^Ac7 ■^ "^ I :\ 014 145 252 6 ^ i ■ 820 169 >py 1 THE LADIES' GUIDE -fafs DOIJB WITH SOrQIQOIi STEEL I^EEDLES, Pull De8Griptioi]8 of fte Various Stitclies, Materials, &g. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY AN EXPERIENCED KNITTER. I'KOCTKR liROTllIiRS, PCBLISHKRS, CJLOUCESTEK, MASS. 1SS4. \ ^MAY 191884^ r /\^.^. illii Pilpiiifli -OF- PROF. HORSFORD, Horsford's Bread Preparation, Put up ill Paper Packages. Rumford Yeast Powder, Put up iu Glass Bottles. Prof. Horsford's Phosphatic Baking Powder, Put up in Glass Bottles. Are made of Horsford's Acid Phosphate in powdered form, and are HEAE/THFUEi A:*"© ^SfUTIHT'JIOlJS, because they restore to the flour the nourishing phosphates that are lost with the bran in the process of bolting. These Baking Preparations have received the indorsement of, and are Uiiiver.«ially Useil and K*^cuiiiuieiiileil l»y Prominent Phj-siicianN anil CheniiMtsi of this and other countries. THEY INCREASE THE NUTRITIVE QUALITIES OF PLOUR. BARON LIEBIG, the world-renowned German Chemist, said: "I have, through a great se- ries of experiments, satisliad myself of the purity and excellence of your Baking Preparations. The bread has no acid, is easily digested, and of tlie best taste. Aside from the conveniences this invaluable idea of yours lias pr.ivided, I consider this invention as one of the most useful gifts which science has made to mankind! It is cerlaiii that the nutritive value, of flour is increased ten per cent, b.i/ your Phosphatic Baking Preparationa, and the result is precisely the same as if the fertil- ity of our toheat fields had been increased by th%t amiunl. Wh%t a wonderful result is this." MAINTAIN HEALTH. Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON, late Professor iu the University of Pennsylvania, said: "Your preparations while they make a light, sweet, nutritious and palatable bread, restore the phosphates which h.ad lieon separated from the flour, and thus are adapted as an aliment for the maintenance of a healthj- state of tlie organization." The Horsford Almanac and Cook Book Sent Free. Providence, r. I. INTRODUCTION. This book coiitaius elegant patterns in wide and narrow Laces, Tidies, Quilts, etc. They have all been tested by an experienced knitter. The materials used are — Nos. 100, 90, 80, 70, 50, 40, Marshall's Linen Thread or Common Spool Cotton, also Knitting Silk which comes in half ounce balls, all shades. Fine Saxon}- Yarn, done with coarse sock needles, makes a ver}- pretty edging. From the earliest age women employed themselves with needle-work in ever}' variety, and we still see specimens of old-time embroidery and lace work, which are marvels not only of skill but of patience, and there is no occupation so feminine, at the same time so ladylike, as needlework in every branch, from the plain sewing to the exquisite daint}- fanc}' work that adds beaut}' to every room. Knitting has so many advantages that it is hard to enumerate them. No machine work has yet reached the perfection of hand-knit articles. Fash- ion's caprices, while constantly suggesting new stitches, leave the old ones always in use. The following directions will aid in knitting the various patterns contained in this book. TERMS USED IN KNITTING. To cast 071 — Make a loop in your thread, and place it on the needle in 3'our left hand ; when, with your right hand needle, knit this stitch ; repeat this until the desired number of stitches have been made. To increase — 'If one stitch only is to be increased, bring the thread be- tween the needles and knit the following stitch; this will make an open stitch or hole in the following row. If a close increase is to be made, pick up the loop below the next stitch to be knitted, and knit it. To increase one stitch when the row is being seamed the thread will be in front of the needle ; pass it quite around the needle to the front again. To decrease — Lf one stitch onl}' is to be decreased, knit two stitches to- gether as one ; if two stitches are to be decreased, slip one, knit two together, pass the slipped stitch over the two knit together. 4 RULES FOR KNITTING. To fasten on — Twist the two ends of thread together, and knit a few stitches with both. To pick up a stitch — With the left hand needle pick up the loop below the next stitch to be knitted, knit it, and pass it to the other needle. To slip) a stitch — Is merely" to pass a stitch from the left-hand needle to the right-hand needle, without knitting it. To seam a stitch — Insert the needle in the stitch to be seamed, with the point towards j'ou. Pass the thread quite around the needle ; take the needle with thread on it out at the back. To narrovj — Means knit two stitches together. t over 1 — Means wind thread around needle once, thus making an extra stitch. t over 2 — Means wind thread around needle twice, thus making two extra stitches. t over 3 — Means wind thread around needle three times, making three extra stitches. t over 4 — Means wind thread around needle four times, making four extra stitches. 3 together — Means knit three stitches togethei- as one stitch. Part I— Wide Laces. "Attempt the end, and never stand in donbt; Nothing's so hard but search will find it out." —Herrick. Openv/ork Lace. Cast on 50 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 9 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 2d — Slip 1, 29 plain, seam loop, 10 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 3d — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 15 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 4th — Slip 1, 41 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 5th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow. V'"- RULES FOR KNrrriNG. t over 2, seam 2 together, 7 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, o plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. Gth — Slip 1, 29 plain, seam loop, 3 plain, seam loop, 8 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 7th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 17 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 8lh — Slip 1, 43 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2 seam 2 together, 2 plain. 9th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, narrow, t over 2, nairow, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. lOth — Slip 1, 29 plain, seam loop, 3 plain, seam loop, 3 plain, seam loop, 6 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 11th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 19 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, 12tli — Slip 1, 45 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row^, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 13th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, narrow, t over 2, narrows narrow, t over 2, narrow, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, nariow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over I, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 14th — Slip 1, 29 plain, seam loop, 3 plain, seam loop, 3 plain, seam loop, 3 plain, seam loop, 4 plnin, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 15th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2. seam 2 together, 21 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 16th — Slip 1, 47 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 17th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, narrow, (t over 2, narrow, narrow) 6 RULES FOR KNITTING. 4 times, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 18tb — Slip 1, 29 plain, (seam loop, 3 plain) 4 times, seam loop, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain. 19th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 49 plain. 20th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow^ t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, 18 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 21st — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, narrow, (tover 2, narrow, narrow,) 3 times, t over 2, narrow, 28 plain. 22d — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, knit 1 loop plain, seam 1 loop, (3 plain, seam loop) 3 times, 4 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 23d — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 46 plain. 24th — Slip 1, narrow, t oVer 1, narrow, t over I, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1 , narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 17 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 25th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, tover 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, narrow, (t over 2, narrow, narrow,) twice, t over 2, narrow, 28 plain. 26th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, knit 1 loop plain, (seam 1 loop, 3 plain,) twice, seam loop, 6 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 27th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 44 plain. 28th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 15 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 29th — Slip 1 , 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together. 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, RULES FOR KNITTING. 7 t over 2, seam 2 together, 7 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 28 plain. 30th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam loop, 8 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 31st — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 42 plain. 32d — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow^, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 13 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 33d — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, seam 2 together, 9 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 28 plain. 34th — Slip 1, 29 plain, seam loop, 10 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2 seam 2 together, 2 plain. 35th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 15 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 36th — Slip 1, 41 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. Repeat from 5th row, and commence agaip. Rose Leaf Lace. Cast on 31 stitches, knit across plain once. 1st Row — Slip 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, seam 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, keep back thread, seam 1, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, seanj^'l, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, nar- row, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, 2 plain. 2d — 1 off, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4, 1 plain, seam 3, 1 plain, seam 3, 1 plain, seam 6, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 3d — 1 off, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, seam 1, narrow, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, narrow, seam 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 7 plain. 4th — Slip 1, 8 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4, 1 plain, seam 2, 1 plain, seam 2, 1 plain, seam G, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 5th — Slip one, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 8 RULES FOR KNITTING. 1, narrow, seam 1, narrow, seam 1, narrow, seam 1, narrow, t OA^er 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, nar- row, t over 2, 3 plain. 6th — Slip 1 off, 3 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 5, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 7, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 7th — Slip 1 off", 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, knit 3 stitches together, seam 1, knit 3 stitches together, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 11 plain. 8th — Bind off 7, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 7, 1 plain, seam 9, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, 9th — Slip 1 off, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, knit 3 stitches together, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1,3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain. 10th — Slip 1 off, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 19, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. Leaf Point Edging. Cast on 23 stitches, seam across once. 1st Row — Slip 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 2, narrow, I over 2, narrow, 3 plain. 2cl — 1 off, seam 4, 1 plain, seam 2, 1 plain, seam 5, t over 1, seam 2 to- gether, seam 6, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. 3d — 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 5, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, seam 3. 4th — 1 off, 2 plain, seam 2, 1 plain, seam 2, 6 plain, seam 2, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 6, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. 5th — 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, 7 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 3 plain. 6th — 1 off, seam 4, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plaiii, seam 10, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 6, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. 7th — 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 9, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, seam 3. 8th — 1 off, 2 plain, seam 2, 1 plain, seam 2, 10 plain, seam 2, t over 1, seam 2' together, 4 plain, seam 2, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. 9th — 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, 11 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 3 plain. 10th — 1 off, seam 4, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, 14 seam, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 6, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. 11th — 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 13 seam, t over 2, narrow, seam 3. RULES FOR KNITTING. 9 r2tli — 1 off, 2 plain, seam 2, 1 plain, seam 2, 14 plain, seam 2, t over 1, seam 2 together, 4 plain, seam 2, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. 13th — 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, 15 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 3 plain. 14th — 1 off, seam 4, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 18, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 6, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. 15th — 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 24 seam. 16th — 1 off, 23 plain, seam 2, t over 1, seam 2 together, 4 plain, seam 2, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. 17th — 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, 24 plain. 18th — 1 off, 25 seam, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 6, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. 19th — 1 off, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 24. 20th — Bind off 14, 10 plain, seam 2, t over 1, seam 2 together, 4 plain, seam 2, t over 1, seam 2 together, seam 1. Diamond Lace. Cast on 31 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 8 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 9 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, seam 1, keep back thread towards 3'ou, 1 plain. 2d — 2 plain, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 7 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 7 plain. 3d — 6 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, seam 1, keep back thread, 1 plain. 4th — 2 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 9 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain. 5th — 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 11 plain, t over 1 narrow, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, seam 1, keep back thread, 1 plain. 6th — 2 plain, t over 1. 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, knit 3 stitches together, t over 1, 13 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain. 7th — 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 9 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. 8th — Bind off 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 h ,0 RULES FOR KNITTING. ^ plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, \j 7 plain, narrow, t over J, 6 plain. ^~t- 9th— 7 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain, t over ^ 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow ; pull the slipped stitch over the r5 narrowed one, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. -:^ 10th — Bind 1 off, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 9 >v!^ plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 8 plain. 11th — 9 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1,11 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. 12th — Bind off 1, 1 plain, t over 1, knit 3 stitches together, t over 1, 13 plain, t over 1, knit 3 stitches together, t over 1, 10 plain. Sea Shell Lace. - Cast on 32 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 1, seam 2 together, t over 1, seam 2 together, t over 1, seam 2 together, t over 1, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, knit plain to last stitch, then t over 1, seam 1. 2d — t over 1, seam 2 together, knit plain till there are left 10 stitches on the left-hand needle, now (t over 1, seam 2 together,) 4 times, 2 plain. Alwa3's in going back to where the over 2 is, you can knit the first half plain, seam second half. 3d — 2 plain, (t over 1, seam 2 together.) 4 times, knit plain to last 2 stitches, now t over 1, seam 2 together. 4th — Like 2d row. 5th — 2 plain, (t oyer 1, seam 2 together,) 4 times, 2 plain, t over 2, scam 2 together, knit plain to last 2 stitches, now t over 1 , seam 2 together. 6th — Like 2d row. 7th — Like 3d row. 8th— Like 2d row. 9th — 2 plain, (t over 1, seam 2 together,) 4 times. 2 plain, (t over 2. seam 2 together.) 3 times, knit plain to last 2, t over 1, seam 2 together. 10th— Like 2d row. 11th— Like 3d row. 12th— Like 2d row. 13th — 2 plain, (t over 1, seam 2 together,) 4 times, 2 plain, (t over 2. seam 2 together,) 4 times, knit plain to last 2 stitches, t over I, 'seam 2 together. 14th — Like 2d row. loth — Like 3d row, 16th — Like 2d row. 17th — 2 plain, (t over 1, seam 2 together.) 4 tiiues, 2 plain, (t over 2. RULES FOR KNITTING. ii seam 2 together,) 5 times, knit plain, to last 2 stitches, then t over 1, seam 2 together. 18th — Like 2d row. 19th— Like 3cl row. 20th — t over 1, seam 2 together, 1 plain ; now slip all the stitches off the left-hand needle over the 1st stitch of the left-hand needle till 29 stitches remain on left-hand needle and 3 on the right-hand needle. To put t over 1 before seaming, wind thread around needle once ; to put t over 2 before seaming, wind thread around needle twice. Commence at 1st row now. Snowflake Lace. ; This is very pretty- for the edge of handkerchiefs or neck-ties. No. 80 or 1 00 linen thread is used. Edge, means knit 3 on each edge. Cast on 40 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Edge, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, re- peat to last 3, which are knit plain. 