3. ** AN ELEMENTARY GEOGBAPHY, ADAPTED TO OLNEY'S OUTLINE MAPS, COMMON SCHOOLS AND GENERAL USE. z BY J. QLNEY, A. M. Author of a Geography and Atlas, History of the U. States, &c. &c. / NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY PRATT, WOODFORD & CO. 1847. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1847, by PRATT, WOODFORD & CO., in the Clerk's Office of the Southern District of New York. .'Of I Printed by CASE, TIFFANY & CO. Hartford, Conn. PREFACE. Among the various branches of education, calculated to in- terest the young, and excite a thirst for knowledge, no one holds a more conspicuous place than Geography. The reason of this is obvious. It treats of visible and familiar objects, and directs the attention of the learner to a subject with which he has been led naturally and inevitably to form some acquaintance. For before he is capable of understanding much, if any thing, of many other branches of education, he has gained most of the elementary ideas of this, and can express them in clear and de- finite language. Near the very spot of his birth, many, and perhaps all the varieties of land and water daily meet his in- quiring eyes. The plain stretches before him, the hill swells upward, the brooks, streams and rivers flow onward, and in the distant horizon, perchance, the mountains mingle with the clouds, and the mighty ocean with its gulfs, bays, coves and harbors, may not be far removed. And daily for his food, per- haps he uses the products of every various land and clime. Thus do geographical facts early become familiar to his mind. The interest he feels in this study, and the success that has crowned his labors in this department of learning, stimulate him to engage in others more difficult and abstruse, and to pur- sue them with zeal and assiduity ; and thus the youth is led on to become a scholar and learned man. In preparing the following work and the accompanying Out- line Maps, I have aimed to simplify this branch of study so as to adapt it to the humblest and most youthful capacity. And in the definitions, illustrations and arrangement of questions, I 4 PREFACE. have endeavored to give the learner a clear knowledge of each step as he advances. I have pursued the true and natural method, and commencing with him at his home, I have led him on from the scenes which were near, and with which he was already familiar, to those adjoining and more distant, ever pro- ceeding from the known to the unknown. The exercises on the maps have been prepared with great care. They probably will be found more full, practical and sys- tematic in the work of imparting a knowledge of physical geog- raphy than any that have preceded them. The questions are calculated to exercise the understanding as well as the memory, the most important object in all education, and thus convey to the learner a thorough knowledge as he advances, of every lesson. The Outline Maps, it is believed, will meet the approval of all those interested in the instruction of the young. They pre- sent a bold and clear picture, free from all obscurity, of the various portions of the globe, and contain, all that is important for the learner to know in physical and political geography With most of the maps that are put into the hands of the young learner, the fault is, they contain too much. They are filled up with towns, cities, rivers, islands, &c. to such an extent as to confuse his mind and discourage his endeavors to commit them to memory. But on these maps, only the more important ob- jects are put down, and the accompanying exercises are arranged in such a manner as to lead him gradually on, and thus prevent all perplexity, as well as all weariness. In short, in preparing the following work, I have aimed to meet the wants of parents and teachers by adapting it to the capacities and requirements of the youthful mind. How well I have succeeded, I leave it for them to decide. Southington, August, 1847. INTRODUCTORY LESSON. What is the name of this place? Is it a town, — or a village, — or a city 1 1. A Town is a portion of land, usually from 2 to 6 miles square. It is divided into farms, roads, &c. A village is a small collection of houses. A city is a large collection of houses where a great number of people live. Is the land level, — or uneven in this town % Are there any hills 1 Any mountains ? 2. When the land is level, it is called a Plain. When it rises to a small height, it is called a Hill. When it rises to a great height, it is called a Mountain. Did you ever see a mountain 1 Is there any large brook — or river in this town 1 3. A brook is a small stream of water — a river is a large stream of water. All brooks and rivers run down towards the sea or ocean. Consequently, those places on a river that are farthest from the sea, must be farthest up the river. Hence, by examining a map, — the course of the rivers and streams, — you can easily ascertain which part of the country is highest, or most elevated ; and which part is lowest. In what direction do the streams run in this place ? Then which way is the land highest, and which way lowest 1 Are there any ponds in this town 1 Does any thing live in brooks, rivers and ponds ? 4. A Pond is a small body of water surrounded by land. A lake is a large body of water surrounded by land, except where streams run into or out of it. A swamp is low, soft, wet ground, unfit for cultivation or pastur- age, and sometimes covered with stagnant water. How many kinds of Fruit grow in this town ? How many kinds of Grain are raised in this town ? How many kinds of Animals in this town ? How many kinds of Trees in this town ? Are all the articles of our food produced in this town ? 2 O INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 5. Our sugar, molasses, — our tea, coffee, — pepper, spices, — our oranges, lemons, pine apples, figs, raisins, &c, are brought to us from distant, or foreign countries. Many kinds of wood, used for household furniture, as mahogany, rosewood, &c, are brought from distant countries, as you will learn hereafter. What towns lie around this, — or border upon it? How many cities, or towns can you mention ? How many churches in this town ? How many public schools ? — Academies ? What is the principal occupation of the people of this town? 6. Those employed in cultivating the ground — raising corn, rye, potatoes, &c, are called Farmers, or Agriculturists. Those employed in making, by hand, or machinery, chairs, clocks, cloths, hats, knives, books, &c. &c, are called mechanics, or manufacturers. Those engaged in trade, — in pur- chasing and selling goods, are called merchants. Have you ever been in any town, or city, beside this ? What is the name of this county ? Can you tell me the shire or county town ? 7. The Shire or County Town is the capital of the county. In this, the county and higher courts are held. It contains a court house in which the courts sit, — and a jail, or prison, in which criminals are confined. Can you mention any River in this county? Does any part of this county border on the ocean ? Is there any Canal, — or Railroad, in this county ? 8. A Canal is a large ditch or channel dug in the earth, and filled with water, in which are boats for carrying goods, drawn by horses. A Rail- road is a level road, on which are laid or fastened flat bars of iron for the wheels of the cars or carriages to run on. Have you ever been in any county beside this ? Of what does a county consist ? Of several towns. What is the name of this State ? What is its Capital ? 9. The Capital of a State is the city or town, in which the legislature, or assembly meets to make the laws. Some States have two Capitals. Has this State two 1 Does any part of this State border on the sea, or ocean ? Have you ever been in any State beside this ?• Can you tell me the name of this country ? it s. What is the capital of the United States? Washington. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 7 In which grand division are the United States ? n. a. With what is North America connected ? s. a. What do North and South America constitute ? A continent. REMARKS. This town, or city — this state, this continent — form a part of the earth, or world, on which we live. Now, you are all fond of hearing of new places, and seeing new things. And most, if not all of you, would like, if it were possible. — to visit the various parts of this great world in which we live, — see the people of the different countries, — their cities, towns and villages — the various kinds of annuals — the birds, trees, plants, and flowers, — the mountains, seas, lakes, rivers, &c. &c. For, few, very few are the men, women, or children, who feel no pleasure in the thought of seeing what they have never seen before. But, although you cannot travel over this great world, — you can, by reading, and by the study of maps and books, obtain a very correct knowledge of its form, size — the different countries — and the various productions. This world, although the land may appear, in some parts level, in others, uneven with hills, mountains and valleys, — is round like a ball or orange. It is not round and flat like a cent or penny, — or like the flat map before you, but it is round in all directions. It is impossible, however, to make a flat surface of paper look like a round ball. The map of the world, with its circles drawn upon it, is perhaps, as true a picture of a round body on a flat surface as it is possible to make. Now, when you look on " The Map of the World," you will notice that it consists of two parts. One part is called the Eastern Hemisphere, — the other, the Western Hemisphere. The word, Hemisphere, is formed of two words, viz. hemi and sphere. Hemi means half, — and sphere means a globe or ball. Consequently, when the word, hemisphere, is applied to the earth, it means one half of it. Hence, the Eastern Hemisphere is a picture of one half of the earth, — and the Western Hemisphere, a picture of the other half ; and consequently both hemispheres form a picture, or map, of the whole of the earth. Now, if you examine either hemisphere — you will see that it consists of two parts, viz. Land and Water. And you will notice how large a space is occupied by water. Whether it was always so, we do not know. For sea and land are known to have changed places in many parts of the world ; so that much of what is now hard dry ground, was in former times, covered by salt water. You will also, notice that there is more land towards the top of the map than towards the bottom. At the upper part it is mostly land, — while at the lower part, it appears to be mostly water. Recently, land has been dis- covered, near the southern part of the globe, called " The Antarctic Conti- nent," but it has not been sufficiently explored to estimate its size, or to tell whether it is inhabited or not. 1 Now, in order to qualify you to study the maps, and answer the various questions in this work, it will be necessary for you to commit to memory the following Definitions : O INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. Lesson 1— GEOGRAPHICAL DEFINITIONS. Q. What is Geography ? A. A description of the Earth's surface. Q. What do we mean by " The Earth ?" A. The world, — or globe, — or ball, — we live on. Q. Of what does the earth's surface consist ? A. Land and water. 10. About one-third of the earth's surface is land. — the remaining two- thirds is water. The great body of salt water on the globe, is called " The Sea" — or " The Ocean." Though flowing together as one mass, different portions receive different names, as you will learn hereafter. 2. NATURAL DIVISIONS OF LAND. Q. How is the Land divided? A. Into Continents, Islands, Peninsulas, Isthmuses, Capes, Mountains, Coasts &c Q. What is a Continent ? A. It is a vast extent, or division of land — as America. Q. What is an Island ? A. It is a portion of land, surrounded by water — as Australia. Q. What is a Peninsula 1 A. A portion of land almost surrounded by water — as Africa. Q. What is an Isthmus ? A. It is a narrow neck which connects two bodies of land — as the Isthmus of Darien. Q. What is a Cape 1 A. It is a point of land extending into a large body 6f water — as Cape Horn, Cape of Good Hope- 11 If the land at the point, is high or rocky, it is sometimes termed a i Promontory. When the land terminates in an acute angle or sharp point, it is called a Point — as Montauk Point, Lizard Point. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 9 Q,. What is a Mountain 1 A. It is a high elevation of land— as the Andes, Alps. 12. When the land rises to a small height, it is called a Hill. The space or depression between mountains, or between hills, is called a Valley. When the land is level, or mostly level, it is called a Plain. A high elevation of level land is called a Table Land. Those extensive plains, or natural meadows, in the Western States, are called Prairies — in the Southern States, Savannahs — in Asia, Steppes, and in South America, Llanos, or Pampas. The tops of the highest mountains, even in the wannest regions of the earth, are covered with ice and snow during the whole year. Several mountains connected together are called a Range, or Chain of Mountains — as the Andes, Rocky Mountains. Q. What is a Volcano 1 A. It is a burning mountain, that sends forth from its top, fire, smoke, and melted stones called Lava, — as Mount Etna, Vesuvius, Heel a. 13. The opening, or mouth, from which these issue, is called the crater. Many of the mountains in America near the equator are volcanoes. Q. What is a shore or coast ? A. It is a margin of land bordering on water, — as the coast of Brazil, Massachusetts, &c &c. 14. The land, however, bordering on a river, is usually called its Banks. High Banks presenting an abrupt form towards the river, are called Bluffs. The right bank is that on the right side as you descend the river. The op- posite bank is the left. Q. What is a Desert ? A. It is a barren tract of land, usually consisting of sand, — as the Desert of Sahara. 15. A fertile spot in a desert is called an Oasis, which means an island. It is said there are 32 Oases in the Desert of Sahara, the largest of which is Fezzan. These have springs of water and are noted for their beauty and fertility, and afford resting places for caravans and travellers. There are several tribes of barbarous people found in different parts of the desert, — some wandering and others stationary. Of the latter, are the Tibboos and Tauricks. The great deserts of Africa are only separated from those of Asia, by the valley of the Nile and the Red Sea. In the western part of the United States is " The Great American Desert." This is traversed by large rivers and produces some trees and shrubs — but has a soil incapable of cultivation. 2* 10 INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 3. NATURAL DIVISIONS OF WATER. Q. How is the water divided ? A. Into Oceans, Seas, Archipelagos, Gulfs, Bays, Lakes, Straits, Rivers, &c. Q. What is an Ocean ? A. It is a vast body of salt water, — as the Atlantic. 16. All the oceans are connected and form one vast body of salt water. Different parts are called by different names. These are the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, Arctic, and Southern Ocean. Q. What is a Sea ? A. It is a large body of salt water mostly surrounded by land, — as the Mediterranean, Red Sea, Q. What is an Achipelago ? A. It is a body of water containing many islands, — as the Grecian Archipelago. 17. The term, Archipelago, is also applied to groups and clusters of islands. B. What is a Gulf or Bay ? A. A body of water extending into the land, — as the Gulf of Mexico, Hudson's Bay. 18. Small Bays are called Creeks, Inlets, Coves, Havens and Harbors. A narrow Creek or Inlet, is called a Bayou, in Louisiana, and adjoining States. What is a Lake ? A. A large body of fresh water surrounded by land, as Lake Ontario. 19. Lakes that have no outlet, are generally salt. The reason is, the saline and otner matter, washed into them, remains, as there is no chan- nel for its escape, or return, except by evaporation. Such lakes are called Seas, — as the Caspian, Aral, Dead Sea. Small lakes are called Ponds. Q. What is a Strait ? A. It is a narrow passage which connects two bodies of water, — as the Strait of Gibraltar. 20. A wide Strait is usually called a channel. A channel so shallow that its depth may be measured with a lead and line, is called a Sound, — as Long Island Sound. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 11 Q. What is a River. A. A large stream of water, — as the Mississippi. 21. The place where a river rises or begins, is called its Source or Head. The place where it empties, its Mouth. Small streams are called Brooks, Rivulets, Rills, and Creeks. The country from which the waters of a river are derived, is called its Basin, or Valley. — as the Valley of the Mississippi, the Valley of the Amazon. The space occupied by the deepest water of a river, is called its Bed or Channel. The widening of a river at its mouth, is called a Frith or Estuary. Q. What is a Canal ? A. A ditch dag in the ground and filled with wa- ter, for the passage of boats, — as the Erie Canal. EXERCISES ON THE FOREGOING LESSONS. Q. What is the difference between a Continent and an Ocean ? A. A continent is a vast extent of land. An ocean is avast body of salt water. Q. What is the difference between an Island and a Lake ? A. An island is a portion of land surrounded by water. A lake is a large body of water surrounded by land. Q. What is the difference between a Peninsula and a Sea ? A. A peninsula is portion of land almost surrounded by wa- ter. A sea is a large body of water mostly surrounded by land. Q. What is the difference between an Isthmus and a Strait ? A. An isthmus is a narrow neck which connects two bodies of land. A strait is a narrow passage which connects two bo- dies of water. Note. — An isthmus connects land and divides water, and a strait con- nects water and divides land. Thus, the Isthmus of Darien connects North and South America, and divides the Caribbean Sea from the Pacific Ocean. The Strait of Dover connects the North Sea and British Channel, and di- vides France from England. It is to be regretted that in many instances, geographical terms have been improperly applied to portions of land and water. Hindostan is called a peninsula, also Corea, Florida, Yucatan, &c. But strictly speaking these are not peninsulas. No isthmus, or narrow neck connects them to a larger portion of land. The body of water East of Hin- dostan is called the Bay of Bengal, while that on the West is called the Sea of Arabia. If one is a sea, or bay, so is the other. Numerous others might be mentioned. These names, however, it should be remembered, were ap- plied by the first discoverers, or inhabitants, and although incorrectly, they 12 INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. have ever been retained. Hence, in preparing a work on geography, an author is compelled to use such terms and names as mankind have given to certain portions of land and water, although, scientifically, incorrect. 4. MAPS. Q. What is a Map ? A. It is a picture of a part, or the whole of the earth's surface, representing the form of continents, islands, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, &c. 22. The top of the map represents the North ; the right hand, East ; the bottom, South ; the left hand, West. The four points, North, East, South, West, are called " Cardinal Points of the Compass," which means, they are the principal or chief points. The fines drawn from the top to the bottom of the map, are called Me- ridians, or lines of Longitude. The lines drawn from side to side, are called Parallels of Latitude. The figures along the top and bottom of the maps, denote the degrees of longitude from the principal meridian. The figures along the sides of maps express the degrees of latitude, or distance from the equator. The dotted lines on maps, represent the boundaries of states, kingdoms, &c. When, however, there is a natural boundary, — that is, an ocean, sea, lake river, or mountain, the dotted line is usually omitted. Questions. Is the map of the world a picture of a part or the whole of the earth's surface 1 Map of North America ? Europe 1 Which are the four cardinal points ? How will you describe a map in regard to the points of compass 1 The top represents the North, — the right hand East, &c. How are meridians or lines of longitude drawn 1 Parallels of latitude 1 How are the boundaries of states, kingdoms, &c. represented when there is no natural boundary 1 What is a natural boundary 1 5. THE EARTH. Q. What names are applied to the Earth ? A. The World, the Globe, the Sphere, the Ball we live on. Q. What is the axis of the earth ? A. It is an imaginary line passing through its cen- tre from North to South. Q. What are the poles of the earth ? A. The ends of the axis. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS- 13 23. The northern extremity of the earth, is called the North Pole, the southern extremity the South Pole. If you examine the map of the world, you will perceive that the North and South poles are on both hemispheres, yet there is but one North Pole, and one South Pole. Q. What is the size or bulk of the earth ? A. It is about twenty-five thousand miles in cir- cumference, or around it, and eight thousand in diam- eter, or through it. 24. A line to extend around the earth, must be about twenty-five thou- sand miles long, and a line to extend through the centre of it, about eight thousand miles long. Suppose the earth were all land, and a man could walk one thousand miles a month, how long would it take him to travel around it 1 Q. What is the Equator or Equinoctial Line ? A. It is an imaginary circle or line, drawn round the earth from East to West, at an equal distance from each pole. 25. The equator divides the earth into northern and southern hemis- pheres. The northern hemisphere embraces all between the equator and the North pole, — and the southern hemisphere all between the equator and the South pole. The equator is sometimes called simply the Line. Q. What are the Tropics? A. They are two circles drawn round the earth par- allel to the equator, 23J degrees north and south of it. 26. The circle north of the equator is called the Tropic of Cancer, — the one south of it is called the Tropic of Capricorn. How far from the equa- tor to the tropics 1 How many degrees, then, are the tropics from each other 1 Q. What are the Polar Circles? A. They are two circles drawn round the earth 23J degrees from the poles. 27. The one near the North Pole is called the Arctic Circle, and the one near the South Pole, the Antarctic Circle. Q. What are Meridians, or lines of Longitude ? A. They are lines extending from pole to pole through the equator. 14 INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 28. Meridians are represented on maps by lines extending from the top to the bottom. Q. What are Parallels of Latitude ? A. They are circles or lines that extend round the earth from East to West. 29. The parallels of latitude are represented on maps by lines drawn from side to side. The Equator, Tropics, Meridians and Parallels are cir- cles, although some of them appear on the map to be straight lines. Every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 degrees, and every degree into 60 minutes, or geographical miles, and every minute, or mile, into 60 seconds. 6. LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE. Q. What is Latitude ? A. It is distance from the equator, towards the poles. 30. All places North of the Equator, are in North Latitude. All places South of the Equator are in South latitude. Places under the Equator have no latitude, — as Quito. Q. What is Longitude ? A. It is distance from any established meridian, either East or West. 31. Most nations reckon the Longitude from the capital of their own coun- try. Thus the French reckon from the meridian of Paris, — the English from the observatory of Greenwich, a large town about five miles East of London, and in the United States, we reckon usually from Washington, which is 77 degrees west from Greenwich. On most of our maps however, the longitude is computed both from Washington and Greenwich. — on the top from Greenwich, and on the bottom from Washington. The established meridian is called the First Meridian, and is marked on the map. Places that lie under this, have no longitude, — those which are situated East of it, are in East Longitude, — those West of it. in West Longitude. 32. The use of Latitude and Longitude is. to enable us to determine the situation of places on the glokie and their distances from each other. And if we know the latitude of a place, we can determine very nearly, the tem- perature of its climate. The nearer a place is to the Equator, the warmer is the climate, — and the nearer it is to the poles, the colder is its climate. If a place, however, is situated on a high mountain, or any elevation much above the level of the ocean, the climate will be temperate, although it is near the Equator. An elevation of 500 yards produces the same effect in regard to temperature as a distance of 5000 miles from the Equator. Q. How is Latitude and Longitude reckoned ? INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 15 A. In degrees, — minutes, — and seconds. 33. Sixty seconds make one minute — and sixty minutes make one de- gree. A minute is called a geographical mile. Hence 60 geographic miles make a degree ; and 69 £ statute or English miles make one degree. Consequently if you multiply the number of degrees of latitude between any two places by 69i, you will ascertain the distance in English miles. At the Equator, degrees of longitude and latitude are of the same length. But as you go from the Equator, either North or South, a degree of longi- tude becomes constantly less, until at the Poles, it terminates at a point. At the Equator a degree of longitude is 69£ English miles, — in latitude 40 degrees, it is 46 miles, — in latitude 60, it is 30 miles, and at the Poles, 0. A degree of latitude is as long at the Poles as at the Equator — viz. 69^ English miles. The greatest latitude a place can have, is 90 degrees, and the greatest longitude, 180 degrees. 7. ZONES. Q. What are Zones ? A. Divisions of the earth's surface formed by the Tropics and Polar circles. 34. The word Zone means a belt, or girdle, because it passes round Ihe earth. Q. How many Zones are there ? A. Five, viz. one torrid, two temperate, and two frigid zones. 35. The Torrid Zone embraces that part of the earth's surface which lies on both sides of the Equator, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. This is called the torrid zone, on account of its great heat. Snow and ice are never seen there except on the tops of the highest mountains. It is noted for its productions, both animal and vegetable. This is the home of the lion, tiger, giraffe, hippopotamus and elephant. The forests are clothed in perperual verdure, and often the ripe fruit and opening blossom hang side by side on the same tree. The inhabitants are of a dark complex- ion, indolent, and effeminate. They live usually in slightly built dwellings. 36. The Temperate Zones embrace those parts of the earth's surface which lie between the Tropics and Polar Circles. The zone which lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Cir- cle is called the North Temperate Zone. The other, between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle, the South Temperate Zone. These zones are called Temperate, because the climate is mild and pleas- ant. The people have fair complexions, and in the northern temperate zone, they are noted for industry, intelligence and energy, and for having ever led the way in human improvement and civilization. 16 INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 37. The Frigid Zones embrace those parts of the earth's surface which lie between the Polar Circles and the Poles. They are called frigid, from the intense cold which prevails there for the greater part of the year. Vegetation is confined to mosses, a few stunted trees, shrubs and grasses. Only the hardiest animals, as the reindeer, white bear, musk oz, and a few others, can find subsistence in these icy regions. The inhabitants are few in number, of low stature, swarthy complexions, and are noted for their ignorance and stupidity. Questions. How many zones are there 1 What part of the earth's sur- face does the Torrid Zone embrace 1 The North Temperate 1 North Frigid ? In which zone are we 3 In which zone are the people most in- dustrious, intelligent and p?rsevering 7 8. NATURAL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. Q. Into how many parts is Geography divided ? A. Into two, — Natural, or Physical Geography, and Political Geography. Q. What does Natural or Physical Geography describe ? A. The works of nature, — the continents, islands, oceans, seas, rivers, mountains, and the soil, climate, productions, &c. of different countries. 38. All the various objects on the earth are divided into three classes, I or kingdoms, — the mineral, — the vegetable, — and the animal kingdom. 1. The mineral kingdom includes all earths, stones, metals, salts, waters, andmineral combustibles. 2. The vegetable kingdom includes all trees, shrubs and plants. 3. The animal kingdom includes all living creatures. Q. What does Political Geography describe ? k A. The works and institutions of men, — their gov- j eminent, religion, and civilization, — their dress, modes of building and travelling, — their cities, villa- ges, roads, and various arts. Note. Natural and Political Geography are usually taught in connec- tion. 9. THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH. Q. Do all the nations of the earth resemble each other ? A. They do not. They differ in their complex- INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 17 ion, in the language they speak, in their dress, their food, and in their manners and customs. 39. The various nations are divided into five races, viz. The European, — The Asiatic, — The Malay, — The African, — and The American. 40. 1. The European race has regular features and a fair complexion. It includes the Europeans and their descendants in America, Turks, Tar- tars, Arabians, Persians, Hindoos, Abyssinians, Egyptians and Moors. 2. The Asiatic race has a yellow complexion, and includes the Chinese, Japanese, the Siberian tribes, Laplanders, Greenlanders, and Esquimaux Indians. 3. The Malay race has a brown complexion, and includes the inhabit- ants of Malay, the Asiatic islands and New Zealand. 4. The African race has a black complexion and includes the Negroes of Africa. 5. The American race has a copper colored complexion, and includes all the Indians of America, except the Esquimaux. 10. STATE OF SOCIETY. Q. With respect to their social state, into how many classes may men be divided ? A. Into four, viz. the savage, half-civilized, civili- zed and enlightened. See symbols on the map of the world. 41. 1. In the savage state, men usually live by hunting and fishing. Their wants are few, and they live almost like beasts, in miserable huts, dens, and caverns. They are generally blood-thirsty and revengeful, — as the American Indians. 2. In the half-civilized state, men subsist by pasturage and a rude kind of agriculture. Some, however, live in tents, and wander from place to place with their flocks and herds ; others five by piracy and robbery as — the Arabs and Malays. 3. In the civilized state, men are acquainted with many of the arts and sciences, and subsist by agriculture, manufactures and commerce, as — the Chinese. 4. In the enlightened state, men are noted for intelligence, enterprise and industry. The arts and sciences are carried to a high degree of perfection, and all the arrangements of society are in a highly improved form, — as in the United States, France, &c. 11. GOVERNMENT. Q. What is meant by Government ? A. The power that makes and executes the laws. IS INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. Among different nations there are various forms of government, some adopting one kind and some another. 42. When the government is conducted by one man, as a king, emperor, or military chieftain, it is called a monarchy. If the power of the sove- reign or king is limited by law, it is called a limited or constitutional mon- archy, like that of France or England. If his power is not thus limited, it is called an absolute monarchy, like that of Russia or Turkey. See symbols on the map of the world. 43. When the government is conducted by persons chosen by the peo- ple as their agents or representatives, it is called a republic, like that of the United States. 44. Small governments conducted by dukes, princes, &c. are called duchies, principalities, &c. 12. POLITICAL DIVISIONS. Q. What is a village ? A. A small collection of houses and inhabitants, a. What is a city ? A. A large collection of houses and inhabitants, governed by a mayor, aldermen, &c. Q. What is a town ? A. A tract of country usually several miles in ex- tent, and not so thickly inhabited as a village or city. Q. Of what does a county consist ? A. Of several towns. Q. Of what does a state consist? A. Of several counties united under one govern- f ment. 45. In South Carolina, instead of counties, these divisions are called '■ districts, and in Louisiana, parishes. Q. Of what does the republic of the United States consist ? A. Of several states united under one general gov- | eminent, at the head of which is a president. Q. What is a kingdom ? A. A country ruled by a king, — as France. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. 19 Q. Of what does an empire consist ? A. Of several countries ruled by an emperor, as Russia. 46. Political divisions are portions of the earth's surface which usually contain men of one nation, who speak the same language and are subject to the same laws. Empires, however, frequently comprise various nations of different languages and institutions. 13. RELIGION. Q. In what do all races of men believe ? A. In the existence of some invisible being, pos- sessed of superior power. 47. The ideas of mankind are. however, much diversified as to the char- acter of the invisible being, or Deity, and the modes of worshipping him. Hence the vast number of religious denominations, or sects. See symbols on the map of the world. 43. The four prevailing systems of religion, are the Jewish, Christian, Mahomedan and Pagan. 1. The Jews are those who believe in the Old Testament, and reject the New, and expect a Saviour yet to come. They are numerous in Poland, and found in most of the principal cities of the world. 2. Christians are those who believe in the principles of morality and reli- gion as taught by Christ. There are three great divisions of Christians, viz. Roman Catholics, the Greek Church and Protestants. The latter are divided Into various sects, called Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Metho- dists, Friends, &c. 3. The Mahomedans, or Mussulmans, are those who believe in Mahomet, of Arabia, who professed to bring a revelation from heaven called " the Koran." 4. Pagans are those who worship various objects, idols, animals, the sun, &c. Paganism is the religion of the countries of south-eastern Asia, and of savages in all parts of the world. 14. QUESTIONS ON THE MAPS. What is the map of the World a picture of? What is the map of the United States a picture of? What parts of a map represent North, East, South and West ? What parts are represented by the four corners of a map ? In what directions are lines drawn on maps 1 Do all lines appear to run either East and West, or North and South ! What lines or circles run East and West ? 20 EXERCISES ON THE What lines or circles run North and South 1 How does the map of the world represent the whole of th e earth's surface ? It represents the earth as if cut in halves from North to South, and each circle or part, represents one half of the earth's surface. These halves are called the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Note. — " We would recommend to every Teacher, to procure a wooden ball, of any size, and have it sawed in halves, and to connect the two halves with a hinge. Then, by opening it before his pupils, he can show them how the map of the world presents a picture of both sides of the world at one view, and by shutting both halves together, he can easily explain the situa- tion of the North-western part of America and the North-eastern part of Asia, and how it is that places on the map of the world, which appear to be the farthest apart, are in reality the nearest together. This simple expe- dient will be found more useful than a costly globe." — R. G. Parker. MAP OF THE WORLD. How many Continents are there ? On which Hemisphere is the Eastern continent ? On which Hemisphere is the Western continent ? How is the Eastern continent divided ? How is the Western continent divided ? In what part of the Eastern continent is Europe ? n. w. In what part is Africa ? s. w. In what part is Asia ? e. In what part of the Western continent is North America ? n - . In what part is South America ? s. What are the five Grand Divisions of the two continents ? e« a. a. — n.-a. & S.-A. Which is the largest of the Grand Divisions ? Asia. Which is the second largest ? Africa. Which is the third ? North America. Which is the fourth ? South America. Which is the smallest ? Europe. Which is the largest, the Eastern or Western continent ? Which extends farthest south ? w. MAP OP THE WORLD. 21 Which is the longest from East to West ? Which is the longest from North to South ? Is there more land North, or South of the Equator P On which side of the Equator is there more water ? What sea between Europe and Africa ? m. What sea between Africa and Asia ? r. What is the only sea in the Western hemisphere ? c. What ocean separates America* from Europe and Africa ? What ocean North of Europe and Asia ? What ocean East of Asia ? What ocean South of Asia ? What ocean East of Africa ? What ocean West of Europe and Africa ? What ocean East of America ? What ocean West of America ? What ocean surrounds the South Pole ? What ocean surrounds the North Pole ? How many oceans are there ? Which is the largest ocean ? Pacific. Which is the second largest ? Atlantic. Which is the third ? Indian. Which is the fourth ? Southern. Which is the smallest ? Arctic. What large island South-east of Asia ? A. Between what two oceans is Australia ? What large island North of Australia ? What island South of Australia ? v.-d.-l. What islands between Asia and Australia ? East India Islands. * America, the general name applied to the western continent. The whole continent of America, after its discovery by Europeans, in 1492, was called "The New World," because it was new to its discoverers, and the term " Old World," was applied to the eastern continent. 3* 22 EXERCISES ON THE What islands between North and South America ? w. i. What large island South-east of Africa ? m. What fend near the South Pole ? a. c Note. — The Antarctic Continent was discovered by the United States* Exploring Expedition, under the command of Charles Wilkes, Esq., Jan. 19, 1840. What Grand Divisions does the Equator cross ? s.-a. & a. What Grand Divisions does the Tropic of Cancer cross ? n.-a. a. A. What Grand Divisions and large island, the Tropic of Capri- corn ? i What Grand Divisions does the Arctic Circle cross ? n.-a. e. A. What Grand Divisions, the Antarctic Circle ? Why none ? In what Zones is the Western Continent ? s-t. t. n-t. n-f. In what Zones is the Eastern Continent ? s-t. t. n-t. n-f. In what Zones is North America ? South America ? In what Zones is Europe ? Asia ? Africa ? How many Grand Divisions extend into the N. Frigid Zone ? How many into the South Temperate Zone ? How many into the South Frigid Zone ? Why none ? In what Zone is the greater part of Europe ? Asia ? Africa ? North America ? South America ? Australia? Which two Grand Divisions has the warmest climate ? Note. — Countries, or places are the hottest, or have the warmest climate, where the sun at 12 o'clock, shines most directly over-head. See Note 30. Is Europe in North, or South latitude ? Why is Europe in North latitude ? See 30. Is Africa in North, or South latitude ? Why is Africa in both North and South latitude ? Is Asia in North, or South latitude ? South America ? MAP OP THE WORLD. 