^ S Class F '^ -V ^ J s\ ^sl ^ acramentfi^ bounty PrES ««"":„««■'•* m^^^^^^ PRKSS OF s. crockkr com pan v sacramp:nto. Resources or Sacramento County, California. j^ j£^ j^ COMPILED BY THE Sacramento Chamber of Commerce. officers: LOUIS F. BREUNER, President. H.I.SEYMOUR, Vice-President. E. W. HALE, Treasurer. M. R. BEARD, Secretary. H.A.FRENCH, General Manager. directors: M. J. DILLMAN, P. J. SHIELDS, F. W. KIESEL, H. C. FISHER E. L. HAWK, C. H. REUTER, A. C. HINKSON, ALBERT ELKUS, G.L.JOHNSON, GEO. H. CLARK, F. D. RYAN H. WEINSTOCK. QgO 22 1902 D. Of D, I <■ C c RESOURCES OF SACRAMENTO COUNTY, C^AUIFORINIA.. Compiled by the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce. It is not the present purpose to present an historical article, but rather to call attention to the important position occupied by this favored section, rich in resources and unlimited in its opportunities of commercial progress and general advance- ment. Sacramento County contains about 620,000 acres, all of it occupied; that is to say, there is no vacant or "government" land within its borders. Land, however, is obtainable at a moderate valuation, this section having never experienced what is generally known as a "boom." The largest watercourse in the State — the Sacramento River — forms the western boundary, traversing the entire length of the county from north to south, while the American River crosses the upper portion of the county from east to west, with additional watersheds centering in the Cosumnes and Mokelumne Rivers. Fruit Culture. — Fruit culture has become one of the leading and most profitable industries in the State of California. This being conceded, markets and facility of transportation become most important factors, and herein again Sacramento County excels. Taking the center of Sacramento County as an initial point and drawing about it a circle having a radius of fifty miles, within this circle will be found the region producing the earliest vegetables, berries, and fruits within the State, as well as the area from which is shipped to the Eastern States and outside consumers, more than y^ per cent of the output of green and deciduous fruits from the whole State, and over go per cent of it must pass through this county on its way to reach a final market. From the accompanying map of the fifty-mile circle men- tioned, it will be seen that it extends to and beyond Marys- ville on the north, Colfax on the northeast, Placerville on the east, Stockton on the south, CoUinsville on the Sacramento River, Suisun on the southeast, and Vaca Valley on the west. The increase in citrus fruit cannot fail to challenge notice. Since we commenced to ship oranges from Central California the record stands: 1893, carloads 4; 1896, carloads 81; 1897, carloads 286; 1898, carloads 589; 1899, carloads 910; 1900, carloads 1800; 1901, carloads 2400. Considering the first oranges to ripen come from the north and go into home con- sumption largely, this is an encouraging showing. Productiveness. — Here and there throughout the State of California, are "thermal belts" and "fruit sections," laying claim to certain qualification, such as "apricot section," "the home of the prune," or a "citrus belt," etc. Of Sacramento County, it may be said, it combines all of these, and there is neither fruit nor flower, vegetable nor grain produced else- where that cannot be produced to perfection within this sec- tion. Nor is there a month within the calendar failing to produce, and in which are not gathered fruits and vegetables for market. Large land-holdings are not necessary for the support of a family in