Hollinger pH 8.5 Mill Run F3-1719 m ica Tkc Heari of iW Empire Siaie -^ >L^>W'1> CITY HAUl ©C1.A350223 5/F^'^ %^3 ff 'I THROUGH unknown centuries the natural water-way made by the Hudson and Mo- hawk Rivers constituted the principal arteries of travel between the Atlantic Ocean and those inland seas now known as the Great Lakes. Along the narrow thread of the Mo- hawk, the Indians pushed their canoes and the hunter plied his trade. As early as 1 725 one hundred and fifty-two hogshead of beaver skins and two hundred hogshead of deer skins were shipped over the river to Albany. Thus | began the commercial activity of a region that now sends its wares throughout the civilized world. One hundred and sixty-five years ago the sturdy forefathers of the present citizens reared their first stockade at the junction of the Mohawk River and Ballou's Creek and christened it "Fort Schuyler" in honor of an uncle of Philip Schuy- ler of Revolutionary Site of Fort Schuy lei fame. This was the be- ginning and from this by steady, sure and certain Copyrighted July, 1913, Central Universalist Society, Utica, N.Y. 4^:>v I if, Vli #1^ |Rr'^^*==t^v-- Oneida Historical Building Oriskany Monument growth, Utica has achieved its present position. Built | on a solid foundation — strong, steady and constant in its progress — it has never known the intoxication of a p boom or the depression of a panic. During the Revo- lutionary War it was an outpost and listened with bated breath while that sturdy old patriot General | Herkimer fought the battle of Oriskany at its very door and turned the tide of war in the struggle for Amer- ican freedom. Universalist Church and Parish House Soldiers' Monument EN 1 798 with approximately two hundred inhabitants the settlement took to itself the name "Utica," and was incorporated as a village. It bore its part as one of the frontier towns during the War of 1812 and helped celebrate the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825. In 1832 with a population of ten thousand it was in- corporated as a city — the largest city in the United States west of Albany, and became one of New York State's civic centers. Monument— " Roscoe Conkling Park. Given to the City of Utica for the use and benefit of the people July 4th, 1909."— Thos. R. Proctor. T? OCATED only four hundred feet above sea level; J Ln at a point w^here the foot hills of the Catskills come up to greet their ancient neighbors, the Adirondacks; Utica has the advantage of a **sea-level route" to the ocean and close proximity to some of na- ture's most beautiful handiw^ork. Those vv^ho have spent a summer day driving through the w^onderful hills to the south or among the lakes and mountains to the north have marveled at their beauty and spread the fame of this "City Beautiful" until no^/^ it is the Mecca tow^ard which many a tired tourist turns to spend a vv^eek-end. Utica Free Academy 'ITH natural advantages second to none this city has developed along lines of beauty as well as utility — a manufacturing city, it has neither the smoke nor dirt common to industrial pursuits — a residential city, it has all the energetic business enter- prises found in many more celebrated for business ac- tivity — an amusement loving city, it sacrifices neither business, health nor morals to its pleasures. Other cities may claim specific advantages, but -we claim for Utica that hour for hour, day for day and year for year, it is the best city to live in — for here you will find not a m /Kn w Upper Genesee Street collections of houses but a city of homes. Here are fifty-eight churches of all denominations; con- venient of access to all and dominated by a broad and brotherly feeling, not only for the stranger, but toward each other. Here is a Public Library built and maintained by local capital. It contains over Grace sixty-thousand volumes ; Episcopal . . . . £ 1 Church has a branch m one or tne ^^^ % Citizens Trust Company foreign sections, and supplies a modified form of circu- lating library to the schools and fire houses. MERE one high school with twelve hundred pupils and twenty-four grade schools attest the thought given to the coming citizens, while vocational and night schools furnish opportunities for those with- out the advantages of earlier training. s>. J' '^-^.^, #1 i\ II 4 V-Jl m 1 ^ Utica Public Library Brandegee Grade School MERE the Masonic bodies of the State with admira- ble forethought have built a magnificent home, together with an orphanage and a chapel where the poor, the sickly, the widows and orphans of its fraternity receive the best care that can be devised. Located in the center of one hundred and sixty acres of beautifully kept park with a view of the whole Mohawk Valley, this home is a model of charity and an inspira- tion to generosity. Here with wholesouled liberality the good people of the city have erected five asylums where those left with- .- ~^*!^« %S Tff'H^ ^^^ out the guiding hand of parents are cared for and re- ceive not only education but instruction in the ele- ments of good citizenship. Here five hospitals maintained by the city private subscription — all attest the thoughtfulness the suffering. Here are three \ where under the tent nurses and — one built and and four largely by perfectly appointed of our citizens toward homes for the aged care of compe- amid delightful iX & ¥ Si St. John's R. C. Church 4^.