2d — Plain, and every between row plain. 3d — Edge, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, knit 3 together, repeat to last 3, which are knit plain. ^4th — Like 1st row. Keep repeating from 1st row until it is the length desired; an}" narrow edge can be sewed on when done. German Lace. • Cast on 31 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 3 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1 3 plain. 2d — Plain knitting, also ever}' even row. 3d — 3 plain, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pull slipped stitch over narrowed one, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, .') plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 5th — 3 [)lain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 3 plain. 7th — 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. 12 RULES FOR KNITTING. t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 3 plain. 9tli— 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over narrowed one, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. lltb — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 13th — 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 3 plain. 15th — 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pull slipped stitch over narrowed one, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over narrowed one, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 17th — 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 19th — 7 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, n^- row, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 21st — 8 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over narrowed one, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over narrowed one, t over 1, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 23d — Bind oft' 6 stitches, 2 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, nar- row, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. Knit back plain till within 3 stitches of end, then pick up a stitch, knit it and the remaining 3 plain ; 30U will have 31 stitches to start again. y Wide Lace, v Cast on 40 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain [t over 1, narrow] ; repeat what is in brackets to last 2 stitches, then t over 1. 2 plain. 2d — Plain all but faggot, and every even row plain all but faggot. 3d — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 6 plain, [t over 1, nar- row.] repeat till 2 stitches, on left-hand needle, t over 1, 2 plain. RULES FOR KNITTING. 13 5th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 9 plain [t over 1, nar- row] ; repeat in brackets till last 2 stitches, now t over 1, 2 plain. 7th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 12 plain [t over 1, nar- row] ; repeat what is in brackets till last 2, t over 1, 2 plain. 9th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 15 plain [t over 1, nar- row] ; repeat in brackets to last 2 stitches, now t over 1, 2 plain. 11th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 18 plain [t over 1, nar- row], repeat till last 2, t over 1, 2 plain. 13th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 21 plain [t over 1, nar- row], repeat till last 2, t over 1, 2 plain. 15th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 24 plain [t over 1, nar- row], repeat till last 2, now t over 1, 2 plain. 17th— Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 27 plain [t over 1, nar- row] repeat what is in brackets till last 2, t over 1, 2 plain. 19th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 30 plain [t over 1, nar- row] repeat in brackets till last 2, t over 1, 2 plain. 21st — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 33 plain [t over 1, nar- row] repeat in brackets till last 2, now t over 1, 2 plain. 23cl — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, knit rest plain to end. 24th^Bind off till you have only 40 stitches left, then knit plain to end all but faggot. The faggot is made by t over 2, seam 2 together everj^ time, in every row. Rose Leaf Edging. « Cast on 30 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 6 plain, put 4 stitches over 1 stitch, t over 2, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, nar- row, knit plain to last 2 stitches, now put thread over twice and seam 2 together. 2d — Wind thread around right-hand needle once, and seam 2 together, 8 plain, knit 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. Now you have a double loop, knit 1 stitch plain and seam 1, out of 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch plain and seam 1, out of other stitch ; now you have 4 stitches out of the double loop, 6 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 3d — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 12 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, knit plain till last 2 stitches, then t over 2, seam 2 together. 4th — Wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, knit plain to faggot, now t over 2, seam 2 together, 6 plain, put 4 stitches over 1 stitch, t over 2, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 5lh — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, make 4 stitches of 14 RULES FOR KNITTING. double loop as in 2(i row, 6 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, knit plain until last 2 stitches, now t over 2, seam 2 together. 6th — Wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 7 plain, make 1 plain, and seam 1, of each double loop, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 12 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 7th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 6 plain, put 4 stitches over 1 stitch, t over 2, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, knit plain to last 2 stitches, now t over 2, seam 2 together. 8th — Wind thread around needle once and seam 2 together, 13 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, make 4 stitches of double loop, like second row, 6 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 9th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 12 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 1 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, slip ever}' stitch over 1 left. lOtn — Wind thread around needle once, 1 plain, make 2 stitches of every loop. 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 6 plain, put 4 stitches over 1 stitch, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 11th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, make 4 stitches of double loop as in 2d row, knit plain till last 2, now t over 2, seam 2 together. •■■ 12th — Plain all but fa^rgots. S^w^iss Lace. - Throughout this pattern whenever the thread is put over twice 3'ou knit the first loop and drop the second, which is simply put in to make the hole larger. Cast on 20 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Knit across plain. 2d — Knit plain until you have 6 stitches on needle, now t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, t over 2, 3 plain. 3d — 10 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 6 plain. 4th — Knit plain until you have 6 stitches left on needle, now t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, t over 2, 3 plain. 5th — 12 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, fj plain. 6th — Knit plain until you have 6 stitches left on needle, now t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, t over 2, 3 plain. 7th — 14 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 4 plain. 8th — Knit plain until you have 6 stitches left on needle, now t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, t over 2, 3 plain. RULES FOR KNITTING. 15 9th — 16 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, tover 2, knit 2 together, 3 plain. 10th — Knit across plain ; you should now have 24 stitches on needle. 11th — Slip 1, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, rest plain. 12th — 5 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 13 plain. 13th — Slip 1, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, rest plain. 14th — 6 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 11 plain. 15th — Slip 1, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, rest plain. 16th — 7 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, tover 2, knit 2 together, 9 plain. 17th — Slip 1, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, rest plain. 18th — 8 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 7 plain. Wonderful Lace. -^ Throughout this pattern every 3d loop is of no account, but is dropped off. Cast on 23 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, knit 2 together, t over 3, narrow, 5 plain, knit 2 together, 5 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 3, 2 plain. 2d — 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1 ofl, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 7 plain, seam 1, 6 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 3d — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 5 plain. 4th — 5 plain, tover 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain. 5th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, knit 2 together, t over 3, knit 2 together, knit 2 together, t over 3, knit 2 together, 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 3, knit 2 together, t over 3, knit 2 together. 6th — 2 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 2 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 4 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 7th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2. seam 2 to- gether, 7 plain. x6 RULES FOR KNITTING. 8th — 7 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain. 9th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, knit 2 together, t over 3, knit 2 together, knit 2 together, t over 3, knit 2 together, knit 2 together, t over 3, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 3, knit 2 together, t over 3, knit 2 together, t over 3, knit 2 together. 10th — 2 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 2 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 2 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 11th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 10 plain. 12th — Bind off 7 stitches, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 13th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, narrow, t over 3, nar- row, narrow, t over 3, narrow, 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 3, 2 plain. ' 14th — 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 4 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 15th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seara 2 to- gether, 5 plain. 16th — -5 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain. 17th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, knit 2 together, t over 3, knit 2 together, 5 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 3, nar- row, t over 3, narrow. 18th — 2 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 2 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 7 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 6 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain. 19th — 2 plain, t over 2, seara 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 7 plain. 20th — 7 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain. 21st — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, narrow, t over 3, nar- row, narrow, t over 3, narrow, 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 3, narrow, t over 3, narrow, t over 3, narrow. 22d — 2 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 2 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 2 plain, seara 1, drop 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 4 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 23d — 2 phiin, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 10 plain. RULES FOR KNITTING. 17 24th — Bind off' 7 stitches, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 2oth — Repeat from 9th row, leaving 3 stitches on left-hand needle, 1 plain, t over 3, 2 plain. Pointed Edging. - Cast on 19 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain, t over 2, nari'ow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 2d — Slip 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain. 3d — Slip 1, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, knit 1, pull one over the other, nar- row, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, knit 1, pull one over the other, 1 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 4th — Slip 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 4 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, seam 1, 2 plain. 5th — Slip 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 8 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 6th — Slip 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 7 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain. 7th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, 1 plain, pull one over the other, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, 1 plain, pull one over the other, 3 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 8th — Slip 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 6 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, seam 1, 2 plain. 9th — Slip 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 17 plain. 10th — Bind off" 5 stitches, 9 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain. 11th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, 1 plain, pull one over the other, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, t over 2,.slip 1, knit 1, pull one over the other, 1 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 12th — Slip 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, seam 1, 2 plain. 13th — Slip 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 14th — Slip 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, G plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain. loth — Slip 1, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, 1 plain, pull one over the other, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, 1 plain, pull one over the other, 2 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 16th — Slip 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 5 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, seam 1, 2 plain. 1 8 RULES FOR KNITTING. 17th — Slip 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 9 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 18tli — Slip 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 8 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain. 19th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, 1 plain, slip one over the other, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, 1 plain, pull one over the other, 11 plain. 20th — Bind off 5 stitches, 7 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, seam 1, 2 plain. Orange Leaf Lace. '^ Cast on 27 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, rest plain. (28 stitches on needle.) 2d — Slip 1, 8 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 9 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (30 stitches on needle.) 3d — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, seam 1, 10 plain, seam 3, 9 plain. (30 stitches on needle.) 4th — Shp 1, 9 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 12 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (32 stitches on needle.) 5th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 7 plain, seam 5, 9 plain. (34 stitches on needle.) 6th — Slip 1, 10 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 10 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (36 stitches on needle.) 7th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, seam 1, 12 plain, seam 7, 9 plain. (36 stitches on needle.) 8th — Slip 1,11 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 16 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (38 stitches on needle.) 9th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 7 plain, seam 9, 9 plain. (41 stitches on needle.) 10th — Slip 1,12 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1,12 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow. 1 plain. (43 stitches on needle.) 11th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread aronnd needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, seam 1, 15 plain, seam 11, 9 plain. (43 stitches on needle.) 12th — Slip 1, 13 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 21 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1. narrow, 1 plain. (45 stitches on needle.) 13th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread aiound needle once, scam 2 logelher, RULES FOR KNITTING. 19 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, slip 1, narrow, throw the slipped stitch over the narrowed one, t over 2, narrow, 7 plain, seam 13, 9 plain. (48 stitches on needle.) 14th — Slip 1, 8 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, throw slipped stitched over, 9 plain narrow, 8 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (46 stitches on needle.) 15th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, seam 1, 18 plain, seam 11,9 plain. (46 stitches on needle.) 16th — Slip 1, 8 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, throw the slipped stitch over plain one, 7 plain, narrow, 19 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (44 stitches on needle.) 17th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, knit 3 together, t over 2, knit 3 together, t over 2, narrow, 7 plain, seam 9, 9 plain. (47 stitches on needle.) 18th — Slip 1, 8 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, throw slipped stitch over plain one, 5 plain, narrow, 8 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (45 stitches on needle.) 19th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, seam 1, 21 plain, seam 7, 9 plain. (45 stitches on needle.) 20th — Slip 1, 8 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, throw slipped stitch over, 3 plain, narrow, 22 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (43 stitches on needle.) 21st — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, knit 3 together, t over 2, knit 3 together, t over 2, 3 together, t over 2, narrow, 7 plain, seam 5, 9 plain. (46 stitches on needle.) 22d — Slip 1, 8 plain, shp 1, 1 plain, throw slipped stitch over, 1 plain, narrow, 8 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam ], 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (44 stitches on needle.) 23d — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, seam 1, 24 plain, seam 3, 9 plain. (44 stitches on needle.) 24th — Slip 1, 8 plain, knit 3 together, 25 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. (42 stitches on needle.) 