competence. This can be done on a ten or twenty- acre piece, if well selected and located. Several colonization enterprises have been inaugurated within the county, with a view to supplying small and choice subdivisions of land to intended settlers, with all the accessories necessary to suc- cess. The most extensive and successful of these are the Orange Vale Colony and Fair Oaks Development Company, situated in the most eligible part of the county for fruit rais- ing. Over six thousand acres have been subdivided in these two colonies, with the purpose of settling it with people who would become tributary to, and add to the material prosperity of, Sacramento. A splendid water system has been com' pleted, the water from the American River being carried to the land, in underground pipes, and there distributed to each tract, so that water, under pressure, is available at every tract for either domestic or irrigation purposes. Three-fourths of the aforesaid tracts are now planted and successfully growing in orchard, grove and vineyard, and here examples of the best growth may be seen. It is a fact worthy of note that, whereas we learn from authentic reports from Eastern and Southern States, includ- ing Florida, that during the winter of 1898-99 great loss of fruit trees has been incurred by the severe frosts, no fruit trees, deciduous or citrus, have been injured by frost in Sac- ramento County. Cli7nate—T\i^ winter sanitarium of the world is supposedly located in northern and western Italy, the Riviera and its citrus and olive belt. By comparison, it will be found that Sacramento County shows a warmer winter, spring and yearly average, and about the same autumn and summer tempera- ture as that of the great citrus belt of northern Italy, where it is said "perpetual summer exists, skies are blue and the sun ever shines." Comparison will show that while the clear days in the year reach but 220, Sacramento County averages 238, being more clear days than any inhabited portion of the northern hemisphere, excepting only Yuma, Arizona. These statements are made from authentic information. All of the tables following were prepared by James H. Scarr, United States Weather Bureau Observer, and official in charge, Sacramento. The facts above referred to are de- duced from the following table: I Av'age Winter Temp. Av'age Spring Temp. Av'age Av'age Sum'er Autm'n Temp. Temp. Av'age Yearly Temp. High 'st Lowest! Clear Temp. Temp. Days. Florence ... Pisa Genoa San Remo. Mentone ... Nice Cannes 44-3 46.4 44-9 48.9 49.0 47-8 56.0 57.2 58.6 57.3 58.3 56.2 74.0 75.2 75-0 72.4 73-9 72.3 49.5 57-4 73-1 60.7 62.8 63.0 61.9 62.5 61.6 61.0 58.8 60.4 60.4 60.1 60.9 59-5 60.2 85 85 25 23 85 218 214 229 57-3 Average in Italy.. 47.3 Average in Sac ramento County 47.0 60.0 73-7 75-0 61.9 61.0 60.0 61.0 85 20 fiio *i9 220 238 tOccurred but once in fift3^ years ♦Occurred but twice in fifty years— once in January, 1854, and once in January, 1888. A favorable locality, one in which the extreme severities of the weather do not recur too often. The cultivation of peaches, oranges, grapes and other fruits whose plants require five or ten years to mature may be profitable if killing weather does not recur oftener tlian once in ten or twenty years. The following table gives the average temperature for each season of the year, along with the highest and lowest tem- perature and average rainfall, for Sacramento, Folsom, Gait, Florin, Orange Vale, Fair Oaks and Brighton The mean of these seven places of observation gives the average mean for the county: Av'age Winter Temp. Av'age Spring Temp. Av'age Sura'ei Temp. Vv'age