mfflmsm m tUflifiiU "• fl : 'n ; -'" ' Ifflli '-' MttlftttflmffilfJHI •■■/■••..• Jttti lb > iiiii I IIII lli . . ifLt ' . <\ , NEW YORK WAR OF THE REBELLION 1861 to 18G5 COMF1 1. RD BY FREDER ICK PI 1 1 STE RER h Late Captain U. S. Army SECOND EDITION. ALBANY WEhD, PARSONS AND COMPANY 1890 CoPYKK.II 111', in llXcnumj of the JJoijal Sous and Daughters of the jftate, ttrtw muttered, and many tft whom game the clearest then possessed, that the Ration and {freedom migtxt be nvesevued. The Stau- of New York has no official history of its record in the War of the |rt Rebellion; to remedy this has been the object of the Compiler; who, after overcoming ^P many difficulties, and giving to the work for eight years almost every moment ni pied by official duties, now lays before the Citizens of the Empire State Buch a history In its preparation e\er\ book treating of the War of the Rebellion, which, it was BUppOSed, would furnish information relating to the troops of this Stat» . was used, but especially General Humphry's Virginia Campaign of [864 and 1865. Histories of New York organizations and of some of the other States were likewise consulted. The con tents of tin- book were, however, obtained principally from tlie records Of New York Volunteers on tile in the office of the Adjutant-General of the State and in tin- State Bureau of Military Statistics, and from the reports of the Chief of the latter and the Adju- tants! '.eiieral ; from Army and Navy registers, reports and orders; from the Provost Mar- shal General's reports; from the Medical History of the War; from the Official Records of the War, published by the War Department, and to some extent from the regimental recordsin the office of the Adjutant-General of the Army. Estimates, where such be- came necessary, were always made in such manner that it cannot justly be asserted that too much is claimed lor the State. The work is divided in three parts; part I treats of occurrences in, and matters affecting, the State; part II of occurrences in the field, and part III gives sketches of the organizations in the service from this State; the latter are necessarily condensed and do not go into particulars as regards marches, camps and actions on the field of battle, which must be left to regimental historians. In an appendix are reproduced some War Depart- ment statements of general interest. Each part and division is preceded by remarks, a perusal of which will explain their scope and intent. To bring the work within reasona- ble limits, much had to be condensed, but the principal facts and matters of importance have been recorded, and almost all is based on official records. It is, however, proper to say, that in many cases the records were incomplete and insufficient The Compiler acknowledges his obligations to Generals John <".. Farnsworth and Josiah Porter, successive Adjutants-! '.eneral of the State; and to Mr. J. W. Kirkly. Statistician of the War Department; many officers of Volunteers and other gentlemen have also furnished valuable information, but they are too many in number to mention by name. Ai.hany, Dec. 1S90. PART I. IN THE STATE. CONTENTS. Before the War, page 1. At the beginning of the War and in 1861, page 7 In 1862, page 17. In 1863, page 26. In 1864, page 32. In 1865 and close of the War, page 35. Men called for, and in the United States service from this State, page 39. Quotas, and credits received and claimed, page 39. General calls, page 39. Special calls, page 40. Credits due the State, for service in the Annies and Navies of the United States, page 41. For Service in the Regular Army, page 41. Navy and Marine Corp9, page 42. United States Volunteers, page 43. United States Veteran Volunteers, page 43. Veteran Reserve Corps, page 43. Colored Troops, page 43. Volunteers of other States, page 44. Militia, National Guard, page 44. Volunteers of the State, page 44. For men, who commuted their service, page 44. For representative recruits: contains also the congressional districts of the State, page 45. Recapitulation of credits, page 45. Periods of service of the men enlisted, page 46. Drafts in the State and their results, Number of individuals in the service from this State, page -IT. Nativities of the individuals iu service page 49. Ages of the individuals in service, page -lit. Where the men in the service were obtained. page 50. Organizations, from this State, in the United States service, page ■">:;. of Militia and National Guard, page 54. of State Volunteers, page 55. Cavalry, page 55. Artillery, page 56, Engineers, page 57. Sharpshooters, page 57. of Infantry, page ■>' , of United States Volunteers, page 60. of United States Colored Troops, page 60. Officers from this State, in the Armies and Navies of the United States, page 60. General and staff officers of United States Volunteers, page 61. Major-Generals, from United states, Vol- unteers, page 61. from the Regular Army, page 62. from civil lite, pag Brigadier-Generals, from New York Vol- unteers, page 62. from United States Volunteers, page 62 from officers of the Regular Army, page 63. from civil life, page 63 Additional Aides-de-Camp; rank of Col- onel, page 63. IN THE STATE. Genera] and staff officers — (Continued). of Lt. Colonel, page 63. ,.f Major, pag of Captain, i Aldes-de-Camp; with the rank of Major, ,,f Captain, page 64. Military Secretaries, temporary rank <>f i.i -Colonel, i Assistant Adjutants-General, temporary rank of Lt. -Colonel, page ft.".. with tlie rank <»f Major, page 65. Of Captain, page 68 Assistanl rnspector-General; temporary rank ofLt-. Colonel, page 67. Judge Advocate, rank of Major, page Officers nf the Bignal Corps; rank of Cap- tain, page 67. ..f 1st Lieutenant, page 67. .if 2d Lieutenant, page 67. Medical Directors, rank of Colonel, pace 68. Medical [nspectors, rank of I.t -Colonel, page Burgeons, With rank of Major, page 68. Assistant-Surgeons, with rank of 1st Lieutenant, paj Quartermasters, with tempi nary rank of Colonel pace 70. of Lt .-Colonel, page 70. of Major, pane 70. Assistant Quartermasters, rank of Cap- tain, page 70. Commissaries of Subsistence; temporary rank of Lt. -Colonel, page 71 rank of Captain, pace ; 1. Addltl mal Paymasters-, rank of Major, page Bospltal Chaplains; nominal rank of Captain, page 7i Officers of the Regular Army, page 74. General officers ol the Line, page 74. Offleen Of Cavalry, ; of Artillery, | Of Infantry, page 76 N,.t from this State, bul served In New Fork Volunteers, pa ■ ..f the Regular Navy, page 78. Bear-Admirals, pag Commodores, pagi i lommandi Lieutenant-Commanders, page 79. Uen ten ants, pace 79. Midshipmen, page TO. Burgeons, ranking with Captains, page ommanders, | with Lieutenant-Commanders, pace Pass- - i rgeons, ranking with ants, page 80. Officers. if the Regular Navy — (Cont'd). tant Surgeons, rankinc with Mas- \<-r<, page B0. Paj mastere, ranking with Captains, pace 80. with Commanders, page v o. with Lieutenant-Commanders, page 80. Assistant Paymasters, ranking with Mas- ters, page BO Chaplains, ranking with Commanders, pace 81. Chief Engineers, ranking with Captains, page 81. with Commanders, page 81. with Lieutenant-Commanders, page Bl. IstAsslBl Engineers, ranking with Mas- ters, page 81. 2d Assist. Engineers, ranking with En- Blgn, i>age 81. 3d Assist Engineers, ranking with Mid- shipmen, page 81. Boatswains, page 82. Gunners, page 82. Carpenters, page B2. Ballmakers, pace B2. Officers of the Marine Corps, page 82. General Stair page 82. Colonels, pace 82. Lt.-Colonels, page B2. Majors, page BS Captains, page 82. First Lieutenants, page 62. Second Lieutenants, page 88 Cosl of the Wai in the State, pag in money, page S3, in lives, page 84, War Department statement of loss by death, pace 85. Statement of loss by death, as claimed fur the Slat.-, pace 87. Statement .>f loss of the Volunteers of the State, page 88. Recapitulation of statements of page 90. Tallies of hisses by death, In detail and by organization, page 91. in the Militia ami National Guard, page 01. Loss in stat.' Volunteers, page 94. in Cavalry, page M in Artillery, page 06. in Engineers page in Bbarpsl tars, page 97. in Infantry, page 07. in Unasslgned Men, page 106. iii Total State \ olunteers, page 106 in the Dhited States Yulii lit ,•> r- . pace 1117. In the United States Veteran \ ol untaers, page 107. Loss in Veteran Reserve C.rps. pace 107. Loss in Colored Troops, page 107. IN THE STATE. 3 Cost of the War to the State— (Continued). in lives. Loss in Regular Army, page 107. Lossin Navy and Marine Corps, page 107. Loss in Volunteers of other States. • hie to this, page n>7. Recapitulation of losses, page 108. Hattle losses, page 109. Wounded in action, page 109. Captured and reported missing, page 110. Number of men in the organisation, among whom the losses occurred HO. Deaths Bince the close of the War, 1885, page ill. Representation of the State in the General Government, page 1 12, The women of the Stat.-, page L18. BEFORE THE WAR. The result of the presidential election in November. L860, was n in the Southern States in such manner, that ambitious and unscrupulous politicians felt encouraged to advocate, and to endeavor to carry out. their long and well-designed theories and plans of secession. The Southern people were stimulated to violence by inflaming harangues and falsehoods. The voice of the Union-loving citizen was drowned in the excited and Bpeoious arguments of the demagogue and his recital of imaginary wrongs of the South, or terrorized into silence by lawless elements, encouraged by the leaders of the secession movement. South Carolina passed an ordinance of secession on the 20th of December; Major Anderson, commanding the United States troops in Charleston harbor, aware of the traitorous plans of the secession element, concentrated his troops and successfully transferred them to Fort Sumter during the night of the 26thj a few days later the rebellious State Beized the vacated torts, the arsenal, the custom-house and post-office, and floated over them the Palmetto flag. The year closed amidst scenes purporting no good to th • Union. The only ray of light in the darkened horizon was the acceptance by the Presidenl of the resignation of the-thcn-Secretary of War, and the cousequenl chai attitude of the General Governmeni toward the rebellious States. Yet, notwithstanding all that had passed, the people of this State who accepted the result of the late political canvass in their usual patriotic spirit were nol willing to believe that civil war might not be averted. The Legislature met on the first (.lay of the new year, L861, and the Governor in his annual message discoursed the ai tempt at disunion with firmne8S, but also in a conciliatory tone, stating that the State of New York was ready, in all honorable ways, to aid in reconciling estrangements, and as willing to guarantee the rights of the -lave States, as to defend her own. In opening the Assembly the Speaker referred to the perils which environed the country, to the duty of the representatives of the people in the existing crisis, and to the importance of united councils. In the Senate a leading member of the party, which had opposed Abraham Lincoln's election, submitted a series of resolutions asserting it to be the religious, as well as the patriotic, duty of each State and citizen to make every necessary sacrifice to preserve the Union, and requesting the Governor to tender to the President, in the name of the people, the Militia of the State, to be employed, in his discretion, in enforcing 4 PART I. IX THE STATE i he laws ami maintaining the Constitution. On the following day there were introduced in the Legislature resolutions which received large support from both parties, and recognized alaverj as a disturbing element in the National councils, and, to the end that this impediment to harmony be forever removed, proposed, after the admission of Kansas, then not yet a State, to divide the remaining territories into two States, to he admitted as soon ;( - the inhabitants should adopt a constitution republican in form. Pacification in Bentimenl and preparation in act. were the order of the day. Select committees on federal relations were formed. Bills were brought forward for the more complete enrollment of the .Militia: to prohibit the Bale of munitions of war or the loi £ money to States in rebellion] for defining treason; for providing arm-: indeed for giving form in every way to the sentiment of the people. These measures were but a prelude to many others of like character recorded on almost every page in the legislative journals of uion. The members of both branches were united in action as to the duty of the hour, and the State officials were in harmony with them. The united, firm and dignified Btand of the great State of New York. coupled with changes in the President's Cabinet, and a disposition on the part of the Genera] Government to stand by the Union, reanimated public confidence and strengthened the hopes of many, but to be disappointed, for adverse forces and traitorous minds were still at work. On the 9th of January rebel batteries in Charleston harbor tired upou the Sim- n/' Ihc West, a swil'i merchant steamer chartered by the General Government in New York city, and sent, from there on the night of the 5th, loaded with needed supplies and men for the relief of Major Anderson; they continued their tire after the captain had displayed the Hag of (heir country — of the United Statea The news of i his act aroused the people of this State and of the whole country. Joint resolutions were promptly introduced in, and speedily adopted with but three dissenting votes by, the Legislature, referring to the outrage upon the Star of the West; to the seizures of National property bj Southern : to the treasonable avowals of Southern Senators; to the value of the Union and the necessity of its perpetuity; hailing with joy the special of i he Presideut, in which he declared his intention to use the military power against all who resisted the Federal authority, and tendering him whatever aid in men and ne\ he might require to uphold the authority ..f the government; thej also expressed gratitude for the courage and patriot ism of those repr< sentatives and citizens of and in the South, who labored to save their States from the \rortex of secession. These resolutions truthfully reflected the Bentimenl of the people of the Empire State, ami copies of them insmitted to the President, the Governors of the States, and to the United States Senators from tin- Mate. In the South these resolutions met with no favor. The Governor of Virginia understood them to be a declaration of the readiness of New York to .■■•■■\:-<> the slave-holding States into submission to Federal authority. By one or two of tin; Southern States the resolutions were returned without comment. The Convention of Georgia, then in session, a- a response to them, adopted resolutions approving the seizure, by troops of the state, of Port Pulaski, and Governor to hold the fort until the relations of Georgia to the United State- should be determined. BBFOBE THE WAR 5 To add to the gloom of the situation Mississippi Beceded on the same day the Palmetto secessionists fired upon their country's Sag; Florida Followed on the next day; Alabama on the Llth; Georgia on the 19th; Louisiana ou the 26th of January, and Texas on the 1st of February. On the 24th of January the Governor transmitted to the Legislature the resolutions of the General Assembly of Virginia, inviting all States, willing to unite in an earnest effort to adjust the existing controversies and to afford adequate guarantees to the slave-holding States, to appoint commissioners to meet in Washington on the 4th of February following. He recommended the appointment of a commission as requested, and that, it be composed of men in whose character and patriotism the people e<»uld have full confidence; lu- also urged that no proper effort should be left untried to maintain by peaceful means the Union as it had existed for almost, a century. Gladly responding to this invitation of Virginia to aid in effecting a settlement, if possible, of the serious and important questions agitating the public mind, the Legislature, a few days later, elected as commissioners from this Slate Messrs. David Dudley Field, William Curtis Nous. James S. Wadsworth, James 0. Smith. Amaziah B. James, Erastus Corning, Addison Gardiner, Greene C. Bronson, William E. Dodge, John A. King and John E. Wool. Mr. Gardiner declined and Mr. Thurlow Weed was appointed in his place. On Mr. Weed's non-acceptance Mr. Francis Granger was selected to succeed him, and took his seat in the convention. The proceedings of this body — the Peace Conference — were without results. It could not be otherwise, for on the day it met, the Provincial Congress or Convention of the Beceded Slates met ni Montgomery, Ala., and by the lsih of February had adopted and inaugurated a government, to be known as "the Confederate States of America." On the 5th of February the Governor of Georgia ordered the seizure, in the harbor of Savannah, of several vessels owned in the city of New fork, in reprisal for the detention, by the Metropolitan police of the city, of arms consigned to the State of Georgia; three days later, however, the vessels were released. On the 21st this Governor again ordered the seizure of Wu York shipping at Savannah, and directed that the ships be detained until l he anus, still held by the police, were delivered to his agent in New York city. Munitions of war were being shipped from the North to I he Southern Stale.-. Proposing to stop this traffic, the police authorities of New York city, ordered in the latter part of January the detention of an invoice of arm- about being shipped to Savannah. Correspondence by telegraph ensued, and a formal demand was made on the mayor of the city, by an agenl of Georgia, for the release of the arms. A like demand was also made, by telegraph, by the Governor of Georgia on the Executive of this State, who responded that the grave character and unofficial form of the missive forbade action until better authenticated information should he received. Letters arrived in due time and to the renewed demand of Georgia's Governor Governor Morgan replied: "* * * Assuming I have authority to do so, you expect me to surrender (or formally to withhold) the property alleged to be in the possession of the superintendent of the Metropolitan police, by a given date. Permil me to say, that as Governor of this State, 1 have no power whatever over the officer who made the seizure, and had no more knowledge of the fact, nor have I any more connection with the transaction, than has any other citizen of this Stale; but I do not hesitate to say that the arms will be delivered whenever 6 PABT I. IN THE STATE application shall be made for them. Should such nol be the case however, redress is to be Bought, nol in au appeal to the Executive authority of New York to exercise a merely arbitrary power, but in due form of law, through ilarly constituted tribunals of justice of the State or of the United w the parties aggrieved may elect. It is but proper here to say, thai the courts are al all times open to suitors, and no complaint has reached me of the inability or unwillingness of judicial officers to render exact justice to all. If, however, the Eaci be otherwise, whatever authority the Constitution and the laws vest in me, for compelling a performance of their duty, will be promptly exercised. In conclasion permit me to say that, while differing widely with your Excellency as to the right or policy of your acts and of the views expressed in your several communications, 1 have the honor to be, * * V The police authorities delivered the arms in question to the of the state of Georgia on the 16th of March. On the 1 st h of February the President-elect was received at the Capitol as the guest of the State, and was cordially welcomed hy the Governor, the Legislature and the citizens. The chairman of the committee, on the part of Legislature, pledged him the support of the State of New York in the discharge of his constitutional duties. For this he expressed his gratitude, ami added: " While I hold myself , without mock modesty, the humblest of all individuals that have been elected to the presidency, 1 have a more difficult task to perform than any of them." Events were daily rendering it more and more likely that the dome-tie discord would terminate in open hostilities. The probabilities of this, and the mean- for Bubduing the expected hostilities were discussed at every fireside throughout the land. The decadence of the military spirit of the people at Large had been gradual, but nearly absolute. Public money expended to maintain a Militia establishment was regarded as wasted. But notwithstanding the general apathy of the people, there were still a frw men in every portion of the State, and especially al the principal centres, who did not permit the military spirit wholly to die out, and specially noted among them was General Frederick Townsend of Albany, vrho as Adjutant- General <>f the State from 1857 to L860 re-organized the uniformed Militia and made it a serviceable body. The principal lack was in material of war. The Strength of the organized Militia was nominally nineteen thousand men; to arm this force the state possessed but about eight thousand muskets and nd one hundred and fifty smooth-bore held pi is, of most ever] calibre. The National authorities were in no condition to supply the want. the late Secretary of War having, with treasonable intent, .-cut thousands of mnsketa from the Watervliel arsenal to the South. This want had however, been brought to the notice of the Legislature hy the Governor, who in his annual message had pointed out tin' lack of serviceable military stores, and that th 'ganized Militia was nut provided with reliable weapons, and had asked the Legislature to take early measures to supply these deficiencies, recommending for that purpose an appropriation, to he used at the disc of the military department of the Stale, and a hill had been introduced providing half a million dollar- I'm- the purchase of aim- and equipments. This hill was however, not pa-sed by the Legislature until just before the on, when events had demonstrated the imperative necessity of the measure. AT THE BEGINNING OF THE WAR AND l\ L861. At half-past four o'clock of the morning of the 12th day of April a shot was fired from the mortar battery Dear old Fori Johnson, and a moment later fell upon Fort Sumter, under the flag of the United States. This Bhot, although not the first fired upon the National flag, inaugurated a conflict of gigantic proportions and Ear-reaching consequences, from which the United emerged forever as one country and one nation. The bombardment of Fori Sumter was shortly followed by its surrender, which became known at the capital of the State on Sunday morning the 14th. The news came upon the people of this State as an evenl too sad for full belief. But the suddenness of the intelligence was followed by pr pi and efficient action in every quarter. A meeting took place in the afternoon at the Executive chamber. There were presenl the Governor ami other st.-ite officers, the Speaker of the Assembly ami members of the military ami finance committees of the two houses. A committee, consisting of the. Attorney- General, the Adjutant-General, the fnspector-General, Mr. Blood of the Senate and Mr. Robinson of the Assembly, was appointed to draft a bill to be submitted t<> the Legislature the following morning. As drawn by the com in it tee. the hill invested the Governor with the power of its execution, and provided for the enrollmenl of thirty thousand volunteer Militia to serve for i wo _\ear.-, appropriating three million dollars t'> meel the expense. The Legislature connected the Slate officers with the Governor in the raising and organizing of these troop- and passed the hill thus modified, and the Governor approved it on the L6th. The commission thus formed was popularly known as the "State Military Board," and consisted of the Governor of the State, Edwin D. Morgan; the Lieutenant-Governor, Roberl Campbell of Bath; the Secretary of State, David I.'. Floyd-Jones of South Oyster Bay; the Comptroller, Roberl Denniston of Salisbury .Mills: the Attorney-General, Charles <;. Myers of Ogdensburgh; the State Engineer ami Surveyor, Van Rensselaer Richmond of Lyons: and the State Treasurer. Philip Doreheimer of BufEalo. (>n the 15th «»f April the President issued hi- proclamation calling forth the Militia of the several States to the number of seventy-five thousand men, to suppress treasonable combinations and to cause the laws to he duly executed. The quota assigned to this State consisted of seventeen regiments, each of seven hundred and eighty officers and enlisted men, making in the aggregate a force of thirteen thousand, two hundred and eighty men. The State Military Board met on the evening of the Kith and the Governor submitted a dispatch from the Secretary of War. to the effeel thai the men called for were to he mustered into immediate service, and that he would he gratified to have one or more regiments march to Washington before the close of the week. The situation demanded prompt action; the Governor at once issued orders for the available organized Militia to march; the Board resolved that seventeen regiments of seven hundred and eighty men cadi, he enrolled and mustered into service for two years, and made provisions for the prompt transportation to Washington of the regiments of the organized Militia ordered into service by the Governor, as well as of the volunteer Militia, 8 PABT I. IN THE STATE authorized by it, and for procuring necessary quarters; hospital, medical and other supplies. There was need of this action; communication with Washington was Bevered, and the condition of affairs there waa Buch, that the Stat.' was lefl in most pari to supply transportation for her troops; indeed even thing in the way of accommodations for volunteers, 3ick and well, waa to be )'i'o\ ided by tin- State am horities. The Governor's military >tatl' was composed of men, who were competent for the new and weighty duties now falling upon them. No time was gi?en to deliberate, the work was pressed upon their attention at once. The details, as well as the general duties of the Beveral Btaff departments were instantly and rigorously entered upon. An arm] of forty thousand men, including the organized Militia, was to be prepared for the held and all the staff officers uvtv more than fully employe. 1. During his administration Governor Morgan's staff consisted of: Adjutant-General J. Meredith Reed, Jr., of Albany, who resigned on account of ill health August 14, 1861, and was eeded by Thomas Billhouse of Geneva; Inspector-General William A. Jackson of Albany, who resigned May 1 ;, 1861, to become Colonel of the 18th Volunteers, followed by Marsena R. Patrick, who resigned February 10, 1862, to become Brigadier-General of Volunteers, in whose place was appointed Chester A. Arthur, who resigned duly 9, 18G2, to become Quartermaster- General and who was succeeded by Ouyler Van Vechtcn; Judge-Advocate General William Henry Ant lem of New York city; Quartermaster-General Ouyler Van Vechten of Albany, who duly 0, 1862, was appointed Inspector- General and was replaced by Chester A. Arthur; Surgeon -General S.Oakley Vanderpoel of Albany; Paymaster-General Thomas B. Van Buren, succeeded George Bliss, Jr., February 27, 1862, upon becoming Colonel of the 102d Volunteers; Bngineer-in-Chief Chester A. Arthur, appointed Inspector- General February L0, L862; Chief of Ordnance, the constitutional Commissary- General, Benjamin Welch, Jr., of Buffalo; Aides-de-Camp Edwin D.Morgan, .h-., of New Y.»rk city, resigned May 13, 1861; Edmund Schriver from May 13 to September 2, L861; Thomas B. Arden from September 2, L861; Samuel I). Bradford,Jr., resigned January 31, 1862; Francis M. Rotch from February 12, L862; Elliot! F. Shepard and John II. Linsley. Several officers of the ilar Army were assigned i" temporary duly at Albany about this period, -i-t the military department by their experience; of these were Colonels Delafield, Schriver ami rleyes, whose name- are prominent in the annals of the war. Depots were established at New York city, Albany ami Elmira, ami Brigadier-Generals Charles Xates, John F. Rathbone and Robert B. Van Valkenburgh of the organized Militia, respectively, placed in command of them. Branch depots were also opened al Syracuse and Troy, ami Brigadier- Generals Roberl M. Richardson an. I Darin- Allen, respectively, assigned to their .bar-.. Orders were issued for tbe rendezvous and organization of men, of whom many were already arriving al these depots — even before authority to receive them existed -often, indeed, presenting themselves unannounced; and Buch was the patriotic spiril of the people thai many, obviously unlit physically and b) reason of age, came with the able-bodied volunteers. Worthily interpreting the Bpirii of their constituency, the Legislature prolonged its Bession and redoubled it- labors. Loyal men of all political opinions rallied around the flag of their < itry; ami it should be remembered AT THE BEGINNING OF THE U.UJ AM» IN 1861. 9 as one of the noblest manifestations of thai period of danger, how enthusiasti- cally the last hours of the Senate and Assembly were devoted to the duties of patriotism. Nearly a score of these legislators, who with their votes initiated the work of preparing the way of their state, followed up the put, lie pledge, then given, with the sword. The life blood of some of these earnest men too soon became the tribute of their devotion, and they stand conspicuous in the roll of the immortal as the representative heroes of the Legislature of tin- State. In this, the eighty-fourth session of the Legislature, the people of t In- state were represented In the Senate w\ Lieutenant-Governor Robert Campbell, <>f Hath. President: Thomas A. Gardner, Francis B. Bpinola, .1. McLeod Murphy, Bernard Kelly, Benj. F. Manierre, Jiichiird D. ( lonnolly, Hezekiah I>. Robertson, Robert V. Grant, Joshua Fiero, Jr., John !I. Ketcham, Volney Richmond, Andrew J. < lolvin, Joseph II. Ramsey, Issiiiih Blood, Nathan Lapham, 1st dist.: Senator * has. Montgomery, i I the 17th. list.; 2d James A. Bell, 1 8th 3d William II. Ferrj . 1 9th 4th Francis M. Rotch, 90th 5th Andrew S. Warner, 21 81 6tl Allen Munro, 22.1 7th I'eiiiii 11. Met (raw, 28d 8th Lyman Truman, 24 th lltl! Ahx. B. \\ Uliams, 25th lOtb Thomas Hillhouse, 26th 11th Samuel II. Hammond 27th 12th Ephraim 1 h 28th 13th Peter |'. Murphy, 29th 14th David II. Abell, 30th loth Erastus S. Prosser, 31st Kith Walter L. Sessions, 82d Ik the Assembly by Speaker Db Witt C. Lewis Benedict, Jr., 2.1 district of Albany; Henry Lansing, 3d district of Albany; William J. Wheeler, 4th district of Albany Wilkes Angel, 1st district of Allegany; Lucius S. May, 2d district of Allegany; Friend II. Burt, district and county of Broome Xelsnn I. Norton, l^t district of Cattaraugus Franklin Philbrick,2d district of Cattaraugus Ileiuan Benton, 1st district of Cayuga; Smith Anthony, 2d district of Cayuga; Henry A. Prendergast, 1st dist. Chautauqua Hiram Smith, 2d, 2d districl of Chautauqua Lucius Robinson, dist. and county Chemung Thomas Carter, 1st district of Chenango; Samuel E. Lewis, 2d district of Chenango; Henry McFadden, dist. and county of Clinton Samuel Lasher. 1st district of Columbia; Norton S. Collin, 2d district of Columbia: Loam in i Kinney, dist. and county of Cortland Seymour E. Smith, Isl district of Delaware Dani.-l Waterbury, 2d district of Delaware John B. Out. -h.-r, 1st district of Dutchess; Samuel J. Farnum, 2d districl of Dutchess Stephen V. R. Watson, 1st district of Brie Victor M. Rice, 2d district of Erie; Benjamin II. Long, 3d district of Erie; Zebulon Ferris, 4th district of Erie; Martin Finch, district and county of Essex; William Andrus, .list, and county Franklin; .las. II. Burr, counties Fulton and Hamilton; George W. Wright, dist. and county Genesee; Gilbert Bedell, district and county of Greene; John Markell, 1st district of Herkimer; Josiah Shull. 2d district of Herkimer; David Montague, 1st district of Jefferson; David J. Wager, 2.1 district of Jefferson; Ln 1 1 i.ioiin, of Oswego; Harvey Bailey, :'>.! district of Jefferson; Andrew.!, l'rovost, 1st district of Kit Marquis I>. Moore, 2d district of Kings; Nathan Comstock, 3d district of Kings; James DaTCJ . 4th district of Kb . Lucius ( '. Andrus. 5th district of B Joseph Nesbitt, 8th district of Kings; George II. Fisher, 7th district of Kings; Edmund Baldwin, district and county Lewis; Matthew Wiard, 1st district of Livingston; George Hyland, 2d district of Livingston; Orrin B. Lord, 1st districl of Madison; Francis A. Hyatt. 2d district of Madison; Martin Roberts, 1st district of Monroe; Lewis II. Morgan, 2.1 district of Monroe; Benjamin R. Wells, 3d district of Monroe, Frothingham Fish, district and county of Montgomery; John Callahan, 1st district of New Fork; William Walsh. 2d district of New Fork; christian B. Woodruff, 3d dist. of New ^ ork; William J. C. Kinney. 4th dist.ofNew York; John J. Shaw, ">th districl of New Fork; Samuel T. Webster, 8th district of N.-w Fork; Dani.-l Fonng, 7th district of N< \\ Fork; Andr.-w Craft, 8th district of New Fork; Horatio N. Sherwood, 9th .list of New York; Luke I-'. Cozans, Huh districl of New York; John Hardy. I lth district of New Fork; John Lambrecht, 12th district of New Fork; Charles E. Birdsall, 18th district of New Fork; Robert C. Hutchings, 14th dist ol NV. George W. Varian, 15th dist. of New Fork; H.-nry Arcularius, Kith district of New York; Jay Jarvis Jones, 17th di-tri.-t of N.-w Fork; . Henry P. Smith, 1st district of Nia 10 PART I. IX THE STATE Oliver P. Scovell, 2d district of Niagara; Francis Kernan, l-t district of Oneida; Levi T. Marshall, 2d district of Oneida; Marquis I. rlenyon, 3d districl of Oneida; William Lewis, 4th district uf Oneida; Jeremiah Emerick, l-t districl of On laga; Austin Myers, 2d districl of Onondaga; Abner Chapman, 3d districl of Onondi Perez II. Field, 1st districl ol Ontario; Stephen II. Ainsworth.2d district of Ontario; Stephen W. Fullerton, Jr., lstdist of Orange; Milton Barnes, 2d district of Orange; Randall, dist. and count; of Orleans; I > Wiim' Littlejohn, l-t district of Oswego; Richard K. Sanford, 2d districl of Oswego; Mason Salisbury, 3d district of Oswego; Elijah E. Ferrey, l-t district of Otsego; Frederick A. Bolles. 2d district of Otsego; Chas. T, Brewster, dist. and county Putnam; Stephen Taber, 1st districl of Queens; John 1>. Townsend, ,'d districl of Queens; Charles J. Saxe, I-' district of Rensselaer; I.. Chandler Ball, 2d districl of Rensselaer; Aii-.m Bingham, 3d districl of Rensselaer; N. Dane Ellingw I, districl ami county ol' Richmond. Win. R. Knapp, dist. and county uf Rockland; Charles Richardson, l>t dist. of St. Lawrence; Edwin A. Merritt, 2d dist. of St. Lawrence; Clark S. Chittenden, 3d dist. of St. Lawrence; John Fulton, l-t district of Saratoga; James Sumner, Jr., 2d district of Sarato Alonzo Macomber, districl and county id' Schenectady. Joseph Buckbee, dist. ami county Schoharie; Alirain V. Mekeel, dist. and county Schuyler; William Johnson, dist. ami county of Seneca; Daniel B. Bryan, 1-t district of Steuben; Jeffrey Smith, 2d districl of Steuben; Redman S. Davis, 3d district of Steuben; .lames II. Tuthill, l-t district of Suffolk; Alexander . I. Bergen, 2d district of SulTolk; Stephen St. John Gardner, district and county of Sullivan: Cero 1'". Barber, district and county of Tioga; Jeremiah W. Dwight, district ami county of Tompkinsj Robert Loughran, 1st district of lister; George T. Pierce, 2d district of Ulster; Benjamin Turner, Jr., 3d district of Ulster; Waiter A. Faxon, dist. and counn of Warren; Peter Hill, l-t district of Washington; Nicholas M. Catlin, 2d district uf Washington; Jabez S. L'Amoreaux, 1st district of Wayne; Joseph W. Corning, 2d district of Wayne; Win. .1. McDerraott, 1st dist. of Westchester; N. Holmes Odell, -2lc were alive with zeal in preparing to answer the call of the government. They held public meetings; adopted patriotic addresses; raised money and enrolled men: in every pari <>f the State. Pasl political differences were forgotten. Flags were floating from church Bteeples, public buildings, school-houses and private resi- dences. The thrilling tones f the loyal press penetrated every household, and gave utterance to the popular enthusiasm; its representatives threw down the pen and grasped the sword; they proposed to make the history, which they were afterward to chronicle. All was animation and a state of peace had suddenly been transformed into a condition of war. From every quarter came applications for authority to raise troops. 'The people were sensitively alive i" the demands of (be hour.' Real or fancied delays, whether inevitable ..rind, were censured without Btint, if not without reason. Private liberality knew no bounds. 'I'be emergency and the danger to the National Capital were great, and well il was that some of the genuine lire of (he military Spiril bad been kepi alive. The Militia regiments ordered ou1 i»\ the Governor for a service of three months, responded to the pressing call with an alacrity that stands to their perpetual credit. This prompt response no doubt saved the capital from capture and spoliation. The hearts of all were quickened, when the lightning flashed from Washington its missive of doubl and despondency, of painful peril, of glad and heartfelt relief! How startling was the first Bummons, flashed along the wire- from the threatened -out of the government; how incessant the fiery messages thereafter. Numbei -alarm ami counsel poured upon the Governor from Washington and all parts of the Stale; they Wefe the throbbingS of the heart of the people. on the isth of April the Governor issued hi- proclamation calling upon the i.e., pie for volunteers for tin seventeen regiments authorized by the State Military Board, under the aet passed by the Legislature. On the L9th a AT THE BEGINNING OF THE WAB AND IN 1861. 11 groat meeting of merchants was held in New 5Tork city; resolutions to sustain the government were adopted, and at the announcement that several regiments, then organizing, needed assistance, more than twenty thousand dollars were raised in ten minutes' time. On the sa lay the famous Seventh Militia, amidst greal enthusiasm, loft for the city of Washington. The next day, the 20th, occurred that memorable meeting in Union Square, New York city, of two hundred thousand of the people. Leading citizens without distinction of party, mel there to unite their voices in supporl of the government. The surging crowds thai filled the streets, drowned all noises in their huzzas for the Onion. The meeting was an important one in every sense; its action gave direction to popular sentiment everywhere, and the Union Defense Committee was then formed from the foremosl citizens of the great Metropolis. Conventions and meetings were held on the same day in Schenectady. Hudson, Utica, Oswego and Rochester, and troops raised and means provided. The people of Ponghkeepsie, Troy, Auburn, Syracuse and Buffalo also met to counsel on the best le of responding to the country's call. Town and village, greal and small, were likewise engaged. Albany and Elmira were changed, in a few hours, from business centres into military camps. On the 21st, the Sixth, Twelfth and Seventy-first regiments of the Militia left the city of New York en route for Washington. On the 22d, a patriotic meeting of the Bench and Bar of New York city took place, at which money was subscribed by the thousands; the city of New York appropriated our million dollars for fitting out soldiers and supporting the families of volunteers; and the Twenty-fifth regiment of Militia left Albany for the endangered Capital of the country. The succeeding day, the 23d, witnessed a great meeting in Brooklyn, at which Robert J. Walker, a former Cabinet officer, and resident of a seceded State, addressed the people; and the departure from Brooklyn of the Thirteenth, and from New York cit) of the Eighth and Sixty-ninth regiments of the organized Militia ^( the Stat the 26th, the Secretary of War wrote to the Governor: •• I have to repeat the acknowledgments of this department for your very prompt and energetic action in sending forward the troops of your Mate." On the 27th the Fifth regiment of Militia of New York city; on the 28th the Twentietl incut of Militia of Kingston: on the 29th the Ellsworth Fire Zouaves, later the Eleventh Volunteers, a two years' regiment, of New Xork city, and on the 30th the Twenty-eighth regiment of Militia of Brooklyn, left the State for active service. The remaining regiments of the organized Militia were preparing to march, when in the first days of May, their orders were countermanded upon of information from the General Government, that no more three months' men were desired. Four companies of the Seventy-fourth Militia volunteered then, and left Buffalo for Elmira May 3d, escorted to the depot by the Eome Guards, of which Ex-President Fillmore was major and in command. The Militia regiments, when starting for Washington, were accompanied to the points of embarkation by immense crowds. Their line of march was a perfect ovation; thousands filled the sidewalks; private and public buildings were decorated with banners, and there were many touching scenes of farewell taking, but no faltering among the men. The enlistment of volunteers under the Governor's proclamation of the 12 TART I. IX THE STATE 18th of April proceeded with great rapidity. <»n the 22d, only a week after the proclamation of the President, eighty-two companies had been accepted, and the State Military Board adopted a resolution " to organize the remainder of the force provided for in the act of April L6th." Firearms were dow the serious want. On the ".'4th of April an agent was sent t<» Europe to purchase twenty-five thousand stand- of the most approved pattern, and also a supply of fixed ammunition. The agent carried a letter of credit for half a million dollars, and a communication from the Governor t" Lord Palmerston, requesting him to sanction these purchases by the State. 'I'he Governor-General of Canada, meanwhile applied to for authority to purchase arms in his territory, replied that he was not permitted to allow munition- of war to he taken from that province. In Europe the agent found thai large orders had been sent out from this country and that the Spanish governmenl was a heavy purchaser of arms in the British market-. Be, however, obtained nineteen thousand Enfield muskets at a cost of three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollar.-. His first shipment was refused by the English steamship company, though sent to Gahvay by the house of Baring Brothers. Ou the 25th of April the Governor, in accordance with the resolution adopted by the state Military Board, issued his proclamation for volunteers for twenty-one additional regiments, making the total number of regiments to rganized for two years' service thirty-eight, and completing the force of volunteer Militia authorized by law. Public manifestations increased. Nationalities vied with each other in the work of raising regiments ami sustaining the government. On the 25th of April an enthusiastic meeting of the British residents was held in Nevi York city; followed a few day- later by a Onion meeting of the French residents. The Germans met frequently in large assemblages, and other nationalities were equallj active. Distinctive regiments of Irish, Scotch, Germans and French were being raised for the war. The Common Council of Buffalo made a large appropriation to equip a local regiment Troy established a special depot and raised money for it8 Support. Other cities and towns Were not behind in the work. Collection- were made in churches ami at other assemblages for furnishing Deeded supplies for the soldiers and for supporting their families. Active patriotism prevailed in business circle-: hankers and commercial men were furnishing money h\ the tens of thousands. Mechanics and manufacturers were vieing with others in the work of forwarding men and providing for those ai home. Representatives of all professions and pursuits were found in the rank- or hastening to the rendezvous. The Union Defense Committee, the Merchants' and the German committees, the ('handier of Commerce, churches and citizens of New York city and of other localities, throughout the State, assisted with money in defraying the expenses of the organizations springing up all over the country. On the 7th of May the Governor, expressing his gratification al the alacrity and self-sacrificing Spiril displayed h\ the people, announced, thai the maximum number allowed by the act of April L6th, having been enrolled, no expenditure of time or means should be uselessly incurred by the patriotic citizens of the State in further efforts for new organizations. May 3d, the Presided issued a call for forty-two thousand and thirty-four volunteer- for a service of three years, and the War Department granted AT THE BEGINNING OF THE \V.\1! AM) IN L861. 13 authority to committees and individuals to recruil regiments, crediting them to the State, so that when, May 25th, the organization of the thirty-eighl two- years' regiments was completed, the number of men required from thi was found to be already filled, while hut a part of the troops raised by the State authorities had been accepted bythe General Government. Tin- created a serious embarrassment, and a delay in forwarding troops. The term of service of the New York contingent had been fixed by law at two years and could therefore nol be changed, otherwise matters could have been arranged more quickly. Eowever, the State Board insisted that the troops raised i>\ authority of the State should be received without regard to those tendered or raised by committees and unofficial persons, and finally, June 12th, Secretarj of War Cameron ordered the muster into the United States service of all the regiments which had been enrolled into the State service A. small number of these had been, meanwhile, mustered in for three months, causing al the expiration of that time, when the Governor, at the requesl of the War Depart- ment, ordered them to continue in the CTnited state- Bervice for the unex- pired term of their State service, no little evil and dissatisfaction. CTnder the President's call of May 3d and authority received from the War Department, there were organized for a service of i hree years, principally under t he auspices of the Union Defense Committee of New York city: The (iaribaldi Guard, the .Mozart Regiment, tin- De Kail. Regiment, the Tammany Jackson Guard, the Second, Ninth. Fourteenth ami Seventy-ninth regiments of Militia. May lit ] i the Secretary of War on the part of the President, again thanked the Governor and his staff, for seconding the call of the President for troops in such prompt and efficient manner. Early in duly the General Government requested some mounted troops and two companies were forwarded, one compan\ composed of volunteers from the First, the other of volunteers from the Third, regiment of cavalry of the State Militia; they entered the United States service for three months. By July 12th the last volunteer organization had left the State, and at that date there had been placed in the United States service by this State: Of the organized Militia for three months' service 8,534 men; of two years' volunteers 30,131 men: of three years' volunteers i. •">•">; men: making a total of L6,224 officers and enlisted men. The depots were closed and recruiting suspended. The tide of volunteering was still at Hood. Applications for authority to raise additional companies were as stronglj pressed as at any time since the firing upon Fori Sumter, hut the General Government declined to accept more men. The Governor asked for the privilege of accepting a certain Dumber of companies and suggested that they be sen I to camps of instruction within the State, and thus a well-drilled force !"■ provided for emergencies. Long Island and the vicinity of Buffalo were two of the points suggested for the encampment, and the latter city formally tendered an eligible -it" on the shores of Lake Erie for this purpose. In regard to the former locality, a competent officer, after examining several point-, had selected a suitable spot not far from New York city. The federal authorities, however, had not assented to this policy, when the defeat at Bull Run, duly •.'1st, changed the aspect of affairs, gave a new direction to the efforts of the State, and opened a new period of the War of the Rebellion. The defeat at Bull Run, while it tilled the people with pain ami sorrow, had no depressing effect on their patriotic spirit: on the contrary the desire 14 TAUT I. IN THE STATE tn uphold thf Government, to preserve and protect the Union and the Nation Beemed, if possible, to grow stronger than at any time before. The people at large were also beginning to appreciate that the struggle had but begun, and that the end was nol as near as many had heretofore believed and expected. Men and means were liberally offered, and when on the day after the reverse, the President approved the act of Congress authorizing the organization of an army of five hundred thousand men, with power to increase the force whenever he should derm it necessary, his action and that of Congress were warmly applauded and supported. At the request of the President, Governor Morgan issued, duly 25th, a proclamation calling for twenty-five thousand volunteers for three years' Bervice, to be organized in twenty-five regiments of infantry, and July 30th, the Governor, at the request of the War Department, called for volunteers for four additional regiments, two of cavalry and two of artillery. <>n the 26th of July three regiments of colored men to serve during the war, were tendered to the Governor, with the assurance that their arms, equipments, clothing and pay, while in the service, would be provided by the colored population of the State. There being no authority to enroll colored men. the offer had to lie declined; hut this appreciation of the struggle before the country, and the loyal spirit the offer indicated, deserve to be placed on record. (>n the 31st of duly the depots at New York city, Albany and Elmira were reopened, with the same efficient officers in command, and recruiting and organizing recommenced with vigor ami energy. No quota was assigned to the State ;it the time; the troops were raised under the act of Congress approved Jul} 22d; however, when in dune. 1862, it became mcessary to determine what the quota should have been, in order to make further calls, it was decided that Bince the President's call of April 15th, this State should have been required to furnish one hundred and nine thousand and fifty-six three years' volunteers. The Union Defense Committee, the German and other committees of New York city. Brooklyn, and the other cities and localities of the State, which had rendered such valuable services in April and May, renewed their former efforts, and aided in every possible way the officers of the State. The ardor of the people cannot be described; requests for authority to raise regiments and to recruit companies Hooded the military department, and it became uecessarj to establish branch depots for the reception of companies and the organization of regiments, to meet the spirit of the people and to enable prompt ami fruitful co-operation on the part of the various committees and manj persons of influence. Such depots were established between August 23d and November 2d, in the order named, at: Oswego, Saratoga, Buffalo, Rochester, Ogdensburgh, Auburn. Kingston, West- field, in the first district of the county of New York, Syracuse, Brooklyn, B iville, Geneseo, Cortland ville, Plattsburgh, Cherr] Valley, Potsdam, Malone, (Jnadilla, Hancock, Madison Barracks, Lyons, CTtica, he Roj ami Ninevah. Op to this time the largest portion <»f the expenses incurred in recruiting, quartering, subsisting, uniforming, arming, transporting, and even paying the troops raised in the State, especially in the case of the Militia and the two years' regiments, had been borne by the state; but August L5th, the officers of the Regular Army, who had been detailed to muster in the new lew. were eon- AT THE BEGINNING OF THE W&R AND IN 1861. 15 stituted disbursing officers of the General Government and, Congress having passed the necessary appropriation, provided with funds for the payment of expenses of the nature mentioned, relieving the State largely, bul nol entirely, from that duty. In August the regiments of the organized Militia, which bad bo promptly inarched to the t'n>nt in April, and had since rendered valuable Bervic i the field of battle and in camp and garrison, returned to their home stations and were received by a grateful people with enthusiastic demonstrations of approval and appreciation. Many of these men at once re-entered the service of their country as volunteers. No better description can be given of the situation at this time, of the patriotic spirit prevading all, than is contained in the proclamation of the Gov- ernor, issued on the 22d of August, and here reproduced, wherein, while ap- pealing to the people, he speaks for them in a istakable words: "A con- spiracy, not the work of a day. bul the resull of years of falsi', wicked and traitorous machinations, has, for several months, disturbed the peace of the State of New York and of the Federal Union, [ts movements have been marked by violence and fraud. Wherever it has manifested itself, il has dis- regarded the rights of citizens, coerced them into the ranks of its armii exercised an absolute control over persons and property, in otter defiance of the Constitution and laws of the land. Ambitious and designing men, disap- pointed in their personal aims, have been enabled, chief!} by misrepresenting the feelings of one portion of the country toward the other, to usurp and exer- cise a power which has become not only tyrannical and oppressive in the several States whose constitutional governments il has temporarily suspended, bul dan- gerous to the entire Union. The pretences originally held forth as a justifica- tion for acts of lawlessness and treason have been laid aside. The intention of the leaders of this wicked Rebellion to destroy the Union, cemented by the blood of our forefathers, is now fully manifested : and elated l>\ an accidental BUC- cess, they audaciously threaten the National Capital. As Chief Magistrate of the State, it i< my -oleum duty to warn all g I and loyal men of the dangers to which our institutions are exposed, and to urge upon them the necessity of an earnest and zealous co-operation with the authorities of the State and Gen- eral Government, of a cheerful contribul ion of their means to Bupporl the pub- lic credit, and of active enrollment in the forces now being organized for the defence of the Union, convinced that the tranquillity of the country, so wan- tonly disturbed, can only be restored by the prompt and vigorous suppression ..f rebellion and treason wherever they may appear. The Representatives of I he people of the United State-, lately oni\i'iinl in Congress, at the call of a con- stitutionally elected President, in view of the perils which surround the Union, have, by legislative enactment, provided for liberal supplies of men and means for the enforcement of the laws, ami have thus invited a heart] and zealous response on the part of the several States. New York ha- never wavered in her devotion to the ("nion. She prizes it on account of the many blessings which all parts of the country alike have received from it, on accounl of the memory of her patriot sons by whose blood it was purchased, and for the ines- timable benefit it confers upon the present, and secures to future generations. Her noble response to the call of the President, ill April la-t, wa- SUCh a- pre- served to her the proud title she has long borne in the family of States. Another siage in the great Rebellion has been reached ; and the Government, 16 PART I. IN THE STATE appreciating the dangers now menacing it, appeals for aid. The whole coun- trv. the civilized world, now looks to the State of New York. Let the response be worthy of her history. Lei her answer go back in full ranks of earnest men, who justly valuing the magnitude of the interests involved, temporarily relinquish their pursuits and prepare to meet the crisis." Augnsl 28th, the War Department authorized recruiting Eor organizations in the field, and ordered details from such as required recruits, to be sent to this State for thai purpose. Ever Bince May the War Department had been granting authority to indi- viduals to recruit and organize regiments and batteries, independent of the State authorities. Some of these were worthy men. while others were not cal- culated to meet with success. Their recruiting parties were all over the State and created innumerable complications and annoyances for t he authorities. September 5th, upon the representations of the Governor, the Secretary of War ordered all residents of the State, who had received from his department authority to recruit and organize, to report to the Executive of this State for orders, and to complete their respective organizations with his approval; em- powering him to revoke any authority granted, or to consolidate organizations, as he deemed best for the interests of the country. This action was timely, and put an end to the many vexatious delays and interferences met with by the State officers. To expedite and simplify the organizing, equipping, subsisting and forward- ing of troops, Governor .Morgan consented to accept the position of Major- General of United States Volunteers, and October 26th "the President created the Military Department of New York, comprising the State, and placed the Governor, as Major-General, in command of it. Major-General Morgan assumed command November 1st. October 28th, the General Government requested that no more regiments of cavalry be organized, and November 27th it extended the request also to infan- try. December 3rd the War Department, in General Orders, directed that no more new regiments should be recruited; that incomplete organizations should be consolidated, and all organizations still in the States forwarded as quickly ble. This of course discontinued recruiting. Steps were al once taken to Consolidate incomplete organ; /.at ions which, il was thought, would not he able to till then- ranks within a shorl time. Other regiments nearly completed, and whose rank-, it was known, could he tilled in a few weeks, received special au- thority to con! inue recruit ing. Tin- recruiting parties for organizations in the Held had not been idle; it is estimated, no exact account having been recorded, that they recruited and Bent to their respective organizations before the close of the year about eleven thou- sand men. At the cloa of the year there had been sent to the front since August, or rather Bince September, for August was more a month of preparation than of action, forty-two regiments of infantry, ten regiments of cavalry, one battalion of mounted rifles, two regiments of artillery, two battalions of artillery, one rocket battalion, nine independent batteries, and four companies of Berdan sharpshooters, and there were .-nil left in the state regiments ready to start, and others not completed, numbering Fourteen thousand two hundred and eighty-three men; making the total number recruited for new and old organ- ization-, seventy-five thousand three hundred and thirty-nine men. IN 1862. The Legislature of the State met in its eighty-fifth session a few days after the commencement of the year. Like its predecessor, it was composed of men worthy to represent a loyal and patriotic people. The Governor, in hie mes- sage, ably portrayed the situation and described the work of the past year. The session was largely occupied in authorizing counties, cities, town- and villa raise means for the equipmenl of volunteers and for the relief of their Families. Ordinances and ads by communities, already passed and executed, appropriat- ing money in aid of the defence of the .National Union, were legalized. The Comptroller of the State was empowered to provide means to the extent of three hundred and lift) thousand dollars, For the pa} of volunteers still in the State, due on the 1st of January, bul not yei paid by the United Male-. There was do hesitation on the part of the authorities and the people in pro- viding for the soldiers the State had called forth, and the Families they had left behind. Measures were also provided by acl for the proper paymenl and distribution, by the State, of such sums of their pay as ma\ have been or may hereafter be assigned by the volunteers For t he benefit of their families or oth- ers. Provision was made for the prompl payment of the direct lax levied by act of Congress and apportioned to the State: of expenses incurred in the organization, equipment and subsistence of troops; and for reimbursement of Militia regiments for clothing and equipments lost and destroyed while in the United States service. Toward the close of the session an acl was passed For the better enrollment of the .Militia, the organization and discipline of the National Guard, the designation given to the organized Militia, and for public defence. February 17th, the Legislature also passed a concurrent resolution giving thanks to the officers and soldiers For the recent victories of the National arms at Ports Henry and Donelson, at Roanoke [sland, Savannah and other points. Chapter 420, passed April 22d, incorporated the Union Home and School for the education and maintenance of the children of volun- teers, under the management of noble women of the State. In short everj thing that could be done for the comfort of those who had entered their country's service, for those they left behind, and For those who were yet to enter the ranks, was promptly and loyally done by this Legislature, the mem- bers of which were: I.V THE Sknate: President, Robert Campbell of Bath, the Lieutenant-Governor of the State; Senator Monroe Henderson, of th< 1-t dist.: Senator Chas.< !. Montgomery ,"t' 1 lelTtl, Jesse C. Smith, 2d James A- Hell, 18th Henry ('. Murphy, :!.l Alex. II. Bailey, I'.tth ( Shristian B. W 1 ruff, 4th George A. Hardin, 80th Charles <;. Cornell, 5th Richard K. Sanford, 21 si John .1. Bradley, 6th All. -n Monro, 22d Richard B. < lonnoll V, 7rh Henry A. dark. 23d Hezekiab 0. Robertson, 8th Lyman Truman, 24th Henry R. Low, 9th Chauncey M Abbott, 25th Jacob s. Freer, Kith Charles J. Folger, 26th William 11. Tobey, 11th Charlee Cook, 27th Ralph Richards, L2th Lysander Farrar, 28th John V. 1.. I'ruyn, 18th Almanzor Hutchinson, 29th Joseph II. Ramsey, 14 th Wilkes Angel, ;;nth John Willard, 15th John Ganson, Russell M. Little, 3 16th Horace < !. Foung, 82d 18 I'AliT 1. IN TIIK STATE In* the Ajssemblt. Gpeah r, Hrkri J. i; \x Willet Searles, 1st district of Albany; Aim. Tin .1. Cornell, 2d district of Albany; A. Bleecker Hank-. 3d districl of Albany; William Doyle, 4th districl of Albany; Alvah E. Cruttenden, I si dist. of Allegany; Edward D. Loveridge, 2d dist. of Allegan' ; George Bartlett, dist. and count; of Broome; Andrew L. Allen, Lsl districl of Cattaraugus; Addison <■'. Rice, 2d district of Cattaraugus; William A. Balsey, 1st districl of Cayuga; Smith Anthony, 2d district oi Cayuga; Emry Davis, 1st district of Chautauqua; Benry C. Lake, 2d district of Chautauqua; Tracy Beadle, dist. and county of Chemung; David B. Parce, lsl districl of Chenango; Francis B. Fisher, 2d district of Chenango; Lemuel Stetson, dist. and county of Clinton; Jacob Ten Broeck, lsl district of Columbia; Samuel Wilbor, 2d districl of Columbia; Thomas Harry, dist. and county of Cortland; Nelson K. wheeler, 1st district of Delaware; Daniel Waterbury, 2d district of Delaware; John 15. Dutcher, 1st districl of Dutchess; Edmund Green, 2d district of Dutchess; John W. Murphy, 1st district of Erie; Horatio Seymour 2d district of Erie; Ezra I'. Goslin, ! d district of Erie; John A. i 'ase, 1th district of Erie; Palmer E. Havens, districl and county Essex; Albert Andrns, dist. and county of Franklin: Jas II. Burr, counties Fulton and Hamilton; Benjamin Pringle, dist. and <• it\ Genesee; .1 (ma than B. Cowles, dist. and enmity Greene; « >rson Moore, lsl districl of Eerkimer; George Springer, 2d district of Herkimi r; Jonathan M. Ackley, 1st dist. of Jefferson; • \V. Hazel ton, 2d dist. of Jefferson; William Dewey, 8d district of Jefferson; Andrew .1. Provost, 1st district of Sings; Richard J. Lalor, 2d districl of Sings; William M. Thomas, 8d district of Bangs; James I >ar< y, It h dial rid of Sings; Charles L. Benedict, 5th district of Sings; Samuel T. Maddux. 6th districl of Sings; Edgar McMullen, 7th district of Sings; II D. II. Snyder, Jr., dist. and count) Lewis; Matthew Wiard, lsl districl of Livingston; Samuel S. Skinner, 2d district of Livingston; William II. Brand, lsl district of Madison; Albert G. Purdy, 2d district of Madison; Geo. E. McGonegal, 1st districl of Monroe; Eliphaz Trimmer, 'l<\ district of Monroe; Benjamin R. Wells, 8d district of Monroe; Nicholas Newkirk, dist. ami county of Mont gon i John Callahan, lsl districl of New Fork; Daniel Leamy, 2d districl of New ^ ork; e L. Loutrel, 8d district of New York; William J. «'. Senny, 4th dist. of New Fork; w . Bush, 5tu districl of New ^ ork; \\ illiam .1. < !oej . 6th districl of New ^ ork; Henry J. Raymond, 7th dist. .,r New Fork; William •;. Olvany, 8th dist. of New \ ork; Alexander McLeod, 9th dist, of New Fork; I'aniei \i. O'Brien. 10th dist. of New JTork; Mux ii. of New Fork city; Noah A. Childs, llth districl of New JTork; Andrew Smith, 12th district of New Fork; Alexander Ward, 18th district of New Fork; Royal l'h. dps. 14th districl of New Fork; David S. Coddington, 15th dist. of New Fork; Dennis McCain'. 16th districl of New Fork; Edward Jones, 17th district of New Fork; Benj. 11. Fletcher, 1st district of Niagara; Peter A. Porter, 2d districl of Niagara; Charles M . Scholefield, 1st dist. of Oneida; Eli Averj , :l'\ districl of Oneida; Thomas D. Penfield, 3d district of Oneida; Jeremiah Sweet, 4th district of Oneida; Frederick A. Lyman, 1st dist. of Onondaga; Thomas G. Alvord, 2d districl of Onondaga; R. Nelson Gere, 3d districl of Onondaga; David Pickett, 1st district of Ontario; Francis O. Mason, 2d district of Ontario; Daniel 1!. Hudson. 1st district of Orange; John Van Etten, Jr., 2d district of Orange; Nicholas K. Darrow, dist. and county Orleans; Elias Root, 1st districl of Oswego; Willard Johnson, 2d district of Oswego; Benjamin E. Bowen, 3d districl of Oswego; LeRoy E. Howe, 1st district of Otsego; Cornelius A. Church, 2d district of Otsego; Thomas H. Reed, district and county Putnam; Isaac Coles. 1st district of Queens; Henry I). Hall, 2d district of Queens; Charles. I. Saxe, 1st district of Rensselaer; David G, Maxon, ''*! districl of Rensselaer; Sylvester Waterbury, 3d dist. of Rensselaer; Smith Ely, district and county of Richmond; .lames s. Haring, dist. and county Rockland; Elias P. Townsley, 1st dist. of St. Lawrence; .lames Redington, 2d dist. of St. Lawrence; Calvin T. Hulburd, 3d dist. of St. Lawrence; John Fulton, 1st district of Saratoga; i Nathaniel M. Houghton, 2d dist. of Saratoga; Simon .1. Schermerhorn, district and county of Schenectady; William Lai t, dist. and county Sch AlvinC Hause, dist. and county <>f Schuyler; Peter J. Van Vleet, dist. and county Seneca; Daniel B. Bryan, 1st district of Bteuben; Henry Sherw I. '2<\ district of Steuben; Samuel M. Alley, 3d district of Steuben; John c. Davis, '1st districl of Suffolk; John S. Havens, 2d district of Suffolk; Benj. L. Ludington, dist and county Sullivan? Benj. F. Tracy, dist. and county of Tioga; Ezra Cornell, dist. and county of Tompkins; .less,. \\ Bookstaver, 1st district of lister; George T. Pierce, 2d district of lister; Ebenezer Westbrook, 3d districl of Ulster; Tl ias S. Gray, dist. and county of Warren; George II. Taylor, 1st dist. of Washington; Philip II. Neher, 2d district of Washington; Eron N. Thomas, 1st district of Wayne; \liram I'ryne. 2d district of Wayne; Pierre C. Talman, 1st dist. of Westchester; Newberry D. Halsted,2d dist. of Westchester; Chauncey M. Depew, 8d dist oi W estchester; Lucius Peck, dist. and count) of Wyoming; I »ai mi- A. I i; den. dist. and county of J ales. The General Governmenl had issued ordera, to take efiEecl January 1st, plac- recruiting service in i In- States, for the forces in the Qeld, under tlio charge of General Superintendents, and directing thai general depots be pro- IN L862. 19 vided for the collection ami instruction of recruits. Major John T. Sprague, of the Regular Army, was detailed by the War Department as General Super- intendent for this State, and selected Elmira and Albany as points for the establishment of his general depots. The State authorities turned over the barracks, hospitals and other facilities at these points to the United States, Colonel K F. Shepard, aide-de-camp, who had relieved General Van Valken- burgh on the 1st of December last, being directed, January L8th, to (urn over the depot at Elmira to Major Sprague, and General Rathbone, in command of the depot at Albany, receiving similar directions March 21st. CTnder this order of the General Government the State authorities were relieved from the work of recruiting, except for new regiments and companies, bul their assistance a nd co-operation were heartily given to the General Superintendent. These orders remained in force until April 3d only, when the recruitii vice for old organizations was also discontinued. An error, whatever may have caused the suspension; men were needed to fill the regiments alread} in the field, and there was no recruiting going on in the State for new organiza- tions. Not until June 6th was recruiting again resumed, but the State au- thorities issued orders, May 23d, for the recruiting and organization of com- panies for regiments in the field in which vacancies for such existed or could be made. January 25th General fates was relieved from the charge of the depot at New York city to take effeel February 1st, and Colonel George Bliss, Jr., detailed to perform the duties connected with the organization of 7ol- unteer regiments and companies in and aboul the city of New York. The defences of New York Harbor had been a source of concern (or some time, and on the 12th of March the Governor ordered General Chester A. Arthur, the Inspector-General of the State, to visil the forts in and around New York city, to reporl their condition and what would be necessary to place them in a complete state of defence. CTpon thatofficer's reportthe Governor as commanding general of the department, furnished suitable garrisons and such armament as could bo obtained Erom the General Government. Early in April the Secretary of War requested Major-General Morgan to provide accommodation in New York city for t he sick and wounded of the army on the Peninsula, who might be sent to the rear. 'The Legislature had already appropriated thirty thousand dollars for this purpose, and plans to ex- pend this sum in such manner as would best promote the object in view, had been decided upon. On the 18th, the Governor ordered Colonel George Bliss, Jr., to put, under the supervision of the Surgeon-General, into proper condi- tion for hospital purposes and for the good care of the sick and wounded of the troops from this State, such of the barracks Cor volunteers in or near the city of New York, as would be besi calculated for that purpose; extensive ac- commodations were also prepared at Albany. At the request of the General Government the State turned over to it all these hospitals except thi P Barracks Hospital at New York city, in which over fourteen thousand men of this and other States, received proper care and treatment, on the part of this State, during the months of April, May, June, July and August, when it was discontinued. On the 18th of April General S. Oakley Vanderpoel, Surgeon-General of the State, was directed to proceed to Fort Monroe and to General McClellan'a army to make and superintend on the part of the State, such arrangements for the care and treatment of sick and wounded volunteers, and for their PABT I. IN THE STATE transportation home, as in consultation with the medical officers of the army, he Bhonld find best to promote these objects. On the 24th Colonel Francis M. Rotch, aide-de-camp to the Governor, was dispatched to assist the Surgeon- General. May 8th, Genera] Arthur was sent to Yorktown for the Bame pur- irl was made by these officers, as Ear as in their power, to pro- vide prompt transportation to the State of, and the needful comforts for, the sick. June 12th these efforts were renewed and General Benj. Welch, Jr., Chief of Ordnance, and Colonel Rotch, again, sent to Fori Monroe and the Army of the Potomac to insure success. Colonel Rotch had also a mission to the army relating to the regiments from this State, their condition and the appointment and promotion of officers. The military department was employed from the beginning of the year to the end of April in completing and forwarding the organizations left in the Mate on the last day of the past year. By enlistments these had been in- creased in number, so thai when they were turned over to the General Gov- ernment, their total strength was nineteen thousand and three men, formed in aliments and four independent batteries of artillery and nineteen regi- ments of infantry. .May xJ , the War Department indicated that an additional force of infantry volunteers for three years, would be accepted, and on the 23d, the Governor issued orders to raise as many companies as practicable, designating the depots New York city, Elmira and Albany as places of rendezvous and as- signing as commandants of these depots Colonels George Bliss. Jr., and E. F. Shepard, and General Cuyler Van Vechten, of his stall', respectively. Colonel Shepard was relieved by Colonel R. B. Van Valkenburgh duly 21st, 1862, and he by Major Samuel M. Alle\ August Mth. L862. On the completion of suffi- cii hi companies, thej were to be formed, at the depots, into regiments under field officers appointed by i he Governor. The mov( ments of the enemy in the Shenandoah Valley were now develop- ing themselves to the disadvantage of the Federal arms, and on the 24th of May the Secretary of War requested the Governor to forward at once regi- ments of the organized Militia — the National Guard. The Governor promptly responded to the request by ordering the Guard to march without delay. □ the 26th of May and the 4th of dune twelve regiments, the Seventh. Eleventh, Twenty-second, Seventy-first, Eighth, Thirty-seventh, Thirteenth, Forty-seventh, Sixty-ninth, Nineteenth, Twenty-fifth and Twelfth, completely armed and equipped, numbering in the aggregate eighl thousand five hun- dred and eighty-eight men, left the State and entered the service nf the United States for three months; the Seventh called out but for thirty days, volunteered for the longer term. More regiments were preparing to follow, the Secretary of War, the impending danger having been averted, re- I that no more three months' men be sent, their marching orders were revoked. The promptness with which the National Guard responded to the call of the Governor is worth) of notice. Composed mainly of citizens engaged in active business pursuits, it involved no light sacrifice. Most of the regiments had volunteered under a similar exigency in 1861, and the value of their services had been fullj appreciated and acknowledged h\ the General Govern- ment. On this occasion their presence at a critical period, was no l< portune, and the Secretary of War expressed his approval of the alacrity with which they moved to the front, and his sense of the importance of the services rendered to the country. IN 1862. >] June 3d, under the aci of the Legislature passed April 83d, the Governor ordered an enrollment to be made, forthwith, of all persona within the State liable to military duty, and intrusted the work to the commanding officers of regiments and companies of the National Guard. The enroll menl was made, however, but imperfectly. June 18th, tin' Trustees of Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, having erously tendered a portion of their grounds I'm- the interment of Bold tlu- volunteer service from i his Stale, who may fall in battle or die of disease, regulations governing such interments, were published by the Adjutant-Gen- eral. June 28th, at the suggestion of the Thief Magistrate of tliis State, the v- ernors of the loyal States united in, and forwarded, the following i" the Pres- ident: " The undersigned, Governors of States of the Onion, impressed with the belief that the citizens of the Stated which they respectively represent, are of one accord in the hearty desire that the reeeut successes of the Federal armies may be followed u|» by measures which must ensure the speedy restora- tion of the Union, and believing in view of the important military movements now in progress, and the reduced condition of our effective forces in the field, resulting from the usual and unavoidable casualties of the service, that the time has arrived for prompt and vigorous measures to be adopted by the people, in support of the great interests committed to your charge, we re- Bpectfullj request, if if. meets with your entire approval, thai you at once call upon the several States for such numbers of men as may be required to till up all military organizations now in the field, and add to the arms heretofore organized Buch additional numbers of men as may, in your judgment, be necessary to garrison and hold all of the numerous cities and military posit ions that have been captured by our armies, and to Bpeedily crush the rebellion that still exists in several of the Southern States, thus practically restoring to the civilized world our great and good Government. All believe thai the de- cisive moment is near at hand, and to that end t he people of the United States are desirous to aid promptly in furnishing all reinforcements thai you may deem needful to Bustain our Government. " To this the President replied, dub 1st: "Gentlemen — f ally concurring in the wisdom of the viewd ex- pressed to me in so patriotic a manner, by you, in the communication of the 28th day of June, I have decided to call into the Bervice an additional force of three hundred thousand men. I suggest and recommend thai the troops should be chiefly of infantry. The quota of your State would be . 1 tru-t that they may be enrolled without delay, bo as to bring this unnecessary and injurious civil war to a speedy and satisfactory conclusion. An order fixing the quota of the respective Slates will be issued by the War Department to- morrow." The Governor, on the uexl day, the 2d of duly, called upon the people of this State, in the following proclamation, to respond to the President's reply: "The President of the United Slates has duly called upon the country for an additional force of three hundred thousand volunteer- to Berve for three wars, or the war. The wisdom of this is obvious to all. Our army in the field has been reduced by the ordinary casualties of the service and must be recruited, and the positions captured by our arms must be held by military authority. The people appreciate these facts. They fully estimate the mag- nitude of the greal struggle, and the sacred obligations imposed upon them, PAET I. IX THE STATE and the uec exerting a power thai will speedily quell the rebellion, restore the rightful authority of the ( lovernmenl and give peace to the country. This appeal is to the State of New York; it Is to each citizen. Lei it come to every fireside. Lei the glorious example of the Revolutionary period be our emulation. Lei each feel thai the Commonwealth now counts upon his indi- vidual strength and influence to meet the demands of the Government. The period has come when all musl aid. New York has not thus far si 1 hack. Ready and more than willing, she has mel ever^ summons to duty. Le1 no1 her history be falsified, dot her position be lowered. We cannol doubl that rarrection is in its death throes; thai a mighty blow will end its mon- -t rous exist i ■nee. A languishing war entails vasl losses of life, of property, the rnin of business pursuits, and invites the interference of foreign powers. Present happiness and future greatness will be secured by responding to the presenl call. Lei the answer go back to the President and to our brave soldiers in the held, thai in New Fork the patriotic list of the country's de- • is augmented. It will strengthen the hands of the one, and give hope and encouragement to the other. An order fixing the quota of this State, with others, will be immediately issued from the War Department. The detail- of organization will be in accordance with the orders from the Adjutant-General of New York. The State will he districted, local commil tees will be appointed, and regimental camps established/' The quota of this State was fixed al fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and five men, and duly 7th orders were issued constituting the senatorial districts, excepl the first seven, regimental districts, and directing the formation of a regimental camp in each. Colonel- were selected and appointed, to be com- missioned when the regimen! - were recruited. Over t hree thousand aul horiza- to recruit companies were issued. The State became avast military camp. Prominent citizens in each districl were invited to form military com- mittees, to assisl the State ollicers in recruiting iii their respective districts. The response of these gentlemen was what con hi he anticipated from men who. whatever may have been the difference in their political views, were earnestly desirous of supporting the Government, and ready to devote to thai objecl their mean- and influence; and the rapidity with which the quota of the State was organized and placed in service, is due in a great measure to their unre- mitting, gratuitous and well-directed efforts. a further means of encouraging prompl enlistments, the Governor is- sued on the llth id' duly the following proclamation offerings bounty on the pari of the State: - Formal meetings of the people in differenl portions of 9 ite, and individuals possessing the public confidence, have recommended me to convene the Legislature, in the end that a uniform bounty may be pro- vided, to pay volunteers raised under the recent requisition of the President, in such manner thai the burden .-hall not fall unequally upon localitii \ call of the Legislature and the deliberation incident to the action of thai body, irily involve delay, at a period when immediate action is of vital con- sequence to the military Bervice. The popular will seems emphatically to demand that an additional premium be al once offered to promote enlistments. Tin- exigency clearlj requires the promptest action. Now, therefore, con- fidently believing thai the people, through their representatives, will ratifj and confirm this act, and after consultation with those officers, charged especially by law with superintending the fiscal concerns of the State. I do hereby offer IN 1862. ami declare, that in addition to the bounty offered by the General Government, a bounty of fifty dollars will at once be paid to each private Boldier who shall hereafter volunteer into the service of the United Stati ilatione to that end will he immediately prepared and issued. This provision applies as well to recruits for regiments in the field, as to volunteers for the regi ments now being raised. Individual and organized efforts are in no deg be intermitted in consequence of this offer. On the contrary, il is hoped and expected thai both will be stimulated thereby. The thinned raids- of our brave soldiers in the field appeal tons. Dutj to ourselves, patriotism, every thing we hold mosl dear, urge us to action. Shall we prove unequal to the Crisis? Let the next thirty days answer the momentous question." This was an important measure and its effects were immediate. The Commercial Bank of Albany advanced the State i he money. On the 30th daj of Angus! this bounty was ordered to he paid after the 6th >d. the commissioners directed to await further orders. This delay iii answering the requisition for nine months' Militia was not prejudicial to the interests of the country. 1 1 resulted in increasing the force of three years' volunteers, men of more value than nine month-" men. much beyond what it would have been had the draft taken place in September as originally directed. At that time the quota of three years' men, under the IN 1862. 25 call of July 2d, was not completed, and to have then resorted to a c pulsorj levy would at once have stopped enlistments for the Longer period. In delay- ing the draft and promoting enlistments for three years, the State qoI only succeeded in complet ing I he quota of July 2d, bul also in 3a! isfj ing the demand of August 4th, the surplus of three years' men each counting for Pour nine months' men in the settlement with the United State-, and leaving still a sur- plus of men to the State's credit. The Tenth regimen! of the National Guard, Alhany, volunteered for a service of nine months, ami went into the United States' service as the One Eundred ami Seventy-seventh regimen! of Volun- teers. < >n the 20th December, Governor Morgan established a bureau in the office of the Adjutant-General, to he known as the Bureau of Military Statistics. The Legislature of 18(1:! recognized this bureau by making an appropriation for its Buppori ami defining the purpose for whieh it was established. In L864, the Legislature repealed the act of im;:;, made the institution an independent bureau, and declared the objects of said bureau to he: to colled and preserve in a permanent form the name of every person who has volunteered or been mustered, or who may hereafter volunteer or he mustered, into the service of the General Government, since April L5, 1861, and the personal bistorj of such person while in such service, so far as the same can he ascertained; a record of the service of the several regiments, including an accounl of their organization ami subsequent history, and also an account of the aid afforded by the several towns, cities and counties of the State. In L865, the Legislature Changed the mime of the bureau to that of •• Bureau of Military Record.'" and later, .May 1 lth. passed an act to provide a suitable repository for the records of the War of the Rebellion and for other purposes; the tire-proof structure to be called the •• Hall of Military Record." The city of Alhany was to Furnish the ground; seventy-five thousand dollars were voluntarily to he subscribed by the people of the State, and when thirty-five thousand dollars had been received work might he commenced. 'The city of Albanj offered suitable ground; voluntary subscriptions to the amount of 135,353.60 were collected, and are still deposited with the State Treasurer; hut the building was not commenced, owing, probably, to the building of the New Capitol, in which it was supposed suitable accommodation would he provided for the safely and care of the relics and records of the war. April 20, 1864, fifty-one battle-flags were, in the presence of the Governor, the Senate and the Assembly, presented to the State; July 4, L865, another presentation of flags took place in the pres- ence of the Governor and General Grant. These flags and many other relics of interest are deposited in the bureau. May 8th, 1868, by an act of th islature the bureau was discontinued as an independent office, and re-trans- ferred to the department of the Adjutant-General of the State, and the appro- priation limited to the taking care of the relics. April 30, 1887, the Legisla- ture authorized the Adjutant-General to establish in his office a " Bureau of Records of the War of the Rebellion," and made a Bmall appropriation to carry out the act of 1864. This bureau has been established in part, and the means appropriated devoted to secure from the Adjutant-General of the United States Army, as far as they will go, record- of volunteers of this State not on file in the office of the Adjutant-General of the State: but in 1889 the Secretary of War discontinued the arrangement made with the Adjutant- General of the army to furnish missing records, and the work is not completed. It is to be PART 1. I.\ THE STATE hoped that rooms will be provided in the New Capitol, when finished, which will admil of the proper display of the relics and care of the records of the war: and thai the War Departmenl will, at an earh late, succeed in publish- ing the record of all who Berved in the war. as proposi d by it. With this year closed the administration of Governor Morgan, the first of the war Governors of the State, and during his term the State furnished for the prosecution of the war: In 1861. Militia, for three months, 2 troops o£ cavalry and 11 regiments of infantry 8,534 Volunteers, for two j ears, :'> s regiments of infantry. .... 80, 131 Volunteers for three years, in regiments and 1 battalion of cavalry 8,742 2 regiments, 2 battalions, 1 rocket battalion, and 9 independent batteries of artillery.... 4,434 1 regiment <>f engii rs 855 50 regiments of infantry 43,582 Recruits for organizations in the field and I companies of U. S. Sharpshooters, estimated 1 1 ,000 68,618 98,744 Total for 1861 107,278 Militia, for three months, 13 regiments of infantry.. S,.">ss Volunteers, for nine months, 1 regiment of infantry.... 830 Volunteers, for three years, 1 regiment of cavalry 1 ,461 2 regiments, 1 battalions and 11 independent batteries of artillery 5,708 85 regiments of infantry 78,216 Recruits for regiments in the field, estimated. 20,000 In the Stat.'. Pec. 81st, not fully organized, aboul ' 2,000 107,885 108,215 Total for L862 ' 116,803 Total for the two years 224,081 To obtain, however, the full number of men in the United States' service from this State no far, it will be necessary to add: Men in the Regular Army in service May l. 1861, and men who entered the name service since thai day to the end of L862, enlisted in this State 5,679 Men in the United States Navy and .Marine, in service April 15, 1861, and men who entered the sunc service since that das to the end of 1862, en- listed in this State .' 24,734 80,418 These QUmbera are allotted here pro rata of time; in another place will he found the evidence on which the claim i- based; this would make, in fact, the total... 254,494 A record of which the State ami the outgoing Governor could well he proud, and which, more than any thing else, showed the loyalty and love of country <.f the citizens of New York. l.\ L863. <>n the 1st day of January a tow administration came in. ami Horatio Sey- mour took the gubernatorial chair of the State, appointing the following, mem- bers of his military staff during hie term of office: Adjutant-General, John T. Sprague, an officer of the Regular Army; Inspector-General, Josiah T. Miller ca Falls; Judge- Advocate-General, Nelson J. Waterbury of New York IX 1863. 27 city; Surgeon-General, John V". P. Quaokenbushj of Albany; Quartermaster- G-eneral, S. Visscher Talcott, of Albany; Commissary-General of Subsu Anthony Eickhoff, of New Fork, resigned August 1. 1863, and succeeded by Charles- G. Halpine, of N"ew Fork city; Paymaster-General, John l>. Van Buren, of New Windsor; Engineer-in-Chiefj Isaac Vanderpoel, of Albany; Chief of Ordnance, the constitutional Commissary-General, Benjamin Welch, Jr., of Buffalo, who died April 14, 1863, and was succeeded by James A. Far- rell, of Eudson; Aides-de-Camp, Bleecker Tibbits of Albany, from October 21, 180;;. and Major Frederic Shonnard, Sixth New York Volunteer Artillery, of Xonkers, from Angus! 3, 1864; Military Secretary, William Kidd, of Al- bany, from February L5, L863. The change of administration indicated n« > change in the supporl by the State of the General Governmenl in its defence of the Union. In bis m to the Legislature Governor Seymour took occasion to say: " While our sol- diers arc periling their lives to uphold the Constitution and restore the Union, we owe if to them, who have shown an endurance and patriotism unsurpassed in ilic history of the world, thai we emulate their devotion in our field of duty." The Legislature assembled on the 6th daj of January in its eighty-sixth ses- sion and was composed <>!'. 1 \ in i: Senate: PreeicU ///. 1 1 w i ip R. Floyd Jones, of South Oyster Bay, fch State; Lit uti nant-Qom rnor of the Senator Monroe Henderson, of the 1st di Jesse < '. Smith, 2d Henry I '. Murphy, 3d Christian B. Woodruff, Ith t 'harles G. < Cornell, 5th John J. Bradley, 6th Richard B. Connolly, 7th Hezekiah D. Robertson, 8th Henry If. Low, 9th Jacob s. Freer, 10th William II. Tobey, 11th Ralph Richards, * 12th John V. L. Pruyn, 18th Joseph II. Ramsej . I Ith William Clark, " loth Russell M. Little, Kith Senator ( lhas.C.Montgomery,of the 17th dist. James A. Hell. Alex. II. Bailey, George A. Hardin, Richard K. Sanford, Allen Munro, Henry A. Clark. Lyman Truman, Chauncey M. Abbott, Charles J. Fol ( Jharles < 'ook, Lysander Farrar, Almanzor Hutchinson, Wilkes Angel, John < lanson, Horace C. \ oung, 1 8th 19th 20th 21sl 22d 28d 24th 26th 26th 27th 28th 29th 80th Slsl 82d l\ mm: Assemble Speaker, Theophtltjb C. Callioot, of Kings; William J. Snyder. 1st district of Albany; John Cutler. 2d district of Albany; Henry L. Wait, 3d districl of Albany; William L. Oswald, 1th districl of Albany; Alvah E. Cruttenden, lsl district of Allegany; Edward D. Loveridge, 2d districl Allegany; Francis B. Smith, dist. and county Broome; Andrew L. Allen. 1st district of Cattaraugus; Albert G. Dow, 2d district of Cattarauj George I.. Post, lsl district of Cayuga; William P. Robinson, 2d district of Cayuga; John Steward, 1st district of Chautauqua; Henry c. Lake. 2d district of Chautauqua; Charles Ilnlett. dist. ami imiiitv Chemung; Eliznr II. Prindle, 1st districl of Chenango; Francis B, Fisher, 2d district of Chenango; George Adgate, district and county Clinton; Peter c. Kisaelbrack, lsl district Columbia; Elias W. Bostwick, 2d districl l' Kings; Theophilus C. Callicot, 5th district "I bangs; Henry C. Boswell, fitli district of Km Charles 1\ Leslie, 7th district of Kings; John Chickering, «li— t i-i«-T and county Lewis; Hamilton B.Smith, 1st district of Livingston; Samuel Skinner, 2d districl of Livingston; William II. Brand, 1st districl of Madison; 1. Rouse, 2d districl of Madison; E. McQonegal, 1st districl of Monroe; Eliphaz Trimmer, 2d district of Monroe- William Brown, 3d district of Monroe; Freeman P. Moulton, districl and county of Montgomery; Cornelius Flynn, lsi districl of New York; Daniel Leamy, 2d districl of New Fork; L. Loutrel, 3d district of New York; William C Gover, 4th districl of New York; Henry Rogers, 5th districl of New Fork; .lulius Kciin, 6th district of New Fork; Vincent »'. King, 7th district of New Fork; Thomas il. Hill, 8th district of New Fork; David V. Freeman, 9th district of New Fork; Daniel M. O'Brien, t Oth district of New Fork; Thomas A. Ledwith, I lth district New Fork; Andrew Smith. 12th district of New Fork; Alexander Ward, 13th district of New York; Robert C. Hatchings, 1 lth dist. New Fork; Gilbert Dean, 15th district of New Fork; Michael McCann, Kith district of New Fork; Thomas C. Fields, 1 7th district of New Fork; Benjamin II. Fletcher, Isl districl <>f Niagara; William Morgan, 2d district of Niagara; Abram I'.. Weaver. 1st district of Oneida; Daniel .\|. Prescott, 2d district of Oneida; 3 Sherman. 3d district of < meida; Isaac McDougall, 4th districl of Oneida; .lame- \| Munro, 1st district of Onondaga; Elizur Clark, 2d districl of Onondaga; Joseph Breed, 3d district of Onondaga; Perez H. Field, 1st district of Ontario; Lanson Dewey. 2d districl of Ontario; John D. Van Buren, lsi districl of Orange; Charles S. W I ward, 2d districl of Orange; John I'aik-. districl and county of Orleans; Aimer C. Mattoon, lsi district of Oswego; Hiram W. Loomis, 2d districl of Oswego; Harvey Palmer, 3d district of Oswego; W illiam Brooks, lsi district of 01 ( lornelius A. ( Jhurch, 2d district of ( itsego; Saxton Smith, district and county of Putnam: Charles T. Duryea, 1st district of Queens; Henry S. Lott, 2d district of Queens; •lames McKeon, 1st district of Rensselaer; John A. Quackenbush, 2d dist. Rensselaer; Ebenezer S. Straight, 3d districl Rensselaer; Theodore Frean, dist. and county Richmond; .lames s. Haring, dist andcounty Rockland; Elias I'. Townsley, 1st districl St. Lawrence; .lame- Redington, 2d district of St. Lawrence; Abraham X. Parker, 3d district St. Lawrence; Ira Brockett, 1st district of Saratoga; Nat. M. Houghton, 2d districl of Saratoga; John McShea, Jr., district and county of Schenectady; Stephen L. Mayham, district and county of Schoharie; Samuel Lawrence, dist. and county Schuyler; .lames McLean, district ami county of Seneca; John W. Taggart, 1st district of Steuben; Henry Sherwood, 2d district of Steuben; Horace Bemis, 3d district of Steuben; Benjamin F. Wiggins, 1st district of Suffolk; John S. Havens. 2d district of Suffolk; William Gillespie, dist. andcounty Sullivan; Nathaniel W. Davis, dist. and county Tioga; Ezra Cornell, district and county Tompkins; Jessi F, Bookstaver, lsi district of Ulster; Jacob l.e Fever, 2d district of Ulster; Ebenezer Westbrook, 3d district of Ulster; New i, ,n Aldrich, districl and county Warren: Asa C. Tefft, 1st district of Washington; Krvin Hopkins, Jr., 2d districl Washington; Thaddeus W. Collins. 1st district of Wayne; Lemuel Diirt'ee. 2d district of Wayne; Pierre c. Talman, isl districl Westchester; John E. Marshal). 2d district ol Westchester; Chauncey M. Depew, 3d districl Westchester; Byron Healy, district and county Wyoming; Guy Shaw, districl and county of Fates. This Legislature, like it- predecessors, promptly did all in its power to sup- port the contest, and passed laws, Legalizing and confirming ordinances and arts of cities, towns, counties and villages, and enabling the Bame in the Euture, i" raise m -y to aid in recruiting, and to assisi the families of volunteers in, or who mighl yei enter, the military service. February 21st, the action of Gover ■ Morgan offering in July, L862, a bounty on the pari of the State, was confirmed and an appropriation passed for the payment of the debl con- tracted thereby. April I lth, a law was passed which provided a bounty of one hundred and fifty dollars for each member of the two years' regiments, who, having Berved his term of enlistment, would re-enter the Bervice for not lees than two years, and a bounty of Beventy-five dollars to all others, who had enlisted Bince November 1st, 1862, or would hereafter enlist, forthree years. April 24th, two very importanl acts became laws of the State; the Brsl incor- porated the "Soldiers' Home," and the Becond authorized the Governor to appoinl agents to provide for the transportation and the care of the Bick, wounded, and the dead, volunteers of the State, and appropriated two hundred IN 18G3. thousand dollars for this purpose. Among the incorporators of the Soldiers 1 Home were Lieutenant-Genera] Scott. Generals BfcClellan, Wool and Wads- worth, and the purpose was "to provide u home and maintenance for officers and soldiers who have Berved, are now serving, or may hereafter serve, in the volunteer forces raise. 1 or furnished by, or from, the State of New York, who by reason of wounds or other disabilities received, or produced, in the Bervice of the United States, or of the State of New York, shall be unable to support themselves, and all who, having been honorably discharged, shall be decrepit or homeless in their old age." The managemenl of the Borne was in the hands of trustees, provided for in the act. This was the precursor of the Soldiers' Eome, now in existence, and was to be modelled mainly after the Home of the Regular Army at Washington, D. C. The State agents provided by the second act, when the law came to be executed, furnished relief to the sick, wounded, furloughed and discharged soldier- of this State, while being transported to and from their home.-: they ascertained the names and condi- tion of all patients from this Stale, in the army hospitals; kept a register of the same and furnished information to all who made inquirj concerning them, and thousands of relatives and friends obtained through them accurate infor- mation of fathers, husbands, brothers and children in the service; they facili- tated the removal of bodies of deceased soldiers to their friends, when such action was desired, and later on, they also assisted the discharged soldiers in obtaining arrearages of pay and bounty due them. Agencies were established at suitable point.-, hut the main agency was located in New York city, where quarters were also rented and provided for the accommodation of volunteers of this and other States, passing through the city; over one hundred and ten thousand volunteers received relic'' and comfori at this main agency- -known as the Soldiers' Depol alone, and this depot was not closed until March 25, 1866; the sub-agency at Albany was continued as the Soldiers' Home until 1869, when mi the 15th of June its inmates were transferred to the National Home for disabled volunteer soldiers then opened in the State of .Maine ami the agencj was closed. April 27th, the Legislature appropriated one million dollars for the defence of the harbor of New York and the frontiers of the State. March 3d, the President approved the act of Congress, providing a law, and prescribing a method, for drafting men for the military service, whenever needed, and authorizing him to call forth the National forces by draft. The law created a Provost-Mar.-hal-< ieneral for the United States and a Pr0V08t- Marehal for each congressional district of the States; provided hoards of enrollment for each district and other regulations for drafting men. May 1st, all enlistments for volunteers were, by the General Government, placed also in charge of the Provost-Marshal-General, who divided this State into three districts, northern, southern, and western, and to assist him appointed for these districts Acting Assistant Provost-Marshal-Geuerals. The officers acting in these capacities were during the existence of the districts, in the northern: Brevet Brigadier-General Frederick Town-end. United S Army; in thesouthern: Colonel Etoberl Nugent, sixty-ninth New York Vol- unteers, until October 27th, L863; Brigadier-General William Hays, United States Volunteers until January :51.-t, 1865; Brigadier- General E. W. Honks, United States Volunteer until February 27th, 1865; and Major R, I. Dodge, Twelfth United States Infantry to the close of the office; in the western: 30 PABT I. IN THE STATE Major A. S. Diven, Assistant Adjutant-General United States Volunteers, until December 9, 1864, Major John A. Baddock, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, until April 10, LS65, and Major Samuel B. Hayman, Tenth United - Infantry, to the close of the office. Between April 25th and July 4th, the thirty-seven two years J regiments, still in tin' Bervice, returned to the Man- to be mustered out. Of the Third Artillery (Nineteenth Infantry originally), the Third. Tenth, and Twelfth •' infantry, which continued in the service, only the men entitled to be discharged, returned to the State. The Second Independent Battery, formed principally of two years' men, was also mustered out. These regi- . which had left the Stale with over thirty thousand men. brought haek in half that cumber; their losses by death alone had been about four thousand officers and enlisted men. They had served in many health-destroy- ing campaigns and hard-fought battles; and, faithful servants of the country, they were nov received by the people with proud approbation, heartfelt joy and congratulation. Eappiness returned with them to manj heart.-, and the sorrow for those, who would never return, was gentlj tempered for many more. June L5th the Secretary of War telegraphed to the Governor to furnish as force <>( the Militia as possible, saj twenty thousand men, for a short term of Bervice. The movements of t he enemy had then sufficiently developed to indicate that an iii\:i-imi of Maryland and Pennsylvania was contemplated. The Governor replied "] will spare no efforts to -end you troops at once." and issued marching orders to the National Guard of the State. On the lsth, the Adjutant-General of the State informed the Secretary of War that about twelve thousand men were then on their wa;j to Barrisburg. On the cretarj Stanton telegraphed for Militia to be forwarded to Balti- more. Troops continued to be sent with the utmost dispatch. July 2d, the Governor of Pennsylvania asked for more troops and three more regiments were placed en route Eor that State. The regiments which took the held in this emergencj were the Seventh, Eighth, Eleventh, Twenty-third, Seventy- First, Fifth, Twelfth, Twenty-second, Thirty-seventh, Sixty-fifth, Seventy- fourth, Fourth, Thirteenth, Twenty- eighth, Fifty-sixth, Sixth, Twenty-first, Forty-seventh, Fifty-second, Fifty-fifth, Sixty-seventh, Sixty-eighth, Sixty- ninth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Eighty-fourth. The] were mustered n the service of the United state- for thirty days. Besides these, the detach- ments of volunteers scattered throughout the State, were organized, equipped and forwarded to Uarrisburg. The National Guard received the thanks of the !' ol and War Department for their prompt response and Bervice on this ion. The General Government, to replenish the army in the field, had decided in June, without the issue of a formal call for troop-, to draft the n< number, and on the 11th of inly the State authorities received information thai the draft \va- OH that day to Commence in New York City. Then' were then a l mm it Biz hundred men of the National Guard in the city; the State was virtually -tripped of troops; disturbances were apprehended, and the Adjutant- General was sent to Washington to request a postponement of the draft, until a sufficient military force would be on hand. July l.".th. there commenced in New York eii\ a riot, nnparallelcd for atrocit) and Qendishness. It is claimed that original!) a number of honest working men assembled to protest against IN 1863. :;i the draft; if so, this element rapidly disappeared, and the dregs of the city took advantage of the excitement. It is inconceivable that any decent and intelligent being can have taken pari in the riot. All available State troops were ordered to New Y<>rk city, and as the Eudson River Railroad was torn up, they were directed to take steamers at Albany. The troops in the Harbor, Regulars and Volunteers, Navy and Marine, one company from West Point: and one from New .Icrs.y, arrived on the 13th; and the Seventh regiment of the National Guard on the 16th. These troops and the magnificent police of the city checked the mob and broke the wild phantasy of the miserable creatures; and on the 17th, law and order reigned once more supreme in New Xork city. In other localities disturbances were feared, but did not take place; in one or two places, however, riots were prevented by the presence of troops only. The draft was for the time suspended, but took place in August without any further disturbance. November 14th, Major-General Dix, commanding the Military Department of the East, of which this State formed part, represented to the Governor that a necessity existed for the employment of a militarj force to protect a portion of the frontier of this State from threatened invasion by traitors sojourning in Canada, and asked that a regiment of the National Guard be ordered to report to him for such service. The Governor at once placed the Seventy- fourth regiment of Buffalo under his orders and the regiment entered the United States service for thirty days. October L7th, the President called on the country for three hundred thousand men, and the quota of this Siate « ;h placed at eighty-one thousand nine hun- dred and ninety-three men. It is proper to recall here the fact that since May 1st, the State had no authority to recruit men for the army at large. All this was performed by the Provost-Marshals under the orders of the Provost- Marshal-General, and the whole machinery and management for procuring men was in the hands of the General Government; only the recruiting of new companies and regiments, sanctioned by the War Department, was left to the State authorities. The organizations in the State on the 1st of Januaryand not fully organized numbered about two thousand men; no bounties being paid then, recruiting was almost at a standstill: February 23d, Colonel II. S. Lansing, Seventeenth New York Volunteers, was placed in charge of all the troop- in process of or- ganization in New York Harbor and city; the incomplete organizations were consolidated and the regiments formed turn.'. I over to the United Sta About the time the two year.-" regiments to return to the State, author- ity was received from the War Department, to re-organize the same or to form new ones of the returned volunteers. Probably three-fourths of these men re-entered the service and their example bore fruit. Every effort was made. besides the authorized regiments, to organize full companies for such of the regiments in the Geld as had vacancies for them. Still more to encourage en- listments it was later decided, that the State bounty, authorized by th< isiature in April, should be paid to all men enlisting in the army for three years, who should be credited to the State by the orders of the War Depart- ment. During the year there were organized and turned over to the United States on the part of the State authorities, of cavalry: the Twelfth; Fourteenth; Six- teenth; Twentieth; First and Second Veteran regiments; nine companies, 32 PART I. IX TIIK STATE. each, of the Thirteenth and Fifteenth; ten companies, each, of the Eighteenth and Twenty-6ret; Bix companies of the Twenty-fourth; two companies of the Twenty-third, regiments, and three companies of the Second Mounted Rifles; of artillery: four batteries of the Eleventh; five batteries, each, of the Thiiv teenth and* Sixteenth; ten batteries of the Fourteenth; eleven batteries of the Fifteenth; one battery of the Third, regiments, and the Thirty-third Inde- pendent Battery; of sharpshooters: the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth companies; of engineers: oue company for the Fifteenth regiment; and of infantry: the Seventeenth Veteran, the One Hundred and Sixty-eighth, the One Hundred and Seventy-eighth regiments; four companies of the Fifth Veteran, three companies for the sixty-third regiments, and two companies for the Independent Battalion. The One Hundred and Sixty-eighth and One Hundred and Seventy-seventh r< giments of infantry, and the Ninth company of sharpshooters, nine months' organizations, were mustered out October 31st, September 10th, and August 5th, 1863, respectively. IN L864. With the new year a new Legislature (the eighty-seventh) met, composed af follows: Si;n \tk: President, David R. Floyd-Jones, of South Oyster Bay, the Lieutenant- Governor; Senator Albert Hobbs, of the 17thdist. James A. Bell, I8tb Alexander II. Bailey, 19th George II. Andrews, 20th Cheney Ames, 21st Andrew D. White, 22d Frederick Juliand, 23d Ezra Cornell, 24th Stephen K. Williams, 25th Charles J. Folger, 26th Stephen T. Hayt, 27th George t districl of Allegany; base, 2d distrii I of Alleganj ; Mulford Korthrup, dist. and count) Broome; Smith Parish, 1st district of Cattaraugus; Albert . Bullock, 2d districl <>( Chenai < taondaga; ■ I [allock, districl and count; < !lintoni \ iii..— Miller, 1st district of < Solumbia; Wright II. Haines, 2d districl of Columbia; Benj. F. Tillinghast, dist. ami co. Cortland; Jerome B. Landfield, 1st districl Delaware Francis R. Gilbert, 2d districl of Delaware; Ji is Howard, 1st districl ol Dutchess; John \. Cramer. 2d district of Dutchess; w alter W. Stanard, Lsl districl ol Erie; Frederick P. Stevens, 2d districl of Erie; Timothj A. Hopkins, 8d districl of Erie; Seth Fenner, Ith districl of Erie; \\ in. II. Richardson, dist. and count] Essex; Allien Andrus, districl and county Franklin; William A. Smith, districl and counties <>f Fulton and Hamilton; IX 1864. 33 Loren Green, district and county of Genesee; Win. W. I'ettit, district and county Greene; John H. Wooster, Isi district of Herkimer; Ezra I). Beckwith, 3d district of Herkimer; George M. Hopkinson, 1st district Jefferson; Lewis Palmer, 2d district of Jefferson; William Dewey, 3d district ol Jefferson; Philip S. Crook, 1st district of Bangs; John O'Connor, 2d districl of Bangs; Bdward l>. White. 3d districl of Kings; Andrew Walsh, !th district of Kings; John C. Perry, 5th district of Kings; Angelo Newton, 6th districl of King6; Jacob Worth, 7th district of Sings; .1 nl i ti ( )' I )nn i ie| 1, district and county of Lewis; Hamilton E. Smith, 1st districl of Livingston; Jonathan B. Morey, 2d district of Livingston; John W. Lippitt, 1st districl of Madison; Daniel F. Kellogg, 2d districtof Madison; Fairchild Andrn-, 1st districl of Monroe; John .M. Convill, 2d district of Monroe; William Rankin, 3d district of Monroe; John Kellogg, dist. and county Montgomery; Jacob L. Smith, 1st district of New lurk; William P. Kirk. 2d district of New Fork; George M.Curtis, 3d districl of New Jfork; • lames 15. Murray, Ith district of New JTork; Henry Rogers, 5tl) district of New Fork; Walter .1. Burke, 6th district o!' New York; Erastus C. Benedict, 7th district New Fork; Win. G. Olvany, 8th districl of New Fork; Samuel c. Reed, 9th district of New fork; Anthony Eichoff, 10th district of New Fork; Corolan O'Brien Bryant, 1 Ith dist. New York; Joseph A. Lyons, 12th district of New York; Thomas Ryan, 13th district of New York; Michael X. Salmon, 14th district New York: Stephen B. Pinckney, 15th dist. New York: Michael McCann, 16th district of New York: Sidnej P. Ingraham, Jr., 1 ith dist. New , i ork; James Jackson, Jr. , 1st district of Niagara; William Morgan, 2d district of Niagara; Abram B. Weaver, Isi district of Oneida; Levi Blakeslee, 2d district of Oneida; Chauncey Brodock, 3d district of Oneida; John W. Done-las, Ith district of Oneida: Aiheit L. Green, 1st district of Onondaga; Thomas G. Alvord, 2d district of Onondaga; Conrad Shoemaker, 3d district of Onondaga; Fete/, H. Field, 1st district of Ontario; Lanson Dewey, 2d districl of Ontario; Nathaniel \v. Ho well, 1st district of Orange; Charles S. Woodward, 2d district of Edmund L. Pitts, dist. and comity Orleans; Aimer i !. Mattoon, 1-t dist rict of < >sw< Hiram W. Looniis, 2d district of Osw< Harvey Palmer, 3d district of Obwi .lames Xoung, 1st district of Ots< George M. Hollis, 2d districl of < >l Jeremiah Bherw I. dist, and co. Putnam; Charles T. Duryea, 1st districl of Charles McNeil, 2d district of Qui .lames McKeon, 1st district of Rensselaer; e W. Banker, 2d district o1 .lames Dearetyne, 3d district of Rensselaer; William II. Rutan, dist. and co. Richmond; James B. Haring, dist. and county Rockland; Parker, Isi district of St. I awrence; .lames Redington, 2d district St. Lawrence; Abraham X. Parker, 3d dist. St. Lawrence; Ira Brockett, 1st districl of Saratoga; Edward Edwards, 2d district of Saratoga; Charles Stanford, dist. and co. Schenectady; Peter P. Schoolcraft, dist. ami co. Schoharie; Lorenzo Webber, dist. and county Schuyler, William T.Johnson, dist. and count) fi William E. Bonham, Istdistricl of Steuben; Alexander Olcott, 2d district of Steuben; .1. llarvev Stevens, 3d district of Steuben; William H. Gleason, 1st district of Suffolk; Henry c. Piatt, 2d district of Suffolk; James Matthews, dist. and county Sullivan; James Thompson, district and county Tioga; Henry B. Lord, district and county T pkins; .less,." F. Bookstaver, 1st district of I Ister; Jacob Le Fever. 2d districl of Ulster; Thomas Hill, 3d districl of lister. Robert Waddell, district and county Warren. R. King Crocker, 1st district of Washington; Andrew u. Meiklejohn, ->d dist, Washington; Thaddeus W. Collins, 1st district of Wayne; Lemuel Durfee, 2d districl of Wayne; Franklin W. (iilley, 1st district Westchester; Alsop II. Lockwood, 2d districl w estchester; George A. Brandreth, 8d dist. Westchester; Byron Mealy, district and county Wyoming; Oren G. 1 lis, district and county ol -| This Legislature passed laws to promote the re-enlistmeni of volunteers, and to encourage the enlistment of persona into organizations already in the ser- vice; it authorized the boards of supervisors of counties to borrow money and to levy taxes Cor the payment of bounties to volunteers, or for the expenses ,,f their enlistment, for aid to their families, to pay any liabilities incurred there- for, or that may hereafter be incurred; it legalized the ordinances of munici- palities ami other corporations, already passed, for the same purpof appropriated means to provide grounds for the final resting place of the remains, and for monuments to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers of this State, who fell in the defence of the Onion on the battle-fields of Gettysburg and Antietam; it perfected an amendment to the Constitution of the State. providing for the vote of electors while in the military service of the United States, and passed a law for the protection of the civil rights of the citizens of the State, while serving in the army or navy of the country. Special permission was received from the War Department to recruit two regiments and one hundred companies for one. two, or three years* service. 5 34 PABT I. JN THE STATE. In organizing and completing these, difficulties were encountered; the ma- chinery of the provosl marshal's office gave greater facilities to citizens, who were acting as recruiting officers, than the State could offier, and the payment of bounty on the pari of the State ceased under the operations of the law on March. ( )n the 21sl of April the Secretary of War requested the < rovernor to furnish one or two regiments of Militia to guard deserters, stragglers, etc., being for- warded i" the army. On the 23d of the same month, Major-General Dix, by the authority of the President, called on the Governor for one or two more regiments to occupy the defences of New York harbor. July 5th, the Secre- tary of War, a rebel force having invaded Maryland, requested the Governor to furnish a military force to Berve uol more than one hundred 'lays, to which the Governor replied: " 1 will do what I can.'" The accessary steps to com- ply with these requests were promptly taken, and the following regiments en- tered the I'nited States service for one hundred days: the Sixty-ninth, Eighty- fourth, Ninety-third, Fifty-fourth, Fifty-sixth, Seventy-seventh, One Eundred and Second, Twenty-eighth, Ninety-eighth. Ninety-ninth. Fifty-eighth; Firsl Battalion of artillery and companies A and B of the Fiftieth regiment; for thirty days the Thirty-seventh and Fifteenth. In August, September and October there were again appearances <>f possible disturbances on the northern frontiers of the State, and all t be necessary steps were taken by the State Government to defend them; the Militia along the frontier was ordered to be in readiness for instant service and portions of the Sixty-fifth and Seventy-fourth regiments of the National Guard were in Octo- ber and November placed on active duty, until later in November the General Governmenl took charge of the protection of the frontier. The term of sen ice of a Large uumber of the volunteer organizations expired in the course of this year and they returned to the State for final discharge. Many regiments had re-enlisted in the field in the Latter part of 1803 and early pari of this year, the} also returned to the State on veteran furlough, invari- ably taking the held with increased numbers. All these organizations met in the Mate with hrilliant and joyful receptions and ovations, showing fully the high appreciation of their services l>\ the people, and the respecl entertained by all for the country's brave defenders. In tin- course of the year there were recruited, organized and forwarded by the Siate authorities, of cavalry: si\ companies for the Second: three com- panies, each, for the Thirteenth and Fifteenth; two companies, each, for the Eighteenth and Twenty-first; nine companies for the Second Mounted Rifles; rnpanies for the Twenty-fourth; the Twenty-second and Twenty-fifth regiments, i plete; of arl illery: one company, each, for the Third and Sixth; seven companies, each, for the Thirteenth and Sixteenth, and two companies for the Fourteenth regiments; of engineers: one company for the fifteenth. and two companies for the Fiftieth regiments; of infantry: one company, each, for the Fifty-seventh, Sixty-third, Eightieth, One Hundred and Twenty- fourth; One Hundred ami Thirty-seventh; One Hundred and Forty-second and one Hundred and Fifty-ninth; three companies, each, for the Sixty-ninth and Ninetieth; six companies for the One Hundred ami Eighty-seventh; nine cum pa i ii«- for the One Hundred and Eighty-eigbl h, and the Seventh Veteran; the one Hundred ami Seventy-ninth, One Hundred ami Eighty-fourth, One Hundred and Eighty-fifth, On,. Hundred and Eighty-sixth and Oie Hundred ami Eighty-ninth regiments, complete. IN 18G5. The accounts between the Stair and the United States as to the number of of men furnished by the former since 1861 were not broughl into harmon) until after July tins year: the differences existing caused a greai deal of au- noyance at times, bul were finally Bettled to the satisfaction of all. With this year closed the administration of the second war Governor of the State, Horatio Seymour; and during it the Stale furnished men for the de- fence of the country: In in;:;. Militia for thirty days' service 14,475 Volunteers, through the authorities of the State, 1 1,805 Recruits sent to regiments in the field, through the I . 8. Superintendent of Recruiting ... . 1,658 Enlisted by Provost-Marshals 11,060 Re enlisted in the Geld, estimated 10,000 Drafted men and substitutes, drafts of July and August '.», 1 ;•"> 46,604 Total for the year 61,169 In 1864. Militia for one hundred days' service, 5,640; for thirty days' service, 79] ; total 6,481 Volunteers, through the State authorities 17,201 Re-enlisted in the field 10,518 Drafted men, substitutes, and enlistments and credits by Provost-Marshals 198(651 156,436 Total for L864 162,867 Total for the two years 224.086 To obtain the correcl number of men, there are to be deducted from this sunt, the nun credited to the State iii February, 1864, for service in the navy, but properly apportioned to the years 1861 and 1862, as enlisted during those year- 16,24 I Leaving a balance ol 207,799 And there should be added enlistments in the Regular Army in 1868, bul sol credited, as shown later on, pro rata of time 6,288 Making the total number of men furnished in 1868 and 1864 214,075 IN 1865 AND CLOSE OF THE WAR. Another change in the administration of the State took place with this year, and Reuben E. Fenton was inaugurated, January 1st, as the Chief Magistrate of the Empire State. In his message to the Legislature the Governor stated that on the 1st of December Last, the State was credited by the War Depart- nicnl with an excess of men furnished of five thousand three hundred and one, and recommended thai the laws relating to bounties paid by localities should be amended so as to li\ the maximum amouni which each locality could raise by legal taxation, and to enable them to raise and pay these bounties with a view to future contingencies, so thai men could be obtained in advance of future calls, and he concluded his message as follows: "The Constitution of the Union makes it the duty of the National Government to maintain for the people of all the States republican governments. It isno less the duty of each State to throw its whole weight and influence firmly on the side of th fundamental requirement. This Government our fathers intended to establish 36 PART I. IX THK STATE. Mini tranemil as a legacy to posterity, [rrespective of the divisions into States, we are called upon t" maintain ami perpetuate the trust. Eighty years of en- terprise, prosperity ami progress havenol lessened our obligations, nor checked our devotion to thf great cause of civil liberty. Ii is ao\ a mistake to assume that, whatever exigencj may follow, whether domestic or foreign, tie body of t iif people will go forward to meet and overcome it with the -aim firm ami irresistible energy which characterized tan- ancestors, ami has marked the subsequent course of our civilization. In this patriotic determination of the people for unity, liberty and the Constitution, I shall, at all times, earnestly join." A.8 his military staff the Governor appointed: Adjutant-General, William Irvine, ol* Corning: [nspector-General, George v . Batcheller, of Saratoga Springs: Jndgc-Advocate-General, Alexander \V. Harvey, of Buffalo; Quar- termaster-General, Edwin A. Merritt, of Pierpont; Surgeon -General, Sylves- ter I». Willard, of Albany, died April 2d, 1865, ided by James E. Pom- fret, of Albany; Paymaster-General, Selden E. Marvin, of Jamestown; En- gineer-in-Chief, James I'.. Swain, of Ww York city: ('hid' of Ordnance, the constitutional Commissary-General, James A. Parrell, of Hudson, until April 25, 1865, when succeeded by Prank Chamberlain, of Albany; Aides-de-Camp, Michael J. Farrell, George l'>. Lincoln, Jr., George \V. rainier, and Military Secretary, George s - Hastings (only those arc named who were in office until June 30th, 1865). The eighty-eighth session of the Legislature of the State commenced Janu- ary 3d; its members were in the Senate: President, Thomas G. Alvord, of Salina. Lieutenant-Governor of the Stab Benal or Robert Christie, Jr., of the 1st dist. -, Demaa Strong, 2d . . c. Murphy, Christian I'.. Woodruff, I. like F. Cozans, William Laimbeer, -Ir., Thomas < ' Fields, Saxton Smith, Benry l;. Low . Beach, John I?. Dutcher, Frederick II. Bastings, Ira Shafer, Orson m. Allaben, James M I look, Palmer E, Havens, M 3d 4th :,th (HI, 7th Ml, '.111. 1 0th 11th I'J.I, 18th 1 Itli 15th, Senator Albert Bobbs, of the 17th dist. James A. Hell, lSth Alexander 11. Bailey, tilth George II. Andrews, 20th Cheney Ames, 21s1 Andrew 1). White. 32d Frederick Jaliand, 23d Ezra Cornell, 24th Stephen K. Williams. 25th Charles .1. Folger, 26th Stephen T. Bayt, 27th George G. Manger, 28th Daniel II. Cole, 29th Wilkes Angel, 30th James M. Humphrey 31st Norman M Allen, ' 82d 188EMBL1 : Speaker, George G, Boskins, of Wyoming; Barmon II. ^anderzee, 1st district of Albany; Oliver M. Bungerford, 2d district of Albany; Alexander Rob rtson, 8d district of Albany; i \. Nolan, ltd districl of Albany; Charles M. Crandall, 1st district of Allegany; All a. Lewis, 2d districl of Allegan] ; Edward ( . Mereerau, dial and co. Broome; William P. \ trid of Cattaraugus; E. Curtiss Topliff , 2d district of Cattaraugus; Benjamin M. Close, 1st district of < "a-. John I.. Parker, 2d districl of Cayuga; II. Bungerford, 1st dist. Chautauqua; Martin Crowell, 2d district of Chautauqua; William T. Post, dist. ami count] Chemung; George W. Sumner. |st district of Chenango; Samuel S. Stafford, 2d district of Chenango; Smith M. Weed, district ami county Clinton; Walter Shntts. 1st district of Columbia; Samuel \\ . Carpenter. 2d district Columbia; 1 >ann c. Squires, dist. and count] I 'ortland; ha I-',. Sherman, 1st district of Delaware; James I Hiver, 2d districl of Delaware; James Howard, 1st district of Dutchess; Mark l>. Wllber, 'Ji\ district of Dutche \\ alter W. Stanard, 1st district of Erie; Barman 8. Cutting, 2d district of Erie; IN 18G5. 37 John . Veeder, 2d district of Kings; Stephen Haynes, 3d distrid of Kings; Patrick Burns. Ith 1 1 1 district of Kings; Henry C. Boswell, 6th district of Kings; Jacob Worth, 7th district of Kings; Nathan Clark, distrid and county of Lewis; Hugh D. BlcColl, 1st district of Livingston; Jonathan B, Morey, 3d distrid of Livingston; Alfred A. BrOWn, LSI distrid Of Madison; Alvin Strong, 2d district of Madison; Fail-child Andrus. 1st district of Monroe; John M. Com ill. 2d district of Monroe; William Rankin, 3d district of Monroe; Simeon Sammons, district and county id' Montgomery; Jacob I.. Smith. 1st district of New York; Bryan Gaughan, 2d distrid of New York; George L. Loutrel, 3d district of New York; •lames B. Murray, 4th district id' New York; Charles Blauvelt, 5th district of New York; Edward S. Maloy, (ith district of New York; Thomas F. Stewart, Ttli district of New York; Jacob Seebacher, 8th district of New Fork; Samuel C. Reed, '.Hit district of New York; Thomas J. Creamer, 10th district New STork; John McDonald, llth district of New York; Joseph A. Lyons, 12th district of New fork; Alexander Ward, 13th district of New York; Michael N. Salmon, 14th district New York; Thomas B. Van Buren, 15th dist. New York; John Keegan, Kith district of New York; Sidney P. Ingraham, Jr., l?th district of New York; Allien II. Pickard, 1st district of Niagara Guy c. Humphrey, 2d district of Niagara; Aiiiam B. Weaver, 1st district of Oneida; Lorenzo House, 2d district of Oneida; Thomas I>. Penfield, 3d district of Oneida; George W. Cole, -1th distrid of Oneida; Albert I.. Green, 1st district of On La Daniel I*. Wood, 2d distrid of Ononda Harvey I'. Tolman, Sd district of Onondaga; Volney Edgerton, 1st distrid of Ontario; Edward Brunson, 2d district of Ontario; Ananias 15. llulse. 1st district ol Or.-.! Theodore II. Cooper, 2d distrid of On Edmund L. Pitts, dist. and count) Orleans; Elias Root, 1st district of Oswego; Richard K. Sanford, 2d district of Osi Avery W. Severance. 3d district of Oswego; Luther I. Burditt, 1st district of Otsego; George M. Mollis. 5Jd district of Otsego; Jeremiab Sherwood, dist. and count) Putnam; William Turner, 1st district of Queens; Charles McNeill, 2d district of Queens; George < '. Burdett, 1st district of Rensselaer; Robert M. Hasbrouck, 2d district Rensselaer; Matthew V. A. Fonda, 3d district Rensselaer; James Ridgway, dist. and county Richin 1; Prince W. Nickerson, dist. ami co. Rockland; George Parker, 1st district of St. Lawrence; .lames Redington, 2d distrid of St. Lawrence; Daniel Shaw, 3d district of St. Lawrence; George W. chapman. 1st district of Saratoga; Edward Edwards, 2d district of Saratoga; Charles Stanford, dist. and co. Bchenectady; Edward Eldridge, dist. and co. Schoharie; Lorenzo Webber, dist. ami county Schuyler; George B. Daniels, dist. and county Seneca; William F. Bonham, 1st district of Steuben; Alexander Olcott, 2d district of Steuben; Horace Bemis, - >< I district id' Steuben; William II. Gleason, I si distrid of Suffolk; Henry C. Piatt, 2d distrid of Suffolk; James Matthews, dist. and county Sullivan; Wm. W. Shepard, dist. and county Tioga; Henry B. Ford, dist. and county Tompkins; Jesse p. Bookstaver, Ls1 district of lister; Jacob Fe Fever, 2d district of Ulster; Andrew S. Weller, 3d district of lister; Jerome Lapham, district and county Warren; Alexander Barclay. 1st district Washington; Sylvester E. Spoor. 2d district Washington; Thaddeus W. Collins. 1st district of Wayne; William II. Rogers, 2-1 district of Wayne; Pierre C. Talman, 1st district of Westchester; Alsop II. Lockwood, 2d district Westchester; George A. Brandreth, 3d dist. Westchester; George G. Hoskins, dist. and co. Wyoming; Eben S. Smith, district and county ol ', Such duties a-- foil to the Legislature to promote the prosecution of the war, were promptly carried out. by it. February loth, an act was passed establishing a uniform system of bounties throughout the State, ami assuming their payment by tin- State. Tins act contemplated and allowed the paymenl of a bounty of two hundred and Bfty dollars to every drafted man; of three hundred dollars to every volunteer enlisted for one year's service; of four hundred dollars to every volunteer enlisted for two years; of six hundred dollars to every volun- teer enlisted for three years; and according to length of service, the same amount to each person furnishing a substitute. The law was not perfect however, and was amended from time to time until April ?th, when it was placed in condition permitting operations under it. The intention originally, was to have the bounty paid by State officials to the persons, entitled, them- selves; but owing to the delay in perfecting the law, localities were author- 38 PART I. IN THE STATE. ized i" continue the system ander which they had acted heretofore, and were finally reimbursed by the State in accordance with this acl and chapter 325, passed later in (he session. February 24th, the Legislature passed a concurred resolution giving the thanks of the | pie of this State to the men who volunteered to defend the integrity of the Union and the flag, which represents its sovereignty, on the bl lv Gelds where rebellion has raised armed opposition to the National Gov- ernment. On the 25th of March the Legislature, representing the people, in concur- rent resolutions, gave thanks to Brigadier-General .\. Martin Curtis, the Third, One Hundred and Twelfth, One Hundred and Seventeenth, One Hun- dred and Forty-second, Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth, One Hundred and Fif- teenth, One Hundred and Sixty-ninth regiments of Infantry and t lie Six- teenth regiment of Artillery, New York Volunteers, commanded respectively by Captain James Reeves, Colonel John F. Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel Francis I,'. Meyer, Colonel Albert W. Barney, Colonel Christopher Mai Donald, Lieu- tenant-Colonel \V. r>. ('".in, Lieutenant-Colonel Nathan Johnson, Colonel Alon/.o Alden and Major F. \V. Prince for the gallant achievements at Fort Fisher, North Carolina. 11 ember L9, L864, the President called for three hundred thousand men, and January 17, L865, notice was received that the quota of the State was Bixty-one thousand and seventy-sis men. To avoid a general draft in the Slate, authority was asked and obtained from the War Department, to organ- ize new regiments ami independent companies. When on the 14th of April the Secretary of War ordered the discontinuance of recruiting and of the draft, the State Military Department hail turned over to the General Govern- ment: five companies for the Twenty-sixth regiment of Cavalry; one company, each. I'm- the Se\ cut y-fif th, and the One Hundred and Ninetieth; I wo com- panies for the One Hundred and Ninety-first; the One Hundred and Nmety- second, <>ne Hundred ami Ninety-third, ami One Hundred ami Ninety-fourth regiments, complete; ami the Thirty-fifth ami a number of other, incomplete, independent Companies, of infantry; and the Stale had received credit on this last call ami quota, as having furnished, 34,196 men. dune 7th, the Governor issued the following congratulatory address to the BOldierS from tin- State: "Soldier- of New York: your constancy, your patriotism, your faithful services ami your valor have culminated in the main- tenance of the Government, the vindication of the Constitution and the laws ami the perpetuity of the Union. You have elevated the dignity, brightened the renown, and enriched the history of your State. You have furnished to the world a grand illustration of our American manhood, of our devotion to liberty, and of the permanence ami nobility of our institutions. Soldiers! your State thanks you, and gives you the pledge of her lasting gratitude. Bhe look- with pride upon your glorious achievements ami consecrates to all time your unfaltering heroism. To you N"ev York willingly intrusted her honor, her fair name and her great destinies; you have proved worthy <>( the con- fidence reposed in you, and have returned these trusts with added lustre and increased value. The coming home of all our organization's, it is hoped, is not Far distant. We welc eyou ami rejoice with you upon the peace your valor has achieved. Your honorable sear.; we regard as the t ruest badges of your bravery and the highest evidences of the pride and patriotism which animated QUOTAS AM) CBBDITS. * 39 you. Sadlj and yet proudly we receive as the emblems "I* heroic endurances your tattered and worn ensigns, and fondly deposil these relics of glory, with all their cherished memories and endearing associations, in our appointed re- positories. With swelling hearts we bade God Bpeed to the departing recruit; with glowing pride and deepened fervor we say welcome! to the returning veteran. We watched you all through the perilous period of your absence, rejoicing in your victories and mourning in your defeats. We will treasure your legends, your brave exploits, and the glorified memory of your 'lead comrades, in records more impressive than the monuments of the past, and enduring as the liberties you have Becured. The people will regard with jealous pride, your welfare and honor, not forgetting the widow, the father- less, and those who were dependent, upon the fallen hero. The fame and glory you have won for the State and the Nation, shall be transmitted to our children as a mosl precious legacy, lovingly to be cherished and reverently to be preserved." The end had come, and at last the greatest and most causeless rebellion was suppressed; the army was gradually disbanded, and the sons of New York re- turned to their State victors in a jus! and glorious cause. It is noi ni to describe their reception at their homes. The joy of the people was tem- pered by the knowledge of the sacrifices made by all, and thai with the many who gave their lives to save this country and its people, was numbered the man, selected by God as leader in this momentous and fearful struggle. MEN CALLED FOR. AND IN THE [JNITED STATES SERVICE, PROM Tins STATE. Quotas am» Credits Received lnd Claimed. Although for a time the accounts of the State did nol agree with those of the United States, the figures of the War Department as far as they go, are here used and accepted, as their total was also accepted l,y the State in 1864. General < 'alls. Quota. Credits. April 1 . > t ] i . 1861, tlie United States Government took the first decided step toward offensive efforts against the rebellion, the President call- ing on that day for Beventy-five thousand Militia tor three months' .service. The quota assigned to this State, filled by Militia and Volun- teer Militia, was ." i:j,i80 And the War Department reports, as furnished by the State 18,906 On the 8d of .May, 1861, the President issued a proclamation calling into service thirty nine regiments of volunteer infantry, and one regi nient of cavalry, forty-two thousand and thirty- four men, for a Ben of three years, unless sooner discharged. No quota was assigned, but at the request of the President , the Governor railed, July 36th, for twenty-five thousand volunteers. Congress in its acts of July 82d, 25tli and 81st, 1861, authorized the President to accept the services of volunteers for three years in such numbers, not exceeding one million, as he might deem necessary tor the purpose of repelling invasion and suppressing insurrection. No formal call was issued, but men and regiments were furnished by the State by the authority of the War Department, under the act of ' kmgrese passed July 25th, 1861. Before the next call it beca necessary to determine the quotas of the States for 1861. This was done in June, 1862, by apportioning the number of men in the field, five hundred and forty-eight thousand one 40 PART I. IN THE STATE. Quota. Credits hundred and eighty-four, among the States. The quota of New York was placed at . . . .' 109,056 And tli>' State was credited, including all men furnished Bince the call of April 15th, 1861, with 130,381 Qnder the call of the Presideni of Julj 8d, 1863, for three hundred thousand meo for three years' service, there were required from this State ' 59,705 A... I furnished • • 78,904 lr boob becoming apparent thai under this last call no men would be obtained to till up the regiments in the field, the Presideni ordered, An- Ith, 1863, a draft of three hundred thousand Militia to serve for a term of nine months. The draft, for reasons elsewhere stated, did not takr place in this State, and on the quota of 59,705 There were furnished by voluntary enlistment but 1,781 Under the act passed by Oongress March 3d, 1868, the Provost-Marshal- General of the United States, without a formal call <>n the State, caused a draft in part to take place in July and August. The men received thereby were credited i>n the next regular <-:il 1 for troops. October 17th. 1868, the President issued a call forthree hundred thou. -and men, to fill the companies and regiments in the field; do quota was assigned. February 1st, 1864, another call was made; this time for five hundred thousand men, to include the number called for October 17th, \^V-'<. The quota of the State was placed at 81,993 for a service of three years, and there were credited, including the men drafted in 1 ^<;:;. and fifteen thousand nine hundred and twelve men, who paid the legal commutation 75,751 March 14th, 1864, followed another call, this time fortwo hundred thousand men for three years' service; and onthequotaof 83,794 81 a.- received credit, including two thousand two hundred and sixty- men who paid commutation, for • ■ 44,307 Under the call of July 18th, 1864, for five hundred thousand men, the quota of the State, reduced by excess of credits on previous calls, was placed at 77,539 And there were credited to the State forty-five thousand and eighty- nine men for a servit f year; two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight men for a service of two years; thirty-six thousand five hundred and forty Beven men for three years' service; Beventy-four men for four years' service, and five men who paid commutation, total .. .. 88,848 The quota of the State, under the lasl general call of December l'.ith. 1864, for three hundred thousand men, was placed at til ,076 Ami on thi- .all there were furnished up to April 1 1th, 1865, when recruiting and drafting was discontinued, for one year's Bervice, nine thousand one hundred and fiftj men; for two years' service, one thou- sand sis hundred and forty-five men; for three years' service, twenty- three thousand three hundred and twenty-one men; for four years' ser- vice, sixtj seven men; paid commutation, thirteen men; total 34,196 Quota of the general calls 495,148 Total credil on the general calls 453,819 Special ' 'alls. May 34th, 1863, the War Department requested the Governor to for- ward regiments of the Militia for three nths' service; no quota was specified, and the State furnished of the National Guard 8,588 June loth. 1868, the War Department again called for Militia for shorl term service, hut did not fix a definite quota. The State furnished at this call, for a service of thirty days, of the National Guard 18,971 November 14th, 1868, Major-General l>i\ commanding the Depart- ment of the East, made a request for an armed tone tor the protection of the frontiers ol the State, and received for a servh f thirty days, of the National Guard 504 l ruder the requests of the President for Militia for short term- of Ber vice, dated April 28d ami July 5th, 1864, the War Department fixed the quota al 18, I Ami there were furnished by the State for three months and one hundred days, including recruits forwarded later 5,640 And for a service of thirty days, in both cases from the Na tional Guard 791 6,481 I of all quotas 507,1 18 Total of nil men furnished 183,813 CREDITS DUE THE STATE. H The difference between the number credited to the State on the % calls and the quotas called for, is 42,329 men, and arises from the facl that the quota of 59,705 nine months' men, and on which only 1,781 men are credited, was completed by credit oi 14,481 three years' men, excess of credil mi previous calls, equaling 5?.'.c>J4 nine months' men. and that the qnota on the last general call, owing to the close of the war. was do! completed. The Adjutant-General of the United States Army undo- date of November 9th, 1880, supplemented by a statemenl dated duly 15th, 1885, reports the total number of enlistments made under the various calls of the President, to have been 2,865,028, including therein 86,724 who furnished commutations, but not taking into consideration the enlistments Cor a period of less than sixty days. He credits this State as having furnished of these enlistments 167,047, including 18,19? who paid commutation, bul nol including the thirty days' men. In proportion to the total, the enlistments credited to this State areas l to 6.134, or 16.30-f- percent. I'.ni in this statemenl there is a credil included for enlistments in the Regular Army of only 6,089, while as shown later, the Stat.- justly claims an additional credit of " 11 ,('.71 For service in the United States Navj and Marine there were credited to the Siat.> 12,155 enlistments, but here again, as shown later, the State is justly ami fairly entitled to credit for additional enlistments to the number of. 8,781 The thirty days' men furnished by the State, not credited by the Adjutant-General of the Army, numbered 15,366 enlistments; but are already included in the number furnished uniler the special calls. The State therefore is entitled in additional credit for 20,452 enlistments; these added to the number credited as furnished under the general and - calls, will make the total furnished 1»\ this State 502,765, or in round numbers and allowing for possible errors, not less than Jive hundred thousand Credits, due the State, for Service in the Armies and Nam the United States. For Service in the Regular Army. The statement of the Adjutant-General of the United States Army, dated July 15th, 1885, estimates the number of men iii the Regular Army during tlu' war at 67,000. As far as can be determined from the reports of the Assistant Provost-Marshals-Genera] of this State, as published in the reports of the Adjutant-General of New York Cor the years 1863 to 1865, the number of men credited to this State, enlisting or re-enlisting in the Regular Army, is 6,089, and covers onh the period of the war from December, LE April, 1805, and no men were credited for such enlistments prior to I 1 ber, 1863. There were in the Regular Army, July 1. 1861, as officially reported, 16,422 officers and enlisted men: up to this time the large cities of this Stat the principal recruiting Belds of that army, ami taking therefore from this number hut one-fifth (by no means an over-estimate), as having been enlisted in this State, would entitle New York to a credit of 3,284 As already stated from December, L863, to April, L865 — seventeen months — there were credited to the State for enlistment in the Regu- lar Army 6,089 men: and it is hut fair to Suppose that the State fur- nished from July 1, 1801, to November, 18 claimed as due to this State the same percent- it ha- been found of those enlisted between April loth, 1861, and dune 30th, 1865, namely 39.192 per cent, or 2,964 CREDITS DUE THE STATE. 1:; This would make the total number who served in the Navy dur- ing the war, 132,554, of win mi there came from this State 51,936 As with the Regular Army, so were for a time volunteers permitted to enlist in, or to be transferred to the Navy, and it is estimated that at t he most one thousand men were thus transferred, and these require to be deducted from the claims made here for additional credit. It is accepted as a fact thai 42,155 nun were duly credited to New York, and the remainder, deducting those transferred from the volunteers, of 8,781 men is fairly due to the State. For Service in tin 1 United Stales Volunteers. In his statement of July 15th, 1885, the Adjutant-General U. S. Army esti- mates the number of officers and enlisted men, who served in this bodj al about 11,000, but as far as this State is concerned onlj the general and staff officers of IT. S. Volunteers appointed from this State, and four companies of Berdan or First U. S. Sharpshooters are claimed due to New York, aboul 1,375 officers and enlisted men, and these were no doubl duly credited at the time by the proper authorities. For Service in the United States Veteran Volunteers (Hancock's Veteran Corps). In the Btatemeni of the Adjutant-General V. S. A., already quoted, the number of men who served in this body, is ghen as 10,833, but there are no records available from which even an approximate number, of those furnished by this State, could be obtained. As shown under "Quotas and Credits Re- ceived, " etc., New York furnished of all the enlistments 16.30 ■ per oentj allow the same percentage of those who served in the United States Veteran Volunteers, and the State would be entitled to credit for 1,770 men for service in this branch of the army. As these were veterans, who had served in the war before, and their entry into the Bervice was undoubtedly credited at the time, no claim can, however, be made for extra credit. For Service in the Veteran Reservi Corps. The number of officers and enlisted men who Bcrved in this corps i- Btated as 60,508, and the portion of this number due New York, based on the Bame percentage as in the foregoing case, would be 9,862 men. These were men transferred from the volunteers, or enlisted after a service as volunteers, and have all no doubl been duly credited to the Stat.'. In this number are in- cluded 222. who re-enlisted as veterans in this corps, and were specifically credited to New York. For Service in the Colored Troops. In the afore-mentioned Btatemeni the number of colored troops in the United States service is reported as 178,975; the State is, however, credited with but 4,125, and although evidence is on file in the office of the Adjutant- General of New York thai 5,829 men are claimed as t \\ir the State, no claim for extra credit is made, and the figure reported by the Onited States authori- ties is accepted as correct and final. The Twentieth, Twenty-sixth and Thirty- first regiments of these troops were organized in this State. -H PAST 1. IN THE STATE. /■'(//■ Service in the Volunteers of Other stairs. That nun <>f this State- entered the volunteers of other States, is a well- known fact. A correct number of them is Impossible to obtain, but it is believed that they numbered at least five hundred, and that the State received due credit for the same. Service in the Militia and National Guard. of the Militia ami National Guard there entered in the service of the United Stat.- for Bhort periods 38,028 officers and enlisted men. of whom there served for one hundred 'lavs in 1864. 5,019; for three months in 1861, 8,534; in 18G2, ,, 1864,621; total. L7, 743 men; for thirty days in 1863, in the Penn- sylvania campaign, 13,971, al Buffalo in November, 504, in 1864, in New York harbor, 791, total. 15,266 men. The Adjutant-General of the U. S. Army gives the State credit for all, except the thirty days' men; and there is therefore a credit claimed on this account of 15, 266. For Service in the Volunteers of the State. For service in this branch of the armies of the Tinted States, 370,652 enlist- ee claimed; this number, originally estimated, has been confirmed by count ami pari estimates of the number of men who served in each volunteer organization of the State, appearing in another place; of these it is estimated that ■.'.(ion wriv transferred to the Regular Army; 1,000 to the Navy and Ma- rine Oorps; and 800 to the United States Volunteers as general and staff ofli- Drafted men and substitutes, are counted here as volunteers. For Men who Commuted their Service. CTnder tie- laws regulating the drafts, those drafted were accorded the privi- payment of a certain sum, to commute their service; the money thus obtained was used by the Provost-Marshal-Genera] of the United Stair- to pay bounties bo volunteers re-enlisting in the service. The Adjutant-General of the Army credit- tbis State on this account on the call of February 1st, L864, with 15,912; on that of March Nth. L864, with !i,267; of duly 18th, 1864, with :.; of December 19th, 1864, with 13; total, is. in; men. For Representative Recruits. In duly. L864, the Provost-Marshal-Genera] of the CTnited States appealed to the patriotism and generosity of persons not required i>\ law to perform military duly, hut who possessed ample means, to cause themselves to he rep- ■ l in the service by men procured h\ themselves. Cinder this appeal representative recruit- were obtained, and credited to the respective >tate-; President Lincoln being one of the tir-t to respond to the appeal. Prom this state there were obtai 1 119 men; while this may seem a small number, ii is susceptible of prod' that citizensof this state, before this official appeal, had quietly procured men to serve in the army as then- representatives. Those of this State who acted on bis suggest ion, are reported by t he Provost- Marshal-General to have been (arranged according to the. then, congressional districts): CREDITS DUE THE STATE. US Dist. 1st. Thomas Barrow, A. \\ . Nathans, Geo. L. Peck. 3d. Anthony F. Campbell, Sidney Dorian, .1. W. Frothingham. 4th. John S. Sammis. 6th. Cyrus II. Loutrel. 7th. < iharles Easton. 8th. William O'Brien, John O'Brien, Oeorge Collins. Jr., Victor L. Conrad, Petei Cooper, Peter < 'ooper, ( lharles I >ono hue, Edwin M. Hulburt, Richard M. Hoe, Percy I.'. Pine, Wm. L. Taylor. 9th. Henry K. Ball, Edgar Ketchum, Ben- jamin F. Raynor, Abram Wakeman. 10th. D.J. Blauvelt, Wm. F. Bates, Win. R. Brown, Hugh N. Camp, Charles B. Fosdick, J. II. Goodwin, Jr., Wm. F. Moller, Samuel Purdy, II. F. Spaulding. 13th. Edward C. Cline, Charles W. Swift. 14th. J. .1. Austin, Henry M. Benedict, Wm. Newton, T. W. Olcott, R. M. Van Sickler, C. P. Williams. 16th. Edwin S. Bogue, ThomasS. Qray.Wm. 11. Richardson, Samuel T. Richards. 18th. Master Waller Butler, -lames M. Cook. I'.lth. Norman Bissell. 20th. Zenas Eldred. 23d. Arthur Holmes, DeWitl C. McGraw, Daniel McGraw, Timothy I!. Porter. 24th. James C. Avery, Charles E. Avery, Martha I.'. Avery. Mrs. p. II. Avery. Joseph P. Barber, John II. Chedell, Mrs. John II. Chedell, Rufoa Dun- liiim, M. D. E 1 1 I ' . ■ I Daniels, Henry Henion, Wm. Hill-, i ,,-,.i L . Hocknell, John E. Leonard, Mis- E. Leonard , ( l ard, Christopher Morgan, Mari I' P. Morgan, Adam Miller, George W Mead, <;• orge w . Peck, George I:. Peck, A-a s. Parker, A. R. Reynolds, Shirley R. Snow, Willie I!. Woodin, Wm.Wasson, Annette Wasson,Wm. U.S. Wasson. 85th. Stephen II. Ainsworth, Frank O. Cham- berlin, George W. Gates. 26th. George 1>. Beers, John II. Hawes, John Southworth, John South worth. 27th. Alvine C. Barney, Thomas V.Johnson. 28th. John II. Denio, Henry R. Selden. 29th. Duncan Cameron, Abel Minard, Hop- kins < '. Pomeroj . Franklin Bpauld ing, Thomas Scovil. 80th. Allen W. Adams, Daniel S. Bennett, diaries V. D. Blackman, Philip Dorsheimer. Charles Ensign, Blisha W. Ensign, Solomon s. Guthrie, Henry l>. (iarvin. Win. II Peabody, Dexter P. Rumsey, Jam.- G. Ste- \i-n-. William P. Samlet-, .laeoli Schoellpopf, George Taylor. :Jlst. David II. Bowles, Frederick Baton, Reuben I-:. Fenton, John P. Hillyer, Newton Slaw -on. Patrick Shafer. E. C. Topliff. As tlie records '1 1 Bhow the piace <>i' residenceof these patriotic citizens, the composition of the districts is here annexed t<» allow a closer identification of i he same. During the period of the war from 1862, the following counties or wards formed Dist. l-t. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 0th. 7th. 8th. 9th. Suffolk, Queens ami Richmond. 6th, 8th, '.ith, 10th, 12th, 14th. Kith. 17th. 18th and 20th wards of the city of Brooklyn, ami the towns of Flat- hush. Platlano 1 -, Gravesend, New Pots ami New Utrecht, in the county of Kin^s. 1st. 2.1, 3d, 4th, 5th, 7th, 11th, 18th, loth and PJth wards of the city of Brooklyn. l-t (including Governor's Island), 3d, 3d, Ith, 5th, (ith ami 8th wards of the city and county of New Fork. 7th. 10th, 18th ami Pith wards of the city ami county of New Fork. Bth, 'loth and Pith wards of the eity and county of New fork. 11th and l?th wards of the city and county of New York. 18th, 20th and 21st wards <>f the city ami county of New York. 12th (including Randall's ami Ward's Islands). 1'ith (including Black well's Island) and 22d wards of tin- eity and countv of New 'i ork. oi-t. 10th. Westchester, Rockland ami Putnam. 1 Ith. < (range and Sullivan. 12th. Dutchess ami < 'olumbia. 13th. Ulster ami Greene. 11th. Albany and Schoharie. loth. Rensselaer and Washington. Kith. Warren, Essex and Clinton. l?th. St. Lawrence and Franklin. I8tb Pulton, Hamilton, Montgomery. Sara- toga and Schenectady. l'.tth. Delaware, Otsego and Chenango. 20th. Jefferson, Lewis ami Herkimer. 21st. Oneida. 83d. Madison and < tawego. 88d. I >nondaga and Cortland. 34th. Cayuga; Wayne and Seneca. 35th. Ontario, Livingston and Fates. 36th. Tioga, Tompkins, Broome and Schuy- ler. 27th. Chemung, Steuben and Allegany. 38th. Monroe and Orleans. 29th. Genesee, Niagara and Wyoming. 80th. Erie. ;;i-t. Chautauqua and Cattaraugus. Recapitulation of Credits. The State furnished for service in the war 502,763 men; and this number of men served in the general organizations of the military forces of the United States as follows: 46 PART I. IX THE STATE. In the Regular Army of the United States, 19,760; of whom 2,000 arc estimated to have been transferred from the volunteers; being properly credited to the volun- they are deducted here, leaving credil for service in this branch 17,780 In the United States Navy and Marine Corps, 51,986; of whom 1,000 are estimated to have been transferred from the volunteers; being properly credited t<> them, they are bere deducted, leaving credil for service in this branch 50,936 In the Dnited States Volunteers, 1,675; of whom about BOO are estimated to have been transferred from the volunteers as general and Btaff officers, and as they are a proper credil i In the Veteran Reserve Corps, 9,862; a large number of these men were transferred from the volunteers and are properly credited to them; of those who enlisted in this corps after a term of service in the volunteers no estimate can be made, but the State received special credil for such re enlistments to the number <>t' 222 In the United States Colored Troops, the number credited to the State by the Adju- tant-General of the army " 4,l'J."i lii the volunteers of other States, 500 men. estimated, making a credit of 500 In the Militia and National Guard <>t' the State, as already shown 38,028 Men who commuted their service, and are credited to the State officially 18,197 The remainder of the credil claimed lor the State represents enlistments in the volunteers of this State to the number of 370,652 Making the total credit due New York, a.s already claimed 502, 7G."> PERIODS OF SERVICE OF THE MEN ENLISTED. of the men credited t<> this State there served during the war, or rather en- listed for Bervice, for periods ranging from thirtj days to four years — for thirty days, 15,266; for three months, 1.7,743; for one hundred days. 5,019; for nine months, L,781; for one year, including estimated number in the Navy, 62,500; for two years, 34,723; for three years, 347,395; for four years, 141; (••'in mule, | their Bervice, J*. 19*3 : total, 502,765, or all reduced to a three years' standard, considering those who commuted their service as three years' men, 412,5i DRAFTS IN THE STATE AND THEIB RESULTS. The census of L860 gave this State a population of 3,880,735, of whom 532 were males, and 1,947,203 were female-, being an excess of the latter over the former of L3,6'i 1 . Under the call of Angus! 4th, L862, for three hundred thousand nine months 1 men, the State authorities made arrangements for a draft, which how- ever were uol carried out. The enrollment, no! entirely completed, Bhowed a population of 3,829,707; had it been completed il would probably nol have varied much from the census of I860, ootwithstanding the number of men who had entered the service and left the State. 8ubjeci to military duty, ac- cording to the laws of the State, thai is between the ages of 18 and 45 years, were found to be 764,603 males, and of these had been declared exempt from military servioe al the time proceedings closed L39,158. The average ratio of tl)^ n u in her enrolled to the population was i to five and one-tenth; the ratio opts to the number enrolled was one to five and five-tenths. DRAFTS IN THE STATE. 47 When in 18G3 the General Government took charge of drafting and general recruiting, drafts when made, were only for such numbers as would insure the filling of the quota called at the time. The enrollmenl made in the State, under the supervision of the Provost-Marshal-General's Bureau from June, 1803, to April, 1865, numbered 431,462 men, or 22.31 per cent of the mal< population, or 11.11 per cent of the total population according to the census of 1860. This enrollment included males between the ages of 20 and 15. The total number drawn was 151,488; of these there were beld to personal service, 3,210; furnished substitutes, L3,332; paid commutation, 18,197; not examined for various reasons, 48,743, and exempted after examination, 68,006 men. Of those exempted from military duty, 32,086 were thus exempted for physical or mental disability, or 31.22 per cent of those examined — 102,745 men. The result of each of the drafts was as follows: Draft of July and August, 1868, the number drawn was 95,795 Of these there were held to personal Bervice, 2,300; furnished substitutes, 6,998; paid commutation, 15,912; total 25,210 Not examined for various reasons, 15,820; exempted alter <\. aminatiou, 54,765; total 70 95,795 Draft under call of March 14th, 1864; the number drawn was 11,713 Of these there were held to personal service, 158; furnished substitutes, 2,003; paid commutation, 2,267; total 1,428 Not examined for various reasons, 2. 852; exempted after ex- amination, 4,438; total 7,290 Draft under call of July 18th, 1864; the number drawn was Of these there were held to personal service. 47: furnished substitutes, 1,708; paid commutation, 5; total 1,760 Not examined for various reasons, 6,796; exempted after ex- amination, 1,671; total 8,467 Draft under the call of December 19th, 1864, not completed; the number drawn was Of these there were held to persona] service, 710; furnished substitutes, 2,628; paid commutation, 13; total 3,846 Not examined for various reasons, 23,275; exempted alter ex- amination, 7,182; total B0, 407 88,758 Of the men exempted after examination, there were exempted for pi and mental disability at draft in July and August, 1863, 25,701; at draft under call of March, 1864, 8,391; at draft under call of July, 1864, L,03 at draft under call of December, 1864, 8,964. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS [N THE SERVICE PROM rHIS STATE. The numbers so far dealt with represent enlistments or entries into service, and, as many men entered twice, three and probably even four times, the number of enlistments does not represenl the number of individuals who served during the war. No positive data or information is on record <>n this subject, and to obtain this number of individuals recourse must be had I mates. It is well known, that of the Militia and National Guard a very large proportion entered the volunteer Bervice after the expiration of ■ Bhorl ser- vice in the Militia, and that a considerable Dumber performed a second 4S PART I. IN THE STATE. and third, and some even :t fourth, Bhorl Bervice in the Militia: also thai a number of discharged volunteers Berved short terms in the National Guard, especially in 1868. Estimate then, that of those in service in 1861 all re-entered the service in one way or another except 500 That of those in service in 1862 -8,588 all re-entered the service or had been in Bervice except 500 That of those in service in 1868 -14,475 -all re-entered the service or had been in service except :*,000 Ami that of those who Berved in 1864 — 6,431 -all served again or had Berved before excepl 4,000 This would make the number of individuals who rendered service in the Militia or National Guard exclusively 8,000 Of those who Berved in the Regular Army, from this Btate, 19,760, less •j. i mm i estimated to have been transferred from the volunteers 17,760 there are known to have re-enlisted to the credit of the State 2,187, but it is estimated that the number re-enlisted daring the war is al least 2,500 These deducted would make the number of individuals from this State serving in the Regular Army exclusively 15,260 Of those who served in the Navy and Mariru Corps, from this State. 51.936i less 1,01 stimated to have been transferred from the volunteers, 50,936 it is estimated in the absence of any kind of data on the subject, that ten per centum entered the sen ice twice al least, this would be 5,09 I And these deducted, would make the number of individuals from this State serv- ing in the Navy and Marine Corps exclusively 45,842 Of those who served in the United States volunteers, from this State. 1,375, less sod estimated transferred from the State volunteers, 575, it is supposed thai aboul 75 re-enlisted, which would leave the number of individuals in the Bervice speci- ally as 500 Those who served in the United States Veteran Volunteers &nd in the Veteran Seservt Corps had all entered the service or Berved previously in the volunteers, and no individuals can be allowed for service in those bodies only. Those who s.-rved in the U 8, Colort d Droops and are credited to this State rep- resent but one entry into service, and there are credited therefore individuals .... l, 125 <»l those who Berved in Voluntet rs ofollu r States, but were credited to this State there are credited to the State as re-enlisted ninety-one; these it is supposed ; originally credited to the State, and their re enlistmenl would constitute a claim for individuals to the number of 91 Of those who served in the Volunteers of this State, 870,652, it is esti- mated that of the nine months' men — 1,781 — there re entered the service 1 ,200 Thai of the two years' men, who entered the Bervice in 1861 — 30,131 — there re-entered the service 18,000 of the three years' men enlisted up to April 80th, 1862, there are known to have re enlisted as veterans in the field, from December, lsii::. to April, 1864 18,076 It is estimated thai of those discharged in 1864 by reason of the expira- tion of their terms of Bervice, 'here re entered the service -1,000 And that of the men discharged for disability, reported by the Provost- Marshal-General in his final report as 24,908 men, there probably reentered ice 8,200 The total of re-entries into Bervice would therefore he 14,476, and this number de ducted from the number ol enlistments or entries into the Btate volunteer-, :: ro. •'.. »-j, would credit the State volunteers with individuals who served therein to the num- ber of 826,176 The total of individuals thus obtained as having served in the war, from this State, would be 899,994 Or in round numbers four hundred tl -and individuals. United States census of I860, from which the State census of isi;r> i.nt Blightly, gave New York a population of 3,880,735, of whom 1,933,532 were males; based on these figures the individuals in Bervice during the war, from this State, bear the ratio of 1 to 9.7, or L0.30 per cenl of the population of the State, and of l to L8 or 20.68 per cenl of the male popula- tion of the State. NATIVITIES OF THE INDIVIDUALS IX SERVICE. Mr. B. A. Gould, actuary of the United States Sanitary Commission, in his "Investigations in the Military and Anthropological Statistics of the Ameri- can Soldier. 1869," gives the nativity of 337,800 individual soldiers from this State, based on thai of 230,267 men obtained from official records, as follows: Natives of the United States, 203,622; of foreign birth, 134,178. Ofthoseof foreign birth, 19,985 were born in British America; L4, 024 were of English birth; 51,206 were born in Ireland; 36,680 in Germany, and 12,283 in other foreign countries. The nativities obtained by him must have been principally of enlistments made in 18G3, 1864 and 1865; to obtain the nativity of mosl of the men entering in 1S61 and 1862 from the records, excepl possibly company descrip- tive books, is as far as this State is concerned, almost impossible. It is well known that more men of foreign birth entered the service in L863 and 1864, than in 1801 and 18G2, and thus it may be explained why Mr. Gould's figures of persons of foreign birth in the service to the credil of this State, are bo large, 39.71 per cent of t he w hole, and why they are considered too high. The history of a regimented' the Regular Army, organized in July, 1861, and receiving aboul three-fifths of its membership in 1861 and 1862, gives the nativity 1<1. Making the average age 25 years, ; months and 26 days; or taking into consideration that, in order to be accepted, many less than 18 and :!l years old, gave their age as such, twenty-five years. WHERE THE MEN, IX THE SERVICE, WERE OBTAINED. It is impracticable, in fad impossible, to obtain any accurate figures of the number of men furnished during the war by each county, city, town and village of the State, dp to July 2d, L862, no accounl was kepi with localities by the State. When for the purpose of drafting, quotas were assigned, they were constantly more or less modified; credits were given, deficiencies wen added, before and after assigning the quotas, and were il practicable to collate the records of the Provost-Marshals, it would .-till leave about 150,000 men unaccounted for. 'I he besl that can be done, is to indicate here the organi- zations (original or new; recruits not considered) to which the counties of the State contributed men: those marked * being entirely recruited in the county, to which they are credited, all others only in part. There were recruited: I\ tbb Statu \ r Larob: Infant rii : nth regiment; the original plan, for each town and ward bo furnish one man, was 1 1 • > t adhered e> closelj I\ III! COUNTl O? All: \NV : . regiments, 2d, 3d, 6th, 7th, Oth, 12th, ISth, 18th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 22d, 25th, M Mounted 1st and 2d Veteran. Artillery; regiments, battery M. 1st; batteries C ind M. Sd; lth,7th, 18th, lnh ana 16th; in dependenl batteries, 11th and l:.'ih Sharpshooters; companies, Pth Engineers; regiments, 15th and 50th. Infantry; regiments, 2d, 8d, 7tb Veteran, Oth, 17th veteran, 18th, 20th. 22d. 34th, 43d. 61st, 62d, 63d, Blal , '.'.(.l. mm,, ii-ih, 175th, 177th, 170th, I84th, 186th, 188th, 180th, llttd, 104th In imi (' .1 N M ■ I Al.u QAN1 • ••lit-. 5ih, 6th, 1 8th. 15th, --'.'a. 2d d Klfles, I -i \ >■!•■! .in. i i Dragoons Ainu, ,„: regiment*, 4Ui and I3t.ll Engineer*; regiments, 1st and 15th (new) Infantry; regiments, 21st, 23d, 27th, 64th, 76th, Mth, Hath. 188th, 140th, 160th, 170th, I84tb, 180th, l'ath I CO D1CT1 " i B R I Sd, Btb, mi 1st Veteran, Carali i i Dragoon batters N ' 3d; Independent batterli . I6th« tits, |5th and 50th, Infantx 27th, BOth.BOth, 109th, [24th, 187th, 156th, lOlat . 168th, 170th, 104th In iiii COCNTI "I C tb, Btb, 10th, Mounted Klfles, i-< Vi teran Artillery; regiments, 8d, 13th and litli Shai pnhimti i - ; companies, 0th InfanU ■ 94th. 71at, 86th, UK'th i ah, 160th, 170th, L83d, 187th, 104th In THB Chi n i v OF C \1 DGA! Cavalry; regimeutB, 8th, 10th. 11th. 22d, 23d, 24th. Artillery; regiments, batteries a (new), (', I) [new), <■ (new . K (new), 3d; 4th, Oth, 16th; In- dependent batteries, 1st *. Engineers; regiments, 15th and 60th. Sharpshooters; companies, Sth. Infantry; regiments, I'.nli, 24th, 7r>th, lllth, lltuh, 160th, 103d, l'Mih. ie County of Chactauqi Cavalry \ regiments, Oth, 15th, 22d. ; regiments, 131 h, in h ers : regiments, I -"« t h i new] Sharpshooters ; companies, 7th, Bth. Infantry; regiments, ~*ist. 49th, 72d, 00th, 100th, ir.'ih. 154th, 156th, 170th, 183d, 187th, 188th, 104th. In THB Cot NTl "I t'm mi KG : Cavalry; regiments, 2d, 8d, 6th, 7th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 2lsl 24th i il v ateran. .1 riiiii i u ; regiments, batteries B, 1'. K and !,, 1st; and M, 8d; 5th, 18th, lith, 16th; Independent batterli Engim ers; regiments. 15th, -"•< • 1 1 1 Infantry; regiment*, 3d, 23d, 85th, 88th, 86th, laid, 107th, 141st, 161st, lT'.'th, 187th, 194th. In i in: Cot ntv OF Chin \n,.h ■ Cavalry; regiments, sth. I0tb,20th, 22d. , battery a . 1st ; battel j l. . 2d . battel les - 1 (new I and M, 3d Infantry; regiments, 17th, 17th veteran, 10th, 26th, 76th. BOth, 60th, liitl,. |.,;ih, 167th, 16] it, 168th, I'.iith, 103d is i hi. c.i n i •. of Clin o>n : Cavalry; regiments, 2d,0tb, Uth, ISth, UJth, 26th, 28th, 2d veteran Artill* ry : regiments, 18th, 16tfa I /mill, 1 1 » ; regiments, lal . Infantry; regiments, 16th. 23d, 34th, 60th, Blst, 06th, llBtb, 163d, 176th, 186th, I02d. VY1IKKK THE MEN WERE OBTAINED. 51 In thk Coi'm r of Coli hbi t : Cavalry; regiments, ~d, 4th, 5th, 6th, l~th 1st Mounted Blfloa, 2d Veteran. Artillery; regiments, 5th, 16th. Engineers: regiments, 1st. Sharpshooters; companies, Bth and 9th Infantry; regiments, i4th,~'oth, 30th, C5th, 91st. l-'sth. 154th, 15t;th, I59tb, 187th. In tiik Coi xi v OF CoETLAND : Cavalry; regiments, 10th. Artillery; regiments, 3d, 16th. Infantry; regiments, l-'th, 19th, 28d, 76th, 98d, llltli, 166th, 167th, 176th, 185th, 194th. In tiik County of Delaware: Cavalry; regiments, 3d, 6th, 25th, 1st Veteran VrWlery; regiments, 4th, 8th, and independent batteries, Bth. Infantry; regiments, 3d, 71st, 7->d, 78th, 89th, 93d, 101st, 144th*. Ix tiik County of Hi n hess: Cavalry; regiments, 2d, 4th. 6th, 9th, 18th, 26th Artillery; regiments, 4th, 6th, and independent batteries, 7th, 12th. Engim ers; regiments, 1st. Infantry; regiments, Sd, 5th, 7th Veteran, 9th, 17th veteran, lsih. 20th, 30th, 38th, 47th, 57th, 65th, 87th, l:.'sth, 148d, 150th*, 154th, 159th, 168th, 176th, l»7th, 18Sth, 192d, 194th. In the CorxTv of Erie: Cavalry; regiments, 3d, 5th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 23d, 24th, 26th, 1st and 2d Mounted Uilles, 1st Veteran. Artillery; regiments, battery I*. 1st: nth, 13th, 14th. 16th, 16th, Marine; Independent batteries, llth, 27th, 33d. 'Engineers: regiments, 50th. Sharpshooters; companies, 7th and sth Infantry; regiments, 12th, I7tb Veteran, 21st, :«d, iif.tli, 19th, 69th, 78th, ninth, 112th, 116th, I82d, lr.lst. 156th, 160th, 164tb, I76tb, 178th, 179th, 187th, 194th. In the Cm \tv of Essi i : Cavalry; regiments, 2d, ">ti). llth, 14th, 2d Vet eran. Artillery; Independent batteries, 23d, Infantry: regiments, 23d, 34th, 88th, ",7th, 93d, 96th, listli, I53d. Tx thk County of Franki in i Cavalry; regiments, 12th, 13th, 2flth, 2d Veteran. Artillery; regiments, 13th, litli. 16th Engineers; regiments, 15th (new), 50th. Infantry; regiments, 16th, 24th, 8«th, 60th, 92d, 96th, 98th, 106th, it'.M, 164th, 193d. 1\ the Coi s n oi I'i i pon: Cavalry; regiments, 7th, nit h Artillery; regiments, battery M, 8d; 4th. 13th, 16th. Infantry; regiments, 82d, 77th, 115th, 153d. In tiik Coi n i t of Genesee : Cavalry; regiments, 8th, 9th, 14th, I5tb, 23d, 2d Mounted Rifles. Artillery; regiments, Pth, nth. and Independent batteries, 19th, 22d Infantry; regiments, 12th, 14th, 28th, 100th, UUth, 105th, 120th, 179th, I87tb Iv thk Coi n n of Greene : Cavalry; regiments, 5th, 25th; Artilli ry; regiments, 5th, 15th. Engine* rs; regiments, 1st. Infantry; regiments, 66tb, 166th. In the County of Hahiltos : Infantry; regiments, 97th, U5th. In thk County ok Ubbkimbb: Cavalry; regiments, 2d, 18th, 20th, 2d Mounted Rifles, Oneida company. Artillery; regiments, battery A, 1st; batteries K, L(new). M, 2d; 13th, 14th, 16tb Infantry; regiments. 26th, 84th. 97th 115th, 121st, 152d, 153d, 164th, 186th. In thb Counti oi Jbffi Cavalry; regiments, 2d. 6th, 7th, llth, 18th, 18th, 20th, 24th. 25th, 26th, 1st Vel Artillery; regiments, batteries > . 1> ll, 1st; batteries H, I. (new I, 2d; 6th, Bth. 10th, 18th. llth. 16th; Independent batteries, 20th. 28th. Infantry; regiments, 24th, 85tb, 59tb, 94th*, lNJth, [93d l\ i iik Counti oi Kings: Cavalry; regiments, 4th, 5th, 10th, llth, 18th, 16th, 251 1 1 Engim ei - ; regiments, l~t. IStfa Artillery; regiments, 4th, 6tb, llth, 18th, 16th, 16th; Independent batteries, 5th Infantry; regiments, 3d, 5th, 7th. 7th Veteran, 9th, null, l'.ih Veteran, 20tfa, 31st, 86tl 18th, -Mill. ''.Hi. S9th, i.m. 'Mih. 69th 74tb, B4th*, B7th, BBth, '.'inli. '.'.".ih. I02d, 127th, I32d 18 d, 189tb, I55tb, 158th, 159th, 163d, 164th, 165th, 170th, 178d, 170th, 186th. In mi. COUN1 v i.i I.i.u i- : Cavalry; regiments, 8d,7th, 80th, 1st Dragoons Artillery; regiment", batteries Dand H, 1st; 5th, Bth, nith, 13th, inn Infantry; regiments, 14th, 85th, 69th, 97tl Is i iii. Counti of l.i\ in.- ton: Cavalry; regiments, 2d, 6th, Bth, 22d, 24th, 1st Mounted Rifles, 1st Veteran, 1st Dragoons. Artillery; regiments, batten E, 1st; Bth, llth. 18th, llth. Engim i ra; regiments, 15th (new I. Infantry; regiments. 18th, 27th, 83d, Bflth, 100th, 102d, 104th, 188th, Hist, 179th, 187th, 188th. In ink Cot vi v in M inisox : Cavalry; regiments, 8d, 18th, 22d, 1st Mounted Rifles, ( hielda company. Irt tilery ; regiments, batteries A and l\ . 1st; bat- tery L (new), 2d; batterj C (new I, 3d: mh Infantry; regiments. 12th, 19th, 24th, 26th, B5th, filst, 76th, 101st, ll ith, 167th, 161st, I7i;th, 184th, 18Mh, 189th. Is i tik Cot m \ in Monrob: Cavalry; regiments, 2d, 8d, Bth, 7th, sth. 14th, 15th, 16th, 21st, 22d, 24th, 1st Veteran. Artillery; regiments, batteries Land M, l lery M. 2d; batteries A (in Id; 4th. Bth, llth, 14th; independent batteries, 18th, 24th, 26tb, S3d Engineers; regiments, 1st, 15th (new), 60th. *iharp»hooti r* : companies, Kth. Infantry; regiments, 18th, 20th, 24th, 8flth,27tb. 78th, 89th, KKith. 104th, ICSth. 108th*. 120th, until-. I51at, 156th, 164th, 175th, 178th, 188th, I93d, n.Mth In tiik Coi STY OF MoNTQOHBBI : Cavalry: regiments, 25th, 2d Veteran. Artillery; regiments, battery K, 1st; 18th, 18th; Independent hat tery . r.'t h Infantry; regiments B2d, 13d, 115th, I58d. In tiii. <'..i n i \ OF Nnv "S"< 'i: k : Cavalry; regiments, i-t. lm. 4ih. Sth, 6th, 8th, 9th, llth, 12th, 13th, lith. I6tb, i-th. 23d, 26tb, 1st Mounted Rifles, 2d \ • Artillery, regiments, companies A, B, C, D, i 1 and I. 2d; battery B (new i, 3d; 1th, Sth, Bth llth, 13th, 16th, 16th, Marine; battalions, l-t and '.'.I ; Independent batti Sth, 6th . '."h . null in.-u |, i;;th- , 80th, s8tb Engineers: regiments, 1st, IStfa. Infantry: regiments, 1st , 8d, 4th*. Sth, Sth Vet eran*, 6th . Tth, 7th Veteran, Bth . 9th, U.tb, llth*. I2tb, I'.th. 17th, Kth Veteran*. 20th, 25th*, 29th*. :ilst, 32d, 85th, 8«th, 87th 38th, nun, list, I'.l . 13d, 45th< . 16th" . 17th, 48th, 1th, 55th*. .vth. 58th*, 69tb, Blst, 63d, 65th, 68th, 68th, 69th, Huh. 71 7:»d. 74th, ".-Hi. 79tl th. 90th, 94th, 99th, 101st, I02d, 103d, 119th, 127th, 131st, 1 Bd, 133d, 145th. 155th, 166th, 158th, I62d*, 163d, 164th, 165th, 168th, 170th, 173d, 174th*., I7i;th, 178th, I82d . 186th, 190th*. 191st, I92d; In- dependent corps light Infantry*. TIIK I "I »TY OF Nl I Cavalry; regiments, 3d, 7th, 8th, 15th, 2d Mounted Rifles. •v> PABT I. IN THE STATE. Engineer*: regiments, 50th ArtilU ry; regiments, battery M. 1st ; 8tb,9tb, 11th; independent batteries, 12th, 17th, 19th, aid, 85th, Infaniru; regiments, 21st, 88th, 49th, 78th, lOOtli, I05tb, 183d, 151st, 184th, 178th, 179th, 187th, 194th, :;">tii independent company*. I\ ink ('..i n m of Onuda : Cavalry; regiments, 3d, 7th, 8tb, llth, 18th, 16th, 80th, -'-M. 84th, 1st Mounted Rifles, Oneida com pany foments, battery a. 1st; lotteries G*. I. (new) and If, 2d; battery C [new), 3d; 4th, llth. 13th. 14th, Hith. ; 15th (new), 50th. I/; regiments, 3d, litli. 24th,26th,67tb,78th, 81st, 97th, 101st, 117th, 141st, 146th, 161st, 164th, I79th, 189th, UHd, 193d, 194th. I\ mi; Cot n n op Okond IG \ : i. regiments, troop F*. 1st: 8d, 10th, 18th, 15th, 16th, 20th. 22d, 24th, 1st Mounted EUfles, 1st \ ei sran . I Ineida ci impany. Artillery; regiments, batteries a and li. 1st: new batteries, A, C, D. F. G, 3d ; 13th, nth, 16th; Independent batteries, huh (old) and 12th. Engineers; regiments, 15th (new), 60th. Infantry; regiments, 3d, 18th, nth, 19th, 80th. 24th, 86th, 101st, U2d, 149th, 176th, 179th, 185th, 187th, I98d, 194th. I\ in K Coi gTl (li' On i IRIO : Cavalry; regiments, 8th, 9th, 15th, 84th, 1st Mounted Rifles, Isi Veteran Artillery; regiments, batter] K. 1st; 4tli,9tli,llth, I8th, [6th. Engineer*; regiments, 1st, 15th (new), 50th. Infantry; reel men ts, 18th, 27th, 88th, 33d, 38th, B5th, ninth, 186th, 148th, 154th, 160th, 179th, 188th, IMth. In Tin. Coi n n in Ob lnob : Cavalry; regiments, 8d, 3d, 5tb, 7th, 15th, 25th, 1st Mounted Rifles, Isl Veteran, 1st Dragoons Artillery; regiments, Tth, 18th, 16th, 16th; Inde- pendent batteries, Tth Engineers; regiments, 1st, 15th (ni Infantry; regiments, 3d. 5th, 7th Veteran, 9th, isth, {nth. :»t;th. (loth. 70th. 93d, 98th, 115th, 124th, l.Vid, 156th, hi-th, 176th, I79tb, I92d. In i in Coi N I V ni OrLE 1KB : /: regiments, Bth, nth, 16th; Independenl batteries, 12th, 17th, 25th Infanti y : regiments, 21st , 87th, 28th, 90th, 104tb, liTth, 154th, 164th. In i III. CoUNTl <>i <>~\\ ROO : ; regiments, 7th, llth, 18th, 15 th, Mth, 80th, 24th, 1st Veteran. Artillery' regiments, batteries r. Q, 1st; bat '•■rv M, 2d : 3d in,. Bth, Bth, llth, i:;th, nth, 16th; Independenl batterle Engim • i . regiments i-t [new i, 50th Infanti 7 . regiments, 19th, 21st, 8Jd, 24th, 37th, 81flt, llOtb I87th, 143d, li7ih, I84tb, 189th, I98d. I • i in fin n m of Otbboo: Cavalry; regiments, 3d, 3d, 6th, 10th, I Mounted Rifles .i i ; regiments, batten A i I batten L battery M, 8d I Ith, 16th ■ I III en t8, Isl oiments, 3d, 13d, 76th, '.Hith, 181st . linn, IHd, l-'.i'h. 178th, 179th. In Tilt: f in \TV ok Pi tham: / ; regiments. 