C- Official program Admiral Dewey Reception OCTOBER 2 AND 3 WASHINGTON 1899 :9e42 ?900 PROGRAM MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd. 6.50 P. M. — Admiral's Salute— Arrival of special train in Wash- ington—Reception of Admiral Dewey by the Chairman of General Conmiittee and Members of the Reception Committee. 7.00 P. M.— Third United States Cavalry, guard of honor, will escort the Admiral and party up Pennsylvania Avenue, along Fifteenth Street, to the Executive Mansion. 7.15 to 7.30 P. M.— The Admiral will be received at the Executive Man- sion by the President and Members of the Cabinet. 7.45 to 8.00 P. M.— The President, Members of the Cabinet,' Admiral Dewey and SlaflF, Members of the Reception Committee, and escort from station, leave Execu- tive Mansion, proceed through the south grounds of the Executive mansion to the southeast gate, and thence to Reviewing Stand. 8.00 to 8 IS P. M.— Head of Parade will arrive at Reviewing Stand. CIVIC PARADE Platoon of Mounted Police. The Bicycle Section. Chief Marshal, Gen. Geo. H. Harries. Chief of Staff, Capt. Frank F. Eastman, U. S. A. United States Marine ^Band. The Old Guard. Grand Army of the Republic. Henderson Drum and Bugle Corps. Union Veteran Legion. Eighth Battalion District of Columbia Volunteers of lS5l. District of Columbia National Guard Drum Corps. Spanish War Veterans. Fifth Maryland Veteran Corps. Grimes' (Portsmouth, Va.) Battery. The High School Cadet Regiment. Separate Battalion High School Cadets. United States Naval Academy Band. Columbia Lodge, Independent Association of Machinists. Division of United Catholic Societies. Chief Marshal— Mat. F. Holloran ; Chief Aide— P. J. Haltigan ; Honorary Aides— Wm. J. Frizzell, D. I. Murphy, P. T. Moran, James F. Shea, B. M. Bridget, Clement S. Ucker, Ed. J. Hannan, W. F. Downey, R. C. Lohmeyer, Rossa F. Downing, Ed. .). Brosnan, Dr. Chas. E. O'Connor, Dr. Wm. B. Dally. Gonzaga College Cadet Band. Gonzaga College Cadets. Illuminated Roman Cross. Uniform Rank, Knights of St. John, 1st Battalion. Carroll Institute. District of Columbia National Guard BHgade Band. Knights of Columbus (Five councils in fancy formation). Ancient Order of Hibernians (Severi Divisions). Catholic Knights of America (Five Branches). Catholic Benevolent Legion (Five Councils). Young Men's Institute. St. Aloysius' Parish. St. Dominic's Parish. Holy Name Parish. Members of Parishes Unattached to Societies. illuminated Cross. Uniform Rank, Knights of St. John, 2d Battalion. Naval Reserve Band (Baltimore). Columbia Typographical Union, No. 101. Mount Pleasant Drum Corps. Local Union No. 4, International Brotherhood of Bookbinders. Washington Printing Pressmen's Union No. 1. Haley's Band. Letter Carriers. Young Men's Christian Association Drum Corps. Young Men's Christian Association. Mount Pleasant Band. Georgetown University Students. 5«- Bushane Post Band ( Baltimore i. Columbian University Students. Fifth Maryland Band. Knights of Pythias. Improved .Order of Red Men. Knights of the Golden Eagle. Fourth Maryland Regiment Band. Union Commandery No. 1, I. O. M. American Guard Council No. 1, U. A. M. Junior Order of Mechanics. Princes'^of Bagdad. German Societies. Metropolitan Brass Band. Butler Zouaves. Capital City Guard. 