Fall Temp. Av'age Annual Temp. Max. Temp. Min. Temp. Av'age Precip. Sacramento 48 Folsom 48 Gait 48 Florin 47 Fair Oaks 46 Orange Vale 46 Brighton 47 Average for tbe County 47 60 60 62 58 58 58 60 6g 78 76 74 76 76 75 75 62 61 63 5/ 60 60 62 60 62 62 59 60 60 61 61 i 61 no 19 107 20 108 19 108 20 107 20 107 20 109 20 ^•iio -^^9 19.94 24.00 15-70 18.00 24-75 2475 18.44 20.14 *Highest and lowest temperature. The lowest, iq°, occurred but twice in 50 years, and that was in January, 1854, and January, 1888. The highest temperature indicated occurred but once in fifty-five years. NoTK — The elevations above the sea-level of the ])oiuts mentioned are as follows: Sacramento, 35 ieet; Folsom, 1S2 feet; Gait, 49 feet; Florin, 58 feet; Orange Vale, 300 leet; Fair Oaks, 300 (eet; Brighton, 53 feet. The latitude and longitude of Sacramento City is: North latitutle, 38° 35'; longitude west from Greenwich, 121° 30.' As showing what preponderance of clear sunshiny days is here enjoyed over the places named below, representing the climate of eleven States situated on the same line of latitude, as also the record of lowest temperatures, the followin.o: table, compiled from official sources, has been prepared: 2 S* 3 n eg. ;?2 ^1 S3 -r*. ^ *? ^2 B a 2- S""^ 2 -1 p: .^0 • '< : t« : i^* • B 28 23 3H 31 36 32 32 45 36 33 33 32 31 41 36 34 39 29 29 36 31 35 28 30 ^5 5* — 02^ !^^ "^ £, Sacramento, Cal.... Washington, D. C New York, N. Y... Columbus, O Chicago, 111 St. Louis, Mo Cincinnati, O Philadelphia, Pa... Baltimore, Md Memphis, Tenn.... Vicksburg, Miss ... Savannah, Ga Louisville, Ky Atlanta, Ga 48 35 32 32 28 34 36 33 36 43 50 53 37 46 74 19 39 7« — 5 21 69 - 6 22 72 — 20 13 68 —21 21 74 -22 25 73 -17 18 75 - 6 20 78 - 7 22 79 -9 25 83 — I 24 80 8 32 78 — 14 19 74 — 8 26 31 i 40 32 , 32 11.85 9-52 10.25 11.00 6.56 7-74 11.51 9.21 9.64 15-77 16.69 10.00 13.44 19.16 238 105 104 97 108 122 99 107 108 129 126 121 106 122 68 126 126 150 136 115 141 118 133 122 107 120 121 141 A dash, thus ( — ), before a figure indicates temperature below zero. Educational. — That Sacramento is mindful of the value of the education of the masses, and that she has done and is doing her full duty in this respect, is evidenced by the follow- ing figures taken from the records of the County Superin- tendent of Schools: Number of public school houses in city and county 89 Number of teachers employed 220 Number of census children (between 5 and 17) 8,683 Total current expenses for the year 190c 1186,627.54 Sacrame7ito City. — Sacramento City is the county seat, and also the capital of the State. It has a population of 30,000, is compactly built, covering an area of about 4 square miles, with broad streets ot an average width of 80 feet, and wholly lighted by electricity. It is a city of homes and flowers, the residence portion being embowered in choice foliage and the streets well shaded. It is one of the chief cities of the State, being a railroad center, with unequaled transportation facil- ities. Outside of San Francisco, it is the chief manufacturing city of the State. Indeed, upon the authority of the bulletin of the Census Bureau, giving the statistics of 165 manufact- uring cities, but three cities upon the entire Pacific Coast exceed it in the value of their products. The returns men- tioned make the following showing for Sacramento: Establishments 302 Investments 15,654,782 Employes 4,510 Wages 12,967.954 Materials I9-033.317 Products 110,424,582 Its trade extends air through the central, northern and mining sections and into the adjoining States and Territories, aggregating annually over $60,000,000. It