1st Mounted Rifles < . regl nt,. nh. 6th, 18th, 14th. I n ini' 1 1 1 : regiments . I I Infantry; regiments, 38th, 59th, 65th, 96th, IMth, IMth. In ■iiii. COUNTI 01 QuBBl Cavalry; regiments, 3d, 14th, Mth, 2Stb Engine* 1 1 ; regiments, 16th Artillery; regiments, battery L (original 2d; In dependent batteries, 12th. Infantry; regiments, 5th, 7th Veteran, 16th, 17th Veteran, 80th, 74th, 80th, 119th, I88d, 139th, 145th, 166th, 156th, 158th, 163d, 165th, 176th, 191st, l'.'-.'d, I'.tJtli In i ii k f hi n i •. (,i Renssblabr: Cavalry- regiments, 2d, 3d, Bth. 6th, 7th. 9th, llth. 12th, hah, 18th, 21st, 25tb, 1st Mounted Rifles, 2d \ eteran Artillery; regiments, 4th, 18th, 15th, 10th; in dependent batteries, 12th Infantry- regiments, 2d, 3d, 7th Veteran, 10th, ih, I.-.M. 65th, 91st, 93d, Miik 185th , 156th, 189th, 175th, 177th, I92d, Ix tiii; CoUNTl OF Ri( BMOND: Cavalry; regiments, llth Artillery; regiments, batteries A, H, K, 2d; in- dependent battery, 5th. Infantry; regiments, /.th. nth. 17th Veteran, 188d, 146th, 156th, 186th, 188tb, 191st. In the County of Rockland: Artillery; Independent batteries, 7th Engine* rs ; regiments, 1st. Infantry; regiments, 17th, 95th, 185th, 141st. In thi. Counts of St. Lawrence: Cavalry; regiments. 6th, 7th, 9th, llth, 18th, 13th, 1 • . 1 1 1 . l-th. 20th, Mth. Artillery, regiments, battery I), 1st: battery L (new), 2d; 13th, 14th. 16th. Engine' rs; regiments, ">oth. Infantry; regiments, huh, 18th, 24th. 60th, 9"d iooth, 102d, lOfith, 142d, lti4th, 169th, 193d. In tub County in- Saratog i; Cavalry; regiments, 7th, 12th, 85th, Isl Mounted Rifles, 2d Veteran Artillery; regiments, 4th, 18tb. Infantry; regiments, -,'d, 3d, 22d, 30th, 77th. 115th, 153d. In i in. Cm n i ^ OF Si BENBCTADl : Cavalry ; regiments, 7th, 25th, 1st Mounted Rifles, 2d Veteran. Artillery ; regiments, battery M, 3d; 4th, 13th, 16th Infantry; regiments, 2d, 3d, 7th Veteran, 18th, 80th, 43d, 91st, IMth, 175th, 177th, 188d. In i BE COI n i v in Si linn \i;n ; Cavalry; regiments, 2d, 18th A rtiUery; regiments, battery G (new ,8d; Ith, 8th. Infantry; regiments, 3d, 76th, I02d, IMth, I86tb. In tiik County of Schuyler: Cavalry; regiments. Mth. l-'.mii iii i is • reft i men ts, 15th, 60th. Artillery; regiments, battery M, 3d; 6th, 14th, mth: Independenl batteries, 20th Infantry; regiments, 3d, 83d, 60tb, 89th, 100th, [Ofltb, 107th, 141st, hilst, 175tb, 179th, IMth . i \ OF •ini, Cavalry; regiments, 8th, Utb, 88d, Isl Veteran - rs ; real men ts, 15th (new), 60th. Artillery; regiments, battery II. 2d; batteries C, D (new i, Q (new l, 3d; llth. 16th Infantry; regiments, 19th, Mth, 33d, 7.">th, iooth, [26th, listh, 160th, 175th, 189th. In tiik Cm n n 01 STEUBEN! Cavalry : regiments, Bth, 88d, 2d Mounted Rifles, 1st ami 2d Veteran Artillery; regiments, batteries E and K. 1st ; ith , 10th, 18th, 14th, 16th; Independent batteries, 88th, Engineers' regiments, I6tn fnew), 60th Infantry; regiments, 83d, Mth, 85th, 78th, R8th, [00th, I02d. IMth, 107th, 141st, 161st, 17.'.th. I7'.tth, l-th, Is'.ith I I'dlMI Si ffolk : Cavalry; regiments, nth. 15th Int, mini : regiments, 12th, 74th, 90th. 102d, 187th, 128th, 181st, 189th, 145th, I65lh, 169th, 178th. In nil. fui n i ^ OF Si i.i.iv \n ■ , . regiments, 16th, 85th, l-t Mounted Rifles, 2d M ted Rifles. STATE ORGANIZATIONS IN SERVICE OF UNITED STATES Artllkry; regiments, 5th, 15th; Id dependent bat- Artillery; regiments, Ith, 5th, 16th. teries, 8th. Infantry ; reginientt 13d, B7tl Infantry; regiments, 18th. 88th, 58th, 141st, 143d. 96th, I23d, LBlet, I6ttth, 176th, 177th. In Tin: COUNTS OF TlOGA: Cavalry; regiments, 5th, 8th. 2lst. Artillery; regiments, 8d, 18th Engineers; regiments, IStfa (new), 50tb. Infantry; regl nts, 3d, 19th, :.";<1. 86th, tilth. 7 tit 1 1 . 109th, l;i7th. 179th. 104th. In tiik Counts ok Tompkins: Cavalry; regiments, 15th, -1st. Artillery; regiments, lottery M, 3d. Engineers : regiments, 50th. ha, mini; regiments, 10th, 23d, 88d, 61th, 76th, 109th, 187th, 143d, 179th l\ mi. Coi HTJ "i [JLSI BE : Cavalry; regiments, 2d, 5th, 7th, 15th, 86th, 1st Mounted Kifies. Artillery; regiments, 4th, 5th, 13th, L6th; inde- pendent hatteries, 7th, 12th Engineers; regiments, 1st, 15th (new) Infantry; regiments, 7th veteran, 20th, 48th, 56th, 71st. 80th, lu2d, 120th, I24tb, 182d, 143d, 156th, 168th, 176th, 178th, 192d. 1\ tiik Coi \ n ok WaRBBN: Cavalry; regiments, 2d Veteran. Artillery; regiments, 16th; independent batter- ies, 23d. Infantry; regiments, 2d, 23d, 77th, 93d, 98th, 118th, I28d, 153d, 169th, 175th In tiik Counts of Washington: Cavalry; regiments, 2d, cth, 7th, 1st Mounted Rifles, 2d Veteran. In ihk Coi n n m Wayne: Cavalry; regiments, Bth, 10th, I6tb, 28d, 2d Mounted Rifles, i>t Veteran. Ail in. i a : regiments, battery L, 1st; 8d,9tb, llth. Engint < n ; regiments, 15th (new I Infantry; regiments, 18th, 17th, 19th, 24th, 27th. 83d, 65th, 67th, 75th, 90th, 96th, 98th, 105th, 111th, 160th, I98d, 194th In i mi, Cocnti ••! WKST( mi -i i k: Cavalry; iei.-iin.-nt-, 2d, 1th, llth, 16th, 25th, 1st Mounted Klfles Artillery: regiments, 4th. 5th, 6th, 13tb; Inde- pendenl batteries, 5th, 1th. 12th. Engineers; regiments, 1st, 16th (new). Infantry; regiments, 5th, 7th Veteran, 9th, 17th, 27th, :i:.M, :;sth, isth, r.'th, .v.ith. nr.tli, 95th, 164th, L68th, 176th, 186th, 191st, I92d Codnti \\ I Cavalry; regiments, 51b , 9th, 2d Mounted Rifles, 1st Veteran, lsi Dragoons .1 1 n'i> ry; regiments, 8th; Independent bat) 24th. Infantry; regiments, 17th, 20th, ninth, loith, 105th, 136th, 160th, 179th, 187th In tiik Coi n i \ Cavalry; regiments, 8th, 15th, 20th, 22d. Engineers; regiments, 50th. Artillery; regiments, battery B new), 3d; 13th, 14th. Infantry; regiments, 8d, 83d, 76th, 87th. 126th, 136th, 148th, 179th, 188th, 194th. The following States also contributed men to volunteer organizatio this State, thereby increasing the number of men who served therein, bul noi decreasing the number credited to the State, inasmuch as these men were credited properly to the States from which they came: Connecticut, furnished men to Companies A, C and D, 2d Cavalry, Batten I, 2d Artillery, leave the State was the Seventh Militia, which lefl April 19th, L861; the firsl two years' organization to leave tin' State was the Eleventh regiment, which left April 29th, L861; the firsl three years' organi- zations t" leave the State were the Eighty-second and Eighty-fourth regiments, which left May L8th, 1861. The lasl organization from this State to be mustered ou1 of the United service was Company A of the Twenty-firsi Cavalry, mustered oul Au- gast 3l8t, L866, and the last volunteer from this State t«> leave that service was Major David Gribben, Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers, who was mastered out dun.' ]~t. 1869. Below will he found ool only the organizations which entered the United 3ervice, bul also those which failed to be completed. months; mustered out November 2d, i -a artillery, Varlan's Battery; left the State April 80th, 1861; Bervice :; months; mustered out July 80th, 1861 l-i battalion Artillery, 2 companies; mustered in August 81st, 1884; Bervice l'ii days; mustered nut November 22d, 1864 uli regiment infantry ; lefl the State June 18th, lays ; mustered out July 24th, 1863. .MIi regiment Infantry; left the State April 27th, 1861; service 3 ths; mustered out August 7th. I-. i 5th regiment infantry; left the State June 18th, 1 days : mustered out July 2 6th regiment Infantry; left the State April 21st, months; mustered out July ;;ist, 1861 6th regiment infantry; left the State June 22d, ■ i Ice 30 days : mustered out July 22d. 1863 7th regiment infantry; left the 8tate April 19th, n ->'i days; muBtered out June 3d, 1861. -■hi, .hi infantry; left the State May 26th, months; mustered out September '.'it.. 1862. 7th regiment Infantry; lefl the State June 16th, : . Ice SOdays; mustered out JulygOtl I infantry; I. 'ft the State April 28d, i vice ■': mo mil-. mustered mil August 2d, i- i • infantrj I left Hie State May 29th, ■ mi. Mill-, mustered out September iin. in Infantry ; lefl the State June 18th, mu ter< d out July 23d, 1863 liili regiment Infantry; left the State May 28th, rvlce :'. month-, mustered September I6th. II lnii regiment Infantry : lefl theStateJune 18th, mustered out July20th, 1863. 12th regiment Infantry; left the State April 21st . i-'.| ; sen Ice 3 months; mustered out August 12th regiment Infantry; left the State June 6th, ; October 12th, i 12th regiment Infantry; left the State June 18th, ; mustered out July 20th, I lib regiment inf..., try: lefl the 1861 regiment infantry ; lefl tbeState Maj 30th, ptember 13th i inirv : left 1 1 • • - Slate June 20th, 1863, si ed out July 20th, loth regiment infantry; mustered lnJuue6th, rice 90 daj i; mustered out July 7th, 1864 17th regiment Infantry; lefl the State July 3d, mustered oul Augu il i Ith, IRth regiment infantry; left the State July 3d, trice 30 days; mustered out August 13th, 19th regiment Infantry: left the State June 4th, 1862; Bervice :> months; mustered out September 6th, 1862 20th regiment Infantry; left the State May 7th, 1861; Bervice 3 months; mustered out August 2d, 1861. :.'l-t regiment Infantry ; left the State June 87th, 1863; service 30 days: mustered out August 6th, 1863 22d regiment Infantry; lei t the State Maj 28th, rvice .; months; mustered out September 5th, 1862. 22d regiment Infantry; left theStateJune 19th, 1863 ; Bervice 30 days; mustered out July 24th, 1863. 23d regiment Infantry: left the State .tune 18th, i rvice 30 days; mustered oul July 22d, 1863. regiment Infantry; left thy State April 22d, 1861; Bervice 3 i ths: mustered out August -till. 1861 25th regiment Infantry: lefl the State June 4th, 1862; Bervice 3 months; mustered oul September Mli. 1862 :.'st|| regiment Infantry; left the state April 30th, 1861; service;! months; mustered out Au- gust 5th, 1861. 28th regimenl infantry: left the State June 20th, 1863; Bervice SO days; mustered oul July22d, 1863. -■sill regiment Infantrj*; mustered in Septem- ber 2d, 1864; Bervice 100 days; must. -red out No- vember 13th. 1864 37th regiment Infantry: left the State May 29th, rvloeS iin. nths ; mustered out September 2d, 1862. 87th regiment Infantry; lefl the State June 19th, L8t lays; mustered out, July 22d, 87th regimenl Infantry; mustered In May 6th, Ice .;i» days : mustered out June Bth, 1864 17th regiment infantry; left the 8tate May 26th, rvice 3 months; mustered oul September 1st, 1862 17th regimenl infantry; left the state June 28th, 186 days; muster.-. I out -iui\ 23d, 1883 "km >■ regiment Infantry, Company \: mustered in September 2d, 181 00 days; mus tered i iut l lecember 3d 50th regimenl Infantry, Company B; mustered in September Ed, 1864; ervlce itm days; mus- tered December 8d 1864. •mi. nt Infantry; left the 8tate June 22d, Ice : ;i1 .1 i\ mustered out Julj 26tb, 1863. 54th regimenl Infantry; mustered In July 24th, 1 1 Ice l < m » daj - ; mustered oul No 1 intli. 1864. .>ih regl nl infantry; left the Btate June 84th, 1863; nervlce 30 days; mustered oul .inly 27th, 1863 56th regiment Infantrj lefl the state June 20th, 1868; service 80 days; mustered oul July 58th regiment infantry: mustered In August 2d, 1864; tervloe lOOdays; mustered oul November 6th, i-ia. STATE ORGANIZATIONS ix SERVICE OF [JNITED STATES. 5fi 58th regiment Infantry; mustered In August 27th, l«04 ; service 100 days ; mustered out Decem- ber 3d, 18W. 65tb regiment Infantry: left the State June l'.ith, 1863; service 80 days; mustered oul July 3uth, 1863 67th regiment Infantry: left tbe State June L'.ith. Is;:; ; .-erviee 110 davs; 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 . ■ i . -. 1 out \ugust 8d. 1868. 68th regiment Infantry; left the State June 24th, 1863; Bervice 80 days ; mustered out July 25th, 1863. flOch regiment Infantry; left the State April 23d, 1861; service 8 mouths; mustered >ut August 3d, 1861. with regiment Infantry; left tbe State May 30th, 1862; service 3 months; mustered oul September 8d, 1862. 69th regiment Infantry; left the State June 22d, 1863; service 80 days; mustered oul July 25th, 1863. 69th regiment Infantry; mustered In July 13th, 1864; services months; mustered oul October 6th, 1864. 71st regiment Infantry: left the State April 21st, 1861; service :i months: mustered oul July 80th, 1861. 71st regiment Infantry; left the state May 28th, 1862; service :; months; mustered oul September 2d, 1862. 71st regiment infantry; left the State June 18th, 1863; Bervice 30 days; mustered oul July 82 74th regiment Infantry; left the State June 19th, 1863; Bervice 30 days; mustered oul AuguRl 74th regiment Infantry: mustered iii Novem ber i'. ih, 1863; Bervice 30 days; mustered out De cember 16th, 1863 7Tth regiment Infant rv: must, -red In 2d, 1864; service 100 days; mustered oul N ber I'.'tii, 1864 84th regiment fofantn ; left the State July 3d i i Ice 80 daj a mustered oul August 4tb, 84th reglmenl Infantry: leftthe State July 18th, 1864; service 100 days; mustered oul < >•■ i 29th 1864. 93d regiment Infantry; left the State July 20tb, 1864; Bervice lm days; mustered out Noveml 1864 '■'-iii regiment Infantry; mustered in August •;.tii. 1864; service 100 days mustered out Decem- ber .".'d. 1864. 99th regimen! Infantry; mustered In August 22d, 1864; service 100 days; mustered oul Novem- ber 9th, 181 i 103d regiment Infantry; mustered in August 25th, 1864; service 100 days; mustered nut Novem- ber 13th, 1864. Recruits, infantry; left the State September and I k'-tober, 1864; service inn days; mustered •■ vember and December, 1864. Op State Volunteebs. Cavalry, 1st regiment, loft the State by companies from July 21st to September 7th. 1861, for 3 years; mus- tered out June 27th, 1865 2d regiment , left the State September and I Icto ber, 1861. for:, years: mustered out June 23d, 1865. 3d regiment, lefl the State by companies it. Au gust and September, 1861, for3 years; transferred July 21st, 1865, to 4th l'rov. Regt. of .\. y. V". Cav. as Companies I!. I', II, 1 and L. 4th regiment, lefl the stale August 29th, 1861, for :; years; transferred February 27th, 1865, to 9th N. Y". Vol. Cavalry, hs Companies B, Band L. 5th regiment, left the state November 18th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered oul July 19th, 1865 nth regiment, left the State December 23d , 1861. for a years; transferred June 17th, 1865, to 2d l'rov. Uegt. <>f N. V. V. Cav. as Comps. A. B, I , II. E, I, Land M. 7th regiment, lefl the State November 23d, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out March 31st. 1862. 8th regiment, left the state November 29th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out June 27th, 1865 9th regiment, left the Btate November 26th, 1861, for.! vears; mustered out June 17th, 1865 10th' regiment, left tbe state December 24th, 1861, for 3 vears; transferred July luih, 1885, to l-i Prow kegt, of X. Y. V. Cav , company to corres ponding company 11th regiment, left,- Maj 5th, 1862, forJ years; mustered OUl July 21 St and Sept. 30th, 1865. 12th regiment, left the State by detachments May to November, 1863, for :; years; mustered out July Iflth, 1865. 13th regiment , left the state June to November, 1st;:;, and March, 1864, tor;: vears; transferred \u gust 17th, 1865, to 3d Pro\ Regt. of N. Y". V Cav . Company a to Company G, B to M, < ' to H. i> to I>. B to L, F to A, G to It, II to F, I to B, K to K I. to C and M to I. 14th regiment, left the state February, April and r, 1868, for •"• years; transferred' June I'.'th, 1865, to 18th Cavalry. 15th regiment, lefl the state from September to November, 1863, and January, 1864, for • transferred June 17th, 1865, to 2d Provisional Regiment N v. Vol. Cavalry, as Companies F, G, II and K. 16th regiment, left the State June. AugU8t to Ootober, 1863, for :i vears-, transferred August 17th, 1865, to 3d Provisional Regiment N Y Vol Cavalry, Company a to Company H, B toC, Cto l. D to K. E to D, I" to B, Q to A, II to i., i t,, k, K to M, I. to F, and M to G. 17th regiment, not organized, the men enlisted transferred to the 1st veteran Cavalry. I8th regiment, left the State September, October, December, 1863, and January, 1864, for ■■ mustered oul Maj 81 si . 1866 19th regiment, originally 130th Infantry; .hanged from i and F not to be discharged with upanles, transferred to Kith N. Y Vol, In- fantry ; those "f Oompanlea O, II. I and K to 4th N S Vol. Artillery; originally 129th N. 7. Vol. Infantry Dth regiment, lefl theState September 18th, 1862, fi>r:f years; mustered oul July 6th, w;.">: bul the men not to be discharged, transferred June :.'7th, lf>85,to3d N Y \'..l Artillery as Companies I. K. i. and M ; originally 138th N. Y. Vol Infantry. Hitii regiment, lefl the State September 17th and 363, for 8 years; mustered oul June 23d, 1865, but the men n"t to be discharged transferred to 6tb Artillery as Companies 1 iriglnally 4th. 5th and 7th Battalions of Artillen llth regiment, lefl the State June 24th, l- 3, ror inized companies transferred July 25th, 1863, to the Ith N. If. Vol Artillery as Companies l. K. L and M; the regiment not coin- 12th regiment, not organized; the men enlisted transferred to the 15th Artillery. 13th regiment, left the State October, 1868, and in I8H4, for3years; mustered oul June 28th, 1865; but the men nol to be discharged transferred ol Lorapaoy F t.. Corapauy A, of E to C, and H to \, It and G; and July 18th, 1865, Coin- ■, B C, I) and Q to 6th N Y. Vol. Ar- tillery as Companies II. I. K. I, and M. 14th regiment, lefl the State \ ;>nl. 1864, fur:; : mustered oul August 88th, IH65 |5th regiment, left the State D< mber 19th, 1861. ami by companies In 1883 and 1864, for 8 years; mustered oul August :.".'. I. 1865; • ompanles \, B, I i. origin ill) :; i Battalion. I6th regiment, lefl the State by companies In October and l> mber, 1883, and in Januury, 1864, tered oul august ;i-t , 1865 Marine, lefl the State bj companies in 1861 and i i venrs; mustered oul March 81sl I t. ill, .n, left the State October 12th, 1861, ■ in; the four companies <>f the battalion were converted int., the 89th, 30th, 81st and 38d Independent batteries March 16th, tallon. lefl the State December l< f.,r.; yean . the four companies of the battalion d it,-. i int.. two bal teries . A and ii. I ».-.-.- r r Slst, l«61 and th.-e in ' Ictobl averted into the I Ith and 15th [ndepend- 8d battalion, left the State December I9th. 1861, - ptember 30th, 186 I, to \ \ Vol, Artillen ;l - Companies v B, C,D and B 4th battalion, mustered In Beptember 18th, 1868, >M lecember :;i-i . 1862, to the inth N. Y. Vol. Artillery as Companies I D, M and B. 6th battalion, left the state September 18tb, 1868, n ifei red December Slst, 1868, to the inth \ Y Vol Artlllerj at Companies \,'.. C and r. 6th battalion, left the State September 80th, rerred December Slsl , 1863, •Hi N v V..I Artillery a~ Companli i k . i ,■ .i \i Tth i. at t ah- n. lef I the State Beptember 20th, lntw. ire; transferred December 31st, 1862, to the • V. Vol Artillen as Companle H, i. R and I. Kockel Battalion, lefl theState December 9th, 1881 roi 8 yeai • on verted into the 83d and 84th hid ii v llth, 1863 Anthon'i Battalion; converted Into the -""ill and 88tfa Independi November 88th, 1888 Isl battery, lefl the State Decern tx i Ith, 1881 . ustered oul Jul 2d battery, mustered in August 16th 1861 foi :: mustered oul June 13th, 1863; formed largely of men of the Bth and 89th v Y Vol In- fantry; men nut discharged transferred to Battery l. ist Artillery. Sd battery; themen enlists! transferred (Vtober 1 4th, l*^;. to the 15th Artillery, reorganisation of battery having failed. id battery, left the State May 18th, 1861, f>>r :i years; mustered oul June 24th, 1865; originally part ..I B2d N. Y. Vols. 4th Lattery, lefl the Stat,. < ictober 25th, 1861 . for 8 years; transferred December ith, 1883, t , . Com- pany L, 1st Engineers. Battery H, 1st Artillery, the 5th and 15th Batteries N V. Vols 5th battery, lefl the Btate November 16th, 1861, fur a years; mustered out July 6th, 1885 titli battery, left the state June 18th, 1861, for :s years; mustered oul July 8th, 1866, 7th battery, left the State November 7th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out July 82d, 1865. 8th ii.ut. -n. left the state November Tth, 1861. ars; mustered oul June 30th, 1866. 9th Lattery, left the State July Bth, 1861, fur ;i years; muBtered out June i:;th. 1864; originally Company F, 41st N Y. Vols. inth battery; 8 years; transferred January :sist. 1863, to Bd N r. Vol Artillery as Company P. Hlth Lattery, left the State April 10th, 1883, for 8 years; transferred June :.'i-t . 1884, to 6th Battery. llth Lattery, left the Stat.. January 17lh, 1868, for 3 years; mustered oul June 13th, 1885. r.'th battery, lefl the state January 17th, 1863, i ir 3 years; mustered out June 14th, 1865. 13th Lattery, left the state October 17th, 1861, for 8 years; mustered out July -8th, 1865. llth Lattery, left the Mate I) mber h'.lli. 1861, fur :i year-; transferred September 7th, 1863, to Batteries 15 and <;. 1st N V. Vol. Artillery; orlgt- nallj Battery A, 2d Battalion Artillery. lath Lattery, left the state December 18th, IS61, f..r 3 years; transferred February4th, 1865, to 33d Battery; originally Battery B, 2d Battalion Artil- 18th battery, lefl the state March 10th, 1862. for :: years-, mustered out July 6th, 1865. 17th battery, lefl the State August 29th, 1863, for :i years; mustered out June r.'th, 1865. 18th Lattery, left the Stat,' Iteeeniher 2d, 1863, for 8 years; must, -red out July 20th, 1865 19th Lattery, left the siate October 89th, 1863, for 3 years; mustered oul June 13th, 1865. 80th Lattery, mustered in November and De cember, 1862, for 3 years; mustered out July 31st, rved in the State; originally cart Ol An- ile. n'- Battalion. 81st battery, left theState D< mber 12th, 1862, fur 8 years; mustered out September 8th, lattfj 22d battery, lefl the state November 23d, 1868, for 3 years; transferred February 5th, 1868, to9th \ v. Vol. Artillery as Company M 23d battery, left the state December 9th, 1861, f..r :i years; must .red out July 1 tth, 1865; originally Battery A, Rocket Battalion. 24th battery, left the State December 9th, 1861, for3years; transferred March Bth, 1865, to 3d N. ■s v,,i. Artillery as Battery K; originally Batten It, Rocket Battalion. 85th batten • left the state December 1st h. 1869, for 3 years; mustered oul August 1st, 1886 26th battery, left the state December Ith, 1863, r.u' :; years; mustered oul September 1st, I860 °7th Lattery, left tin- state December 23d, 1868, ire; mustered outJuneSZd, 1885. 28th battery, mustered In December 37th, 1868, for 8 years; mustered out July Slsl, 1865; Berved In theState; originally pari of Anthon's Battalion 29th battery, left the Btate October 80th, 1861, Lir :t year-; transferred August 15th, 1864, to 88a original!] Battery A, 1st Battalion Artil- len RUth Lattery, left the State Ootober 20th , 1861, for ■< years; mustered out June 88d, 1865; origi- nally Battery B, Ist Battalion Artllh rj .;! i batterj . Ii ft the Btate Ootober 80th, 1881, < msferred October 86th, 1864, toSUth originally Battery C.lst Battalion Artillery. itten . left the state October 20th, 1861, f..r ;i years; mustered oul Jul] 14th, 1865; origi- nally Batten i' i ' Battalion Artillen itten left "i"' State Beptember H i.. i :; v.-.,, mustered oul June 26th I 84th battery; 8 years: the n enlisted trans- ferred October 14th, 1863, to 15th N. Y Vol. Anil i.i \ . organization not completed. 84tfa batten • left the State Deoember 2d, 1861, foi I real mu tered oul June 21st, 1866; orlgi- nalh Battery '<■ 8d Artillery. STATE ORGANIZATIONS IN SEBVICE OF UNITED STATES 86th battery; 8 years; the men enlisted trans I 86th battery; 8 Tears; the men enlisted tram ferred September 25th, 1863, to 16th N. V. Vol. ferred October 14th, 1868 to 18th N. Y. Vol Artl Artillery: organization not completed. | lery; organization not completed. Engi 1st refriment, lefl the State October and Decem- ber, 1861, and February, 1868, for 8 years; mus tiered out June 30th , 1865 2d regiment; the men enlisted transferred Octo ber 9th, 1863, to the 15th N. V. Vol. Engineers; organization not completed 15th regiment, lefl the Btate June 89th, 1861, for 2 and ;s years: mustered oul June 25th June 18th and nth and Jnlj 2d, 1866; originally loth N. s . Vol. lufantry 50th regiment, lefl the Btate September 20th, 1861, tor 8 years ; mustered out July 13th and 14th, 1865; orlginallj 50th N "> Vol. Infantry. Sharpshooters 8th company, left the state February 8d, 1868, fori! years: mustered OUtJune8d, 1865 7th company, left the State February lid. 1863, tor:! years; mustered out June 3d, 1865. 8th company, left the state February 3d, l ^> '« :, for 8 years; mustered out July huh, 1865 9th company, lefl the Btate February 8d, is»i.>, ror 9 months; mustered nut August 6ti 10th company ; 9 months; noi completed ; the men enlisted transferred June 9th, 1863, to the 9th Cavalry and to the l>th Infantry. Infantry. 1st regiment, left the State May 20th, 1861, for2 years; mustered out May •-■"> 1 1 1 , 1863 2d regiment, left the state May 23d, 1861, for 2 years; mustered oul May 26th, 1863; the three years men transferred to the 70th X. V. Vols. 8d regiment, left the state May 81st, 1861, for 2 and 8 years; mustered out May SJlSt, 1863, and August 28th, 1865 nil regiment, left the state June 3d, 1861, for 2 years; mustered out May2.'>th, 1st;.; 6th regiment, left the State May 23d, 1861, for2 years mustered May nth, 1863; the three year-' men transferred to the 146th N. Y Vols. .Mb veteran reitlraent, left the State October 26th and 37th, 186J, for U years; mustered out August 21st, 1865. 6th regiment, left the state June 15th, 1861, for 2 years; mustered out June 25th, 1863. 7th regiment, lefl the state May 24th, 1861, fori; years; must, -red out May_8tb,1863; tbe three years' men attache. 1 to V.M X V. Vols, and July :.':.'d . 1864, transferred to the 7th X V. Vet. \'ols. 7tb veteran regiment; 3 years; the men enlisted transferred October 14th, 1863, to the l78thN, V. Vols.; reorganization nol completed. 7th veteran regiment, left the State April and May, 1861, tor 3 years; mustered out August 4th. cond reorganization. Bth regiment, left the state May 26th, 1861, for 2 years: mustered out April 23d, 1863; the three years' men, one company, attached and finally transferred to the 6Sth K. V Vols 8th veteran regiment; 3 years; the men enlisted transferred Oct r Uth, 1863, to the 178th N. Y. Vols.; reorganization nol completed Bth regiment, left the state June 6th, 1861, for 2 years; must,. re, i out May 20th, 1868; the three years' men transferred to the 3d N. V. Vols. mh veteran regiment: 3 years; the men enlisted transferred October 14th, 1863, to the 17th Vet \ Y. Vols.; reorganization failed lot It regiment, left the Btate June 6th, 1861, for ■.' and :; years; mustered out May 7th, 1863, and June 30th, 1865. 11th regiment, left the state April 29th, 1861, for :.' vears; mustered out June :.'d, lS'l'.' lltii regiment ; 3 years ; the men enlisted trans- ferred Del r 1st. 1863, to the 17th Vet N 1 . Vols ; reorganization failed. 12th regiment, left the state May 29th, 1861, for 2 years; mustered out May I7tn, 1863. except Com- panies Dand F, three years men. which became Companies F and E, 5th N. V. Vet. Vols., June 2d, 1864 12th Militia, left the state February Bth, 1862, for 3 years; transferred January 28th, 1863, to 12th N Y. Vols 13th regiment, left the state May 30th, 1861, for - years: mustered out Ma> 14th, 1863; the three years' men transferred to the 140th N V Vols. 14th regiment, left the State June 17th, 1861. for 2 years; mustered out May 24th, 1863; the three years' men transferred to the nth N. V. Vols., and a few to the Hntli N V. Vols. 15th regiment, left the State June 29th, 1861, for 2 years; became the 15th regiment of N V. Vol. Engineers October 25th, Istd. 16th regiment, lefl the state June 27th. 1861, for 2 years: mustered out May 22d, 1883: the three years' men transferred to the 121st X. V. Vols. 8 17th regiment, left the state June 21st, 1861, for 2 years: mustered out June 2d, 1868; tic three years' men transferred to the I Kith XV Vols. I7th veteran regiment, left th, -state ( ictoher I8th, 1863, for 3 years; mustered out July 13th, 1865. 18th regiment, left the Stat.- June [9th, 1881. for 2 years; mustered out Maj 28th, 1863; the three years' men transferred to the l-'ist n , i Vols 19th regiment . left t he state June 5i h . 1861 . i. r 2 years: became the 3d regiment of N. Y. Vol Artil- lery December Nth, 186] 20th regiment, left the State June 13th, 1861. ror :.' years: mustered out June i-t. 1863; the three years' men transferred to the 8d x, v Vol. Bat- tery ami to the rj s. Artillery. 20th veteran regiment; •'! vears; the men en- listed transferred October nth, 1863, to the 16th Cavalry; reorganization failed. 21st regiment, hit the state June 18th, 1861, tor 2 vears; mustered out May 18th, 1863 22d regiment, left the State June 28th, 1861, for 2 years: mustered out June 19th, 1863: the three years' men transferred to the 76th and :> d X. V. \ "Is. 23d regiment, left the Btate July 5th . 1861. for 2 years; mustered out May 22d, Im :;. the three years' men transferred to the 80th XV Vols. 2ith regiment, left the State July 2d, 1861, for 2 vears; muster, d out May 29th. 1863; thethn i men transferred to the 76th N N Vols 25th regiment, lefl the state July id. 1861 for 2 years; mustered out June 26tli,lfc63j the three years' men transferred to the 44th N ^ \ 26th regiment, left the State June 19th, I 2 years; mustered out May 2-th. 1863; the three years' men transferred to the N Y Vols. 27th regiment, lefl the Btate July 10th, 1861, for 2 years; mustered out May 81st, 1863; the three vears' men transferred to the 121st X. Y. Vols. 2Mb regiment, lefl the State June 25th, 1861, for 2 years: mustered out June 2d. 1863: the three years' men transferred to the 60th N. Y. Vols. 29th regiment, left the State June 81st, 1861. for 2 years; mustered out June 20th. 1863; the three years' men transferred to the B8th X. V Vols 29th \eteran regiment; :> years; the men en- listed transferred October 14th, 1863, to tbe 13th Artillery; reorganization failed. 80th regiment, lefl the state June 28th. 1S61. for 2 years; mustered out June 18th, 1803: the three yean' men transferred to the rath X. Y Vols 31st regiment, left the state June 24th, 1861, for '.' years: mustered out June ith. 1868; the three years' men transferred to the i:.*i-t X. Y Vols ;ist veteran regiment; a years; th.- men en listed transferred October 14th, 1883, to the 6th Vet x v . Vols : reoraanlzatlon failed 82d regiment, left the Btate June29tb, I ■.' years ; mustered out June 9th, If men transferred to the I21s1 X Y Vola 3*1 regiment, left the state July Bth, 1861, for 2 years; mustered out .Inn- I 'hp •• years' men transferred to the 49th N y Vols 34th regiment, left the State Julj 3d. 1861. for 2 years; mustered out June 30th. 1863; the three \ ears' men transferred to th,- 82d x v Vols. 35th regiment, left the Mate July '.'th. 1861, lor 2 years; mustered out June 5th, 1863; the three years' men transferred to the 80th X Y Vol-. 36th regiment, left the State July 12th, 1861, for PART I. IX THE STATE. il .lulv 15th, 1863; the three uen ii auaferred to the 65th N 'i \ ola :;;i!i reiriroent, left the State Juue 23d, 1861, for . mustered out Jui men transferred to the 4uth N V \ ols. 87th veteran regiment ; 3 rears; the men enlisted rred i ictober 14th. 1863, to the Bth Yet. N Y \ .. - it Ion i.nli'. I. 85th regiment, lefi the state June 19th. 1861, for mustered oui Juue 22d, 1868; the three men transferred to the 40th N. V. Vols. teran reiri nt; 3 years; the men enlisted transferred October 14th, 1863, to the 17th Vet. Vols ; reorganlzal Ion I i i . left the Sta 1861, for : mustered nut July 1st, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the V Vols. egtment, left the State Julv Ith. |{ years ; mustered out June 27i n, l xi "> 4lstreg nt, left the State July 8th, 1861, for 8 mustered out December 9th, 1865 • -i lit, [eft Hie Slat.- Jul} I Julv 13th, 1864 ; the men not discharged were transferred to the B2d \ v. Vols eglraei t,lefl the Btati September 21st, 1861, irs; mustered out June -7th, 1865, 4itli regiment, left the State October21st, 1861, for 8 years; mustered out October llth, I8H4; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the ll"th and 146th N. V Vols 45th regime I I ober 9th, 1861, for 3 years; transferred June 30th, 1865, to the 58th N. V. Vols , company to corresponding com regiment, left the State September 14th, r3 years; mustered out July 28th, l s .;"> 17th reiriment, left the State September 9th, ■ mustered oul August 301 h, 1865 regiment, left the State September 17th, 1861, : mustered out September I 49th regiment, lefl the State September 20th, 1861, ered oul June 27l h, 1865 regiment, left the State September 20th, 1861, i ■ 501 h regiment of N. Y. Vol. i - October 22d, 1861. regiment, lefl the Btate October 29th, 1861, irs; must ered out .1 uly 25th, 1865. K ment, lefl the State November llth, 1861, I oul July Isi , 1865 reKiment, lefl the state November 18th, 1861, fur . 'I years ; mustered oul March 21st, 1862; excepl y A, which was transferred to 17th N. V. ; my G. ■ in ms- ■ieptember loth, 1862, to the I32d and I62d N, V. Vols ; reorganization failed. regiment, lefl the State October 29th, 1861, ten I oul April 1 it h. 1866. regiment, left the State August 31st, 1861, f..r :t years ; transfei red December 2d, 1862, to the as C ira parties i;. ii. i and K. regiment, left the state November 7th, 1801, I i istered oul October l'.ih. 1865. itl nent, lefl I • mber 19th, 1861, ! "ui D mber 6th, 1861 j the men not entitled to be discharged were trans . Vols t, left the State November 7th, 1861, ..nt October I - 1 gimeut, lefl I i ..ii June 80th, 1865. regiment, lefl the Btate November Ith, 1861, ears; mustered <>ui Julv I7tb, . mber 9th, 1861, : ..nt July llth. 1865 i'.M regiment, lefl thn Btate Augusl 2 i tered oul I I ..II I June 30th • . lefl the Btate Decembi r 10th, 1861, ugusl 27th, 1861, ! • ..ii a uly lli h 66th regiment, left the State November 16th, 1861, . • .t.< t out Augusl 801 regiment, lefl the State Augusl 21 I ..nt Jul-. I'll. 1884; the men n"t entitle i i ed were transferred to the 65th N. Y. Vols Septerol f.-ih regiment, left the Btate August 24th, 1801; ! ..nt Novembi 09th regiment, lefl ! • mhi»r 18th, 1861, istered oul June 30th 70th regiment, left the VP i rau tered out July 1st. 1864; the men uoi entitled t.. be discharged were transferred to the 66th N. V Vols 7UI regiment, lefl the State Julv 28d, 1861, for mustered out July 80th, 1864; the men nol entitled to be discharged were transferred to the With N. Y. Vols :.'.l regiment, lefl the stale July 24th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out June 19th t" October 81st, men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the 120th N. Y Vols. riment, left the State October Bth, 1861, for8years; mustered outJi 2Utb, 1866 74th regiment, left the State Augusl 80th, 1861 d out June. July and August . 1864 : ' i • nol entitle.! to he discharged were transferred to the 10th N Y. Vols as Companies G and ii 75tn regiment, lefl theState December 6th, 1861, for3 years; stered oul August 23d, 1865. irfmenl . left the State January 17th, 1862 for 3 years; mustered oul July, 1864, to January. ie men nut. entitled to be discharged we're transferred to the 147th N. Y. Vols. 7 Tt Ii regiment, left the state November 28th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out June 27th, 1865 78th regiment , left the State April 29tb, 1862, for 3 years; transferred July 12th, 1864, to the 102d N. Y'. Vols. 79th regiment, left the State June 2d, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out July llth. 1865. 80th regimeut, left the State October 26th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out Januai-3 29th, 1866. 81s! regiment, left the stale March 5th, 1862, for 3 years; mustered oul August 31st, 1865. 82d regiment, left the State May 16th, 1861, for:! years; mustered out June 25th, 1864; the men nol entitled lo !»■ discharged transferred to the 50th N. V. Vols. 83d regiment, left the Stat* May 27tb , 1861, for:; years: mustered oul June, August and September, 1864; the men not entitled to be discharged trans (erred to the 97th N Y. Vols. 84th regiment, lefl the State May 18th, 1861, for3 years: mustered out June 6th, 1864; the men not entitled to he discharged transferred to the 5th Yet. X Y Vols s.'.ii, reiriment, left theState December 3d, 1861, i..r:; years; mustered oul June 27th, 1865. 86th regiment, lefl the State November 23d, 1861, for 3 years; mustered oul June 27th, 1865 87th regiment, lefl the state December 2d, 1861, for H years; Company B transfei red to the 178d N. Y Vols : the remainder 0* regimen I tn the 10th N. Y Vols September llth and 6th, 1882. B8th re-in I, n 1 . lefl the state December 16th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out June 30th, 1865 s'.'th regiment, lefl the state December 6th, 1861, I'..!- :; \; mustered nut August 3d, 1665 90th regiment, lefl the State Januan Bth, 1862, for 3 years; mustered out Pebruarj 9lh, I860. 01st regiment, left the State January 9th, 1862, irs; -tered ..ut July 8d, 1865 He. .in , left the siaie March 5th, 1862, for mustered OUl January 7th, 1865 ; nol entitled to be discharged were transferred to the 96th N Y. Vols. iiiient, left the stale March 7th, 1862, for :: years; must, red out Juue 29th, I8C5 94th regiment , lefl the state March 181 1 for I \. ars; mustered out Julv 18th, 1m,"> Klment, left the stale March 18th, 1862, for 3 years; mustered out Julj 16th, I86G 98th regimeut, lefl the State March llth, 1862, irs; mustered out I ebruari Bth, I8«6 97th regiment, lefl the state March 12th, 1862 - ; mustered oul Julv 18th, 1m:."> 98lh reglmenl , left Dm Mate March Bth, 1862, ; muetered out Augusl HIsl . Ifr«5 09th regl nt, left the State May. 1861, for 3 mstered oul Julv 15th, 1866 Muli regiment, lefl the State March 10th, 1862, must) red out Augusl 28th, 181 5 lOlsl regiment, lefl the state March 9th, 1832, m insferred Di cember 24th, 1862, to the 37th V ^ in., I regiment, lefl the Btate March 10th, 1862, i : mustered mil Jul) 21st, I86B • • i m. -nl , I. -II the Male March Bth, 1862. for .; yeai : mustered oul March ^ih and December huh regiment, left ihesiat,. March 22d, 1868, for Ivears; mustered out Julv 17th, 1866. It lath reiriment . left the Male April Itl red March 17th, 1863, to 94th N. Y. Vols as < ompanles F, G and I 106th reiriment, lefl the State August 28th, 1862, i oul June :.'-'d and 27th, 1865. 107th regiment, lefl the Bute Augusl 18th, 1862; STATE ORGANIZATIONS IN SEBVICE OF UNITED STAT] for3years; mustered out June 5th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the BOth X. Y. Vols. 108th regiment, left the State August 19th, 1862, for 3 years; mustered out Maj 28th, 1885; the men not entitled to hi- discharged were transferred to the 59th N. V. Vols. lu'.nh regiment, 1 * - 1" r. the State August :;oth, lsr.:», for 3 years; mustered out June 4th, 1865; the men nut entitled t" be discharged were transferred to the51sl N V. Vols. liutli regiment, left the State August 27th, 1883, for 3 years; mustered oui August 28th, 1865. lllth regiment, left the State August 81st, 1863, for 3 years; mustered out June 3d, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the 4th X JT. Vol. Artillery. ir.'th regiment, left the State September 13th, 1863. for8years; mustered out June 18th, 1865; the men not entitled to he discharged were trans- ferred to the 3d N. ST. Vols. ll.ith regiment, left the State August 19th, 1863, for 3 years; became the 7th N. JT. Vol Artillery December 19th, 1863. lllth regiment, left the state September 8th , 1863, for 3 years; mustered out June 8th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the '.lllth N. Y. Vols ll.Mii regiment, left the State August 30th, 1863, for 8 years; mustered <>ut June 17th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the 47th N. Y. Vols. lliitii regiment, left the state September 5th, 1862, for 8 years; mustered out June 8th, 1st;:.; the men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the 90th N. Y. VoK 117th regiment, left the State August 83d, 1863, for 3 years; mustered out June 8th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were trausferred to the 18th x 5? Vols. iimIi regiment, left the State September 3d, 1862, Cor 3 years; mustered out June 13th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to th«96th X Y. Vols. ll'.ith regiment, left the State September 6th, 1863, for 3 years; mustered out June 7th, 1865; tin- men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the 103d X. Y. Vols 120th regiment, left the State August 24th, 1863, for 3 years; mustered out June 3d, 1885; the men not entitled to be discharged were transfern d to the 73d X Y. Vols. 181st regiment, left the State September 2d , 1862, for 3 years; mustered out June 25th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the 65th x JT. Vols. 182d regiment, left the State August 31st, 1863, for 3 years; must. -red out June 23d, 181 5. ]2:id regiment, left the state September 5th, 1862, for 3 rears ; mustered out June 8th, 1865 ; t he men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to tin- Clll I. N. 'I VolS 124th regiment, left the State September 6th, 1862, tor:; years; mustered out June 3d, 18(55 ; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the 93d x. V. Vols. 125th regiment, left the state Au-u-t :;i for 3 j ears: mustered out June :>th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transfi the 4th X. V. Vol. Artillery. 126th regiment, left the State August, 1st;*, for 3 years: mustered out June 3d, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to flm 4th X JT. Vol Artillery. l^rt h regiment, left the State September 10th, 181 .'- for 8 pears; mustered out June 30th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were t rausferred to the 54th x v Vols 128th regiment, left the stare September 5th, 1863, for 3 years; mustered out July 12th, 1865. 129th regiment, left the state August 83d, 1862, for 3 years: became the 8th X. Y. Vol. Artillery October 19th, 1862. 130th regiment, left the state September 6th, it 3 year,; became the 1st x v Vol. Dra goons September 10th, 1863; before that known also as the 19th X Y Vol. Cavalry. liilst regiment, left the State September llth, 1862, for 3 years; mustered oui Julj 86th I32d regiment, left the state September 27th , l st;° , for 3 years; mustered out June 29th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the 99th X Y Vols 133d regiment, left the State October 8th, 1862, for'.} years; mustered out June 6tb, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the'JOth X Y. Vols. I34th regiment, lefi the State September 25th 1862, for 8 years; mustered out June 10th, l 135th regiment, lefl the State September 5th, 1862, for :; years: became the 6th X. \ Vol. Ar- tillery October 3d, 1862. 136th regiment, left the State I tctobi r Id, 1862 for 3yeare ; mustered out June 1.1th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged wen- transfi i the 60th X Y. Vols '■'nth regl nt. left the State September 27th, 1862, for 3 years; mustered out June 9th, 1865; tin- men not entitled to i>e discharged were traus- ferred to the 103d X V. Vols. 138th regiment, lefl the state September 12tb, 1863, for 3 years; became the 9th X. Y. Vol. Ai i tilery Decern ber 191 h . 1868 139t h regiment, lefl the State September i:th. 1862, for :; years; mustered out June 19th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transfi rred to the 98th X. V . Vols. 140th regiment, left the state September |9th, 1862, for 3 years; mustered out June men not emit led to be discharged were transferred to the. Mb Vet X Y Vols. Hist regiment, left the state September 15th, 1863, for 3 years ; mustered out June 8tb, 1865; the men not entitled to be dischai ferred to the 60th X. V. Vols. li-.'d regiment, left the state October 6th, (863, for 3 years; mustered out June 7th, 1865; t be men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the 169th N Y Vols. 143d regiment, lefl the state October llth, 1862, for 3 years; mustered out Jul) 20th, 1865. lllth regiment, left the State October llth, 1st;-,*, for :> years; mustered out June 85th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the 1st X V. Vol. Engineers. 145th regiment, lefl the State September 27th, 1862, for 3 years: transferred December 0th, 181 I, to the 107th. 123d and |50th X. Y Vols. 146th regiment, left the state Octob rlltl for 3 j ; mustered out July 16th, 1865 U7th regiment, left the State September 25th, 1862, lor:; years: mustered out June 7th , 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged wore trans- ferred to the 91st X J? Vols ii-tii regiment, left the state September 22d, 1862, for 8 years ; mustered nut June 82d . 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the itt'tb N v Vols 149th regiment, left the state Septembei 1862, for :; years ■ mustered oui June- [2th, 1865; tie- men not entitled to be discharged wen- trans- ferred to the \m>\ X N Vols. 150th regiment, left the State October 111 for3 years: mustered out June 8tb. 1865; the men not entitled to he discharged were transferred to the 60th X JT. Vols. I51st regiment, lefl the state October 83d, 1862, for 3 years : mustered oui Jul ■ I52d regiment, left the state October 25tl for 3 year.-: mustered oui June 18th, 1865. 153d regiment, left the state October 18tb, 1862, for 3 years; mustered out ( tctobei 2d, 1866 154th regiment, lefl the state September 30th, I-'.-.', for 3 years; mustered out June llth, 1865 the men not eni it led I., be discharged wen- trans ferred to the |02d X. 'i Vols. 155th regiment, lefl the state November loth. 1862 ror 3 years ; mustered out June 151 b, 1865 156th regiment, lefl the state December 4th, 1862, for 3 years; mustered oui October 23d, i vi ">. I57th regiment, lefl the state September L'.'ith, r 3 years; mustered out July 10th, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the 54th X Y Vols 158th regiment, left the state September 1st h, I8S2, for 3 years ; mustered out June nth. 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the UMith x. Y Vols 159th regiment, left the state December 4th, :: jrears; mustered out October 12th . 160th regiment, lefl the State DecembeMth, 1862, for 8 years ; mustered oui November 1st, ' 161st regiment, left the State December li for 3 years; mustered nut November Isitb, 1865 182a regiment, b-ft the State Octobei 24th, 1802, f,.r :; \- I oui < ictober 12th, It |63d regiment, left the state October 5th, 1882, for:; vears; transferred Januarj 20th, 1883, to the 78d N. Y Vols. luith regiment, left the state November 6th, r 3 years; mustered out July 15th, 1865. PART I. IN THE STATE. 165th regiment, left the SI ite Decembei i nut September lal . 1866. I66th regiment; :;\«mi--. the men enllBted trans- ferred November 13th, 1882, to the 176th N "i Vols.; onranlzatioi i completed [67tb regiment; 3 years; consolidated with the 169th N V Vols October I2tb, 1882; organization not completed 168th reglment,left the8tate February 12tb, 1863, i or ■'in.. mi.-, mustered out October 81st, I regiment, left the State October 9th, 1868, ■ -; mustered oul July 19th, 170th regiment, left tin- State ' ictober 16th, 1862, i .in July 15th . regiment ; ;s years; the men enlisted trans- ferred i.. tin- 175th V V. vols. 172d regiment ; :; years; the men *-i»li--r--«l trans- ferred tothe6thN 1 Vol artillery. I78d regiment, left the State December 9th, 1868, . .in i ictober 18th, 1865. 174th regiment, left tin- State December 7th, transferred Pebruary 17th, 1864, i N ^ . \ ..!- ; companj to corresponding company. IT.i h regiment, left the State November 2 irsj mustered oul November 89th, i-n"> 176th regiment, left the Mat.- Januarj llth, 1863, for 9 months and 8 j far- ; mustered "in November 16tb, 1863, aud \pril 27th, 1866 177th regiment . left the State December 16th, 1868, fur '.i in. mill- ; mustered nui September 84th, 1863. 178th reidment, left the State June 21st, 1863, for mustered oui April 20th, 1866 179th regiment, left Hi-' State May. 1864, fori and 8 years; mustered out June 8th, 1865. i*i ltd regiment ; the men enlisted, one company, ■ rred February 21st, 1865, to tin- 179th N. V. - i lompany ('•. regiment; not organized, ami no men re- orulted. I82d regiment, left the State November 10th, 18t>2, for8years; mustered out July 15th, 1865. regimen:; the men enlisted, one company, rred August 8d , 1864, to the 188th N. Y. \ ..I-. as ( Sompan) \. 184th regiment, left the State September 12th and 16th, 1864, for one year; mustered out June 89th, 1866; the men not entitled to be discharged trans- ferred .. the 96th N V Vols. 185th regiment, left 'in- Mat.- September 87th, 1864, lor i year; mustered out May 80th, 1865; the men not entitled in I... discharged were traus- ferred to tin- 5th N. V Vet Vols 186th regiment, left tlie state September 28tb, 1864, for ! year; mustered out June 2d, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were trans- ferred to the 79th N Y . Vols. 187th regiment, left the Stale October 15th, 1864, for i year; mustered out July 1st. 1865 188th regiment, left the State October 13th, 1804, for i year; mustered out July 1st. 1865 ls'.nh regiment, left the State September 18th and i Ictober 83d, 1864, for I year; mustered out June 1st, 1865; the men not entitled to be discharged were transferred to the 6th N, Y. Vet. Vols. 190th regiment; i and :i years: mustered out MaySd and 4th, 1865; one company only; did not Ih,i\ .■ i be State 191st regiment; 1,2 and :> years; mustered out May 3d, 1865; two companies only, did not leave the State I92d regiment, left the State In March and April, 1865, for 1. :.' and 8 years; mustered out August 28th, 1865 193d regiment, left the State April 10th. 1865, for 1, 2 and 3 years; mustered out January 28th, 1866. 194th regiment; l and 3 years; mustered oul May 3d and 10th, 1865; did not leave the State. Independent < lorps, light infantry, left the state April [8th, 1868, for 3 years; transferred January 80th, 1864, to the 1st N. V. Vol Engineers, and the 47th and 48th N. V. Vol. Infantry. I ml e pen dent c. > in panics; mustered out M a v,l >'..">; did not have the state; equivalent to five full companies. Of [Jutted States Volunteers. Sharpshooters. igimenl Left the Btate November, 1861, for I panics A, B, D and H were from tola State. • d December 81st, 1864 ; Com- I Ok United States Colored Teoops. Infantry. 80th reeiment. mustered In Pebruary 9th, 1864, 81st regiment, mustered In April 29th, 1864, Tor 8 in- -i. •!.. i October 7th, 1865. years; mustered out November 7th, 1865. 86th regiment, mustered In Pebruary 27th, 1864, iut August 28th, 1865. 0] FICERS, FROM Tills STATE, IN THE ARMIES AND NAVIES OF THE [JNITED STATES. In the reports of the Ad jutants- General of the State for L86J to L865, and in thai for 1867, there appear registers of the officers of the Militia or National Guard and of the Volunteers of the State. The names of these officers are therefore nol reproduced here. Moreover there is a prospeel thai Congress will authorize the publication of perfected registers of these officers and also of theenlisted men « lio served in these organizations. The registers published bj the War Deparl til of the officers of the U. S. Veteran Volunteers, of the Veteran Ri -■ rve Corps, and the United States Colored Troops do no! give the from which the officers were appointed, nor is it practicable to obtain the names of theenlisted members of the same from this State; no register appears therefore here. The registersof the Navy do nol give the States from which the officers of the Volunteer Navy, who discontinued to be in service in 1861, L862 ami L868, were appointed; as therefore nol a < plete lis! of these OFFICERS FROM STATE IN SERVICE OF UNITED STATES. 61 could be obtained, no register of officers of the Volunteer \'a\ j is added here. It has also been impracticable to obtain the names of the men, from this State, who served in tbe Regular Army, Navy and Marine Corps of the United States. Registers are given here therefore only of the general and staff officers of the U. S. Volunteers; of the officers of the Regular Army. Regular Navy and of the Marine Corps, appointed from, and credited on the official registers to, this State. General and Staff Officers of the Cmited States Volunteers. General Orders No. 15, War Department, May 1th, L861, provided thai the volunteer forces called for by tlie President in his proclamation of May 3d, L861, shall be organized into three divisions of from three to four brigades each; thai there shall be to each division one Major-G-eneral, whose Btaff shall consist of two Aides-de Camp, with rank of captain or lieutenant, and one Assistant Adjutant-General with rank of major: ami to each brigade one Brigadier-General, who shall have a staff of one Aide-de-Camp of the ranis of lieutenant; one Assistant Adjutant-General of the rank of captain; one Burgeon; one Assistant Quarter master of the rank of captain, and one Commissary of Subsistence, also of the rank of cap- tain. The act of Congress approved July 22d, 1861, authorized the President to appoint, not to exceed, six Major-Generals, and eighteen Brigadier-Generals of volunteers, and in- creases the n umber <>f Aides de-Camp for Major-Generals to three and for Brigadier-Generals to two. The act of Congress approved July 25th, 1861, authorized the President to appoint such number of Major-Generals and Brigadier-Generals as in his judgment may be required for the organization of the volunteer forces. Act of Congress approved August 5th, 1861, authorized the appointment of such number of (additional) Aides-de-Camp, with the rank of captain, major, lieutenant-colonel and colonel, in addition to those already authorized, as the exigencies of the service may, in the opinion of the President, require. Act approved May 20th, isii'2. authorized the President to appoint, if he shall deem it necessary, a Chap lain for each permanent hospital. Act approved July 2d, 1862, provided for the appoint- ment of forty Surgeons and one hundred and twenty Assistant Surgeons, in which number shall be included the brigade surgeons heretofore authorized, to be know n as Surgeons of r. S. Volunteers. Act of JulySth, 1862, limited the number of Major Generals to forty and those of Brigadier-Generals to two hundred. Act of July 17th, 1862, reduced the number of Aides-de-Camp allowed under act approved July 22d, 1861, for Major-Generals to two and for Brigadier-Generals to one; provided as a staff for each army corps one Assistant Adju- tant-General, one Assistant Inspector General, one Quartermaster, one Commissary of Sub- sistence, each of the rank of lieutenant -colonel, and three Aides-de-Camp, one with the rank of major and two with the rank of captain; it also provided for the appointment of a Judge- Advocate, of the rank of major, for each army in the field. Act approved May 2d, 186:5, au- thorized the appointment, in addition to the number allowed, of thirty Major Generals and seventy-five Brigadier-Generals. Act approved March 3d, 1868, authorized the organization of a Signal Corps. Act of Congress approved July 4th, 1864, authorized the assignment of a Quartermaster to each army in the field of more than one corps, to each military depot ami principal depot, as Chief Quartermaster, who while thus assigned shall have the temporary rank of colonel. The Additional Paymasters were appointed under an old law, section 25, act of Congress, approved July . r )th, 1838. The officers marked * were also officers of the Regular Army. Under these acts there were appointed as; MAJOR-GENERALS, From United States Volunteers. Barlow, Francis C, Brisr.-Gen : prom. May 26th, 1865; res. Nov. 16th. 1868 *ButterIlel<). Daniel, Brig. -Gen.; prom. Nov. 89th, 1862; mus. out A up 84th, 186S Davies, Henrv E., Brig-Gen ; prom. May 4th, 1865; res. Jan ?th, 18m;. *Doubleday, Abner, Brig. -Gen.; prom Nov. 29th; 1862; mu3. out Aug. 24th "" Hamilton, Schuyler, Brig lien ; prom. Sept 17th, 1862; res Feb. 87th, I Miles. Nelson A , Brig. Gen.; prom. Oct 81st, 1865; mus OUl Sept. 1st, 1866 Morrell, Geo W . Brig -Gen.: prom July 4th. 1862; appointment expired March Uh. 1863. Peck. John J., Brig -Gen ; prom. July 4th, 1862; mus. (.in Aiil' 24tfa ' •Granger, Gordon, Brie: -Gen.; prom. Sept. 17th, ] *Torter, Fitz John, BrlR. *->>n : prom July 4th, 1862: mus. out Jan. loth, 1866. 1862; out ■>( service Jan. 21st, 1*63. PART 1. IN T11K STATE. Potter, Robert B . l!ri_- -Gen ; prom. Sept 28th, mua "Ut Fan 15th. 181 B Sickles. Daniel B . Brig. -Gen.; prom. Nov 89th, l-.v:. mua "ut Jan. i I Slooum, Henry W . Brig -Gen ; prom Jul* 4th, res. 8epl 28th, i- ■'• Btahel, Julius ll , Brig.-Gen ; prom. March litli, rea Feb. Bth, 1865 Frederick, Brig -Gen.; prom. Nov. 29th. 1882; inn- ..ut March 1st, 1867. Stevens, Uaac l.. Brig.-Gen ; prom. July 18th, 1862: killed in action Sepl 1st, ! Stoneman, George, Brio;. Gen ; prom. Nov. S9th, ■. ;, i>ul Sept 1st . 1866 ►Warren, Gouverneur K.. Brig. Gen.; prom. Mav 3d, 1863; res May 27th, 1865, "From (hi Regular Army. Si. inner, Edwin V.. Brlg.-Gen ; app. July 4th, 1862; died March 21st, 186-3. Dlx, John A . app. May 16th, 1861; res. Nov. 30tl 1865 Citril Life. i, I Morgan. Edwin D , app Sept. 28th 1861; ies. Jan. | 1st, 1863. BBIGADIEE-GENEB LLS. From New Tori I r olunU < rs. Francia 0. ol 61 it im ; prom. Sept. 19th, 1862; prom Major-General. Barnum, Henry a., ('"1 149th Int.; prom. May :;i-t. 1865; rea, Jan 9th, 1866 Bartlett, Joseph J . Col 27th Inf.; prom. < let. 4th, 1862; appointment expired March 4th, 1868; re- appointed March 30th , 1863; mus. oul Jan. 15th, Bid well, Daniel D., Col. 49th inf. prom. Aug. Ilth, 1864; killed In action Oct. 19th, 1864. Blenker, Louis, Col. Mli Inf.; prom. Aug. 9th, 1861; dis March 31st, 1883. Carr, Joseph B . Col 2d In t ; prom. 8ept. 7th, 1862; appointment expired March 4tn. 1863; re- appointed March 30th, lsi;:>; mus. out Aug. 24th, Chnpln, Edward P., Col. 116th [nf ; prom. June 27th, 1863; killed in action June 27th, 1863. Chrysler, Morgan ll , Col. 2d Vel c,u ; prom. Nov. Ilth. 1885; mus. out Jan. 15th, 1866 Cochran, John A., Col 65th Inf.; prom. July 17th, I -<•.-' : res 1VI. •J.Mli. 1-6:: Corcoran, Michael, Col. 69th Militia; prom. July 1861; died Dec. 22d, 1863 Curtis, n M,,rtin, Col I42d inf .; prom. Jan, lath, mus out Jan. 15th, IMW. Davlea, Henry E , c. l.2d Cav.; prom. Sept 16th, rora. Major-General Davles, Thomas A , Col 16th Inf: prom March 7th, 1862; mus. nut Aug. 24th. 1865. »De Kussey, GustavusA.. Col. ith Art . prom. May 28d, 1863; appointment expired July 4th, 1864; reappointed to date May 23d, 1863; mus. out Jan. 15th, I I).- Trobrland, Regis, Col. 55th and 88th Inf.. prom, .1 in 5th, IH64: mus. oul Jan 15th, 1866. Devi n, Thomas C , Col 6thCav ;prom. Ocl 19th, 1864; mus out Jan. 15th, 1866 i !has C, Col 1st Mounted Rifles; prom. . 186 . ren June 12th, 186 I Duffle, Alfred '- Mnj.Sd Cav , then ('"1 1st R. I. prom June 24th, 1863; mus. out lug. 24th, 1865. Duryea, Abram, Col 5th Inf ; prom. Aug 31st, 1861; rea Jan 5th, I Dwiffht, Win , .Ir . <'<.l 70th Inf ; prom. Nov. 29th. 1862; mua oul Jan 15th. IStSri i nomas W . Col 40th im ; prom - mua out Jan. 16th, I Ferrero, Edward, Col 51*1 Inf . prom. Sept. 10th, Appointment expln d March Ith, 186 I; re appoint.-. I May 6th, 1868; mua out Aug. 24th, i . k. iiner, <'..i 146th inf.: prom. July2 id, mua out Aug 24th. I Alfred, Col 1st Dragoons; prora 0< i [ftth 1864 mu • ir.ii. im Cha K « Sol ' ith inf , prom. Nov. mua ..ut \u- 24th, I George B . Col 60th Inf ; prom kprfl 28th. 1862; mua out April 80th, 1866 Hamblln, Joseph I. . < ..I 65th inf ■ prom May l'nii, 1885; mua out Jan 15th, I •Hunt, Lewis ('., | ,,i ic'.l.lnl.; prom N >v. 29th, 1862; mus. out Jan. 15th, 1868. Jones, Patrick II . Col 154th Inf.t proru. Dec. 6th, 1864; res. June 17th, 1865 Ketcnam. John II. Col. 150th Inf; prom April 1st, 1865; r.-- Deo 2d . 1865 ♦Kllpatrlck, Judson, Col. 2d Cav : prom. June I Ith, 1st;:;: prom. Major-General from N, i FCryzanowski, Wladimir, Col 58th Inf; prom. Nov. 29th, 1862; appointment expired March 4th, 1863. Leillie, James II. Col lid Art .: prom. De. . 24th, i-.;.'; appointment expired March ith, 1863; re- appointed Oct. 27th, 1863; res. Jan. 23d, 1865. Miles, Nelson A., Col 61st Inf.: prom. May 12th, 1864; prom. Major General. Morris, Wm. II., Col. 6th Art.; prom. Nov 29th, 1-62: mus oul Aug 24th, l-tr>. Potter, Robert B., Col. ".1st Inf.; prom. March 13th, 1868; prom Major-General. Pratt, Calvin B. , Col. 31st Inf . prom Sept. 10th. 1862; res April 2,".th, isi;:i. Qulnby, Isaac F . Col. l-'ith Tnf.; prom. March 17th, 1862; res , 31st, 1868. Rice, James ('., Col. I4tli Inf : prom. Atl£. 17th, 1863; killed in action May Kith. IN61 Seward, Win H., Jr., Col 9th Art.; prom April 13th, 1864; res. June 1st. 1885. Shaler, Alexander, Col.65th Inf: prom. May 26th, 1868; mus. out Aug. 24th, 1868 Si.kie-. Daniel E . Col. 70th Inf : prom. Sept. 8d, 1861 : prom . Ma [or General Slocum, Henry W , Col 27th Inf ; prom Aug. '.»t li , l-i'.l ; prom \|a |or-( o-neral Btabel, Julius ll . Col 8th inf : prom. Nov. 12th, 1861; prom. Major-General Stevens, Isaac] , Col. 79th Inf.; prom. Sept 28th, 1861; prom Major General Taylor, Nelson, Col. 72(1 Inf ; prom. Sept. 7th, 1862; res. Jau. 19th, 1868. Til. i. ins, Wm. B., Col. 21st Cav ; prom. OoUlBth is.;:,: mus. out Jan 16th, 1866 Oilman, Daniel, Col. 78th Inf.; prom. Jan. -18th, I-., I; mu-. ..ut, Auk 24th, 1865. Upton, Emory, Col I21sl [nf.; prom, May 12th 1884; mus. out April 80th, 1866 Van Ai.-n. Jas il . Col. x 3d Cav.; prom. April loth, 18B2; re- July 14th, l«63 Van Wyck, Chaa, ll , Col 56th Inf.; prom. Sept. mu- out Jan 15th II 'Vinton, Francia L., Col t;d Inf.: prora Bept. 19th, 1882; appolntraenl expired March 4th, 1868; reappointed March 18th. 1868; res MaySth, 1868 Von Steinwehr, Adolph, Col 29th Inf , prom Oel 12th, 1861: res Juh Id W .ml, John II II.. Col 88th Inf ; prom. Oct 4th, !-.;.•; mus. out July 18th, 1864 ■Warren. Gouverneur l< . Col. - r .tli Inf.: prom. ■■■:ii. 1862; prom Ma |or General Webber, Max, Col 8th [nf ; prom April 28th, 1862; rea May 18th, 1865. Zonk, Samuel K . Col. 57th Inf ; prom Nov 89th, tiled in action Juh :.M From United 8tntea Voluntu r». Hamilton. Scnuyler Col and Add'l Alde-de-4 amp: I ::), 1881 prom Mnjor < ■ i, Chaa il I .■ Col and \ -t Insp I ten , i-.,-,: mu. ...ii Jan 15th 1866 Potter, Edward R . ' apt Com Sub . app. Nov. •---♦tii. 1862; rea Julj 24th, 1886 •Webb, Alexander, L1 -< 'ol and \ss,.In-p ion . app Ju mus out Jan 15th, 1886 •Whipple, Win I) . I.t. Ool. and Add'l Aid - Camp; app. July27th, 1888; appointment expired July ith 1864; reappointed to date July 87th, 1888; mus out Jan [6th, I860. OFFICERS FROM STATE IN SERVICE OF UNITED STATES From '■)!■' rs --r tfu li yuiar Am y. Averell, Win w. , < !apt 3d U. S. Cav.; app. Sept. 86th, 1868; res. May lsth, Is.,, Ayres, Romeyn B., Capt 6th U.S. Art ; app. Nov. 20th, 1862; mus out April 80th, 1866 Barry, Wm. P., Maj 6th U. 8 Art ; app. Au«. 80th, 1861; urns out Jan. 15th, 1866. Butterfleld, Daniel, Lt.-Col 12th (J. S. Inf., app. Sept 7th, 1861 ; prom, Major General. Carr, Eugene A , Capt. tth l.s.c.n ■ app Maroh 7th, 1862; mus. out Jan, 15th, 1866 Chambers, Alexander, ('apt. I -t n I' s Inf ; app. Aug. lltb, 1863; appointment expired April 6th, 1864. Doubleday, Abner, Maj. 17th 0\S. Inf.; app. Feb. Id, 1862; prom, Major-General. Hardie, James A., Capt. 6th V. S. Art.; app Nov. 29th, 1862; .lis. Jan. •.•:.'. 1, 1863. Haaklns, Joseph A., Maj. 3d D S. Art, app. Aug. 5th, 1864 ; mus. out April 80th, 1866. Hatch, Johu P. , Capt. 8d D 8. Cav.; app.Sept. 28th, 1861; inns. ou( Jan. 15th, 1866. Judah, Henry M., Capt. 4th I'. S. Inf.; app. March 21st, 1862; mus. out Aug, 24th, 1865. khby, Kdmiind, 1st Lieut. 1st U. S. Art.; app. Ma"> ,:sth. isi;:; : died May.'sti,, |si;:i, ,,f wounds, MacKenzle, Ronald 8 , Cat I I - I ng . app Oct. 19th, 1864; mus oul Jan 15tl Palmer, Inula N . Maj 5th ' B Cav ; app.Sept. 23d. 1861 : mua out Jan 16th, 1866 Porter, Fltz John, Col 16th (J s Inf.; ap] I7th. Irt6l; prom Major-Oeneral. Prime, Frederick E., Maj D S. Eng.; app Aug 4th. 1863; declined Ulcketts, James P . Capt i-< i B Art ; app July 21st, 1861; mus out April 80th 1861, John C . «'Hpt 5th 8. l"f ; app. April 28th, 1862; mua out B< pi 1st Russell, David A . Maj 3d I 8 Inf ; app Nov. 29th, 1862; killed in action Sept 19th. 1864 Steele, Frederick, Maj I it h l' B Inf.; app. Jan 29th, 1862: prom. Major-Oeneral Btoneman, George, Mai lal 8 Cai ap] 13th, l-i'.i; prom Ma [or General Sweeney, Thomas W .('apt. 2d I B Inf ; app Nov 29th, 1862; mus out Aug 24t1 VanVliet. Stewart, Maj. and Asst. Q M., 1 A.; app Sept 'SM\. 1861; appoint m. -m expired July 17th, 1862; reappointed Maroh I8tl mus. oul Sept. 1st. 1866 Weed, Stephen A . Capt. .'>th l'. s. Art ; app June 6th, 1863; killed m action July Bd, I Worn > '" U Lift . Bowen, James, app. Oct. llth, 1862; res. July I Patrick, Marsena R .app March 17th IS 87th, 1864 I June l.'th, 1865, Busteed, Richard, app Aug. rth, 1862; appoint- Peck, John J., app. Aug. 9th, 1861; prom Majoi ment expired March 4th . 1S(>*{. General. kiernan. James 1.., app. Aug. 1st, 1863; res. Feb. Spin.. la. l-'ran.-is Ij . ,,pp Oct. 1st, 1862; QIUS. OUl 3d, 1864. Martindale, John II . app. Aug 9th, 1861; res. Sept 8d, 1864. .•leather. Thomas FrancU . app. 1.1, :id, isi;.' ; res. May I.'.th, 1865 Morrell, George W . app Aug. 9th, 1861; mus. out Dec. lath. 1864 (Maj. Gen not confirmed). June 8th, 1866. Strong, William K . app. Bept 28th, 1861; ret Oct. 20th, 1868. Vlele, Eitbert L., app Aug. 17th, 1861; n 20th, 1863 Wadswnrth, Jam.- > . app. Aug. 9th, 1861; killed in action May 6th, 1864. \ I. i.l DION \ I. AIDES-DE CAW I' With Rani Lstor John J . rolunteei aide on General Mc- Clellan's stall. •Beckwkh, Edward G., app. July 5th, 1868; mus. out May 81st, 1866 *Belger, James, app. July llth, 1862; oul of ser- vice Nov 80th, 1863. Cannon, LeGrand B., app. Feb. 1st, 1888; res. June llth. I- Clark.Johu 8., app. Nov. lsth. 1861; res. Aug. 16th, 1863 Daum, Philip, app. May 26th, 1862; out of service April 7th. 1863. Dubois, John V.,app. Feb 19th, 1862 mus. oul Feb 9th, 1866. Figyelmesy, Philip, app. March 31st, 1868; res. Dec 80th, 1864. Hamilton, Schuyler, app. Aug 7th, 1861; prom. Brigadier-Ueneral. of Colonel. ■■Macomb, John N., app M.,* [8th 186S MaySlst, 1866. McCallum , Daniel < , app Feb. llth, out July 81st, 1866 Buggies, George D., app. June °sth, Ollt Max 31s1 . IS ■ Sanford, Edward 8 , app Feb. 86th, April 8th, 1881 *Sch river, Edmuud, app May lsth .nit May 13th, 1863 Van Buren, Daniel i . apt June l-', out Maroh 80th, 1866 Van Rensselaer, Henry, app tag 5th Nov 1st, 1861 Welch, Benjamin, app. July nth, 1862; 13th, 1863. Zaoonyl, Charles, app. March 81st, 18i>2 »tli. 1864. 1862; mus. lse.U; IIIU- 1862; mus. 1862; mus. . In, I. .11- died April . ro. ,lll,ll II ali Rani \f I U utt riant Colom / *Conrari, Joseph 8., app. May 5th 1808; mua out Jan :.'lst, 1864. •Hardie, James A. app.Sept 88th, 1861; mus. out March 24th ►Macomb, John N ,app. Sept 88th, isr.t -, prom. Col, and Add I Aide-de i 'amp. Pilsen, John, app. Maroh - Jun« Sth, 1864 Savatre, J. unes \\\ ,,, p \|„,, i, .,| . , I- Dec 14th, 1863 Thompson. Ambrose, app. Maj 19th, IS Aug 86th, 1863 ♦Whipple, Wm. D app F< b. 10th, 1862; pi no. Brigadier-General. v ml of Major. Burtnette, D. Henry, app April 82d, 1862; oul of service Oct l'.Uh. 1862. Cannon, LeQrandB . app Aug. 28th, 1861; prom. Col. and Add'l Aide-, le Camp. Detshy, Edward, app June 16th, 1864; mus. out Dec'. 14th, 1865 Dix, Charles T., app June ■.•nth . 1868; res March 15th, 1865 Dorsheimer. William, app. Sept 14th, 1801; dis. Nov 1st, 1861, Hamilton, Alex . Jr., app Aug. 88th, 1861; de- i dined Deo. llth. 1861 Havner, Henry /.., app. Nov. 1st, 1861; mua out sept 6th, 1866 ♦Houston. David C , app May huh. 1868; mus. out May 31st, lsoo. Lake, James, app. April llth, 1868 , res July 16tfa 1868 Ludlow, Wm. H., app Noi 18th, 1861 . mus. out July J»th, 1866. M.i ly, Clinton II , app April llth. 1862 ; mus out. May 31st., 1866 Perkins. Delavan l> , app Nov I8tb, ls.ll . app Maj an.l Asst Adj Gen D s Army Porter, Burr, app June 2d, 1862; dis Sanderson. .Inmes M., app July lath. 1862; mus. out Auk 15th, 1865 Van Buren. James Lyman, app July 7th, 1862; mux OUl March Slsl . 186 ■ Von Veirasack, Ernest, app. Ocl 88th, 1861; res. April 29th. 1862; reappointed May 8th, IS Aug. 8d . 64 PART I. IX THE STATE. With 'Rank of Captain. Anderson, JohnC, app. May 24th, 1868; res. June I3th, \l A. lam. app. April 89th, 1862; run-;, out July Isl . 1886. Barstow, Wilson app June 20th, 1862; mus. out May 31bI . 1866 Barton, Charles C, ap] April 26th, 1862; mus. out Feb 21st, \i Benkard, James, app. June 16th, 1862; res April 89th, 1864 Cutting, Jain.'- D \\ , app May 23d 1862; res. h 1864 Cutting, Walter, app July 9th, 18-12; app. Major and Mde-de-Camp U.S. Vols. Dennis, Edgar W., app July 11th, 1862; app Major and Judge- Advocate D 8. Vola Dunka, Nicolai. app. March 81st, 1862; killed in action June 81 Dustan, Chas. W„ app. April 17th, 1862: app.Capt. and asst. adj -Gen. D 8. Vols. Ellsworth, Timothy E., app. April 11th. 1862; mus. out s,-pr. (4th, 1865 Fearing, < rge 15 , app April Ith, Di;2. res. Feb. Lai . 1864. Fisher, William, app. April ll.h, 1862; res. June 15th, 1864 lames B., app. July lnh, 1862; res. aug. 6th, 1864 Howard, John K . app Sept. 19th, 1861; dis. Nov. 1st, 1881; reappointed March 81st, 1862; res. Feb. 1st, 1885 lav. William, app. Aug 28th, 1861; res. May 29th, Livingston, Louis, app. July 3d, 1862; res March 8th, 1864. Lock wood, IlenrvC. app. March :31st, 1862; mus. out Jan 4th. 1866 Lydlg, Philip M . app Jan 9th, 1862; app. Major and assl adj Gen. tJ. 8. Vola Morgan, Charles w.. app May IUh, 1862; mus. out Dee sth. 1865 Nichols, <; -ge w., app. April 26th, 1862; mus. out Oct. 23d, 1865 Pell, Duncan A , app. April 4th. 1862; res. May 19th, 161 5 Rawolle, Wm. C, app. June 21st, 1862; les Aug. llth, 1865. Raymond. Edward A., app. Oct 30th, 1861; res. Aug Ml.. 1888 Raymond, Ros8lter W., app. Marchiilst. 1862; res April 6th, 1884. Beeley, Aaron, app. June 21st, 1862; res. Dec. 39th, 1868 Seward, Samuel S , app. June 16th, 1862; app. Major and Aidi de-Camp Shaw, George 8., app. July 9th, 1862; mus. out July 10th Slosson, John Stewart, app. May 17th, 1862; res. Nov. 10th, 1864 Szahad. Emeric, app. June 16th, 1862; mus. out <>et 7th. 1865 Valentines, Edward, app. May 24th, 1862; out of service Sept. 6th, 1862 Vand. Thiit, George w . app. April 17th, 1862; va- cated commission Sepl . 19th, 1863. Van Horn. Daniel w . app. April 82d, 1862; mus. out April 15th, 1866. Von Cederstrom, Jacob, app March :5lst 1862; res. Jan 9th, 1864. Wadsworth, Craig W., app. May 23d, 1862; res. July 16th, 1864. a I I'l.s DE-CAMP. li ith tin ] in ,,/. of Major. "Bainbridge, Edmund C, app. Sept. 8d 1864; mus. ..ut July 1st. 1888. Brls -, James c, app Sept. :>.i, 1864 vacated ap- pointment Deo. 3d, 1864 Dhomas B., app. Aug 17th, 1863; res. Oct. tit li. 1864. Cbristensen, christian T., app. Sept 18th, 1882; app Major and Assl adj.-Qen.C B Vols. Cutting, Walter, app. Feb. 29th, 1864; mus. out Julv 1st Cutting, William, app July 23d, 1864 res. May Bth, 1865 Andrew II , app. March 21-t. 1865; mus out Dee 5th Howard, Charles H.,app. April 28th, 186 April 5th, 1865. Hunt, Leavitt, app. auk, 20. h , 1862; res. July 25th, 1888 Purdy, 1'.. Sparrow, app Aug. 20th, 1862; res. Nov. Bth. 1862 Roebling, Washington .v., app. April 80th, 1864; res. Jan. 21si , 1865. Seward, Samuel S ., app. Aug. 28th, 1863; mus. out Oct 31st, 1865. "Sumner. Edwin v., app. May 19th, 1868; mus. out Aug. loth, 1863. Tremain. Henry K., app. .vpril 86th, 1868; mus out April 20th, 18t")0. tht Batik v) Captain. >Bartlett, Win. C . app. March 19th, 1884; mus Male, Wm. II., app. June 10ih, 1865; mus. out Feb. ..ut Nov. 16th, i-';i 8d, 1886. Barrett, Clarence T , app. Ma\ 87th, 1864; mus. McQuade, John F. , app. Aug. 20th, 1862; appoint- out Sept llth 1865 ment revoked Fen. 14th, 1888 Blake, Win i: , app. Sept. 4th, 1882; mus. out July Melville, George 8., app May. nth, 1864; mus. 10th, 1886 out July 20th, 1865. i'i\ M app aug 17th, 1863; mus. out Miller. Win. I>. W., app. June 2,".tli. 1868; res. Dec i 1865. 21th. 1864 Carncross, Beptlmus, app Sept I7tb, 1862; app Mitchell, Frederlok A., app. Sept. 8d, 1862; appoint- Capt. and A8Bt.Adj.-0en 8 Vols. mem expired Nov 7th, 1862. Clinton, De Witt, app. Oct 9th, 1862; app Major Moseley, Wm w , app, May 7th, 1863; mus. out and Judge-Advocate I s Vola Ool l8th, 1885. 'Crosby, J. Schuyler, app. June 8d, 1868; mus. out Norton, Henry, app .\uu- 80th, 1882; app Major Am.' Isl 8th V s Vols May 5th, 1885 Dili. .ii. Aim. .Id. app N'..\ 1st, 1862; dis. Aug. 25th, rami.-, John It , app March 23d, 1885; mus. out Oct 12th, 186 ■ Fltob, Hora.e B . app I ,27th, 1864; mus. out Puffer, Llfred I-' . app. Oct let, i*;:.'; res March i. i- Oourand, George i: .app June8d, 1863; res. Oct. lul, 1885 HaUted, Richard l app April 86th, 1883; mus Jul] 10th Htilbert, Wm L app. \pril :.'i-t. i-.;.. mus. oul \| i) Ifttl Hull. Waiter c , app Ma] 19th, 1868; dU Aug lath ' Button, Charles G , app March llth, 1883; oul ol sen Sept. 28th, 1863; reappointed I >et 30th, resigned April !6th I Kellogg, Ban ford i app March llth, 1808; mus ..ut July Kith. |88fl rd I. . app Juni inn, : Lord, Thomas, Jr . app Oct 20th, i 68 D 2d, 1888; mus. out fulj 7th, 18th, 1865 Roberts, Cyrua S., app. June li.-,.. 7th, 1885 Russell, Harry, app < >et Knh, ►Sumner, Samuel S.. app. Aug. 20lh, 1862; mus. out Aua 16th, 1888 Tracy, William M.u 7th, 1868; mus out Oct 18th, 1865 Wadsworth, James W . app. Jan 24th, 1885; mus. ..Ill June 86th W lllcOX, Wm. 11., app April 25th, 181 vice Sept 30th, IStfS Williams. James C, app s,.p t :;d, 1862; died Oct. 89th, 1868 W bull, Maxwell V / March llth, 1888; app. Major and Asat. Adj.-Gen B. Vols. OFFICERS FEOM STATE IN SERVICE OF I M II h STAI I MILITARY SECRKTAR] E8. / mporary Rank of /.<'< utenant-Colonel. Badeau. Adam, Cap! andAdd'l Ude-de-Camp U. Parker, Ely s. Cap! and Asst \-ii -G< S. Vols.; issigiicd \ pri I 8th. isui; relieved July Vols.; assigned Aug 30th, 1864: relieved j'ulv • t IUAA , i^.-r ASSIS1 ant A I'. i I I \ \ I >-■■ i:n i.i; m . /'■ mporary Rank -;/' Hascoru, Gustavus M.. Maj and assl Ad J .-Gen. U.S. vols.; issigned Ian. 26th, 1861; relieved J in. ..1st. 1865. ♦Bowen, Nicholas, Capt. U. S. Eng.; assigned Jan 23d, i s 'J-!: relieved .inly Bd, 1865 Carleton Charles A .Maj and Asst. Adj. -Gen. IT. 8. V ila ; t-HKne8th, 1805; mus. tut March 12th, 1866. Carleton, Charles A., app. Jan. lath. 1866; mus. nit Dec. I'.'th. isr,:, King, Adam K , app July 15th, 1864; mus. oul Id 31st, 1866 Long, Wm 11 . app. Sept. 6th, 1864; mus out Sept. p.-th. 1866 Lydlg, Philip M., app. March 18th, 1864; res. \pril 25th, 1865 Marrenner, Edward, app. Ocl 23d, 1864; res. June 5th, i- Moses rsaai . app Aug. 27th, 1862; res. Jni\ 6th, 1864 Neill, Edward M . app March llth, I 22d, i- 1 'arsons. En os It , app Deo. 24th, 1864; mus. oul Jan 20th, 1866 Carncross, Septimus, app. April 20th, 1864; res. Prentice. Wm. B., app Sept. 2d, 18tJ2; res. Dec March 21st, 1866 Chrlstensen, Christian March llth, 1863; res July 22d, 1865 Dana, Charles A., app. June I-'. lsi'-J; appoint- ment expired July ith, 1864 De« mil'cs. Robert, app< April 7th, 1864; mus. oul Jan. 80th, 1866. Diven, Alexander s . app May 18th, 1888; res April 5th, 1865 I'lvnt. George E., app. June lit li, l*''-~: died Deo. 18th. 1863 Forbes, Wm. T., app Feb. 2d, 1 v, m: mus out Sept. 19th, 1865 FredberL;. Alfred, app Deo 31st, 1864; mus. OUt Jan I2tb, 1866 Halplne, Charles G . app Sept. 6th, 1861: res. Inlv list, 1864, Ilillhouse, Thomas, ipp. March 6th, 1-''..': res. Ian 1st. 1868 23d, i- Rathbone, Henrj R.,anp March 18th, 1865; res. July 8th 1881 Rockwell. Almon F. app Feb 28d, 1886; mus .ait April 1st, 18 i Rogers, Hiram C , app Antr. llth, 1862; re- Jan. inh, 1865 Rumsey, Will, app. Sepl 9th, 1864; mus. out Sept. 19th, 1865 Russell, Wm., Jr., app. April 15th, 1868; mus oul Feb lOtl Smith, Alldrufl J . app June 7'h, 1866; mus out Feb 81st, 1866 Stevens. Hazzard, app Ocl 18th, 1884; mus out Sept. cull. 1865 Van Itureii. Daniel T . app tag Bd, 1881; prom. Col. and Ail- II Alde-de-Camp Von Guttenberg, Otto, app Ocl 2d, 1882; appoint ni'ni revoked Dec Blsl . |si;l' Hoffinan. Southard, app. Au^ 28d, 1868; res. July White, Frank J . app March 15th, 1868; appoint llth. , nenl vacated June 80tb, 1666. Hoffman", Wickham, app. Auk. ~"6th. 1868; mus Woodhuil, Maxwell V. /. . app June 80th, 1864; out June 8th . 1886. dui outMaySlal Jeffries, Noah L., app. Aug. 12th, 1868; res Nov Wright. J--)m M, app June 30th, 1862; res. Jan. 30th, 1863. Iflth, 1864. With '/<< Rank of Captain. Anderson. Finley, app. Oct. 7th, 1864; prom. Maj. Auchmuty. Richard T. app Oct. 8d, 188 and Asst. Adj. Gen. U. 8. Vols Andrews, Edward W., app. April 80th, 18t>4; mus oul Oct 29th, 1864 Arrowsmith. Geo. W.,app. Aug. 10th. 1- Nov. bth, 18tt.\ 9 Aug. 16th, 1882; reappointed Feb 27tb, 1888; prom. Maj. ami ten. U. 8. Vols. Harlow. E-l ward E , app. Oct -7th. 1862; red. July 30th, 1 66 PART I. IN THE STATE. Ba June L'M 1- I tvua M . app. Aug 80th . [861; prom, md A— i Adj Gen I 8 Vola Beardsley, Samuel u . app. Sepl 28th, 1808; died i>. Benedict, Le Grand, app Bepl 22d, 1862; rea Jan. l- 5 Blodget, Ji i.ii .).. app Sept. 7th, I 12th, l- Bonth, C'harlea a . app June 20th, 1868; mua, <>ut Feb 10th, It Broach. John H.,app .inn.- 7th. 1864; rea July Brown, Hubert B , app Feb 8d, 1866; mua. oul Sept let, i- 6 Browi I p March 10th, 1863; oul of 1863. •Brownson, Henry V . app. April 3d, 1863; res Julj 2d, 1865 Burger, Win I. M . app June 80th, 1882; prom, M ij Gen i B. Vola Burleigh. Henry M., app June 9th, 1862; mus. out Sept i ■ ■ 1 1 , . i Campbell, Charles H., app ■Tunc 1st, 1865; mus. I ij llth, 1866 Campbell, James l: . app, Feb. inh, l-<',:,: mus : 19th, 1866. Carle ton, Charles a , app. July 15th, 1864; prom. Uaj and \—t. Adj Gen i § Vola Carncros*, SeptlmuB, app. Sept 4i h. 1868; prom. M .i. and Asst Adj -Gen r. S. Vols Chad wick, Peter K , app. Dec 28d, 1862; res. April Church, Will B . app March 29th, 1865; mus. out :. 1866 Clark. J as C . app. May 12th, 1862; res. Dei C y, John M . app Oct 23d, 1862; res Jan 26th, 1864. Cowdry, Frank II . app April 20th, 1864; mus. out Sept. 19th, 1865 •Craft, Elijah i; . app Vug. 25th, 1864; mus. oul : 1865 Davis, Alex. II . app. March llth, 1863; rea Jan 18th, 1864 Diroond.Wm. H., app. March 8d, 1865; res Jul) 8th, : Dlven, Alex. B app Mai 8d, 1868; prom. Maj. and is. Vols. Dlveu, Bugene, app Bept 26th, 1864; res. April 5tb, It Duryee. Wm B. C, app. June llth, 1862; res. Dec. 24tb, 18 I Dustan, Charles w . app May 16th, 1862; res. Feb. 18th, l -'••'• Dwlght, Charles < . app. Ji llth. 1862; res. Nov. nth, 1862 Emmons, Wm II li , app, May 18th, 1864; mus Fish, John D.. app. \pril 80th, 1864; killed Inaction . 1864 \ lei P . app March 7th, 1862; mus out Id 1865 leorge B app Aug 81st . 1861 ; prom Maj. and \ v ''is Wm T , app, Not 17th, 1864; prom Maj and I len.U.8 Vola Fowler, \\'m . app Feb. 22d, 1866; mua out Oct. Gale, Bollln . app Aug. 25th, 1862; mus out 19th, I86S Gilder, Wm ii . app Ocl 7th, 1864; mua oul ■•h. i-.-, Graham, James, app Oct 20th, 1864; mus, oul Bept. 19th, I- ■ Gray, John i B . app Maj 13th, 1863 rei Mai ipp Bepl nil. 1863; mus. out Griffins i nomas 8 app March 6th, 181 i. Bmlnel P . app Vprll llth, 1862; res June 28th, i Banley, Lawrena app Ool 8d, 1862; res. April (6th Bart, Oi ton n . .ipp Haj 16th, [862; mua oul ll. hi/, Wilson T . app Ocl mua oul Harden, Auirii !0th, 1864; mus. .nit D iw, John C , app Aug 7th, 1864; ■ mi. I Judge-Advocate I M ise, John, app Bept llth, 18 8th, 1861 Huffman, Southard app. Nov 14th, 1861; prom Maj and .\s-t Adj Gen i - '- Hoffman, Wlokham, app March 6th, 1862; prom Maj. and Ass! Ad i -Gen B Vols. Howell, Richard S , app March llth.lsttt; res Nov, Otl Howland. Joseph, app September 16th , 1861; app Col 16th N V Vols March 7th. 1862 Hoyt, Thomas ,i , app Ocl 3d, 1861; res. Nov. 6th. 1862 Hutching, Robert A., app. Sepl 7th. [862; mus outSepi 19th Jeffries, Noah L., app. March 28th, 1862; prom. Maj. and A^st. Adj Gen. I B Vols Johnson, James, app Feb. 29th, 1864; mus. oul Bepl i Judson, John a , app Feb 8d, 1862; mus «.ut S.-pt l!Uh, iw;.v Kimball, James P., app April 14th, 1862; res Dec. Bth, i King, Adam E., app March llth. 1863; prom. M ii and Asst Adj -Gen 0. B Vols. I le, John G., app June 15th, 1865; mus out Vi\ :.".M. 1865 I nar. I, Charles H . app. May 15th, 1868; mus. out Jan 12th, [866 LeRoy, Robert, app Sept. 9th, 1862; appointment expired March Itn, lsi;;; ; reappointed June lMh, ls,,; ; died March 5th Llebenau, Joseph II.. app. March 6th, 1862; res. Sepl llth, 1863 Locke, Frederick T., app Sept. 2d, 1861; mus. ml Sept. l'.'th, 1865 Wm. II , app. Oct 16th, [862; prom Maj. and Assl Adj -Gen D S Vols. Long, Wm. II Lovell, Julius, app March 24th, 1862; mua out Feb Kith, 1866 Mahnken, John H., app May 18th, 1864; mua out Sepl 15th, 1866 Marshall, John E . app. March llth, 1863; mus. out Nov llth. 1865 Marvin, A zor S.,app. Oct. 29th, 1862; res. Jan. Mb, 1865 Matthews, Oliver, app March llth, 1863; mus.out i let 80th, 1865. McClellan, Carawell, app.Ocl 1st, 1862; dis Nov Pith, 1864 McKlbbin, Gilbert II , app Oct. 6th, 1862; mus. Sept 19th, i- i McVean, John J . app. Aug. Kith, 1864; res June 9th, 1865. Merrill, George, app. April '_'lst, 1862; res. Sept. 26th, It Men in.-, Catharinus B , app. July r>th. 1862; th. 1861; prom Maj, and \"t A. l.i Gen I s Vols Murray, John, app. Aug. 27th, 1861; not confirmed ttarch llth, lb68 Neill. Edward M., app. March r.t h. 1862; prom. Maj and Asst. Adj Gen l" B Vola Ogden, Thomson, app. Dec. 12th, 1864; res. June 7th, 1865 Palmer, |)..\i.l W., app Mavlsih. 1864; mils. ..lit .lune 18th, 1885 Parker, Elj B . app May 25th, 1863; mua out July 1st. 1866 Parsons, Bnos B., app Fab 29th, 1864; prom Maj. and Asst Adj -Gen U. B v. .Is Parsons, Thereon !•:., app. Nov. 16th, 1864; r.-s. Maj 81st, is.;;, Patten, George, app March nth, 1868; rea July LM. I I h.iries l , app May 25th, 1863; rea April L'uth. 1865 app. He.- :.•;.!, 1862; mus out •Ir , app NOV. 1st, P Nov. 16th, 1861; res. ftU g. [5th, Perkins, Benry w Jan K.'th, 1866 Plerson, Henry I. June 84th, 1864 Pound, John, app 1868 Pi were Charles J., app. Nm 6th, 1861; n :>ili. 1862 Pr< ii.-.- Wm P . app Nov 86th. 1861; prom. Mai. and \-st Adj, Gen B v.. is. Purify. EC sparrow, app Sept. 19th, 1861 res. April 12th, l8 Reynolds. Stephen June 28d, 1868; died Jul) 30th, 1864, ..r wounds Robinson, Edward, Ji , app. Sept. 30th, 1863; I 88th 1864 It, .Chester. Montgomery, app. April 17th. 1862; mus ..ut June nth i OFFICERS FROM STATE IN SERVICE OF [JNITED STATES. 67 Rockwell. Almon F., app Sepl 15th, 1863; prom. Maj and Asst. Adj. -Gen. u. B Vote Rogers, Hiram C, app. June 30th. 1862; prom. Maj and Asst. Adj.-Geu U. 8. Vote Kuoine, Win P., app 1'eb 27th, 1868; res. Jan. 18th, is-;:.. Kosencrantz, Frederick, app. June 7th, 1864; mu9 out Nov. lltli, 1^' "i Rumaey, Will, app. Sept 12th, 1868; prom. Mai and Asst. Adj. -Gen. V. S. Vols. Sealy, Israel B , app. Aug 12th, 1864; res. Feb. 7th. 1865 Siebert. Louis, app. May 22d, 1868; res. Feb 29th, 1865. Sill, Edward E., app May 31st, 1865; inus. out Sept. 18th, 1st',:. Slipper, Joseph A., app Sepl 9th, 1862; raus. out Sept. 19th, is.;:.. Smith. Joseph Hove, app Aug. 3d, 1861; mus. out Nov lltli, 1865 Stevens, Hazzard, app. Oct. 16th, 1861; prom Maj. and Asst. Adj. -Gen. P. S. Vols Suydam, Charles C, app. March 6th, 1862; res Dec. 31st, 1863. Taylor. Stewart M .a] o 23d, 1662; mus. out Got. 81st, 1865 Tremaine. Frederick I- . app Nov. lltli, 1863; mus out April -.nth. 1866 Turner. James B . app Dec ESd, 1862; killed to action, May 5th, 1864 Von Do.. I, n, Wm , app Nov. l»;th, [861; re- June 5th, i Von Frai is. Cd,,, ; , P p. June ;50th, 1862: died Dec mIi I86S Waldron, Samuel W . app July [4th, l£ Jul3 Wth, 1868 Watkins. Brwen c , app Ool 8th, in;4: res April 5th, 1865 Wilson. James gfl . app. Oct. 1st, 1861; killed In action May 5th, 1862. Wilson, Robert P., app Maroh llth, 1868; die. Feb. 18th, 1864. Wordeu. John L., Jr., app. July 21st, 1866; mus. out Nov lOtb. is-;".. Wright, John M , app. Sept, 85th, 1861; prom. Maj. and Asst adj Gen B \'o| 8 . ASSISTANT INSPECTOBS-GENEBAL. Temporary Rank of *Bankhead, Henry C.Capt. 5th U. S. Inf., assigned Jan. 1st, 1863; relieved Aug. 1st. 1865. ♦Best, Clermond L., Capt. 4th U. S. Art., assigned May 5th, 1803 ; relieved April 4th , 1864. •Catlin, Lynde, Capt. D. S. En*, assigned April 1st, 1864; relieved Aug. 1st, 1865. Crocker, W. II., Maj. and Lt.-Col. 6th N. V Vol Cav., assifxned April 10th, [863; relieved Jan. 8th, 1864. Ludlow, W. IT., Maj. and Add'l Ai le-de Camp I". S. Vols., assigned Aug. 20th, 1862; relieved April 4th, 1864. •Morgan, Chas. II. t'apt 4th U. S. Art., assigned Jan. 1st, 1863; prom. Brig. -Gen. U. S. Vols. /./. '//. mi at. ( 'olonel. Perkins, Delavan D . Ma.j. and Add'l Aide-d. - Camp U.S. Vols., assigned Aug. 20th, i lieved April llth, 1863 'Reese Ohauneey It . Capt. U. S. Eng., assigned June 3d, 1865; relieved Aug. 1st, 1866 Sizer, John M., Maj. and l.t -Col 110th N. T. V..N.. assigned Feb. 13th, 1865; relieved July 8d Sokalski. Geo ().. Capt. 2d U. S. Cav., a May 12th, [864; relieved Feb. 6th, 1865. Thorne, Piatt M , Capt. 150th N. V. Vol* . as- signed May 28tb, 1865; relieved Aug 1st. •Webb, Al.-x S . Capt. llth V. S. Inf. assigned Aug. 20th, 1862; prom. Brig. -Gen. I S. Vols. JUDGE-ADVOCATES. With Rank of Major. Clinton, Dewitt, app. May Wth, \^\\\ transferred to the Regular Army. Dennis, Edgar w . app. Jan. 19th, 1805; transferred to the Regular Army. Henshaw, John 0., app Feb. 2901, 1884; dis. Sept. on. i, i .. , 30th, 1864 Keeler. Birnev B., app. June 20th, 1805; mus. out May 31st, 1866. ♦Lieber, Guido N., app. Nov. 13th, 1862; trans- ferred to the Regular Army. Montgomery, Richard H., app. June 30th transferred to the Regular Army. Turner. Levi C, app. July 31st, 1862; died March 13th, 1867. Winthrop, William, app. Sept. 19th, 1804; trans- ferred to the Regular Army. OFFII BBS OB THE SIGNAL CORPS. With Rank of Captain. Paine, Jedediah C, app. March 3d, 1863 ; mus out Town, Franklin E , app. March 3d, 1863; res. Nov. Aug. 21st, 1865. 29th, 1864 Taylor, Peter A„ app. March 3d, l-i>3; mu~. out Sept. 4th, 1865. With th, Rank of First Lieutenant, I; res. July Keith, (has. C. T . app March 3d. 1803 13th. 1804 Andrews, Wm. S., app. March 3d 2ist, 1864. Avres, Henry, app. March 3d, 1863; mus. out May Partridge. Sylvester B., app. March 3d l>t, 1866. May SDth, i Benson, Harvev W., app. Maroh 3d, 1863; appoint- Rusbby, Thomas p , app. March ad, !-' 18 nient expired Julv tth, 1864. Aug. 12th, 1865. Brodie, Paul, app. March 8d, 1S'">3 ; mus. out Sept. Seaburv, Thos. S., app. March 4th, 1886. 26th, Bruyn. Wilson, app. March 3d, 180.3; mus. out Strong, Hi. hard P., app. March Aug I6th, 1865. April 19th, Clarke, George J., app. March 3d, 1863; mus out Btryker, \\ m. 8 , app. March 3d. 1863; Aug 12th, 1865 Aug. h. 1865 Dennloke, Rrnest A., app. March 3d, 1868; mus Thayer, Amos M., app March 3d, 1863; out Dec. 20th, 1865. Aug. 1st, I860 Hatfield, Townsend I... app. March 3d. 186.1; res VId at, Theodore C., app. March June 17th, 1866. Aug. 21st, 1865. Herzog, Charles, app. March 3d, 1S63: appointment Wicker, Frank N" . app March 3d, 1868; expired July 4th, 1864. , ment expired July 4tn, 1864 res. April 1863; res. ; mus ..lit res, Jan. mus out mus out uius out inns. 0Ut appoiut- With the Rank of Second Lieutenant. Adams, Edward P., app. March 3d, 1863 ; resigned Beardslev, Frederick E,, app March 8d , 1868 : mus. July 6th, 1865. out Aug. 12th, 1865 Adams, Myron, Jr., app. March 3d, 1863; res. Aug. Benson. Harvey W , app March 3d, 1863; mus. out 1st, 1865. I Aug. 12th, 1865. ■ s PART I. IX Till'. STATE. Bphralm A . apP- March 3d, l*<>: : UDUB. Dllllntrham, Lucius I., app. March Id, 1863; mus. ■ •lit Alii.' 11th. I-.'. Thomas n . app. March 3 I, 1803; mus. oul Au_- nth, id, Edward I... app. March 3d, 18 I, 1866. Berzog, (Charles, app March 3d, 1863; mus nut Auk 15th, I8A5. Ireland, Oscar I! . app March 3d, 1863; mus. out th, 1865 Ketch urn, Edgar, app March 3d, 1863; mus oul An- 12th, 1865 Mallahy.TI lore Jr., app March 3d, 1863; mus. oul Feb l-t. I860 Mayell, Henry, app March 3d, 1863; urn* ..ut May lat, 1- Merrltt, Abraham C, app March od, 1863; res. Feb. 20th, 1865. Micbaelis, Otto K., app Sept 30th, 1868; vacated commission l>ec. 10th, 186a Roberts, Charles, app March 3d, 1863; mus. out Aug 21f Sizer, win a , app. March 3d, 1863; res June 29th, Ward well, Edward EL, app. March 3d, lst;;i ; mus. out Auk 9th, i- ■ Welhl, Charles, app March 8d, 1863; mus oul A..- 12th, 1865 Wicker, Prank N., app March 3d, 1863; mus. out Aug v.'.i 1865 Young, George P., app March 8d, 1863; mus. out Au- l~'th. 1865 OFFICERS OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. MEDICA L l'l REl TORS. With Rank of Colonel. Campbell, John, assigned Feb 25th, 1865; relieved June 30th, 1865. mi: I>l< AL INSPECTORS. With tin Rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. •Coolldge, Richard H., app. June llth, 1862; mus. I 31st, 1865 Hamilton, Frank II.. app. Feb. 9th, lSft'J ; res. Aug. 29th, 181 ►Smith, Joseph 11, app. Feb. 25th, 1865; mus. nut ,Tune30th. 1865. Vniiimi, Edward IV, app. June llth, 1862; mus. mil Oct. Hist, 1865. SURGEONS. With Rank of Major. Azpell, Thomas F. , app. Oct. 7th, 1861 ; mus. out Jacobs, Ferris, app. April 4th, 1862; res. Dec. 22d, ! 1 -.;-, HIS. OUt Barnes, Norman s , app. Jan. l'.ah, 1861; Nov 25th 1865 Blgelow, Samuel c, app. April 4th, 1862; died Nov 1st. 1862 . app Sept 1 1th, 1861; mus. mit mus. out i Reed June 111 Branson, John ( > . app. Nov. 7th Nov. llth. 181 Brown, Rufus K . app.BepI 30th, 1861; res. Dec 10th, 1862 Brumley, John D., app. Feb. 19th, 1863; mus. oul March [8th, 1866. Burr, G •_'••. app Oct. llth, 1861; mus. out June 20th, 1862 Lai ng, James M., app. March 30th, 1864; mus out June 15th, 1865. Leete, James M , app. Jan. 19th, 1864; mus out Aug. 5th, 1865 Lid. II. Jnim A ., app Aug. 3d, 1861 : mus out June 24th, 1865 Lynde, Rlohard l> . app Sept. 2d, 1863; mus. out Jan. 18th, 1866 Majer, Adolph, app. Feb. 19th, 1863 ; out of service Maj 6th, 1864 MaoDonald. John E., app April 13th, l>i'.:i; mus. out July 12th, 1865. McDonnell, Edward, app June 21st, 1863; mus out July 27th, 1865. Catlln, Thos G., app. April 1th, 1802; res April McMillan. Charles, app. Aug 8d, 1861; mus nut 7th, i Oct. 7th, 1865. chur.h. w'm II. app. Aug 8d, 1861; res, Oct. McNulty. John, app. Oot. 2d, 1861; mus out July 26th, 1883 27th, 1865 Clark, Augustus U . app. Dec. 4th, 1862; mus. out Moseley, Nathaniel R , app. Oct. 17th, 1861; mus. Juh Btl out Sepi :.':;,!, 1866 Cleary, Peter J A., app April 18th , 1868 ; mus. oul Moses, Israel, app. Oct 4th, 1862; mus out July Aug. 101 27th, 1865 Mason F., app. Jan. 8d, 1866; died Jan. tfntt, Alexander B.. app Nov. 7th, 1862; mus out 1865 July 27th. 1865 Crlapell, Abraham, app. April 4th, 1882; res Maj Mulford, SllvanusB., app Dec. 4tb , 1862 ; res. July 18th, 1865 Dalrymple, Varon P., app. June 9th, 1882; mus. out Oliver, George H , app Sept 21st, 1861; res. Deo. Feb 2d, 1866. 81st, 1864 Halt. .ii. Edward P . app March 28th, 1868; res Otterson. Wm. C, app Dec 24th, 1861; res. May M ij 12th, 1865 25th, 1864 Halt. hi. John f.,.ir .app Aug Bd, 1861; re- Mar Parker, Geo M , app. June 80th, 1864; mus oul :,ih ' Nov -ill. 1865 Bly, wniiam s. app Jan. 20th, 1865; mus out Pease, Roger W , app. March 80th, 1864; mus. out Oct '" Oct 7tl Gilbert. Rufus II . app Auf Bd, isr.t : s. out Petherbrldge, John It , app. March 18th, 1865; July 20th, 1865 mus oul June ~'ith 181 i NOV. I0tb, 1863; luus. OUt Rice, Nathan P , app. Sept 2d, 1868; mils OUt Oct 7tl July S7th, I860 Hamilton, Frank n . app. Aug 3d, 1861; prom. Lt.- Schlaeflln, Henrj A , app May °rt h. 1888: res. tnd Me, i Inspector. Aug hah. 1884 Hewitt. Henry 8 app Aug. 8d, l-'.i ; mus. oul Sheldon. Andrew P , app April 18th, 1868; mus Aug I8tb, 1865 II-. tr. Alexander H„ api.. Aug, 8d, 1861; mus. oul Sherman, BnrratesN . app Feb 19th, 1868; mus. M ...I, i ' : mit Oct 7th, 1865 Hogan, Michael K app Bepl 9tb, 1863 ; mus. oul Bhipman, Azarlah B., app April 4th, [888: dla. Nov i • Feb 2 Id I Hnvey, Bleeker L .app. Maj 19th, 1865; mus. oul Bnelllng, Frederick <; . app April (th, 1862; res lug, 10th, 18 June llth, 1864 Hunt, John W , app. Mayl2tl 9th, Bpencer, T Rush, app Aug 5th, 1861 ; mus. out July 19th, . Hunt, Banford It , app Feb 19th, 1868; mus out Strew, Wm w . app Bept 4th, im;i; res. Nov. Ann 5th, 1865. '.Hi OFFICERS FROM STATE IN SERVICE OF UNITED STATES Suckley. George, app. Aug. -id, 1861; rea April Walnwrlght, Daniel W , app. June 9th, i- 22d, 1865. July 80th, 1868 Button, Qeonre L . app. April 18th, 1868; mus. out Watson, Alex T , app April iti> Oct. 31st, I86G N"\ 87th, 1866 Thompson, J Harry, app. Nov. 2d, 1861; mus. Whitney, Edward J., app. April 18th, 1868; mus. out April 18th, 1862 oul Noi 3d, 181 S Thurston, A. Henry, app. Oot. 5th, 1861; died July Wolf, Frederick, app. Jan. 12th, 1865 27th. 1865 Trenor, John* Jr., app o,t 13th, 1863 ; mus. out Nov 27th, 1866 Van Duvu. Augustus C, app. Dec. 4th mus. out Oct. 7th, 1865. June 15th, 1861 Wood, Charles 8 . app. Bept. 9th, 1868; mus. out I >ct 7th, 1866 ASSISTAN l With fin /uin/. of Adams, John O , app. Feb. 27th, is<'>3: inns, out Oct 9th, 1865. Applegate, Lewis, app. Sept. 9th, 1864; mus. out oct. 9th, 1866 Armsby, James II., app. Jan. 24th, 1865; mus out Jan. 18th, 1866. Barnes, Norman S. , app. Oct. 9th, 1863; prom, to Surgeon, Bartholf, John H.,app. Jan. 12th, 1865; mus. out Oct. 9th, 1865 lMrdsall. Samuel, app. March 31st, 1865; mus. out Nov. 87th, I sir, Brisbane, Charles F., app. Oct. 24th, 1863; mus. out July 27th, 1865. Brown, John T., app. July 6th, 1864; mus out Nov. 15th, 1865. Buck, Ephraim W , app. July '.'1st. 1864; mus. out Aug. 15th, i Clark. Augustus M , app. Sept. 11th, 1863; prom. to Surgeon Cleary, Peter J. A., app. Oct. 4th, 1862; prom, to Surgeon Coggswell, Mason F., app. May 18th, 1864; prom. to Surgeon Dalton , Edward B., app. March Uth, 1863; prom. to Surgeon , DeHanna, J Victor, app. Dec 21st, 1864; prom. in Regular Army Dodd, Edward, app. Oct. 4th, 1882; res Oct. 13th, [863 Dorran, Wm. M.,app. Sepl 20th, 1864; mus out Oct 19th, I-.;:. Drake, Nelson I., app May 18tb, 1864; mus. out Oct. I ■-'Hi, 1865. Elliott, Washington G., app. Dec. 21st, 1864; mus out Jan. 18th, 1866. Elliott, Wm St.G., app Oct 28th, 1864; mus. out May 30th, 1865 Ely, Wm. S, app. Sept 2.1, 1868; prom to Sur- geon. Fisher. Henry N , app I'd.. 19th, 1-';!: 'lid March 12th. 1863. Glennan, Patrick, app May 18th, 1864; mus oul Nov. 1st, 1867. Greene, Francis, app. Feb. 19th, 1863; prom, to Surgeon Hogan, Edward K., app Oot. 13th, 1864; mus. out Nov. 27th, 1866 Hosan, Michael K., app. Sept 2d, 1863; prom, to Surgeon. Ilovey, ltleecker L., app. Sept. 9th, 1864; prom, to Surgeon Jessop. s s ,app Sept. 20th, 1864; mus. out Nov. 27th. 1865. Kretch mar, Godfrey A, app. Oct. 3d, 1864; mus out Oct. 5th, 1866. Laing, .lame- M , app Feb. 19th, 1883; prom, to Surgeon . Leale, Charles A, app. April 8th, 1865; mus oul Jan 20th, 1866. Leete, James M , app. Oct. 9th, lst'>3; prom, to Surgeon. Leiiler, Henrv T., app. March 27th, 1863; mus. out June 4th, 1866. Loewenthal, Hermann, app. April 20th, 1 S ''>1; mus. out Aug. 24th, 1865. Lynde. Richard D., app. Feb. 1 9th, 1863; prom, to Surgeon. Major, Adolph, app Oct. 4th, 1862; prom, to Bur- geon. Martindale, Francis E., app. Feb. 17th, 1865; mus. out Jan. 4lh, 1866. STJRGB0N8. First /.*'■ ■■'■ nant. May, Henry C, app. April 20th, 1865; mus out net llih. IS66 MacDonald, John E , app March 27th, 1863; prom. to Surgeon McCll ik, Ebenezer, app June 80th, 1864; mus out July 87th, 1865 McDermott, Wm J., app Ool 86th, 1864; mus. out Oct 81st, 1866 Meacham, Thomas G , app Feb 7th, 1865; mus. out Aug, 5th, 1865 Merriam, Joseph W , app Jan 7tb, 1868; mus. out July 27th, 1866 Millener, Wm. 8 . app June 30th, 1864; mus. out April 27th. 1- Mulford, Silvanus 8., app, Oct. 4th, 1862; prom, to Surgeon. Murslck. George A , app <>ct 8th, 1863; mus. out July 27th. 1865 Parker, George B., app Aug. 4th, 1868; prom. Surgeon. Parsons, John, app. Jan. 26th, 1865; mus. oul July 27th. 1866 Pease, Roger W , app. Oct 8d, 1868; prom Sur- geon Petard, Felia CM . app Sepl 88d, 1864; mus. out Ool 9th, 1st;:, Petherbridge, John B . app May I8th, 1864; prom. Surgeon. Phillips, James, app. Sepl nth, 1862; to r. 8. Army Nov 82d, 1862. Pooley, Thomas i: . app. May 18th, \- . app Feb. 1st, 1864; mus o 9th, 1865 Sheldon, Andrew F., app < >ct 4th, 1862; prom. Surgeon. Sutton, George L., app Oct, 4th. 1862; prom. Surgeon Tauszky. Rudolf, app. Sept. 84tb, 1863; mus out July 27th Trenor, John, Jr., app March Uth, 1868; prom Surgeon Tremain, Wm 8 . app Bept 1st, 1864; n June 4i, Utter. Frank A . app May 19th, 1865; mus out Jan. Will, 1866 v.m Duyn,- Augustus C , app Oct 1th, 1862; prom. Surgeon . Ward, Samuel B., app April 20tb, 1864; mus. oul Oct. 7th. 1865 Whitney. Edward J ., app Nov. 7th, 1862; prom. ■ . ii Wilcox, Timothy B.,app April 25th, l->;.">; mus. out June 4th. I Williams, Augustus P., app. Jan. 19th, 1S64: mus out Jan. 10th Williams. Henry E., app Aug 7th, 1864; mus out July27t1 Wolf, Frederick, app. Jan nth, 1864; prom. Sur- ge- in W I. Charles S., app Sept. 2.1. 1863; prom Sur- geon. 70 PART J. IN THE STATE. OFFICERS OB THE QUARTERMASTERS DEPARTMENT. QUARTERMASTERS. Rank of Col •Rises Herman, assigned Aug. 2d, l- Farnsworth, John G-. assigned Nov. 1-t, 1864; re- lleved July 36th, i- ' v 7th, IS**.; relieved Howard, John B., assigned May 26th, 1865; relieved Ail-' list, i- W . asslgne I Charles B., assigned Aup 2d, 1864; relieved relieved Herbert H .assigned June 3d, 1865; re- lieved ■ Johnson, James G . assigned Aup 2d, 1864; re- lieved June 191 »T.>mpkins. Charles H , assigned June 13th, 1866; relieved Jan . 1-t , 1867. With Temporary /?<'/'k'>; relieved . Julv 17th. ! rth. John G.. assigned Jan 1st, 1863; re- i lieved Aup 10th, If -pried Oct. 3d. 1862; relieved Aup 2;- i. dm u , assigned July 7th, 1- i ith rank of Colonel. ' Hoptdns, Woolsey R .assigned Jan. 1st. 1 lieved April 14th, 1^'il Lawrence, Abram B , assigned March 21st, 1865; relieved Aup 1st, I Norton, Charles B . assigned Aup. 20th, 1862; re- lieved Jan 'ill.. 1-'. .. Han-.. m. Hyatt C .assigned Nov. 10th, 1- lieved July 3d Thomas. Augustas L . assigned Nov. 3d, 1864; re- lieved Aug i-t. 1865 •Tompkins, Charles II . assigned Julv 1st, 1865; relieved June Mb, 1866. Walbridge, Charles K . assigned July Bth, 1>65; re- lieved Aiil'. 1st With Temporary Bank of Major. r, Morris II .assigned May 85th, lieved Aug 1st W :.. II .assigned ' elieved Herbert M . assigned Aup. 2d, It « itii rank of ColooeL I rath. C, assigned Feb. 30th, 1S65: relieved May 191 gi ed Aup. 2d. 1S64; as- wlth rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. lie, Myron H., assigned Aup. 2d, 1884; re- lieved Aup )~ Plato. Nelson, assigned Sept. 17th, 1864; relieved Auk Isl . 1865 Patter. Orson O., assigned May22d, l^T.: relieved Jan I- Smith. Hiram, assigned Jan. 25th, 1865; relieved Julv Btl Thomas, Augustus L., assigned Aup i relieved Nov. 3d. 1 AS8ISTA1TE QUARTERMASTERS. With tht Bank oj Alberper, Morris II., app. Nov. 17th, 1*^4; mus. Cutting, Wm., app. Nov. 16th, 1861; app. MaJ. and Aide-de-f'ain; a ipp Nov 28th, 1862; mus Daniels, W. H . app. July Pith. 1»:2 ; mus. out ■ lOtb, 1868 Itarr. Thoi Julv Harrow. Charles, app. Nov. 28th, 1882; mus out M.iv . Frederick E., app Delaney. Patrick K., app. July 23d, i>*A ; mus. out Iro, app. April 7th, l-)4: Del vechlo, James R., app. Oct. 8th, 1862; mus out app Feb. 3d. W12; to Regular De Wolf, David O., app. July 8tb, 1863; mus. out mus. out Dodge, Nathaniel 8., app. June 1st, 1868; res. July app. June 80ti out Dunton. Augustus T., app I mus. Duttoi June 9tb, 1862; re-. June 3d, Bllsworth, Wm. L . app Pet 1Mb, 1868; mus. ..ut Aup. 14ti Emmett. Robert, app July Stb, 1884 mus out July 281 im F.. app Feb ta out F.ihv. John, app. April 7th. 1 20th, ; rth, H J • app July 8th, 1864; mus ..ut Julv 17' rth, John O . app April llth. 1882 ; mus. drian, app June !'■• i.iment •• day. April 7lh. 1- Army Jan. IStl ■ •pp. ■ mus. . i) T., app l i 8; mus. out Oct. Tth, . " . app July 8th. 1863; mus. ■ H , app July 1 - -'; res. . app J.. OFFICERS FROM STATE IN SERVICE OF UNITED STATES. 71 Goslin, Alexander, app. March 1st, 1885; out of service April 8th, In,;. Graves, Edward 1*., app. April 7tli, 1861. mus. out April 80th. 1806. Greene, Ellas M., app. Oct. 3<1, 1882; mus. out July 28tb, 1866. Hawley, Seth C, app. July 7th, L883; res. June 1st, 1864. Hopkins. Nelson J., app. Feb. 89th, 1864; died July 16th, 1866. Hopkins, Woolsev R., app. Aug. 6th, Isrll: mus. out May 31st, 1865. How, Woodbury 8. , app. Feb. 23d, 1864; mus. out June 10th, lsti. r >. Howard, John B.,app. June30th, 1863; mus out July 80th, 1867. Howe. Frank E., app. June lltli. 1862; rea June 3d, 1864. Hoyt, Chas. H.. app. May 12tb, 1862; to Regular Army April 12th, 1867. Hull. Alexander, app. Feb. 29th, 1864; mus out Oot. 23d. 1866. Husted, (iilhert M., app. July 28th, 1863; res. March 15th, 1865. Isaac-, Montlflore, app. Sept. 13th, 1862; res. July Hth , 1863 Johns James O., app. July 3d, 1862; out of ser- vice June 19th, 1865 Jones, Henry L., app. Feb. 27th, 1863; rea. March I6th, 1865. ' Kimball, Amos S.. app. April Tth,1864; to Regu- lar Army Nov. 19th, 1866. Kin,.', Horatio C, app. Aug. 19th, 1862; re-. May 19th, 1865. Kirker, James B., app. Oct. 20th, 1862; res. June 17th. 1m;;; Ladue. Oliver, app. Sept. loth, 1861; res. Nov. 15th, 1861. Lawrence. Abram B., app, Feb. 29th, 1864; mus. out March 18th, 1866. Lew, Cheme M., app. Nov. 26th, 1862; out of service Oct. 9th. 1863. Lilley, William, app. Oot. leth, 1861; not con- firmed Feb 3d, 1862. I ke, Richard 6., app. July 17th, 1863; die. Nov. hub. 1864. Lowe, Uriah S., app. Feb 29th, 1864; res. Dec. 80th. I sr, i Ludlow, Edwin, app. April 4th. 1862; res. June 3d, 1864. Mac Arthur, Chas. L., app. Oct. 13th, 1862-; res. May 26th, 1863. Mandeville. MyrOD II . app. Nov. [8th, 1862; mus. out March 18th, 1866, Martin, Malachi, app. May 1st. iMi'.' ; mus. out March 13th, 1866 Matteson, Henry C, app May 8d, 1863; res. May 18th, ism. McClure, John W., app. Oct. '-'1st, 1882; mus. out June 201 b, I86S MeKlrov, Frank Q , app July 2d, 1864; mus out Oct 28th. 1865. McEntee, Charles F., app Feb 29th, 1864; mus. out Oct. :>ist, 1st;."). McGonnigle, Andrew J., app March 18th, 1864; to Regular Army May 19th, 1865 McHarg, John, app. Aug. 5th, 1861; mus. out Juno 1865 Meade, George W., app Feb 19th, 1868; mus. out Nov. S7th, 1805 Messlnger. Daniel, app. Nov. 16th, 1861 ; res June 17th, 1885. Miller, Herman, app. Nov. 26th, 1862; mus. out July 28th, 1865. Morgan, Robert C ,app. June i v th. 1862; mus. out Oct. 1st. 1861 Norton. Chas B.. app. June 11th, 1882; res. Jan. 2Hth, ; O'Hara, Daniel, app Sept. 9th, 1882; appointment revoked Jan. 22d, 1863. Parks. John, app April 7th, 1864; mus. out March nth. ink; Peugnet, Ernest, app. Mar 16th, 1888; mus. out th, 1865, Pinner, M app.Sept 10th, 1681; res. Aug. 1 I Plato, Neisou. app June 80th, 1888; mu Aug 31st, 1886. Potter, Orson , app Feb. 19th, 1883 ; mus. out Jan. 18th, 1886. Rapelje, John T., app < let 6th, 1882; mu 1. 1865. Rnhlnson, Henry I... app. May 6th, 1868 : mu Oct. 2d, 1866 Rockwell, Chas. II . app No\ 29th, 181 May 9th, 1865. Buss, Charles H , app July llth. I 29th, 1866. Schenck, James W., app. July 8th, 1863; mus out N... Jttb, 1866. Schmidt, Chas. D., app Sept. 10th 1881 \ul'. 12th, 1864 Seelye, Edgar, app May 18th, i-tii : mus. out Feb 21st, 1886 Shimmel, August, app, Feb, 19th, 1882; dia April 82d, 1885 Slaght, James C, app Sept 2d, 1881; ■-. May 6th, 181 Smith, David H.,app. Nov 26th, 1862 died April llth, 1864. Smith, Hiram, app. Feb 3d, 1882; mus out July 6th, 1886. Sprlngsteed, Jacob, app. Sept 10th, 1861 ; res. March 9th, 1863. Stinson, Daniel, app. Aug 8d, l s, 'd; mus out May 31st, 1866. Strang, Edward J , app April ISth, 1863; to Regu- lar Army Jan 18th, 1867 Summers, MnseS, app M.i\ 1-th. 1864; 111119 OUt Sept. 30th, 1885 Suydam, Simon P., app. Nov. 26th, 1862; mus. out Jan lath, 1886. Thomas, Augustus I, , app Oct -** i - 1 1861 Oot. 3d, 1866. Thomas. Hanson A., app March 16th, 181 Jan. 12th, lsi',4 Thompson, Ambrose, Hpp Aug. 22d, 1881; ap- pointed l.t Col. and add i Aide de-Camp Tillev, Edward M ., app June 9th, 1862; res. April 13th, 1884 Vallanee. \V H. , app June lnth, 1882; OUl vice Nov 16th, 1864 Van Ness. Win W., app Feb 19th , 1883 ; mus. out March 18th, i860 Van Vliet, Win A .. app. Aug 15th, 1881; mus out July 28th 1865 Viall.John O., app. May 18th, 1884; mus. out Nov. llth, 1886 Walbridjre, chas B , app. Feb 20th, 1884; mus. out < let 7th, I Weeks, George D., app. June 16th, 1865; mus out i » c t 23d, 1885 . Weldon, James, app Nov. 26th 1862; out of ser- vice Nov. 5th. n<;:i Willis, Jes... f , app April 7th, 1884; mus out Jan 1Mb. 1866 Work, Frank, app June»th,1862; res Jan llth. 1864. Worms. Charles, app. Feb 19th, 1868; res March llth. 1865 0FFICEB8 OF THE BUBSI8TENCE DEPARTMENT. 0OMMI8SAB] I 3 OF SI BSI81 I NOB With Temporary Rank of Litutena Goodrich, Edwin R , assigned July 20th, 1882; re Teal, Wm W . assigned Oot. 1th, 1888; relieved lieved Dec :;|st im;i April 80th, 1868 'Hopkins Edward H . assigned and relieved; Woodruff, Henry D., assigned Maj 16th dates not found. Uoved July 3d, 1866 With rank <ct. Tib. 1862; appoint- ment expired March 4th, 1863; reappointed March ■-'1st, 1868; mus. ..nt Aug. 5th, 1865. Alfred, app. March Uth, 1863; mus. out March 13th, 1866 (i Irlch, Edwin K., app. Oct. 81st, 1861 ; res. Jan. 3th, i Horace is . app. June 7th. 1864; died Juue in '. 1865 Craves, Urlson, app. Feb. 19th, 1863; out of ser- vice. 2d Green, Marvin J., app. Oct 81st, 186] ; uU Sept. 6th I Hall. Charles, app. Aug 27th, 1863 : 'lid Nov. llib, II. nt. Daniel 8., app Nov. 1st, 1862 ; mus. oul I'd'. Bth, i Hascall, Laurent II . app. Jan 21st 1865; mus. ..nt .in.,.- I2lb Hawes, Granville P . app. Noi 26th, 181 Nov 28th, 1864 Henry, Nov. 16th, 1868; mus. out Aug 15th, 1808 Hubbell, Augustus, app. March 23d, 1865; mus. out Aug 1th l pp May 28th, 1864 . res Bept -•uth 1864 Jordan, John, app Ma] 12th, 1862; res lug. 22d, 1864 Kellogg, Rowland C, app. May 28th, 1864 n u . out &ug 3d 1866 ipp May 18th, 1864; ret April '.ith i i. Sept. 26th, 1864; hum. out Knowles, Henry P., app Sept. 21 t, 1864; mus. out Julj 7th, Knowles. John A , app March 18th, 1864; mus. out Langdn us. ..ut April 30th 1866 Law rer. \ . app Ocl 14 out June I5tl Leland tpp Sep! 1st, i- mus out d \m Leland. Win M . app Nov. 16th, 1861 ; dis. June 24th i John K , app May 88th, 1864 ; hum. out June 28th, i Masters, Hlbberl B . app Sept 10th, 1869; mus out Aug. u'ath. 1865 Mc-lntiie Sam l is. app Oct. 5th, 1864; in us out Aug. 10th, 1886, McKintiey, Edward 1'.. app May 18th, 1864; mus. out July Bth, 1865. McMlchael, John, app. Nov. 18th, 1862; out <.i ser- vice Jan. 6th, 1864. McMurrav, John. app. Aug. 5th, 1862; mus out April lltli. 1886. Meats, i; ge W., app. Sept. Kith, 1862; res. Dec. 19th, 188 Merrltt, Edwin A., app. May 18th, 1864; res Dec. 27th, 1864 Moore, FestusH , app Aug. 15th, 1861; mus out June 30th, 1865 Morrison, Jaa. W.,app. July 1th, I8H4: mus out May 7th. 1865 Norton. Emery E.,app. Feb. 27th, 1863; mus. out Jan. 7th, 1864. Nott, Joel B. , app. Oct. 3lBt, 1862; mus. out May 7th, 1865 Noyes, Edward H . app. May 18th, 1864; mus. out June 26th, 1865 Noyes, (i -ge I'., app. April 21st, 1862; res. March 22d, 1864. Owen, Frederick \V.. app. Feb. 87th, 181 Nov. 18th, I-'. i Palmer, Wm. L., app. July 14th, 1862; mus. out Jan. ~'7th, 1866. Pinckney, Joseph C, app. March lltli, 18tt:i; mile. out Feb. ^'ist . 1866. Potter, Edward E., app. Feb. 3d, 1862; app. Drit;.- Gen. U. s. Vols < icl 1st, 1862. Ransom, Albert I-'., app. March 2d, 1864; mus out June 26th. I Ratbboue, Wm. R., app. N v. 29th, 1862; res. Aug. 6th, 1864 Hose, Lauren L., app. Nov. 26th, 1862; res. June 26th, 1665 Rosekrans, Isaac V. app. March 2d, 1864; mus. oul Sept 10th, 1866. Sand ford, James, app. Feb. 19th, 1863; dis Jan. 83d, 1864. Sanderson, James M., app. Sept. 7th. 1861; app. Maj. and Add'l Aid- de-Camp Bayre, James M.. app. Nov. 26th, 1862; res. March 12th, !- Seymour, Wm. R., app, March 2d, 1864 -, mus out Oct. 26th. 1865. Shaw. Ferdinand, app. Jan. 28th, 1 >*>."", ; mus. out i 81st. 186P. Shaw, John J., app. July 28th, 1868; res. Feb. 24th, 1864. shedd, Jerome J., app. Feb. 2d, 1865: res. July 16th, 1865 Sherman, Judson W. , app. Sept. 7th, 1861; res Nov. 9th, 1861 Spear, Percy H , app. Nov. 30th, 1861; mus. out Nov. 22d, 1865. 8wartwout, Geo. lb. app. March nth, i- Ocl 30th, i S Wetland, Silas II , app. March I;ith, 1863; out of Bervice Feb 17th, 1865. Swilt, Henry M . app. April Uth, 1863; res. May 26th. 1864 Tarbell, Doctor, app. Nov. 26th, 1862; mus out July 27th, 1865 Te.-dl, Wm. w., app. Oct. 4th, 1862; res. Feb. 1st, 1864 Thorp, James II., app. Bept 80th, 1862; res Feb. i:th, 1864. Tomllnson, DeWtti C, app. Aug. 10th, 1863; mus. oul Julv 8th, Tracey, Morgan D., app. May 18th, 1864; declined appointment. V'edder, Blm !., app. July22d, 1864; mua out June llth. I Ward well, Newton M., app. April 7th, 1864; mus. ..nt Dec. 18th, 1865 Warren. Edgar W. , app. Ocl 31st, 1862; mus. out Aug 5tl Wasson, Wm R., app. Sept Uth, 1863; mus out \u- Ulth, 1864 Weir, George ll . app Juno30tb, 1863; appotnt- nient expired Julj ith. 1864; reappointed July i . resigned June 9th, IbW Wells, J Howard, app Feb l'.uh, 1862; n 10th, I Winchester, BenJ I' , app. Nov. 26th, 1882; out of service April Bth, IS65. w oodruff, Henrj l> . app Aug 5th, 1861 ; mus. out Miin Blsl . 1866 w I ward, Join, ll . app. Aug. 3d, 1861 ; res. June 5th. l-i:'.. Wright, Edward, app March 20th, 1868; died July llth, 1864. OFFICERS FKOM STATE J.\ SERVICE OF INI TED STAT] ADDITIONAL WW MAST] RS. With tin Bank of Major. Allen, Norman M., app. Feb. 19th, 1868; res. April 27th. 18(53. Andrews, Henry P., app. June 1st, 1861 ; res. Aug. 22d, 1868. Austin, John M., app. <>et. -'1st, 1868; inns, out April 30th, 1866. Baker, D. Ira, app. Feb. 24th, 1865; mus. out July 81st, 1865. Baldwin, Geo. E. , app. Junoliflth, 1868; res. April 6th, 1866 Ball, Levi C . app. Feb. 19th, 1863; mus. out Aug. 1st, 1866. Ballard. Irving T., app. Nov. 22d, 1862; mus. out Nov. 18th, 1865. Barney, Wm. C, app. Au«. 22d, ls*;i ; not con- firmed March 11th, [862. Bishop, Dan'l K., app. Nov. 26th, 1862; res. May 15th, 1865. Blair, (ieortre T., app. March 3d, 1865; mus. out July 31st, 1865. Brown, DyerD. S., app.Feb. I'.lth, 1 -.;.;; res. Dec 7th, 1864. Browne, George, app. Nov. 26th, 1862; mus. out Nov. 15th. 1865. Bundy, Philo, app. Juiv 4th, lst'd; mus. out Nov. 15th 1865. Burt, Thomas M., app. Sept. 5th, 1S61; res. April 5th, 1865. Caldwell, Wm. M., app. July 16th, 1862; res. June 18th, 1864. ("amp, Win. F., app. Aug. 5th, 1861; res. July 24th, 1863. Campbell, Chas. W., app. Aug 5th, 1861 ; mus. out Jan. 16th, 1866. Chamberlain, Lot, app. May 28th, 1864; res. Nov, 30th, 1864 Cole. Win. L.. app. Nov. 26th, 1862; not confirmed Feb 2Yth, 1868. Cramer, .lames I. , app. Peb. 19th, 1863; mus. out Feb. l.'Hli. 1866. Davles, Chas. F.,app. Aug. 5th, 1861; died Dec 3d, 1865. Dlven, Alexander, app. Nov. 26th, 1862 ; res. Jan. :ilst, 1865. Dodi:e, Charles, app. June :;nth, 1862; mus. out July 31sl . 1865 Dudley, Geo. B. app. Feb. 23d, 1864; mus. out Sept' 23d, I Dye, P Edwin, app. Feb. 28d, 1864; mus. out Dec Isl . 1865. Elliott, Alban V., app. June 1st, 1861; mus. out July 15th. 1866. Evans, Martin, app. March 18th, 1864; mus. out Dec. 1st, 1865. Farrish, .las A , app. Nov. 26th, 1862; mus. out Jan. |6th, 1866. Fitch, Uutler, app. Dec. 12th, 1864; mus. oul July 81st, 1866. Fleming, Wm. M., app. Nov 26th, 1862; mus. oul March 1st, 1866 Forrest, D.F., app. Feb. 23d, 1864; res May 2d, 1864 Freeman, Adam M., app. June 1st, 1861; out of service May 26th, 1865. Qrlbben, David, app. Ocl 20th, 1864; mus. out June 1st, 1868. Hall, Monroe, app. Feb. i:,tli, 1866: mus out July 1865 Hart. Michael G., app. Feb. 23d, 1864; res Ma] 20th, 1865. Haskin, V7m. E , app. June 1st, 1861 . res. 8ep1 28th, 1864 Haywood, Rufus, app. Feb 23d, 1864; mus. out Dec. 1st, 1865 Herrlck, Wm. W., app. Nov. 26th, 1862; mus. out Nov. 16th, 1865. Bizson, Foster A. app. May 28th, 1864; mus. out July 1st. 1867. Hoy. Wm. E., app. Sept 5th, 1861; res Jan. 19th, 1864. Hoy, Charles J., app. Sept . |9th, 1862; <■ >f i- tlrmed Feb. 27th, 1863; reappointed Sept 28th, 1863; res. April 28th, 1864 Jones. Charles May28tb, 1864; mus out Auk. 5th, 1865 Kiuir, Henry L., app. June 1st, Mil ; mus. out Nov. 1st, 1865. Latham, Obadiah B., app. Nov. 26th, 1862 res March 15th, 1865. Littlefleld , Chas R„ app. 8ept. 1st, 1863 mus out April 30th, 1866. Lock wood, John is , app. Feb. 21-t , 1- Aug. 6th, 1865 Mall, ti, Edward J . a; p aug i:ti, 1 - 80th, 1864. Marvin, Seldec B., app. Aug. 27th, 1 ~';th. 1884. Massetl . BenJ W. 0., app. N01 26th. 1 • July 15th. 1863 Mclntire, Wm. V, app. Nov. 26th, 1862 res Dec. 8th, 1865. McKeon, Matthew J., app. Maj 28th, 1864; mus. out Nov. 15th, 186 i Mott, John (»., app. April .'in 1., 1864; mus. uut June '.llli. 1865. Muscott, John M., app. April 20th, 1864; mus out Nov 1st, 1865. Nich, ,1,1s, AlphonsoN., app Nov. 26th, li Jan. '.ill,. (865 North, Frank, app. Jan. 25th, 1st;.'.; mus. oul July 31st, 1866 Oakley, Thomas B , app. Sept. m,. u Jan 12th, 1866. Patton, William, app. June 1st, 1861 mus. out N>>\ . 15th, 1865. Pendergast, Henry A., app. Nov. 18th, :• March 9th, I Phelps, Justus M, app. Feb. 27th, 1868; mus. out Feb. 16th, 1866. Pomeroy, George, app. Oct. 2d, 1862 to Regular Army July 'Jsth. 1866 Porter, Edmund J., app. June 80th, 1802 mus, out July 31st Porter, Wm. V., app. Feh is. out Nov. 1st, I860. Pruyn, R, II., app. June 1st , 1861; declined ap- point nient . Richardson, Wm., app. June 1st, 1861; res Sept. 30th, 1864 Rltter,Wm.H.,app Sept.5th,1861; res July 1 1 Robinson, Albert D , app. Nov. 26th, 1862; mus. oul Feb I-t. 1869. 1;, .cbester, Wm. B., app. June Regu lar Army Jan. 17th, I Rodgers, Harris G., app. Oct. 23d, 1862; mus out March 31st, 1866 RuKgles, D. Golden, app. June 80th, 1862; died Feb. 10th, 1865. Rupgles, Borace M., app. Nov. 26th, 186! Jan. 7th, 1864. Sabin, John A., app. July 29th, 1862; mus. out Maj l-t. 1866. Safford, Samuel a . app. June 1st, 1861; mus. out Jan. Kali, 1866. Salisbury, Albeit <;., app May 28th, 1864; mus. nut Oct. 21st, 1867. San ford, Isaac, app. March llth, 1868; die I'.ith, 1864. Bcholefleld, Chas M., app. March 101 out Nov. 1st. 1865. Scovel, ileniv W., app. Feb. 87th, 1868; mus. out April 15th, IS sc.vil. Nels.ui H., app. Nov. 26th, 1 llth, 1868. Sherman. Wm C. H., app Sept. h'th, |& Shuart, Wm |> . app. Ma] 28lh, 1864; mus out Nov. 1-'. 1865 Thayer, Nathan, app. Nov 26th. 1882; mus. out Dec. 1st Thurston, James S. app. Aug. llth, lsi^i; mus. out July 28th, Troesdell, George, app. Aug. 10th, 1888; mus out Feb. 1st Underwood, Cornelius s, app. May 28tl mus. out July 20th ; Van alstyne, Pierre, app. June 80th, 1864; mus out Dec. 1st. 1866. Vernam, John R. , app. March 3d, 1865; mug. out July 3l8l Voorhtes, Zacbariah, app. Feb. 28d, 1864; mus. out Jan. 15th, 1866 Walker, Akin. app. Sept. 10th, 1 29th, 1865, Walker, James F . app. Nov. 26th, 1862; res. Feb. 24th, ism Webb. Robert 8 . app. Sept. 5th, 1861 mus out July 1st, 1867 Law, Samuel A., app. June 80th, 1862; appolnment Whitehead. Otis A., app. Nov. 26th, 1662; died revoked Nov. 26th, 1862 Nov. 8tl Lawyer. Joseph A., app. June 1st, 1861 mus out William, Alex B., app. Sept. 6th, 1861 ; mus. out June. 30th, I860. I July JU: 10 ; i PART 1. IN THE STATE. Yard Tboa W up, June lat, 1861; re- March I Young, James H., app. May L8th, wi-i ; mus. out 18M I Nov. 20th, L865. HOSPITAL CHAPLA] NS. ll'(7/( tin Nominal Hank of <'/. -van. Tli, .mas T., app June 13th, 1862; dis. :. 1864 Dewing:, Thomas B., app. Jan. 28d, 1865; mus. out Julj 26tl Drumm, Tl ias. app. June 80th, 1864 ; mus. out Oct 7tl Ely. I- i io M . app July 26th . 1864 ; mus. oul Nov. gOlfa 1886 French, Mansfield, app July loih, 1862; mus. oul Aug nli, 1865 Griffith. Allien P., app. Feb. Tth, 1865; mus. oul An..- Slal 1865 Hubbard, Wm. C, app. May 11th. l*r>J: appoint- [pired July Uh, 1864. Jacobi, John C, app. March 18th, 1864; mus. out Nov 15th, i- Lowry, K. .i..-rt . app. July 1st, 1862; mus. oul Aug. Marshall, James, app. June 28d, 1882; mus out April 7th. 1806. McQlynn, Edward, app. April 22d, 1868; mus. out Aug. L'lst. ItH •"'. McMonagle, John II.. app. Peb. 17th, 1864; mus. ■ nit Aug. --list, 1865. Ormsby, DeCrurap, app. April 22d, 1868; mus. nut Am.'. 4th, 1865 Parks, James H., app. July 5th, 1862; res. Nov. 30th, 1864. Phillips, llenj T., app. Jan. 10th, 1863; mus. out July lith. 1865. Rawson, Thomas R., app. Aug. 16th, 1864; mus. out Oct. 31st, 1865. Raymond, Wm. <;.. app. July 25th, 1862; mus. out April 13th, i Richmond, James C, app. June 2d, 1862; .IN. May 28th. 1863 Roe, Edward P., app. Feb. 29th, 1864; res. Oct. Ilth, 1865. Rosenberg, Jaooh A., app Jan. 18th, 1866; mus. out Au« Ith, 1865 Smith, .las Tuttle, app. Dec. 4th, 1862; res. June 26th, 1865. Van Santvoord, Cornelius, app. Feb. 2d, 1868; mus. outJuly 15th, l- 1 ■■'. Willett. Th.. mas, app. May 20th, 1868; res. Jau. 9th, 1864, Officers of the Regular A.rmi i p to April 30th, 18G5. Only the grade held by the officers on the 80th day of April, 1865, or when they ceased to 1»- in Bervice, is given; the highest brevet in the Regular Army obtained by the officer, follows his nam.- ami corps, and then follows the highesl position held by him in the vol- unteer Bervice of tins or other States, and of the United States. GENERAL OFFK ERS tin: link. .11. John E, Wool, retired Aug. 1st, Brig.-Oen Edwin Sumner, died March 21st, I Brevet Maj -Gen., Maj Gen. I'. B. Vols. - I \ I I OF! ECERS. Maj wm n Whipple, Asst. AdJ -Gen . Brevel ii Brig -Gen. D - Vols D Uncles, Aast AdJ -Gen , Bre- len., Col, and Add'l Aide de-Camp r - \ Maj < lUver l> l treene, Assl Ad i Gen Brig Lt.-Col and Asst. \ dj -Gen. I , B. Vols m.i Delavan l> Perkins, Assl AdJ Gen , died Jan 6th, 1865 Maj and Mde de Camp, i.i Col len I s Vols Col Benry Van Rensselaer, [nap. -Gen., died March - . M . Brevet Col., Col and Q M D". s. Vols, Capt, Herbert M, Enos, Asst. Q. M., Brevel Col.. Col. and Q. M. TJ B Vols, Capi Chaa. H. Tompkins, Asst Q. m , Brevet Brig. Gen., Col. and Q M U.S. Vols., and Col. Isl Vi i a\ Capt Alexandei Bliss, Assl Q. M , Brevet <'><\., d Q H I - Vols Capt. Benry T inman, As-t Q m . Brevel Maj. Military Storekeeper John i. Rogers ol the Q. m >s ll.-pt. Col Daniel T. Tompkins, AbsL Q. M. Gen , f Bub., I Maj (.en. Lt.-Col Marcus i> L. Btmpaon, Aast. Com.-Gen ..r Sid. . Brevet Maj.-Gen ■ii a Blderkln, Com. Sub . Brevel Maj. i Iward R Hopkins, Com. Bub . Brevet Maj.. I.t -Col and Com. Bub D B \ ols .ii. ,..i n Bailey, Com Sub . killed In action Maj 31st, 1662; Col Isl N. V. Vol \n. tries S Trlpler. Burgeon, Brevet Brig.-Gen. llHon Mills. Burg Brevel Brig Gen Ma] Richard H. Cnolldge, Burgeon, Brevel I.t. Col., and Med [nap r. B Vols OFFICERS FROM STATE IN SERVICE OF DNITED STATES. 75 Maj Peter G. S. Ten Hroeck, Surgeon, Brevet Lt.- CoL Mn j John Campbell, Surgeon, Brevet Col., Col. aad Med Director D B Vote. Maj. John J Mllhau, Surgeon, Brevet Col. Maj Edward P Vol lum, Burgeon, Brevet Lt.-Col., Lt.-Col. and Med. Insp. 1 s Vote. Mi i Joseph R Smith, Surgeon. Brevet Oil . 1. 1 - Col. and Med. [nap. I' S Vols. M.ij. Bernard, J. D. Irwin, Surgi Breve) Col Maj. Bennet A. Clements. Surgeon, Brevet l.t. Col Capt. DeWltt C. Peters, ABst. Surgeon, Brevet I I i ol harlea C. Gray, As-t. Surgeon, Brevet Lt.- Col. Capt. Win C. Spencer, Asst. Surgeon, Brevet Lt.- Col. Capl Charles E Goddard, Asst. Surgeon, Brevet Maj. Cant Charles B. White, Asst. Surgeon, Brevet Maj. Capt. George M. Sternberg. Asst Surgeon, Brevet M a.j Capt Edward S. Dunster, Asst Surgeon. Brevet Maj. Cant. Charles k. Winne, Asst Surgeon. Brevet Maj Capt Joseph E. Semple. Asst. Surgeon, Brevet Maj. Capt Henry A. DuBois, Asst. Surgeon, Brevet Maj Capt. Charles S. De (iraw. Asst. Surg , Brevet M.ii Capt Andrew 11. Smith, Asst. Surgeon, Brevet Maj. Cant Edward J. Darken, Asst. Surgeon, Brevet I" flaj M;i Capt Michael Hillary. Asst. Surgeon, Brevet Maj. 1st Lieut. Edward Curtis, Assl Surgeon, Brevet Maj 1st Lieut. Charles Smart. Asst Surgeon. Brevel Capt 1st Lieut. John II. Kinsman, Asst. Surgeon. Bre- vet < 'apt 1st Lieut. Edward Brook, Asst. Surgeon, Brevet ( apt Medical storekeeper Robert T. Creamer. Mai Nathan S. Jarvis. Surgeon, died May 12th, 1863 Capt. Joseph II. Bailey, Asst. Surgeon, retired Aug 87th, 1862 Capt. Bobert R. Craig, Asst. Surgeon, res April 7th, l si;;. 1st Lieut. John W. 8. Gouley, Asst. Surgeon, res. Feb. 18tb, 1864. 1st Lieut. Robert V. Weir, Asst. Surgeon, res. March 1st, 1865. 1st Lieut. James II. Ponley, Asst. Surgeon, res. April 27th, 1863 1st Lieut. Benjamin Howard, Asst. Surgeon, res. Dec 28th, 1864. 1st Lieut Charles P. Russell, Asst. Surgeon, res. Sept 8d, 1868. Medical Storekeeper Victor Zoeller, res. April 6th, Lt.Col. Ilvr.wn Leonard, Dep. P M Gen., Brevet Brig -Gen Lt.Col Nathan W Crown. Dep. p. M . f len , lire vet Brig ( len Maj. Augustus B.Seward, P M . Brevet Col. Maj Joseph II Baton, P.M., Brevel Brig Gen, Lt -Col. Eugene Van Ness, Hep. P. M (on. ..lied May 28th, 1862. Brig. -Gen. Richard Delaflald, chief of Bogs . Bre- vet Maj Gen. Col. Bene E. De Hussy, Corps of BngB., Brevet Brig Gen. Col, Henry Brewerton, Corps of Bugs , Brevel Brig -Gen Lt.-Col. John N Macomb, Corps of Bugs Col.. Col and Add'I Aide de 'amp r B Vols Mai Charles B. Blunt, Corps of Bngs Col. Mai. James C Duane, Corps of Bnga Bn Maj Frederick B. Prime, Corps of Encs . Brevet Col , Brig Gen I s Vols . declined Maj Gouverneur K. Warren, Corps "i Bn vet M ,j Gen., i ol, 5th N v \ i 9. Vols ton, Corps of Bngs . Brevel Col . Maj and Add'I lide de Camp Capi Chauncey R Reese, Corps of Engf Brevet Brig.-Gen., Lt Col. and Asst. [nsp Gen. U.S. Vote. Capt. Walter McFarland, Corps of Bnga Brevel Maj . Lt.-Col and As-t. Adj.-Geil I ti Capt. John A. Tardy, Jr., Corps of Bnga . Brevet Maj capi Nicholas Bowen, Corps of Bnga . Brevet Col.. Lt Col. and .\>-t A.ii -Gen r - \ ola i apt Rttuald 8 Mackenzie, i lorpa ol i.n. ret Brig Gen., Brig Gen i - Vols ('apt. Charles R, Sul.-r. Corpsof BngS .Bra ('apt. Wm. R. King, Corps of Enga . Brevet Maj 1st Lieut Garret J. Lydecker, Corps of Eng., Bra vet Capt. 1st Lieut Amos Stickney, Corps of Bnga Maj l-t Lieut. Wm Ludlow, Corps of Bnga., Brevet l.t Col. 1st i.ient Charles J. Allen, Corps ol Bngs . Brevet Maj. 1st Lieut. Vanderbill Allen , Corps of Engs .Brevet Maj Mai. Edward B Hunt, Corpsof Engs., died Oct. 2d, 1863, of wounds received In action. Maj Howard Stansbury, Corps ol Bnga , retired Sept 28th, 1861. ('apt Patrick 11 O'Rorke, Corps of Engs., killed In action July 2d, 1863; Brevet Col ,Col 140th N. v. Vote 1st Lieut. George W Snyder. Corps ol Bugs .died Nov 17th, 1861: Brevel Maj 1st Lieut J L Kill. v Smith. Corpsof Kng .died Oct 12th, 1862, of wounds, Brevet Col 1st Lieut John T. Cantwell, Corpsof Engs , died April 18th, Hi;:, Col. Wm. a Thornton, Ord Corps. Brevet Brig.- Gen. Li Col Franklin I). calender, did Corps, Brevet Brig Gen Capi. Daniel w Flagler, Ord. Corps, Brevel < ol Capl Wm 11 Harris. Ord Corp-, Brevet Col • apt David li Huei. Ord Corps, Brevel Col. Capi FranclsH, Parker, Ord Corps, Brevet Maj l-t Lieut John \ Kress, ( »rd < torp . Brei Lt Col '.'in, N v Vols. 1st Lieut Otto E Mlohaelte, Ord Corps, Brevet Cant. lsi Lieut Wm Prince, Ord Corps, Brevel Capt. 2d Lieut Isaac N M.nlav Ord Corps Military Storekeeper Jamea 9 Abeel, Ord Corps Military Storekeeper, Bphraim D. Ellsworth, Ord. Corp-. Military Storekeper, Henry A Brigham, Ord. i Jorpa Military Storekeeper, Thomas m Deane, Ord. < lorps. Military Storekeeper, Bandera Lansing, Jr., <»rd. Corps, removed Man h I-'..' Military Storekeeper, William Waiters, i >rd. Corps, died June S7th, 1864. Col. Allien .i Meyer, Chief signal Office! Brig Gen I.I N 1 OFFK i !;.-. Cavalry. ('apt Eugene M Baker, 1st Cav., Bra Capt. Edwin V Sumner, lat Cav., Brevel l.t Col , Maj. and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Vote., Col 1st N. V. Mounted Rifles. Maj. Llewellyn Jones, 1st Cav., Brevet Col , retired Nov. 1st, 1861 tain James Wheeler, l-t Cav., out of service May 20th, 1862. 1st Lieut. James B. Swain, l-i ( 'av , out ot Feb. 12th. 1864, Col nth N V \ ol 1st Lieut. Edward I' Bigelow, l-t Cat , retired Sept 10th, : Innis N Palmer. 2d Cav., Brevel Brig - i len., Brig.-I len. i ' s Vols Capt Georae A. tlon, 2d Cat Br< I LI -Col • 'apt George \.. Sokalak I Cm Col. and Capt. Benj. F. Davis. 1st Cav . Brevet Maj. killed A— t [nsi I - Vols iii action June 9th, 1863; Col Bth V. "X Vol I Sai Capt. John Mix, 2d Cav.. Lt.-Col. 8d N V.\ 1st Lieut Charles H Ogle, 1st Cav. (Dragonn9 ,outol IstLleut Edwards Spaulding,2d'Cav.,Bn R w. lis. 2d Maj. service April 23d, 1861, Maj 1st N V. Vol. Cav. 1st Lieut. Elijah 76 PART I. IN TUP] STATE. Cant. Jonas P. Holllday, 2d Cav , died April 5th. ■I 1st Vt , I'av. Y..I-. Capt. John Brockholsl Livingston, 2d Cav . wholly retired Auk 35th, 186S til Tnos.W Burton, 3d Car., out of service Nov. 6th, 1863. 1-: Lieut Prank Burnham, 2d Cav , out of service i. 1861 •;d Lieut Peter Rlnner, 2d Cav., out ol service Feh ISth, 1864 ■_M Lieut Charles Lewis, 2d Cav ,out of service June leman, 3d Cav., BreVet MaJ ■ len . Maj Geo. D S ■ irdon Granger, 3d Cav . Brevet Ma j. -Gen., MaJ -Gen I'.s Vols. Capt Alfred Glbbs, 3d Cav., Brevet MaJ. -Gen., Col I-' N. v.v.,1 Dragoons, Brig.-Gen. U.S.Vols. ini V. Dubois, 3d c.iv.. Brevet Lt.-Col., Lt.-Col and Add'l Aide de-Camp U. B. Vols Capt. w in. W Averell. 3d Cav., Brevet Ma j.-Gen., Brig.-Gen. C. S. Vols • tpl Edward 1'. Creasy. 3d Cav., Brevet Lt.-Col. 1st L1 Frederick Van Vliet, 3d Cav., Brevet Lt.-Col. i-i i.t Henry Carroll, 3d Cav. 1st Lt Frederick J. James od Cav., died Aug. 4th, 1864. n P. Hatch, tih Cav., Brevet Brig.-Gen., Brig Gen I" B. Vols Capt Nap B. McLaughlin, 4th Cav., Brevet Brig.- i. .I, . Col. Istai ' Vols. 1st Lt James CaBehan, 4th Cav., Brevet MaJ. 1st I.t. William Bayard, it h Cav., Brevet Mai. 2d Lt. Thomas Mealy, 4th Ca> . died April23d, 1883. Mai. Eugene A. Carr, .">th Cav., Brevet Maj.-Gen., Brig..Gen. U. 8. Vols. Capt. Samuel S. Sumner. Bth Cav., Brevet Maj., Capt and Aide-de-Camp U. 8. Vols*. Mai. Joseph M. Whittlesey, Bth Cav., retired Nov. BOth, 1863. 1st Lt. Harrison Fosdlck, Bth Cav., res. Oct. 10th, 1832. I-- Lt. Edward Murphy, 5th Cav., Brevet Maj., re- tired April 25th, 1865. Maj. Samuel ll. Starr, Bth Cav., Brevet Col., Col. Bth N. .1. Vols. Capt. George C. Cram, 6th Cav-, Brevet Maj, Capt. Tatnall Paulding, 6th Cav., Brevet Lt.-Col. 1st I.t. Joseph H.Wood, Bth Cav., Brevet Capt., Maj. lath N. Y. Vol Cav., and Lt.-Col. 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles l-i Lt. Thomas W. Simpson, Bth Cav. A rtilli /■//. Lt Col. Wm. F. Barrv, 1st Art., Brevet Maj.-Gen., B Ig.-Gen. Q.8. Yo-. U ij . t. unrs B Blcketts, 1st Art..Brevel Maj.-Gen., Brig Gen, U. 8. Vols Capt. Richard C Duryea, 1st Art., Brevet Col., Col. 7th N. Y. Vol. An. Capt. L' Mm lis L. Langdon, 1st Art., Brevet Col. Capt. Alanson M. Bandol, 1st Art., Brevet Col., Colonel2d N. Y. Vol. Cav. 1st Lt. Guy V. Henry. 1st Art., Brevet Col., Col. Iiuh Mass. Vols 1st Lt. John Bohnyier Crosby, 1st Art . Brevet Lt.-Col., Cant, and Aide-de (amp D. 8. Vols. : Egbert W. Oloott, 1st Art., Brevet Maj . Col. 121st N V. Vols 1st Lt. lid win L. Garwln, 1st Art., Brevet Capt. tin Egan, 1st Art , Brevet Maj. Capt Lewis o. Monis, 1st Art , killed in action June 4th, 1864; Col. 7th N\ Y Vol. Art. . Iward B Hill, 1st Art., died July 13th, 1862. l-i I.t Edmund Klrby, 1-t Art., died of wounds May :-'i.. 1863; Brig.-Gen I'. 8 Vols Col. Wm. w. Morris. 2d Arl . Brevel Maj. Gen. Maj. Edward Q Benkwlth, 2d Art . Brevel Brig Gen., Col and Add'l Alde-de-Camp I'. 8 Vols. Capt James Thompson, 2d Art.. Brevel I.t -Col imuel N Ben i imin,2d Art . Brevet LI I !ol Isl I.t Carll A. Woodruff, 2d \rt , Brevet Lt.-Col. 1st i.t. Robert M Cbapin, 2d Art . Brevet Maj. 1st I.t. Wm. Moirone. 2d Art , Capt. and Aide-de Camp I' S Vols. isi i.t John McGllvray, 2d Art . Brevet Capt. 1st i.i Henry 0. Dodge, 2d \n . Brevel Capt. Melville i: Loucks, 2d Art. Vlex 8. Molinard, ~'d Art , wholl) retired Oct. i ■ \ii.. it M Murraj , 2d Art., died Aug 12th, l -e.t. Mai Joseph \ Ma-kin. 3d \rt . Brevel Brig.- I I S Yols i Ren Livingston, 8d Art., Brevel Lt Ool. 1st I.t. Watson u ebb, 8d Art. It i.t Henry Melnelle, 3d Arl , Brevet Capt I i i.t W W Tompkins, 3d Arl l-i i.t. John i: Myrlck . 8d Art , Brevet MaJ. i i u Henry r Brownson, 8d Art., Brevel Maj., < apt. and Aasl Adi Gen. I . B. Vol W. C Bartlett . 3d Art , Brevet Lt-Ool , Capt ami Aide-de Camp i . s Vol , Lt -Ooi 2d Mounted lm Samuel F Mills, 8d Arl , retired Nov. 16th, Manning Livingston, 3d Art. , killed in ac tton •' Capt. " lermont L Beat, nh Art . Brevel CoL, Lt .- fJoL and A H lii , • ■ l ^- Capt. Frederick M. Follett, 4th Art., Brevet Lt.- Col. (apt ('has. II. Morgan, 4th Art., Brevet Brig.- Gen., Brig.-Gen. I" S. Vols. 1st Li. Henry C. Hasbrouck, 4th Art., Brevet Capt. 1st Lieut Rufus King, Jr.. 4th Art., Brevet Maj. 1st Lieut, (ha- I. lit zhugh . 4t h Art, Brevet Brig. Gen. , Col Bth N Y Vol. Cav. 1st Lieut. Henry B. Beecher, 4th Art., Brevet Lt.- Col. 1st Lieut. James Thompson, 4th Art., Brevet ( apt. 2d Lieut Frank Wilkeson, 4th Arl . Brevet Copt. Col ('has s Merchant, 4th Art., Brevet Brig.- Gen . retired Aug 1st, 1863. Maj Giles Porter, 4th Art , retired Sepl Bd, 1861 1st Lieut Aion/o ii. Gushing, 4th Art., Brevet Lt.-Col . killed in action July 3d, 1863 1st. Lieut. John 8, Hum, 4th Art., died May 29th, 1864 1st Lieut Bayard Wilkeson, 4th Art., killed In aetion July 1st . 1863 2d Lieut. Franklin It. Crosby, ith Art., killed in action May 3d, 1863. 2d Lieut Augustus C. Craven, 4th Art., died Mareh huh. 1863 Maj Francis N. Clarke, Bth Art.. Brevet Col. Capl Romeyn B Ay res, Bth Art., Brevet Maj.- Gen . Brig Men ( s \ ols Capt. Herbert A. Hascall, Bth Art. , Brevet Lt.- Col. Capt Edmund C. Balnbridge, 6th Art., Brevet Lt.- Col . MaJ and Alde-de-Camp TJ. 8. Vols. Capt. Francis L. Guenther, Bth Art., Brevet Ool. ('apt. Emory Djiton, Bth Art., Brevet Maj. Gen., Col. 121st N. Y. Yols , Brig Ren. 1 - Vols, 1st Lieut. MalboneF. Watson, ."uh Art , Brevet Maj. l-i Lieut. Henry 8. Qansevoort, Bth Art . Brevet Lt. Col . Col 18th N Y Vol, Cai 1st Lieut. Thos. i" MoElrath, Bth Art., Brevet MaJ Isl Lieut. Henry F. Brewerton, Bth Art , Brevet Capt. l.-t Lieut. Julian V. Weir. Bth An . Brevet ('apt I i i.iein Horatio B Ret d, Bth Art., Brevel Lt - Col . i ol 22d N S \ ol. ' ai Ul Elijah I.' ('rail. Bth Art . Brevet Maj., Capt and A — I Adj. Gen. B Vols 2d Lieut. James E. Wilson, 6th Art. , Brevel 1st i.i Capt Stephen H w I, 6th Art .killed in action July 2d, I8H3, Brig Gi n D - Vols. 1st Lieut Henry W, Kingsbury, Bth Art., died Sept 18th, 2d Lieut Benj. F.Nash, Bth Art. , resigned Bee. 13th, 1864. Infantry, c.ipt George \. Williams, Isl Inf., Brevel Lt.-Ool. iCol, Carlo A Walte, 1st inf., Brevel Brig.-Gen , Capt RobertH Offley, 1st Inf., Brevet MaJ retired Feb. 8th, i ni'., Brevel MaJ I Lt.-Col Gouverneur Monis, \»\ inf., retired Sept. Capt. Sheldon t Inf., Brevet Lt -Col., Bth. 1861 • New Orleans Vols 1st Lieut. Edgar M. Cullen, 1st tuf . res. April Dth, :■ i has u \ lele, I 96tfa N V. Vols. OFFICERS FROM STATE IX SERVICE OF UXITEI) STATES. 77 Mai John C. Robinson, 2d [nf.. Brevet Maj.-Gen., < ; ,,i ist Mich v,,|s., Brie -Gen l s \ Capt. James McMlllen, 2d [nf., Brevet Mai. Capl Joseph rt Conrad, 3d Itif , Brevel Col., Lt.- Col , and Add'l Alde-de Camp U. s. Vols. cap Franklin II Barroll, 2d lm Cap! James W. Lone, lm inf , Brevet Maj Capt Chas. M Freeman, 2d Inf , Brevel Maj, 2d Lieut Patrick H Flood, 2d Inf Mai. EdearS. Hawkins, 2d Inf., retired Oct :.'iitli, 1861. 2d Lieut. Win. Kldd, 2d Inf., killed in action Aug. 30th, 1883. Col Win Hoffman, 3d Inf., Brevet Maj. -Gen Lt.-Col. Fred'kSteele, 3d Inf., Brevel Maj -Gen . Maj -Gen. U. s Vols. Capt. Datngerfleld Parker, 3d Inf . , Brevet Maj. 1st Lieut. Louis M Hamilton, 8d Inf.. Brevet Capt. Col. Ben j L. B Bonneville, 3d Inf., Brevet Brig. - lien . retired Sept 1st, IStil. 2d Lieut. Geo. B. Butler, 3d Inf., res. Nov. 24th, I8K8 2d Lieut. Frederick Devoe,3d Inf . out of service Dec 12th, 1863. 2d Lieut. Stanley Mourton,3d I nf. , out nf Dec. 24th, 1864. Maj Henry M. Judali, 4th Int., Brevel Col , Brie Gen. fj. B. Vols. Capt. Aimer It Benedict , 4t h Inf.. Brevel Ma.i Capt. Alexander Carolln, 4th Inf., Brevel Maj. Cant Alexander B. Sheldon, 4th Inf., Brevel Ma.i 1st Lieut John Miller, 4th Inf . Brevel '"apt. lsi Lieut. George Atoheson, 4th Inf., Brevet Capt . 2d Lieut. Wlttlneham Cox, 4th [nf. Capt Samuel M Sprole, 4th inf. , resigned July llth. 1883. Col. Daniel Butterfleld, 5th Inf., Brevet Maj. Gen., Mai -Gen. IT s. Vols. Cant. Henry C. Bankbead, 5th I n t . Brevet Brie- Gen., Lt.-Col., and Asst. [nsp.-Gen. U. S. Vols. rapt. James s. Casey, 6th [nf , Brevet Maj. Capt Kdmond Butler, 5th Inf. 1st Lieut. Iluirh Johnson, 5th Inf. 1st Lieut. Boberl McDonald, 5th Inf. Capt Blisha «;. Marshall, 6th Inf , Brevet Brlg.- Gen . Col. 13th N. Y. Vols., and 14th \. Y. Vol. Art Capl Hamilton 8. Hawkins, nth Inf., Brevet Maj Capt. Rensselaer W. Foote, 6tb Inf., killed in ac- tion .Line 27th, 1862 Col. Electus Backus, 6th Inf . died June Tttt, 1862. Lt.-Col. Dan'IP. Whiting, 6th Inf., Brevel Col . retired Nov. 41 h, I8R3 Capt Geo. S. Holllster, 7th Inf , Brevel Lt Col. , Lt.-Col. 16th N T Y. Vol. Cav Capt, Samuel A Itussell, 7th Inf., Brevet Maj. 1st Lieut. James M San no, Tth Inf. 1st Lieut. Charles P. Miller, 7th Inf. 1st Lieut. George N Boniford, 7th Inf ., Brevet Maj., Lt. i ol. i-.'d N. Y. Vols Maj Joseph B. smith, 7th Inf., Brevet Brlg.- Geu., retired Sept. 26th, 1861 Capt. Matthew B, Stevenson, 7th Inf , died Jan 2d, 1868. Capt. Win. K. Pease. 7th Inf . Brevet Col., retired Ann. 28th, 1863, Col. 117th N V Vols. 1st Lieut. Edward M. Curtis, 7th [nf., res. July 20th, 1864. 1st Lieut. Win. s Worth, 8th Inf , Brevet Maj 1st Lieut. Henry B. Noble, Bth [nf. 2d Lieut Bishop Aldrich, 8th inf.. Brevel 1st Ll Col. Pitcatrn Morrison, 8th Inf., Brevet Brig.- Gen., retired Oct 20th, 1863 Maj David A Russell, 8th Inf , killed in action Sept 19th, isi',4; Brie -Gen I' S. Vols. 2d Lieut. Sidney W. Cooper, 8th Inf , reslened July 38th, IR64 Ll -Col. Frederick Townsend, 0th Inf., Brevet Brle-Geu., Col 8d N" Y Vols 1st Lieut. Edward D. Walte, Bth Inf. 1st Lieut. John H. Hardle, 9th Inf Lt -Col. Win. H. Sid. II, Kith Inf., Brevet Brig.- Gen. Capt James R. Reid, 10th Inf. 1st Lieut. Win Stanley, 10th Inf., Brevet Capt. 1st Lieut. John ('. While, 10th Inf., Brevel Capt 1st Lieut John Hunter, 10th Inf. Capt. Geo. w. Vanderbilt, 10th Inf , died Jan 1st. 1864 Capt. Unlacke C. Mackav. KUh Inf., res. April 9th. 18t>4. 1st Lieut. Heyward Cutting, mtli Inf., out of ser- vice Feb. 3d, 1866. Maj. Daniel Huston, Jr., llth Inf.. Brevet Lt -Col. Capt. Alexanders. Webh. llth Inf., Brevet Mai - Gen., Brig-Gen. IT. S. Vols. Capt. Chas K Farrand, llth Inf ''apt Quid i N Lleber, nth Infantt j Col . Maj and Judee-Advocate I 1st Lieut. John 11 Patterson, llth Inf Capl 1st Lieut Wm. Fletcher, liu. [nf . Brevel I apt lsi Lieut Wm n Cheseboro, iitii Inl . res April 26th, 1864; Lt.-Col. and Asst Adj -G< i Vols 1st Lieut Francis E Brownell, nth inf , retired Nov. 4th. [863 2d Lieut Ain.i/.iah J. Barber, llth Inf., died July 36th, 1863 Capt Matthew M. Blunt. 12th Inf . Brevel Col Capt. Henry R. Rathbone, 12th lut Brevel Col . M.I and Asst. Ad.j a I. mi I S Vols c.apt. chas <;. l t.irt hi i . 12th In! Brevet I ol., I.i Col 150th \ i Vols c.ipt CorneliusL. King, 12th Inf. Brevel I I (apt Henry C. Morgan, 12th [nf., Brevel Ll -Col. Capt. Henry E Smith, 12th Inl . Brevel Maj ''apt Sartelle Prentice, 12th [nf , Brevel Maj 1st Lieut. John A Duvillai.l. 12th Inf 1st Lieut. Wm M.c. Netbervllle, 12th D.r. Bre- vet < apt. l-i Lieut, Rlohard n Pond,12tli D.r , Lr. lsi Lieut. Georee Lamonlon, 12th lut let Lieut. Madison Earle, 12th [nl . Brevet Capt Maj Richard S. Smith, 12th lut , res. May 30th, 1883. c.apt Martin Maver, 12th Inf , oul of service June 16th, 1863 Capt II. S Lansing, 12th Inf., res. July I7th, 1863, el nth N V. Vols Capt S Van Rensselaer, l-'lli Inf . res S.-pi 9th, 1863 i Capt. Chas. R Coster. 12th hit . res. Dec 81st, 1863; Col 184th N S Vols. ('apt. Joel ll. Rathbone, 12th [nf . res. Dee 24th, 18«4. capt. Frederick Wlnthrop, 12th Inf . killed In ac- tion April 1st, 1865, Col BthN V Vel Vols 1st i.i. m. John <; Heckscber, 12th [nf . res Aug. llth, 1862 1st Lieut Frederick A. Tracev, 12th Inf . June 3d. 1863 1st Lieut. W. W. Patterson, |2lh Inf.. res Mav ' 7th, 1864 2d Lieut chas F Van Duzer, 12th Inf., killed in action June 27th. 1862. Col. Isaac V I' Reeve, 18th [nf., Brevet Brig Hen Maj Hiram Dryer, LStfa inf . Brevel Li Col capt. Robert Nueent. 18th Inf., Brevel Lt «'.d . Col 69th X V. Vols. c.api Wm ll DeForresI ,13th inf . rea Jan 14th, 1862. Capt, Justus a Boies, I8tb [nf , died June 28th. 1868. Capt Courl Van Rensselaer, 18th Inf , died Tth, 1861 1st Lieut. Moses C. Green, 13th Inf , rei 20th, 1864. Capt John J. Copplnger, llth Inf . Brevet Ll - L'ol., Col. 15th N 1 Vol «'a\ Capt. Win. II. Lawrence, llth Inf , Brevet Lt.- Col capt. Philip Schuyler, Jr . 14th Inf Brevi Capt Alfred Foote, llth Inf . Brevet Ma.i Capt John II Walker, llth [nf . Brevet Maj. Ist Lieut. John 8. Wharton, ltth Inf , I Capt Ist Lieut James It. Sinclair, llth Inf , Brevet Col. 1st Lieut Augustus ll Balnbridge, 14th Inl . Bre vel I 'apt 1st Lieut. George K Vernon, 14th inf , Brevel Capt i-t Lieut George L Browning, nth inf. capt Richard P ll Durkee, nth Inf . res Juh llth. i capt Drake DeKay, 14th Inf ., res. Jan 18th, 1866 l-t Lieut. Warren W Chamberlain, nth Inf., killed in action Aus 30th 1st Lieut, 'has T Dix, llth Inf. r.-s Feb. 7th, [868 1st Lieut Daniel M. Broadhead, 14th Inl , died June Mill. 1864 1st Lieut. Wm. O Douglass, nth Inf . Brevet Capt . retired Dec 31sl . I8< I 2d Lieut chas Q Bmedberg, 14th Inf., died June l-t. I-t; SdLieul Thos K Collins, llth Inf , killed in ac- tion May. .ih. 1864 Col. Oliver L. Shepherd, 15th Inf . Brevet Brijr - Gen. Capt I'eterT Swaine, lath Inf , Brevet Lt.-Col., C..I 88th <»hio Vols. ra PART J. IN THE STATE. Cap! Henry Keteltaa, 15th inf . Brevet Ll -Col. Capl Jauies Blddle, 15th Inf., Brevet Lt.-Col., Uol 6th Indiana Cav Vols Capl Joseph > York. Ifitb l ni' . Brevet Maj. Capl I. vmii- Catlln, IStfa Inf . Brevet Maj., Lt.- Col and \>-t Insp Gen U B Vols Capl Frederick T. Ogilby, 15th lm .. Brevel Maj ni'. L5th Inf • Brevei Maj. 1st Lieut. I'l Lore Kendall, 16th Inf. Col. I'U/ J. ih n Porter, 15th Inf., out of Bervlce Jan. la i -Gen. I" S. Yols. Capt. David Ireland, 15th Inf.. died Sept. 10th, • .i i rrtb n. v. vols. Capt. i C Patereon, 15th Inf., res. Am;, nth. ISM. Capl Prince B. Btetaon, 15th Inf., res. Dec. 21st, Capl win B. McManus, 15th Inf., res. March 13th, Maj. Thomas W. Sweeny, liitli Inf., Brig.-Gen. Missouri Vols., Col. 52d Illinois Vols., Brig. Gen. i 3. Vols. Capl Samuel B Lawrence, 16th Inf.. Brevet Maj.. Li Col and \--t. Adj. -Gen. C. 8. Vols. Capl Edward flaight, 16th Inf , Brevet Lt.-Col. Capl BdgarU. Kellogg, 16th Inf., Brevet Maj. 1st Lieut SamuelE St Onge, ltftb Inf., Brevet Maj. 1st Lieut. Walter Clifford, 16th Inf. I apt. Pianola L. Vinton, 16th inf., res. May 5th, i i ..i cm N. V. Vols., Brig.-Gen. D S. Vols. Capt. Robert P. 1861 irry, 16th Inf., res. Sent. 3Uth, Capt Patrick Kelly, Hitli Inf., killed In action June 16th, 1864; Col. B8th N. Y. Vols. Capt. James Kelly, 16th Inf., Brevet Lt.-Col., out of service June &tb, 1861, Lt.-Col. 69th N.Y.Vols. 1st Lieut Edward L Mitchell, 16th Inf., killed in action April 7th, 1862, Brevel Capt , 1st Lieut. W. W.Ann. Id. 16th Inf., res. Dec. 23d, 1862 1st Lieut Homer II. Clark, 16th Tnf.,died Oct. 81st, 1868. Lt Col. Abner Doubled ay, 17th Inf., Hrevet Maj - Gen . Maj. -Gen C S. Vols Maj P w. L. Plympton, 17th Inf., Brevet Lt.-CoI. Capt. Henry A. Ellis, 17th Inf.. Hrevet Lt.-Col. Capt. Nathaniel Prime, 17th Inf., Brevet Lt.-Col. Capt Clarence II. Corning, 17th Inf . Lt.-Col. nth N. Y Vol Art Capt Henry A Bwartwout, 17th Inf., Brevet Maj. Capl Win .1 Tempi. \ 17th Inf., killed inaction Hay 1st, 1863 Mai James Van \'..ast. lsth Inf. Ma] Wm. ll. Lewis. 18th lul . Brevet Lt.-Col. Capt. Henry Douglass, 16th Inf.. Brevet Maj. Capt Alex Chambers, lsth Inf.. Brevet Lt.-Col.. Col loth Iowa Vols., Briii.-Gen l - Vo Capt. Robert 15. Hull. 18th Inf.. Brevel Lt -Col. Capl Richard L. Morris, Jr., 18th Inf., Brevel Maj. 1st Lieut. Frederick H. Brown, 18th Inf, Brevet Capl. 1st Lieut. Henry (!. Litehlhld, lsth Inf., Brevet Lt.-Col. 1st Lieut. Wilbur P. Arnold, lsth Inf., Hrevet Capt. l-i Lieut W. w. Steven.-.. n, 18th Inf., died Feb. 27th, 1862 1st Lieut. Herman G. Radcllff, 18th Inf .died March 22d, 1863 1st Lieut. Charles L. Truman, 18th Inf., killed in action Sept 20th, 1863 1st Lieut. Robert Sutherland, 18th Inf.. res. Jan. 31st, 1864 1st Lieut James S. Ostrander, 18th Inf., res Sept. 30th, 1864. Lt.-Col. De Laucey Floyd Jones, l'.'th Inf., Brevet Col Capt. James Moonev. P.ith Inf. Capt. Francis E Mcllvaine, l'.'th Inf.. Brevet Lt - Col. Capt w w Gilbert, 19th Inf. isi Lieut Ezra P Ewers, 10th Inf., Brevet Capt Maj George l. Wlllard, l'.uh Inf., killed in action July 2d, 1863, CoL 125th N. V Vols Capl riiaddeus p., 19th Inf , res. Jan . 80th, I8H8, Capt. 8d X. V Vol. Battery, Cot. I4thN. V. Vol. Cav. Capt Werner Boeeklin, 10th Inf., res. July 7th, 1864 Capt. Byron G. Daniels, 19th Inr., res Sept 13th, 1864 1st Lieut Harrison Millard, Wtli Inf., res Nov. 7th. 1863. LM Lieut. Win. II. Wheeler, l'.uh Inf. res. May 11th, lbt53. (il IH KRS NOT OF THIS STATE, WHO SKRVFD IN NEW YORK YOLl'NTKERS. Maj John I* .Sherburne, Asst . Adj. - Whiting. Win B . on the re- served list Williamson, James C. Wise, Henry A. Woodbull, Maxwell, accidentally killed F.-o. |otl Woodworth, Selinus E Woolsej , Helanoton It . on the reserved list, Bacon, George. Beardalee, Lester A. Benhara, a. B, k. Chandler. Ralph. Cooke, Augustus P. Cusblng, Wm is Erben, llenrv. Fleming. Chns. E. Gamble, w. m. Hart, John E., died June 11th. 1863. Hatfield, Chester. Haxtun, Milton. LIEUTEN ANT-CO M MA NTDKUs. Henry , Edmund W . iio,,ki n s. Alfred Howell, John Adams Lure, Stephen B. McDermott, David A . I April 18th, 1868. May. Robert I. Morris, ( leorpe r. .Newman, L, Howard. Norton, Chas S. Paulding, Leonard. Phytblan, Robert L. Quackenhush, John N. Quaokenbusb, S P. Queen, Walter W Reed, Allen V. Roe, i ranola A Seely, Henry B. Slcard, Montgomery. Stanton . Oscar F. Todd, Henrj D West, William C. Wilson, Henrv. rates Arthur R. foung, Geo. w. Adams, La Rue P. Batcheller, Oliver A. Brown, Francis S. Hrownell. Thomas, on the re- served list. Casey, Silas, Jr. Haswell, Gouverneur K. Hawlev, (-has E. , on the retired list. ' Kane. Theodore F. McCarthy, Stephen A. LIEUTENANTS. MoDonoush, Charles H , on ret ireu list . McKay, ('has F. Mackenzie, Alex, s Mabati, Ufred T. MarC] . Samuel, died Jan. In..' Merrlman, Fdgar C. Perry, Mattben C . on tin tire. I list. Phenix, Lloyd. Phillips. J. din W. Porter, Item II., killed Jan. 16th, 1866. ltiell, Robert B.. on Hie retired list. Samps, ,n. Wm. T. Soboonmaker, C H Shepard . Edwin M smith. Beatty P Tallman, Henrj C. Wlltse, Gilbert B. Bradv, Wm. N list. Mallaby, Francis, on the reserved list. J MASTBB8. the reserved J Moores, Frederick w . on the I Morris, Charles V. reserved list. served list. Brown, Allan I>. Clark, John It Cooper, Philip H. Crownlngshield, Arent S. Dana. Wm S Harris. Ira, Jr. Baskin, ben i , 7th, 1864 Ludlow. Nlcoll Maclav, Wm. W. dropped July Morris, Francis. Rath bone, Clarence Bigsbee, ('has. D. Van Vleek. Win A. Wheeler, Wm K MIDSHIPMEN. Brownson, Willard H. Crate, Joseph E. De Long, Geo. W Hitchcock, Roswell Hooker, Richard C. Kennedy, Chas. u Lone. Ben |amln E. N'eueil. John s Nichols. Henry E. Parker, Francis H. Perry, Thomas. Rowe, Edward V. White. Henrj I Wilson, Thos P. PART I. IN THE STATE. -l RG EONS. Banking t. I .il w .11 'I. Codwise Geo. W., on the retired Kellogg, S. wllso li-t | Tii.-lar. Benj. R , died Nov 83d, Wbodworth, Robert. Ranking with Commanders May., Henry O. Bloodgood, Delavan. Oorwln, Job. Martin, Charles. Banking with Lit »/< nant-Commandi rs. Peck, <■•■' >rge Vedder, Alex M., resigned Deo. 39th, 1864 Vreeland, Benjamin. Adams, Newton H. Allingbam, James J. k, Heman P Newton L _• irten, '•■ il. 1 Beardsley, Grove S. i i.l B, Brush, George R. PASSED ASSISTANT BUEGEONS. Banking with l-« utenants. Burlingham, II. I>, ,. Chaa B. Hudson, Adrian. Hutchins, Alexander, resigned June 24th, L868. Lyman, W. C. Murphy. John D. Pitkin, Henry S. Plant. Wm.T. Shaw, Samuel P. si. ioum , Geo D Stein, Edward M. Tinkham, Jas. H. Woods, (ieo. \v. Zenzen, Louis. Hurt. John Otis, res. Nov. llth, Carter.Charles, res. Feb Chamers, Matthew . ree tag 8d, tephen, .1 Covell, Chaa. H , died Aug. Ith, Culver. Joslafa M. . , ,.,.,,.. i i) on the retired Hal Gunning, Josiah n Holden, Edgar, tee. 1 1 ISM. ASSISTANT SUBGEONS. Banking with Mastt rs. Howell, Win., died July 86th, 1868 Hull, Watson C, res. July 13th, Leavitt, ffm. V7., res. July Sid, 1864. Lewis, Frederick B. A. Little, Jeremiah K, res. June 80th, i-'i Maun. Win It smith. Beber, res March 1st, 1865 Terrj . Wm. F res. Oot. 19th, Trvon. James R. Tuthill, Samuel R, res. Jin;e 88th, 1864. Van Wyck, Edward H.. on the retired list. Walton. Thos. C. Wheeler, Wm. Lamont, res. May '.'tli. 1864. Whitney. Thomas II.. res. Nov. 5th, 1863. p \ J MASTEE8. ing with Captains. Btoecker, J. Van B., died Nov Bth, 1864. Cahoone.BenJ. J., on the retired llsl Banking with Commanders. ip Alf ,,„ 1A . W.Brenton. I Slamm.LevlD..dledOcl 8tb,1868. Hurt i raroer, on the retired list. Foster, Edward. Clarke Ambro i J Hoi James. Jr ion, Henry M. Irving w ashlngton Eldredge, Cha* II Banking with Lieutenant-Commander. I Hasten, Thos. C. Parks, Rufus. Btewart, Edwin. \ \ i P \ S MASTERS. ,,-/ with Mast* rs. Barton, Geo. D.l 5 " lm - u '" '■■ Luthi i G Blunt, wm tHnoiair. Hall, Geo Hurt.-. krtburJ. i- •■• i .,.d An- Martin G Strong, Henry a , resigned Feh 1865 died Sepl 8d, , Tolfree, James E OFFICEES FKOM STATE IN SERVICE OF UNITED STATES. 81 < II \ i'l.\l Bf8. Ranking >riih Commanders. Flak, Photlus, on the retired list. Taylor, Pitch W. Isherwood, BenJ. F. CHIEF ENGINEERS. Ranking with Captains. Wood, Wm W. w DeLuce, Edmund S. Long, Robert II , resigned Oct. 31st, 18G3. Ranking with Commanders. Stimers, Alban C. I Zeller, Tl lore Albert, John S. Hunt, Win. II. Jones, Thomas J. Ranking with Lu utenant-Commandt n Kellogg, Mortimer. Long, .)<>h n II. Moore, John W. Kobie, Edward D. FIRST ASST. ENGINEERS. Albert, Sidney. Hampton, Hen.j. C. Oronin, Francis. Emmons, Geo. D. Fraser, Alex. V., Jr. Greene, Albert S. Greene, David M. Hawkins, John F. Hull, J. Cox. Hunt, Geo. P. Ranking with Mdst< rs. Hunt. John II. Kid, Charlton B. Lee, Caleb E. Llndsley, Cleland. Mr. Nary. Isaar K. Mara, Philip L., out of service Nov. 2d, 1861 Maraland, Ed., resigned June 4th, 1864. Mellville, Ceo. \Y. Mullen, An. T. E. Newton, Isaac, resigned Feb. Btb, 1865, ill-en. Edmund. Ken-haw, .lames. Kobie, 11. -nry w. Sheridan , James Sprague, James P. van Buren, John D. Wikion, Fletcher A. SECOND ASST. ENGINI.I K-. Allen, Tlieodore. Ames, .lohn H. Hall, ('has II. Bingham, John F. Blythe. Andrew. Brosnahan, John G. lirower, Alfred S. Brown, Fred. E., died Dec. 12th, 1864. Brown, Jefferson. Buckhout, Nathan W. Buel, Richard H. Bulk-lev. Henry W. Hull, Fred., Jr., died Aug. 9th, 136:). Btince, Hen.j. Bur nap. Geo. J. Campbell, Albert May 5th, ISC.:'.. Chenev. Edward. Colin, Alfred. Cooney, Chas. J. Cooper, .las. G. Cooper, Theodore. Cross, John C. Delius, Herman A, Ellis, Robert N. B., resigned Ranking with Ensigns. Ely, Theodore R., died Sept. 2:sd. 1861. Emery, chas. E. Gardner. John \V. Green, Joseph Story. ( Ireene, < leorge M . Greeuleaf, (has. H. Griffin. Thos. J. resigned April 6th, 1868. Harris, .las. M., died Oct. 6th, 1864 Harsen, Elisha, died Aug 5th , 1864. Ileatoii, Wm. \V. Hollihan, Jhs. W. Jackson. Albert. Koehl, Edward W. Leonard, Henry S. , died Aug. 5th, 1864. McNamara, Jas. B., died July 28d, 1864 Magee, Edward A. Magee, Geo w. Mather, Mason W. Maurice, c. Btewart. Montgomery, Win. J. Monroe, Wm. ('. Morley, Albert w. N, -ill, . In I, II E. Nloholl, Wm L Pemberton, John. Perry, James II Phillips, Henry w. Price, Arthur. Rae. Thos. W. Reld, w m I. Roelker, < has R. Ross, H Schuyler. Ross, Nelson Bafford, Levi T. si,\ sns, John • '. Stivers, Ceo w. Sin herlanil , Moshl r \ . Sidney, Joseph W , died Oct. 31st, 1864, Thorn. Ceo. W. , resigned Nov. 5th, 18 Vanderbllt, Wm W Van Hovenburg, John. Van Tin.-. Charles M. Webb, Robert L. Wler, Kobert H. w l, BenJ. F. Wylie, James. Bernard, Lemuel. Crolius, Sebastian, Jr , resigned Aug. 13th. 1862. Crummy. Thomas. Curtis, Edward, resigned Feb. 11th, 1863. 11 Til MM' i.88T. lnci seeks. Ranking with HUdshipi ' Dabjgren, Chas. B. resigned ; Egbert, Daniel B , resigned Jan. Dec 15th, 1 I 24th, 1865. I Dlnsmore, Jay, resigned May Fitch, Thomas W 88th, 1864. Doi.hs. Frederick, died April 89th, 1 Hablrsbaw, Wm. M . appoin ment rev.k.d Feb. 5th, 1862. Maraland, (has F. 82 PART I. IN THE STATE. Merian. Henry W , Btb, 1883 Mitchell, Augustus, Btb, U Kosher, < Ihas R Nagle, Augusta- F Nagle, i Olmsted, L L , resigned Sept, Slossen, Henry L :.M 1862 Btell, John, resigned Sept 18th, Pike, Itoaz E . resinned April 1808 6th, 1884 Sweet, Geo F., died Jau. 15th, Powers, W A 1866 Sawyer, Geo. F. Warner, Chas K Bartletl , John K Brairdon, Cbas. A. hi . Jasper. Dlxoo, Robert Gallagher, Lawrence, died Dec. 3d, H61. Green, William. BOATSWA1 tfS. Hall, Michael, died Aug. 22d. 1864. Johnston, Charles. Long, William. McDonald, Robert, out of ser- vice April lBth, 1865. McLoud, Francis. Mill.-r. Charles Pomeroy. Armistead M. Selmer, John a Winchester, Wm.,outof service Oct. 17th , 1863. Allen. Geo W Ballard, Jonathan M Clapham, John, died Aug. 15th, IBM Cooper, James M., retired. Davis, John, died Nov. 17th, 1883 DeRevoiae, Chas., resigned Nov. 15th, 1862. GUNNERS. Dunsmore. Daniel. Duycker, Bernard, died June 21st, 1861 Foster, John (i . Fotise, George. Grainger, John R. Hardison, Win., out of service June 28th, 1864 McDonald, Edwin A. Myrtck, John, died Sept. 17th, 1882, Ritter, John C. Rodgers, John. Thompson, Augustus F Waugb, Edward J. Vales. Wm , out of service Sept. .mh. 1882 Babbitt, Chas W. (e,ii. Francis M., died April 18th, 1884 Chick, Amos Cox, Joseph, retired. Dibble, Jonas. CARPENTERS. Ranking iritfi Qunm rs. Hyde, Wm., died Match 5th, 1866. Kinnear, James, res. Oct. 13th, 1861 Shannon, John, res. July 27th, 1863. Thomas, Joseph G. Went worth, Leonard out vice Scot. ifOth, 1864. Wilson, Theodore 1). Blrdsall, John A. Boer urn , « leo. <'. Brayton Daniel C. Brayton, W. B L , died April 82d, 1804 Cbavalier, John C, res. April 6th, 1864. SAILMAKEB8. "Ranking with Ounm rs. Gallagher, Jas. G., died March I Rogers. William sth. 1865. Herbert, Theodore C. Hunter, Robert. Lozier, Geo. T. Rosen, Lewis, died Sept. 17th, Ryan, William, retired. Seaman, Stephen. Stephens, Jacob. Van Voorhis, R , retired. Wrlghtman. Geo. A . res Oct. 3d, 1861 Officers of the Mabine Corps. general staff. Nicholson, Augustus 8., Adjutant and Inspector, rank of Major « OLON I l 8. Shuttlewortb, William L. MITTEN A NT-( OLONELS. Reynolds, John George, on the retire,; list. Broome, John L. MAJORS. Doughty, Isaac'!'., on the retired list 0APTAIN8. rt, a. \ , on the retired I Heywood, Charles I Ilk John II I Reynolds u Bd ward MoD,, out of service Dec. 7th, 1884 FIRST l.l l.i TEN \ NTS. Daniels, Chas. H I McBlratb, Thomas L French. Lyman i' MoKean, Wm It. Kldd, I Dec 89th, Peet, Fred T, . Jr. Squires, Wm J Ward, A W'liitteinore, on the retire, I list Welles, Geo M COST OF THE WAR TO THE STATE. IX MONEY. 83 Burning. Edward P Qabaudan, Edward C Harris, Lloyd G. Humphrey, Charles I 1864. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Morgan. John C. Morris, Gouverneur. Kathbone, J. Howard, res. Jan. ieth, isoa. Reber, John M.. out of service June 20th. 1868. Robinson, Erastus R. COST ()F THE WAR TO THE STATE. In Money. The Legislature of the State passed in L865, an act requiring supervisors, county treasurers and certain city officials, to report to the chief of the Bureau of Military Records the amount of money expended by them officially f'M- ever] purpose connected with the war. In his last report, made in 1868, the chid' of this hureau reported having received statements from forty-seven counties to Dec. 31, 1865; from twelve counties to Dec. 31, 1864; from live cities to Dec. 31, 1864; from seven hundred and seventy-one towns to Dec. 31, 1865; from one hundred and thirty-two towns to Dec. 31, 1864; uone at all from one county and twenty-five towns. With the transfer of the bureau to the Adjutant-General's Department, the collection of the wanting reports ceased. According to the statements received, the amounts paid for bounties, (rr^ and expenses, interest on loans, and for the suppori of the families of soldiers were : :, mi, n: :,(! 3,694.666 87 In the forty-seven counties, which rendered full reports. $."is,5-j:;,."i0!l (il In the twelve counties, which rendered incomplete re ]»>rts In the live cities, which rendered incomplete reports. . . . In the seven hundred and seventy one towns, which reu dered full reports In the on.- hundred and thirty-two towns, which reu dered incomplete reports 82,265,128 95 •1,1 12,991 tin 898,229 09 ,880.997 20 Estimates based on the reports received, where no com- plete, or no reports al all were made, would give ad- ditional amounts: For the twelve counties, which rendered incomplete re- ports, for 1865 |1, 851, 111 84 For the live cities, which rendered incomplete reports, forl8G5 For the one hundred and thirty-two towns, which ren- dered incomplete reports, for 1865 For the one county, which rend. 'red no report at all, for the whole period For the twenty-live towns, which rendered no reports at all, for the whole period Voluntary it rihutions and subscriptions OH the part of the people were reported in live hundred ami thirty- five towns to have amounted to Add to this estimated amount, for the remaining town-. . The State paid and expended: In organizing, subsisting, equipping, uniforming and transporting Volunteers, $5,101,878.79; of which the Genera] Government has reimbursed the State over S4.00O.00O, and more may yet he obtained; but it is estimated that owing to lack of proper evidence of legal expenditure, or incomplete vouchers, unless the ex- isting laws he modified, do allowance will be made by the I". S. Treasury officials for at least $105,o:«»,t-i:: 88 1,148,7'.'; -7 1. up;, -j io 00 $1,757,184 17 1,290.788 85 6,825,889 00 3,047,!»?:i 02 $900,000 00 m PART I. IX TIIK STATE. August ■">. L861, Congress placed a direct tax of $20,000,- ; • « > i » tin- Stat.--; tin- aiuoiuit allotted t" New Ebrk was |2,603,918.32; the State assumed this tax, and. receiving a rebate <>i 15 per cent, paid $2,213,332 86 Bounties bave been paid by the St.-it.-, under the procla- mation "i Governor Morgan, ami chapter 184, Laws of $9,182,000; under chapter 29, Laws of 1st;.-), as reported by Paymaster-General Selden E. Marvin. 19,243.96 totalof 84,981,248 '■»> $38,044,576 82 Grandtotal $152,448,632 11 The amount credited bo the five cities does not include voluntary contribu- tions and subscriptions; and covers almost exclusively expenses for bounties only. No allowance h made for interest on loans subsequent to 1S65. Assist- ance to families of soldiers did not. cease with that year. Nor are disburse- ments for the Militia in July, 1863, and at other times, made necessary by the war. included. Thousands of dollars were contributed by the people in the shape of provisions, clothing, hospital and sanitary supplies. While there is scarcely a doubt but that the cosl of t hi' war in act ual out lay of money to the State and its people was two hundred millions, the sum of one hundred and sixty millions only is here claimed as being susceptible of easy proof. In Lives. Of those who from this State served their country in the armies and navies of the United States during the war, computed to have been four hundred thousand individuals, there died while in service fifty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-three. Suppose that there were in the service from this State, without making any allowance for deaths, discharges before expiration of service, and desertions, for the first year to April. 1862, 150,000; in the second year to April. L863, 250,000; in the third year to April* 1864, 250,000; in the fourth year to April, !00,000 men; and that their average age was twenty-five year-; this number >f men would have lost in time of peace, according to the mortuary tables of life insurance companies, but 7,000 by death; the excess is to the State the C08t of the war in lives. And yet tin- do,- not cover the deaths of men discharged from the Volun- teers and the short-termed Militia and National Guard, due to causes con- tracted while in service, and which occurred before the close of the war. Nor does it ever the death- of persons not in the service, directly due to casualties occurring in the same, of in exertions made in assisting tin- I'nion in one way or another. Before proceeding further with the consideration of this subject, attention is called to the table- of death losses following hereafter, wherein the loss of each organizal ion is gives in detail. The losses of the State Militia, National Guard and Volunteers are based on the figures of the War Department; where they differ, it is owing to state- ments found iii the records of the rganizations, which authorize increased numbers; for instance, men whose final record reads "missing since * *," " -ecu to fall on the held " or '• known to have been badly wounded." can well be reported dead. The War Department, however, reports onlj those in its COST OF THE WAR TO THE STATE. IN LIVES. death lists, of whose death evidence has been received in the shape of final statements from commanding otlieers, and from -urgeons in charge of hospi- tals; or win) appear on the registers or death records of prisons, northern and southern hospitals, burial records of cemeteries; or whose death hae been sat- isfactorily demonstrated before the Bureau of Pensions or the accounting offi- cers of the United States Treasury. As far as deaths within the Union lines are concerned the figures of the War Departmenl are almost conclusive, but they are acknowledged to be incomplete as to deaths among prisoners of war. The losses claimed of the Regular Army, United States Volunteers, United States Veteran Volunteers, United States Colored Troops, United States Vet- eran Reserve Corps, and of the Navy and Marine Corps, are proportions of the total loss of the same, based upon the number of men computed as having Berved therein as of this State. The column in the table of deaths "of other known causes" includes all deaths resulting from quarrels, riots and the like, which are not definitely reported as murder; from being shot for insubordination, or by provost guards or sentinels in attempting to escaj r pass the lines; from exhaustion or ex- posure; killed while depredating upon the property of citizens; and all other causes not embraced in the preceding columns. War Department Statement of Loss by I tenth. The Adjutant-General of the U. S. Army, under date of June 1, 1885, pub- lished a •' Statistieal Exhibit of Deaths m the United States Army during the Late War," prepared by Mr. J. W. Kirkley of his office. (See appendix.) This, as its title indicates, does not include the losses of the Navy and the Marine Corps; and according to it there died while in the armies of the United States: Killed in action, 4,142 officers, 62,916 enlisted men, aggregate 67,< wounds received in action, 2,223 officers, 40,789 enlisted men, ag§ 43,012; of disease and other causes, 3,319 officers, 846,239 enlisted men, gate 249,458; total, 9,584 officers, 349,944 enlisted men. aggregate 359,528; of whom are reported as having died in the hands of the enemj 219 officers, 29,279 enlisted men, aggregate 29,498. Mr. Kirkliy in making his report to the Adjutant-General states: " With the deaths occurring among prisoners of war the result is noi so satisfactory. Unfortunately, the records of aouthern prisons in possession of the Departmenl are rery incomplete. In fact, the death registers of sonic of the principal places of confinement for Union soldiers have not been secured. Notably among these are Americus, Atlanta and Augusta, Ga.; Camps Ford and Tyler, Tex.; ('amps Oglethorpe and Macon, Ga.; Charleston, S. C; Lynchburg, Va.; Marietta, Ga.; Mobile and Montgomery, Ala.; Savannah, Ga., and Shreveport, La. Besides these, only partial records were obtained from the Eollowing-named important prisons: Catawba, Ala.; Camp Asylum, Colum- bia and Florence, S. 0.; Milieu, Ga., and Salisbury, N. C. It is true that evi- dence of deatii was ,.ftmi communicated to the proper military authorities by surviving comrades, and the report of burials in National cemeteries, or " Boll of Honor," supplies a large number; but these sources of information, together with the Confederate records obtained by the Government, haw proved de- ficient. PART I. IX THE STATE. i the incompleteness of the interment record, a report prepared in the office ol the Quartermaster-General, in ist>'.i Bays: " It. is well known that at man] places, ae for instance, at Salisbury, X. C, and at Florence, S. C, etc., the bodies were bnried in trenches, often two, three, sometimes even four deep, so thai the accurate number of bodies interred al these places cannot be determined." These facts warrant the belief thai the actual number of Union soldiers who died in Confederate hands exceeds the number shown by the table. And there Is no donbt about it: the number mentioned is 20,498; and there are buried at Andersonville, Ga., L3.714; at Salisbury, N. C, 12,126, and at Flor- ence, s. c. 2,998, making a total al these three places alone of 28,83b. Al- though men are buried in these cemeteries, whose remains were gathered from the surrounding country to a distance of many miles, still these figures show thai the number officially reported is below the actual fact. Could the records be perfected, the number of those who died in the hands of the enemy would be at least 45,000. Some authorities place the number as high as 71,000. Since the completion of the statement referred to, May 22d, 1865, to Oct. l!)th. lxs'.i. the War Department has added to its death rolls 710 men, almost all of whom died in the hands of the enemy; this addition has not been credited to States and can therefore not be taken into consideration here. Those who served in the war will readily recall names of comrades known to have been captured, of whom nothing has since been heard. There were also men in the service, who had no homes or near friends; who served under assumed names; or whose friends forgot the organization in which they Berved; in cases of this sort no inquiries for their record are or can be made, ami if they were captured and died, or killed in battle and reported missing, there is no one to see, or no one can see, to the discovery of their fate. Men are also known to have died at home, and as (in many cases) no evidence of this was senl to their regiments, they were finally dropped or reported deserted. There were over 2,000 (2,047) regiments in the U. S. service. Allowing 71 officers, 6,613 enlisted men. aggregate 6,984; died of disease and other causes, 381 officers, 27,062 enlisted men. aggregate 27,449; total, L, 530 officers, 45,004 enlisted men, aggregate 46,534; of whom there are reported as having died in the hands of the enemy 40 officers and 5,506 enlisted nun. aggregate 5,546. \ c parative Btatemenl of the number of enlistment- and of deaths in the army, issued by the Adjutant-General of the U. 8. army July 15th, 1 885, shows thai the above lose occurred among the members of the Militia, National Guard and Volunteers of the State, no credit being given Cor losses among those who served as of this State in other branches of the arm v. In this state- men! (see Appendix) there are deducted from the total enlistments furnished to the Genera] Governmenl (2,865,028) those who commuted their service. COST OF THE WAR TO THE STATE. IN LIVES. B7 who served in the Navy and Marine Corps, in the Colored troope and those credited to the Indian Nations, Leaving as due to the States 8,494,592 enlist- ments. New York is credited with 409,561 enlistments. The total loss of the troops credited to the States is reported as 312,821; that credited to New 5Tork has already been stated. Based on the statements of loss, issued by the Adjutant-General U. 8. army, as above, percentages show the following results: The total number of deaths in the U. B. Armies (869,538) is to the total number of enlist. ins (2,778,804) in the same, men who commuted their service not included, as l to 7.797 or 12.94 per cent. The total number of deaths credited to New York (46,584) is to the total number of en- listinents (-1 Js,s.")0) credited to the State, men who commuted their service nut included, us 1 to 9.652 or 10.30 per cent. The total number of deaths credited to the States (312.S21 ) is to the total number >>f en listments (2,494,592) credited to the States, War Department Statement of July i."ith. 1^".. as 1 to 7.974 or 12.54 per cent. The total number of deaths credited to New York (46,584) is to the total number of en- listments (409,561) credited to the State. War Department Statement of July 15th, 1885, as 1 to 8.802 or 11.86 per cent. The total number of deaths credited to New York (46,534) is to the total number of deaths (859,598) occurred in the U. S. Army, statement of June 1st, 1885, as i to 7.727 or 12.94 per cent. The total number of deaths credited to New York (46,584) is to the total number of deaths (312,821) credited to the States. Statement of July 15th, 1885, as 1 to 6 724 or 14.87 per cent. The number of enlistments credited to New York (4 18,850) is to the total number of en- listments (2,778,804) furnished the General Government, men who commoted nol included, as i to 6.190 or 16.15 per cent. The number of enlistments credited to New York (409,561) is to the total number ol enlistments (2,494,592) credited to the States, War Department Statement of July r>. i v ^~'. as 1 to 6.093 or 10.41 per cent. Statement of Loss by Death as Claimed for the State. To obtain a correel statement of losses due the State, there must be taken the losses by death not only of the Militia. National Guard and Volunteers, but also of those who served, as of this State, in the other divisions of the Arm\ of the United States and in the Navy and the Marine Corps. This loss is taken from the tables below, where it is recorded: of the Stale organizations, as re- ported by the A.djutant-General of the army, corrected byfinal records and his- tories of the same; of all other divisions pro rata of their total loss, based upon the proportion of men furnished by the State for the -ante; and the total is: Killed in action, 866 officers, L3, 344 enlisted men, aggregate L4,210; died of wounds received in action. 414 officers, 7,143 enlisted men. aggregate 7,557; died of disease and other causes, 506 officers, 30,720 enlisted men. aggregate 31,226: total, 1,786 officers. 51,207 enlisted men. aggregate 52,993; of whom 53 officers, 5,1)33 enlisted men, aggregate 5,986, died in the hands of the enemy. And this loss occurred among the 502,765 enlistments claimed for New York, or the four hundred thousand individuals shown to have been in the service of the country from this State during the war. The total number of deaths claimed for the Stat.- (52,998) bears to the total number of enlistments claimed for the same, less those who commuted their service (502,765—18,197— 184,568) the proportion of l to 9.14 or 10.9 per rent. The total number of deaths claimed for the State (52,998) bears to the number of indi- viduals in the service from this State (400,000) the proportion of 1 to T."»4 or 18.26 per cent. S8 PART I. IN THE STATE. Statement of the Loss of the Volunteers of this State. The real fighting force of the State were the Volunteers, who carried the bannersof the Empire State. Based upon the tables of detailed Losses below, their loss by death is: Killed iii action, 684 officers, L2,142 enlisted men, aggregate 12,975; of wonnds received in action, 391 officers, '5,838 enlisted men. aggregate 7,235; <>f disease and other causes 402 officers, 27, 4:>:> enlisted men. aggregate 27,855: total 1,633 officers, 46,433 enlisted men. aggregate 48,066; of whom it is re- ]> irted, there died in the hands of the enemy 51 officers, 5,715 enlisted men. aggregate 5, i The records <>\' Volunteers of this State in the War Department and especially in the office <>f the Adjutant-General of the State, are notoriously incomplete. The loss credited by th.' Adjutant-General V. S. Army is decidedly less, but that given in the tables is perhaps not more than one thousand less than the actual loss, and this deficiency is no doubt due principally to deaths of men while in the hand- of the enemy. The burial records or "Rolls of Honor," published by the Quartermaster- General of ilu United Stales Army, show by name the burial of aboul 40,000 Volunteers of this State: the bodies of probably 2,000 were sent to the State for burial, possibly 1,000 died in the State, leaving at least 5,000 sleeping in nameless or unknown graves. In another place it has been estimated that there were 370,652 enlistments in the Volunteers of the State, and that these enlistments represented 32G,1?G individual.-. From this number there must be deducted the 3,000 men esti- mated to have been transferred from the Volunteers to the Regular Army and the Navy; the 800 General and Staff officers of the U. S. Volunteers, also transferred from them: the L, 770 men who, after a service in the State Vol- unteers, enlisted in the 0". S. Veteran Volunteers, and the 9,640 men who were transferred from the Volunteers to. or after a term id' service in the lat- ter entered, the Veteran Reserve Corps, making a total of 15,210 individuals, who contribute no death loss as State Volunteers. This makes t he number of individuals among whom t he death Losses of the Volunteers occurred, in round numbers, 31 L,000. It will be noticed that the statemenl above shows quite a difference in the Dumber of officers who died, compared with that of the Adjutant-General of the Army. This is explained principally by the fact that the United States agnized only those as officers who hud been mustered in, while the state musl properly recognize as such all who received its commission, even though they died withoni having been mustered in. and this rule has been followed in preparing the death losses of the state organizations. The register of Volunteer officers issued b\ the Adjutant-General of the Army shows 18,031 New York Volunteer officers to have been in the I . 8. jervia ; the register published by the Adjutant-General of the State, contains those also, who were commissioned bul not mustered in, who are now, how- ever, being recognized by the War Department; hut neither of the registers is complete, man) omissions having been found in them; and a number of the officers were promoted or transferred from one regiment to another; taking all this in consideration, it i- estimated thai 18,000 individuals Berved as offic< N"i ■ York Volunteers, hut of these must he deducted those trans- COST OF THE WAR TO THE STATE. IN LIVES. ferred as General and Staff officers bo the U. 8. Vols., BOO, leaving L7,S Y. Vol. officers among whom the death losses of such officers occnrred; this would leave the number of individuals who served as enlisted men in the State Volunteers at 203,800. (311,000—17,200. 1 Percentages based on the foregoing will give the following results of the loss of the State Volunteer-: The total number of deaths (48,066) is to the estimated number of individuals in State Volunteers (311,000) as 1 to 6.47 or L6.46 per cent. The total number of killed in action 1 12,976) La t" the estimated number of individuals in Stair Volunteers (811,000) as I to 28.96 or 4.17 per cent. The total number of deaths from wounds received in action (7,235) is to the estimated number oil individuals in State Volunteers (311,000) as 1 to 42.98 or 2.82 percent. The total number df killed and died of wounds received in action (20,211) is to the • ■ ^ t i - mated number of individuals in State Volunteers (81 1,000) as i to 15.38 or 6.60 per cenl . The total number <>i' deaths from disease ami other causes (27,855) is to the estimated number of individuals in State Volunteers (81 1,000) as l to 1 1. lb or 8.96 per cent. The total number of deaths in the hands of the enemy (5,766) is to the estimated num- ber of individuals in the State Volunteers (31 1,000) as 1 to 5:3.97 or 1.85 per cent. The total number of killed in action (12,976) is to the total number of deaths 1 IS.0GG) as 1 to :'..?<) or 07 per cent. The total number of deaths from wounds received in action (7,285) is to the total number «,f deaths (48,066) as 1 to 6.64 or 15.06 per cent. The total number of killed and died of wounds received in action (20,211) is to the total number of deaths | 18,066) as 1 to 2.37 or 42.19 per cent. The total number of deaths from disease and other causes (27,S."i."i > is to the total number of deaths (48,066) as 1 to 1.70 or 58.14 percent. The total number of deaths in the hands of the enemy (5,766) is to the total number of deaths 1 18,066) as 1 to s.:;:; ,„■ P.' per cent. The total number of killed and died of wounds received in action (20,21 1) is to the total number of deaths from disease ami other cause- (27,855) as 1 to 1.87 or 73 per cent. The total number of deaths from wounds received in action (7,285) IS to the total number of killed in action (12,976) a- 1 to 1.79«or 55.75 per cent. The number of officers died in service (1,633) is to the number of officers (individuals) in the service (17,200) as 1 to 10.58 or 9.50 percent. The number of officers killed in action (834) is to the number of officers in Bervice (17,200) a- 1 10 20.62 or |.s| per cent. The number of officers died of wounds received in action (897) is to the number of officers in service (17,200) as 1 to 43.82 or •_>.:;(> per cent. The number of officers died of disease and other causes I W2) i- to the number of officers in Bervice (17,200) as 1 1- 12.78 or 2.88 percent. The number of officers killed in action (s:;ii is to the number of enlisted men killed in action (12.142) as 1 to 14.55 or 6.87 per cut. The number of officers died of wounds received in action (897) is to the number of en- listed men who died of the same cause (6,888) as 1 to 17.22 or 5.80 per cent. The number of officers died of disease and other causes (402) is to the number of en- listed men who died of the same causes (27, 158) as 1 to 68.29 or 1. it; per cent. The number of enlisted men. of the State Volunteers, who died in the service 1 1'">. 188) is to the number of individuals (enlisted men) estimated in the Bervice (298,800) as 1 to 6.32 or 15.82 per cent. The number of enlisted men. of State Volunteers, killed in action (12,142) is to the num- ber of individuals estimated in the same (293,800) as 1 to 24.19 or 1.18 per cent. The number of enlisted men. ,,i State Volunteers, who died of wounds received in action (6,838) is to the number of individuals estimated in the same (298, si Mb as | to I- 96 or 9 32 per cent. The number of enlisted men, of State Volunteers, who died of disease and othi (27,453) is to the number of individual- estimated in the same (298,800) us 1 to 10.70 or 9.34 per cent. 12 90 PART I. IN THE STATE. COST OF THE WAR TO THE STATK. IN LIVES. 91 3 % S3 - - • CD — 2 p CO 5 ? &'! § i 5 - S - Eh ~ 'I ^ J: •- .13 S o ^ s -- 3 12-ils 6 S - 8 §2 3 b 2 >% to 3 S ^ » o .! 3 1 - - ^ e s 5 5 3 'S »tf H9 a .- a S o .. ra £ ^o P «i '< 2 = -=- § 8 EH £ 3 : - — - gfi 5 - p -^ u O P*-+-, CJ - «< Ph O P r? DO _^ « 5 3 Is o .2 S P*.S ** ® -C 2 CD C 02 w eB ,fl p P*- « .2 » ..5S§§^ C3 gj •£ 'J fcO - £ 1 p § s -a 2 tco^ 2 ~ -.2:5 x- 1 .» . 8 © * ° ►» • ,- ^ co 2 a ^ a ortcc lies, ision fuvtl iatio loss !~ 5> 3 .K p m o s- co ^ o 3 S P3 e .2 & ft ,2 £ < &a gnS co P .^ 8 * £ o « 2 ■J &i .2 p ° S — •- » I s -a * a |J py ^iSSlV O p g o g hp s fc- a | g 8 '3 g | fc 63 3 = 2 'pL 5 -g < < Cj 1 5 - S § ft . CD *» .» » t i— i P 5 TIP co g 5 a -^ ^ o — *s ^ ^ O 9> ^Z.-** |i III 'I s - p* S w -g O -/3 O P >_^ ^ q -o ^ r 4S - PART I. IN THE STATE. H 5 1 0) H - 2 jj H SuSSy .'~'~ : 2"° : :"-•» : ; >o— -< :? Sg ■nam p»)S|iug, •sjeagjo e nam pav>||iigi : : 1_( " : iS, 52 : :" ct ■ •'-"-" • *- -co ■saaoEBO | :::::: : ::::::: : ■ OH IS O " uaai pa}si|ua .... . . ; ee • • .•! . _»i — . — SJ8DBU0 5 Coi uam pajs|[ua 1 •6J9DHK) 8 aora paisi|U5i 9>10Jisuns uiojj pa|Q 2 ►J O g (2 s a c nam pajsjuia sjaofljo :::::: i i :::::::!: 1 : i •J t- * S ^ : - "'in paisuaa -.(.••'Hid - ft uatu pojsnua N w -aiaagjo ill •i. .in p.nsima ::;::- :::;:: : :: j N ■:: : i SJ..OIU, ) - I ■i 'ii pa-jsi|iia . . . ;P h . • . .00 ,iH • .rHil ■ . . .ii o .22 5 g > z usotBO ti. mi p.>im|u;.| ::..:•.."':.::::::::■'.. uaooo ::!:::: : ! : : : I : ::::::'. •a o a.— i .hi |...|-!|ii-,[ ... .............. U90QJO ! i 3 - : QsaseasccapSSva C(«t«ttl(t«tgggpegsgggge .b.— -- •— -— •— .— - - •— - ~i'"i ~i ~i ~i ~, r i " - u fc u £ §«A«MgMja£«£S££S5££3g3jj COST OF THE WAR TO THE STATE. 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IX LIVES. §§§181 IIS i 1 i 8S 95 jSH^srssis eo eooi'vo SZ§3.S£S§ r* Bt r~ lO 00 Ol 3 3 g ~ : S3 1 = 8s5 = s s "iil55l = 2 * s 1 ■a ; e» ■ g- ; "8 ; o 2 :gj N . ■*. .-*. 8 :• :S :S o -co eoe |S — CfJf© 5 IS , B . I r: r &<= is iss I il' l a il ; l;l' r. I -. *: I" - ' "I 3 . I Z III IS .18 I s ;! Ill S^gSSSSS^SSS jo eo ea e» — ii-*i 5V>r-' : S- 8*2 :?,-: : £ BSBSBg£22£2if £££l2p2 = 2|.= .I| \9*y §*|§ I s I s « 5 ? E 5 = ? g'gg'gS g« g"5 iggf8£ 2 gf g oi®l 2 i-So® 2 §§§111 1 S- 1 eo co -* co -w c« N M CI § H s § z 3 1 I K 8 S 3 3 » g H ^ o* co -* oo eo so e " i g 1 1 S 3 8 g » a » ° 5 5 U IIHII E 1 - . =-. S •8 © ■- l - -w • CO Q .:.:'*' ~ . S il :E ;| .il ;§ :| ;§ : 1 £ :2 ■ '* :£ — :« :«£ -" s i- -w -*• o ■ © m co co i- e>i ■* to e« t- i.o . m^ie-i . eo « »- >-i • • i.o -# oo e> n ~'~* •-H e» •.-(•. .»h -e* . :■"" ci -»• ■ — • • c»~ «m ■/:> e* _co ••* .us ; m i~ •*• «T — t- -its ;©"H« ;«> ; «0 — "* : ." -s T - e>» ■ " : ot>ro--'» ; s e '§«- ".3 x gE*Z2'f- *"' .in . . N • m :** O t> • Z :§ :£J : S s e 8 £ | I.O O ;-H .- :"* ;g O ;.D ; r = B ; J •J ' «J ■ «i ?! S3 3 3 S£o2ae§£»B§2SB§gSB -j.; PART I. IN THE STATE. -pexinoao bosso] UO]lBZMIi:n.l.» III moqM flaoare nam jo iaqmnj; 3.66G 8,880 2,510 2,370 2,750 1,470 8 2 340 260 410 230 380 295 840 345 186 880 295 275 245 m M 1 M J I a *oin)d«a I'm: spanuM •l|]W..p A<( bso] .ijt.'aaa33v •11 | I 8 $ 2 — 2 2? s 8 i55S-~?? 5 5 25 as prison- ers "f disease uaui paisnua CO-CD-J 00 ; « ;X 19 « CMfH . -IO -j U5 «, f-i oo \a •sjaoujo : "" ::::::;: ::::::: • : — -a V V = z > •uaui pajsjiug g2|{ | S2::c? :2S * SS" 3 :fe § *- 55 •6jaogjo •♦ oo us us ;::"*• ««-....« . ©j PS u IS H ■ Z 'o^uSajSav 1 S § I 1 8 "~ S2SS 2 ScoS'-'a ?J 2 S 2 ■3g o E-i-2 a. • ci : ■» ■« .■*-.■ • fi : : ;h .h ' ■ : : : .h •« >h •nam pajsnua : •:•:*: : : : ■ : . • : :::::: •saaoujo | ::::""::::: : ::::!:::::::::: : : : : o c eg CO i2a 1 8 38 :2 :%\ S : -8 : ffi 22 :£ iSSqr^aS -2 :S • •nam pajsjiua -' — ""■ :°» ■" : : : ; : : sjaoyjo OJ -TfOO ;CO CM -CMm-lCM •«-« FX ; • , _ # .»1 ;I1 ; •uaoi paisnug -• : <" rt *-' : : : ]: : : •sjaoujo | ::.::::.:::::::::::::::•:::::•: Of other known causes. nam pajsiuia 1 : :"~ :~~ :"" : : :::.::::::: : : : : : : ■sjaoujo | : i i ::::: i :::': i .:-:::: | :::: i ::: : • p.>jMi"H 1 . ."'"" : : . :.:::.::..: .~ :::...: : oijojisuna uiojj \>,hq \ ■ ■ ::••:•;:::::•••::: • : • : ■ ■uani p'j-i|iim k .) 1 .:::.: :::....:.:.:::.:.:.. ;,jo ,».iii,>ju.ts \(| paiti.iaxjj i ::::::::: • CO 3* w!2 • ui pajsnna •:::::..:: 1 : i i :::: i i ::::::::: : 1 1 o sa^a •sjaogjo ) . . : : g I Q 04* CO. Tj.-rH.cM M • -r-< ■ -H •nam paisixug : . : ■ ::::::: : . : : :::::: •eaaaujo 1 ::::::::: ; : : i:::::::::-:-::: : O ~ — «§3 I « -rew .■*■■*<>» .— f-i « . . . rn « • ■ii. .in p-nsima , : :•'::: : : : ■::::•: : : ueonjo | : • : : : : : : ■.:::•:::::: 3 ii. .hi pa)s||iig ■r- L ; ■_-.'. j: - r- :-: . ;s-^^«-«-*^5--Zi-S«2 . t N nti-n •« n • • i-H ■ '[iiu : : •;::.: :::::::::::• Of wounds in action. ii. mi i'. : • r-CO -e* • — . —> •" ■ • . „ .„ . SJ...MHO : : : : : : :::::::::•:• : : % a S c Artillery lot Ii regiment Prisoners . .. I8tfa regiment ... lttii regiment Prisoners .. ■ii.'iit ... Prisoners .-. nent Marine . . 1st battalion ... 8d b ittalion . ... 1st battery . . . Prisoners ... 2d battery 3d battery 4th buttery Prisoners . 5th battery . Prisoners .. »',th battery 7th battery 8th battery 9th battery loth battery lltli but Prisoners . .. 12th battery Prisoners .. 13th battery. Prisoners .. COST OF THE WAIi TO THE STATE. IX LIVES. Sis 888S 8 8 8 8 Si!§ 1 §188 1 8 S 3 3 288° 3S| S aS 50 * 8 S^SS to ■ . ,_ .^-e» -co jo e>i ei -to co con to 1 • ::.*»... N ::..:*"*:.:: | g2 'e» a> «s -<«^J5 ; *» : "9 « ." 