w PS 3525 .0755 P6 1 1915 Copy 1 y r ' I 'HE AUTHOR -will much appreciate an expression of opinion — even though oppositional — from the recipient of this little offering. COPYRIGHT BY GEORGE GRANT MORRISON, 1915 DEDICATED to World Peace Permanent Power is based on Right Understanding and this is the Divine Intelligence that breathes Good Will and Peace. — G. G. M. anQ gA FTKIWORD TOLEDO. OHIO U. S. A. JAN 16 1915 'CI.A393311 1^ BWIii>i ^ ._... .... ENGLAND Whenever the spirit of honor Illumines the mind of a man, Whenever a solemn agreement Is Keystone of National Plan, There enters the soul of the people A power resistless and sure, Like unto the stars in their courses — An aim and a might that endure. Creation is gripped by a power Of Faith from Omnipotence born, And neither a man nor a nation May lightly betray it, or scorn. The leaf and the star wear the Promise The Infinite Soul has made plain: Shall Butcher Imperial scoff it, Contemptuous 'mid millions of slain? Oh, England, we fervently speed you; With you is the hope of the world That Honor and Principle triumph — With War from its fortresses hurled; You stand as the bulwark of ages That coming behind us, demand Their right to a planet ennobled, With RIGHTNESS alone in command. ('■h^. A PLEA FOR PEACE Throughout unanswering- centuries — the grimly heedless years — The soul has vainly questioned why the suffering, toil and tears; Exclaiming still, "What awful price men pay to understand ; "Why bow they down to sceptered fool and his insane command? Why are the races blinded that they give themselves as prey To ruthless bureaucrat and king who rule with iron sway? Why are the driven millions willing, eager to be cast Before the slaughtering storms of steel from murdering cannon blast? And but to feed a ravenous lust, insatiate for power, That just a golden braided few may lengthen their mad hour." Oh, Thou, almighty, unseen God, we pray Thee give us Peace ! Cause Thy omnipotence to bear ; cause Thou our hells to cease ! Thy glory, might and majesty, oh Lord, we may behold In sunbeam, flower, in ocean vast, in nightly heavens unrolled; And all in love Thou hast conceived, in harmony decreed; Then wherefore is this world a hell of warring hate and greed ? O'er battling hosts 'mid heaps of dead, and writhing wounded, torn, O'er desolations stark and charred, o'er myriad souls that mourn, O'er miseries too deep for speech, in every stricken land, Great God, we pray Thee, intervene — stretch forth Thy staying hand! Give to Thy ministering servants here more light to banish gloom, Where numb despair and anguish brood, and spectres frightful, loom. Give us such minds of sanity, that wars forever cease, When man with stature of a Man unfolds his soul in Peace. THE EMPEROR'S CALL Come, my beloved — mine — whom I oppress, Come to the slaughter fields for Hell's caress ; Come to your battle flags, glorious with war, Glorious to writhe in pain, torn to the core; Heed well your Emperor's call ; come swift to me, You are the Cannon-meat ; fed they must be ; But yours the honor is, you the unknown, Dying in agonies, that I, alone May prove through such as you — you who are mine- I am an Emperor ! I am divine ! I am your Emperor ! I am divine ! All that you are and have, rightly are mine ; E'en from your cradled birth, your mind and soul Were by JUST HEAVEN given to my control: But yours the honor is. Ho ! I command That you annihilate, nor stay your hand ; Nor spare yourself, but plunge madly with hate Into the battle's death— noble your fate ; Die for your Fatherland's honor, renown ; I am the Fatherland ! I am the Crown ! Charge! My beloved, charge into the guns, Such as are left of you — bravest of sons ; Saber and bayonet, leap at their throats ; You are my heroes and you are the goats ; But yours the honor is, noblest of souls, Who have no mind but mine— my mind controls. What though e'en millions die, if I but win? Always a conqueror is without sin; Greater my rule may be, vaster my sway ; I am your Emperor! Let the bands play! OUR LAND We live in the land of a new world's morn, In the land of Freedom's birth, Where the ages smile on a new race born From the nations of the earth; To God and our country loyal, In labor achieving, royal ; And the answering deed, fills the nation's need, In Our Land — Our Land. Our Land ! Our Land ! 