25th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, 3 together, t over 2, 3 together, t over 2, 3 together, t over 2, 3 together, t over 2, narrow, 17 plain. (45 stitches on needle.) 26th — Slip 1, 17 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1. narrow, 1 plain. (45 stitches on needle.) 20 RULES FOR KNITTING. 27th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 2 plain, seam 1, 37 plain. (45 stitches on needle.) 28th — Bind off 18 stitches, 19 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. Swiss Lace Kecktie. Cast on 39 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 9 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 9 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 2 plain. 2d — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 7 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 7 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, 2 plain. 3d — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, harrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain. 4th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain. oth — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain. 6th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, pass narrowed stitch over plain stitch, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 1 plain, pass narrowed stitch over plain stitch, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain. 7th — Slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over plain one, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. RULES FOR KNITTING. 21 8th — Slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over plain stitch, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1. narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. 9th — Slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over plain one, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, pass narrowed stitch over plain stitch, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, pass narrowed stitch over plain one, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 1 plain, pass narrowed stitch over plain one, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. 10th — Slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over plain stitch, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 9 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 9 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. 11th — Slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over plain stitch, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1,11 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1,11 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. 12th — Slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over plain stitch, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 together, t over 1, 13 plain, t over 1, 3 together, t over 1, 13 plain, t over 1, 3 together, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. 13th — Slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over plain one, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 11 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 11 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow. This completes the pattern, and should be repeated until of desired length. Part II— Wide Insertions. '* German Insertion. Cast on 39 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow", 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1 , 1 plain, narrow, t over 1 , 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, narrow' , t over 1, 3 plain. 2d — All plain knitting. 3d — 3 pltiin, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, throw slipped stitch over narrowed 2 2 RULES FOR KNITTING. one, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 4th — All plain knitting. 5th— 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 6th — All plain knitting. 7th — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 8th — All plain knitting. 9th — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, throw the slipped stitch over the narrowed one, t over 1, I plain, narrow, t over 1, plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 10th — All plain kniting. lltii — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 12th — All plain knitting. 13th — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 14th — All plain knitting. 15th — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, then slipped stitch over, t over 1, I plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over I, slip I, narrow, throw slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 16th — All plain knitting. 17th — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 18th — All plain knitting, 19th — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, RULES FOR KNITTING. 23 t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 20th — All plain knitting. 21st — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 6 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, throw slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, throw slipped stitch over, t over 1, 6 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. 22d — All plain knitting. 23d — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain. Knit back plain, commence at 1st row. This insertion matches German Lace, page 11. -^ Fern Insertion. Cast on 36 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Eow — Seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch oyer, t over 1, 3 plain, narrow, seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, t over 1, 3 plain, seam 2 together. 2d — Seam 17, 1 plain, seam 17, 1 plain. 3d — Seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 2 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 2 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow. 4th — Seam 17, 1 plain, seam 17, 1 plain. 5th — Seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stich over, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, nar- row, pass slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, seam 2 together. 6th — Seam 17, 1 plain, seam 17, 1 plain. 7th — Seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 1, shp 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, t over 1, 24 RULES FOR KNITTING. 2 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 2 plain, t over 1, seam 2 together. 8th — Seam 17, 1 plain, seam 17, 1 plain. Wonderful Insertion. Cast on 30 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, narrow, t over 3, narrow, 5 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 2d — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 7 plain, seam 1, drop 1, G plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 3d — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, fc over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 4th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 5th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, narrow, t over 3, narrow, narrow, t over 3, narrow, 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 6th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 5 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 4 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 7th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 8th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain. 9th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 togeth- er, 1 plain, narrow, t over 3, narrow, narrow, t over 3, narrow, narrow, t over 3, narrow, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 10th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 togeth- er, 2 plain. 11th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- RULES FOR KNITTING. 25 gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 12th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 13th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 3 plain, narrow, t over 3, narrow, narrow, t over 3, narrow. 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 14tli — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 5 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 4 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 15th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 16th— 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 17th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 5 plain, narrow, t over 3, narrow, 5 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together. 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 18th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 7 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 6 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 19th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 20th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 i)lain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 21st — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 3 plain, narrow, t over 3, narrow, narrow, t over 3, narrow, 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 22d — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 5 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 3 plain, seam 1, drop 1, 4 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 23d — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 24th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 14 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. Repeat from 9th row every time to end. Bind off pattern at 21st row. This insertion matches Wonderful Lace, page 15. 26 RULES FOR KNITTING. Tortoise Insertion. Cast on 31 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Seam 4, 9 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 9 plain, seam 4. 2d — All seamed. 3d — Seam 4, 8 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 8 plain, seam 4. 4th — All seamed. 5th — Seam 4, 7 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 7 plain, 4 seam. 6th — All seamed. 7th — Seam 4, 6 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 6 plain, seam 4. 8th — All seamed. 9th — Seam 4, ,5 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, seam 4. 10th — All seamed. 11th — Seam 4, 4 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, seam 4. 12th — All seamed. 13th — Seam 4, 3 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, seam 4. 14th — All seamed. ISth — Seam 4, 2 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, seam 4. 16th — All seamed. 17th — Seam 4, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, seam 4. 18th — All seamed. 19th — Seam 4, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain. RULES FOR KNITTING. 27 pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 7 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4. 20th— All seamed. 21st — Seam 4, 2 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, seam 4. 22d — All seamed. 23d — Seam 4, 3 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, seam 4. 24th — All seamed. 25th — Seam 4, 4 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over. 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, knit 3 together, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, seam 4. 26th — All seamed. 27th — Seam 4, 5 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, seam 4. 28th — All seamed. 29th — Seam 4, 6 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 6 plain, seam \. 30th — All seamed. 31st — Seam 4, 7 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, knit 3 together, tover 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain, seam 4. 3 2d — All seamed. 33d — Seam 4, 8 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 8 plain, seam 4. 34th — All seamed. 35th — Seam 4, 9 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 9 plain, seam 4. 36th — All seamed. 37th — Seam 4, 10 plain, t over 1, 3 together, t over 1, 10 plain, seam 4. 38th — All seamed. Rose Leaf Insertion. Cast on 29 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 1 off, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, seam 1, narrow, 1 plain, wind thread around needle once, keep back 28 RULES FOR KNITTING. thread, seam 1, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, seam 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 2d — 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4, 1 plain, seam 3, 1 plain, seam 3, 1 plain, seam 6, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 3d — 1 off, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, seam 1, narrow, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, narrow, seam 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 4th — 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 4, 1 plain, seam 2, 1 plain, seam 2, 1 plain, seam 6, t over 1, nariow, 2 plain. 5th — 1 off, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 1, narrow, seam 1, narrow, seam 1, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 6th — 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 seam, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 7, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 7th — 1 off, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 3 together, seam 1, 3 together, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 8th — 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, seam 7, 1 plain, seam 9, t over 1', narrow, 2 plain. 9th — 1 off, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, 3 together, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 10th — 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 19 seam, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. This insertion matches Rose Leaf Lace, page 7. Beetle Bug Insertion. Cast on 31 stitclies, knit across plain. 1st Row — 3 seam, knit 2 together, t over 2, knit 2 together, 7 plain, t over 1, knit 3 together, t over 1, 7 plain, knit 2 together, t over 2, 2 to- gether, seam 3. 2d — 8eam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 9 plain, seam 1, 10 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 3. 3d — Seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 2 plain, seam 3. 4th — Seam 3, slip 1, 3 plain, scam 1, G plain, seam 3, 7 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 3. 5th — Seam 3, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 4 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, seam 3. Gth — Seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 7 plain, 5 seam, 8 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 3. 7th — Seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, RULES FOR KNITTING. 29 t over 1, 7 plain, t over 1 narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 2 [Tlain, seam 3. 8th — Seam 3, slip 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 4 plain, seam 7, 5 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 3. 9th — Seam 3, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 2 plain, narrow, t over 1, 9 plain (very loose), t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 3 seam. 10th — Seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 5 plain, seam 2, t over 2, 5 to- gether, wind thread around needle 3 times, seam 2, 6 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 3. 11th — Seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, nar- row, t over 2, narrow, 2 plain, seam 3. 12th — Seam 3, slip 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 4 plain, seam 7, 5 plain, seam 1. 3 plain, seam 3. 13th — Seam 3, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, seam 3. 14th — Seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 7 plain, seam 5, 8 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 3. 15th — Seam 3 slip 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 2 plain, seam 3. 16th — Seam 3, slip 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 6 plain, seam 3, 7 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 3. Part III— Narrow Laces. French Lace. * Cast on 17 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 1, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 1, knit 2 to- gether, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pass the slipped stitch over, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, t over 2, 2 plain. 2d — 3 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 5, 5 plain. 3d — 2 plain, t over 1, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 1, knit 2 together. 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, t over 1, 10 plain. 4th — 2 plain, t over 2, knit 2 together, 1 plain, knit 2 together, t over 2. knit 2 together, 2 plain, seam 3, 6 plain. 5th — 2 plain, t over 1, knit 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, knit 3 together, t over 1, 4 plain, seam 1, 4 plain, seam 1, 2 plain. 6th — 12 plain, seam 3, 6 plain. 30 RULES FOR KNITTING. 7tli_2 plain, t over 1, knit 2 together, knit 2 together, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, knit 2 together, 2 plain, t over 2, slip 1, knit 3 together, pass slipped stitch over, t over 2, knit 2 together, knit 2 together. 8th — 3 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 5, 5 plain. 9th— 2 plain, t over 1, knit 2 together, 1 plain, t over 1, knit 2 together, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, t over 1,10 plain. 10th — Bind off 3, 6 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, seam 1, G plain. Eyelet Edging. - Cast on 15 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 3, narrow, 1 plain. 2d — Slip 1, 1 plain, knit 1st loop plain, seam 2d loop, knit 3d loop plain. 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. 3d — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. t over 1, narrow, 5 plain. 4th — Slip 1, 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. 5th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain. 6th — Bind off 2, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. Spanish Lace. » Cast on 15 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 6 plain. 2d — 6 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 1 plain. 3d — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, 6 plain. 4th — Bind off till there are 14 stitches left on needle, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, tover 1, narrow, 1 plain. 5th — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, nar- row, t over 1, 3 plain. 6th — 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 2, 1 plain, throw the two slipped stitches over the one plain, t over 1, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. RULES FOR KNITTING. 31 Karrow Edge. "* 1st Row — Slip 1, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 2d— All plain. 3cl — Slip 1, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 4th — Bind off till 1 stitch is left on right-hand needle and 4 on left-hand needle, plain to end. Odd Edging. ' Cast on 13 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Seam 3, 8 plain, seam 2. 