9 : : S 2" :8 ♦ ■ eo • rt • ■ • ; ; : : ■ : : : : : :' a 1 ft Ji5 55*8« 8 Sg 8 8 3S 00 * 8 *«38I | j ; | 1 : : 1 • . m • . r-> ■ • • '• -1-H • ■ t- ■ OJ •' • ■ ■ CI • • • j I S I :i:!"::!!!!!'!i;!;i;5'li:ir ' 'o cijr t ~ i "S 5D J2 .25 c S2 aotoiox •metifj | ** ■ . :^ i^ ::.::;: i 1-1 :::;" : 2 : m :::::;"" :"~" "" | f| j j : P" ! 1 ~ S 1 § ..:::::.:.:.::::..:..: 1 . : : : ; : : •;;: : ;;;;;;;; : ;;;:: :l ; i : :::•::: r ::::::::::::::?: : |* a [' : . :.:.:::.: .:..::;:..;: 1 . : . • :■:!::::::.:!•! : : : !::::. :| : : • .::.:::.::;:..:::.:;.::::. IS . |S :::;.! : : : :•:•.:.: : : : :i : : i: : ! i : : : i i :| : • : | s | s ::..:.:::.::.:.::::::: : . : 1 . : • I::::--:-::--::::::-:-: 1 : : : ii:ii:r::::i::i:i:ij:r w r : : : : : : : . \ i : : i : i i 1 : 1 : \ : : : . 1 : : 1 ■ : : : • :•■:::::■:::;••:: -. : : | : : :::::::. " : : | f : : : : j : : | j : : | s i | 3 .:*.::.:.:::::.::::..:::! : : . • : : ! i . ; : : : : : : : ■ : : : : i : : : : :l : : • js-H — !!!:p:r!rr!:!iri» li::!:^!!!^:!!!:::;:'!'-!"^" co-eog-jog^^g .3888 jSS 00 "^ {"•"as 88 CO i riiijif r :■■:::: : : T i : : :~ : |*" <-4 -rt ■ • ■*«« e<« • • e* •»» •»» • ©ie>« t>i co I s 3 i :: i : : :: i :::: : :!:::::•;;: :|8 ;|ffl ei -oo ... ; o> ....«.©».. . .«■* ;;;■<• £ : £ IS |S £?■&&« £C'Cfr-*^C-r. £«,£&?&£?£?■ r- J ' I s ■£ :l~ — .* — — — — — * 5 — I— Z — — — — — i— " 3— w. 2 ^^ -iijin 83 8 8K888 -roScc 13 1,670 3,170 2,980 § HI 1 - 1 ■- X ca 91 CI 3 s * s CI CO ^5 3 § s 1 ^v lO UUIH : 3 ;8 ;H ; U £J ■* —t ~ .*" ; 1 S" S ■:!i.hl=: . ;■* . N . I" ; cs !!!M!h! s •-{.:!-! ©> !!:h!MI CJ t« 1 » ; » -i::!!|- = ** ;r;::|- '" Mlilll!! -nr-r? ""■ 1=1=5*1 si ^ -lO ■* | o • o 8 e, |-8- 8' I -:- -.|- oo • >-i i- ; JO • eo -:i-;:| - : • : ?. . 8 ;lh-!|- C • m „ B ' «2 : » • • ; c . E I = ;i = o 9 8 9 ; • 1 09 ill* CO 3 ■» j-* ill • o ■ Oj •IM iili : : | : 'Ml -h ! ! ll MM i;M rill iili iili ::| : ::| ; i M 83 8 - .p G" s i : l : CO ; 2 ; : l : ^gj | 97 8 8. 8~S" 22 88- | |;: .ffl 98 PART I. IN THE STATE. ■pexino3o B9880| iii"i|.« saoure 7 J I % I fill I aO|yre|UB&io m nam jo jaquinjj] a a •..Jll id'!. 1 pUV BpUDOM ■ai-!|u;i §£13*1 a §88 e S i P 3 § = S sjaoujo OS CI OS Ca 0> 0* ri ^ r-> O CO SO - C > - - /. M n H 2 5 •.. |<:r!.. J. J "\- S?^:v S §83 £ g gj o S S 3 • - e 1 33 K l I uaui pajsiiua ~- - ■ CB N • ; S» ; TO BJ90UJ< ) :.::.: :.::::.::: ....".;' . ; : = a •nam pa?S|iua g :§ = § :^g := 9 £§ E § S3 C5 • 30 • at' — 'z BJ9ogjO TO TO=0 — •.«oe0;«^0»;t- — — TO • W > 00 C O 00 ■ii. mi |'-'i~!|'i-..i ©l r^ 30 r^ • -*—»-*• IC CO CO IO .oo-t> •sja.)yjo t = •/. 3| 7 ii. .hi p9js|[ag ;tl ^„- r „„„ :.:::.."'..." CI — — °§3 Bjaoujo ii. .mi p-«is||ir.i ■o>|o.nsuti« iiiiuj [).i[( i •ueui p.U-M'1,1 |\, ,) •£)JOO0U91UdS A<| |i.MH.i.»x;i ••••■■ : :°* : i i : : : i :""" ::::::::: n J- - ■ii. mi paisnua •6J90UJO u« u e«a 11. .Ill I>.M-1|'..[ ! ; : : f ■. \ \ ''■ ''■ '■ ■ \\ : : ■■'■. '■ : : SJ90UJO : :!: ::!::.::•: : :°* ::::::::::: : : : a 0. P ii. mi poisnug s» . ri • ■-»>to . . : . ;*-*■* : : • : r " 1 TO ^ • BJ90U30 ii. mi |>.u-!|ir.| r-i _n ?1 _ FH ■ — .-^ — — ; ec — ■" , • i^" 5,1 :~ i s.l...'UI(l !:::::: i : : : j | T : : j : : : : : : i : : ■5 ii. .in i •-» 1--1 1 « ■:•! 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( «o -m^i-i . .fh p . - H H ii. mii p»)S|iog z ■; B :S :9 B :8 :g j§ :£ « : U90O0 t- .oo — M — .- ci ■-. ci •— CO c» c r- r. C E / i. t 1 51st refflmeot .. Prisoners. merit.. .. Prlsoi • merit IT to 65th raid men t .. Prisoners .. _• ment. . I'm- i 5"th real ment >th reajment. .. Prisoners .. 50th regiment .. Prisoners ziment aera in.MIt Prisoners .. i;j.i reslment ment tilth regiment. . Prisoners .. 85tb regiment. . . Prisoners.... OSth regiment. . Prisoners ... WADyWQRTH LIBRARY COST OF THE WAR TO THE STATE. IN LIVES. 101 o S s - g § £ % ^ ?« o 1 % § 1 g § I; 1 1 | 900 1,880 1,260 § | c a 1 § £ 1 9 § g i % © y 1 8 8 8 g i E ;/ g {: g s B ft 1 r. s V a 8 1? 09 3 g s y § CO N 3 jO 8 B n 8 8 g g i s g 1- £. g £ I N CO ■* ■* m ■.- 1-1 CO ~ "* eo = iO •- a ?! o ■ 1- CO ro £ n s £ ^ 8 n i- 1 1 § ?. 1 £ 8 2 » 7 ii li V 5 ~ _/_ 5 oo 3 R 8 ?, »-. 3 CO 8 £ s 3 r- g - ?! •^ - .r: s -.r '- co - CM T, | 8 2> § e i 8 3 8 3 I § £ 7 CM 3 § 8 1 g I a 8 ti (ii n S T: 8 9 ■" 8 :■• 'S S S S :S :S .S * -fl 1 :" S :S S | :S ■" S a :: S " fl $ 5§ H^iHn^iisiiifi^iMiiHn e» .«3 . -* ■« -co -co ■ co • jh •■* -co . ci -co ■■* -co • -w ■ eo -o •» co >.o ■ -* • » ; co • ; ie -co aa # o ; CM i-i CM ri •* W •* ■>* «Oi-cSOeM09©»-* CO^CO ••* ;■* •■*«•* .-*<->J<«5 to meOCMCJCM ;CM ^UO— •*— >(5 -iO< rci.- — t i-l -CO ••* t ■ • -i • > iH ^iOlMnONrl -CI •■* IN . »H • r-i . »B i-i CO ~ • J CO • iff • i-i ; !M . „ -, rt *" • :°* • ■ :* i 1-1 : ; : i 1-1 : . : : : :** ::;::.: i* -1 ;:::.."" : ; -rH ... -CM •••■ -r-l . .CM • ••• rl ...•-; ; ;;;_ __ < ;;;;,;;., ; :":; i 1-1 :".::::::.:::.:;::.. .^ : rt :"^ : ..".:::■]:".".'".:::': : . . iHee ■ ...... i ■ ri-COCM i-l . 1-1 o OI-i-ICM CM • CM • ** • •■*4 0B;<* w* .«e .•* _« .« . . .*h .e* • • • cm . . rH e© i-i . -i-i ;•*:,•*».; ;°* :" . w :*° : ; :" ,** : .'" , j rt : :.:::'::.::.:.":::::..":::;.. . : : . .:::.. : : : ■ -^ -»• co ci r-. i- OS i- x co — o 5*U*ft^"o"S , -55S25a^4^2Sc5 r "S£!gt25»Hf,ol^cl-'-;H??2'f; = :?^H-- N -^1 .-< -rt -CM ;CM ; . -rt . • :" : :" i" 5 CM • ■ -CM -CM ; ;CO ; • ; l- ^ ^CM CM ; • c, rt S"g ,rt c? ;§ M S"S ?, SS :3 N S ,N c5^S"3 a:, IS"§! N co' H S- , S a ' 0Ot -g NO, ;S N S : S N 3 : S"3 :8" e-J;rH-iO_— ^iCO lO-CM-CO--* CO-i-i i-i coco CO „ . co • «- ■ . CM ; # ; CM ; ; , — . — ■ S j8 ;g jg ;8 ■« :| ;S ;S |S |S : 3 ;8 :S ;8 :§ 3 :3 ;8 : c8 :S ;8 ;3 ;8 |8 :? ;tS : tl ■ u: . -w . as cs is as ■ e* t- . •-« . co ■ oo CM CM ;IO -OS -CO t- -ia "H CO -rH .»o ■■♦ CM -CM H -to ■•* • = : a : c : = : - '■** : « '^ : c "S : = e • e • c ■ - •■« 'lit s ent ... s ent .... 9 lent s out .. s ent. ... B .. .. ent. » ent. .. 8 ml 9 Mlt S Mil 8 lent. ... s £ R £ S5 5 U S 3 102 PAET I. IX THE STATE. •p«JJIl.).»> B0S8O| HI"I|A\ HinMIlB aop«z|u*&io hi aem jo jeqainjj 1 S § 1 § § § 1 1 1 ( 3 i I 1 i i s s w - < ■t*j n nl »;.> pro spanoM 'qiUdp am, BSO| .i|i:--.u.-.-tv 1 S ! H S i S S 1 ii M n S nam p9?S|iag yssssssgsgsgsgs 00 O0 CS 91 • CO — rl Tf • CO 91 1- 91 • ".BO ~ : " : ' : • : — - > - pai-upr,.} cl^l^HlsHsHi" •sjaomo oooosoewi-wcojDeDgioojjjJISPS * - 1 •81«3aaaav lllllg^i ??§! ?1 Hi So M a naiu i>ais[|ii'j ;S :g :3 ;S ;C f- ;* H :"* ^ : 3 :" ;S :"* ;3 - " 8J9010O .:.-'. ' . . ." ...:.:..::; : = a aem pa^sima 6:8:6:8 £8*33.9" -r3 £98 3| -- 6J90S0 ■* ■ — -CO CO U5 — ; 91 ; t- • t- -CO 91 • ■♦ ■■*• =-. u-5 ■- • 9 -d u.)ui po;s|]ua -H ■* CO CO 95 91 CO 91 91 CO I- :C 3D • i» CO — • CO — 00 91 ■-. ■# 'IOC sjaomo II uem pajsipua e)co~ia co — — 91 — i-i ■ ™ • Riaoiflo •notn p'js||u : .| .l>pi.UMIHK HH ..1J |l,.j,| .■"""" : : : : ;:.:::::'"'.:::. : . .:::": ueou p»)8|iag jtj . > ;ij.i .I.IIW1IMS \i| p.uii.MXM CO M a H SB |>ajs|iua 1-1 • • Cl ; •8J9DUJO - i- «) u 0) 1) 3 uaui p.>js|pr.[ . .~* . : — • • • .« :;:•;,,: ; Q Bjoogjo ..:.:... ~ ..:.;::::•:::: . a U..UI peisuug "" 1 I*" 1 : j : w ■♦ • • • -t-i -co • • • e» m P U90QJ0 -■ peisnog rH us eo-« H H .N « ; W . • _ ■ H W • ; * ; ; tueonjo T3 it. mi i>-' i^-ii ": i sssa&ssss 8a-»«sasse M -I....HIM .M .n .« .« ,« ;H ; ; ;M -HM . •* .;"; iibiii ( ... j- 1 1 u; i -i-«'!Ui i .-— r ;.'J — = •--—-! CO 919HO t-CMfO •— — 00C9CS • ui —i 4— CO i— ( • ».0 — •— • • 91 — • CO — • ^ CO ■ ^* ^" 9191 ■ -i-l CO CC ■•— CM -CM 91 i-i — "" = pa S 7 R ii :2 :« :Q ;s :3 i: |S :3 :g :* : 91 •(- I- CM cm cc -* ■ 53 — "',— oo-9i t- -r — - 5 i c eimeiit. dment 07th regiment IT:- sinieDt Pri« _ .lU'llt 100th reKimenl oen . _ • n e 1 1 1 .. Pn- • ment I'ri- Prisoners. . lOStfa regiment .. men . . luTi li regiment. . . 'UTS. . lOStfa regiment .. Prisoners .. 100th regiment . . Prisoners . . 110th regiment Prisoner^ . . COST OF THE WAR TO THE STATE. IX LIVES. 103 §§§§s!i§§£3i§is§ UliisI 8 g S 8 S! 3 3 3 ■a ea co ii co -v sag - f ; 3 8 giiggssiasggggisgg 3 3 - 5) - " 2^ j-. §,« s . - S 5 " S3 ■ j. ~ •- " ~ s :i s « 3 § 1 1 i VI 1 K 2 1 | § 3 1 1 § i 2 £" S V | 7: ss cc r. a 3 « i* * ■" : s • .r -r . CX ■ O • .- ~i s : 8 :' ■GO -*1 'T-l -OS -CO ■ ao . QO • GO -O -1" -CO ,•' 00 £ 3 CO 71 £ 1 3 3$ eS r. 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IX THE STATE. p»JJI UO|)B i s ■ s a 5 n ODO 89S80| auoiuB zjubSjo ii i U9iu ;o aaquin^ 1,420 900 1,650 1,850 1.370 1,270 1,290 1,500 930 1,090 1,000 S20 1.190 1,260 1,680 1.020 •ejnjil'!-' I'm' apanoM 'l|1«Op A'| --"| .'|'~''J"-" , V IIHIHj us % 3 § 3 § •o"3 = m U9UI pai-!|ir.i 2 5 ^S - S S S S S § S co ^ 2 i :i CD * « N . lO jy «o • to j r-l SJ90UJO | i : « I ■g-s = 5 o o u -: - - = ■-■ ?■- * n - £ 7 U •u9tup94B|iua s « -• as a h « saa « h « SJ9DHJ0 ■*eimcc©->«>aot-oo~ao»< •« -«o -io earn a -00 OC ;N : — • £ 119111 pd)8|IUa CO .«H • «ei«>"«il) :"*"* _ >-i ■*•*'-' » ■*""»«t'5'-" -1 ;*■■■« d SJ90UJ0 to OS ifi 5* 3 ii9iu peieiias . . . eO"«No ; ioo Cd H •8J9onjo 3 D •-) o > U9UI p.»i*IP'M •enoj;^iiii« iiio.ij p.. |(| ^ : : : : i : : : i : : j : : T i : | i S : j :" i : : : ! U9iu piling N £)JO 90119)1199 .<<| p91U09XH : :" i : : : : :::::::::: i .::.::*": i : ; : w H 2 U9UI p9JS||lia ^ £ •8J9DUJO w 33 H U901 p9^s||na BJ90UJO : i i : i i : : i : i : ! : i : • i i : ; i" i : i : : : ; i g a ►■a 1I91U p9?S||tia ■ ^ . .„.«.« .„ .Qt .rt ;^"^ ;»0 — M • N _ ;<* ; •a 5 t — 1* U..IH ps)snog S .» 7 £ ;: :S8 :8S ;S : S |S •« ;5 : U90Q0 — — CO US 8« ; ■* « il) .n ^ -n •« -IS CM ■« ; i I < g < s iiilsisi§isisi§isiig|sliis|s|s|i i c-?|5| , sl'a| , a3 , a-i , B|^| £lESKs£ell£lE|i!£2£Ms£KM «= a 5 >; 4 5 S ~ 3 S^ | S S S § COST OF THE WAR TO THE STATE. IN LIVES. 1()5 930 1,140 1,420 540 890 910 840 1,560 870 1,110 950 830 1,580 1,050 1,400 1,080 770 1,030 980 960 810 820 940 80 170 890 890 650 960 1 i |;2S3^S|^|81^«S5iyr :**" « s - - N 8S32 05 g3" , 83552:5!:53g l - 2<°2 »:::::: -" . — — « _ _ eo m . . s . . ■"■ w :**.....: :: : | S g 3 | ^^55 | |S?5! 3 US 2 8 eS g23 $??•::;: S S £ CO 1- i<5 ■* SB 99 ■ M C-l in i-i US 1- « 1- CM US ■ O-hiH CO ,-i • • ■ • | lISSISSHS^sSias* 8 ^ 8 ^ i** 4 " s i 8' "'"-" -2 ~§ :~*~S :"•• I s i S 1 i" : G 1 : S :*"' : S ." : : :' :~ : ! i : M :_H . ,-| . . ,-< CM .** . .* H ■ 8 1 :g 2 ;8j3 :§ : s | :§ :| : S S :§ :§§ :§ :S : S : §S5S : g ~ :*•*" S i 8' I <# -aNnrenC-KiKO^lMnNO" .U9-HWW1O0QI ;l-ieOl-l ; it ; ; ;<-" ,e» .**" ; ** : 1 SS g !!!!:!l-!:l!!!:h:-:= ! ■ ! ! • ; : • • ! * h h i » ; i M ;;l CM CM "*"" i 1 • : : •" ! 1 : 1"" ! :"" =" : 1"™ -: 1 : ! : !" ! I ! ! ! ! ! I M " 1 ?! g i-i ©» ;;:;;.:. ;** . : . .**::.:.:::.. . : : . : : : *■■ : 1 S'* 8 ;::;:|:::::] = !!::i:!J!:i:!-M!!M:!!!!!: = !! \ \\ S ■ 8 \rr:ri,i\irrr I-i::-;:-.: :;::!!::!-:: j:|«: to !H:!!: = s = !!!Mi!::.h!!!IM = !!II:!l'!M5M l!h! : • : : : !:"".!: ::: : ! : : I •: 1"" : : : i ! • i : i : :::::: : :| B " 8 . .— ... . ;;•.::.:::::::: : : l eoeo ee> rn .us -cm •-* ; « ,1-1 ;-> nsm -. > ^,»""| mini w Saonra uo|]BZ|iti! hi nam jo aaqtnnjj] © © o o = o 2 3 8 5 1 I 5 8*"" § 51 1 1 n ■I. s M < ■».niii!v.> |.ui' spanoM •t|J«<>P A'| --"1 ..)l r...i--v S S | S | 35 : as prison- nam pajM|.MM|n;.| __ S : 13 ■U90QI0 '• " ~ r- 4j O - ; f J|I||| 5 ~ 2 ~ JZ ~ L "' ~Z ~ H H H H H r- "~ • : Ss COST OF TUE WAR TO THE STATE. IN I.I VI L07 LOSS IN Tin: UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. General and Staff officers appointed from New Fork Volunteers or from this State, and four Companies, A, B, I) and II. of the First 0. S. Sharpshooters, estimated in all to be 1, 375 men, come under this head. The loss of officers and enlisted men claimed is taken from official records. (Sec recapitulation.) LOSS IN THE UNITED STATES VETERAH VOLUNTEERS. Of this branch 1,770 of the 10,883 officers and enlisted men who Berved in it. are claimed for this State. The total loss is 106 officers and enlisted men, or -Afc per cent of tin- nun in service, and the same percentage of those claimed for, would be due to, New ^ ork. (See recapitulation. I LOSS IN THE VETERAN RESERVE (OKI'S. The number of men serving in this corps is officially estimated al 60,508; of tli< are estimated to have been from this State. The total loss reported is 30 officers and 1,642 enlisted men; aggregate 1,672, or 2.76 per cent of those in service. The same percentage of loss of those claimed for, would be due to, this State. (See recapitulation.) The officers arc taken from actual count. LOSS IN THE COLORED TROOPS. The deaths occurring in the 178,975 colored troops are reported as 36,847 office] enlisted men. The losses of three colored regiments, 51 I. are doI included in this number, but were credited to the State to which they belonged — Massachusetts. The State of New Fork is credited with 4,125 colored soldiers, or 2.30 percent of the whole, and is entitled to credit of a pro rata loss. The otlicers are, however, taken from actual count. (See recapitulation.) loss I n 'I'll i; REGULAB ARM! . The number of otlicers and enlisted men of the Regular Army, among whom the reported casualties occurred is officially estimated at 67,000; of these 19,760, or 29.46 per cent, are claimed for this State. The loss reported is 260 officers a 111 1 5,538 enlisted men, aggre- gate o.T'.IS: of this New Fork is entitled to credit on a pro rata loss. The officers are, how ever, taken from actual count. (See recapitulation.) Officers, who al the time of their death, held commissions in the Volunteer service are not included here, but are credited to the Volunteers. I.oss IN THE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS. In his report of 1865, the Secretary of the Navy gives the losses of the Navy during the war as killed inaction, 1,406; wounded in action, 1,638; missing in action, 176; total loss, 3,220. tn that official's report of 1866 the casualties incidenl to battle are reported: Died from gunshot fractures, 495; from gunshol flesh wounds and other injuries, 659; drowned, 308; scalded to death, 342; total, 1,804; the casualties incident to the service but not to battle are given: Drowned, ','<>•">; died of scalds, :!?; died of other accidents, 71; in the hands of the enemy. 95; total, his. in the report of 1867, the men who died of disease in the various fleets from April, 1861, to June 30,1865, are recorded as numbering 2,532. The loss of the Navy during the war would, therefore, appear to have been: Died of casulties incident to battle, including 308 drowned and 342 scalded to death 1,804 hied of casualties not incident to battle, including ',>('>•"> drowned and 31 scalded to death o7:j Died of disease 2,582 Died of disease, presumably so, but in the ham Is of the enemy 95 2.G27 Total loss by death 1,804 The report for 1866 gives the number wounded in action, 3,266 from the effects of gun- powder, lot; -cabled and 808 drowned, total 4,030; in this are included those killed o and those who died of wounds, which latter cannot be ascertained from the reports. Deduct the number who died id' casualties, due to battle, 1,804, and there will remain, wounded in action who recovered. 2,226 otlicers and enlisted men. The report of 1865 gives missing 176; the later reports make no mention of this kind of loss, except that 95 men died in the hands of the enemy: the number given in 1865 as miss- ing in action is therefore accepted BS correct. The total number of men who served in the Navy, as elsewhere stated, is 182,554; the number of casualties incident to battle is 1,804. or 1.36 percent; the number who died of causes not due to battle is 2,905, or 2.19 per cent; t he n ii in her w ho died in the hands of the enemy is 95, or .071 percent; the number wounded in action is 2,226, or 1.68 percent of the number of men in service. New York furnished 51,936 men. and a-~ casualties, the percentages given above, of this number are due to the State. The Dumber due as having been wounded is 872. (See recapitulation, i The name- of the officers of the Volunteer Navy from this State who died in the service of the United States during the war could not be ascertained. LOSS IN THE VOLUNTEERS OB OTHEB STATES, BUT DUE TO THIS. < >f persons from this State serving in the Volunteers of other States, the loss cannot be ascer- tained. Four who held commissions in the Volunteers of other States, but served in the Vol- nnteersof this State before, wen; found to have died in the service and are here credited to New York. 108 PART I. I.\ THE STATE. ■99BMaSSy 00 13 1- I- ?! 1- 9 1 ,678 1,880 4 13 §| N..I.I p : : . - - - . .- S.I....UH) | ;S :::::: c m . | a _ e a. I 32 :S :SS§ -3 :* : . & sjaogjO **:* ""■ i c i"r is. 0) o s a O " •U9iu p^i-!|'i;i Sgg : i j ;■ [«-:•■ p 3 •M90UJ0 • : 1 | i - »i 5*1 ||. .ni pajstpia § : ! h 1 '? ~ ! : •ejganjo .:::::::::! •ll.ltll |>.ilfll[li;.r •ejjoj-jsuns tnojj pa|Q : : : : : : : : : : I 1 :i jo...mi,iiii.njo : :::::::::!. i ■8 a I °8 . . : : :* :?« :$ . : 1 5 : -nam p»ik!][ii^[ | "*:;::: : : 1 ,;5 : £ U90UJ0 .n • " _l = -o ■ii.hii p0)B|(ug a : : : . : : : . 1 ;: ..:::: -usage) • : ; . -; • S 1 «3 ii. .hi psisuug ' ' -' - '- — -- ; 1 i.».. HI, , ." " ~ • 5 1 51 1 _ ' ' 5' N a i >f wounds 1 ' ; '3= : : ,i. ,iu pealing ■*« : • : « : • : ';- - 5C . . . . . | •- | | . 1 "BS" .:.»:■ SIS isoHM > -• : : • : : : : " | "* c U..MI |. | S ::::::: ails 5 :!!":«;*: :|l:|l / : < Prisoners 1 3. Volui :••■ Prisoners r. s. Vet Volu ■ 1 i roopa Prisoners IS ;i i -r ■ - 4) • = . / t . H "5 5 j BATTLE LOSSES. Under this head are considered the losses of the State Volunteers in battle by reason of wounds and capture (although nol exactly appropriate t<> this part of the work, Part I. In the State), as to the tables of Losses by death, for convenience, has been attached also the lose in wounded and captured. Of the Militia and National G-uard the losses of this nature being small, no con- solidation is given: nor is there "f the other divisions of the service, as it was impracticable to obtain the necessary figures and statements. \\ <>l S 1. 1.|» | N A < II ON. According to the tables of losses, the number of State Volunteers wounded In action, Including those who died of their wound--, is 3, 1 19 officers and 52,672 enlisted mei 981. These figures are based almost entirely on battle reports, but nevertb not give a correct total; to obtain which is almost, if not quite, impossible. It is an acknowledged fact, thai the reports of losses in the Peninsular Campaign of 1863; in General Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia, 1862; of the period between Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, ist;:; ; in the Red River Campaign, l*<;t, and in the trenches before Richmond and Petersburg, 1864-1865, iit least as far as regiments are concerned, are inaccurate and Incomplete; besides there were quite a number of men wounded on outposi at other times, in skirmishes, scouts and <>tln-r minor affairs, of which no detailed reports • The late Major-Genera] A. A. Eumphreys estimated that the number killed is to the number wounded as one to a mean 1^-t wr-.-i, four and five; Colonel W. F. F<>\ in ln- mental Losses in the Civil War " makes the proportion, based on more complete reports and figures, four and eight-tenths. While this proportion is reliable as an average based on battle reports, it i- not Bafe to use it with numbers of killed made up from final records, for in the battle reports many men are reported missing who on final records are reported killed. The number died of wounds is sixty-four per cent of tbe number killed in action, based on the War Department totals of such losses. The battle reports when being prepared for publication in the "Official Records of the War of the Rebellion " are revised by the War Department, so as to -how, as far as practicable, the captured wounded included with the wounded, and not with the missing or captured. On final records many men appear as killed, who in battle reports were reported wounded, mating another cause- of discrepancy between the former and the latter. To arrive at a fair estimate it is therefore nee. take as a basis the killed and died of wounds received in action. The propo rti on of killed is 1 to 4.8, taking Colonel Fox as authority, or 100 killed to 480 wounded: the p ro portion of died of wound- to the killed, based on the War Dep artm ent rather than State figures, is sixty-four per cent: this will give the following formula: Killed and died of wounds KJ4 to every 41<> wounded, or 1 to 2.5; thai is, t<> every 1 killed or died of wound- 2.5 were wounded and survived. The final figures of State Volunteers killed and died of wounds are: Killed in action 12,976, died of wounds 7,285; total 20,211; in this number are Included 480 who died of their wounds while in the hand- of the enemy, and as it i- a fact that the mortality among prisoners was at least twice the rate of thai among non-prisoners, It is but proper to equalize conditions, to deduct one-half of them from this total, which will leavi • upon. 20.001. The formula 2.5 applied to this, gives 50,002, and the number died of wounds makes the total wounded 57,887 officers and enlisted men, or distributed p/'./ rata 8,228 officers and 54,01 men, a difference of 1,416 against the total recorded in the tables, which, distributed equally among the Volunteer regiments or equiva- lents of such, would increase the recorded loss of each regiment by six. The ratio of mortality among the wounded based on the above would be 12.6 per cent. In the Crimean War this ratio is stated to have been 18.7 per cent; in the Franco Prussian War 11.2 per cent. Many mm were wounded in more than one affair: there are however no Ul State records from which to form even an estimate. In the Pranco-Prussimn War it is 110 PART I. IN THE STATE. recorded thai o were wounded in more than one engagement 1,428 men, or 1.4 per cent. This war lasted but eleven months, and about 1,600 engagements took place hi it; the War "i tbe Rebellion lasted fmir year- (fighting time) and about four thousand • ments took place There was therefore more time for wounded to return, and more oppor- tunity tor men to in- wounded again, and it is estimated thai five per cenl of tin- wounded were wounded in more than one engagement. Based on the above estimate, tin' oumber of individual State Volunteers wounded (57,287, less 5 per cent, 2,861, equals 54,876) would bear to the Dumber of individuals estimated as Laving served in New Fork Volunteers (326,176) the proportion of 1 to 5.99 or L6.69 per cent; the number of officers wounded (3,228, less 5 per cent, equals S,Wi i to the number of individual New Yi rk Volunteer officers (18,000) tbe proportion of I to 5. 86 or IT percent; the number of enlisted men wounded (54,009, less 5 per cent, equals 51,309) to tbe number of individual enlisted men (308,176) to the proportion of l to 6 or 16.66 percent; practically an even luss.. Oaptdbed and Reported Missing, The total number of State Volunteers captured, according to the tables, i- 890 officers and 24,478 enlisted men. who are supposed to have returned from captivity, and 51 officers and 5,715 enlisted men, who are reported to have died in the hand- of the eiieinx ; total 1»11 officers and 30,188 enlisted men; aggregate 31,129. 'The Burgeon-General of the Army in the " Medical History of I lie War " gives the total number captured as 184,791; tli is is now known to be below the actual figures; the loss of this nature being something over 210,000. In the tables preceding this, those "ho were reported missing, but were not captured are included as captured, and it is believed that this number balances at least tin- number of men captured, who are not credited and of whose capture no official reports, in detail, were made; the number given is therefore accepted as correct. The captured of the Militia and National Guard are hut few in numbers, and no tabu- itemenl ha- been made; of the other divisions of the service the nece->ary data to make a tabulated Statement were not available. As with the wounded, there were men who were captured twice and even three times. No data can be obtained on this subject. Attention is called to the fact that in the tables s -vera! regiments of infantry show a total loss of all kinds, larger than the number of men in the same; this is explained by the fact that these regiments were captured in toto, exchanged, and then practically commenced their real service in the war. 'The number of men, state Volunteers, who died in the hands id' die enemy, 5,766, bears to the number captured, 31,121, the proportion of l to 5.4 or 18.5 per cent; as however probably four fifths of the deaths occurred Bubsequenl to June, 1863, after which but few exchanges were made, and the number captured from that time to the close of the war can tie estimated as half of the total, the following comparison would he more m consonance with facts; the number died in the hands of the enemy, 4,500, is to the num- ber captured, 16,000, as I to 8.55 or 28.16 percent; but here again must be borne in mind that the record of death- of this nature is incomplete, and the number is believed to be nearlj 1 ,000 more than record) d, The number captured, 81,121, bears to the number of enlistments in New York Volun- 652, the proportion of i to 1 1.91, or 8.89 percent. NUMBER OF Mi:\ IN THE ORGANIZATIONS AMONG WHOM THE LOSSES OCCURRED. This column added to the tallies of losses BhoW8 the nuinher of men w ho actually served in each organization before the end of April, 1865. An effort lias been made t., omit those who joined after the fighting bad ceased, which it is believed has generally been successful, The numbers were obtained by actual count, except of fourteen regiments, which had to be estimated; where the number was obtained by actual count, in the case of regiments the units were left off entirely, Imt with batteries the unit- above and below live were omitted; where it has been estimated the tens and units were omitted. Those transferred from one company to another in the same regiment, as also those who re-enlisted as vet- NUMBEK AM.ONG WHOM THE LOSSES OCCURRED. ill eranB in the field, were counted bul once. Those transferred from one regiment or battery to another are. counted in each; the transfers made after April, 1865, were counted bul once. The total number thus obtained is ::: 1 .800. Before the cud of April. 1865, there won- discontinued the lili and 7th cavalry: the 2d, 4th, 9th, lnih. lith. I5tb, 29th and Slsl batteries; the two years' regiments (excepl the 8d, 10th and l'.itln; the 43d, 44th, 58d, 55th, 57th, 67th, Tilth. 71st, 72d, 74th, 76th, 78th, 82d, 88d, 84th, 87th, 93d, LOlst, L05th, 145th, 163d, L68th, 174th and 177th regiments of infantry, and their members not discharged with them, estimated at 18,000 men, transferred to other organizations; the men transferred individually from one regimenl or battery to another are estimated at 2,000; these, being counted tw ice, total 20,000, must be deducted from the total obtained above, which will leave a remainder of 351,890; from this must still further be deducted the men who served in the New York Volunteers bul to the credit of other States, and who of course appear on the records of the organizations of this State, perhaps 1,500, leaving 350,390. In another place the number of enlistments in the State Volunteers has been estimated at 370,642; but in this number the veteran re-enlistments in the field, known to have been 18,000, arc not only included, but counted twice, enlistment and re-en list nient . These de- ducted once will leave 352,642. The difference between the figures obtained is so small (350,890 and 352,643) thai the numbers in the tables (almost entirely obtained by actual count, with the units omitted prove the number of enlistments, :>70,U42, claimed for New York Volunteers, to be substan tially correct. In the list of organizations the " unassigned men and independent companies" are credited with 20,000 men; this includes men who deserted from recruiting depots and rendezvous, and about one-half of the men furnished under the last call estimated not to have joined regiments before tin' close of the lighting period, or who were not assigned to regiments at all. In making comparisons of the loss of an organization with the number of men who served in it, proper consideration should be given to the number reported deserted, and to the fact that there were always men who were non-combatants, and a deduction of 12 per cent made from the number credited to the organization. The Provost-Marshal General of the United States gives in his final report the number of deserters from New York Vol- unteers as 30 ,140: this includes men whose desertion was but technical, and whose record can be corrected under late laws; men erroneously reported deserted; men who deserted at recruiting depots and rendezvous before being assigned to, or who deserted en /■<"//< to an organization: men captured, etc. ; no small number, and estimated to reduce desertions from organizations to at least 28,000; a proportion of the enlistments credited to the State Volunteers (370,642) of 1 to 13.38, or 7.55 per cent. In regiments about to go into action there were always men who for the time at least were non-combatants': Cooks, musicians, sick, men on guard, hospital stewards, quartermaster and commissary sergeants, chaplain-. quartermasters, commissaries and surgeons; there were also men on dutj a- teamsters, or- derlies, clerk-, etc.. and it is but a fair estimate to allow on this score a deduction of 5 Jut cent. This shows the foundation for a reduction from the total of TJ percent a moderate claim. To compare losses in single engagements with the number of men taken into the action. of regiments or of the State, is impossible. While in some instances and of some organiza- tions the number of men taken into action is known, in the large majority of cases no reports are given, or no satisfactory numbers can be obtained. It is estimated that the average strength of a regiment, ten companies, after having been in the field six month-. was about four hundred men. DEATHS SINCE THE CLOSE OF THE WAR. It has been estimated thai the Dumber of individuals who served in the war to the credit of the State was 400,000. Of these there died while in the ser- vice 52,993. The Commissioaer of Pensions estimates that of the soldiers dis- 112 PART I. IN THE STATE. I daring the war there died up to July 1st, 18G5, 25,284; the pro rata Bhare of this Dumber as from this State would be more than 4,000; ami added to those who losl their lives while in tin- Bervice, would make a total number of deaths of 57,000, Leai ing of the 400,000 individuals at the close of the year, 1865, three hundred and forty-three thousand survivors. In another place the average age of the men at the time of their entry into the Bervice has been computed to have been twenty-five years. The enlist- ments in 1861 (about 122,500), and in 1862 (about 132,000), represenl a larger propoii ion of individuals than those in 18G3 (about 59,000), and in 1864 (about 155,000), and it may therefore be estimated that the average age of the survi- vors at the elose of the year 1st;.), was twenty-eight years. The Bcriptural duration of man's life is three score and ten. Life insurance statistics on an average make it about the same. Yet service in the War left it- ell'eets on every one. especially those who served an\ length of time, or who were disabled by disease or wounds. The theory of the survival of the fittest can be applied only to the period of service, but not to that succeeding. The Commissioner of Pensions finds the effect of the service in cases of men, pen- sioners, who were wounded or otherwise disabled while in service to be equal to the shortening of the expectation of life by twelve years, and bases his state- ment on the examination of sixteen thousand cases; he also estimates the number subject to this shortening of life to be about one-third of the survi- vor-. The report of the Superintendent of the Soldiers and Sailors' Home of this State, for the year ending September 30th, 1889, showes a loss of seventy- live inmates of the Home by death, whose average age was sixty years, equal to a ten years' shortening of the expectation of life; the majority of those liv- ing at the Soldier-' Home- are not pensioners. Grand Army papers chronicle ever) week the deaths of numbers of veterans of the war, and an examination will -how thai i he ages of those there reported are from 45 to 60 years, and but few above the latter age. It is beyond dispute that bis service in the held affects the length of life of every veteran, whether disabled in the service or not. Considering the foregoing, it is estimated that the expectation of life is shortened by ten years Cor one- third of the survivors, and by four years for the remaining two-thirds, and based on this estimate and life insurance mortality tables there would have died between Jannary 1st, 1866, and December 31st, L890, 101.; I-: by December 31st, 1900, 80,312 more, and by Ootober 31st, 1915, fifty years after the close of the war, an additional 135,125, leaving but 25,850 Burvivors, who will not long delaj the final review of that Grand Army, which fought for the existence of the Republic. REPRESENTATION OF THE STATE IX THE GKENERAL GOVERNMENT. It is hut proper that here be also recorded the patriotic men of the State, who by their votes and counsels supported the General Government during the period of t he war. \Yiiii:mi II. - 3< cretary <>i State, represented New fork in the Presidential <'al>i- ii. i; Preston King, succeeded by Edwin i». Morgan February Bd, 1868, and Ira Hani-, in ••■ m the i mil-. I Stuii-., in tin- II. mi-.- tne State was represented bj ; THE WOMEN OF THE STATE. 113 In the 37th Congress of the United States, sessions from July 1th. to Augusl 6tb, 1861 December 2d, L861, to July 17th, 1862, and December 1st, 1862, to March 3d Edward II. Smith, 1st district; Moses F. Odell, 2d district; Benjamin Wood, 3d district; James B, Kerrigan, 4th district; William Wall, 5th district; Frederick A. Conkling, (itli district; Elijah Ward, 7th districl ; [saacC. Delaplaine, 8th district; Edward Baight, 9th district; Charles II. van Wyck, 10th district; John B. Steele, llt'h district; Stephen Baker, 12th district; Al.ram B. Olin, 18th district; Krastus Corning, I 1th district; .lames B. McKean, 15th district; William A. Wheeler, Kith district; Socrates N. Sherman, 17th district; Chauncey Vibbard, 18th district; Richard Franchot, 19th district; Roscoe Conkling, 20th district; R. Holland Duell, 21s1 district; William E. Lansing, 22d district; Ambrose W . ( lark. 28d district; Charles l'> Sedgwick, 24th district; Th lore M. P< >roy, 25th district; Jacob P. Chamberlain, 26th district; Alexanders. Diven, 27th district; R. B. Van Valkenburgh, 28th district; Alfred Ely, 29th district; Augustus Frank, 30th district; Hurt Van Horn. 3ls1 district; Elbridge •'. Spaulding, 32d district. In the 38th Congress of the United States, sessions December 3d, 1863, to July -1th, 1864, and December 5th, L864, to March 3d, 1865. Henry - Officers and enlisted men who received brevets from this State as Colonels, page 156. Lieutenant-Col.nels, page 156. Majors, page 157 Captains, page I5S First Lieutenants, page 160 Second Lieutenants, page 161. Skirmishes, sieges, action-, engagements and battles, in which New Fori Volunteers took part, page 102. In 1801, page L62. In 1862, page 165. In 1863, page L90. In 1864, page '.'! I. In 1865, page 253. Tudex, page 262. THE ROLL OF HONOR To mention by name the noble men and women of this State, who by special services would be entitled to be enrolled under thia heading, would be .i pleas- ing task, but 'one not practicable. To give the names of the enlisted men, who gave their lives for their country is impossible bere, and can only bo done by the War Department. The names of the officers who died m the service; of those who received medals of honor and brevets; and the actions, etc., in which organizations from ibis State took part, only, can be recorded here. The original intention was to give also the names of those who wvw favorably mentioned in battle reports, but if was found that in many instances no battle reports were on file, and that the total number of names would be more than fifteen thousand, and, therefore, the plan could not be earned out. PART II. IN THE FIELD. Officers pbom the State, who died while in the [Jutted States Servu k. OF I BE MILITIA AND Nation \ i. ,,r \i;i>. CoLJame " died July 81st, 1862, Capt. Julius 8. Ellis, 71st regt. , died July, 1861 of ofdl* wounds received In action at Hull Run, Va Rgerty. 69th regt., Idlled July 21st, 2d Lieut. Edward Quigg, 84th regt . died Sept 1881, In action at Bull Run, Va. L9th, 1864. of typhoid fever, Georgetown, D C Patrick II. Collins, 69th regt., died Sept., Iri Lieut. Roger Judge, 99th regt . died Oct 5th b at Sew York city. | disease al New Fork city Col \ a Vosburgh, :i-t regt- died Hay 20tl>. ihington, D.C. OF l Hi: STATE VOLUNTEERS. CAVALRY. 1st Cavalry, Richard 0. Prendergast, killed Nov. 12th, n action at Nlnevah, Va Capl Edwin F Savacool, died June 3d . I wounds received in :* . - 1 i . • r i at Sailor's Run, Va. il Henry B Hidden, killed March 9th, 1868, in action at Sangster Station it Cbas. Barmoricler, died Ocl 6th, 1861, of disease at Camp Meigs, D. C. it. Charles woodruff, died Nov. 22d, 1864, of disease at Baltimore, Ml. 2d Lieut .1 1> Vermilyea, killed June 5th, 1864, in action at Piedmont . Va. Jd Lieut. Joseph Walter, .lied April 19th, 1865, of wound- received in action April 8th, 1865. Dairy. liter ('. Bull, killed Nov.l2th, 1864, inac- tion at Cedar < trees . Va Maj James O'Keefe, died April 6th, 1865, of wound- received In action at Five Forks, Va. Samuel G MUllgan, died May 28th, 1862, ol i ibeth, N .i Capt. Charles C. waiters, killed Aug. 18th, 1862, in action at Rapldan Station, \'a V Griggs, killed Oct. 11th, L863, In at i tulpepper, \ a 1st Lieut Nelson J Decker, killed April l'.tli, i action near Falmouth, Va Frederick Compton, killed Aug. 29th, ii act Ion Hi Groveton, Va 1-t Lieut Daniel Whlttaker, killed June 17th. 1863, in action at Aldle, Va 2d Lieut August F Marteoson, killed June 17th, n action at Aldle, \ i 2d Lieut Robert Stuart, died July 81st, 1888; drowned near Warrentou, Va 2d Lieut. Murt Cunningham, died July 2d, 1864, of WOUDds received in action June L'-ih. 1864, -■ ny Creek, Va ; prisoner of war. voalry. in II Mix. killed June 15th, 1864, In action .it Petei sburg, \ a ]-t Lieut aud H i.i Joseph Nourse, died Aug. al Rochester, N ■ . il John Mayes, killed Ma) 7th, 1864. In ac- Va '. Herman B Smith, killed Ocl 7th, 1864, a at Darbytown Road, Va. vi, C • r, died April 28d, 18C3, of W ashlngton, l> 1 1 Cap! William Hart, killed Sepl 16th, 1868, In ac- Ford, Va \ on Schweoke, died Noi I ih H M inn. killed Aug 16th, 1864, III a \ , il John P Domingo, dad April 16th, 1868, of won i,. i- received In action at Kelly's Ford Va March 17th . killed Aug 80th, 1882, in 2d Lieut .loin, P Ketclni h, 1863, killed June 12th, 1884, in " • • I Ian Station, \ a Capl i died Nov. 24th, 1861, of dli died Jul] i il i died Bent 18th I-'.; ol - received In actloi « i 1 1 , . Capt. Zacbarlah A. McMasters, died Sept 24th, 1863, ■ if disease Capt. Luke McQuinn, killed May 5th, 1864, In ac- tion at Wilderness. Va 1st Lieut. Jonas a. Benedict, died Dec. llth, 1861, of gangrene. 1st Lieut, and Adj. Alexander Gall, killed June 80th, 1863, in action at Hanover. Pa 2d Lieut. Philip Dwyer. died May 27th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Front Royal. Va 2d Lieut Flam s Dye, killed June 30th, 1883, in action at Hanover, Pa. 2d Lieut Samuel w. Bortore, killed May 21st, 1864, in action at Mattapony river, Va. 2d Lieut. Charles H. Greenleaf, died Aug. 26th, 1864, of wounds received in action Aug. 25th, 1864. i',//, Cavalry. Lieut. -col Duncan McVicar, killed April 30th, 1863, inaction near Spotsylvania C. H.. Va. Capt. Diodale C. Hannahs, died Sept. 10th, 1862, of wounds received ii! action near Williamsburg, Va. Capt John Pierce, killed Oct. llth, 1S03, In action at Morton's Ford, Va. capt Raymond L. Wright, killed Sept. 19th, 1864, in action at Opequoi), Va. 1st Lieut Robert Crozier .killed May 7th, 1863, In action near Westpolnt, Va isi Lieut and Adj John i,. Main, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, in action at Cedar Creek, Va. 1st Lieut. Franklin T. Saunders, died Nov 5th, 1864, of wounds received in action Oct 6th, 1864. 2d Lieut. Win. W Philips, died June llth. 1863, of wounds received in action near Beverly I'o,d, Va. 2d Lieut. John C. Carroll, died Jan 20th, 1865, of woundsr slved in action near Lovettsville, Va. 8th Cavil iii. Col. Benjamin F. Davis, killed June'.uh, 1888, In action at Beverly Ford, Va. 'api Benjamin F Sisson, died Feb. llth, 1868, of disease al Belle Plains, Va Capt. Benjamin F. Poote, killed June 9th, 1863, in action at Beverly Ford, Va, Capt. Charles 1). Follett, died July 4th, 1888, of wounds received iii action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st, 1868. Capt. James McNalr, killed June 23d . 1884, inac- tion at Nottoway C n , Va Capt. James A. Sayle.-, killed June ~'.'Jd, 1864, in action at Nottoway C. II . Va Capi (has MoVean, died Sept llth. 1884, at Charleston, S C, Of wound- received in action. • 'apt. Thomas 8 Farr, died of disease at < har- lotteavllle, Va ; date m I recorded ('apt. As,-, i, Goodrich, killed April 3d, 1885, In ac- tion at Namozln Church, Va 1st Lieut iieniN c Cutler, killed June 9th, 1868, in action al Beverly Ford, Va. Isl Lieut Win. C Crafts, die, i Aug. 29th, 1863, of diss Isl Licit Richard B Taylor, killed May iL'th, 1864, m action at Strawberry Hill. \ a James p, Swain, died Ivr 20th, 1864, i poll . Md 2d Lieut .lame- i: Reeves, died June 10th, 1863, of wounds received in actloual Beverly Ford, V u 2d Lieut Benjamin C Bfner, died June 12tb, 1868, of wounds received In action at Beverl] Ford.Va. 2d Lieut Carlos 8 Binlth, killed Oct 15th, 1868, in action at Broad Hun, Va 2d Lieut Joseph at wood, died of disease as pris- oner ,,f war; date not recorded, 2d Lieut it f Chappel, died April Slat, IMS, of wound* received In action al Five Forks, Va. Surgeon Peter B Blokler, died April 14th, 1865, of THE EOLL OF HONOR. OFFICERS WHO DIED. 117 STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. CAVA I.I! Y. 'jilt Cavalry. Col. William Sackett, died Juno 14th, 1864, of wounds received in action al Trevelian Station, Va. Maj A. HcQulnn Corrlgan, died May 28th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Meadow bridge, Va Capt. Harmon J. Cowden, died May 23d, 1862, of disease, near White House, Va. Capt Asa B. Mernll, died June 23d, 1862, of dis- ease at Washington, D. I Capt. John Cj. Brown, died July 18th, 1864, Of wounds received in action at Yellow Tavern, Va. Capt Conway W. Ayres. killed Sept. 19th, 1864, in action at Opeqnon, Va. 1st Lieut. Lyman J. Cobb, died Sept 6th, 1862, Oj disease. 1st Lieut. Zebedee Truesdell, died Sept. 29th, 1862, of disease, at Washington, D. C*. 1st Lieut. George B, Stockwell, died Oct. 3d, 18615, of disease, near Falmouth, Va. l>t Lieut Perry Bly, died May 17th, 1864, of wounda received In action at Todd's Tavern, Va., May 8th, I Nil. 1st Lieut. James 1\ Burrows, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, in action at Kearnvville, Va. 2d Lieut. Judson W.Lowe, died Nov. 19th, 1863, of wounds received in action Aug. 1st, 1863. Surgeon \V. H Rullson. Killed Aug. 29th, 1864, In action at SmitliUeld, Va. lOtfi Cavalry. Lt -Col. Frederick L. Tremain. died Feb 8th, 1865, of wounds received In action at Hatcher's Run,Va. Capt. John Ordner, killed June 11th, 1864, in action at Trevelian station, Va. Capt. Wilkinson W. Paige, killed June 24th, 1864, in action at St. Man's Church. Va. Capt. George L. Brinkerhoff, died March 20th, 1865, of an accidental Philadelphia, Pa. Capt (has. F. Pratt, died at Washington, D. C, May :id, 1S65. of wounds received in action. 1st Lieut William J, Kobb, killed June 9th, L863, in action at Brandy Station. Va. 2d Lieut. Edward 8. Hawes, died June 20th, 1868, of wounds received in art ion at Middleburgh, Va. 2d Lieut. Horatio H. Boyd, killed June 19th. 1863, in action at Middleburgh, Va. 2d Lieut. Brownaon Bearasley, died June 23d. 1863, of wounds received in action at Middlehurirh.Va. 2d Lieut John B. King, died in Ltbby prison July 31st, 1863, of wounds received in action at Mid dleburgh. Va. nth Cavalry. C*pt. Franklin B. Halleck, died May 17th, 1864, of wounds received in action at New River, La. 1st. Lieut, and It ('. S. Franklin J Davis, died Oct. 27th, 1863, of disease at Sing Sing. N V. 2d Lieut. Frederick Starkey, died June 12th, 1863, of disease. 12tfi Cavalry. Capt. Cyrus Church, killed July 20th, 1863, In action at Tarboro, N. C, Capt. Charles IF Koche. died Oct. 24th, 1864, of yellow fever at New Berne, N. C. Capt. Henry A. Hubbard, died April 7th. 1865, of wounds received in attion at Hookerstown. N C, April 3d, 1865 1st Lieut. Henry C. Hathaway, died Oct. Ith, 1864, of yellow fever at Ne« Berne, N. C. 1st Lieut. Ciles F. Ward, accidentally killed Jan. 30th, lstif). 2d Lieut. Henry F Mosher, died Oct. 6th, 1864, of yellow fever at Charleston, S i'. 2d Lieut. August Pitt man, killed March 8th, 1865, ill action at Wise's Ford, \. C. Asst Surgeon Rollln T Baker, died Oct. 14th, 1864, of disease near New Heine. \ C VMh Cavalry. 2d Lieut. Francis W. Jernegan, died De<-. 2d, 1868, of disease at Washington, D. C. I4tt Cavalry. Capt. -William E. Bristol, died May 14th, : disease at Brashier City, La Capt. Charles E. Morton, died Aug. 22(1, 1863, of disease at Kenner. La. 2d Lieut. Peter R. Biegel. died June 27th I wounds received in action near Port Hudson, La. ; prisoner of war 2d Lieut. Mos.-s s Smith, died June 26th I ii Isease at Baton Rouge, La. 2d Lieut. John De Camp, died July 26th. 1864, near Alexandria, La., of wounds received Inac 15/ /i Cavalry. Lt.-Col. Augustus I'. Boot, killed April Bth, 1865, i" action at Appomattox c. 11., Va. ( apt Marshall M. Loyden, died Oct, 5th, 1864, of disease. 1st Licit. Wm. P. Shearer, killed July 8th, 1864, in action with guerrillas. 1st Lieut. Ralph 1). Short, died Jan 20th, 1865, of 2d Lieut. Lorenzo w. Hatch, killed Nov. 1st, 1864, in action at Green Springs, Va. 2d Lieut. Samuel Hunter, died Feb. 26th, 1865, Of disease. Assist. Surgeon John 1'. Robinson, died Feb. 3d, i864, of disease. 16l/i Cavalry. Capt. James H. Fleming, killed Aug. 8th, 1864, in action at Fairfax Station, Va L8tft Cavalry. Capt. Aaron Low, died Aug. 1st, 1n;4, of typhoid' fever at Thibodeaux, La 1st Lieut. Alvaro Hammond, killed April Bth, 1864, in action at Sabine Cross Roads, La 2d Lieut. James McMahan, drowned at sea Dec 22d, 1864. ::u/// Cavalry. Capt, J Floyd Thompson, died July 5th, 1864, of typhoid fever, at, Norfolk. Va. 1st Lieut. M. P. McAlister, died Sept. 18th, 1863, of disease at Watertown. N \ . :.m.s/ Cavalry. Capt. Wm. II. Mitchell, killed May 15, 1804, in action at New Market , va 1st Lieut. Nelson B. Holcomb, died he,-, tub. 1864, Of wounds received in action at White Post, Va., Dec. 6th, 1864. 2d Lieut Richard Wilmot, killed accidentally at Trov. N. Y , before leaving the state 2d Lieut. Charles II Cone, killed July 19th, 1884, in action at Ashby's Ford, Va. 22d Cavalry. Major Theodore Schllck, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, in action at Kearneysville, Va. 1st Lieut. Daniel K Lay ton, died June Nth, 1864, of wounds received in action at White c >ak Swamp, Va . June 18th, 1864. 1st Lieut. Squire M. Yates, killed April nth, 1866, accident near Winchester, Va. 2d Lieut Patrick R. (Herman, killed June 22d, 1864, in action at Dinwiddle C. H., Va. 24Wi Cavalry Col. Wm.C. Raulston, died Dec 15th. 1864, at Dan- ville, Va., of wounds received Dec. loth. 1804, while prisoner of war, in an attempt to escape. Lt.-Col. Mel/.er Richards, died April 6th, 1865, of wounds received in action near Jettersvllle, Va. , April 5th, 1865. Major James K Doraii. died April 14th, 1865, of wounds received in action at Dinwiddle C. H . Va., Mar ;>!st. I?65. Capt. Calvin Burch. killed June 18th, 1864, in action at Petersburg. Va Capt. Ceo. W. Simonds, died Sept. Ith, 1864, Of wounds received in action at WeldOD Railroad, Va. 1st Lieut, ('has. P. Williams, died April 1 1 It. 1865, of wounds received in action April 6th, 1865 2d Lieut. Austin GIbl a, died Nov. 18th, 1864. of wounds received in action at Mine Explosion, V"a. 2d Lieut. John li Hughes, died at Salisbury, N. C . N'.v. ":,tii, 1864, of wounds received in action at Poplar Spring Church, Va. 25W Cavalry. 1st Lieut. Charles N. Howard, killed June 21st, 1864, in action at White House Landing, Va. 1st Dragoons. Capt. Jeremiah Hatch, died Dec. 21st, 1862, of disease at Suffolk, Va. lis PART II. IX THE FIELD. STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. AKTILLKKY Lowley P.Taylor, killed Jan. 80th, 1863, in House, v ■' \U-\ K Tborp. died Sept. 19th, 1864, of wounds rec< Ived in action near Winchester, \ a 1-t Lleul James B Alford. killed Aug. 29th, 1864, in action .ti Smlthfleld, Va 1-t Lieut. Prosper Swift, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, in k, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. trieffer, killed Deo. 20th, 1864, lo action near Jones' Creek, Va l-t Lieut Wm W. Dlsosway, killed Oct. 18th, irhlle on duty at Williamsburg, Va. 1-t Lieut. Frank Boudinot, died May 2d, 1864, ol 2d i.T.'.iV William Wheelan, died Oct 26th, 1862, of wounds received In action a! Blaokwater, \ a. 2d Lieut. GeorgeS Jenkins, died Oct. 19th, 1864, of yellow fever; with ;id Art. 2d mounted Rifles. Cap! Wm. F. Williams, died June 19th, 1864, of wounds receivedin actional assault of Peters- burgi Va. Capt Josepb M Rushmore, died Aug. I6th,1864, of disease at Lockpon . N J : ,i Morse, died April 1st. l s '''">, of wounds receivedin action at Dinwiddle C. H., Va. 1st Lieut. James B N DeLong, killed June 18th, 1864, in action at assault of Petersburg, \ a 1st Lleul John V Bedell, died July 8th, 1864, of wounds received In action at assault ol Peters- burg, Va. 2d Lieut Jeremiah R. Morrison, died June 6th, ■ r w dB received In action at Bethesda Church, Va.. June 2d, 1861 • i. ones L Uwood, killed June 26th, 1864, in action before Petersburg, Va. 2d Lieut Michael Casey, killed Sept. 30th, 1864, in action at Poplar Grove Church, \ a 2d Lieut. John F. Newman, killed Dee. 9th, 1*64, in action at Hatcher's Run, \ a. 1st \i i' run Cavalry. Maj. Jerry A Sullivan, killed March 10th, 1864, in action at Cabletown, Va Capl William L, Morgan, killed Feb. 20th, 1864, in action at Upperville, \ a. Capt. Robert II. Brett, killed May 30th, 1864, In action at Newtown, Va. Capt Joseph E Conway, killed July 25th, 1804, in action at Martlusburg, Va. 2d Pi U >■'■< Oava i y Capt. Charles F. Carter, died Julj ISth, 1864, of wound- received In action at Cane Rivet : omas B. Smith, died Feb. 26th I consuinpi l< >n. il Melville s. Dunn, killed April ith. 1864, in a. -non at ' Samptl, La 1st Lieut Dan l» stone, died \|.i il r.'ih. 1864, oi ..I. bi ..ii d I ' s Transport I bei rille II. ill. died April l ith. 1864, of woum i action at Pleasant Hill, La. Isl Lieut. Albert Westinghouse, killed Dec. Kith, 1864, In action at Mel I'a Mills, I a. 2d Lieut Gi irge i HutchliiKS, died i »ct. 2d, 1864, ol wounds received in action at Opequon, Va ; with 163d Inf Chaplain K. C Dwyer, died June 80th, 1864, ol 1. 1 . .f.,r.i D Bailey, killed May Bis) 1862, in action .it l.iir i >.ik- Maj I) II Van Valkenburgh. killed Ma) Slat, In action at Fall ( >aks, \ u ■ ■ I Via] i i 1864, of typhoid koul \ allej , Teim Capl Henrj w Davis, died Maj 26th, 1864. of wounds received in action at Jericho Ford, va., il Mai iball il Rundell died Ju ■ « 'i oik city. • '■ Lmea, klll< d Sept. 26th, 1864, Ion before Pel ersburg, \ a 2d Lieut. Thon . died Jan 26lh, 1863, 2d Lieut. Cbai 1864, In act Ion iii Bet he-da < burob, \ a. 2d Lieut Francis Eenchen, killed July 27th, 1864, in action before Atlanta, I la 2d Lieut, Tyler E. Searle, died Nov. 3d, 1864, of Injuries at Fort Sedgwick, Va. 2d Artillery. Capt. Michael O'Brien, killed June 6th, 1864, in action at I old Harbor, Va Capl William A, Berry, killed June 18th, 1864, in action .ii i 'el ersburg, Va. Capt, Henry (' Hooker, killed Aug. 14th, 1864, in action at Strawberry Plains, \ a Capt George 8. Dawson, died Dec. 6th, 1861 ol wound- received In action June 16th, 1864. 1st Lieut Marcus Keiiyon. killed June 3d, 1864, In action at Cold Harbor, Va 1st Lieut. William H. Roff, died June 30th, 1864, of wounds received iii action 1st Lieut. Jonas Zoller. died Feb. 16th. 1865, of wounds received In action Aug, Hih. 1864. 1st Lieut. Peter Piukler, died April 25th , 1865, of wounds received In action Aug. 25th, 1864. 2d Lieut. Francis Knemm, killed May 19th, 1864, in action at the Pines, Va 2d Lieut. Frederick H Howard, died Aug. 17th, 1*64, of wounds received iii action May 31st, 18B4. :;./ Artillery. Lt.-Col. Henry M. Stone, died Oct. 2d, 1864, of yellow fever at New Berue, N. C Isl Lieut. David D. Hills, died Sept. 24th, 1864, of y. -How fever al New Iterne. X C. 1st Lieut. Edward A. WIeldt, killed Nov. 30th. 1864, in action at Honey Hill, S C. 2d Lieut. John o'Neil. died Aug, lOth, l£ disease at Fort Monroe. \ a. ■aii rtillery. Ma.i Edward F. Young, died Dec. 22d, 1863, of disease iit Fort Ethan Allen. Va Capt. D. Is. Smith Jones, killed June 17th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Va. Capt James M. McKeel, killed Aug. 25th, lfi64, In .action ,ai Ream's Station, Y.a. 1st Lleul Henry <;. Harris, died Sept. 10th, w;:.', of disease al Georgetown, l 1 C 1st Lieut, w. C, li Grey, died Jan. 1-t. 1863, of al Georgetown, D. ('. i-t Lleul and R. Q, Daniel Cole, died Dec. 27th, i-i.:;, of disease al Fori Ethan Alien. Va. 2d Lieut. James Walker, killed Maj 0th, 1864, in action :ii Wilderness, Va. L'd Lieut. Michael J. Lee. died June |9th, 1864, of wounds received in action May 19th, 1861 2d Lieut Ichabod P Flannagan, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, in action at Ream's Station, Va 2d Lieut Charles H. Burgbardt, died April 17th , 1865, <>f wounds received in action June 9th, 1864. 2d Lieut. Edwin <>. Gates, died July 1st. 1864, oi wounds received In action June 4th, 1864. 2d Lieut. Frank L. Burdick, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, in action iit Ream's Station, Va. :>tli Artillery . 2d Lieut. James McMahan, died JulySd, 1864 of 6Wi Artillery. Col. J, Howard Kltchlng, died Jan. 10th, 1866, of wounds received In action Oct. 19th, 1864 Maj Edward Jones died Ool 80th, 1864, of wounds received In action Oct. 19th, 1864 ui Richard M Gilleo. died March 27th, . disease al Peekskill, N J ■ ll. ,n.. i, i; Pratt, died May 21st, 1864, of wounds received in action Maj l»th 1864 i ; Lieut David Hamel, dli d Maj 30th wounds received In action May 19th, 1864. il Wm .i Rasberrj . killed • >. t I'.'th, 1864, in action at ' edar ' reek , \ ;i 2d Lleul 'li lore P. Tompkins, died March 10th, 1868, ol 'ii ■ 2d Lleul l barles P Hazan, died May 2d, disease at Bai per - Fei ry, vv . Va. 2d Lleul George D Hyatl died July 26th, 1864, of near < ity Poinl . \ a 2d Lieut Ellas Fountain, died Nov 1864, of WOlllld- received II. ildloll Oct 19th, 1864 2d Lleul George Porter, Jr , died June 25th , 1865, or typhoid i. a— i Surgeon Lewis F Baker, died Sept. 5th; 1864, oi disease .it Fori Reno, D. C. THE ROLL OF HONOR. OFFICERS WHO DIED. 119 STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. ARTILLERY. -,th Artillery. Col Lewis O. Morris, killed June 4th, 1864, in ac- tion at Cold Harbor, Va. Mai Edward A. Springsteed, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, i" action at Ream's Station, Va. Caiit. John A. Morris, killed May 19th, 1864, in ac- tion at Spotsylvania, Va. Capl ('has. McCullough, killed May 19th, 1804, in act ion at Spotsylvania, Va. Capt. Robert 11'. Bell, died June l'.'th, 1864, of wounds received In action May 19th, 1804. Capt. Charles Magulre, died July 1th, 1S04, of wounds received la action June 22d. 1864 Capt. Nathaniel Wright, killed Aug. 25th, 1804, in action at Ream's Station. Va Capt James Kennedy, died Sept. 10th. 1864, of wounds received in act ion at Ream's Station ,va 1st Lieut. Matthew Hell, died April 12th, 1864, of e at Fort Reno, D. C. 1st Lieut. Wm. F. Orr, died June 2d. 1864, of wounds received in action May 25th, 1864 1st Lieut. John R. Read, killed June 3d, 1804. in action at Cold Harbor, Va. 1st, Lieut. Thomas J, McClure, killed June 3d, 1804, In action al Cold Harbor, Va. 1st Lieut. Michael II Barclay, died July 6th, 1864, "f wounds received in act ion June 5th. 1864. 2d Lieut. C. Swain Evans, died June 6th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Cold Harbor. Va. 2d Lieut. Cbas. L Yearsley. killed June 16th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Va 2d Lieut. Charles S. White, died July 8th, 1804, of disease near I'etersburi:. Va 2d Lieut. Edgar S. Moss, died Oct. 18th, 1804, of yellow fever at Charleston, S. C. 2d Lieut. Qeorge s Jupp. died Oct. 31st, 1864, of disease at Andersonville, Ga. Bth Artillery. Col. Peter A. Porter, killed June 3d. 1804, in ac- tion at ('old Harbor, Va . Lt -Col Wm W. Rates, died June 25th, 1864, id wounds received In action at Petersburg, Va., June22d, 1864 Maj Edwin L. Blake, died June 18th, lsef. <>f wo nids received in action at Petersburg, Va . June 17th, 1864. Capt Alexander Gardner, killed June 3d, 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va Capt. Win. J. Hawkins, died June :.'.'d. 1864, of wounds received in action at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, 1864. Capt. George A. Hoyt, .lied July 5th, 1S04, of wounds received in action at Petersburg, Va., June 22d, H64. Capt. Elbridge T. Sherwin, died July 30th, 1864, of typhoid fever at City Point, Va. Capt. James Maglnnis, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, in action at Ream's Station, Va. Capt. Thomas Low, died April 25th, 1865, of wounds received in action March 31st, l,H05. lsi Lieut Henry R. Swan, died June nth, 1864, of disease at did Harbor, Va lsi I. lent. Charles H. West , Jr. , killed Aug. 26th, 1864, In action at Ream's station, Va. l ? t Lieut. Darwin L Fellows, died June loth, |864, o1 wounds received in action at Petersburg, Va., June 10th, 1864 1st Lieut. Geo. W. Rector, Jr., died Oct, 29th, 1864, of wounds receive' in action at Hatcher's Run, Va., Oct. 27th, 1864. 1st Lieut. Adalbert S. Clapp, died Nov Stst, 1864, i if wounds received In action June 85th, 1864. 2d Lieut Joseph S. Caldwell, killed June 3d. 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va 2d Lieut. Fayett S. Brown, killed June 3d, 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va 2d Lieut Arthur L. Chase, died June 7th, 1864, ol wounds received in action at Cold Harbor. Va.. June 3d, 1864 2d Lieut. Wallace I!. Hard, killed June 3d, 1864, In action at Cold Harbor, Va 2d Lieut. Geo w. Gladden, killed June 3d, 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va, 2d Lieut Oliver M. Campbell, killed June 3d 1864, in action at I "Id Harbor, Va 2d Lieut. Walter P. Wright, killed June 16th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Va 2d Lieut. Robert Glass, died June 2Tth. 1864, of wounds received in action June 22d, 1884 2d Lieut. Joseph M. Willett, died Feb. 17th, 1865, of disease at Danville, Va, 2d Lieut. Win. H. H. Hiekford. died March 9, 1865, of chronic diarrhoea at Camp Parole, Md. 9th Artillery. Capt. Selah Comwell, died Nov. l-t . 1862, of dis- ease near Ten ally town, D c. Capt. Truman Gregory, died June -3d, 1864, of wounds received in action June 1st, 1864. Capt Orson Howard, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, in ac- tion at Cedar Creek, Va 1st Lieut. James H. Fllis, killed July 9th, 1*04, in action at Monocacy, Md. 2d Lieut. George c. Stoyell, died Jan. 21st, 1868, of disease at Georgetown , D C. 2d Lieut. Vincent Agnet, died June 10th. 1863, of disease. 2d Lieut. Orrin B. Carpenter, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, in action at Cedar (reek. Va 2d Lieut John Oldswager, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, in action at Cedar Creek , Va. 2d Lieut. David II. Stone, killed Jan 11th, 1805, in action before Petersburg, Va. 2d Lieut. Stephen V. R. ( ale, died April 10th, 1865, of wounds received in action Asst. Surgeon Byron L Flower, died Oct. 24th, 1863, of disease at Fort Simmons, Md. IOWi ArtiUery. 2d Lieut. J. Randolph Knight, died Nov. -s.\d, lsti2, of disease at Fort Stanton, 1). C. 2d Lieut. Dealton \V. Cooper, died Aug. 6th, 1864, of disease at Fort Monroe, Va. 13tfi Artillery. Capt. Alexander .1. Reach, died Aug. huh. 1864, In ( Ihesapeake Hospital of disease. Capt. John A. Gordon, killed Oct. 7th. 1864, in ac- tion at Swift Creek, N. C. 2d Lieut. Albert A Palmer, died June 6th, 1*04, of disease at Portsmouth, Va. Surgeon Francis M. McLellan, died Nov. 12th, 1863, of disease. 11/// Artillery. Maj. Job C. Hedges, killed June 17th. 1864, In ac- tion at Petersburg, Va. Capt, Luther Kielfer, killed June 2d, 1S04. in ac- tion at Cold Harbor, Va. Capt. Nimrod Underbill, Jr., killed June 23d, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Va. Capt. Chauncey Wilkie. died Aug. 7th, 1864, of typhoid fever. 1st" Lieut. John H Thompson, died Nov. 20th, 1864, of diphtheria at Charleston, S. C. 1st Lieut. Andrew Gossin, killed Dec. 1st, 1864, In action near Petersburg, Va. 2d Lieut. Elisba Bentley, killed June 2d, 1864, In action at Cold Harbor, Va. 2d Lieut. Fzra T. Hartley, killed July 30th, 1864, In action at The Crater, Va. Asst. Surgeon James M, Oliver, died Nov. luth. 1863, of disease at Fort Richmond . N Y i;,//, Artillery. Maj. Leander Shainberger, died May 27th, 1864, of wounds received in action May 19th, 1864 Maj. Emil Duysing, died May '.'7th, 1865, of wounds received in action March 31st. 1869 Capt. Franz Stoeckner, killed June 19th, i s >>!. In action at Petersburg, Va. 1st Lieut. Win liundy, died April 20th, 1804, at Washington, D G; accident. 1st Lieut. Franz Bratinstein. died June 10th. 1864, of wounds receive, 1 in action .May 30th, 1864 1st Lieut. Robert Borah, died Sept 86th, 1864, ol wounds received In action sept 6th, 1864. 2d Lieut Leo Kuchne, killed June 9th, 1863, by explosion of magazine. Fort Lyons, Va. 2d Lieut. Charles Joachim, died Oct. 8th, 1863, of disease at Fort Lyons, Va 2d Lieut. Wm.C .Mueller, killed May 0th, 1864, in action at Wilderness. Va. 2d Lieut. Robert Mueller, died Aug 23d, 1864, of wounds received in action atWeldon Road, Va. 2d Lieut Adolpfa Rlebman, died Feb. 8tb, 1865, of wounds received in action Feb. 6th, 1865. Asst Burgeon Conrad Joachim, died Sept. 4th, 1862, of disease Asst Surgeon Edward Moeller. died Nov. loth, 1868, Ol disease at Fort Lyons, Va. 16th Artillery. 2d Lieut. Ulysses F. Jefferies. died Nov. 8th, 1864, of disease at Auburn, N. V. 2d Lieut. John Scott, died Feb l'.uli. 1865, of dis- ease at Fort Fisher. N. C. 120 PART II. IX THE FIELD. STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. [NFANTBY. . ArtOlery. . r D. tflcboll, killed 8epl 6th, L86S, in notion ;it Washington, N. C. I- Lieut. Hinthnroe Westervelt, died Dec. 3d, \ ork olty. MB « littery. i-iii. 1882, of wounds Ived in action at Autietam, Bid. Ualion of Ariiih ry. O'Neill, died Not 29th, 1863, accl tally killed. M Battery. ■ w ,.. a. Johnson, died Not 2d, 1864, of . .1 in action 8epl 19th 1864. 2d Lieul Henrj D. Vaughn, killed Oot. 19th, 1864, in action at Cedar Creek. 2d Battery. 1st Lieut. F. J. T. Blume, killed July 1st, 1868, In action at Gettysburg, Pa. \n< Battery. 2d Lieut. James C. Parker, died June 4th, 1862, of disease near the Chlckahominy, Va. 12th Battery. 2d Lieul Benry D. Brower, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, in action at Beam a Station, Va. ISth BatU m. '■ iUiam Wl ler, killed June 22d, 1864, in action near Marietta, Ga. Ulh Battery. I apl James McKay Rorty, killed July 3d, I863,in action at Gettj sburg, Pa :■ Win. O'Donohue, killed May 3d, 1868, in action nt Chancellorsville, Va \\>th Battery. tahl. died 8( it Washington, D C. Win. II. Stahl, died Sept. 15th, of 1st Lieul Benn H. Cozzens, died Feb. 18th, 1864, ..r disease it New JTork city. SSth Battery. 2d Lieut. Gustav C. Klein, died May 16, 1862, of altery 2d Lieul Wrn .1. Burt, died April 18th, 1864, ol I m | ■ 1 1 | u j I ' I 1st Enalnet n. 1 ■ •Mm. died Jan. 21st, 1862, al Hilton Benry 8. Southard, died June 8d, 1864, of wounds received In actional Bermuda Hundreds, i d wards, died Nov 22d, 1864, of I l Richard V i; Perrine, died Feb Bth, Hilton Head 1st Lieul l \ llcken died Ocl 10th, LS64, of disease ii New Berne, N. C il .1 Howard Brooks, died Aug 5th, 1864, 'eter burg, Va B 3now . dli • of .lis eas> ,i.l \ N / n died i >cl Bth, 1863, of dia- \\ aahlnirtnn, D. C C ipl J . died Bept. 18th, 1861 accl dent. • Calvert 8. Webster, died I «'f did 1 1 iven, < '>iim BOtfi i rklns, killed 1 1 in .T • bum N ■' 2ih Infantry. Lt.-Col. Edgar A. Kimball, died April 12th, 1863, shot by General Corcoran. Isl Lleul . and Adj. Cbas A, Gadsden, killed April 19th, 1862, In action at Camden, X. C. 1st Lieut. Wm H. Bnnl*, died Aug., 1862, of cholera at Aquia Creek, Va. 2d Lieut. B. (' Cooper, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in action at Antietam, Md. 10th Infantry. I.t. Col. Alex. B.Elder, died Oct. 81st, 1801, of disease at New Vork city. Capt. Salmon Winchester, died Dec.l6th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg, Va. Capt. Oscar F, Angell, died May 14th, 1864, of wounds received In action at Po River, Va., May lOt h, 1864. (apt Peter Henry, died May ITth, 1865, of disease at New Vork city. 1st Lieut. Francis A. Morrell, died Feb 4th, 1863, of wounds received in actional Fredericksburg, V.i 1st Lieut. Wm. H. Monk, died May22d, 1864, of wounds received in action May 10th, lstit 2d Lieut. Joslah Hedden, killed Aug. 30th, 1862, In action at Bull Run, Va 2d Lleul . .lame- M Yard ley, killed Deo, 18th, 1862, in action at Fredericksburg, Va. Asst. Burgeon Richard II. Palmer, died Dee. 4th, 1864, of disease at Brooklyn, N. V. Itth Infantry. Col. E. Elmer Ellsworth, died Maj 24th, 1861, assassinated at Alexandria. Va. Lt.-Col Noah s Farn ham, died Aug. 14th, 1861, of w nls received in action at Hull Kill), Va. Isl l.ieut Daniel Dlvver, killed July21st, 1861, in action at Dull Run . Va. 1st Lieut. Henry Cornell, died 1862, of disease at Cloud's Mill. Va. 1st Lieut, James Holt, died 1862; drowned in Potomac river 1st Lieut. Wm Kane, died 1862, Of disease at Mew Vork city. Col. Henry K O'Brien (2d organization i. died July, 1863; murdered bj mob In New Jforkclty. l :.•//, Infantry. Maj John I.orin.died Oct 21st, 1861; killed by a fall from his horse Capt Wm. li. Hoagland, killed \h~r 13th, 1862, In action at Fredericksburg, V i. 1st Lieut Henry C Burton, killed June 2Tth, 1862, in action -it I talnes Mills, Va. 2d Lieut. Edward M. Fisher, killed June 27th, 1863, ill action at Gaines Mills, Va. 13f/i Infantry. Capt. Charles H Savage, killed Aug. 30tl in action at Hull Run, Va. Capt Oeo W. Hasler, killed Aug. 30th, 1862, in action at Bull Run, Va. 2d Lieut. Albert S I.ema. died .Tun,' 27tb, 1862, of wounds received In action at Gaines Mills. Va. 2d Lieut William Gnetling, killed Aug 30th, 1862, in action at Bull Run, Va. 1G 14//* Infantry Lt.-Col Charles ii Bklllen, killed June 27th, 1862, in action at Gaines Mills, Va. Capt Frederick Harrar, died July I3tb, 1862, of wounds received in action June 27th, 1862; pris- oner of war 1st Lieut Edward H. I J. .yd. killed July I in action at Malvern Hill. Va 2d Lieut. Geo W. Griffith, killed July 1st, 1862, In action at Malvern Hill, Va. UWi Infantry. Lt -Col. Samuel Marsh, died July 4th. 1862, of wounds received in action at Gaines Mills, Va. Isl Lieut. Alanson M, Barnhard, killed June 27th, 1862, iii action at Gaines Mills. Va. 1st Lieut. John McFadden, died Aug. nth. 1862, of wounds received in action at Gaines Mills. Va. 2d Lieut Joseph Holbrook, died Aug 28th, 1861, of disease ai Alexandria , Va 2d Lieut. W. w Hutton, died Nov |5th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Crampton's Gap, Md 2d Lieut. Wm E. Hesselgrave, killed May8d, 1863, inaction at Chancellorsvllle, Va. 17//1 Infantry. Capt. Isaac D. Blauvelt, killed Aug. 80th, 1862, In action at Bull Run, Va. Capt. James II. Demarest, killed Aug 30th, 1862, in action at Hull Run, Va. Capt. Andrew Wilson, died Sept. 1st h. 1862, of wounds received in action at Bull Run, Va. 1st Lieut. R. Stewart Root, died June :"th. 1861, of disease at New Vork City. 1st Lieut. Frederick VY Backus, died Aug. 10th, 1862, of disease at Washington, 1>. C. 1st Lieut, and Adj Geo. s. Wilson, died Feb 7th, 1863, of wounds received in action at Fredericks- burg, Va. 2d Lieut. Wm. Mattocks, died July 31 St, 1861, of disease ai Washington, D. C. 2d Lieut. James Reed, killed Aug. 80th, 1802, In action at Bull Bun. Va. 17//i Veteran Infantry. Col. Wm. T. C. Grower, died Sept. 8d, 1864, of wounds received In action at J sboro, G& (apt Wm. G. Harnett, killed March 16th, 1865, in action at Averasboro, N. C. ISth Infantry. Col. Wm. A. Jackson, died Nov. 10th, 1861, of dis- ease at Washington, D. C. Capt. Geo. Harry, killed June 27th, 1862, in action at Caines Mills, Va. Capt. Theodore C. Rogers, killed June 27th, 1862, in action at Gaines Mills, Va. Capt. Wm Horsfall, killed Sept 14th, 1862, In ac- tion at Crampton Gap, Md. 1st Lieut, and Adj John II. Russell, died July 28th 1862, ol wounds received In aotion at Gaines Mills, Va. 20tft Infantry. ('apt. Joseph Otto, died June 3d, 1861, of tuber- colosis. Capt. Robert Merkle, died sept 26tb, 1862, of wounds received in action at Antietam. Md 1st Lieut. <; Adolph Lorenz, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in action at Antietam, Md 1st Lieut. Jacob Pabst, killed Sept. 17th, 1862. in action a* Am ietam, Md 1st Lieut. Charles Voelker, died Sept. 17th. 1862 ■ t wound- received In action at Antietam, Md |8l Lieut L.uls Roth, died Sept. l'.Hh. If wounds received In action at Antietam. Md 1st Lieut. Christian Lehman, died Oct 9th, 1862, of wounds r. Ived In action at Antietam. Md 2d Lieut Adoiph Prick, killed Sept. 17th action at Antietam. Md. . 2d Lieut Louis Kraus. killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in action at Antietam, Md, 21 8 i Infantry Capt Jeremiah P. Washburn, killed Aug. 30th, isti2, in action at Bull Bun. Va. Capt. Elisha I. Hav ward, died Sept Bth, 1862, Of disease at Washington, D. C. „ , mttmm 2d Lieut Win. L. Whit nev, killed Aug. 30th, 1862, In action at Bull Hun. Va , Surgeon Cbas. H. Wilcox, died Nov. 7th, 1862, of disease at Buffalo, N. Y. PABT U. IS THE TIELI). STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. IMANTK, fantry. Gorton T Thomas, died Sept. 7th. 1883, of •rounds received In action ai Hull Hun. Va. I , ■ Etoberi B McCoy, killed Aug 89th, 1862, In n in Groveton, Va well, killed Aug. 30th, 1863. In I ,,l Hull Uun. \ .. Capl Henrj 8 Mllliman, died Sept 10th, 1862, of wound* received iu action Aug. 89tb, 1862 ■ Beaumont, killed Aug. 89th, i-.j in action al Grovi ton. Va :■ Duncan Lendrura, killed Aug. 80th, 1862, in action at Bull Hun. Va w in I Norrle, killed Aug 80th, 1862, In . B ill Run, Va til Hiram Out.', died Bepl 88th ' la received in action at Hull Hun. Va. Sd Lieut Wu, T Beattee, killed Aug 80th, 1862, in action at Hull Hun , Va. B. Pierson, died Bept 17th, 1862, in. I- 1 lived In action Aug. 30th, 1862 2d Lieut. Charles Cushlng, killed Bept. 17th, 1862, in aotlon at Antletam, Mil Surgeon James B Atterly, died Aug. 12th, 1862, !-.• at Falmouth, Va. mti >i Capl Martin C Hark, killed May 13th, 1863, in railroad accident. Sd Lieut. Rodnej W Steele, died Dec. 7th, 1861, of- typhoid fever it Blmlra, N. V. [rev, .1. Barney, killed Aug. 80th, 1862, in D at Hull Kim. \ .. ' in. P. Buckley, killed Aug. 30th, 1862, in i, ii Hull Run, \ a. ]-t Lieu) Theodore Dalrvmple, died April 21st, 1862 ol disease at Washington, 1). C. Isi Lleul Henrj B. Corse, killed Aug. 30th, 1862, In action ut Hull Hun, Va 1st Lieut. Daniel C. Hubbard, killed Aug. 30th, hi action at Hull Hun. Va. 2d Lieut. Ten Byck G. Pawling, killed Aug.29th, 1862, in action at Groveton . Va I'd Lieut. James A Brown, died Sept. 21st, 1862, unda received In action at Bull Hun. Va. l'.v/i Infantry. I.t -Col. Edwin 8. Gilbert, died Feb. SSd, 1863, at Rochester, N Y . ol consumption. MhJ Shephard Gleason, died June 17th. 1863, at i ,ii in Springs, Va . of congestion of the brain. omas Kerrigan, died Dec. 12th, isd, of wounds received Iu action at Hall's cr..s- Roads, \ .i. ' hael McMabon, killed May 27th, 1862, In ai II anover ' i >url I louse, Va. Archibald II Ferguson, died Ji 88th, 1662, of wounds received Inaction at Gaines Mills, Va. 1st Lleul died June 80th, 1861, of dls- U New York ell v 1-t Lieut. George E Flsk killed May 27th, 1862, In n at Hanover Courl House, \ a I Fail man, died June 80th, ol wounds received In action al I Mill 2d Lieut. Thomas T Thompson, killed May 27th, In action at Hanover Court House, \ a lea II. iln in. killed May 87th, I n it Hanover i louri Hou •■ \ a. 2d Lieut. Richard Bsselstyue. died al Richmond, \'a . M i wounds received in action ■■mini Hontgomerj Caaael man, killed Aug. 80th, 1 apl i ioih, 1862, In ac tlon it Hull Run, \ ■ Ii tries l Jennings, died Oct. 1st. 1869, ol at Hull Hun. \ .. • and AdJ w in K Bacon, died Deo 13th, ■ ived in action al I rederlcks blirg, \ I 2d Lleul Hurt I ml. killed Aug 80th, 1862, in Bull Hun. \ ,i fantry ■ '.'■ ii i hlngtoti n C ■ 1861, In action Run. \ a. 2d Lieut Joseph Webster, died July SSd, 1862, of wounds received inaction at Gaines Mills, Va. 8d Lieut. Charles L Gaul, died Aug. 20th, 1862, of disease at New York city. S8t7i Infantry. Col Dudley Donnelly, died Aug 15th, I wounds received in action at Cedar Mountain, Va i-i i.ieut Charles P. Sprout, killed Aug. 9th, 1862, in action at Cedar Mountain, Va. •-".>//, infantry. ('apt. Bernard Bode, killed May 2d, 1863, In action at Chi, Ilorsville, Va. Isl Lieut. Ludwlg Haack, died Jan. 88th, 1862, of disease at Washington, D. C 1st Lieut. Baron Frederick Von Zeidlitz Lelpe, died Sept. 7th, 1862, of wounds received In ac- tion Aug. 89th, 1862. fiOth Infantry. Col. Edward Friable, killed Aug. 30th, 1862, inac- tion at Bull Hun. Va. Capt. Samuel King, died Sept. 1st, 1862, of wounds receive. ] in action at Hull Hun. Ya. Capt. Harrison Halliday, died Bept. 17th, 1862, of w-ounds received In action at Hull Hun, Va. 1st Lieut. Philip Casey, died Oct 24th, 1861, of disease at Upton Hill, Va 1st Lieut. Win T Conkling, died No^ 88th, 1861, of disease at Washington, I' C. 2d Lieut. Philip Rice, killed Aug. 29th, I action at t iroveton . Va. 2d Lieut, Francis Dargen. killed Aug. 30th, 1862, in action at Hull Hun, Va. 2d Lieut. Win. Morse, killed Aug. 80th, 1862, In action at Hull Hun, Va. 3l8i Infantry. MaL Robert H. Daniels, died April 18th, 1863, of disease at New York oil y ('apt. Augustus Hei-s, killed May 7th, 1862, In action at West Point, Va Capt. Henry Whitiach. killed June 27th, 1862, in action at (iaines Mills. \n Ni Lleul Frederick Pross, killed May 7lh, 1862, In action at West Point . \ a 1st Lieut. Charles E Klein, died May 9th, 1862, of wounds received in action at West Point, Ya 2d Lieut Horatio G. Babcock, died May 9th, l«62, of wounds received ill action at West Point. Ya. 8d Lieut. John .lewshury. killed May ;fd, 1863, in action at Salem Heights, Va 82d Infantry. Col. Roderick Matherson, died Oct 2d, 1863. of wounds received iu action at ('ramptoii Pass, M. Rossiter, died Ma) II I of wound- received In action al Salem Heights, Va. 84Wl In '.mini MaJ. Charlea L. Brown, did July 8d, 1862, of wounds received in act lou July i-i . IWB l-t Lieut James R ran-, die. i Oct nh 1861, of •' -ene.a Mill-. Md. l-t Li.-,,, Albert W Ransom, died I I 1th, 1862, ..f wound- received in action at Fredericksburg, id Lleul clarence K Hill, killed Sept. 17th, 1888, iii action at Antletam, Md THE ROLL OF HONOR. OFFICERS WHO DIED. 123 STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. IXIAMIIV. :\:>iii Infantry. Capt. James R. Barnett, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in action lit Antietain, Md. Maj. BlishaJ. Faxon, killed May 3d, 1863, in action at. Salem Heights, Va. Capt. Samuel Waddell, died June 10th, 1861, of disease at New STork city. Capt. Edwin M. Quackenboss, died Aug. 30th, 1863, of disease ai New York eitv. Capt. Alfred .1 Pigott, died .Inly 5th, [868, Of disease at Philadelphia, Pa. 1st Lieut. Geo. w. Tan-, died May nth. 1868, of disease at Fort Monroe, Va. 2d Lieut. Daniel I. Faxon, died June l'.it.h, 1862, of typhoid fever near Seven J'ines, \ a. 37r/i Infantry. Capt. Francis J. McHugh, died Dee. 12th, 1861, of disease at Alexandria. Va. 1st Lieut. Jeremiah O'Leary, killed May 6th, 1862, in action at Williamsburg, Va. 1st Lieut. Patrick II. Hayes, killed May 5th, 1862, Inaction at Williamsburg, Va. 1st Lieut. John Kiernan. died May, 1863, of wounds received inaction at Chancelloreville, Va. 2d Lieut. Edmund W. Brown, died May32d, 1862, of wounds received in action at Williamsburg, Va. 2d Lieut. Wm. H. Fennon, killed May 31st, 1862, inaction at Seven Pines, Va. BBtft Infantry. Capt. nugh McQuade, died Dec. 26th, 1861, of disease at Richmond, Va. Capt. Calvin S. Dewltt, killed May 5th, 1862, in action at Williamsburg, Va. Capt. Samuel C. Dwyer, died May 19th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Williamsburg, Va (apt. Oliver A Tilden. killed Sept. 1st, 1862, in action at Ohantill.v, Va. Burgeon Michael E. Foye, died June 9th, 1861, of disease. Asst. Burgeon Stephen Qriswold, died Nov. 80th, 1861, of disease al Castle 1'inckney, S. C. 39W Infantry. Major Anton Wekey, died April 28th, Mi2, of dis- ease at Winchester. Va. Capt. Theodore V Rich, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, in action at Ream's Station, Va. 1st Lieut. Albert Jordan, died June 16th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Cross Kevs, Va. 1st Lieut. Victor Leseine, killed June 8th, 1862, in action at Cross Kevs, Va. 1st Lieut. Theodore Pause h, killed July 2d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 2d Lieut. Adolph Wagner, died Aug. 25th, 1863, of wounds received In action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d. 1863. 2d Lieut. Thomas J. O'Keefe. killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania C. II . Va 2d Lieut. Michael 0. McGarry, died May 25th, 1864, of wounds received inaction at Po River, Va. , i May lOtb, 1864. 2d Lieut. David R. Bruen, killed Oct. 27th, 1864, Id action before Petersburg, \ r a. U)lh Infantry. Major Albert S. Ingalls, died Aug. 12th, 1863, of disease at Annapolis, Md. ('apt John Horn, killed Dec. 13th, 1862. in action at Fredericksburg, Va. Capt. Wm. O'Sullivan. Jr , killed Dec. 13th, 1862, in action at Fredericksburg, Va. ('apt. Harrison T. Walcott, killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, \ a. 1-t Lieut. Win R. Stevens, killed Dec. 13th. 1862, in action at Fredericksburg, Va. 1st Lieut. Wm. II. II Johnson, killed July 2d , 1868, inaction at. Gettysburg, Pa. 1st Lieut. James Shuter. killed June lf>th, PCI, in action at Petersburg, Va 1st Lieut Washington Peed, killed Sept. 20th, 1864, in action near Petersburg, Va. 2d Lieut. Barent Vanderpool, died Aug, Bd, 1862, of wounds received in action June 80th, 1862. 2d Lieut. Thomas Clark, killed July 29th, 1864, In action at Deep Bottom, Va. Asst. Surgeon Charles E. Halsey, died July 30th, 1862, of typhoid fever at Baltimore. Md Chaplain W. H. Gilder, Sr., died April 13th, 1864, of disease at Brandy, Va. list Infantry. Lt.-Col. DetlerVon Blnsiedel, died Aug. 23d, 1865, of intermittent fever at Petersburg, Va Major Francis Men-haiiseii, died Sept. 26th, 1866, ot Intermittent rever, at Petersburg, Va Capt. August Muller, died Aug 26th, 1866, of dis- ease at Petersburg, Va. 2d Lieut. Richard Km-/, killed Aug 30th, 1862, in action at Lull Run, Va 2d Lieut. Relnhold Winzer, killed July 1st I action at Gettysburg, Pa. 2d Lieut. Theodore Beisheim. died March 6th, 1864 "f oisease. 42'/ Infantry. Col. Wm. D. Kennedy, died July 22 d , 1861, of dis i Washingtou, D. c. Col. James E Mallon, killed Oct. llth, 1863, in action at Brlstow Station , Va. Capt. Michael Carrety, killed Oct. 21st, 1861, in action at Hall's Bluff, Va. Capt. Henry H. Alden, killed Oct. 21st, is,;; j„ action at Ball's Bluff, Va. Capt. Charles McPherson, killed Sept wth, 1862. in action at Antietain, Md. Capt. Patrick H. Lei n, killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania. Va. Capt. Joseph W. Tobin, killed May 18th, 1864, In action at Spotsylvania, Va. Capt. Wm. oshea. killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania. Va 1st Lieut. John Coffee, killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania, Va. 2d Lieut. James Gillies, killed (id. 21st. 1881, in action at Hall's Bluff, \ a 2d Lieut. Samuel Dexter, killed Sept. 17th. 1862, in action at Antietain, Va. 2d Lieut. G. B, Ruddy, killed May 80th, 1864, in action at Totopotomoy, Va . 43d Infantry. Lt.-Col. John Wilson, died May 7th, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, \ a., May 6th, 1864 Lt.-Col. .las. D. Vischer, killed July 12th. 1864 In action at Washington, D. C, Maj. John Fryer, died May 12th. 1864, of wounds received in action at Wilderness, Va. , May 6th, 1864 Capt. Hugh B.Knickerbocker, killed May8d, 1863, in action al Salem Heights, Va Capt. Douglas Lodge, killed May 3d, 1868, In action at Salem Heights, Va Capt. Wm II. (.iliillan, killed July 3d, 1868, in ac- tion at Getl vsburg, Pa, Capt. William Wallace, killed May 6th, 1861, In action at Wilderness, Va, Capt David Burhans, killed May 10th, 1864, in ac- tion at Spotsylvania C II , Va. 1st Lieut. Geo. II Koons, killed May 3d, 1863, in act [< mi at Salem II eights, Va . 1st Lieut J, dm B, Carter, killed Sept. 19th, 1864, iii action at. Winchester, Va 1st Lieut. John M Dempsey, died May 6th, 1865, of wounds received in action ai Petersburg, Va., March 25th, 1866. 1st Lieut Richard Castle, killed July 12th, 18B4, in action al Foil Stevens, D C. 2d Lieut. Theodore s Bailey, killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness. \ a, Assl Burgeon Thos. II Lawyer, died Aug. 22d, 1862, of disease at Philadelphia, Pa. 44f/i Infantry. Capt. Win. W. Miller, .iied April 17th, 1862, of dis- ease at Xorktown, Va. Capt Lucius S. Larabee, killed July 2d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. (apt Seth F Johnson, killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va. Isl Lieut. Wm. w Jones, died May 5th, i- disease at New fork citj 1st Lieut Eugene L. Dunham, killed July 2d, 1863, in aci i. .ii ,,t Getti sburg, I'a 2d Lieut. Benjamin N. Thomas, died July 8th, 1863, Of wounds received in action at Getty sou rg, Pa. 46Wl Infantry. Capt. Francis A. Dessauer. killed May 2d, 1863, in action at ChancelIors\ ille. Va. Capt. Louis Bisky, killed May 2d, 1863, in action at Chancellorsville, Va. Capt.Chas. Leonhard, killed May 2d, 1*63, inac- tion at Chancellorsville, Va. PART II. IN THE FIELD. , OLl tTTEEBS COH l [NUED. INFANTRY. l-t Lieut Henry Grassau, died June 21s1 . 1862, ol „,„,, | u Hon si Cross Keys, \ a ,b Leydhecker, died Sepl 9th, 1864, ■ Savannah, Ga prlsonei ol war. 2d Lieut. Otto Gerson, died April 1st, 1864, <n at Grovet \ a . w.i ihmes, killed June 18th, 1864, In it Petersburg, Va. _ il Win Prolowaky, died Julj 2d, 1862, ol wounds received In anion June 16th, 1862. 2d Lieut. Ferdinand Sehrt, killed June 16th, 1862, Secesstonvltla, B I '. ■ Peter Lunkerblen, died April 34th, 1862, .in action April null, 1862, at Jaskl Ga 2d Lieut. Herman Rauhaus, died Aug. 28th, 1863, c.f disease at Nlcholasville, Ky. 2d Lieut. Herman Mentzel, killed Jan 22d, 1864, in action at Armstrong's Ferry, Tenn 2d Lieut Tl lore MarkseheiYel, killed June 12th, 1804, In action at Cold Harbor, \ a Burgeon Otto Schenok, died Aug 23d, 1864, of wounds reoeived in action at Weldon Road, Va., Aug. 21st, 1864. 47f7i Infantry. Henrj \rindd. kill.-d Feb. 20th, 1864, inac- tion at < llustee, Fla. killed Feb. mi , 1865, In ac- tion near Fori Fisher, N C. 1st Lieut. Chas. C. Every, killed Feb. 20th, 1864, in action at Olustee, Fla 1st Lieut. John A Smith, killed May 7th, 1864, in if Porl Walthal. Va. 2d Lleul Edward K HuntinR, killed Feb. 20th, Inaction at Olustee, Fla. 2d Lieut George L Schloendorf, killed May 7th, 1864, In action at Porl Walthal. Va. 2d Lieut Samuel Waters, killed July TOtb. 1864, In at the i Irater, Va. 4-//, infantry. Col .lame-- II Perry, died June l-th. 1362, of dis- e ise at Fori Pulaski, Ga. Lt -Col. Jam.--, M Green, killed July 18th, 1863, in action at Fori Wagner, S C muel M. Swartwout, killed July 80th, 1864, in action at the Crater, Va. L nt, Killed April null, 1868, In ac tlon at Morris Island - I Cap) James Farrell, killed Julj 18th, 1863, in ac- tion at Fori w agnei ,8 C • ' Paxon, died July 81st, 1863, of wounds received in acl Ion at Fori Wagner, 8. ( '. i rederick Hurst , died July 81st, 1863, al Charleston, s C, of wounds received In action July 18th, i uel il Moser, killed May 16th, 1864, In \ a in A I • ■■ dli d I. ils 15th, 1864, of wounds ed in acl Ion near Petei sburg, Va I ui i; D'Aroj , killed Aug. lull, 1864, in acl Ion al Si raw bei rj Plain \ a W Dunn, killed Jan. l.Ml,. 1865, In er, N C. Edwards, killed Julj 18th, iri Wanner, II \iron II I ntrraliam . killed Jll I8A4, m action al Cold Harbor, \ a il Henry II Vug I6th, 1864, m al Bl raw ben v ri.oi il Johu M Tantum, killed Aug 16th, 1864, 2d Lie il led Aug. Ilth, I woun action al Poi .•■.■nan, killed Feb 21 Olustee Fla died June 181 il Jer lah O'Brien, killed July 80th, 1864, 2d Lieut, w in McDougail, killed J in action at t! ■ - fantry, W. Johnson, died Jul] 27th 1864, of wounds received In action Julj i !th, Urn Lt.-Col. Erastus D. Holt, died April 7th, 1S65, of wounds received in action April 2d, 186a Maj. William Ellis, died Aug. 3d, 1864, of wounds received in action at Spotsylvania C. II., Va., May 12th, 1864. Capt. Raselas Dickinson, died Oct. 10th. 1861, of paralysis al Georgetown, D. C. Capt. Chas n Moss, died March 85th, 1862, ol typhoid fever at Lockport , N Y Cant. Win T Wiggins, killed May 5th, 1864, inac- tion at Wilderness, Va Capt. Charles H. Hickmott, died May 6th, 1864, ol wounds received in action at Wilderness, Va Capt. John F. B. Plogsted, died May 6th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Wilderness, Va. ('apt. Seward II Terry, killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania C. II . Va. Capt. Reuben I! Heacock, killed May 18th, 1864, In action at Spotsylvania C II , Va. 1st Lieut, and Adj. Wm Bullymore, died May, lsii'.', of disease at Kurt Monroe. Va. 1st Lieut and It. Q. Henry I). Tlllinghast, died MaySlst, 1862, of disease at Buffalo. N. V. 1st Lieut Frederick Van Gayle, died June 12th, 1862, of disease in hospital at White House. \ ., 1st Lieut. Henry 0. Valentine, killed May 6th, ism. in action at Wilderness, Va lal Lieut Reuben M Preston, killed May 6th, 1864, In action at Wilderness, Va 1st Lieut, and Adj. Herman Haas, killed May 12th, 1864, In action al Spotsylvania C H., Va. ' Isl Lieut. David Lambert, Jr., killed Julv 12th, 1864. In action at Washington, I). C. 2d Lieut. Mortimer L. V. Tyler, killed May 12th, 1864, In action at Spotsylvania C. II , Va. 2d Lieut J P. McVean.kl 1 May 10th, istit. In action at Spotsylvania C. H.. Va 2d Lieut. Charles A. Sayre.-, killed Sept. 19th, 1864, in action at Winchester, Va. 51st Infantry. fapt. David R. Johnson, died March 19th, 1862, of wounds received in action at New Berne. N. C., March 11th, 1862. Capt. Daniel E. Jenkins, killed May 6th, 1864. in action at Wilderness, Va. Capt. Samuel II. Sims, killed July 80th, 1864, in act ion at the < 'rat er. Va. 1st Lieut George D Allen, killed March llth. 1862, in action at New Heme. \ ( '. 1st Lieut, and Adj. Andrew L Fowler, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, In action at. Antletam, Md. 1st Lieut. Charles II Bunker, killed Aug. 13th, 1864, on picket before Petersburg, Va. 1st Lieut. Frank Butler, killed Sept. 80th, 1864, in actional Poplar Spring Church , Va 1st Lieut. Martin Wbitheck, died Jan 9th, 1865, of disease at I lanville, Va 2d Lieut. Charles F Sprinirwciler. killed Sept. llth. 1862. In action at South Mountain. Md. Asst. Surgeon <; ire U. Leonard, died Feb., 1868, of disease al Brooklyn. N Y . Chaplain Orlando N." Benton, died March 15th, 1862, of wounds received inaction at New Berne, N. C . March llth. 1862 :.-.'./ i,t', intra. M.j Edward Venutl, killed July 2d, 1868, In action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt. Herman Cesar, died May 10th, 1868, of wounds received iii action at Chaiiccllors\ ille, \ a, Capt Waller Van AUW, died June llth. 1864, of wounds received in action at Spot BJ l\ .una. V i , May I2tb. 1864. Capt. Wm, Scherrer. died Ma\ 26th, 1864, of W< umls received in action at BpotSylvanla, Va . Mav nil. 1864. Isl Lieut, and Adj. Charles Laty, killed Dec. 18th, 1862, In action al Fredericksburg, Va II OttO Van St, killed May l.'th. 1864, iii notion at Spots] B aula, Va Isl Lieut. Robert Karples, killed May 12th, 1864, in action at SpntSJ Bania. \'a. ISl Lieut. Menu. ill Voil llaake. died June Mad , ol wounds received In ac May 10th, 1864; mer ol » ar It Louis Wolf, killed < lot. 21st, 1864, in ac- t Ion at Petersburg, Va i-i Lieut John Burke, killed March 81st, 1865, Id action al Hatcher s Run, Va 2d Lieut Albert Pfautz, died June |«tb wounds received In actl lune Isl , 1862, THE ROLL OF HONOR. OFFICERS WHO DIED. 125 STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. INFANTRY, 2d Lieut. Eugene Walsh, died .Tunc I5th, 1864, of wounds received in action at, Spotsylvania, Va. 2d Lieut. Paul Schrelber, killed March 81st, 1865, In action at Hatcher's Sun, Va 2d Lieut Max Klingenberg, killed March 31st, 1886, in action at Hatcher's Run. Va. 53d Infantry. Lt.-Col. J. A. VIgnlerde Montell, killed Feb. 9th, 186-', in action at Roanoke, N. C. ■Aih Infantry. Maj Victor Ludwlg V. Llttrow, died April 23d, l»62, of disease 2d Lieut. Adolph Beer, killed Aug. 29th, 1862, In action at Hull Run, Va. 2d Lieut. Kmil Haberkorn, killed Aug. 29th, 1862, in action at Hull Run, Va. 66tA Infantry. capt Win J William-- killed May 81st, 1862, In action at Lair Oaks, Va. 1st Lieut, ls.iac Roosa, died Jan. 20th, 1863, ofdls- ,• Lse at New Heme, N. C. 2d Lieut. P. A. M. Lorgan. died Aug. 19th, 1862, of disease at Vorktown. Va. 2d Lieut. Francis W. Lush, died Dec. 25th, 1863, ol disease at Beaufort, s. C. 5Vt7l Infantry. Lt.-Col. Philip J. Parisen, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, In action at Antietain, Md Lt.-Col. Alford B. Chapman, killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va. Maj. N. Garrow Tbroop, died Jan. 12th, 1863. of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg, Va. Maj Win. A. Kirk, killed June 17th, 1864, in ac- tion at Petersburg, Va. Capt. Augustus M. Weight, died July 2d, 1864, of wounds received in action at Petersburg, Va. 1st Lieut, Paul M. Ton, killed Dec. ISth, 1862, in acl Ion at Fredericksburg, V a. l-t Lieut, and R Q. .lames MoKibben, died May 17th. 1862, of disease at New York city. 2d Lieut. Henry H. High bee, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in action at A n tie t am, Md. 2d Lieut Henry H. Folger, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in at tlon at Antietain. Md. 58Wi Infantry. Capt. Frederick Brauo, killed May 2d, 1863, In action at Chancellors^ ille, Va. Capt, Gustav Btoldt, died July 20th, 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt. Edward Antonleskl, died July25th, 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt Albert Von Rosenberg, died May 8d, 1864. of disease at New York city. 1st Lieut Frederick Sautter, died April 30th, 1863, accident at New York city. 1st Lieut, and Adj. Louis I liedrich, killed July 2d, [863, inaction at Gettysburg, Pa. Chaplain Anton P. Zyla. died April 5th, 1865, of Chronic diarrhoea at Nashville, Tenn. 59f /* Infantry. Lt.-Col. John L. Stetson, Rilled Sept. 17th, 1862, in act ion at Antietam, Md Lt.-Col. Max A. Thoman, died July llth. 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d, 1863. Capt. Charles II. Whitney, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in action at Antietam, Md Capt. Edward II Wade, died Oct. 5th. 1862, of wounds received In action at Antietam, Md. Cant. Abraham Florentine, Jr., died Oot 19th, 1868, of wounds received in action at Antietam, Md. Capt. Could J Jennings, died Oct. 26th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Antietain . Md. Capt. Miller Moody, died Nov 7th. 1862, Of wounds received in action at. Antietain , Md. Capt. Edward Reynolds, died Dec :.'4th, 1862, of wounds received In action at Fredericksburg, Va.. Dec. llth. 1862. 1st Lieut. Stephen 0. Roosa, died Sept. 20th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Antietam , Md. 1st Lieut, and Adj. W. II. Pohlman, died July 21st, 18ti3, of wounds received In action at Gettysburg, Pa.. July 3d, 1863. 2d Lieut. Win. H. Smurr, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, In action at Antietam, Md. 2d Lieut Benj. V. VanStelnberg, died Bepl 1862, of wounds received In action at Antietam, Md. 2d Lieut. Hannibal Seymour, killed Dec k.'ih, 1862, in action at Fredericksburg, Va 2d Lieut. Eugene M. Wright, died May 12th, 1864, of wounds receive, I in action at Spotsylvania C. IL, Va. Milt Infantry. CI Wm. H. Goodrich, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, In action at Antietam. Md. 1st Lieut. Henry C. Fast man. died March 8th, 1862, of disease near Baltimore, Md. 1st Lieut. Louring E, White, died July 26th, 1862, of disease near Little Washington, va 1st Lieut. Guy Hogan, died Aug. 4th, 1882, of dis- ease near Little Washington, Va 1st Lieut. Benj. R. Clarke, died Aug , r .(h, 1862, of disease near Little Washington, Va. 1st Lieut. Myron D. Stanley, died Julj 7th, 1863, of wounds received Inaction ai Gettysburg, Pa. 1st Lieut. John E. Wilson, killed June 18th, 1864, in action near Golgotha, Ca. 2d Lieut. Hosea 0. Reynolds, died Oct, 24th, 1862, of disease at Washington, D. C. 61 et Infantry. Lt.-Col. Wm. Carey Ala-sett, killed June 1st , 1862, in action at Fair I >aks, Va Capt. James J. Trenor. killed June 1st. 1862, in action at Fair Oaks, Va. Capt. Theodore Russell, killed June 1st. 1862, In action at Fair Oaks, Va. Capt. Arthur L. Brooks, died May 12th, 1862, of typhoid fever at Vorktown, Va Capt. Eugene M. Deinming, died July 1st. 1862, of wounds received in action at Fair ' taks, Va Capt. M. C. Angell, killed Sept. 17th, l^ii-'. in action at Antietam, Md. (apt Thomas (i Morrison, killed May Bth, 1864, in action at Corbin's Bridge, Va Capt. Win. A. Collins, killed May Mh, 1864, in action at Corbin's Bridge, Va Capt. Isaac Plumb, died July 4th. 1864, of wounds received in action June llth. 1864. 1st Lieut. Wm. Mclntyre, killed June 1st , 1862, In action at Fair Oaks, Va. 1st Lieut .Limes A. Owens, killed June 1st , 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va. 1st Lieut. John McDonald, died June 24th, 1862, of wounds received In action at FalrOaks, Va 1st Lieut. Joel C. Perrlngton, killed June 8d, 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va. 1st Lieut. Wm. Malcolm, killed April 6th, 1865, in action near Amelia Court House, Va 2d Lieut. Wm. Henry Coultis, died June ..::d, 1862, of wounds received in action at Fair Oaks, Va 2d Lieut Franklin K. Garland, died July 4th, 1863, of wounds received in action at. Gettysburg, Pa. 2d Lieut. John S. Hicks, killed May 8th, 1864, In action at, Corbin's Bridge, Va Asst. Surgeon Win. P. Bush, died Oct, 8d, 1863, of disease at Washington, D. C. 62d Infantry. Col. John L. Hiker, killed May 31st, 1862, in action at Fair Oaks. Va. Maj. Wilson Hubbell, killed June 3d, 1864, In action at Cold Harbor, Va. Cant. Geo. T. J. Lewis, died July llth, 1862, oi disease at Harrison's Landing, Va. l»t Lieut, and R. o. Louis Grimm, died Jan. :>uth, 1864, of disease at New Vorkcitv. 2d Lieut. Wm. F Porter, killed April 2d, 1865, in action at Petersburg, Va. 63d Inf. nit);/. Maj. Thomas T. Lynch, died Feb. 12th, 1862. of disease at Fairfax Seminary, D. C. Maj. Thomas Toubey, died May 80th, 1864, of wounds received in actional Wilderness. \ a , May :,t h, 1864. Capt, John Kavanagh, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, In aCtiOE at Antietam, Md. ('apt. John Sullivan, died Dec. Kith. 1862, of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg, Va , Dec. Lith, 1S62. Capt. John ('. Lynch, killed May 3d, 1863, in aotion at Chancellorsville, Va. Capt. Peter T. Boyle, killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va. Capt. Edward B Carroll, killed April 2d, 1865, iu action near Sutherland Station, Va. PART IT. TX THE FIELD. STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. [NFANTRY. l-t Lieut Patrick W. Lydon, kilU-.l Bept. ITtb, ii action at Antletam, Md. 1st Lieut Cadwallader Smith, killed Bept. 17th, d aotiou al Antletam, Md. Mackej . died ' lot. 13th, 1862, .■f wounds received in action at Antletam, Md., Sept ITth, I 1st Lieut and Adj. Miles MoDonald, » 1 i « -« l June Ktii. 1884, ,,r w, , unils received in action at iburg, Va , June 16th, 181 i 1st Lieut. Patrick Maber, died Sept. 10th. 1864. of wounds received in action at Weldou Road.Va , Jnn. ••-•■! 1864. 3d Lieut Henry MoConnell, killed Sept. ITtb, 1863, in act i"n at Ant let am . Md 2d Lieut. Timothy Dally, died Oct. Bth, 1863, of wounds received in action .-it Antletam, Mil 3d Lieut. George Lynch, died s.-pt.isti, wounds received in action at Antletam, Md. 3d Lieut James M Bmart, killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania, Va. 64m Infantry. • 'apt. Samuel Barstow, died April 30th, 1862, ..f disease. ('apt. William Rancher, died May 24th, 1862, of d sease at Leon , N . V. ('apt Win. W Wood worth, died Dec. 28th. 1862, of disease near Falmouth, Va. ("apt Benry V. Fuller, Killed .July 2d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt James .) Messervey, killed &.ug. I7tb, 1864, in action at Strawberry Plains, Va. Capt. Harrison 'I'. Bmlth, killed March 25th, 1865, In action at Petersburg, Va. Capt. Henry II. Darbey, died April 11th, 1st;:., of wounds received la action at Farmville, Va. 1st Lieut, and Adj. Waldron Cooper, died Jan. 20th. 1862, of disease at home. 1st Lieut and I: Q Geo L. Taggart^died May 27th, 1862, of disease at Addison, v v. 1st Lieut Frederick Parker, died Dec isth. 1862, of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg, Va . Dec I Ith, 1862. 1st IJ ut. Alfred II. Lewis, killed July 2d, 1863, in action at G«tt \ ~loirK, Pa. 1st Lieut Willis i;. Bal ck, killed July 2d, ls£{, in action at Gettysburg, Pa Ut Lie, ,t David T Wiggins, killed May 12th, 1864, in act ion at Spot -viva nia < '. II.. Va. 1st Lieut George R risk, killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania C, II . Va. 1st Lieut PulaskiV. Alton, killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania C. II . Va 3d Lieut Ezra w. Kendall, killed June l-t 1863, In action nI Fair < lake, Va !d Lieut Leroy S. Hewitt, died July 8th, 1862. of wounds received in actional seven Day.-' Battle, V a : pri-, r 2d Lieut Ira s. Thurber, killed July 2d, 1863, In action at Gettysburg, ''•' mi, Infantry. I.t Col Thomas H. Blginbotham. killed Oct. 19th, D-;i, i,, notion at Cedar Creek, Va Cap) u w Tracey. killed May 6th, 1*64. in ac- ti..n at Wilderness, Va Capt John Berry, killed May huh, 1864, In action a Bpotsj IvaniaC B Capt IsaaoS Walker, died May 27th, 1862, ofdls- it \ s Bogert, died June ::,\. i>..i of ac ciii.iitai wound it Win Byron, died April 2d. - wounds received In anion April 3d Utth Infantry. Ool l irlandn Morris, killed June 8d, 1864, In so lion SI Col'l II. oh or \ , I.t Col Jam.-- II. Bull, killed Dec llth, 1862, In sctlon at Fredei ickaburg Va. Capt Julius Wehle, killed 1 13th, 1862, In ac tiou at Frederick ihtn bn P. Dodge, killed Deo. llth, 1862 ■I ii killed Julj lion Pa. i lljah I- Munn, killed July 2d. 1868, In ac tlon at P« i .in, McNeil, died D< I, of dla it Stevensbuni Bui ton ii Dsvls, died July 2d, 1864, of wounds received in sctlon; prisoner ol war. 3d Lieut. Frederick M Crisaey, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in action at Antletam, Md 2d Lieut George C. Gaynor, died March 14th, 188 '<. of disease. 2d Lieut. Thotass Johnston, killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania, Va. 2d Lieut. James B. Ilullis. killed Jut e 17th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Vs. 2d Lieut. George Turbayne, died Dec., 1864; killed at Andersonville, c,a Surgeon John m. Forsbee, died Oct. 26th, 1862, of disease at Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y. 67(/i Infant) ;/. Capt. Daniel R. Sullivan, died June 26th, 186ft of wounds received in action at Seven Pines, Vs. Capt. T. Colden Cooper, killed May 6th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va Cspt. Wm. c. Derraady, killed May 12th, 1864, In action at Spotsylvania C. H., Va. 1st Lieut. Wm 11 West, died Aug. 27th, 1861, of disease at Clyde, Wayne Co., N. V. 2d Lieut. George F. Bysdyk, killed May alst, 1862, in action at Seven I'ines, Va. 2d Lieut. Pierre I?. Van N.-s. died Dee 1.1th. 1862, of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg, Va. 2d Lieut. Thomas O. Glbba, killed May 12th, 1864, in art iot i at Spotsylvania C. H., Va. 2d Lieut Chester Bydely, killed May 18th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania C. H., Va. Surgeon Richard II Hinman, died May22d, 1862, of disease at Brooklyn, N. V. mh Infantry. Lt.-Col. GustavVon Gerber, died Nov. 10th, 1861, of disease at Washington, D C. I.t -Col. John 1{. Kleellsh.died Sept. 22d . 1 Washington, D.C., of wounds received In action. Maj Robert Mother, killed May 2d, 186:1, in action at Chancellorsvllle, Va. Capt, Otto Frledericn, killed July 2.1, 1868, in ac- tion at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt. Paul Koenig, killed Aug. 81st, 1868, Lb ac- tion at White Sulphur Springs, Va. 2d Lieut. Adelbert Hoya, killed May 2.1, 1863, In action at Chancellorsvllle, Va. 6901 Infantry. Capt. Felix Duffy, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in action at Antletam, Md. Capt. Timothy L Bbanley, died Oct. 1st, 1862, of wounds received in action at Antletam, Md. Capt. Richard A. Kelly, killed Maj 18th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania ('. II. , \'a Capt. John J Blake, died June 3d. 1864, at Ki.h- in. md. Va ., of wounds received in action May 12th. 1864. c.ipt. Bernard S. < ''Xeill. killed June pith, 1864. in action at Petersburg, Va. 1st Lieut Thomas Reynolds, killed July 1st, 18R2. in action at Malvern Kill, Va. l-t Lieut. Patrick Buckley, killed Dec. i:sth, 1862, in action at KrederickshuiL'. Va. 1st Lieut Patrick J Kelly, killed Sept |9tb, 1869, in action al Antletam, Md. 1st Lieut John Conway, killed Sept 19th, 1862, In action at Antletam, Md. 1st i.ieut An Irew Brun Ingham, died Dee. 17th, 1862, of wounds received inaction at Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec i:ith. 1862. 2d Lieut. Charles Williama, killed Bept 17th, 1862, in anion at Antletam. Md 2d i.ieut Richard P King, died May 26th, 1864, of wounds received inaction at Spotsylvania , Va., May 18th, 1884. 2d Lieut 1; it Murphy, died June 29tb, 1865, of wounds received In action April 6th, I860. irgeon J. dm Hurley, died April 16th, 181 I, accidentally killed mar Falmouth, Va. 70i/y Infantry. Capl Jacob Brunn, killed Maj 5th, 1883, In action at Williamsburg. Va Capt Henry B. O'Reilly, killed May 1th, 1862, in action at Williamsburg. Va. Capt wm . H Bugbee, killed May 6th, 1868, In ac- t ion at. Williamsburg, Va Capt. John Mitchell, killed May 6th, 1882, In action at Williamsburg, Va. Bnjamln Price, killed July28d, 1888, In ac tlon at Wapplng Heights, Va THE ROLL OF HONOR. OFFICERS WHO DIED. 127 STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. INFANTRY. 1st Lieut. Gorham P. Stevens, died Aug. 12th, 1862, of wounds received in action .May (ith, 1868. 1st Lieut. Samuel P. Ives, died Dec. 88th, 1883, of disease. 1st Lieut. Henry Chamberlain, killed May 5th, 1864. in action at Wilderness, Va. 2d Lieut. Herriek Hayner, killed May 5th, 1862, in action at Williamsburg, Va, 2d Lieut. Win. W. Kllburn, killed May 5th, 1862, in action at Williamsburg, Vs. 2d Ueut. Frank H. Nelson, killed May 5th, 1862, in action at Williamsburg, Va. ~,\st Tnfantry. Capt. Orville C. Howard, died Sept. 20th, 1861, of dli -at Washington, D. C Capt. Patrick Nolan, killed May 8th, 1864, lu ac- tion at Spotsylvania C. IL, Va. Capt. John G. MoBlair, killed May 12th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania C II., Va. 1st Lieut. Theodore Laurier, died July 1st. 1862, of wounds received in action June 1st , ist'rj 1st Lieut. J. L. Palmer, killed June 15th, 1862, in action at Fair Oaks, Va. 1st Lieut. Terrenne Murphy, died Aug. 80th, 1863, of wounds received in action at Bristoe Station, Va. 2d Lieut. John L. Lowentrout, killed Aug 27th. 1862, in action at Bristoe Station, Va. 2d Lieut. Andrew \V. Hstes, killed July 2d, 1S63. in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 72-? Infantry. Col. Wm. O. Stevens, killed May 3d, 186:5, in ac- tion at Chaneellorsville. \'a Capt. Darwin Willard, killed May 5th, 1862, inac- tion at Williamsburg, Va. Capt. Patrick Barrett, died May 6th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Williamsburg, Va . Capt George Grecheneck, died May 17th, 1862, of WOUndS received inaction at Williamsburg, Va . Capt Stephen M. Doyle, killed July 1st, 1868, in action at Malvern Hill, Va. Capt. Horatio B. Pennock, died Aug. 4th, 1862, of disease at Harrison's Landing, Va. Capt. Harman J. Bliss, died June 6th, 18«3. of wounds received in action at Chaneellorsville, Va. Capt. Henry ,T. McDonoujrh, killed Nov. 27th, 1863, in action at Locust Grove, Va. 1st Lieut. Wm. C. Brooks, killed May 3d, 1863, in action at Chaneellorsville, Va. 1st Lieut. Chas II Bydorn, killed May 3d, 1863, in action at Chaneellorsville, Va. 1st Lieut. Harrison F. Ellis, killed May 3d. 1863, in action at Chaneellorsville. Va. 1st Lieut. John Kiener, killed June 16th, 1864, in action at Petersburg. Va. 2d Lieut. Charles A. Fobs, died July 7th, 1863, of wounds received iti action at Gettysburg, Pa. 7M Infantry. Capt. Manuel Silva. died Aug. 17th, 1861, of disease. Capt. John Fecney, died May 21th. 1862, of wounds received in action at Williamsburg. Va., May 5th, 1882. <'apt. Alfred A. Donalds, killed Aug. 27th, 1862, in action at Bristoe Station, Va Capt. Eugene C. Shine, killed July 2d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt. Michael I). Bur tell, killed May 10th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania (' H., Va. Capt. John Plielan. died June 21st. 1864, of wounds received In action May 12th, is*>4. Capt. Geonre LeFort, killed May 20th, 1864, in action at North Anna, Va (apt James MoDermutt, died May 31st. 1864, of wounds received in action May 12th. 1864. 1st. Lieut John J. Glass, killed May 5th, 1862, In action at. Williamsburg, Va. 1st I. t. Benjamin Beach, killed May 5th, 1862, in action at Williamsburg. Va. 1st Lieut. Thomas Dennen, killed May 2d, 1868, in action at chaneellorsville, Va. 1st Lieut. Wm. L. Herbert, killed July 2d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 1st Lieut. .las. Marksman, killed July 3d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 1st Lieut. Benedict A. Leonard, killed May 14th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania C. B., Va. 2d Lieut. Henrv H. Lewis, killed Aug. 27th, 1862, in action at Bristoe Station. Va. 2d Lieut. John McAllister, killed Aug 27th, 1862, in action at Bristoe, Station, Va. 2d Lieut. George P. Dennen, killed July 2d, 18(0, in action at Gettysburg, Pa 2d Lieut Martin I',. Biggins, died July 9th, I wounds received in action at Gettysburg, I'h. 2d Lieut. Charles It. Near, died Sept. 1st, (868. • i" sunstroke. 74//i Infantry. Capt. Geo. A. Moray, died June 23d, 1862, of disease near Bottom's Bridge, Va. Capt. Edmund A. Harrison, killed Aug. 27th. 1862, in action at Bristoe Station, Va. Capt Hobt. D. Andrews, killed Aug 27th, 1862, In action at Bristoe Station. Va. Capt. Wm. H. Chester, killed July 3d, 1863. in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt. Alex. M. McCune, died June I9tb, 1864. •' wounds received in action at Cold Harbor, Va., June 5th, 1864. 1st Lieut Chas. S. Preston, killed July 23d, 1863. in action at Manassas Gap, Va. 1st Lieut. Charles Dussnet, killed May 10th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania C H , Va. 2d Lieut, Thomas Barns, killed June 25th, 1882, in action at Oak (irove, Va. 2d Lieut. Rudolph N. Anderson, died Nov. 20th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Bristoe Sta- tion, Va. 2d Lieut. James Short, killed July 23d, 1863. in action at Manassas Hap, Va. Chaplain Robert Siitler. died Sept. 6th, 186-3, of disease at Baltimore, Md. 7")/// Tnfantry. Lt.-Col. Wllloughby Babcock, died Oct. nth. I8K4, of wounds received in actional Winchester, Va. 1st Lieut. James E. Whiteside, killed Jan. 14th, 1863, in action at. Bayou Teche, La. 1st Lieut. Win. A. Avery, killed May 27th, 1863, In action at Port Hudson. La. 2d Lieut. Luther T. Butchlnson, killed June 14th, 1863, in action at Port Hudson, La. IGtli Infantry. Maj. Andrew J. Grover, killed July 1st, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt. Robert B. Everett, killed July 1st, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt. Robert Story, died Aug. 6th. 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt. Norman G. Bartholomew, killed May 5th, 1864, inaction at Wilderness. Va. 1st Lieut. Richard Williams, killed Aug. 29th. 1862, in action at Groveton, Va. 1st Lieut. Chauncey D. Crandall, killed Dec. 13th, 1862, in action at Fredericksburg, Va, 1st Lieut. Philip Keeler, died July 1st. 1 wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa 1st Lieut, and Adj. Hubert Carpenter, died May 8th, 1864, of wounds received III action at Wilder- ness, Va. 1st Lieut. Barnard Phenis. killed Aug. 18th, 1864, in action at Weldon Road. Va. 1st Lieut. Thomas P. Weldon, killed Aug. 21st, 1864 Inaction at Weldon Road, Va. 2d Lieut. Moses P. Marsh, died Sept. 26th, 1862, of disease at McLean. N. V. 2d Lieut, Robert G. Noxon, died Sept. 1st. 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 2d Lieut. Wm. Stringbam, killed MayStb, I action at Wilderness, Va. "th Infantry. Capt. Luther M. Wheeler, killed May 3d, 1863, in action at Salem Heights. Va (apt Wm. B, Carpenter, killed May 10th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania, Va Capt orrin P. Rugg, killed Ma 12th, 1864, in ac- tion at Spotsylvania, Va. ('apt. Martin Lennoii, died Nov. 1st. wounds received in action at Cedar Creek Va Capt. Sumner Oakley, killed March 25tb, ls65. in action at Petersburg, Va. 1st Lieut Ansel Dennison, died Feb. 28tb, 1st',",, at Gloversvllle, N. V.. of wounds received in action at Antietam, Md 1st Lieut, and Adj. Gilbert F. Thomas, killed (let. Huh, 1864, In action atCedar Creek, Va. 1st Lieut. Wm J. Tabor, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, in action at Cedar Creek, Va. PART II. IX THE FIELD.' BT \ I i: \ "1 I'N I EEB8 l "\ I I N DBD. I N P Wl Rl . r John M. Beldlng, died Oct. 27th, 1864, in action al Cedar CreekA a. ]-■ Lieut. Stephen II Pierce, killed March 85th, n action ;it Petersburg, Va d Aug. Llth, I • nial wound 2d l.i.ut w.ii. F Lyon, killed May 10th, 1864, In irt H i 78th Infantry. ■ Mitchell, killed Sep! 17th, 1863, on al Aiitietaro, Md. 1-t Lieut Plereoo B Peterson, died Oct. 27th, 1863, ■. ■ I in action at A lit letam, Md. 2d Lieul Charles A Courter, killed Ma] on al Cbancellorsville, Va. T'.i//i Infantry. Col. .lames Cameron, killed July -1st. 1861, in ac- tion at Hull Run, Va. lavid Brown, killed July 81st, 1861, In ac- tion at H.ill Run, Va 2d Lieut. Junes Kinnear. died June 18th, 1862, of wciunds received In action al Secessionville,S.C. Chaplain Jam.-- Wyatt, died July I2tb, 1863, of • at Memphis, Tenn. fantry. Col George W. Pratt, died Sepl llth, 1862, of wounds received In action at Mull Run, Va. 'eletiah Ward, died Sept. 3d, 1862, of wounds • I m action at Hull Run, \ ft. : mi.-. T. Bendrlcks, died Sept. I7th, 1862, of ii da received in action al Hull Hun. va. I isepfa 8. Corbln, killed July 1st. 1863, in action al Gettysburg, Pa. .ii. rose N Baldwin, killed July 3d, 1803, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. it John H Horner, killed Aug. 30th, 1862, In action ;» t Bull Hun. Va. 1-f Lieut George W. Brankstone, killed Julj 1st, ■ ttysburg, Pa, 2d Lieut Martin H . Swarthout. killed Sept. 17th, a action at Ant letatu , Md M.-7 Infantry. MaJ.John KoAmbley, killed MaySlst, 1862, inac- tion at Fair Oaks, va Capl I. Minn M. Kingman, killed May 31st, 1862, in action at Fair Oaks, V i Capt. Franklin T Hannahs, died Aug. 9th, 1862, i larrleon's Landing, Va. imea Martin, killed JuneSd, 1864, in action at Cold Harbo Capt Will. r«l W. Ballard, killed June 8d, 1864, in action at ' lold Hai bor, Va ( .. i .t Daniel C. Biz, killed Sept. 20tb, 1664, in ao- ' ion at ( 'hallin's farm. Vn. < apt l.iia- A. Fish, died Oct. 2d, 1864, of wounds received In action at ChafGn's farm, Va ! • wis H. Porter, died Nov I5tb, 1864, of wounds received In action Sept 30th, 1864. 1-t Lieut John W. Burke, killed June 2d, 1864, in actum at I lold Harbor, Va it David Nethaway, killed Sepl 29tb,1864, in actio,, at ChafDn's farm . Va rdred, killed June 8d, 1864, in it i 'old Harboi \ i. 2d Lieut. Samuel Dolbler, died Oct 1st, 1864, of wound* received In action al Chaffln's farm. Va uttle, died Oct 2d, 1864. of wounds received In action al Chaffln'e larm. Va., BOth, 1864 2d I, i.-ut tmnsM Copeland, died Jan. 13th, 1865; R B at i idi al near Baltimore, Md., Nov 7th, I-'. i fantry. Lt Col i . killed July 2d, 1868, In ac- tion nt Gettysburg, Pa MaJ i J. Dlmock, died June 22d I il tl more, Md I . died May 15th, 1802 of Capl James J Delaney, killed June 20th, 1862, In i . age Station i ii. id C. Hoyt, killed July 3d, 1848, In actio,, ■ I | John M Mm. I died Aug 2fltb, 181 ,t Phlladelph it John H McDonald, killed July ! ' lettysburg, Pa 1st Lieut. John Kelly, killed May 6th, 1864, Inac- tion at Wilderness, Va I si Lt. and Ad.i . Edward Jackson, died JuneSd. 1864, of wounds received In action Maj 31st, 1864. 2d Lieut. Samuel Irwin, killed Julv 21st, 1861. in action al Bull Hun. Va 2d Lieut. Harvej P. Hawiey, killed May :;i.-t . 1862, in action at lair I lake, \ a :.'.! Lieut. Geo. W Shannon, died Sep) I8th, 1862, of disease al Fort Monroe, Va. 2d Lieut. Joseph B. Day, died July 21st. 1862. of wounds receive 1 in action at Nelson's farm.Va 2d Lieut. John Cranston, died Julv 87th, I wounds received in action al Gettysburg Pa 2d Lieut Charles A Roberts, died Dec. 28th, 1868, of congestion of the brain. 2d Lieut Michael Keating, killed June 5th, 1864, in action at ('old Harbi ir, Va. 83d Infantry. Col. Joseph A. Moesch, killed May 6th, 1864, In act ion at \\'ildtierne-s. Va. Lt. Col. Win II Halleck, died Jan. 6th, 1863, of disease at New York city. Capt. Thomas W Quirk, killed July 1st, 1862, In action at Gettysburg, Pa, i apt. John M. K Connolly, killed May 12th, 1864, in act Ion at Spots; iva ma Va 1st Lieut, and K Q.Henn I. Stephens, died June 2lst, 1862, of disease al New York city. 1st Lieut Felix llirt, killed Dec. 13th, 1862, inac- tion at Fredericksburg, Va. 1st Lieut. Chas. A dark, killed July 1st, I action at Gettysburg, Pa. 1st Lieut Benry Osgood, died Jan. 15th, I wounds received In action at Fredericksburg, Va 2d Lieut. Thomas Layton, killed Dee. 13th, 1862, in action at Fredericksburg, Va. 2d Lieut chas. M Reynolds, killed May Ml., 1864, in action at Spotsylvania, Va. B4t7l Infantry. c.ipt. George Mai lory, killed Aug. 29th, 1862, In ac- tion at Groveton, Va. Capt. George R. Davey, killed Aug. 29th, 1862, In action at Groveton, Va Capt. David Meyers, died Sept. 25th, 1882, of wounds received In action at Antietam, Md 1st Licit Theodore H. Salter, killed Julv -'1st, 1861, in action at Hull Hun, Va. 1st Lieut. Clayton Scboles, killed July 21st, 1861, in action at Bull Run, Va. 1st Lieut. Isaiah t.rummeii, killed Aug. 29th, 1862, in act Ion at i ;r"\ eton, Va, 2d Lieut .lamesli. Bloomfleld, died May 24th, 1868, of wound- received In action April 29th, 1868 2d Lieut Win c |(ae, killed May loth, 1884, iii ac- tion at Spotsylvania, Va. BMft Infantry. Cant. Nelson Chapln, killed April 20th, 1864, In ac- tion at Plymouth, N. c. 2d Lieut Edward F. Davis. died April luth, 1862, of disease near Newport New-. Va 2d Lieu Amos Brunson, died May 24tb, 1802, of disease at Rose Cottage Hospital, Va. mh Infantry. Lt.-Col. Harnard Chapln, killed May 3d, 1863,inac- t Ion at ( hancellorsv llle. Va Lt Col, Michael B Stafford, died Dec let, 1864, of wounds received in action Ko\ 29tb, 1864, be- fore Petersburg, \ a Capl James Bennett, died Aug. 25tb, 1862, of dis- ease at Cantateo, N. V. Capt Daniel S. l.llswort h. killed May :d. 1868, In action at Cbancellorsville, Va. Capt, w :u w. Angle, killed May 3d, 1863, in action at Chancellors vl lie, V a i npi John N Warner, killed July 2d, 1868, in ac- tion at Gettysburg, Pa Cap! Samuel P. Stoti,.. killed May 10th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania, Va c.ipt. J .dm Phlniiey. died Aug. 9th, 1864, of wounds received iii actional " \ .. Li Lieut John s Wlldrlok, died Dec Bth, 1862, ol near ]■ 'al h . \'a Nt Lieut Jackson A, Woodward, riled June 1st, Seminar] Hospital, Va., of wound- !<■ ceived In action al < bancellorsville, Va. THE ROLL OF HONOR. OFFICERS WHO DIED. 129 STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. INFANTBY. 1st Lieut, and Adj. James Cherry, died May 25th, 1884, of wounds received in action at Spotsyl- vania, Va. Isl Lieut Amos B. Stanton, killed June liitli, 1m;4, in action at Petersburg, Va. 1st Lieut,. Bendrick w. Rathbun, killed Oct. gftta, 1884, in action at Hatcher's Hun, 7a. 1st Lieut. Stephen A. Bailey, died April 8th, 1866, of wounds received In action May loth, 1864. 2d Lieut. Blisha 8. Jones, killed May lOtli, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania. Va. 87r7i Tnfantry. Capt. Matthew M. Jackson, killed Aug. 29th, Is-;:.', in action at Groveton, Va. 88t/i Infantry. Col Patrick Kelly, killed June 18th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Va Major William Hnrgan, killed Deo. 13th, 1862, in action at. Fredericksburg, Va. Captain Maxwell O'Sullivan, died April loth, 1862, of disease in Fairfax county, Va. Capt. Joseph O'Donoghue, died July 3d, 1862, of w Minds it Ived in action July 1st, 1862. Capt. John O'Cnnnell Joyce, killed Sept. 17th, L863, in act ion at Antictam, Md. (apt. Patrick F. Clooney, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, in action at Antletam, Md. Capt. Patrick Ryder, killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va. 1-t Lieut. Temple Ensmett, died Aug. 9th, 1882, of disease. 1st Lieut. Thomas Murphy, killed Dec. 13th, 1S62, in action at Fredericksburg, Va. 1st Lieut. Richard Kminett, died Feb. 2d, 1803, of disease at New Ymk city. 1st Lieut, and Adj. Wm. McClelland . killed July 2d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 1st Lieut. James 13 Byrnes, killed .lune 3d, 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va. 2d Lieut. Timothy King, killed June 1st, 1862, in action at Fair < lake, Va. 2d Lieut. Francis. I Hackett. killed July 1st, 1862, in action at Malvern Hill. Va. 2d Lieut. Dauiel McCarthy, killed Dec. 13th, 1862, in action at Fredericksburg, Va. 2d Lieut. John It. Voting, killed Dec. 13th, 1862, In action at Fredericksburg, Va. 2d Lieut. John S Sparks, killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va. 2 1 Lieut. Hubert .1 O'Driscoll, killed Oct. 27th, 1864, in action before Petersburg, Va. SOf/i Infantry. Lt. Col. Theophilus L. England, killed June 16th, 1864, In action at Petersburg, Va. Major F. W. Tremain, killed April 2d, 1865, In ac- tion at Petersburg, Va. Capt. Seymour L Judd, died Aug. 27th, 1884, Of wounds received in action June 16th, 1864. 1st Lieut, (iarret Van [ngen, died Bepl 26tb, 1862, of wounds received in action at Antietam, Md. 1st Lieut. Albert C. Hurt, killed Oct. 27th, 1864, in action at Fair Oaks, 2d, Va. 2d Lieut. Marvin Watrous, killed April 19th, 1863, in action at Nansetnond River, Va. 90th Tnfantry. Major John C. Smart, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, in act Ion at Cedar ( reek , Va. Capt. John Sullivan, died Aug. 16th, 1862, of yel- low fever at Key West, Fla. Capt. Wm. B. White, died Feb. 4th, 1885, of disease at Madison, Wis 1st Lieut. John J Irvin, died Aug. 29th, 1862, of yellow fever at Key West, Fla. 1st Lieut. Wm. R. Hill, died Oct. 17th, 1862, of yellow fever at Fort Jefferson, Fla. 1st Lieut. Thaddeus C. Ferris, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, in action at Cedar Creek, Va. 2d Lieut. Qreig II. Mulligan died Aug. 20th, 1862, of yellow fever at Key west, Fla. 2d Lieut. John S. Newton, died Sept. 13th, 1862, of yellow fever at Key West, Fla. 2d Lieut. Walter L. Griffith, died Oct. 1st, I yellow fever at Key West, Fla. 9l8t Infantry. Maj. Geo. W. Stackhouse, died June 22d, 1863, of wounds received In action at Port Hudson, La., May L'7th, 1863. 1*3 Capt. Henry S. llulbert. killed June 14th, 1863, in action at Port Hudson, I. I bit Lieut, and Adj Sylvester B. Shephard, killed June uth, 1863, in action at Port Hudson, La 8d Lieut Frederick Tarry, died Aug. 24ih, 1863, of disease In St. James' Hospital at New Orleans.La. 2d Lieut. Win P (lark, died Sept. 1st, 1863, of wounds recei ?ed in action April L4tb B2d Infantry. I Hiram J. Anderson, killed June [ 8 t, 1864, in actional Cold Harbor, Va lsi Lieut and Adj. B Q Mlnthurn. died Aug. 4th, 1864, of disease at Fori Monroe, Va. 2d Lieut. Charles Fox, died July 12th, 1862, of dis- ease at Harrison's Landing, va, 93d Infantry. Capt Hiram s. Wilson, died March 24th, 1864, of disease. Capt John Bailey, killed May 5th, 1864, inaction at Wilderness, Va. Capt Dennis E. Barnes, killed May 6th, 1864, in act ion at Wilderness, Va 1st Lieut. Norman F. Eldridge, kilh-d May 6th, 18(14, in action at Wilderness, Va 1st Lieut. Charles ll. Dan ford, killed April 7th, 1865, in action at High Bridjre, Va. 2d Lieut, .lames M. South wick .died March 4th, (862, of disease at Warwick C. H .. Va. 2d Lieut. Robert Listen dray, killed May 5th, 1864, In action at Wilderness. Va. 2d Lieut. Wilber D. Mosler, died June nth, 1864, at Gordonsville. V.i.. of wounds received in ac- tion May 12th, 1864. 2d Lieut. Norman W. Cray, killed June Pith. 1861, in action at Petersburg, Va. 94f/i Infantry. Maj. Henry H. Fish, killed April 1st, 1865, In ac- tion at Five Forks, Va. Capt. George French, killed April 1st, 1865, in ac t ion at Five Forks. Va 1st Lieut. Wm. J M. Woodward, died Sept. 15th, 1862, of wounds received in action. 1st Lieut. Porter Crawford, killed April 1st, 1865, in action at Five Forks, Va. 2d Lieut. Stephen O. Shuttis, died April 2d, 1865, of wounds received in action. 9-V/i Infantry. Col. Edward Pye, died June 11th. 1864, of wounds received in action June 2d. 1864. Capt. Benjamin B. Burns, died May 6th, 1864, of wounds received In action May 5th, 1864 1st Lieut. Stark W. Woodrow, killed May 6th. 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va. 2d Lieut. Charles w. Osborn, killed May 6th, 1864, In action at Wilderness, Va. 96th Infantry. Col. Chaa. O. Gray, killed Dec. 14th, 1862, In action at Kinston, N. C. Maj. John B. Kelly, killed May 29th, 1862, in ac- tion at Fair Oak-. Va Cant. Darius M. Parson-, died June 17th, 1862, of disease at White House, v., Capt Walter II. Benedict, killed May 15th, 1864, in action at Hrewrv's Hluff. Va. Capt. John Hallock, killed June 8d, 1884, In action at Cold Harbor, Va. Capt. James L. Cray, died June lilt h, 1S64, of wounds received in action at Cold Harbor. Va 1st Lieut. Joseph South, killed June 3d, 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va . 1st Lieut. Paul Vigeau, killed June Bd, 1864, In ac- tion at Cold Harbor, Va. 2d Lieut. Stephen is Litt le. killed June 3d, 1864, In action at Cold Harbor, Va. 2d Lieut. John G. Johnson , died June, 1864, of wounds received in action June 8d, 1864 L'd Lieut. Jay Webster, died Aug. 3d, 1864, of disease in 18th A. C. Hospital. 97f/i Infantry. Col. Charles Wheelock, died Jan. 21st, 1 disease. Capt. Richard Joues, died Sept 5th, I wounds received in action at Bull Hun. Va. 1st Lieut. Dwlght S I'aville, killed Aug. 30th, 1862, in action atliull Ran, Va. PART II. IN' THE FIELD. STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. INFANTRY. 1st Lleul Hush p. Cady, died July 34th, wounds !■••<-. ived In action al Gettysburg, Pa . Wm c. Dresner, killed May 6th, 1864, Id action at Wilderness, \ a. ]~t Lieut. PranclsT. Brenuan, killed May Gth, 1864, id action at Wilderness, \ a ii and Adj Wm H .in. hi, died Feb. 10th, il wounds received In actlou Feb 6th, 1865 2d Lieut. Louis Delorine, killed Sept 17th, 1862, In at Antietam . M • i 2d Lieut John II Stile*, killed July 1st, 1863, in action al Gettysburg, Pa. 3d Lieut wm J Morren, killed July 1st, l»63, in action at Gettysburg, Pa H John Kooh, killed June 5th, 1864, In action al Cold Harbor, Va. 2d Lleui Morehouse Maliett, died June 18th, 1864, inds received ii> action at Petersburg, Va, ■Jd I,i.-ut. Benry P. Fitzpatrlck, died Aug 19th, 1864, ..f wounds received in action at Weldon Road, Va mh Infantry. Col. Wm. Dutton, died July 4th, 186-', of disease in ik city Col. Frederick F. Weed, killed June Sd, IStH, in action at Cold Harbor, Ya. (.'apt Lyman A. Rogers, died July (Oth, 1864. of wounds received In action at Cold Harbor, \ a. , June Isl • David st, ,rms. died April 20th, 1862, of i-.- at Newport News, Va. 2d Lieut. Charles A. Powell, died May 13th. 1862, ol at Fort Monroe, \ a. 2d I. lent Geo P Lyman, died May 20th, 1862, of disease at Fort Monroe, \ u •M Lieut. A. B, Phelps, killed May 16th, 1864, In action at Drewry's itluir, Va. 2d Lieut. Casaius H Ransom, died July 14th, 1864, of wounds received Inaction July 6th, 1864. wtii Infantry. it -' nl Gustave B. Helladay, died Aug. 19th, 1862, at Norfolk, Va., of typhoid fever Maj T. Edward Rawlings, killed July 19th, 1861, in action at New Market, Va, Capt. James || Hart, killed June 16th, 1863, in action at Franklin, \ a rgeon Johnson Clark, died Dec. 8th, 1861, I Monroe, \ a . of disease. rgeon Patrick R. Brannigan died Oct. 5th, 1864, "f Intermittent fever ac New Heme. N. C. 100(/i Infantry. Col. James M. Brown, killed Maj Slat, 1862, in action at Fair Oaks, \ a aes II. Dandy, killed April 2d, 1866, in n it Petersburg, \ a Capt Wm Richardson, died July 27th, ism, of wounds received In action at Deep Bntrom , Va. 1-t Lieut. Samuel 8. Kellogg, killed Maj 81 in act ion it lair i >aks, \ a 1st Lieut, John Wllkeyson, Jr., killed May 31st, n action at Kan Oaks, \ a isl Lieut Rodney B smith. Jr . died June 29th, .-•■ al Savage Station. \ a is. Lleul and Adj. Herbert ll Haddock, killed July lsth. 1863, in action at Fort Wagner, s <• James Kavanagh, killed Jul) lsth, 1868, in action al l- > ■ 1 1 w agner, 8 C 2d Lieut. Chas s Farnum, died May 12th, 1862, of oi ktown, \ a, ii Rnnkle, killed July 18th, 1868, in action at Fori Wagner, 8 C il < mi.- Brown, died Aug. 18th, 1868, of wounds rec< Ived In action at Fori Wagner, 8.C. it. Azoi H Hoyt . killed Ma] 16th, 1864, la Bluff, \ i 2d Lieut. James il. French, died Maj 23d, 1864. at Libbj Ived In action it Drewry'a Bluff, Va 101st Infantry. • Monro*) Worden died Iprll 251 Washington l> I ~'d Lleul died Bept, itb, 1868, of wound-, received la action. |02d In', mini. Gilbert M Elliott, killed Nov 24th, 1864, in it Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Capt. Julian Spring, killed Aug. 9th, 1862, inaction at • e.iar Mountain. Va. Capt. M B. Cornell, killed Sept. 17th, 1862, inac- tion at Antietam. Md. Capt. Arthur Cavaoaugh, died Oct. 28th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Cedar Mountain, Va. Capt. John Mead, killed July 3d, 1603. in action at Gettysburg, Pa 1-t Lieut, and Adj. Jonah V Fpham. killed July 2d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 2d Lieut Francis Macon, killed May 3d. 1863, In action at Chancellorsville, Va. lOSd Infantry. Col. Benjamin Rlngold, killed May 3d, 1663, In action at Suffolk, Va Capt. Henry A. Sand, died Oct -'list. 1868, of wounds received iii action at Antietam. Md Capt, Wm. Brandt, died Nov. 7th, 1862, of wounds received in action at Antietam, Md Capt Herman Kxauth, died June 6th, 1865, of wounds received from unknown parties. 1st Lieut. Ferdinand J. Ling, died Sept. 17th, 1862, of disease at Washington, I). C. 2d Lieut Wm. L Dudley, died Aug. 5th, 1862, of typhoid fever 2d Lieut. August Newman, died May 12th, 1863, of wounds received in action at .Suffolk, Va. 104f/i Infantry. Capt. John Kelly, killed Sept. 17th. 1862, In ac- tion at Antietam. Md 1st Lieut. Win Cross, died March 2d, 1862, of dis- ease 1st Lieut John P. Rudd, killed Aug 30tb, 1862, in action at Hull Run, Va 1st Lieut. John J. McCaffrey, died Sept 17th. 1862, Of wounds received in action Aug 80th, 1862 1st Lieut. Thomas Johnston, died July 8th of wounds received in action al Gettysburg, Pa. 2d Lieut. Andrew J. Andrews, died Jan. 6th, 1863, of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg, Va 2d Lieut Walter S. Stephens, died April 10th, 1864, of disease at Richmond, Vu. I0.">f/i Infantry. LI Col Howard Carroll, died Sept. 29th, 1862, of WOUndS received in action at Antietam. Md. 2d i ieut Chas. C Buckley, killed Sept. 17th. 1862, In action at Antietam. Aid. lOBtfi Infantry. Lt. Col. diaries Townsend. killed June 1st, 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va Capt. Ifollili C Jackson. ,li,.,l Dec. 16th, LC disease al Piedmont, Va, Capt. Luther Priest, died March 14th, I- ivphoid fever at Martlnsburg, Va. Capt. James L Peach, killed Oct llth, 1863, In action at Culpeper, va Capt. Alfred J. l ker, killed July 9th, 1864, In action at Monocacy, Md Capt, Martin J. Chaiiihei laine. died July 22d, 1864, of wounds received In action at Monocacy, Md. capt. Samuel Parker, died Oct. 8d, 1864, of wounds received in actional Fisher's Hill, Va. 1st Lieut Gilbert W. Hathaway, killed May 9th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania, Va. 2d Lieut James Hopkins, died Feb 22d, typhoid fever at Marti Sd Lieut James ii Bayne, kilted June 1st, 1664, in action at Cold Harbor, Va. 2d Lleul Aaron B Flack man. killed June [at, 1864, in action at < old Harbor, Va 2d Lieut (has. W Sheppard. killed June 1st . (864, u, action ai Cold Harbor, Va. 8d Lieut. John Kingston, killed July 9th , 1864, In action at Monocacy, Md urgeon Fred'k ll Pettit, died Dec 26th, aseal Washington, D. 0. lOWi Infantry. Major Lailm.p Baldwin, died Jul] wounds received in act Ion at Peachtn i Qa ithanlel E. Rutter, killed Maj 1st. 1868, In action ai Chancellorsville, \ a THE ROLL OF HONOR. OFFICERS WHO DIED. 131 STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. INFANTRY. Capt. John F. Knox, died May 20th. 1864, of wounds received in action at Dallas, Ga., May 85th, 1864, •d Lieut. John P. Hill, killed May 25th, 1864, in action at Dallas, Ga 108f/i Infantry. Maj George B. Force, killed Sept. 17th, 1863, In action at Antietam, Md. Capt. Byron B. Thrasher, died May 31st, 1863, of wounds received in act ion at 1st Lieut. Carl V. Amiet. killed July 3d. 1868, in action at Gettysburg, Pa, 1st Lieut. Win. P. Dutton. died July 19th, 1864, of wounds received in action June 30, 1864. 2d l.ieut. David Tarbox, killed Sept. 17th. 1863, in action at Antietam, Md, 2d Lieut. Robert E. Holmes, killed Sept. 17th, 1863, in action at Antietam, \ld. 2d Lieut. Roherl Evans, killed July 2d, 1868, inac- tion at Gettysburg, l'a. 2d Lieut. Dayton T. Card, killed July 2d, 1803, in action at Gettysburg, l'a 2d Lieut. John S. Ki'.ijHeyside. killed June 3d, 1801, in action at Cold Harbor, \'a. mth Infantry. (apt John Gorman, killed May 81st, 1804, in ac- tion at Hanovertown, Va. Capt. Win Warwick, killed June 7th. 1864, inac- tion at Cold Harbor, Va. 1st Lieut Nathan J. GrlBWold, killed July 80th, 1864, in action at Petersburg. Va. 2d Lieut. Daniel W. Hart killed May 12th, 1*04, in act ion at Spotsylvania <\ II , Va. 2d Lieut. E. ( ' Jones, died July !>t, 1864, of wounds received in action at Petersburg, Va., June 17th, 1864. llOf/i Infantry. (apt Lorin L. Thorp, died April 8th, 1868, of dis- ease at Baton Rouge, La. 1st Lieut. Almon A. Wood,. lied Mav 20th. 1863, of wounds received in act' >n at Franklin, La., May 25th, 1868. 1st Lieut. Valorus Randall, killed June 14th, 1863, in action at Port Hudson, I. a. 1st Lieut. Chauncey Gardner, died June 23d, 1864, of disease at Key West Fla \s-t Burgeon Charles Mitchell, died Aug. 28th, lsiil. of disease at Key West, Fla. lllf/i Infantry. Capt. Jerome Lattln, died July 15th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Weldon Load, Va., June 21st, 1864. ('apt. John \v. Lock wood, died of wounds received in escaping from the enemy; date not recorded. 1st Lieut. John H. Drake, killed July 8d, 1863, in action at < ict t vsburt;, l'a . 1st Lieut. Aug. W. Proses, killed July 2d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 1st Lieut. Edwin Parshall, died July 25th, 1864, of wounds received i:i action at Weldon l.'oad, Va. 2d Lieut. Krastus M. Granger, killed JulySd, L8tJ3, in action at Get t vsburir, l'a 2d Lieut Horace G. Bill, killed May . Mb, 1864, in action at Wilderness, \ h 2d l.ieut. James W. Surdaker. killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va. 2d Lieut. Edward Van Derveer. killed June 16th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, V"a. 2d Lieut. Jerome I, Stewart, killed June 16th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Va. 2d Lieut Alexander B. Williams, died Sept. 17th, 1864, of disease; prisoner of war. 2d Lieut. Silas W. Belding, killed April 2d, 1866, in action at Sutherland Station, Va. 112//1 Infantry. Col. James C. Drake, died June 2d. 1864, of wounds received in action at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1st, 1S04. Col. John F. Smith, died Jan. 18th, ISO."), of wounds received in action, .Jan. 15th, 1865 Lt.-Col. Ellal F Carpenter, died May 18th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Drewry's Bluff, Va., May loth. 1884. Capt. John G. Palmeter. died Aug. 1st, 1864, of wounds received iu action at Cold Harbor, Va.. June 1st, 1864. 1st Lieut, and R. Q. Frank Waters, died Oct. 3d 1863, of dysentery al Beaufort, 8. C 1st Lieut. Gordon L l'ierc,-, killed June 1st, 1864. In action at Cold Harbor, Va 1st Lieut. Samuel <;. Sberwin, killed June 28th 1864. inaction at Petersburg, Va, 1st Lieut. George I' Mount', killed Aug. 26th 1864, in action before Petersburg, Va 1st Lieut George W Edmonds, killed Oct. 27th 1864, in action at Fair Oaks. Va. 2d Lieut Andre W. Mattlson, died Ocl 22d, 186S of typhoid fever 2d Lieut. Henry Hull .died July 3d, 1804, of wounds received In action June gd, 1-lil Surgeon Charles E. Washburn, died April 10th, 1865, of typhoid fever, at Faisson's Station. N. C. 114f?i Infantry. Col. Elisha R. Smith, died June 19th, 1868, of wounds received in action at Port Hudson. La . June 14th. 1868 Capt. Chas E. Tucker, killed June lltli, 1863, In action at I'ort Hudson, La. Capt Daniel C. Knowlton, killed Oct. 19th. 1864, in action at Cedar Creek, Va 1st Lieut Norman M Lewis, died Nov 12th, 1864, Of wounds received in action Ocl 19th, 1864. 1st Lieut. Edwin C Breed, killed Sepl 19th, 1864. in action at Opequon. Va, 1st Lieut. Isaac Burcb, died Oct 2lBt, 1864, of wounds received in action at Cedar Creek, Va 1st Lieut Wm. I>. Thurber. died Oct. 25tb, 1864, of wounds received in action at Cedar Creek, Va. 2d Lieut. James E. Gilbert, died Feb. loth. 1868, of typhoid fever at Brashlei City, La 2d Lieut. George G. Donnelly, died April 27, 1808, of an accident at lirashier ( it v. La. 2d Lieut. Henry P. Corbln, killed June 14th, 1863, in action at Port Hudson. La. 2d Lieut. Orlando J. Aylesworth. died Oct. 4th. 1864, of wounds received in action Sept. l'.ih, 1864. 115i/i Infantry. Capt. Garrett Vanderveer, died Feb. 24th, 1864, of wounds received in action at olustee. Fla. Capt. Wm II. McRittrick, killed Sept 29th, 1864, In action atChallin's farm. Va. 1st Lieut. Francis II Francisco, killed Auk- 16th, 1S04. iii action at Strawberry Plains, Va. 1st Lieut. John Van DeSande. died Sept 3d, 1864, of wounds received in action at Strawberry Plains. Va . Aug. 16th, 1864. 1st Lieut. Stephen S. oiney. killed Jan. lath, 1865, in action at Fort Fisher, N ('. 2d l.ieut. Wm Tompkins, killed Feb. 20th, 1804, in action at Olustee, Fla. 2d Lieut. Levi Shelfer, killed Feb. 20th, 1864, iu ac- tion at Olustee, Fla. imti Infantry. Capt. James Aver, died May 82d, 1803. of disease at Baton Rouge, La Capt. David W. tuttle, killed July 18th, 1863, iu action at Donaldson ville. La. 1st Lieut. David Jones, died June 2d. 1868, Of wounds received in action at I'ort Hudson. La.. May 27th, 1864. 1st Lieut Timothy. I Linnah.ier, killed June 14th, 1863, in action at i'ort Hudson, La 2d Lieut. Charles Borueky, died .lime 5th, 1863 of wounds received in action at Plain Store. La. 2d Lieut. E. B. Coultler, died Aug. --'1st, i-';. of disease at Baton Rouge, La. 2d Lieut. Charles Standart. killed April 8th. 1864, iu action at Sabine Cross Roads, La. 117//i Infantry. Capt. Geo. W. Brigham, died Mav 17th. 1864, of wounds received in action at Drewry's Bluff, Va., Mav 10th. is,, 1 Capt. J. Parsons Stone, killed June Kth. 1804, in action at Petersburg, Va, (.apt W..I. Hunt, died July 20th. 1864, of wounds received in action at Petersburg, Va., Juue28tb, 1864. Capt. John F Thomas, killed Jan. loth, 1865, in action at Fort Fisher, N. C. . 1st Lieut. Isaac H. Dann. killed Juno 4th. 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va. 132 PART II. IX THE FIELD. BTATE VOLTJSlTEEBS CONTINUED. ENFANTRY • .1. Knox WUUams, died Sept. 80th, 1864, of wounds received In action at Cnaffin's farm pt. 29th, 1864 il Evan G. Jones, died July 5th, 1863, of dlsej 2d Lieut Win C. Casselmann, killed May I5tb, in .nil, ,ii at Drewry's liluir, Va. \ a il Nelaon, killed Sept. 29th, 1864, tlon at Chaffln's rarm, Va. 1W/, Infantry. Mai Chas. E. Pruyn, killed June 15th, 1864, Inac- tion at Petersburg, v.i lohn S. Stoue, killed May 16th, 1864, in ac- tion at Drewry's Bluff, Va. t-t Lieu) Win. H. Stevenson, killed May 16th, in action at Drewry's Bluff, Va 2d Lieut. Edgar M. Wing, killed May 16th, 1864, iu action at Drewry's Bluff, Va 2d Lieut. Michael Reynolds, l-ill-a June 2d, 1864, in action at Colli Harbor, \ a. it William Forbes, killed Oct. 27th , 1864 in action at 2d Fair Oaks, Va. U9tfi Infantry. i ,,i Ellas Pelssner, killed May 2d, 1868, in action at < lhancellorsvllle, \ a. I ■ i I Edward F LI, .yd, killed May 15th, 1864, in action at Resaca, Ga Henry l: Schwerin, died Maj 6th. 1863, of wounds received in action at Chancellorsville, \ a., May 2d, 1863. • apt Otto Trumpelman, died July 24th, 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa . Julv 1st, 1863. Isi Lleui Matthias Roseman, killed July 1st, 1863, in action at Gettysburg. Pa. 1st Ueul Bmil Frost, killed July 2d, 1863, III n at Gettysburg, l'a. 2d I. •nt Leonard 1! Van Cott, died Dec. 3d, 1862, at Centrevllle, Va., of typhoid fever. SdLteul Joseph N Mead, died Feb 11th, 1863. of disease Ht Bronx vllle, N. V. 120th Infantry. Cant Chas. il McEntle, died Dec. 2d, 1862, of -.• at Falmouth, Va i msing Holllster, killed July 2d, 1863, in BCl ion at < .et t \ Bburg, Pa. ^yres G Barker, killed July ~'d, 1863, In action at Gettysburg, Pa. James W. Chambers, killed Oct , 271 in action at Boydton Plank Road, Va 1 • Lieut. Michael B. Creighton, killed July 2d, 1863, inaction at Gettysburg, Pa 1st Lieut John s. Lock wood, killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va. l : Lieut. Edgar Slmpklns, lost March 31st, 1865, on t ransport • leneral I. von. 2d Lieut Win J. Cockburn, died July 22d, 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d, 1868. 2d Lieut Frederick Freele wick, killed July 2d, action at Gettysburg. Pa. u'd Lieut Jason Carle, killed July 2d, 1863, In act Ion at < lei t ysburg, Pa lm Lieut. John i(. Burhans, killed July 2d, 1868, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 2d Lieut Edward n Ketch um, killed July 2d, irg, Pa 2d Lieut Wm ll Dedrlck, killed Bepl 20th, 1864, in act Ion at Petersburg, V t. Surgeon Henry \ Collier, died Jan. 23d, ■ I2lsi Infantry. Capl Nelson Wendell, killed May :;.i, 1863, In act Ion at Balem < nun : nas 8 Vrnold, died May 18th, 1863. ol wounds received In action at Balem Church, va < ipt Charles A Butts, killed Maj 10th, 1864, In action at Spotsylvania C. ll , \ a killed Maj i.'th. 1864, In action at spot lylvania ( 1 1 . Va i nit Burrell, died Ool 26th wounds received In action it Cedar Creek \ a John li P Dow, died Noi llth, 1864, of wounds received In action at Cedar Creek, V a. Howl mil. killed April 6th, 1-' 5, ill action at Sailor's Creek, \ ■ U \n-ii i Cameron, died Nov. 9th Bakersvllle, Md., of typhoid fever. 1st Lieut. Ulysses F Doubleday, killed May 3d, in action at Salem Church, Va. i-t Lieut. A Rice Clark, died sept 20th, 18«3, of disease ai general hospital 1st Lieut. Edward P. Johnson, killed May Kith. 1864, in action ai Spot ?j Ivania C ll.. \ a. ; 1st Lieut, silas E Pierce, died Mai 18th, 1864, of wounds received in action May 12th, 1864 1st Lieut. Wm. II. Tucker, killed Oct. 19th, 18 Ransom, died Nov 10th, 1864, of wounds received in action at 2d Fair Oaks, Va. Capl James M Elliott, killed Jan. 15th, 1865, in action at Tort Fisher, N C. 1st Lieut. Win. Hal/eii. died Aug. 2tth, 1868, of disease at Folly Island, S. C. 2d Lieul Horace Wood, died Jan. 17th, 1868, of it Upton's Mill, Va. 148d Infantry. Joseph P Taft. killed Nov. 25th, 1868, in action at i lhattanoqga, Tenn. 1st Lieul and AdJ Wm M Radcllff, killed July 90th, 1804, iii action at Peach Tree « reek, <;,-, Ul Lieut Peter L Waterbury, died July 84th, 1864, • •r wounds rt ived in action at Peaob Tree i ireel M. J HordenboUgb, died March Ifiih, 1865, of wounds received In action at Averasboro, ' 2d Lieut Marcu Fraser, died Nov. 20th, 1862, ol disea ■•■ at w asblngton, i> I i, killed March 6th, In actio,, at Natural Bridge, Ha. I44*7i Infantry. '".in ll Stone, died Oct. 17th, - tt Midi II. town, \ Y M Lieut DeM Itt Thomas, Jr , died June 6th, irktown, Va 1st Lieut Thomas Lewis, died Sept Bth i oily Island, 8 C ul Dewltl C Mayo, died Sept 27th, 1868 of dl • Is) Lieut Franklin r. Hlne, died, Dec 20th, 1864, of wounds received In action at Beaufort, 8. C 2d l.leut James W Mack, killed n,,v got] in action at Hone) Hill, - Infantry M Lieut Wm ll. Pool,., uiied May 3d, 1868, In action at Chancellorsvllle, \ a 146(?i Tufa >, try. Col. David T Jenkins, killed May 5th, 1884,1a action at Wilderness. Ya. Maj Henry 11 Curran, killed May 5th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va, Capt.Ezeklel Jones, died Nov. llth,186S, at Rome, N v., of typhoid fever. Capt. Galvin A Lamble, died Feb. 15th, 1863, of disease at Camden, N. Y ("apt. Thomas A. Wilson, died April 25th wi Is received in action at Five Forks, Va. 1st Lieut. Charles J.. Buckingham, died Sept. 2d, 1861, of wounds received in action at Weldon Road, Va, 2d Lieut Peter T. Froellgh, killed May 5th, 186-1, in action at Wilderness, \ a 2d Lieut. Hugh Chalmers, died June 9th. 1864, of wounds received in action at Cold Harbor, Va 2d l.ieut. Arthur V. Coan. died Sept 30th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Weldon Kail- road, Va. 147i'/* Infantry. Capt. George A. Sisson, died May 18th, 1888, near Falmouth, \ a., of lever. 1st Lieut. Wm P. Schenck, died July 27th, 1863, of wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st, 1868 1st Lieut. James Brown, died July 4th. 1864, of wounds received In action at Spots] Ivania C. H . Ya. 1st Lieut. Lansing Bristol, killed Feb. 6th, 1865, in action at Hatcher's Hun, Va. 2d Lieut. Harvey Flint, died Nov. 4th, 1882, of disease at Camp Morris. Md. 2d Lieut, David G. Van Dusen, killed July 1st, 1862, in action at Gettysburg, Pa 2d Lieut. Guilford D Mace, killed July i- in action at t lettysburg, Pa. 2d Lieut. Daniel McAssy, killed July 1st, 1868, in act Ion at ( let tysburg. Pa. 2d Lieut. Sylvester .1 Taylor, killed July 3d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 2d Lieut. Franklin N Hamlin, died Jan 25th, 1865, Of wounds received in action May 5th, 1864. 2d Lieut. Sidney C Gaylord, killed June 18th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Va. 1480/ Infantry. Capt. E. Darwin Gage, killed Oct. 27th. 1864, In action at 2d Fair < >aks, V a 1st Lieut. Hiram P. Brown, died Oct. 8th, 1863, at Portsmouth , Ya.. of fever IstLleut. Geo. D Htike, died Nov 5th, 1863, of typhoid fever at Portsmouth, Va. l-t Lieut. Heul. en F.Scott, died June 5th. 1864, of WOUndS received in action at Cold Harbor, Ya., June"!d. 1864 2d Lieut. Oscar M Adams, died June P.ith, 1864, of wounds received in action at Cold Harbor, Va . June 8d, 1864. 2d Lieut. Caleb O. Jackson, killed April 6th, 1865, iii action at Rice's Station. Va, l49Wi Infantry. Lt.-Col. Charles B. Randall, killed July 20th, 1864, in action at Peach Tree Creek, On I apt. David J Lindsay, killed July 20th, 1864, In action at Peach Tree < reek, Ga 1st Lieut ltenj F. P.reed, killed May 8d, 1863, In action al Chancellorsvllle, Va. 2d l.ieut Joseph A Davis, killed May 3d. action at Chancellorsville. \ .i 150t7t Infantry. 1st l.ieut Edgar I'. Welling, died Oct. 21 of disease at Tullahoma, Tenn 1st Lieut Henry Gridley, killed June 8Bd, 1864, in act Ion at ( 'nip's farm. ( la , i-t Lieut David B Sleight, killed Maroh 18th 1865, in action at A verashoro. ,\ I 2d Lieut Rowland H Marshall, died lath 186 ■. of disease at c "getown, D C 2d Lieut. John Sweet died Aug bah. 1864, of ty- phoid fever near Atlanta, Ga i:.i ? / fan try. Oapl Bylvanua B. Wilcox, killed Nov. 27th, 1863, in aotlon at Locust Grove, Va. capt. Cornelius C Billings, killed May 8th, 1884, in action at Wdderiie- . \ , THE KOLL OF HONOR OFFICERS \X\H) DIED. 135 8TATB VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. INIANTKY. Capt. JolinC. Schoen, killed June 3d, 1864, inac- tion lit Cold Harbor, Va. Capt. Benjamin Goodapeed, killed June 8d, 1864, in action at Cold Harbor, Va. 1st Lieut. Benjamin P. Tanner, died Sept. 21st, 186:1, of disease at Washington, I). C. 1st Lieut. John M. Hutchinson, killed July nth, 1804, in action at Monocacy, Md. 152d Infantry, Capt. Washington W. Hulser, killed May 5th, 1804, in action at Wilderness. Va Capt Wlllard A. Musson, killed Oct. 87th, 1864, In action at Boydton Plank Road, Va. 1st Lieut. Josiah Hinds, died Aug. 7th, 1864, of rever at Otsego, N. Y 2d Lieut. QeorgeT. Kidder, died May 6th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Wilderness, Va. 2d Lieut John W. Conklin, killed May 6th, 1864, in action at Wilderness, Va. 163d Infantry. Maj. Charles F. Putnam, died Sept. nth, I so;., of tvphoid fever at Savannah. Qa Capt Jacob C. Klock, died Oct. 16th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Winchester, Va. 154(/t Infantry. Capt. Alanson Crosby, died July 9th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Petersburg, Va., June ltiih, 1864 1st Lieut, and Adj. Samuel C. Noyes, Jr., killed May 2d, Itftt3, In action at Chanoellorsville, Va. 1st Lieut. Isaac T. Jenkins, died July 27th, 1863, of disease at Richmond, Va. 2d Lieut. John w. Badger, died June 2d, 1803, of disease at Stafford Court House, Va. 155(/i Infantry. Capt. Thomas Hart, died June 26th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Petersburg, Va., June 16th, 1864 Capt. Wm. S. Schuyler, died July 20th. 1804. of wounds received |n action at Cold Harbor, Va. , June 8d, 1864. Capt Edward Pelouze, killed Aus;. 25th, 1864, in action at Ream's Station, Va. Capt Daniel l'urdv, died Feb. 22d, 1865, of wounds received in action Oct. 27th, 1804; prisoner of war. 1st Lieut. Richard B. Dunphey, died June 4th. 1864, of wounds received in actiou at Cold Har- bor, Va., June 3d, 1504. 1st Lieut. John Nolan, died June 25th, 1804, of wounds received in action at Petersburg, Va.. June 16th, 1864. Jst Lieut. Michael O'Connell. killed Aug. 25th, 1S04, in action at Ream's Station. Va. 1st Lieut. Philip Cronin, died Oct. 0th, 1864. of wounds received in action at Petersburg, Va., Oct.Ikl, 1864. 2d Lieut. Albert H, Dwight, killed June 22d, 1804. iii action at Petersburg, Va. 2d Lieut. John Davis, killed Oct. 16th, 1864, while prisoner of war. Asst. Surgeon Richard W. Fawcett, died June22d, lso4, of diarrhoea at Fairfax Station, Va. 156t7i Infantry. Lt.-Col. Thomas Fowler, died July 1st. 1868 of wounds received in action at Port Hudson, La., June 14th, 1863 Capt John Donaldson, died Sept. l'.tth. disease at Baton Rouge, La Capt. Howard Cooke, died March l'.tth. 1864, of disease at St. James Hospital. New Orleans, La. 1st Lieut. JohnT. Freer, killed April 13th, 1863, in action at Blsland, La. Isl Lieut Christopher Larkins, killed Oct. 19th, ISM, in act ion at ( edar Creek, Va 1st Lieut. Johannes Lefever, died Nov 18th, 1864, of wounds received in action at Cedar Creek, Va 2d Lieut. Wm. Stedman, died Aug. 13th, 1863, of disease at Baton Rouge, La 2d Lieut. Jacob Bookstaver, died Nov 16th, 1863, of disease in New York City Hospital. 157(/t Infantry. Lt.-Col George Arrow Smith, killed July 1st, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Capt. Walter I > Dunbar, died Mini, 17th, 1803, of typhoid lever at Preble, N Y Capt Jason K. Backus, killed July 1st, 1863, in action at Gettysburg , Pa Capt. Harrison Frank, killed July 2d, 1863, In action at Gettysburg, Pa Capt George a. Adams, died July 25th, If wounds received in action at Gettysburg, Pa Capt. J. R, Stone, died Aug 12th, 1864, of disease at Macon, (la. ; prisoner of war. 1st Lieut. Major L Hunt, killed May 2d, 1803, In action at Cbancellorsvllle, Va 1st Lieut and Adj. Joseph F Heiiey, died July 24th, 1863, of wounds receh ed In action at Gettj -- burg, Pa 2d Lieut. Randall D Lower, killed July 1st, 1868, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 158«1 Infantry. 1st Lieut. Edward 1,'eiley. killed April 2d, 1866, In action at Fort (ireK-r, Va 1st Lieut. James Crosbie, killed Ool 29th, 1864, in action before Petersburg, Va.: as of Company D, 52d N V Vols WMh Infantry. Lt.-Col. Gilbert A Draper, killed April nth, 1868, in action at Irish Bend, La Maj. Robert McD. Hart, killed Oct. l'.tth, 1804, in action at Cedar Creek, Va. Capt. Duncan Richmond, killed Oct. l'.tth, 1864, in action at Cedar Creek. Va. 1st Lieut, and Adj. Robert D Lathrop, killed April 14th, 1863, In action al Irish Bend, La 1st Lieut John W. Mauley, killed April llth. lsi^i, in action at Irish Bend, La. 1st Lieut. Wm. R. Plunkett, died April 17th. 1863, of wounds received In action at Irish Bend, La 1st Lieut Wesley W Bradley, died May 10th, 1803, of disease at New Orleans, La. 2d Lieut. Byron L Lock wood , killed April 14th, lSti,i, in action at Irish Bend, La 2d Lieut. Chas P. Price, died April 17th, 1868, of wounds received in action at Irish Bend, La. 2d Lieut Herman Smith, died Oct. nth, isot. of wounds received in act ion at Opequon, Va 2d Lieut James T. Perkins, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, in action at Cedar (reek, Va. 160f/i Infantry. Capt. Josiah P. Jewett, died May Kith, 1868, Of wounds received in action March 28th, 1883. Capt. Charles R, Cotten, killed April 9th, 1864, In action at Pleasant Hill, La. 2d Lieut. Win. J Van Deusen, killed April 9th, IStil, in action at Pleasant Hill, La. 2d Lieut. Sir N Dexter, killed Sept 19th, 1864, In action at Winchester, Va 1st Lieut. Nicholas McD >ugh, died May sth, 1864, Of wounds received in action at Pleasant Hill, La. s'd Lieut B. Frank Maxson, killed Sept. 19th, 1864, in action at Winchester. Va. 2d Lieut .las. H. Simpson, died Dec. 18th, 1864, of disease ; prisoner of war. 101,s7 Infantry. •s'd Lieut. Lewis B Fitch, killed April 8th, 1864, in action at Sabine Cross Roads, La. 162d Infantry. Col. Lewis Benedict, killed April 9th, 1804, In ac- tion at Pleasant mil. La Maj. James II Bogart. killed June 14th. 1863, in action at Port Hudson, La Capt Frank T, Johnson, killed April 9tb, 1864, in action at Pleasant mil. La 1st Lieut. Stephen C. Oakley, died May '.'Sth. 1863 of wounds received In action al Port Hudson. La., May 27th, 1863 1st Lieut Nehemiah Oakley, died Nov. 10th, 1863, of typhoid fever at New Iberia, La, 2d Lieut. DePonthen J. Wllkes.died Oct. 6th, 1862; drowned at sea off Hatteras, N C. 2d Lieut Samuel C Haven, died June 26th, 18W, of diphtheria at Baton Rouge, La nn 2d Lieut. John Neville, died July 17th, 1868, of wounds received in action June 14th, 1868. L'd Lieut Theodore A Scutter, killed April 9th, 1864, in action at Pleasant Hill. La 2d Lieut Madison K Finley, died April 21st. 1864. I of wounds received in action at Pleasant Hill, La. PART II. I\ THE FIELD. STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. INFANTRY rs, died \|.ril 20th, 1804. of red iu action April 23d, 1861 Brockalow, killed Deo. 18th, .-iiurtr. Va lerlck W Dehrens, killed Deo 13th, • John .i Byrne, killed Deo I3tl 8 Va I64(n Infantry. McMahon, died March 3d, 1803, of dls- at Buffalo, N ', VIcMal killed June 3d, 1864, In action at ' !old Harbor, Va i nomas Rickey, killed June 3d, 1864, in ac tion at Oold Harbor, Va I m Maroney. died June 2Hth, 1804, at Rich- ■f wounds receive i n action Juue irlea Watters, killed May 18th, 1864, I |i ii .ii sp. itsyh anla, \ a. . id s ' Abraham, killed June S I, 1864, tion al l "lil Harbor. Va. 1st Lieut James M Keddy, killed June 3d, 1864, In action at Cold Harbor, \ a 1st Lieut. Edward McCaffrey, died Juno 4th, 1864, ■ ■r wounds reoeired in actional ('"hi Harbor, \ i . ,i une Bd . J... died July 29th, 1864, of wounds received in action June 3d, 1864; pris- I war Stapleton, died March20ih. 180"», of disease a1 Washington, L>. C. 2d Lieut John Dunn, died Sept. 29th, 1863, of dls- • Brni >klj ii, N F O'Sulllvan, killed May 18th, i.-t urn at Spotsylvania, Va. <..'M.-r.',\ ■-!,. il j March 12th, i Ived in action Feb. 5th, 1865. l'>.v/i Tnfyntry. Abel Smith, Jr . died June 23d, I wounds received in action al Port Hudson, La., May 27th, 1864 Isl Lleul and R Q Esher tt. Ellsworth, died Aug litli, 1863, of disease al Porl Hudson, La. 2d Lleul I R i urville, killed May 27th, 1863, in action al Porl Hudson, La ■ Robert l> Hulich, died Sept. 51 of typhoid fever, al Baton Rouge, La. - Infantry. 2d Lleul George w ilermion, died Sept. 21st, 1863, ••' inassas Junction, Va mth Infantry. M onlhe, killed June 1st, 1864, In ac -i irh i \ h Vus istus i> Vaughan, killed July 80th, al The Crater, \ h n, killed Jan 16th. 1865, bj i- 'ii nf magazine al Porl Fisher, \ I irles II Palmer, died July 28th, il John II. Hughes, died Bepl 6th, 1864, of wounds received in aci I Blrdsall, killed Maj Iflth, 1864, Porl Walthall, \ a • nan .1 Crippen. killed Aug 18th, Gap Vm in, killed .'an 15th 2d Lleul i / pperle, killed Ian. 15th, 1865, il 2d Lieut. Hugh l> McGregor, killed Jan. loth. 1865, t Fort 1 \. c. rtfrv in It Donnelly, killed Aug. 25th, (864 In \ H I ) killed Maj 24th, 1864, In • I June 7th, i Richmond, Va ol wounds r.-.-.-i \ .-.I in action ■ h, IH04 • ; ' Keel i-.. i m • 1864 -I wounds i lion Aug. Idtn, 1864. Cant, George B Turner, died Oct. 94th, 1864, ol disease at Sallsburj 1st Lieut John W Griffin, killed May 24th, 1864, in anion at North Anna. Va. 1st Lieut. Patrick Logue. killed May 24th, 1864, in act ion at North Anna , Va. l-t Lieut Francis H Seeley, killed June 22d, 1864, In action at Petersburg, va l-i Lieut John T. Qoewey, died May 1-th, 1805, of In DIvlsli m Hospital . 2d Lieut. John 8. Fitzmaurice, killed May 18th, 1864, in action at Spotsylvania, Va. 2d Lieut. MichaelJ Began, killed June 16th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Va I78d Infantry. Lt -Col Wm x. Green, Jr . died May 14th, 1864, of w "ii i a is received In action at Pleasant Mill. La, Maj A. Power Galloway, died July 9th, 1863 ol wounds received in act Ion at Porl Hudson, La. , June 14th. 1868. (apt Henry Cocheu, killed June lttli, ;- action at Porl Hudson, La. ■'apt Henry ii. Lee, died May 5th, 1864, of won mis received in act ion at Cane River Crossing, La. ('apt. Win Robertson, died Aug. 28th, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.: accident . 2d Lieut Isaac G. Jartlln, died June 8th, i disease. 2d Lieut. Samuel II. Podger, died June 26th, 1863, of wounds received in action al Port Hudson, La . June 13th, 1863. 2d Lieut. Morgan shea, killed June nth, 1863, In action at Port Hudson, La. 171//, Infantry. 2d Lieut. De Van Postly. killed July 13th, 1863, In action at Donaldsonvllle, La Asst . Surgeon Samuel II. Drown, died July 31st, 1863, of disease al Daton Rouge, La, 175Wi Infantry. Col, Michael K Dryan, killed June lith. 1863, In action at Tor' Hudson , La. Capt. Patrick Kane, died Sept 6th, 1868, of dis- ease Capl John Maguire, killed April lith, 1864, by guerrillas alter capture, near Goldsboro, N. c. 1st Lieut. Jesse w Ramsey, died Oct. lith, 1863, of diease al Campl Irove, near Tyler, Tex. 2d Lieut Matthew Mayes, died Oct l«th, 1863, <>i disease at Camp Grove, near Tyler, Texas I76tn Infantry. Capl Johns, cutter, killed June 23d, 1863, In ac- tion at Broshler i llty, La l-t Lieut James R Lawrence, died April l-t. 1868, of disease l-t Lieut, and R Q John F. Kimball , died Deo. 19th, 1863, oi disease; prisoner of war. l-t Lieut. Julius A Jones, killed Oct 19th, 1864, in action at Cellar Creek, Va. LTTfli Infantry. Capt liar ii \ Merriman, died July 14th, 1868, of wound- received In action at Port Hudson, La . May 27th, 1863 Isl Lleul and AdJ Richard M. Strong, died May 12th, 1863, ol typhoid fever al Bonnet I tai i l-i Lieut James Williamson, killed May 27th, 1863, In action at Port Hudson, La l-t Lieut. Francis Rosche, died Aug 17th, 1863. of diseaseal Mt. Pleasant Hospital, near Porl Hud- son, i.i 1st Lieut John P Phillips, died Sept Ith, 1868 ol e at Albany . N 1 i;s//, Infantry. Cant, wm W. Trerobley, died Maj 7th, 1864, of 2d Lieut. Wm. H. Squire, died July Mth, 1864 ol disease. mth Infantry. Lt -Col. Franklin It Doty, died April 5th, 1866 ol WOUnds received in action April 2d Major John Ba t Sloan, killed June 17th, 1864, In action al Petersbui ihn B ii'.., i. died July 31st, 1864, ol w ids received In action at The Crater, Va., July 30th, 1864 THE ROLL OF BONOR. OFFICERS \VII<) DIED. 137 STATE VOLUNTEERS CONTINUED. INI'AXTUY. Capt Daniel Blackford, killed June 17th, 1864, in action at Petersburg, Va, Capt. Allen T. Earwell, killed July :S0tli, 1864, in action at The Crater. Va. 1st Lieut. Baker L. Sexton, killed July 30th, 1864, in action at The Crater, Va. 2d Lieut Jam es B. Bowk er, died Oct 27tb, 1864, ol wounds received inaction Sept. 30tb, 1864 I82d Infantry. Col. Matthew Murphy, died April 16th, 1865, of i at Ha Feb. 6th, 1865. wounds received in actio [atcher's Run, vi Major William Butler, died Aug. 16th, 1864, of wounds received In action June 16th, 1864 Capt. Edward K Butler, Killed June 3d, 1864, in action at i lold Harbor, Va. Capt. John li. Nugent, killed June 3d, 1864, In ac- t Ion at Cold Harbor, Va . Capt. Francis Welpley, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, In action at Ream's Station. \ a 1st Lieut. Martin Kelly, died May 86th, 1864, of wounds received In action at Spotsylvania, Va. Isl Lieut, and Adj. Michael W Redmond, killed June 22d, ls;i, in anion at Weldoii Road, Va Sd Lieut. Daniel Sweeney, killed Aug. 25th, 1864, in action at Ream's station, Va. I84Wi Infantry. 1st Lieut. Augustus Phillips, killed Oct. 19th, 1864, In action at Cedar Creek, Va. 185th Infantry. Major John r , dted Dec. 8d, 1864, of malignant lever at city Point, \ a. Capt. Henry D Carhard, died Dec. 4th, 1864, of rever. l-l Lieut. Hiram (lark, killed April 9th I action at Appomattox C il , Y a it Lieut. B F Bauder, died April 15th, 1865, ol CVOUndE received in action Match 29th, I 2d Lieut. Daniel Mlnler, killed March 29th, 1865, in action at Quaker Road, Va. 2d Lieut. Henry L. Kingsley, died March .il-t. 1865, of disease at City Polnl . Va ISlOth Infantry. capt Edwin Swan, died Feb. 15th, 1865, of disease at Balti re, Md. [88th Infantry. 2d Lieut. Wm Mehan, illed April 17th. 1865, ol wounds received in action April 1 189th Infantry. Col Wm. H. llavi. did Nov. 8th, 1864, of dis- it City Point, Va Capt. Burrage Rice, killed Jan. 11th, 1865, In ac- tion near Petersburg, Va. t»i VOLUNTEERS OF OTHEB STATES, ORIGINALLY FROM THIS died Col. Jonas l' Holliday, l>t Vermont Cav April 5th, 1862, near Strassburg, Va. Lt.-Col. LeRov Crockett, 7:.'d Ohio Vols., died Dec. ioth, 1863, of disease; formerly 1st Lieut. 05th N. V. Vols. Maj Eugene Allen Rawson, 72d Ohio Vols , died July 22d, 1864, of wounds received in action; for- merly 1st Lieut. 12th N Y Vols. Surgeon Dickinson s. Hopkins, 4th Delaware Vols., died July 18th, 1864, of disease; formerly Asst. Surgeon 111th N. V. Vols. OF THE UNITED STATES VOLC XTEEKS. G( in ral and Staff OffUn rs. Maj. -Gen. Isaac i Stevens, killed Sept. 1st, 1862, in action at < 'ham III) . Va Maj Gen Edwin V sunnier, died March 21st, 1863, of disease al Syracuse, X. V. Brig -Gen Daniel fcj. Bidwell, killed Oct. 19th, l,Sti4, in action at Cedar Creek, Va. Brig -Gen. Edward P. Chapin, killed Maj '-'7th. |si;.i, in action at Port Hudson, La Brig -Gen. Michael Corcoran, died Dec 22d, 1863, accident Brig.-Gen. Edmund Kirby, died May 28th, 1863, of wounds received In action it Chancellorsvllle. Brig.-Gen JamesC. Rice, killed May 10th, 1664, in action at Laurel Hill, Va. Brig.-Gen. David A. Russell, killed Sept. I9th, 1864, in action at Winchester, Va Brie -Gen. James S Wadswiirth, killed May 6th, 1864, In actio,, at Wilderness, Va Brig.-Gen. Stephen ll Weed , killed July 2d , 1863, in act Ion ;it « lettysliurtr, I'a Brig -Gen, Samuel K. Zook, killed July 2d, 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. Col Benjamin Welch. Add'l Aide-de-Camp, died April 13th, 1863, of disease Capt Nicolai Dunka. Add'l A ide de-Camp, killed June 8th, 1862, In action at Cross Keys, Via Capt James c. Williams, Add'l Aide-de-Camp, died i let. 29th, 1862, of disease Maj. George E. Flynt, Asst. Adj.-Gen , died i 18th, 1863, of dl Cant Samuel R Beardsley, Asst. Adj. -Gen., died I lec 28th, 1883, of disease. Capt John D. Fish, Asst. Adj Gen, killed Maj L.'th. 1864, in action at Spot sv han iaC II . Va. Capt. Robert LeRoy, Asst, Adj -Gen, died March 5th, 1865, of disease CapkCatharlnus B. Mervine, Assl Adj. Gen., died Aug 17th, 1864, nf disease. Cant. Stephen H. Reynolds, Assl Adj.-Gen .died July 30th, 1864, of wounds received In action at Cold Barbor, Va. Capt James B Turner, Asst. Adj. -Gen., killed MayBth, 1864, at Wilderness, Va. Capt. Udo Von Francois, Asst. Adj; -Gen., died Dec. 8th. 1862. of disease. Capt. James ai Wilson, Asst. Adj.-Gen., killed Way 5th, 1862, in action at Williamsburg, Va. Maj Levi c. Turner, Judge-Advocate, died March 13th, 1867, of disease Maj. Samuel c Blgelow, Surgeon, died Nov. 1st, 1862, of disease. Maj. Mason i\ Coggswell, Surgeon, died Jan. 21st, 1865, of disease Maj A. Henry Thurston. Surgeon, died July 27th, 1865, of disease. Maj Daniel W. Wail) wright, Surgeon, died July 30th, 1863, of disease. 1st Lieut. Henry N. Fisher, Asst Surgeon, died March 12th, 1868, of disease. Capt. Nelson J. Hopkins, Asst Q. M .died July lath, 1865, of disease ('apt. David B. Smith, Assl Q M., died April nth, 1864, of disease Capt. Edward \ Forbes, Com. Sub., died Feb. '.Ith, 1865, Of disease Capt Horace a Goodrich, Com. Sub., died June nth, 1865, of disease. ■ harles Hall, Com Sub., died Nov. 14th. 1863, of disease Capt Edward Wright, Com Sub .died July 14th. 1864, of disease Maj. Charles F. Davies, Ad. I I P. M.,dled Dec 8d, 1865, of dis, -a-,. M.,i Benj W C Ma>s,.tt, Add'l I' M . died July 15th, 1st'::. ,,f .i Maj Henry A. Prendergast, Add'l P M.. died March 9th, 1863, >d disease. Maj B l olden Ruggles, Add'l I' M . died I'd.. Kith. 1863. ot i Maj. Isaac Sanford, Add'l P.M., died March 19th, 1864, of disease. Maj <>ti- C. Whitehead, Add'l P. M., died Nov. Bth, 1863, of disease. Is7 r. s. Sharpshooters n C -I .11, Kirhv Smith, Corps of Eng., died •. ounds received in action at Corlntl 1st Lieut Jolin T Can twell, Corns of Eng., died April I8tb, 1866, of disease at Port Tompkins, \ V. liar \ rekeener Win. Walters, Ord Dept., died June 27th, 1864. of disease al New Fork Arsenal. Jonas P llollid :,v. 2d Cav , died April 5th, 1862, n. -ar Btrasburg, va l-t Lieut Frederick J. James. 8d Cav . died Aug ith. 1864, of disease near Cold Spring, N. "> ii. iley, 4ih Cav., died April 23d, I-..;, of wounds received In action at Franklin. Tenn i. M Hied June 4th. 1864, In a. 'lion ,,t Cold Harbor, Va n Edward B. Bill, I i ut . died July 18th, of wounds received In action near New Market , \ a i mnd Klrby, l-t \,t. died May 28th, Bit ed in act Ion al < Jhancel- lorsville, Va 2d Lleul Uberl M Murray, 2d An . dli d Aug. 12th, If 2d Lleul Manning Livingston, 8d Art .killed July I'a ,t Alonzo ii mi . killed July IM63, In action ■ Pa l-t Lieut. John B Hunt, 4th \n . d I ird Wllkeson, iih Art., killed July l-t. 1 I'm krt.. killed Maj ., in action al Chanrellnrsvllle. Va •i iih \i i .. died March lllth : mud Brook, N J. Capt. Stephen II. Weed, 5th Art., killed July 2d. 1863, in action at Gettysburg, Pa. 1st Lieut Henry \V Kingsbury, 5th Art., died Sept. Mil 1863, of wounds received in action at A III ietain . Md. 2d Lieut. Wm. Kldd, 2d Inf., killed Aug. 80th, 1862, in action at Mull Run, Va. Col Electus Backus, 6th Inf .died June 7th. 1802, of disease at Detroit. Mich Capt,. Rensselaer W. Foote, 6th 1 nf., killed June 27th, 1862, In action at Gaines Mills. Va. Capt Matthew R. Stevenson, 7th [nf., died Jan. 2d, 186:!. of disease at Madison Barracks, N. Y. •Mai David A. Russell, 8th Inf. killed Sept 19th, 1864, In a. -tion at Winchester, Va. Capt.'; ge W. Vanderl.ilt, lllth Inf. died Jan. 1st. 1864, of disease al Nice, France. 2d Lieut. AmazlahJ. Barber, nth Inf .died July 26th, 1863, of wounds received in action al Gettys- burg, I'a "Capt. Frederick Wlnthrop, 12th inf . killed April 1st, 1865. in action at Five Forks, Va. 1st Lieut. Frederick A.Traoey, 12th Inf. died June 3d, 1863, of disease al New York city. 2d Lieut. Chan. F. Van Duzer, 12th Inf., killed June 27th. 1862, In action at Gaines Mills, Va. Capt. Justus A. Boles, 13th Inf.. died June 28th, 1863. Of wounds received inaction at Vloksburg, MISS. Capt. Court Van Rensselaer, 13th Inf.di.d Oct, 7th, 1864, of disease near Nastn llle, Tenn. Isl Lteul Warren W. Chamberlain, llth Inf., killed Aug 80th, 1862, In actional Mull Hun. Va l-i Lieut. Daniel M Broad head, 14th Inf . died June iiith. 1864, of wounds received in action at Wilderness, Va 2,1 Lieut. Charles c Smedberg, 14th Inf. died June 1st. 1863, of disease near Falmouth, Va 2d Lteul Thomas F, Collins. 14th [nf., killed May 6th, 1864, in action al Wilderness, Va ►Capt. David Ireland, 16th inf., died Sept. loth, 1864, of disease al Atlanta, I la Capt. Patrick Kelly, 16th inf. killed June 16th , 1864, in action al Petersburg, Va, Isl Lieut. Edward L. Mitchell, huh inf , killed \piii 7th, 1862, in action at shlloh, Tenn 2d Lleul Homer n Clark. 16th inf . died Oct. 2lsi, 1863 of wounds received In action al Chlcka- mauga, Ga Capt. w.n J. Temple, 17th Inf , killed Maj i in action al Chatwelloiw lilt i ; Lieut. W. W. Btevenson, 18th Inf . died Feb. 27th. i at i Isvllle, K\ il Herman G. Radcllff, 18th Inf.. died March .\.'2d, 1868, "I I IM tl MUI 1 1 ec-hon,, Tenn 1st Lieut. Charles L. Truman. 18th Inf., killed 20th, 186:1, in action at Chlckamauga, Ga Wlllard, 19th inf.. killed July 2d, Q tyaburg, Pa THE ROLL OF HONOR. MEDALS OF IloXuR. 139 OF THE XAVY, REGULARS ONLY. Of the Volunteer Navy no records could be obtained. Commodore Henry W. Morris, died Aug. llth, 18S3, of disease at New York city. Capt. Stephen 1$. Wilson, died March 15th, 1*53, of disease at Hudson. N. Y. Commander Wm. B. Rensbaw, killed Jan 1st, 1863, In action at Galveston. Texas Commander Maxwell Woodhull, died Feb. 19th, 1863, accidentally killed at Baltimore, Md. Commander Tunis a m. Craven, died Aug. 5th, 1864 ; losl on i be Tecumseh l.t Commander David A. MoDermot, killed April 18th, 1863, in action near Sabine Pass, 'Texas Lt.-CommanderJohn E. Hart, died June llth, 1863, of disease below Tort Hudson, La Lieut Samuel Marcy, died Jan. 39th, 1863, of disease .hi board t lie Vlncennes Lieut. Benjamin B. Porter, killed Jan. 15th, 1865, in action at Fort Fisher, N. C. Midshipman John Brown Bradley, killed April 24th, 1862, in action below New Oilcans, I, a Capt. Benjamin K.Tinslar, surgeon, died Nov. 28l 1, lsf.i, of disease at Charlestown, Mass. Master Charles H. Co veil, asst. surgeon, died Aug. Tth, 1st; i , of disease at sea on the Colo rado. Master William Howell, asst. surgeon, died July 2lst. 1862, of disease at New Fork city. Capt Levi 1). Slamm, paymaster, died Oct. 6th, 1868, of disease at Marmaroneck , N. Y. Commander J. Van U Bleeker, paymaster, died Nov. bth. 1SG4, of disease at New York city. Master George F. Hall, asst paymaster, died Sept. 2d, 1862, of disease at Key West, Fla. Ensign Theodore B. Ely, 2d asst. engineer, died sept. 23d, 1861, of disease. Ensign Frederick Bull, Jr.. 2d asst. engineer, died August 9th, 1863, of disease at New Orleans, La Ensign James B. McNamara, 2d asst engineer, died Jnlv 23d, lsti4, of disease on hoard the Tioga. Ensign 1'lisha H.irseii, L*d asst. engineer, died Aug:. 5th, 1864; lost on board the Tecumseh. I Ensign Henry S. L lard. 2d asst. engineer, died | Aug 5th. 1S64: lost, on board the Tecumseh Ensign James M Harris. 2d BSSt. engineer, died Oct 6th. 1864, of disease al Pensacola. Fla. Ensign Joseph W. Sidney, 2d asst engineer, died (i.i nist , 1864, of disease on the Pembina, off Brazi is, 'iv.\ . Ensign Frederick E. Brown, L'd aasl engineer, died Dec. 13th, 1864, of disease at New York cits Midshipman Frederick Dobbs, 3d asst engineer, died April 29th, 1862, of disease at Williamsburg. N. Y. Midshipman Henry W Merian, 3d asst. engineer, died Dec. 1863; losl on the Weehawken. Midshipman Augustus Mitchell . 3d asst. engineer, died Dec. 6th, 1863; lost on the Weehawken. Midshipman George F. Sweet, 3d assi engineer, died Jan. 15th, 1865; lost on the l'atap-eo - ■ Boatswain Laurence Gallagher, died Dec 3d, 1861, of disease at Naval Hospital. New York City. Boatswain Michael Hall,. lied Am- 22d, 1864. of disease at Brooklyn, N. V. Gunner Bernard Duyoker, died June 2lst, 1861; drowned at sea. Gunner John Myrlck, died Sept. 17th, 1862, of dis- ease at Marmaroneck. N. V. Guuner John Davis, died Nov 17th, 1863, of dis- ease at Naval Hospital, New York city. Gunner John Clapham, died Aug. 15th, 1864, of disease at Washington, D. C. Carpenter Francis M Cecil, died April 18th, 1864, of disease at New York citv. Carpenter William Hyde, died March 5th, 1865, of disease al East New York . Sailmaker Lewis Rogers, died Sept. ITth, 1862, of disease at Key West, Fla. Sailmaker W. S. L. Brayt died April 22d. 1864, of disease at Charleston, S. C ; prisoner of war. Sailmaker James c Gallagher, died March Mh. 1865, of disease at Naval Hospital. Chelsea, Mass. New jTobk Volunteers who Received Medals op Eonob from the Unit] d States* Under the provisions of a resolution of Congress, approved July 12th, 1862, and under section six of act of Congress, approved March 3d, 18C3, authorizing the President to pre- sent a Medal of Honor, in the name of Congress, to such officers and enlisted men as shall most distinguish themselves by their gallantry in action, ami other soldier-like qualities, there were awarded by the President Medals of Honor for such service: IN TIN. AllMV TO Anderson. Charles W., private, 1st Cav . for the capture of a Hag at Waynesboro, Va., March 2d, 1863, Archer, Lester, sergeant, 96th Inf., for gallantry in placing the colors of his regiment on Battery Hudson, near Richmond, \'a . Sept. 29th, 1864. Barnum, Henry A., colonel, 149th Inf., for bravery in battles around Chattanooga. Tenn. in Nov., 1868 Begley, Terrence, sergeant, Tth Art., for the capt ore of a Hag at Cold Harbor. Va . June :;d , 18R4 Benjamin, John F . corporal, 2d Cav., for the cap- ture Of the battle tlag of the 9th Virginia at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6th, 1865, Bickford, Henry H . corporal. 8th Cav., for re- capture of flag at Waynesboro, Va., March Sid, 1866. Bowen, Chester B , corporal, 1st Dragoons, for capture of a tlag at Winchester, Va . Sept 19th, 1864. Brannigan, Felix, private. 74th Inf., for volunteer- ing on a dangerous service; bringing valuable information, at the battle of Chancellorsvllle, Y.i.. Mia 'J!, Is-.,:;. Brewer. William I., private, 2d Cav., for capture of Engineers' flag, Army of Northern Virginia, April 4th, 1865. Brlngle, Andrew, corporal, 10th Cav. try in action at Sailor's Creek, Va 1865. Brown. Edward, Jr. corporal. 62d Inf try in action at Fredericksburg Heights, Va. , May 3d and 4th, 1863. for gallan- April 8th, for gallan- nd Salem Brown, Morris, Jr., captain, 126th Inf., for capture of a flag at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3d, 1863. Browned, Francis E . private, llth Inf . for : shoot- ing the murderer of Col. Ellsworth, May 24th. I8B1. Brilton, Christopher, captain, 22d Cav , for capt- ure of Gen, Early's beadquarter's flag, Waynes- boro, Va., March 2d. 1865 Buchanan, George A , private, 148th Inf.. for gal- lantry in action at Chaflin's Farm, near Rich- mond, Ya . Sept. 29th, 1864. Buckley, Dennis, private. |36th Inf., for capture of flag Of the 1st Mississippi at Peach Tree Creek . (ia., July 20th, 1864. Hurk, Michael, private, 125th Inf . for capture of a flag at Spotsylvania. Va . May 12th, 1864. Burke, ti las, sergeant, 5th Cav., for capture of a battle-Has at Hanover Court House, I'a., June .'Kith. I Calkin, IversS., 1st sergeant. :.'d Cav., for capture of the Hag of the 18th Virginia at Bailor - i Va . April 6th, 1865, Carman, Warren, private. 1st Cav . for capture of a tlag at Wavnesboro. Va., March 2d, 1865, Carey, Hugh, sergeant, 82d Inf. for gallantry in ac- tion at Gettysburg. I'a.. July, 1863, Cary, James I.., corporal, 10th Cav.. for daring bravery and urging the men forward in a charge on April Btb, 1865 Compson, Hartwell B , major, 8th Cav.. for capt- ure of a flag at Waynesboro. Va., March L'd. 1865. Congdon, James, sergeant, sth Cav., for re capture of ( ien. Crook's heailquarter's nag at Waynesboro, Ya., March L'd, 1865. • Fur addit 10 US, Bee page 140 PART II. IX THE FIELD, n, James, private, 13d Inf., for capture of ., flag b1 Fisher's IIMl. Vs on Sept. 22d, 1864 Coyne, John N . sergeant, 70th Inf . for capture of md bravery In action at Williamsburg, Va., M .v 5tl ,-, Michael, private. 22d Cav , for capture ol a flag al Waynesboro, Vs . March 2d, 1865. Cullen. Thomas, corporal, ted [nf . for capture of - ,,r the 22d or 28th North Carolina at Brls- - fbomas, private,2d Art , for capture of a I i. ■■ .. \ .i . April 61 1 Dockbam, Warreu, private, I21sl Inf .forcapture of the Bag of the Savannah Guard at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6th, 1866 Dore, George II . sergeant, 126th Inf . , for capt- ure of a flag at Gettysburg, Pa . July 3d, 1863. Edwards, David, private, 146th ini . forcapture I i i orks, Va , April lsl , 1865 Ad dbert , private, 185th Inf . for capt- iir.- nf a flag at Five Porks, Va., April I Ford, George W., 1st lieu t. ,88th Inf , for capture of a flag at Sailor's Creek, Va .April 6th, 1865 in, Archibald, private, 124th tnf . for • of the flag of the 17th Louisiana at Spot- sylvania, Va . May 12th, 1864 Gardner, Asa Bird, captain, 22d Militia, for Ber- rendered during the Gettysburg campaign, June and Jul) Glfford, Benjamin, private, 121st Inf , for rapture of a flagal Sailor's Creek, Va . April 6th, 1865. Ginley, Patrick, priv . Bat'yG, l-i Art , braverj at ol Ream's Station, Va., Aug 25th, 1864. Glou, Joseph, private, 74th Inf . for bravery when advancing on 'lie enemy's line under heavy Bre, bringing back valuable Information j at the bat- t i Chancellorsville, Va . May 2d. 1863 Goettel, Phillip, priv . 149th [nf., forthe capture of ., Bag at Lookout Mm.. Tenn . Nov 84th, 1863. Goheeu. Charles A.. 1st Berg., 8th Cav , forthe cap- ture of a Waynesboro, Va., March 2d, 1866. Richard, sergeant, 47th Inf ; fell dead while planting the colors of his regi ut on the enetm - works at Chaffln's Farm, Va , Sept. •.vili. 1864. Theodore W , 2d lient., 61st Inf , for dar- ing bravery and capture nf flags of the 4th Ala- bama Regiment at Antietam. Mil . Sept. 17th, Gribben, James fl , lieu! , 2d <'a\ , for capture of the flag of the I2tb Virginia al Bailor'! Va , April 6th, 1865 Qrube, George, private, 158th Inf., for gallantry in action at Chaffln's Farm, near Richmond, Va., Sept. 29th, 1864. Hagerty, Asel, private, 61sl Inf., for capture of a flagal Sailor's Creek , Va., April 6th, 1865. Baring, Abram P., 1st lieut I32d Inf.. for bravery in action at Bachelor's Creek, N. «' . Feb. 1st, 1864 Hart, William F. .. private, 8th Cav., for gallant conduct and service as a scout In the Shenandoah Valley, \ a 1864 1865. Barry, corporal, 22d Cav , for the capture fl tg at Waynesboi ■ Va March 2d . 1865 Hill. Junes, sergeant, lith Art., for the capture of a flag at Petersburg, Va., Juh 30th, 1804. i geant , 158th Inf., for gallant conduct In m, Eugene P., sergeant-major, 74th Inl . for I ictli a scout i llg part v in front of the en, -my al Chancellorsville, Va . Maj 2d, I Johndro, Franklin, private, n-ih inf . forcapture of fortj pn mers ai Chaffln's Farm, near Rich- mond, \ a . Sept 30th, 1864. i Inf , for th<' capture of the flag ol the 65tb Virginia at Spot 12th 1864 Judge, jflth [nf., for ipture ol the flag of tl i at Fort luniii lut . for gallant con duct In battle ter, private, i I'm, inf . for the capl ure ol , Tenn . Nov. 24th, • -. corporal . i I be capt ure of a battle fl • ks, Va , April Keele, Joseph, sergeant mnjor, I82d [nf ■ during the Rebelltoi Kelly. Daniel, sergeant , 8lh Ca\ .for the capture of a • Kelly, Thomas, private, 6th Ca\ for the capture i ront Royal, \ a , Aug l«th 1864 . s.unuei p private, 241 h < 'ai , for Hie capture of a battle Dag at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6th, 1866. Kline, Henry, private. 10th Cav , for the capture of a battle flagal Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6th, 1865 E.uder, Andrew, 2d lleut ,8th Cav . for the capt- ure of a flag at Waynesboro, Va . March 2d, 1865 I. add, George, private. :."M Cav., for the capture atttle flagal Waynesboro, Va , March 2d, 1865. Lalng, William. Bergeant, 158th Inf., for being among t be flrst to scale the parapet at Chaffln's Fai in. Va , s,.pt -.".nil. IS64 Leslie, Frank, private, nh Cav., for the capture of the colors of the 3d Virginia at Front Roj al, Va., Aug. 15th, 1864. Levy, Benjamin, private. 40th Inf . for saving his regimental colors at Glendale, Va., June 30th, 1862. Lorish, Andrew J . com. -sergeant, 1st Dra for capture of a Confederate national flag at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19th, 1864 Love, George M . colonel, 116th inf , forcapture of the battle flag of the 2d South Carolina at Cedar Creek, Va., I let. 19th, 1864 I. iid-ate, William, captain, 59th Inf , for gallant and meritorious services near Farmville, Va., April 7th. 1865. Lutes, Franklin W. . corporal. 111th Inf., for capt- ure of the flag of the list Alabama at Peters- burg, Va.. March 31st, 1865. l.uty. Gotlieb, sergeant, 74th Inf., for bravery in actional chancellorsville, Va , May 3d, 1863. Mandy, Harry J., 1st Bergeant, 4th Cav., for the capture of the flag nf the 3d Virginia at Front Royal, Va . Aug. 16th, 1864 Mangum, Richard C , prlvate.148tb Inf., tor capt- uring the colors of the Mh Mi»issippi Kc. at Hatcher's Kun, Va., April 2d, 1865. Marsh, Albert, Bergeant , 64th Inf., for the capture of a flag at Spotsylvania, Va , May 12th, I McEnroe, Patrick ll , Bergeant, 6th Cav , for the capture of the colors of the 36th Virginia at Win- chester, Va . Sepi p.nh. 1864. McKee, George, color sergeant, 89th Inf., for gal- lantry in action, McVean, John P., private, 49th Inf.. for gallantry in actional Fredericksburg, Va , Dec . 1862 Meach, George E. , farrier, 6th Cav., for the cap- ture of a flag at Winchester, Va., Sept I9th,1864. Meagher, Thomas, lsl sergeant, 158th Inf.. for gal- lantry in acti< ii al Chaffln's Farm, Va . Bept. 1864. Miller, Frank, private, 2d Cav., for capture of a flag of tin- •-'■it li Battalion Virginia Inf. at Sailor's Creel,, \ a , April 6th, I86S Miller, John, private, sth Cav. , for capture of a flag a' Waynesboro, Ya., March 2d, Morris, William, Bergeant , 1st Cav., forcapture of the flag of the mth Virginia at Sailor's Creek, Va , April mh. 1865. Morse, C. E., color sergeant, 62d Inf., forbravi ry at the battle of the Wilderness, May 5th, 1864 Murphy, Thomas, corporal, 1581 h Inf , for capture of a flag at Chaffln's Farm, Va., Sept. 29tl Murphy, Thomas, Jr., Istsergeant ,146th Inf., for capture of a flag at Five Forks, Va , April 1st, 1865. Nevers, Robert, 2d lieut., 8th Cav.. for capture of two flags at Waynesboro, Va . March 2d, 1865. New ma 1 1, Win. II', lleut., B6th Inf., for capture of near Amelia Springs, Va., April 6th, 1866 1st Cav.. for capture ol a flag at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6th, 1866. Norton, i.ieweiiyu P., Bergeant, lOtb Cav., for gallantry In action al Sailor's Creek, \ a . April 6th, i O'Brion, Peter, private, 1st Ca\ , for the rapture ol a flag at Waynesboro, \ a . March 2d, 1866 Parks, Jeremiah, private, 9th Cav . for tb< ure,, i a flag at Cedar Creek , Va.. Oct 19th, 1864. Payne, Irvin C , corporal, 2d Oai , foi the capture of Virginia state colors at Bailor's Creek, Va., April 6th Plttman, George J., sergeant, 1st Cav., for the capture of the Bag of the Sumter Heavy Artillery at Bailor's Creek, Va . kprtl 6th, 1866 Potter, Norman F . I t sergeant, 149th inf.. forthe captun I Lookout Mountain, Tenn , Preston, N. I» . captain. I'M li Cav . for braver] In battle. e-| la.II) In the action al Trevellan sta- tion, Va . June llth. l-i I I miner \ . lieul . Bth I av .. for the capt- ure ol the flag of the lsl Texas [nfantrj al Ap- pomatox Station, \ a., -April Htb, I THE ROLL OF HONOR, BREVETS FROM THE U. S. HI Reynolds, Oeorire, private, 9th Cav., for t lie cap- ture of a Virginia State flag at Winchester, Va., Bent. 1 ' » r 1 1 . 