23 In what direction from North America is South America ?* In what direction from South America is Europe ? In what direction from Europe is Africa ? In what direction from Africa is Asia ? In what direction from Asia is Australia ? In what direction from Australia is Africa ? In what direction from.Africa is South America ? In what direction from South America is North America ? How many of the Grand Divisions border on the Atlantic ocean ? Pacific ? Indian ? Arctic ocean ? Which Grand Division borders on the greatest number of oceans ? Which on the least ? In what ocean is the Antarctic continent ? What oceans border on the Eastern continent ? a. p. i. a. What oceans border on the Western continent ? A. a. p. s. Which extends farthest South, North America or Europe ? Which extends farthest South, Europe or Asia ? Which extends farthest South, Asia or Africa? Which extends farthest North, Africa or South America? Which extends farthest East, S. America or N. America ? Which extends farthest West, Europe or Africa ? Which extends farthest East, Africa or Europe ? Which extends farthest South, North America or Asia ? What isthmus unites North and South America ? What ocean and sea are divided by the isthmus of Darien ? What isthmus unites Africa and Asia? What seas are divided by the isthmus of Suez ? k. m. What strait divides Asia from North America ? What two oceans does Behring's strait connect ? If we divide the map of the world into two hemispheres, by * The learner will bear in mind that he must give the direction from the centre of one division, or country, to the centre of the other. Perhaps, a* first, it may be beneficial to extend a rule from the centre of one to the centre of the other. 24 EXERCISES ON THE the line called the Equator, what are these hemispheres called ? See small map. In which of these hemispheres is North America ? In which is Europe ? Asia ? Australia ? Which Grand Divisions lie in both Northern and Southern hemispheres ? Why is S. America and Africa in both ? What ocean lies wholly in the Northern hemisphere ? a. What ocean lies wholly in the Southern hemisphere ? s. What oceans lies partly in both hemispheres ? a. i. p. In which Grand Division of the globe are we ? In which division of North America ? If you were going from the United States to Europe, what ocean would you cross ? Would you go East or West ? Why ? If you were going from the United States to Cape Horn, would you go North or South ? Why ? In what zones would you sail ? In going to the Red sea by water, what oceans would you pass ? How many times cross the equator? In what zones would you sail ? MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. In what hemisphere is North America ? In what part of the Western hemisphere is it ? In what direction is North America longest ? Which is widest, the Northern or Southern part ? With what is North America connected ? Does North America lie in North or South latitude ? Why is it in North latitude ? 30. What ocean bounds North America on the North ? What ocean bounds it on the East ? a. What gulf on the South ? m. What ocean bounds it on the West ? p. MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. 25 How many oceans border on North America ? a. a. p. What ocean borders most on North America ? p. What divides North America from Asia ? b. What does Behring's Strait connect ? a. p. 21. In what Zones is North America ? t. n-t. n-f. Which part is warmest? Which part is coldest ? 32. What Division comprises the North-western part of North America? r.-p. 49. Russian Possessions, is a cold and dreary country, inhabited by a few savages, who subsist by hunting and fishing, and by some small companies of Russian settlers, whose object is to collect furs of the Indians for the Chinese market. New Archangel, on the island of Sitka, is the principal settlement. It contains about 1000 inhabitants. What Division comprises the Northern part of N. America ? E.-A. 50. British America is a vast territory, nearly as large as Europe. It comprises West Canada, East Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, with the adjacent islands, Prince Edward's, Cape Breton and Newfoundland, and the extensive region of New Britain* East and West Canada, were formerly separate provinces, called Upper and Lower Canada. In. 1841, they were united under one government. British America is so called, because it belongs to Great Britain. Montreal, situated on an island of the same name, in the river St. Lawrence, is the capital. What Division comprises the middle portion of North Amer- ica ? tj. s. What Division in the South-western part ? m. What Division in the Southern part ? g. Which of these Divisions do you think is largest ? What Divisions border on British America? r.-p. and u.-s. What Divisions border on the United States ? On Mexico ? What Divisions and bodies of water border on Guatimala ? What is the chief settlement of the Russian Possessions ? N.-A. 49. What is the capitalf of British America ? m. * All of British America, except Canada and other portions settled by Euro- peans, is called New Britain. * The capital, or seat of government, is in small capitals on the map, as Montreal. 26 EXERCISES ON THE What is the capital of the United States ? w. What is the capital of Mexico ? m. What is the capital of Guatimala? st.-s. What country North-east of British America ? g. 51. Greenland is one of the coldest countries on the globe, a region of ice and snow. It has but two seasons, — a winter of nine months, and a sum- mer of three. Nothing grows there, but a few mosses, stunted shrubs and grasses. The principal animals are white bears, reindeer, and dogs. The Greenlanders are similar to the Esquimaux Indians. They are of a dwarfish size, good natured, but dull, indolent and extremely filthy. The hunting of the seal constitutes their chief business and amusement. Greenland is prob ably a vast island. It belongs to Denmark. Between what bodies of water is Greenland ? a. b. d. What large island East of Greenland ? i. 52. Iceland is a cold, rough and barren island, noted for its volcano and hot springs, called Geysers. The people are moral, industrious, able to read and write, — kind, contented and happy. They prefer their own country to all others. Iceland is considered as belonging to Europe, and is subject to Denmark. What Gulf South of the United States ? m. What Gulf in the Western part of Mexico ? c. What Gulf between Canada and Newfoundland ? st.-L. Which Gulf do you think is largest ? m. Smallest ? c. 53. The difference between a gulf and bay is this — A bay is widest at the opening between the capes, or headlands — and gradually narrows as it extends into the land — as the bay of Honduras, Bengal, &c; while a gulf is comparatively narrow at its opening between the capes, and wider as it extends inland — as the gulf of Mexico, Venice. Baffin's bay, Chesapeake bay, &c, are more properly gulfs. 21. What Bay West of Greenland ? b. What Bay in the Northern part of British America ? h What Bay South of Hudson's bay ? j. What Bay East of Yucatan ? h. What Bay West of Yucatan ? c. What Bay in the Western part of Upper California? st.-F. What Bay in the Southern part of Russian Possessions ? b. What Bay South of Hudson's strait ? ir. MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. 27 What Bay between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia ? Bay of Fundy. 54. The Bay of Fundy is about 200 miles long. It is remarkable for its high tides. At the head of the North-eastern arm, called " Chignecto Chan- nel," they rise from sixty to seventy feet, and are so rapid, as to overtake animals feeding on the shore. What Strait is the entrance to Baffin's Bay ? d. What Strait is the entrance to Hudson's Bay ? h. What Strait leads from Baffin'g Bay into the Arctic ocean ? b. What Strait between Newfoundland and Labrador ? Belle Isle. What Strait between North America and Asia ? b. What Strait South of Vancouver's Isle ? j.-d.-f. 55. The body of water east of Vancouver's island is called the Gulf of Georgia. The Strait of Juan de Fuca is the Southern entrance to the gulf of Georgia. What Sound in the Western part of Russian Possessions ? What Inlet in the Southern part of Russian Possessions 1 How many Lakes between the U. States and B. America?* What large Lake South-west of Hudson's Bay ? w. What large Lake North-west of lake Winnipeg ? a. What large Lake North-west of Athabaska lake ? s. What large lake North-west of Slave lake ? Great Bear Lake. What Lake in the Northern part of Upper California ? g. s. What Lake in Guatimala ? Lake Nicaragua. What River runs from Slave lake into the Arctic ocean ? m. What River, in the Western part of the territory of the Uni- ted States, empties into the Pacific ? c. What two Rivers empty into the Columbia ? c. i.. What River empties into the bay of St. Francisco 7 s. * The names of the lakes will be found on the Map of the United States. 28 EXERCISES ON THE What two Rivers unite and empty into the gulf of California ? C. G. What River forms the boundary line between Mexico and the United States ? r.-g. What large river runs through the United States into the gulf of Mexico ? m. What large branches has the Mississippi 1 o. on the east side, and m. a. r. on the west side. What River carries the waters of the lakes between the Uni- ted States and British America, into the Atlantic ? st.-L. What river runs from lake Winnipeg into Hudson's Bay ? s. What River empties into lake Winnipeg ? s. What two Rivers empty into James' Bay ? m. r. What Peninsula forms the Southern extremity of Russian Possessions ? a. What Peninsula between the Gulf of California and the Pa- cific ? c. What Peniusula between the Bays of Honduras and Cam- peachy ? Y. What Peninsula South-east of New Brunswick, between the Bay of Fundy and the Atlantic 1 n. s. What Peninsula between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlan- tic ? Florida. What large Island in the Arctic ocean, West of Barrows' I straiU M. What large Island West of Baffin's bay and Davis' strait ? p W. L. What large Island East of Greenland ? i. What large Island in the Northern part of Hudson's bay 1 s What large Island East of the gulf of St. Lawrence ? n. 56. Newfoundland is a large, cold and barren island, but is noted for the ' most productive cod fishery in the world. More than 3000 vessels, and | 40,000 seamen, American, English and French, are employed in the fishery. |f The fish are caught in vast numbers upon certain shallow places in the sea in the vicinity of the island, called the Banks of Newfoundland. MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. 29 What cluster of Islands East of the United States ? b. What Islands between North and South America ? w. i. Which is the largest of the West India Islands ? c. Which is the next largest ? h. Which is next to Hayti ? j. Which is the fourth in size, or next to Jamaica ? p. r. These four islands, Cuba, Hayti, Jamaica and Porto Rico are called the Great Aniilles. What group or chain of islands extend from Porto Rico to South America ? Which is the most southern of the West India islands ? t. What cluster of islands north-east of Cuba ? b. What three islands West of British America ? v. w. p. What mountains extend through the western part of N. America ? What name is given to the Rocky mountains in Mexico ? c. What two mountains nearly on the boundary between British America and Russian Possessions ? e. f. Which of these is highest ? How high is mount St. Elias ? What two passes through the Rocky mountains, in the west- ern part of the U. S. territory ? n. s. 57. These passes are gaps in the Rocky mountains, several miles wide, through which emigrants travel to Oregon. What cape forms the southern extremity of Greenland ? f. What cape South of Nova Scotia ? s. Which is the most southern cape of the United States? s. What cape South of California ? st.-L. What cape West of Upper California ? m. What capes on the eastern coast of the United States ? On which side of Hudson's and James' bays are New T North and New South Wales? What is the eastern coast of Hudson's bay called ? e. m. 58. The British have trading stations at the mouths of all the principal rivers that empty into Hudson's Bay, also in various other parts of New Britain, where the Indians come and exchange their furs for blankets, guns, powder, beads, trinkets, &c. 4 30 EXERCISES ON THE What is the country called between Hudson's Bay and the Atlantic ? l. 59. Labrador is an extensive region. It is, however, but little known, for it is so cold and barren, that no foreigner has ever attempted to explore the interior. Great numbers of fish of various kinds, particularly cod and salmon, are found on the shores and small rivers. The coasts are bordered by innumerable islands, and these are covered with flocks of sea fowl, especially eider ducks. Bears, wolves, foxes, marten, hares, &c. are nu- merous. The population is small. The Esquimaux inhabit all the coast. The tribes of the interior are but little known. The Labrador fishery is of great importance, and is extensively carried on by the United States and Great Britain. Some years nearly a thousand tons of codfish, and twenty thousand hogsheads of oil are obtained. What singular race of people inhabit the whole northern coast of America, from the gulf of St. Lawrence to Behring's strait ? The Esquimaux Indians. 60. The Esquimaux in appearance, character and habits, resemble the Greenlanders. They are small, ignorant, filthy and stupid, but are a harm- less, gentle and cheerful race. They live on fish, seals and sea fowl, and any thing else they can obtain for food. They are by no means partic- ular in regard to their diet. They have a fine kind of dogs which are trained to draw their sledges, or sleds, over the snow. See the picture on the map. In winter they live in huts made of cakes of ice, or frozen snow. These are of a circular form, and are not only commodious, but even com- fortable. When we look at the regions inhabited by the Esquimaux, the climate, the productions, &c. we feel that their condition would be im- proved by a removal to almost any other country on the globe, and yet, when any of them have been carried to England, or France, and treated with the greatest kindness, they have pined to go back. In what direction from Newfoundland is the Grand Bank, remarkable for the cod fishery ? How are the codfish taken ? With a hook and line. Through what must the waters ot the Saskatchawan river pass to reach the ocean ? A. Lake Winnipeg, Hudson's bay, and Hudson's strait. Through what must the waters of the Platte river pass to reach the ocean ? What part of North America is crossed by the Tropic of: Cancer ? What division does it cross ? m. What part of North America does the Arctic Circle cross ? What divisions ? r-p. b-a. and g. MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. 31 In what zone is the southern part of North America ? t. In what zone is the northern part ? n. t. In what zone is the largest part of North America ? vr. t. What divisions of North America are in the Torrid Zone.* G. M. What divisions are in the North Temperate Zone ? m. tj-s. B-A. ■P. B-A. G. What does the picture at the top of the map represent ? What parts are occupied by the Esquimaux Indians ? What does the next picture represent ? An iceberg. 61. An iceberg is a large mass of ice resembling a mountain, often found floating in the polar seas. Some are formed in the sea itself, by the accumulation of ice and snow, others seem to be glaciers, which have been piling up on shore, till quite overgrown, and at last are broken off and launched into the ocean by their own weight. Icebergs of this sort abound in Baffin's bay, where they are sometimes two miles long and half a mile broad, and which rise above the surface from the height of 100 to 200 feet, while their depth below the level of the water is about eight times greater than that above. Icebergs have been known to drift from Baffin's bay to the Azores, or Western islands. What does the third picture represent ? How many of these animals have you ever seen ? What does the fourth picture represent ? What does the bottom picture represent ? Where are Niagara Falls ? In the river Niagara, between lake Erie and lake Ontario. 62. Niagara river at the Falls is three-fourths of a mile wide. An island, called Goat island, divides the cataract into two principal portions, — the American Fall on the East, and the Horse Shoe on the West, or Canada side. This picture represents a view of the Horse Shoe Fall. Niagara Falls surpass all others of the known world in grandeur. The immense body of water plunges over a precipice 160 feet high. The weight, im- petuosity and descent of the waters, occasion a tremulous motion all around, and cause a sound louder than that of the ocean in a mighty tem- pest. * If the whole division is not embraced, let the learner specify what part. As in this question, " what divisions of North America are in the torrid zone ? A. Guatimnla, the southern part of Mexico, and all the "West India islands except the Bahamas. 32 EXERCISES ON TIIE In what direction from Hudson's bay is the Gulf of St. Law- I rence ? Gulf of Mexico ? Gulf of California ? In what direction from us are the Bermudas ? Hayti ? New- ! foundland ? Melville island ? Vancouver's island ? Isthmus | of Darien ? Behring's strait ? Which is farthest North, or has the highest latitude, Cape Cod or the mouth of Columbia river ? Cape Farewell or Cape Prince of Wales ? Cape Sable or Cape St. Lucas ? Newfoundland or Vancouver's island ? From what meridian is the longitude reckoned on the top of I the map ? Where is Greenwich ? See 29. From what meridian is the longitude reckoned on the bottom of the map ? What is the longitude of Washington from Greenwich ? 63. Trace to the meridian that passes through Washington to the top of the map, and you will see it marked 77. Hence you will perceive that the j lqngitude of Washington from Greenwich is 77 degrees West. If you add 77 to any degree of longitude East from Greenwich, you will have the < longitude from Washington. For instance, St. Petersburg is 30° East t from Greenwich ; now if you add 77 to 30 you will have the longitude East from Washington, viz. 107°, &x. Suppose the longitude is West, ' what then 1 If we reckon the longitude from Washington will Montreal | be in East or West longitude ? Cincinnati ? Boston ? . St. f Louis ? Quebec ? Hartford ? New Orleans ? New York ? Oregon city ? This place ? Which has the greatest longitude, or is farthest West, Charles- i ton or Havanna ? St. Louis or Mexico ? Vera Cruz or Santa Fe ? Cape Sable or the Isthmus of Darien ? What is the extent of North America in square miles ? What is the probable population of North America ? Between what degrees of latitude and longitude does North j America lie ? MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. 33 64. North America lies between 8 and 80° North latitude, and between 60° East and 92° West longitude, from Washington, or between 170 and 169° West longitude from Greenwich. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. What is the name of this state ? How many states border on this ? Does any part of this state border on the sea or ocean ? In what direction is this state longest ? What is the capital of this state ? Who is the governor of this state ? What division bounds the United States on the North ? b.