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Greely I Exoffido Henry Randall Webb > A. Howard Clark John Elfreth Watkins Delegate to General Society Marcus Benjamin THE CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE. Whereas, In the Providence of God, victory having crowned the forces of the United States of America, in upholding the principles of the Nation against Great Britain in the conflict known as the War of 1812 ; we, the survivors and descendants of those who participated in that contest, have joined together to perpetuate its memories and victories, to collect and secure for preservation rolls, records, books and other documents relating to that period ; to encourage research and publication of historical data, including memorials of patriots of that era in our national history ; to cherish, maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, and foster true patriotism and love of country. ARTICLE I. NAME. The Society shall be known as the "SOCIETY of the war of l8l 2, of the district of Columbia." 4 ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, who participated in, or who is a lineal descendant of one who served during the War of 1812, in the army, navy, revenue-marine or priva- teer service of the United States, offering proof thereof satisfactory to the Executive Committee, and of good moral character and reputation, may become a member of this Society when approved of by the Board of Direction or the Society. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS. The officers shall consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Regis- trar, a Historian, and an Executive Committee of seven members, who, together, shall form the Board of Direction, having the general manage- ment of affairs of this Society. They shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meetings of the Society, by and from members in good standing. The Board of Direction shall control the affairs of the Society, regulate the terms and details of admission to membership, fix salaries, make appro- priations, arrange for meetings (other than usual) and celebrations, receive delegates from similiar consituted societies or individuals of national repu- (i tation — as patriots— and collect and provide for the due care and safety of books, documents, papers, portraits, relics and such literature relating to the War of 1812 as may be acquired by purchase, gift, bequest or loan. ARTICLE IV. ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. Every application for membership shall be made in writing, and in duplicate upon the form pro- vided by the Society for that purpose, subscribed by the applicant, setting forth claims of eligibility, and contain or be accompanied by proofs of same. On the recommendation of two members, such application and proofs shall be submitted to the Executive Committee or to such sub-committee as they may select, who may approve of and report the same to the Board of Direction. Payment of the initiation fee and subscription to the declara- tion in the printed form of application, is required of each applicant on admission. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS. The regular meeting of the Society shall be held in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America, and, inasmuch as the only justification of modern war is to improve rela- tions between nations laboring under wrongs or indignities, and in order to establish for such peoples just bases for their future intercourse ; and as the treaty of Ghent inaugurated between the United States and Great Britain an era of peace that has been unbroken for eighty years : Therefore, the District of Columbia Society OF THK War OF 1S12 selects as its day of celebra- tion the eighteenth of February, the date on which said treaty was promulgated by the President of the United States. Special meetings may be called by the President at the request of ten or more members to transact only such business as shall be specified in the call. No questions involving partisan politics, religion or offensive personalities shall be discussed at any meeting. ARTICLE VI. This Society shall conform to the General Society in its Constitution, but shall have the right to govern its own affairs outside of the restrictions prescribed therein. It shall elect each year, at its annual meeting, five delegates to represent its membership at the biennial or other meetings of the General Society and the President shall have power to till vacancies. 