1864. Rlddell, Rudolph, Heut.,61s1 Inf., for the rapture ol allairat Sail, u-'s ( 're,-k . \'a , April Hill, 1865 Russell, Charles L., corporal. 93d inf . for the capl ure of the- Hag of the I2d Virginia at Sp il Dla, Va., May 12th, 1864. Savacool, Edwin F., captain, 1st Cav. . for the Rapture of a flag at Sailor's Creek, Va . April 6th, 1805. Schiller, John, private, 158th I m , for gallantry in action at Chaffln's Farm, Va., Bepl 29th, 1864. Schlacbter, Phillip, private, red Inf., for the capt- uroof the flag of the 18th Louisiana at Spotsyl vania, Va , May 12th, 1864. Bchinal, Ceo W., blacksmith. L'lth Cav , for the capture of a Bag al Patne'a Cross Roads, Va ., April 6th, 1865. Boofleld, David 8 . Q. U Bergeant, 5th Cav., for the oapture of a Bag at Cedar Creek, Va , Oct, 19th, 1864. Shea, Joseph FL, private, 92d Inf., for gallantry In bringing wounded from the field at Cbaffln a Finn. Va., Sept, 29th, 1864. Shipley, Robert F., sergeant, 140th Inf., for the oapture of aflagal Five Forks, Va . April 1st, 1865. Bbubert, Frank, sergeant, 13d Inf., for the capt- ure of two flaps at Petersburg, Va , April 2d, 1865 Simmons, John, sergeanl . 2d Art., forthe oapture of a flag at Sailor's Creek ,Va , April 6th, 1865 Skellie, Ebenezer, corporal, 112th Inf.. for gral lantry In anion at Chaffiu's Farm, Va., Sept. 29th, 1864. Smith. Richard, private, 95th Inf., for gallantry in action at Weldon Railroad, Va , Aug. "1st, 1864. s,,\a, Joseph I'. .. Baddler, s th Oav . forthe capt- ure of a Virginia flag April 1st, 1865 storr, Robert, private, jsth Bag., for services during the Rebellion, 1861 Tompkins, Geo, W., corporal, 124th Inf . forthe capture of the Bag of the 59th Alabama, near Watklns' House, Petersburg Va . March 25th, 1865 Qrell, Michael, private, S2d Inf., for gallantry In action at Brlstoe Station, \ a., Oct. 14th, 1869 Van Winkle, Ed ward , corporal, 148th inf., for gal- lantry in anion at Chaffln's Farm, Va., Sept. 29th, 1864. Wall, Jerry, private, 126th Inf . for the capture of a flag at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3d, 1868 Walsh. John, corporal, 5th Cav . for the capture of a flag at Cedar Creek, Va 0ct.l9tb, 1864 Weeks, John, private, l.y.\! Inf., f..r the capture of a flag and color bearer at Spotsylvania C. ll , Va., May 12th, Ism. Wells, HetiryS., private. 1 1st h Inf , for gallantry in action at Chaffln's Firm, Va . , Sept 29th, 1864. Weils, Thomas M., chief bugler, 6th Cai . forthe capture of the colors of the 4ith Georgia at Cedar Creek. Va., Oct. 19th, 1864 Westerhold. Will'am, sergeant, 52d Inf., for the capture of the flag of the 23d Virginia at Spotsyl- vania, Va., May 18th, 1864 Wiley, .lam. b. sergeant, 59th Inf., for H apture oi the flag of a Get irgia regiment al Gettysburg, Pa., July 3d, 1863. Wlnegar, Wm. M., Ileut., 1st Dragoons, forthe capture of a battle nag at Five Forks, Va , April 1st, 1865. IN TTTE NA\ 5 TO Mills, Charles, transferred from Co. B, 18th N V. Vols., seaman of the U. S ship Minnesota, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the assault of Fort Fisher, N C, Jan. 15th, 1st;:, Wilkes. Henrv, of Albany, landsman onboard of the TJ. s. Picket Boat, No I, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the destruction of the Rebel ram Albemarle at Plymouth . N C . <>ct. 27th, 1864. Bass, David L, , for bravery in the naval attack on Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15th, 1865, King. Robert H . of Albany, landsman on board of the I'. S Pi. -Let Boat. NO. I, for gallant and meritorious conduct, in the destruction of the Rebel ram Albemarle at Plymouth, N. ('., Oct. 27th, 1864 Mcintosh, James, captain of top, U. S. ship Richmond, for good conduct inaction in Mobile Hay, Ala., Aug. 5th, 1864. The Navy Departmenl issued medals of honor to 827 men for noteworthy service daring the war; the announcements of the names of these men do not show where they were enlisted; this information could be obtained only by examining the records of several hun- dred vessels, which was not practicable; this will explain why the names of hut a few men are here recorded as of this State. Officebs i i;n\i this State, uiin Received Brevets from the United States. Under the act of Congress approved March 3d, 1868, the following officers of Volunteers, from this State, were " Brevetted " for " gallant action or meritorious conduct daring the War," by the President, with the consent of the Senate of the United States. The highest brevet obtained only is given; as a rale the grades between that and the actual rank held tit the time, have also been conferred on the officer. The brevets conferred on officers ol the Regular Army, in thai branch of the service, are not recorded here, but are given in the register of officers, from this state, in that army. Those marked * wen- also officers in the Regular Army, and those of the general officers marked ] obtained the full grade, sub- sequent to having I n brevetted to the same. There were accordingly brevetted in the United States Volunteers as M ^.JOB-GENERALS. Avery, Robert, Lt.-Col. 108d Inf., from March *Barry, Wm. F., Brig.-Gen. TJ. S. Vols., from Sept. 13th, 1865. 1st, 1864 •Ayres, Romeyn B., Brig.-Gen. TJ. S Vols, from Bartlett, Joseph J., Brig.-Gen D". 8. Vols., from Aug. 1st. ls.U Aug 1st, lsf,4. tBarlOw, Francis C, Brig.-Gen. V. S. Vols., from Bowen, .Tames, Brig.-Gen. V. Aug 1st, 1864. 13th, 1866. Barney, Lewis T.. Col. lOiith Inf., from March IJth, Hvrne. James J., Col. ISth Cav., from March 13th, 1865 1865. Barnum, Henry A., Brlg.-Geu. U. S. Vols., from *Carr, Eugene A., Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. ' March 18th, 1865. \ ols , from March Ui PART If. L\ THE FIELD. MAJOR-GENERALS < ONTINUED. Parr. Joseph B., Brig.-Gen. U. B Vote from March Catlinl Isaac 8., Col 100th [nf., from March 13th, Chrysler, Morgan 11.. Brig Gen D S Vols., from M .r. h 13th, n . Col. 2d D B Colored Cav., for- merly M;i i. 3d Cav., rrom March 13th, 1885. Nelson, Col. 67th Inf., from March 13th, N Martin, Brit: -Gen. l\ 8. Vols., from Benn B Brig.-Gen. U. S Vols., from rbornas A., Brig.-Gen. E S. vols., from July llth. 1865. DeTrobriand, Regte, Brig Gen D 8. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 I icvin Thomas C, Brin.-C.eti. D. S. Vols., from March 18th, Duryea, Abram, Brig Gen. I'. B Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Bgan, Thomas W , Brig.-Gen. D B. Vols., from Oct. 871 Ferrero, Edward, Brig.-Gen. I'. B. Vols., from Dec. 2d. 1864 •Fitzhueh, Charles L., Col 6th Cav., from March I8th ■ i. Kenner, Brig.-Gen U. S.Vols., from tb, 1864 ♦Gibbs, Alfred, Brig -Gen. D B. Vols., from March 18th, ; n John II . I ••!. 63d [nf. , from March L3th, m, Charles K., Brig.-Gen IT. S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 rge --.. Hri-r -Gen. U. 5. Vols . from March 13th, 1865 HamMin, Joseph F... Brig -Gen. I'. 8. Vols., rrom April 5th, 1865. ►Hatch, John P., Brig.-Gen. U. S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Jordan, James, Col. 158th inf.. from March 13th, 1865 Ketcham. John H.. Brig.-Gen. U. 8. Vols., M irch ISth, 1865. ♦fKllpatrick, Judson, Hri^r.-< Jen D S.Vols., from Jan 12th, 1865. Ludlow, wm. ll.. Maj. and Add'l Ald-de Camp I*. - Vols., from March |:;th. 1-.;;, ►Mackenzie, Ranald 8., Brig -Gen. 1". s Vols., rrom M Marshall. Elisha G . Col. llth Art., from March 13th, 1865 Martindale, John H., Brig.-Gen. U. 8. Vols., from McCallum, Daniel C . Col. and Add'l Aide-de- i lamp r. 8 Vols . from March 13th, 1865 Mclvor, .lames P., Col. 170th Inf , from April 9th, (865 McQuade, James, Col. 14th Inf . from March 13th, 1865 -•Miles, Nelson A , Brig.-Gen D 8. Vols , from Aug 25th, 1864 Molineaux. Edward L., Col. 159th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Morris, Wm H., Brig Gen.C 8 Vols, from March I8th. 1865 ►Palmer, Innls M., Brig.-Gen l' 8. Vols., from March 13th, 1866 Patrick, Marsena R . Brig -Gen U. S. Vols., from March 13th. 1865 Peck, Lewis M , Col. 17:id Inf . from March 13th, 1865 Potter, Edward L , Brig.-Gen 0". S. Vols., from March ISth, 1865. tPotter, Robert B., Brig -Gen D 8. Vols . from Aug. 1st, 1864 Towers Charles J. , Col lnsli Inf., from March litli . 1865 •Rlcketts, .'anies li . Brig. Gen D B. Vols , from Aua 1st . 1864 ♦Robinson, John C , Brig.-Gen. E 8 Vols., from June 27th, 1864. Root, Adrian B . Col '.'4th Inf., from March 13th, 1866. ♦Russell, David A., Brig.-Gen. E S Vols . from Sept. [9th, 1864. shale,-, Alexander, Brig.-Gen U. B Vols., from July 27th, 1865. ShHrpe, George II., Col. 120th Inf., from March 18th, 1865. Tiiiiiitts, Wm it, Brig.-Gen. B. Vols., from March IRth, 1865. Tidlmll, John C, Col. 4th Art., from April 2d, 1865. Oilman, Daniel, Brig.-Gen. 1 8. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. ♦Upton, Emory, Brig.-Gen. I". S. Vols , rrom Oct 19th, 1864. ♦Van viiei Stewart, Brig.-Gen D". S Vols., from March ISth, 1865 WaiNworth. .lames 8., Brig.-Gen. U. 8. Vol- , from May 6th, 1864. ♦Webb, Alexanders., liri^ -Gen. U. 8. Vols., from Aug. 1st. 1864 • Winl hrop. Frederick. Col 5th Inf.. from April 1st, 1865. Wood, .lames, Jr.. Col. 136th Inf . from March 18th, 1865 Znok, Samuel K., Brig.-Gen. U. S.Vols., from July 2d, 1863. BRIG \ DIER-GENER \ is. A. lam-. AlonZO W..Col. |>t Cav.. from March lilth, Annus, r.-iix. Maj 166th [nf., from March 13th, Aldan, Aloozo, Col. 169th Inf . from Jan 15th, I-.-, All. ore. Anil,, .in J. 1 ,t -Col. I88d Inf , I'rom March 18th, ; All -k. Thoni I. Lt Col, lih Art , from March 18th, 1866, Armstrong, Samuel C , «'ol 8th I". s Col. Inf., formerly Major 125th Inf., from March llth, i .tin J . Col. and Add'l Aide de-Camp D . rrom March ISth Avery, M Henry, Col. huh Cav., from March 18th, k W'llloughby, i.t -Col. 76th Inf , rrom Sept pin, 1864 . \d. on. i.i -Col ntid Mil Secretary D B Vols . rrom April Btl i : i inf . rrom March 18th, Uberl M . < oi ii:.m inf.. from March tnarnum, llemy A., Col 149th Inf., from Jan i.'iii i ipl and \dd'i Ai,h- de-Camp I S Vols fr..m Mar, h 131 ll I • Col. 150th Inf . Col 1 lilt li ■ ol inf . from March ISth I •Bartlett, Wm C, Ll C Mounted Infantn "ran Man h 18th Barton, Wm. B., Col. 18th Inf.. from March lath 1865. Bates, Delavan, 1st Lieut. 121st Inf., Col. 80th V. B Col Inf . from July 30th, 1864 B her, John C. I.t Col. Hist Inf . Col 85th U. S Col Inf . fro,,, March 13th. 1865 Bell, John ll , Maj 57th Inf . Lt -Col. 12th Kept. Vet. Res Corps, from Nov. 30th 1 Bendix, John E, Col 10th Inf . from March i:sth. Benedict, Lewis, Col. I62d Inf., rrom April 9th, 1864 .i.i -Col Bth Cav .from March I (Hi. 1865 Bentley. Richard c , Col. 63d Inf., [roro March 13th, 1865 Berdan, Hiram, Col Isl I 9 Sharpshooters, from March 18th, 1865. ■Blddle, James, Col. 6th Indiana Ca\ . rrom March i ah. i si.:, •Biggs. Herman, Col. anil Q. M I S. Vols., rrom March 18th, i- J Ulan. ■hard, Justus W , Col, I62d Inl . from March rah. 1866 B'.uuhton, Horace, Col I48d Inf. from March ISth, I8H6 Brewster, Wm. B . Ool. 78d [nf . from Dec. Sd, Briscoe. J . Cap! 40th Inf . Col 199th Pa Vols., rrom March 13th, 1866 Brown, Philip P . Jr., Col I6"th Inf., from Mart b ISth, 1866 u m H . Col 86th Inf., Col 24th Regt. Vet. Rei Corp*, from March 1:1th, 1865. THE ROLL OF HONOR. BREVETS FROM THE I > L43 i: UK ; A I) I I'.R-< ; EN i: RA LS COVTI N (HI >. Campbell, Cleveland J.Capt. 121st Inf., Col. 23d fj - Col. Inf., from .March 13th, 1866. Carletnn. Chas. A , Lt.-Col. and Asst. Adj. Gen. U. S. Vols., from March 13th, lst;r> Caesldy, Ambrose S.,Maj. '.t:td Inf., from March I8tb, 1865 ♦Chambers. Alexander. Col. 16th Iowa Vol. Inf., from March 18th, 1865 CbristeDseo, Christian T . l.t . Col and Assl . Adj.- Gen. r. B. Vols , from March 18th, 1865 Christian, Wm. II . Col, S6th Inf., from March 18th. 1805. rChrysler, Morgan H., Col 2d Vet. Cav , from Jan. 2: id', 1865. Clapp, Dexter E , Cap! 11-th Inf . Lt.-Col 88th ' 3 Col Inf . from March 18th, 1865 Clark, John 8., Col and Ad. II Alde-de-Camp U. 8. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Cooke, Edwin F., Mai , 2d Cav., from March 13th, 1865 Crane, Nirom M., Col. 107th Inf.. from March 18th, 1805. Crocker, John S. , Col. 93d Inf., from March 13th, 1865 tCurtls, N. Martin, Col. 142d Inf., from Oct. 28th, 1864. Curtlss, James E., Col. 152d Inf., from March Kith. I Cutting, William. Mai and Alde-de-Caunp IT. S. Vols., from March lilt h . IS05 Daggett, Rufus, Col. 117th Inf. from Jan. lath, 1865 'Dandy, George B., Col. 100th inf., from March 13th. 1865 Davis, Edwin P., Col. 153d Inf , from Oct. 10th, 1864 Day, Nicholas W., Col. 131st Inf., from March liith, 1865 Dayton, Oscar V., Maj 62d Inf., Col. 19th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps, from March 13th, 1865. Del.acv. William, Col. ltilt li Inf.. from March 13th, 1865 tDevIn, Thomas G, Col. lith Cav., from Aug 15th, 1864. DeWitt, David P., Col. 143d Inf.. Col. Vet. Res. Corps from March I3th, 1865. Dlven, Alex S . Col, 107th Inf., from Aug. 30th, 1864 Doubleday, Ulysses, Col. 4th Art., Col. 45th U.S. Col. Inf., from March 11th. 1865. Drew, Charles W., Lt.-Col. 75th Inf., Col. 70th IT. S. Col. Inf, from March Kith, 1865. Dnrvea, Hiram, Col 5th Inf , from March 13th, 1865 Egloffsteln, Frederick W.,Col. 103d Inf., from March 13th, 1805. Elliott. Samuel McK , Lt.-Col. 70th Inf., from March 18th, 1865 Ellis, Augustus Van Horn, Col. 124th Inf., from July 2d, l«63. Fairchild. Harrison S , Col. 89th Inf., from March 18th, 1865 l'ardella, Enrico, Col. 85th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Farnsworth, Addison, Col. 79th Inf , from Sept. 87tb, 1865. Farnum, J. Egbert. Col. 70th Inf., Col. 11th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps, from Jan 3d, 1866. Fisk. Henry C, Col. 05th Inf., from April 0th, 1865. Fitzslmmons, Charles, Lt.-Col. 21st Cav., from March 13th. 1865. Foster, John A . Col. 175th Inf., from Sept. 28th, 1865 Fowler. Edward B.,Col. S4th Inf , from March 13th, 1865 Franchot. Richard, Col. 121st Inf., from March 13th. 1865 Frank, Paul, Col. 52d Inf , from March 13th, 1865. Frazar. Douglas, Mai Kith Cav , CI 10 It li C. S Col Inf.. from March 18th, 1865 French, winser B., c McCooihe Ban r., from Maroh 13th, Rogers, Hiram C, U Col., and Assl Adj. Gen. s Vols . rrom March 13th, I86C Col. 111th [of., from Feb Rogers, James C, Col 123d Inf., from March 13th, .: John l' . < ol. 4th Inf., from March 13th, ,. Gilbert R\, Cant, and Asst Adj. -Gen. from Dec sd, 1804. *MrLauKhUn, Napoleon B.,Col 1st and 57th Mass Vol I ii r . from March 13th McMahon, John B . Col 188th Inf., from June Win. II , Col. 158th Inf.. from March 13tb, Andrew J , Col. Hist Inf., from July 28th, 1866. Stephen, Col, 96th Inf , rrom Man), 18th, . Charles H , I.t -Col and Asst [nsp i - Vols., rrom Dec 2d, 1864. Morrison, David, Col. i'.uh lnf . from March I3th, Morris. .ii. Joseph J., Col. l'.tli Art., from March 13th, ii i rj B . Li -Col. lUth Inf., from Maroh I8th, • Mulcahy, Thomas, Lt. Col. 139th Inf.. from March I3tb, It Mulford, John F... Col 3d Inf., from July 4th, 1865. Murray. Edward, I.t -Col. .". 1 1 1 Art , from March !3tb, I8e3 Murray, John B , Col. 148th Inf . from March 13th'. 1865 I ol 1-t li Inf., from March 13th, 1865 \lfn,|. I,i -Col. 156th Inf., from March [8th Newberry, Walter C , Col. 24th Cay., from March Nichols. Ceorge F., Col llsth Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Nichols. George B., Col. 9th Cav., from March 13th, Norton, ('has. II. Lt.-Col. and Q. M. C. 8. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. nt, Robert, Col. 69th Inf. from March 13th, O'Beirne Jas. I; • apt :r,th Inf , Major *M R . Col. and Add'! AidedeCamp 1 ti \ -I . from March 18th, 1865. Sackett, William. Col 9th Ca\ . from March 13th, Salm-Salm, Prime Felix, Col. r.sth lnf . from April 13 h, 1865 Sanford, Edward B., Col. and Add'l Aide d T. S Vols . from March |8th, 1865 h o W , i lol 61st Inf . from March 13th, Scott, Rufus, I.t Col. 1st Dragoons, from March 18th. 1865. Seaver, Joel J., Col. 16th Inf.. from March loth', 1855 Serrall, Edward W., Col., l-t Eng., from March i:;th I Sharp.-. Jacob, Col 156th lnf . from March 13th, 1865. Shawman, Nelson, Col. 90th lnf , from March 13th, 1866 Smith. Alfred B . Col. 150th Inf., from March I8th, 1865 Smith, .lam.s, Col 128th lnf . from March 13th. 1865 Sniper. Guatavus, Col. I85tfa Inf.. from March 18th, 1865. Spalding, Ira, Lt.-Col 50th Eng , from April nth, 1865 Spofford, John P., Col. '.'7th Inf , from Maroh 13th, 1865 Stevens, Hazzard, Maj and Asst. Adj. -Gen. U. S. Vols . from April 2d, 1865. Strong, .lames i\. Lt -Col 3Rth Inf . Col. lath i:. gi \ et Res. Corps, from March 13th, 1865 'Sumner. Edwin V., Jr ,Col. 1st Mtd Rifles, from March 28th, 1865, •Sweltzer, Nelson B., Col. 16th Cay , from March 13th. 1865, Tail. eii Jonathan, Col. 91st Inf , from Maroh 13th, 1865. Thorp, 'lie. mas J., Col. 1st Dragoons, from March i:;th. 1865 'Til. I. its. Win. B.. Col. -'1st Cav., fr let. :.'lst, 1864 Tracy, Benj. P., Col. 109th lnf , from March 13th, 1865 Otis. Elwell S., Lt. Col, 140th lnf , from March Tr.inain. Henry Edwin. Mai and Aide de-Camp 13th i !'. S. Vols . from March 13th, 1866 Palmer, Oliver H , < ol. 108th lnf . from March - Inej W . Col L'd lnf , from March 18th, Parker, Ell B . Cant, and \sst. Adj. -Gen., Lt.-Col., retary, from April 9tb, 181 R., Col 117th Inf., from March 13th, Henry w , i.t Col and Asst. AdJ -Gen. i - Vol- . from March 13th, 1865 Per Lee. Sam i B . Col. liith Inf., from March !- v. Phelps, Walter, Ji . Col 22d Inf.. from March i i LI Col. 108th Inf.. Col. Mli I* rrom Manh |3th, 1866 J i ■ 1st Inl rrom March I3th, Pin. Ui. ■ th Inf , from March i i . from March 13th, Platner, John 9 , Col 1st Vet Cai , fr..m March 13th ! Imun I M.,( ol 8th fav . rrom March 13th, Trotter, Frederick F . Maj. I02d Inf . I.t. -Col 1st Reg Vet. Res. Corps, from March 18th, 1865 Strong, Thomas J., Lt.-Col. 16th Art., from March I8th, 1865. Van Buren, Daniel T , Col. and Add'l Aide-de Camp I S \ Ola , from March 13th. 1865. Van Buren. .Inmes I. , Maj and Add'l Aide-de- Camp r. s Vol , from April 2d, 1866. Van Buren, Thomas It., CI. I02d lnf , from March I3th, 1865 Van Petton, John B., Col I98d lnf .from March I8th, 1866 'Van Wyck, Charles II , < ol. 56th Inf., from March l.ith, 1865 Vlfqualn, Victor, AdJ 53d lnf . I.t Col 97th Illinois Inf.. from March 18th. 1865. Von Schack, George, Col !th Inf.. from March l.ith, 1-. Von Vegesack, Ernst, Col 80th Inf., from March I8th, 1865 Wain wright, Charles 8., Col 1st Art .from Aug Wainwrlght, William P.. Col 76th inf.. from March 18th, ' Ward, Henry C . Col. Hist I' S Col Inf , from Nov 29th, 1866 •l.'indol. Mm on M I from June •Warn-r, Edward U i.t Col Isl Art .from April 9th, 1886 Wm IF. .ir.. Capt nth I nt . Col. 107th 8 ' o| Inl . f r- -in Aug I7tl Bobbins, Waltei H private nth N. Y Vols Li - ■ m March I Ith 1865 Roberts, Samuel II . Col 139th Inf. , fr...n Oct Geo D 1st Lieut 75th inf . Col 67th lot , from Man w heeio.u, Charles.Col. 97tfa lnf, from Aug. 19th, Whistler, Joseph N G„ Col. 2d Art., from March 18th. 1866. whitaker, Bdward w , Oapl Ed Cai . Li -Col. 1st I'niiii. Cav , from March Pith, 1865 White. David B , Lt.-Col. BMt Inf. troin March 13th. I THE ROLL OF EONOR. BREVETS PROM THE V. 8. in White, Frank J., Lt.-Col. Maroh 18th, 1865. Willson, Lester B.,Lt.-Col.60tb Inf., from March 13th. 1885. Wils William, Col. 6th Inf., from March 13th, 1885. Wlnslow, Bradley, CoL 186th Inf., from April 2d, 1885 BRIGAD1 BR-GEH BRALS COHmsrUED. U. s. Col Cav., from Woodford, i.., Lt, Ool 127th Inf , Ool 103d C. 8. Col Inf . from Mas 12th W iimil. Maxwell V. /. . Maj. and Assl Adj - Geo. s. Vols., from March 18th, 1865 Wrisht, John G., Col. 51s1 Inf., from March 18th, 1865. COLON ELS. Albewer.Wm. C., Capt. 19th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, I Elliott, Gilbert M.. Maj. lo.'d Inf., from March from March 13th, 181 13th, 1865 Arnold, Eenry L . Lt.-Col. 136th Inf., from March Ewan, Matildas 8., Maj. 156th Inf., from March 13th, 1885. 13th, 1865. Beattie, -John, Lt.-Col. Uilth Inf., from March Farnsworth, John Q , Capl and Assl V M U B 13th, 1865. Vols., from March 18th, 1865. Bascom, GustavUs M , L1 -Col. and A — t. Adj Faville, Josiah M., Maj. 57th Inf., from March Gen. U. 8. Vols . from Nov. 4th, I3tb, 186J Bliss, James, Lt.-Col. 8th Cav., from March 13th, Fltoh, Horace B.Capt. and Aide-de-Camp TJ S. 1365 Vols , from March l-'lth, 1865 Bogardus, Charles, Lt.-Col. 151st Inf., from April Fletcher. Robert, Maj and Burgeon U.S Vols., 3d, 1865. Mont ai, Reed B., Maj. and Surg i U 8. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 *Bo\ven, Nicholas. Lt.-Col. and A-st . Adj -Gen D S Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Bradley, Geo. W., Capt. and Asst. Q M. US Vols , from March 13th, 1865 from March 13th, 1865. Fox, P. V., Lt.-Col. 1st Bng., from March 18th, 1865 French. Peter, Lt.-Col. 46th InF, from March 13th, 1865 Freudenberg, v. <;., i.i Col 28d Reg Vet. Res Corps, from March 13th, 1865. Briggs, Alva W., Lt.-Col ltiiith Inf.. from April Gardiner, Curtis c, Ma], 27th Inf., from March 2d, 1865. nth, 1865 Britton, Russel A., Capt. 1st Dragoons, from April Gllmore, John C, Lt.-Col. I93d Inf., from March 1st, 1865 13th, 1865 Broad v. K. Oscar, Lt -Col. 61st Inf., from Aug Gnodwin, Edwin R., ('apt and Com. Sub. D 8. 85th, 1864. Vols , from March 13th, 1865. Brooks, Thomas B., Maj. and Aide-de Camp U.S. Griggs, George V., Capt. 2d Cav., from March Vols . from March 13th, 1865. 13th, 1865. Brown, Richard A., Lt.-Col. Blst Inf., from April Grumbach, Nicholas, Lt-Col, 14','tli Inf., from 9th, 1885 March 13th, 1865. Buckley, B.C., Capt. and Asst. Q. M. U.S. Vols., Hamilton, Theodore B..LI -Col. 63d Inf., from from 'March 13th, 1865 Aug. 1st, 1864. Burger, Wm. L. M., Maj and Asst. Adj. -Gen. TJ. I Hart, Robert Mel)., Maj I59th Inf . fro, t s. Vols . from March 12th, IS*i5. 19th, 1864. Burke. Dennis F. t Lt. -Col. 88th Inf.. from April Hassier, Ferdinand K , Maj . i;;t h Art , from March 9th, 1865 Burleigh, John. Capt. 17th Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Burns, Michael W., Lt -Col. 73d Inf.. from April 6th, 1866 Byron, John W., Maj. 88th Inf.. from March 13ih, l-r.v Carpenter, L. H., Lt.-Col. 5th C. S. Col. Inf., from March I3th, 186."> Pith, 1865. Hastings, George II. Maj. 1st I' s. Sharps I t- ers, from March 13th, IH65 Hedges, Job C, Maj 14th Art ., from June 17th, lslil Bewitt, Henry 8., Maj. and Surgeon U.S. Vols., from March 18th, 1865. Hogan, Michael K., Maj. and Surgeon I" S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Carr, Gouverneur, Lt.-Col. 165th Inf ., from March lloir, Alexander H , Maj and Surgeon TJ S.Vols., 13th, 1865 from March 13th, 1865. Carse, George B . Capt. 24th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, HofTman, Wlckham, Maj and Asst. Adj. Gen. F. from March 13th, 1865 8. Vols., from March 18th, 1866 Caw, David J., Ft. -Col. 77th Inf , from April 2d, Holt. F.rastus I)., Lt.-Col. 49th Inf., from Oct •865. 19th, 1864 Churchill, Alon/.o, Maj and Surgeon 14th Inf., Howard, John B., Capt. and Asst. Q. M. U. S. from March 13th, 1865 Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Claesgens, Peter, Capt. 46th Inf., from March 13th, Hulser, Oscar P., Lt.-Col. 2d Art., from March 1865. I3th, lst.r, Coan, Win B., Lt.-Col. 48th Tnf., from March Husk, Lewis \V . , Lt.-Col 111th Inf., from April 13th, 1865. 9th, 186G Coey, James, Maj. 147th Inf., from April Hth, Byde, John McE., Maj 39th Inf., from March 1865. 18th, 1865 Coles. Nathaniel, Lt.-Col. 13th Cav., from Dec Jennings, Gilbert S , Lt Col llth Reg Vel Res 2d, 1865 Corps, from March Lit h , 1865 Corliss, Stephen P., 1st Lieut. 4th Art, from Johnson, Nathan J., Lt Col. Hath Inf., from March 13th, 1865 March 13th, 1865. Creney, James, Lt.-Col. 96th Inf., from March Jones, Wm. A., Maj 142d Inf. , from March 13th, Lith. 1865. 1885. Dalton. Edward B., Maj. and Surgeon U. 8. Vols., Kane. Perry C. Lt.-Col lOihReg.Vet Res Corps, from Aug 15th, 18«5 from March 13th, 1865. Davles, Thomas M., Lt.-Col. 14th Inf., from March Reese, Francis S., Lt-Col 128th Inf., from March 13th, 1866 13th. 1865 Dennis, Edgar W., Maj. and Judge-Advooate Kellogg, SanfordC, Capt. and Alde-de-Camp I s. Vols , tr,, m Dec W. 1865. S Vote., from June 3d, 1865. Denslow, Wm.J , Lt.-Col. 91st Inf ., from March Ketchum, A. P., Capt. I28tfa I 8. Col Inf., 31st, IH65. from March 13th, 1865, DePeyster, J. Watts. Maj 1st Art., from March King, llenrv L.. Maj and P M I S Vols., from 13th, 1865 Sept 27th, 1865 Dodge, Theodore A., Maj. 23d Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, Ring, Horatio C, Capt and Asst Q. M I 8 from Dec. 2d, 1865. Vols , from March I'.'th. 1865. Donovan, John H., Maj. 19th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, Kneeland, BenJ T., Maj and Surgeon 1st Dra- from March 13th, 1865. goons, from March 13th, 1865. 1 little, Isaac. Lt-Col 188th Inf. , from April 1st, Lewis, Charles. Maj 176th Inf , from March lath , 1865. 1865 Duryea, George, Lt.-Col. 5th Inf, from March 13th, Look wood, Abram L., Lt.-Col. 120th Inf., from 1865 April 9th, 1866 rT „ Ehlers. R M L.. (apt. Vet. Res. Corps, from Long. Wm II., Maj and Asst. Adj.-Geu. D. S. March 13th, 1W5. I Vols , from April 2d, lt>65. 19 L46 J 'AWT TI. IN" THE FIELD. COLONELS < "Nil Nl i:i>. Lydlc, PblllpH., Maj and Assl Adj -Gen. 1 B. Seward, Samuel S., Mai. and Asst. Adj. -Gen. TJ trora April 2d S. Vols., from April 9th, 1865 zer, John M., Lt.-Col. llcth Inf.. from March I. ili 1865 e, John, l.i Col 80th Inf. , from March McLennan, Patrick, Ll -Col. 22d Cav., from March Skinner, I. C, Lt.-Col. 8th Regt. Ve( Res Corps, nth. rrora March loth. 1865 Manning, Fred I.., I.i -Col. 148th inf.. from April 91 li . i Marsh, TI las 1! . it -Col. 51st Inf . rrom March 18th, n, Benry C , Capl and AbsI Q. M. (J. B. Vola . from March 13th, 1865. Matthews, Oliver, Cant and Asst. Adj. -Gen. TJ. B \ ols , from Oct. 26th, 1865 Meneely, < linti nil ,Maj and Add'l Aide de-Camp from Aug 1st, !»;.. Meyer, Francis X , Lt.-Col. 117th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Mllliken, Charles A . Lt.-< ol. 13d im" . from Oct. I9tb, 1864 Mitchell, B. Charlton, Lt.-Col. 51st Inf., from March 18th, 1865 Neil, Edward M , Maj. and Asst. Adj. -Gen. U. S. Vols , from March 13th, 1865 Nichols, James M., Cape. 48th Inf., from March 13th, Smith, Andrew J., Capt. I22d Inf.. from April 6th, 1865. Smith. James J . Lt.-Col. 69th Inf. from April 9th, i Snyder, .lames W., Lt.-Col. 9th Art., from April 2d, 1863. Stewart, .lame-. Capt. Utah Int., from March 13th, 1865. Daniel, Capl and Asst Q M. D". B. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Suckley. George, Maj and Burgeon I\ S \'"1> , from March 13th, 1866 Szabad, Emeric, Capt. and Add'l Aide-de-Camp U. S. Vols , from March 26th. 1865 Taylor, Rodney M . Maj. 12th Cav., from March 18th, 1865 Tichenor, Isaac S., Capt. 10.1th Inf., from Much 13th, 1865. Townsend, Joseph G . Lt.-Col. 189th Inf., from April 1st, 1865. P., Capt. and Com. Sub. U.S. Vols., Travers, Geo. W., Lt.-Col. 4t;th Inf., from March from March 13th, 1865 13th, 1865. • •leu. Egbert, Lt.-Col. 121st Inf., from Oct. loth, Turner, Levi ('., Maj. and Judge Advocate I B. 1864 Vols., from March [3th, 1865 Osborne. Thomas W., Maj. 1st Art., from March Van Voorhees, Koert S. , Lt.-Col. 137th Inf., from 18th, 1865 March 13th, 1865 Paine, Edward M . Maj. 106th IdL, from March Von Kusserow, Charles, Lt.-Col. 2d U. S. Vet. 13th, 1865 Vols , from March 18th, 1865. Parks, John, capi and As.-t. Q M. D.S. Vols., Wadsworth, Craig, Capt and Add'l Aide-de-Camp from Oct 23d, 1865. I'.s. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Pomeroy, James M , Lt.-Col ith TJ. S. Vet. Vols., Waltermlre, William, Lt.-Col. I59th Inf., from from March 13th. 1865 March Kith, 1865. Prince, Fred. W., Lt.-Col. 16th Art., from March Warren. Edgar W., Capt and Com. Sub. U. S. I3th, IS 5 Vols., f-'om March 18th, 1865. Randall, George M., Maj. 14th Art., from March Watklns, Hezeklab, Lt.-Col. 143d Inf., from March 25th, 1863 I3th, 1865. Reddington, Johc C. O., Lt.-Col. f,oth Inf., from Wei re, Ezra F., Maj. 26th Inf. from March M irch 18th. 1865. 13th, 1865 Rexford. Willis R, Lt.-Col. 131st Inf., from March Weygant, Charles II. Lt.-Col. l:.'ith inf., from 13th, 1865 March 25th, 1865 Reynolds, John A., Maj. 1st Art , from March 18th Wbeelan, .lames x., Lt.-Col. 1st Mounted Rifles, from March 13th, 1865. Reynolds, Wm. II , Maj. liih An , from March White, Harrison, Lt.-Col. 6th Cav., from Juno 18th, 1865 I7th, 1865. Ritchie, David F , capt. 1st Art., from March 13th, Wiedrich, Michael, Lt.-Col. 15th Art., from March 18th, 1865 Robinson, John P., ('apt. 1st Dragoons, from Wilkinson, Robert F., Maj. 128th Inf., from March Marco 18th, 1865 13th, 1865. Roebliog, Wash A., Maj and Alde-de Camp I B. Vols , from March 13th, i Rutherford, Allan. Maj. 83d Inf., from March ] 366 Salisbury, Albert «. , Maj and idd'l Paymaster i . - Vols , from March 18th, 1865. Wlnthrop, w. w , Mai. and Judge Advocate U. S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Woodruff, llenr\ !> . ('apt and Com. Sub. U. S. Vols., from March 18th, 1865. l.l El l IN ANT-i OLONELS. Abell, Charles c . , Maj. loth An . from April 9th, Adams, Frank B., i-t Lieut and AdJ 1st lira goons, from March 13th, 186 i \ilen. Joseph ll, Maj. 169th Inf., from March 18th Anderson, Flnley, Major and Asst. ^.dj Gen. i . s Vola . from Dec. 1st, M Arthur, William. Maj Ith Ail., from March 13th, Auchmuty. Richard T., Maj. and Asst. \ i - Vols , from Jul) 6th, 1864 A /p.i i, Thomas F., Maj. and Surgeon TJ. S from Oct 18th Ralle) I I I av. from April 1st, 1865. Baker, James T., Capt, 174th Int. trom March 18th, i Baldwin. George V . Maj and Add'l Paymaster 3. Vol , fi im March 13th 1865. in 8., Maj. ani I - Vols . from March i I \ . Ca| I '.'!, Ri gl \ ■ ; Re* fro,,, March 19th, i Beckwlth, W, 0th Inf.. Ir.un March 13th i dmund <> . Maj. 50th Eng., from Maid, 13th, Bennett, H.-njamln. Mai 22d Cav., from March Bernard, George A., Capl 65th inf., from April 6th, 1885 Bliss, John 8., Capt. 67th Inf , from March 18th, 1865. Boedicker, Emll, Maj 84th Inf., from March 18th, 1865. Bogg, Egbert. Maj 117th Ini.. from March 18th, 1865. ipt. nith inf. t i March l.,i h. 1866. Booth, Charles A , Maj and Assl Adj. Gen i , ti March 18th, 1866 Bowen, John J.. Cap' andAsst Q.M. D.S Vola., Iron, March 18th, 1865 Brainerd, Wesley, Capt. 60th Eng., from Aug. 1st. 1864 u m . R . Capl 5th I S. Col. Inf., rrom March 18th, 1866 Branson, John O., Maj. and Surgeon U. 8 Vols., rrom Nov. 7th, 1866. Brown, Herbert 8 , Capt. and Asst Q. M. TJ. S. Vols., from March l:;th. 1866. Browne, G( orge, Maj. and Add'l Paj mas u . from March 18th, i Mruinlc- John D., Maj and Surgeon 1 8 Vols., rrom Feb. 27th Burhans, ll N . " apt. 149th inf . ir March 13th, I Callagban. Leander B., Capt. 1st Dragoone from March 18th I THE ROLL OF BONOR. BREVETS FROM THE V . S. 147 Ui;i TENANT-COLONELS CONTINUED. Campbell, C. N., Burgeon [50th inf., from March 1 : ; 1 1 1 , 1865, Campbell, Charles W . Major and Add'l Paymas- ter [J.a Vols., rrom March 18th, 1865. Chester. Walter T., Capt. 94th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 I hester, William II , Capt. 74th Inf., from July 2d, 1868. Chittenden, Chas. B., Capt andAssI Q M U.S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Cliuroh, Morris ll.. Capt, Vel Res Corps, from March 13th, 1865. Church, Will c. Capt. and Com Sub I '. s. Vols., from March kilh, 1865. Church, William ll., Major ami Surgeon tJ. S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Clark, Augustus M., Major and Surgeon I 8 Vols., rrom June 1st, 1865. Clark, Gardner B., Capt. 1st I'.s. Sharpshooters, rrom March 13th, 1865 on, Floyd, Major 12th Ca v. , from April 82d, 1865, Clear y, Peter J. A., Major and Surgeon l . S. Vols., from Aug. 9th, 1865. Clemens, Kred'k W., ('apt and Com Sub. I ". S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865, Clinton. DeWitt. Major and Judge Advocate r. Vols., from March 13th, 1805 Clinton, Benry P., Capt. and Com. Sub. r. S.Vols., from May 31st, 1866. Conklln, Nathaniel A.. Capt 173d Inf., from March rath, 1865. Connelly, llenrv M. , 1st Lieut. 158th Inf., from March' 13th, 1st,-,. Conrady, BowardC, Capt. i:;;d Inf . from March ' :th. 1861 Farnsworth, Benry J., Capt. and Asst. Q m i s Vols , from March 13th, I Fairish, James A . Maj. and Add'l Paymaster, IJ. S. Vols., from Aug. l"th. 1865. Fllkins, Morgan L , Capt. 177th Inf , from March 13th, 1865. Fish, Henry II, Maj. 94th Inf., from April 1st, 1865 Flake, Alex. P., Capt, and asst. Adj Gen - Vols , from March 13th, 1865. Fltzhugh, Robert ll . Maj. Nt Art , from Aug 1st, 1864. Flandreau, Thomas M ., Surgeon L46tfa inf., from March 13th, 1865 Follwell, Wm. w., Maj. 50th Eng.,from April 9tb, 1865. Forbes, Wm T., Maj and Asst. Adj. -Gen. U. S. Vols., from March |8th, 1865 Ford, George w , Maj. 5ut h Eng.from Aug. 1st, I Mil Fowler, David E., ('apt. and Com. Sub [J. 8. Vols., from June 89, 1865. Fredberg, Alfred, Maj. and Asst. Adj. -Gen. U s Vols , from March 26th, 1865 Gaebel, F. A. II , Maj. 16th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps, rrom Dec. 10th, 1364 Gardner, Hezekiah, Capt. Vet. Res. Corps, from March 13th, IS65 Gesner. Brower, Surgeon Kith Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Gilbert, Kufus II . Maj. and Surgeon I'. 8. Vols . from June 1st, 1865. Gildereleeve, Henry A., Maj. 150th Inf . from March 13th, 1865. Gould, Seward F , Maj ll I ■ Art., from April 9th, 1865 Cook, Georce H., Capt. 8th I S Col. Inf., from Gouraud. George E., Capt. and Aide-de-Camp March 10th, 1886, Coulter, James E., Capt. 79th Inf.. from July 7th, 1865. Cowan, Andrew. Capt. 1st Battery, from April 9th, 1865. Cowdry, Frank ll , Capt. and Asst. Adj. -Geo. rj, S. Vols . from March 13th, 1865 Coyne, John N . Uapt. 70th Inf., from March 13th, 1865. ♦Crosby, J. Schuyler, Capt. and Add'l Aide de- Camp r. s. Vols., from Feb. i:>th. 1865, Cronkhite, Jas. W., Major 121st Inf .from April 6th, 1865. Cunningham, John, Major 1 1st h Inf . from June 1st. 1865. Cutting, Walter, Major and Aide-de-Camp U s. Vols , from March 13th, 1865. Cuvllller, Leu, Major 38th Inf., from Match 13th, 1st 15. Davies, ("has. F., Major and Add I Paymaster 0". S. \ -I- . rrom Nov 24th, 1865. DelVechlo, Jas R-, Capt. and Asst Q. M. U. S Vols., from May 31st, 1865. Dempsey, John W., Capt Kith Regt. Vel Res Corps, from March l.'ith. 1865. Dempsey, Joseph, Capt. U7tii Inf., from March 13th, 1865. DePeyster, Johnson l, , 1st Lieut, \Stb Art., from April 3d, 1865. Dickey, William I).. Major loth Art., from March I3th, 1865 Dillenback, John W.,Capt. 4th I'. S. Col. Inf., from March 18th, 1865. Dlx, Charles T . Major and Add'l Aide de-Camp D\ s. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Downing, Dennis j , Major2d Battalion Vet. Res. Corps, from March 18th, 1865. Dunton, Augustus T., Capl and Assl Q M I" . s Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Eaton, John is, Capt. 27th Battery, from April 2d, 18 Elche, Louis, Major 15th Art .from March 18th, 1865 Elfwing, N'ere A . Major tsth Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Elliott, Albau V., Major ami Add'l Paymaster TJ. S Vols . rrom March Pill,, 1865 Ely, William S., Major and Surgeon I '. S. Vols , rrom Oct. 6th, 1865. Embler, A. II . Major and Aide-de-Camp C. S Vols., from May 1st, 1865. Emmons, Wm. H. II . Capt. and Asst. Adj Gen. D s. v,,|s . from March 18th, 1865 Etting, Peter, Capt. 156th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Evans, Martin, Major and Add'l Paymaster r. s Vols., from Nov. 88th, 1865 Farley. Jas. L., Maj. and Surgeon 84th Inf., from March 13th, 1865. U. S. Vols., from Oct. Ilth. 1861 Graham, John It., Capt. 5th Art., from March rath, 1865. Green, Wm. A., Capt. 17,'id Inf., from March kith. 1865 Greene, Francis, Maj. and Surgeon l T . S Vols from Oct. 6th, 1865. Gribben, Fred'k, Maj. ami Add'l P. M rj.S.Vols., from Nov. 1st. 1865 Balstead, Richard F. , Capt. and Aide-de-Camp U.S. Vols., from April 9th , 1865 Hamilton, Edgar A., Maj. 1st Mounted Hides, from March kith, 1865. Hamilton, George T. , Capl 1st Dragoons, from March 13th, 1865. Hamlink, Derrick F.Ma.j. lib Art , from April 2d, 1865. Bay wood, Rufus, Maj. and Add! P. M I - Vols . from Nov isth, 1865 Heggert, Robert, Maj. I82d Inf., from March 13th, 1865. i Bixson, Foster A.. Maj. and Add! P. M. I". 8. Vols., from July 16th, 1866 Hoag, John M , Capt. lih C S. Col. Inf , from March 13th, 1865. II, .hues, John W., Capt. 72d Inf., from March 13th, 1865. iiomiston, Joseph M., Surgeon 16th Cav., from March 13th, 1K65. Bovey, BleekerL , Maj and Surgeon I'.s. Vols., from Aug 9th, 1865, llovsradt, Nicholas, Capt. 80th Inf , from March 13th, 1865. Ho\t, James J. , Capt I56th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Boyt, Thomas J , Capt and Asst. Adj. -G< s. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Ilulbert, Wm. L.,Capt. 117th Inf., from March kith, 1865. Hunt, Leavitt, Maj. and Aide-de-Camp D S Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Hunt, San ford B , Maj. and Surgeon I'.s from Aug. 15th, 1865. Ilsley, Silas a , Maj. 158th Inf., from Man 1865 rnwood, Henry C. , Capt. 165th Inf.. from March 13th. 181 Jay, William, Capt. and Add'l Alde-de-Camp U. s. Vols., from April 9th, 1865. Jewett, Orville D., Capt 156th Inf. , from March kith. ! Johnston, James, Maj 14th Regt Vet. Res from March 13th, 1865 Jordan, john w.. Capt. rath Regt. Vet. Res.Corps, from March kith. I Keeler, Birnev W.. Maj. and Judge-Ad U.S. Vols., from March kith. 1865. Kennedy. Joseph M , Maj. 9th Cav., from March 13th, 1865. PART II. IX THE FIELD. LIEUTENANT-COLOM EL8 K i!iui w^" 1 ""' ' • ' '■""■ ,58tb lnf fr '"" March Ki ni'h Vm'!''"" H " Capt ""' '"' "'"'" Marcb Knapp, Jacob W . M n s, from March 18th, 1865 Knnwles, John A . Capt. and Com. Sub D 8 rrom D.i 2i B t, |865 I8 b th c iSr U,am A ' '' :11 " l78tb ''"' ' fr '"" Marcb K.^tm,.. Albert, I apt. 178th i„r, from March 18tb, 1 imes M . Maj and Surgeon I" S Vols from June 1st, 1863 Lamoreaux. Sullivan U. Maj. 9th Art., from A 1 1 1 1 1 . Lawrence, Abram K . Capt. aud Assl Q M. V Is., from March 13th, 1863 Lawyer, Joseph A., Maj. and Add'l P. M U S \ ols., from March 13th, 1863 • apt. 24th Battery, from March 13th, John O., Capt I62d Inf.. from March 13th I860. CONTINUED. 1 . Maj. and Surgeon (J. S. Vols., rrom March 13th, 1865. l';t n' 1 1 ^!;'.' "*""" ' '"" '"' Dra eoons. from March Leonard, Chas. B., Capt. and Asst. Q M l s Vols . from April 2d, I860 18th r i865 ROb W " MaJ l62d i,,f " f ''"'" Marob BOth Inf., from March 13th, Lldell, John A., Maj. and Surgeon U. s. Vols., from June Im , 1885 Uttlefleld, Chas. i: . Maj and Add'l .I'M. U. S. \ ols . from Nov. 24th, If l"; l ri!' r: i , .s!'-, l<0lje, ' t ' Sl "~"'"" N,lh '»•■. from March Ludlow, Edwin, Cant and Asst. Q. M I g \ <>ls . from March lit f 1 . 1865. Ln.iui.K. I, \ . Maj. |, : . lh ,, jf tTQm Marchl g thi Lynde, Richard !> . Maj. and Surgeon, U S \ "1-.. from .Ian. 9th, 1866 M.-< lellan, Carswell, Cant, and Asst Adj Gen ',,- )y i -- from Man-i, 13th, 1865 13th na t865 "" M ''i- :,l " h E °R-. from March M«Ente - apl md Issl «,». M r s Vols . rrom March 28th I McGonlarle, Andrew J., Capt. and Asst Q M r S. Vols . rrom March 18th, 1865 Ma"^, r i3th?1866 ald ' M; ' J " ' St ''• 8< ''"'■ Car " fro,n M.-K.-on, James, Capt.6th Inf.. from Merch ISth, ^m'o^AW?^ """ S " r!J '' S M from t 5un J e !st'l8^ lu,d 8ur S eon H.S. Vols., MacDonald, John E., Maj. ami Surgeon r. s \ ols., from June 1st, 1865 ■'"'•''"" ,'"-•' Inf., from March 18th,1865 I. Capt and Aral Q. M r s ■ rrom March 13th, I ...■.<-. 14th Inf.. fro,,, March i: f ,h. M,,t, 11. to,,, Orlando r , Capl Btfa Begt. 1 s Vet MM " ls • '<■ March 13th Mlln, David 1 Mott, Alexander B., Maj. and Surgeon 0". S Vols rrom March ISth, I860 Mou. George P., Capt 5th Art., from March l.iih, Mulfprd, Sllvaous S . Maj. aud Surgeon r s Vols., from June 1st. i860. Munson.A.L., Capt. 5th Art., from March I8th,1865. MmTay, John R., Capt. 148th Inf., from April 2d, Na*le, Garrett Capl Btfa Reg Vet. Res Corps, fro,,, March 18th, 1863 Nicholas. Geo. Ward, Capt. and Add'l Aide-de- Camp I . s Vols., from March 13th, 1865 i'uuX^' 1 "^ MaJ " 87th I,,f - fr '"" Marcb Norton Henry, Maj. 6th D S. Vols .from Man), I ''li, lhb.->. <'K-H.-. Joseph, Maj.2dCav., from March L3th, <»le,.t:. Dudley, Capt. 25th lnf . from March 18th, °&c 3 h e ^;',S? 3 - 8thR3BT] 3- V «t- Vols., from Paige, Francis, Maj. 155th Inf.. from March 13th 1 boo Paine. JedediahC, Capl Signal Corps U. S Vola from April 9th, 1863 Taikcr, Geo B., Maj. and Surgeon f. s Vols from Oct. 28th, 1865. Parsons, Enos B., Maj. and Asst. Adj.-Gen. I" s Vols., from April 9th, 1865 Patten, William. Maj. and Asm. Adj.-Gen. D S \ ols , from Nov. nth, 1865. Pease, Roger W., Maj. and Add'l P. M. r. s Vols., from Oct. 1st, 1865. TH.l, Duncan A., Capt and Add'l Alde-de-Camp U. S. Vols., Iron, April 18th, 1863 Perry, Albert J., Maj. 30th Inf.. from March 13th, I Ml. I p saaspa,Sft n,iBi « vH - ,{ - cor P s ' Petherbridge, John 1;., Maj and Surgeon 1 - Vols., from June 1st, 1865. Phelps, Justus M., Maj. and Add'l P. M. U. S Vols., Iron, Nov 24ih, 1863 Pickett .Eugene, Capt. 8Sd Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, from March 13th, 1865 Pierce, Chas. M., Surgeon 82d fj. March 18th, 1885. Plato, Nelson, (apt. and Asst Q. M. U.S. Vols., from March 13th, 1st;.". Pomeroy. George, Maj and Add'l P.M. rj.S.Vols from April 16th, 1866 Totter. (»rs,,n () , Capl. and Asst. y. V. V. S Vols from Tec 2lst, 1865 iSKf'iEP' W " S!,l '-' t, °" : >'"' ''if . from March '''March i!i'l, 1865' CaPt " V ''' H '' S - C ° rPS ' r, '" m Purdy, Erastus Sparrow. Capt. and Alde-de-Camp 1 .8 Vols., rrom March ISth, 1865 Bawolle, Win. C . Cap! and Add'l Alde-de-Camp I S. \ ols. . from March l;,th. I86G Reynolds, Frank, Surgeon BHth lm and 2d Reg U.S. \et Vols., fro,,, March ISth, 1865 Rice, Nathan P., Maj. and Surgeon S Vols Mom Aug. 15th, 1865 Robins Uberl l> . Maj and Add'l P. M. U S V ols , from March 13th, ISttS. Rochester, Wm. B , Maj and Add'l p. m : - \ Ola , from March l:;t|,, is,;;, Rockwell, Almand K . Maj am , T 8. Vols , |',o„, Mar,- 1, j:;,,,, , ., Rodger, Harris (. . Maj and Add'l P. M. u. S Vols., from Od 23d, 1865 Apr!l™a 'iM^'"' W " Capt " ,9th H;itlerv - fr,,ni Root Henry, Burgeon 54th Inf., from March I - > t II , LqOi ' Col Inf., from Asst Adj Gen. RoBonkrantz. Frederick, Capl and Asst Adj , Gen. ( s Vols . from April 9th. 1865 Adj Gen. rj. s l.'umsev. Will, Maj Vols . f,o,,, Marc and As. 18th, 1861 nssell, Solomon w ..Jr. Capt. 49th Inf., from J c ' ri "" '-' Dr^ooM, from March 'mi'M!,,:,,,:,;:'',.?:' 1 A ' '•• M - 1 a ^•iSSfSfiJh'lS •' '• ' K^ei'il^nLn.Ma. lAast. Adj.-Gen. D s f ' WcblSth, Rja^fiK^JRv- K..s c s Nathan R . Maj ..,..\ s„- , s- , , .. ":"" "".roh nth. 1866. from March |3th, IHflfi 1 9 md Surgeon fj.8 Vols .from DdSurgeonC s Vols.. Sabln. John ATMaj.Tnd Add'l P M D B Vols from March &., 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon TJ. S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Alberger, Morris H , Capt and Asst Q. M. (". s Vols., from March 13i h. 1865. Allen. Charles 8., Capt. and Com Sub. 1". S. Vols., from June 'Jlth. 1865 Andrees, Hiram. Capt. and Com. Sub. U. 8. Vols., from Aiil'. 8th Andrews, Win. H . , ('apt. lu* Com. Sn>> 1 8. Vols . rrom Aug. HI Bright, Marshall II . Capl and Com. Sub. U. S. Vote . rr- .tii March 18th, IS Briokerhoff, George W . Capt. 9th Art., from April t.t 11 . 1866 Brodie, Paul, 1st Lteul Signal Corps I B, Vols., from March 13th, I Browo, Francis C, ('apt. 13th Cav., from March 13th, I Brown, Fred C . ('apt 9th Cav., from March nth. \-\> Brown, John T . 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surg - \ ols . from March 13th. 1865 Browne, E. 11., 1st Lieut. 47th Inf. , from March lith. Bruenlngbausen, Wash EL, Capt. 58th Inf., from M iron 18th, 1865 Bruton, Chris. C. , Capt. 22d Cav., from March 18th, : Bphralra W., i-t Lieut and Asst. Surgeon i - \ ,.is . from March 13th 1865 Bullard, Wlllard, 1st Lieut i 1th inf., from March 18th, 1805. Bullock, Dyer l>.. Capt. and Asst. (,'. M. U. S. \ ols., from March lath. 1865. Burke, Timothy J., Capt. lutth Inf., from March i. nil. I-'. Burrell, Truman H., Capt. and Com. Sub. U. S. Vote. . from Feb. 1th, 1866. Burroughs, G ge T., Capt andCom.Sub. D S, Vote . rrom June 24th, L865. Caldwell, Lucien B., Capt 22d Cav., from March lath. Is.;.",. Callaghan, Patrick, 1st Lieut. 9th Reg. Yet. Kes. Corps, from March 13th, 1866 ( ainerou.WinfleldS , Capt. 154th Inf., from March 13th, 1866 (amp. Krskinc M .('apt and Asst. n M. U. S. . from March 13th, 1865. Campbell, James R , Capt, I Kith Inf., from April 1st. 1865. C, inline. John J., Capt. 137th Inf., from March 13th, 1866 Carpenter, George D., Capt. 179th Inf., from March 18th, 1865. John l. . Isl Lieut, and Adj. 118th Inf., from Maid, 13th, 1805. Cating, James, Capt 6th Cav., from March 13th, 1886 Chambers, Wm.H.,Capl 5th Inf. , from April 1st, 1866 • Stephen, Capt 15th Eng , from April 8d, i Clapp, AlOOZO II . Capt 122d Inf . from Oct. l'.'th. 1864 Clapp, Isaac D.Capt. 77th Inf., from April 2d, Joseph P., Cap! llth Art., from March Clark, Lewis B., Capt. 117th Inf., from March Lit I, i I.. Edward, Is) Lieut . 146th Inf., from March 18th Comstock, Isaac N , Capl and Com Sub. D". S. Vote , fr Iiih 10th Coombs, George W .('apt. 82d - Col. Inf., from March 18th, i ■I H i apt lili Art . from April 8d, 1865. Cornish, George G , 1st Lieut. 60th Inf., from Man h 13th I Coruue, JohnS., Isl Lleul l:.'.M inf., from April 2d, I lohn II . Capl 1st h,f , iron, March lath, i -t in agoons, from March Mil, I tllgelo, Capl and Com. Snl, C . S. Vols.. from June 24tl ■ i II. in \ i. . i apt and < lom Sub. is Vola . rrom Juh Bib < !( rpi . from March 13th, i Cruger. Btephen V I: . Capt 115th Inf., from M ,r. h ! ■!■ i sci [ D f., rrom March I. ill, ! Dalrymple, Benry m . Capt it Engs , from March 13th , Dandy, Jam< H , Capt Inmli Inl , from March Daniels, Wen ll . Capl and \ I Q M Vola . from March 131 V \l I B rom Mar, li I De Bevoise, Georce W., Capt. 17th Reg. Yet. Res. Corps, from March 18th, Is-;:, De FJanne, J. Victor, 1st Lieut and Asst Surgeon I S Vols., from March 18th, 1865. De l. a Mesa, Carlos A . Capt. llth Keg. Vet. Res. Corps, from March 13th, 1885. Denicke, Ernest A . 1st Lieut. Signal Corps I] S Vols., from March lath, 1865. Denniston, HarveyG-., Capt 188th Inf., from April yth, 1865. De Peyster, Frederlok, 2d Lieut. 8th Militia, from March lath, 1865, Devlne, Michael, Capt. 65tfa Inf, from April 2d, 1865. DeWinatanley, Henry "W., Capt 5th Inf from March lath. Dexter, Rodney, Capt. 4th Art., from March 13th, 1865. Dlehl, John J., 2d Lieut. 15th Art , from April 1st, 1865 Dodt. HelenUB, Capt 7th Inf., from April 9th, 1865. Doran, Michael, Capt. 155th Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Dunbar, Thomas, Capt. 155th Inf., from March lath, 1865. Dunbar, Win 11 . Capt. 4Sth Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Dunham, A. G., Capt. ll-'th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Duryee, AVm. B. C, Capt. and Asst. Adj. -Gen. D 8 V ols., from March 13th, 1865. Dutton, Chas. King, Capt. 1 Kith Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Eaton, Sam'l C Capt. 1st Eng., from March lath, 1865 Eldrldge, Geo. II.. Capt. 13tith Inf , from March lath. 1865 EllerbecU, Robert E., Capt. 22d Cav., from March lath. 1865. Elliott, James M., Capt. 142d Inf. from March lath. 1865. Ellis, Julius Livingston, Capt. 71st Militia, from July 21st, 1861 Ellsworth, Timothy E., Capt. and Add'l Aide-de- camp U s. Vols. , from March 13th, 1866 Emmons, Herman L., Capt. 5th Art , from March 18th, 1865. Entwistle, .lames, Capt. 176th Inf., from March lath, 1865. Esm I, Richard, 1st Lieut. 147th Inf.. from April l-t, 1865 Eunson, Eugene 8., Capt. I62d Inf., from March 18th, 1865 Fan ton, Mell. 1st Lieut. I(>7th Inf ., from March 13th, 1865 Farreli, .James P., Capt, 5th Art, from March 13th, 1865 Fearing, Geo. R. . Capt , and Add'l Alde-de-Camp, U. S Vote , from March |:',lh, 1866 Felt, Wm N.,Capt. and Com . Sub. TJ S Vols., from June 24th, 1865. Fish, Chauncey, Capt. 9th Art., from April 6th, 1865. Fisher, Jacob, Capt. 22d Cav , from March 18th, is,;:, Pitts, James P., Capt. lltth Inf., from March lath. 1865 Foote, Adrian. Capt. and Asat, Q. M is Vole., from June 15th, lsii.", Forbes Edward A., Capt. and Com, Bub I Vote., from July 25th Force, Levi. Capl. 17:ilh Inf., from April 2d, 1866 Ford, Frank C, Capl and Com Bub D B Vols., Iroin March lath, 1865. Foster, Henry h . Capt 12th Regt. \ et. Re , Corps, I loin March l.'ilh. 1865. Fouler, Willi.-, in . Capt and Assl . AdJ Gen D - Vols., from March 29th, 1865 French, George, Capt 94th inf , rrom April 1st. , I iv, Thomas \Y Q . Capt and Com Bub 1 8 \ ols.. from Aug ad 1866 Fnrey, John V , Capl and Asst. Q. M. U. 8. Vote, ,1.1, I8th, 1885 Furrey, Wm. C, Capt. 4th Ait, from April 2d, Ifred i apt and Com Bub D B Vols., I March 71 1 Car. in, Wm. S. I'. Capt. MM Inf.. from March 18th, 1866. Gary. Delos, (apt. 1171I1 Inf ., from March lath , i-.,-. Geddles, John I! . Capt. 128th Inf , from March THE ROLL OF HONOR. BEEVETS FROM THE 1". S. 151 MAJORS CONTINUED. Q. M. IT. S Gerard, John C, Cant, and Asst Vols., from March 18th, 1885. Gere. James M., Capt. 128d Inf , from Marcb 13th, L88G Glfford, Henry J , Capt. 49th Inf.. from April 2d, 1865 Glider, Wm. H., Capt and Asst. Adj. -Gen. TJ 5 Vols., from March 13th, 1865. GUI, A W. II.. Cai-t. 84th Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Godfrey, W. H. A., Capt. 1st Dragoons, from Kimball, James J March 13th, 1865 Goslln, Alexander, ('apt. and Asst. Q. M. U.S. Vols . from March 12th, 1866. Grant syne, W.S.,Capt. itnth Inf.. from March 13th, 1866. Graves, Edward P., Capt. and Asst. Q M. U. S. Vols., from March 18th, 1865. Gray, John P. fci , Capt. and Asst. AdJ.-Gen. U. 8. Vols., from .Ian 4th, 1866. Gray, Oliver B , 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps, from March 13th, 1865. Gregory, Lemuel it.. Capt. 1st Mounted Rifles, from Marcb 18th, 1866 Greene, Chas. T., Capt. and Asst. Adj. Gen. I". S. Vols., from March 18th, 1865. Hakes, Wheeler, Capt. 1st Dragoons, from March 13th, I88S Halsteed, I'.. P., Capt. 2d Art. and Asst. Adj. Gen. I". S. Vote. . from March 18th, 1865 Hamilton, Henr\G.,lst Lieut 140th Inf., from March 18th, 1865 Harn.Wm. A., Capt, 3d Batt'y, from Aug. 1st, 1864. Hart, Daniel S., Capt and Com. Sub. I*. S. Vols., from March 18th, 1865. Hart, Patrick, Capt, 15th Battery, from Aug. 18th, 1864. Hart/., Wm. T , Capt. and Asst. Adj. -Gen. U. S. Vols., from March 18th, 1866 Hastings, Fred. E., 1st Lieut. 24th Hattery, from March 13th. 1805. Hawes. Gardiner I . 1st Lieut. 17th Inf . from .March 13th, 1865. Hay, Thomas H , Capt. 16th Regt. Vet. Res. Corps, from March 1 8th. ISO",. Hegeman, Elbert, Capt. 13th Cav., from March 13th, 1865 Helliard, V. R. K.,Capt, 48th Inf. .from March 13th, 1885. Henry, Edwin, Capt. and Com. Sub. U. S. Vols., from Julv nth, 1865. Hlne, Orren E., Capt. 50th Eng., from Aug. 1st, 1865 Hogan, Edward K., 1st Lieut, and Asst, Surgeon C. 8. Vols., from Nov. 17th, 1885 Ilolden. Giles II , Capt. IT'.ith Inf., from April 2d, 1866. Hopkins. Woolsev R., Capt. and Asst. Adj. -Gen. U.S. Vols., from Nov. 25th, 1866 Hostler, John T., (apt 185th Inf., from April 1st, I860. Houghton, Chas. H., Capt. 14th Art., from March 86th, 1866. Howard, Simon P., Capt. 108th Inf., from March 13th. 1865 Howard. Stephen O., Capt. 186th Inf., from March Keene, Augustus W., Capt. loth Inf., from April 9th, 1866. Kellogg, Rowland c , Cajt 1 . and Com. Sub. TJ. 8 Vols., from Aug. 3d, 1865 Kerrigan, John, Capt. 117th Inf., from March 13th. 1865. Kidder. John S . Capt. 121st Inf , from April fith, 1865 Kimball, Amos 8., Capt. and Asst (,) M. I S Vols . from Feb. 1st, 1866 . Capt . and Assi Ad i -Gel) !'. Capt llllth Inf from March U. S. '.'ill. I860 Hoyt, Henry II 13th, isr>;,. Hubbell, Augustus, Capt. and Com. Sub Vols , from Aut Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon C. 8. Vols . from Dec. '.uli, 1885. Mason. Alonzo T., Capt. 123d Inf . from March 13th, 1866 Maston. 8. C, Capt. 1st Mtd. Hides, from March 13th, 1866 U.S. J.-. 2 PART IL IN THE FIELD. MAJORS COMIX TED. Matthews, Joseph S , Capt. 112th Inf., from March 18th, ..■!■ T , Capt. lt'.uh Inf , from March 13th, Mayell, Henry, 2d Lieut. Signal Corps U. B Vols.. from March 13th, 1885 McCarthy, James, Cap! 96th Inf, from March I3th, 1885 McClure, John W., Capt, and Asst. >,>. M. U.S. Vols . rrom March 13th, 1885 McDermott, V7m .1 , 1st Lt and Asst. Surgeon U. - \ ola . from Oct. 81st, 1885 McDonald, Joseph M , Capt. 47th Inf. from March 13th, 1885 McDowell, Robert M .. Capt 1 4 1 - 1 Inf., from March 13th, 1885 McGlll, D B., Capt 117th Inf., from March 13th, 1885 McGrath, Michael H , Capt. 50th Eng., from April Bth, 1805 Mclntlre, Samuel li . Capt. and Com. Sub. U. S. Vols . rrom Aug. 9th, 1885 McKinney, Edward P . Capt. and Com. Sub l. - Vols., rrom July 7th, 1865 McMurray, John, Capt. and Com. Sub. U. S.Vols., from Dec 22d, I860 McNaueht, Archibald, Capt. 50th Eng., from Much 18th, 1865 McNeill, John, Capt. Bftth Inf . from March 13th, 1885. Meroer, Win. E.,Cap1 5tb Art., from March 13th, 1885 Merriam, Joseph W . 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeou C 8 Vols., irom March 13th, 1865 Merrill, Wm., Capt. I list Inf., from March 13th, i865. Middletnn, Richard, Capt. 50th Eng., from March l.ith. 1865 Miller, Theodore, Capt. 4th Art., from March 25th, 186-1 Miller, Wm. I). B., Capt. and Aile-de Camp I". S. Vols., from Dec. 2d, 1884. Mink. C'has. E., Capt. 1st Art., from Aug. 1st, Mitchell, John, Capt. 17m h Inf., from March lath. 1885 Montgomery, Chas. S., Capt. 5th Inf., from March [3th, 1865. Montgomery, Thomas, capt. 65th U. S. Col. Inf., fro,,, March 13th, 1865. Moore, Pestus H . Capt. and Com. Sub. U. S. Vols . rrom June 80th 1865 Morehouse, Roderick l» . Capt. 142,1 Inf., from March 13th, 1885 Morae, Chas P., Capt. 14:.'d Inf . from March 13th, 1885 Mosebacb, Frederick, Capt. llth Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, rrom March 13th, 1865 Moaeley, Wm. W., Capt. and Aide-de-Camp TJ. S. Vols., from March P.Mh, 1865 Mykens, Dauiel K , Capt. I7">th Inf. from March l.ith, (885 Newman, Geo. W., Capt 22d Ca\ , rrom March 13th, 1885 Nolan, Michael, Capt. 60th [nf., from March 13th, Edward II . Capl and Coin. Bub. I". B. from June 84th, IM5 I i lap! 15l8t Inf , from April 2d, 1865 i I'Brlen, John i> . Capl 24th inf., from March 18th, 1865 n, .m| nn P Capt and Assl Idj. Gen D 9 Vols . rrom March I8tl Oolaban, Richard, 1st Lleul with inf, from March 18th Palmer, Joseph i . Capt 158th [nf . rrom Marofa Palmer. Wm L..Capl and Com Bub. U. S. Vols., iron, March 13th, 1866 Parker I pt, 80th Inf . from March 18th, Edward l> . Capt. H7th Inr., from March I3th, : Parson • from April 9th, \di Gen i 9 Vols rrom April 6th, 1865 Peabody, Oliver l> . • apt. luth Reg, \ • I orps, from Dec. 2d i. i B, YoN . rrom Aiil'. 1st, 1864 Pellett, Ellas P ,Capl nuh inf.. from March 13th, l apt 64th Inr . rrom April Bth, 1868 Pinckney, Joseph C, Capt. and Com sub i . - Vols., from March 18th, 1869. Poole, Theodore L., Capt. 12Sd Inf., rrom March I3tb, 1866 Porter, Samuel, Capt. 108th Inf., from April 9th, 1885 Potter, Horatio, Jr., Capt. 7th Art . from April ■M. 1885 Potter, Ira C. 1st Lieut. 7t'>th Inf . from March I3tb, 1866. Powell. Isaa.- P . (apt. 1 Hit 1 1 Inf., from March 13th, 1665. Preston, \ W , Capt. huh Reg Vet. Res. Corps, rrom March 13th, 1865 Price, Theodore, Capt. 4th Art., from March 13th, 1865 Purchase, Seahain W., Capt. Vet. Res. Corps, from March 13th. 1805. Purdy, Wilson. Capt. 1st Mounted Rifles, rrom March 13th, 1866. Rae, Robert, Asst. Surgeon 1st Mounted Rifles, from March 18th, 1865 Hansom. Albert T.. ("apt. and Com. Sub I'. S.Vols . rrom March 13th, 1865. Rapball, Alfred M., 1st Lieut mli Keg. Vet. Res. Corps, from March Pith. 1865. Reeves, J. H., Capt. 3d Inf., Irom March 13th, 1885. Reeves, Selah V., Capt. 63d Inf., Irom March 13th, 1865 Reid, William. Capt. 61st Inr.. from April 9th, 1865. Reynolds, Bilas E., Capt. 1st Mounted Rifles, from March 13th, 1865 Rhodes, Henry J., Capt. 9th Cav., from April 6th, 1865. Roberts, Cyrus S., 1st Lieut. 150th Inf. from March 13th, 1865. Roberts, Eugene P., Capt. 88d D. S. Col. Inf., from March Kith, 1st,.-,. Robeson. Andrew . I.. Capt. 1st Eng., from March 13th, 1885. Robinson, Edward, Cap:, and Asst. Adj. -Cen. r. s. VMS , from March 18th, 1865. Robinson. Joseph C, Capt. lOtith Inf., rrom Oct. 19th, lsii4. Rockwell, Dean M., Capt. 2d Art., from March Pith, 1885. Roeiuer, Jacob, Capt. 34th Batterv, from Dec. L'd, 1864. Room, Wm. p., Capt. and Asst. Adj Gen. U.S. Vols . Irom Oct I'.'ih. 1864 Root, Edward E., Capl 3d D B. Vet Vols . from March 13th, 1865. Rose, Laurin L , Capt. and Com Sub. I. S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Roys, Charles II. 1st Lieut. 48th Inf., from July 3 1st. [865 Russ, Charles E . Capl and Asst. Q. M. D s. Vols., from March 18th, 1865. Russell, Edmund K , Capt 65th Inf , from Pec. 2d, 1864 Russell. Harvey v., Capt. nuh inf., from Lpril 9th. 1865 Schilling, Eugene, Capt. I02d inr . rrom March 18th, 1865. Schoenlnger, Joseph A . Capt. 68th inr. from March 13th, 1865 Schurig, t harles, Nt Lieut 84th inr.. from March 18th, 1865 Beeley, Edgar, Cant, and Assl Q m B Vols.j from .Ian 5th, 1866 Seymour, Ira H, Capt. 149tfa Inr . rrom March 18th, 1866 Seymour, W. R .('apt and Com Sub 1 ft Ocl 2ls1 . 1866. Shaw, Geo S.,Capi and Add'l Aide-de-Camp TJ s. Vols . Irom March i:;th, 1886 Shaw, Thomas, (apt. 106th Inr., from April :.'d. 1865. Sblckhardt, Henry, Capt. 6th Inf . irom March 13th, i Short, John P , Capt 16th Reg Vet Res Corps. from March pith. 18 Bill, Edward P. . Capt and A&St. Adj -Gen U. 9 Vols., rrom Man h 18th, 1865. Slmms.Wm [\, Capt. 69 th Inf., Trom April 91 Sinclair, P 8 . Capl 60th Inr . irom April 6th, 1865 slipper, Joseph A . Capt. and Aast Adj 1 1 . Horn March 13th. 1866 Smith, Algernon E., Capt. 177th Inr., from March 13th i Smith. Aha J .Capt lib Art . from Match 31st, 1866 Smith, II. H , Capt. 6th Art., rrom March 31st, smith, Henry 0. , Capt. 150th Inf. from March 31-1. I THE ROLL OF HONOR. BREVETS FROM THE V. S. 153 MAJOBS CONTINUED. Waddle. Geo. W.. Capt. 14.Mli Inf., from 13th, 1805 Wadswortb, Chas l" . 1st Lieut. 110th Inf., from March 18th, 1805 Wadswortb, ■ia~. 3., Capt and Aide-de Camp F s. Vols . from April 1st. l-»;-,. Smith. Joseph Bovce, Capt. and Asst. Adj. Gen. r 8. Vols., from March 18th, 1886 Snyder, Martin. Capt. 90th Inf . from April 9th, 1885. Sperry, George, Capt. 22d Inf.. from March 13th. 1885. Spreadbury, John, Capt. 22d lav., from April 2d, - Vols . from April 1st. 188! Stafford, Stephen R., Capt. 8th Cav., from March Walbridge, Chaa. E., Capt, and Asst y M (' s 13th, 1883 Vols. . from Jan. 1-' Starr, Irwin M., Cap* 1st Mounted Rifles, from Waldron, Hampden, Capt 6th U. 8 V< March 13th, 1886 from June 18th, 1865 Stewart, James, Capt. 146th Inf ., from March 13th, Walker, Wm A . 1-' Lieut 14t;th Inf., from l-,r, March 1 Ith Stocking, John W., Capt. 1st Art., from March Wallace. Wm. K., Capt. 186th Inf., from April 3d, 13th. 1865 Btooum, John B.,Capt. 189th Inf., from March 18th, 1865. Strong, Richard P., 1st Lieut. Signal Cor; Vols., from March I8th, Stuart, John, Capt. 51st Inf.. from March 13th, Sut--. John L , Capt. 1st Eng., from March 13th, Summers. Moses, Capt and Asst Q. M. U. S. Vols . from March 13th, 1865 Tan. Elijah D., Capt 6th Battery, from March I8th, l-"'> Tarbel, Doctor, Capt and Com. Sub, D 8 Vote., Wells, Chas. A., Capt. 27th Inf., from March 18th, Wardwell, Newton M, Capt and Com. Sub I - Vols . from Dec 9th, 1865 Warr. Edward, Capl 117th Inf , from March 13th, 1865 Warren, Robert P., 1st Lieut. 146tb Inf., from April 1st, 1863. Washburn, Daniel W.. Capt. 4th Art., from April 6th, If Weeks. Geo. D., Capt. 17 :;d Inf., fr. mi March 1:1th. 1865. Weir, Geo II.. Capt. and Com. Sub. C. S Vols., from July 6th I8( I from Julv luth. 1865 Taylor, Peter A., Capt. Signal Corps U. 8. Vote., f'rom March 13th, 1865 Thayer, Amos M. 1st Lieut. Signal Corp- I Vote . from April 9th, 1865. l-.r, Wells. Chaa. W., Capt. 1l s th Inf . from April 9th, 1865 Wheeler. William, Capt. 142d Inf . from March 13th, Thibaut, Fred. W., Capt. lsth Reg. Vet. Res. Wicks, Edward A., Capt 150th Inf., from March Corps, from Julv 19th, 1865 13th, 1865. John F .('apt 117th Inf.. from Jan. 15th, Wilbur. Reuben H , Capt. lWd Inf. , from March 13th Thorns., n, Clifford, 1st Lieut. 1st Cav., from March Wilder. Walter I'., Capt. 48tfa Inf .from Oct I3th, 19th, 1864 Tlllinghast Jos. C , Capt. 2d Cav., from March Williams. Augustus P., 1st Lieut and Asst Sur- 13th. Is". cennU.S Vote . from Aug. 15th, 1886 Tornlinson, Dewitt C, Capt. and Com. Sub. U. S. Williams, Hobart, Capt. 151 st Inf., from April Vols . from Julv Tib. 181 5 2d, 1865. Townsend, Bben G., rapt. 2d Battalion Vet Res. Winchester. B. Frank. Capt. and Com Sub. 1". S. Corps, from March 13th, 1865 Vols., from Julv IStb. 1865 Tracy, Wm. >; . Capt and Alde-de-Camp I" 8 Win-low. Gordon, (apt Mli \ et. Inf. , from April Vols., from March 13th, 1385 1st, 1865. Treadwell, Geo. El., Capt. 7th Art. from March Wlnslow, Hiram A., Capt. I42d Inf., from March 13th, 1865. 13th, Tyler, Francis E.. Capt. 74th Inf. from March Wood, Bradford R.. Jr.. Capt. 44th Inf.. from 13th, i March loth. 1865 nffendlll, Isaiah, Capt. 84th Inf., from March 13th, Wood, Ew« B„ Capt 2d TJ B. Col. Car., from 18»J5. March 13th, 1865 Ulrich, Chas. F. Capt. Gist V. s. Col. Inf, fnun Wood, James H., Capt. 4 tb Art., from March 13th, _• 10th, 1865. 1865. Drell, Michael E., 2d Lieut. 82d Inf., from March Wood, Nathan 8., Capt 4th Art . from March I3th, lst Lieut. Signal Con Vote., from March l:!th If Applegate, Lewis, 1st Lieut . and As-t Surgeon 1 s \ ,,| S .. from Oct. 6th Avres, Benry, 1st Lieut. Signal Corps tJ. S 'from March 26th, 1865 Bacon, Francis. Jd Lieut. l(hM Inf. , from March 13th, 1885 Bailey, James II . 1st Lieut l-t Mounted Rifles, from March 13th. Baker. Joel A , 1st Lieut 147th Inf . from April 1st. IS Ball. Win. <;., 1st Lieut. 13th Art., from March 13th, Barnett, G< a 1st Lieut and Adj. 17th Inf.. from March 18th, 1865 Bartholf. J. H ., 1st Lieut and Asst Surgeon F. S. Vols., from Oct 6th, 1865. Bean, Wm U.S., 1st Lieut. I 9th Inf., from Aug. 18th. 20 Beardsley. Fred'k F... lM Lieut Signal Corps, TJ. 8 Vote., from March 18th, 1865. Hiram E.. 1st Lieut, 22d Inf.. fro:; 13th, 1885. Behan, BdwInA., 1st Lieut. 3d Art.,froi ISth, 1865 Benson. Harvev w , 2d Lieut. Signal Corps. 1 S Vols., from March 13tl Berlin, Carl Ludwig, 1st Lieut Bth ' '.n . from M . 1864 Biree, James C. 1st Lieut. 105th Inf.. from April John T . 2d Lieut 7th Regt Vet Res. Corps, from Julv llth Bouvier. John V., 1st Lieut, suth Inf. from March 13th. Brazie. Jacob O . 1st Lieut, and Adj. 2d Cav . from Mar.h ISth, If BphralmA .2d Lieut Signal Corps Vols . from March 13tl 154 PART II. IN THE FIKLD. CAPTAINS CONTINUED. Brinkerhoff, Geo. 1. . l-t Lieut huh Cav., from b 18th, 1885 Brisbane, Chas. V . 1st Lleul and Asst. Surgeon i - vols., from June 1st, 1863 John M . 2d Lieut . IStb Regl \ el Bea Corps, from March 13th, 1865 Brown, Gerry A , l-t Lieut. 9th Art., from April 2d, 1865 llruvii. Wilson, 1st Lieut Signal Corps I . S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Buckly, John, 1st Lieut. i40tli Inf. . from March IStb, 1865 Burdick, Daniel \V., 1st Lieut 10th Art., from \l irch 13th, 1865 Burghardt, (has H., 1st Lieut 1th Art., from M i re 1 1 31st, 1865. Levi l . 2d Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps, from March 18th, 1865 Chapman, Perry W., 1st Lieut 150th Inf., from M ir :h 13th, 1865. ■ hard W., 1st Lieut. 1st Eng., from March I3tb, 1865, Conlin, Benjamin, l-t Lieut, 155th Inf., from Oct. 27th. 1864. Countryman, A. 15., 1st Lieut I42d Itif , from March 13th, 1865 Courtney, Lewis li , 1st Lieut. 110th Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Covtan, Chas. W , 1st Lieut, ami Adj. loth Inf., from Dee 2d, 1864 croft-. Win. E., 1st Lieut. 55th Inf , from March 13th, 1865, Crombie, John C, 1st Lieut. 4th Art. , from March lil-t, 1865. Davidson, Morris M., 1st Lieut. Ktltli Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Davis, Edward J., 1st Lieut. 140th Inf , from April 1st, 1865 Dillingham. Lucius A., 2d Lieut. Signal Corps U. S. Vols., from April 2d. 1865. Dixon, (i H . 1st Lieut. 112th Inf. from March I3th, 1865 Dorran, Wm. M., 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon U. B Vols , from (ter 12th. 1865 Drake, Nelson I .. 1st Lieut and Asst. Surgeon U. 8. Vols , from Oct. 7th, 186). Edgar, Lewis S., 1st Lieut. 185th Inf., from April •.«h, 1865 Ed l -ion. W. Cuyler, 1st Lieut. 4th Art, from March 18th, 1865. ' n. M ., 1st Lieut, and Q. M. 140th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Elliott, Washington <; . 1st Lieut, and Asst. Sur- geon 8. Vols . from Jan. 6th, 1868. Elliott, Wm. St. George, Isl Lieut, ami Asst. Sur- geon U. s. Vols., from June 1st, 1865 Esmond, Richard, 1st Lieut I47tb Inf., from March 13th, 1863 Fairbank, John II , L-t Lieut. 107th Inf., from March ISth, 1865 ! in G , 3d Lieut |07th Inf.. from Mare!, 13th, 1865 Fisher, French w., 1st Lleul , 49th Inf , from April 2d, - trick, Laurence, Isl Lieut. 146th Inf., from March I Hh Flint, Joseph N . 2il Lieut 1st Dragoons, from March 13th, 1865. Folios, Richard, 2d Lieut 16th Reg \ et. Res C irps, r.uni March 18th, i Folwell, Hahlon B., 1st Lieut 50th Eng , from Aug. 1st, 1864. Mo,,. ' .1 i Lieut. 121st Inf. , from April 6th, ; Hiram D., Isl Lieut, and AdJ 116th rj. s. Col Inf., no,,, March ISth Bent ■ Isl Lleul l H Dragoons, from March 18th, I Bird , i-i Lleul 1st R< \ I Re Corps iron, March 18th, I Gavlord, George i;.. Is) Lieut. 160th inf., from i 1 tt I, . 1845. Gilbert, Wm , Isl Lleul and Q M 158th Inf., March 18th I (iilli-, George ll. 2d Lieut. 77th Inf . from March liih. 1886 Cordon, Abram M i: . I t Lleul 4th Art , from March 13th I Graham, John L . 9d Lleul -'l-t Reg \ i forps, from March 18th, I Greene, Robert, Isl Lieut. Bth Inf., from Vnrll I ' is,,:, Bale, Owen, l-t Lieut. 1st Mounted Rifles, from March 13th, l( Hallenbaok, John I! , l-t Lieut 61sl inr . from July 8th, 1884 Halstead, Edward l... 2d Lieut Signal Corps v. S. \ ols. , from March 13th, 1865. Hamilton, John M.,8d Lieut 9th l. S. Col. inf., from March 13th, 1865 Handwrlght, James, 1st Lieut. 140th Inf , from March 13th, 1865 Hasbrook, Matthew, l-t Lieut. 150th Inf., from March 13th, 1866 11.,--, tt, Thomas J , 1st Lieut. 121st Inf , from April 6th, 180a. Hatfield, Townsend L . 1st Lieut. Signal Corps 1" S. Vol- , from March 13th, 1865. Derrick, Wm !>., 1st Lieut. 4th Art, from April 2d, 1865. Herzog, Charles. 2d Lieut. Signal Corps U.S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Hess, Peter, 1st Lieut. 140th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Hodgson, Valentine M., 1st Lieut. 21st Reg. Vet , ps, from March 13th, 1865. Hogarty, wm P., 2d Lieut Vet. Bee Corps, from Ma re I , llith, 1865. floppy, Edward, 2d Lieut Vet. lies Corps, from March 18th, 1865 Hough, A. Barton, 1st Lieut 50th Eng., from April 9th, 1865. Ilowland, T. C, 1st Lieut. 121st Inf , from Oct 19th, 1864. Hunt, Leavitt, 1st Lieut. 38th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Ireland, Oscar B ,2,1 Lieut. Signal Corps r. s. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Jacobson, Eugene P.. 1st Lieut. 74th Inf., from March 18th, 1865. Jennison, J. A., 1st, Lieut. 140th Inf., from April 1st, 1865. Jessopp, S. s , 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon 1". 8. Vols., from Nov. ltlth, 1865. Jones. Edwin O , 1st Lieut. 140th Inf., from March llith, 1805 Kaiser, Wm., 1st Lieut. 49th Inf., trom Oct. I9th, 1864. Keith, Charles C. T., 1st Lieut. Signal Corps U S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Kellev, Frank M.. 2,1 Lieut. 44th Inf., from March liiili, 1865 Kennedy, Wm, 1st Lieut. 100th Inf ., from April 2d, 1865. Ketcbum, Edgar, 2d Lieut Signal Corps I - Vols., from March 13th, 1865 Ketch um, George E., 1st Lieut. 1st Art., from \pril 2d, 1865 Kimberly, Charles A., 1st Lieut. 112th Inf., from March 13th, 1865 King, AlonzoJ., 1st Lieut. 146th Inf., from April 1st, 1865, Kinnie, E. Oliver, 2d Lieut. 1st Art., from March 13th. 1865. Kleinfleld, Joseph, 1st Lieut. 4th L s Vet. Vols., from March llith. 1865. Knight, James, 1st Lieut. 4th Art., from March llith, 1865 Leale, C. A, 1st Lieut, and Asst Surgeon I . B Vols., from Jan. 4th, 1866. Lewis, Charles E , 1st Lieut. 1st Dragoons, from March 13th, 1865 Loohbrunner, Charles, Isl Lieut, inii Art., from March 25th, 1865 Loomls, Henry, 1st Lieut, 146th inf.. from March llith, 1865 Lowe, Francis K . 1st Lieut 121st Inf , from April 6th. 1865. Lynch, Thomas, 1st Lieut 43d Inf., trom April 2d, 1865 Lyon, Geo. w., 1st Lieut. 181st Inf. and Adj. 2d La. cav . from March 26th, 1865 I. von. James M. 1st Lieut 15th D S. Col. Inf.. from March 18th, I* Macholz, Oscar, 1st Lieut. 16th Art, from March 13th, 1865 Marcotte. Henry, 2d Lieut. 22d Reg Vet Res. Corps, from Mare), Hal,. l-< Fred. J . 1st Lieut Bth Reg Vet. Res. c,,,|,s, from March I3tli 181 Matthews, George, 1st Lieut BOth Inf., from March ISth, I860 M ,\, Henrj C . l-t Lieut and last. Surgeon D\ S. Vols . from Oct. 6th, 1 165 MeCall, Wm. W., l-l Lieut. 1 tt li Art., from March 25th. I McCllnton, Ebenezer, 1st Lieut and Asst. Surgeon I S \ Ols . Iron, June l-t, |865, McGeehan, John. 1st Lieut, Inf . from March 13th, 1866 McGhee, William, l-t Lieut, Isl Mid Rifles, from March I. HI,. I THE ROLL OF HONOR. BREVETS FROM THE U. S. 155 ( ATTAINS ( OXTINl i:i). Mclntosb, Chas. w., 1st Lieut. 1st Dragoons, from March 18th, 1865. McLain, Alexander. 1st Lieut. iJd Battery, from Aug. 1st, 1884. McLeod, Alexander II. , 1st Lieut. 140th Inf.. from March 26tn, 1865. McNeil, John I)., 1st Lieut. 4th Art., from March i:;th, 1805. Mlokell, Wm. II., 1st Lieut. 184th Inf.. from March lit li. 1865. Skinner, Eugene C, 1st Lieut. 117th Inf., from March 18th, L8l 5 Slater, J. B., 1st Lieut. 1st DrogooDB, from March 181 h , 1865 Smith. Edward B., lei Lieut. 15th Battery, from April !uh, 1866. Sprague, Charles B., 1st Lieut. 04th Inf., from April 1st, 1865. Starring, Dewltt «' , 1st Lieut. 8d Art., from March 18th, 1865. Montgomery, Thomas, 1st Lieut. 170th Inf. from Stedman, Benson F. ,1st Lieut. 2d Art., from March March 18th, 1865 13th, I Moore, Dennis A., 1st Lieut. 2d Hartal ion Yet. Res. Corps, from March 13th, 1865. Moses, Herbert H., 1st Lieut, and Adj. 122d Inf., Oct. loth. 1864. Muns,, a, Jacob F., 2d Lieut. 8th l". S. Vet. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Mussick, (id. a., 1st. Lieut, and Asst, Surgeon U. s. Vols., from June 1st . 1865. Swett, Wm. II. S.. 1st Lieut. 146th Inf.. from March Kith. 1865. Tall, Jasper IL, 1st Lieut, ecth Inf. from March 18th, 1865. Talman, Byron, 2d Lieut. 22d Cav., from March 18th, 1865. Taylor, Henry Q., 1st Lieut. 14M h Inf., from April 1st, 1865. Newklrke, Edward I'., 1st Lieut. 1st Art., from Teinpleton, George, 2d Lieut. 50th Ens from March 13th, 1865. Aug. 1st, 1864. O'Connor, P. E., 1st Lieut, and Ad.j. 10th Reg. Vet. lies. Corps , from March liltli, Ogden, Wm. L, 1st Lieut. 1st Mtd. Rifles, from March 13th. 1865. Parkhurst, Thomas C, 1st Lieut. 4th Art. from April 2d, 1865. Parsons, John, 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon I*. S. Vols., from June 1st, 1865. Partridjre, Sylvester B., 1st Lieut. Signal < lorps U. S. Vols., from March 18th, 1865. Tetai-d, Kelix l\ M , 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon fj, S. Vols., from Oct. 6th, 1805. Phinney. Stewart W., 1st Lieut. 153d Inf., from March 18th. 1865. Pitcher, James P., 1st Lieut. 146th Inf., from March 18th, 1865. Plimley, William, 1st Lieut. 120th Inf.. from April 2d, 1863 Poole, Joseph IL, 1st Lieut. 140th Inf., from March 18th, 1865. I'oolev, Thomas R. , 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon rj. 8. Vols., from June 1st, 1S65. Kami, Charles P., 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps, from Oct. 10th. 1865. Raymond, Wm., 1st Lieut. 5th Inf., from March 13th, 1865, Rector, Charles J., 2d Lieut. 185th Inf., from April 9th, 1865. Roberts. Charles S., 1st Lieut and Asst. Surgeon U.S. Vols., from June 1st, 1865. Robertson, Robert S. , 1st Lieut. '.Kid Inf., from March 13th, 1865 Robinson. George, 1st Lieut. 123d Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Royer, J. H., 1st Lieut. 117th Inf., from March 18th, 1865. Rushhy, Thomas P., 1st Lieut. Signal Corps U. S. Vols., from March 18th, 1865. Russell. E. McC, 1st Lieut. 120th Inf., from April Bth, 1865. Schermerhorn, F. Augustus, 1st Lieut., 15th Art., from April 1st, 1865. Schlmmel, Gustavus, 1st Lieut. 15th Art., from March 13th, 1H65. Schliek. Henry X., 1st Lieut. 1st Dragoons, from March 13th, 1865 Sohwarz, George F., 1st Lieut IStfa Art., from March Kith, Is,,:, Seabury, Thus. S , 1st Lieut. Signal Corps 1'. S. Vols., from March 13th, 186" Thayer, Amos M. , 1st Lieut Signal Corps D S. Vols., from March 13th, 1865. Thillman. Henry, 1st Lieut. Hit h Inf.. from April 2d, 1865. Tower, A. K , 1st Lieut. 22d Cav. from March 13th, 1865. Townsend, K. L.. 1st Lieut. 9th Keg. Vet. Hes. Corps, from Dec 8d, 1866. Townsend, J. F., 1st Lieut. 61st Inf., from April 7th, 1865. Tuikington, Joseph, 1st Lieut. 6th Inf., from March 13th. 1865. Tuthill, Gabriel, 2d Lieut. 10th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, from Nov. loth. 1865. Tut tie, Russell M , 1st Lieut I07th Inf., from March 18tb, 1S65. Tyler, John W.,2d Lieut. 2d Art., from March 18th, 1865. Utter, Frank. 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon l". S. Vols., from Dec. 21st, 1865 Van Etten, Erasmus, 1st Lieut. 1st Battery, from Oct . I9th, 1864. Van Rensselaer, Wm. v., 1st Lieut. 50th Eng., from Aug 1st. 1864 Veeder, John S., 1st Lieut 153d Inf., from March 18th, 1865. Verplanck, Abram G., 1st Lieut. 14th Art., from March 13th, 1865. Vidall, Theodore C , 1st Lieut. Signal Cori Vols , from March Kith, 1805. Wardwell, Edward IL. 2d Lieut, signal Corps c S. Vols., from March 13th, IS65. Wattles. William, 1st Lieut. 1st Dragoons, from March 13th, 1865. Watts, Arthur II., 1st Lieut. 150th Inf.. from March I8th, 1865. Weaver, Krastus ('., 1st Lieut. I21st Inf., from Jan, 23d, 1865 Wells, Amos, 1st Lieut. ]42d Inf.. from March 13th, 1865 Wells, David II. , 1st Lieut. 142.1 Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Wells, LA., 1st Lieut. 142d Inf., from March 13th, 1865. Williams, Henry E-, 1st Lieut and Asst Surgeon U.S. Vols , from June 1th, 1865. Williamson, John J., 1st Lieut. 2d Art , from March Kith, I860 Wlnnegar, W. W., 1st Lieut. 1st Dragoons, from Ma re 1 1 18th, 1865 Seaward, Benj., 1st Lieut. 4Mb Inf., from March Woodward. jab , 2d Lieut. 2d Art , from March 13th, 1866. Kith, 1866. Sheets, Levi D., 1st Lieut, and Asst Surgeon U. S. Wright. Wm , 1st Lieut, and Adj. 146th Inf . from Vols., from Oct. 6th, 1865 Sickles, Hiram E., 1st Lieut. 17th Battery, from March 18th, 1865. Simpson, George, 1st Lieut, ll-'d Inf., from March 13th, 1865. March Kith. (865 Feomans, Geo B., Isl Lieut, Isl Dragoons, from March Kith. 1865 Voung. James \\\, let Lieut. Sth Art , from March 13th, 1865. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Archer, Thomas, 2d Lieut. 1st Eng . from March Kith, 1865. Babcock, A c. 2d Lieut Isl Mounted Rifles, from March Kiih. 1865. Boker, John, 2d Lieut. K'.th Art., from March Kith, is.;:,. Campbell, Chas. n., 2d Lieut. 1st Art., from April 9th. 1865. Chapman, Win., 2d Lieut. 91st Inf.. from March 31st. 1865. Compton, Stephen, 2d Lieut. 179th Inf , from March Kith, 1865. Cooper, David IV. 2d Lieut 1st Art., from April 2d, 1865 Douglass, Eugene, 2d Lieut. 47th Inf , from March Kith. !- Graham, John L., 2d Lieut 21s1 Meg. Vet. Kes. Corps, from March i:ith. I8«5. Hall, Joseph T IL. 2d Lieut. Vet. Res Corps, from March 13th, 1865. Jenkins. J H. B . 2d Lieut 40th Inf., from March Kith. 1865 Lorrish, Andrew J. , 2d Lieut. 1st Dragoons, from March Kith, ISC,:,. 1 56 PART II. IN THE FIELD. FIRST I.I I I "I ISA VI- CONTINUED. Lfa Itif t r. .111 April Utter, Howard B.. LM Lieut. HL'd Inf.. from March •■• - 1 1 2d Lieut 1-t Mounted Rifles, from March I8tb, - from March Weihl, Charles, 2d Lieut. Signal Corps U. s. Vols., from Marcb 18th, - Lieut i f.ili Inf .from April 1st, White, George, Sd Lieut. 4tli Art , from March 13th Michael, 3d Lleul 140th h,f . from Wicker, Frank N., 2d Lieut. Signal Corps U.S. Vols , from March 13th . II 2d Lieut. Until Inf., from Williams, Henry R. , 2d Lieut. 11th Reg. Vet. Res. from Nov. 7th. 1866. ■ i. 2d Lieut. -* 1 1 1 Art., from March Young, George P , '-M Lieut, Signal Corps D 8. Y'.ls. , from March 18th, 1865. Officers ajtd Enlisted .Mi:.\ who Received Brevets prom the State 0) Xi.u Fork. The Legislature of the State in concurrent resolutions of April 34th and 28th, 1865, author- ised the Executive ol the State, " it being a sacred and grateful duty, to acknowledge in any suitable manner the personal sacrifice and heroic deeds of the officers and soldiers of this State, win. have or maj aid the governmenl of the United States in suppressing the exist- ed rebellion," to confer commissions with brevet rank, in any of the several grades whi<■ stated in the commission conferred, Under this resolution the first commission was issued September 13th, 1865, and the last January 80th, 1882; and the following were accordingly brevetted, the highesl brevei ■ i only being given, as: < OL ON ELS. Alberger.W.C , l.t -Col I9tb Inf, I -I , l.t i ol 133d Inf. Allen, li B, Ll I ol. 154th Inf. • h ,n .1 i apl li:id Inf. tvery, u I,, ii . Capt. I32d I mi it i ol 87th Inf Batohelh 115th Inf . i •'., l.t i oi. I gi Cav. I l.i Col 26thCnv. DVattle, John, Ll Col I4«th Inf. Beldon, Chas O., Maj 67th Inf. II ne, .1 II . Ll Col 27th Inf Boutelle I llsl Ca\ Brain hall, w I. . Capi 03d Inf . .i 0..LI Col 57th Inf Huil.w s . | 8 I l.i. nt 12th Bat'y. M N l.t Col 149th Inf. rank A . Maj 47th Inf Byron, J W., l.i i ol --n, inf Q R Uapl I.Mtl. Inf Catlin, Beiil L , Burg, 21sl Cav i l - ■ i Ini ill Lt.-Col I49lh Inf Colvln. .' \ . l.t Col 160th Inf Connolly, .1 I . Nt Ll I !d Inl ■ ol ii'.mi, h,r. I02d Int I Mlli Inf. i i I. . i i i.t mil ah • i . \,. »., I ,tli \rt ith i iv I' ; i ,n Inf Dunham, \ Ll Col lUtli Inf. Ill Inl I Mil I I ..Hi Inl \ 1 .1 i ol l-il, Inl \ 1 n Inf Iffilth Int nli II m .1 Inl •••ll, Inl. I ..M 1 1 Farley, Jas I. , Burg 84th Inf. Far rand. John W., Maj. ZlBtCav. Flandreau, T W ,8urg.l46th Inf. Ford, Gen W., Maj 50th Eng. French, W K , Lt.-Col. 165th Inf. Fuller, Henry V . Capt. 64tb Inf. Gere J M Ll I ol, I22d Inf. Gilbert, R. n . Burg 5th Inf. Granger, W , Ll -Col 100th [nf Green, \ P., Capt. 15th Bog Grldley. W H . Maj. l-th Inf nail, Wm. l.t 7th Co. Sharpshooters. i i; Ma I. 6th Art. G.S.,1 mi. 24th Bat'y. Heffron, H. G , l.t .( !ol 79th Inl Biggins, John, Maj, 143d Inf. Hind , G w , l.t. i ol, 96th Inl orge, l.i I ol 2d Art Holbrook.M I., l.i. Col. 173d Inf Houghton, C ll. .l.t. Col. 14th Art. IIom, w llliam, Capt. 134th [nf, Hutchinson B . Burg, I37lh Inf Jewell, J. A., l.t. Col 59th Inf - Ll Col 128th Inf I IGlstlnf. Kimball, \ 8. , 1st Ll 9 th Inl K napp, E \ Burg I22d Inf LaPaturelle, ll de, Ll Col. '.'11111 Lock man, l P Ft Col ll'.uh [nf.\ , Tlmothj , Maj 50th M.i iiniul, M .1 , r 1 ith Ca\ McDonald. .1 11 , Maj Mi'Evran, .1 B . Capi 7th \ 1 1 M.M y, I B 1 apl 111 Inl i> , 1 1 Col Oth 1 in Moschelle, .1 F . Capi 3d Cai \ II , Sure 86th Inr M.,11 . alex it . Burg 2d Brig \ 1 , W m \ .l.t Col Sd Inf . l.i Col 21*1 I '.iv Parnell.W i; . 1.1 Col. in, 1 av ff A NT-COLONELS. Babcock, John it . Maj. 163d Im 1 U Maj 79th Ith l'a\ Baldwin, N \ . Burg r. Id inf Mall, ,n. 1 ' |»th Inf iti-niifii Herman, Burg. 801 ii Inf, Payne, 0. S., Surg. 188th Inf. Pell, Ab lah s , Capt. 47lb Int . Pellett, E. P . Capt. 1 1 it ii Inf. Place, F . l.t -Col 157th Inf Plumb, 8. Hiram, l.t Col.69th Inf. Porter, Chaa. II . Burg Oth Art Remmington,S. B., Maj. llih Cav. Reyuolds.W \ ,Lt. Col I ith Art. Robertson, Peter, Capt. 106th Inf. Robertson, Robert s , 1st Lieut. 93d im Rumsej . Wm , Adj 1st Art. Bceva, BenJ 1 . Lt.-Col. loth Cav. Scott, 1; . l.t. Col 1st Dragoons. Blocura, John 0., Surg. 181st Inf Smith, Sol, ,111011 P ,Capt.ll6th Inf. Bpaulding, O. .)., l.t -< ol I02d Inf. Bprague, < I, F... < 'orpi iral nth I nf. Btarr, Geo IF. Maj lonh Im Sterlimr, Alex F., Burg. -* 1 — t Inf. Stlllwell, Geo W . Capt. 67th Inf. Slocking, Solon W , Capt, l-t Art. Taft, Joseph It.. I.t -Col 143d Inf. Ten . Nathan II . Surg. I22d Inf. Terwilllger, w . ll , Ll -Col. 63d Inf. 1 . icej . J.. Jr . Ll -Col, 18th Cav. Tremalne, F. I. . l.t. Col. tOthCav. Tuthlil, U.S. Ll Col. inuh Inf Tyler, R . it. I ol 56th Inf. Tyrer, T., l.t -Col. B4th Inf Van Brunt, G. It . l.t Col. 47th Inf. Van Itnr.ti. I! , l.i -Col I92d Inf. \ .,11 Rensselaer, w v. Maj 80th Inl W ui.-n. G \\ , l.t Col Bd Inf w atts. Robert. Surg 133d in) West, Joseph E ,8urg 28th Inf. w hlte, Col 2d 1 u llliam, Ufred \ 1 , Burg 2d 1 - Sharpshooters Young, C 11 . Maj ; 16th Inf. u Maj. 1 .Ith Inf. Blynn. m n . Maj 10th I .a Botttcher, ( >tto, I apl 68th Inf Bowen, Hezeklah, < apt i;>lst Inf. \ I ml Isl Vei Cav, Brennan, Geo , I apl i u h Art THE ROLL OF HONOR. BREVETS FROM THE STATE. 157 LI KI'TEN A XT-COLO N'KLS ( ONTINUED. Brennan, W. D., Capl 1 t-'d lnf Brown, Chas. ('. , M;ij . u':.M < '..\ Butler, F. M. , Capt. llth lnf Cameron, I) , Mat 2d Vet. Cav. neron. W 8., Maj. 154th Inf. Carroll, 0. A , Surg. 143d lnf Carter, N. M . Surg, ninth Inf. Chamberlain, s. p., Cap) 25th CaV. Clark, Au<*. P., Surg. 6th Cav Clark. Chas. G., Maj 91sl Inf. Clarke. H. K . . Surg. Hit li Cat . Cleary, J. P., Maj. lUh Art. Compson, B. B., Maj. 8th Cav. Cooley, John, Maj. l4Sth Inf. Cooper, Win S., Surg. 125th Inf. Co wau, Wm. L. , Capt. l n li lnf Craig, Willis E . Maj IClst lnf Crarey, C. W. , Surg. 185th Inf. Cruger, 8. V. R . Capt. 150th Inf., James II . Maj. Innth Inf. D i\i-, Joshua B . Maj I22d Inf. Dawson, Geo S , Maj 2d An , Dewey, Geo M., Capt. mil. inf. Dieek'tnan. Julius, .Maj. l.'.th All. Doran, Michael. Maj. ' Inf. Doyle, James, Capt. 110th Inf. Dutton, C. K ., Capt 84th < !a\ , Bdmeston, a a., Surg. 92d inf. BgOlf, Joseph. Mai I -'-">t 1 1 Inf. Bwan, Matthias S., Maj. L56th Inf. Farmer, Geo E . Maj. 6th Cav. Fassett, .1 S., Maj. 2d Vet Cav. Fasst'tt. Lewis W., Maj. 64th Inf. Ferguson, .1 I'., Surir. liiat h Inf. Ferguson, W D., Maj 184th Inf. Fitch, Wm. II., Capt. titnh Inf. Flood, P. It., Surg. 107th Inf. Ford, Albert I... Maj. 8th Cav. Ford, George w . 1st Lieut, and ',i M 65th Inf. Fowler, 1 1 W., Capt 16th Art. Glover. Andrew S., Maj. 2d Cav. Goler. (Jen. A., Maj. 6th Cav. Green. Aug. P., -Maj 13th Cav Greene. Tims. It., Maj. i:!J.l Inf. Hall. Win. A., Capt. 6th Cav. Hamlin. S <;.. Maj 1'UU Inf. Hatch, Chas. H., Maj. 3d Prov. lies- Cav. Haws. C. P, Capt. 128th Tnf Head, HenrvT , Maj 84th Inf. lleudrick, II'. C.Surg. 157th Inf. Heerraance.W. 8.,< apt 6th Cav. li. .hart. Thomas, Capt. 60th Inf. Hobbs, Chas. W.,Maj. 7th Art. Howe, Albion, Maj utli Art. H.ivt, .lames .1 . Capt. la'ith Inf. (Tiiested, A. B , Surg. -'1st Cav Hyland, Geo . Jr., Maj. 13th Inf. Jennings, John S . Maj. 21st I av. Jones, David, Maj 14th Art. Kendall, J. V . Surg. 149th Inf. Kennedy, Geo. W., Maj. null Cav. Kennedy, I. w . Surg. 110th inf. Kneelaml. B. F , Surg Isl Drag Know Ison, John, Surg. 160th Inf. Lahee, II It . Capt. ltth Inf. Laing, Joseph , i !ap1 79i h Inf. Leal /.. A \el. ' .i pi 51 li I nf . Lee, .lav E., Capt , 24th Battery. Lelghton, R W., Burg. 173d I'm' Livingston, Louis, Maj. 29th Inf. Lowery, .is, Capt. 146th Inr Mapes.Wm .lL.Mai.-J.I Mtd.Kifles. Mart in. (has. I', , Maj. 24th Cav. Matthews, J. 8., Maj 112th lnf, Mattison, Wm, R , Maj. 2d Cav. Meiiuire. Michael. Maj 183d Inf. McMartln, B E., Maj. 134th Inf. McPherson.J. A.,Cnpt. 16th Cav. McPherson, 8. W., Maj. 25thCav. MeQuade, .las.. Mai. '"".'1 lnf Messerolle, N w . ( apt. 133d Inf. Mi. I. Met, m, Rich., Capt.50th Eng. Milh-r. Allien r , Maj 48th Inf. Mink, ('has. B . Cap' . 1st Art Mix, James IS . Capt. Uth Cav. M... .re. N II . Capt. 7th Art. Morris, E. V.. Maj. 6th Art. Morris, Robert, Surg. ".'1st Inf. Mulhall, .1 D . , (apt. 69th Inr. Newton, H C, Capl . »3d Inf. Northup, Chas , Maj 97th Inf. Nowal, .Lames. Surg 79th Inf. Olmstead, 8. II.. Surg 170th lnf i iw.-ii, Fred W., 1st Lt. 38th Inf. Passeneer, Franz. Maj. 1st Cav. Peabody, «» D.,Capt. 28d Inf. Lease, Harrison, Capt. 117th Inf. Pease, R. W., suru'. Huh Cav. Penfleld. Jas A . Maj 5th I av Peterson, A L . Maj 64th lnf Pierce, ll. F . Maj. 2d Mtd. Rifles. Porter, John P., Maj l-th Cav . Potter, Wm w . Burg. 57th lnf Preston, Noble D.,Capt Hit h Cav. Reynolds, I,., Burg. 63d Inf. Robinson, J. w., Burg. 179th Inf. Rogers, Qeo.W., Maj. 173d Inl Sawyer, Fred. A., Maj. limih Inf. Scoville, Mark L., Maj 24th Cav Selkirk. F. A , Maj. L'.l Art Seymour, J. B . Maj 149th lnf Seymour, Wm. II.. (apt nth Inf. Shaffer, Calvin, Maj 15th Art Shaffer, Geo. W., Maj. 61sl Inf. Shaffer, Wm. B.,Maj. 2d Cav. Shell. .Lie. .li. Ma j 7th Inf. Sill, Edward E , < apt 136th Inl Siiun.s, Win.T . Mai 59th Inr. Slipper. JOS \ . l-t'Lt 671 f. Smith, l'.li ha. Mai -"-'it I Snyder, Wm A., Maj H ti. Cav. Spaulding, E M.. Maj. 8th Cav. Stegman, L. L\. Hal. I02d lnf Stephenson, Wm. W., Maj. 165th Inf. Stevens, -Lis. ll . Capt B3d Inf. Strong, (has, s . Adj. 83d lnf Swan, Aini.s I. . Capt. 76th lnf Trues. l.-ii, Samuel, i 'apt . 651 h Inf. Van Buren, G. M., Maj. 6th Cav. Van Etten, Sol . Sure. 56th lnf Van Steen burgh, W.,Surg. 120th lnf Van V -st, E.,Maj 2d Vet. Civ. Van Wyck.W. E ,Capt. 131sl Inf. Vedder, C. P., Maj. 154th Inf. Wagstaff, A , Jr., Maj 91sl Inf. Warr. Edward, Capl nth lnf Waters, Alvah P.. Maj Huh Cav. Western. C 1! , Capl 156th Inl Wheeler. Chas. C.,l apt 1st Art. Whltmore, < » . Jr., Maj. 13th Art. White. .1. P P . Surg lnth Inf. Woolley, w T., Maj. 90th Inf. Word en, W. K , Capt. 150tb inr. Young, Chas. L., Capt. 7tith Inf. Abbott, Jared T , Capt. 185th lnf Adams, Frank S . Adj. 1st Drag. Adam.-, II F. , Asst. Surg. H'.ltli Inf. Adams. II. J., Capt. list 1. Inf. Alger, P. R., 1st Lt. and Q M. I2th Inf. Allen, F.dw . P., Capt. 110th Inf. Allis, -I . A.. Capt. 4th Prov. Cav. Anderson, Hugh, Capl 81st Inf. Ainlersi.ii. .Ill , (apt. 98th Inf. Arts, John, Capt. 2d Inf. Baohman, M 9 8., Capt. 107th Inf. Bacon, C.G . 1st Lt. 18th Art. Bagley, .Lis. M., Capl I78d lnf Bailey, John J., Capl . 136th Inf. Baker, R H , Isl Li 9th Cav Baldwin, C. J., Adj. 157th Inf. Barber, \ ll . Capt. ism i, inf. Barber, T, s . Capt 15th Art Barker, Lied C . 1st Lt I'Hh inf. Barger, M K . Capt. 149th Inf. Barnard, ll i: , Capt. 2d Mtd. Rifles. Barnard, John H.,Capt. 76th Inf. Barney, L. L., Capt. Hit li < av. Haines. I) K . (apt. 98d Inf. Baxter, Archer, ( apt. Illst Inf. Beattle, David, Capl Hiith Inf. Becker, G W.,Capt. 2d Vet. Cav. Beckett, T, Asst Surg. I7.">thliif. Belknap, A , Jr., Capl 67th Inf. Bell, J. Hamilton, Capt. 6th Cav. Bell. Thomas. Capt Mh Cav. Benedict, LeGrand, Capl . 2d Inf. Benedict, Samuel N., 1st Lt. and Adj. 107th Inf. Bennett, Chas., Capt. 63d Inf. Bergen, A. V., 1st Lt. 139th Inf. Bermingham, J M.. lstLt. 88th Inf. MAJORS. | Bigby, ('has. II., Capt. 59th Inf. Blomberg, <'., 1st Ll 16th Art. Bloss, W. W., 1st Lt. 108th Inf. Blunt , John W , Capt. 6th Cav. Boughtou, J. K , Capt. 134th Inf. Bowdish, A. c., chap. 149th Inf. Braman, W. W., Capl . 93d Inf. Brlggs, .la.-. II , capt. lnth Inf. Bristoe, Wm. H , Capt 137th Inf. Brltton, R. A., Capt. 1st Drag. Broakam, Wm. B.,Capt. 96th Inf. Brown, O. L. P., Capt. 149th Inf. Bryden, Job . L.,Capt. 118th Inf. Buck, Leffert L., Capt. tiitth Jnf. Buckman, H. C , Capt. 96th Inf. Billiard, W., 1st Lt. and Adj. 74th lnf, Henry, Capt. 18th Bat v. Bunnell, Mark J., Capt. 13th Inf. Burke, T J , Capt. 164th inr. Burton, John B., Capt. llth Bat'y. Buttle. H. \\'.,Capt. Lied Inf. Bvram. S M . Capt. 76th Inr. Byrne, Henrj . Capt. 64th Inf. Cahill, w m.. l-i Lt. 76th Inf. Caldwell, Chas. C , 1st Lt. and Adj. 106th Inf. Caldwell. Luther, ('apt. 17th Inf. Campbell, D. , Capt. l-'lst Inf. I Campbell, G. F. , Capt 118th Inf. | Carlton, Wm. D., ('apt. 18th Inl ( arpenter, O. P., < 'apl . ','d Inf. Carter, VolneyM., Capt. 60th Inf. case. A. Pierson, Pi Lt. 146th Inf. Cavanaugh, John, Capt. 4Jd Inf. Chace, Arnold K., Capt. 64th Inf. Chamberlain, Wm. R.. Capt. l~_'d lnf Chapin, W. s.. Capt. 1'Wth Inf. Chapman, P.W.. 1st Lt. loOth Inf. Cheney, Newel, Capt. 9th Cav. Chrysler, G. W., Capt 2d Vet. Cav. Churchill, Lee, Cap! 125th Inf. (lark, chas H . ('apt. IJ-'d Inf. Clark, P (' . Capl 107th Inf. (lark. Jacob W., Cant. 59th Inf. Clark, Seth W., 1st Lt and Adj 9th Cav. Clark, Win ('.. Capt 79th Inf. Clobrldge. S E , 1st Lt 1 15th Inf. Cochran, Ed. B . Capt 76th lnf Cogiail, Tin. mas. Capt. llth Ait. Cole, Edward, Capt. 148th Inf. Collin, John ii , Capt 91s1 Inf. Colvl lie, John E . Capl 9ls1 lnf Condon, P. J , Capl 63d li.r. Conklin, N. A ., Capt. 173d I nf Conrady, II. C . Capl I73d Inf. Conway, Maurice, Capt. I7:id Inf. Conway, William, Capl 74th Inf. Conyngham, David L, ('apt . and Alde-de • amp Cook, A J . ('apt Ilsth Inf. Cook, Edward L ,Cui I HKithlnf. Cooke, Kdward a .( upl . 81s1 Inf. i looke, John, ( 'api '.n~t lur. Cooley, Alfred. ( apt. 156th Inf. Copley, John c . Capl 86th Inf. Corbett, M. J . (apt 187th lnf Corsa, Win II , Cnpt. lJIst Inf. Cossett, Davis, Capt I22d Inf. Courtney, W. ll., Capt. 7ih ;\n Covllle, Orson, Capt. 149th lnf Cowdry, Fred . 1st l.t and Adj 119th lnf Cowry, H W., Capt lcoth lnf Coyne, John N.. Capt. 70th Inf. Crocker.G. D .chap 6th Cav. Cronert, Fred'k, Capt. -'d Cav. Cronin, David L , ('apt 4th Prov Keg Cav. L58 I 'ART II. I.N TIIK FIELD. Wm M . Capl lOOd Inf. i'.i|ii :.'il Int • ullns, Peter M . Cap) 91st [nf. .,-!, A ,Capt. 112th Int. Dagwell,' llthCav. Dallman, Walter M . lei Lt and Adj. H"th Inf. Darley.W.J . Asst. Surg. 59th Inf. ■ apt ntii Bat'y. ph. d - 1st l.t 133d Int. i.i rath int' Dawson, Henry, Cap! • L43d Inf. . .1 . 1st l.t. 115th Inf. • ipt. 5th Art r K ,Capt ll-th [nf. Dill. Samuel 1* . Capt. 173d [nf. Dimmick, R A , Cap! 11-th Inf. Kith Inf. Dolan, C. . Capl 2d \ • Donaldson. K , Capt. 6th Art Donolly, M 1> . Capt. 107th Inf. li.. iv, Martin V .Capl L79th Inf. h (vie, Peter C, l 'api 21b1 lnf J Lines, i lapl 56th [nf. Duchnnne, Charles, Capt 7th \rt. I. ,,_•,. i. Qeo .\ . Capt. I78d Inf. Dumas, l( It R. . Capt, IClsl Inl Dunlap, M E . 1st Lt. 78th lnf E Iward, Capt. 12th Inf. Dwhrht, Divine. Capt. L43d [nf Dwlght, John M .Capl Dwyer, John, Capl 63d Inf. Bditar, Geo P . Capt. and \ <1< 1 1 Alde-de-l amp Bdgerton, H u , Capt. I92d [nf, Edwards, Win , Capl 6th Cav Elliott. John R . 'apt. I02d inf. thew B., Capt. r. .th Inf. Km tt, Robl . I ipl KM I'll ■ |2th lnf Eunison , Eugene, < 'apl I62d l nf. J is H-. I 'apt. 120th inf. 1 hi-. Capl 4th Art I',.. it. .ii. Hull, l-t Lt. and Adj. l nth I. if Faville, John M . "apt 57th Inf. Felthausen JAW. Capl Dlsl Inf. Ferguson, W . Capt 115th Inf. Ferris, Wra G . i apl Field, Putnam, I !apl mm lnf Fllklns, M. L . Capl I77tb lnf ■ pi. M.. Capl l-'ih Inf. Fitch, Thomas, l pi D d im Fletcher, P., Chaplain l ;iti. [nf. Folk, Win II , Capt. 173d [nl ibert li . i apt mi. Inf. tr C , I api. 76th lnf Fuller, Lorln w . Capt 60th lnf Gee. Fred A . Cant l"th Cav. . apl 4 h ProV. Olbson, Warren, Capl 16th lnf "•apt. Il-th Inf. «. .1 trd .1 is. L i tpt 78th Inf. Capl 93d lnf Goetchlus, l> It . Capt 6lh An :. I !a\ -. . • Ed. P., 1st !•• • 10th Ca\ \ l 173d Inl ' ..It Inl Grlffln, ■ th lnf Griffin, Win II . i ipt |02d lnf : l> K . i ipt. Il-th lnf i. nl, lnf, Hall. Henry U . Capl Hill Art Hall, Hlllman \ I lnf Hall, On i • II imllto ih r..v II. unlit. - Hammond. II . I i linn. I. Ortander I ipt •I, lnf Hart well. BHJah, Capt 10th C <\ ! M 91st lnf Herewerth, w. L.,Capt. '.'l-t lnf Herman, G W., Capl 22d Cav. Hicks, M 9 . Capl u-th lnf Hlldretb, O. B., Capt. 64th Inf. inn, James F. . Capt. 2lsl Cav. Hill. Richard L., Adj. 24th Cav Hobbs, Geo. W . Capl 91st Inf. II. .1.1. -n, Austin w., Asst. Sur- geon 22d Inf. Holllster, John Q. A.. Capt. 112th lnf Hopkins, II. II., Capt. Itsth Inf. H organ, P. K., Capt. 88th lnf Horton, T. R , Adj. 115th Inf. Howe, A II . Capl . 67th Inf. Hudson, Geo , Jr, , 1st Lt. and A.lj 87th Inl. Hugunln, Geo., Capt. 147th lnf Jackson, E. C , Capt. 125th lnf JefTries, Patrick, 2d LI 3d Oav. Jenkins, G. W , Capt. 125th Inf. Johns T W . Capt. Kith Cav. Johnson, W. II., Capt. L02d, [nf. Jones, MM , l-t l.t 2d Art. Judge l w , ''apt. 79th Inf. Judson, B. C, 106th Inf. Kens, Thomas, Capt. 110th Inf. Kelly, Edward, Capt. I8.'d Inf. Kelly, Michael, Capl l-M Inf. Kennedv, C, chap, v.uii Inf. Kennedy, P. K., l-t Li 13d lnf Kern, Henry, Isl LI 58th Inf. King, Chas. A , 1st Lt. 151st Inf. King, .las. S , Capt 79th Inf. Kiiil', Merrltt, Capl I3".tb Inf. Klsselburgh, W. E., 1st Lt. and Adj, 169th Inf. Knapp, Jacob, Capt. m.tih Inf. Knickerbocker, Henry SI., Capt. 7th Art . Knowles, C. R., Capt. 92d Inf. Kr.. h.lin P , Capt. 120th Inf. Lafuira, Joseph, Capt loth Inf. Lansing. Oliver, Capt. imh inf. Lassln, John c ., Capt. 87th lnf Lathrop, l" N Capl l-'.th [nf, Lawrence, F 11 ,Capt 16th Art. Lawr te, ' leorge li . 2d LI 2d \li.i Rifles Laycroft, W II.. Capt B7th Inf. I William, ''apt Dlsl [nf. Leefe, John G . Capt, I62d Inf. Lemon, James, Capl . l-t Drag. Lent, Edwin it , Capt. 05th Inf. Leslie, Norman B , Capt. 1st inf. Ltstman, John, Capl 185th [nf Little, John F , Capl 161st lnf Livingston, R.W.,Cap1 118th Inf. Lodge, Douglass Capl i Id inf. is. M., Capl 107th lnf Luther, Edw. P . Capl I22d lnf Lyman, Henrj n . Isl Lleul and Adj. 147th tii f. i Id, Capl 117th Inf. Magulre H M . Capt. I02d [nf • ipl I .'in. [nf. Matthews, Geo., Capl 59th [nf Maj . \ C.AssI Surg, 145th Inf. . I . 'apt ll'.Mh Inf. M.- trthur.Chas I. ,1sl Lt 2d Inf. McCarlon, John, ( apt --th [nf. McCarthy, Jas , Ciipl 0»th Inl McConlhe, Wm , 2d lnf I . in .i |, Capl 21 i i .r. VtcFarl ind. Jas . Capt 177th lnf MoGitlre, John I MoKeon, James, Capl 5th lnf, McLnushlln .1 11., Capl MoMahon, W ll.c.M Ll 27th lnf M, -Mi. -1.1.1, .1 A . Capl McNatishtnn, .1 . Capl U-th lnf MnNulty.Wm «. I ipl 21 I I n M.lha.h. Fred R..Capt 51*1 Inl Meek, • '■ ■ il h lnf Merrlam, Tho* . Capl ii''ih [nf. Merrlain.Wm.H . i • Lieut l«9th lnf Merrltt, i: \ . l-t l.t 60th Inf. Meyer, Henry C .Capt. 24th cav. Mills. T. U l\ . Capl. 67th Inf. Mi--li.ll. s. M., 'apt 109th Inf. Mitchell, John. Capt. 170th Inf. Mitchell, J. F. B . Capi 2d Cav. Mix. Jas i: . ''ape 187th Inf. Moffatt, X. I) . (apt 25th Cav. Morrison, G L . Capl 4th Art. W . (apt 12181 lnf Morton, Geo C . Capl 5th Cav Mosscrop, i. ]> . Capt. Kit ti Inf. Mill, 1. .. m. John, Capt. 8th Cav. Hulhall, Henry, Capt. 166th Inf. Munro, David A.. Capt. I22d Inf. Mykens, D. K , Capt 170th Inf. Nagle, Garrett, Capt. 69th lnf Nai,-, Geo. w , 1st l.t 50th Eng. Nellls, Geo G., Capl 5th Art. Newcomb, 8. D., I apt 93d [nf Ni.-h. Wm , Isl l.t l-t Vel Ca> Oaklej . .i. K. i: , Capl 98th Inf. Obernier. F w . Capt. inf. O'Brlaii, John I' . Capt. 24th Inf. O'Brien, Daniel J., Capt. 7th Art. Ohnette, Peter, Capl 101s! lnf, Olcott, Delos W ..( apt. i:»4th Inf. O'Sullivan, M , Capt 63d Inf. Overton, (i i: . , Adj 12th Cav. Palmer, N W . Capt. 24th Cav. Pari h. \\ in J., Capt 2d Art Parmentor, ,1 . Capt. 118th Inf. Par-,. us, Henry, i apt. 148th Inf. I'atri. k, C. w., Capt. 22d Cav. Peckham, 1. H., Capt 110th Inf. Penfleld, Alex. R.,Capt. '.'1st [nf. Perry, J. Clinton. Capt. 7th Co Sharpshooters. Perry, Walter K., Capt. 10th Cav. Pickard, A C, 1st Lieut Tih Co. Sharpshooters Pierce, Jas n . Capl Hsth Inf. Pierce, John, i 'apt lith Cav, Pierson, A II . Capt 179th Inf. Pletcber, David. Capt H'tii Cav. Plum, Francis N., Capt. ^',1 Cav Poole, Theo. I. . Capt. I22d lnf Pooley, Samuel, « 'apt .".isi int Porter, William K., Capt. 137th lnf Powell, Hans. Asst. Surg Bdlnf. Pratt, Chas. E . Capl 10th Ca\ Pratt, Edw. H., Capt. 186th Inf. Pratt . John T , Capt. huh Cav. Preston. Arch.. Capl 24th lnf Price, Th. ii ,. , i a| t 4th Art . Pullen, Wm . Capt. 149th Inf. Putnam, K P., Capt. 9th Cav. Putnam, c ll.. Capt. 176th Inf. Quackenhusb. .1 EL, Capt. 2d Inf. QUHlffe, Ml- II . Capl- la:M lnf Quirk, Wm . Capl 63d Inf. Ransom, Alfred, Capt. 28d Bat'y. Ransom, Henrj . Capt. 118th Inf. Rapp, W in A . Capl l-.Mh 111!" Kassmiisscn.W .1 ,' apt lldtli InT. h'alclill'. Win M . I apt 143d lnf Raulston, Geo T., Capt. 24th Cav. Remimtton, G W.,Capl 2d Cav. Reynolds, Fern . Capt 143d Inf. Reynolds, Q A., Capt, lith Art Richards, E. F . Capt 59th lnf Roberta, J , Isl Lieut 175th Inf. Robertson, l> M , Capt, mil, lnf Robertson, G ll . "'apt huh Inf. Robinson, .1 P , 'apt 1st Dm !_'.,, >l IS Rodgers, n N . I apt 7th \n Rogers, w in <; ■ Capl 13d [nl Ronalds, Ja h Capl :.'lst Cav. Root, T w ' apt I02d Inf. mesi ' api 59th Inf. Roth, ilia- . l-t Lieut. 80th Inf. Rouse, ll ll . Berg lOPth lnf lludgers, C I . ' apl 106th Inf. Uiini-i-v. II.. race N ., l-t Lieut, Il-th Inf. Rundell. Wm., Capl 98d lnf Russell, E I. . l-t I leut. Ifith Art. I.' .1. F . Capl 9th Cav. Ryder, Seth B, . « apt, 5th Cav. Sager, Varon, Capl 76th lnf- Rand ford, n S , Capl 116th Inf. Sanger, Wm ll , Capt, 2d Cai Si r, Geo W . Capt. Co. C, :i«l Mllitl i • Savage, .la-. A., Capt. THE ROLL OF HONOR. BREVETS FROM THE STATE. 159 Schieffenleeker, F.,f'apt. 46tb Tnf. Schurr, Christian . Capt. 7th Arl. Bohutt, Hiram, ('apt. lisih [n£. Sobwartzman, G., Capt. 4th Cav. Sett, A. L., 1st Lieut. 1st Art. Scott, Nullum S., Capt. ll-'th Inf. Scribner. Win. O., Capt. tith Ait. Seaman. Joa R., Capt. I18tb Inf. Searle, II. W. . Capt. lUth Inf. Seymour, E. W., Capt. L16tb Inf. Shaver. Frank S.. Capt. 10th Ca v. Shaw, Win. H , Capt. 116th Inf. Sheldon, R. F ., Capt. 134th [nf. Short, John P., Capt. 73th Inf, Simmons, U. w , Capt. :.'iih Cav. Sinclair, Jas. B , 1st Lieut. 79th Inf. Slamson.Wm. II ., Capt. lltli Cav. Smith, Andrew, Capl . 21st Ca\ Smith, Baruey S., Capt. 134th Inf. Smith, B. N., ('apt. 160th [nf Smith, ('has (I ,Capt I32d Inf. Smith, dark, Capt 169th Inf. Smith, Edwin K. . ('apt. 169th Inf. Smith, Webster, Capt. 6th Art. smiths w. w., Capt. 176th tnf. Snow. Henry E., Capt. 21st Cav. Snyder, S. W , Capt. 169th Inf. Spiire, Ahram, Capl 185th Inf Stanton, Lewis H, , Capt. H.'Jil Inf. Stephens, E. 1C, 1st Lieut. loTtli luf. Sterling;, Chas. K., Capt. 62d Tnf. Stevens, Samuel, Capt. 1st Cav. Stevens. T. E., Capt 149th Inf. Stewart, Jas 11.. Capt. 91st Inf. Stewart, R T., Capt. 179th Inf. MAJORS CONTINUED. Stone, Dennis, Capt. 1 1st li Inf. Stnuteuborough, E. A., Capt. 90th Inf. Strunk, Jus , Cap! :.M \ Summers, M. , 1st Lt. and Q, M. 140th Inf. Swaine, Geo., Capt. inrth [nf. Sweet, < >weu .i , Capl . I87tb Inf. Taegart, Geo. s. , Adj. 64th Inf. Tni. Geo P., Capt. llltli Inf. Tallnian, R. II., (apt. Iltl. \ri. Tarbell, F w , Capt. 169th Inf. Tarbox, II. P., ~'d Lieut. 106th Inf. Taylor, C. w , Capt. I34th Inf. Teller. M. S , Capl. :i.>d Inf. Terry, John c, Capt. 2d Mounted Rifles Thomas, A. W , Capt. 120th Inf. Tl ipson, w. i. . capt i id inf. Tilly, Jas L, capt. 125th luf. Titus, Richard, Capt. 150th [nf. Truair, Geo. s.. Capl . 149th Inf. Truesdell, L. W., Capt. 21stCav. Urell, M. Iv, 1st Lt, s-.'d [nf. Van Brackle, C. R., Adj. nth Art, Vanderbilt, Geo., Capt. 10th Cav. Van Keureu, W, S,. Capt, 150th [nf. Van Rensselaer, C , Capt . 1 1st h Inf. Van steenhuruh, Isaac, Capt. 102d luf. Van Tuyle, B. P., Capt.l61st Inf. Van Tuyle, J J., ('apt. loth Cav. Van Winkle. K. D.,Capt. 10th Inf. Van Wyck, J. II., Capt. Ki.'d Inf Vogdes, Wayne, 1st Lt. KHiih Inf. Vosburgh, Phtlo, Capt. 86th inf. Vredeuburgh, u . < apt. 8th Art. Walker, C. A., (apt. [66th Inf Warren, Win. T., I^t Lt. 2d Mtd. Rifles. Webb, .lames J., Capt. Tl.-t Inf Weidinan, (.. I)., 1st Lt. 91b1 inf. Weil, Oscar, I si Ll 5th inf Wells, Herberts , Capt. I22d Inf. wi ler, A \l , Capt. 83d Bat'j Wheeler, « ibed, Capl 150th lui . Wheeler, Park, Capl L49th int WI ler, Wm. B , Capt. Kd Inf While, John P, , < apt. Huh ( av. Whlton, G. L , ('apt. |41sl Ini Wiley, u m. ii., capi. ind. Batt. Wilkin-. A. W., Capl I22d Inf Wilkinson, J. !•'., Capl Moth Inf. Wilkinson, M. C, Capl. 107th Inf. Williams, Bobarl ,Capt. 151m Inf. Williams. Wm. II., Capt. 4th Cav. Wilson, L. E ,Capt. 2d Vet. Cav. Wood, ('has I!., ('apt. P.'lth I n I Wood, John I) . Capt. 168th Inf Woodruff, L J., (apt I02d Inf. Wood wort h,E, D., &sst. Burg :.',! Mtd Rifles Wright, R. s., Capt. 6th Cav Wyatt, . lames T., Capt. llth Bafy. JToung, George, Capt. 143d Inf. Voting, Lorin L., Capt. 6th Art. Younglove.John, Asst. Surg. '. 1st Inf. Alten, Pulaski V.. 1st Lt. 64th" Inf. Ames. II A., 1st Lt. 154th Inf. Anderson. Kobt., 2d Lt. 5 1st Inf. Andrews, .1. T.,lst Lt, 179th Illf. Appell, A If re, 1,1 si Berg. 65th Inf. Bailey, Edward, 1st Lt. 6th Art. Bailey, H. M.,lst Lt. 2d Vet. Cav. Hall, William. 1st Lt 93d Inf. Bannister, John. 1st Lt 24th < lav. Barber, KM , Prlv. 148th Inf. Barker, Wm. P . 1st Lt. 01st Inf. Barnes, ('has. G.. 1st Lt. 93d Inf. Haines. Geo. l: ,1'riv. L.'lh Inf. Barnum, G (}., 1st Lt. linith Inf. Barnuin. W. B., 1st Lt. 14'Jtli Inf. Beach, G. F.lst Lt. 2d Vet. Cav. Beattie, Adam, 1st Lt. 26th Bat'y. Benjamin, C. A., 1st Lt. -'1st Cav. Benjamin, J. S., Serg. 64th luf. Benton, (i. H . 1st Lt. 98th Inf. Berry, Simon l>. , 1st Lt. Bd I lav. Bingham, A. M , IstLt. 89th Inf. BIrdseye, D M., 1st Lt. 2d Cav. Blackman, G. II., 1st Lt. 93d Inf. Blaokmer.C W.,lsl Lt. 179th Inf. Black well, S. s., Adj 15th Art. Blind, Jacob, 1st Lt. 9th I lav. Hly, I'erry, 1st Lt. 2d Cav. Bolster, George, 1st Lt. 2d Cav. Bolton, John, Serg. 79th Inf. Borden. II l> ., 1st. Lt. U'.ltli III C. Bortle. R. L., 1st Lt. 15th Art. Bottlcber, P. G.,lsl Lt. 68th inf. Brackett, I, T., 1st Lt. liotli [nf. Breman. P. II., 1st Lt. 185th Inf. Brown, Edward, Berg. 62d [nf, Brown, John c , Isl Lt. 5th inf Browned. C. A lsl Lt 173d Inf. Buffam, J. B., 1st LI lOthCav. Burbank, E. S., 1st Lt. 7th Art. Burke, Wm H., 1st Lt. 3d Cav. Burnham, R. J., 1st Lt, 161s1 Inf. Buss, Geo. K , 1st Lt. 21sl Cav, Buzzell, Knell P., 1st Lt. I22d Inf. Cahlll. Wm. A.. 1st. Lt. 89th Inf. Carnell, Joa, W., 1st Lt. 2d Inf. Carrlngton, E , 2d Lt. 14:id Inf. Carter. John L., 1st Lt. llstli Inf. Ohamplin, G. A., 1st Serg. 165th Inf. Clark. II. W., IstLt 185th Tnf. Clark, James 1L, 1st Lt. UMli Inf. Clark, R. T., 1st Lt. 15th Art. Clements, A. J. , 1st Lt. 50th Inf. CAPT V.INS Cliff, Henry, 1st Lt, 76th Inf. Cocheu, N,,ah I... 1st Lt. I02d Inf. Coddingtou, A. B.,lst Lt. loot it Inf. Collins, E. B., 1st Li . 21st Cav Collins, G. K., 1st Lt. 149th Inf. i ,.lls, ,n, Paul. 2d Lt., 107th Inf. Cone, Edward R., 1st Lt olst [nf. Cook, Albert H.,Corp. 34th Inf. Cooke, P., 2d Lt. 120th Inf. Costello, T. M., IstLt. 170th Inf. Cowles, J. E., 1st Lt. lOtli (av. Crager, Michael, 2d Lt. 59th Inf. Cramer, C. P., 1st Lt. -'1st Cav. Curtis, II. P., 1st Lt. 14th Art. Curtiss xV. S., 2d Lt. 17.">th Inf. Danfortb, J. II., 1st Lt. 9Isl inf Daniels, Robt. L., 1st Lt. 2d Art. Davidson, J. T., 1st Lt. 50th Eng. Daw. Michael, 1st Lt. 5th Art. Dederick, Robt., 1st Lt. olst Inf. Deltz, G II., 1st Lt. 149th Inf. Delamater, Jas. , 1st Lt. olst [nf. Dempsey, J. w., 1st Lt. 82d Inf. Denmson, Robt., 1st Lt. 9th ca\ . Dickey, Jos. LVL, 1st Lt. I5th Art Dickinson, M.N., 1st Lt. 1 1st I. inf. Dleckman, R , lsl Lt. loth Art. Donovan, M.. 1st Lt. l~':.'d [nf Doty, Alex. II., 1st Lt. 67th Inf. Drake, R. II . 1st Lt I02d [nf. Dunn. Plinv P., 1st Lt. I92d Inf. Eckle, Philip, 1st Lt lioth Inf. Ellis, Alfred o . lsl Lt. il'.'ih [nf. Ellis, Casslus M.. Isi Lt. 64th Inf. Bnibler, W. T . 2d Lt. 143d Inf. English, Jas , Private 115th Inf. Ensign, II w . Isl Lt 137th Inf. fair, James, 1st Lt. 17'Jth Inf. Fisher, John ll.. Hospital Stew- ard 84th Inf. Plsk, Geo. l: . 1st Lt. 64th Inf. Fitcb, A, s.. isi Lt. 107th Inf. Fltzpatrick, J . lsl Lt 150th Inf. Flint, Joseph x .. i.-i i.t. lsl Drag. Foot, P. u ., 1st Lt. 121st [nf Forrest, T , 1st Lt. LUth Inf. fowler, w a , 1st i.t. nith Inf. freeman, C II , 1st Lt I41s1 Inf. frost, frank, 1st Lt. 107th Inf. fuller, .las B . 1st Lt, ;id Art. Gale, Henry, 1st Lt, 1st Drag. II', 1st I.t. 96th [nf. Gardiner, s , 1st Lt. 14th Art. Garrett, J. B., 1st Lt. 118th Inf. dates, J. (',, 1st Lt. 185th Inf. Gay, Joseph, 1st Lt. 149th Int (iere, Theo. I) , 1st Lt. 2l8l ' a\ Gerow, Alonzo, 1st Lt. « >t } i Art Gessner, Peter, 1st Lt. 15th An Gibbs, N J., 1st Lt. 118th Inf. Gilbert, G ll.. Isl Ll I22d Inf. Gillis, Geo. 1L. 2d Lt 77th Inf Glazier, W. w , 1st Lt 26th Cav. Goodrich, M B , 1st i.t 8d Art. Gregory, S. S., 1st Lt. H4th Inf. Groo, John B . 1st Lt. ltd I, i Guion, U L., 1st Lt. 161st Inf. Hall. J. T. II ,'.M Lt 67lh Inf. Hall, OtisT., 1st I.t 153d Inf Hall, W. ]■'., lsl I i hath Inf llalsev, N. A . 1-1 I.t 10th Inf Hammond, G M ,2d Lt.86th Inf Hammon.r.N (;..lst Lt. 77th Inf. Harlow, .1. K.. 1st I.t lo.'.'d [ill Ilarrold. Jas 11., -.1 Lt III, g. Hastings, f. f.lst Lt.24th Bat'y. Hatch, Martin, 1st Lt 2d Cav Haveus, Morton, 2d I.t 7th Art llavl. .lame, B . ISt Lt -'1st ( av lldl. c J . Aest, Burg. 91st Inf. Hiorsh, Philip, lsl Lt. 149th In I Hitchcock, B P. ,lsl Li. 149th Inf, Hodgson, V. M., isi Lt. 67th Inf Holmes, A I! , lsl Lt llth ( av Holstead.W. G. . 2d Lt. 26th Inf. Hopkins, s. Q , 1st Lt. Iioth Inf. Houghklrk, E . 1st Lt. 149th im Howard, C w ,2d Lt.Sd Vel Ca\ Howard, M , 1st I.t U'd Cav Humlston, S., 1st I.t. 150th Inf Huilhiirt, John. 1st Lt ;i|st Inf. Ilutman. J G . 1st It Olst Int Hyatt, Wm. E. . lsl Ll -1st Cav. Jelliir. Isaae. 1st I.t 1 43d Inf Johns,, n, Charles, Serg. 56th inf. Kalder, Eli, 1st Ll 2d Mtd. Kitles. Karcher, P. J.. Private 3d [nf. Keeler. Iv ll . 1st I.t lath Art. Kelly, Charles, 1st. I.t. 94th Inf. Kelly, Patrick, 2d Lt. 99th Inf Kiraberiy. C. A., 1st Lt. 112th Inf. Kin-, -v. (has. .1.. 1st I.t. 16th Art. Kirk. Jas W., 1st Lt. 01st Inf. Kirker, C. A.. 1st I.t :.'i-i Cav. Knox, Benj. f.. 1st i.t 149th Inf. Kohl, John. 1st Lt 7th Art. Krank, George, 1st Lt. 2d Art Laid low, John. 1st Lt. 161st Inf. Lewis, Chas. E., 1st Lt. 1st Drag. 160 PART II. IN THE FIELD. Lindsay, W, w., i-t l,t. 161st inf. I65lh Inf. LIntner, W II II.. 1st Lt. 177th d lnf limund. 1st l.t 7th Art. i n ■ Mth 1 1 . r . I5th Cav. 6th Cav Mar-hall. D. C . I-t J.t 170th Inf. ■ McCiitoheon, Edwin P . l-t T-t. 64th Inf. McMahan, W. II . 2d Lt. STth Inf. ton, P . 1st l.t. 151st Inf. J mi — . Prlv. -ith Inf. Meldrum, N II . Isl Lt. ~'l-t Ca\ r. i: . Isl Lt. 1 I'M li Inf. Miller, Benj 1'.. 1-t Lt. 117th Inf. Miller, James, I-t l.t nth Inf. Miller, Roswell, 1st l.t 3d Art "in. T . I-t l.t 143d Inf. 10th Cav imas, i-t I t iinth Inf. i: . l-t Lt. Ith Prov. Cav. Mulford, K il Isl Ll 163th Inf. Murphy. F . l-t LI 97th Inf. Muzzy, Albert J., l-t l.t 93d Inf. : in r . a--i . Burg. '.'1st lnf Philip, l-t l.t 2d Cav. Nellis, .la-. II . l-t l.t 23d Cav. Seuscheller, G .1-' Ll , loth Art. Nnrthup, II. •! . 1st Lt. IMh [nf. O'Brien, C \ , l-t Lt. llth Art. O'Brien, John, Corp. llth [nf. O'Farrell, P , l-t l.t. 182d [nf Osbnrn, John, 2d l.t. 127th Inf. Palen, Peter A . 1st l.t n Id Inf. Palmer, John, 1st l.t (list [nf Paezke, J., Asst. Sure 15th Art Partridge, W. II . Isl Lt. i. II.. l-t LI 149th Inf. Pierce, Ch is. I. . 1st Li ilth . It LI llnth Inf. Isl l.t ll'.'th Inf. Plumb, ll •' Is) l.t 59th lnf Plunkett, Austin < » . Sere. Maj 170th Inf. Potter, G Lt. 118th lnf ynlnn, Win., l-t J.t. :f<] Art. c LPTAINS i <> vi I mi: i >. Randall, J. B P., 2d Lt. 24th Cav. Randolph, Alfred, l-t Lt.2d Cav. Rathbone,J. II . 1st l.t. 141si [ni Renne, I. !' . l-t Ll 5th Cav. Richardson. L. J., 1st l.t. l-t Art. Ritchie, John, l-t l.t 15th Art. Robertson, li. B.. Isl Lt. 93d Inf. I Iward K . Q. M. Berg. 177th [nl R igers, Franklin, Adj 2d Cav Rogers, w ll , Isl l.t. 176th Inf. Rolfe, L. 1'.. 1st l.t. 105th Inf. Russell, M., 1st Lt. 169th Inf. Saxton, R. B., l-t Lt. 62 1 Inf. Sayre, w in. li.. l-t l.t. 173d Inf. Schuler, .) l» . I-t l.i 87th Inf. Bcbutter, II . 1st l.t 43d [nf. S,-, ,11,-1,1. w. \.. l-i l.t Shaw, Win ll., Q. M 112th Inf. Sheldon, B. P . Adj. 125th lnf Shepard. C. Hamilton, Isl Lt, ith Prov. Cav. Shepard, J.J . l-t Lt. 107th Inf. Sherman, Geo. W. , c>. M. Berg 3d lnf Shirley, H G , 1st Lt. '.'l-t Inf. ■ I , l-t l.t . 65th Inf. Skellis, John, Serf. 123d Inf. Small. Charles, l-t Lt. h'.'.M lnf smith, Greene, 1st l.t nth Art. smith, II. C . l-t l.t. 150th Inf. Smith, O N . i-t l.t. I61st (nf. Smith, V A . l-t l.t . 15th Art. Spelman, I» . Isl Lt. 173d [nf. Spencer, A. G . l-t Lt I4ih Inf. Springer, A. O., 2d Lt. ',th Art. Stanlej ,Wm S . 1st Ll . I. ith Art. Stanton, n II . l>t Lt. 98th Art. Btedman, B I' . l-t Lt. 2d Art Stevens, G ll. . Isl l.t. lot t, Cav Stripling, Wm. A., l.-t l.t 51 ih Inf. Struble, II . 1st Lt. 148th Inf. Swain. •'. 1)., 1st Lt llth Cav. Swan, J. A.,Corp, 2d Mt.i. Rifles. Swart, N. \.. l-t l.t. 13d lnf Swartwout, W. II. , l-t l.t I69tb Inf. Taffe, Geo., l-t l.t 2d Inf. Tallman, A. W .. Serg -Maj. 1st Drag. Tarason, A. C, 1st Lt. and Adj. ■I'llli Inf. Thorn. II W.. Serp. n3il Inf. Thomas, Prank, l-t l.t. 77th Inf. Thompson, ll P . l-t l.t . 10th Cav. Thompson,I.M.,l8l l.t. 17th Bafy. Thurber, CD., Isl l.t 77th [nl Tompkins, 0., l-t l.t. ith Cav Traver, C. II.. 1st l.t. li-ti, lnf Tread way, -i W.,1sl l.t. n-th [nf. Trowbridge .S.C., 1st l.t. I22d Inf. Van Bosh, Max, l-i l.t 15th Art. Vandfirzee.E. I' ,1s! l.t. 169th Inf. Van Schaak , c . l.-t It 2d Cav. Van Valkenburgh, a. a . , 1st l.t llnth Inf. Van Valkenburg, J. W. , l-t Lt . r.'-il, Inf. Von WeltzIen,D.,lst l.t. llthCav. Walt, G a., l-t l.t. Mth Inf. Walth, George, 2d l.t. 1st I . B. Sharpshooters Walker. (;. C, 1st l.t. 91st Inf. Warner, W. II . l-t l.t Mist Inf. Waterbury, ll. B., Corp. ith Prov. Cav. Webb, James W., 6th lnf Weeks, G. ll . 1st Lt. 115th lnf Welch, Robert, 1st Lt. Inf. Weld, John W , l-t l.t. l-t Art. w est, O. W., i-t l.t i-t Drag. Westcott, M.j 1st Lt. IMth lnf Wheeler, J. P., 1st Lt 149th inf. Whltcorab, W. , l.-t l.t. 5th I lav. :.M Li. 6th Cav. l-t l.t l-l Art. Musician 98d Inf. l-t l.t. Mth Inf. . l-t l.t. 100th lnf . l-t l.t 24th Cav. Berg -Maj. 146th Whittaeker. F Wilbur, II W. w Itbeck, C.W. Wilcox, W. II Wilkeson, .I.w William-. C. P William-. G. F Inf. Wilson, G r... 2d l.t. 155th lnf Woodruff, O., 1st Lt. Mih Cav Woods, Peter, 1st l.t. 148th inf. Woolsey, C. M ., l-t Lt. 2d Cav Worth, Lewis, 2d l.t 189th Inf. Yates, Henry ■>.. l-t Lt 7:.M lnf Young, James, Corp. 4tth lnf Zeiser, Joseph B , i>t l.t. 3d lnf Allen, II T , LM l.t. lf.'th Inf. Bailey, G. l».. 2d Lt. 6th Art. I l, . 2d Ll 185th Inf. Barber, L Q.M Kerg. 60th Inf. Barnard, J. W., <>. M. Berg. 1st Drag. Barnett, \ l( . l-t Berg. U. S. Sharpshooters. 149th Inf. Bingham, B l 9erg I22d lnf lit I30th Inf. !d Lt. 13d Inl 9th i .IV. Bushnell, M l> . Corp 154th Inf. I '.iii,t..i. Ith ' lav. Chapman, w B . 2d Ll Blsl Inf. I l.t :.M i '.,\ ' ii U Serg. 112th lnf Couch, .1 12th lnf Court nev , G., < "h.r Bearer 60th lnf Dal I man i G ierg i :.M lnf I i «th Inf. i 125th lnf Dill. m, .i i ith lnf 2d l.t I 16th lnf [mil , is. Henry, Nth [nf ! . I'rl'. R2d lnf Bid red, John D Farrell. \ il fd I I I mi, \n 149th lnf Ith Inf. Prank Mo : I." 149th lnf rp 24th Cav lei. 2d l.t 149th lnf Id l.t H-th lnf FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Haesler, Fred., 2d Lt. 68th Inf. Hamilton, W II , :M Lt. 185th Inf. Harney, Ben. A., 2d l.t 59th Inf. Harris, Nelson I.. Berg. 26th lnf Hitchcock, I , 2d Lt. Mth Cav. Hopper, John A . 2d Lt. 2d < !av. Howland, ll G . Corp. I2th Inf. Hoyt, Wm . !d Lt. 112th Inf. Humphrey, G W.,2d l.t. 107th [nf. Jones, All., it C , Berg 112th Inf. .Iinl-..n.\\ in \., Com Serg. 11-th [nf Kellogg, Cyrn- 11 ,8erg 84th Inf. Kendall, F. P., Serg 9th Cav. Leahy, Wm. Isl Serg 60th [nf Lew Is, Prank . < lorp 21si Batt'y LoeweQsteIn, Moritz, 2d I t I5tfa Ait. Lombard, Wm ll ,2d Lt. 13d Inf. Lynch, Patrick I 2d I I 63d lnf Lyon, w d f7th lnf Madlgan, M . 2d Ll lnh \n Markham, 1" \ . Serg 154th [nf Marr. ThOS W . 2d l.t 158th Inf. Ibert. Berg 64th Inf. Mathlson, C. II. . lM Lt. 64th lnf Maynard, w llllam n . Hospital rd ll'.'th Inf. McUughllu, P. II . 2d Lt. 173d Inf. Millard, A s . 2d Ll 88th Batt'v. Miller, John, Isl Serg i «th Ini Morgan, Chapln n . «.> M, Berg 112th lnf ■ .1 A . Private 2d Cav Mo ■ Henn J . 2d Ll 91sl Inf. Muns,, ii. .1 I. . Berg 112th lnf Murfltt, ll T..-J.I Lt 150th lnf Murphy, James, 2d Lt 91 si lnf Neighbor J. w.,-_m Lt n-ih Inf. Newman, Ed.W., 2d Lt mth inf. Nims, Wm. ll . Private Blsl Inf. Norton, Merritl W., Q. M. Serg i-t Dragoons. Norton, Wm. l... 1st Serg 179th lnf O'Connor, Eugene P., 2d Lt. I76th Inf. i CRelley, Wm., lM l,t l cm h lnf Ostrander, C W., 2d l.t I22d Inf. Parsons, P. w.. Serg. '.'l-t lnf Patterson, F <;.. Serg I'.'.M lnf Perry, DeWitl Clinton. Com. Berg 60th [nf Piepenbrlnk, C . Corp nth Inf. Post, Truman ll . Berg ll'.'th inf. - i > 1 1 1 1 . i A . Jr., 2d l.t . 91si Inr Reston. Wm..' I Lit L lnf Riley, Wn, i. . 2d Ll -.'1st Cav Rising, A. .1 . '.'.I l.t 2d Art Robe John W . 8erg 43d inf. Bauer, <;.-.. . Berg 169th lnf Baj re, GuyK . Hospital steward 56th lnf Bchinler, Richard. Prlv. 48d lnf Bcbllok, Henry N., 2d Ll i-t Schwartz, Jacob, 2d It. li'.uh Inf. Belvage, HenryC ,2d l.t 87th inf. Shardln, John, Color Bearer 146th Inf. Bheldon. I> i» , Isl Berg I92d inf. -i maker, Angus McD . Berg. 7lh Art Shuffelbotham, Henry <; . Ed U 7th Art rge w . Corp i-t \.t Smith, Abner D., Prlv. 112th inf. Smllh, Isaac. - 14th lnf THE ROLL OF HOXOR. BREVETS FROM THE STATE. 1G1 FIRST LIEUTENANTS CONTINUED. Smith, Jos. C, Serg. ll-'th Tnf. Smith, Stukely E., Serg. L12tfa inf. Snyder, A. A..-U Lt. u'lst Cav Stevens, Jos. W., Priv. 4. id Inf. Stevens, R. W., Corp. 43d Inf. Sweezy, I. T., Serg. 150th Inf. Swift, Albert, Serg. 1st Dragoons. I Wheeler, M. J . Serg. 125th Inf. Thatcher, Chas., Corp. 7th Art Whiibeck.V ,.ir. — 14th Tnf. Tracy, Oscar, Berg. 112th Inf. ; Wills, Henry, 2d Lt. 178d Inf. Van Scbaick, 1) . Priv. s:;,| [ n f. I W I, Win., 2d l.t 7th Art. Waling, Jacob, 2d l.t. ll'.ith inf. Wright, 8. A., Sere. [12th Inf. Wallis, Fred., 2d Lt. 21st Cav. Railey, Daniel, Private 164th Tnf. Baker, Jas; T., Private 7-'d Inf. Baker, M. A., 1st Serg. 2d Cav. Ball, Fred. A. M . Serg. 2d Cav. Rates, Stephen, Private 125th Inf. Bedell, Geo. W., Serg. Oneida Co. Cav. Bergen, Kelsey, Private 136th Inf. Blnden, J. W. H.Serg. 164th inf. Black man, D. G., Serg. o:;d Inf. Bogardus, Jasper, Serg. 9lsl [nf. Bogart, Robert, Serg. 16th Bat'y. Brooks, Chas., Private 2d Cav. grower, ll. c. Berg, loth inf. Brown, Aug. P., Serg. 149th Inf. Brown, G. J., 1st Serg. 127th [nf. Brownlee, Jcs., Private 184th [nf. Bullock, Jas. c, Serg. 153d Inf. Oahill, Wm., Serg. 149th Inf. Cameron, A., Corporal 156th Inf. ('apron, (ieo. A.. Serg. 80th Inf. Carpenter, Charles C, Hospital St.-u anl, 151st Inf. Case, .1. M., Com. Serg. IJjOth Inf. Chase, G. W., Private. 140th Inf. Christian, C, Serg. '."1st Inf. Church, Francis. Serg. 164th Inf. Clancey, John, Serg. 164th Inf. Clark, Chas., Private 169th [nf. Cochrane, Sam'l, Hospital stew- ard, 2d Mounted Rifles. Cole, A , Jr , 1st Serg. 2d Cav. Collins, Homer. Serg. 33d Bat'y- Conklin, H. J., 1st Serg. 127th Inf. Coughtry, II., Serg. 7th Art. Crandal, Geo. A., Private 54th inf. Crane, Wm. E., Serf,-. 94th Inf. Cregier. C. S., 1st Serg. 127th Inf. Cross, .1. E. , Corporal 12th Inf. Cross, Wm., Serg. Doth Inf. Ciilhane, T. , Private 164th Inf. Cunningham. McL. \v., Serg. 14Ut Inf. Darby. John A., Serg 64th Inf. Day, Franklin, Sere 112th Inf. Delavan, W. II.. Private 10th Cav. Demero, E. W., Corporal 125th Inf. Dolan, Richard T , Chief Bugler, 21st Cav. Hoody, Patrick, Serg. 164th Inf. Down, John T.. Private :i,l Art. Draper, Oscar B., Q. M. Serg. lM Mounted Rifles. Bagan, John, Serg. with inf. Eaton, H. E. , Q. M. Serg. 2d Cav. Edlck, ('has. II , Serg. 147th Inf. Ellis, John, Serg. 2d Art. Bmory, Chris., Private, 2d Cav. Emory, Horace, Serg. 164th [nf. Bmory, M. I) , Serg. 9th I av. Bngleston, l> , Berg. 2d Art. English, B, L. . Serg. 179th Inf. English, .hw., Private 115th [nf. Erwin. Jacob M., Serg. oist Inf. Fehrenz, Win., Private |49th [nf. Fisher, G. W .Corporal USth [nf. Fitch, Wm. E, Private 177th Inf. Foster. T. G , Private 64th [nf French, II, Corp 1-t Dragoons. Frier, G. II.. Berg.-MaJ. 98th [nf. Galloway, B., Private 2d Cav. Green, Robert, Private 136th Inf. Grubb, Henry, Private 11th Bat'y. Hall, (has. W.. Corporal 154th Inf. Hall. James. Corporal 7~'d Inf. Handy, I F., Private 177th Inf. Harding, C , Private 1st Drag'ns. Hartley. W. S., Serg. !Hst Tnf. Rarvweli, Melvln, Serg. 11th Cav. Hastings, Jos. A., Serg. llbth Inf. 21 SE< OND l.l EUTENANTS. Hawkins, W. w . , Serg. 88d Inf. Hazeitine, E. A., Corp B6th inf. ILizer. F. J., Serg. 112th Inf. Henry, Thus.. 1>i Sere. I'J'.lh Inf. Hicks, Washington, Serg. 2d Mounted Rifles. Hlgcins, Jas . c, rporal 10th Tnf. Hill. D M., 1st Serg. 9th I av. Hoag, Samuel, Corporal 4:<1 Inf. Hoffnagie, M. II., Private 153d Inf. Hogg, B F . Corporal 104th Tnf. Holt, Orlando •'.. Serg. 2d Art. Hoppe, C, Serg. Maj. Ibth Inf. Bornberry, L. P.. Private 7th [nf. Howe, 11. J., Prlv. Oneida Cav. I ... Howe. T. E., Private l02d Inf. Howie, Jas. E. , Sere. Wsl Inf. Hughes, i Iscar P., s. rg. 2d < 'av. Hull, II., Color Serg. 179th Inf. [nraan, Burt, Private 44th Inf. Jackson, Chas., Serg. 1 1 inf. Jenkins. A. (i. Corp. 159th Inf. Johnson, Follett.Corp, 60th Inf, Johnson, (i. N., Serg. I">4th Inf. Johnson, John, Private 91st Inf. Jones, James E. , Serg. 01st [nf. Jovner, John J., Serg. loth Cav. Kelly. James 11., SeTg. 44th Inf Cendrick. G.G , Serg. 173d Inf. Kenyon, Elam R., Serg. 93d Inf. Kidder, M. A., Private 147th Inf. King, 11. D , Serg. 170th Inf. Koch, W.. Color Serg. 164th Inf. Lang, L., 1st Serg. 46th Inf. l.aPoint, CassC., Serg. 118th Inf. Leslie. T. K ,Q.M. Serg. 127th Inf. Leslie, Wm.. Private 9th Inf. I ewis, David B., Serg. 147th [nf. Lindsay, F D . Serg. I18th Inf. Little, Marshall. Serg. 84th Inf. 1., O.l , Serg. 77th Inf. Maleher. David, Serg. 150th Inf. Man/.er, II -ere. 2d Inf. Marlette.G W., Privat e 1st h [nf. Marsh, Ira K , Corp USth Inf. Marvin, D. D. N . , Q. M. Sere. lll.tli Inf. Marvin. W. R , Private 72d Inf. Mclntire, M., Berg. 74th Inf. McKeon, Henry, Serg 91st Inf. McNeiily, Samuel. Serg. 8d Cav. McWilliam, J. P., Corp. ISl fa Art. MoWltbey, J P., Sera. 10th Cav. Melius, AbramS., Private 3d Inf. Merrill, W. II., Serg. 44th Inf. Meserl . George, Private 3d Inf Miller, 8. A., 1st Berg 127th Inf. Miller. Wm , 1st Serg 76th Inf. Mitchell, L. C, Private2d Cav. Mol.len, Harvey, Corp. 0"d Inf. Moore, Chas. g, . Berg. 2d Art Moore, David. 1st Berg. 127th Inf. M e, Joseph A., Berg. 4th Cav. Moore. Oil. Serg. 2d Vet Cav Morse, John J., Private 2d Cav. Murphy, John, Corp. L89tfa Inf Mullen. Patrick, Berg. 91s1 Inf Nichols, Geo. C . Private 9th Inf. Nicoll, E. C, 1st Serg I27th Inf. Northway, F. .\ , Berg 186th Inf. Oliver, H. ('.. Private sui, inf. Ormsby, O., Private 140th Inf. Osborn, L. W., Private I42d Ii f. Ostrom, Wm. M , Hospital Stew- ard 169th Inf. Patrick, John, Serg 170th Inf. Pease, Samuel F , Sen: 64th Inf. ; Pierce, James, Sere, loth Cav. Prime. A. S .Sere -Maj. 118th Inf. Prince, H.W.,lst8erg. 127th Inf. Purdy.H L., Color Serg. 149th Inf. Peal. G( Olge, Private 154 th Inf Regan.W.ll ,Serg.-Maj. 164th Inf. B..Serg.-Maj. 127th Inf. Rich, Frank E., Private 115th Inf. Rogers, P , 1st Serg. 127th Inf. Rogers, Wm. II.. Berg 86th Inf. Rullson, Lewis, Private 241 h h.t. Baser, Geo. .1 . Private 149th Inf. Salisbury, W. F , Serg. 115th Inl. Bchlaegel, Fred , Berg. 46th Inf. Bewell, ( baa H..Serg 97th Inf. Sexton, Ji Berth, Sere 164th Inf Seymour, G . P., Pi Ivate 76th Inf. Bhay, Michael. Berg. 64th Inf. shultz. E., Private 169th Inf. Shultz, Wm. G. . Sere 43d Inf. Shunter, ( has. L . Serg. 9th Art. Bkel lie .Ebenezer, Corp. Ik.thlnt. Skellis, John. Serg. 123d Inf. Slavin, John, Sere. 43d Inf. Sloan, II. ll.. Serg. 149th Inf. Smlthwirk. J. G., Q. M. Sere. 132d Inf. Bpaoldlng, C. F., Serg. 83d Inf. spenccr.i :. E ,8erg. Maj. 93d lul . Bpencer. <;. s, . Private 10th Cav. Sperry, Nehemlah,8erg. 49th Inf. Mace, David L . Corp. Oth Inf. starke, E. W., Berg, loth Cav. Stevens, Edmund, Serg. 98d Inf. Stevens. Fred. W , , Q. M Serg. 2d Vet. Cav. Stewart, J T.,Drura Maj.oi.-t Inf. Story, Caleb W . Serg. l« th ( a\ Stickle. J. P.. Serg. 1st Flu.'. Stremple, J. L. 1st Sere. 7th Art. Sullivan. Sylvester J . I lom. Serg. I27th Inf Taber, s. D . Corp. 112th Inf. Taylor, Orville ll , Com. Serg. 8th Art. Thomas, j. p.. Serg. 149th [nf. Toles, Silas X , Serg. It'Jtli Inf. 'i orrence, Geo s., Priv. 72d Inf. Travers, P. . Berg. I64th Inf. Ti ipp. Edwin, Sere 14 (it li Inf. Trumbull, P-> , Serg. 1st sharp- shooters. Trumbull, Thereon If , Serg. let I s Sharpshoi iters Van Allen. Chas., Corp. 7th Art. Vandercook . G., Corp 115th Inf. Van Vlack G. w . Prlv. 64th Inf. Van Vleck, ll.. Color Berg i48th Vaugh. J W\. Sere. 149th Inf. Waldo, i leo. D . Serg. 1st Drag. Waldron, A. P., Hospital Stew- ard 77th Inf. Waring, N. c . Serg. 91b1 Inf. Wassung, Wm , Serg. 16th Inf. Watson. Edward, Serg 91bI [nf Whalleo, James, Berg 2d Art. Wheeler. J 11 .Serg. |J2th Inf. White, .mi.. Robert D . Q M. Sere. 168th [of. White. A. H . Sere gist Tnf. Wilkinson. B. T., Priv. 160th Inf. Williams, E . Priv. 117th Inf. Williams. M . Serg. 4."d Inf Wilson, George M. D . Corp. 112th Inf. Wilson. H. I!.. 1st Sere |27th Inf. Wlngrove, Geo M. Q m -• rg oth Cav. W lnilL Payette. Priv. 2d Mtd. Kitles Worden, A. J , Serg. 1st Drat.-. Young, Alexander, Q. M Berg. l~'th Cav. 162 PART II. IX THE FIELD. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, ACTIONS, SIEGES, AFFAIRS AND SKIRMISHES. KTC, IN WHICH NEW YORK VOLUNTEER OR- GANIZATIONS TOOK! PART. CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. Thia chronological list of engagements, etc., is almost entirely taken Eroni official records; from the official records of the war. now in process of publication by bhe War Department; Erom monthly returns, bi-monthly muster- rolls, and the muster-out-rolls of organizations; a few of the engagements unv obtained through correspondence with officers. The constant aim has been to give correcl dates; an effort attended with more difficulties than would be imagined; official reports, in many instances, disagreeing in this particular, and often giving dates nol agreeing with other records. It will be noticed that frequently several designations are given to the same engagement: the \in firs! is the name under which it is more generally known. A decision of the War Department is to this effect: Troops on the ground (battle-field), though not engaged, are entitled to be credited with the engage- ment . This rule has been followed, except in minor affairs, where adherence to it would make it preposterous. Engagements of any duration, as for in- stance, "Seven Days' Battle, General Pope's Campaign, Port Hudson. Red River Campaign, Atlanta Campaign, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, v etc., have been subdivided into the more important actions of which they consisted; credit has been given for the general engagement to all on the ground, for the subordinate actions and affairs to those who, it could be ascertained, took active part therein. " Before Petersburg and Richmond," implies service be- fore those cities, in and out of the trenches, and covers every thing, except those important actions, which are reported separately. Table- of losses will be found of the more important engagements; these are taken I' the official records of the war, already published or -till to be published; those not already published (of 1864 and 1865) are, however, subject to revision, which will probably not affect organizations of this State. In tbleB are also given the numbers and names of the brigades and divisions and numbers of the corps ID which the organizations served, as they stood a! the ben iu ii mil' of an actum; where this rule has not been observed, a note after the designal ion of the engagemenl will explain the difference. Some! imes the ■ ral engagements are united in one, this is also indicated ly a note. The name- of commanding officers of organizations arc mostly from official records; those nol from official records were obtained from survivors of the organizations; in a few cases the successors of those killed or wounded could not be ascertained. The letter- found after names, and other Bigns, indicate: The letter (c) that the officer commanded a brigade during the action, if even bul for a short time; the letter (k) thai he was Killed: the letter (w) thai he was wounded; the letter (m) thai he was captured; the sign (*) thai the loss, it' any. ha- nol been reported; (f) is a local sign, the explanation of which will ind at the end of the tabic in which it appear-. BATTLES, EX(iA(.K.Mi:.VTS. SKIRMISHES, ETC. 163 L861. 1. May 18th. Affair near Lighthouse at Smith's Point, Chesapeake Bay, M<1. Detachmenl of Varian'a Battery and one company of the 13th Regiment, Militia. 2. May 24th. Advance of Union Army into Virginia from Washington, I>. •'., and occupa- tion of Arlington Heights. Va. Militia: 5th Regiment, Col. < '. Schwarzwalder; 7th Regiment, Col. Marshall Lefferts; 12th Regiment, Col. Daniel Butterfield; 25tli Regiment, Col. Michael K. Bryan; 38th Regiment, Col. Michael Bennett; 69th Regiment, Col. Michael Corcoran, and the Engineer Company of the 84th Vol- unteers (14th Militia). 3. May 34th. Advance of Union Army into Virginia from Washington, l». <'., and occu- pation «>f Alexandria, Va. llth Volunteers, Col. B. E. Ellsworth, killed, and detachmenl of 71st Regiment of Militia, under Lieut. Prendergast. 4. May 38th. Skirmish near Hampton Court House, Va. Company II, 5th Volunteer Infantry. 5. May Blsl -June 1st. Attack on Batteries on Aquia Oreek, Va. Detachmenl 71s1 Militia, under Lieut. Prendergast, on C. S. S. S. Anacosta. 6. June 1st. Skirmish at Arlington Mills. Va. Company F, llth Infantry. 7. June 2d. Skirmish near Chain Bridge, in Virginia, mar Washington, 1>. C. Detach- ment 28th Militia. 8. June 8th. Skirmish near New Market Bridge, Va. Company G, 3d Infantry. 9. June 10th. Action at Big Bethel. Va. Brigades. Divisions. i Commanding < lffl< ers. Killed \v -i.-.i Hist B Organiza- tions. i i — f I & i. 16 5 — 7 ? -a w 2 i- 7 "5 ... -i : , < 1st Inf. 3d Inf 3d Inf 5th Inf 7lli Inf 3 s a-r_ Col. Joseph 1!. Carr Total 67 Total loss of Onion forces engaged 76 10. June 27th. Attack on Matthias Point, Va. Detachmenl 71-t Militia, aboard United States vessels of war. 11. June 39th. Skirmish at Baker Lee's, Va. Company I, 9th Infantry. 12. July 4th. Skirmish at, Harper's Ferry, Va. Companies A and Gr, 83d Infantry (9th Militia). 13. July 5th. Skirmish at James River, mar Newport News, Va. Company F, 9th Infantry, ("apt. llannnell. 14. July 7th. Skirmish at Great Falls, Va. 8th Infantry. 15. July 8th. Skirmish near Bethel, Va. Company A, 9th infantry. 16. July llth. Skirmish near Martinsburg, Va. Four companies 19th Infantry (3d Artil- lery). Col. Clark; three companies 88th Infantry. 17. July 13th, Skirmish near Baker Lee's farm. Va. Detachmenl 7th Infantry. 18. July 13th. Skirmish mar Martinsburg, Va. 12th Militia. 19. July 15th. Skirmish near Bunker Hill, Va. 12th Militia. 20. July 16th. Skirmish on Braddock Road, Va. 18th Infantry. 81, July 17th. Skirmish at, and occupation of, Fairfax Court House, Va. Artillery Company 8th Militia; llth, 10th, 18th, 81st, 83d, 88th and 83d (8d Militia) regiments of Infantry. 83. July isth. Actional Blackburn's Ford. Va. 69th Militia; 13th, 18th, 1 8th and 79th Infantry. 23. July 19th. Skirmish mar New Market Bridge. Va. Detachmenl 99th Infantry (Coast Guard). 24. July 20. Skirmish at Blackburn's Ford, on Braddock Road, near Fairfax Court House, Va. .'.1st and 33d Infantry. 25. July 21st. Battle of Bull Run. Va. ,See table following.) L64 PART II. IN THE FIELD. L861. Commanding Officers. Bookwood and men ol 29th Inf.; guns of \ irian'e Battery Otll Inf I. nth Inf.... 2, bill Inf. ...IS, LTD. Inf.... I, ^-.'lli lnl . .. I, 31sl Inf 2, 33d I ill 2, 38th Inf.... 2, 39th Inf.... I, 79th Inf.... :i. --■I lnl 2 Mill Inf.... 1 8th Milili:i. 1 71-1 Militia J. Illenk.T H Richardson . Sherman Davies Porter Blenker Davtea D Willcoi Blenker Sherman Schenck Porter Porter Sherman Hunist'le m .... | Col. I.uui- lii.nk.-r if i. i.t.-Col. Julius Blahel . II. -nit/. -ihlui : U. -Col. Noah I.. Farnham.. Tvl.r.. '■ M _ nl. Ezra Walwratb I ■ I . <»ninili\ i Col. Sam. Marsh a Col > II. \\ . .- M it. .In.. .1. Hartktt. M - Col. Adolpb Von Stelnwehr Milet _ Col. ( ah In E. Pratl m Co Roderick Matherson i! lh = Col. J. II. HobartWard ■I ,. |. i .. Tyler . Col. .la- Cam. t ki. ('apt. II. A. Bills (w).„ l - ■ ■ W. B. Tompkins cm Militia. Hunter . -•< \MW I(n Lt.-Col.E. B. Fowler (Hth Mil.) Hunter Tyler • Col. Mm hael Corcoran I m I Capt. Jas. Kelly, ; Col. Henry P. Martin, two howiteers with reg Total i ion forces engaged . Kill.-.) W'n'.l Mlss'l 16 in:- 1046 - ~ - 2 w i 61 107 198 •in July 25th. Skirmisli on scout near Bailey's Cross Roads, Va. 24th Infantry. July 25th. Skirmish on scoul near Chain Bridge, Va. One company 33d Infantry. July 29th. Skirmisli mar Fall's Church, Va. 37th Infantry. July 30th. Skirmisli Fletcher's Wharf, on the Pocomoco, Va. Companies A, C, F, Knli Infantry. Captain Winchester, ami detachmeni 99th Infantry. July 81st. Skirmisli at Cherry Stone Inlet, Va. Companies A ami (', 10th Infantry. and detachmeni 99th Infantry. Aug. 2d. Skirmisli at Munson's Hill, Va. 37th Infantry. An:;. 5th. Skirmisli in Virginia opposite Point of Rocks, M<1. Companies B and F, 28th Infantry, Lt.-Col. Brown. Aug. 7th. Skirmisli at Hampton, Va.. Hampton Bridge. Isl Mounted Rifles and I Infantry. Aug. 8th. Skirmish at Lovettsville, Va. Detachments of companies H, E, F. 19th Infantry. Skirmisli near Fall's Church, Va, Detachmeni 'J:i. S. p| Iflth. Skirmish Infantry. 11th \nii. 28d and 25th Infantry, am Kurd. Md. Detachm ■nt Virgin! Seneca Creek, Md. Detachment 84th BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 165 1861. 51. Sept. 16th. Skirmish at Beacon Island, N. C. Detachment 99th Infantry. 52. Sept. 17th. Skirmish in Virginia opposite month of Seneca Creek. Md., Dranesville. Detachment 34th Infantry. 53. Sept. 18th. Skirmish at Berlin. Md. 38th Infantry. 54. Sept. 21st. Skirmish at Pohick Church, Va. Kith Infantry. 55. Sept. 24th. Skirmish at Point of Rocks, Md. Detachment 6th Battery, 56. Sept. 25th. Skirmish near Lewinsville. Va., Hall's Cross Roads. 3d Battery; :33d Infantry; 79th Infantry, ('apt. Morrison, 57. Sept. 38th. Skirmish near Munson's and Mason's Hill, Va. 81st and 32d Infantry. 58. Oct. 1st. Skirmish, and loss of U. S. Transport Fanny, near Chicamacomico or Log- gerhead Inlet, N. C. Detachment 9th Infantry. 59. Oct. 3d. Skirmish at Springfield Station, Va. :51st Infantry. , 60. Oct. 4th. Skirmish at Pohick Church. Va. 16th, 86th and company F, 37th Infantry. 61. Oct. 5th. Skirmish at Upton's Hill, Va. 84th Infantry (14th Militia). 62. Oct. 8th. Skirmish at Fall's Church, Va. Detachment 24th Infantry, (apt. Barney. 63. Oct. 9th. Action at Santa Rosa Island, Fla. Cth Infantry. 64. Oct. 12th. Skirmish at Bailey's Cross Roads, Va. Tilth Infantry. 65. Oct. 13th. Skirmish at Big Chestnuts, Va., Lewinsville, 83d and 49th Infantry. 66. Oct. 14th. Skirmish at Widow Child's House, Va., Fall's Church. 14th Infantry. 67. Oct. 16th. Action at Bolivar Heights, W, Va., Harper's Ferry, W. Va. Detachment 6th Battery. 68. Oct. 21st. Engagement at Ball's Bluff, Va. Detachment 6th Battery and 43d Infantry, Col. Milton Coggswell. 69. Oct. 21st. Skirmish near Goose Creek, on Leesburg Road, Va, Detachment 3d Cavalry, Maj. Mix. 70. Oct. 22d. Action on Goose Creek, Va., near Edwards' Ferry, Md. Companies B, D and G, 3d Cavalry, Maj. Mix: 34th Infantry: 83d Infantry (2d Militia). 71. Oct. 23d. Skirmish near Budd's Ferry. Md. 72d Infantry. 72. Nov. 4th. Skirmish on scout near Baker Lee's, Va. Detachmenl 7th Infantry. 73. Nov. 8th. Skirmish and occupation of the forts on Bay Point. S. C. 79th Infantry. 74. Nov. 9th. Skirmish near Matthias Point, Va. 74th Infantry. 75. Nov. 11th. Skirmish at Sinclair's Farm, near New Market Bridge, Va 30th Infantry. 76. Nov. 12th. Skirmish at Accotink Creek. Va. Occoquan Creek; Pohick Church. Companies B, E, G, 1st Cavalry. 77. Nov. 13th. Skirmish and descent on Matthias Point, Va. 74th Infantry, Col. Graham. 7s. Nov. Kith. Skirmish at Munson's Bill, Va, 18th Infantry. 7!). Nov. 16th. Capture of foraging party at Doolan's Farm, Va. Detachment 80th Infantry. 80. Nov. 18th. Skirmish at Binn's Hill, Va., on road from Fall's Church to Fairfax Court Eouse. Company II, 84th Infantry (14th Militia). 81. Nov. 33d-23d. Bombardment of rebel lines about Pensacola, Fla, Companies Q and I, 6th Infantry. 82. Nov. 27th. Skirmish at Fairfax Court House. Va. Companies C and F, 1st Cavalry, Capt. Boyd. 83. Nov. 38th. Skirmish near Manassas, Va. (ilst Infantry. 84. Dec. 2d. Skirmish at Annandale. Va. One battalion 1st Cavalry. Maj. A. Adams; detachment 4th Cavalry. Lieut. W. H. Parnell; 33d and 45th Infantry. 85. Dec. 4th. Skirmish at Springfield Station, Va. 18th Infantry. 86. Dec. 8th. Skirmish and occupation of Tybee Island. 6a. 48th Infantry. 87. Dec. 12th. Skirmish at Ball's Cross Roads, Va. 35th Infantry. 88. Dec. 15th: Skirmish near Fall's Church, Va. 1st Cavalry. 89. Dec. 33d. Skirmish at Back River Creek, near New Market Bridge, Va Two com- panies 20th Infantry. Maj. Schuepf. L862. 90. Jan. 1st. Engagement at Port Royal Ferry, Coosaw river. S. C. Detachment 1st Engineers, 47th Infantry, Ft. -Col. James L. Frazer; 48th Infantry. Ft. -Col. W. B. L66 PAET II. IN THE FIELD. 1862. Barton; 70th Infantry. Major Morrison and Capt. More. Col. James H. Perry, 48th Regiment, commanding. ;il ,| ilh . 1st, Bombardment of Forts McRee and Barrancas, l'cnsafolu Harbor, Fla. 6th and 75th Infantry. '.i-.'. .Ian 7th Skirmish at Mason's Neck, Va. :57th Infantry. 1 Till Skirmish on advance up James River, Va. id Infantry. '.'1 Jan. 83d. Skirmish mar New Market Bridge, Va. 90th Infantry. 95 .lan. v-ili. Attack on Commodore Tatnall's (rebel) flotilla, S, C. Two companies 1st Engineers; 4sth Infantry. M Jan, 88th-29th. AlTair at Lee's House, on Belmont or Occoquan Bay. Va. Detach- ment 1st Cavalry; detachment 87th Infantry, Lt.-Col. .John Burke. 97 Feb. lili. Action between Battery Vulcan, on Venus Point, Jones bland, Savannah River, Ga., and rebel gunboats. Detachments of the 1st Engineers and 48th Infantry. '.i" Feb. 8th. Battle of Roanoke Island, N. ('. Detachment Marine Artillery; 9th Infan- try, Major Kimball; 51st Infantry. Col. Ferrero; and company B, 99th Infantry. 99 Feb. 10th. Action at Elizabeth City, X. C. Detachment Marine Artillery and com- pany B, 99th Infantry. 100. Feb. 19th-20th. Skirmish at Winton, N. C. 9th Infantry. 101. Feb. 80th. Skirmish at Cape Hatteras Inlet, N. C. Companies C, G, H, 9th Infantry. 108. Feb.22d. Skirmish on expedition to Vienna and Flinthill, Va, -1:5(1 Infantry. 108. Feb. 24th. Skirmish at Mason's Neck, Va. ; Mason's Hill; Lewis Chapel, near Pohick Church; Occoquan. 37th Infantry. 104. March 7th. Ski rmi-h near Winchester, Va. Detachment 3d Cavalry. LOS March 7th. Skirmish at Hope Landing, Va. Detachment 4th Cavalry. 106. March Nth. Skirmish at Manassas, Va. Company K, 2d Cavalry. 107. March 8th. Naval engagement in Hampton Roads, Va.. and under the lire of the Virginia (rebel), formerly the Merrimac. Detachment 1st .Mounted Rifles; 1st, 2d, 7th and llth Infantry, company D 99th Infantry on 1". s. Frigate Congress. ins March 9th. Skirmish at Sangster's or Burke's Station. Va. Detachments of com- panies A and II. 1st Cavalry, Lieut. Badden. LOB March 10th. Skirmish at Winchester, Va. Detachment 3d Cavalry. 110. March LOth. Skirmish at East Pass, Santa Rosa Island, Fla. 6th Infantry. 111. March L2th. Skirmish at Union Mills, Va. 18th and 63d Infantry. 112. March 1:5th. Skirmish at Manassas Junction, Va. . r >7th Infantry. rch 18th. Skirmish on Williamsburg and Great Bethel Road, Va. Six companies, 7th Infantry, Col. Van Schaack. Ill March llth. Engagement at New Berne, X. C. Detachment Marine Artillery; 51st Infantry. Col. Ferrero; company B, 99th Infantry. LIS March 14th. Skirmish at Qedar Run, Va. r>7th Infantry. 116. March 17th. Skirmish mar Dumfries, \'a. 70th Infantry. 117 March 88d. Skirmish at Winchester, Va. Company I, 38th Infantry. lis March 86th. Skirmish at Cedar Creek, Va. Battery M. 1st Artillery; 66th Infantry. 119 March 26th. Skirmish at Dranesville, Va. Detachment 10'Jd Infantry. Capt. L. R, Stegman. 12<» March 27th. Skirmish at Montevideo, near Barrisonburgh, Va. Company I. 88th Infant r\ , Major E. W. Cook. 121. March 27th. Skirmish near Big Botha], Va 12th Infantry. L22. March 27th 81st. Skirmish on Santa Bom Inland, Fla Companies D and E, 6th Inf. rch 28th 89th. Affairs on Bealton and Rappahannock Station, Warrenton Junc- tion, Va Battery Band Rundell's section of Battery G, 1st Artillery; 61st Infan- I I. Francis Barlow; 68th and 69th Infantry. L24. March 29th. Affair on Bdisto Island, 8. C. L7th Infantry. L26 Mar. h 89th. Skirmish at Lewin.sville, Va. Detachment 10'Jd Infantry. Capt. L. R. Stegman, I ,i - , Much BOth, Skirmish at Rappahannock Station, Va. Detachment 4th Cavalry. Marob 80th. Skirmish at East Pan, Va. Cavalry. 188. March 80tfa 81st A tTai t % ..n Wilmington and Whitemarsh Islands, Ga. Detachment I6th infantry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 167 1862. 129. April 1st. Affairs at Narrow Passage, Woodstock and Edinburg, Va. Battery M, 1st Artillery, Capt, Cothran. 130. April 1st. Skirmish at Watt's Creek, Va. 49th Infantry. 131. April 2d. Skirmish at Woodstock, Va. 83d Infantry. 132. April 2d. Skirmish at Edinburg, Va. Battery M. 1st Artillery. 183, April 1th. Capture of Steamer Resolution, in the Chesapeake, near Back Stiver, Aid. Detachment Company A, 10th Cavalry, Capt. Pratt. 134. April 4th. Skirmish at Howard's Bridge. l'equosin River, near Cockletown, Va. Companies A. B, 1st Mounted Rifles, and 14th Infantry. 135. April 4th. Skirmish at Watt's and Young's Mills, Va. 33d. 40th, and « J ■""> 1 1 . Infantry. 186. April 5th to May 4th. Siege and occupation of Yorktown, Va. Companies D, F, H, and K, 6th Cavalry; 9th Cavalry, dismounted; Oneida Company Cavalry; field and staff, and Batteries A, B, 1>, E, C, and II, 1st Regiment Artillery; Batteries A. B, C, and I>, 1st Battalion Artillery; Battery A, 3d Battalion artillery; 1st, 8d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Independent Batteries of Artillery; loth and 50th En- gineers; 5th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 25th, 33d, 34th, 36th. 37th, 38th, 40th, 42d, I8d, 44th, 49th, 52d, 55th, 56th, 57th, 61st, 62d, 63d, 64th. 65th. 66th, 67th. 60th, 70th, 71st, 72d, 73d, 74th, 77th, 81st,. 82d, 85th, 87th, 88th, 92d, 93d, 96th, 98th, and 100th Infantry. 137. April 5th. Skirmish near Lee's Mills. Va. Siege of Yorktown. Companies A, B, 1st Mounted Rifles; Battery K, 1st Artillery; 33d, 49th and 77th Infantry. 138. April 5th. Skirmish mar junction of Warwick and Yorktown Roads. Va. Siege of Yorktown. loth. 14th, and 25th Infantry. 189. April 6th. Skirmish at Stafford Court House, Va. 70th, 71st. 72.1. 73d, and 71th Infantry. 140. April 6th. Skirmish near Warrenton Junction, Va. 83d Infantry. 141. April 7th. Skirmish near Edinburg, Va. Battery M, 1st Artillery. 142. April 7th. Skirmish at Foy's Plantation, X. C. 103d Infantry. 143. April 8th. Skirmish at Elizabeth City, X. C. Detachment Marine Artillery: 0th Infantry. 144. April 8th. Skirmish at Lee's Mills. Va. Siege of Yorktown. 88d Infantry. 145. April 8th. Skirmish on scout in Shenandoah Valley. Va. 3d Cavalry, Col. Simon II. .Mix. 146. April lOth-llth. Bombardment and capture of Fort Pulaski, (ia. Detachment 1st Engineers; Companies H and K. 46th Infantry; 48th Infantry. 147. April 11th. Skirmish in Front of Yorktown. Va. Siege of Yorktown. 87th Infantry. 148. April 11th. Skirmish near Edinburg, Va. Battery M. 1st Artillery. 149. April 12th-26th. Siege, bombardment and capture of Fort Macon. X. C. Company I. 3d Artillery, Capt. Amnion; detachment Marine Artillery; Company B, 99th Infantry, and detachment 103d Infantry. 150. April 13th. Skirmish before Yorktown, Va. Siege of Yorktown. 12th Infantry. 151. April 13th. Skirmish at Gilletfs Farm, Pebbly Hun, X. C. 10:S.l Infantry 152. April 14th. Skirmish at Piedmont, Va. Company C 4th Cavalry. 153. April 14th. Skirmish near Edinburg. Va. Battery M. 1st Artillery. 154. April 15th. Skirmish at crossroads near Columbia Furnace. Va. Company E, 28th Infantry. 155. April 16th. Engagement at Lee's Mills, Va. Burnt Chimney; Dam Xo. 1. Siege of Yorktown. Battery E Capt. Wheeler, Battery <; Capt. Frank 1st artillery; 1st and 3d Batteries; 33d, 36th, 43d, 49th and 77th Infantry. 166. April 16th. Skirmish near Warrenton Junction, Va. 88d Infantry. 157. April 17th-18th. Skirmishes three miles south of Spotted Tavern near Brick Church. and at Falmouth, Va. Seven companies, 2d Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Kilpatrick, and 22.1. 24th, 30th, 84th Infantry. 158. April 18th. Affairs at Rappahannock River and North Fork. Va. Molitor's sec- tion, 13th Battery; live companies, 83d Infantry. 159. April 19th. Skirmish at South Fork of Shenandoah, near Luray. Va. Company H, 5th Cavalry; Battery M, 1st Artillery. 168 PART II. IN THE FIELD. 18G2. 180. April 19th. Engagement at South Mills. Camden, X. C. Detachment Marine Artil. lery, Col. Howard; 9th Infantry, Col. Hawkins and Lt.-Col. Kimball; 89th Infan- try, Col. II. s Pairohild. Ml. April 24th. Skirmish nine miles from Harrisonburgh. Va. 28th Infantry. 189. April 98th. Attack on Onion pickets before Yorktown, Va. Siege of Yorktown. ;;;;,], 49th and 77th Infantry. 168. April '27th. Skirmish at McGaheysville. Va. One8ectionof Mattery M, 1st Artillery. 184 April 97th. Skirmish Dear Haughton's Mill, Pollocksvilla Road, X. C. o tin. . . i .. Palmer .-. Kelra . :. (looker . - . 2, Smith . 2, Smith . 2, Hooker I.Hooker . .. Kearny . .. .'. Smith .'. Smith i. ii . I, Couch . i. C ii ii . J, 1 1 ■ >< >k«-r .2. Hooker . 5, Hooker 2. Smith ■ I 1 Commanding Officers. Companies D and K, escort to Gen. Sumner. Companies K and II, escort to Gen. K ■ ... Detachments sen tag with batteries Killed WVd Miss' .lor. lav in. in. n Want. Kili'v .... Col. J. H. Col. Edwi i !ol. From V\ lllialll ('. .MIi.TU'er .... Col. Regis DeTrobrland i,i ,-Col. James Jourdan t'.il. .1.'avrtti' llikrr \li-\;unl. W. Parisen. 183. May 9th. Bombardment of Fort Pickens, and re-occupation of Pensacola, Flu. Companies C, D, E, F and (i, 75th Infantry. May 10th. Skirmish at Tranter's Creek, and occupation of Norfolk, Va. One Bquad- ron 1st Mounted Rifles, Major Dodge; 10th, 20th, detachment 99th, Infantry. May 11th. Skirmish on Bowling Green Road, near Fredericksburg, Va. -j,! Cavalry, 80th Infantry. 18(5. May 14th. Skirmish at Woodstock, Va. 5th Cavalry, is:. May 14th. Skirmish at Suffolk. Va. 1st Mounted Rifles, Major Dodge. 188. May 15th. Skirmish near Trenton Bridge. X. C. Two companies 3d Cavalry, Major Fitzsimmons; Battery B, 3d Artillery. 189. May 16th. Skirmish near Aquia Greek, Va. Detachment 95th Inf., Capt. S. L. Harrison. 190. May 18th. Skirmish at Woodstock, Va, Detachment 5th Cavalry. 191. May 18th. Skirmish at Bowling Green Road, near Fredericksburg, Va. 23d Inf. 192. May 2oth. Skirmish near Bottom's Bridge, Chickahominy River, Va. Battery II, 1st Artillery; 55th and 62d Infantry. 193. May 20th. Skirmish at New Creek Station, Va. Company I. Ith Cavalry. r.H. May 20th. Skirmish at Mew Salem Church, near Fredericksburg, Va. 80th Infantry. 195. May 21st, Skirmish at White Oak Swamp, Va. 88th Infantry. 196. May 21st. Skirmish at Woodstock, Va. 5th Cavalry. 197. May 21st-22d. Skirmishes at Bottom's Bridge and Savage Station, Chickahominy River, Va. 8th Battery, Sftth, 65th, 81st, 92d, 96th and 98th Infantry. 198. May 22d. Skirmish at Fair Oaks. Va 87th Infantry. 199. May 22d. Skirmish near Mechanicsville, Va. Detachm't 1st Cav.; 16th, 17th, 27th Inf. 200. May 28d. Skirmish on reconnaissance from Bottom's Bridge to Turkey Island Bridge, Va. Battery A. 1st Artillery: detachment 56th Infantry. 201. May 23d-25th. Operations in the Shenandoah Valley, Va. Includes losses at Front Royal, Berry ville, Strasburg, Middletown, Newtown and Winchester. 5th Cav.. 8th i'.l\ .. 1st Art. , Donnelly Commanding Officers. ========= -•=. ii. Lieut. James II. Peabody «e Col. Dudley Donnellj (c), Lt-Col. E. F. Brown. Total Total loss of the Union troops engaKed. Kili.'.i W'n'.i Miss's iJ 2 f.0 16 PAET II. IN THE FIELD. 902. May 28d. Anion at Front Royal, Vtv Operations in the Shenandoah Valley. Vn. Companies B and 1». 5th * Savalry, Major Philip < i. vought; detachment 28th Infan- try, (apt. \Vm. II. II Mapes. 908. May 84th. Skirmish at Mechanicsville, Ya. New Bridge. Battery E, 1st Artillery; 83d, 49th and 77th Infantry. 904. Mar 34th. Skirmishes on reconnaissance to Seven Pines, Ya. Savage Station. Bat- tery II. 1st Artillery; 7th Battery; 81st, 85th, 96th and 98th Infantry. 905 May 94th. Skirmish at Tyler Houae, Va. 84th Infantry. 906. May 24th. Skirmish cm reconnaissance toward Hanover Court House, Ya. 13th Inf. 907 May 84th. Skirmish at Berryville. Ya. Operations in the Shenandoah Valley. s tli < 'avalry, dismounted. 308 May 94th. Skirmish at Strasburg, Va. Operations in the Shenandoah Valley. Coni- panies A. C, E, «>'. K and M, 5th Cavalry. Col. DeForrest. 909. May 94th. Action at MidcUetawn, Va. Operations in the Shenandoah. Valley. Com- panies A. B, I>, E, F, II. I and L, 5th Cavalry, Major Vonght; Battery M, 1st Artillery, Lieut. James II. Peabody; 28th Infantry, Col. Dudley Donnelly, Lt.-Col. E. F. Brown. 910. Mav 94th. Action at Newtown, Va. Operations in the Shenandoah Valley. Com- panies A, B, D, E, F, H, I and I., 5th Cavalry, Major Vought; Battery M, 1st Artillery, Lieut. Peabody; 28th Infantry, Col. Donnelly, Lt.-Col. Brown. 811. May 35th. Engagement at Winchester, Va. Operations in the Shenandoah Valley. Companies A. B, I>. E, P, H, I and L, -~"» 1 1 1 Cavalry. Major Vought; Stli Cavalry. dismounted, Lt. Col. ('has. H. Babbitt; Battery M, 1st Artillery, Lieut. Peabody; 98th Infantry, Col. Donnelly and Lt.-Col. Brown. 813. May 35th. Skirmish at the Chickahominy. Va. Savage Station. 3d Battery, 56th and 100th Infantry. 313. May 35th. Skirmish at Stevenson's Station, Ya. Operations in the Shenandoah Valley. Detachment 8th Cavalry, dismounted. 214. May 35th. skirmish at Bunker Bill, W. Va. Operations in the Shenandoah Valley 98th Infantry, Lt.-Col. Brown. 915. May 95th. Skirmish at Dismal Swamp. N. C. 108d Infantry. 816. May 36th. Skirmish on reconnaissance mar Hanover Court House, Va. 5th Inf. 917. Maj 97th Engagement at Hanover Court House, Va. Slash Church; Kinney's farm; ■ Divisions. 1 Commanding Officers, K II. -1 u L i ...... 7 1 M e 1 z ss'g |i H i - ■i 'i < > Companies F and M.Capts. Bennett and Lord, es- cort to Gen. Porter * >Col. . Wainwright.... 2, Hunker 3 ('apt. Thomas \\ . (Kl.orn • Uafv (i. Bazzard 1, Richardson -, Casey \ ('apt. John 1). Frank E: Bat'y 11. Bailey Bat'v A. 2 1, Richardson . 2 With Batteries B ami C, 1st Art " 4th Bat'y... Wainwright.... 2, Hooker :■ Lieut. Joseph K. Nairn • .'■Hi Bat'y Willi liatteries o| the Regular Armv " 6th Bat'y... Wainwright.... ■_>, Booker ":• ('apt. Walter M. Bramhali • 7th Bat'y... Batley 2. Casey 1 4 Capt. Peter C. Began ...... .... 1 ...... Mli Bat'y... Bailey Capt. Butler Fitch 1, .lithlnf .... 1, Gorman 2, Sedgwick"'.'." '_ Col. .lame. A. Suiter "2: 66 ..'":'. 07 36th int :'.. Devena 1 Col. ('. H. lnnis(c). l.i. -Col. |i. K. Ilun-erfor-l. 7 :; 33 s 4> :'.7th Int' ■'., Kerry :,' Kearny Col. Samuel 11. Ilayman, Lt.-Col. B. Rionliin.... II ■ i.j 2 :wh Int" ■_'. liirney :',, Kearny C..1. J. II. Bobarl ffanlm. Mai.Wm. 11. Itaini. 1 13 :t 1- mill Int' 2, Itirn.v t. Kearny ; 1,1. -Col. '1'lionias \\ . Ku'ati 1. 2 7" | 96 1 I2d Int 3. Ihina 2, Sedgwick Col. E. ( . Charles 52d Int' 3. French 1. Richardson . 1, Conch 1 Col. Paul Frank "u 13 i; '"> I ■f 95 ...... G 5ith Inf... 1, Peck L1.-C0I. Louis Tliourot In" . ■ 66th Int 1, Naglee Lt.-Col. James Jordan 1 .'iTth Inf.... 3, French 1. Richardson.. 2 Col. Samuel K. Zonk 3 r. |s fiisi int" — 1, Howard 1. Richardson.. 2 Col. Francis c. Barlow A .•7 i "1. 110 62d int" 1, Peck 1. ('(inch Col. J. Lafayette Kikeriki, Lt.-Col. D..I. Novin. 1 15 32 v 63d Jut' j. Meagher 1, Richardson . Col. Join, liirrke 64th Int' ... 1, Boward 1, Richardson . ' Col. T.J. Parker iwi. Lt.-Col. |i. (1. Ilin-ham i w .. Capt. Kutiis \\ ashburn, Jr 1 2) 11 1 12 17 65th Inf. 2, Abercrombie 1, Conch 4 Col. John Cochran,- 7 21 g| 66th Inf. ■".. French 1, Richardson . 2 Col. Joseph C Pincknev 1 1 67th iiit j. Abercrombk 1, Couch 1 Col. Julius \\ . A, lam- "l 21 * 170 69th Int 2, Meagher.... 1, Richardson.. 2 Col. Hubert NllL'ellt 12 1 1 "nth Ittf 2, Sitkles 2, Hooker 3 Mai. Th as Holt 2 IS 18 71st Inf 2, Sickles 2. Hooker :< Col. Cm. 11. Hall. I.t.-Cnl. II. L. Putter . 2 in 20 72.1 Inf 2, Sirkles 2. Booker 3 Col. Nelsnn Taylor :, 71.1 Inf.... .', Sickles 2, Hooker :•■ Mai. John I). Moriarty, Capt. Chas. It. Elliott... m 11 71th Inf.....-', Sickles ■J, Hooker 3 Col. cha.ies K. Hraham .... 1- 20 8181 Inf 3, Palmer 2, Casey i Lt.-Col. J.J.DeForestlHi. ('apt. W.I . liuulstnn. "2 23 5 -7 "aj 137 83d Inf 1, Gorman j, Sedgwick . .. Lt.-Col. Henry W. Hudson V 2 69 85th Inf.... 3, Palmer 2, Casey t, Kearny 1 :t Col. Jonathan S. Belknap 9 11 4 a (5 "21 7 87th Inf.... 1. Jamison Col. S A. Dodge ystli Inf.... :t. Palmer l.i -c 1 Charles imrk.e 1 3 UMith Inf... 1, Naglee 2, Casey 1 Col. J. M. llrownik., Lt.-Col phimas Staunton. "3 16 3 ■ ■ 176 Total IS 296 -- Ittn 7 287 2117 Total loss of the Cii ion troops engaged 11 W 21a 187(1 ir, — 5031 233. June 1st. Skirmish near Strasburg, Va. 4th Cavalry; Battery I, 1st Artillery; 2d Battery; 88th, 39th, 41st. 46th, 54th Infantry, 234. Jane 1st. Skirmish at Chickahominy, Va. Company B, 16th Infantry. 235. June 1st. Skirmish at Mechanicsville Bridge, Va. :27th Infantry. 236. June -Jil. Skirmish al Greenville Road, near Tranter's Creek, N. C. Detachmenl of company I, 3d Cavalry. 237. June 2d. Skirmishes at Strasburg and Woodstock. Va. 4th Cavalry: 3d Battery; 39th and 45th Infantry. 238. June 3d. Skirmishes near Woodstock, at Edinburg and Mt. Jackson. Va. Market. 4th Cavalry: 2d Battery; 30th and 45th Infantry. 239. June 4th. Skirmish on James Island, S. C. Tilth Infantry, Capt. Elliott. New 172 PAET II. IN THE FIELD. L862. 240. Jane 6th. Skirmish at Union Church, Va, Battery I, 1st Artillery. 241. Jane 5th. Skirmish al New Bridge. Y;i. Battery B, 1st Battalion Artillery; detach- in. -mi of 5th Battery, with Battery E, 2d I". B. Artillery; 5th and 1 1th Infantry. 848. Jane 5th. Skirmish at Goldings Farm, Va. 33d. 4!ith and 77th Infantry. 848. Jane 5th. -6th. Action al Tranters Creek, N. C. One squadron 3d Cavalry; com- pany l,8d Artillery; detachment Marine Artillery. 844 Jane 6th. Skirmish near Harrisonburg, Va. Two companies 4th Cavalry; 3d Bat- tery; 89th and 45th Infantry. 845. Jane 7th. Skirmish at Aldie. Va. Detachmenl 4th Cavalry; Battery I. 1st Artillery. 346. .Inn.- mIi. Skirmish on reconnaissance on New Market Road, Va. 85th and 92d Infantry. jit Jane 8th. Skirmish on James Island, S. C. 46th Infantry. 848. Jane 8th. Skirmish at Seven Pines, Va. 65th Infantry. 849. June 8th. Skirmish before Richmond, Va. 40th Infantry. 850. Jane 8th. Battle of Cross Keys, Va. It!, i'.iv ... Mil Il.f ... 29th Int . .. '.■nil li.f . .. MM Il.f Commanding Officers. Killed W'n'd J7UT M -- - 13th Inf.... Mill Inf.... '.Mli Int. ... , liuhli'ii Winker's.. . stall. I HI.-nk.T's.. Blenker's.. UliMikt-r's.. . Koltes Blenker's.. Blenker's.. si. .ii, i Blenker's.. , Stabel Blenker's.. . Bohlen Blenker's.. . Biiiii.'ii Blenker's. _ Col. Christian P. Dickel.. = Capt. Hicbael Wledrich. Lieut. Berman Jatan.. Lt.-Col. Clemens Col. Pred Col. Leop. I \ Von Kolmstedl Col. George Von Armsbera . C..I. Knirene K.i/lav i lot w ladimlr Ki ^ sanowskl Col. Robert J Betge LI -Col. Ernest Total Total loss of Union troops engaged 57 10 10921 r."j ii.'. 851. 855. 8fl 1 t Loss nol reported separately. JuneSth 9th. Skirmish at Old Tavern, Va., Fair Oaks. 67th Infantry. Jane 9th. Skirmish near Port Republic, Va, Crossing of Shenandoah, mar Cross Keys. 4th Cavalry; Battery I. 1st Artillery; 29th and 58th Infantry. Jane 9th. Skirmish before Richmond. Va. 40th Infantry. June 10th. Skirmish mi James Island, S. < '. Detachment 1st Engineers; 47th and 79th Infantry. Jane 12th. Skirmish al New Market, Va. Detachmenl Ith Cavalry; 8th Infantry. Skirmish Dear Fair Oaks, Va. 70th. 71st, 72.1, 78d and 74th Infantry. Skirmish mar Falmouth, Va. Battery B, 2d Battalion; 76th Infantry. Skirmish near Dispatch Station, Va. 6th Battery. Skirmish mar New Market, Va. Detachmenl 1th Cavalry. Action at Old Church. Va. Ml, ami Kith Infantry. Skirmish at Tunstall Station, Va. 42d Infantry. Skirmish at Fair Oaks. V.i Huh Infantry. ihes at Milton, I'la. Companies B, C, Band H, 6th Infantry, Jane 12th. Jane 18th. Jane 18th. Jane L8th. Jane 18th. Jane 14th. .1 1 1 Ith. June l nil 15th. Bklrm l.i Col. Cassidy. Jane 15th. Skirmish al Middletown, Va. 89th Infantry. June 15th. Action al Fair Oaks and near Seven Pines, Vn Moriarty; c pany a. * s ih Infantry, Capt. Smith. June L6th. Skirmish al Fair Oaks Va., Seven Pines, 2d Infantry. June 16th. Bngagemenl at Secessionville, S. c. .hums Island. Detachmenl 1st Engineers, 16th, 17th and 79th Infantry. June Kith. Skirmish at White House, Va. 84th Inf. June l s th. Skirmish at Blue Ridge Mountains, Va. Company I>. 11th Cavalry. June 18th, Artillery affair at N«-w Bridge. Va. Detachmenl 5th Battery, with Battery K. 5th D. S. Artillery; 19th Infantry. 7:M Infantry. Maj. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. l 73 271. 273, 273. 274. 27.1 276. 077 378. 379. 280. 281. 18G2. June 18th. Skirmish on reconnoissance near Fair Oaks. Vu. One section 6th Bat- tery; companies D and E, 2d Infantry. June 19th. Skirmish at Burnt Chimney, near FairOaks.Va. 68d,69th and 88th Infantrj . June 19th. Artillery affair al New Bridge, Va. Battery I!. Isl Battalion Artillery. June 20th. Skirmish al Fair Oaks, Va. 1st [nfantry. June 31st. Skirmish near Fair Oaks. Va. 3d [nfantry, detachmenl 88th [nfantry. June 28d-34th. Skirmishes at Pair Oaks, Va. 1st [nfantry. June 34th. Skirmish a1 Tranter's Creek, X. C. Detachmenl 3d < iavalry, Capt. Jocknick. June 24th. Skirmish near Luray, Va. 5th Cavalry. June 24th. Skirmish al Orange Court House, Va. 80th [nfantry. June 24th. Skirmish at Mechanicaville, Va. Detachmenl 77th [nfantry. June 24th-25th. Skirmishes al Fair Oaks. Chickahominy, Va. 63d, 81st, 85th, 92d, 96th and 98th Infantry. June 25th-July2d. The Seven Days' Battle, Peninsular of Virginia. Includes L< during thai time and at Oak Grove June 25th; Mechanicsville, June 26th; Gaines' Mills, Fair oaks and Garnett's farm, June 27th; Garnett's and Golding's farms, Long Bridge and Bottom Bridge, June 28th; Peach Orchard, Savage Station and White House, June 39th; White Oak Swamp, Glendale, Charles City Road, Brack- et's Ford and .Malvern Cliff, June 30th; .Malvern Hill, July 1st, and rear-guard skirmishes to Harrison's Landing July 2d, 1862. The loss of the 4th Corps, where reported, is from June 2d to July 2d, 1862. Divisions. Commanding Officers. Killed. W'n'd. Organi- sations. z w z I- § |g - t Isl Cav 6th Cav 1 ::::::::::.::::::::;:::: 6 4 Col.A.T.McReynolds Companies DA K. eacorl to Qen. Sumner* Companies V <>rn * ('apt. Charles C. Wheeler 1 3 i 6 i ....... 3 2 8 1st Art.: B B Bat'y D.. Bat'y E.. Ayres i, Richardson . i, Booker j. Smith 4,'Peck""'".!";" Resen e Art. . Resen e Ari ... Reserve Art.... Reset \ e Art.... s - i ■jt'.-M't. John 1). Frank Bat'y II- IstB .\ Bat'y a.. Bat'y 1!.. Bat'j C. Bat'y Ii.. -.'■I Batt. At a 5 4 "., Arnclt ;, Amdi 2 ..... ..... ..... i it ii w 67 1- 51 31 Ii 1" 34 29 1st Bat'y... Ayri's J. Smith 2, Smith J. Hooker 27Peck"!'.!r.'."'!! i. Kearny" 2, Hooker .', Sykes l, Richardson . j, Sykes i. Moil el 1 1, Morrell 1, Morrell l.Slocura 1, Morrell l.Slocum '-', Smith i, Worrell 1. Slui'iini 6 .". I l 3 E 6 4 3 a <■ 5 6 2 4 i I'.'l't. I'eneiiee ,|. Kennedy • in 6 1 ■J i - 236 10 p 201 225 228 • r .tti Bat'y... -'. Qetty 6th Bat'y... DeRussy Ttli Bat'y 8th Bat'y... West I 'apt. Kliiah |i. Talt.serv injiimletai hineiits with other batteries Capt. Wallher M. Bramhall Capt' Butler Fitch. ".'."'.'.'_'.'.'.'.'.'.'"'!;.'."!"!]."« 1 1 lol. 1 has. n. smart 1st Inf 2d 1 nt M Inf Ttli Inf 10th Inf a 16 9 19 2 30 34 •- t i- M 1 4 7 i 4 4 G 1 9 8 1 2 II i 1 3 4 i:w 8 106 II lie 54 167 it: 11 106 2 1 ..... 8 2 1 ...... 1, Carr '.. Warren i, Caldwell Col. .1. It. Cur no. Lt.-Col. W. A. i. !o!.G, K Col. George \\ . Von Schaak ...... 12th Inf... !. Butterfleld... 2 1 13th Inf.... 1. Martitulaie... Htli Inf.... 2, Griffin 16th Inf.... J. BarUett 17th Inf.... .,, Butterfleld... 18th Inf.... 3, Newton 2mh Inf... i. Davidson .... Col. K. C. Mar-hall. Mai. F. S.lioetlel Col. Jami M. Qua Col. .1. Ilowl.iii.l i« -. Lt.-Col. .1 .1 Col. U.S. Lansing, Lt.-Col. N. B. Bar tram, Mai. W. T.C. C. rower ' Lt.-Col. G. It. Mye,-. Mai .1 (' Maglnnl*... 25th Inf l, Martlndale.. 27th Inf.... 2, Bartletl 31st Inf ;, Newton M ij. K. S Cilln-rt w . Capt S i.i Col. J.J. Har«en 1.: i ol \ D. Adams Col. 0. K. Pratl iwi. Lt.-Col. F. K Pinto... 2 M 32d Inf i, Newton i. Slocnra S3d inf ....3, Davidson .... 1 - 41 4 19 41 2 I ...... 34th Inf ....1, Sully ... '-', Sedgwick .... i. Conch ■': Kearny 3, Kearny 3, Kearnv 2,SedRWlck -'. Smith i, Morrell .', Smith l, Richardson . 1. Conch 2, Peck 1, Richardson .. 3fith Inf.. . ... Palmer. .. .(7th Inf.... :i, Berry Lt.-Col. D. E.HunRerford.MaJ. J. \ Ram 143 S8th Inf.... J. Birnev 37 40th Inf.... 421 Inf 43d In! Col. Th as \V. K-mii Col. E.C. Charles (w). Lt.-Col. J. J.Mooney s •-■ 2 16 1 ...... ! . Dana i. Hancock 71 nth Inf..., ... Butterfleld.., 19th Inf.... *, Davidson el D. Bidwell Col. Paul Frank 52d Inf .... ;>., French 17 '"35 17 55th Int.... 1, Howe 1 1 56th Inf.... i. Najrtee 17th Inf.... 3, French. Col. C. 11. Van Wvek • Col. S. K. Zook (ci, Lt.-Col. P. .1. Parisen. 41 1T4 i'AKT II. L\ THE FIELD. L862. Commanding Officers. Killed. WW Missing. ■ L 8 f - i L - Q 1 . If a ! g < ..llh Inf.... 66th Inf.... ..Tin Inf.... .."Ill Inf.... 1 ' 7l»i ini 73d Ini TIIli Inf.... 1 4t8l Inf ■ji Inf «th Inf .... •Till In! -Hi Inf .... •_• i Inf 1, Caldwell :!, French j. Abercr ble 1, French j. Abercromble .'. Meagher :. Sii ilea 2, Sicklea J, Sickles :. Sicklea i. Richardson . in i, 41 it li 47 9 41 ia 32 81 ■-•■' 37 1 ..... l l '":'■. 20 117 I I i Col. David .). Nevin Col. John Burke (w), U. -Col. Henrj Fowler, ('apt. Joseph O'Neill Col. Thomas J. Parker I.I. -C..'. \i. Aamhr Shaler 2 i i 1 45 i. Ri< bardson . i. Couch i. Richardson . i. Couch i, Richardson . .'. Hooker 2, Hooker 2, Hooker 2, Peel .... '.. Kearny i. Richardson . 30 7H - li 68 ill 1:1 II. L 1 .i r i i 19 a i i 3 2 2 > 2 7 1 1 ...... 4 .'.1 78 8 5 19 47 11 118 -7 3.'. i . ii, s K Graham .'.4 i , 1 1, ., .• \\ || ii.u. in . ' •■■!.' .I'.n.illi. i.i's. Ilelkn.ip ..!..... I.I. -Col. Kuh.iiM A. Hachia Col. Henry M. Baker, MaJ. Jas. Qulnlan.. '"•. 11 11 "«2 M 2 38 62 129 Co.'s It. C, l>. K. li ami 1 at \\ hit.. lions, witli Qen. Casey ; A. F. II and K athead- quarters Army Potomac * ■ "i .::.: i B6th Inf... ■.-Hi Inf... 100th lot lulsl Inf.... !, Wessells. ... . Wessella l. Naglee .'. Peck 2, Peck "79 -i l.t.-l\.l. Charles Iturkee * l.t.c.l. I'liineas Staunton " ::::: ".::::::: 3, Kearny A- 44 18 Total loss of Union fori i 1631 115 7651 l« ... IS849 •js;{. June 25th. Engagement" ;it Oak Grove. Va. King's School House. French's Field, the Orchards, Tavern Hill, Robinson's Field, Seven Pines. Loss included in that of Sfv en Days' Battle. 1-1 <'av •.'h Batt'j 1-1 Int ... 1 mill Int nth Int ... ■-', Hookei . :. K.-arnv .... Hooker Palmer.... I, Couch Kearny I. Kearnj Sickles 2, Hooker.... , Sickles 2, llook.-r '. Hooker . Sickles 2, Hooker Hooker , Robinson, '. Keai D] . Blrney.. , H Co landing Officers. Killed Wi.M Slit x~rx Company B, Qen. McClellan's escoi L, ('apt. Thomas W. Osborn. " 3Lt.Henderson,det'ch'twithBat'yK,4thl - \ 3 Col. Qarretl Dykeman 3 Col. Joseph It. c.ur u >: i.i. Col. \v. \. Olmstead D. E ■rford.. 1 A. Donalds 1 K. Qrahani hard A. Bachia. Fardella Km Total Total loss of 1'nioii ford ■ 2 65,21 183 1 .'•! •jsj. Jane 26th. Battle -.f Mechanicsville. \ ':.. Beaver Dam, Ellison's Mills. Loss in- cluded in thai of Seven Days' Battle. 1: 1 I, Mnrilndnl... I - Capt. ( C. Wheelei ■ •■ \ I ■ ■ T I. ll ' .. I!- • \ lolin I., ia. iiMi.1,1 win, k. mi, 1 . .-. Artillery . I, Morr.-l! . I i-h.i M i M M '(iiade Morn Major 1 BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIBMISHES, ETC. 175 1862. 285. June 26th-29th. Skirmishes at Fair Oaks, Va. Seven Days' Battle. Battery :: 39 i- i s e z i 2 1 "i |g SB H i'i 52 • IS 7 35 19 ' ' It. 28 1 i McReynolds • Cos. F and M, Qen. Kit/. John Porter's escort....* 1st Uattal'n Art.: Bat'y It. Reserve Art ... Reserve Art ... 5 - ('apt. Kilwanl (irinnn * Detachment with Battery K..'.ih tJ. S. Artillery Col. 6. K. Warren (c), Lt.-Col. fllram Duryea. "i 5th Uat'.v... 5th Inf 1, Warren 2,Sykes l-.-j 122 i.-.i 12th Inf....:'., Unttrrll.-M.. I.Morrell I.l.-c.l. I; rl \l. Ui.hanlson 2 Ilth Int.... K.tli ll.f .... isth Inf.... 25th Inf 27th Inf.... list lilt 32d Inf J. tiritlln I.Morrell .', Bartletl LSlocum '.. Newton l.Slocum 1. Martin. lair... I.Morrell 2, Barilett I.SIocum •., Newton I.Slocum ••. Ni'whin l. siornni :i, Butterfleld.. I.Morrell Col. James McQnade Col. Joseph Howland i_. K. Myers Ma). B. s. Gilbert (w), Capt, Sheppard Qlearon. Col. Jos. J. Bartletl (c), Lt.-Col. A. D.Adame Col. Calvin E. Pratl (w i, Lt.-Col. r. E. Pinto. 1 2 2 [00 201 no 4.'. i i lot ,711, Inl .... 63d Inf .'., Frencn -'. Meagher 1, Richardson., 1, Richardson.. i, Richardson.. 1, Richardson.. l. Richar Isan, i. Richardson.. Col. Samnel K. Zook ... 1 i .... ....„ 5 355 2732 1 7 69th Inf .... aeth Inf.... j, Meagher .', Meagher Col. Kol.i'it Nnu'ent Col. Henry M. Baker ■ li ~: 4'. 1*4 Ml mi S W 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. •293. 294. ■J9.J, 290. ■297. June 27th. Aeti. 1st Cavalry, escort; Batteries 15 and !•'., 1st Artillery; detach- ment Battery A, 2d Battalion Artillery, with Battery B. 1st Artillery: 1st and 3d Batteries, detachment 5th Battery, with Battery K, 1th U. S. Artillery: 6th and 7th Batteries; 7th. 30th, 83d, 84th, 13d, 43d, I!ith..vjd. 56th, 57th, 61st, 64th, (With. liTth. 77th. 81st, 83d, 96th, 98th, 100th Infantry. 303. June 30th. Battle of Glendale. Va., Nelson's Farm, Charles City Cross Roads, New- Market Road. Quaker Church Road, Frazier's Farm. Willis Church. Seven Days' Battle. Companies A, ('and I). 1st Cavalry, and I> and K 6th Cavalry, escorts; Batteries B. 1). E, and , I-'. II and K, 6th Cavalry; Oneida Company Cavalry: Batteries B. D, 17. (J and II. 1st Artillery; Batteries A. B, C and D, 1st Bat- talion Artillery; Battery A, 3d Battalion Artillery: 1st. 3d, 4th. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Batteries; 15th and 50tli Engineers; 1st, '3d, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th; 13th, 14th, Kith, 18th, 30th, 35th, 27th. 81st, 83d, 33d, 84th, 36th, 37th, 38th, 40th, I'M. 48d, ll,h. Huh. 53d, 55th, 56th, 57th, ('.1st, 63d, 63d, 64th, 65th, 66th, 67th, 69th, 70th, 71st, 73d, 73th, 7 1th. 77th, 81st, 83d, 85th, 87th, 88th, 98d, 98d, 96th, 98th, 100th, and LOlSl Infantry. f!ii.'). July 1st. Skirmish near Woodstock, Va. 5th Cavalry. 806. July 2d. Skirmishes at Crew's Farm and Carter's Hill, Va. Rear guard skirmishes Seven Days' Battle to Harrison's Landing. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Lieut. Stevenson; Battery (I, 1st Artillery, detachmenl Battery A., 3d Battalion Artillery with it; 7th Battery; 43d, 56th, 65th, 71st, sue 85th, 93d, 96th, 98th and 100th Infantry. ::u; Julj 3d. Skirmish at Warsaw Pord, Va. 5th Cavalry. 308. July 3d. Skirmishes at Harrison's Landing. Turkey Bend, and Gum Run Swamp, Va. one squadron 1st Cavalry, Capt. Jones; 8th Battery; 1st, 5th, LOth, 1 4th. 30th, 88d, LOth, 49th and 77th [nfantry. 809. July 4th. Skirmish at Flipper's Orchard, Ya. One company 3d Cavalry, Lieut. Robert London. 810. July Ith. Skirmish on James River, near Harrison's Landing, Va. Detachment of company L 99th [nfantry, on gunboat. 811. July 6th. Skirmish nt Lewinsville, \'a. Detachment 4th Artillery. 813. July 6th. Skirmish at Sperryville, Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry. 818. July Bth. Skirmish near Mlddletown, Va. 1th Cavalry. 814. July 9th. Skirmish at Hamilton. X. C. Company I''. 9th Infantry. B10. July 9th. Skirmish on Long Bridge Road, Ya. Lsl Cavalry, Col. McReynolds. ::!(;. July 10th. Skirmish at Tranter's Creek, N. C. Detachment 8d Cavalry. 817 July LOth. Skirmish a) Smithfield, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles, Maj. Dodge. ::|s. ,i iiv l.'th. Skirmish near Culpeper Court House, Ya. 5th Cavalry. 819. July 15th. Skirmish at Orange Court House, Ya. Detachment 5th Cavalry. 830. July 17th. Bkirmishal Liberty Mills, Va Detachment 5th Cavalry, B81. July l*th. Skirmish at Barnett's Ford, Rapidau, Va. Company A, 5th Cavalry. 833. July 30th. Skirmish at Beaver Dam Station. Va 3d Cavalry, Maj. Henry 17. Davies. 838. -'uly 33d. Skirmish at White House Ford, near Luray, Va. Four companies 4th Cavalry; one section 18th Battery: four companies 68th Infantry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 177 1862. 324. July 23d. Skirmish mar Carmel Church, Va. North Anna, Po River. 2d Cavalry, .Maj. Davies; companies Band C, 84th Infantry. 325. July 24th. Skirmish at Racoon Ford, Rapidao River, Va. 29th Infantry. 326. July 25th. Skirmish on the Rappahannock, Va. 28th Infantry. :!'JT. July 25th. Skirmish on expedition from New Berne to Trenton and Pollocksville, N. ( '. Four companies 3d I avalry. 828. July 28th. Skirmish at Orange Court House, Va. 23d and 30th Infantry. 829. .Tuly 26th. Skirmish at Mill Creek, aear Pollocksville, N. C. Company K. 3d Cavalry. 880. .'uly 27th. Skirmish on reconnoissance from New Berne to Young's Cross Roads, \. c. Two companies 3d Cavalry; Graham's section of Hat t cry B, Rockel Battalion. 881. July 28th. Skirmish on French's Farm, on New Berne Road, aear Bachellor's Creek, N. C. Batteries C and <;, :;d Artillery. 882. July 29th. Skirmish near Luray, Va. Detachment 1th Cavalry. 3:53. July 29th. Skirmish at Sulphur Springs, Va. 45th Infantry. 334. July 30th. Skirmish near Harrison's Landing, Va. 1st Cavalry. 885. 2d. Skirmish near Orange Court House, Va. 5th Cavalry, Col. DeForresl and Maj. Hammond. 886. Aug. 5th. Engagement at Malvern Hill, Va. 6th Battery; 2d, 59th, 70th, 78d, and 82d Infantry. 337. Aug. 5th. Skirmish at Bowling Green, near Fredericksburg, Va. 30th Infantry. 888. Aug. 5th. Action between troops in the Martello Tower, Tyhee Island, Ga., and the blockade runner Ladona. Company 1, 48th Infantry. 339. Aug. 6th. Skirmish at Frederick Hall Station. Va. Bight companies 2d Cavalry. Col. Davies. 340. Aug. 6th. Action at Massaponix, Va. Mattapony Creek; Thornburg. 22d, 24th, 30th and 84th Infantry. 341. Aug. 6th. Skirmish at and near the fork of the Trenton and Kinston Road. X. C. Nine companies 3d Cavaliy . 342. Aug. 6th. Skirmish on reconnoissance to Swift Creek, X. C. Detachment Marine Art. 343. Aug. 6th. Skirmish on reconnoissance to Neuse River, near Kinston. X. ('. Detach ment Marine Artillery. 344. Aug. 6th. Skirmish near Po River Crossing, Va. Company C, 21st Infantry. 345. Aug. 7th. -9th. Skirmish on reconnoissance from Pensacola to Bagdad ami Milton. Fla. Companies A and B, 6th Infantry. 846. Aug. 8th. Skirmish at Orange Court House. Va. 2d Cavalry. 347. Aug. 8th. Skirmish at Rappahannock Station, Va. list Infantry. -IS Aug. 9th. Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va.; Cedar Hun; Slaughter .Mountain . By portions of the Army of Virginia. Brigades. Divisions. i i 2 - - •_ - 3 3 3 3 Commanding Officers. Killed Wad. Ml Obganka- i [ON8. L - . a p H 1 1 7 a ■J m S A rni v of Virginia, detachment ■ Army ofVlrginia, U.-Coi. K<-rri- Na/.i-r * i orps Headquarters, Bat'j K Bal j 1. .. Bafy M. H lit.: Bafy 1. ... loili Bat'y. 26th lot . .. 88th Inf.... ?, Tower*.!!!!!!!! i, Crawford . ... i, Williams . .. 2, Aueur j, Rlcketts .', Rlcketts •_'. Rlcketts -. Augur ■-'. Rlcketts -•, Rlcketts l',-l|it. .1 oil 11 A. K.vnoMs * 1st Lieut. Charles B. Winegar ■ Oapt, Jacob Roemer Cant. John T. Bnien " C.I. Win. II. Clirislian C,,l. Du.ll.'V n..tun>Uv <\v>, 1,1. -Col. K. K. Brown (w), Maj. Ellloti W. Cook (ml i 20 1 1 21 1 77 in ...... 213 1 ?. '■'iih [nf. ... _', Tower ■ ■ \.i:i in i; i:..,)i * ..... I02d iiu ....-', Prince ion ii [nf... i, Duryea •-I ■.•. Jas. 6. Lane •■■ l.i. -Col. Lewis C. Skinner ' l n IIS "a 2 36 17 102 180.11 11" 383 Total loss of Union forces engaged 1343 17 2881 23 178 PAKT II. IN THE FIELD. 1862. :]40. Aug. 9th-10th. Bkinniah cm reconuois&ance from Pensacola to Bagda d and Milton. Flu. Companies II and K. 91s1 Infantry. \ ilt. llth. Skirmish at Cedar Mountain, Va 5th Cavalry. Lth. Skirmish at Cedar Creek. Va. 45th Infantry. !:. Skirmish near Cedar Mountain. Va 9th Cavalry. 853. An-. 18th Skirmish on reconnoissance toward Orange Court House, Va. 5th Cav. airy, Col. BeForrest. 854. An-, llth. Skirmish at Orange Court House. Va. 6th Cavalry. 855. An-. 15th. Skirmish at Freeman's Ford. Rappahannock River, Va. list Infantry 156. \ult 15th. Skirmish at Rappahannock River, below Falmouth, Va. Detachmenl of company K. 9th Infantry, ig. 16th to Sept. 2d. Operations in Northern Virginia. Gen. Pope's campaign. Z i Cav ..- I'll Cav.... 9 h Cav.... lUl'y L... mi i, Italy ( ■ Mill llalv 8th Int . .. null Inf.. 12th Int.- I .Hi I. if I7i ti Inf... .in, Inf. Uayar.l Beardsley lliil.inl Beardsley Scbinner Best Campbell Best j. Kryzancn Bkl Reserve Corps. Scbinner -'. Hlnii'v I 3turgl8 ["Hatch;!!"! 3, Shimmet- pfenning Sturgia — n J. I, Btahel i. •.. w arren .'. .. Batterfleld. i. - . i. !, Griffin i. rflcld. I, i. I. Sullivan .. Patrick Sykea .... - Sykea Morrell . Morrell .. Morrell . Hatch.... Hal, h Hatch Hatch.... 87th Ini . I'Mh 1 1.1 . hi Int c.ti, Int. Mil Inf. Mill Int. I. Hull. i. Sullivan . .. i k i i - i \ Butteraeld . i. i Williams..... wehr s hem k Cdiiiiiiaiiiling Officers. \ i Col. J. Mansfield Davies \ ., 1.1. -I "1. I • i n- Na/.i-r •-• Va. Col. (iilni'il DeForesI i Va. Col. John Beardsli i i Blajoi Charles \ a I.' it. Sai R. J 1 Va. Capt Mi I •• w i-ilruii 2 Va, i-i Lieut. Solon w . Stoi king Cant .li'lm A Ki'.mimI.N Capt. George \\ . Cothran * Cant. Jacob Roemer Col. Gustavus Waagner laeut. Theodore Bluhme Capt. John T. Bruen Capt. \. Von Puttkammer., Carl I!. Hedterlck hi B. Bendis in v \. \\, .1- . u ■. C.,|,l. h . ' lapt, W llliara liuson .. :.ii I. I ni I -'Hi Inf.. ■•. Tall 2, ..-Hi j ni ... i, Koll Morrell . ... Schenck Btevcna H SI 1 .- 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ • i pfenning P \ i Va \ Va a Po. Col. ii,. w V. Rog rr:::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::: Col. v m. Crane .1 Tnn.itln Siilliwm ',■'. 1,1 -C"l. S. K. . . Major A. .1. Barne} k i, Capt. John l>. O'Brian , lol. i lharles A. Johnson Col. win. II. Christian (c), Lt, I H \ . Rll ll.llM-.iill Capt. Tl phllua Fitzgerald . - \| I.. «i. II. nil, ,., i, ii i , i. \\. m. Searing i lol. Ne« ton B, Lord Col. S. It Ilayinaii "i. Thomas w , Egan Col, Leoi.,.1,1 \ ■ ■ l.i -Col, Ernesl \ "I, Qolmstedt Col. James. C. Rtce(, M I . Conner. i.t.-ci. i . i w , c,,i. k. . l.i.-ci. .1..-. Gerhardt, ii It. Potter \ I.I. -en! M ■ " ilei Col. Win. B I • I j, I .leday Hooker.. ii n i • ■ ol John H. Kleeflsh L. Young il II I.. Pottei a ' Murphy, Capl w. a. i ild . I'., CI. V-1-.l.ll i , II J. BUM •■ Po. C:i|,i. \. \ M. |l,,naM- ki.Cal'I.M W B • ■ ■ "I ZVa. Lt.-Col. .1 ilh.m Austin 7 r. " BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 179 L862. Brigades. Divisions. z : ■ : ":' :t :i < Commanding OH Killed Wnd Oboani- ZAT10N8. E z "- - • .1 l< T 1 "3 6 6 ...... 6 i. z 9 ■ ":; 7 7 = IB 71 I SI 7 M i'i t- - 79th l'.i ... 80tb Inf... 83d Int.... Mill Inf... 3, Famswortli.. 3, Patrick- 8, llartsiut. 1, Sullivan .... i, Stevens ■ i. Batch 1, Match Stargls i. Kearny .'. Rtcketta l', Kearny..!!.'".*! 't\ Rickett's"!!!!!! j, Rtcketta v a Va. Va. Vl Col. A. Farnswortb (c), MaJ. w . St. <;. BlllOtl (w ..Capt. .1. M w i, l.t.-C,,l. David Mom-,,,, Col. II. W. I'ratt iki.1,1. 1 ■■: T I: 'mi. .l.w . stil . Mai. A. Kutuerford, Lt.-Col. I). II. K.,»|,i v. . Ma|. W . II DeBevoIse 1 "7 "3 16 HO ■ 1 '.in 11. 41 1622 HS7 in:, 279 1L-.I IIS 117 113 87th In! ... '.Mill I ill - ... 95th tnf... i, Robinson .... j. Tower A gcblaudeker! i. Duryea i. Duryea Lt.-Col. Ki. hard A. liachlu Col. \ R.R00I fw), Lt.-Col C 1 Lt.-Col. .1 - 1; Posl "i en -i Ini I02d Ini . HUtti Int.. 1'... va! \ i I.t.-Col. \. A (0 -MM 1, Kith \ V. \ol-.. MaJ. .1 C. Lane • MaJ. Lewis Skinner 124 H 132 J- 17 7991 H462 Total loss of Union forces • ngaged 358. 359. 3G0. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 872. 373. 874. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. t Loss incompletely 1 16th. Skirmish at Rapidan River, Va. ■ported. • ten. Pope's campaign. Aug. loth. Skirmish at Rapidan River, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 4th Cavalry, Aug. 17th. Skirmish at Louisa Court House, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 5thCavalry. Aug. 18th. Skirmish at Rapidan Station, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 3d Cavalry. a,ug. 18th-19th. Skirmishes at Rappahannock Station. Va. Hen. Pope's campaign. 10th Battery. Aug. 19th. Skirmish on Culpeper Road, Va. 6th Cavalry. Aug. 20th. Skirmish on Neuse River Road, N. ('.. thirteen miles from New B< rne. Detachment 3<1 Cavalry. Aug. 20th. Skirmish at Bamett's Ford, Rapidan River, Va. Companies A R and M, 8th Cavalry. Aug. 20th. Action at Brandy Station, Vti. Gen. Pope's campaign. 2d Cavalry. Aug. 20th. Action and skirmishes at' and near Rappahannock Station. Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 2d Cavalry; 97th, 104th and 105th Infantry. Aug. 21st. Action at Kelly's Ford, Rappahannock River, Va. Gen, Pope's campaign. 5th Cavalry: 51st and 79th Infantry. Aug. 21st. Skirmishes along the Rappahannock River, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. Batteries K and L, 1st Artillery; LOth Battery; 21st, 22d, 33d, 84th, 26th, 80th, 35th, 78th, 80th, 84th, 94th, 95th, 97th, 104th and L05th Infantry. Aug. 22d. Skirmish at Beverly Ford. Rappahannock River, Va. General Pope's Campaign. Battery K, 1st Artillery. Aug. 22d. Engagement at Catlett's Station, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 2d Cavalry. Aug. 23d. Skirmishes along the Rappahannock River, Yn. Gen. Pope's campaign. Battery L, 1st Artillery; 88d, 97th. 101th and 105th Infantry. Aug, 22d. Action at Freeman's Ford, Rappahannock River, Va. Gen. Pope's cam- paign. 9th Cavalry. Battery I. 1st Artillery; 18th Battery. Aug. 22d, Skirmish at Fox's Ford, Rappahannock River, Va. Gen, Pope's campaign. 64th and 58th Infantry. Aug. 23d. Engagement at Rappahannock Station. Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. Bat- teries I and L, 1st Artillery; Battery I,, 2d Artillery. 2d and LOth Batteries; 8th, 26th. 28th, 41st, 45th, 88d, 84th, 94th, 97th, 10»th and 105th Infantry. Aug. 23d. Skirmish at Culpeper, V;t. Gen. Pope's campaign. Detachment 2d Cav. Aug. 23d. Action at Great Run, near Sulphur Springs, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 0th Cavalry. Aug. 23d-24th. Action at Beverly Ford, Rappahannock River. Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. Batteries K and M, 1m Artillery. Aug. 33d-24th. Skirmish at Norman's Ford. Rappahannock River, Va. Gen. Rope's campaign. 80th Infantry. Aug. 28d-34th. Action at ami near Sulphur Springs, Va. Warrenton Springs. Gen. Pope's campaign. 2d, 5th and 9th Cavalry; Batteries land M. 1st Artillery; Bat- 180 PART II. I.N THE FIELD. L862. teryL, 2d Artillery: 10th and 18th Batteries; 88th, 89th, 41st, 46th, 51st, 54th, 68th, Until. 7 — T } i and Tilth Infantry. ■Ii. Action at Jones' Ford, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 9th Cavalry. 881. Aug. 24th-25th. Action at Waterloo Bridge. Ya. en. Pope's campaign. 4th Cav- alry; Battery I. Lsl Artillery; 8d and 13th Batteries; 8th, 89th, Ust, 45th, 64th, ind 68th Infantry. 882. Aug. 25th. Skirmish at Deep Creek, Va. Great Run. Gen. Pope's campaign. 9th Cavalry. 888. Aug. 26th. Action at Sulphur Springs. Ya. Gen. Pope's campaign. Battery L, 1st Artillery. 21st, 32d 38d, 34th, 80th, 85th, 76th, 80th, 84th and 95th Infantry. 86th. Skirmish at Bristoe Station, Ya. Gen. Pope's campaign. 4th Cavalry. 385. Aug. 26th. Skirmish at Manassas Junction, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. Detach- ment 3d < 'avalry. 886. Aug. 26th. Capture of Manassas Station, Va. . Murphy; 72d, Col Nelson C. Taylor(c), Capt. H. C. Bliss; 73d, Capt. A. A. McDonalds (k), Capt. M. W. Hums; 74th, Maj. E. L. Price; and three companies 87th, Infantry. '.591. Aug. 27th. Action near Gainesville, Ya. Gen. Popes campaign. Battery L, 2d Artillery. 392. Aug. 28th. Skirmish near Centreville, Ya. Gen. Pope's campaign. ."3th Cavalry: Battery E, 1st Artillery; 1st and 88th Infantry. 393. Aug. 88th! Skirmish near Bull Run, Ya. Gen. Pope's campaign. 2d Battery. 894. An--. -Nth. Skirmish at Burke's Station, Ya. den. Pope's campaign. 18th and Slsl Infantry. 895. Aug. 88th. Engagement at Thoroughfare Gap. Ya. Haymarket. Gen. Pope's cam- paign. 2d Cavalry: 36th, 88d, 94th, 97th, 104th and L05th Infantry. 896. Aug. 28th. Engagement near Gainesville. Y a. Gen. Pope's campaign. Battery L, Lsl Artillery: 31st, 32d, 28d, 84th, 30th, S5tk, 76th, 80th, 84th and 95th Infantry. :>'.i7. Aug. 39th. Skirmish near Manassas Junction, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. Pith and llth Infantry. 898. Aug. 29th. Battle at Groveton, Va. Manassas Plains. Gen. Pope's campaign. 2d, 4th, 5th and :ith Cavalry; Batteries I and P. 1st Artillery: Battery P. 2d Artillery; 2d, LOthand 18th Batteries; 1st, 3d, 8th, 21st, 22d, 88d, 24th, 29th, 80th, 85th, 87th, 88th, LOth, Ust; l'.th. detachmenl 46th, 51st, 54th, 58th, 68th, 70th, 71st, P.M. 78d, 7 Ph. 76th, 79th, 80th, 84th, 87th, 95th and 101st Infantry. 899 Aug. 80th. Skirmish at Lewis' Ford, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 5th Cavalry. tun. Aug. 80th. Skirmish at Kelly's Ford, Ya. 6th Cavalry. 401. Aug. 80th. Skirmish near Frying Pan, Va. Detachment PHh Cavalry . . -. 80th. Skirmish at Plymouth, X. C. Company F, !lth Infantry. .80th. Battle of Bull Run, Va. Groveton Heights. Second Manassas. Gen. Popi i campaign. 2d, ith ami 9th Cavalry; Batteries P B ami P. 1st Artillery; I Artillery. -^\. LOthand Pith Batteries; 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, P'.th. I7th. 3lst, 32d, 28d, 24th, 25th, 86th, 39th, 80th, 85th, 87th, 88th 40th, Ust, 44th, loth. L6th, 51st, 64th, 68th, 68th, 70th, 71st, 72d, 78d, 74th, 76th, 79th, 80th, B8d, 84th, 86th, 87th, 94th, 95th, 97th, mist. L04th and L05th Infantry. 404 Aiil'. 81st. Skirmish at Little River Turnpike, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 2d 1 1 ry . 406. Aug. 81st. Skirmish near Centreville, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 4th and 0th dry; L6th an. I 79th Infantry . 406. Aug. 81st. Skirmish at Qermantown, Va. Centreville; Manassas. Detachmenl Kith < lavalry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 181 L862. 407. Aug. 81st. Skirmish, at Fairfax Court House. Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. Slat, 28d and 35th Infantry. ln^. Sept. 1st. Skirmishes at the crossing of the Difficulty, on Little River Turnpike, and at Fairfax Court House, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 5th Cavalry; Battery L, 1st Artillery; 22d, 24th, 26th, 80th, 88d, B4th, 94th, 97th, (04th and L05th Infantry. 109. Sept. 1st. Battle of Chantilly, Va. Oxhill. Gen. Pope's campaign. 1st, 87th, 38th, 40th, 46th; 51st, 79th, 80th and mist Infantry. 410. Sept. 1st. Skirmish near Centreville. Va. Battery B, 1st Artillery, and pun ot Bat- tery A. 2d Battalion Artillery, with it: 2d and Tsth Infantry. -111. Sept. 2d. Skirmish near Fairfax Court House, Va. Gen. Pope's campaign. 9th Cavalry; 82d Infantry. 412. Sept. 2d. Skirmish on Germautown Road, Va. Battery B, 1st Artillery, and part <>f Battery A. 2d Battalion Artillery, with it. 418. Sept. 3d. Skirmish near Centreville, Va. 10th Cavalry, .Maj. Kemper; tilth Infantry. 111. Sept. 4th. Skirmish near Fairfax Court House. Va. 4th Cavalry, Lt.-Col. F. Nazer; 9th Cavalry, Col. Beardslee, Maj. Knox; 85th Infantry. 415. Sept. 4th. Skirmishes at Hall's Hill and Fall's Church. Va. 26th and 80th Infantry. 416. Sept. 4th. Skirmish on reconnoissance near Charlestown. W . Va. Detacnmenl v th Cavalry. Cap;. B. F. Poote. 417. Sept. 4th. Skirmish at South Mills, Va., on expedition from Suffolk. Two compa- nies 1st Mounted Rifles, Maj. Wheelan. lis. Sept. 4th-5th. Skirmishes at Point of Rocks and Berlin, Md. Detachment company A, 5th Artillery. 419. Sept. 6th. Skirmish at Seneca Creek, Md. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Lieut. Laverty. 430. Sept. 6th-7th. Attack on, and defense of, Washington, X. c. Companies 0, G, II. I and I.. 3d Cavalry, Maj. Mix; Batteries Q and II, 3d Artillery, Capts. Wall and Riggs: Detachmenl Marine Artillery, ('apt. Nicoll (k). I'M. Sept. 6th-7th. Skirmishes at Point of Rocks, Berlin, Knoxville and Sandy Hook, Md. Company A, 5th Artillery. 423. Sept. 8th. Skirmish at Summit Point. Va. 8th Cavalry. 423. Sept. 8th. Skirmish at Table Church. Md. 21st Infantry. 4'J4. Sept. 9th. Skirmish at Tranter's Creek, X. c. Detachment 3d Cavalry, Capt. C F. Jocknick. 425. Sept. 9th. Skirmish at Williamsburg. \'a. Detachment 6th Cavalry; Les Enfants Perdus. 42G. Sept. 9th-10th. Skirmishes near Hyattstown, Md. A battalion of 1st Cavalry, Maj. Adams; detachment 6th Cavalry, Lieut. F. A. Baston. 