-a. What ocean East of the United States ? A. What gulf and division on the South ? g. of m. and m. What ocean West of the United States' territory ? p. What is the capital of the United States ? w. 65. Washington, the capital of the United States, is in the District of Columbia, on the East side of the Potomac, 300 miles from the ocean, by the course of the river and bay. It is the residence of the President and other chief officers of the General Government. Congress meets here every year, on the first Monday of December, to enact laws for the nation. In what direction are the United States longest ? In what direction does the Atlantic coast of the United States run ? n. e. and s. w. The Pacific coast ? n. and s. Where has the United States the greatest extent of sea-coast, on the Atlantic, Pacific, or Gulf of Mexico ? What is a coast ? What is land bordering on a river called ? What six lakes between the United States and British Amer- ica ? w. s. h. st.-c. e. and o. What eight states and three territories are bounded North by these lakes and British America ? m. it-h. v. n-y. p. o. m. w. and m. n. and o. What territory borders on the Pacific ? o. What fourteen states border on the Atlantic ? What five states border on the Gulf of Mexico ? f. a. m. l. t. 4* 34 EXERCISES ON THE Which of the United States extends farthest North ? m. Which extends farthest South ? f. Which extends farthest East ? m. Which extends farthest West ? t. What four states lie wholly West of the Mississippi river ? T. A. M. I. What state lies on both sides of the Mississippi ? l. What five states border on the eastern side of the Mississippi river ? m. t. k. i. w. What two states touch both the Ohio and Mississippi river ? I. K. What two states touch the Mississippi and Missouri rivers ? M. I. What state touches the Ohio and the Atlantic ? v. What state borders on the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico ? r. What state borders on lake Erie and the Atlantic ? What state borders on five lakes ? Which state appears longest from East to West ? x What are the names of the four territories ? Indian, Minnisota, Nebraska and Oregon. Which territory extends farthest East ? m. Which extends farthest South ? i. Which extends farthest West ? o. In what territory does the Mississippi rise ? In what territory does the Missouri rise ? n. How many states are there ? How many territories ? What four states border on lake Erie ? n-y. p. o. m. What four border on lake Michigan ? m. w. i. i. On what lakes, rivers, sound and ocean does New York bor- der ? e. o. and c. — n. st.-l. and h. — i..-1-s. and a. o. 66. Long Island forms a part of the state of New York. The North river, or Hudson, before it reaches the Atlantic separates New York from New Jersey. Which extends farthest North, Maine or New Hampshire ? New Hampshire or Vermont ? MAP OP THE UNITED STATES. 35 Vermont or New York ? New York or Michigan ? Connecticut or Ohio ? Which extends farthest South, Florida or Texas ? Louisiana or Georgia ? North Carolina or Arkansas ? Virginia or Missouri ? Maryland or Indiana ? Which extends farthest East, Texas or Iowa? Illinois or Mississippi? Ohio or Georgia ? Virginia or Pennsylvania? New Hampshire or Rhode Island ? Which way is it from Maine to Connecticut ?* From Connecticut to Vermont ? From Vermont to Pennsylvania ? From Pennsylvania to Michigan ? From Michigan to Iowa? From Iowa to Massachusetts ? From Massachusetts to Virginia ? From Virginia to Missouri ? From Missouri to South Carolina ? From South Carolina to Texas ? From Texas to Maine ? Through what states would you pass in travelling in a straight line from Maine to Ohio ? From Ohio to Florida ? From Florida to Missouri ? From Missouri to New Jersey ? From New Jersey to Texas ? From Texas to Maine ? * In answering these questions, the learner will give the direction or way from the centre of one state to the centre of the other. 36 EXERCISES ON THE Through what states would you pass in travelling on the coast from Mexico to New Brunswick. What mountains extend through the western part of the United States ? r. ' What mountains extend through the eastern part of the Uni- ted States ? a. 67. The Alleghany mountains extend from Alabama to the state of New York. Their course is nearly parallel with the Atlantic, varying from 50 to 130 miles from it. They consist of several parallel ridges, called the Blue ridge, Cumberland mountain, Laurel mountain in Pennsylvania and Vir- ginia, and Caatskill mountain in New York. Into how many great natural sections or divisions do the Rocky and Alleghany mountains divide the territory of the United States ? Into three sections. 68. 1st. The Atlantic Slope, which extends from the Alleghany moun- tains to the Atlantic. 2d. The Mississippi Valley, which lies between the Alleghany and Rocky mountains, watered by the Mississippi and its nu- merous branches. 3d. The Pacific Slope which comprises the region be- tween the Rocky mountains and the Pacific ocean. Hence it will be seen that the general feature of the country, is that of an immense plain, travers- ed or crossed by two great chains of mountains. Into what ocean do the rivers that rise on the eastern side of the Alleghany mountains, or in the Atlantic slope, empty ? a. Into what ocean do the rivers that rise on the western side of the Rocky mountains, or in the Pacific slope, empty ? p. Into what gulf do the rivers between the Alleghany and Rocky mountains, or in the Mississippi valley, empty? m. What is the general course of the rivers in the Atlantic slope ? s. E. What is the general course of the rivers in the Pacific slope ? w. What is the general course of the rivers in the Mississippi valley ? The general course of those West of the Mississippi river, is south-east ; the course of those East of the Mississippi is generally south-west. What large river in Oregon empties into the Pacific ? c. I MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. 37 What are the three principal branches of the Columbia river ? C. L. W. What river forms the boundary between Texas and Mexico ? R.-G. What are the four principal rivers in Texas that empty into the Gulf of Mexico ? n. c. b. t. What river forms most of the boundary between Texas and Louisiana ? s. Where does the Sabine empty ? What large river rises in Itasca lake in Minnisota, and runs a southerly course into the Gulf of Mexico ? m. Which are the three largest western branches of the Missis- sippi ? M. A. R. Which are the four principal branches of the Missouri ? y. P. K. O. What boundary does the Pearl form ? Between l. and m. The Tombigby and Alabama rivers unite and form what ? The Mobile river, which empties into Mobile Bay. What two rivers unite and form the Apalachicola ? What large river in Florida empties into the Atlantic ? What is the course of the St. Johns ? What river forms part of the boundary between Florida and Georgia ? st.-M. What two rivers unite and form the Alatamaha? o. o. What two States does the Savannah separate ? What are the two principal rivers in South Carolina that empty into the Atlantic ? s. and g.-p. What rivers can you mention between South Carolina and Maryland ? c. f. n. r. c. j. y. r. p. 69. The Neuse empties into Pamlico Sound, and the Roanoke and Cho- wan into Albemarle Sound. What two States does the Potomac separate ? v. m. What river separates Virginia and Kentucky from Illinois, Indiana and Ohio ? What two rivers unite at Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania and form the Ohio ? a. m. 38 EXERCISES ON THE What river rises in New York and rurs through the central part of Pennsylvania into the head of Chesapeake Bay ? s. 70. The body of water in the eastern part of Virginia and Maryland is called Chesapeake Bay. The body of water between Delaware and New Jersey is Delaware Bay. What river separates Pennsylvania from New York and New Jersey, and empties into Delaware Bay ? r». What river in the eastern part of New York? n. 71. This river is sometimes called the North River, and sometimes the Hudson. What river separates Vermont from New Hampshire, and passes through Massachusetts and Connecticut into Long Island Sound ? c. 72. The body of water between Long Island and Connecticut, is called Long Island Sound. What are the three principal rivers in Maine ? a. k. p. What river rises in the northern part of Maine, and passes through New Brunswick into the Bay of Fundy ? st.-J. What river flows from Lake Ontario into the Gulf of St. Law- rence ? What river forms most of the boundary between Canada East and Canada West ? o. Which of the lakes between the United States and British America is largest ? s. Which is smallest ? st.-c. Which is the most eastern ? o. Which most western ? w. How many of these lakes are longest from East to West ? s. e. o. What two lakes lie wholly in the United States ? m. c. With what is Lake Champlain connected? st.-L. by s. r. What four lakes are longest from North to South ? w. m. H. C. What five lakes border on Michigan, s. h. c. e. m. What three lakes border on New York. e. o. c. Which of the lakes do you think is highest above the level of the ocean ? Why is Lake Superior highest ? 73. The great chain of lakes between the United States and British j MAP OP THE UNITED STATES- 39 America, all discharge their waters by the river St. Lawrence into the ocean. The surface of Lake Superior is 641 feet above the level of the Atlantic. It abounds with fish, particularly trout, weighing from 12 to 50 pounds ; white fish, weighing often more than 20 pounds ; sturgeon, &c. &c, which are caught at all seasons in large quantities. Its waters are re- markably clear and transparent. It receives more than 30 rivers, and dis- charges its waters into Lake Huron by St. Mary's river, or strait. There are rapids or falls in this river, which prevent vessels from passing into Superior from Lake Huron. The Pictured Rocks on the southeastern shore are a great curiosity. They extend 12 miles in length, and form a perpen- dicular wall 300 feet high. Through what must the waters of Lake Superior pass to reach the ocean ? 76. Through St. Mary's River, Lake Huron, River St. Clair, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River, Lake Erie, Niagara River, Lake Ontario, River St. Lawrence, and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Through what must the waters of Fox river pass to reach the ocean ? 75. The narrow body of water which connects Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, is called the Strait of Mackinaw. Through what must the waters of the Alleghany river pass to reach the ocean ? Through what must the waters of St. Louis river pass to reach the ocean ? How many feet must the waters of Lake Superior descend to reach the ocean ? Why 641 feet ? Which appears to be highest, Lake Erie or Lake Ontario ? 76. The surface of Lake Erie is 334 feet higher than Lake Ontario, and 565 feet above tide water in the Hudson or North River at Albany. Is New Hampshire separated from Vermont by a natural or artificial boundary ? 22. 77. An ocean, sea, lake, river, or mountain, is called a natural boundary. A dotted line on the map is called an artificial boundary. Is New Jersey separated from Pennsylvania by a natural or artificial boundary? Pennsylvania from Ohio ? Ohio from Indiana ? Indiana from Illinois ? Illinois from Missouri ? Missouri from Arkansas ? Arkansas from Mississippi ? What three capes east of Massachusetts ? a. c. m. What is the eastern point of Long Island called ? Montauk Point. 40 EXERCISES ON THE What cape or hook east of New Jersey ? s. What two capes at the entrance of Delaware Bay ? m. h. What two capes at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay? c. h. What three capes East of North Carolina ? h. l. and Fear. What cape south of Florida ? p. What cape on the western coast of Florida ? r. What two islands southeast of Massachusetts ? Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. , What large island south of Connecticut ? What mountains in Virginia ? What mountains between Kentucky and Virginia ? What mountains in Missouri ? What mountains extend through the western part of Texas ? What mountains separate Nebraska territory from Oregon ? To what degree of North latitude does the southern point of Florida extend ? Through what States does the 30th parallel of North latitude pass ? The 35th ? The 40th ? The 45th ? In what zone are the United States ? Which is the largest State ? How many square miles has Texas ? What is the next largest state ? Population of Virginia ? What is the extent of Michigan in square miles ? Missouri ? Georgia ? Arkansas ? Wisconsin ? Iowa ? Illinois ? Ala- bama ? Which is the smallest State ? How many square miles has Rhode Island ? What is the population of Rhode Island ? Delaware ? Con- necticut? Massachusetts ? New York ? Ohio? How many of the United States are longer from East to West than from North to South ? MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. 41 Which State has the largest extent of sea-coast ? How many States have any sea-coast ? Have all the States access to the ocean by means of naviga- ble rivers ? What city in the United States has the longest line of com- munication with the interior of the country by means of naviga- ble rivers ? New Orleans. 78. By means of the Mississippi and its numerous branches, New Or- leans has about twenty thousand miles of steamboat navigation. MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. In what direction from us is South America ? In which hemisphere is South America ? In which part of the western hemisphere ? With what grand division is South America connected ? What isthmus connects North and South America ? In what direction is South America longest ? Does South America lie in North or South latitude ? Why in both ? What sea on the North of South America ? What ocean on the East of it ? a. What strait on the South ? m. What ocean on the West ? p. Which is the most northern division of South America ? Which is the most eastern division ? Which is the most southern division ? Which is the most western division ? What divisions border on the Carribbean Sea ? What divisions border on the Atlantic ? What divisions border on the Pacific 1 Which division borders both on the Atlantic and Pacific ? Which division borders on the Pacific and Caribbean Sea? 5 42 EXERCISES ON THE Which division has the greatest extent of sea-coast ? Which division has no sea-coast ? What divisions does the equator cross ? What divisions does the Tropic of Capricorn cross? What divisions border on New Grenada ? e. b. v. What divisions border on Equador ? On Peru ? What divisions border on Bolivia ? On Chili ? What divisions border on Buenos Ayres ? On Brazil 1 What divisions and bodies of water border on Patagonia ? Which is the largest division of South America ? b. Which is the smallest division ? p. Which is the most northern cape of South America ? g. Which is the most eastern cape ? st. r. Which is the most southern cape ? h. Which is the most western cape ? b. Between what capes is South America longest ? g. h. Between what capes is it widest 7 ? st.-R. b. What island on the coast of Venezuela near the mouth of the Orinoco ? t. What island at the mouth of the Amazon ? j. What two islands southeast of Patagonia 1 r. What island southeast of the Falkland islands ? s. g. What islands South of Patagonia 1 t. d. f.* What island South of Chili ? c. What islands West of Chili ? 79. Tbe largest of these islands, Mas-a-tierra, is remarkable for having ' been the residence of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor, who passed sev- i era! years alone on the island, and whose life and adventures furnished the ground work of that interesting story of Robinson Crusoe. What islands northwest of Chili ? st.-A. and st.-F. What strait separates Tierra Del Fuego from Patagonia ? m. * Tierra Del Fuepo means " Land of Fire." These islands were so named from the fires seen along their shores by the discoverers, who supposed then, volcanic. The inhabitants are friendly and peaceable, but rude and igno- rant, like the Indian tribes of Patagonia. They live by fishing. MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. 43 What mountains extend from the straits of Tierra Del Fuego to the isthmus of Darien 1 Through which part of South America do the Andes extend ? Which is the highest peak of the Andes ? s. Where, and how many feet high, is Mount Sorata ? 80. The learner will remember there are 5,280 feet in a mile : and hence by dividing 25,380 feet by 5,280, he will see that Mount Sorata is nearly five miles high. Where is Mt. Chimborazo 1 It is 21,240 feet high. What mountains in the western part of Brazil ? g. What mountains in the eastern part of Brazil ? Brazillian Mts ? What mountains separate Guiana from Brazil ? a. What two volcanoes in Equador ? c. p. 1 3. 81. Cotopaxi is one of the most tremendous valcanoes in the world. .It is 18,508 feet high, and is the most beautiful of all the colossal summits of the Andes — presenting the form of a regular and smooth cone, wrapped in a covering of snow and ice of the purest white, which shines in the rays of the sun with dazzling splendor. It is in a constant state of activity. Many of its eruptions have been terrible, the flames rising 3000 feet above the cra- ter, and its roarings heard 600 miles. Pinchinca, or Pichincha, is 15,000 feet high. It was formerly a volcano ; but the mouth or crater, on one of its sides, is now covered with sand or calcined matter, so that at present, neither smoke nor ashes issue from it. Into what do the rivers of South America principally empty ? Which is the largest river? The Amazon is 150 miles wide at its mouth. In what division and mountains does the Amazon rise ? p. and a. Which is next in size to the Amazon ? d. l. p. What two rivers form the Rio De La Plata 1 p. u. Which is next in size to the Rio De La Plata 7 ? o. In what division is the Orinoco ? v. What river empties into the Caribbean sea ? m. What river empties into the Magdalena ? c. What river in the eastern part of Brazil ? s. f. Between what two rivers is Paraguay 1 p. p. What river Irom Bolivia empties into the Paraguay ? p. 44 EXERCISES ON THE What gulf in the northwestern part of New Grenada ? What gulf South of the isthmus of Darien ? p. What gulf northwest of Peru 1 g. What gulf East of Patagonia 1 s. a. What gulf West of Patagonia ? c. What bay in the eastern part of Brazil ? a. s. What bay in the southern part of Buenos Ayres ? What bay East of Patagonia ? st. g, What lake in the northern part of Venezuela ? m. What lake in the southern part of Brazil ] What lake in Buenos Ayres ? s. What lake in the southeastern part of Peru ? t. 82. Titicaca is the largest lake in South America. It is about 250 miles in circuit and 400 feet deep. . The water though neither salt nor brackish, is muddy and nauseous to the taste. To the Peruvian Indians, this lake is a sacred object ; since, according to their most sacred traditions, it was on an island in its centre, that Manco Capac and Mama Oella, his wife, the founder of the great Peruvian empire, first appeared to give laws and arts to the inhabitants. He declared himself and wife to be children of the sun, sent down to civilize and instruct them. Manco taught the men agricul- ture and other useful arts, whilst his wife instructed the women to spin and weave. He ordered sacrifices to be offered to the sun, as the benefactor of men. Probably, he and his wife came from some civilized country, and employed religion to procure an ascendency over the Indians, and by this means he was enabled to form a regular government. In 1043, Manco founded the city of Cuzco, which continued the captal of the empire until its conquest by the Spaniards under Pizarro, in 1534. The history of Peru, under the Incas, or Emperors, is exceedingly interesting and instructive. In what parts of Brazil are there extensive plains ? In what part of Buenos Ayres are there plains ? 83. These plains, called pampas, are very extensive, stretching from the Atlantic to the Andes. They are destitute of trees and covered with high grass, like the prairies in our western States. Numerous herds of cattle, horses, and other animals, range over them. The Guacos, or inhabitants of the pampas, live mostly on horseback, and catch these animals by skill- fully throwing around the neck, or legs, a lasso, or leather rope. What mines in the eastern part of Brazil ? g. What region northeast of these gold mines ? What mines in Bolivia ? Near what city are they ? p. MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. 