*^ V(fi: An 1% ® t///ca Trws^ ancf Deposit Company surroundings, the sunset of life may be passed in peace and contentment. And here also is maintained by the State, a hospital for mental invalids where some sixteen hundred patients are cared for in the most scientific and comfortable manner possible. St. Luke's Hospital and Scene in Park OR is all the enterprise of Utica devoted to its charities. Appreciating that charity is only for the unfortunate the best thought of Utica has for years been given to creating a city filled with diversi- fied industries, so that whatever the financial condition of the country may be, the wage-earners of Utica should continue to have employment. It is Utica's boast that panics may come and go, but in Utica pay rolls go on forever. It is the center of the knit goods industry of the United States. Twenty-five mills do a business of over twenty millions per year, one mill alone completing ready for shipment more than forty-eight thousand garments a day. The famous **Richelieu** Masonic Home knit underwear is made here and is worn through- out two continents. Besides the knit goods, other textile mills produce large quantities of cotton cloth, sweaters, yarn, hosiery and cord- uroys. All told over sixty million pounds of cotton are brought to Utica each year and manufactured into articles of merchandise. The Savage rifles and automatic pistols are made in this city. With a constantly growing business the company is to-day famous wher- Masonic Chapel cvcr sportsmen are found, and •"i^w- ^^^■^w ^O, 0% p\\^\5 ^ I f » Savings Bank of Utica many foreign countries are continually inspecting both its plant and its product. NE large manufacturing plant, the Utica Drop Forge and Tool Company is given over entire- ly to the manufacture of pliers and nippers. By sheer excellence of w^orkmanship, the company has pushed to the front until to-day its product leads the A^,^^ First Presbyterian Church y. M. C. A. world. It is worthy of note that this company main- tains a complete reading and club room for its em- ployees where all kinds of games may be enjoyed and in addition provides a series of lectures each winter. TPT is the home of the Foster Ideal Spring made by J I, Foster Brothers Mfg. Co. — a company that has made and sold so many beds that it can easily claim the credit of putting half the world to sleep. All told Utica has one hundred and sixty-two manu- facturing plants engaged in manufacturing hardware, rifles, revolvers, canned goods, iron and lead pipe, cotton cloth, woolens, corduroys, automobile parts, agricultural k t m John A. Roberts & Co. Departmeiit Store implements, foundry supplies, worsted goods, cutlery, metal beds, metal wheels, dairy products, candy, clothing, brick and tile, lumber and mill products, yarn, buffing and truck wheels and many other articles. Nor is Utica content to rest on its present line of industries. Within the last two years some of its enterprising busi- ness men have established a plant for the manufacture f II 4v II %^^-_ ^#"=5^^/^;^ 'n^s //o/e/ t///ca of knives. To-day the Utica Cutlery Company is sell- ing all over the United States as complete a line of knives as any factory in the w^orld. Already the *'Utica" knife is know^n to the trade, and it is Utica's ambition to have every school boy count the name "Utica" on his knife as a synonym of perfection. Hotel Utica Interior ■E are particularly fortunate in our newspapers, which strive in all ways to advance the city s - - welfare. Three dailies and twelve other pub- lications, including German, Polish, Italian and Welsh newspapers give to our citizens the best of news service. Unlike may cities Utica is not obliged to seek else- where for funds to carry on any legitimate enterprise. One Savings Bank, with resources of over seventeen million dollars; the Utica Trust and Deposit Company f4 ^^^' ompiMI %k ■^^^31 H "^^"^^iS^BB^m* lj^9sP||. . ^'^R^^^ 1 ^mB i i^ij ... .i BWy 1^ ^^ ill^^SB^R Im ^ 1 ErJIP^ Home for Aged ^Li^cP H In^Mi.^ Men and ^■P^J^^^^R wT? Una^Hjjjj^HHHjl Couples ffl;*'?!^^K MUa^^M iWa|W|^3^B Hr^.«.«fe>'u Utica Orphan Asylum and Century Club the "Hotel Utica" was opened to the public. While it contains but about two hundred rooms, it is claimed for it in all seriousness, that not even the large New York City hostelries are more complete in their appointment. Its spacious lobby — light and airy restaurants — excel- lent cuisine and carefully appointed service, make it a delight to the weary traveller; and many automobile tourists make it their headquarters for days at a time while driving through the beautiful country surround- ing the city. Utica has a large number of other hotels Robert Fraser Department Store that compare favorably with any commercial hotels in the State. The hospitality of the hotels extends throughout the City. Fifteen Masonic organizations; sixteen organiza- tions of Odd Fellows ; seventeen Grand Army and allied bodies; three National Guard Companies, including one )K I ffh Founder Rathbone K. of P. Monument Forest Hill Cemetery Cavalry troop; seven clubs and forty-one fraternal so- cieties attest the social spirit of the city. Of these the Masons have their own temple; the Federation of Labor has built and owns its home — the only one in New York State. The New Century Club (the women's liter- ary club) has had one of the most delightful homes on Entrance to State Hospital the main street remodeled into a Club House, and has built in connection therewith a spacious auditorium cap- able of seating 700 persons. The Fort Schuyler Club, the leading men's club occupies a beautiful building on one of the principal corners. The Knights of Columbus, the Daughters of Isabella, the Elks, the Young Women's Christian Association and the Young Men's Christian Association all occupy beautiful buildings owned and maintained by themselves. These buildings are scat- tered throughout the residence section of the city and add much to its