427. Sept. lOth-llth. Skirmish at Sugar Loaf Mountain. Md. 43d Infantry. 428. Sept. 12th. Skirmish at Frederick City. Md. 1st Cavalry. Col. McReynolds; 6th i 'avalry; 51st Infantry. 429. Sept. 12th-15th. Siege and surrender of Harper's Ferry. W. Va. Losses in actions at Maryland Heights, Sept. 13th-18th; Harper's Ferry and Bolivar Heights, Sept. 14th-15th, included. Many wounded fell in the hands Tlas-v 115th Int... D'Utassy 125th Inf... _>. Trimble 126th Inf.. .j. Trimble 12th Rect. — -SfKolne Col. Klmeon Saramon.... (•■•I. tip... I,. Wiiiar.1 Col. B. Bherrill i w). Maj C..I. Win. (i. W i 'w.'H."Batrd";: i 5 ....„ 12 !'■ 1 — — 70 Total lo81 bf 1'ni'iii troops engaged 3 41 13 12737 L82 PART II. IN THE FIELD. 1862. 4:;i). Sept. 12th. Skirmish al Solomon'.s Gap, \V. Va. Biege of Tlarpor's Ferry. 39th Infantry. 431. Sepl L2th. Skirmish ou reconnoissance at Halltown, Va. Siege of Harper's Ferry. 8th Cavalry. 182. Sept. 12th-18th. Act ion at Maryland Heights, Md. Siege of Harper's Ferry. Ooni- paniea A and F. 5th Artillery; company 1, 12th Regiment, National Guard; 39th, 11 Lth and 126th Infantry. 483. Sept. 18th. Skirmish at Jefferson City, Md. 9th, 89th and 103d Infantry. 484. Sept. 13th. Skirmish at Jefferson Pass. Md. 20th and 83d Infantry. 185. Sept. 14th-15th. Action at Bolivar Heights, W. Va, Siege of Harper's Ferry. Bat- teriea A and 1". 5th Artillery; 115th, 125th and 126th Infantry. 186. Sept. 14th. Battle of Crampton's Pass, Md. South Mountain; in front of Burkits- ville. Brigades. Dh Isions. c Commanding Officers. Killed W'nM ,. , ORGANI- SATIONS. L = c 7 7 = "'ai ii E : "i - = "V, li I O £ % 1st'v ... II -1, In! . 18th Inf.... .. Newton i', 6 6 •; ""Iiiis.mi* 1'apt. Vitlian S r.jU.M'k ' c.ii. Richard Erranchot * i 51 17 108 : i'. UN! Inf.... j, Bartlett i. Slocum 2 43*i Sept. 14th. Battle of South Mountain. Md. Turner's Pass in front of Middletown. Boonsborongh; Boonsborough Gap. Divisions. Commanding Officers, Killed W',,',1 1 — i ■ -r i < i. Doubleday .. R nan i. ii. .1, h 1. Hatch i Capt. John A. Reynolds ■"Ii Inf - - 1, Kair. I.i|,| 21*1 im ■.. Patrick i. Phelps, Jr .. ii.-k 24th im .. i. l'i ' Col. Win I i: ■■■. 1 Uol.Walter I'lirlps. Jr.,. i.l.i. -(',,1.. 1,, Im M.-Ki. -,Jr. i ii 3 18 6 D H e 13 IT l- ...... It 17 1 f 16: 1 387 ::: i hi, li. nl'., i. in i Col. Win. A.rim ', i • i; ii i. i :! » Hatch • Welsh 1. Willi ills latcl •i 2 S 8 1 a 66 ,, 1 i i'.,i.\\ in. P. Wainwrishl J Grovel i i P itrlck 1 s ""l a 2 •"'tii Im i i. m in 1 Mil N in M hi'. 1 M 1 R ketts ii' ii ii. i. 1 I.I. I'..l 1 _ • 1 313 II "is umli Inl . 1 • IMa Lewis C, Skinner Howard Carroll total 1 ... ,.,.| i 1 230 1-1! i. 15th. attack on and capture of part of Gen. Longstreet's train, near Williams- port, Md. Bth Cavalry, Col, Davis, it. 15th, SU irinish at Green Castle, Pa. Bth Cavalry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRxMISHES, ETC. 183 1862. 440. Sept. 15th. Skirmish at Zuni, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. 441. Sept. I5th-16th. Action at Sharpsburg and on Antietam Creek, near K. .-d \ Bville, Md. Battery B, 1st Artillery; Batteries A, Band C, 1st Battalion Artillery; detachment Battery A, '2d Battalion, with B, 1st Artillery; 5th Battery; 5th, 7th, 52d, 57th and 84th Infantry. 14J. Bept. 17th. Skirmish at Goose Creek, Xu.. on recnnnoissance from Upton's Bill to Leesbnrg. Detachments 2d and 1 0th Cavalry. 443. Sepl L7th. Battle of Antietam, Md. Sharpsburg. m Cav 2d Cav 6th Cav 6th Cav Hlli Cav Oneida Cav. Co... Bat'y B. Bat G Bat'y M. IstBati \>i Bal B Bat'j C. Bat'j D ZdBatt. \m Bat'y A. 1st lial'y ... Sth ISat'v... nith BatV 4tb Ini 1, McReynoUls, Reserve Reserve Reserve lif>)T\ O i. Richardson i, Doubleday.. Artillery. Artillery, Artillery. Artillery . Commandii Col. A. T. McReynol.lsUi, Mill. A.W. Adam* Oo's A, It. I and K, escort; Capt. J. E. Nalloi Co's II. ami K. rM. ,rl; Capts. I.vmii A Johnson Kifjlit rnnipanies; Col. Thomas I'. I '••% ii i Col. BenJ. F. Davis (c), MaJ. Win. I.. Markell A i beadquai ters Army ..f the Potomac 2|Capt. Rums D. Pettil 2 Capt. John D. Frank i Capt. John A. Reynolds... l2Capt. George u . Cothran . ft MaJ. Alberi Arndl (k), Lient. B :. Lieut. A. Von Kleiser ftCapt, Robert Langner 9 Capl . Charles Kusserow Awes Resen Besl .. L Web I, War .. \\ nil Hatteries I! an. I G, Is) Artillery.... I n'd Hiss's 20tb 22. Capt. J. O'Neill 2 Con-oli,hite.| with the o 1st InOliirim; the hat tie -Capt. Julius Wehle 2 I.t.-Col. James Ivllv. Mai. J. Cavanagh 1 Capt. A. J. Grover, LI -Col.C. B. Livingston 6 1 ipl . Nathan S. Bab< ui h 12 Lt.-Col. .1 \ .-• Cap II ! I.i. I M.i ■I.i. IsOll rbnrv .... ■Vni-e.... 94th Inf. Will Inf., 97lli Inf. 2, Christian .... _\ Ki.ketts .... Hoffman. ...Il, Doubleday. Diiryea 2, Ricketts.... line, 9th Inf. iv of the Potomai , 1.1. - 1 Lt.-Col. Calvii 1 Mai. K.iwa: I I'-. I Mai. 1 1 • 184 PART II. IX THE FIELD. 1862. 10M Inf ll'llll It, I 105th Inf incth It.r lOSih lit i Commanding Officers. Kille.l. WnM. MUs'b ^ - T . Greene.... I, Fairchild.... 3, Rodman I, Duryea j. iit.k-u- .... 1 i'm:. Howard Carroll 3. Gordon I, Williams . iCol. R B. \ in Valkenburgh, . i . ■ Col. Oliver II. Palmer Total 41 624 128! Total loss of Union forces engaged TIC 12410 445. 146. 447. 148 1 19. 451. 452. 154 456. 457. 458. 159. 461. 16.3. 164. 166 168. 169 I7i). 171 171 Sept. 18th. Skirmishes al Antietam, Md. 8d Battery; 9tli, 49th, 05th. 67th and 122d Infantry. Sept. l'.ttli. Skirmishes at Black mBoteler's Ford, below Shepherdstown.W.Va. Bat- teries C and I>. 1st Battalion Artillery; 5th Battery; 5th and 10th Infantry. Sept. 19th-20th. Action at Willianuport, Md. lsl Cavalry; 3d Battery; 65th, 67th, 94th and 122d Infantry. Sept. 20th. Action Dear Shepherdstown. W. Va. 1st and 8th Cavalry. Battery D. lsl Battalion Artillery; 5th, 10th, 12th, 18th, 17th, 25th and 44th Infantry, Sept. 30th. Affair aear Shiloh. N. < '. Detachment .Marine Artillery, ('apt. Avery. Sept. 22d. Skirmish at Ashby's Gap, Va. 4th Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Nazer; 5th Cavalry. Sept. 28d. Skirmish at Bolivar Heights, W.Va. Company K, Bth Infantry, armed as Artillery, Capt. R. H. Morris. Sept. 24th. Skirmish at Skull Creek, S. C. Detachmenl 48th Infantry, Lient. Miller; < 'ol. Barton in command of force. Sept. 28th. Skirmish at Blackwater, Va. Three companies, 1st Mounted Rifles. Sept. 29th. Skirmish at Blues Gap, W. Va. 1st Cavalry. Bept. 29th. Skirmish at Warrenton, Va. 2d Cavalry. Sept. 29th. Skirmish at Berryville. Va. Bth Cavalry. Sept. 80th. Affair at Bluffton and Crowell's Plantation, May River, S. C. Five companies, L8th Infantry. Col. Barton and Capt. Strickland. Oct. 1st. Skirmish at Aldie, Va. 9th Cavalry, Major Knox. <>i-t. 1m. Skirmish on reconnoissance from Harper's Ferry to Leeaburg, Va, Battery G, Lsl Artillerj and detachmenl of llth Battery with it. Oct. \-'. Affair Dear Elba Inland, on Savannah River, S. C. Five companies, 48th Infantry. Col. Barton and Capt. Strickland. Oct. 2d. Skirmish near Hanging Rock, near Blues (lap, W. Va. Company B, 1st < lavalry, Capt. Battersby. Skirmish al Lovettsville, Va. 6th Cavalry. I. Skirmish at Blackwater, mar Franklin, Va. Detachmenl 96th Infantry. Ith. Skirmish near Cacapon Bridge, Paw Paw, B. *\ 0. R. R., W. Va. Detach- menl 1-t ( 'aval rv. Cant. W. II. Boyd. Oct. Ith. Oct. Ith. Oct. 5th. Oct. 8th. Boyd. Oct. 6th. Oct. 6th. Oct. 7th. Oct. 7th. Oct. 10th. A Hair on the Blackwater, Dear Zuni, Va. 1m Mounted Rifles, Col. Dodge. Skirmish near Conrad's Ferry, Ya. Leesbnrg. 40th Infantry, Col. Bgan. Skirmish al Dumfries. Va. '2t\ Cavalry. Skirmish near North River Mills. Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Capt. Skirmish al Cacapon Bridge, W Skirmish near Hillsborough. Ya. Skirmish at Hazel River, Va. Skirmish at Washington, \. C. Ya. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Capt. Boyd, Detachmenl 78th Inf., Lt.W. McGregor. .M ( lavalry. Detachment :'.d Cavalry. Skirmish al White*! Ford. Md. White's Ferry. 1st Cavalry. Oct. 12th loth. Bkirmish on the Sharpsburg and Hagerstown Turnpike, Md. 95th Infantry. Ool B!th. Skirmishes at Paris, Snickersville and Middleburg, Va. Detachment 9th ilrj . < apt-. Ayres and Sanley. 16th. Skirmish al Leesburg, Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry. Major llaim id. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 185 1862. 47*'.. Oct. 16th-17th. Affair ou a reconnoissance from Harper's Ferry to Charlestown, W. Va. Halltown, Shepherdstown. Detachmenl 6th Cavalry, CoL Devin; Batteries I? and (», IbI Artillery, and L4th Battery with them; 7th, 43d, 53d, 57th, 59th, Gist, 68d, 84th, 88th, 89th and 88th Infantry. 477. Oct. 16tli— 17th. Skirmish eronnoissanra from near Snarpsburg, Md., to Keaniey*- ville, Leetown and Smithfield, W. Va. Company Gr, * i t 1 1 Cavalry, Lient. Sheldon; 14th Infantry. 478. Oct. 17th. Skirmish at Hanging Rock. W. Va. 1st Cavalry. 47!». Oct. 17th. Skirmish at TJpperville, Va Detachment 5th Cavalry, Major Bammondi 480. Oct. 17th, Skirmish at Paris, Va, Detachmenl 9th Cavalry, Lient. Dickson, 481. Oct. 17th. Skirmish at Salem, Va. Detachment 9th Cavalry, Lt. Col. Backett. L83. Oct. 18th. Skirmish at South Branch of Potomac, W. 7a. Ls1 Cavalry. 483. Oct. 18th. Skirmishes at Thoroughfare Gap and Haymarket, Va. Detachmenl 5th Cavalry, Maj . Hammond; detachmenl 9th Cavalry, Lieut. Baldwin. 484. Oct. 18th. Skirmish mar New Baltimore. 7a. Detachmenl 9th Cavalry, Lieut. Borrows. 485. Oct. L8th. Affair at Kirk's Bluff, .May River, S. C. One company 48th Infantry, Lieut. Elfwing; Col. Barton commanding force. 4SG. Oct. 19th. Skirmish at Warrenton, Va. Detachmenl 9th Cavalry, Maj. Knox. 4*7. Oct. l'.nli. Skirmish at Charlestown. W. Va. Battery B, Isl Artillery, and detach- menl 14th Battery with it. 188. Oct. i'.Hh. Skirmish at Manassas Gap, Va. 86th Infantry. 489. Oct. '-'1st. Skirmish near, on reconnoissance to, Lovettsville, Va. Detachmenl 6th Cavalry, Col. Devin: lOOd Infantry. 490. Oct. 21st. Skirmish at Wheatland, Va. Detachment 8th Caw, Lt.-Col. I >. McVicar. 491. Oct. 33d. Action at Coosawhatchie River, S. C. Detachments of companies F and tli ( lavalry. 528. Nov. 6th. Skirmish at Upperville, Va. 2d Cavalry. 524 Nov. 6th. Skirmish at Lockard's Gap, Va. 1st Cavalry. \.iv. 6th. Skirmish al Paw Paw Furnace, W. Va. LbI Cavalry. Nov. 6th. Skirmish near Orleans, Va. 9th Infantry. iv. 7th. Skirmish at Jefferson, mar Amissville, Va. 8th Cavalry. 528. Noi 7th. Skirmish al Sulphur Springs, Va. H 1 st Infantry. 529 Nov. 7th. Skirmish al Waterloo Bridge, Va. 54th Infantry. 580. Nov. 8th. Skirmishes at Rappahannock Bridge, White Plains and Hopewell Gap, Va. 2d and 5th Cavalry. 581. Nov. 8th. Skirmishes al Sulphur Springs and Hazel River, Va. Little Washington; Flint Bill. 8th Cavalry. 582. Nov. 9th. Skirmish at South Pork of Potomac, eighteen miles south of Moorefield, \V \a. Detachmenl 1st Cavalry, Col. McReynolds. Nov. 9th. Skirmish at Amissville. Va. 8th Cavalry. 584. Nov. 9th. Skirmishes on reconnoissance from Bolivar Beights to Rippon.Va. Battery M, Ls1 Artillery; LOth Battery; 60th, 78th, L02d, L87th, L45th and 149th Infantry. Nov. 10th. Skirmish at Romney's Bridge. W. Va. Lsl Cavalry. 586 Nov. 10th. A«-i ion at Corbin's Cross Roads, mar Amissville, Va. Basel River. *th i lavalry. .*i:'.7. Nov. 11th. Demonstration and skirmishes before New Berne. Bachellor s Creek. N. C. Four companies 3d Cavalry. Maj. Canard and Capt. Afoschell. 588. Nov. llth. Skirmish at Thoroughfare Gap, Va. 5th Cavalry. 589. Nov. llth. Skirmish at Amissville, Va. 8th Cavalry. 540. Nov. llth. Skirmish at Jefferson, Va. Battery L, 2d Artillery; 51st Infantry. 541. Nov. 12th. Skirmish at Middleburg. Va. .".th Cavalry. [2th. Skirmi-h at Providence Church. Va. Detachmenl lsl Mounted Rifles. 18th. Action al Sulphur Springs. Va. Battery L, 2d Artillery: 51st Infantry 544. Nov. 18th. Skirmish near Waterloo, Va. L63d Infantry. 545 Nov. 14th. Skirmish at Jefferson. Va. 8th Cavalry. 546. Nov. llth. Skirmish at Blackwater Bridge. Va. Zuni. 1st Mounted Rifles, Col. Dod 547. Nov, L5th. Skirmish near Springfield, W. Va. lsl Cavalry. . 15th. Action at Warrenton or Sulphur Springs, Va. Payetteville. 8th Cav- alry Battery L, 2d Artillery; 9th, 51st, 89th and I08d Infantry. 549 Nov 15th Skirmish near Waterloo, Va. Detachmenl 124th Infantry. Lieut. W, K. VI i j gant. 550 Nov. 16th. Skirmish at Upperville, Va. 5th Cavalry. 551 Nov. 16th. Affair at United States Ford, Va. Gold Mines. Detachmenl company II. LOth Cavalry. Capt. Peck. 552, Nov. llth. Skirmish at Falmouth. Va. Battery B, 1st Artillery, with it a detachmenl 1 -it li Battery; 52d Infantry. 17th Skirmish at Hartwood Church. Rappahannock River, Va. 68d,69th and Infantry. 554. Nov. 18th. Skirmish al Core Creek, N. C. Detachmenl 8d Cavalry, Lt. -Col. John Mr, detachmenl 8d Artillery. 555. Nov. l s th. Skirmish New Baltimore, Va. Bavmarket. 4th and 9th Cavalry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIBMISHES, ETC. 187 556. 557. 558. 559, 560. 661. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 1862 Skirmish at Franklin. Va. Z 85th, 92d and 112th Infantry. Skirmish al Uniontown. Va. 8th Cavalry. Skirmish at Falmouth, Va. 57th Infantry. Winchester. Va. Four ( Skirmish Ludlow Lawrence's plantation: Black- impanies Nt Cavalry, Capt. Battery. Nov. 18th. water. Nov. 20th. Nov. 21st. Nov. 22d. Harkins Nov. 22d. Skirmish at Gloucester Court House. Va. Matthews county. 8th Nov. 22d. Skirmish at Jamesville, X. c. Batteries B and 1". 3d Artillery. Nov. 25th. Skirmish at Aldie, Va. Salem. 2dCavalry. Nov. 25th. Skirmish at Zuni. near Suffolk, Va. Black water, Lsl Mounted Rifles, Col. Dodge. Nov. 28th. Skirmish at Upperville. Va. AshbyGap. 9th Cavalry, Maj. Knox. Nov. 39th. A. lion al Aldie and Berryville, Va. 4th Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Xa/.-r; 5th Cavalry, Capt. Kroin; 9th Cavalry. Maj. Knox. Nov. 80th. Skirmish at Snicker's Gap. Va. 4th, 5th and 9th Cavalry. Dec. 1st. Skirmish at Ellis Ford. Va. 6th Cavalry. Dec. 1st. Skirmish on reconnoissance to Grove Church, Dear Bart wood, Va. 13th and 25th Infantry. Dec. l>t. Skirmish at Hillsboro. Va. 60th, 78th and 102d Infantry. Dec. 2d. Skirmish at Charlestown. W. Va. Berryville. 1th Cavalry; 137th, 145th and 14!)th Infantry. Dec. 2d. Skirmish on the Blackwater. near Franklin, Va. 130th Infantry, Col. Gribhs. Dec. 4th. Skirmish at Winchester, Va. 102d Infantry. Dec. 7th. Skirmish at Stafford Court House, Va. 2d Cavalry. Dec. 11th. Action at Darkesville. W. Va. Detachmenl of companies Hand M, Lsl Cavalry, Lieut. H. (I. Prendergast. Dec. llth-12th. Skirmishes at and about Zuni, Va. Joyner's Ford; Blackwater. l-i Mounted Rifles, Col. Dodge; 112th Infantry. Dec. llth-15th. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Divisions. a "d Commanding Officers. Killed. Wnd. ORGANIZA- TIONS. Brigades. , E 5 - L 1 - . z II - < id Cav Left Grand.... Majot Henrj E. Davies Companies B and (', e~e,.n, fapi- II \ Ritfht Grand... Right Grand... Left Grand."." 6th Ca\ .... JthCi h lOtb Cav ... 10 Hi Cav .., Oneida Cav. Co. lsl Ail.: Bafv B... Ba 1 Bafv D... Bat'y G... Bat'y L... Sd Art.: t'ul. T. I'. 1 »■ v 'li iei, l,t. -C(,l. II. M. \ . i. Ifarnsworth, Col. ltenlnniin K. Davis C anj L, escort, Lieut, li,,.. Vandnhili Lt.-COl. Win. Irvine Escorl Army Headquarters, Capt. i> P M in Capt. Rufhs l>. 1'ettit Lieut. \\ in. II. |>|iilii|is Capt. Thomas w. Osborn Capt. John D. Frank Artillery Artillery Artillery Artillery Artillery 1 1 3, Humphreys. 1. Will, a. x 3. French 2 1 ""i ...„ i 6 4 Artillerv 2, Sturgis Reserve Reserve Reserve 1st Hart. Art Hai'v a... Artillery Bafv li... Artillerv Bafv C... Artillerv Bat'y D... Artillerv Capt Otto Hi iei, Capt. Adolph Voegeler ...... :::::: ::::: Reserve V; A 3 Ul Hat'v ... 3d Bat'v ... itti Bat'y... .'■tii Bat'y... l'Xli Bafv. litii Bat'y. llth Hat'v 15th Eng... 10th Eng , Nt Inf.... 2d Inf Artillerv 2. Howe Arliller\ 2. Howe Artillerv '.'. Siekles Aniiierv Reserve \rt ill. r\ 1, \\ hippie Artillery '.. Whipple Capt. Andrew Cm wan Lieut. Win. A. Ilarn Capt. .1. K. Siniih in. Lieut. .lu-. K. Nairn. Capt. Kliiali D. Tafl Capt. John T. Bruen ('apt. albert Von Puttknmmer With Batteries B and G. lsl Artillei ".".'." '.'.'.'." ""V 7 :::::: W Ibnry 3, Berry i, Birney 2, Siekles '.. ETrench 2. Sykes i. Getty :>, French 1, Griffin 3 '.i Spauldlng Col. J. Frederick Plerson l - 3 7 ■ith Lit .... 5th Inf 3, Andrews '.. Warren l. Caldwell C'd. John |i. M i '■ a 1 i U m i|or Charles w . Kruger.. ■ - V. ] c 3 32 1 t 7 71 7th Inf \\ . Van Si haak nson . 19 1 1 : 9th Inf 1. Hawkins 10th h.i ... ::, Andrews 12th Inf.... .'., st..ckton ("Ml 1 • 1 \. Kimball Col. J. R. Bendi.x (w), Capt. 8. Winchestei tyt 1, Capt. Georgp P. Hopper. Lt.-Col. John w M Lt.-Coi. Roherl M. Richardson ■j l 15 22 1S> PART II. IN' THE FIELD. 1862. Mill !nf . I7lh Inf.. 1-tii Inf.. 20th inf.. 2«h Inf.. j;u. lnl .. i .'.III. Inf.. 10th Inf.. loth Inf.. 49tb Inf.. y.u. Inf.. 97th Inf.... I. Hani.' I. llrilllii Commanding < Ifflcers. I (i.Mar.-lialliw i, Lt.-Col. 1 ' .. i, Sweitzer I. Qrlffln jl Lt.-Col. Thomas M. Davies.. I. (iriltln :. Russell I, Brooks I, Vinton 2, Howe Doubleday .. 1. Phelps, Jr... i. Doubleday.. 1, Doubleday .. i. Pbelps, .ir ... i, Doubleday . i, Barnes... I. Grlffln 2. Lyle .'. Gibbon Brooks i. Phelps, Jr ... I, Doubleday .. .3. Ku--.ll I, Brooks Howe I, Sully '. Howard D . .'. Deven I, N . >. Berry I, Blrney Ward • I, Pratt •■■11 N I . J. Ferrer / i / >1 . Blrney .... i, Birney .... ii . Grlran . Burns '. Howe , Hani ock.. ■. Howard... . Hancock.. i. Hancock.. 70th Inf. Till. Inf. -mil Inf. S2d Inf... Mlh Inf.. •illl. Int . 101 nl lnl . mnii lnl lUAlh lnl 120th lnl I i. Hancock .. Newt oi . ii incock — ,Hall. Bicklea - -•. Hall :. - . :'. Mull .'. Sl.kl.s ..j. II. ill j. - . 2, Hall ... i. Doubleday.. N 2, Howe ■ i. Poe i i i. Doubleday.. • I. Sully .'. Howard .. ••. Taylor J, QibbOD . I. Phelps, Jr ... I, Doubleday u nipple I. Hani '" k... . i. Uawkin i -■ aver Capt. John \ ickers i; Myerf ^ \ n-k i Col. W. I . K"-> i ' «'.ipt. -. .Il I ■ .1 Ml k> ..!• I i'-.I. H. mv ('. l t.i.-Col. Suiniii'i l: llrardsley.... 5 Capt. Patrick Connelly Lt.-Col.G.S. Jennings « . M , E.F.Wetmore Col. Alex. I>. Adams I • Morgan II. Cli y-l.-r Lt.-Col. Leopold C. Newman Capt. Charles Hubbs.. — Col. Roberl V. Taylor(c) Col. Jaiues A. Suiter m B Lord . w "i II. Browne i 'nl. Sannirl IS. Ilavnian Col. J. II. II. Ward (c). Lt.-Col.M m. Birney Lt.-Col. N. A. li.'—niT Lt.-Col. George V Bomford I'. Baker LI -Col. I'. I'..nn.-ri« i. Mat. K. It. Knox... Lt.-Col. Joseph Gerhard! ■■■il.. G.'i i .Capl. Col.N. A. Miles (W), 1. 1. -i'.. I. !■:. C. Brooks, 6lth Infantry Major Wilson llni.ii.-ll I.i.-C.l. It. ('. It.ntl.y. Mai.. I. O'Neill (w) i lapl I'- -i . I tondon \. Mil.'-, t-.l-t Inf. (u ', Lt.-Col. E. C. Brooks Col. Al.'Xamlrr Shalrr I.I. -Col. .1. II. Hull ik i. ('apt. .1. W.'lilo Iki. - HammelI(w),Lt.J.G. Derrlckson Col. \i-l-o|l Clov- Col. K. Nug. nl " I, Mai. Jas. Cavanagl n ■. Capt. Jas. Saunders Col. .1. lv'h.Tt Farmmi Col. Geo. It. Hall in, Mal.TI.o-. Kail, Ux .. Col. Win- 0. £ Col. Win. K. Brewster Lt.-Col. Win. II. I.oiin.-I.uiv I Col. Win. P. Walnwrighl • i.i. Col. H ins. i B I ■!• in ii Capt. Jno. Hendrickson <« i.C »Pt. Jos. A I Illl land W II I., ll.voi-,. B J. Chapln Col. Patrii k Kelly ''oi. Harrison s. Faircliild Guard. \. P., < ol. John 8. Crocker. Col. \. Ro< I m i Jo v K il. Biddle Col. Charles Wheelock ■ ..i Qeoi I ■ ■ . Gibbon .. . 1, Blrney . i. Hawkin ■ ... 2, Gibbon i .'. Hull 2. Sickles ■ .. i. Cochran ... I, New ton . w hippli i ol. \. Van Horn Bills ■ I i i oi. Kcnner > ■ < ., Whipple :■ MaJ. Jamet J. Byrne.... vc., |. Iti'iilainin Itinuiil'l 1 MaJ. D 2 Li Col. Charle F. Powi | i i pton Titus Total lot i.i Hi-... i.:.i -'.hi. :i. i:v> r.v>3 W'n'.l. Mi-.-'k' he's , Dec. llth-20th. Expedition from New Berne t«. Goldsboro. \. C. [neludes losses of nil engagements, etc., daring the expedition. (See table following.) BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIBMISHES, ETC. 189 L862. 3.1 Art. : Hat v I! Bat'y E. Bal i i Bat -ii Bal i I. Hat v K. M u tie Irl Brigades. Artillery Artillery Artillery Artillery Artillery Command!) i- Col. 81m >n Mix; Mais. ' i n.i ami Jeptba Garrard; Capt*. John K. \|..>. in-li. NYw ton Hall. Perria Jacobs, Jr., and I Cole 1- Col. .las. II. l,,-,|lir ( r .. Cap! . .!..>. .1. Morrison •Ca| K. Astaby I Lt.-Col. Al.ilali.l. Willnian i Col. Lewis c. Hiititi.-). Lt.-Col. Hiram Anderson. I Col. ('Mas. O.Crayiki, ('apt. (i, •.„•■.-,• \\ . Hin. !.•-... Total In— of Union fori .■- E3 k . d'h z H M 10 | Expedition from New Berne to Golds- Detachment 1st Cavalry, Lieut Pren- Expedition from New Berne Expedition from New < Companies F and 578. Dec. 11. Skirmishes on Kinston Road, X. ( boro. 3d Cavalry. 579. Dec. 12th. Skirmishes at Bunker Hill, W.Vs dergast. 580. Doc. 13th. Skirmishes at Wise's Cross Roads. N. ( to Goldsboro. Companies A, D and G, 3d Cavalry. 581. Dec. 12th. Skirmishes on Kinston Road. N. C. Trenl Berne to Goldsboro. Company B, 3d Cavalry. 582. Dec. 12th. Skirmishes near Matthew County Court House, "\ H, 6th Cavalry. 583. Dec. 13th. Skirmish at Buena Vista, Va. Companies F and II, 6th Cav., Capt. Ball. 584. Dec. 13th. Engagement at Kinston. X. ( '. Action on the Neuse River. Expedition from New Berne to Groldsboro. Detachment Marine Artillery, Lt.-Col. Manchester. 585. Dec. I3th-14th. Skirmishes at Southwest Creek, X. C Expedition from New Berne to Goldsboro. Two companies 3d Cavalry; Battery B., 3d Artillery. 586. Dec. 14th. Engagement at Kinston. X. C. Expedition from New Berne to Golds- boro. 3d Cavalry; Batteries B, E, F, H, I and K. 3d Artillery; 23d and 24th Bat- teries; 85th, 92d and 96th Infantry. 587. Dec. 14th. Skirmish on Southwest Creek. X. ('. Expedition from New Berne to Goldsboro. Company i". 3d Cavalry; one section 24th Battery. 588. Dec. 14th. Skirmish at Oldfield Bank Landing, X. ('. Expedition from New Berne to Goldsboro. Detachment Marine Artillery. • r )S!». Dec. 14th. Skirmish at Wood's Cross Roads. A'a., near Gloucester. Companies P and H, 6th Cavalry. Capt. Ball; Battery II. 1st Artillery, Lieut Mink; 56th Infan- try, Maj. Wheeler; 100th Infantry. Col. Dandy. 590. Dec. 14th. Skirmish at Poolesville, Md. 11th Cavalry. 591. Dec. 15th. Skirmish at Aldie, Va. 5th Cavalry. 592. Dec. 15th. Skirmish on Goldsboro Road. X. C Expedition from Xew Berne to Goldsboro. Three companies 3d Cavalry, Maj. Fitzsimmons. 593. Dec. 15th. Affair at White Hall Bridge. N. C. Expedition from New Hern, to Goldsboro. Detachment 3d Cavalry, Maj. Garrard; one section Battery I'. 8d Ar- tillery. 594. Dec. 16th. Affairs at Olive Station and Goshen Swamp. N. C. Expedition from Xew Heme to < loldslioro. Five companies 3d Cavalry; one section 23d Battery. 595. Dec. 16th. Engagement at White Hall Bridge, X. ( '. Expedition from New Berne to Goldsboro. Detachment 3d Cavalry. Batteries B, E, F. II. I and K. 8d Artillery; detachments 28d and 24th Batteries; 85th, 92d and 96th Infantry. 596. Dec. 17th. Raid on, and skirmish at, Dudley Station, X. C. Expedition from New Berne to Goldsboro. Companies B and C, 3d Cavalry, Maj. Pitzsimmons, 597. Dec. 17th. Skirmish at Thompson's Bridge, X. C. Expedition from Xew Berne to 806. Dec. 84th. 606. Dec. 25th. Dec. 60& Dec. 27th. .Hi!.. Dec 28th. 610. Dec. 28th. 190 PART II. IN THE FIELD. L862. Qoldsboro. Four companieB, 8d Cavalry, Maj. Garrard; Battery K, 3d Artillery; detachment 23d Battery. agement at Goldsboro Bridge, X. C. Expedition from New Berne to <;,, ld-1).. r... Detachment 3d Cavalry; Batteries B, B, I-'. II, I ami K, 3d Artillery; and 24th Batteries; 85th, 92d and 96tb [nfantry. 509. Dec. 17th. Skirmish at Joyner's Ford, Va, 1st Mounted Rifles. GOO. Dec. 17th. Skirmish mar Baton Rouge, La. 131st Infantry, 601. Dec. 18th. Skirmish at Kanky's Store, Va. Neabsco Creek. Detachment 10th « 'a \ airy. 602. Dec 20th. Skirmish at Snickers ville, Va. -1th Cavalry. 608. Dec. 23d. Skirmish mar Kellysville, mar Kelly's Ford, Rappahannock River, Va, Detachment 4th ami 9th Cavalry, Col. I>i Cesnola. 604 Dec. 22d. Skirmish at Windsor. Va. tele of NN" iirlit Court House. 1st Mounted Rifles, I. i.e. I. B. F. Onderdonk. Skirmish at Wolf Run Shoal. Va. 10'2d Infantry. Skirmish at Charlestown, W. Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Lt. Vermilyea. Skirmish at Williamston. N. C. 85th Infantry. Skirmish at Dumfries. Va. 137th Infantry. Skirmish at Fairfax Station. Va. I02d Infantry. Skirmish on reconnoissance from Suffolk toward the Blackwater, Va. 130th Infantry, Col. Gibbs. till. Dec. 28th. Skirmish at Providence Church. Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. 612. Dec. 29th. Skirmish at Vienna, Va. Detachment 11th Cavalry, Capt. Mix. 618. Dec. 30th-31st. Skirmishes near Richard ami Ellis Ford, on reconnoissance to Rap- pahannock River, Va. 12th, Kith. 1 1th. 17th, 25th ami 44th Infantry. nil Dec. 80th :'.l-t. Skirmish on expedition from Falmouth to Warrenton, Va. Detach- ment 8th Cavalry. 615. I >••••. :;ist. Skirmish at Oub Run, Va. 5th Cavalry. 616, Dec. : Jlst. Skirmish at Plaquemine, ha. Companies B, C ami E3, I62d Iufautry. L863. til?. .Ian. 3d. Skirmish at Plaquemine. La. Three companies I62d Infantry, Maj. James II. Bogart. Skirmish at Warrenton, Va 8th Cavalry. Skirmish at Frying Pan. Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry Skirmish at Cub Run. Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry. Skirmish at McGill's Ferry, La. 177th Infantry. Skirmish at Woodstock, Va, Detachmenl I si Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Von Schickfuss. d. 8th. Skirmish at Core Creek. N. C. Detachment 3d Cavalry. 684. Jan. 8th. Skirmish on Pamunkey River, near White House, Va. Detachmenl 6th Cavalry. Maj. W. P. Hall; detachmenl 115th Infantry, ( apt. McKittrick. 685. Jan. 9th. Skirmish near Providence Church Va. Detachment 1st Mounted Killes, Maj. James N. Wheelan . fan. lith. skirmishat Burnt Ordinary, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. i 18th. Skirmishat Bayou Teche, La. 75th and 160th Infantry. 628. Jan. 1 Itii • at at Bayou Teche, La., and destruction of Rebel gunboat ton. 75th Infantry. Lt. Col. Babcock; ninth [nfantry, Col. Dwight, 629. Jan. l?tli Skirmish mar Newtown, W. Va. Company K, 1st Cavalry. !?th. Skirmish Dear Pollocksville and North-east River, on Trenton Load, Companies A, B, C, I'. G, K, L, M ami Howitzer detachment, 3d Cavalrv, Col ' 681 Jan. 18th. Skirmish near Trenton, N. C. 3d Cavalry, as on 17th. 682. -Ian IStfa 19th. Skirmish at White Oak Creek at Young's Cross Roads, N. C. 3d < '.ivalry. a- on ITtli. t;:;:i Jan. 20th, Skirmish at Jackson, N. C. 3d Cavalry, as on 17.">7. March 3d. Skirmish near Aldie. Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry. 658. March 3d. Skirmish near Dumfries, Va. 8th Cavalry; Battery I. 1st Artillery. 059. March 3d. Skirmish at Skeet, near Fairfield, X. C. Company F and Howitzer Party 3d Cavalry, Capt. Colin Richardson. 660. March 4th. Skirmish at Swan Quarters, X. C. Company F, 3d Cavalry, Capt. Richardson. 661. March 4th. Skirmish at Independence Hill, Prince William County, Va Detachment 8th Cavalry. Skirmish at Pollocksville, X. C. 183d Infantry. Skirmish al Rappahannock Station, Va Battery C, 1st Artillery. Skirmish at Trenton. X. C. 183d Infantry. Skirmish at Hope Landing, Va. 4th Cavalry. Skirmish at Core Creek. X. C. Detachment Company II. 3d Cavalry. Skirmish near Dover. X'. C. Companies E and A. 3d Cavalry, Capta Jacobs, Jr., and Chamberlain. 668. March 7th. Skirmish at Young's Cross Roads, White Oak Creek. \. c Detach- ment 3d Cavalry: 183d Infantry, Lt.-Col. Hitchcock. 669. March 9th. Skirmish mar Windsor, Va. 1st Mounted Hides, Col. Dodge. 670. March 9th. Affair at Fairfax Court House, Va. 5th Cavalry, Lt.-Col. John-ton. 662. March 4th. 668. March 6th. 664. March 6th. tin:.. March 7th. 666. March 7th. 667. March 7th. 192 PART II. IX THE FIELD. 18G3. 671. March 18th, Skirmish on bcouI near New Berne. N. C. 92d Infantry. 672. March 18th. Skirmish at Berwick City, La. 160th Infantry. 678. March L8th-14th. Skirmishes al Deep Gully. Trenl Road, near New Berne, N. C. Company A. 3d Cavalry: Batteries F and II. 8d Artillery. (171. March 14th. Attack mi. ami defense of, New Berne. X < '. Batteries E and I, 3d Artillery; 28d and 34th Batteries; 85th, 96th and I82d Infantry. »;:", March 14th. Attach on, ami defense of, Fort Anderson, mar New Berne, N. C. 92d Infantry, Lt.-Col. Anderson. 678. March 14th-15th. Operations againsl Port Hudson, La., and skirmishes. Clinton Planh Road. 6th, 75th, '.Mm. 110th, I14th,116th, 181st, 188d, 156th, 159th, 160th, llil-l. 163d and 1 Mth Infantry. 677. March 15th. Skirmish near New Berne, N. C. 3d Cavalry. 678. March 17th. Engagement at Kelly's Ford, Va. Cellysville. 4th Cavalry, Col. I>i Cesnola; 6th Battery, l.t. Browne. 679. March l'.ith. Skirmish opposite Port Hudson, La Company E, 116th Infantry. 680. March 23d. Skirmish at Kelly's Ford. Rappahannock River, Va 4th Cavalry. 681. March 23d. Skirmish at Little River Turnpike, near Chantilly, Va Companies C, Hand K, 5th Cavalry. Majs. White and Bacon. 682. Manh 28d. Skirmish at North Pass, La. Six companies 165th Infantry, Lt.-Col. Abel Smith. tis: 1 ,. March 24th. Skirmish at Ponchatoula, ha. Three companies 165th Infantry, Lt.-Col. Smith; companies D and H, 177th Infantry. 684 March -J 1th. Skirmish at McGill's Ferry, Amite River, La. Detachment 177th Infantry. • is:,. March 25th. Skirmish at Civique's Ferry. La. 177th Infantry. Col. Ainsworth. 686. March 26th. Skirmish at Berwick Bay. La. Company F, 165th Infantry, Capt. Thorpe r,sT. March27th. Skirmish at Mine Run, Va. Battery C 1st Artillery. 688. March 28th. Skirmish near Pattersonville. La. Company I', 160th Infantry. 689. March 29th. Affair near Dumfries. Va. Detachment 8th Cavalry. 690. Manh 80th. Skirmish at Deep Gully, N. C l.-,Sth Infantry. 691. March 80th-April 15th. Siege and defense of Washington-on-the-Tar, N. C. Com- panj 1. 3d Cavalry. Capt. .Incknick; Battery G, 8d Artillery. Capt. Wall. 692. March :;ist. Skirmish at Cole's Island, S. C. 100th Infantry. \ : ■ r i 1 l-t. Skirmish at Broad Run, Loudon Co., Va Detachmenl 5th Cavalry. Skirmish at Beverly Ford, Rappahannock River, Va 8th Cavalry. Skirmish at White Fork, X. C ;).l Cavalry. Skirmish at Gum Swamp, X. ( '. Detachment :'•th, tilth and 160th Infantry. 708 \pril llth. Skirmish at Folly Island, S. c. 100th Infantry. ?ni April Llth Ma\ 1th. Siege and defense of Suffolk, V a. Losses of engagements inci- dental to it are here Included. (See table Following.) 694. April 1st. April 8d. 696. April 4th. r.'.C \piil 6th. 698. April 8th. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 1863. 193 Brigades. Divisions. L z -~ Commanding Officers. Killed Wn'.l OBOASI- U riONB. I 5 — ~ = i'i w 1 5 iBtMount'd H'.lli V. 7 i •- i -• 4 1 1st Batt'n Sharpsh's 3d Int 9th lnf 99th Inf .... sVdettyVr.'.'."!! '. ' ' 1, Hawkins i. Hawkins Rea.,Wardrop. 1, Hawkins Matt.: ( ... \ .in.l ]...rliur. V ;m.l K.l'apt. J I'l.l. Il'l-ll f . 11.1U Kill- ..' . M.l| Ivlw II. 1 .1 Col. II. S. Km. MM ..■'. I.i -Col. T. 1.. Knyl.-m.l c.,1. H.iM.1 \\ . \\ .ir.lroi i. Nixon Col. It.ii 1 i ' 1 -Col. and. Wettstien.. 13 n •..1 I03d Int . ... ll'Jtli Inf... MJetty 7 l. Hawkins ::. Qi ttes.,Wardrop \. Hughaton.... Qurney Tfrry Corcoran Col. Win. K. Pease • l.t.-Col. o. Keese. Jr ' Col. Win. (lui.i.v ,-i. Lt.-Col. S. 1,. Woodford. .. l.t.-Col. 'I'll. Unas .1. Thorp , I42d Inf.... ;. Ilii-'Mtoti. ... Curnev :. Hughston... (iurney [64th Inf". UV.ith Inf... Mnrphy Poster. Murphy Murphy i lorcoran 1 Win M 1-th CI. .1. I>. MrMalion c.,1., ,1, .■ linell (w), Lt.-Col. John McConlhe. I "i :' ... 8 l in 8 I82d Inf. .. i Sorcoi an 7 ol. Mat. Murph] (c), Lt.-Col. J.T.Connolly...* Total 3 38 12 18 107 20! 1 2 l 3 706. April llth. Skirmish on South Quay Road, near the Blackwater, Va. Siege of Suf- folk. Detachment 1st Mounted Rifles. 70ti. April 12th-13th. Engagement at Fort Bisland, near Centreville, La. Bethel Place; Bayou Teche. Brigades. Divisions. 19 IV i;i 18 Commanding Officers. Killed W'n'd Ori:aniza- 1I..N-. i l ...„ - o E 13 e _ i < 3, Emory i. Augur '!, Emory 1. Augur 3, Emory 3, Emory i, Augur :'., Emory :'., Emory Capt. Llberl 0. Mack 2, Weit/.H 1, Ingraham .. 2, Weitzel 2, Paine :i, Gooding 2, Weitzel 1, Ingraham .. _'. Paine 3, Gooding Illth Inf.. l.t.-Col. Samuel K. " "t 2 ..'. 2(1 i- S ii I.M'.lli Inf.. l.t.-Col., Sli:u'|i<. 22 173d Inf... J 1 li .".7 8 - 6 • so 7 17.Mli Inf.. Coi. Michael K. Bryan — :• "h Detachment of company F, 1st C'av. Siege of Suffolk. U2th Infantry. Siege of Suffolk. 155th [nfantry. Detachment of company II, 1st Cav- 7u7. April 13th. Skirmish at Snicker's Ferry, Va. Tits. April loth. Skirmish on Somerton Road, Ya. 709. April 13th. Skirmish on Edenton Road, Va. 710. April 18th. Skirmish at Berry's Ferry, Ya. airy, Lieut. Martindale. 711. April 13th. Skirmishes at White Post and Front Royal, Va. Detachment 1st Cav. 710. April 13th. Skirmish at Madame Porter's and McWilliams' Plantations, La. Irish Bend. 6th, Blst, LSlst and 159th Infantry. 713. April llth. Engagement at Irish Bend, La, TI0NS. Brigades. Divisions. t - 19 19 l'.i 19 Commanding Officers. K ! lied ■n'd "iV 73 B6 267 M : '€ £ 20 30 < Jlsl Inf 1. Dwlghl 131-t Inf.... ;. Dwight 159th Inf... 3, Birge Col. Jacob Van Zand! 1 1 1 4, Grover. Col. E. h. Molineux w), Lt.-Col- C A. Burt Total i 4 6 15 17 a 6 17 117 133 25 1!M PAB I' li. IN THE FIELD. L863. 711 April 14th. Skirmish at Paris. Va. 1st Cavalry. 715. April 14th. Skirmish at Rappahannock Station, or Railroad Bridge, Va. 2d and 10th Cavalrv. 716. April 1 1th. Skirmish at Jeanerette, La. 75th and IGOtli Infantry. 717. April 14th. Skirmish near Blount's Creek. X. ('. Detachment :'>«1 Cavalrv. 718. April llth Attack on, and defense of, the Steamer Smith Briggs, Va. Siege of Suffolk. L6tfa Battery; company I, 99th Infantry. 719. April 15th. Skirmish at Hazel Run, Va. 8th Cavalry. 730 April 15th. Skirmish at Freeman's Ford, Rappahannock River, Va. Beverly Ford. 8th and 9th Cavalry. 721 April 15th. Skirmish on Edenton Road, Va. Siege of Suffolk. 1st Mounted Rifles, Major Patten; company I. 155th and one company each of 164th and 170th Infantry. 723. April 16th. Skirmishes at Warrenton, Va. Two companies 2d Cavalry, Capt. Hasty. 703. April Kith. Skirmish at Peletier's Mills. X. C. 3d Cavarly. 724 April 16th. Skirmish at Sandy Ridge, N. C. 132d Infantry. \pril 17th. Skirmish at Mansfield, Va. Detachmenl 1st Cavalry. 726. April 17th. Skirmish on South Quay Road. Va. Siege of Suffolk. 8th Company Sharpshooters; two companies 99th and six companies 180th Infantry. 707 April 17th. Skirmish at Breaux Bridge. Bayou Teche, La. Detachment 173d Infan- try, Capt. Con rady. 728 April 17th-18th. Action at Bayou Vermillion, La. 6th, 91st, 131st and 159th Infantry. 709. April L7th-18th. Skirmishes at railroad crossing of Core Creek, N. C. Companies A and I-'., 3d Cavalry; 81st Inf.; ami company Gr, 158th Infantry, Capt. O'Connor. 73H. April 18th. Skirmish at Gainesville, Miss. 108th Infantry. 731. April 19th. Capture of Battery Huger, Hill's Point, Va. Siege of Suffolk. Detach- ment 89th Infantry, Lt.-Col. 'I'. I.. England. 782. April 19th. Skirmish on Big Swift Creek. N. C. Detachment 3d Cavalry. 7:;:; April I9th-20th. Skirmishes at Little Washington, X. C. 85th Infantry. 784 April 20th. Skirmish at Sandy Ridge or Leard's Creek, N. C. Seventeen men of Company H, 3d Cavalry, Sergt. Dow; Battery II, 3d Artillery; nine companies 132d and live companies 158th Infantry. 785. April 20th. Skirmish at Opelousas. La. 133d Infantry. 786. April 20th. Skirmish at Hill's Point, Va. Siege of Suffolk. Companies D, P, H and K, 117th Infantry, Col. Pease. 7:i7 April 21st. Skirmish at Millwood, Va. Detachments 1st Cavalry, Capt. Bailey, Limits. Powell and WykolT. ;::^ April ood. Skirmish al Bayou Courtableau. I. a. Capture of Steamer Ellen. De- tachmenl of company I, I62d [nfantry, Lieut. Neville. ' pril 28d Bkirmish at Port Royal, Va. 84th ami 95th Infantry. 740. April 24th. Skirmish on Edenton Road, Va. Siege of Suffolk. 103d, five compa- nies U3th, H'.lth an. I lli'.ith. Col. Buell (W), Infantry. 741. April 26th. Skirmish at Philippi, \V. Va, 106th Infantry. Col. Edward C. dames. 710. \pril 07th. Skirmish at Moorefield. W. Va. Detachmenl 1st Cavalry, Maj. Adams. 748. April 28th. Skirmish at Wise's Cross Roads, X. c. Belleview Cross Roads. Two companies 3d Cavalry; one section Battery II. 8d Artillery. 711 April 28th. Skirmish al White Plains, Va. 5th Cavalry. 740 \pril 28th. Skirmish near Warrenton, Va. Gen. Stoneman's raid. 9th Cavalry. 7 If, April 28th. Skirmish at Evansville. W. Va. Company K, Infantry, Capt, John i>. EdcBroom. 717. April 29th. Affair al Fairmont, W. Va, Companies I' and D, 106th Infantry, Capts. i lhamberlaio and B] 7I>. \piil 29th. Bkirmish near Fairmont, W. Va. Company H, 106th Infantry, Capt, A. \ McDonald. 749 April 29th. Skirmish near Core Creek, N. C. Detachment 8d Cavalry. 750. April 09th. Skirmish at Kelly's Ford, Va. (Jen. Stoneman's raid. 8th and 9th airy. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 195 1863. 751. April 29th. Skirmish at Germanna and Richards' Fords, Va. Chancellorsville campaign. 6th Cavalry. 752. April 29th. Skirmish at Crooke's Run, Ya. Mountain Run. Chancellorsville cam- paign. Gth Cavalry. 753. April 29th-May 3d. Action at Pollock's Mill Creek or Fitzhugh'a Crossing, Va. White Oak Run, five miles helow Fredericksburg. L 2 Commanding I ifflcers. Killed W'.iM Uias'g OEGANI- ZATI0.N3. Brigades. Divisions. ■a - = -5 ~ d W 8 '"fi in 1 1 I "3 i 1st Art.: ArVi f i.">ry .'."."."."."." 1, Wadsworth.. s Mh Bat'y.. * -i 1 .r . Khlah It. Tal't Capt. Patrick Hart Lieut. Qustav Von Blucher Lieut. George Gaston I.I. -Col. W. II. Pettis and Mai. Edmund 0. lieeis Col. Walter Phelps, Jr.(c), MaJ. Thomas J. Strong. Col. Samuel K. If ardsh y Lt.-Col. (lilbert S. Jennings 29th Bat'y. SZd Bat'y... 50tb Gog 33d hit 21th Inf... 26th Int... ■.ml. Int .. Artillery Artillery lV'Phelp8,"jr!!! i. Phelps, Jr... -'. Baxter 1, Phelps, Jr... 2, Cutler Reserve Reserve 1, Wadsworth. i. \\ ads worth. 2, Robinson ... i, Wadsworth i. Wadsworth. 2, Robinson ... 1, Wad-worth. 2, Robinson ... 1, Wadsworth. 2, Robinson ... 2, Robiuson ... 1 1 "7 10 1 Ti'.tli Inf... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Col. William P. Wainwriu'ht ' 83d rnf :?. Leonard 1, Phelps. Jr... 1, Root 21 1 23 84th Int... '.Mill Int.. Col. Edward li. Fowler Col. Adrian It. Root «•), ('apt. Samuel A. Molt'ett. Col. lieol-e II. Middle Col. Charles \\ i look ■-' 95th tnf... 97th Int... J, Cutler '., Leonard 1, Root j. Cutler i i 4 7 niiih tnf... Col. Gilbert G. Prey 147th. Inf... Col. John ti. Butler 6 66 135 i > 6 65 ISO Total - :i Total loss of Union forces encaged t 14 To 4. April 29th-May 2d. Action at Franklin's Crossing, Va. low Fredericksburg. Deep Run. Two miles be- Brigades. Divisions. 1 fi 6 fi Commanding Officers. Killed w ■i.'d Oboani- ZATI0HS. E = o ■3 a ^ i a ^ E S 7 C g ti •4 Is) Bat'y ... LYghit!!!.".".'"-!!! 2. Howe Division Reserve Reserve 3d Bat'y 30th Bat'y. 31sl Bat'y... 15th Eng ... 16th tnf .... Artillery Artillery l"itartiett."!!'." 3, Russell 2, liartlett Light 3, Russell 3, BarUettt ('apt. Adolpll Voegeler With the .-dilli I'.alterv . atlaehe.l Col. Clinton C. Colgate. M;,j. \\ .ill. ,- 1. Cassin ..... Uitb Inf.... ■-'7th Inf.... 1. Brooks Division 1, Brooks Col. Ali-xandi-r P. Adams ilel int '} Col. Frank Jones Col. Francis E. Pinto i ;i 33d Int" 12181 tnf.... Total ~2 l.. — ■ 10 756. 758. 759, 760, April 30th. Skirmishes tit Wilderness Run, Louisa Run and near Spotsylvania Court House, Va. Chancellorsville campaign, 6th Cavalry. April 80th. Cavalry. April 30th. April 30th. April 30th. Skirmish at Culpeper. Va. Gen. Stoneinan's raid. 8th and 9th Skirmish tit Rappahannock River, Va. 12th Infantry. Skirmish at Core Creek. N. C. 3d Cavalry. Skirmish at Kelly's Ford. Va. Detachment LOth Cavalry. May 1st. Skirmish at Rapidan Station, Va. Gen. Stoneman's raid. -1th Cavalry, Col. Di Cesnola; sth Cavalry, Col. Davis: 9th Cavalry. May 1st. Skirmish on South Quay Bridge. Va Siege of Suffolk. I6tli Battery; 99th Infantry, Lt.-Col. Nixon. .May 1st. Skirmish at Moundville. La, 91s1 Infantry. May lst-3d. Battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Losses in Bkirmishes, May 4th-6th, included. (See tahle following.) L96 PART II. IN THE HELD. 1863. Commanding Officers, ..!.... I'.i\ -. Dand K Col, Duncan M< Beardsle) ; - ( !os. lanley the Potomac Killed. WV. Missing. i. Hani ... •.. Humphreys, ry h h - wehr .... i, Williams Wadsworth. Williams .. Di tai - l|..;,.|.|Ual1.-l- All Capt. Daniel P. Mum Rufus D. Pettit Ml I Harm- : Capt.T. w .Osborn and l.i. <;. B.Winslov, 2 i.t. Nelson Ames ("apt. Michael (•apt. U. II. FitzhimliandLt.E. I,. Halle;. I, W Ripple ... I. De> ens, Jr 4tb In:'... 5th Inf... Till Inf... loth l'.i . 1 uii Int. nth Inf. 17th Inf. 24th Int.. 25th Int. 26th Inf. 29th Int. .-Ml, Inf imli lul tl-l Inf.. Hth lnf 52d Int ... 94th Inl .'.Til. Inf.. flOlh Inf. 6UI Ini .. 54th lnf 68th Inl I Tllli Inl 76th Inl 7-th lnf -nil Int --tli lnf ■Mill Inl y.ili lnf 97th Inr n.itli lnf 107th lnf I'.-th lnf 119th lnf Ulih lnf I III. lnf :', Berry.... . French. :i, Zook in :■■. French •.. Stockton i.iirlilln I, Barnes I. timiln :. McQuade l. Griffin 3, Stockton I, Griffin i. Phelps, Jr ... l, Wadsworth.. i. Phelps, Jr ... l. Wadsworth. i. Barnes I, Griffin Col. CI ..I. D.Woodburj !•'. kill. Ill . Hand t;. 1st Artillery ■ Col. Charles II. Stuart Col. J. F. Pierson (v, i, Lt.-Col. F. L. Leland ..!. >.W Park (W . Lt.-Cui.W \ mi. i stead, Mai. Wm. H. Xibbitts I w) ( ol. .i. i>. m.i. (,i. koi (« i, l.i.-t ol.Wm. lamlson 1. i i.-. el tnd W inslow ■ia. bmenl serving with th( pan] pro si guard -Col.T.M. Davies ... tram ... i. Phelps, Jr . ., Ha) man .... Robinson . William- .... \ mi Stein l 12 l.l E ! :::■.::::■: E. w phillis Kil/-'.ial. ings Mai. Tl,...- . Blrney. .. J. Ward l,B . i. Von Q ■. Stockton I, lirinin ... 1. Hall, hi k i. \ ..n Gilsa ... i, Devi ns, Jr.. I, Zook i. 1 1 r, Krvzanow-ki ::, Seliiir/ "M .-I- Ill' (III II il- I II.-' I.. win li Lt.-Col. L. Hartman .« i MaJ. \. Von S. ' I, Wadsworth. 1 Capt. Wm. M. Searing i. Blrney ;u'»i. S. H. Ilavman (c), Lt. Col. Gilbert RIordan 3]Col. P. Regis DeTrobriand ..Inl. ii las \\ . lv.-an li Col. I.. Von Gilsa (c), Mai. Detler \. ('apt. a k ..('apt. Kmil Koenlg : ■ Lt, Col. John C. 0. Ri ddlnatun \. Mn. - n i, Lt.-Col.K.O. Broad) Lt.-i Rl< liard c. Bentle) i ol. Danli-I i. Ilitiuliatn 2 Col. Orlando II. Morris i. w adsworth. rison .. i, W adswoi Hi. l. Franklin ■.. Whipple Meagl li '. k — tthllf Bourry !>•■ Iveruois 2 Capt. James V. McGee 3 Col. J. I., l-aiiiiii.i . i. I.t. -C.d. T. Iloll. ., I Col. Henrj L. Potter Col. Win. n. si.-viiMki. m.mi. .1. Leonard. . M..I. Mi. ha, I W. Hums i . ol. \\. II. Lounsburyi « m Uli >. « Capt, i ii 1 Col. Win. P. Wainwricht I ■ M .1 II. It. Stau-L-.Cai.I.W II I , Joseph \. Moest h i Col. Edward B. Fowler i: J.ubaplni lc),CopUJ. H.Lansing K.-lly .... Provosl Qua \. P- < J.S.I . I.K. Kool (o), Capt. .- \. Hofleit. . ■ II liid.ll.. I Col. Charles M heelock ' Lane i 1 Col. lilt. i Robinson . :. Cutlei i. w ndswoi ti .. I. Itnot i: i Col. mi H • i.« iilmius 12 Col. Al. ii i nowiikl /.. Sinn/ II fol.B.F -III ol. l; 12'Col. An A. I iries ft, Coster I wehr , II Col. James Wood, Jr I - I] LI c ol I I. PI I I. i'..| .1 T.I...I kiiian 1 I' W.sthrook .... ill L. McDougall i n u lilll-. 1 BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. L97 1803. Brigades. Commanding I Iffli • i - ff'n'd, Missing Organiza- tions. Divisions. o - B o - - 8 I si l 2 2 is - E - 29 - imth Inf... II Mli lnl ... llf.ih Int... '.. O'Eorke -'. Rosa J, Sykes i, Williams '-'. Sj ki'- i. Wadsworth. 5 9 12 11 Col. P. O'Korke (c), Lt.-Col. L Ernest... i Prii w . \i.ii. Qeo u Reld i 3 2 i II 32 If. L'l 50 iiTth lnl... :>, cutl.T Col. John Q. Hutii-r li'itl, lnl ... ;, ciroene l.-.itli Inf... l, Busbbeck.... M i: \. '. < ■>■;. t .il.l. it T. M;„ (m),Lt.-Col. K. s. v ; ni \ i, Col. P. II. Jones (w), l,t -i .. n 2 1 J'. IM 13 6 222 91 i 5 63 3 77 2 101 i i •: 2, Von Steiu- wehr ".. Bchurz . _ 186 3388 12145 i:.7tli lnl... i, Sctali -I- pfenntng Col. Philip P. Brown, Jt Total Total loss "i I ' ii ion forces engaged 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 778. 773. May 2d. Skirmish al Louisa Court House, Ya. (Jen. Stoneman's raid. 2d Cavalry Lt.-Col. Da vies; 10th Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Irvine. May 2d. Skirmish at Ely's Ford, Ya. Gen. Stoneman's raid. 8th Cavalry. May 3d. Skirmish at Ashland and Hanover Station, Va. Gen. Stoneman's raid. 2d Cavalry. at South Anna Bridge, near Ashland Y May 3d. Skinnisl 10th Cavalry. May 3d. Skinnisl May 3d. Skinnisl Gen. Stom man's raid. Maj. Hammond. II ill. Infantry. at Warrenton Junction, Va. 5th Cava! near Hills Point. Va. Siege of Suffoll May 3d. Skirmish at Amite River, La. 18th Battery. May 3d. Skirmish on the Providence Church Road, Va. Siege of Suffolk Mounted Rifles; S'.Hh. 103d, L48d, 144th, 170th Infantry. May 3d. Skirmish near Chuckatuck and Reed's Ferry. Ya. Siege of Sn Detachment of 10 men. 1st Mounted Rides, Sergt. -las. L. Trowbridge. May 3d-4th. Battle of Fredericksburg ( Marye's Heights), and Salem Church (I Heights), and skirmishes near Banks' Ford, Ya. 1st f. ' 'apt. An.livw ('(.wan 6 Lieut, w illiam A. Barn ... Capt. Eliitih l>. Tali ... Capt. Patrick Hart ... Lieut, Gustav Von Blut in i , ., . , Capt. Vnru'cl.T ."«'tii Ens ... 16th Int ... i- f j.iti, [nf... 27th I hi... :;, Russell . -, Neill . 2, Hart Id t . [ilghl 3, Russell . l. Brooks... j, Howe ... i. Brooks..., Division ... I, Brooks... d lnl ... '.. V'ill -'. Howe .... iii I nt' .. i. Sully -'. Gibbon..., • h in' . :. Browne ; . Newton •I Inf ... •. II. ill 2, Gibbon .. I Inf.. Light Division ... i. (icor^c \\ . Uogors l.t. -Col. K. I. Coil, Ma.|. (icorgt; Keating Col. Michael K. Bryan (k), MaJ. John Gray .... Col. Ira \V. Ainsworth Total Total toss of Union forces engaged EiUed W'n'.i. ttiss'g s . 81'3. 818. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 8-20. 821. 822, 823. 824. 825. May 24th. Skirmish at Washington. X. ('. 3d Cavalry. May 25th. Skirmish at Franklin, La. 75th, 90th, 110th, 114th and 175th Infantry. May 27th. First assault at Port Hudson. La. Siege of Port Hudson. 18th and 21st Batteries: 75th, Hist, 116th, 128th, 131st, 133d, 159th, 160th, I62d, 165th, L73d and 177th Infantry. May 28th. Skirmish at Upperville, Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Capt. Easkins. May 28th. Skirmish at Walkerstown, Va. 168th Infantry. May 30th. Act inn at Greenwich, Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry, Capt. Hasbrouck. May 31st. Skirmish at Blackwater Bridge, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. May 31st-June 2d. Skirmishes at Tranter's Creek and Jacksonville, N. C. 3d Cav- alry, Col. Mix. June 1st. Skirmish at Falmouth. Vn. 3d Cavalry. June 1st. Skirmish at Snicker's Gap, Va. 4th Cavalry, Lt.-Col. A. Pruyn; 5th Cavalry. June 3d. Skirmish at Brandy Station, Va. 2d Cavalry. June 3d-4th. Skirmish at Clinton, La. Siege of Port Hudson. 14th Cavalry, Skirmish at Bluffton, S. C. Detachment 48th and one company 115th In- June 4th. fantry. June 5th. airy. June 5th. Skirmish at Berry ville. Va. Harrisonburg. Detachmenl 1st Cav- Companies F and H, Gth Cavalry, Maj. 828. 829. 830. 831. 832. 833. Skirmish at Warwick River. V W. P. Hall. June 5th. Action at Deep Run Crossing, Va. Franklin's Crossing, near Fredericks- burg. 1st and 8d Batteries; 15th and 50th Engineers; 48d, 49th, 65th, 67th, 77th and I22d Infantry. June 5th. Skirmish at Walkerstown. Va. 168th Infantry; and one company 99th Infantry, Capt. Lee, on army gunboat Smith Priggs. June 6th. Skirmish at Piedmont, Va. Harrisonburg. Detachment 1st Cavalry. June 8th. Skirmish on scout from Suffolk. Va., to South Mills, X. C. Detachment 1st Mounted Pities, Maj. James X. Wheeler. June 8th. Skirmish at Crooked Creek, Va. Piedmont. Companies C and K, 1st. Cavalry, Capt. Boyd. June 9th. Skirmish at Yorktown, Va. 108th Infantry. June 9th. Engagement at Brandy Station (Fleetwood) and Beverly Ford, v"a. (See table following.) 200 I'AKT II. IX THE FIELD. 1863. .... I, Kil patrick Bth Cav 2, Devi d . i. Davis. mtii Cav . 86th I ill.. 124th Inf. Command] I i.t.-r..). U.K. Davles,Jr. Cav I'ni. T. c lii-vin u- . Mai. urn. E. Beardsley l.liiiior.l Cav c.i. li.-ni. P. Davis kJik, I.Buford Cav Mai. Wm. u. Mi Oav Lt.-Col W m , Blmey , Birney . Maj. i:. M. Pope detachment 1 Ms M. Avery Ca\ Capt. Joseph \v. Martin I I i 0\. I- IH \. Van Horn Ellis, Lt.-Col. Fi Cummins, Capt, Chas. II. Weygant Total Total loss of Onion Hiss's 834. June Huh. 835. .'uii • 10th. 836. June [0th. 837. June tlth. 838. June lltli. 839. June llth. 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. B45. 846 B47. 849. 851. 854. June L2th. Jane 13th. June L3th. Jane L3th. Skirmish at Warrenton Junction, Va, J»th Cavalry. Skirmish at Middleburg. Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry, Lt. Grail. Skirmish at Diascund Bridge. Va. 107th Infantry. Skirmish <>n Edenton Road, near Suffolk, Va. 19th Battery. Skirmish at Stevensburg. Va. 4th Cavalry. Skirmish near Port Hudson, La. Siege of Porl Hudson. 14th Cavalry. Skirmish on South Quay Road. Va. 1st Mounted Rifles; 130th Infantry. Skirmish at White Post, Va Detachmenl 1st Cavalry, ('apt P. Hendricks. Skirmish mar Millwood, Ya. Company K. 1st Cavalry, (apt. Bailey. Skirmishes at Berryville ami Opequon Creek, Va. Detachmenl Isl Cav- alry, Lt.-Col. Adams. June 13th. Skirmish at Bunker Hill, W. Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Capt. Martin- dale. .Tune 14th. Skirmish near Nine Mile Ordinary, Ya. L27th Infantry. June ltth. Skirmish at Franklin, Va. 130th Infantry. Jane 1 Ith. Skirmish at Martinsburg, W. Va. Detachmenl 1st ( avalry, Maj. Boyd; eighl companies 106th [nfantry, Col. E. C. .lames ami Lt.-Col. Embrick. June 14th. Second assault of Port Hudson. 1. a. Siege of Port Hudson. 18th and -.'!-• Batteries; 75th, 90th, SMst, 110th, 114th. 116th, 128th, 131st, L83d, 156th, HlOth, l'62d, I78d and L75th Infantry. June 1 Ith 15th. Engagemenl al Winchester, Va. 1st Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Adams. June Tith. Skirmish at Williamsport. Md. Detachmenl 1st Cavalry, Maj. Boyd. June 16th. Skirmish at Hancock, Md. 1st Cavalry. June 16th. Skirmish at Diascund Bridge. Va. 141st Infantry. June 16th. Skirmish at Plymouth. X. C. 8d Cavalry. June 16th 17th. Skirmish at Carrsville. Va. Franklin; Black water; Edenton Road; Four Corners. 99th, L18th, 180th, 1 55th and 164th Infantry. June 17th. Action at Aldie. Va. Thoroughfare Gap. 2d, Ith and 10th Cavalry. June 17th lsth. Skirmish on Bcoul from Rocky Run to Dover and Core Creek, \. C. Detachmenl 3d Cavalry, Maj. Penis Jacobs, Jr. .lime 17th r.ith. Skirmishes at Pattersonville. La. L76th [nfantry. .i,.- 17th Julj Ith. Siege and 79th Infantry. ■ if Vicksburg, Mi 859. -in.,. 18th. Battery siio. June 18th. .stii. June 18th. 862 June 18th. 868. June 19th. 864. June 19th. 865 June 19tb 176th [nfantr . M 866 .t,i,,. Both, skirmish at Thibodeaux, La, Detachment i ineSOth. Skirmish at Middleburg. Va, LOtfa Cavalry. Batten I.. 2d Artillery; toth, .".1st ith Edisto Island. Becti Skirmish on Seabrook Island. S, C I'.. 8d Aitill-iv . 56th Infantry. Skirmishes m ami mar Middleburg. Va. loth Cavalry. Skirmishes at Snickers Gap and Aldie. Va. 8th Cavalry. Skirmish at Plaquemine, La. Detachmenl I81s1 [nfantry. Skirmish at Warrenton, Va. "ith Cavalrj Action at Middleburg. Va. 2d, 4th and loth Cavalry. *1-t. Action at La Fourche Crossing, l.a. 25tb Battery detachment impany I>. 176th Infantry BATTLES, EXCAC KM KNTS. SKIRMISHES, ETC. 201 870. June 20th. Cavalry. June 80th. June 21st. 1863. Skirmish at Ashby's Gap, Vt Skirmish Dear Kinston, X. C. Engagement at Upperville, Va i. Aldie; Upperville. 12th Cavalry. 4th, 8th and 9th Brigades. Divisions. i 8 OonunandiDg Officers. Killed \\ 1, ■■! Organiza- I [0N8. I - . Z ! L - 1 < Cai Ool. J. Ellpatiick (c), Lt-Col.H.B Davtes,Jr 1. Buford 1. Hut' I. Buford Ool. T. C. Dt-viii k'\ Ma|. \V. K. l!.-ar.l>l.-\ ... M.ii. E, m. Pope 10th Cav ... 3, Gregg i, Barnes - 12 13 2 i i 61 i otal loss of Onion forces engaged 209 sT-. 87! I. 881. Action a1 Green Castle, Pa. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Major Boyd. Skirmish at Middleburg. \"a. 6tL Cavalry. Skirmish at Philomont, Va. !)th Cavalry. Skirmish at Aldie, Va. 10th Cavalry. Skirmish at Succade Ferry, X. C. 12th Cavalry. Skirmish at Bottom's Bridge, Va. 143d and 152(3 Infantry. Skirmish Dear Shippensburg, Pa. Detachment 1st Cavalry, .Major Boyd, and company I (Artillery company), sth Regt. National Guard. June 23d. Skirmish at Harper's Ferry, \Y. Va, Detachment 1st Cavalry, ('apt. Martindale. June 23d. Skirmish at Aldie, Va. 2d and 8th Cavalry. June 23d. Skirmish at Bayou Boeuff. I.a. Company I, 1 76th Infantry . the Atchafalaya, La. 871. June 22d. 872. June 22d. 873. June 22d. 874. June 22d. 87.->. June 2 2d. 876. June 22d. 877. June 23d. 884. 885. 886. 887. SsS. 890. Detachments of the Thoroughfare Gap, Va. Detachment 1-t June 23d. Skirmish at. and surrender of, Fort Buchanan, Companies A and !•'. 176th Infantry. June 23d-24th. Action at, and surrender of, Brashier City, 114th, 131st, 156th, I59thand 176th Infantry. June 24th. Skirmish at Sulphur Springs, Va. 9th Cavalry, June 24th-25th. Skirmishes al and about Haymarket and 6th and 9th Cavalry; 42d, 59th, B9d and 95th Infantry. June 25th. Skirmish near Cashtown, Pa., near McConnellshurg. I lavalry, Major Boyd. Jane 25th-26th. Skirmishes at Carlisle, Pa. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Major Boyd. June 26th, Skirmish at Kingston. Pa. Company [, 8th; and 71s1 National Guard, June 26th-27th. Skirmishes near Harper's Perry, W. Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Adams. June 27th. Skirmish at Kingston, Pa. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Major Boyd. June 27th. Skirmishes at Middleburg and Upperville, Va 8th Cavalry. 891. June 27th. Skirmish at Fairfax Court House. Va. Companies B and C, 11th Cav- alry, Major Remington. 892. June 27th. Skirmish at Donaldsonville, La Detachment 91st Infantry. 893. June 28th. Skirmish near Rookville, Md. 2d Cavalry. 894. Jnne28th. Skirmish Dear Oyster Point, Pa. Company 1,8th; 11th. 23d and 52d National Guard. 895. June 28th. A flair on Little River Turnpike. Va. One company 1 78th Infantry. 896. June 29th. Skirmish at Keedysville, Md . Detachment 1st Cavalry. 897. Jane 29th, Skirmish at Hancock, Md. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Capt. Bailey. 898. June 29th. Skirmish near McConnellsburg, Pa. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Capt. Jones. 899. June 29th. Skirmish near Kingston, Pa. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Lieut. Enowlee. 900. June 29th. Skirmish near Goose Creek Bridge, Md. Cookville. 2d and 4th Cavalry. 2G I'AKT II. IN THE FIELD. L8C3. 901. June 29th. Skirmish uear Fort Washington, Harrisburg, I'a. Company I, 8th; and 71b1 National Guard. 905. June 30th. Skirmish at Fairfield, Pa 6th and 8th Cavalry. me 80th. Skirmish at Bolivar Heights. W. Va. Detachment I lth Cavalry. 904. June 80th. Skirmish at Ahrendtsville. I'a. Detachmenl 1st Cavalry, Lieut. Know lea. 806. June 80th. Action near Hanover, I'a. 5th Cavalry, Major Hammond. 906. June 30th. Skirmish at Sporting Hill. Pa. Hampton, near Harrisburg. Company ! 8th; 32d, Col. Aspinwall; 87th, Col. Roome, National Guard. hut. July 1st. Skirmi-h near Fayetteville, l'a. Detachments 1st Cavalry, Major Boyd and Lieut. Snowies. 908. July 1st. Skirmishes at Green Castle and Waynesboro, Pa. 6th Cavalry. 909. July 1st. Action at Carlisle, Pa. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Major Boyd; detachment 11th Artillery; company 1. 8th; 22d, 23d, and 87th Infantry, National Guard. 910. July 1st. Skirmish at Baltimore Cross Roads, Ya. Detachmenl 6th Cavalry. Major Ball. 911. July Lst-3d. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa, Loss in skirmishes July 4th included. 4th t'uv. vK i. Gamble.. D Q Isl Art. B ■ Hawd 2, Gregg i. Biiford " tin B i 0... Ra lolph I W.iiiiwrlglil.. « Fltthugh. Pltzhugh. Walnwright .. Muhlenberg. .. Tompkins Tompkins K.'iiiilolpli ■ I -on I l. Bnford.. i, Bufori.. J. Gregg... Commanding Officers. Cav Lt.-Col. ott.i Harhaus Cav Lt.-Col. Augustus I'ruyii Uav MaJ. .Inhii Hammond Ma|. W. K. Beards- ley -('apt. KU<-\ Johnson, .-.uri i ,,l. William I. Markell I'av (',,!. Willi. mi Sack. 'It Matthew H. \vcry A.I'Capl. Daniel I'. Mann, at Army Head luarten II \ . 711. Inf.. - ■ 4Mh Ilil M. WilUr.l. I'- I i. 8< i mel pfenning .1 i Capt. tcrv attai hi i Lieut. Albert S. 8h< don w . Lit at. Rob rtE Etc Capt. Aim. nit Manic- Capt. Geo B. Wlnslow Attached to Battery I., 1st Artillery. Capt. Nelson A s Capt. Michael W icilrlch Capt. R. II. Pltzhugh (c).lltb Battery attach.-. I rapt. .1. \ l;.vn..|.U w , l.t.ti. Itiv.k Lieut, fh. is. E. w inc^af Capt. Andrew Cowan Capt. \\ in. A. Hani Capt, James E. Smith Capt. Bllaha D. Tafl Cc) Capt. Joseph w . Martin Att. 1. 1 tbe Mi. Maw., G and C, i-t Rhode island, and 6th N If. Bal i. 'it. 0. T. Bruen ; loss, with .".ih Mass. Battery Ball K, 1st Artillery Attached t 1. 1. •!!... I.. I l.i.-ul. W illi. nil Wheeler ■i. - It .in.l ti. Nt Ar- i M. Itort) (k) 1 II nt imenl - i •■ in- with .'..•■! Infantry ii On npanj . Pro> osl Guard M MaJ n George P. Hopper i Capt. Henry w Ryder One . omp ■ Detachment with 49th N J \ Capt. llenrv .1. (iitlonl M ■ 11 llil.lehraml ... . w I in ii Col. L. Von Gilsa (c), Lt.-Col. Dettler Km-i.-.l.-l ; nine . . . 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ! M i. • l • -i ol. John WiN.Mi LI Col. r. Connei i. .-. ban n Col. G. Von Amslx I Adnlphus Dobke i • -i i . ol. C. 0. Preudenburg .» i, Capt. I. Harlow- II Ma! - I I It.ith II , I. |llll|e> Killf-1. WiiM. Hissing M s BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. !03 1803. rlgadea. Divisions. t'.uth Inf .. Inf... 6M Inf.... 83d lui'.. I'. ith Inf. 67th Inf. 68th Inf. 6»tb Inf. 7nth Inf. 7ls1 Inf.. 7 J. I lnl... . :;, (iivcnc :', I.Cross i, . :i. Nevln 3, . 2, Kelly l, . i, Brooke I, Geary Caldwell \\ In itOD . Caldwell Caldwell i. Staler i, Vim Gilsa 2. Kelly 2, Brewster ... 2, Brewster .... 2, Brewstei ... 77th Inf .... 78th lni ... 80th lnl ... B2d Inf 83d Inf 8itl. Inf... BOtta Inf ... 88th Inf.., 93d Inf...., •,'itli Inf... '.•.".til Inf... 97th Inf.. not Inf.. mitii inf. i(i7tii Inf. 108th Inf. llltli Inf. 119th Inf. Until Inf. Ulst Int.. 122d Inf.. 123d Inf.. 134th Inf. 123th Inf. 136th Inf. I34tb Inf. , Wheaton. , Barlow .Caldwell . Humphreys. Humphreys. Humphreys. 3, Neill 2, Howe 3, Greene 2, Geary I, Rowley '., Doubleday .. 1, Harrow J, ( iibbon 2, Baxter .'. Robinson 2, Cutler I. Wadsworth 2. Ward l.Blrney !, Kelly I, Caldwell . i lommanding Officers. t. Paul 2, 2, Cutler i, 2, Baxter j, :i. Greene 2, I, Paul 2. Robinson Wadsworth . Robinson Geary Robinson . ... Ruger Hays Hays 2,Kryeanowskl .'., Schurz ■£, Hrewstor 2, Humphreys. 2, Bartlett. l.Shaler 1, McDougull... t, Ward . 3, Wlllard 3, Wlllard » 1. Coster Wrighl \\ heaton.... Ruger ... Blrnej Hays.. Hays... I36th lnl ... 2, Bmith. H7ili Inf. li'.'tli Inf. 1, McDougull.. :i. W I .', Cutler. I, Schimmel- pfennlng. Von Steln- w. In Henry A.vte Wadsworth Geary Ruger Von Bteln- wehr 2 l,t. -tot. Aiioni It. Chapman Col. \V. Kiy/.anowski ici, Lt.-Col. A. into. Capt. Bmil Koenig I.i.-ioi. M. A. Ill .in i n I, Isl LI w . II. Pohlraan (w). Capt. M M i - leu; tour companies I'JCol. Abel lio.ilanl 2| Lt.-Col. EC Oscar Broady 6 Col D. .1. Nevln (c), Lt.-Col. T. A. Hamilton ■j Two companies: i.t.-Coi. K. c. Benl ! ley i w i. Capt Thomas Tonhey 2 Col. 1>. li. Ringlmm iw), Mai. I.. \\ Bradley .' ' f ,.|. .Iix.-iih K. Haml.lin 2Col 0. ll. Morris (w i. Lt.-Col. .1. S. Killed. Wounded. Missing, i;. m oi onej I w Cwocompanii Lt.Jam .i Col. J. Bglx : I iroum Col. Henrj I. Potter Col. John S.Austin « I, Lt.-Col. John Leonard Col. W. It. Brewster (c), Lt.-Col. M. \v. Burns Lt.-Col. Tlionias Holt Ma|. A. .1. . McDiiugall ... wi, l.t.-Col. I. M l/isk. Capt. A. I'. t-eelcy 11 Col. John T. I.ockwoo.l i w ,. Lt.-Col. Edward K. Lloyd 3 Lt.-Col. C. D. Westbrook (w), MaJ. J. Col. Arch. I.. McDou-alhc . I.t -Col. .la- C. Rogers, Capt. Adolph II. Tanner.. Col. \ Van II. KMi« I, i. Lt.-Col. r. M. Cummins w), j apt. C. II. Weygani Col. George L. Wlllard (c, k), Lt.-Col. Lei in i ran. li -n Col. K. Shell-ill,-, kl, Lt.-Col. .las. M. Bull(c), Capt. Win. A. Coleman 11 Col. .lames Wool, ,lr 12 Col. David Ireluinl ." Col, Patrick II. 0'Rorke (k), Lt.-Col. Louis Ernst P.' Col. Iviwarcl Livingston price 5Col. Kenner (iairanl aval: J ; 23d Cavalry, one section Battery II. 3d Artillery, Lieut. Clark. 935. July 5th. Skirmish at Kenyonsville, X. c. 3d Cavairy, Lt.-Coi. Lewis. lulj 5th. Skirmish at Camden, X. * '. 1st Mounted Rifles. ;»:?T. July 5th. Skirmish near Fairfield, Pa. Millerstown. 1st and 3d Batteries; detach- ment 38d, 13d, 19th, 77th and I21sl Infantry. 988. July 6th. Skirmish al Free Bridge, near Trenton, X. C. Quakers', Gardinier's, Com- fort Bridge: Southwest Creek; Williamston. One company 12th Cavalry: Bat- tery K. 8d Artillery; 81st, 85th, 96th and 158th Infantry. 989 July 6th. Skirmish at Waynesboro, Pa, 1st Cavalry, Lt. Col. Adams. 940. Jul) 6th. Skirmish at Waterloo, Pa Detachment 1st Cavairy, Major Boyd. 941. July 6th. action at Hagerstown, Md. 2d, 4th and 5th Cavalry. 942 Jul) 6th. action at Williamsport, Md. 3d, 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry. J 7th. Skirmish at Antietam and Marsh Run, Md. 83d, 13d, 49th and 77th lm . - * 1 1 -Inly 7th. Skirmish a; Downsville, Md. 9th Cavalry. lly 7th. Skirmish at Funkstown. Md. s th Cavalry. 946. July 7th. Skirmish at Harper's Perry, W. Va. 11 th Cavalry. '.»I7 July 8th. Skirmish at Antietam Creek, Md. Detachment 1st Cavalry. Major Boyd. '.'I*. .In n at Boonshorough, Md. Williamsport; Hagerstown; Funkstown. id, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry; 45th, 58th, 119th and 157th Infantry. 949 July 9th. Skirmish at Boonsborough, Md. 8th Cavalry. '.ion. July 9th. Skirmish at Benevola, Md, Beaver Creek. 8th and 9th Cavalry. 951. July 9th 16th. Operations against, and capture of, Jackson, Miss. Battery h, .'d Artillery; 46th, 51si and 79th Infantry. 902. July loth. Skirmish al Old Antietam Forge, mar Leitersburg, Md. tit h Battery; L3d Infant 958. July 10th. Skirmish mar Williamsport, Md. Detachment 1st Cavalry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 205 18 03. 954 July 10th. Skirmish near Boonsborough, Md. 3d Battery; 62d, 66th, 67th and I22d Infantry. 955. July 10th. Skirmish near Clear Springs, Aid. 74th .Militia. 956. July 10th. Action at, and occupation of, South East End of Morris Island. S. C. Batteries B and I", 3d Artillery detachment 1st Engineers: 48th and 100th tnfan- try and Les Enfants Perdns. 957. July 50th-12th. Skirmish at Jones Cross Roads, Md. 3d and 4th Cavalry. 958. July 10th-13th. Skirmishes at and near Funkstown and Hagerstown, Md 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry; 1st and 3d Batteries; 41st. 48d, 49th, 54th, 58th, 62d, 65th, 67th, 68th, 77th, 80th, 83d, 94th, 121st, I22d, 184th and I57tl [nfantry. 950. .Inly llth-12th. Skirmish al Boonsborough, Md 10th Cavalry. 960. July llth-13th. Skirmishes at Jones Cross Roads, Md Fairplay; St. Janus College; near Williamsport. 44th, 107th, 121st, 123d, 124th and L37th Enfantry. 961. July 12th. Skirmish at Sharpsburg, Md. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Majoi Boyd. 962. July 12th. Skirmish at Currituck, N. C. lstMounted Rifles. 963. July 12th. Skirmish near New Berne, N. C. 92d Infantry. 964 July 18th-16th. Ripl in New York City Company G, 13th Cavalry; detachmenl 14th Cavalry; companies A. and B, 18th Cavalry: detachment 11th Artillery; one section 20th Mattery, detachment 17th Vet. Infantry; detachment 36th [nfantry and 7th Regimenl National Guard. 965. July 18th. Engagement on the Bayou Fourche, La. Cox's Plantation, near Donald- Bonville. 966. July 14th. Skirmish at Williamsport. Md. 3d and 5th Cavalry; Batterj C, Lsl Artillery: 33d, 1:1,1. 49th, 52d, 57th, 61st 63d, 64th, 66th, 69th, 77th, 88th, L07th 121st, 123d, 145th and 1 Kith Infantry. 967. Julj 14th. Action at Falling Waters, Md. 2d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry. 968. July 14th. Skirmish near Harper's Ferry, W. Va. 6th Battery; LOth Cavalry, and detachment llth < !avalry. 969. July 14th. Skirmish on Morris Island. S. C. Companies C and I». 18th Infantry. 970. July 15th. Skirmish at Halltown, \V. \ a. 6th Battery; Kith Cavalry, and detach- ment 1 1th Cavalry. 971. July 15th. Skirmish at Shepherdstown. \Y. 7a. 6th Battery; 10th Cavalry. 972. July 15th. Skirmish at Smith's Mills Bridge. .\. C. One company 12th Cavalry, Capt. West. 978 July 16th. Act ion at Shepherdstown, XV. Va. 6th Battery; Kith Cavalry. 974. July Kith. Skirmish at Berryville, Va. 2d and 4th Cavalry. 97"'). July 16th. Skirmish near Gnmball's Landing, James Island. S. ( '. Secessionville. 56th Infantry. 976. July 18th. Skirmish at Emmitsburg. Md. 9th Cavalry. 977. July 18th. Second assault on Battery Wagner, S. C. (See table following.) 206 PART II IN THE FIELD. 1863. luilti Inf. miamling Officers. ii=ii= Seymour. Seymour. lOjCapt. James E. Asbcroft in! Lieut. Paul B. Bircbmeyer 10 Col. W hi. Barton 10 Col. George B. Dandy Total Total loss of Dnlon forces engaged ins::, 1 ""I • i»7^. July 18th. Skirmish at Swift Creek, mi raid from New Berne to Tarboro, X. ( '. 3d Cavalry, Lt.-Coi. Lewis; companies A. H and F, 12tli Cavalry, Major Clarkson; 23d Cavalry; one section of Battery 11. 3d Artillery, Lieut. Clark; 158th Infantry, Lt.-Col. McNary. 979. July 19th. Skirmish at the Chapel near Greenville, N. < '. Raid to Tarboro, X. I '. 3d Cavalry. 980. -inly 19th-Sept. 7th. Siege ami occupation of Battery Wagner. Morris Island. Bom- bardment of Charleston, S. C, commenced Augusl 21st, ISO:!. Batteries Hand F, 3d Artillery, Detachment 1st Engineers; 3d, 41st. 47th, 51st, 56th, 89th, ninth. 103d, ir.Mli. 117th. 127th, I42d, 144th. 157th and 169th Infantry, and Les Fnfants Perdus. 981. July20th. Skirmish at Rocky Mount Station, N. C. Raid to Tarboro. Companies A, I>. E, Bufonl..., Bnford..., .... I, Buford ... Killed W'u'd Ulss'g C0l. Win :::: . itid i. nn n. I, Smith. M 1 1 •■ in I ilir.-s n 1. 2. Humphreys 2, lliimphrpva j. Humphreys i .-.'•■■ I. .1 llnwur.l KlIrlilMK i I Mi u I Hot. ,1. V. inn,, , . u . \| , \\ i 3,rnl. Henry L. Poltei 3 l.i -Col. ,lo hi I.. nr.l • M liael D P irtcll i • li II' M I ■ ' II,,- I II tt'l .• ml II II .... I in I Total loss "i Dnlon 17 2 -i BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 207 1863. 993. July 23d. Skirmish near Front Royal. V* 40th Infantry. 994. July 25th. Skirmish sit Barbee's Cross Roads, Va, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry. 99"). July 25th. Skirmish at Gloucester Court House, Ya. One section 8th Battery; BIX companies 118th Infantry, Col. Reese. 996. July 26th. Skirmish at Pollocksville, X. ( '. 3d Cavalry. 997. July 27th. Affair near Bristerburg, Va. Company F, 2d Cavalry. 998. July 27th. Action at Williamston, N. C. Poster's Mill. <>n raid to Winton; 12th Cavalry; twu sections 24th Battery; 81st and 85th Infantry. 999. July 28th. Skirmish at Jackson, \. C. Murfreesboro. Ls1 Mounted Rifles, Col. Onderdonk. 1000. July 28th. Skirmish at Chowan. N. C. On raid to Winton. 12th Cavalry; part 24th Battery; sist and 85th [nfantry. 1001. July 29th. Skirmish at Robinson's Cross Roads. Ya. B2d Infantry. 1002. July 29th. Skirmish at Rixey's Ford, Maze! River, Va. Squadron 9th Cavalry, ('apt. Corrigan. 1003. July 29th. Skirmish at Foster's Mills, X. C. Detachment 12th Cavalry. 1004. Aug. 1st. Action at Brandy Station, Va. Cttlpeper; Rappahannock Station. 6th, 8th aud 9th Cavalry. 1005. Aug. 1st. Skirmish at Amissville, Ya. 10th Cavalry. 1006. Aug. 2d. Skirmish at John's Island, S. C, near Polly Island. list Infantry and Les Enfants Perdus. 1007. Aug. 3d. Skirmish at Port Hudson. La. Jackson. 1 75th Infantry. 1008. Aug. 3d. Skirmish at Fairfax. Ya. 2d Cavalry. 1009. Aug. 4th. Skirmish at Brandy Station. Ya. Rappahannock Station, tit h, 8th and 9th Cavalry. 1010. Aug. 4th. Affair at the mouth of Vincent's Greek, S. C. Detachment 100th Infan- try, Capt. L. S. Payne. Skirmish at Little Washington. Va. 10th Cavalry. Skirmish at Thoroughfare Gap, Va. 2d Cavalry. Skirmish at Brandy Station. Va. 8th Cavalry. Skirmish near Aldie, Va. 2d Cavalry. Skirmish near Aldie, Va., on scout in the Hull Run Mountains. De- tachment 2d Cavalry, Capt. George V. Criggs. 1016. Aug. 14th. Skirmish on scout to Winchester. V a. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Major Quinn. 1017. Aug. 14th. Skirmish near Washington, X. C 12th Cavalry. 1018. An;,'. 15th. Skirmish on expedition from Portsmouth. Va., to Edenton, N. C. 1st Mounted Pities, Col. Onderdonk. 101!). Aug. Pith. Skirmish at Fall's Church. Ya. 111th Infantry. 1020. L7th-23d. Bombardmenl of Fort Sumter. S. c. Siege of Battery Wagner Batteries B and P, Sd A rtilleiy : detachment 1st Engineers; 3d, 41st. 17th, 54th, 89th, 100th, L08d, 112th, 117th, 127th, 1 12d, 111th and 157th Infantry, and Les Enfants Perdus. Skirmish at Pasquotank, Va. Woodville Road. 1st Mounted Rifles. Skirmish at Berryville. Va. 1st Cavalry. Skirmish at Smithfield, W. Va. 1st Cavalry. Skirmish at Berryville. Ya. 1st Cavalry. Skirmish at United States Ford, Va. 2d Cavalry. Skirmish at Stafford Court House. Ya. 9th Cavalry. Skirmish at Ellisford, Rappahannock River, Ya. io2d [nfantry, Col. J, Skirmish near Fairfax,. Va., Aunandale. Detachment 13th Cavalry. Skirmish near Washington, N. C. 12th Cavalry. Skirmishes at Barhamsville. Slatersville. New Kent Court House. Baltimore Cross Road. Bottom's Bridge. Va. Expedition from Williamsburg to Bottom's Bridge. 1st Mounted Pith's, Col. Onderdonk. 1011. Aug. 4th. 1012. Aug 5th. 1013. Aug. lotl 1014. Aug. 12th 1015. Aug. 14tl 1021. Au-. 18th. 1022, Aug. Ptth. 1023. Aug. 21st, 1024. Aug. 22d . 1025. 22d . 1026. Aug 28d. 1027. Aug. 23d. C. Lane 1028. Aug 24th. 1029. Aug. 25th. 1030. Aug. 27th. part ii. ix tup: field. L863. L081. Aug. 88th. Skirmish at Edwards' Ferry. M . 1 . Companiea C, D. II and K, 11th i iavalry, Major Wilkinson. 1082. Aug 3l8t. Skirmish at Brandy Station. Va. -"5 7 r 1 1 Infantry. it. 1st. Bkirmish near Leesburg. Va. Company F, 11th Cavalry, Capt. McCallum. 1034. Sept. 1st. Skirmish ai Lamb's Creek. \'a. 3d and 5th Cavalry. Sept. 1st. Skirmish at Mt. Gilead. Va. Detachment 9th Cavalry, Capt. Ayres. - pt. 2d. Affair at Port Conway. Va. Capture of gunboats. 2d and 5th Cavalry. pt. 5th. Skirmish at Middletown, Va. Detachmenl Isl Cavalry. Major Quinn. - Sept. 6th. Skirmish at Brandy Station, Va. 4th Cavalry. L089. Sept. 6th. Skirmish Dear Washington, X. C. Detachmenl 12th Cavalry. 1040. Sept. 8th. Actional Sabine Pass, Texas. 75th, 116th, 161st and 165th Infantry. 1041. Sept. 8th-Dec. 81st. Operations in Charleston Harbor. S. C. Batteries B and F, 8d Artillery; detachment 1st Engineers; 3d, list, 17th, 56th, 89th, 100th, I08d, 112th, 117th. 127th, L42d, 144th, 157th and 169th Infantry, and Les Enfants I'.-rdus. L042. Sepl 9th. Skirmish near Winchester, Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry. Capt. Hertzog. 1043. Sept. 10th. Skirmish at Rappahannock Station, Va. Detachmenl 1th Cavalry, Capt. Hart. 1044. Bept. i:!th. Skirmish at Kelly's Ford, Brandy Station, Culpeper Court House, Muddy Run and Stevensburg. Va. Advance of Union forces from the Rappa- hannock to the Rapidan. 2d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry. 1045. Sept. llth loth. Skirmishes at Somerville Ford, Robertson's Ford, Racoon Ford and Rapidan Station. Va. Advance to the Rapidan. 2d, 4th, 5th, Gth. 8th and 9th Cavalry. 1046. Sept. loth. Affair at Smithfield. W. Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry. Capt. Jones. HH7. Sept. loth. Skirmish at Brentville, Va. Advance to the Rapidan. 4th Cavalry. mis Sept. 16th. Ski mush at Stevensburg, Va. Advance to the Rapidan. I02d Infantry. 1049. Sept. I6th-17th. Skirmishes at Racoon Ford, Robertson's Ford, Va. James City. 2d and 4th Cavalry. 1050. Sept. 17th. Skirmish at United States Ford, Va. 2d Cavalry. 1051. Sept. 17th-18th. Skirmishes at Robertson's Ford and Somerville Ford. Va. 123d and 1 loth Infantry. 1052. Se,,t. 18th. Skirmish at Kelly's Ford, Va. 5th Cavalry. 1058. Sept. l'.lth. Skirmish at Strasburg, Va. Detachment 1-t Cavalry, Capt. Bailey. Idol. Sept. l'.tth. Skirmishes at Culpeper and Racoon Ford. Va. °d, 4th, Gth, 8th and 9th < avalry. i. 21st. Skirmish at Madison Court House, Va Reconnoissance across the Rapidan River. 2d and 5th Cavalry. 1056. Sept. 21st-22d. Skirmish at White and Sinam's Ford, Va. Brookin's Ford, Liberty Mill-. Reconnoissance across the Rapidan River. 2d and 5th Cavalry. pt. 22d. Bkirmish between Centreville ami Warrenton, Va. Detachment 1-t Dragoons. M. Skirmish at Rockville. Md. Detachment 11th Cavalry. pt. 22d. Affair ai Bamett's Ford,\'a. .hick's shop. Orange Courl House. Liberty Mills, Qordonsville Railroad. Reconnoissance across the Rapidan River. 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry. 1060 Sept .'■.', I. Skirmish between Centreville and Warrenton, Va. 1-t Dragoons. pt. 28d. Skirmish opposite Donaldson, La Capt. Metcalfs company, 14th Cav- alry. [062. Sept. 85th. Hazel River Bridge, Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry, ("apt. Farley. 1068. 8ept.28th Bkirmish at Centreville, La. 116th infantry. i"i;i Oct, l-t Actional Lewinsviiie. Va. Detachment 16th Cavalry; detachmenl lilth Infantry. 1085. <»'t. l-t. Skirmish at Germanna Ford. Va. 8th Cavalry. 1066. Oct. 2d. Skirini.-h at Hazel River. Va. 2d Cavalry. 1061 Oct. Bd. Skirmish at Lewinsviiie. Va. 111th Infantry. 1068. Oct. 8th. Skirmish at Hazel River, Va. 2d Cavalry. 1089 Oct. 7th. Skinni-h near New Berne, N. C. 8d Cavalry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 209 18G3. 1070. Oct. 7th. Skirmish at Culpeper, Va. 2d Cavalry. 1071. Oct. 8th. Skirmish at Creiglersville, Va. 5th Cavalry. 107:2. Oct. 9th. Engagemenl at Vermillion Bayou, or Bridge, La. lltith, 131st, 188d, 161st, 162d and 165th Infantry. 1073. Oct. 10th. Action at Blue Springs, Term. Batter; L, 3d Artillery; 48th, Slat and 79th Infantry. 1074. Oct. 10th. Skirmish at Robertson's River. Bethel Church, Va Bristoe campaign, 2d and 5th Cavalry. 1075. Oct. 10th. Skirmishes at Germanna. Racoon and Morton Fords, Va. Bristol- cam- paign. 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry. 1076. Oct. 10th. Affair at James City, Va. Bristoe campaign. 120th Infantry. Capt. Abram L. Lock wood. 1077. Oct. 11th. Skirmish at Carrion Crow Bayou, La. 116th, 131st, 133d, 161st. L63d Infantry. 1078. Oct. 11th. Skirmish at Culpeper and Brandy Station, Va. Bristoe campaign, 2d and 5th Cavalry. 1079. Oct. 11th. Skirmish at Morton's Ford, Stevensburg and Kelly's Ford, Va. Bris- toe campaign. 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry. 1080. Oct. 11th. Skirmish near Culpeper Court House. Va. Bristoe campaign. 106th Infantry, Major A. N. McDonald. 1081. Oct. 12th. Action at Warrenton Sulphur Springs,Va. Jeffersonton. Bristoe cam- paign. 10th Cavalry; 6th Battery. 1082. Oct. 12th. Skirmish at Culpeper, Va. Bristoe campaign. 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry. 1083. Oct. 13th. Skirmish on scout from Great Bridge, Va.. to Indiantown. X. C. Detach- ment 96th Infantry, Col. Cnllen. 1084. Oct. 13th. Skirmish near Fairfax Station, Va. Bristoe campaign. 80th Infantry. 1085. Oct. 13th. Skirmish at Brandy Station. Va. Bristoe campaign. 8th Cavalry. 1086. Oct. 13th. Skirmish at Auburn. Va. Bristoe campaign. 40th, 43d, 86th, 97th and 124th Infantry. 1087. Oct. 14th. Skirmish at Back Creek Valley, Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Capi Prendergast. 1088. Oct. 14th. Skirmish at Bristoe Station, Va. Bristoe campaign. 4th and 6th Cavalry; detachments 13th and 16th Cavalry; Battery C, 1st Artilley; 44th. 140th and 148th Infantry. 1089. Oct. 14th. Action at Auburn, and engagement at Bristoe, Va. Bristoe campaign. 1'itti Cav. ...... mtii Cav.... 2, BafyG.lst Art .. 4th Bat'y... i. etii Bat'y... l. loth Inf... .12, 3Bth Inf.... I. tad liir !, Sad I nf 3, 57th I nl' 3, Wlh Inf.... 3, 6UI Inf.... I. 63d Inf J. fitth Inf. .. t. Mtn Int.... ;, fi'.nh Inf.... 2, 83d Inf I. 88th Inf.... 2, 108th Inf... 2, uiih Inf ...3, 139th Inf... 3, 136th Inf... 3, Commanding Officers. -i' iun\ M. im <>rt. Lieut. Koberl Brown.. Gregg 2, Gregg lav Major Matthew II. Avery -' Capt. Nelson \im-s Volunteer Ixt. Reserve < apt . .lanns K. smith, with IM Corps 2, Gregg Cav Capt. Joseph Vf. Martin Smyth '•. Hays - M.iwr <;,■■,-.■ Hopper Owen :;. II , Mallon '. Webb Bean .. It. Mil... Million Prank Kelly., Ill-Ooko Ben K.-1 1 v Heath . Keltj i. Ml init I: i Uriu'ht.. ,),Lt.-Col.C.U.Freudenberg ... l. Miles ... i. Miles ... |, Miles .. i. Miles .. . . M I i. Caldwell. P B IRg K. 0. Bl is I'oiihey Smyth 3, Hays Owen 3, Hays . Owen '. II .iv - Owen 3. Hays.. 2 Col.P.Frank • 2 U.-Col. Alto, 2 Four compan 2 Col. N. A. M 2 Two companl 2 Major Leraan w, Hradlej 2 Lt.-Col. John s. Hamraell :' Capt. Rich an I Mornnev 2 Major Thomas W. Baird 2Col. Patrick Kellv i ei. Capl. IVni-. K. linrko 2 Col. Charles J. Powers 2 Col. C. Dugald McDougall - I'ol. Levin Crandell 2 Col. James M. Bull . Killed Wn'.i Miss'g n a ti a Total Total loss of Union forces engaged , :OII liU) i 48 2« 306 1! 159 M6 -HO PART II. IN THE FIELD. 18G3. 1090. Oct. 15th. Skirmish at Oak BID, Va. Liberty, Broad Ban. Bristoe campaign. 4th, 6th, *th and 9th Cavalry. [091. Oct. 15th. Skirmish al McLean's Ford. Va. Bristoe campaign. 151st Infantry, Lt.-Col. Bowen. 1092, Oct. 15th. Skirmishes at Blackburn's Ford. Mitchell's Ford. Va. Bristoe campaign. LOth, 53d, 59th, 111th, 125th and L26th Infantry. 1098. Oct. 15th. Skirmish at Oatlett'a Station, Va. Manassas. Bristoe campaign. 10th Cavalry; 40th, 73d and LSlsl Infantry. |i)!)4. Oct. 15th. Skirmish at Hedgesville, W. Va. 1st Cavalry. 1095 Oct. 16th. Skirmish at Manassas Junction, Va. Bristoe campaign. 2d Cavalry. 1096 Oct, 16th. Skirmish at Chantilly, Va. Bristoe campaign. 13th Cavalry; 77th Infantry. 1097. Oct. 16th. Skirmish at New Market. Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry. 1098 Oct. 17th. Skirmish at Bull Run. Manassas Junction. Va. Bristoe campaign. 1st Drag is. 1099. Oct. 17th. Skirmish at Accotink, Va. Bristoe campaign. 120th infantry. 1100. Oct. 17th. Skirmish at James City, Va. Bristoe campaign. 5th Cavalry. 1101. Oct. 17th. Skirmish at Berryville. Va. Detachmenl 1st Cavalry. 1103. Oct. I7th-18th. Skirmishes at Hunter's Ford. Rapidan, Culpeper, Sperry viUe Pike, Brandy Station, Va. Bristoe campaign. 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th < 'avairy: 78d Infantry. 1108. Oct. 18th. Skirmish at Charlestown, Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry. 1104 Oct. ltith Skirmishes at Gainesville and Haymarket, Va. Bristoe campaign, 3d and 5th Cavalry; 147th Infantry. 1105 Oct. I'.ith 20th. Action at Buckland Mills. Va. New Baltimore. Bristoe cam- paign. 3d and 5th Cavalry. 1106. Oct. 33d. Skirmish at Rappahannock Bridge or Station. Va. Bristoe campaign. 95th and 1 16th Infantry. lli)7. Oct. 33d. Skirmish at Beverly Ford, Va. Brandy Station. 4th Cavalry. Lt.-Col. Pruyn. 1108. Oct. 34th-36th. Skirmishes at Bealton Station, Rappahannock Bridge or Station, Va. 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 10th Cavalry; 106th Infantry. 1109. Oct. 27th. Skirmish at Summit Point. Va. Detachment 1 si Cavalry, Capt. Stevenson. 1110. Oct. 27th. Skirmish at Snicker's Gap. Va. 8th Cavalry. Mil. on 87th Nov. 9th. Bombardment of Port Sumter, S. C. Operations in Charleston Barbor. Batteries B and F, 3d Artillery; Detachment 1st Engineers; 3d, list, 17th, 89th, 100th, LOSd, 112th. L17th, 127th. 143d, 144th, 157th and 869th Infantry, and Lea Enfants Perdus. 1112. Oct. 38th 39th. Engagement at Wauhatchie and Lookout Valley. Ten n. Battery I, 1st Artillery; 18th Hatters: nth. 58th, 60th, 68th, 78th, 103d, 109th, 184th, I86th, l.Oh, Mist. I48d, L49thand 154th Infantry. 1118 Oct. 81st. Skirmish at Winchester. Va. Detachmenl 1st Cavalry. Capt. Jones. 1114. Oct. -H-t. Skirmish at Rappahannock Station. Va. (list Infantry. 1115. Nov, 1st. Skirmish at Philomont, Va. LOth Cavalry. 1116. Nov. 8d. Skirmish at Oak HU1, Va Brentville. 1th Cavalry. 1117. Nov 3d ESngagemenl at Bayou Bourbeaux. mar Grand Cotean, La. Bnzsard's Prairie. 14th ( avairy. 1118 Nov. 8d, Skirmishes at Camden Court House and Dismal Swamp. Va One com- pan\ 8d Cavalry and Mattery II. 3d Artillery 1119. Nov Mi. Skirmish at Oatlett Station, Va. 3d Cavalry. 1130. Nov. 4th. Skirmish near Rocky Run, \ C. Detacl ml 13th Cavalry. 1121. Nov. 6th. Skirmishes at Winchester, Newtown and Middletown. Va. Detach- ment l-t < !avalrj . < 'apt. Bailey. 1133, Nov, 7th. Skirmish al Northwest Landing, Va. n|m Infantry, lov. 7th. Skirmish at Stevensburg, Va. 2d and 5th Cavalry. 1134 Nov. Tth Engagement at Rappahannock Station, Va. 4th Cavalry; Battery C, 1st Artillery; 1st. :',d. 5th and L5th Batteries: 43d, 44th, 49th, 63d, 65th, 67th, 77th. I3l8t, L33d, 140th and 146th Infantry. IV 7th. ESngagemenl al Kelly's Ford. V*. Battery D, 1st Artillery. 12th Battery. 40th, 70th Ltn, B6th, 106th, 130th, L34thand Lblsl infantry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 211 1126. 1127. 1128. 1129. 1130. 1181. 1132. 113S. 1134. 1135. 1136. 1137. 1138. 1139. 1140. 1141. L142. 1143. 1144. 1145. 1146. 18G3. Nov. 8th. Skirmish at Brandy Station, Va. Battery D, 1st Artillery. Nov. 8th. Skirmish at Muddy Run, near Culpeper Court 1 louse, Va. 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry. Nov. 8th. Skirmish on scout Dear Williamsburg, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. Nov. Ilth-l2th. Action at Vermillionville, La. Vermillion Bayou; ('anion Crow May, „i. 14th Cavalry; 35th Battery; 1 10th, 133d, 161st. 163d, L65thand 173d Infantry. Nov. loth. Skirmish at Hartwood Church, Va. 3d Cavalry. Nov. 15th. Skirmish at Lenoir Station, Tenn. Battery L, 2d Artillery. Nov. 16th. Skirmish at Charles City Cross Roads, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. Nov. 16th. Action at Campbell Station. Tenn. Battery L, 3d Artillery: 46th, 51s1 and Tilth Infantry. Nov. 16th. Skirmishes at Woodstock and Edinburgh a Harrisonburg. Companies A and C, 1st Cavalry, ('apt. Stevenson. Nov. 16th. Skirmish near Mt. Jackson, Va. 1st Cavalry. Nov. 16th. Affair at Germantown, Va. Detachment Kith Cavalry. Nov. 18th. Skirmish near Germanna Ford, Va. 3d Cavalry, and company A. 5th Cavalry, ( 'apt. McQuinn. Nov. 1st h. Skirmish at Dismal Swamp. Va. 81st Infantry. Nov. 18th. Affair at Gwynn's Island, Va. 14sth Infantry. Lt.-Col. Geo. M. Guion. Nov. 18th. Skirmish on reconnoissance toward Blue Ridge Mountains, Va, De- tachment 16th Cavalry. Nov. 19th. Skirmish near New Iberia, ha. 1 Ith Cavalry, .Maj. J5ass ford: Tot h Infantry. Nov. 19th-Dec. 4th. Siege and defense of Knoxville, Tenn. Battery L, 3d Artil- lery; 46th, 51st and 79th Infantry. Nov. 30th. Skirmish at Culpeper Court House, Va. 1st Dragoons. Nov. 30th. Skirmish near Jamesville, N. C. Detachment 12th Cavalry. Nov. 21st. Skirmish n < -a r Liberty. Va. Slid Infantry. Nov. 23d-27th. Chattanooga and Rossville Campaign. Tenn. and Ga. Includes los-es at Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Taylor's Ridge. Brigades. Divisions. i Commanding Officers. Killed Wn'il. fjBG \mz\ THINS. i B 3 i z I i •< 1st Art.. ii n ii i, n 1L' U 11 11 11 12 11 II :; CapL Michael Wedrlch nth Bat'y. Uttb lut .... BStti Inf.... i',"'i ; viiiiaii' '.".'.'.'. 2,Kryzanowskl 3V'sch'ura".'".'."! 3, Schurz J. Qeary 3, Bchurz 2, Qeary ('apt. Wm. Wheeler Ma). Charles Koch Col. Wladlrair Kryzanowski (c) Capt. Michael c.i'. Abel Qod^ard'J'.\'l!'.'.'.'.l!l'.r."'.'.'.'."!.'.'.!V.7."'.'.!'.'.'.'." "">, 38 i 50 ""ii twth Inf. ...•'.. lli'ck.T 78tli lnt . .. 3, Ireland L02d lnt ....3. Ireland M .i|. AH" Tt Von StiiiilKiiiscn i lol 1 l'i hi rl \ 'in ll.iiiiin. iMrin Col, Jamep C. Lane 1 Ol. John T. I..P. knian "i :'.. Schurz 131th Inf... 1, Hnschbeck... 2, Von8teln- wehr. Lt.-Col. Allan n. Jackson 32 ... 1 s [36th lnt ... 137th Inf ... i 'ni. James Wood, Jr ('..I. David I_rHand irM'apt. Mllo B. Eldridge ... "i 1 1 3, Ireland widir. •J. Qeary 11 38 i 111 56 ... 161 ... 323 - l.Vlth Inf ... I. Hiisihl>.'.-k.. -', Sti'in- Total 3 68 683 -"is" 205 .-It 1147. Nov. 24th. Engagement on Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Rossville and Chattanooga campaign. 60th, 78th. 102d. 187th and 149th Infantry. Nov. 25th. Battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn. Rossville and Chattanooga cam- paign. Battery I. 1st Artillery: 13th Battery: 45th, 58th, 60th, 68th, 78th, I02d, 119th. 134th, 186th, 137th, 141st. 143d. 149th and 154th Infantry. Nov. 25th. Skirmish at Greenville, near Washington, X. <". Detachment 38d Bat- tery: Capts. West's and Graham's companies, 12th Cavalry. Nov. 36th. Skirmish at Peavine Creek. Tenn. Rossville and Chattanooga cam- paign. 60th, 78th, 102d, 137th and 149th Infantry. 1148. 1149. 1150. 812 PART II. IX THE FIELD. 18G3. 1151, Nov. 26th-Dec 2d. The Mine Run Campaign, Va. Losses of subordinate actions included. •' I ! i Cav.... mill Car... mill Cav.. i-t Drag.. . OneidaCav. I-t An.: Bal E Bat'y K Bal i I nil Hay. 5ta Bat'y.. ..Hi Bat'y.. mil Hat y. l.MIl F.Ilg . ."Hi Eng .. !-• Shnps's loth inf... uii. inf.... 43d Inf... I ■ ■mli li.t .... rn h In: .... I ■ r.Tiii inf .... Mth I ni .... 6UI Inf ... i • . 6Alb Inf 67th I ni .... I . . I : .. ;i'i, ini ... Nilli Ini .... I ' Mill Ini .... Mth I ni .... Villi I m ... muii Inf.. IMltl I nl ... 100th Inf... imii lnt ... ■ i • IIT'li Inf.. I .1-1 Inf.. Ji '■ Custer I. : Davies, Ji .. I, Custer i. Bntord Chapman . I».\ in 2. Gregg Killed W.i Miss't Ciiiiiinaniliiig Officers. Cav l>t.-Col. Otto Harbous Cav I.I -Col. Augustus I'niyn c'n Major .liilm lliiiiiiuonil I p., ma- i . n.'vin <■ i. Major William K I. Hulnnl 1, Buford 2, Gregg I. M i-ritt ... I, 3d Vol. T.ifi Irtlllery Res Couipan) M, escort, Lieut. Robert Brown ... . Ca v Major Itufus S oti Capt. Daniel P. Mann, at headquarters A. P.. I Vol. Kit/ bngb artillery Res. 1st Vol., McG ■■ rj Lrt. Reserve . I , i ' \ i Reserve ii -- ah... Art. Reserv '. i. Mereditb . . :. Hays . Hays 1, Hn ii.". 2, W.i.'. 2, Howe. I, Bartlett ... j, Howe 1, Caldwell i. Caldwell... 2, Webb l. Caldwell... 3, Terry 1. Caldwell .. I, Caldwell.. 3, Terry 1, Caldwell .. ■. Ten x j, i'i Ince j. Prince 2, Prince ..., .'. Prince 2, Prince .... 2, Howe .... I, H.MVT I, Morehead I, Nelson '.. \\ heaton ... :. KeUy l.Shaler .. Beaver I. Slial.T i, Kelly •. Brewster i. Brew iter .'. Brewster j. Brewster .... .', Brewster I . Robinson ■ M.rclitli . i. Blmey. ... ... I, Caldwell E = H £ Capt. Albert S. Staeldo I Ca B. Mink Lieut. Edward L. Hailry .Capt. Gilbert II. Reynolds . Ammunition guard, A. P., Col. J. II. Kltchlng \mlrew Co wan 6 Lieut. Win. A. Ham .. l.ieut. Wm. T. McLean ...('apt. Elilali Tall In Capt. Jos. w. Martin, with 2d Cav. division. ...Willi Battery K, Isl Artillery 3I Lieut. George K. Daucby ...Capt. Patrick Hart .. \ liaiialnui ; Ma| Win. \ K.niinin Col. Wm. II. Pettes ... ■ li'an.l i'„ pn.\.,-l -uanl. Cap t. II. W. Ky.l.i M.ij. Ilium llil.l.' a nun >t 11- .1. »;u ner ■j 1,1. -('nl. Win. A. Lynch 6 Col. BenJ. K. Baker 5 l,t .-Col. Freeman Conner ..' nl. I'.mlH l>. Hi.lwi'll 1.1 1 -..;. ciiari.'- (I. Ki iiidenberg ■1 1,1 ,-t'i.i. A I ton I B. Chapman 2 A battalion; (.'apt. Horace P. Kukk 2 Lt.-Col. K. Oscar Broady 6 Col. David .1. Nevin .'I'apt. Tliiima- Ti.ulirv : a l.attulioli ■1 Ma|..r L. W. Bradley .',1'mI. .lo-.'pli lv llainlilin i,i ' John 8 1 1 iimiK'll .' C.11,'1. II. ■ ■ ■■ I M I'lalinii Lt.-Col. M. w. Burns. 1 j. Baxter 1. Leonard 1. Smith. .. 1, Owen ... 1. Owen .... . . 2, Robinson. 2, Robinson. ... 2, Robinson. . I, Hlrn. v 11 ■ 11 . ' .. 1. Meredith . 1". Li.'-CmI. \\ iii-rr It. Kri'iii'ti . 1 .; -, .1 .1 is. 11.11. 1. •iii.i-ii;; prnvosl guard, A. P. 2 Col. Henry W. Hudson 1 Col. Joseph A. Moesch I Col. Edward B. Fowler :•■ Malor Mi.lia.'l It. Stall. .nl 21C0T. Patrick Kelly (c), Capt. Dennis F. Burke ittallon .. 1,1. -Col. It. ('. Hutl.-r: pri.v..-t imanl, \. I' - iniuel \ Moffi n 1 Majoi Edward Pyi Charles Northni] Gl i..-r 1 Q. Prej I. Charles Townsend ■ h ni.- .1 Powers :■ Col. Clinton D. MacDougall Majoi 1 .lm II T.'ii 1..-11 ■ M , \. : ■■ I M 1II11T ■I'' \ HIS V» Dwlghl I ' 1 ■ l.i Mi 1 Ins •.('i.l.i. ' . MCol. David T. Jenkins 1 Majo ■ Ll Col Brwln K. Bo wen .• Lt.-Col. George W. Thompson ToUl. ..1 1 11 forces engaged u m » 147 II BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 213 1863. 1152. Nov. 26th. Skirmish at Germanna Ford. Va. .Mine Run campaign. Detachment 4th Cavalry, (.'apt. Schwartz, 1153. Nov. 27th. Action near New Hope Church. Va. Robertson's Tavern. Mine Run campaign. 3d, 4th and 10th Cavalry; Batteries C and G, Isl artillery; 10th, 39th, 42d, 52d, 57th, 59th, 61st, 88d, (54th, 88th, 89th, 82d, 88th, 108th, 111th, 125th, 126th and 152.1 Infantry. 1154. Nov. 27th. Engagement at Payne's Farm.Va. Locust Grove, Orange Grove, Jones' or Jacobs' Cross Roads. .Mine Hun campaign. Nth Cavalry; Battery D, 1st Artil- lery; 12th Battery; 1st Battalion Sharpshooters; 40th, 70th, 71st. 72.1. 7:5(1, 74th, 86th, 106th, 120th. 124th and 151st Infantry. 1155. Nov. 27th. Engagement at Ringgold Gap, Taylor's Ridge, <"'a. Rossville and Chat- tanooga campaign. 60th, 78th, 102.1. 187th and 149th Infantry. 1156. Nov. 29th. Action at Parker's Store, Va New Hope Church. Robertson's Tavern. Mine Run campaign. 2d, 4th and 10th Cavalry; Batteries E and l>. 1st Artillery; 11th Battery. 1157. Nov. 29th. Assault and defense of Fort Sanders. Tenn. Siege of Knoxville. Bat- tery L, 2d Artillery; 79th Infantry. 1158. Nov. 30th. Mine Run. Va. 4th Cavalry. Batteries C, G, E and 1,, 1st Artillery; 11th Battery. 1159. Nov. 30th. Skirmish at Northwest Landing, Va. 81st Infantry. 1160. Dec. 1st. Skirmish at Ely's Ford, Va. Rapidan. .Mine Run campaign. 4th and 10th Cavalry. 1161. Dec. 1st. Skirmish at Germanna Ford, Va. Rapidan. Mine Hun campaign. 77th Infantry. 1162. Dec. 2d. Skirmish at Germanna Ford, Va. Rapidan. Mine Run campaign. 2dCav 1163. Dec. 3d. Skirmish at Camp Lewis, La. 75th Infantry. 1164. Dec. 5th. Skirmish at Racoon Ford, Va. Rapidan. 2.1 Cavalry. 1165. Dec. 5th. Skirmish at Loudon, Tenn 141st Infantry. 1166. Dec. 5th. Skirmish on scout from New Berne toward Kinston, X. C. Troop A, 12th Cavalry, Capt. C. H. Roche. 1167. Dec. 9th. Affair at or near Lewinsville. Va. 18th Cavalry. 1168. Dec. 11th. Skirmish near Chickahominy River, Va. Three companies 139th In- fantry, Col. Roberts. 1169. Dec. 12th. Skirmish at Mt. Jackson, Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Capt, Stearns. 1170. Dec. 12th. Skirmish at Rutledge. Tenn. 34th Battery. 1171. Dec. 12th. Skirmish at Forge Bridge, near Charles City C. II., Va. Detachment 139th Infantry. 1172. Dec. 13th. Skirmish at, and capture of Charles City Court House, Va. Six com- panies 1st Mounted Rifles; 139th Infantry, Col. Roberts. 1173. Dec. 16th. Skirmish near Free Bridge, N. C. Chincapin Chapel. Detachment 12th Cavalry, Capt. Roche. 1174. Dec. 16th. Skirmish near Vienna, Va. 13th Cavalry. 1175. Dec. 17th. Skirmish near Sangster Station, Va. Accotink. Company I, 155th In- fantry, and detachment 164th Infantry. 1176. Dec. 18th. Skirmish at Somerville, Va. 2.1 Cavalry. 1177. Dec. 20th. Skirmish at Mt. Jackson, Vn. Detachment 1st Cavalry. 1178. Dec. 21st. Skirmish near Washington, N. C. Detachment 12th Cavalry. 1179. Dec. 22d. Skirmish near Fairfax Court House. Va. Detachment Kith Cavalry. 1180. Dec. 23d. Skirmish at Culpeper Court House. Va. 4th Cavalry. 1181. Dec. 24th. Skirmish at Bear Inlet, N. C. 168th Infantry. 1182. Dec. 25th. Skirmish on scout from Vienna to Leesburg, Va. Detachment 13th Cavalry, Maj. Coles. 1183. Dec. 28th. Skirmish on Swansboro Road, near Jacksonville, X. C. Detachment 12th Cavalry, Lt. Clark. 1184. Dec. 28th-31st. Skirmish on scout from Vienna to Hopewell Gap, White Plains, etc., Va. Detachment 13th Cavalry. 1185. Dec. 30th. Engagement at Greenville, N. C. Company B, 12th Cavalry; detach- ment 23d Battery, 214 PAUT II. IX THE FIELD. 1864. 1186. Jan. 9th. Skirmish at Sperryville, Va, -It li Cavalry. 11-7 Jan. 12th. Skirmish at Kelly's Ford, Va. 3d Cavalry. 1188. Jan. 12th. Skirmish at Ellis Ford. Va. Detaohmenl 32d Cavalry. 1189. Jan. L7th. Skirmish at Ellis Ford. Va. 2d and 5th Cavalry. 1190. .'an. 19th. Skirmish, at Stevensburg. Va. 3d Cavalry. 1191. Jan 19th. Skirmish at New Kent Court House. Va. Detachment 1st Mounted Rifles, Mai. B. A. Hamilton. 1192. Ian 20th. Skirmish at Barnett's Ford, Va. Gtli Cavalry; 1st Dragoons. 1198. 'an. 20th, Skinnisl. at Harrellsville. X. C. 85th Infantry. 1194 -Ian. 21st. Skirmish at Strawberry Plain, Holstein River, Tenn. 79th Infantry. 1195. Jan. 22d. Skirmish at Berryville Ford, Va. Detachment 21st Cavalry, Capt. Jennings. 1196. Jan. 22d. Skirmish Ellis Ford, Va. 5th Cavalry. 1197. Jan. 22d. Skirmish at Hillsborough, Va. 15th Cavalry. 1 V.i*. .Ian. 22d. Skirmish at Armstrongs Ferry, near Knozville, Tenn. 46th and 79th Iuf 1199. 'an. 28d. Skirmishes ai Newtown and Woodstock, Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry, Maj. Quinn; detachment 21st Cavalry, 1200. Jan. 25th. Skirmish at Jackson Bridge, near Barrancas, Fla. Company M, 14th Cavalry. ( 'a]>t. Schmidt. 1201. -'an. 28th. Skirmish <>n scout in Onslow County, X. C. Detachment of 12th Cav- alry. 23d Cavalry and 158th Infantry. 1202. -Ian. 29th. Barnett's Ford, Va. 4th Cavalry. a. 80th. Skirmish at Brown's Hill, near Edwards' Ferry and Winston, N. C. Battery I, 3d Artillery. 1204. Jan. 31st. Affair at Smithfield. Va. Detachments of 20th Cavalry and <>f !t!»th Inf. 1205. I'd., l-t-lth. Attack cm New Berne, X. C. 12th Cavalry, Col. Savage; 23d Cav- alry; Batteries C, E, I and K, 3d Artillery; 99th, I32d and 158th Infantry. 120G. Feb. 1st. Engagements at ontposts at Bachellor's Creek, from Red House to Beech Grove, and at tin- Neuse River Bridge, X. C. Attack on New Berne. Troop 6th Ith. Skirmish at Racoon Ford, Rapidan, Va, Battery L, 1st Artillery; Tt'ith and 97th Infantry. 1220, Feb. 6th 7th. Skirmish at Barnett's Ford, Rapidan River, Va. 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry; 1st Dragoons, BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. a 15 1864. 1221. Feb. 6th-7th. Skirmish at Charlestown, W. Va. 01st Cavalry. 1222. Feb 6th-9th. Skirmishes at Bottom's Bridge, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles; 189th Infantry, 1333. Feb. Tth. Skirmish near Jacksonville, Fla. 115th Infantry. [334 Feb. 8th. Skirmish at Camp Finnigan. Fla. 115th Infantry. 1835. Feb. 8th-llth. Engagements at Sea Brook and John's Islands, S. C. Battery F, 3d Artillery: detachmenl Lsl Engineers; List, 54th, 1 13th, 1 17th, 143d, lUth. 157th and 169th Infantry. 1226. Feb. 9th. Skirmish at Baldwin, Fla. 115th Infantry. 1227. Feb. 10th. Skirmish at Charlestown, \Y. Va. 1st Cavalry. 1228. Feb. 12th. Skirmish Dear Plymouth. N. C. Detachment 13th Cavalry. 1229. Feb. 12th. Skirmish at Sanderson, Fla. 48th Infantry. 1230. Feb. 14th. Skirmish near Smithfield, W.Va. 21st Cavalry. 1231. Feb. 14th- 15th. Skirmish at Chunky Creek, Miss. Gen. Sherman's expedition to .Meridian. 17th Veteran infantry. 1232. Feb. 18th. Skirmish at Bottom's Bridge. Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. 1338. Feb. 18th-19th. Skirmish near Greenville, X. C. Detachmenl 13th Cavalry. 1384. Feb. 19th. Skirmish at Ely's Ford, Bapidan, Va. 2d Cavalry. 1335. Feb. 30th. Skirmish at Front Royal, Va. 13th Cavalry. 1336. Feb. 30th. Skirmish at Strasburg. Va. Detachment 15th Cavalry. 10:!7. Feb. 30th. Skirmish at Upperville. Va. Paris. 1st Veteran Cavalry, 15th Cavalry and detachment 21st Cavalry. 1238. Feb. 20th. Skirmish near Suffolk, Va. 20th Cavalry: 7th Battery. 1239. Feb. 20th. Battle of Olustee, Fla. Ocean Pond. Silver Lake. Brigades. Divisions. i " Hi in 10 in i lommanding Officers. Killed Wild M Organiza- tions. 01 i i ■-• i. — 1 = S 27 16 27 Tii 192 i : i i J r.' - . 1 193 204 550 llhi i "i i Id H 44 188 ! < 1st Eds Seymour Seymour Seymour i:t)i Int .... Barton's •ii-v MiMire (wi. ('apt. Joseph 11. Mellim- 48th Inf.... rol.W.ll.Hiiri ■ .1.1. C.,1., v W.Sirlekl.-iinI Col. Simeon Samn s(w), UaJ. ES. L. Walwrnth. 1240. Feb. 33d. Skirmish on Morris Island, S. C. Detachmenl lsl Engineers. 1841. Feb. 33d. Skirmish at Dranesville, Va. 16th Cavalry. 1242. Feb. 28th. Skirmish at Ely's Ford, Bapidan, Va. Gen. Kilpatrick's raid to Rich- mond, Va. Detachmenl 5th Cavalry, Lieut. Merritt. 1243. Feb. 29th. Skirmish at Beaver Dam Station, Va. Gen. Kilpatrick's raid to Rich- mond, Va. Detachments of the 2d, 4th, . r )th and 6th Cavalry. 1244. Feb. 39th. Skirmish at Frederick Hall Station. Va. Gen. Kilpatrick's raid to Rich- mond, Va. Detachmenl 3d Cavalry, CaptS. Hull and Plum; detachmenl 6th Cav- alry, Maj. Hall. 1245. Feb. 29th. Skirmish at South Anna Bridge. Taylorsville, Va. Gen. Kilpatrick's raid to Richmond. Detachments 2d, 5th and 6th Cavalry. 1246. Feb. 29th-March 1st. Skirmishes at Stannardsville and Burton's Ford, Rapidan. Gen. Kilpatrick's raid to Richmond. 1st Dragoons. 1247. March 1st. Skirmishes at Ashland. Brook Turnpike. Defenses of Richmond, Meadow Bridge and Chickahominy. Va Atlee's, Bidnella Cross Roads, Mechan icsville. Gen. Kilpatrick's and Col. Dahlgren's raid to Richmond. Detachments 2d, 4th, 5th and litli Cavalry. 1348. March 1st. Skirmish at Jackson, Miss. Gen. Sherman's Meridian expedition. 178th Infantry. 1849. March 3d. Skirmishes at Aylett's, Hanovertown and Walkerstown, Va. Old Church, King's and Queen's Court House, near Pamunkey River, White House, Gen. Kilpatrick's and Col. Dahlgren's raid to Richmond, Va. Detachments 3d, 4th, oth and 6th Cavalry. PART IT. IN THE FIELD. 1864. 1260 March 3d. Skirmishes at Bottom's Bridge, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. 1251. March 8d. Skirmishes at New Kent Court House and King's and Queen's Court House. Va. Gen. Kilpatrick's and Col. Dahlgren'a raid to Richmond. Detach- ments of 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th Cavalry. \^:<-' March Bd. Skirmish al Stevensville, Va. Detachment 2d Cavalry. 1258. March 4th. Skirmish at Ely's Pord, Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry. L254. March Ith. Skirmish at James City. Va. 8th Cavalry. 1255. March 6th. Skirmish near Franklin, Pendleton Co., Va., on raid from Burlington. 15th Cavalry. Lt.-Col. Hoot. 1256. March 6th. Skirmish at Snicker sville. Va. 1st Vet. Cavalry. 1257. March 8th. Skirmish at Field's Ford, Va. 5th Cavalry. 1258. March 9th. Skirmish at Belleroy and Barnardsville, Va. Ballyhock. 1st Mounted Rifles and companies A, Band II, 118th Infantry. 1259. March 9th. Skirmish on Bull's Island, S. C. Detachment 127th Infantry, Col. W. (iwrney. 1260. March 10th. Action at Cabletown, Va. Snicker's Ferry. Detachments of 1st Cav- alry and 1st Vet. Cavalry. 1261. March 10th. Skirmish at Pilatka, Fla. 1 loth Infantry. 1262. March lOth-llth. Skirmish at Little Washington, La. Detachment 2d Vet. Cav- alry, Maj. Van Voast. 1808 March lOth-May 22d. Red River Campaign, La. 14th, 18th and 2d Vet. Cavalry, 25th and 26th Batteries; detachment 75th Infantry, mounted; 90th, 114th, 116th, 128th, I88d, I58d, 156th, 159th, 160th, 161st, 162d, 165th, 17;5d, 175th, 176th and 178th Infantry. 1264. March 11th. Affair at Carrolton's Store, Southard's Crossing, Va. Detachments 2d, 5th and 6th Cavalry and 1st Mounted Rifles. 1265. .Manh 14th. Assault and capture of Fort De Russy, near Alexandria, La. Red River campaign. 178th Infantry. 1266. March 16th. Skirmish at Estsee Springs, Tenn. 123d Infantry. 12(17. March 17th. Skirmish near Pilatka, Fla. 48th Infantry. 1268. March 21st. Affair near Pilatka, Fla. 4Sth and 1 loth Infantry. 1269. March 21st. Skirmish at Henderson's Hill, near Alexandria, La, Bayou Rapides. llth Cavalry, Maj. Bassford : 18th Cavalry; detachment 75th Infantry, mounted. 1270. March 25th. Skirmish at Matthews Court House, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. 1271. March26th. Skirmish at Bogue Inlet, N. C. 158th Infantry. 1272 March 28th. Skirmish at Oulpeper, Va. 4th Cavalry. 127:'.. March 29th. Skirmish at Natchitoches, La. Red River campaign. 14th Cavalry, Major Bassford; detachment 75th Infantry, mounted. 1271. March 29th. Skirmish near Pilatka, Fla. 48th Infantry. 1275. March 31st. Skirmish near Pilatka, Fla, 48th Infantry. 1276 March 31st. Skirmish at Cloutersvllle, La. Red River campaign. 18th Cavalry. 1277. April 1st. Affair thirty-two miles from Pilatka, Fla. Detachment 116th Infantry. Capt. S. 1'. Smith. 127^. April 2d. Skirmish near Plymouth. X. C. Detachment 1 2th Cavalry . 1279. April 2d. Skirmish at Crump's Mill or Landing, twelve miles from Natchitoches, La. Red River campaign. 14th Cavalry, Major Bassford; detachment 75th Infan- try, mounted . 1280. April 2d. Skirmish at Cowsford. near Barrancas, Pensacola, I'la. Company M. 1 1th Cavalrj . Capt. Schmidt. 1281. April 4th. Engagement at Campti. La, Red River campaign. Companies B, C, I>, (i, II. I ami K, 18th Cavalry; 2d Vet. < avalry, Col. < hrysler. 1282. April 7th. Affair at Plain Store, near Port Hudson. La. One section 21m Battery. 1288. April 7th. Engagement at Pleasant Hill. La. Wilson's farm. Red River cam paign. Mth Cavalry, Major Bassford; 18th Cavalry; 2d Veteran Cavalry, Capt. Qurney; detachment 75th Infantry, mounted. i2*i April 8th. Skirmish al Pleasant Grove, La. Bed River campaign. 14th Cavalry and detachment 76th Infantry, mounted. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 217 1864. 1285. April 8th. Battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La. Mansfield, Red River campaign. 14th Cavalry: 18th Cavalry; 2d Veteran Cavalry; 85th Battery; 70th [nfantry de- tachment, mounted; 114th, lltith, 160th, 161st, Hi2d. 165th and i::;d Infantry. 1286. April 9th. Battle of Pleasant Hill. La. Red River campaign. Includes eavalry losses April ?th; and looses at Sabine Cross Roads. April 8th. llth Civ 1-tli ('a v.. 2d Vet.O 25th Bat' 79th Inf. 114th I ill in;tii ini rod [nf . IftOth In' 161st Int ,ll, Lucas Lee . 5, <;< po'litiK' .... I ■ 5, Gooding ... Hebard i. Lucaa . i. D wight, Ji . i. Dwight,Jr i. Dwight, Jr .2, McMillen . 1. Dwlghl Commanding Officers. - W'n'd MUs'g dee 1, Eniorv. Lee I, Eranry. i, Emory. I, Kniory. i. Rmory. Kiniirv ir Abrutiani It.i — I. ,r. Southwt « n ii i ii N i av. . i m iii-veterans, m t d.. l B. Morai (i MaJ. Oscar H.Curtis. 1«M Inf."! '..' lVnrdu't'.. ..'.'.' \\ Km 165th Inf.. :, Heiiedict 173d Int 3, Benedict 176th Inf.. 8, Moore i, Emory. I, Kmory. 3, Mower. » . i apt II. i '. lm\ i ipt, Howard ('. Conrady Total. 'otal Cross Koads and IMrasant 23 39 4. ft 21 38 2 ■'• IT 1287. 1288. 1289. 1290. 1291. 1292. 1298. 1294. 1295. 1296. 1297. 1 398. 1299. 1800. 1301. 1802. 1303. 1304. 1805. 1307. 1308. 1309. 1310. April 10th. Skirmish near Cabletown, Va. 21st Cavalry. April 10th. Skirmish at Grand Ecore. La. Red River campaign. 18th Cavalry. April llth. Skirmish at Caperton's Ferry, Tenn. Detachment 102d Infantry, Capt. L. R. Stegman. April 12th. Skirmish at Fort Jessup, La. Red River campaign. 2d Veteran Cav. April llth. Skirmish at Smithfield, Cherry Grove, Va. 118th Infantry. April llth. Skirmish at Young's Cross Roads, X. C. 158th Infantry. April llth. Skirmish at Bayou Salina, La. Red River campaign. 18th Cavalry; 2d Veteran Cavalry. April 15th. Skirmish at Campti, 2d, La. Red River campaign. Companies B and I, 18th Cavalry. April Kith. Skirmish at Grand Ecore, La. Red River campaign. 18th Cavalry. April 16th. Skirmish at Beaver Creek, X. C. Detachment 12th Cavalry. April 16th. Skirmish at Burnt Ordinary, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. April 17th. Skirmish at Morrisville, mar Ellis' Ford.Va. Detachment 10th Cavalry. April 17th- 18th. Skirmish at Bayou Salina, La. Yellow Bayou. Red River expe- dition. 18th ami 3d Veteran Cavalry. April 17th-20th. Siege and surrender of Plymouth. X. C. Companies A and F, 12th Cavalry; 24th Battery and 85th Infantry. April 19th. Skirmish tit Leesburg, Va. 16th Cavalry. April 19th-20th. Skirmish at Winchester, Va. 1st Cavalry. April 20th. Skirmish at Natchitoches. La. Red River campaign, llth and 18th Cavalry and detachment 75th Infantry, mounted. April 21st. Skirmish at Campti Bayou, La. Red River campaign. 2d Veteran Cavalry and 178th Infantry. April 21st. Skirmish above; Cloutersville, La. Red River campaign. 14th and 18th Cavalry and detachment 75th Infantry, mounted. April 21st. Skirmish at Tom Mack's Farm, X. C. Company ,n is. will. Dm • 1 \ n v iii.- • Capt. Charlen B. Mink • 1 1 1 | : M \l ■ 1 1 I 4 u 2 i :::::: i a i. J II. Rlu till l t.'-l ■ 1 R i 10 u BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 219 is»;-l. Brigades. Divisions, 1 Commanding Officers. Killed. W 01111. led Missing 1 lliii 1M- /. ITI0N8. I - . - f B r. 1 = I 8 T 31 1 _ a H < Dili An ... Prov.; Marshall i. Kitching fompkins Tompkins 8, Tompkins ... 3,Fitzhngh ..'.'.'. 9 t Col K. G Marshall(c), I.t. -Col. C. 11. \n . Rest •■■ L"fi I. An.' Reserve 1 .il, \>t .. Nl Bat'v ... 3d Bat'y ... Col. Louis Seliirtner Capt. Andrew. Co wan ' Cant. Win. A. Man, • 1 II :.ih HatV.. .... ( apt Kin ib li 'l.iii ! ' : 1 M lu'iiKh! .... '""i "ii 1 27 57 12th Bat'j 1Mb Bat'j 19th Batv., ;;;;;! 34th Bat'v. 30th Bng... 3, Willcox i. Wads worth. 1, Barlow LI l IraSps ii Braineid..|eiachm't will, 2.1 Corps; Mai. i;.\V. For.l. .!•-• aclitn't will, all, Coi ps; MaJ. K. 0. Beers, detachm 1 1st Bh'rps's Tti, Vet. fill - i ; . M. Dew, Cap't.O F.Angeli 5 Mn|. II \\ i; i. . . iv.\ .,-t Guard " T ""ii 35 95 12th Inf.... i 2 1 ii i" 1 92 150 ■ 97 61 .''.. 4 •1" 8 3 54 TT - 2' c 61 37 18 3 11 51 16 67 4- 1 1 1 2 22 ■ 11 69 i ""*«■ .', 2 II , s M : , Ii ,-. c. Baker. .. 1 16 23 LWebb •5, Neill i. Bartlett Mil I'll ii 1 1 Ii .in a 1 1 i : | ' 1:;: -A (lbCE W :r 1 1 1: 19 p,s 67 "21 ,9 2 ""ii s 1 ic 3 2 (' 1 11 2 ..... 1 '""- "2 - : 2 2 ;. Neill 1, Bliss 3, Frank !. Frank 1, Webb 2. Getty 2, Potter 1. Harlow i. Barlow 9 2 2 49th Inf.... 51 st I iif VI Tut .'■Till Inf.... Col. Cha,. W . LeGoinlre i wi, I.t. -Col. R. c. Mitchell Col. I'. Fren.-h ,,-,. Mai. 11. M. Karples I.t. -Col. A. II. Cliainnan ik >, Mai. \\ . .". 1 I 79 6 58 filst llll" 1, Miles i. Wheaton. 2, Smyth i. Brooke 4, Shaler i. Brooke 1, Barlow 1, Harlow i. Barlow . . .. 1, Wright 1. Harlow i. Wright i. Barlow. , ,. i, Motl Col. Nelson A. Miles in, I.t.-Cul. K. Oscar Hro.olv i 63d Inl" 6|Ool David 1 \ rii | 2 1 12 2 "i'i 99 64th Inf.... 65th Inf.... 6Rth Inf.... ^ i i W Bmdley .i ,hn 8. Hamme'lV."'."!!""!!".'."! Col, Nelson 1 (rose ■ ■ , i.t.-Coi. Henry l 1 - -oth Inf.... .'. Brewster 2, Brewster — _■. Brewster 2, Brewster 2. Brewster 2, Rice Capt. .las. K. Mci.Ye Majoi W n,. II lingo 2 1,1 '-Col. Tlioiiia- Kallerly s .'. 3 ( 1 .'.2 2T y 21 73d I i.t" 4, Motl 5 c..i. Win. R. Brewster (c), Lt.-Col. 24 282 76th lnl... i. \\ adswortb . :■. Getty ....... 3, WlUcox 1 : 1 1 1 ;: 1 1 ::k :•::, Mil .1:1, n W, VoniiL' iw, tin. ('apt. 8. M. Byratn ...! 79th Int... 2. Chrlsl CwtVib.""!!!!- 2. Baxter 2, Rice " Col. David Morrison • ... Provost Guard. A. P.. Col.T. B. Gates i i IT 1 2 s ■- II 11 "l ! 11 II 1 r '. 1 '". 22 17 , 2 636 3 13 1 4 c 1 c J 1 e 1 1 '"".' 5 4 3 126 K si 2 44 38 200 I". 67 2 6 37 63 11 41". -.1 54 Ifi 113 ■ 14 262 1 1 83d Inf 2. Robinson ... i, Wadsworth. Col. Joseph A. M,„ ■-, 1, ,k), Lt.-Col. 11 115 3 69 62 84Ui Inf.... 1 1 2 i - 1 4. \\ adswortfa . 2. Robinson... 2, Robinson . .. 3, Ricketts 2. Gil n .-!. Willcox 1, Harlow i. Motl l. Wright l. Wright • Col'T'lu InM-ve '.'Til, Inf.... 2, Baxter i. Leonard 1, Morris .!, Carroll 1. Ilartr.inll... - 104th lnl ... - il. Gilbert G. Trey I.i.-Coi. Charles Townsend Col. Chas. ,i. Powers i w), Lt.-Col. 11 106th Inf.. 108th Ini ... 1 .... '""i • IQ9th Inf . tilth Inf ... : ; 6 Col. Benjamin K. Trao ("apt. Aaron 1'. Sc-elev | H , Capl R. C. Perrj I w), Capt. L. w. Husk.. 2 1 1 76 l-'nth Inf... 2. Brewster IT 178 61 19 73 37 1 19 121th Inf... coi. i:. r, .(,,,, , . li.-i ... i M'. ..'i Lt.-Col. Aiun-tns W . Iiwighl 122d Inf.... (. Bhaler K'ltll llll... .!. Birney 1, Harlow Col. Frederic k M. Cummins i n . l.t.- Col. Charles II Wevuanl 3, Frank 1. Ayres 1, A> res 2. Rice 1. Morris 2, Owen 12.Mh Inf... \ , -.ii it Myers (vi I, Capt. - 136th Inf... Until lnl ... 146th Inf... 147th Inf... USUI Inf.... 1. Griffln i, Griffln 4. Wadsworth. 3, Ricketts 2, Gibbon P. JenkinMk ,'M Curran c k >, Capt. James Grind lav. Col. Francis C. Miller (« George Harney 3 4 __' 11-1 '.24.. 312 1T1 I.J.I Inf.... \\ . Thonips, Total loss of Union forces engaged ... 143 2103 569 11468 17t%6 PART II. IX THE FIELD. 1864. 1881. Maj 5th-81st. Operations against Petersburg and Richmond. Va,, by the Army of the .lames. This includes engagements, etc., at Wall Bridge. Tort Walthall and Chester Station, Stony Creek Station, Jarratt's Station and White's Bridge, Swift Creek nr Arrowtield church, Proctor's Oeek. Drewry's Blufi or Fort Darling, Chnla Depot, Poster's Plantation, Ware Bottom Church, Wilson's Wharf, Bermuda Hundred Front, etc. 1 Commanding Officers. Killed W n'.l ftfJss'g Divisions. £ 7 f I ■r. 2 - ' 19 8 6 a ■ II ii 4 m I M < i-t Monn'd Col. Simon II. Mix oi. I.t. -CI. Geo. W. Lewis... - :: i: 3d lit.: J. 3. Hinks 3, Hinks '.. Hinks j. Weitzel Capt. Geo. E.Ashby(w), Lieut Jas. S. Fuller(w), Bat'j K I ':i|i|. .Imiih--. K. AllL'il Capt JohnH. Howell 1 7th Bafy... .ii. I.i. hi ]'• I- i M'.rtun ... ;. Ames 11 11 11 „ II I'- ll 1- 18 18 II ii ■l Ii 1! ii i- u Eighl c panic-. M . -..i.w ..iu«-i- ami l i Col. Samuel .M.AII'i.nio-i. Lt.-Col. E. G.Floyd (w), a 4 11 1 ...... 11 in 3 ■ 19 39 2 i ":i 7 3 3 3 :> 4 43 171 2 53 33 96 22 6 -9 64 111 25 m- 8 61 78 930 3598 "i "i i i ij ii - 20 ....... ""ii 12 14 3 7 6 42 9 ". 24 144 ■> A Inl -'. Turner Lt.-c,i. Christopher R. MacDonalil i ul. Win. I!. Kiirtnn ici. I.t .-('.. 1. 1). \v. Strickland. - 1-th Inf.... -Til llit ... 1. AIIolI 93d Inl '. iMitti.n i. M.u-ti-ii 96th Inl ... 1, Mare ten imth int ... ',. Plaisted [12th Inl ... -'. l»iak.- li'.tli [nf ... -, Barton ii7ti. [nf . i. Alt. .ri UStb ini ... 2, Buraham i '.''iii [nf. i M inrten 1 - ininn I.i.-i'..l. 'I'1h-..|.Ii;Im- l,.Kii-l:in.l Lt.-Col. Hiram Anil.-r-oti, ,lr j f. C.|. Kiv.l. v. W...L. . dpi. \\n.. Kivnt/.i-r 3, Ames 2, Turner j. Turner .I.t. mi. ill i' Hr.ik.-i.-i, I.t.-C.l. Klial K. Car- MaJ. Ezra L. Walratli. Lt.-C.l. V .1 . .lolui-oii... Col. Alvin Whit. ■ h i, i.t.-i ■ .. Runts Damtett.... C.I. idiv. i K. -.-.-. .ir.. Li •('..: «.. I \ Capt. Levj s. Dominey "i 100 i. Brooks i. Brooks 199 19 12 13 I6S 572 2, Weitzel i ii Total loss from May 5th to 31st, ISM 1003 1882. 1884 1 :;:::.. 1886. 1887. L338. L889 1840 1841. 1842. 1848. 1844. Gen. Katii/.'s raid from Suffolk to City mil Richmond. Sd Cavalry. Col. Mil i May. .ill. Skirmish at Wall Bridge, Ya. Point. Operations against Petersburg one section 8th Battery, Lieut. Morton. May 5th. Skirmish at Evans' Mill. N. C. 158th Infantry. May 8th. Skirmish at Croatan Station, N. C. ~:'.<1 Cavalry. Maj 6th. Skirmish near Berryville. Va. 1st Cavalry. May t;th. Skirmish tit Frederick, Md. Company M, -1st Cavalry. Maj 8th 7ih. Engagement at Port Walthall and Chester Station. Ya. Operations against Petersburg and Richmond. 1st Mounted Rifles; 17th, 48th, 92d, 100th, i l-Jth. ll.-,th, I lstl, and 198th Infantry. Maj 7th. Anion- at Stony Creek Station, W. R. I!.. and Lyttleton, 7a. Boiling Bridge; Nottoway River. Gen. Kautz's raid from Suffolk to City Point. Opera- tionsagainsl Petersburg and Richmond. Detachment 8d Cavalry, Maj. Jacobs, Jr., and < 'n|it. Pierce; one section 8th Battery, Lieut. Morton. . ii. Skirmish at Upperville, Va. 1st Cavalry. May 8th. Skirmish at Jarratt's Station and White's Bridge, 7a. Nottoway Bridge. Kautz's raid from Suffolk to city Point, Va. Operations against Petersburg ami Richmond, 8d ( Cavalry. May 8th. Skirmish at Piney Grove Church, Va. Attack on trains A. P., 4th Maj 8th. skirmish at Alexandria. La. Red River campaign. L8th Cavalry. May 8th. Skirmish at Villanow, Ga. L02d infantry. LOth. Engagement at Rocky Faced Ridge and Buzzard Roost Gap. Chattooga Mountain-. i>uu r Cap; Mill Creek Gap; Atlanta campaign. GOtl lOSd, 118th, 184th, !88thCol. W l(w), 187th, I48thand l-Vith Infantry. lav. 78th BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 221 1864. 11345. May 8th-21st. Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, Va. This includes the Cavalry engagements May 8th at Todd's Tavern (loss, however, included in tbe Wilder- ness), and Downer's Bridge on the 80th; Artillery and Infantry engagements May 8th at Alsop's, on the Brock Road, Todd's Tavern and Corbin's Bridge and the Court House; May 9th, crossing of the Nye at the Gates' House and crossing of the Po; May 10th, Po River, Grlady Run, Laurel Hill, Block House at Po River Cross- ing, Landron's Farm, Fredericksburg Road; May 12th the Salienl and the Angle; May 14th, Gayle's; May 18th, the Salient; May 19th, Fredericksburg Road or Harris Farm; May 21st, Guiney Station; and the daily akirmishing. I, Bryan. Jr.. 8th Cav 9th Cav Chapman '., Wilson.. 2, Devin 1, M.ri it 1.. 1st Drag.... 2th Bat'y.. P.Uh Bat 'v.. 27th Hat'v.. 34th Bat'y.. BOth Bng ... 2, Gregg. 2, Gregg. l'rov.;.Mat'sliall Reserve; Gibhs Prov.;Marshall 1. stevensou. l.Merritt 1, Stevenson. Commanding Officers. Col, Otto Mat haus, loss Included in that of the Wilderness Lt.-Col. J. Hammond, serving with 'JthCorps Col, T. C. Devln (c)i Lt.-Col.w .11. Crocker, loss Included In that ol the Wilderness Lt.-Col. \\ . II. Benlatnin, loss included in thai ofthe w llderness Col \\m. Backett, loss Included in that ol the Wilderness Lt.-Col. M. Henry Avery, loss Included in that of the Wilderness Unattached Dismounted, Col. Win. ('. Kaulston lei, 1,1.- t'ol. W. C. Newbury, Col. Kaulston Col. A. C. (iibbs (c), Lt.-Col. T. J. Thorp, loss Included in that of the Wilderness 9 Dismounted, Col. John Plsk, Lt.-Col. Jasper N. K:i of! he Potomac, Cap! Wainwright.. Walnwrlght. . Wainwright... Wainwright... Tiilliall Wainwright... Wainwright. I, Tyler Tompkins Wainwright Tidball Kitching ___ I.Tyler I.Tyler Prov.;Marshall I, Btevenson . Kitehing Artillery Park Tom [iki ns Tompkins Wainwright ii ... Eorse Artillery SICapt. Albert s. Sheldon 5 Lieut. Win. II. Phillips 3 Lieut. Lester J. Richardson 6 Capt. Henry W. Davis, with Bat'j I.. Isl Kit. " I (apt . Nelson Ames .'.Cant. Charles K. Mink wi, Lieut. I). F. ftitt hie, Capt. Charles K. Mink .'i Lieut. linn-go Hreck gJCol. J. N. „n . I. Miles 1, Harlow.. . I, Whealon 2. Neill 63d Inf 2, Smyth I, Barlow.. 64th Inf .... I, Brooke I, Harlow.. 65th Inf .... 4, Cross 1, Wright , 66th Inf ....k Brooke 1. Barlow.. .', Col. Louis Sehirmer ... Mai. .lulius llioekmau I', ('apt. A in I lew Cowan .'.('apt. Win. A. Ham .M'apl. F.lijah It. Tall iv Capt. .1. W. Martin, loss ineluded in that of the U il,tern.-ss • t '. 1 1 .1 . .lohn K. litirtnn ■j Capt. George F. McKnlght Capt. Patrick Hart Capt. Edward W. Rogers Capt. John B. Raton Capt, Jacob Roe r Lt.-Col. Ira Spauh ling. Mais, liraiin-nl, Pord and Beers Capt. Alfred Parry D.larlmi. nt with the .'.2d X. V. Vols 2 Capt. <). F. Angell .w.,('apl. .1. La Fuira... .'.MaJ. II. W. ltvler. Provost linard ' ■ M c C. ttaker (w i, MaJ J. II X. Y. Vols 2Col.T.W. Kgan i.e., Lt.-Col. A. J.Walker.... 2 MaJ. Patrick J. Downing Hi apt. .lain.- It. Visseln-r CI. f. Conuer tw), Lt.-Col. E.B.Knos fwl Capt. E. A. Nash Itetaehment serving with .'ii'ith Mass. Vols. CI. |i. |. Hrlu. II i, . Mai. Win. Kills !»■!, Capt It. B. Heacock (k), Lt.-Col. ti. w . .lohnson Lt.-Col. K. Charlton Mitehell Col. I>. Frank , .. Mai. II. M. Karples [wi, Capt. Geo. Itrgener Ma|. W. A. Kirk • Lt.-Col. 11. P. Rugg Col. N. A. Miles ui. Lt.-Col. K.O. Broadv. Col. I). .1. Nevin, Lt.-Col. T. B. Hamilton (w), MaJ. Wilson Hubbell(w) u 72 13 2 10 I 78 222 PART II. IN T1IK FIELD. LS64. 67th Inf ... 70th Inf... 74th Int ... 7«tb Inf... I 97th Inf.. HMIIi Inf. 106th Inf. ioetb int togtb int nitii inf. lanth int . I2UI lnl 124th Inf 126th Inf. 136th Inf. I mth Inf. Mfith Inf. 117th Int 15181 Int.. ISM Int. I'-lili Int . ITnili Inf. I. Wright .'. Smyth 1, Harlow 2. Brewster i. Motl i. M tl i. Motl I, Motl . I. M"tt i. Cutler :s, I5i.lw.-I! j. Chrlsl '•. Wtllcox ... CiitiiniiitnliiiK Olllcers. S 1, Webb 2, Coulter ■_', Sim tli 2, Coulter i. Lyle '.. Carroll I, ii irtranfi. '.. Frank •. Upton . .:. Prank . ■_'. Gibbon 2, Koblnaon . i. Cutler . :. Blroey n . i. Cutler .2, Robinson . :;. RlckelU. . j. Gibbon . :. w lllcox ... i. Barlow i Motl ... I. Wright.... I, \\ n-1,1 ... '.. Birney l. Barlow. .. Prank i. B i ... I, (irittin I. Griffin Rii •■ i. Cutler Ricketts .. j. Gibbon Murphy .'. Gibbon Murphy .'. Gibbon Murphy :'. uibbon Hurph) _■. Gibbon. I.: i ol. II. I. Capt. Jam.s K. M.i;.-.- Major William 11. Hugo i a- Rafferty Lt.-Col. John Leonard r.,i.w i: i'...wm.i , 1. 1. 1. -r,,i. M.W.Burns. Capt. S. M. Byron, Capt. James L. Goddard. M.H \ - i: ii- ... k. I.t.-Col. W. B. French. . ..i i ► . . i i Morrison C •■ T B (. ites, Provost-Guard A. P Col. M.'iirvW. Hudson I.t.-Col. William Chalmers Col. K. It. Powler i. i Lt.-Col. K. it. Jordan. I.t.-Col. J. II. Lansing Capt. Dennis P. Burke r.,1. .1 - ■ . M n. S. M.Coml,.-. .. 5Col. Edward Pye 8Col. Charles WWlock 5Col. Gilbert «i. Prey ii I.t.-Col. Charh-s T..uii-.,-n.l ■j I.t.-Col. v. K. l'i.-rci- 1 w i Cant. J. Deverell. 9 Col. Bent. P. Tracv. I.t.-Col. Is.,., - L'Col.C. I). -MarDoii-alhri, Capt. I.. \\ . Iln-k 2 I.t.-Col. John Ii. Tappau BOol. Emory Uptot I Capt. John n P. Dow i. I.t.-Col. Au-n-tns \\ 2 l.t. -c.,1. c. II. \\'.^- r,' ■. ( ,i t .11.1. Murray 2Capl G.-o K l..-i ' ipt. I.. IV Jonea(k i, Ma|. .!.,■<■ ph Hyde, Col. Levin Crandell ... ■JCapt. Winti.-I-I |.t.-C..I. Win. II liai.,1 :.c..i. Geo. Ryan (k », Lt.-Col. Blwell S. Otis. ilCapt, James Orlndlaj .', I.t.-Col. ii,-,, i_'i. MartK'V >.|',t.-Col. Thomas M. Kav Maloi T. O'Brien 2 Lt.-Col. II. c. !■' h« i. '"apt. M. Doran... L' I.t.-Col. \\ iii ll.-l.a, wwi Mai John Ihatlie. : Col. J. P. Mi lvor(c Capt. Ch ■ 2 Col. M. Murphj (c,w), Lt-Col.T. M i: I II . oil (w), Total Total loss of fjnion forces - 1846. 1847. 1848 1849. L850. 1851. 1852 1353. Mnv 8th. Action nt Corbin's Bridge. Po River, Va. Spotsylvania, 61st and 93d [nfantry. May 8th. Engagement al Piney Branch Church, Va. Alsop's Farm, Brock Road, River Ny, Po River, Laurel Hill. Va. Spotsylvania. Batteries D, E, II and L, 1st Artillery; 2d Battalion, Ufa Artillery; I5tb Artillery; 5th and lotli Batteries; 1st Battalion Sharpshooters; 43d, 44th, 49th, 82d, 76th, 77th, 83d, 84th, 95th, 97th, KUtli. I lot],, i icti, and I 17th Infantry. May 9th. Skirmish near Millwood, Va. 1st Cavalry. May 9th. Actions al Jarratt's Station ami White's Bridge. Va. Nottoway Bridge. Gen. Kautz's raid from Suffolk to City Point. Operations againsl Petersburg and Richmond. '■>'\ Cavalry and one section Silt Battery. May 9th. Action at the Crossing of the Ny River, at Gates' House, Va. Spotsyl- vania. 27th and 84th Batteries; 79th and 109th Infantry. May 9tb mth. Engagement at Po River, Va. Block House Bridge, Glady Run. \ania. Battery »'. 1st Artillery; detachment 7th Veteran Infantry; 89th, loth, 52d, Bist, 88d, 84th, 86th, 89th, 86th, 88th, 98d, lllth, 124th, 125th and 126th Infantry. May '.itli iiitli. Engagement at Swift Creek. \'a. Arrowfield Church , Chester Sta- tion, Violet Station, Old Church, Porl Walthall Junction. Operations against burg and Richmond. 1st Mounted Rifles; 8d, 81st, 89th, 93d, 98th, 98th, 100th, 112th, UTth. 118th, 189th, I42d, 148th and 169th Infantry. May 9th 24th. Gen. Sheridan's Expedition from Todd's Tavern to James River. V.-i Includes I avalrj en agements at Beaver ham Station, Ooodall's Farm, Ground Squirrel Bridge, Glen Allen Station, Fellow Tavern, Richmond Fortifica- 9t , table follow Ing.) BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 223 1864. Brigade! 'iniliiiK Officers. 2ri Cav I, Mcintosh... 6th Cav .... a, I >iv in Mil Cav ... . ■_■, Chapman. . 9th Cav .... j. Devln mill Cav.... •_'. Qresty st. Prawns lies,; Merrill t>th Bat*y. I, Unix,- AH . .. .-.. \\ llson Cav Col. Otto Barhaus 1, Torbert CavCol. T. C. Devin (c). Lt.-Col. Ui .',. Wilson Cav Col. Win. II. Iteiijaiiiln I.Torberl CavCI. Win. Sa.kelt 2. Gregg Cav Lt. Col. M. Henrj Lvery i. Toi berl cav Col. Alfred Qlbbs j. Gregg Cav Capt. Joseph W. Martin. Total Total loss "i i ui Miss'g _ 1354. May 9th. Skirmisli at Beaver Dam Station, Ya. Gen. Sheridan's expedition 1855. May9th-10th. Skirmish at Davenport Ford or Bridge, Va. Anderson's Ford, Nortb Anna, Goodall' s Farm. Gen. Sheridan's expedition to James River. 2d, 6th, 8th and 9th Cavalry; 1st Dragoons; 6th Battery. 1856. May 10th. Actions at Alsop's and Laurel Hill. Ya. Spotsylvania. Batteries D. E, II and I>, 1st Artillery; 2d Battalion, 4th Artillery: 6th and L5th Artillery; 5th and 15th batteries; 1st Battalion Sharpshooters; 10th, 40th, 42d, 44th, 59th, 76th, 82d, 88d,84th, 86th, 93d, 95th, 97th, 104th, 106th, 108th, 124th, 140th, 146th. 147th and 152d Infantry. 1857. May 10th. Affair at Ny River. Va. Fredericksburg Road. Spotsylvania. !4th Artillery; 27th Battery; 79th and 100th Infantry. 1358. May 10th. Engagement at Landron's Farm, Va. Scott or Shelton House. Spotsyl- vania. 1st Battalion, 4th Artillery; 1st and 3d Batteries; 43d, 19th, 65th, 70th, 71st, 72d, 73d, 74th, 77th and 121st Infantry. 1359. May 10th. Skirmish near Paris and Salem. Va. Brock's Gap. 1st, 2lsl and l-t Veteran Cavalry. 1300. May 10th. Skirmish at Lost Paver Gap, \V. Va. Romney. On raid from Moore- field to Cumberland, loth Cavalry. 1861. May 10th. Skirmish at Bayou Rapides, La. Bed River campaign. 18th Cavalry. 178th Infantry. 1302. May 11th. Skirmish at Todd's Tavern, Ya. Spotsylvania. 61st Infantry. 1363. May 11th. Skirmish at Harrison Church, near Prince George Court House, Va. Operations againsl Petersburg and Richmond. Detachmenl Battery M. 3d Artil- lery, as Cavalry. 1364. May 11th. Skirmish at Ground Squirrel Bridge, or Church, Va. Gen. Sheridan's expedition to. lames River, 10th Cavalry. 1365. May 11th. Action at Yellow Tavern and Glen Allen Station, Va. Richmond and Fredericksburg B. R. Gen. Sheridan's expedition to James River. 2d, th and 21st Cavalry. 1876. May 18th-14th. Skirmishes mar Choctaw Bayou, La. Marksville Plains; Red River campaign. 14th Cavalry; detachment 75th Infantry, mounted. B57T. May 14th. Action at Chula Depot, Va. Swift Creek; Blacks and Whites. Gen. Santa's raid on Petersburg and Lynchburg R. R. 3d Cavalry, Maj. Hall; .one section 8th Battery, Lieut. Morton. 1378. May 11th. Engagement at Gayle's House, Va. Spotsylvania. 121st, 140th and 146th Infantry. 1879. May lltli 15th. Battle of Resaca. Ga. Sugar Valley; Oostenaula; Atlanta cam- paign. l-t Art.: B Ll MUb Int.. T.-tli Inf.. I02d [nf ... I07tb Inf.. Iftli Int... I '.Ml, Inf.. 187th Inf.. Ill It.. ... I I lMifa tof.. Brigades. Woodbury .. \\ oodbun • • H tl.-.l.T ..... I , I . 3, Ireland ... Ri ei i. Knipe _'. Bush beck. •., W I, Jr..., 3. Ireland I, K ii i p.- 1, Robinson. ::, Ireland J. Roger 2, Busbbeck. t'onmiaii'ling Officers. W Williams an Lieut. Charles E. Wlnegar William- Jul 'apt. .1 . I». W'.m.ll.urx ,-i. I.i.-nl. K. I>. Newklrk. j. ('apt. Win. Wheeler (< I, Lieut. 1 l*iu \ Bund? , \\ iiiiams 20 Col. Adolphua Dobke Col. IbelQoddard Qearj 20pLt.-Col Harvej B.Chatfleld Qearj jo Col. John T. Lockman William- Archibald L. McDougall 20 l.t.-t'i.i. Allan II. Jackson Butterfleld... 2o|Col. Jam.- Wood, Jr., (c), Lt.-Col. L. li. Faulkner Geary 20 Col. l>. Ireland (c w), Lt.-Col. K. 8. VanVoorhies. William- jn (',,!. W hi. K. I...uir William- 0< Horaci Bougbton J.i l.i.-t'.il. (hail.- I!. Kan. lull Williams jm ol. John ll. Ketcham 20 Lt.-Col. Daniel K. alien Total i- - F 1881, 1882. 1888, 1885. 1381 Maj I4th-16th. Battle of Drewry's Bluff. Va. Port Darling; Walthall Junction. Operations against Petersburg and Richmond, Va, 1st Mounted Rifles; Battery I-:. 3d Artillery; 7th and SSd Battery, 8d, 47th, 48th, 81st, 89th, B2d, 98th, 98th, LOOth, li.'tli, 115th, 117th, 118th, L89th, I42d, 148th and 169th Infantry. May 1 111.. Skirmish at Wilson's Landing. La. Red River campaign. 14th Cavalry and detacl 'tit 75th Infantry, mounted, May 15th. Skirmish at New River, La. 11th Cavalry. Maj 15th. Engagement at New Market, Va. 15th and '.'1st Cavalry: 1st Veteran Cavalry; 80th and 81st Batteries. May 15th. Skirmish at Burnt Bridge, Va. Mt. Jackson; Rood'8 Hill. 1st Cavalry. Lt.-Col. Adam-. Ma) L5th, Skirmish at Maasaponax Ohuroh, Spotsylvania, Va. 5th Cavalry. Maj 15th, Skirmish at Avoyelle Prairie, I. a. Near Fort De l.'ussy. Red Kiver campaign. L4th and 1 8th Cavalry; 26th Battery, detachmenl 75th Inf., mounted. May 16th. Engagement at Mansura. La. Marksville, near Alexandria. Red Hiver campaign. 14th, L8th and 8d Veteran Cavalry; 86th and 86th Batteries; detach- ment 75th Infantry, mounted; 90th Infantry, three companies; lllili, L16th, 128th, 188d, I58d, 156th, 159th. 160th, 161st, I62d, 165th, I78d, 175th, 176th and iTsth Infantry. Maj 16th. action at Belcher's Mills, Ya. Qen. Santa's raid on Petersburg and Lynchburg I: \l. Operations against Petersburg and Richmond. 8d Cavalry. Jacobs, Jr . and Hall; one section 8th Battery, Lieut. Morton. May 16th. Skirmish at Ny River, Va. Spotsylvania. 5th Cavalry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 225 1864. 1390. May 17th. Skirmish at Jones* Bridge, Va. Gen. Sheridan's expedition t<> James River. 6th and 9th Cavalry. 1891. May 17th. Skirmish at Warebottom Church, Va. Bcott's Mills. Operations against Petersburg and Richmond. 1st Mounted Rifles. 1893. May 17th. Skirmish at Calhoun, Ga. Atlanta campaign. 103d Infantry. 1898. May 17th 18th. Skirmishes at Moreauville and near Bayou de Glaze, La. Snaggy Point; Yellow Bayou. Red River campaign. 18th and 2d Veteran Cavalry. 1894. May 17th-l8th. Skirmishes at Po River, Va. Spotsylvania 5th Cavalry. 1895. May 18th. Skirmish at Simsport, La Calhoun Station, Red [liver campaign, 2d Veteran Cavalry. 1896. May 18th. Skirmish at Haxall's Landing, Va. Gen. Sheridan's expedition to James River. 10th Cavalry; 6th Battery. 1897. May 18th. Skirmish at Jackson Bridge, near Barrancas. Fla. Company M, 14th Cav. 1398. May 18th. Skirmish at New Market, Va 1st Veteran Cavalry. 1899. May 18th. Skirmish at Spring Hill, Va. Operations against Petersburg and Rich- mond. Detachment Battery M. 3d Artillery, as cavalry. 1400. May 18th. Engagement about Landron House, Va. Operations from the Salient. Spotsylvania. 84th Cavalry and 2d Mounted Rifles, dismounted; Batteries R, C, P, E, G, H and L, 1st Artillery; 11th, 12th, 19th and 34th Batteries; 7th Veteran, LOtfa, 89th, -l-M, 51st, 52d, 59th, 61st, G3d, 64th, 66th, 69th, 82d, 88th, 108th, 111th, 125th, 126th, 152d, 155th, 164th, 170th and L82d Infantry. 1401. May 18th-26th. Engagements at Bermuda Hundred, Va. Includes Foster's Planta- tion. May 18th, and Ware Bottom Church, May 20th. Operations against Peters- burg and Richmond. 1st Mounted Rifles; Batteries E and K, 3d Artillery; 7th and 33d Batteries; detachment 1st Engineers; 3d, 47th, 48th, 81st, 89th, 92d. 96th, 98th, 100th. 112th, 115th. 117th, 118th, 139th, L42d, L48th and If.'.ith Infantry. 1402. May 19th. Skirmish at White House Landing, 7a. Gen. Sheridan's expedition to .lames River. 10th Cavalry. 1408. May 19th. Skirmish at Simsport, La. Red River campaign. 176th and 17*th Inf. L404. May liith. Engagement at the Harris House, Va. Fredericksburg Road; the Pines; Spotsylvania Batteries C, K and L, 1st Artillery: 2d Artillery; companies D, H and K. 4th Artillery; 6th, 7th, 8th and 15th Artillery; 15th Battery and 93d Inf. 1405. May I9th-20th. Skirmishes near Oaasville, Ga. Two River Creek. Atlanta cam- paign. 102d. 107th. 123d, 136th and 150th Infantry. llOt;. May 20th. Skirmish at Downer's Bridge, Va. Spotsylvania. 5th Cavalry. 1407. May 21st. Actions at Milford and Guinea Station, Va. Mattapony River; Bowling Green; Spotsylvania. 4th. 5th and 22d Cavalry; 24th Cavalry, dismounted; 2d and 7th Artillery. 1408. May 21st. Skirmish at Fort Powhattan. Va. Operations against Petersburg and Richmond. Battery M. Bd Artillery. 1409. May 21st. Skirmish at Newtown, Va 21st Cavalry. 1410. May 23d. Skirmish at Front Royal, Va. 15th Cavalry. 1411. May 22d. Skirmish at James Island. S. C. 103d Infantry, Maj. Morrison. 1412. May 22d 26th. The battle of North Anna, Va. Includes all the engagements inci- dent to the operations along the line of the North Anna River, especially Mt. Car- mel Church and Jericho Mills or Ford (5th Corps), and North Anna Railroad Bridge ..r Taylor's Bridge (1st and 3d Brigade, 3d Division. 2d Corps), on the 28d; Quaker's Ford, Chesterfield Bridge, Oxford (1st Division, 9th Corps; 3d Division, 5th Corps); North Anna River (2d Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, and 2d Division, 9th Corps), on the '24th. The loss is included in the table of losses at Totopotomoy. 4th, 5th and 22d Cavalry : 24th Cavalry and 2d Mounted Rifles, dismounted; Oneida Com- pany Cavalry: Batteries B, C, D, K. G, II and L, 1st. Artillery; '2d, 4th, 6th, 7th, Nth. 11th and 15th Artillery; 1st, 3d, 11th, 12th, 15th, 19th and 34th Batteries! 50th Engineers; 1st Battalion Sharpshooters; detachment 7th Veteran, 10th, 12th, 89th, 40th, 42d, 48d, 44th. detachment 46th, 49th, 51st. 52d. 59th, 61st, 62d, 63d, 64th, 65th, 68th, 67th, 69th, 70th, 71st, 72d, 78d, 74th, 76th, 77th, 80th, 82d, 83d, 86th, 88th, 93d, 95th. 97th. 104th, 106th, 108th. 109th. 111th, 120th, 121st, I22d, 124th, 125th, 126th, 140th, 146th, 147th. 151st, 152d, 155th. 104th, 170th, 182d Inf. 29 PART II. IX THE FIELD. 1864 1418. May 28d. Skirmish at Pole Cat Station, Y a. Gen. Sheridan's expedition to James River. 2d Cavalry. 1414. May 23d-24th. Engagement at Morganza. La. Atchafalaya. 14th Cavalry, Maj. Bass ford; istli Cavalry, detachmenl 75th rnfantry, mounted; 159th and 175th Inf. 1415. May 24th. Skirmish at Wilson's Wharf, James River, Va. Operations against Petersburg and Richmond. Detachment Battery M, 3d Artillery, as Cavalry. 1416. May 25th. Skirmish at Mt. Carmel Church. Va. North Anna. 5th Cavalry. L417. May 25th-28th. Skirmishes at New Market. Va. Newtown. 1st Cavalry. Maj. Quinn; 15th Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Root; 21st Cavalry, Lt.-Col. FitzsimmonB. 1418. May 25th-June4th. Tin- Battle of Dallas. < .a. New Hope Church; Pumpkin Vino ek, near Owen's Mills. Atlanta Campaign. nth Bat'y. 45th Inf.... 60tb I in* Hrj.1 Inf 1071b Illl ... U9tb Ini... MM Inf.... H9th lnl ... isntb inf.. i 'ommandlng < Ifflc Kill... Woodbury I, W Woodbury I, "•*• IllUms Wheeler . i .... I, W illiani- ■.. i iobham -'. ' learj S, :', Geary i. Cobbam -', Geary .', Ruger i, Williams 2, I. tckman ... 2, Geai ) ■ l. Knipe I, William _•, l..", 2, Gearj Butterneld... .!. Cobhara 2, Geary I. Knlpe I. Williams :. Robinson I. Williams .:. Cobbam 2, Gear] i, Williams •. I. man 2, Geary >s "•'• w inegar Voodbun (c), Lieut. E. P. Newkirk. Wheeler (c), Lieut. Henry Bundy Col. J. T. Lockman (c), Capt. ('■ II. Odell.Capt ('. II. Scmiliworili Col. A L. McDougfll! (w), Lt.-Col. J, C Rogers . Lt.-Col. Allan II. .la. k^>n Col. Jas.W I, Jr. (e). Lt.-Col. L H. Faulkuer. Kuni S. Van Voorhis Col. Win. K. Logie Col. Horace Bough ton I.I. < ! I'liall. > I'.. Kall.lall (HI Col. John II. Ketcham Maj. Lewis D. Warner Total. Wn-.l Miss - 20 A - Id 16 li .. 87 ... ■J j ... 10... 1419. 1420. Maj 26th. May 26th. 1421. Mav 26th. L422. Mm 26th. 1 123. L424. Maj 27th. Maj 27th. 1 125. Mav 27th- dry. Skirmish at Little River, Va. North Anna. 5th Cavi Skirmish near Decatur. Ala. 17th Veteran Infantry. Skirmish mar Morganza, La. 18th Cavalry. Skirmish near Barrancas, Fla. Company M. I 1th Cavalry. Skirmishes at Hillsboro ami Courtland, Ala. 17th Veteran infantry. Skirmish at Woodstock, Va. l.'.th Cavalry. 1st. The battle of tin- Totopotomoy. Va. Includes all the engagements along the Totopotomoy Creek and Pamunkey River, especially at Dabney's Ferry or Pamunkey River, May 27th -28th; Crump's Creek, and near Totopotomoy, May 28th; Swift Creek, Banover Court Souse, Shady Grove Road and Totopotomoy Creek, May 29th; Totopotomoy Creek and Bethesda Church, May 80th -31st; and also Bethesda Church, Jane 1st (5th Corps). The Cavalry engagements are given separately, but the his- of the 1st ami 2d Cavalry Divisions, May Slat to June n'th, is included May 81st. thai of Cold llarli Brigades .1 llM they stood in- Islona. C D Killed W'n'd. Hiss's : 2 ! 2 e 3 M S 3 ■ < ' llson i 1 12 ...„ S i 9 I.I.,., 1: I \\ II . Lt.-( w m II. Beiriamin i 1 1 ! ... 2 2 1 2 ■J 1 .... null Ca\ Lt -Col. M. II . i. \ I'l-i int<-<| : c,,|. \\ . c Itaulston Glbbs I'i-n, id; Col i • ■'. n.l-n... 2d Mount'd 1 Geadquarti " D.P.M inn BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 327 L8C4 1 Killed W'n.l. Mlss'g Oboani- ZATIONS. Brigades. Divisions. ( lommandlng < Ifflcere. 1 £ = = E S i i S B = = - - : 2. 1 . 5. I 3. 2. 74. s. '- 1 8 57. lis 7 . 17 ■i < ISl Art.! Bat's B.. : 1 6 1 t apt Albert B. Sheldon l.i. nt. Win. ||. Phillips 3 Bat'y C .'• 2 3 Bat'y E.. Bat'y Q., Wainwright. .. Tidball With Bat'y 1.. LSI Art.; rapt. Henry W. havi- (w), l.i. nt. Angel Malth.'U -hi i apt. v Ison Am.- Bat'y ll . Bat'y I... Lieut. George Brei k Col. J. N. ti. Whistler i Ul 4th Art. : Tompkins Wainwright .. Tidball Id Bat'n Majot H in. Arthur \ Lt.-Col. Thomas R. Allcocl 1 Col. J. B KltchlngO MaJ. A. Crookston . it 133 133 2 12 l.s 3d Bat'n. 6th Art . 17 . 2! 1 4 . : 7th Art 1. Tyler 14. Tyler I'icjv.; Mursh'll .', Crittenden.. 14th Art.... 15th Art. : ( il, I- ; .Mr. lull : It t i < . il Corning Artillery Park, A. P.; MaJ. .1. Diecknian i i;n " 2 2 6 2 Capt. \\ in. A. Ham Capt. Joseph W Martin i 'apt. John K. linrton 1 ipt George V. McKnlght i E " "6 ; 5. 1 . ""ii ; ..... 1 H.i I'v.. ntli Bat'y. 12tb Bat'y. 1. Horse Art 1'i.lball I'i.llmll Wainwright....! >. 4 5 MHi Bat'y With Ku-.. ShapsV 7th Veter'u Lnf l. Boblnson .... ■ Mi, Doueall 1, Willcox i, Cutler I.t.-Col. ha Sp.inl.linc. an.l .Maim- Hrainrril, Korilan.l Keers Capt. Alfred Parry With the -,J,i N. V. Vols Capt. Jos. l.a Kniia. Lt.-Col. Geo. Y. Hoppei Provost Guard, MaJ. II. W. Ryder i ~ '" ., Kith Inf.... s. Smyth -'. Gibbon '. 39tb Inf.... 4nth Inf.... s, MacDougall 1, Harlow '., Birney MaJ. Joseph Hyde, 125th v •> Vols Col.T. W. Kuan ie>. I.t.-Col. . I. A. Warner.... Li.-ut. John Matrnire Capt. James D. Visscher Capt. Campbell Allen h.-taih lit with Until Mas-. \; r> -niniit loin. •■ 1 .M, iv .-.nth. l-i'.l; l.t Col. Travels CI. 1). ]). Ki.lwelhri. I.t.-Col. C. \\ . Johnson i "t i 24 . 2.. 1: 2.. 21 i 7 «2d int" l.McKeen i, Bidwell 43d Inf.... New ntli Inf ... "!, Bartlett l. Griffin 10 (•.•ih int....!. Bidwell 2, N.-ill 4 :>.M Inf 59th Inf.... 6181 hit .. 62d 1 mi 63d hit 1, McKeen i, Miles 1. VV'beaton .... 2, Byrnes i. Barlow -'. Gibbon I.Barlow '. N.-ill 1. Harlow Ll -Col. II. P. Rueg I.t.-Col. K. Oscar Col. HaM.I.I. m\'| \\m."( l.'t:-. """" C..I. Jo-,pli ll. Il.inil.lln . " 2 "■■ 7 :vj 3 4 1? 54th Inf.... 4 86th Inf.... 67th Inf.... 69th Inf.. i, Brooke I. Barlow 1, Cross 1, Russell -'. Byrnes l, Barlow i. Brewster ... 3, Birney 1, Brewster ... :. Birney i. Brewster . ... .. Birney i. Brewster . ... 3, Birney Lt.-Col. J. S. Ilaiiinmll, Col. (). II. Morris Col. N.-Noii in—, ,. I.t.-Col. II. 1.. \aii N.-s- . Capt. James E. McGee i "l 2 1 :::::: i 2.. 1".. 12. 3 10 14 Ilsl hit I.t.-Col. Th, ,ina- Ratlerty 73d Inf Col. Win. K. Hivwstei in. I.t.-Col. M.W.Hnrns . Col. 'l'h .i- ll, ,it 14 -'. Hoffman 1? -'i hit 83d Inf 86th Inf... i. \i, i\, , , ',. Bates 3, Craw ford . ... i, Bgan 3, Birney 2 8 6 S 6 2 t: , ■ ' . l.i, nt. 'l'h,, ma- lhiL.'u'in- Mil. M. is. Statlor.l. Lt'.T'oT. J. ''TlTbaiising ' ' i i 3.. 4 .. in.. I" .. 25.. 2.. 6.. 4 '.'. - It 3 ' 1 1 7 4 88th Inf. . yith Inf.... 96th Inf.... '.'7th Inf.... -', Byrnes -'. Walker i. Lyle -'. Hoffman .... i. Barlow t, Birnej j, Lockwood ... i. Cutler i, Crawford.... Capt lionni- 1". Hnrke, Col. Patrii 1 Lt.-Col. H. C. Hull l.t.-coi. Samui i A. Moiii-tt i' in 37 .! - i. Lyle 1, Tin.ix t. Smyth i. Hartrnnfi ... Col. Oilben G. Prey I.I. Col. l -To m. -.-ml Capt. John H.-v.i.ll.. D.Mai Dougaii(c), "CapV"'j>wl8 W . Iln-k 1 4 t 'I 3 i 4 :t 106th Int... 106th Inf.. 109th Inf.. 111th Inf... 1, Kirk. it- -'. tiilll ',, Willcox 1, Harlow 4 5 7 120th Inf.. 12UI Inf.... I22'l Inf.... i. Brewster .... '■. Birney .'. 1 |it. m i, Russell I.Cross 1, Russell i. Bgan L Birney I.t.-Col. John It. Tappan '■•1. Km, ,tv 1 pton ii ,. Capt. John h. P. l).,w. 1 . \,i :u-tii- W. Dwlghl ' * 1! 126th hit ... llmli hit '.. MacDougall. i. \i res . Harlow I.t.-Col. W. II. liair.l ""i ^ .. 2.. 17 .. 13 .. \ '.'. 52.. 2575 17 ... 6 7 '.1 Id 117th Inf... 16181 Inf.... I52d Inf.... H . ... 1, Cutler i. Truax k R I.t.-Col. tirorp II. irn. -v IJ.-C..1. Thomas M. Kav Mil T. O'Brien 8 164th Inf... 170th Inf:.. I82d hit ... 1. Mi Ivor i. Bclvor i. Mclvor I, Gibbon .', Gibbon -'. Gibbon Mat. John H.atii,-. Col. .las. P. M. Mahoii lof.Jas. P. Mclvor (i I, Capt. (has. llagan... . l.t. ci. Thomas M. Reld Total loss from May 21st to May 31st, 1864.... i Total loss of Cnlon forces engaged, same period 41 "l9 166 BSol ..... 159 .It 1 99 10 246 PART II. IX THE FIELD. 1864. 3 87th. Actional Hanoverton. Va. Pamunkey River; Cramp's Creek; Totopot- omoy. 4th, 6th, 9th and 10th Cavalry; lal Dragoons; 6th Battery. 1427. Ma\ 88th. Engagement at Haws Shop. Va. Salem and Aenon Church; Totopot- omoy. LOth Cavalry; 6th Batterj . 1428. M;i) 88th 89th. Skirmish at Newtown, Va, 15th and 81st Cavalry. ■. 29th. Skirmish between White House, Va., and position of Army of the James, while laying the army telegraph to City Point. Detachment 16th Artillery. 1480. Maj 30th. Skirmish at Newtown. \'a. Detachmenl 1st Veteran Cavalry, Capt. K. II. Brett. 1481. May 80th. Action Dear Old Church. Va. Matadequin Creek; Totopotomoy. 4th, 6th and 9th Cavalry and 1st Dragoons. [432. May 80th. Engagement at Crump's Creek. Va. Totopotomoy. 2d and 8th Cavalry. 1433. May 30th. Skirmish at the Atchafalaya, La. 175th Infantry. 1434 Maj 31st. Skirmish at Bayou Fordice, La. Atchafalaya River. 2d Veteran Cav- alry, Col . Chrysler. 1485. May 81st. Skirmish at Hanover Court House, Va Mechamp's Creek; Dr. Price's Bouse; Totopotomoy. 2d and 8th Cavalry. 1486. May 31st. Skirmish at Woodstock, Va. 1st Cavalry; lBt Veteran Cavalry. 1487. May 31st. Skirmish at White House, Va. 148th Infantry. 1 188. May 31st June 12th. The Battle of Cold Harbor, Va. Loss of Isl and 2d Cavalry Divisions from May 81st to June 6th included. The loss of the Artillery, Infantry and tin- 3d < lavalry Division up to June 15th included. Brigades and Divisions are given as they >t 1 June 15th. 4ili Cav. ii'tii Cav , M I - 2, Devln M I : --, J, Devin It. , Chapman. . . Chi 2d M. .nut ,| ' tin Wilson i, Torberl '.. \\ il^ull I, Torberl ... -.. Wilson i, Torberl .... Ir... 2, On 3, Willcox . i. Torbert.. Commanding Officers. Col. OttO Haitians Lt.-Col. \\ in K. I'.n.M il Lt.-Col. .lllhll II.iiiiiiu.ihI hi . I i ,.l.\\ .11 C'rmk.T. t o! w II Benjamin « . MaJ. E. M. Pope. Sacketl Lt.-Col. M. II. Av wrighl I' VValnwriRhl nwrifjlit I:.' '. I..i!..i|| il w dnwrlghl I Walnwright M .... i. Barlow Kltchli , Lo< k« I. i i i. Barlow Gibbon .. . - loth in i i Mtli Ait . Ichlng... i ipklm iitii ii.,' I , Dismounted, Col. John Ki~k, l.t. \ . Raj mond At headquarters A. P., Capl D. r Maun •i, ii, i, n. i tier i- vena, .ir ■ itin Mow 10th It, I '.. Smyth .•. (.11,1,,. n . S.Sheld « . i-i l.i. I. t Barnes I i RIchur.lKon i: .'-. i.. i - \ i I.Mat the wson 2 Capt. Nelson Ames slCapt. t harles K. Mink .'. Lieut. <;■•" rk-c ltr.i k 2 Col. Joseph N.ii. Whistler 2 Lt.-Col. Thomas H. Allcock ,Co 3 ii Klti till fi Ma). A. ( rookston jCol.L.o. Monisic. ki. l.t. -Col.. I. Hastings ■ . p. | p rtei (k), l.t -Col. w ,W. Bates ,. i.t. Col. Edward P. T ifl i m i .i ami - » Snj d< i , DePeyster Arden 9 Col. Klisha <;. Marshall I I rnce n i u m. r i. I. il- S, llll IIKT .. Artlllei v Park A. P., MaJ J Diet kman I • 1 M' Km I,' ' apt. I'.Hii, k llatt Capt. Ed M Rogers ob Ro.-in.-r M I I Ford and Been Ired Parn ' ,|.t.ii.l..i;iillin.- « mi the 12 i Infantn ii ppci Killed. \Vi,M. Mias'g ta c = B. ~ = §|» §|| ::■ I ! in s T 7:i l. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 229 L864. 39th Ini . 4inh Iiit . 42d Ini ... 13(1 [nf.... Illll Inf. 4fith lnf ■I7lh Inf. Bth Inf. I9tb Int . Msi I mi . 52d Inf.... With Inf. 6l8t lnf . 62d Ini ... 63(1 Int ... tilth Inf. 65th Int.. 66th Int.. 67tn Inf. 70th lnf ... 71st Int . 72d lnf 73d lnf Killed. W'n'd. Mi- C'ominaniliiiL.' Offl< era. I '=-- 3, MacDougall I, Barlow Egau 3. Birney. i M k 3, Bldwell ::. Bartlett 2, Christ i. Barton Gibbon i. Neill I, Grlffln 3, Willcox .'., Devins, Jr.. :■■, Devins, Jr. l. Barton., 3, Bldwell 2, Neill 2, Potter. 3, Mat Dougall l. Barlow I, McKeen 2, Gibbon i, Miles i. Barlow I, w heaton 2, Neill >, Byrnes l. Barlow .... i, Brooke l. Barlow i. Cross i. Russell t, Brooke I, Barlow j,MaJ. Joseph Hyde, Infantry iM'oi. T. W. KKanuri. Lt.-Col. A.J. Warnei j Lieut. John Manuiie 6 Lt.-Col. James l». \ isscher 9 Capt. Campbell Allen VI . Travc rs i- LL-Col. Christopher I; Mat D ('apt . Charles A. Moore 1- I ol Vvm, B. Barton (c,w). U.-Col. Wm. B. Coan wi, Capt. .la-. M. Nichols nCol.ll.ll.ltnlwclh. i.U.-O.l.C.W. Johnson '.1 Acting as Engineer-. Capt.ti. \\ . \\ hitman 2Capt. Henry P. RltzlUS 2, Byrnes 1. Brewster I. Brewster rewster 3, Birnej 74th In' ... 76th Ini... 77Hi lnf... -"Ill Int.. -I-. Ini .. 82d lnf... 89th Inf.. 92d lnf 93d Inf.. 91th lnf . 95th Inf. 96th Int. 'J7th Inf.. 9Rttl lnf .. Mlth Inf. ltMith Inf. 106th Inf. 1, Russell.. 1. Barlow.. 3, Birney.. •■. Birney .. .'.. Birney .. 2 l.t. l.t.-< Mai. Cap! Mai. Col. II Col. l.t Rugg b7j.'"Nevin 1. 1 1, Brewster 3. Birney, 2, Hofnian 1. Cutler. I, Bldwell 2, Neill.... , Mareton ... , McKeen... , Bates . Byrnes , Stannard... , Henry j. I'annatt — :;, Birney Lyle. Bo f man . Marston . Lyle Truax ... Smyth ... 1, Brooks j. Gibbon 2, Lockw 1 3, Birney...... 1, Barlow _', Hartindale 1. Brooks 109th Inf. 11 llh Inf. 112th Inf. 115th Inf. 117th Inf. 118th Inf. 120th Inf. 121SI Int.. 122d I nf .. 1'Jltli Inf. Ii5th Inf. I26tb Inf. I39th Inf. lliith Inf. I42d Int . I fa), Inf. 117th Int . 11-th Inf. 151st Inf. I52d Inf. 155th Inf. lrtith [nf. 169th Inf. 170th Inf. 179th Inf. I82d Inf. 1, llarlrantt ... .:. MacDougall. Di Barton Ann- I'.u 111 tl.l 111 .. Brewster..... Ul ton M. M , n,, '■■■I'' M trstt 1 .. .. Lockw 1 . 1, Cutler 1, Brooks 2, Lockwood . 1. Brooks 2, Lockw t I, Ricketts ... -'. Gibbon 3, Willcox . ;, Devens, Jr. .",. Devens, Jt 3, Devens. .i> 1. Brooks . Birnt 1 .. . 1. Russell I, Russell . Lt.-Col. II. 1. \ in n K. Mi-tin-. M>i- John Garrett. 2 M:i|. William II. Iln-.. 2 Lt.-Col. 'I'll. .mas KalliMty J flu,,- companies attach,-, I to the Until 1 Infantry, Lt.-t ' 1 ml 2Col.Wm. R. BrewsterO I, Lt.-Col. M. W. ■ Burns 2 Col. Thomas II. .It :> t'apt. .1. I., tlo.t.lar.l ( \v 1. ('apt..'-. M |: f. Lt.-Col. Winser li. French . . Provost Guard A. P., Col. T. B. Gates I- Lt.-Col. John 1!. : w > 2 \ battalion, Lieut. Thomas Huggins ."■ Lt.-C.l. William Cha!mer> j.Mai. Michael B. Statlor.l ■J Col. Patrick K.-lh ici, Cai.t. I). F. llurk.- 1- Lt.-Col. Theophilns L. EiiKlaml 1- Lt -Col. II. Anderson, Jr. (k), Capt. II. c. 'J Lt.-Col. "iicnianiin C. iinil.r .'.'.' '.. S Lt.-C..l. Samuel A. Moffel 5 Col. Edward Pycwi. Mai. K.W. Ban! I8C0I " ('apt. Wm. Kreutzer ■ (apt 1-C..I. 5 Col. ct'ol. ('has. Town- I ik>, Capt. - .'Capt. Joseph Deyercll i w . Lieut. I'. C. Kavanaugh, Capt. Wm. II. Andrews... '.. Lt.-Col. 1-aac S. Catlin 'J Col. C. II. Mac|l..ii-all i c i.Capt. L. W.Husk 1- Col. J. •'■ Drake (c,w), Capts. Matthews and Ludwick I- Lt.-Col. V .1. John-oil !- Lt.-Col. Kulus lla-u'ett II. M.Galpin. Barlow Brooks Ayres 1. Grlffln Ames :, Devens, Ji Ayres I, Griffin Hoi man I, Cutler Ste.lman J, Mai tin. laic. Truax '., Kicketts (Iwcii 2 liihhon Co \ M. Ilarn.y ,Lt.-( ol.'l'l,. M I 4, Tyler 2, Gibbon :•, Budsbnry .... 1. Crittenden., 4, Tyler J, (iibbon I- ( ol.N. M ' ■ M . J ■ - I . . ., 18 Col. George . w Em. 2 Capt. Wm. \| . h !■■ LMI in .. .. ■JC..I. J. P. M. Malum i k ), Maj. M. I». Smith l-C.,1. John McConihe . k 1. Lt.-Col. AI0117... Al.leu.w . Ma|. J. mi.-- A. Colvin 2 Col. .las. P. Mclvon ci,«. apt. ('has. Hawaii '.' Lt.-Col. F. 11. Iiotv I, T. M. Hel.l. Capt. Robl Hi Total Total loss of Union force- 1 19... ... 139 2971 15 815 1584 17-1 12738 1439. May Slst-June 1st. Engagements al Cold Harbor and Old Church. Va. Harbor. 4th, 6th, 9th and loth Cavalry; 1st Dragoons. 1440. Jane 1st. Skirmish at South Anna, Va. Cold Harbor. 8th and 22d Cavalry. 1441. June 1st. Engagement at Ashland. Va. Cold Harbor. 2<1 and "iili Cavalry. 1442. June 1st. Skirmish at Gross Tcte, La. 3d Veteran Cavalry, Col. Chrysler. 1443. June 1st. Skirmish at New Market, Va. 1st Veteran Cavalry. Cold PART II. EN THE FIELD. 1444. 1 I J.".. 1446. 1447. 1448. II lit 1450. 1451. 1 152. l 158. 1 154. 1 155. 1456. 1457. 1458. ' 159. 1460. 1461. 1 162. 1 168. 1464. 1 165 1 166. 1 107. 1864. .Tun. 1st. First assault at Cold Harbor. Va. 9th Artillery; 43d, 47th, 48th. 65th, 67th, 81st, 92d, 96th, 98th. 106th, 112th, 118th, I22d, 189th, ISlsl and 169th Infantry Jane 2d. Engagement at Bethesda Church and Beulah Church, Va. Cold Earhor. 24th Cavalry; 2d Mounted Rifles, 'lis anted; Batteries B, C, D, E, II and L, 1st Artillery; 14th Artillery; 5th Veteran, 44th, 140th, 146th and 179th Infantry. .1 u m* 2d. Skirmish at New Market. Ya. Harrisonburg. 1st Cavalry. Jane 2d. Skirmish at the Atchafalaya, La. Company A, 175th Infantry. Jane 2d. Action before Cold Harbor, 7a. 81st, 96th, 98th and 189th Infantry. Jane 2d. Skirmishes at Bottom's Bridge and Mechanicsville. Va. Sumner's Upper Bridge; Gaines' Mills. Cold Harbor. 4th, 6th, 9th and 10th Cavalry. Jane 2d. Skirmish at Camp Finnegan, Fla. 144th ami 157th Infantry. June 2d. Skirmish near Hatcher's Run. Ya. Walthall Junction. Isl Mounted Rifles; 3d Cavalry. June 3d. Skirmish at Bottom's Bridge, Va. Cold Harbor. 10th Cavalry. June 3d. Skirmish at Gross Tcte, I. a. 2d Veteran Cavalry, Col. Chrysler. June 3d. Skirmish at Newtown. Ya. 21st Cavalry. June 3d. Skirmish at Ackworth. Ga Battle of Dallas. Atlanta campaign, tachmenl 102d Infantry, Capt. R. L. Stegman. June 3d. Engagement at Haw's Shop and Via's, Ya. Cold Harbor. 2d, 5th, and 22d Cavalry. June 3d. Second assault, at Cold Harbor, Ya. Battery (i, 1st Artillery; Od, 8th, and Lsl aml:i.l Battalion 9th Artillery; 10th, 42d, 59th, 61st, 63d, 64th, 66th, 69th, 81st, 82d, 88th, 92d, 96th, 98th, 108th, ll'.'th, U8th, 139th, 148th, 151st, L52d, 155th, 104th. 100th, 170th and I82d Infantry Jane 3d -4th. Skirmish at Harrisonburg, Ya. 1st Veteran Cavalry. Col. Platner. June 3d-5th. Skirmishes at Lake Chicot, Ark. Old River Lake; Ditch Bayou; Col- umbia or Fish Bayou. 1 78th Infantry. Jane 4th. Engagement at Ackworth, Ga. Battle of Dallas. Atlanta campaign. 1 |:',.l Infantry. June 4th. Skirmish at Mt. Jackson, Ya. 15th Cavalry. June 5th. Skirmish at Ackworth, Ga. Atlanta campaign. 141st Infantry. June 5th. Skirmish at Westpoint, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. Jane 5th. Engagement at Piedmont. Va. Mt. Crawford, Mt. Hope. 1st Cavalry, Major Timothy Quinn; L5th Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Augustus. I. Hoot; 21st Cavalry, Col. W. B. Tibhitta (c), Lt.-Col. ('has. Fitzsimmons; 1st Veteran Cavalry, Col. John S. Platner; 1st Battalion (companies A, B, C and D). 5th Artillery, Lt.-Col. Murray; 80th and ::ist Batteries. Jane 6th. Skirmish on reconnoissance to Chuckatuck, Va, Companies D, landE, 20th ( lavalry. Jane 6th. Skirmish before Cold Harbor. Ya. 2d Artillery. June 7th 24th. Gen. Sheridan's Trevilian Raid, Va. !>.- 8th, rth, DlvM i Commanding Offli era. Killed Wn'd Mlss'g 5 i z "i H .1 .' I« 89 I :. 2 i 1 i 16 ■' . Ik 22 i 82 E : "i i i a 29 Si 6 81 12 m | 5 < 1'HI, < .|V ■ D j. Devln 2, Devln .'. Devin i; m It) i. Torberl 1. Torberl 1, Torberl i. Torberl i P in Cesnola i I i'. v I.i. <'"i. w. II. Crocker.... w .- .. Icetl (w). Lt.-Col. G. S. N l.t.-Col. U. Henry Avery 1 M 61 89 312 1512 Total i"-- "i Dnlon Ion 1 1 engaged ii litis;. June 8th Skirmish at Staunton, Va Waynesboro. 1st, 15th and 21st Cavalry. I 169. Jane 8th 10th. Skirmishes at Petersburg. Va. 1st Mounted Rifles; 8d Cavalry. 1470. Jane 9th July 2d. The battle of Kenesaw Mountain. Ga. Atlanta campaign. Includes engagements at Pine .Mountain. June 14th; Golgotha, Lost Mountain, BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES. ETC. 231 18G4. Pine Knob, June 16th-l 7th; Pine Mountain, Nose's Creek, June 19th-20th; Culp's Farm, June 22d; the assault June ^' 7 1 1 1 . 1M \n. .. Bat'j 1 ... W Ilmrv I, Williams.... Dat n M. Woodhnry I. .Williams I ;ili Bat'y. Wheel. t '-', lleary #5th [nf . . . 3, Robinson .... L, w illiama .. . 60th [nf....3, Ireland 2. deary 78th [nf .... 3, [reland 2, Gearj IDSd I ni .... ■'•. Ireland 2. Geary HiTtli Inf... 2- Unarm I 119th [nf. 123.1 I ni .. 134th [nf. .', Roger i. Williams. . . .'. Jones -, Geary i. Snipe I, Williams :. .1 s 2, deary I. Wood, Jr.... ;. Ward Commanding Officers. ii l.i. ■ul. Charles K. Winegar 20 Uapt. J. D, Woo.lhnn i. . I.e ut. K. I'. Newkirk. 20Capt. Win. w heeler (c, k), Lient. II. Bundy jn i ni. Idolphus Dobke '"I. A diHlil.u-.l, Ca|.t. Thomas 20 I.'. Col. Harvey B. Chatfleld, Col. It. Von Ham men Cant jii Col, N w i es l ;. \ ■ ni ( Lock i . Allan II W 1 Major Lewis R. >>, I. Illlr- ( I. Allan ii. Jackson... I, .h '. i. l.i. -i ..i I. R I , elan.l m .. Lt.-Col. K. S. Van \ 'his .... Faulkner. l.t, K. Logte lorace Bonghton .1. C. It. Randall, Col. II. A. Bi im i "i John II. Ketcham Col. Patrick II. .I.mesi, .. Ma|. I.. II. Warier. Total. 147 1 . June 10th. Skirmish at Manning's Plantation, La. 1 1th Cavalry. TIT.'. .bine 10th. Skirmishes at Waynesboro and New Market, Ya. 1st. 15th and Lai Veteran Cavalry. .June lOth-llth. Skirmishes at Old Church, Bethel Church. Shady Grove Road, Ya. Cold Harbor. 2d-, 5th, 8th and 22d Cavalry. June 11th. Skirmish at Lexington, Yn. Moorefiehl, Staunton, Waynesboro, Cheat Mountain. 15th and 1st Veteran Cavalry; 1st Battalion, . r )th Artillery. June 11th. Skirmish at Aldie, Va. Detachmenl 13th Cavalry. 147(5. June llth-12th. Battle of Trevilian Station. Va. Newark, Mallory's Cross Roads. Q-en, Sheridan's Trevilian Raid. 147:5. 1474. 147.-). n\> Cav .... Cav 9th Cav .... 10th Cav.... 1st Drag'ns _'. Devin 2, Devin 2, Devin i. Davies, Jr. Res.; Merrill. Commanding Officers. I, Torberl Cav Col. Louis P. Di Cesnola I, Torberl Cav Col. T. C. Devin <<-i. Lt.-Col. Wm. II. Cn.cker i Torberl cavci. Wm. Sa.-kctt i w), Lt.-Col Geo. 8. NlchoR j. dr. ■-_ Cav l.t. Col. M. Henrj Avery i, Tori,, ii en Col. Alfred Gibbs Ill Hi i 30 li Total Total loss of Union forces engaged g 93(32 ax $ 427 M 1177. June 12th. Skirmish at Ackworth, < fa. Kenesaw Mountain. Atlanta campaign. 60th Infantry 1478. June 12th. Skirmish at White Oak Bridge, Ya. Loss included in Cold Harbor. 8th Cavalry. 1479. June 12th. Skirmish at Long Bridge, Va. boss included in Cold Harbor. 22d Cavalry. 1480. June 12th. Skirmish at Riddle's Shop. Va. Loss included in Cold Harbor. 2d, - r >th and 8th Cavalry. 1481. June 13th. Skirmish at the Chickahominy. Va, Loss included in Cold Harbor. 22d Cavalry. 1 182. June 18th. Skirmish at James Island, S. C. 108d Infantry. 1483. June 18th-14th. Skirmishes at White Oak Swamp, Va. Losses included in Cold Harbor. 8th and 22d Cavalry; Batteries C and T>, 1st Artillery; 6th, 1st and 3d Battalions 15th Artillery; 5th Veteran, 76th, 94th, 95th, 97th, 140th and 140th in- fantry. 232 PART II. IN THE FIELD. 1484 I486 1487 1488. L864. Skirmish at Buchanan. Va. Detachment, Lai Cavalry, Capt. rnartindalc Loss included in < 'old Harb 2d, l 189, June l-lili 1st Battalion, 5th Artillery, Lt. Col. Murray. June I4th-15tb. Actional Malvern Hill. Va 5th, 8th and 22d Cavalry. June l lth-15th. Engagement at Pine Mountain. Qa. Battle of Kenesaw Mountain. Atlanta campaign. I8tb Battery; 80th, 78th, I02d, L19th, 134th, 136th, 187th, 1 llitli, loOth and 154th Infantry. June 15th. Skirmish at White Oak Swamp, Va. Loss included in Cold Harbor. 5th Cavalry. June 15th, 1884, to April 3d, 1865. Before Petersburg and Richmond and at the Bermuda Hundred Front, Va. This covers all the operations of the Army of tbe Potomac and the Army of the James, which resulted in the capture of Petersburg all ,l evacuation of Richmond, with the exception of the larger operations, which are recorded specially. Duties in the trenches, skirmishes on picket, losing and gaining picket lines, etc., are all included in this general head, it being next to impossible to note them and do justice to all. For the exact time organizations were on duty before Petersburg and Richmond, see regimental sketches. 2d, 3d, 4th. 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 20th, 22d and 24th Cavalry; 1st Drag is; 1st and 2d Mounted Rifles; Oneida Company Cavalry; Batteries B, C, I>. B, G, B and L, 1st Artillery; 2d Artillery. Batteries K. II, K and M. 3d Artillery. 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th 10th, parts of Kith. 14th and ir>th and pari of Kith Artillery; 1st. 3d, 7th, 1 lth. l-jth. loth. Kith, 17th. Kith, 27th, 88d and 34th Batteries; 1st. 15th and 50th En- gineers; Isl Battalion Sharpshooters; 3d, 5th Vet., 7th Vet., 10th, 89th, 40th, llM, CM, 43d, Nth. 16th, 47th, 48th, 19th, 51st, 52d, 57th, 59th, 61st, 62d, 63d, 64th, 65th, 66th, 67th, 69th, 70th, 71st. 72d, 73d, 7 lth. 75th, 76th, 77th. 79th, 80th, 81st, 82d, 86th, 88th, 89th, 91st. 92d, 93d, 94th, 95th, 96th, 97th, 98th, 100th, 103d, lul,h, 106th, 108th, 109th, lllth, 112th, Moth, 117th. 118th, 120th, 121st, I22d, 124th, 125th, 126th, 139th, L40th, I42d, 146th, 1 17th. 148th, 151st, I52d, 155th, 158th, 159th, 162d, Kilth. 169th, 170th, 179th, I82d, 184th, 185th, 186th, L87th, 188th and IS'.lth Infantry. June loth-Kith. Assault of Petersburg, Va. Includes the assaults made by the 18th Corps, June 15th 18th, Redans 5 and (i. Jordan Hill, Redans 4, 18 and II. Harrison's Creek, Norfolk Railroad: by the 2d Corps June I5th-18th, Redan 12, Harrison's Creek, Hare House and Norfolk Railroad; by the 5th Corps June 17th isth. Harrison's Creek and Norfolk Railroad; by the 6th Corps June 18th Kith, at Norfolk Railroad; bj the 9th Corps from June ISt li. Redans l_ 18 and 11, Bhind or Shand House, Harrison's Creek, Norfolk Railroad; and the operations on Bermuda Front by the 10th Corps, Baylors Farm, Ware Bot- tom Church, Pori Walthall Junction and Petersburg and Richmond Railroad; and the (lth Corps, June 17th L8th, al Ber da Hundred. Losses ever the period from June 15th to 80th. 1 A I Commanding Officers. Killed. W'lfil. Hissing. OftOAMSJ ri..N- I - •: ! HE Ui Mo'nl >i W Mount .1 B \rniv ..i Hi. Jam< Col - ii M li w. 1.. ■ . t Disrnoi 'i: Col. \\ m.C. Rail Is ton (c.w) l,t.-r..l. \V:i!i.-r ('. \.ul..iiv Aunv ,,i the Jim. Lt.-Col.B Q.Patton hi-i nted ; Col. John Plsk, Lt.-Col. x Raj ruond luartera \i mj Pol a i '.' 147 ... j. CbrUI t. CurUn '.. Will. ..N -•. Potter 197 - Wain wright .. i-i i.i. •ni. it i:. Rogers 1 1 1 i Walnwllghl .... Walnwrlghi 1 i i J 1 3 Walnwrlght.;; 1 .i x . . j Pa mer(« MaJ W 1 M K 11 H i fl, , BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 1864. 233 Brigades. Divisions. a. O Commanding I MBi Killed. W'n'.l. Missing Oruaniza- TIONS. i i- iP B - = a l s 8d Art.: But'y B.. Burton 1- 1- 5 6 18 ...... 7 7 ...„_. 1 Capl. Janes n. Angell I.t.-Col. 'I'l.omas Allro.k Col. .1 II. Kit. hmg ... Mai. A. A. ■ i Ttdball iiii 3, Kltching 4 s, a I.t.-Cl. John llasimgsu',w>. Mu|. J..M. Murphy I.t.-Col \\. \\. Hal.-. . w . Mil. K. 1,. Blake . wi. Ma|. K. M. SpaiiMi Col. William II. & i i II 217 7 38 ii- 71 11 1 1, 11. unsay 2, Smith i. Piper Abbott 3, Marshall .!. KUcbing Tompkins Tompkins 2, Gibbon !'ili Art 3, Kick. 'Its i, Brooks 11 H 10th \n .. i lib \n .. Col. A I'M- r(. .1.' -c, . Q |i, p Colli). ,1111. \ ■'. 1 II \, nil ,.| ll,,' .lam.- Col. E.G m b« . ir). Maj. W. II. Rt ii m M i J. . .Bodges i. . Capl II ( ' M \\ : "■'::, h 2 1 6 36 t :.:::: 7 51 11 l.Mh Art ... 1 1st Bat'y... l( S !» Ii '.' . ,|,i. William A. ||. irn Capt. P. C.Regan, Lt.M. \ M, In tyre :::: ,p 1 : : ""y Tlh "s ... llth Bat'y.. lath Bat'y Burton Tidbaii '."!!!!!!!!! Wain wright.... 2 4 11 6 ISth Bat'y.. Capl. IV II m t .w i,l-i 1,1. A.K.McMuhoti 1 16th Hat 'v.. 19th Mat 'v.. : ' "l2 1' 17 " "4 24 -'. !l 1 1 . hi 26 20 a 8 3 3 7 37th Bat'y.. i. Ledlle 83d Bat'j ... ..till Bat'] sV'wiiicox".'.'.'.!! Capt. Alger M. HI ler Capl Jacob Roemer ..... 3 ...... l 1 ...... 1 3 ..... 1 ""4 ""ii 2 91 Lsl Sh rps's 3d lot 5th Vet. Inl 7th v. i.i.H lot ll Inf ... 39th Inf ... i, Bragg 1, Curtis 1, Gregory ;. Macl sail '., Smyth 3, MacDougall. 1, Plen 3, BIdwell 1, Bartlett .... i, Christ .', Barton _', Hartun '., BIdwell iVMacDougalT. i, MacDougall. 1, Pierce i. Miles 1, w heatou 2, Kelt) 4, Beaver and V. ]•'.. lira. •!': .h-la. Inn. nts 17 22 1. lot 1 12 n j, Ames 2, Ayres. .. . 1, Barlow 2, Gibbon 1, Harlow "; Birney 11 r, i 6 V ,n 10 6 9 2 Capt. Alexander Mann Capt. George L. Guthrie It. t.. .inn. 'lit with ih.. :,■_■, | Infantry Six companies. I.t-C.,1. 11. F. Hopper 10th Inf ... I2d Inf Cof. T. \\ . Egt ,w), Lf.-Col. Lu .1. Warner i w i, Maj. E. P. Fletcher... i 13d lut Il!h Inf ... 16th Inf .. !, Seill 1, Griffin 3, WiUcox -'. Anns -'. N. iii--- I.t.-Col. James li. Visscher c.ipt. Campbell Allen I.t.-Col. George \V. Tra\ .rs i e, w i, Capt. Alphonsua W. Servlere 1 s 7 1 1 17th Inf ... 10 18th Inf .. Col. William B. Barton .,■ , Maj. Samuel , Col. Daniel D. [5i.Uv.ll ,.,, I.t.-Cl. George W. Johnson J, Potter 1, Barlow 1. Harlow J. Gibbon 1, Harlow 2, N.-ill 1, Harlow 1, Harlow l. Russell '.1st Inf Aeting as KtiL-ine.i. Mai. II. 1'. Kit/in- 7 1 1 - B 2 I H 1 52d Int 1 ; ■•• 10 19 20 53 57th Inf ... Nth Inf ... Mai. Win. A. Kirk . w., Capt. Augustus W . W ri.'ht .'. . ('apt. tie.,. \Y. .[ones... pames. I.t.-Col. ||. 1'. It 61sl Inl 53 2 U2.I Inf 63d Inf 84th Inf ... 65th Inf .. 6 6 2 . 1'. .1 Nevin Six romp i ... John II . I ileusnn... Map \\l , ,',, II ., ■ n,,v . ol. J i: II .ml. lin ..',', Capl. D. J. Miln I.t.-C..l. John S. II. in, in. II .in , Capt. .1. G, Di " leson i . ( ipt. Albeil Goss. . ol. Nelson Cross , Ll -< ol. Henry L. \ in Ness, 1 be regiment left the army ' t, Beaver i, Cross .'. Kelly i, Brewster i, Brewster i. Brewster i. Brewstei 1, Brewster 2, Softnan i, Bidwell 1, Marston i. Pierce i. Eaan i, Kelly i, Stannard -', Tannatt .', llofman 1, Marston 2, Bates i. Marsten 3, Plaisted 1. I.vle 1. Trnax i, Smyth 1. Itartranft ... 3, MacDougall. 1, Curtis ■■■•■ j 1 1 1 i i 3 1 1 1 11 1 19 "is 111 s 7 7 5 - 13 19 It 10 17 22 36 s 18 ll 2 2:. -'". 6 47 67th Inf... i, Kussell . .. . 1, Harlow 1, llirn.'v 3, Birnev 3, Birney 72 69th Inf ... I Six ...iii | .. i : i i . s. I.i. -1 'ol. .fun. , K. \|. ....' 17 '"'I 70th Inf.... 7l8l Inf Mai. \\ . 11. Hugo 72d Inf Three eomp, mies, atlaehe.l to the ij.lll, 1 - 2 in 73d Inf..... t, Birney i. Cntler 2, Neill l. Brooks .:. Gibbon :>,. Birney 1, Harlow .'. Martlndale . 2 18 i- 6 10 William M. Hums 71th Inl .... iiipanies, C..I. Thomas Molt, Mai l.ovell I-iii.1v, Jr. (W . Mi \ 1. 7fith Tnf .... 77th Inf.... Capl. S.M.lMoii w.. Capt. .1. C. II 11 SlSt Inf 1 2 '.' 1 5 .. s j .'. B2d Inf 86th Inf.... 8Sth Inf .... 89th Inf.... hour companies, l.t.-C.l. T. Hoggin-... M 'i Mi >.■■ H Sta.lo.'.l C..I. Patrick Kellj (c, k.. Capl 1 F. Burke, three companies . ..1 II 1. 1 i Ml 1 1 1 :::::: Ill ; 121 17 12 1 46 10 93d Inf Eire i .'., Crawford.... i. Cutler i. Brooks '., Crawfonl.... 1. Brooks 95th Inl .... 9Ath Inf .... I.t.-Col. .1. c ,..,„.. wi, Maj. K. W. Bard > ■.'. i.. M inn. n ■ . M , . ii. j. r Col. Charles Wbeelock '.'7th Inf.... 98th Inf .... ::.::: 3 1 2.. 1- 56 ninth Inf... 6 >, Crawford .... 3, Ricketts .... .', Gibbon !. Willcox 1, Harlow 2. Anns 106th Inf... 108th Inf... Capt . Samuel Parker i.t.-c..i. f. K. Pierce (c), Capt. Win. ll. s 8 109th Inf... ' 127 tilth Inf ... ■ D Mel W. iiusk -I a 77 112th Inf... I.t.-Col. John F. Smith l i 7 30 j:;i PART II. IN THE FIELD. L864. 115th Inf. H7th Inf. li-th Inf. l.nth Inf. lL'ltli Inf. 14'Pl, Int . I42d Inf.. Barton 2, Amen Curtis j. Am.* Barnbam B Brewster ;. Birney I Dton i. Rnssell Russell B nej ill. i. Barlow ill. I, Harlow i. Brook* Gregory ■_■. Ayres Curtis _■, Ayres Commanding < Ifflcers, 146th Inf. M7th Inf. 148th Inf. lM»t Inf.. I I ■ I'.lth Inf. 170th Inf. . Hofman . 8te I man. , Trnax ... . Praser .. . . Ramsey . . Ramsey j. Gibbon.. , It.'ii :. Ames R 2, Gibbon ... . ... J. Ayn ... i. Cutler tlndale.. ketts i'. in.. -• -'II 17Mb Inf... -j. Pierce- I, Ledlle... Iffid Inf.... i. Ramsey 2, Gibbon I Col V .1. Johnson \ vin White . m , ch is. E Prnyn (k), Capt. lievl 8. I >• ■ 1 1 1 ■ ■ i v i Col John R. Tappan I .i . Mur II. M. Calimi .. ,. i.i. -i ni. \ W. Dwighl Majoi ii im 8. Murray I, i-ran.l.-ll iwi, Mai. .1. lly.l.- 2 Col. W. II. Baird fk), Capt.J. B. Brown. 1- Ma|or 'I'll" ii i. c- Mnkaliy K. 8. <»n~ JCol v m i urtia (c), Lt.-Col A. M. Barney \\ . .liimi'S tirimllay I Co -•<• llai ni'.v ii Guion , i-son M i T O'Brien, Capt. Win. S. Brett M,i Mn ha.-l I). Sinitli In M.ih.r .Linn- A. Calvin 2 Col. Jam-- I'. M. 1m. r . . Mil".- John I'. Ii.nnii'lh . u . I'apl. I'ha-. I ... Lt.-Col. K. 11. Dot} (vs . Major John B 20 9 18 Total loss from June 15th-30th 38 967 sioan ik .. Capt. John Barton., II, . 2 Capt. Robert Iteggart., Killed. Wi.'.i. Missing, Total loss of Union forces, same period 1111902 92594111 168 445 16969 § K i ■ included in raid to South si. 12th Cavalry, Capfc West; one piece Battery C. 3d Artillery, Capt. Mercer; companies D, I and K, I82d Infant ry, Capt. Green. 1511. June 21sfc-23d. Engagement at Weldon Railroad, Va. The Gurlej Bouse; Jerusa- lem Plank Road; Williams' Farm: Davis' Farm; Jones' Bouse; 2d and 6th Corps. Extending the lines hef ore Petersburg. Loss included in assault of Petersburg. 1st Mounted Rifles; Battery C, 1st Artillery; 2d, 4th, 7th, 8th and 9th Artillery; 1st, 3d, 11th and 12th Batteries; 7th Veteran, 10th, 89th, loth. CM. l;:,l. 49th, 52d, 57th, 59th, Gist, 62d, 88d, 64th, 85th, 66th, GTth, 69th, 71st, 72d, 78d, 74th, 77th, 82d, 86th, 88th, 93d. 106th, 108th, Lllth, I'JOth, 121st, 122d, I2lth, L25th, I26thi 151st, 152d, 155th, 164th, L70th and L82d Infantry. 1512. June 22d-30th. Raid to South Side and Danville Railroad. Va. By Gens. Wilson and Kautz. Losses cover the period from June 15th to 30th. 2d Cav 3d Cav 9th Cav 6th Cav 22d Ca\ l. Mcintosh .... '.. Wilson., 1, W.-st Kautz i. Mcintosh.... '., Wilson., j. Chapman . ... 3, Wilson.. 2, Chapman .... S, Wilson.. Commanding I ifflcei -. Col. Otto Harhaus Col.S.U.'Mix.kill'd.Iuncl.M.t.-Col.ti.IM.rwi- Lt.-Coi. John Hammond Ma). E<1iiiiiiii1 M. Pope I.i. -Col. .1. li. Brown Total . Killed w i.'.i Miss'g Total loss of Union forces cimau'dl 5 2212 11321 680 853 - - - 122 133 1513. 1514. 1515. 1516. 1517. 1518. 1519. 1520. 1521. 1522, 1523. 1524. 1525. 1526. 1527. 1528. 1520. 1530. June 22d. Skirmish at Sneed's Ferry, X. C. 12th Cavalry. June 22d. Skirmish at Dinwiddie Court House. Va. Gens. Wilson's and Kautz's raid. 22d < 'avalry . June 22d. Engagement at Culp's Farm, G a., Greer's House. Battle of Kenesav Mountain. Atlanta Campaign. Batteries I and M.lst Art.; 13th Battery; 60th, 78th, 102d, 107th, lllith. I28d, 134th. 137th, 141st, 143d. 149th, L50th and L54th Int. June 28d. Skirmish at Jackson's Mills. < inslow county, X. < '. Company G, 12th Cavalry; detachment I82d Infantry. June 28d. Actios at Jones' Bridge, Va. Long Bridge; Crossing of the Chicks hominy. Gen. Sheridan's Trevilian raid. 4th, lit h and 9th ( 'avalry and 1st Dragoons. June 28d. Skirmishes at Nottoway Creek, Black's and White's. Stony Creek. Va. Raid by Gens. Wilson and Kautz. 2d, 5th, 8th and 22d Cavalry. June 23d. June 23d. June 23d. June 24th. June 24th. ian raid. June 24th. June 24th. June 25th. June 25th. June 25th. Skirmish at Swansboro. X. C. Company G, 12th Cavalry. Skirmish at Gloucester Point, Ya. Detachment 16th Artillery. Skirmish at Colli ersvi lie, near Memphis, Tenn. 178th infantry. Bkirmish on scout near Morganza, La. 2d Veteran Cavalry. Skirmish at Charles City Court House. Va. Gen. Sheridan's Trevil- 4th, Gth and 9th Cavalry and 1st Dragoons. Engagement at St. Mary's Church, Ya. Gen. Sheridan's Trevilian raid. 10th Cavalry. June 24th. Skirmish at Wood's Mill Hill, Ya. 20th Cavalry. Skirmishes at Centreville, Ya. 16th Cavalry. Skirmish at Prince George Court House. Va. 4th Cavalry. Skirmish at Charles City Court House, Va. Detachment 25th Cavalry. Action at Staunton Bridge, Ya. Roanoke Station. Gen's. Wilson's and Kautz's raid. 3d, 5th, 8th and 22d Cavalry. June 25th. Skirmish at Rancho Vico. Tex. Parish Vico. Two companies 18th Cav- alry. 236 PABT 11. IX THE FIELD. 1864. 1581 June 25th. Skirmish at White Sulphur Springs, Va, 1st Vet. Cavalry. me 26th. Skirmish al Annandale, Va. lGth Cavalry. 1588. June 36th. Skirmish at Leetown. Va. 1st Cavalry. 1584 June 26th. Skirmish al Roanoke Bridge, Va. Stony Creek. Gens. Wilson's and BZantz's raid. 3d Cavalry. 1585. June 26th. Skirmish eight miles from Decatur. Ala. 17th Vet. Infantry. 1586. Jnne 27th. Skirmish at Big Sewall Mountains, Va. Bushy Ridge. 1st and 21st I lavalry. 1587. June 27th. Engagement at Charlestown, W. Va LbI Cavalry. 1588. June 27th. Skirmish al Blackwater, Va. Columbia Grove. Gens. Wilson's and Kant/'s raid. 8th and 22d Cavalry. 1589. June 27th. Assault on Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. Battle of Kenesaw Mountain. At- lanta campaign. 13th Battery; 60th, T8th. I02d, L19th, L34th, L87th, 149th and 1.". 1th Infantry. L540. June 28th. Skirmish al Newtown, Va. Bunker Bill. 15th Cavalry: 1st Veteran Cavalry. 1541. June 28th. Skirmish near Moulton, Ala. 17th Veteran Infantry. 1542. June 28th. Skirmish at Deep Bottom. Va. 9th Cavalry. 1548. June28th. Skirmish near Kinston, N. C. 12th Cavalry. 1544 June 28th. Engagement al Stony Creek Station. V a. Raid by Gens. Wilson and Kant/.. 2d, 5th, 8th and 22d Cavalry. 1545. June 29th. Skirmish at Moulton, Ala. L7th Veteran Infantry. 1546. June 29th 30th. Engagement at Ream's Station, Va. Bowanty Creek; Stony Creek. Gens. Wilson's and Kant/.'s raid. 2d, 3d, 5th, 8th and 22d Cavalry. 1 .1 17. June 30th, Skirmish at Ream's Station, Va. 10th Cavalry. 1548. -inly 1st. Skirmish near Martinsburg, W. Va. Winchester. 21st Cavalry; 29th and 32d Batteries. 1549. July l-t. Skirmish at Light House Point. Va. 10th Cavalry. 1550. . I u 1 y Isl 3d. Skirmishes on James Island, S. C. 56th Infantry; 103d Infantry. 1551. July 2d. Skirmish at Gaines' Mills. Va. 10th Cavalry. 1552 Julj 2d. Skirmish at Bunker Hill. W. Va. Berryville. Detachments of 15th and 21s1 Cavalry: l-t Veteran Cavalry. 1558. Julj 2d. Skirmish near Martinsburg, W. Va. Shepherdstown; Leetown. 1st Vet- eran < lavalry. 1554. July 2d. Skirmish near Bolivar Heights, W. Va. 15th Cavalry. 1555. Julj 2d. Attack on Port Johnson, Charleston Barbor, S. C. L27th Infantry, Maj. Little. 1566. July 3d. Skirmish at Leetown and Martinsburg, Va. 1st. 15th and 1st Veteran i lavalry. July 8d. Skirmish at Buckton. W. Va. Shepherdstown. 21st Cavalry. 1558. Julj 3d. Skirmish at South Quay. Va. Companies l>. 1 and K. 20th Cavalry. 1559 July 8d. Skirmish at Marietta, Ga. Atlanta campaign. 184th Infantry. 1560 July till. Skirmish at Sharpsburg. Md. 1st Veteran Cavalry. 1561. July 4th. Action at Chambersburg, l'a. Battery A. 1st Artillery. 1562. July 4th. Skirmish at Pleasant Valley. Md. -.'1st Cavalry. Jul) 1th tltl, Bngagemenl at James Island, S. C. Batteries Hand F, 8d Artillery; 64th and 56th Infantry. 1604 Julj I'l, 8th. Bngagemenl al Harper's Ferry, \V. Va. Maryland BeightS. De- tachmenl 1st Cavalry; 2d and 8d Battalions. 5th Artillery, Col. Graham; 89th, 30th, 81sl and 82d Batteries. Skirmish al Solomon's Gap. W. Va, -l-t Cavalry. Skirmish at Aldie. Va. 18th Cavalry. Skirmish at Williamsport, Md. Lsl Cavalry. Skirmish at La Grange. Tenn. 178th [nfantry. Skirmish al Sandy Hook. Md. l-t Veteran Cavalry. Skirmish at Aldie. Va. L8th and 16th Cavalry. Bngagemenl near Ripley, Miss. L78th Infantry. 1566 July 6th. L566 July 6th. 1567. July 6th. 1668. July 6th. Julj 6th. 1670 July 6th. 1571. July 7th. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 237 1580. 1864. Engagement at John's Island, S. C. Battery B, 3d Artillery. Skirmish at Tupelo, .Miss. 178th Infantry. Skirmish at Brownsville, M. ('apt. M..I.CIiainl..Tlai!ii w > Cant. Bamuel Parker 6|Col. w . Emerson Total Total loss "t I'niim forces engaged. Killed W 1 12 6 2 11 3 .. 24 I 50 9 113 36 OH < 178 435 111 597 12M 1581. July 10th. Skirmish at Prince George Court House. Va. 10th Cavalry. 1582. July 11th. Skirmish at Surrey Court House. Va. 1st Mounted Rifles, Lt.-Col. Patten. 1583. July llth-12th. Skirmish at Frederick, Md. 21st Cavalry. 1584. July 12th. Skirmish at Patterson ville, La. 18th Cavalry. 1585. July 12th. Skirmish at Lee's Station. Ya. Lee's Mills. 10th Cavalry. 1586. July llth-13th. Attack on Washington. 1). C. Includes Forts Stevens and DeRuBsy. 25th Cavalry; 2d Battalion, 9tli Artillery: 43d, 49th, 62d, 65th, 87th, 77th; compa- nies B, E, G and K, 111th; 121st. I22d, 183d and 153d Infantry. 1587. July 13th. Skirmish at Chattahootchie River, Ga. Atlanta campaign. 134th Inf. 1588. July 14th. Skirmish at White's Ford, Va . 1st Cavalry. 1589. July 14th. Skirmish at Prince George Court House, Va. 9th Cavalry. 1590. July 14th. Engagement at Tupelo, Miss. 178th Infantry . 1591. July 14th. Skirmish at Centreville, La. 18th Cavalry. 1592. July 15th. Skirmish at Lovett's Mills. Ya. 1st Cavalry. 1593. July 15th. Skirmish at Hillsboro, Va. Sniekers ville Gap. 21st Cavalry. 1594. July 15th-16th. Skirmishes near Oldtown Creek, Miss. 178th Infantry. 1595. July Kith. Skirmish at Prince George Court House. Ya. 10th Cavalry. 1596. July 16th. Affair at Purcellsville. near Billsboro and Aldie, Va. Capture of part of Gen. Early's wagon train. 1st and 21&1 Cavalry. 1597. July 16th. Engagement at James Island, S. C. Battery B, 3d Artillery. 1598. July 17th-18th. Engagement at Snicker's Gap Ferry or Ford, Va. 1st, 15th and 21st Cavalry; 1st Battalion (companies A. B, C and D), 5th Artillery, Lt.-Col. Murray (w, m), Capt. II. 1-. Emmons, Jr. 1599. July 18th. Skirmish at Lees Mills, Va. 4th Cavalry. 1600. July 18th. Skirmish at Franklin, La. 18th and 2d Veteran Cavalry. 1601. July 18th-19th. Skirmishes at Chattahootchie River, (hi. Atlanta campaign. De- tachment 102d Infantry, Capt. B. Van Buren. 1602. July 19th. Engagement at Ashby's Gap and Ford. Va 1st, 15th and 21st Cavalry. 1603. July 19th. Actional Charlestown. W. Va, 30th and Blsl Batteries. 1604. July 19th. Skirmish at the Crossing of Peachtree Creek, (hi. Atlanta campaign. 18th Battery; 134th, 187th and 1 l!lth Infantry. 1605. July 20th. Skirmish at Snicker's Ferry. Va. 133d and 160th Infantry. 1606. July 20th. Skirmish at Salem. Va. 21st Cavalry. 1607. July 20th. Skirmish at Manning's Plantation. La. 11th Cavalry. 1608. July 20th. Battle of Peachtree Creek, (ia. Atlanta campaign. (See table following.) 238 PABT II. IN THE FIELD. L864. Bal i tiOth Inf.. I02U Inl .... H'Ttti Irif .. 1 19th li.l . I 14th Inl .. l.n.ih Inf.. 137th Inf.. 14UI lilt... 149th Inf.. l."«»ii Inl .. Woodbury .., Aleshire :, Ireland.... ;, Ireland..., i. Knlpe Williams.. i, Williams.. 2, Geary i Williams.. I. Williams.. Commanding Officers '.. H ..ii. I, .li . .;, Ireland .... I, Knipe :t, Robinson . '., Ireland ... -'. Ruger 1, Williams . i. \\ illiams. 1. 1. ni. Chas. E. Winegar , ,,,i .i D W oo Ibui ■ ■■ , Ueut. B. P. Ni wkiri I... at. Hi nry Bundy ('..I. Alu-I (io.lilanl Col. Herbert Von Uammerstein I M. Crane . ..i. John T. I.i.-c.i James C. Rogers I, i. -Col. A. Q.Jacks w),Capt.O. C. Brown... Col. .1. Wood, Ji . . I.i.-c.i. I,. B. Faulkner... Col. David Ireland fc>, Lt.-Col. K.s. VanVimrhis. Co|. w in K. l.o-i,. i l. i. I.t.-Col. A .1. Mi \. tl nvi.r.iiii. B. G. Baldwin, ('apt. A. J. Compton Col. Horace Boughton i:\ Barnum '..i. John ll. Ketcham r„i. Patrick II- .Icn.-s u-.i, Lt.-Ol I), li. Allen.... Total. tliss'g ,9 . 7( 17 L609. July 21st. Skirmish at Deep Bottom, Va. 4th Cavalry. L610. July 21st. Skirmish on Richmond and Petersburg Railroad. Va. [si Mounted Rifles. 1611. Jubj 21st-22d. Skirmish at Fifteen Mile House, Port Hutchinson, Fla. Company M. 1 Itli Cavalry, Capt. Schwartz. 1612. July 21st-Sept. 2d. Investment and Capture of Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta campaign. Divisions. — : 14 I'll ai 20 ai ai Commanding < tfficers. Killed w 11M Oroami- i — = = 1 ...... i 1 i ¥ \ ! - <, • \ Bal M \i . i John \. Reynolds (c), Lt.Chas. B.Winegai Cant. John H. Woo.llnirv Ca|,t. Il.niv " Reynold!) 2*"Dav'is."!;!!.".. 1 1 ■ i. \\ Illiams... . 2, Qean I, Ward ■ t. w illiams . Z. Getty I I! : 2 . 2 3 2 ! l '. - 6 i eland i Ireland uiTtii Inf .. .'. Ruger 1 19th Inl ... J. Jones 1, Knipe 1 '.llli lut ... -'. .1 - H 1, -li- . 2 ' il, v H.Crane a 9 i.i.-i ..! James 1 Rogi rs Capt, Clinton C. Browu Col J. w 1, Jr. (i i : ' i. H. Faulkner, Ma|. i i ::: ~ 8 1 ui-t lut ... i, Knipe Col Horace Boughton ■ i, Lt.-Col. ll. Watklns i i • i ind el. ||,i, rv \. Bnrnum ■• IMtb Inl •.'. .Ion... c.i. I-... i,- ii .i ■-:. i,i. el ham, i it. Allen, Total is - ""- ' ■■ 1618 161 1 1616. 1616. I til 7. Iills. L619. July -oil. Engagement ai Kearnstown,Va. Winchester, Middletown. I.i. Col, Adams; l.ith Cavalry; 21s1 Cavalry, Major Jenn July 23d. Skirmish ai Rancho San Pedro, near Brownsville Texas. and P, 18th < avalrj . July 24th 26th. Skirmish at Winchester, Va. 1st, L6th, 2ls1 and Isl airy; 1st Battalion, 5th Artillery. July 26th. Skirmishes ai Gerrardtown and Bunker Hill, W. Va. dry; 80th and 81 si Batteries. igemenl al Martinsburg. W. Va. l>t. l-.tli. 21s1 and it Battalion, 5th Artillery; 80th and 81s1 Batteries. Skirmish at Beech Grove, N. C. 98th Infantry. July 26th 29th Engagement ai Deep Bottom, Va. Bailey's Creek; north • '. Strawberry Plain, deludes New Market Road, July 27th; Fubbi Centre and Charles City Roads, July 28th-29th. (See table following.; Isl < 'avalrv, Cavalry; July 26th. Isl Isl ipanies A •ran < av- and 21st Veteran of James 11*8 Mills, BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 239 1804. Divisions. i o o Commanding Officers. Killed N u'.l Mi-. SATION8. li " K '"' ■""• , — -" : - e Z 1 - f 'ia - i ■ : It . : L z 7 = & 1 < 3d Ca\ ... iih Cav 6tb Cav '.'Hi Cav mill cav.... 1st DniR.... 1st Moun'd Rifles isi ArtilPy, Bat'y G... 2.1 Art 4lh Ail 1, Wesl 2. I'.-vln 2, D.'vin 2. llevin l. Davlea, Jr ... Ill's.; Merritt.. Hazard L Miles Hazard Kant/. 1. Torbert 1, Torbert i, Torberl 2, Gregg l, Torbert 1, Barlow \. .1. Cav.. Cav.. Cav.. Cav.. Cav.. A. J. Col. George W. Lewis Col. 1.. 1'. Hi Cesnola c..i. T. c. ii.-vi, ,,.-,. Lt.-c.d. w. ii. Crocker. I.t.-Col. Grow S Nichols Mai. Matlhov, II. Av.rv Col. Alfred Gibbs I i" B and M.Capt. Thomas cort to Gen. Poster t onipanies D ami l".'.™; ""T.!!""""3.""""'." 1 1 1 i 12 7lh Art 8th Art nth Bat'y. i-jtii Bat'y. . r xith Bug... 7thVet.fnC Hill, Int. . :;yth Inf.... mil, lot i. Broady 2, Murphy Hazard Hazard.... Cons.; Crandell Cons.:Crand"eii i. DeTrobriand 1, Barlow 2, Gibbon 1, Barlow 2, Gibbon 1. Barlow !. Mott [ Mil. .lohn Mmphv Mai K. M. fpanldin- (apt. John lv Burton Capt. George F. McKnlghl 1st Battalion, Ma.|. Wesley Brainerd I.t.-Col. A.ithony Pokorncy, four companies... I.t.-Col. U K. Hopper, six companie- Col. Augustus Punk ('apt. M. M. Cannon, six e pani.-s Mat. II. P. Kit/ills (apt. Orlando P. Middleton I.t.-Col. II. 1". HWA'A l.t.-coi. k. Oscur Broady (c, ith Brigade), Maiorti •-.• \\. S.'otl Six companies Major w . Glenny 2 ""i "l •i ....„ ""t i i '.'.'.'.'.' '"2 .'■7ih int .. Cone.; Crandell v.itti lnf ... l. Pierce 6131 lui ... i, Miles 63d lnf Cons.; Crandell 64th inf.. 1, Broady 66th Inf.... i. Broady 1, Barlow 2, Gibbon 1, Barlow 1, Barlow 1, Barlow ! ' '•'.'Hi Int . Cole..; Crandell 1, Barlow TIM Inl 1. McAllister... 73d im 1, DeTrobriand Tin. Int.... i. DeTrobriand T.'.tli Inf.. .. 1, Dirge with lnf 1, DcTrohriand ■vSth Inf. ...Cons.; ('ran. It'll 93d lnf .... -. Cbaplin imilh lnf ... .'!, Poster \ Mott On.'conipanv. with Ijnth N. V. Vols '.. Mott i, Mott 2, G rover ' Mott 19 2 10 2 2 Kiu-ht foiupani.-s, I.t.-Col. W. W. Burns • -. M i . A. 1.. I.o.kwood, 120th N. Y. Vols I.t.-Col. \\ ill..ii_'hl.v Bah.ock 1 1 i Lt.-Col. B. C. Butler Col. (irorKe 1!. Dandv 1 ..... 1. Terrs .; lusiii lnf... ::, Bmyth 2, Gibbon Lt.-Col. Francis K. Pierce (c, 1st Bnua.l. ., ('apt. \\ illiani II. Andrews uitli Inf.. Cons.: Crandell 131th Inf.. ::, McAllister... rjith Inf.. l. DeTrobriand lL-.'.th Inf.. Con-.: Ci.iihI.I1 I'Ji'.lh lnf ...lOuis.; Crandell l.-.-M Inf.... 1. Pierce lnf... 2. Murphy Ifilth lnf... 2, Murphy ITuth lnf... 2. Murphv 182.1 Inf.... 2, Murphy i. Molt 1, Mott 1. Barlow 1, Barlow J. Gibbon Lt.-Col. J. 11. Tappan Col. Charles 11. Weygant Col. Levin Crandell Id, Ma|. Joseph llv.le Capt. Banford n. Piatt Mai. Titnothv ll'Bricn i 2 2 Col. .1. P. Mclvor ' 2. Gibbon Total i 12 :i 62 316 J 25 KM si l-^ 1620. July 27th. 1621. July 28th. Cavalry, 1622. July 29th. L628. July 29th. 1624. July 29th. 1626. July 80th. 1626. July 80th. 1627. 80th. 2d Vet. Skirmish at Bloomer's Gap, Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry. Action at Morganza. La. Morgan's Ferry, Atchafalaya Ri Col. Chrysler (w); 21s1 Battery, Capt. Barnes. Skirmish at Highland Stockade, near Baton Rouge, La. 14th Cavalry. Skirmish at Winton, X. C. Companies 1>, I and K. ^ith Cavalry. Skirmish at Burke's Station, Va. 16th Cavalry. Skirmish at Lee's Mills, Va. 10th Cavalry. Skirmish al Chambersburg. Pa. Battery A. Let Artillery. The Crater t ir Mine Explosion. Va. Before Petersburg. Divisions. — o _ Commanding Officers. Killed Wnd. MiSS'ft "lIMM/.t none Brigades. i z - £ z 2 2 2 3 = - 7 1 i z 3 •o 7 f 7 78 | 24th Cav... 2, Humphrey... 3.Willcox 2, Potter 1, l.edlie ' '. '. • 1 2 1 2d Mounted 1. Bliss 10 9 14th Art.... 2, Marshall f.,1. KIM,., C Mar-hall e. i M . - l I'.'th Bat 'v. 27th Bat'y. ...... ""i 3*1 lnf 1, Curtis' j, Humphrey... 2, (Van 11 ! 11 ;■.":: ::: i" ... 13 ... ...... -• l( 16th Int .... .".. Willcox 2. Turner 47th Inf.... Capt, Charles A. .Moore 840 PART II. IX THE FIELD. 1864. & Commanding Officers. Killed WnM. Uiss'fl Divisions. g : E 2 id c 3 w 4 10 1 2 i 3 i = a H 21 L'l 22 1- r ■j n Is 222 1739 L | 3 7 f = B M 3 2 18 ...... 31 l.'.i 1334 B < Mai. Samuel M. I ipl Jas. M. Nichols an 1." Il.irtraiM't ....',] Wllloix v<'"l 1 - i • ■ « . 1. 1 -Col. P. B. StilSOD ... 1 imti Inf ... I. Curtis j. Turner i" Col. 8. Sammons (w), Lt.-Col. N.J. Johnson 2 9 23 Ifi9th Int.. 179th Inf.. j. Marshall I. Ledlie M.ij. John Barton i» i, Capt. Albert \. Ten-ill .'( 2 06 Total loss of Union forces engaged ii • 142 3798 162S. 1629. 1680. 1G31. 1682. 1638. 1684 1685 1686. 1687. 1638. 1689. 1640. 1641. 1648. 1648. 1644 1645. 1646. 1641 1648 1649. 1650. 1651 1658. le, La. 11th Aug. 1st. Skirmish at Malvern Hill, Ya. 3d Cavalry. A.Ug. 8d\ Skirmish at Duffield Station, V:i. 1st Veteran Cavalry. Aug. 1th. Skirmish at Fairfax Station. Ya. 16th Cavalry. Aug. 5th. Engagement 1 at Doyal's Plantation, opposite Donaldsonvi Cavalry, Maj. Remington. Aug. 7th. Skirmish at Moorefield, W. Ya. South Branch; Old Fields, Hardy countj . Detachment 1st Cavalry, Capt. Jones. Aug. 7th. Skirmish near Fairfax Station, Va. 16th Cavalry. Aug. 8th. Action near Fall's Church, Ya. Braddock Road; Fairfax Station. De- tachments 18th and 16th Cavalry. Aug. 8th. Skirmish at Shepherdstown, W. Va, 1st Dragoons. Aug. 9th. Skirmish at Maringuin Bayou, La. 2d Veteran Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Curacy. Aug. 10th. Engagement near Winchester, Va. Berryville and Winchester Pike; Millwood; Opequon. Itli, 6th and 9th Cavalry and 1st Dragoons. Aug. 10th. Skirmish at Blue Ridge Mountains, Va. Detachment 13th Cav- alry. Aug, Kith. Skirmish at Rosedale. La. 2d Veteran Cavalry, l.t. Col. Carney. Aug. 11th. Skirmishes on Millwood Pike, Va. Near Berry ville; near Middletown; Front Royal and Winchester Pike; White Post; near Newtown. 4th. 6th and 9th ( 'avalry and 1st Dragoons. Aug. Uth. Skirmish near Strasburg, Va. 15th Cavalry. A ii lt. 18th. Skirmish at Guiam s Ford. N. C. 80th Cavalry. Aug. 18th. Skirmish at Cedar Creek, Va. Berryville. 1st Dragoons: Ith, 6th and 9th Cavalry; 1st Veteran Cavalry; 2d Battalion (companies E, F. C and ID, 5th Artillery, Major Caspar Urban; 1st Battery; 63d Infantry. Aug. 18th. Skirmish near Berryville, Ya. Middletown. near Cedar 6tl, and 9th Cavalry. Aug. 18th. Engagement at Dutch Gap, Va. Companies A, B. C, F, G Artillery; detachment 1st Engineers; 16!lth Infantry. Aug. 18th-14th. Engagement at Hurricane Creek, Miss. L78th Infantry, Aug, l ith Skirmish near Berryville, Va. 9th Cavalry. Skirmish at Annandale. Va. Kith Cavahy . Skirmish at HaUtown, W. Va 159th Infantry. Skirmish at Clarksville, Textis. Companies A and F, 18th Cai Ci Ith and K. 16th Aug L4th. Aug. llth. A.m. 14th airy. An. I 1th 15th. An:; I HI, 18th. River. Includi Skirmish at Strasburg. Va. la Battle of Strawberry Plains, Va Lea City Cross R Cavalry. Deepbottom; north side of .lames Is, PaSSeU'B Mills, Newmarket and Mai vcrn inn Roads, Jenning'a Bouse, Pout Mile Bun, Deep Creek, Cingsland and Varina Roads, Darbytown and Long Bridge Roads; White Tavern, Aug. llth: Pus. Bell's Mills, White Tavern ami Deep Creek, Aug. 16th; and Fussell's Mills, Aug. 18th. (See table following.) BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 1804. 241 Brigades. Divisions. 3 U Cav.. A. .1 10 ; Commanding i Ifflcers. Killed W'n'd. Miss's Organiza- tions. z 7 = - 1 \ 7 f - 1 L a z 7 = 1 < lmii Cav.... 1-1 Mo in. t Rifles... 1st Art.: Bat'yG... ai An in. An 7th Art Mh Arl im li Art .... nil, ii.ii v. I. Stedman i, lilies 1. Mil.- i. Rroady 2. Murphj j. Uawley . ... i, Defrobriand Dons.; Crandell l. Macy i. Utiles Cons.; Crandell 1, i. Broady Cons.; Crandell ;. McAllister. . l. DeTrobriand 1, DeTrobria id Cons :Crandell 2, Craig 3, fostei i 4 I. i M Capl . 'li as I reeboi n; • - 1 a i " "a 3 1 i 19 11 9 II 1 9 17 i ...... 22 13 10 -\ Sniylh i, Terry J H. Ilaker \l ,i.l \\. I'nn.v: Co's A. H. ( ', K.ti. K ami N Uapt. John B. Hurlon 1. Hallow 2. Smyth i. Barlow (, Motl j. Turner _'. Turner 27 1 luth im'. . -is alll.-. ('apt l>. A. Allen lUtb Inf.... 17th Inf.... 48th hit .... i.