^U/'f'>3ji^ ^(i<^4 V^ i^ xJ" >^f^ ¥rom ^hadou) iijto ^uenlasting |tight. llrom ^hadom iijto (^ivnlastinc) |i[iglit, EASTER TH0UGHTS. DKSKINED BY 1/ MYRTILLA N. DALY. Thou art the type of iniinoytality O butterjly, with splendid ivings. Which from the sleeping chrysalis Into such radiance spring. A.fHIN3 Hard & Parsons: New York. Copyright, 1886, HY Hard & 1'aksons. pROM sl^adow, into everlastinn liabt ; (^be ^lad dawn following tl^e nial^t, Ufter our [)uman doubt; tl^e certainty, nrom deqtb, to glorious immortality. iinne iJoue. WELCOME tbou wondrous Qaster morn, y clov of clays nnost blest, most brmpt, fc) dawn wbicb sbed around tbe earib, (J new and glorious ligbt. ^HE conqueror obi'ist is risen to-day, Deatb swallow d up m victory, Wide IS lbe Qaster messaae borne, Mis cbildren are made free. f^ANS0MED tbmupb love, tbe Fatber's love trivma for us His only ^on, Kor us, ibe tender pitying oboist, Qaying His dear life down. ^HEaN on tbis miobty love rely, (i^be promised I eoce comes from above. elf in return for love divine, We aive our b^man love. i^ • ffraith. }3opc. Joy. Wl 1EN Qbel, be tr^e first of eartb woo died, Heard life eternal promised, Wben Ibe seed sbould bruise ^\)e serpent s bead ; His faitb saw Ibrouob ^be niis1 yf coming years, K^he Qarnb of (iTod. redeem a sinful world, faWh, ]|opc. ioy. QpklEN Mope was born, (dnci OS il^e faitb and l;)ope Wbicf) in ]\)o\ far off time (drove promise of a life to come, ^o on lbat first bri^i^t Qaster morn, Wben from tl^e silence of 1be tomb Wur blessed Qcrd arose, Me filled witb loy tbe sorrowing bearts yf tbcse wbo erst \)o6 mourned. p K0W will} lbe promise of a place prepared, ^be I eace wbicb Me b^s given, Upain an Qaster sona ascends l\e|oice for obi'ist \)os risen. Alleluia. CHRIST IS A' I SEX. (i)HC l\esurreciion of our Qord, We celebrate witb loy to-day ; Qet every l;)eart and voice accord, c)n tuneful songs of melody, DEATH could not l^old in bis en^brace, ^)be r nnce of life and ligbt, Me nose to ransom bv \)\s arace, clnd prove His lo\/e and mipbt. qET us exalt tbe rnnce of reace, Wbo tnumpb d o en tbe anave, C/lnd witb bosannas loin- tbe tbnona, yp tbose He came to save, €\y l)at[) not i^ooii, nor car Ijoor^ \K\t[)cv [)al\^ entered into tl)c l!)cart of man, t[)c tljincji? \\)l)icb #)0^ batl) proparo^ for tbcir tljat I'oiY |^in\ ' Bfoi^£^o^ avc tBor tljat inouvii. ol S0RR0W bnlnas us near to beaven, fls it" for tt^is ibat grief is aiven ? Qj)o draw our blinded eyes, I rom earfb lid to tbe sbies ; (^)o wonder wbat twill be (^\)q\ preat life of eternity, ^o wbicb we notbmci can compare, Dut if we love its Qord to sbare. Fairer 'twill be lban au^bt \\)Q eye baib seen, nappier to be, tban e er we yet bctve been, Detter twill be tban tbat pure ecstacv Wben we are tbrillecl by some areat melody, Wbicb into low sweet minor cbannes blends, Ond tben, in passionate swift crescendo ends, 3f tbrougb tbis life we cannot understand, Qead us, dear Llord, to tbat fair promised land. (fasten. MOW beautiful tl^e Qaster morn, Wl^en Jesus rose from out i\)e tomb. (^I^e dew of Heaven sweet perfume spread, Qibe fragrant incense round Mis l^ead. LxET ear\\) reioics and swell tl^e praise, y p Je?us love, redeemma nrace ; Qel" oil \\)e rtations lom tl^e son^, ^)l}at eci^oes round Emmanuel s t[)rone, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 775 617 5