2d — Slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over plain one, wind thread around right-hand needle once, seam 8, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pull slipped stitch over narrowed one. 3d — (Take the 1st stitch and knit 1 plain, seam 1, thus making 2 stitches out of 1), 10 plain, seam 1. 4th — Slip 1, 1 plain, wind thread around needle once, and seam 2 to- gether, seam 4, seam 2 together, t over 1, 3 plain. 5th — (Take 1st stitch, knit 1 plain, and seam 1, as before), seam 3, 6 plain, seam 3. 6th — Slip 1, 2 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, seam 2, seam 2 together, t over 1, 5 plain. 7th — (Take 1st stitch, knit 1 plain, seam 1), seam 5, 4 plain, seam 4. 8th — Slip 1, 3 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, seam 2 together, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 2 plain. 9th — Slip 1, seam 2, knit 1st loop, seam 2d loop, seam 3, 2 plain, seam 5. 10th — Slip 1, 1 plain, narrow, wind thread around needle once, narrow, 3 plain, narrow. 11th — Slip 1, seam 4, 6 plain, seam 3. 12th — Slip 1, narrow, wind thread around needle once, seam G, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow. J Dianiond Edging. Cast on 9 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1. 1 plain. 2d — 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 4 plain. 3d — 2 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 4th — 1 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 3 plain. oth — 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 32 RULES FOR KNITTING. 6th — 1 plain, seam 1, 5 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 2 plain. 7th — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow. 8th — 1 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 3 plain. 9th — 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 together, t over 1, narrow. lOth — 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 4 plain. 11th — 5 plain, t over 1, 3 together, t over 1, narrow. 12th— 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 5 plain. Oceana Lace. Cast on 16 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 2d — Knit across plain. 3d — 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 4th — Knit back plain. 5th — 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 6th — Knit back plain. 7th — 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 stitches together, t over 1. narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 8th — Knit back plain. 9th — 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, nar- row, 5 plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 10th — Knit back plain. 11th — 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, t over 1, 1 plain. 12th — Bind off 5 stitches, 15 plain. Faggot Lace. Cast on 10 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 1 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, 2 plain. 2d — 4 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 3d — Slip 1, 1 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 3 plain, t over 2, narrow, 2 plain. 4th — 4 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. oth — Slip 1, 1 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 4 plain, t over 2, narrow, 2 plain. RULES FOR KNITTING. 33 6th — 4 plain, seam 1, 4 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 7th — Slip 1, 1 plain, wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, rest plain. 8th — Bind off 3 stitches, 5 plain, wind thread around needle twice, seam 2 together, 2 plain. Clover Leaf Edging. Cast on 10 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 4 plain. 2d — 6 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 2 plain. 3d — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 7 plain. 4th — 8 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. 5th — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, nar- row, 2 plain. 6th — 4 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. 7th — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 9 plain. 8th — Bind off 3, 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. Saw Teeth Edge. Cast on 12 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1. narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 2d — Knit back plain till 4 stitches remain on needle, t over 2, seam 2 to- gether, 2 plain. 3d — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 4th — Knit back plain till 4 stitches remain on needle, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 5th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, 6th — Knit back plain till 4 stitches remain on needle, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 7th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain. 8th — Knit back plain till 4 stitches are left on needle, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 i)lain. 9th — 2 plain, t over 2, seran 2 together, remaining 12 plain. 10th — Bind off 4, knit plain to lasl 4. t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 34 RULES FOR KNITTING. Scallop Lace. Cast on 12 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain. 2d — All plain. 3(1 — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 5 plain. 4th — All plain. 5th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 6 plain. 6th— All plain. 7th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain. 8th— All plain. 9th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 8 plain. 10th— All plain. 11th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, tover 1, narrow, tover 1, narrow, t over 1, 9 plain. 12th— All plain. 13th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 10 plain. 14th— All plain. 15th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, tover 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 9 plain. 16th— All plain. 17th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 8 plain. 18th— All plain. 19th — Slip 1,- narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow. t over 1, narrow, 7 plain. 20th— All plain. 21st — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, tover 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 6 plain. 22d — All plain. 23d — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain. 24th— All plain. 25th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, tover 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 4 plain. 26th— All plain. RULES FOR KNrrTING. 35 27th — Slip 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1 , narrow, t over 1, narrow, 3 plain. 28th— All plain. 29th — Slip 1 , narrow, t over 1 , narrow, t over 1 , narrow, t over 1 , narrow, t over 1, narrow, 2 plain. 30th and 31st— Plain. Shell Lace. Cast on 12 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, 6 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together. 2cl — Wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 7 plain, knit 1st loop plain, seam 2d loop, 2 plain. 3d — 11 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together. 4th — Wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 11 plain. 5th — 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 5 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together. 6th — Wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 6 plain, knit 1 loop plain, seam 1 loop, 1 plain, 1 plain, seam 1 loop, 2 plain. 7tb — 13 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together. 8th — Wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 13 plain. 0th — 2 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 5 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together. 10th — Wind thread around needle, seam 2 together, 6 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop, 1 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop, 1 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop, 2 plain. nth — 11 plain, take 11th back on left-hand needle, slip 6 stitches over that stitch, t over 2, seam 2 together. 12th — Wind thread around needle once, seam 2 together, 10 plain. Parisian Lace. Cast on 9 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 2d — 2 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. 3d — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain. 4th — 7 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. 5th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow. 36 RULES FOR KNITTING. 6th — 1 plain, 1 loop plain, seam 1 loop, 1 plain, 1 loop plain, seam 1 loop, 3 plain» t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. 7th — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, 7 plain. 8th — Bind off 3, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain. Oak Leaf Edge. Cast on 10 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 2cl — 2 plain, 1st loop plain, seam 1 loop, 1 plain, 1st loop plain, seam 1 loop, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 3d — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 4th — 2 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop, 1 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop. 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 5th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 5 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 6th — 2 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop, 1 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop, 5 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 7th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 7 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 1 plain. 8th — 2 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop, 1 plain, knit 1 loop, seam 1 loop, 7 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 9th — 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 14 plain. 10th — Bind off till 10 stitches remain on needle, 5 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. Continental Lace. Cast on 17 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, narrow, rest plain. 2d — Slip 1, 8 plain, seam 1, knit remainder plain. 3d — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, knit remainder plain. 4th — Slip 1, remainder plain. 5th — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2. narrow, rest plain. 6th — Slip 1, 7 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, rest plain. 7th — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, rest plain. 8th — Slip 1, remainder plain. RULES FOR KNITTING. 37 9th — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, rest plain. 10th — Slip 1, 7 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, seam 1, rest plain. 11th — 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, rest plain . 12th— Slip 1, 1, plain, throw slipped stitch over knitted one, continue this till 16 stitches remain on left needle, which are knit plain. Florence Lace. Cast on 15 stitches, knit across plain. 1st Row — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 together, 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain. 2d — 2 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 4 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 3d — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, 2 to- gether, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, t over 1, 2 plain. 4th — 2 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, seam 1, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 5th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, t over 1, 2 to- gether, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 3 plain, t over 1, 2 plain. 6th — 2 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. 7th — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 4 plain, t over 1, knit 2 together, t over 2, seam 2 together, rest plain. 8th — Bind off 3 stitches, 2 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 1 plain, seam 1, 4 plain, t over 2, seam 2 together, 2 plain. Part IV— Knitted Quilts. Knit Quilt. This is knit in stripes of two kinds, and requires four pounds of No. 10. 3-threaded cotton. Wide Stripe, or FIoneycomb. — Cast on 80 stitches. 1st Row — Knit plain. 2d — Purl. 3d — Plain. 4th — Knit 6 plain, *slip 2, knit 4, slip 2, and so on, repeating from the " slip 2," etc., to the end of needle, and end with 6 plain. 38 RULES FOR KNITTING. 5th— Same as 4th row, only purl instead of plain, slipping the same stitches. 6th — Same as 4th row, plain and slip. 7th — Same as 5th row, purl and slip. 8th — Same as 4th row, plain and slip. 9th — Knit plain, all across, slipped and all. 10th — Purl across. 11th — Plain across. 12th — Knit 3, *slip 2, knit 4, slip 2, knit 4, and so on, repeating from the "- slip 2," to end of needle, and end with 3 plain. Alternate rows of honeycomb must begin and end with 6 stitches, the other with 3 stitches. Narrow, or Twist Stripe — Cast on 40 stitches. 1st Row — Knit across plain. 2d — Knit 4, purl 8, knit 4, purl 8, knit 4, purl 8, knit 4. 3d — Plain. 4th — Same as 2d row. 5th — Plain. 6th — Same as 2d row. 7th — Plain. 8th — Same as 2d row. 9th— Plain. 10th— Same as 2d row. 11th— Plain. 12th — Same as 2d row. 13th — Plain. 14th — Same as 2d row. 15th — Plain. 16th — Same as 2d row. 17th — Knit 4 plain, take a third needle, knit the next 4 on it, then make a twist by laying the 4 stitches on the third needle over the next 4 stitches, and going back to knit, commencing, after the 4 at the beginning, with the 9th, 10th, 11th, r2th, then the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th stitches; repeat this twice to end of the needle, thus making three sets of twists with a row of garter stitch between. An Elegant Quilt, Made of woodbine twists and diamonds. It is composed of 10 strips, 13 diamonds long. Knit some kind of pretty edge for border. It takes 28 balls of Morse & Kaley's knitting cotton No. 10, and very coal's.e knitting needles, called mitten needles. Knit across plain 4 rows at beginning and 4 rows before binding off. 1st Row — Cast on 63 stitches ; 16 plain, seam 11,4 plain, t over 2, nar- row, 3 plain, seam 11, 16 plain. 2d — 4 plain, seam 8, 15 plain, seam 9,15 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 3d — 16 plain, seam 11,9 plain, seam 11,16 plain. 4th — 4 plain, seam 8, 15 plain, seam 9, 15 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 5th — 30 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 29 plain. 6th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 7th — Knit across plain. 8th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. RULES FOR KNITTING. 39 9th — 16 plain, seam 9, 4 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 3 plain, seam 9, 16 plain, 10th — 4 plain, seam 8, 13 plain, seam 13, 13 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 11th — 16 plain, seam 9, 13 plain, seam 9, 16 plain. 12th — 4 plain, seam 8, 13 plain, seam 13, 13 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 13th — 28 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 27 plain. 14th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 15th — Jvnit across plain. 16th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 17th — 4 plain, slip 4 stitches from jour left-hand needle onto a hairpin, knit 4 plahi, then put your 4 stitches back onto left-hand needle ; now 8 plain, seam 7, 4 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, nar- row, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 3 plain, seam 7, 4 plain, slip 4 stitches from your left-hand needle onto a hairpin, 4 plain, then put the 4 stitches back on left needle, 8 plain. 18th — 4 plain, seam 8, 11 plain, seam 17, 11 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 19th — 16 plain, seam 7, 17 plain, seam 7, 16 plain. 20th — 4 plain, seam 8, 11 plain, seam 17, 11 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 21st — 26 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 25 plain. 22d — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 23d — Knit across plain. . 24th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 25th — 16 plain, seam 5, 4 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 3 plain, seam 5, 16 plain. 26th — 4 plain, seam 8, 9 plain, seam 21, 9 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 27th — 16 plain, seam 5, 21 plain, seam 5, 16 plain. 28th — 4 plain, seam 8, 9 plain, seam 21, 9 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 29th — 24 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 23 plain. 30th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 31st — Knit across plain. 32d — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 33d — 4 plain, take 4 stitches from your left-hand needle onto a hairpin, 4 plain, put back the 4 stitches onto left-hand needle, 8 plain, seam 3, 4 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, nar- row, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow. 3 plain, seam 3, 4 plain, slip the next 4 stitches onto a hairpin, 4 plain, put the 4 stitches that are on hairpin back on left heedle. 8 plain. 40 RULES FOR KNITTING. 34th — 4 plain, seam 8, 7 plain, seam 25, 7 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 35th — 16 plain, seam 3, 25 plain, seam 3, 16 plain. 36th — 4 plain, seam 8, 7 plain, seam 25, 7 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 37th — 22 plain (t over 2, narrow,) 10 times. 21 plain. 38th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 39th — Knit across plain. 40th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 41st — 16 plain, seam 3, 4 plain, (t over 2, narrow,) 9 times, 3 plain, seam 3, 16 plain. 42d — 4 plain, seam 8, 7 plain, seam 25, 7 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 43d — 16 plain, seam 3, 25 plain, seam 3, 16 plain. 44th — 4 plain, seam 8, 7 plain, seam 25, 7 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. - 45th — 24 plain, (t over 2, narrow,) 8 times, 23 plain. 46th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 47th — Knit across plain. 48th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 49th — 4 plain, take 4 stitches from your left-hand needle onto a hairpin, 4 plain, put the stitches back onto left-hand needle, 8 plain, seam 5, 4 plain, (t over 2, narrow,) 7 times, 3 plain, seam 5, 4 plain, slip off 4 stitches onto a hairpin, 4 plain, put the stitches back on left needle, 8 plain. 50th — 4 plain, seam 8, 9 plain, seam 21, 9 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 51st — 16 plain, seam 5, 21 plain, seam 5, 16 plain. 52d — 4 plain, seam 8, 9 plain, seam 21, 9 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 53d — 26 plain, (t over 2, narrow,) 6 times, 25 plain. 54th — 4 plain, Seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 55th — Knit across plain. 56th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 57th — 16 plain, seam 7, 4 plain, (t over 2, narrow,) 5 times, 3 plain, seam 7, 16 plain. 58th — 4 plain, seam 8, 11 plain, seam 17, 11 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 59th — 16 plain, seam 7, 17 plain, seam 7, 16 plain. 60th — 4 plain, seam 8, 11 plain, seam 17, 11 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 61st — 28 plain, (t over 2, narrow,) 4 times, 27 plain. 