| Co W. B. 1 i in fc);'Cap'i.'!i.'M.N'i'ciioi>. Six rouipaiii.-.. Mai. II. 1'. ltilzliis ".' 2 1 •i - 2 1 II ! II I 4 ...... 1. 16 49 1 "i 34 22 & 2 '"Si to 98 .'■Till Inl . .. .V.Hh Inf.... 61st Inf 83d Inf 64th Inf .... 1, Harlow :. Smyth 1, Barlow 1. Harlow I. Barlow 1, Harlow 1, Harlow : 3 23 M II 1 2 l.i. -c.i. K. ii Bros 1 ,4th U ia m i •• W. Scott Ma|. John II. I.I- a-.u. -is p.. mi "i : fi'.Ui Inf .... i i Onec i.anv. wiih 120th N . V. Vols L Motl 2 Col. Win. R. Hnwsl.-r 2 Lt.-Col. Jacob Lansing 86th Inf.... 1 2 6 ""■- Lt. -Col. H. c Butler UMiiii Inf... -1 2. Smyth 1, Harlow I.t r ,! I I: p,.., , . .Capl \\ .11. All. Ileus. lllth Inf... fjons ; Crandell i. M. UlUter... i DeTrobriand Cons.; Crandell Cons.; Crandell 1, Macy 2, Murphy 2, Murphy 3, Osborne J, Murphy 2, Murphy 10 •J l.i Col N .it ii in .1 . Johnson 1 w 1, Maj. Ezra 1 4 i i i „i r, 2 Hi 4 1 16 ', 6 36] 1718 i 16 21 "n; 705 1, Motl P'Mh Inf Col. l..-s ,,, c ■, .....i.-ii , ,, 1,1. -Coi. Jos. Hyde... 2 1 1 f < i V 'i' : ;■',', -:' '!■', ,- 164th Inf... 2, Smyth 2 1 1 -I 'ol 1 lllir- \ 1 'i.lvill " 3 16 303 2 29 133 '">. Col. Mai tin' w Murphy. . i. Cap! .John Coonan Total loss of Onion force- engaged ' 2899 Hi-.::. 1654. 1655. 1656. 1657. 1658. L659. 1660. 1661. Alio'. I5th-16th. Skirmishes near Front Royal, Crooked Run, Charlestown. Va. White Post; Cedarville; Chester Gap; Stony Point. 4th, 6th and 9th Cavalry; 1st Dragoons. Aug. 16th. Skirmish at Berryville, Va. lsi Veteran Cavalry. Skirmish at Hurricane Creek. Miss. 178th Infantry. Skirmish al Gross Tete, l.a. 3d Veteran Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Gurney. Skirmish at Cox's Ferry, James River, Va. Detachment 16th Artillery. Skirmish at Old Tollgate. Va. 9th Cavalry. Skirmish near Winchester. Ya. Milltown; Smitlifiehl. An- Kiili Aug. 16th Aug. 17th Aug. 17th Aug. 17th and 22d Cavalry. Aug. 18th. Skirmish Aug. 18th. Skirmish 22d Cavalry. Aug. L8th-21st. Battle nf Weldon Road. V Mile House; Yellow Iliiuse; Blick's Station at Front Royal. Va 9th Cavalr; hi Winchester Turnpike, near 3d, 5th, 8th Berryville, Va. Smithfield. :1m Road; Globe Tavern: Six Divisions. i ( lommandlng Officers. lsi 1 U'n'.l. 'tIons'" Brigades. / : '■= z ^ E = 7 - P 1 c 7 =' P - 1 \ - ..." l"th Cav ... 1, Sl..ilinan 24tli Cav ... 2, Humphrey... 2il MountM Rifles 1. Bliss lit'..-' \ 1' I.t. -C.I. Matth.'W II. Aviv 3, Willcox 9th Dismounted; Lt.-Col. W. C Newberry 2, Potter 9lBBmounted; Major John H. Frollcfc 2 ""a ..... i'ri 31 ^42 PAET II. IN THE FIELD. L864. i. i Commanding Officers. Wainwright Wainwright . Wainwright Wainwright . Wainwright . \\ alnwrigtat 1Mb Art.... J, Wledrlch . I I .th Bat'y. Wainwrlulit Bh'rps's i. Bragg t. Cutler Itb Vet. Ini I, Hays nth Inf.. I6lh Itit . ■ l-i lnt... 91th Inf.. B7th Inf. IIMlll lilt". Iwvili Inf. I40tb Inf. Ufltll Inf. 117th Inf. 179th I ii I . .."., Qwyn I, Griffin , :'. II pi . j, Hofman i. Cutler '.. Crawford . j. Hofman •. Cutler . 2, Coutler I, Crawfonl. . l. Lyle 3, Crawtonl . ■in.... :•.. \\ lllcox.. -. A.3 res ..', Hofman I, Cutler . j, Robinson.... I, White Sl Lieut. It. K. Kofc'ers .', Capt Almond Barnes :, Lieut. L. J. Richardson Capt. Cbas. B. Mink Lieut <;••,, rj;e Itreek m Randall i , M Wiedrli h (c, w), ick Hart Capt. W. D Cant. John If. McDonald (m) c,,i F. Winii....; II. Schick hardt fw), Capt. C. 8. Montgomery I.t.-Col. Freeman t'ni r 1. 1. -( ul. Geo w . 1 1 !■• i- Col. John <). Wright Lt.-Col.John K. Cook Lt.-Col. s. a. Moffetl mi . Capt. II. \\ . Flsl Mai. R. w. Bard (w), Capt. if. Jennings... fnl. f . Wheel,,, k '. . Mil. |i. K. Hall :.f,, i. Gilbert <;. Prey (m) 9 Major Geo. W . Dunn .'i I.I. -fnl. K. S. Otis M ,i .i James Grindlay Killed I Major Albert A. Tenia Total loss of Union forces engugeil in •_'■.' m:: mi;, mi jttml-ts Mi-Mii:: l»'.ii:'.. Ang. 19th. Skirmish at Martinsburg, W. Va. One company 1st Cavalry. 1664, Aug. 19th. Skirmish at Kearneysville, W. Va. 9th Cavalry L665. Lug. -1st. Engagement at Charlestown, Summit Point, Berryville and Flowing Springs. Va. Smithfield, Middleway. At Charlestown, 1st. 3d, 4th, ~>tb, 6th, 8th, 9th, L5th, 21st, 23d and 1st Veteran Cavalry, and 1st Dragoons; ~' ,| n , II -.1 A0 17 ■i, a - :i SI o M 27 t 12 19 2< BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 243 1864. 69th Inf.... >Wth Inf... I08th Ini .. ill in im ... ij'.tii I nl ... 126th Inf.. 152d Inf... l.V>th Inf... 164th Inf... 170th Inf... ISLM Int.. Brigades. ('(ins.; Crandell 1, Rugg 2, Murphy _', Murphy 2, Murphy a. Murphy j. uibbon. i. Miles . i, Miles . 1, Miles . 2, Gibbon., 2, (ill. li..n.. 2, Gibbon., 2, Gibbon.. 2, Gibbon. niiuiiiliiiK (HIIcc rs. Kiii.ii Win! Miss's; >i\ companies, Capt. Richard More Major John \\ . Byron urn Lt.-l'ol. Francis K. I'ii-tvr Major Lewis \\ . Ilu-k Cm. Levin Crandrll i.f). Lt.-('nl. .lusrph IP. i, (i-i, ('apt. .i.i.M'ph Egolf(w),Capt. N. Penfleld ('apt. 1 1 a II. \\ il.lcr ('apt. William S. Burt Lt.-Col. .I.S Hvriic (in i, ('apt. Michael Dohenv. MaJ. J. Beattle (m), t'apt. K. Heggart, I82d Inf. "of. .1 P Mclvor Col. M. Murphy (c), U.-Col. John Coonan Total Total loss of Un t is engaged 28 £ = = 24 201 52 1243 99 47080 1993 1673. 1674. 1675. 1676. 1677. 1678. 1679. 1680. 1681. 1682. 1683. 1684. 1685. 1686. 1687. 1688. 1689. 1690. 1691. 1692. .1 Vet- 4th. 6th battalions tliivision officer of the day. Am:. 35th. Action near Shepherdstown and Kearneysville, W. Va. Smithfield. 3d, Ith, 5th, (ith. 8th, 9th and 22d Cavalry and 1st Dragoons. Aug. 25th. Skirmish at Conee Creek, La. Between Jackson and Clinton. eran Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Gnrney. 26th. Skirmish at Halltown. W.A^a. 1st and 25th Cavalry; 2d Battalio Dies E, F. G and II), 5th Artillery, Major Caspar Urban. Aug. 27th. Skirmish at, Martinsburg, "VV. Va. Detachment 1st Cavalry. Aug. 27th. Skirmish at Duffield Station, Va. 25th Cavalry. Aug. 28th. Skirmish at Williamsport, Md. 1st Cavalry. Aug. 28th-29th. Action at Smithfield, W.Va. Leetown; Shepherdstown. 9th and 25th Cavalry; 1st Dragoons. Aug. 29th. Action at Summit Point, Va. Charlestown. 1st Batten 9th Artillery: 106th and 151st Infantry. Aug. 29th-30th. Skirmishes at Arthur's Swamp, Va. 10th Cavalry. Aug. 31st. Skirmish near Lee's Mills, Va. 3d Cavalry. Sept. 1st. Skinnisli at Port Republic, Va. (ith Cavalry. Sept. 1st. Skirmish at Winchester and Ashby Gap Turnpike. Va. 2','d Cavalry. Sept. 1st. Battle of Jonesboro. Ga. Atlanta campaign. 17th Vet. Infantry, Col. \V. T. C Grower (w), Maj. Joel O. Martin. Sept. 2d. Skirmish at Waynesboro, Va. 2d Cavalry. Sept. 2d. Skirmish at Berryville. Va. 5th Cavalry. Skirmish at Yellow Tavern, Va. Vaughn Road. 10th Cavalry. Skirmish at Darkesville, W. Va. 1st Cavalry. Col. Adams. Skirmish at Bunker Hill. W. Va. 1st and 25th Cavalry. Skirmish near Annandale, Va. 13th Cavalry. Skirmish at Jamestown Island, near Williamsburg, Va. 20th Cavalry. Skirmish at, Darkesville. W. Va. 1st Cavalry. Sept. Sd-4th. Engagement at Berryville. Va. Smithfield; Halltown; Duffield Sta- tion; mar Charleston. 2d, 5th, 6th, 8th. 9th. 22d and 25th Cavalry; 2d Battalion fcompanies E, F, Gand II). 5th Artillery; 75th, 114th. 151st. 159th and 165th In- fantry. Skirmish at Culpeper. Va. Fairfax Station. 13th Cavalry. Skirmish at Stephenson's Depot. Va. 1st Cavalry. Skirmish at Stony Creek, Va. 10th Cavalry. Skirmish at Port Republic, Va. 9th Cavalry. Skirmish west of Opequon Creek. Va. 5th. 8th and 22d Cavalry; 159th Skirmish at Stevenson's Depot, Va. 1st Cavalry. Skirmish at Berryville. Va. 176th Infantry. Skirmish at Winchester, Va. 2d and 9th Cavalry. 13th. Skirmishes ar Darkesville. W. Va. 1st Cavalry. Sept. 2d. vSept. 2d. Sept. 2d. Sept. 3d. Sept. 8d. Sept. 8d. 1695. Sept. 4th. 1696. Sept. 5th. 1697. Sept. 6th. 1698. Sept. 6th. 1699. Sept. 7th. Infantrv 1700. Sept. 7th. 1701. Sept. 8th. 1702. Sept. 9th. 1703. Sept. 12th 244 PART II. IX THE FIELD. 18G4. 3 pt. 18th, Skirmish at Centreville. Va. Fall's Church. LStfa and Kith Cavalry. it t8th. Anion a1 Opequon, Abraham's Creek, Berryville and Winchester Pike. V a. Gilbert's Ford; White Post; Winchester; Bunker Hill. 2d, 4th. 5th, 6th, 9th, 22d ami 25th Cavalry; 1st Dragoons; companies I-'., F. G and H, 5th Ar- tillery, Maj. Caspar Drban; 1st Battery; 43d, 49th, 62d, 77th and 121sl [nfantry. 1706. Sept. 15th. Skirmish at Prince George Court House. Va. 3d Cavalry. 1707. Sept. Kith. Ski rmish at Jerusalem Plank Road. Va. 3d Cavalry, 1708 Sept. 16th. Skirmish at Stony Greek Station, Va. 10th Cavalry. 1709. L710. 1711. 1713. Sept. 16th. Skirmish at Port Powhattan, Va. Cox's Mills. 1st .Mounted Rifles. Sept. 16th 17th. Skirmish at Snicker's Gap, Va. 8th Cavalry. Sept. 17th. Skirmish at Belcher's Mills, Va. :?d and 10th Cavalry. Sept. 17th. Skirmish at Culpeper, Va. Stevensburg; Rapidan Station; Fairfax Sta- tion. Detachments 13th and 16th Cavalry. Col. Lasselle. 1713. Sept. 17th. Skirmish at Snicker's Gap, \'a. 22d Cavalry. Skirmish at Burnt Factory, Opequon Creek, Va. 1st and 5th Cavalry. Skirmish on scout near Baton Rouge, La. 11th Cavalry. Skirmish at Martinsburg. W. Va. 1st Cavalry. Engagement at Rapidan Station. Va. Culpeper; Kelly's Ford. 16th 1714. Sept. 17th. 17i:.. Sept. 17th. L716. Sept. 18th. 1717. Sept. 19th. Cavalry. 171s Sept. l'.tth 1719. Sept. l'.tth. Skirmish at Deep Gully. X. C. Detachment kith Cavalry. Battle of Opequon, Va. Winchester; Belle Grove; Berryville Jorge. Briga I ipebarl .. 1 hit., si,... Hll I'aV 2, Kevin .'.Hi Cav.... I. Mcintosh J. Devin s'li Cav 2, Chapman ... e .in 2, Chapman .... .Ml. All .... . Custer. :\ Devlu.... i. Wells.... j. Keifflsr... Tompkins. 43d Inf .. i Bidwi it Cav., ;. Wilson Cav... l, Merrill Cav... ;. Wilson Cav... Cav, 1, Wilson Cav 0a\ .. .. Cai 1. Merritl Ca> i. Merritl Cav .. 1, Tli. .I.n. II.. W v., •.. Kiik. .. . Dwighl . Wheaton... i.ili Inf.... ■_•, Upton "Mil Inf ... I, Hilt;.. !■■ •"'Hi lni .... .-, McMillan.... I, Pwfght. 106th int ... i. Km. Rlcketl llllh Int I; I. Dwighl .. Ilfll CiinuiKin'li jninn lull M. . I. Schwartz Killed W.i.i. Mlss'gl \. P., M \. I'.. Ma). Abram I \ P .. I .. |., ■.,■ \ e . I.. .( i I. Wm \. I'., Lt.-Col. G \. I'.. Mi' ' .■• i M. .!■■ V. I'., Maj. ( ' - .1. Seymour \. r . i '"i. ah' ;ii'i- | i Maj. Caspar I rban, 2 I Battalion, i ompanies . MaJ.W. K. Beardslej I. Benjamin Dwighl . I . Upton I. Itu--ell .. i -Hi hi i i I ■•-! Int .. I I: |. Dwighl .. I Mi Millan I, Dwighl , K'.il, lni ;. I II Two Battalions. Maj. Charles Burgess 6 Capt. Andrew Com i I H ,... II. Johnson i « ■ i. ami llnwi.i,- I; \ ... Kit.-n Capt. Elijah D.Taft(c), Lieut. John V. Grain Ma|. (Murks \. Milliken I < Col. Daniel D. Bidwell (c), I.t .-< ..I. Era? lu- ll. II. ill i llattaliuiii I I.I. -('"I. Tlie,..|M|V I!. III. mil,. II C.l. .los K il II ('. Kl-k. ... I. M . II .Thurber. .. 17 l.l.-l'ol. \\ 1 2 Detai tun. in of non-veterans with 160th lni. I" Col. Samuel R. Per Lee « I, Maj. Oscar II. .. 19 Col. Qeoi Ml.. Capt. John I' P. Dow l.i.-i'oi. Augustus W. Dwighl m .lal" /. M. in. .u.i- - i i nai lea R. i' !!!!"" V." ! I.*."."""".*.".*.!.- I I \l I .. is Col. i:i I . Col. .1 i. Ob Shall..- le. u I ' • 1 Neal dipt. Ji a J. Hoyi I Moli.Mwiin I.t. -I mire John II Van I'. Me., i •■ Three coi tnli Total Total lot • ngaged 7-1 931 S28 .'.018 1720. Sept. 20th. Skirmish at Wolf Run Shoala, Va. 16th Cavalry. 1721. Sept. 21st. Engagemenl al Front Royal. Va. 2d, Bth, 8th and 22d Bkirmish at Btraiburg, Va Hark Road. 1st Cavalry, pt. 22d. Siege and capture of Fort Morgan Ala. pan) M. i lih I avalrv BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 245 I Mil. 1724. Sept. 33d. Skirmish at Culpeper, Va. 18th and 16th Cavalry. 1725. Sept. 33d. Action at Milford, Luray Valley, Va. Goon) Run. 2d, 5th, 8th, 23d and 25th Cavalry. 1736. Sept. 33d. Engagemenl at Fisher's HiU, Va. W Istock. 1st, 4th, 6th, 9th and 25th Cavalry and 1st Dragoons; 2d Battalion, 5th Ajtillery; I si and 5th Batteries; 13d, 49th, 62d, 65th, 75th, ?7th,90th, L06th, L14th, L16th, L21st, 133d, 138th, 181st, 151st, 153d, 156th, 159th, 160th, l?5th and 176th Infantry. 1727. Sept. 22d. Skirmish a1 Prince George Court House, Va. 8d Cavalry. 1738. Sept. 33d-34th. Skirmish.- at Mt. Jackson. Va. Harrisonburg; New Markel and Woodstock; Fronl Royal. 1th, 6th, 9th and 35th Cavalry; 1st Dragoons; 5th Bat- tery; 75th, 114th. 116th, 131st and I5l8t Infantry. 1739. Sept. 24th. Skirmish at Timberville, Va. 1st Cavalry. 1730. Sept. 24th. Skirmish at Mt. Crawford. Va. 5th Cavalry. 1781 Sept. 24th. Skirmish at Greenville Springs Road, mar Baton Rouge, La. 1 Ith ( 'avalry, Col. Bassford. 1782. Sept. 24th. Skirmish near Muddy Branch. Md. Company G, 84th Regiment National Guard. 1733. Sept. 25th. Skirmish at Luray, Va. 8th and 35th Cavalry. 17:14. Sept. 36th. Skirmish at New Market. Va. 1st Dragoons. 1735. Sept. 36th. Skirmish at Brown's Gap, Va. 1st Cavalry. 1786. Sept. 36th. Skirmish at Waynesboro, Va. Staunton. 2d, 5th, 8th and 23d Cavalry. 1787. Sept. 36th-37th. Skirmishes at Port Republic. Va. Cross Keys; Staunton. Ith, 6th, 9th and 25th Cavalry and 1st Dragoons. 1738. Sept. 27th-28th. Skirmishes at Railroad Bridge, south fork of Shenandoah, Va. Waynesboro; RockfishGap; ChesterGap; Mt. Meridien. 2d, 5th, 8th and 22dCav. 1739. Sept. 28th. Skirmish at New Market, Va. 9th Cavalry. 1740. Sept. 29th. Skirmish at Railroad Bridge, south fork of Shenandoah, Va. 5th Cav. 1741. Sept. 2!)th-()rt. 1st. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, north side of James River, Va. Forts Harrison and Gilmer; Varina, New Market and Darby Roads; Springhill; Laurel Hill; New Market Heights. Brigades. Dh islons. § -. i !ommanding i Mllcors. W'ti.l. UiBS'g « gATIOHB. 6 : B 6 - o -2 3 Z i. n = Kalllz Cav Lai Mo'nt'd Troops It and M. escort to Gen. Butler, Lieut. Arthur S. W hit.- , Cook Bat'y E.. 18 ( 'link 1 ' lilt W llll UN .1 III S Bat'y K.. Bat'y M.. 16th Art.... 7th Bafy... 17th But'v. Lsl Eng.... :M Int !8lCaDt. w llllam 11- Howell 3 2. Abbott II 18 18 IS li 10 Uo'a \. B,l . F.G, i\ and V Mal.F.W. Prince... J ' M l.i.'iit. Martin \ . M, Imimv Cook Cook LVDaggett"..'™." .*, Pennypackei -', Pennypackei 1, Btevens 8, Falrchlld :. Roberts .», Bnrnham .... i. Stevens 8, Poster Capt. K- It !..■!■ ('apt. (ifuw V. Anthmiv Detai nmeut, i'..l. K. W. . a i i ...„ ! ii 15 18 63 Mi 1 .V II 21 23 ::: ""'•i "25 Ll.-CI.C It. Ma. I>.. n. it. 1 i»i,l i Mel aid ! Foste 17 12 1 63 iMi, ii.r... Slat int' 89th Tnf.... 92d Int 96th Inf.... 98th Inf.... I.i C..1. Wllliaui It. Can l. Stannard :>. Heckmau ... i. Stannard i. Stannard l, Stannard L8 1- 18 1- Col.,1. 15. Iiaillston o i. I apt. iiii>.. ii [n-i, Capt. 1-. it. Porti r(w), M LI G. C. Smith. CI. II. S. KaitvhiM (, ., Mai. W . M. |..-« ,- ... 3 7 - CI. K. M. Cull.'ii in, Capt. II. C. liiukinaii. Mai. Win. H. Rogers (w), Capt. Fred. Lewis. Maj. II. II. Nash " HJth Inf ...'1, H.i -. Foster !! I.t.-Cl. E. A. l.mlwkknU.Capt. A. Iluiiliani LI -Col. \ J. Johnson ■ i: n i ■-■•■:• "i " i'i 3 3 3 :• 4 i. Daggetl 2, Burnham .... i, Btevens " i'i "ii, 157 h.:l IIMh lilt... 139tfa In! ... - 1, Stannard 2, Foster 2, Beckman _■. Heck man . ... 18 li 1- ! i. 1 \ • !,■■ ■ ■ i; -. . Col. 8 im 1 II. Roberts (c, Id Bri 67 1424 Inf.... 1 ' i \ ■ it M. ltarn.-v M •7 iimIi liit" ... i. Stewart, Jr. Col.G i.M. G lioi c),( i li. Gage 24 Total 7 .'7 Totai loss of Union forces engaged 356 14. 2153 246 PAKT II. IN THE FIELD. 1804. • 29th-Oct. 2d. Battle of Poplar Springs Church. Peeble's Farm, Pegram's Farm. Boydton Plank Road, Vaughan Road, Weldon Railroad, Southside Railroad, Chappel House, Hatcher's Ran, Davie' Station, Arthur's Swamp, Duncan Road, Sycamore Grove Charch. (1st and 3d Divisions, 5th Corps; 1st and 2d Divisions, 9th Corps, Sept. 29th-Oct. 1st; 9th Corps and 3d Division, 2d Corps, Oct. 2d.) l>i\ talons. L 1 - c mandlng Officers. Killed Wn',1 Mi-- g Oboahiu- BlcE z ^ L I 5 2 1 = < r ■■£ 9 12 II i : 3 h is w 42 57 1 - lOCfa Civ.... LMlli r.iv.... 2d Slonnt'd Kldea 2, Ilartrantt.... 2, liriilln Cai '. y 8 D v 2 " 2 2 i .1 3 15 60 t, ffXi Dismounted. U-l'ol U.C. Newl.erry. I'til.W.C. Dismounted, M^.l Win. II Mapesum, rain. 76 Bat'j D .. Ifli Art.... 19th'v. :;ith H.nV. . iV'wViicoi'.'.'.'."!! I.i.nt. 1...J. ItirlKU'l-c.iii w i, Lieut. I>. M . .(».).! i -i .1. ... 1 ■1 1- ....„ 4 \ 2 .- 7 \I I i 2 1 3 .' 1 21 16 li 1. Otis 1. DeTrobriaud '. Hwvii 2, Hartr.uitt .... 1 ( in t in :. Hofman 1. Ilarrini in i. DeTrobrland 1. Otla 1, Otla ■.. Bofrnan 1 l|.l . 1 111-. >. M. ill t U'..|H.IV Mill. MadNoii M. Caiiniii \ Battalion, Papt. Bradford R. Wood rapt. A.lnlpli lieeKer M.ii. John Q. Wright inn, Capt. C. W . H a ton 1 .. uott 1. '.villi. i j. Potter ■'. Moti !.""!!. ;. Crawford.... 4iiii Inf.... Slat Inf - 4 3fl 67 344 Col. W. K. Brewster "l ...„ "■•7 '.'•. 1 iTlf 95th l.if.... :. Crawford .... i. Willcos 3, 3 1 '":';.. 1 2 ■J 5 5 5 9 1 7 9 h fut .. . ,.| 1. ,- on- -,v M u Win. S. Ciantsyiie... MaJ. Ja». Grlndlay(c), Capt. Tin-. A W ilson.. 1 4 3 ...... 33 .'7 1 1" U6th lot ... 2, Avr.-K .'.. Crawford.... 3 29 II 62 .... 1 160 17 1748. 1744 1745. i ; 16. IT IT 1748. 1749. 1750. 1751. ! 752. 1758. 1754 1756 1758 1758. 1 759. 1780. 1761 80th. Skirmish at Waynesboro. V"a. i>rt. 1st. Skirmish at Mt. Crawford, Va. airy. Oct. 1st. Oct. 1st. Oct. 2d. Mt. < Srawford. Waynesboro. 2d and 8th Cavalry. 4th, 6th and 9th Cav- Skirmish at Morgan's Ferry. A-tchafalaya River, La ~lst Battery. Skirmish near Lewinsville, Va. 16th Cavalry. Skirmish at Woodstock. Va. Fisher's Hill. 2d Cavalry. Skirmish at Middletown. Va. Detachment 4th Cavalry. Oct. 2d 8d. Skirmish in Luray Valley, Va. 1st Cavalry. Oct.Sd ">th. Skirmishes al North River. Va. Mt. Jackson; Bridgewater. 2d, 5th and 22d Cavalry. i»'-t. 1th. Skirmish at St. Francisville, La, 2d Veteran Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Gurney. <> lapp ■ .-s 11. An.lfrsoii N « w il< i ••',,]. Edwin P. !>.. is (i Lt.-i !ol. Alexander Strain (w . Capt. Geo, 11. McLaughlin 1" Lt.-Col. Alfi-.-l Ni-afn- • i. Cap'- AHVfil Coolfv 19 Col. Edward L. Mollneaux (c). Ll ol. Win. Walt, rin ire P.iCapt. II.iiin I'. Cii.l. -rliill P.i Italtalioii. ('apt. t'liailrs M.-Carthv i" Mai. Charles Lew is ' ■ \ i: D tnd P; MaJ. W m. D. Ferguson... Total Total loss of Union fori es i ... 53 : lia 12... 31 ... - II 1 «... r88 Oct. 20th. Skirmish on Charles Oity Pike, Va. 3d Cavalry. 1789. Oct. 30th. Skirmish near Lexington, Mo. 178th Infantry. L790. Oct. 20th. Skirmisli at Woodstock. Fisher's Hill. Va. 4th, 6th and 9th Cavalry mid 1st Dragoons. 1791. <>>■!. 22d. Skirmish al Liberty Mills, Va. 1st Dragoons. Oct, 22d. Skirmish near Fall's Church, 7a. Detachmenl L8th Cavalry. L793 Ocl 22d. Skirmish near Conrad's Perry, Va. 25th Cavalry. 1794. Oct. 23d. Skirmisli near Independence. M.>. L78th Infantry. 1795. Ocl 24th. Skirmish on James Island, S. C. 54th Infantry. 5th. Skirmish at Bunker Hill, W. Va. 9th Artillery. 1797. Ocl 27th 28th. Battle of Boydton Plank Road, .-r Hatchers Run, Va. Boydton Road, Vaughn Road, Dabney's and Burgess Mills, White Oak and Quaker Roads, Burgess and Claiborn Bridge, Armstrong's Mills, 2d and 3d Divisions, 2d Corps, and ' avalry. Batcher's Run, < ilement's Houee and Squirrel Level Road, 5th < orps and 1st and '.'.I l>ivis,i,,n>. iitli Corps. ji Mount'd I 14th \n imlinu i IfBcei s. Newbero .. '. Gregg Cav.Capt. William A. Bnyder Cav Lt.-Col. W. 0. K U J i D Orimn I 9iDUn n ted, Capt. J antes M. Watson '• Isl I. I'm B I . i: i ■"'apt. Cbarl.-s K Mink J<„l. .lam.s M. Willrtl in ■ M R tndall I i Mi. I, ,■ , W;. !■ WlllllllMp \ dball 'ibaii ib Roemer Killed U-..M M _ * c §i B M a BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 1864. 249 Brigades. Divisions. 5 Commanding Officers. Killed W'n'd OlioAM/.A- TIONS. i i z --1 T3 - § 7 z - a | - 1st Batl n Sharps's. l. Bragg 1, Winthrop ... 1, DeTrobriand _, . ill. h.., n ,., 1. I'm t i u i. Ruga 3. McAllister... 1, Hofman , - i. DeTrobriand 2, i'i> rce ■.. Hofman DeTrobri I, Winthrop ... 1, Winthrop... .'., Hofman 2, w illetl 2, Willett 2, \\ Illetl 2, Qriffln j. Willett i, Blckel J. Qriffln -'. Gregory 2, Gregory ;, Crawford..., 2. lyres '., Mott 1. \\ lllcox 2, Potter 2, Egan 1, Motl 3, Mott 3, Crawford.... JL*Mott""!"!!!!! 1st Lieut. James K. McDonald :,iii Vet. [ill n»ii ii.i ... mil, inf ... 16th Inf .. BlSl Int Nth Ini 72A lnt .. 78d Inf.... 76th Inf ... 79tb [nf. ... Col Fred. Winthrop (c), Capt. A. S. Moutg srj Six companies, Lt.-Col. George K. Hopper Major Madison M. Cannon Capt. Idolph Becker ... Capt. Thomas B. Marsh I'n' i roipaiiv. with' thi' IJiitii' Infantry '"'.'"'.'.'.'.".'.'.'. Lt.-Col. Charles B. Livingston Provosl ird, Capt. llexandei D. Baird i i ..... i "i i "i i i : i ...... i- i i ■- 32 7 ":i 1 7 ..... 1- 1 8 ""ii B8d Inl ... :;, Moll .'., Crawford . ... -', Bean 1, Will, ox :. Mott ■., 2, lyres i 4 17 95th Inl ... lI'Mll llil 109th [nf.. Ijntl, [nf. . I'.ipi. \V" 1 1 1 i.i in II. Andrews '] Ultli Inl ... Lt.-tJol.Chas. II. Weyganl (in. M.iJ. Henry S. i tnth [nf... ..' ...„ i t "i ii 66 i S S ...... : « 251 962 i i 1 ""s 1 1." i 7 I ! M IITtli Inl ... ;t, Crawford.... .('■M.i. U . A. Mil- 11 lk:.( ipt. (. II. l>\^ 11. s ■jo 7 11 5 Kin, Im ... ITnlh Inf.. 179th Inf... I82d Inf ... 185th [nf... 186th Inf... 187th Inf... 2, Euan -. Bgan j. Potter .'. Bgan 1, Qriffln 1, Griffin '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ." i':i|.i KoImti II. ■■_•-. hi. i.j.l Infantry Col. .1. 1>. Melvo, Col. William M.tiri'KK Lt.-Col. John Coonan Col. K.lwin S. .iciinv Col. Hradlev Winslow ' '" M 1758 Total Total loss of Union fortes engaged 3 n L798. Oct. 27th-29th. Engagement at Fair Oaks 2d and Darbytown Road, Va. North of James River. Fair Oaks, 18th Corps; Darbytown Road, LOth Cup-. New Market and Charles City Cross Roads, Williamsburg and New Bridge Roads. 3.1 Cav I, 1st Mo'nt'd Bides 3, Iftth \n . 2, null Bat'y .'Iliil I, (Till Int.... J. '1st Inf I. B9th Int...... '.'J.I Inf J. '"'.Ill Inf .... J. 98th Inf.... I. lnntli Inf...:;. 115th lnt ... 3, 117th hit ... 1. 1 18th In! . L39th Inl . Lewis West . Commanding Officers. Col. Geo. W. Lewis(c), Lt.-Col. Ferris Jacobs, Ji Evans West Col. K. V. Sumner Abbott 1, Ames |n Seven companies. Mil. l-'i.-l.-i irk \\ . Prince lsCai.l. K. II. Lee Curtis 2, Fostei 10 Capt. .Lin M. Wick-, 'wi. i:,|,i. .Lmies II Reevi Pennypackeri2, Foster m l.t.-c.i. C. R. Mac! aid Raulston ,.. . I, Marston ... . i> hi. -Col. .1. 11. limilsioii <-i, dpi. k. A. Col. 11. S. Kaiivliil.l ,c .. Lt.-Col. W. M I , a Cullen I, Marston I8| Detachment, Capt. H. C. Fay Cllllen . I. Marston I8IC0I. B. M. ( Ma|. ll.n i- Maj. Willi.. •Col. Stephen Moffltl (w . I. Pierce , Curtis Bell Curtis ... . Cullen , Raulston. Foster 2, Heckman a (c, Id Brig. '. Lt.-Col. Thomas '(cj!"Lt."CoT.'AVM!' Barney '.".".'. rlie.l from Lsl Brigade, Capt. B. it. II. II. Hopkins, I.i. -Col, I. H Total 3 ol Union fori ■■■ ■ Killed W'n'd Mlss'g 677 1603 1799. Oct. 88th. Skirmish at Berryville. Vn. 1st Dragoons. 1800. Nov. 1st. Skirmish near White Post, Va. 1st Dragoons. 1801. Nov. 1st. Skirmish at Green Springs. W. 7a. 15th Cavalry. 1802. Nov. 1st. Skirmish at Cedar Creek. Va. IGlitli Infantry. 1803. Nov. 1st. Skirmish at Charles City Court House. Va. 3d Cavalry. 1804. Nov. 2d. Skirmish near Prince George Court House. Va. 10th Cavalry, 32 £50 PABT II. IN THE FIELD. 1805. Nov. 6th. 1806. Nov 6th. 1807. Nov 7th. 1808. Nov 7th. L809. Nov 11th 1810. 1811. 1812. 1818. 1*14. 1SG4. Skirmish at Halifax Road. 7a. 101st Infantry. Skirmish at Glasgow. Mo. 178th Infantry. Skirmish at Cedar Creek, 7a. 2d Cavalry. Skirmish at Stony Creek. 7a. 10th Cavalry. 12th. Engagemenl at Cedar Creek and Ninevah. 7a. Near Old Road; Newtown; Middletown; near Berryville; Middle and Back Roads; Point. 1st Cavalry, Col. Adams; 2d Cavalry, Col. Ball (k); 4th Cavalry, Schwartz; 5th Cavalry, Maj. Krom; 6th, 8th, 9th, 21st, 22d and 25th Cavalry Dragoons; 1st Veteran Cavalry; 65th, 90th, lllth. 116th and 121s1 Infantry. Nov. 14th. Skirmish at Day's Point, 7a. Detachment 18th Artillery. NDv. 15th. Skirmish at Darbytown Road. Va. :5d Cavalry. Nov. 15th. Skirmish near Winchester, 7a. 9th Cavalry. Nov. 15th. Skirmishes at Clinton and Liberty Creek, La. Cavalry: 18th Battery. Nov. I5th-Dec. 01st. Gen. Sherman's Savannah Campaigr and wounded principally before Savannah. 14tb Forge Stony Maj. 1st 1 Veteran killed Divisions. — i oramandlng Officers. Killed u ,,, Mlss'g U 0RGANH&- noire. - 5 z e z 7 = '- ' '"a 11 • : "i - B ..... 52 " i 4 " 1 i: ■ 1 Bal M ITIIiV.t.lnt 60th lm .... Hfftn Int... 119th lm .. 20 II ■Ji ■Jl JI Jl 21 'ji a ji ji Reynolds 1. Smith '. Barnum :. Barnum j, i iarman J. Slur-. in '-'. Geary l\ Geary i, Jackson ". Qearj 1. Jackson -'. Geary I.i.ut. K.lwar.1 1>. N.'wkirk Lt. -Col. .i.mI 0. Martin "i i "\ 1,1. -Col. llarv.-v S. CliattioM Lt.-Col. Allen N. Sill Col, John T. Lockman M i:;uli lm .i i /Hi lm .. '. Boss i ffth lnt .. ':. Barnum I.t.-Col. Allen 11. Jackson t i 7 1 S • SI in i '.. Jackson I. Jackson l c. hi I'll . 149th lnt ... 150th Inf.. ■.. Bohinson ... Col. lli'iirv A. Itarnnnnci, Ma I. V ( .iiiinl.aili .. Mai. Aitn-,1 it. Smith, r Station, Charleston R. R, Ga. March to the Sea: Savannah campaign. Battery 1, l-t Artillery; 107th, L2Sd, l.!4tli. 111st. 14:1.1 and 150th Infantry. 1868. Dec. 9th. Skirmish at Three Creeks, near Bellefield, Va. Bicksford raid. 10th and 24tb * lavalry. 1864. Dec. 10th. Skirmish at Jarratt's Station. Va. Meturin River; Eicksford Raid. 10th Cavalry. 1865. Dec. 10th. Skirmish at Nottoway Station, Va. 3d Mounted Rifles. 1866 Dec. 10th. Skirmish at McLeods Mills. Va. Detachment 3d Veteran Cavalry. Lt.- Col. Gurney. 1867. Dec. 10th. Skirmish at Foster's Mills, N. C. Three companies 12th Cavalry; Battery A. 3d Artillery; 132d Infantry. 1868. Dec. lOth-llth. A tTair at Sussex Court House. Va. Halifax Station; Halifax Road; Bicksford Raid. LOth and '24th Cavalry. ist'.n |),-r. lOth-'JOtli. Investment and capture of Savannah. Ga. Savannah campaign. Batteries land M. 1st Artillery; 17th Vet., 60th, 102d, 107th, 119th, 128d, L34th, 136th, 137th, lllsi, 143d, ll'.ith, 150th and 154th Infantry. L870. I''' - . Klih. Capture <>f Rebel Steamer Ida. before Savannah, Ga. Savannah cam- paign. Detachment 150th Infantry. Capt. Gildersleeve. 1871. Dec. 11th. Skirmish at Harrisonburg, Va. 2d Cavalry. 1872 Dec 11th- 12th. Action at Butler's Bridge, N. C. Fort Branch; Spring Green Church; Southwest Creek, near Kinston. Three companies 12th Cavalry; Battery A, 3d Artillery; 132d Infantry, Lt.-Col Hitchcock. 1873. Dec. 12th. Skirmish at South Quay. Va. 3d Cavalry. l s 74. Dec. 12th. Capture of Rebel gunboat Resolute, opposite Argyle Island, Ga. Savan- nah campaign. Batteries I and M. 1st Artillery. L875. Dec. L5th. Skirmish at Little Escambia River, Ala. Company M, 14th Cavalry. < !apt. Schmidl is;.; Dec. 15th LOth. Battle of Nashville, Tenn. 45th and 178th Infantry. 1877. Dec. 16th. Skirmish at Pollard. Ala. Company M. 14th Cavalry. 1878. Dec. 17th. Skirmish al Pine Barren Creek, Fla. Company M, 1 4th Cavalry. 1879. Dec. 19th. Action at Deveaux Neck, Charleston and Savannah R. R., Ga, Batteries Hand F, :',u>.-. Gordonsville raid. Lst, 4th, 6th, 9th, 21s1 and 25th Cavalry, and Isl Dragoons. 1886. Dec. 22d. Skirmish at Jaok's Shop, Va. Robertson River; bridge at Cavesford; Gordonsville raid. 1st. Lth, 6th, 9th, 21st and 25th Cavalry, and Isl Dragoons. L893 Dec. 22d. Skirmish at Franklin's Greek, near Mobile, Ala. 14th Cavalry, Col. Bassford, L888 Dec 22d. Bkirmlsh at Davis Oreek, Pascagoula, Ala 14th Cavalry. 1889 Dec. 24th. Skirmish on scout near Lee's Mills, Va. 34th Cavalry. 1890. Dec.25th. Affair at Fort Fisher, N.C. Detachment 18 Artillery; Detatchment 16th Artillery; 3d, 47th, 18th, U2th, 115th, 117th, I42d and 169th Infantry. 1891. Dec. 26th. Bkirmiah at Warrenton, Va. Jefferson, lth, 9th and 21st Cavalry. 1892 Dec. 27th. Skirmish near Aahby's Gap, Va. i>t and 21st Cavalry. 1898. Dec. 27th. Skirmish at Five Mile Creek, mar Cast Pascagoula, Ala. 1 4th Cavalry. I*'.H. Dec. 29th. Skirmish at Jamestown. V < '. 12th Cavalvy, L895 Dec 89th. Skirmish at Deveaux Neok, Charleston and Savannah R. R., Ga Coo i oatchie. 56th and L 27 tit Infantry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 253 1897. 1864. Dec. 30th. Skirmish at Greenwich. \. C. 12th Cavalry. Dec. 31st. Skirmish near Harrisonburg, Va. 15th Cavalry. 18G5. 1898. Jan. 1st. Skirmish near Lewinsville, Va. Detachment 13th Cavalry. 1899. Jan. 3d. Skirmish at Griffin's Mills, near Bast Pascagoula, Ala. 1 1th Cavalry. 1900. Jan. 10th. Skirmish at Woodstock. Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry. 1901. Jan. Kith. Skirmish at Butler's Bridge, N. C. Battery A, 3d Artillery. 1902. Jan. 13th. Skirmish on Darbytown Road. Va. Company A, 30th Cavalry. 1903. Jan. 15th. Skirmish near St. Augustine. Fla. lilt 1 1 Infantry. 1904. Jan. 15th. Assault and capture of Fort Fisher. X. C. 1 Divisions. § - Commanding Officers. Killed W'n'i! OBOANUA- H tl .„i..s. e 1 - - £ Z 7 f c E i if " Jl Jl Companies A, B, (', F, G, K, Major K. W.Prlnce. :i 3 lini.-Mt, 1st Li. -lit. K. S. O'Kecfc ('apt. .1. .« ■. I.ient. K A. liehan Cupt. J. M. Mi D ii ad Cnl. Win. IS. Coan wi. l.t. Col. N. A. Kllwlng. ... Col. John F. sm. ii, . » ■. i,t. -c,,i. i: \. i.mlwi.k. Lt.-Col. N. Johnson ir, u i, Mai. K. Walrath i i : 2 111 1 15 :. 6 i- "i i 3 2 2 li 5 :•, "Vo 11 33 61 62 65 J! 291 ::: 3d In! i, Curtis ^, Anns 171 h lnf .... -. Penny packer J. Ann-, IMh lnf .... '.'. l'ennypaiker'j, Ann- 112th [nf ... 1, Curtis 2, Ann- 24 ji Jl ji ji Jl 2 19 «.» 17 1 4. r . I 92 II.M Int .... 1, Curtis ir.'.Hii Int ...;. Bell .,' \ ln ,. s C.I. \. M. r,, Hi- ., , \vi. l.t. -Col. A. W. llarnt-y. Col. A. am. ii (c), Lt.-Col. .1. A. Colvln Total 3 79 -. Ames 14 386 l!)!)."). Jan. 16th. Skirmish tit Washington. X. C Detachment Battery C, 3d Artillery. 1906. Jan. 17th. Skirmish at Lovettsville, Va. 6th Cavalry 1907. Jan. 19th. Skirmish near Paris, Va. 21st Cavalry. 190«. Jan. 19th. Skirmish at Columbia Furnace, Va. 25th Cavalry. 1909. Jan. 82d. Skirmish at Edinburg, Va. Detachment 5th Cavalry. 1910. Jan. 28th-April 26th. Gen. Sherman's Campaign of the Carolinas. The Provis- ional Corps became part of the 23d Corps April 2d; the 10th Corps was re-formed of the portions of the 21th and 19th Corps in North Carolina, April 2d. i Commanding Officers. Killed WnM. Dliss'g Org mi- SATIONS. Brigades. 1 Divisions. * : E : a 2 1 L - 4 E B f i - .... u 1 Army of the Ohio, Col. James \v. Savage... i oinpany 1. ('apt. John .1 . Carroll, escort Two companies with 12th Cavalry capt. C. B.Winegar(c), Lieut. W. L. Scott. Ml 10 ISl An.: Bat" i BafyM.. 3d Art.: Bat'y A. Bat'y C... Bat'y l>... Bat'y i; . Bat'y I ... Re nolds a •ji Prov. t Carter Artillery Artillery 1 ...... Reserve Reserve Army of the Ohio. I.ient. K. llarton Woo.l... Army of Ihe Ohio. ('apt. S. Van 1 ltus.ii 1 1 • Artnv of the Ohio. I.ient. \\ tn. Rli - imnel P. Russell Capt. Richard II. 1 10 i'.iv.. 3, Kllpatrick ... \rniv ol the Ohio, three . ..inpani.'-, Mai. Henry V. Slossnn 8d lnf . 17thV.-t.ltif 47th liit .... i. Daggett i. Vandever .... j, Coan 2, Morgan 11 l.t .-« '..-. .1 , - 1., ; . M , \ - Marshall i 9 2 ;;: ..'. ii 67 10 Prov. Capt. \ B. SI ipi Lt.-Col. L. S. Wilson 5 a 89th liit' i. Mallory ' 1 1 ■ . . ., . ■ i , . 1 l,il".| " " 1, Barnnni -'. Hawley i, Daggetj >, Granger 1. Daggett ' Geary J" i.t . .... ii. s ii, ,rn. ii Ma|.6.'j.'Spiiuidiiig ....' 1 2 i i li i« 107th Int ... 112th inf.. 1, Jackson 47 10 in L'n > Imes Col. Rnfns Daggett (c), Capt. B. Downer... .. „ 11 119th lnf... 4 4 1.1 128th Int ... i! Day 1. lliri;.' in Capt, Henry II. Slncerbos ;... 254 PART II. IN THE FIELD. is.;;.. 137th Inf. 141st Int. . 142d Int . I I ; ll'Uli hit . I.'illh Inf. Int. |69tb Int . IT'.it. hit 176th Inf. 3, Itanium ... I. Belfridge.. i. Daggi ti Robinson t, Barnum... j. Eawley ... j. Min. lit :. Daj . i' . D i Divisions. Q. 3 :. H< :1a .hi ... 23 20 2U 20 20 HI 20 20 20 20 in in IN In S, Ward 1. .Iack>..n i. Jackson 2, Geary :. .hi. kson i. Blrge Killed Wi.M. Hiss's Commanding Officers. ;c,.i. Peter J. Claassen Cc), l.t.c.i. <;. II. lilt. In.,, k 1 1'. ip t. iv KM.Ma-i.r. I,i. -Col. A. II. Jackson Ma). II. L Urnolil Capt. G. H. Kldrldge, Col, James Wood, Jr M • ■ \i i; Bldrldge.Lt.-Col.K.B.Vanv his m m- rrell, Lt.-Col. A. -i Mi Si U l,i .-(., I Win. A. .inn.--. Col. A M Barm l,t ,-Ci.i. II. Watkins (w).Capt. K II Pinney, Col., .■ BOUffhtOn i Col Henry A. Barnum (c), Capt. Henry N Knilian-.. l.l.-CI. Nicbolas I i.i Col. Alfred It. Smith iCol. P. II. Jonea (< I, Lt.-Col. I,. D.Warner i Capt. Alfred Cooley Lt.-Col. .lames \. Colvln i ,|i. Charles McCarthy, Bve companies.... MaJ. Charles Lewis Total Total loss of Union forces engaged 32 4H If,l 2227 ,'•■_• 163 y ly:. 401 at Robertsville. S. ('. Campaign of the Carolinas. 134th and 1911. Jan. 29th. Skirmis 1 |::.l 1 1 1 fa 1 1 1 r \ . 1912 Jan. 29th. Skirmish at Columbia Furnace. Va. 25th Cavalry. 1918. Feb. 2d Skirmish at Plymouth. N. ('. L2th Cavalry. L91 1. Feb. 2d. Skirmish at Colerain, X. C. 12th Cavalry. 1915. Feb. 2d. Skirmish at Lawtonville. S. ('. Campaign of the Carolinas. \VM Inf. L916. Feb. 3d. Skirmish at Broad Run, Va. Detachmenl 1 8th Cavalry. 1917. Feb. 5th. Skirmish at White Oak Swamp, Va. 1st Mounted Rifles. 1918, Feb. 5th-8th. Engagement at Hatcher's Run, Va. Vaughn Road, Armstrong's Mills, Tucker House, Batcher's Run, Rowanty Creek, Feb. 5th 6th; Gravelly Run, Boyd- ton Plank Road, Feb. 6th 7th; Dabney's Mills, Feb. 6th, 7th and 8th. Brigades. hull Cav .. .hi. Cai :i Moun'i Sth Ait IMh Art... I null hit, hit ,.. V.ll, Int. 66th Inf . •Mtli Inf... Wlh Inf . 'Til. hit . imin Int In-ili Int I20th Inf I2UI hit 124th hit 140th Inf. UTIli Inl I ' ItMttl hit 170th hit . ISMh Inl . i-Ttli Inf . I--II, Inf . Fltzhugh... Kitzhugh... _', Murphy l. u inthrop.... 2, cre.-u' Cav Cav ■•. Knowles -'. Gr< sg Ca> \ Inthrop 2, I, Del robrland S, • ...I .... 2, I I. brland 3, v\. • ( t, i. Baxti ■ Smyth .... Motl Bmyth \\ beaton \i M Crawl. .1.1 Craw ford, Craw lord. 1. Wlnlhroi j. Mm phy. .■. Murphy. 2, Murphy. .■. Murphy. 2, Burr 2, Itin i .... . Bmyth ... .Mm, . \\ In .11 < .1. \| tl \ ri \ • . Bmyth.... . Bmyth .S.I, VII,. . . Smith ... . Bmyth ... . i. -mil, .. . Orlffln . . i. mil., .. . QrlOln .. r.niiiiiaii.linn Officers Killed W'n'd Miss's 8£§ - 5 H - M 5 H 3 Capt. s. D. Stevenson Capt. James it. Hazelton.. Capt. George Breck. C.l. llak.-r I.I. <',.!. I Wn.l'i. I 1 1. i a . hmi -i C.,l. H\ \\ inn, ... . . I ,,|, . Capt. Chas. B. Montgom- ' Schli kbardt.. I r non Col. J. A.J Col Win \ ,. Lt.-Col. M el 2 Lt.-Col Mil h.n i \\ . Burns , 2 Lt.-Col. Nathan II. Vincent 2Capf. George ltii-im«-n ■ Ma|..r Ih in-. M. I ,-h :.c.. i J Creney (w l. Capt. <;.-... D. Knight SiCol. John I' Spofford I • II > .in. provost guard 2 c.l Chas -i Powers 2 Lt.-Col. A brain L. Lock wood ( ni. Charle-. II. Weyganl - ■ Indlay 2 < npl i has II Dygert . Lt.-Col. John Byrne -'<',, I, \\ ,,, |i, i..,, , 2jCol. .1 I- Ml M 'M I Lt.-Col. John C tan i ! . G Sniper i n.n i I ■ i DiHilittle . a Battall n i i i ol. J. 0. Towi i ol i ni.. i, forces engaged II I ■'■ lim 2 186 1639 . 2 s 28 < BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 256 1865. 1919. 1920. 1921. 1922. 1928. 1924. 1935. 1926. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1988. 1934. 19:55. 1986. L987. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1 94 1 . 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. 1948. 1949. Feb. 6th. Feb. 7th. Feb. 7th. Feb. 8th. Batter? i.-ry Hiih Skirmish on scout to Leesburg, Va. Detachment 18th Cavalry. Skirmish at Leesburg, Va. 1st Dragoons. Skirmish at Coles Island, S. C. One section Battery B, :?d Artillery. Skirmish at Ashapoo, S. C. Deveaux Neck, Combaliee. One section B, 3d Artillery. Feb. 10th. Skirmish 00 James Island, S. C. 54th and 144th Infantry. Feb. 10th. Skirmish at Salkahatchie. S. <'., near PocotaligO. L27th Infantry. Feb. Uth-12th. Action at Cape Fear Intrenchments, N. G. Federal Point; Flag Pond Battery; Sugar Loaf Battery. Detachment Kith Artillery; 16th Battery; 3

0th, I02d ami 154th Infantry. Feb. 15th. Skirmish at Smithfield, N. C. 47th and 48th Infantry. Feb. 15th. Skirmish at Lexington Court House, S. ('. Campaign of the Carolinaa 134th and 137th Infantry. Feb. I8th-19th. Skirmish at Greenville, X. < '. 12th <'avalry. Feb. 18th 30th. Action at Fort Anderson. X. ('. Detachment 16th Anil Battery; 3d, 47th, 4sth, 112th, 115th, 117th, I42d ami 189th Infantry Feb. 19th-20th. Skirmish in Loudon County, Va. 21st Cavalry. Feb. 22d. Action near Wilmington. X. c. Smith Creek; Northeast Ferry. Detach- ment 16th Artillerv; 16th Batterv; 3d, 17th, 48th Lt.-Col. Elfwing (w), 112th 115th, 117th, 142d and 169th Infantry. Feb. 24th. Skirmish at Monk's Corners, S. C. 144th Infantry. Feb. 27th. Skirmish at Santee River. S. ('. 54th Infantry. Feb. 2Hth. Skirmish at Mt. Crawford, Va. 1st Cavalry, Lt.-Col. Battersby. March 1st- 10th. Skirmishes on raid to Clinton and Jackson, La. Company M, 1 1th ('av. March 2d. Attack and capture of Waynesboro, Va. 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th and 15th Cavalry and 1st Dragoons. March 3d. Skirmish at Chesterfield, S. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. 123d and 141st Infantry. March 3d. Skirmish at Charlottesville, Va. 9th Cavalry and 1st Dragoons. March 4th. Skirmish at Holly Springs, Va. Mt. Jackson; Rood's Hill. 22d and 25th Cav. March 5th. Skirmish at Wadesboro, X. C. Campaign of the Carolinaa. 102d Infantry. March 5th. Skirmishes at Lacy Springs and Mt. Sidney, Va. Harrisonburg. 5th and 25th Cavalry. March 5th. Skirmish at Warrenton, Va. 16th Cavalry. March 6th. Skirmish at New Market, 7a. 5th and 22d Cavalry. March 6th. Action at Southwest Creek, X. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. Battery C, 3d Artillery. March 7th. Skirmish at Rood's Hill. Va. Mt. Jackson. 5th, 22d ami 25th Cavalry. March 7th. Skirmish at Fairfax Court House, Va. Kith Cavalry. March Tth-ioth. Engagement at Wise's Fork, X. C. Wilcox's Bridge; Jack's Bridge; Southwest Creek, near Kin-ton. Campaign of the Carolinas. " K t,' A C' / '' Brigades. Divisions. _. I - Commanding omcers. K 1 11. -.1 ■2 j 5 •n'd "i - H 4 £ z i — -i • 3 12th Cav Umv of the Ohio 23d Cav Col. Jamea W. Savage Two companies, with 12tb Cavalry 90 M An.: Bat'yA...2d Division Diet, of Beaufort. = It.ifv ('... M Division. ... Hist, of It.aiifori -" li.ifyl). 1st Division... Hist. of Heatilort.- Uat ><;.. iM Division Ilist.oi I: i ion \v i ...!!!!..!""!.......! tapt Stephen Van llrusrn r*apt. win. a K- ■ .„., l 1 5 i 15th Rng... ■S5tli Iul ... 99th Inf... 7 Three companies, UaJ. Henry V. Blot I. Mallorv :>, Cart.-r IXM Int ... 2, Claassen . i. Palmer 1 " Col.P.JJ Q. ii, Hitchcock Total. • -: 1 -, 17 29 294 i 24 1!'.' PART II. IX THE FIELD. 1950. 1951. 1953. 1954. 1955. 1957. 1958. 1959. i960. 1961. 1962. 1963 1964. 1966. 1967. 1968. L865. March 8th. Skirmish sit Rockingham, X. ( '. Campaign of the Carolinas. Veteran and 107th Infantry. March 8th. Skirmish at Vienna, Ya. 16th Cavalry. Skirmish near Augusta Court House, Ya. 1st Cavalry. Skirmish at Fayetteville. X. C. 17th Veteran Infantry. 17th March 11th. March 11th. Man-h llth. at Core Creek, Trent Road, N. C. mar South Quay, Va. South Detachment 12th Cavalry. Keys, 3d Cavalry; 1st 6th and 9th Cavalry, and Skirmish Skirmish Mounted Rifles. March llth. Skirmish at Goochland Court House, V Isl Dragoons, Manh 1:2th. Skirmish at Northern Neck, Ya. Westmoreland county. 1st Mounted Rifles. March 12th. March 12th. March 12th. March 12th. goons. March 12th. Skirmish at Haydenville, Ya. 1st Cavalry. Skirmish at Memphis, Tenn. llth Cavalry. Skirmish at Lewinsville. Va. 18th Cavalry. Skirmish at Charlottesville, Va. 3d, 6th and 15th Cavalry; 1st Dra- McCullum's I'niiit. 14th if the » larolinas. Detachment Skirmish at Morganza Bend, La., below t lavalry, ( !ol. Bassford . March llth. Skirmish near Kinston, X.C. Campaign 12th Cavalry. March Nth. Skirmish on reconnoissance to Silver Greek on Fayette and Raleigh Road, N. C, near Fayetteville. Campaign of the Carolinas. 136th Infantry. March 15th. March 15th. i lavalry. March loth. < larolinas. March 16th. Skirmish at Suffolk, Ya. Skirmish at Ashland, Y 1 >etachmen1 3d * lavalry. Beaver Dam Station. 1st, 2d, 8th and 15th Skirmish at Kyle's Landing, near Fayetteville. N. C. Campaign of the liiTth and 150th Infantry. Battle at Averasboro, N. C. Smith's Farm; Black Creek; Campaign of the Carolinas. ORGANI- ZATIONS. Ill An. i. Vandever .... i. Barnum 3, Harmon 2, Hawley • 2, Mln.lil .. Cogswell '.. H.iniiini - 2, Morgan |07lh Inf. i.ciii Inf... i. Jackson j. Oeary i. Jackson 2, Qearj i. Jai k -. mi G i, Jai kson Commanding Officers. Jiil'n|it. (MiarlPs K. Win. ^ar 20 Lieut, Edward Newkirk i.i. Col. James i ike i » . MaJ, Alex. 8. Marshall MlCapl M'lM-i l(. Sln|iiii.iii 20 I.i -Col ll.m.v s. Chatllelcl 20 Col. Nirom M. Crane 20 Col, John T. Lockman 20 Col James C. Rogers ■■ r ii'. !•:. M. Ma-it.T n mm i \ M ■ i M i I! Klilri.lm- •in a|.|. \\ illiain M.-n.ll 20 I.i Col. II. Waikin- i» i i; i I II 1'i.m.v in ..i. II a Barnum (i . Capt. II. V Bnrhans ... 2nLt.-Col. Alfred H. Smith I' II .i >s Killed W'n .i IttlBs'g .\v e 7 = J 9 - 90 Total loss of Union forces engaged 12 81i34 197 18 i "a 1970 1971. 1972. 1974 1975. March Nth. Skirmish, Ya. 1st Mounted Rifles. March 18th. Skirmish at Staunton. Va. 25th Cavalry. March 18th. Skirmish at Seven Pines, Va. Near Ne* Kenl Court House. Detach- meiit 1st Mounted Rifles. Manh 18th. Skirmish at Whits House, Va 9th Cavalry, March I'.'th. Skirmish al Best's Station. \. c. Campaign of the Carolinas. De- tachmenl 12th < lavalry. March 19th. Skirmi-h at Bottom's Bridge, Va. White House. 1st Mounted Rifles. March 19th 20th Battle of Bentonville. N. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. (See table Following, i BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 18G5. 257 Brigades. hi\ islons. ' :< a ii M n Killed Wn'd Oboahi- z UK. .vs. Commanding Officers. i E : ■\ . si - ..... '"":■ I s c L - a S - I i "i a 1 < Battery I, Reynolds 1 . \ .i n. 1.- \ it .... :. Barnum i. Barnum J. Mindil ...'.'.".'.', :'. Robinson"."." "":■ i Batten M. Lai \n i:th\ -i-iu «0ib I mi .... I02d Inf .... UPTtli Inf.. 119th Inf... 123d inf.. . I34tb 1m ... 137th ln'i '.'.'. MM Int. .. mm Ini .... .*. Morgan 1, Gears i. .i.i' kson 2, l.'-ury i. Jackson . 2, Geary. I, Ward :, < ;-:irv . Jackson. . . . . Jackson I.Geary i. Jackson j. Geary Lieut Edward I'. Newkirk M.ti. Alexander 8. Marshall i i.ii'-i I!. slnpinan l.t.-Col. Harvey S. Uhatfleld x rom M. Crane I Ji in T. Locknian Col. James C. Rogers. ('apt. I'.nv I]. M. Ma-tcr Mai. Henry I.. Arnol 1 Mil., it. Ki.lri.l.-.' Capt. w in. Merrell • 'apt . I-Mwnn! 1 1 . Pinnev l 14 . ....„ 1 1'.itli Ini ... '.. Barnum fill. Il.nrv A. Barnum in. 1 ,,i || \. p.ini,.,,,. Lt.-Col. Alfred It. Smith ISOth Ini... 1, llaul.v -\ Mindll 1 40 1047 I 6 1604 IMth Inf... Col. Patrick II. Jones Total i i-i i To - 21st Cavalry. Laurel Hill. Campaign of the Carolinas. 1976. March 20th. Skirmish near Bear Creek, X. C. Mosely Ball. Campaign of the Carolinas. 12th and 23d Cavalry. L977. March 21st. Skirmish at College Hill, Fla. 2d Veteran Cavalry, Col. Chrysler. L978 March 21st-22d. Skirmish near Ooldsboro, N. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. L2th t nvalry. March 22d. Skirmish at White Post. V -March 28d. Skirmish at Snow Hill, X. ( 12th Cavalry. March 28d. Skirmish at Pine Barren Creek. Fla. 2d Veteran Cavalry. March 23d-24th. Skirmish at Cox's Bridge, N. C. Carolinas. Cth and 112th Infantry. March 23d-24th. Skirmish near Goldsboro, X. C. Vet. and 102d Infantry. 1984. March 25th. Skirmishes at Cotton, Canoe and Pringle Creeks. Fla. Operations against Mobile, Ala. 2d Vet. Cavalry, Col. Chrysler. 1985. March 25th. Skirmish at Bluff Springs, Fla. Operations against Mobile, Ala Vet. Cavalry. 1986 March 25th. Engagement at Fort Stedman, Va. 1979. 1980. 1988. Operations Neuse l.'i\ i Mobile, Ala. npaign of the ipaignofth Unas. lTili 2d Divisions. - Commanding Offlcers. Killed Wn'd OSOANIZA TIONS. Brigades. 7 - = i a 1 ; ■ £ - = id i - 1st Art.: Bat'y G... Ti.ll.all • ii Capt. Samuel \. McClellan Bat'y G... 11 h Art... I'M tl'v 27th Bat'y. :tttb Bat'y. Tl.ll.all 3, McLaughlin. Tldball iVwillcox.'.".";; Capt. John R. Cooper ^ > .. ■ h i; - in ;.;." Capt. Edward w i. 1 1- i 2 "l i 43 so 112 2 :i .-i 274 IS ...... 5 Tidball Tldball Capt. John B. I0at.ui ib Roe r Mtb Inf. ...2, Ely 1, Wlllctix I.t.-C.l. A.l.ilpli Becki'i '■ut inf 7<>th Inf.... 109th I nt . 179th Inf... 1, Curtis 2, Potter i,"wi'iicox.'!.'!!!! A i, Harriman. .. N l .■ \h r |. p. ; i I' (iuar.l < - <.l\ K. I'i.-r ......; :::: ISMb Inf... 2, Griffin 2, Potter Col. Brodle) Wlnsl.iw '.'. '.'.'.".'.'".". Total 1043 • i 19*7. March 35th. Engagements before Petersburg Works, Va, Co-operating movements in support of recapture of Port Stedman. Near Hatcher's Run ami Squirrel Level, by 2<1 Corps; opposite Fort Fisher, by 6th Corps. Batteries C, E and L 1st Art ■ 33 258 TART II. IN THE FIELD. 18G5. 2d, 4th, 8th and 9th Art.; 1st, 3d and Llth Batteries; 7th Veteran, 89th, 40th, 48d, 49th, 52d, 59th, 61st, 62d, 88d, 64th, 65th, 66th, 69th, 78d, 77th, 86th, 88th, 98d, liiiiih. L08th, tilth, 100th, 121st, I22d Col. Augustus W. Dwight (k), 124th, 125th, 126th, L5l8t,152d, L55th, L64th Col. William DeLacy(w), 170th, 182d and 185th Inf. 1988. March 25th-27th. Skirmish mar Goldsboro. X. < '. Campaign of the Carolinas. Detachmenl 12th ( lavalry. 1989 March 26th. Skirmish at Pollard, Ala. Operations against Mobile, Ala. 2d Veteran ( aval rv, Col. < Ihrysler. 1990. March 26th. Skirmish at White House Landing, Yu. 1st and 2d Cavalry. 1991. March 27th. Skirmish near Goldsboro, N. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. I48d Inf L992. March 27th. Skirmish at Snow Hill, N. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. 154th Inf. 1998. March 27th-April 9th. [nvestmenl and capture of Spanish Fort. Ala. Operations against Mobile. l s th. 21s1 and 26th Batteries; mist infantry. 1994. March 28th April 9th. Appomattox Campaign. Va. Gives the loss of all engage- ments, etc., of the Army of the Potomac and of the James, and of the Cavalry, to Gen Lee's surrender. After the fall of Petersburg, the 2d, 5th and 6th Corps and Turner's and Foster's Division 24th Corps and Cavalry formed the pursuing force; the 9th Corps occupied Petersburg, and the troops on the north side of the James River, Richmond; the 2d and 3d Divisions 9th Corps joined the pursuing column, and at the surrender were between Farmville and Nottoway Court House. Divisions. I Commanding Officers. Killed. W'li'.l. Miss | Brigades. — z -r L I "i ...„ 1 peharl _m lav 1, Pennington -.tii Caw... 2.Fltzbugb Mil lav J. W HI- ■tii Cav -'. Kit '.. Custer '.. Custer l. Devin 3, Custer Cav Lt.-Col. .Ii-hviis C. Battersbj ('.,;. Man-.... M. Kami. .11 Col C 1 Fltzhugh (c),M J. H. White.... i •i 2 s 2 ■-' 3 6 -' 11 6 - 53 12 i "14 4 -•. Crook n 15th Cav ... 1 Armj of Hi.' .lam.-. c..ini«:iiiy G, C'apt. «l l ( ' V Army Ol tin' .1. -. fiMiipain |). ('apt. . ( . . Army ol the James, Company K, Lieut. Kitl'-s ... 2d Mo'nt'd Blflea ... i. Davles 2, Kii/hii.-h 3, Smith C.l. \\;,lt.TI'.\.-«l.rliv |iv i.l.l.-1'..l. M.I- , |;., ■ « .. Mai. Win. A. Sny.ier. l 4 4 4 30 13 1 33 1 73 .'. Crook Cav Arm] ..i the James, unattached. Col. Ed- Ma|. I'.inl Clin. 111. Minn' iwi, Cnl. .lolin ■ ■1 24 i OneidaCav. Bai B 1 1 • - : ■ • 1 < i*i i . ■ 1 1. r- \i mi "1 i lie Potomac, Capt' '.< Artillery Res.!! Walnwrighl ... Artillery Res... Artillery Res... \\ im» l Ight ... Artillery Res... i Hays Bays S-i \ Ins- wllli ''Hi l'"M'-. I'lipt. 1'. 1' Kin In. la. -ill. Il.-I..- M. .I.ilins.iii 1 » Serving with 9th Corps, Lieut. <;. II. Baree with '.'Hi Corps, Capt. Samuel A. 1 1 Bal H 3 I.i.'in. Dewltl M. Bal II Hal K Bal m 1 ■ ■i Abell ■ M Mai. S.-walM V. In.llM 2 \i nn ..1 1 li. .lain. -. .1. I'll' '- "1 II. Tlnill.i Hrindn Col. G C.l i ■ ■ B Bak"i • 1 .'. 4 I 1 5 Ba i 10th Ail .. n 1 i i i Hundred, Lt. Col <• de Peysler Arden \iniv ..i the James, defences "1 Rermudn Hundred. Companies A and II. Capt. M Illli Art i. \\ Intlirup. Mat. <;.-..> •• m i; . inii M , 1 .,i, I ii 84 - ilir .lam.-, in' ii ■ VanEtten. • • apl H 1 lam \ Hani 2 BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 1865. '259 I'.Uli Bat'y, •-•7th Bat'y. 33d Bat'y .. SUb Bat'y. l-t Kni;.... 15th Bng... Hazard A.rtlllerj Ri - Abell.. : TSdball idball Tidball ... Benham. Renhiini... Commanding Officers. \\ res . '•nth Eng., 1st Battal'n Sh'rps'rs. SthVet.Inf. l, Winthrop. Till V.-r, Inf. .!, Ma.lill I, Miles Iiilh Inf.... .s.Smvth 2 llavs ■.'.•Hi hit ... :•,. M.i. mi i, Miii.s Iillh Int... 1, ]>.-Trol,iian.| ."., II-' I nl . I, M, Kil.l.j,, I, F.-nvrn 4:i.| Inf.... 16th Inf.. mtli Inf... Ms! Inf.... »2d Inf.... -.'.ill, Int .. Slsl Inf.... i.J.I Inf.... i ,i [nl ... 64th Inf... 65th Inf. 66th Inf .. 59th Inf.. 73d Inl .... "Hi Inf.. 79tb Inf .. -nth Inf.. Mst Inf.... »th Inf ... -sill lilt ... nth Inf.. Hxt Inf.... ttd Int.... Mtb [i i 35th Int.. 96th Inf.. 'JTtli Int . 98th Int lOOtb Int . lOBd Inf.. Hiltli Inf. 106th Int . 3, Hyde.. ... 2, Getty .. I. WillcOX... •••-'. Getty ... j. Potter .... ... i. Miles . Wain. || , Nugent . .. , Ramsay , llainhlin . Ramsay , Nueenl DeTrobriam Hyde 2, Getty i. Miles M: ■ - I. Wheaton., i. Miles i. Miles 3, Motl :, Gettj Inihp.M'ollis I. Ripl.-.\ '., I».'M.-|IS I. IleTmliriami ;. M,,tt 2,Nngeul i. Miles i, Fairchlld 1, Kellogg. . :t. Coulter... . 2, Dononoe 2, Baxter... I, Ripley... 3, ... Foster iwford .. . Motl .... wford'... iwford ... ...::. Itc-vctis iwford ... ... :. Devens . • I. Foster 1. Ttnax i, Seymour . nistli Inf... ::. Smytlt I n Ut'.'tli Inf. . I, Hiii-riman.... I. Wi'il.-ox. . tilth Inf.. ::, Ma.lill i M list), Inf 120th Inf 121st Inf. I22d Inf. 121th Inf liSth Inf 126th Int 139th Inf lintli Int in.tli Inf .-'. It .1 . 3, McAllister. . 2, II. mil. lin.... .. 3, Hyde . i. DeTrobriam ■ .'.. Ma.lill .:•-, Ma.lill .. I. Ripley .. l, Winthrop.., .. i, Winthrop.., '-. I'- Mil- ::. Motl I. w heaton . ... M ■ 3, Devins. trtii inf... .-.. Coulter lUStb Inf. 151st Inf.. i 2d Inf.., Inf. r.stii Inf. i'- it i, [nf. i. Fairchlld.. 1. Tniax I, Olmsted.. -. Mi [vot 1. Fairchlld . M [vi i m i 2, Griffin Mcli . 3, Crawford . .. i. Fosti r :'.. s.-\ muiir... -. Mass .. [la; - I . II II -'. Potter -. Hays 185th Inf... I, Chamberlain 1, Griffin U6Ui Inf... 2. Griffin 2, Potter Army of tin- .lann-s. Iti-rmmlu llntnlr.-.l Llenl Martin \ . Mi Int- n ... Li. -nt. .lames A. Manning I , : I \nn\- nl the .1 cai.t. Alger : riapt. Jacob Ri \rinv of the .la Army of tin- I Col. Wesley I Army of the Po K. Hall ompanies, Cant. Clinton Perry. i.. I. Fr.-il.-i-i.-k Winthrnpn-.k i.Capt. Il.-nrv Schickhanll. l.t.-l'ol.U in. I-'. | l.t.-Ci.l. A.ilh.i.n I'nk.iniv Uatt.ilii.i,. I.I -r..|. ... ..-_. I Hopper lOol. A. Funk(w), Mai. John Mi I l.t.-l'.il. M.i.n-.n M C, ,,-,..,, ... Army of tin- .la s, .let'em -.-•. nt r.i-rmuil: Hundred, Lt.-Cpl. Detler Von Eln-ledel r, Fivc-.mipa- i.-s, I.t.-C.l. ('. !•:. Millik.-ii. '.I Lt.-Cnl. A.lolph l!.-,-k.-i- .. Hu. ,,,nipai,i,-s, 1 MaJ. George II. s 9Capt. Thomas If- S 2 U.-Col. Henry M. W.A. Col. .1. B. Hi i lapt. Natha ('..I. i:. Nuge 1,1. -Cm I. Mil Five comp n Capt. Chat Pro* osl i .'i i !, I. .i.i, ob B ■Coi. I-:, it. Hon ( W ), .('apt. Win. Ludgate, Mal.C.-M.W.S, hallVr Hamilton \\ in. II. Tcrwllliger. 1 ,' : ' ' H i Pick t.-Coi'." j'."j."Smi'th"' Itnrns •Col. David .1. Caw, 5 Ma|. -, Cant 21 MaJ. M. s F. Burke. MaJ. 1 Dobie Killed, WiiM. Missv " S. r els ton i n > i i.i.-i , . u hi. Kr.-nt/.-i- 24 Col. Q. o. B Dondj (i MaJ. J Dandy ik . ('apt. K.hvin Ni.-I, \ ■ ..r nt • .1 , i; Capt. Wi . Ri 111. I' - : - it ;. Capt. W in. W. Graham, , c,,|. \n.lti-vv V MeiVi'maiT.T.t' I W . Kn---. . ■■:. \L I' : I ... jl.t.-c.ii. Francis E. Pierce - I.t.-C..l. i ,-.,,: K. I'm- ■J Col. Clinton It. Ma.Iloii-all l.r i W . Husl 21 l.t.-Col. Levi S. lion, in- 2 I.i -i ol, \ i" mi I,. Lockwood 6 i.t.-coi. Egbert in. on 6 I.t.-C.l. Horace II. Walpole 2 l.t.-Coi. i i, ail.- II. Weyganl i. Hart u ; ler 21 Mai. 'I'll Ion- Mill, r 5 l.t.-Col. ' is, Col. c M , . D. iii i- 3 I A. McKli i, Lieut. Uenrj u ., Capt. .lain.-- In- M .'. llMoiikaVl ins,.,, .... l.t -Col. Win. P M - | Harrison [ending : companj I George Wetmore, al Fort Pocahontas .'. Col. iJn-tavns Sniper dley Winslow (w), Lt.-Col. E. ,ia. Marsh..... . in 2 260 PART II. IN THE FIELD. is.;:,. Commanding Officers. Killed. WohiiM Mlss'g l-7iti luf . 1--1I1 lut ... 2, Qrexorj .. 1-Vlli llil .. I, Orlffitl S Lt.-Col. DuiiM Myi-rs I liiillln ... ■'■ M. ' ! " 1 wiiiitn 5 Lt.-Col. Joseph G. Townsend 2000. 2001. 2002 2008 Total .. Total l( of Dnlon forces 1 3 24 383 KIT 18 167 L'1117 March 29th-81st. Battle of White Oak Ridge: Gravelly Run. Va. Appomattox campaign. March 29th, Quaker, White Oak and Boydton Plank Roads, Lewis Farm. Skunk's Hollow, Hatcher's Run, old Saw Mill. 5th and part of 2d Corps; March 80th, Crow House and Boydton Plank Road, 2d Corps; Dabney's Mills. Quaker and White Oak Roads, Burgess .Mills and Gravelly Run, 5th Corps; March 31st, White Oak Road and Gravelly Run, 2d and 5th Corps. Batteries B, D and H, lst2d, 4th, 8th and 15th Art ; 11th Batt'y; detachm't 50th Eng.; 1st Batt'n Sharpshooters; 5thand 7th Vet., and 10th, 39th, 40th, 52d, 59th, 61st, 63d, 64th, 66th, 69th. 73d, 86th, 91st. 93d, 94th, 95th, 97th, 108th, 111th, 120th, 124th, 125th, 126th, L40th, lltith, 147th, l.V.'d. 155th, 164th, L70th, I82d, L85th, 187th, 188th and 189th Inf. March29th 81st. Skirmish at Snow Hill, N. C. Campaign of the Carolines. 12th and 23d Cavalry; 132d Infantry. March 30th 31st. Engagemenl at Dinwiddie Court House, Va. Oscar J. Boisseau's, the Court House March 30th; Gravelly Run ('hutch Road, Chamberlain's Creek or Hun. Dauser's Crossing, the Court House and Dr. Boisseau's, March 31st. Appomat- tox campaign. 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th. 15th and 24th Cavalry; 1st Dragoons and 2d Mounted Rifles. 1998. April 1st. Skirmish near Fort Blakely. Ala. Operations ag'st Mobile. Co.G,2dVetCav. 1999. April 1st. Battle of Five Forks, Va. The Forks, Gravelly Run Church, White Oak Road, Sydnor Farm, Eoung Boisseau's Farm, Ford Road, Gilliam Field, Ford Road Crossing of Hatcher'sRun. Appomattox campaign. Cav. and 5th Corps, 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th, LOthand L5th; Co. G, 20th and 24th Cav.; 1st Dra.; 2d M't'd Rifles; Batteries B, D and II, lal Art.; 15th Art., Lt.-Col. Wiedrich (w); Lai Battalion Sharpshooters; 5th Veteran [nfantry, Col. Fred. Winthrop (k); 91st, 94th, 95th, 97th, luith, 1 Huh. 1 Kith, 1 I7th, 185th, L87th, L88th and L89th Infantry. April 2d. Fall of Petersburg and Evacuation of Richmond, Va. 2d Corps at Crow House. Burgess Mill Works and Sutherland Station; 6th Corps al Jones' House to near Hatcher's Hun. 9th Corps at Jerusalem Plank Road; 1st and Independent I>i vision 24th Corps at Old Town. Indian Town Creek, Fort Gregg; Ferrero's Division and detachments Army of the James at Bermuda Front and dependencies; 3d Divi- : 1 1 1 1 and part of 25th Corps, before Richmond, north of .lames River; ( 'a\ airy and 5th Corps at South Side Railroad. Appomattox campaign. 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th, lOth, 15th, Cos. I>. F and G, 20th, and 24th, Cav ; Isl Drag., 1st and 2d M't .1 Rifles; Oneida Company Cav.; Halt's B C, D, E, G, II and I.. 1st; 2d; Halt's E,H, Kand M, 8d; Ith, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th; Cos. A and 11 18th; 14th, 15th; Cos. E and II 16th, Art.; 1st, 8d, 7th, 11th, 12th, 17th, L9th, 27th, 88d and 34th Batteries; 1st. 15th and 50th Engineers; Lsl Battalion Sharpshooters; 5th and 7th Veteran, 10th, 89th, 40th, Ust, I8d, Kith, I'.ith, 51st, 52d, 59th. 61st, 62d, 68d, 64th, 65th, 66th, 69th, 78d, 77th, 79th, 80th, 81st, 86th, 88th, 89th, 91st, 98d, 94th, 95th, 96th, 97th, 98th, 100th, I08d, L04th, 106th, L08th, LOBtli, Lllth, 118th, 120th, 121st, 122d, 124th, 125th, 126th, 139th, 140th, L46th, L47th, 148th, 151st, I52d, L55th, L58th, 164th, 170th, L79th, L82d, 184th, 185th, 188th, 187th, 188th and 189th Infantry. April 8d. Skirmishes at Deep Creek, Sweet Creek. Wintercomic Creek. Va. Namozine, Williomack, Whipponic ('reek. Ford's Meeting House, Scott's Corners. Appomattox campaign. 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th and 15th, Co. G 20th, Cav. and lsl Drag. April 8d Lth. Skirmish at Hookerstown, N. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. l2thCav. April Bd 9th. Biege and capture of Fort Blakely. Ala. Operations againsl Mobile. 161st and 178th Infantry. BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. 26} 1865. 9004 April 4th. skirmish Dear Faisson's, N. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. Detach- ments 12th Cavalry and L12th Infantry, 3005. April 4th. Skirmish ai Railroad, near Weldon, 7a. Appomattox camp'n. 1st M't'd Rifles. 9006. April 4th. Skirmish at Drummond's Mill, Finney s Mills, 7a. Near Amelia Court House. Appomattox campaign. 6th and 9th Cavalry, and 1st Dragoons, 2007. April 4th. Skirmish at Deep Creek, Va. Appomattox campaign. I !o G, 20th Cav. 2008. April ttli. Bkirmish at Jettersville, Va. Appomattox campaign. 1st, 2d. 8th and 16th Cavalry, and 2d Mounted Rifles. 2009. April 4th-5th . Skirmish at Faine's Cross Roads, Va. Appomattox campaign. lllth and 24th Cavalry. 2010. April 5th. Skirmish at Amelia Springs. Jarratt Station, Va. Appomattox campaign. 2.1. 10th, and 94th Lt.-Col. Richards (w), Cavalry, and 9d Mounted Rifles; 4th Art. 9011. April 5th. Skirmish at Murfreesboro, N. C. 1st Mounted Rifles. 2012. April 6th. Skirmish at Rice's Station, Va. Appomattox campaign. Company G, 90th Cavalry; ITth Battery; 89th, 1 48th and 158th Infantry. 9018. April tith. Engagement at Sailor's Creek, Va. Harper's Farm. Appomattox cam- paign. 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th and 24th Cav.; IstDrag.: 2d .M't'd Rifles; 9th Art.; 1st and 3d Halt's; 43d, 49th, 62d, 65th, 77th, 106th, 121st, I22d and I51s1 Inf. 2014. April tith. Engagement on Deatonsville Road, Sailor's Creek, Va. Flat Creek. Appom. camp'n. loth and 24th Cav; 2d M't'd Rifles; 2d and 4th Art.; 11th Batt.; 7th Vet., 89th, loth. 52d, 61st, 68d, 64th, 66th, 69th, 73d, 86th, 88th, 93d, II lth. 120th, 124th. 125th and 126th Infantry. 2015. April 6th. Skirmish near Morganza, La. 14th Cavalry. 2016. April 7th. Skirmish at Snow Hill, Hookerstown, X. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. Detachment 12th and 23d Cavalry. 2017. April 7th. Skirmish at Burke's Station. Va. Burk River Appomattox campaign. Company G, 20th Cavalry; 17th Battery; 89th, 1 18th and 158th Infantry. 2018. April 7th. Engagemenl at High Bridge. Va. Appomattox campaign. 2d and 8th Art : LOth, 59th, 93d, 108th, 125th. 126th, I52d, 155th, 164th, 170th and I82d Inf. 2010. April 7th. Skirmish at Somerton, X. C. 1st Mounted Rifles. 2020. April 7th. Engagement at Farmville.Va. Appomattox campaign. 10th and 21th Cavalry: 2d Mounted Rifles; 2d, 4th and 8th Artillery; 11th Battery; 7th Veteran, Kith. 39th, 40th, 59th, 61st, 63d, 64th, 66th, 69th, 73d, 86th, 88th, 108th, 111th, 124th, 125th. 126th, 152.1. 155th, 164th, 170th and I82d Infantry. 9091. April 8th. Skirmish at Manningville, S. C. Brewerton. Companies B and D, 56th, and s companies 157th Infantry, Col. Carmichael. 2022. April 8th. Engagemenl ot Appomattox and Pamphlin Station, Va. Appomattox cam. 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th and 94th Cav.; 1st Drag, and 9d M't'd Rifles. 202::. April 8th. Skirmish at New Store, Va., near Appomattox. 126th Infantry. 2024. April 9th. Skirmish near Berryville, Va. 21st Cavalry. 2025. April'. ith. Action at Dingle's Mills, S. C. Sumterville. Companies B and D, 66th, and 8 companies 157th Infantry, Col. Carmichael, 2096. April 9th. Action at Port Blakely, Ala. Operations agst Mobile. I8thand26th Batt's. 2027. April 9th. Appomattox Court House. Va., and surrender of Gen. R. H. Lee. Clover Hill. 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th, loth and 15th, company G 20th, and 24th, Cav., 1st Drag., 2d M't'd Rifles; Oneida Cav.; Batt's B, l> and H, 1st, 2d, 4th, 8th, 9th and 15th Art.; lst.:;d. L lth and 17th Halt's; detachm'ts 15th and 50th Eng's; 1st Batt'n Sharpsh't's; 5th and 7th Vet., loth. 39th, loth. 43d, 40th, 52d. 59th, 61st, 62d, 68d, 64th, 65th, 66th,69th, 73d, 77th, 86th, 88th, 89th, 91st, 93d, 94th, 95th, 97th, 100th, 104th, 108th, 108th, II lth. l'.'Oth, 121st. L22d, 124th, 1 25th, 126th, 140th, 146th, I lit l. 148th, 15lst, !52d. 155th. 158th, 164th, 170th, I82d, L85th, 187th, 188th and 189th Inf. 9038. April 10th. Skirmish at Aiken's Creek, X. ( '. Moccasin Creek. Campaign of the Carolinas. L23d, 1 1 1st ami 1 hid Infantry. 9029. April loth. Surrender of Mobile, Ala. 18th, 21st and 26th Batt's; 161 stand 178th Inf. 9030. April loth llth. Skirmishes at Smithfield. X'. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. 17th Veteran; 123d, 134th and 141st Infantry. 2031. April llth. Skirmish at Faisson's Station, X. c. Camp'n of the Carolinas. 12th Cav. 2032. April llth. skirmish at Mount Pleasant, Ahi. 2d Veteran Cavalry, Col. Chrysler. 2033. April 12th. Skirmish at Whistler's Station. Ala. 2d Veteran Cavalry. 2034. April 12th. Ssirmish near Singleton, S C.,on reconnoissance towards Statesburg. 157th Infantry, Lt.-Col. Carmichael, 8 companies. 2035. April I2th-18th. Skirmish at Beat's Station, N. C. Camp'n of the Carolinas. 12th Cav. 9036. April 13th. Skirmish near Goldaboro. N. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. 1 75th Inf. 20:?7. April 13th. Skirmish near Raleigh, N. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. Battery M, 1st Artillery; 102.1, 107th, 119th, 123d, 134th, 186th, 137th ami I41s1 Infantry. 9038. April 16th. Skirmish near Raleigh. X. c. Campaign of the Carolinas. Batt'y 1, 1st Art. 2039. April 17th. Skirmish near Jackson. X'. C 1st Mounted Rifles. PART II. IX THE FIELD. 18G5. 2040. kpril 17th. Skirmish near Goldsboro, N. C. Campaign of the Carolinas. 12th Cav. 8041. April 18th Affair at Germantown, Trim. I lth Cavalry. 3042 April 19th. Skirmishes at Rafting Creek and near Statesburg. S. ('. 157tb Infan- try. ('..1. .1. < '. Carmichael, * companies. 2043. April 26tla . Skirmish near Goldsboro, X. < '. Campaign of the < arolinas. L2th <'a\ . 2044. April 26th. Surrender of Gen. Joseph E.Johnston at Bennett House, Durham Sta tion. X C. L2thaud 23d Cav.; Batt's I and M. 1st; Batt's C, 1>. Q and I. 3d Art.; Kith and 23d Batt's; detachment 15th Eng.; 3d and 17th Vet., 47th, 18th, 80th, 99th, 103d, 107th, 112th. 115th, 117th, 119th, 123d, L28th, L32d, 134th, 136th, 187th, 141st, 14-2.1, 143d, 149th, 150th, 154th, 156th, 10'Jth, 175th and 176th Infantry. IXDK.X TO HATTLKS, KTC. Abrahams Creek, Va., 1705. Arc. .link Creek, Va . 76 Acootink Station.Va., 10B9, 1175 Aok worth, Ga . 1455, L460, 1468, 1471 Aenon Church, Va . 1421 Ahrendtsville, Pa . 904 Aiken's Creek, N C, 8027. Alcock, Va , 634. Al.lie. Va., 245, 457, 503, 562, 565, Ml, 657 - B74, B79, 1014, 1015, 1475, 1566, 1570, 1577, IA96 Aldrlcb's Cross Roads, Va . 1325 Alexandria, V - rla, La., 790, 12 1314, 1310, 1321 l ■:■■ 1342, 1366, 1387. Allen's F irm, Va . 295 Alsop's, Va , 1345, 1847, 1856. Amelia C B., Va., 9 Amelia Springs, Va., 2010. Amissville, Va , 527, .V», 5:S6, •>!!». 1005 Amu River. La . 684, 770, 793. Annandale, Va ,84, 1028,1582, 1648, 1601. Anderson's Ford, \ ;. . 1355. Angle, The. Va , 1845, I860. Antletain, Md . 148, 444 943 Antletarn Creek. Md . 4 1 1 . 947 mi Ford, Md . I) Antloch Church, Va., B10. Appomattox Campaign, Va . 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, : -•".'7 App mi in \ Court House, Va., Appomattox Station, Va . 2022 kqul i Creek, Va . 5, I8fl md Ga Arlington Elelabta, \ Arlington Mills, Va . '•■ Armstrong - Ferrj . Tenn., 1198. Armstrong's Mills, Va. I 1918 A rrowfleld Church .Va ,1831,1352 Arthur'* Swamp, Va., 1681 1742 Ashby Ford, \ a 1602 Anhby's Gar Va , it!'. 564, B68, 9A ;. 1578 1602, 1684 I ■• Ashland 767,779, ■ Ashland Church, Va 981,1414, it.; 1481 Mi. 1621 y.;: Atlanta, Ga., 1618 Atlanta Campaign, ' ■ i 1824 1343, 1814 1405, I!!-. 1 1 ... 1460, 1462 1470 1 177. I486, 149-i I49B, I 07 ISIR I 160 1601, l'->l At \ i I 541 Auburn, Va, H I Avoyelle Pi drls L i I 188 IHI2, |..- . Aylett's, Va., 781, 1249. Bacbellor's Creek, N. C, 331, 587, 809, 1206. Back Creek Valley, Va . 1081 Back River Creek (Peninsula), Vs., 69 Hack River, Md., 138. Buck Road, Va., 1722, lsOi". Bagdad, Pla., 845, 349. Bailev's Creek, Va., 1619. Bailey's Cross Roads, Va ,26,42,64. Baker Lee's, Va. , 11, 72. Baker Lee's Farm, Va. , 17. Baldwin, Fla.. 1226 Ball's Bluff, Va., 68. Halls rmss Roads, Va., 40, 48, 56, 87. Bally hock, Va . I2:.s. Baltimore & Ohio R. R., w. Va . 463 Baltimore Cross Roads, Va., 910, 918, 926, K'30. Hank's Ford, Va.. 77:;. 774 Barbee s Cross Roads, Vs., 520, 994 Barhamsvllle, Va . 1030 Barkamsvllle. s. C, 1843. Barker's < iross Roads, Va., X10. Barnardsville, Va., 1258 Barnett's Ford,\ ■< . 821, 364, 643, in:,-... ii-.c, i.'ii:.', K-.v Barrancas, Fla., 1200. 1280, 1397, 1 122 Baton Hon-.-, Ha , 600, 1622,1715, 1781 Battery linger. Va., 731. Batten Vulcan, S *' 9" Battery Wagner, S. C, 077. 9,su, 1020 Baylor's Farm, Va . 1489 Bayou Boeuff, I. a , 880 Bayou Bourbeaux, La . 1117. Bayou Camptl, l. a.. 1304 1 1\ ...I i arrion « !row, La . Hi77 Bayou Courtableau, I i i:..v...i lv<.l.,/c I.a., 1398 Bayou Ford Ice, La., 1484. Bayou Pourche, La . 91 • Bayou Rapides, La . 1269, 1861. i: ivou Robertson, La . I 122 I, 1290 Bayou Sarah, La . 17-v: Bayou Teche, La 627, 628, 706, Bayou Verm I 111 Baj Point B I Beacon Island, N. C, 51 Bealton Btatlnn, \ a 128, 1108 Bear Creek, N I Bear tnlet, N C . ll-l Beaver Creek, M«l , 960 Beaver i 1296 Beaver Dam station. Va , I .'i I, law, 1854, 1966 B ii Grove. N (' 1206.1213.1618. Belcher's Mills. Va . i:W8. 1711. Belmont Bay, V - Bellefleld, Va i i.ll. Helle Plains. Va., 650. Belleroy, Va., 1258 Belle View Cross Roads, N. C, 7411. Belmont Hay. Va., 96. Bendersville. Pa . 916. Benevola, Md . 950. Benuetl Bouse. N. C . 2044. Bentonville, N C. 1978 Berlin, Md., 53, lis. |2| Bermuda Hundred, Va.,1331. 1401, lis-, 1489, 2000. Berry's Ferry, Va., 710. 791, 800. Berryville, Va . 201, 207, 4:.:,. 566, B43, '.-'.4. 1022, 1024,1101, 1385, 1552, 1640, 1643, 1644, 1647, 1654, 1661, IC65, 1687, 1694, 1701, 1799, 1809, 1854, 2024 Berryville For.]. Va , 1195 Bern \ilie Gorge. \ ;. . 1719. Berryville Hike Va . 1637, 1705. Berwick Bay, La . 686 Berwick City, La . 672. Best's Station, N. C, r : Bethel, Va . mar. 15 Bethel Church. Va., 1074, 1473. Bethel Place, La . 706. Bethesda Church, Va.. 1425, 144a Beulah Church. Va . 1445 Beverly Ford, Va . 869, ;i77. 694, 11.1; Bidnella Cross Roads.Va., 1247 Big Bethel, Va . 9, 121. Bis Chestnut, Va . 65. Big Bewail Mountain, Va., 1586. BlgSprlnga, Va 1758 Big Swift Creek, N C, 7:w. Binn's Hill, Va., 80 Black an. I While's. Va.. 1877, 1518 Blackburn's Ford, Va., 1092 Blank Creek, Va., 1508 Black Creek, N C, Blaokford's Ford, Md., 145. Black water, \ ;. . 152, 46 ! 563, 671, 575, 610, 706, 794, 802, 854. 92 i. 1538, 1 >76, 1817. Blaekwater Bridge, Va,, 194, 546, Bllck's Btatlon, Va., 1602 Block House, Po Rivei \ Block House Bridge, Va . I .1 Bloomer's Gap, Va . 1620 Bloomfleld, va ,511, Blount's ii.-.k. Mills or Ridge, 1 717 nine Rldsre Mountain ' 1140, l 117 i:U8 1638, 1778 Blues Gap VI \ ... . r Blue Springs Tenn . l"7-i. Klnir Springs, Fla Hlntrton. 8. C, 466, 824 Bogue Inlet . N. C, 1271. Bolsseau's, Dr . 1997 IU'8, ' '-car .1 . 1997 . Voung, 1 .-iiiii 1999 Bolivar Heights, \v. Va 129, 135. 160, 534, 908, 1554 Boiling Bridge, \ a I BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKJRMISIIKS, KTC. IXDKX. 2G3 Boonesborough, Md., 437, 948, 949, 954, 059. Boonesborough Gap, Mil., 437. Boteler's Ford, Md., 445. Bottom Bridge. V;i.. 182, 197, 800, 237. 282. -.".il, S7U, 013, 1080, 12*2, 1332, 1250, Hi'.', 1452 1974. Bowling Green, Va., 185, 191,837, no;. Boyd's Point, 8. c. 1863. Boydton Plank- Road, Va., 1712, IT'.C, 1918. 1995. Brackett's Ford, Va., 882, 300. Braddock Road, Va., 20, 24, 1634. Brandy station, Va.,365,822, 833, 1004, 1009, 1018, 1032, L038, ion, 1078. 1085. 1102, 1107, 1128. Brasbler City, La., 882 Hreanx Bridge, La., 727. Brentville, Vh . 1047, 1116. Brewerton, S.C., 2021. Brlce'a Creek, N. C, 1207, 1210. Brick Church, Va., 157, 779. Bridgewater, Va., 1750. Brtsterburg, Va., 997. Brlstoe, 7a., 1089. Briatoe Campaign, Va., 1076, 1078 to 108*, 1084 to 1086, loss to 1098. 1095. 1096, 1098 to 1100, 1102, 1104 to lior.. Brlstoe Station, Va., 884, 390,1088. Broad Run. Va , 693, 1090, 1916 Brock Road, Va., 1380, 1845, 1317. Brock's <4ap, Va., 1350, 1756. Brook Church, Va., 1370. Brook/haven, Miss , 1818. Brook In 'a Ford, Va., 1056. Brook Turn Pike, Va . 775, 1217 Brown's Cap, Va. . 1735. Brown's Hill, X C, 1203. Brownsville, Md , 1574 Brownsville, Texas, 1614. Buchanon, Va. . 1484. Buckland Mills. Va.,1105. Buckton, W. Va., 1557. Budd'a Ferry, .Md., 71. Buena Viata, Va., 583. Buford'sGap, Va., 1501. Hull Run, Va., 25. 303, 403, 513. 1038 Hull Hun Bridge, Va.. 887. Hull Run Mountains, Va., 1015. Hull's [aland, 8. C, IS Bunker Hill, W. Va., 19. 214, 579, B44, 1540. 1552, 1616, 1690. 1705, 1796, I860. Burgess Bridge. Va., 1797. Burgess Mills.Va., 1797,1995,2000. Biirk River. Va . 2017. Burkes Station, Va., 108, 394, 1624, Burkltavllle Md., 436. Buncsvllle, Va . 8017. Burlington, Va., 1255. Burnt Bridge, Va., 1384. Burnt Chimney. Va., 272 Burnt chimney. Fork town, Va., 155. Burnt Church, Va., 177. Hui nt Factory, Va., 1714. Burnt Ordinary. Va.. 626. 1207. Burton a Ford, Va . 1246 Bushy Ridge, Va.. 1536 Butler's Bridge, X ('., 1872, 1901 Buzzard's Prairie, La., 1117. Buzzard's Roost Gap, Ga.. 1344. Cabletown. Va., 1260, 1287. Cacapon Bridge, W Va., 163, 468. 'Calhoun, Qa., 1302. Calhoun Station. La., 1395. Camden, Miss , 1208. Camden, X c . 160, 936. Camden Court House. Va . 1118. Campbell Station, Tenn . 1133. camp Finnegati, Fla , 1224, 1450. Camp Lewis, La., 1163 Camptl, La., 1281, 1204. 1304. Cant, River Crossing, La. , 1310. Canoe Creek, Fla., 1984. Cape Fear Intrench ments. N. C, lo::> CapeHatteras Inlet, N. C..101. Caperton's Ferry, Tenn., 1289. Carton's Plantation, S. C, 492. Carlisle. Pa., 886. 909. Carmel Church, Va., 324. Carolinas, Campaign of the, see Sherman's Campaign of the Carolinas Carrion Crow Bayou, La . 1077, 1129. Carrolton'a store, Va . 1204 Carrsville, Va., '99, 854 1 'arter's '■•'arm. Va , I3is. 1 lartei - Hill, Va., 806. Casbtown, Pa . B85. Cassvllle, Ga . 1405. Catlett's Station, Va., 370. 1093, 1119 Caves Ford. Va., 1886. Cedar ('reek, Va , 118, 351, 515, 1613, 1644, 1767, 1769, 1782, 1187, 1802, 1807, 1809, 1820. Cedar Mountain, Va ,348,360,352 Cedar Point, x. U . 1817. Cedar Hun, Va., 115, 848, 1784 Cedars, Tenn , 1857. Cedarvllle, Va., 1658 Centre Road, Va.. 1619. Centreville, La., 706, 1691. Centreville.Va., 387, 392, 405. 406, 110, 418, 785, 1067, 1060, 1063, 1526, 1704 Chaffln'a Farm or Hhilf, Vn.. 1741 Chain Bridge, Va , 7, 27 Chamberlain's Creek. Va. , 1007. Cbainbersburg, Pa., 1561, 1626 Chamber's Plantation. I. a , 1326. Chaneellorsville. Va . 751. 752, 753. 75i, 755, 763,774 Chantillv. Va., 109, 681. 1006. Chapel, N C . 979. Chappel House. Va., 1742 Charles City Court House. Va., 1171. 1172. 1523, 1528. 1803. Charles City Cross Roads, Va., 882, 302, 1182, 1619, 1652, 1798. Charles City Pike, \ a., 1788. Charleston and Savannah H. R., IS62, 1879, 1895 Charleston Harbor. S. C, 1041. 1111. 1555 Charlesfown.W Va, 210.230, 416, 476. 487, 570,606, 1103. 1221, 1227, 1537, 1603, 1653, 1665, 16S0, 1604. Charlottesville. Va., 1940, 1961. Chattahootcbie River, Ga . 1587, 1601. Chattanooga and Rossville cam- paign. Tenn., 1146, lit;, ills, 1150. 11.55 Chattooga Mountain, Ga. ,1344. (heat Mountain, Va., 1474. Cherry drove. Va , 1291. Cherry Stone Inlet, Va., 30. Chesapeake. Mil . 133. Chesterfield. 8. C, 1030. Chesterfield Bridge, Va , 1412 Chester Gap, Va . 520, 886, 991, 1653, 1738 Chester Station, Va , 1381, 1337, 1552 Cbewnlng's Farm. Va. , 1330. t Ihlcamacomioo, X. c , 58. Chlckabomlny River, Va , 192, 107. 212. 234. 281. 886, 291, litis, 1217. 1481. 1617. Cbincapln Chapel, N. c . 1173 Choctaw Bayou, La.. 1376 chouan River. N c . 182, 1000 Chuck at uck, Va . 772, 801, 1465. Cbula Depot. Va . 1831, 1577. Chunky (reek. Miss . 1231. Church Road, Va., 1007. Civlquea Ferry, La., 685, 798 Claiborn Bridge, Va.. 1707. Clarksvllle, Texas, 1650 Clear Springs, Md . 055 Clement's Mouse. Va , 1797. Clinton. La., 823, 1674, 1818 1825 Clinton Plank Roads. Va., 676. Cloutersvllle, La . 1276. 1305, 1307, 1811. Cloverhill, Va . 2027. Coalpits, Va . 775. c.i,b Creek, X C. B09 Cockletown. Va . 184 Cold Harbor. Va . 1438, to 1441, lilt. 1115. 1448, 1110. 1452. 1456. 1457, 1466. 1473, 1478 to 1481, 1483, 1485, 1487. Colerain. N. C, 1911 coles Island, S. c, 692, 1921 College Hill, Fla . 1977. 1 lollege Hill Miss., 1606. Colllersvllle, I'enn.. 1581. Columbia BayOU, Ark. , 1 150 Columbia Bridge, Va . 180 ( 'oiumbia Furnace, Va . l">i 1761 1762, 1908, 1912. Columbia Grove, Va Combahee, 8. C . 1022 Co,,. ton Bridge. N l Common Cr06S Roads. Va 101 Conee Creek . La , 1674. Cone's 1 Ireek, \ Conrad's Ferry, Va., 466, 1793. Conrad's Store, Va., 168, 176. Cookvllle, Md Cnosawhatchie, 8. C . 191, 1847, 1862, 1869. Coosawbatchle River, 8. C. 90. Corbln's Bridge, Va., 1845 1346. Corbln's Cross Roads, Va., 586. Core Creek, X. C , 654, 623, 666, 720, 7lo. 7:.-, 856, 1954 Cotton Creek. Fla., 1984. Court land, Ala , 1423. Cow's Kurd. Fla . 1280 Cox's Bridge, X. C, 1982 Cox's Ferry, Va . 1657 ex's Mills. Va., 1709. ('ox's Plantation, La., 005 Craig's Meetinghouse, Va . 1380. Crampton's Gap or Pass, Md.,436. Cranstown, Pa , 022. Crater. I'he. Va.. 1627. Creiglersville, Va . 1071. Crew's House or Farm, Va. , 304, 806. Croatan Stanon, N. C, 1834. Crooked Creek. Va., 881, Crooked Run. Va., 1653. 1 'i-ooke's Run , Va., 752 Cross Keys, Va.. 250, 252, 1737. Crowi lis Plantation, S. C, 456. Crow House, Va., 1905, 8000. Crump's (reek, Va., 1425, 1426, 1432 ciump's Cross Roads, Va . 913. Crump's Mill or Landing, La., 1279. Cub Run Va., 615, 620. 1 nlpeper, Va., 875, 756, 1004, [064, 1070, 1078, 1082, 1102, 1180, 1272, L696, 1712. 1717, 1724, 1753. Culpeper court House, Va., 31s, 1044, 10S0, 1127, 1143. Culpeper Road. Va ,362. Culp's Kami, Ga., 1470. 1514 Cumberland. \\ . Va.. I860. Cunningham's Cross Roads, Pa. , 931 . Currituck, X. c. 962 Currituck, Va . 988, 1308 Dabney's Ferry, Va.. i486 Dabnej - Mills, Va.. 1707. i9ls, 19 5 Dahlgren's Raid to Richmond, Va . 1217. 1210 Dallas. Ga., Mis, 1455 1460. Mam No I. 165. Danville Rail Road. Va.. 1512. Darbytown Road. Va., 1662, 1741, 1781, 1770. 1770. 17os. ism. 1902. Markesville, \V. Va.. 574, 1689, 1693, 1703. Mauser's Crossing. V a . 1097. Davenport, Ford or Bridge. Va., 1365. Davlsboro. Ga . 188! Davis (reek, Ala Davis Farm. Va., 1611. Mavis Station, Va., 1742 Day's Point. Va.. 1610, 1819. Deatonsvllle Road. Va . 2014. Decatur, Ala., 1820, 1480, 1535. Defenses ol Richmond, Va ,12)7. Deep bottom, Va , 1506,1542, 1609, 1610. 1652 Deep Creek, Va., Pope's earn paign, ■^~ Deep Creek, near Rii -hmond.Va., 01,2007. Deep Gully, N. C . 073. 690, 1718. Deep Run, Va . " Deserted House, Va.. 638. Deveatix N'eck. B. C 1856, 1859, 1879, 1895, 1022. PART II. IX THE FIELD. Devil's Hole, Va in iinond Hill. Va., I Dlascund BrldRe \ a Dicks ville, W Va., It Difficulty, crossing of, Va., 408. Dingle Dinw iddie Courl Bouse, ^ a 1514 1991 Dismal Swamp, N C , 216. Dismal Swamp, Va., 1118, 1138 , Station, Va Ditch Bayou, Ark , l i.v Doctor Bolsseau's, Va., 1M7. Donaldsonvllle, La., 495, 1061, 1681. Doolan's Farm, Va . 7'.'. Dover, N C, 667, 856. Downer's Bridge, Va., 1345 1406 D iwnsvllle, Md . 944. Doyall's Plantation, La., 1631. Dranesvllle, \ a., 59, 119, 1241 Drewry's Bluff, Va 1331, 1380. Drummond's Mill. Va . 2006 Dudley Station, V r . 596. Duffield station, Va . 1629, 1677 1694 Dug Gap, Ga . 1344 Dumfries, Va., lit;, 466, 608, 858, 889, Duncan Road, Vs., 1742 Durham Station, N C . 2044. Dutch Gap, \ a . 1645. Duval Station. Va . 1S44. 'an, \ a . 127 188, Fla., 110. Basl Pascagoula, Ala., 1-'.':!. 1899 Bdenton, N C . I0IK Ed en ton, \ a , 642, 644. Bdenton Road, Va .' 709, 731, 740, Edlnburg, Va . 129, 132, 111. lis. i.v; ■■;-. n:;i. i:;;:,. l>22. l'.Hi'.i. island, s C . 124. Edward's Kerry, M.l . 70, 1031 Edward's Ferry. N. C . 1903 Elba Maud. S .'c . 459 Elizabeth Clty,N C ,99, 143, 1775. Ellis Ford, Va., 567, 613, 1027, 1188, 1189 1196, 1298 Mills, \ a 284 Ely's Ford. Va . 765, 1160, 1234, 1242, 123 Bmraltsburg, Md., 930, 988, 976 Springs, Tenn., 1266. Bvane Mills. \. <\. 782, 1211, 1328, I ;;: BvansvUle, W. Va . 746 Fairfax CouD House, \ a . 21, 24, HO, 82, 4117. MS, III. ill. 670, 789, 991. 1008, 1028, II".". 1835, 1948 Fairfax Station Va., 609, 1084, l<;.»i. n,:t3. n;:;i. wx,. 1712. Fairfield, N. I Fairfield, Pa . 902,937. Fairfield Gap, Pa., 928 Fairmont, W \ ii 747, 748 Fair i laks, \ a . in-*, 228, 232, 251, l.v, Md . 960. N Fa I lint; W 1671 Fall'a Church 1704, its::, Falmouth, \ a., 157, 85" Fanny, F 8. Transport, N < . Farmvllle, Va Fausse ttlvei i. ■ . I77*. Fayetti Fayettevllle, N I 1953,1964,1967. Fayetteville, P i Fayettevllle, \ b Federal Point l leld'j Ford, \ a 1257 Fifteen Mile House, Fla . I'.ll Flnnej a Mills Flnh Bayou. La . 1469 I: Fltzhusb's Crossing, \ Five i i rks, \ i Five Milo Creek, Ala., 1898. Flag Pond Battery. N. C, 1025. Flat Creek, Va , 2014. Fleetwood. Va , 888. Fletcher's vVharf, Va., 29. Flint Mill. \a . 1(12. is;:,, ISS1 Flipper's Orchard, Va., 309 Flowing Springs, Va . 1665 Folly Island S, C ,700, 703,1006. Ford Road, \ a., 19H9. Ford's Meeting House, Va.,2001. Forge Bridge, Va , 1171. Forrestville, Va . 1757. Fori Andereon, X C. , 675, 698, 1931 Fort Kislnnd. La., 706. Fort Blakely, Ala., 1996, 2003, 2026 Fori Branch, N. C . 1872. Fort Buchanan, La . 881, Fori Buffalo, Va . 1068. Fori Clark and Hatteras, N. C, 43. Fort Darling, Va., 1881, 1380. Fort DeRusey, I). C, 1586. FortDeRusey, La., 1265, 1386. Fort Fisher, N. C, 1890, 1904. Fori Fisher, Va., 1987. Fort Gilmer, Va., 1741. Fori Gregg, Va , 2000- Fort Harrison, Va . 1741. Fort Hutchinson, Fla , 1611. Fort Jessup, La . 1290. Fort .loin, son, S, C . 1555. Fort MrHoe and Barrancas, Fla 91. Fort Macon, Ga , 149. Fort Magruder, Va., 701 Fort Morgan, Ala., 172:;. Fort Pickens, Fla . is; Fort Powhattan, Va. . 1408, 1709 Fort Pulaski, Ga., 146 Fort Sanders. T.-nn . 1157. Fo.-t Stedman, Va . [986, 1987. Fort St. -v.. ns, D. «'.. I5st;. Fort Sumter, S. C, 1020. nil. Fort Washington. I'a , 901, 915 Foster's Mills, N. ('., Wis, ion:;. 1867 Foster's Plantation, Va 1831 14(11 Four Corners, Va . <>\ lour Mile Run, Va . 1662, 1761, Fox a Ford, Va Foy'a Plantation, N C, 142 Frampton Plantation, S. C, 192, Franklin, La., 806, 613, 1600. Franklin. Va . 218, 462, 505, 556, 571, 846, -M Franklin, Pendleton Co., \ a , 1255 Franklin's Creek, Ala Franklin's Crossing, Va . 754, 827. Franklinvllle, Miss., 1882. Frazier - Farm, Vn . 302 Frederick, Md . I 136 I Frederick Citv, Md., 128.923, 1576. Frederick Hall station. Va.,339, 1244 Fredericksburg, Va . 172. 185, 191, 194 754, 773, Fredericksburg Road, Va., 1345, I 157. I mi Five Bridge, N. C, 988, 1173 Freeman' Ford. Va . 3 French's Farm . Va . 331 . French's Field, Va., French's Store, W. Va., 501 Front Royal, Va , 201, 203, 711, ' 1 1 in. 1653, KM'iO, 1721, 1728 Front Boyal Pike, Va . 1640. Frying Fan. Va , 401 . 619 Funkstown. Md . 945, 94 Furnaces, \ a Furnace Road. Va . i Mm- Va., 1619, 1652. ■ Is, Va., 282, 886, 1449, IV, I Galnesvll (..nne-Mile. Va . 391, 896, 1104, Gales Creek, N.C., 1212 Gardlnier's Bridge, v 1849 1881. Garnett'a Farm \ .... ::- : ,, I860 Oatesvllle, N T . c.. 1*2. Gayle's House, Va., 1345. 1378. i leorgia Landing, La., 4'.i7 Germauna Ford. v rt ., 751. 1065. 1075. 1137. 1152. 1161, 1162, 1880. Germantown, Tenn., 2041. Germautown, Va.. 408, 1186. Germantown Koad. Va . 412, Gerrardtown, w*. Va . 1616. Gettysburg, Pa.. 911, 920. Gilbert's Fort, Va . 1705. Gillett's Farm, N. ( . 161. Gilliam Field, Va . HI99. Glady Bun, Va., 1345, 1351. Glasgow, Mo., IsOti. Glen Allen. Va., 775, 1368, 1865. Glendale, Va., 282, 802. Globe Tavern. Va., 1662. Clou, •ester. Va., 689. Gloucester Court House, Va . 561, Gloucester Point, Va . 1520 Golding's Farm, Va., 242, 2S2. 289. Cold Mines, Va., 551. Goldsboro, N c. 577, 578, 680, 5s|. 5s| .,, :,ss, ;,.,2 to a'.iS, 1«.I7S, 1983, 1988, 1991, 2036, 2041 Goldsboro Bridge. N. C, 598, Goldsboro Road, X. C, 502. Golgotha, Ga . 1470 1492. Con/ale- Plantation, Fla . 198, Goochlaud Courl House Va., 1956. Goodall's Farm, Va , 1353, 1355. Coonv Run, Va., 1725. Goose Creek, Va., 69, 70, 442. Goose Creek Bridge, Va Cordonsville Kail Koad. Va . 1059. Gordonsvllle Raid, Va., 1885, 1886. Goshen Swamp, N. C . 594 Governor Moore's Plantation. La.. 1829. Grabbitt's Mills, Va . 1757, 1762. Craliamsville. S. C, , 1843. Grand Coteau, La., M17 Grand Score, La., 1288. 1295, 1316. Gravelly Run, Va , 1918, 1995, 1997 1999 Creat I'.ethel Road, Va., 113. Great Falls, Va . 14 Creat Run, Va., 376. 382 Greensboro, Ga . 1840 Green Castle, Pa., 139, 871, 908, 982. Green River Bridge. Kv , 921. Green Springs, W. Va . 1801. Greenville, X C . 979, 984, 1149, 1185, 1283, 1930 Greenville Road, X C Greenville Springs Koad. La., 1731 Greenwich, N. C , 1696. Greenwich , Va., B17 Greer House, Ga . 1515 (Gregory's Landing, S. C, Griffin's Mills. Ala , 1699. GrlmbalPa Landing, s c . 975. Ground Squirrel < burcb, Va. . 1353, 1364. Gross Ti te, La . 1442, 1468, 1656. Grove Church, Va. 568, 686. i, rover House, Va . 1606. Groveton, Va Grovetou Heights, \ i Gulam's Ford, N C . ii 12 Guinea station. Va., 1846, 1407. Gum Hun Swamp, V a . 808. Gum Swamp, N C 696, 808 Gunboat Cotton, La . I curlev House, Va . 1511 Gwynn's Island. Va., 1180. Hageretown, Md., 941. 948, 958 Hagerstown Turnpike, Md , C'f Halifax Koad. Va . 1806, i - - Halifax station, Va , 1868. Mall's Mill Va . 40, 115. Hall town, w Va . 181, 1649, 1670, 1675, 1694 Hallville, ,N (' . '.'21 Hamilton, N C, .111 Hampshire Count] . W ' llani|,toii. I'a . 906 Hampton, \ a Hampton Brid Hamilton I ouil HoilSi Va I Hampton cross Uoads.Va., 1216. Hampton Roads, \ a. II '.. Hancock, Md . 851, 397, BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. INDEX. M5 Hanging Rock, W Va., 460, 478. Hanover, Pa , 905. Hanover Courl Houae, Va., 206, 216, 217. 1425, 1435. Hanover Juncti Va , 036. Hanover Station, Va . :m;. Hanoverton. Va , 1426. Hanoverton Ferry, Va . 77V Hanover tow n, Va . 1249. County. W. Va , 1632. Hare Houae, Va., 1 189 Harper's Farm, Va., 2018. Harper's Ferry, W. Va., 12, 67, 223, 129, 480, 131, 432, 135, (58, 476, 878, 888, 946, »68. 1584 Harrellsvllle, N. c . 1193. Harrisbiirg, Pa., 901, 908, 915. Harris Farm, Va. , 1845 Harris House, Va . 1404. Harrisonburg, Va., 120. 161, 175, 214, 835, 829, 1134. 1446, Has, 1728, 1871, 1883, |8«7, 1943. Harrison Church, Va , 1363 Harrisons (reck, Va , 1489 Harrison's Landing, Va ,282,306, 808, 310. 334. Hartwood Church, Va., 553, 568, 654. 1130. Hatchers Run. Va.. 1451. 1742, 1797, 1845, 1858, 1918, 1987, 1995, 1999, 2000. Hatteras Inlet. N. C, 4:5, 101. Haughton'a Mills, X. c. 164. Haw's Shop, Va., 1427, 1456. Hawkinsville. Va., 1823 Haxall'a Landing, Va . 1396. Haydenville, v ' Haymarket, Va., 395, 4s:>, 555, 884, lim. Hazel Kiver, Va., 470, 531, 636, 100.', 1086, 10C.8. Hazel River Bridge, Va., 1062. Ha/el Run, Va., 719. Hedgesville, W. Va., 1094. Henderson's Hill, La., 1269. Hertford. X C, 299 Hlcksford Raid, Va , 1858, 1863. 1864, 1868 High Urldge, Va., 2018. Highland Stockade, La., 1022 Hlllsboio, Ala.. 1423. Hlllsboro, Va . 169, 669, 1197, 1593, 1596. Hill's Point, Va.. 731, 736, 769 Holland House. Va , 799 Holstein River, Tenn., 1194. Hoiiv Springs, Va., 1941 Honey Hill. S. C, 1843. Hookerstown, X C, 984, 2002, 2016 Hop,- Landing V»., 105, 665. Hopewell Rap, \ .... 531, 1184, Howard's Brldg«, \ .... 134. Hungary Station. Va., 775. Hunter's Fold, Va , 1102. Hunter's Point. Va., 1H09. Hurricane Creek, Miss . 1646, 1655. 1 hall -I own. Mil , 126 Mi, Rebel steamer. Ga . 1870 Independence, Mo. , 1794. Independence Hill, Va , 661, [ndiantown, N C . 108 I [ndiantown (reek, Va., 2000. Irish Bend. La , 712, 713 Isle of Wight Court House, Va., 604 Iz/.ard's Mill, Ga., 1880 Jack's Rrldge, N. •'.. 1949 Jack's Shop, Va.. 1059, 1886 Jackson. La., 1007, 1674, 1821, I-;;. 1987. Jackson, Miss , 951, 1248. Jaekson, X C , r,",:;, 999, 2039 Jackson Bridge, Fla., 1200. 1397. Jackson's Mills, X C, 1516. Jacksonville. Fla . 1228 Jacksonville. N C. 819, 1183 Jacob's cross Roads. Vh . 1154. James City, Va., 1049, 1076, 1100, 1254. James Island, 8. C . 239. 247, 254: 21.7,975. 1411, 1182, 1550,15ii.".. 1597, 1795, 1923. James River. Va. 13, 93, H10, 1353, 1415,11119, 1H52, 1(157,1741,1798. 2000. 35 Jamestown, N. C. , 1894. Jamestown Island. Va., 1693. .lainesville, \ C, 661, 1144. Jarratt's station, Va., 1381 . 1840, 1349,1864, 2010. Jeanerette, La., 716 Jefferson, Va . 527,540,546,1891. Jefferson City, Md ,488. Jefferson Pass, Md., 434 Jeffersonton, va., 1081 Jenning's House, Va. , 1662 Jericho Ford or Mills. Va., 1412. Jerusalem Plank Road.Va., 1603, 1511,1707,2000 Jettersville, Va, 2008 John's Island, 8. C, 1006, 1225, 1672, 1579. Johnson's Farm , Va .. 1761. Jonesboro, Ga., 1685 Jones' Brldge.Va . 1390, 1517. Jones' Cross Roads, Md ,957,960. .Lines' Cross Va , 1151. Jones' Ford. Va., 8F0. Jones' House, Va., 1511, £000. Jones' Island, Ga., 97. Jordan Hill. Va . 1489. Jourdan's Ford, Va . 293. Joyner's Ford,Va., 575, 599. Kankv's Store. Va., 601 Kautz's Raids. Va ,1832,1838.1340, 1349, i:!77. 138S, 1612, 1514, 1518. 1529,1534.1538,1544. Kearneysville, \v. Vn ,477. ltit.4, 1673. Kearnstowu, Va., 1613, 1824.1829, 1881. K Ivsville, Md . 441, 896. Kellv'sFord, Va., 867,400,608,678, 680. 750, 759, 1044, 1052,1079,1125, P87, 1717 Kelly's store, Va . 638. Eellysville. Va . 603, 678 Kenes.iw Mountain, Ga., 1470, 1477, I486, 1492, 1499, 1507, 1515, 1539. Kenyonsville. X. C, 935. Kernstown, Va., 655. j Kettle Run, Va.. 890. Kilpatrick's Raid to Richmond, Va . 775, 781, 784, 1242 to 1247. 1249. 1251 King's and Queen's court House. Va., 781. 1249.1251. 1494. 15(14. Kingsland Creek, Va., 1871 Kingsland Road, Va.. 1652 King's Scl 1 House. Va.,283. Kingston, Pa., 887,889,899. Kinney's Farm, Va . . 217. Kinston, X. C, 34:1.58 4, 58.',. <>:><, 1166, 1498, 15U5, 1648, 1872, 1949, 1968. Kinston Road. X c . 841, 578,581. Kirk's Bluff. 3. C, 485 Knoxville, Md.. 421. . Knoxviile, Tenn.. 1142, 1157, 1198. Kyle's Landing, N. C, 1967. Labadlevtlle, La . 49; Lacy Springs, Va . iss:i. 1948. Ladona, Blockade Runner, 338 La Fourche Crossing. La., 866. La 1. ranee, 'I enn , 1568. Lake Chief. Ark., 1459 Lake Drummond, Va . 778 Lambs (reek. Va., 1034. Landron's Farm.Va., I I Landron Houv,.. Va., 1400. Laurel Bill, X c . 1980 Laurel Hill, Va . 1845, 1847, 1366 Laurel Hill, near James River, \ a , en Lawtnnvilie, 8. C.,1916 l.eard's (reek. N ( . J84 Lebai < hurch, \ a . 1772 Leesburg, \ a . 112. 458, 166, 175. 1088. 1182. 1301,1919, 1920. Leesburg Road, Va., 69. Lee's Houae. \ a . 36. Fee's Mills. Va., 187, 144. 155. 165, 1585. 1599. 11125. ll,.se. ]S S9. Lee's Station, \ a., 1685. I Leetown.Va , 477, 1533. 1558, 1556, 1679. Leltersburg, Md . 962 Lenoir Station, Tenn . n:;i Lewlnsville,Va.,46. 47, 56,65.125, 311. 1064, 1067, 11(!7, 1746. 1898. 19K0. Lewis chapel, \ a 103. Lewis i':o-m. \ a. . 1995 Lewi Ford, Va., 399. Lexington, Md., 1789. Lexington, s c , 1929. Lexington, \ a . 1474 Liberty, Va , 1090, 1145. 14117. Liberty Creek, Mist . 1818, 1888 Liberty Mills, Va , 310, 1056, 1059, 1791, 1885, Light House Point, Va . 1649 Little Escambia Kiver. Ala., 1875 Little River, Va, , 1419 Little River Turnpike, Va , 104, 108, 881, 895 Little Swifl C k, X c . 698 Little Wash i net on, La., 1262 Little Washington, X I Little Washington, Va , Ml, 1011. Lockard'a Cap. \ a . 624 Locust Grove, Va. 173, 1154. LoCUSt Springs, Va . l" v :, Loggerhead Inlet, N. C . 58 Long Bridge, Va., 2s::, 292, 1179. 1517. Long Bridge Road.Va., 315, 1652. Lookout Mountain, Tenn., 1146, 1147. I koul Valley, Tenn.. 1112. Lost Mountain. Ga . 1470, 1492 Lost Kiver Cap, Va , 1360. Loudon. Tenn . 1 165 Loudon County. Va., 1932 Louisa Court House, Va., 359, 764 Louisa Run, Va , 755 Lovett'a Mills, Va . 1592. Lovettsville,Va.,34, 461, 489,1906. Luciaville. La.. 1311. Ludlow Lawrence Plantation, Va.. 556, Lurav, Va. , 159.27s, 298, 323, 332, 1733. Lurav Cap, Va. , 1372. Lma\ Valley, Va , 168, 17c, 180, 1725, 1749. Lynchburg, Va , 1495. Lyttleton. Va . 1838. Mackey'6 Point, S C, 1869. Madame Porter's Plantation, La., 712. Madison Courl House, Va , 1056. 1885 Malvern Cliff, Va , 282. 303 Malvern Hill. Va , 282, 304. 386, Us:,, 1490, 1628 Malvern Hill Load. Va . 1652 Mallory's Cross Roads, Va , 1470 Manassas, Va , 88, 10 i. 408, 406, 1093. Manassas Gap, Va , 4ss. :,21. 986, 992 Manassas Junction, Va.. 112,886, 597. 49:;, 504. 1095, 1098 is Plains, Vh . 898 Mana.-sas Slal ioil, Va , 886. Manniims Plantation, La., 1471, 1607 Mannlngsvllle, S. C. , 2021. Mansfield, Va . 725. Mansfield, La., 1285 Mansura, La . 1387. Marietta. Ga . 1501 Marlnguin Bayou. La , 1686. Marksville, La . 1887, 1559. Marksvllle Plains. La., 1376. Marsh Run, Md . "I I Martello Tower, s c. 838. Martinsburg, xv Va . 16, 1>, 229, 847, 990, 1M>- 1553. 1556, 1617, 1668, 1676, 1716 Ma.stellers Place, Va . 79s Marve's Heights, Va . 773 Maryland Heights, Md., 222.429, 432. 1564 Mason's Hill, Va , 57. 103 Mason's Neck, Va . 92, 103 Massapon ax Church, Va., 1885. Mas«aponaz < reek, Va., 840. Matadequan Cre* k, Va . 1481. Mattaponj Creek, Va., 340 Mattapony Fen \ , Va . 781 Maitapon'y River, Va , 1407. Matthews County, Va , 560, 582, 808, 1270. Matthias Point. Va . 10, 74, 77 May River, S, C. 166, 186 866 PART II. IN THE FIELD. McConnellsburgb, Pa . 985 898, 918 McCullum's l'"»int . La., 1962 ... \ , 103 UcGill > ferry, La . 621, 684. McLean - Ford. \ a . im'l Mel d'ts Mills, Miss . I8B6. McXul - Farm, Major, 10 McWilliams' Plautatiou, La., 712. Meadow Bridges, Va . r.'47. 1870. Mechamp's Creek, Va . 1485. Mechantcshtirg Gap, Va , lu'U Mechanicsville, Va , 199, 803, 880, 382. 284, 1247, 1870, 1449 Mecbanlcsville Uridee, Va , 285 Memphis, Tenn . 1521 Mercersburg, Pa . '.':>i Merrlraac, Hampton Roads Va., 107. Meturln River, Va . 18(14 Mlddleburg, Va.. 471. 541, 837,797, -.;,. m K90, 1316. Middle Road, <>r Way, Va., 1665, 1809 Mlddletown, Md., 4:i7 Mlddletown, Va., 201, 209, 264, 31 I, 1037, 1121, 1618, 1640. 1644, 1748 1809 Miirord, Va . 1725. 1766. tfilford Station, Va . H07 ek, N C, 829 p 78, 580, 581, 584 to58K, 592 to B96, 656, 671. 673 to 675, 677. BOO, 963, 978, 1089, 1166, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1209 to 121 New Heme Road, N. C . 831 New Bridge, Va.,203, 241, 270, 278, 1798 New Creek Station, Va, . 198. New ll"!'.- rhurch, Ga., 1418 New Hope Church, Va , 1153. 1156. New Hope Church School House, N. C., 699. New Iberia. La . 1141. New Kent Courl House, Va., HCSO, 1191, 1261, I960, 1971 New l .(union , Va., 1491. New Market, Va (Peninsula), 8, 23, '.u. New Market, Va. (Shenandoah Valley , 166, 178, 288, 255, 259, 1097, 1312, 1328, 1:175, 1382, 1398, UK. 1443, 1446, 1454, M'S, I7'.'s, 1734, 173U. 17.V.I. 17>;.->, 1883. 1945 New Market Bridge. Va., 75,89 NCw Market Heights, Va . 1741 New Marl,, i Road i Peninsula), Va , 216, 302, 1619, 1652, 1741, 1761, 1798. Newport Barracks. N. ('., 1209 New River. La.. 1382. New Salem Church, Va. , 194. New Store, Va . :.'o:;!. Newtown. Va., 201,210, (582, 1121, 1199, in"'. 1417, 1428, 1430, 1540, 164(1, 1809, 1841 Newark. Va., 1476. New York citj . 964 Nine Mile Ordinary, Va., 845. Nlnevah, Va . 1809. Nixontou, N. ('., 697. Norfolk, Va., Is4 Norfolk Rail Road, Va . 1489. Normans Ford, Va North Anna, Va., 324, 1355, I Ii'.'. 14 hi, 1419. North Anna Kail Road Bridge, Va , 1412 Norih Kast Ferry, N. C, 1938 North Fast River. N.C., 630. 1505. North EUlsto River, 8. C , 192; Nortliern Neck. Va . 1957 Northern Vlrglnl - North Fork, Rapp. Rivei \ a 158. North Pass, La . 682 North River, Va , 1750. North River Mills, Va . i ■'. 500 North West Landing, Va., 1122, 1159. Nose's Creek, Ga . H7n. 1490. Nottoway Bridge, Va., 1340, 1349 Nottowaj River Va Nottowaj Station, 1865 Nj River. Va . 1345, 1847, I860, 1357, 1868, I Oak Grove, \ Oak Hill. Va . 1090, 1116 Occoquan Baj , Va . 06. Occ tan I reek, \ a . 76 108 Oi in in Ferrj , Va., 608 Ocean Pond, Fla . 1839 Ocean Bprlngs. Miss . 1856 1881. I lid \r.ii.-i.ini Forge Md . 052 Old Church, 1431, 1439 i Ii l< i.i Bank Landing, N i ■ M.i Field* w Va 1682 ' 'i.i Forge Road, Va., 1800 Old River i..u. mi, . 1450 Old Raw Mill. Va I Old Tavern V t OldTollgati Va 1658 Old Town, Va Old Town Creek, Miss , 1594. Olive Station, N. C. 594;. I tlustee, Fla . 1239 Onslow County, N C, 1201, 1500, lold i losteuaula, <.a.. 1379. ( Ipelousas, La., 785. Oiiequon Creek, Va., 843, 1687, 1699, 1705, 1714, 1719 Orange Courl House, Va., 279, ::!'.•. ;;>. :,t. i(i."««i. Orange Grove, Va., 1154. Orange Plank Road, Va., 1330. i irehards, Va . 283. Orleans Va , 526 Ossawba Island, Ga, . 919 Overall's Creek, Tenn . is:,7. Owen's Mills, «... . 1418. Oxford, Va.. 141-. Oxhlll, Va., 4(f.l ovster Point, Pa.. 891. Paine's Cross Roads, Vs., 2009. Palmer's Creek, Va . I37L Panmnkey Kiver, Va., ~ N J0. 821, 1249, 1425, UL'ti Pampblin station. Va., 2022. Paris, Va . 474, 180, 714, I->37, 1359, I :'ir. Parish Vico, Texas, 1530 Parker's store. Va., 1156, i:S!0 Partridge Hill. s. c, 1S47. Pascagoula River, Miss., 1834, 1888. Pasquotank, Va 1021 Patersonville, La . 688, 1584. Paw Paw, W Va , 463. Paw Paw Furnace, W. Va . 525. Payne's Farm, Va. , u.-,t. Peach Orchard, Va . 282, 295 Peach Tree Creek. Ga., 1604. 1608. Pea Vine i Ireek . i enn . 1150. Peebles Farm, Va., 1742, 1763 Pegram Farm, Va. , 174L*. Peletler's Mills, N C, 728, 782. Pensacola, Fla., 81, 183, ~"~'0. 845, 349, 1260. Pensacola Harbor. Fla., 91. Pequonln River, Va,, 184. Petersburg, Va., 1469, 1488, 1789, 1503, 1027, 1987, 2000, Petersburg and Richmond, Va., operations again st, 1331, 1382, 1337, 1338, 1340, 1349, 1852, 1363, 1371, 1380, 1391, 1399, 1W1. 1408, 14i:>, 1430. Petersburg and Richmond Rail road, Va., 1489. Phillip! , \v. Va.. 741. Philomont. Va., ami. s;;i, nir,. Piedmont, Va . 152, 829, B31, 985, 1464, l.. Pilatka. Fla , 1261,1267, 1268, 1274, 1275, 1277. Pine Barren Creek, Ala., 1878, 1981, 1984 Pine Knob, Ga., 1470, 1492, Pine Mountain, Ga., 1470, lis*;. I t'.".i. Plnej Branch Church, Va., 1847. Piney Grove Church, Va . 1841. Pines, The. Va., 1404. Plain's Store, La., P05, 1282. Plaquemlne, La.. 616, Bll S62 Pleasant I In >ve, I i. Pollocksville, n • Pollocksvllle Road, N C , 164, Ponchatoula. La . 683, 795 Poolesvllle, Md., 590. Pope - ' ampaign, Va . 857 to 861, 365 to 388, 890 to 399, 103 to 405, 101 to 109, in BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, SKIRMISHES, ETC. INDEX. 267 PonlarSprines Church, Va., 1742. Po River, Va.. 324, 1345, 1340, 1347, 1351. 1894 Po Klver Crossing, Va., 844, 1846. Port Conway, Va., 10%. Port Hudson, La., 67(5, 879, 811, B14, 833, 839, 848, 1007, 1282 Pari Republic, Va., 167, 862, 1083, 1698, 1737. Port- Royal Ferry, S. C , 90 Port Royal, Va., 789- Port Walthall, Va.. 1831, 1337, 1489 Port Walthall Junction, Va 1352. Prescott's Landing, La., 1322, 1326. Price's House, Dr. Va . 1435 Prince Q go Courl House, Va., 1363, 1527, 1581, 1689, 1595, 1706, 1727, 1804, 1836. Prince William County, Va., 6til. Pringle Creek, Ala., 1984. Prltohard's Mills. Va., 19. Prootor'8 t'reek, Va., 1381, 1871. Providenoe \'a.,801. Providence Church, Va, 542, 611,635. 771. Putihtown , Va.. 518. Pumpkin Vine Creek, Ga., 1418. PungO Creek, N. C., 502. Purcellsvllle, Va., 1596 Quaker Church Road, Va., 302. Quaker Road, Va., 1797, 1995. Quaker's Bridge. X. C, 938. Quaker's Ford, Va., 1412. guakerville, Pa.. 9lti. Racoon Ford. Va, 325, 1045, 1049, 1054, 1075, 1164, 1219 Rartlng < reek. s. C, 2041. Railroid Bridge (Peninsula), .Va., 20 1 . Railroad Bridge, South Fork of Shenandoah, Va., 1740, 1741. Raleigh, N «',. 2036, 2037. Ranoho San Pedro, Tex , 1014. Kancho Vico, Tex., 1530. Rapldan Bridge, Va., 777, 1753 Rapidan Kiver, Va.. 821, 325, 858. 364, 643, Ihi:.', lien to 1104, 1218 to 1220, 1234, 1753 Rapldan station, v. t , 360, 760, 1045, 1712, 1717. Rappahannock Bridge, Va.,530 715, 1106, 1108. Rappahannock River. Va . 158, 174, 320, 355, 350, 30', to 369, 371 to 373, 377. 378, 553. 0(13, 013, 680, 694, 720, 759, 1027. Rappahannock Station, Va , 123, 120, 317, 301, 300, :;;i, ,510,, 039. 003, 715. 1004, 1009, 1043, 1106, 1108, 1114, 1124. Rawles' MilW, N. C., 509. Ream's Station. Va., 1546, 1547, lot;?, 1669, 1072. Rectoratown, Va. , 1884. Redan Nos. 4, 5, o. 12, 18,14; 1489. Red House, N. C, 1200 Red Kiver Campaign, La., 1263, 1205. 1209. 1273, 1270. 1279, 12S1 , 1283 to !2-5, 12-0, 12--, 1290,1293 to 1295, 1299, 1303 to 1305, 1307, 1310, 1311, 1314, 1315, 1319, 1321, 1322, 1320,, 1:{29. i:U2, 1301, 1300, 1370.1381,13-0.1387,1393, 1395,1103. Reed's Perry, Va., 772. Resaca, Ga., 1379. Resolute, Steamer, Ga . 1874 Resolution, Steamer. 188. Rice's Station, Va.. 2012 Richards' Ford. Rappahannock Kiver, Va., 013. 751. Richmond. Va . 219. 253, 775. 1353, 1870, 1488, 1506, 2000 Rlohmond and Fredericksburg Railroad. Va .925. 1365. Richmond and Petersburg Rail- road. Va., 1610. Richmond and Vork River Rail- road. Va , 290, Riddeirs Shop, Va . 1480. Ringgold Cap, Ga., 1155. Rippon. W. Va.. 531. Rlppley, Miss , 1571 Rlxey's Pord, Va.,1002. Roanoke, N C, 182. Roanoke Island, N. C, 98. Roanoke Station, Va., 1529, 1531 I Robertson's Ford, Va., 1045, 1049, 1051. Robertson Kiver. Va . 1074, 1886 Robertson's '1'avern, Va., 1153, 1156. Robertsvllle, 8. C ■ 1911. Robinson's Cross Roads, V i ., 1001. snti's Field, Va . 283. Rockflsh Gap, Va., I Rockingham, N. C, I960. Rockingham Furnace, Va, 169. Rock vl He. Md., 893, 1058. Rocky Face, I Ridge, Ga., 1344. Rooky Mountain Station, N C, 981. Rocky Run, N. C, B56, 1120. Romney, w Va , 1860. Romnej Bridge v7. Va . 585. Rood's Hill, Va . 1884, 1824, 1825, 1941. 1947. Rosedale, La., 1039. Rowanty Creek, Va., 1546, 1918. Rutledge, Tenn., 1170. Sabine Cross Roads, La., 1285, 1286. Sabine Pass, La., 1040. Sailor's Creek, v.... 2013. 2011. Saint Augustine, Fla., 1903 Saint Franoisville, La., 1761. Saint .lames' College, Md., 90,0. Saint Mary's Church. Va., 1524 Saint Peter's Church, Va., 1508 Salem, Va., 888, 181, 522, 562, 985, 1359, 1509, 1000, 1754. Salem ( Ihurch, Va., 773. Salem Church, Totopotoniuv.Va, 1427. Salem Heights, Va., 773. Salient, The. Va, 1345. 130,9, 1400. Salkahatchie.S. ('., 19.21. Sand.-rson. Fla., 1229 Sandersville, Ga , 1831 Sandy Hook, Md . 421, 1509. Sandy Ridge, X . C . 651. 724, 734. gangster station, Va , 108, 1175. Santa Rosa Island. Fla., 03. 110, Santee River, S C . , 1935. Savage station, Va , 197, 204, 2k.'. 283, 290 Savannah, Ga., 1809, 1870, 1874, I860. Savannah River, S C ., 97, 459. Scott House, Va . I35S Scott's Comers. Va.. 2001 Scott's Mills, Va., BOi, 1391. Seabrook Island, S. C. 859. 1225 Secessionville, S. C, 207, 975. Seneca Creek. Md., 419 Seneca Mills, Md.. 45. 50, 52 Seven Days' Battle, Va , 282 to 287, 2S9 to 290,. 300 to 304, 806. Seven Pines, Va., 204. 225, 228, 232. 248. 20,5. 20,o,. •>:{, 1971. Shady Grove Road, Va, 142.5. It;.; Shannon Hill. Va.. 170, Shand House. Va., 1489. Sbarpsburg, Md., 4il. 443, 477, 901, 150,0. Sbarpsburg Turnpike, Md , 173 Shelton House, Va . 1358. Shenandoah River, Va., 169 Shenandoab River Crossing \ a 269 . Shenandoah Valley, Va., 145,201, a02, 207. 208. ;.■,,;,. -;io. 211,213,214. Shepherdstown, W. Va., 445, 4)7, 470.971, 973, 1553. 1557, 1035, 1073, 1079. Sheridan's Raid to .lames Rlvi r. Va., 1353. 1351, 1355, 1304, 1305. 1370. 1374, 1390, 1398, 1402. 1413. Sheridan's Trevellail Raid. Va., see Trevellan Raid. Sherman's Atlantic Campaign, Ga., see At lanl Ic < lam pal en Sherman's Campaign of t he Caro- linas, 1910, 1911, 1916, 1927, 1929, 1939, 1942, l9io,. IQ40, 1950, 1953. 1903. 1964, 1907. 1968, 197:;, 1975, 197s. 1980, 10R2, I9R3, 1988, 1991, 1992. 199,;. 20112. ::im. 2016. 2030, 2031, 2035 to 2038, 2040,3048, 2044. Sherman's Expedition to Merld Ian, Miss.. 1208. 1231. 121- Sherman's March to the Sea, Ga , 1815, 1810. 1831, 1887, 1840, 1862. Sherman's Savannah Campaign Ga., 1814, 1815. 1816, 1881, 1837' 1840, 1862, I860, 1870, 1871. 1880 shilo, N <' . 11- Bblnd Bouse, Va, , 1489. Shlppenburg, Pa . B77. Silver Creek, N C , 1964. silver Lake, Fla., 1239. 81 mm - Ford, Va , 1056 I Sim-port, I .a . sill. 111,;. 17-0,. Sinclair's I aim. Va.. 73. Singleton, 8. I Six Mile House. Va. . 1662. Bkeet, N. f ., i;.-,9. i Skull Creek, s . c , 451. Skunk's Hollow. Va . 199.5. Slash Church, Va , 211 Slatersville, Va . 181, 1080 Slaughter Mountain, \ > Smith Brlggs, \ Smith Creek, N ('.. 1988, Smithfleld, N. C Smlthfleld (E.», Va., 317, 801, 1204, 1291 Smithfleld, w. Va., 177, 1028, 1048, 1230, 10,59, lool, 1665, 1073, 1679, 10,91 Smitbsburg, Md.. 930. Smiths Farm, N. C . 1908. Smith's Mills Hrid-e, N (' , 9,2. Smith's Point, Md., I. Snaggy Point, La., 1393. s -d s Ferry, N. C, 1518. Snicker's Ferry, Va , 707, 1260, 1598. R505. Snicker's Gap, Va . 512, 519, 566, 821. 801. 987, 1110. 1598, 1710. 1713. Snlckersville, Va., 47 1. 498, 603, 1250. 1842. Snick ersville Gap. Va., 1593. 1842. Snow Hill, N. C, 1980, 1993, 1996, 20 hi. Solomon's Cap. W Va.. 430, 1.50,5. Somerton, N. c . 2019. Somen,, 11 Road, Va , 708. s rvllle, Va , 647, 1176. Somerville Ford, Va., 1046, 1051. South Anna. Va., 1440. South Anna Bridge, Va.. 70,7.92.5. 1245. Southard's Crossing, Va . 1264 South Branch or Fork, W Va , 483. 512. 1032 South F.disto Island, S.C., 85ft, 1927. South Fork, Shenandoah River, Va., 159, 1738, 1740. South Ke\s, Va , 19.5.5 South Mills, N <' . 180, 830. South Mills. Va . 417. South Mountain. Md . 430, \:;; South Quay, Va , 849. 1553, 1770,, 1873, 1955. South Quay Bridge, Va . 761 South Quay Road, Va., 705, 726 South West Creek. N. I 938, 1872. 1940,, 1949. South side Rail Road, \'a , 1512, 1712. 2IMI0. South West Creek Dam, N. C, 1510 Spanish Fort, Ala., 19-93. Sparta, N C, 982 Sperryvllle, Va., 312, lit Sperrvville Kike, Va . 11(12. Sporting Hill. Pa., 908. Spotsylvanla.Va , 1345. I 13.50, 1351, 1350. 1357. 1 1308, |a69, 1378, 1385, 1389, 1394, 1400, 1404. 1400,. 1107. Spotsylvania Court House, v.i , 7.5.5. 13 1.5. Spotted Tavern. Va , 157. 649. Springfield, W. Va . 499, 54; Springfield Landing, La. . 914. Springfield station. Va Spring i. re,n Church, v «'., Spring Hill. Va . 1896. 1711. Squirrel Level Road, N a 19-7 Stafford Court House, Va 573. 1020,. Stannardsville, Va , 1240 Statesburg, Va , 2034. 2042. State Line. Miss . 1834 Staunton. Va , 1468, 1474, 1736, 1737, 1970. 1797, , 139, 368 PAET II. IX THE FIELD. Btaonton Bridge. Va., 1529. Steamer Ellen, capture — T •- i in- i Smilh Brings. Va . 71s Stephenson's I >«>i" 't v >> ■ 1986, 1700. Stevenaburg. Va . B38, 1044, 10t?s. 1079, 1123, U90, 1712 Stevenson's Station, Va . 213. Stevensville. Va . 1252 Stonemau'8 Raid, Va , 7i">. 750, 758, 760, 764 tn 767, 7". 779, 788 U luntaii , Ga . 1816 SI »ny Creek, N. I . 788. Stonj i reek, Va., 1518, 15-34, 1097. i- 08, 1831, 1844. Stony Creek Station, Va, nil, .,i 1546, 1708 Stony Pol it. \ a . 1653. 1809 Strasburar, Va.. 201, 208, 233, 237, 1641, 1651, 1722, 1765, 17: i Strawberry Hill. Va . 1370. Strawberrj Plains, Tenn , 1194. Strawberry Plains, Va, 1619, 1652. Streets' Perry, N C 889 Succade Ferry, v C 875. Sudley Church, Va , 513 Suffolk, Va., 187,563, 610,704,705, 708, 709, 721,726, 731, 736, 740,761, 769, 771 1238, 1965, Sugar Loaf Battery, N.C., 1925. Suirar Loaf Mountain, Va, 427. Sugar Valley, Ga, 1379. Sulphur Springs, Va . 383, 370, ;-.i, .-.:- v;i..m:; r,i-.-<:;. Summit, Miss Summit Point, Va , 122, 1109, 16ti.\ 1680 Surauer's Upper Bridee.Va.,1449. Bumterville, s C ,2025. Surrender of Gen. Johnston ,2044. Surrender of Hen. Lee, -'-'". Surrey Court Bouse, Va., 1582. Sussex C. c . 1586. Washington, N C , 231, 120, 171, 510, 652, 691, 812, 1017, 1029, 1039, 1 1 in 1178, 1818, 1905. Waterloo, Pa , 940. Waterloo, Va , 544. 549. Waterloo Bridge, Va., 881, 529 Walt B and Young's Mills, Va , 135 Wall s Creek. V;, . ISO Wauhatchle, Tenn.. 1112. w aynesboro, Pa . 908, 989. Waynesboro \ a, 1468, 1472, 1474, - 1743, 1744, 1988 Weldon Railroad, Va, 1511, 1662, 1742, 1768, 2005. Well's Plantation, La . 1828. u eal Moreland Count v. Va, 1957 Wesl Point. Va . 179.787, 1 itv:;, 1502. w heatland, Va , 190 WhlpponlC Creek. Va, 2001. Whistler's Btatlon, ala White Fork. N. C , 895. White Ball Bridge, N. I whit,- Bouse, Va, 268 624,787. S42», 1437. 1508, 1972,1974. White lions.- Ford. Va White House Landing, Va, 1402, 1990. Whitemarsh Island, Ga.. I.-. whit.- oak Bridge, Va . 1478. White Oak Creek. N » White Oak Ridge, Va., [995. White oak Road, Va., 1797, 1996 1999 White Oak Run. Va . 758. White Oak Swamp, Va., 195,282, 1374, 1483, 1487, 1917. White ( lak Swamp Bridge, Va . 301 White Plains, Va., 888, 530, 744, ll-c 1754, 1836. White Post, Va . 711. B41, 1653, 1705, 1771, 1800, 1854, 1979 White's Bridge, Va., 1331, 1340, 134'.'. While's Perry, Md., 472. Whites Ford, Va., 472, 1056,1588. White Sulphur Springs, Va, I63L White Tavern. Va., 1652. Widow Child's House, Va.,66. Wilcox's Bridge, N. C , 1949. Wild,- mess, Va . 755. 1880 Williamsburg, Va, 170, 171, 425, 701, 1128, 1692. Williamsburg Road.Va, 118, I7,*s Williams 1 Farm, or House, Va., 1 all. Williamsport, Md . 138, tin, 850, 917, 942, 948, 953, 960, " 1678. Wllllamston, N. c . 607.938, 998 Wllllomack, Va . 2001 Willis Church, V Wilmington, N. C . 1983 Wilmington and Weldon Rail- road. X. C , 918, 924, 934. Wilmington Island , Ga . 128. Wilson's Farm, La , 1288 Wilsons Landing. La., 1381. Wilsons Kaid, Va . 1612, 1514, 1518, 1529, 1534, 1538, 1544, 1546. Wilson's Wharf, \ a . 1831. 1415. Wilson s Landing, Va , 1826. Winchester, Va . mi. 109. 117, 201, 211, 559. 572, 645, 1016, 1042, 1113, 1121. 1302, 1312, 1548, 1613, 1615, 1637, 1659, 1702, 1705. 1719, 1812 Winchester Pike. Va . 1687, 1640, 1661, 1684, 1705. Windsor, Va . 604,669, 807. Windsor Road, Va . 802. Windsor Shade-. Va 897. Wlntercomic Creek, Va . 2001 Winton. v c , 100, 998, moo. 1623. Winston, N. c . Wise's Cross Roads, N. C, 580,743. Wises Forks. N. ('. , 1949 Wolf's Run Shoals. Va , ■ w ['a Cross Roads, Va . 589. Wood's Mill Hill. Va, 1525 w Istock, Va, 129, 181, 186, 190, 196, 2:;;. 238, 805, 622 1134, 1199, 1484, I486, 1726, 1728, 1747, 1790, 1900 w latook Races Va . 1765. w Ivllle Poad. Va . 1081 Fellow Bayou, La . 1299. 1893. Fellow House, \ a 1662 Fellow Tavern, Va . I Forktown, Va., 136, 187, 188. 144, 147. 150, 165, 162, 165, : Foung'a Cross Roads, ' 632, i'.'.s. 1292 /ami. Va . 140, 164, 194, 514, 546, PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. CONTENTS. Synonyms of New York organizations, page 270. Militia and National Guard, page 280. General and staff officers in the United States service, p. 280. Organizations in United States service, page 281. Volunteers of the State, page 292. Brigades, page 293. Volunteers <>f the State — {Cont'd.) Cavalry, page 29.">. Artillery, page 890. Engineers, page 371. Sharpshooters, page 373. Infantry, page 37">. Unassigned, page 517. United States Volunteers, page 517. United States Colored Troops, page 518. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. In the preparation of the sketches of organizations, official data and regi- mental histories where available, information from survivors, and newspaper accounts of the period and home locality of the organizations, have been used and consulted: but only an outline sketch can be given here. To follow organizations in their marches and on the battlefield, would require a volume, almost, for each one. and cannot here be attempted. Nevertheless a careful reader, with the help of a good general history of a campaign or of the war. can readily trace thru- footsteps Erom daj to day*. In Pari II. in the chrono- logical list of engagements there are tables of Losses, all based on official and corrected reports; these losses have been transferred here under the record of the proper organization, but where the final records or regimental histories showed a larger loss by death, or correspondence developed larger losses of wounded, a few cases only, the figures have been corrected accordingly; in the official reports made after an engagement, n were Erequenl ly reported missing, who, by the final records, are shown to have been killed or to have died of wounds, a correction of these official reports became, therefore, necessary in many instances. Of many skirmisher etc., no direct reports exist, and the losses reported, are taken from the final records, from muster rolls, from histories. and letters of survivors; but in many instances no Losses could be obtained, and probably none were sustained; the final records frequently show men were captured, but indicated none killed or wounded in these minor affairs. The sketches have been made as complete a-s available records and patient examina- 270 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. fcion and study would permit. While the losses of organizations as far as wounded and captured are in many instances no doubt incomplete, the loss bj death is almosl perfect. The lisl of engagements credited to each organiza- tion, taken Erom direct official reports, from muster rolls, from monthly returns, from indirect indications in official correspondence, from final records of men, all official, is considered also almosl perfect. Omissions will no doubt be found, fur evidence is on hand of minor affairs participated in l»y regiments, for which no dates could he obtained and of which no record could, therefore, he made. Synonyms of New 5Tobb Organizations. Almost all the organizations from tins Sum- had some name derived mostly from local influences or causes, and wire for times almost entirely known by these names; regiments and batteries were also very often mentioned and known in reports and otherwise bj the aames of their respective commanding officers. A list of these designations, of the names of colonels of regiments and captains of batteries is here attached to facilitate the finding of the numerical designations of an organization, when only its synonym is known. The li-t also gives the names of organizations not accepted, not completed, never numbered, or con- solidated with others. Organizations of the National Guard of the State are entered gen- erally under the heading of Militia. Abbott, Chauncey, Colonel: firth Militia. Abbott, Georee, Colonel; 98th Militia. Aberdeen's (David I. I Battery: Battery G, 3d Art. Abobbots 1 il> <> i (avalrv Battalion, Company I), I2th Cavalry, and part of nth Cavalry. Adams. Alexander!) , Colonel; 27th Infantry. Adams, Alonzo W., Colonel: 1st Cavalry. Adams, John Q., Colonel; 58th Militia. Adams, Julius W .. Colonel; 67th Infantry and 2d Hawkins Zoiia\ 88. Adirondack Regiment ;llsth Infantry. Advance Guard /.■■naves ; 5tb Infantry. Advai 1 Zo >s . 82d Infantry. Alns worth, Ira W . Colonel; 177th Infantry. Albany and Yates Klfles : VM Infantry. Albany County Regiment; 118th Inf., later 7th Art. \lii m v I t«-"i i n en ts- M and Hist Inf. and :.'">th Militia. Albany Republican Art : Co. A 25th Militia. 1861. Albany Zouave Cadets: Company A, Kith Militia, and Company \. 177th Infantry Alden. Alonzo, Colonel; 160th Infantry. All. .id, Samuel w . Colonel; 3d Infantry Allen, Ethan, Colonel; 3d Merchants' Brigade. Allen, Julian, Colonel. Polish Legion. Allen, J K . Colonel; I12lh Infantry. Allen, Win II , Colonel; 1-t Infantry. American Guard; 124th Infantry and 71st Militia ■ Iheney, Colonel; lh'th Infantry. Nelson) B i teri ; Battery G, nt Artillery. Amnions (Ji,hn II I Batter] . Batterj I, Sd Art Anderson Zouaves ; 62d In Tan try Angel's (Jas it I Batterj ; Battery K Bd Artillery Anthon'a Bal n, Liirhl Art.;20th and 28th Ind. Bafy. ; i; I85th Inf., Iater6th Art. Anthonj • T Battery; 17th Ind Battery. Armstrong Henry B . Colonel; 148th Infantry. \init-. (Albert Battery; Batterj A, 1st Battalion, later .' H h Bal ten Am.. id a i losei>h f I Company of Sharpshooters; i \,ni|. n,\ i.. ii .'iii |nf , later 7th Com pan j . let Bati illon Bh irpsl ters. Arnold -> losepli V I Battalion «( Bharpsl ters; I i [ndep Bat'n rtth, 7th, 8th and 9th compauies) pshooters. formerly w s Rowland's. A, tiller) . B i'i lie. n -I ■ ■ Battalions Artillery Reg't, 1st, Llghi Bat'y A; 2d Ind Rat'j Artisans and Bus >ra ; Isl Reg') of Engineers Ashby's ■ ttery ; Battery B. 8d Artillery. Ashcroft's ( Jas E I Battery; Batteries C lold) and B, 3d Artillery Aspluwall. Lloyd; Colonel, 22d Militia I K, 61«l and I . KMUh lllf Astor Realmenl . 2d , 30th Infantrj ■...■Hi ; eoth Infantry. Auburn Realmenl 76th Infantrj . Auburn Regiment, 2d; ii-ii, Infantry, laterftth Art Austin, John ti . Colon.-.. ", .1 Infantry, Avery, Matthew II . f>l lot d and Isl Prov. C«v Avery Rlflos; Co. \ . 12th Mllltla, later A, 103d Inf. Axtell. Nathan G . Col 1 1 I92d Infantry Ay.-r, I.., Colonel . fates Rifle Bacon's (Chas. Graham) Bat'y; 36th Indep. Bat'y. Baden Artillery: 1st Battalion .»r Artillery. Bagley, James. Colonel; 60th Militia. Bailey, Benajan P., Colonel; 86th Infantry. Ilailey. Guilford D , Colonel ; 1st Artillery. Ilaird", W,n II . c..l,,,,el: |26th Infantry.' Baker, Benj. 1'., Colonel; 43d Infantry. Baker, Henry M., Colonel; 88th Infantry. Baker, Joel B . Colonel; 8th Artillery and Mth Inf. Baker Rifles; 103d Infantry (part.. Baker, Stephen D., Colonel; 6th Artillery. Baker's Brigade Bat'y: E. I) Baker's Brigade, Lighl Art.. Co A. later 13th Indep. Bafy Baker's (William) Engineer c>>: Engineer Co ,6th Militia, 1861, later Edward B. Kinney's. Ballon. Thos., Col.; authorized by War Dep't,July 24, 1881, to raise a regiment : see Seward a Own Bannockblirn Battalion; 79th Infantry. Barlow. Francis C, Colonel; 6l6t Infantry Barnes' i Almont) Battery; Battery c. 1st Artillery. Barnes' (J. Warren" Rifle Bat'y; 26th Indep Bal V. I'.. lines' (James) Battery; -1st Independent Bat'j . Barnes* (TI as) Battery; Bat'y A, l-t Independ em Battalion, Light Artillery, Militia, 1864. Barnes' (Win. I! tilth Regimenl Art ;Companles \ lull. Ilh Artillery, Companies 1 to M. Barney, Mbert M . Colonel; 14:.M Infantry Barney Black Rifles; 54th Infantry. Barney. Louis P., Colonel: huith Infantry Bar nu m, Henry A , Colonel: nut h Infantry Barry's (General) Rnckel Battalion Art : Rocket Battalion, later 23d and :.'ttli Indep Batteries. Bartlett. Joseph J , Col I •. '.'Tilt Infantry. Bartletl a (Wm A., Colonel) Naval Brig ; 99th Inf. Barlon, Win II , Col I: IMh Infantry Bassfor.l, Abraham, Colonel; nth Cavalry Bates' (Thomas K.J Empire Bat'j : Bafy A, 1st Art. Kates, Wiiiard w , » olonel : 8th Artlllerj Battalion of Artillery. 1st; later 29th, 30th, olst and 82d Independent Batteries Battalion of Artillery, 2d: latei llth and 15th Inde- pendent. I'.alleries. Battalion of Artillery, Bd; later transferred to 15th Artillery, < Companies \ to E Ban .Ii .r Artillery. Ith; transferred to leth Artil- lery as Companies B,D,M and It Batta'l f Artillery. 5th; transferred to 10th Artil- lei \ a^ i ompanles \. G, C and P Battalion of Artlllerj ,6th; t ran si erred to 5th Artll- lerj . as Companies l . K . i ami m Battalion of Artillery. 7th; transferred to Mth Artil- lery as i Ompanles II I . K and I. Battalion of trttllery, llth: transferred to4th Artll lei \ as I '■■nip a s I. K, I. and M Battalion of hharpshooters, 1st; 6th, 7th ,8th and 9th eompanl.- ..i Sharpshooters II itterj \, N V Vol Art ; 8d Ind Batterj Battery B, N V Vol Art . Sd Ind. Battery I lattery C, \ Y Vol An : ith led Battery Baillch, John. C..|..nel. :.'.) I ire /..naves. Baxter LI jhl I luai d 31sl Infantry. SYNONYMS OF NEW YORK ORGANIZATIONS. 871 Beardsley, John, Colonel ; 9th Cavalry. Beardsley, Samuel K , Colonel; 24th Infantry. Beecher's Pets; C pany B, »>7 1 li Infantry. Belknap, Jonathans., Colonel; 85th Infantry. BellJefferson. or Bell, Rifle*; 94th Infantry. Bell, M.Ty Colonel; Pratt Guard. Bemeut, Ernes) M . Colonel; Andrew Johnson Cavalry, proposed to he, but not, raised foreer vice in Eastern Tennessee especially; War De partment authority March 28th, 1863. Bemls Height Regiment ; 77th Infantry. Bendix, John K., Colonel; 7th and 10th Infantry Benedict, Lewis, Colonel; 162d Infantry. Benjamin, Win. H., Colonel; 8th • avalry. Bennett, Michael, Colonel; 28th Militia. Bentley, Richard C, Colonel; (13d Infantry. Berdan's (Hiram .Colonel) Sharpshooters; l-t D B Sharpshooters. Berens, Win F., Colonel; 187th Infantry. Betge, Robert J., Colonel: 68th Infantry. Bevines' (John), formerly Richard II. Johnson's Independent Company of Infantry: part of BOth Infantry Blddle.G. H., Colonel; 96th Inf. and Warren Kitl.s. Bid well, Daniel D , Colonel ; 49th Infantry Blllig'8(Geo. C. L I Battery; Hat ye, 1st Battalion Artillery, later 31st Battery. Blllimrhurst Battery; 18th Independent Battery. Hilly Wilson's Zouaves; 6th Infantry. Bingham, Daniel G., Colonel; 64th Infantry. Blngbamton Regiment; 109th Infantry. Black Horse Battery; 1st li Independent Battery. Black Horse Cavalry: 7th Cavalry Black River Artillery, 1st Battalion: 4th Bat'n Art. Black River Artillery, 2d Battalion; 6th Bat'n Art Black River Artillery ,3d Battalion: 6th Bat'n Art. Black River Artillery, 4th Battalion; 7tb Bat'n Art. Black River Art. Reg ; 10th Regiment Artillery. Black Zouaves; a regiment in which no man was to he less than six feet high, tendered by Mr. Jas Cooper, X. V. city, May, 1st'.!; not accepted. Blair Rifles, consolidated with 178th Infantry. Blanchard, Justus W. f Colonel; I62d Infantry. Blenker, Louis, Colonel : 8th Infantry. Bleuker's Battery ; 2d Independent Battery. Blenker's RIBes; 8th Infantry. Bliss (W s i Cavalry; 5th Cavalry (part). Bock's (Wolfgang) 3d Ind. Battery reorganizing; IBth Artillery (pare. Bookwood s (Charles) Battery; id Ind. Battery. Boonville Regiment; '.Itth Infantry Houghton. Horace, Colonel : 1 13d Infantry Boyd'- (Wm. II. I company c, l'enn. Vol. Cavalry; Company C, 1st Cavalry. Hover, Leonard, Colonel; I52d Infantry. Bradley. Lemon W., Colone!;64th Infantry. Bradley's (Thos. S.) company of Sharpshooters; 9th Company, 1st Battalion Sharpshooters. Bradv, James I)., Colonel ,' 63d Infantry. Brady's (J. T.) Lighl Infautry; 11th Infantry, reor- ganization of 1863 Brain. -ids (Wesley, Colonel) Bng.; 15th Bug. (new). BrarabaU'sJWalter M I Battery;6th ind Battery Braullck, F. H .Colonel: 3d Reglmenl Empire Brigade, and the Defenders. Brack's (George) Battery; Battery L, 1st Artillery. Brewster, Win R . Colonel ; 73d Infantry Brickell's (Andrew) German Artillery; 1st Bat'n Art. British Volunteers, New Vork city organization of April 31, 1861, abandoned after the seizure of Ma- son and Slldell aboard the Trent, Incorporated in the 36th Infantry, five companies British Volunteers, organization of July, 1861; Company Cof the McClellan Rifles. Brit;, .lames W , Colonel ; 57th Infantry. Broad V, l\ Oscar, Colonel; 61sl Infantry. Brooklyn Chasseurs ; 84th Infantry. Brooklvn Phalanx; 67th and 84th Infantry Brooklyn Rifles ; 87th Inf . except Cos. c and E. Brown, Edwin !•'.. Colonel: 28th Infantrj Brown. Jas. M . Colonel: limth Infantry. Brown. J Smith, Colonel. 126th Infantry Brown, Philip I'., Ir , Colonel; laTth Infantry. Brown, Wm. C. , Colonel: 36th Infantry Brown, Wm 1L. Colonel; 36th Infantry. Brown. Wm. H.. Colonel;I9tfa Militia and 168th Inf. Bruen's (Ed ward 1 Independent Company of Inf.; parts of I4:ld and Itifll h Infantry Bruen's (John T I Battery; lot li indep Batterv Brundage, Chas. R., Colonel; 60th Infantry. Bryan, Michael K . Colonel; 25th Militia and 176th Infantry. Buckingham, Geo. A , Colonel; -wd Infantry, 2d organization, and 183d Infantry Buell, Clarence, Colonel; 169th Infantry. Buffalo Irish Regiment; HS4th Infantry Buffalo Light Artillery: 27th Independent Battery. Buffalo Regiment, Col Franklin Sidway's; merged In 151st Infantry Buffalo Regiment, 1st: 21st Infantry. Buffalo Regiment, 2d; 49th Infantry. Buffalo Regiment, :>d; lifcuh Infantry Bull, James H , Colonel; Mechanic Rifles Bull, James M , Colonel: 126th Infantry Bundy's (Henry) Batterj ; 13th ludep. Battery. Bunting's (Thos. B.) Bafy; Co. K. 9th Militia odd. or xid Inf . later 6th Indep Battery. Burger, Louis, Colonel; 5th Militia. Burgo os es Corps ; Company R. 26th Militia, 1881. Burke. Dennis F , Colonel; 88th Infantry. Burke, .lamest' .( olonel; l'lm-nix Regiment and llth Infantry, 2d organization. Burke, John, Colonel; i; ;d Infantry. Burns, Michael W .< olonel: 73d Infantry. Biimsi, i es Escort ; Oneida Cavalry Company. Buroside's Rifles; 178th Infantry pari Burr, Allen L . Colonel; 189th Infantry, Burtis, Chas. IL, Colonel; 74th Infantry Burton's (John E i Battery; llth Indep Batterj Busteed's (Richard, Jr.) Chicago Light Bat'yipart of Batteries Band G, 1st Art. and ith Indep. Bafy. Butler, John c , Colonel; 147th Infantry. Butler's (Benj.C.j Battalion of Sharpshooters; Com- panies a, B, I ' and l>. 93d Infantry Butterfleld. Daniel, Colonel; I2lb Miliiia Butt's I Richard) Company sappers and Mini gineer C pany; nth Militia, B4th Infantry. Byrne, James J., Colonel ; 18th Cavalry. Byrne. John, Col I: 165th Infantrj Cadv'siA Lester) Battery; 24th Indep Batterv Calcium Light Bbarpsbnoters, Col. Hoi. ert Grant's; Company E, 103d Infantry California Regiment, Isi . :«2d Infantry Cameron Highlanders; Company 1.69th and part of 78th Infantry (old). cani.ion, James Colonel: 79th Infantry. 1 Cameron Legion; 69th Infantry, Company K. Cameron Rifles; 68th Infautrj Cameron Rifle Highlanders; Cos land K, I02d, and Companies B and C, 78th Inf (old), 1861-62 Cameron Rifle Highlanders (new); T'.ith Infantry (part), 1864 65. Campbell Guard; 107th Infantry. Cannon, Madison M , Colonel; 40th Infantry Carbine Hanger-: 1st < avalry. Carmichael, J is. U . Colonel; 157th Infantry. Carr, Gouverneur, Lt. Colonel; 165th Infantry, Carr, Joseph B , Colonel; 2d Infantry, Carroll. Howard. Colonel; 105th Infantry. Carthage Battery; Company II. 2d Artillery Carvle's i. las. R i Battery; Company A. mth Art . originally 35th Independent Battery. Cassldy. Ambroses , Colonel; 126th Infantry Cat Mm Isaac S . Colonel; 109th Infantry. Cattaraugus Regiment; 64th Infantry Cavalry. Id Regiment, Black Horse: ith Cavalrj . Cavalrv.Ttli Regiment, Dodge's; l-t Mounted Rifles. Cavalry, 7th Regiment, United state- and New York";:.'.! Cavalry. Hani- Light Cavalry, Pith Regiment; 1st Veteran Cavalry (part) Cavalry, 19th Regf : 130th Inf . later 1st Dragoons Cayuga and Wayne County Regiment; 188th Infan- try, later 9th Artillery. Cayuga County Regiment, 1st; Pith Infantry, later 8d Artillery. Cayuga County Regiment, 2d : 75th Infantry Central New York Battalion; 26th Infantry. Cerro Gordo Legion; 32d Infantry 'part i Chamberlain. James H . Colonel; I88tfa lnfanlry. Chambers. W H \v . Colonel: 93d Militia. Chapln, Edward P., Colonel; 116th Infantry. Chapln. Gurden, Colonel; 28th (avalry. Chapman. Alfred It , Col : 57lh Infantry Charles, Edmund C, Col ; 42d Infantry. Chasseurs & pled; 84th Infantry Chasseurs de Vincennes, an organization Colonel B Cousin of Troy received authority to in November, |h6l; nol recruited. Cfaatfleld, Harvey B.. Colonel; I02d Infantry. Chautauqua iteinment; 112th Infantry. cherry Valley Regiment; 76th Infantry [3 Compan- ies and 3d Artillery, pari Chester. Ceo F.. Colonel; 101st Infantry Chlcagu Light Artillery, Busteed's Battery: part of Batteries Hand Q, 1st Art .and 1th Indep. Hal v Christian, Wm H , Colonel; 26tb Infantry Croft. Marion N . Col : :M Regt Empire Brigade, Chrysler. Morgan II . Colonel; 2d Veteran Cavalry and ..llth Veteran Infantry. Chrysler's (E s ) Independent Company of Infan- try; Kith Cavalry (pari). Church 's iBeni S-) Engineer Corps; Engineer Com pany, 12th Militia, 1861 City Guards; sod Infantry. PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Clark. Cbas H.. Colonel; 54th Militia. Clark, John B . Colonel; 19th Infantry. Clark. Robert It . Colonel; 13th Militia. i lark. Win ^ i 'th Infantry. Clark- ' is. \ Battery; 12th Indep Lattery. i Foha i' • Battery; Bat'y I. 3d Artillery ciark'- MosesP iBattery:6tb [ndep Battery. Peter .1 I olonel; I32d Infantry. Clinton Guards: 61st Infantry. B Companies. Clinton Rifles;57th Infantry, Companies KamlG. \ imam B . c,,|o,,el; 48th Infantry. Iu ni. 99th Infantry. Cochran, John, Colonel; 85th Infantry. 1 ,i,n s .Colonel; C s Constitution Guard. Coddlngton's (Gilbert S Bat'y;30th [ndep Bat'y. I. Milton, Col ; CM infantry and 2d Art'y ;■: isW C ,| CM M i lit i:.. part of 176th I nl Clinton G Bng ; lath Bug (old). Columbia County Regiment; 91st infantry. Columbia County Regiment, 2d; 150th Infantry. Spencer w., Colonel; 61st Infantn and Clinton Guards. Confort, Felix, Lt -Col.; Les En f ants I'erdus. Conk, Anthony, Colonel; 139th Infantry. Co iklin, Fred a . Colonel; B4th Militia. Conlclln Uille*; '.iTtli Infantry. Coo naught Rangers; 87th infantry. C01 oticut Cavalry, 1st Squadron, Companies A and B; I lo.'s C and l». 2d Cav., Han-is Light. Conner, Freeman, Colonel; nth infantry. Conrad, Joseph S . Colonel; 7th Artillery. Constitution Guard; 4nth Infantry ent il Guard; part of Company B, 68th [nl Continental Guard, 1st; 48th Infantry. 1 ontinental Guard, 2d; Company C,87th Infantry. Brastus, Colonel; 156th Infantry. John, C ilonel; I88d Infantry. Co iper, -lames. Colonel; Black Zouaves. Coppinger, John J , Colonel; 15th Cavalry. Corbin's (D. O.) Art. Co.; 67th Militia, 1863 (part). Corcoran a Brigad ■ Irisn Legion: Is) Regl : the original 1st Regt, 69th National Guard Artillery, and all of the original <"«t ti Regl . except Co. l> ; designated I82d [nf. 2d Regl ; ti rlginal 5th Regt . Cos. a and D ol iii-- Id and l> of the 6th Regl : the 5th tormed Cos A to Q ; Cos. a and D8d Rest., I. K;and D 6th Regt. . Co. 11 . desig- nated lVith I q fan try 3d Regl ;th Iglnal 3d Regt., except Cos a and D: all of the 7th and Bth Regts.; desig- nated 164th Lofantry. 4th Regl ;C riglual 2d Regt.; designated the 170th Infantry. 5th Reg . the oriel ual 4th Regt.; formed Cos. a Band C. 175th Regt. Original 1st Regt.;6ttth National Guard Artil- lery and I8id Infantry. ,; 2d Regt.; 4th Regt. ana 170th Inf. Original 3d Regt. ; all, except Cos. Aand 1>. In 164th Infantry. Original 1M1 Regl ; later the 5th; Cos. a, B and C, I7">th Infantry. Original 5th Regt.; later the 2d; 155th [nf [Inal 6th Regt ; all, except Co. D.ln KM [n- 1 1 11 il. evil Infantry 1 7th Regl ; all In 164th Infantry. Original 3th Reel ; not organized, but all en- listed in 164th Infantry. Corcoran ' luard; 164th Infantry. in /. iu ives: 164th Infantry ig, Joseph W . Colonel; 194th Infantry Corning Light Cavalry; 18th 1 lavalry Corning Light infantry; 18th Cavalry Cornwall Company; Co in pan j l-ith [nfantry. d Elite, 103d Infantn Company U old) Cortland Coui 76th and 181st Inf. Cortland Regiment . 134th Infantry i; 7'. 1 ii and 185th Infantry. I harles R . Colonel; 184th Infantry. 1 \\ li.n terj ; tfat tery M . l-t ut i> and K. 81 b Cavalry, urs 'i" V I nee ones, itery; lsl Indep Battery. Cowle* mel; 128th Infinity. Cram 1 dry. II, Levin, Colonel; 125th [nfantry. N 1 .in M . 1 olonel 107th Infantry. •"■I . 95th Infantry 1 rocker, John 8 . ' 'olonel 93d [nfantry. Cromwellian Regiment . 7>;t h Infantrv, < roit m I mel ; 1 Regt Empire Brig 8 iinn.-i J, 1 lolonel; -th and :.".M < lavalrj □ 1 'olonel . 671 h I nfantry H itt. tv K . Is! \rt. Cullen. Bdg ir M I olonel; 06th [nl < urn ml ns, Francis M Colonel 124th Infantry Cnrrie, Leonard D. H., Colonel: 133d Infantry. Curtis, .lames K.. Colonel; l.YM Infantry Curtis, j Langdon, Colonel: N. v Legion. Curtis, N Martin, Colonel; 1 42d Infantry. Daggett, Kufiis, Colonel; 117th Infantry. Dandy, George F. B., Col ilj 100th Infantry. Danforth, George B-, Colonel; 134th Infantry and Cherry Valley Regiment Davey's George W.) Battery; nth Indep. Battery. Davis. Bdwln 1' . Colonel. 153d Infantry. 1 1. ivies, Henry B., .ir , Colonel; 2d and 13th Cavalry Da vies, J. Mansfield, Colonel; 2d Cavalry. D, ivies Light Cavalry; 18th Cavalry (part). Ii ivies, I'nos A., ' "lonrl; ltlth Infantry. Davis, Benjamin F , Colonel; 8th Cavalry. Davis (Henry W.) Battery; Battery H. 1st Artillery. Davis, I riah 1. , Colonel: 85th Infantry. Day, Nicholas V7., Colonel; 131st Infantrv. Day's Sam'lC 1 Battery: Battery P, 3d Artillery. tie Agreda, J. B . Colonel; McClellan Rifles. De Camp's 1 Morris) < lavalry ; 1 uh i avalry (part). Defenders, The; 178th Infantry (part). De Forrest, Uthnell, (olonel; &th Cavalry De Forrest, Jacob J ,.Col I; 81st Infantry. Degive, I'eter, Colonel; ~'.»tl» Veteran Infantry. DeJvernola, Gotthilf B , Colonel; 68th Infantry De Kaih Regiment; 41st [nf. (Co. F. later 9th Bat'y). DeLacy, Wm . Col : 164th [nf and 87th Vet. Inf. Delaware Battery; 8th Independent Battery I D'Epiiteuil (Lfbnel J., Colonel) Zouaves; 53d Inf. De Russey, Gustavus A , Colonel; 4th Artillery. De Trobnand, Regis, Colonel; 83th and 55th Inf. Devi n, Thomas C , Colonel ; 6th Cavalry. Devin's, Indep. Cav. Co.;Co A. 1st Militia Cav., 186 1. Deuitt, David P . Col I ; I4:;d [nfantry. I DiCesnnla, Louis P , Colonel; 4th Cavalry Dlckel's (Christian P., Col I Mount'd Rifles; 4th Cav. Dickinson Guard ; BOth Infantry. Dickinson, .1 S , Colonel ; authorized to organize t lie Dickinson Guard Dickinson Light Artillery; 16th Indep. Battery. Dieckraan's (Jullusj Lattery: 18th [ndep. Battery. Diedrich's (Otto) Battery; Lattery A, 1st Battalion Artillery, later 89th Lattery. Die-no-mores; Company D, 48th Infantry. Dlninny, Samuel w . colonel; 141st [nfantry. Diven, Alexanders , Colonel; 107th [nfantry. Polike, AdolphUS, Colonel, 15tll Infantry. Dod-e, Chas ('., Colonel; 1st Mounted Rifles. Dodge, John A., Colonel ; J5th Infantry. Dodge's < Jeremiah P. B.) Engineer Corps; Kngineer Corps. 5th Militia, 1881. Dodge's Mounted Rifles; 1st Mounted Rifles. Dodge, Stephen A , Col ; BTth Inf. and B'lyn Rifles. Donnelly, Dudley, Colonel; 28th Infantry Doubleday (Thus. D . Colonel) Artillery; 4th Art. Dozen, The | 12th Infantry Dragoons, 1st Reg'l . 130th Inf . later 19th Cav. Drake. Jeremiah C , Colonel ; 112th Infantry. Drew's I Benry Z.) Company of Mechanics' Rifles; part of Company «', .">lst infantn Dunn. Win. F , L'n one I; 5l h Veteran infantry. Dunham, C. A . Colonel; Sarsfleld Rifles, Durkee, ('has., Colonel ; 061 h Infantry. Duryea, Abraham, Colonel: 6th Infantry. Durvea, Hiram, Colonel ; ."it h Infantrv. Durye i. Richard C Colonel; 7th Artillery. Duryea s Zouaves, 1st; 6th Infantry Durvea- Zouaves, 2d Battalion; 165th Infantrv iy, Fred'k Ceo , Colonel ; £01 h In'antry Dutchess County Regiment or Legion; 150th Inf. Dutchess County Regiment, 2d; 150th Infantry. Dutton, Wm , co||; 98th [nfantry Dwlght, Augustus W , Coloiul L"M Infantry Dwlght, Charles C . Colonel; 160th [nfantry. Dwlght, Wm . .Ir . Colonel; 70th [nfantry. Dyckman, Garrett. Colonel; 1st infantry. Bgan, Tlios \\ . Col J 40th Infantry. Eagle, orScrogg's Brig., 1st Reg'l ;78tb [nl pain. Bagle, orScrogg's Brigade, 2d Reg't; nutti h t Eagle, or Scrugg's Brigade, 3d Regiment , Com- panies I and K, 05th Infantrv Bagle, or Scrogg - Brig., *th Reg't; 78th inf. part). •h Regiment ,. r :!d hit . in |z i'ioii became part ol 18Sd at d I62d Inf. Baton's (John B i Batten . :7th indep. Battery. John IL. Colonel; 3d Infantiv Elehth Ward Rangers; Corapanj D, 25th [nfantry. Elliott, Bam'l McK ,Col ; authorized toreorult78th Cameron Highlanders; l-t. Col 79th [nfantry. Klhs. a. Van Horn, Colonel; 124th Infantry. Ellis' (Wm ii i Batten i " -'"' independent Battery. Ellsworth, B Elmer, Colonel: nth Infantry. Ellsworth's Avengers; nth [nfantry Ellsworth's Zouaves; litii Infantrv Bllwo id, John, I olonel; Plerpont Rifles. Binbrtok, Fred'k B , Colonel; 108th infantry. SYNONYMS OF NEW 5T0RK ORGANIZATIONS. Emerson, William, Colonel; 151st Infantry. Empire Mattery; battery A, 1st Artillery. Empire, or Spfuola's Brigade, Isl Regl 158th Inf Empire, or Spinola's Brigade, 2d Begt.; I82d Inf. Empire, or Bpinola's Brigade, Bd Regl . 168d lnf Empire, or Spinola's, Brigade, 4th Regt , IMtb Inf. (pari - Empire City Regiment or Guard; Co. D, 6th, ami k :.M Infantry. Empire Light Cavalry: 2d Veteran Cavalry. Empire Zouaves; part of Slat tnl , and Co. B, 66th Infantry. Enfants Perdue; Independent Battalion <>f lnf Engineers and Mechanics, 1st Regt., Practical; offered in April, 1881, Col. Win. K. Kevins; not accepted Engineer Corps, B. B. Church's; Engineer Co., 12th Militia, 1861. Engineer Corps, E. A. Qulutard's; Engineer Co., 71st Militia. 1881. Engineer Corps, Francis Page's; Engineer Co., 69th Militia, 1882 Engineer Corps, Jer. P. B. Dodge's; Engineer Co., 5th Militia. 1861. Engineer Corps, John Maralious'; Engineer Co., 18th Militia. 1861. Engineers and Artisans; 1st Engineers. Engineers and Artisans, 2d Keg : 15th Eng. (part). Engineers, 2d Regt., Henry V. Slosson'a Company; Company D (new), 15th Engineers. Engineers, .las. Quinlan s Co.; Engineer Co., 6i)th Militia, 18id Engineers, Peter McQuade's Co.; Engineer Co., 69th Militia, 1868. Bugiueers, C, I). Westbrook's Co.; Engineer Co., 20tb Militia (80th Infantry). Engineers. Daniel T. Van Buren's Co. ; Engineer Oo . 80tb Militia. 186L Engineers, Richard Bates' Co.; Engineer Co., 14th Militia 'Still Infantry). Engineers, W Maker's, later E. B. Kinney's Co.; Engineer Co., bth Militia, 1861. Engineers. W. M. Walton's Co.; Engineer Co., 8th Militia, 1861. Bnrlght, Richard C, Colonel; 63d Infantry. Ethan Allen Regiment; 178tb Infantry (part). Evans, David M.. Colonel : 2nth Cavairy. Everdell, w"m . Jr.. Colonel:23d Militia. Excelsior Battery 1st; 6th Independent Battery Excelsior Battery 2d: 10th Independent Battery. Excelsior Battery, :>d; lOtfa Indep. Battery (part) . Excelsior, or Sickles', Brigade, 1st Regt.; 70th Inf. Excelsior, or sickles', Brigade, 2d Regl : 71sl Inf. Excelsior, or Sickles', Brigade, 3d Regt.; 72d Int. Excelsior, or Sickles, Brigade. 4th Regt.; 73d Inf. Excelsior, or Sickles', Brigade, 5th Begt.: 74th Inf Excelsior Rifle Blues; ted Infantry. Excelsior Bitle Legion, New York: ted Infantry. Palrchild, Harrison S , Colonel; s'.ith Infantry. Fairman, James, Colonel; 7o, 5th Inf. Fifty-sixth Regt. Battery, Fitch's, 2d; Bth Indep. Battery. Fifrv sixth Begt. Battery, Regan's, 1st; 7th Indep Battery. Fifty-sixth Regt. Cavalry. 1st and 21 companies; Companies D and C, Isl Mounted Kitles. Fire Brigade; 73d Infantry. Eire Zouaves, 1st Regiment; llth Infantry. Fire Zouaves. 2d Regiment; 73d Infantry. Fisher's (F. W.i, Cavalry: 14th Cavalry i part). Fisk, Henry C. Colonel; 65th Infantry. Fisk, John, Colonel; 2d Mounted Rifles Pitch's (Butler) Battery; 8th Independent Battery. Fit/.e, James, Colonel; Republican Rifles. Fltzhugh, Charles I.., Col.; 6th and 2d I'rov. Oiy. Fitzhugh's (Robt. 11 I Battery: Mattery K. 1st Art. Fitzslmmons, Charles, Colonel; SJlsl I avalry. Flank Co , 108th Vols.; 6th Co. Sharpshooters. Flood, HughC, Colonel; 155th Infantry. Floyd, Kldridge C... Colonel; 3d Infantry. Flushing Light Artillery; Battery L (old) 2d Artil lery; later :>4th Independent Battery. Foerster's (Herman) Independent Co. Infantry; Company retained men of Bth Infantry; later part of 68th Infantry. Forties. David s.. Colonel; 68th Militia. Foreign Rifles, 1st; 89th Infantry. Fort Plain Battery: Battery K, 1st Artillery. Foster, James P.. Colonel; 128th Infantry. 35 Foster, John A. , Colonel; I75th Infantry. Foster's Heavy Artiii, ry; part of 16th Artillery. Fowler, Edward B , Colonel; B4tb Infantry Fowler, Henry, Colonel; 63d Infantry. Fox, Watson ,\ , Colonel; 74th Militia. Fox's (Geo. w.i Hatter] ;»itb (i depi ndent Battery. Franchot, Richard W , I olonel; I21si Infantrj Frank, Paul, Colonel; 53d and 180th Infantry.' Franklin's Body Guard; < •• B, Uih Cavalry. Franklin's Own: 98th Infantry Frank's (John M I Battery; Battery G, 1st Artillery. Frazer, Janus I. , Colonel; 4;th Infantry. Fredenhall Uegimeut; faded to organize; part ol '.'1st Infantry. Freeman, J. M., Colonel; Manhattan Rifles Fremont Regiment; 46th Infantry. Fremont Rifles; Co. C, 49th Infantry. Fremont's Mississippi Brigade, originated by Col. w \. Howard; not carried out; Bee Marine Artillery. French Regiment; 55th Infantry French Regiment, 2d; Cbasseursde Yim-ennes. French, Wm. B., Lt.-Col I: I65tfa Infantry. French. Winser B., Colonel; 77th Infantry. Friend's Hide Guards; Co. E, 70th Infantry. Frlsby, Edward, Colonel; 30ih Infantry. Frontier Cavalry; 26th Cavalry. Fuller, James M , Colonel; 105th Infantry. Fullerton, W. S . Colonel- 180th Infantry. Funk, Augustus, Colonel; 89th and 38th Veteran I q fan try. Gallatin Rifles; 58th Infantry (part) (iandolfo, John B.. Lt.-Col.; 178th Infantry Gansevoort, Henry 8., Colonel; 13ih and Horatio Seymour Cavalry. Garde Lafayette; 55th Infantry. Garibaldi Guard; 39th Infantry. Garrard. Conner, Colonel; 146th Infantry. Garrard a (Jeptna) < iavalry Company: 6th indepen- dent Company, Ohio Cavalry, later Co. L, 3d N. ' Y. Vol Cavalry. Garrard's Tigers: 146th Infantry. Gates, Theodore B . Colonel; BOth Infantry. Gavigan's(Owen) Battery; Battery D, 3d Artillery. Gillman, Frederick, Colonel; Morgan Bifles. Geneseo Regiment; 104th Infantry (pari I. Gerhardt. Joseph, Colonel: 46th Infantry. German Artillery Corps; 1st Battalion Artillery. German Artillery, Co. A; list infantry part. German Artillery Co.; Hamilton Artillery 'pare. German Cavalry; Co. II (new) and part of Co. I, 4th Cavalry. German Heavy Artillery, Adam Senges'; 3d Bat- talion, later part 15th Artillery. German Legion; Enfants Perdus(part). German Rangers; 52 d Infantry (seven companies). German Regiment; 29th Infantry. German Kitles, isl Regiment ; 8th Infantry. German Rifles, 2d Regiment; B8th Infantn German Rifles, .Id Regiment; 103d Infantry (part). German Kitles; 5th Regiment ; 45th Infantry. GlbbS, Alfred, Colonel; 180th Infantry, later 1st Dragoons. Gibson's (Robert P.) 12th Art.; 15th Art. (part p. Gilford, Havlland, Colonel; 98d Infantry Gttterman, John, Colonel; 29th \ eteran Inf. Gleasnn, John H., Colonel; 63d Infantry Glenny. William, Colonel: 64th Infantry. (ileus Falls Company (Mllo E. vVaabburn'a), part n.'.th inf. and part Company K, 186th Inf. Goddard, Abel, Colonel; 60th infantry. Goodrich, Wm, B , Colonel ;60tfa Infantry. Goodwin, B D .Colonel; President's Guard. Goodwins w I Bat y. llth Art.; 4th Art. (part*. Goodwin's President's Guard: Co. A, 59th Inf. Goshen Company; Company B. 124th Infantry. Gotlleb, Harry E .Colonel; Federal Guard. Qott, Benjamin F., Colonel; 174th Infantry. Gould, Charles, Colonel ; Ironsides, Governor Morgan's l. s. Light Art.. 2d Begt.; 2d Artillery. Governor's Guard; 68th Inf. 2d Mtd. Rifles, 6th Militia. Graham, Charles E., Colonel; 74th Infantry. Graham, Samuel, Colonel; 5th Artillery I Grant's (Robert) Calcium Light Sharps! ' ompany B, I02d Infantry. Grantsyne, Wm. s . Colonel : linth Infantry. Cray, i harlesO.. ColOnaI;98tb Infantry. Gray's I abijah C i Company or Shai pel flank company 108th Vols , later 6tb < ompany, Isl Battalion 8harnsh< Creen, Nelson W., Colonel : 76th Infantry. Greene, George B., < olonel: 60th Infantry. Gregg, Wm. M.. ( olonel: 179th Infantry. Gregory, David E . (olonel: 144th Infantry. Grenadier Regimem ;65tli Infantry 1 Grenadiers; Company A, io:id Infantry. '.'i t PART III. SKETCHES OF OIJCJAXIZATloNS. Grimm's (Bdward Battery; Battery D, 1st Bat- talion, later 32d Buttery. Grlndlay, James, Colonel; 14»ith Infantry. Grinnell Llghl Artillery ; pari Company H, 3d Art. Griswold, John A., Colonel ; 125th Infantry. Grlswold Llghl Cavalry :21st Cavalry Grower, Wm. T. C , Colonel ; 17th Veteran Inf. Grow's (John A I Battery ; 25th ludep Batierj Grumback. Nicholas, < olonel; 140th Infantry Guards o! Libert] and Union ; Mohawk Bangers. Guion, George M.. Colonel ; I 18th Infantry. Gurney, William, Colonel; 127th Infantry. Hall. George B . < olonel ; 7 1 -t Infantry. Hall, Henry II . < olonel : 4th Artillery. Hall. James I-'., Colonel; 1st Engineers. Hall, Thomas S., Colonel ;92d Infantry. Halleok Guard; Company II, I3tb cavalry. Halleck Guard, Co. A; Co. A, 119th Infantry. Halleck [u fan try ; 146th Infantry. Halsted's (Wm I 2d Regt. N. J. Cav..Van Reypen's Company; old Company M, 8d Cav. .later part 1st N. J. Cavalry. Hamblln, Joseph B., Colonel; 65th Infantn . Hamilton Art.; Co. L (old),2d Art . later 34th Bat'y. Hamilton, Charles, Colonel; 110th Infantr] Hamilton, Theodore B., Colonel ;62d Infantry. Hammell, John s.. Colon 1 1 ; 86th Infantry HammeH, W. W., Col.; Washington Light Cav. Hammersteln, Herbert, Colonel; I02d infantry. Hammeratein, Robert, Colonel; 78th Infantry. Hammond , John, ' lolonel; 5th Cavalry. Hampsoo, B E A . Colonel, organized April, 1861, three companies of N.T. British Vols., and later in 1861 recruited men again. H tncock Guards ; 90th Infantry (part). Hancock Regiment : 101st Infantry (part). Hannum's (josiab C.) Battery; 28th Indep. Bat'y. Hardenberg, Jacob B., Colonel; 80th infantry. Harhaus, Otto, Colonel, 2d Cavalry. Harlan's (Joslah) Cavalry, Krom'a Company; Com- pany (i. 5th Cavalry. Ham's (Win. A I Battery; 3d Indep. Battery. Harris Light Cavalry: 2d Cavalry. narrower, Gabriel 1'., Colonel; 1 61 St Infantry. narrower, Henry G., Colonel; I61s1 Infmtry. Hartman, Lewis, Colonel; 29th infantry Hart's (Patrick) Batteries; 15th and 32d [ndepend ent Batl Hathaway, Samuel G-, Colonel; ltlst Infantry. Havelook Battery; 11th Independent Battery. Hawkins, Rush C., Col >1; 9th Infantry. Hawkins Zouaves, 1st; nth Infantry. Hawkins Zouaves, 2d; 178th infantry (part). Hay man, Samuel B., Colonel; 37th infantry. Ilavt, Win W., Colonel; I89tb Infantry. HaVward, Win It .Colonel, 60th infantry. Hazelton's Jas B.) Battery; Bat's D, 1st Art. Heavy Artillery, 1st Regt.; 1th, and Co. B, 2d Art. Heavy Artillery, Jackson, 2d Regt.; 5th Artillery. Heine, Wllbelm, Colonel, 103d Infantry, Heintzelman's Escort; Company l. 5th Cavalry. Hendrlckson, John, Colonel; 83d Infantry. Herkimer Regiment; 34th and l.'lsi Infantry. Hlggins, BenJ l- , Colonel: 86th Infantry. Highlanders, Cameron Highlanders; 79th Inf. Highlanders, 78th; 78th Infantry. Highland Guard; 7«th Infantry Hiller's Fred i. Battel ) ; 16th Indep Battery, Hlllhouse Light Infantry; IS2d Infantry. Hiram Barnej Rifles; 54th infantry. Elijah) Company, 2d Regt. I'. 8. Bharp- ters; I lompany B, 93d Infantry Hoffman, Henry C , Colonel; 23d Infantry W m II Battery; C panj A, 5th \ 5 , I Artillery, irlsh Brigade; C pany A, :.M Battalion Artniery, later 14th indep. Batter] Hoi ley, John C , Colonel; I48d infantry ii .ii Erastu D Colonel; 19th Infantry. Holt, Thomaa, Colonel; Tith Infantry. Honved Regiment; part of 15th and 52d Infantry. Hooker'- Escort; 2d Cav . Co 's \. B, l and K Hopper. Ceo. I . Colonel; loth Infantry. ■ Seymour's Cavalry Companies A and B; Companies B and I 13th « ".»\ > 1 1 \. rtlllei i 3. Vol 1st Regl , Co.'a b and ; Oo.'S A and 1. 2d Art) Her] H sk'a Philip) Artillery C pany; Artillery Com- pany 66th Militia . Howard Artlllen . i-t Marin,. Artillery. Howard, Wm II., Colonel; M nil..- and IStfa Art. Howell - John ll Battery; Battery \l. 3d \rt Howe's Rifles; 16th Infantry Howland, Joseph. Colonel; 16th Infantrj Hoyl , Mark. Colonel ; I76th Infantry. Buds,,,,, Henrj W Colonel; 59th and R2d Inf Hugbston, Kobert 8 . Colonel; inn. Infantry. Hull, II H , Colonel; lm Duryea Zouaves. Hull, Waller 0., Colonel; I Cavalr] Humbold Taegers; part 58th Infantry. Hungarian Regiment; part 39th Infantry. Hunt, Lewis ('.. Colonel; 92d Infantry. Husk, Lewis W , Colonel; lllih Infantry Hussars; Company C, 3d Militia Cavalry. 1861. Huston, James, Colonel: 82d Infantry. Hyatt, James G . Colonel; 17th Militia. Hyde, Joseph, Colonel; 125th Infantry. Hyde's (W. B Cavalry; part Htli Cavalry. Imperial Zouaves; pari 47 1 h Infantry. Independence Guard; 12th Inf. , and Company A, I2tb Militia, later Company A, 102d Inf. Independent Battalions of Artillery, see Battalions of Artillery. Independent" Battery, 3d W, Bock's re-organizing ; pari of loth Artillery. I nd. pendent Battery, 10th, Edwin S.Jenny'8; Bat- tery K, 3d Artillery. Independent Battery, 34th, Herman Jahn's: part of 15th Artillery, Independent Battery, 35th, Jas. B. Carvle's; Co. A, 16tti Artillery. Independent Battery, 86th, Chas. Graham Bacon's; part 13th Artillery. Independent Battery B, or 2d: 3d Ind. Battery. Independent Company of Infantry. Bth; Co l>, 194th Infantry. Independent company of Infantry, 12th, part; Co. H, part, 194th Infantry. Independent Company of Infantry. 17th; Co. I, l'.Mth Infantry. Independent Company of Infantry, 21st: Co. P, 194th Infantry. Independent Company of Infantry, 31st; Co. F, mewi, 7"ith Infantry. Independent Company of Infantry, 49th; Co. G, 194th Infantry. Independent Company of Infantry, Amos Soper's; Co. K. 189th Infantry. Independent Corps, NY. Liyht Infantry; Enfants Perdus. Independent Engineers; 50th Engineers. Independent Irish Regiment; 68d Infantry. Independent RlfleS; I O. A, 151st Infantry. Infantry. 19th Regiment; 3d Artillery. Infantry, 113th Regiment; 7th Artillery. Infantry, 129th Regiment; Bth Artillery, infantry, 130th Regiment; 19th Cavalry, later lat Dragoons. Infantry, 135th Regiment; tith Artillery. Infantry, 138th Regiment; 9th Artillery, limes, Chas. 11.. Colonel: 36th Infantry. Ira Harris Cavalry; ">th. 6th and 12th Cavalry. Ira Harris Guard, 1st; 5th Cavalry. Ira Harris Guard, 2d; 6th Cavalry- Ira Harris Guard, 3d; 12th Cavalry. Ireland, David, Colonel; 187th Infantry. Irish Brigade; Companies G, H, and I. 105th Inf. Irish Brigade Batteries, 5th Regiment Artillery. 14th and 15th Independent Batteries, originally 2d Battalion Artillery. Irish Brigade, Meagher's, 1m Regiment ; 69th Infantry. Irish Brigade, Meagher's, 2d Regiment; 88th Inf. Irish Brigade, Meagher's, 8d Regiment; 63d Inf. Irish Brigade, Meagher's, 4th Regiment; 88th Infantry, three companies Irish Brigade, Meagher's, 5th Regiment, formerly 1th; 88th Infantry Irish Legion, Corcoran's, Bee Corcoran'a Bi Irish Regiment, 3d; 63d Infantry. Irish Regiment; 105th Infantry. Irish Regiment . Buffalo; n'dth Infantry. Irish Rifles; 87th Infantry. Ironclads; 1361 h Infantry. Ironhearted; 115th Infantry. ironside-: I76tn Infantry Irvine, Wm . Colonel: 10th Cavalry Italian Legion; part . 39th Infantry Ithaca \ olunteere; Co v 82d Regiment . Jackson, Allan H.. Colonel: 134th Infantry. Jackson Artillery; pari. 5th Artillery. Jackson Guard; I2d Infantr] Jackson Heavj Artillery, 2d Regiment; 5th Art. Jack on Horse Guard: Co \ Is) MllltlaCav., 1861. Jackson Regiment, Excelsior Brigade, or Light Infantry; 5 1st Infantry. Jackson, Wm A . Colonel; 18th Infantry. Jacobs, Ferris, Jr . Colonel; 26th Cavalry. Jahn's i ll. -i man Batter) ; 2d Independent Battery. Jahn's (Herman) 34th Hid Bal : part, 16th Art. ,i in,,- . Edward C . Colonel; 106th Infantry. Jardine, B . Colonel; Bth Veteran Infantry Jefferson County Regiment; 85th Infantry and I Otll Artillery. Jefferson Greys; Company B, 85th Infantry. Jeff rson Guard: 5th Militia, Jenkins, David P , Colonel; 146th infantry. SYNONYMS OF NEW YORK ORGANIZATIONS. 275 Jenkins, John P., Colonel; 3d Regiment. Eagle Brigade, 17~'d Infantry and Lt.-Col, 17th Militia. Jenny. Edwin 8., Colonel; 185th Infantry Jenny's (Edwin s.) latli Independent Battery; Battery W, 8d Artillery. Jersey Company; Company D. 18th Infantry. Joacblmson, P. L., Colonel; Quion Guard. Johnson, Andrew, Cavalry, see Dement, Colonel. Johnson, Charles A., Colonel; 85th Infantry. Johnson, Nathan J., Colonel; 115th Infantry. Johnson, William. Colonel . 148th Infantry. Jones. Delaneev Flovd, Colonel; 140th Infantry Jones' (Enoch) Battery; Batten B, 3d artillery. Jones, Frank, Colonel; 31st Inf. and 81st Vet. Inf. Jones, Lorenzo. I., Lt.-Col. ; 194th Infantry. Jones, Patrick IL, Colonel; 154th Infantry. Jourdan, James, Colonel; 158th Infantry. Judson, Roscius W., Colonel; I42d Infantry Judd, Schuyler P., Colonel; 106th Infantry. Kapf, Edward, Colonel; 7th Infantry. Karples. Henry M , Colonel; 62d Infantry. Keese. olivet- J , Colonel; llsth Infantry. Keith's (Robert) Indep. Company <>f Infantry, part 102(1, and part Company E, 124th Infantry. Kellv, Patrick. Colonel; SSth Infantry. Kelsey's (William 4.) Battery; Batterj G, 3d Art. Kenka Rlflea; Company I, 83d Infantry. Kenned) . William l>., Colonel ; 42d Infantry. Kennedy's (Terrenes J. I Battery; 1st Indep. Bat'y. Kennedy's (Terrence J.) Infantry Company; part Company it, 19th Infantry. Kerrigan, .lames E. , Colonel; 25th Infantry. Kerrigan Dangers; 25th Infantry. Ketehiim, John II.. Colonel; 150th Infantry. Kibbe, George C , Colonel: Bth Artillery. Kilpatriek, Judson, Colonel, 2d Cavalry. Kings comity Volunteers; Company C (new), 03d Infantry. Kingsley, Hale, Colonel; 3d Degt., Empire Brig, Kinney's (Edward B.), later W. Baker's, Engineers; Engineer Company, 6th Militia, 1861, Klrby's (Wm. M I Battery; Mattery I, :;d Artillery. Kitohing, J. Howard, Colonel; 6th Artillery Kittinger's (Samuel) Battery; 23d Indep. Battery. Knterltn's ( John) Battery; Battery C, 1st Battalion, later, 31st Battery Kossuth Guard or Rifles; part Co. 1, 59th Inf. Kozlay, Eugene A.. Colonel; 54th Infantry. Krettner, Jacob, Colonel; 05th Militia. Kreutzer, William, Colonel; 08th Infantry. Krom's (Abraham H.; Cavalry Company; Company G, 5th Cavalry. Kryzanowski wladlmlr, Colonel; 58th Infantry. Kusserow's (Charles) Battery, Battery D, 1st Bat- talion, later 82d Battery. La Due, William, Colonel; 84th Infantry. Lafayette Guard; 55th Infantry. Lallin, Byron Colonel; 34th Infantry. Lake, James, Colonel; 17th Veteran Infantry. Lane, James C, Colonel; I02d Infantry Langner's Robert) Batteries ; Battery C 1st Battal- ion, later. 31st Battery, and 32d Battery. Lansing, Henry S., Colonel; 17th Infantry. Lansing, Jacob H., Colonel; stub Infantry. Latson'siJohn W.) Light Artillery, Company Band — ; Companies A and I, 2d Artillery. Lazelle, Henry M., Colonel; ltith Cavalry. Ledlle, James H., Colonel, 19th Inf , and 3d Art. Lee's (Jay E.) Battery; Company B, Docket Battal- ion, later 24th Battery. Lee's (Richard H.) Battery; 16th Battery. Leirerts, Marshall, Colonel; 7th Militia. LeGal, Eugene, Colonel: .V>th Militia. 1863 LeGendre, Charles w . Colonel. 51st Infantry, and New York Difles. Lemmon, John C, Colonel; 10th Cavalry. Le Roy Regiment; 105tb Infantry. Les Enfants Perdus; Ind. Corps, Light Infantry. Leslie Guards; part 66th Infantry. Leveriek, John D , Lieutenant-Colonel; 183d Inf Levy, Simon, Lieutenant-Colonel, Les Enfants Perdus, and Colonel. McClellan Infantry. Lewis, Charles, Colonel; 17'itlt Infantry. Lewis County Battalion: 3d Battalion Artillery. Lewis, George w , Colonel; 8d Cavalry. Lewis, James, Colonel; 144th Infantry. Lewis' (George W.l Company C, 18th Infantry: ( 'ouipanv K . 3d ( 'avalrv. Lewis' I Wm. II Battalion of Artillery: 1st Indep. Battalion Artillery, Militia, 1864. Llchterkost, Martin, Colonel: Cnion Difles and Empire City Guard. Lichtenheim. Theodore, Colonel: Gallatin Rifles. Liebenau, Henry F., Colonel; 26th Cavalry and Seymour Light Infantry. Light Artillery, Co. L. 3d Regt.; 1st Indep. Bat'y Light Artillery, Gov. Morgan's 2d Degt. U. S.; 2d Artillery. Light Battery A. 1st Degt Art.; 2d Indep. Bat'y. Lincoln Cavalry; 1st Cavalry Lincoln Divers; 99th infantry. Lincoln ( IreenS; It h ( 'a\ airy Lincoln Regt., Norton's Indep Mich Co : Co. K, 1st ( 'avalrv. Lin-lev Blue. ; lu.M Militia Lion's (ThoB. W I Battalion Artillery; Rocket Bat- talion, later 23d and 24th Batteries. Littlejonn, Dewitt C . Colonel; 110th Infantry. Little Zouaves; 9ih Infantry Livingston. E , Colonel; 76th Infantry. Livingston County Regiment; lnith Infantry. Lochiel < 'ameron Highlanders; 78th Infantry (old, Elliotts organizati Locke's (Mllo W.) Battery; [6th Battery. I kinan, John t , Colonel; 119th Infautry. Loeser, Chas McK . Colonel; llth Infantry. Logle, Wm K., Colonel; 14 1st Infantry Long Island Volunteer-. 1st Regt.; 67th Infantry. Lord. Newt, a, |{ , Colonel; 35th Inf. and 20th Cav. Lost Children; Les Enfants Perdus Ludwlck, Bphralm A . Colonel; ll-'th Infantry. LutZ, Andrew, Colonel; Humboldt Vaegers and Uorgan Rifles. Love. Geo. M.. Colonel; 116th Infantry. Lynch. Thomas, Colonel; 77lh Militia. Lynch, Wm. A., Colonel; 42d Infantry. Lyons, Geo, a . . Colonel; 8th Militia Lyons Regiment; 98th Infantry. UcChesney's i Walter w. Zouaves; 10th Infantry. McClellan Cavalry; 2ut h Cavalry. Met ilellan I Ihasseun.; < lompanles Fand K,90th Inf. McClellan Infantry. Co. C; Company B, B7th Inf. McClellan Infantry ; part 54th and one company |n:.'d Infantry. Mccieiian Rifles; Companies A to E, 90th Inf, McClelian's Escort; Oneida Cavalry C pany. Mc( llellau's (Samuel A, Batten . Bat'j G, 1st Art. McConihe, John, Colonel; 169th Infantry. McConihe, Samuel. Colonel; 93d Infantry. McCunn, John II , Colonel; 87th Infantry McDermott, Peter, Colonel: 170th Infantry. McDonald, Andrew. Colonel; 108th Inl'antrv McDonald, Christopher D . Colonel; t:th Infantry. McDonald, Wm. D , Colonel; Scott's Rifles. MoDoUgall, Archibald L. , Colonel; 123d Infantry. McDougall, C Dugald, Colonel; lllth Infantry. McEvlley, William, Colonel, 165th Infautry. McGregor, John D., Colonel; it h Infantry. Mclvor, James P., Colonel; 170th Infautry McKean, James It. , Colonel, 77th Infantry, McKlbben, Gilbert, Colonel: 51st Infantry MoKnight's (Geo. F Battery.- pjth Indep. Bat'y. McMal , .las. P . Colonel-155tfa & 164th Inf. McMahon, John 1'.., Colonel; 164th and 188th Inf. McMahon's 'Henry J.) Battery; Co B, 6th N. V. S. Art. Vols , Irish Brigade; later 1Mb Battery. MoMartin, Duncan, colonel; 153d In fat McNary, Wm. H .Colonel; 158th Infantry McNett, Andrew J .Colonel: 14 1st Infantry. McQuade, James, Colonel; nth Infantry. McQuade's Petei I Ingineer Co.; Engineer B9th Militia 1st;:;. McReynoldS, Andrew P , Colonel: 1st Cavaltx Mack's Albert G. Rifle Battery, 108th Vols ; 18th Battery. Macomb Regiment; 96th Infantry. Madison and Cortland Regiment; 157th Infantry. Magruder, James, Colonel; 2d Euglni Mallon, .lames E , Colonel; 42d Infantry, i Malone Regiment: 98th Infantry. Malone's (Robt. a.) Indep. Co Inf.; part 124th Inf. Manhattan Rifles; part 57th Infantry and Com- pany G (Old), led Infantry. Manns (Daniel P 1 Cav. Co ; Oneida Cavalry Co. Marabous' (John) Engineer Corps; Engineer Com- pany. 13tfa Militia. 1861. Marine Artillery; 1st Regiment Marine Artillery. Marked. Win L , Colonel; Bth Cavalry. Marsh, E Jay. Colonel: I86th Infantry. Marshall. Elisha G., Colonel; 13th Infantry and 14th Artillery. Martin, Henry P . Colonel; 71st Militia. Martin, Joel . Colonel; 17th Veteran Infantry. Martin's (Joseph W.) Battery; 6th Indep. Battery. Mason, loel W. . Colonel : 6th Militia. Mas-. Battalion frontier Cavalry, Cos. A to E, 26th Cavalry. Matberson, Roderick, Colonel; 82d Infantry. Matthewson's (Angel) Battery; Battery E, [si \rt. Mayer, Wm . Colnuel; 171st Infantry. Meade's Escort; Companies A. It. I and K, 2d Cav. Meagher's Irish Brigade, see Irish Brigade. Meagher's Own, Mrs.; 88th Infantry. Mechanic Rifles, Henry/. Drew's Co ; part Com- pany C, ">ist Infantry. .Mechanic Rifles; three companies 00th Infantry. 376 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Mercer's [Wm. E I Battery; Bat'y c (new), 3d Art. Merchant's Brigade, 3d Keyt ; part 178th Infantry Meriam's CO F ■ Battall >( Art.: 6th Bat'n Art Merritt, Robert B . Colonel; 75th [n Tan try. Merrltt, Wesley, Colonel; Imperial Zouavea Merserau's (Th irnasJ.) Battery; Battery B, 3d Art. Meserole, Jere V Colonel; 47tli Militia. Metropolitan Cavalry; 14th Cavalry. Metropolitan Guard, i-t Regt.; 131st Infantry. Metropolitan Guard, ~M Regt.; 133d Infantry. Metropolitan Guard, 3d Rest.; I62d Infantry. Metropolitan Guard, 4»h Regl ; 173d Infantry. Metropolitan Qunrri, 5th Rest.; 174th Infantry. Midi !o . Lincoln Regt. Indep Vols.-, Company K, 1st Cavalry Middleton s (S I Battalion r>f Art : 7th Bat'n Art. Miles, Nelson A. . Colonel ; Cist Infantry. Militia, Cavalry, Co. A; Co. a, 1st Mil. Caw, 1801, Kevin's. Militia. Cavalry, Co. C; Co. C. 3d Mil. Cav., 1861, Sailer's Militia, 1st Bat'n Light Art ; part Bat'y L, 1st Art. Militia, 2d Regiment; Sid infantry. Militia. 2d Regt. Co. D (old); Co. D, 83d Inf. , later 3d P.atterv. Militia, 4th Regt. Heavy Art.; 4th Militia. 1863. Militia, 6th Regiment; part 66th Infantry. Militia, 9th Regiment; 83d Infantry. Militia, 9th Regt., Co, K (old); Co. K, 83d Inf., later 6th Battery. Militia, 10th Regt.; 177th Infantry. Militia. lJth Regt., Henry A. Weeks ; Cos. B, C, 0, EandFinewi. l:ith Infantry. Militia, I2tb Regt., Co. A;Co. A, 102d Infantry. Militia, 13th Regt., part 87th Infantry. Militia, 13th Regt. Heavy Artillery; 13th Militia, 1861-1863 Militia, ltth Kegt.; 84th Infantry. Militia, 15th Regt , Artillery Company; Company [,. 2d Artillery, later 34th Battery. Militia, 15th Regt., part: part 74th Infantry. Militia, 18th Regt., part; parts 9th, 17th und 138th infantry. Militia, I'.'th Regt.; 168th infantry, Militia, 20th Ke-t.: .Mth Militia, 1861; 80th Infantry. Militia, 33d Rest., part: pari 60th Infantry. Militia, 34th Regt., part; part 98th Infantry. Militia, 38th Kej_'t., part; part 34th Infantry. Militia, 39th Regt., part; part 76th Infantry. Militia, 49th Regt., part; part, l'.nh infantry. Militia, •"■nth Rest., Cos. a and B; Cos. L ami M, 58th Militia. 1864 Militia, 51st Regt., part ; part 12th Infantry lold). Militia, 52d Rent., part ; part !7iitli Infantry. Militia, 54th Regl , part; Company B, 27th Inf. Militia, Regt., part; 55th Infantry. Militia, 54th Regt., part ; 64th Infantry. Militia, 65th Regiment, part; part Battery 1, 1st Artillery; part 21st, 19th and 187th Infantry. Militia, 68th Regiment, part ; part "i 72d Infantry. Militia, ti'.ith Rett! , part; part of 69th and I82d Inf Militia, 70th Regt , part: part of .".th Artillery. Militia, 71st Regl , part: part of 124th Infantry. Militia, 74th Regl . part; part of 21st Infantry. Militia, 76th Regl . part: part of 87th Infantry. Militia, 70th Regt , pari; part of 79th Infantry. Millard's (Cyprian II I Battery; 28th Indep. Bat'y Miller, Francis C . Colonel; 147th Infantry. Miller. W F., Colonel; 153d Infantry. Mllliken, Charles A , Colonel; 43d Infantry. Mill?. Alexander, Colonel; Ming's Own, Ming's Own; part 59th Infantry. \lmk b (Charles E.) Batter) i Battery II, 1st Art. Mitchell's (Michael) Battery Company C, 5th New -> S IrtllleryVols . Irish Brlg.j later, 16tfa Bafy, II ) Cavalry; 3d Cavalry. \. w Cavalry, 2d Regiment i 23d cavalry. M ch, Joseph A . Col I; 83d Infantry Moffit, Stephen, Colonel 96th Infantry. Mohawh Rangers, or Rifles; tbr lompanies of Blsl Infantry. Mollm i L, < lolonel, I59th*lnfantry. Monltoi -: 127th Infantry. Monroe County Regl nt 140th Infantry. Montezuma Battalion; 39th Infantry. Montezuma Regiment; 81 I [nfantn . Montgomerj ,H P., Colonel; D". 8 Guards. M ir's Company; partCnmpanj E, 121th Inf Moore, Benry, Colonel 47th Infantry ■ huh Cavalry ii i an. i k . mttii Infantry. Morgan, Joseph B , Col I 90th Infantry ami Mcl l'-llan Ch I Morgan Light Artillery; part 2d Artillery Rifles 1st ; < lompanlea A to F, 58th Inf. Morgan Rifles; 93d Infantry Morgan'i (Governor! i H Light Art , :.\i Regt . 2d Artillery. Morgan state Zouaves; Company F, 10th Infantry. Morris, L. G., Colonel; of the regiment which became the nth Artillery. Morris, Lewis O., Col.; 113th Inf , later 7th Art Morris, Orlando H., Colonel; 66th Infantry. Morris, wm H., Colonel: uth Artillery. Morris' (Richard H I Battery; retained men 0th Infantry, later part of 3d Infantry. Morris Andrew.!., Colonel; 7th Cavalry, Black Horse Morrison, David, Colonel; 70th Infantry. Morrison. .Joseph J . Colonel; lf.tli Artillery. Morrison's (Joseph J.) Battery; Bat'y B. 3d Art. Morton, Cbas. Ii.. Colonel: I78d Infantry. Mort. m's .Peter. Battery; 8th Indep. ISattery. M..ti, Thaddeus P., Colonel; 14th Cavalry. Mott's (Thaddeus P.) Battery; Company D(old), 82<] Infantry, later lid Battery. Mountain Battery; 18th Battery Mountain Legion: l">6th Infantry. Mounted Infantry, 75th Regt.; 75th Inf. I'mounted temporarily). Mounted Rifles. 1st Regt.; 1st Mounted Rifles, later part 4th 1'rov. Cav. Mounted Rifles, 2d;2d Mounted Rifles. Mounted Rifles, Dickel's; 4th Cavalry. Mower's (Lewis H.) Battery; Battery L, 3d Art. Mozart Kecitnent: 40th Infantry. Mulford, John E . Colonel; 3d infantry. Murphy, John McLend, Colonel; 15th Eng. (old). Murphy, Matthew, Colonel; I82d Infantry. Murphy, Michael. Colonel; Kings County Vols Murray, Edward, Colonel; 5th Artillery. Murray, John B., Colonel; 148th Infantry. Myers, Daniel, Lt.-Col. 187th Infantry. Myers, Geo. R., Colonel: 1 8th Infantry. Nail Factory Company; Company 1, 169th Infantry. National Cadets; 69th Militia. National Grays; 13th Militia. National Guard; 1st Infantry and 7th Militia. National Guard, 4th Regt.; 173d Infantry, National Guard. 4th Regiment Heavy Artillery: 4th Militia, 1863 National Guard, 5th Regiment; 174th Infantry. | National Guard Artillery, 18th and 60th Militia. 1862 and 1868 National Guard Artillery, lioth Regiment; 182d Inf. National Guard Rifles; part 57th Infantry. ' National Guard Zouave.-: Co. A, Kith Infantry. National Union Rangers; part 2d Artillery. National Volunteers; 137th Infantry. National Zouaves; 5th and loth Infantry. Naval Brigade; 1st Marine Artillery. Naval Brigade, Bartlett's; 90th Infantry. Nelson. II r A., Colonel: 159th and 167th Inf. Nether land Legion; part 39th Infantry. Nevin, Davi.l J., Colonel; 62d Infantry. Nevins, Win. R., Colonel : Practical Engineers and Mechanics. Newberry, Walter C, Colonel; 24th Cavalry, Newburgh Guard; Company F. 168th Infantry. N J. Cavalry, Van Reypen'a Company; Co, M (old), 3d Cavalry, latter pari 1st N J. Cavalry. New PaltZ Volunteers; part 158th Infantry. Neu York Battalion; offered by Col. David Webb in December, 1861. New Fork Battery; part of Baker's Rifles New Fork Brigade; 18th Cavalry. New Fork British Volunteers, see British Vols. New York Cavalry Battalion Frontier Service; Companies c to L, 26 th Cavalry . New York City Artillery, 1st; 12th Art., later part ol 151 h Artillery. New York Excelsior Rifle Legion; 92d Infantry. New Fort Fire Zouaves. 2d; 73d Infantry. New Fort Legion, to consist ,,r four regiments, offered by Mr J. Langdon Curtis In May, 1861, I. ut not accepted New Fork Light Infantry; Company Q\ 15th Inf. New Fork Riflemen; Cos. A, B, C and l>. 93d Inf. New York Killes, part 51st I id mm New Fork Sappers and Miners; lath Fnjiineers. New Fork's Own; Company I. 69th Infantry Neu Fork siatc Light Infantry, 2d Regt.; 82d Inf. New Fort State Rifles; 18th infantry. New York Union Volunteers, 1st: 8lSt Infantry. New fork, or r s , Cavalry, 7th Regiment; 2d < 'avalrv. Harris Light New Xbrt Volunteer Corps of Engineers; 1st Eng. New York Zouaves; 9th and llih Infantry. Niagara Rifles; 28th Infantry Nichols, Geo F , Colonel; ||s||, Infatitrv. Nichols, Geo S . Colonel; 9th Cavalry. Normal Sc|,o..| Companv; Co. K ( newi . 44th Inf. Northedge. w iu.. ColonH;5tah Inf. and s Vols. Northern Black Home Cavalry; 7th Cavalry. Northern N \ Regiment, 1st; 16th Infantry. Northern N. ^ Regiment, 2d; 22d Infantry. SYNONYMS OF NEW YOKK ORGANIZATIONS. 277 Northern Sharpshooters; part 93d Infantry. Northern Tier Regiment; 22d Infantry. Norton's (Anson X.) Michigan Company, Lincoln Independent Volunteers; Co. K, 1st Cavalry. Nott, Charles C, Colonel; ntith Infantry. Nugent, Robert, Colonel: ti'.ith Infantry Numans (John D ) Battery; 22d Indep Battery. Nyaok \'<>lunteers; part lTih [nfauiry Urieit, Henry F , Colonel; nth Infantry, 2d organization I) 'D .mobile's iWm.) Battery; Battery I), 5th Irish Brigade, later part of Battery A, 2d Battalion Artillery, and 14th Battery Otrdeusburgh Regiment; 60th Infantry. Ohio 6th Independent Cavalry Company (Jeptha Garrard's); Company L, 3d Cavalry. Oleott, Egbert, Colonel: Ir.'lst Infantrv. Olmstead, Win. A , Colonel; 59th and 189th Inf. Olmstead, Win. B . Col ; Thurlow Weed Guards, Olmsted, Spencer EL, Col.; Spragne Light Cavalry. O'Mahonev. John, Colonel; 99th Militia. Onderdonk, Benj. P., Colonel; IstMtd. Rifles One Hundred and Twelfth N. Y. Vols., Co I.: 7th Company sharpshooters. Oneida County Regiment, 1st; 14th Infantry. Oneida County Regiment, 2d; 26th Infantry. Oneida County Regiment, 3d; 97th Infantry Oneida County Regiment, 4th; I17th Infantry. Oneida Count v Regiment, 5th; 146th Infantry. Oneldalndep Co of Cavalry; Oneida Cavalry Co. O'Neill's (Major Thomas) Battalion Artillery; 2d Battalion Artillery. Onondaga and Cortland County Regt . ; 185th Inf. Onondaga County Cavalry; part 3d Cavalry Onondaga County Regiment; 12th Infantry. Onondaga County Regiment, -d, Co, P.; Co. K, 101st Infantry. Onondaga County Regiment, 3d: V2M Infantry. Onondaga County Regiment, 4th; 140th Infantry. Onondagas; l~:M Infantry. Ontario County Regiment; 33d Infantry. Orange and Sullivan Regiment: atith Infantry. Orange Blossoms; l:'4th Infantrv. Oregon Rifles, 1st Regt.; offered in 1861, but not accepted, Col. Dow Williamson, men to Co. C, 3d Regt. Maryland Vols. Orleans Battery; 17th Indep. Battery. O'Rorke, Patrick H, Colonel; 140th Infantrv. Osborn's (T w Battalion of Art.; r>th Batt. Art. Osborn's (Thomas Ward) Bat'y; Bat'y D, 1st Art. Oswego County Regiment; 24th Infantry. Oswego County Regiment, 2d; 81st Infantry, seven companies Oswego County Regiment, 3d; 1 loth Infantry. Oswego County Regiment, 4th; 147th Infantry. Otis, ElwellS., Colonel: 140th Infantry. Otsego Regiments; 131st and 185th Infantry. Otsego County Regiment; 7fith Infantry. Page, J. A., Colonel; Clinton Pities. Palmer, Jeremiah, Colonel; 2d Artillery. Palmer. Oliver II , Colonel: 108th Infantry Palmer's Artillery; 2d Artillery. Palmer's Company Fremont Rifles; Company C, 40th infantry. Park. Sidney W , Colonel; 2d Infantry. Parker, Thos. J.. Colonel; 64th Infantry. Parmele, Theo, W., Colonel; 174th Infantry. Parmenter Riflemen; Howitzer Co. I, 71st Militia, originally Co. L, huh Militia. Parrot Battery; Ith Battery. Paw-Paw, Mich . Company; Co. C. 70th Infantry. Pease, Win 1! , Colonel; 117th Infantry. Peck, Lewis M , Colonel; 17 id Infantry. Pierce's Milton P > Company Sharpshooters; 8th Company, 1st Bat talion Sharpshooters. Pierce, () It , Colonel; Mohawk Bangers. Peissner, Elias, Colonel; 119th Infantry Penn. V"ls. Cav. Regt., W. II. Boyd's Co.; Com- pany C, is; < lavalry. People's Ellsworth Resrt.; 44th Infantry. Per Lee, Samuel B.. Colonel; 114th Infantry. Perry. James ll , Colonel; 48th infantry and ~'d Continental < iuard. Perry's Saints; 48th Infantry. Pettis Col. Wm. II | Engineers; 50th Engineers. IVnit's Kufus l) Battery; Battery B, 1st Art. Phelps, Walter. Jr . Colonel; 22d Infantry. Phoenix Regiment; part 164ih Infantry. Pierrepont Cav . Abohbot's Cav ; part 14th Cav. Plerrepont Bitles; part of 14tb Cavalry. Plerson, J Frederick, Colonel; 1st Infantry Polish Legion; part of 89th and part of 68th Inf. Pope. Edward M , Colonel; 8th Cavalry. Porter, Purr, Colonel; 26th Cavalry Porter Guard; loth Cavalry Porter, Peter A., Colonel; 129th Inf and 8th Art Potsdam Regiment; 92d Infantry. Potter, Henry L . Colonel; 71st Infantrv Potter, J. Neilson. Colonel; I tilth Infantry. Potter. Robert B. Colonel; "d>t Infantry. Powers, Chas. J., Colonel; 108th Infantrv. Practical Engineers and Mechanics, 1st Regiment; offered in April. 1861, but not ac< ept< d; Col. Win. R. Nevins. Pratt, Calvin E., Colonel; 31st Infantrv. Pratt. George w.. Colonel; 20th Militia, 1861, and KOth Infantry. Pratt Guard: pari I78tb Infantry. President's Lire Guard, Co. A; Co. A, 59th Inf Prey, Gilbert o . Colonel; imth Infantry Price. Edward Livingston, Colonel; 145th Inf. Prikell, John, ( olonel; 13th Infantry Provisional Cavalry; 1st to 4th Provisional Real. ments of < lavalry. Putnam Rifles, 66th Infantry I've. Edward. Colonel; 95th Infantry. li'.uh Quimby, Isaac I'. Colonel; 18th Infantrv Quintan's (James) Engineers; Engineer Co. Militia, 1861. Qulnn's (Michael R ) Battery; Batterv B, Isl Bat. talion Artillery Militia, 1864. Quintard'B (E. A.) Engineer Corns Engineer Co . I 71st Militia, 1861. 1 Quirk, James l,\. Colonel; Westchester Light Inf. Railway Brigade; 109th Infantry Haines' Artillerv; part 15th Artillery Ramsey's (Col. Albert C.) U. s Voltlgeura or Ran- gers, Co. A: Co. I). 5l8t Infantry. Ramsey's (Col. Albert C i U.S. Voltigeurs or Han- gers. Cos. B and C; Cos. I and K , 57th Infantry, Ramsey, Geo. M., < olonel; Seward's Nat. Guard. Randal, Alanson M., Colonel; 2d Cavalry. Raney's (James a.) Battery; part 80th infantrv. Ransom's fAlfred) Battery; Co. A. Rocket Bat- talion, late 23d Lattery. RaulstOU, John I!.. Colonel; Slst Infantrv Raulston, Wm. ('.. Colonel; 24th Veteran Infantry and 24th Cavalry Reed, Horatio Blake, Colonel: 22d Cavalry. Regan's (Peter C I Batten ; 7th Lattery. Remington Guard; 81si Infantrv. part. Republican Rifles, a regiment offered In Sept.. 1861, but not accepted: Col. James Fitze Reynolds'(Gilbert H.) Battery; Battery L, IstArt. Reynolds' (John A.) Battery: Batterv L. 1st Art. Rice, Addison G . Colonel; 154th Infantrv. Rice, James C, Colonel: Hth Infantrv. Richards, Samuel T., Colonel; 118tfa Infantrv. Richardson. Richard A., Colonel; 26th Infantrv. Richardson. Robert M., Colonel; 15th Cavalry and 12th Veteran Infantry. Richardson's I Ileum Independent Co. of Infantrv; 35th Independent Co. of Inf. Richardson's Richard B . later John Bevine's, Independent Co. of Inf.; part 80th Infantrv Richmond Guards; Company G, 33d Infantrv. Rifle Batterv lORth Vols.. Mack's; 18th Batte'ry. Riflemen; l-th Infantry Hide Regiment; 13th Infantry. Pities: 28th Militia. Hilles, 75th; 37th Infantrv Biggs' Wm. J Battery; Battery H, 3d Artillery. Hiker, J. Lafayette, Colonel; 62d Infantry. ' Riley, Edward J., Colonel; 4Uth Infantrv. Rlngold, Benjamin, Colonel; I08d infantrv. Ritchie's (David l'. Battery; Battery C, l-'r Art. Roberts. Samuel H , Colonel: 139th Infantry Robinson's (Edward (.. Co. of B.8.; 8th Company, 1st Battalion S. S. Robinson, Ward well G., Colonel; 184th Inf. Rochester Cavalry Regiment: Bth and 22d Cavalry. Rochester Race Horses: 1 tilth Infantrv. Rochester Regiments, Infantrv; lath, 105th and 108th Infantry. Rochester Union Grays: part Pat. L. 1st Art., Vols., and 1st Independent Bat n Art.. Militia. 1864. Rocket Bat'n. Cos. A, and B; 28d and 24th Batteries. Roomer's (Jacob) Battery; Company L (old), 2d Artillery, later 34th Batterv. Rogers' (Edward W0 Batterv: I9th In Iep. Battery, Rogers, James C, Colonel ; 123d Infantry. Rogers' (Robert El Battery; Batter] 1!, IstArt. PI nek ney, Joseph C, Colonel; 6th Militia and 66th Rogers, Wm P., Colonel.' 21st Infantry Infantry. Kohrback. John, Col.; lotth Inf and Gen Reg't Pinto. Francis E . , Colonel: 31st and 33d Infantry. Roinaiii, James II .Col.: Washington Zouaves. Piper, Alexander, Colonel; 10th Artillery. Roome, Chas., Colonel ; 37th Militia Platner. John S , Colonel; 1st Veteran Cavalry. j Root, Adrian R . Colonel : 94th Infantrv. Pittsburgh Regiment: 96th Infantry. ' Rortys (Jas. McKay) Battery ; 14th Indep. Bat'y. PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Rosa, Rudolph, I lonel; Bth Infantry. . ■ in Colonel; -1st Infantry. Rosefleld Chas Colonel; Astor Regiment |'s(V\ - , Inter Arnold's, Battalion Sharp shooters; 1st Battalion SharpsI Russell - (Sam 'I iv> Battery; Battery A, Sd art. Ryan, George, Colonel; 140th Infantry K'\ der, Henry W. , Colonel ; 5th Veteran infantry. Rydei . James, Colonel; l-th Militia Franklin) Battery; -'"th Battery. Iraent . l-t Cavalry ■ William, Colonel; 9th Cavalry. Harbor Regiment: 94th [nfantry i B., Col.; nth Inf., 2d organization. Sage, Clinton II . Colonel, llmli [nfantry Salem's (Nicholas) Battery; Battery I. ls< An. Saint Lawrence* ounty Regiment, 1st; 16th Inf Saint Lawrence County Regiment, 2d; (10th Inf Saint Lawrence County Regiment, 3d; 92d Inf. Saint Lawrence County Regiment, Ith ; 106th Inf. Saint Lawrence County Regiment, Bth; I42d Inf. salm Balm, Felix, <'.,| ; Bth, 88th and Bib Vet inf. Salt Rangers; 149th In lam rj Sammons, Simeon, Colonel; 115th Infantry. Saudford, Josiah; 92d Infantry. Sappers an. 1 Miners, C l' IVestbrook's Co.; Eng. Corps, 20th Militia, 80th Infantry appd German Rifles nger - (Joseph A.) Indep. Co. Inf.; retained men of 29th Inf . later pan of 68th Inf it's (Emll) Batten . 9th Battery. Bchurz, Carl, Colonel ; 1st Cavalry. Bchwarze Vaeger; 54th Infantry. Bchwarzwalder, Christopher, Col ; 5tb Militia. Scott, Geo W , Colonel ; 61st Infantry. Bcotl Life Guard; 28th [nfantry. Scott Life Guard, Isi Regiment; 4th Infantry. Life Guard, 2d Regiment ; 88th Infantry. Bcotl Rifles ; part Blst Inlantrv. Nine Hundred . Iltfa Cavalry. Scrogg's Brigade, see Eagle Brigade Searing, Wm. M . Colonel; 80th Infantry. Beaver, Joel J . Colonel; 16th Infantry. Beeley, Aaron, i.t Colonel; 25th cavalry. . Jesse, c.ii'.nei, iiiih Infantry Selkirk, Geo ll . Colonel; 49th Infantry. Senges. Adam, I.t Col.; 3d Battalion Art. ' Battalion German Heavy ,\n : 8d Bat'n Art. Berrell's Artillery ; 4th Independent Batter] Berrell'e Col Edward W.) Engineers; Isi Bng. Seward Irtlllerj ; 3d Artillery. ! Infantry ; 19th and 103d Infantry National Guard, a regiment offered In June, 1861, by Col George M Ramsey, but not pted. thr mi pan i,-, fraudulently mi is tered iii. and therefore, i let 19th, 1881, tout tered out Win II . C,,|,,ne| ; 9th Artillery. Se\ in. .I. th • i ' Regl i oa a and B; ( is B ind F, 13th Cavalry. Beymour ' luard . 7' ii Art tilery • ir Light Cavalry ; 13th Cavalry. Beymour Light [nfantn ; part 178th Infantry. ler, i lolonel 86th [nfantry. " Shannon, B ll . Col I; Von Beck Rifles ii ' olonel, 120th [nfantry I, < ololiel ; IMth'l \ . Sharps! cers, i-' Indep Battalion; 6th, 7th, 8th - i irpshooters. Sbarpsl ten, Bth Co., Tenth Legion; Co. L,66th I nl i lit rv Sharpshooters, 6th, 7tb, -Hi and 91 de lent Battalion Bharpsl tern Sharpshooters (B Blaokmore's), 10th Companv; ipany Bbamal ten and 17*11, i . , r Sharpshooters, Bent C. Butler'* Battalion; Cos \. ii C ami n 93d l"f intrj Sharpshooters, Milton P. Pierce's Company; part 8th Company, Is1 Battalion Sharpshooters. Sharpshooters, Robert Grant's Calcium Light; Companv B, Ic.'d Inlantrv. Sharpshooters, Slgel's; part 119th [nfantry. Sharpshooters, Stevens'; Co C, Enfants Perdus. Sharpshooters, 1st IT. 8., N \ Cos.; Cos. A, B, D and II. 1st U. 8. Bharpsl ters sharpshooters, L.'d s ■ Elijah Hobarl - pan] : < ompanv I'., 93d Infant rv. Shaurman, Nelson, Colonel; 90th [nfantry. Sheard, Ami. rose, t lolonel Empire t llty Guard Shedd, John w.. Colonel; 106th Infantry. Sheldon's (Albert S.) Batter.) . Battery B". 1st Art. Shepard Rifles; 5181 Inlantrv muriie, John P. , Colonel; lith Cavalry. Sberrlll, Eliakim, Colonel; IMth Infantry. Sickles' Brigade, see Excelsior Brigade. Sickles' Cavalry; 25th Cavalry. Sickles. Daniel E., Colonel; 70th Infantry. Sidway. Franklin, Colonel; of a regiment to be recruited in Buffalo; merged into the 151st inf Siebert, Louis, Colonel; 2d Mounted Rifles Sigel Light Guard, Co. A; Co. 1>, 1 19th Infantry. si^el Rifles ; 52d [nfantry. Sigel Sharpshooters; part 119th Infantry. Skinner. Lewis C. , Colonel ; llUth Infantry. Slldell, Win. J.. Colonel; 144th Infantry. Slocum, Henry w , Colonel; 27th [nfantry. Smith, Abel, Colonel: Kith Militia Smith, Abel, Jr.. I.t -Col .: 165th Infantry. smith. Alfred B., Colonel ; 150th [nfantry. Smith, ElishaB., Colonel; lUtli Infantry. Smith, Hiram, I lolonel : I lOtfa Infantry. Smith, .lames. Colonel 128th Inlantrv. smith, John T., Colonel; 112th [nfantry Smith's (.lames E I Battery; Artillery Co. L, 1st Etig., later 4th Battery. Smith's (Win. F.) Escort; Company L, Hit Ii Cav. Smith's Zouaves: lfiath Infantry. Smolensk!, Joseph. Colonel; U.S. Lancers. Snider, Gustavus, Colonel; ls.">ih Infantry. Snyder, George w . Colonel; 12th Infantry. Snyder, J. W., Colonel: 9th Artillery Siiist, Clemens, Colonel. 29th Inlantrv Super's (Amos) Indep. Co Inf Co K. 189th Inf. Southern Tier Regl , or Rifles; 23d Infantry. Southworth's (Irving l>.> Battery :25th Battery. Spauldlng, franklin. Colonel, 151st Infantry. Special Begt. N. V Vols : Enfants Perdue. Sptnola's Brigade, see Empire Brigade, Spofford, John P., Colonel; 97th Infantry. Sprague Light Cavalry; 16th Cavalry. Spratt's (Joseph) Battalion Artillery; nil Bat Art. Sprat Cs (Joseph) Battery; Battery 11, 1st Artillery. Springeteed, Edward A , Colonel; 7tli Artillerv Stabel, Julius, colonel; Bth [nfantry stahl'siWiii it. ; Battery; 19th Battery Stanton Legion; 145th Infantry. State i luard ; 82d [nfantry Stale Rifles, New York', ISth Infantry. Stephens, Win <)., Colonel; 7:.'d Infantry Sternberg, Chas w . Colonel; 21st Veteran Inf Steuhen Hangers, Bitles, Guard; 7th Inlantrv. Steuben Rangers, 2d; 86th Infantry. Stevens, Ambrose. Colonel; 123d and 176th Inf, Stevens, Isaac I.. Colonel; T9th infantry. Stevens' sharpshooters: Co. c. Enfants renins Stewart, Chas. B. Colonel; 50th Engineers Btewarl . chas ll . Colonel; 8d Irtlllen Stewart's (Chas H.) Infantry Co.; Co. G, c i li inf. Stiles. John W , Colonel; 88d Inf (9th Militi , Stocking's (John W I Battery; Battery K, 1st Art. sto, ■urn's (John) Batten Batten |: - |M artillery Stoneman Cavalry: '-'th Cavalry Btoneman's Body Guard; Oneida Cavalry Co Storming Tigers; a regiment to he raised in Bm, i, ivn, offered In July, 1861, but not e toepted Strang, John u . Colonel; inuh [nfantry. Strong, Jas. r. Colonel; 88th [nfantry Stryker, Stephen W . Colonel; nth infantry. Stuart's (Chas B.) Engineers; 50th Engineers. stuarts Independent Volunteers; 60th Engineers, Stuart's iW'm | Itatterv: 8d Battel \ Sturm f els' (Emll) Battery; Light Artillery, Co A, B. I» Baker's Brigade; later 13th Battery. Suiter. James a. Colonel: 84th Infantry. Sullivan County Regiments; 56th and I48d Inf. Sullivan, Timothx , Co|,,nel; 24th Infantry Sumner, Edwin V., Colonel; 1st Mtd, Rifles, and ■Ith I'rov C.-n Sunnier'- IS, oil: Cos. Hand K, Oth • avalry Swain. Jus l; , Colonel; lith Psvalrj Swain's Cavalrj Regiment; lith Cavalry Bweltzei kelson B. , Colonel; 16th Cavalry, and 3d Proi Cavalry. SYNONYMS OF NKVV YORK OR . lolonel; 17th Cavalry. Tracy. Benjamin P., Colonel; 109th Infantry. Traffnrd. Benjamin L., Colonel ; 7Jst Militia. Travers, George w . Colonel; 46th Infantry. Troy Regiment, 1st; 2d Infantry. Troy Regiment, 2d; 22d Infantry. Troy Regiment, 3d; L69th Infantry. Tin id, nil. Charles >.. Colonel; 1:11st Infantry. Turner Rifles; 20th Infantry. Tyler, Rockwell, Colonel: 66th Infantry. Oilman, Daniel, Colonel; 78th Inf., and 1st Regi- ment Eagle Brigade. Ulster Guard; 20th Militia, andSOtfa infantry. lister keKiment: 12Uth Infantry. dnderhlll, Henry P., Colonel; iuOth Infantry. Underbill's Edward H. Batt'y; Batfy M, 1st Art. rjnton Battalion of Zouaves; 6th Infantry. Union Brigade; I01SI Infantry. Union i o,,st Guard: 99th infantry. Union Greys: 22.1 Militia. Union Grenadiers, Co. A; Co. E, 103d Inf . Union Guard; 59th Infantry. Union Rangers; 26th Infantry. Union Regiment; 27th Infantry. Union Hitles; part 0f5l8t Infantry Union sharpshooters: part litii veteran [nfantry. Union Volunteers; 8th Infantry United states Chasseurs. 1st; 66th Infantry . I* ni led States ( oust it utioii Guard; 40th Infantry. United states Guards; a regiment offered In June, 1861, Col. II. P. Montgomery, but not accepted United states Lancers: part Co M. 9th Cavalry, and part of Cos A and B, 4th Artillery United States Light Artillery. Gov. Morgan's 2d Regiment ; 2d Art lllery. Unite I States National Guards; llth Infantry. United States or N. V. Cavalry, 7th Regiment; 2d Cavalry, Harris Light, i nited States Rifles or Rangers; 58th Infantry. United States Sharpshooters, Hobart's Co., 2d Regt . ; Co. B, 93d Regl United states Vanguard; pare 59th Inf. and Co K. lid Infantry United States Vnltigeurs; 57th Infantry. United states Volunteer Cav. , 1st Regl : 1st Cav United Mates Volunteers. 1st He«t Horse Art., Cos. Band - : Cos. A and I, 2d Artillery. United states Volunteers; Capt. L'batfleld's Co . lad Infantry, and part of 57th and 59th Infantry. United States Zouave Cadets, Co. B; Co. A. Capt. John P. Glass. 71th Inf. United Turner Hides; 20th Infantry, Upton, Kmory. Colonel; 121st Infantry. I'tica Citizen Corps; Co. A, 14th Infantry. i Utica Regiment. 28th Infantry. \ an .Men Col .las II I a\ airy ; ad Cavalry. Van Buren Light Infantry; 102a Infantry Van Buren, Thomas It.. Colonel; I02d Infantry Van hiii, -ns Daniel T Sappers and ' Engineer Corps. 20th Militia, 1881 Vanderbllt. Geo. W . Colonel; Manhattan Rifles Vanguard Regiment: 59th Infantry. \ a,, Heusen'a Stephen) Batterj Rati i D Van Pet ten, John B . Colonel; I98d Infantry. Van Rey pen's C. G I Cai Co Co M old i, 8d Cavalry, later part of 1st N .1 Cavalry. Van Schaak, Geo w.. I tol 7th. and 7th Vet., Inf. Van Valkenburgh, Robert B . Col I; 86th and Ui7th Infantry Van Voorbees, Koert s , Colonel ; 187th Infantry. Van Wyck, Charles H., Colonel; 68th Infantry VanZandt, Jacob, Colonel; Dial Infantry. Varlan, Joshua M . Colonel Htfa Militia. Variant (Joshua M.) Battery Artlllerj Co I, 8th Militia, 1861 Vermont Battalion, Frontier Cavalry, l-i and 3d Companies : Companies M and F, 26th Cavalrj Vlele, Henry K., Colonel 94th Infantrj \ lele, John J., Colonel ; Morgan Guards. Vincent. Nathan II , Colonel . Bflth Infantry. Vinton, Francis L . Colonel . 43d Infantry. VlntOU Rifles; 43d Infantry. Voeirelee's (Adolph) Battery; Batterj B, 1st Bat- talion ArtiUerj . later 30th Battery Volunteer State Zouaves ; Co C, 10th Infantrj Von Amsherg, George, Colonel . 46th Infantrj Von Heck canal Rangers or Hide-; Companies B and c. I02d Infantry Von Blucher's (Gustav) Battery; Slat Battery Von Egloffstein, Baron Fied. w., Col.; 103d Inf. Von (Jilsa, I bold, Colonel : list and l'.'1-t Inf. Von Kleiner's (Alfred t Batterj 80th Battery. Von Morozowttz's I Vdalbert) Battery; Companj I iold), 41st Infantry; later 9th Battery Von Putkammer's (Albert A i Hat v: litl, Bat'y Von Schoening, Em 1 1, Colonel; German H Von Stelnwehr, Adolph, Colonel ; 29th Infantry. Von Vegeeack, Baron Ernst, Colonel; 20th Inf. Vosburgb, A. s., Colonel; 7Ut Militia. Vosburuh Chasseurs, 71st Mil, and 68d Inf Waagner, Gustav, colonel; 2d Artillery Wadsworth Guards; luith infantry. Wagstaff, Alfred, Colonel; 16th Mllltla. Waiuwright, Chas. W . Colonel; 1st Artillery. Wainwrlght, W P . Colonel; 78th Infantry ' Walkill Guards; company l>, |sth Infantry. Wall's (John) Hatters; Battery G, 8d Artillery. Walpole, Borace n . Colonel . I22d Infantry. Walrath. Ezra I... Col -i . 12th Infantry Waltermire. Wm., Colonel; 169th Infantry. Walton's (W. M | Eng. Co.; Co K. 8th Mil . 