7 ARTICLE VII. EXPULSION OF MEMBERS. Any member found guilty of unlawful or im- proper conduct, after due notice and fair trial, may be expelled under rules and regulations to be made and provided for that purpose. ARTICLE VIII. SEAL. The seal of the Society shall be two and one-half inches in diameter, and shall consist of a rising sun, bearing on its face a representation of the bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British fleet, while above the sun and its rays, rises, displayed, the Star Spangled Banner of our country, with the motto of the Society — "For our country's rights" — in small Roman capital letters overhead. The de- sign described to be surrounded by wreaths of oak and laurel (emblematic of the valor and victory of our soldiers and sailors), with trophies of cannon, musket, sword and anchor on each side of and below said design. The whole to be encircled with a waving ribbon, one-fourth of an inch wide, bear- ing above in plain Roman capital letters, the legend, "The Society of the War of 1812," and below in similar letters, the words, "Founded 1854." The Secretary of the Society shall be the 8 custodian of the seal, which shall be used for the purposes designated by the Board of Direction. ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENTS. No alteration or amendment shall be made to this Constitution until a written resolution to that effect be offered at a meeting of the Society, and, at some subsequent meeting, receive the concur- rence of two-thirds of the members present. BY-LAWS. FINANCES. Section i. The initiation fee shall be four (4) dollars; the annual dues one (1) dollar. Members who have not paid, will be deemed in arrears and debarred from voting at the meetings of the So- ciety. Persons admitted to membership after October 1st of any year are exempt from payment of dues for that year. The payment at any one time of twenty-five (25) dollars shall entitle the member so paying to a life membership. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section 2. The President, or, in his absence, a Vice-President, or, in their absence, a Chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society or Board of Direction, and shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer under general parliamentary rules. The President shall be, ex-officio, a member of all committees. He shall have power to call a meeting of the Board of Direction at such time and place as he may deem (9) IO advisable. He shall represent this Society, either in person or by substitute, at such assemblages as may be consistent with the objects, aims and pur- poses of this Society. SECRETARY. SECTION 3. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society and perform such other duties as the Society or Board of Direc- tion may reasonably require of him. TREASURER. Section 4. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society, and deposit the same in some banking institution, which shall be designated by the Board of Direc- tion, to the credit of the "Society of the War of 1812." Such funds shall be be drawn thence by the check of the Treasurer. Out of these funds the Treasurer shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the Society, Board of Direction, or, in case of urgent necessity, the Ex- ecutive Committee. He shall keep a true and accurate account of his receipts and payments ; and at each annual meeting, report the full fiuaueial condition of the Society, when an auditing com- mittee shall be appointed, who shall report the result of their audit to the Board of Direction. II REGISTRAR. SECTION 5. The Registrar shall receive from the Secretary, file and keep on record, all the proofs upon which membership has been granted ; a list of all certificates countersigned by him, and all documents, rolls, or other evidences of service in the War of 1812, of which the Society may become possessed. HISTORIAN. Section 6. The Historian shall prepare at least one historical paper during the year for which he is elected, and obituaries of members deceased during the year. BOARD OF DIRECTION. Section 7. The Board of Direction, composed of the elective officers of the Society, united with the Executive Committee, shall generally super- intend the interests and have the control and management of the affairs and funds of the So- ciety. The Board may also be convened by the President at the written request of three of its members. Four members shall constitute a quo- rum for the transaction of business. MEETINGS. Section 8. At all meetings of the Society fif- teen members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 12 The order of business shall be as follows: i. Prayer. 2. Reading of minutes. 3. Report of Board of Direction. 4. Reports from officers. 5. Reports from special committees. 6. Communications read. 7. Election of officers. 8. Unfinished business. 