a considerable " bracing up." This grant was no exception to the rule, and we find that on the 3d day of September, 1852, John Bidwell brought liis claims to the Ulpinos grant before the Board of Land Commissioners at San Francisco for conlirmation. The matter was before the commissioners for a long time, and on the I7th day of January, 1854, " Commissioner Thompson Campbell delivered the opinion of the Board confirming the claim." The opuiion of the Board is a full and complete; review of the case in all its legal and historical bearings, and is well worthy a perusal. The measure- ment of the grant was now declared to be 20,000 vai-as by 5,000 varas, con- taining four leagues. On September 13, 1854, the L^^nited States took the initiatory steps toward appealing the case to the United States District Court. The appeal was filed July IG, 1855, and petitioned the Court for a revei-sal of the decision of the Commissionei's. John Bidwell filed his answer on the 20th of July, 1855, and prayed that the decision of the Board be affirmed. On the 29th day of October, 1855 the decree of tlie L^nited States District Court for the Northern District of California, Ogden Hoffiuan, Jr., Judge, was filed, confirming the decision of the Conmiissionei-s. On the 10th day of January, 1857, Hon. Caleb Cushing, Attorney General of the United States, wrote to Wm. Blandmg, U. S. District Attorney, stating that this case would not be prosecuted any farther by tlie United States. Upon receipt of this letter the Unit-ed States District Attorney instructed Judge Hofihian to make the iinal decree of confirmation. This final decree of confirmation was made by Judge Ogden Hofiinan on the 21st day of March, liS57. The matter ran along very smoothly for nearly ten yeai-s, when a patent was issued by the United States to John Bidwell for the grant. This patent is dated August 9, 186(.i, and is signed by A. Johnson, President. The num- ber of acres contained in this grant, as specified by the Surveyor Genei^al, is seventeen thousand, seven hundred and twenty-six (17.726). So much for tlie legal historj,- of the grant insomuch as John Bidwell is concerned and the validity of his title tait. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 271 Proceedings in Partition. — From time to time Bidwell had sold to vari- ous parties undivided fractional portions of the grant, until it was in a badly jumbled state, as regards boundary lines. On the 10th day of August, 1855, in the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District, in and for Solano county, one of the claimants, Samuel J. Hensley, entered a suit for partition. At that time the ownership was vested as follows : Samuel J. Hensley, one-eighth ; Sarah B. Gillespie, one-sixteenth ; Chas. R. Bond and J. Tuttle Smith, assignees of C. V. Gillespie, one-fourth ; Alex. G. Abell, one twenty-fourth ; E. H. Board, one twenty-fourth ; Phoebe S. Van Nostrand, one thirty-second ; Charles L. Rt)ss, one-twelfth and one-eighteenth ; D. L. Ross, one-twelfth, also an intei'est in 2,000 acres claimed by Chas. L. Ross ; I. C. Woods, an interest in 2,400 acres of the interest of Chas. L. Ross ; John Denn, one-eighteenth ; Hiram Grimes, one thirty-second ; David N. Hawley, one thirty-second ; John Curry, one thirty-second ; R. B. Norman, one-six- teenth, including the claim of John Curry ; Samuel Price and Fred. Green, (Price & Co.), an interest in the interest of R. B. Norman ; Mary P. Buckley, two hundred and fifty-four thousandths ; Chas. L. Ross also claimed seven hundred and sixty-four thousandths by virtue of a tax title. It was prayed by the plaintifi' that a sale be made and the proceeds equally divided among the claimants. Col. N. H. Davis was the attorney for plaintiff. Due sum- mons was to said claimants issued from the Court. Several of them filed answei's, all favoring the idea of an equitable and legal adjudication of the entire matter. B. C. Whitman, of Benicia, was appointed as referee. The referee proceeded at once to make arrangements for the sale. The entire rancho was divided into twenty equal tracts, the measurement being made along the river front, and extending back one league. The sale occurred on the 3d day of December, 1855, in front of the Court House door in the town of Benicia. The purchasers and the amount given for each tract is as follows : Lot No. 1, N. H. Davis, .$125 ; No. 2, Josiah Knowles ; $141 ; No. 3, N. H. Davis, $40 ; No. 4, J. Denn, $225 ; No. 5, C. V. Gillespie, $250 ; No. 6, A. G. Abell, $275 ; No. 7, same, $220 ; No. 8, S. C. Hastings, $200 ; No. 9, C. V. Gillespie, $145 ; No. 10, same, $150 ; No. 11, S. C. Hastings, $185 ; No. 12, J. Wilcoxson, $55 ; No. 13, C. V. Gillespie, $80 ; No. 14, N. H. Davis, $80; No. 15, .same, $.50; No. 16, same, $50; No. 17, same, $95; No. 18. Robt. Beasley, $75 ; No. 19, same, $75 ; No. 20, same, $75. Total, $2,591, In less than a quarter of a century the value of this land has advanced so much that at a forced sale, similar to this one, it would doubtless be sold for more than $50,000. It is noticeable that the referee was allowed $500 for his services and costs of reference, an amount equal to about one-fifth of the proceeds of the sale, and that amount was taken from the proceeds of the sale. The desired result of the sale was secured, and there has since been no litigation, nor is there liable to be, as the title is almost absolutely perfect. 272 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. In the year 1851 Robt. E. Beasley located on the southern end of the Ulpinos grant and built what was always known as the " twin houses." This was one of the houses which came around the horn in an early day already framed. The purchaser had no idea of the style of architecture of his house when he bought it, and was surprised when he began to con- struct it to find that it was framed as a double house. The site of the house was about 200 yards above the present location of Toland's Landing. Beasley established a ferry at this point, between Sherman Island and the main land, using a flat boat and a chain. Robt. E. Beasley was a peculiar genius ; a veritable Utopian. All old settlers will remember his (locally) famous pronunciamento of peace, issued by him during the war of the Rebellion, in which he supposed he had solved all the questions of dispute, and set forth a plan for the amicable adjustment of all differences between the North and South. Poor Beasley died without seeing a realization of any of his many vast projects, and his body was shipped by express to the nearest cemetery, and no friend followed him to his last resting place. Development. — For years the land of this township was considered fit for nothing but grazing purposes. It was never dreamed that grain would fiourish in any portion of it. Small portions of land were planted in grain about 18G2, and it was found that they flourished well. The year 1864 was exceedingly dry and crops an entire failure ; but after that the merits of the rich adobe soil became rapidly to be appreciated, and that township now ranks among the first in the county. Rio Vista. — Rio Vista is the only town in the township. In the fall of 1857, Col. N. H. Davis surveyed and recorded a town plat on lot No. 3 of Ulpinos grant. The site of this proposed town was situated about one mile below the mouth of Cache slough. It was called Brozos del Rio, (Ai'ms of the River) from the circumstance that it was situated so near three branches of the Sacramento river. The name, however, was changed three years later to Rio Vista, (River View) at the suggestion of Mrs. Dr. Kirkpatrick ; a very appropriate name also. At that time Col. Davis' resi- dence was the only house on the site. The next building placed upon the town site was a store-house moved from Sidwell's Landing, on Grand Island, and occupied by A. G. Westgate for mercantile purposes. This building stood on the corner of Front and Main streets. This was followed in rapid succession by a butchei--shop by A. J. Bryant, a hotel by W. K. Squires, a blacksmith-shop by Simon Fall- man, a salmon cannery by Carter & Son, a store by S. R. Perry, a drug store by James & Thomas Freeman, (they also had an hotel), a livery- stable by James Hammel, and several private residences, making in all quite a little village. fp-dr -/u. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 273 In the spring of 1858 Colonel Davis constructed a wharf 24x75 feet. John M. Sidwell was the builder. In 1859 the California Steam Navigation Company came into pos.session *of the wharf and enlarged it to 150x48 feet. The magnificent steamers " New World," " Antelope," " Eclipse " and " Sen- ator " were then plying the Sacramento, touching daily at Rio \'ista. Colonel Davis established a post-office in the to^vn, probably in 1858, and that made it a sort of headquarters for all the surrounding country, as there was not an office within twenty miles at that time. At this time there was an untold abundance of salmon in the river, and hundreds of men were engaged in fishing. As there was no other landing between Sacramento and Benicia, there were thousands of fish shipped from this point daily, and, as a consequence, the town was full of men, and money was spent with a lavish hand. Everything flourished in the new town for five years, when a circum- stance occurred which was destined to sweep the town out of existence at one swoop. Sometime in the Fall of 1861 it commenced raining, and con- tinued almost incessantly for the fabled forty days and nights. The con- sequence was the water increased to unheard of heights. During the last days of December, 1861, the water rose high enough to sweep away all the smaller buildings in the town, but it was reserved for January 9, 1862, to be the culmination of the fearful tragedy whereby a whole village should be swept out of existence and its people escaping barely with their lives. On that day the water stood twelve feet deep at the foot of Main street. For miles, in all directions, the face of the earth was covered with a wild waste of waters. All day a fearful rain-stonn prevailed and a southeast gale swept over miles and leagues of seething sea. The angry waves in their wild confusion dashed against the buildings with giant force, and all were total wrecks long before night. The houseless and homeless people gathered together on the top of a mound a short distance below the town. They brought a few things with them and managed to eke out a most miserable existence for a few days until steamers came and took them ofi". Those days and nights of misery and privation are, perhaps, among the hardest the early pioneers of California were called upon to undergo ; and no in- cident recorded in song or story, either truth or romance, is more replete with pathos than the recital of the scenes and incidents of those eventful days. All that is now left to mark the site of the once thriving village are a few decaying piles which formed a part of the wharf. A few strangers sleep in unknown graves near there. Cattle now graze in peace and quietude where was once the busy mart of trade. Shortly after this, perhaps in the month of March, 1862, several of the former residents of the old town began casting about for a more secure place whereupon to pitch their tents— a location above the reach of the raging floods and angry waves. A party of four men, consisting of William 18 274 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. K. Squires, S. R. Perry, J. M. Sidwell and Isaac Dunham, went to see Mr. Joseph Bruning, who owned a ranch on the upper edge of the Montezuma hills. Negotiations were at once entered into, and the northeast corner of Mr. Bruning's ranch was the site chosen for the new town. Accordingly Mr. Bruning surveyed and recorded the town plat of " New Rio Vista," in 1862. T. J. McWorthy, who then owned the Gardiner ranch, surveyed and recorded an addition to the town. Main street is located on the line of division of the two ranches, and the town has grown up on either side of it. The first store was erected by S. R. Perry. This was followed by an hotel by J M. Sidwell, an hotel by Wm. K. Squires, and many other bn.siness and private buildings. Many of the people who had lived in the old town settled in the new town, and went on with their former occupations just as if nothing had ever occurred. The new town grew ^■apidl}^ and in a short time far exceeded the old town. The post-office was established at S. R. Perry's store with S. R. Perry as postmaster. The wharf was built by Joseph Bruning in the Spring of 1862. In 1866 the steamer " Yosemite " blew up at this wharf, killing about eighty persons. Of this number about thirty were Chinamen. The first church building erected in Rio Vista was the Catholic. It was built in June, 1868. The only other church building in town is the Con- gregational, which was erected in August, 1868. The first public school was established in the Fall of 1862. James U. Chase was the first teacher. The present site of Rio Vista is 64 miles from San Francisco, 50 miles from Sacramento and 25 miles from Fairfield. It lies on the western bank of the Sacramento river, in the eastern part of Solano county. It is in the heart of one of the most prosperous agricultural districts in the State. The Montezuma hills, at its back, is unrivalled for grain, and vast bodies of swamp and overflowed lands lie in front of it extending far away to Stock- ton, all in process of reclamation. These lands will prove, when reclaimed, to be an inexhaustible source of fruit, vegetables, grain, etc. There are two lines of steamers which land here, going each way, daily, with the addition of an occasional opposition steamer. The C. P. R. R. Company's steamers carry Wells, Fargo &; Go's express and the U. S. Mails. The California Transportation Company's steamers run up Old river, and ply chiefly in the fruit trade. Rio Vista is the present terminus of the Montezuma telegraph, which aflbrds gi'eat facility of connuunication with the markets, and the outside world generally. The town is supplied with water from the Sacramento river. It is lifted by steam and placed into large tanks situated on an eminence near the center of the town ; thence it is distributed through the town by mains and service pipe. The manager of this enterprise, R. C. Carter, is an old pioneer THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 275 qf the town. Abundance of water can also be had by boring, and at no great depth. The great amount of hay and grain grown in this vicinity demand ware- houses with large storage capacity. In the town there are three, with room for the storage of 6,000 tons of grain and 6,500 tons of hay, while at New Town Landing, about a mile above Rio V^ista, there are warehouses with a storage capacity of 4,000 tons of grain and 3,500 tons of hay. There are also houses at Toland's Landing, on the river a few miles below Rio Vista, which have a very large storage capacity. A large portion of- the grain is also taken to Bird's Landing. For a statement of the various kinds of business conducted in the town we refer our readers to the business directory. Other matters of importance will be found under their appropriate headings. F. and A. M. — Rio Vista Lodge No. 208, Free and Accepted Masons, was organized June 5, 1870. The following named gentlemen were charter members : Robert Martin, G. H. Bell, C. A. Pine, Jas. Johnson, G. W. Kynoek, J. Pool, Chas. Martell, S. P. Sorenson and J. S. Cook. The first officers were: Robert Martin, W. M.; 0. A. Pine, S. W.; Geo. H. Bell, J. W. Following is a complete list of the W. M's from the date of organization to the present time : Robert Martin, 1870 ; J. S. Cook, 1871 : C. A. Pine, 1872; Josiah Pool, 1873; Rev. A. F. Hitchcock, 1874; T. P. Emigh, 1875, re-elected 1876 ; Dr. M. Pietrzycki, 1877 ; Jas. Johnson, 1878. The follow- ing named gentlemen are the officers elect for the ensuing year : E. C. Doziei, W. M.; J. E. T. Smith, S. W.; W. B. Pressley, J. W.; A. H. Peterson, Treasurer ; J. C. Kraus, Secretary. The present membership is 43. The order is in a very prosperous condition. /. 0. 0. i^.— Rio Vista Lodge No. 180, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was organized September 21, 1870. The following named gentlemen were charter members : Jas. Johnson, S. P. Sorenson, A. H. Hawley, M. S. Stone, John Davis and Chas. Davis. The following named members have served as N. G's : M. S. Stone, 1870 ; S. P. Sorenson and A. H. Hawley, 1871 ; Jas. Johnson and E. W. Westgate, 1872; J. D. Ingersoll and Wm. Ferguson, 1873; J. M. Perry and Rev. A. F. Hitchcock, 1874; Jos. Nevin and J. C. Kraus, 1875; John O'Haraand J. E. Pratt, 1876; J. E. Pratt, (re-elected) and John Davis, 1877 ; A. H. Peterson and S. Neilson, 1878. Following is the list of officers elect for the ensuing term: Simon Neilson, N. G. ; Jerome Emigh, V. G.; J. C. Kraus, Secretaiy ; S. P. Sorenson, Treasurer. The pres- ent membership is 65. C. of R. C. — River View Encampment No. 6, Champions of the Red Cross, was organized October 4, 1872. The following is a list of its charter mem- 276 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. bers : J. D. Ingersoll, J. D. Tillery, Wm. Ferguson, Jas. Williams, Mrs. H. W. Stone, S. C. Edwards, Mrs. Emeline Westgate, C. A. Pine, Mrs. M. E. Kraus, J. T. Hadley, R. C. Sidwell, Thos. E. Morgan, Mrs. M. E. Morgan. The following named persons are the ofScers elect for the ensuing term : J. F. Morey, Com.; Mrs. M. Davis, J. C; H. H. Hudson, R. S.; Jas. Williams, Treas. Rio Vista H. and L. Go. — The Rio Vista Hook and Ladder Company was organized October 21, 1871. The following named gentlemen were organ- izing members : S. Craner, R. C. Sidwell, Jas. Donovan, Chas. Scarlett, G. W. Roberts, Chas. Green, R. C. Carter, J. M. Sidwell, W. W. Elliott, Jas. Johnson, Geo. Clarridge and H. Craner. R. C. Carter was the lirst Fore- man. The company have always been in a very prosperous condition, and the present membership numbers 30. S. Nielson is the present Foreman, he Tcompany, with the aid of the citizens, has supplied the town with 72 buckets, several hooks, ladders, axes, etc., and with their own private means have purchased 500 feet of four-inch hose at an expense of $300, and have lately constructed a building at an expense of $245. Congregational Church. — The " First Church of Christ in Rio Vista " was organized by Rev. J. H. Warren, Superintendent of the American Home Missionary Society for California, and Rev. S. B. Dunton, Acting Pastor of the Congregational Society in Rio Vista, on the 29th day of May 1869. The following are the names of the original members of the Church: Rev. S. B. Dunton, Mrs. H. W. Stone, Mrs. N. J. Munson, Mrs. Virginia E. Brown. M. S. Stone, Jos. Munson, Dr. L. F. Dozier, Josiah Pool, Dr. S. C. Brown, Mrs. Mary E. Hawley, Jarvis Emigh, Peter H. Hamilton, Mrs. A. E. Pool, Barton Dozier, Margaret Brandon, Neil Cook, Rob't Watson, Mrs. Mary A. Watson, D. McCormac, Mrs. Catherine McCormac, Mrs. Ann Denoville. The following-named gentlemen have acted as pastors since its organization : Rev. S. B. Dunton, acting Pastor from May 29th to November, 1869; Rev. J. J. Powell, elected October 24, 1869, installed March 2, 1870; Rev. A. F. Hitchcock, elected December 29, 1872, installed March 19, 1873; Rev. G. F. G. Morgan, elected May 1, 1875; Rev. G. H. Smith, elected September 24, 1876. The present membership is forty-six. Congregational Sunday School: — A Sunday School was organized in the Congregational Church on the 11th day of July, 1869. The following is the list of Superintendents and time of election: S. C. Bi-own, elected July 11, 1869; re-elected July, 1870. Rev. J. J. Powell, elected August 1,' 1871; re-elected July 2, 1872; L. L. Palmer, elected July 14, 1873; Rev. A. F. Hitchcock, elected July, 1874; H. S. Vining, elected May, 1875; Wm. Ferguson, elected March, 1876, and still continues in ofSce. The present THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 277 scholarship is about sixty-eight. The Sunday School is ably managed, and there is a considerable interest taken in it by the scholars and teachers. M. E. Church: — This Church organization was effected in the latter part of 1877, by Rev. T. H. Woodwai'd, who served as Pastor till September, 1878. Rev. R. E. Wenk supplies the pulpit at present. The membership at present is not very large, but is increasing. They have no church build- ing of their own, as yet, but have a very acceptable place of worship rented. There is a Sunday School connected with the Church, which was organized December 1, 1878, with L. L. Palmer as Superintendent. The average attendance is thirty -five. Catholic Church: —Ihm was the first church edifice erected in Rio Vista. It was built in 1868. It is in the same parish with the church at Suisun, and the same priest serves at both places. The first priest who oSiciated here was Rev. Father Auger. He served the church until December, 1872, since which time Rev. Father McNaboe has officiated. The membership is quite large, and the church services well attended. Father McNaboe is an energetic, hard-working man, and is well liked by all his parishioners. St. Oertrudes Acadeiny : — Thhs Academy for young ladies, under the direction of the Sisters of Mercy, is beautifully situated on an eminence in the pleasant and accessible town of Rio Vista. The location is remarkably healthful, the building new and well furnished with all that contributes to the health and comfort of the pupils. The pleasure-grounds are extensive, and well adapted to healthful exercise. Pupils of all persua.sions are equally received. The course of instruction embodies all the useful branches of a solid education. The academy building was erected in 1876, by the munifi- cence of Mr. Joseph Pruning, and was formally dedicated by Bishop Ale- many on the 10th day of December, 1876. There are nine Sisters engaged in teaching, which constitutes a most efficient corps of teachers. The Acad- emy is justly popular with its patrons, and we are sure the time is not far distant when its sphere will be extended .so much that new and larger build- ings will be required. We bid it "God speed." The Public School: — The fir.st school building in Rio Vista was erected during the sumiper of 1862, on the site of the present building, on a lot donated by Joseph Pruning, for that purpose. The first teacher was James U. Chase, who opened the first school during the fall of 1862. We could find no records until the year 1870, hence are unable to give an authentic list of the teachers who have taught, but the following list is tolerably cor- rect: J as. U. Chase, Pyron Hunt, Mr. Burdell, Miss Mary Bums, Mrs. R. Thrush, Miss Sweetland, Miss Stone, Miss Fannie Davis. On the records which begin with 1870 we find the following-named teachers: Anthony Dozier, M. C. Winchester, H. W. Fenton, *Miss Irene Canright, W. E. Mc 278 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Intyre, Miss V. P. Stevens, *Miss D. M. Stone, Miss Bertha A. Bicknell, *Miss Mary S. Warren, L. L. Palmer, *Miss Mary Linton, *Miss Jennie Robei-tson, M. T. Sickal, *Miss Florence Sickal. In 1871 the school was graded into Grammar and Primary Departments, and those marked with an asterisk (*) were teachers in the Primary Department. There are at present three grades in the school: Primary Department, Miss Florence Sickal, teacher; Intermediate Department, Miss .lennie Robertson, teacher; Gram- mar Department, M. T. Sickal, teacher. The present building was erected in 1875, and is a large, neat-!ooking structure, being truly an ornament to the town. It is two stories high, with basement. It contains two school-rooms on the first floor, and one school- room and two rooms for library purposes on the second floor. The building is located on a quarter-block 120x120 feet, on the corner of Fifth and Mon- tezuma streets. The location is very good, and is central. The following- named persons comprise the present Board of Trustees: Dr. M. Pietrzjxki, Wm. K. Squires and Wm. Ferguson. Dr. M. Pietrzycki is Clei-k of the Board. Newspapers: — On the 6th day of September, 1877, the Rio Vista Weekly Gleaner made its lirst appearance, being the fii-st paper ever issued in the town. L. L. Palmer was the editor and publisher. The printing was done in Suisun, at the Solano Republican office, and conjointly with that paper. On the 22d of September, 1877, the Rio Vista Enterprise made its appear- ance. John H. Whitmore and W. A. Bushnell were proprietors and pub- lishers. They put in a news office, type, press, etc. On the 17th of April, 1878, L. L. Palmer opened an office in Rio Vista, putting in a full line of news and job type, news and job press, etc., in which the Gleaner was printed. The Gleaner was continued till February 22d, 1879, when it was discontinued, and the publisher became connected with the Solano Repub- lican at Suisun. The Enterprise continued for three months longer, and issued its last number on May 30th, 1879. Business Directory: — Following is a full and complete business directory of the town on December 31, 1878: Bruning, Jos., warehouse; Brown, B. B., River View Hotel; Bell, P., tin.smith; Christiensen, M., wharfinger C. P. R. R.; Carter, R. C, water- works ; Clarridge, Geo. A., Western Hotel ; Craner, S., merchandise; Craner, A. H., merchandise; Currie, John, harness-maker; Chase, Ed., news-dealer; Davis, C, contractor and planing-mill ; Davis, John, contractor and builder; Erlanger & Galinger, merchandise; Fiscus, John B., livery stable; Fraser, George, meat market; Fallman Bros., black- smiths; Ferguson, Wm„ wagon-making, etc.; Gurnee, J., saloon; Hawley, R. H., whai-finger C T.; Hunter, R. C, drugs and medicine ; Hadley, Sam'l T., blacksmith; Halderback, Jos., black.smith; Ingerso'l, J. D., fruit and THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 279 vegetables; Johnson and Emigh, warehouse; Kiernan, Thos., undertaker; Kearney, Jas., boot-maker; Kalber, F., wagon-maker; Kelly, J. A., con- tractor and builder; Lawson, H., saloon; Malone, John A., boot-maker and Manager S. V. Tannery; Matthewson, S. R., vegetables, etc., Merritt, Chas. & Co., drugs and medicines; Miller, Louis, painter and grainer; McGrah, Dan'l, saloon; Nelson, C, saloon; Nielson, S., contractor and builder; Nesbitt, Jos., wharfinger C. S. N. Co.; Ostrander, J. D., soliciting agent; Perry, J. M., merchandise; Pond & Knox, meat market; Peterson, A. H., livery stable; Parker, Miss A. E., millinery, etc.; Pietrzycki, M., physician and surgeon; Palmer, L. L., publisher Gleaner; Roberts, G. W., saloon; Runk, Mrs. L. C, Central Hotel; Stanton, J. C, dentist; Squires, W. K., Squire's Hotel; Stumm, F. I., jeweler; Smith, Jas., .saloon; Smith, J. E. T., truckman; Stoll, C. M., harness and saddlery; Sorenson, S. P., furniture; Thompson, Geo., saloon; Whitmore & Bushnell, publishers Enterprise; Westgate Bros., mei'chandise ; Williamson, Wm., flour mill; Weslar, Geo., barber; Whit- man, D. G., plasterer; Wadsworth, Wm., fruits and vegetables; Wilcox Ruble & Dozier, merchandise. Official Directory: — Notary Public, M. Smyth; Justices of the Peace, J. D. Ingersoll, Lewis Chase; Constable, James Dobbins; Deputy Sheriff, John B. Fiscus; Postmaster, L. C. Ruble; W., F. & Co's agents, Westgate Bros. The Future: — So much for the past and present of the beautiful and thriving town; a word for the future and we will close this sketch. The town is so located that it is sure to be prosperous in the years to come. There are natural advantages which but few towns possess. Cheap trans- portation is insured, and that is one great factor in the prosperity of a town. The unbounded resources of the tule lands will always pour a goodly stream of gold into its coffers. The hills will always yield a handsome income for the town. They need more industries. There is no reason why this should not become a great manufacturing center. They have every facility possi- ble. The climate is the most salubrious and healthful. The temperature is universally moderate and mild. Strong winds prevail there during the summer months, which serve to keep the atmosphere cool and refreshing. 280 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. SILVEYVILLE Geography.—SiiveyyiWe township is bounded on the north by Yolo county, on the east by Tremont township, on the south by Maine Prairie and Elmira townships, and on the west by Vacaville township. The Rio Los Putos extends along its northern boundary. Topography. — The surface of the entire township is almost perfectly level. The land is rolling in places, but not hilly. One is reminded very much, in passing through it, of the prairies of Illinois and Iowa. Soil. — The soil of this township is alluvial in formation and character. It is a sandy loam, for the most part, with scarcely any adobe in it. It is very fertile and productive, and the finest farms in Solano county are located here. Evei'j-thing about these farms betoken thrift and prosperity. Climate. — The climate in this township differs very materially from that in the townships in the southern parts of the county. Here the sea baeeze is shorn of its dampness and force, and sweeps as gently over the country as a zephyr. Ordinarily the temperature is several degrees higher here than at Suisim. A person will often find a linen coat liurdensome in Dixon at 4 p. m., and after a 40 minutes ride on the train arrives at Suisun, and finds that he needs an overcoat. The wind prevails from the north more here than further south, and this wind is burdened with sultry oppres- sive heat, and also oftentimes with electricitj', which seems to oppress and enervate evei-j'thing. Fortunately these siroccos are not very common. The atmosphere is comparatively free from malarial poisons, and is, on that account, quite healthful. Prodiwfs. — The principal products of this township are wheat and barley. Fruits and vegetables do quite well in all parts of the township, though but little more is gro\vn than home consumption demands, except along the line of Rio LoS Putos, where are some of the finest orchards and gardens in the State. In this section oranges, figs, dates, olives, lemons and bananas thrive equal to anj' section of the State, and the quality is said to excel that grown in Los Angeles county. Early Settlement. — To this townsliip belongs the honor of having the tii'st permanent white settler in Solano county. In 1842 Wni. Wolfskill, then a THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 281 resident of Los Angeles, secured a grant from the Mexican government for a tract of land one league in width and four leagues in length, lying on either side of Rio Los Putos. Some time during the same year he sent his brother, John R., with a band of cattle to take possession of the new grant, accord- ing to law. From this time on, an occasional settler would locate somewhere on the Rio Los Putos, until in 1852 there was quite a neighborhood, with houses, ranging from three to ten miles apart. Upon the outbreak of the gold fever the most practicable road to the mines from San Francisco passed from Benicia to Sacramento, through this settlement. For the accommoda- tion of these travelers, Elijah S. Silvey, in 1852, built a house and stock corral. He at first called his hou.se the " Half-way House". In those early days the trail was not very well defined, and the belated traveler was liable to lose his way and wander about the plains all night. To obviate this, Silvey used to hoist a red lantern high in air every night, so that it might serve as a beacon light to the wanderer, and guide him safely into the haven of Silvey's hotel. The hardy pioneer, Silvey, came to an untimely death by accidentally falling from a porch. His widow still lives on the old site of those early scenes of the early life of California and of Solano county. The next building at this point was a blacksmith .shop, built by Messrs. Wm. Dryden & Noble. On Christmas day, 1850, Geo. A. Gillespie began the foundation of a store building. From this time on Silvjyville began to assume quite goodly proportions, and reached its zenith about 1865, at which time there were, perhaps, 150 inhabitants in the town. Quite early a post-ofRce was established at this place with E. S. Silvey as post-master. It was called Putah. There was, at one time, a telegi-aph office there also. But all this is now among the dead past, and another quarter of a century will banish all traces of the town, and only in legend and on these pages will any knowledge of it exist. The history of Silveyville would remain incomplete without honorable mention being made of a newspaper being published at that place, by Wm. J. Pearce. The type was set and the forms made up in Silveyville, but they were sent to Sacramento to be printed from. The paper was strongly Democratic, and soon after the editor got into a political altercation with one Dr. J.- C Ogburn, a strong LTnion man, in which Pearce shot the doctor, and was forced to flee the country. Dixon. — The place to which all the business and houses of Silveyville went was Dixon. In 1868 the C. P. R. R. was completed. Seeing a probability of its completion, and realizing the fact that it was a good point at which to build a town, W. R. Ferguson pui'chased an acre of land from Thomas Dickson, and built a dwelling-house upon it. This was the first house built in the town. He immediately afterwards erected a stone building. On the 7th day of July, 1868, he opened his store for public 282 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. patronage. The next building was erected by Bernard Greinburg. He used it for hotel purposes. It was called the " Empire." Messrs. Eppinger & Co. were the next to engage in a mercantile enterprise in the town. The second family which located in town was that of Jasper Kattenberg. The town was named in honor of Mr. Thomas Dickson, who donated ten acres for the purposes of a depot and town site. The difference in orthography is accounted for in the fact that the first consignment of goods which came to the town were marked " W. R. Ferguson, Dixon." The spelling being simpler it was at once adopted by all. The present population is about 1,200. It was incorporated by a special Act of the Legislature during the session of 1877-8. It is a beautiful town nestled amid a grove of shady trees, which gives it a cosy and cheerful appearance. It is growing, and evidences of prosperity are visible on all sides. Free and Accepted Masoyis. — Silveyville Lodge, No. 201, F. & A. M., was organized June 2.5, 1869, at Silveyville. It was moved to Dixon September 12, 1871. The following named gentlemen were its charter members : James W. Howard, Wm. H. Wells, H. E. McCune, John P. Kirsch, Walter Ellis, Wm. Killibrew, B. Meyer, Henry Goeffort, J. S. Garnett, Chas. Wolf, C. M. Robinson, Daniel King. The following gentlemen have been honored with the office of W. M. , J. W. Howard, W. H. Wells, Jas. A. Ellis, A. Hockheimer, John Sweeney. The present membership is 65. Royal Arch Chapter. — Dixon Chapter, No. 48, R. A. M., was organized February 9, 1875. The charter members were as follows : J. A. Ellis, A. Hockheimer, A. G. Summers, B. Ethiger, H. Eppinger. J. C. Merryfield, H. Wilcox. H. Goeffi^rt, H. E. McCune, John Sweeney, Geo. C. McKinley, M. Blum, Wm. Steele, D. Longmire, A. Eraser, J. C. North, J. P. Kirsch, E. M. Tyler, J. W. Sallee. The following gentlemen have been elevated to the dignity of High Priest : Jas. A. Ellis, John Sweeney, H. Eppinger, George C McKinley. The present membership is 51. Rebecca Degree Lodge. — Hyacinthe Rebecca Degree Lodge, No. 26, was organized May 26, 1875. The present officers are Jas. K. Vansant, N. G. ; Mrs. Sarali McPherson, V. G. ; Edward Weihe, R. C. ; and Mrs. Nancy Van- sant, Treasurer. The present membership is 70. /. 0. 0. F. — Montezuma Lodge, No. 172, I. O. 0. F., was organized June 20, 1870. The following named gentlemen comprise its charter members : R. S. McKinley, D. Mack, J. D. Carey, Wm. M. Bernard, Geo. W. Smith, Thomas Kelley, James M. Clark, John Patterson, T. A. Buckles and R. E. Hewitt. The following named gentlemen have had the honor of presiding as N. G.'s : Wm. Bernard, T. A. Buckles, R. E. Hewitt, J. Kline, A. Kirby, THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 283 R. R. Neirell, J. Fredrickson, V. A. Collins, P. Siebe, I. Rhodes, J. K. Van- sant, W. H. Northcutt, Charles Schirmer, R. C. Christian, A. J. Kasten, Edward Weihe. The present membership is 100. Knifjhts of Pyfkias. — Othello Lodge, No. 31, K. of P., was organized June 29, 1875. The following named gentlemen were charter members : E. L. H. Bibby, J. B. Bloom, S. Blurn, J. R. Crcighton, John Ferguson, John Fredrickson, H. GoefFort, R. D. Hopkins, D. B. Huff, Wm. Johnson, Wm. Johnson, C. W. Johnson, J. 0. Johnson, J. D. Johnson, A. Levy, S. G. Little, J. P. Martin, C. J. McCoy, E. Wenfelder, H. A. Ross, E. W. Striplin, Dr. A. H. Pratt, Cha.s. Schirmer, F. A. Schnitzlein, P. Siebe, Wm. Simms, Wm. Straub, J. Sweeney and H. We.st. The following gentlemen have been honored with the office of Chancellor : R. D. Hopkins, John R. Creighton, H. A. Ross, Dr. A. H. Pratt, J F. Hamilton, S. G. Little and P. Olmstead. The present membership is about 40. Indepench'nt Order of Good Templars: — Dixon Lodge, I. 0. G. T., wa.s organized February 5th, 1870. Following are the charter members: Mrs. Julia A. Ferguson, J. R. Beane, E. H. Beane, J. C. Graves, Thomas Pritch- ard, C. M. Daffield, J. Sullivan, Mrs. A. F. Beane, Mrs. M. Bernard, G. S. Dudley, Mrs. E. Dudley, H. McGale, Thomas Doody, L. A. Moore and J. F. Cook. The following members have held the office of Worthy Chief Tem- plar: J. R. Beane, Mrs. F. A. Beane, J. M. Dudley, Joseph Kline, H. Ever- ingham, J. H. Peters, W. B. Wyman, Rev. George Morris, W. H. Northcutt, A. R. Storey, M. T. Sickal, J. K. Bateman, W. T. Mayne, Wm. Olmstead, Miss Ella Hoovey, George Martin, and Stewart McBride. A^icient Order of United Workmen: — Dixon Lodge, No. 50, A. O. U. W., was organized September 11th, 1878. The present oificers are : A.J. Kasten, M. W., A. J. Buckles, P. M. W., Charles Donahoe, G. F., Charles Schrivner, 0. B. Ethiger, Receiver, J. M. Dinsmore, Financier, A. R. Storey, Recorder. The present membership is 27. Bank of Dixon: — The Bank of Dixon was organized and incorporated in October, 1873, but was not opened for business until April, 1874. The authorized capital stock is $500,000. The original board of directors was as follows: J. S. Garnett, S. G. Little, James Millar, Ed. Wolfskill, Hanse Rohwer, James Porter and D. B. Huff. The presidents of the bank have been, S. G. Little, James Millar, J. C. Merryfield. The cashiers have been, Ed. Wolfskill, H. B. Sheldon, G. W. Wyman, A. J. Kasten and Robert Harkinson. The Dixon Fire Company: — This company was organized October loth, 1872. Their present aparatus consists of one Babcock engine, hooks, lad- 284 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. ders, and other appliances necessary to make them a very efficient depart- ment. The following gentlemen have acted as foreman: J. Fredrickson, W. A. Dashiel, E. Weihe, H. Eppinger, W. S. Hinman, George King, Owen O'Xiel, George Frahm. Catholic Church: — This church building was erected in 1868, by Rev. Father Auger. It is located on Second street, between A and Mayes streets. It is a frame building, 48x32, with a seating capacity of 140. From floor to ceiling is 16 feet. The ceiling is hard-finished, walls wains- coted, and finished with redwood tongued grooved and painted. The pastors who have served this church are, Rev. Fathers Auger, McNaboe, Powei-s, Moore, Ward and Nugent. Th£ Melhodist Ephcoixd Church, South: — Was organized in Solano County, in the town of Suisun and vicinity, in the year 1852 or 1853. Afterward a society was formed near the present site of Vaca\'ille. This was called the Vacaville circuit. A neat and substantial stone church was built at Rockville in 1858. In 1861 the M. E. C. South built a college known as Pacific Methodist College, at Vacaville. Its first president was Rev. J. C. Stewart. After the first year Rev. W. T. Luckey, D. D., was elected president, which position he held for eight years. Rev. J. R. Thomas, D. D., LL. D., was the next president. In 1871 this college was removed to Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, where it is now located. Three years ago a beautiful church building was erected at Elmira. The church at Vacaville was destroyed bj' fire in 1877, where it was rebuilt a few months thereafter. In the Fall of 1878 a church was purchased in Dixon, and a minister was sent bj' the conference to fill the pulpit. There are at present three min- isters actively engaged in the work, residing in the county. Rev. J. C. Simmons presides at the present time. M. E. Church — Dixon and Binghamton. — In the month of March, 1858, a few persons li\dng in and around old Silveyville desiring to worship God according to Methodistic belief and forms, organized themselves under the direction of Rev. J. W. Leach into a methodist class, which numbered twelve persons, viz.: J. W. Leach, preacher in charge ; John A. Leach, Marian Leach, Ellen Proxil, Emily West, Charles West, Charles K. Seeley, Solena Seeley, John J. Reed, Joseph Reed, E. B. Reed and Wm. Reed. At the close of the year, these twelve had increased to upwards of thirty soids. They held their meetings in a school house about one mile and a quarter north of Silveyville. This was the rise of methodism in this place and its increase r THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 285 for the first year. From 1859 to 1863, the society was without any regu- larly appointed minister, and it was with difiiculty it maintained its exist- ence ; only two persons, namely, Charles and Emily West are left from the original twelve ; during this period of struggling without a pastor. They worshipped in a hall over a saloon in Silveyville and were strengthened from time to time by the labors of Rev. Father White and Rev. Henry Howlit. In 1863, J. W. Murphy was appointed to the work. He found the small band badly scattered, but, by indifatigable eflibrt, made quite an increase in the society. He was a man of robust constitution, fiery disposition, radical in views, plain spoken — a man for the times. He was succeeded in 1865 by Rev. A. P. Hendon, who was regularly appointed to the work. A. P. Hendon reorganized, gathered in others of like faith and entered upon the field with renewed vigor. The result was success ; methodism became a settled fact in this place during his pastorate. In 1866, under his management, a fine cliurch edifice was erected in Silveyville, at a cost of four thousand three hundred dollars. A. P. Hendon was a young man of rare qualities, tall, slim and gaunt, rather eccentric, positive and thoroughly de- voted to his work. He was followed by Dr. Morrow, who, by his personal character and pastoral qualifications, endeared himself to the hearts of all. The work under him flourished and, at the close of his two years' labor, thei-e were ninety-eight persons connected with the church. The following year the circuit was divided, W. S. Corwin was .stationed at Silveyville and S. L. Hamilton appointed to Binghamton ; little is known of the growth or struggles of the society this year, save that there was some increase in the work. Geo. Larkin succeeded W. S. Corwin in 1869. Bro. Larkin, owing to difficulties that arose in the church, did not finish the year. S. L. Ham- ilton, of Binghamton, filled the pulpit of Silveyville the last part of the year. In 1870, Bro. G. R. Belknap was appointed to Silveyville and I. B. Fish to Binghamton. The M. E. Church was moved by Bro. Belknap from Silvey- ville to Dixon, a flourishing town on the Central Pacific Railroad, three miles southeast of Silveyville, where it now stands. In 1871, the two parts of tlie work that had been divided were again united, and J. M. Hinmin was appointed to take charge. He labored for one year and left only fort}'- six on the entire work in full fellowship. He was succeeded by J. H. Peters in 1872. There was an increase during this year of twenty-nine. J. H. Peters remained on the work for three years, doing faithful sei'vice and building up the society in all its departments, at the close of his pastorate he reports seventy-seven members in full connection. Arnold was appointed his successor in September, 1875. Bro. Ai-nold, on account of ill health, retired before the close of the year and S. Snidery sent to complete the yeai-. W. T. Mayne was placed over the circuit in 1876, and built an addi- tion to the parsonage with $1,000. The work proving too hard for him, at the clo.se of the year the circuit was again divided and T. H. Woodward 286 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. was appointed to Binghamton in connection with Rio Vista ; during this year the M. E. Church South was organized out of the M. E. Church, Dixon, which drew hea\'ily upon the original society. The following year the two fractions of the work were again united and T. H. Woodward was appointed to take charge of the entire tield. The work looked discourag- ing, but a sweeping revival broke out during this year, Rev. J. W. Ross was present holding meetings day and night for three weeks ; again the society sprang to its feet and persons were added daily to the church. The society at the pi'esent numbers about 100, and owns about seven thousand dollars worth of property in Dixon. Sabbath school was organized in 1863 and now numbers about seventy. Alex. McPherson is the present Superintend- ent ; Trustees : Judge Menyfield, J. M. Dudley, N. Earns, E. L. Mann, J. M. Bell, D. S. Stuart and W. R. Ferguerson. Dixson Baptist Church. — This church was organized at Pleasant Retreat .school house, Vaca Valley, Solano county, October 19,18.56. Its constituent members were : Rev. Daniel King, Rev. Joseph Roberts, William G. Fore, Thomas C. Maupin, H. E. McCune, Lewis Huchinson, Sidney C. Walker, Mrs. E. Roberts, Mrs. Susan King, Mrs. H. M. Fore, Mrs. A. R. Maupin, Mrs. M. J. Walker, Mrs. Sarah J. Williams, Mrs. Barbara B. McCune. Rev. J. Roberts preached a sermon from I Peter, 2, 4, 5. " To ivhom coining, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, hut chosen of God and prec- ious. Ye also as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priest- hood, to offer up spintual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." The text seemed a truly prophetic one, and, together with the earnest ser- mon, was attended by the Divine blessing to the little band of humble be- lievers, which, like a river of life, clear as crystal, has never ceased to flow, The church had the ministerial labors of Revs. Roberts and King, until June. 1857, when the latter was chosen pastor, in which relation he was held with much love and esteem until the time of his death, which occurred at Dixon, October 3, 1877. This venerable servant of God was thus the leader of this church for more than twenty years, and was an example to them in faith, in perseverence, in well-doing, in sacrificing for Christ and his cause. In the organization Lewis Huchinson was chosen Secretary and Sidney Walker Deacon. The school house was used as a meeting house until January, 1860, when the Hall of the Academy in Vacaville, the property of Rev. Mr. Anderson, was obtained as a meeting place for one Saturday and Sunday in each month, for the sum of fifty dollars per year. The church held its meetings thei'e until March 1861, then moved to the Dry Slough school house, which then stood near the present Batavia. In this place, regular monthly meetings were held. At the meeting of the church, held April, 1861, a report of a com- mittee, consisting of H. E. McCune and T. S. Bayley, of the Baptist Church and Rev. Mr. Fairbaim and Mr. G. B. Stevenson, Esq., of the Presbyterian THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 287 Church, O. S., together with one outside party, whose name we do not find, submitted a report, consisting of a written agreement to build a meeting house at Silveyville, to be owned and used jointly by the two denominations. This report was adopted by both churches, and work of building went on. This house was dedicated on the third Sunday in November, 1861, Rev. Dr. Peck, af the Presbyterian Church, and Rev. D. King, of the Baptist Church officiating. These denominations held this property in partnership, with great harmony, until May, 1868, when the Baptists bought the half interest of the Presbyterians, and became sole proprietors of the property. This was the home of the Baptist Church, where their labors were greatly blessed, until October, 1876, when the church dedicated its brick building at the town of Dixon, where it still holds its meetings. The Rev. Daniel King, being much of the time of his long pastorate of this church enfeebled by sickness, and more latterly by age, the church, by his request, employed the following ministers as assistants to the pastor: In January, 1860, Rev. Orin Critenden was employed, who served with great zeal and efficiency until Api'il, 1863. Then the Rev. J. E. Barnes was em- ployed for one-half of his time, until May, 1868, and then they employed all his time, until January 8th, 1871. From then until June 1st, 1872, Rev. D. King labored alone as pulpit supply, and then Rev. John T. Prior, of Georgia, was called as an assistant to the pastor, and continued for one year. In November, 1872, Rev. J. Ii. Blitch began to preach to the church as an assistant to the pastor, and continued as such until the death of Rev. D. King, which, as above stated, was October 3d, 1877. Then he was chosen pastor of the churcli, and continued to serve as such until July, 1878. The church then, through their committee on pulpit supply, engaged the services of Rev. 0. C. Wheeler, Rev. C. A. Bateman, Rev. C C. Bateman, Rev. C. A. Buckbee, Rev. John Frances, Rev. C. W. Hughes and Rev. James E. Barnes. The last named began to supply the pulpit on Sejjtember 7th, 1878, and has continued to do so, and is still doing so at the present writing. Including the constituent members, this church has liad connected with it 249 members, and now has a membership of 106. They have a church property worth about $12,000. Newspapers — Dixon Tribune: — The "Tribune" made its appearance at Dixon on the 14th day of November, 1874. R. D. Hopkins editor, and R. D. Hopkins & Co. publishers. About one year after it was started Hopkins became sole proprietor, and continued its publication until April 1, 1877, when it went under the present management of Alfred B. Nye. The "Tribune" was started as a neutral paper in politics. In 1875 it was Demo- cratic. Under the management of Mr. Nye the paper is independent and non-partisan. Size, 24x36 inches. It is a weekly, and has a circulation of about 600 copies. 288 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. SUISUN Suisun Township is bounded on the north by those of Elmira, Vaeaville and Napa county ; on the west by the townships of Green Valley and Benicia ; on the south by Suisun bay, and on the east by Montezuma, Den- verton, and Maine Prairie townships. It is the largest in the county, and was originally one of the two first divisions into which Solano was parti- tioned. Included in it are the following islands, which form a portion of the delta of the Sacramento river, which debouches into the bay above named : Joice, Grisley, Hammond, Wheelei", Gray, Rich, Long Point, Rowe, Chips, and two smaller ones not named. The present limits of the town- ship were settled on June 27, 1866, and took its name from the Suisun Indians, who were the lords of the soil when the settlement of the district was commenced. Suisun has an area of 110,000 acres, 10,000 of which are water, its general characteristics being a large level plain of some six miles square in extent, which opens out on the east into the vast valley of the Sacramento. The Potrero hills occupy about tAvelve sections of this ex- panse, and are surrounded on either side by swamp and ovei-flowed lands, except a narrow neck of low valley on the north side. The higher ridges are two hundred feet in height, and recede in elevation as they approach the border of level land adjoining the tule swamps. It is also well watered, the principal stream \Wthin its limits being the Suisun creek, which has its rise in the adjoining county of Napa, thence flowing in a south-easteily direction, empties into the Salt marsh, nearly a mile and a half east of Bridgeport. Its springs, marble and other quarries are also famous; it ^vill, however, be unnecessary here to dwell upon them, as an exhaustive description thereof will be found on page 91 and the following of this work. Early Settlement.— As has been previously remarked, the Suisun Indians were the original oceupiei-s of this fertile domain, while Rockville, a small toAvn at the foot of the valley would appear to have been their head- quarters ; at any ra„e, in 1850, they moved their lares et pemifes from there to Napa county. It has been shown in our chapter on Mexican grants that in January, 1837, Francisco Solano, the chief of this tribe, applied for a grant of the land which he claimed belonged to him by riglit of primo- geniture, which was finally made to him in January, 1842. The applica- tion of Solano was, in 1839, followed by one from Jose Francisco Armijo, a Mexican by birth, requesting that the lands known as Tolenas should be r'-'^ THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 289 ceded to him, which was done in March, 1840. It was subsequently decreed by the Supreme Court of California that owing to the non-approval of the Departmental Assembly of the cessions, the grants were informal: there- fore, in 1849, the title to the land held by Solano was acquired by General Vallejo by purchase, while that of Armijo, upon the death of the elder, by his son Antonio, in the same manner. In 1846, we hear of one Jesus Molino, an Indian, having certain ground under cultivation at or near Rockville, while in the spring of 1847 Daniel M. Berry with his family settled in the valley and pitched his tent on land now farmed by Joseph Blake. He was in the spring of 1849 followed by Landy Alford, who located on the site of the farm of Lewis Pierce, and Nathan Barbour, who had crossed the plains with him, but had gone to Sonoma and thence to Benicia, but so few were the people that in 1847, when Captain Von Pfister made his jour- ney to Sacramento, then Sutter's Fort, there were only three houses within what was then Suisun township, namely, the adobes of Molino at Rockville, Berry's residence and the Armijo rancho. In December, 1850, there also came to the valley J. H. Bauman, a German, who camped on arrival at or near the farm now owned by Mr. Bucher, aftei-wards moving to various places as a sheep herder until 1853, when he settled in the Montezuma hills. He is now a resident of this valley. In this year Robert Waterman, an old sea-captain, of thirty years' standing, also arrived from New York City. He now oc- cupies a beautiful farm a few miles to the northwest of Fairfield. In 1851, E. F. Gillespie (deceased), a native of Watertown, N. Y., came to the upper end of the valley. There also permanently located in this year on what was called the Island, now the site of Suisun City, Captain Josiah Wing, who had during the previous summer commenced running boats up the creek to the embarcadei'o. In October, 1851. there also arrived James G. Edwards who settled on the farm of John McMullen. Colonel D. D. Reeves came to the township on November 14, 1852, and built a blacksmith shop on the farm occupied by Mr. Ledgewood, where he worked at his trade until 1857, when he moved into Suisun city, and in conjunction with his brother Co P. Reeves, erected some of the largest and most substantial brick buildings in the town. In this year there arrived also J. B. Lemon, the present County Treasurer, and Allen C. Miller, and last, though by no means least among the early settlers who had helped to subdue this valley to fertile grain fields, establish manufactories and well conducted business enterprises, are the names of John M. Jones, Under Sheriff, who settled in 1853, Asa Crocker, in 1854, John W. Pearce,in 1856, D. E. and D. M. Stockman, the former in 1856 and the latter arriving in 1858, when there also located J. Frank and Moses Dinkelspiel. In 1857 there came William J. Costigan. In 1860 R. D. Robbins arrived ; P. J. Christler in 1862, while among the first settlers were J. B. Hoyt and E. P. Hilborn ; we have been, however, unable to glean the precise date of their arrival. 19 290 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. SuisUN City. — This city stands on an island in the midst of the tule lands which form a marshy desert Ij'ing between the Potrero hills and Benicia. As far back as the year 1850, Curtis Wilson and Dr. John Baker sailed up the Suisun creek in an open boat, and landed on the present site of the city. To them is due the honor of its discovery. They did not, however, remain long enough to give them the rights of residents of the place, but it is supposed left in search of places bearing a more captivating impress. Mention has been made of Captain Josiah Wing having been engaged in the running of schooners, or other craft, to this island in the summer of 1850 and of his settlement on it in 1851. In this year he built the first building erected on the present site of the city, it being a warehouse, on the place now occupied by the livery-stables of George W. Hall, on the east side of the Plaza, situated opposite the Post-office. In the summer of this year the first store was opened by John W. Owens and A. W. Hall, while in the following years others came and commenced building up the city of Suisun. In the year 18G8 a petition signed by the residents of the now flourishing country town was handed to the Board of Supervisors of the county, requesting that steps might be taken whereby Suisun should re- ceive the rights and privileges of a city, which prayer was granted on October 9th of that year, when she developed into an incorporated city. Suisun, as it is to-day, is a flourishing little town of about 1,800 inhab- itants. Its streets are, as a rule, well filled with people, while its stores^ of which there are some very handsome ones, appear to have a fair share of business. It is connected with Fairfield, the county seat, by a plank walk of nearly a mile in length, there being situated half way between the rival towns the California Pacific Railroad depot, under the charge of J. C. Maxwell. Fairfield. — This little town is the county seat of Solano, it having at- tained to that proud distinction by a vote of the people canvassed on Septem- ber 2, 1858, when it was declared to be the choice of the voters by a major- ity of 404 over Benicia. This selection of Fairfield was made, in the first place, on account of its central position, and secondly on account of the gift to the county by Captain R. H. Waterman of certain lands, should the county seat be legally located there. The town site was surveyed by Capt. Waterman and A. E. Ritchie, and the plat filed for record on May 16, 1859, and the new County Capital named in honor of the birthplace of the Captain in Connecticut. The first residence erected on it was that of J. B. Lemon, the premises being those now occupied by him. Fairfield is a pretty little town of considerable promise, and possessing, as it does, the county buildings, there is considerable bustle to be observed during the sessions of the difl'erent Courts. Its houses, for the most part, are enclosed by neat fences and well kept gardens, vineyards and orchards, while the streets are wide, though not much worn by traffic. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 291 CouH Hoibse and Jail. — On September 13, 1858, the Board of Supervisors met and canvassed the votes of the general election for that year, and, among other things, it was declared that Fairfield had been selected as the county seat, and also a new Board of Supervisors were elected, viz : J. G. Gardner, D. B. Holman, and E. F. Gillespie. The new Board met and organized on the 2nd day of November following. The county records having been moved from Benicia, and a temporary Court House built and certain buildings rented from Waterman and Wil- liamson, for the temporary use of the county officers, on November 18, 1858, the following order was entered in the minutes of the Board : " Or- dered by the Board of Supervisors that specifications of a plan for the Court House and jail, for Solano county, be advertised for in the Solano Count y Herald for the term of two weeks, and that the amount of fifty dollars be allowed to the architect whose plans shall be received and approved by the Board. Said specifications to be handed in on or before the 5th day of December, A. D. 1858. Said jail to be 35 feet square ; the Court House to be 40x50 feet, to contain rooms for the county oflScers and jury rooms." On January 21, 1859, the Board of Supervisors passed an order requesting " our Senator and Assemblyman " to pass an act authorizing the Board of Supervisors to levy a special tax, for the term of two years, of fifty cents upon each one hundred dollars, upon the assessed value of property of said county, for county purposes ; for the purpose of building Court House and jail for said county. On the following day the plans and specifications, submitted by James H. White for a Court House and jail for Solano county, were accepted and approved. On February 9, 1859, the vote adopting the plans and specifications submitted by James H. White was i-econsidered, and the plans and specifi- cations submitted by George Boi-dwell were accepted and adopted February 10, 1859. Ordered that sealed propo.sals be received for building the Court House and jail, according to the plans and specifications of George Bordwell, adopted by the Board, up to the 14th day of March, 1859, and that the same be advertised by the Clerk in the Solano County Herald for thirty days ; and it is f ui-ther ordered that George Bordwell be appointed architect to superintend the erection of said buildings. March 14, 1859, they met to open the proposals received, and award the contract for building the pro- posed Court House and jail. Bid.s were received as follows : From William B. Carr, $28,400; A. Barrows, .138,500 ; George W. Cord, $28,200; E. M. Benjamin and N. Smith, $27,200 ; C. Murjihy, T. Collins, and J. J. Doyle, $31,200 ; Samuel T. Carlisle, $37,745; J. J. Denny, $31,000 ; John B. Sanford, $27,350 ; William McCarty, $29,500 ; Charles B. Tool, $34,300 ; Larkin Richardson, $24,440. The bid of Larkin Richardson being the lowest, the contract was duly awarded to him, upon his filing a bond in the sum of 292 THE HISTORY OF POLAND COrNTT. $4S,880, being twice the amount of his bid, the conditions being that the buUdings were to be completed according to the plans and specifications — the jail by September 1, 1859, and the Court House by September 1. 1860. Subsequently an order was made that the Court House should be buUt on Union Square so as to front on Union street, and to run 40 feet back to the centre of the square east and west, and that the jail be located on a line with the Court House, eastward, half way of the block ; and it was further ordered that the County Surveyor run the necessary lines. And it was also ordered that the architect superintending should be allowed seven per cent upon the contract price (S24.440) for his services. The percentage was afterwads changed to eight per cent. It appears that an Act was passed by the Legislature in accordance with the request of the Board of Supervisors, for on April 11. 1859. the Board ordered that a tax of fifty cents, upon each hundred dollars of the taxable property of the coimty, be levied and assessed for the building of the Court House and jail, in pursuance of the pro\-isions of an Act of the Legislature. On September 1. 1859. the following appears on the minutes of the Board: " Whereas, the contract for building a county jail and Court House was awarded to Larkin Richardson, and the time for the delivery of the same, completed, has arrived ; be it, therefore, resolved, that the said Richardson be and he is hereby required to deliver to the county the said jail, finished according to his contract, and upon his failing to do so. to be held respon- sible for all damages ; and that he be furnished with a copy of this resolution." November 10. 1859, the following order is entered upon the minutes: " Ordered that the public building known as the jail in Fairfield be now received from the contractor. Larkin Richardson ; the Board reserving the right to claim damages, and Richardson reserving the right to subsequently present his bill for extra work." And it was, thereupon, oniered that the prisoners (which had heretofore been confined in the jail of Contra Costa county) be removed to the Fair- field jail. On March 12. 1S60, the contract was let to A. P. Jackson to fit up the court room and oflices in the new Court House for the sum of SI .994. Jackson's contract was subsequently cancelled, and on April 21. 1860. a new contract, for fitting up the rooms, was entered into with J. W. Batcheller. at the sum of 81,963. On April 21, 1860, the following order was entered : " Ordered by the Board of Supervisors of Solano county, that the public buildings of said county, known as the Court House and jail, in Fairfield, be and the same ai"e hereby received fi-om the conti"actor. Larkin Richardson. The said Richardson hereby gi^■ing up and releasing all claims and demands against the said Board of Super^-iso^s on occount of said buildings ; the said Board THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COl'XTY. 293 having made the said Richardson an allowance in full amount due on the original contract, and for all extra work done on said buildings." On the completion of Batcheller's contract, shortly after, an order was made for the county officei-s and courts to remove from the temporary buildings used into the new Court House, which was at once complied \\'ith, and these buildings are in use at the present date. The old frame Court House, used temporarily, was, a few years after the completion of the new building, removed to the present Court House block and placed on the west side of the Court House, about the same distance from it as the jail is upon the east. The Hall of Becords. — At the session of the Legislature of 1877-8, an Act was passed authorizing the Board of Supervisors of Solano county to issue SI 5. 000 of bonds, bearing seven per cent, per annum interest, to create a fund to be called " The Court- House Improvement Fund," and also to levy an annual tax for their redemption, for the purpose of erecting a fire-proof addition to the Court House for the safe preservation of the records of the County Clerk's and County Recorder's offices. In 1878, these bonds were prepared and. after advertising for proposals to purchase them, were sold to Sutro Ac Co., Bankei-s of San Francisco, for §15,356. The board then pro- ceeded to build the desired edifice, plans and specifications were prepared by George BordweU (the former architect of the Court House) which were approved and accepted and proposals were immediately invited for the erection of said fire-proof building. A large num- ber of bids were received and, at the opening thereof by the board, the contract was awarded to Richard and John McCann, of Sau Francisco, for the erection of said building according to the plans and specifications, at the sum of SI 1,597. The building is located twenty feet from the Court House on the west side ; and is sixty feet long by thirty feet in width, and two stories in height, and is fire-proof in all particulars, connecting -n-ith the Court House by an iron bridge, crossing in the second story. The contract was let in July, 187S, and it was completed in November of that year ; the furnishing contract was let to John B. Lucksinger & Co., of San Francisco, for S2.000 ; and after all the extra work done by both contractors was paid for and certain other extra articles furnished — the whole outlay amounted to the sum of SI 5,400. This building has the Recorder's office on the first floor, with an excellent fire-proof vault for the records in the rear of the front office, and the County Clerk's office in front on the second floor, with the Supervisor's room in the rear — being one of the best arranged and satisfactory buildings of the kind to be found anywhere in the agricultural counties of the State. 