62d — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 63d — Knit across plain. 64th — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 65th — 4 plain, slip 4 stitches off left needle onto a hairpin, 4 plain, put the stitches back on left needle, 8 plain, seam 9, 4 plain, (t over 2, narrow,) 3 times, 3 plain, seam 9, 4 plain, slip 4 onto a hairpin, 4 plain, put stitch- es back on left needle, 8 plain. 66th — 4 plain, seam 8, 13 plain, seam 13, 13 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 67th — 16 plain, seam 9, 13 plain, seam 9, 16 plain. RULES FOR KNITTING. 41 68th — 4 plain, seam 8, 13 plain, seam 13, 13 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 69th — 30 plain, t over 2, narrow, t over 2, narrow, 29 plain. 70th— 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. 71st — Knit across plain. 72d — 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain, seam 31, 4 plain, seam 8, 4 plain. When knitting the second diamond, cross the chain when you make the 3d row of holes. Third diamond like the first, and so on. Orange Quarter Quilt. Use Morse & Kaley's No. 10, 4-threaded knitting cotton, 5 mitten need- les, not too coarse. Orange Leaf Lace, directions for which were given under Wide Laces, is very prett}' to edge the quilt. It takes 100 squares for the quilt. Four of these squares sewed together make a very pretty tidy,, edged with the Orange Leaf Lace. For the squares cast on 8 stitches, 3 on each of two needles and 2 on one needle. 1st Row — t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 2d — Plain all round. 3d — t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 4th — Seam 1, 5 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, all round. 5th — t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 6th — Seam 2, 7 plain, seam 2, 1 plain, all round. 7th — t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 8th — Seam 3, 9 plain, seam 3, 1 plain, all round. 9th — t over 1, 7 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 7 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 10th— Seam 4, 11 plain, seam 4, 1 plain, all round. nth — t over 1, 9 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 9 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 12th — Seam 5, 13 plain, seam 5, 1 plain, all round. 13th — t over 1, 11 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over I, 11 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 14th — Seam 6, 15 plain, seam 6, 1 plain, all round. 15th — t over 1, 13 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 13 plain, t over'l, 1 plain, all round. 16th — Seam 7, narrow, 13 plain, narrow, seam 7, 1 plain, all round. 17th — t over 1, 29 plain, t over I, 1 plain, all round, from 17th to 31st rows like this. 18th — Seam 8, narrow, 1 1 plain, narrow, seam 8, 1 plain, all round. 19th — t over 1, 29 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 42 RULES FOR KNITTING. 20th — Seam 9, narrow, 9 plain, narrow, seam 9, 1 plain, all round. 21st — t over 1, 29 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 22d — Seam 10, narrow, 7 plain, narrow, seam 10, 1 plain, all round. 23d — t over 1, 29 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 24th — Seam 11, narrow, 5 plain, narrow, 11 seam, 1 plain, all round. 25th — t over 1, 29 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 26th — Seam 12, narrow, 3 plain, narrow, seam 12, 1 plain, all round. 27th — t over 1, 29 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 28th — Seam 13, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, seam 13, 1 plain, all round. 29th — t over 1, 29 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. oOth — Seam 14, narrow, narrow, seam 14, 1 plain, all round. 31st — t over 1, 29 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 32d — Plain all round. 33cl — (t over 1, narrow,) 15 times, t' over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 34th — Plain all round, 35th — t over 1, narrow, ;^t over 1, 4 plain, narrow,) 5 times, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 36th — Plain all round. 37th — t over 1, narrow, (t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, nar- row.) 5 times, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 38th — Plain all round. 39th — t over 1, narrow, (t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow,) 5 times, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 40th-^Plain all round. 41st — t over 1, 2 plain, (t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain,) 5 times, t over 1, narrow, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, t over 1. 1 plain, all round. 42d — Plain all round. 43d — t over 1, 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, (t over 1. 3 plain, t over 1. narrow, narrow,) 5 times, t over 1, 4 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 44th— Plain all round. 45th — t over 1, 43 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 46th — Plain all round. 47th — (t over 1, narrow,) 22 times, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, all round. 48th — Plain all round. Turn work and knit 49th, 50th and 51st rows to form a ridge. At the beginning of square, when, you get 32 stitches on 3 needles, take the 4ih needle anil have 8 stitches on each needle, using 5th needle to knit with. RULES FOR KNITTING. 43 Shell Patchwork. Morse & Kale3^'s knitting cotton, No. 12, 3-threaded. Cast 50 stitche* on one needle, and knit with other needle. 1st Eow — 5 plain, seam 40, 5 plain. 2d — All plain. 3d — 5 plain, seam 40, 5 plain. 4tii — 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, repeat this to last 5 stitches on this nee- dle, which knit plain. 5th — 5 plain, seam 40, 5 plain. 6th — All plain. 7th — 5 plain, seam 40, 5 plain. 8th — 5 plain, narrow, knit plain to last 7, now narrow, 5 plain. 9th— All plain. .10th — 5 plain, narrow, seam 34, riarrow, 5 plain. 11th — All plain. • 12th — 5 plain, narrow, seam 32, narrow, 5 plain. 13th — 5 plain, narrow, 30 plain, narrow, 5 plain. 14th — All plain. 15th — 5 plain, narrow, seam 28, narrow, 5 plain. 16th — All-plain. 17th — 5 plain, narrow, seam 26, narrow, 5 plain. 18th — All plain. 19th — 5 plain, narrow, 24 plain, narrow, 5 plain. 20th — 5 plain, seam 26, 5 plain. 21st — 5 plain, narrow, 22 plain, narrow, 5 plain. 22d — 5 plain, seam 24, 5 plain. 23d — 5 plain, narrow, 20 plain, narrow, 5 plain. 24th — All plain. 25th — 5 plain, narrow, seam 18, narrow, 5 plain. 26th — All plain. 27th — 5 plain, narrow, seam 16, narrow, 5 plain. 28th — All plain. 29th — 5 plain, narrow, 14 plain, narrow, 5 plain. 30th — 5 plain, seam 16, 5 plain. 31st— 5 plain, narrow, 12 plain, narrow, 5 plain. o2d — 5 plain, seam 14, 5 plain. 33cl_5 plain, narrow, 10 plain, narrow, 5 plain. 34th— All plain. 35th — 5 plain, narrow, seam 8, narrow, 5 plain. 36th — All plain. 37th— 5 plain, narrow, seam 6, narrow, 5 plain. 38th— All plain. 39th — 5 plain, narrow, 4 plain, narrow, 5 plain. 40th — 5 plain, seam 6, 5 plain. 41st — 5 plain, narrow, 2 plain, narrow, 5 plain. 42d — 5 plain, seam 4, 5 plain. 43fl — 5 plain, narrow, narrow, 5 plain. 44th — All plain. 45th— 5 plain, narrow, 5 plain. 46th— All plain. 47th— 4 plain, knit 3 together, 4 plain. 48lh— All plain. 49th— 3 plain, knit 3 together, 3 plain. 50th— All plain. 51st— 2 plain, knit 3 together, 2 plain. 52d— All plain. 53d— 1 plain, knit 3 together, 1 plain. 54th— All plain. 55th — knit 3 together. 44 RULES FOR KNITTING. Part V— Knitted Tidies. Star Tidy. 2 balls No. 14 knitting cotton, 4 needles. 15 stars will make a good sized tid^'. Cast on 8 stitches, 3 stitches on 2, and 2 on 1 needle. 1st Row— Plain all round. 2d — t over 1, 1 plain, all round. ■ .'5d — Plain all round. -Ith — t ovpr 1, 2 plain, repeat all round, '"(th — Plain all round. Gth — t over 1, 3 plain, all round. 7th — Plain all round. Sth — t over 1, 4 plain, all round. 9th — Plain all round. 10th — t over 1, 5 plain, all round. 11th — Plain all round. 12th — t over 1, 6 plain, all round. 13th — Plain all round. 14th — t over 1, 7 plain, all round. 15th — Plain all round. '16th — t over 1, 8 plain, all round. 17th — Knit plain all round. Now you ouglit to have 27 stitches on each of 1 needles, and 18 stitches on 1 needle. 18th — t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, 6 plain, all i=onnd. 19th — Plain all round. 20th — t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, 5 plain, all round. 21st — Plain all round. v2d — t over 1, 1 plain, (t over 1, narrow,) 3 times. 4 plain, all round. 23d — Plain all round. 24th — t over 1, 1 plain, (t over 1, narrow,) 4 times. 3 plain, all round. 25th — Plain all round. ■ 26th — t over 1, 1 plain, (t over 1, narrow,) 5 times, 2 plain, all round. 27th — Plain all round. 28th — t over 1, I plain, (t over 1, narrow,) 6 times, 1 plain, all round. 29th— Plain all round. 30th — t over 1, 1 plain, (t over 1, narrow,) 7 times, all round. 31st — Plain all round. You now have 48 stitches on each of 2 needles, and 32 stitches on 1 nee- dle. Bind all but 16 stitches on the needle which has the least number of stitches. Knit across plain twice, seam across, plain across ; this makes 1 rib. You want 6 of these ribs on the right side. Sew stars together, put- ting stars opposite block. Ivy Tidy. Cast on 89 stitches and knit across alternately 11 times plain and seam. 1st Row — 12 plain, narrow,* (t over 1, narrow.) 3 times, t over 1. 1 RULES FOR KNITTING. 45 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, slip 1, I plain, throw slipped stitch over, 4 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 2 plain, repeat from * twice, (tover 1, narrow,) 3 times, t over 1,12 plain ; commence the row again, and so continue till end of needle. 2d — All seamed. 3d — 11 plain narrow,* (t over 1, narrow,) 3 times, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 2 plain," slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 2 plain, slip 1. 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 2 jilain, repeat from * twice, (t over 1, nar- row,) 3 times, t over 1,13 plain, and continue to end of needle. 4th — All seamed. 5th — 10 plain, narrow, (t over 1, narrow,) 3 times, t over 1, o plain, t over 1, 2 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 2 plain, repeat from * twice, (t over 1, narrow,) 3 times, t over 1, 14 plain, continue to end of needle. 6th — All seamed. 7th — 13 plain, (t over 1, narrow,) 3 times, t over 1, 2 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 4 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 2 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, repeat from * twice, then (t over 1, nar- row,) 4 times, 12 plain, continue to end of needle. 8th — All seailied. 9th — 13 plain,* (t over 1. nairow,) 3 times, t over 1, 2 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 2 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, repeat from * twice, (t over 1, narrow,) 4 times, 11 plain, continue to end of row. 10th — All seamed. 11th — 14 plain,* (t over 1, narrow,) 3 times, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, slip ], 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over. 2 plain, t over 1. 5 plain, repeat from * twice, then (t over 1, nariow,) 4 times, 10 plain. Repeat till length desired, tlien knit across 11 times alternatel}-, plain and seam. Knot in fringe about 4 inches deep. Oak Leaf Tidy. Cast on as many stitches as wished for, allowing 20 stitches for each fig- ure, 6 extra stitches for edge stitch. (Kdge means knit 3 plain at begin- ning and 3 plain at end of row.) Knit twice across plain before commenc- ing the tidj', and twice across plain before binding otf. 86 stitches is a good number for a tid}". 1st Row — Edge,* seam 1, nariow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, narrow*. Repeat from * to end, edge. 2d — All seamed, 3d — Edge,* seam 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1. narrows t over 1, narrow, t over 1. 2 plain, nar- row, repeat from * to end, edge. 4th — All seamed. olh — Edge.* seam 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1. narrow, t over 1. nairow. 46 RULES FOR KNITTING. t over 1, 5 plain, 1 over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, nar- row, repeat from * to end, edge. 6th — All seamed. 7th — Edge,* seam 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 7 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, repeat from * to end, edge. 8th — All seamed. 9th — Edge, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1. narrow, t over 1, 9 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, knit 3 together, t over 1, nar- row, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 9 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain. (The "repeat" is all written ont in this row.) Edge. 10th — All seamed. 11th — Edge,* 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, narrow, seam 1, narrow, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, repeat from *, then 1 plain, edge. 12tli — All seamed. 13th — Edge,* 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, seam 1, narrow, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow^ t over 1, 1 plain, repeat from *, narrow. 14th — All seamed. 15th — Edge,* 3 plain, t over 1, narrow', t over 1, narrow^ t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, seam 1, narrow, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, repeat from *, edge. 16th — All seamed. 17th — Edge,* 4 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, nar- row, seam 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, repeat from *, edge. 18th — All seamed. 19th — Edge*, 5 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, knit 3 together, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, repeat from *, edge. 20th — Seam back, then begin with 1st row^ and so continue till the tidy is of the desired length. Make an}' prett}- edge and sew it on. A Yery Pretty Tidy Is made by taking some wide insertion pattern, and knitting 3 strips from shoe-thread or fine twine, placing ribbon of any color between the strips, and edging the tidy top and bottom with some narrow edge. RULES FOR KNITTING. 47 Part VI— Rules for Stockings, Mittens, Etc. Gentlenien's Socks. The best sized needle is No. 16, steel. Cast 28 stitches on the first needle, and 24 on each of the other two. 1st Row — Seam 2, 2 plain, repeat all round. Knit 30 rounds of this, same. 31st — Seam 1, knit the remainder plain right round needles. Knit 85 r()ws like this. For the heel take 18 stitches on each side the seam, and knit alternately plain and seamed — plain when the right side is towards 3'ou , and the seamed when the wrong side. Now knit 30 of these rows, then take 4 stitches each side the seamstitch and place the stitches on each side of these onto sepa- rate needles, the centre stitch to be knit plain and seamed alternately- ; and at the end of each row knit 2 stitches together from the sides till there are 17 stitches on the centre needle; * and with the last stitch of each row- take 1 stitch from the sides and knit it together with the last as one ; when all are knitted off, take up 18 stitches dow-n each side of the heel, knit a plain row ; next row narrow by knitting 2 stitches together on each side of the foot ; lepeat from * 5 rows more, * knit 2 plain rows in the next, nar- row 1 stitch on each side of the foot, repeat from last * 3 row^fe more, knit 64 plain rows, divide the stitches for the toe, narrow on each side of 4 stitches on each side of the foot in ever}- alternate row until onl}- 20 stitches remain, place them on 2 needles, half on each, fold them together, bind off. Ladies' Knitted Silk Stockings. Materials required, 3 1-2 ounces of coarse knitting silk, 4 steel needles No. 18. Cast 49 stitches on each of 3 needles. Knit plain 21 rounds. 22d Round — t over 1, knit 3 together, alternately all round. 23d — 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, alternatel}- all round. In the next round seam the centre stitch of the last needle; this forms the seam and is seamed in every round. (A piece of yarn or cotton tied where the seam-stitch comes will aid the knitter.) Knit 11 inches, or 230 rounds plain, then commence lo narrow for the ankle. This is done bv knitting 2 stitches together before, and 2 after, the seam in every 7th round, lor 17 rounds ; this brings the number of stitches to 113. Knit 3 inches plain for ankle without increase or decrease. Divide the stitches for the heel, placing 28 on each side the seam, and 48 RULES FOR KNITTING. leaving 56 on the two front needles. On the heel stitches knit 48 rows, 1 row plain, when the right side is towards you, and 1 row seamed when from 30U. Knit the gusset for the heel as follows : 29 stitches plain, narrow, turn, seam 3, seam 2 together, turn, 5 plain, narrow, turn ; repeat until all the side stitches are taken in. Now with another needle pick up the stitches on each side of the heel. Knit all around once to the right-hand side of the heel. To decrease to form the gusset of the foot, knit 1st stitch plain, slip the 2d, 3d st'tch plain, pass the slipped stitch over knitted one, knit to within 3 stitches of the end of the next needle, then slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, knit last one plain. Knit a plain row between ever}' decrease. Continue to decrease in this way until there are only 113 stitches remain- ing. Knit plain 88 rounds for the foot, or about 4 1-4 inches. Then de- crease for toe as follows : Arrange the stitches so that the number of stitches ou the front needle is equal to those of the two under needles, to- gether ; knit 1st stitch plain, slip the 2d, 3d plain, pass slipped stitch over, knit plain across to within 3 stitches of the end of the needle, slip the next stitch, 1 plain, pass the slipped stitch over, knit last one plain ; decrease the same at the beginning of the 2d and at the end of the 3d needle. Con- tinue thus with a plain round between until onl}- 20 stitches remain. Now bind off. The top of the stocking is turned down an inch and neatly hemmed on wrong side. The instep may be embroidered, if wished, with silks of contrasting shades. Gents' Ribbed Silk Hose. Materials required, 2 1-2 ounces coarse knitting silk in any shade; 1-2 ounce different shade for heels and toes ; 4 No. 19 steel needles. Cast 114 stitches on 3 needles. Knit around once plain, then knit I'ibs by knitting 2 plain, 1 seam, all round for about 60 rounds, which will meas- ure about 3 inches; then knit ribs, 5 stitches plain, 1 seam all round, till 3'ou have 6 1-2 inches wide ribs. Commence heel b}' putting in your 1-2 ounce shade, on one needle 59 stitches, preserving the ribs 5 plain, seam 1. across the needle, returning seam 5, 1 plain ; alwa^'s slip the 1st stitch. Knit 60 rows like this. Now deciease as follows : 61st row — (5 plain, seam 1,) 3 times, 4 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 11 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 4 plain, (seam 1, 5 plain,) 3 times. Return, knitting seamed stitch- es plain and plain stitches seamed ; do tiiis in every backward row, forward rows plain. 