10.30 P. M. — Admiral Dewey to be escorted to the residence of Mrs. Washington McLean, Connecticut Avenue and K Street. Serenade by Bands. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30. 10.00 A. M. — Citizens' Escort will assemble at Connecticut Avenue and K Street. Military Escort will form at Penn- sylvania Avenue and Fifteenth Street, in the fol- lowing order : MILITARY PARADE Platoon of Mounted Police. Grand Marshal, Maj. Gen. Nelson A.* Miles, U. S. A. Marshal's Colors and Escort. Brie- Gen. H. C. Corbin. Chief of Staff. Maj. John A. Johnston, U. S. A.. Assistant Adjutant-Generil. Brig. Gen. Alfred E. Bates, U. S. A. Col. John C. Gilmore, U. S. A. Xapt. Francis Michler, U. S. A., Special Aid. AIDES. Lieut. Col. Henry C Sharpe, U. S A. Lieut. Col. William C. Carter, U. S. A. Lieut. Col. George W. Baird, U. S. A Lieut. Col. Culver C. Sniffen. U. S. A. Maj. William S. Patten, U. S. A. Maj. Harry L. Rogers, U. S. A. Maj. James Allen, U. S. A. Maj. William A. Simpson, U S. A. Maj. Stephen C. Mills, U. S. A. Maj. George E. Bushnell, U. S. A. Maj. Edward C Carter, U. S. A. Maj. Hugh R. Belknap, U. S. A. Maj. Webster Vinson. U. S A Maj. Charles McClure, U. S. A. Maj. Hamilton S. Wallace, U. S. A. Capt. James C Ayers, U S. A. Capt. John H. Russell, U. S. A. Capt. Medad C. Martin, U. S. A. Capt. Joseph E Kuhn, U. S. A. Capt George 0. Squires, U. S. A. Brigade of United States Forces, Lieut. Col. Francis H. Harrington, U. S. M. C, Commanding. Marine Band. Battalion United States Marines. Battalion United States Seamen. United States Artillery, Major George E. Greenough, Commanding. Light Battery M, Seventh United States Artillery, Capt. Montgomery M. Macomb, Commanding. Siege Battery O, Seventh United States Artillery, Capt. John R. Williams, Commanding. Third United States Cavalry Band. Squadron Third United States Cavalry, Maj. Henry Jackson, Com- manding. Troop 1, Capt. John B. McDonald. Troop H, First Lieut. Alford C. Merillat. Troop G, Second Lieut. Godwin Ordway. Personal Escort of Citizens (Mounted). Col. Myron M. Parker, Marshal. Andrew Parker, Chief Aid. Admiral Dewey, (who, after being escorted to the Executive Mansion by the Chairman, and who after paying his respects to the President, takes his place in the procession with the President). The Cabinet in Carriages. The Aides of Admiral Dewey, and the President. The Chairman, Commissioners of the District, and Members of the General Committee. Band of the U. S. S. Olympia. Officers and Crew of Olympia. Officers of the United States Navy. Governors of States and Staffs. District of Columbia National Guard, Brig. Gen. Geo. H. Harries, Commanding. Brigade Band. Engineer Company, First Lieut. Roy B. Hayes, Commanding. Second Regiment Infantry, Col. M. E. Urell, Commanding. First Regiment Infantry, Col. Henry May, Commanding. Field Music. First Separate Battalion, Maj. Arthur Brooks, Commanding. Sig-nal Corps, First Lieut. F. C. Mattingly, Commanding. Naval Battalion, Lieut. Commander Sherburne G. Hopkins, Com- manding. Ambulance Corps, Lieut. Warren D. Fales, Commanding. 