294 THE HISTORY OF SOI.AXO COUNTY. M. E. Church — Fairfield. — The first inethodist sermpii preached in Suisun Valley was at the house of D. M. Berry, in November, 18-t9, by Rev. Isaac Owens. Rev. S. D. Simonds was the first regularly appoint^dcircuit preacher and his jurisdiction embracing " all north of the bay." He was appointed February 1, 1851. Rev. M. C. Briggs had preached occasionally prior to this. The first class or society was organized by S. D. Simonds, in the Spring of 1851, the following were members: Jas. Borland and his vnie, Benjamin Davisson, Jasper S. Sheldon and Charlotte Berry The first Simday school was organized the last of March, 1851, at D. M. Ben-y's by S. D. Simonds, S. D. Simonds was succeeded in August, 1851, by Jas. Corwin ; he traversed the same territor\- until February, 1853. The head- quarters-of this extensive circuit Avas at Sonoma. In February, 1853, E. A. Hazen was appointed to Suisun and Napa circuit ; he remained until May, 1855 ; during this time a small church was built about three miles west of Suisun, which was known for year-s as the " Valley Church." In May, 1855, Jas. Corwin and Colin Anderson were appointed to the circuit as colleagues. In September, 1857, Jas. Hunter was appointed and the Suisun circuit established. He remained until September, 1859 ; during the year 1858, lots were secured in the then newly laid out town of Faii-field, and about the same time the present pai-sonage was erected. In September, 1859, Rev. J. W. Hines was appointed; he remained two yeare, until Sep- tember, 1861 ; during the tii-st year of his pastomte the construction of the present brick church in Fairfield was commenced, but remained unfinished until the next j-ear ; it was then completed and dedicated in the Summer of 1861. Its total cost was about ^8,000. In September, 1861, Jas. Corwin was appointed pastor. In September, 1862, H. J. Bland was appointed. In September, 1863, W. S. Urmy. He remained until September, 1865 ; during this time the debt on the brick church was paid and it has since remained free of debt ; during this period the Valley Chiu-ch was sold and, after re- moval, was converted into the present school house in Gomer District. The subsequent pastors have been as follows: September, 1865, W. S. Corwin; September, 1866, John Daniel; September, 1867, W.S.Turner; August, 1869, R. W. Williamson ; September, 1870, 0. S. Frambies ; August, 1871, A. R. Sheriff; September, 1872, J. M. Hinman; September, 1874, E. E. Dodge; September, 1875, G. D. Pinneo; September, 1877, M. D. Buck; September, 1878, R. E. Wenk, present incumbent. During these yeai-s the church has had tiuctuating prosperity. The present membei-ship is thirty. A Sunday school has been maintained throughout the whole history of the chui-ch ; the present number is sixty ; Superintendent, R. E. Wenk. Grace Church, Suwun — Episcopal : — What is now knoAvn as Grace Church was the first place of woi-ship erected in Suisun, being built A. D. 1857, under the auspices of the " Old School Presbj-terians." Captain THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 195 Richie of Fairfield offered a lot in that town ; but the people of Suisun offered to give the land and put up the building. Their proposition was accepted, and Mr. Joseph Mei-rill received the contract for building the Church. Mr. Reubin Pringle gave the lot. The Rev. Mr. Wood was the first minister in charge. He was succeeded b}' the Rev. Mr. Fairburn, who only remained a short time, as the zeal of the people had weakened, and he was not sup- ported. The church remained without a pastor for some time, and in the year 1861 it was sold to the Methodists. The first minister of this denomi- nation was the Rev. Mr. Baily. He was succeeded by the following named ministers : Rev. W. B. Gober ; Rev. 0. P. Fitzgerald ; Rev. Samuel Brown ; Rev. 0. Fisher ; Rev. A. P. Anderson ; Rev. T. E. Barton ; Rev. Samuel Brown ; Rev. T. H. B. Anderson ; Rev. Samuel Brown ; Rev. W. F. Comp- ton. The first Episcopal service was held April 28th, 1867, by the Rev. Henry G. Perry, at that time rector of St. Paul's Church, Benicia. These services were continued by the same clergynmn, at intervals, until August 25th, of the same year, when he resigned the mission to the Bishop of Cali- fornia. The parish was organized July 28th, and the Bishop made his first visitation in company with the Rev. Mr. Perry, August 25, 1867, From this time until 1872 the following clergymen held service at this place : Rev. Messrs. Smith, Gray, Breck, Cowan, Powell, Brotherton and Kelly. In the winter of 1872 the church was purchased by the Episcopalians, and the Rev. Geo. R. Davis was called from Nebraska, and assumed the rectorship of the parish, March 10. Before the year closed he accepted a call to Ma- rysville, and the parish was again vacant. On the sixth Sunday after Trinity, 1873, the Rev. T. E. Dickey took charge of the parish, and on the 28th of September, 1874, he resigned his rectorship, and accepted a call to Silver City, Idaho. The Rev. Giles Easton held services in this church from August, 1875, to May, 1878. The present rector, Rev. E. C. Cowan, as- sumed his duties on the 1st of August, 1878. St. Alphonsis, Catholic: — Was established about the year 1860, Father Dyeart ofticiating. He was followed by Fathers Ougar and McNaboe, the latter being still in chai-ge. The construction of the present church edifice was begun in 1868, and a debt of $6,000 incurred by its building, which has been entirely liquidated under the able management of Father McNaboe. This year (1879) they are building an addition. The membership of this church is about three hundred. The above history is taken from the county atlas, as no other could be obtained, notwithstanding repeated efforts to get it — indeed such has been the case with the churches of the Catholic persuasion throughout the coimty. The Congregational Church, Suisun: — Preliminary steps were taken at a meeting held at the residence of E. P. Hilborn, on October 30, 1876, J. W. 296 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Warren, D. D., presiding, for the purpose of organizing a congregation to woi"ship under the Congregational form of religion, at Suisun, when a com- mittee was selected, who appointed to meet on the 5th of November follow- ing, to take into consideration the foiTnation of a permanent organization of ' that body. Success would appear to have attended their efforts, for we find the 22d day of December of the same year set apart for the holding of appropriate inaugural services, the following churches being represented by their pastors: First Congregational Church of San Francisco; Plymouth Congregational Church of San Francisco; First Congregational Church, Oakland; Congregational Church, South Vallejo; Congregational Church, Dixon; Congregational Church, Sacramento; vnth J. H. Warren, D. D., Superintendent of American Home Missions. The sermon was preached by J. E. Dwindle. The first membership numbered seventeen, who were under the pastorate of the Rev. J. W. Brier, Jr. All the services of this church have been held in an edifice erected by the people of Suisun, on Morgan street. In July, 1S7S, Mr. Brier resigned, when he was succeeded by the Rev. A. F. Hitchcock, the present incumbent. Not the least interesting record in connection with this church is its admirable Sunday School, the classes of which give frequent exhibitions, each of them being attended with more than ordinary success. The first superintendent of the school was C W. Childs, the present holder of the position being A. C. Wood. The church membership is about twenty-seven, while the number of school children is sixty. Suisun Lodge, ^^o. 55, F. and A. M.: — This lodge was chartered by the Grand Lodge on May 4, 1855, the chartered members being J. H. Griggs, Miles Dean, W. B. Brown, C. Manka, S. Maupin, P. 0. Claji/on, Charles Maul, Sampson Smith, Jacob Cutter. Philip Palmer, D. D. Reeves, John W. Owen, M. A. Long, A. P. Jackson and G. W. Hays. The lodge was instituted in the Ai-mijo adobe, in Suisun Valley, and held a number of its meetings there during the year 1855. Shortly after, however, a move was made by the brethren to erect a lodge building, and the result was that in the Fall of 1855 a neat wooden structure, two stories in height, was erected at what was then known as Barton's Store, in Suisun Valley. The lower story of the building erected was used as a school-room, and the upper story was used by the craft. In 1856 the town of Suisun began to assume some im- portance, and the brethi-en, after considerable parlej-ing, decided to move the lodge to Suisim, and just at that time Bro. Hiram Rush began the erec- tion of a large brick store-room in Suisun, and the brethren bargained with him to add a third story to his building for a lodge-room for the Order. This he did, the lodge paying all the expenses of the third story, and on its completion Bro. Rush deeded it, the property, with a right of way of ingress and egress. For about twenty-thi-ee yeai-s the lodge has occupied its present THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 297 hall, and which is to-day one of the most comfortable and suitable Masonic halls in Solano County. The lodge has prospered from the first, and at the present time numbers about seventy-five members. The present officers are: W. G. Davisson, W. M.; J. Frank, S. W.; William Leithead, J. W.; Co. P. Reeves, Treasurer; George A. Gillespie, Secretary; J. B. Richardson, S. D. ; John A. Lockie, J. D.; N. Anderson, Tyler. Suisun Lodge, No. 78, I. 0. O.F.: — Was organized September 13, 1858, by C. W. Hayden, D. D. G. Master District No. 15, with John Doughty, D. M. Stockman, J. M. Duncan, A. E. Charles and J. Frank as charter mem- bers. On the night of its institution W. H. Stephens and W. Farmer be- came members by deposit of card, and T. J. Owen, M. Meehan, M. Dinkel- spiel, Albert Knorp and M. A. Wheaton were admitted by initiation. The first officers of the lodge were as follows: N. G., John Doughty; V. G., D. M. Stockman; R. S., J. M. Duncan; Treas., J. Frank; R. S. N. G., M. Dinkel- spiel; L. S. N. G., Albert Knorp; R. S. V. G., T. J. Owen; L. S. V. G., W. H. Stephens; Warden, M. A. Wheaton; Cond., A. E. Charles; I. G., W. Farmer; 0. G., Maurice Meehan. The first meetings of the lodge were held in the second story of the brick building, over J. Frank & Co.'s store, and continued to be held at that place until about the year 1866, when the lodge made arrangements with the Masonic lodge and moved into their hall. In 1872 the lot and building where the present hall now stands was purchased, at a cost, including the improvements for hall purposes, of about $8,000. The new hall was dedi- cated April 26, 1873, P. G. Master Charles N. Fox presiding. This hall is a beautiful one, well ventilated, and with its present furniture, which was recently purchased at an expense of about $1,000, places it among the most pleasant halls of the Order in the State. From the time of its organization 228 persons have held membership therein, and its present roll, from last report, numbers 113. The following Past Grands have held the appointment of D. D. G. Master for this district : John Doughty, 1860-61; M. Dinkelspiel, 1864-65; Henry Hubbard, 1866- 67; Valentine Wilson, 1868-69. The lodge at present is nearly out of debt, and its assets amount to about $13,000. The present officers of the lodge are as follows: C. N. Edwards, N. G.; John R. Morris, V. G.; Rev. A. F. Hitchcock, R. S.; H. Hubbard, P. S.; George W. Greene, Treas.; John Henry, Warden; J. M. Jones, Cond,; J. W. Kerns, I. G.; W. J. Morris, 0. G.; George T. Whitley, R. S. N. G.; Fred. Frank, L. S. N. G.; H. Hansen, R. S. V. G.; H. Manuel, L. S. V. G.; Frank Whitby, R. S. S.; William Trudgeon, L. S. S. Suisun Lodge, No. 49, A. 0. U. W.: — This lodge was organized September 3, 1878, the chartered members being D. M. Miller, Rev. A. F. Hitchcock, John Krause, and ten others. Tke first ofiicers elected to serve were : J. M. 298 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Gregory, P. M. W.; Alexander Dunn, M. W.; H. Robinson, F. W.; S. G. Palmer, 0.; 0. R. Coghlan, Recorder; A. P. Spence, Financier; John Hemy, Receiver; W. N. Bowen, Guide; John Wagoner, I. W.; C. F. Montgomery, 0. W. The objects of this Order are too well known to be stated at length. It embraces, in addition to the mutual-aid principles common to many secret societies, an insurance of S:2,000 on the life of each member. Its .system of mutual aid and life insurance is almost entirely free from the risks and failures of ordinary life-insurance companies. The Order now numbers over 10,000 members in this State, and is rapidlj* increasing, as it meets the wants of the great mass of men who \vish to make provision for their fami- lies in the safest and most economical way. Bank of Suisun:- -Thh bank was establi-shed Februaiy 7, 187G, ^vith an authorized capital of SIOO.OOO, under the management of R. D. Robbins president, and W. Wolf, cashier, the directoi-s being R. D. Robbins, C. F. D. Hastings, E. P. Hilborn, W. H. Turner and J. B. Hoyt. It does an ordi- nary banking business, and corresponds with the Anglo-Californian Bank of San Francisco, and J. and W. Seligman & Co. of New York. Suimin Fire DepartTnent. — The history of the Fire Depai'tment of Suisun City may not unfairly be said to have commenced March 2-i, 1860, when the Solano Herald (A. R. Gunnison, editor,) modestly urged the necessity of an organization, and said that " the first step in the matter of preparation is to build two or more cisterns on the plaza, which may be kept always full of water and ready to meet any emergenc}'." "A large force-pump, with hose attached," was considered sufficient apparatus for a beginning. In the next issue of the paper an anonjinous advertisement appeared, calling for " a pre- liminar}' meeting of firemen, April -tth, at Wheaton's Hall," inviting all to be present who " were interested in the matter of protection against fire." At the time specified, as appears by an item of April 7th, a meeting was held and " a committee was appointed to take the matter into consideration, ascertain the cost of cisterns, force-pumps and other apparatus, and report April 11th at Chrisler's Hall. The next week's paper contained an item headed " Fire Wardens," showing that " at a meeting of those interested in protection from fire, Messrs. D. Ballard, D. E. Stockton, and J. B. Lemon, were elected Trustees, to receive the money subscribed by the citizens, ex- pend the same in building cisterns and superintend the construction thereof." Another item shows that " at a meeting of Union Fire Co. No. 1, held on April 11th, John S. Miller presiding, T. J. McGarvey, J. Frank, and P. A. Wood, were appointed a committee on laws, and thej" thereupon presented a copy of the Constitution and By-laws of Weber Co. No. 1. of Stockton, which was adopted with slight amendments. The fii-st officei-s elected were: Wm. J. Morris, Foreman; J. C. Owen, 1st Assistant; T. J. McGarvey, 2d Assistant; D. Ballai'd, Secretary; J. H. Mareton, Treasurer. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 299 After a season of 'struggles sufficient means was finally procured to pur- chase an engine, and it reached town on the steamer Rambler August 22, 1861, escorted by Ex-Chief F. E. R. Whitney, and half a dozen of the "How- ard" boys of the Fire Department of San Francisco. It was manufactured by Hunneman & Co., of Boston, in 1857, and was the last one made by that firm for that city prior to the introduction of the steam engines now in use there. The reception was enthusiastic, and the " boys " had a good time at the "social hop" in the evening. In June, 1862, the paper referred to the needs of the department, and recalled the facts that since the tirst advocacy of its formation " the company had constructed two capacious cisterns, furnishing an ample supply of water, at a cost of $400, and purchased an engine at a cost of $1,600, and still owed for 550 feet of hose." September 12, 1862, John W. Owen and his associates in title donated the lot whereon the present engine-hou.se was built. Since its formation, the company has passed through various grades of adversity and occasional prosperity, but since April 8, 1874, when the pi-esent foreman, John T. Hammond, was ap- pointed to its leadership, it has been steadily progressing toward perfection and efficiency. It is now out of debt, owning its house, lot and apparatus, and is fairly officered and manned. Five public and two private cisterns in different parts of the town, averaging a capacity of 10,000 gallons each, help to insure the place against devastation by fire. Suisun and Fairfield Water Company. — Was organized as a joint stock company, with one thousand shares of one hundred dollars each, on April 24, 1866. The officers, after permanent organization, were: Samuel Breck, President ; M. Dinkelspiel, Vice-President ; F. 0. Staples, Treasurer ; George A. Gillesjjie, Secretary, and W. K. Hoyt, Superintendent. There were five directors, from which the above officers were elected, except Hoyt. The re- maining director being D. M. Stockman. The tanks, pumps, etc., were erected on land bought by the company, formerly owned by John Doughty and W. S. Wells, situated about one-half mile from Fairfield. Work was commenced soon after organization and completed March, 1868. There is a large " main" laid from the tanks through Fairfield to the south side of Suisun, a dis- tance of 1| miles, and is made of cement, the smaller ones, leading to dwel- lings, etc., are iron. The present officers are : E. P. Hilborn, President ; Lewis Pierce, Vice-President ; Harvy Rice, Treasurer ; D. M. Stockman, Sec- retary, and Josiah Wing, Jr., Superintendent. The company have erected this year (1879) two new tanks of 10,000 gallons capacity, and one tank- house. Suisun City Mills. — At the head of the industries of California stands the growing of wheat; second in the catalogue is the manufacture of flour. The latter branch is steadily increasing, to keep pace with the demand, and the rapid progress being made in the cultivation of wheat. 800 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. First among the industries of this town is the turning of wheat into flour. The flouring mill of Suisun is not only an honor to the city, but a credit to the county. Solano county being one of the banner wheat counties of the State, a milling interest has obtained here that deserves more than a pass- ing notice in this volume. J. G. Edwards and S. C. Reed commenced the erection of a frame mill on the site where the present brick structure stands, May 1, 1854. It was a two-story building, in which were but two run of stone, and was only used as a custom mill. It was run by steam, and did its first work on October 1st of that year. In order to give place to a larger and better structure, this mill was torn down and moved away in the spring of 1858, a portion of which is now the Roberts' Hotel. This firm the same spring commenced the erection of what is known as the Suisun City Mills. It turned its first wheel in October of that year. The main structure is 42x52, three stories high. The foundation story or basement is a solid system of stone masonr}^ two feet thick. The two stories above the basement are brick, -with pitch and gravel roof over all. On the first floor is where the wheat is received. There are elevator spouts, screen spouts, and a garner in which the wheat is dampened for grinding, also the line of shafting, which drives the stones above, are located on this floor On the second floor are four run of stone, supported by wooden hurst frames, one wheat garner and one revolving wheat screen. In the third story is where the wheat cleaning is done. There are two smutters, one National cut separator and one suction fan. There are also three hoppers, two for wheat and one for middlings, which feed the stones below. On this floor, but separated from the cleaning room, is the bolting chest and five reels. To the east and rear of the main building is the engine room, 30x60 feet, _ built of brick, in which is a forty -horse steam engine, the main shaft of which rests on a solid stone foundation, thereupon hanging a balance wheel weighing one ton. To the south of the engine room is located the boiler room, in which are two (36) tubular boilers, sixteen feet long. S. C. Reed sold his interest in this mill to Jerry Marston, in October, 1859, and the entei-prise was conducted under the firm name of Edwards .t Mars- ton until July, 1860, when Edwards sold to Stockman Bros. D. E. Stock- man sold to Marston in 1866, and D. M. Stockman on August 3, 1867. This firm erected during the year 1866 a warehouse, one and two stories high, of brick, running east and north of the main building. It is 62x110 feet, with a capacity of one thousand tons. Theoflice occupies a portion of this room, and there is also a car track running the entire length of the building to the slough dock, which aflbrds the shipping facilities for the entire building. Jerry Marston sold to E. P. Hilbom k Co., July, 1872, who are at present conducts the business, with Richard P. Le Gro as manager. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 301 Suisun Glee Club. — This club was temporarily organized at the residence of D. M. Stockman, on June 14, 1878, and took permanent shape by the adoption of a constitution on the 12th of July following, with D. M. Stock- man, President ; T. G. Whitley, Treasurer and Secretary, and J. K. Bateman, Director. The present officers are S. B. Saunders, President ; T. G. Whit- ney, Secretary and Treasurer, and J. K. Bateman, Director. The member- ship is thirty-seven. This club has already rendered the Cantata of Queen Esther, on four occasions, with marked success, and in a manner which would put into the shade towns and societies of greater pretensions ; indeed, so much musical talent is seldom found in so small a compass. Let the Suisun Glee Club proceed ! ! ! News Papers: — The first paper published in Suisun Township was the Solano County Herald: -The first number of this paper was issued on the 2d day of October, 1858. This paper had been published at Benicia, having been established there in November, 1855, by Messrs. George and Cellers. At the time of its removal to Suisun it was under the management of Wm. J. Hooton & Co., the late Judge Wm. Wells being the other member of the firm. It was printed in a building on the south side of the plaza. Decem- ber 17, 1859, J. G. Lawton, Jr., assumed control of the paper as editor and publisher, although he had been the editor previously. On the 10th of May, 1860, the management was again changed. Powers & Gunnison assuming con- trol, with Gunnison in the editorial chair. Later in that year E. E. Hatha- way became connected with the business, and the firm name was changed to O. B. Powers & Co. In 1862, H. Hubbard & Co. began the publication of the Solano Press, and continued the publication until September, 1866, when they disposed of their interest to G. A. Gillespie and Woodford Owens. In the fall of 1869 the Press and Herald were consolidated, and a new name given to the paper. It was called the Solano Republican. October 13th, 1875, 0. B. Powers, who was the sole proprietor, disposed of the paper to Messrs. C. F. Montgomery and W. N. Bowen. Previous to this the paper had always been a six-column folio. At this time the subscription-list did not exceed one hundred, and the advertising patronage was merely nominal. The size of the paper was increased to a seven-column folio the second issue under the new management. The business prospects of the paper began at at once to get brighter. The subscription-list was increased during the first year to nearly one thousand, and the advertising patronage increased in proportion. In the spring of 1877 a quarter-medium Nonpariel job press was purchased, and a full assortment of job type. In October, 1877, the paper was again enlarged, to a six-column quarto, (8 pages) and in June, 1878, it was again enlarged, to a seven-column quarto, which is its present size and form. Feb. 14th, 1879, the management again changed hands, W. N Bowen disposing of his interest to L. L. Palmer, and the business is now 302 . THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. conducted under the firm name of Montgomery & Palmer, with C. F. Mont- gomery as editor and L. L. Palmer as associate editor. The Bepublican is a fearless defender and advocate of the rights of the people, and is a wel- come weekly visitor to nearly every house in the upper portion of Solano county. The Solano County Democrat, with Thompson & Sinthicun, piiblishers, was established at Suisun, April 30, 1868. In 1870 it was moved to Vallejo. The Counti/ Hospital. — This building is situated about thi-ee miles to the east of Faii'field, the county seat, and covers an area of SOxG-i feet. It is a building two stories high, on the first floor there being the oflice of the physician and drug store, the dining room, general sitting room, and six small wards, and bath houses as well. On the upper floor there are four large wards, while in the rear there is an addition for cook, stewai'ds, and store rooms. It is throughout fitted with every modern improvement, its system of drainage being connected with a creek at the distance of a quarter of a mile. The physicians are Doctors A. T. Spence and W. G. Downing, both gentlemen well practiced in their profession, and much liked in the district. The Emharcadero : — Time was when the scene was busy on this landing place. Before the railroad came to fly ofl" with the lai-ge profits of grain from the upper part of the country, wagons by strings were wont to arrive to start their precious sacks of cereals, boxes of fruit, and hampere of vege- tables to mai-ket, on boai'd of schoonei-s, sloops, and steamboats which then plyed to this point. A warehouse of considerable proportions was con- structed for the storage of freight, and all " went merry as a marriage bell.' To-day a few regular traders arrive and depart at stated intervals ; while a steamer makes the journey to San Francisco thrice a week. On the wharf are deposited tons of cobble stones, procured in the mountains near Rock- ville, and heaps of marble from Swan's quarries, awaiting shipment' to San Francisco, there to be utilized, but, there is not much sign of life, for portions of the warehouse have fallen in and much desolation abounds. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 303 r DENVERTON, Geography: — Denverton township is bounded on the north by Maine Prairie township, on the east by Rio Vista Township, on the south by Montezuma township, and on the west by B-uisun township. It is rect- angular in shape, and is a little longer north and south than east and west. Nurse's slough extends through a portion of the south-west portion. It is navigable for small craft as far up as Denverton. The western boundary line is the Mt. Diablo meridian line. Hence it lies in range I east, and it is in range 4 north. Mount Diablo Meridian. Topography : — The western and northern portions of the township are comparatively level, but the southern and eastern portions, including a large part of the central portion, is quite hilly. This is especially so of the south- eastern portion, which extends into the heart of the Montezuma hills. Soil: — The soil in this township is as varied as the State itself. The southwest portion is a salt-marsh, on which the tule thrives. It is not con- sidered productive. Further northward, the soil is alluvial and adobe in sections, and white alkali and hardpan in other sections. The belt of alkali and hardpan extends along the northern portions of it. The eastern and south-eastern portions are almost exclusively adobe, and is very rich and productive. Of course nothing but a short, wild grass ever grows on the alkali land. It is used principally for grazing purposes. There is a gravel belt of very peculiar formation extending through the western portion of the township. It seems to be the bed of some old-time and long- since-forgotten stream, although at present it is not in the least depressed as compared with the adjacent land. The boundary lines of this gravel belt are clearly dehnable, to a single rod. The gravel ranges in size from a pea to a boulder a foot in rn on September 7, 1S49. Entered a mercantile and ship-building firm at the age of fourteen, and, after remaining theiv two yeai-s, entereil the employment of a mei-cantile, ship-buiUiing. aiid giindstone maniifactiu-- ing company, whei-e he continued for one N^eai-, when he left for California, arrivinir theiv in September. 18(57, and entered into the huuber business with Houghton &: Lee, of Vallejo. Afterwaixis wafi engaged V>y the firm of Di;k> vVr Mooi-e, of South Vallejo, as .salesman and later a.s bix>kkeeper, who ha\-ing sold out to Pope &: Talbot, he wa-s apixiLnted manager to the new tii-m, a position which he still occupies. Man-ied in November, 1876, to Miss Estelle Davenport, of Montei-ey, a native of Michigan, and ha.s one son. COLHOUN. EDMUND R., U. S. N.. Commandant Mare Island Navy Yard, was Knn in Penusyh auia. May 6, 1S21 ; appointed midshipman from Missouri, April 1, 1830: attached to sloop "Marion," Bitizil Squadron. 1839-41 : frigate " Congi-ess," MediteiTanean and Bi-azil Squadrons. 1842- 44 ; Naval Scho<.il, Philadelphia, 1845 ; promoted to passed Miiishipman, July 2, 1845 ; frigate " Ciunberland," Home Squaih'on. 184G-47. Com- modore Colhoun took part in the Mexican wai", lieing present at the tii-st attack on Alvarado, under Commodore Connor, and that at Tabasco, under Commodore Perry, which resulted in its capture. Served as passed Midshipman on boiud the armed prize schooner "Novata"; attached to the i-eceiving ship " Philadelphia," 1850-51 ; frigate ' St. Lawrence,' Pacific Squadron, 1851-53 : resigned, June 27, 1853. Re-entered the senice as Acting Lieutenant in 18G1; commanded steamere "Shawslieen" and ■' Hunchl^ack," North Atlantic Blockading Squatlron, 1861-62. Was present at and took part in the following engagements : Battle of Roan- oke Island. February 7 and S, 1862 ; capture of Newlxn-n, March 14, 1862 : engagements on the Black water river, below Fiunklin, Yirgiuia. Octolx^r, 1862 ; received his commission as Commander November 17, 1862; commanded steamer ■" Ladoua," North Athmtic Blockading St^uad- ron, 1863 ; commanding monitor " Weehawken, ' South Atlantic Block- ading Squadron. 1863 : was present at tlie diflerent actions with Foits Sumter, Wagner, Beaiu'egard, etc., from July 10 to September 15, 1863 ; conmianded the monitor " Saugas," North Athmtic Blockading Squadi'on, 1864-65 ; engaged Howlett's Battery on James river, June 21, and again on December 5, 1864 ; took part in the bombaiximent of Fort Fisher, December 25. 1864, and the different engagements therewith until its capture on January 15, 1865 ; was on special duty at New York, 1S66 ; Fleet Captain, South Pacific Squadron. 1866-67, and coumiissioued as Captain 1860: comm-\nded iron clad "Dictator" 1860-70; appointed in 1873 to command the fiag-ship " Hartford," on the Asiatic Station ; 344 THE HISTOKY OF SOLANO COUNTY. was in command of that Station four months, when he was transferred to the " Richmond " flag-ship, on the South Pacific Station, where he served from August, 1874, to July, 1875. The Commodore's next official duties were in connection with the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, where he was three months, when he was placed on the Examining Board at Washington, sei-ving on it for six months. Promoted to the rank of Commodore April 26, 1876, and, having been appointed to Mare Island Navy Yard, he relieved Admiral Rodgers of the command April 17, 1877. Commodore Colhoun is married and has a family. CONDON, JAMES, born in Ireland, in 1826, and came to America in 1848, first settling in New York. In 1855, he came to California and located at Sacramento, engaging in the nursery business in connection with A. B. Smith, whose agent he was until 1862. In that year he went back to the Eastern States, returning to California in 1864, and once more settled in Sacramento, where he stayed four years, after which he engaged in farm- ing in Yolo county, and remained there until he took the management of the White Sulphur Springs near Vallejo, where he now resides. In 1855, he married, in New York, Miss Rose Maclean. CONNOLLY, HENRY, was born in 1826, in the county of Fermanagh, Ireland, from whence he emigrated to the United States in 1846, and settled in New York city, remaining there till 1853, when he left for California and settled in San Francisco. In 1857, he removed to Vallejo, where he commenced business in the Washington Hotel, which he carried on for many years and which property he still owns. In connection there- with, he opened a livery business in 1859, which he still continues. Mr. Comiolly also opened a wholesale wine and liquor store in 1875. He married Catharine Elliott in 1853, who was born in county Fermanacrh in 1826. DARE, JOHN T., is a native of Brook Haven, Long Island, New York, and born March 27, 1843. Here he was educated in the common schools' and, at the age of thirteen, went to sea as a cabin boy, going up through all the different grades to that of first mate. This occupation he followed eight years. In May, 1861, he arrived in San Francisco on the ship " W. L. Richardson," being second in command of that craft, but left her on his arrival and shipped for the South Sea Islands and return. In 1862, went to Shoalwater Bay, oystering, returning the same year with a large number of oysters, planting them in San Pablo bay ; but the high water in the Winter of 1862-3 destroyed them. The following year, read law v^th C. Greenwich Howard, of San Francisco. About the time of the El Dorado Canyon or Colorado river gold excitement, he went to that THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 345 locality and, after experiencing the changeable fortunes incident to a miner, he returned and settled in Los Ajigeles, and was engaged in driving team for other parties. Next we find him in the employ of the Government, under Major Morris, at Drum Barracks, running trains across the desert. During Brigadier General John S. Mason's expedition through Arizona Territory, Mr. Dare accompanied them as master of transportation. After making a complete tour of the Territory, he selected Prescott, in the Ter- ritory, as a place of residence ; here he established the first pony express from Prescott to California, via Fort Mojave, riding the pony himself, without escort, through hands of hostile Indians, for six months ; then run a wagon train from Prescott to Colorado river. In 1867, he was elected to the lower house of the Arizona Legislature, and was the framer of several bills which still are a part of the laws of that country. Soon after the expiration of his office, the large wagon train he was then run- ning, was captured and destroyed by Indians, his train-master losing his life in the battle. Becoming disgusted with the coimtry on account of the hostilities of the savages, he returned to California, settling in Vallejo, in 1868. Here he worked at various occupations, then a freight clerk in the office of Cal. P. R. R., and eighteen months thereafter was A. D. Starr & Co.'s cashier and book-keeper. In the Fall of 1877, he was elected to the lower house of the State Legislature, doing the State excellent service in framing and working through the Bank Commission Bill, also the Fish and Game bills, and a strong advocate of the Postal Savings Bank bill. He has made a continuous residence in south Vallejo since his coming in 1868, and is now one of its business men. Man-ied in this place Miss Anetta, eldest daughter of George H. Martin, of Albany, New York, on January 18, 1872, their children are Ellen S., Starr D. and Edith. DEININ6ER, F., born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1832. In 18.') 6, came to America and .settled in San Francisco, where he remained but a short time, then removed to Los Angeles where he engaged in the brewery business. In the Summer of 18.57, he established a brewery at Long Bar, Yolo county, and the same time commenced farming on a large scale nine miles from Marysville. In 1866, he moved to Meadow Lake, Nevada county, and opened a brewery there, which he continued until 1870, when he established a like undertaking in Vallejo, in which city he now resides. Married at Marysville, in 1858, Madelina Young, by whom he has ; Jessie, Louisa, Daisy, Jacob, Mary, Lena, Maggie and Rose. DERWIN, MICHAEL S., was bom in County Galway, Ireland, in 1812, and resided there till 1834, when he emigrated to America, first settling in Philadelphia. In 1837 he went to the Florida war, being connected with the quartermasters' department, and leaving there, came to New S-l'G THE HISTORY OF SOLAXO COUNTY. York in March, IS-tl, proceeding thereafter to Philadelphia. In that citv he embarked in a grocery busines-s, which he continue(i till 1848, when he moved to New Orleans, where he lived till 1852, in which year he left for California, via Panama, arriving in San Franci.sco on Februarv SSth of that 3'ear. In March lie paid a flpng visit to Vallejo, and thence pro- ceeded to Stockton, from which place he went to the mines in Tuolumne County, where he engaged in mining for one year. At the end of that period he returned to San Francisco and began draying, which busine.ss he prosecuted for eight months. In the latter part of the year lSo3 he retumed to Philadelphia and tlien to New York, in which city he stai-ted the wholesale and retail liquor trade. In July, 1854, he once more turned towards the Golden Stat<», an-iving in San Francisco in August, and took up his abode there imtil January, 1855, when he moved to Yallejo and located in that city, and wa-s employed for fifteen months in the Navy Yard at Mare Island. In 1856 he started for the mines in Oregon, so- journing there for one year and a half, at the expiration of which he came back to Vallejo, where he has since resided. In 1870 Mr. Der^vin \-isited his friends in Philadelphia, and having returned to Vallejo, em- barked in the grocery business. Mr. D. is a memlier of the tirm of Der- win it McCudden, is married, and ha-s a family. DOYLE, JAMES, born in Montreal, Canada, December 25, 1828, and re- sided there till 184ti. when he went to New York City, and on April 1. 1852, .sailed from there on the ship "North America," for California, arriving in San Francisco September 1 of that year. Remained in that city till 1855, and then proceeded to Vallejo, where he has since remained a permanent resident. Mr. Doyle started the Pioneer Marble Works in Vallejo in 1862, which he still owns, and was elected Constable for the Township of Vallejo on September 5, 1877, and commenced his official duties in the month of March following. He married in New York, De- cember 25, 1840, Anna Fleury, by whom he has Sai-ah A., Thomas, Marv E., Addie, Jonas, Robert E., Annie, Eliaabeth, Chai-les and Gertrude. DRAKE, SIMON S., farmer, Section 16, post-office, Vallejo; was born in CMiielustei. Now Hampshire, September 15, 1831, and remained there till 184S. but did not leave the State till the Spring of 1854, when he moved • to Fillmoiv CountA', Minnesota, there engaging In general merchandising, pre-empting land, and fai-ming, until the early part of 1857, when he re- turned t« the Eastern States and settled in Massachusetts, but remained there only two yeare. On January 6, 1850, he sailed from New York, via Panama, arri\-ing in San Francisco in February, and immediately went to Saci-ameuto, and there worked on a dairy fariii till the following Septom- ber, when he proceeded to South San Fiuncisco and entered th'e employ- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 347 ment of John J. Haley, then proprietoi- of the International Hotel. In the Spring of 1860 he moved to Contra Costa County, and rented a farm from Victor Castro, Init in the following Spring he left that portion of the country and .sought emplopnent in the Mare Island Navy Yard, in the phimhei's" department. Lea^^ng ilare Island in the Fall of that year, he proceeded to Idaho Territory, and commenced mining on Newsom Creek, which he prosecuted till November, 1862, keeping also a miners' store, when, at that date, he once more returned to San Francisco. In February of the following year Mr. Drake proceeded to Austin, Nevada, and was employed as engineer at different mills till I860, when, on Feb- ruary 10th, he once more went to San Francisco, from which city he pro- ceeded to his home in the Eavst, on . the 1 oth of the month, \\niile at Lj-nn, Ma-s-sachusetts, he engaged with his brothers in the gi-ocery and provision business, which he continued till April, 1866, when he left for Minnesota, and from thence went to Kan.sa.s City, Missouri, arri\nng there July 4, 1866. He next pi-oceeded to Ray County, Missouri, where he worked as an engineer for two yeai^s. On October 7th, 1868," he was married to Miss Mirza C. Craven, and soon after, left for California, but after a few months returned to Missouri for his wife, coming back to Cali- fornia in November, 1869, and .settled on his present fann of 360 acres. Mr. Drake is a member of the Grangers, as well as of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He has by his wife three children — Walter Frank, bom in Ray County, Missouri, September 18, 1869; Hany Clyde, born April 14, 1871, at Vallejo; and Joey Howai'd, born September 23, 1872. EDWARDS. WILLIAM P., was born in London, England, on July 8, 1821, and in 1837 came to New York, to which place his father had preceded him. Was employed in ditierent mercantile houses in New York and Philadelphia until May o, 1849, when he set sail from the latter city in the bark " Ralph Cross " for San Francisco, where he arrived November 5, of the .same year. Mr. Edwards had brought with him a machine for cutting shingles, which he erected on what was known as the Widow Reed's Ranch, in Marin comity, but he was forced, after giving it a trial to succumb to the want of experience in this particular industrj- . Mr. Edwards thereafter went to the Middle Fork of the Yuba River, to a place called Snow Camp, in the summer of I80O, but returned to San Francisco in the fall of the same j'ear, and after a time engaged in mer- cantile pui-suits, which he continued until 1865, when he settled in Vallejo. Has been Secretaiy of the Association of California Pioneei's since its formation, with the exception of two terms, he is also a member of Vallejo Lodge No. 64, I. 0. G. T. 348 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. EGERY, B. D., of the firm of Egery & Lamont, was born in Penobscot county, Maine, on December 12, 1838, remaining there until 1859, when he came to California. First engaged in mining in Butte county, remov- ing therefrom one year after, when he removed to Chico, and from there to San Francisco, from whence he went to Owen's river, where he again engaged in mining. In the fall of 1863 he obtained employment as a clerk in San Francisco, at which he remained until January, 1867, when he left for Vallejo and opened a grocery, fruit and provision store, which was destroyed by fire in the following June. He then became a clerk with E. T. StaiT. In September, 1869, he entered into partnership with John E. Williston, whose interest his present partner purchased in Septem- ber, 1870, when the firm of Egery & Lamont was started. Mr. Egery married November 24, 1871, Miss Cari'ie G. Lambert, a native of Phila- delphia, who was born in 1846, by whom he has Lambert D., John A., Benjamin C, and Eugene. FARNHAM, JOHN, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises . The subject of this .sketch was born in Bucksport, Maine, in 1840, and in 1860 took to the sea as a profession, which he followed for four years. In the natural course of his calling he arrived in San Francisco in 1863, and proceeding to Mare Island he at once obtained employment in the Navy Yard. In 18G7 he returned to his native town and engaged in the hardware business, under the style and firm of S. A. &. J. Farnham. In 1868 he disposed of his interest in that firm and once more returning to California came to Vallejo and established his present business, under the name of Farnham & Voorhees, which partnership continued until the year 1871, since when he has been alone. Mr. F. has also a dry goods business in Salem, Oregon. Vallejo has few more public .spirited citizens than John Farnham. In 1877 he was elected to fill the chair of the Re- publican County Committee ; again in 1878 the like honor was con- ferred upon him, and, never being behind-hand where duty in the public interest is demanded, he has served on the Board of Education, and filled other respon.sible offices. In 1868 Mr. Farnham married Mary L., daugh- ter of Andrew J. Ketcham, of Brandon, Vt., who was born in 1841. In this connection an episode occurred which may here be mentioned ■ When returning home, in 1867, the " Santiago de Cuba," the steamer on which he had taken passage, was wrecked on the coast of New Jersey, near the city of Atlantic ; seven of the passengers were drowned, but Mr. Farnham, at the imminent risk of his own life, succeeded in saving that of Miss Ketcham, the young lady whom a year later he made his bride. The union so romantically forecast has been blessed l:»y three children, John W., Frank B., and Mary Louise. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 349 TORSTENFELD, M., was bom in Germany in the year 1841, and came to America in March 1855, and settled in New York, where he remained till 1861, at which time he came to California and first resided in San Fran- cisco, remaining there until 1863, and then removed to Vallejo. In July, 1875, he entered into partnership with Jacob Steffen, in keeping a meat market, which business they still continue. He married in Vallejo, in September, 1867, Miss Lizzie Snider, a native of New Orleans, who was bom February 9, 1852. FRISBIE, ELEAZER, was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1829, and remained there until September, 1846, when he sailed for California with Steven- son's Regiment, arriving in San Francisco in March, 1847. Was quar- tered in that city till the spring of 1848, when he accompanied a detach- ment of his regiment to the mines to look for deserters, of whom there were a number. This service occupied two months. The force was em- barked on a government schooner, which took ten days to reach Sutter's Fort (Sacramento) from San Francisco. On the return they took some Government horses, and drove them to the city, after which Mr. Frisbie was taken ill with a fever, from the effects of which he did not recover for a whole year. In 1848 the regiment was disbanded. He then, by the advice of his physician, proceeded to Sonoma for the benefit of his health, and, after recovering, opened a store in that city, remaining there until 1850, when he removed to Benicia, and carried on a butchery business, shipping meat to San Francisco for two years. About this time the city of Vallejo was started, he therefore moved thither. In 1854 Mr. Frisbie was elected a Justice of the Peace, served as an Associate Justice, and was the first regularly appointed postmaster for the city of Vallejo. an oflice he held from 1855 to 1857. Mr. F. resided continuously in Vallejo, from 1851 to 1865, when he removed to Russian River Township, Sonoma county, Cal., and there lived till the fall of 1870, being, for that period, engaged in farming. In that year he returned to Vallejo, and was em- ployed by the Cal. P. R. R. Co. as wood agent. In 1872 was in the em- ployment of the Vallejo Land and Improvement, and Vallejo Gaslight Companies, as collector, till Nov., 1875 . In February, 1876, he commenced a dairy business, at Point Farm, one mile from South Vallejo, which he still carries on, shipping large quantities of milk to San Francisco daily, as well as supplying the surrounding district. Mr. Frisbie married at Fairmount, N. J., June 25, 1858, Carrie E. Klink, of Syracuse, N. Y., by whom he has seven children living : John B. ; Steven H. ; Cyiithia J. ■ Phcebe A. ; Edward E. ; Carrie E. ; Alice K. FRISBIE, JOHN B., the second son of Eleazer B. Frisbie and Cynthia Cornell Frisbie was born at Albany, N. Y., on the 20th day of May A. D. 350 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 1823, and after having finished his academic course of study at the Al- bany Academy, entered the law office of District Attorney Wheaton one of the ablest lawyers at the New York Bar ; with whom he remained for four years or until he was of legal age and admitted to practice in the courts of the State of New York. He immediately took a prominent •position in the politics of the State, and received, for a young man, a large patronage and remunerative business ; after some two years of close at- tention and continued study, having somewhat of a martial spirit, he was elected Captain of the Van Rensselaer Guards, acknowledged to be the best drilled and finest looking independent company of the State. At this time, 1846, war existed with Mexico, and a number of the officers and privates of this corps being desirous to enter the anny in the campaign against Mexico, Captain Fi-isbie joined them and recruiting a full company in the city of Albany, he attached it as Company I to the regiment of Col. Jonathan D. Stevenson, then at Governor's Island and about to sail for the then distant Province of California. The regiment arrived after a six months passage at San Francisco, then nothing more than a little hamlet situated in a little cove of the harbor and called " Yerba Buena." This was in March, 1847, and the regiment continued in service until disbanded after the close of the war in July, 1848. Gapt. Frisbie then immediately engaged in business witli Gen. Vallejo and occupied himself in the management of that gentleman's extensive estate, and in projecting great public improvements at botli the cities of Benicia anil Vallejo. To secure the location of the Mare Island Navy Yard at Vallejo he purchased the island from Victor Castro and obtaining from Commodore Appleton P. Jones and Gen. Per- sifer F. Smith and other influential gentlemen a favorable rejiort for that locality. The government made it the United States Naval Station of the Pacific. Not satisfied with the achievement to advance the interests of the new city, with indomitable will he set to work to open up railroad communications with the interior of the State and inaugurated the Cal- ifornia Pacific to connect the cities of Maiysville and Sacramento with Vallejo. This road was speedily built and for a time gave a marked impetus to the growth and importance of the town. The population rapidly increased, fine wharves and warehouses were built and it speedily became the great shipping port for the whole of the northern portion of the State. Branches or feeders to the main line were then projected to tap the valleys of Napa and Sonoma and the Russian river countiy, but the immense expenditures consequent upon the prosecution of these im- provements so embarrassed the original company that they were compelled to succumb, and the road and its property fell into the hands of a rival company, whose business interests were antagonistic to the gi'owth of the little city ; as a consequence Vallejo soon lost its prestige of becoming a THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 351 great commercial city, and in its decline carried ruin to its projectors and disappointment to all interested in its welfare. But Gen. Frisbie was not the man to yield to mere temporary embarrassment and fortunately at this time (our relations with the neighboring republic of Mexico being in a critical condition) he was called to Washington to confer with the au- thorities, and was despatched by the President and Secretary of State to the city of Mexico. As the result of his mission amicable relations were established between the two countries, and the President, Gen. Diaz, recognized by our government. But Gen. Frisbie during his residence in the city of Mexico became so captivated with the country and was so tjenerously treated by its people that he determined to make it his future home and he removed his family to Buena Vista, a beautiful suburb of the city of Mexico, and is now engaged in developing some very rich mines in the Real del Monte district some sixty miles from the capital. It will thus be seen Gen. Frisbie has always been pre-eminently a public spirted man, of great energy, enterprise, and of unbounded hospital- ity and in all public positions was ever regarded as the peer of the ablest men among all the pioneers of the golden State. FRISBIE, LEVI C, the elder son of Eleazer B. Frisltie and Cynthia Cor- nell Frisliie, was bom in the city of Albany, N. Y., on the 1st day of May A. D. 1821; after a preliminary course of education in his native city, he completed his academic term in the Buffalo Academy and commenced the study of medicine in the office of Dr. William Bry and surgery witli Dr. Alden March in the year 1837, and graduated at the Albany Medical College February 23, 1841. Immediately after receiving his diploma he commenced practice with his old preceptor in the city of Albany and continued the same without interruption until the year 1850 ; when from overwo)-k during the cholera epiileinic of 1849, his health became so un- dermined as to necessitate entire suspension of business and compel him to seek mental quietude and physical recuperation from travel and change of scene and association. After four years thus spent his health was so far restoi'ed as to enable him to resume practice in the year 1 854, since which time he has been an active practitioner of his profession in the city of Vallejo and is now the oldest one in the county of Solano. He has been twice elected president of the medical society of his native county ami has officiated as the first President of the Pacific Medical Society, comprising the counties of Solano, Sonoma and Napa. In the year 1831 I in coimection with Gen. Vallejo and Gen. John B. Frisbie he laid out the plan of the city of Vallejo, which the same year by a majority vote of the people of the State and a two-thirds vote of the Legislature became the capital of the State. In the year 1858 he married Adela Vallejo the second daughter of Gen. Vallejo, by whom he has one child, now the 352 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. wife of D. McCarthy, Jr., Treasurer of the city of Syracuse in the State of New York. The Doctor is now in his fifty-eighth year and having de- voted the best years of his life to his profession, has retired from active practice, and in the enjoyment of an ample competence is content to pass the remainder of his days among the people and amid the scenes he loves so well. FROST, JAMES, M. D., arrived in California in 1856 and settled as an apothecary on Mare Island, where he continued till 18G6, when he removed to Vallejo and opened his present place of business. Doctor Frost graduated at the Medical Department of the State University in 1877, and is now one of Vallejo's practicing physicians. On May 18, 1878, he was elected to fill the high position of President of the Board of Health, which honor he still retains, with credit alike to himself and his fellow citizens; is also examining physician to the United Order of Workmen, as well as holding the same position to the Knights of Pythias. The subject of our memoir married on February 6, 1859, the daughter of John ,and Mary Foley, of Albany, New York, by whom he has six children, Arthur H., Edmund F., Mary E., Amelia G., Frances J., and Elizabeth E. GOOKIN, THOMAS P., was bom May 9, 1824, in Portsmouth, New Hamp- shire, where lie remained till the year 1848, when he went to Boston, Mass., residing there until January 1, 1849, on which date he left for New York City, sailing therefrom, on January 27, for California, and arrived in San Francisco on July 6th of the same year. Has since been a permanent resident of this State and county. He is a membei- of the Pioneer's Association of this place. GORHAM, ABRAHAM, foreman painter in the Department of Yards and Docks, Mare Island Navy Yard, was born in England, October, 1826. In 1837 he went with his parents to South Australia, where he served his apprenticeship to the painter's trade, and in 1850 came to California, arriv- ing in San Francisco in August of that year, where he worked at his trade. In 1852 he leased the boarding house known as the Thistle Inn, which then stood near the corner of Sansome steeet and Broadway, carrying It on with good success till 1854, when he went to Santa Clara valley and pursued farming for one year. In April, 1855, he came to Vallejo, and entered into partnership with David Hudson in the building and painting business, which he prosecuted for one year; and in 1858 he commenced work on Mare Island, where he has been engaged most of the time since. In 1864 Mr. Gorham purchased the property, known as the Eureka Hall, which he owned till 1878. ) u f S /t^ /y^i^c.M'^^ THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 353 He married in October, 1848, Miss Elizabeth Ide, by whom he has, Henry, born in August, 1849 ; George, born in August, 1851 ; Abraham James, bom September, 1853 ; Thomas Robert, born March, 1856 ; and Franklin Walter, born March,1865. HANKS, J. G., a detective of Vallejo, was born in Summit county, Ohio, on August G, 1829, where he resided until 1849, when he sailed from New York on May 18th for (jalfornia on board the ship " Far West." Off the coast of Barbados they were wrecked, and, being picked up by a whaling vessel, were taken to Panama. On the voyage up the Pacific coast our subject once more suffered shipwreck in the loss of the " Chimera," at Monterey. He per force landed and found his way thence to San Fran- cisco on foot. Mr. Hanks arrived in Solano county on March 11, 1850, coming first to Vallejo, and after, going to Benicia, and there opening a blacksmith's shop. Leaving this business, however, he next proceeded to the mines in El Dorado county, but in 1855 once more returned to Val- lejo only for two months, when he again went to the mines and there stayed until 1860. We next find Hanks mining in Nevada. Here he became a member of the police force of Virginia City. After five years service he established an express line at Crystal Peak, Cisco, which he maintained till 1869, when, in connection with his father, he commenced an hotel business at Truckee, being also Deputy Sheriff of the county, under C. Gentry. Has been instrumental in several of the noted captures of both this and the State of Nevada, and to-day enjoys the confidence of the officials and his friends. In 1871 he established a brickyard in Val- lejo, many of the buildings of the city being manufactured from material off his premises. HARRIER, DANIEL W., Groceries. Born in Maryland, in 1834, but re- moved to Bedford county, Penn., with his parents when still very young. In March, 1852, he emigi-ated to Jefferson county, Iowa, leaving it in 1854, for California ; he first settled in Sierra county in August of that year, and at once commenced mining operations. In 1861 he removed to Nevada City, Nevada county, and started a livery stable, at the same time running the stage and express line from that point through Lake City, North Bloomfield, Wolsey, Moore's Flat, and Eureka South, a dist- ance of thirty miles. In March, 1866, the subject of our memoir came to Vallejo, and taking charge of the Metropolitan Hotel (now the Sherman House) ; he remained its occupant for eighteen months. Seceding from the hotel, Mr. Harrier engaged in the occupation of stock buying, purchas- ing, also, in connection therewith, the butchering business, of John Burch- am. This transaction was effected on August 5th, 1868, and the above undertaking was carried on by him until the month of December, 1875. 23 354 THE HTSTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. On the 27th of January, 1879, he purchased the business of J. E. Willis- ton, in the premises now occupied by his groceiy store. D. W. Harrier is one of the leading men in the city. He was among those who started the Vallejo Bank, and was its President from 1876 to 1878. In 1873 he was elected City Trustee, which office he held for two years ; served on the Board of Supervisors in 1876 ; and was enrolled a School Trustee in the fall of 1877. Mr. H. married March 5, 1865, Mrs. Sarah M. Walker, the daughter of John Lee of this city. Their children are, Lizzie R., Lewis G., Victor V., Jessie V., Daniel W., Maud, and Austin. HARVEY, HONORABLE JOEL AINSWORTH.— The subject of this me- moir was born on June 24, 1838, at Herkimer, in the county of that name, State of New York. His early days were passed on the slopes of the Hassancleaver Hills, and at the Fairfield Academy, New York, where he was grounded in that education whieli has, in after life, so well fitted him for the prominent positions which he has since maintained, with credit to all. In 1857 he left the Eastern States, and located in Elgin, Ills., which, after a residence of about two years, he left for California, in the spring of 1859, taking the route across the Plains, and arriving in the Golden State in the fall of that year, at Placerville. At the time the great Washoe excitements of 1860 were the talk of every one and stirred all into a phase of excitability, recalling the halcyon days of the earlier dis- coveries, he with the rest penetrated into Nevada, but not having a like fortune with others, he drifted back with the unlucky, and finally halted at Genoa, in Carson Valley, then the capital of Western Utah. When the Territory of Nevada was first organized, Mr. H. was ap- pointed Clerk of Douglas county, of which Genoa was the county seat, and retained the position, from term to term, until the first month of the year 1867. While retaining this i-esponsible office, he studied law with such success that he was admitted to its practice, and during the follow- ing year removed therefrom, and resided successively at San Francisco, Reno and Wadsworth, being employed at the latter place as agent for Wells, Fargo & Co., whence, in 1869, he was transferred to their Vallejo office. In 1871 Mr. Harvey organized the Vallejo and San Francisco Ex- press, the affairs of which he managed until 1874, when he was elected to the County Clerkship of Solano county, which distinguished position he held for two terms, and was then nominated by the Republican party for County Judge, but was defeated by the present holder, Judgfe John M. Gregory, Jr. In March, 1878, he resumed his practice at Vallejo, where he now resides. The honorable career of Mr. Hai^vey has thus far culminated in his being sent to the Convention, in June, 1878, as county delegate, he having received the largest majority of any delegate on the Republican ticket. He married August 13, 1863, Alameda L. Hub- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 355 bard, at Carson City, Nevada, by whom he has one son and five daughters, viz : Joel H. ; Amanda L. ; Mary A. ; Inez A. ; Blanche L., and Maude F. HILBORN, THE HONORABLE S. G.