63d — (5 plain, seam 1,) 3 times, 3 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped RULES FOR KNITTING. 49 stitch over, 11 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 3 plain, (seam 1, 5 plain,) 3 times. 6otli — (5 plain, seam 1,) 3 times, 2 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, jjull slipped stitch over, 11 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 2 plain, (seam 1, 5 plain,) 3 times. 67th — (5 plain, seam 1,) 3 times, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 11 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, (seam 1, 5 plain,) 3 times. 69th — (5 plain, seam 1,) 3 times, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 11 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, (seam 1, 5 plain,) 3 times. 70th — After seaming the 11 middle stitches, turn, knit back, knitting the last stitch of the 11, with the one next it together; proceed in rows, knit- ting plain and seaming, but at the end of each row knit together the last stitch of the tongue, or middle part, with the first of the adjoining side stitches, till the side stitches have been used up. This forms the French heel. Now with the shade of silk you started with, pick up and knit towards the left, 1 stitch in each loop on the side of heel, except in every 6th loop, where 2 stitches should be worked — plain and twist stitch. The stitches being all picked up, knit 1 round, placing the whole of the instep stitches on one needle (seaming and knitting plain these to preserve 7 ribs), save 2 stitches each end, which are transferred to the two side nee- dles, on which the other stitches are equallj' placed, the division being at the middle of the bottom of the foot. From this point the knitting ad- vances regularly round and round. The narrowing for the gusset is al- ways made on the instep end of each of the side needles. 1st Round — Beginning at the centre of the heel with the first side needle, knit plain till within 4 stitches of the end, then narrow, 2 plain. Knit across the instep needle, seaming the 8 stitches which make the 7 ribs, viz. — 1 before, 1 between, 1 after, each row of 5, This brings you to the second side needle: 2 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, rest plain. 2d round — Without decreasing. Repeat these two rounds till there are 114 stitches on the needles. The gussets are then finished. Put back on the instep needle each end, 2 stitches from the side needles. Continue knitting till the required length of foot is obtained, the instep stitches being ribbed till the narrowing of the toe begins, which is knit plain. Change color of silk for toe like that of heel. Commence middle of instep needle. Knit all but 3 stitches, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain ; on next needle, 1 plain, narrow, knit plain until 3 are left ; slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain; at first corner of instep needle, 1 plain narrow, knit to middle of needle. This completes the first round of decreasing for toe. Knit plain 3 rounds, then, decrease in next round as before. Knit plain 3 rounds, then decrease as before, and so on to end. 50 RULES FOR KNITTING. Railroad Stockings. 4 balls coarse knitting silk. Cast 96 stitches on 3 medium-sized needles, 30 on each of two needles, 36 on third. Knit round and round without increase or decrease till you have a long slim pipe 18 inches long. It will be hardly large enough for a wristlet, and a laughable looking thing when styled a stocking, but now knit round one row, and drop every 4th stitch (knit 3 plain and drop the 4th). This makes the pipe 24 stitches smaller. Now knit round about 20 times, and then toe off. No heel is necessary. Put your finger in the stocking against the under part of a dropped stitch, and ravel it out to the top. Make every dropped stitch so run ; you will instantly have a striped openwork stocking elastic enough for the largest leg. The dropped stitch makes a little ladder, as pretty as any openwork design. It is a poor foot, indeed, that won't find the Railroad Stocking as nice as the best " regular make." Knitted Stockings for Girls from 5 to 7 Years. Cast on 50 stitches on each of 3 needles. 1st to 10th Round — All knit plain. 11th — Alternately t over 1, narrow, all round. 12th— All knit plain. 13th to 20th — First like 11th row, then like 12th row, all round. 21st — Fold down the first 12 rounds on the wrong side for hem, sew down nicely. 22d — *1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, and repeat from *. 23d — 2 plain,* t over 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, and repeat from *, but finallj' instead of 3 plain, knit only 1 plain. 24th — 3 plain,* t over 1, slip 1: narrow, pull slipped stitch over, t over 1, 5 phxiu, and repeat from *, but finally instead of 5 plain, knit 2 plain. 25th — All knit plain. Repeat 72 times the 22d and 25th rounds, always transposing the design. For the curve at the knee work 38 inserted rounds between the 18th and 19th pattern figures on the middle 42 stitches, which are taken up on a separate needle. Of course the rounds worked on the wrong side should always be seamed to correspond with the design, and at the end of each round the nest of the stitches left standing in the course of the inserted rounds should always be knit up, so that finally only 42 stitches remain standing. Then continue to work, always going forward, and in-the 1st round of the 20th pattern figure fasten together the middle 14 of the 42 RULES FOR KNITTING. 51 stitches previously left standing with 1 stitch, and, after an interval of 14 rounds before and after these 14 stitches, again fasten together 14 stitches in the same manner. It the 1st round of the 33d pattern figure, above these three narrowings, widen 28 stitches, making 54 stitches on 28 stitches there. At the beginning of the 1st round of the 57th and 59th pattern fig- ures, in a straight direction above the widening, narrow 14 stitches, fasten- ing them together with 1 stitch. After finishing the 72d pattern figure, take up the first and last stitches on a separate needle for the heel, knit the latter, 44 rounds high, and finish in the usual manner. Next take up the edo-e-stitches on needles, and knit the stitches for the sole all plain, and the stitches of the front, which were previously- left standing, in the openwork design 68 rounds high, in doing which, narrow on both sides of the heel. The toe is worked in 60 rounds, all knit plain in the usual manner. Through the hem at the top run blue silk ribbon gathered on elastic braid, and tied in a bow on the outside in adjusting the stocking. Knitted Silk Stockings for Child of 2 Years. 2 ounces of silk, 4 No. 18 needles. Cast 72 stitches on 1 needle, and knit off on 3 needles, 24 on each needle. Join and knit a plain round. 2d and 3d Rounds — Seam. 4th — *1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, slip 1, narrow, draw the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch, 2 plain, t over 1, repeat from *. 5th — All plain. Repeat 4th and 5th rounds 4 times more. 14th and 15th — All seamed. 16th — Like the 4th. 17th — All plain. Repeat these 2 rounds 4 more times. 26th and 27th — All seamed. 28th — Knit plain. 29th — Narrow,* put the thread forward, then round the needle, making 2 stitches, narrow, repeat from *. 30th — Knit plain (knit 1 stitch only on the "over" or made stitches of the last round). 31st — Knit plain. 32d and 33d — Seamed. This round ends the heading or ornamental top of the stocking. You now increase a stitch by knitting 1 between the two needles ; this stitch is to form the seam-stitch to the leg. The Leg — Knit 2 rounds plain. 3d — Seam 1, * 2 plain, seam 6, repeat from *. 4th — Same as 3d round. 5th and 6th — Plain. 7th — Knit 1 plain,* seam 6, 2 plain,* repeat from *. 8th — Like the 7th. Now repeat from the 1st round of the leg. Knit 44 rounds in this man- ner, then decrease 1 stitch on each side of the seam-stitch, knit 4 rounds with no decreasings, make 4 rounds of decreasings, and 4 rounds between each without any decreasings, then knit 14 rounds according to the pattern. Divide for the heel. Take 32 stitches, 16 on the first and last needle, for the heel. Knit 26 rows of plain and seam knitting alternately on these 32 52 RULES FOR KNITTING. stitches, then form the heel as follows : Take the 7 centre stitches, * knit them, and as you knit the last, knit it and the 8th stitch together, turn, seam these 6 and the 7th and the next stitch on the needle together, turn, repeat from * until you have only the 7 stitches left on the needle. At the end of the last 7 stitches raise 15 stitches on the side of tlie heel (the 26 rows), then knit the stitches left in the front (knit according to pattern) raise 15 stitches on the next side of the heel. Knit 4 rounds (the pattern in front, plain underneath). 5th — Knit the 2 first stitches and 2 last stitches of the plain under part together, the rest as before. The next 4 rounds like the first 4. 10th — Like the 5th round. Knit 24 rounds more (plain underneath, the pattern in front), then knit 5 rounds plain all round. You now commence the decreasings for the toe. Knit the first needle all but the last 3 stitches. This is the second needle on the under part of the foot. Narrow, 1 plain, 1 plain on the second needle, narrow, knit to the last 3 on this needle, knit the 2 first of them together, 1 plain, 1 plain on the third needle, narrow, finish the neeille, knit 2 rounds plain, repeat the round of decreasings. Knit in this manner until you have only 12 stitches each on the front and back needles. Bind off, and sew up the toe. Silk Stockings for Child from 4 to 6 Years. 2 1-2 ounces of knitting silk. Needles No. 18. Cast on 84 stitches ; 2 plain, seam 2, alternately for 42 rounds. Make 1 stitch at back, which seam in ever}' round, and knit plain, including top 10 inches. Decrease 6 times, with 7 plain rows between. There are now 73 stitches on ankle. Knit plain 30 rounds. For heel take off 37 stitches (18 on each side of seam), knit 36 rounds, then decrease in next 10 rows 5 times, la}- sides of heels together and knit. Pick up 19 stitches each side of heel, knit 1 round plain ; decrease 2 bj^ narrowing at right-hand corner, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over (at left-hand corner next to instep), decrease again in the alternate round. There are now 70 stitches. Knit 50 rounds ; decrease in 10 rounds 40 stitches, knitting 1 plain round be- tween each. Bind off with 15 stitches on each of the two needles. Knitted Boot for Baby. Cast on for the sole of the foot 30 stitches, and knit back. 2d Row — Increase 1, at each end, rest plain. 3d — Plain, knit these 2 rows 5 times more; then knit 12 more rows, in- creasing at each end only in alternate rows ; this end is for the toe. After that knit 12 rows plain. Then knit from the toe to the heel, 32 stitches, RULES FOR KNITTING. 53 turn and knit back. Knit 24 more little rows on these stitches, then cast on at the end of the 32 stitches 19 more. Knit 12 rows plain, then knit 12 rows, decreasing every alternate row for the toe; after that knit 12 rows, decreasing in alternate rows, each end of the row, bind off. You next take up the 19 stitches, cast on, and on the 24 little rows, take up 22 stitches, then knit the last 19. Knit 5 plain rows ; after that a row of * knit 2 plain, t over 1, narrow ; repeat from *. There are 3 plain rows. You now begin the pattern for the leg. There are 60 stitches on the needle. 1st Row — 2 plain for the edge,* seam 2 ; knit 2 plain in the next stitch, 3 plain, knit 2 plain in the next stitch, repeat from *, 2 plain at end. 2d — 2 plain for the edge,* 2 plain, seam 7, repeat from *. Knit 2 plain at the end of the row. 3d — 2 plain for the edge,* seam 2, knit 2 plain in the next stitch, 5 plain, knit 2 plain in the next stitch, repeat from *, knit the last 2 plain. 4th — 2 plain, seam 2, plain, passing the silk twice round the needle in each stitch, seam 2, repeat from *, knit the last 2 plain. 5th — 2 plain,* seam 2, 2 plain, knit 5 stitches together, taking up the 5 loose stitches, 2 plain, repeat from *. 6th — 2 plain,* 2 plain, seam 5, repeat from *. Repeat from the 1st Row, 8 more times, then 4 rows plain. For the Border — 1st Row — 1 plain,* t over 1, narrow, repeat from *. 2d — Knit plain, knit 2 more rows plain, and bind off. Sew up the leg and shoe. Baby's Boot. Cast on 54 stitches, knit 1 row plain, seam 1 row, knit 22 rows, increas- ing on the 3d stitch of every row. There should now be 75 stitches on 'the needle. Seam 1 row, knit 22 rows, decreasing by knitting 2d and 3d stitches together in every row. There should now be 54 stitches. Seam 1 row, increasing on 3d stitch ; cast on 20 stitches for heel. There should now be 76 stitches. Knit 18 rows, seam 1 row and knit 10 rows, increas- ing at the toe end onl\'. There will be now 90 stitches. Knit 50 stitches, leaving 10 stitches on another needle, and knit backward and forward for front of foot, as follows : 1st Row — Knit 50. 2d — Seam 50. 3d — 1 plain, narrow, 24 times. 4th — 1 plain, t over I, seam to end. These 4 rows form the pattern, and must be repeated 8 times more. Make 40 stitches for side of foot. 10 rows plain, seam 1 row, 18 rows plain, decreasing at the toe end only, bind off. For Leg — Take up the 40 stitches on the side, knitting also 22 stitches for front, then knit the 40 left on spare needle, 1 row plain, seam 1 row, 1 54 RULES FOR KNITTING. row of holes b}' putting silk twine round the needle and narrowing. Seam 1 row, then 10 patterns same as front of foot. 42d — 3 plain, seam 3, 3 plain, seam 3 to end of row. 43d and 44th — Like 42d. 45th — Seam 3, 3 plain, seam 3, 3 plain to end. 46th and 47th— Like 45th. 48th, 49th and 50th— Like 42d. 51st— Plain. Repeat like 51st 5 times more. Bind off on wrong side. Baby's Shoes. Materials, white Andalusian wool. Needle No. 10. Cast on 27 stitches, knit 1 row plain, seam 1 row, knit 11 rows, increas- ing in the 3d stitch of every row. There should now be 39 stitches on the needle. Seam 1 row, knit 11 rows, decreasing by knitting the 2d and 3d stitches together in every row. There should now be 27 stitches; Seam 1 row, increasing on the 3d stitch. Cast on 10 stitches for heel. There should now be 38 stitches. Knit 9 rows, seam 1 row, knit 5 rows, increasing at the toe end onlj'. There will now be 45 stitches. Knit 25 stitches, leaving 20 stitches on another nee- dle, and knit backward and forward for front of foot as follows : 1st Row — 3 plain, seam 1, continue same knitting to end of row. 2d— Seam the whole. 3d, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th— Like 1st. 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th— Like 2d. Make 20 stitches for side of foot. 5 rows, seam 1 row, 7 rows plain, de- creasing at the tow end only. Bind off. For the Leg — Take up 20 stitches on the side, knitting them as you pick them up, also 11 stitches for front, then knit the stitches left on spare nee- dle.^ 2d Row — Plain. 3d — Seam the whole row. 4th — A row of holes by putting wool twice round needle and narrowing. 5th — Seam all the row. 6th — 3 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 1, same to end of row. 7th — Seam the whole row. 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 22d and 24th— Like 6th row, 9th, llUi, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 21st and 23d— Like 5th row. Knit plain garter stitch for 7 rows, and bind off on wrong side. Fancy Mitten. Soft Saxony yarn of any color preferred. Four steel needles No. 17. Cast on 66 stitches, rib in threes for 6 rounds, take the 2 last stitches together, as 65 only are required for the pattern, which divide as follows : 13 on the first needles and 26 on each of the other two. ,1st Round of Pattern — Draw 2d stitch over the 1st and knit it plain, RULES FOR KNITTING. 55 seam 1, 1 plain, (yarn forward 1 plain) 8 times, seam 1. There will now be 21 stitches on the needle. Each 13 stitches on the 2d and 3d needles to be worked the same as 1st needle in every round. 2d — 1st needle : 2 plain, seam 1, 17 plain, seam 1, all round. 3d — 1st needle : 2 plain, seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 13 plain, narrow, seam 1, all round. 4th — 1st needle: 2 plain, seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass the slipped stitch over, 11 plain, narrow, seam 1, all round. oth — 1st needle: 2 plain, seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 9 plain, narrow, seam 1. 6th — 1st needle: 2 plain, seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pass slipped stitch over, 7 plain, narrow, seam 1. Now commence' 1st round of pattern. When 8 patterns are worked, be- gin to increase for thumb as follows : 9th Pattern — 1st needle : Knit 2d, knit 1st, seam 1, increase 1 (by tak- ing up a loop from back of next stitch and knitting it), 1 plain,* wool for- ward, 1 plain* 8 times, increase 1, seam 1. Throughout the 9th pattern these two increased stitches are to be knit- ted. The 2d and 3d needles knit as usual, no increase. 10th — 1st needle: Knit 2d, knit 1st, seam 1, 1 plain, increase 1 and seam it, 1 plain,* wool forward, 1 plain* 8 times, increase 1 and seam it, 1 plain, seam 1. Throughout the 10th pattern these two increased stitches are to be seamed and the others knitted. lltli — 1st needle : Knit 2d, knit 1st, seam 1, inci'ease 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain,* wool forward, 1 plain* 8 times, seam 1, increase 1, 1 plain, seam 1. Throughout the 11th pattern these two increased stitches to be knitted. 12th — On the 1st needle there will now be, with the increased stitches, 19 in all. Kr.it 2d, knit 1st, seam 1, take a needle and cotton and slip otf the next 15 stitches, turn the work right side from you and cast on 17 (next to the 3 stitches,) turn back and seam the one stitch left on the needle. Knit 2d and 3d needles as usual. 12th — 2d round, 1st needle: 2 plain, seam 1, 17 plain, seam 1, continue pattern ; when 4 more are worked, increase a stitch to make 66, rib in three for 5 rounds, and cast off rather loosely. To knit thumb, slip the 15 stitches off the cotton onto a needle, knit them as follows: Kni'. 2d, knit 1st, seam 1, 1 plain,* wool forward, 1 plain* 8 times, seam 1. Take another needle. Knit 2d, knit 1st, take up a stitch, seam it, take up 9, knitting them as you take them up. 2d Round — 1st needle: 2 plain, seam 1, 17 plain, seam 1. 2d needle: 2 plain, seam 1, 9 plain. 3d needle: 8 plain, seam 1. 56 RULES FOR KNITTING. 3d Round — 1st needle: 2 plain, seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 13 plain, narrow, seam 1. 2d needle: 2 plain, seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 7 plain. 