45 84. The silver mines of Potosi, so celebrated throughout the world, were accidentally discovered by a Peruvian Indian, in 1545, named Hualpa, or Hualca. Since their discovery, according to the best estimates, there have been coined more than 2,000,000,000 of dollars of silver, besides a large amount of gold. In what zone is that part of South America which lies North of the Tropic of Capricon 1 In what zone is that part which lies South of the Tropic of Capricon ? What divisions lie partly in the torrid and partly in the South temperate zone 1 What divisions lie wholly in the torrid zone ? What divisions lie wholly in the South temperate zone % Is the northern or southern part of South America warmest ? Why ? 30. Is the northern or southern part of North America warmest ? Why ? 32. What great valley in the northern part of Brazil 1 20. 85. The Valley of the Amazon is of great extent, reaching from the At- lantic to the Andes, and about 1700 miles in breadth from North to South, comprising an area of about two million square miles. Which part of the valley of the Amazon is lowest, the east- ern or the western part 1 The northern and southern, or the central? Why? 3. Which country do you think is most elevated, or highest, Paraguay or Uraguay ? Why ? 3. Bolivia or Buenos Ayres 1 Why? 3. What is the capital of New Grenada ? b. Of Venezuela ? c. Of Guiana ? Georgetown is the capital of English Guiana, Para- maribo of Dutch Guiana, and Cayenne of French Guiana. Of Equador ? q. Of Peru ? l. Of Bolivia ? c. Of Chili ? s. Of Buenos Ayres ? b. Of Paraguay ? a. Of Uruguay ? m. v. Of Brazil ? r. j. Of Patagonia ? Why no capital in Patagonia ? What does the picture on the top of the map represent ? 86. The ladies of Lima are celebrated for their vivacity and beauty. In walking abroad they wear a manto, a large loose cloak of black silk gauze, which is wrapped round even the face. Under this disguise they amuse 5* 46 EXERCISES ON THE themselves by mingling with the crowds in the streets, to see whatever is going on, and by addressing their friends without being known by them. What does the next picture represent ? What does the third picture represent ? Have you ever seen any of these animals ? What does the fourth picture represent ? What does the picture on the bottom of the map represent ? 87. The Patagonians are of large size, brave, and excellent horsemen. They consist of a number of Indian tribes, and wander from the straits of Ma-» gellan to the pampas in Buenos Ayres. They are often engaged in war with the Spaniards, and are formidable by their courage and numbers. The Guaco is of Spanish origin, inhabits the pampas, and leads a life of wild inde- pendence. His chief employment is catching wild cattle with the lasso. Between him and the Indians there is a perpetual war. What is the extent of South America in square miles ? What is the probable population of South America ? From what meridian is the longitude reckoned on the top of the map ? Where is Greenwich ? From what meridian is longitude reckoned on the bottom of the map ? Where is Washington ? What is the difference of longitude between Greenwich and Washington ? Between what degrees of latitude and longitude does South j America lie ? Between 12 North and 56 degrees South lati- tude, and between 35 and 82 degrees West longitude from I Greenwich. Can you go from .South America to Europe by land ? Why ' not ? In what direction must you sail, and what ocean cross ! in going from South America to Europe ? MAP OF EUROPE. In what direction from us is Europe ? In which hemisphere is Europe ? In which part of the eastern hemisphere ? With what grand division is Europe connected ? Does Europe lie in North or South latitude ? Why ? MAP OF EUROPE. 47 What ocean North of Europe ? a. What grand division East of Europe ? What sea South of Europe ? m. What ocean West of Europe ? a. Is Europe connected with Africa? What sea separates it from Africa ? In what direction is Europe longest ? Which is broadest, the northern or southern part ? What large empire in the eastern part of Europe ? r. What divisions border on the western part of Russia ? What divisions border on Turkey ? On Austria ? What divisions border on Prussia ? On Germany ? What divisions border on France ? On Italy ? What divisions border on Spain ? On Switzerland ? What divisions border on the Mediterranean ? s. f. i. g. What divisions border on the Baltic ? g. d. s. r. p. What divisions border on the Black sea ? r. t. What divisions border on the North sea? n. d. g. h. e. s. What divisions border on the Gulf of ^enice ? a. i. t. What divisions border on the Bay of Biscay ? f. s. What divisions border on the British Channel ? f. e. What division extends from the Caspian sea to the Arctic ocean ? What division extends from the Arctic ocean to the North sea ? n. What division extends from the North sea to the Baltic ? d. What division extends from the Baltic to the Black sea? r. What division extends from the Black sea to the Mediterra- nean ? T. What divisions extend from the Mediterranean to the Atlan- tic ? f. s. 48 EXERCISES ON THE Which is the largest island in Europe ? Great Britain. 88. The island comprising England, Scotland, and Wales, is called Great Britain. Great Britain and Ireland are called the British Isles. In what part of Great Britain is England ? In what part is Scotland ? In what part is Wales ? What large island West of Great Britain ? i. What large island West of Norway ? i. What four clusters of islands North and West of Scotland ' f. s. o. H. What islands southeast of Spain ? i. m. m. 89. Ivica, Majorca and Minorca are called the Balearic islands. They were so called by the Greeks, because the inhabitants were expert archers and slingers. What two large islands West of Italy ? c. s. What large island near the southern point of Italy ? s. What island South of Sicily ? Malta belongs to Great Britain. What island South of the Archipelago ? What island in the eastern part of the Mediterranean ? c. What two islands at the entrance of the Baltic ? Zealand and Funen. 90. The large island on which Copenhagen is situated, is Zealand ; the one West of it, is Funen. The portion of land between the Atlantic on the West, and the Cattegat and Baltic on the East, is called the Peninsula of Jutland. Denmark consists principally of the peninsula of Jutland and the islands of Zealand and Fun^i. The Asiatic coast of the Mediterranean and Archipelago, from Constan- tinople to Alexandria in Egypt, is often called " the Levant." Levant prop- erly signifies " the East." The Mediterranean east of Candia, is usually called by seamen, " the Levant sea." What sea East of Great Britain ? n. What sea between England and Ireland ? i. What sea between Sweden and Russia and Prussia ? b. What sea in the northern part of Russia ? w. What three seas South of Russia ? c. a. b. What three seas East of Turkey ? b. m. a.* » Archipelago, a term often applied to a large group or cluster of islands. See 17. The most noted is the Grecian Archipelago, between Greece and Turkey \ on the West and AsiaMinor on the East. It contains numerous islands. The i ■♦ noted are Negropont, Scio, Samos, Rhodes, Mytilene, Patmos, &c. ^v of water was formerly called " the JEgean Sea." MAP OF EUROPE. 49 What large sea South of Europe ? m. What ten seas in and around Europe ? c. a. b. m. a m. i. n. B. W. What gulf East of Italy ? v. What gulf southeast of Italy ? t. What gulf in the northwestern part of Italy ? g. What gulf South of France ? l. What gulf North of the Baltic ? b. What two gulfs East of the Baltic ? f. r. What gulf in Greece 1 The gulf of Lepanto.* Which is the only large bay in Europe ? b. Where is the bay of Biscay situated ? The bay or gulf in Holland is called " The Zuyder Zee. What channel between France and England ? b. What channel South of Wales ? b. What channel between Wales and Ireland ? st. g. What channel between Ireland and Scotland ? n. What channel between Denmark and Norway ? s. What channel between Denmark and Sweden ? c. What strait between England and France ? d. What strait at the entrance of the Mediterranean ? g. What strait between Corsica and Sardinia ? b. What strait between Sicily and Italy ? m. What strait at the entrance of the gulf of Venice ? o. 91. The strait of Dardanelles connects the Archipelago and sea of Marmo- ra. The Bosphorus, or strait of Constantinople, connects the sea of Marmora and Black sea. What bodies of water does the strait of Dover connect and what countries separate ? The strait of Gibraltar ? The strait of Otranto ? Strait of Dardanelles ? Strait of Constantinople ? * The gulf in the central part of Greece is called the Gulf of Lepanto. That part of Greece which lies South of the Gulf of Lepanto, is called the peninsula ofMorea, or "the Morea." The narrow neck of land which connects these divisions of Greece is called the Isthmus of Corinth. 50 EXERCISES ON THE St. George's channel ? North channel ? The Skager Rack The Cattegat ? What cape North of Norway ? n. What cape South of Norway ? n. What cape southwest of England? l. e. What cape South of Ireland ? c. What cape North of France ? i,. h. What cape northwest of Spain ? o. What cape West of Spain ? f. What cape southwest of Portugal ? st. v. What cape South of Italy ? Cape Spartivento. What cape South of Greece ? m. Which is the most northern cape of Europe ? n. Which is the most southern cape ? Cape Trafalgar, near the strait of Gibraltar. Which is farthest East, cape Matapan or cape North ? Cape Clear or cape St. Vincent ? Land's End or cape Ortegal ? Cape Naze or cape Bon, in Africa ? What peninsula between the Black sea and sea of Azoff ? c. What peninsula in the southern part of Greece ? The Morea. What peninsula between the Atlantic and Baltic ? Jutland. What mountains between Norway and Sweden ? d. What mountains between France and Spain ? p. What mountains in Switzerland? a. What mountains in Italy ? a. What mountains in Turkey ? b. What mountains between Europe and Asia ? u. What mountains between the Black and Caspian sea ? c. Which is the highest mountain in Europe ? Mont Blanc. 92. Mont Blanc, the highest summit of the Alps, is 15,766 feet high. Blanc is a French word, signifying white. It is called Mont Blanc, " the White mountain," on account of its white appearance, being always covered with snow and ice. The next highest peak of the Alps is Mount Rosa, 15,380 feet high, and the next highest summit is the Great St. Bernard, 10,780 feet high. On the North side of Mont Blanc, is the celebrated MAP OF EUROPE. 51 vale of Chamouni, eighteen miles long, and one and a half broad. The river Arve flows through the centre of it. The scenery surrounding the vale is unrivalled in beauty and grandeur. It is forty-two miles from Gene- va, and 3300 feet above the level of the sea. The glaciers are fields of snow and ice, extending sometimes fifteen or twenty miles. Avalanches are immense masses of snow and ice, which sometimes fall or slide from the mountains. What volcano in Sicily ? e. What volcano near Naples ? v. What volcano in Iceland ? h. What river rises in the Ural mountains and runs into the Caspian sea ? tj. What boundary does the Ural river form ? What river in Russia, the largest in Europe, empties into the Caspian sea ? v. What river empties into the sea of Azoff? d. What large river in Russia empties into the Black sea ? d. What large river from Germany empties into the Black sea? d. What river rises in Spain and runs through Portugal into the Atlantic ? t. What two rivers in France empty into the bay of Biscay ? G. L. What river in France runs into the British channel? s. What two rivers rise in Switzerland ? r. r. Where does the Rhone empty ? Where does the Rhine empty ? Where does the Elbe empty ? Oder ? Vistula ? Niemen ? Dwina ? Tornea ? Which are the three most important rivers of Europe ? The Volga, Danube, and Rhine. What three lakes in Russia ? o. l. i. What two lakes in Switzerland ? Geneva and Constance. What three lakes in Sweden ? Wenner, Wetter, and Malar. What country in the western part of Russia ? p. 93. Poland was formerly one of the most powerful kingdoms in Europe. It was conquered and in 1795 divided between Russia, Prussia and Austria. In 1815, the central part of Poland was erected into a kingdom by the 52 EXERCISES ON THE congress of Vienna, subject to the emperor of Russia. In 1830, the Poles attempted to free themselves from the tyranny of the Russians, but were soon overpowered and forced to submit. Poland is now merged in Russia, and no longer exists as an independent state. What name is given to the northern part of Norway, Sweden and Russia ? l.. What country between the sea of AzofFand the Caspian sea ? c. What name is given to, the southern part of Caucasus ? c. What singular people in the northeastern part of Russia ? s. 94. The Samoyedes are a wandering people, traversing the immense frozen deserts bordering on the Arctic ocean. They extend from the White sea to the river Lena, in Siberia, upwards of 2000 miles, and from 300 to 600 miles in breadth. They are of small stature, from four to five feet high. They have a flat, round and broad face, thick lips, and black hair, in small quantities. They are peaceable, extremely superstitious, and live by hunt- ing. Their principal wealth consists in herds of reindeer, which supply them with food, clothing, tents, utensils, &c. What tribes inhabit the southern parts of Russia ? The Cos- sacks and Kalmucks. What remarkable whirlpool on the coast of Norway ? m. Is the maelstrom North or South of the Arctic circle ? What is there remarkable in Iceland besides mount Hecla ? 95. The famous boiling springs called Geysers, which spout up hot water into the air to the height of 100 feet, with a noise like that of cannon. What is the capital of England ? l. Of Scotland ? e. Of Ireland ? d. Of Portugal ? l. Of Spain ? m. Of France ? p. Of Belgium? b. Of Holland? h. Of Denmark ? c. At what place in Germany does the Federative Diet hold its sessions ? At Frankfort, on the river Mayne. What is the capital of Switzerland ? b. Of Italy ? r.* Of Austria ? v. Of Turkey ? c. Of Greece ? a. Of Prussia ? b. Of Russia ? st. p. Of Swe- den ? s. Of Norway ? c. * Rome is usually called the capital of Italy. Strictly speaking, it is the capi- tal of that division of Italy called " the States of the Church." Italy is divided into a number of separate governments. The principal are the kingdoms of Sardinia, Lombardy and Venice, Naples, States of the Church, The Grand Duchy of Tuscany. MAP OF EUROPE. 53 Which of these capitals is farthest North ? Which is farthest East ? Which is farthest South ? Which is farthest West ? Which country of Europe extends farthest North ? n. Which extends farthest East ? r. Which extends farthest South ? s. Which extends farthest West ? i. What bodies of water border on England ? Scotland ? Ire- land ? Denmark ? Italy ? Turkey ? Greece ? Russia ? In what zone is that part of Europe which lies North of the Arctic circle ? In what zone is that part which lies South of the Arctic circle ? In what zone does most of Europe lie ? What countries lie partly in the North temperate and North frigid zones Which part of Europe is coldest ? Which part warmest ? What divisions of Europe does the 40th parallel of North lat- itude cross ? The 45th ? The 50th ? The 55th ? The 60th ? The 65th ? The Arctic circle ? In what longitude, reckoning from Greenwich, does Europe mostly lie ? Why in East longitude ? What parts in West longitude ? Between what degrees of latitude and longitude does Europe lie ? Between 36 and 72 degrees North latitude, and between 10 West and 63 degrees East longitude. What is the extent of Europe in square miles ? What is the probable population of Europe ? Suppose you should sail from New York due East, across the Atlantic, at what point of Europe would you first arrive ? Suppose you should sail from Bristol, England, due West, across the Atlantic, what part of the coast of the United States would you arrive at ? Why not ? 6 54 EXERCISES ON THE MAP OF ASIA. In what direction from us is Asia? In which hemisphere is Asia ? In what part of the eastern hemisphere ? With what grand divisions is Asia connected ? e. a. Does Asia lie in North or South latitude ? Why ? What ocean on the North of Asia ? a. What ocean on the East of it ? p. What ocean on the South of it ? i. What two grand divisions on the West of it ? What division comprises the northern part of Asia ? s. 96 Siberia belongs to the Russian empire, and is sometimes called Russia in Asia. What two divisions South of Siberia ? i.'t. and c. e. 97. The Chinese is the most wealthy and populous empire on the globe. It comprises China Proper, Thibet, Corea, and the vast country called Chi- nese Tartary, consisting of Soongaria, Mongolia, Mantchooria, Bokhara, &c. What two divisions South of the Chinese empire ? f. i. and h. What two divisions West of Hindostan ? b. a. What division West of Afghanistan ? p. What two divisions North of Persia ? i-t. and c. What division West of Persia ? t. What division South of Turkey ? a. What small populous empire comprising Niphon and the ad- jacent islands East of the sea of Japan ? i Which division of Asia extends farthest North? s. Which division extends farthest East ? s. Which division extends farthest South ? f. i. Which division extends farthest West ? t. What division extends from the Arctic ocean to the Pacific ? s. What division extends from the Persian gulf to the Archipel- ago ? T. MAP OF ASIA. 55 What division extends from the sea of Arabia to the Mediter- tnean ? a. Which division of Asia is longest from East to West ? What divisions and bodies of water border on Turkey ? On Arabia ? On Persia ? On Beloochistan ? On Hindostan ? On Farther India ? On China ? On Corea ? Which is the most northern cape of Asia? n. e. Which is the most eastern cape ? e. What cape South of Kamtchatka ? l. What cape South of Farther India ? Cape Romania. What cape South of Hindostan ? c. Which is the most southern cape of Asia ? Cape Romania, the southern extremity of Farther India. What strait separates Asia from America? b. What does Behring's strait connect ? a. p. What strait is the entrance to the Red sea ? b. What does the strait of Babelmandel separate ? What sea between Asia and Africa? r. What sea North of the Red sea ? m. What sea West of Turkey ? a. What small sea northeast of the Archipelago ? Sea of Mar mora ? What sea North of Turkey ? b. What sea northeast of the Black Sea ? Sea of Azoff. What sea between Caucasus and Independent Tartary ? 0. What sea in Independent Tartary ? a. What sea East of Kamtchatka ? k. What sea West of Kamtchatka ? o. What sea between Corea and Niphon ? j. What sea between China and Corea ? y. What sea East of Farther India ? c. What sea or bay East of Hindostan ? b. What sea West of Hindostan ? a. 56 EXERCISES ON THE What gulf between Arabia and Persia ? p. What gulf between Arabia and Boloochistan ? o. 98. The gulf of Ormus is sometimes called the gulf of Oman. The Per- sian gulf and gulf of Ormus are connected by the strait of Ormus. What gulf in Farther India ? What gulf in the northern part of Australia ? c. What lake in the southern part of Siberia ? b. What mountains between Chinese empire and Siberia ? a. What mountains between Chinese empire and Hindostan, the highest mountains on the globe ? h. What mountains between Europe and Asia ? tj. 99. A chain of mountains, named Taurus in Turkey, Elburz in Persia, Hindoo Kosh in Afghanistan, and Himalaya between Hindostan and the Chi- nese empire, extends from the Mediterranean nearly to the Pacific. What peninsula between the sea of Kamtchatka and sea of Okhotsk ? k. What peninsula between the Japan sea and Yellow sea ? c. What peninsula comprises the southern part of Farther In- dia ? Malay, or the peninsula of Malacca. What two rivers unite and flow into the Persian gulf ? e. t. What river rises in the Chinese empire, and runs southwest into the sea of Arabia ? The Indus river. In what country is the Nerbuddah, and where does it empty ? Ganges ? Canton river ? Kiang Ku ? Amour ?