1861 Ward, J. II Hoi, art, Colonel; 88tfa Infantry Ward, Win G, Colonel; p.'th Militia. Wardrop, David W., Colonel; 99th Infantry. Warner, Amlreu 3., Colonel: H7th Infantry. Warner. Lewis D., Colonel; IMih Infantry Warren, Gouverneur K . Colonel; 5th Infantry. Warren Rifles; 96th Infantry. Washburn's (Mllo E I Co. Infantry; part of 176th, and of Co. K. I86th Infantry. Washington Continentals; Co D. 168th Infantry Washington Continentals; I o. H. loth Mllltla, and Co B, I'.'.lh lulanii j Washington County Regiment: 93d and I28d Inf Washington Guards; 120th [nfantry. Washington Grays; 8th Mllltla. Washington Grays, Isi Regiment; 17th Infantry. Washington Grays, 1st Troop Artlllerj Company l, Bth Militia, mi. Washington Grays, 1st Troop; Company I. i later in, Battery, Washington Light Cavalry, Companies A and B; Companies I, and M. lt'.t h Cavalry. Washington Rifles . llth Mil., and part of 87th Inf. Washington Volunteers; -'I'lili Infantry. Washington Zouaves; part of 57th and B7th Inf. Waterloo Wright Guards; Co. C, 38d [nfantry Wayne County Reg'ts; part of98tb and 188th inf Wayne Guards, Anthony; 136th Inf., later 6th Art. Wead, Frederick F . Colonel; 98th Infantry. Webb, David, Colonel ; Horatio Seymour Cavalry. Weber. Max. Colonel; 20th Infantry. w.ek.. Henry A., Colonel : 13th inf and Militia. Welder. Edward, Col.; J7>t li Infantry and Hum- side Rifles Weiss. Francis, Colonel; 20th Infantry. Welling, .Joseph. Colo,, !: 9th Artl Westbrook's (C. D.) Sappers and Ml 20th Militia. BOtfa Infantry Westchester Chasseurs; 17th Infantry. Westchester Light infantry: part 178th Infantry. 580 •ART I!!. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. [rleh Regt ; < b. G, B and I, I05th Inf. Westfleld Cavalry; 9th Cavaln i tery; 29th Battery. Weygani Charlea H . Colonel; 184th Infantry. M.) Battery; ii'til Battery. Wheel* i ■ ' Battery; Battery E, lei Arl Wheeler r (William) Battery; 13th Battery. . Chan , Colonel 97th Infantry. Whistler, Joseph N nel: 117th Infantry. White, Amos, Colonel; 5th Cavalry. White. David B., Colonel; Bla« Infantry. White s (i harles) Battery; Battery \..m Artillery. B aten Co l told), 76th Inf., iiterj M, 3d Artillery. Whitehall Light Guards; reorganized as Co. G, l'.M Infantry. Wlckham's (Benj i Co. <>f Infantry; part 143d inf. Wlecker'a Vrtbur) Battery; 20th Battery. Wledrich, Michael. Colonel; 15th Artillery- Wiedrich's Michael) Battery; Battery I. 1st Art. Wllkerson, Samuel II . , Colonel; llili Cavalry. Willard. George L., Colonel; 126th Infantry. Wlllarda I' w i Battalion of Artillery; Authon's Battalion Artillery, later 20tb and 28tn Batteries. Willcox'a Escort; Companies B and c. 6th Cav. Willett, .i.i s m . Colonel; 8th Cavalry. William-. John, C ilonel; 108th Infantry. Wllllamabnrgh Volunteers; Company \,;>dlnf. Williamson. Dow, Colonel; Oregon Rides. Willis, Benjamin A .Colonel; l-'th Infantry, w llsey, John D . Colonel; MM Militia. Wilson, John, Colon,-]; t:;,| infantry. Wilson, Lester B., Colonel; CUth Infantry. Wilson, William, Colonel j 6th and 69th Infantry. Wilson's Zouaves; 6th lufautry. Wilson's W, K Battery; Battery F, 1st Artillery. Wlnegar's Chas. K Battery; Battery I, 1st Art. Winslow, Bradley, Colonel; 186th Infantrv Win-low, Cleveland, Colonel; 5th and 5th Veteran Infantry, winsiow's (Geo. B.) Battery: Battery 1>. 1st Art. Winslow'B (Hiram A.) Co of Inf.; part 142*1 Inf. Winthrop, Frederick, Colonel , 5th Veteran Inf Wlsner, R. P., Colonel : 58th Militia. Wood, Alfred M., Colonel; sith Infantry. Wood, [saao, -If , Colon, -1 : 166th Infantry Wood, James, Jr., Colonel; 186th Infantry. Woodbury's (John l> i Battery; Bat'y M , let Art. Woodward, John B., Colonel; 13th Militia. Wool's Body Guard ; let Battalion Mounted Rifles. Wratislaw, Count Edward, Colonel; Ronved Regt. Wright, John G., Colonel ; 51st Infantry, Wright, Joseph, Colonel; gist Militia. Wutschell, Francis, Colonel ; 8th Inlantry. STaeger Regiment, 2d ; 41sl Infantry. Yates' Rifles; two Cos. 43d and part 51st Infantry. Vcainati, Joseph, Colonel ; Hull Infantry. Votikeis Regt.; Cos. L and M, and part of Cos. u, D, land K. I79d Inf.; transferred to 6th Art. York, Robert P., Colonel; 75th Infantry. ?OUng, Wm. II. .Colonel; 18th Infantry. Zook. Samuel K , Colonel; "«7 1 li Infantry. Zook'S Voltigeurs; 57tli Infantry. Zoos-Zoos, 9th Infantry. Zouaves, 2d; a transient organization : men joined 40th Infantry. MILITIA AND NATIONAL GUARD OF TEE STATE. The armed and uniformed portion of the Militia of the State was, at the breaking out of the war. known simply as the " Militia;" an act of the Legis- lature, passed April 23d, L862, changed this designation to"National Guard," which at this date is still the name of the armed and organized military force of the Stair. This force, besides regular organizations, furnished also a large number of officers for the military forces of the United States. '.,\i;i:\i wi, Staff Officers in the United States Service. Maj. -Gen. Charles W. Banford, of the Lsi Division, served in the field rrom May, 1861, to Angus! loth, 1801, when he was mastered out; with him served on his staff, Col. George W. Morel] ns Inspector, Lieut.-Col. Richard S. Smith as Quartermaster, Maj. Thomas B, Ardea ii- Paymaster, and Maj. William E. Townsend as Aide de-Camp. Brig. -Gen. Charles Fates, of the 3d Brigade, served in the field during the Pennsylvania campaign in June and July, 1868, commanding at Fenwick, Pa., and lsi Brigade, Dana's Division, I >. - 1 ■ t . Susquehanna, with the following staff; Maj. Charles Trumbull White, M EL I Gardiner, Quartermaster; Captnio Henry C. Landon, Corn- Subsistence; <'a|>t. J. [lobar! Herrick, Ordnance Officer; Capts. Reginald H. Anthon and Benjamin S, Church, Aides-de Camp. I'. Gen. William Hall, of the 8d Brigade, served In the field during the Pennsylvania campaign in June and July, 1868 a! Harrisburg, Pa.; there is no record of his staff , ex- . L«pl that < .1. Fred Pierson and Cone of New I ork dtj . served \\ ith him as Volunteer Udes de Camp. Gen John E wen, of the Itli Brigade, served In the field during the Pennsylvania campaign in June and July, 1863, commanding 1th Brigade, 1st Div., Dept. Susquehanna; the following officers serving on bis stall; Lieut.-Col. J. Henderson Gran! as Asst.-Adj.- Gen., Majs. H. W. D. B. Woodhull and — Pardee as Burgeons, Capt. rackson as Quarter . :.- Commissary Subsistence, Lieut. Walter Edwards a> Ordnance and Capta. I! S. Van Buren and Charles F. Kingsley ns Aides '!•• ('imi]>. Brig. -Gen. Philip S. Crooke, of the >tl> Brigade, Berved in the field daring the Pennsyl- impaign In June and July, 1668, commanding 2d Brig., 1st Div., Dept. Susquehanna, MILITIA AND NATIONAL GUARD OF THE STATE. 281 accompanied by the following' staff officers: Maj. W. II. Leaycraft, As8t.-Adj.-Gen ; Maj. Thomas McAllister, Surgeon; ('apt. James Mooney, Quartermaster; ami ('apt. John I.. Bergen, Aide-de-Camp-. Brig. -\ GRAYS. Batteries A and B of this battalion, located at Rochester, and- commanded by Maj. Wil- liam M. Lewis, volunteered Aug. 3d, 1864, to serve one hundred days. They served at the depot Ehnira as infantry, and were mustered out of the United States service, at Roches, ter, Nov. 22d, 18(34. The battalion is not now iu existence. 36 282 PART III. SKETCHES OF OBGANIZATIONS. SECOND REGIMENT OP INFANTRY. This regiment, located al New York city, was ordered, April 34th, 1861, to prepare for service. The order having been revoked, the regiment volunteered for three years, and entered the service of the United States in May and June, 1861. its original company, D, be- came the 8d Battery (Vols.), and Dec. 7th, 1861, the regiment received the designation, 82d N. ^ . Vols. It is qoI now in existence. FOURTH REGIMENT; FOURTH 1 1 1: A \ \ ARTILLERY. This regiment, located in New York city, commanded by Colonel Daniel W. Teller, was ordered, June 18th, i s »'>::. to proceed to Harrisburg, Pa., to serve thirty days. It Berved in the Dept. Susquehanna, and was mustered oul of the United States Bervice July 34th, 1863, at New York city, and at this date is not in existence. Ill III REGIMENT; JEFFERSON GUARD. This regiment, located in New York city, was ordered to proc I to Washington, D. C, April 20th, 1861. It left the State April 38th, 1861, commanded by Col. C. Schwarzwalder, and was mustered in the United States service for three months May 1st. 1861, at Wash- ington, l>. C. It served at Washington from May. 1861, and in Gen. Patterson's army at town, Martinsburg, Charlestown, Bolivar Heights and BZnoxville, Md.. from July 1st, 1861. Aug. 7th, 1861, it was mustered out at New York city. Measures to reorganize it as a volunteer regiment for three years' service failed. Maj 37th, 1863, the regiment was ordered to proceed to Washington, 1>. <'., for a service of three months; June 6th, 1863, this order was revoked. June 18th, 1868, the regiment, then commanded by Col. Louis Burger, was ordered to proi 1 to Harrisbarg, Pa., to serve thirty days; it left the State June 19th, 1863; served at Harrisburg, Marysville, Carlisle and Chambersburg, Pa., under Qten. Yates, in the 1st Brig., Dana's Div., Dept. of Susquehanna, and was mustered out of the United States Ber- New York city July 33d, 1863. The- regiment, not now in existence, took part in the occupation of Arlington Ileights, Va., May SIXTH regiment; governor's GUARD. This regiment, located in New York city, was ordered, April 19th, 1861, to proceed to Washington, 1>. •'., and [eft the State, commanded by Col. Joseph C. Pinckney, April 21st, 1861. It was mustered in the United States service for three months at Annapolis, Md., and July 81st, 1861, it was mustered oul of the same at New JTork city. In November, 1861 , quite a large portion of the regiment entered the volunteer service as the nucleus of the 66th N. Y. Vol. Regt., organized by Col. Pinckney. June 18th, 1868, the regiment, then commanded by Col. Joel W. Mason, was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., to serve thirty days; it left the State June 83d, 1868, and was placed on duty at Baltimore, Md., serving in the 3d and 3d separate Brigs., Middle I >-i«t . . 8th Corps; it was mustered out of the Bervii f the United States at New York city, July 33d, 1868> jriment, not In existence at this date, lost by death, of disease) In its Bervice In 1W>3, 1 enlisted SEVENTH REGIMENT; NATIONAL GUARD. Of thii regiment, located in New York city and still in existence, < lompanies A, B, * ' and I>. w re organised during the excitement created i>y the firing of British al America! oil Sandy Hook. \pnl. 1806, as the tirst. si ml. third and fourth companies, and June 36th, ih.;. were officially recognized by the State as part of the uniformed Militia, and attached to the battalion of artillery commanded by Maj, Andrew Sitcher, April 5th, 1807. This battalion, in the organization of the 8d Regiment of Artillery, became its second battalion. When war with England bees imminent, in 1807, these tour companies, with other vol- were temporarily organized as a regiment, commanded by Col. Peter Curtenius, and remained thus detached until April 30 1809 in 1813, the 8d beca the I lth Regi- ment of Artillery, the four companies remaining the 3d Battalion. August 86th, 1834, the battalion was named •■ Battalion of National Guard," its distinctive name until in 1863 the MILITIA AND NATIONAL GUARD OF THE STATE. 283 Legislature appropriated it for the uniformed militia. In December, 1824, the tilth com puny was organized, and ('apt. Stevens' company of the lltli Artillery transferred to the battalion, as its sixth company. In .January, 1825, the battalion was transferred to the 2d Regiment of Artillery; Oct. 1, 1825, it was detached ami organized as a separate ami Inde- pendent battalion, and during the month its seventh company was organized. May hh. 1826, the organization of the eighth company was completed, ami on tie- (ith, the battalion was organized into a regiment, the 27th Artillery. April 17th, 1888, a troop of cavalry was admitted to the regiment, which in L861, became the ninth company, .inly 27th, 1848, the designation of the regiment was changed to 7th Regiment. In April, 1849, an engineer corps was organized, which, in 1861, became the tenth company. The regiment rendered active service: From Sept. 15th to Dec. 15th, 1812, and from Sept. 2d to Dec. 2d, 1*1 I. in United States service; Nov. 19th, 1825, at the execution of .lames Reynolds; April Huh. 1884, at the Election Riots; July llth and 12th, 1884, al the Abolition Riot; Dec. 17th. 1885, al the great conflagration in New Fork city; Feb. 24th, is;ji;, at the Stevedore Riot; Febru ary 6th to March 6th, 1837, at the Flour Riots; Dec. !)th and 10th. 1839, in the Anti Renl War; April 22d and 23d, 1840, al theCroton Water Riot; July 19th to21st, L845,a1 the fire in New Vork city; May Huh. L2th and llth, I849,at the Astor Place Riot; June 16th, 1857, at the P - lice 1,'iot; July 5th, 1S.Y7, at the Dead Rabbit Riot; January 3d, 1859, at the Quarantine War; Sept. 12th to 19th, 1862, preserving order al the camped' the Spinola Brigade; July, 1*71. at the Orange Riots, and .Inly. Is;:, at the Railroad Riots. April 19th, 1861, the regiment, commanded by Col. Marshall I, efforts, lefl the State, m rm//, to Washington, D. ('., where it was mustered in the service id' tin- United States, tor thirty days, April 26th, 1861; it served at Washington, and was mustered out at New Toxi city, June ::. 1861. May 25th, 1862, the regiment, still commanded by Col. Lefferts, again bit the State and was mustered in the United States service, at Camp Hamilton, Va., May 29th, 1862, forthree months, from May 26th, 1862. It served most of this time at Baltimore, Md., and was mustered out of the I'. S. service. Sept. '.Ith, 1862, at New York city. June 16th, 18G:i, it again reentered the United States service, and was mustered in al New York city, for thirty days. It left the State on the 17th, under the command of Col. Lef- ferts, served at Baltimore, and Frederick, Md., in the 2d Separate Brigade, Middle Depart- ment, 8th Corps, and was mustered out of the I. S. Bervice, July 20, 1863, al New Fork city. In its service, in 1861, it lost 1 enlisted man, accidentally killed, and it took part In: The advance Into Yirginia, May 24 th. 1861, and the New York City Riot, .Inly li.tli. 1868. BIGHTB REGIME3TT; WASHINGTON GREYS. On the 4th of April, 1786, the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, of New York city, was formed into a brigade of artillery, consisting of the 1st and 2d Regiments, ami a battalion. In April, 1S07, the 3d Regiment of Artillery was organized id' this battalion, and other troops, and July '27th. 1847, the denomination of this, the llth Regiment, waschanged to 8th Regi ment. It is still in existence. The regiment rendered service at the Flour Riots in 1826; at the StoneCutters Riot in L835;a1 the great tire in New Fork city, July 19th, 1846; at the Astor Place Riot, May loth, I849;a1 the Police Riot, June Kith. ls.~>7:a; the Dead Rabbit Riot, July 5th, 1857; at the Quarantine or Sepoy Riots, Sept. llth-29th, 1859; al the camp of the 53d N. Y". Vols., preserving order, Sept. l'.tth, 1862; at the camp of the ( lorcoran Legion, preserv- ing order, Oct, 18th-28d, 1862; at the Draft Riots. July. 1868; at the Orange Riots, July 12th, 1871, and at the Railroad Riots, July 25th 29th, 1^-77. April 20th, 1861, the regimen! was ordered to Washington, D. C, and commanded by Col. George Lyons, left the State on the 23d; it was mustered in the service of the United States April 25th, L861, at Washington, to serve three months; it served in the tsl Brig., 2d Div., Army of North-Eastern Virginia, ami was mustered out at New York- city, August 2d, 1861. May 29th, 1862, the regimenl again left the State,/, rout, to Washington, D. C. under the command of Col. Joshua M. Yarian, and reentered the service of the United State- for three months; it was discharged and mustered out Sept. 9th, 1862, at New York city. June 17th. 1 S(>:i. the regiment, commanded by Col. Varian, left the State en route to Harrisburg, Pa., where it was again mustered in the V. S. service for thirty days; it served l'AKT III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. principally al and about that place in the 1st Brig., 1st Div., Dept. Susquehanna, and was mustered out at New York city, July 28d, 1868. lament loat in 1881, killed in action Qenllsted men, died <>f wounds received in action, 1 enlisted man; in i B82, died of disease, etc . 8 enlisted men; total 16; and It, <>r portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: Bull Run, Va., July 21st, 1881, loss, killed, 8 enlisted men; wounded, 17 enlisted men; mlBSlQg, 4 officers and '.» enlisted men; total, 88. NINTH REGIMENT. This regiment, organized in June, 1859, and located in New York city, is still in exist- ence; failing to be ordered out for three months' service, it organized as a volunteer regi- ment for three year'-' Bervice; was accepted by the General Government and left the State !. 1881. Company K. the artillery company of the regiment, became the 6th Bat- tery of N. Y. Vols., ami Dec. 7th, 1861, the designation of the regiment was changed to 83d N. Y. Vols., under which title its vol unteer history will he found. TENTH REGIMENT. This regiment, still in the service as a battalion, located at Albany, was organized in 1860. Company A was also known as the Albany Zouati Cadets, and Has the Washington Conti- nentals. Theregiment served the state in the so-called "Anti-Kent War" in the Helderberg Mountains, in summer of 1865, and at West Albany during the Labor and Railroad Riots in July, 187*: It left the State Dec. 16, 1862, having volunteered ami been accepted for nine months, and receiving the designation " 177th N. Y. Vols.;" it served in Louisiana. ELEVENTH REGIMENT; WASHINGTON KIFLES. Of this regiment, not now in existence, there are no positive records on file beyond April 'J7th, 1885, at which time it was known as the 3d Regiment, Washington Guards, Light Infantry; about 1856 this designation was changed to 11th Reg. Washington Rifles. It left New York city, its home station. May 28th, 1862, commanded by Col. Joachim MaidhotT, and was mustered into the service of the United States lor three months, at Har- per'- Ferry, W.Ya. it served in the 2d Brigade, Sigel's Division, Department of Shenandoah, from June 8th, 1862, and at Harper's Kerry, and was mustered out at New York city, to date Sept. 16th, 1862 June 18th, 1863, il left the State under orders for thirty days' service, commanded by Col. MaidhotT, and proceeded to Harrisburg, Pa.; it served in the 4th Brigade, 1st Di v., De- partment Susquehanna, and was mustered out of the United States service, July 20th, lsii::, m New \ ork city. It lost, died of disease, In its service In 1888, 1 enlisted man; and it took part in a skirmish near Oyster Point, Pa., June 28th TWELFTH REGIMENT. This regiment, still in existe -.and located at New York city, was originally organized May 6th, 1*17. in July, 1859, it was disbanded, but a number of its companies were retained in service at the 22d Regiment until December, 1859, when the regiment, with these and ad- ditional companies, under the command of Col. Daniel Butterfield, was reorganized under its original number. It was on active duty at the Astor Riots, in 1849 ; at the New York City Riots, m .inly. isi;:: ; the Orange Riots, in July, 187.1, and the Railroad Riots, in July, 1*77. April 21st, 1861, the regiment, commanded bj Col. Butterfield, left the State en route to Washington, l>. <'.. where it was mustered in the United States service, for three months, Mas 2d, 1861. It served at ami near Washington From May. 1861, and in the Army. De- partment of Pennsylvania (Gen. Patterson); ami was mustered out at New York city, 5th, 1861. After the regiment's return from this service a large number of its members entered the volunteer service, for three years, in an organization known as the L2th Militia, which was, in January, 1862, consolidated with the 12th N. V. Vols. Mas 27th, 1862, the regiment, then commanded by Col. William . «'.. and left the State, June 6th, 1862; it was mustered in the United States service for three iths, served at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., in the 4th Brigade; volunteered to stay over its term of service, and was surrendered with Earper's MILITIA AND NATIONAL GUARD OF THE STATE. 285 Ferry; it was mustered out at New York city. Oct. 12th, 1802, ami declared exchanged Jan. 11th, 1863. June 18th, 1863, the regiment was ordered to Earriabnrg, Pa., and it left the State, under Col. Ward, on the 20th ; it was mustered in the Bervice of the United States, for thirty days, served in Gen. Yates' command at Fenwick, Pa., and in the 1-t Brigade, Dana's Division, Dept. Susquehanna, and July 30th, 1st;:}, was mustered oul of thai service al New York city. The regiment lost, died of disease, in its service of 1861,2 enlisted men; and it, or portions of It. took part in the following engagements, etc.: Occupation of Arlington Heights, Va . May 84th, 1861; skirmish near Marti nsburg, Va , .inly 18th, 1861; skirmish near Bunker Hill.W.Va., July 16th, 1861; skirmish on Maryland Heights, Md , Sept 12th- i:ith, 1862; Blegeand surrender of Harper's Kerry, \v. Va., Sept. 12th-15th, 1862 (30 officers and 530 en- listed men surrendered). THIRTEENTH REGIMENT; THIRTEENTH HKAVV A.RTILLERTJ NATIONAL GRAT8. Tli is regiment, located in Brooklyn and still in Bervice, was organized July . r )ih, is};. and saw active service during the Draft Riots in July anil August, 1st;:',, at the Orange Hint, July 12th, 1870, and the Railroad Riots, July, 1877. It left the State April 28d, 1861, Col. Ahel Smith in command, en rout< to Washington, D. C. It was mustered in the service of the United States I'm- three months; served at An- napolis and Baltimore, Md., and was mustered oul August 6th, 1861, al Brooklyn. In December, 1861, quite a portion ol the regimenl entered the volunteer service for three years as members of an organization which received the Stale designation 87th N. Y. Volunteers. May 26th, 1862, the regiment was again ordered to Washington, D. C; it left the State May 30th, 1862, commanded by Col. Robert B.Clark; was mustered in the United State- service for three months; served at Suffolk, Va., as part of the 7th Corps, and was mus- tered out at Brooklyn, Sept. 28th, 1862. June lsth, 1863, the regiment, then commanded by Col. John B, Woodward, was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., and it left the State June 20th, 186;?, to serve thirty days. It served in the 2d Brig., 1st Div. , Dept. Susquehanna, and was mustered out of the United State- sen Ice July 20th, 1863, at Brooklyn. The regiment lost, died of disease, In its service in 1801, 5 enlisted men; in that of 1 listed man, total, 6; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Near the Light-house at Smith's Point, Chesapeake Bay, Md., May 18th, 1861, and near Fort Wash- ington, Pa., July 2d, 1863. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT. This regiment, organized in 1847, located at Brooklyn, and still in existence, failing to he ordered to the front, volunteered and entered the service of the United States for three years in May, 1861. December 7th, 1861, it was by the State designated the 84th N. IT. Volunteers, under which title will be found its volunteer history. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. Of this regiment, located in Queens county, two companies entered, in June and July, 1861, the United States service as members of the 74th N. V. Volunteers; the artillery company of the regiment joined the 2d X . V. Volunteer Artillery a^ Company L, in Nov . 1861, aud later became the 84th Battery. The regiment is not in existence at this date. June 6th, 1864, the regiment was mustered in the United States service for thirty days; it served under the command of its colonel, Charles II. Bnrtiss, in New Fork harbor, and With it, and as parts of it, served portions of the 16th. 17th and 18th Regiments. It was mustered out July 7th, 1864. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. Of this regiment, not now in existence, bul then located in Suffolk county, five com- panies organized as four, served with and as part of, the loth Regiment in New Fork harbor in 1864. Col. Alfred Wagstaff of this, served as Lieutenant Colonel of the 15th, Regiment during that time. PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. SEVENTEENTH REGIMES I. June 18th, l^>-'. this regiment, not now in service, but then located in Westchester county, was ordered t" Harrisburg, Pa., and it lefl the State July 3d, L863, under the command of John P. .Jenkins. It was mustered in the United States service for thirty days July 8tb, 1 sr,:i, at Baltimore, Md, Served in the 2d Separate Brigade, Middle Dept., 8tb Corps, and was mustered out in New Fork city August 13th, 1863. in 1864 a detachment of this regiment served with, and as part of, the 15th Regiment in \ \ harbor, the colonel, .lames <; . Hyatt, serving as major of the latter, prfment In its Bervlce In 1863, lost by death, of disease, 1 eidisted man. EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT. This regiment, not now in existence, but then located in the counties of Putnam and ■ Bter, furnished in 1861 one company each to the 9th, 17th and 38th Regts. of N. V. Vols. J a tit- L8th, 1868, it was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., and, commanded by Colonel James Ryder, left the State July 3d, 1863; was mustered in the United States service lor thirty day- at Baltimore, Md., July 8th, 1863; served there and at Frederick, in the 2d Separate Brigade, Middle Dept., 8th Corps, and was mustered out at New York city August 18th, 1863. In 1864 a detachment of the regiment served with and as part of the 15th Regiment in N . Y . harbor for thirty days. NINETEENTH R E< HME N'T. Of this regiment, located then in Orange county, but now not in existence, Company L — Parmenter Riflemen — served in 1861 with the 71st Regiment as Company I — Howitzer Company. Maj 27th, 1862, it was ordered to Washington, D. C, and commanded by Colonel Wm. R. Brown, left NewburghJune 1th, 1862; it was mustered in the United StateB service for three months at Baltimore. Md.; served there and at Havre-de-Grace, and was mustered out at Newburgh Sept. 6th, 1862. In January, 1863, it volunteered and was accepted for B service of nine months, which it rendered nnder the designation 168th N . V. Vols. In Its service In 1888 it lust, died of disease, 3 enlisted men. TWENTIETH REGIMENT; OXBTEB GTJABD. This regiment, then Located in the counties of Greene and Ulster, but now not in exist- ence, was ordered, April 28d, 1861, to proceed to Washington, l>. C. Maj 3d, 1861, this order was revoked, the regiment being already at New Fork city en route. It was finally permitted to leave, and left the State May 7th, 1861, commanded by Col. Geo. W. Pratt. It wa-. mustered in the United States service May Uth, 1861, at Annapolis, Md., to serve three months. It Served at Annapolis and at Baltimore, Md., and was mustered out at Kingston, Aug 2d, 1861. Shortly alter its return it volunteered, organized and was accepted for a three years' ser- vice, and December 7th, 1861, it received the designation 80th Vols., under which head its Volunteer history will lie found. Tin- regiment, not now in existence, lost t Poughkeepsle, Aug. 6th, 1868. TWENTY-SECOND REGIMI NT. Tins regiment, organised in April, 1881, now ami then located in New York city, left the 1882, i imanded bj Col. James Munroe. It was mustered in the I'nited MILITIA AND NATIONAL GUARD OF THE STATE. 287 States service for three months al Baltimore, Md., and mastered oal under the command of Lt.-Col. Lloyd Aspinwall, Sept. 5th, L862, al New Fori city. June 18th, 1863, the regiment, commanded by Col. Aspinwall, was ordered t<> proceed to Earrisbnrg, Pa. It lefl the State on the same day, was mustered in the United States ser- vice for thirty days; served in tin- 1th Brig., 1st Div., Dept. Susquehanna, and from July 8th, in the 3d Brig., 3d Div., 6th Corps, A. 1\ It was mustered out July 24th, 1st;:;, : ,t New York city. During its service In 1862, the regiment lost by death, of disease, l officer; and in it- service in 1863, it took part In the following skirmishes: June 80tb, at Sporting Hill, Pa.; July 1, at Carlisle, Pa., where it had 'Z enlisted men wounded. TYVEN'n -III I l;l> REG! M ]■: \ T. This regiment, organized in the early part of 1862, then and now located in Brooklyn, left the State June 18th, 1863, commanded by Col. William Everdell, Jr. It was mustered in the United States service for thirty days al Earrisbnrg, where, and in the vicinity of which, tt served in the 3d Brig., 1st Div., Dept. Susquehanna. It was mustered oul at Brooklyn, .Inly 22d, 1863. It participated in the following engagements: June 28th, al I lyster Polnl , Pa.; July 1st, 1863, at Car- lisle, Pa. TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. This regiment, then located at Albany, now nol in existence, was ordered, April 19th, 1861, to proceed to Washington, !>.('. It left the State. April "21st, 1861, except Company A, which left May 1, 1861. Companies A and R were known, respectively, as the Burgesses Corps (still in existence), and the Albany Republican Artillery. The regiment, commanded by Col. Michael K. Bryan, served at and near Washington, where it was mustered in the United States service for three months. It was mustered out at Albany, Aug. 4th, 1861. June 5th, 1862, the regiment, commanded by Col. Bryan, again lefl the State, having been mustered in the United States service for three months, at Albany. It served at Suf- folk, Va., in the Tth Corps, and was mustered oul al Albany, Sept. 8th, 1862. The regiment lost by death in its service in 1861, of disease, 3 enlisted men ; in 1862, drowned, 1 enlisted man; total, 4. And it took part in the advance into Virginia and occupation of Arling- ton Heights, May 24th, 1861. TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT; RIFLES. This regiment, then located at Hi klyn, now nol in existence, lefl the State. April 80th, 1861, under orders to proceed to Washington, l>. C. It was there mustered in the service of the United States for three months, and, commanded by Col. Michael Bennett, served al that city and vicinity until it was mustered out at Brooklyn, Aug. 5th, 1861. June 20th, 1863, it was again mustered in the United States service, bul for thirty daj s, and, commanded by Col. Bennett, proceeded to Harrisburg, Pa. It served at that city, Marys* ville, Carlisle and Gettysburg, Pa. in the '2d Brigade, ls1 Div., Dept. Susquehanna, and was mustered out at Brooklyn, duly 22d, 1863. Aug. 6th, 1864, the regiment, then commanded byCol. David Boker, proceeded to ESlmira, where it served, ami was mustered in the United States service, for one hundred days, from Aug. 12th, 1864. It was mustered out at Brooklyn, Nov. 18th, 1864. In its service in 1804, the regimen! lost, died of disease, 1 enlisted man : it took part In the ad- vance into Virginia and occupation of Arlington Heights, May 84th, 1881; In a skirmish near Chain Bridge, Va., June 2d, 1861, and near Fort Washington, Pa., July 2d, 1S63. Til I RTT-THIRD REI 1 1 M ENT. A portion of this regiment, now not in existence, entered the volunteer service in 1861 , forming the nucleus of the 66th Volunteer Regiment. THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Of this regiment, not in existence at this date, a part went into the volunteer service in 1861, as the nucleus of the 98th Volunteer Regiment. THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, This regiment, then located in New York city, now not in service, was mustered in the United States service, May 2 ( Jth, 1862, for three months, and left the State the same day. 288 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Commanded by Col. Charles Roome, it served in the Middle Department, and was mustered out Bept 3d, 1862, al NewYorkcity. June L8th, I s ''.:;. it was re-mnstered in the United States service, but for thirty days, and commanded by Col. R ne, it lefl for Harrisburg, I'a., the same day, and served in the -1th Brigade, 1-t Division, Department Susquehanna It was mustered ont at New fork city, .1 Maj 6th, 1864, it was mustered in the United States service for the third time, and. under the command of Col. Ossian J. Ashley, it Berved in the barbor of New York, until it was mustered out, June 6th, 1864. In Its service la 1868, the regiment lost : Died '>r disease, 1 enlisted man: and took part in skirmishes at Sporting Hill, Pa , June 80th, 1868, where it bad L officer and 8 enlisted nun wounded, and al Car- . July 1st, 1803, where 3 enlisted men were wounded , and 3 captured. Total wounded, lofflcer, 6 enlisted men: captured, :> enlisted men: aggregate, 10. THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. ■ Of this regiment, no1 now in existence, a part entered the volunteer service, in 1861, as members of the 84th Regiment of Volunteers. I III l;n -Nl NTH REGIMENT. A portion of this regiment, which is not now in existence, entered the volunteer service in 1861, forming the nucleus <>f the 76th Regiment of Volunteers. FORTY -SEVENTH REGIMENT. This regiment, located in Brooklyn, E. 1>., and still in existence, was organized in Janu- ary and May, 1863, and was on active duty during the Draft Riots, in July, list;;}, aud the Railroad Riots, iii July, 1877. It h ft the State (seven companies), May 80th, 1 s*»2, and was mustered in the service of the United States, for three months, from May 27th, lsi;-,', at Fori McHenry, Baltimore, Bid., where, commanded by Col. J.V. Messerole, it served until Sept. 1st, 1862, when it was mus- tered out at Brooklyn. ■Tine- 18th, l s »>3. commanded by Col. Messerole, it left the State. It served in the :!<1 Brigade, defenses south of the Po- tomac, Dept. Washington, and was mustered out of the United States Bervice, July 28d, 1863. FIFTIETH REGIMENT. Companies A and B of this regiment, which is not now in existence, located then at Ithaca and Ulysses, commanded by CaptS. Charles F. Blood, and Stephen Clough, respect- ively, were mustered in the service of the United State-, at Elmira, for a period of one hundred day-, August 27th, 1864 They served at Elmira, as Companies L and M, 58tb Regiment, and were mustered out, Dec. 3d, 1864. II I "I V-I'l RST REG! M KNT. A. large part of this regiment, then located in Onondaga county, and now no1 In exist- ence, entered the volunteer Bervice in 1861, forming the nucleus of the 12th Volunteer Regiment. I I FTY-8EI OND REGIM BNT. • if this regiment, then located al Brooklyn, now- not in existence, a portion went in the volunteer service In fall ol 1862, forming Companies I and K of the 176th Volunteers; au- thority bad been given to organize the regiment for a service of nine month-; the organiza- tion fallen, and the n who bad volunteered were transferred a- above. June 18th, 1968, the regiment was ordered to Harrisburg, I'a.. to serve thirty days; it left the state June 2 1 -t , 1868, c. ,n 1 1 1 1 a ii d ed by Col. Matthias w . Cole, and served in the 8d Brig- [si Division, Dept. Susquehanna, and was mustered oul July 25th, 1868. In this service it lot! i enlfoted mac killed by lightning, and took part In a skirmish at Oyater Point, Pa., June 88th, PI] I \ -i 01 i;i ii REG] m i vi. Members of this regiment, located then at Rochester, bul now nol in existence, formed in 1861 Company Bof the 27th Regiment of Volunt« MILITIA AND NATIONAL GUARD OF THE STATE. 289 July26th, 1864, it was mustered in the United States service for one hundred days com- manded by CoJ. Charles fl. Clark it served at Elmira, and was mustered out Nov. lutli, lbu4. FIFTY- FIFTH REGIMENT; GARDE LA FAYETTE. This regiment, not in existence now, but then located in New York city, filtered the United States service tor three years as the 55th Regiment of Volunteers; on its consolidation with the 38th Volunteers in 1862, it was reorganized as a State organization. June 18th, 1863, this organization, commanded by Col. Eugene Le Gal, was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., to serve thirty days; it left the State June 24th, 1868, and served in the 2d Separate Brigade, Middle Dept., 8th Corps, and was mustered out of service al New Fork city July 27th, 1863. FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Of this regiment, which was located in Brooklyn, but is not now in service, a number of men volunteered in Oct., 1862, for nine months. June 18th, 1863, it was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., for a service of thirty days; commanded by Col. David M. Tallmadge. it left the State June 19th, 1S63, and served in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. Susquehanna, and July 24th, 1863, it was mustered out of the service of the United States at Brooklyn. August 2d, 1864, it was mustered into the United States service for one hundred days, and it served, commanded by Col. John Q. Adams, at Elmira until it was mustered out Nov. 6th, 1864. March loth, 1865, Col. Adams received authority to recruit his regiment for a service of one year as part of the volunteer forces; the necessity lor more troops ceasing to exist shortly after, the organization was not carried out. The regiment lost in its service in 1864, by death, of disease, 2 enlisted men. FIFTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. This regiment, then located in Livingston county, now not in existence, commanded by Col. Reuben P. Wisner, was mustered in the service of the United States fura period of one hundred days August 27th, 1864; it served at Elmira, and was mustered out Dec. 3d, 1864. It lost by death, of disease, 2 enlisted men. SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Portions of this regiment, which is not now in existence, entered the United States ser- vice in 1861, forming the nucleus of the 64th Regiment of Volunteers. SIXTY-FIFTH B EGI M ENT. This regiment, located at Buffalo and still in service, was organized in 1S4S; it saw -.i- vice at riots in 1849, 1863 and 1877, and in Nov., lstil, in protecting parts of the frontier of the State; portions of it formed in 1861 parts of the 21st and 49th Regiments and of Battery I, 1st Artillery of Volunteers, and in fall of 1864 the nucleus of the 187th Regi- ment of Volunteers. June 18th, 1868, the regiment was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., and it left the State June 19th. commanded by Colonel Jacob Krettner; it was mustered in the United States service for thirty days at Mount Union, Pa., where it served, and mustered out of that service July 30th, 1863, at Buffalo. SIXTY-SKY F.XTH REGIMENT. This regiment, located then in Erie county, but now not in service, was ordered to Harris- burg. Pa., June 18th, 1S63; if left the State, commanded by Col. Chauncey Abbott, for a service of thirty days, June 85th, 1868; it served at Camp Curtin, Pa., and was mustered out of the service of the United States August 3d, 1863. SIXTY-EIGHTH RElilMENT. This regiment, then located in Chautauqua county, but now not in service, commanded by Col. David S. Forbes, left the State June 24th, 1SG3, - // rottft to Harrisburg, Pa., for a ser- 290 PABT III. BKETOHBS OF ORGANIZATIONS. rice ol thirtj days. It served In the 5th Brigade, Lei Division, I >« -] >t . Susquehanna, and was mustered oul of tli<' CTnited States service July 25th, i s o:: BIXTY-KINTH BEGIM1 ST. This regiment, located in New fork city and -till la service, was organized Oct. 12th, is,-,i , it rendered the State active service in the Quarantine Riots in 1868 and the Drafl Riots In L868 A.pril 20th, 1861,11 wan ordered to proceed to Washington, D. C; it Ief1 the State April 28th, 1861, and May 9th, 1861, under the command of Col. Michael Corcoran, it was mus- tered in the service of the United Stairs for three months; it served al and near Annapolis, Md., from April 27th, 1861; al and near Washington and in the 8d Brigade, 1st Division, Army North-Easl Virginia from May, 1861; it was mustered oul In New Fork city August Bd, 1861 On its return from this service a large majority of the regimeni volunteered for a period of three years, forming the nucleus of the 69tb Regiment of Volunteers. Ma\ 26th, 1862, the regiment, then commanded by Col. James Bagley, was again ordered i.. Washington and was mustered in the service of the United States for three months; it kit the State Maj 29th, 1862; served in the defenses of Washington, and was mustered oul Sepl 8d, 1862, a1 New J ork city. On the return of the regimeni from tliis Bervice again a large portion of it entered the volunteer Bervice as part of an organization known as the 69th Regimeni National Guard Artillery, bul later as the I82d Regimeni of Volunteers. Jane 18th, 1868, the regimeni was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., for a service of thirty days. It lefl the State June 22d, 1868, commanded by Col. Bagley; served al Balti- more, Md., in the 2d Separate Brigade, Middle l><'|>t., Bth Corps, and was mustered oul of the United States service July 25th, 1868, a1 New Fork city. July 6th, 1864, the regiment, still commanded by Col. Bagley, was again mustered in the United States service, imi for a period of three months; it served in the harbor of New Fork, and was mustered <>ut Oct. 6th, 1864. [n Its service in 1861, the regimeni lost killed inaction. I officer, 87 enlisted men; died of wounds L in action, 2 enlisted men; died of disease, etc, 6 enlisted, men; In its service In 1864, died e, I officer, I enlisted man ; total , 2 officers, 15 enlisted men; aggregate, 47. it took pari In the advance Into Virginia and occupation of Arlington Heights, May •.•tin. 1861 : In a skirmish at Blackburn's Ford, Julv 18th, 1861; and in the battle of Bull Run, Va . July 81st, 1861, where it lost, killed, I officer, 86 enlisted men; wounded, I officer, 60 enlisted men; captured 8 officers, '.).' enlisted no -n; awe^ate, 11W. BEVENTIETB BEG l U I vi. Quite a portion of this regiment, which is not now in existence, entered the United States service as volunteers and members of the 5th Regimeni of Artillery. 6TTT-FIR8T BEG] MENTJ V.MERICAH Gl LRDJ FOSBUROB CHASSEURS. i. located In New Fork city and Btill in service, was organised In August, nd rendered the State active service at the Drafl Riotln New Fork city, July, 1868; Orange Riot, 1871; and Railroad Riots in 1877, It lefl the State, under orders. April 21st, 1861, > n rouU for Washington, 1>. ('.. com- manded bj Col. a. s. Vosburgh; was mustered In the United states service for three months, on the 8d o! May; seised at and near Washington and In the 2d Brigade, 2d Dl \-!ii\ of North Eastern Virginia; its companj I, armed with two howitzers, "as |j C panj L, 19th Militia, Parmenter's Uiflemen. The regimeni was mustered oul under Col. II P. Martin. . I ni\ BOth, 1861, al New Fork city. Ma\ 28th, 1862, the regimeni was again mustered In the I nited states service for three moii i lis, it left the State the same day. commanded by Col. Martin; it served in the defences oi Washington In Sturgis' Brigade, and was mustered oul in New Fork city Sept. 2d, 1862. On the return of the regimeni from tins last service a number of its members joined the 124th Regimeni ol Volunteers, then being recruited and organized. June Kile 1868, the regiment, commanded by Col. Benjamin 1.. Trafford, lefl the State ,-,, routt to HarriBburg, Ps , for a servici ol thirtj days; it served with the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. Susquehanna; and was mustered oul of the United states service nt New York city, July 22d, 1868 MILITIA AND NATIONAL GUARD OF THE STATE. 291 The regiment lost in its service In 1861, killed in action, 11 enlisted men. died of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 1 enlisted man; died i>f disease, etc., 1 officer, 4 enlisted men; total, ~ officers, lti en- listed men; aggregate, 18; and it, or portions of it, took part In the occupation of Alexandria, Va. , May 24th. 1881; the attack on batteries, at Aquia Creek, Va., May 31st, and June 1st, 1801; the attack on Matthias Point on June 27th, 1801; the battle of Bull Run, Va, July 81st, 1861, where It suffered a loss of 10 enlisted men killed, 8 offlcen and 87 enlisted men wounded; i officer, n enlisted nun cap- tured; aggregate, 02; a skirmish at Kingston, Pa., June 20th. 1888 , and near Harrlsburg, Pa., Jane 29th, 1863. SEVENTY-FOURTH RE(i I M E \ T. This regiment, located in Buffalo and still in existence, and the organization of which commenced in June, 1854, rendered State service during the Draft Riots in 1*63; during the Negro Riot in 1864; at Buffalo in Oct. and Nov.. 1864, in protection <>!' the frontiers; during the Feniau invasion of Canada; and the Railroad Riots in 1877. in 1861 four of its companies volunteered in a body, forming the nucleus of the 21s1 Regimen! of Vol- unteers. June 18th, 1863, the regiment was ordered to Barrisburg, I'a.. for a service of thirty days, and. commanded by CoL Watson A. Fox,*t lefl the State, June 19th, 18i>:!. It served at Mount Union, Pa., and was mustered out of the United States service Aug. 3d, 18(53. Nov. 16th, 1863, the regiment was again mustered in the United States service for thirty days, for the protection of the frontiers of the State. It served at Buffalo and was there mustered out Qec. 16th, 1863. The regiment lost by death in its first service In 1803, one enlisted man died of disease, and took part in a skirmish near Clear Spring, Md., July 10th, 1H63. SEVENTY-IT ITII REGIMENT. This regimenl is at this date not in existence. Iii 1861 members of it formed the nucleus of the 37th Regimenl of Volunteers. SEVENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. This regiment, not now in existence, but then located at New York city: was mustered in the service of the United States for one hundred days, An--. 3d, L864; commanded by Col. Thomas Lynch, it served at the depot at Flmira. and, Nov. l!)th, 1864, it was mustered out and honorably discharged from the United States service. 8 E V E N TY-NINTH I I EGIM E N T. This regiment, then located in New Fork city, but now not in existence, entered the United States service as a regiment of volunteers for three years iii 1861, and was known while in that service as the 79th Regimenl of Volunteers. BIGHTX-FOURTB REGIMENT. This regiment, not in Bervice now. but located in New York city while in existence, was ordered to Barrisburg, Pa. , June isth, 1863, for a service of thirty days; commanded by Col. Frederick A. Conkling, it lefl the State Jul; 3d, 1868; served In the defenses <>f Balti- more, Md., in the Middle Dept.,8th Corps, and was mustered out of the United State, service August 1th. 1868. It was again mustered in the United States service July l'Jth, 1864, bul for a period of one hundred days: it served under the command of Col. Conkling, at and near Washington, l>. •'., Great Falls. Md., and \\ incheSter, Va., and was muMered out Oct. 29th, 1864 in Its service In 1884, the regimenl loai by death, "f disease, etc., 1 officer and 11 enlisted men; total, 18; and portions of it took part in a skirmish with guerrillas, Sept. :.'4th, is»;4, at Potomac river near Muddy Branch, Md. \ I \ BTY-THIED REGIMENT. This regiment, then located in New York city and county, and commanded by Col. W. U. W. Chambers, but not uow in existence, was mustered in the United States service for a period of one hundred days, July 30th, 1864, and left the State at the same time; it was mus- tered out of this service, Nov. 1st, 1864. It lost by death, of disease, 2 enlisted men. 292 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATION- \ I Nil S -EIGHTH REGIMENT. This regiment, not now in existence, bul at the t im«- located in Eriecouuty, was mustered in the United States service for a period of one hundred days. Aug. 10th, 1864; commanded by c >l Qeorge Abbott, it served at the depot, Elmira, and was mustered out of the United , vi.---, 1 ».•(•. 22i\, 1*04. It lost in this service by death, of disease, etc., 2 enlisted men. MNKTY-NINT1I REGIM1 N 1. This regiment, not now in existence, but tlien located in New Fork city, and commanded by < "1. John O'Malmnev, was mustered in the service of the United Stairs for one hundred days. Ault. 2d, 1864. It served at the depot, Elmira, and was mustered out of the United States service, Nov. 9th, 1864. During this service it lost by death, of disease, 1 officer. ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND REGIMENT; LINDSAY BLUES. This regiment, at this date not in existence, but at the time located in New York city. w;i> mustered in the service of the United States for a period of one bandied days on the 6th of Aug., 18 'W. It served, commanded by Col. John X. Wilsey, at the United States depot, Elmira, and was mustered out, Nov. 18th, 1804. During this service It lost by death, disease, 2 enlisted men. VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. Under the act of the Legislature of April 10th, 1861, the State Board pro- posed to organize the thirty-eight regiments of volunteer militia, authorized to he raised for two years' service, into four divisions and Dine brigades; the War Department declining to recognize general officers nol appointed by the President, the plan could of course not be carried out. The officers of those regiments were, nnder the Militia Laws of the State, elected by the officers and enlisted men and then appointed by the Governor, until an act of Con- gress conferred the absolute power of appoint men! of the officers of volunteer organizations in the service of the United States, upon the Governor of the State which furnished them. Under General Orders of the War Department issued in fall of 1863 and spring of 1864, men in the service, who had served two years, were permitted to re-enlist for three years or the war, and were denominated Veteran Volun- teers; organizations, of whose members fifty per cent re-enlisted in tjiis man- ner, were designated Veteran Volunteer regiments or batteries, and are here indicated by the designation "Veteran" in brackets, after then- State des- ignation; the men received furloughs for thirty days, and the organization usually went in a body on this furlough, leaving those not re-enlisting or who were nol entitled to do bo, in the field attached to other bodies ol troops. In M rdors were issued for the muster oul of organizations, re- quiring, however, the men whose term of Bervice would expire after October 1st, to be transferred to other regiments nol then to be mustered out, bul of whom the men whose service would expire before October Lsl were ordered to be mustered out; this caused a greal many transfers, and even re-organizations of regiments. The order was nol always carried out, and later on ceased to be <>f effect. Organizations which were offered to the State and nol accepted, or which 1 1 ~ohd a ted with others withoul receiving a State designation or number VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 293 are not included in these sketches, but the list of synonyms will show their transfer or non-acceptance. To the list of actions, etc., in which an organization took part, is added a table of losses, showing the number killed, wounded and captured, and of the wounded, the number who died and the number who recovered. Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion. Colonel Michael Corcoran, 69th Militia, on his return from captivity, was appointed a Brigadier-General of United States Volunteers, and received in July, 1862, authority to re- cruit a brigade; upon his recommendation the Governor of the State authorized the follow- ing to recruit regiments for this brigade: Col. Matthew Murphy, in August, 1862, to recruit the 69th National (iuard as the 1st Regiment; Col. Peter McDermott, July 17th, 1862, to recruit the 3d Regiment; Col. John McMahan, August 8th, 1862, to recruit the 3d Regiment; Col. Michael K. Bryan. September 24th, 1862, to recruit the 4th Regiment; Col. Win. McEvily, October 10th, 1862, to recruit the 5th Regiment; Col. Thomas M. Reed, September 16th, 1862, to recruit the 6th Regi- ment; Col. James C. Burke, September 27th, 1862, transferred from the Empire Brigade, to recruit the 7th Regiment: and the formation of another, the 8th Regiment, was also com- menced. These organizations, except the 2d and 4th Regiments, left the State early in November, 1862, and being below the minimum strength, were, by order of Governor Morgan, consoli- dated at Newport News, Va., November 17th, 1862, as follows: The 1st Regiment was formed of the original 1st Regiment and part of the 6th, and Col. Matthew Murphy placed in command; later it was designated the 182d Regiment of Volun- teers. The 2d Regiment was formed of the original 5th Regiment, Companies A and D of the 3d, and D of the 6th Regiment, with Col. Win. McEvily in command; it was designated the 155th Regiment of Volunteers. The 3d Regiment was funned of part of the 3d, all of the 7th, and the men recruited for the 8th Regiment; Col. John E. McMahan was placed in com- mand, and it was designated the 164th Regiment of Volunteers. The 4th Regiment was formed of the original 2d Regiment; Col. Peter McDermott was assigned to its command, and the regiment designated the 170th Regiment of Volunteers. The 5th Regiment, which, however, never served with the brigade, was formed of the former 4th Regiment, filled up with incomplete organizations, designated the 175th Regiment of Volunteers, and Col. M. K. Bryan placed in command of it. The 155th, 164th, 170th and 182d Regiments served in the field, principally in the 2d Corps. A. P., in the Corcoran Brigade. Meagher's Irish Brigade. Sept. 9th, 1861, Governor Morgan accepted the proposal of Mr. Thomas Francis Meagher, who was later appointed Brigadier-General of the United States Volunteers, to raise a brig- ade, and authority was granted to Col. Robert Nugent to recruit the 1st Regiment, taking in the men already enlisted by him under the authority of the War Department; this regiment was known as the 69th Volunteers. Mr. Thomas Francis Meagher, as temporary Colonel, to recruit the 2d Regiment; this was consolidated with the 4th Regiment, and was known as and formed part of the 88th Vol- unteers. Col. R. C. Enright to recruit the 3d Regiment; the organization was completed, and the regiment received the State designation and served as the 63d Volunteers. Col. Henry M. Baker to recruit the 4th Regiment, the organization of which was not completed; it was consolidated with the 2d Regiment, and formed part of the 88th Volun- teers . These three regiments served in the field to the close of the war, in the 2d Corps, A. P., as the Irish Brigade. Besides these regiments of infantry there was also organized a battalion of artillery as the 5th Regiment, which received the State designation of 2d Battalion of Light Artillery, and later became the 14th and 15th Volunteer Batteries of Artillery. 294 1'AIIT III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Metropolitan Brigade. Police Commissioner James Bowen, of the Metropolitan Police of New York city, under authority from this State and with the consent of the General Government, recruited this brigade, with the assistance of the police departments of New York city and Brooklyn, and was later appointed Brigadier-General of United States Volunteers by the President. Upon his re< imendation, the followingwere appointed to organize and command the regiments: Col. Chas. S. Trumbull, July 18th, 1862, the Lsl Regiment, which became the 181st Vol- Col. I.. D. II. Currie, July 12th, 1862, the 3d Regiment, which became the 188d Volunteers; Col. Lewis Benedict, Jnly 12th, 180:2, tin* :>d Regiment, which became the 162d Volunteers; Col. Chas. B. Morton, Sept. 33d, 1862, the 4th Regiment, which became the I78d Volunteers; Col. Theodore W. Parmele, Oct. 3d, 1862, the 5th Regiment, which be- came the 171th Volunteers. Major Morris DeCamp received authority Oct. 38th, L862, to recruit a battalion of cavalry for the brigade; be was succeeded Nov. L9th, 1862, bj Major Win. B. Hyde, and he, Jan. 10th, 1868, by Col. Thaddeus 1'. Mott, under whom the battalion was increased to a regiment which received the designation 14th Regiment of Volunteer Cavalry. The regiments of this brigade never served together in the field as a brigade organization. Sc iioggs' or Eagle Brigade. General Gustavus A. Scroggs, of the State Militia and of Buffalo, received authority from the War Department, Aug. 19th, 1861, to recruit a brigade of lour regiments. Authority to organize regiments for the brigade was granted to Cols. Daniel I'llman, James M. Brown. John P. Jenkins and George A. Buckingham. Onlj one regiment was completed, the 3d, Col. Brown, which was designated by the State authorities, the 100th Regiment of Volunteers; the 1st regiment, Col. Oilman, and the men recruited by Col. Jenkins, for the 4th regiment, were consolidated with Col. S. McK. Elli- ment, and designated the 78th Regimenl of Volunteers; the men enlisted for a so- called 3d regiment, formed < ompanies I and K of the 95th Volunteers; and the 5th regiment. Col. Buckingham, known also as the 58d Volunteers second organization, was consolidated With the 13'-M and IG'-M Regiments of Volunteers. Sickles' or Exi elsiob Brigade. Under authority of the President, dated May isth, 1861, Mr. Daniel E. Sickles recruited and completed this brigade in the summer of L861 at considerable personal expense, not- withstanding many obstacles placed in his way. The lsl regiment was organized With Mr. Sickles as temporary Colonel, and was later known as the 70th Volunteers; the 2d regimenl was organized under Col. Geo. B. Hall and Lt.- Col. II. L. Potter, and known as the 71s1 Volunteers; the 3d regiment eras organized under Col. Nelson Taylor, and known as the 72d Volunteers; the 4th regimenl was organized un- der Col. James Fairman, and known as the 78d Volunteers; the 5th regimenl was organ- ized under Col. Chas. K Graham, and known as the 71th Volunteers. These regiments were turned over to the State as part of its volunteer force, and. in ac- cordance with the orders of the Secretary of War of Dec. 5th, 1861, were numbered by the State authorities, Dec. llth, 1861 ; they served together while in service as the Excelsior or Brigade in the 8d and 3d Corps, and Mr. Daniel E. Sickles was successively ap- pointed Brigadier and Major-Gen. D". S. Vols., and disabled doss of righl leg) at the battle Pa There were, also, recruited for the brigade two batteries, the 1st and 3d Excelsior Bat- teries; b third battery, nol completed, was consolidated with the 2d; these batteries received the State designation, 5th and 10th Independent Batteries, respectively. 8 pi nol a 'a ob Empire Brigade. The ibm. P, B. Spinola received, with the sanction of the General Government, June 2d, ithorit) from ( ">\ Morgan to recruit a brigade of four or five regiments; the strength of the brigade was limited to four regiments July 38d, 1862. Mr. Spinola, who was later appointed Brig Gen ' S Vols, by the President, was assigned, temporarily, as Colonel of the 1st regiment, and July i ith, L862, James Jourdan was appointed Colonel to Bucceed him. Cola, W. B Olmsted, Peter J. Claaasen, Bale Kingslej and James C. Burke were authorized to recruit regiments for the brigade. Col. Hale Slngsley declined and was succeeded by VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 295 Marion N. Croft, and he by F. II. Braolick. In Sept., 1863, the brigade consisted of the 1st regiment, Col. James Jourdan, known as the 158tL Regimenl of Volunteers; the 2d regiment, Col. Peter J. Claassen, known us the I32d Regiment of Volunteers; the 8d regi- ment, Col. F. H. Braulick, known as the 163d Regiment of Volunteers. The 4th regiment, Col. James C. Burke, Phoenix Regiment, incomplete, was transferred to tli.- Corcoran Brigade Sept. 22d, 1802, and was finally known as the 164th Regimenl of Volunteers. Col. Olmsted's regiment, the Thurloto lt'<<k Cavalbi (Veteran). LINCOLN CAVALRY ; CARBINE KANUKR8; SABRE REGIMENT; I'IRST tMIII. STATES VOLDNTEEB CAVALRY. This regiment was organized by Col. Carl Schurz, succeeded by Col. Andrew T. McRey- nolds, under special authority from the President, in New York city, and was mustered into the United States service between July 16th and August :! 1st , 1861, for a service of three years. Companies ,1, B, D, A', G, II. /, I. and M, were recruited principally in New fork city, four of them being composed of Germans, Hungarians and Poles; Company ft, Boyd's Company Cavalry, Pa. Vote., at Philadelphia; F, at Syracuse; and K, Michigan Company, at Grand Rapids, .Mich. The regiment left the State by detachments; Company C, the first in the field, leaving July 21st, 1861; bj Sept. 10th, 1861, the regiment was all in the Held; it served at and near Washington, D. C, from July, 1861; in Franklin's and Heintzelman's Divisions, A. P., from Oct. 1th, 1861; in 1st Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from Mar. 34th, 1862; with the 6th Corps, A. P.. from May, 1862; in 1st Cavalry Brigade, A. P., from July 8th, 1862; in 4th Brigade, Cav- alry Division, A. P., from Sept., 1862; in Averill's Cavalry Division, 8th Corps, Middle Dept., from Oct., 1862; with the forces for the defense of the Upper Potomac, 8th Corps, Middle Dept., from Nov., 1802; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 8th Corps, from Mar., 1803; in the Dept. of the Susquehanna, from June, 1803; in the Dept. of W. Va., from Aug., 1863; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division. Cavalry, Army of W. Va., from Nov., 1803: in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, Army \V. Va., from Aug. 27th, 1864; in the Army of the Shenandoah, from Oct., 1801, and in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, Cavalry, Army of the Shenandoah, from Dec, 1804, and with the Army of the Potomac, from March, 1865. At the expiration of its term of service, those entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment, composed of veterans and recruits, continued in the service until June 27th, 1865, when, commanded by Col. Alonzo V? Adams, it was mustered out at Alexandria, Va. During its service the regiment lost hy death, killed in action, 8 officers, 22 enlisted nun; died of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 21 enlisted men; died of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 118 enlisted men; total, ? officers, and 101 enlisted men; aggregate, 168; of whom II enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regiment, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. Kil- Wounded. mi— -I < 2 in "3 Place. Date. Im \\ ounded Ml Place. l( k = I. i PI'd ill e e z -^ i:. | CO. a = c a "i "i t i i 5 i E 1 B 63 1 5 "i ll i z 1. D i 1 _.i i z i .1 i L 1 ig, i s 1 2 *1 1 "l 2 "i Pohtcb Church, Va 1861. Nov. 12 27 Dec. 2 i: Jan 29 March '•' May ' 22 .Ton.- 2.*,- Julj -' June 29 2fi "i 1 Ravage Station, Va White Oak Swamp 1862. June 2H an 3d July 1 2 y 3(1 - 12 IS 2D an 29 1 lis Church, Va.... M ■ -in Cliir.Va Lee's Souse, Va Sangster's Station, Va.. .. ".•-i|„,:„t. v., V .n W.Tlmtii.-svillo.Va. HanuviT ("i lloiisi' \ a... Seven Days' Batl Crew's Kami and Car- • Hill. Va <;imi Run Swam 1 .• Bridge Bo v 1 Harrisoi ... 1 1 "i 1 \ 1 Hi ail-town. Rid.... •>, 1 I s % im, Ml 1 Harnett's andloddin-'s Farms, Va .... Near Slieplierd-' lllues<;a|.,\V.Va I PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Puck. Ik. Date. B ! l-l* . I i\i = •: s = - : •i ided. teco. Miss-! 1 f fj i = 5 Placi. K 1. E 1 ii- ■1. "i w< DP i\i .... in f. - E '- .-■1. in. 1 i "i ':.: "i "5 19 "2 ::: ::: "i "i "2 j 3 'i "i "2 "2 "1 "2 11 u - 1 i ill ■ a . 1 ! "i '. 1 i . '1 '. "i . "1 . 1 ! 1 . 1 ... 1 is 1 "i "1 . "1 "1 1 . 2 : "-. "i \ "2 "l . 1 1 1 . 3 "1 1 "2 ■■■ :•• :: "i "i 1 "1 17 2 1 3 1 3 3 2 "i "i 1 1864. Newtown A Woodst'k.Va| Jan. 23 Mi-.-li.iiiir-linr« <;.(]>. \ a. Kel>. 2 Moorefleld, Va 4 Charlestown. W.V.i ; 10 1 "1 1 Br] e.W.N ... 4 1 11 17 IE 1 \ a i '.'.'. \\ Inchester, Va April 19 21 2< May I 1 li 1 13-U a 31 June 2 .'. - li 11 II 17 1- 11 r. 21 21 27 27 July 1 - 5 ■" 9 14 15 16 2 2 Mi Is, Va... Near Herryvllle. Va 6 . . ::: i "1 "i "1 1 i l.ui:o Gap, Ft Royal, Va V » Market. V.i Kui ' Va 6 • ... \ 11 ia 22 Dec. ii .:: . 2. . .„. . 1 . . 2. . "i ! ! "1 . ".-. ' '. "i ! 1 1 : S Market, Va W IstOCk, Va Harrisonburg, \ .1 12 1863. Jan. 7 17 26 Feb. - ■ iwn, \ a \ wiown.Va ISuchai Va N 1. 11. Va Dial 1 Bill, Va l.iliiTly, Va ;;; ::: "i ! "2 ' ia April 1 ■ i. I- u-t "ii, \'» Big Bewail Mountain, Va 1 • m . Va w ■• Post.F'l Royal, Va M.uiMi.-M. \a i. Va H.iiii|.-liir. : r„..\V.Va.... Uppervllle, Va B I \ a i 13 li 17 21 ■si M I 111 1 ' 13 16 28 June 5 13 13 l 1 13 M 14-18 1 16 22 23 23 25-26 26 27 27 ■.".< 29 2D 3n Martinslmrn, Va M - Vi-ny. W. Va... \\ illiauisport, .Mil Kr.-.l.ri.k I'ilv, Mil \-I.IivM;;,i,.'\., White's Va Lovett's Mills. Va Purcellevllle, Va Snicker's Gap, Va 2 2 1 1 1 1 Mii|.||;-I.urg. Va 18-19... 23 ... ... . Gerrardtown, Va 25 27 Aug. 7 14-15 19 21 24 27 Sept. 2 2 :t .'. 12-ia 17 18 i'- .i 22 Li 21 Oct. 2 ( 7 9 11 19 Nov. 12 22 Dei ' 1 23 27 I860. Man I. _■ II 12 15 Mch.28 M,h. ... :ii April 1 2 a 1 8 a V-ar Wluf I' Va \ i Bunker Ilili.Va Strashurir, Va 4 i i "a '. 1 . Katling Water, Va Halltown, Va H an (port. Va ... 1 DarkcsvMii-. Va N B in ii 1 Hlll.Va i :::: i !!! .|n-iit' the United States for three years, between Au-r. !)th and Oct. 8th, 1861. It was originally known asthe Harris Light Cavalry; the War Department designated it, Oct. 26th, 1861, the Seventh Regiment of Cavalry in the servil t the United States, but when the regiment was turned over to the State as one of the State organiza- tions, it was numbered the Second Regiment of N. Y. Vol. Cavalry. At the expiration of its term of service those entitled thereto were discharged and Aug. 29th, 1864, the regi- ment was consolidated into a battalion of four Companies, A, B, C and l>. and. composed of veterans and recruits, retained in the service. In Sept. and Oct., 1864, eight new companies joined, raising the battalion to a regimental organization again; these companies had been re- cruited for a service of one year. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at New York city, Hartford, Conn., and New- ton, N. J.; Bat Newton and Deckertown, N. J., and at Newbnrgh, Troy.Watertown and Port Jervis; C and D — Connecticut Squadron — at Hartford, Com..; //at New Fork city, Troy, Fort Edward and Cambridge; /'at Covington, Ind.. Fairhaven, Vt., Troy and Richfield Springs; Q at New York city, Newburgh, and Fort Edward; S at Chambersburg, Ind.; /at Lafayette, Ind.; A' at Scran ton, Pa., Hampton, Newark, and Rockaway, N. J., New- York city, Troy and Richfield Springs; L at New York city, Hudson, Troy, Fort Ann, Fort Edward and Litchfield; and .1/ at New York city, Newbnrgh, I'lattsbutgh and Port Henry. The companies raised in 1864 were recruited principally: E — Ticonderoga Cavalry Company — at Plattsbnrgh and Ticonderoga; 2r*at Elmira and Syracuse; Q and //at Man- ilas, Rochester, Elbridge, Onondaga, Syracuse, Cicero, Pompey, DeWitt, Chenango. Spat- ford, Lafayette, Albany, Salina, Skaneateles and Geddes; / at Hart's Island. King-ton. Poughkeepsie, Jamaica, Tarrytown and Albany: A* at Mt. Morris, Qoshen, Farmington, Poughkeepsie, Avon, Hopewell and Elmira; L and M at New York city and Brooklyn. The regiment left the State in Sept. and Oct., 1861, and served in McDowell's Division, A. P., from Oct., 1861; with the 3d Div., 1st Corps, A. P., from March, 1862; with King's Div., Dept. Rappahannock, from .May, ISO'2; in Cavalry Brig., 2d Div.. 3d Corps, A. \'a., from .June. 1862: in Bayard's Cavalry Brig., A. P., from Sept., 1862 (Companies A and 1!. I and K, in 3d Div., 1st Corps, A. P., in Sept. and Oct., 1862); in Gregg's Cavalry Brig . A. P., from Dec. 15th, 1862; in 1st Brig., 3d Div., Cavalry Corps, A. P., from Feb. 11th, L863 (a battalion with 1st Brig., 1st Div., 4th Corps, on the Peninsula, Va., from May to July, 1863); in 2d Brig., 2d Div., Cavalry, A. P., from June 14th, 1868; in the 1st Brig., 3d Div.. Cavalry Corps, A. 1"., from Aug. 12th, 1863; Cavalry, Army of the Shenandoah, from Oct., 1864, and with the Army of the Potomac from March. isr>.">. Commanded by Col. Alanson M. Randol, the regiment was mustered out June 33d, 1865, at Alexandria. Va. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 7 officers , <>T enlisted men; died of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 4? enlisted men: died of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 246 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 360 enlisted men; aggregate, 871; ol whom 1 officer and 106 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regiment, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.- Maiia".is Va March s Spotted Tavern, near Falmouth, Va lp.17 19 Near Krederlcksluirf.'.V.i. May How •liii',' tin-en Ko.i'l.Va. II Flipper's Orchard, Va hilv < Beaver Dam Station, Va. 20 Mt. Cannel Church, Va I 23 *'r rick Hall Siat'n.Va An-. '• Orange Court House, Va. I 8 38 led. DI'dlReco. lug. 5 la jc jae c E led. l>l'.l|Keo. c = •: = : c ■ ecEeecS'B --* z W z as z ^ " Cedar Uonntaln, Va Uig. Uen. Pope's campaign.Va, 16- Bept. 2 Kapidan Station Brandy Station Rappahannock Station Catletl Station Culpeper Sulphur Springs Manassas .lunction . - PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. h w tunded. M ... PlAi . Kit- " ounded ^ ng p 1 3 '.- h "1 1 1 • . 2 Due. 1 ;;; 1 D 6\Z c S - 1 I - "i "i 2 1 "i "1 i 2 3 l ":'i 2 ■ ' ,n 5 |. 2 2 11 '. led. n Eb{ z ^ z ri Reco. "i '.'.' "7 " :::::: :::: - ...... 1 . 1 . 2 . . 2 . 1 . ! ZZ. '•<'. '. "i Z. i:i '. 11 . 5 1 13. 1 . 1 . iii 3 1 1 3 - ghfare Gap on Hull Hun River Turnpike. 29 3«i 31 Sept. ii 17 29 : 31 \ 6 n i i 1863. ... l i "l "a 'ii "i i 2 i "l 13 11 6 1 ' 1 ' "i i 72 e .■ ■- i - i i a : i iirg, Va 1 1..-.I. V.i Beaver Hani Statl Va. Kr.-.l.-riik Hall Stan. \ ... Si, nth Anna Bridge, \ a li.-t.-n -..111'. I,ii,..| 1 .|.V.i. 1864. K. 1.. 19 19 29 29 M.h. 1 J... 2.. i 3 1 Dumfries, Va ton, Va. 1 Va New K. hi i i ii - \ St.-v.n-.vill... Va Carrolltoi - \ \\ ilderness. Va Spotsvlvanla C. H.. Va (i.'ii. Sh.'ii.lan's in m toJaroee B 1 Anderson's Ford.North Anna. Va Yellow Tax .-in. Va . .. Fortifications oi Rich- 3 ... 1 .. 3 11 M - ' '.| n 12 •.'.■> 27-31 1 June i 3 12 '.. '..'. 25 11 1 3(1 i; ii'i'.i i t House, A a tsbui g, Va 1 \ i |6 I'.il.ral Mali. .n. Ya iiipl Hanovei 3 t I'llllMl ' ii : , ■ . iii. House.Va. Cold Harbor, Va - Avl.tts. Va 1 • 2ii June I I'M ( 'Lurch "1 \ 1 Falmouth. \ ■ . . Hill. Va 14-15 1 Iti'v.-rh Ford, \ i \ \ ■ 17 l« _n 21 28 ■J'.i July 2-3 i 5 .', 6 - 10-12 11 - 14 i II 27 : 121 14 J 22 Sept. i 2 l li 16 17 17 19 21 • 7 Ii 11-IL l< 11 | ! 1- D h 17 ': l - 1 I i l - 18 i i 1 l "i "i Jerusalem I'l'k i;..a.i,\ a. Raid to South - Dam ill,- R. 11 . \.i . Nottoway Ct. Bouse .. i ■J- .. . . 1 17 ...... 21 ... 1 . 25 . Sept. ■■ 13 19 ,. 2. 21 22... 3. 30 Oct. 2 4 ... 1 . 6 ;i 13 19 Nov. 7 12 1 l . 22 ... 1 . •-'3 Dec. 3 li 186 March 2 12 .. . r. ... ■:. 26 M \ M.h. 30 April 1 ... 1 i ■1 47 M«l II.-. mi'- Slat i.ui Near Winchester, Va Charleston n, Va Sl,,.|,li.-nl-l,.Hii. Va \\ ., vii. -l,..i... Va Pa Pa Sini'li-bnri;. Mil M l II Ml \Villi.iiu>|>orl. Mil H Ml i: ..Hi, Mil. \Villi.iiij--iM.rt. Md Kill in- \\ VI 1 z "i In 1 1 l 3 1 ii 1 in i 4 1 87 7 •■ t 21 3 :i l 1 1 l i 2 i \ i, N\ 1 1.. 1..-1 .1 . Va.... Vh rah. .in - ii.-.-k. Va i>l""l""i>- Va K1..1.1 Koval. Va ! "1 1 - ] "1 ' 1 7 ' . •- ■1-. 1 .i- 17 HrM.TburK, Va ! Hri'lp-.Nayii..-- t,l i ..■ ii..].. \ ... i ord, Va... i i.-i-k. Va iway.Va and Brandy Mt. l'rau|.,r.l.;\a W 1-l.n-k. \a 1 'J "fi 3 i : • l "i "t lir... k - (i.i|.. \a 1- i-l..-. '- Hill. Va Tom's Brook, Va Cedar Creek, \ a i 'edar Creek, \ a .. Va Mount Jai \ i n Va Moorefield, Va 11 Somervllle Ford, Va 1 rint.-i - ii \ i ::: 1 1 "i ": 1 1 17 i i I i ■- 1 Va \\ hlte Hon-.- Land's:, Vi VppomattOX < '. i II 1 1 ■ n.\ a Dinwiddle Ct. House.. 1 Buckland Mllls.Va \ . \ II irtwoo i Chui \ . ":t . ::: ■'■" 1 i.iirn in v * Hope Church i i Amelia Springs ' reek Appomattox Station .. 1 1 i \ i Loss;plckel and other (KM Third Regiment o] Oay llri | Vei ebb lis ). \ \ N A I I \ July 86th, 1861, Ool. James ll. 7a to recruit this regiment. As soon as companies were organized they were forwarded to AVAI.KY. MIX 0AYALR1 . Al.'ii r. ivc.l authority from the War Department VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 2i>9 Meridian Hill, near Washington, D. C, where the regiment was organized, and where, Sept. 9th, 1861, Col. Van Aim took command. The Onondaga Cavalry was merged into the regiment; the 6th Independent Company Ohio Cavalry, and Unattached Company A, Weio Jersey Cavalry, were assigned to the regimenl as companies Land M. respectively; the latter was, however, April 8th, 1862, transferred to the Isl N. J. Cavalry as Company I., and a new company .M organized for the regimenl in Sept., 1862. The companies were mustered in the service of the United States for three years; ,\, C, V and II al Rochester, July 17th, An- 1th, 20th, and 27tb, L861, respectively; B and I al Syracuse,. July 80th and Aug. 27th, 1861, respectively; D at Albany, 12th, 1861; Band K at Elmira, August 22d and May 14th, 1861, respectively; Gal Boonville August 31st, 1861; L at Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 13th, 1861; and M (2d organization) at Albany, Sept. Kith, 1862. Company K was originally Company Q of the 13th \. X. Vol. Infantry (two years' regiment) and became part of the 8d Cavalry, Aug. 23d, L861. At the expiration of its term of ser. vice, those entitled therein were discharged, and the regiment, Composed Of veterans and recruits, continued in the service. Thee panies were recruited principally: 4, Cand //'at Rochester; B al Syracuse; D at Schoharie, Schenevus, Schaghticoke, Albany, Cobleskill, Gallupsville and Unadilla; /•.'at Delhi, Deposit, Elmira, Margarettville, Middletown and Walton; /-'at Medina. New. stead andNewfane; '-'at Ctica, Leyden, Boonville, Lowvilleand Watson; / at Syracuse and North Hamburgh; A' at Elmira, Brockport and Rochester; L at Cincinnati and Senia, Ohio and .)/ c,M organization) at Rochester and Brockport. The regiment served; Four companies in Hanks', ami >i\ in Stone's Divs., A. P., from Oct., 1861: at Washington, 1). C, from March, 1862; in North Carolina, Department North Carolina, and ISth Corps, from April, 1862; in 1st Brig., Kautz's Division Cavalry, Army of the .lames, from April, 1864; at and about Norfolk, Va., from Dec. 4th, 1864; at Ports- mouth, Va., from .Ian., lSt',."i; at Suffolk, Va., from March, 1865; and at Norfolk, Va., from June, 1865. July 4th, 1865, the enlisted men of Company H were transferred to Companies A, B I. and L; those of K to I'.; of M to L; and some of the men of Company V to K: reducing the regiment to eight companies. A, B, C, D, E, F, I, and L; July 12th. lsr>5, Company D was transferred to Company I.; E to K: and I to C; July 21st, 1865, the remaining five compa- nies A, B, C, F and L, commanded by Col. Ceo. W. Lewis, were consolidated at Norfolk. Va., with the 1st Regiment Mounted Rifles, N. T. Vols., forming Companies F, B, 1. II and L, respectively, of a new organization, designated Sept. 6th, 1865, the 1st Provisional Regi- ment, N. Y. Vol. Cavalry. During its service the regiment lost b\ death, killed in action, 8 officers, 29 enlisted men; died of wounds received in action. l!t enlisted men; died of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 155 enlisted men; total, I officers and 203 enlisted men; aggregate, 207; of whom 38 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regiment, or portions of it. took part in the following engagements, etc. : Kil Wounded. Mi — 3 "3 Kit- ed. - .. ; .. 2 Wounded Mi — Plaob. Date. 1. 1 ■;: i. a 5 d a e ;. i ■ii = 6 i: L i r "i en. = B = 1 : 1 L e r i ig. 1 "i *2 2 ''J Placi Date n L = •ii 5 e _ L = B = 2 "i 1 IK. P B '2 1 •• Near Goose Creek, Va... v u Edwards Perry. Va. v ii Winchester, Va Windiest, T, V.l 1861. Oct. 21 •.►J 1862. March : in April s Neuse River Road, 13 miles from New Bern, ft n.n. \. C 1 ,.. :, \. , . Washington, V 1862. Sept. 6 7 '.1 Oct. : 29 Nov. 2 2 11 18 1 Sll.-ll.MI.|..:.Il V.lllev.Va... Hanghton's Mill, \. C... ::..'. I Near limn. Chin, l,,\.C. Mav ft Li Pn ntoiiBridge, N C. 15 Itawles' Mills. N.C 30 SI June 2 July in Neat Tarboi 1 M 1 Bachellor'si ■ 1 (ireenville Itnad, near Tranter'- Creek. N. ('.... TranleCs Creek, N. V .... ::: I 2 i Ben loldal Dec. 11 20 II 12 13-14 II 14 1 18 Trent, »n anil I'nllneks- ville, N. C \\... . 1 ... 1;,.. ■,.!... Mill Creek, N. C 26 N' ii N vi '- Cross Road. Kinstini N. C 1 27 Trent, m ami King lioa.l, \. C Aug. 6 Southwest Creek Whitehall Bridge 300 l'AKT III. SKKTCIIES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Kil Wounded. M Place. Date. Kil Wounded. ]'H< 1 Date. 1. ! 1 d. i i i ::: D : '.i = IC I B i i - - 1. 1 C = 1 I "i I. I = "i D i 1 1 B H 1 1 2 Etei ... S3 5 H 1 i I a = =' H 14 1 - "5 u i < .ii Bridge 1862. If. IT IT IT 1863. Jan. 17 - Bookerstown, N. C ...... Inly a 23 •J.'. Oct. T Nov. 3 1864. M .'■ 9 u 16 10 June 15- Dec.4 June IS 25 26 Julv 26- Aug. 1 19-21 21-r. 31 Sept. 15 l« :: Sept. 29- Oct. i Oct. T 13 20 2T-L".< 15 1 1 3 16 1 3 li "i "i l l 7 1L'- Thompson's Bridge Perry, N. \. .i v h Bet ne.N. C ... ■ II.- ami North i'ri 2 "i 4 "i "i if 2 i "i i "i 13 Swamp Operations j_m; V..11MU - . 1. \ . ^-..nvill.-. N. ('. Sandy Ridge, N C 20 ... Wall Hri.l«.- stony Creek Station. ... •i \ . 13 ... 1 4 T T T 13-14 15 Mcli. 30- Api il i: 8 ■ 11 ie 17-18 II 21 28 29 i I 1 "i i ". "i "i "i "■: Belcher's Mills N...r Hatcher's Run, tersburg, Va Before Petersburg and Richmond, Ya Petersburg, Va . Raid t.. South Side and Dam i i; > ii Roanoke Bridge It. vim's Station (fear Dovi ST. I ■•k. N. c N I Trenl Road, near New \ v u K.-rne. N. ('... Washington, V C White K..rk. N. (' Gam Swamp, N. C ... Little Swin Creek, N. C. i l l 2 10 106 Creeks N I \.mi Blonnl -' i;\-.,ir„v,.(Vk.x.i Hi- Suiti i \ i Malvern Hill, Va Yellow Tavei n, Weld Railroad, Va K. am's Station, Va ... \\ ,.,.■•, c,-,,-. i;,,., \ . N 1 ek, N. C Prince George Court Souse, Va Jerusalem l'lauki-oa.l.\ .. n.i' May I'i i (It-orge Court Chaffln's Parm.Va Darb} town Road, Va Da I own Road, Va t'l.arl.-s('it\ Pike, Va Fair Oaks, 2d, Va 1 31 l ll ton. N. c Tranter > Creek, Jack- 24 ..' .. : ! 2 June 2 June i. 17 l- • llllv 4 :. 18 19 Va Nov. i Darb] town Road. Va 15 South Quay, Va Dec. 12 1865. Hallvllle, N. C ... "i 1 3 \ . • South Qjtaj , Va Mch. n 16 .1 minor 2 '1 he Chnp.-I m- . ville, V C Loss on picket, Bcouts ■ U...-k> Mount Si.i'n. N.c - 3 2i 1! " I or inn Regiment of i ll;- i REGIMENT GEEMAM CAVALBY; DICKEL 8 MOUNTED RIELESJ LINCOLN GBEENS. In May, 1861, one Major Hymn commenced recruiting a body of cavalry known as the Lincoln Greens; in June, Col. Christian F. Dickel became connected with It, and July 26th, 1861, received authority from the War Department to organize a regimenl of cavalry; be took the Lincoln Greens for a nucleus of his regimenl which was thru known aa DickeFt Mounted Rifle*. The regimenl was organized al New fork city; mustered In the servict of the United States for three years, between Aug, lot 1« and Nov, loth. 1861, and designated by the State authorities the Fourth Regiment of Cavalry, tn Nov., 1861, two companies recruited, respectively, byCapts. Trautwein and Rosenkrantz, for the German Cavalry, a regimenl to recruil which Col, n. A. Moltke received authority from the War Department '. 1861, bul which failed of organization, joined the regiment; Capt. Trautwein's .• I >jii iy becoming Companj II, and Capt. Rosenkrantz's company being transferred t" il ther companies, principally to Companj I. [n fall <>!' 1861, the company recruited i>y Capt. John McDonald for the regiment, was consolidated with the other npanies, Company K was mustered in the U. S. Bervice Nov. 16th, 1862; Company L, Deo., 1862; it ml Company M, Feb. Kith. 1868. In Aug., Sept., Oct. ;m July 30 Julj 1* L'l iUg. 1" 11 12 13-11 l'l .I I .-. i ', "i '. I 1 . . <" l i ! 'i I- 1. Sept. 13 IS • :• ■• it 17 19 20 Nov. 12 22 Dei 22 17 - l l l ' i 4 l l 6 Hill. Va ::: i ... 'i !!! 9 George Court ii Middletown and New- town. Va B w Istock, Va N ine> .ill. \ .i Ki. o.l's Hill. Va • \ i ' 1 21... in i ... 1 j ... - 1 LOSS mi piiki't ami olInT minor 11 Smlthfleld, Va i i i I'n Tii Regiment ob Cavalri (Veterau - ). n;.\ HARRIS CAVALRY: FIK8T IRA HARRIS GUARD : DBFORRE8T CAVALRY. July 26th, 1801, <'<>1. Othneil I>e Forrest received authority from the War Departmenl to recruit a regimenl of cavalry for a service of three years. He recruited this regiment, which was then knows as the Tra Harris Cavalry : after the organization had been turned over to the State, it was, October 1.6th, 1861, designated the First lr on Oct. 1st, l". on tli.- 7th. and F on the 21st of Sept., Q on the 9th, II on the 28th, and I. K. L and M. on the 81s1 of Oct., 1861. At the expiration of its term of service those entitled thereto were discharged and the regiment continued in the service. The companies were recruited principally: A, B, K — Bliss Cavalry, M — Bliss Cavalry— at New York city; C al New York city, Troy and Kingston) D at Springfield, Mass., and New Fork city; A' at Allegany, Kennedy, Rkhburgh, Belmont, Fast Bushlord, Friendship, El- licottsville, Cuba, Black Creek, Little Valley, Scio, Genesee, Farmersville, Great Galley and Wellsville, /-'at Cast Pike, Fast, < iaiiicsvil le, Castile. Al t i<:i, Orainel, Wellsville, China. Sume, Sardinia and Freedom; 0, intended originally for a so-called Harlan's Cavalry, at Pike, Oswego and Elniira; ffal Crown Point; / Bliss Cavalry a1 Princeton, Passaic and Plainfield, N. J., and Brooklyn ami Newburgh; and Cat Hudson, Athens and Catakill. The regimenl lefl the State Nov. 18th, 1861, and served in the Department of Annapolis, Md , hum Nov., 1861; in the 5th Corps and Departmenl of the Shenandoah, from Mar, 1862. in the 2d Corps, Army of Virginia, from June, 1862; in Stahel's Division, De- fenses ol Washington, from Sept., 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 22d Corps, Dept Washington, from Mar., 1863; in the 1st Brigade, 8d Division, Cavalry. A. P., from June 28th, 1868; in the 2d Brigade, 8d Division, Cavalry, A P., from Aug., 1868; in the 1st Brig- ade, Bd Division, Cavalry, A. P., from Sept., 1868; with the Annj of the Potomac, detached in 9th Corps, part ol May, 1864; with the Cavalrj Corps again from about end of May, L864, in the Army of the Shenandoah, from Oct., 1864, and in the Dept. of West Virginia, from Mar . [80S nntil July huh, 1865, when, commanded by Col. Amos II. White, it was mustered out ami honoiahh discharged -it Winchester, Va. During its service, the regiment lost by death killed In action, 5 officers . 62 enlisted men; died of wounds r.-.-.t\-.-.t in action, 2 officers, 24 enlisted men; died of disease and other causes, I officers, 222 enlisted men; total, Jl officers, 808 enlisted men; aggregate, bom 104 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regiment, <>r portions of it. took part in the following engagements, etc : VOLUXTEERS OF THE STATE. :jn:j Bouth Pork of the Shen- andoah, Va April 19 New Market, Va Port Republic, Va ... Comail's SI, .IV. \;, Rockingham Furnace. Va N( 11 Harrisonburg, Va. ('inn-ail's Kerrv, \a ... New Market, Va Columbia Bridge. Lurav Valley, \ a .' Woodstock, Va \\oo,(st,„k, \a W Murk, Va Operations in Slum. in • loali Valley, Va M:':il t'wu Wiiu-h.-l.T Harper's Perry, W.'Va.! Near Harlinsburg, Va. Cbarleatown. W. Va. Neai Luray, \ a Near Luray, Va N'-.n W l-i .. k Va n ai'saw Ford, Va Bperryvllle, Va Near * " 1 1 1 1 p. ■ 1 >. 1 Cunt Souse, Va Orange Cuiirl II Liberty Mills, Va Bamett's Ford, Va Near Orange Courl Eouse, Va.. -"'-•ilar MniiMtain, Va • V'lar MniiMtain, Va Near Orange Courl House, Va .. Ben- Pope's campaign, \ a Louisa 1 lourt House. Kelly's Ford Warrenton Springs.... 31 31 June 24 July ■ Gap, Va.., ' < lap. Va. .. 1.V1, >Gap,Va... Cub Run.v'a.'V".""'."!.".. Prying Pan. Va Cub Km Va Mi. Ml, 1. rit, Va New Bal Va Warrant m, Va Bpotti ':u em Va Near A.l< \ , Fairfax) 'lis,- Va l!.oa,| i;, Iplk White 1" Warrenti Bbannon i'liii'.'v li„, \ a Near Pairfax c, III 1 II,, Is,.. a.. Sept. Willi lllls,,, rt, Md .. ere. Md, s 1 ,. p. va ... k, Va v, Va ISran y SI: tion \ Sept. g||. Wl'IIIHllMJ led, Dl' = - Bicia ~S2 Buckland Mills, Va Stevensburg, Va 1 •■ 1. \ , Mine Run campaign, Va. 1 Ford, Va 1 1 ord, Va Ilampl Klv'.s Kuril, Va Heaver Ham Stall, m. Va. South Anna liri.lye, Va ."'■tin's ,.f Khlinioml.Va Mch Aylett's, Va Near King's aud Queen 1 Court House. Va Ely's Ford, Va . Va Carrollton's Store, Va.., w ilderness, Va ['se,Va lllrll . 19 19-211 N |s Di 1-,. 1 Jan. Little River..., Totopotoi \ . Cold Harbor, Va , Ashland Us Shop OI,l Church Riddle's Simp, Va Vlalvi rn lllll, Va White Oak Swamp. Va. White House La \ Before Petersburg, \ a. Raid to South Bide and Danville 1:. 1;.. Va Nottowaj 1 rei Staunton Hriiii;,' Stony Cr-ek Statmn.... Ream's Station Million,,. \ Charlestown. \V Smithfleld, Va.. Berryville, \ , . Hum, m Station Va.... luon Creek, Va Urn nt Factory, Va Opequon, \ a Va Mt, Crawl, \\ aynesboro, \ a Mi. Meridi ,:. \ 1 Railroad B North River, Va Brock's Gap, Va Korivstvillr, Va Tom's Brook, Va (V.lar Creek. \ ■'., I, a, k Ro "i Li'baiiuii Church, \ a .11. Va Cedar Creek, Va Nin, v. ih. \ .1 C r Sid Va. Va 12 II 19. June L'u July SO. June 22 30 Sept. B 11,11. Va Lacj Sprin ( 19 Nov. II u \ Ian. In I -ii.Va Mt. Sidney, Va Mch, 5 New Market. Va R Bill, Va Loss ,,n picket, ilola. lit-.l senior ami minor affairs Total loss. I It . ... I 17 - 304: PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Sixth Regiment of Cavalry (Veteran). IRA HABEI8 CAVALETJ SECOND IRA HARRIS GUARD. This regiment was organised under special authority from the War Departmenl as the Ira Harris Guard at New Fork city, and was, after having been turned over to the State, Nov. 80th, L861, designated She Sixth Regiment of Cavalry, N. I. Vols. The companies were mustered in the service of the United States: At New York city, Company A Sept. 10th, BSept. 27th. DSept. 38th, 1 Nov. 3d, and L Nov. 6th;a1 Staten Island, Company E Oct. 3d,F Oct. 34th, H Oct. 28th, K and M Dec. I9th;a1 Rochester, Company U Bept. 39th, and at Bing- hamton, Company << Oct, 34th, 1861. At the expiration of its term of service those entitled thereto were discharged and tin* regiment retained in service. The companies were recruited principally: 4 at New York city and Cohoes and Boston, /.'and L at New York city; ( 'at Rochester, Cohocton, Geneseo, Hornellsvilleand Dans- villi*; Dat Troy, Cherry Vallev, Granville and New York city; A'at New York city, Albany, Watertown, Cherry Valley, Salt Springs and Cape Vincent; Fat New Fork city and Pough- keepsie; at Binghamton, Rochester, Hornellsville and Albion: 7/ at New York city , Dover Plains and Washington; /at New York citv, Cuba, Franklinville, Oouverneur, Angelica and Binghamton; K at Ogdensburg, Geneseo, Lisbon and Canton; and .Vat Kinderhook and Hudson. The regiment left the State Dec. 28d, 1861, commanded by Col. Thomas C. Devin, and served at York, Pa., from that time. In March, 1862, Companies l» and K. and F and H, the Third Battalion, were mounted and assigned, two each, to the 3d and 4th Corps, A. P., respectively; the 1st and 2d Battalions were attached to Gen. Wadsworth's command, and mounted in May, 1N62. Companies D and K served with the 3d Corps until July, 1863; in the Dept. of Washington until Oct., 1863: and P and II with the 4th Corps until Aug., 1863; when they rejoined the regiment. The 1st and 3d Battalions served with the 9th Corps from Aug., 1862; (Company a with the 6th Corps in Sept.. 1862;) in the 3d Brig., Pleasonton's Cavalry Division, Right Grand Division, A. P., from Dec, 1862: in the 3d Brig., 1st Div., Cavalry Corps, A. P., from Feb., 1863; (Companies B and C with 9th Corps in Jan. and Feb., 1868; a detachment with 2 2d Corps in July and Aug., 1*6;};) with the Army of the Shenandoah from Oct., 1864: and with the Army of the Potomac from March 36th, 1865. •lime 17th, 1865, under command of Col. Charles L. Fitzhngh, the regiment was consoli- dated into eight companies, and these, with the 15th N. Y. Vol. Cavalry, formed into a new organization known as the " Second Provisional Regiment, N. Y. Vol. Cavalry," becoming Companies A. B, C, 1». E, I, Land M of the latter. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 48 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 4 officers, 21 enlisted men. of disease and other causes, rted men; total, '.» officers, 205 enlisted men; aggregate, '.Ml: of whom 86 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it, or portions of it. took part in the following ments, etc'.: Date. ImI- \\ ■ .1 1 !!■ 1.- 1 a I "■ i 1 Place. Dati . Kil- Wounded 1. 1. - 1 I. .1 a l K L - CO t E z =' 1 = led. - - 5 c i: lag. i' M «3 i U Kearneygvllle, S \\ \ , \ . , - i . . . i ■ . S. i, \\ I,, ,11 ,• \ 16 17 21 21 N n 11-10 13 1.1 11 Jan. April II 1 1 ■i ::: i 7 i i . .Inn-- 1 !• lane 25 Jul) 2 ■ ■ . \ 1 - Count] Court ' ■ ■ Painunki Rlvi ^a IM ndi li.riii.iiiii.i and Rli hards i . \ , ii.mi; II.iL.-lil-. \ .1 .... 23 "i i "i i: . ; Sialic n, Va i Sept. 13 11 15 19 i iharlestown, Va 2 .1 i, .. - -li,,|i. Va IJ.-rin.irn, i Berryvllle. Va 3 i K ::: "l "l "i "2 2 "l |fl Station, Va- i " ... i ... : 2 Front Royal. Va 3 Va 17 16 Muddy Run, Va Nov. 8 Mine Hun campaign, Va \ " lirahhitt'a Mills 1864. \ a 13 Newtown. Va 7 Frederick flail Sta'n.Va. South Anna Bridge , \ 1 Defenses of Richmond,^ . Aylett's, Va Kinus and < Jm.-.i i -. \ a ... ranclltcn's Si., re, Va.... Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania Court Hon 1 U.-ti. Sheridan's Raid to 29 29 March 1 2 3 11 M Liberty Mills. Va Lovett's Mills. Va \\ aj nesboro, Va '• c : Ho i8e,Va 1 i ■2 11 i ... i ... lu 1 Appomattox camp'n.Va, Dinwlddie Ct Hous Five Forks Fall of Petersburg Deep Creel Near Ami iCt.Hi - Appomattox Station... mattoxCt. House Oil plckel and other nun North Anna. Va 9 ID Yellow Tavern, Va 11 K..rtili.-ati..ns .,t Ki. h- mond, Va 12 i 27-30 Hanovertown. Va ; 27 \ II Old Church. Va... 3u Cold Harbor, Va Maj 31 s jr affairs =. "i i- 4 ~n 23 Seventh Regiment of Cavalry, Noethbrn in. v< k HORSBi w \i.i;v. This regiment was organized al Troy to serve three years. Nov. 18th, 1861, it was designated by the State authorities as the 2d Regimen! of Cavalry; by the War Department it was designated 7th N. V. Vol. Cavalry, ander which designation it was mastered out of service, and is therefore here so recorded. The com- panies were mustered in the service of the United States, A al Salem, Nov. 6th; H at Sandy Creek, Nov. 6th; C, I>. E, Fand II al Troy, Nov. 6th; and <; al Elmira, Nov. 8th, 1861. There were only eight companies organized and these were recruited principally: A at fialem; Bat Sandy ('reck; C at Troy. Boosicfe Palls, Schenectady, Berlin, Petersburgh and Grafton; /'at Troy, Ogdensburg, Newhurgh, Saugerties and Goshen; A' at Troy, Lowville, Albany and Carthage; /-'at Troy. Ballston, Broadalbin, Qloversville and May field; at Elmira, Lockport and Troy: II at Troy, Boonville, Ballston, Schuylerville, Nassau and Pittstown. The regiment, commanded by Col. Andrew . I. Morrison, left the State Nov. 28d, 1861, and served near Washington, 1>. <'., until March 3 1st. 1862, when, not having 1 »* -* -i i mounted, it was honorably discharged and mustered out. During its service it lost by death, of disease, 7 enlisted men. 39 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. FIRST MOUNTED RIFLES. This regimenl was also designated at times, and especially by the War Department, as the 7th X. V. Vol. Cavalry; the sketch of the regimenl will, however, be found under its correcl appellation, namely, 1st Regiment Mounted Rifles. Eighth Regiment of Cavalry (Vetekax). rochester regiment. Col. Samuel J. Crooks received authority to recruit this regiment: it was organized for a three years' service. Nov. 14th, 1861, at Rochester, where Companies A, B, C, I>, K, F, 1 and K were mustered in the United States service Nov. 23d, and Companies G and 11 ., 1861, only ten companies being organized, A number of the enlisted men of Company K were in Dec, 1861, transferred to other companies of the regiment, and March Bth, L862, the remaining men were transferred to the 1st Battalion of Artillery, Companies A. B and D, later 29th, 30th and 32d Batteries. A new Company K and Companies L and M were organized in Aug.. Sept. and Oct. , 1862, and mustered in the United States service al Rochester for three years, Sept. 29th, Oct. 15th and Mth. respectively. At the expiration of its term of service, those entitled thereto were, Oct. 29th, 1864, ordered to Rochester to be discharged and mustered out, and those remaining were, Nov. 1st. 1864, consolidated into a battalion of eight companies and retained in service, [n this consolidation Companies A, B, C, D and E retained their letters and organization, Company K became Company F, L became C, and M was designated II; the enlisted men of the original Company F were transferred to Company A; those of original G were transferred to Companies B, C, D and M. old; those of original II to D and L, old; those of I to Company E, old. On the 80th of April, 1865, new Companies I, K. L and M were formed of recruits, mustered in for one and two Near-' service, and the regimental organization again completed. The companies were recruited principally: A at Rochester, Penn Van. Penfield, Web- ster and Canandaigua; B at Rochester, Avon, Brighton, Lima, Rush and Honeoye Falls; al Rochester, Newark, Sod us, Palmyra, Marion and Williamson; J> at Rochester, Clyde and Phelps; A' at Rochester, Bartland, MiddJeporl andRoyalton; /-'at Rochester, Albion, Carl- ton, Kendall and Newark: Q at Rochester, Rushville, Seneca Falls, Montezuma and Water, loo; //at Rochester, Brockport, Bergen, Clarkson, Fairpori and Eamblin; /at Rochester, Clinton, Penfield, Paris, Deansville, Waterville, Ontario, Webster, North Hay and Wal- worth: and A' at Rochester, Brockport, Batavia, Norwich, Pitcher, Pharsalia, Sherburne, Bpencerporl and Webster; second Company A' at Rochester; third Company A'at Lock" port. Canandaigua, Rochester, Buffalo and New Fork city; Companies /. and 1/ al Roches cond Companies L and If al Rochester, Auburn, Elmira, Canandaigua, Buffalo, Bingham ton, Lockport, Oswego and Syracuse The regimenl lefl the State Nov. 29th, 1861, and served in the defenses of Washington, D. C. from Dec, 1861; in the Department of the Shenandoah from March. 1862; in the Middle Department, 8th Corps, from June, 1862; in the 5th Brig., Pleasanton's Division of Cavalry. A. P., mounted, from Aug.. 1862; in the 1st Brig., same div., from Dec, 1862; in the Isl Brig., isl Div., Cavalry c^rps. A. P., from Feb., 1868; in the 2d Brig., 8d Div., Cavalry, A. P., from March, 1864; in the Army of the Shenandoah from Oct., 1864, and with the Army of the Potomac from March, 1866. The regiment, commanded bj Col. Edmund M Pope, was mustered oul and honorably discharged June 27th, 1865, al Alexandria, v*a., baving losl by death during its Bervice, killed in action, 8 officers, 60 enlisted men: died of wounds received in action, 5 officers, 82 enlisted men. died of disease and other causes, 6 officers, 218 enlisted men; total, 19 officers, 805 enlisted men; aggregate, 824, of whom B officers and 70 enlisted men died in the bands of the enemy. It, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 307 Date. R n.^ bounded. Miss. ( - 31 1 3 7 .'. t 1 "i "i 2 19 13 ".'; 50 3 lit 4 "a 25 is 6 3 a 13 3 l,,l Wounded, Place. i. i z 1. 1 i~ Ip )l'd| - ;•■.,.. ; a u 1 ■i 5 a I'loc. Date. ll 8 2 d. D e z .1 1 . 1 II. 1 - 13 ■ ': . .'■ • 27 1 2 1 5 "2 1 i E z 1 a § - i 3 •■ 2 101 ":i S B - Operations In the Slim. ih Vail \ 1862. M a 25 21 25 Sept. 1 8 12 15 1-' Ifi 19 17 2(1 ;;; ;;; ... I "i ' 4 i 23 sT 1 "■■ 1 .'■ 2 ' 1 ::: 2 11 "i i i« 2 16 "t 1 1 1. ! 1 1863. M In. 1. hi campaign, \ Dec. 2 i "i 2 1 16 1 Stevenson's Station ".".'.' II ir|,,\ Ferrv, W. Va... N'.-ai fharlesiown.W.Va Siiinmit I'oini. Va 1 1, Va .Tames ' llty, Va Spots) Ivauia Ct, lions,.. 1864. Mch. 1 \i . 8 9-24 '.< 11 12 31 June 1 12 3 10-11 II i 13 14-15 16 Jane 17 JulySi June 20 22-30 23 -•7 28 29-30 July 8 21 23 Harper's Ferrv, \\ Va 1 Han's Raid to James River, Va Aii'i.-i -..1. - Ford, N'tii Anna Yellow Tavern Forlllieationsol Rich- v ,, H llltamsport, M'. Dinwiddie Court Roust m Five Folk- \p,il 1 Oermanna Ford, Va Cennanna Ford, Va Sievensburi;, Va Fall oi Petersburg in.- Church .1. llelsvillc Saihus' Creek Appomattox Station... 2 3 4 6 8 81 Plains Va. Hroa.l Kun. Va Hunter's For.l. Va ..' Appomattox 1 It. Hon-,' 9 , picket and other minor c . HealK.n Station. Va Snieker'stJap. Va - :■'! Ninth Regiment of Cavalry (Veteran). STONEMAN'S (AVALKV : WE8TFIELD CAVALRY. Col. John Beardsley received authority from the Stat., to recruit this regiment; its organ- ization commenced at Westfield and was completed at Albany. It received its numerical designation Nov. 23d, 1801, and Nov. 37th, 1861, a number of the men enlisted for the United States Lancers, an incomplete organization, which Col, Jos. Smolenski, under au- - PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. thority from the War Department, dated Augusl 7th, 1861 .endeavored to recruit, were assigned toil ;^ pan of Company M. The companies were mustered in the service of the United Stnt.— for tin-"''- years, between Sept. 9tb and I>.-,-. L3th, 1861. A small portion of the men, claiming to have been fraudulently enlisted, were discharged under the orders of the Sec- retary "t War. dated April 7th ami 9th, 1862. At the expiration of it> term of service, those «ii t i t !<•< I thereto were mustered out, and the regimenl retained in service. March 39th, 1865, it was consolidated into nine companies, and received by transfer the battalion of the 4th \ Y. Volunteer Cavalry, as Companies B, Band L, Tin' companies were recruited principally: .1 at LaGrange, Linden, Pavilion, Perry, War- saw and Wyoming; //at Little Valley, Ashford, Bast Otto, Mansfield and Sugar Grove; Q at Jamestown and Westfield; 1> at Brocton, Smith Mills, Stockton and Westfield; I' at Basl Randolph, Sherman, Harmony, Clymer and Napoli; /-'at Albany, Ashville, Busti, Parmington, Panama. Sugar Grove and Westfield; (/at Sheldon, Javaand Westfield; // at Castile, Dunkirk, Irvin, Hermitage, LaGrange, Sheldon, Silver Creek, Warsaw and Wyo- ming; /at Westfield, Ripley, Mayville and Harhor Creek, and North East, Pa.; A' at Fre- donia, Forestville ami Cherry Creek; A at Russell, and 1/ at New York city, Rouse's Point, Troy and Geneva. The regiment lefl the State Nov. 26th, 1861, and served a1 Washington, D. C, from Dec, 1861. March 9th, 1862, Companies C, F, K and M were detached and distributed in detach- ments among the batteries of the Reserve Artillery, with which they served until Maj 22d, 1862; the remaining eighl companies performed during thai time duty as train-guard in the Army of the Potomac. In June, 1862, it having returned from the Peninsula, the regiment was mounted at Washington, 1>. ( '.. and assigned to the Cavalry Brigade, 1st Corps, Army Virginia; it served in the 1st. Stahel's, Division, 1 1th < !orps, from Sept.. 1862; in the 3d Brig- ade. < Javalry hi vision. A. P., from Oct., L862; in the Cavalry Brigade, 1st Division, 11th < orps, A. P.. from Nov., L862; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalrj Corps, A. P.. from Feh. L86S; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, A. P.. from May, L868; in the Army of tie- Shenandoah, from Oct., L864; with the Army of the Potomac, from March, 1865, and .Inly 17th, 1865, commanded by Col. George s. Nichols, it was honorably discharged and mustered out at < iloud's Mill-, Va, The regimenl lost during its service by death, killed in anion, 3 officers, mi enlisted men; died of wounds received in action, 5 officers, 29 enlisted men: died of disease and other causes, 5 officers, P."-' enlisted men: total. 13 officers, 211 enlisted men: aggregate, 224; of whom Hi enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. It, or portions of it, took pari in the following engagements, etc. : K it ■1 w WDunded M U < 1 K 1- \\ ounded. w PLAI i 1. Date. E z m L i:. '- z i I... = i Ins i I u - S e - - Puce. Date. 1.' E z i. pn 1 <■•■. 'i "s 2 'i "i i 7 a i ii i z g. 1 H - 1 > 'l l ': i "i a i M E 9 ■< 0, \ i April .'■ M - I Muj i „ 3 \ a Jan. 21 J 1 : . 1 1 >I >:tti .i ii Ii< •< k - Feb. 2 1 Apr. r 2! 31 May i 8 June I II 21 22 July 1-3 I : - • in i ii i- Gen. Popi hl'-elis i Si'. II W ,,l I, HI, ,I|, \ a Kelly'a Pord, Va ■i 2 1 -ii \ Cliancellorsvllli \ It.'V.Tli 1 \ .1 \ i i •l i i 29 SI i i • 17 .. || 1 1 ' N 16 Hull Run i - II \ , I'liii.ini.iji, \ a Sulphur Spring*, Va Haymarkel and Ttaor- • ire Qap Gettysburg, I'.i Willi, en-;. ,m W.i Downsville, Md 0, Md Ml Kunks Before Petersburg, Va.. Amelia Court II Appomattox Station". \' Appomattox Court II 1' i ; . ■< > i — . - Cmir: House, Va Deep Boi loin. \ a 7 1 Berryvllle, Va Cedar Creek, Va Berryville, Va 3 8 32 Tenth Regiment <>r <\\\ llri (Veteran). PORTER GUARD. Col. John C. Lemmon received August 8d, L861, authority from the War Department to recruit this regiment. In Sept., 1861, it was turned over to the State authorities and re- cruiting continued by them. It was organized at Elmira, and a number <>f the men enlisted for the Morgan Cavalry, then disbanded, joined it. It received its numerical designation, December 12th, 1861 , and its companies were mustered in the Bervice-of the United States for three years, A.a1 Syracuse, Sept. 87th, 1861,B,C,D, E, F,G and H, at Elmira, Di 1861, I, Kami L, at Elmira, Oct. 80th and 20th, 1862, and M in Nov.and Dec, 1862, and Jan., 1868. Companies I, B and L joined the regiment !>'•''. 5th, isii2. and Company M in Feb., 1868, completing the regimental organization. At the expiration of the term of Bervice of the first eight companies, the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment con- tinued in the service, The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Syracuse, hfcGrawville, Victory, Jordan, Cincinnatus, Freetown, Red Creek and Cortland; /.', 0, V, Sand /•'. at Elmira and Buffalo; '.'and //at Elmira; /at Broadalbin, Johnstown, Afayfield, Perth and North Hampton; A' at Oxford, McDonough, Coventry, G-reene, Sli.Tl.nrn.'. Preston and Dnadilla; /. al Buffalo, Cortland. Cuyler, Lyons, Persia, Pitcher, Taylor and Virgil; .1/ at Buffalo, Freetown, <>tt<>. Oxford, German, Niagara Falls, Pitcher, Virgil, Cortland, Lapeer and West Sparta. The regiment, eight companies, left the Stat.- Dec. 24th, 1861, and served at Gettysburg, Pa.; from March, 1862, in the Middle Department, 8th Corps, guarding railroads; from Aug., 1862, in the defenses of Washington, \).C; in Gregg's Cavalry Brigade, A. P., till mounted, from Oct., 1862; in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Calvalry Corps, A. P., from Feb., 1863; in 310 PAKT HI. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. the8d Brigade, 2d Division, Cavalry Corps, A. P., from Jane 14th, 1863, serving, however, with the I'Jth Corps from June 22d u> 27th, 180:?; in the '2d Brigade, same division, from ompaxrv K Berved asescorl with Head-quarters 2d Corps, in Sept., 18G3; and Company M from Sept. to Dec, 1803; the regiment in the 1st Brigade, 2d l>i vision, Cavalry Corps, A. IV, from May 17th, 1804. July 10th, 1865, the regiment, commanded byCol. Matthew II. Avery, was consolidated, company with corresponding company, with the 24th N. V. Volunteer Cavalry at Cloud's Mills, Va. and the consolidated force r< ived the designation, "First Provisional Regi- ment N" V. Vol. Cavalry." During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 71 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 4 officers, 26 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 151 enlisted men; total, 10 officers, 248 enlisted men: aggregate, 358; of wIk.iu 1 officer and :'.l enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it, or portions of it, took pari in the following engagements, etc.: ■ Kil M >unded. ^ Iss- ng c E & : ;«i :,ii i .".'. IS i 2 i 1 27 . a i | 33 "8 "•) 31 ".'; 1 1 8 53 fi in V: ; . n M PlAC*. Kil- ^ led, l Hate, jj g | i=i z -x Z 'ounded. ^ las- ng. " g i Date. led. 1>1 / 1 el / = = = z H = -i i: - ; b i U 1 ! I'dlReco. ii.ii m i 1862. 1% ... i ... '.'. ','.'. "l : I i i ... ... . : i » Cold Harbor 1864. M.-n 91 I June i ;■ ... . June 2 7 24 11 12 1 ll. 18 ... 2 . 21 ■ji 1 2 . June 26 I April 2. I ■ June 30 July i in 12 16 27-2<.i ... 1 . BO... 1 . Aug. Il- ls Sept. 2 Best. 80- Oct IT Dec i .. i eb. ML Apr. •■ ... 11 1 i ■:.'.'.. 1 ! . .1111. . "i '.'.' io ' . 1... 6. "i '.'. .. .12 - :::: i| m 1 1 '.' '. a 35 !' i r. i *6 i "i i . u . ]{ Back River, Md Ipril i Near Sulphur SpgSy Va- Aug. 27 Bumm 2 31 >< !■'■ 17 Nov. l Qen. Sheridan's Treve- ti.--. ill.-, \ a... . '1 ■■, ■•. . Station. Va Kings and Queens Ct. mock Sta'n.Va. Dec, 11- Kins and Queens Ct. 18 1-1 !. \p II II 30 Hay .... ■• .lune 9 1 f. ... 17 i- 19 2 1 2 \\ hlte Hull-.-'K. Va Rapp id. in':. .. i. Bta'n.T a i ord, Va if. in-.'. \ a- Boutb Anna Bridge, Va. Ashland Church, Va Thompson'si Iross Roads, si Mary's Chim-lt. Va Before Petersburg, va ... Ri Station. Va LiKliI II. .us.- Point, Va.. Gaines' Hill, Va 22 - Station, Va Prince George Ct. House, hi:, Va I,,..- s Stall Va PrinceGeorgel 1 n..\ i. Mi.l.ll.-lmrn. Va I"l rvi.l.-. Va AM,.'. Va 12 21 22 U-12 11 15 1 lug. 1 .. t. IS II 11 IB II i i Lee's Mills, Va Strawberry Plains, Va ... Weldon Road, Va 1!. Mill's Station, Va Ream'd Station. \ 1 Arthur's s» amp, \ -i yellow Tavern. Va Stoti\ Ci-,.,K Si i Stoiiv Cr.-.-k Stat M \a Poplar Spring Cli'th, \ a. Ml. '/.. rtialin ('Imrch.Ya. Boydton Plank Road, \ a N. at Pi in. •■ G Near Harper's Ft W, Halll .-•. nTwTVa"'."""" 2 w \ ... U \ i. Bulpbur Springs, Va ... Va Rappal i: in i ampalgn, Va • li • i ■ |. 21 1. G Stony Creek, Va . , , \ St.aiv Creel Va Hicks Fo R Threi Crei Va, Halifax Road, Va Rowanty Creek, Va Appomattox Camp's, Va Dinwiddle Ct. House., i - S 1 -.irt Qen Bit 10 i f Petersburg Paj i 72 While nsvllle iy, Va . iit..\ Ct. lions, v - a VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 311 Eleventh Regiment of Cavalry. SCOTT S NINE HUNDKK1). Col. James B. Swain received authority, Oct. 1st, 1861, from the War Department, to re- cruit this regiment. It was organized at New Fork city and the first ten companies were there mustered in the service of the United States tor three years between Dec., UJ61, and May, 1862; Companies L and M were mustered in in Aug. and Sept., 1862, and joined the regiment iu Oct., 1862, completing its organization. Oct. 25th, L862, the War Department tinned the regiment over to the State, and Feb. 20th, 1864, it received its numerical desig- nation. The companies were recruited principally: A at New Fork city, Tarrytown and Tomp- kins ville; B at New York city; Cat New York city, Qtica, Tompkinsville and Binghamton, and at Blairstown and in Wanen county, N. J.; I) at Canton, ('niton, Pitcairn, Potsdam and Ogdensburg; /vat New Fork city, Southampton, Bridgehampton, Quogue, Tompkins- ville end Coram; /'at New York city, Fulton, Lisle and Brooklyn; at New York city, Troy, Lisle and Williamsburg, and at Newark, N. J.; H at New Fork city, Brooklyn, Champlain and Watertown; /at New York city, in Essex and St. Lawrence counties; A' at New Fork city, Auburn, Union Springs, Springport, Ausable Forks, Jay and Seneca Falls; L at New York city, Buffalo, Canton, Lewis and Westport; and M at Buffalo, Canton, Fowder and Gouverneur. The regiment left the State May 5th, 1862, and served in the Military District of Wash- ington and 22d Corps, and a detachment of it in the 8th Corns, Middle Department, from May, 1862; in the Department of the Gulf from March 14th, 1864; at, LaFourche, La., from May, 1864; at Baton Rouge, La., from June, 1864; in 2d Brig., Cavalry, Dept. of the Gulf, from Aug., 1864; in the Dept. of the Cumberland from March, 1865. July 21st, 186"), those entitled thereto having been discharged, the regiment was consoli- dated into a battalion of four companies, A, B, C and D; Company A being formed of ( !om- panies A, F, Q and K; 1? of B, E, L and M; C of C, II and I; and D of D and II, and some of the memoers of Company B. This battalion, commanded by Maj. Geo. W. Smith, was mustered out and honorably discharged Sept. 30th, 1865, at Memphis, Tenn. The regiment, during its service, lost by death, killed in action, 10 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 1 1 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 319 enlisted men; total, 8 officers, 341 enlisted men; aggregate, 344; of whom 7 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The large number reported drowned is due principally to the foundering of the steamer North America off the coast of Florida, Dec. 22d. 1864. It, or portions of it. took part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. ImI- Wounded. a u < 20 73 ■' ... ft "/ I'lacl. Date. KM Wounded. Miss- Place. le 1 1. = - 3 1 § a i i i:, = - i CO, a § a & ':' 1: "- 1 U e "i .- g. a ■2 3 ll ! i. c 5 i "t D_ Q 'ilC H i i I'll. = 1 d H "i ... u 2 71 ing. \ \ 5 E it I < ■nine Ridge Mount'ns, \ • is».2. June 18 D ■ June 21 311 July 7 H 1.1 Aug. 27 Sept. l 22 1864. May i.- June l» Manning's Plantat'n, La Plantation, La. July in Oct. Nov. i- 21 U 27 |i" 7 "i ... 1 inn Near Fairfax Ct. Bouse. Va Bolivar Heights, W. Va. Harper's Perrj , w . Va War llarpi-r's Ktrrv. W. Va "i kson.Va 1 -pi iii^-.|Mi-- Near Memphis, Tenn 1 1 Halltown, W. Va Edwards' Perry, Md l "i .. 9 *2 BockvUte, Mil Losaon picket and other minor .1 New River, r.a Manning's Plantat'n, La III 1 ii 1 8 l« -■7 Twelfth Regiment of a valet. IRA HARRIS CAVALRY; THIRD TRA HARRIS GUARD. Oct. 4th, 1862, Col. James M. Savage received authority from the State to recruit this regiment. It was organized at New York city to serve three years. A number of the men 312 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. enlisted for the Abohbot Cavalry were transferred to its Company 1>, Nov. 89th, 1862, and in Aug., 1868, the men enlisted for the 21st Regt. Vet. Vols., reorganizing, were also trans- ferred to ili>' regiment. The men enlisted l>y i !apt. < '< •« Iti i 1 1 irt < >i i for this regimenl were trans- ferred t<> the20th Battery. The companies were mastered in the United States service in New Fork city, A Nov. L9th, 1862, B March 81st, L863, C Feb. 17th, 1863, F April ^stli, Buffalo, D and E Feb. 14th and I. Feb. 16th, 1868. May 20th, 1863, the regiment was reorganized as follow-: Company A was formed of parts of original Companies A ami (i; B of parts of original Companies A. K ami I . C of original Company ('and parts of orig- inal Companies D and 1; D of original Company E and pari of original Company Q; E of parts of original Companies F, 0) ami II; F of original Companies D and K: Company L retained its designation. Companies G, II and I wen- reorganized and mustered in United rvice at New Fork city, Company Q Aug. 7th, Company 1 Sept. 22d; at Buffalo, Company 11 August 27th, lsi;:',. Companies K (se id) and M were mustered in at Buffalo, . 10th ami at New York rity Nov. '.' Itli, L863, respectively. From Sept., 1863, to Dec., L864, :> bowitzer section, manned by members of the regiment, formed part of the Bame. The companies were recruited principally: .1, originally intended for the 5th Cavalry, at Fulton ami Oswego; B at Ogdensburg, Cuba, Copake, Clifton Park, Charlton, Claver- ack, West Troy. Albany ami Hudson; ''at Austerlitz, Hudson, Hillsdale, Chatham ami New Fork city; />./:'. II old and new, A" ami /, at Buffalo; /'at New Xork city, Platts- irt Covington, Dickinson ami Rouse's Point; Q and /, old, at New York city; '•', new, at New York city, Syracuse, Oswego, Hudson ami Troy; /, new, at New York city, Oswego, Troy ami Syracuse; ami .1/ at Buffalo, New Fork city. Troy ami Niagara. The regiment left the State by detachments, the first in May, 1863, ami was entirely in the Held by December of that year; it served in the Department ami District of North Carolina, 1 St h Corp-; and from March, 1865, with the Provisional Corp-; with the 23d Corps from April, 1865, and July 19th, 1865, commanded by Lieut. -Col. Philip »;. Vought, it was bonorablj discharged and mustered out at Raleigh, N. C. During its service it lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 20 enlisted men; died of wounds received in action, 1 officer, Pi enlisted men ; died of disease and other causes, 5 officers, ITS enlisted men: total. 8 officers, 214 enlisted men: aggregate, 222; of whom l officer ami si enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regiment, or portions of it. took part in the following engagements, etc, : N C il Street's ■ ■ v ,• u \ I N I N I i ■ • i ntr, \ i M n i In o i |.N.( lc J. DIM | lit It 1 SlH-rll's KrlTV. N C M \ ( S\V;lll-l"" \ ' \ i Klnston, V C N I <;.mlini.T- Itn.L. S > Jamestown, N. C Greenwii h, M I Plymouth. \ I Colerain, N < Plymoutl ' \ •' i lampa'n ..i the Carolina* Jane 311 a pi \< i 9 M ll 12 Feb. I- !■ M M gjj. Wiiiimli-il :'f/ i N I N C Kinston, N C II. si's SI.HI..H. \ l Mosely Ha N.I v .1 i ■■■' \ ' \ . . ■ .. \ • Snow lliii. N C Hookerstown, \ i ..,,.-,, ,\ I \ ' I c. \ i 12-13 17 oro.N.l Bennett H i N 0. » Lou ..ii picket and other minor alt.ilrs Total low J J n IS . ! VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 313 Thirteenth Regiment of C AV \ LEY. SE1 MOUE LIGE I WAI.KV . Oct. 9th, 1862, Col. Henry E. Davies received authority to recruil u regimenl of cavalry; Nov. 12th, 1863, Lieut. -Col. Nathaniel Cole received orders to recruil the regiment, the Davies Light Cavalry, until Col. Davies would report from the Bejd. Jan. 16th, 1868, Col. David Webb, succeeded, on his death, by Col. Henry s. Gansevoort, was authorized to re> cruit the Horatio Seymour Cavalry. .Tan. 38th, 1868, Col. Q. W. B. T pkins received authority to recruil the Tompkins Cavalry. Feb. 7th, 1868, Col. Alfred W. Taylor was au- thorized to recruil the New York Brigade. Dec. 4th, 1863, Col. Henry F. Liebenau had received authority to recruil a regimenl in the, then, first seven congressional districts of the State — the Seymour Light Infantry. These organizations were, June 20th, L868, consoli- dated, and the 18th Regimenl of Cavalry formed of them, with II. E. Davies as Col . II. s. Gansevoort as Lieut.-Col., and \. Cole as Major. The companies were mustered in the ser vice of the United States for three years; at St at en Island. A Feb, 35th; B May 35th; ('and D June 18th; E dune 19th; F dune 20th; <; duly LOth; II Aug. 7th; and I Nov. '.':;, 186:5; at Biker's Island, K and L; and at Hart's Island, M . in March, 1864. They were recruited principally: .1. /;. r. /> and /•/. at New Fork city; /'at New York city, Rome and Utica; Q at New York city, Potsdam, Oswegatchie, Malone, Saratoga and Albany; //. HaUeck Guards, at New Fork city, Ogdensburgh, Mai i, Watertown, Al- bany and Potsdam; I at Albany, Buffalo and Watertown: A". A and 1£, at New York city and Brooklyn. Six companies, A. B, C, D, E and F, left the State dune 38d, L868; Companies <■' and II, Aug. 14tb, 1S0:>; the others in winter. 1863, and spring, L864; the regiment served in the Pennsylvania campaign in June and July, 1863 (six companies), and after that in the 23d Corps, Department and Defenses of Washington, D. C. Aug. 17th, 1865, the regiment, commanded by Col. Henry S. Gansevoort, was consolidated at Washington with the Kith N. Y. Vol. Cavalry, the consolidated force receiving the desig- nation, Third Provisional Regiment, N. T. Vol. Cavalry; the companies of the 13th lie- coming parts of the companies of the new organizations, as follows: A of <', B of M, C of H, D of D, E of L, F of A, Q of B, II of F, I of E, K of K. I. of C, M of I. During its service, the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 10 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 19 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, I officer, 08 enlisted men; total. 1 officer, 139 enlisted men; aggregate, 180; of whom 87 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. It, or portions of it. took part in the following engagements, etc.: Kil Wounded MlRB- i f 7 1 1 ] "i ji i i Kil- Wounded. PlACB. Date. le ■E I. 2 D .1 1 - i: i G a £ a i i 1 E = a K i 6 • Place. I'.u, . led. II D ',i ] CO. = 5 ■2 Int:. : E 5 1 u 1 i: ol al v ■, ort city .... Kairlax. Va War I'.iivt,,,- Station. Va. Chantilly. Va.... July IS Lug. 24 Oct. ii 16 2 Va Culpeper, Va 1 1 -. i,i. \ ., Kairlax Slaiion, \ a 1864. Sept. .".... i ... i i i "i 3 1 1 "a i it ... " 17 I in 48 l 1 Near Lewinsville, Va.... Dei v ir \ ,, i,n ,. \., m "j \ 1 H 16 I,. MnsLv , 1 in, ,ii Mills. Va Pledi i \ , N.-ai I'.ill' . I'll- town, Va i 1- IL> 1 1 1 Vienna to Deeabt \ lenna to Hopewell Gap, 25 27 Feb. 20 May i .Fun.- II July S 6 9 Aug. B II 1 i l l 16 "i Kv.Tii Royal, Va \ \ llie. Va Near ALU.-. Va \ ii \l.ln-. Va Near sidle, Va Kairlax Slaiion, Va Him- Ridge Mountains, • i Run, V.i .... F/eb. \ i Lewinsville. Va Mar. U .. i.o-s on picket ami other minor 12 FOUBTEENTB REGIMENT OF OAVALBT. METROPOLITAN CA"V \\M\ . Oct. 28th, 1863, Maj. Morris DeCamp, succeeded Nov. 19tb. 1863, by Maj. W. B. Hyde, and he. Jan. lOtb, 1863, by Col. Thaddens P. Mott, received authority from the State to recruit 40 314 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. this regiment. It was organized in New fork city as part of the Metropolitan Brigade, Sept. 33d, 1863, Col. John Elw 1 received authority to recruit a regiment — the Pierrepont Rifles. Oct. llth, 1863, Major D. It.Al.ohip.>! received authority to recruit a battalion of cavalry — the Abohbot or Pierrepont Cavalry. Jan. 30th, 1868, these organizations, incom- plete, were transferred to Col. Mott'a regiment. Oct. 31st, 1863, Col. F. Willis Fisher re- ceived authority to recruil a regimen! —the Wisher's Cavalry. This regiment was not com- pleted, l.iit was merged in the Metropolitan Cavalry. The companies were mustered in the service of tin- (Jnited States for three years at Riker'e Island, A Nov. 34th, 15 Nov. 35th, C D Dec. 4th, L8*i3, E Feb. 3d, V Feb. 36th, Q March llth. II March 18th, I April 85th, K July 8th, L June 6th, M July 18th, L863. Aug. 1st, 1863, Companies A to ] were consolidated into three companies, A, BandC. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at New York city and Hempstead, />' at Flushing, Oyster Bay and New York city, C, l>, 0-, A" L and .1/. at New York city, E at New Fork city, Rochester and Geneva, /-'at New Fork city and LeRoy, // and / at New York city and Buffalo. Five companies left the State Feb. 8th, 1863, four more in April, lsi;:;, the remainder in Oct., 1868, and the regiment Berved in the Department of the Bast and of the enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. drowned is due principally to the foundering of the steamer L864. It, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, eU anion. 11 enlisted men ; of disease ,.r other causes, 3 ; ac.-T<-y;ate. Ki:5; of whom I The large number of men North America. Dec. 28d, KM \\ ounded M Kfl \\ ,i ii- ed. Miss- Placi Date. ll i d. f r D i = : 5 ■2 i:. CO a 1 E - Iiil;. els ■ E PlAM. Date. i D J ; - K, CO. 1 = "2 7 <■■ ■1 62 1 O 1 | B - 2 6 5 71 a < Port Hudson, La, 1 36 '.. July - .Jlv 1 1-1., 2 i - "i 6 "l ii : 1 i - 29 it 6 17 "i v ... Barrancas, Kin i ■mi,,-„ M.i.- linns.-, i-x, Highland Stockade, La Ni al Baton Rouge, La.. i . upiureof Foi 1 1864. J IvLM-JL 29 Sept, 17 22 L'l N ::: i N, Jforki iiv... " i .. i i ... 2 12 8 i Sept. 23 1.- .S|,, in^s Koail, VitiiiIIII. . I 12 i 19 . Clint,,,, & l.ilM-ny (•,,-, -k. M 1 M inn I.MIl,- Ks,-:iuil l 7 1 i 1 "i 1 Pollard, Ala 16 I'm,. Uarr.-ti 1,.,-k. 1-1.,. 171... Franklin'* Creek, Ala 2a... ek, i ■ .,i Mo T M i ii : 1 i 2 "i 10 Below . 1 1' ,ll:l Grlffln - M 27... Nil-.., I i H rkavllle, i i III II 1 \ : i to Clinton anil Jai kson. La Below M.-c, mi. mi's Point, i Near Morgansa. 1 i pi, kel and oth Mar. 1-10 \,.i ii 6 1 MlM.Ml 16 6 i. i i 'l VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 315 Fifteenth Regiment: of Cavalby. May 29th, 1803, Col. Robert M. Richardson received authority to reorganize the 12th N. Y. Vol. Infantry, discharged by reason of expiration of its term of service, as a regiment of cavalry. The regiment was organized at Syracuse fora service of three years, and the companies were mustered in the service of the United States at Syracuse, A. Band C Aug. 8th; I), FandG Aug. 36th; E 15th; II Sept. 5th; K Oct. 15th; at the Cavalrj Depot, D. G, Company I Nov. 80th, L863; and at Elmira Companies L and M Jan. 20th and 24th, 1864, respectively. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Syracuse and Oneida : Ba1 Sj racuse and Oswego; at Syracuse, Canandaigua, Geneva, Palmyra and Potter; Dal Syracuse; 27 and A at Syracuse, Batavia, Lockport and Rochester; ffal Syracuse, Ithaca and ( broline; //at S\ r- acuse, Lysander, Ithaca and Otisco; 1 at Syracuse, Oswego, Lansing and Ithaca; K at Syracuse, Ithaca, Utica and Lansing; /.at Elmira, Bloomingburgh, Goshen, Cuba, Ches- ter, Port Jervis, Westfield, Dunkirk, Deerpark and Jamestown; and .1/ at Elmira, West- moreland, Newburgh, Ellenburgh, Whitestown, Oriskany, Vernon, BLingston and LTtica. Companies A, B, C and E left the State Sept. 2d, lst',:; ; |>, v and <; later in Sept.; II and K in Oct.; I in Nov., ISO:!: and L and M in Jan., L864; and the regiment served at Camp Stoneman, and in 22d Corps, Department of Washington, Va., from Sept., 1863; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division. Cavalry of West Virginia, from Jan., 1864; at Cumberland, Bid., Remount Camp, from Aug. 25th to <>ct ., 1864, and while there was assigned to the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps, A. P.; in the Army of the Shenandoah from Oct., L864; with the Army of the Potomac from March, 1865. June 17th, 1865, the regiment, commanded by Col. John J. Coppinger, was consolidated with the 6th N. Y. Vol. Cavalry, the consolidated force receiving the designation, Second Provisional Regiment X. Y. Vol. Cavalry, the 15th Regiment being consolidated into four companies, which became Companies F,G, Hand K of the new organization. During its service, the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 3 officers, is enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 19 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, I officers, 12G enlisted men; total, 7 officers, 1(5:5 enlisted men; aggregate, 170; of whom 44 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regiment, or portions of it, took part iu the following engagements, etc.: Hillsboro, Va St.riisl.ur-, Y.i Uppervllle, Va franklin, Va Bomney, \ a Hoorefleld, Va I. may Gap, Va Mt. Jackson, \ a ... Now Market, Va... New Market, Va... Front Boyal. Va ... Newtown, Va W Murk. Va Newtown, Va Mt. Jackson, \ a Piedmont, Va Staunton, Va Waynesboro, Va... Lexington, Va New Condon, Va.. Diamond Bill, Va.. Lynchburg, Va Salem, Va Newtown. \ , " inker Hill, Va . LeetciwiutMartin>l.'-. \ a Snicker's Gap Ferrj ,Va. 1864. Jan Keli. 20 20 Men. 6 May 10 12 15 22 23 27 June i 8 Kil- led. D i; "'' Miss- 1 - ■ H Z S3 -- ' 2 5 i 3 "s 3 6 2 2 i 13 II 11 ' l I - 1 1 1 "i i 1 .... 1 "i "i i 4 2... ... :::.:: "a i "i 2 "i 1 1 1 1 2 l 11 a ■i 3 7 •j 2 11 1 "i • : - 1 "i 1 "-> 4 K j|. Wolltl'leil. 1)1 %. ii .. 1X-S1.. Charlottesville, Va... A.-lilaiei. \ Appomattox camp'n.Va. Dinwiddle Ct. Bouse.. Five Porks i | p I p Creek Jettersville Bailors' Cr< • Appomattox Station ... Appomattox i Loss, on p|, k.i and ..iher minor afffelrs Killed by guerillas, Jul] Bth, 1864. i VI Met i April I 1 Sixteenth Regiment ob Oavaley. SPBAGTJE I.n. H D CAT A.LB1 ■ Jan. 17th. 1863, Col. Spencer H. Olmsted, succeeded Sept. 8d, 1868, by Col. Henry M. LtV ielle, received authority to recruit the Spragiu Cavalry, duly 87th, 1st;:!, Col. W. W. Ham- PART III. SKETCHES OF OBGANIZATIONS. nit-ii n ived authority to recruit the Washington Light Cavalry. July 20th, 1868, Col. E. Schnepf received authority to reorganize the 20th N. Y. Vol. Infantry, discharged by ■ : the expiration of its term of service. Oct. 14th, 1S0:>, these organizations were consolidated and the 16th Regiinenl of Cavalry formed, with Benry M. Lazelle as Colonel. Oct. 22d, 1868, some of the nun recruited for this, were transferred to the 18th Regiment of Cavalry. The regimenl was organized al Plattsburgh, and tin' companies were mus- tered in the servii t" the United States for three years, at Plattsburgh, A, B, C and I> June 18th; E, G and H 13th; and F 1st, 1868; al Staten Island, I Sept. 2d, K : LOct. 18th; and M Sept. 5th, 1863. The companies were recruited principally : .1 at Plattsburgh, Syracuse, Massena, Mooere, Champlain and New Fork city; /.', G and D at Buffalo; /•; at Plattsburgh, Buffalo and Mas- sena; F at Troy, Ogdenshurgh, Plattsburgh and Albany; Q at Rochester, Plattsburgh, and Buffalo; //at Plattsburgh, Buffalo and New York city; / at New Fork city, Buffalo and Plattsburgh; I\ at New York city, Mt. Pleasant, Fonkers, Gtreenburgh, Roch- ester and Troy; /. ;it New Fork city, Buffalo, Brooklyn, G-reenburgh, Schoharie and White Plains; and .1/ at New Fork city and Greenburgh. Companies A, B, Cand l> left the State June l'.tth. 1863, and took part in the Pennsylva- nia campaign in June and July, 1863; Companies E, F, G and H. commanded by Lieut/- Col. Olmsted, left the Stat.' Aug. 19th, 1863; Companies I. K and L in Sept.; and M Oct. 28d, 1863; the regiment served in the Cavalry Brigade of the 22d Corps, Defenses of Wash- ington, D. C, until Aug. 17th, 1865, when, commanded hy Col. Nelson B. Sweitzer, it was consolidated with the 13th N. V. Vol. Cavalry, the new organization receiving the designa- tion, Third Provisional Regiment N. V. Vol. Cavalry; the companies of the Kith Cavalry forming part of the companies of the consolidated force, as follows; A of II, B of C, C of I. Dof K. E of D, Fof B, Q of A. II of L, 1 of E, K of M . L of F, and M of G. During its service, the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 12 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 8 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 1 19 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 139 enlisted men; aggregate, 140; of whom 44 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. It, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: Plaob, Date. R 1- i il- 1. B w D i i 2 i:. z ed. d = ■2 M 1 i £ E 2 - Placi. Pato. B lo 2 E 1 1. w D j '.i g = II i;. id, I - M ti i 2 "j ic 4 I •i A IS6S. Oct, I 11 Sov. 18 186*. Feb. 22 April 19 29 M , ■i 2 j Sept, 13 17 19 20 SJ 5-7 1- 19 H i 18 2 i "i l "■J M.IITI 1 Wi.ii Kun Shoal, Va Culpeper, Va \ ii i.. ■ i i \ Balem and White Plains, si... lie, Va i 16 1 1 1 "i 'ii 5 10 Kiill'sClmr.-li. V.i Piedmont, Va Hint Hill, Va ' : "i " July fl - March S 1 hi House, Va. \ picket and other minor l 2 3... 1 ... ii ... 1 1 ..'. 16 16 l i. s Si.\ i;\ i i.i s i n l.'i i.imknt oi' w ALKY. June 80th, 1868, Col. Henry l> Townsend received authority to recruit this regiment. This authority wa- revoked Sept. 1 7t Ji . 1868, and the men enlisted thus far, two companies, were transferred to the Lai Regiment Veteran Cavalry. ElOH i ri ntii Kf.i.i m OB C \ \ \ LR1 . CORM ING l K.Hl < \ \ A LET. Ma-. Ilth, 1868, Col. James J Byrne received authority to recruit the Corning Light ln- fantry; Jun 24th, i s »'.:;. the designation Infantry was changed to Cavalry. The regiment VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 317 was organized in New York city for a service of three years. Oct, 82d, 1888, the men en- listed by Lieut. Cyrus Paine for the 16th Cavalry were assigned to this regiment The companies were mustered in the service of the United States at Btaten bland, A and H July lsih and 19th, respectively; C, 1>, E and PAug. 12th, 86th, 15th ami 81st, respectively; (i and II Oct. Kith and :51st. respectively; al Fori Columbus, \. ^ . harbor, I Dec. 3d, 1868, and at Elmira K, L and M in Jan., 1864, June 12th, 1865, the lltli N. \ Vol. Cavalry, six companies, was transferred to this regiment, and June 34th, 1866, Companies I. and M were consolidated with the other companies of 1 1 » « - regimenl The companies were recruited principally: .1. /.'. />, E and /'at New Jfork city; Cat Albany and New York city; ffat New Fork city, Albany, Poughkeepsie and Troy; ffal New Fork city, Cazenovia and W#tertown; /at New Fork city, Albany, Cape Vinceni and Buffalo; A' at New York city, Alexandria and Cape Vincent; /. and .1/" at Alexandria, Al- bany, Columbia, Massena, Manheim, Pamelia, Watertown and Winfield. Companies A, B, C, 1». E and V led the State Sept. 86th, 1868, commanded by Maj. Edward Byrne; (i and II Oct. 88d, and I and K \hr. 18th, 1863; Companies I. and M left m Jan., 1864; the regimenl served in the Defenses of Washington, D. C, 33d Corps; from Feb. 88d, 1864, in the Departmenl of the Gulf; in the 6th Cavalry Brig., from March, 1864; at La Fourche, La., from June 1864 (Companies A ami F, detached, in Texas from June to Nov.. 1864); in Jan., 1865, dismounted; at Bonnet Carr6, La., from March, 1865; in 1st, Brig., 3d Div., Mil. Div., W. Miss., from May. 1865; in Texas from Nov.. 1866. Commanded by Col. Byrne, the regimenl was honorably discharged and mustered out May 31st, 1866, at Victoria, Texas, having lost by death during its service, killed in action, 1 officer, 8 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 6 enlisted men; id' disease and other Causes, 3 officers, 303 enlisted men; total,;', officers, 216 enlisted men; aggregate, 219; ol whom 11 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regimenl lost drowned, l offi- cer, 33 enlisted men, by the foundering of the steamer North America Dec. 32d, 1864 It, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: Kate. Kil- u E i i 8 2 12 "a "i Place. Hate. K11 Wounded Miss- led. DIM iiim'.i Ing. ted. Dl'.l Rei o. ing. - Place. r = § 1 '2 o g s c L G : c i i i '- 3 "a i 1 E I "i i l i 5 i z 1 d i L o *3 = i i i "i "i : x; 1 a 7 2 2 M Kim in New York city... 1S63. July 13 16 1864 Mur. 10- M.-iv -J Mar. 21 31 April _l > '.' 10 11 15 If, 17-18 31 21 22 29 1864. Maj i Rcii Eiver campaign,La. i 2 i "i "i "i *2 "i Moo i it 'ii 3 1(1 11-12 Henderson Hill Cloutereville, crossing Bayou Rapides X. :ir Mi'\:iinlrlii x M.n k.svill.- ri.un- If. ^ ellow Bayou 17-18 X i :: i villo l,.i Iiih 1. Centrevllle, La n Franklin. La i- RanchoSan Pedro, Tex.. Clarksville, Texas lug. n 1 other miner aflhira (\ini|.ti,-J.I Grand (score i - ... 6 9 3 2 93 Itrl.'W t "1. lilt .T-\ tilt' cam- River Crossing.... NINETEENTH REGIMENT OB OaYALBY. The 180th Regiment of New York Vol. Infantry was converted into a mounted regiment, July 38th, 1863, and Aug. 11th, 1868, and designated the 19th Regiment of Cavalry; Sept. 10th, 1863, this designation was changed to First Regimenl of Dragoons, under which head- ing the sketch of the regimenl will be found. Twentieth Regimeni of Cayalby. W CLELIA \ l A\ \LRY. June 10th, 1863, Col. Newton B. Lord received authority to recruit this regiment, which received its numerical designation Oct. 8th, 1863, and was organized at Sackett's Harbor, where its companies were mustered iu the service of the United States far three years: A 318 PART III. SKETCHES OF ( >!!<; AMZATIONS. to G Sept. 8d, II Sept. 4th, I and K Sept. 17th. and L and M Sept 22dand23d, 1863, respectively. 'i'h«- companies were recruited principally: .1 al Sackett'a Sarbor, Champion, Denmark, Pinckney and Wilna; />' at Sackett'e Harbor, Brownville, Clayton, Dexter, Lyme, Philadel- phia, Orwell ami \\ at. it own; < 'at Antwerp, Alexandria, LeRay /Theresa and Watertown; 1) at Cape Vincent J llayton.Ellisburg, Mannsvllle, LaFargeville, Sackett'a Harbor and Watertown; /.' at Champion, Diana, Croghan and Wilna; /-'at Copenhagen, Etedw 1 and Syracase; at Albany, Cape Vincent, Evan's Mills, Rome, Syracuse and Watertown; //at Antwerp, DeKalb, Edwards, Fowler and Gouverneur; /'at Cape Vincent, Oswego, Rome, Sackett'a Harbor, Syracuse and in St. Lawrence < ity; A' at Albany, Sandy Creek, Sackett's Harbor, Wilna and Watertown; /. at Norwich, Oswego, Penn Fan, Sackett's Harbor ami Syracuse; and .1/ at Sackett's Harbor, Albany, Herkimer, Norwich, Maims vi lie, Oswego, Rome, Theresa and Watertown. The regiment left tin' State Sept. 80th, 1863, and served in the 22d Corps from Oct., 1863, Company F at Portsmouth, Va., from Oct.. 1863; all at Portsmouth, Va., in the Department of Virginia from Nov., 1863; inHeckman'a Div., 18th Corps, from Jan., 1864; in the De- fenses of Portsmouth, Va., in the district of Easl Virginia, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, from April, 1864; in 1st Brig., Kautz's Div., Cavalry, Army of the James, from Dec. 3d, 1864; Company Dal Fori Pocahontas, Va., in Sep. Brig., Defenses of Bermuda, from .Ian., L865; Company K at Fori Powhattan, Va., and Company Q in 1st Brig., Mac- kenzie's Div. of Cavalry from March, 1865; Company I with the Provisional and Kith Corps in March. 1865. The regimenl was honorably discharged and mustered out under the command of Col. David M. Evans July :!lst, 1865, Companies E and II at fort Monroe, the other companies at Manchester, Va. During its service it lost by death, killed in action, enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 1 enlisted man; of disease and other causes, '.' officers, 121 enlisted men; total, 3 officers, 128 enlisted men; aggregate, 130; of whom 15 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regiment, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: |Kil- \\ ounded .1 1 < ■Jl : 2 2 Plai b. Date. Kit W oundi 'i Mi»- Place. ll Date. 2 ■ 1. f 5 •1 'i i i I) | 'd 1 i i: E z = i 2 i •j i i ! 21 "2 1 i i B E r in. | - -• g Z IB. d 1 B B < Bmlthdeld, Va 1864. I Feb, i . Darbylown Road.Va 1 ampaign of the Caro- llnas ■ lux cani|i'ii,Va. ran. 13 Mai 1 26 Apr. 1 S - a t 7 9 6 B 10 " Ill k, Va \ j.i i 1 23 .. 1 11 IK' ''.. South Quay \ ., h Qulam t Pord, N. C lug I Jamestown Island, Va. . 9 Fall i'l IVtersburB Deep Creek Deep Creek 3 i- liT-l'iirk' .ui'l Rl( bmoi \ 1864 An tattox C. H 1 TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT OB at Troy and Oswego; /-'at Troy. Cohoes and Watervliet; I. at Bochester; and M al Ithaca, Bnfleld, Dryden and Qroton. VOLT INTEEBS OF THE STATE. :J19 Five companies left the State Sept. 4th, 1868; one, Sept. 19th; three, Oct. 19th, 1863; our iii Nov.. 1863; the remainder in Feb., 1864; and the regimenl served in the Department of Washington, I). C, 23d Corps, from Sept., 1868; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cav- alry, Army of West Virginia, from Jan., 1864; at Remount Camp, Md., from latter part of Aug. to close of Oct., 1864; in the Army of the Shenandoah from Oct., 1864; In t li . ■ 1st Brigade, '-2d Division. Cavalry, A. S., from Nov.. 1864; in the Department <>f W. Va . from March, 18<>.">; at Washington, D.C., from May. 1866; al Denver city, Colorado, Department Mo., from Sept., 1865. The regiment (seven companies), under the command of Col. Charles Fitzsimmons, was honorably discharged and mastered oat at Denver city, Colorado, Company B Jane 23d, F June 26th, L ■- e 1 i S E 1 m < Berryvitle Ford, Va 1864. Jan. 22 fab. 2 li 20 "l Hlllsboro. Va l- l. July 18 16 "i 2 1 "i "a ft 27 1- : 2 - 2 1 "a 14 2 10 a "2 '1 "■■ 1 7 i:.i]i. Va tabby's Gap and Kor.i.\ ., Salem, Va 20 23 29 i 1 ■] 1 1 "_■ 2 i "a "i "i 3 Win. hestei . \ a 1 ■ Itown, \ a Martlnsburg, Va Charleston™, \\ , Va Kalliic Wales, Va Cedarville, Va. •'< .'. "\ 'i Auk. 21 ■■ Nov. 12 2-' ... Brock'sGep, Va 10 IS 18 -•• ■-'• June 3 16-19 19 27 July l 1 2 :■■ 4 7 11-12 "i "i 1 'i "•! 10 22 Reared :wn Vi» \- i M llu Va "i i ] NVwn.wri. Va i i 2 "i "i 2 - 21 ... 2 I'ieiltiioiit, Va l.ili.Tlv Mill.-. Va W irri nton, Va 26 i 'i ! - " i 121 N Paris. Va I.Olllloll 1 'OIIIIIV. \ .1 White Post, va N ■ ■ ! !'•■ ri> villi?, Va picki ' and otb Jan. 19. « Mar. 22'... April 9 .. r minor Biisliv 1 1 i . i ■_; . ■ Va 1 Windiest. -r, Va Bunker Ilill.Va Bucktoii, Va Valley. Md Solomon's liap, \V. Va... a 12 1 » i - TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT OF CaVAI.UY. KOCHKSTKR ( A\ ALKY. Bept. 24th, 1863, Col. Samuel J. < 'rooks received authority to recruit a second regimenl of cavalry. He recruited this regiment, organizing it for a service of three years, at Roches- ter, where its companies were mustered in the service of the United State-. \ Dec. 20th, 1868; BandCJan. 5th; I>. E and V Jan. 10th; Q, II and I Feb. 2d; K, Land M Feb. 6th, 12th and 03d, 1864, respectively. The companies were recruited principally: A at Rochester, Penn fan, Perrinton, Pen- field and Jerusalem; /»' at Syracuse. Rochester and Utica; C at Brockport, Romi Churchville, Sweden and Rochester; l> al Rochester, Lyons. Cuba and Lindon; KatCaze- novia, Madison. Maulius, Syracuse and Smithfield; Pat Rochester, Albion, Barre and Dun- kirk; at Hath, Avon, Urbana. Plattsburgh and Rochester; //at Syracuse. Arcadia, SodUB, Hurou, Lyons and Palmyra: /at Rochester, Auburn, Syracuse and Sen.-, -a Falls; K at Rochester, Portland, Pomfret, Lenox, Siuitlilielil and Dunkirk; /. at Plymouth, Norwich, Otsego, Oxford, Middlefield, Greene, I'nadilla and German; and If at Rochester, Oneida, Bath. Auburn and I'tica. :;-.m PART III. SKKTCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. The regimenl left the State in March, 1864, and served in the 9th Corps, at Alexandria, Va., from March, 1864; in the 4th Division, 9th Corps, from April. 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 8d Division, Cavalry Corps, A. P., from May. 1864; unattached, A. P., from May 8th, 1864; with its brigade in June, 1864; with the Army of the Shenandoah from <><'t., 1864, aud in the Cavalry Division, Army of West Virginia, from Feb;, 1865. May 1st, 1865, a detachment of recruits for the regimenl was mastered oat at Hart's Is- land. N. Y. harbor, and 1st, 1865, the regiment, commanded by Col. Horatio Blake Reed, was honorably discharged and mustered out at Winchester, Ya. Daring its service, the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, '.' officers, '.» enlisted men; of wound- received in anion. 1 officer, 18 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 oilier. 17s enlisted men; total, 1 officers, 200 enlisted men; aggregate, 204: of whom 87 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. It. or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc. : Ml \\ iiiimli'il. M ■i < Kil- Wounded. Mis,. Pla< t Date. l( 1 r j D £ z 1 i: in. = I B - 1 f i a W Plai > Date. ii ::: 1. = H E : B z - Re co. 1 L © 2 ■- Ig. % H 1 1 " i - t 1 ■:■]. V.i ■ ■-. \ .i 1864. Jan. 12 May 5 : June l 12 10 ll L2 13 It 15 ... i 1 1 3 3 . 'i 3 2 1 3 ... 4 : ; c "i 122 "i 2 7 77 3 6 i l Winchester and Ashby (iap 'I'unipikf.Va Btrrvville, Va 181 i. Sept ) i i nrai Wini-h.'StiT, Va.. 7 i i i Uarbor, Va 2 ' 2 White Post., Va i IT 19 21 ... i i Opequon, Va 2 "i •■ - "i i "i "i i l 7; 7 II iw's Shop Old Church... 22 -• • 9 13 19 \ 22 30 D< Mch. i • ■i m, V.i Railroad Bridge, and w ,n nesboro, \ a North River, Va (iap. Va Va U •■ <>.,' -a imp, Ya... 1 l i : "i K a Qi sl II \ . June IS Cedar Creek, Va l ::: 1 4 Danville 1: I; . \ i . DinwlddieC. II 2.1 27 28 29-30 Aug. 17 18 21 K-..I-- Hill. \a Moorefield Pike, Va Lacy Springs, Va 13 i l , ■i'-r 'I'urnplki'.Va Charlestown, Va ■ i '.'.'. i 2 i Tu BNTl Regimen i of (' \\ M I X CAVALrVS . 3ECON D REG1 U EST. Oct. 27th, 1862, Col. J. II. Mi\ received authoritj fromthe War Department to raise, with ent of the State Government, a regiment of cavalry in this State. The organiza- tion "f the regiment was, bowever, not completed, and bat two companies were recruited, These were mustered in the Bervice of the United States for three Mars between January and May, 1868, and were recruited principally: .lai Lancaster, Tonawanda, Aurora, LeRoy, Colden, Pavilion, Bethany, Newstead and Chicktawauga; and Bat New York city. These companies left the State in May. 1868; served in the Department of North Carolina (18th Corps), mostly attached to the 12th \ Y. Vol. Cavalry, and were mastered oat and bonorably discharged, Jul) 22d, 1865, at Raleigh, X. C. They lost in the Bervice by death, of disease and other causes, M enlisted men; of whom B enlisted men died in the bands of the enemy; and they took pari in the following mente, etc. : VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 321 Date. R ii Wounded, M 5 M "l 1'. 10 Place. Date. rt'oun U-l Place. l« i z i. B = I E S i;. ! CO. i 1 a B H 4 II led. Did Mn : = •: = E = = = : - : - ii r = Ing | 1888. July l Is 20 22 1864. Jan. 26 Keli. 1-1 2 6 Maj i June 21 I 1884. Bllubetb City, N. C. ,. Oct. W 1865. Campaign of thi Unas Mi -ii. 1 April 26 Wise's Fork, N C M< t. - 1 Bear Creek. N.C an Siuiw Hill, X. C Sin.w Mill, V (' April 7 Bennett Home, v «'... 26 Loss; on picket and "tiu-r minor ... 1 1 12 "3 3 M Warsuv, N. (' Switt Creek iimi Str.-et's Ferry, N. C Onslow County, X. C u 3 Wale's Creek. N C Rear Cedar Point. X. C. Onslow County, X. C ~ - - - 1 1 Twenty-fourth Regiment of Cavalry. Aug. 25th, 1863, Col. William ('. Raulston, Formerly Lieut. Col. 81st N. Y. Vols., received authority to reorganize the Twenty fourth Volunteer Infantry, then discharged by reason of the expiration of its term of service. Sept. 35th, is(>3, this authority was modified to read that a regiment of cavalry, this, the 84th, should be organized. The regiment was organ- ized accordingly at Auburn, and its companies were mustered in the service of the United States for three years, A. C, D and H Dec 28th, 1868; 15. F, G, II and I Jan. 7th; K and L Jan. 19th, and M Jan. 86th, 1864. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Pulton and Phoenix; />at I'tica, Auburn and Springfield; C at Oswego, Buffalo, Ogdensburg, Auburn and Volney; I> at Buffalo, Southport, Baldwin, Orange, Eltnira and Catlin; E at Oswego, Scriba, Eastings, Hannibal, Orwell and Parish; F 9& Buffalo, Taberg, Oswego, Rome and I'tica; G at Orwell, Sandy Creek, Amboy, Oswego, New Haven and Lorraine; // at Rochester, Mt. Morris and Canan* daigua; /at Oswejjn, f^u I T< m , Parish, Palermo and Hastings; A* at Syracuse, Onondaga, Oswego and Buffalo; L at Canandaigna, Auburn, Rochester, Mt. Morris, Rome and I'tica; M at Buffalo, Auburn, I'tica, Syracuse and Onondaga. The regiment left the State Feb. 23d, 1804, and served, dismounted, near Washington, D, ('.. in the 22d Corps from Feb., 1X64; in Marshall's Provisional Brig., 8th Corps, from May 5th, 1st; i; in the same brig., 1st Div., 8th Corps, from May 12th, L864;in the 2d Brig., 3d Div., 9th Corps, A. P.; from June 11th, 1864; in the 3d Brig., 1st Div.. 8th Corps, from Sept., 1864; mounted in the 1st Brig., 2d Div., Cavalry, A. P., from Oct. 20th, 1864; in 1st Brig., 1st Div., Cavalry Corps, A. P., from May, 1865. Col. William C. Raulston was captured by the enemy Sept. 29th, 1864; in an attempt to escape, of which he was the leader, he was shot, Dec. 10th, 1864, by a rebel Bentinel at Danville, Va., and from the effects of this wound he died Dec. 15th, 1864. Under the command of Col. Walter c. Newberry the regiment was consolidated, company With corresponding company, with the H>th N. Y. Vol. Cavalry tit Cloud's Mills, Va., July 10th, 1865; the new organization receiving the designation " First Provisional Regi- ment New York Volunteer Cavalry." During its service the regiment lust by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 72 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 5 officers, 41 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 133 enlisted men; total, 8 officers, 246 enlisted men; aggregate, '-Til; of whom 2 officers and 30 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: Wilderness. Va S|Mlsylvania. Va.. Balienl Landron [louse.. Guinea Station . North Anna, Va... Totopotomoy, Va.. Com Harbor, Va Betbesdn Church.., B Pi tersburg, V Assault Ol Petl I 41 •AKT III. SKKTCIIKS < >F ullii AN IZATK L\S. - Ing Church, ^ a - i i . v. - Run. v n Prince Qi gel II . \ i ■ ■k Station. Ya. Tiir-.- Creeks, \ i Hi ii i\ i; ■■ . : \ I i N Di 10-11 K il '.' k 1. = E 2 D z i B Etei i ** JlIK c f : = E B : - , 1 : 1 i I ,. a 1.1 3 i i ! Ml ... 3 1 1 1 Hatcher's Run, \ Appomattox camp'n,Va Mar. :■- Dinwiddle ('. II I Pork* April K j|. Wuumleil led. Dl'tl l lteco. ■ i Bburg. 3| irigs Deatons\ ille Road Sailor's < Ireek Kurinvillr Pamplin Station Appomattox C. U 2 ... . S 1 272 541 2021 Miss- TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT OP CaVALBI SICKLES I AVAI.m . Sept. 4th, l s *iM, Col. Ilfiiry F. Liebenau received authority from the Governor of the Btate t" recruit a regiment of cavalry, which, Jan. 15th, 1864, received the above numer- ical designation. It was organizeed al Saratoga Springs and Hart's Island, under Col. Lieb- enau, and his successor, Col. Gurdon Chapin, for u service of three years; Companies I and M. however, contained a few men enlisted for but one year. The companies were mustered in the service of the Cnited States at Saratoga, A and B Feb. 20th; C and l> March 19th; E and F April 14th and 28d, respectively ; al Han's Maud. Q April 20th; II July 29th; 1 Sept. 18th; K May 16th; and I, and M Oct. 15th and 20th, 1864, respectively. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Hancock, Saratoga Springs, Fremont and Greene county; />' at Hancock, Root, Fremont and Stillwater; ''at New York city, Never- Bink, Goshen, Saratoga, Half moon and Montgomery; J> at Saratoga, Montgomery, New York city, Schenectady and Root; A' at Saratoga, Goshen, Kingston and New Fork city: F at Saratoga and New York city; '/and K at Ne\i York city; //at New York city, Brooklyn, Williamsburgh, Goshen and Watertown; /at New York city, Brooklyn, Alberg, Goshen, Jamaica, Poughkeepsie, Tarrytown and Troj ; /. and 1/ at New 'i ork city, Brooklyn, Ja- maica, Goshen, Kingston, PlattsbuTgh, Tarrytown, Troy and Schenectady. The regimenl [eft the State in 1864, by detachments, and served in the Defenses of Wash- ington, 1>. •'.. 22d Corps, from April, 1864; in the Provost Guard, Army of the Potomac, iron, .Inn.-. 1864; at Washington, l>. C, 22d Corps, from July 7th, isdi; in the 1th Brig- ade, 1st Division, Cavalry, A. P., from Aug., 1864; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry, from Sept., 1864; in the Army of the Shenandoah from Oct., L864; and in the Cavalry Di- vision, Army of West Virginia, from April. 1865. Commanded by Lieut.-Col, Aaron Seel ey, the regimenl was honorably discharged, and mustered out June 27th, 1865, at Hart's Island, N. V. harbor, having during its Bervice, lost by death, killed in action, i officer, 10 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 19 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 65 enlisted men; aggregate, 66; of whom 7 enlisted men died in the Lands of the enemy. It. or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: PlAC r Date. ■ 1 els w l» - . •1 ., i 5 E "i UI Ba Inn E =' 3 M 12 i I'LACK. Date. K Ii 1. l> B •_ = e ..i i B : - : R ■2 -. 9 ■< 1 1 1 , 1864. an r> •-■1 : 18 1 in ::: i i M i 2 2 "2 .' H \ 1 || [II \ | 2 \ Madison C. II Vs 1 Bunker II \ Columbl • i ( m t. Jai ii \ i \ \ 1 - 4 2 ii \ , \ \ i picket and » • 1 1 1 ■(fairs r minor 1 104 VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 323 Twenty-sixth Regiment of Cavalry. PEONTl BE I \ VAi.KY. This regiment, Col. Burr Porter, was organized in tin- States of New York, Massachusetts and Vermont, under special authority from the War Department, for service on the North- ern frontiers for one year. The New York battalion consisted of five companies, G, II. I.K and I;, and under the rulings of the War Department, the Held officers of the regiment were appointed by the Governor of this State. The first company, /.. Capt. David A. Piercy, was recruited, and Feb. 24th, ls(;r>, mus- tered in the r. S. service at Malone; the second. Company //, Capt. Eenry E. Turner, was recruited, and Feb. 22d, 1865, mustered in the D". S. service al Watertown; the third, < !om- pany A'. Capt. Edgar Hinckley, was recruited, and Feb. 34th, 1865, mustered in the I". S. service at Buffalo; the fourth, Company Q-, Capt. Pliny Moore, was recruited, and Feb. 11th, 1865, mustered in the U. S. service at Plattsburgh; and the fifth, Company /, Capt. New tmi II. Davis, was recruited, and Feb. 3JJd, 1865, mustered in the I . S. Service at Malone. These companies were mustered out and honorably discharged under Col. Ferris Jacobs, Jr.; Land I at Ogdensbnrgh, July 1st and 3d, L865, respectively; II at Madison Barracks, Sackett's Harbor, July 7th; K at Fort Porter, Buffalo, June 29th; and (i at Plattsburgh, July 6th, ISO.'); having lost, by death of disease, :! enlisted men. First Regiment ob Dragoons. July 25th, 1862, Col. William S. Fullerton, succeeded l>y Col. Alfred (iibbs, received authority t<> recruit a regiment of infantry — the 180th — in the counties of Allegany, Liv- ingston and Wyoming. It was organized at Portage, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three .years, on the 2d Sept., 1862, It was converted, July 28th, 1st;:;, into a regiment of cavalry, and Aug. 11th, 1868, designated the L9th Regiment of Cavalry; this designation was changed Sept. LOth, 1863, to Firsl Regiment of Dragoons. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Castile, Gainesville, Pike, Portage. Perry and Genesee Falls; Bal Dansville, Mt. Morris, Portage, Groveland, Scottsburgand Leicester; Cat Attica. Eagle, Colesville, Bennington, Arcade. China, Oramel,*Sheldon, Java and Port- ageville; I> at Middlehurg, Warsaw, Wyoming, Perry, Covington and Wethersfield; /-.'at Wellsville, Andover and independence; /''at Portageville, Oramel, Hume and Centreville; 6 at Angelica, Lima. Genesee Falls, Conesus, Livonia and Springwater; //at Birdsall, Al- mont, Oramel, Amity, Genesee Falls, Portageville, Belmont, Ward and Alfred; /at Nunda, Grove, Burns, Portage and Belfort; and l< at Dansville and Genesee Falls. The regiment, ten companies, lefl the State Sept. nth. l si;-. 1 , and served at Suffolk, Ya., from Sept. Pith. 1862; in Terry's Brigade, Peck's, later Corcoran's, Division, 7th Corps, from March, 1868; in 1st Brigade, 1st, Division, 7th Corps, from June, 1st!:',; in the Army of the Potomac, fromJnly, 186:!; in the Reserve Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry, A. P.. from An-.. 1868; in the 2d Brigade, l-t Division, Cavalry Corps, A. P.. from Sept., 1864; with the Army of the Shenandoah, from Oct., L864; and with the Arm\ of the Potomac, from March, 1865. It was mustered out and honorably discharged, commanded by Col. Thomas .1. Thorpe, June 80th, L865, at Cloud's Mills, Va., having, during its service, losl i>,\ death, killed in action,:} officers, 88 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, :'.'.» enlisted men; of disease and other causes, l officer, II'.' enlisted men; total, 5 officers, 269 enlisted men; aggregate, 874; of whom 86 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regiment, or portions of it. took pari in the following engagements, etc. ; Hate. Kil- led, ill Wounded Miss. r. M i 5 rLAcp.. Date. Kil Wounded. Mi-s- Place. n = = 1 1 ■J 1 is tng. led. D = u 5 e e 1^ E 5 B '- s a a z » ing. :- = 5|fl i 1 Blackwater, Va 1862. Doc. 2 i .-. ::! 4 '.'.' Boutn Qua; Road, Va .. June 12 H 16-17 .Inly 4 ... i ... n Deserted House, Va ran. *> Siege of Suffolk, Va Apr. 11- May \ South Quay Road April 17 Hiiltininri' Cross i:..i.U. \ . Centreville and Warrenton, Va 6 PAST III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Date. K n- i. = Won PI'd - = ni i:. z i ed. in. a H 2 21 M 1 e 1 i u. * 1 H 31 3 ; ". "i "3 [ - Place. I'.:- . Kil- led !l! i' _ nded. Reco. Miss- Ing. II - Junction, Va - 1 II \ . N Mine Kin. Camp - Va.'N 1' ai . Shepberdstown. Vt„«„ IA64. 1 Sept. 1 1 19 22 23-21 26-27 11 17 19 2d 22 N..v. "l 12 19 29 "i 2 s "4 i 1 "i 1 11 "i 1 1 2 "■■ "2 "1 2 ".- "i "1 "i .•ni ::: 1 4 "i "2 "i si ::: 1 91 6 2 39 98 3 'V; 28 1 "i Bunker Hill, Va Opequon, Va lis Ham. it- Ford, Va 1 1 • Royal, Mt. Jai k- son. Va — \ a Mar. 1 • 11 11 12 Jane t June I : u 11-12 '1 3 "i 3 1 'i '1 1 Brook, Va II., \ .1 • i •■ii. SIii-i Man's K.ii'l tn James Ki\ er Ham Station, (V.lar Cn-fk, Va Cedar Creek. Va 1 : port Ford, \ ■ ... Yellow T.iv. Fortifications of Rii h- iii. m 1, \ Totopotomoy, Va Ilaii.iV. r Town, \ a Ili-n\ \ ill.'. \ a Near Whit.. Post, Va Newtown, Va Cedar Creek. Va in leld, Va Liberty Mills. Va 1 : - i - 19 : 2... .... "y 22 1865. Feb. : March 3 12 Mi h. 28 April '.1 Mch.30 31 April 1 2 3 "i "i "1 1 Lor. Va Gold llarl.ur Gen. Sheridan's Raid to - i 4 IT 4! 1 ".' ifl l.iTstmr^. \ a War I'liarlottesville, Va. Charlottesville, Va Appomattox camp'n.Va. "1 2 Tr.-v.-lian Station Jiim-s" liriilce Charles I It; 1 n - Five Porks Fall of Petersburg June 27 July* Aug. 8 11 11 12 l'.-lt 21 Deep Bottom, Va Sluplnnlstown, Va "i 2 ;;; Bailor's 1 reek 6 Appomattox Station ... Appomattox 0. 11 9 Total loss i a Cedar Creek, 7a le, Va 1 - z 441 First Regiment of Mounted Rifles. After the battle of Big Bethel, Va., June 10th, 1861, Ma]. -Gen. Butler authorized Capt. Judsorj Kilpatrick, 5th X. Y. \' « >1 . Infantry, to organize a Bquadron of cavalry for duty in Genera] Butler's Department, This authority was approved by the Secretary <>f War and Companies A and B were accordingly organized at New York city. Later in 18G1 Capt, C. t '. Dodge received permission from the War Department to raise two re companies to form a battalion, and Companies C and D were accordingly organized at Newburgh with the consenl of the State authorities, and Capt. Dodge was appointed Major, In the summer ni L863 the Governor of the Stair authorized Maj. Dodge t -ganize sufficient companies to raise the battalion to a regiment and appointed him Colonel of the same, and Companies E, F. <;, II. I, K. I, and M wire accordingly organized at New Fork city. The companies were mustered in the service of the United States for three years: at Fort Monroe, Va. a and B.July 80th, 1881; at Newburgh C and D Sept. 18th and Oct, 16th, 1861, respectively; at New Fork city E, F. *'• and II in June, .Inly and August, 1862; and I, K. L and M in August and Sept., L862. July lTtli. L864, 370 men of the I6tb N. V. Vol. Art., who had volunteered with the regiment, were transferred to it. At the expiration of their term of ser- vice tin- men .,1 Companies A. B, C and I>. entitled thereto, were discharged and the com* panics continued In the service. July 21st, 1865, the regiment, commanded bj Col. Edwin V. Sumner, was consolidated at Fredericksburg, Va., into a battalion of seven companies, the men "t Company H being transferred to Companies E and <•; those of F to A; of II to K; of 1 to sf, and of I to D; leaving in existence Companies A. I '. D, E, G, K and M , andthereor- ganizatl f the regiment was completed by the transfer of the 8d N V. Vol. Cavalry, con- solidated Into five companies, as C panics B, F, II, 1 and 1. to the same. The companies were recruited principally: .1 and Sat New Fork city; (7 and D— FVratand >.,-../ii\\, 10th Corps, from March, 1864; a detachment as escort, Headquarters Army of the James, from July. 1S64; unattached from Aug., 1804 ; in the 3d Brig, of the Cavalry I>iv., Army of the James, until March, 1865; again unattached to the close of the war; and at Freder- icksburg, Va., from April, INt't.j. Companies II and l> served with the 10th Corps from June, 1864; with the 18th Corps from Aug., 1864. Sept. 6th, 1865, the regiment received the designation, Fourth Provisional Regiment, N. Y Vol. Cavalry, and its final record will be found under that head. The regiment lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 18 enlisted men; of WOUndfl received in action, 1 officer, 12 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 125 enlisted men; total. 5 officers, 155 enlisted men; aggregate, 160; of whom 8 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. It, or portions of it. took part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. hil- Wounded 3 B 4 iii "7 2 4 1 1 "i "i 2 5 Place. Hate. HI ed. r f : 1 E = : W Wounded Plait. 2 d. = D e e r f I 1: i CO d 1 c H "... "'. "1 1 - *2 is 1 2 1 2 1 i 1 Ig. i 1 1 D L e 'd 1 = j •Co C 1 i ng. « 1 g u 1861. An.- 7 I : ... "1 1 1 Charles Citv Road, Va ... Nov. 16 . ! "2 "i 1 '. "1 "1 1 - Hampton Roads, Va Howard's Bride,., \ a Near Lee's Mills. Va Tranters' Creek, Norfolk Va Smt'olk. Va Hertford, N. C Stnithticld, Va Boutb Mills, Vn /.mil. Va Blackwater, Va car Znni.V a Near /mil. Va 1862. March B April < 5 May in 11 June S July io Sept. i IS 2d Oct. i 21 31 N li 2! Dec. ii 12 17 22 28 1 863. Jan. !> Charles City c. 11., Va... New Kent C. II., Va Bottom's Bridge, Va Bottom's Bridge, Va While House, Va ltelleroy, Va Carrol I ton's Store, \ a ... Matthews County'C. II.. Va : Burnt Ordinary, Va Operations agalnsl Pet- ersburg and Rich- mond, Va Port Walthall 1864. Jan 19. 1 18. March 2 - 9. 11 . April 16. Ma} S 81 5-7 : 1 Swill Creek Providence Church, Va.. Blackwater Hridge, \ a . /ami, Va Joyner's Ford, Va Prewrv's Blurt" 14-16 Bottom's Church 17 Bermuda Hundred 18 26 Walthall Junction, Va ... June 2 , i - 10. June 1 s Windsor, Va Providence Church, Va . Near Providence Church Rehire Petersburg and Richmond, Va \ "2 A>sanit of Petersburg. Va June 15 . Weldon Rail Road, Va 21-83. Surrey C. H., Va July 11 . Rich nl and Peters- burg Rail Read, Va 21 . Deep Bott. mi. Va 27-28 . Strawberry Plains. \ « ... .\ U g. 14- 18. Cox's Mills. Va Sept. 16 . Chattin's Farm, \ a 3 Darbytown Road, Va Oct. 7-8. Darbytown Road, Va 13 . Darbytown Road, Va 16 Darbytown Road, Va 27-lm . Jacksonville, N. C 20 Kdenton. N. (' Kilentoll, N.C ■*• t March 9 April 11 May i April 11 1 "2 "i 1 4 1 70 .'.'. N' n \\ imlsor, Va Siege of Suffolk, Va South Quay Road 1 1 : 7 Providence Ch. Road... Chuckatuck anil Keed's Kerry Lake Itrumntoiid, Va Blackwater Bridge, Va... May .1 3 4 12 16 17 18 23 31 June - 12 July :. 12 23 28 Aug. 15 18 27 27 27 27 27 Nov. 8 1 2 3 1 2 7 7 i:i 28* Scott's Mills. Va Near Blackwater, Wind- White oak Swamp, Va.. South Quay. \ ■ Northern Neck, «.-i M01 ei.ind Count] . \ .1 Near New Kent C. II.. \ , 1865. Feb. 5. Marchll 12. 17. 1- - 19. April 2. ' "i 1 "\ 1 z 3 "; { Antiocli Cliurcli and Mar- ker's Cross Koads, Va... Black watei Bri "i "3 "4 "i "i 1 5 2 : '3 i i % Soutli Qjiav Road, Va-... Camden. N. C Currituck, N. C "; 1 12 Fall of Petersburg, Va... "i "1 .'! 1 .'.'.' Murlrecshoro, N. I ' .'. . Somerton, N. c 7 . Wear Jai kaon, N . c 17 . LoH on picket, detached service. 1 1 Kdeuton. Va Slatersville, Va 21 29 New KentC. H.,Va Crumii's Cross Roads. Va Bottom's liri Ice, Va Near Williamsburg, Va_ Total loss 87 Wl 1'AKT 111. SK I. T< TIES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Seconi' Regiment op Mounted Uifles. i.i>\ i snob's guabd. July 3d, 1868,Col. John Fi-k received authority to recruit a regiment of infantry; Aug. 24th, 1868, this authority was modified, making the organization tone recruited a regiment of mounted rifles. It was organized :it Lockporl and Buffalo, and the companies were mus- tered in the Bervice of the United Stair- for three years: al Lockporl A and I Oct, 3lst and Nov 2d, - lively; at Fori Porter, Buffalo, B, C, D, Band I, Jan. I3tb, 36th, 87th, 39th and 35th, respectively; Kami Q Feb. 5th, and II. K and M Feb. 4th, 6th and ISth, 1864, respectively. The companies were recruited principally: A at Lockport, Buffalo, Batavia and Ridge- way; B al Caneadea, Centreville, Farmersville, Eagle, Gainesville, Hume, Rushford, Pike and Lockport; Ca.\ Lockport, Niagara, Royalton, Attica, Cambria, Tonawanda, HutTalo, Java and Warsaw; Dat Buffalo, Collins, Tonawanda and Clarence; A' at Buffalo, Lockport, Carl- ton, Wilson, Cambria and New Fane; /-'at Lockport, Arcadia, Lyons, Buffalo, Grand Island and Palmyra; & al Thompson, Monticello, Bethel, Callicoon, Liberty and Fallsburgh; //at HutTalo. Amherst, Colden, Grand Island, New Hudson and Tonawanda; /at Lockport, HutTalo ami Lewiston; A'at HutTalo, Grand Island, Orangeville, Amherst, Tonawanda and Warsaw; /. at Barre, Carlton, Gaines, .lava. Kendall, Ridgeway and Shelby; and .1/" at HutTalo. Hatavia. Danube, Attica, Little Falls, Manheim, Afiddlefield, Jordan and Prattsburgh. The regimenl lefl the State in .March, ism, and served as infantry at and near Washing- ton, D. « . in 32d Corps; in the Provisional Brig., 1st Div., 9th Corps, from May 15th, 1864; in 1st Brig., 3d Div., 9th Corps, A P., from June 11th, 1864; in the -M Brig., 3d Div., 9th Corps, from Sept., 1864; mounted in the 3d Brig., 3d I >i v. . Cavalry, A. P., from Nov. Kith, 1864; in Dept. of Va. from May. L865, Commanded by Lieut. -Col. Joseph II. W I. the regiment was honorably discharged and mustered out Aug. 10th, L865, at Petersburg, Va., having during its service lost by death, killed in action, ti officers, '>* enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 39 en listed men: of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 112 enlisted men; total, '.' officers, 309 enlisted men; aggregate, '-MS; of whom 30 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. It. or porti.. n- of it. took part in the following engagements, etc.: ; » ; « £ uz z H 1 96 I . 1 1 II . \ ., . \| | ! I \ I- I imoy, \ a bor, Va tune l 12 Jane i" v June 16 Mini- Explosion, \ I M H v lag. i- 21 ngChun h.Va * : 29 10 1 1 B "i ii 2 7 .1 3 1 " l 16 10 1 .' B II a i ■ i 2 led. Prd| Reco, tag Mm Bde Z H Z |i! 1864. Itiivai Station, Va Di i I 11 it! her's Run. \ a Nutinway, Va. .. In > - Hatcher's Run. Va I U April'.' Appomattox camp'n.Vi Dinwiddle 0. n. Five Forks Pall of Petersburg. Jettei t\ Die Jarrett'a Station.... Bailor's) llle Road. Farmvllle Pamplin Station ... Appomattox C. n April i Total loss.. g e PiR8i Regiment op \ btebah C lvalby. Jul) 80th, 1868, Co] Robert P Taylor received authority to recruit this regiment, which was originally intended to become the iTth Regiment of Cavalry, this designation being, however, changed before the organization of the regiment had commenced. It was organ- Qeneva and Bept. 17th, 1868, the men enlisted for the 17th Cavalry, Col. II. I>. ■ I, u.-re transferred to it. The c panien were- mustered [q the Bervice of the United States for three years; at Elmlra, \ and H July 81st, and Sept. 8th, 18(53, respect lvely; at Geneva, C, I >, E, I", Q, II. I and K Oct Kith; I, and M Nov. ?th ami 19th, 1863, VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 327 respectively. Oct. 7th, 1864, Company M was consolidated with Company A, and the former replaced by a new Companj \l, mustered in al Blmira, for a service of one year. The companies were recruited principally: .! and />'. 17th Cavalry, at Elmira, Adams and Ellisburgh; Cat Geneva. Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse; Dal Geneva, Rochester, Nunda, Prattsburgh, Warsaw, Amity and Pike; W al Geneva, Lima, Canandaigua and ^Rochester; /*' at Binghamton, Blmira, Adams ami Rochester; & al Geneva, Buffalo, Olean, Cuba, Rochester and Elmira; //at Deposit, Franklin, Hancock, Blmira, Geneva and Tomp- kins; rat Geneva, Bushnell's Station, Palmyra, Pittsford and Rochester; A' at Waterloo, Seneca Falls and Rochester; L at Elmira, Adams, Geneva, Almond, Hornellsville, Seneca and Ellisburgh; and .\r at Geneva, Syracuse, Rochester, Oswego, Geneseo and Palmyra; second Company M at Binghamton. Company A left the State in July. 1868; B in Sept., \^>->. C :<> K in Oct., 1868; and I, and M Nov. ?tli and 19th, 1863, respectively, ami served in tin- Department of Washington, 33d Corps; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry, Army West Virginia, from Feb.', L864; from Alii:., 1864, in the 3d Cavalry Division, A. W. Va.; in Remount <'ami>, Md.. from lat- ter pan id' Aug., to close of Oct., 1864; in tin- Army of the Shenandoah from Oct., 1864; and from March, 1865, in tin' Cavalry Division, Army of West Virginia. Commanded by Col. John S. Platner, the regiment was honorably discharged and mus- tered out July 30th, isti."). at < 'amp Piatt, W. Va., having, during its serviee, lost by death killed iii action, 4 officers, 32 enlisted men, of wounds received in action. 15 enlisted men; of disease ami other causes, 87 enlisted men: total, 1 officers, L34 enlisted men; aggregate, 138; of whom 32 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. It, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: Kil- Wounded. Mlss- < 35 38 - 1 5 :'. J 11 31 2 - 1 l I i Date. z. 1 O ii Wounded 1'I.ACE. Date. le I l. c = = « i e 1 i: i - "i "i a § a w 3 i- 12 24 1 r c 1 K 6 u 16 "i 29 "s 2 2 II in i d. D B B d|B ICO = 5 c W 1 § o £ c a £ S 1864. Feb. 21 Man li 6 in May 3 in 13 IA 30 31 June 1 3-4 in 11 i: 1- 19 25 28 1 Runkcr Hill, Va Near Martlnsbur/?, Va... Leetown ana Martins- 1864. Julj 2... ! 1 ii "•< '.•I 2 "i u i i 3 "i 2 134 Cabletown, Va New Market, Va Mi J u-k Va S.ui.h It. .ok. M.I Chiirli'sliiwn.W .\ i • N.'W Markw, Va "i '.'. Woodstock, Va Martin-lum:. Va 11 Newtown, Va i Until, 'M Slali..,,. \ ,. \ IV.Iar i'r..k. Va Berryville.Va 16 . Cbarlestown. W.Va 21 ... 1 -'allin,' N :ln-. \a 21 ... Nlnevah, Va \ 12. R l*S Mill. Va 22... W Istock, Va i X.'w Mark.t. Va 111 1 :::h 1 *9 1 Harriftonburg. Va Pi.-.ltn.,iit. Va Waynesboro Va CI, .mi M.i in Main, Va'. Va 1 6 White Sulphur Springs, a flairs 32 Z 1 I Second Regiment of Vetkk.w Cavalry. EMPIRE LIGHT C \ v.\u; . . June 33d, 1863, Col. Morgan 11. Chrysler received authority to reorganize the 80th X. Y. Vol. Infantry, then discharged bj reason of the expiration of its term of service, as a regi- ment of cavalry — the Empin Light Cavalry. July 80th, is<;.;, this designation was changed to 3d Regiment Veteran Cavalry. Thereginienl was organized at Saratoga Springs, and the companies were mustered in the servi >f the Hinted Stall's for three veai-. at Saratoga: A Aug. loth: B and F Aug. 36th; C Sept. 0th; D and E Sept. 8th; G and H Oct. 10th and 16th, respectively; I and K Nov. tilth: L Dec. 3d, 1868; and at the Cavalry Depot, D. ('.; M Dec. 80th, 1863.' They were recruited principally: .1 at (Hens Falls; /»' at Albany, Amsterdam and Sche- nectady; at Saratoga; /> at Saratoga, Salem. Schroon, Shushanand Whitehall; Eat Glena Falls, Albany, Port Henry and Troy: Pal Saratoga and Whitehall; Q at Saratoga, Glens Falls, Addison, Hath and Schenectady; //at Boosick Halls, Maloneand Plattsburgh; /"at Albany, Chatham, Saratoga and Valatie; BTat Glenville, Granville, Moriah, Johnsburgh, Queensbury, Saratoga and Stony Creek; /"- at Saratoga. Granville, Chesterfield, Jay, Fort. Ann, Northumberland, and Wilton; and M at New York city. 328 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. The regiment left the State in detachments, Companies A, 11 and C in Aug.; D, E and F In Sept.; Q and H in Oct.; land K in Nov.; Land M in Dec, 1868, and Berved in the De- partmenl of Washington, l>. »'., 32d Corps; in the Department of the <■' alf from Feb. 16tb, 1864, io .".ill Cavalry Brigade, I9tfa Corps; inthe 1th Cavalry Brigade, 19th Corps, from B64; in the isl Cavalry Brigade, 10th Corp-, from Sept., 1S64; in the Separate Brig* ade, Cavalry of the Reserve, 19th Corps, from Nov., 1864; in the isl Brigade, Cavalry Di- vision. Department : and commanded by Col. Chrysler, was honor- ably discharged and mastered out Nov. 8th, 1865, at Talladega, Ala. Daring it- service it lost by death, killed in action, 'J officers, 10 enlisted men; of woands received in action, :; officers, 20 enlisted men; of disease and other S officers, 215 enlisted men; total, * officers, 245 enlisted men; aggregate, 258; of whom 7 enlisted men died in the hand- of the enemy. The large number of men reported drowned is owing to the loss at the foundering of the steamer North America off the coast of Florida De,-. 22d, 1864. The regiment, or portions of it. took part in the following engagement-, etc.; Place. Date. h 1. z 11- .1. = § d I z 01 • 1 I = in 1: ! • Ml I ., = u 4 2 7 1 ■1 "1 '3 "2 1 M J Z Isa- jg i - 1 'h it | in 3 13 2 B "i "i 1 3 1 Place. Date. K u il- d. I D HUM. K .•.1 § M i c 5 B* jg. = 2 < 1864. K.-.i River campaign. La, Mch. mi- ni 1 Little Washington Mch. m "1 "i "i "2 1 Maringnin Bayou, La.... Kose.late, l.a 1864. Auk. 9 in Ifi -'1 25 Oct. 4 r> ! 1 ::: 1 ... 17 "1 College Mill, Miss Between Jackson and Clinton, La Si. Krani'iMill.-, l.a Campti ,t urn i;...ii|s April 4 8 - 12 14 17-18 Kau-si- Itiv.T, l.a 16 Clinton and Libert) MISS Nov. IS 1 ■ ... '*2 ... 1 "i ... "i "i 1 1 Below Cloutersvllle .. . Roberta Landing \\ ■ - ind \i 23 Id Itiv.-r. MUs M. 1 i od's Mills, La College Hill, Fla Nov. 27 Dec. 10 1865. Mch. -i "2 11 16 17 18 r.'ii Crv.'k. Fla.. 28 April 1 13 1'ollanl. Ala Kurt HlakHy. Ala 7 River, 1 31 Whi-tl, i - \ ' 1 , 24 Franklin, La Inly 18 Loss ; mi picket and other minor 2 - Independent Company of Cavalrt (Veteean] ONEIDA I AY ALKY. This company was organized at Oneida, and there mastered in the Bervi »f the United r three years, under the command of Capt. David P. Mann, Sept. 4th, 1861. It was recruited mainly at Oneida, Salisbury, Stockbridge, Hamilton, Otisco, Eaton, Nelson Flatts, Vienna and Chittenango. It left the State in Sept., L861, and served at the head- qoarters of the Army of the Potomao, performing escort and guard duty, and furnishing courier-, etc-, ai the expiration of it- term of service, those entitled thereto wen- dis- ;. and the companj retained in service until Jane 18th, 1865, when, commanded by Capt. James E, Jenkins, it was honorably discharged ami mastered oal near Washington, D. C. It lost by death of disease ami other causes, n enlisted men. ami was present in the fol- lowing engagements, etc : VOLUNTEERS OE THE STATE. Date. Kil Wounded Miss. 5 - Im' Wounded " Place. = z .1. |i jj / 5 ': e e 5 - - 1 e r •en B = 1 IK = I I'l Al i Date. l.-l. Did a E E Baoo tag | f •: E Z 2 1 < 1862. Biege of TorktowD, Va.. April "■ M i I Seven Days' liattle, Va. . June 2">- .lulv 2 Malvern Hill, Va Inly I AnUetam, Md Sept. it ITredericksburg, Va Dec 11-15 1863. Cliancelloisville, Va ... . May 1-:) llettv-l.uiK, l'a Inly 1 .! Mine Run campaign, Va. Nov. al- Dec. 2 1864. Wilderness, Va U S|MPtsvlvanla(\ II., Va. 8-21 North Anna, Va j 22-26 ... 'a Totopotomoy, Va Cold Harbor, Va Before Peterson Assault of Petersburg, Va Ap] lattos i u Kali of Petersburg, Va \i'i attox ' . ff.,Va Total loss ISM. .line- 1 13 June la 1865 June 13 19 \i Apnl 9 April 2 : ~~2 First Provisional Regiment of Cavalry. Under the orders of the War Department of June 17th, 1865, the 10th and 34th Regiments of Cavalry wen- consolidated and designated as above. The consolidation look place July 10th, 1865, company to corresponding company, ami the oew regimenl was commanded by Col. Matthew II. Avery, of the 10th Cavalry. The regiment was mustered out and honor- ably discharged July 19th, 1865, at Cloud's Mills, Va. Second Provisional Regiment of Cavalry. By the orders of the War Department, dated June 17th, ls<;."i, this organization was formed, by the consolidation of the 6th aud loth Regiments of Cavalry, and Col. Charles I.. Fitz- hugh, of the 6th Cavalry, assigned to its command. Companies A, H, C, D, E, I, L and M were formed of the 6th. and F, Gr, H and K of the 15th Cavalry. Commanded by Lieut. - Col. Harrison White, the regiment was honorably discharged and mustered out Aug. 9th, 1865, at Louisville, Ky., having lost by death of disease and other causes 12 enlisted men, Third Provisional Regiment of Cavalry. By special orders of the War Department, dated June 28d, 1865, the Kith and 16th Regi- ments of Cavalry were consolidated, and the consolidated force designated BS above. The consolidation took place Aug. 17th, 1865, as follows: Company A was formed of F of the 18th, and G of the 16th Cavalry; B of Q 18th, and F 16th; C of 1. L8th, and B 16th; D of D 13th, and E 16th; E of I 13th and 16th; F of II 13th. and L l6th;GofA 18th, and M 1 6th; HofC 13th, aud A 16th; [ of M 18th, and C L6th; K of K 1 8th, and D 16th; L of E 18th, and II 16th; and M of B 13th, and K 16th Cavalry, and Col. Nelson B. Bweitzer, 16th Cavalry. was placed in command of the new organization, which was honorably discharged and mustered out under his command, Sept. 21st, lS6."i, at Camp Harry near Washington, D. C, having lost by death of disease and other causes, 4 enlisted men. Fourth Provisional Regiment of Cavalry. L T nder special orders of the War Department of May 8th, 1865, this organization wns formed by the consolidation of the 8d Cavalry and the 1st Mounted Hides; the consolidation took place. Inly 01st, 1865, and Sept. 6th, 1865, the new regimenl was designated as above. The companies were formed, A, C, D, E, G, K and M, from the 1st Mounted Rifles, ami 1'.. I", II. land L from the 3d Cavalry, and Col. Edwin V. Sumner, of the 1st Mounted Rifles, was placed in command of the regiment, which was honorably discharged and mustered out, under his command, Nov. 29th, 1865. at City Point, Va., having lost by death of disease and other causes, 10 enlisted men. 42 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Firsi Regiment of Artilleri (Light; Veteran). This regimenl was organized ;it Blmira to Berve three years and received its numerical designation Oct. L0th, 1861. Eighl companies, commanded by Col. Guilford I>. Bailey, left Oct. ::ist. 1861, Companies I. K. L and M Nov. 21st, 1861 At the expiration of its term of service, those entitled thereto were discharged, and the regimenl ttinued in service, [ts service was as light artillery and by batteries in the Army of the Potomac, of Virginia, of the Cumberland, and of Georgia. The fii Id and staff were mustered in the Bervice of the United Stairs at Blmira, Oct. 17th, 1861, and honorably discharged and mustered out under Col. Charles S. Wainwrighl at Elmira, June 21st, 1865. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action , 5 officers, 54 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 11 enlisted men; of disease and other cans.-, ."i offi- cers, 161 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 256 enlisted men; aggregate, 267; of whom -9 en- listed men died in the hand'- of the enemy. j A— Empin Battery — Captain Tbomas H. Hates, under authority From the War Department, dated July 31st, 1861, recruited it principally at CTtica, Bdmeston, Little Falls, Phoenix, Clinton, Burlington, South Brookfield, New Berlin, Jordan, Sauquoit, Bridgewater and Sherburne. It was mustered in the United States service at Utica, Sept. 12th, 1861, and served at and uear Washington, D. C, from Nov.. 1861; in the Art. lb-serve, A. I'., from Feb., 1862; in Casey's Div., 4th Corps, from March, 1862; the enlisted men were transferred to Batteries 1> and II, lsl Artillery, and to the Jth and 8th Batteries June 15th, 1862, ami the captain returned to the State to reorganize the battery. The new battery was recruited principally at Utica, and served in the 22d Corps, at the Artillery Camp of Instruction uear Washington, D. <'., from Feb. 1st, 1863; in the Dept. of the Susquehanna ami Pennsylvania, ai Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Chambersburg and Alleghany City, etc., from June 4th, 1st;:!. It was mustered <,ut and honorably discharged under Captain Bates, June 28th, 1865, at Blmira. i;.'tt. ry />', recruited by Captain Rufus I>. Pettit, principally at Blmira and Baldwinsville, wasmustered in the United States Bervice Aug. 30th, 1861, at Blmira. It received, Nov. L2th, 1861, by transfer, a number of the men of Captain Richard Busteed's, Jr., Chicago Light Battery < ', and Sept. 7th, 1st;:;, a number of the men of the 14th X. V. Batten. It served at and near Washington, I>. *'., fromNov., 1861 ; in the 1st Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from Mar., 1st;-.', in the Artillery Brigade, 2d Corps, from May, L863; in the Reserve Artillery. A. P., from May 12th, 1868; in the Artillery Brigade, '_'d Corps, from July 1st, lStil}; in the lb-erve Artillery. -id Vol. Brigade, A. i\, from July. 1868; in the 1st Brigade, Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Dec, 1868; in the Artillery Reserve, A. I'., from Dec, 1868; in the 1st Brigade, Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Jan., 1864; in the 2d Brigade, Reserve Artillery, A. I\, from March, 1864; and in the Artillery Brigade, 5th Corps, from May Kith. 1864. It was mus- tered out and bonorahly discharged, under Captain Robert E. Rogers, June 1st L. 1 si 15, at Blmira. Battery C, Captain John W. Tamblin, was recruited principally at Watertown, LeRay, Wilna, Philadelphia, Alexandria, Rutland and Champion; and mustered in the service of the United States at Blmira, Sept. 6th, 1861. It served a1 and mar Washington, l>. C, from Nov, 1861; in the Artillery Reserve, A. I'., from Feb., 1862; in the Mil. District of Washington from April, 1862; in the Reserve Corps, Army of Virginia, from July. 1862; in thi Defense! ••! Washington from Aug., 1862; in the 3d Division, 5th Corps, A. I'.. from Sepl . 1862; in the Artillery Brigade, 5th Corps, iron, May, is<;:i; in the8d Brigade, Anil • rve, A. IV. from April. [864; in the Artillery Brigade, 5th Corps, A. IV, from May l''.th. 1864, and in t|„. Artillery Reserve, A. I'., but attached tothellth Corps, from Jan.. 1865. It was honorably discharged ami mustered out, under Captain David I'. Ritchie, at Blmira, June 17th, Battery />. Captain Thomas W. Osborn, was recruited principally at Watertown. Gouv- ernenr, Russell, Antwerp. Cape Vincent, Diana, Stone Mills, Pitcairn ami Richville; ami mustered in the United States service Sept. 6th, 1861, at Blmira. tnJune, 1862, some of the men of Battery A were transferred to it. it served at and mar Washington, 1>. C, from v.\.. 1861; in Booker's l>iCi-i<.n 8d Corps, a. P., from Mar.. 1862; in the 8d Division. ::d Corps, from June, 1862; In the Artillery Brigade, 8d Corps, from July, 1862; in the I-- Division, ml. Corps, from Dec., 1862; in the 2d Division, 8d Corps, from Feb., 1868; In the Artillery Brigade, Bd Corps, from May, ]si;:; : -,,, ,],,. Artillery Reserve. A. I', from VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 331 Mar., 1864; and in the Artillery Brigade, 5th Corps, from May, 1864 It was mastered oul and honorably discharged, under Captain -las. B. Bazelton, June 16th, ls«;r,, at Elmira. Battery E, Captain John Stocum, principally recruited al Bath, Avon and Mitchellsville, was mustered in the l". S. Bervice Sept. 18th, 1861, al Elmira. It Berved al and near Washington, D. C, from Nov.. 1861; in Smith's Division, 4th Corps, A. I'., from .Mar.. 1862; in the 2d Division, 6th Corps, from May, L863; from August, 1868, with the 1st Battery: with Battery L, from June 20th, L.863; in Artillery Brigade, 6th Corps, a P., from Mar.. L864; as a mortar battery before Petersburg from June, 1864; in the Artillery Reserve, A. P., but attached to the 9th Corps, from Jan., 1865. It was mustered out and honorably discharged, commanded by Captain Angel Matthewson, June 6th, 1865, at Elmira. Battery F. Captain W, R. Wilson, was principally recruited a1 Oswego, Bouthporl and Klmira, and mustered in the U. S. service Bept. 14th, 1861, al Elmira. Oct. 24th, 1868, some of its members were transferred to the 2d N. Y. Vol. Art. It Berved at and near Washington, D. C, from Nov.. 1861; in Franklin's Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from Mar., 1868; in 1st Division, 6th Corps, from May, 1868; at the White Bouse, Va., from June, 1862; at Yorktown, Va., in 4th Corps, from July, 1862; in the Department of Washington, 22d Corps, from July, 1803. It was mustered out and honorably discharged, under Captain Wilson, June 17th, 1865, al Elmira. Battery '■'. Captain John 1). Prank, principally recruited at Mexico, was mustered in the service of the 0. S. Sept. 24, 1861, at Elmira, Nov. 12th, 1861, it received by transfer members of the Chicago Light Battery C, Richard Busteed, Jr. , Captain, and Sept. 7th, 1868, members of the 14th X. Y. Vol. Battery. It Berved al and near Washington, l>. <'.. from Nov., 1861; in Richardson's Division (1st), 2d Cups. A. P., from Mar.. 1862; in the 3d Division, 2d Corps, from June, 1862; in Artillery Brigade, 2d Corps, from April. 1868; with 3d Division, 2d Corps, at Chancellorsville ; in the 1st Brigade, Artillery Reserve, A. P., from May 12th, 1863; in the 4th Vol. Brigade, Artillery Reserve, A. P., from June, 1863; in the Artillery Brigade, 2d Corps, from July 12th, 1868; in the Artillery Reserve, A. P,, from August, 1863; in the Artillerj Brigade, 2d Corps, from Oct., 1863; with the 2d Division, 2d Corps, in Aug., 1863; and in the Artillery Reserve. A. P., but attached to the 9th Corps, from January, 1865. It was honorably discharged and mustered out, under the command of Captain Samuel A. McClellan, June 19th, 1865, at Elmira. Battery II, Captain Joseph Spratt, recruited principally at Watertown and Lowville, and mustered in the United States service Oct. 10th, 1861, at Elmira, received in June 1862, Id. Ritchie and some of the men of Battery A by transfer. It served at and mar Washing- ton, D. C, from Nov.. 1861; in Casey's Division. 1th Corps, A. 1\, from Mar.. 1868; al Gloucester Point, Ya., in 4th Corps, from Aug., 1868; al STorktown in the Department of Virginia, 4th Corps, from Sept.. 1862; al Washington, D.C., in 22d Corps, from July, L868; in the Artillery Brigade, 1st Corps. A. P.. from Bept., 1868; and in the Artillery Brigade, 5th Corps, from March, 1864. It was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Cap tain Chas. K. Mink. June lilrh, L865, at Elmira. Battery /, recruited by Captain Michael Wiedrich, under authority from the War Depart ment, dated July 30th, 1861, principally al Buffalo, Lancaster, Amherst and Elmira, was mustered in the service S b G Id 5 «_|o| H_j_^ l» .. and II M .i,ir„ i led. Dld l Reco. its] s b § E 5 e = Near Stnisliiiri.-. V;,,; I ... June I rjnlon Church, Va.; I.... ami,'. Va.; I : \ 1 I « Re pub \ 1 1 " 8e> en Daj s 1 Batl li B, D, J 1 . G and 11 June 23 July 2 oak Grove: I» Inn- » Me, hanicsville; K Qai nett'l Kaon; K Fair Oaks (i Garnet t's and Qolding's 1 •'.,! ma; !