3d needle : 6 plain, narrow, seam 1, continue pattern : when 3 more are worked, decrease 2 stitches to make 24, rib in threes for 5 rounds, and bind off. Lady's Fancy Mitten. Materials, 1 skein 4-threaded Saxony or Andalusian yarn, or 3 spools knitting silk. Needles No. 20. 1st Row — Cast on 36 stitches on each needle, 108 in all, knit once round plain. 2d — t over 1, narrow; repeat all round. 3d — Plain. 4th — Seam 3, 1 plain, (t over 1, 1 plain,) 8 times, repeat all round, (seam 3, must begin each needle after this, in making the cuff). 5th — Seam 3, 17 plain, repeat all round. 6th — Seam 3, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 12 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat all round. 7th — Seam 3, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 10 plain, slip 1 , 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat all round. 8th — Seam 3, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 8 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat all round. 9th — Seam 3, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 6 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat all round. 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th— Like 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th rows. 16th — Seam 3, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 4 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat all round. 17tli — Seam 3, 1 plain, (t over 1, 1 plain,) 6 times, repeat all round. 18th — Seam 3, 13 plain, repeat all round. 19th, 20th and 21st— Like 8th, 9th and 16th rows. 22d — Seam 3, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 2 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat all round. 23d — Seam 3, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat all round. 24th — Seam 3, 3 plain, repeat ; continue this for 6 rows. 30th — This makes the holes to run the cord through. Seam 3, t over 3, narrow, 1 plain, seam 2, t over 3, seam 2 together, repeat all round. Knit or seam as before. 31st — Seam 3, 3 plain, repeat, and continue thus for 6 rows. (The thread thrown over is knit as one stitch.) Hand of Mitten — 37th — Begins the widening for thumb, and the shells for the back of mitten. Seam 3, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain,* RULES FOR KNITTING. 57 seam 3, (t over 1, 1 plain,) 6 times, repeat from * twice, seam 3. This ends the 2d needle. The 3d needle, containing 18 stitches, is knit plain the rest of the time, and forms the palm of the mitten. 38tJi — Seam 3, 1 plain, seam 1 (which is the 1 widened for thumb), 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, 12 plain, repeat from * twice, seam 3. Other needle plain. 39th — S-eam 3, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, slip 2, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 8 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat from * twice, seam 3. Other needle plain. 40th — Seam 3, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 4 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat from * twice, seam 3. Other needle plain. 41st — Seam 3, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 4 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeal from * twice, seam 3. Other needle plain. 42d — Seam 3, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, t over 1, and 1 plain 6 times, repeat from * twice, seam 3. 43d — Seam 3, 1 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, 12 plain, repeat from * twice, seam 3. 44th — Seam 3, 1 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 8 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat from * twice, seam 3. 45th — Seam 3, 1 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 6 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat from * twice, seam 3. 46th — Seam 3, 1 plain, seam 1, 3 plain, seam 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 4 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, repeat from * twice, seam 3. 47th — Seam 3, 1 plain, t over 1, 5 plain, t over 1, 1 plain,* seam 3, t over 1, 1 plain, 6 times; repeat from * twice, seam 3. This makes two rows of shells on the back, and it will be easy to go on. The widened stitch for the thumb is always seamed, and you widen onlj' on the rows where 30U widen for the shells. Knit till you have finished 14 rows of shells on the back and are read}' to begin another. Then take off the thumb stitches, the 27 stitches you have made, and the seamed and knit stitches each side, 31 in all. This will be the rule for that row. 3 plain (those 3 seamed stitches before the thumb are knit the rest of the time), take off" the 31 thumb stitches, make 12 stitches bj^ knitting them on (hold- ing the wrong side of the work toward you),* seam 3, t over 1, 1 plain, 6 times ; repeat from * twice, seam 3. Other needle plain. Make 14 rows of shells after taking off the thumb, then beoin to nar- 58 RULES FOR KNITTING. row, knitting plain the rest of the time, 7 stitches plain, narrow, repeat all round ; 7 rows plain. 6 stitches plain, narrow, repeat all round. 6 rows plain. 5 stitches plain, narrow, repeat all round, o rows plain. Continue thus till all are seamed off. Thumb — The thumb is knit plain. Take up the 31 stitches, 15 on one needle, 16 on the other. With the third needle take up stitches across the widened part of the hand, one for each loop, and one each side, 14 in all. Knit round plain once, then be- gin to narrow on the third needle, slipping and binding each side of the needle once ; then a plain row, then narrow as before, plain row, etc. After knitting a few rows slip off some stitches from the other needles to the third, and continue narrowing till there are only 32 stitches left — 11 on two needles, 10 on one. That makes the gore for the thumb. Now knit plain till the thumb is long enough to come a little above the bottom of the thumb nail when tr3'ing it on. Then narrow once in the centre of each needle, knit round plain once, then narrow all off', by narrowing once in the middle of each needle till none remain. This will make the left-hand mitten. In starting the hand part of the other, make the first needle the plain one that forms the palm, and follow round backward. Ladies' Fancy Silk Mittens. Materials required, 1 ounce coarse knitting silk, and 5 No. 19 knitting needles. Cast on 82 stitches, knit one round plain. Cast on 28 stitches on one needle, and 27 on each of other two. 2d Round — 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, seam 2 ; repeat until 10 stitches remain on 3d needle, then 8 plain, seam 2. 3d — Slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped'stitch over, 9 plain, narrow, seam 2; repeat until 10 stitches remain on 3d needle, then 8 plain, seam 2. 4th — Slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 7 plain, narrow, seam 2; repeat until 10 stitches remain on 3d needle, then 8 plain, seam 2. oth — Slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 5 plain, narrow, seam 2 ; repeat until 10 stitches remain on 3d needle, then S plain, seam 2. As 4 rounds are required to complete each shell pattern, the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9tli rounds are a repetition of the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th rounds in the order named. This shell is repeated in the mitten shown in above figure 17 times, but if a larger wrist is desired more shells can be added at pleasure. The twist pattern shown in the centre of the back is continued, as follows : RULES FOR KNITTING. 59 10th and 11th — Same as 2d and 3d rounds. In the 12th round the last 10 stitches are disposed of in the following- manner : Slip off the first 4 stitches onto an extra needle, knit the next 4 plain, then put back the 4 stitches onto the left-hand needle, and with the right knit them plain, and seam the 2 stitches remaining. This operation must be repeated in ever}- 12th round to narrowing. One shell stripe each side of twist continued to narrowing. In commencing the thumb the stitches for this purpose must be so chosen as to bring the fancy work on back of mitten as near as possible to the cen- tre of tlie same. In the right-hand mitten the thumb is on the left-hand side of fanc}- work, and in the left-hand mitten the reverse. When 3'ou have 27 stitches in thumb, knit 3 rounds plain (except fancy back), and at the end of the third plain round cast on 4 extra stitches. Now slip the 27 thumb stitches on a piece of twine, tie securely, and with remaining stitches continue the hand narrowing in each round once at the point where extra stitches were made until 74 stitches remain. Continue knitting plain (ex- cept fancy stripe on the back) until the mitten is the length of the middle finger. Now commence to narrow. 7 plain, narrow, all round. 7 plain rows. 6 plain, narrow, all round. 6 plain rows. .") plain, narrow, all round. plain rows. 4 plain, narrow, all round. 4 plain rows. Now narrow once on each needle in ever}' round until onh' 4 stitches are left on a needle, then narrow twice on each needle and bind off. When de- creasing, once on each middle needle only ; do not narrow at same point in every round, but at different place in each successive round. To finish the thumb place the 27 stitches on three needles and pick up 4 stitches from the base of gore formed between the hand and thumb by cast- ing on 4 extra stitches, knit once round plain, and narrow once in each of the next 4 rounds at the point where the gore is, then knit 50 rounds plain and finish by narrowing once on each needle in every round, until all the stitches are disposed of. Gentlemen's Silk Mittens. 4 No. 18 needles. 1 1-2 onnces of knitting silk. Cast on 78 stitches. 2 plain and seam 2 round the needles till there is about an inch and a half of webbing or seaming. Then knit plain once round, knit to the middle of a needle, seam 1, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, seam 1. Knit plain (alwavs seaming the seam-stitch), and ever\- 6th or 7th row make a stitch inside the seam-stitch as directed, until there are as man}- stitches between .the seain as there are on the other needle, that is, 26. Slip these stitches oflT onto a thread ; tie the end. 6o RULES FOR KNITTING. Cast on 8 stitches between the seams and knit round plain till the mit- ten reaches the nails of the second finger, then narrow at the beginning of each needle. Knit 4 rows without narrowing. Narrow, and knit 3 plain rows ; narrow, and knit 2 rows plain ; narrow, and knit 1 row ; then nar- row every time till all the stitches but 2 are knit. Draw the end of the silk through these stitches and fasten securely. A fine darning needle is the best thing to do it with. For the thumb take the stitches off the thread and take up the 8 made between the seams. Knit once round plain ; then narrow the made stitch every time round till they are all taken up ; then knit round and round till the thumb is long enough. Narrow it off by narrowing at beginning of each needle till finished. Ladies' Fancy Mittens. 1 ounce of knitting silk and 4 No. 18 or 19 knitting needles. Cast on 132 stitches on these needles, placing 48 on each of two needles and 36 on third. 1st Round — Knit round plain. 2d — 1 plain,* t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain,* repeat from * 8 times, seam 3 stitches. Commence next shell b}' 1 plain,* t over 1, 1 plain,* re- peating from * to * 8 times, seam 3. Continue making shells and seaming 3, till once round, when there will be 11 shells started. 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th — Slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, and nar- row last 2 stitches of each shell, knitting stitches between plain, alwa^'s seaming the 3 stitches separating the shells. There are now 9 stitches in every shell. 7th— Like the 2d. 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th— Like 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th. Repeat these 5 rounds till you have 3 rows of shells with 8 holes in each ; b}' narrowing the next round you have 6 holes in a shell. Repeat the 5 rounds ; the next time by narrowing j'ou have 4 holes in a shell. In like manner narrow the shells to 3 stitches in each, which leaves you 3 seams alternating with 3 plain to start on wrist, which knit in ribs from one to two inches long, as you please. Thumb and shells for back of hand — Seam 3, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, seam 3. This sets the thumb. Now 1 plain, then (t over 1, 1 plain,) 7 times, seam 3, 1 plain, then (t over 1, 1 plain,) 7 times, seam 3, 1 plain, then (t over 1, 1 plain,) 7 times, seam 3. This starts 3 shells for back of hand ; knit plain the rest of the round till you reach the thumb; here 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 3. RULES FOR KNITTING. 6i Now you are at shells again. Narrow first and last stitches of each shell, knit rest plain (remember 3 seams between each shell) till j'ou reach the thumb again; 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 3. This time the shells are knit plain. Knit thumb same again ; narrow first and last stitches of shells this time round ; knit plain till you get to thumb again ; knit thumb same before, shells plain this time ; now you have 7 stitches in each shell. You widen thumb each time j'ou make holes in shells. Commence at thumb, seam 3, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, seam 3. Shells — 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, seam 3; repeat for shells; then knit plain to thumb. Now seam 3, 1 plain, seam 1,3 plain, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 3. Then narrow first and last stitches of each shell. Next round — thumb same, shells to be knit i)lain. Next round — thumb same, shells narrow. Next round — thumb same, shells plain. And so on till you have 7 stitches in each shell. Repeat these rounds till you have 25 stitches for the thumb between the two seamed lines of 3 stitches each ; carry back of hand along with shells as you have been doing. Take thumb ofl' on a thread. Cast on 14 extra stitches across thumb for a gusset, and carry 30ur 3 seam stitches along on both sides of gusset until it is finished ; then drop seam on inside of hand, but carry it each side of shells as far down the hand as 3'ou continue the pattern. The gusset is to be narrowed by knitting to- gether the first 2 and last 2 of the 14 stitches everj' other round. Continue knitting all plain with the exception of the fancy stripes in back, until the hand is long enough, then decrease as follows : Beginning at corner of needle, 7 plain, narrow all round. 7 rounds plain. 6 ^jlain, narrow, all round. 6 rounds plain. 5 plain, narrow, all round, 5 rounds plain. 4 plain, narrow, all round. 4 rounds plain. And so on until the end. When you take up the thumb take up also the 14 stitches and narrow them off as before to form other half of gusset. Knit about 54 plain rounds, then finish b}- narrowing once on each needle in every round till all the stitches are disposed of. 62 RULES FOR KNITTING. Part VII— Miscellaneous. Lady's Knitted Boot. It is knitted of black knitting silk and sewed onto a cork sole. Begin on the under edge of the boot. Cast on 340 stitches on steel nee- dles, join and knit 126 plain rounds. In doing this always knit 3 together as 1 on the middle of the front of the foot in every other round of the first 68 rounds. The stitch formed by knitting 3 together forms the middle stitch, and in narrowing this must always be knitted with the 2 stitches at each side of it. In the last 58 rounds narrow in this manner in every round. After the 126th round follows 68 rounds, alternately seam 2, 2 plain ; then bind off. In the edge stitch crochet a border. Knitted Knee Protectors. This small-sized knee protector is worked with knitting silk crosswise in rounds going back and forth. The upper and lower part of the knee pro- tector is knit all plain. The gore is knit in a ribbed design of always al- ternately 2 plain, seam 2. Make a foundation of 98 stitches. 1st Round — Slip 1, 39 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, seam 2, 40 plain. 2d — Slip 1, 41 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, seam 2, 2 plain, seam 2, 42 plain. Like these 2 rounds work 142 rounds more, but in the 17th, 21st, 25th, 29th, 33d, 37th, 41st, 45th, 49th, 53d and 57th rounds widen 1 stitch each after the first 42 and before the last 42 stitches ; to do this knit 2 stitches on the corresponding stitch, working 1 plain, seam 1. Care should betak- en that the ribbed design is not broken. The 52d to 91st rounds are worked without changing the number of stitches. In the 92d, 96th, 100th, 104th, 108th, 112th, 116th. 120th, 124th, 126th and 128th rounds always narrow 1 stitch at the point where the 17th to 58th rounds were widened. Knit the 129th to 144th rounds without chang- ing the number of stitches and then cast off, and crochet the ends of the knee protector together with one round of single crochet. Wrister Pattern. Cast on 6 stitches. 1st Row — Slip 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, seam 2 together. RULES FOR KNITTING. 63 • 2d — t over 3, seam 2 together, 1 plain, seam 4, 1 plain. 3d — Slip 1, 2 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, t over 1, seam 2 together. 4th — t over 3, seam 2 together, 1 plain, seam 5, 2 plain. 5th — Slip 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, seam 2 together. 6th — t over 3, seam 2 together, 1 plain, seam 7, 2 plain. 7th — Slip 1, 4 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1,' 4 plain, t over 1, seam 2 together. 8th — t over 3, seam 2 together, 1 plain, seam 2 together, seam 7, 2 plain. 9th — Slip 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 7 plain, t over 1, seam 2 together. 10th — t over 3. seam 2 together, 1 plain, seam 2 together, seam 5, 2 plain. 11th — Slip 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull the slipped stitch over, 5 plain, t over 1 , seam 2 together. 12ta — t over 3, seam 2 together, 1 plain, seojn 2 together, seam 3, 2 plain. 13th — Slip 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 1 plain, pull the slipped stitch over, 3 plain, t over 1, seam 2 together. 14th — t over 3, seam 2 together, 1 plain, seam 2 together, seam 1, 2 plain. 15th — Slip 1, 1 plain, slip 1, I plain, pull slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, seam 2 together. 16th — t over 3, seam 1, 1 plain, seam 4. Repeat this pattern until you have a strip long enough to go around the ' wrist next the hand (6 leaves will be enough for an ordinarj" sized hand) ; then cast off both ends of the strip together. Take up on 3 needles the stitches of the lower or plain edge, and 1 plain, seam 1, until the wrister i.s of the desired lenoth. Gentleman's Knitted Silk Scarf. Materials required will be 3 balls of silk and 2 knitting needles No. 17. Cast on 62 stitches. 