has a compre- hensive street-car system, operated entirely by electricity. It has a number of daily and weekly newspapers of a high type; also public schools of excellent standing, private schools and seminaries, an art school and school of design in connec- tion with the E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, containing a collec- tion of paintings valued at more than a half million dollars. It contains the State Capitol building, erected at a cost of nearly $3,000,000, the State Agricultural Exhibition building and the State Printing Office, all situated in a park of unpar- alleled beauty and covering about 30 acres of ground under the highest state of cultivation, and planted to grass, trees and flowers. The ^reat railway shops of the Southern Pacific Company, covering 20 acres of ground, at times employing over 3,000 skilled workmen, complete in all particulars and capable of turning out any branch of the work from the rails up to the finest finished coach, are likewise located here. Five banking institutions of large resources, building and loan associations, and metropolitan conveniences for the trans- action of financial affairs, are among the facilities afforded. The social advantages of churches, educational and fraternal organizations are numerous. The Odd Fellows, Masons, Foresters and Knights of Pythias have spacious, attractive halls. A Government building, containing accommodations for the Post Office department. United States Land Offices (Register and Receiver), Internal Revenue department. United States Weather Bureau, etc. This handsome edifice, but recently completed, is erected in the heart of the city, standing in an area i6o feet square, built of red sandstone, and cost $300,000. Watei' Power. — On the American River, 20 miles northeast from the City of Sacramento, is built a great dam, which was the first attempt to introduce the use of water power upon a large scale within the State. This dam is constructed entirely of granite blocks, having a width at the top of 24 feet, at the bottom 87 feet, a height of 89 feet, and 650 feet long; stability, 7,979 tons. The power-house, to utilize this great force of nature, has six immense turbine wheels. This power is transmitted to the City of Sacramento as a propelling power for its street-car system, and has been substituted for steam- power in mills and factories wherever available and desirable. The future developments from this enterprise are promising and the people are alive to its value. Another source of power is the immense storage system of the South Yuba Water Co., in whose thirty-one reservoirs on the Divide and in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, two billion cubic feet of water are stored during the rainy season. Certain drops in altitude on the canals, in the towns of Auburn and Newcastle, are utilized to develop power, by pressure pipe lines and tangenital wheels. There is avail- able at the present time with these two companies, 11,500 horse-power. The possibilities of increase on this system are indefinite. The rates for electric current are probably lower, at the present time, in Sacramento than anywhere else in the world. California, taken as a whole, is no doubt the richest in its resources of any country in the world. It contains every- thing necessary for the establishment and maintenance of an empire. Within its borders are found all the resources that con- tribute to the wealth and prosperity of other countries. It has gold, silver and copper mines that produce many millions annually; oil wells, vast forests of the finest timber known, and