12.00 Noon.— Exercises at Capitol— President's Salute— Prayer— Music by Marine Band, "Star-Spangled Banner" — Intro- duction of Chairman of Meeting, Mr. R. Ross Perry, by Mr. William Henderson Aioses, Chairman General Committee— Address of Welcome by Mr. R. Ross Perry, Chairman of Committee on Reception- Address and Presentation of Sword voted Admiral Dewey by Congress, by Hon. John D. Long, Secre- tary of the Navy— Acceptance by Admiral George Dewey — Music by Marine Band," America"— Bene- diction. 1.10 P. M. — Review of Military Escort by Admiral Dewey at East Front of Capitol. 2.00 P. M. — Admiral Dewey escorted to Residence of Mrs. Washington McLean by Civic Escort. 8.00 P. M. — Dinner at Executive Mansion in honor of Admiral Dewey. THE ADMIRAL.DEWEY RECEPTION COMMITTEE OF ONE HUNDRED. WILLIAM HENDERSON MOSES, Chairman. WILLL\M VANZANDT COX., y ice-Chairman. WILLIAM P. VAN WICKLE. Seerttaty JOHN W. BABSON. Treaiurer. Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Ex-Officio. Hon. JOHN B. WIGHT Hon. JOHN W. ROSS, Capt. LANSING H. BEACH, U.S.A. Justice R. H. ALVEY, Mr. CHARLES J. BELL, Hon. JAMES G. BEIIRET, Justice E. F. BINGHAM, Mr. THOMAS BLAGDEN, Mr. SCOTT C. BONE, Gen. H. V. BOYNTON, Justice A. C. BRADLEY, Mr. CHAPIN BROWN, Mr. L. S. BROWN, Dr. S. C. BIISEY, Mr. LORING CHAPPEL, Mr. C. R. CHURCH, Justice H. M. CLAYBAUGH, Justice C. C. COLE, Justice W. S. COX, Mr. JOSEPH H. CRANFORD, Mr. O. T. CROSBY, Mr. J. J. DARLINGTON, Mr. HENRY E. DAVIS, Hon. JOHN W. DOUGLAS, Mr. JOHN JOY EDSON. Hon. MATTHEW G. EMERY, Mr. CALVIN FARNSWORTH, Mr. DANIEL ERASER, Dr. E. M. GALLAUDET, Mr. GEORGE GIBSON, Mr. C. C. GLOVER, Mr. ARCHIBALD GREENLEES, Rear-Admiral JAMES A. GREER, Justice A. B. HAGNER, Rev. TEUNIS S. HAMLIN, D. D., Gen. GEORGE H. HARRIES, Mr. E. B. HAY, Mr. S. B. HEGE, Hon. J. B. HENDERSON, Mr. W. G. HENDERSON, Mr. C. M. HENDLEY, Mr. CHRISTIAN HEURICH, Hon. LEMON G. HINE. Mr. FRANK HUME, Mr. WALTER S. HUTCHINS, Mr. J. HARRISON JOHNSON, Mr. V. BALDWIN JOHNSON, Dr. W. W. JOHNSTON, Mr. EDWIN C. JONES, Mr. S. H. KAUFFMANN, Mr. W. S. KNOX. Mr. JOHN B. LAKNER, Mr. A. M. LOTHROP, Mr. SAMUEL MADDOX, Mr. F. L. MOORE, Ju.stlce M. F. MORRIS, Mr. DANIEL MURRAY, Mr. JAMES L. NORRIS, Mr. T. W. NOYES. Mr. E. S. PARKER, Hon. M. M. PARKER, Mr. R. ROSS PERRY, Mr. JAMES T. PETTY, Mr. W. B. POWELL, Dr. C. B. PURVIS, Mr. W. H. RAPLEY, Mr. E. J. ROCHE, Mr. T. E. ROESSLE, Mr. ISADOKE SAKS, Mr. L. M. SAUNDERS, Mr. E. G. SCHAFER. Mr. N. H. SHEA, Justice SETH SHEPARD, Mr. JOHN H. SMALL, Jr., Rev. ALEX. MACKAY-SMITH, D. D , Mr. T. W. SMITH, Gen. ELLIS SPEAR, Mr. MILFORD SPOHN, Rev. D. J. STAFFORD, D. D., Mr. O. G. STAPLES, Mr. E. J. STELLWAGEN, Mr. F. C. STEVENS, Mr. COLIN STUDDS, Major RICHARD SYLVESTER, Mr. R. H. THAYER, Mr. JOHN W. THOMPSON, Dr. WILLIAM TINDALL, Hon. GICOUGE TKUESDELL, Rear-Adiuiral J. H. UPSHUU, U. S. N. Mr. G. TAYLOR WADE, Mr. B. H. WARNER, Mr. M. I. WELLER, Hon. SAMUEL E. WHEATLEY, Rev. B. L. WHITMAN, D. D., Mr. HENRY A. WLLARD, Hon. BEUIAH WILKINS, Gen. JOHN M. WILSON, U. S. A., Mr. S. W. WOODWARD, Mr. SniON WOLF, Mr. A. S. WORTUINGTON, Mr. N. K. YOUNG.