beauty. Where the Utica Knife is made OTICA has not become addicted to the apartment house craze and still remains a city of one and two family homes. Scattered over its one hun- dred and twenty-five miles of streets, over eighty per cent of which are paved with asphalt and nearly all of which are lined with magnificent elms, these homes make it a most attractive residential place — and it is clean. All streets are swept and constantly patrolled. It spends one dollar for each inhabitant each year on clean streets. Utica takes care of its residents. It col- lects garbage ; it collects ashes ; removes its snow ; keeps itself in prime municipal condition, has a tax rate of only about two dollars per thousand on an assessed Home of the Richelieu Knit Underwear valuation of approximately seventy per cent, and its bonded indebtedness is only a trifle over two millions of dollars with an assessed valuation of over forty-four and one-half millions. 'ITH the Utica Conservatory of Music having eighteen high grade tachers, teaching all of the musical branches — with the **B Sharp Club,' and "Haydn Male Chorus," large musical organizations devoted exclusively to the encouragement of musical talent; with seven theatres, one of which presents ex- ceptionally high class drama and with two amusement parks, one having the finest minor league base ball plant in the country— excellent provision is made for the musical and amusement loving people of the city. (Ttlf ml 0^ J^: •JM.i^i- ...... x-,-^^ J. B. Wells & Son Co. Department Store T? T has thirteen parks — large and small — with an up- J i, to-date athletic field and three modern out door play grounds for children. The park land totals five hundred and forty-six acres, and is laid out and cared for under the supervision of a landscape architect. _Jlm^^ nil. !-^--S|J — _ftir St. John's Orphan Asylum The Home of the Ideal Spring The larger parks which Utica acquired through the generosity of one of its leading citizens, are connected with a magnificent boulevard several miles in extent — the smaller ones are scattered throughout the city. At the playgrounds scientific play is carried on through the summer months and at some of the schools social recrea- tion work is kept up through the winter, both being under the care of trained instructors. Much has been said of Utica's beautiful location. Too much can not be said. Constant trolley service to Rome and Syracuse on the West; Clinton, the seat of Hamilton College, on the South; and to Little Falls on the East; ^->R^ Makers Savage Rifles and Automatic Pistols with state macadam roads running radially in all direc- tions, and five railroads through the Adirondack moun- tains, to the St. Lawrence River, to Richfield Springs, Cooperstown and Binghamton; besides the New York Central railroad running fifty-eight express and limited trains through the city each day, the resident of Utica is in constant touch with some of the most beautiful spots in the world. The Thousand Islands; the lakes and mountains of the Adirondacks; Otsego Lake — that beautiful "Glimmerglass," the home and inspiration of Cooper; the world famous Trenton Falls; the Oriskany Battlefield, and many other places famed for their beauty and historic interest lie within less than a day's journey of our doors. Space will not permit detailed ^g^^ ^ 1^ "^^#f% Makers U. T. K. Pliers description of these but any of them will compare favorably with the more advertised pleasure resorts. TRENTON Falls deserve more than a passing men- tion, for here the waters of a thousand springs gathered together back in the recesses of the mountains, formed a stream called by the Indians "Kuyrahoora;" and have for centuries leaped a series of precipices two hundred and sixty-four feet high. Mod- ern engineers have gathered these falling waters and forced them to do their duty to man, in turning water turbines, and sending to Utica hydro-electric energy sufficient to turn the wheels of a thousand mills. For here the wonderful stream and chasm stand ready to do the work of twenty thousand horses for all time. 4S^./- ^'r^^v-i^^r* ' Fulton Chain of Lakes Relying upon its location, relying upon its record, ^l relying upon its energy, relying on its citizens — Utica Trenton Falls has confidence in its future. Gathered here to-day are one hundred thousand people. Mills are being construct- ed — dwellings are being built and streets are being laid out for one hundred thousand more. The one hundred View of Old Forge King Fisher Towet Otsego Lake Leatherstocking Falls Cooperstown 7I\ \^ and thirty million dollar barge canal is preparing to bring one thousand ton barges through the mil- lion dollar terminal now building and discharge cargoes of copper, wheat and other merchandise, loaded in Duluth, at our door; then to pick up Utica's products, and take them by water to Albany, north to Montreal, or south to New York. The New York Central Rail- road is building a million dollar station and a five million dollar terminal— the largest between New York City and Buffalo— where three hundred freight trains can lie at once and make Utica the center of a two division JUN 27 1913 # m% system, bringing five thou- sand people here immediately. But not as much in this does Utica rest its claim for future growth, as upon the stern in- tegrity, the aggressive enter- prise and business foresight of its citizens, the men w^ho have built a city of one hundred thousand inhabitants, will double its size during the next generation. A\ I •*^ BOOKLET DESIGNED BY ESSER WRlGHT-i COMPANY UTICA N Y New York Central Terininal Station Now Building LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 109 654 0^