* Lena ? Ye- nisei ? Obi ? What island South of Hindostan ? c. What island South of Farther India, or Malay ? s. What island southeast of Sumatra ? j. What island, the largest on the globe, southeast of Asia ? a. What island South of Australia? What island North of Australia ? n. g. What large island East of Sumatra ? b. * The Amour river runs into the channel of Tartary. MAP OF ASIA. 57 What island East of Borneo ? c. What group of islands East of Farther India ? What islands East of Corea ? Japan islands. What island northwest of Siberia? w. z. What large island near the coast of Africa ? What two islands East of Madagascar ? m. b. How many oceans border on Asia ? a. p. i. What seas East of Asia ? k. o. j. y. c. What seas West of Asia ? r. m. a. Marmora, b. and c. 100. Caucasas lies partly in Europe and partly in Asia. The Caucasian mountains form the boundary between Europe and Asia. See map of Eu- rope and map of the world. What is the capital of Turkey ? c. 101. The Turkish or Ottoman empire comprises two great divisions, Turkey in Europe and Turkey in Asia. Constantinople, the capital of the empire, is situated on the strait of Constantinople in Turkey in Europe. What is the capital of Arabia ? m. Persia ? t. Afghanis- tan ? c. Beloochistan ? k. Hindostan ? c. Chinese empire ? p. Independent Tartary ? b. Siberia ? t. Empire of Japan ? jr. Farther India ? 102. Farther India is divided into Birmah, Anam, Siam, and Malaya. See map of the world. Ava is the capital of Birmah, — Hue of Anam. — Ban- kok of Siam. Malaya is inhabited by small independent tribes, who are mostly pirates and robbers. Malacca, in the southern part, on the strait of Malacca, is the principal place. It belongs to the British. In ancient times, all the country East of the river Indus, was called India. The term is now applied to the two great peninsulas, Hindostan on the West, and Farther India on the East. What three islands does the equator cross ? s. b. c. What countries does the tropic of Cancer cross ? a. h. f. i. c. What country does the Arctic circle cross ? In what zone is that part of Asia which lies north of the Arc- tic circle ? In what zone is that part which lies between the Arctic cir- cle and the tropic of Cancer ? *6 58 EXERCISES ON THE In what zone is that part which lies South of the tropic of Cancer ? In what zones does Asia lie ? In what zone is Borneo ? New Guinea ? Australia ? Van Dieman's Land ? Madagascar ? ! How is Arabia divided ? Into Arabia Petrae, or the Stony, in the northwest ; Arabia Deserta, or the Desert, in the middle, and Arabia Felix, or the Happy, in the southern part. What isthmus connects Asia and Africa ? In what country is it ? What does the isthmus of Suez separate ? r. m. What is the face of the country in Asia 103. In China, Hindostan, Independent Tartary, and Siberia, it is generally level. The central parts consist of a high tableland, bordered and traversed by lofty mountains, and contains vast deserts and plains. In these elevated regions, the great rivers of Asia principally have their source. What name is applied to the South part of Asia and the isl- ands between Asia and Australia ? East Indies, What river and mountains separate Asia from Europe ? u. Between what degrees of latitude and longitude does Asia lie ? Between 2 and 78 degrees north latitude, and between 26 and 190 east longitude. What is the extent of Asia in square miles ? What is the probable population of Asia ? MAP OF PALESTINE. In what direction from us is Palestine ? In what division of Asia is it now embraced ? What was the length and breadth of Palestine ? It was about 180 miles long, and 80 miles broad. What country was North and East of it ? Syria. MAP OF PALESTINE. 59 What country South of it ? What sea' West of it ? How was it divided at the commencement of the Christian «ra ? Into four parts or divisions. In what part of Palestine was Judea ? Samaria ? Galilee ? Beyond Jordon ? What noted river runs from North to South through Palestine ? What boundary does the Jordon form ? Where does the Jordon empty ? In what part of Palestine is the Salt or Dead sea ? Through what lake or sea does the Jordon pass ? 104. It is called the lake of Genezereth, the sea of Galilee, sea of Tibe- rias, &c. On which side of Jordon does most of Palestine lie ? In what direction is Palestine longest ? Which division is longest ? Which is largest ? J. What people lived East of the Dead sea i What was the capital of Palestine ? j. In what direction from Jerusalem was Bethlehem ? Can you mention any events that took place in Bethlehem ? What ancient city of the Philistines in the southwestern part of Judea ? What events took place in Gaza ? See Judges xvi. 2-21. What city in the northwestern part of Judea ? j. 105. Joppa, or Jaffa, is one of the oldest seaports in the world. See Jo- nah i. 3. Acts x. 5. What city in the western part of Samaria ? g. 106. There were two cities, it is supposed, of this name. See Judges ii. 1. Joshua xii. 23. What was the capital of Samaria ? See 1 Kings, xvi. 24. xx. What city southeast of Samaria 1 What events took place at Shechem, Sychar or Sychem? John iv. 5. What places in Galilee ? 60 EXERCISES ON THE What can you say of Nazareth ? What city on the East side of the Jordon ? b. What event can you mention there ? John I. 28. : In what division of Palestine was Bethabara ? What famous city of the Phoenicians on the 'coast North of Palestine? 1. Chron. xvi. 1. 1. Kings v. 1-7. Has the Dead Sea any outlet ? What becomes of the water that runs into it ? Is the water salt or fresh ? The water of lakes and seas, that have no outlet, is generally salt. This is owing, it is supposed, to the saline matter washed into them from the land. The heat of the atmosphere evaporates the water and leaves the sa- line particles behind. If the Dead Sea, the Caspian, Aral, and similar oth- ers, had an outlet, their waters would no doubt be pure and sweet. MAP OF AFRICA. In what direction from us is Africa 1 In which Hemisphere is Africa ? In which part of the eastern hemisphere ? With what grand division is Africa connected ? What isthmus connects Africa with Asia ? What sea separates Africa from Europe ? Does Africa lie in North or South latitude ? Why in both ? ! What sea lies North of Africa ? What sea and ocean lie East of it ? r. and i. What ocean lies West of it ? Which borders most on Africa, the Mediterranean sea, the Indian ocean, or the Atlantic ? What divisions lie between the Desert and Mediterranean ? j M. A. t. t. b. These are usually termed the "Barbary States." i What division between the Desert and Red Sea ? e. What division South of Egypt ? n. What two divisions South of Nubia ? a. d. MAP OF AFRICA. 61 What divisions border on the Atlantic between the Desert and cape of Good Hope ? What divisions border on the Indian ocean between cape of Good Hope and cape Guardafui ? What name is given to the interior of the southern part of Africa ? e. What large division south of the desert ? s. 108. Soudan is sometimes called Nigritia, or Takrour. What two divisions between Soudan and Nubia ? What division in the northern part of the Desert. ? f. What divisions border on the Desert ? In what direction is the Desert longest ? 109. Sahara, Zaara, or the Great Desert, is about 3,000 miles long and 1,000 broad — containing 1,800,000 square miles. It is the largest desert on the globe. A great part of the surface is level and composed of moving sand, which when blown by the wind, sometimes produces the most terri- ble effects, and whole caravans have been found buried beneath it. See the picture — " Sand wind in the Desert." In some parts the Desert is cov- ered with small sharp stones. A few fertile spots, called Oases, where springs burst forth and diffuse fertility, are scattered over this immense expanse, like islands in the ocean, and serve as resting places for caravans, and afford support to a number of inhabitants. The largest Oasis is Fez- zan. Darzaleh and Darfur are also Oases, fertile and populous. Also Wadi or Wadai. Which is the most northern cape of Africa 1 C. Bon, north of Tunis.* Which is the most eastern cape ? g. Which is the most southern cape ? g. h. Which is the most western cape ? v. Between which capes is Africa longest ? b. and g. h. Between what capes is Africa widest ? g. v. In what direction from cape Bon is cape Guardafui ? In what direction from cape Guardafui is cape of Good Hope ? In what direction from the cape of Good Hope is cape Verde ? In what direction from cape Verde is cape Bon ? What strait at the entrance of the Mediterranean ? g. See Map of Europe. 62 EXERCISES ON THE What countries are separated, and what waters connected, by the strait of Gibraltar ? What strait at the entrance of the Red Sea ? What waters connected, and what countries separated by the straits of Babelmandel ? What channel between Afrca and Madagascar ? What waters are separated, and what countries connected, by the Isthmus of Suez 1 Which is the longest,rthe Mediterranean or Red sea? How could these two seas be united ? At what, place does Africa approach nearest to Europe ? Which part of Europe extends farthest South ? What mountains in Morocco and Algiers ? a. What mountains separate Guinea from Soudan ? k. What mountains North of Ethiopia ? m. What mountains in the northern part of Cape Colony 1 Snow mountains. What desert in Nubia ? w. What desert west of Egypt ? l. What tribes are found in the Great Desert ? t. t. How is the Great Desert crossed ? 110. By companies mounted on camels, called caravans. Can you describe the usual route of caravans from Egypt to Kouka, on lake Tchad ? What is the usual route of caravans from Tripoli to Timbuc- too ? From Timbuctoo to Morocco ? 111. The caravans convey from northern Africa, salt, cloths, and vari- ous kinds of European goods, — receiving in return, gold, ivory and slaves. A caravan sometimes consists of 2,000 persons. What colony in the southern part of South Africa ? c. What tribes in South Africa ? h. z. n. and b. 112. The Zoulahs, Namaquas, &c, are tribes of Hottentots. They are a quiet, ignorant, inoffensive, and filthy race. The Bushmen are often called " Wild Hottentots." They dwell in the immense plains of South Africa and MAP OF AFRICA- 63 are lost in the unknown regions of the interior. They are entirely destitute of huts or household furniture. The scorching heaven is their tent, and i the hot sand their bed. They are a wild, rude, cruel, and miserable people. j Their weapons consist of a small bow and poisoned arrows, which they shoot with astonishing accuracy to a great distance. What river rises in the mountains of the Moon, and runs North, through Nubia and Egypt, into the Mediterranean ? Bf. What great river from Soudan empties into the gulf of Guinea ? What river in Sene Gambia runs into the Atlantic ? What river separates Biafra from Loango ? g. What river between Benguela and Cimbebas ? n. What river in South Africa runs West into the Atlantic ? o. What river empties into Mozambique channel ? z. What river in the northern part of Zanzibar ? h. Which country is highest, or most elevated above the level of the sea, Egypt or Nubia ? Why ? 3. If you were at Cairo and should sail to the ruins of Thebes, would you sail up., or down, the river Nile ? Why ? 3. Which country is highest, Abyssinia or Egypt ? Why ? 3. What cluster of islands northwest of Morocco ? a. What islands West of Morocco ? m. What islands southwest of Morocco ? c. 113. One of the most noted of the Canary islands, is Teneriffe, remarkable for its summit called the Peak of Teneriffe, 12,250 feet high. It was formerly a volcano, but has ceased to burn. What islands West of Sene Gambia ? c. v. What islands in the gulf of Guinea under the equator ? What island West of Congo ? a. What island West of Benguela ? st. h. 114. St Helena belongs to Great Britain. After the battle of Waterloo, 1815, Bonaparte surrendered himself to the English, who transported him to St. Helena, and there detained him a prisoner of war until his death, 1821. In 1840, his body was removed to Paris, and buried in the church of the Hos pital of Invalids. What large island East of Mozambique ? *r. 64 EXERCISES OF THE What cape North of Madagascar ? a. What cape South of Madagascar ? st. m. What two islands East of Madagascar ? m. b. 115. Mauritas, or Isle of France, belongs to England, and is noted for a lofty mountain crowned by a rocky peak, called " Peter Botte's mountain." Bour- bon belongs to France, and is famous for its volcano, which is continually burning, and serves at night as a light-house to mariners. What islands northwest of Madagascar ? c. What is the capital of Egypt ? c. Of Barca ? d. Of Trip- oli ? t. Of Tunis ? t. Of Algiers ? a. Of Morocco ? m. Of Sene Gambia ? st. l Of Sierra Leone ? f. Of Liberia ? m. I Of Guinea ? a. b. Of Loango ? l. Of Congo ? st. s. Of Ben- guela ? b. Of Cape Colony ? c. Of Mozambique ? m. Of Zanzibar ? m. Of Abyssinia ? g. Of Nubia ? n. d. Of Sou- dan ? t. Of Fezzan ? m. What gulf East of Tunis ? Gulf of Cabes. What gulf West of Barca ? Gulf of Sidra. What gulf at the northern extremity of the Red Sea ? Gulf of Suez. What gulf South of Guinea ? g. What bay near cape of Good Hope ? t. How is Egypt divided ? Into Upper and Lower Egypt. 116 .Upper Egypt comprises the part South of Cairo, and Lower Egypt the part between Cairo and the Mediterranean. Are the pyramids in Upper or Lower Egypt ? In what direction from Egypt is Algiers ? In what direction from Algiers is Senegambia ? In what direction from Senegambia is Nubia ? In what direction from Nubia is Congo ? In what direction from Congo is Zanzibar ? In what direction from Zanzibar is Cape Colony ? In what direction from Cape Colony is Tripoli ? MAP OF AFRICA. 65 Through what divisions does the equator pass ? Through what divisions the tropic of Capricorn ? Through what divisions the tropic of Cancer ? In what zone is that part of Africa which lies North of the tropic of Cancer ? In what zone is that part which lies between the tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn ? In what zone is that part which lies South of the tropic of Capricorn ? In what zones does Africa lie ? In what zone does the greater part of Africa lie ? Which part of Africa do you think is warmest ? Suppose you were at Cape Town to-day at twelve o'clock, would the sun be North or South of you ? 117. The tropics show the sun's limits North and South of the equator. On the 21st of March the sun crosses the equator and reaches the tropic of Cancer on the 21st of June. It then returns gradually towards the equa- tor, which it again crosses on the 21st of September, and reaches the tropic of Capricorn on the 21st of December, when it again turns back towards the equator. All places North of the tropic of Cancer will see the sun South at twelve o'clock, and all places South of the tropic of Capricorn will see the sun North at twelve o'clock. From the 21st of March to the 21st of September, the sun is North of the equator, and our days are more than twelve hours long, and from the 21st of September to the 21st of March, the sun is South of the equator, and our days are less than twelve hours long. Is the sun North or South of the equator to-day 1 Is the sun ever vertical, directly over -head, at the Cape of Good Hope ? Why not ? Because it never goes North or South farther than 23£ degrees from the equator. Is the sun ever vertical at St. Helena ? Monrovia ? Tim- buctoo ? Cairo ? Algiers ? Gondar ? When it is summer in the northern part of Africa, what sea- son is it in the southern part ? What prevents Africa from being a continent by itself? What is the extent of Africa in square miles ? What is the probable population of Africa ? 7 66 EXERCISES ON THE What is the latitude and longitude of Africa ? Between 34° South and. 37° North latitude, and between 18° West and 51° East longitude. MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. How is North America bounded ?* British America ? Capital ?f Chief Towns ?t United States ? Capital ? Chief Towns ? Mexico ? Capital ? Chief Towns ? Guatimala? Capital? Chief Towns ? Russian Possessions ? New Archangel is the Chief Town RIVERS. Where does Mackenzie's river rise, in what direction does it run, and where does it empty ? Coppermine ? Saskatchawan ? Severn ? Moose ? Rupert ? St. Lawrence ? See map of the United States. Ottowa ? Grand? Thames? St. Francis? Sorelle ? Columbia ? Clark's ? Lewis ? Mississippi ? Mis- souri ? Arkansas ? Red ? Ohio ? Rio Grande del Norte ?§ Gila? Colorado? Sacramento? * In giving the boundary of a country, the learner should commence at the most western part and mention all the countries, bodies of water, &c. that bor- der upon it on the North, then, in the same manner on the East, then, on the South, and then, on the West. As for example, North America is bounded on the North by the Arctic Ocean and Baffin's Bay ; East by Baffiin's Bay, Davis' Strait, the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and South America ; South by the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific ; and West by the Pacific and Bhering's Strait. British America is bounded North by the Arctic Ocean and Baffin's Bay ; East by Baffin's Bay, Davis' Strait and the Atlantic; South by the Atlantic, United States, Pacific and Russian Possessions ; and West by the Pacific and Russian Possessions. The capital is Montreal, situated on the island of Montreal, in the river St. Lawrence. The United States are bounded North by British America ; East by British America and the Atlantic ; South by the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Mexico ; and West by Mexico and the Pacific. The capital is Washington, situated on the Potomac river, in the District of Columbia, &c. &c. It is of the utmost importance that the scholar should thoroughly learn the boundary of a country, for by no other means can he ac- quire a correct knowledge of its relative situation with regard to the countries around it. t What is the capital and how situated? 1 What are the chief towns and how situated ? See map of the United States for the situation of Quebec, Kingston and Toronto. Frederickton is the capital of New Brunswick, and Halifax of Nova Scotia. § Kio in Spanish, signifies river. Rio Grande del Norte, Grand river of the North. MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. 67 LAKES- Where is Great Bear Lake ? Where is Slave Lake ? Where is Athabaska Lake ? Where is Lake Winnipeg ? Where is Great Salt Lake ? 118. For the Lakes between the United States and British America, see map of the United States. GULFS. Where is the Gulf of Mexico ? Where is the Gulf of California ? Where is the Gulf of St. Lawrence ? BAYS. Where is Baffin's Bay ? Where is Hudson's Bay ? Where is James' Bay ? Where is Ungava Bay ? Where is the Bay of Honduras ? Where is the Bay of Campeachy ? Where is Bristol Bay ? Where is the Bay of St. Francisco ? INLETS. Where is Chesterfield Inlet ? Where is Cook's Inlet ? Where is Norton's Sound ? STRAITS. Where is Barrow's Strait ? Where is Davis' Strait ? Where is Hudson's Strait ? Where is Behring's Strait ? Where is the Strait of Juan de Fuca ? 119. The strait of Belleisle is between Newfoundland and Labrador. DO EXERCISES ON THE ISLANDS. Where is Melville Island ? Prince William's Land ? South- ampton ? Disco ? Iceland ? Newfoundland ? Bermudas ? Bahamas ? Cuba ? Hayti ? Jamaica ? Porto Rico ? Caribbe- an Islands ? Vancouver's ? Washington ? Prince of Wales Isle ? PENINSULAS. Where is the Peninsula of Greenland ? Where is the Peninsula of Nova Scotia ? Where is the Peninsula of Florida ?* Where is the Peninsula of Yucatan ? Where is the Peninsula of California ? Where is the Peninsula of Alaska ? CAPES. Where is Cape Farewell ? Where is Cape Sable ? Where is Cape St. Lucas ? Where is Cape Mendocino ? MOUNTAINS. Where are the Alleghany Mountains ?f Where are the Rocky Mountains ? Where are the Cordilleras Mountains ? Where is Mount Elias ? Mount Fairweather ? Where is Long's Peak ? James' Peak ? Where is the Volcano of Popocatapetl ? Where is Labrador ? Where is East Main ? Where is New North Wales ? ♦Between (he Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic. See map of United States. t The Alleghanv mountains consist of several ranges, under different names. See map of United States. These mountains are sometimes called the Appa- lachian mountains. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. 69 Where is New South Wales ? Where is Lord Selkirk's settlement ? Where is the Grand Bank of Newfoundland ? Where is the Balize, an English settlement ? To what government does the Isthmus of Darien belong ? To New Grenada. See map of South America. Between what two bodies of water is the Isthmus of Darien ? Through what countries must you pass in traveling on the coast from the Isthmus of Darien to Bhering's strait ? and through what zones ? In what zones does North America lie ? In what zone does the greater part of it lie ? Which is the largest gulf in North America ? m. Which is the largest bay in North America ? h. From whom does Hudson's bay take its name ? 120. From Henry Hudson, a distinguished English naval discoverer. In 1610, he sailed in a vessel named the Discovery, with a crew of twenty-three men, for the purpose of finding a passage to the Pacific. He entered this vast body of water which is named after him, and spent the winter in the most southern part of it. Finding no communication with the Pacific, and unable to establish any intercourse with the natives, or to revictual his ship, with tears in his eyes he distributed his little remaining bread to his men, and prepared to return. His crew were disorderly and mutinous, and in the midst of his vexation and despair ; he used some harsh expressions, and threatened to set some of them ashore ; upon which, a body of them entered his cabin, seized him, and having tied his arms behind him, they put him with his son, John Hudson, and seven of the most sickly of the crew into a boat, and set them adrift. They were never more heard of. After enduring incredible hardships, a small part of the crew arrived the next year in England. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. How are the United States bounded ? What is the capital ? EASTERN, OR NEW ENGLAND STATES. 1. Maine? Capital? *Portland y Bangor. * Two of the principal towns besides the capital, are given in this column. In some cases, for want of space, they are not found on the map. If on the map, the learner will tell their situation. 7* 70 EXERCISES ON THE 2. New Hampshire ? Capital ? Portsmouth, Dover. 3. Vermont ? Capital ? Burlington, Windsor. 4. Massachusetts ? Capital ? Lowell, Salem. 5. Rhode Tsland? Capitals ?* Bristol, Pawtucket. 6. Connecticut ? Capitals i '* New London, Middletown- MIDDLE STATES. 1. New York ? Capital ? New York, Brooklyn, Utica. 2. New Jersey ? Capital ? Newark, New Brunswick. 3. Pennsylvania ? Capital ? Philadelphia, Pittsburg. 4. Delaware ? Capital ? Wilmington, New Castle ? — SOUTHERN STATES. 1. Maryland ? Capital ? Baltimore, Fredericktown. 2. Virginia ? Capital ? Norfolk, Portsmouth. 3. North Carolina . ? Capital ? Wilmington, Newbern. 4. South Carolina ,? Capital? Charleston, Hamburg. 5. Georgia ? Capital ? Savannah, Augusta. 6. Florida? Capital ? St. Augustine, Pensacola. 7. Alabama ? Capital 1 Mobile, Macon. 8. Mississippi 1 Capital 1 Natchez, Vicksburg. 9. Louisiana? Capital ? Baton Rouge, Natchitoches. 10. Texas ? Capital 1 Galveston, Houston. WESTERN STATES. 1. Tennessee ? Capital 'i Memphis, Knoxville. 2. Kentucky ? Capital ? Louisville, Lexington. 3. Arkansas ? Capital ? Helena, Arkansas. 4. Missouri ? Capital 1 St. Louis, St. Charles. 5. Illinois 1 Capital ? Chicago, Alton. 6. Indiana 1 Capital ? Madison, Vincennes. *The capital of a state is the city or town in which the legislature meets. The legislature of Rhode Island meets at four different places, and hence, Rhode Island, strictlv speakins. has four capitals, viz. Providence. Newport, East Greenwich and South Kingston. Providence is usually called the capital. The legislature of Connecticut meets alternately at Hartford and New Haven, and therefore Connecticut has two capitals. The other states have but one capital. MAP OP THE UNITED STATES. 71 7. Ohio ? Capital 1 Cincinnati, Cleveland. S.Michigan? Capital? Ann Arbor, Monroe. 9. Wisconsin 1 Capital ? Milwaukie, Green Bay. 10. Iowa ? Capital 1 Burlington, Dubuque. TERRITORIES. Minnisota ? Indian ? Nebraska ? Oregon ? RIVERS- Where does St. John's river rise, in what direction does it run, and where does it empty?* Penobscot'? Kennebec? Androscoggin ? Connecticut 1 North River, or Hudson ? Mohawk? Genessee ? Delaware? Susquehanna? Potomac? Rappahannoc ? York? James? Chowan? Roanoke? Neuse'? Cape Fear ? G. Pedee ? Santee ? Savannah ? Altamaha 1 Satilla? St. Mary's? St. John's ? Appalachicola ? Escambia ? Alabama? Tombigby ? Pearl? Mississippi? Yazoo? Ohio'? Tennessee 1 Cumberland ? Green ? Kentucky 1 Licking ? Big Sandy ? Monongahela ? Alleghany ? Scioto ? Miami ? Wabash ? White ? Kaskaskia ? Illinois ? Rock ? Wisconsin ? Chippewa ? St. Croix ? St. Peters ? Des Moines ? Missouri ? Sioux ? Yellowstone ? Nebraska ? Kansas ? Osage ? St. Fran- cis 1 Arkansas ? Red ? Sabine ? Trinity 1 Brasos ? Colorado ? Neuces? Rio Grand del Norte? Columbia 2 Willamette? Lewis ? Clarke's ? LAKES. Where is Lake of the Woods ? Where is Lake Superior 1 Where is Lake Huron ? Where is Lake Michigan ? Where is Lake St. Clair ? Where is Lake Erie ? Where is Lake Ontario ? * St. John's river rises in the northern part of Maine and runs a southeast- erly course into the Bay of Fundy. 72 EXERCISES ON THE Where is Lake Champlain ? Where is Manitou Lake ? Where is Lake Simcoe ? Where is Lake Nipissing ? Where is Great Salt Lake ? SOUNDS.* Where is Long Island Sound ? Where is Albemarle Sound ? Where is Pamlico Sound ? BAYS.t Where is Mobile Bay ? Where is Chesapeake Bay ? 70. Where is Delaware Bay ? 70. Where is Georgian Bay ? Where is Green Bay ? CAPES. Where is Cape Ann ? Cape Cod ? Cape Malabar ? Where is Montauk Point ? The East end of Long Island. Where is Sandy Hook ? Where are Cape May and Cape Henlopen ? Where are Cape Charles and Cape Henry ? Where are Cape Hatteras, Cape Lookout and Cape Fear ? Where is Cape Sable ? Where is Cape Roman ? ISLANDS. Where are Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket ? Where is Long Island ? To what state does Long Island belong ? To New York. * Sounds. Long Island Sound is South of Connecticut. Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, in the eastern part of North Carolina. t Bays. Mobile Bay in the southern part of Alabama. Chesapeake Bay in Virginia and Maryland. Delaware Bay between Delaware and New Jersey. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. 73 MOUNTAINS. Where are the Alleghany Mountains ? Blue Ridge ? Where are the Cumberland Mountains ? Where are the Ozark Mountains ? Where are the Guadalupe Mountains? Where are Long's, James', and Pike's Peaks ? Where are the Rocky Mountains ? Where are Mount Baker and Mount St Helen's ? Where are the Wahsatch Mountains ? Where are the Sierra Nevada, or Snowy Range ? Where is the Coast Range ? Where are the Cordilleras Mountains 1* i Is there any State that has no access to the ocean by water ? Can you sail from Ohio to the ocean ? How ? From Penn- sylvania ? Vermont ? Michigan ? 122. The Welland Canal, a few miles West of Niagara river, connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. It is large enough to allow vessels of 125 tons burthen to pass through. The St. Lawrence, from Lake Ontario to Montreal, is broken by a succession of rocks and rapids. These are obviated by the Rideau Canal, extending from the Ottowa river to Kingston, on lake Onta- rio, sufficiently large to admit sloops and other small vessels. The Western Canal extends from Buffalo, on lake Erie, to Albany, on the Hudson, or North river, thus forming a water communication between the great lakes and the Atlantic How will you travel from Hartford to New Orleans by water through the United States ? 122. There are two or three routes. One is, — " Sail down the Connecticut river into Long Island sound, down Long Island sound through East river into the Hudson, up the Hudson to Albany, thence through the Western canal into lake Erie, up lake Erie through Detroit river, lake St. Clair, river St. Clair, lake Huron, strait of Mackinaw, into lake Michigan, up lake Michi- gan to Chicago, thence through the Illinois canalt into Illinois river, down the Illinois into the Mississippi, down the Mississippi to New Orleans. * The Cordilleras mountains are a continuation of the Rocky mountains. The Andes of South America, the Cordilleras of Mexico, and the Rocky moun- tains form one continuous chain of mountains extending the whole length of the western continent. * The Illinois canal connects lake. Michigan with the Illinois river. It ex- tends from Chicago to Peru, 100 miles long. 74 EXERCISES ON THE How will you sail from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh by way of the Atlantic ? How will you sail from Pittsburgh to Montgomery in Ala- bama ? How will you sail from Montgomery to Washington ? How will you sail from Washington to Portland, Maine ? How will you sail from Portland to New Orleans ? How will you sail from New Orleans to Hartford by way of the great lakes ? 123. There are railroads in most of the States. By means of these and the waters navigable for steamboats, a person can travel with the greatest fa- cility and speed through all parts of the United States, See school atlas. Which are the six most populous cities in the United States ? 124. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, Boston, Cincinnati- Which is the largest State ? Its extent in square miles ? Which is the smallest State ? Its extent ? Which is the most northern and eastern State ? Which extends farthest South ? Which is the most western State ? Which is the oldest settled State ? 125. Florida is the oldest settled State. St. Augustine was founded by the Spaniards in 1565. The first English settlement in the United States was made at Jamestown in Virginia, in 1607. In 1613, the Dutch made a set- tlement at Albany in New York, under the name of Fort Orange. MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. How is South America bounded ? New Grenada ?* Capital ? Popayan, Carthagena. Venezuela ?* Capital ? La Guayra, Maracaybo. Equador ?* Capital ? Guayaquil, Cuenca. * New Grenada, Venezuela, and Equador were formerly united under one government, called Colombia. MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. 75 Paramaribo, Cayenne. Pernambuco, San Salvador. Cuzco, Arequipa. Potosi, Cochabamba. Conception, Villa Rica. Buenos Ayres ?f Capital ? Mendoza, Tucuman. Uruguay ?J Capital ? Maldonado, Colonia. Chili ? Capital ? Valparaiso, Valdivia. Patagonia ? Inhabited by Indians. Guiana ?* Capital ? Brazil ? Capital ? Peru ? Capital ? Bolivia ? Capital ? Paraguay ? Capital ? RIVERS. Where does the Rio Negro [rise, in what direction does it run, where does it empty? Paraguay? Pilcomayo ? Para- na ? Uruguay ? Rio De La Plata ? San Francisco ? Tocan- tins ? Araguay ? Madeira? Puras? Javary ? Yucayle? Am- azon ? Negro ? Caqueta ? Orinoco ? Magdalena ? Cauca ? LAKES. Where is lake Maracaybo ? Where is lake Titicaca ? Where is lake De Los Palos ? Where is lake Oberava ? Where is Salt Lake ? GULFS. Where is the gulf of Darien ? Where is the gulf of Panama ? Where is the gulf of Guayaquill ? Where is the gulf of Chonos ? Where is the gulf of San Antonie ? * Guiana belongs to the English, Dutch, and French. Georgetown is the cap- ital of English Guiana ; Paramaribo of Dutch Guiana ; and Cayenne of French Guiana. + Buenos Ayres was formerly called the Argentine Republic. I Uruguay was formerly called the Banda Oriental. 76 EXERCISES ON THE BAYS. Where is the bay of All Saints ? Where is Blanco bay ? Where is St. George's bay ? CAPES. Where is cape Gallinas ? Where is cape St. Roque ? Where is cape Horn ? Where is cape Blanco ? Where is cape Frio ? Where is cape Corientes ? ISLANDS. Where is the island of Trinidad ? Tobago ? Grenada Where is the island of Joannes, or Marajo ? Where are the Falkland islands ? South Georgia ? Where is Terra Del Fuego ? The island of Chiloe ? Where are the islands of Juan Fernandez ? Where is the island of St. Felix ? St. Ambrose ? MOUNTAINS. How far do the Andes extend ? Where is mount Sorata, the highest peak of the Andes ? Where is mount Chimborazo ? Where is the volcano of Cotopaxi ? Where is the volcano of Pinchinca ? Where are the Acaray mountains ? Where are the Geral mountains ? Where are the Brazilian mountains ? What prevents South America from being a continent by itself? Why do no large rivers enter the Pacific from S. America? 126. The Andes form an unbroken barrier along the whole western coast, varying from 30 to 100 miles. - MAP OF EUROPE. What plains in Brazil ? In Buenos Ayres ? 77 127. These plains, called Llanos or Pampas, are like the great natural meadows of our Western States, called Prairies, or the Steppes of Asia They are covered with grass, on which vast herds of cattle roam and feed. How will you sail from Chagres to Assumption ? How will you sail from Assumption to Cuzco ? What was Cuzco anciently ? How will you sail from Cuzco to Callao, the seaport of Lima ? If you were at cape Horn to-day at 12 o'clock, in what direc- tion would your shadow fall • Why would it fall to the South there, and to the North here ? Are the seasons in South America the same as ours ? Which is most indented by gulfs, bays, and sounds, North America or South America ? MAP OF EUROPE. How is Potugal ? Capital ? Spain ? Capital ? Italy ? Capital ? Greece ? Capital ? Turkey ? Capital ? Austria ? Capital ? Switzerland ? Capital ? France ? Capital ? Belgium ? Capital ? Holland ? Capital ? Germany ? Capital ? Prussia ? Capital ? Denmark ? Capital ? Europe bounded ? Oporto, Coimbra, St. Ubes.* Cadiz, Barcelona, Grenada. Naples, Florence, Turin. Tripolitza, Napoli, Navarino. Adrianople, Salonica, Belgrade. Prague, Milan, Venice. Geneva, Zurich, Constance. Lyons, Marseilles, Bordeaux. Antwerp, Ghent, Tourney. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Leyden. Hamburg, Dresden, Hanover ? Dantzic, Konigsburg, Stettin. Elsinore, Altona, Kiel. * If these towns are on the map, tell their situation 7 78 EXERCISES ON THE Norway?* Capital? Bergen, Drontheim. Sweden ?* Capital ? Gottenburg, Carlescrona, Upsal. Russia ? Capital ? Moscow, Warsaw, Odessa England ? Capital ? Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol. Scotland? Capital? Glasgow, Paisley, Aberdeen. Ireland? Capital? Cork, Belfast, Limerick. RIVERS. Where does the river Tagus rise, in what direction does it run, and where- does it empty? Garonne? Loire? Seine? Saone ? Po ? Danube ? Save ? Pruth ? Dnieper ? Don ? Volga ? Ural ? Petchora ? Dwina ? Tornea ? Niemeu ? Vis- tula ? Oder ? Elbe ? Rhine ? Rhone ? LAKES. Where are lakes Ladaga, Onega, and Illmen ? Where are lakes Constance and Geneva ? SEAS. Where is the Caspian sea ? Where is the sea of Azoff ? Where is the Black sea ? Where is the sea of Marmora ? Where is the Archipelago ? Where is the Mediterranean sea ? Where is the Irish sea ? Where is the North sea ? Where is the Baltic sea ? Where is the White sea? GULFS. Where is the gulf of Venice ? Where is the gulf of Toronto ? * Norway and Sweden now form but one kingdom. Each State, however, has its own constitution, its own laws, and national legislature, but both are under the control of the same sovereign. MAP OF EUROPE. 79 Where is the gulf of Genoa ? Where is the gulf of Lyons ? Where is the gulf of Bothnia ? Where is the gulf of Finland ? Where is the gulf of Riga ? Where is the bay of Biscay ? CHANNELS. Where is the British channel ? Where is the Bristol channel? Where is St. George's channel ? Where is North channel ? Where is the Skager rack ? Where is the Cattegat 1 STRAITS. Where is the strait of Dover ? Where is the strait of Gibraltar ? Where is the strait of Bonefacio ? Where is the strait of Messina ? Where is the strait of Otranto ? Where are the Dardanelles 1 Where is the strait of Constantinople ? ISLANDS. Where is Iceland ? Where are the Faroe Islands ? Where are the Shetland and Orkney isles 1 Where are the Hebrides or Western isles ? Where are Ivica, Majorca, and Minorca 1 Where are Sardinia and Corsica % Where is the island of Scily ? Where is Malta ? Candia 1 Cyprus ? CAPES. Where is cape North ? 80 EXERCISES ON THE Where is cape Naze 1 Where is Land's End ? Lizard Point ? Where is cape Clear ? Where is cape Ortegal ? Where is cape Finisterre ? Where is cape St. Vincent 1 Where is Cape Spartivento ? Where is Cape Matapan ? PENINSULAS. Where is the peninsula of Crimea ? Where is the peninsula of Morea ? MOUNTAINS. Where are the" Doff afield mountains ? Where are the Pyrenees ? The Alps ? Which is the highest peak of the Alps ? Where are the Appenines ? Where are the Caf pathian mountains 1 Where are the Balkan mountains ? Where are the Caucasian mountains ? Where are the Ural mountains 1 VOLCANOES4 Where is mount Etna ? Where is mount Vesuvius ? Where is mount Hecla 1 Through what must the waters of lake Onega pass to reach the ocean 1 128. Lake Onega is connected to iake Ladogo by the river Svir. And ake Ladogo is connected to the gUlf of Finland by the river Neva. Through what must the waters of the Don river pass to reach 1 the ocean? How will you sail from London to Trieste 1 MAP OF ASIA. 81 129. London is situated on the river Thames, 60 miles from itamouth. Through what countries would you pass in traveling in a straight line from Trieste to St. Petersburg 1 How will you sail from St. Petersburg to Odessa 1 Through what countries would you pass in traveling in a straight line from Odessa to Bordeaux ? How will you sail from Bordeaux to Dresden 1 How will you sail from Dresden to London 1 What country in Europe has no sea-coast ? Which country of Europe, do you think, is most elevated, or highest above the level of the sea ? 3. Which country of Europe, do you think, is best situated for commercial pursuits ? For what is Europe remarkable ? 130. A. For its bays, gulfs, and inland seas, and for its great natural ad- vantages for commercial pursuits. Which is most indented by gulfs, bays, and seas, Europe or North America ? MAP OF ASIA. How is Asia bounded ? Arabia ? Capital ? Chief towns ? Turkey ? Capital ? Chief towns ? Caucasas % Capital ? Tiflis, Derbent. Persia ? Capital ? Chief towns ? Beloochistan ? Capital ? Kedje, Bunpoor. Afghanistan ? Capital? Peshawur, Candahar, Hindostan 1 Capital ? Chief towns ? Farther India*? Capitals ? Chief towns ? Chinese Empire ? Capital ? Chief towns ? Siberia ? Capital ? Chief towns ? Independent Tartary * Capital? Chief towns? 7* 82 EXERCISES ON THE • RIVERS. Where does the Euphrates rise, what course does it run, and where does it empty ? Tigris 1 Indus 1 Nerbuddah 1 Ganges 1 Canton 1 Kiang Ku 1 Hoang Ho ? Amour 1 Ana- dir ? Lena? Yenisei 1 Obi 1 Irtish 1 Ural? Jordan? SEAS. Where is the sea of Kamtchatka 1 Where is the sea of Okhotsk 1 Where is the sea of Japan ? Where is the Yellow sea 1 Where is the China sea 1 Where is the Sea or Bay of Bengal ? Where is the Sea of Arabia ? Where is the Red Sea ? Where is the Mediterranean ? Where is the sea of Marmora ? Where is the Black Sea ? Where is the Caspian Sea ? * Where is the Aral Sea ? Where is the Dead Sea ? [See map of Palestine; J GtJLFS. Where is the Persian Gulf? Where is the Gulf of Ormus ? Where is the Gulf of Siam ? Where is the Gulf of Carpentaria ? STRAITS. Where is Bhering's Strait ? Where is the Strait of Babelmandel ? Where is the Strait of Sunda ? Between Sumatra and Java. Where is the Strait of Macassar ? Between Borneo and Ce-= lebes. MAP OF ASIA. 83 CAPES. Where is North East Cape ? Where is East Cape ? Where is Cape Lapatka ? Where is Cape Romania ? South of Farther India. Where is Cape Comorin ? ISLANDS. Where is Ceylon ? Sumatra ? Java ? Australia ? Van Die- men's Land 1 New Guinea ? Borneo ? Celebes ? Philippine Islands ? Japan Islands, Niphon, Sikoke, Kiusof and Jesso ? Nova Zembla ? Madagascar ? Mauritius ? Bourbon ? DESERTS. Where is Arabia Deserta ? Where is Salt Desert ? Where is the Desert of Cobi or Shamo ? Where is the Steppe of Issim ? PENINSULAS. Where is the Peninsula of Kamtchatka ? Where is the Peninsula of Corea ? Where is the Peninsula of Malaya ? 131. The southern part of Farther India. [See map of the world."! What can you say of the countries and nations of Asia ? 132. A. Siberia is the largest, China the most populous, Hindostan the most fertile, and Arabia the most barren. The Chinese are the most indus- trious nation, the Hindoos the most mild, the Tartars the most warlike, the Arabians the most barbarous, and the Persians the most learned. MAP OF AFRICA. How is Africa bounded ? Egypt ? What is the capital ? Barca ? What is the capital ? Tripoli ? What is the capital ? 84 EXERCISES ON THE Tunis? What is the capital ? Algiers ? What is the capital ? Morocco ? What is the capital ? Where is Senegambia ? Its chief towns ? Where is Sierra Leone ? Its chief town ? Where is Liberia ? Its chief town ? Where is Soudan ? Its chief towns ? Where is Nubia ? Its chief towns ? Where is Abyssinia ? Its chief town ? What countries border on the coast between Abyssinia and ] Guinea ? What country or oasis in the northern part of the Desert ? What is the capital of Fezzan ? What countries in the southeastern part of the Desert, be- tween Soudan and Nubia ? RIVERS. Where does the Nile rise, in what direction does it run, and where does it empty ? Niger ? Senegal ? Gaboon ? Nourse ? Orange ? Zambezi ? Haines ? STRAITS. Where is the strait of Gibraltar ? Where is the strait of Babeimandel ? Where is the channel of Mozambique ? GULFS. Where is the Gulf of Guinea ? Where is the Gulf of Cabes ? East of Tripoli. Where is the Gulf of Sidra ? West of Barca. Where is Table Bay ? CAPES. Where is Cape Bon ? North of Tunis* Where is Cape Guardafui ? MAP OF THE WORLD. 85 Where is Cape of Good Hope Where is Cape Verde ? Where is Cape Palmas 1 Where is Cape Ambro ? Where is Cape St. Mary . MOUNTAINS. Where are the Atlas Mountains ? Where are the Mountains of the Moon ? Where are the Kong Mountains ? Where are the Snow Mountains ? ISLANDS. Where are the Azores or Western Islands ? Where are the Madeira Isles ? Canary Isles ? Where are the Cape de Verde Islands ? Where is St. Thomas ? Ascension ? St. Helena ? For what is St. Helena remarkable ? Where is Madagascar ? Mauritius ? Bourbon ? Where are the Comoro Isles ? How is Africa situated for commercial pursuits ? 133. A. It is more favorably situated than any other grand division of the globe. Placed almost in the centre of the world, it enjoys an easy communication with Europe, Asia and America. It is surrounded on all sides by navigable waters, of easy access, and abounds in all the necessa- ries and luxuries of life. Its coasts have been sailed round for centuries and even surveyed, and yet we know but little more of the interior than did the ancients three thousand years ago. It is the least known, the least civ- ilized, and the least important of the five grand divisions of the globe. MAP OF THE WORLD. Which is the most northern country of Asia ? Which is the most northern country of Europe ? Which is the most northern country of North America? Which extends farthest North, Siberia, Lapland, or British America ? 86 EXERCISES ON THE Which is the most southern country of Asia ? Which is the most southern country of Europe ? Which is the most southern country of North America ? Which extends farthest South, Malaya, Spain or Guatimala 1 Which extends farthest South, South America, Africa, or Australia ? What countries and islands does the Equator cross ? 134. A. Equador, Brazil, Loango, Ethiopia, and Zanzibar, and Sumatra, Borneo, and Celebes. What countries does the tropic of Cancer cross ? What countries and islands does the tropic of Capricorn cross ? What countries does the Arctic circle cross ? What countries does the Antarctic circle cross ? What countries does the 10° N. latitude cross ? 135. A. Guatimala, New Grenada, Venezuela, Sierra Leone, Soudan, Donga, Abyssinia, Ajan, Hindostan, Malaya, and Anam. What countries does the 20° N. latitude cross ? The 30° ? What countries does the 40° N. latitude cross ? The 50° ? What countries does the 60° N. latitude cross ? The 70o ? &c. What countries are South of the 90° North latitude ? Why ? Which hemisphere is North of the South Pole ? Why so ? What five seas does the 40° N. latitude cross ? m. a. c. y. j. What sea in the western hemisphere West of China sea ? What tropic crosses nearly the centre of one of the conti- nents ? Which appears to be the most northern island on the globe ? 136. Spitzbergen is a large island, about 300 miles from North to South, and 200 from East to West. It is cold, dreary and unproductive, but on its coasts are found whales, sea-dogs, sea-cows, and sea-lions, with other ma- rine and amphibious animals. The sun does not set for three months, June, July, and August, and for the rest of the year it is hardly seen, light being chiefly produced by the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. The island is uninhabited. Eight English sailors accidentally left there by a whale fishing ship, spent the winter and were taken home the next season. They had great trouble from the foxes on the island. Wherever the men went, a troop of these were sure to follow them. If they shot a bear, or a bird, and hid it ever so secretly, in the snow, in the ground, or upon a pole in the air, the foxes would be sure to find and get it, even if they had to chmh the pole for it. If at any time the sailors were tired, and sat down on MAP OP THE WORLD. 87 the snow, or frozen ground to rest, the foxes would gambol round them like kittens, come up to them, and begin to gnaw their shoes. Happy were tbey at last to leave these roguish, troublesome creatures. In what direction from Cape North is Spitzbergen ? What name is given to the numerous islands of the Pacific lying southeast of Asia ? A. Oceanica. 137. These islands are divided into Malaysia, or the East India islands, Australasia, and Polynesia. See School Geography and Atlas. What islands East of the Philippine islands ? What islands southeast of the Ladrones ? What islands northeast of the Carolines ? What islands northeast of Mulgrave's Isles ? 138. The Sandwich islands were discovered in 1778, by Capt. James Cook, the celebrated English navigator. Which is the most important of the Sandwich Isles ? 1 39. Hawaii is a large and important island, formerly called Owhyhee. It contains about 4000 square miles and 100,000 inhabitants. It is remark- able for mount Koa. 16,000 feet high, and for mount Kirauea, a terrific vol- cano, whose crater is estimated at seven and a half miles in circumference, and one thousand feet deep. The inhabitants were formerly pagans, but in 1820, a mission was established at Hawaii by the American Board of For- eign Missions, which has been attended with very great success. Many of the inhabitants have been taught reading, writing and arithmetic, by the missionaries, and numbers have embraced the Christian religion. Churches have been built, the press established, and the Scriptures, newspapers, school books, &c. printed in the language of the country. In 1779, Capt. Cook having had a boat stolen by one of the natives of Hawaii, went on shore with a few men to seize the king and retain him as a hostage until the boat was restored. The islanders, however, were not disposed to sub- mit to this insult. They fiercely attacked Cook, and before he was able to escape from the shore, he was killed and several of his men. In what direction from Hawaii are Anson's Isles ? Galapagos Isles ? Washington Isles ? In what direction from Washington Isles are the Marquesas Isles ? Friendly Isles ? Society Isles ? In what direction from the Society Isles is New Zealand ? &c. What is said of the climate of Oceanica ? 140. It is delightful. Perpetual spring, combined with perpetual sum- mer, displays the opening blossom mingled with the ripened fruits. The atmosphere is embalmed with a perfume of exquisite sweetness, and re- freshed by wholesome breezes from the sea. 88 EXERCISES ON THE What is there remarkable about Oceanica ? 141. In the first place, it seems to be a new and unfinished world of itself. IS' ew lands are constantly forming and rising from the deep. And, it is not at all unlikely that at some future period, these islands which are now so numerous and thickly set, will be united and make up one continent. In the second pldce, n^any, if not all of these islands were formed at first, by the coral worm : Numbers of these islands are forming now. They have been visited and observed most carefully by voyagers. You have most, if not all of you, seen coral. Well, that was the work of the coral worm. These creatures are of different shapes and sizes, but will only live in salt water. If a piecfe of the rock in which they live be broken, it is found to be full of worms of different lengths and colors. Some of them are as fine as a thread. Some are more like snails, while others are in the form of a star. They appear to live at various depths in the sea, but always to fasten upon some rock, higher or lower down, on which to build. The worms are never seen when the surface of the rock is dry , but when the tide comes in, and the waves wash over it, they put out their bodies from holes which were not seen before, and the whole rock seems alive with them. How it is that they are enabled to form such a mighty mass, often miles and miles in extent, and to continue their additions until it reaches the surface of the sea, no one has yet beep able to explain. The. fact is all we know. It is probable, however, that when the worms die, their bodies harden, and become a part of the stone they were forming, sq that they add to the structure in their death as well as their life. When the worms have raised their mighty building to the surface of the sea, their work is done, for they can live and labor only in the water. The rock lies probably for some time, a mere bank, or low island, without; a tree or plant upon it. At length weeds are washed upon it by the waves, seeds of vegetables are driven by the winds Towards it, sea birds visit it, grass grows upon it, little shrubs and trees spring up, then the great tall cocoanut rises up and forms a mark which vessels can steer by. Often the labors of the coral worms are aided by the power of volcanoes, which are very numerous in the Pacific. These throw up the ground unequally, and make mountains and valleys of that which the worms had left on a line with the surface of the sea. Sometimes these insects erect a bank, called " a coral reef," like an upright wall, from the bottom of the sea to the surface, extending for a number of miles. As it is not seen at high water, a coral reef is one of the most dangerous things a ship can meet with. The water being deep to the very side of this wall, and without any warning, the ship dashes upon it, and is broken in pieces by the sharp and hard rock, and perhaps sinks to the bottom with all its crew, no one living to tell the story. How wonder- ful is the work that is going on in the vast Pacific ! Islands are constantly rising from the deep, and although now apd then a ship may strike and be lost on the coral reefs, yet there, countries are preparing for multitudes of men and animals in the far oft' future. MAP OF THE WORLD. PRODUCTIONS OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. 145. The productions of different countries are very various. Many articles of our food are brought from foreign countries. Our tea comes from China, our sugar from the West Indies, and our spices from the East Indies, &c. Some of the articles of our dress come from different coun- tries ; also, of our furniture, and things we daily use in our business. No one nation or country produces every thing, or sufficient to supply all the Wants of the people. It may produce an abundance of some things, which is called their surplus products. These they exchange for others that they need. The exchanging of the surplus products of different countries is an important business. It is called commerce. The following table exhibits the chief exports, or surplus ^products, of the various countries of the globe. Note. Manufactured goods, as cloths, iron ware, porcelain and cutlery, are made in thickly settled countries, as France, England, Holland, China, Japan, New England, &c. Countries that are thinly settled, export raw materials, as lumber, hides, tallow, furs, &e. The best furs are exported from cold climates, principally from the north of America, Europe and Asia. EXPORTS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. Arabia, — Coffee, aloes, myrrh, frankincense, gum Arabic. Asiatic Islands, — Pepper, cloves, nutmegs, ginger, camphor, coffee, &c. Barbary States,* — Leather, gums, hides, fruits, wax, ostrich feathers. Belgium, — Grain, flax, hops, woolens, linens, laces, various manufactures. Brazil, — Cotton, sugar, coffee, tobacco, gold, diamonds, wheat, dye-woods. Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, — Flour, furs, lumber, fish. Cape Colony, — Brandy, wine, ©strich feathers, hides, tallow. Chili, — Silver, gold, copper, wheat, hemp, hides, sugar, cotton, fruits. China, — Tea, silks, nankeens, porcelain, articles of ivory and Pearl. Denmark, — Grain, horses, cattle, beef, pork, butter and cheese. Eastern States, — Lumber, beef, pork, fish, cottons, woolens, &c. Eastern, Western and Central Africa, — Gold, ivory, ostrich feathers. Egypt, — Rice, grain, linseed, fruits, indigo, cotton, sugar. Equador, — Coffee, cotton, indigo, fruits. France, — Silks, woolens, linens, cottons, wine, brandy, porcelain, toys. Germany, — Linens, grain, various manufactures of silver, copper, &c. * Barbary States,— Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Barca. 8 90 EXPORTS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. Great Britain, — Woolens, cottons, linens, hardware, porcelain, &c. Greenland, — Whale oil, whale hone, seal skins. Guatimala, — Logwood, mahogany, indigo, cocoa. Guiana, — Sugar, coffee, cotton, fruits, &c. Hindostan, — Cottons, silks, rice, sugar, coffee, opium, indigo. Holland, — Fine linens, woolens, butter, cheese, various manufactures. Italy, — Silks, wines, grain, oil, fruits. Ireland, — Linen, beef, butter, tallow, hides, potatoes, barley, &c. Japan, — Silk and cotton goods, Japan ware, porcelain. Mexico, — Gold, silver, logwood, cochineal, fruits. Middle States, — Flour, wheat, salt, coals, cottons, woolens, &c. Madeira and the Canaries, — Wine, fruits. New England, — Lumber, fish, cottons, woloens, various manufactures. Newfoundland, — Codfish. New Grenada, — Indigo, sugar, coffee, cocoa, cotton, fruits, &c. Persia, — Carpets, shawls, wine, silk, cotton, rice, rhubarb, guns, swords, &c. Peru, — Silver, gold, Peruvian bark, mercury, sugar, cotton, fruits. Russia, — Hemp, iron, linen, grain, timber, furs, tallow, platina. Southern States, — Cotton, rice, tobacco, corn, lumber, pitch, fruits. Spain and Portugal, — Silks, wool, wine, oil, fruits, salt, &c. Sweden and Norway, — Iron, steel, copper, timber, fish. Turkey, — Grain, fruits, cotton, oil, wine, carpets, muslins, swords. West Indies, — Sugar, rum, molasses, coffee, spice, cotton, indigo, fruits. Western States, — Corn, wheat, lead, coal, iron, salt, lime, beef, pork. Are any articles produced or made in this town, that are sent away for sale 1 What are these articles called 1 Exports. Do we make use of any articles that are brought from foreign countries 1 What are these articles called 1 Imports. From what country is tea imported 1 From what coun- tries is coffee imported 1 What are the exports of Arabia 1 Belgium ? Peru? &c. PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY. 91 PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. WRITTEN. Aar, Abyssinia, Acapulco, Afghanistan, Aix la Chapelle, Ajaccio, Amiens, Anglesey, Annapolis, Antibes, Antigua, Aquila, Archipelago, Arkansas, Artois, Asia, Avignon, Balize, Bahiinore, Basle, Basse Tprre, Baton Rouge, Belleisle, Bploochistan, Benares, Bengal, Bermudas, Blenheim, Bolivia, Bologna, Bonefacio, Borgne, Boulogne, Bordeaux, Brazil, Breta^ne, Buenos Ayres. Bushire, Cahokia, Cairo, Calais, Canine, Cayenne, A. PRONOUNCED. Ar. Ab-is-sin'-ea. Ac-a-pool'-co. Af-gan-is'-tau. Az-la sha-pel'. A-yat'-cho. A-me-ang'. An'-gle-sea. An-nap'-o-lis. Ang'-teb. An-te'-ga. Ak-vve'-la. Ar-ke-pel'-a-go. Ar-ka'n-saw. Ar'-twa A'-she a. Av'-in-yon. B. Ba-leez'. Bol'-ti-more. Basil. Bas-toir'. Bat-on roo'zh. Bell-ile. Bel-loo-kis'-tan. Be-na'-rees. Ben gaul'. Ber-mu'-dez. Ble'n-heem. Bo-le'-ve a. Bo-lo'ne-ya. Bone fa'-sho. Born. Bo-long'. Bor-do'. Bra-zee'l. Bre-tan'. Bo-nos-a'-rees. Boo-sheer'. c. Ca-ho'-ke-a. Ki'-ro. Ka'l-is Kas-teen'. Ki-en'. WRITTEN. Cenis, Cevennes, Ceylon, Chagres, Cham plain, Chapala, Chattahoochee, Chicago, Chihuahua, Chili, Chumleigh, Chuquisaca, Coimbra, Cologne, Comines, Cotmecticut, Coquimbo, Crecy, Cuyahoga, Dalmatia, Darien, Des Moines, Dnuxponts. Dnieper, Dniester, Douro, Droutheim, Dulwich, Dyle, Edinburgh, Egina, Elbe, England, Enghien, Erie, Erzerum, Esquimaux, Europe, Eylau, Fahlun, Finisterre, Fontainebleau, PRONOUNCED. Se-ne'. Sa ven'. fee' Ion. Sha'-gur. Sham-plane'. Sha pa' la. Chat a hoo'-che. She-kau'-go. She-wa'w-wau. Che' le. Chum'-le. Chu-ke-sa'-kah. Ko-eem'-bra. Ko-lone'. Ko-mee'n. Kon-net'-i-cut. Ko-kee'm-bo. Kres'-e. Ki-ho'-ga. D. Dal-ma'-she-a. Da re-en'. Da-ma' w-en. Du-ponts'. Ne'per. Nees'-ter. Doo'-ro. Dro'n-tim. Du'l-ij. Del. E. Ed-in-bu'r-ro. Eg'-e-nah. Bib. Ing'-Iand. An'-ge an. E'-re. Er'-ze-room. Es-ke-mo. U'-rup. I'-law. F. Fa'-lun. Fin is-tare'. Fon-ten-blo'. 92 PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY. G. WRITTEN. PRONOUNCEDi Maelstrom, Ma'wl-strum, WRITTEN. PRONOUNCED. Malta, Mo'l-ta. Gallipolis, Gal-li po'-lis. Marseilles, Mar sailz'. Ganges, Gan'-jees. Miami, Mi-a'm-e. Garonne, Ga-rone'. Michigan, Mish'-e gan. Georgia, Jo'r-ge-a. Vlissisque, Mis sis' ke. Ghent, Gent. Missouri, Mis soo'-re. Gibraltar, Gib-rau'l-tar. Mobile, Mo-beel'. Gloucester, Glo's ter. Montreal, Mont-re-aul'» Greenwich, Gre'-nij. Monterey, Mon te-ra'. Gaudalquiver, Gua-dal-kiv-u'r. Mozambique, Mo-zam beek'. Guardafui, Gar'-daf-we. Guayaquil, Gwi-a-keel\ N. Guiana, Ge-ah'-na. Guinea, Gin'-ne. * Nacogdoches, Na-cog-do'sh-eSi H. Natchitoches, Nak-e-tosh'. Nicaragua, Nik-er-a'h-gua. Hague, Haig. Niemeu, Ne'-men. Harwich, Ha'r-rij. Havre, Hah'-ven 0. Hawaii, Ha-wi'-e. Houston, Hyderabad, Hoo's-ton. Hid'-ra-bad. Okhotsk, Oneida, O'-kotsk. O-ni' da. I. Opelousas, Op-e-loo'-zas. Illinois, Il-Ii-no'y. P. India, ln'-je-a. Indiana, Indies, In je an'-a. In'-jiz. Pascagoula. Persia, Pas-ca-goo'-la. Pe'r-she-a. Iowa, Ipswich* I'-o-wa. Ip'sij. Plaquemines, Popocatapetl, Piak-meen'. Po-po knt'-a-pel. Porto Rico, Por'-to-re'-ko. K. Poughkeepsie, Po-kip'se. Prussia, Proo' she-a. Kamtchatka, Kam-ka't-ka. Puebla, Poo a'h-bla. Kenawha, Ke-na'w wa. Knisteneaux, Nis'-te-no. Q. L. Q.uiberon, Kib-rong'. LeipsiC. Lipe'-sic. Quito, Ke'-to. Liege, Leej. Lille, Leel. R. Lima, Le'-mah. Limoges, Lim ozlr\ Raleigh, Ra'w-le. L' Orient, Lo'-re-ong. Rheims, Reems. Louisiana, Loo-e ze-an'-nah, Rhine, Rine. Louisville, Loo'-e vil. Rhone, Rone. Rideau, Rido'. M. Rio Grande, Re-o gra'nd. Rio Janeiro, Re-o jan-e'-ro Madeira, Mad e'-rah, Rouen, Roo'-en. Madrid, Ma'h-dreed. Russia, Roo'-she-a. * G hard sound as in go. PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY. 93 WRITTEN. PRONOUNCED. St. Augustine, Sent-au-gus-teen' St. Brieux, Sent-bru'. St. Croix, Sent-croy'. San Louis de Po- San-loo-is-de-po- tosi, to'-se. Santiago, San te-a'h so. Schenectady, Sken-e'c-ta-de. Schuylkill, Skool'-kill. Seine, Seen. Tehuantepec, Toulon, Toulouse, Ta-wa'n-ta-pak. Too'-long. Too'-looz. WRITTEN. Valenciennes, Venezuela, Vera Cruz, Versailles, PRONOUNCED. Val-an-se-en'. Ven-ez-we'-la. Ve-rah krooz'. Ver-sailz'. w. Wabash, Warsaw, Washita, Weser, Wieliczka. Winnipiseogee, Worcester^ Wa'w-bosh. Wo'r-saw. Wosh-e taw'. We'-zur. We-lich'-ka. Win-e-pe-sa'w-ke» Woo's-ter. p D 6 5. ^ w V-^'.c/ \'"f?r SEP 69 ; ST. AUGUSTINE