— The subject of this sketch is a na- tive of Winot, Androscoggin county, Maine, having been born there on December 9, 1834. In early lire he and his brother, E. P. Hilborn, were left orphans, when the labor of working the home-farm devolved upon these two youths. In the meantime, E. P. Hilborn emigrated to California, in the midst of their agricultural pursuits, leaving his brother to attend to the farming business, and his education ; which, as the following record shows, was crowned with success for both, E. P. Hilborn being now a prominent grain merchant of Suisun. Mr. Hilborn received the elements of that education which has brought him into such prominence in California, first at Bethel Hill, Oxford county, Maine, and afterwards at Tuft's Col- lege, where he graduated in 1859 ; afterwards becoming principal in Oak Grove Academy, Falmouth, Maine, where he remained a year, at the end of which he entered the law office of the Hon. William Pitt Fessenden, at Portland, Maine, being admitted to the bar in 1861. In this year he emi- grated to California, arriving at San Francisco, via Panama, in the month of August of the same year. Having passed a few months in the office of Whitman & Wells, a legal firm of Suisun, he removed to Vallejo, and there establislied himself in the practice which he now enjoys. The Hon, S. G. Hilborn is a man of mark in his county, as his public record will show, while privately he is known to be worthy of the highest esteem and respect. Since his arrival in Vallejo he has iield, in order, the follow- ing places of trust and honor : City Attorney, in the year when it was incorporated ; a City Trustee for two terms ; Supervisor and Senator ; while his last work of distinction has been in connection with the Consti- tutional Convention, to which he was a delegate. Mr. H. has also prac- ticed his profession with marked ability, and has been retained in a large number of the leading and most intricate cases that have had their inci- pience in the county. He is President of the Vallejo Land Improvement Company, as well as a particij^ator in other schemes of a public and pri- vate nature. He married Lou E., second daughter of Caleb and Louisa Root, a native of Madison county, N. Y., in 1863, and has one child, Grace A. HOBBS, ISAAC, (deceased,) born in Sanford, Summerworth county, State of Maine, 27th November, 1821. In the yeai 1839 he left his birthplace and went to South Boston, but remained there only a short time. From there he proceeded to Great Falls, New Hampshire, where he worked at his trade, that of millwright, remaining there till 1844, when he went to to Glowchester, New Jersey, being employed in his own trade till the 356 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. spring of 1847, when he went to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and set in opera- tion the machinerj' of several cotton mills in that place. In March, 1849, he started across the plains to California. On reaching Gila river, he, in company with three others, manufactured a " dug-out," and proceeded down the Pino river, calculating that the jouney would only occupy three days,"and laid in provisions accordingly, but they were twenty-one days on the trip, and on getting to their destination, found the rest of the the party had preceded them by eight days. Continued the journey to San Francisco, where they arrived in October, 1849. Mr. Hobbs, asso- ciated ^with some others, organized a company, and, going to Bodega erected a saw-mill, but at the time, lumber could be secured in San Fran- cisco^for the simple freight ; the mill was therefore not put in operation. He again returned to San Francisco and embarked in thebusiness of a house- carpenter, at sixteen dollars a day, wages. This was in the summer of 18.50 ; in the^fall of that year he visited the southern mines and engaged in prospecting until the spring of 1852, at which time he began farming on the Feather river, but, contracting fever and ague, in the fall of the year he was obliged to abandon agriculture and return to San Francisco. In April, 1853, he returned to the Atlantic coast and his native home, and on May 31 of the same year married, at McConnellville, Ohio, Miss Sarah A. Maxwell, at the residence of her sister, Mi's. C. L. Barker ; she was born in Chester county. Pa., October 18, 1826. With his bride he returned to California via Panama, arriving in San Francisco November 5, 1853, when he once more commenced business as a house-builder, which he continued till 1855, when, with his family, he came to Vallejo and en- gaged as millwright, on Mare Island. In the fall of 1859 he moved to Eel river, Humboldt county,and began farming,and remained there till the sum- mer of 1861, when they returned to Solano county and located 160 acres of land, in section 34, township 4, range 3, on the Suscol ranch, but on March 3, 1863, a bill was passed by Congress giving the land back to its original owner, (who claimed it under the Spanish grant,) when they were removed by the Sheriff of the county. Mr. H. then returned to Vallejo, in 1865, and was "elected Sheriff in 1869 for a term of two years. Once more Mr. Hobbs visited (in 1876) the'scenes of his youth, as well as the Centennial Exhibition, returning to Vallejo, but never again engaged in active busi- ness up to the time of his death, which occurred on February 12, 1878. He was a Mason of old and high standing, as also a member of the Val- lejo Pioneer Association. Their children are: Mary B., born at Vallejo April 17, 1857 ; Ida S., born April 7, 1859 ; Eunice Esther, born at Eel river, Humboldt county, February 26, 1861 ; Charles B., born in Sulphur Spring valley, Solano county, August 22, 1863 ; Heila Grace, born in Val- lejo, November 21, 1865, and Maxwell, born May 17, 1872. There are two infants deceased : George, bom August 17, 1855, and died July 27, 1864 ; Isacc, born December 21, 1865, and died September 27, 1869. I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 357 HUBBARD, JOHN E., retail dealer in domestic wines, cigars, etc., was born in Santiago, Chile, South America, in 1842, and in 1848 came with his parents to San Francisco, where his father opened the first brass foundry and coppersmith shop on the coast. Remained in San Francisco till 1852, when the family removed to Santa Clara county, the .subject of this sketch being sent to school there. In 1857 he accompanied his pa- rents back to Chile, and with them returned to California after a stay of two years in South America. In 1860 Mr. Hubbard proceeded to Santa Clara, and there was engaged by the firm of Hobich & Bros., general merchants, as clerk ; in 1862 he returned to San FraAcisco and entered the office of the Provost Marshal, continuing there till 1864, when he visited the Eastern States -with his father and sister. At the end of four- teen months he returned to California, and having resided for four months at Benicia, he went to San Jose, where he was employed for the best part of four years in the firms of T. W. Spring & Co., and N. Hayes. In 1869 he once more visited San Francisco, where he was appointed a Deputy Sheriff. He visited Mexico and Oregon in 1870, and arrived in Vallejo in the fall of that year, after which he proceeded to Napa, Humboldt bay, the Sandwich Islands, and in 1871, returned to Vallejo, where he has since permanently resided. He opened his present business in February, 1877. Is unmarried. HUBBS, THE HONORABLE PAUL K., (deceased), one of that class of Pioneers whose memory those who are left behind delight to honor, and who labored to bring the State of California into the proud position of being one of the foremost in the Union, was a descendant of another class of Pioneers, his ancestors being of that band of Quaker families who emigrated from England to America in Anno Domini 1650, and settled in RhcMe Island. He was born on March 27, 1800, near Woodstown, in Salem county. New Jersey, and received his schooling in Philadelphia, where he was well grounded in the necessary education of the period. Early in life Mr. Hubbs essayed work on a farm, which in a sketch of his life he describes thus : " My father again moving to the old homestead and requiring all possible help, I had to leave the old frame school- house, corner of Race and Juniper, and at eleven years old take charge of a team and go thiough a course of agricultural studies ; more health- ful I thought to the body than the mind. All the steam then that con- tributed to the plowing was raised from the person of man and horse- The reaping was done as in the time of Ruth. We shelled corn by hand across an iron bar and done flail threshing on rainy days, nor was our mowing accomplished by patent. Don't talk about good old times ; those wei-e weary days to the farmer — ^up before daylight to wade through snow and sleet and slush and rain and ice to prepare and donate feed for 358 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. horses preparatory to a day's work, ending late in the evening. Yet the toil and hardship of the day gave us good appetites and sweet sleep preparatory to a renewal of the same lack of variety, save the change from storm to sunshine and from sunshine to storm, and from intense cold to man-melting heat. Thanks to Almighty God, the small com- munities of those days were strictly honest, with rare exception. The Bible and the newspaper were read with equal confidence in their truth." Mr. Hubbs did not long pursue farming as an occupation, for he shortly afterwards received a position in a wholesale dry goods store on No. 23 North Front street, Philadelphia, and while there it happened that Judge Kinsay, after whom he had been named, had arrived in the city to pur- sue his professional practice, and at once took young Hubbs in hand, keeping him reading law or attending law courts during the evening. About this time he entered into his fii'st mercantile transaction on his own account. He had been noticed by the mate of a vessel trading to Poi'to Rico, who inquired how much capital he had at his disposal. The reply was " nine dollars." With this sum his friend advi.sed him to in- vest in twelve barrels of apples, which he did ; his goods were taken by the brig, and two months thereafter he found gazetted in the morning paper of Imports " 20 bags coffee to Paul K. Hubbs." From his extreme youth, then but 13 years, he had some difficulty in convincing the Cus- toms authorities of his honesty ; eventually, however, his produce was cleared, a position in the store was granted to him whereat he might dis- pose of his consignment, which he soon did, realizing the sum of S140, to him a fabulous outturn indeed. He was not carried away by this turn of Fortuna's wheel, however, for with the proceeds of this venture he in- vested still further, always attended with a reasonable profit. Mr. Hubbs next visited New York for the first time, on certain legal business, which place he reached by stage and steamer, the latter commanded by Cor- nelius Vanderbilt, with whom he had a little passage of words, which would appear to have made so deep an impression on the Captain that the point urged by Hubbs was gained. At this period the British were before Baltimore and Philadelphia was alarmed. Citizens were called upon to throw up breastworks over the Schuylkill and other defensible points in the construction of which he entered with the vigor of youth, and shortly aftei-, when on a collecting tour in Virginia, he saw the havoc of war and the ruins of houses and homesteads occasioned by the hos- tilities which then raged between the United States and the British. On his return, through the failure of the firm in which he had served, Mr. H. found himself out of employment, and after for a while sufl^ering the heartburnings and misery of seeking for work, answering advertisements and seeing his little ready coin dwindling into insignificance, he was taken into the counting-house of J. and M. Brown and M. D. Lewis, the THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 359 leading firm of Philadelphia, with whom he woi'ked as book-keeper and afterwards as cashier, and at the end of a lease of faithful service he was established by the firm, whose business had greatly increased, in a branch of the house situated on the south side of Market street, under the name of Paul K. Hubbs, in which he was admitted a partner, which in 1826, at the time of a great crisis, was dissolved by mutual consent, and the assets divided. As a proof of the marvelous uprightness and proper feeling of Mr. Hubbs, the following anecdote is taken from his note book : " Nicholas Biddle, then the great financial spirit of the United States, remarked one day to a coterie at the Exchange, as I passed, 'There goes the sharpest man of Market street!' I heard it, and it pained me. I sought almost imme- diately an interview and remarked, ' Mr. Biddle, you have ruined me ; I heard your remark as I passed ; we are all of us afraid of sharp men. Say that I am industrious and know my business, but don't, I pray you, ever call me sharp.' ' Well, Hubb.s,' said he, 'this only convinces me that I was right, but I am enlightened by the truism of your suggestion ! ' " In his manhood, though attending with strict devotion to the cares of his business, the subject of this sketch found time to take a part in the philantrophies of the time, which were then being largely cared for by Mathew Carey, a name which will remain engraven on the early history of Philadelphia as an advocate of American manufactures and home in- dustry generally. In 1827, Mr. H. erected the first calico print works in Pennsylvania at "The Lagrange," on the Pennepack near Bustleton, now the twenty-third ward of the city of Philadelphia, and in 1828 we find him acting as Secretary for " The Society of Internal Improvement of Pennsylvania," having associated with him Chief Justice Tilghman, Peter S. Duponceon, John Sergeant, John J. Borie, Charles J. Ingersoll, and five merchants who formed an active committee of ten. It was dif- ficult to obtain a Legislature willing to take hold of so vast an enter- prise. Mr. Hubbs thus describes a session where a startling innovation was mooted ; " The committee was assembled at the ' Indian Queen,' Fourth street, one evening. The sub-committee reported the situation above named. John Sergeant, (candidate for Vice-Pi-esident with Mr. Clay afterward), Chairman of Committee, in his seat and I at his side as Secretary. We were busy about details, when Mr. Ingersoll came in. He at once commenced : ' Mr. Chairman, I have a matter that I deem to be of great importance to the committee ; I think we can eclipse New York. I am reliably informed that tran.sportation can be successfully made at cheap rates by running wagons prepared for the purpose over parallel bars of iron. The experiment has been successfully tried at an Engli-sh colliery, reducing their expenses ttvo-thirds, with mere play for the horses. Let us apply.' Mr. Ingersoll!' ejaculated Mr. Sergeant from 360 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. the chair, ' we are just completing our well laid plans of success in mak- ing a grand canal, and I hope you will not come here with your flights of fancy.' ' Well,' says Mr. IngersoU, 'dig your ditch, but I shouldn't be surprised to see it some day covered by parallel bars of iron.' This was the first I ever heard of railroads, and I took occasion to remark that ' such a thing might do in England, but our Pennsylvania frosts would forbid it here.' We went on, and after wonderful log rollivg obtained a law and a canal and a final debt of $42,000,000 to Pennsylvania." In 1830 he visited Europe, staying at many of the most picturesque spots in Great Britain, and happened to be in London at the time of the corona- tion of King William IV., which is thus amusingly described by Mr. Hubbs : " My bankei- was too late for Westminster Abbey, but obtained me a stand in a parlor nearly opposite St. James' Palace, whence the cavalcade would issue, and where the children of the Lord Mayor and myself could see everything of the move. The Duchess of Kent would not let little Vic, then some fourteen years old, go in the procession. Earl somebody, one of Billy's naturals, fixed up the whole matter, and Vic's place was not the right one, and she didn't ride then ; but she did afterward, God bless her ! William looked very like old General Cadwal- ader. The Queen had a square face and a princely Dutch nose indicative of bad humor. They shouted, 'Long live King William the Fourth!' I shouted, 'Hurrah for Billy Guelph ! ' I thought that was about the right sort of American manner, and let it out." After his sojourn in England, Mr. Hubbs crossed over to France wdth which he was much charmed, and after visiting many places of mark he once more sailed to America in the packet " Sally," commanded by Captain Pell, but as the voyage thither was undertaken solely for the purpose of bringing his wife to share with him the pleasures of sight-seeing, he once more sailed from American shores. The port of destination this time was Marseilles, through the Straits of Gibralter and up the Meditereanean, and again he landed in la belle France ; and on April 4, his son Anthony was born in Lyons ; and it was in this city that he received his first taste of Revolutionary France, in the year 1834. From this city, Mr. Hubbs made the tour of Europe. To follow him on, which is impossible, for want of .space ; and early in 1836 he took ship for home from Havre ; but encountering a hurricane in the English Channel, being saved from shipwreck on the rock-bound coast of Devon- shire, as it were, by a miracle, he landed in New York without further adventure, and proceeded thence to the home of his youth. The change found in Philadelphia after so protracted an absence was very marked. Men whom he had left struggling, he found in opulence ; while those who were at the top of the ladder of commercial and financial fame had suc- cumbed to make or mar no more. In 1837 Mr. Hubbs owned the Mil- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 361 hausen Print Works, 'then located below the Navy Yard, in Philadelphia, which were destroyed in September, 1839, by fire, thiough mismanage- ment on the part of the fire company ; but with that rectitude of mind which has always characterized his dealings, and that persevei-ance which would stand no brooking, he paid ofl' every dollar lost by the fire, and bought in a large portion of the Pennypack Mills. Hereafter he took part in the politics of the State, which led him into much prominence, and in 1841 was elected Colonel of the Third Regiment, Pennsylvania militia, which had a share in the subduing of the fanaticism that culmi- nated in the church riots. In the midst of the great excitement of the retirement of Henry Clay, whom Col. Hubbs in his sketch, eulogizes in glowing terms, he was offered by Mr. Tyler, the Consulate at Paris, and subsequently by Mr. Polk, the like position at San Francisco, which he declined, for what were to him good and suflicient reasons ; and was pres- ent in Washington during the excitement of the declaration of war against Mexico. Mr. Dalles was then enthusiastic to procure ('alifornia as well as Oregon, then comprising what is now all west of the Missouri^ between 42 and 49 of latitude ; and it was when in the Capital that he was first introduced to General Winfield Scott, the veteran and accom- plished Chief of the American army. A new era now opened itself for Col. Hubbs. California had become the popular talk of the Eastern States ; he had read Emory's Notes on the country south from Salt Lake to California, and Fremont's Rocky Mountain and California campaign ; then came reports of gold, he, there- fore, for his star had not latterly been in the ascendant as regards finan- cial success, determined to emigrate, his first idea being to attempt the overland journey, which he agreed to undertake in company with his cousin, Ira Burdsall, Frank Tilford, a Mr. Wingate and Bryant, the author of " What I saw in California." Falling sick, however, this journey was given up by him, but, nothing daunted, he wound up his affairs, I'esigned his posts of honor, responsibility and trust and, notwith- standing inducements of a fiattering order being held out, he finally sailed for California on May 3, 1849, in the ship " Susan G. Owens," his wife and children accompanying him. His description of the scene on the wharf is full of pathos and teems with humane feeling, clothed in words which, though in prose, vie in interest with the immortal lives of Childe Harold's Farewell from the halls of his youth. The good ship, with its precious freight of human beings, proceeded on its journey and, with the exception of one or two disagreeables, incidental to a long sea voyage^ touched at Rio de Janiero and Valparaiso and arrived in San Francisco at noon, on October 12, 1849. The first impressions of (Jalifornian life are graphically described by his son, for Col. Hubbs did not live to finish the sketch, of his life with his own pen. In December, 1849, we find the 362 THE HISTORY OF SOLAXO COUNTY. Colonel, along with his eldest son, en route to the San Jaoquin valley, finally reaching Stockton one week after leaving San Francisco. The description of the city of Stockton, as it then was, is worthy of being quoted : " The inhabitants were employed : some in gambling, others in prayer, and every diversity of occupation. Some of those who were the strongest advocates of temperance, when in the Eastern States, might here be seen dealing out liquor with greater vigor than all the others of the same profession. Shoemakers by trade would here be lawyers by occupation. The mud was knee-deep, and most of the inhabitants ap- peared as though they liked it too well to brush it off, and to wash their faces or comb the hair, that they considered was a once-a-month job." In this canvass cosmopolitan city, the Hubbs', father and son, purchased a camping outfit of frying-pan, bean-kettle, cofTee-pot, cups and plates of tin, butcher knife and other necessary impedimenta and started for the Stanis- laus river, which they reached on the second day, crossing at Hyslop's Ferry and camped at Texas Jack's ranch, where they were entertained by " Big Mouth Bill," " Three-fingered Jack," and others of like kith. Here he located 640 acres of land, three miles above Texas Jack's, opposite Cotton's Ferry, and named it Camp Washington, the ford being called Hubbs' Ford. These acres are now kno\vn as the rising town of Oakdale. Here a house of six feet square, composed of rushes, closed in on the eastern and southern sides, was erected ; and, though it did not keep out the wild beasts, with which the country then abounded, it served the necessary purpose of a shelter. These two carefully nurtured gentlemen here commenced the veritable hardships of a pioneer's life, trees com- menced to drop under their untiring axes, a vegetable garden was planted and then he sent for his wife and children and went to Stockton to re- ceive them, but the usually trim Colonel was scarcely recognizable in his slouch hat, grown beard and carelessly tied neck -handkerchief. The warm and affectionate heart still was there, however, and as proper arrange- ments as could be made in those days were perfected, and the family pro- ceeded to their home on the Stanislaus, Mi-s. Hubbs being the first white lady to cross its waters, where they were received with much joy by their eldest boy. So great a novelty was the appearance of a lady on the Stanislaus, that the news of her arrival spread like wild-fire, and she was visited by hundreds of rough looking miners who, notwithstanding their uncouth exterior, held soft and warm hearts within, and would feel quite homesick in the presence of the fair gentlewoman. While he lived in Tuolumne county, which then swarmed with horse thieves, assassins and outlaws, their house was often the haven where the outraged traveler sovight protection, which was always obtained, while in the sketch from which this memoir is conden.sed, we gather that that desperado, Joaquin Murietta, was, under an assumed name, a constant visitor at his house ; THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 363 judge of the surprise on recognizing the head of the outlaw as the same individual who had so often petted his children and partaken of his hospitality. In 1850, Colonel Hubbs entered public life in California, as Alcalde, or Justice of the Peace, for Tuolumne ; and, in the following year, he was elected to the Senate, by the Democratic Jiarty from Tuolumne county, and, in December, 1851, he with his family arrived at Vallejo, then the State Capital, ready to enter upon his Senatorial duties. Col. Hubbs fol- lowed the fortunes of the Legislature on its cruises in search of a perma- nent location ; he fought hard against every bill which favored the removal of the capital, as he considered it an unnecessary expense to the State. To him is the credit due of introducing the Bill entitled " Providing Revenue for the support of the Government of this State," one of the most popular bills of the time, although it had some enemies. He was also in connection with the Honorable Frank Soule, the framer of the bill which was enacted and which formed the basis of the existing laws encourag- ing the system of education for the young at general expense, which is so great a pride to the State. Col. Hubbs was President, pro tern,., of the Senate, and, while occupying the Chair of that body, performed an act for which, to this day, the citizens of San Francisco feel grateful, for having saved much to her, as also it did to the State, when the first of the bulkhead scheme's bill came up on its final passage. His was the casting vote which was given in favor of the city of San Francisco and against the project of throwing the whole water front of that city into the hands of speculators. Colonel Hubbs was one of the most industri- ous of Senators, he worked earnestly in the cause of education, for which he was afterwards rewarded by being placed at the head of the Educa- tional Department, State Superintendent of Public Instruction ; but it is not only in this sphere alone in which he shone, the Acts he laid before the House are too numerous to mention in this place, suffice it to say that they were all devised for the benefit of the State. He had at heart the design to enact just and wholesome legislation, that served alike for the best interest of the agriculturist as well as the miner ; while he had the forethought to make the foundation for the preparatory necessities of the large influx of population which afterwards found its way to the shores of California. During his tenure of office as State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the number of schools in the State, in three years, in- creased from twenty to three hundred and sixteen, while the advance in attendance was from three thousand three hundred and fourteen to twenty-six thousand one hundred and sixty. Many of his friends desired to renominate him for a second term, while others wished that he should become a candidate for the United States Senate, both of which he de- clined, favoring an intimate friend, Andrew J. Moulder, to be his successor. 364 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. At the death of his wife, which took place on September 30, 1856, Colonel Hubbs retired from public life and, having visited Puget Sound, he set- tled at Port Townsend, Washington Territory, following his profession of attorney and counsellor at law ; he succeeded in building up a large prac- tice and was known throughout the Territory as one of its most eminent lawyers and statesmen. In 1860, he was elected to the Territorial Council, representing the counties of Jefferson, Claim Island and What- com. In the following year he was chosen President of the Council and, in 1866, he was prominently spoken of as a probable candidate for Congress ; business, however, called him to California, and he ultimately located at Vallejo. While a resident of this city, he was one of its mov- ing spirits, he occupied many positions of trust ; to him is due, in a great measure, the establishment of an Episcopal Church in Vallejo. On Tues- day, November 17, 187-i, at noon, he was, to all appearances, well, shortly after he was taken ill, and at five minutes to two, in the afternoon of that day, he died, honored by all ; respected by all ; loved by all, and without an enemy. Colonel Hubbs married Miss Eliza Hedelius, in 1830, daughter of Capt. Hedelius, who fought with Paul Jones on the Bon Homme Richard, to join whom he ran away from an English University. They leave Paul Kinsey, born near Nashville, Tennessee, on September 20, 1832. He is now a resident of Washington Territory. Anthony was born in Lyons, April 4, 1832 ; is now book-keeper in the State Controller's oflice at Sac- ramento ; Virginia, born in 1841 ; Charles Henry, born September 17, 1843, now of Vallejo. In 1857 Col. Hubbs married secondly Margaret Gilchrist, at Benicia, by whom he had Bayard Ingersoll, born October 19, 1858, and Helen May, born May, 1862. HUBBS, CHARLES H., third son of the Hon. Paul K. Hubbs, was born in Pennyi^ack, now a portion of the City of Philadelphia, on September 17, 1843, and accompanied his parents, in the ship " Susan G. Owens," leav- ing Philadelphia May 3d, and arriving in San Francisco October 12, 1849- He first attended Doctor Vermehr's school, then the only one in that city. During the legislative sessions of 1852 and 1853 was Page of the Assem- bly, being Chief Page in the latter year, with Virgil C. Bartlett and Wil- liam Fosbender as assistants. During these sessions he received ten dol- lars 3, day as compensation, and out of the salary saved, a sum of twenty- five hundred dollars, which was invested for him by his father, the inter- est paying for his schooling and other necessaries. Was educated at the Collegiate Institution, Public School, and High School of Benicia, and in 1857 entered the telegraph service as messenger in the Benicia ofiice. During the fall of the year he came to Vallejo, for the purpose of instructing W. W. Chapman in the art of telegraphy, and in April, 1858, when the THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 365 Northern Telegraph was being constructed from Maiysville to Yreka, by Messrs. Strong and Hubbai-d, he accepted a position on that line, being the first operator at Tehama, where he taught Charles Harvey. While there was promoted to be Chief Operator on the line. From thence he proceeded to Horsetown, where he was preceptor in telegraphy to Judge James N. Eby, and after Frank W. Blake at Weaverville, Trinity county, whence he returned home, having resigned his position. He next went to Shaw's Flat and there received propositions to proceed to Napa to open the office of the line which was being extended from Vallejo to that city. This he, however, only held for a few weeks, when he was called bv his father to accompany him to Washington Territory. In 1865, when , James Gamble, the General Superintendent, was extending telegraphic communication from California through Oregon and Washington Terri- tory, to meet the Collins' line, which was proposed should cross at Behr- ings Straits to Asia, Mr. Hubbs again entered the telegraph service, and was appointed agent at the Swinomish station, which was the office where all the business between the offices north of that station had to be repeated. In 1868 he was transferred to Fort Vancouver, and here purchased a book- store, which business he followed, in conjunction with that of telegraphy and photography. In 1869 he sold out his book-store and proceeded to Stockton, Sacramento, and Marysville, in the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Co., when, in October, 1870, he was installed as Manager of the Vallejo office. In 1875 Mr. Hubbs was appointed a Notary Public by His Excellency Governor Irwin, and reappointed in 1877. In the following year he was selected by Governor Robinson Commissioner of Deeds for New York. In 1876 he was elected a member of the Board of Education for Val- lejo Township, and took strong grounds against excessive taxation and in favor of promoting the advancement of the educational interests of Val- lejo, which was appreciated by his con.stituents, who re-elected him, giv- ing him the largest vote of any candidate who had opposition for office. HUNTER, JAMES — Is a native of Ireland, but of Scotch parentage, who had moved to the place of his nativity a few years previous to his birth, on March 27, 1827. In 1840 his parents emigi-ated to America, settling near Cedar Rapids, Linn county, Iowa ; where James was educated in the com- mon schools. On May 1, 1849, Mr. Hunter and his brother left Iowa City, Iowa, crossed the Plains, arrived at Lawson's rancho on the 23d of Octo- ■ ber following. During that winter he prospected for gold at Bidwell's Bar, and meeting with fair success, but left the place the following spring, going to Feather River, where hi.s mining operations were more remune- rative. In 1851 he located on the southeast branch of Feather River, but in the fall of that year moved to Shasta county, Cal., and was the pro- 366 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. prietor of a feed and sale stable. From here he came to Vallejo to-miship, settling on his present farm in the Suscol hills. Here he owns 844 acres of fertile valley land, and in Mendocino county 3,500 acres, as well as a saw-mill and store. From the foregoing it will be seen that the subject of this sketch is connected, by direct descent, with the best Scottish blood, and came hon- estly by the virtues which have characterized and advanced his private life. He was never actively engaged in politics, but during his long resi- dence and business career in this county, is regarded as an excellent citi- zen, a quiet, energetic business man, enjoying the marked i-espect and esteem of his neighbors and friends. Married, by the Rev. Pierpoint, Presbyterian minister, at Petaluma, Sonoma county, Cal., Miss Celia, daughter of Samuel C. Stewart, on Oct. 25, 1858. James William, born Aug. 5, 1859, Flora J. born Aug. 16, 1861, Sai'ah A. born Ajiril 20, 1863, Harry S. born Feb. 4, 1873, Alena Maud born Sept. 12, 1875, are their living children. Maggie Bell, born Oct. 12, 1865, died April 1, 1877; Frank Guss, born Jan. 27, 1868, died March 22, 1877; John Calvin, born Sept. 19, 1870, died March 23, 1877. These children died of small pox. JEFFERIS. P. E.— Born in Chester county, Pa., in the year 1828, where he remained till 1S46, having learned the trade of carpenter at Union, in that county. He then removed to Wilmington, Delaware, and having I'esided there for eighteen months went to Philadelphia and engaged in the dry goods business until 1851, when he came to California, arriving in San Francisco on February 8, 1852. In that year lie went to Nevada county, and for eighteen mouths prosecuted mining, at the end of which he returned to Philadelphia and embarked in the furnitui'e business, con- tinuing it up to the spring of 1854, when he once more sailed for Califor- nia. On his arrival he proceeded to Sierra county, leaving it in the fol- lowing summer for Nevada county, where he commenced the livery busi- ness, which he prosecuted for about fourteen years. On February 8, 1869, he visited Vallejo, but it was not till May, 1870. that he permanently settled in that city, when he obtained employment on Mare Island Navy Yard, at which he was engaged till 1874, when he received the appoint- ment of Foreman House- Joiner, in the Department of Yards and Docks, a position which he still holds. Mr. Jefferis married in Philadelphia, on September 26, 1854, Sarah, daughter of John Hinecle, of that city, by whom he has Ida Florence ; Lizzie H. ; Mary L. ; and Enos P. JONES. REV. EDWARD INSKIP, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, December 3, 1844, and came to San Francisco inMay, 1850, where he attended the Pub- lic Schools, continuouslj', till May, 1856. He accompanied his parents to THE HISTORY OF SOI.ANO COUNTY. 367 San Jose, in 1862, whither they had gone to farm. Mr. Jones attended the " University of the Pacilic." at Santa Clara, and tanght .school over two years, at intervals, between 1862 and 1867. Had ministry in view, and made preparations, while at college and during his teachings, but began the study of law in May, 1867, at San Francisco. Was admitted to the Supreme Court of California in April, 1870, and practiced in that city till September, 1871, at which time he joined the California Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Was appointed to Ferndale, September, 1871 ; to Eureka, September, 1873, and to Vallejo, Septem- ber, 1876. Mr. Jones married October 8, 1876, Theresa I., daughter of A. F. Broderick, of Eureka, Humboldt county, who was born in Colches- ter, Nova Scotia, on March 1, 1861, by whom he has one child, Broderick, born February 14, 1878. KENNEDY. JOHN E., general merchandise, insurance agent and notary public, was born in the county of Kerry, in Ireland, in 1833. In 1849 he emigrated to America, settling in Boston, Massachusetts. In 1854 he arrived in California, and in 1856 proceeded to Mare Island. Two years later he returned to Boston on a visit, but came back the same year. In 1867 his present business was first established, and he was enrolled a notary public in 1876. Mr. Kennedy was the first assessor after Vallejo received its charte'-; while he is agent for the Imperial of London, London of London, Northern of Liverpool, and Queen of Liverpool fire insurance companies, with aggregate cash assets of $38,000,000. In 1863 he married Catherine, daughter of John Deermy, of County Tyrone, Ireland, who was born in 1843, by whom he has no issue. KITTO, SAMUEL, is a native of Cornwall, England, having been born there on April 19, 1830. In 1851 he came to San Francisco, in the ship "Fairlie," of London. On his arrival he at once proceeded to Rich Bar, on the North Fork of Feather River, and began mining, remaining there till 1858, when he paid a visit to Old England, being absent for eight months. He returned to his mining interests in 1859; after which he came to Vallejo, where he has since resided. Mr. Kitto has been a trustee of the M. E. Church .since 1869; is also a prominent mover in the Temperance cause, in which he has always taken a deep interest. In 1873 he was elected one of the trustees of the Good Templars' Home for Orphans, a position which he still holds. He married in Vallejo, May 9, 1861, Miss Margaret Carter, a native of Ireland, by whom he has Margaret Loftee, born April 5, 1862; Edward August, born May 29, 1864; Harriet Eliza- beth, born November 27, 1865; Samuel Henry, born October 10, 1868; and Lilian May, born April 30, 1873. 368 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. KLINK, REV. NATHANIEL B., pastor First Presbyterian Church, Vallejo, was born in the townhsip of New Scotland, county of Albany, State of New York, on February 5, 1823. His early education was ob- tained in the public schools. He spent three years in the Albany Acade- my, when Dr. T. Romeyn Beck was principal, and entered Union College in 1845, and graduated July 26, 1847. In the Fall of 1848 he entered the Theological Seminary of Princeton, and graduated from that institu- tion in May, 18.51. From this latter seminary he went directly to Oneida Valley, where he passed one year in missionary labor. Thence he moved to West Galway, Saratoga County, where he remained until June, 1853, when he was called to the Presbyterian Church of Balston Spa, where he was ordained and installed as pastor. Resigned this charge in 1855, and was then called to the Presbyterian Church in Fairmount, Huntendon County, New Jersey, remaining there until December, 1859, when he re- signed this charge and came to California. He arrived in San Francisco with his family on December 26, 1859, but, remaining there only a few days, at once proceeded to Vallejo, where he has since resided, with the exception of one year and three months, w'hen he was acting-pastor of the Presbyterian Chiu'ch of Sacramento. Mr. Klink married, in 1853, Eliza- beth, daughter of Timothy Seymour, a deacon in the North Dutch Church, Albany, New York, by whom he has a family. KLOPPENBURG, DANIEL WILLIAM, was born in Hanover, Germany, November 16, 1822, where he remained till 1840, when he came to America, first settling in New York City. Here he I'emained till August, 1846, and then joined Colonel Stevenson's regiment, which was bound for California, but was persuaded by his brother not to proceed with it. On August 2, 1846, he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and in partnership with his brother opened a .saloon in that city, which he continued till April 2, 1849, when he sailed for California, in the steamer "Lewis," of Cincinnati, for St. Louis, Missouri, and thence went to St. Joseph, Missouri, in com- pany with three men who were to be his companions across the plains. On arriving at St. Joseph, however, the party broke up and their impedi- mento sold at auction. Mr. K. reserved to himself one mule, and, having purchased a horse, using the mule as a pack animal, started on horseback to cross the plains to California alone. After three days' travel he over- took a party of Bostonians, and kept in their company until he reached Fort Laramie. Here the whole cavalcade converted their train into one for pack animals, setting fire to the wagons, with such articles as could not be conveniently taken with them, and again started on their journey, he traveling with them till they made Smith's trading post on Bear River, where, seceding from the party, he proceeded alone to Green River, Indian Territory. While pursuing his solitary ride he was taken seriously THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 369 ill, and for three days lay in the sage-brush. Fortunately he soon re- covered, and finding his animals had not strayed from his vicinity, he once more was on the move, and when nearing the fifty mile desert at the Sink of the Humboldt River he fell in, liy chance, with a single traveler from St. Louis. With him he crossed the weary waste, the two keeping company till they reached the Golden State. Mr. Kloppenburg first began mining at Wever Creek, near Hangtown (now Placerville), where he continued for a short time, and then went to Sacramento, and there remained till the Spring of 18.50, when he moved to Marysville; from thence to Rough and Ready mines, in Nevada County, and here engaged in mining with good success till 1851, when he returned to Marysville and entered into partnership with a Mr. Kennedy, in the bakery business. In the Fall of 1851 he went to Greenwood Valley, El Dorado County, and pursued mining operations till the Spring of 1852, when, in company with others, he took up a claim at Spanish Bar, on the American River, where he worked till driven away by the rainy season. He again commenced the bakery business at Spanish Bar Bi-idge, which he continued till early in 1853, at which time he went to Michigan Bluffs, in Placer County, and established a like connection at that place, continu- ing it till 1856, when he left for San Francisco. In the Summer of 1857 Mr. K. proceeded to Sacramento, where, on August 3, 1857, he married Margaret A. Harrison. He then returned to Michigan Bluffs, bought back his former business, and in connection with it opened a hotel, which he carried on till 1867, during which time his establishments were twice burned. In this year the subject of this sketch returned to San Fran- cisco and started a grocery, which he managed till 1868, when he removed to South Vallejo, and engaged principally in the draying business. Mr. Kloppenburg is a member of the Vallejo Pioneer Association, and of the Naval Lodge of F. and A. M., No. 83. His children are Annie, Otto and William, and two deceased — Eddie and Etta. LAMONT, JAMES A., born in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, in 1842, July 9th, where he resided for the first six years of his life, after which he was taken by his parents to Little Rock, Arkansas, and remained there two years, thence moved to Nashville, Tennessee, and afterward to Boone county, Kentucky, where he resided for five years. Came to this county with his parents in 1854, where he engaged in farming for several years. In 1865 Mr. Lamont graduated at the Benicia College and Law School, and was admitted to the bar, practiced in Napa and Grass Valley, Nevada county, for a year and a half, when he returned to Nashville, to wind up the estate of his parents, remaining there three years. In 1869 he re- turned, and in September of the following year purchased the interest of J. E. Williston, and became partner in the firm of Egery & Lamont. He 24 S70 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. married, in San Fmncisco, January 17, 1878, Miss Sara ]>. Bariy, a native of New York, who was born in December, 1853, by whom he has one son, James Bairy. MALLETT, GEO. F., Assistant Naval Constructor. Bom in the town of Topsham, Linoohi county, Maine, October 23, 1832, where he remained until 1849. He learned his trade, that of shipwright, at Bath, Maine, where he remained until October, 1856, when he emigrated west and set- tled in Berlin, Wis., i-emaining there twenty months, when he returned East, and on June 5, 1858, he sailed from New York, on the steamer " Moses Taylor," to the Isthmus, where he took the steamer " John L. Stejihens," arriving in San Fi-aiicisco June 28th of the same year, follow- ing his trade in San Francisco and Beuicia until November 20, 1861, at which time he came to Mare Island, and on March 14, 1870, he was ap- pointed Foreman Shipwright, when, on January 22, 1872, he was ap- pointtHi Assistant Naval Constructor, which position he still holds, giving satisfaction to all. Mr. Mallett mai-ried his fii-st -vs-ife, Mary D. Hilton, in Bath. Maine, Januaiy 29, 1854. She was born in Maine in 1826, and died July 26, 1859. Man-ied his present -wife, Mary E. Speck, February 22, 1863, b}- whom he has Mary E., born April 24, 1864 ; Lena B., Ixira August 13, 1867, and died Dec*nuber 28, 1877 ; Carrie W., born Mai'ch 31, 1869 ; George ¥., born Septs of Louisiana, cutting live oaks for ship tim- Wn-s. For two yews he followed this pui-suit, then returned to Philadel- phia, where he married, in November, 1848, Miss Eleanor W., daughter of Geoi-ge \V. Barn, formerly of Maryland. Alx)ut this time he went into business — pertaining to his trade — on his o^vn account, which he con- tinued, at intervals, until 1858, when he was employed in the Na\'y Yaixl as foi-emau of tlie consti-uction department. On May 17, 1866, went into tlie regular naval ser%-ice, and appointed Assistant Naval Consti'uctor ; at the same time received oidere to report at Chariest own Na^y Yard, Boston, Mass. In 1869 returned to Philadelphia Na\y Yjud, where he THE nrSTORY OB' SOLANO COUNTY. 371 remained until April 15, 1871, when he was promoted Naval Constructor, and repaired to the Washington Navy Yard. Came to Marc Island Navy- Yard in June, 1873, where he has been an able and efficient officer, at the head of the Construction Department. MACDONALD, REV. DAVID F., D. D., Rector of the Church of the Ascen- sion, Vallejo, is a native of Rosshire, Scotland, having been born there in the year 1837. He received his early education in Inverness, the capi- tal of the Highlands, and thereafter prosecuted his studies at the Edin- burgh Univei'sity, at which seat of learning he received the degree of Master of Ai-ts. In 1854 he was sent with Letters Dismissary by the Lord Bishop of Moray and Ross, the present Primate of the Scottish Episco- pacy, to the Bishop of California, and arrived in that State in September, 1855, and was, shortly after, ordained by Bishop Ingraham Kip in the old Trinity Church, in San Francisco, his being the first Episcopal ordination held on the Pacific Coast. In the following year he was directed by the Bishop to assume charge of the missionaiy district of Bcnicia, where he performed service in a tem- porary building fitted up for the purpose. While there Doctor MacDon- ald was the spiritual adviser of Beverly Wells, the first criminal hanged in Solano county. From Benicia he was moved to Coloma, El Dorado county, where he continued his missionary labors for two years, and built a church, and established a congregation at Hangtown (now Placerville). In 1859 he was called, as Rector, to St. John's Church, Stockton, where he labored for two years further, and, on the breaking out of the war, he proceeded to North Carolina, and followed the fortunes of the Southern army, until peace was declared. At this period he was the recipient of a call to St. James', Olean, Western New York, where he remained three years, and from there was called to Sag-Harbor, Long Island, having charge of the Episcopal Church there for seven years. In 1875 he went to Sharon, Conn., and, at the end of two years, assumed charge of Baxter County School, Arkansas, for one year ; he then went to Dardanelles, in that State, where he erected St. Paul's Episcopal Church, of which he was Rector until 1878, when he accepted a call to the Church of the Ascen- sion at Vallejo. Was created a Doctor of "Divinity in 1859. Dr. Mac- Donald married, first, in 18G5, Nellie, only daughter of Daniel Judd, of Hinsdale, Western New York, who died in 1869, by whom he has Flora, born in 1860 ; and Katie, born in 1869. He married, secondly, at Trinity Church, New York, August 13, 1874, Susannah, daughter of George W. Whitaker, of the Manor, Oxford, England. McCUDDEN JAMES, dealer, in wood, coal, lumber and groceries, was born in the county of Fermanagh, in Ireland, in 1837, and arrived in the United 372 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. States in 1853, first settling in the city of New York, where he remained some years, when he came to California, in 1857. In 1861 he opened the Union Hotel in Vallejo, remaining its proprietor for ten years. In 1874 his present bu.siness was established, and two years afterwards he first started in the lumber trade. Mr. McCudden is one of Vallejo's most hon- ored citizens ; his election t6 the Board of Supervisors in 1877 proving the estimation in which he is held. McDERMOTT, ROBERT, boi-n in Ireland in 1841, and came to America in 1842 with his parents, who settled in Lower Canada, where they re- sided till 1848, when they moved to Upper Canada. In 1859 he crossed to the United States, and took up his residence in McComb county, Mich- igan, remaining there till 18G0. In April of this year he enlisted in Co. A., Ninth U. S. Infantiy, and was stationed in the Detroit Recruiting district for some time, when he went to the North Pass of the Rocky mountains, where he got his discharge under the Minor's Act. He re- mained in that section of the country till the fall of 1863, when he again enlisted in the First Oregon Infantry, and served till the end of the war. Arrived in Vallejo in June, 1867, and purchased the one-half interest of F. O'Grady, in the Empire Soda Works. Married April 19, 18G9, Catha- rine Monaghan, a native of Ireland. McDonald, T. p., bom in Calena, Joe Davies county, Illinois, March 21, 1850, and in 1857 moved with his parents to Nevada county, California, where he remained till 1867, when he came to Vallejo, and entered into the employment of E. McGettigan, in the wholesale liquor business, until 1875, when he became clerk at the Howai-ds, filling that position till Sep- tember, 1878, when he formed his present partnership with James Ward. Mr. McDonald has been a member of the Vallejo Rifles since 1869; held the office of Second Lieutenant for four years, and was promoted to be First Lieutenant in May, 1877. McDonald, WILLIAM, bom in Frostburg, Alleghany Co., Maryland, in 1850, and moved with his parents to California in 1854, first settling in San Francisco, where they remained three months, and then accompanied them to Vallejo. In 1867 he began an apprenticeship in the bricklayer's department in the Mare Island Navy Yai'd, where he was employed till elected City Marshal by the Republican party in 1878. Mr. McDonald's father died in Vallejo, Sept. 19th, 1875 ; his mother is still living, how- ever, and makes her home with him. He married. May 29th, 1870, Miss Mary Brown, by whom he has two children : Amelia, bom April 8, 1871, and William, born February 10, 1875. f THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 373 McGETTIGAN, EDWARD, was born in County Donegal, Ireland, March 20, 1840, and emigrated to America in 1856, arriving in New York in January, 1857. He at once removed to Philadelphia, where he sojourned one year, at the end of which he sailed, via Panama, for San Francisco, arriving there in June, 1858. He lost no time, but went to the moun- tains and engaged in mining in Butte county. In May, 1859, he located in Vallejo. In 1862 he established the Vallejo Brewery in company with A. Murray and James McGarvey, but sold out his interest in 1865. Shortly after this date he opened the Emjpire Soda Works. In 1874, the Vallejo Brewery was in the market ; he therefore purchased it, changing its name to the Pioneer Brewery, after having first rebuilt and refurnished it. To Mr. McGettigan, aided by General Frisbie, is due the building of the street-car railroad in Vallejo, whereby real estate was improved to the extent of many thousands of dollars, enhancing thereby the condition of many of the poorer class of citizens. He was twice elected to fill the re- sponsible position of City Trustee ; how well he discharged the duties of that office, the records of the corporation can truly attest ; and as one of the Directors of the Saving and Commercial Bank, his true honesty is best told by the valuable services rendered in placing that institution upon a sound and solid basis, rendering that aid, which the general crash de- manded, by surrendering the earnings of twenty years' toil to meet his obligations and perpetuate his honor and integrity as a man and a worthy citizen. Mr. McGettigan is also largely interested with General J. B. Frisbie in the following mines in New Mexico: Consolidated Hidalgo, and Esperanza Consolidated, ventures which bear every promise of being both valuable and fruitful. He married in 1864, Miss Mary A. O'Grady. McINNIS, J. A., (grocer) was born in Prince Edwards Islands on March 4, 1838, where he remained till 1855, being raised on a farm ; emigrated to Boston, Mass., in 1855, and engaged in working at different occupations till June 7, 1857, at which time he joined the U. S. Navy as a marine and was stationed at the Charleston Navy Yard, making a cruise on the TJ. S. " Merrimac " to the South Pacific Squadron ; stationed there till 1860 ; returned to Norfork, Virginia, and was transferred to Charlestown Navy Yai'd, Mass.; remained on duty as a non-commissioned officer till September, 1861 ; transferred to headquarters, Washington, D. C, and joined the Marine Batallion, under Major John G. Rejmolds, and joined the expedition under Commodore Dupont and General W. T. Sherman, which left Handon Rose, Virginia, for Port Royal, South Carolina, from which port they sailed in October following on the Ship Transport " Governor." On this voyage, while off Cape Hatteras, they encountered a terrible hurricane, the steamer being wrecked in the gale, losing one 374 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Corporal and six privates, and, after thirty-six hours, without food or drink, the battalion was picked up by the U. S. S, " Sabine." On arriving at Port Royal, the fleet, under Commodore Dupont, bomb'arded Fort Beauregard and Fort Walker; silenced their batteries, and General Sherman's forces and the Marine Battalion landed and took possession of the forts; remained there on duty till February, 1862; joined an expedi- tion, fitted out at Port Royal, under General Cushman and Dupont, and proceeded to Ferendino, Florida. On arriving there the rebels deserted the fort and batteries, and a portion of the army was landed and took possession of the town, fort, and batteries. The expedition then pro- ceeded to St. Augustine, Florida. On arriving, the rebels retreated, and a portion of the army landed and took possession of the town, fort, and batteries. Returned to headquarters at Washington, D. C, remainino- there off duty till December 1, 1862 ; proceeded then under orders to Brooklyn, New York, and joined a command under Major A. C. Garland and proceeded by steamer for Mare Island Navy Yard, California. While en route from New York to Aspinwall on the passenger steamer " Ariel," she was captured and made prisoner by the Confederate States " Alabama," (Captain Semmes). AJl the command were made prisoners of war, their armor equipment and military stores being captured and taken on board of the "Alabama." After twenty-six hours Captain Jones of the "Ariel " signed a bond to the Captain of the "Alabama," and was relieved and proceeded on their passage to Panama, and arrived at Mare Island Navy Yard, California, December 28, 1862. Detailed on ser%ace at San Francisco till 1864 ; stationed at Marine BaiTacks, Mare Island, as First Sergeant till June, 1876, when he left the service and engaged in the grocery business in Vallejo. Mr. M. was elected one of the city Trustees in March, 1878, an office which he now holds. Mcknight, Andrew, block and pump maker, was born in Liverpool. England, February 11, 1825, where he served his apprenticeship under George Roberts. In July, 1848, he sailed from that port to America, and arrived in upper Canada in October; in the succeeding year removing to New York, which he left for California in February, 1860, arriving in San Francisco March 14th of that year. In June, 1861, he located in Vallejo, where he has since resided, being employed principally on the Mare Island Navy Yard. Mr. McKnight married in New York, Septem- ^ber 30, 1852, Miss Mary Crawford, a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, by .whom he has Anch-ew J., born in Brooklyn, New York, September l] 1853 ; Richard, bom October 13, 1855 ; Mary A. C, born November 19* 1857, married to Georgo W. McGill, of Vallejo ; Joseph Thomas, born in San Francisco, April 19, 1861, and died April 16, 1862; Elizabeth, born in Vallejo, April 16, 1863 ; Agnes, born March 25, 1866, and Samuel James, born October 2, 1870. I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 375 Mcknight, Andrew J., was bom in Brooklyn, New York, September 1, 1853, and, with his parents, came to California in 1859, residing first in San Francisco. In June, 1861, he accompanied them to Vallejo, where they are now located. Mr. McKnight holds the office of Deputy Marshal of the city of Vallejo. He is unmarried. McLEOD, JOHN C, was born in Inverness, the Capital of the High- lands of Scotland, on March 19, 1801, but, at the age of three years, he was taken by his parents to Pictou, Nova Scotia, whither they had emigrated. Here he served an apprenticeship to a ship- carpenter, and, when seventeen, sailed on the ship " Harvest Home " to \\Tiitehead, Eng- land, where he completed the learning of his trade, and from which place, in 1823, he sailed for New York City, where he settled. In 1828 he joined the ship " Sampson," a vessel bound for London. At that port he shipped on board the East India Company's ship " Duke of Sussex," in which he made a voyage to Calcutta and Bombay, at which place he arrived during the ravages committed by a cholera epidemic in 1832. From Bombay the vessel proceeded to Canton, China, where, having loaded a cargo of tea, he sailed for London; here, in 1833, he joined the schooner " Bonanza," and in 1834 landed at Monterey, California. Here, and at Santa Cruz, Mr. McLeod remained for eighteen months, trading with the Mexicans and Indians in tallow and hides, when the vessel, taking Mr. McL. and his freight on board, sailed for London. From the metropolis of Great Britain he once more returned to New York, and shipped on board the "Champlain" to Liverpool, sailing thence to Canton, China, and Manilla, in the Phillipine Islands, where, securing a cargo of rice, they returned to Canton. From this port our voyager traded to Batavia, in the island of Java, in rice, at the end of which he again returned to New York in 1838. For the next ten years Mr. McLeod passed most of his time in trading between that city and Liverpool, until, in December, 1849, he sailed for Panama in the steam.ship "Philadelphia." On arrival there he took passage in the " California " and arrived in San Francisco in January, 1850, and at once proceeded to Benicia, where he commenced working at his trade in the employ of the Pacific Mail Company. There he remained until August, 1851, when he went to the Southern mines, prosecuting that life in Sonora and other places for a short time, after which he made for Sutherland's creek, Wood's creek, and other mining localities, until he retrft-ned to San Francisco and worked at his trade. This was, however, but for a little while, for shortly after, in 1853, we find him established in a building and repair- ing yard in Redwood City, a business he continued with much success until 1860, when he came to Vallejo and has since found employment on Mare Island Navy Yard. Mr. McLeod married in Jersey City, Novem- 376 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. ber 25, 1S42, Mary Farrier, a native of Scotland, who died in Vallejo, March 9, 1878, by whom there are three children living: Mary J., Sarah E., and Isabella. McPIKE, A. J., is a native of the State of Illinois having been born on February 10, 1832. In the year 18.52 he emigrated to California crossing the plains with an ox-team having left his home on March 23d and arrived at Hangtown (now Placerville) on September 22 of the same year- Remained at Reservoir Hill near Placerville during the winter of 1854, organizing and teaching a common school but not meeting ^vith sufficient encouragement he abandoned that profession and took his departure for Sacramento, arriving there in January, 1855, when he in company with two others engaged in the traffic of young cotton-wood trees. His next enterprise was that of freighting from Sacramento to Yankee Jims, Au- burn, Iowa Hill, etc., with a six-mule team. In June of the same year he entered into partnership with three others and contracted to build about four miles of flume on the old Eldora ditch from Michigan Bluffs up Eldora canon, which enterprise was surmounted in spite of many difficul- ties. In May, 18C2, Mr. McPike came to Vallejo, but in common with others, in the following October he went to Washoe, arriving in Virginia city on the 28d of that month. At this time he visited all the principal mines and worked in one of the most celebrated, and thereafter took a situation in the wholesale grocery house of Sydnor & Carlyle as salesman, remaining ynfh them and their successors Sloat & Finney until Septem- ber, 1868. The White House was just being completed ; he leased the same and carried on the business successfully for two years, when he sold out on account of failing health, and visited, in August, Plumas county, and there invested in hydraulic and gravel mines. In October he revisited Virginia city where he married, immediately after returning to Genesee, on Grizzly Creek, where he had established his residence! At the time Mr. McPike had taken an active part in local politics and the Democratic party, to which he had always adhered, having been that year successful, he was tendered the position of Deputy Sherifl" by the Sherifi" elect, James H. Yeates, which he accepted, still retaining his mining interests, but Yeates' election was contested by the Republican nominee, Stephen J. Clark, and given by the Courts in favor of the former, but on appeal to the Supreme Court the decision of the lewer Courts was re- versed and Clark installed in the office. In the whole of the transac- tions connected with this case, which at the time created much interest, the subject of this sketch took a prominent part. In May, 1867, he returned to his mining interests at Genesee and Grizzly Creek, in August of the following year sold out at a great sacrifice, and m September following moved to Chico, Butte county, residing there THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 377 until March, 1869. On the I7th of that month he arrived in Vallejo, where he has since resided. From 1869 to 1872 he was employed as book-keeper and salesman to W. Stannus Shellhorn and William and W. N. Stannus, and in July, of the latter year, he was tendered the position of book-keeper, cashier and collector to the Vallejo City Water Company, a position which he still holds. In March, 1874, Mr. McPike was elected a member of the Board of Education, Vallejo, having again been elected in 1876 ; in this year he was also Secretary to Naval Lodge, of F. A. M., as well as for the Naval Royal Arch Chapter, and is now Most Worthy Patron of Silver Star Chapter, 0. E. S., No. 3, and has been agent, at Vallejo, for nearly three years of the ^tna, of Hartford, Insurance Company. In 1876, was appointed, by Governor Samuel J. Tilden, Com- missioner of Deeds for the State of New York, and has received a like position from Governor Grover, of Oregon. Mr. McPike married, at Virginia city, October 3, 1864, Miss Bettie Hali- day, by whom he has : La Fayette, bom on Grizzly creek, June 2-5, 1865; Willie, born October 31, 1867 ; Andrew Jackson, born at Vallejo, August 30, 1869 ; Henry, born December .5, 1871. Mrs. McPike died March 27, 1874. He married, secondly, November 3, 1874, Miss Minerva Domigan, of Sonoma, and has: Charley, born January 30, 1876; and Mary M. bom, November 20, 1877. MURPHY, CHARLES, bom on Bere-island, in the bay of Bantry, about 1822. At the age of three or four the family moved to the main land, within a mile of the town of Castletown, Berehaven, county Cork, Ire- land. Sailed from Liverpool in the ship " Torilento," and landed in New York in June, 1840 ; after remaining there some time went to New Lon- don, Connecticut, then returned to New York. In 1844 went to Phila- delphia ; thence to Richmond, Virginia, and from there to Norfolk, where he sailed in the clipper ship Viola, Capt. Fitzerald, for Chagres, and sailed for San Francisco in the brigantine Soledad, 84 passengers from Norfolk, Va. Went to Sacramento on a sloop, the passage-money being $32 ; then staged to Sutter's mill, Coloma. Two days after, started for Ford's bar on the midd'.e fork of the American river. Returned to Sutter's post office. Went on a jDrospecting trip ; failed to get anything. Next went to Georgetown ; started for the North Yuba, via Kelly's bar, north fork of American river, and Johnson's ranch, on Bear river. Some time after went on the Gold-lake expedition, where he met his friend Michael Kane, of Front street, feeding on wild potatoes and leeks. In January, 18.52, while searching for mules the Indians had driven off, was shot through the arm and laid up three months. On August 28, 1852, with four or five others, discovered and located the Buttes quai'tz mine ; laid claim to 1500 feet. Afterwards engaged in the building business in San Fran- 378 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Cisco; next went to Mare Island Navy Yard and there worked a year: this was in 1859. Next employment was the building of St. Francis Cotholic church, at Vallejo. Lastly, the excavation for the stone dry dock, for which he claims $90,000. The case is set for trial in April, 1880. At present he is attending to his vineyard, about three miles from Napa City, and a farm of 800 acres, two miles distant from the same. Resides at Vallejo. Is married, but has no family. NORTH, JOHN, dealer in groceries and provisions; was bom in Nova Scotia, in the year 1823. In 1841 he first left his home, and was variously employed in different parts of the Eastern States until 1852, when he arrived in San Francisco, and resided there till the beginning of 1853, when he moved to Mare Island and managed a boarding-house, for Seacor, Harmon & Co., continuing there until the winter of 1854, when he again returned to San Francisco and engaged with Jones Coll, in the dairy business, and once more returned to Vallejo, having purchased the interest of Joseph Turner in the Central Hotel, he remaining interested in that establishment for one year. In 1855 he retired from the hotel and pur- chased a farm in the vicinity of Vallejo, for the purpose of rearing stock. In 1865 Mr. North disposed of his ranch, and, accompanied by his wife went to visit their relatives. On arriving at Amesbury, they found that, in the interval between leaving California and arriving at their destina- tion, by a strange fatality, Mrs. North's mother had died in Massachusetts, while his own had departed this life in Nova Scotia — a double stroke of ill-news. Now Mr. North invested in a farm at Wenham, Massachusetts, upon which he resided for twelve months, when he disposed of it and went to Nova Scotia, returning to Amesbury and engaging in the gi'ocery business. In 1869 he again arrived in California, and in 1870 established himself in his present business. Mr. North married in 1865, in St. Louis, Sierra county, Matilda, daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Osgood, of Amesbury, Massachusetts. O'BRIEN, THOMAS E., is a native of New York City, having been born there on January 26, 1850. In 1852 he came with his parents to Cali- fornia, and fii'st settled in San Francisco. When five years of age he accompanied them to Vallejo, and in 1871 he went to Sacramento, where he was employed for three years in an auction house, when, in 1874, he returned to Vallejo and opened his present place of business as a furni- ture dealer. J O'GRADY, FRANK, born in Columbia county. New York, in 1848. In the year 1854 he went -with his parents, who settled in Rockford, Winne- bago county, Illinois, and followed the movements of the Illinois Central THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 379 railroad till it reached Galena, and from thence to Grant county, Wiscon- sin. In 1861 he removed to California and served his time as carriage- maker, and woi'ked at his trade for five years. Went into partnership in 1870 with his brother, who, having died, he associated himself with R. McDermott, in the Empire Soda Works. Is Captain of the Val- lejo Company of Rifles, National Guard of California. PEARSON, GUSTAVUS C, was bom at Ravenna, Portage County, Ohio, July 17th, 1827, and with his parents went to Chicago, Illinois, arriving early in June, 1832, at the time when an Indian war, known as the Black Hawk War, was at its height. Chicago was an insignificant trading post, guarded by a stockade, called by courtesy Fort Dearborn. There was no harbor or whai-f. Vessels that joccasionally visited this remote post an- chored some distance from shore, landing passengers and discharging freight with small boats on the sandy beach of the lake, near the outlet of the sluggish stream called Chicago, or Skunk River, by the aborigines. Upon arrival the Pearsons were kindly invited by Colonel Whistler, who was a friend of the family and in command of the fort, to reside inside the stockade. They remained until the arrival of General Scott, with troops, in July of 1832. These troops came by steamer — the first that broke these prairie solitudes with the roar of steam. Cholera made its appearance immediately after, causing an exodus from the place of all who could leave. Mr. Pearson's father took his family to Danville, Illi- nois, one hundred and twenty-five miles south of Chicago, which was the nearest point of safety from Indians, a company of rangers being stationed there. In 1836 the father of Mr. Pearson was appointed Judge of the Northern District of Illinois, which embraced a number of counties in the eastern and northern parts of the State. A residence in the district was required, and he removed to Joliet, Will County, Illinois. The subject of this sketch was well grounded in the classics at an early age, having received the care of a kind and scholarly father as well as excellent teachers : attended Bishop Chase's Jubilee College in Peoria county. Ills.; the Clarkson Academy, Monroe county, New York, and Alleghany College, Meadville, Pennsylvania. In 1844, to gratify his father, rather than follow his own inclinations, he began the study of law with Judge McRoberts, in Danville, Ills. The year follo-\ving a position was secoi-ed with Joel A. Mattison (afterwards Governor of Ills.) at Joilet, Ills., who carried on an extensive and diversi- fied bu-siness — wholesaling and retailing, manufacturing, contracting, banking, etc. The fundamental principles acquired in this practical school of business ripened into a knowledge of the affairs of life which were of inestimable advantage to a young man who had determined on becoming a merchant. 380 THE HISTORYFO SOLANO COUNTY. In 1847, a Mr. Ingersoll headed a small company, composed of persons residing in the vicinity of Joilet, and started for Oregon and California, across the plains. Mr. Mattison held a power of attorney for disposing of an amount of property left by Ingersoll. The year following instruc- tions came from Ingersoll (who had reached California a short time before gold was discovered) to dispose of his property ; purchase, and ship live hundred barrels of dried apples, by water, to San Francisco, and give whatever remained to his relatives — that he was a millionaire, etc. A member of the Ingersoll company, named Cutting, returned -to Joliet in September, 1848, and brought $2,700 in gold dust which he had taken out of a claim with pan and shovel in three weeks. This man confirmed all that Ingersoll had written. The people of Joliet were not exceptional ; the whole country was wild with excitement concerning the new El Dorado. Mr. Pearson was thoroughly imbued with the spirit of adventure ; and although ofiered every inducement by Mr. Mattison, even that of a part- nership interest, if he would remain, fitted out a wagon and ox team, started for California, March 18, 1849 ; passed through Illinois and Iowa • crossed the Missouri river at St. Joseph, Mo., May 1st, arriving at Salt Lake City in June, remaining until September. While among the Latter Day Saints, Mr. Peai-son familiarized himself with the working of their institutions ; reaped, with a sickel, five acres of wheat ; threshed it with a flail, and winnowed it with the wind, by pouring the grain with a meas- ure from a staging, upon a wagon cover spread upon the ground : forty bushels of clean wheat — one fifth of the amount — was his reward for this labor. Brigham Young, who, in the earlier part of the season, had been more than friendly towards the emigrants, showed his true character as soon as they were in his power. He offered them the alternative of joining the Mormon Church or making a wagon road from Salt Lake city to Cali- fornia by way of Severe river, Rio Virgin, Mohave river and San Bernardino ; frankly declaring that it was an arduous and dangerous un- dertaking, but a service the " Gentiles shoxdcl perform for tlie Saints," as they intended to colonize the country along the route as soon as it was opened. A majority of the emigrants destined for California chose road making, however difficult, to mormonism and its abominations. Mr. Pearson, with a party not encumbered with families, were first to start on this journey of more than seven hundred miles, over rugged mountains, through deep gorges, across arid deserts, without guides or knowledge of the country to be traversed, which was infested with hordes of savages ever on the watch to murder and plunder. Constant vigilance was re- quired on the part of this little band of pioneer road makers ; many lives were lost, and many hair-breadth escapes made, the subject of our sketch. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 381 with another member of the company, when in pursuit of mules that had been stolen the night before, were decoyed into an ambuscade and fought their way back to camp, several miles distant. At Archilet, or Hernan- dez Spring, Nevada, where they stopped to recruit the starved animals, several young men volunteered to push forward for California on foot, taking only what could be carried upon their backs, giving the remainder of their provisions and use of their teams to the starving and destitute families that had overtaken the pioneer company at several points on the route. After great suffering from hunger and thirst, having gone two days and nights without water or food, this party of volunteers reached, Cocomungo ranch, forty miles southeast of Los Angeles, remaining for several weeks, until the arrival of their teams. These wagons were the first that ever passed through the Cahon Pass, which had been considered only practicable for pack mules. Mr. Pearson took passage by schooner from San Pedro, arriving in San Fran- cisco the last of November, 1849. His first night on shore was quite different from what travelers experience at present. His bed was the sand of North Beach, wrapped in his blanket, with the rain pouring down upon him. Not to be idle, he accepted a situation for a few days in an auction store, until he could get passage to Sacramento on the " McKim," paying $25 from San Francisco to Sacramento, on his way to Bidwell's bar, on Feather river, where he prospected the middle fork of that river as far up as the American bar. Returning to Marysville, procured an outfit and started for the head-waters of the Yuba, prospecting the Rough and Ready, Grass Valley and Nevada districts, discovering some rich diggings. The idea at that time was, that vast aggregations of coarse gold could be found at or near the heads of the rivers and creeks flowing from the snow-clad summits, and the highest point that could be reached at that time, on account of snow, was Poor Man's creek ; this proving rich, (the first pan of dirt prospecting over seventy-five dollars), the summer of 1850 was passed here, good luck attending the labors of our prospector, . who, coming to San Francisco in September, sent a portion of his acqui- sition to an uncle in Pennsylvania, for investment, purchased a stock of goods for the southern mines with the balance. Owing to want of rain, no mining could be done. He sold out immediately and went to Ows- ley's bar, on the Yuba, where he engaged in butchering, and running sev- eral quicksilver machines. In February, 1851, he purchased mules and started for Rich bar and east fork of Feather river, with mining outfit and provisions ; was there at the time of the famine, when flour com- manded $3 00 per pound. Spent several months prospecting on the head- waters of Feather and Yuba rivers ; secured claims on Durgon flat, near Downeyville, wintering at Toll's dry diggings. Returned to Chicago in October, 1852, where he built the Rock Island House, on the corner of Twelfth and Clark streets, the first hotel in that part of the city. 382 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. In the fall of 1853 Mr. Pearson came again to California and engaged in farming, near Sacramento city, upon land that was regarded as worthless, by the Spaniards. The first crop of wheat, sown in February, yielded over forty bushels to the acre of gi-ain, weighing sixty -three pounds per bushel. Fruit trees and a vineyard were set out, which proved the land to be far superior to the bottom, or overflowed ground, which General Sutter declared was all that could be cultivated. In the summer of 1855, a party from Sherlock's creek, Mariposa county, started for Yosemite valley, the Indians saying there was miicho oro (much gold) there ; instead of which, they found the now famed " land of mountain and the flood." August 15th, 1855, this party, among them Mr. Pearson, laid claim to the valley, hewing the bark from the side of a huge pitchpine tree, standing at the west or lower end of the valley, near where the trail ci'ossed the Merced river ; upon the bared trunk they set forth their claim to the valley, with the names of the claimants, eleven in number. In 1856 Mr. Pearson returned to Chicago and embarked in the general com- mission business with marked success, until the year 1867, when failing health compelled his retiring. In 1867 he located at Vallejo, which, from its position, favored milling and grain-shipping ; when returning to Cali- fornia he brought the plans for a grain-elevator, and outlined the plans for operating it by a company — which was organized. There being no statutory provision relative to warehouse receipts, lie drafted a bill, which failed to become a law. Mr. Pearson, fully aware of the necessity of such a law, in order that the enterprise should be successful, withdrew from any active participation, but gave the company his plans, from which was erected the first and only grain elevator on this coast. After repeated failures, Mr. Pearson finally succeeded in having this warehouse bill passed April 1, 1878. The advantages derived from such a law, by all classes, is manifest throughout the Northwestern States. A partnership was formed in 1868 between Mr. G. C. Pearson and Mr. A. D. Starr, under name of Pearson & Starr, for carrying on a general com- mission business. They located and built the Starr mills, at Vallejo, one of the largest and best-arranged mills in the world. The firm was dis- solved about the first of January, 1871, Mr. Pearson selling out to Mr. Starr. September 13, 1864 Mr. Pearson married Hattie, youngest daugh- ter of Judge A. C. Brown, of Ogdensburg, New York. They have had four children — three sons and one daughter. Though determined and positive in character, with decided convictions, Mr. Pearson is not sectarian in religious matters, nor a partisan in politics. He writes and .speaks his sentiments freely, never hesitating through fear of being unpopular. His predelictions are democratic, and sympathizes with the people. He shuns notoriety, and has never accepted a nomina- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 383 tion or held any office. He is a member of the " Old Settlers' Society," of Chicago. The records of said society being burned in the great fire, he, in 1876, presented the old records — which he had kept — to the His- torical society of that place. POWELL, ABRAHAM, lumberman, of Vallejo. "Was born in the city of Philadelphia, on the 24th day of January, 1828. At the early age of twelve he visited the West India islands, with Captain John Rue. In 1841 he sailed from his native city in the bark " Madeline," Captain Wil- liam Shanklin, to Europe, making the return trip in the same vessel. This voyage, which occupied the lengthy period of seventy-three days, was of the most tedious nature, and the hardihood of the young voyager was much tested, for provisions ran out among the steerage passengers, of whom there were a great number, so that all on board were necessarily placed on the meagre allowance of one bran biscuit and a quart of water per diem for three weeks, a lesson of endurance which has not been lost on our hero through his stirring life. In his early days Mr- Powell was employed in the Navy Yard in Philadelphia, and there learned the trade of a ship-joiner and civil engineering, under his father, remaining at this occupation until 1849. On the 2d December, 1846, he married Sarah L., daughter of James Paxon, of Philadelphia, the ceremony being performed by the Reverend Thomas Brainard, at what was then known as the Old Pine Street church. Mrs. Powell was bom on 23d October, 1829, in the , native city of her husband. The intelligence of the discovery of gold in California having now taken the world by storm, every face looked eagerly toward the New Dorado, and Mr. Powell, among thousands of others, stai'ted for the land of gold. Leaving Philadelphia, his family, and early associations, he took passage on the brig " Osceola," on the 16th day of January, 1849, and on tlie morning of Sunday, the 5th August, after a voyage of 202 days round Cape Horn, twelve of which were passed at Rio de Janiero, in the Brazils, and fourteen at Talcahuana, on the coast of Chili, he anchored in the beautiful bay of San Francisco. Mr. P., with characteristic energy, was up and doing. He entered into partnership with one of his fellow-passen- gers named William Butcher, in the business of builders and joiners. They had brought out many of the necessaries for carrying on their trade — even the frame work for houses was not forgotten — and at once established themselves in San Francisco, on Jackson street above Kearny, having erected their own premises, on the site now occupied by the old Philadelphia Engine house, No. 12. Orders now came in fast ; their first was to build the old Philadelphia auction-house, for Berry & Middleton, on Jackson street. At this business did he continue till the beginning of 1850, when he returned to the Eastern States, via Panama. Finding 384 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. himself once more in the town of his birth, he assumed his old position in the Navy Yard, where he continued till September, 1S54, when he re- ceived the responsible post of master-joiner to the yard at Mare Island, in California, a new station just established on the Pacific coast. On the 5th of September, after only a very few days preparation, we find Mr. Powell, this time accompanied by his family, once more turned towards the golden west, and, on the 1st October, 1854, he reported his arrival to Captain D. G. Farragut, assumed the duties of his oflice, and resided on the the island for three years, from which time, until the year 1858, he had full control of all the building operations in the yard. Between the years 1858 and 1861 Mr. Powell went home on furlough, and again returned to Mare Island and filled his former position. In 1864, in conjunction with his own legitimate employment, he was called upon to perform the duties of Civil Engineer, both of which offices he continued to fill up to July, 1865, when he finally severed his connection with the Government. In this year he commenced the lumbering business in Vallejo, a branch of industry which he still pursues. /Mr. Powell is a prominent member of the Society of California Pioneers, and in 1869, on the occasion of the fete given to that body when the Central and Union Pacific Railroads were joined, he, accompanied by a portion of his family, made the excur- sion to New York, attended the banquet tendered to them at Delmonico's on the 13th October, and returned to the State in the following Novem- ber. In 1874 once more did Mr. Powell visit the Eastern States, on this occasion, to lie present at the death, as he was led to expect, of his mother, who had_ reached the ripe age of 88 years. On such an errand he thought not of tide nor time, but traveled night and day, and on arrival found that his mother still lived ; whether the sight of her son, now full of years and blessed wnth much of the world's goods, gave her a new lease of life, or what other cause soever, sulfice it to say, that she rapidly improved in health, and it was not till full three years after that she was called to " that bourne from whence no traveler returns," at the old age of 91. Mr. Powell is a man of vast and varied information ; his conversational pow- ers are of the most captivating kind, abounding with anecdote and full of humor, Avhile, as a citizen, he is held high in the esteem of the public. Added to these qualifications, a goodby list in themselves, he is a prominent Mason. He was Master of Naval Lodge while working under dispensa- tion, and was continued so after the charter was received from the Grand Lodge of California, while he holds high degrees in both the York and Scottish Rites of Masonry. Mr. Powell's family consists of James H., born in Philadelphia, Nov. 2, 1847; Mary L.,born in Philadelphia, May 1, 1851 ; Abraham, bom on Mare Island, August 8, 1855 ; Priscilla Florence, born in Vallejo, June 10, 1864 ; Eva Paxson, bom April 2, 1866 ; Lurena Blanche, bom May 19, 1868 ; Fannie Elizabeth Vallejo, bom February 17, 1858, died March 5, 1863. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 385 Mr. Powell was one of Vallejo's first School Directors, and for many years a member of the Board of City Trustees, and chairman of the same ; also, one of the founders of its charter. RICHARDSON, HENRY DOUGLASS, was born in Maumee, Ohio, October 18, 1847. His father's name was George.and mother's, Mary Louisa Richard- son, who moved from the place of his birth about one year thereafter to the city of Buffalo, New York, in which place he was apprenticed to the printing business, which he was engaged in at the breaking out of the Rebellion. At the time of the raid into Peimsylvania, in 1863, the 74th regiment of the N. Y. S. N. G. was called out and sworn into the national service. At the time the subject of this sketch was a drummer in com- pany " G," of that regiment, and with them went to the scene of conflict. After the battle of Gettysburg, the riots at New York and other cities took place, the regiment was transferred from Pennsylvania to New York city, where it remained until the riots ceased, when they were ordered back to Buffalo and there mustered out of the U. S. service. Immedi- ately following, Mr. Richardson shipped in the navy, for one year, sent to New York, and was attached to the U. S. S. store ship " Courier," that was employed in carrying ammunition and provisions to the South Gulf squadron. The last voyage in this ship was from Boston bound for New Orleans, which place she never succeeded in reaching as she ran on the reef at Ljrniard's Keys, Abbaco Island, and was sunk within an hour after she struck, in the dead hour of night. The crew, with Mr. Richard- son among the number, were enabled to reach the shore by the aid of the ship's small boats in safety. The island was barren of vegetation, but the crew were enabled to subsist on bread that was saved and large green turtles that were caught. For sixteen days they remained on the Island, until one of the boats that had been fitted up and, with a crew, of which Mr. Richardson was among the number, sent to Nassau, N. P., for assist- ance, which was secured in shape of a schooner that was lying in that port, partly loaded with old junk that had been gathered for shipment to the United States. The schooner came to the island for the remainder of the crew, some ninety in all. But before she was ready to depart for the States, the yellow fever broke out that caused a further detention on the island ; several of the castaways sickened and, in a short time, died. Finally the scourge abated, and the vessel proceeded to New York and went into quarantine and the crew transferred to the U. S. S. " Union," from which ship Mr. Richardson was discharged, his term of enlistment having expired. From New York he went back to his home in Buffalo, and remained until just before the close of the war, when he re-enlisted in the navy and again went to New York ; and, at that time, the U. S. S. " Pensacola " was being fitted out for the Pacific Squadron, and to which 25 386 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. man-of-war Mr. Richardson was sent aboard as ship's printer. The vessel came out to California in 1867, calling in at all of the principal ports on the Atlantic as well as the Pacific side of the continent. In 1869, his service having expired, he went to San Francisco and started in the print- ing business for himself, but, it not proving as remunerative as expected, he sold the establishment and came to Vallejo, February 22, 1870, and secured a position on the " Vallejo Evening Chronicle," where he remained for some three years, and then was engaged in the cigar and tobacco trade for himself, on Georgia street, opposite the Bernard House, for a year and a half, after which time he gave it up and went to work on the navy yard, in charge of the government printing office, and remained until March 1, 1879, when he secured a position as "local" on the "Vallejo Evening Chronicle," where he is engaged at the present time. Mr. Rich- ardson is a Republican in politics, and, during his residence in Vallejo, has three times been elected as a delegate to the Republican County Conven- tion. On March 23, 1876, he was married to Miss Jennie Alice Pratt, of and at Grass Valley, California, who was born in Utah, May 29, 18.58, and is now 21 years of age. The lady's father and mother's name was Mr. W. 0. and Mrs. C. Pratt. They have had two children born unto them, one of whom, a daughter, Mabel Alice, is living ; the first, also a daughter, having died when an infant. Mr. Richardson is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and other societies. In the Odd Fellows' Order he has attained the highest rank obtainable in the Subord- inate and Encampment branches of the Order, and for the past four years has been successively elected to the office of M. W. District Deputy Grand Master, of that Order, for this District, comprising all of the Lodges in Solano county. Mr. Richardson, at one time, was President of Neptune Hose Company, and one of the trustees of the Odd Fellows' Library Association at its organization. He has, at various times, been solicited to accept the nomination for office under the county or city, but has de- clined each and all that have been tendered him. ROBINSON, A. T., was born in Bristol, Waldo County, Maine, Septem- ber 14, 1828. In 1836 he, with his parents, moved to Montville, Waldo County, Maine, where he was engaged with his father, farming, until twenty-one years old, when he took up his abode in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Commenced business on his own account in the butcher's trade. Here he married Mary L., daughter of Captain James Plummer, of Bristol, Maine, on June 12, 1853. In March, 1854, they came to Cali- fornia, on the ship "North Star" to Panama, then on the "Yankee Blade" to San Francisco, arriving on May 6th of that year, but went to Nevada City shortly after, working in a livery stable owned by John A. Lancaster, Eight months thereafter purchased some mines, which he operated until THE HISTORY OF SOLAKO COUNTY. 387 the Fall of 1857, when he came to the Sacramento Valley, in Yolo County, where he farmed and raised sheep. During his residence — in 1859 or 1860 — he purchased one half-interest in the livery stable of John A. Lan- caster, at Nevada City, from Mr. Saxly, the junior partner of the firm. He sold his interest about four years ago. He maintained a continuous residence in Yolo County until 1870, at which time he came to Vallejo, buying a stock of goods of Mr. Van Schaack. A. J. Plummer is now his partner, and they are doing business under the firm name of Plummer & Robinson. Since Mr. Robinson's residence in Vallejo he took an active part in organizing the Vallejo Savings and Commercial Bank, and was appointed one of its directors, being a heavy stockholder. During the bank's financial troubles a few years since, and when all thought it must surrender, Mr. Robinson accepted the position as its president, and was one of the number who paid all its indebtedness, again placing it on a solid foundation, and then resigned his position. His children are Thomas L., born June 23, 1858; Elmore E., born February 5, 1862; Mary L., born December 3, 1866; Ralph, born August 23, 1869. ROE, GEORGE, was born in Elmira, New York, August 28, 1854. He came to California in March, 1870, with his parents, and took up his resi- dence in Suisun, Solano county, where he clerked for several months in Dr. J. F. Pressley's drug store. In the Fall of 1870 the family moved to Vallejo, and in December, 1871, young Roe entered the office of the "So- lano Democrat," a weekly paper published by Thompson & Linthicum, as printer's devil. He was soon promoted to the case, and afterward, when his employers started the "Daily Independent," he was made city editor. Subsequently he purchased the material of the ofiice, and commenced the publication of a daily morning paper. RONEY, JAMES, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was born Sep- tember 20, 1847, and here received the ordinary elements of education as well as the academical branches of learning. When only sixteen years old he went out to defend the honor and integrity of his country he loved so well, enlisting in Company B, Second Pennsylvania Artillery, serving in the Army of the Potomac, and honorably dischai'ged at the close of the war. April 1, 1869, he emigrated to this State, coming via the Isthmus, and settled in Vallejo. On June 30, 1874, he bought the "Vallejo and San Francisco Express," and is now transacting the business with Mr. Good, the firm being Good & Roney. Married, in Vallejo, Miss Anna E., daughter of William Shillingsburg, pn July 31, 1870. William S., born April 19, 1872; Isabella M., born August 18, 1874; Walter A. and George A., born December 18, 1876; and Jessie, born March 26, 1879; are the names of their children. 388 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. SAUNDERS, JAMES 0., born in Gottenburg, Sweden, on December 13, 1819, remaining there till he was bound apprentice to Captain James Nye, on board the brig " Fornax," in which he sailed for New Bedford, Massa- chusetts, where he arrived on November 10, 1830. Was with Captain Nye for two years, when he left, but still continued to follow the mercan- tile marine till 1837, when he returned to Sweden to visit his mother, and in that year brought her out to America. In 1843 he first shipped in " the service," and served in the "Falmouth," sloop-of-war, one year, afterward in the "Constitution" for thirty months, during which he sailed round the world, having visited China and other countries, arriving on the Pacific coast on January 1, 1846, off Monterey. Immediately after proceeded with the squadron, under Commodore John P. Sloat, to Mazatlan, where they anchored for three months; after which he sailed, calling at Val- paraiso and Kio de Janeiro, convoying eight vessels from the latter port to Boston, where they paid off in 1846. In the Fall of the same year he reshipped in the "Edith," belonging to the Quartermasters' Department, and sailed for the coast of Mexico, acting as a transport, and remaining there until the cessation of hostilities, when he returned to New York, in June, 1847. Mr. Saunders next purchased a sloop, and sailed out of New York for six months; and having reshipped, ultimately came back to New York, and remained there till 1849, when, on March 2d, he sailed in the ship "Loo Choo," of Boston, for California, and arrived in San Francisco on September 8th of that year. He lost no time in going to work, first as a lighterman, but, only remaining at this occupation for two weeks, he went to Hangtown, now Placerville, and stayed there a week, and finally left in disgust. He then moved to Sacramento, and there bought a lighter, and started for San Francisco. On the way he and his partner chopped four cords of wood, which they sold on the journey for twenty-five dol- lars per cord. On arrival at San Francisco, went to chopping wood on Mission Bay, and, bringing it round to the city, he sold the four cords at fifty dollars each. He now employed himself vdth lightering until the end of June, 1850, when he returned to the mines, going to the Yuba River, at a place called Indian Valley. Stayed there two months, and returned to San Francisco, and again engaged at lightering till Novem- ber, when he went to the southern mines in Garota, Big Oak Flat, where he settled down for the Winter, having built himself a log cabin and made all snug. In the Spring of the following year proceeded to Maxwell's Creek, remaining there six weeks; then returned to San Fran- cisco, where he arrived on May 4, 1851, two or three days after the big fire, when the whole city was in ashes. Mr. Saunders now shipped on the "Northerner," for New York, arriving there in June, and after two months he removed to Detroit, Michigan, where he lived two years, and once more sailed for California, arriving on April 1, 1854. After sojourn- I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 389 ing in Saji Fi-anci.^eu for three moiitlis we again find Mr. S. on the Feather River, where he worked till the month of November, when he again sought San Francisco and recommenced boat-work, which he continued till March 1, 1855, when he came to Vallejo and got employed in the Navy Yard on Mare Island, where he has been ever since. Is one of the directors of the Vallejo Pioneer's Association. Mr. Saunders married, in Boston, July 26, 1851, Miss Josephine Gunnison, by whom he has living: John 0., born August 17, 1853; James H., born August 1, 1856; Charles F., born March 8, 1857; Annie, born October , 1864; and Maria E., born December 25, 1869. SHEEHY, KOBERT, grain merchant, was bom in the county of Kerry, Ireland, in 1821, and came to America early in 1849. The spring of the following year found him struggling in the human tide which had set towards California ; arriving in Tuolumne County, he first engaged in the occupation of mining in May, 1850, but, only remaining there four years and a-half , he started for the Eastern States, crossed the plains, and purchasing cattle, returned by the same route, bringing his stock with him, and once more entered the Golden State in 1855, establishing himself, in the Suscol Valley, at that time included in Solano County. In the year 1858, he commenced farming on a large scale, an occupation which he now combines with his other business. Mr. Sheehy is the proprietor of 3,000 acres of land in Napa county, a fine estate, which includes large tracts of pasture lands. In 1869 he removed with his family into the city of Vallejo, where he still resides. Mr. Sheehy married in Napa county, on the 8th of January, 1860, Miss Margaret Tormcy, a native of Ireland, who was born in 1840, by whom he has five sons, John P., Augustine L., Robert V., Francis B., and Eugene V. P.; and five daughters, Ellen S., Mary A., Josephine, Louisa, and Ada M. SHIRLAND, H. R. FRANCIS, butcher, of Vallejo, was born in Westhaven Rutland county. State of Vermont, on September 22, 1818. In 182^ went to school in Potsdam, St. Lawrence county, New York State, remaining there until he was eleven years of age, when he was seized with a desire to see foreign lands, and ran away to sea ; made two voyages to the West Indies, and was, on his return, again sent to school at the Castleton, and afterwards to Poulteney Seminaries, in Rutland county, from whence, he worked with Peter Comstock, in his store at Petersville, Washington county, where he stayed for two years ; was then steward of the Troy House, in Troy City, for two years, after which, he went to Howard's Hotel, where he remained five years and six months. In July, 1846, he left the United States and visited, in turn, South America, the East Indies, Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar, Mauritius and Isle of France ; 390 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. made an attempt to cross the Egyptian Desert from Suez, in the Red Sea, to Alexandria, on the Mediterranean, but did not go further than Aden, in Arabia, from whence, he i-eturned to Bombay, in the East Indies, where he took ship and went to London, England. He then visited Bremen, in Germany, Havana in Cuba, thence back to New York. At this time the city was in a state of the most intense excitement, on account of the discovery of gold in California. Mr Shirland, therefore, only remained eight days there, when he started for Chagres, on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus, in the steamer " Falcon," calling at Charles- ton, Savannah, and Havana, thence to port of destination. On arrival he hired a canoe, with one Indian and a boy, to take him up the Chagres river, landed at Gorgona, and performed the rest of the journey into Panama on foot. The year was the eventful one of 1849. At this time there were two thousand one hundred persons at Chagres in one day awaiting passage, and no vessel to take them, but, there was one which had her full complement on board, and to her captain Mr. S. agreed to pay fifty dollars coin, as well as work his passage, to be allowed to proceed in the ship, which he did, and arrived in San Francisco about ISth May, 1849. At once proceeded up the river to Embarcadero, now Sacramento, where there were but four houses, belonging to Sam. Brannan, Priestly & Co., Davis & Rider, and Jones and Brown. The city had been then already surveyed and divided into town lots. The fir.st person he met on the river's bank was Professor Sheppard, of Harvard College, who had come to the Pacific coast on scientific explorations, but was then attired in the typical costume of the Californian pioneer, and driving an ox team. Mr. S. im- mediately commenced the transporting business, to the mines, with thirteen yoke of oxen, divided into three wagons. In his first trip up to Rose's Bar, on the Yuba, with one division of his outfit, he cleared the sum of $3,300. He followed teaming with good success till June, 1850, when he sold out for $76,000, with which, he purchased from the Kelsey's the entire Clear Lake country, of sixty -four miles .square, with all the stock, numbering ten thousand head of cattle and a thousand horses. This was a most disastrous speculation, for in eight months after the purchase he was dragging his way to the mines with three mules and an old horse. In February, 1851, he arrived on Salmon river, during the epoch of the memorable starvation, when he carried about $800 in his bosom, but could not buy a breakfast anywhere. In 1852, along with Capt. Best Reynolds, John Chapman, Bill Stevens, and others, discovered the first quartz ledge on the South fork of Scott's river. A hundred pounds of this rock was despatched to Moffett cfe Co., assayers of San Francisco, who returned $13.90 as the proceeds, on the strength of which, he, with his comrades, purchased machinery, shipped it to Oregon, and thereafter brought it 350 miles overland to the river, and erected the fii-st I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 391 quartz mill in thf northern part of the State. This adventure too was a failure. The following spring returned to Salmon river and bought out a man named Jessup, and all that season cut a quantity of timber. In the winter of 18.53, he and Best built the first saw mill on the Salmon river, getting the machinery from San Francisco via Humboldt bay, and conveying it on mules to the place of erection. The mill was a success. In that year built three miles of flume in different "riffles." After re- maining there till the fall of 1854, having achieved a certain amount of success, he determined to revisit the Eastern States, and with that view purchased a ticket in the "Yankee Blade," on the voyage in which she was lost. He did not go on board the ship, however, but went to Placer county and engaged in quartz mining. In 1855 commenced business as a butcher at Gold Hill, Placer county, which he carried on till 1860, when he moved to the Allison Ranch mine, in Grass Valley, Nevada county, where he stayed till 1865. In that year followed up the Meadow Lake excitement, after which, went as butcher with the workmen on the Central Pacific Railroad, remaining with them till its completion in 1869. Remained at Truckee until October of that year, when he came to Vallejo and opened a butcher store, which business he still continues. Is a mem- ber of the Vallejo Pioneer Association. Mr. Shirland married in 1856, Miss Mary Orr, of New York City, at Pine Grove, Placer county, who died in 1865. By her he has one daughter, Frances, bom December 17, 1861. SIMONTON, GEORGE W. The subject of this memoir was born on April 21, 1824, in Waldo, now Knox county, Maine, where he received his early education and resided until December, 1859. In 1848 Mr. Simonton en- tered that career which has, in after life, placed him at the head of that long list of teachers in California whose scholars are now fast coming into prominence in the world. The first school in which he taught was that in Prospect, Waldo county, prior to which he had been associated with his uncle. Dr. Putnam Simonton, at Searsport, a most accomplished gen- tleman, and from whom young Simonton received much of that learning which has stood him in such good stead. His next tuition was under- taken in the seminary of the Hon. M. C. Blake, the present Judge of the Criminal Court of San Francisco, after which he entered an academy taught by Rev. Edward Freeman, with whom he remained until the year 1848, when he became Principal of the school, and as such continued till 1851), when he retired, on account of failing health. On December 1, 1859, he sailed from New York city, by way of Panama, and arrived in San Francisco on the day after Christmas of that year. He at once pre- sented himself before the Board of Education, and being examined re- ceived a first-grade certificate. Remaining in San Francisco but a short 392 THK HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. time he proceeded to Benicia, and there received a school certificate for the county of Solano from Dr. Woodbridge, and proceeded to the Green Valley District, in 18G1. Here he remained, teaching school, till 1864, when he came to Vallejo, and there took charge of the public schools on September 2, 1864. At the time of his taking charge of these schools there were but seventy scholars, while his daughter, a young lady of some fifteen years of age, was the only assistant teacher procurable ; here Mr. Simonton labored until 1872, when he received a well-earned leave of absence for one year. Proceeding to Ukiah City, Mendocino county, Cal., he there purchased a private school, but giving it up in May, 1878, he returned to Vallejo, and, assuming his former duties, continued to per- form them until December, 1874. Mr. Simonton was elected to the posi- tion of County Superintendent of Schools in 1863, fiUed the ofiice for six years, and is now employed in the Constructor's Department in the Na\y Yard on Mare Island. He married March 4, 1847, Harriet A. Ross, of Rocklin, Knox county, Maine, who died January 3, 1868, by whom he had eight children, there being now living, Fred. W. ; Sophia A. ; Frank R. ; Willis E. and James G. Married secondly, Mrs. E. J. Monroe, a na- tive of New York State, on April 16, 1870. SMITH, JAMES G., is a native of Cheltenham, England, having been born January 27, 1836. He came to America in 1857, and having spent one winter in Rochester, New York, went westward, and, on arrival at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, he enlisted as a cattle drover to the Government, for the purpose of driving stock to Salt Lake City. Was there discharged, and in company with fourteen others, made the journey to Sacramento on foot, arriving there in November, 1868. His fii-st permanent settle- ment was made at Feather river, where he engaged in farming, and hav- ing remained thei-e for two years, in the winter of 1860, went to the mines at Nevada city. In the fall of 1864 he arrived at Vallejo, and opened his present studio, where he carries on the business of photo- gi-apher. Married at Vallejo March, 1865, Adelaide A., daughter of Ben- jamin Ingolls, of Boston, Mass., by whom he has Cheltie A. ; Waldo E. ; Alfred G. ; and Saxon I. STEFFEN, JACOB, bom in Germany, in 1841, where he remained until 1857, and then emigrated to America, and settled in New York city, re- siding till 1863, when he came to California. He first took up his abode in San Francisco, but, in 1865, moved to Napa, but only sojourned there two years, when he came to Vallejo, and in 1872 commenced his present business. In 1875 he entered into partnership with Mr. M. Fors- tenfeld, under the style of Steffen & Co., in a meat market, which they still continue. Is unmarried. I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 393 TAYLOR, M. D., WILLIAM E., Medical Inspector U. S. Navy, was born near Kichmond, Virginia, December 7, 1837. Early in life, his parents removed to Winchester, Virginia. Received his education at the Win- chester Academy. Graduated in medicine at the Winchester Medical College in April, 1859. Entered the U. S. Navy as Assistant Surgeon on the 3d of July, 1859. His first service was on board the U. S. S. " Sa- vanna," flag-ship of the Home Squadron, from October, 1859, till Novem- ber, 1860. Joined the U. S. S. " St. Mary's," at Panama, in January, 1861. Remained on board this vessel till May, 1862, during which time she visited a number of ports on the Mexican coast, and spent several months at San Francisco and Mare Island. Returned to the Eastern States in June, 1862. Promoted to the gi-ade of Surgeon U. S. Navy September 5. 1862. On special duty at the Naval Rendezvous and Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, till December, 1862 ; then on duty on board the U. S. steam-sloop " Iroquois," and subsequently on board the U. S. steam- sloop " Tuscarora," serving in both vessels ofl" the Wilmington blockade until the spi-ing of 1864; then ordered to the U. S. receiving- ship "Ohio," at Boston, Massachusetts, remaining there until the spring of 1866 ; then ordered to the U. S. iron-clad steamer" Meantonomoh,"at New York, in which vessel he made a cruise to Europe, returning to Philadelphia in July, 1867. Placed on waiting orders until October, 1868 ; then ordered to the Navy Yard at Mare Island, Gal. Reported for duty at that station Novem- ber 26, 1868. In November, 1871, ordered to the U. S. S."Pensacola;" from that ship to the U. S. S. " Saranac," in December, 1872 ; made a cruise of three years in these two vessels. Detached from the " Saranac " Novem^ ber 30, 1874, and ordered to the Navy Yard, Mare Island, Gal. Promoted to the grade of Medical Inspector U. S. Navy on the 31st of December, 1876. Detached from Mare Island on the first of October, 1878. On the first of November, of the same year, reported for temporary duty in charge of the Naval Hospital at Mare Island, Gal. Remained there until De- cember 31, 1878 ; then detached, and placed on waiting orders. Dr. Taylor was married in Pittsburg, Pa., October 20, 1863, to Miss Char- lotte W. Irwin, a native of that city. He has an only daughter, Grace Lee Taylor; bom in Gharlestown, Massachusetts. THOMPSON, J. D., born in Sangamon county, Illinois, March 27, 1846 and resided there until 1859, when he moved with his parents, to Monroe county, Iowa. In 1861 he returned to his native county, and in the fol- lowing year left for Galifomia, arriving in Honey Lake valley, Lassen county, California, in August, 1862. Here he engaged in freight and staging till 1867, when he went to San Francisco, coming to Vallejo on March 10, 1868, being variously employed until 1873, when he established his present draying business. Mr. Thompson married April 28, 1872, Miss 394 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Jennie Currier, by whom he has Frankie J., born July 11, 1873, and Charlie, born September 8, 1876. TflOMFSON, H. M., born in Sangamon county, Illinois, February 25, 1852, where he stayed with his parents until 1858, when they moved to Mon- roe county, Iowa. In the spring of 1855 he returned to the place of his birth, and came to California in August, 1874, and took up his permanent residence in Vallejo. He married, November 8, 1877, Miss Emma J. Ham- ner, a native of Ray county, Missouri, by whom he has one daughter, Alice v., born October 8, 1878. Mr. Thompson is occupied in the busi- ness of a drayman. THORNTON, T. A., is a native of Yorkshire, England, where he was born in the year 1826. In 1847 he emigrated to New York, and from there to Massachusetts and back to New York, and finally sailed for California March 5, 1852, arriving in San Francisco in the following April. He was variously employed at his trade of machinist, and at the mines until No- vember, 1853, when he came to Mare Island and commenced working in the sectional dry dock, as Engineer. Has been Dock Master there since 1877. Is a member of the I. O. 0. F., and one of the building association for the construction of the hall. Is also a vestryman of the Church of the Ascension. Married, March 29, 1859, Margaret McDowell, a native of New York city. TOBIN, J. F., was bom in Kilkenny county, Ireland, on August 15, 1830. When nineteen years of age he left the green shores of his native country, arriving in America in 1849 and settled in New York, from which place he emigrated to California, landing in San Francisco on July 9, 1855. He remained here only a few months and proceeded to Vallejo, where he at once embarked in the occupation of a butcher, a business he still continues. In connection with this trade, Mr. Tobin has been largely interested in farming and stock-raising enterprises, while at this writing he is classed among the largest land holders in the county he owning no less than three thousand acres of land. Mr. Tobin is a man of much sterling woi'th ; is esteemed by his fellow-citizens, while his energy has brought him to the position which he now holds among his compeers. He married in San Francisco, October 12, 1860, Miss Catha- rine Lynch, by whom he has a family of five children living : William J., bom Sept. 1, 1861 ; Lizzie, born June 13, 1863 ; Marie E., born Dec. 18, 1868; Lilly A., bom Jan. 1, 1872; and Cecilia, born Dec. 6, 1878. Two children have died, Martin E. and James F. VANDERBILT, WILLIAM W.. was born in New York in the year 1815, where he studied and engaged in the profession of a machinist and engineer. a THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 395 and afterwards as shipbuilder ; was for many years in the service of his cousin, Commodore Vanderbilt, of New York. He was Chief Engineer of the pioneer steamer " California " when she made her voyage to this coast. In 1849, he visited Benicia and, in this connection, relates that water was so deep there that the steamer was made fast to the shore, where she rode in perfect safety. Mr. Vanderbilt was in the employ of the Pacific Mail Company from 1849 to 1869, and for ten years was their General Superintendent of the Bureau of Hulls and Machinery, during which time he designed and superintended the construction of many of the company's largest steamers. Having retired for some time, he again entered the service of the P. M. S. S. Co. in 1873, which he left in the following year to superintend, in the interests of Phineas Burgess, of Brooklyn, New York, the rebuilding of the single turreted monitor " Comanche," and the construction of the double turreted monitor " Monad- nock " now building at Vallejo. Is a life member of the Society of Cali- fornia Pioneers of San Francisco, and is a member of long standing of the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. He was married in New York, in July, 1840, to Miss Sarah Remer, by whom he has two daughters who are married and living in Vallejo. WALKER, WILLIAM, lumberman, was born in Perth, Scotland, and came to America in the year 1842, settling in Albany, New York, and after at Schenectady, New York ; when, after a year in each place, he went to Detroit, Michigan. In this State he commenced farming in Lexington county, but, in 1852, he crossed the plains to California, with his family, arriving at Hangtown, now Placerville, in August of that year. There he remained for about eighteen months, when he removed to Sacramento and thence to Benicia, and commenced working in the establishment of the P. M. S. S. Co. as a machinist. Mr. Walker remained eighteen months at Benicia and, on February 1, 1854, came to Vallejo, where he has re- sided ever since. For the past sixteen years he has been engaged in the lumber trade. He married, first, Jane, daughter of William Allen, of Ayrshire, Scotland, on November 6, 1848, who died in April, 1877, and secondly, Mrs. Mary A. McKay, on August 18, 1878. WARD, JAMES, of the Bernard House saloon, was bom in Ireland on December 18, 1843, and emigrated to this country in 1849, settling in Franklin county. New York, where he lived five years, after which he moved to St. Lawrence county, New York. In June, 1862, he emigrated to Green Bay, Wisconsin, and returned to St. Lawrence county, New York, in 1865, coming to this State on May 25, 1867, and in December of that year, settling in Vallejo, where, up to the commencing of his present business in December, 1876, he was engaged in various pursuits. Married 396 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Mary, daughter of James Rice, SeptemLer 21, 1877, and has three children : John F., Mary Ann and Margaret. WENIGER, CHARLES, resides at the Summer Resort, about one mile dis- tant from Vallejo. He was bom in Prussia, September 13, 1824. In 1842 he emigrated to America, and settled in the city of New York, where he remained till the outbreak of the Mexican war, when he en- listed in the 6th Infantry of N. Y. Volunteers, and proceeded to the scene of hostilities, being present at some of the principal engagements. After one year and nine months' service he was honorably discharged ; he then returned to New York, remaining there until 1850, when, on January 6th, he sailed for California, and arrived in San Francisco on February 23d. He soon started in the liquor business, carrying it on till 1855, when he removed to Vallejo, and opened a restaurant. Sold out this business in 1859, and entered on his present premises, which is a great resort for the lovers of sport for that portion of the count}'. Married, May 16, 1855. Frederika Ovir, a native of Wurtemberg, by whom he has Julia ; Charles ; George ; Emma ; Peter ; John and Fannie. WENTWORTH, JOHN, was born in Lincoln county, Maine, on January 14, 1827, and, when an infant, was moved by his parents to Waldo countj% in the same State, where he remained till 1845, when they returned to Lin- coln county, and settled in Thomaston. Here he attended the Academy, but being possessed of a restless and adventurous spirit, the quiet life of a school-boy became monotonous to him ; he, therefore, at the age of eight- een, sailed in the ship " Mountaineer," on a voyage to Europe, the cruise occuppng six months. On his return he now joined the ship " Pyramid," and again visited Europe, and, making the return voyage, he was there- after, in 1848, landed at Cairo, Ills., from whence he returned home by way of Cincinnatti, Ohio. On his arrival at Thomaston he bound himself apprentice to Nathan Reed, a ship-carpenter of that place ; remaining at his trade till 1851, when he proceeded to Virginia, for the purpose of pro- curing ship's timbers, but remained there only a short time, when he again returned home, and resided there till January, 1853. In this month he sailed for California, and arrived at San Francisco on February 19 of that year. He at once proceeded to El Dorado county, and engaged in mining till 1854, when he returned to the Eastern States, remaining there but three months, when he once more proceeded to El Dorado. In Novem- ber, 1854, he came to Vallejo, and obtained employment on Mare Island, where he worked at liis trade. In 1862 he left the Navy Yard, and en- gaged in farming, which he pursued for four years. In 1867 Mr. Went- worth was elected Treasurer of Solano county, which office he held for two years. In 1869 he began business as a real estate agent, and con- tinued it till 1875, when, on May 27th of that year, he was appointed Fore- man Shipwright on Mare Island Navj' Yard. He married at Union, THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 397 Maine, October 22, 1852, Miss Maria D. Cummings, a native of that place, by whom he has John W., born in Vallejo, October 3, 1858, and George A., born September 1, 1862. WILSON, E. J., is a native of New York, having been born in that State in the year 1829, being in the earlier years of his life engaged, principal- ly, in the manufacturing and lumber interests. On the twentieth day of February, 185G, he sailed for California, and aiTived in San Francisco in the following month, and remaining there but a short time he proceeded to Shasta county, where he resided for one year, being, for the most part, engaged in mining. In 1857 he came to Vallejo, where he has ever since been identified with many of the interests of that city. Mr. Wilson is President of the Vallejo Savings and Commercial Bank ; Vice President of the Vallejo Land and Improvement Association ; and is President of the Board of Trustees, to which office he was elected in 1876. He mar- ried in 1851, in New York, Miss Helen M. Chamberlain, by whom he has George W., born in 1852, and Hattie, born in 1862. WILSON, JOHN, farmer, in Vallejo Township, was born in county Tyrone, Ireland, and emigrated to America, in 1851, first settling, for a few months, in Philadelphia, and left, on December 25, 1851, for San Francis- co, which he reached on March 4, 1852. On his arrival he proceeded to Hangtown, now Placerville, remaining there till the following May, being engaged principally in mining operations ; he then moved to Solano county, and was employed by Cui'tis & Clark, the former owners of his present estate, with whom he stayed till 1855, when, together with his brother, Joseph Wilson, they purchased a drove of 400 head of horses, and took them to New Mexico, where they were exchanged for 4,000 head of sheep, which latter the brothers drove back to their homes on the Suscol Ranch, the undertaking occupying about sixteen months. In 1857 Mi". Wilson purchased a portion of his present farm, 900 acres of which he owns, and has under the finest and latest improvements. He is a large breeder of stock, the horses reared by him being among the finest in the county. Mr. Wilson married in San Francisco, October 10, 1870, Lavonia Wright, a native of Oswego, New York ; they have one son, Edward. WILSON, JOSEPH, farmer in Vallejo township, is a native of county Ty- rone, Ireland, where he was born in April, 1826. In 1846 he emigrated to the United States, and settled in Philadelphia, but embarked from there in December, 1851, arriving at San Francisco on March, 4, 1852, and at once proceeded to Hangtown, now Placerville, and Weaverville, where he engaged in mining until May, 1852, when he came to Solano county, in company with his brother John, and found employment with Curtis (Si Clark, the former owners of the estate now owned by the broth- ers Wilson. In 1S58 he purchased and now possesses 854 acres of land, comprised in the finest farming district in the county. Mr. Wilson mar- 398 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. ried in Lake county, Indiana, January 15, 1866, Miss Margaret W. Young, a native of Logan county, Ohio, by whom he has Jennie Belle, born Octo- ber 10, 1866 ; John Andrew, bom July 9, 1868 ; Joseph Ross, born Octo- ber 7, 1873; Eldana Agnes, "bom April 22, 1876, and George Wallace, born January 4, 1879. WILLISTON,v^JOHN EDWARD, the subject of our memoir, was born in Portsmouth, Norfolk county, Virginia, October 14, 1841, where he con- tinued, with the exception of three years, until 1855, wdien he went to Boston and there attended school. On April 20, 1858, he embarked for California. Came up on this side on board the steamer " John L. Ste- phens," arriving in San Francisco May 15th of that year, and came di- rectly to Vallejo, to join his father, who was at the time Assistant Civil Engineer on Mare Island Navy Yard. On July 4th of the same year Mr. Williston, Sr., with his son, left for Victoria, en route for the Fraser river, on board the clipper ship " E. F. Willetts," but returned from British Co- lumbia in the following November, per steamer " Santa Cruz," and settled in Vallejo, where the latter has since resided. Mr. John E. Williston was employed in various branches of business up till 1866, when, in part- nership with Mr. H. B. Bell, he opened a grocery stoi-e, but, unfortu- nately, in 18C9, the establishment was destroyed in the great fire ; with that perseverance, however, for which he is so famous, Mr. Williston im- mediately rebuilt his grocery and continued its business until January 25, 1879, when, on account of failing health, he sold his interest to Mr. D. W. Harrier. He was elected Sheriff of Solano county, by the Demo- cratic party at the general election of September 1, 1875, and the like honor was for the second time conferred upon him on September 5,1877; he has also served for two years on the Board of Trustees for the City of Vallejo. Mr. Williston is a member of the Independent Oi'der of Odd Fellows, of Mount Moriah Encampment, as also a member and Secretary of the San Pablo Lodge of Odd Fellows. He was also a member of Naval Lodge and Naval Chapter F. & A. M., and a member of California Com- mandery No. 1, of San Fi-ancisco. Married March 29, 1869, Miss Sarah E. McLeod, by whom he has Edgar, Eugene, John E., and Alice B. YOUNG ANDREW J., born in Lincolnville, Waldo county, Maine, on March 20, 1829, where he resided until 1850, when heanoved to Rockland, Knox county, at which place he learned the trade of ship carpenter, remaining there till 1859, when he emigrated to California, crossing the plains, and first settling in San Francisco, where he sojourned until 1870, when he located in Vallejo, of which city he is still a resident. Married K. Ingraham, at Rockland, Knox county, Maine, on August 16, 1855. Mr. and Mrs. Young have an adopted daughter, Efiie E., married to Andrew B. Hall, of Petaluma, Sonoma county. I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 399 SUISUN. ALDEN E. B., of the firm of E. B. Alden & Co., of Napa and Suisun, was born in Lincoln, now Knox county, Maine, January 1, 1839. He received the benefit of the public schools until, at the age of sixteen years, he left home to engage in mercantile pursuits. Went to Boston, Mass., in 1864, where he remained the most of the time until February, 1869, at which time he emigrated to California, remaining in San Francisco for about nine months ; from thence removed to Vallejo and became employed on the Navy Yard at Mare Island, where he remained until 1875, at which time he became associated with Mr. A. P. Voorhees, in mercantile trade. The firm removed to Napa city in the spring of 1876, and in September 1878, Mr. Alden established a branch of their business in Suisun, of which place he has since been a resident with his family. Married in Sacra- mento, October 12, 1870, Lydia E., daughter of Benj. F. Webster, of Knox county, Maine. Their children are: Bertram F., born January 5, 1873; Evie E., born February, 1875, died the following July ; Edith May, born February, 1878. BARBOUR, NATHAN, was bom in Cayuga county, N. Y., January 12, 1813. When twenty-one years old he moved to Kentucky, then, after three years, to New Orleans, La., trading on the Mississippi river, thence to Andrew county. Mo., where he abode until coming to California in 1846, crossing the plains with an ox-team, and came to the banks of Feather river, in October of that year. A full account of Mr. Barbour's so- journeyings are given in the county history, up to his coming to his present place in Suisun valley. Married Miss Nancy, daughter of Landy Alford, May 9, 1846. She died October 15, 1868. Armelia (deceased), Eli, Nan- cy, Nathan, Julie, Nellie May, and Florence Katie are their children. BATEMAN, J. K., County Superintendent of Schools, a native of High- land county, Ohio, was born January 14, 1850. From a very early pe- riod of his- life he was a lover of books, and while attending the public schools in his birth-place made rapid progress in his studies, finishing his academical education in the National Normal School, of Lebanon, Warren county, Ohio. In after life the classic poets were added to his store of intellectual enjoyment. September, 1868, then only eighteen years old, he commenced teaching public schools, which occupation he followed up to the time he was elected to his present office, on September 5, 1877. Came 400 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. to California, arriving August 31, 1873, settling in this county at Elmira, and, after two years, went to his former home, remaining one year, then returned to this county, settling in Dixon. He is now a resident of Sui- sun. Cal., beloved by his many friends and respected by the citizens of the place in which he lives. BATEMAN, JOHN M. K., is a native of Highland county, Ohio, and bom 11th December, 1837. Received his education at the National Normal School of Lebanon, Ohio, and the New Jei-sey State Normal School at Trenton. Left Ohio in May, 1874, and came to California, first settling at Riverside, San Bernardino county; thence to Oakland, and Dixon, Solano county, thence to Santa Cruz, and in June, 1878, came to Fair- field, this county, taking charge of the public schools, which place he now occupies. On September 19, 1868, married Euphemia, daughter of Charles McNeill, who was for five years a member of the Colonial Legislature of Ontario, Canada. Mrs. Bateman was born in Canada, March 30, 1842. Their livdng children are Victorian, Mary Margaret and Sarah May. Lost three — Minnie Este, Leonard and Daisey. BAUMAN, J. H., the subject of this sketch, was born in Gennany, July (j, 1823. Emigrated to Fau-field countj^ Ohio, in 1842; thence to Seneca county in the same State. In 1849 he crossed the plains, witli a horse team, arriving in Sacramento September 1st of that year. Lo- cated on the North Fork of the American River, where he was engaged in mining, but in due time returned to Sacramento, coming down on the Sacramento River, where for a short time he was engaged in fann- ing. Came to Suisun Valley in December, 1850, camping on a farm now occupied by Mr. Buther. He made a continuous residence in and ai'ound this valley, herding cattle, until June 14, 1853, at which time he returned to Ohio. On his return to California, in the Spring of 1854, he came via Boone County, Missouri, buying a herd of cattle, which he brought across the plains, amving in the Montezuma Hills at a place now known as Bauman's Ravine, named in honor of Mr. Bauman, as he was an early settler in the hills, arriving there in the Fall of 1854. Came to his present residence in January, 1862. Married Miss Mary A., daughter of John McMullen, September 20, 1860. John, Elveng H. and Lottie May are their living children. They have lost two, Clarissa and Flora. CHRISLER, P. J., was born in Ontario County, New York, July 4, 1831, and here he was educated. In 1854 he emigrated to St. Joseph County, Michigan, where he married Sarah M. Pulver, daughter of Fletcher Pul- ver, of Lyons, WajTie County, New York, January 4, 1858. She was born Mai'ch 14, 1838. They emigrated to this State, and immediately THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 401 settled in Suisun City. Mr. Chrisler was first engaged in the produce trade, on his arrival in this locality, but afterward changed to that of a grocer. In June, 1870, he moved to Vaca Valley, five miles northwest from Vacaville, erected a house, had a Post-ofBce established, over which he presided as postmaster, platted the ground for the purpose of founding a village, which he named Tolenas; but on account of the scarcity of water the project was abandoned, and he returned to Suisun the same year. He is now engaged in the lumber and sewing machine trades, as well as having established one of the most important insurance offices in this county. Leslie J., Minnie A., Jennie Gertrude (the last deceased), Sarah E., William A., Charles D. and Peter Spencer are the names of his children. CLAYTON, DAVID J., a native of Logan County, Kentucky, born January 30, 1812, where he lived until fourteen years of age, when he moved to Simpson County with his parents, where he resided about thirteen years on a farm. He then went to Jackson County, Missouri, and farmed for thirteen years longer. In March, 1848, he married Miss Rebecca Jane Shaw. On May 15, 1850, he emigrated to California, crossing the plains with ox teams, and arrived in Sacramento in September following. He prospected about the country until February, 1851, when he returned East, via Panama, being on the trip three and a half months. On May 6, 1852, he again returned to California, bringing with him his wife and two children. He aiTived in Suisun Valley, Solano County, October 23, 1852, and settled on a farm known as the Baker Ranch, where he lived one year. He then settled on his present ranch, consisting of five hundred and twenty -five acres, situate about seven and a half miles northwest of Suisun City, at the upper end of Suisun Valley. Mary B., deceased, James D., Henry B., Martha S. and William L. are the names of their children. COGHLAN, 0. R., was born in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois, January 22, 1847. Hei'e he attended the public .schools for four years. In 1859 he went to Richmond, Kentucky, where he worked in a printing office till 1861, when he went to St. Louis, Missouri. Here he became reduced to the most abject poverty, and in order to gain an honorable livelihood he worked in a market garden until September 29, 1862, when he enlisted in the Twenty -ninth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, which was afterward attached to Blair's Brigade, in Steel's Division, Sixteenth Army Corps. On December 29, 1862, he was severely wounded in the right breast, while engaged in battle at Chickasaw Bayou, or Haines' Bluff, and on this account was honorably discharged July 29, 1863. Returning to St. Louis, Missouri, followed the common avocations of life till September 26 402 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 1864, when he took a course of studies in the preparatory department of McKendring College, at Lebanon, Illinois, remaining until January, 1865 ; thence to Memphis, Tennessee, where he clerked in a wholesale saddlery house, and by industry and honesty was promoted to assistant bookkeeper, and on January 1, 1866, took charge of this department. Emigrated to California September, 1872, settling in this county in November of that year. Commenced the study of law with Judge W. S. Wells, and was admitted to the bar January, 1874. Was elected District Attorney in September, 1877, and is the present incumbent. Married, on February 23, 1876, Madge Redman, daughter of C. C. Redman, Esq. of Santa Rosa. Mary R. is their only child. CROCKER, ASA. This well known old settler came to Suisun City in the Spring of 1854, with Captain Josiah Wing, working for that gentleman, and afterward opened the first restaurant in that village. He emigrated to this State in the bark "Terror," via Cape Horn, arriving in San Fran- cisco June, 1853. For a short time he was on a coasting vessel, and for five months was employed on the ferry-boat "Ion," plying between Be- necia and Martinez; then up the Suisun Bay, on the schooner "Ann So- phia," to Suisun, settling as above stated. He is a native of Barnstable County, Massachusetts, and born March 24, 1836, coming to California from this place. Married Miss Anna B., daughter of William Pearson, September 8th, 1861. Horace L. and William Sherman are his li\ang children. Frank M., deceased. DAVISSON, OBEDIAH, was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, July 27, 1810 ; here he was educated, and learned in the ways of farming ; married Hulda Wyatt, September, 1832. In 1845 they moved to Holt county, Missouri ; thence, crossing the plains to California in 1854, settled in this township, and on his present farm in September of that year. Has served in the capacity of School Director, and ever takes a lively interest in the educa- tion of the young. Thomas Davisson, his son, was also born in Coshocton county, Ohio, coming with his parents to this place, and has always lived with them. He mar- ried Letta Owens, September 9, 1875. DAVISSON, W. G., was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, August 22, 1833. Emigrated to Holt county, Missouri, in 1845, from which he came to this State, crossing the plains with an ox-team, settling in this to'miship the first of September, 1852. After working in different places he bought his present farm and moved to, and has occupied it since 1854. Has held the office of School-director, and through his influence, as well as others, their school library contains an excellent selection of books, which denotes THK HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 403 a high standard of intelligence, not only for Mr. Davisson, but for the community in which he lives. Married Miss Clara E., daughter of Josiah King, of New York State, on June 19, 1866. Their children are : Clara Gustavia, Ada Francis, William Sherman, Lula Adell and John G. DOWNING, M. D., W. G., the subject of our meTnoir, was bom in Scot- land county, Missouri, October 7, 1853. His parents went to St. Louis in 1862, where young Downing, after the usual course of instruction in the grammar school, graduated at the St. Louis University in 1869. He com- menced the study of medicine in the Missouri Medical College, in 1870, and took his degree of M. D. in March, 1873. In order to better fit him- self for a practitioner, he repaired to the St. Louis City Hospital, remain- ing three years. January, 1877, he emigrated to Suisun, Solano county, Cal., where he has practiced his profession with marked success. DUNN, ALEXANDER, County Clerk, Solano county, California, was born in Piatt county, Missouri, May 7, 1841, and emigrated to California, cross- ing the plains with his parents, and arriving at Placerville October 10 , 1850 ; from thence proceeding to the Suisun valley December 24 of the same year where they located four miles north of Fairfield, the present county seat. Mr. Dunn attended the first school ever taught in that part of Solano, then kept by John Doughty, and in July, 1852, he moved with his father to Vaca valley, who died there on July 5, 1873. In 1867 he moved to Mendocino county, and in 1869 took charge of the " Mendocino Democrat," continuing its editor for three years, when he returned to Vacaville. Mr. Dunn graduated in the Pacific Methodist College at Vaca- ville May 14, 1864. In 1873 Mr. Dunn was a candidate for the office of County Surveyor, but was defeated by A. H. Gunning, who appointed him his deputy ; Mr. Gunning, however, resigning before the expiration of his term, Mr. D. was appointed to fill the vacancy on July 12, 1875, in which he was confirmed at the general election, held on September 1, 1875. On September 5, 1877, he was elected to the office of County Clerk, and continues to exercise the functions of that position. He mar- ried September 25, 1865, Jennie, daughter of J. E. Elder, of Sacramento county, by whom he has Eagan Lee and Virginia Ann. EDWARDS, JAMES G., born in Bourbon county, Kentucky, April 24, 1822, and resided there till 1826, when he moved to Franklin county, Alabama, from whence he proceeded to Hampstead county, Arkansas, in 1837 ; after which, in 1849, he emigrated to California, coming across the plains, and arriving October 1st, of that year, at Lawrence bar, Feather river. Engaged in mining for two years, and then came to Sui- sun valley, in October, 1851, and settled on what is now the farm of John 404 THE HISTOET OF SOLANO COUNTY. McMullen. Removed into Suisun city in 1854, and in 1860 came to his present farm of 160 acres, where he has since resided. Married, June 13, 1856, Therza Jane Stone, a native of Missouri, who died August 2, 1867. He has, Alice, born June 18, 1857 ; Lam-a, bom April 24, 1859 ; Mary, born December 13, 1862 ; Charles Hemy, bona May 6, 1865, and Alabama Josephine, bom July 23, 1867. FITCH, WILLIAM WAYNE, was bom near Auburn, New York, Octo- ber, 22, 1816, and removed to Genesee ceunty, near where now stands the town of Nunda, Livingston county, in 1818. Received a course of academical instruction at Wyoming, Genesee county, studied and practiced sm-veying and engineering under Colonel Elisha Johnson at Rochester, New York. Served under the orders of the Provincial Parliament in exploring railroad routes in Canada west ; engaged in preliminary surveys for a railroad company in Ohio ; removed to De- troit, Michigan, in 1837, was engaged on public works, government land surveying and private undertakings of a like nature. Came overland to California in 1849 and engaged in mining. In 1854, began sur^^eying land grants under Colonel J. C. Hays, U. S. Surveyor-General for California, and was elected County Surveyor for Solano county, in 1865, which posi- tion he held till 1873, and was re-elected in 1877, and now holds the office. Mr. Fitch joined the Advent Christian Church, July 4, 1877. GILLESPIE, EDGAR FERGUSON, (deceased,) among the most worthy of the pioneers of Solano county was the subject of this sketch, who was born at West Farms, Westche.ster county. New York, December 7, 1822, and died at Suisun on June 22, 1875. Mr. Gillespie when but eight years of age removed to North Bend, Hamilton county, Ohio, with his parents and, on their death, he changed his residence to St. Louis, Missouri, where he was employed as a clerk in a wholesale drug store until 1848, when, in connection with his oldest brother he commenced business in Dubuque, Iowa. The gold fever breaking out ia 1849, he sold his interest in his store to his brothers and came across the plains with an ox team, arriving in this State in November of that year. He first engaged in mining at Hangtown, now Placerville, until the Summer of 1850, when he entered into a mercantile business at that place with Heniy K. Curtis. During the Fall of that year Mr. Ciu'tis had occasion to visit Suisun valley and was so much pleased with the country that he immediately located two claims — one for himself and one for his partner. In 1851, the store was disposed of and they took up their residence in the valley and engaged in haying and farming until 1853, when they sold their possessoiy rights to David and P. 0. Clayton. In 1854, Mr. Gillespie started in business in Vacaville, where he I'esided for ten years, being Postmaster of that dis- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 405 trict for a great portion of that time. On September 1, 1858, he was elected Supervisor for the third district and was a member of the board when the county seat was removed from Benicia to Fairfield. On Sep- tember 2, 1863, he was chosen to fill the responsible position of Sheriff" and, on taking possession of his ofiice, removed with his family to Suisun, where he resided up to the day of his death. On the completion of the California Pacific railroad, he was appointed station agent at Fairfield, and he was also elected Justice of the Peace for Suisun township, October 20, 1869. In 1872, he was appointed deputy recorder by George C. McKinley and, in 1873, he was selected, by the people at the general elec- tion held on September 3, to succeed that gentleman in the office. Mr. Gillespie married in May, 1855, Sarah J., daughter of Captain J. H. White, of San Francisco, who died October 4, 1874, by whom there were ten daughters and two sons, viz.: Delia, Mary Ida, Luella, Clara, Jennie, Sarah, Emma, Augusta S., Efiie, surviving ; and John, Edgar and Cornelia, dying in infancy. GILLESPIE, GEORGE A., was bom in St. Louis, Missouri, on December 7, 1830. His parents and the other children of the family were born at West Farms, Westchester, New York ; when he was yet an infant, the family removed to Ohio and located on a farm near North Bend, and about eighteen miles from the city of Cincinnati. Here ten years of his life were spent and here his parents died ; the father dying when he was of the age of six years, and his mother following the father to the grave four years later. In February, 1842, the family of children returned to St. Louis and for one year George attended the piivate schools in the city, and, in 1843, the family separating, he was sent to Kemper College, an Episcopal institution of learning, located near St. Louis. In 1844, he left the college and went to live with his eldest brother, who was located in Boonville, Missouri, and while here for two years he attended Kemper's Academy, closing his school days at this institution. After clerking in a hardware store at Boonville for a time, in 1847 he returned to St. Louis and took a situation with Joseph S. Pease, one of the pioneer wholesale hardware dealers of that city. He remained with Pease until the great fire of May, 1849, at which his employer was bmmed out and rendered almost bankrupt. In a few months he went into the employment of Hon. Henry T. Blow, the then owner of the Collier White Lead Works, as paying teller in the purchasing ofiice of that establishment, and remain- ing with Blow imtil March, 1850, when he embarked " the plains across " to California, journeying from the Missouri river to Sacramento, in the then unprecedented time of eighty-three days, and,arriving in Sacramento on the 10th day of July, 1S50. After remaining in Sacramento a week or two to rest from the arduous trip, he, in company with two of his St. 406 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Louis companions, left for the mines and located at Rough and Ready, in Nevada county, where he spent the Winter. In the Spring of 1851, he sold his claims at Rough and Ready and visited his brother, Edgar F., who was then keeping store in Hangtown, now Placerville, and from here he went to Horse-shoe Bar on the American river, near Auburn, to see another brother, who shortly after returned to Ohio. He at once en- gaged in mining and remained in this locality until April, 1852, when he joined his brother, Edgar, who had located in Suisun valley, in this county tlie year before. During the Summer of that year he and his brother engaged in cutting and baling hay and conducting a hay-yard at Sacra- mento city. In the Fall they gave up the hay-yard and commenced preparations for planting a crop of barley, on what is now known as the Clayton Place, at the head of the valley. The primitive farming of this period presenteil many novel features and more serious obstacles. There being no lumber for fencing or building purposes, ditches were dug and the crests of the sod covered with the branches of the valley oaks to warn away the numerous bands of cattle and horses, and prevent their intrusion upon the newly sown grain. Plenty of hay could be cut in the Summer but, for want of proper shelter, it could not be preserved for use in the Winter, and the old system of stacking, so much in vogue in the Eastern States, here proved an absolute failure ; and barley being very scarce and rating at an enormously high figure, feeding the working ani- mals after the common method was out of the question; therefore, the animals were nightly turned out upon the grass to obtain sustenance ; and each morning were caught up and harnessed to the plow for the daily task of plowing an acre or an acre and a half. And, during the Winter, bread-stuffs, in the valley, became inconveniently scarce. To get flour was an impossibility ; and shorts rated in Benicia at $20 per hundred pounds ; and, owing to the excessive rains of the season and the miry condition of the ti'ails, it was next to impossible to obtain any provisions from Benicia, accordingly, the settlers in the upper part of the valley, during the most of that Winter, had to rely for breadstuff on a few sacks of shelled corn, which was, fortunately, in possession of one of their number, and this corn was prepared by first grinding it in a rough iron hand-mill, and, with this meagre preparation, it was mixed into bread batter, without so much as a partial ac(juaintance with the time-honored sieve. It made wholesome food, however, and the civilized plague of dyspepsia was, to these hardy pioneers, wholly unknown. Game and the bands of wild cattle ranging in such vast numbers in the Suscol hills, furnished the settlers with meat, with occasionally a piece of salt pork to flavor the savory dishes prepared by the more experienced cooks. Hunt- ing, shooting matches, and an occasional scrub-horse race, furnished the only amusement of the times, until female immigrants became more THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 407 plenty, when the coarser spotts of the men gave place to the more civil- ized pastime of the country dance. The yield of the soil at this cropping was extremely good, and in one or two cases as high as seventy bushels of barley per acre was realized. The harvesting commenced about the 20th of June, and the grain was cut with the old style cradle, and bound into sheaves, and threshed by the tramp- ing of horses, or the services of an endless chain machine — there being one or two of the latter brought to the valley. Nearly all of the products of the valley of that year were sold at Sacramento, being shipped there from the Suisun Embarcadero by sail vessel, and the barley bringing, in that market, an average of three and one-half cents per pound. Mr. Gillespie continued farming until the summer of 18.56, excepting per- haps a year intervening, when he went into the employment of John Doughty, one of the first storekeepers at Cordelia, to manage that gentle- man's business, while he was absent representing the people of the county in the Legislatui'e of the year 1855. On Christmas day of 1856 Mr. Gil- lespie commenced the foundation of the first store and second building in Silveyville, where he remained, merchandising, until the fall of 1859, when he sold to the firm of Deck & Co., and then engaged in sheepraising. In the spring of 1860, he was appointed Deputy County Assessor, under Capt. E. H. Von Pfister, the then County Assessor, and remained with him until the work of the year was finished, resigning in the month of December. In January, 1861, he was elected Engrossing Clerk of the State Senate, and again in 1862 was re-elected to the same position. Re- turning to the county again, in the summer of that year, he located at Maine Prairie, to buy wheat, as the agent of Gen. John B. Frisbie, who, that year, had commenced the business of shipping grain to Liverpool. The rejection of the Suscol grant by the courts, shortly after, put an end to the General's wheat speculations, and Mr. Gillespie left his employment, and engaged in the drug business at Maine Prairie, in partnership with Dr. S. K. Baker, — remaining there until the March of 1864, when he went into the Sheriff's ofiice at Fairfield, under his brother, who was Sheriff, as deputy and jailor. At the end of the term, in March, 1866, he removed to Suisun City, and, during that summer, was the active projector and and first secretary and superintendent of the present Suisun and Fairfield Water Company. In September of that year, in partnership with Wood- ford Owens, Jr., he purchased the Solano Press, a newspaper, published at Suisim, and, under the firm-name of Geo. A. Gillespie & Co., continued the publication of that newspaper until the latter part of 1869, when the Solano Press and Solano Herald were merged into a new paper, called the Solano Republican, published by Powers & Gillespie. This firm con- tinued the publication of the Republican until 1872, when Mr. Gillespie sold his intei-est to his partner, 0. B. Powers, and soon after removed to 408 Tin: iiistouy ov soi.ani^ county. Aiitioch, in Contiu Costa county, where he was cnt^ed in business for about two yoai"s, ivturning to the county in 1874, to go into the Record- er's office, lus (I deputy, under his brother, whose failing lienlth incapaci- tated hin» fron) attending to the duties of his position. Recordei- Gilles- pie dying before his term of otfice expired, William Wolf was appointed Recorder, and Mr. Gillespie was ivappointed deputy under him, and re- mained in the oltice to the close of the term, in March, 187ti. Having been elected a Justice of the Peace for Suisun township the fall before, he then opened an ottice in Suisun, and, for the t^n-m following, was an acting Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. In Marcli, 1S7S, he was ap- pointed Deputy County Clerk untlor Alex. Duini, which position lie holds at the writing of this lx)ok. Mr. Gillespie is a man of positive convictions and of activity of character, and has taken a prominent piu-t in public atlaii-s, his name appearing, all along through the annals of the county, for the past twenty -seven years. In 1S()'2 Mr. (lillespie was married to Miss Mary E. Crousy, a native of .\uburn. New York, who is well known in musical circles as a good vo- calist and aji excellent piano perfornier. besides enjoying the distinction of Wing a Past Worthy Gi-and Matron of the adopt^nl Rite of Eastern Star, of the State of California. To this iniion two children were born, a son. named Guilfonl. and a d.iughter, named Rena. born respectively on October Kith. KSl^S, and July li>th. 1S71. GOODWIN, B. H., a native of Gxfoni county, Maine, born Nov. 22, lS-;>. where ho was educated and learned the t.nide of blacksmith, which he luis followed as a business ever since. At the age of 20 he went to Southlvnvw, Mass.. and ivmained a short time, thejice back to his bii'th- place on a short visit, thence to Rockford, Mass.. where ho worked at trade for alxmt four months, after which, ho preceedod to Boston and started on a whaling voN-age; weoit around the Capo of Good Hope to the Oakheart Sea, ai\d from t^iere to the Sjvndwich Island, where he remained alxnit four months, when he returned to Oakheart Sea. and frem tJiere to the Islands, whore he remained and worked at trade four montlis longer, and then shipped again for the Oakheai-t Sea, where he remained several months, following trade and whaling, when he again returned to Sand- wich Islands. Aft<^r remaining here alx>ut six months came to San FiTuicisco, arriving May. lSot5. After remaining one month in Auburn. Placer county, ho came to tliis county and settled in Benicia, where ho remained until PoeomlKT. ISoti. Ho then returne^l to Sandwich Islamls, and remained thivu_;h the winter, and in the spring retiniiod to Benicia, whore ho followed his trade until September, when ho came to this valley and worked at trade near the ujarble quairy. alxnit four miles north-east of Suisim. AKnit two montlis later he settled in Fairtiold. where he I THK FflSTOKY OK SOI.ANO COUNTY. 409 built a shop, in company with J. Foster, which they conchictcrl but a few months, when Mr. Goodwin went to Suisun and worked for Sim. Ramway for abotit one year, when he bouglit Mr. Ilamsay out, and entered into partnership with L. H. Fowler. They njuiaincd together aViout one year, after which he worked for different parties for ai)0ut one and a-half years, when he again settled in Fairfield, where he has Vjeen doing busi- ness on his own account ever since. Mr. Goodwin married Mi.ss Catherine (!ronan, October 30, IHti'.). Minnie K., Katie L, fdecea.sed,) Katie E., Benjamin (J. (decea.sed,) Laura E., George l-*., Nellie F., (deceased,) are the names of their children. GREGORY, JOHN M., second .son and third child of Hon. John M. (iregoi'y, and Amanda M. Wallace, was born March 0, 1840, at Williams- burg, Virginia; removed to Richmf)nd in 1841, and lived in and near Richmond till the fall of 18G0; entered Richinond Baptist College in March, 1853, and graduated in June, 18.57, witli the degree of B. A.; then went to the University of Virginia ; remained there three sessions and graduated in 1860, as Master of Arts; then commenced the study of law with Thomas Wallace, liis mother's brother, and continued the study of law with his father, until the month of May, 1861 ; entered the Confed- erate Army, joining the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, an infantry com- pany commanded by Capt. O. J. Wise, a son of General Henry A. Wise, to whose brigade the company was attached ; served for two months, and then, in August, 1861, joined the Rockbridge Artillery, attached to the Stonewall Brigade, as a private, and remained in that company until February, 1863 ; was then appointed 1st Lieutenant of artillery, and was assigned to duty with Col. Wm. Allen, chief advance officer of Stonewall Jackson's corps; was then a.ssigned to duty as Chief of Ad- vance of th(; artillery of the same corps ; was afterwards promoted to Captain of Artillery, and left the army at Appomattox^(J. H., after the surrender of Gen. Leo ; then resumed the .study of law, but carried on the lumber bu.sine.ss at the same time, until the fall of 1868; came to California, by the Isthmus of Panama, arriving in October, 1868 ; taught school until SepternVjcr, 1869, and then enttjred upon the practice of law, at Vallejo, Solano county ; was City Atttorney and City Clerk,of Vallejo, and in DeceinVjer, 1873, was elected County Judge, of Solano county, and served four years ; was re-elected in October, 1 877, and is now County Judge. Was married May 1, 1872, to Evalyn T. Craven, third daughter of Rear-Admiral Thos. T. Craven U. S. N., and now has two children, John M. Gregory, Jr., bom in Suisun, Solano county, June 26, 1875, and TIjos. Craven Gregory, bom at the same place, October 4, 1878. GREEN, GEORGE, is a native of Middlesex county, Mass., where he was boi'n May 15, 1828, and was educated in his native county. In 1840, 410 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. moved to Wooster county in that State, residing there until September 15, 1852, at which time he emigrated to California, remaining in Sacra- mento for three months. Soon after the fu-e, which occurred in that city November 25, 1852, he settled in San Francisco, remaining till 1853, when he returned to Sacramento. In February, 1855, he came to Suisun, Sola- no county, where he has since resided. Married Georgia S., daughter of Joseph Spiller, from western Massachusetts, September 21, 1871. Mr. Green, for many years, has been engaged in stock-raising, and is now with Harvey Rice in the butcher business. HAILE, HONORABLE R. C. The subject of this sketch is a native of Smith county, Tennessee, receiving his early education at Nashville, after which he moved to Sumner county, and there engaged in mercantile pur- suits from the years 1836 to 1839. On the 17th November, of the first- mentioned year, he married Miss Susan C, daughter of Joseph Seawell, when he proceeded to Lafayette county, Miss., and was respectively em- ployed in school-teaching, book-keeping,and clerking. Here he remained till the spring of 1849, at which time he emigrated to California, crossing the plains with an ox-team, (leaving his family at Lafayette) and arrived at Sacramento on October 7th, of that year. At this place Mr. Haile re- mained but a short time, when he went to Nevada City, and there pur- sued mining, which he followed for about a year ; he next moved to Napa valley and farmed, in partnership with L. C. Burroughs, and Major John H. Seawell ; -wath this occupation was combined that of lumbering. The partnership was dissolved in 1857, when Mr. Haile, still continuing farming, added merchandizing to his business. In the fall of 1858 he sold out and purchased his present property in Suisun valley, consisting of 510 acres, situated about seven miles northwest of Fairfield, where he has since resided. Mr. Haile has taken a very prominent lead in the aifairs of the State in the section in which he has resided. In the year 1853, when in Napa county, he was elected to the Supervisoral chair, which he occupied for three years. In 1855 he was elected to the Legislature, from the same county, serving during the session of 1856. In Solano county he has twice rep- resented the district in the Legislature, in the sessions of 1869-70 and 1877-78 ; while he has served as a School Trustee ever since his arrival in it. Mr. Haile's life, however, has not been all a pleasant sunshine. We have mentioned above that when first coming to California he had left his wife in Lafayette ; in 1851 he returned for her and his family, and commenced the fatigue of crossing the plains, with them, at the same time having in charge 100 head of cattle. When at Platte river, Mrs. Haile was siezed with cholera, from the efifects of which she succumbed on June 2, 1852- I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 411 Here, far away from friends, on the lonely waste of an unknown border, was this fair pioneer buried, near Fort Kearney, on that river, leaving naught but a mound, heaped by loving hands ; the last tender offering to a devoted wife and mother, by her sorrowing husband and children. On September 21, 1853, Mr. Haile re-married, Mrs. Susan D. Sears, of Suisun. His children by his first marriage are : Joseph S., born August 16, 1837 ; Martha A., born March 27, 1839 ; Leeman, born November 25, 1840; Sarah J., born September 16, 1843; John W:, born AiigiLst 23, 1846; and Susan H., born December 1848. By his second wife there are : Han-iett E., born July 13, 1854 ; James H., born May 22, 1857 ; Lucy W., bom July 27, 1859 ; Richard C, born November 13, 1862. Leeman died June 13, 1873. HALE, DAVID, is a native of Oakland county, Michigan, and born Nov. 19th, 1839, where he was educated and followed farming. In 1860, he emigrated to California, landing in San Francisco on April 24th, of that year. On April 25th, he came to Suisun, and was employed by J. B. Hoyt, the greater part of the time, for four yeais, after which he followed teaming six years over the Sierra Nevada mountains. In 1869, he bought what was known as the Ewing ranch, comprising one hundred aci-es, three and a-half miles west fi'om Suisun. September 8, 1869, he married Laura P. Wing, a native of Maine. Louisa A., and William, are their children. HAMMOND, E. A., a native of Simpson county, Ky.; born October 8, 1837. At the age of one year he moved, with his uncle, David J. Clayton, to Jackson county. Mo. (he being an orphan), where he lived until 15 years old, when he emigi-ated, in company with his uncle, to California, crossing the plains with ox teams, arriving in Suisun valley October, 1852. He worked at farming in this county until 1856, when he went to Sonoma county, where he engaged in the sheep business, remaining there one year, and thence to Napa county, and engaged in the cattle trade, where he remained about two years. He then returned to this county and set- tled in the upper end of Suisun valley, where he farmed for one year, and then turned speculator, dealing in horses and cattle, and working by the month until 1867. Married Miss Catherine Ives, April 7, 1867. He then rented a farm, which he occupied for about two years, in Napa county, and then purchased a farm in Pope valley, Napa county, where he re- remained for four years. He then returned to this county, and farmed the widow Clayton farm, in Suisun valley, which he conducted one year. After farming in different parts of this county and Napa for a few years, he made a trip to Texas, where he remained about eight months, when he returned to California, and, after working for a few months as a farm 412 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. hand, leased the ranch where he now resides, in Suisiin valley. Mary F., Charles C. (deceased), James S., and William E. are the names of their children. HOOPER, THOMAS P., the proprietor of the Fairfield Hotel, was bom in Essex coimty, Mass., November 28, 1840. Here he received his primary education. In May, 1857, he emigi-ated to this State, settling in Benicia, completing his Education at the St. Augustine College in that citj\ He was appointed Deputy Recorder, which position he filled fourteen months, and then moved to CollinsviUe and followed merchandizing, and was ap- pointed Postmaster. In the fall of 1875 he was elected County Auditor: the following spring permanently locating in Fairfield. At the expira- tion of his ofiice he bought the Fairfield Hotel and has since been its pro- prietor. Married Anna E. Nichols, daughter of Capt. Moses Nichols, of Benicia. Their children are Mimiie S., Lillie E., and Fi-ank. HOYT, W. K., is a native of Faii-field, Franklin county, Vt., and was born on August 7, 1829. Here he received his primary education at the com- mon schools. Moved to New York City in 184G, and resided ^vith his imcle, W. K. Hoyt. a lawyer in that city, and received his academical edu- cation at the " Mechanics High School." His father took up his resi- dence in that city some time after Mr. Hoyt airived there, engaging in the drug trade. The subject of this sketch went to Saratoga county, N. Y., from which he emigrated to California via the Isthmus, and arrived in San Francisco February 3, 1852, settling on Spring Flat, El Dorado county, where he was engaged principally in mining, but a portion of the time was employed as a fanner. In October, 1859, he came to Suisun^ Solano county, and for over three j^ears was engaged in the butcher busi- ness, but in the fall of 1863 sold out and went to Austin, Nevada Terri- tory, and was one of the electors who cast a vote for the first constitution, of that State. On his return to Suisun, in 1865, he was elected Super- intendent of the Suisun and Fairfield Water Works, and in the meantime was engaged in the grocer trade in company with E. D. Perkins, but sold his interest in the store to that gentleman a few years ago and has since pursued various occupations. Was the Republican nominee for Countj'^ Treasurer in 1877, and is the present candidate for that office by the same party. Married in Sacramento, Cal., Miss Hannah E., daughter of G. A. Hoyt, a native of Lower Canada, March 5, 1859. She was bom April 30, 1841. HUBBARD, HENRY, came to California -w-ith a company- organized at Hart- ford, Connecticut, on barque " Selma," Captain Sellew, am^^ng in San Francisco October 5, 1849 ; resided in Sacramento the folloAviBg winter. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY 413 a time of " high water," and gi-eat suffering among many of the people at that place. In the spring — 1850— he went to the mines at Caldwell's Diggings, now Nevada City, and followed mining and trading, in what are now Nevada, Yuba, and Placer counties, with the exception of the time occupied by a visit to his friends in his native State and the State of Georgia — from May, 1852, to October, 1853 — until July 5, 1856, at which time he settled at Suisun, where he has since resided. In 1861, he was elected Justice of the Peace and Associate Justice of the Court of Sessions, and up to this time has held the position of Justice of the Peace — nearly ten years. In 1862, soon after the commencement of the war of the Southern rebellion, with the aid and encouragement of others, he estab- lished the newspaper called the SoLANO Press, through which to uphold and encourage all friends of the cause of his country, and continued its management until the fall of 1866, when he retired. It can be truthfully said that he has been specially interested in all matters of public intei-est in his adopted home. He was born in Bloomfield, Connecticut, May 24, 1820, and received his early education at the public schools of his native county, and at the Connecticut Literary Institution, at Suffield. Married Clarissa Eliza- beth House, in 1846, who died in 1868. He again married, January 26, 1878, Elizabeth (Alderman) Jackson. Has two children by his first mar- riage — Henry F., and Julia. JONES, JOHN M., the Under-sheriff of Solano county, was born in Wayne county, Kentucky, March 30, 1832. In 1836 he, with his parents, moved to Howard county, Missouri, but after one year, settled in Scotland county in that State, where Mr. Jones received his early education, and finished the same at the State University, in Boone county. In 1853 he crossed the plains with an ox-team, also bringing a drove of cattle, which he dis- posed of and settled in Suisun, in September, of that year. During the years 1855-6 he was engaged in mercantile trading, having built a build- ing for that purpose in the rear of Reeve's corner brick block. He after- wards engaged in the lumber trade, under the firm name of Jackson & Jones, which he continued until his appointment as Under-sheriff, in 1857, by Sheriff B. T. Osborne, which position he held during the official term. In the years 1860-1 we find him engaged in the livery business, which he had bought of Mr. Barton, when he moved to Austin, Lander county, Nevada, but returned to this county in 1866, engaging in farming until Mai'ch, 1876, when he was again appointed Under-sheriff, which position he now fills. Married, in this county, Isabella, daughter of Hugh Pen- nel, November 19, 1857. The names of their living children are : Jennie, Helen, Etta, and Katie. James L. died in infancy. 414 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. KENNEDY, W. T., bom in Fredericks county, Maryland, October 5, 1814. Here he was educated. December 16, 183.5, he moved to Lafayette, Ind., where he served an apprenticeship at the saddle and harness business, and followed it in St. Louis, Missouri, where he moved in 1844. After going to Keokuk to reside three months, he returned to St. Louis, Missouri, and on December 16, 1848, started for California via New Orleans and the Isthmus, arri%'ing in San Francisco May 22, 1849. For several years after coming to this State he was engaged in mining, and after drifting around for awhile, following difierent occupations, he came, on August 15, 1856, to Suisun city, where he has since resided. On December 12, 1858, in this town, he married Annie Maloney. They have five children, whose names are as follows : Willie T., Anna Laura, George H., Mary C, and John Francis. KERNS, J. W., was born in New York City, June 19, 1842. When four yeai-s old he went, -with his parents, to Rochester, New York, where he received his primary education. After remaining here about ten yeara he moved to Detroit, Michigan, where he learned the tinner's trade, and was employed in the railroad shops, doing their tin and copper work, up to the time he left for New York City, in May, 1861, taking passage on the steamer " North Star," for California, landing in San Francisco in July of that year. From here he went to Sacramento, working at his trade for three months, when he moved to Downieville, Sierra county, Cali- fornia, following the same occupation until July, 1863; thence to Virginia City, remaining until November of that year. Returned to San Fran- cisco, and remained until December, 1863, when became to Suisun, work- ing for F. J. McGarvey and others, when he went into business for him- self, June, 1873, being that of a hardware and tin store. Married, October 25, 1876, Miss Josie Odell, of Sacramento. She was born August 5, 1855. KINLOCH, JOHN G., a native of this county, born in Benicia, Solano county, California, April 13, 1855. Came to Suisun in company with his parents in December, 1859. Here he lost both father and mother. His father, James W. Kinloch, was a native of South Carolina. He died February 9, 1861. His mother, a native of Florida, died Febi-uary 11, 1878. The subject of this sketch was educated in Suisun, at the high school, after which he entered the store of E. D. Perkins, as clerk, in 1873, and has since been constantly in his employ. He is a young man of ability, and not only has the confidence of his employer, but has the esteem and good will of all who Jsnow him. LAMONT. GEORGE A., was bom in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, June 19, 1844. In 1847 moved with his parents to Little Rock, Ai'kansas, and in 1850 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 415 proceeded with them to Boone county, Kentuckj'', where he commenced his early education. In September, 18.54, they came to Solano county and settled in Yallejo, where he received the ground of that education which has since stood him in such good stead. In 1861 he went to the Collegiate Institute at Benicia, where he gi'aduated in 1863, taking a high position in the law depai-tment. Was admitted to practice in 1865, and was elected District Attorney in 1869, taking his seat in 1870. Came to Faiiiield in 1876, where he has since continued in the practice of his pro- fession. Married Hattie E., daughter of John E. Yount, and has one daughtei", Ellen. LE GRO, RICHARD P., was bom in Cumberland county, Maine, July 4, IS-t-t. Hei'e his parents died, and he went to Boston, Massachusetts, re- siding there imtil the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1861, when he en- listed in the Twenty-fifth Maine Volimteer Infantry, a regiment raised for the nine months' service, and honorably discharged at the expiration of the term. In 1863 we find him in Norfolk, Virginia, whither he had gone to work in the gas-works, with a brother-in-law, for nine months; after which he returned to Boston, again enlisting, in the regular array, serving three years, and discharged at the barracks in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1868. After returning to Boston on a \'isit, he came to Suisun, arriving October, 1868, securing a place in the Suisun City Mills, which he still occupies. Married, in this city, Miss Kate, daughter of C. D. Smith, July 4, 1872. Bertie L. and Eva A. are their childi-en. LEITHEAD, WILLIAM, native of Roxburgh, Scotland, born March 28_ 1838. His parents emigrated to Canada when he was but six months old. Here he received his education, and learned the trade of carpenter. At the age of twenty-two years he emigrated to California, arri%ang in San Francisco June 3, 1859, and immediately came to this county, where he labored on a farm for nearly two years, when he went to Nevada and followed teaming for sixteen months, and then returned to this county, and worked for S. K. Nurse two years. In June, 1865, he returned to Canada and spent three years, and one year in Illinois, returning to this county in 1869. After following his trade one year he engaged in farm- ing viith his brother James, for two years. In the Spring of 1874 took a trip to Carson, and returned in the Fall of 1875, since which time he has followed his trade. In February, 1879, he purchased a farm of four hun- dred and eighty acres, four miles due north from Suisun, and will make farming his business in future. LEMON, JOHN B., son of the Honorable J. M. Lemon, was born in Clark county, Indiana, on December 19, 1825, and ten years later he moved to La Porte, Indiana, at which place he was educated. In 1849 he 416 THE HISTORY OF SOLAXO COrXTT. came to California, and was one of that gi-eat number of pioneers who have done so much to place this State in the proud position it holds in America. On tirst arrivinir Mr. Lemon settled in El Dorado countv, where he resided two years, occasionally engaging in mining; while, during the Winter of 18J^9-50, he was located at Kelsey's Dry Diggings, where he opened and managed a store for genei-al merchandise. From thence he went to Coloma, where he remained a short time and pureued the same occupation. In the Spring of 1850 he transferred his interests to Green- wood Valley, and was the first to establish a mercantile store in that place; and in the following Spring returned to Indiana, and at La Porte married, on April 1, 1852, Miss Hattie A., daughter of Dr. A. Miller, of that place. aft«r which he returned to California, di-iving across the plains a herd of cattle. In September, 1852, he settled in Green Valley, Solano coiuaty, where he resided until May 1, 185(3, at which date he purchased the interest of Jones &: Samuels in their dry-goods store in Suisun City, which he in turn sold out in 1861, and embarked in the occupation of sheep raising, being at one time the lai'gest buyer of wool in the county, Mr. Lemon has been inseparably connected with the political histoiy of the county since his residence in it, and has lieen elected to the prominent position of County Treasiu'er on the several genei-al elections held on September C, 1865, September 4, 1869. September 1, 1875, and September 5, 1877. His children are, H. Jennie, Mamie, Dennie. MANKA, CHRISTLEY, was bom in Bautorte coimty, Va., April 23. 1814, and resided there till 1836, when he went to Montgomery county, Indiana ; thence to Peoria, Ills., where he stayed for a short time, and then pro- ceeded to Lewis county. Mo., where he remained till 1849, when he made the trip across the Plains to California, arriving at Saci"amento, (Sutter's Fort,) on September 17th of that year-. Went to the mines on Tuba creek shortly after, where he stayed for a few months, and then went to the Upper Yuba, and there principall}- engaged in storekeeping and min- ing till June, 1852, when he came to this disti-ict, and has been a contin- uous resident in the toA\-nship ever since, except diuriug the years 1864-5, when he was a resident of Bridgeport, after which he came to his present abode and farm of one htimlred acres. MARSHALL, CHARLES KNOX, Coimty Recorder, and a native of Howaid. county, Mo., was early sent to district schools, where he laid the founda- tions for a higher education, which he received in Benicia, Solano county, at Charles M. Blake's Collegiate Institute, now known as St. Augustine's Academy. At the age of twelve his pai-ents moved fi-om Howard county, Mo., to Saline, where the subject of this memoir abode imtil 1852, when he came to this State, settling in Yolo countv. Januarv, 1853, he settled ,iyK?<^X^^^ THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 417 near CoUinsville, Solano county, but subsequently made a permanent resi- dence in Benicia. He was born January 10, 1837. Leona, daughter of Alexander Irvine, was the name of his wife, now deceased. Pauline and Lulu are their children. MAXWELL, J. C, is a native of Niagara Falls, Niagara county, N. Y., and born June 10, 18.54. He, with parents, moved to Chicago, Ills., in 18.57; thence to Dubuque, Iowa, in 18G4, where he attended the common schools of that city ; then sent to the Shattock Grammar School, at Faribault, Minn., remaining three years, and there acquired those fundamental les- sons that eventually ripened into a liberal knowledge of the practical affairs of life. His parents, in the meantime, having moved to Omaha, Neb., where the subject of this sketch repaired at the close of his school days, and was appointed, by the Union Pacific Railroad Co., as telegraph operator, commencing this work in the fall of 1869. In the fall of 1874 he emigrated to this State, settling in Davisville, Yolo county, and was in the employ of the C. P. R. R. Co. for one year and three months, when he was transferred to Suisun, as station agent for that conapany, which office he is in possession of at the present writing. MILLER, ALLEN C, is a native of Lancaster county, Pa., where he was born, October 30, 1832. In 1833 his parents moved to Erie, Pa., and his father. Dr. A. Miller, was engaged in business with John A. Tracy, under the firm-name of Miller & Tracy. The family, in 1842, emigrated to La Porte, Ind., where the subject of this sketch received his education, under the direction of Prof. Cummings. Here Mr. Miller's father died, and he with his mother and brother-in-law, J. B. Lemon, came to this State, settling in Green Valley township, Solano county, in September, 1852. The fol- lowing year we find him mining at Jackson, Amador county, Cal., in the Placer diggings; but in July, 1856, he returned to this county, and en- gaged in mercantile pursuits till April, 1864, when he took up his abode in Suisun City. Has been Deputy County Treasurer since the election of John B. Lemon to that office. Mr. Miller has maintained a continued residence in this county since his coming here, except one year's visit to La Porte, Ind., which he made in 1867. MILLER, JOHN, born in Wurtemburg, Germany, August 19, 1834. Emi- gi'ated to the United States in 1851, settling in Philadelphia, Pa., from which place he emigrated on February 22, 1856, settling in San Francisco, Cal. Came to Suisun in 1865, and opened his bakery, which business he has followed to the present time. He was educated in Germany, and those principles of honesty and integrity are deep-seated in his character, which makes him respected wherever he lives. Margaret, a native of 27 418 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Ireland, and a daughter of John Lyons, he married April 26, 1866. Mary, Freddie, and Celia are his children. MILES, JAMES L., born in David.son county, Tennessee, near Nashville, March 3, 1822. His mother died when he was about eight years old ; his father, H. D. Miles, married a second wife. He remained on the farm where he was raised until he was about sixteen years old ; he then left the old homestead and walked one hundred miles to the mouth of Cum- berland river, or the town of Smithland, in Kentucky, where he engaged as a common hand on the steamboat " Rio," H. H. Harrison, commander: he continued to be engaged in steamboating on various boats and in dif- ferent capacities until the 5th of April, 1850, when he left Nashville, Tenn., for California. The last five years of his steamboating he was en- gaged as pilot on different boats. He left Nashville in company with Stephen J. Buckhout and wife, and Thomas L. Bowers, for California. Bowers and himself arrived at Hangtown on the 20th of August, 1850 ; he worked in the mines until the latter part of >September, then he walked to Sacramento city, where he hired to one Capt. Harding, to mow gi-ass, down below the city, where he worked until he was taken sick ; he then returned to the city, and remained there a few days, until he felt able to travel ; he then walked to Suisun valley, where he aiTived the 21st of October, 1850, with just one dollar and twenty-five cents in his pocket, and all the clothes he had in the world he had on his back, and one blanket. He walked to Benicia, and gave seventy-five cents of his coin for dinner ; he then returned to Suisun, located here and went to work at whatever work he could get, receiving four dollars per day for work. He man-ied Mary J. Quentien, daughter of Allen Quentien, the 18th day of December, 1851. She, in company with her father and brother William, and a negro man, Isaac, crossed the plains in 1850, and settled in Suisun valley in October; she and her father were from Mill creek, four miles from Nashville, Davidson county, Tenn. He commenced to farm in 1851, rais- ing barley and potatoes; he shipped the first produce (potatoes) from Sui- sun City, in July, 1852; he shipped them on the schooner "Ann Sophia," Josiah Wing captain and owner. The potatoes were sold in San Francisco for 9f cents per pound. November 5, 1857, he returned to his native State on a visit ; returned to California in February, 1858. In December, 1858, moved to the Montezuma hills, and lived on a ranch near Nurse's Landing, taking care of cattle ; moved from there, in 1861, six miles northwest of Rio Vista, where he lived eight years ; his wife died here, the 16th of February, 1866, and left him with an only child, and she blind ; sold his ranch here in October, 1869 (480 acies); then returned to Suisun Valley, and in July, 1870, bought a farm of ninety aci'es, of Lewis Pierce, where he now lives. Married a second wife, Malinda An- THE HISTORY OP SOLANO COUNTY. 419 geline McKmley, June 7, 1877, she having three children: Samuel, Eliza- beth J., and Alice Lee. He crossed the plains with mule teams ; was one hundred days from the Missouri river to Hangtown, now Placerville. MURRAY, ALEXANDER, is a native of Earltown, Colchester, Nova Scotia. Born May, 1847. He learned the trade of shoemaker in his native coun- try, and worked at it until May, 1868, when he emigrated to California, and settled in Suisun, this county, working at his trade, where it is hoped he will last long enough to repair all the soles. This done and his mis- sion will be complete. McCREARY, D., was born in York county. Pa., July IS, 1830, and with parents moved to Crawford county, Ohio, where he was educated. In 1848 went to Ashland, Ashland county, Ohio, and in 1854 emigrated to Cali- fornia, crossing the plains with J. L. Sanborn, arriving in the Suisun val- ley in August of that year. He paid Mr. Sanborn iSlOO to be taken across the plains, all the money he possessed. Having in early life learned the gunsmith's ti-ade, he was selected as the blacksmith for the party, he being the nearest ajjproach to that kind of a workman among their number. A horse which he brought with him he sold before arriving in the valley for $200, but sent the money home. It will be seen he commenced life in this country without means, but by prudence and economy he gathered together a sufficient amount to buy a portion of his present estate, southwest from Suisun, and has since added to it, until now he owns 760 acres of fine valley land. He moved to Suisun City in 1878, to educate his children. Married Mary, daughter of John McKnight, a native of St. Joseph county, Ind., April 24, 1866. They have Sadie and Howard. McDonald, D. C, of the firm of Hall, Hill & McDonald, was born in Nova Scotia, April 8, 1848. Emigrated from his native country to Cali- fornia, settling in this county, near Collinsville, in 1869; the following year he came to Suisun, and was engaged in farming until September, 1877, when he joined partnership in the livery business with the above gentlemen. PALMER, A. M., LYMAN LUTHER, was bom August 30,1850,near Medora, Macoupin County, Illinois. His father's name was Luther Bateman Palmer, a native of Knox county, Ohio, and his mother's maiden name was Louisa A. Brainard, a native of Addison county, Vermont ; entered college, October 21, 1866, at Blackburn University, Carlinville, Illinois ; graduated with honors from the Classical Department, June 12, 1873, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts. June 11, 1877, he had the 420 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. honor of having the degree of Master of Arts conferred upon him by his Alma Mater. June 25th, 1873, he was united in marriage with Miss Maria Frances Nantz. She was born near Carlinville, Macoupin county, Illinois. Her father's name was Edmund Walton Nantz, a native of Kentucky, and her mother's maiden name was Louisa Julia Bainbridge. June 26, 1873, L. L. Palmer and wife started for California, and located at Rio Vista, when he engaged in mercantile business for a while. He was Principal of the Public School for one year, spent a part of a year in Oakland, being connected with the press of that cit}', returned to Rio Vista and taught another year, and then began the publication of the Rio Vista Gleaner. In February, 1879, he became connected vnt\\ the Solano Republican, and at present resides in Suisun. He has thi-ee daughters, the oldest, Sarah Estella, was born November 23, 1874 ; the second, Vesta Louisa, was born October 21, 1876, and the third, Clara Belle, was born December 19, 1878. PALMER, S. G., the subject of this memoir, the youngest son of Phillip and Ann A. Palmer, was born in Mason county, Kentucky, August 14th, 1840, removing, with the family, to Johnson county, Missouri, in 1844. Here he remained till 1853, when, with his parents, he removed to Solano county, Cal., where he has maintained a continuous residence, locating in business in Suisun city, in 1867. May 5th, 1865, he united his fortunes with Elizabeth T. Smith, daughter of C. D. Smith. The result of the union being a handsome business competence, and the family supplement of two bright children, Ethel A., and Clyde H. October 15th, 1870, Mr. Palmer was commissioned Post- master, at Suisun city, his commission being signed by Postmaster-Gen- eral John A. J. Creswell, which position he still fills. In May, 1879, he was elected to and entered upon the duties of the somewhat responsible, though not lucrative oifiee, of Town Trastee. In addition to his public services, in a Federal and Municipal capacity, he also served Cristal School District one term, as Assessor and Collector, and has ever mani- fested a deep interest in the cause of true education, and the general dissemination of wholesome knowledge ; having himself enjoyed the ad- vantages of a liberal education, and the conferment of the College degree of A. B., in May, 1864, after patiently pursuing the necessary course of study to entitle him thereto. PANGBURN, GARRETT HENRY, a native of Albany county, N. Y., was born May 18, 1838. At the age of ten his parents moved to Sar- atoga county, N. Y., and, after a few years, to Belvidere, Boone county. Ills., and two years thereafter went to Sparta, Monroe county, Wis. Mr. Pangburn started for California Api-il 8, 1861, crossing the Plains with a THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY 421 horse team, and arrived in Butte county, where he settled, in July of that year. November, 1862, he came to this township, where he has since permanently resided. Married Adeline Russell, daughter of Landy Alford, Ncfv. 16, 1863. There children are Lillie, Ida May, Arthur, James Francis Marion, Julia Belle, and Maud. PEARCE, JOHN W., an old settler, of Solano county, was born in Bristol county, Rhode Island, July 17, 1829. When a little over seventeen years old, he went to Fall River, Mass., and was apprenticed to S. L. James & Co., to learn the carpenters and joiners trade, remaining with them until twenty-one years old. In 1850, went to New Bedford, Mass., where he remained until 1854, when in March of that year he arrived in this State, settling in San Francisco. Two years, thereafter, he came to Suisun, where he has maintained a continuous residence. Married Angle B. Davis, an adopted daughter of Dr. Archer, on Dec. 7, 1863. She died in Suisun, October 2, 1872. Maud M., born October 1, 1864, is their only child. PERKINS, E. D., is one of Solano's old settlers, who was born in Canada, (his parents being then citizens of the United States,) March loth, 1834. His parents came to Rock county. Wis., where the subject of this sketch re- ceived his education, and married Ellen Rittenhouse, daughter of William Rittenhouse, of Green county, Wis. They emigrated to this State, settling in Suisun city, in 1861. In the fall of 1871, Mr. Perkins was elected County Treasurer and Tax Collector, and in 1873, elected Sheriff", which ofSce he held two years, and doing the county excellent service, in bringing to justice several noted criminals, prominent among which was the capture and conviction of "Black Jack," a noted safe breaker. At the time he was serving the county as Sheriff", he was also engaged in the mercantile trade, with W. K Hoyt, but aftei-wards bought Hoyt's interest and is, at present writing, the sole proprietor. Clara, Herman, Dorman, Hayden Ellen, and Jessie, are his children. QUICK, W., is a native of Ashland county, Ohio, and was born September 29th, 1835. Here he received his education, and worked at farming, until about nineteen years old, and emigrated to California, crossing the plains in 1854, and located in Napa county. In 1855, he went to Vallejo, where he was engaged in draying during the winter, and then came to Suisun Valley, where he was engaged in farming, from 1856 to 1863, at which time he went to the mountains, mining for one year, and returned to Suisun Valley. In 1869, we again find him in the mines, whei-e he stayed four years. He again returns to this county, and settled in the Montezuma hills, working for W. B. Brown one year, after which he 422 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. farmed on his own account. In the fall of 1875, he bought the ranch where he now resides, and is located about three miles north-west of Suisun. RICE,' HARVEY, was born in Marlboro, Middlesex county, Mass., April 3, 1827. He was educated in Marlboro, and was engaged in farming during the summer, and taught school in winter, for a livelihood. Emigrated to this State in 1849, coming via Cape Horn, locating in Benicia, June 10, 1850. The following year he moved to San Francisco, purchasing stock in Oregon for the trade in California. In the fall of 1851 he made Sac- ramento his home, pursuing the butcher business as well as the stock trade, but changed his residence to this county in June, 1855, settling on a rancho in the Suisun valley. In 1863 he came to Suisun City and, the following year, opened his butcher-shop, and at the present writing is the proprietor. RICHARDSON, J. B., is a native of Le Roy, Genesee county, N. Y., where his parents had settled in 1810, there being only three log hoases in the city of Rochester when they passed through that place. Mr. Richardson has traced his genealogy to one Amos Richardson, who emigrated from England, in 1640. He was born on June 10, 1827, and received his edu- cation at his birth-place. In 1848 he moved to Lafayette county, Wis- consin, and was by occupation a farmer. Returning to his former home in 1851, where he married Miss Kate Richardson, from Le Roy, Genesee county. New York, on May 15, 1850. They returned to Wisconsin, where they abode until 1860, then emigrated overland to Suisun, Solano county, Cal., arriving September 4th, of that year. On his arrival here he was entirely destitute of money, and in order to gain a livelihood for himself and wife, worked at " whatever his hands found to do," until appointed Assistant A,ssessor, November 16, 1865. WTien the law was changed, in July, 1875, he was appointed Deputy Collector of U. S. Internal Rev- enue, which office he now holds. He has steadily pushed ahead in his special avocations, and those with whom he has had business associations aver that his efforts have been crowned with success. Belle Eliza, and William Manning, are their children. ROBBINS, R. D., was born in Bodoingham, Sagadahoc county, Maine, Febru- ary 19, 1839. He was educated at the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, in his native town. Leaving home in 1860, he took passage on a ship in New York on March 20th, of that year, for California, crossing the Isthmus on April 20th, and arrived in San Francisco on the 25th. Coming directly to the Suisun valley, he commenced life among strangers, first as a hired hand under Mr. Pearson, then hauled stone for the Fairfield church, for I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 423 Nathan Richardson, and afterwards burning lime for James Burnett, and on August 1, 1860, commenced work in a lumber yard at Suisun, for Nickison & Crowell. May, 1862, he bought one-half interest in a lum- ber-yard, of C. Kurlbaum, the firm then being Hook & Robbing. In July following he purchased the lumber interest of Nickison & Crowell, and in January, 1864, Mr. Robbins bought out his partner, J. S. Hook, and has siuce been the sole proprietor. In additien to his large lumber inter- ests, he was one of the prime movers in establishing the Bank of Suisun, of which he is President. It will be seen that, step by step, the subject of this sketch rose from poverty to a position among the wealthy men of our county, envied by many. It is also a striking illustration of what pluck, energy and honesty may accomplish. Mr. Robbins married Sadiatha McCullah, a native of Jeflerson county, Ohio, and daughter of John McCullah, on January 19, 1871. Their children are, R. D., Mary Emma, John Lloyd McCullah, and Minnie Hoyt. ROBINSON, D. D. S., W. H., office and residence, Suisun. Is a Canadian by birth. Being left an orphan when quite young, he had the varied tug for existence common to all boys who have no home, and who have from childhood to be the architects of their own fortunes. At ten years old we find him in the town of Biantford, C. W., sub-clerk in a grocery, wages two dollars per month ; but before he was eighteen, he had, by his own efforts, accumulated over $1,200. With this sum he determined to obtain an education, and with this object left his native land to attend Oberlin College, Ohio, he being in sympathy with the principles of freedom and manhood held and taught in that noted institution. Here he spent six years, and then chose dentistry as his life pursuit, studying with Dr. J. P Sidall, of that place, and receiving his diploma from the Ohio College of Dental Surgery, in Cincinnati. He first practiced in Ashtabula, Ohio ; then in Davenport, Iowa, and Leavenworth, Kansas, from 1865 to 1875. Four years ago he made California his home. During his boyhood he visited the neighboring town of Paris — a few miles from Brantford, C. W., his own home — and while at church there, the first look at a little girl sealed his door, matrimonially. That little girl was (Jlara Hawkins. On the 29th of Jiine, 1864, at her ovm home in that town, they were married. She is now his wife. May, Leo, Clara, and Marsa, ai'e their children. "Ad Astra fer aspera." RUSH, B. F.', was born at Fourteen Mile House, Sacramento county, Cal., Oct. 12, 1852. When two years old he came to this county with his parents, settling on the ranch where he, at this writing, resides, in the Potrero Hills. Received his primary and academical education in Oak- land and San Francisco. Attended the Military Academy in Oakland, 424 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. and afterwards Heald's Business College. In 1870 to 75 he followed book-keeping, after which he returned to his home, and engaged in farm- ing and stock raising. Hiram Rush, his father, died Dec. 4, 1869, and since October, 1875, he has been sole manager of the entire ranch, com- prising 5,100 acres. He married June 20, 1876, Miss Anna M. McKean, a native of Astoria, Oregon. She was born April 13th, 1853. Richard Ira, born July 19, 1877, and Frederick Winn, born March 14,1879, are the names and births of their children. SPENCE, M. D., ALEXANDER PERSINGER, was bom Dec. 30, 1834, at Columbia, Boone county. Mo. Entered the Preparatory Department of the State University of Missouri, in 1851, and graduated July 4, 1856, after which he took two courses of medical lectures at the St. Thomas Medical College of Missouri, receiving his degree from that institution March 2, 1858. Has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine up to the present time. Came to California March 1, 1877, and located at Suisun City, April 1, 1878. STAPLES, EARNEST H., is a native of York county, Maine, where he was born, on October 14, 1856. AVhen about one year old his parents moved to Portland, Maine, where they lived about three years, and emi- grated to California, via Panama, arriving in San Francisco, Nov. 13, 1859. In 1861 they came to Suisun, Solano county. The subject of this sketch was sent to St. Augustine's College, at Benicia, in 1869, completing parents education during the five years he attended school there. About one year thereafter he sei-ved as a cadet, about six months, on a Pacific mail ship, rimning between San Francisco and Panama, after which he re- turned to Suisun, and engaged as book-keeper for Lewis Pierce, for a term of six months, and afterwards followed the same occupation for E. D. Hilborn & Co. In October, 1877, he went on a rancho, at Cannon Station, where he has since lived and farmed 1,040 acres of land. On August 11, 1878, he mamed Miss Sarah M., daughter of D. J. Reese, of Valltgo. STAPLES, F. 0., a native of Cumberland county, Maine. Born October 29, 1825, where he received his primary education and resided with parents until he arrived at the age of sixteen, when he entered a drug store as clerk in Saco, York county, Maine, where he remained about three years, when he engaged in the book and stationery business, which he followed for five years. He then went back, and lived with his parents for two years, when he went to Birchforce, York county, and, in company with his brothel Samuel, bought a farm, where he lived and farmed for three years, after which he clerked again in a diaig store, this time in Portland, Me.j THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 425 where he spent four years. He then emigrated to California, via Panama, arriving in San Franci.sco November 13, 1859. Leaving his family in San Francisco he proceeded to Suisun, this county. His place of resi- dence being divided between Suisun and San Francisco, until 18G1 when he moved his family to Suisun, where he has resided continuou.sly ever since. In 1869 he, in company with R. B. Cannon, bought a ranch at Cannon's Station, consisting of 1,040 acres, but in 1877 he bought out Cannon's interest, and he and hLs son Earnest H. now own and conduct the place together. Mr. Staples married Miss Sarah W. Cai-dwell, daughter of Francis Cardwell, of Greenwood, Oxford county, Maine, on November 25, 1851. Ida E., born August 29, 1852, and died October 8, 1855 ; Earnest H., born October 14, 1856; Julia, bom June 2, 1866, and died June 19, 1866 : M. C, bom December 11, 1868, are the names of their childi-en. STOCKMAN, DAVID E., (deceased), was bom in the city of New York, February 7, 1833. Moved to Loudonville, Ohio, from which he emigrated to California, settling in Suisun in November, 1856. While in this State he continuously resided in Suisun, with the exception of a few months before his death. He was one of the founders of the Engine Company, and the Light Dragoons ; for a long time Chairman of the Union County Committee ; a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and was identified with nearly every public interest in this community. STOCKMAN, D. MERRILL, a native of New York city, arrived in Suisun March 1858. His brother having preceded him to this county is the reason why he chose this valley for his future home. He had formerly resided in Orange, Essex county, New Jersey, where hLs parents had moved when he was quite young. In 1836, we find them in Delaware count}', Ohio, and again, in 1844, took up their abode in Ashland county. Here Mi-. Stockman was educated, and from whence he started for this State in December, 1857. He was bom August 22, 1830, and married on April 9, 1862, Miss Emma A., daughter of T. C. Everets, M. D. Their children are May Ella, Lillie, Emma and Carrie ; D. Merrill, their only son, was di-owned in this town. SWAN, HONORABLE THOMAS M., is a native of Harden county, Ken- tucky, where he was born March 14, 1819, and is the fourth son of Thomas Swan. After receiving his common school education, he wa-s sent to Elizabethtown to the Harden-county Academy, where all the languages were taught, from which he graduated with honors. Commenced the study of law, first, with Jesse Craddock and aftei-wards with Gov. John L. Helm, of Kentucky; was admitted to the bar in 1842, after which he practiced law in his native coimty. He was elected to the lower house 426 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. of the legislature for the sessions of 1848-9, filling that office with dis- tinction. Emigrated to this State, via the Lsthmus of Panama, settling in Benicia on January 27, 1851. During this year he was elected District Attorney for Solano county, and, in 1853, was elected County Judge. In 1859, was elected to the lower house of the California Legislature and again in 1855. Came to Fairfield on May 9, 1858, for over twenty years he has worked for the improvement of the Tolenas Springs. TURNER, W. H., is a native of Macdingburg, Virginia, and was born December 27, 1816, where he received his education and lived on a farm with his parents till twenty years old. At the age of twenty-three, he emigrated to Cape Girardeau county, Missouri, where he married Susan J. Elliott, July 23, 1839. Here he lived and was engaged in farming for seven years, when he moved to St. Clair county, Illinois, where he pur- sued farming for two years ; came to California, leaving his family, cross- ing the plains with an ox team, arriving in Nevada city, September 15, 1850, at which place he followed mining about five months, after which he went to Red Bar, Trinity river, going into partnership with J. B. Rentchler, where he remained about eight months, then went to San Francisco, going East via the Nicaragua route, landing in New Orleans, thence up the Mississippi river, Mr. Rentchler going to St. Louis and Mr. Turner stopping at Cape Girardeau, where he met his family. After re- maining there about two months, he again crossed the plains to this State with an ox team, accompanied by his wife and six children and four men. He arrived in Suisun valley, August 28, 1852. Five days after his arrival he left his family in a small cabin about four miles north of Suisun, under the protection of a gentleman, and he, with three men, went to Trinity river, to look after his mine he had previously located, but only remained about four days, and then returned home, settling on a farm about four miles north of Suisun, building a house, the timber for which he brought from the Napa red-woods. In December, 1860, he came to his present farm of 238 acres, situated about four miles north-west from Suisun. His wife died October 11, 1867. The names of the children by this mar- riage are, John H., born September 12, 1840, and died July 9, 1866 ; Cebi- ner C, born May 13, 1842 ; Richard W., born December 27, 1843 ; Louisa J. Shaw, born Januaiy 2, 1846, died April 15, 1871 ; Juliette A., born April 21, 1847 ; William W., born February 4, 1849 : Thomas B., bom November 4, 1853, and died January 28, 1876 ; Charles M., born August 19, 1855 ; Frank, born August 23, 1857, and died December 6, 1863. Mr. Turner again married, on September 27, 1871, Miss Salina V. F. Rogers, in Virginia, and the following are his children : William H., born August 12, 1872 ; George R., born August 3, 1874 ; Edward, born September 19, 1876, and died October 3, 1876 ; Leland J., born November 15, 1877. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 427 TAYLOR, WILLIAM H., is a native of Des Moines county, Iowa, and born March 1, 1845. Here he resided until 1852, when he emigrated to James- town, Tuolumne county, Cal., coming via the Isthmus, and arrived at that place in December, of that year. After two years, he returned to Iowa, and remained there until 1856, when he again cams to California. At this time he settled in Oroville, Butte county, Cal., where he married Eliza- beth J., daughter of J. M. Vance, M. D., then a resident of that place. In March, 1875, he came to Suisun, and has since been engaged in the mercantile business, under the firm name of Vance & Taylor. Their children are, Mary Alice, James Vance, Hattie May, and Jennie Belle. VANCE, M. D., JAMES MONROE, the subject of this sketch, was born in Rogersville, Hawkins county. East Tennessee, 27th January, 1827. Some- time during the year 1832 his parents moved to Battle Creek, Marion county, Tenn., where the subject of this sketch received his primary edu- cation. During his eight years' residence at this place his father died, and he was then sent to live with a brother in Jackson county, Alabama, finishing his education at the Missouri Academy. In 1840 he, with his brother, took* a residence in Arkansas, where Mr. Vance taught school two years, then went to Memphis, Tenn., commencing the study of medicine with P. H. Lane, M. D., and afterwards attended the Memphis Medical College, from which he graduated January 28, 1848. Moved to Arkan- sas, where he married Mary Butler, daughter of John Butler. They changed their residence to Waldron, Scott county. Ark., where he not only practiced his profession, but was appointed Land Commissioner, and spec- ulated in lands, as well as carrying on a mercantile business. Emigrated to California, settling in Oroville, Butte county, in 1856, where he was elected to the State Senate, on the Democratic ticket, in 1859. Came to Suisun March 1, 1875. His children are Mrs. Lizzie J. Taylor, Dr. A. W., and John B. VEST, JOHN, is the proprietor of the Roberts' House in Suisun, and was born in Ireland, December 15, 1826. He came to America when nine years old, with his parents, settling in Washington county, N. Y. In 1851 he started for California, arriving on June 13th of that year, locating in San Francisco. Was engaged in mining for several years, after which he moved to Marysville, thence over the mountains to Storey county, Ne- vada, in 1862 ; thence to Washoe county, and on December 2, 1869, came to this township, settling on what is now known as the Rush rancho. He afterwards, in company with Thomas Melburn, bought a farm, which they now own. Moved to Suisun, where he married Mrs. Margaret Roberts, and has since been in charge of the Roberts' Hotel. 428 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. WATERMAN, ROBERT H., for many years a commander in the Mercantile Marine, was bom in the city of New York, March 4, 1808. In 1820, he shipped on board a sailing vessel as a cabin boy, and passed through all the positions and grades of offices to master and owner of a full-rigged ship. The latter office was conferred on him in 1833, which he continu- ously held iintil 1851. Has five times sailed around the world. He ■with Captain A. A. Richie, came to Fairfield, buying four leagues of land, in 1848, after which. Captain Waterman permanently located here in 1850. He is the founder of the town of Fairfield, and great credit is due him for taking a lively interest in all that goes to make the county in which he lives prosperous. Married Miss Cordelia, daughter of David Sterling, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1846. WELLS, JAMES T., was born in Lincoln county, Missouri, on September 24, 1845, and when quite young he, with his parents, moved near Quincy, Lincoln county, Illinois, and in 1856 they emigrated to this State, coming via Nicaragua route, arriving on January 19th, of that year. They im- mediately settled in this valley, where he has since resided. Received his primary education at the University of the Pacific, at Santa Clara, Cal., and finished the same at the Napa Collegiate Institute. He was first appointed Deputy Sheriff' in 1871, and has since held that position with the CKception of a short time while engaged as a Deputy Assessor. Mar- ried Frances L. Donaldson, July 5, 1872. She died December 18, 1875. Carrie Pearl is the only child by this marriage. He again married, Carrie Johnson, daughter of C. John.son, Esq., on June 6, 1878. WENDELL, J. F., was born in Farmington, Franklin coimty, Maine, on January 21, 1845. On October 2, 1854, he arrived, with his parents, in San Francisco, via Nicaragua, and accompanied them to Crescent City, Del Norte county, where his father had been one of the pioneer settlers, in 1849. He studied law with Judge J. P. Haynes, and was admitted to the bar in May, 1867. In the fall of 1869 Mr. Wendell came to Vallejo, where he located as a practicing lawyer, continuing his profession in that city until elected to the position of District Attorney, in 1871, when he transferred his residence to Suisun, where he has since resided. Mr. Wendell occupies a prominent position among the legal lights of Solano county. He married, November 12, 1874, Emma G., daughter of James W. Kinloch, by whom he has, Susie S., born Decem- ber 25, 1876, and an infant, born February 8, 1879. WING, JOSEPH, (deceased.) The subject of this sketch was born in Bon- stable county, Massachusetts, April 4, 1799. He married in his native place, Mercy F. Crosby, a native of the same county. They moved to THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 429 Monroe, Madison county, N. Y.; thence to Hillsdale county, Michigan, Mr. Wing coming to California in 1849; but his family returned to Massa- chusetts, joining Mr. W. in August, 1852. After Mr. Wing's arrival in San Francisco, in 1849, he kept store in the ship " Diantha," which he had brought with him from Boston. He commenced running a brig to Suisun Island — as it was then called — in the fall of 1850, and for some time did nearly all the carrying business of the place. He was a man of worth, and beloved by all who knew him. Morris, of San Francisco, Chilby.^worth C, of Roberts Island, and Joseph, Jr., are their children. WING, Jr., JOSEPH, was born in Medina, Monroe county, N. Y., September 1,1838. He moved with his parents to Hillsdale county, Michigan, and with his mother to Bonstable county, Massachusetts, and emigrated to California, arriving in August, 1852, settling in Suisun. His father had previously settled here. He is now Manager of the water-works, a trust he has held with credit, both to himself and the company \vith whom he is associated. He married Gi'ace, daughter of Daniel McDonald, a native of Massachusetts, on December 29, 1877. Ruby Elmer is their only child. WOLF, WILLIAM, is a native of Germany, where he was born March 8, 1840, and educated in the German language. Emigrated to the United States in 1853, where, locating in New York City, he finished his educa- tion. In 1859 he went to Tallahassee, Florida, engaging in general mer- chandising. Returning to New York City in 1863, engaging in manufac- turing and importing. May 12, 1869, he moved to and settled in San Francisco, Cal.,and in August, 1870, came to Suisun, Solano county, where he has since maintained a permanent residence. Was appointed by George C. McKinley, Deputy County Recorder, and re-appointed to the same position by E. F. Gillespie in 1874, which position he held until the death of Mr. Gillespie in 1875, when he was appointed County Recorder by the Board of Supervisors. After the expiration of his term of office, in March, 1876, he was appointed to his present position of Cashier of the Bank of Suisun. January 28, 1868, he married Carrie, daughter of Raphael Meyer, of New Yoi'k City. Addie, their only child, was born February 27, 1869. WOLFSEILL, MATHIAS, was bom in Howard county. Mo., August 11, 1810, where he resided for forty years, when, on May 16, 1850, he, with his family, left for California, and, enduring the hardships of a journey across the plains, arrived at the ranch of his brother, John R. Wolfskill, on Putah Creek, on September 30th of that year, and resided on the banks of that stream until he moved to his present property in Suisun 430 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. i township, in the fall of 1866. His ranch comprises seven hundred acres He married, September 1, 1831, Permelia Ashcroft, by whom he has two children alive, John, a resident of San Diego county, and Joseph C, who resides with his father. WOODS, JOHN, was born in Darke county, Ohio, November 5, 1825, and in 1833 moved with his parents to Kosciasko county, Indiana, where his father died and he was educated. In the year 1849 he crossed the plains to California, by ox-team, and on arrival settled in Napa county, where he engaged for a short time in mining, and afterwards in farming and stock-raising, which he continued until 1860, when he came to this county and located in Suisun valley, where he has since maintained a continual residence. Was elected Public Administrator of Napa county in 1855, Assessor for Solano county in 1875, and has held for several years, at dif- ferent times, the minor positions of School Trustee and Road Master. In 1852 Mr. Woods paid a visit to his home, returning in the following year. He married Cynthia A., daughter of J. W. Aldrich, of Solano county, and has Nellie, Warren A., Clara, Sarah, and John. BERRY. GEORGE M., was born in Marion county, Tennessee, May 6, 1837. When about two years old, he, with his parents, moved to Christian county. Ills., where he was engaged as a farmer until 1849, when they changed their place of residence to Sangamon county, in that State. In the spring of 1863, Mr. Berry left home for California, crossing the plains with mule teams, arriving in Suisun valley on July 26, 1863. Here he worked for other parties for eighteen months, and then rented the land known as the Barbour tract, for four years ; then bought a portion of the Keeney tract, four miles west of Suisun, which he sold in 1877. He married Nancy Barbour, September 5, 1869. She is a daughter of Nathan Barbour, a pioneer settler in this county. George M. is their only child. Mrs. Berry was born in Suisun valley, September 24, 1851. Note. — The above was received too late for insertion in its proper place. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 431 GREEN VALLEY. BALDWIN, J. M., was born in Troy township, Bradford county, Penn- sylvania, June 14, 1826, where he resided until October 16, 1852, at which time he left for California, via New York City, arriving in San Francisco November 18, 1852. Having previously learned the carpenter's and joiner's trade, he engaged in that pursuit. The Winter of 1852 and the year 1853 he spent in Sacramento, after which he moved to Amador county, working in the southern mines for three months ; thence to Placer- ville, El Dorado county, working at his trade. In May, 1854, went to Oregon, but after two months returned to San Francisco. July, 1854, moved to what was then called Mormon Station, Nevada, where he engaged to build a grist and saw mill. He afterwards went to Carson Valley, followed fanning luitil the Fall of 1864, when he came to Green Valley township, purchasing his farm, where he has since resided. Mar- ried Miss Carrie Cary, September 11, 1864. Katie, Bertha, J. Monson, and Carrie Louise, are their children. BIHLER, HENRY, born in Effingen, Grosherzogehun, Baden, on Septem- ber 16, 1831, and emigrated to the United States, landing in New York City in 1850, and next day went to Baltimore, Mar'yland, where he re- mained for five years. In 1856 he came to Napa county, California, and carried on the business of butcher in the city of that name for thirteen years. In 1869 he moved to Cordelia, where he carries on his occupation of a butcher. He mamed. May 9, 1858, Agatha Hock, by whom he has : Louisa, born February 21, 1859 ; Wilhelraina, born October 1, 1860 ■ Mary Agatha, born July 15, 1862 ; Sophia, born September 19, 1864 ; -William Henry, born May 27,1366, since dead; William Henry, died September 6, 1867 ; Othilea, born September 14, 1868 ; Frederick W. born December 22, 1870; Bertha, born December 15,1874, and George Henry, born January 20, 1876. HATCH, A. T., native of Elkhart county, Indiana; born January 31, 1837. When six years of age his parents moved to Niles, Michigan, where he attended common school for five years. He then went back to Elkhart, and attended school until fifteen years of age, when he went to Michigan City, Indiana, and clei'ked in a grocery store for his father for one year_ His father had a bar in connection with the store, and as the whisky business was distasteful to A. T. he left home, having only $17 in his 432 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTT. pocket, and went to Marquett, Indiana, and clerked for SIO per month, for one year, and afterwards worked in a flouring mill at SI 5 per month for six months, when he was appointed superintendent of the whole affair, which position he held for one year, when he resigned. He then went to Cincinnati, and clerked in a large dry goods house about four months, after which he clerked in a hardware store for about one year, when he emigi'ated to California, crossing the plains with a drove of sheep. A gentleman in company with Mr. Hatch, C. C. Goodrich, Avalked all the way, cooked for the company, and stood guard everj' third night. The company started from Council Bluffs May 22, 1857, and arrived at Big Meadows, in Plumas county, September 8th, the same year. He immedi- ately went to the North Fork of the Feather river, and mined for Daniel Kirkham about three months, afterwards engaged in mining and sheep- herding for some time, and finally bought an interest in the Dutch Hill mine, where he mined with good success until September 1860. He then made a trip to Michigan, and on March 14, 1861, he married, at Cass county, Michigan, Miss Mary Graham. On April 3, 1861, he and his newly- wedded -wife started for California, with horse team, bringing a band of hoi-ses across with them. An-ived at Mountain Meadows August 22, 1861. In November he went to Cordelia county, where he and wife worked for S40 per month, and in the spring he bought a ranch, and after farming it one year lost his ranch, owing to a defect in the title. He then leased it for one year, and on October 12, 1863, he went to Lander count}', Nevada, where he prospected for a short time, and then went to Monmouth district, where he located several mines, among which was the Niagara Falls, and from which he extracted a handsome fortune. In January, 1871, he went to San Francisco, and in February foUo'W'ing he came to this county and bought the place where he now lives, consisting of 264i acres, situated about three miles north of Cordelia. Has reared a family of three children, one of whom is living, as follows : Arthur T., born August 28, 1864, and died June, 1870 ; Mary E., born June 2, 1868; Jennie P., died September, 1871. HUMPHREYS, JAMES H., of Cordelia, was born in Harrodsburg, Kentucky October 9, 1824. He received his early education in Georgetown in that State, and in 1839 removed to Hannibal, Missouri, with his parents. Ten years later he emigrated to California and prosecuted mining for two years at Placer\alle and vicinity. In the years 18.51-'53 he was in trade in El Dorado county, and in the following year he located on the Sacra- mento and Placerville road and dealt in hay and grain. In 1855 Mr. Humphreys moved to Folsom, and there acted as agent for the Natoma Ditch Company for five years.. In 1860 he went into business in Lin- coln, Placer county ; in 1863 moved to Colfax ; thence, in 1865, to Sisco, THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 433 Placer county, from which place he went to Truckee in 1868, and in 1872 located in Cordelia, where he has since prosecuted his trade, selling dry goods. Is postmaster of the district. He married, October 1S5S, Kathe- rine Sullivan, who was born in Boston December 19, 1840, by whom he has: Alice M., born 1859 ; Katie, born 1861 ; HaiTj' J., born 1863; Daisy, born 1868; Maggie, born 1871; Charles, born 1874, and Frank, bom 1876. JEWELL, W. T., is a native of Sacramento city, California, where he was born on September 26, 1855. His earlier years were passed at the Seminaries of Calistoga, in Napa county, and Rio Vista, Solano county, after which entered business as clerk in the post office at Calistoga, where he served during the years 1875-6. In the month of August in the latter year he was employed as operator in the telegraph office at Yount%'ille, in the same county, and in April, 1878, he moved to Cordelia and took charge of the telegraph office for Cal. P. R. R. Co. there, and on February 1, 1879, he became agent for Cal. P. R. R. Co. and Wells, Fargo k, Co., which position he still holds. JONES, P. S., was born in Windsor county, Vermont, March 1, 1828, where he was primarily and academically educated, first in the common schools, second in the Woodstock University. He changed his place of residence in 1849 to Brighton, Mass., and emigrated to this State in 1853, crossing via the Isthmus, settling in San Francisco, five years after which he moved to Sonoma where he abode ten years when he came to his present farm in Green Valley township, since maintaining a permanent residence. He is the largest grape grower in the valley as well as the most extensive manufacturer of all kinds of wine, which is fully set forth in the town- ship history. Married in Sonoma, Mary, daughter of William Swift, a native of Henry county, Kentucky, in 1858. Mary J., Frederick H. S., and Luman H. are their children. PITTMAN, 0. J., (deceased.) Bom in England in the city of Bristol, in the year 1824, and emigrated to California in 1850, where he engaged in hotel keeping in Grass Valley, and conducting the International Hotel in San Francisco, after which he moved to Grass Valley, there also pur- suing the same occupation. In 1854 he returned to England and having married, he, accompanied by his wife, returned to the United States and landed in New York City, but only sojourned there six weeks. Mr. Pitt- man, once more started for California in the fall of 1854, on board the steamer " Sierra Nevada," and, arriving in San Francisco he became pro- prietor of the City Hotel there, which he carried on for some time. In 1855 he settled in Cordelia, where he kept a hotel, and moving once more in 1862, he built the Bridgeport house, which establishment is now kept by his widow. 28 434 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTV. Mr. Pittman married in Bristol, England, Louisa J. May, of that city, May 28, 18G4, by whom there is an only daughter, Carrie E. J. He died in 1864. PIERCE, LEWIS, the subject of this sketch is a native of York county, Maine, and born March 16, 1832. Here his father died when he was but five years old, and at the age of ten he took up a residence in Baldwin. At the age of fifteen removed to Bedford, York county, Maine, where he was educated in a Grammar school. It is no easy task to give the reader an idea of the sufferings, hardships and toils this boy experienced, thrown into the world as he was and on his own resources to obtain a livelihood at the ao-e of ten. But with a courage that is commendable in one so young, and a determination to surmount all obstacles be they great or be they small, he went at work with a vd'A, saved his earnings, and in March, 1851, — then but 15 years old— had sufficient funds to pay for a passage on the steamer " Pacific " to San Francisco, arri^^ng Julj^ 2d of that year. For five years after his arrival in that citj^ he was apprentice to a baker, after which he did business on his own account for five more years, then came to Suisun with a few thousand dollars, engaging in the grain trade amassing a fortune equalled by few in this county. Married Miss Nellie B. Staples, January 22, 1874. On a plateau in a westerly direction from Suisun, on the banks of Suisun Creek, stands Mr. Pierce's handsome new residence. The location is one of the most pictiu-esque and attractive to be met with in this part of the county. It commands a magnificent view of the bold mountains that fringe the western border of Suisun valley. Half encircling it, is a grand amphitheatre of cliffs dotted with timber, grass lands and cultivated fields. The building is of wood, two stories above a basement of cut stone, constructed in a most substantial manner, and ia an unique and highly attractive style of archi- tectui-e. It is finished and furnished in a manner appropriate to such an enterprise. This house enjoys a happy combination of the useful and the beautiful. It is a well-lighted, ventilated, convenient and cheerful home. Everything pertaining to its construction is substantial, heav^', rich and elegant, but not gaudy. SCHULTZ, C, & Co. The brothers, C. and Henry Shultz are natives of Hambm-g, Germany. The latter came to California in 1853, and in the spring of that year went to the mines, remaining until 1855, when he came to this county, settling near Bridgeport where he engaged in farm- ing. In 1858 moved to Sacramento county, returning that fall buj-ing his present farm in Green Yalley township. Mr. C. Shultz came from Germany in 1860 joming his brother in business in the fall of that j'ear. He maiTied Anna Schacht in 1871. Then- children are Maggie C. S., and I THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. ' 435 Gesine Henry. These brothers are engaged in manufacturing wine from their own vineyard, a full account of which appears in the history of this township. WILSON, CURTIS. After receiving the foundation of a practical educa- tion, in the year 1848, with the rest of the world, Mr. Wilson emigrated to California, first proceeding to Oroville, Butte county, where he engaged in mining. He only continued at this occupation for one year, when, in 1850, he came to the Suisun valley and embarked in the occupation of farming. In 1852 he was elected to the office of Constable for Suisun township, which position he held until the year 1855, when he was called upon to take his seat as a Justice of the Peace for Green Valley town- ship. Mr. Wilson was elected to the office at the general election of 1855 and filled the position until 1879, a lengthy period of twenty -four years. In the year 1860 he was one of the Associate Justices of the Court of Sessions. In 1867 he came to Cordelia, and in the following year was appointed station agent of the California Pacific Railroad Company and agent for Wells, Fargo & Co., which he held until this year. On Februaiy 7, 1866, Mr. Wilson married Miss Melia A. Gilmore, who was boi"n in Rockbridge county, Virginia, April 14, 1829, by whom he had an onlj^ child, Thomas, who died March 24, 1H70. Mr. Wilson was born in Wayne county, Illinois, June 18, 1827. 436 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. BENICIA BENNETT, WILLIAM F;, is a native of England, Isorn at Birmingham, August 23, 1822, and left his home at the age of seven for Australia, where he served an appenticeship as carpenter in Sydney, remaining there until 1849, when he sailed for San Francisco, arriving in August. After two weeks he came to Benicia and began work at the Government Barracks, where he was employed on and off till 1874, when he went to Australia and sojourned for three years, again returning to Benicia, where he has since resided. Mr. B. married Mary Ann Boornes, a native of Scotland, March, 1874, she being born Septembr 2, 1833. BROWN, JOHN R., was born in Nova Scotia in 1845, where he learned the business of tanning and currying. He resided there until 1855, when he went to Woodburn, Mass., remaining there till 1859, when, in May of that year, he went to California and resided in Tuolumne county for one year, when, in the spring of 1860, he went to Santa Clara valley, where he began farming. In the fall of 1861 he purchased an interest in a stock farm on King's river and began the raising of stock, when the the flood of 1862 swept away most of the cattle. This disgusted him with the business, so sold out and returned to Santa Clara valley, where he found employment. He then went to Stockton and began tanning on a small scale. On March 16, 1866, he came to Benicia and again engaged in the tanning business. Messrs. McKay and Chisholm being afterwards in partnership in the same business. Mr. Brown mairied Annie Ross in 1863, by whom he has two children, Anna L. and Elma D. Mr. B. is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and has held office in the City. BURNS, JAMES, was born in Ireland in the year 1840, and emigrated to the United States in 1864, first settling in California, for the last ten years of which he has been in this county, and for the last five years on his present farm. Married, in 1871, Mary Linehan, by whom he has John, Mary, Julia, Katie, Dennis, and an infant. CHISHOLM, A., is a native of Nova Scotia, and was born in 1845. In 1865 he went to the United States and settled in Boston, where he was engaged in the business of tanning and currying, remaining only a short time, when he started for California, first settling in Santa Cruz, where he resided for a little over a year. He then came to Benicia and con- nected himself in the same business in 1867, which he still continues. p THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 437 CLYNE, JAMES, manufacturer of wagons, carriages, and agricultural implements, was born in County Longford, Ireland, February 22, 1847. In 1863 he came to California, and on September 20th of that year arrived in Benicia. There he served his apprenticeship with Charles Crawford Allen at his trade. In 1868 he established himself in the busi- ness which he still continues. Married in San Jose, May 14, 1871, Mary Donlon, by whom he has Joseph F., born February 14, 1872 ; Mary M., born September 9, 1874 ; Frederick, born February 23, 1877, and Therese, born March 25, 1879. CUMMINGS, FRANCIS, is a native of Prince Edward's Island, having been born November 18, 1839, where he lived till the age of 18, and learned the trade of tanning and currying, when he went to South Hing- ham, Mass.; thence to Woburn, Mass., where he resided until 1873. En- listed in Company G, 5th Mass. V. I.; serving one year, and participating in a number of engagements in North Carolina, imder Major-General Foster, 18th Army Corps ; after which he was honorably discharged, and returned to Mass,, where he resided till 1873, when he emigi-ated to Cali- fornia, first settling in Benicia on 16th of June of that year, and estab- lished a tannery, a history of which will be found in its proper place. Married in Woburn, Mass., Martha C. Richardson. DALTON, ALFRED, was born in London, England March 13, 1830. At the age of 13 he went to sea, which he followed till 1852, during which period he visited his native place several times. He arrived at San Fran- cisco in July, 1852, on the clipper ship, "Antelope." Thence he went to Sutter Slough, and engaged in gardening and chopping wood. He re- mained there until April, 1853, when he was obliged to leave on account of a flood ; and having made some slough boats, was enabled to drift down with the current to old Rio Vista, where he resided till the flood subsided, which was about three weeks. Thence he went to Cache Creek Slough, and fixed a tent in the fork of a tree for fear of another flood, and con- tinued the same occupation until 1855, and came to Benicia in July or August of that year. In 1859 he laid the first pipe to supply the city of Benicia ^Anth water. In 1860 he purchased a schooner and traded in general merchandise on the Sacramento river, and returned to Benicia January 1, 1862, where he has since remained. Mr. Dalton has held the office of School Director for six consecutive years, being elected in 1873. He is now clei-k of the Board, and supervisor of this county, being elected September, 1878, on the Republican ticket. Mr. D. married Mary Kenny in 1857, at Benicia, who died in 1871, by whom he has a family : John H., Alfred, Willie, James C, George E., Ella Flor- ence, living, having lost four children — one daughter and three sons. Mr. D. married again in August, 1873. Emma Carr, by whom he has no issue. 438 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. DEMING, CAPTAIN JOHN, (deceased,) was bom in Preston, Connect- icut, January 9, 1792, where he resided till 1808, when he went to sea, and at the age of twenty -one years old, was commander of a vessel follo^ving the sea for many years ; his last sea voyage being on the ship, " Iowa," which brought General Rile}' to the State of California, and landing at Monterey-, the place for which they were chartered, early in 1849. From there they proceeded to Beuicia, where he afterwards was engaged as a pilot, between Benicia, Vallejo, and San Francisco, for many years. He married Clarissa Hillard, in Preston, Connecticut, September 11, 1817. She was born in Preston, January 29, 1792, and died in New York City December 18, 18-tG. By this union they had six children. Ann Louisa, born July 10, 1821, who married, in New York City, Charles Edward Shea, died, in New York City, July 27, 1857, leaving four chil- di-en and her husband died, in New York City, November 21, 1859' Their third son, Edward, was born March 18, 1826, and was married in Peakskill, N. Y., on March 18, 1850, to Esther McCoord. He died in New York City, March 1, 1852, leaving an only son, who is now re- siding in Brooklj-n, N. Y. Clarissa J., born June 19, 1829, in New York City, died June 23, 1830. Charles, born in New York City, Octo- ber 29, 1832, died November 30, 1833. Charles Benjamin, born in New York City, March 29, 1837, now residing with his brother, John F., was married to Mrs. Annie G. Corwin, on August 12, 1868. John F. Deming, propriit^r of Glen Cove Ranch, the second of the family, was born in New York City, July 9, 1823, where he resided till February, 1849, when he sailed for San Francisco, arriving there in the latter part of June, 1849. He immediately proceeded to the mines, on the north* fork of the American river, and prosecuted mining for a few months when he returned to Sacramento in December, 1849, and began the gen- eral merchandise business on K street, when the flood of 1850 swept away all of his possessions. He then proceeded across the river. In April, 1852, he returned to New York, and on December 16, 1852, was married to Mehetabel C. Geron, she being born in Blooming "Grove, Orange county, N. Y., December 12, 1823. Mr. D. returned to Cali- fornia in 1853, and immediately proceeded to Benicia, where he remained as book-keeper until the .spring of 1855, and again returned east, where he remained one 3"ear. In June, 1856, he again returned to California, this time being accompanied by his wife, and settling on their present es- tate, where he now owns 460 acres of land, all under good improvements. Their family consists of two childi-en ; Clara, born November 19, 1858, and Henry B., November 14, 1861. DILLON, PATRICK W., farmer and stone cutter. Section 28, Benicia To^vn- ship, Post-oflice Benicia, was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, February I THE HISTOKY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 439 3, 1820, where he resided till May, 1840, when he sailed for America, arriving in New York City in June of that year. He at once proceeded to Troy, N. Y., and resided three months ; thence to Lockport, N. Y., and remained one year. He then proceeded to Youngstown, on fourth Niagara, where he worked at his trade during the summer of 1842, and from there he went to Toronto, Canada, where he spent the winter of 1842, and '43. In March, 1844, he went to New York City, and worked till 1846, when in the fall of that year he went to St. Johns, New Bruns- wick, where he was employed till May, 1847. He again returned to New York and carried on his trade till Janaury, 1849, when he sailed for California, arriving in San Fi-ancisco July 8, 1849, and remaining in the city for a few weeks helping unload vessels at eight dollars a day. He then proceeded to the southern mines, on Wood's creek, and worked two months at mining with good success. He then went to Mogason's Creek, and from there to Mariposa, Mariposa county, but meeting with poor success he returned to Mogason Creek with a colony of Texans, who settled there for a short time, and continued mining in different places till May, 1851, during which time he endured many hardships. The stories told by Mr. D., during his life spent in the mines, are very interest- ing, but for want of space we will have to omit them. In May, 1851, he came to Benicia, bringing with him eighteen hundred dollars, which he invested in the whaif built at Vallejo while the Capitol of the State was situated at that place. In 1851, he opened a stone quarry on his fruit farm, and in connection with the other, started the Pioneer Stone business in San Francisco, and among the contracts taken by him, is the St. Mary's Cathedral, at San Fi-an- cisco, and many other buildings. In 185G, he purchased his present farm, now consisting of four hundred acres of land, and seventy-six acres of tule. He married, at St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, Bertha G. Jordan, Januai^^ 6, 1856, she having been born in Hanover, Germany, January 29, 1830. BURNER, GEORGE ADAM. G. A. Burner was born at Weilheim, in Wur- tomburg, Germany, February IG, 1827. In his early life he was appren- ticed to a tailor, and has pursued his trade ever since. In 1847 he left Germany for America, and arrived in New York in April of the same year. While working at his trade in New York he formed the acquaintance of one Rosy Anthers, the youngest daughter of the family of that name, to whom he was married in 1851. She was born at Algei, in Damstadt, Germany, September 10, 1831, and came to America in 1848, and resided in New York. In 1858 Mr. Dumer left New York for California, Iby way of the ocean, and was followed the year afterwards by his wife and 440 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. children. He arrived in San Francisco the forepart of May, but re- mained there only one month, after which he came to Benicia, where he built him.self a splendid home and has resided ever since, except at one or two intervals. In 1863 he went to Virginia City, Nevada, where he worked both at his trade and at mining, for about six months, after which he returned to Benicia. He then worked at his trade until 1874, when he was employed by the firm then known as Brown, McKay & Co., tanners, as night watch- man, and has remained there ever since, although the firm is now known as McKay & Chisholm. The products of his marriage were eleven children ; five were born in New York, two of whom died, both girls, and the remaining six were born in Benicia, one of which, a son, died some two years ago. At present he has living three sons, named John George, Charles, and Henry, the fourth .son, Georgie, ha%-ing died September 21, 1870. His daughters, five in number, are named Katie, Elizabeth, Matilda, Annie, and Henrietta. The two former are married and live at present in Benicia. The remaining children are at present at home going to school. His eldest child and son, John G., is at present employed as traveling agent for W. S. Townsend's Steam Candy Factory, San Francisco. The second son, Chai'les, was for a while employed as salesman in a large clothing house at San Francisco, after which he came to Benicia and started a business for himself, known as Burner's Palace of Sweets. He is but nineteen years of age, being born January 14, 1860. He has a thriNnng business and is doing well. His third son, Henry, was rather unfortunate in being born a cripple, March 23, 1862, being but seventeen years of age. He received a somewhat ad- vantageous education, having entered St. Augustine College when but thirteen years of age, in August, 1875. He graduated here on June 1, 1878, with the first honors of his class and of the school. He was but sixteen yeara of age, still he was chosen to deliver the valedictory address on the occasion of his graduating, which won for him the hearts of many strangers. On September 28, 1878, he was appointed Page of the Con- stitutional Convention, then assembled at Sacramento, by the President of that body. He remained there the full session, which lasted until March, 4, 1879, since which time he has been studjdng law at his home in Benicia. Mr. Burner is considered one of the most faithful and law-abiding citizens of Benicia. He is honest and upright in all his dealings, and his charac- ter is without a stain. His moral character can not be exceeded, and he is a diligent employe, aiming to do everything to the interest of his em- p.oyere. He has lived a quiet life, never mixing himself in political af- fairs, and always casting hh vote according to his sound judgment. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 441 ENOS, JOSEPH, was born in 1834. In 1852 he emigrated to the United States, and followed the sea for seven years. In 1859 he settled in Bed- ford, Mass., where he remained a short time, and in 1860 came to Califor- nia, and woi'ked in the mines for two years ; thence he came to Benicia, where he has since resided on his farm of 195 acres. Married to Mary Roderick in 1869, by whom he has a family of five: Constantine, born 1870; Joseph, born 1872; Mary, born 1874; John, born 1875, and Isa- bella, born 1877. FISCHER, JOSEPH, was born in Switzerland, March 7, 1823, where he received his education. In 1844 he emigrated to the United States, first settling in Staten Island, fourteen miles from New York, where he found employment on a farm. He remained there one year, when he went to New York City, residing there until the spring of 1849, during which time he was employed in various ways. On March 7, 1849, he started across the plains for California, and arrived in Sacramento September 20, 1849, where, after about ten weeks, he went to Benicia, and engaged in butchering, with Lawrence Graber, which they continued two years, at the expiration of which they had saved some money. His partner wished to return to the States, and died in Salt Lake City. Mr. Fischer then took another partner, John Gorring, but a dissolution occurred inl861, since which time he has conducted the business alone. Mr. F. married Catherine Hall in May, 1854, by whom he has three children. GRAY, SAMUEL C, born in Boston, Mass., October 11, 1816, where he re- ceived his early education. At the age of sixteen went to Baltimore, and from there came to California. Married Miss Lucy, daughter of Chaun- cey Wetmore, of Middletown, Conn., December 14, 1847. In January, 1849, started for California, by way of Panama, where they waited seven weeks for the steamer " Panama," and arrived at Benicia June 3, 1849. Had remained in Benicia in business until elected County Treasurer in 1861. Has been in business, in the leather trade in Benicia, since June, 1867. Was a Trustee of the city of Benicia for seven years, until he left for San Francisco. Is the author of the interesting lecture on " Recollections of Benicia " in this work. HANBRIGE, PETER, was born in Rhenish Prussia, July 13, 1825, where he remained till 1849, serving an apprenticeship at the blacksmith trade for two years, when he emigrated to America, first settling in Boston. Mass., where he resided until 1851, when he sailed for California, Decem- ber 18th, on the ship " Flying Child," and arrived in San Francisco April 12th. He immediately proceeded to the mines in Nevada, and continued mining till 1871, but during this time he visited his native place. He 442 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. then retui-ned to San Francisco, where he lived till 1878, when he came to this county and engaged in farming and the manufacture of \\'inc. Married Mrs. Mary Diet, June 19, 1871, who was bom in Europe Decem- ber 18, 18.53, and who has, by her lirst mamage, two children. Mr. Han- brick has three children : John, born July 8, 1872 ; Benjamin, born No- vember 10, 1875 ; Clara, bom March 17, 1878. HASTINGS, D. N., was bom in Newton, Massachusetts, December 17, 1821, and at six years of age went to Brighton with his parents, where he i-e- mained five years, when he removed to Wollertown, Massachusetts, and resided there three years. At the age of fourteen he left home and jvent to Boston, where his time was spent in the provision business, the last seven years of which being hard work. On September 5, IS-iO, he left Boston for New York, and sailed thence on the bark " Florida " on Sep- tember 12th. At that time it being impossible to obtain a through ticket to California, but could secure one to Chagres, Panama, where he re- mained four days, and continued his journey to Chagres, arriving in San Francisco December 1, 1849. On the Sunday following he was engaged in carpentering at SI 2 per diem, when, at the end of one week, he was put in charge of eight men at S20 per diem, and resigned that position on February 1, 18.50. He then proceeded to Sullivan's creek, and turned his attention to mining, and woi'ked for eight days, taking out S-tO, when he started for Stockton, a distance of fifty-six miles, when, after a week, he went to San Francisco, and was engaged to work in Fulton Market, on Washington street, remaining there until May 6th, when he was sent to Benicia, and opened a butcher shop, where he built himself a small market, 12x14 feet, which he occupied four months. A year afterwards he purchased a lot and carried on his business there until May, 1852, when he sold out, leased his property, and returned East to bring out his family. They sailed on the .ship "Onward," via Cape Horn, and arrived in San Francisco December 11, 1852, going to Benicia the same day, there find- ing the Sheriff in possession of his property. It cost him SI, COO before he could recover it, after which he engaged again in the business of butcher, combining stock-raising with great success, till 18G0, when he sold his business and retired, owning at the time three-fifths of 44,000 acres of land. He now possesses 3,000 acres. Mr. Hastings has never been a politician, although he held office under the city government of Benicia, and is at present one of the City Trustees. The main house now occupied by Mr. Hastings was built by Dr. Wood- bridge, from whom he purchased it in 1852, and has resided in it ever since. Mr. Hastings planted all the trees with his own hands. The property was originally owned by eleven men, it having been purchased in lots the ultimate size being 75x125 feet. The house at first was 20x30, THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 443 with a kitchen 8x12 feet, made of dry-goods boxes, which was rebuilt and is now 34x36 feet, the size of the lot being 270x450 feet. There are over seven hundred trees in the enclosure. Water is brought from a piece of land owned by Mr. Hastings over 9,000 feet to the house. The Seminary is also supplied in the same way. Mr. Hastings has five chil- dren : George A., born in Boston, Mass., December 8, 184G ; William F.> born in Boston, August 25, 1848 ; Hannah M., born in Benicia, March 8 1857 ; Alice (twin), born September 5, 1862 ; Eben J. (twin), born Sep- tember 5, 1862. HOYT, JOSEPH, born in Belknap county, N. H., November 14, 1830. Hei-e he received his education, and when sixteen years old went to Essex county, Mass., where he learned the stone-cutter's trade, afterwards going to Virginia, following this occupation, but returned to his native home, and in 1853 came by the way of Nicaragua to California, arriving in San Francisco in December of that year. Here he resided until the spring of 1854, when he went to the mines, but settled in Benicia in July follow- ing. February, 1855 went to Mare Island, working for the Government, but in 1857 moved to Salt Point, Mendocino county, Cal., where he had the contract of cutting the stone which was to build the north battery at Alcatraz Island, San Fi-ancisco bay. Returned to Mare Island that year, removing to Contra Costa county in 1859, engaging in the stock trade- Again in 1862 we find him in Benicia, where he has since made it his home. Was elected to the olSce of County Assessor in 1871, since which time he has been agent for S. C. Hastings. Married Ellen A. Haggarty, at Vallejo, in 1855. They have Nellie J., Olivia R., Andrew J., Joe H. Orville L., Charles H., Walter D., and Maggie E. KINSTREY, THOS. T., was born in New York City, August 30, 1819, where he resided till 1852, when, on March 19th, he sailed for California in the ship " Pioneer." After being wrecked, he arrived in San Francisco September, 1852 ; thence coming to Benicia, and began business as boiler- maker for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. In 1804 he commenced his present business, which he has since continued. Mr. K. man-ied Laura Valentine, in 1854, by whom he has a family. KUHLAND, WILLIAM, was born in Germany, in 1835, and emigrated to America in 1852, first settling in New Orleans, where he resided until 1858, when he came to California. He resided in. Tuolumne county, and began his trade of boot and shoe maker, at Chinese camp, where he lived till 18G1, when he moved to Copperopolis, Calaveras county, where he continued his trade for two years and a half, when he came to Benicia, August, 1867, where he again worked at his trade, and in 1870 he began 444 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. his business in the sale of genfs' furnishing goods. Mr. Kuhland married Mary Seibert, in 1856, by whom he has four children : Lewis, Kate, Lillie and Mary. Mr. K. is a member of the I. O. O. F., Benicia. McKAT, THOMAS, was born in Nova Scotia, in 184.5, where he resided till 1862, when he went to Woburn, Massachusetts, remaining there until 1865 ; thence going to California and settling in Benicia, where he be- came a partner of the firm of Brown & McKay. In 1878 partnership was dissolved, and since, the firm has been McKay & Chisholm, engaged in the business of tanning and currying. Mr. McKay married Louise Harris, Jiily 26, 1876, she also being a native of Nova Scotia, and born February 14, 1852. He has an only child, George Arthur, born Septem- ber 7, 1877. McNALLY, BERNARD, farmer ; was born in County Cavan, Ireland, November 12, 1847. In 1860 he came to America, first settling in New York City, where he resided eight yeai-s, when, in 1868, he came to Cali- fornia, and settled on his present property. Married at San Francisco, August 18, 1873, Mary Fitzpatrick, a native of County Cork, Ireland. MIZNER, LANSING BOND, was bom in Monroe county, Illinois, on the 5th day of December, 1825. His father was educated for the law, in Geneva, New York, and settled in Illinois, in 1821, where he died eight years thereafter. His mother was the only daughter of Dr. Caldwell Caines, a leading member of the convention which formed the first con- stitution of Illinois, and niece of Shadrack Bond, the first Governor of that State. Mr. Mizner was 'educated at Shurtliff" College, Alton, Illinois, and in 1839 went with the American Legation, to New Granada, in South America, where he became familiar with the Spanish language. Returned to Illi- nois in 1843, and resumed his studies at the same college, and read law. In 1846 he joined the Third Regiment, Illinois Vokmteers, en route for the Mexican war, and was appointed Commi.ssary of the Regiment. On an-iv- ing at Garmarqo, on the Rio Grande, he was detailed as Interpreter, on the staff" of Gen. Shields, and ordered to join Gen. Wool's column, then invading Mexico from Texas. Was the bearer of dispatches to Gen. Taylor through the enemy's country, alone, from the Rio Grande to Monclova and Saltillo, and took part in the battle of Buena Vista, in February, 1847. Returned to Illinois in July, of that year, and resumed the studj' of law. Arrived in California, via New Orleans and Panama, on the 20th day of May, 1849, and in the same month settled in Benicia, purchased real es- tate, and a quarter interest in the mercantile firm of Semple, Robinson & Co., the then owners of the ship " Confederation " and her East India THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 445 cargo of goods. Took an active part in electing the delegates to the Mon- terey Convention, which formed the first Constitution of Califoi'nia, and on the formation of the State government, was elected an Associate Jus- tice of the First Court of Sessions, of Solano county. In 1853, Mr. Mizner was appointed by President Pierce Collector of Customs for the Northern District of California, which then included all that part of the State north of the Bay of San Francisco, and west of of the Sacramento River, to the Oregon line ; the Custom House being located at Benicia. On the breaking out of the Rebellion in 18G1, Mr. Mizner took strong grounds for the preservation of the Union, and has ever since been a firm Repub- lican, and was elected to the State Senate in 1865, from Solano and Yolo counties. At the Session of 18G7-S, was chosen President, pro tem., of the Senate, and was Chairman of the Committee on Commerce and Nav- igation, and also of the Committee on Swamp Lands. As early as 1852, Mi-. Mizner began to take a deep interest in connecting Benicia by rail with the interior of the State, and was a Delegate to the Convention, held in San Francisco in that year, on the general subject of Railroads. In 18CG, he was sent as a special agent to Washington City, to procure Congressional aid for a railroad, from Benicia to Marysville, and succeeded in having a bill passed through the Senate making the usual land grant for that purpose ; but, for want of time, it failed in the Lower House, since which time he has been the active leader in securing the completion of the great Overland Railroad through Benicia. Mr. Mizner was admitted to practice law in the 7th District Court of Cali- fornia, on November 5, 1850, to the Supreme Court of the State March 9th, 1860, and to the Supreme Court of the United States, Dec. 6, 1866, and has been almost continually engaged in the practice of his profession evei' since the first named date. He is a permanent resident of Benicia, has a wife and seven children, the oldest son a graduate of the State University of California, Class of 1879. Mr. Mizner is a life member of the Society of California Pioneers. NICHOLS, J. B., was born in Fall River, Mass., June 17, 1844, where he remained till about nine years old, when he went with his parents to California, first settling in Benicia, where he has since resided, being chiefly engaged in farming. Mr. Nichols married Mary K. Freeman, December 25, 1866, who was born in Michigan, September 21, 1847, and by whom he has five children. Mary 0., born October 10, 1867, Clara B., born Dec. 5, 1869, Joseph T., born April 26, 1871, Hattie, born August 5, 1873, and Oscar H., born January 17, 1877. Mr. Nichols is a member of the Solano Lodge, No. 22, 1. 0. O. F. 446 THF HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. NICHOLS, WILLIAM H., was born in Berkeley county, Massachusetts, March 20, 1819, where he resided till seventeen years of age, when he went to North Carolina, remaining there thirteen years, and being en- gaged in merchandizing, lumbering, and ship building. In 1849, he re- turned to Massachusetts, and the following winter went again to North Carolina, and settled up his business. He sailed from New York, on board the steamer " Crescent City," June 1, 1850, via the Isthmus of Panama, and arrived in San Francisco August 24th. He immediately proceeded to Sacramento county, where he engaged in mining for about a year. In November, 18-51, he came to this county and purchased his present place, but returned to the mines, which, in November, 1852, he left and permanently settled where he now resides. For the last ten years Mr. Nichols has carried on a hay and grain business in San Francisco. His farm consists of 167 acres, all of which is under good improvement. He married at Fall River, Massachusetts, August 17, 1843, Eliza Dean, and has five childi-en ; Joseph B., William D., Abbie A.. Nathan D. and Mary G. OPPERMAN, JULIUS, was born in Brunswick, Germany, in 1831, and emigrated to the United States in 1854, first settling in New York City, whei-e he worked as a tailor till 1857, when, in the spring of that year, he came to California, via Panama. While in New York he enlisted in the Regular Army. From San Francisco he proceeded to Vancouver, Oregon, which was the headquarters of the 4th Infantry. He was after- wards stationed at Humboldt, remaining there three years and eight months. While at the latter place he acted as Hospital Steward for a time, thence he went to Hooper Valley, the port of Fort Gaston, to estab- lish a new military post, where he remained till November, 1861, when the regiment was ordered East ; but, on arrival at San Francisco, he ob- tained his discharge on January 17, 1862, where he again worked at his trade till May of that year, and on the 28th came to Benicia, where he has since resided and carried on his present business. Mr. Opperman married Maria Mitchell, a native of Ireland, at Humboldt, Cal., September 3, 1860, and has a family ; Katie, Mary, Lewis, Joseph, Julius, and William. Mr. 0. has been Secretary of Phoenix No. 2, and an exempt fireman for several years. O'DONNELL, JOHN, farmer, was born in Coimty Limerick, Ireland, in 1824. In 1847 he emigrated to America and farmed in Onondaga county _ New York, till 1852, on Januarj' 5th of which year he sailed from New York for California, being shipwrecked on the voyage, arri\^ng ultimately in San Francisco in April of that year. In 1852 he proceeded to Benicia, where he remained two years, then moving to his present farm, consisting of 230 acres. Married in San Francisco, September 7, 1856, Ellen Kelly, by whom he has Mary F., Anna Eliza, John, and Thomas W. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 447 PERIN, AARON, was born on March 4, 1806, and has a twin brother, Moses, who is living thirty miles back of Sandiago, Cayuga county. New York, where he resided till 1810, when he with his parents sailed down the Ohio and located in Madison, ten miles from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained until 1814 ; thence he went to Fayette county, Indiana, near Cannonsville, where he lived till about 1840 ; after which he removed to Scott county, Iowa, and remained there until 1846, when he went to Dubuque, where he worked at the trade of blacksmith. On February 24, 1.852, he, with his family, started for California across the plains, and arrived in Benicia early in October of same year, continuing his trade until 1877, when he retired into private life. Mr. Perin married Eliza- beth Simpson, March 3, 1825, she being born in Kentucky, and died May 6, 1847, in Dubuque, Iowa, by whom he had eight children : Mary, born November 16, 1829 ; Zackariah Taylor, born April 18, 1847, still living ; Rachel, Simpson, John A., William, Theodore, Isaac, deceased. Mr. Perin married his second wife, Mrs. Lucy A. McMan, December 19, 1847, she being born August 27, 1808, by whom he has no family. PRESTON, WILLIAM E., farmer, is a native of England, and came to America about 1847, first settling near Bufialo, New York, where he worked on a farm for two years. He then moved to Michigan, and there resided till the year 1852, thence removing to New York City, from whence he sailed in that year for California. On arrival he proceeded to the southern mines in Tuolumne county, and there remained four years. We next find Mr. Pi-eston farming on what is known as the Pearson tract in Napa county, where he lived till 1871, then purchasing a ranch in Contra Costa county he removed thither for ten months, when he finally settled on his present farm of 90 acres. Married in 1860, Eliza Jane Powers, by whom he has Willie F., Mary G., Carrie Belle, and Catherine F. QUIGG, CHARLES, was bom in County Derry, Ireland, in 1831, and emigrated to America in 1845, settling in New York City, where he remained till January 20, 1851, serving an apprenticeship of boiler maker, when he sailed on board the " Brother Jonathan " to Nicaragua, thence to San Francisco on the ship "Pacific," arriving there March 16, 1851. There he stayed but three or four weeks, when he came to Benicia and engaged to work at his trade in the service of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. In 1863 he opened his present place of business. Mr. Quigg is an exempt fireman and has held the oflice of Roadmaster. RAUM, E. C, was born in Harrisburg, Pa., October 23, 1818, where he remained until 1828, when he removed to Franklin county. Pa., staying 448 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. there nine years, when he again moved with his parents to Wooster, Ohio. When at the age of twenty-five he went to Jefferson county, Iowa, remaining there about one year, spending a part of his time in Iowa City. He then proceeded to Lake Superior copper mine, when, after the lapse of nine years, again returned to Jeflferson county and began a grist mill, which business he conducted till the breaking out of the Rebellion. In 1862 he crossed the plains to California, first settling near Woodland, Yolo county, where he engaged in farming, but at the end of two years was compelled to leave on account of drought. Thence he went to Car- son valley, Nevada, where he remained four years, when he went to Marysville, and, in July, 1868, engaged in the manufacturing of gloves. Mr. Raum married his first wife in Jefferson coimty, Iowa, April 2, 1857, Louisa MuUer, by whom he has five chil ren living. She died in 1875. Married his present wife, Mary F. Acres, at Benicia. RIDDELL, GEO. HUSSEY, was bom at Nantucket May 25, 1810, where he resided till sixteen years of age and went to Boston and six years after- wards returned to Nantucket engaging in the business of dry goods. In 1849 he left New York and arrived in San Francisco December 1, 1849, thence coming to Benicia on December 8, where he again carried on a business of general merchandise. In 1855 he was elected Justice of the Peace, to which oflice he was again elected. In 1864 he was elected County Auditor and held that oflice two years. During the re-election of " Abraham Lincoln he was chairman of the County Committee. Through his perseverance the county gave a majority of between four and five hundred. Mr. Riddell married Emma G. Barnard at Nantucket Septem- ber 2, 1833, she being born October 14, 1814, by whom he has four chil- dren, George William, Mary C, Henrietta and Herbert. ROSE, ELISHA L., is a native of Ledyard, New London county, Connecticut, where he was bom in July, 1828. On August 20, 1849, he sailed from New York City on the bark " Curtis " for California, arriving in San Francisco on March 8th of the following year. After working at his trade as a carpenter in San Francisco for two weeks he moved to Benicia, and there following his occupation ; among other buildings built the old Solano Hotel. Shortly after he tried his luck at mining but in 1851 he retumed to San Fi-ancisco and engaged for three or four months at ship work. After this he moved to Contra Costa county where he started a chicken ranch, when in the fall of 1852 he established himself on his present property. Is unmarried. RUEGER JOHN, is a native of Switzerland and born on January 9, 1817. In 1834 he came to the United States settling in Washington City, where THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 449 he remained two years and a half when he returned to Switzerland. In 1848 he again came to America and in 1849 crossed the plains to Cali- fornia locating where Marysville now is. He was unable to j)erfoi'm any labor until 1850, when he began the erection of a brewery, it being the fii'st built outside of San Francisco in the State. In 1855 he disposed of the business and came to Benicia where he again engaged in brewing. Mr. Rueger was elected City Treasurer of Benicia in May, 1878, for a term of one year. He was married in Switzerland to Barbera Shorwart in 1838, who died in 1842, by whom he has two childi-en, Eliza Matilda and John. In January, 1843, he married his second wife Elizabeth Wartenweiler by whom he has one son Carl who is at present in Nevada. RYERSON, A. P., (deceased) was born in Patterson, New Jersey, Decem- ber 11, 1822. When about thirteen years of age he went to New York and there learned his trade of silversmith, which he followed up to 1849, when he came to California passing his first year in Los Angeles. In 1850 he made a trip back to New York but returned in the same year and settled in Benicia where he conducted a hotel, and in 1855 settled on his present farm where great improvements have been made. Situated on the farm is what is known as the Ryerson Cotton-wood Grove cover- ing ten apres of land, one of the few clusters of trees to be found in the township of Benicia. The trees are raised from seeds planted by Mr. Ryerson in the year 1858. The residence is situated midway between Vallejo and Benicia, and was up to his death on June 17, 1874, kept as a place of entertainment by Mr. Ryerson. He married at Benicia, Esther Bower, on March 1, 1855, by whom there is a large family, viz.: Henri- etta, Isaac, Adrian, Virginia, Alice, George L., Clara M., Joseph G. and Anna Rebecca, who are now alive. Mrs. Ryerson resides on the farm. SAGE, TIMOTHY, was born in Middleton, Connecticut, November 12, 1813, where he remained till the age of sixteen when he began the man- ufacture of Britannia ware at Yalesville, Connecticut, and stayed there until twenty-one years old when he returned to Middletown, when in 1845 he removed to St. Louis, Missouri, and engaged in the same business till the spring of 1850. In April of the same year he started for California across the plains arriving at Sacramento the latter part of August. He then went to the mines on the north fork of Dry Creek for a short time and did very well. In the spring of 1851 he came to Benicia where he has since resided, having stai'ted a brick-yard which business he carried on for a period of fifteen years. He is now engaged in farming. Mr. Sage married Mrs. Perlina Booth, September 20, 1853, by whom he has one son Charles P., born November 3, 1857, having lost five children, Edward T., Henry B., Nelson, William and Lillia. Mr. Sage is a Mason. 29 450 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. SPALDING, CHARLES, was born in Maine, Februaiy 9, 1819, and went with his parents when young to Suffolk county, Massachusetts, near Boston, where he remained till 1849, when he started for California via Cape Horn, arriving in San Francisco in September, whence he proceeded to the mines in Shasta and where he remained until the fall of 1850 when he went to Sacramento and began business in general merchandise which he continued till the fall of 1851. He then went to Colusa and engaged in the same business till 1868 when he came to Benicia and erected the Benicia Flouring Mill in the fall of the same year. Mr. Spalding was engaged in taking the census of the county ; was also resident of Marshall in 1870. Mr. Spalding married Mary A. Silsby at Bo.ston, Massachu- setts, April 30, 1843, who died in Benicia January 3, 1876. Their only child Edward A. was drowned in the Sacramento river at the age of nine years. VON PFISTER, E. H., among the California pioneers Benicia claims sev- eral who still reside here and were of the most important citizens of the State in the days of '48, '49 and '50, and some were her citizens who have long since passed away, whose names will forever grace the pages of history of this part of the United States. Of the former, we propose to give herewith a brief biogi'aphical sketch of one who has .been a resi- dent of Benicia for over thirty years : we allude to E. H. Von Pfister. " Von," as he is familiarly called, first came to the coast of California in 1846 ; being so well pleased with the climate, he determined to settle in the State. With this object in view, he went down to the Sandwich Islands and purchased a stock of general merchandise and returned to this State in March, 1847. He had intended to open a store at San Jose, but, while yet at Yerba Buena (San Francisco), Dr. Semple, the founder of the city of Benicia, had heard of the advent of the enterprising Von Pfister, and he determined that the new stock of goods and its owner should be brought to Benicia. So he went to San Francisco in a whale- boat, and succeeded in getting Mr. Von P. to at least consent to visit Benicia. Embarking in the whale-boat with the Doctor, they occupied four days in making the voyage. They made soundings all the way up to verify the claims made by the Doctor that Benicia's location was un- surpassed for commercial purposes. Von Pfister says, being a sea-faiing man, and finding a fine, ample channel for deep-sea vessels, and the result of his observations being that almost all large commercial cities were sit- uated near the head of navigation, concluded this was the place for him to locate. He purchased an unfinished adobe building, and, after putting it in condition, opened out his stock of goods in August, 1847. The building is standing and is still hi.s property ; it is situated in the rear of Jos. Ewing's store, on First street. His trade was of a very satisfactory THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 451 character. The prices obtained for goods wei'e much the same as those of the present day. There was very little cash. The standard currency of those days was hides, valued at $1 50 each, which were frequently styled " California bank-bills." Corn, barley and other articles of produce were readily taken in lieu of coin. Early in May, 1848, one evening while a number of persons were assembled in Von's store talking over the pros- pects of the State, a gentleman present said a good coal prospect had been found near Mount Diablo. Another said if that was true and coal should be found to exist in quantity, a great future was in store for Cali- fornia ; but without coal he did not think much of the State's prospects. A stranger, who had been a quiet listener to the conversation, said: " Gentlemen, I have something here which, if it is what I think it is, will beat a coal mine and make this the greatest country in the world." He then produced a little buckskin bag holding about $100 worth of gold- dust. The dust varied in size from a flax-seed to a good-sized pea. This he handed around for the inspection of those present. He said his name was Bennett, and that the " stuff" had been found in Coloma while digging the race for the Sutter mill. Thinking it might be gold, he had brought it down to Sutter's Fort to find out ; but as there were no chemicals there, he was on his way to Monterey to submit the metal to Governor Mason. If it was gold, there was any quantity of it. The Beniciaites were quite incredulous. A few days after this there was a great rush down the river and by land of people who possessed samples of the new discovery. Some carried it in old stockings, old boots, and anything that would hold the yellow dust. Some of those who came down the river had old rattle- traps of boats which required constant bailing to keep afloat ; pieces of blankets were utilized for sails, and all were greatly excited. About this time Samuel Brannan, Esq., who had been a shipmate of the subject of this sketch, came along, and said gold had really been discovered and that the mines were good. He advised Von to pack up his goods and go to the mines with them. This he did. He chartered Dr. Semple's flat-boat, and in six days reached Coloma with his goods. At Sacramento he was joined by Brannan with an equal quantity of goods, and the firm of Von Pfister & Brannan did a thriving business until October, when the former sold out and left the mines. In the spring of 1849 he returned to Benicia and rented the adobe building where stands the present Benicia Brewery and opened a hotel. He paid $500 a month rent, and $150 per month for a cook ; $125 each for two stewards ; $100 each for a housekeeper and barkeeper. Notwithstanding these heavy expenses, Mr. Von Pfister cleared $12,000 in eleven months. During his long residence in Benicia he has been three different times the proprietor of the Solano Hotel. The first deed on the records of the county is in the handwriting of Mr. Von P. He has filled official positions of honor, trust and importance. Von 452 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. has always had gi-eat faith that the future of Benicia was that of no ordi- naiy town, and acquired considerable real estate in the place with this belief. In '48 or '49 he sold a lot on the comer of Pine and Dupont streets, San Francisco, for 82,500, and immediately invested the money in Benicia property, which he still holds ; and there are none here who are not pleased to congratulate the old gentleman that the time is near at hand when there will be a full realization of his fondest hopes of Benicia's prosperity. WALSH, CAPTAIN JOHN.— The oldest inhabitant of Benicia, Captain John Walsh, deserves more than an ordinary notice. It is but seldom that a man is permitted to outlive God's statute of limitations — - with as clean a record as that the subject of this sketch leaves behind him. He was bom on the 25th of October, 1797, on Prince Edward's Island, Nova Scotia, of Irish parents. He went to sea at the early age of twelve, in the year 1809, as a " sailor boy " with his uncle on the ship " Partheon ;" but " mine uncle " being too harsh, young Walsh went ashore at Liver- pool, and his uncle never heard of him until some ten years later he met him in command of a ship at Gibralter. In 1818 young Walsh was first officer of the ship " Honqua," sailing to China ; and on her he came into the Bay of San Francisco in that year, and stopped at the Presidio, now Fort Point, and at Goat Island ; and on the same voyage he went into the Columbia river, Oregon, which latter place he visited in command of a Government vessel forty-two years later. He afterwards commanded the ship " Gray Hound;" and in 1825 was sent by Messrs. Perkins & Co., of Boston, to the Pacific Ocean, in command of the ship " John Gilpin," where he ran his vessel as a regular packet from Valparaiso, in Chili, to Canton, for more than twenty years, having, on a short visit to Boston in 1830, married, and returned to Valparaiso with his wife, where seven children were born to them, all of whom are now dead. The last, the wife of Col. D. Fergusson, died in the city of Mexico some two years since ; and soon after, his venerable wife, who had been his companion for nearly forty-six years, also died, leaving the old man, now over eighty years of age, alone in the world — the last leaf on the tree — his kindred have all perished, save only the children of the deceased daughter. But in place of kindred, hosts of friends surround the old man in his declin- ing years; hundreds who have partaken of his hospitality in Valparaiso, San Francisco and Benicia, now take pleasure in extending acts of kind- ness to him. He settled in Benicia in 1849. Here he filled the position of Deputy Collector of Port for many j'ears ; and the records at Wash- ington show that he was one of the most faithful and trustworthy officials ever in the employ of the Government. He has spent much of his time in building and ornamenting his beautiful home here, which has been THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 453 open to his many friends, and especially to the Army and Navy, for more than a quarter of a century ; and notwithstanding his May of life is fallen into the sear and yellow leaf, that which should accompany old age, as honor, love, obedience, troops of friends he has. May the date of his decease long remain blank on his family tomb. WKSTABY, RICHARD, is a native of England, having been born in Hull, November 22, 1822, where he served an apprenticeship of seven years as ship carpenter. At the age of 20 he went to sea, and followed that occu- pation till 1850 when he arrived at San Francisco, and engaged in the same business, when he was burned out in the big fii-e, on June 22, 1851. He then took the mail steamer for Panama, returning to Benicia in August, 1851. In 1858 and 1859, he vi.sited his native land, and the scenes of his childhood. Mr. W. married Elmer Miles Raper, at Hull, November 22, 1846, who died at Benicia, February 22, 1876. Mr. W. has two children, Elmer and Margaret, both married. 454 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. VACAVILLE AMMONS, HENRY B., born in Richmond, Madison county, Kentucky, in 1821, and in the j^ear 1826, moved mth his parents to Montgomery Co., Missouri, thence to Howard county, where his father died in 1846. He then moved to Clay, where he enlisted, 1846, in 1st Regular Mounted Volunteers, commanded by Genei-al A. W. Doniphan, Co. C, under Captain O. P. Moss, and with it took part in the Mexican war. With his regi- ment he went from the frontier to Santa Fe, thence to Chihuahua, Buena Vista and New Orleans, where he obtained his discharge in 1 847. After his return home Mr. Ammons entered into mercantile pursuits, which he continued till 1849, when he came to California by way of the plains, ar- living at Long's Bar, Butte county, in September of that year, where he embarked in merchandising. In 1852, he moved to Solano Co., Cal., where he set about stock raising. At the general election of 1853, Mr. Ammons was elected County Assessor, which office he held for two years, and then was appointed a Deputy Sheriff for two years following. He afterwards engaged in farming, until 1871, when he was made a Notary Public which office he now holds. BAKER, GEO. H., born April 9, 1852, in Vermont, where he was edu- cated, and at the age of fifteen, emigrated with his parents to California, making the trip by water, landing at Sacramento June 4, 1867, and re- sided there one year, where his father followed farming. From there Mr. Baker went to San Francisco for two years, thence to Colusa Co., where he engaged in the trade of a carpenter, and settled in this county in the spring of 1875, still working at his trade. In the fall of this year he purchased a tract of land in Vaca Valley, containing twenty acres, and added fifty acres thereto in the spring of 1878, all of which is adapted to the raising of cereals and fruit. He married, December 16, 1877, Miss Luella Hawkins, who was born January 3, 1858, by whom he has one child, Dufl' G., born October 8, 1878. BASSFORD, H. A., was born June, 1854, in Benicia, Solano countj^ Cali- fornia, and in 1862 moved with parents to Napa, Napa county, but the family returned to Solano county, settling in Lagoon Valley, in June, 1869, where the subject of this sketch now resides on the old homestead. Mar- ried Miss Ad die Lassell, of San Francisco, on September 5, 1876. She was born in October, 1857, in Smithfield, Maine. They have one child. THE HISTOKY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 455 BASSFORD, J. M., was born in Benicia, Solano county, June 25, 1852, which he left with his parents in 1858, and settled in Napa county. Moved with Mr. Bassford, Sr., into this county June, 1868, and located on what is known as the Sunny Dale Farm, three miles west of Vaca- ville, where he resided until September 5, 1876, when he took charge of the Barker Tract, known as the Cherry Glen Farm, containing 308 acres, where he now resides, and is engaged in raising fruit in great abundance. He married Miss Ida C. Barker, September 5, 1876. She was born in Napa county, Cal., Dec. 31, 1857, by whom he has one child, Lillie C, born June 13, 1878. BRINCK, H. W., was born September 20, 1844, in France, and there edu- cated; emigrated to the United States in 1860, settling in New York City for three years, engaging in various occupations until the fall of 1873, . when he came to this State, and stopped in San Francisco one year. The fall of 1874 he came to this county, with his brother William, and settled on the ranch they now own, consisting of 210 acres. Married November 20, 1877, Miss May E. Manning, a native of St. Louis, Mo. Henry Roy is their only child. Mr. Brinck's brother, William Brinck, was born in Alsace, France, Octo- ber 15, 1849, where he was educated. As is shown he came to this coun- try with his brother in the fall of 1874, where he still resides. BUCK, L. W., was born July 8, 1834, in Trenton, Courtland county, N. Y. Was educated in Homer, N. Y., at Courtland Academy, and on Septem- ber 10, 1856, married Anna M., daughter of Dr. M. B. Bellows, of Seneca Falls, N. Y. She was born September 23, 1834. Emigrated to Clinton, Iowa, in 1865,' where he resided till the spring of 1874, at which time he came to California, locating in Vacaville, Solano county, in March of that year; and on October 1, 1874, he moved to his present farm, formerly known as the old Weldon rancho, consisting of 156 acres, in said township^ where he has since ^permanently resided. In August, 1862, Mr. Buck was commissioned First Lieutenant of Company "H," 157th N. Y. V. I., but resigned in February, 1863, on account of ill health, returning to his home in New York State. His children are Emma L., Frank H., Nellie M., Fred M., and Anna M. CAMPBELL, ROBT. G., born November 3, 1814, in Kentucky. In 1831 moved with his parents to Missouri, where he learned the carpenter trade, and followed it and farming as a business until 1850, when he emigrated to California, and arrived at Hangtown, now Placerville, on August 20th of that year. At once proceeded to the Sacramento valley, on the Ameri- ij^can river, and was among the first who raised grain in that valley. He 456 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. farmed, teamed, and mined until IS-D-i, when he came to Vaca valley, So- lano county, and settled on the place now owned bj' Mr. Butcher, and farmed, in company wath A. D. Starke, for one year, moving in the fall of 1855 to a place then kno-wn as Wolf place, about a fourth of a mile east of Vacaville, and in company with Dobbins and Starke put in grain for the sole purpose of provitling hog-feed, thinking it more valuable for that pui-pose ; from hei-e moved upon another ti-act, a portion of the Barker grant, and soon after purchased the plot (squat- ter's title) of one hundred and sixty acres, and followed ranching from this time up till 1866, when he sold out his interest and turned his attention to carpentering, continuing this until 1869, when, in partner- ship -with Starke, he went to Oregon and bought horses, bringing them to this State on speculation. This, however, not proving sufficiently lucrative he went back to his trade, working at it till 1872, when he entered into partnership with G. M. Gates, and dealt in live stock for about two years- Was appointed Road Master of Yaca\'ille to^^^lship in March, 1875, which office he still holds. CONNELLY, JAMES, born March 15, 1828, in comity Roscommon, Ireland. At the age of twenty-two he emigi-ated to the United States, and made his home in Boston for about four years, where he canied on a farm. In Jime, 1855 he started for California, making the trip by water, and on aiTival settled in Napa county and commenced farming. On November 2, 1856, he married Miss Margaret Fleming, of San Francisco, who was born in county Waterford, Ireland, March 24, 1834, and at once located in Pleasant vallej', where he piu-chased a tract of land, which he dis- posed of after residing on it over six years. He next purchased lifty-six and one-quarter acres in the Gibson Canon, about two miles north of YacavUle, where he cultivates fruit, etc. His only living child is Alice F., born July 4, 1866. CUMMONS, JOHN HARBERT, born Januan,- 21, 1843, in Licking county, Ohio, from whence he moved with his parents, at the age of four years, to Bates county, Missouri. In the Spring of 1857 started with his father for California, dri\-ing a band of cattle across the plains, and arrived at Stockton on November 18th of that year. From this place they proceeded to Calaveras county, and farmed until 1862, when he left for Aurora, Ne- vada, and here married, March 19, 1864, Miss Margaret Pany, who was born August 6, 1844, in South Wales, Great Britain. In 1865 moved to Colfax and built the first house in the town; thence to Truckee for two years, after whieli he proceeded to Alameda, where he put up the first turn-table on the coast, for the Central Pacific Railroad Company. Mr. C. now took up his residence in Vallejo. In 1873 he, however, moved to San Francisco, but in June, 1877, he returned to Solano county, and located at Vacaville. He has a family of six children. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 457 DAVIS, W. B., was born in Madison county, Kentucky, September 5, 1828, wliich he left with his parents in 1835, for Missouri. When in -this State he commenced the occupation of farming, which he successively pursued in Caliway county for three years, and Macon county until 1850. In this year he left for the Rocky Mountains, and arrived at Gi'een River, where he traded with the Indians and emigrants, as well as run a ferry over Green River. Here he remained five years, after which he came to California, where he has since resided. Mr. Davis married, in December, 1 84G, Miss Emeline Wells, by whom he has Francis A., born March 6, 1848; Clara P., born December 22, 1851; George W., born September 18, 1860; Eva, born July 28, 18G3; and Jessie, born September 22, 18G7. DAVIS, I. F., is a native of Canada, where he was born April 13, 1826. Hei-e he was educated, and where he first engaged in farming, but during the latter part of the time he resided there he followed the lumber trade. In November, 1868, he moved to Norton, Essex county, Vermont, where he kept a hotel. Here he remained until August, 1873, when he sold his furniture, rented the hotel, and returned to Canada, but only i-emained there till December 10 of that year, when he left Montreal for California, arriving in Oakland, December of that year, where he settled for nearly four months, residing with his brother, E. S. Davis. From Oakland he came to this town, where he has been the proprietor of the Davis House. Married Miss Minei'va, daughter of Nathaniel Green, of Canada. They have Emma F. and William H. DAY, M. D., EDWARD W., born in Baltimore county, Maryland, in 1831. His father, during the Rebellion, was a real estate agent and farmer, and at the time the advance-guard of Stewart's Cavalry made a raid through Baltimore county he had the "Stars and Stripes" floating from the flag- staff in front of his house. The rebels sought to pull it dovra, but were told by Mr. Day that if any one attempted so to do he would certainly be killed in the venture. They did it; and he shot one man and woiuided anothei-, and, finding it growing too warm for him, he effected his escape to Baltimore City, where he remained. On his departure the rebels burned his house and everything belonging to him. He was at the time seventy-five years of age, and died nine years later, when eighty-four. His son Edward, the subject of this sketch, in 1853, having passed through a course of medical studies, and graduated from the University of Mary- land, left in that year for California, which he reached in May, and with his brother went to the mines about twelve miles from French Corral. Shortly after his brother sold out, and they both went to Rogue River Valley, Oregon, where they prosecuted mining at Jackson Creek and vicinity, but, the Indians becoming troublesome and committing great 458 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. depredations, the valley inhabitants were forced into hostilities, which eventuated in a treaty that was observed for only one short year, when the same tactics were again pursued by the aboriginals. At this junctiu'e volunteers were called out by the Governor, and on their formation Doc- tor Day acted as Assistant Surgeon of the Southern Battalion of the Oregon Vohmteers. They waged war with the Indians for eight or nine months, with the result of the enemy being dispersed. In the year 1858 he left Oregon, and in June came to Vacavdlle, where he now resides. DOWNEY, D. M., was born in Pietobury, Pennsylvania, September 23, l>So>S, where he followed farming until he emigi-ated to this State in Oc- tober, 18.58, locating at San Francisco; thence to Sacramento, and from there to Nevada, where he remained only one month, prospecting among the mines, then came to Solano county and settled in Vacaville, and located on a farm. In the Spring of 1865 made a trip to Oregon, but after two months returned and visited his native State, and was gone three months. With the exception of two visits he made in the East in 1876 and 1877, he has been a permanent resident of this county. BUTTON, DAVID DEWEY, was born in Berkshire county, Mass., in the year 1816, April -Ith, where his father was a farmer. In his boyhood he left home and went to Illinois and engaged in farming until the year 1839, when he crossed the plains to Oi-egon in company with D. G. John- son, Charles Klein, Peter Lassen, J. Wright, William Wiggins and others, and there remained one winter, when they sailed for California in the vessel " Lausenne," and were three weeks in reaching Baker's Bay, a distance of only ninety miles. On the 3d of July tlie ship left the mouth of the Columbia River, and after being out thirteen days arrived at Bodega, a harbor then in possession of the Russians. Here a dilemma arose of quite a threatening character. The Mexican Conmiandant, Gen- eral Vallejo, sent a squad of soldiers to prevent their landing ; however, at this crisis the Russian Governor arrived and ordered them to leave, which they did. The subject of this sketch did not land, but started with the vessel to the Sand^\^ch Islands, where he remained for one year, being emploj-ed in the American Consul's store. From there he next sailed to the Society Islands, staying at Otaheite for about six months, when he left for Valparaiso, in South America. Here he resided for six months and thence to Callao, then went to Pata, a port much frequented by whalei-s, and, after six months, took passage for Guayaquil in Colum- bia, South America. Six months after he returned to Valparaiso and there set sail for California, ha\ang entered into arrangements to construct a mill in that country for a Mr. Smith. He landed at Bodega, the very poi-t from which he had previously sailed, and starting thence he paid his THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 459 way by woi-k, after building the mill at port Bodega, until he gained Sutter's Fort — now Sacramento — where he was employed at his trade of a carpentei". From the Fort he removed to Butte county and commenced farming operations, which he continued for several years in that district, and in 1846 located in Solano county and engaged in stock raising and farming, the lands of which he eventually sold out, but still owns prop- erty in the southern part of the State. Mr. Button married February 19, 185G, Miss Martha J. Pearson, who was born in 1829, and has children born : Ellat Lovina, born September 1, 1857 ; Charles Dewey, born September 11, 1860; Wallace Newton, bom October 8, 1863; David Willoughby, born August 20, 1866 ; Cora Belle, born September 7, 1869 ; Esther Maud, born September 27, 1872; Nina Martha, born April 5, 1876. ESQUIVEL, ANTONIO MARIA, born September 10, 1826, in New Mexico and came to California August 10, 1854, working for wages until 1866, wlien he commenced the yearly purchase of land as mentioned below: In 1866, 320 acres; 1867, 90 acres; 1868, 680 acres; 1869, 120 acres; 1870, 280 acres; 1872,1,000 acres; making a total of 2,490 acres, all adapted to grain growing, situated nine miles west of Dixon and five and one-half north of Vacaville. Mi-. Esquivel resides on his property. EVERSOLE, HENRY, born March 27, 1835, in Perry county, Ohio, where he assisted his father on the farm of the latter. On March 5, 1854, he left his home and came to California, arriving at Grizzly Flat, El Dorado county, on September 5th of that year, and remained there until August 15, 1858, following his trade of a carpenter, with mining, until he came to Vacaville, Solano county. He married, May 4, 1865, Miss Isabella Creighton, born September 26, 1845, in Davis county, Iowa, by whom he has Efta Jane, born November 15, 1866; Elton Mantz, born April 24, 1869; Mary Olive, born November 12, 1870; and Frank Creighton, born May 11, 1876. ELLIOTT, JAMES MONROE, is a native of Harrison county, Kentucky, having been born there July 1, 1820. Removed with his parents, when fifteen years of age, to Washington county, Missouri, where he remained one year ; thence to St. Louis county, Missouri, and remained until he was twenty-five. In 1846 returned to Washington county and married, March 5th of the above year. Miss Celia A. Paul. In the spring of 1849 he emigrated to California, crossing the plains with an ox team, in com- pany with a brother and several neighbors, leaving behind his wife and two children. Arrived at Hangtown, now Placerville, on September 15, 1849, and followed mining until the end of January, 1850, when he embarked on the steamer " Panama," at San Francisco, for the Eastern 460 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. States ; arrived home on March 20th, and on April 4th, following, started to re-cross the plains with his family and several friends. At Independ- ence, Missouri, they were joined by several other gold seekers, making a train of about forty wagons. Here Mr. Elliott was appointed Captain of the train, as he had experience on the plains and was acquainted with the lay of the land. At Fort Hall the company became disorganized, having had a good deal of sickness from cholera and fever. It was, therefore, decided to turn their faces towards the Oregon line, as the direction they were then pursuing seemed to entail destruction to man and beast. Thus they moved northward and landed in Linn county, at the forks of the Santiam river, where he had one section of land donated to himself and his wife by the Government. On this tract they resided for seventeen years. In the fall of 1867 Mr. E. came to Solano county and farmed for one year ; thence to Mendocino county for five years, making farming and stock raising his business. In 1874 he I'eturned to this county and settled in Lagoon valley, purchasing the Scanlett ranch, containing 320 aci'es, and followed farming and stock raising until 1877, when he sold his property and moved to the town of Vacaville in order to give his children school advantages. Mr. Elliott has eight children, four boys and four girls : Erastus P., Amanda J., Mary E., Adelaide, Sophronia, Winfield S., James L., and William P. GETCHINS, WILLIAM W., was born in Green, Chenango county, New York, August 30, 1828. At the age of twelve he moved with his parents to Luzerne county. Pa., and in the year 1851 emigrated to Illinois. In the year 1850 he came to California and worked in the mines until 1861, then turned his attention to farming and different speculations in Shasta county. He next left for Oregon, where he once more followed mining, and in the year 1866 returned to Shasta and passed about two years there, when he proceeded to Siskiyou county, and, after four years there, .settled in Vacaville, Solano county, November, 1875, where he is engaged in the saloon business. JOHNSON, W. When but twenty-one years of age the subject of this sketch left his home in Beaver.county, Pennsylvania, where he was born on December 15, 1837, and went to Black Hawk county, Iowa, and remained there for only a short time, removing to Leavenworth, Kansas, from which place he proceeded to Salt Lake City. From this point he joined a party who were on the point of leaving for Arizona, but hearing that the Indians were hostile they altered their course and made for San Bernardino, in Southern California, arriving there in the wnnter of 1857- 58. Hence, Mr. Johnson proceeded to Los Angeles, and, obtaining employment ^vith one Will Wolfskill for eighteen months, he next left THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 461 for Pleasants' valley, where he was occupied but for a short time, when he commenced farming on his own account. This he continued only for one year, when he returned to the employ of Mr. Pleasants, remaining with him three years, when he purchased the place on which he now resides, engaging in the pursuit of raising fruit and grain. He married Florence Powell, September 5, 1873, who was born July 28, 1853. He has one child, Benjamin, born July 8, 1875. KIDD, W. B. R., was born May 14, 1826, in Fentress county, Tennessee, where he was educated. Married Miss Jane Williams of Tennessee, in October, 1848, who died. In Octobei-, 1863, married Mrs. Jane Ujjchurch, and in 1 870 left native State with family, and went to Clinton Co., Ky., where he followed farming and trading for two years. Emigrated to California July, 1871, and landed at Stockton, where he remained two years, when he returned to his native State, where he remained until June, 1874, when he returned to California, and settled in Stockton for a short time ; and thence to Union Island, where he resided about one year. Came to this county in February, 1877, and settled in Lagoon valley, pur- chasing the old Scarlett ranch of J. M. Elliott, comprising 330 acres of land, where he now resides. Has a family of nine living children — four by first wife, and five by second, as follows ; Mary E., born July 21, 1849 ; Elsie L., born June 4, 1850 ; MUHq Ann, born Dec. 6, 1853 ; Margaret Jane, born Jan. 11, 1855; Laivery J., born July 27, 1864; Granville T., born Dec. 12, 1866 ; Johnny, born Nov. 26, 1871 ; William, born Nov. 26, 1875 ; Viola Jane, born May 26, 1878. KORNS, LEVI, was born Februaiy 16, 1829, in Pennsylvania; and at the age of one year, moved with his parents to Holmes Co., Ohio, where he was educated. Emigrated to California on January 5, and arrived at Sacramento February 27, 1852 ; thence to Marysville, where he remained one year farming ; from here he went to Oregon ; but after a stay of only nine months returned to this State, and engaged in farming at Yreka, where he also worked in the mines five years ; and in the fall of 1858 visited his native State. In September, 1859, he came back to California and located in Vaca valley. Purchased his farm of one hundred and twenty-five acres, known as the " Bunkbr Hill " ranch, in 1870, on which he now resides. Mr. Koi-ns married, August 21, 1878, Mrs. Hattie Thomp- son, of Fredonia, N. Y., who was born May 25, 1841. LONG, S. W., was born in Versailles, Kentucky, March 17, 1822 ; and when still young moved with his parents to Clay county, Missouri. In 1846 he enlisted and took part in the Mexican War, under Captain O. P. Moss, Col. Doniphan, and General Taylor, in Company C, 1st Regiment 462 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Mounted Volunteers. In the following year was discharged ; and return- ing home, he remained there until 1849, when he started across the plains for California, arriving at Sacramento on August 7, 1849, having per- formed the long journey in four months, and meeting with neither let nor hindrance on the way. Mr. Long passed one year at the mines at Long's Bar ; and in March, 1850, he came to Vacaville, where he has since re- sided. MARSHALL, R. C, received his education at the Western Reserve Col- lege, at Hudson, Summit county, Ohio, and, after a term of three years, he taught school for six. In 18.50, he emigrated to California and reached El Doi'ado countj', where he engaged in placer and quartz mining. In 1855 he was joined by his family and settled in Grizzly Flat, where he resided until 1858, when he moved to Vacaville on a visit, but during his stay his residence at Grizzly Flat was consumed by fire ; he, therefore, did not return thither but remained in the vicinity of Vacaville. Mr. Marshall was born in Weathersfield, Trumbull county, Ohio. MORTON, HENRY, born in Genesee county. New York, Januaiy 4, 1839. Came to California, June, 1S64, by sea and the Isthmus of Panama, landing ua San Francisco, but soon after proceeded to Vacaville, whei'e he is engaged in farming. PENA, DEMETRIO, is, \^-ithout doubt, one of the oldest settlers in the county ; born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1820, he accompanied his parents to California in 1840 and arrived in Los Aiigeles, where thej' re- mained one year, and, in 1841, came to Vacaville. His father, in com- pany with Manuel Vaca, took up ten leagues of land in and aromid Vaca valley, including the site of the present town of Vacaville. In 1844, the subject of this sketch, in company with his father, moved on his present rancheria in Lagoon valley, comprising 800 acres. He married, in 1849, Miss Inez Berryessa, of Sonoma, by whom he had a family of twelve children, there being now alive : Neavis, David, Juan, Seto, Isabella and Frederica. PLEASANTS, WILLIAM J., born in Lincoln county, Kentucky, May 31, 1834. His parents went to Missouri in 1835 and followed farming until 1849, when they emigrated to California, arriving first at Bidwell's Bar, in 1849, and, in 1850, they moved to Pleasants' valley, Solano county. He married, December 3, 1857, Miss Nancy Hopper, by whom he has eight chikken, four sons and four daughters : Sarah Alice, born Nov. 11, 1858 ; Ansal Putnam, born Feb. 6, 1861 ; Emma Belle, born Mar. 18, 1863 ; Lydia Tolitha, born Feb. 28, 1865 ; \Vm. James, Jr., born June 30, 1867 ; Laura Frances, born Dec. 16, 1869 ; Thomas Royal, born Aug. 5, 1872 ; Russel Mason, born Dec. 18, 1874. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 463 ROGERS, JAMES ROE, was born in Kentucky, November 14, 1826, and, at the age of fourteen, moved with his parents to Missouri, where he remained until Spring of 1850, when he emigrated to Cahfornia, making the trip across the plains with ox teams. He first settled in Sacramento, whei'e he bought a hotel on the road leading from that city to Bear river. Grass valley and Nevada. This business he followed until eai-ly in 1857, when he left for Poor Man's, Nelson and Hopkins' creek, on Feather river, and from there to Middle Yuba, where he worked until the Fall, whence he proceeded to the southern mines. In the Spring of 1853, he paid a visit to the State of Missouri, once more crossing the plains in the Fall of the following year and located in Santa Rosa valley, Sonoma county, en- gaging in stock raising. In the Fall of that year he purchased a farm of five hundred acres in Elmira township, on which he now resides. Mr. Rogers married, first, in Sacramento, September 15, 1853, Miss Mary Ann Williams, she died June 4, 1865 ; and, secondly, January 14, 1866, Miss Laura C. Church, of Dixon, who was born June 15, 1844. His family consists of six children, four by his first and two by his second wife ; their names are: Ann Eliza, born October 9, 1854, died January, 1857; Commodore Periy, born February 17, 1857 ; Seldon M., born April 26, 1859 ; Zilla N., born September 25, 18G1 ; Celia May, born May 30,1873; and Bertie Agnes, born January 16, 1876. SCARLETT, J. E., was born May 8, 1853, in Iowa, and at the age of seven years, moved with. his parents to Oregon. In 1862, came to this county with his father, W. W. Scarlett, and settled in Suisun valley. In 1874, returned to Oregon and remained one year, when he returned to this State and county, and entered the Baptist College, at Vacaville, Mdiich in- stitution he attended for three years. He then went to Los Angeles, where he engaged in the butchering business, for a short time ; thence to Bakersfield, where he engaged in same business until 1879. On April 1st, 1S79, he returned to this county and settled in Vacaville, buying out James Rogers, in the butchering business, and entered into partnership with Geo. F. Wooderson, where he still continues the business. SEAMAN, H., was born in Prussia, October 12, 1826. In 1837, emigrated to United States, and lived in Ohio until 1852, when he emigrated to California, crossing the plains, and landed at Sacramento in July of the above year, where he resided for seven years, running a hotel the major portion of the time. In January, 1859, came to this county, and settled upon the present farm he now owns, comprising 2,200 acres, in Putah canon, about four miles west of Winters. Married Miss Ellen Ryan, August, 1865. She was born in November, 1834, in county Lim- . erick, Ireland. Has had one child, John Henry, who was born August 19, 1867, and died March, 1874. 464 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COXJNTY. SMITH, W. W., bom May 11, 1832, near Glasgow, Barren county, Ken- tucky, where he received his early education, and at the age of twenty moved to Abingdon, Illinois, where for live years he worked at the trade of cooper. Next entered the Abingdon College, but after two and a half years was obliged to relinquish his studies on account of sickness. In the spring of 1864 he emigrated to California, first settling in Napa city, June 1st, of that year, where, in the following fall, he purchased the farm known as the Spring Garden Nursery ; he also bought the farm now owned by Heniy Bassf ord, but continued to reside on that first named for ten years, with the exception of one year which he passed on that in So- lano county. In the fall of 1873 he acquired the tract of land on which he now lives, which comprises one hundred and sixty-five acres, about one-half of which he has set out in fruit trees. He married, March 12, 1857, Miss Matilda C. Marshall, who was born in Knox county, Mo., by whom he has had three children, two of them, Genevra, and Rosa Ophelia are still living. STAHL, J;, was born March 14, 1844, in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, on September 10, 1864; entered the army, Company G, 93d Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, was in the battles of Petersburg and Sailors' Run, and remained until the close of the war, 20th June, 1865, when he retui-ned home to his native State. In August of the above year he went to Illi- nois, and worked at his trade (wheelwright) until the fall of 18G6, when he retui'ned to Pennsylvania, and remained but a short time. Emigrated to this State, making the trip by water, in 186G, landing in San Francisco on November 6th. He went directly to ' Amador county, and worked on a farm until spring opened, when he went to San Louis Obispo, at which place he remained but a short time. Came to this county June 16, 1867. In the fall of 1869 he returned to the place of his birth ; thence to Illi- nois, whore he spent the winter, and in the spring of 1870 went to Texas, remaining a short time; thence to Missouri; thence to Iowa, and in 1871 returned to California, and settled in Vacaville, this county, where he still resides and follows his trade. THISSELL, G. W., born April 25, 1829, in Morgan county, Ohio, where he was educated, and learned the trade of carriage-making, which he fol- lowed until he left his native State, March, 1849, when he started for California. He stopped in Mashaska county, Iowa, with his brother Ezra, until March, 1850, when he set out on his long trip across the plains with an ox-team, and landed at a town known at that time as Hang- town, and is now known as Placerville, October 16, 1850, where he fol- lowed mining until May, 1851, when he established a hotel, and in July was one of the parties who formed a company and commenced the second tunnel that was ever run in the State, after which ho found very rich THK HISTORY OP SOLANO COUNTY. 465 diggings, taking out as high as S125 to the pan. Followed mining, in connection with the hotel, until 6th of January, 18.52, when he returned to nativ'e State, and fi-om there to Iowa, when he married Miss Asberrene Chambers, May 8, 1851, who was born February 5, 1831, in Bartholomew county, Indiana. In March, 1853, again emigrated to this State, re-cross- ing the plains with ox-teams, and again settled in Hangtown, and fol- lowed same business as in 1850-1 until July, 1855, when he came to this county and settled in Suisun valley, and followed farming. In July, 1 857, took up his abode in Pleasants' valley, settling upon the present tract of land upon which he now resides, comprising 165 acres, adapted to fruit-growing. Has 6,000 fruit trees, most of which are apricots ; also 10,000 grape vines, all foreign varieties. Has a family of six children, as follows : Mary E., born June 6, 1852, on the loop fork of the Platte river; John N., born November 29, 1856 ; George W., born April 25, 1858 ; W. E., born July 4, 1861 ; Sarah E., born July 15, 1865 ; Minnie L., born, May 23, 1870. TROUTMAN, GEORGE W., born in Hardin county, Kentucky, March, 1836, where he received his education. At the age of eighteen went to Illinois, and until the spring of 1855 followed farming, when he emigrated to California, and settled in Sierra county, there working in the mines until August, 1861 ; he then came to this county and purchased a tract of land, between Vacaville and Elmira, which he worked till the spring of 1866, next moving to Vacaville, and from there on to property bought by him in Gibson Canon, where he resided from 1874 to 1876. He after- wards disposed of this tract and purchased an adjoining piece on the south, containing ninety-three acres, upon which he now has his residence. Married May 15, 1872, Miss Essie Gamble, who was born in Beloit, Rock county. Wis., in December, 1854, and has one child living, Susan Irean, bom July 22, 1875. WOODERSON, G. F., bom in Bangor, Maine, October 10, 1849. When fourteen years of age he left school and entered the Provost Marshal's office, under Captain Elijah Low, as clerk, remaining there until the close of the war, when the office was abolished in November, 1865. He then went into the employ of Ricker & Ireland, dealers in and importers of crockery, where he stayed until October, 1868, when falling into ill-health he went to the north of Vermont, sojourning there until July, 1875, when he came to California and settled in Vacaville, going into the employ of Gates & Long, butchers, until October, 1877, when he, in partnership with J. R. Rogers, bought out the firm, and have since caiTied on the business. Mamed Miss Susan B. Pease, August 1, 1872, at Coaticooke, Canada, who was born April 25, 1856. Had one infant, who died at the age of three years. 30 466 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. MAINE PRAIRIE. ELLIOT, GEORGE T., is a native of Genesee coimty, New York, and boi-n October 12, 1834. His father died when he was but two years old, and at the age of eleven he was sent to reside with James Relya, in the pineries of Allegany county N. Y., who agreed to give him an education. Yomig Elliot was furnished with an abundance of work, but no school- ing, which did not accord with his inordinate love for knowledge. For three years he was subjected to this treatment, but, during the time, man- aged to master Dayball's Arithmetic, by diligent application during his leisure moments, and after the toils of the day was over, and many times midnight found him at his studies. Returned to his native comity — being only fourteen years old — engaged in farming during summers, and at- tending schools during the winter, and in 1854 graduated at the Warsaw Academy, in his native State. After traveling in UpjDer Canada, and all the Western States, finally settled near Rockford, Winnebago county, Ills., where he was engaged as clerk in a store, having full charge of the business, until he was obliged to seek other employment on account of over work and ill health. After regaining his health he taught school two terms. Moved to Cheshire county, New Hampshire, in 1855, taking charge of a wooden manufacturing establishment for one year. Married here Sarah L. Trowbridge, on March 12, 1856. She was born December 24, 1838, at Swanzey, Cheshire comity. New Hampshire, and is a grad- uate of Mount Csesar Seminary. Mr. Elliot moved near Watertown, Jef- ferson county, Wis., where he was appointed Deputy Sheriff, and in con- nection with the duties of his office, taught school in winters, also studied law. In 1859, went to Columbia county, Wis., where he. farmed and taught school. After one year he returned to Cheshire county, N. H., taking charge of a blooded stock farm, remaining until April, 1861, when . he emigrated to this State, making the trip by steamer, settling on the Wolfskin grant in this county. In June, 1864, he took a claim in Maine Prairie precinct, six miles from Maine Prairie, where he has since main- tained a continuous residence, and engaged in farming and stock raising. Although he pre-empted only 160 acres, he now owns about 1200 acres of land. He has taken an active interest in the political affairs of the county, making his first speech at a primary election in old Washington Hall, at Silve}-\'ille, in 1863. In 1872, during the Greeley campaign, he lectured in several counties through the State, under the direction of the county committee. In 1876, addressed large audiences in the coimties THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 467 down the coast for Hayes. Has lectured on temperance, and made speeches all through this county. Has been Deputy Grand W. C. T., and in that capacity lectured in many of the counties of the State, as well as before the district session of the Grand Lodge, in Yolo county, in 1877. Has practiced his law profession in Maine Prairie for the last three years. In every position which, in his eventful life, he has been called to fill, Mr. Elliot has been successful in the highest sense. He has left an untar- nished record and unspotted reputation. As a business man he has been upright, reliable and honorable. In all places, and under all circum- stances, he is loyal to truth, honor and right, justly valuing his own self- respect, and the deserved esteem of his fellow men, as infinitely more valuable than wealth, fame, or position. None excel him in unselfish devotion and unswerving fidelity to the worthy recipients of confidence and friendship. Hattie Eleanor, born Aug. 12, 1857, George Albert, born June lo, 18G0, died January 25, 187G, John F., born February 25, 18G8, Chas. R., born Sept. 6, 1866, Joseph D., born May 20, 1870, and died July 10, 1870, and Harold E., born October 18, 1874, are his children. TUCK, J., born in York county, Maine, January 22, 1823. When about seven years of age he went with his parents to Niagara county, New York, where he lived about seven years. His parents then died and he went to Lawrence coimty, Michigan, where he made it his home, but was in Ohio a portion of the time until about eighteen years old. He then went to Illinois and farmed and run a threshing machine for five year-s. From here he went to Dodge county, Wisconsin, and farmed for about four years when he went to Appleton and engaged in grocery and lumber business until the fall of 1851, when he emigrated to California via Panama. In January, 1852, he settled on the Vaca grant, about two miles east of Vacaville, where he lived for about four years, and then settled on his present farm about two and a half miles south-east of Batavia. He married Ella Eugle August 21, 1869. She was born in Indiana, December 13, 1840. Frank E. and Geo. C. are their children. 468 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. RIO VISTA. BEGUHL, HENRY, was bom in the State of Mecklenburg, Germany, where he received his education. At the age of twenty-one he sailed in a Ger- man ship as cai-penter, this being his trade, which he followed for three years. He left the ship in New York City and came to California in January, 1852, and stopped in San Francisco about six months, thence proceeding to Redwood City where he worked at his trade until 185.5, then purchased a fourth interest of the sloop " Caroline," of which he was in command till 1859, when he sold his interest and left for San Francisco. Married February 6, 1859, Miss Amelia C. Jurgensen who was born in Holstein, Germany, July 26, 1836, and the day after, coming to Solano county, he settled on a quarter section where the Shiloh church now stands, but sold out in the following June and moved upon the ranch, containing 640 acres, where he now resides, four miles west of Rio Vista- When Mr. Beguhl first located there was only one house between him and Sacramento. He has owned real estate in the county since 1855. His living children ai'e Lena A., born November 7, 1859 ; Mary E., born January 4, 1863 ; Johannah A., born October 29, 1865 ; Henry J., born August 19, 1867 ; John P., born November 1, 1869 ; Minnie M., born April 10, 1873 and Bertha C, born August 10, 1875. BROWN, D. B., was born in Exeter, Penobscot county, Maine, April 22, 1848 When six years old his parents moved to Wilmington, North Carolina, remaining there till the breaking out of the rebellion, when they emigrated to this State, settling at Oroville, Butte county, in the winter of 1862, where the subject of this sketch attended school. After clerking in a hotel at Marysville for some time he went to the mountains of Yuba county, working in a saw mill, afterwards engaged in mining one year or over, after which he went to San Francisco, attending Heald's Business College, graduating in 1867. He then followed clerking for a period of two years, a portion of this time being in the employ of the Merchants' Forwarding Line and Meeker, James & Co. of San Francisco. He then went to Benicia in the employ of J. G. Johnson, J. W. Jones and J. Hoyt ; from here he went to Collinsville in employ of T. P. Hooper, where he remained for two years, and then went to Emmaton and stopped two years ; thence to Antioch, clerking ; then to Vallejo, and from there to Isleton, Sacramento county, and built a saloon which he conducted about one year and then took up his abode in Amador county and clerked in THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 469 store for some time, and then came back to Isleton, and from here to Rio Vista where he rented River View Hotel which he runs at the present time. Married September 18, 1878, Miss Sarah A. Pease, who was born September 26, 1832, in Columbia county, Wisconsin. BRUNING, JOSEPH, was born in Vichtee, Grand Duchy, Oldenburg, July 18, 1822. When about twelve years old he went to the city of Amster- dam where he was employed as clerk in a general merchandise stoi'e for about six years, after which he followed the sea for twelve years. In 18-50 he came to this country and landed in San Francisco and immedi- ately went to the mines on Yuba river. He then went to San Francisco and engaged in the hotel business which he followed until 1858, when he came to this county and settled on the Los Ulpinos grant, the present site of Rio Vista, where he has resided ever since, carrying on farming on a large scale. Has also several large and commodious warehouses. Mr. Bruning married Miss Gertrude Blase April 25, 1855. She was born in Osnabrick, Germany, July 25, 1829. BUTLER, N. C, born in Tennessee, January 16, 1826. When about eighteen months old he moved with his parents to Morgan county, Illinois, where they lived for three years, and then moved to Warren county where they lived until 1839 when they emigrated to Iowa City, Iowa, where his father built the second house ever erected in that city. He died Novem- ber, 1845. N. C. remained there until 1850 when he crossed the plains to California, arriving at Washington on the Yuba river September 26th of the same year, leaving his mother at Iowa City who is still living at the advanced age of 76. The subject of this sketch mined at Washington for about one month and then went to New Town where he mined until March of the next year. He then went to Bidwell's Bar on Feather river where he mined for about two months and then engaged in merchandis- ing at Little Grass Valley for about three months. He then mined on the Alabama Bar on the Yuba river until September. He then mined for about one year at Sucker Flat. He came to this county in fall of 1852 and settled in Suisun valley, two miles west of Suisun, on 80 acres of land, where he farmed for one year. He then went on to the farm commonly know as the Lewis Winn place, situated in the upper end of Suisun valley, where he farmed for one year. He then bought 80 acres adjoining the first farm that he lived on when he first came to the county, where he farmed until 1856. He then bought 33 acres of R. H. Water- man about two miles north of Fairfield where he lived until the fall of 1859, when he moved to Fairfield where he made a business of training horses, and held the office of Constable for four years. In the fall of 1869 he moved upon the farm where he now lives, about eight miles north-west of Rio Vista. He owns and farms 320 acres of land. 470 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Mr. Butler married Miss Paulina Barker in December, 1853. She was horn in Estill county, Kentucky, April 18, 1825. Their children are Mary E., deceased, Arthur W., Henry W., Leathie J., Mary E., Lulu B. and John H. CARTER, ROBERT C, is a native of Reding, England, and born Feb- ruary 3, 1834, emigrating to America with his parents in 1841, the family taking up their residence in Brookljm, New York, where the sub- ject of this sketch was educated in the public schools of that city, and where he resided until March, 1852, when he came to California, remain- ing in San Francisco until 1859, when he came to old Rio Vista, in com- pany -w^th his father, Robert Carter, who had come to this State. They carried on a fish cannery, it being the fir.st one operated on this coast. This business they followed until their buildings were swept away by the flood of 1862. The subject then moved to Rio Vista and conducted a small cannery business until 1865, when he opened a tin store. In 1875, he originated and carried out the plan for supplying his town with water from the river. Married, February 3, 1865, Miss Susan Davis, of New York City, and born May 13, 1838 ; have one child living, Robert D., born January 6, 1866. CURRIE, ALEXANDER, was born October 30, 1844, in New Bruns- wick, where he was educated and followed farming ; emigrated to Cali- fornia, settled in Solano county in October, 1868. He purchased at that time 160 acres of fine farming land, located seven miles west from Rio Vista. Although, when he came to this place there were no farms among the " hills," and all among these hills and down the valleys, as far as the eye could reach, wild oats grew in profusion, but now how changed ! All around are well-kept farms, groves and fruit trees. Mr. Currie com- menced life on this farm with one dollar in money, but now he has a beautiful home, showing what perseverance and determination will do. Mr. C.'s father and mother came with him to this country ; his father, John Currie, was born May 17, 1792, and died January 3, 1875. His mother was bom March 16, 1806, and died July 12, 1875. DOZIER, W. G., born in Georgetown, South Carolina, on May 5, 1 833. Entered U. S. Naval Academy April 1, 1850 ; remained in the navy until latter part of December, 1860 passing through the various grades to lieutenant, when he resigned and returned to South Carolina on her seceding from the Union. Served in the naval branch of the State forces until turned over to the Southern Confederacy ; remained in the C. S. navy until the close of the war, and surrendered at Appomattox C. H., Va. Held several commands during the war and served at various places from New Orleans to Richmond. Was married to Mary B, Atkinson, in THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 471 Georgetown, South Carolina, on December 22, 1859, and by her had five sons. This lady was born near Georgetown, South Carolina, in August 1835, and died and was buried there December, 1868. In 1869, Mr. D. moved to California and located in Rio Vista, this county. While acting as agent for the P. C. S. S. Co. at San Diego, California, he married Miss Louise M. Williams, daughter of Dr. John S. Williams of that place. They have two children, a daughter and son. He is now a member of the mercantile firm of Wilcox, Ruble & Dozier, at Rio Vista. EMIGH, T. P., born in Saratoga, New York, January 24, 1840, where he was educated and followed farming until 1862, when he emigrated to California, via Panama, arriving in San Francisco April 26, of same year, with $7 00 in pocket and $100 in debt. He immediately hired out to S. Daniels, in Alameda county, and worked at farming for eighteen months, after which he rented a farm at Lakeville, Sonoma county, which he conducted for one year. He then bought the milk route, at San Fran- cisco, known as the " S. F. Dairy," which business he followed for two years. He then came to this county and settled on the ranch known as the Gardiner ranch, just north of Rio Vista, where he farmed for three years, the last year, however, he had charge of the Bruning warehouse. In the Fall of 1870, he took a flying trip to his native State, where he i-emained only one month. After his return, he went into partnership with Captain James Johnson, where they conducted the Bruning ware- house, in connection with the lumber business for two years, when they bought Perry's Landing, which is now known as New Town Landing, where they have three large warehouses and deal extensively in lumber. Mr. Emigh man-ied Rachel Lawhead, September, 1869, a native of Ohio. Their chikh-eu are William J., Nellie M., Milton, James P. FERGUSON, WM., born in Province, New Brunswick, Canada, Sept. 11, 1872, where he received his education, and learned the can'iage maker's trade, which he followed until October, 1865, when he went to Massachu- setts, and resided about one year. In 1866 he returned to Canada on a visit, and from here came to California, arriving in San Francisco Nov. 29, 1866, and from here to Mission San Jose, and followed his trade for about 8 months. He then returned to San Francisco, where he remained for a short time, and then came to this county, locating in fall of 1867, taking up his abode in Binghamton, where he resided for two years. He then went to Sacramento, where he remained about 5 months ; thence to Rio Vista, in March, 1870, where he has resided ever since, with excep- tion of one year, (part of 1870 and 1871), up to the present time. He carried on wagon-making and blacksmithing. Married August 19, 1874, Miss Mary Cook, of Rio Vista. She was born Aug. 15, 1853, in Province, 472 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Canada. Have 2 children, Mary Edith, born June 1, 1876 ; William C, born July 19, 1877. FISOUS, JOHN B., is a native of Armstrong county. Pa., having been born there Februaiy 27. 1843. Until eighteen years of age he followed the pursuits to be found on a farm, when he essayed his fortunes in the oil regions, continuing there for two years. In 1862 he started for Califor- nia, crossing the plains, but stopped in Nevada, from July 4, 1862, until March, 1865, where he had charge of a stock and hay ranch ; then he pro- ceeded to the Golden State, and settled in Solano county, in the town of Rio Vista, where he clerked in a hotel and post office until a year ago, since when he has kept a livery stable. Was appointed Deputy SheriiTof Solano county, in 1875, and, June 3, 1878, was appointed Con- stable for Rio Vista township, both of which offices he continues to hold_ Mr. Fiscus married April 2, 1863, Miss Ida Squares, who was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., October, 1852, by whom he has one child, Chester S. born January 14, 1875. GARDINER, JOHN H., is a native of New Jersey, where he received a com- mon school education, finishing with an academical course in Philadel- phia. On leaving school he entered a dry goods store in that city, where he remained five years. Upon becoming of age he received an engagement to take charge of a branch store of a large dry goods house doing business in Baltimore. During his connection with the house he resided at intervals in the States of Ken- tucky, Tennessee, Illinois and Maryland. Upon the receipt of the news of the discovery of gold in California, he, with a party of seven others, embarked for this State, leaving Baltimore in the latter part of December, 1848, in the schooner Sovereign, the vessel having on board a company of 125 passengers. The scbooner landed at Porto Bello, at the mouth of the Chagres, the passengers ascending the river and thence by mules to Panama. There being no established communication \vith California the party chartered a vessel — the bark John Ritson, of Marysport, England — and sailed for San Francisco in February, arriving on the 18th day of May, 1849, after a tedious voyage, prolonged partly by the vessel being obliged to put into Acapulco for supplies of provisions and water. Re- maining in San Francisco but a short time, he proceeded to Sacramento, and thence to the mines — then known as New Diggings, now the town of Auburn. Notwithstanding the large pay at that time, Mr. Gardiner abandoned the mines and returned to San Francisco, for the purpose of engaging in mer- cantile affairs — his last day's work as a miner being rewarded by more than one hundred dollars worth of gold dust. The party of seven THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 473 members remained together, and engaged in merchandising, having three O ' DO O' O stores in operation in the city, erecting the first building that stood upon the south-west corner of Montgomery and Washington streets. The con- cern of Cooper & Co. prospered largely, and soon found themselves pos- sessed of a large stock of goods, they doing a large wholesale trade. The great fires that laid waste the city in 1850 swept away all they had, and the party broke up. Getting together a stock of assorted merchandise • Mr. Gardiner and another member of the old firm opened store at Santa Cruz, where he remained six months. Retiring again to San Francisco he continued in the mercantile business, in which occupation he contin- ued until his removal to this county. During the year 1867 he revisited the Eastern States, extending his trip to Europe, visiting Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France, England, etc. After his return to the State he married, and soon thereafter moved to his present pleasant home on the bank of the Sacra- mento river, at Rio Vista. In 1876 Mr. Gardiner and his wife visited the Eastern States, for the pur- pose of attending the Centennial Exhibition, and paying a last visit to his former home — attending the sessions of the National Agricultural Congress, as a delegate from California. In the formation of society, in the early days of San Francisco, he was amongst the foremost, being one of the founders of the Mercantile Library, serving as Director and Secretary in the institution, and is a prominent member of the Society of California Pioneers, being, at the present time, Vice-President of the Society. He has always taken an active part in all matters, both political and social, pertaining to the welfare of the country ; and it can be truthfully said of the subject of this sketch, that he has always regarded toil as manly and ennobling ; and after passing through an honorable yet checkered life, he is now enjoying the comforts of a happy home, beloved by his wife and friends, and respected by the citizens of the State in which he lives. GURNEE, JACOB, was born in Rockland county, N. Y., June 16, 1820, where he was educated and lived until about fifteen years old, when he moved to Westchester county, where he was employed in a brickyard until 1840 ; he then went to Stratton Island, where he found employment on a schooner which run between the above place and New York City, where he was employed until 1850. He then took the steamer " W. J. Pease " for San Francisco, arriving Jan. 19, 1851, being nearly one year making the trip. After remaining in San Francisco about three months went to mining on the American river, where he remained six months, after which he followed boating on the San Francisco bay, until March) 1852. He then took passage on the steamer '.' Independence," for New 474 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. York City ; but returned to California in about three months, and followed mining at Downieville for a short time ; after which was engaged as pilot on the Sacramento river until 1862 ; then took charge of a large ocean steamer which was lying at anchor, for about seven years. In January. 1870, bought the " Eclipse " saloon at Rio Vista, which he still owns and has charge of at the present time. Married Miss Caroline Eddie in 1841, who died in 1849, leaving two children — William, and Harriet. Married his present wife, Miss Mary Ann Higgings, 28th day of February, of the year 1867. JOHNSON, CAPT. JAMES, was born in Denmark, Aug. 26, 1836. At the age of twelve years commenced following the sea. At the age of fifteen years went to England, and shipped on a vessel bound for Melbourne, Australia. Paid the gold mines there a short visit. Left Aiistralia on the ship " James T. Ford," bound for Callao, Peru, where he shipped and was emploj^ed as Quartermaster on the mail steamers plying between Valpa- raiso and Panama, for about six months, arriving in San Francisco, Sept. 1852. Followed the sea, with slight interruptions, until 1859, when he made a trip to his native country, returning after an absence of four months. Purchased a schooner shortly after his return, which he com- manded, and continued in the coasting and inland trade until 1870, when he located at Rio Vista, and formed a partnership with T. P, Emigh, in the warehouse and lumber business. In 1872, bought their present place of business, Newtown Landing, formerly Perry's Landing. They employ in their grain and lumber business, two schooners — " St. James," and " Wonder," which were built and o\\Tied by Mr. Johnson before his partner- ship with Mr. Emigh. Mr. Johnson married Miss Catherina C. LorentzeU' February 6th, 1863, a native of Denmark. Their children are James, Frederick C, Otto J., Hannah C, William, Adeline C, Lena C, Katie, Selma. MENZIES, THOMAS, was born in New Brunswick, June 13, 1832^ where he received his education and followed farming. Married, January- 4, 1855, Miss Margaret Currie, who was born. January 4, 1S34, in New Brunswick. Mr. Menzies came to California by water, in 1806, and set- tled in Petaluma, where he resided and worked on a farm for one year. Came to this county September 16, 1867, and pu chased 160 acres of land, where he now resides, six miles west of Rio Vista and nine miles east of Denverton. He farms in all 320 acres. Has reared a family of twelve children, ten of whom are living: James, born January 17, 1856; John C, born June 17, 1857, and died January 9, 1872; William W., born July 5, 1859; Dora A., born November 1, 1861; Thomas, born November 8, 1863; Robert A., born April 2, 1866; David S., born June 4, 1868; THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 475 Eliza J., born March 21, 1870, and died December 31, 1871 ; Emma J. and Ell ward A. (twins), born October 23, 1872; Maggie E., born March 22, 1874: John B., born July 22, 1877. PIETRZYCKI, M. D., MARCEL, was born April 2.5, 1843, in Galicia, a Polish province of Austria, where he was educated as an apothecary and chemist. Came to the United States in 1866. Took up his abode in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, where he studied medicine with Dr. Arnold part of 1866 and 1867. Emigrated to California in the Fall of 1867, and settled in San Francisco, receiving the appointment of an apothecary in the German Hospital, where he remained for five years, during part of which time he attended the Pacific Medical College, where he graduated in 1S72. In 1873 went to Stockton to practice his profession, remaining there about five months. Came to this county in November of the same year, and settled in Rio Vista, where he now resides and practices medicine. Has always taken an active part in enterprises pertaining to the welfare of the town. Was twice elected School Trustee, also Clerk of the Board. Took a very active part, and in fact was one of the prime movers, in estab- lishing the Montezuma Telegraph Line from Suisun to Rio Vista. He married, June 29, 1876, Miss Mary Warren, of San Mateo, daughter of Rev. J. H. Warren, Superintendent of the Home Missionary Society of the Congregational Church. POND, DAVID A., born in Carlton, Green county, Illinois, February 24, 1840, where he was educated and followed farming. Married Miss Ma- tilda Ferguson, June 24, 1863. She was born February 27, 184.5, in Carl- ton, Illinois. In October, 1873, the subject of this sketch emigrated to California and settled at Rio Vista, this county. Was employed as a butcher, by different firms, up to about two years ago, when he formed a partnei'ship with James U. Chase, and carried on butchering, but on Octo- ber 2.5, 1878, Mr. C. sold out, and the firm is now known as Pond & Knox, where they are doing business. Has had two children, but both are dead. Edward, born February 23, 1866, died July 27, 1868; Clara, born December 13, 1868, died May 31, 1874. SICEAL, M. T., born in Hancock county, Illinois, January 23, 1850, where he resided until April, 1858, when he set sail with his parents for Cali- fornia, via Panama. Arrived at San Francisco May 15th, same year. Came immediately to Beiiicia, where he remained but a short time, cross- ing the straits to Martinez, Contra Costa county, going to school most of the time until January, 1868, when he entered the State Normal School at San Francisco, where he remained five months, when he came to this county, and taught school near Dixon for four months. He then entered 4>76 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. a business college at San Francisco, remaining three months, when he again taught school, this time in Contra Costa county, for one year. He then entered the State Normal School again, "where he remained for three months. He again taught school for five months, in Sutter county, when he once more returned to the State NoiTual School, where he remained until he gi-aduated, March 15, 1871. He then returned to this county, and ta,ught in Dixon for two years, being the first teacher to grade the Dixon school. He then taught the Los Angeles City Grammar School five months; then entered St. Augustine's Academy at Benicia, remaining but three months, when he went to French Corral, Nevada county, where he taught one year; then returning to Dixon, he taught the school there for five months, then taught the Silveyville school one year. He then settled in Rio Vista, where he has been continually engaged in teaching ever since. Mr. Sickal married Miss Mary A. Brane, July 3, 1S78, who was born in Yuba county, June 9, 1858. SIDWELL, J. M., was born in Belmont county, Ohio, January 7, 1827. When about eleven years of age he moved wnth his parents to Fulton coimty, Illinois, where he finished his education and lived until 1850, when he went to Green Bay county, Wisconsin, where he followed lum- bering and hunting for about two years. In the spring of 1852 emigrated to California, making the trip across the plains, with ox teams, in five months and sixteen days, arriving at Marys\nlle, September 24, 1852, where he stopped one week, then went to Forbestown, on Feather river, where he mined until May, 1858, when he came to this county and worked on the Twin-house farm for five months. He then opened a store on Sleightman's farm, where G. H. Gardiner now lives, just above Rio Vista — the first store ever started in that neighboi-hood. He con- tinued in the merchandise business there until May, 1854, when he moved on to Grand Island, Sacramento county, when he again opened a store and remained until the fall of 1857, acting at the same time as Postmas- ter of Georgiana post-oftice. He then sold his goods to A. G. Westgate and came back to this county and entered into partnership with Col. N. H. Davis — who owned, at that time, the land where old Rio Vista was built — and built the town called Brazos Delrio, afterwards changed to Rio Vista. The post-oftice was then moved to Brazos Delrio, and Mr. Sidwell retained the office till 1859, when in that year the name of the town was changed to Rio Vista, also post-oftice, and was contractor on the levees until 18G2. The town was then flooded out and washed away. Mr. Sidwell, then in company with S. R. PeiTy, W. K. Squires, and Isaac Dunham, contracted with Mr. J. Bruning for the right to build the present town of Rio Vista. Mr. Sidwell built the first hotel in this to^vn, which he conducted for some time. He then commenced contract- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 477 ing again, building levees, flood gates, etc., which he has followed ever since. Mr. Sidwell married Miss Annie Elliott, May 14, 1864. She was born in Termanah county, Ireland. Names of children ; John E,., Sarah E., Mary L. SMYTH, HON. MICHAEL, is a native of Ottawa, Canada, where he was born October 4, 1832. Here he was educated and worked on a farm and at lumbering, until about twenty years old, when he emigrated to California, via the Nicaragua route, arriving in San Francisco December 20, 1853. He at once settled in Crescent City, Del Norte county, and thence to Silver Diggings, residing in the latter place about two months, when he returned to Crescent City, settling on a farm, on which he re- mained till November, 1862, when he went to Idaho, Idaho county. Af- ter two years in this place he settled in Ada county, and kept hotel, as well as farming and merchandising. He was elected to the Lower House of the Legislatui'e of that Territory one term, serving his constituents in a way that reflected credit and honor to himself as well as them. He was afterwards elected School Superintendent, but his own business demanded his attention, and he was forced to decline serving. The winter of 1867 he spent in Albany, Oregon, and the following spring purchased three hundred cattle and came to this State, adding two hundred more to the band on the road. Having brought the cattle to Solano county, and sold them, he settled near Dixon, but after three months moved on a farm at Poland's Landing, where he remained one year, and then bought a ranch about nine miles west from Rio Vista, but in 1873 he sold out and perma- nently settled in that place. In 1875 Mr. Smyth was appointed Notary Public, which office he still continues to hold. Married Miss Maria Killo- ran, in November, 1852. She was born in Ireland and came to this country when twelve years old. James L., Charles, George W., Robert C, and Frank H., are their living children. Lost three ; Edward, Mark, and John. SQUIRES, WILLIAM K., was bom in West Cornwall, Litchfield, Conn., December 18, 1817, where he received his education and lived until about 21 years of age. He then went to Brooklyn, New York, where he worked at the carpenter's trade for some time, and then acted as de- tective, constable and sherifi" for about seven years. In January, 1848, he married Miss Margaret J. Brandow, who was born in Catskill, N. Y., Jul}' 13, 1824. In 1852, he left his wife and daughter, Ida I., in New York, and emigrated to California, via Panama. He mined on the Cosumnes river, in Sacramento county, for about one year, when he went to Sacra- mento city and followed fishing for thi-ee years, at the expiration of which time he made a trip to New York, and returned with his wife and 478 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. daughter by water ; spent one year on the Isthmus, as foreman of Pan- ama car shops, after which he settled in Sacramento and engaged in the fish trade until 1857. At the time of the Frasier river excitement he re- paired to this place, and was engaged as a ship carpenter for about one year at Fort Langley. He then made a contract with the Hudson Baj' Fur Company to furnish them salmon for six months, and with assistance of two men, would frequently furnish, at forty dollars per ton, as high as twelve tons a day. Mr. Squires, Russion and Thompson were the first parties who fished a gill net in Frasier river. After completing his con- tract he came to this county, and settled in old Rio Vista, where he built a hotel in 1859, it being the first public house erected in the place. He remained here until the flood of '62, when he came to new Rio Vista, and built the house he now keeps. In 1870, he leased his hotel and moved to San Francisco, where he resided for three years, when he returned, and has had charge of the house ever since. He was Deputy Sheritf of Yolo county, in 1857. In 1863, he was appointed Post-master of Rio Vista, which position he held for over six years. STOLL, CHARLES M., was born in Bavaria, Germany, October 21, 1849, where he received his education. Left his native State in 1866, and emi- grated to California, visiting all the prominent places on his trip, and landed at San Francisco December 4, 1866, and from here he went to Sacramento, where he remained until 1868, when he went to Marysville, thence to Red Bluft', and worked at his trade, harness-making. In Jan- uary, 1869, went to Sacramento county ; from here to White Pine, where he remained until May 1, 1869, when he visited Virginia City ; thence back to Sacramento, and from there to Rio Vista, where he opened a har- ness shop on the 12th of May, 1869, where he still resides and carries on his business. Married, October 8, 1871, Miss Ellen Bowman; she was born April 17, 1853, Augusta, Maine. Has reared a family of three chil- dren, two of whom are living : Frederick Chas., born May 29, 1872 ; Ida, born June 31, 1874 ; Minnie, born January 14, 1878, and died June 22, 1878. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 479 ELMIRA. BARRETT, J. H., the County Recorder, was born in Morris county, N. Y., June 12, 1836. His parents moved to Lake county Illinois, in 1845, where the subject of this memoir was educated in the public schools. In 1853 he emigrated to this State, first settling in Downicville, where he was engaged in mining until 1862, when ho was ajjpointed Internal Reve- nue Assessor. October, 1867, he came to Elmira, this county, and has ■ maintained a continued residence in that place. When his township was first organized he was elected Justice of the Peace, and has been re-elected at the expiration of his office to the present time. Was appointed County Recorder May 6, 1878. Married Alice E. Bushnell, daughter of George Bushnell, a native of Herkimer county, N. Y. Their only child is Edith May. MARCH, RUDOLPH BUCKHART, born September 18, 1822, in Howard county, Missouri. April 16, 1857, he came to California, crossing the plains, and settled in Napa county, and there farmed until the spring of 1862, and then came to this county, taking up a quarter section, and pur- chasing soon after a like quantity, making a total of 320 acres, situated about four miles south-east of Elmira. In the fall of 1877, sold out his ranch and moved to Elmira towTi, where he has since been engaged in the livery business. Mr. March married, May 21, 1844, Miss Rachel Bradley, a native of Howard county, Missouri, who was born October 17, 1829, and has thirteen children, viz.: Dudley, born December 23, 1844 ; Crecy Ann, born August 28, 1845 ; William F., born May 3, 1849; Richmond, born May 8, 1851 ; Savannah Elizabeth, born August 15, and died September, 1853 ; Alfred, born August 23, 1855 ; Mary Jane, horn August 21, 1857 ; H. Thomas, born October 18, 1859; Alice, born November 5, 1861; Angeline, born July 11, 1863 ; Silas R., born June 10, 1866 ; Walter R., born May 3, 1868, died February 13, 1869 ; Joseph, born December 28, 1869, died January 9, 1870. MELBOURN, THOMAS, native of Boston, Linkinshire, England, born June 20, 1829, where he was educated. Emigrated to United States, at the age of twenty-two years. He first took up his abode in Mt. Mor- ris, New York, where he remained for some time. After visiting several other places in the State, working most of the time at farming, he finally settled in Rochester, N. Y., where he married, October 10, 1855, Miss 480 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Susan Dudley. She was born in the city of London, Mai'ch, 1837. Mr. W. and wife emigrated to this State in 1859, arriving in Suisun, this county, on November 30th, of the above year. On December 1st, the next day after his arrival, he was employed by Jackson & Combs, in the warehouse known now as the Pierce warehouse ; and from here he worked at fanning and various occupations until about four years ago, when he, in company \vith Mr. Vest, purchased a tract of land known as the " Mile Square," about seven miles north-east of Suisun, upon which he now resides. Mr. M. is an extensive farmer, and is one of Solano's solid men. McMURTRY, JOSEPH, bora December 22, 1836, in Calloway county, Mis- souri, where he was educated. In the spring of 1853 he emigrated to California, crossing the plains with his two uncles, William and Calvin McMurtry. The subject of this sketch, having parted company with his relations, arrived in Sierra county, August 20, 1853, and worked in the mines, and filled the position of a clerk in a general store until the fall of 1858, when he paid a visit to his native State, but returned in the follomng spring to Sierra county, where he started the express busi- ness, between Downieville and Minnesota, in the above county, combining with it the duties of mail and paper carrier, which he followed for two years. In March, 1862, he came to Solano county, and settled on a ranch near Elmira, where he remained until September 1, 1868, when he moved to the farm he now occupies and owns, comprising five hundred and forty acres of land. Married, April 16, 1861, Miss Anna Barrett, in Centre- ville, Suisun, who was born June 15, 1842, in Newark, N. J., and has a family of eight living children, and one dead, namely : Joseph B., born January 8, 1862, died June 3, 1869 ; James T., born September 5, 1863 ; Anna S., born January 29, 1865 ; George C, born August 25, 1867 ; Louie L., born August 25, 1869 ; Frank, born May 31, 1871 ; Clara, born No- vember 10, 1872; Gracie, born October 14, 1874; Eugene, born Novem- ber 5, 1876. WELLS, J. C, bom in Tyler county, West Virginia, November 15, 1819. At the age of twelve years moved with his parents to Monroe county, Ohio, where he received his education. He resided here until 1855, and in April of the above year moved to Linn county, Iowa, and followed farming until 1864, when he emigrated to California, crossing the plains with a horse team, and landed in Vacaville August 15th of the same year, and settled on the plains southwest of Elmira, where he resided for two years. He then purchased a farm near Dixon, where he resided for one year ; he then located on his present farm, one mile west of Elmira, comprising 160 acres. April 26, 1873, Mr. Wells and son Bazzleel took a THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 481 trip to Ohio, and returned in about six weeks, since which time he has resided upon his ranch. Married March 4, 1852, Miss Accia Wells. She was born October 1, 1833, in Tyler county. West Virginia. Eliza J., Charles T. (deceased), Temperance V., Bazzleel, and Florence B. are the names of their children. Wait not till my hands are at rest Ere you till them full of flowers ; Wait not for the crowning tube rose To make sweet the last sad hours. Wait not till my eyes are closed For the loving look and phrase. But while you gently chide my faults The good deeds kindly praise. The words you would speak beside my bier Fall sweeter far on the living ear ; O fill my life with sweetness, Ere I should die to-night! WIGHT, F. M., was born near Bloomfield, Davis county, Iowa, on March 2, 1850. In August, 1862, moved near Kirksville, Adair county, Mo., a city of several thousand inhabitants, which was nearly destroyed in an engagement between the armies, which numbered about five thousand sol- diers, during the late Rebellion. During the spring and summer of 1862, there were several skirmishes between the Union troops and the bush- whackers, in and around this city. At the above place he was educated and from which he removed to California in 1870, settling on his present estate of 160 acres, in Elmira township, Solano county. Here his father, E. R. Wight, died August 26, 1873, since which time the subject of this sketch has been manager of the homestead rancho. 31 482 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. DENVERTON ARNOLD, OSCAR D., was born in Ripley county, Indiana, September 3, 1837. Wlien about two years old he, with his parents, moved to Stark county. 111., where he received his primary education. In 1853 emigrated to California, via Nicaragua route, and arrived in San Francisco on May 22d following. He went direct to Shaw's Flat, Tuolumne county ; stayed three months with his father in a store which he had opened there. In October of that year his father sold out, and the family came to Solano county, settling in the Montezuma hills. In 1859 Oscar entered the Ulattis Academy at Vacaville and remained one year, after which he fol- lowed threshing and horse-breeding for one year. In the fall of ISGl he rented his father's farm till May, 1864, when he went to Nevada, with 2,000 head of sheep, which he sold, and then returned to his father's farm in 1865. Was foreman of the place until the fall of 1869. In August, 1870, moved on the Harmon rancho, where he lived until 1871, then bought his father's rancho of 900 acres of land, which is situated about three and one-half miles from Denverton, where he has since lived. Mar- ried Miss Emily Wein, July 12, 1870. She was born in Iowa City, Iowa, January 7, 1850. Ora A., Eugene L., Alma P., and Oscar D., are the names of their children. BARKWAY, R. H., was bom in Suffolk county, England, Sept. 24, 1832, where he resided twelve years, when he came with his parents to Michi- gan, and attended school, and farmed. In 1853 he emigrated to Califor- nia, arriving in San Francisco in December of that year, and settled in Santa Clara county, taking charge of a ranch for C. J. Collins, for a term of four years ; after which he bought one hundred and five acres of land in that county, on which he made valuable improvements. Here he lived for seven years, when he lost the entire farm, it being in one of the Span- ish grants. He then came to Solano county, settling on a farm at Bingham- ton, where he resided for five years ; thence to his present place about eight miles west of Rio Vista. While Mr. Barkway was in Santa Clara county, he attended a University at North Santa Clara four terms. He is a licensed preacher, and has been engaged in pastoral work for the last twenty-five years. Married Mary E. Weaver, by whom he has Annie, Edward K., Fannie F., Hattie M., (deceased) and Abbie E. BUCKLEY, TIMOTHY, a native of Cork county, Ireland, was born Dec. 10, 1832, where he received his education and worked at farming until THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 483 April, 1854, when he emigrated to the United States, settling on a farm about three miles from Boston, Massachusetts ; came to California, via Panama, in 1861, arriving in San Francisco on November 6th, of that year, where he was employed as a laborer until June, 18G6, when he came to this county, settling in Denverton township, on 160 acres of land he pur- chased at that time, situated seven miles west of Rio Vista. He married Miss Bridget Lane in July, 1864; she was born in Gary county, April 14, 1829. FOTHERINGHAM. JOHN, born in Saline, Fifeshire, Scotland, July 24, 1822, where he received his education, and learned the trade of pattern- maker, in a foundry, which he followed until the spring of 1851. Married Miss Elizabeth Drysdale, April 5, 1851. She was bom July 17, 1828, in Alva, Stirlingshire, Scotland. He emigrated April 7, 1851, the second day after manying, for America, and went to Boston, where he resided for eighteen months, when he came to California, his young wife return- ing to her native country. He stopped in San Francisco for two years, and followed his trade, and then returned to Scotland for his wife, believ- ing that California was the place for him to reside the remainder of his life. He returned with his wife August 14, 1857, and took up his resi- dence in San Francisco, where he remained until July, 1867, when he came to this county and purchased 820 acres of land, where he now resides, eight miles north-west of Rio Vista, and seven miles south-east of Denverton. Has four children living, as follows : James, bom May 25, 1852 ; Mary, born Dec. 23, 1857 ; Nettie, bom March 12, 1865 ; Elizabeth, born Nov. 27, 1870. EERBY, CLINTON, was born in Green county, East Tennessee, June 8, 1826. His parents moved to Jackson county, Missouri, where Mr. Kerby was educated. In 1850 he emigrated to California, crossing the plains, arriving in Sacramento, September 22d, of that year ; went to Drytown, in Amador county, and kept a hotel about three months. He afterwai-ds opened a hotel in lone valley, which he conducted until December 5, 1851, when he returned to the East via Panama. May, 1852, he ao-ain crossed the plains to this State, bringing 350 head of cattle, and arrived in Sacramento the following September. He kept his cattle in Sacra- mento county until the fall of 1855, when he took them to Sonoma county, and, after two years, brought them to this county. In the fall of 1858 he bought 1,700 acres of land, situated about four miles south from Denverton, where he now resides. On April 15, 1873, he married Miss Emily A. Johnson, who was born in Wayne county, Ohio, July 20, 1843. Their children are Clinton and James H., who were bom in Sacramento, California : Clinton, August 15, 1877 ; James H., December 30, 1878. 484 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. NURSE, S. K. This prominent citizen of Solano county was born in Mon- roe county, New York, February 12, 1820, in which place he received his early education, residing there until 1839 when he moved to Oakland county, Michigan, and for one winter taught school there. In the spring of 184'0 he retui-ned to his native county and in the following winter again taught school in the district whei-e he had been educated. In the following spring he left for Ohio and then commenced the hard work of his life : for a portion of the year toiling at a threshing machine, and in others var;ying it b}^ school teaching. In 1842, in spring, Mr. Nurse pro- ceeded to Rochester, New York, and there commenced the study of med- icine and dentistry which he prosecuted till that fall when he took the field as a dentist, traveling as such until the autumn of IS-io, when he attended a course of medical lectures at Cleveland, Ohio. Once more we find Mr. Nurse as a traveling dentist, and in 1847 he entered a telegraph oflice at St. Louis, Missouri. In the May following he removed to Spring- field, Illinois, being employed in the oflice as a telegraph operator, where he continued imtil December 31, 1848, when he sailed by way of Panama to California, arriving in San Francisco on May 19, 1849. His first sum- mer in the Golden State Dr. Nurse passed in the mines, then in company with L. B. Mizner of Benicia, run a stage some two months from that place to Sacramento when the steamer " Senator " arrived, which closed that business. Late in the fall he went to San Jose, Santa Clara county ; in the following spring he departed for the southern mines; and in May, 18.50, he came to Benicia, Solano county, where he resided but a short time, sailing thence for South America, in which country he remained one year being engaged in railroad surveying. On January G, 1852, he once more anived in Benicia where he lived until the month of May, 1853, when he settled in Denverton, then a portion of Montezuma township, and built the first house erected there, it being, in size, twelve feet square. Since those days times have gi-eatly changed. Mr. Nurse now possesses a large warehouse and store on the grounds where he located in 1853. He has handed his name to posterity in the well-known " Nurse's Land- ing," a point of export of grain ; while in 1855 he was elected on the first Board of Supervisors which sat for the county. He has occupied the position of Postmaster at Denverton for the last one and twenty years ; is a member of the Masonic Order and was a member and Master of Benicia Lodge, No. 5, one of the oldest in the State ; whUe he has held the office of High Priest to the Solano Chapter, No. 43. Mr. Nurse has once, in 1852, paid a visit to his native State of New Yoi-k, remaining there, however, but four months. He married December 2, 18G3, Mrs. D. A. Nurse, who was born in Monroe county, New York, June 5, 1830 ; she being a widow of D. A. Nurse — a brother of the sub- ject of this sketch — who resided here as early as 1853. The circumstances THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 485 of his death arc not out of place here. Mr. Nurse and wife were on their way east to make a visit. They sailed from San Francisco on the steamer " Golden Gate," accompanied by Miss Katie Cogswell, a sister of Mrs. Hollister, formerly of Suisun township. The steamer started out well laden with human freight, and was considered one of the best on the line. When she airived near Manzanillo, on the coast of Mexico, on July 16, 1862, she burned to the water edge, and nearly all the passengers were lost, and among the number was D. A. Nurse and Miss Cogswell. Mrs. Nurse was rescued after being three hours in the water. She took the next steamer for San Francisco, arriving there without accident. The follow- ing year she was married to Dr. S. K. Nurse as above stated. PREVOST, L., the subject of this sketch was born in Belgium, September 6, 1827, and here was educated and raised as a fanner. In 1850 he engaged in the grain trade on his own account, successfully following it until 1853, when he emigrated to California, locating in Alameda county ; thence in 1858 to Contra Costa county ; thence to Sonoma county in 1866 ; coming to this county, settling in Denverton township and buying four hundred and eighty acres of land one-half mile west of where he now lives. The place is now owned by Prevost & Girard, and is situated live miles east of Denverton and eight miles north-west of Rio Vista. Mr. Prevost has followed farming continously since arriving in ^California. 486 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. MONTEZUMA ARNOLD, JAMES W., born in Stark county, 111., May 29, 1844, where he resided until May, 1853, when he emigrated to California, with hi.s parents, via Nicaragua. He went to Tuolumne county, where he remained but a short time, and then came to this county, November, 1853, and attended common schools until 1863, when he entered the University of the Pacific, at Santa Clara, which he attended for two years. He then enlisted in the Mexican War, under General Ochsa, serving under him during one summer. He then taught school in Nevada county during the summer of 1866, and returned to this county and located on a quarter-section in Rio Vista township, where he lived one year. He then prospected through Los Angeles county, looking for a place to locate. In the fall of 1868 he returned to this county, and mamed Miss Mary J. Hargrave, Januaiy 15, 1869. He then spent about four months in Santa Clara county, and then returned to this coiinty, bought a band of sheep and drove them to Merced county, where he remained until April, 1877. He then returned to this county, and I'emained in the same business, until the spring of 1878, when he settled at Bird's Landing, and engaged in the meat business, where he now resides. 'Is Justice of the Peace of Montezuma township. John D., William 0., James P., and Gloria E. are his living children. BIRD, JOHN, was born in Onondaga county, New York, September 8, 18^7, where he was educated and lived until the fall of 1859, when he emigrated to California, via Panama, arriving at San Francisco October 29. After spending about tw^o months in Santa Rosa, he. went to Marin county, where he was employed about three years as foreman on a farm. In August, 1862, he went to Sacramento county, where he had charge of a dairy and stock farm until 1865, when he came to this county and pur- chased about 1000 acres of land and started a shipping point, storage and commission business ; a portion of which took in the present site of Bird's Landing. He has resided here ever since. During the year 1876, he held the office of Justice of the Peace of Montezuma township. Married Miss Emily J. Hargrave, May 6, 1869; she was born in Wayne county, Illinois, June 5, 1847. Henry, born January 25, 1870; Walter, born November 11, 1871 ; Albert S., born October 12, 1873; John, Jr., born March 10, 1878, are their living children. BOND, J. C, born in Suffolk county, New York, October 23, 1846, where he received his education and learned the ship-carpenter's trade, which occupation he followed until about twenty years of age, when he emi- grated to California ; crossing the plains by rail and arriving at San THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 487 Francisco in October. He farmed in Alameda county for one year and in Sacramento county for about sixteen months, and in the Spring of 1872, settled in Montezuma township, this county, where he has since lived, his principal business being farming. He has been appointed once and elected twice to the office of Constable. In 1877, he was appointed Deputy Sheriff, by J. E. Williston, which office he has held ever since. Mr. Bond married Miss Julia E. Baldwin, November 25, 1866, daughter of Edward Baldwin, of Suffolk county, New York. DONELL, WILLIAM, was born in Ireland, July 2, 1834, where he re- ceived his education and lived until about eighteen years old, when he emigrated to Pennsylvania, where he worked on a farm and in Linsey's Rolling Mills for about eighteen months, when he went to Iowa, where he followed farming for about six years. April 28, 1862, he started, in company with eight other men, for Carson City, Nevada, but on their way they changed their minds and went to Idaho, arrived at Elk City, Idaho, in July. After mining there for about three months, ha went to Portland, Oregon ; from there he went to Port Gamble, Washington Terri- tory, where he remained until April, 1863, when he came to California and worked in Yuba county on a farm for a short time, and then came to this county in May, 1863. He worked at different places in Suisun valley and Montezuma hills until 1874, when he settled on the farm where he now lives, consisting of 320 acres, and located about two miles north-west from Bird's Landing. Mr. Donell married, September 19, 1872, Miss Addie E. Galbrieth, daughter of James Galbrieth. William H., Addie H., Ettie S. and Ida M., are their children. HOOPER, THOMAS T., born in Salem, Mass., Dec. 26, 1811, where he was educated, and learned the carpenter's trade, and worked at the same until 1849, when he emigrated to this State, leaving Boston, Nov. 30, 1849, sailing in the ship "Nester;" rounding Cape Horn, arrived in San Francisco Jime 6, 1850 ; coming direct to Benicia, working at his trade until October of that year, when he went to Fort Van Cover, Oregon, where he was employed by the Government for six months. He went to San Francisco ; worked until August, '51 ; then went East, and returned to Benicia, May, '52 ; then kept liotel in Benicia one year ; then went to San Francisco, as clerk in Post-office, one year ; returning to Benicia in the fall of 1854, when he was appointed Postmaster, and held said office eight years, when he came to his present farm, consisting of 1,000 acres, located in this township, and situated about three-fourths of a mile north- west from Bird's Landing, there being only a few settlers in the township at that time. Married Lavina D. Proctor, July 20, 1837. She died July 28, 1863. Thomas P., and George— died August 27, 1848— are the child- ren by this marriage. He again married, Augusta M. Foster, December 27, 1868. 488 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. HOSKING, WILLIAM, a native of England, born in 1835, an-ived in Cali- fornia in 1858 ; mined in Sierra county till 1862 ; and from here -went to Virginia City, Nevada, and engaged in mining and stock dealing till 1870, when he returned to California ; bought the wharf, store and hotel at Collinsville, where he is at present engaged in business. Married in Vir- ginia City in 1868, Miss Elizabeth Gordon, Rev. Mr. Wicks, of the M. E. Church, officiating. Have one daughter — Mary Jane Elizabeth — born April 7, 1871. MEINS, ROBERT, was born in Delaware county, New York, January 20, 1837, where he was educated and raised a farmer. He immigrated to California, leaving January 20, 1860, coming via Panama, arriving in San Francisco, February 19th, of that year. He only remained in the city a few days when he went to Sacramento ; then he came to this county, and we date his residence hei-e in April, 1860. He was first employed on a ranch as foreman, which position he retained two years, after which he was employed by Dr. S. K. Nurse in a general store at Denverton, remaining three years. Married Miss Elizabeth A. Spencer, November 20, 1865, who was born in Lincoln county, Ohio, May 4, 1842. She died August 20, 1876. Mr. R. Meins came to his present farm, containing 136 acres, after marriage, said farm being located on Montezuma .slough, two miles north-west of Bird's Landing. He has ei-ected a large, commodious warehouse, capable of holding 1,200 tons of hay and the same amount of grain. Carrie J., bom June 17, 1867 ; Ida, born December 17, 1872, are the names and births of his children. PAGE, W., was born in England, May 7, 1830. At the age of fifteen he came to the United States, and lived in Oneida count}'. New York, as a dairyman until March 7, 1859, when he started for California, crossing the plains with an ox team, and followed the business of farming in this county up to March 15, 1877, when he engaged in business in Collins\'ille and follows it up to the present time. He married Mrs. Alice Helstrup, (widow of E. Helstrup) December 25, 1876. She was bom in Boston, August 24, 1851. She having two children by her first husband, one daughter, named Edith, bora August 21, 1871, and one .son, named Ches- ter S., born June 5, 1873 ; also two children by the second maiTiage, Mary Page, born July 23, 1877, and W. Page, bom May 1, 1879. UPHAM, E. J., was born in Kennebec, Maine, November 26, 1836, where he was educated and resided till 1854, when he emigi-ated to California by way of the Nicaragua route, arriving in San Francisco, October 1st of that year. Went direct to what is now Del Norte county, where he engaged in fanning, as well as lumbering, until 1861, when he came to THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 489 Solano county, settling on the ranch he now owns, consisting of 160 acres, and has added certain amounts from time to time until he now owns 6,000 aci-es. He has been a large stock raiser, but for the past three years has turned his attention to grain raising. WINTER, H. E., was born in Stark county, Ohio, on January 27, 1832. Here he received his education. When seventeen years old he emigrated to Elkheart covinty, Indiana, where he remained one winter, thence to St. Joseph county. Here he apprenticed himself to a shoemaker for three years, then went to Goshen, county seat of Elkheart county, Indiana, following his trade. Four years thereafter he located in Middleburg, clerking in a store for two years, and returned to Goshen, following the same occupation in a hotel. City Hall, etc., until April 18, 1861, when he started overland with horse teams for this State, arriving in Sacramento in August following. After working in that city one month he went to Bloomtield, Sonoma county, woi'king at his trade six months ; thence to Suisun, this county. Two months thereafter he naade a short trip to Sacramento and San Francisco, and returned to Suisun, opening a boot and shoe shop in the fall of 1862. In March, 1871, moved to San Fi-an- cisco, remaining five years, then came to Bird's Landing, where he now resides. 490 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. TREMONT. AGEE, CHRISTOPHER C, is a native of Buckingliam county, Virginia, where he was born, February 26, 182G. When about six years old he re- moved with his parents to Charleston, and there received his education. In 1839, his parents again removing, he accompanied them to Lewis county, Mo., where he was employed as a clerk and bookkeeper for seven years, and then started in business on his own account, which he continued for four years. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California, arriving at Sacra- mento on September 4th of that year, when, shortly after, he and his brother (W. W. Agee) built the first store ever opened in Nevada City, Cal. He also worked at the mines with very good success. In 1852 he returned to Missouri, and purchased and improved a farm, on which he resided for five years, and then, selling out, he proceeded to Iowa Point, Kansas, on the Missouri river, and again engaged in trade, which he car- I'ied on for about four years, when he sold out, still holding his private property, and went with an ox-team to Pike's Peak, but not meeting with encouragement, at the end of two months he returned. Mr. Agee then traded his private property at Iowa Point for land in Carroll county. Mo., and also bought another farm in north-eastern Missouri, where he resided for two years ; then he located in Illinois, where he speculated for a couple of years, when he sold his Missouri possessions, and once more started for California, with mule and ox-teams, accompanied by his brother-in-law, J. A: Ellis ; arrived in Sacramento September 4, 1865. On arrival he rented a tract of land from Judge Curry, which he farmed for ten years, residing on the ranch for the first three years, the remainder being passed in Dixon. He also farmed four hundred acres of his own land in Yolo county, and, in November, 1877, he moved on to the place where he now lives, situated four miles north-east of Dixon. Mr. Agee married March 4, 1852, Miss Elizabeth J. Ellis, who was born in Oldham county, Kentucky, December IS, 1832, and has had Mary E. ; William E. ; Susan ; and Walter L. ; all of whom are deceased ; and living, Charles F. and Lillie C. CLOUTMAN, JOSEPH F.,born in NeAv Hampshire, May 3, 1825, and when seven years old moved with his parents to Kittery, Maine, where he re- ceived his education. In 1841 or '42 he proceeded to Boston, Mass., and there was employed in a grocery store for one year, when he commenced to learn the trade of a house and sign painter. In 1849 he came to Cali- THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 491 fornia, by way of Cape Horn, arriving at San Francisco September 14, of tliat year. On ari-ival he settled at Sacramento, and followed his trade until the following year, when he removed to the mines, there remaining for six months ; he returned to Sacramento, and once more established himself as a painter, which he continued till 1858. In this year Mr- Oloutman settled in Yolo county, CaL, farming and keeping a dairy there for three years, at which time he moved into Solano county, and located on the farm on which he now resides. On September 3, 1862, he was elected a Justice of the Peace for Tremont township, which office he held for eight years. On September 6, 1871, was elected Supervisor of Dis- . trict No. 3, and held that office for three years, being for two years Chair- man of the Board. Was finally elected Constable of Tremont township on September 5, 1877, an office which he continues to hold. While a resident of Sacramento Mr. C. was twice burned out and twice flooded out. He married in 1846 Miss Mary J. Whitehouse, a native of New Hampshire, where she was born October 7, 1827, by whom he has Addie C. ; Miriam, (dead) ; George F. ; Charles H. ; Willie F. ' FOSTER, GEO. W., was born in Lafayette, Missouri, November 11, 1829, where he received his education and farmed, until the spring of 18.53, when he started across the plains for California, arriving at Lake Wash- ington, October 19, of tlie same year, and then ran a ferry boat for two years. At this time he made a return voyage, via Panama, to his home, returning at the end of two months to the Golden State, accompanied by his mother and four sisters, and settled on the place where he now re- sides, at Tremont Station. Mr. Foster owns and farms three hundred and twenty acres of land ; he is also proprietor of the warehouses, and con- ducts the .shipping of all grain from that point to San Francisco and other ports. He married October 17, 1860, Miss Gincey L. Wall, who was born July 1, 1843, in his native county, and has Mary J., (deceased); William W. ; Arthur T. ; Everett E. ; Elnore P. ; Ethel. GUTHRIE, B. J., born in Richmond, Virginia, November 28, 1828, and when three years old removed with his parents to Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, where he received his primary education ; when thirteen, he again accom- panied his parents to Illinois, and there finished his schooling. When here, his parents died. Mr. Guthrie then went to St. Louis, and com- menced life as a cabin-boy, on board a river .steamer ; after which he be- came a steward, and finally a pilot, on the Mississippi river. In April, 1852, he proceeded across the plains, to California, and, arriving at Dia- mond Springs in July, he opened a hotel, which he managed until June, of the following year, when he went to Prairie City and mined until Jan- uary 1, 1864, when he settled on a farm about three miles south-west of 492 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Davisville, where he now resides. He owns nine hundred and fifty-five acres in Solano county, and thirty-two in Yolo county. Mr. G. married, December 11, 1856, Miss Bettie A. Judd, who was born in Trumble county, Ohio, February 26, 1835. HYDE, SEPTA FILMORE, was born in Vermont, June 7, 1819. When fourteen years of age he removed to Clinton county, N. Y., where he finished his education ; here he settled, and, in company with his brother, S. E. Hyde, cai-ried on a large machine, blacksmith, and carriage shop. In 1849 he transferred his business to De Kalb county, Illinois, where he also engaged in farming, until his starting for California, in April, 1852, accompanied by his vdfe, nee Miss Caroline Moore, whom he had married on February 9, 1843. Embarking at St. Louis for St. Jo., while on board the steamer, Mrs. Hyde died from the effects of an attack of cholera, and after her burial, her afflicted husband prosecuted his lonely journey across the plains, with his two young children — Phcebe R., and Asa F., the eldest of them not yet being four years. On arriving in California he proceeded to Placerville and worked in the mines till Januaiy, 1853 ; he then went to Diamond Springs, where he labored at lumbering up to November, 1856. In 1855, moved to Amador county, and was engaged in lumbei-ing, when he settled on the place where he now lives, ten miles north-east of Dixon, situated in Tremont township, on the county line. Mr. Hyde was elected a Justice of the Peace for Tremont township on October 18, 1871 ; an office which he still continues to fill ; has been a Notary Public for the district, and was mainly instrumental in the establishment of the first school district in Tremont. He married, secontlly, July 7, 1855, Mi.ss C. J. Saunders, who was born in Lewiston, Niagara comity, N. Y., May 25, 1829, by whom he has Lena, Fred W., Leland S., Carrie M., Alvert. The children by his first wife are the above-named PhcBbe R. and Asa F. Hyde. HYLAND, WILLIAM, was born in Ireland, in the year 1828, and emi- grated to Maryland, where he resided until 1856, when he came to Cali- fornia, via Panama, an-iving at San Francisco February 14th, of that year. He engaged in mining at Webber Creek until August, when they removed to Tremont township, and located there till May, 1857, when he returned to the mines, sojoiu-neying there up to the month of February, of the following year, and then re-located in the Suisun valley, on one hun- dred and sixty acres of land, situated about four and a half miles north east of Dixon City. Mr. Hyland married, September 26, 1852, Miss Ann McCann, a native of Ireland, who died April 21, 1877, from the effects of an accident caused by a horse, when aiding hor husband in some farm work, Their family consi.sts of Maiy A., Anna Eliza, Maria J., Emma, (deceased) William H., Alice G., Arthur, Allen A., Florence E., Nettie F. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 493 SNEAD, S. M., is a native of Campbell county, Virginia, where he was born September 10, 1823. When seventeen years of age he joined the Mexican expedition under General Scott, where he served for three years, returning to Virginia at its close, and commenced to learn a trade. In 184.3 emigrated to California, and engaged in mining until 1852, when he began draying in Saci-amento in the following year. He next went to the Eastern States, returning in 1854, bringing wath him a drove of horses, and settled on a ranch on Cache creek slough, where he engaged in stock raising until 1861. This year he moved to the farm on which his family have resided since his death, on Januarj^ 25, 1879. Mr. Snead, May 1, 1858, man-ied Miss Maiy McGuire, who was born in New Orleans, July 12, 1840. Their children are : John R., Samuel R, Stephen L., Katie A., Minnie L., Winneford F., and Lucinda M. 494 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. SILVEYVILLE. BROWN, 0. P., received his early education in Howard county, Missouri, where he was born, June 11, 1820. He studied in 1838-40, and prac- ticed it in tliat State until 1845, when he moved to Iowa, and located in Fremont comity, where he again prosecuted his legal business until 1853, when he emigrated to San Joaquin county, California, and made farming his principal occupation. In 1874 he commenced a law practice in Dixon, which he continued for about a year, and in 1875 was elected a Justice of the Peace for Silveyville township, an office which he still holds. Mr. Brown married, in 1843, Miss Francess Frigitt, who was born in Clay county, Missouri, December 27, 1825, by whom he has Lizzie T., James J., (deceased), Hiram P., (deceased), Bennett C.,Ann B., Prentiss, and Francis C. COLEMAN, NAPOLEON B. S., born in Woodford county, Kentucky, Janu- ary 25, 1831. In September, 1848, he graduated at the Commercial Col- lege at Louisville, Kentucky, and in the Spring of the following year went to Jackson county, Missouri, and entered into partnership with John F. McCauley in the commission business. In May, 1853, this firm, in company with two more gentlemen, purchased about 2,000 head of cattle, and crossed the plains to California, arriving at Sacramento September 13th of that year. In the following year the quarternal partnership was dissolved, when the subject of this sketch proceeded to Volcano, Jackson county, California, and opened a mercantile and mining business, being joined in these operations with his brother, J. W. Coleman, now a promi. nent stock-broker of San Francisco. In 1859 Mr. N, B. S. Coleman aiTived in Silveyville township, in Solano county, and settled on a farm five miles southeast of the present site of Dixon City, but at the time there was only one house in the corporation limits, which was o^vned by Thomas Dickson. Mr. C. prosecuted farming till 1872, when he moved into Dixon, where he has since resided, being engaged in real estate oper- ations, farming and stock-raising. In 1869 he was elected County As- sessor, and served for a term of two years. He owns about 1,000 acres of land. On Mai-ch 13, 1855, Mr. C. married Miss Martha J. Kelley, who was born July 5, 1836, by whom he has eight children, viz., Eugene F., Alvin L., John W., Fannie S., Napoleon B. S., Mattie L., Lulu M. and Cimrie E. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 496 GOTTEN, JAMES W., born in Polk county, Illinois, December 28, 1832. In that State he i-eceived his early education, which he finished in Mills county, Iowa. In 1851 he went to St. Joseph, Missouri, where he re- mained one year, and then proceeded to St. Louis, and there learned the trade of a sawyer. October 22, 1855, Mr. Gotten left for California, by way of Panama, landing in San Francisco December 11th of that year. On his arrival he proceeded to Amador county, where he passed that Winter, and in the following Spring started for the mines in Placer county, where he stayed until 1857, and then repaired to the Suisun valley, there farm- ing for one year, on a location near Dixon; on the expiration of which he transferred his labors to San Jose, where he engaged in the lumber trade. In the Fall of the year 1859 Mr. C. returned to Illinois, and there embarked in the like business, which he gave up at the end of two years and went back to his former home in Iowa. In 1864 he started for Idaho Territory, in company with George Russell, and went into the hotel busi- ness on the Weiser River. In the following year he again began fanning, which he continued till 1868, when he returned to Dixon and re-engaged in agricultural pursuits, which he gave up in 1872, and opened agencies for real estate and insurance. Was appointed a Notary Public, October 31, 1874, and on March 6, 1878, was commissioned a Justice of the Peace for Silveyville township — positions which he still continues to hold. Mr. Gotten married, November 29, 1873, Miss Priscilla J. Evans, who was born in Amador county, California, April 24, 1857, and has an only child, Lucy May, born January 2, 1875. CURREY, ROBERT J., is a native of Benioia, Solano county, California, having been born there December 30, 1851, where he remained until the Spring of 1860, when he went to New York and stayed one year. In 1864 he was sent to Santa Clara College for two years, and from there to a seminary in Oakland, Alameda county, where he studied for three years. In the Fall of 1870 he entered Yale College, New Haven, Con- necticut, and graduated in 1873; after which he returned to the Pacific Coast, and in the following Spring was appointed Aid on the United States Coast Survey, which position he resigned in 1875, and located on a farm four miles north of Dixon, where he now resides. He is the owner of 640 acres. DASHIELL, W. A., was born in Somerset county, Maryland, on May 6, 1825. In the years 1835-40 he attended college in New Jersey. In the following year he entered the Military Academy at West Point, from which he graduated in June, 1845. He next traveled through the West- ern States until the spring of 1849, when he came to California and engaged in stock raising in Sacramento until 1853, when he left the 496 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. Pacific coast for Missouri, and there purchased sheep and cattle, with which he returned to this State, arriving in Los Angeles in December, 1853 ; and from thence proceeded to Sacramento, there following his avocation until 1856, and then moved into Solano county. From 1859 to 1862 he was traveling, after which he once more settled in this county ; was agent for the California Pacific Railroad Company for three years when it first came through Dixon, since then he has been dealing in stock ; is an insui'ance and real estate agent ; held the oflice of Assessor for the Third District, to which he was elected September 4, 1867. Mr. Dashiell married, December 25, 1854, Miss Hester McKinley, who was born in Illinois, April 19, 1834, by whom he has : Matilda, Katie, Char- lotte, (dead) Edward E., Agnes, George B., Fred., Annie, Benjamin, Hester, Robert, and Jessie. DICKSON, THOMAS, was born in Pennsylvania on June 4, 1800. In 1804 he moved with his parents to Allegany county. New York, and remained there for about fifteen years, when they moved to Indiana. In 1832 sem'ed as a soldier in the Black Hawk war ; in 1835 emigrated to Iowa, and in 1853 came to Diamond Springs, California, prosecuting mining for one year. In the following year he forsook the gold region and removed to Solano county and rented a piece of land one mile in a north-easterly direction from where the city of Dixon now stands. Mr. Dickson built the first house vsdthin the corporation limits of that city in the year 1855, which he has since enlarged. He has engaged in farming ever since he settled in the county. Mr. D. married, in 1833, Miss J. P. Hood, a native of Knoxville, Tennessee, who was born December 13, 1813, by whom he has : Elizabeth F., born February 1, 1834 ; William B., born April 16, 1836 ; Martin A., born January 2, 1840 ; Henry A., bom March 31, 1843 ; Nathan, bom August 12, 1846 ; James, bom Feb- ruary 13, 1849, (.since dead); Eva B., born July 14, 1853, and James, born December 4, 1855, (since deceased). DINSMORE, REV. J. M., was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, February 19, 1851. In 1861 he removed to Lawrence county, where he received part of his education, which he completed in Ohio. In 1875 he attended the Western Theological Seminary in Penn.sylvania, and in the following year proceeded to San Francisco, where he entered the Theo- logical Seminary of that city and graduated April 26, 1878, after which he left for Dixon, Solano county, and took charge of the Presbyterian church there, he being now the resident pastor. DUDLEY, J. M., was bom in Oswego county, New York, September 7, 1830. In 1836 he moved with his parents to Indiana, where he received his education, and after taught school during the winters of 1849-50-51. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 497 In 1852 he crossed the plains to California, and, on aii'ival at a place where Dayton in Nevada State now stand, Mr. D. was stricken down with fever and confined to his bed for several months. As soon as able, after his recovery, he went to the mines. On account of sickness he was delayed in Cai-son valley during the winter of 1852-53. After his recov- ery he mined in Gold Canon. As soon as the snow had sufficiently melted he continued his journey and settled on the Sacramento river, where he farmed for three years. In 1856 he removed from thence to Dixon, this county, near where he now resides. On tii-st arriving in this section he taught school at Silveyville for four terms, since when he has given his undivided attention to farming. Mr. Dudley sei-ved two terms as Legislator in 1802-63, and in 1873 was defeated for the Senate by H. E. McCune. He was a Delegate to the Constitutional Convention which was convened at Sacramento in September, 1878. Mr. D. is a Republican in politics. He married November 24, 1857, Miss Elizabeth F. Dickson, born in Madison county, Illinois, February 1, 1834, by whom he has : Lucy J., Earl D., Frederick M., George D., and Elizabeth. ELLIS, JAMES ADDISON, (deceased), was born May 1, 1842, in Lewis coimty, Missouri. At the commencement of the late war he enlisted as a private in Col. Glover's regiment of Union troops, and was engaged in north-west Missouri in the darkest days of that section. Mr. Ellis was wounded in a skirmish in Marion county and for many months lingered between life and death, but finally recovered. He was a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraternities, and also a Granger, in which he occupied a prominent position. In 1864 he married Miss Henrietta Johnson, and came to California in the following year, since which time, up till his death, he was a citizen of Solano county, residing near Dixon where he engaged in farming. He left a farmily of two girls, Carrie E. and Emma M., who now reside with their mother on the farm in Silvey- ville township. FRAHM, GEORGE, is a native of Schleswig Holstein, Germany, having been born there on June 27, 1851. In 1867 he emigrated to California, aiTiving in San Francisco in August of that year, and proceeded without delay to the San Joaquin valley, where, in company with his brother, he, being one of the first agricultural settlers, commenced farming operations, which he continued until 1871. Left that section of the country and proceeded to Sacramento, where he started, as an errand boy, in a whole- sale candy factory, and by good conduct and application, worked his way to the positions of salesman, book-keeper, and manager, respectively. In 1875 he removed to Dixon, Solano county, and jointly, with his brother, pxirchased the City Hotel; he bought out his brother on July 1, 1877, 32 498 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COtTs'TT. since when he has conducted the establishment alone. In 1876 Mr. Frahm was instrumental in the building of the German Lutheran Church, in Dixon, and became President of its Building Committee. In 1878 he was elected foreman of the Fire Company ; and is one of the City Trust- ees, as also City Treasurer. Mi-. Frahm married August 17, 1877, Miss Amelia Hall, a native of Solano county, who was bom March 6, 18-59. HALL, RICHARD, was bom in Ireland, March 11, 1819. When four years old he accompanied his mother to Canada, his father being dead. He there leamed the trade of a shoemaker, which he followed till seventeen years of age, when he removed to St. Lawrence county, N. Y., and again prosecuted his calling till 1849, when he transferred the scenes of his labors to Illinois ; farming there till the spring of 1853, in which year he started across the plains for California with an ox team, arri^-ing in Sac- ramento September 10, of that year, and worked at his trade until Octo- ber 0, 1854. At this time he took passage for the Eastem States, on board the steamer " Yankee Blade," from Sacramento. When seventy miles from Santa Barbara, she struck a rock and became a total wreck, fortunately, with no loss of life, but much discomfort. This catastrophe was the cause of Mr. Hall once more turning his face towards the port which he had just left, and there re-purchased his former place of busi- ness. In the fall of 1854 he settled on the Wolfskill and Barker gi-ant_ where he farmed till 1857, when he located on the tract of land on which he now resides, two miles north of Dixon. On first arrival here Mr. Hall carried on a hotel, in connection with his farm ; the former, however, he gave up, in 1869. As far back as 1861-2, he was the proprietor of the Union Hotel, in Sacramento. He married, first, on December 1, 1839, Miss Frances N. Ha^Tie, who died November 6, 1868, lea-\dng him ten children. Secondly, he espoused Mrs. Amelia Audnup, September 29, 1871, who was bom in Preble county, Ohio, August 21, 1822. MACE, DARIUS, bom in Vermillion countj-, Indiana, Februaiy 24, 1829, In 1854, he left his native State and emigrated to CaUfomia, arriving at Sacramento in February, 1854. He first kept a ferry for his brother, A. H. Mack, at Sutter\'ille for one year, after which he opened a hotel at the same place, and then went to Folsom where, in company with his brother, H. B. Mack, he managed a small store and mined during three years. In 1857, he settled near Dixon, where he has lived ever since. He married. May 21, 1860, Miss Cynthia J. Cotten, who was born Febrnary 10, 1847. by whom he has: James H., born May 4, 1861 ; Darius W., bom Decem- ber 26, 1862, deceased 1863 ; Hozra B., bom February 6, 1866 ; Sophonia J., bom November 5, 1867, deceased 1878 ; Lottie L., born December 11, 1872. THE HISTOBT OF SOLANO COUNTY. 499 MAYES, JOHN S., was bom in Knox county, Indiana, Mai-ch 29, 1829, and went to Missouri with his parents when five vears old. In April, 1850, he started for California, am\-ing at Plaeerville August 7, of that year, and woi'ked in the mines until 1S53, when he commenced teaming, an occupation he followed up to 185G, where he settled on his faim, situ- ated in the suburbs of Dixon, where he now resides. He mai'ried, April 23. 1S6S, iliss Francis A. Hood, who was bom in Iowa, June 20, 1850. MERRYFIELD, JUSTICE C, is a native of Wyoming county. New York, ha^■ing been bom there on February 7, 1818. In 1836, he went to Ogle county. Illinois, where he resided until 1850, and in that year came to California across the plains with horse team : arrived in Placei-ville in July and worked in the mines about one year when he moved to a farm in Saciumento county, residing there until January 1, 1857, when he located on another farm two miles north of Silveyville, Solano coimty, where he lived until 1864. when he settled in Silvei>"A*ille, and has since resided there. September 4, 1861, was elected a Justice of the Peace for Vaca\-ille township and held the office for that and after for Silveyville township imtil he resigned, December 29, 1874. In 1876, was elected President of the Bank of Dixon, a position he now holds ; is a Director and one of the Auditing Committee of the Grangers Bank of San Fran- cisco, to which he was elected in 1874. In 1873, was elected one of the Executive Committee of the State Grange and was re-elected three times, he is now sei-ving liis fourth term as Master of Dixon Grand Lodge. Is Chairman of tlie Executive Committee of the California College at Yaca- \-ille. Mr. Merryfield has been thrice married. He married, third, Mrs. Lizzie Crathers, August 10, 1876, who was bom in Oakland county> Michigan, January 9, 1843. McKINLEY, GEO. C, bom in Madison county, Illinois, July 2, 1832. In 1840. he moved with his parents to Missouri and then commenced his studies, which he finished in Gonzales county, Texas, whither he went in 1845. In 1852 he emigrated to Los Angeles county, California, along with his father and mother, but, as there was much trouble in that district in respect to land titles, at the end of seven months they left for Sac- ramento ; when here he was employed in the nursery and vegetable gai'den of Paul Hamilton, where he continued for thi-ee j-ears. In 1855, Mr. McKinley made another trip to the southern counties of the State in quest of land, but finding the former stumbling blocks still prevailing he remained but a short time and then returned to Sacramento, from whence he made for LjTichburg, near Oro\T.IIe, and for two months pursued min- ing and finally returned to Sacramento. On October 6, 1856, he and his parents settled on the knoll south of Dixon, where the cemeteiy is now 500 THE HISTOKY OF SOLANO COUNTY. located, and there pitched their tents, which was soon followed by the construction o{ a dwelling house. Mr. McKinley's father was an un- fortunate passenger on board the steamer " Washoe " when she blew up near Rio Vista, on September 4, 1864, when he received injuries which resulted in his death at Sacramento, September 21, 18(34. His mother .still resides with him. In September, 1871, Mr. McK. was elected County Recorder, an office which he held for two years. He mai-ried, December 17, 1860, Miss Emeline Benton, who was bom in Jo. Daviess county, Illi- nois, September 28, 1842, by whom he has : William B., Addison B., Charlotte, deceased, George, Robert L., Sidney S., Paulina, Lucino D. Mcpherson, Alexander, is a native of Nova Scotla, where he was bom in July, 1836. In 1855 he emigrated to California, landing in San Francisco early in October of that year and proceeded to Sierra county and commenced mining, a pursuit which he labored at until 1861, when he purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty acres from Charles Pearson, in Maine Prairie township, Solano county, which he managed until 1873 and then sold out. He, thereupon, acquired the adjoining farm on which he resided until 1878, when his house was destroyed by fire, compelling him to take up his i-esidence in Dixon, where he now resides. He married Miss Sarah Newell, in September, 1861. NYE, ALFRED B., was born at Stockton, San Joaquin county, Cal., Octo- ber 25, 1854, but re-sided principally in Tuolumne county, until six years of age, when he was taken by his parents to Pljanouth county, Mass., where he remained till 1871. In this year he returned to California, and commenced acquiring the printer's trade in the office of the "Vallejo Clironicle;" subsequently became the local editor for that publication, and in April, 1877, purchased the " Dixon Tribune " newspaper, of which he is the present editor and publisher. REDDICE, HARDIN, was bom in Stokes county, North Carolina, June 13, 1810. Here he was educated. In 1835 moved to Monitau county, Missouri, where he engaged in farming until 1849, when he came the " overland route " to California, arriving in Sacramento on August 18th of that year. He removed to Yuba county, this State, soon after, where he prosecuted mining for ten days; when he was prostrated with sickness for eleven months, enduring all the suffijrings incident to a camping life. On his recovery, he returned to Missouri, via Panama, engaging in farm- • ing for two years, and returned to Sacramento, Cal., in September, 1853, and soon after settled on the farm where he now resides. His early resi- dence here was replete with hardships, he having to live under a tent for the fii-st month. Married Susan Dearing, October 29, 1835 ; she was bom in Stokes county, N. C, February 3, 1818. Their children are John W., Sarah A., and Catheiine. THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 501 ROHWER, HANS, was born in Holstein, Germany, February 25, 1832. In the spring of 1852 he emigrated to Iowa, and remained there till 1854. In this year he crossed the plains to California, arriving at Placerville October 25th, and engaged in mining until September, 1856, when he set- tled on the farm where he now resides, about one mile south-east of Dixon. SILVEY, ELIJAH S., received his early education in St. Charles county, Missouri, where he was born, March 26, 1819. In 1849 he came to Cali- fornia, accompanied by his wife, whom he married on March 2, 1843, and his two children, arriving at Benicia in October, of the same year, where they resided until 1851. In this year they returned to Missouri, and in the next (1852) once more crossed the plains to California, bringing one hundred milch cows with them, and settled on the plains, where Silvey- ville now stands. The Silveys were the first settlers in this section of the county, and gave their name to one of the townships of Solano county. Mr. S. kept a hotel and saloon at the time of arrival, but a few years thereafter people commenced to locate, and a considerable town sprung up, which was, hoAvever, removed to Dixon on the completion of the rail- road in that quarter, Mr. Silvey died November 11, 1869. His widow is the oldest settler at Silveyville. Their children are : Elmira J., born December 19, 1846 ; Lucy, born April 30, 1848 ; George R., born Novem- ber 4, 1850 ; Edward A., born June 28, 1853 ; Edmund, born October 10, 1856 ; James, born May 24, 1858 ; Florabelle, born November 4, 1861 ; Lee E., bom July 11,1867. SIMMONS, Jr., REV. J. C, is a native of the State of Georgia, having been born in Butts county. May 26, 1827, and graduated at Emory College, Oxford, Georgia, in 1848, after which he ministered in the Methodist Episcopal Church South, in that State. In 1852 he was sent to Califor- nia as a missionary, reaching San Francisco February 26th of that year. He was sent to Grass Valley, Nevada county, Cal., filling that appoint- ment for two years. In 1854 he moved to Stockton, where he remained for two years, at the end of which time he was sent to Mariposa, and thence to San Jose, remaining two years at each place, when he was ap- pointed Presiding Elder of the San Francisco district, a position which he held for one year ; he then moved to Sacramento, and there ministered for two years. In the fall of 1862 he moved to Santa Clara, remaining there one year, thence proceeded to Petal uma, Sonoma county, where he ministered for two years and a half, and during the third year was elected Professor of English Literature in the Pacific Methodist College at Vaca- ville, a position he retained until the removal of the institution to Santa Rosa, in Sonoma county, in 1870. The following year he was employed as Sunday School Agent for the Conference, and in the fall of 1871 was 502 THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. appointed, for the second time, Presiding Elder for the San Francisco dis- trict, holding the office for one year. In 1872 he was stationed at San Jose, after which he left for Santa Rosa, where he was Presiding Elder for that district for four years. In the fall of 1877 he was appointed agent for Pacific Methodist College, but during the year was moved and stationed in San Francisco. In 1878 he was a delegate to the General Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, in May of that year, and in October he moved to Dixon, and has since had pastoral care of the Methodist Episcopal Church South there. In the fall of 1877 Mr. Simmons was ap- pointed to deliver the quarter-century sermon at the session of his Con- ference held in Santa Rosa. In 1852 he assisted in the organization of the Pacific Annual Conference, and is the only effective member now left. Mr. S. married, June 28, 1853, Miss Margaret R. Campbell, of Madison- ville, Hopkins county, Ky., by whom he has five children : John C, Jr ; Mary Blythe, William A., James H., and Mardis C. SMYTHE, PETER, was born in Ottawa county, province of Ontario, Cana- da, May 10, 1836, and there received his early education. In the fall of 1853 he emigrated to Oregon, and engaged in mining operations, at Sail- or's Diggings, for one year, when he moved into Klamath county, where he embarked in farming, which he prosecuted for nine years. In June, 18G3, Mr. Smythe came to Silveyville township, Solano county, and set- tled on a farm about three miles from Dixon, where he remained till 1868, and then moved into that city, being employed in different mercantile firms until 1874, when he started in the lumber business for himself, in a yard situated on the west side of the railroad and north of the depot. In 1861-'2 he held the office of Justice of the Peace in Klamath county, Cal, and has served one term in a like capacity in Silveyville township, hav- ing been elected thereto in 1874. In April, 1878, on the incorporation of the City of Dixon, Mr. S. was elected City Trustee, and in the organiza- tion of the Board was elected Secretary, which office he still continues to hold. He married May 3, 1868, Miss Anna BrowTi, a native of Edenderry, King's countj^ Ireland, by whom he has one child, Christiana M. J. T. TIMM, PETER, born in Holstein, Germany, November 18, 1836, where he learned the trade of a cabinet maker. He then emigrated to Iowa, and worked on a farm for four years. In 1859 he crossed the plains to Cali- fornia with an ox-team, arriving at Placerville September 20th of that year. For his first two years he engaged in mining, and then embarked in farm- ing, after which he worked at his trade in San Mateo county, until 1864, when he settled on a ranch, about five miles east of Dixon, on which he resided for four years ; he then sold out, and purchased that on which he now lives, situated half a mile north-east of Dixon. In lS72-'3 Mr. Timm THE HISTORY OF SOLANO COUNTY. 503 was Deputy Assessor of the northern end of the county, and in 1874?-'.5 he was Tax Collector for the whole of Solano. When the City of Dixon was first started, Mr. Timm moved a large proportion of the houses from Silveyville and Maine Prairie. He is a Steward of the Society of Dixon Grangers, No. 19. He married, in May, 1867, Miss Cecilia Benk, who was born in Holstein, December 25, 1846, by whom he has Laura A. ; Henry ; William ; Louisa. UDEL, DOCTOR 0. C, (deceased), was born in Ohio, June 8, 1820, where he received his education, and graduated in medicine. When twenty- four years of age he went to Iowa, and commenced the practice of his j)rofession, which he continued for five years. In 1850 he came to Cali- fornia, crossing the plains with horses, which were stolen from him when near Salt Lake ; he, therefore, was forced to undertake the balance of the journey on foot, accompanied by his four companions, which was accom- plished by their ai'rival in Yuba county, where he remained till the fol- lowing year, and then returned to Iowa. In 1852 he once more crossed the plains ; on this occasion, bringing with him his wife and two children, as well as a drove of cattle. He now settled near Winters, but on the Solano county side of the Putah creek, and confined himself to the rais- ing of stock and farming, which he followed as long as he lived. In 1860 he located on the farm now occupied by his widow, situated four miles west of Dixon. He died there on December 11, 1872. Doctor Udell married, November 6, 1848, Miss Caroline Winton, who was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, January 17, 1827. Their children are : Alva, David, Edwin, Olivia, May, Carrie (deceased), George, Blanche, Raljjh, Grace. WEIHE, EDWARD, born in Germany, July 30, 1830. In 1850 came to California, and for five years engaged in mining in El Dorado coimty. For the next four years he followed the cigar trade in San Francisco, and . for two years more in Stockton, whither he has moved his business. Mr. Weihe then proceeded to Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras county, and there opened an establishment for general merchandise, which he continued for nine years, when he i-emoved to San Francisco, and commenced a produce business, which he carried on for two years. In 1871 he settled in Dixon, where he engaged in the liquor and cigar trade, in connection with which he carried on an exchange and broker business. Mr. Weihe maiTied, November 17, 1863, Miss Minnie Trencehel, who was born in St. Louis, February 12, 1843, by whom he has Gustavus A. P., Otto A., Frederick W., Bertie E., Florence C.