9. Miscellaneous business. MEMBERS. Section 9. Each member, on being notified of his admission, shall signify his adherence to the constitution and by-laws. His initiation fee and one year's dues shall be forwarded with his application. SUSPENSION OF RULES. Section 10. Any of the foregoing rules may be suspended at any meeting of the Society or Board of Direction, by a two-thirds vote of those present when the exigencies of the case may require it. DESCENDANT MEMBERS Aeden, Charles Henry. Colonel and Assistant Surgeon-General, U. S. Army, War Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. First in descent from Charles Henry Alden, Musician in Twelfth Regiment, New York Militia, 1S14. Benjamin, Marcus, Ph. D. U. S. National Mu- seum, Washington, D. C. Third in descent from Ezra Hough, Ser geant in Capt. McMahan's Company, New York Militia, 18 14. CivARK, Alonzo Howard. U. S. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Second in descent from Lieut. John Carnes of the Privateers "York" and "Leo," of Baltimore, Md. Davenport, Richard Graham. Lieutenant, U. S. Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Second in descent from Isaiah Davenport of First Regiment, Georgia Militia, 1815. (13) 14 Second in descent from George Gra- ham, Captain of Fairfax County Company of Cavalry, Second Regiment, Virginia Militia, 1814. Third in descent from James Watson of Captain Briscoe's Company of Cavalry, First Regiment, District of Columbia, 1813-1S14. Gardner, George Clinton. 235 New Jersey Avenue S. E., Washington, D. C. First in descent from Charles Kitchel Gardner, Colonel in United States Army, 1S14. Greelv, Adolphus Washington. Brigadier- General and Chief Signal Officer, 1914 G Street, Washington, D. C. First in descent from John Balch Greely under command of Lieut. Paul Merrill of Capt. John Chickering's Company of Mas- sachusetts Militia, 1814. Second in descent from Samuel Cobb, who served at battle of L/Undy's Lane,i8i4. HENRY, JAMBS Malcomb. 2040 F Street, Wash- ington, D. C. Second in descent from John A. Kear- ney, Surgeon, U. S. Navy, 1S13-1S15. HENRY, John William. 3106 N Street, Wash- ington, D. C. 15 Second in descent from John A. Kear- ney, Surgeon, U. S. Navy, 1813-1815. HorTon, Wiujam Edward. 639 A Street N.E., Washington, D. C. Third in descent from William Clarke, of Col. John Prior's Regiment, New York Militia, 1S14. Johnson, James Bowen. 2460 Sixth Street, Washington, D. C. Second in descent from Jeremiah Johnson of Captain Marston's Company, Twenty-first Regiment U. S. Infantry, 1813-1814. Keim, DeB. Randolph. Reading, Pennsylvania. Second in descent from Thomas Beverly Randolph, Captain in 20th Regiment, United States Infantry, and Aide-de-camp to Gen. Morgan Lewis, 1813. Maloney, James Aeoysics, M. D. 1424 Q Street, Washington, D. C. Second in descent from Anthony Grady, of Fifty-first Regiment, Maryland Militia, 1814. Mason, Theodorus Baieey Myers. Lieutenant, U. S. Navy. 1606 Twentieth Street, Washing- ton, D. C. Second in descent from Mordecai Myers, i6 Captain in Thirteenth Regiment, U. S. Infantry. Roe, Francis Ashbiry. Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy. 1232 Seventeenth Street, Washington, D. C. First in descent from Isaac Roe of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Smith's Regiment, New- York Militia. 1814. Saxton, Henry Dearborn, 615 Nineteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Second in descent from Ethan Allen Clan-, First Lieutenant in Fortieth Regi- ment, U. S. Infantry, 1S14. Smith, Frank Birge. 15 15 Corcoran Street, Washington, D. C. Second in descent from Cyrus Birge of Captain Birge's Company of Vermont Militia. Townsenp, Thomas Gerry. Captain. V. S. Army. Chevy Chase. Mil. Second in descent from Daniel S. Town- send, Captain in Ninth Regiment, D. S. Infantry, 1S13. Van Dyke, Harry Weston. 1416 F Street. Washington, D. C. Third in descent from Joseph Edson, Major in Vermont Militia, [814. 17 Watkins, John Elfreth. 1626 S Street, Wash- ington, D. C. Second in descent from John Elfreth who served in the Philadelphia City Troop under Captain Charles Ross, 1814. Watkins, John Elfreth, Jr. 1626 S Street, Washington, D. C. Third in descent from John Elfreth who served in the Philadelphia City Troop under Capt. Charles Ross, 1814. Webb, Henry Randall. 727 Nineteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Second in descent from Henry Knapp Randall, Midshipman, U. S. Navy, 1813- 1815. *Winlock William Crawford. 2005 O Street, Washington, D. C. Third in descent from Joseph Winlock, Brigadier-General, U. S. Army. * Died, September 20, 1896. Expenses. Initiation Fee, $4.00 Annual Dues 1.00 Members can obtain application blanks, insignia, rosettes and diplomas from the Secretary. o9 f 4» ^ **"* V n « • •* C^ «< ;• ^ ** V . °x, v, v " °- ■a Jar*" n o b *± u & A 4* * "V^ * * • • * t ' » / i I • • r V 1 ! •-Si EV. ^. $ * ■ ^ -J * •hi.*' PB-? iV<*. i**v„ * WERTBOOICBINIMNG