soil equal to that of any other country in fertility. Within its territory, bordering on the Pacific Coast about 800 miles, and extending into the interior from 140 to 200 rpiles, in area ^^%^, ^ ORANGK TREE AND FRUIT. PHOTOGRAPHED NOV. 21, 1896. J. G. KELLOGG'S GROVE, ORANGE VALE, This ten-acre grove (now ten years old) is yielding from ten to fifteen per cent interest on a valuation of |i5,ooo. This has proved to be the best orange and lemon section in the United States. Since the planting of this and other groves in this district the trees have not been affected by frost, while in Florida, once the favorite citrus growing belt, orange trees have been killed by cold on several occasions. In this portion of Sacramento County more than 1,000 acres have been planted to oranges and lemons, and the acreage for this purpose is being increased yearly. 11 about 160,000 square miles, there is a climate and soil so varied in localities that it possesses the ability to grow all kinds and varieties of agricultural and horticultural products, including all cereals, deciduous and citrus fruits known to the commercial world. In regard to cereal products the positive guarantee against damage from rain during the months of June, July and August makes California the best grain growing State in the Union, from an economic standpoint, for the reason that it permits the employment of methods in harvesting, threshing and put- ting the grain in sacks for market for a less amount than it takes to do the same thing in other States where heavy showers are liable to occur without warning at any lime. In California, the farmers can wait three or four weeks after the grain is ripe in order to utilize machinery that cuts, threshes and sacks the crop all at the same time, and at a fraction of the cost it takes to accomplish the same thing in climates which keep the grain moist and not in condition to thresh immediately upon cutting, as is done through the use of the "combined harvester and thresher." As these facts become better known and understood, it is reasonable to assume that prices for good grain land in Cali- fornia will materially advance. Banana Plants ( 12 Rainfall of Sacramento, Cal., from September 1st, 1849, to April 1st, 1902. From Dr. T. M. Logan, Dr. F. W. Hatch, S. H. Gerrish, and Weather Bureau records. Prepared by James H. Scarr, Observer and official in charge U. S. Weather Bureau. Offices, Sacramento, Cal. Yr. Jan. Feb. 1 Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct Nov Dec. Season of 1849 •25 1.50 ^^^^ 12.50 36.00 1850 4-50 •50 10.00 4.25 •25 .... T T 1849-30 4-71 1851 ■65 •35 1.88 1. 14 .69 1. 00 "."18 2.14 7^o7i 1850-51 17.98 1852 .58 .12 6.40 .19 •30 T 6.00 13.40 i85:-52 36.35 1853 3-00 2.00 7.00 3^50 1^45 t' t' T "t' 1.50 1^54 X852-53 20.06 1854 3-25 8.50 3-25 1.50 .21 •31 T T I.OI ■65 115; 1853-54 1862 1855 2.67 346 4.20 4-32 i^i5 .01 T •75 2.00 1854-55 1376 1856 4.92 .69 1.40 2.13 1.84 •03 T .20 •65 2.40 1855-56 10.46 1857 1.38 4.80 .68 T T .35 "t' .66 2.41 2.63 1856-57 1499 1858 2.44 2.46 2.88 1. 21 .20 .10 .01 T t' 3.01 • 15 4-34 1857-58 16.04 1859 .96 391 1.64 .98 1.04 .02 648 1.83 1858-59 22.06 i860 2.31 •93 5-II 2.87 2.49 .02 '■.'63 .06 .91 .18 428^ 1859-60 16.18 186 1 2.67 2.92 .48 •59 .14 •55 T %^'^ 8.64 1860-61 36.10 1862 15.04 4.26 2.80 .82 1.81 .01 .01 ■36 T 233 1861-62 1 1^59 1863 1-73 2^75 2.36 1.69 •36 "t' 1.49 1.82 1862-63 7^79 1864 1.08 .19 1.30 1.08 •74 .09 ".08 T .12 672 7.87 1863-64 22.59 1865 4.78 •7^ .48 1^37 .46 t' .08 ^48 2^43 •36 1864-65 17.91 1866 7.70 2.01 2.02 .48 2.23 .10 .02 T 2.43 9^51 1865-66 2532 1867 3-44 7.10 I.OI 1.80 .01 .01 3-8i 12.85 1866-67 32.79 1868 6.04 3-15 4^35 2.31 .27 t' ■V 2.61 1867-68 16.64 1869 4-79 3^63 2.94 1.24 •65 .01 t' 2.12 •85 1.96 1868-69 13^57 1870 1-37 3-24 1.64 2.12 •27 T "t "t' .02 .58 •97 1869-70 8.47 187 1 2.08 1.92 .69 1^45 .76 T T .21 1.22 10.39 1870-71 2365 1872 4.04 4- 74' 1.94 .61 .28 .02 .... T 22 ^•93 5-39 1871-72 14.19 1873 1.23 4.36 •55 •51 T .02 T .31 I 21 10.01; 1872-73 22.92 1874 5-20 1.86 3-05 .89 •37 T T •05 2.26 3-80 •44 1873-74 17.70 1875 8.70 .55! .80 T T 1. 