'Tis the home of Freedom's ages. With its flag unfurled, bidding all the world, Where e'er Oppression rages; Our Land ! Our Land ! Where the sons of courage win, In the world-flung light of its radiant right, Where the sons of men are kin. In Our Land, Our Land, Our Glorious Land. We follow the hope of eternal peace In the truer time to be. When the burnished steel and the warring cease, In a world-democracy ; We give to Our Land full measure Of life and its dearest treasure. For no patriot shuns any threat'ning guns In Our Land : Our Land. We live in the land of the grander race. That shall come with Truth alight. And with souls of conquering love, eflface From the world its wrongful blight; When men shall be strong and tender. And labor is joy and splendor, When the crown is won from the work well done. In Our Land ; Our Land. BELGIUM Swift to the fore the nation leaped, To breast the rushing hordes of hell; Shock upon shock it stood, blood-steeped, One against twenty, but God, how it reaped Their legions in masses of dead, high heaped, And struck the monster's knell. Into the little kingdom crashed The mightiest murder-engines wrought; Belgian, soul to soul was lashed; Belgian courage in miracles flashed; And ever, though cities and forts were smashed, The Belgian stayed and fought. Grim and alone, but by each side The silent, unseen push of God ; Holding in check the monster's stride, Crumpling his fist in the mail of his pride. And battling till Vengeance aroused, allied. Swung on the field full shod. Long o'er the world the monster gloomed A dread unrest through every land; Civilization's menace loomed; Honor was strangled and conscience entombed ; But prophets of old have him marked and doomed ; Yea, this is God's command. WAR Where hell's transcendent powers explode their roaring rains of death ; Where vast appalling tragedies pour from Destruction's breath; Where hosts of millions plunging, lungeing in tumultuous shock , Have every passion loosened, wild for murderous grappling lock; Their tangled masses surging, reeling, furiously roll. To kill! To kill! in straining, glaring madness of the soul; An ecstasy of carnage, an exultant frenzied might ; Each soul a sudden demon in the crashing of the fight. Where Greed — the world colossus — blasts with ruin a,nd despair, Ere seizing, with stupendous arms, whole nations cowering there ; Where every right is shriveled in the fires of insane force; Where butchery is law supreme — no penalty, recourse ; Where every primal instinct of the beast leaps from the pit ; Where every crime and every lust have license infinite; Where monstrous devastations, weirdly awful, lurid, gaunt. Are strewn with pell mell horrors, as hell's parting cyclone taunt. Where men go out in battle with a whistling song or jest; Or Courage wanly smiles through pain to meet its manhood's test ; Where men, in touching shoulders — or aristocrat or clod — May prove the same divine descent from out the soul of God ; Where all that is most tender and most noble, spring to life, To minister like angels to the stricken of the strife; Where men hold to their duty as a solemn, sacred trust; Where men become sublime because they feel their Cause is Just. BROTHERHOOD Your land, my land, and every land are lightened by one sun ; Your hills are like the hills I know ; our rivers seem as one ; Your plains and valleys are as mine, and love the self-same rain ; The flowers you love are those I love; the same our fruits and grain ; Our cattle are alike; we grow and make the things each needs; We worship — all — the One True God, in spite of all the creeds : And I have joyed and so have you; and we have known despair. For each of us has battled, deep down in the hells of care: I'm weak and strong; you, strong and weak; each stained with sin — but then In all of us— yes, all of us— are hidden the SOULS of MEN. And you and I, and all of us — when we shall understand. Will realize the unity of every clime and land; The unity of every race; the need of all for all; When men shall smile across the world, and heed each other's call ; When insane power and greed shall pass like sickness that is healed ; When each for each shall labor, and to RIGHTNESS all shall yield ; We're growing, learning, knowing more about the truth of life. And learning how we may unlearn the foolish hate and strife ; And you and I, and all of us — when we shall understand, Will welcome into Brotherhood, mankind of every land. AFTERWORD PEACE tKrougKout all tKe world and forever, so tKat mankind ma^) best be enabled to express tKe best witKin tKem; so that the best witKin tkem may vastly increase in the UNDERSTANDING OF RIGHTNESS; so tKat tKey may appropriate more and more of tKe Infinite Mind— for tKe Infinite Mind expresses omniscience and omnipotence in LOVE. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS