* - <»*.*«;• %. * .-sate- - /-afe-.^ ,4°* > o -s\> ^> < . . • - v» -,» & ♦7^7« .A «1 O % \ v ^ ** % vv u o»v *-w yv-SE- : . ♦♦*% . ; -w?- • \>f :'OK: \S :'*&£&. S.S .•«£ £. * Dreams and Omens LIFE'S SECRETS REVEALED . . . The Book of Destiny, By Cagliostro, the Great Fortune-Teller. Illustrated. Cloth, burnished top, 75 cts. Dreams and Omens, As revealed to Nostradamus and other sorcerers. Illustrated. Cloth, burnished top, 75 cents. Practical Palmistry, By Comte C. de Saint-Germain. Illustrated. Cloth, burnished top. $1.00. Herrmann the Magician, His Life, His Secrets. By H. J. Burlingame. Illustrated. Cloth, burnished top. Illustrated. SI. 00. Hours with the Ghosts; or, 19th Century Witchcraft. By H. R. Evans. Illustrated. Cloth, bur- nished top. 91.00. The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes. By Comte C. de Saint- Germain. The great- est book of the kind ever published. Two imperial 8vo volumes. 1,253 illustrations. Limited signed edition. Half-Russia, full gilt, in a box, $7.50. For sale everywhere or sent direct on receipt of price. I rtifJ 0, I ~~ 263 Wabath Avenue, Lairu & Lee, Chicago, v. s. a. POPPY, THE FLOWER OF DREAMS. The Gates of the Future thrown open DREAMS ^ OMENS FROM THE ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS OF NOSTRADAMUS, ALBERTUS MAGNUS AND OTHER FAMOUS SORCERERS MODERNIZED AND ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED BY MADAME CARLOTTA DE BARSY Compiler of ''The Book of Destiny,'' Etc. ILLUSTRATED Chicago LAIRD & LEE tt-> !©*%•. 4i 40838 Copyright, 1899, BY WILLIAM H. LEE tWO COPIES RE0€IV6& "5-V %4K"\ PREFACE As far back as history goes, evidences are found of a belief in DREAMS. Not only are the ancient books of the Greeks, Romans and Hindoos filled with allusions to the importance of Dreams, but the Bible contains many a startling instance of the reality of nightly visions. Jacob's dream of a celestial ladder uniting heaven and [earth, constitutes one of the most beautiful passages of Genesis, and, but a few years later, his son Joseph, while in the service of the Egyptian Pharaoh, was visited by that pro- phetic dream of the lean and fat cattle, which saved Egypt from famine and made him the King's prime minister and chief adviser. It is not, therefore, contrary to the tenets of religion to hold a belief in the secret meaning of dreams and it is certainly very interesting to study a conscientious work, such as this, in which the teachings of the ancient philosophers have been put to contribution to obtain the most acceptable explanations of the Meaning of Dreams. What is said of DREAMS, is also true of OMENS. Wise men and women in all walks of life are guided by these strange mysteries, both in business and family affairs. That these two ancient subjects, brought up to date by experienced hands, may prove attractive reading for young and old is the earnest desire of THE PUBLISHERS. CONTENTS Preface, PAGE 5 The Key to all Dreams, . 7 Omens, 167 In-Doors, , 167 Out-of-Doors, 180 About Love and Marriage, . 183 About Plants, Flowers, etc., 186 About Animals, . 189 ILLUSTRATIONS POPPY, THE FLOWER OF DREAMS. THE SPIRIT OF NIGHT. A DAY DREAM. A DREAM OF LOVE. A NIGHTMARE. THE TALE OF THE DAISY. THE KEY TO ALL DREAMS. A "A" NOTE— To hear yourself giving out the A note in a concert, is a most favorable omen of success. ABATTOIR— Dreaming of an abattoir (slaugh- ter house) means illness coming on you ; the more blood you see, the graver the illness. ABSENCE — To see absent persons in your dreams is a sure token of their early return. ABSINTHE — To drink absinthe in a dream is a sign of complete success ; to see a glass filled with absinthe and not to drink it ; a bitter disappoint- ment is in store for you. 7 Academicians 8 Actors ACADEMICIANS— To dream of such great lights in the world of literature, science or art, will surely end by headache and dark brooding. ^j ^» ^ ACCIDENT — To dream of witnessing an ac- cident is a sign of passing worries ; to dream that you are the victim of one: slow but final success in your favorite enterprise. ACCUSATION— If you dream that you are accused of some grave misdeed, it will bring about great delights ; if you are the accuser, a deep sorrow awaits you. *** ACORNS — When appearing in your dream, acorns mean dire poverty coming. ACROBATS — To dream of acrobats is a sign of much joy; to see yourself acting the acrobat: many heavy troubles soon coming. ACTORS OR ACTRESSES— To dream of actors : very complete satisfaction of all your Adam and Eve 9 Ale desires ; to dream you are yourself an actor (or actress), much anxiety is in store for you. ADAM AND EVE— To dream of Adam or Eve or both, means an early birth in the family. *** ADOPTION — If you adopt anyone in your dream, you may depend that most unpleasant trou- bles are close on your track. *** ADULATION— To dream that you are made a great deal of and flattered to the skies, signifies that some of the people that surround you (when you are awake), are cheats and frauds. ADDITIONS — Adding figures in your dreams is sure to bring you profits in your business or investments. AGUE— See Fever. ALARM-BELL— See Tocsin. ALE — See Beer. Almonds 10 Animals ALMONDS— i he sight of almonds in dream- land, is a delightful omen of bliss. ALMS — Distributing alms in your dreams is very lucky ; receiving alms is a sign of the worst pos- sible luck in store for you. ^» ^ ^i ALTAR — To see an altar in a dream betokens a speedy marriage. AMAZON — A lady on a side-saddle visiting your dreams is a prophecy of endless bickerings be- tween you and your wife. AMBUSH — To dream of ambush, is a sign of coming worries ; on the contrary, to dream that you are actually caught in such an ambuscade, is a prog- nostic of great success. *** ANCHOR — An anchor seen in a dream is a sign of powerful protection extended over you. ANIMALS— As a general rule, to dream of animals is a lucky omen. Ants 11 Archbishop ANTS — There is a general numbness amount- ing to partial paralysis soon to come over one who dreams of ants. *** ANVIL — It is most lucky to dream of a black- smith's anvil. APE— See Monkey. APPLAUSE — To listen, in a dream, to sonor- ous bursts of applause is a sure sign of interested flatterers at work to ruin you. x\PPLES — Great profits are promised to one who dreams of apples ; but if he sees himself eating apples, he may expect heavy losses. APRICOTS— To dream that you see or eat apricots, promises you plenty of happiness and good health ; but if they are dried and it is the season for fresh apricots, losses are threatened. ARCHBISHOP— To see an archbishop in your dreams is a dread sign of coming death. Arm 12 Asiatic ARM — A human arm seen in a dream is asur- ance of true friendship ; if it appears broken, a quar- rel is forthcoming; if it is cut off at the shoulder, passing joys are in store for you ; if it is very hairy, your bliss will have all its desires realized. ARM-CHAIR— High honors will be bestowed upon one who dreams of an arm-chair. ARMY — To dream of an army forebodes a quarrel with those dearest to you. ARROWS — Temporary sorrows are often an- nounced by arrows appearing in a dream. *** ARTILLERY— Cannons seen in your dream announce great profits coming; if you hear them booming, some old relative is about to die. ASHES — Seen in a dream, ashes announce mourning. *** ASIATIC — A man in Asiatic garb appearing . Artichoke 13 Automobile in a dream, is an announcement of startling news just about due. ^ ^ ^ ARTICHOKE— To see an artichoke in a dream is a menace of secret troubles ; to see yourself eating artichokes is a stil worse omen of worries. ASPARAGUS — To see asparagus in a dream is lucky; to eat some at the time gives promise of prompt recovery from a disease just then endured by the dreamer. ATTIC-ROOM— To dream that you see your- self in an attic-room is a threat of poverty. AUTOMATON— Some such mechanical con- trivance, cleverly imitating either man or animal, when seen in a dream announcess a great war soon to begin. ^ ^ ^ AUTOMOBILE— If you dream of seeing a horseless vehicle it means a pleasant visit from an old friend whom you have not seen in years ; if riding it, it means an unexpected, tedious journey. Axe 14 Balcony AXE — Seen in a dream, an axe means early violent death. BACK — If you see somebody's back or your own in a dream, there is some mischief brewing. •» ^t ^ BACKGAMMON— To see yourself, in a dream, playing backgammon means ill-success all around. BACON — To see yourself, in a dream, eating or simply cutting a slice of bacon, is a promise of gain. *** BAIT — If you dream of fish-bait, some one you love is about to forsake you, causing you bitter sorrow. it * * BAKER — To dream of a baker is assurance of profits. •» ^ ^ BALCONY — Standing on a balcony or even gazing at it, in a dream, is a sure sign of financial Baldness 15 Bananas ruin ; if it should break down while you are on it, sudden death is to be expected very soon. ^ ^> ^ BALDNESS — To dream of a bald person is a threat of ruin and dishonor, ^ ^ ^ BALL — To dream that you are present at a ball or dancing party, is assurance that your im- mediate future will be uneventful and quiet. ^, ^ ^ BALL-PLAYING— If you see yourself, in a dream, playing ball whatever be the game, you may expect in due time a son and heir. ^ ^ ^ BALOONING — To dreams of baloons and air- trips is a sure prognostic of great trouble, due to your reckless spirit of adventure or speculation. ^ ^ ^ BAMBOO— See Switch. ^ ^» ^ BANANAS — To see bananas in a dream is quite lucky ; but if you eat any at the time, your sweet- heart will most certainly deceive you. Band of Music 16 Basket=naker BAND OF MUSIC— To hear a band of mUsic in a dream, means moneyed prosperity and happi- ness. BANK — If you dream that you see yourself in a bank, expect to be presently deceived by false promises. ^ •£ ^ BANKRUPTCY— Anyone dreaming of bank- ruptcy will find his business growing enormously and prospering apace. •^ •? ^ BAR-ROOM OR WINE-SHOP— To see in a dream a liquor-saloon, bar or wine-shop, gives assurance of a long life. BARLEY — There is prosperity in store for one who sees barley in a dream. •t ^ ^ BARN — If an empty barn is seen in a dream, want will soon stare you in the face. But if the barn is full of grain, a season of plenty is forthcoming. BASKET-MAKER— A birth will soon take Basin 17 Bayonets place in the home of one who sees a basket-maker in his dream. •^ •£ •£ BASIN — Seen in a dream, a full basin means money coming to you ; empty, it is a threat of ac- cumulated debts. ^ ^ ^ BAT — If the repugnant animal called a bat appears in your dream, be certain that illness, money losses, and a painful shock are in store for you. •b ^ ^ BATH (COLD)— In a dream, bathing in stag- nant, cold water : severe loss threatened ; in running water : poor success ; in a canal : prosperity. ^ ^ ^ BATH (WARM)— Dreaming of taking a warm bath, means that the dreamer's marriage is very soon to come off; if the water be too hot, there will be quarrels between the fiances; if not warm enough, the union will not be a happy one. •v ^ ^ BAYONETS — Seen in a dream, bayonets are understood as the sign of very serious quarrelling or disagreement. Bacon 18 Beatings BEACON — Should you see a lighted beacon in your dream there's success in store for you. ^> t ^ BEANS — Whether white or green, beans seen in a dream are to be read as signs of financial losses or illness. ^> ^ ^ BEAR — If attacked by a bear in a dream, your enemies will triumph over you ; but if the animal runs away from you, expect good success. ^> ^ ^ BEARD — A very long beard seen in a dream- means an unfortunate undertaking; if it is moder- ately long and white, honors are to be bestowed on you ; if it is black, luck is in your favor ; if a bearded woman appears in your dream, you will soon wed. ^ ^ t BEATINGS — To see one's self, in a dream, beat- ing a friend, is a prognostic of great satisfaction coming ; if the dreamer beats his sweetheart, he will surely be the happiest man alive; if he beats him- self with his own stick, nothing but sorrows are in store for him. Bed 19 Belladonna BED — In a dream, to see yourself bedridden, means illness coming : but it you are simply resting in bed, it signifies peace of mind and quiet. * * * BEER — To see one's self drinking beer in a dream is a threat of serious trouble. BEES — Who dreams of bees will reap great profits ; if you catch them, success is cer- tain : if they alight on you. many disappointments are to be expected : if they sting you, heavy losses are sure to come. mete BEE-HIYES — Much happiness and lots of money will come to one who sees bee-hives in a dream. BEGGAR — There are riches and bliss in store for whoever dreams of beggars. fclfctg BELLADONNA — If in a dream, you see or pluck leaves of belladonna might-shade), or if you drink or make someone drink extract of belladonna, the greatest misfortune will soon overwhelm you. Bells 20 Birds BELLS — If you hear bells in your dream, much quarrelling and little success are in store for you. ^> ^ ^ BELT— See Girdle. ^ *p ^ BENCH — To sit on a bench, in a dream, gives promise of peace and comfort. ^ ^ ^j BET — To dream that you are betting means that you will suffer greatly through your reckless- ness. w£ ^ ^ BICYCLE — Many troubles and losses will be the lot of whoever dreams of a bicycle. BILLIARDS— To see a billiard-table in a dream, is unlucky ; to look at one's self playing bil- liards is a threat of chronic insomnia. ^ •b t BIN — An empty bin, seen in a dream, means poverty ; a full bin, prosperity. ^ ^ t BIRDS — To dream of singing birds is a sign of Birth 21 Blackberries success and profits ; if they are quarrelling, it means some great change soon to take place in your life ; if you see yourself killing birds, expect great pov- erty ; if you catch some, there is treachery at work ; if you see many, you will soon travel; if they are night birds, fear misfortune and even death. ^ ^ ^ BIRTH — There are all kinds of solid comforts promised to one who dreams of a birth. ^ ^ ^ BIRTHDAY-PRESENTS— To dream that you are giving holiday or birthday presents, means pleasurable surprises coming; if you are receiving them, poverty is in sight. Kit* BISHOP — If you dream of a bishop, one of your near relatives is soon to die. ^ ^ ^ BITES — To be bitten in a dream is always a sign of great danger ahead. ^ ^ ^ BLACKBERRIES— To see or eat blackberries in a dream, is an omen of danger and disease. Blackbird 22 Blood BLACKBIRD— In a dream, a blackbird an- nounces slander and envy at work against you. •» ^p *p BLADDERS— Who dreams of bladders will meet with cruel humiliations and insults. ^p •? *p BLADES — Razor, knife or sword blades all foretell quarrel and death for the dreamer. •p ^F ^ BLESSING. — To dream that someone is bles- sing you means that you will soon be forced into a very undesirable union. •5 ^ *p BLINDNESS — A blind man appearing in your dream, warns you of mendacity on the part of your so-called dearest friends, threatening your happi- ness. Should you dream of yourself becoming blind, this would prove one of the luckiest signs of all. ^ ^p ^p BLOOD — If you see blood in your dream, you will soon receive an inheritance. But if you see or feel yourself losing blood, expect great disappoint- ments in the near future. Bloodsausage 23 Boarding-5chool BLOOD-SAUSAGE— There is an omen of friendship in the sight of a blood-sausage in a dream ; but if you see yourself eating of it, quarrell- ing is certain to ensue ; if you are only cooking some, pleasures are in store for you. BLUDGEON— See Club. BOAT — A sailing boat or ship, when dreamed of, announces the arrival of a friend ; should it seem in danger of foundering, a severe illness is threaten- ing the dreamer personally. BOATIXG-TRIP— To see yourself boating is a warning of treachery. BOA-CONSTRICTOR— A huge serpent ap- pearing in your dreams is a token of treachery of which you will be the victim. BOARDING-SCHOOL— If you dream of a boarding-school, a birth will soon be the order of the dav in vour home. Boiled Beef 24 Bottles BOILED BEEF— Eating boiled beef in a dream, is a sign of sadness coming ; to see yourself boiling it is a joyful token; to throw away some boiled beef is a prognostic of terrible danger ahead. »> ™ ™ BONES — In a dream, bones ot animals are a threat of financial losses ; bones of a human corpse, an omen el death in the family. W%, ^ *o BOOKS — To see oneself reading a good book in a dream, is a promise of honors and fine position ; if you are reading a wicked book, expect nothing but shame and disgrace. ^ ^ ^ BOOTS (TOP)— There is sorrow coming when you dream of top-boots ; if they fit you well, how- ever, prosperity is coming ; on the contrary, if they are painfully tight, you may expect ill treatment and insults. ^ ^ ^ BOTTLES— Full quart-bottles, in a dream, mean much pleasure ahead ; empty, they foretell dis- ease. Bound 25 Bread BOUND — In a dream, to see yourself or some- one else all tied up, means that you will soon have to submit humbly to some other people's bidding. BOUQUET — In a dream, to receive a bouquet is a promise of much pleasure coming; if you see yourself giving a bouquet, you may feel sure of your sweetheart's fidelity. BOW AND ARROW— To see in your dream a bow and arrow forbodes grave misfortune. *** BRANCHES — If covered with leaves, branches, seen in a dream, are very lucky; if they are dry, much trouble is in store for you ; if you see yourself breaking branches, you'll suffer from a ruinous rob- bery or theft. BRANDY — To dream of brandy tempts the dreamer to many pleasures of a disreputable nature. *** BREiVD — If you dream of white bread, a de- lightful friendship is in store for you ; if it is brown or black bread, dire poverty is coming. Breakfast 26 Bugs BREAKFAST OR DINNER— To dream of a meal, means that you are about to spend money foolishly. BRIARS — To dream that you are being pricked by briars is a threat of quarrelling with someone dear to you. ^ •* ^ BRIDGE — To cross a bridge or merely to see one is a threat of danger for the dreamer. BROOM — Some party or other festivity soon to come is announced to anyone who dreams of a broom. BROTHER OR SISTER (who has departed this life) — Dreaming of a deceased brother or sister, means long life and prosperity to you. ^ ^ ^ BUGS OR FLEAS— There are many disgust- ing troubles ahead for one who dreams of bugs and fleas ; but if he sees himself destroying such vermin, he may confidently expect a period of success. Building-Stone 27 Butterflies BUILDING-STONE— Many worries will be the lot of one who sees building-stone in a dream. BULL — Who dreams of a bull will meet with great humiliation, and run serious dangers. BUOY — Seen in a dream, a buoy means danger ahead. . *** BL'SIXESS — To dream of your own particular line of work or business is a warning that your sal- ary is shortly to be reduced. BUTCHER — A butcher-shop or a butcher seen in a dream, warns you of coming ill health. *** BUTTER — To see butter in a dream announces surprising news soon forthcoming ; and to see your- self churning butter is a promise of inheritance. *** BUTTERFLIES — The dreamer who sees but- terflies in his sleep, lacks ail persistency of purpose ; he is very fickle indeed. Cabbage 28 Candles c CABBAGE — It is a sign of excellent health and long life to dream of cabbage. •£ ^ 9x, CAGE — To dream of a bird-cage is considered a warning of many treacheries of which you will be the victim. nun CAKES — There are many pleasurable moments in store for one who dreams of cakes and pastry. ^ •£ ^ CALENDAR — To see a calendar or almanac in your dream threatens you with losses in connec- tion with some scandal. ^ •£ W£ CALVES — To dream of young calves gambol- ing in a meadow is an excellent omen. ^> ^ ^ CAMELS — In a dream, a camel is a lucky omen ; but if instead of one there is a herd of camels, prosperity will be only fleeting. ^ ^ ^ CANDLES — If you dream of candles, happi- ness and prosperity are yours to command. Candlestick 29 Cards CANDLESTICK— If you dream of a small hand-candlestick, you are soon to be invited to a wedding. •p ^£ •» CANDY — To dream of candy, is a sign of seri- ous money losses. •5 *p ^» CANOPY— See Dais. CANNON — The booming of cannon in a dream announces the death of a close relative ; but only to see a piece of ordnance is decidedly lucky. ^ ^ ^ CAPTIVITY— All forms of captivity we dream of foretell a great deal of quarrelling of the gravest kind. ^ ^ •? CARDINAL — To dream of a cardinal is a sign of riches coming ; if you see yourself killing such a dignitary of the Church, you will soon suffer from a passing illness. **« CARDS — Playing cards in a dream is a sure omen of much disputing. Caricartures 30 Castle CARICATURES— If you gaze on caricatures while dreaming, many worries will bother you the next day. ^^ ^^ ^ CARNIVAL — To witness, in a dream, the pa- geants and revels of a carnival-day is a sign of much trickery and fraud the dreamer will have to suffer from. ^> ^ ^ CARPETS — A painful struggle toward success is to be the lot of one who dreams of carpets. ^ ^ ^ CARRIAGE — In a dream, a carriage means worries and general poor luck. CARROTS — If you see carrots in your dream, there will be much hard work, anxiety and money losses in store for you. CASKS — Barrels or casks, full or empty, ap- pearing in a dream are omens of financial pros- perity. ^ ^ •* CASTLE — A vision of a castle, in a dream, is Cat 31 Caterpillar a promise of final success after long and arduous efforts. CAT — To dream that you see a cat is a sign that some one is false to you ; if the animal is angry, there will be a serious quarrel in your home ; if you see yourself eating cat's meat, a love-rivalry awaits you in which you will not be the victor. If you dream that you are beating or killing a cat, that means that you are about to catch or slay a robber ; if it is a cat you know, the robber also will be an acquaintance of yours; if you have never seen the cat, in your dream, it means that you will manage to recover all that the robber will have taken from you. If you have a fight with a cat and it scratches you, this is a sign that you will be seriously ill very soon. Summing up this paragraph, one may con- sider all dreams in which a cat plays even the smallest part, as very undesirable and unlucky omens. ^» ^ ^ CATERPILLAR— A caterpillar in your dream, shows that you are very tired of life and all it contains. Cattle 32 Chain CATTLE — To dream of horned cattle means plentiful crops; if you see yourself running after them, you will be forsaken, if they run after you, you will soon make a most profitable find. •b ^ ^ CAULIFLOWER— In a dream, cauliflower means disease and a woman's deceit. •5 ^ ^ CAVALCADE — To witness a cavalcade marching past you in a dream, proves that your pride, when awake, is wrongfully assumed; should you see one of the riders unhorsed, there is danger in store for you. ^ ^ ^ CAVE — To find one's self in a cave, when dreaming, is a sign of great danger ahead. CELLAR — To witness in a dream, an empty cel- lar, is a promise of excellent health and long life ; to see it when full of casks and bottles, assures full and immediate success. ^ ^ ^» CHAIN — To break a chain in your dream an- Chairs 33 Cheese nounces some very hard task in store for you; if you simply see one, it is a sign of marriage. W- ^ ^ CHAIRS — Your conceit will be humored, but for a short time only, if you dream of chairs. ^ ^» ^ CHAMELEON— To dream of a chamehon means that you are to be cheated mercilessly. CHANDELIER— To see a chandelier in a dream is an excellent omen of success. *** CHECKERS— To play checkers in a dream, means heavy financial losses. CHECKS — Cashing checks at a bank window in a dream, is a sure sign of loss ; if in your dream you pay out money either in cash or by check, this is a token of endless discussions and even law-suits coming. CHEESE — To dream of cheese gives a promise of final success after a long and hard struggle. Cherries 34 Chimney-Sweep CHERRIES — To eat cherries in a dream de- notes a sensual nature ; to pick cherries is a prognos- tic of female fickleness ; to see preserved cherries in a glass jar is a threat of unrealized hopes. ^ ^> ^ CHESS — To see one's self playing a game of chess is a sign of many difficulties resulting from a lack of business judgment. ^ *X> *o CHESTNUTS— When seen in a dream, chest- nuts foretell complete success in one's next under- taking. t ^ •? CHILBLAINS— To dream of chilbla ; ns is an omen of serious troubles. ^ t ^> CHILDREN— To dream of a ch'ld, is the promise of one soon to be born ; to dream of a pretty child, means pleasure in store, and misfortune com- ing if he is ugly ; if the child you dream of is at play, many worries will soon assail you. ^t •£ ^o CHIMNEY-SWEEP— There is peaceful com- Chimes 35 Cider fort to follow a dream in which a chimney-sw T eep plays a part. CHIMES — There is ill luck and many bicker- ings in store for one hearing chimes in his dream. *** CHOCOLATE— To see or eat chocolate in a dream means coming illness. CHOLERA — To dream of cholera gives one a promise of a bounteous wedding-feast. CHURCH — To dream you see a church means an inheritance coming; if it is being repaired, mis- fortune is in store for you ; if you enter it repeatedly, delays will worry you greatly ; if you dream that you are shouting in a church, you may expect some serious quarrel. CHURCHYARD— A dream in which a church- yard appears, means a death very close at hand. CIDER — To see one's self in a dream drinking Cigars 36 Clothes-line cider, means some inheritance totally unexpected to come to you shortly. CIGARS — To see one's self smoking cigars in a dream, or to simply gaze at cigars, is a sign of a very short-lived joy ahead. CIRCUS— See Hippodrome. ^ •fc ^v CISTERN— Ugly slanders, deeply affecting your reputation, are prophesied by a cistern seen in a dream. •^ ^> •£ CLEANING — To dream of some general clean- ing, in house or street, means that you will meet with great ingratitude. •^ ^ ^ CLOAK — You will soon be cruelly cheated if you dream of a cloak. ^ ^ •» CLOCK — One who dreams of a clock is sure to be lazy to a? extreme degree. CLOTHES-LINE— See Rope. Clothing 37 Coat CLOTHING— A dream in which any kind of clothes play a dominant part, announces sorrows, illness and death. ^ ^ ^ CLOTS OF BLOOD— To dream that you see clots of blood is a threat of impending quarrels. •£ •£ ^> CLOUDS — In a dream, the clouds that you see mean so many quarrels. «£ ^ ^ CLUB OR HEAVY STICK— To dream of a heavy stick is a token of serious quarrel ; if, in your dream, you break it, there will be a rupture in the family; if you strike several blows with it, at the time, this is a sign of the warmest friendship about to be shown to you in many ways. Wx, ^ ^ COALS — Dead coals, seen in a dream, mean that you will be the victim of unwarranted jeal- ousy ; live coals announce an attack on your honor and good name; if you see yourself eating coals, you will suffer deeply from a secret sorrow. •^ •£ w, COAT— See Clothing. Coat of Arms 38 Collision COAT OF ARMS— Armorial insignia— yours or some one else's, seen in a dream, promise you some satisfaction pleasing to your pride. ^ ^ •£ COCKADE — In a dream, the sight of a cock- ade means a public insult threatening you. •£ ^ •£ COCK-FIGHT— It is a sign of stupidity and extreme laziness to dream of a cock-fight. ^ ^ *5 COFFEE — To see yourself drinking coffee, in a dream, means many disagreeable incidents ahead; if you are roasting coffee-beans, you will have ar- duous and ill-requited work ahead of you. COFFIN — Seen in a dream, a coffin means hea- vy losses. ^> t ^« COIN — Gold coin seen in a dream, means dis- tress ; silver coin, many worries ; copper coin, cheating at your expense. ^ ^ ^ COLLISION — To witness a collision in your dreams, is a token of great misery and ruin coming. Combing 39 Contempt COMBING — In a dream to see one's self or some one else combing hair with ease, means luck ; if the hair is hard to comb, expect difficult times. *** COMEDY — To be listening to a comic play in a dream is a sign of peace ahead ; if you see yourself just reading such a production, there is a threat of treachery and fraud from which you are to suffer grievously. CONCERT— To see one's self, in a dream, at a concert, is an omen of pleasure and money com- ing. CONFLAGRATION— See Fire. ^ ^> ^ CONFECTIONARY— See Candy. CONJURING — In a dream, to witness conjur- ing tricks, is a warning of treachery at work to your detriment. CONTEMPT— When you dream that you are treated with contempt, it means that, after hard Convent 40 Corpse times and struggles, you will finally triumph over your enemies. ^ ^p •b CONVENT — To see a convent or a cloister in your dream, is a threat of much sadness ai*d anxiety ^ •£ #5 CONVICTS— To dream of convicts is a threat of desperate straits, which you will have to face very soon. •© ^ ^ COOKING — To see yourself cooking, in dreams, means that there is imminent danger of sep- aration or divorce. COOKING-POT— Appearing in a dream, a cooking pot means lots of comfort ahead. CORDS — Dreaming of cords announces insults to be addressed to the dreamer. •^ ^ ^ CORPSE — The vision of a corpse in a dream, means sure disaster ; if it is already decaying, death is soon to overtake you ; if the corpse is all dressed up, happiness is in store for you. Corpulence 41 Country-Ball CORPULENCE— To see yourself, in a dream, much more corpulent than you really are, is an omen of immoral temptations; if you see yourself thinner instead of stouter, fortune is coming your way. •b ^> *P COTTON-CAP— To see a cotton cap in a dream, warns one of a quarrel between friends. COTTON-CLOTH— Quick and large profits may confidently be expected after you have dreamed of cotton-cloth. ^ ^» •? COUCH — To dream of a couch or sofa is a sign of temporary satisfaction. •v ™ t COUNTRY — To dream you are staying in the country foretells an unexpected fortune ; if you see yourself running towards the open fields, your bliss will be assured and complete; if you are taking a meal in the country, a brilliant match is in store for you. t ^ ^ COUNTRY-BALL— To be present, in a dream, at a popular country ball, is a promise of long life. Cows 42 Crickets COWS — In a dream, cows mean laziness. **« CRADLE — A cradle, in a dream, warns you of a child's death. CRAMPS — In a dream, cramps mean an invita- tion to a dinner or wedding. *** CRANE — Utter wickedness on the part of the dreamer is revealed to him when he sees a crane (bird) in his sleep. ^t ^ ^ CRAWFISH— To see or eat crawfish in a dream, is an omen of costly litigation. ^ •£ ^ CREDITOR — To see one of your creditors in your dream, is a sign of temporary poverty. CREW — If you see a ship's crew in your dream, you are about starting on a long journey. ^ ^ ^ CRICKETS— These little animals called crick- ets, seen in a dream, are a prognostic of financial losses. Crippled 43 Crown CRIPPLED — To see in a dream, one's self or some one else crippled, announces an imminent dan- ger. CROCKERY— There is a pleasant omen of home comforts in the sight of crockery, china and such things in a dream. •5 ^ ^ CROCODILE — There is much misfortune in store for whoever dreams of a crocodile. ^> ^ •*> CROSS — To dream that you gaze on a cross, is a sign of a broken engagement ; if you see yourself wearing or carrying a cross, you may expect great and valuable assistance when least hoped for. ^ ^> ^ CROW — It is a sign of great sadness coming, or even of the death of some dear one, to dream of crows. *** CROWD — In a dream, to see one's self in a crowd announces a succession of minor worries. ^ ^ •? CROWN — A gold crown, in a dream, means Crutches 44 Cyclops protection of the great ; an iron crown, sign of sor- row and anxiety. *** CRUTCHES — In a dream, who sees crutches will soon get lots of money. ^ ^v ^v CUCKOO — To dream you are hearing the call of a cuckoo, is a sign of imminent death and disas- ter. *** CURLY HAIR— Much frizzle or curl to a head of hair seen in a dream is a sign of infidelity in the conjugal relations of the dreamer. ^ ^ ^ "CUT-DIRECT"— To dream that you have either given or received the "cut-direct" is a sure omen of final triumph over all your opponents or competi- tors. *** CYCLOPS— To dream of a Cyclops (a giant with one eye in the middle of his forehead) is a sign of great profits. Death 45 Deserter D DEATH — Who dreams of death is about to re- ceive some very bad news. •p ^v ^ DEBTS — To find one's self, in a dream, settling debts, means that the dreamer will be very hard up for a time. DEER — In a dream, the apparition of a deer means death, or at least great danger for the dream- er. ttwtn DELIRIUM — If you see, in a dream, somebody in the ravings of delirium, many anxieties are in store for you ; but if you dream that you are yourself suffering from delirium, you have before you a long life. •5 ^ ^ DENTIST— If you dream of dentist or dentist- ry, you will be the object of interested and menda- cious flattery. DESERTER— Whether you dream that you see a deserter, or whether you see yourself desert- Dagger 46 Devil ing, in both cases you are just about making a most important discovery. ^ ^ •* DAGGER — When seen in a dream, a dagger is a sign of misfortune, except you see yourself grasp- ing it firmly ; it means then assured success. ^ •t ^ DAIS — If you stand, in a dream, under a cano- py, or dais, your death is to take place very soon. ^ ^ *fe DANCING. — If you see yourself dancing, in a dream, you are about inheriting a large sum of mon- ey ; but if you only look on other people dancing, great sadness is in store for you. ^ ^ ^ DANCING-TIGHTS— You may expect to be temporarily short of money if you dream of tights. ^ ^ ^ DATES — If you see the fruit called date, in a dream, you have profits and a good time in sight ; but if you see yourself eating dates, you are being deceived by some woman you passionately love. DEVIL — To dream that you are fighting the Diadem 47 Ditch devil, indicates a temporary peril ; if you conquer him, success is attained ; if he conquers you, danger is on the increase; if you only see him in your dream, death is very near indeed. t ^ t DIADEM— See Crown. ^» •» ^ DIAMONDS — To see diamonds in a dream is a token of short-lived happiness ; to see yourself selling diamonds, means great peril ahead; to find diamonds, is a threat of great losses and disappoint- ments. ^ ^ •£ DICE — To be throwing dice in your dream, foretells loss, adversity and deception. DISINHERITED— To be disinherited in one's dream, means great success coming. *** DISTAFF — There is no more favorable omen than to dream of an old-fashioned distaff. DITCH — In a dream a ditch signifies shame, wretchedness and treachery. Dog 48 Dotninos DOG — To dream of a setter is a sign of hope ahead ; of a rabid dog, a token of great silliness ; of a stray dog, a sign of ill-luck ; of a barking dog, quarrelling is in store for the dreamer; of dogs fighting, you will have a proof of great enmity or be the victim of a theft ; of a howling dog, a terrible misfortune is near ; if you dream you are bitten by a dog, it is a sign of mere temporary trouble ; if the annimal caresses you, you have a true friend coming to your assistance. Summing up : dog dreams are generally favorable. ^p ^ •£ DOG-BARK— To dream that you hear a dog barking, foretells quarrels and bickerings. ^> ^ •£ DOLMAN (or Lady's Street Garment)— Seen in a dream, a dolman means honesty and courage displayed by the dreamer. DOME — If a lofty dome arise before your dreaming eyes, some enemy is at work against you. ^ ^ •» DOMINOS — Playing dominos is an infallible sign of loss through fraud. THE SPIRIT OF NIGH1 Donkey 49 Donkey DONKEY — To see a donkey in a dream is a prophecy of quarrel; if he is loaded, there is luck and profit in store for the dreamer ; if he is stretched on the ground, quiet times for you ; if he runs, many disappointments ; if he brays, terrible shame threat- ens you. If you are riding an ass, a woman (or a man) will make you the "happiest being on earth." If the animal is white, your whole family will be in luck ; if he is black or brown, riches are coming your way. If you dream that you have bought or been presented with a donkey and that you are both com- ing home together, that's nothing less than a bril- liant future that may be expected very soon. Should you dream that you bring home a strayed ass, an un- expected joy will delight you tomorrow. If, in your dream, you drink asses' milk, you will outlive a dan- gerous illness coming. If you drive home a loaded donkey you secure a fortune in proportion with his load;if he is unloaded, he will drive sorrow away. Whoever sees, in a dream, his own donkey, dead, may prepare for his own early death. Whoever falls from his ass while riding him, in a dream, will suffer actual want. Whoever dreams that he is pull- ing behind him a donkey at the end of a halter, will have fortune follow the animal's footsteps. In pro- Door 50 Drama portion to the beauty of a donkey given you as a present (in a dream) will your prosperity increase. ^ ^» •£ DOOR — To dream of a door is a sign of worries and sorrow ; to gaze upon a broken door is an omen of death. •b ^ ^P DOUGH — Whoever dreams of dough or of kneading dough, will soon enjoy a general improve- ment, physical, mental and financial. •5 " ^ DOVES — Always a promise of success, are doves appearing in a dream. ^> ^ •*> DOWN — To dream of soft, fleecy down, means friendship helping one to success; if the down is black colored, there is a loss in sight. DRAGON OR DRAGOON— To dream of a dragon (a fabulous monster with many heads and tails), or a dragoon (a cavalryman), is a threat of imminent disaster. ^ •* •? DRAMA — To dream that you are listening to Drawing 51 Drowned a dramatic play of the blood and thunder type, is a token of perfect peace of mind. •^ ^> •% DRAWING — To dream of a drawing or sketch, announces worries ; if the dreamer is doing the drawing himself, he is threatened with serious loss- es. •t ^ ^ DREAMS — To dream that you are dreaming means that you will soon be cruelly deceived and cheated. ^ ^ ^ DREGS — If you dream of dregs of any kind, ex- pect poverty and loss of position. DROMEDARY— To see in a dream a one- hump camel, called a dromedary, is an excellent omen of fortune and success. •5 ^ »5 DROWNED— To see one's self drowning means absolute poverty in store for the dreamer ; but if he dreams of someone else drowning, he may ex- pect splendid luck. Druggist 5fc Eagle DRUGGIST — To dream of a druggist means that a baby is coming to visit you. DUEL — To witness one's self fighting a duel means that a favorite pleasure you expected to en- joy will not be granted you. •» •« ^ DUMBNESS— To dream of a dumb person an- nounces the birth of a deformed or afflicted child. ^ ^t •» DUNG-HILL — There are great profits in sight for whoever dreams of dung or dunghill. ^ t ^ DWARF — It is an omen of hatred against which you had better protect yourself, to dream of a dwarf. E EAGLE — To dream that you are killing an ea- gle, success in your most cherished ambitions ; that you are eating its flesh, the deepest grief awaits you ; that you see an eagle soaring in his glory means that your ambition and conceit are boundless. Ears 53 Eclipse EARS — Well made ears, seen in a dream, give promise of valuable friendship ; too large, they are evidence of low instincts in the dreamer ; if they are dirty, of a thieving disposition ; if they are cut off, of treachery at work. Ears of animals seen in a dream may be interpreted as above. EARS OF GRAIN— See Wheat. *** EARTHQUAKE— There is great peril in store, in the immediate future, for one who dreams of earthquakes. *** EATING — In a dream to see yourself or some- one else eating, means that traitors are encompass- ing your ruin. *** ECHO — To hear an echo in your dream, an- nounces illness coming. ECLIPSE — An eclipse of the moon, if wit- nessed in a dream, means sorrow in store for the dreamer ; an eclipse of the sun, a loss of money and ill-success in general Eel 54 Embracing EEL — To dream of a live eel, means hard work ahead ; of a dead eel, triumphant success in all one's undertakings. *** EGGS — In a dream, to see or eat eggs is an omen of fortune ; if you see broken eggs, there are losses ahead. *** ELEPHANT — To dream you are riding an ele- phant is a sign of a preposterous vanity that will cause you lots of trouble ; if you just see one, that's good luck coming ; if you face an elephant in your dream, you will render someone a service that will be returned to you tenfold. ELOPEMENT— To dream that you are elop ? - ing with someone is a sure omen of a marriage soon to take place. *** EMBROIDERY— One who dreams of lace or embroidery is extremely ambitious, but will fail. EMBRACING— See Hugging. Empress 55 Execution EMPRESS — Dreaming of an empress means duplicity at work to ruin you. ENEMY — To dream that you meet an enemy and converse with him is an omen of ruin and dis- aster ; if you see yourself triumphing over him, you are about winning a law-suit ; if you dream that you are having a pleasant time with him, you may expect great troubles due to your thoughtless confidence. *** ENGAGEMENT— Being engaged, in a dream, to a handsome man (or woman), means great pleas- ures forthcoming; if the person to whom you are thus engaged be plain-looking, many worries or even griefs are in store for you. EWE-SHEEP — To dream of a ewe is a sign of a faithful, precious friendship ; if the animal you see seems ill, it is a token that a period of great fatigue is in store for you. *** EXECUTION— To see .yourself, in a dream, about to be hanged or beheaded, is a sign of the greatest luck coming; to dream of another in the Exhumation 56 EyeBrows same predicament, is a token of the unfaithfulness of someone very dear to you. EXHUMATION— To dream about the dis- interring a human being is an omen of disaster ; if you see yourself exhuming the remains of a dead person, there is treason surrounding you. *** EXILE — To dream that you are going into ex- ile, is a highly favorable omen ; but to see yourself, in your dream, returning from exile, means great sorrow coming. «** EXPLOSION — To hear an explosion in a dream, is a threat of death in the family. EYES — Dreams about eyes are generally omens of good luck ; the prettier, the clearer, the purer the eyes, the better the luck ; if they show signs of ill- ness, some temporary troubles will soon assail the dreamer. EYEBROWS — If, in your dreams, eyebrows are particularly noticeable, you may expect terrible events and even death. Faggots 57 Father F FAGGOTS— It is a sign of cruel slander affect- ing your reputation, to dream of faggots or bundles of kindling-wood. ^ ^ ^ FAINTING-FIT— To dream that you faint, or that you see someone fainting, is a sign of true love coming to you. *** FALCON — There is fortune and bliss in store for one who sees a falcon in his dream. FALL — To feel one's self falling, in a dream, is a threat of grievous troubles and losses. FAN — In a dream, the vision of a fan means quarrelling. *** FARM — To gaze upon a farm in a dream, is a promise of success and riches. FATHER — To dream of your father alive is a promise of great joy ; to see him dead announces heavy financial losses. Feather 68 Fever FEATHER — In a dream, white feathers are an omen of success ; dark feathers, just the reverse. FEET — In a dream, a vision of feet means a journey in the near future ; if they are dirty, wearied or wounded, you may expect illness, sorrows and losses. *** FENCING — To dream that you are using the fencing-foils, is a most favorable omen. FERRET — Seen in a dream a ferret is an omen of luck. FERRY-BOAT— News from a near relative is the signification of a dream about a ferry-boat. *«* FESTIVITY— Whenever you dream of festivi- ties, you will soon feel the pinch of poverty. *** FEVER — There is a sign of excesses committed out of sheer stupidity by the dreamer, when he dreams that he is passing through a spell of fever. Fiddle 59 Finger-Nails FIDDLE — See Musical Instruments. FIFE — To dream of hearing the sound of a fife is the announcement of a coming birth. FIGHT — In a dream, a fight means peace. FIGS — To see green figs in a dream is a hopeful omen ; if they are dried, you will shortly be invited to a state dinner ; if you see yourself eating figs of any kind, poverty will soon overtake you. it* I? FIGURES — To dream of figures or numbers is a threat of fraud you are to be made the victim of. FINGERS — To cut one's fingers in a dream, is a sign that you are about to lose a friend on account of a serious disagreement ; if you see yourself with more fingers than the normal number, your mar- riage will be a failure. •6 * * FINGER-NAILS — There are few worse omens than nails seen in a dream ; they mean wretchedness, suffering, sorrows and quarrels. Fish 60 Fire-Works FISH — Live white or red fish in a dream, mean success ; to see dead fish is a prognostic of worries, disputing, and even death. *** FISH-HOOKS— In a dream, fish-hooks signify treason. *** FISHING — You will soon be deserted and in trouble if, in a dream, you see yourself fishing. ^ ^ ^ FIRE — To dream of a small fire means pleas- ures in store ; if it is a large conflagration, some great festivity is soon to come off ; if a fire is slowly starting, sincere love will soon come to you; if it starts suddenly, there is a threat of quarrelling; if you dream you are touching fire without burning yourself, success is yours ; but if you are painfully burned in the act, you will meet with great disap- pointment and failure. *** FIRE-ARMS— See Shot-Gun. FIRE- WORKS— A birth is often announced by brilliant fire-works seen in a dream. Flag 61 Flounders FLAG — In a dream, a waving flag means dis- honor ; however, to see yourself holding one in your hand is a sign of momentary success. ^> •* ^ FLAG-STONES— If you dream of flag-stones, beware of the treachery of so-called friends. ^ ^> ^> FLAMES — Brilliant flames seen in a dream prognosticate some fine festivity soon forthcoming. ^v t •» FLEET — To dream of a fleet of men-of-war is a sure promise of the fullest realization of your hopes. *** FLIES — In a dream, flies mean rivalries and jealousies. •© ^ ^ FLIGHT — To dream one is running away is a token of catastrophe. FLOOD — To dream of a flood is a threat of a slanderous attack upon your reputation. FLOUNDERS— To dream of the fish called flounders, is a sign of dire poverty coming. Flour 62 Forehead FLOUR — There are riches promised to one who dreams of flour. ^> •* •» FLOWERS — To dream you see flowers is the sign of a valuable friendship; if you are wearing them, you will soon be married ; if you are throwing them away, worries await you ; if you tear them to pieces, a sure sign of divorce ; if you pluck them, a token of good health. *** FLUTE — Should you hear a flute in your dreams, there will be a birth in the house. ^ ^ •% FODDER — A dream in which some kind of fodder appears, is a sign of prosperity coming. ^> ^ ^ FOILS — To see fencing-foils in a dream is a threat of mishap ; to see one's self using one of them is a very lucky omen. •» •£ ^ FOREST — Appearing in a dream, a forest or wood announces dire anxiety and heavy losses. ^ ^ •£ FOREHEAD — A low forehead seen in a dream, Forge 63 Fortune-Teller means stupidity on the part of the dreamer ; a high one, intelligence ; one almost covered with hair, some bitter hatred at work against you ; a white and unwrinkled brow, an unclouded future in sight. FORGE — To dream of a forge in operation, means that through hard work you will succeed brilliantly. FORK — A pitch-fork or table-fork seen in a dream, means that you are about to be the victim of some wicked intrigue FORSAKING— If you dream that you are for- saking your wife (or husband), it means great joys in store for you; if you are forsaking of changing your occupation, somebody's dishonesty will cause you a heavy loss. If you dream that you are aban- doning your home, your business is to grow more and more profitable. FORT — To see a fort or fortress in your dream is a threat of strife, law-suit and prison. FORTUNE-TELLING— To dream that you Fountain 64 Frogs are having your fortune told is a token of a lot of cruel gossip, slander and calumny that will render life a burden to the dreamer. FOUNTAIN — A clear, limpid fountain means excellent health and all the comforts of life ; if the water is muddy, many grievous worries await you. FOX — To dream of a fox is a warning of some treachery awaiting you ; to kill one means luck ahead. ^> *^ •% FRIEND — To dream of a friend alive means pleasure ahead ; to see yourself having a good time with him is a sure omen of trouble ahead ; to see him dead means financial worries to assail you very soon. *«* FRITTERS— To dream that you see or eat frit- ters of any kind is a promise of good times. *** FROGS — Trouble, illness and disappointments through false friends, are foretold by frogs seen or heard in a dream. Frost 65 Gallows FROST — If, in your dream, you see the evi- dence of frost, you have therein a strong assurance of success. ^ ^ ^ FRUIT — To dream of fruit is a promise of profit and pleasures. To eat fruit is a threat of feminine deceit ; to throw away fruit in a dream, prognosti- cates some imminent calamity. *** FUNERAL — To dream of a funeral means a marriage in the immediate future ; to dream you see yourself or some one else buried alive, is a promise of a large inheritance. ^ ^> ^ FURS — There is a promise of comfortable se- curity in a vision of furs, in a dream. ^> ^ *v c GAFF — To dream of a gaff, or boat-hook, means that you will soon be the victim of a dan- gerous set of plotters. ^ ^ ^ GALLOWS — To dream of a gallows or of someone being hanged, is a terrible omen of disaster and death. Gambler 66 Garlic GAMBLER — A gambler or a gambling house seen in a dream, always signifies treachery sur- rounding you. GAME — There is pleasurable comfort in store for you if you dream of game. *** GAMES — When played in a dream, all games are disastrous omens. ^ ^ ^ GANGRENE— To dream of mortification or gangrene setting in is a threat of a painful separa- tion. •p ^ ^ GARBAGE — To see or sweep garbage is a threat of coming separation or divorce. GARDEN — A well kept garden promises the dreamer pleasure and profits ; an ill-kept one, is an omen of ruin. GARLIC — The taste of garlic in your dream, threatens you with the treason of your best loved one. Garret 67 Glass GARRET — In a dream, to see or find one's self in a garret is a highly favorable omen. GARTERS — Who sees garters in his dream may expect an illness in the near future. ^ ^ ^ GAUZE — To dream of that airy tissue named gauze is to be notified of some hypocrisy at work against you. GEESE — To dream about geese is an assurance of joy and luck ahead. GIA.NT — In a dream, a giant means sudden good fortune. For a one-eyed giant — see Cyclops. *** GIRDLE — To dream that you see a girdle, means that your marriage will very soon take place ; if the girdle is green or blue your happiness is as- sured ; if it is made of gold or silver, great worries will make your life a burden. GLASS — All objects made of glass, when seen in dreams, refer to ladies. If you see yourself re- Gloves 68 Gold ceiving a glass of water, there will soon be a mar- riage or a child-birth in your family; should the glass break just then but no water be spilled, moth- er and child will come safely through the ordeal; should the water be spilled and the glass remain unbroken, the mother will recover, but the babe will die. ^ ^ •» GLOVES — It is a very unlucky omen to dream of gloves. GOAT — If you dream of a billy-goat, your health will be poor ; if you only see its horns, w r ant will stare you in the face ; but if, in your dream, you, or someone else, kills the animal, luck is on your side. ^ •£ ^ GOBLET — To dream of a goblet is a sign of exaggerated conceit on the part of the dreamer. ^ t •? GOLD — To dream of gold is an omen of losses, of disputes, of all-round ill-luck ; if you see yourself finding gold you will have a short period of success ; but, on the whole, it is far better never to see gold in your dreams ; you will see more of it when awake. Ghost 69 Greyhound GHOST— See Specter. GOSSIP — To hear a lot of gossip, in your dream, promises you some small profit. ^v ^ ^> GOUT — To feel a twinge of the gout in your dream, is evidence of your laziness and apathy in matters of importance. GRAND-PARENTS— To dream of grand-par- ents is a harbinger of inheritance. GRAPES — Much joy and large profits are promised to one who dreams of grapes. •tfttae GRASS — To see grass in a dream, is a prognos- tic of fortune. GRASSHOPPERS— To dream of grasshoppers prognosticates a wretched future and great poverty due to a lack of energy on the part of the dreamer. GREYHOUND — Seen in a dream, a greyhound Grinding; 70 Hair is evidence of silly, improvident and extravagant habits on the part of the dreamer. GRINDING — To see yourself, in a dream, grinding coffee, announces many worries coming ; grinding wheat, a fortune is in store for you ; grind- ing pepper, you may expect a great sorrow. *** GUDGEONS— To dream that you see gud- geons, sign of success , that you are catching them, omen of betrayal of a trusted one. GUILLOTINE— In a dream, the fatal instru- ment called a "guillotine" is a promise of great for- tune GUNS— See Shot-guns. H HAIL — To see or hear hail falling in your dream, is a threat of worries. HAIR — When dreaming of hair, if it is white, high honors are soon to be bestowed upon you ; Hairdresser 71 Handcuffs if it is blonde, a friendship will stand by you ; if it is black a threat of terrible misfortune ; if it is a mix- ture of two colors, an omen of separation or divorce ; if you dream that you are holding cut-hair in your hand, your revenge will be fully accomplished. *** HAIRDRESSER— The appearance of a hair- dresser in your dream foretells some festivity soon to take place. *** HALL — If you dream of yourself in a large hall, there are great profits coming to you. If it is the Hall of Congress, you may expect treachery from those you believe your best friends. HAM — There is a sign of large profits in a dream wherein hams are prominent. me* HAMMER — Much wretchedness and poverty is in store for one who dreams of a hammer. *** HANDCUFFS— To see yourself with hand- cuffs or simply to see them lying about, is a warning of the gravest business difficulties ahead, Hands 72 Harem HANDS — In a dream, to see hands means, if they are white, large profits ; if they are dirty, a theft at your expense ; if they are thick and heavy, a val- uable friendship; if they are entwined, someone's faithful devotion ; if they are cut at the wrist, your ruin is to be completed in the near future. Finally, if you dream that you are washing your hands, a large fortune will soon come to you. •p ^> ^v HANGINGS — Any kind of hangings conspicu- ous in a dream, mean that the pleasures in store for you will be deceiving in every way. ^ ^ ^ HARE — To dream of a dead hare, is a most fav- orable omen ; but if you dream that he is running away from you, you will surely run into debt, the consequence of your spendthrift ways. HARLEQUIN — An harlequin in his motley garb, seen in a dream, is a warning of a deception from which you will cruelly suffer; but to see your- self in that queer costume promises you that a great, but unholy joy is in store for you. **« HAREM — There are lots of pleasure ahead for one who dreams of a harem. Harness 73 Headgear HARNESS — To dream of harness means that you will very soon start on a journey. HARPOON — Whoever dreams of harpoons will be beset by intrigues and treachery. *** HARVEST — To witness or take part in a har- vest, is a sign of prosperity. ««* "HASH-HOUSE' — To dream of a low-class restaurant or boarding-house, popularly known as a "hash-house" is an assurance of long life. HAY — To see hay in a dream is a favorable sign ; to see one's self cutting hay announces a sor- row coming. HEAD — To dream of a head, even if it is cut off, may be an assurance of plenty of luck, health and money; but if the head is ugly or repulsively dirty, the dreamer may expect the worst kind of worries and insults. HEADGEAR — Any kind of hat or bonnet, for Hearse 74 Hips male or female use, if seen in a dream, is a sign of betrayal on the part of your husband (or wife). HEARSE — Seen in a dream, a hearse signifies sorrow and loss. ^! ^> ^ HENS— Merely to see hens in a dream, is quite lucky ; but to see yourself killing hens or chickens, is a warning of disaster. *«« HEDGE-HOG— Many business troubles will assail one who dreams of hedge-hogs. HERRING — To dream of fresh herring means success ; of red herring, trouble. HIPPODROME— To dream of a circus ring or hippodrome is a most favorable prognostic. *** HIPS — Well proportioned hips seen in a dream are a promise of happiness ; if they are too narrow, there is divorce and even death in store for you ; if they are too broad, you are threatened with a fatal disease ; if they are wounded, there will be serious trouble in your home. Hog 75 Horse HOG— See Pig. HOLD-UP — If you dream you are waylaid or held up, you may expect many serious troubles in the immediate future. *** HOLE — In a dream, to gaze at a hole, or, worse, to fall into it, is an omen of death, *** HONEY — Plenty of money is in store for you if you dream of honey. *** HOOKS-AND-EYES — Hooks-and-eyes, in dreams, are to be interpreted as announcing varied pleasures of the most charming nature. *** HOOTING — To be hissed and hooted, in one's dream, is a sign of coming worries. **« HORNS — To see horns on one's forehead, in a dream, means treason on the part of the dreamer's sweetheart. ««« HORSE — To see a horse in a dream is a sign Horseback-Riders 76 Horse-Shoeing of happiness ; to see yourself riding one, a sign of success; to see a white horse, unexpected riches coming ; if he is black, your success will not be com- plete; if you see him between shafts, some minor troubles are in store for you ; if he is wounded, it is an omen of bad luck ; if he shows himself restive, you will have to go through much hard work ; if you dream that you are killing a horse, a great sorrow threatens you *** HORSEBACK-RIDERS— Riders, of either sex, seen in a dream, reveal the extreme vanity of the dreamer. *** HORSE-CHESTNUTS— Seen in a dream, horse-chestunts give warnings of endless home- quarrels and worries. **« HORSE-SHOE— To see one's self, in a dream, picking up a horse-shoe, is very lucky ; if you sim- ply see one, a journey will soon be undertaken by you. **« HORSE-SHOEING— To dream of a horse be- ing shod is a sign of great luck coming. Morse-Traders 77 Hugging HORSE-TRADERS— To dream of horse-trad- ers or horse-trading, is a sign that you are about to be cruellly cheated. **« HORSE-TROUGH— To dream of a horse- trough filled with clear water, an excellent omen; filled with dirty water, grave troubles ahead. *** HOSPITAL— Seen in a dream, a hospital means extreme want. HOTEL — To see a hotel is a sign of imminent departure on a journey. *t*tn HOWLING — To hear howls in a dream is an omen of death. HOUSE — To dream of a house signifies profits ; if it has been burned, there is fortune with honor in store for the dreamer ; if you see yourself building it, you will enjoy but a deceptive pleasure ; if instead, you are having it pulled down, your undoing is a matter of a short time. HUGGING— To dream that vou are either Hunger 78 Hydrophobia hugged or hugging, means that some nasty trick is about to be played on you by pretended friends. ^ ^t •» HUNGER— To feel the pangs of hunger, in a dream, is a very lucky omen. HUNTING — To see yourself in a dream, going out shooting or hunting is the omen of a death a- mong your nearest friends ; but if you see yourself coming back from such an expedition, there is ex- cellent health in store for you. •*> ^ ^ HUNTING-HORN— To dream of a hunting horn is a threat of dishonor; if you hear yourself playing it, you will surely receive a heavy sentence in court. ^ ^ ^ HYMNS — The singing of hymns in a dream announces the death of the dreamer. ^ ^ ^ HYDROPHOBIA— Any animal affected with rabies, appearing in a dream means that the dreamer wil suffer grievously through his own stupidity. Hyena 79 Illuminations HYENA — Seen in a dream, a hyena is a threat of a cruel sorrow coming. 9%, Wp <^, HYPOCRITE— To see a hypocritical fellow in a dream, is a warning of some treachery a-foot against you. I ICE — Who dreams of ice or ice-cold water is sure to meet with success. W}, •£ #5 IDIOT — There is a serious grief in store for you if you dream of one of those benighted beings called natural idiots. *** IDOLS — Anxieties will torment one who dreams of idols. wt9tm ILLNESS — To dream of disease is a warning of danger. i£ i| t? -^ ILLUMINATIONS— Poverty and other wor- ries will be the share of one who dreams of illumina- tions. Imprisonment 80 Intoxication IMPRISONMENT— Perfect happiness is com- ing to one who sees himself in his dream behind prison-bars. •b ^ *P INFIRMITIES— To dream of old age's infirmi- ties is an assurance that you will live to a green old age. •5 ^fe ^ INHERITANCE— To dream of an inheritance is an omen of some near relative's early death. ^ PS ^ INK — To spil ink in a dream is a threat of brok- en engagement ; but dreaming of ink in any other way is a favorable omen. •» ^ ^ INN — A village inn, seen in a dream, gives warning of many losses to be expected very soon. INSANITY — To dream of insanity or of some insane person, is an omen of great trouble ; to see yourself becoming insane, is an excellent promise of a long life. *«« INTOXICATION— If moderate and within Inundation 81 Itching bounds, intoxication indulged, in or gazed upon in a dream, is a favorable sign; if it is beastly and brutal, it is a warning of most terrible retribution. •^ ^ ^ INUNDATION— There is sadness, loss of cour- age and illness for one who sees an inundation in his dream. *«« INVECTIVES— One who hears invectives and insults addressed to him in a dream, may count upon a long spell of enjoyment. ^ •£ ^ IRON — Simply to see some iron in a dream means profits ; but if it is burning hot, sorrows are forthcoming. ISLAND — To see an island in a dream foretells that the dreamer will be wantonly forsaken. t *p ^> ITCH — To dream that you are afflicted with "the itch" is one of the most favorable omens you may desire. ^v t •» ITCHING — If you suffer from some other sort Ivy 82 Jaws of itching, in your dream, you will surely meet with misfortune. ™ ^ •> IVY — Seen in a dream ivy means strong trust- worthy friendship in store for the dreamer. JAM — To dream of jam or preserves is a threat of financial losses. t ^ ^ JANITOR — Appearing in a dream, a janitor al- ways signifies gossip of the worst kind about to ruin your happiness. ^ ^ ^ JAUNDICE — To dream about jaundice is a warning of treachery at work to ruin you. W£ «^ ^ JAVELINS — Temporary troubles must be expected by one who dreams of javelins, shafts or spears. JAWS — There is a sign of illness for anyone dreaming of jaws. Jay 83 Killing JAY — Who sees a jay-bird in his dream will awake to find many new cares awaiting him. *«« JEWELRY — There are many cares and no little danger in store for one who dreams of jewelry. JUDGE — A dream about a judge signifies that you are surrounded by intrigue, opposition and ill- feeling. JUG — In a dream to see a jug very prominent is an omen of loss due to a fault of judgment on your part or that of an intimate friend or relative. K KANGAROO — A kangaroo in a dream an- nounces prolonged worries ; but if you see yourself killing one, you will meet with a streak of luck. KEYS — A vision of keys, in a dream, means many worries and very narrows means to live on. KILLING — If you see yourself killing someone Kindlingwood 84 Kissing in a dream, you will be sure to meet, very shortly, with disaster and even death. ^ ^ ^ KINDLING-WOOD— See Faggots. •£ ^> ^» KING OR EMPEROR— To see yourself in a dream, a King or an Emperor, means that you are soon to be made the victim of impudent flatterers. KIOSK — To see in a dream an elegant little pavilion known as a kiosk is a sign of peace and plenty ; but if you gaze upon yourself building one, there will certainly be trouble between you and your sweetheart. Wf, ^ ^ KISSES — There are many meanings given to kisses bestowed in a dream; here are the leading- ones : According to the Hindoos : — Kissing someone in a dream out of mere affec- tion, is a sign that you will be his (or her) benefac- tor ; if you give him or her a real love-kiss, you will be yourself the recipient of the benefits. v If you kiss on the neck: great happiness is in store for the one you kiss. If the kiss is given on the shoulder, you will be highly thought of by a Kite 85 Knife-Grinder person of the other sex ; if given on the arm, your benefactor will be a brother or close friend. If you dream you are kissing a beloved one already dead but alive in your dream, his or her heirs will do you a great kindness. According to the Persians and Egyptians : If you dream that you are kissing a sworn enemy hoping to conciliate him (or her), the misunderstand- ing will grow still more bitter. If the person thus kissed is not a real enemy, your kissing him means that he will soon reveal to you weighty secrets. Kissing one who is dead is a sign of great sorrow. Hugging a horse or a donkey or a mule in a dream means happiness and prosperity your life long. Hugging a monkey in your dream is a warning to beware of a dangerous enemy who makes a great show of being devoted to you. Kissing a near rel- ative, promises you his gratitude in proportion to the pleasure and enthusiasm you put in your dream- kiss. KITE — There is a law suit coming when you dream of a kite. KNIFE-GRINDER— To hear or see a knife- grinder passing or at work, is an omen of a heavy loss at cards or in some speculation. Knitting 86 Labyrinth KNITTING— To dream of knitting is the omen of much silly gossip hurting your prospects or rep- utation. **« KNIVES — Disagreement between friends will surely follow a vision of knives in a dream* Should they be crossed, death will ensue. If a knife wounds you, in a dream, it is a sign of murder. ^ ^ ^ KNOTS — Endless money difficulties will be the lot of one who dreams of knots. ^ ^ ^ KNOUT — To see one's self in a dream, thrashed with the terrible Russian whip, called "Knout" is a threat of home-quarrels. L LABORATORY— In a dream, to see a labora- tory is a sign of grave peril ahead. LABYRINTH— To try, in a dream, to find one's way through a maze or labyrinth is a warning of great worries and difficulties. Laces 87 Lance LACES — He spends his money too quickly or too freely who dreams of laces. ^> ^ ^ LADDER — To climb a ladder in your dream, means success obtained by dangerous methods; to see yourself descending a ladder is a sign of total ruin and bankruptcy. ^ ^ ^ LAKE — The limpid waters of a lake, seen in a dream, speak of perfect friendship ; while if the lake is either muddy or agitated, there is some quarrel- ling soon to worry you. ^ ^» ^> LAMBS— See Sheep. LAMP — A lighted lamp, seen in a dream, means extreme conceit ; extinguished, it foretells the death of the dreamer. ™ ^ ^ LAMP-POST — There is success in store for one who sees a lighted lamp-post in a dream. ^ ^ ^ LANCE — Quarrelling will soon greatly annoy one who dreams of lances, Lancet 88 Laundering LANCET — Who dreams of a surgeon's lancet will soon be overjoyed with goods news. *** LANDAU — The carriage called a landau, when- ever seen in a dream, is a threat of illness and money losses. ^ ^ •? LANTERN — There is success in store for one who sees a lantern in his dream. ^ ^ ^ LARKS — To dream of larks (the birdies are here meant), is a sign of excellent luck ; but if they are roasted, great troubles are about to break over your head. LAUDANUM — Misfortune is in store for you if you dream of drinking or simply looking at a large dose of laudanum. t ^p *p LAUGHING — If you laugh or hear any one laughing, in your dream, you may expect worries and losses. LAUNDERING— You will be some one's slave for a long time yet, if not to your dying day, if you Laurel 89 Leeches dream of laundry-work done either by you or by others. ^ •© ^ LAUREL — In all shapes, laurel is a highly fav- orable omen. *** LAWYERS — Dreaming of lawyers bespeaks many quarrels, worries, losses of time and money, with but slight, final satisfaction, if any. LAWNS — To gaze upon lawns and grass-plots, is a sign of good health ; to run over them is a prog- nostic of worries. •in* LAW-SUIT — Whoever dreams of law-suit, will soon go through separation proceedings or a div- orce-trial. •^ ^ ^ LEAD — To see lead in a dream means inherit- ance coming. ««« LEAVES — To dream of leaves is an omen of severe illness. *** LEECHES — Help will come to you in the nick- of time, if you dream of leeches. Legs 90 Lettuce LEGS — In a dream, legs mean success and plen- ty of money; but wooden legs are ominous to a degree. ^ ^> ^ LENTILS — To dream of lentils means that one of your close relatives is to be branded a scoundrel. •p •fl ^v LEOPARD — The dreamer who dreams of a leopard, is himself a braggard and a scamp. ^ *U ^J LEPROSY — You will surely make your money by undesirable means if you dream of being afflic- ted with leprosy or of simply gazing upon a leper. •to ^» ^j LETTER — If you dream you are receiving a letter, expect one very soon from a far-off country ; if you see yourself writing one, that is evidence that your imagination is fertile. LETTER-CARRIER— News is due very soon if you dream of a postman or letter-carrier. ttHK LETTUCE— There is illness and trouble ahead for one who dreams of lettuce. LIco 91 Lioness LICE — When you destroy lice, in a dream, you have much luck ahead; but if they are of the red variety, you must expect great poverty. LIGHTNING— Flashes of lightning crossing your dream, threaten you with a love-quarrel. LIKENESS— See Portrait. LIMP — To see in a dream, someone limping badly, or to gaze upon one's self thus afflicted, warns you of great troubles in your business. LINEN — To dream of linen, white goods, etc., is a sign of riches coming. LION — The roaring of the lion, heard in a dream, is an omen of death ; to see one's self killing or taming a lion, is a promise of great siiccess ; to see one in a cage, means some new friendship com- ing to you as a blessing. *** LIONESS — To dream of a lioness is an omen of peace, Liquor 92 Loto LIQUOR — There is riches in prospect for one who dreams of liquor. LIQUOR-STORE— See Bar-Room. ^> •> ^ LIZARDS — There are pitfalls in the way of one who dreams of lizards. ^^ ^ ^ LOADED MINE— To dream of a mine or tor- pedo being loaded by you or in your presence is a promise of large profits ; if you see it explode, there will shortly be a death in the family. ^* ^ ^% LOBSTER — To dream of a live lobster means success ; of a cooked one, joy. LOCK — To dream of door-locks is a promise of security and quiet. •^ ^ ^ LOCOMOTIVE— You may expect many wor- ries and an unpleasant journey forced upon you, if you dream of a railroad engine. ^» ^ ^ LOTO — In a dream, the game of loto means trouble and loss. Lottery 93 flacaroni LOTTERY— There are nothing but losses and failure in store for one who dreams of lotteries. *** LOW- NECK DRESS— Worn by a pretty lady, a low-neck dress, seen in a dream, is an omen of marriage ; if the lady is plain — or worse — very ser- ious worries will be the dreamer's lot. LOOKING-GLASS— See Mirror. ^ ^ ^ LUTE — The graceful form of the ancient instru- ment called a lute, appearing in a dream, promises a marriage or some other festivity in the near future. ^ ^ ^ LYRE — In a dream, who sees a lyre may expect a funeral. M MACADAM — To dream of a macadamized road, is a sign of safe investments and comfortable circumstances. *** MACARONI — Whoever sees or eats maca- roni isi his dream, will soon be face to face with poverty. riagician 94 flanufacture MAGICIAN — There is warning of mendacity and treachery at work against the dreamer who sees a magician or conjurer in his sleep. •5 ^ ^ MAIZE — In a dream, maize or corn is an omen of prosperity; but empty cornstalks mean poverty ahead. *** MAN — To dream of a man is a sign of unpleas- ant gossip ; if he is very plain-looking, expect a quarrel ; if he is colored, you are threatened with trouble and money-losses. *** MAN-OF-WAR — The sight of a war-vessel in a dream, is assurance of a pleasurable voyage soon to be undertaken ; but if the man-of-war is seen by you in a disabled condition, expect some great mis- fortune. MANTILLA — There is deceit at work against one who dreams of a Spanish mantilla. •b ^ ^ MANUFACTURE— A factory in operation, seen in a dream, prognosticates good business suc- cess. flanure 95 ilarriage MANURE — In a dream, the sight of manure, especially if you are soiled by it is an omen of great financial luck. ^ ^ •? MANUSCRIPT— To dream of some ancient manuscript, yellow with age, means that the dream- er will soon give evidence of inventive genius. MARBLE — A block of marble seen in a dream, means a coming inheritance. ^ ^% ^ MARE — There is comfort in immediate