1st Row — 2 plain,* seam 2, 2 plain, repeat from * to end of row. 2d — Seam 2,* 2 plain, seam 2, repeat from * to end of row. 3d — Seam 2,* 2 plain, seam 2. repeat from * to end of row. 4th — 2 plain,* seam 2, 2 plain, repeat from * to end of row. 5th — Same as 1st row. 6th — Same as 2d row. 7th — Same as 3d row. 8th — Same as 4th row. Continue these 4 rows consecutively until scarf measures one yard when it will be complete. 64 RULES FOR KNITTING. Child's Legging. 1 1-2 ounces single zeph^T, any shade. Cast on 56 stitches. 1st Row — Narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, narrow, draw slipped stitch over,* 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, knit 2 stitches together, draw slipped stitch over. Repeat from * to end of row. Just before the last stitch in this and every other row should be preceded b}' t over 1. Seam back on the 2d row and all the other even rows. This pattern makes the top of the legging, and consists altogether of 16 rows. Begin at the 17th row and knit 10 ribs for the leg, nan-owing at each end of ever}^ other rib until there are 45 stitches on the needle. Then di- vide these stitches, 15 for the instep and 15 each side of the ankle, taking the last 30 off on bits of silk. Knit 2 ribs for the instep and cast oflf. Then take up the stitches at the side. Cast on 11 for the toe and narrow at the toe and heel after knitting 2 ribs on the side of the foot. Sew up the legging. Knitted Afghan-Lattice Pattern. It is knit in stripes, any two colors. For the stripe cast on 26 stitches, with No. 6 or 8 wooden needles. Knit 3 rows plain. 4th Row — Slip 1st stitch, twist the wool around the needle 4 times, and knit the next stitch. Wool around 4 times and knit the next stitch, and so on. Knit the last stitch plain. 5th — Slip the 1st stitch, take off and unwind 6 stitches. Of these draw the 4th, 5th and 6th thi'ough the 3d, 2d and 1st, so that the 4th stitch be- comes the 1st and the 3d stitch the last, and knit all the 6 plain in this or- der. Knit the next 6 in the same way, and so on to the end. Knit the last stitch. Knit 2 plain rows and repeat from the 4th row. For the fringe cast on 11 stitches. 1st Row — 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, 2 plain, throw slipped stitch over, 1 plain, slip 1, 2 plain, and throw over the slipped stitch. 2d — Seam 8, la}' 2 two threads of the fringe between the needles, seam 1, bring the threads at the back to the front, seam 1, put all the threads at the back, which brings the fringe on the right side of the work, and seam last stitch. Repeat these two rows. Infant's Shirt. Needles No. 14 (ivory), 2 ounces of wool. Cast on 103 stitches. RULES FOR KNITTING. 65 lstRow-2 plain,* narrow, 3 plain, wool forward, 1 plain, wool for- wa.?i,fplnin, narrow,* repeat fron. * to the end of the line (except 2 plam at endl Tbore are 11 stitches in cacli pattern. 2d -Seam the whole. 3d-Like the 1st. 4th-As 2d, and so on „nt,l ^irurur'ti'r.a.n-.totheend, and ,.„it as ^-.V -ws as are considered l«ng enough for the sbirt-80 is a su.table nnmbe,. Fh.s ,s "lleeJ-Set on 77, U for gusset (91 in all) to I. knitted plain on both sides U plain, wool forward, 8 plain, narrow, narrow, 3 plam, wool for- ward, 1 pll, wool forward, 3 plain, narrow, and so on nnfl you count 7 holea Seam each alternate line, not the gusset. A 'the op of vest and sleeve make holes as follows : 1 plan, wool for- watd, na™w, wool forward, narrow to the end of the line. 3 plaur rows. Bind off. The following fancy knitting patterns are pretty for wrislers tops of •H « ltor.l-in<.s etc The wrist of a mitten may be knit entirely of the ':^:^:^2^ it to the end of the second finger on the back only : Pattern No. l.-This design is in eights, that is, 8 stitches make a pat- ter^and if you wish to doable, treble, quadrnple. etc., it is only 8 stitches added every time. Cast on any number of stitches divisible by 8. 1st Row— t over 1, 6 plain, narrow, repeat all round. ->d— 1 plain, t over 1, 5 plain, narrow, repeat all round. 3d_2 plain, t over 1, 4 plain, narrow, repeat all round. 4th_3 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, narrow, repeat all round. 5th-4 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, repeat all round 6th-5 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, repeat all round. 7th— 6 plain, t over 1, narrow, repeat all round. Pattern No. 2.-This design is in elevens, that is, U stitches to a pattern. Cast on any number of stitches divisible by 11 1st Row-Narrow, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, t oNei 1, 1 plain, t over 1, narrow, narrow, repeat all round. 2d, 3d and 4th rows, all plain. PATTERN No. 3.-This pattern is in tens, that is, 10 stitches to a pat- tern. Cast on any number ofstitches divisible by 10. 1st Row-1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over, 3 plain, t over 1, repeat all round. 2d row, plain all round. 66 RULES FOR KNITTING. Pattern No. 4. — This design is in nines. Cast on any number of stitches divisible by 9. 1st Row — 3 plain, narrow, t over 1, 4 plain, repeat all round. 2d, 4th, 6th and 8th — Plain all round. 3d — 2 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, repeat all round. 5th — 1 plain, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 2 plain, repeat all round. 7th — Narrow, (t over 1, narrow,) 3 times, t over 1, 1 plain, repeat all round. Pattern No. 5. — This design is in eighteens. Cast on an}- number of stitches divisible b}' 18. 1st Row — Seam 1, slip 1, 1 plain, pull slipped stitch over, 3 plain, t over 1, narrow, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, slip and bind, t over 1, 3 plain, nar- row, repeat all round, 2d, 4th, 6th, 8th— All plain. 3d — Seam 1, slip and bind, 2 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, t over 1. 1 plain, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, 2 plain, t over 1. 2 plain, narrow, repeat all round. 5th — Seam 1, slip and bind, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over, 1 plain, t over 1, 3 plain, t over 1, 1 plain, narrow, repeat all round. 7th — Seam 1, slip and bind, t over 1, 2 plain, narrow, t over 1, 1 plain, t over 1, slip 1, narrow, pass slipped stitch over, t over 1 , 1 plain, t over 1, slip and bind, 2 plain, t over 1, narrow, repeat all round. Long Silk Purse. — Materials, 1-2 ounce size E E Corticelli purse twist, or 1-2 ounce No. 300 Florence knitting silk, 2 No. 18 steel needles. Cast onto one needle 59 stitches, knit across once plain. 2d Row — (Seam 2 together, t over 1), repeat only until one stitch re- main. 3d and every row until the 65th is like 2d. Now do 83 rows plain knitting, then knit 64 rows like 2d row, 1 row plain, and bind off. It is to be sewed together all but about 2 1-2 inches on one side ; finish with steel beads. -*->>$^qe^^-j^ The Following Articles soXjH) gb""Z~ the WIE.GOI MIBieiWl 00., SAFE. SURE AND RELIABLE Fella Solvene Is a reliable remedy. The failure of all Depilatories heretofore put lupon the market to accomplish permanent removal has become pro- \ierbJaL Samples, $2.50, Mamalene. This treatment is laot injurioiss. Samples, $1.50. Toilet Queen. This is the finest thing for the Complexion ever used. Removes Tan and Sun Freckles instantly. Samples, $1.00. Also ANDIPOSID- lA, WERO-TONIQUE, GOLDEN HAIR WASH, are all useful Dr. Aikens' Hygeohami, The greatest medical discovery of the age, and the greatest Blood Purifier, Will cure every kind of Humor. Price, $5,00, Fbr fttrtker particulars send for Ciradars to WILCOX SPECIFIC MEDICINE CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA.- BOX 2346. 0:^' Make all remittances by P. O. Money Order, Postal Note, Draft. Check or Registered Letter. ^^ 11 ^'►. USE THE Morse & Kaley Mf g Co.'s Ball Knitting Cotton .^^(^teP ''^^^f^^ J!:^^teP 1840. '-^^^f^^:^ It is superior to all others for all purposes for which Knitting Cotton is used, and is warranted to weigh sixteen ounces to the pound. It is made from extra se- lected stock , and manufactured on the latest improved machinery, and our facilities for Dyeing and Bleaching are such, that we feel justified in saying, that in the extra quality of the yarn, the handsome twist and finish, fast colors and superior bleaching, the Morse & Kaley Knit- ting Cotton cannot be excelled. A full line of all numbers of white and all the fashiona- ble shades. Fof Sale b| all Pid-Class Dfj Goods and Tfidiiniog Slofes. Health and Home. PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT EDITED BY DR. HALE. ELEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLIC'ATIOX. STATEMENT UNDER OATH : Port Chester, Xew York, March 28th, 1884. Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public for the County of Westchester, in the State of New York, Dr. W. H. Hale, who, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith, the bona- fide circulation of Health and Home is G5,000 copies monthly. W. H. HALE. Subscribed and sworn to before me, tliis 28th day of March, 1884:. DANIEL HAIGHT, Notary Public. ADVERTISEMENTS THAT PAY. We herewith append a list of advertisements which, when inserted iu Health and Home, yield larjje returns : Colleges ( Medical), Schools (Boarding-), Physicians and Pliarmacists, Official Preparations, Bona- ciations, Appliances for Invalids, The Movement Cure, Mineral Springs, Philosophical Instru- ments, Analytical Chemists, Mines and Mining, Artesian Wells, Opticians and Oculists, Survey- ors and Railroads, Veterinary Surgeons, Hvgiene Homes, Sanitariums, First class Hotels Water Cures, Hygienic Hand-Books, Lying-In-Homes, Pure Teas, Turkish Baths, Pension Agents. Pat- Parlor Amusements, Sewing Machines, Works of Art, Gew-(iaws and Trinkets, Amateur Presses Charms and Jewels, Agricultural Implements, Seeds and Bulbs, Machinery (Farming), Receipt Books, Steam Engines, Water Motors, Honey Bees, Blooded Stock, Game Fowl, Agents Wanted, Patent Lawyers, Wood Engravers, New Books, Wagons and Carriages, New Inventions, Plants and Flowers, Cattle and Swine, Bankers and Brokers, Poultrv and Eggs, Sporting Goods Book Publishers, Architects and Buihlers, Land Agents, Stock Raisers, Fruit Trees and GroM'ers' Pian- os and Organs, Crazy Patchwork, Ready Mixed Paints, Flavoring Extracts, Photo Copyin'o-, and everything pertaining to the Preservation of the Health, the Comfort of the Home, the Advancement of Agriculture, the Improvement of Stork, the (are of Poultry, the Introduction and Disposal of Inventions, (Jlaims against the Government, and every branch of Industry that tends to Preserve the Health, Purify the Home, and Elevate Mankind. Advertisements— 10 Cents per line (Agate measure) for each insertion. Reading Notices— $1.00 per line (Agate measure) for one insertion. N. B.— No advertisements are published in this paper except those whicli the Editor can consci- entiously endorse. All communications should be addressed, and all checks and money order.'^ should be made payable to W. H. HALE, POKT CHE.STER, N. Y. "HEALTH AND HOME." PORT CHESTER, NEW YORK. CIRCULATION 65,000. EDITED BY W. H. HALE, M. D. This is a large eight iiage, forty column, monthly paper, and is devoted to everything per- taining to Health and Homo. Marriag(!. Social Si-ience, Domestic Medicine, Science, Litera- ture, Art, Economy, Cool«>ry, Hints on Health, Dietetics, and <'very r(!alm of Modern Sci- ence that tends to improve liealth, prevent disejifie, ])urify morals, and make JKjme happy. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 50 CENTS PER YEAR. Address, DR. W. H. HALE, I'ort Cliester, New York. Compound Oxygen. "SPLENDID RESULTS." This is the decided affirmation of a gentleman in Troy, New York, after a month's trial of Compound Oxj'gen in his family, and the reader will agree with him after perusing the following account of the benefits received by the different members of his household. The great improvement in his wife's condition, after so brief a period of inhalation, is very remarkable indeed : " My wife had much soreness in her lungs, and a constant depressed feeling, as if a weight were laid upon them. We had just buried a daughter who had been nearlv a year sick with consumption, and constant care of her produced these inju- rious results. I felt much worried in consequence. Four days' use of the Treat- ment, and the appetite began to tnend. Tzvo weeks' and she felt like a different person. The soreness has almost entirely disappeared, and she can breathe DEEPER NOW THAN SHE H.\S BEEN ABLE TO DO FOR YE.\RS, and gOCS OUt in all weather. Besides my wife, other members of the family have used it as a general tonic WITH splendid results, and the verdict rendered by the family at large is, that it is a grand success. We are freely recommending it to others in whom we feel an interest. One of my children, a boy of twelve, always had a weakness which gave him much trouble. Since using the inhaler, he is entirely free of that trouble, and again we say it is a success. The whole family (except myself) have used it daily now about one month, and the bottle is not half emptied. Cheap as well as good. FROM A CLERGYMAN SEVENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGE. A clergyman, in Cleveland, Ohio, seventy-one years of age, who had preached regularly nearly every Sunday for over fifteen years, says in a letter dated February 8th, 1882, a few weeks after commencing the use of Compound Oxygen : " Mv strength was equal to the work until about a year ago, when I began to fail, and had come to the conclusion that my work, if not my life, was nearly at an end. But now 1 am qunTE a new man; yea, the revitalizer has introduced new life into my almost dead organs. I can say that I am well, Avith the exception of a little soreness in my throat. Allow me to give thanks, first to God, and then to you, for this blessed hour of health." '• SOMETHING WONDERFUL." A lady who had suffered for ten years with severe Neuralgia, Nervous Prostra- tion, and frequent attacks of Malaria, writes, after using two Treatments of Com- pound Oxygen : "My improvement since last May has been something wonderful; and I feel it a dutv and pleasure to acknowledge it to you privately. Though I do not wish my name used as a testimonial, I am al\vaj»s happy to recommend the use of Oxygen, as I have already done frequently to my friends." "ACTED LIKE MAGIC." In a case of Asthma, there is the following report from a gentleman, in Waupun, Wisconsin : " It is now three weeks since I began using the Compound Oxygen Ti"eatment, and the results are as follows : My Asthma h.\s disappeared entirely. Have not had an attack from the first day I began using it. It acted like magic. * * I am thankful to you for the relief your Treatment has given me, and the most I can say at present is, that it is a wonderful reliever of those choking spells one has who is aftected with Asthma." From the above it would seem that even the most despondent invalids and those whose condition has been supposed to be beyond i-emedy, may take courage and be of good cheer. For the most ample details in regard to Compound Oxygen, refer- ence should be made to the pamphlet issued by Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1109 and iiii Girard St., Philadelphia. On application by mail, this pamphlet will be sent to anv address. SKILFUL MEDICAL ADVICE By consulting in person, or by mail, thf noted Physician and Author of " Plain Home Talk," "Medical Coninioti-Sense," "Science in Story," ct<'.. elc. Dr. E. B. FOOTE, 120 Lexiugtou Ave., New York. Thirty Years' Experience in Chronic Diseases of Men and Women, Dr. Foote has advised thousands of in- \ alids living at a distance, and achieved re- niarkahle success in the department of his practice conducted by mail. The letters her(>with presented are only fair samples t thousands now in his private letter files m so-called incurable or hopeless cases. 1 lie dck everywhei-e are invited to present their cases for diagnosis and advice, in con- lidentlul correspondence. Name never pub- lished except by request of the patient. U^^SO-rAGE I500K OF TESTIMONrAI.S SKNT FREE. KXXItEiVIi: .«*UFJfE«lX« MEI^IEVED. BETiiLEHEM, N. H., December 16, 18S3. Dr. Foote— Deo/- Sir: The (•han^•e that has been wrought in my physical condition in a few months is simply ivouder/'til. There is scarcely an hour in the day in which I do not think gratefully of vou, and thank God that 1 was led to put my case in your hands. You can use mv name if Vou wish. I want poor suffering women to know that, after they have suffered manv things, of many i)liysicians. and are nothing bettered— but rather grow worse— Ihey can, " even at the ele^•enth hour," be cured b\ writing to Dr. Foote. Gratefully yours, Hattie E. Holman. ]tIII(.rHX\«!» lHliEASi;. A gentleman who, when he first wrote to Dr. Foote, was dropsical, "sick-abed" and " given up," wrote recently : '■ My health continues first-rate; weigh from 100 to 170, and no signs of the return of the old kidney trouble, and it seems as though aftev tliiee years, it never would again ap- pear— thanks to your skilful treatment. H. B. Freeman, Mansfield, Ct." A FRACTURED RIR, fflllCH AI.i»IO)«»X Ri:SlI.TKl> 1AXAI.I.Y. Newfief.d. December 10, ISSo. Dr. Foote— Dear Sir: There is a vast difference between sister's condition now and wlien she commenced your treatment. She was hardly able to be u)) out of IkhI then, anil had gatherings break "from the fractured ril) about every t\\() weeks, which caus(;d great weakness, and she suffered very severely all the time with swelling, craniiis, chills and stiftuess of the limbs. All we were having done did not accomplish anything, but she was ifetting worse all the time. Her hnprorcinent Jms been more tha n ire eoultl Inoh- for. I am thankful vou con.xnted to take her case on the r(>as()uabl.' terms you did, for. ex- cept for vour kindness. >!„■ ,-,,uld not have had the treatment irliirli I /'ally believe has saved her life. The gatherings about the fractured rib slic has not had for some time; had thev continued she could not have lived uuicli longer in the condition she was in. Miss K . N. B.— Complete circulars of Dr. Foote's poi)uIar MEDICAL WRITINGS and a sample copy of the HEALTH MONTHLY, sent free. Also a Free Book about tliseascs of the Lungs, Heart and Vital Organs generally ; and of the Nervous System, and the Diseases of Women. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE. Hox 7SS, Yf »f YorU City. LIBHAHY OF CONGRESS 014 145 252 6 THE MANUFACTURERS OF CORTICELLI SILK HAVr: A. EECOKD OF 46 Years' Snccessftal Buisiness, Antedating and Excelling all Competitors. THE CORTICELLI MILLS ARE THE a MOST EXTENSIVE I OF THEin KIND IX .THE "WORUO. EEHEMBEE THE FAMOUS BRAKBS: OORTiCELLI SpOOlSiLK, Embroidery Silk, Filoselle, &c., Jf^ ARE UNEQUALED. 'UNITED STATES cENTENNiAL^i Floj^ence Silk Underwear, ^^^^Missjoy^ Florence Silk Hosiery, ^^' m S//A TRADE Jp"| MARK. GtT-ft.saji.aiT'XEEX) 2v«:.^i3E or* u FLORENCE," The Peerless Knitting SilL \^ NONOTUCK Silk Co. FLORENCE AND LEEDS, MASS. SALESEOOM FOR NEW ENGLAND iS Siiraraer Street, Bostoaa., GEO. D. ATKINS, Agent. a; LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS \ 014 145 252 6 {