■'"^' \ 1 >. ti N Kx.,i ■>;'_ , (■ ". 1 1 \. School Houses iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii n nil I AND Libraries iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FEW words are necessary to introduce this book, touching as it does upon a subject of the widest interest. The object in pre- senting it is, to place before those contemplat- ing building, a series of designs for the modern school, with floor plans, hoping thereby to interest them in our work in this line. The plans shown herein aim to meet the re- quirements of villages and smaller cities where school houses are desired, not ex- pensive or ornate, but combining the best exterior effect in design with practical, con- venient interior plans and sound construction. If you are interested in building a new school or library, or anything in the building line, write us for information and sketches. Our charges for complete working plans and specifications will be furnished on applica- tion. We hope the merits of our work will give us an opportunity of hearing from those desiring work in our line. PUBLISHED BY EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT CARTHAGE, ILL, Copyright. 1919, by Edgar A. Payne ^Y-- EDGAR A. PAYXE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. L#,F'"*'""- ."Sf' , jj! irsal' I 'I'l IMF '111 II ffl m < ' I M I M M f 7 "1 '5'^^';' 1 I School Design No. 500 A well arranged and completely equipped fireproof high school of 400 student capacity. Exterior faced with tapestry brick. Lower story, cornice and trimming of Bedford stone. Heated by steam and ventilated by fan system. Plumbing of highest grade school type. -p.fat j=ioot'- gpcond [=,. JUN -ci idi^ ©CI.A5I5747 EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. .f School Design No. 501 A fireproof combined grade and higli scliool. Basement walls are of con- crete, superstructure of brick. Lower story, cornice and trimming of Bedford stone, face brick buff tapestry. Floors and roof of reinforced concrete, stairs of steel with marble treads, steel sash, corridor floors of tile and room floors of hard maple. Ground floor contains gymnasium, toilets, manual training and domestic science departments. First floor 8 grade rooms. Second floor an as- sembly hall seating 200, recitation rooms and additional toilets. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. Plumbing of best school -prat pool- EDGAR A. PAYXE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL School Design No. 502 A stone High School Building, handsome in appearance, first-class in con- struction, the cost depending on locality, general conditions, finish, etc. If situ- ation and drainage permit, the basement can be finished off into play rooms, toilets, manual training, etc. The building should be set well back on a large lot and be accessible from all sides. pvip ^"•"fp p-'»\ EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 503 Combined Grade and High School, manual training and domestic science in basement. Twelve grade rooms seating 50 each, high school seating 200 to 300, three recitation rooms seating 35 each. Foundation and basement walls of con- crete, superstructure of brick, roof of slate or tile. Heated and ventilated by indir 3Ct steam, good plumbing. — r"-" rt' EDGAR A. PAYXE. ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. 8Si; i:! :.|| Hill .,.^;tii iHli LHi w Tm till itiiinf. l|g- Mai' School Design No. 504 An Illinois Townsliip High School of best semi-fireproof construction and equipment. A model plant. Foundation of concrete, superstructure of buff tap- estry brick with Bedford stone trimmings and cornice. The gymnasium has a ceiling height of 19 V2 feet and is arranged to be used for public auditorium, seat- ing about 500. First and second floors contain Superintendent's office, library, recitation rooms, laboratories and lecture room, and an assembly room or study hall seating 175 at home desks. Interior trim is of white oak, hall and corridor floors of tile and recitation rooms of hard maple. Interior walls of gym- nasium, corridors and toilet rooms are faced with cream glazed brick. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. — r„^i rUcr f EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. ■ alrialf- i! 1 1 M §3 ri'i'sa School Design No. 505 A combined grade and high or con- solidated school of 400 scholar ca- pacity. Gymnasium has ceiling 20 feet, with running track; assembly room 16 feet and seats 175 at home desks. A complete plant, modern in all particulars. Fireproof or ordinary construction. Exterior faced with buff tapestry brick and Bedford stone trimming. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. Plumbing complete of best school type. EDGAR A. PAYXE. AHCHITECr. CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 506 A combined grade and high, or consolidated school. Basement or ground floor containing a gymnasium, toilets, manual training, and domestic science departments. First floor has Superintendent's office and library in addition to four grade rooms seating 40 each, and the eighth grade room seating 80 at single desks. Second floor is arranged for high school with assembly room seating 200, a laboratory, four reci- tation rooms and additional toilets. Basement walls of concrete, su- perstructure of buff tapestry brick with cut stone trimming and cornice. Can be of fireproof, semi- fireproof or ordinary construction. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. Good plumbing. -fiiit pU,=r— EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 507 Combined Grade and High School, 10 grade rooms seating 45 each, high school room seating 130, two class rooms 35 each. Gymnasium in basement. Founda- tion of concrete, superstructure of brick. Heated by steam. Ventilated by indirect steam. Good plumbing with water service and sewage disposal. — pr-ji r+. EDGAR A. PAYXE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 508 A Fire-Proof School Foundation of concrete, superstructure of brick. Floors and roof of steel beams and reinforced concrete. Heated by steam. Ven- tilated by indirect steam or fan system. ' B*3T»)ent -par-) _ pr9 [=t„c^ f4r, . 3=c=oJ f^■■-o,'p^on EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 509 Combined Grade and High School. Basement under whole for heating, toilets and waiting rooms, manual training and domestic science. Eight grade rooms seating 50 each, high school seating 175, two recitation rooms 40 each. Basement walls of concrete, superstructure of brick, roof of slate or tile. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam, good plumbing. EDGAR A. PAYXE. ARCHITECT. CARTHAGE, ILL. U ■ 11 y i 1 iB"-,|w;. a, S. M I ■ m ■ II aa !^ss«j«l School Design No. 510 A Fire-Proof School Foundation of concrete, superstructure of brick. Floors and roof of re-inforced con- crete. Heated by steam. Ventilated by in- direct steam. Good plumbing, with water service and sewage disposal. &».mco1 p>or>- — r"»' riooi" F6»n— EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 511 A brick High School, with stone trimmings and slate roof. Foundation of stone or concrete. Basement under all contains heating plant, toilet and waiting rooms for boys and girls, and manual training room. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. Plan 2 — Arranged for an eight-room grade building. jTr-it ]=fo=r-- • 5==cr,d ffcc EDGAR A. PAYXE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 512 An intermediate or grammar grade school with 7 rooms seating 45 each and grammar room seating 80. Suit- able for a small high school. Fire- proof construction. Exterior faced with light shade of tapestry brick and Bedford stone trimming. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. Plumb- ing of best grade. EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 513 Brick, with stone trimmings and slate roof. Foundation stone or concrete. Basement under all contains heating plant, toilets and waiting rooms for boys and girls. Manual training department could be provided in basement story if desired. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. EDGAR A. PAWE. ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 514 Brick, with stone trimmings and slate roof. Foundation stone or concrete. Basement under all contains heating plant, toilets and waiting rooms for boys and girls. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. Plan I Showing building arranged for high school. Plan II Showing building arranged for grade school. r.oTt.. EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL, a'- U^lij irlii nlill M]i' )'ir., ,,,,,, •*■ -■ sa .d g||J* School Design No. 515 An Illinois Community High School of 150 capacity. Basement has gymnasium, heating depart- ment, toilets and two laboratories. Additional toilets on first and second floors. Fireproof or ordi- nary construction. Foundation walls of concrete, superstructure of pressed brick. Steam heated and ventilated; good plumbing. GroLind ffaor-' _r,r,l ploor ^S-c^nd ft=or- EDGAR A. PAYXE, ARCHITECT. CARTHAGE, ILL. ■ ijjil ilJi iiii j Sin 1-1 n -(Ti-i -1 ^^ • 'dt:,. /qy^ School Design No. §16 A well arranged and equipped Community High School of 200 student capacity. Ground floor has gymnasium with spectators' gallery, toilets, shower baths and lockers, and two laboratories. Assembly room on main floor is in front of building and seats 128 at single desks. F'ireproof or ordinary construc- tion. Foundation walls of concrete, superstructure of buff pressed brick with cut stone trimming. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. Good plumbing, with water service and sewage disposal. A good plant of modern design and moderate cost. S'='0'rocnt- ■ prat poor- ^S.o=nd ft--^— EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. nil ;ii,^'i School Design No. 517 A one-story Illinois Communty High School of good arrangement. The study hall seats 100 scholars at single desks, six good recitation rooms with unilateral lighting, and toilets. The gymnasium is the striking feature and is a real Community Hall, 40x65 feet in addition to a large stage and arranged to be used for public auditorium seating 500 persons. The ceiling is 20 feet high and the floor is 3 feet below the main floor, each side being open to the corridors, the corridors thus forming ex- cellent seating space slight- ly elevated. No basement except for boiler room and fuel at rear outside the main building. Foundation walls of concrete, super- structure of tapestry brick with cut sone trimming. Steam heated and venti- lated; good plumbing. EDGAR A. PAYXE. ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School DesigQ JNo. 518 An eight room grade building of ordinary or fireproof construction. Foun- dation of stone or bricli, basement walls of paving brick, superstructure of brick with cut stone trimmings. Rooms seat 50 scholars each. Basement contains heating plant, toilets and waiting rooms for boys and girls. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. PiR =>T F l_c 3E.COf-JO F l_OOR EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 519 An eight room grade building of ordinary or fireproof construction. Basement walls of concrete and paving brick, superstruc- ture of pressed brick, with cut stone trim- mings. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. ^B-a=mer,l p=>o — — prit fl^r ff»o ^a^oonJ floor— EDGAR A. PAYXE, ARCHirECr. CARTHAGE, ILL. ,. \ School DesigQ No. 520 HiTc is a model school building of somewhat unusual arrangement, having a very commodious central hall. Each of the eight school rooms will seat 50 l)ui)ils at single desks, and special attention has been given to the ligliting and ventilation. Tiie basement story can be finished as the location and the m.^^ns at command will i)ermit. The basement story is of stone. The superstructure is of brick and should be faced with buff or gray pressed brick. The r.of can be shingled or covered with slate as the means will permit. The cost of ciiUrse, would depend on the manner of construction, and the extent and quality of finish. Tii\3T fLOort- ■H^EQcno Tlooi^' EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 521 An eight grade school, each room accommodating sixty pupils. Basemrat contains toilet rooms, play rooms and heating plant. Exterior of red pressed brick with stone trimmings. Foundation of stone. Roof of slate or shingles. In- terior trimmed in yellow pine in natural color. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. I 1 ln/nnlrck, ' I EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 522 Brick, with stone trimmings and slate roof. Foundation of stone or concrete. Six school rooms and a completely fitted gym- nasium with running track, etc. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. — fTrSt f+.^r- fS'.^r, — 5«=od pc«r--f4r EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 523 A neat small High School building of moderate cost, fireproof or ordinary con- struction. Foundations of concrete, base- ment walls of paving brick, superstructure pressed brick. Steam heated and venti- lated. floor- -^=<3nd f=looT<- EDGAR A. PAYXE. ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL School Design No. 524 A small training school of moderate cost. Manual training and domestic science departments and a well equipped gymnasium with running track, etc. Foundation of concrete, superstructure of brick, with slate or tile roof. Heated and ventilated bv indirect steam. Cj foun d rJo o f" ':5&cond r/cor. EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 525 A small combined grade and high, or consolidated school of attractive design and moderate cost. Basement has play rooms, toilets and heating plant. First floor three grade rooms, second floor one grade room and an assembly room seating 125 at single desks, a library, rest room and teachers' toilet. Basement walls of concrete, su- perstructure of pressed or tapestry brick with Bedford stone trim- ming. Can be of fireproof or ordi- nary construction. Heated and ven- tilated by indirect steam. Good plumbing, with water service and sewage disposal. a n a a D □ cj a a □ D a C3 ana a rD a a a ?=>■ ^°j n □ a a □ n n n a □ □ D □ □ a a D D >?>•'?•'• loo onDDDann DDnaDDDD anaanDDn nnnDDDDD D a n D a n D □ □ □ n D □ a a a a a a a a aaa n □ D n n □ □ D D D n D □ o Q a n n □ o a □ a a □ a D D o a c a a a aa a a a a a a a Second EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. jii iii ^ ii m i I r 33| m "^iu i'"3B 21!l J52 !1i hi m s ffi v"" School Design No. 526 ■-©s-sement A six room grade school of most complete and modern arrangement and design. Could readily have two additional rooms at rear. Toilets, play room and heating plant in basement. Fireproof or ordinary construction. Foundation walls of concrete, super- structure of tapestry brick with Bed- ford stone trimming. Heated and ven- tilated by indirect steam. Good plumbing. lannnnann lunnunnnn innnnnnnn - I iii.innnnna , School K^om -,, nnnunnnni nnnnnanai ly-LJf nnnnnnnai nnnnnnnni nnnnnnnni — Secood f+oot-- EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 527 An attractive small one story and basement high school building, modern in all its arrangements and design. Ground floor has a good gymnasium, toilets, domestic science and manual training rooms. Main floor has an assembly' room seating 128 at single desks, four recitation rooms, wardrobes, etc., and an office over the front entrance. Of fireproof or ordinary construction. Foundation walls of concrete, superstructure of pressed brick wdth Bedford stone trimming. Heated and venti- lated by indirect steam; good plumbing with water service and sewage disposal. EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 528 A small one story and basement high school of moderate cost. The base- ment story has a good gymnasium with spectators' gallery, toilets, shower baths and lockers, manual training and domestic science departments. The assembly room on main floor seats 125 at single desks. Fireproof or ordinary construction. Foundation walls of concrete, superstructure of pressed brick. Steam heated and ventilated; good plumbing. •»E^.'