pros- pect for one who dreams of a mare. MARKET— See Store. MARMALADE — To dream of marmalade is a detestable prognostic. ^ ^ ^ MARMOT — Whoever dreams of a marmot will be affected with chronic laziness and indifference. MARRIAGE — To dream of a marriage with a relative, is an omen of danger; with a handsome Masquerading 96 Meadow person, there is joy in store ; with a decidedly plain- looking one, sorrow will be your lot. MASQUERADING— To see one's self or an- other, in a mask and disguise, in a dream, is a sign of duplicity. ^ ^ ^ MATCHES— Sulphur matches, (they are not made in heaven), seen or smelled in a dream, are a sign of quarrelling and deceiving from which the dreamer will greatly suffer. •p ^ ^ MATTRESS — There is danger announced by a dream in \\ hich a mattress is in evidence. MAUSOLEUM — Seen in a dream, a mausole- um or monumental tomb, means at the same time a marriage, a birth and an inheritance, all due within a year. MAY-BUGS — Agricultural failure or illness or both, will be the lot of one who dreams of May- bugs. •5 ^ ^ MEADOW — Comfort and material prosperity Meat 91 Merchandise are in store for one who dreams of a meadow or pas- ture land. MEAT— To see yourself eating meat, in a dream, is a token of joy ahead. it ten MEDICINE— To see one's self swallowing some medicine is an omen of illness and worries. *, * k MELON— No better omen of success than to dream of melons. MENAGERIE— To dream of a menagerie is to be assured that you will be blessed with the gift of a sincere friendship. *** MENDING— Clothes and stockings being mended in a dream, especially if the dreamer is do- ing the work, means an inheritance soon to come his way. *** MERCHANDISE— To see, in a dream, mer- chandise piled about, means that you are being robbed at home. Merchant 98 Mill* Dam MERCHANT— To dream that you meet a mer- chant of some importance, is for you an omen of suc- cess in your favorite enterprise. t ^» ^^ MESHES— -To dream of any kind of meshes means losses and worries. MESSAGE — To see one's self receiving a mes- sage in a dream, is an omen of advancement in oner's profession or trade. MICE — To dream of a mouse, or mice, ann- ounces most serious troubles. MIDWIFE— ^Expect much gossiping and a probable child-birth if you dream of a midwife. ^» ^ ^ MILL — To dream of a mill means a legacy com- ing to you very soon. MILL-DAM — If you see a mill-dam, or the flood-gate or lock /or sluice of a canal or river, in your dream, be assured that pain and torment are in store for you. riilk 99 Honey MILK — In a dream, milk means a birth soon to take place. MINE — To dream of a mine in operation is an omen of danger. MINUET — In a dream to take part in the old- time dance called the minuet, is an omen of inher- itance ; just to see one danced foretells many wor- ries. MIRROR — -In a dream, to gaze at your own face, in a mirror, is a token of love ; but simply to see a mirror in your sleep, means treason. MISTLETOE— To see or pluck a twig of mis- tletoe is an omen of excellent health. •5 •» *B MONEY — To dream that you are finding mon- ey is luck ; that you are saving it, is a sign of sure loss ; that you are counting it, means quarrelling ; that you are simply gazing upon a lot of it, an- nounces some one's treachery ; that you are swal- lowing some of it, is a token of fraud about to be committed by yourself. In a few words, the more Honey-Troubles 100 Horgue money you will possess in your dreams, the less you will ever have as your own in reality. •» ^ •* MONEY-TROUBLES— To dream of money- troubles is a prognostic of complete success. ^V ^ ^> MONK — In a dream, to see a monk means a legacy in the near future. ^> ^ •* MONKEY — To dream of a monkey means that some enemy or cheat is about defrauding you of your property *** MONSTERS — All kinds of monsters appearing in a dream, are most unfortunate omens. •^ ^ ^ MOON — To dream of the moon throwing a clear light, means love and purest affection in store for you; a reddish moon is an omen of fame and fortune; a clouded moon means the death of one close to you ; a full moon is a sign of great comfort ; and a new moon prognosticates a flirtation of some importance. ^ ^ ^ MORGUE — To visit a morgue in your dream, is a warning of death among your nearest friends. ilorning 101 riourning MORNING— To see one's self in the early morning, means positive success. ^ •» ^ MOROCCO — There is success predicted by a dream wherein morocco plays a part. MORTIFICATION— If you dream that gan- grene or mortification is attacking you or someone else, it is a warning of death. MOSAIC — To dream of mosaic or some inlaid piece of furniture or jewelry, is an omen of catas- trophe. •p ^v ^ MOSQUITOES— Who dreams of mosquitoes will be the victim of envious hatred. W^ ^ ^ MOTHER — To see one's mother in a dream is a sign of happiness and peace; to give her blows, means disaster; to kill her foretells the dreamer's death. ^ ^ " MOURNING — To see yourself dressed in deep mourning, in a dream, means/a very merry time in the immediate future. Mountain 102 Huff MOUNTAIN — To dream of a very high moun- tain means great luck; if it is covered with trees, your success will be still greater ; but if it is envel- oped in flames, nothing but misfortune is in store for you. MOUTH — A small mouth seen in a dream, an- nounces a flirtation ; if it is wide, you will be blessed with a faithful friendship ; if it shows ill-kept teeth, a deep sorrow threatens you. ^ ^> ^ MOVING — To dream of furniture-moving and change of home, is a sign that you will soon be the victim of treacherous and thieving individuals. *** MOWING — To see, in a dream, yourself or someone else mowing, is an assurance of great com- fort. ^ ^ ^ MUD — Just to dream of mud, is a sign of a peaceful future ; to wade through it is a promise of extraordinary success. ^ ^ ^ MUFF — He who dreams of a muff is filled with silly conceit. flule 103 Husical -Scales MULE — You are sure to lose your next case in court, if you dream of a mule. *** MUMMY — It is a sign of chronic and even serious illness to gaze upon a mummy in a dream. ^ ^ ^ MURDERERS— If you dream of murderers there is much fatigue in store for you ; if you dream they are killing you, gravest danger ahead. MUSHROOMS— To see, to gather or to eat mushrooms in a dream, is a sure sign of quarrelling and often of a broken engagement. ^ ^ ^ MUSIC — In a dream, to make music or simply to hear some, is a promise of money and bliss in the near future. ^ ^ ^ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— There is a mar- riage and many gay hours in store for one who dreams of musical instruments. ^ ^ ^ MUSICAL SCALES— If you hear, in your dream, musical scales, sung or played, there is luck ahead for you. Mussels 104 Nakedness MUSSELS — To see or to eat mussels in a dream is evidence of the dreamer's depravity. ^ ^ ^ MUSTACHES— Many quarrels and insults will torment one who dreams of mustaches. ^v ^v t MUSTARD — In a dream, to see mustard is an omen of quarrelling. **« MYRTLE — There is a marriage for you shortly after you have dreamed of myrtle. ^ ^p ^ MYSTERIES— To dream of mysteries and to try in vain to solve them, means that flatteries will soon be at work trying to cheat you. N NAILS — To dream of nails is a threat of illness and worries ; if they are made of wood (in reality "pegs" and not "nails") your morals are very bad. NAKEDNESS — To dream of someone entirely naked, is a sure sign of treachery at work to ruin you; if you see yourself running about naked or Nanny-Qoat 105 Neighbors nearly so, insanity is threatening you; if you see yourself leaving a room suddenly on discovering your state of nudity, you may be assured that you will soon suffer a mortal affront. NANNY-GOAT— See She-Goat. NAPE — To cut the nape of one's neck or to see it done before you in a dream, means great success ahead. ^ ^ •© NAVY— See Ship. NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS— To dream that you are near-sighted is a promise of long life. NEEDLES — Love-sorrows are the share of anyone who dreams of needles. **« NEGROES — To dream of negroes is a warning of additional cares and troubles. Wf, ^ Wx, NEIGHBORS— To dream of neighbors of either sex means gossip of a harmful kind. Nest 106 Noodles NEST — There is happiness and plenty of money in a dream wherein a bird-nest appears. Hftft NETS — Either hunting or fishing nets appear- ing in a dream, mean many troubles and money loss- es. ^ *v •© NETTLES — In a dream, nettles always mean worries and losses. NEWSPAPERS— If you dream of newspapers you are about to be made aware of some treason concocted at your expense. NIGHT — To dream of darkness or night is an omen of sadness. NIGHTINGALE— If you hear or simply see a nightingale in a dream, it is a promise of fidelity and peace. ^» ^ ^ NOODLES— That German dish called "noo- dles," appearing in a dream, is an omen of dire pov- erty. Nose 107 Nuts NOSE — To dream of a nose of average size means that you will soon be penniless ; if it is very thick, good luck to you; very long, a numerous family ; crooked, a woman is about to deceive you ; to see yourself noseless, means that your morals will grow from bad to worse. NOTION-STORE— To dream of anotion-store is a warning of treachery. *** NUMBNESS— To dream that you are entirely or partially benumbed, is a sign of poor sleep, of chronic illness and of feminine deceit. ^ ^ ^ NUNS — There is a legacy coming very soon to one who dreams of nuns. *** NURSE — A private or hospital nurse appearing in your dream, gives you promise of a long spell of line health. ««« NUTS — To see nuts or hazelnuts in a dream, means many cares, and narrow circumstances. Oats 108 Onions o OATS— See Fodder. *** OBELISK — To see in a dream, an obelisk (or Cleopatra's Needle) is a sign of trouble and grief. *** OCCULIST— To dream that you visit an oc- culist means that you will foil in time a plot against you. **« OIL — To dream of oil means success, satisfac- tion, fine crops. ** H OLIVES — In a dream, olive trees or olives are decidedly lucky omens. *** OMNIBUS — There is anxiety and heavy loss in store for one who sees an omnibus in his dream. *** ONE-ARMED— To dream of yourself, or someone else, having but one arm is an omen of many worries. ONIONS — Cooked onions, in a dream, mean security ; raw onions foretell quarrels. Opera 109 Oven OPERA— See Theatre. ORCHESTRA— To listen to a band of music or orchestra in a dream, is a most favorable omen. ORANGES— Much satisfaction will be the lot of one who sees or eats oranges in a dream. ORANG-OUTANG— Whoever dreams of the big monkey called an "orang-outang" will surely be the victim of a fraud. ORATOR — To hear an orator in your dream means that you will soon be cheated unmercifully. ORGAN — To play the organ or to hear it played is a lucky prognostic ; if it is a church-organ it is an omen of death. OSTRICH — To dream of an ostrich is a sure token of painful disappointment. OVEN — When you see a kitchen-oven in your Oxen 110 Oyster-Shells dream, be assured that your name will soon be on everybody's tongue. ^p *p ^ OXEN — To see oxen in a dream means profits ; if they are hornless, treachery is rampant, beware ! If you see them trotting along fast, some indiscre- tion will cause you great trouble ; if they are seen at w T ork, riches will soon be yours ; if they are fighting, a precious friendship will be your comfort ; if they are drinking ,in your dream, you are threatened with a loss by theft; if you see yourself leading them along, lots of fun is in store ; if you kill them, a cruel sorrow will overwhelm you ; finally, if you buy oxen in your dream, you will soon suffer from chills and fever. ^ •£ *B OWL — Sadness and even death will come very soon to one who dreams of an owl. ^ •£ •£ OYSTERS — In a dream, to see oysters is evi- dence of low instincts in the dreamer ; to see your- self eating oysters, proves you a confirmed gour- mand. , ^ ^ *B OYSTER-SHELLS— Empty oyster-shells, in a dream, mean losses and worries. Padded-Cell m Painting P PADDED-CELL— Only sadness and deepest despondency can result from a dream wherein you see yourself in an insane asylum's padded-cell. PADLOCK— To dream of a padlock means that all the precautions you are so carefully taking will be of no avail. PAGODA — The Chinese building, known as a "pagoda/" seen in a dream, promises an inheritance. ^ ^ ^i PAIN — If you feel physical pain, in a dream, your luck will be growing better every day. ^ ^ 's PAINT — To dream of receiving paint on one's hands and clothes, means dishonor and ruin in the near future; if you see yourself daubing someo ; else with paint, you have pleasant times ahead. PAINTER'S BRUSHES— There is an omen of success in painter's brushes when seen in a dream. *m* PAINTING — All kinds of painting, artistic or Palace 112 Paper commercial, are prognostics of pleasure and luck ahead. ten* PALACE — Many troubles are in store for him who dreams of a palace. PALM-TREK— To dream of a palm-tree is a most favorable omen. PANORAMA — Seen in a dream a panorama means* many serious troubles in the near future. ♦ nn*t PANTHER— There is hatred and duplicity at work against one who sees a panther in his dream ; if he sees himself killing it, he will surely triumph over his treacherous enemies. •* H * PANTOMIME— To witness, in a dream, an old-fashioned pantomime, is to be promised much success and great profits. PAPER — White paper, in a dream, means news on the way ; colored paper foretells treachery at work. Paradise 113 Passing-Bel! PARADISE — To dream of paradise is an omen of death. PARENTS— See Father and Mother. PARK — To see or visit a park, in a dream, means financial advancement and happiness ; but if the park is poorly kept, there are great losses ahead. *** PARLIAMENT— To dream of the British Par- liament, American Congress, French House of Dep- uties or German Reichstag is a warning that then is treachery on foot to ruin you. t ^ ^ PARRICIDE — To dream that you are commit- ting, or witnessing, a parricide, is an omen of terri- ble anxieties and sorrow ; probably death. *** PARROT — In a dream, a parrot means that wicked people are gossiping at your expense. *** PASSING-BELL— To hear the knell or pass- ing-bell in a dream, is an omen of death for the dreamer. Pastry 114 Pears PASTRY — There are worries in store for one who dreams of pastry or pastry-cook. *** PATENT-MEDICINE— To dream of some "cure-air' patent-medicine is a lucky omen. ^ ^ ^ PAUNCH — To dream of a rotund paunch is a promise of happiness, health and fortune ; the con- trary means sorrows ahead. PAWNSHOP — To dream of a pawnshop is a wa r ning that you will soon be deserted, sorrowful and in want. ««« PEACHES — Many joys are promised to one who dreams of peaches. *** PEACOCK — The dreamer who sees a peacock in his sleep, is most certainly conceited to an ex- treme degree. PEARLS — Appearing in a dream, pearls fore- tell hard times and straightened circumstances. *«* PEARS — To dream that you are gathering Peas 115 Persian Cat pears is a promise of pleasure ; that you are eating pears is an omen of death. ^ •*» ^ PEAS — To see green peas is a sign of health; but if they are already cooked, illness is very near. •s ^> ^ PEBBLES — Sorrows and worries follow the sight of pebbles in a dream, •p *p •* PEGS— See Nails. ^ ^ ^j PENAL SERVITUDE— To hear one's self sentenced to penal servitude, is a sure sign of suc- cess in the dreamer's pet enterprise. ™ •*» #^ PENALTIES— All penalties, especially fines, which you dream of, mean that you are going to be extraordinarily successful. •to ^b ^ PERFUMES — If you smell perfumes in your dream you will meet with the greatest success in your enterprises. •5 •£ ^ PERSIAN CAT— You will soon be robbed if Pest 116 Pigeons you see a Persian cat (one with long hair and blue eyes) in your dream ; if he bites you besides, a great sorrow will visit you. *** PEST — Misfortune and poverty threaten one who dreams of a pest or plague. *«* PETTICOAT— To see a petticoat in a dream means that you must prepare yourself for much trouble and sorrow. *** PHEASANTS — To dream of pheasants is fav- orable; to see yourself shooting pheasants, great danger ahead. ««« PHYSICIAN— It is a highly favorable prog- nostic to dream of a physician. ^ ^ ^ PIAXO — See Musical Instruments. PICTURES — There are many worries in store for one who dreams he is gazing at pictures. PIGEONS— See Doves. Pies 117 Pins PIES — To be making pies in a dream, is a prom- ise of financial profit; to see one's self eating a pie, means good news to reach one soon. PIG — To dream of a pig is most lucky as to all money matters. PIMPLES — In a dream, all kinds of pimples or pustules, are interpreted as announcing excellent fortune ahead. *** PINCERS — To see or hold pincers or nippers is an omen of cruel anxieties. PINE-APPLES— To dream of pine-apples means profits coming ; but if you eat some in your dream, your wife (or husband) is about to deceive you. *** PINCH OF SNUFF— To take, or see any one else take, a pinch of snuff in a dream, means worries and illness ahead. PINS — Quarrelling is the meaning of pins, seen in a dream. Pipe 118 Plowing PIPE — To see or smoke a pipe in a dream, is a promise of delightful quiet. •p •> •$ PIPING — There is luck in store for whoever dreams of pipes or underground conduits. PISTOL— See Shot-Guns. PLANE — Whoever sees in his dream a carpen- ter's plane will succeed in life by sheer hard work. *** PLASTER — Sorrow and suffering are the meaning of plaster seen in a dream. *«* PLATE — To dream that you are purchasing silverware is an assurance of persistent poverty ; if you see such goods but do not buy them, this an- nounces to you a family gathering soon to take place. PLOWING — To see plowing done, or to see yourself, in a dream, handling a plow, is an omen of joy and plenty. Plows 119 Polishing PLOWS — There is some serious misfortune close at hand when you dream of a plow. ^> ^v ^5 PLUMS — In a dream, fresh plums are an excel- lent prognostic; dried plums or prunes foretell serious worries. •tun POP — To dream of pop announces a birth soon to happen. POISON — Grave misfortune will assail one who dreams of poison. POLE-CAT — If you see a pole-cat in your dream, be assured that someone is plotting your un- doing. POLICEMAN— If a "Bobby" or "Cop" or "gendarme" appears in