10 •44 6.20 5^52 1874-75 26.30 1876 4.99 3-75: 4^15 1. 10 •15 .21 .02 t' 3^45 .30 1875-76 9.19 1877 2.77 1.04 .56 .19 .64 .01 T T •73 1.07 'i.43' 1876-77 24.86 1878 9.26 8.04 309 1.07 .17 .29 •55 •51 • 471 1877-78 I7^85 1879 3-18 3^88 4.88 266 1.30 13 'f' t' .88 2.05 3.41 i878-7q 26.47 1880 1.64 i^83i 1.70 14.20 •76 T 05 II. 81 1879-80 2657 1881 6.14 5.06 1^37 1.64 T "50 T •30 ' ' 55 1.88 3-27 1880-81 16.51 1882 1.89 2.40 3-78 1.99 •35 .10 T •57 2-63 3.22 I-I3 1881-82 18.11 1883 2.23 I. II 370 •67 2.85 .90 ■97 .61 •44 1882-83 24.78 1884 3-43 4.46 S.14 4^32 .c6 ■1.45 T .60 2. 01 10.45 1883-84 16.58 1885 2.16 •49 .08 .68 T .11 t" .08 .02 ii.34 576 1884-85 32.27 1886 7-95 .29 2.68 408 .07 .... .68 .21 2.21 1885-86 13-97 1887 1. 12 6.28, •94 2-53 T T .02 .45 2.09 1886-87 11.56 1888 4.81 ■57 3^04 .10 .40 ■■.08 T T •55 4.28 4.63 1887-88 19-95 33^80 1889 •15 •33 6.25 .26 325 •25 .... 6 02 3.15 7^82 1888-89 1890 6.62 4.06 3^00 1^33 1.80 T ■■.80 T 3.34I 1889-90 15-81 189 1 •53 6.61 1.78 2.04 .66 •05 t' .10 .10 ■■.48 328 1890-91 15^18 1892 1.78 2.84 3.02 1.20 2.38 T .18 .70 660 4.90 1891-92 2395 1893 3-27 2.66 35t 1.08 1.05 't' T .22 .12 2.92 1.76 1892-93 16.35 1894 4.17 3-92 •74 •34 1.70 ■■.46 T T .88 106 .48 8.86 1893-94 24.11 1895 8.42 1.84 1.20 .86 .SI .04 T 1.26 •17 154 1.54 1894-95 2323 1896 9-76 .09 257 5-34 .92 T .20 •31 •55 3^56 1.76 1895-96 17.32 1897 3-66 4^15 2-54 •25 •30 .04 .01 .16 1.96 .61 1.64 1896-97 10.51 1898 .98 3^19 .04 .28 1.50 .14 .36 •64 .61 2.30 1897-98 15.04 1899 3-94 .04 6.02 .10 •54 ^49 .02 4.46 2.62 2.91 1898-99 20.24 1900 3-54 •32 i.6r 1.88 2.88 T T ".06 1.74 4-50 1.38 1899-00 19.21 1901 3-70 5-32 0.48 2.23 0.80 T T t' 0.56 1.56 4.68 1. 19 1900-01 *I5.45 1902 Avg 0.95 T8'2 6.52 2.80 1.99 2.83 1^75 .84 .12 2°' .01 .18 ■85 2.15 4.28, 19-59 T indicates trace of rain. •^ Up to April I, 1902. ^ ^ -> ^ n ^ c 5' & w ^ ^ 2 ^ w s § § ^ ft 5 i c 1 ^ i ? 1 < P i en 3 1 P p" P p o ■-t p a* B' < 1 I. 5' t. a a* << f 5 tr. •S p c re cr? tn 3 rt) P C B o 2 -t p c p c rt rt B •o rt E c rt rt" B I rt rt ■-t rt o v: rt p w t/) L ^ ^ to (T) ^ i -^ 00 _Ol OJ on ^ S to On 5S C/2 s^ on c2 vO 7^ 8^ s 5 3 JB IW f 00 o^ on ;g 5^ c^ ^ "^ • --• - •-1 8^ t ^ on ^J w Cf> On % ^ =5 ■^ g^ S o ^ ^> 00 _f^ „ 4^ ^ j^ 00 ON o On NO ON o NO o o OJ 1 (0 j^ CaJ J^ j^ to ^j On OJ On to o j^ g ID ^ 00 on •-J On ON NO to 00 M ff ^ OJ ^ 2 - to -t^ vb S % S . J^ -t^ to ^ J^ ^ ^ _j^ •^ -c^ J^ 00 O 00 T « en to 00 on ^ to OJ ON o ^ i OJ -J 00 NO OJ H w UJ ^ fT Oi „ ^ On on NO j^ W 'J OJ o a> - O ^J l-H ^J ^4 to NO to 1, l-( !-+> CO ^ 2| on 00 - o ^ _-_ g_ « ON -t^ 0) S NO s vD •g s 1 w _ Ln ON ON ^ NO ^ N^^ ^& "-1 Q -^ NO ON ON On NO 1 Oj 05 r/5 M Is « ■^ -J ^ On ^4 ON « to ^ 00 W ^ On Sn 00 -;^ g^ NO Ol to ^ M -J w M O to ^J on NO 00 OJ 00 o &■ OJ 00 '"^ to 7i Ov to o s^ ^ :^ ;s M NO g^ ^ 8^ ^ g> :^ ^ g^ f a' J:^ 'g. OS ^4 "Sn £^ NO o SO % ^ 00 o vO :i g^ 1 (T) cr % o ^ ^ g ^ NO 00 s; & 1 ^ ^ ON Ol 05 JS^ Oo u. on ON NO w J^ ^ J^ ^ ON 1 sg' J^ 00 on NO ^ o 1 5j "-<3 o •^ tr s^ __^_ ^_ _<>_ _J_ JP^ ON „^ ^ t ^ _oo ON O 4^ •;i g^ 1 'S 13- w CD ^ vO ^ r S^ 00 UO •^ 2 NO 00 ^ .2^ *s o ;& ■^ g^ 1 jt ■^ W _M_ 'S •t' *s g^ On S ^l 00 on W S ^ o ^ ^ g^- 1 4^ O) to 72 g; vS vO oo o On nC « ^ 1 14 Tabi^h Showing Destination and Number of Cars of Fruit Shipped to Each Place in 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900 and 1901. destination. 