^rr)qnl -^ — pr-,( ri=-r- EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 529 A small High School building of moder- ate cost, with assembly room on first floor, fireproof or ordinary construction. Foun- dation and basement walls of concrete, superstructure of pressed brick. Steam heated and ventilated; good plumbing. -2)econci EDGAR A. PAYXE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 530 An eight-room brick school building of neat, attractive design. The base- ment story is of stone, and contains heater and fuel rooms, play rooms, and toilet rooms for boys and girls. The first and second stories contain seven rooms, seat- ing ()0 pupils each at single desks, also a high school room seating about 100, also a jjrincipal's office and recitation room or library. The superstructure to be built of common or pressed brick, and roof of shingles or slate. The cost would vary according to finish and local conditions. .boo I K=om I HBTtI School R=. 2 is, Jo ^conct 28. "t n-°^ EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. l-t^TiT School Design No. 531 A grade building of eight rooms on one floor seating 50 scholars each. Basement contains heater, toilets, waiting rooms, domestic science and manual training. Foundation of concrete, superstructure of brick, slate or tile roof. Steam heated and ventilated. IbSft- EDGAR A. PAYXE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 532 This school building is excellently arranged for convenience and access of the six rooms, and each room is especially well lighted and ventilated. The exterior is treated with a combination of pressed brick and cut-stone, and would make a very attractive building for any suburban locality, especially if set well back from the street and surrounded with ample grounds. In design and interior arrangement we have a most satisfactory and well equii^ped school. Hrj-^r dTol'i- 5ecoyo- » ^'n e ^ Son yfrcA School Design No. 538 Brick, with stone trimmings and slate roof. Foundation stone or concrete. Basement under all contains boys' and girls' play rooms, Manual Training room and heating plant. A four-room school of the cottage plan, all rooms being on same floor. Heated by steam. EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 539 A grade building of four rooms seating 40 scliolars each. Basement under all contains toilets, waiting rooms and heating plant. Basement walls of concrete, superstructure of red pressed brick with stone trimming. Interior trim of Georgia pine in natural color. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. Good plumbing and sewage disposal. m □ □ □ □ □ □ a □ □ □ cscko-l Room: □ anon □ □ D □ □ □ D D □ a □ a □ C3 □ --prt,\ a n □ □ a □ a p p cj □ School fxoorol Q a a □ p □ a □ □ a n □ n □ □ p □ n □ d ^ g)eooncl □ □ p p ° 1 □ a u D □ I □ a D a a 1 U ^if?-r>;"^ 1 33« ■=»-< U L ._ TP UL D U n n □ 1 D a n u n □ 1 f'loor- EDGAR A. PAYXE. ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 540 A three-room brick school with basement, complete. Rooms seat 45 scholars each. Basement walls of concrete, superstructure of pressed brick, roof shingled. Heated and ventilated by indirect steam. Interior trim Georgia pine. EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 541 Frame, sided. Roof shingled. Basement under all, contains heater and play rooms. Interior trim Georgia pine. Heated by steam and well ventilated. 3 C^ t ^5^^°°'R-'='" EDGAR A. PAYXE. ARCHITECT. CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 542 • A three-room brick school. Stone foundation, basement under all. Roof slate or shingle. Heated by steam or furnace. Interior trim Georgia pine. EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 543 Frame, sided. Stone foundation. Roof shingled. Basement contains heater. Interior trim Georgia pine. Heated by steam. EDCfAH A. PAYXE. ARCHITECT. CARTHAGE, ILL. School Design No. 544 Frame, sided. Roof shingled. Stone foundation. Basement contains heater. Interior trim Georgia pine. Heated by furnace. •5MT;rte* ^S fSo. tSH^-j rt/lLL- •PoRCH' l-n n-i ^^- rL'^/TTLAn EDGAR A. PAYNE, ARCHITECT, CARTHAGE, ILL. ... .^^.. ...^.A.^..,:^ ..^ — 1.^ .^ .. School Design! No. 545 Brick, with shingled roof. Stone foundation. Base- ment under all. Heated by steam. Showing building arranged with two or three rooms. Two rooms connected by rolling partition so they may be thrown together for asembly when de- sired. ftoot-pl ftoox-p