your dream, dishonor and disaster will be waiting for you when you awake. *** POLISHING — In your dream, if you do, or see anyone doing, some active polishing, you may de- pend that there is lots of unpleasant quarrellitig in store for you in the near future. Politicians 120 Pork and Sausage POLITICIANS— To dream of politicians prog- nosticates endless and fruitless discussions. *** POOL — To gaze into a clear pool, in a dream, gives promise of sincere friendship ; if the water is muddy, quarrels are in sight ; if dead fish float on the surface, dire poverty will soon stare you in the face. •p ^ ^ POOR — To see very poor people in a dream is an omen of grievous cares ahead. POPE — A vision of the pope in your dream, means your death within a short space of time. *** POPLARS— To dream of poplars, if they are green with leaves, is a token of hope ; if they are leafless or shattered, only cares are in store for you ; if you see yourself climbing a poplar tree, you may consider luck to be with you. PORK AND SAUSAGE— The sundry articles of food made from hog's meat, etc., whenever they appear in a drearn are prognostics of a remarkable run of luck. Porringer 121 Present PORRINGER— To dream of any kind of por- ringer or platter such as the sailors and soldiers use at meals, is a token of great riches coming. PORTRAIT— In dream, a portrait means bliss for the one whose face it represents ; should you destroy a portrait in a dream, it is an omen of death. *** POSTMAN— See Letter-Carrier. PREACHING — In your dream, to be listening to a sermon means that the dreamer is good and kind at heart. PRECIPICE — In a dream to fall into a preci- pice or simply to gaze into one, is a warning of treachery. *** PRESENT — Receiving a present in your dream is a token of many worries ; if it comes from a man, hatred will be the consequence ; from a maiden, an engagement will be broken ; from a married woman, great danger ahead in the very near future. Priest 122 Property PRIEST— To dream of a priest (in R. C. robes) means the death of a close relative, to occur very soon ; if the priest is very cheerful, you will inherit money from the person about to die. Taken as a whole, to dream of a priest is a very unfavorable omen. ^J ^ *D PRINTING-OFFICE— Many troubles are in store for him who dreams of a printing office. PRISON — To dream that you are in prison is an omen of excellent luck ; to see yourself escaping, means temporary success. *** PROCESSION— To witness, in a dream, the passing of a religious pageant or procession is an omen of heavy losses. *** PROPERTY— Valuable property received as a gift, in a dream, means marriage with a person whose personal appearance and future will be on a par with the value of the property thus received. Thus important real estate presented to you in a dream, is the prognostic of the happiest and most brilliant of marriages. Puddle 123 Pyramids PUDDLE — It is very unlucky to dream of a water or mud puddle. PULPIT — To dream that you are standing in a pulpit denotes extravagant vanity; should you hear yourself preaching from the pulpit, many sor- rows are in store for you. PURCHASES — If you dream of making many purchases, there is a fortune on its way to your pockets. PURITY OF THE AIR— To dream that you are inhaling air of a peculiarly balmy quality, will bring you luck ; but if the air "tastes bad," worries and illness will soon visit you. *** PURSE — To see a purse in your dream means temporary prosperity, if it is empty, durable suc- cess ; if it is full to overflowing, a token of mean habits and laziness ; if you dream you are finding a purse, bankruptcy is imminent ; if it is black, there are hopes for you ; if it is blue, happiness is coming. *** PYRAMIDS — A vision of pyramids in a dream, is a most brilliant prognostic of success. Quadrille 124 Rabbit Q QUADRILLE— There is an inheritance for you in the near future if you witness yourself in a dream dancing a quadrille ; but if you are only a spectator, expect nothing but disappointment, *** QUAIL — If you see a live quail in your dream, it is a promise of good times ; a dead one is a sign of much sadness. QUARREL — To hear, in a dream, a quarrel taking place, is the token of coming home troubles. QUARRELLING— To dream of your quarrel- ling, means reconciliation and friendship. QUARANTINE— Dreaming of quarantine and lazaretto is a sign of wretched poverty. *** QUAYS — If you see a quay or embankment, in a dream, there is peace and comfort in store for you. R RABBIT— To dream of a white rabbit means success in spite of the dreamer's timidity; if it is black, worries will assail you. Racket 125 Railroad-Car RACKET — To play with a racket or simply to see one, in a dream, is a most lucky omen. *** RADISHES — Whoever dreams of radishes is sure to have a large family. RAFT — To see a raft in a dream is a sign of news coming. **« RAGS — In a dream, to see yourself or others in rags, is an omen of many "close shaves" and "hard pulls" ending in prosperity. life* RAILING — To dream of a railing or grating, announces great troubles and even imprisonment. RAILROAD — To see one's self on a railroad train in a dream, is a sure omen of the dreamer being called upon to make a very long journey. •^ •£ ^ RAILROAD-CAR— Travel and unpleasantness of some kind are in store for one who merely dreams of railroad-cars or trains. Rain 126 Raven RAIN — To see rain falling is a promise of in- heritance for the dreamer, but if it is a rain-storm, he may expect serious worries. ^ ^ ^» RAINBOW — In a dream a rainbow is a prog- nostic of temporary estrangement, sometimes even to the breaking of an engagement. ^> •£ ^ RAKE— A gardener's rake, in a dream, means prosperity. ^ ^ •% RAM'S-HORNS— To dream of ram's horns is a threat of great dishonor coming . ^> t t RATS — Treachery is at work ruining you, when you dream of rats. ^ ^ ^ RATTAN-CANE— To dream of rattan or rat- tan-cane is a warning of troubles coming. •» *b •« RATTLE— The baby-toy called a rattle, when seen in a dream, foretells sorrows. •£ •> •? RAVEN— See Crow. Razor 127 Rice RAZOR — No luck is in store for whoever dreams of a razor. ^ ^ •» READING — In a dream, to see yourself read- ing some serious work, means that you will soon be advanced in your profession ; if the book read is a novel, you will enjoy fleeting satisfaction. *** REAL-ESTATE— See Property. REVOLVER— See Shot-Guns. RIBBONS — In a dream to see ribbons means that the dreamer is more or less of a spendthrift. RICH PEOPLE — In a dream, to associate with rich people is a promise of fortune and position com- ing to you very soon. ^ ^ •* RICHES — To dream that you are very rich is a threat of great poverty. ^ ^> ^s RICE — If you see yourself, in a dream, eating rice, expect great prosperity ; but if you push it aside disdainfully, nothing but want is in store for you. River 126 Rooster RIVER — A clear, large river, in your dream, prophecies security ; if the water is muddy, there are worries and losses ahead. *** RINGS — There is promise of high honors for one who dreams he is wearing a heavy gold ring. Should you dream that a ring is given you, you may feel perfectly safe ; if you are the giver, only troubles and losses are in store for you. ROAD — To see one's self on a high-road or causeway is a sign of many home troubles. •tut* ROAST — Comfort is meant by a dream of roast, or roasting-pan. ROCKS — In a dream, to see rocks means wor- ries ; to see one's self climbing rocks is an omen of final success. •s ^ •? ROOF — Great luck will come to one who sees a roof in his dream. ^ ^ ^ ROOSTER — Seen in a dream, a rooster means A NIGHTMARE. Roots 129 Ruins power and proud distinction to be bestowed upon the dreamer. *** ROOTS — In a dream, just to see roots of plants or trees means poverty coming. To eat roots is an omen of feminine treachery. ROPE — To dream of any kind of rope(except one for hanging a man) is a threat of money trou- bles. *** ROSES — There is general good fortune and happiness in the fact of seeing roses in a dream ; yellow roses, however, signify great trouble ahead. ««« ROUGE — To dream of rouge or facial make-up, signifies that treason is at work against you. ^ ^ ^ ROW-BOAT— If you dream of a row-boat, good news is to reach you very soon ; if you see the boat upset, your health will be greatly disturbed. ^ ^ t RUINS — To gaze upon a ruined building in a dream is a most fortunate omen. Running 130 Sea RUNNING — To see, in a dream, several per- sons running, is a threat of bad news and much dis- order ; if you see game running away, it is a sign of financial loss ; if you see yourself running, there is much anxiety in store for you ; should you be naked besides, insanity is threatening you; if in your dream, you are running away in a great fright, you will soon take to flight in reality. REINDEER — There is much luck for one who sees a reindeer in a dream. REPTILES— All kinds of reptiles figuring in a dream warn you that you are being cheated or soon will be. s SAFE — An iron or steel safe or strong box, ap- pearing in a dream, means money coming, but not to be in your possession very long. ^ ^> •* SAILORS — There is poverty and unpleasant voyages in store for one who dreams of sailors. SEA — Just to dream of the sea, signifies that Seal 131 Shanty you will soon undertake a journey; if the sea is placid, you will meet with business reverses ; if it is much agitated, your financial ruin will be com- pleted very soon. SEAL — When a seal appears in your dream, you are sure to marry for love. *** SENTRY — Seen in a dream, a sentry means peace and quiet. SENTRY-BOX— You may feel safe and secure after having dreamed of a sentry box. SERENADE — To dream that someone is sere- nading you is a most lucky sign. ^ ^» ^ SERPENT— See Snakes. SERVANTS— To dream of servants always means idle gossip and quarrelling. •5 ^ t SHANTY— A half dilapidated cottage or shanty Shark 132 Salt in your dream is a token of great prosperity com- ing. *** SHARK — The appearance of sharks in a dream is a warning of danger, disease and death. w^ ^ ^ SHE-APE — Expect deceit and fraud to harm you if you dream of a female monkey. ^> ^ ^ SHE-GOATS— To dream of white Nanny- goats, is a sign of happiness ; if they are black, illness is threatened. SALAD — T@ eat, or simply to see, salad in a dream, is a threat of financial difficulties. •* ^> ^ SALMON — In a dream, to eat salmon is an omen of separation. *** SALOON— See Bar-Room. •p ^t ^ SALT — Many worries will be the lot of one who dreams of salt. Sand 183 Sheaves SAND — There are many cares in store for one who dreams of sand. ««* SAW — In a dream, a saw means success. *** SCAFFOLD— The vision of a scaffold, in a dream, is a most favorable omen of triumphant suc- cess. SCAFFOLDING— There is much disappoint- ment and no little failure to expect if you dream of scaffolding surrounding a building, etc. **« SCISSORS — In a dream, scissors are always a sign of quarrelling and of some grave illness com- ing. *** SCRATCHES — If you dream of scratches, cruel gossip will play havoc with your reputation. *** SCREECH-OWL — Seen in a dream, a screech- owl announces a coming death in the family. *** SHEAVES — To dream of sheaves means plenty of money. Sheep 134 Shot-Gun SHEEP — Much luck and large profits will be the lot of one who dreams of sheep. ^» *Xi ^ SHELLS — To dream of shells, announces an early voyage. *** SHEPHERD — There is a threat of mourning in the appearance of a shepherd in one's dream. SHIP — There is a journey, and a successful one, soon to be undertaken by one w r ho dreams of a ship ; if it is in danger, great riches will come to you ; if it sinks, a terrible peril awaits you. SHOE-BLACKING— If you see your shoes be- ing blackened in your dream, death or ruin is about to stare you in the face. SHOES — To dream of shoes is a threat of scan- dal ending in dishonor; if the shoes be worn out, there's a long journey in prospect for you. *** SHOP— See Store. SHOT-GUN— Any kind of shot gun or rifle Shoulders 185 Silk-Skein seen in a dream announces great wretchedness in a short time. *** SHOULDERS— If broad and strong, shoulders appearing in a dream are a most lucky omen ; if thin and low, they prognosticate troubles galore. **« SHROUD — A shroud appearing in a dream, is a promise of inheritance. *** SICKNESS— See Illness. *** SICK-HEADACHE— To suffer from sick- headache in a dream, is an omen of death in the family. SILK — Whoever dreams of silk will be blessed lucky and large profits. SILK CAP — In a dream, to see a silk cap is a lucky omen. SILK-SKEIN— To dream of a skein of silk means great success and large profits. 5ilk-Worms 136 Skeleton SILK-WORMS— Much success is in store for one who dreams of sik-worms. ^t ^> ^ SILVERWARE— To dream that you own val- uable silverware is a threat of money-losses, but your affairs will improve materially if you see your- self disposing of silverware. *** SINGING — If you dream that you hear singing in a church, distress and anxiety will be your lot, the singing of birds means conjugal infidelity. Should you yourself sing in your dream, ehe deepest sorrow, even to the despairing point, will be in store for you. SKATE — In a dream, to eat or simply to see that ugly, but excellent fish, called a skate, is an ex- cellent prognostic. *** SKATING — To dream of skating or seeing oth- ers skate, means difficulties ahead. SKELETON— To dream of a human skeleton is an omen of death. Sky 137 Sling SKY. — To see one's self gazing at the sky, in a dream, is a lucky prognostic ; if the sky is blue, a for- tune is coming to the dreamer ; if it is red, there is great danger ahead. To feel yourself rising, or com- ing down, through the air, means general failure in all your plans. *** SLEEP — To dream that you are asleep means that your confidence is based on foolish illusions. SLAUGHTER-HOUSE— See Abattoir. meke SLEIGH-BELLS — Home-quarrels are fore- told by the sight or sound of sleigh-bells in one's dream. *** SLIDING — To see in a dream, one's self or some one else, sliding, is a warning of trouble ahead. «*« SLIGTHED (The "Marble Heart")— See "Cut- direct." SLING — A slung-shot or sling, in a dream, means troubles, insults and slanderous attacks in store for the dreamer. Slippers 138 Snow-Flakes SLIPPERS — To see a pair of slippers in your dream is a promise of peace and quiet. SMOKE — Vain and fruitless ambition will be the lot of one who sees smoke in his dream. SNAILS — The dreamer has immoral habits who sees snails in his sleep. ^ ^ ^» SNAKES — To dream of serpents is a sure sign that treachery is at work against you. If you are not ill you will become so very soon ; if you are already ill, you will surely be worse. SNOUT — A pig's snout, seen in a dream, is an excellent omen . *** SNOW — To dream that you see snow means a plentiful harvest ; that you are washing your face with snow, is a promise of great relief ; that you are eating some, is a prognostic of a journey soon to be undertaken. *** SNOW-FLAKES— There is a most favorable Soap 139 Son omen in the apparition of falling snow-flakes in a dream. *«* SOAP — There is success in store for whoever dreams of soap. *** SOCIETY-MANNERS— If, in a dream, you see yourself or others performing all sorts of exag- gerated and affected society antics, there is some grave danger ahead. SOFT MUD— To see one's self wading through soft mud is a prognostic of much money coming very soon. *** SOLDIERS — To dream of soldiers is either a warning of danger or the announcement of good news very soon to reach you. SOLES — In a dream to eat of the fish called a sole, is an omen of poverty. *** SON — To dream that you have a son is a sign of a birth soon due. Soot 140 Speeches SOOT — If soot drops on you, in a dream, you may expect large profits within a short time. *** SOUP — To eat soup or simply to see some, is a promise of riches coming. ^ ^» •» SPADES— To dream of the card-suit called spades is an omen of quarrelling. ^ ^z ^ SPARROW — In a dream, one sparrow means profits coming; many sparrows prognosticate a journey soon to take place. SPECTACLES— Old fashioned spectacles or eye-glasses, in a dream, tell you that you are very blind and silly in your waking hours. ^5 ^r ^i SPECTRE — White-robed spectres seen in a dream threaten you with disaster due to some trusted friend's treachery ; black-robed spectres are the harbingers of a great joy. SPEECHES — To hear speeches in a dream, will result in bringing about many troubles and rows. Spider 141 Sports SPIDER — To see one in your dream is, at night, a token of hopeful success ; in the morning, a sign of troubles ahead ; if you dream you are killing it, great joy is coming; that you are eating it, a luckier sign still, but that dream is very rare. SPINDLE— There is trouble, plotting and dis- appointment for one who sees a spindle in his dream. SPINNING — To see, in a dream, yourself or someone else spinning, is a threat of many serious worries. *** SPONGES— The miserly disposition of the dreamer is revealed to him, when he sees sponges in his sleep. SPOOLS OF THREAD— Betrayal, anguish and ruin will be forthcoming if you dream of spools of thread. ^ ^ ^ SPOTS — If you dream of spots or stains, it tells you that you are yourself a specimen of a very lazy, worthless individual. Spurs 142 Stair-Bannisters SPURS — There is the announcement of a jour- ney in a dream wherein spurs play a part. *** SQUALL — To witness a squall of wind in a dream, announces a quarrel among close relatives. Kit* SQUIRREL — To dream of a squirrel, signifies that someone who robbed you is about to be caught and punished. *** STABLE — A person you love is coming very soon to see you, after you see a stable in a dream. •5 ^ •% STAG— See Deer. ^ ^ ^ STAGE-COACH— Seen in a dream, a stage- coach is a prognostic of diseases and financial losses. ^ ^ ^ STAIRS — To see a staircase in your dream, means profits coming ; to fall down stairs is an omen of grief. •* ^> ^ STAIR-BANNISTERS— To gaze in a dream upon stair-bannisters and to let the hand glide over Stars 143 Stockings them is a favorable omen ; but if you let go of them, you may expect serious losses. STARS — To dream of stars means complete bliss ; but if they do not shine, sorrow is forthcom- ing; while a shooting star, in a dream, prophecies some near relative's death. *** STATUES — In