1895 1897 1898 19C0 1901 Chicago 1473 New York 862 Boston 279 Philadelphia 82 Minneapolis 124 Baltimore 37 Cincinnati 15 Kansas City 91 Montreal 44 New Orleans 75 Denver 148 St. Louis 78 St. Paul 109 Omaha 176 Cleveland, Pittsburg Buffalo Milwaukee England Scotland Germany Mexico Minor Points— Canada Minor Points -U. S 29 26 15 42 863 Totals 4568 1007 1055 471 90 147 5 2 81 81 85 136 68 91 85 10 25 7 32 42 532 4052 1410 1456 543 202 180 16 20 86 98 8r 98 59 121 165 37 40 15 52 58 586 1203 1429 536 176 167 16 15 116 96 62 229 27 67 156 25 47 5 19 42 I 572 1060 1694 710 339 247 67 89 165 128 126 269 115 125 194 83 137 34 60 117 4 2 I 52 1051 1527 649 212 302 34 35 129 126 136 233 79 131 240 63 144 10 68 71 946 f273 [482 639 257 275 23 29 85 128 118 246 64 108 205 58 167 32 62 93 16 I 55 1043 5323 5007 6869 6435 6459 Table Showing the Number of Cars of Each Variety Shipped IN 1895, 1896, 1897 1898, 1899, 1900 and 1901. varieties. 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 Pears 1187 1289 lOIO 465 162 180 105 13 1624 976 712 407 172 88 53 8 2 I 1640 1316 1 100 742 177 239 61 24 3 10 2 9 1595 1103 734 542 123 297 596 I 1684 2625 847 885 90 85 490 19 2115 1361 825 II 58 152 238 512 10 Peaches 1535 Grapes 966 936 Plums and Prunes Apricots .. Cheiries no 739 13 Apples Quinces Figs Nectarines 5 2 24 117 2 Persimmons I 15 3 27 34 2 Mixed .. 152 9 Cars not reported 23 31 Totals 4568 4052 5323 5007 6869 6435 6459 15 Dates on which the first appearance of bloom on fruit trees were observed. Furnished Observer vScarr by Mr. S. H. Gerrish, Voluntary U. S. Weather Bureau Observer, Sacra- mento, Cal. 1870. First blossoms observed on February 21 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 i88r 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888, 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899, 1900 1901 1902 26 16 14 " 21 20 2 " I 1.5 29, " 21 28 19 " 20 10, 8 January 28 February 20 3 13 17 16 16 12 13 " I 16 16 14 8 10 10 During the past thirty-two years the earliest bloom ob- served occurred on January 28, 1887, while the latest was on February 29, 1880. Some Facts not Generally Known in the East Con^ cerning Sacramento County. It is the heart of California's early fruit belt. It is the home of all citrus and deciduous fruits. The orange ripens here five weeks earlier than in Southern California. Seventy-five per cent of the deciduous fruits of the State are grown within a radius of 50 miles from Sacramento City. It contains the noted Flame Tokay district. It has the second largest vineyard in the world. It has the largest thoroughbred breeding farm in the world. It has the largest gold dredge in the world. It is the only district shipping berries in full carloads. It has the largest proportionate acreage of rich lands. It is the leading hops district of the United States. A failure of crops in this district has never been recorded. It has no sunstrokes, snow or blizzards. It has an average annual rain-fall of 20 inches. The climate averages about the same temperature as that of Los Angeles. It is the ideal winter resort. COUNTRY HOMES IN SACRAMENTO VAIvI^EY. 1^ NORTHERN CAUFORNIA 0RANGP:S. MATURK SIX WKP:KS KARIJKR THAN ELSEWHERl'. TN THE STATE. -^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS III Mill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mil mil mil mil III! 017 139 863 l\^^^ r>^ m /i^ ^