a dream, to see statues is a threat of coming sorrows. *** STEEL — Dreaming of steel means success and profits ; but if the steel be burning hot, great worries are coming. *** STEEPLE — To see a church-steeple in a dream, means great trouble due to a friend ; if it is a ruined steeple you gaze upon, a terrible catas- trophe is to overcome you very soon. STILTS — Thwarted, disappointed ambition al- ways follows a dream in which stilts are seen. •* ^ ^ STOCKINGS— Cotton-stockings are, in a Stones 144 Storms dream, a sign of inheritance ; silk-stockings, a prom- ise of great riches, but not by inheritance. •» •» •» STONES — In a dream, stones are always to be interpreted as difficulties placed in your path. ^ ^» t STONE-MASONS— Whoever dreams of stone- masons at work may expect a birth in the family. STORE — To dream of a store means success. *** STORKS— To dream of flying storks is an omen of enmity at work against you ; if the season is winter, a terrible storm is brewing ; but if they fly in pairs, a marriage will soon take place and be blessed with many children. ^ ^ ^ STORMING A FORT— It is an omen of quar- relling, when you see yourself, in a dream, storm- ing a fortress ; if you "storm" only a window, you are threatened with a woman's treachery. STORMS — There is danger ahead for one dreaming of a storm Stout Person 145 Street-Crush STOUT PERSON— If you dream of a very stout person, your success will be great and immedi- ate. STOVE — Quiet comfort and good news, are to be expected after you have seen a stove in your dreams. STRAW — To dream of bundles of straw is a promise of plenty ; but if it's in a heap, want will soon assail you. Burning straw carried about in a public place is an omen of great joy. ^ ^ ^> STRAWBERRIES— Riches are in store for you if you dream of strawberries. STREET — If you see yourself in a dream, walk- ing aimlessly about in a city street, many troubles await you in your own home. •^ ^ ^ STREET-ARABS— To see, in your dream street boys running or at play, means that your af- fairs will soon become hopelessly entangled. •b ^ ^> STREET-CRUSH— To see a street-crush or Street-Posters 146 Swaddling-Clothes stoppage, in your dream, means that you will be much bothered by idle callers. •s ^ •? STREET-POSTERS— To dream that you are reading posters in the street is an omen of infamous notoriety; if you see yourself tearing them down, the deepest grief will soon be your lot ; finally, if you are pasting them yourself on the walls, some terri- ble shame is in store for you. This is, altogether, one of the worst dreams you may suffer from. *** SUICIDE — To dream that you are committing suicide is a warning to you to change your conduct. ^ #5 •» SUN— To gaze at the sun, in a dream, means happiness ahead. ^ ^ t SUNSHADE— To dream of a sunshade is a foreboding of temporary sadness. ^p ^ •* SURGEON — Seen in a dream, a surgeon fore- tells joy and prosperity. ^ ^ ^> SWADDLING-CLOTHES— To dream of ba- by-clothes is a promise of a most happy marriage. Swallows 147 Swelling SWALLOWS — There is the greatest happiness in sight for one who dreams of swallows. ^% t ^ SWAMP — You will soon be quarrelling if, in a dream, you see yourself in a swampy or marshy country. SWANS — A vision of swans, in a dream, is a highly favorable omen. ^ ^ ^> SWARM OF BEES— See Bees. ^ ^ ^ SWEETHEART— To dream that you have a sweetheart, when you have none (at the time), is a foreboding of sorrow ; to dream that you are deceiv- ing the said sweetheart is a sign of bitter quarrelling in sight. ^ ^ ^ SWEEPING — Who dreams that he is sweeping a room or a house may count upon prosperity ; but if it is a cellar he is cleaning, evil happenings are sure to assail him. •p ^ •* SWELLING — To see yourself all swollen, in a dream, signifies that your intense vanity is about to be severely taken to task. Swimming 149 Table SWIMMING — In a dream, to see yourself, or someone else, swimming, means that some reconci- liation is about to take place. *** SWISS CHEESE— Many difficulties will ob- struct your success, if you dream of Swiss cheese. SWITCH — To dream of a switch or slight stick, means discussions in the family circle. SWORD — To see a sword, in a dream, is an omen of disaster, or at least of quarrelling ; to hold one firmly is a promise of good luck ; to receive a sword-wound means quarrelling ; to inflict a wound with it to someone else, is a threat of a painful sepa- ration. SYMPHONY — Sweet, melodious music, means delights ahead. T TABLE — To dream that you are setting a table for a meal, is a promise of abundance. Tail 149 Tempest TAIL — To see a tail in a dream is a sign of fickleness that will cause you much sorrow. •£ ^ ^ TAILOR — Appearing in a dream, a tailor sig- nifies mendacity detrimental to your interests. *** TEA — Many worries are in store for one who sees himself, in a dream, drinking tea. •w ^ ^» TEARS — Success is assured to one who dreams of tears, or weeps in his sleep. TEETH — To see teeth in a dream is a sign of great joy coming; it will last long if the teeth are very white ; if they are very long, you will soon suf- fer wane ; if they are decayed, there is mourning in the near future ; if they fall off your gums of their own accord, death is imminent. ™ " ^ TELESCOPE — In a dream, a telescope means some act of silliness to be soon performed by the dreamer. TEMPEST— Quarrelling and anguish will be Tent 150 Thinner the lot of one who dreams that he witnesses a tem- pest. ^> ^^ ^ TENT — There is quarrelling soon to occur when one dreams of a tent. •^ #5 ^w TEN-PINS — To play ten-pins or just to gaze at them in a dream is an omen of worries and losses. *** THEATRE— To dream that you are sitting in a theatre, means for you repose and satisfaction. •^ ^t ^ "THE BAD PLACE"— To see yourself in "the bad place" in your dream, means great grief; but if you escape from it, you will escape some real dan- ger when awake. THERMOMETER— To dream of a thermome- ter means quarrelling. ***** THIMBLE — A thimble in a dream, means the loss of a situation. THINNER — To see yourself in a dream much Thorns 151 Tiger thinner than you really are, is a warning of extreme poverty coming. *** THORNS — We always find in thorns dreamed of a sign of worries and often of loss of situation. THREAD — To see thread in a dream is a threat of an intrigue against you ; to break off a thread is an omen of poverty ; to entangle a spool or skein of thread means that your affairs will soon be in the worst disorder ; to unwind it is a sign of some indis- cretion greatly harming you ; finally, to dream of gold or silver thread is most unlucky. *** THRONE — In the vision of a throne, in a dream, there is a threat of many cruel disappoint- ments. *** THUNDERBOLT— In a dream, the clashing and close striking of a thunderbolt announce great misfortunes and even death. TIGER — There is hatred at work against you if you dream of a tiger ; but if you see yourself kill- ing it, you may expect great success. Toad 152 Toothless TOAD — The apparition of a toad in a dream, is a threat of some disgusting scandal, even of murder. TOBACCO — To smoke or simply to see tobac co, promises you a very short, fleeting period of en- joyment. TOCSIN— To hear bells ringing the tocsin is an omen of anxiety and quarrelling. TOMB — You are assured of receiving a legacy in the near future, if you see a tomb or grave in a dream. TOMBSTONE— There is death in the family and an inheritance for one who dreams of a tomb- stone; but if he sees himself breaking one, it is a promise of great joy coming. TONGUE — To see a tongue in a : dream, means that great gossip will harass you. TOOTHLESS— To find one's self in a dream, with but one tooth left in the mouth is an omen of grave illness and misfortune. Torches 153 Traveling TORCHES — In a dream, many lighted torches mean dazzling success. TORNADO — To see or hear a tornado in a dream,, signifies that some terrible danger is nigh. TOWN-MARKET— Extreme poverty is in store for one who dreams of a town-market. TOYS — Nothing but worries and disappoint- ments are in store for one who dreams of toys and playthings. *«« TRADE — To dream of trade under any form is generally considered favorable; if it is of the silk trade, many pleasures are in store for you ; the iron trade, many sorrows ; the woolen trade, you will be robbed. *** TRAVELING — To dream that you are travel- ing in a carriage, is a promise of sudden fortune coming to you as a gift ; if you are a-foot, you have pretty hard work in prospect ; if you have a traveling companion, people are talking about you ; if you see yourself trudging along with a sword at your side, you are to marry very soon. Trees 154 Turkey TREES — If, in your dream, you see dried-up trees, they probably prophecy sorrows; if broken down, quarrels with your most intimate friends ; if green, your hopes will be realized ; if in flower, suc- cess is yours ; if yellow and sere, disease is in store for you ; if you climb one of them, in your dream, you will advance rapidly in your chosen carreer. •^ ^ ^ TRIPE — Expect severe pain if you ever dream of tripe. •^ ^^ ^5 TROWEL — Whoever sees a trowel in his dream, will succeed after a most laborious struggle. TRUNKS — In a dream, trunks or valises al- ways announce a journey soon to take place. *** T. SQUARE— To dream of a T. square used by draughtmen, is evidence of the foolish pride of the dreamer. *** TURF — A grass plot or lawn seen in a dream, is a most favorable sign. *ft*t TURKEY— Whoever dreams oi turkeys, his silly conceit will land him in a very tight place. Turkish Pipe 155 Umbrella TURKISH PIPE— Whoever dreams that he is smoking or simply looking at someone else smok- ing a Turkish pipe, has much peace in store for him. « * * TURKISH SLIPPERS— Seen in a dream, Turkish slippers, if new, mean success after very hard and laborious struggles ; if worn out, you are about to undertake a small journey. TURTLE — If you see a turtle in a dream, be- ware of some secret enemy ; if you see yourself eat- ing turtle flesh, expect success after a pretty hard struggle. *** TYPHUS OR TYPHOID— A dream in which typhus or typhoid fever acts a part is a threat of ter- rible illness and even death. u ULCERS — Should you see ulcers of any kind, in a dream, an awful shame will soon be your lot. *** UMBRELLA — Many troubles are in store for one who dreams of an umbrella. Uncle 156 Vehicle UNCLE — To see one's uncle in a dream, means marriage or inheritance, or both. *** UNIFORM — To see or wear a uniform, in a dream, announces a great act of bravery soon to be performed by the dreamer. USURER — Soon you will suffer financial losses and be terribly cheated, if you dream of a usurer, Y VALLEY — In a dream, to see, or walk about, or drive over, a valley, is a promise of peace. VASE — In a dream, a vase announces a mar- riage or a birth ; but a broken vase means death. VEGETABLES — In a dream, to eat vegetables is a threat of loss ; to pluck them means quarrelling ajhead. *** VEHICLE — Whenever a carriage or wagon of any kind appears in your dream, be assured that great worries will assail you very soon. Veil 157 Vinegar VEIL — A happy marriage is in store for one who sees a veil in a dream. «** VELVET — Should you see some velvet dress or drapery in a dream, your luck will be good. VEINS — To gaze at one's blue veins in a dream, is a threat of anxiety and trouble. *** VERMIN — In a dream, vermin on your person or that of someone else, means luck and financial gain. VERY THIN PERSON— A very thin person appearing in your dreams, forbodes losses and trou- bles. ^ •£ ^ VINE-PROPS— Those poles used to prop trees, vines, hops, etc., when seen in a dream, mean quarrelling and disunion. **« VINEGAR — Many troubles and often dire pov- erty will be in store for one who sees,or worse still, drinks vinegar in a dream. Violets 158 Walking VIOLETS — There is much happiness in a dream about violets. **« VIOLIN — See Musical Instruments. •» ^ •» VULTURE — Who dreams of a vulture will have to circumvent somebody's hatred ; but if he kills the bird of prey, he will surely be successful in his favor- ite enterprise. w WAGER — A bet or wager made in a dream is a sign of the worst luck. ^ ^ •*! WAGON— See Carriage. ^ ^ ^» WAKE — To dream that you are attending a wake means that much gossiping is going on con- cerning you. ^ •* ^ WALKING — In a dream, to see yourself walk- ing about leisurely and alone, is an omen of sadness and poverty; walking fast, a sign of anxiety, but possible success; walking through fire, a terrible Wall 159 Washerwoman misfortune is imminent. If you are walking with someone else, sincere friendship will be yours ; it it is a woman, you will soon marry. ^ ^ •» WALL — To dream of a wall is an omen of serious obstructions to your favorite plans ; to see yourself upsetting it, is a promise of final success ; but if you dream that you are building a wall, be as- sured that your labors will be in vain, WALTZ— See Dancing. WAR — All dreams of war foretell grave perils ahead. ^ ^ ^ WARBLING— The warbling of birds, heard in a dream, is assurance of success. ^ ^ •£ WASH-BOWL— To dream of a wash-bowl, an- nounces coming inheritance. WASHERWOMAN— It is a token of coming happiness to gaze in a dream upon a washerwoman at her work. Wasps 160 Waves WASPS — To see wasps in one's dream is a warning of the worst troubles coming. WATCH — Seen in a dream a watch gives prom- ise of large profits. WATER — To dream of water, if it is clear, means comfortable circumstances assured; if it is dirty, sorrow and worries ; if it is very cold, some enemy will harm you greatly ; if it is hot, grave ill- ness ; if you upset a water-pail or a tumbler, beware of an imminent fire; if you see yourself drinking water, you are enjoying unjustified tranquility; if you fall into the water, you have some reconcilia- tion in the near future ; if the water you see is stag- nant, death is not far off. WATER-CARRIER— In a dream, to see any- one carrying water, is a most favorable omen. ^ *^ t> WATERFALL— To see a waterfall, when dreaming, announces sorrows, clangers and pit-falls. •^ ^ •£ WAVES — If you dream of the waves of the sea, Wax-Tapers 161 Weeping you may expect to start soon on a journey ; if the waves are very wild, and tempestuous, it is a prog- nostic of death. WAX-TAPERS— To dream of wax-tapers for an altar, is a threat of grave illness and even death. ^ ™ •b WEALTH— See Riches. WEATHER-COCK — Much disappointment awaits him who dreams of a weather-cock. *** W. C. — Any dream about W. C. means luck and lots of money in the near future. *v * * WEDDING — In a dream, to be present at a wedding is a threat of many troubles ahead. •* ^ ^ WEDDING-RING— To dream of a wedding- ring means that your marriage is to take place very soon. WEEPING — In a dream to see yourself weep- ing is a promise of great joys ahead. Weighing-Scales 162 Wheat WEIGHING-SCALES— You may feel that the undertaking you are pushing just now will prove a success whenever you dream of scales. WELL — There is a fortune coming to one who dreams of a well ; if he sees himself drawing water, his health will continue excellent, or grow better ; if he falls into a well, there is danger ahead ; and if he shuts it up or throws someone into it, he may expect death within a very short time. •b •* •» WET — You will meet very shortly with great disappointment, if you dream that you are drenched by a down-pour. ^ •> •» WET-NURSE— To dream of a wet-nurse is an omen of sorrows. ^ •£ ^ WHEAT — To see wheat in a dream is very lucky indeed, especially as regards money matters ; if you see yourself eating some in the ear, your profits will be secure ; if you give away wheat, you will enjoy a fine harvest ; if you dream you are buy- ing wheat, heavy losses are in store for you ; finally, if you dream you are carrying wheat, be it ever so small a quantity, you will soon be in great poverty. Wheels 163 Window WHEELS — An inheritance is soon to come to one who dreams of wheels. WHISTLE — To hear a whistle in a dream is a warning of danger. WIDOWHOOD— To dream you are a widow or a widower is a promise of some great satisfaction •:oming. WIG — To see a wig, or wig-maker at work in a dream, means peril ahead. *** WILL — To dream of your making your will is the sadest of omens ; but if you see yourself writing someone else's will, expect much joy and satisfac- tion. WILD-BOAR — You have much quarrelling in store if you dream of a wild-boar. WINDOW — To dream of a window is a most unlucky omen ; it means quarrelling, misfortune, financial ruin ; and even imminent death if the win- dow-panes are broken. Wine 164 Woman WINE — To dream that you see or drink wine is a promise of comfort ; if you upset some wine, ill- luck is after you. *** WINTER — If there are decided signs of winter in your dream, your farming will prove profitable. ^ ^ ^ WITCHES — If you see, in a dream, witches holding a nightly revel, you may expect dire poverty in the near future. •* •> ^\ WOLF — To see wolves in your dream, signifies that hatred and jealousy are at work against you ; but if you see yourself killing a wolf, success is as- sured. **« WOMAN — In general, to dream of a woman is an omen of treachery at work against you. If she is a blond, you will be blessed with some one's de- voted love ; if she is a brunette, the love will be pas- sionate but not lasting; if she is decidedly plain- looking, there is treason in the air ; if, in your dream, you see her dead, there is joy in store for you. Many women appearing in the same dream mean harmful gossip ; if they fight, scandal of the worst kind will soon ruin you. Wooden-Shoes 165 Wound WOODEN-SHOES— In a dream, wooden- shoes signify final success after much hard, persis- tent work. *** WOODS— See Forest. WOOL — To dream of wool means big profits in sight. WORKMEN — In a dream, to see workmen at their tasks is a most lucky omen ; if they are resting, you will soon be very poor ; if they are fighting, a revolution is imminent. WORK — To dream that you are doing some work with the right hand means personal good luck ; if with the left hand, expect to be in straightened cir- cumstances, for awhile, with final success however. WORMS — To see worms or maggots in a dream, is a sign of illness coming. *** WOUND — To dream yourself wounded gives promise of rapid advancement in your vocation or Wreath 166 Zinc business ; if you see yourself dressing a wound, great satisfaction is in store for you. WREATH — If, in a dream, you see a wreath of flowers, there is great hope of success in the near future. *** WRECK — To dream of a wreck, whether you figure in it or not, means misfortune ahead. WRITING— To see one's self writing, in a dream, means that the dreamer will soon conceive a most profitable invention. z ZINC — If you dream of anything made of zinc, you may depend that your love is untrue to you. OMENS. IN-DOORS. APRON-TIES— If any ties, such as shoe- strings, underwear or apron-ties, get unloosened, you may depend that your love is untrue to you. BELL — If a bell sounds without human agency moving the clapper, it is a sign of death in the family of the person who hears the sound. ^» ^ ^» BREAD — If you drop bread on the floor, pick it up immediately ; for to leave it there would expose you to very great troubles in the near future. To lay bread up-side-down on the table is a very unlucky omen. BREAD-CUTTING— If you fail to make the sign of the cross over a loaf of bread before cutting off the first slice, you may expect a very poor harvest, or losses in your business 167 Cards 168 Coffee-Cup CARDS — When drawing for partners, at cards, if you turn up an ace, you will win a good deal of money ; if it is a king, expect quarrelling at the gam- ing-table ; if it is a ten-spot, some cheating will take place, at your expense ; if it is a nine-spot, luck is against you. •^ •* ^ CHAIR-TURNING— Turning around, when seated, using only one leg of the chair, will bring about quarrelling and estrangement. w£ ^ •£ CHILDREN— See the paragraph headed "Date" in the section entitled "about marriage ;" after the marriage has taken place, the method mentioned there may be employed to learn how many children are to be expected. it** COFFEE — When you have just dropped sugar in your cup of coffee, if bubbles come up and gather themselves in a circle in the center of the surface, you will have much money coming to you soon. ***** COFFEE-CUP— When you have finished drinking your coffee, turn your cup bottom upward on the saucer. Coffee-Upsetting 169 Drawers On the bottom trace three signs of the cross with the thumb of your right hand. Turn the cup around three times — two minutes between each, looking away while you move the cup. Then turn it up so as to see the interior again. If there are black grains left at the bottom, money is coming to you very soon ; if the remaining coffee is dried up in ridges, you will have to travel shortly ; if it has dropped down like elongated tears, a grievous sorrow is in the near future. *** COFFEE-UPSETTING— You will have a week's troubles and worries if you upset a cup or pot of coffee. CREAKINGS— At night, to hear snappy, re- peated creakings in the furniture announces the death of a relative or intimate friend. CROSSWISE— Two objects placed by you crosswise, announce some trouble coming ; therefore be always careful to place your knife and fork side by side either on your plate or next to it. DRAWERS — Putting on one's drawers wrong side up is a sign of good news coming. Dress 170 Eyelids DRESS — To spread a new dress or gown on a bed is a very unlucky omen. *** EAR-BUZZING— People are speaking well of you when your left ear buzzes ; they are talking un- kindly when it is the right ear. If both ears get suddenly red, there is some insignificant conversa- tion going on that concerns you. If you want to know who is talking of you, just think of a number between i and 26 while the buz- zing is going on. The number will designate the first letter of the given name of the talker; 1 will stand for A, 2 for B, and so forth to the end of the Alphabet. *** EGGS — The breaking of eggs by accident fore- tells home quarrels. EPIPHANY— On the night following the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6th), a maiden ought to pray Melchior, Gaspard and Balthasar to show her in a dream, the man she is to marry. He will appear, but if he talks while crossing the girl's dream, the wedding shall not take place. *** EYELIDS— If you feel a slight trembling of Fire 171 Hair the left eye-lid, good news is on the way ; if the right eye-lid moves in that way, expect bad news. FIRE — When lighting a wood-fire, if it catches lire with a noise like that of a rocket, you may feel assured that you will very shortly receive some im- portant news. FLOOR — When a floor, otherwise sound, creaks under your tread, you will not be long in this world. ««* FRIDAY AND THIRTEENTH— It would be the height of recklessness to begin a journey or an undertaking of any kind, on a Friday, or on the thirteenth of the month. GARTER— Whoever loses her garter, is being cruelly deceived by one she implicitly trusts. *** GLASS — White glass broken accidently is a token of good luck. *** HAIR — The sewing of one of your hairs in the Hairpins 172 Happy Years seam of a bride's bridal dress, will secure you a husband within a twelvemonth. ««« HAIRPINS — Someone you care for is thinking of you when hairpins drop from your hair. **« HANGED MAN'S ROPE— If you can procure a piece of the rope that was used to hang a human being, whether criminal or suicide, do not let it get out of your pocket, as it brings great luck. How- ever, should you have been called upon to unhang a suicide and refused to help in the task, no luck will come to you by the possession of that particular rope. It is not necessary that the hanged person should die to render the rope valuable. HAPPY YEARS— To know the number of happy years marriage has in store for you, you must, on your wedding day, throw down with all your might on a flag-stone, a cup or vase of crock- ery or china, or a piece of glassware. The number of fragments, after the breaking is over, must be counted and the total will give you the number of years of connubial bliss. So you had better do the smashing with a hearty will. Hearse 173 Ul-Luck The maiden who will pick up one of the broken pieces, after they have been counted, will either marry within a twelvemonth or be very successful in her other plans. ^ *v ^ HEARSE — An empty hearse passing you is a promise of happiness. HUNCHBACK— To meet a hunchback, espe- cially if his protuberance grazes you accidentally as he passes you, is considered a most excellent prog- nostic. A combination of a hunchback, a uniformed soldier and a white horse all seen at the same time, is a still better omen. ILL-LUCK. PREVENTIVES— To fight and ultimately triumph over ill-luck, whenever you have met with some threatening omen, you had better touch iron with the bare hand, or form a double horn by pointing out with the first and fourth fingers, the other fingers and the thumb folded in. Sometimes the hiding of the thumb under the four folded fingers will effectively combat some evil in- fluence at w r ork to harm you. Ink 174 Looking- Glass INK — There is no worse prognostic than the accidental upsetting of ink. KNIFE — To turn a knife around, on the table is a very bad prognostic. To accept as a present, a knife, a pin, or any other object that cuts or sticks, is to make sure that you will soon be at "swords-points" with the giver. To counteract this omen, exact a cent or some small change as a nominal price for the article in question. No quarrelling is to be feared if the gift is thus transformed into a sale. KNOCKING — When you think you hear some- one knocking, and, on opening the door, find no one there, there is a death that you will soon hear of. ^ ^ ^ LIGHTS — To have three lights — no more or less — lighted at the same time in a room, is a very grave prognostic. ^ ^ ^ LOOKING-GLASS— To break a looking-glass is a sure sign of catastrophe, financial ruin, illness and even death. Mirror 175 On Rising MIRROR — By gazing fixedly in a mirror on Christmas eve at midnight, you will see appearing in the glass the outlines of the leading events to occur to you during the coming year. ^ ^ ^ NEW YEAR— If, on New Year's day, the first caller a woman receives, is a man, she will meet with great luck the rest of the year; if it is a woman she will have nothing but trouble. NOSE-BLEEDING— On Friday, nose-bleed- ing is lucky. NOSE-TICKLING— If your nose tickles you, it means that you will kiss an elderly or old person before the day is over ; should you be young your- self, then an elderly person will kiss you very soon. ^ ^ ^ ON RISING— When you get out of bed, should you step out, left foot foremost, you will be ill- humored the whole of the coming day, and every- thing you will undertake until bedtime will go wrong, without, however, bringing about any very serious mishap. Palm 176 Pin-Cushion PALM — If you feel a tickling in your right palm, you are about to receive some money ; if the tickling is felt in the left palm, you will be called upon to pay out money. PASSING SALT— You must always smile whenever you pass the salt to anyone at the table ; otherwise you will soon find yourself on bad terms with him or her. *«£ PEPPER — Upsetting pepper unintentionally, annuls the possible bad effects of upsetting salt. *«* PETTICOAT— Any woman or girl who puts on a petticoat wrong-side-up will meet with some downright impertinence during the day. PIERCED COIN— If you receive a coin with a hole in it, be sure and keep it, as it will bring you luck. Of course, if you drill the hole yourself, the coin will be of no value as a luck-bringer. ^ ^v ^v PIN-CUSHIONS— Have all the pin-cushions in the house well supplied with pins and money will always be plentiful in your pocket. Pins 177 Salt-Cellar PINS — To pick up and keep a stray pin is a most serious sign of good luck. *** PINS UPSET— When you upset a cup or box full of pins, if but one is left in the receptacle, you may feel assured of continuous, paying employment or work ; if none remain, there is quarrelling ahead. RABBIT'S FOOT— It is lucky to always carry in one's pocket a small rabbit's foot. *** SALT — To upset salt is a very bad omen in- deed; to counteract this awkward move, pick up between the thumb and first finger a little of the salt you have upset and throw it over your left shoulder ; do this three times in succession. SALT AND PEPPER— If, in the upsetting, salt and pepper should be mixed, expect an early misfortune. SALT-CELLAR— If the salt-cellar is upset but no salt escapes, you may still expect an accident hi the near future. Scissors 178 Thimble SCISSORS— Should scissors falling on the floor form a Greek cross by opening, this is a strong omen of catastrophe and death. SILHOUETTE — If you happen to see on the wall the shadowy outlines of someone you know, you will soon hear that this person is dead. SHIRT — If you put on your shirt or chemise right-side-in, you may be assured that very soon you will be grievously insulted. •s ^ ^ SNEEZING — If you sneeze three times before breakfast you may expect luck during the day. A sick person sneezing three times in succession is cer- tain to recover. ^> •> •t THIRTEEN— To sit thirteen at the table, means that one of the guests will die within a year ; to avoid this, either try to squeeze a place for a fourteenth, or allow one of the thirteen to withdraw before the meal begins. •5 •£ •? THIMBLE — A person is born lazy, when a Thread 179 Visit thimble falls off from her finger while at work sew- ing. THREAD — To thread a needle with a uselessly long needleful, is a sign that the sewer is decidedly lazy and neglectful. TILES — When tiles are blown off the roof by the wind, the cattle on that farm will be barren, or their progeny will be unhealthy and few. ^ " ^ TO YOUR WISHES— Never forget to say "To your wishes" to a person who sneezes in your presence ; it is believed by many that just at that minute the Evil-spirit is turning a new leaf in the sneezer's book of life, and you must express your desire that it be a happy one. VEST-BUTTON— When a button drops from your vest (or waistcoat) it is a promise of great suc- cess and prosperity. ^> ^ ^ VISIT — Never fail to offer some refreshment, candy, cake, or simply a drink of water to a person Whistling 180 Kite who calls upon you for the first time ; otherwise you two will soon be at daggers drawn. WHISTLING — A woman or girl ought never to whistle, as her doing so is an omen of illness and even death in the family. ^ ^ ^ WINE — When wine is accidentally upset on the table ; just dip your finger in it and touch your forehead ; it will bring you luck. •^ ^ ^ WOODEN-SHOE— When the leather-holder of a wooden-shoe gets unfastened, you may expect an inheritance ; but if the wooden-shoe drops off on that account, the inheritance will not materialize. OUT OF DOORS. DUNG — To tread accidentally on any fecal mat- ters, is one of the most assured signs of extraor- dinary luck in money matters. ^ ^ •£ KITE — When playing with a kite, if the string Horse-Shoe 181 Rainbow breaks, there will be ill-luck for a whole year in the player's home. HORSE-SHOE— If you find a horse-shoe in the street, country-road or fields, pick it up at once and bring it home ; it carries good luck with it. MOON — When you see the moon surrounded by a clear circle, you may be sure that there will soon be a downpour. ^v ^ ^ . NAIL — The picking up of a stray nail is an ex- cellent omen. PRIEST — To meet a priest in his black cassock is a very unfavorable omen. Should he touch you slightly, as he passes by, expect death to visit you very soon. To efficaciously dispel this evil in- fluence use one of the ill-luck preventives above de- scribed. RAINBOW — In the morning, a rainbow an- nounces rain ; in the evening it promises fine weather. Shooting-Star 182 Turning-Back SHOOTING-STAR— When it is toward your right that a star "shoots," there is a death coming ; if it is toward your left, a soul is transferred from Purgatory to Paradise ; in both cases hasten to form a wish before it has vanished from sight ; if you do so in time, the wish shall be granted you. ^t ^ ^ SULPHUR-SMELL— If, without natural cause, a smell of sulphur is noticed in a field, you may be sure that some imp of darkness is passing, on its way to soul-destroying and mischief-making. TORCH— A lighted torch suddenly put out by a gust of wind is an omen of disaster. THUNDER-STORM— There will surely be a thunder-storm within an hour or so, when sparrows hide under the hedges and the owls begin to hoot ; it is also a sign of a coming hail-storm. t ^» ^ TURNING-BACK— If you turn back after hav- ing started in a certain direction, expect but poor success in your present undertaking. Apples 183 Date ABOUT LOVE AND MARRIAGE. APPLES — When two engaged people are sit- ting at table together and apples are passed around, the young man must pick up one, cut it in two and offer his fiance the half that has retained the stalk. Otherwise the wedding will never take place. •5 ^ ^» BRIDEGROOM— On the night between the last day of February and the first day of March, let the maiden who wants to know her future bride- groom, place a mirror under her pillow and when retiring, enter her bed backward, saying alound: "Mars and Marion, show me in my sleep the man I shall marry and let him practice his trade before my eyes. ,, And the man will appear in her dream. DATE — If a maiden wants to know when she will be married, let her fill a glass with water and then hold inside a little below the rim, a blessed ring, kept hanging by means of a folded hair of her own, the extremities of which she presses between thumb and index. The ring will slightly sway, and every time it will touch the glass it will mean one more year until her wedding-day. First Step 184 Last Drop FIRST STEP— At the end of the wedding-cere- mony, the one of the couple who will take the first step away from the place where they were married will be "boss" in the new home. *** FUNERAL — No happiness will come from a marriage that takes place in a church wherein a funeral is being celebrated at the same time. FULL MOON — On a full-moon evening, a maiden may repeat aloud : "Fair Moon, I bow to thee, I pray that you show me The man who will be my fiance." And during the night, she will surely see him, in a dream. KNIFE — A maiden who uses a knife to stir her coffee or tea will delay her marriage for ten years. ^ ^ ^ LAST DROP — If you receive the last drop con- tained in a bottle, you will be married during the year. To make the omen doubly sure, turn over the bottle, neck first, into the glass until it touches the bottom ; if the liquid in the glass does not over- Salad 185 Wedding- Attire run, the promise of quick marriage is fully con- firmed. *** SALAD — A maiden who prepares a salad of greens risks to have to wait, before she marries, as many years as she will allow leaves of salad to drop out of the salad-bowl. ^ *x> •* SEWING OMEN— When sewing in a group with other girls, if you sew by accident the stuff you handle with that which one of your neighbors is sewing on, the latter will soon marry ; if you have the same accident with two different pieces in your own lap, you will soon be a bride. •* ^ •* SUN — When the sun dazzles your eyes and, at the same time, your feet are walking in water or on wet ground, you may be assured that you will be married within a year. *** WEDDING-DAY— To marry on a bright sunny day, is a strong omen of bliss; on a dark, rainy day, a threat of conjugal misfortune. WEDDING- ATTIRE— For a maiden to try on Wedding-Ring 186 Cinquefoll any part of the atire of a bride-friend is to delay, for ten years, her own wedding. If she is a dress- maker, or modiste, or hair-dresser and tries on any of the wedding garments or ornaments for business purposes, she escapes the ill-omen, which only ap- plies to the acquaintances of the bride. •5 ^ •? WEDDING-DRESS— It is most unlucky to work on one's own wedding-dress. ^ ^ ^ WEDDING-RING— When a maiden, in play, puts someone's wedding-ring to her left hand ring- finger, she will not marry for seven years. ABOUT FRUIT AND FLOWERS. BLUE-BELLS — Rain will come down very soon, when the blue-bells begin to close. CINQUEFOIL— When the leaves of the cinquefoil begin to form a kind of fan that protects the plant ; rain is near ; when the leaves resume their usual aspect, rain will soon Be over. WOMAN'S CHANCES OF MARRYING AT VARIOUS AGES. S It v v > • r ;» «?