■; w bite House; V I.-iik Brl.lcr: II IV; i-liard: It A |). -tali,,n; li. |i an, I li .. .. w biti oak Bwamp; It and B 30 Olendali ; B D 1 IG (lilt. I>n„l II Malvern Hill; B. D, B, ruly 1 Carter's Mill. <; M ; .' \ , K. Land M tag. '.> <•■ n Pope'n ciirapalgn, 1 k. Land M tag. it - innock River I! 1 K KIv.t: mnoi k 1 1 Bappahan Beverly y BulphurS] Aug. 21 1 1 . VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 333 Place *nt> Battebt. Date. K i r H. Woum d. DIM|Kt a 1 ■ 1 g Lj llll e.i. Co. 5 = M j I • • - i B u; I Place vm> Rarb&T. 1 1 Data, 1 _! •., |fl 10 1. u \| . . J'n.-l 12, 2 13 June |3, lV.|.to Apr. 2, J'e 15-19 Jlllv 4. 3o. 1- 18-21 . Sept. 29 Dec. 21 N Dec. U 11-20. 6-11 . 1 Mch. l, April 1 If . ft Feb. 6-7 ' M.h. 29- April 9 Mch. 29- 31 . April 1 . 2. vil- Won I i = = 6 e - : - ided. Keco. - < l 13 .1 14 1 '. ■ 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 >:_ c h - 3 1 I Waterloo Bridg Sulphur Springs; 1, UanMSaa Station; C .. Gainesville; 1 Qroveton; land L Hull Kun, I. K and L. Little River Turnpike; L Centreville, Va.; K NearCenlrevllle. Va.; It. (Jertnant'n Koad, Va.; It. South Mountain, \ ■ : I. Antietam Creek, Ml; it. Antietam, Md.; It, G, 1. 1882. \ - .i 26 26 28 29 30 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 2 14 1.-. -l( 17 Oct. l 16-17 IV s ;i 17 Dec. Il- ls 14 1863. March 2 6 27 Apr. 29- May :' May l-a 20 July 1-3 4 14 23 Oct. it 14 14 28-89 Nov. 7 7 25 N..v. 26- Dec. 2 1 ■.I ... : l < 9 17 13 B -'- 2 3 5 "a 8 5 Wilderness, Va.; B I D i ■■ H i Spolsvlvania C. II V B c D, R.G, II I Plney llram h Chut, h; 1>. K, II. 1 P0 Kiv.r; Q Laurel 11,11; U.K. II. 1.. TI,.- Salient; |l. K.I ..II. 1. Landron House; It. c. D, K, (i. II. L Harris II ,u-. ; c, F. 1. North Anna. \ D, i . Q, ll, l Totopotoiuov, Va.; It, C, D, 1 . i. II 1 Harbor, Va.; It. c. D, K. Itefore IVlersbtiri;, \ a.: lt.C, D.K.ti. 11.1 Assault of Petersburg, \ i; i . D I •• H : Wel.lon Railroad, Va.; G Cbavnbersbnrg, Pa.: A. . Deep Bottom, Va.; G Chambersburg, Pa. : A.. Strawberry Plains. \ a.; c Weldon Railroad, Va.; It. c. H. 11. 1 Poplar Grove Church, Va.; li. D, II Hatchet's Bun.Va.; It, Il Gen. Sherman* Savan- nab caiiip'n.i. . i m The March to the Sea. i 1 3 1 1 . 3 ... i .. i .. .• "i - 3 2 in L't Near l.eeshuri;. Va.: li ... Near ('liarl.--ti.wii. VV. Charlestown. \V. Va ; It Snicker's Gap, Va.; B... Near Kipon. Va.; M ... ... 1 Id Fredericksburg. Va.; lt.C. l fl iod's( Iross Roads, \ a.; II ■■ Kappaha'ock Sta., Va.; (' Mine Kun. Va.; C Pollock's Mill Cr'k.Va.;L ... 19 50 'J 8 "i "i 4 "; .. ID lorsvllle. Va.; It. C. D.G, 1. K. Land M. Matthews Countv.X a ; II Gettysburg, Pa.; It, ('. I>. K.G. I. K.I. and M ltaltiin'.re Cross, - n '.'.'. 5 6 4 Willianispnrt, Mi i Wappitn; lloi.-hts, Va.; 1' ltri-toe Statinn.Va.; U... Auburn, Va.; G Itri-toc Station, Va.; G .. Waubatctate and Look- out Valley, T. . Rappahannock station, Va.; It and C Kelly's Pord.Va.; n Brandv Station. Va.; 1>. Chattanooga A U.ssville campaign. Ten,,.; I Missionary Ri I-.-. [.... Mine Kun camp, lt.C. I», K, H. II. K.I. R.diertson's Tavern.; - * > Montleth Swamp; [.., Sa\annah; I and If.., Opposite argyle's Is- land, with rebel gun- boats; 1 and M Hick'- Ford Raid \ B D, II Campaign ol the Oaro- huas: 1 and M 1 Iteiitonville; I and M. N . . M \ i; .,:...-! S .'.. 1 ltennett HoUSt , N. 1 I and M Hatchet's Run.Vs . D, 1 K<>rt Stedman & Pet< - burg, \ . . i . I . G i Appomattox campaign. Va.; It. H. II Whit.- i>ak Ridge; It. I>. II Fi\e Folks; It, 1>. 11.. Fail of Petersburg; It. C D, i G, ii. i Appomattox C II.; It,|), :.'. I. ...nst Grove: I> • "i - Tavern; K :::: •> Mine Kun; C, G, E, L. Morton's Ford. Va.: G K. >nl, Va. : I The Atlanta campaign, 30 ... 1864. Feb. A ... *•■ May 3 to May H 15 ... :"i i .. i i I I June 4 Kenesaw Mountain ; I 2 2 1 10 Golgotha ; I and M \...e'sCreek:land M Cnlp'sParni; 1 and M July 2 ... 19-20... 22 . . 22 24'.' 108 Aug, 21 l Second Regiment of Artillery (IIkavy: Veteran). governor morgan'- second regiment united states light artil- LERY; palmer's ARTILLERY. Col. John W. I.ats. hi received authority from the War Department, July 84th, 1861, to recruit a regiment of artillery; of this the National l~i>n Bangers formed part. Col. .lere- niiah Palmer received authority from the Governor of the State to recruit a regiment of 334 l'ART 111. SKETCHES OF UKCiAMZATlUNS. artillery, and Aug. 24th, Col. Latson's authority was revoked. These two organizations were consolidated, forming eight companies, and the oew organization was, Oct. 18th, 1801, designated the Second Regimenl of artillery. Dec. 5th, 1*01, the Morgan ami the Flushing Artillery were assigned and the regimental organization completed. The regimenl was organized at Staten Island for a Bervice of three years. The companies were mustered in the United States service a1 Staten Island, A and E Oct. 3d; H Aug. 23d; ('and D Sept. 18th; F. G and II Oct. 15th; I and K Dec. llth; L Nov. 18th; M Dee. 12th, 1861. Iu June, 1862, b Dumber of Indians, members of Company F, were discharged. Nov. 19th, 1868, Battery I., which served detached from the regiment since March, 1862, as a light battery, was permanently detached and became the 84th Mattery; it was replaced by a new company in Jan . 1864, At the expiration of its term of service, those entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment retained in the service. June 27th, 180.">. the regimenl was consolidated into eight companies, the men of ( ompany I being transferred to < lompanies A and E; those of K In A, (and F; of L to B, (', D and II: and of M to A. it as < lompanies I. K. I. and M, The companies were recruited principally: A, Company B of John 11'. Latson's Regiment of Light Artillery; Horst Artillery, 1st Regiment I'. 8. Vols., on Staten Island; B, 1st Regiment Heavy Artillery, on Staten Island; G, />. /-.'ami /•', at New York city; at Qtica; //. Carthagt Battery, at Waterloo and Carthage; /. formed partly of Latson's Light Artil- lery and the Morgan Artillery, &i New York city and Norwich; K, Morgan Artillery, at Frankfort, M ohawk, Tompkinsville and Herkimer; /.. Flushing ox Hamilton Light Artillery, originally Artillery Company, 15th Militia, at Flushing; and M, Morgan Artillery, at Qtica, Little fall-, Trenton Falls, Russia, Taberg, Camboy, Holland Patent. Rochester and Sand Bank. The second Company /.was recruited principally at Frankfort, Schuyler, Hamilton, German Flats, Richfield, Warren; Utica, Exeter, Camden, Stark, Otsego, Bur- lington, Norwich ami Watertown. The first eighl c panies left the Stat.- Nov. 7th, 1861; Company L Dec. 2d; and Compa- nies I. K ami M Dec. L2th, 18(ii; and the regiment, eleven companies, served at ami Dear Washington, D.C., in the Military District of Washington, from March, ist> - j; in Sturgis' Bri- gade, Military District of Washington, from May, 1862; in the Reserve Corps. Army of Vir- ginia, from June, 1862; in t lie Defenses of Washington, from Sept., 1862; in the Artillery De- fenses of Alexandria, from, lan, 1868; and in the 22d Corps from Feb., 1868; in Tyler's Artil- lery Division, 2d Corps, A. I'.. from May 18th, 1864; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, iron. May 29th, 1864; in the l-t Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, from July. 1864; inthe 1st Brigade, DeRussy's Division, 22d Corps, from June. 1865, as heavy artillery and infantry. Sept. 29th, 1865, commanded by Col. Joseph N. <;. Whistler, it was honora- bly discharged ami mustered out at Washington, D. C. During its service, the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 105 enlisted men; of WOUnds received in action, 5 officers, 101 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 250 enlisted men; total, 10 officers, 456 enlisted men; aggregate, l»T>; of whom 71 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engage- ments, etc. : Hull Km, Hrllk 1 '- Km:. '.'7 . SpotaylvanlaC.II..Va M ii n V.Uli \ ■ ii \ i i inr IS '■urn. June IS Weldon i: \\, „,,,.!. J m . ■ = Deep it.. ii. ■in. Yii luiv 27 Straw bei 1 1 Plaint, Va\A < Petersburg, Va . . Ucti Appomattox camp'n, Pa M.i. April 9 April 7 9 White Oak Ridge. Pall ..I Petersburg '.. .it,,n-\ ||le ilik-ii Bridge Parmvllle Appomattc i ( 1 1 T.iiiil In. is led- Mias. |. ■ il. i. 16 60 72 4 6 4 I S3 278 I HO VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 335 Third Regiment oe Artilreky (Light; Veteran), .seward infantry; seward artillery ; cayuga ttegiment. This regiment was accepted by the State fur a sirs ice of two years as a regiment of infantry, and designated the 19th Regiment, May lTtli, 1861. It was organized at Elmira; and there mustered in the service of the United States, by an error, for three months only. August 2d, 1861, it was ordered, however, a1 the request of the War Department, by the Governor of the State, to be mustered in the service of the United States for the unexpired portion of its State service The 49th Militia formed the nucleus of the regiment, and the men were recruited principally in the counties <>f Cayuga, Seneca and Wayne; the counties of Cattaraugus, Chenango. Cortland, Onondaga, Oswego, Madison, Tioga and Tompkins also furnished some of the men. The regiment left the State, under < !olonel John S. < lark, June 6th, 18(51. Dec. 11th, 1861, under Colonel .lames H. Ledlie, it was converted into an artillery regiment. At the expiration of its term of service, those entitled to be discharged left the field, May 22d, 1st;:?, and w< re mustered out in the State; the regi- ment, however, was continued in the service, receiving new companies and recruits. It served as infantry at aud near Washington, 1>. C, from .Mine. L861; in Sanford's Division, Patterson's Army, from July, 1861; in Butterfield's Brigade, same command, from July 11th, 1861; in the 1st Brigade, Banks' Division, from July 29th, 1861; in the 3d Brigade from Sept. 25th, 1861, and in Williams' Brigade from Dec., 1861; as artillery in North and South Carolina, lsth and loth Corps, and Batteries E, 11. K and M in the Army of the James, from Mar.. 1862. It was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel Charles K. Stewart, between June 23d and July 24th, 1805, having lost by deatli during its service, killed in action, 1 officer, 12 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, S enlisted men; of disease aud other causes, 3 officers, 284 enlisted men; total, 4 others, 304 enlisted men. aggregate, 308: of whom 25 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. Battery A, originally organized at Auburn, was mustered in at Elmira May 22d, 1861 under Captain John T. Baker. Sept. 28th, 1861, the enlisted men of < iompany V were trans- ferred to it. and June 2d, 1863, it was mustered out at Auburn, under Captain Charles White, its three years' men having been transferred to Companies E, I and K. It served as an artillery company at or near Washington, D. <'.. from Dec, 1861; in North Carolina, 18th Corps, from Mar., 1862; in South Carolina, 10th Corps, from Jan.. 1868. A QO'W company A. recruited principally at Auburn, Moravia, Sennett, Venice, Cato, Mentz, Brutus, Ira. Lafayette. Elbridge, Rochester, Throup, Conquest, Owasco and Nile-, was mustered in the United States service for one year Sept. 2'M, 1864, under Captain Samuel ]'. Russell. This Company served in the 18th Corps and Department of Virginia, anil from Mar. 2d to April 17th, 1865, in Carter's Division, Provisional Corps, in North Carolina, and was mustered out at Syracuse. July 3d, 1865. Battery B, originally organized at Auburn, was mustered in the United States service at Elmira, May 22d, 1861, under Captain Terrence J. Kennedy. Sept. 28th, 1861, it received by transfer some of the men of Company II, and Feb. 22d, 1862, it was consolidated with Companies C and E. A new company, under Captain Joseph J. Morrison, recruited princi- pally in New York city and lYnn Van, and mustered in the United States service for three years at New York city, Dec, 19th, 1861, took its place This company was converted into alight battery in May, 1862, and served in the 18th Corps in North Carolina from March, 1862; in the Artillery Brigade, 18th Corps, from Dec 1862, and in South Carolina, 10th Corps, from Jan., 1863. It was mustered out July 13th, 1865, at Syracuse, under Captain Thomas J. Mersereau. Battery C, originally organized at Seneca Falls, was mustered in the United States service al Elmira, May 22d, 1861, under Capt. James ]•;. Asbcroft. Feb. 28th, 1862, some of the en- listed men of Company B were transferred to it. May 22d, 1868, its three year-' men were transferred to Companies I and K, and the company was mustered out under Lieut. Charles B. Randolph, at Elmira, June 2d, 1868, having served as an artillery company in the 10th and 18th Corps in North and South Carolina. Sept. 30th, 1868, a new company, recruited prin- cipally at Utica, Syracuse, Rome, Bangerfield, Hamilton, Vernon, Annsville, Rochester, Bridgewater, Norwich, Albany and Deerfield, and mustered in the United States service for three years, Aug. 31st. 1803, commanded by Capt. W. E. Mercer, took its place. This com- pany served in the ISth Corps, and Dept. of VaV, in North Carolina; in Carter's Div.. Provis- 336 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. ional Corps, from March, 1885; bo the Reserve Artillery, 93d Corps, from April 5th, 1865. and. under the command of < 'apt . Mercer, was mustered out July 14th, 1865, at Syracuse. Battery D, originally organised at Auburn, was mustered in the United States service May22d, 1881, under Capt. Owen Qavignan, and was formed principally of Irishmen. Sept. 88th, 1861, it received by transfer Borne of the enlisted men of Company K. Its three rears' men were transferred to Companies E, I and K, May 23d, 18G3, and the company was mustered «>ut at Elraira, June 3d, 1868. It Berved in North Carolina, in the 18th Corps, from March, 1862, and in South Carolina, in the 10th Corps, from Jan., 1868. In March, 1864, a new Company, recruited principally at Syracuse. Auburn, Fayette, Locke, Skaueateles. Seneca Falls, < ►wasco and Onondaga, mustered in the United States service at Syracuse in Feb., 1864, for one, two and three years' service, and commanded by Capt. Stephen Van Heusen, joined the regiment, replacing the mustered out company. This company served in the isth Corps, and Dept. of Va.; in Carter's Div., Provisional Corps, from March, 1805; in Reserve Artillery, 33d Corps, from April 5th, 1*65. in North Carolina: and was must. Ted out under Capt. Van Bensen, at Syracuse, July 5th, 1865. Battery I', originally organized at Auburn, mustered in the United States service May 23d, 1861, at Klmira, tinder Captain Theodore H. Schenck, received by transfer, Feb. 28th, 1862, some of the enlisted men of Company B, and May 33d, 1863, some of the three years' men of Companies A, C and D. At the expiration of its term of service, those entitled to be discharged were sent to Klmira and there mustered out, and the battery itself retained in service. It was converted into a Lighl battery in August, 1862; served in North Carolina from March, 1863; in the Artillery Brigade, 18th Corps, from Dec.. 1862; in South Carolina, in the loth Corps, from Jan.. 1868; in North Carolina, in the 18th Corps, from May, 1868; at York- town, Ya., from April, 1*64; in the Artillery. 2d Division, 18th Corps. Army of the James, from May, 1864; in the Artillery Brigade, 18th Corps, from June, 1864; with the lllth Corps from Aug., 1864; with the 18th Corps from Sept., 1864; and in the Artillery Brigade. 24th Corps, from Dec, 1S64. It was. commanded by Captain George B. Ashby. mustered out at Richmond, Va., June 23d, 1865. Battery /■'. originally organized at Moravia, mustered in the United States service May 83d, 1861, at Klmira. under Captain Nelson T. Stevens, was transferred to Company A Sept. 2Mb, 1861. Feb. 22d, 1868, a new company, originally 10#S Battery, commanded by Captain Edwin S. Jenny, took its place. This company, recruited and organized at Syracuse, and there mustered m the service of the United States for three years Dec. iSth, 1861, was converted LntO a lighl battery in May, 1863. At t he expiration of its term of service, those entit led thereto, were discharged and the battery retained in the service. It served in North Caro- lina from Mar.. 1863; in the Artillery Brigade, 18th Corps, from Dec. . 1863; in the 10th Corps and South Carolina from Jan.. ISC,:;; in the District of Florida from Sept.. 1864; and was mustered out, commanded by 1st Lieut. Edgar II. Titus, July 24th. 1865, at Syracuse. Battery 0, originally organized at Auburn; mustered in the United States service under c.-ipt .('has. II. Stewart, M:iv 32d, 1861, at Klmira: received, Sept. 38th, 1861, by transfer some of the men of Company K, Its three years' men were' transferred to new < Jompany K. May 33d, 1868, and the battery mustered out at Klmira, June 2d, 1868; having served in North Caro- lina in thfl I8tb Corps, from March. 1862. A new company took its place in March, 1864, which, commanded by Capt. David L. Aberdeen, was mustered in the Knifed States service for three year-, ami rerruited principally at Syracuse, Auburn, Waterloo, Sharon, Skane- ateles, Brutus, Seneca Falls, Blbridge, Onondaga and Cicero. It served in the 18th Corps, and Dept. ol 7a.; in the Provisional Corps In North Carolina from March, 1866; in Artillery !;• erve, 38d Corps, iron, April 5th, 1865, and was mustered oul under Capt. William A. Jul) rth, L865, at Syracuse. Battery II. organized at Weedsport, mastered in the United States service at Klmira. May 1881, under Capt, Solomon Giles, was transferred t>> Companies Hand I Sept. 38th, 1881. A new company, coi anded bj Capt. William J. Riggs, took its place Feb. 33d, 1862 This company, formed of organizations recruited by Capts. Clark, Mercer and Tryon, al Rome, and there mustered in the United States service for three years, and in which the nil Light Artillery was merged, was converted into a lighl battery in May, 1862. At the expiration of it- term oi Bervice those entitled thereto were discharged and the battery continued in service. It served in North Carolina from March. 1862; in the Artillery Brig., 1Mb t'orps. from Dec, 1862; at and near Fori Monroe, Va., from Oct., 1868; at Newport \a.. lion, Dec., i-<'-'.. In the defenses of Portsmouth, Va., from April, 1864; in the VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. Artillery Brig., L8th Corps, from June, 1864, and in the 84th Corps from Dec., 1864. It was mustered out, commanded by Capt. Enoch Jones, June 24th, 1865, al Richmond, Va. Battery J, originally organized al Auburn, was mustered in the service of the United States, May 33d, 1861, al Elmira, commanded by Capt. John II. Ammon. Some of the enlisted men of Companies II and K. were transferred to it, Sept. 28th, 1861. May 33d, 1868, il re- ceived some of the three years' men of Companies A, C and l>. and its two years' men were forwarded to Elmira, where they were discharged June 3d, 1888, while the battery was continued in Bervice. Ii Berved in North Carolina from March, L862; in the Artillery Brig., 18th Corps, from Dec, 1862; in South Carolina. 10th Corps, from Jan., 1868, and in the isih Corps, and Dept. of Va., from May, 1863; in Carter's l'iv.. Provisional » 'orps, in North Carolina, from March, L865; in Artillery Reserve, 38d Corps, fr April 5th, 1866. It was mustered out, under Capt. William M. Burby, at Syracuse, July 8th, 1865 Battery K, originally organized al Onion Spring-, was mustered in the United States ser- vice May 83d, 1861, at Elmira, under Capt. James K. Angell, and transferred to Companies I> and G and a few of the men to Company I. Sept. 88th, 1861. A uevi company, commanded by Capt. Angell, recruited principally al Auburn and Union Springs, and mustered in the United States service for three years, took its place Dec. 30th, 1861. This com piny was, in June, 1862, converted into a lighl battery. Maj 83d, L868, il received a number of throe years' men of Batteries l> and Q, and at the expiration of its term of service, those entitled thereto, were discharged and the battery continued in service, it served in North Carolina from March, 1863; in the Artillery Brig., 18th Corps, from Dec, L863; in the 1st Div., 18th Corps, Army of the James, from April, 18(14; in the 3d, Sink's, Div., 18th Corps, from May, 1864; in the Artillery Brig. of the ISth Corps, from June, 1864; and in the Artillery Brig, of the 34th Corps, from Dec, 1864. Commanded by Capt. Angell, it was mustered out June 30th, 1st;:), at Richmond, Va. Battery I.. Capt. Terrence J. Kennedy of Company r>. was ordered to recruit this battery, hut received from the State authority t -ganize it as an independent battery (the firel . For some reason this battery was reported by the regimental commander as Battery L of this regiment; it never joined the regiment, and was finally dropped from its returns. In March. 1865, the 34th Independent Battery was transferred to the regimenl as its Bal teryL, and so reported from May 38th, 1865. This battery was mustered out, under Capt. Lewis M. Mowers, duly 7th. 1865, at Syracuse. Its losses are, however, not credited to the regiment, hut to its independent organization. Battery JA, Capt. dames V. White. This company was originally organized for the 76th N. Y. Vols., as Company I. Jan. 34th, 1863, it was transferred to the ;j.l Artillery, and completed by consolidating with it Capt. Hanson's ami another company, recruited for the Cherry Valley Regiment. It was recruited principally al Albany, Schenectady, Broadalbin, Elmira, Cherry Valley, Bainbridge, Newfield, Ithaca, Mil ford, Unadilla, Braman's Cove, Sanford, Hartwick and Cayuta; organized at Albany and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years, dan. L8th, 1863. At the expiration of its term of service. those entitled thereto, were discharged and the battery continued in Bervice. It joined the regiment Feb. 33d, lSli'2, and served in North Carolina, and the ISth Corps, from March, 1862; at and near Fort Monroe, Va., from Oct., 1S<;:>: in Heck man's I>i\.. L8th Corps, from Jan., 1804; in the 1st Div., 18th Corps, from March, 1864; IntheSd Div., 18th Corps, Army of the James, from May, 1864; in the Artillery Brig., 18th Corps, from dune. l>t;}. and in that of the 04th Corps from Dec, 1864. Commanded by Capt. John E. Howell, it was mustered out at Richmond, Ya., dune 26th, 1865. The batteries of the regiment took part in the following engagements, etc.: Near Martlnsburg, \V Va.; I and 3 others ... Lovettsville, Va.; K, E, K Aug. 1862 Siege of Fort Macon, N. C ; I Near Trentuii liri Washington, X. < G and II Uawl.-s- Mlll.s. X. ('.; H and K M G.j de- tachment .i.un.vMii-.X C; BandF N *. U||. Wllllll'lr led. DI'dlRec Ing. d l r ■: £ PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Kil . Wounded. „,„.! Kill Founded.!* 14 ■ :;:;*.; ... ' 1 2 in. 08 f E l rUCt AM> lUTTF.RT. led. 1 S = 5 - 1 r ea MM * : = •:<= 1 . l . i . '.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. "i '.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. "s • ■■'.'..'..'. i .. i 1 UK si - .M' BATTERY. led. r Date, i g!z Hi 1862. 1 Iktii In UoI.Mmh... D.i-. 11 i P.H.I k 20 11. 13-H B 1 1 II. 1 K 11 Whitehall Bridge; K IS H I K Thompson's Bi 1 Ige B 17 ■ Hri.l^.-. It, 1 1. 11. 1. K 17.. 1 Deep Gully ,N 1 i v H Mr i.-. n .. \ C.;EAI.. u >n, N. 1'.; li... M Apt mount's .t Bwlfl • \:ril 9 N . II ids, V II 28 ■■ » Gum Swamp. N. C . 11 M ■■ N . II i md.S i' . BJi l- .. ■■■ V C.5 11. .!•■ tacbmeni inly 1 32 .-.2 1 "i "i 5 6 1 1 Drewry's Bluff; K Hill ;M, detach- May 11- lit Is 21 ■lune 19- Junc IS- - Oct. l Nov. Ml i ... 12 Bermu a Hundred ; K Kelt l'..«liali WilBon's'W hart; M, de- tachment Uelnre IVtelstmi n ali.l Rlchmi . \ E.H K M ol i eteraburg, K Itai.l 1" Kincsli.i \ . 17 Onstuw County, N. C.; North Bast, N 1 South in. k Ham. V C. : C, detachment Ji - Island, B. 1 . B .l.ilm's Island, >. ' I: John's Island, S. C; It - . . l:.v 1- _ :.» 1 1! .V r N I . li in i- . .. James Island, S. c.; K... Chaffln's Farm, \ . 1 Honey Hill, 8. C.; B« F Band v BnniuurihiM-iit "I Furl Sumter. S.C.; Baml K '■ July 19- Sspi - \uu'. 17- July 20"!»! CiHisaWlial. liir. S. ('. ; It Iieveaux N.-.k, S. »'.: r Tillillnny Station, S. C; Band V liar.lii'e.N.t'.; D. .. ■ LI 12 19 Jan. 10 i Mcli. 1- April26 M.I.. 6 7-ln... 1 April 26 ..f small ' Bection 21 Bwlfl Creek rod Street's 1 N.C.'.H.l 22 Kost.-r's Mills, N. Ci A Butler's Itri.lL-.-. N.i \ Devi aux Neck, S. C.; B ' B • i Bombai Jmenl ol Fori Sumter. S.l'.: Band K Camden c II.. ami Hi- atal Swamp. .\ • i .; II Brown's Hill, N.C.: 1 ... Newbern, N.C.jC, B, l.K Ita. bellor'a Creek, K. on Beecb Qrove.B ik and John's 6ec.3l . .. M N 1864. Jan. 30 Feb. i . 1 2 2 "li 11 Butler's Bridge, N. C.i A Washington, N. <'.: C, l'..l.-s Island, S. ('.; It... tsbai B. i . B Campaign of the Caroll lias; A. ('. 1). (1. 1 ... South w.-si Creek, N. WW -\ 1 rk. N. t \. C, D,G, 1 House, N . Operatl teraburg and l!i. b- od, Va IK. M in a Church ; M Kail ..( IVtersl.uri;. Va. B, H. K. U Loss, "ii other occasions Fourth Regiment of Autm.lkky (Heavy; Veteran). Nov. 1st, 1861, <''>]. T. D. Doubleday n ived authority to recruit a regiment of heavy artillery. This regiment, originally known as Doubleday' t Hun// Artillery, was designated • Heavy Artillery, Jan. 27th, 1862; and the Fourth Regimenl of Artillery, Ft ■!•■ Two companies intended for the United 8tates Lancer 8, were attached to it. It whs organized al New Iforh city, and the companies were mustered in 1 1 » * - Bervice of the United States for three years, al Port Richmond, S, 1. A and Bin Nov., 1861; C in Dec, 1861; I'. was consolidated into Company II before leaving the Slate; b Dew Company Q joined the regimenl in Oct., 1862, al Washington, !».»'.. where it was mus tered iii theU, B, Bervice for three years, Oct. 25th, 1862. July 25th, 1868, the rourcompa- u. nt of Artillery, \. B, C and l>, were attached to the 1th Regiment as Companies I. K. Land M, respectively, and the regimental organization completed. At the expiration of the term being reorgan- ized frmii r.-rniiis joining the regimenl at the time. June 5th, 1885, the enlisted nun of Companies G, II I and K. 8tb Artillery, of the tilth, 125th and 126th X. Y. Vol. In- f an try, ii..t mustered out «itli their regiments, jat BallstonSpa, Wesl Day, N. Greenwich, Porl Richmond and Nbrthville; EtA New Fork city, Porl Richmond and Cohoes; Pat New York city and Staten Island; Q and //at New Fori city, Wesl Day, Edinburgh, Port Rich- mond, Brooklyn, Wesl Troy, Groton Falls and Rochester; I at Rochester, Buffalo, Batavia, Waterloo and New Fork city; K al Rochester, Buffalo, Oswego, Niagara, Brooklyn and New Fork city; /. at Rochester, CTtica, Nunda, Le Roy and New JTork city; and M al Can- andaigua, Geneva and Rochester; second Company a1 New fork city and Rondout. The men of tlie second Companies B and I> were recruited principally: those of />' al New Fork city, Troy, Gil boa, Auburn, Brooklyn, Albany and Shandaken; those of Company l> at Brooklyn, New Fork city, Rochester, Albany, Troy, Geneva, Rome and Granger. The regiment, seven companies, left the State Feb. 10th, 1862, and served as heavy artil- lery and infantry at and near Washington, 1>. ('., in its Defenses, and in the 22d <'(>r i'-. from Feb., 1862; the 1st Battalion in the Artillery Brigade, 6th Corps, A. P., the 2d in thai of the 6th Corps, and the 3d in that of the 'id Corps, from March, 1864; the regiment in the Artillery Brigade, 2d Corps, from May 31st, lstif. the 1st Battalion joining on the 31st, and the 2d on the 29th of May; June 25th, 1804, the 1st and 2d Battalions were assigned, respectively, to the 1st and ','d Brigades, 3d Division, 2d Corps; July 13th, 1864, the regiment was trans- ferred to the Artillery Reserve of the Army of the Potomac; in Aug., 1864, it was attached to the 1st Brigade, Lsl Division, 2d Corps, and later in Aug., it served unattached in the sane- division and corps, 18G."">; from Sept., 1864, it served in the 4th Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps; from March, 1805, in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division. 2d Corps; Company l> from July to Dec, 1804; L from July. 1864, to March. L865, and C from Oct. 1864, to May. 1805, served in the Artillery Brigade. 2d Corps; the regiment in DeRnssy's Division, 22d Corps, from June, ist>5, and Sept. 26th, 1865, commanded by Col. John < !. Tidball, it was honorably discharged and mustered onl at Washington, D. C During its service, the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 01 enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 3 officers, 50 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 4 officers, 335 enlisted men: total, 12 officers, 452 enlisted men: aggregate, 464; of whom 97 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. The regiment, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: LewlnaviUe, Va Carlisle, Pa. I nth Art i... New York cltv riote; de- tachment nth Art Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania t'. II.. Va.. I'iin-y Branch Church Laurel inn Landron's rami Harris House North Anna, V; Totopotomoy, Va Colli Harbor, Va Before Petersburg, Va. (Oct. 30th prii 13-16 1864. Ma : Mav 8, 2d Bat'n Ma* 10, 2d Bat'n 1st llat'n Cos i'. II and K 27-31 .rnel-ll' ... June IS \w. -. Ip.l. IH'.ll Keco. j Ing. e|||g||h e ' = e c e g e = Assault of Petersburg, Va June IS 19 ! Weldon Railroad, Va Deep Bottom, Va July 27 Strawberry Plains, Va - Ltion, Va An.-. II 18 Petersburg Works, Va M< h. 25 .. Appomattox canip'n.Va. Mch. 28 Apr. '.i White Oak Ridge M 31 ... Fail of Petersburg April 2 , \in.-lm SpriiiL's .'' ... Mil'- Road Farmville, Va Appomattox C. II Total loss 5.61 ms Fifth Regiment or Abtilleby (Heavy). SECOND BEGIMEMT, JACKSOE HEATS ABTILLEBY. Col. Samuel (iraham, being so authorized, proceeded to recruit a regiment of heavy ar- tillery — the 2d Regiment Jackson Artillery; Col. Edward Murray received authority from 340 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. in Nov., 1861, to recruit the Jackson Heavy Artillery. These two organizations were consolidated March 6th, 1882, Col. Graham's men forming Companies A, B, ('and I). and Col. Murray's K. 1". (i ami II of the new regiment, the two colonels being appointed Col. ami Lieut. -Col., respectively. The 70th Militia furnished a number of men to the reg- iment. The companies were mustered in the service of the United States for three years, Fork harbor, in April, 1862. Dec. 31st, 1862, the Sixth Battalion of Artillery — :! at Brooklyn, New Fork city and Rondout; II at New Fork city, Alton and in <>hio; /•' at New Fork city. Liberty, Turin. Port Edward, and in the counties of Dutchess and Sullivan; in New "Fork city ami in New Jersey; //at New York city, Ancram, Poughkeepsie, Premonl Centre ami Liherty, ami in New Jersey; / at New Bremen, Martinshurg, Lowville and Greig; A' at Turin, Leyden, Highmarket, Gre!g ami Theresa; / at Lowville. Watson, Denmark. Martinshurg, Diana ami Montague; and .1/ at Denmark, Harrishurg, Pinckney, Montague, Champion, Croghan and Wilna, The eight companies, then organized, served in New Fork barhor at Forts Hamilton, La- fayette, W 1, Gibson, Richmond and Schuyler, from March 11th, 1862; at Baltimore, Md., ami other points of the Middle Department, from May 28th, 1862. Companies A and P served at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., from June 1.9th, 1862, where they were surrendered in Sept., 1862; they rejoim-d the regiment after being paroled, at Baltimore, Md. The 3d Battalion served in the Defenses of Washington north, ami later south, of the Potomac, 22d Corps, from Dee . 1862, and at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., from Nov. 24th. 1868; the 1st and 2d Battalions were als dered to Harper's Perry, 8th <'or|>s. April 19th, 1864. The 1st Battalion. Com- panies A, B, C am! D, served with the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of W. Va . 8th Corps, in the field from May, 1864; it wasrelieved by the 2d Battalion, July 29th, 1864, and returned to Harper's Ferry. The 2d Battalion, Companies E, F, G and 11, served in the Held in the 1st Brigade, 1-t Division. Army of W. Va., until Oct. 28th, 1864, when it returned to Harpers ferry. The regiment served as infantry and heavy artillery. June 24th and 25th, 1865, Companies I. K. 1. ami M were mustered oul at Harper's Ferry, leu ,-it once reorganized of men transferred from Companies A, B,C and D, and July 19th, 1865, the regiment, c manded by Col. Graham, was b rably discharged and mustered out :it Harper's Ferrj . W. \ a During it-- service, the regiment losl by death, killed in action, 66 enlisted men; of wounds received inaction. 82 enlisted men. of disease and other causes, l oilier, 293 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 891 enlisted men ; aggregate, 392; of whom 76 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. It. or portions of it. took part in the following engagements, etc.: led. DIM I . c 8 = S z> W I© K •I IWrlln. K - i w \ i md Heights Jane '. I Vi li \ I led.lDI'i - = = = i W. V« July i - i \\ \ Wlnchestei \ Martinshurg, Va Cedar Creek \ Charlestown, W. V«.. Halltown, \ Halltown, \ - Berryvllle. V« Opequon, I Opequon. \ mil, Va \ i IV I O ' 66 Kii-|Wpun M IMK. Reco u ■ 1 I 2 ■ 3 i i I i 01 VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 341 Sixth Regiment op Abtillebi (Hea \ ^i ANTHONT, WAYNE GUARD. Col. Lewis G. Munis, succeeded by Col. Wm. II. Morris, received Aug. 14th, 18(52, au- thority to recruit a regimenl in the counties of Putnam, Rockland and Westchester. The regiment was organized under Col. Morris and J. Eoward Kitching, al Xonkers, as the 185th Regiment of Infantry, and there mustered in the Bervice of the United States for three years, Sept. 2d, 1862; having been iverted into an artillery regiment, it was. <>,t. 8th, 1862, designated the 6th Regimenl of Artillery, and two additional companies were re- cruited for it and mustered, Dec. 4th, 1862, in the D. S. service for three years; Company M was consolidated into Company A, Jan. 26th, 1864, and a new company formed of the men recruited by M. R. Pierce, for the 14th X . Y. Vol. Artillery, transferred to this regi- ment Jan. 13th, L864; Feb. 2d, 1864, the surplus men of the 14th and l6thRegimen1 Vol. Artillery, about 400, were also transferred to this regiment, dune 28th, 1865, the men whose term of service would expire Oct. 1st, 1865, were, under thi anand of Col. George ('. Kibbe, mustered oul al Petersburg, 7a.; those remaining wer ganized into a battalion of four companies, A, B, C and D; and there were added to them, July 19th, 1865, the men not discharged at the muster out of their regiments, of the 10th X. Y. Vol. Artil- lery. Forming Companies L, F and G, and of the 13th X. 't . Vol. Artillery, forming Com- panies II, I, K, L and M, thus reorganizing the regiment. The companies were recruited principally: A and F al Peekskill and Yonkers; />' at Greenburgh, White Plains, Scarsdale, Harrison and Mt Pleasant; al West Farms; fat Bomers, North Salem, Bedford and Poundridge; E at Port Chester, Harrison, New l,\.- chelle, Mamaroneck and Rye; G at South Bast, Kent and Carmel; //at Morrisania; I al Ossining, New Castle, Xorktown, Cortland, Mt. Pleasant and Bedford; l< at Orangetown, White Plains, West Farms, Clarkstown, Scarsdale and Greenburgh; /. at Cold Springs, Carmel, Torktown and Greenborough, at Paterson and town of Kent, N..I.; and tirst Com- pany ,1/at Haverstraw. Xonkers, Somers, Poundridge, Bedford, Mt. Pleasant, North Salem and New Castle. 'The regiment, ten companies, left the State. Sept. 5th, 1862, and served in the Railroad Division of the 8th Corps, .Middle Department, from Sept.. 1862; Companies L and M joined it at Baltimore, Md., in Dec, 1862; the regiment served at Earper's Ferry, W. Va., Defenses of the Upper Potomac, from Jan., isi;:; ; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Bth Corps, from March 27th, L863; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Corps, from dune, 1863; in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 3d Corps, A. I'.. from duly loth, 1868; with the Reserve Artillery. A. P. , as, Ammunition Guard from Aug., \^>>'-'<. in the Isl Brigade, Reserve Artil- lery, A. P., from April. 1864; in the Heavy Artillery Brigade, 5th Corp-, from May ldth, 1864; in the 3d Division, 5th Corps, from May 30th, 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, Bth Corps, from dune 2d, 1864; in the 1st Brigade, Barden's Division, 22d Corps, from duly, 1864; in the 1st Brigade, Kitching's Provisional Division, Army of the Shenandoah, from Sept. 27 th, 1S<)4; in the 2d Brigade, Ferrero's Division, Army of the dames, at Bermuda Hun- dred, Va., from Dec. 1864. I' Served as heavy artillery and infantry. Commanded by Col. Stephen O. Baker, the regiment was honorably discharged and mus- tered out Aug. 24th, 1865, near Washington, D. C., having during its Bervice lost bj death. killed in action, 1 officer, 62 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, •"» officer listed men: of disease and other causes, 6 officers, 278 enlisted men; total. 12 officers, 108 enlisted men; aggregate, 420; of whom .">? enlisted men died in the hands Of the enemy. The regiment took i>art in the following engagements, etc.: led. PI'd l Beco. r § g § - I g I = e c e o = a z a z a le i. Oi d Rei ■■ 8 E | Manassas Gap, Va Mine Run campaign, Vi Wilderness. Va Spotsylvania C 11., \ . Salient Harris House North Ann,,. Va Totopotomoy, Va Cold Harbor, Va . July 23 r* 1 96 1 ■ 19 . 15 2 _: II ... 161... . J'ne 1-12 2 1 Petersburg ami KirlillHill'l, Va I 1 Julv.A rPetersburg.ValJ'e 17 19 •k, Va 1865. ■ PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Seventh Regiment of Artillery (Heavy). ALBANY COUNT! REGIMENT; BEYMOUR GUARD. Col. Lewis 0. Morris received, Aug. 1st, 1862, authority to recruit a regiment in the, then, 18th senatorial district of the State. Aug. 19th, 1862, the regimen! was designated the U8th Regimenl of Infantry. It was organized at Albany and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Aug. 18th, 1862. It was converted, Dec. 10th, 1862, im. i an artillery regiment, and Dec. L9th, 1862, designated the 7th Regiment of Artillery. Two additional companies wen- organized for the regiment, and mustered in the United States service for three years , Aug, 6th, 1863, and Jan. liitli, 1864, respectively. June 26th, 1865, tin-null whose term of service would expire before Oct. 1st, 1865, were mustered out, and the regiment, under Col. Richard C. Duryea, consolidated into a battalion of four com- panies, A, 15, (' and I). The companies were recruited principally: .1, />', (', J), E, F. '/and /at Albany; 7/ at West Troy; A' at Albany. Westerlo, Bethlehem, Rensselaerville and Knox; and L and M in Albany county. The regiment, ten companies, lefl tin- State Aug. 19th, 1862, and served as heavy artil- lery and infantry in the Defenses of Washington, north of the Potomac, from Aug., 1862; in the 2d Brig., Baskins' Div., 22d Corps, from Feb., 1868; in Tyler's Artillery Div., 2d Corps, A. P., from May 18th, L864; in the 4th Brig., 1st Div., 2d Corps, from May 29th, L864; in the 3d Brig.. 1st Div., 2d Corps, from Nov. 28d, L864; in the 3d Separate Brig., 8th Corps, from Feb. 25th, 1865, at Baltimore, Md. The battalion remaining in service, commanded by Maj John F. Mount, was honorably discharged and mustered out at Fori Federal Bill, Baltimore, Md., Aug. 1st, 1865. During its Bervice the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 10 officers, 160 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officers, 115 enlisted men; of disease and other I officers, 878 enlisted men: total, 18 officers, 659 enlisted men; aggregate, 1177; of whom 2 officers and 214 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: led. l DI'. Companies A to K were, under the command of Lieut. -Col Josepb W. Eolmes, mustered out and honorably discharged at Munson's Hill, Va.; the men not dis- charged with their respective companies were transferred, I hose of I lompanies I <. 11,1 and E to the 4th X. Y. Vol. Artillery, and those of Companies A. B, C, D, E and I". and also Companies I, and M. t<> the pith \ . Y. Vol. Infantry, of which tin- men of Companies \. I' and P formed Company K ; those of l>. ('and E Company [; Company L became Company 11 and M Company G. During its service the regiment losl by death, killed in action, lo <>Hi.-.r^, lit!) enlisted men; of wounds received in act inn. pi officers, 1.45 enlisted men; of disease and other causesi 4 officers, 302 enlisted men; total. 24 officers, 64<> enlisted men; aggregate, (570; of whom 1 officer and 113 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it t....k part in the fol- lowing engagements, etc.: Bpote ranuvC. n..v.. Harris II. .us.- North Anna, Va Totopotomoy, Va ... Cold Harbor, Va .... Second Assault Before Petersburg, Va ilt of Peters- 1864. May 17 :'l 19 22-26 27-31 June I- \2 :•■ June la- April 2, 1S65 burg, Va June 15- 19 Welilon Rallroa.l. Va I'l -23 Deep Bottom, Va Iniv 27- 29 Strawberry Plains, Va Aug. 11 ft" Hiss- ing. ■ ition, \'n .. Boydton Plank Road Dabney'a Mills, Va.... Feb. 8 1 IN-r.i W..iks. Fori Stedman, Va... Mch. 25 Appomattox camp'n, Mch. 28- Aprll9 White Oak Ri.ip-.... Mch. 29 M Kail '■( I'rli-rsbiir^... April '.' IliKh Hri.lK<- Karni\ Ille Appomattox Ct. H._ y Total loss Woum MiM . . Ing. I 1. i' t:> -7 ">'•:■ Ninth Regiment of Artillery (Heavy). second auburn regiment: cayuga and waynk count* regiment. Col. Joseph Welling received. Aug.lst, 1862, authority to recruit a regimenl in the, then, 25th senatorial district of the State. Sepl 39th, L862, this regimenl was designated the t88th Regimenl of Infantry. It was organised at Auburn, and there mustered In the Ber- riceof the rjnited States for three years, Sept. 8th and 9th, L862. It was converted int.. an artillery regiment Dec. 9th. 1862, and designated, Dec. L9th, the 9th Regiment of Artillery. Feb. 5th, 1863, the 33d X. V. Vol. Battery was. by the War Department, transferred to the regimenl as Company M. Company L was organised at Albany and there mustered in the United States service for three years between Nov. 4th and Dec. 9th, I8ti:5. The companies wer.- recruited principally: .1 at Red Creek, Huron, Wblcott and South Butler; B at Williamson, Ontario and Walworth; at Conquest, Cat., and Victory; L at Lyons, Sodns, Huron, Rose and Galen; A' at Venice, Scipio, Auburn, Moravia, Miles, Sum- merhill, Fleming and Montezuma; /-'at Geneva, Anl.iirn, Owasco, Bennett, Niles, Lansing, Mentz and Aurelius; at Wolcott, Savannah, Butler, Sterling, Huron and Rose; // al Qalen, Butler, Savannah, Rose and Victory; /at Auburn, Owasco and Bennett; A'at Clyde. Ira, Lyons, Wolcott, Galen, Williamson and Ontario; /, in Albany county, and 1/ at Batavia, Bergen, Bethany, Alexander, Darien and Oakfield, The regiment, ten companies, left the State Sept. 12th, 1862, and Berved as heavy artil- lery and infantry in the Defenses of Washington. I>. C, north of the Potomac, from Sept., 1862; in the 3d, and later 3d, Brig.. Haskins' Div., 22d Corps, from Feb., 1868; the 1st 344 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. ami :iil Battalions in the 3d Brig., 3d I>iv. ; the 3d Battalion in the Artillery Britj. , 6th < iorps, A. P., from Slay 25th and :'>1m, 1864, respectively; the 2d Battalion in 1st Brig., Hardin's 1 >iv. . 32d Corps, at Washington, D. «'.. from Jnly 10th, 1864; in Col. Eeim's Provisional Brig., from Bept. 33d, 1864; all in the 2d Brig., 3d Div., 6th Corps, A. 1'.. from Oct 3d, 1864; n ith the Army of the Shenandoah from Oct., l v »il. and with the Army of the Potomac, from Dec., 1864. It was honorably discharged and mastered out, under Col. James W. Snyder, Jnly 6th, 1865, al Washington, l>. ( '., the men not entitled to be discharged then, having been formed into four companies and transferred, June 37th, 1865, to the 3d X. V. Vol. Artillery as Com- panies I. I\. I. and M of the latter. I > 1 1 i-l 1 1 «_r its Bervice the regiment losl by death, killed in action, 5 officers, lOfl enlisted nun: oi wounds received in action, 3 officers, S T enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 4 officers, 346 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 442 enlisted men; aggregate, 453; of 40 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it, or portions of it. took part in the following engagements, etc.. I KH . Wuiiml.-l. Mt8g I led. DI'dlReco. ing. bor, Va 1864. June 12 June 1 June 18 JulyS, D» : l«V June 18 l< ■ ■ i Petersburg, \ lUih'oaci, Va M \\ ashlngton, !'. i ' . w \ i . Summit Point, Va July 9 12-13 21 29 Qpequon, \ Near Cedar Creek, Va.. Near Strasburg, Va Cedar CrePk. \ a Bunker Hill, Va \\ orks, Va .. Appomattox camp'n,^ a Fall of Petersburg ... Sailor's Creek tox c. II iin picket 1864. Sept. i" Oct. 9 II 19 Men. •_' Men. 28 April 9 April 2 ed. lii'.i K«-.,. Miss- ing. - : n S i = X = < 3 in ... 23 ......... .!_ 6 72 I Tenth Regiment of Abtillebt (Heavy). BLACE IMVKK ARTILLERY; JEFFERSOH COl ffTl REGIMENT. This regimenl was organized Dec. 31st, 1862, nf the Fourth. Fifth and Seventh Battalions of Artillery, and Alexander Piper appointed its < lolonel. The battalions bad been organized al Backett's Harbor in Sept., L862, and the consolidation was effected under the orders ol the War Department, dated l>n-. 37th, 1863. The companies were mustered into the service of the United States for three years; al Backett's Harbor, A, B, C, l>. E, P, (i and M Sept. Nth; II and I Sept. 12th; al Staten Island, Company K Nov. 12th, and al Fort Schuyler, Companj I. Dec. 27th, 1862 They were recruited principally: .1 -originally Company A, 5th Battalion, or 3d Battalion Black River, Artillery al Watertown; B — originally l>. 4th Battalion, or 1«< Battalion Black Rivi r, Artillerj al Rodman, Adams, Lorraine and Worth; originally C, 5th Battalion, or 2dBattalion Black River, Artillery al Antwerp, Bvan'sMills, LeRayand Philadelphia; D— originally B, 4th Battalion, or 1st Battalion Black River, Artillery -al Champion, Croghan, Diana, Rutland and Wilna; /■' originally A, Lth Battalion, or 1st Battalion Black River, Ar- tillery Bllisburgh and Henderson; /•' originally I>. ."ith Battalion, or 2d Battalion Black River, Artillerj al Alexandria and Theresa; — originally B, 5th Battalion, or id Battalion Black River, Artillery at Clayton and Orleans; // originally A, 7th Battalion, or 3d Battal ion Black River, Artillerj at Antwerp. Adams, Boonville, Houndsfleld, Watertown and Worth; / originally B, 7th Battalion, or fid Battalion Black River, Artillery— al Brownville and Houndsfleld; S originally C, 7th Battalion, or 8d Battalion Black River, Artillery— at Watertown, Cape Vincent, Clayton, Orleans, Rutland, Pamelia, LeRay and Osceola; A — onginally l>. 7th Battalion, or '■'«/ Battalion Black River, Artillery — al Ellisburgh, Hender- son, Adams, Watertown, Lynn, Cape Vincent and Houndsfleld, and if— originally C, 4th Hattalion or let Battalion Black River, Artillerj al « ape Vincent, Pamelia and Lynn. The Ith Battalion served at Fori Richmond and Sandy Hook. New York harbor, from VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATK. 345 Sept.,18G2, until June, 1863, when it joined the other battalions; the 5th and 7th Battalions left the State Sept. 17th. L862, and served in the Defenses of Washington, D. «'.. and 3d Brig., Haskins' Div., 22d Corps, from thai time. The regiment, having left Washington May 24th, 1864, served in the 4th Brig., Isl Div., 18th Corps, from June 8th, L864;inthe Lsl Brig., 2d Div., 18th Corps, from June 24th, 1864; in the Lsl Brig., De Russy's Div., 22d Corps, from Aug., 1864; in t li « - 2d Brig., Provisional Div., with the Army of the Shenandoah, from Sept. 07th. 1864; and in the 2d Brig., Ferrero's Div. . Annj of the James, at Bermuda Hundred, from Dec. 1864, as heavy artillery and infantry. June 0:{d. 1865, the regiment, commanded by Lt.-Col. George l>>- Peyster Arden, was honorably discharged and mustered out at Petersburg, Va.: the men oot entitled to be dis- oharged then, were transferred to Companies E, FandG, and these were assigned to the 6th X. Y. Vol. Art., second organization, as Com panics E, P and G, respectively, Julj 19th, 1865. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action. 26 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 21 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 218 enlisted men. total, 2 officers, 265 enlisted men: aggregate, 267; of whom 2 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy: and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Cold Harbor, Va li. fore Petersburg ami Kll-lWounded. Mlss led. DI'd i: ~ = = z w z EUcbmond, Va A.p'1 2, 1869 Assault dt Petereburg.Va Cedar Creek, Va led. l>l::. under Major Barnes, serving ill the Pept. of Susquehanna At the close of this campaign the companies proceeded to New- York city and were stationed at forts Richmond, Hamilton and Sandy Hook in Xew York harbor. Dept. of the East. Here the transfer took place and the companies became Com* panics 1. K. L and M, respectively, of the 4th N. J . Vol. Art. Twelfth Regiment op A.rtilleri (Heavy). first regiment nkw york city artillery. March 31st, 1863, Colonel Robert P. Gibson, received authority to recruit this regiment June 22d, 1863, this authority was revoked and the men enlisted transferred to Company F of the 15th X. Y. Vol. Art.' Thirteenth Regiment oi Artillert (Heavy). Colonel Wm. A. Howard received authority. May 11th. 1863, to orgnni/.t this regiment in New Fork city. July 29th, 1863, the men enlisted by Major II. B. William- for the 11th N. Y. Vol. Artillery (and not assigned to companies), were transferred to this; and Oct. 340 PABT III. SKETi HES OF < >!;<; AXIZATIOXS. 14th. 1868, the men enlisted for the 39th N. F. Vet. Volunteers, reorganising, and the 36th Independent Battery, -V Y. Vol. artillery, not completed, were also assigned to this regi- ment. The companies were mustered In the service of the United States for three years; at Staten Island A, B and C August 12th and 29th, and Sept 11th, 1868, respectively; at Elmira I> August 4th, 1868; at Fort Schuyler E March 10th, 1864, F in Feb., 1864, Q and B Mar. 14th and L8th, 1864, respectively; at New Fork city I Nov. 10th, 1863; at Bicker's Island K Feb. 21st, 1864; at Norfolk, Va., L June llth, 1864, and M in Dec, L868. There were, however, quite a Dumber of one year's men in the regiment. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at New Fork city, Albany, Buffalo and W'atertown; B at New Fork city, Buffalo, Salamanca, Seneca and Watertown; Cat New York city, Albany, Elllcottsville, Farmersville, Perrysburg and Watertown; 1> at Wells- ville, Cuba, Ruahford, Candor, ESumra; Belfast and Green w I; E at Schenectady, Bphratah, Providence, Clifton Park, Qalway, Oppenheim, Amsterdam, Saratoga, Ballston, Johnstown, New Albion, Glenville, Waterford, Randolph, Albany and Tompkins; V at Ballston, Charlton, Florida, Charleston, Broadalbin, Stillwater, Milton, Clifton Park. Palatini', Root, Malta, Johnstown, Cherry Creek, Waterford, Half moon, Providence and Duanesburgh; Q and If at Caledonia, Pamelia, Paris. Starkey, Dtica, Johnstown, Pots- dam. Chateaugay, Malone, May field, Belmont, Pinckney, Fairfield, Danube, Mexico, Con- Btantia, Mooers and Syracuse; (Company II was originally intended for the 14th N. Y. Vol. Artillery;) / at New Fork city, Albany, Buffalo, Mamaroneck and W'atertown; /fat New York city; /.at New Fork city and Buffalo; and .1/ at New York city, Brooklyn. Buffalo, Ballston, Broadalbin, Goshen, Ealfmoon, Hanover, Johnstown, Pittstown, Plainfield and \Yatert',.rd. The regiment left the State in detachments, the 1st Battalion, Companies A, B, C and 1), leaving Oct. 5th, 1863; it served as infantry and heavy artillery in the Departments of the Bast, until it left the State; and of Virginia and North Carolina; the 1st and 2d Battalions in the Defenses of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va.,and Newborn, N.C.; the 8d Battalion as a coastguard on board vessels of war along the Atlantic coast. Company C served at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. harbor, from Sept. 12th, 1868, to Oct. 5th, 1868; Companies A and II as Biege artillery in the 3d Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, from May, 1864, at, and in the forces for the defense of, Bermuda Hundred, Ya., from Jan., lsGo; Companies I, K. !. and M in the .Naval Brigade, Army of the .lames, from .luly, 1864. June 28th, 1865, Companies I. K, L and M, and the men of the other companies, whose term of service would expire before Oct. 1st, 1865, were, under the command of Colonel Howard, honorably discharged and mustered out, the companies named at Norfolk. Vs.; the men remaining in service were transferred, June ','Tth, 1865, those of Company E to Companies B, C and G; of F to Companies A, Cand D; and of II to Companies a and B, leaving in existence five companies. A, B.C. Hand G, which were, July L8th, 1865, trans- ferred to the 6th N. Y. Vol. Artillery, second organization, as Companies II. I. K, L and M , respectively. The regimenl lost in the service l>y death, killed in action. 1 officer, 2 enlisted men; of wound- received in action, 2 enlisted men; of disease and other caU8e8, 8 officers, lit enlisted men. total, I officers, l is enlisted men; aggregate, 152; and portions of it took part in the following engagements, etc.: ami Hi' I.- M i . Ya ... JilMf l.'i June ifl D Point, Vu \ \ , re \ i D Port Fliher, V C fan 19 i ■ ii'. • \ April l I i: - i i FOUBTEENTB ReOIMBKI OB A U II LLEB S (IIkavy). Col. BlishaG. Marshall received. May 29th, 1868, authority to recruit this regiment for a : three year- It was organized St Rochester, and contained many men who hud VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 347 served in two years' organizations. Jan. 13th and 22d, 1864, the men enlisted by Milton It. Pierce and Jesse B. Lamb for this regiment, were transferred to the 6th and 13th N. V. Vol. Artillery, respectively, and Feb. 2d, 1864, the surplus men recruited for the regiment were assigned to the 6th N. Y. Vol. Artillery. The companies were mustered in the Ber- ries of the United States at Rochester, A. and 15 Aug. 38th; C and 1» Sept. lltli and 12th, respectively; E and F Oct. 18th and 80th, respectively; G and II Dec. 7th; land K Dec 21st, 1863; L Jan. 8th, 1864; and at Elmira M Jan. 17th, 1864. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Ogdensburg, Watertown, Antwerp, < >s- wegatchie, Camden and Potsdam; B at Rochester, Niagara, Ridgeway, Han.-, Buffalo, Waddington, Oswegatchie, Palmyra and Lyons; (7 at Utica, Malone, Rochester, Watertown, Ogdensburg, Buffalo, Albany, Oswegatchie and Rome; Dal Rochester, Dansville, Corning, Eorseheads, Veteran, 1 >ix , Hath, Catharine, < Odessa, Watertown and Mt. Morris; £7 at Ogdens- burg, Watertown, Rochester, Barre, Canton, Norfolk, Potsdam, Utica, Buffalo, Camden and Rassell; /-'at Manlius, Rochester, Lockport, Lowville, Ogdensburg, Prattsburg, Suspen- sion Bridge. Watkins, Martinsburgh, Dansville, Corning and New Bremen; at Rochester, Utica, Cold Spring, Dunkirk. Dansville, 6 real Valley, Canton, Boonville, Havana. Ogdens- burg, West Turin, Boffalo, Otto and Lyons: // at Penn Tan, Lowville, Canton, Russell, Watertown. Geneseo, Gouverneur. Col ton, ELermon, Stockholm, Boonville. Ogdensburg, Potsdam, Buffalo, Greig and Martinsburgh; / at LeBay, DePeyster, DeKalb, Orleans, Og densburg, Hermon, Clayton, Rossie, Rochester, Potsdam, Geneseo, Norfolk, Philadelphia, Turin, Oswegatchie, Macomb, Canton, Watertown and Milo; A' at Albion, Antwerp, The- resa, Williamstown, Rossie, Richland, Boonville. Diana. Amboy, Alexandria, Denmark. Gouverneur, Macomb, Leyden,Wilna, Lowville and Philadelphia; /. at Rochester, Milo, Ros- sie, Newstead, Geneseo, LeRay, Manheim, Watertown, Eermon, DeKalb, Penn Fan, Burk- field, Groveland, Denmark, Livonia, Watson. Jerusalem and Leicester; and M at Rochester, Watertown, Chemung, Potsdam. Adams. I'tica, Pamelia, Kirkland, Fairfield, Paris, Madrid, Lewiston, Johnstown, Trenton, Camden, Deerfield, I'tica, Floyd. Stockholm, Mexico, Hodman, Clayton and Kllisburgh. Companies A, B, C, D. Band V were, Oct. 13th, 1868, ordered to duty in New York har- bor; and II were ordered to Fort Hamilton, N. V. barbor, Dec. 8th, 1868; Companies 1 and K were ordered to Fori Richmond, X. Y. harbor, Dec. 24th, ist>3, where ""Companies L and M joined them in Jan., 1*04. The regiment, serving as heavy artillery anil infantry, remained in New York harbor, Department of the East, until April, 1864; served in the Provisional Brigade, 9th Corps, from April 28d, 1864; in the Provisional Brigade. 1st Di- vision, 9th Corps, from May 12th, 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, A. P., from June 11th, 1864; iu the 2d Brigade, same division and corps, from June 18th, l*i'>4; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps. A. P., from Sept., lSlM; and in the 1st Brigade, Hardin's Division, 23d Corps, from June, 1865. Commanded by Col, Marshall, the regiment was honorably discharged and mustered out Aug. 26th, 18<35, at Washington. D. C, having, during its service. lost b\ death, killed in action, li officers, P,'7 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 82 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 311!) enlisted men; total, !) officers, 518 enlisted men; aggregate, 537; of whom I officer and 86 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Place. Bate. - i May 5-7 s-a iu 22-:v, 27-31 . .I'm' 1-12 2 .Iviup 16- Apr.2. 1863 Assault ofPetersburg.Va J'e 16-19 Mm.' Explosion, Va lul Wilderness, Va Sp.,t>v|viini;i C. II., Va. Ny River North Anna. Va Totopototnoy, Va Cold Barbor, Va Beulan Church Before Petersburg, Va.. Weldon Railroad, \ 21 I'oplar Grove Church, Va Sept. 30- n ■ I: \ ■ Port Stedman.Va Mch. 2S ■ -t'uru. Va. April :■ Total loss \\ ounded '| 3 ■: 2 P...W 348 PART III. SKKTCIIKS <>F ORGANIZATION'S. l'n i kini ii Regiment ojp Artillery (Heavy). Col. Louis Schirmerwas authorized, May 39th, 1863, to recruit this regiment. It wag organised in New York city. Sept. 80th, l s i'>:'.. the Third Battalion of Artillery was trans- ■, forming Companies A, B, C, D and E; June 22d, 1863, a company enlisted for the l'Jth N. r. Vol. Artillery was assigned to the regimenl as Company I"; and Oct. 14th, 1868, the 2d Battery reorganizing, and the 34th Battery, Capt. II. Jahn, organizing, were also transferred to it. The companies were mustered in the service of the United States foi re, A. B.C. Dand E al New JTork city, between Oct. 14th and Dec. 19th, 1861; at Stat, ii Island F June l'.itli. 1863; al Fort Lyon, 7a., Gr, II and I Aug. 27th; K Sept, 18th; and 1. Dec. I lth, 1>-i'>:'.. al Goshen, Company M, of which the Raines Artittt ry formed part, Jan. 30th, 1864. At the expiration of the term of service of Companies A to E, the men entitled thereto were discharged and tie- companies continued in service. The companies were recruited principally: .1. 0, />. /■■'. /•', 11 and I at New York city; /.'at New York city and Philadelphia, l'a.: Gal New Fork city and Buffalo; A" and L at New York city, Catskill, Troy and Buffalo; and .1/ at Monroe, New Windsor, Liberty, Mamakating, Crawford, Warwick, Montgomery, Wallkill, Newburgh, Goshen, Fremont, Cohecton, Callicoon, Bethel, Deer Park and Cornwall. Companies A to E, when assigned to the regiment, wen- on duty at Kurt Lyons, and the other companies were forwarded to that point as soon as organized. The regimenl served as heavy artillery and infantry at Fori Lyons, Va.; in the 2d, and later in the 4th. Brigade, DeRnssy's Division, 22d Corps, from Nov., 1868; in the Artillery Reserve, A. P., from March, 1864; in the lsl Brigade, Artillery Reserve, A. P., from April, 1864; the 2d Bat. talion with the Artillery Park, A. 1'.. and the 1st and 3d Battalions in the Heavy Artillery 5th Corps, A. P., from May 13th, l*r>I. in the 3d Division, 5th Corps, from Maj 80th, 18H4; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps, from June 2d, 1864; Company F in the Artillery Reserve, A. P., from June to Dec, 1864; and the regimenl in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps, from Aug., L864; Company M in the Artillery Brigade, 5th Corps, fnun Jan., L865; and the regiment in the 4th Brigade, DeRnssy's Division, 2 2d Corps, from June, 1 865. The regiment, commanded by Maj. Julius Dieckman, was honorably discharged and mus- tered out Aug. 22d, L865, at Washington, l>. C; having, during its service, lost by death. killed in action, 2 officers, s l enlisted men; of wounds received in action. G offii enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 5 officers, 225 enlisted men: total, 18 officers, 878 enlisted men, aggregate, 3S6 ; of whom 63 enlisted men died in the hands . the 8th N. Y. Vol. Art. in Feb., 1864; VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 349 and in May, L864, a targe number of men were transferred to the 81s1 and 1 L8th X. V. Vol, Infantry and the Isl Mounted Rifles. The companies were mustered in the service of the United States for three years; at Albany, A and B Sept. 38th; C and D <».•.•., 1863, and Jan. 9th, 1864, respectively; at Elmira, F, II, I and KJan. 19th, Feb. 8th, Jan. 28tb and Feb. 2d, 1864, respectively; at Auburn Land M Jan. 26th, 1804. InJuly, 1864, a number of anassigned men were formed Into a company designated X.but were gradually absorbed by Companies A. I!. C, !•", G and K, the battalion serving in the field with the 10th Corps under Majors Thomas J. Strong and Fred'k W. Prince. They were recruited principally: .1 at [Jtica, New York city, Albany, Watertown, Ogdens- burgh, Albion and Rouse's Point; /; .-it Albany, Little Falls, Poughkeepsie and New Fork city; G al (Jtica, Albany, Auburn, Borne, Watertown, Little Falls, Syracuse and Schenec- tady; D at Auburn, (Jtica, Canandaigua, Little Falls, Oswego, Schenectady, New Fork dty, Elmira, Herkimer, Bath, Rome, Oswego and Buffalo; Sat New York city, Brooklyn, Albany, Malone, StuyveBant and Rome; F at Watertown, Canajoharie, Little Falls, Schenectady, Herkimer, Richfield, Norway, St. Johnsville, Troy, Albany and Buffalo; O al New Fork city; // at Fori Edward, Syracuse, Canandaigua, Oppenheim, Schenectady, Canajoharie, Troy, St. Johnsville, Minden, Scott, Troy, Argyle and Kingsbury; /at Kingsbury, Gran. villc, White Creek, Fori Ann. Fori Edward, Greenwich, Johnsburgh, Hampton, Hebron, Easton and (Jtica; A" at Poughkeepsie, Salem, Petersburgh", White Creek, Cambridge, Hoosick, Easton, Stuyvesant, Greenwich, Troy, Pittstown, Chester and Weston; /. .-it Fay ette, Ira, Cato, Marcellus, Victory, Mentz, Elbridge, Skaneateles, Montezuma, Sterling, Covert. Auburn. Junius, Brutus, Romulus, Aurelius and Varies:; and .)/ at Auburn. Brutus, Victory, Sterling, Conquest, Fayette Niles, Lodi, Cato, Sennett, Skaneateles, Montezuma and El bridge. The regiment left the State by detachments: Companies A and B, Oct. 1 1th ; Company < '. Oct. 22d; Companies D and B, Dec. 8th and L6th, 1868, respectively; Company G, Jan. 18th, and the remaining companies later in .bin., 1864; it served as heavy artillery and int'antn at Fori Monroe, forktown and Gloucester Point, Va. ; Companies E and II in 1st Brig., 8d Div., loth Corps in July, 1864; Companies A. B, C, F, G, K and N in 2d Brig., 1-t Div., Kith Corps, from duly 27th, 1864; Company I., also from »>ct., 1864; Companies A. B, C. F, O and K, in 2d Brig., 1st I >iv. , 24th Corps, and a detachment in the Artillery Brig- ade, 04th Corps, from Dec, 1864; Companies E and II in the Separate Brigade, Army of the James, at Fori Pocahontas, Va., from Dec, 1864; Companies A, B, C, I-'. G ami K again in 2d Brig., 1st Div., loth Corps, from April 2d, 1865. When Gen. Butler called for volunteers to commence the Dutch Gap canal, Companies A. B, I '. I'", G and K volunteered, ami -i\ hundred men were select! d from them for the work, and commence. 1 it on the 9tb of Aug., 1864; they were withdrawn Aug, l'.tth, 1864, but Major Strong continued in charge of the work, and Major Prince in command of the battalion. In July, ISO."), the regiment was united;and,< imanded by Col. Morrison, it was honor- ably discharged and mustered out Aug. 21st, 1865, al Washington, D. C; having losl by death, killed in action, 1 S enlisted men ; of wounds received in action, 24 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 284 enlisted men; total, 2 officers, 326 enlisted men; aggregate, 328; of whom I enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. Portions of it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Htllw'n till' White II. , llsi' Mid t tie Armv ot the .lames* City Point. Va M .v . .■ \\ .--i f. -int. Va lime 20 tiloiu-ester I'.int. Va J Hetore Petersburg and Richmond, Va Fulj 23 Dei Diiteli Cap Canal. Va .... Auk' Strawberry Plains, \ .. Cox's Kerry, Va Cliattln's Kami, Va Darbytown Road, Va.. It i- 17 Sept. 29- ivt. 1 1864. i Darbytown Road, \ Pair Oaks Fori Plshi ■ n < . Port Plsher. N. C Cape Pear Intrench. Va. \ , \. i w h iina Pall ot Petersburg, Va.... On detached service, and other minor atlairs -: Dec. Kel,. 11 12 18-20 •J.'-L't Total loss.. 350 PABT III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. First Reg ra eft, Marine Artillery. BOWARDS ARTILLERY; NAVAL BRIGADE. Colonel W. a. Eoward was authorized to recruit this organization for service on gun- ticb were to !»• provided for it. The regiment was organized at New York city. The men were recruited principally in New Sork city and Buffalo; in Newark, X. J.; Chi- cago, III.: and Washington, D. C. They were mustered in the service of the United States fur three years, between Nov. 12th, 1861, and Aug. 18th. 186'2. The regiment, ten com- panies, left the State in detachments in 1861 and 1862, and Berved at Annapolis, Md., from J61; Companies A to G at Newborn, N. C, in April, lstlO; II and I joined there in 363, and Kin Aug., 1862; the regiment served in North Carolina, 18th and loth Corps, from Aug., \ s <'>'2. March 31st, 1868, it was disbanded and officers and enlisted men honor- ably discharged. I- losl by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 14 enlisted men; of wounds received in action 2 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, l officer, 72 enlisted men: total, 2 officers, 88 enlisted men; aggregate, '.Hi; and portions of it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Kil \\ Miinili'il Mi-s- g E u ba < "i "a 26 Place. Date. Kil- \\ ounded Miss- PL* 1 led. ;- h DIM ili E c l B i E - ig c a = "i led. I) See r w z | 2 Rei o. xl g z S ... 2 ing. 1! : - t* Roanoke hland.NJ .. N , i. N. C - N C 1862. 10 Ma m april - 19 i '". i "i 12 Near Bhiloh. N. C Mills, N. (' Bzpedit'n from Newberr to Qoldsboro, N. C... Kill-!. .M Old Field Bank l-and- 1862. Sept. 21 Nov. 2 D'c.ll-a 13 H 1863. Apr. li i 3 1. . V \ C gton, N.C Lug. I 6 Foley Island, 8. C - PlRST Battalion OF ARTILLERY (Heavy). BADEN ARTILLERY : BRICK EL GERMAN ARTI1.LKRY; CORPS. GERMAN ARTII.I.KRIK Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Brickel received, July 2:id, 1861, authority from the War Department to recruit this battalion. It was organized in New York city and there mus- tered in the service of the United States for three years, Companies A, B, C and D Aug. 36th, and 12th and Sept. lith and 20th, 1861, respectively. It was accepted by the State Oct. 10th, 1881. The linn were recruited in New York city. The battalion left the State Oct. 12th, 1861, and served at and mar Washington, I>. C.j with the Armyof the Potomac ami in the 22d < '< ,r j .-. . until spring, 1863. Mar. 5th, ls<;;!, the battalion organization was diw tin ued, and the companies designated : A, Captain Otto Diedrich, the 29th; B, Captain Adolph Voegele, the 80th; < '. Captain Charles K usserow, the 81st; and D, Captain R. I.ang- ner, the 82d, Independent Batter] of Light Artillery. The losses of the battalion, and the engagements it took part in, are included in the record of the batteries the companies were converted into; except the loss of 1 held officer, died oi wound- n& Ived in action, before the battalion ceased to exist. >ND BATTA l. i«>n oi A.RTILLBR1 (LlGHT \. [RI8B BRIGADE BATTERIES; FIFTH REGIMENT IRI8B BRIGADE. This battalion, consisting originally of lour batteries, was recruited In New York city and Dec 9th, 1861, and there mustered in the aervh f the United States for three year- Dec. 9th, 1861. The original plan was to raise an artillery company for each of the four regiments of the Irish, or Meagher's, Brigade, The battalion left the i . 16th, 1861, commanded bj Major Thomas O'Neil. The batteries were com manded: a, by Captain Henry . I. McMahon; B, by Captain Wm. H. Hogan; C, by Captain VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 351 Michael Mitchell; and D, by Captain Win. O'Douoghuc. On their arrival in Washington, D. C, the batteries, not having been recruited to the artillery standard, were about !>.<•. 21st, 1861, consolidated into two batteries; B and D Forming new Battery A. and A and C new Battery B. The battalion organization was discontinued in Oct., L862, and the batteries designated the 14th and 15th Independent Batteries of Light Artillery. The losses, services and engagements of the battalion are Incorporated in the record of the 14th and loth Batteries; ezcepl the loss of 1 field officer, died of an accident before dis- continuance of the battalion. Third Battalion of Artillery (Heavy), german" heavy artillery; senges' battalion ok artillery. This battalion, composed of five companies, was recruited in New Fork city, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years between Oct. 14th and Dec. 19th, 18G1. It left the State Dec. I'.ith, 1861, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Adam Benges; served at Fort Lyon, Va., and in the 22d Corps, and was consolidated, Sept. 80th, 1868, with the 15th New- Fork Vol. Art., forming the first five companies of the same, it- loss is in- cluded in that of the 15th New York Vol. Art.: and as a battalion it took part in no en- gagements. Fourth Battalion of Artillery (Heavy), first battalion black river aetillebt. This battalion was organized at Sackett's Harbor, and received its numerical designation Sept. 16th, 1862. It served at Fort Richmond, N. Y. harbor; was discontinued Dec. 31st, 1862, and its Companies A, B, Cand D transferred to the 10th N. Y. Vol. Artillery, as Com- panies B, 1>, M and B, respectively. Ftfth Battalion of Artillery (Heavy), second battalion black river abtillbby. This battalion, four companies. A, B, Cand I>, was organized at Sackett's Harbor; re- ceived its numerical designation Sept. 16th, 1862; was ordered to the front Sept. l?th, 1868, and served near Washington, !>. C. Dec. 31st, 1862, it was discontinued and its companies transferred to the 10th N. Y. Vol. Artillery as Companies A, <{, C and F, respectively. Sixth Battalion of Artillery (Heavy). third battalion black river abtillbbt; lewis counts battalion. This battalion was organized at Sackett's Harbor; received its designation Sept. 16th, 1862, and was ordered in the field Sept. l?th, 1862. It served near Washington, IV C; was discontinued Deo. 81st, 1862, and it- Companies A. B, C and D, assigned to the 5th N. Y. Vol. Artillery as Companies I, K, L and M, respectively. Seventh Battalion op Abtilleby (Heavy). fourth battalion black river abtilleby. This battalion, four companies, A. B, C and l>. was organized at Sackett's Harbor: re- ceived its numerical designation Sept. Kith, 1862; was ordered in tin- field Sept. 17th, 1862; Companies A, B and C served near Washington, I>. <'.. and Company Dal Port Schuyler. N. Y. harbor: the battalion was discontinued Dec. 81st, 1862, its companies being trans- ferred to the 10th N. Y. Vol. Artillery as Companies H, I, K and L, respectively. 352 PART III. SKKTCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. ROCKEO BATTALIOH OP ARTILLER"! (GENERAL Uarky's). This battalion was organized at Albany, Dec. 5th, 1861, and there mustered in the United rrice for three years, Dec 6th and 7th, 1861. The three companies recruited < • r i •_- i - Dally, Ransom's, Lee's and Baiter's, were consolidated into two companies, Dec. 5th, 1861, and the battalion, commanded by Maj. Thomas M. Lyon, left the Stat.- Dec. 9th, 1861, l< served al and oeaT Washington, I). •'.. from Dec, 1861, and in North Carolina, 18th from May, 1862. Feb. llth. 1868, the battalion organization was discontinued, and the two companies, A and I>. were designated the 23d and 24th Independenl Batteries Lighl Artillery, baving served provisionally as such from Nov. 1st. !*(;•_>. The loss and ents of the battalion are included in the record of the batteries into which its two companies were converted. \niih>\'-, Lateb Willard's, Battalion 0] Artillery. June 3d, 1862, Franklin W. Willard received authority to recruit a battalion of lighl artiliery. Nov. L6th, 1862, the several companies of this battalion, serving al Fori Columbus, rk harbor, and being in process of organization, were consolidated into two, and designated the 20tb and 28th Independenl Batteries Light Artillery, and the battalion, never really organized, discontinued. First [Independent Battery, Light Artillery (Veteran). (.'apt. Terrence J. Kenned) received, Oct. 18th, 1861, authority torecruil this battery. It was recruited and organized al Auburn, and there mustered in the Bervice of the United States for three years Nov. 23d, 1861. At the expiration of its term of Bervice, the men entitled thereto were discharged and the battery continued in service. Ii left the- State Doc. 4th, 1861; received it- numerical designation Dec. Tth, 1861; served near Washington, I>. »'.. from Dec, 1861; in W. I". Smith's Division. A. P., from Jan., 1862; in same division, 4tb Corps, A. P., from March, 1862; in the 2d Division, 6tb Corps, A. P., from Ma\. 1862; in the Artillery Brigade, 6th Corps, from May, 1868; withtheArmy of the Shenandoah from Oct., 1864; in the 22d Corps from Dec, 1864; in the 6th Corps, with the Army of the Potomac, from Jan. 25th, 1865. Commanded bj Capt. Andrew Cowan, it was honorably discharged and mustered oul June 23d, 1865, at Syracuse; having lost bj death, killed in anion, i officer, 12 enlisted men; o( wounds received in action i officer, 6 enlisted men; of disease and other causes :> s enlisted men; total, 2 officers, 56 enlisted men: aggregate 58; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hand: oi tl nemy; and it took pari in the following engagements : lot. . Ivil- \\ ounded I < "a 'ii 4 Place. Date. In i 1 w t > 1 1 1 1 • U inc. 1 = 1. § 1. j l> t 1 ■ i I i: a B i L -. z IK. a 1 w 1 U = - .1. = E B - i> - - I i: j E r i a i p i i i 2 x i •< ■ \ orktown, \ .i... Mill- June -■: Julj 1 i: .Ii T. 1 N Di North anna, \ a Totopotoinoy, Va M Ha) 31 June 12 June IS Jul; 9 Jan. i- ■ June i- 19 lug. IS 21 19 M 1 I WhltcOak BwampB'ge ii H 1 tofP Weldon B \ ' i Pliarlestown, m \ i I town, \ a i ipequon ( v i OpcqUOII, \ ii 1 Mill. V , ■ 1 Franklin 1 1 i 1 •• E 1 1 4 i "a a \ 1 1 1 •1 I tppomattox i .imp i.,\ a 5 Appomattox H. rlllaa, and other mtnor i 1 12 i '■ i , . II., Vi 14 VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 353 Second Independent Battebt Light Abxillbby. bi.enker's battebt; light batteby \, fibst abtilleb1 regiment. Varian's Battery, the artillery company of the 8tb Militia, its term of service having ex- pired, lefl the field July 20th, L861,and its guns were left with the Army of North-] Virginia. These guns were manned during t 1 1 « - battle <>f Mull Run by detachments from the 8th and 29th X. V. Vols., mainly of Company H, of the latter regiment, under Capt. Charles Bookwood, of the 29th N. Y. Vols. Tins battery was r ganized in the De- fenses of Washington, D. C, in August, 1861, and known l>y its synonyms. The men of the 8th and 29th N. V. Vols, serving with it, were transferred to it and additional a from the regiments of Brig. -Gen. Blenker's Division were assigned to it. The battery, com- manded by Capt. Louis Schirmer, was, Aug. 16th, 1861, mustered into the service of the United States for two years, and received from the State, 1> enlisted men; aggregate, 10. (apt. Wolfgang Mock received authority, Aug. 26th, 1st;:;, to recruit and reorganize the battery for three years' service; this authority was revoked Oct. llth, 1863, and the men enlisted were assigned to the 15th N. V. Vol. Artillery. The Lattery took part in the following engagements; Date. Kil- Wounded. Miss. 2 a I be < "i PLICX. Date. Kil- W 111 nded, Ml-- Place. le | 1. B ■2 ... D 7 - 3 Ki = CO. i B W 1 i _ i - led. Z K Dl : - = R 9 t i ■ f: Z a 1 1 Bull Run.Va 1861. July 21 1 862. June t .1 ihannoch Slat ion i 562. 1 Strasburg, Va 1 _' Mini \\ 1- Bull Run 30 M | 1 1 :: Viii Win. l-i.i.-k, K.lin- bUTg and Ml . Jackson, \ i Near Harrisonburg, Va. i ten. 1' ipe'a carap'n, Va. Cliancellorsyillo, \ i -.I' - Thibd Independent Battery, Light Autm.i.kky (Veteban). This Lattery was originally Company />-- the howitzer company — of tJu 2d Militia, later 82d N. Y. Vols. It served detached from its regiment, and was known as Battery />'. V. }'. Vol. Artillery, until, Dee. 7th. lsf>l, it received its numerical designation from the State. It was recruited and organized in New York city and left the State, commanded by Capt. Thaddeus I'. Mott, May l'.ith, 1861. It was mustered in the service of the United States for three years, June 17th, 1861 at Washington, D. C. , and shortly thereafter detached from its regiment and converted into a light battery. At the expiration of its term of service the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the battery continued in service. It served at and near Washington, D. C, from May. 1861; in W. T. Smith's Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Hancock's Brigade, Smith's Division, A. P., from Oct., 1861; in same brigade and division, 4th Corps, from March, 1862; In 2d Division, 6th Corps, from May, 1862; in 1st Division, 4th Corps, from Sept. 15th, 1862; in 3d Division, 6th Corps, from Oct., 1862; in the 2d Division, 6tb Corps, from Nov.. 1862; with the Light Division, GtU Corps, from April, 1868; in the Artillery Brigade, 6th Corps, from May, L868; in the Ar- tillery Reserve, A. P., from July 10th, 1864; in the Artillery Brigade, 6th Corps, from Dec, 1864; and June 24th, 1865, commanded by Capt. W. A. Barn, it was honorably discharged 45 354 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. ami mustered <>ut at New Fork city; having lost bj death during its service, killed in action, 12 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 3 enliBted men; of disease and otlier causes, 4 enlisted men: total, 18; and having taken part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. Kil W llUmleil. M nu- ■ M i i Placb. Date. Kil- w tided . Miss- Placs. le e s > ; - I) | j 2 E 5 CO. fl t "i l " ll e o i c 1 e - 1 "r led. i\i u ~ = E b E 7 ■2 Iteco, I 1 ing. £ E 6 g C K f H Bull Run, Vs., as port "1 Lewinsville, Va 1861. July 'Jl Sept. n \|.nl 5 u \pril If May ' a June 22 July 2 June 27 28 3i July 1 Sept. i- ,., ■_., Dec. n 1! 1863. \| 1 3-1 July 2-3 ::: 3 Funkstown, Md Rappahannock Stat'nJ a Mine Run campaign, Va, 1863. J'j U-13 N i 6 2 4 - ::: ■ i. \ a... ii 1 1864. \\ ilderness, \ a Spotaylvania C. M.. \ a Landron'fl Kami "i riii,kaii..nnii\ . \ Va... io - North Anna, Va Cold Marl. or. Va May 31- June 12 Before Petersburg, Va...| June 18- , Apr. 2, 1 «»/, Astnuit of Petersburg. Va J'e 18 19 Weldon Railroad, Va 21-28 1 1865. org Works, Va... U< a. a Appomattox camp n, \ 'a. Mch. 28 Apr. 9 Full of Petersburg Apr. Sailor's Creek fi Appomattox C. H. '.' ... •j l Qokliiig'e 3 White i »ik Bwuiii|i Win- : ... 7 Ami. -tain. M.I Wllliamsport, Sid ksburg, Va Frank.. Vui i 'iiui.h, \ a 2 ::: 12 2 18 10 cmsboro, M.I 11 Fourth Independent Batteey Lk;ht Abtilleby. SEBEELLS ABTILLEBY; PAEEOTT BATTEEY; BATTEEY C, AND LATEB I>, NKW fOEE ABTILLEBY. This battery was recruited and organized in New York city as Company 1., Artillery Com- pany, Serrell'B Engineers, and pari of the 1st Troop, Washington Greys { Parian's Battery, st/, Militia), formed its nucleus. It was mustered in the Qnited States service for three years at Staten Island Oct. 24th, 1 V| >1 . and left the State the nexl day, commanded by Captain James E. Smith. Later in October ii received its arms. Parrott guns, and was designated Battery C, and a few weeks later, Battery 1 >. N. ST. Light Artillery. Dec. 7th, 1861, it received its numerical designation from the State. Some of themenof Busteed's Chicago Light Artillery were transferred to it in Dec, L861. The battery served in Hooker's l>ivis. ion, A. P., from Nov., l s . NYw Bridge, Va i^ . July J Rappahannock Station, Mechanlcsvllle Gaines Mills Garnett's Kami Qarnett and Qolding's Farms Savage Station „.. 27 Mine Hun, Va Wilderness. Va Spotsylvania C. H.,Va.. I'iniv Branch Church. Laurel Hill i 7 White Oak Swamp .... 30 Malvern Cliff. 30 M.-iIv.tii Hill Inly 1 Antletam Creek, Ml - 'J; in the Isl Brigade, Horse Artillery, with 2d Cavalry Division, A. P.. from Mar.. 1868; in the Artillery Etes< rve, A. P., from Dec, \^>->: in the l-t Brigade, Horse Artillery, A. P., with the 2d Cavalry Division, from Mar.. ist54 ; in the - of Washington, l>. C, 22d Corps, from June 6th, 1864; in the 1st Brigade, lsl Division, Cavalry. A. P., Middle Military I»«-]>t.. from Sept., l*t'<4: with the Army of tin.' Shenandoah from Oct.. 1864: ami in tlm 22d Corps, from April, 1865. Commanded by Captain Moses P. Clark, it was mustered out and honorably discharged July 8th, 1865, al ad, N '» . harbor; having during its service 1"M by death, killed in action, 6 enlisted men; <>t wounds received in action, 'J enlisted men; of disease ami other causes, 9 enlisted men; total 17; and taken part in the following engagements, |Kil-| H ounded. M | < 1 2 l • - Place. Date. Kil- led. u ounded. MNs- Tlace. : - : 'dlBeco. i el S S j B c 6 o - : - E o f 1 B W 1 : s* 1 i:. CO. a i p 2 "l K t i 3 " 1861. - Ji Oct. 16 L'l Apr. 16 M May f, May 31 June l ■■ June 13... i ■ 18 ... ... .. 1 Julj 2 30 July i Aur. 5 ... ... Men. it ... i -. Maj 1-3 \ . June '.i L'l . "i 1 ... 1 1 1 • Harper's Ferry. « . \ i 1863. July 14 ll-i-lit-, Va SlicpliiTilMnwn. \ i SIli'plHTilslDW II, \ Sulphur spiiii--, \ i 16 Oct. IL' n 1 11 II J ■ 1 96 1 U :::: 28 '.'. '.'.' May 31 June 3 n. Va. . v\ illiamsburg, Va p i>. I. Bta'n, Va. St. Sti'pliau'-ii i Bristoe Station, \ i , Mi. i; ■ i 2 tie, Va.. i 9 warn i SpotK.vlvania ('. 11.. Va Gen. Sin -li. Ian 5 liiiinlaH's 1-'. ii III i ortifli atione ol Rlcl mond Mas. ill'- Totopotomoy, \ a Ilniiovcrtiiwii, Va Aennn i Ihurch, Va Cold Harbor, Va hi ■ -litt- ii Hill Hill. Va '■ 1 CliiiiHfllorsvjII. i 3.Ford, Va Ponl. Va 1 1 .. i .. "6 1 i Neai Ni w to** n, V a Additional loss Total loss i • K..I. tl.l.l t; ;l ,,. p u Emmltsburg, Mil "v "i (7 SEVENTB [NDEPENDENT l.AITKKY LlGHT ARTILLERY (VETERAN). ill IV.-lMll REGIMENT LIGHT ARTILLERY COMPANY: TENTB LEGION BATTERr. This battery was organized as an artillery company of the Tenth Legion, 56th N. I . Vols., ut Windsor, and mustered in the service of the United States for three years Oct. 8uth, 1861. It was recruited principally al Buttermilk Falls, Ellenville, Haverstraw, Newburgh, Middletown, Poughkeepsie, RaUgerties, Tarrytown, and Ashford, Mass.; !>.•.■. 7th, 1861, it received it- numerical designation; June 7th, 1862, some of the men oi Battery A. 1st N. V. Vol. Artillery, were transferred to it. At the expiration of it- term of Bervice, the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the battery retained in service. It left the Stal .com. manded bj Captain Peter C Regan, Nov. 7th, 1861, and served in Casey'- Division, A. P., from Nov., 1861; in ili<- 2d Division, Ith Corps, from Mar., 1862; al Camp Hamilton, Va., from July, 1862; al Norfolk, Va.. 7th Corps, from August, 1862; al Portsmouth, Va., from Oct.. 1862; at Norfolk, Va., July. 1868; al Jforktown, Va., 18th Corps, from Mar., 1864; In the Artiller; ol the '.''1 Division, l s th Corps, Army of the James, from April, 1864; In the ArtHlerj Brigade, 18th Corps, from June, 1864; in the Artillery Brigade, 24th Corps, fr Dec. 2d, i s| > I in Ferrero Divi ion, Defenses of Bermuda Hundred, Va., from Jan., 1865. Commanded by Captain Regan, the battery was mustered oul and honor* ably discharged July 22d, 1865, al Albany; having during its service lost by death killed :n action, Sf enlisted men; of wounds received in action, I enlisted man; <>f disease and other causes, 28 enlisted men; total 81; and taken pan in the following engagements, etc: VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 357 Kate. Kil- \\ ..mi.l.-.l Mlss- Placi. Place . 1 z i. d 5 = D e ! 'd 2 s : z i 1 7 1 2 & 1 a be 11 e'c'e z w z 1 = i i:. E i i c II. - i E : K < Slego of Yorktown, Va... Williamsburg. Va S.-v.-n l'in-s. Vu 1862. 21 ... Ids! !'•- tersburj! and Rlch- 1864. 1 II 16 . Days' Battle, Va... White nak 3 June i July 2 ::: 2 IVtrrslmrK and June 13 Richmond, \ a Vpi II 2, ,i Petersburg, ^ 17 Chaffln'a Kami, V.i - Kail of Petersburg, Va... April 2 •■ 30 July i 2 1864. Sail.. Ik. Va Eighth Independent Battery Light Artillery (Veteran). FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, SECOND ARTILLERY COMPANY TERY ; DELAWARE BATTERY. TENTH LEGION RAT- This battery was organized as pari of the Tenth Legion, .""><> 1 1 1 N. Y. Vols., al Newburgh, ami there mustered in the service of the United Stairs for three years, Oct. 80th, 1801. It was recruited principally al Delhi, Andes, Roxbury, Fergusonville, Meredith, Rockland, Downsville, Kortright, Walton, Bloomville, Eancock, Bovina, Hobart, ('lark's Factory and Lumberville. It received its numerical designation Dec. 7th, 1861, and some of the men of Company A, 1st N. Y. Vol. Artillery, June 7th, 1862, At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the battery retained In service. It left the State, commanded by (apt. E. Butler Fitch, Nov. 7th, 1861, and served in Casey's Division, A. P., from Nov., 1861; in the 2d Division, 4th Corps, A. P., from March, 1862; in the Artillery Reserve, 4th Corps, A. P., from June, 1862; al Gloucester Point, Va., from Aug., 1862; at Forktown, Va.. from Aug., 1H0'2; in Artillery Reserve, ith Corps, from Oct., 1862; in 1st Brigade. King's Division, 4th Corps, from June, 1868; al Forktown, Va.. from July, ISC.:): at Portsmouth from Jan., 1864; and one section served with the Cavalry Division, Army of the James, in May. 1864. Commanded by Capt. Peter .Morton, the battery was honorably discharged and mustered out at Norfolk, Va.. June 80th, L865; having, during its service, lost by death, of wounds received in action, 1 enlisted man: of disease and other causes, 40 enlisted men: total, 41; and taken part in the following engagements, etc.: Kil- Wnnmli'l. i g < Placs. Dab . Kit- \\,„ m ed. Placi. Date. led. ill z u: DIM / 5 CO. a I = a 5 lag. '' ? g § i a z ... 1. U 1 i ||| I r' ... a i - - i | < 1 1862. V.irkti.wn. Va... Aj.ri! 5- M Williamsburg, Va M i Bottom's Bridge, Va 21-22 Pair Oaks, Va M June i Beven Days' Battle, Va... June 25 July 2 Bottom's Bridge rune 28 Malvern ( 'II tV 3< rn Hill July 1 Harrison's LaniliiiL'.Va... GHouceater C. H„ Va Nov. 22 i ::: Baltimore Crot Gloucester C. rJ.,Va Operations against P< - tersburs and Rich- mond, Va Wall Bridge Stony < Ireek Station. ... July * M : 5 :.: 14 II 1, i 1: :- ■. Mill:-, "--. Ninth Independent Battery Light Artillery. This battery was recruited and organized as Company F. 4Ut N. Y. Vol. Infantry, but armed as artillery, at New York city, .and mustered in the service of tin- United States fur three years, at Yorkville, June 6th, 1861. It left the State July 8th. 1861, commanded by Capt. A. Yon Morrozowitz: was detached from its regiment and made an independent bat- tery Nov. 7th, 1801. and received its numerical designation Dec. 7th. L861. It served in 358 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. the Defenses of Washington, 1>. C, north of the Potomac, at Fort Washington, and in 22d Corps, and ->n expiration <>f its term of service, it was. under the command of Capt. Emi] Shubert, mastered ont and honorably discharged June 13th, 1864; having hist by death, of disease and other causes, 5 enlisted men; but nol taken part in any engagement. Tenth I \ impendent Battery Light Artillery. First organization: Capt. Edwin S. Jenny recruited and organized a battery in Nov. and Dec., L861, known nnder this designation. Jan. 31st, 1862. it was transferred to the 3d N. V. Vol. Artillery, as Battery F of the same. Second organization: The Second Excelsior Battery, recruited and organized for the Excelsior Brigade, under authority of the War Dept., dated Oct. 1st. 1861, in New York city, and there mustered in the United States service for three years, April 9th, 1862, was designated by the State authorities the Tenth Battery. The men enlisted for the Third Ex- celsior Battery, which failed to complete its organization, were transferred to this battery, which, commanded by Capt. John T. Bruen, left the State April 10th, 1862. It served at and aear Washington, !>. C, from April, 1868; with the 2d Corps, A. Va., from June. 1862; with the 1st Division, 12th Corps. A. 1'.. from Sept. 12th, 1862; with the 3d Division, 3d Corps, from Dec. 1862; in the Artillery Brigade, 3d Corps, from May, 1863; in the Artillery Reserve, A. 1'.. from .May 12th, 1863; in detachments with the 1st Battery, N. II. Vols., Battery E, 1st Mass. Vols., and Batteries C and . d i d W 1 1 O Ig. a i d le I l. DJ i = e H 5 .mi;, IL 2 ■- c § in. 1 ing. ■ S g 1 £ a z - •< rm. Aug. i Bepl 2 Aug. i> 19 21 29 1862. \ Sept. i: Nov. 9 Decll 1! 1 363. Mo I July i-:i 1 ... 2 ... if. ::. ::: .... :: i; 17 1 1 . Pop - - unl'.i N.V.i. = .:: A 11 1 let ;ilil. Mil. Rappahannock Station Rappahannock River... Rappahannock Station I'riMl. ■ncksuurg, Va riiiinccllorsville, Va \< Eleventh Independent Battery Light Artillery (Veteran). II we Lock BATTERY. Capt Albert Von Pntkammer received authority Oct. 26th, 1861, to recruit a battery — Independent Battery, Flying Artillery; it was recruited under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association al Albany, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years. Aboul the same time another battery was recruited l>y Capt. Roberl C. Warmington al Ashtabula, Ohio, and Buffalo. These two batteries, incomplete, were con- solidated Jan. loth. 1862. and the Lltb Battery formed. At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were 1 1 i BC h a rged and the batteiy retained in service. It left the State wltn Albert Von Putkammer as Captain. Jan. 17th. 1868, and served at and near Washington, 1>. C, from thai time; in the Reserve Corps, A. Va.. from June 86th, 1862; in the 8d Div., 8d Corps, A. P., from Nov.. 1868; in the Artillery Brig.. 3d Corps, fr May, 1868; bathe Ith VoL Brig., Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Maj 12th, 1868; with Battery K. 1st \ J . Vol Artillery, from June, 1868; in the 3d Vol. Brig.. Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Jan., L864;lnthe8d Brig., Artillery Reserve, A. P., from April, 1864; id Artillery Brig., 2d Corps, from Ma\ lUih. 1864; with the 1st Dlv., In Aug., 1864; and in the Artillery , A. P., from May. L866. Commanded by Capt. Oeorge W. Davy, the batter] was honorably discharged and mustered out June L8th, 1865, at Albany, having during its ser- \ it 6 lost by death, killed in action, 6 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 etdiste 1 VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 359 men; of disease and other causes, 13 enlisted men; total 21; of the enemy; and taken part in the following engagements, < >f whom tc.: 1 died in the hands Date. Rll- Wounded. Miss- i B 5 ■< PLACE. Datr. Kil- led. T= ' = : w Wounded j— Place. le 3 1. 3 D B 1 - lit E Z CO. d 2 c 1 E c z | DIM '- 2 1: L - 5 d ■ = d H "2 i r ■ § d 3 Gen, I'ope's campa'n, Va. Manassas Station . Hull Kun Bridge I'.ii Icksburg, Va 1862. Aiik. 16- 8ept.2 Aug. 26 27 Decll-i:. isas. } ... 3 7 B 2 21 1 1 Before Peterson Assault ofPeters'j'rg. \ a. Weldon Railro 1- - ■ i l'g 14-18 M M 1 Api " 81 April 2 6 7 9 1 ■J 8 Ohancellorsville, Va May 1-3... 11 1 D '. ... Mine Kun campalgn.Va. Robertson's Tavern . ... Nov. 36 Dei . _ Nov. 29 30 1864. \| , 8-21 18 4 Petersburg Works, Va... Appomattox camp'n, \ ». Wnite Oak Ridge Fall of Petersburg Deatons\ Ule Komi FarmvlUe Appomattox 0. II ... Wilderness, Va SpoNvlvauia ('. 11.. \ .1 , Landron Souse Ninth Anna, Va ! 1 1 ; : : : Cold Barbor, Va Ju'el-12 Total ., 1 20 M Twelfth Independent .Battery Light Artillery (Veteran). This battery was organized at Albany, Jan. 3d, 1862. by the consolidation of the compa- nies recruited by Capts. William II. Ellis and Walter M. Shaw, and mustered in the service of the United States for three years Jan. 14th, 1862. It was recruited principally at Albany , Troy, Newfane, Jordan, Kendall, Wilson .Lock port, Somerset, Amsterdam, Ilartland and Poes- tenkill. It received its numerical designation Jan. 15th, 1862, and at the expiration of its term of service the men entitled thereto were discharged and the battery retained in service. Feb. 18th, 1865, a number of men. originally recruited for the 20th X. V. Vol. Battery, at Jamaica, Elmira, Poughkeepsie, Tarrytown and Kingston were assigned to it. The battery, commanded by Capt. Ellis, left the State on the 17th of Jan., 18(i2, and served at and near Washington, D. C, and in the Artillery Camp of Instruction from Jan., 1808; in the 83d Corps from Feb., 1863; in the Artillery Brig.. 3d Corps, A. P., from July 7th, 1888; in the 2d Brig., Artillery Reserve, A. P.. from March, 1864; in the Artillery Brig., 2d Corps, from May 18th, 1864; and in the Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Sept., 1864, Commanded by Capt. Charles A. Clark, it was honorably discharged and mustered out at Albany, June 11th. 1865; having lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 4 enlisted men; of disease and other causes. 14 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 18 enlisted men: aggregate, 19; of whom S enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and taken part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. • Ml ,.l / = z = : H 1 Wounded Mlss- 3 | < 3 I Place. Date. Kil- Wounded Place. I) L = z '•1 1 i; L ~\ z TO a ■ S 3 i i -. 8 d 1 c W 3 led. ■ 1 z s 1 5 - : w DIM ill i;. f ( o. B z m 1 i ! 1863. Wapptna Heights, Va.... lulv 23 1864. i i "i 7 "9 ■ 1- Kelly's Ford, Va Mine Kun . ampaign,! a. Locust Grove, Va Wilderness. Va Spotsylvania C. II.. \ i Landron House, Va.... North Anna, Va Totopotomoy, Va (fov. ; Vov. 26- Dec. 2 i>urc,VH Weldon Railroad, \ a. Deep Bottom, \ ■ Ream's Station, \a Kail of Petersburg, Va... Total lOSS June 19 Apr. 'J. J'e 15-19 21-23 J'y J7-2!< Aug. :•.'. Apr. 2 "i i .. "i "s 4 ' ii 11 M Thirteenth Independent Battery Light Artillery (Veteran). baker's brigade battery; e. d. baker's brigade light artillery, com- pany A. It was proposed to recruit a battalion of artillery for E. D. Baker's Brigade; and Capt. Emil Stumpfels received authority from the War Department, Aug. 2d, 1861, to recruit this 3G0 PABT III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. battery. The recruiting of a battalion was discontinued and the enlisted nun were all united in Company A — this battery — which was organized ami recruited in New York city, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years, Oct. loth. 1861 At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged, ami tin- battery continued in the service. It lefl the State Oct. 17th, 1861; was turned over to the State ami received it-- numerical designation in Dec, L861 . sen ed in ( Sol. E. P. Baker's 3d Brigade, Stone's Division, A. P., from Oct. 18th, 1861; at and near Washington, D. C.from Dec. 21st, L861; in Blenker's Division, A. 1'., from Feb. 18th, 1862; in 2d Brig- ■ division, Mountain Department, from April, 1862; in Reserve Artillery, 1st Corps, A. Va.. from June, 1862; in 1m Division, Nth Corps, A. P., from Sept., 1S<;-, J ; in Artillery Brigade, 11th Corps, from May. 1863; in :;d Division, 11th Corps, from Jan., 1864; in 2d Division, 20th Corps, from April. 1864; and in tin- district of Tennessee, Department of Cumberland, from Sept., 1864. Commanded by Capt. Henry Bundy, the battery was hon- orably discharged ami mustered out July 28th, 1865, in New York city; having, during its service, lust by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 5 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. ? enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 16 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 28 en- listed men; aggregate, 29; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy; and taken part in the following engagements, etc.: Place. Date. Kil- led. u D | a. ! £ 5 ed rn c I c a .'. ":' 2 9 8 5 E : IB B C K 2 3 i u •< 13 13 ll Placs. Date. B :■ E s ii- i. 1 w II E = 1 in l:. E 5 1 2 ed. CO. Ej B £ 2 3 ': 1 42 M ; § ... Hi I c ! u 9 Rappahannock River. Va 1862. Ipr. 18 Atlanta campaign, Ga... 1- 1 Mav 3- Sent. . 1 .- Poi o e i amp'n, Va. 1 Sept. 2 ..- i May 14 Dallas May 25 .llllll- 1 Kenesaw Mountain.... June 9 July : 3 29 i l ■3 ■;: "i 1 "i "1 7 7 1 I i 16 IT 2! 27 July i 1 21 Cbancellorsvtlle, Va \l , | \ >>ilt Crossing o) P 1 \ . ,fc Wan- batchle, Tenn villi- campaign, Tenn Mi"l"iKiry KM-.- Nov. 23- 27 IS Investment ol Atlanta Overall's Creek, Tenn.... July 21- Dec. 7 Fourteenth Ixdephndhxt Battery Light Artillery. This Lattery was organized about Dec. 21st, 1861, at Washington, l». C, by the consoli- dation of Batteriei B and l>. 2d Battalion, N. Y. Vol. Artillery, with William II. Hogan as Captain. It was tln-n known as Battery A of thai battalion, until Oct., 1862, when it was constituted the llth Battery asabove. The batteries il was composed of were recruited in New Fork city, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three year-. I>ec. 9th, 1861 ; thej lefl the State Dec. 16th, 1861. The battery Berved at and near Wash- ington, D.C., from Dec., 1 i s ''>;. in Richardson's Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from March, 1862; by order of the War Department, the first section was attached, May 26th, 1882, to Battery C, 4th U. B. Artillery: the second to Battery'G, and the third to Battery B, 1st N. Y. Vol. Artillery. Jan. 16th, 1868, the firsl section was transferred to Batterj O, 1st N. 1 Vol. Artillery; and Sept. 7th, 1868, bj order ol the War Department, these transfers were made permanent and the battery discontinued. During its service, the battery lost by death, killed in .action, 2 officers, 2 enlisted men; of WOUnds receiv.-d in action. 1 enlisted man: and of disease and other causes,-! enlisted men; total, 2 officers, 7 enlisted men; aggregate, 9, of whom 1 enlisted man died In the hands of the enemy; ami it. or portions of it. took part in the following engagements, • VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 3G1 PLACB. Date. K le = il- 1. W D = •j r ed. "i M J O B8- jg. = 6 ■J e s -' Place. lute. | Ell led. ■ ' = I' E z 5 - '" 1 nded Rei , t 1 15 Ml-. i I hi ::: ::: r ■ < Siege of Yc.rkiown, Va... Fair oaks, Va 1862. April 6- May i May 31 ... "i "i (ta Gennanton n i;' i. \ i - Aiiti.-t.iin Creek, M 1 ... 16 -.• " ... 2 ... Seven Days' Battle, Va... Fair Oaks, Va June 25 July 2 June 21 1 N'.'ar Cliarli-h.wii, w.\ , i,, i. Cbarlestown, W. Va 19 Sliver Slaliiin White Oak Swamp 29 :v 31 July i 2 Sept. l Falmouth, \a it Fredericksburg, \ a Dec. n Chancellorsvllle, Vt Way 1 ... ... Malv.Tii Hill i < i B Sear Centre\ ille, \ ■ Additional loss ." Fifteenth Independent Batteri Light Artillery (Veteran). This battery was organized aboul Dec. 21st, 1861, by the consolidation of Batteries A and C, 2d Battalion N. ST. Vol. Artillery, with Henrj J, McMahon as Captain, ti was then known as Battery B of thai battalion. The batteries composing it were recruited and organized at Ww i ork city, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Dec. '.ttli, 1861; they left the State Dec. L6th, L861. In Oct., L882, the battery received the above designation, the battalion having been discontinued. Dec. 10th, isi;:;. i officer and 18 enlisted men of the 4th Battery were transferred to it. At the expiration of it-- term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged and the battery continued in service. It served at and oear Washington, I>. C, from Dec, L861; in Williams' Division, 5th Corps, A. P., from March, 1862; in Doubleday's Brigade, Dept. Rappahannock, from May. 1862; in the Reserve Artillery, Army of Virginia, from June, L862; a1 the Relay House, Md., 8th Corps, from Sept., 1862; in the Artillery Reserve, A. i\. from Jan., 1868; in the 3d, and then 1st, Volunteer Brigade, Artillery Reserve, A. P., from May, L868; in the 4th Brigade, Artil- lery Reserve, A. P., from Aug., 1868; in the 3d Volunteer Brigade, Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Sept., 1868; in the 2d Brigade, Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Jan., 1864; in the 8d Brigade of the same, from March, 1864; in the Artillery Brigade, 5th Corps, from May 1.6th, 1864; iu the 22d Corps from Nov., 1864; in the Department of West Virginia from Dec., 1864, and Feb. 4th, 1865, commanded by (apt. Patrick Hart, it was transferred to the 82d X. V. Vol. Battery; having, during its service, losl by death, killed in action, 8 enlisted men; of wounds receive,! in action, 1 enlisted man: of disease and other causes, 8 enlisted men; total, 12; and taken part iu the following engagements, etc.: Kii-I™ Near Falmouth, Va Pollock's Mill Creek, Va Marye's Heights and Sa- lem Church, Va tiysbiirR, l'a I!j|>|ialiaiiiim-k Sla'ii.Va. Mine Run campaign, Va. Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania C EL, Va Plney Branch Church. Laurel Hill 1862. rune - July i-.s v. . - \ D< i- i M 13 ^ 8 8 g B £ =' £ c owe* 111 mi Kil . Wmi mled . il I0J . \ .i. r, Va.... Assault ol Petersburg,! \\ eldon Railroad, \ a .... 27-31 > June 12 June i; Nov June it 18- Ulss-I IliK Sixteenth Independent Batter? Light Artillery (Veteran). Dickinson's light artilleri . Nov. 4th. 1SG1, Capt. Milo W. Locke received authority to recruit this battery. It was organized and recruited at Binghauiton, and mustered iu the service of the United States 46 362 I'AKT III. sKKTClIES OF ORGANIZATIONS. for three years si Washington, I>. C, March 87th, 1863, to date from Dee. Kith, 1881. N'<>v. 89th, 1864, 18 men were transferred to the battery from the I48d N. Y. Vols. At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged and the battery continued in service. It left the State March 10th, 1868, and served al and near Washing- ton, and in the Artillery Camp of Instruction, 88d Corps, from March. 1862; at Suffolk, Va . 7th Corps, from April 19th, 1868; al Forktown. Va., in 7th Corps, from June, 1868; at New porl News. Va., from Nov.. lsti;:; in tin- Artillery Brigade, l*th Corps, from June, 1864; with the Hith Corps in Aug., 1864; with the 18th Corps in Sept.. 1864; in the Art. Brig, of the 84th Corps, and with the8d Division, from Dec., 1864; in Provisional Corps from March, 1866; in 10th Corps, Army of the Ohio, from April 8d, 1865, and July 6th, 1865, commanded by Capt. Bi chard II. Lee, it was bonorahly discharged and mustered out at Blmira; having, during its service, lost by death of disease and other causes, 45 enlisted men; of whom 1 died in the hands of the enemy; and taken part in the following engagements* etc : ign.l Wounded. lM, i lle.l. IHMlIJeco. tiiR. ^ C - •" = r E c E = E c E o - 1863. Suffolk, Va Apr. 19- Maj I Bleanur smith liik'--. April It South Quay Bridge May i ISM Before Petersburg, Va ..June 15- De Pi tersburg.l a June is 17 Chaffln's Farm, Va 9 Oct. 27 ■ ii. Va . . ... 1 4 Kurt Fisher, N. C i ear [ntrench- menta, N . C son, N. (' Near Wilmington, N. C, Campaign of the Caroli oas Kit- Wound.-! . MUs . Icii. Dt'dlReco. tag. i^lIIIJ Feb. n- 12 ,, Mcb. I- Apr. 26 April 26, Seventeenth Independent Battery Light Artillery. orleans uattery. Capt, George T. Anthony received in August, 186*2, authority to recruit this battery. It was organized at Lockport, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years August 86th, 1864. The men were recruited principally at Lockport, Barre, Medina, Bidgeway and Shelby. The Lattery left the State Aug. 39th, 1868, and served in the De- fenses of Washington, 1). ('., from Sept., 1868; at the Artillery Camp of Instruction, and in King's Division, 33d Corps, from May. 1868; in the Artillery Brigade, 18th Corps, Army of tin- .lames, from July. 1864; and in that of the 84th Corps, from Pec., [864. June 18th, 1865, it was, under Capt. Anthony, honorably discharged and mustered out al Richmond, Va.; having, during its service, lost by death of disease and other Causes, 17 enlisted men; and taken pari in the following engagements, etc.: I uy. \\ ounded led. Dt'dlReco Miss- IliK -buik 1 . Va ... July I8A3 ( ii.illlti'- I .. I I .. ■'- U E c E Appomattox i amp i Apr. Kail of Petersburg "Wll Bush Rivei Appomattox C- ll Total loaa Miss. IllR. ElOHTEENTB INDEPENDENT BATTBBY LlOHT ARTILLERY. BLACB BOR8E ARTILLERY; BILLINGHURffl BATTERY; RIFLE BATTERY 108TH M w *i ORB \ "i rvn.i B8. < 'apt. Allien ii. Mack received authority to recruit this battery and recruited and organ- ized it at Rochester, where it was mustered In the service of the United States for three VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 3t;3 years Sept. 13th, 1862. One bundled and seventeen of its enlisted men were transferred, Dec. 20th, 1864, to the 26th X. V. V,.i. Battery. 'I'l..' battery L< - Dec. 8d, 1863, and served in Sherman's Division, Department of the Gulf, from Dec. 27th, 1862; in the 2d Division, 19th Corps, from April, 1868; in the 1st Division, 10th Corps, from May, 1868; in the Defenses of New Orleans, La., from Aug., 1868; inthe Siege Artillery, Gen. Canby's forces, from Feb., 18G5; and, commanded by ('apt. Mack, it w;is honorably discharged and mustered out July 20th, 1865, at Rochester; having, during its service, lost by death of wounds received in action. | enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 38 enlisted men; total, 27; and taken part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. Kil Wounded, Mis,- Kil \\ oun led Placs. le Z 1. = B = D G '•1 P 1 = i: e I CO. c cj 5 ■2 1 i ! IK 8 B c « | •< Plaob. Ilatr. led. L f : B i ■i z -. B 1 1 i i: InR. Ti l £ B h < 1863. Port Bisland, La \pi- 13 Ainit.- River, La May 3 2 "l ? "i 8 i Clinton and Libert] Cl k, I-..,. Bo\ IB Blege of Port Hudson, La M 13 July s May 27 I Spanish Port, Ala Apr. 8 Port Blakely, Ala April 9 Mobile, Ala in Loss Bl minorallairs ami detaeln-d Bervice , Second Assault June 14 July 13 ' Nineteenth Independent Batteri Light A.rtillery. This battery was recruited at Lock port, Alabama, Wilson and Porter; organized and mus- tered in the service of the United States for three Mars, Oct. 27th, 1862, al Elmira. It left the State, commanded by (apt. W. II. Btahl, Oct. 29th, 1862, and served at and near Washington, I>. C, and in the Artillery Camp of Instruction and 22d Corps, from Nov.. 1862; at Suffolk. Va.. 7th Corps, from April l'.tili, 1868; in the Defenses of Washington, 22d Corps, from June, 1868; with the 2d Division, 9th Corps, from March, 1864; inthe Ar- tillery Brigade, 9th Corps, from July, 1864; with the 1st Division, 9th Corps, in Aug., 1864. The battery was honorably discharged and mustered out. under the command of <'apt. Ed- ward W. Rogers, June 18th, 181m, al Klmira. having, during its Bervice, lost by death, killed in action, 9 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 5 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, l officer, 17 enlisted men; total, I officer, 81 enlisted men; aggregate, 82; and taken part in the following engagements, etc.: Ki led e| = iWounded. Mlss- \ < Plack. Date. Kil Wounded. Ulna. Place. Pate. .!p_ ll J 5 1 = d i: I CO. 1 d M i i r IK- c | It I z d. 1 = D i e r 7 a P E B 5 ro d 1 c M ! 8 ..! 13 1 i i z 2 - IR d 1 p 12 U < 1 B ■< Siege of Suffolk, Va 1803. April 19- M.n 1 June 11 1864. May .'.-7 8 21 12 18 22 2fi 27-31 J'ne i 12 } 3 ft i Before Petersburg, Va ... 1864. In lie 16 April 2 , urg,Va J'e 16 17 Mine Explosion, \ a luly 3 10- July - M June n 1864. April : July 28 , M - Perry, La Simsport, La; Spanish Fort, Ala 1864. Oct. 1 i 1 [863 M. h 27 ■ 2 Mobile, Ala April in Additional losses 2 Twenty-second Independent Battery Light Artillery. This battery was organized at Lockport; the men were recruited principally at Batavia, Bethany, Alexander, Darien and Oakfield; and it was mustered in the service of the United States for three years, Oct. 28th, 1862, al Elmira. Commanded by Captain John D. Newman, it left the State Nov. 23d, L862, and Feb. 5th, 1863, it was assigned to the 9th N. Y. Vol. Artillery ae Company M. Twenty-third Independent Batteri Light A.rti lleri | Veteran). This battery, orginally Battery A, Rocket Battalion of Artillery, became the 88d Battery Nov. 1st, 1862; the change was, however, not final until it was approved Feb. llth, L868. it wa- recruited m the counties ,,f Niagara, Essex and Warren; organized at Albany, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Dec. 6th, 1861. Al the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged and the battery ••on tinned in service, it left the State Dec. 9th, L861, commanded by Captain Alfred Ran- . served al Washington, D. C, from Dec., istii , in North ( larolina, and thel8tb Corps, from April 28d, 1862; in the 2d Brig., 2d Div., Depl N. C, from June. L862; al Newborn, N. C , from July. 1862; al Morehead < Sty, X. ('., from Oct., L862; in 3d Brig., 5th Div., 18th Corps, from Dec . 1862; la the district of Pamlico, Dept. N. C, and in the District of N. C, Dept of \'a. ami N. C, from May. L868; with the Cavalry Division, (General Sherman's forces, from April 1st, 1865. July 14th, 1885, the battery, commanded by ('apt. Samuel Jr., was honorably discharged and mustered out al Fori Porter, Buffalo; having VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 365 during its service lost by death of disease and other causes, 16 enlisted men; and taken part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. Kil- W uiindi-d. M as. 4> •i e so Placb. Date. i' 1865. April April 26 ■■ Plack. led. I'i'.i = i ... = 1 E 1 £ -■ a B le li, I CO. f - = =' < Expedition from New- born to UoUlsboro, 1862. Dec. 11- 21 14 lfi II 17 17 1863. Men. li April i Nov. 2; Greenville, n. C Olivr St ;it i. m and (Jo- sii.-n Swamp White Hall Bridge Thompson's Bridge.... Qoldsboro Bri 1 Newhern. N. C Blount's Creek, N. C Near Greenville, N. C... ... t Bouse Total loss z Twenty-fourth Independent BatTeri Light Artillery (Veteran). This battery, originally Battery I?, Rocket Battalion of Artillery, became the 24th Battery Nov. 1st, I860; the order making the change was. however, doI approved until Feb. 11th, 1863. It was recruited principally in the counties of Monroe and Wyoming, and at Perry; organized at Buffalo, its organization completed at Albany; and there mustered in the Bervice of the United States for three years Dec. rth, 1861. At the expiration of its term of service, tlir men entitled thereto were mustered "nt and the battery retained in service. It left the State Dec. 9th, 1861, under Capt. J. E. Lee, and served at Washington, D. • '., From Dec, 1861; in North Carolina from April 33d, 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 5th Division, 18th Corps, from Dec, L862; in the Districl of Albemarle, N.< .. from May, L868; al Plymouth, N. <'.. from Jan., 1864; and in the District of N. C, Dept. Va. and N. C, from .May, 1864; and March 8th, 1*6."), it was transferred to the 3d X. J . Vol. Artillery as Halters I. <>!' the same, but did not join the regiment until May 28th, lS6."i, when ii^ war service bad closed. It lost by death, killed in action, 1 enlisted man; of wounds received in action, 'J enlisted men; .if disease and other causes, 81) enlisted men; total, 88; of whom 67 died in the hands of the enemy, and it. or portions of it. took part in the following engagements, etc.: Place. Date. Kil- led. 13 z ^ Dt'd 7 = G c a. i:. ed. e £ B M 1 E ss- R B s PlaOS. Date. K le l- 1. - Wot Dl'ti n. i:. - < ... = M l e s « f 1 B - Near Young's Cross i; • N. C Expedition from Neu- bern t<> Goid-inm.. 1862. .Inly 27 Dec. n "i ... "i Newbern.N.C Mar. n N C Inly 27 V 1 28 Plymouth, V C \prll 17 21 - •- 113 11. Kin-Ion South West Creek Wnitenall Bridge Qoldsboro it ... 14 ... 17 TWENTT-FIPTB [NDEPENDENT BATTER'S LlGHT A.RTILLERY. This battery was organized at Lockport, and there mustered in the service of the United Btates fur three vears Dec. 12th, L862. It was recruited principally at Lockport, Alabama, Byron. Elba. Ilartland. Lewiston, Medina, Pembroke, Bidgeway, Shelby and Stafford, and, commanded by Capt. John A. Graw, left the State Dec. 18, 1862. U was wrecked on the transport "Sparkling Sea" Jan. 9th, 1868, en routt from New Fork citytothe Department of thetiulf. and arrived finally at New Orleans, La., Feb. 4th, 1863. Jan. 20th, 1864, 117 enlisted men of the 18th N. Y. Vol. Battery joined this by transfer. The battery served in the Defenses of New Orleans, La., from Feb., 1863; in the 8d Division, 1 9th Corps, from April 3d, 1863; in the Artillery Reserve. 19th Corps, from Oct., L863; in the Lsl Division, 19th Corps, from .Ian. 30th, 1864; in the Defenses of New Orleans, La., from May, 1864; in the district of La Fourche, La., from June, 1864; in the Southern Division of Louisiana from Dec, 1864. It was honorably discharged and mustered oul under the command of 3<;i; PART HI. SKKTCIIES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Capt. [rving S. Bbuthworth, al Rochester, Aug. 1st. l^ti.">: having, during its service, lost by death, killed in action, "J enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 enlisted men; of. rod other causes, 88 enlisted men; total, 82; of whom 2 died in the bands of the enemy; and taken part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. \\ .,t Dded. Placb. Date. Kil- Wounded. MNs- Place. led. I' a z 14. c 1 CO. B = 1 i ! = I C CO led. I) slgle 'd|B :' • ? i. e Inc. 1 E = E £ to ■< La K"iii. be ' !i ossing, La .In lie IV Sabine Cross Roads !- 1 April * "i ■F "i i - Cuiii' River Crossing.... Mansura :-3 ::: Mav 16 .. .. i campatgn.La. Mar. 10 M ■i .. TwKNTY-SIXTH ^DEPENDENT BATTER'S LlUHT ARTILLERY. BARNES RIFI.K MATTERY. This battery was recruited and organized at Rochester, and, commanded by Capt. J. Wur. ren Barnes, left the State Dec. 4th, 1S0J. It was mustered in the'l'nited States service for three years Feb. 25th, lsii:;, at New Orleans, La. <>n its journey to the Department of the (iulf, it was wrecked twice and was in routt fifty-one days. The battery served in the De- fenses Of New Orleans, La., from Feb., 1863; in the 4th Div.,l!»th Corps, from Sept.. 1868; at Port Hudson, La,, from Dec, 1863; in the 2d Div., 19th Corps, from Feb., 1864; in the 1st Div., 19th Corps, from March, L%4; in the District of Morgauza, La., from July, 1864; in the Reserve, 2d Div., Dept. Gulf, from Nov., 1864; in the Artillery Brig., 18th Corps, from March, 1865. Commanded by Lieut. Adam Beattie, the battery was honorably dis- charged and mustered out at New Orleans, La.. Sept. 1st. lStio, having during its service losl by death of disease and other causes, :', 1 enlisted men; and taken part in the following engagements, etc. : Ki!. ' Wounded led. DIM I Keco Hiss- ing. Eg £||]E l| I i Mch. i" M River Crossing ... iprll 23 Prairie May i ■ Bpanish Fort, Ala.. | Kt |.| Wounded. | MlM . led. Dr«l | Reco. trig. „• 5 I . I H * » t £ «• Apr. S Port Ala \i.rll Mobile. Ala l" TWENTY-SEVENTB INDEPENDENT BATTER! LlGHT ARTILLERY r.i M \ I LIGHT A RTILLERY, This battery was recruited and organized at Buffalo, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Dec. 17th, 1862. Commanded bj Capt. John B. Baton, it left the Stale Dee .'M , [862; served in the Defenses ,,f Washington, D. C. . and the Artillery Campof Instruction, 22d » lorps, from Dec, 1862; al Philadelphia, Pa., and In Dept. Susquehanna, from July, 1868; al and near Washington, D. C.,22d Corps, from Jan., 1864; with the Artillerj Reserve, 9tb Corps, from April. 1864; al Washington, D. C, from May 16th, 1864; In Isl Div., 9th Corps, a. P., from .Line 5th, 1864; and in the Artillery Brigade, "ith Corp-, from .Lily 80th, 1864. The battery, commanded by Capt Baton, was honorably discharged and must) red oul .Line 82d, 1865, al Fori Porter, Buffalo; having during its service losl by death of wounds received in action, 2 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 17 enlisted men; total, 19; and taken part in the follow- ing engagements, etc. . VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 367 Date. Kil Wounded. Mlmu I Placb. 1 Date. 1864. Assault .it Petersburg, Va June 17 19 Mine Explosion, Va i - \ Men. 29 terebui , Va April 2 Woun led Mis* Ini S B Place. If j 1. li ¥i e e '.mi: 3 .- b e - : CO. c i e H 4 1 IH. c I a W e e'e - 1 E u: fteco J B - 1 ... 1 I ■< 1864. Maj 5 : a i6 ■• in June it Apr. 2. 186S Spotsylvania •'. II., Va. 8 Nv River Before lVlrrslmru. Va ... TwEXTY-Kii.imi KiHi'i.MiKM Battbry Light Artillery. anthon's light artillery battalion; Will. \i;i»- battalion artillery. Nov. 36th, 1862, the organizations forming for the Anthon (Willard) Battalion of Artillery were consolidated in two batteries, of winch the second received the above numerical desig- nation. This battery was organized a1 Fori Schuyler, and there mastered in the Ben Ice of the United States for three years Dec, 27th, 1862. The men were recruited principally at Nevi York city, Avoca, Campbell, Cape Vincent, Cohocton, Howard. Lynn, Backett'a Barbor, Watertown, Way land and LTrbana. Atits muster in it was commanded by Capt. Cyprian II. Willard, served at Fori Schuyler and Sandy Book, Dept. of the East, and, commanded by Capt. Josiah C. Bannum, it was honorably discharged and mustered oul July 31st, 1865, at New York city, having lost by death of disease and other causes, 8 enlisted men. Twenty-ninth Independent Battery Light Artillery. Battery A, 1st Battalion Artillery, was designated the above-named independent battery March Kith, 1868. It was organized and recruited in New York city, and there mustered in the Bervice of the United States for three years Aug. 26th, 1861. It tefl the Stat.-, com- manded by Capt. Otto Diedrich, Oct. 20th, 1861, and served al and near Washington, D. <'., from Oct., 1861: in the Artillery Reserve, A. 1'., from March, 1862; in theSd Brig., Artillery Reserve, 5th Corps, A. P., from .May. 1862; in Artillery Reserve, 5th Corps, from Sept., 1862; in Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Dec. 2d, 1862; in 2d Brig., Artillery Reserve, A. P., from May, 1863; al and near Barper's Ferry, W. Va., and in the Army of West Virginia, s tli Corps, ami attached tothe32d Battery, from July, L868. At the expiration of its term of service those entitled to he discharged were mustered oul Aug. loth. lsi'>4. under Capt. Bernard Weaver, and the veterans and recruits transferred t.> the 82d V V. Vol. Battery, to which the battery had been attached since .Inly. 1863. While in service the battery lust by death, killed in action, 2 enlisted men; of disease and other causes . 1 officer, "> enlisted men; total 1 officer, 5 enlisted men: aggregated; and took part in the following engagements, etc.: I Kii-lWonnded led. 'DIM Date. SPslzliS i = ': = E = S = O M Z H Siege of Xorktown, Va.. Seven Days' Batl Mecbanicsvllle Qarnett's Kami Qarnett's and Golding's Farms Glendale Hill 'reek. Bid 1062. April 9 Maj i jui July 2 -7 Julj 1 - 17 . Fredericksburg, v.... Pollock's MII1C N.'.ir Marttnsburg, Va .. land Heights, w . Va.. led, pr.l llt.-co. Lprtl : M r M I I 1864. July i Thirtieth Independent Batteri Light Artillery (Veteran). Battery B, 1st Battalion, was converted into the 80th Battery Mar. 16th, I s '''.'!. It was recruited and organized in New York city, and there mustered in the Bervice of the United 3G8 PART 111. SKETCIIKS <>F ORGANIZATIONS. Btatea for three years Aug. 12th, L861. Commanded by Captain Adolph Voegele it lefl the State Oct. 30th, 1861, and Berved at and near Washington, l>. C, from Oct., 1861; in the Artillery Reserve, A. 1'.. from Mar.. lsii'J: in the 3d Brigade, Artillery Reserve, 5th Corps, A. I'.. from May. L862; in the Artillery Reserve, 5th Corps, from Sept., 1862; in the Artil- . ■ . Reserve, A. I'.. from Dec. 2d, 1862; in 2d Vol. Brig., Reserve Artillery, A. P., from 368; in 22d « '< ups from June, lsti:; ; al and near Harper's Ferry, W. Va., and in tin' Army <>!' Wesl Virginia, 8th Corps, from July, 1863; in 22d Corps from .Ian., 1865. At the expiration of its term of service the men entitled thereto were discharged and tin- battery continued in service. Oct. 25th, 1864, the veterans and recruits of the 31 si Battery were transferred to it, and June 23d, 1865, the battery, commanded by Lieut. Conrad Caroline, was mustered out and honorably discharged al New Fork city; having during its service lost by death, killed in action, 4 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 4 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 12 enlisted men; total, 20; of whom died in the hand- oJ the enemy; ami taken pari in the following engagements, etc.: Placb. Date. w l> / ..i = E ed a B - 5 M 1 E ; B B - < "i Tlace. Date. K le ii- i. - i D V oum B '- - Q - : l ... ed. B = K i 1 2 M :--. 1 i ::: ... i - - New Bridgi \ i April :. M i I .Ii 5 Marye's Height liin i Ihurcn, Va v ■"■ Market, Va 1863. Mo 2 I 1864. Maj IS June. 5 18-19 21 19 • ■; .Inly -J Buford's Gap, Va ■J 2 July 1 Sepl5 16 17 Dec. ii 1! i i Harp' r's Kcrrviui'l Mary- Ian. 1 ll.-iuhN. \\ . \ i own, W. Va Bunker Hill, Va M.u tinsbufR, Va ii I'rr.'k, Mil Ai.ii.-tain. Ml \ ;i Franklin's Cros "i Thirty-first Independent Battery Light Artillery. Battery < '. 1st Battalion Artillery, became, Mar. 16th, l^ii:!. the above named battery, the battalion organization having been discontinued. It was recruited and organized in New York city and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. 16th, 1861. Commanded by Captain John Knierim the battery lefl the State Oct. 20th, 1861, and served at and near Washington, I>. < '.. from Oct., L861; in the Artillery Reserve, A. P., from 362; in the 3d Brigade, Artillery Reserve, 5th Corps, A. P., from May. L862; in the Artillery Reserve, 5th Corps, from Sept., L862; in the Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Dec. . in 22d Corps from May. 1863; al and near Harper's Ferry, W. Va., and in the Army of West Virginia, 8th Corps, from July, 1863; attached to 30th Battery from Jan., 1864. Oct. 25th, 1864, the battery, i imanded by Captain Gustavus Von Blucher, was honorably discharged and mustered out, and its veterans and recruits transferred to the 30th Battery. While in service it lost i,\ death of disease 5 enlisted men. and took cart in the follow ing engaj ements, etc. : Ictown, Va icuvllle I ■ I Ml I \ i |i Franklin I I New Mirk. Piedmont, \ I.j n< hburjc, \ i \ i land Height*. w \ n Oharlealnwn W 1 Banker Mm \ Martlnsbarg, Va...... I M .111 1 1 ■• .'. I- 19 ,hm i - i" E .= = A VnUWTKKKs oh' THE STATE Thibty-second Ini>i:i'k\m:nt Battebi Light Abtillbbi (Vbtbban). Battery l>, 1st Battalion Artillery, was designated as above Mar. 18th, 1868. 11 was \>- eruited and organized at New fork city and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. 20th, 1881. Commanded by Captain Edward Grimm, the bat- tery left the State Oct. 80th, 1861, and Berved al and near Washington, D. C, from that time; in the Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Mar., 1862; In the 8d Brigade, Artillery Reserve 5th Corps, A. P., from May, 1862; in the Artillery Reserve, 6th Corps, from Sept., 1862; in the Artillery Reserve, A. P., from Dee. -jd. 1882; in 2d Vol. Brig., Artillery Reserve, A. P. from May, 1868; in 32d Corps from June, 1868; and at ami near Harper- Ferry, W, Va . and in the Army of Wesl Virginia, 8th Corps, from July. 1868. At the expiration of its term of service those entitled thereto were discharged and the battery continued in service. Aug. 15th, 1864, and Feb 1th, \^>'>, respectively, the officers and enlisted men of the 39th and 15th X. Y. Vol. Batteries, in service al the time, were transferred to this battery, which, commanded by Captain Patrick Hart, was honorably discharged and mustered oul July 1 1th, 1865, al New York city; having during its service losl by death, of wounds received inaction. 2 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 enlisted men; total. ii, and taken pari in the following engagements, etc. ; Date. 1862. anril 5 \| July J Kit Miss- -. g 9 < Plaos. Date. Kit Ml-s- Placi. 1. I. 1 D | 1 3 K. • 0, I B M t a It I 1. s l) ■ E § c 2 i;. ! • ... i t E IK. E H a I 3 Siege of Yorktown, Vu... Seven Days' Battle, Va- Fredericksburg, \ i Pollock's M I i.-i. tit- and S.i texu Chun h, \ a (fear Martli t»urg. Va ... Harp' i land Heights, \\ \ e ... Dec. 11- 1863. M u i July l i - ... 3 ' .'>Miii',''s SB... 30 ... Jnlj i ... Sept. 17 ... 19 Mil- n: 1 1 Malvern Hill Antietam, Md Black "r Boteler'a Ford, a Thibty-third I ndki'knih.n i Batteby Light Abtilleby, Cap:. Algar M. Wheeler received, .inly 9th, 1863, authority to recruit this battery. It was organized al Blmira, and there mustered in the service of the Dhited States for three years Sept. 1th. 1863. 'The men were recruited principally al Buffalo, Rochester, Lock- port and Klmira. and the battery Left the State Sept. 5th, \^v.\. it Berved al and near Washington, 1>. C, 32d Corps, from Sept., 1868; in the 3d Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James, from April, 1864; in 1st Brigade, 8d Division, 10th Corps, from June, 1864; in 8d Division, from July, 1864; in Artillery Brigade, loth Corps, from Aug., 1864; and in the Separate Brigade, same army, at Fori Pocahontas, Ya., from Aug., 1864; in the De- fenses of Bermuda Hundred, with Ferrero's Division, from Jan., 1885. The Lattery, still commanded by Capt, Wheeler, was honorably discharged and mustered out June 35th, 1865, at Petersburg, Va.; baving, during its service, losl by death of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 12 enlisted men; aggregate, 13; and taken part in the following engage- ments, etc.: Date. Kil- WoUTI'llcl M ... I'm k Date. Kil Miss- Placb. ls = l Dl if 1 ■CO. c 1 * Ing. d i i § s \ I Ecu led. n DIM i:. i i 0, c B Ing i I i -1 Operation- against Pel eraburg and Kicli- mond, Va Drewry'a Html 1864. M i f Petersburg, Va Fait of Petersburg, Va... .IV 15-17 April 2 Hrl'iiv I'.-i.i slmri,', Va.. June 13 rotal toa a: oTO PART 111. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Thibty-foubtb Independent Battebi Light Aetillert. tation. July 25th, 1868, Capt. Berman Jahn received authority to recruit this battery. Oct. 14th, 1868, it- organization was die itinued and the men enlisted trans- ferred i" the l")tli N. r. Vol. Artillery, then organizing. i Organization: Hamilton Artillery; Fluthing Battery {Veteran). Batterj I.. 2d Artillery, which had Berved detached from its regimenl almosl Bince it took the field, and as a light battery, was permanently detached from it- regimenl and designated the 34th Battery Nov. 1 9th, 1863, amajorityof its members having re-enlisted in the field as veter- ans, ('apt. Thomas L. Robinson received from the War Dept. , July 25th, 1861, authority to recruil a battery of artillery. This battery was formed principally of members of the ar- tillery company of the 15th Militia, and recruited at Flushing, L. I. It was mustered iu the service of the United Stairs for three years Nov. ^ 1 1 1 . L861; assigned to the 2d N. Y. Vol. Artillery, as Company I.. Dec. 5th, 1861; and became the 34th Battery, as already stated. It left the State Dec. 2d, L861, commanded by Capt. Robinson, and served al and near Washington, I>. C, from Dec, 1861; in Sturgis' Brigade, Military Divisionof Wash- ington, l>. C, fr May, L862; in the 2d Brigade, M Division, 2d Corps, A. Va., from June 26th, L862; received in Sept., l^ii'2, :!0 enlisted men from the 46th V V. Vols.; served in the 1st Division, nth Corps, from Sept., 1862; in the 2d Division, 9th Corps, from Oct., the 3d Division, 9th Corps, from Dec, 1862; in the 2d Division, 9th Corps, from Feb., 1868; in the Lsl Division, 9th Corps, from Sept., L863; in the Artillery, 3d Division, ;tth Corps, from April, 1864; and in the Artillery Brigade, 9th Corps, A. P., from July. 1864 At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were dischaiged, and the battery continued in service until June 21st, 1865, when, commanded by Capt. Jacob Roemer, it was mustered out and honorably discharged at Hart's Island, N. Y. harbor; having, during its service, Lost by death, killed in action, 4 enlisted men; of wound- received in action,:; enlisted men; of disease ami other causes, 15 enlisted men: total, 22; and taken part iii the following engagements, etc.: Date. Kil- Wc.llllilnl Miss- I 5 PLACH. Date. Kil- w tuntleil. MIRK- I'LACB. If i i. s I) i 1 i a ■2 I z 1 CO. 1 B W ... 1 2 IK. D 6 w 1 le E E z i. n 1 ~ r g - : I K. 12 6 i =' 1 - | < IU62. 1 M Nov. n 13 IS Dei . it 15 June 17- July i 2 i-...",. ... ,>• - camp'u, Va. . WiMrrilrss. Va inia C. ii., \ i. May 5-7 .. ':' l North \iina, Va C..M Harbor, Va f'ne I 12 Before Petersburg, \ a... June Ifi kssaull of Petersburg, Va J'e 16-19 Mint- K\|'1"M..ii. \ ii. . .lulv in Poplar Grove Cnurcb.A a Sent. 3d Hatcher's Run, v :> OcL27-28 i ■ 81 Iman, Va Kail of Petersburg, Va.... April ^ i Siilplmi ille. V.. i i 7 6 5 - i : ThIETT-PIPTB IM'Kiimun: BaTTEET 0* AeTILLEET. Capt, I N- was authorized, July 9th, L868, to recruil this battery. Tins au- thority was recalled Sept. 25th, 1868, and the men already enlisted assigned to the L6th Vol. Artillery ae < ompany A. Thibty-sixte l mm .i'kndi nt Battbby ob Abtillebt. Capt. Charles Graham Bacon received. Aug. 11th. isc,:f. authority to recruit this battery Oct. 1 Ith. 1868, tin- authority Was revoked, and the men already enlisted transferred to the J . Vol Artillery. VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 371 First Regiment of Engineers Veteran). SERRELL'S ENGINEERS: ENGINEERS AND AUTI/ANs; new YORK 70LTJNTBER CORPS OB BNG1 n i.i BS. This regiment was organized ander Col. Edward W. Serrell at New Fork cityandac- cepted by tlie State Sept. 27th, 1861. The companies were mustered in the United States service fur three years at New York city, A, B, < ', D and E Oct. 11th. 1861; . BT and /. at New Fork city; at Athens, Hudson and Cooperstown, Newark, N. J., and in Pennsylvania; A' at Kingston, Pa., Newark. N. J., Sing Sing, Poughkeepsie, New Jfork city and in Ulster county; F al New Turk city, Brooklyn, Rochester, Canandaigua and Newark, N. J.; Q al New Fork city, Canandaigua and in Otsego county; / at New Fork city, Newburgh, Schuyler's Falls, Mooers Forks, Goshen, Saranac, Piermont, Plattsburgh, Centreville and Ellenburgh; K in New Jersey, at Newton, Dover, Paterson, Morristown, Stanhope and Rockaway, and MtA New York city, Brooklyn, Tompkinsville, Kingston and Tarrytown. Companies A. B, C, D and E left the State for Port Royal, S. ('.. under Col. Serrell. Oct. 2d, 1861; G, I and K Dee. Uth, 1861, and Fand II in Feb., 1862; and the regiment served in the Dept. of the South, 10th Corps, and. from May, 1864, Companies B, D, E I . I!. K, Land M with the Army of the .lames. Commanded by Col. .lames F. Hall the regiment was honorably discharged and mustered oui June 30th, 1865, al Richmond, Va. During its Bervice the regimenl Inst by death, killed inaction, 16 enlisted men, of wounds received in action. 2 officers, 8 enlisted men; of disease and other .•.■his,.. 5 officers, 1 1 I en- listed men; total, 7 officers, 138 enlisted men; aggregate, 145; of whom 8 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and portions of it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Placb. Date. •Ian. 1 26 Feb. i u June i" 16 Oct. 22 Julj ig Sept. 7 1 23 Nov. 9 K jl il d. d S & ~ M jy i e ,,, 1 ni \ i ,■,1 1 c M I = z Sh- |R a B d H i Place. Hair. K It E : il- d. d d i> j 1 B ,,i 'd S E K 1 n, i: E : CO. 1 Is*. w I M m I s Porl Royal Ferry, S. •'... Com. Tattiiill's Kl..till;i, G 25 Jl a [—John's Island. n .■:. I 7 a c Oltist,..-. Kla M [sland, S. C Balt.-iy, S. C Ja s [sland, 8. tersburs and R 111, nid, Va S|.|-rs^ic.|i\ ill,., S. (' Oxisawlniu-liii. It i v <• r . B. c Carlton and Frarap ton's Plantations, S.C M sland, s. C Siege "i Battel y Wagner. 1 4 2 ... : i 2 1 iurg and lond, \ a AgSaUll ol P 1 - 1 linn h Gap, \ a Chaffln'S faun. Va June i June it. July 9 N Di April 2 >•■•. and "i 2 1 19 "a Tilllflnny Button. B. C... Loss on detai h othi •!■ minor affairs .... Before Charleston, s. c. Bombardment Sumter ii . - i m:« ond Regiment of Engi neebs. engineers \m> a.rtizan8. Col. James Magruder received, July 82d, 1868, authority to recruit this regiment. This authority was revoked Oct. 9th, 1868, the regiment discontinued, and the men enlisted, hut one company, Capt. Henry V. Slosson, transferred to the loth X. Y. Vol. Engineers, organization, as Company D. 372 PART III. SKETCHES OF <>i;i;a.\IZATIOXS. Fifteenth Regiment 0] Engineers (Veteran). Xi:\\ TORE SAPPERS AND MINERS. This regiment was accepted by the State May 9th, 1801, and designated the 15th Regi- Infantry. It was organized in New York city, and there mustered in the service of the Chited States for two years June i 7 1 1 1 . 1861. The regiment was intended and n- craited for an engineer regiment, and was converted to that arm of the service by the War Department <>'-t. 25th, 1861. In Jan., 1862, Company I was reorganized, a company of three years' recruits being assigned to it. June 18th, l s u:;. the three years' men in the • were transferred to Companies A, B and C, and June 25th, 1863, the two years men of these three companies, and all the other companies, their term of service having expired, wen-, commanded by Col. Clinton <;. Colgate, honorably discharged and mustered oul at New Ynrk city. To the battalion left in the field, there was assigned as Company D, the company enlisted for the ','d X. V. Vol. Engineers, on the 9th of Oct., 1868, and in March, ism. another company recruited for the regimenl joined it as < iompany E. In Nov., 186 1. the reorganization of the regiment was completed by the addition of seven companies as F, G, H, I, K, Land M; Companies II I K and L were formed of recruits originally enlisted for the 50th N. Y. Vol. Engineers, and Company M had originally been organized as a company of the 189th \. Y. Vols. The oew companies were mustered in the United ■ rvice, D and E for three years; F and L for one and three years, and in New York city; A' at Kingston; F at Albany, Kingston, Canadea, Tarrytown and Salina; 6 at Malone, Clymer, Barmony, Eector, Union, Newark Valley, Dansville, Lindley, Portville, French Creek, Owego, Lodi and Seneca; //at Malone, Syra- cuse, Owego, Elmira, Auburn and Dunkirk; /at Elmira, Owego, Avon. Oswego, Dtica and Seneca; A' at Lima. Goshen, Avon. Cicero and Syracuse; A at Ctica, Avon, Auburn, Syra- cuse, Lyons, Goshen and Elmira; and MeA Syracuse, Auburn, Rochester, Owego and Elmira. The regiment, i imanded by Col. J. McLeod Murphy, left the State June 09th, 1861; it Berved as infantry at and near Washington, !>.<'. . from June 30th, L861; in McCann's Brig- ade from July 20th, 1861; in Franklin's Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug, Itk. 1861; in Newton's Brigade from Sept. 26th, 1861; at Alexandria, Ya.. receiving instruction as en gii rs from Nov., 1861, and in the Volunteer Engineer Brigade, A. P., from March, 1862; three companies — A, Band I) — with General Terry's force in North Carolina from Jan., I si;",, : ,nd with the Army of the Ohio from March, L865. Commanded by Col. Wesley Brainerd, it was honorably discharged and mustered out at Washington, 1>. C, Companies E, K. <•, II I. K and L June 18th, Company C June 14th, and Companies A. B and D July 2d, 1865. 1 » 1 1 1 i 1 1 ^r its Bervice the regimenl lost, killed in action. I enlisted men; of wound- received in action, 1 enlisted man; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 121 enlisted men; total, -i officers, 126 enlisted nun; aggregate, 129; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands of the en my; and it. or portion- of it. took part in the following engagements, etc.: Kll w D E • i 5 _ t in i;. ■ i 5 - • M i E a i d •x < i 1 Plicb. Ilute. R :. h z 1 « i i> ..i s II. i; ♦ .■■1 rii S M 1 § i d 7 '4 ■ 1 M . i M 1 -i 1 Dec. n \ 1 i 1 i Uine Bon cam) r mrg, Va.... i t r.N.C Catnpa'n In tni 1 u i \ C Beimel H ( \ ii N D J'ii i \|i Jan. IS Mar. i "i i 1 B •1 VOLINTKKKS ()K T1IK STATE. 373 Fiftieth Regiment op Engineers (Veteran). stuart's engineers; independent engineers; sappers, miners and pontoniers. Col. C. B. Stuart received, .July 'Jtith, isi;i. authority to recruit a regiment of infantry, which he organized al Elmira, and which was designated, Sept. 20th, L861, the 60th Regi- ment of Infantry. The companies were mustered in the service of the United Bfc three years at Klinira, A and 1> Sept. 18th; B Aug. 16th, C and !•' Sept. 17th; B Aug 28th; (i and II Sept. 16th; I An- 36th; and K Sept. 30th, 1861. 1861, the regimenl was converted into a, and designated the Fiftieth, Ri of Engineers. Two new companies, I. and M, mustered in the United Stat< vice for three years in Dec, L863, and Jan and Feb., 1864, joined the regimenl in Dec, 1863, and Feb., 1864, respectively. Quite a number of men enlisted for this regimenl In 1864, were assigned to the 15th N. V Vol. Engs. At the expiration of Its term of Bervice the men entitled thereto were discharged and the regimenl continued in service. The companies were recruited principally A al Addison, Bath, Lodi, Painted Pest and Savona; Bal Auburn, Elmira, Geneva, Syracuse, Waterloo, and Honesdale, Pa.; ''at Che- mung, Elmira, Rome and Union; /> al Elmira, Fulton, Qeneva, Ogdensburgh, Oswego, Syracuse and Watkins; E at Buffalo, Elmira, Maine, Niagara Falls, North Sector, Penn Van and Rome; A'at Qeneva, Elmira, < >swego, Potsdam and Union, and at Scranton, Hones. dale, Mt. Pleasant and Moscow, Pa.; Q at Caroline, Elmira, Greece, Hornellsville, Maine and Millport; // at Elmira, Maine, Malone, Ogdensburgh, Potsdam, Watkins, and at Wil« liamsport, I 'a. ; / at Elmira, Geneva, Owego and Union, and at Hancock and Scranton, Pa.; K at Elmira, Ovid, Savona, Seneca Falls and Union; /. at Rochester, Buffalo, Canandaigua, Elmira and Phelps; and If at Albany, Buffalo, Canandaigua, Elmira and Owego. The regiment left tin- State Sept. 20th, 1861, and served as infantry al Washington, 1' C, from Sept. 22d, 1861; in the 3d Brig., Fitz-John Porter's Div., from Sept. 80th, 1861; as en- gineers at Alexandria. 7a., receiving instructions in engineering duties, from Oct. 22d, 18G1; in the Vol. Brie-. ,,r Engineers, Army of the Potomac, from March, 1862. A detach- ment also served for a time in 1863, in the 8th Corps, Middle Dept.,andCo. I, with (Jen. Sheridan from Feb. , 1865, .to Appomattox C. H.,Va. Commanded by Col. William II. Pettis, the regiment was honorably discharged and mustered out at Fort Barry, Va., June 13th and 14th. 1865. During its service the regimenl Inst by death, killed in action, 1 officer, '.» enlisted men: of wound- received in action, T enlisted men; of disease and other causes. 1 otlieer, 218 en- listed men; total, 2 officers, 229 enlisted men; aggregate, 281; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy; and it, or portions of it. took part in the following ■ nients, etc.: Place. Kit led Date. e|j s' = : - u ..mi IM'.lll .- s ■ Sb'E : ^ z led. eco. I M 1 E : U- c 1 a ■i I u •< - SO T 11 ■ I'l.ACI. !•..■ K i ii i. - D i e Ol l 2 in j ed i ... i H 'l 58 M k r sa- il; q I at •M A Blege of Yorkto* A | «ii I 12 July 2 July I 1 Dec. ii 15 i April 29- Mav 2 . Ha] i 3 June 5.. N M Spotsylvai la( ii Va 1864. 27-31 .in.- 1-12 June 16 Apr. 9 Peb. 5-fl 31 April 2 9 Seven Days' Battle, Va... Cold Harbor. Va Before Peterab \ A.pporaattox lainn'n, Va. White Oak Road ■ Petersburg, Va. Appomati . I ii; "a Mill Creek, Va. Chancellorevllle, Va Prederh fcsburn, Va 1 . .!-• i . \a Mini' Run campaign, Va. 7 -7 First Battalion of Sharpshooters. Maj. W. S. Rowland received, <»ct. 22d, 1862, authority to recruit a battalion of sharp- shooters. As finally organized it consisted of four companies, the <3th, 7th, Hth and 9th; au- 374 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. other company, the 10th, was contemplated, but not completed. (The first five companies of sharpshooters, organized as such prior to this date, were thee Companies A, B, C and D, 93d, and L, 56th, N. ^. Vols.) The companies left the State Feb. 3d, 1863. and served at Washington, l». C, from the time of their departure; at Suffolk, Va., in Terry's Brigade, Peck's Division, 7th Corps, from March, 1868; od the Peninsula, Va.. in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, from June, 1803; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C, 22d Corps, from July, L863; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from July, 1863; in the 1st Brigade, 4th Division. 5th Corps, A. 1'., from April, 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 5th Corps, from Aug., 1864; in tin- 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 5th Corps, from Sept., 1864; and. unattached, in the 3d Division, 5th Corps, from Nov., 1864. Capt. Joseph S. Arnold succeeded Maj. Rowland in command. Sixth Company; "Flank Company, 1<»8/// .V.}'. Vols.: This company was organized and re- cruit, id at Rochester, under Capt. Abijah C. Gray; it was mustered in the United States service for three years Sept. 13th, 1862; and honorably discharged and mustered out, under Lieut. Philip Qysner, June 3d, 1865, near Washington, 1 >. C. S tnth, Company ; Company L, 112/// N '. Y. Vols.: This company, Capt. Joseph S. Arnold, was organized at Jamestown, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three vears Sept. 12th, 1862. It was recruited principally at Ellicott, Kiantone, Busti, El- lington, Ellery, Carroll and Jamestown. Commanded by Capt. Clinton Perry, the company was honorably discharged and mustered out near Washington, D. C, June 3d, 1865. Eighth Company: This company was recruited by Capt. Edward G. Robeson, at Buffalo, Hudson and Chatham; the men enlisted by Lieut. M. P. Pierce, at Buffalo, Hanover and Aurora, were, Jan. 13th and Feb. 27th, 1863, transferred to it; and it was mustered in the United States service for three years Jan. 22d, 1863, at New Dorp, S. I. Commanded by Capt. John II. McDonald, the company was honorably discharged and mustered out, July loth. L865, near Washington, I>. C. Ninth Company: Recruited by Capt. Thomas S. Bradley, at Albany, Hudson, Canaan. Hinsdale and New Lebanon, and organized at Cam]) New Dorp, 8. I.; it was there mustered in the United States service for nine months; it received by transfer the tune months' men enlisted for the Tenth Company, and, commanded by 1st Lieut. Warren Blinn, it was hon- orably discharged and mustered out, Aug. 5th, 1863, at Albany. Tenth Company, Capt. Charles M. White, was originally intended for a service of nine months, and organized Jan. 18th, 186:?; April 21st. 1868, the term of service was changed to three years; the company was, however, not completed, and the men enlisted were, June 9th, 1863, transferred to the 9th Company, the Enfants Perdus, and the L78th N. V. Vols. The officers recruiting for the company, besides the captain, were Lieuts. Ernest Blackmer and Frank A. Pease. The battalion, or portions of it, took part in the engagements named below, and lost by death, 6th Company, killed in action, 6 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 4 enlisted men; of disease, etc., '■• enlisted men; total, 19 enlisted men; of whom there died in the hands of the enemy. 1 enlisted men; 7th Company, killed in action. 4 enlisted men; Of wounds received in action, 8 enlisted men; of disease, etc. , 8 enlisted men; total. 'JO enlisted men; of whom there died in the hands of the enemy, 2 enlisted men; 8th Com- pany, killed in action, 8 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 2 enlisted men: of disease, etc., 11 enlisted men; total, 19 enlisted men; of whom there died in the hands of the enemy, 8 enlisted men; 9th Company, of disease, etc., l officer, 5 enlisted men; total 6 -, Vn.. South Q I!. it'll I Kl Wounded led. DiM Ueco Ml Bpotaylvania I n v i iiiii North Anna, Va Totopotomo \ < Jul) Dei M .In.' I IJ . = I ■ 1864. .1 mi.- H". 1865 Apr. .' White Oak Ridge... five Porki Ipril i Pi tersburg, Vn... Weldon Rallroa ii. it. i..t - Run, v.. Appomattox campa'n.Va led, DTd Pate. Is gig I p I B I d e ppomattox ('. e 8 VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. First Regiment of Infantry. 375 NATIONAL GUARD. The regiment was recruited and organized in New Fork city to serve two years. It was accepted by the State, and mastered in the service of the United States at Btaten bland, Companies A. and F' April 23d; B. C, D and E April 28d; I — Scandinavian Volunteers — and K April 24th and May 3d, respectively; and Q and II May 7th, 1861. The regiment, Col. William II Alien, lefl the State May 20th, 1881; served at and near Fori Monroe, Va., from May, 1861; at Newport New-;, Va., from July 3d, 1 S '">1; in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Department of Virginia, from March, 1862; in the 8d Brigade, 8d Division, 3d Corps, A. 1'.. from June 6th, 1862; in the 2d Brigade. 1st Division, 8d Corps, A. P., from July, 1862; in the 3d Brigade, same division and corps, from Oct., L862; and, coinmauded by Col. J. Fred. Pierson, was honorably discharged and mustered <>ut May 25th. ISC,:!, at New York city. During its service, the regiment Inst by death, killed in action, 65 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1-4 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3officers, :;i enlisted men: total, 3 officers, 110 enlisted men; aggregate, IBS; and it took part in the following engagements, etc. : In Wounded. M u •■c •< 3 236 Placb. Date. Kil- w ounded, MtM- Pate. led. Did UiTU. Ing, led. Dl'd|Reco. Ing, ■• Place. Ill § 5 l a i in 2 e z 2 p 1 « = I a 5 d 74 7 15 210 i i ■ B \ 1861. June 10 1862. Mar. 8 June 20 23 24 June 25 July 2 June 25 26 29 3(1 July 1 2 Oen. Pope's campaign ,Va Centrevllle Sept. 2 •30 Sept. l Dec. n IS 1863. Mav 1-?, .!! "a !" ia ■ 1 4 2 16 n- Hampton Roads, Va Fair Oaks. Va Seven Days' Battle, Va... Hull Run t'liantillv l'i ricksburg, Va 7 ... t . ■ Ji 14 a 10 Ml Harrison's Landing, Va. Second Ri:<;im hn' r of Infantry, TROY BEGIMENT. The organization of this regiment was commenced at Troy April 17th, 1861; it was ac- cepted by the State April 24th, 1861, and mustered in the service of the United States at Troy, for two years. May 1 4th, 1861. In Oct. and Nov., 18,k Grove 31 i .'. : i '.- Thied Regiment of Ikfantet (Veteban). A I.HAN Y i; ! i;iMl NT. This regiment was accepted by the State April 25th, 1861; received its numerical desig- nation May 7th. 1831; was organized at Albany, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years Ma] I Itli. 1861. In April, 1863, a number of the members of the regiment re-enlisted for one and two years; these and the three years' men of the regiment were formed into a battalion Maj 18th, 1863, and retained in the service, while those whose term of service had pxpired, had been sent to Albany, where they were honorably dis- charged Maj 2l8t, 1863. The three years' men of the 9th N. ST. Vols., and sufficient drafted men were assigned to the battalion, and the latter brought up to a regimental standard. June 13th, 1865, the men of the 112th X. Y. Vols., not discharged with their own regi- ment, were transferred to this. The original companies were recruited principally: .1 — Wittiamsburgh Volunteers — at Williamson rgh and Brooklyn; />' at Newburgh, Cornwall, Fishkill and Matteawan; Cat Albany, Cohoes, Otsego, Schoharie and Troy; l> al Albany; E— Syracusi Zovu Syracuse, Baldwinsville, Geddes, Salina and Skaneateles; F'at Albany, Col 8 and Stock- port; at Albany, Bethlehem, Greenbush, Pittsfield, Sandlake, Schenectady, Stillwater, Sudbury, Syracuse and Troy; // al Owego, Ealsey Valley, Ridgeford, Spencer and Tioga; • i. la. Albany, Augusta, Brooklyn, Eampton, X.-w JTorh city, Syracuse, Vernon, Walesville and Westmoreland; and K al Havana, Alpine, Heaver Dams, Benton, Burdette, Branchport, Catharine, Dix, Monterey, Odessa, Orange, Penn Fan, Millport and Starkey. The regiment, Col. Frederick Townsend, left the State May 31st, 1861, and Bervedat and near Fort Monroe, Va., from June, 1861; at and near Baltimore, Md., from July 30th, 1861; at Suffolk, Va., in Mansfield's Division, from June 6th, 1862; at Fort Monroe, Va., Depart- ment of Virginia, from Sept., 1862; al Suffolk, Va., 7th Corps, from April 19th, 1868; in de.-jd Division, 7th Corps, from June, 1868; al Fori Monroe, Va., fromJuly, 1868; on Folly Island and in Charleston barbor, in Alford's Brigade, 18th Corps, from July, the8d Brigade, 2d Division, Huh Corps, from Oct., L868; in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James, rrom April. 1864; in the 8d Brigade, 3d Division, 18th Corps, from Maj 80th, 1864; in the I si Brigade, 2d Division, 10th Corps, from June, loth. 1804 ime brigade and division. 24th Corps, from Dec. 8d, 1864; in the Pro- visional Corps, from March, 1865; and again in the 10th Corps, from April 2d, 1865; in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 10th Corps, from July, 1865; and, commanded by Lieut Col. Geo. \v Warren, it was honorably discharged and mustered oul, 28th, 1865, at Raleigh, V C During its service, the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 24 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 1 1 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 83 enlisted men: total, :'» officers, 121 enlisted men: aggregate, 124; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy; and 11 took part in the following engagements, etc.: YOU" NTEERS OF THE STATE. 377 Placb. Date. K l-|W 1. D I|l inn d|] led M i a / B t a e IK. § a H | Plaoi. Kil.lWo led. DI'dlKeco.i Ing. 2 f -2 1861. June ll 1863. April 19- Ma] i 1 - Sept. : \ Sent. - |i N 1864. M 9 II ■2 l . 3 1 1 I : BO 9 irg and June 13 June Ift July 30... ■ 1865. Jan. ).'. Peb. n Men. i April 26 ... Apt II 26... 1 i 1 : -i "i 2 l u 2 i 33 17 15 - ... i 13 u 19 Siege of Suffolk, Va Siege ol Batter; Wagner, |{. .in l>n .1 in.-ii t of Fort Sumter < >pt •ralniiis in Charleston Harbor. 8. C Bombardment of Fort Sllinl.T inn against Pe- tersburg ami Rich- mond, \ a Swill ('tvek Mini Expli Chaffln'a Farm. \ n Road, Va Port Fisher, N. C i • i sher, V C Oape Pear Intrencn- raents, N. C Port Andi raon \ I n a \\ Ilmington, N. C. a ofthe Carolines Dp vi. i ■ Bluff. Bermuda Hundred M-l« ... .;::: Ju'e l-i- Fourth Reg i m km op I n i a ntri . I [RSI -'"ll- III i: GUARD. This regiment. Colonel Alfred W. Taylor, was accepted by the State April 25th, 1861; it was organized at New York city, where it was recruited, excepl Company E which was recruited in Brooklyn. The companies were mustered in the service of the United States for two years; C, D, B, F, II and K May 2d; A and G May 7th; and B and ! May '.nh. 1861. The regiment Left the State June 3d, L861; served a; Newport News, Va., from June 7th, 1861; at Baltimore, Md., from July 26th, 1881; at Havre de Grace, M.I., from Auj at Baltimore and Havre de Grace from Nov., 1861; at Suffolk, v*a., ?th Corps, from June 6th, L862; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from Sept. L6th, 1862; and, commanded by Colonel John I>. McGregor, was mustered ou1 and honorably discharged Ma\ 25th, 1863, at New York city. During its service it lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 48 enlisted men; of wounds received in act inn. 19 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 23 enlisted men; total, •'! officers, 90 enlisted men; aggregate, 93: and took part in the following engage- ments, etc. : 1862. Ami. -tain. Md Sept. I Snicker-Hap. Va N Kredcrick.>liurg, Va D'c.11-1 Kil- VV ""'"'<"I- |M1»,.| led. IH-.Mteco. Ing. | ^ slselSe ssgagegiE b led. PIMHW-o Date. gig 12. .. 12 « Chancell. \ May i Total loss Miss- ing. I „• B. g l'n i ii Regiment oi I m \ s i i;v NATIONAL ZOUAVE8; ADVANCE GUARD ZOUAVES; IH'KYKr. - ZOUAVES. This regiment, Colonel Abraham Duryee, was accepted by the Stan- A i >ri ] 25th, 1861; organized at Fort Schuyler, New Fork harbor, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years May 9th, 1861. The companies were recruited principally: .1 and /; in New York citj and Brooklyn; in New York city, Astoria and Poughkeepsie; D Fifth Ward Volunteers and Bin New York city, Brooklyn and Williamsburg; F in New York city, Brooklyn, Fordham and Yonkers; in New York city, Brooklyn and New Rochelle; //in New York city, Brookiyn ) Flushing, Greenpoint, Tarrytown and West Point ; I in New York city, Brooklyn, Jamaica, Long Neck and Williamsburg, and at Perth Amboy, Plainfield and Orange, N. J.; and K iu New York and Jersey City. 48 378 I'AKT 111. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. The regimenl left the State May 28d, 1861; Berved at Fori Monroe, Va., from May 25th, 1881; in Pierce'a Brigade, at Newport News, 7a., from May 27th. 1861; at Baltimore, Md., from July 27th, 1861; with the Army of the Potomac from April llth, 1862; in Syk.--' Reserve Infantry. A. P., from May, 1862; and in the Sd Brigade, 2d Division, 5th \ P., in. in May i?tli. L862. Maj llili. 1863, its three years' men were transferred to the 146th X. Y Vols., and tbe regiment, having previously been ordered to New Fori city, was there, commanded by Colonel Cleveland Winslow, honorably discharged and mus- tered out .May nth, 1868. During its Bervice the regimenl Lost by death, killed in action, 4 officers, 126 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 2 officers, 47 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, :;7 enlisted men; total, 6 officers, 210 enlisted men; aggregate, 216; and took part in the fol- lowing engagements, etc. : - Kj , \\ oiimleil. ^ IlBS- ng. a 1 B 1 14 i tc < w 2 1 Place. Dote. t 1863. Sept. 19 17 20 Dec. li IS May 1-3 Lill- .-.1. s i 121 WolllMeu Mi — Plaob. Date. led 11 d|B 1 SCO. i i 11 L E z i ■ i E - 32 It Z CO f 1 131 I - 24! ._t B f Ik-. f i E < Hampton c. H.. 1861. \iiv a June n 1862. Apr. 11- Blaj 2( 27 "i 1 . . - 1 Bull Hun Antietain Creek, Md.... - tel, Va : forktown, Vu.. Hanover C.H..Va . C 11 . Va Mark or. Boteler's Ford, Va Me i Shepherdstown, :t N'.-w liri.l-.-. Va June S 13 June2V July 2 June 27 31 July l ! August Sept. 2 37 "i SnickiT's « lap. Va .. .... i i icksburg, Va .. .. Chaucellorsville. Va . 1 -.Va... Mi \. tii Hill II Gen. Pope's camp'n.Va.. affairs 3 ... Fifth Veteran Regiment of Infantry. Colonel Cleveland Winslow received, May 25th, 1st;:',, authority to reorganize his former regiment, the Fifth, fur three years' service. Oct. 14th. 1863, the nun recruited for the 31st and 87tli Regiments of Veteran Infantry, reorganizing under Colonels Frans Jonesand Wm. DeLacy, respectively, were transferred to this regiment, and the men so far recruited organized into a battalion of four companies, A, B, C and D. June 2d, 18G4, the battalion of the 12th N. Y. Vols., two companies, still in the 6eld, and the members of the 84th N. V Vols., not discharged at the expiration of its term of service, were transferred to this battalion, Companies 1> and E of the I2tb forming F and E, respectively, and the men of the 84tb Begt Companies Q, II. [and K of the completed regimental organization of the :,tl, n ,. Vet. Vols. May 81st, June 3d, and 7th, 1865, the enlisted men of the 140th, I85tb and 189tb X. Y. Vols., not mustered oul witb their respective regiments, joined this by transfer. The original four companies were recruited in New York city and there mus- tered m 'I"- Bervice of the United Stairs for three years. The battalion left the State, Companies A. B and C < >ct. 26th, and Com] .any 1) Oct. 27th, 1868; and Berved at and near Washington, l>. <'.. in 22d Corps, from Nov., i s <;::: in the 1st Brigade, Isl Division, 5tb Corps, A. P., from May 81st, 1864; the regimenl in the Isi Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps, from June 6th, 1864; Companies F and E as Provost Guard of the 5th Corps, until March, 1865 Commanded by Colonel Wm. F. Drum, the regimenl was bonorablj discharged and mustered oul Aug. 21st, 1865, at Hart's Island, V 'i .harbor. During its Bervice it lost bj death, billed in action, T officers, 48 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officers, 24 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 86 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, L59 enlisted men; aggregate, L70; of whom 57 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: VOLUNTEERS <>!• T1IK STATE. 3T9 Coll 1 1 .»ii or, Va Bettiesda Church White Oak Swamp, \ a Before Petersburg, Va ... Kil.l^ou led. I »ii j . : , v..-. A-isauli nf IVtcTstnirK.Va.lV ir, iu ... WeldoD Road, Va Vu. 18-21 2 Poplar S|irlii(,'('lnin-li,Va s Hat. her'a Run. Va f> i 27 28 Hicksford Raid, Va Dec.6-11 ... Hatcher's Bun, \ White Oal Ridge... Kail "t Pi Appomal M April''.. Mh29 I] April I 1 7 I | Sixth Regimbnt OF I n iantkv. billy wilsox's zouaves; union battalion zouaves; union 70LUNTEEBS. This regiment whs recruited in New Fork city, organized under Col. William Wilson <>n Btaten bland, and accepted by the State Maj 22d, L861. [I was mastered in the service of the United States for two years, Companies A, B, C, D and E April 30th, and I'. <;. II. I and K May 85th, 1861. A number of the members of Company II, Empirt City Guard, an in- complete organization, joined Company l> of this regiment. The regiment left the State .June 15th, 1861; Berved at Santa Rosa Island. Florida, Dept. of Florida, from June 2:5(1. 1861; three companies at Fori Jefferson, Fla., from Jan.. 1862; in Dept. of the Sonth, from March, 1862; in the W. District of the Dept. ofthe South, from April. 1862; at Pensacola, Fla., from May 9th, L862; in the Dept. of the Gulf, fromNov., 1862; in the 1st Brig. (Dwight's), Graver's Div., Dept. of the Gulf, from Dec. 30th, 1862; a the 1st Brig., 4th Div., 19th Corps, from March. 1863; on the expiration of its term of a r- vice it was returned to New York city, and there, under Col. Wilson, honorably discharged and mustered out June 25th, 1S63. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed inaction. 1 2 enlisted men;..!' wounds received in action. 3 enlisted men: of disease and other causes. :',\ enlisted men, total, 49; and it, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.. 1861. S.mla K..-.I l-lan.l, Fla .. o. i. ■■ la, Fla \ FortsMcReeand Barran- cas, Fla Jan. 1 East Pass, Santa ROS I, Fla Mar. 10 Santa Ko-a Man.l. Fla.. Milton, Fla Inn.- II IS -Bagdad, Milton.Fla. K< i. |Wounded, Mlss . led. Dl'rl Op.Taliuiis against Port Hudson, La ' ir. Madame Porter's and McW InMi Bend, La n i million, La.... 18 , Total loss - a ^ : - < Seventh Regiment of Ini\ntky. stbuben 01 all; bteubbs regiment. This regiment, Col. John E. Bendix, was accepted by the State April 26th, L861; organ- ized at New York city, and there mustered in the service of the (Jnited States for two years, April23d, 1861. Company / was recruited at Brooklyn, tin others in New Fork city. The regiment left the State May 24th, 1861: served at Newport NewB, Va., from May, 1861; in the 1st Brig., 1st Div., Dept. Va.. from March. 1862; and in the Isl Brig., 1st Div., 2d Corps, A. P., from May. 1862. April 28d, 1863, the three years' men were attached to the 52d X.Y.Yols., but not absorbed by them until after the battle of Gettysburg; July 22d, 1864, th.y, but a few men then, were transferred to the 7th Veteran Vols. Commanded Geo. W. Van Schaack, the regiment was honorably discharged and mustered out May 8th, 1863, at New York city. 380 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. 1 >n ri n^r its Bervice it lost by death, killed In action, '.* officers, 76 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 5 officers, 84 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 60 enlisted men; total, 15 officers, 170 enlisted men; aggregate, 185; of whom T enlisted men died in tin hands of the enemy; and it, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. K le G : i- i a W W f urn : > 5 l . led. eco. t = - . i Ml-- lag. i i a S = c = - i u < 1 ' Place. Date. K|] Wounded. led. DldlReco. ■r. clglgL g S08ES a s d e c e a z a z sa = H M t i 5 Q 1 □ l 1861. June l" July 12 Nov. i March B 13 July 2 .Tun.- Ji'. 27 29 ... 2 White Oak Swamp June 30... ii 12 156 - 1 • t l^i's Farm, 11 17 "i "i "*6 19 Ma lv. in Hill I in, Va. ... \\ illiaiii-d.iiri: .ml i.i'M! ... i 152 antletam Creek, Bid S ""' 1 ^... 2 ' .1 ||.>||>WII, \\ . \ a Snicker's Cap. Va Pi ederlcksbui g, Va Chancellorsvllle, Va Oct.16-17 Nov. :. D'c.U-15 May l 3 July 1-3 ": tie, Va... Fair Oaks 1 1 _M3 i 4 ■ 7. B other minor affairs Seventh Veterah Regiment of Infantry. Col. George W. Van Schaack received, May 6th, 1863, authority to reorganize, for a period of three years, his regiment, the 7th, then about to be discharged by reason of expiration ,,t' it- term of service. This reorganization was, however, discontinued, and the men enlisted transferred, Oct. 1 1th. 1863, to the 178th X. V. Vols. In spring, 1864, Col. Van Schaack. under proper authority, again commenced the forma- tion of a regiment, under the above title, and the organization took place al Han's Island. New York harbor. The companies were mustered in the United States service for three years: A. B, C, D and E March 29th, May 1st, June 4th, July 15th, and Aug. 9th, 1804, respectively; for one, two and three years. Company F, Sept. 1st, L864; for one and three years, Company Q, Sept. 1 7th, 1864; and for one year, Companies H, I and K, Oct. 13th, 22d and :'»l-t, 1864, respectively. The three years' men of the original Tth Regiment, Berving with the 52d X. Y. Vols., were assigned to < iompanies A, B, C and I) of this regiment, July 22d, 1864. 'The companies wen- recruited principally: A and C at Brooklyn and New York city; B al Brooklyn, New York city and Albany; and tin other companies in New York city, Brooklyn, Jamaica, Tarrytown, Albany, Poughkeepsie, Goshen, Schenectady, King. Bton and Troy. The regiment lefl the State in detachments, the Brst, Company A. in April, L864; the companies, as they arrived, wen- attached to the 52d N.l . Vols., and served as part of this regiment until .Inly 22d, 1864, when ii appears on the records as a distinct organization. The regiment served in the 8d, and for a time in the Consolidated, Brigade, 1st Di v., 2d Corps, \ P . and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under the command of Col, Van Schaack, Aug. tth, 1865, al Hart's Island, N. Y. harbor, During its service it lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 29 enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 18 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 58 enlisted men; total, '■'> officers, I0u enlisted men: aggregate, 108; of whom 9 died in the hands of the enemy, and it, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: HI i.l Wounded, I-. I TUMID. Wounded. jh S8 . \ l gpotuvlvanla •'. II. Salient, n Ik-fore Pi \ Deep Boll led. Pl'd lHero, 6 e ,6 e 6 c - 'I i- Junc IS J'e la i ■• Btrawberr] Plains, Va. .. on, Va Hatcher's I! \ ■ Petersburg w orka, Va .. VppomatlOX ( amp'n.Vu. White Kail of Petersburg. le Road. i a pi al i"\ C. H. VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. Eighth Regiment ob Im antry. 381 FIB8T GERMAN RIFLES; BLBNKEB 8 l;ili. This regiment, composed ol Germans, was organized under State authority and recruited in New York city, and there mastered in the Bervice of the United States for two years, April 23d, 1861. It received its numerical designation Maj 13th, 1861, and, commanded by Col. Louis 151.Mik.-r. left the State May 26th, 1861. The regimen! served al Washington, l>. C from May, 1861; in the 1st Brig . 5th Div., Army North-Eastem Virginia, from July, 1861; in Blenker's Brig., Division of the Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Blenker's Div., Army Potomac, from Oct. loth, lst'.i : hi Stahel's Brig., Blenker's Div., A. I'.. from Jan., 1862; in 1-t Brig., same division, Mountain Depl May, 1862; in Lsi Brig., Ul Div., 1st Corps, A. Va., from June 26th, 1862; and in the Isl Brig., lsi Div.. llth Corps, A. P., from Sept., 1662. April 22d, 1868, the three yeai were formed in one company — Independent Company, 8th V. )'. Vols. - and attached to the headquarters of the lltli Corps as Provost Guard; they remained on this duty until April 5th, 1864, when they were transferred to the 68th N. Y. 7ols. April 23d, 1863, the regiment, commanded by Col. Felix, Prince Salm Salm, was Lonorably dls( barged and mustered out at Brooks' Station, Va. Prince Salm Salm received authority to reorganize this regiment for three years' service May llth. 1863; bul the authority was revoked Oct. 14th, 1863, and the men enlisted as* Bigned to the 178th N. V. Vols. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed inaction, 64 enlisted men; of wounds received inaction, 29 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 39 enlisted men total, 1 oilier, 132 enlisted men; aggregate, 138; of whom 20 enlisted men died in the bands of the enemy; and took part in the following engagement i ilU. Va. Hull Kun, Va rune ■ New Market, Va vi <;.■!!. |'< .(»■'- • .Hi Bappahanno. CtaancellonTille, Va Gettysburg. Pa I Additional losses, >■<• Total loss Ninth Regiment ov [nfantrt. HAWKIN8 ZOUAVES; NEW YOBK ZOUAVES; LITTLE ZOUAVES J ZOO-ZOOS. Tins regiment, Col. Rush C. Hawkins, was organized in New Fork city, and there mus. tered in the Bervice of the United States for two years May }th, 1861; it was accepted by tl*e State anj. May 6th, 1868, th<- three years 1 men of the regiment, which latt.-r had left for New Fork city May 3d, 1863, were aprfgnwd to the 8d X. V. Vols., and May 20th, 1868, the regiment, under Col. Hawkins, was honorably discharged and mustered out at New York city. 382 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. May 39th, 1868, .Major E. Jardine received authority to reorganize the regiment for a three years' service; the men enlisted Berved al the New York City Riol in July, 1863, un- der Major Jardine, who was wounded, and in consequence unable to effect the reorganiza don. Oct. i-nli. 1863, the men bo far enlisted, were transferred to the 17th Veteran N. V. Vols., and tli>- reorganization discontinued. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 5:5 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, L6 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 9 officers, 27 enlisted men; total, 4 officers, 96 enlisted men; aggregate, 100: ami it. or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc.: Plaob. Date. Kil led. i t w D - m i; s z ed Til = > c i 8 ■-' - 6 12 17 "i Plaox, In I.- Dal.-. / l- 1. B jj w II 1 \\ oum Di'd Ri _ | e -.I. & c 155 M ii i ::: ss- c k a - u '• "i *: - <: July 5 - Bamllton, N. C Rappahaunocb i Plymouth, N. C - .Tub 9 .. Aug. IS... 30.. 8ept. ISA... i« ... 17 1 Id .. . 15 ... D.-c-. 11 IS 1863. April 19 .it New- "l South Mountain, Md Antletam, Md ...v.; i . - i . . -i fanny. Hc.liviir ll.ij-'lits. \V. Va. Nrar Orleans, Va W i' renton, va Fredericksburg, Va ' Suffolk, Va Loss at minor affairs 8... Roanoke [stand, \ 1 ..'. '.'.'. 2 2 "l 51 15 S „' 7 1 19 Chowan i; er,N. 1 May 9 =, •• - 17 3 Tenth Regiment of Imantky (Veteran - ). national guard zouaves; mcchesney zouaves. This regiment, Col. Walter W. McChesney, was accepted and designated by the State May loth, 1861. It was organized in New Fork city, and the companies were mustered in theservi f the United States for two years. A and 1? April 27th; C, D, E, F, Q and II April 30th; [and K May 2d and 7th, 1861, respectively. At the expiration of its term of service the three years' men were formed into a battalion of four companies — A, B, C and I) — under Major George V. Hopper, and May 7th, 1868, the regiment, under Col. John E. Bendiz, was honorably discharged and mustered out al New Fork city, while the battalion continued in service. Companies E and I-', mustered in the United Slates Bervice for three years, joined the battalion in April. l*i'.l. June 15th, 1865, Companies I. and M. 8tb N , Y. Vol. Artillery, became, by transfer, Companies II and <; of the battalion, a Company I was formed of the men of Companies B, C and B, and a Company K of the men of Companies A, D and F, 8th N. V. Vol. Artillery, not mustered out with their regiment; a few of the men of these last -i\ companies were also transferred t" the original six companies of the battalion. June 20th, L865, Company F received, by transfer, 16 men of the I6tn X. V. V,,! Cavalry. The companies were recruited principally: .1 the original National Guard Zona and ST at New JTork city; Bin Troy; C the Volunteer 8tatt Zouaves - />. /.'. and // in , citj /■' \forgan Statt Zouaves -in Brooklyn; Becond Companies B and /''in New Fork city. The regi ut left the State June 6th, 1861, and Berved at and mar Port Monroe, Va., from June7tl irfolk, Va., 7th Corps, from May, 1863; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps, A. P., from J 7th, 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, from Sept. 24th, 1862; as Provost Guard of Gen. Sumner's Grand Division. A P . from Dec. 7th, 1862; m 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, A. I'., from Dec. 26th, 1862; the battalion as Provost Guard, 8d Division, 2d Corps, from April 27th, 1868; with 2d Brigade, 8d Division, 2d Corps, from June, 1868; and in the :'. 1 Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from March, 1864. The regiment, commanded by Col. Joel B. Baker, wa honorably discharged and mustered out June 30th, |s;,;.-,, at Munson's Mill. Va. During its Bervice it lost by death, killed in action. I officers, ?? enlisted men; of wounds received In action, 2 officers, IV enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 8 officers, 86 enlisted men: total, 9 officers, - JI<> enlisted men; aggregate, 219; of whom 8 VOLUNTEERS OE THE STATE. 383 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc. : Fletcher's Wharf, Poco mo, ,>. Va Cberrj Stone Lulet, Va.. Ti.iuti-i ■'> ['rirli .111,1 N • ii ■ folk, Va OI,l Chuivh. Va Seven Days' Battle, Va... Gaines Mills Malvern Cliff Malvern inn Harrison's Landing, Va.. ii, m. Pope's i ampalgn.Va Hull Kim Antletam, Bid Mack cirUoteli-r'.sKiinl.Va Near Shepherrlstown.Va Fredericksburg, Va May June 13 rune 23 July 2 June 27 3" July lug. Sept. 19 2(1 |v, ll 15 '' •Ilni-svill... Va May I :i Gettysburg, Pa lulv Auburn, Va Oct. Brlstoe Station, Va Blackburn's Ford Mine Run campaign, Va. Robertson's Ta\ em . Morton's Ford, Va. ii 15 Nov Dec. 2 Nov. IS,', | Feb. Kj, w onnded led. DI'dlReco W I: Wilderness, Va Spi.t.-wlvanla C. ll.,Va. I.aiin-I Hill, \a The Balienl Laiiilnni House North \tnia. \ a TiiliipolDiiniv. Va ' ol i Harbor, Va S , o 1 1 ' I Assault Before Petersburg, Va ... Assault ■ Weldon Railroad, Va Deep Bottom, Va Strawberry Plains, Va ... a uii i- Ream's Station, Va Boydton Plank Road, \ a in 12 l- 22-20 27-31 June 15- Apr.2, 1863 J'v 27-29 \ ■,, i , i. |Kil Wounded, Miss- led. Dl m i:-,„. u, K . i\ i U\ i g e c E = £ 6 - Hatcher's Run, Va Appomattox camp'n, \ White Oak Ridge. Fall of Petersburg High Bridge Farmville Appomatto C 1 1 on picket, June 17, 18M. 1863 ! 31 April 2 7 7 Total I 77 2 17 19 28 Eleventh Regiment of Infantry. ELLSWORTH ZOUAVES; FIRST FIRE ZOUAVES; FIRST REGIMENT NEW YORK ZOUAVES ; U. S. NATIONAL GUARDS. First organisation: This regiment, Col. E. Elmer Ellsworth, was recruited ami organized in New York city, accepted by the State April 20th, 1861, and mastered in the service of the United States, at Washington. D. G, for two years, May 7th, 1861. It was composed of members of the fire departmenl of New Fork city, and lefl the State April 29th, 1861 . It served at Washington, D. C, from May 2d, 1861; at and near Alexandria, Va., and in Gen. Willcox's Brigade, from May 23d, L861; in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, Army of North- Eastern Virginia, from July 16th, 1861; in New York harbor and Westchester county, from Sept., 1861; at Newport News. Va., from Oct., 1861; at New York city from May 7th, 1862; where, commanded by Lt.-Col. Joseph ES. McFarland, it was hpnorably discharged and mus- tered out June 2d, 1862. Second organization: J. '/'. Brady Light Infantry; May 18th, 1863, Col. James C.Burke received authority to reorganize this regiment; June 27th, 1862, Col. Henry F. O'Brien suc- ceeded Col. Burke; in the riots in New Fork city, in July, 1863, Col. O'Brien was most brutally murdered by the mob; July 27th, 1863, Col. Augustus 15. Sage succeeded Col. O'Brien, and, Oct. 1st, 1863, the efforts to recruit the regiment not meeting with since — . the reorganization was discontinued and the men already enlisted transferred to the L7th Veteran N. Y. Vols. The regiment (lsi organization) lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 38 enlisted men: died of wounds received in action, 1 officer. 2 enlisted men; died of disease and other causes, ,"i officers, s enlisted men; total, 7 officers, 18 enlisted men; aggregate, 50; of whom 3 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage inents, etc. : Occupation of Alexan- dria, Va Arliiiirtiin Mills. Va Fairfax ('. II.. Va Bull Run, Va 1861 M 24 June i July IT Ing. 1862. Hampton RoaK V i M h. Loss, on picket. M.r Kil ted. Wounded. „,„. E z M S e £ S ! S B l 33 .... 38 i PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Twelfth Regiment of Infantby. ONONDAGA REGIMENT; tNDBPENDENOE GUARD; THB DOZEN. This regiment, Col. EzraWalrath, was organized at Elmira; accepted by the Stat.- for a ;.,.rvi »f two years and numbered M and mustered in the service of the United States, al Elmira, for three months, May L8th, 1861. At the requeal of the General Government, it was ordered by the Governor of the State, Aug. 2d, 1861, to be mustered in the United States service for the unexpired period of its term of State service. Feb. 3d, l^!»-,». it was consolidated im<> five < ipanies, A, <;. II. I and K: Company B being merged into H; C into K; D into I; E into A; V into II. The nucleus of this regiment was ol members of the 51s1 Regimenl State Militia, and the companies were recruited principally: .1. B, C, /•-*. ffand T at Syracuse; Dal Homer; /'at Liverpool; Q at Canastota; and A' at Batavia. The regiment left the State May 29th, L861. Col. Henry A. Weeks received, on the return of the 12th Militia From its three months' service, authority to reorganize it for a service of three years. While the regiment as a body, did not re-enter the service, a majority of the officers and enlisted men of the new organization, which was known by the name— I2t7i Militia- were From the original regi. in- nt. The men were recruited principally in New York city, Patchogue and Buffalo, and mustered in the Bervice of the United States For three years in Oct., Nov. and Dec, L861, and Jan., 1862. In dan.. 1862, Company A was transferred to the 102d N. J . Vols., and the seven remaining companies of the regiment consolidated into five, H. •'. I>. B and F; Com- pany <; beingmerged into Company B, and K into E. These five companies left the State Feb. 5th, 1862. 3th, 1862, the companies of tin' 12th Militia joined the battalion of five i ipanies of th« 12th V V. V..1-.. and completed the regimental reorganization of the latter, all the com- panies retaining their alphabetical designation. .May 1st, L863, the two years' men were re- turned to Elmira and there honorably discharged and mustered out May 17th, 1868; the three years' men were consolidated into a battalion of two < ipanies, I' and F, and this hat- talion, commanded by Maj. Henry W. Rider, was, June 2d, I*(i4, transferred to the 5th Veteran N. ^ . Vols., a- Companies F and E, respectively, of the latter. The regiment served al Washington, D. C, From May :!lst, 1861; in the 4th Brigade, 1st Division, Army of North-Eastern Virginia, From duly, 1861; in Richardson's Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Wadsworth's Brigade, McDowell's Division, \ P., from Oct. 1 5th, 1861; in Butterfield's Brigade, Porter's Division, 3d Corp-. A. IV, from March 13th, 1862; in tin- 8d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, A. 1'.. From May, 1862; the battalion a- Provost Guard, 5th.Corps, From May, 1868. During it- Bervice tin- regiment lust by death, killed in action, 3 officers, -11 enlisted men; <>f wound- received In action, 22 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 <>tli>f State service. October 29th. 1861, Company K was consolidated with Companj a. and a new company took its place. In Nov., 1861, a new Company <; joined the regi ot. Jan. 10th, ist;'_>, a new Company I. recruited for the unexpired term of Bervice of the regiment, joined the regiment, replacing the original Company I. consolidated with the other com. panics Oct. 29th, 1861. Two companies, recruited for three years, joined the regiment Oct. 31st, 1862, taking the place of Companies 11 and K, consolidated with Companies D and G, respectively, on thai date. April 27th, 1868, all the three years' men were transferred to Companies II and K, and June 23d, 1868, these companies were transferred to the 140th N. Y. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1. C, l>, /.'. /•'. <•'. //and /at Rochester; />' al Dansville; and K at Brockport; the second Companies al Dansville; /. 11 and A' at Rochester; third Company A'at Rochester. The regiment left the State May 80th, 1861; served at Washington, D. C, from May :;i-t. 1861; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Army N. E. 7a., from July Kith, 1861; at Fori Corcoran, D. C, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Martindale's Brigade, Porter's Division, A. P., from Oct. loth, 1861; in same brigade and division, 3d Corps, A. P., From Mar. 18th, 1862; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division. 5th Corps, A. I'., from May, 1862; Companies II and K as Provost Guard from May, 18i;;3: and May 14th. 1868, the regiment, commanded bj Lt.-Col. Francis A. Schoeflfel, was honorably discharged and mustered ou1 al Rochester. During its service the regiment Inst by death, killed in action, 8 officers, 61 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, '-20 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 11 enlisted men; total, 4 officers, 125 enlisted men; aggregate, 129; <>f whom 2 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Blarklmrn's Ford, Hull Hun. Va Siege of Yorktown. Vn... 1 <-■_'. . pril Hay i Warwick and fork- town (loads April Near Uanover C. H., VaMai Hanover C. 11.. Va 27 Beven Days' Battle, Va... June :•:. July . Mechanicsvilli' . Gaines Mills .... Malvern Hill'.... Malvern Mill... Jane 26 I illy Ki ,.|Wounded.| M|g|1 l ltdj DI'd l Reco. Ing. „• : ' Ie|S gig S apse b Gen. Pope's camp'n, Va. Kll- "»"■"■■■■'■ Miss- li-.l. in'.i;i:.'. ,. Ihk. Sept. 2 .- . N M iiia-»as.luiiet'n Auk. '-"■> Hull Run Antietam, Md Sept. i: Near Sliepherdstnwn, \ a 2U ll.uiu i Church, Va Dl Fredericksburg, Yn U-I'> Richards' Ford, Va Obancellorsville, \ i Uoaa on picket Total Ion a - = V 5 = = a E d a||«_|5|« Fourteenth Regiment of [npantbt. I'l H8T <>\ BID \ cor nty EEOl M IN I . This regiment, Colonel .lane's GdcQuade, was accepted by the State and received its numerical designation May 6th, 1861; was organized at Albany and there mustered in the service of the United States for two yeara May 17th, 1861. The three years' men of the regiment were, in May. 1868, assigned to the New York Battalion of Vols., but June 24th, 1863, transferred to the 44th, and a few to the 1 4< >t li, N. Y. Vols. 4-9 PART Til. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATION'S. The companies were recruited principally: A—Uiiea Citizen? Corps — B, and 77. at [Jtica; 7-' at Boonville, Porestport and Port Leyden; Q al Rome; //at Syracuse: fat Low. villf. and ii'at Hudson. The regiment left the State June 17th, L861; served al Washington, 1>. C, from June 20th, 1861; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, Army N. E. Va., from July, 1861; in Morrell's Porter's Division, A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in same brigade and division, 3d \ P., from Mar. 18th, 1862; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, from May, 1862; and, commanded by Colonel McQnade, it was honorably discharged and mustered out al [Jtica May 24th, 1868. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 8 officers, 85 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 21 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 44 enlisted men; total, 1 officers, 100 enlisted men; aggregate, 104; of whom 1 officer, 6 enlisted men, died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: d. DI'd lRi HO H p|H II I Forktown, Va., 1861. Sept. ii .. 1862. April I . April 5 and Yorkto'n i: iads, \ i \ pril ii \ Mas 27 N.-» Bridgi \ June r ' . . i ■■■ Battl \ c . June 25- July 2 I -villi' T ii in- 2fi ... I . . I.I M 27 I I" I Uj ■ "■ i Cliff Malvern Hill Harrison's Landing, \ (li-n. l'ope"> cam i A lil i<-t am Mil Keameysvllle, Va .. . Frederic! - aii bards' Ford \ ... leil^ DTd Beco. [or -_, " "6 b S :|5|EgS6E £ O H p H O H O W -c 1 362 June 30 2119 July 1 - Sept. 17 Oc. 16-17 Decll IS... i U I 21 16 17- f i r 1 1: k n in Regiment of 1 n i \ \ crj . This regiment, organized as infantry, served as such until Oct. 25th, 1801, -when by the action of the War Department it was converted into a regiment of engineers, and desig- nated the loth Reg. N. V. Vol. Engineers, under which title its record and service will be found. Sixteenth Regiment op Infantry. i ii:-t ST. I \ WHENCE - in vn REG] \IK\T REGIS! I. \T. i i RST KTORTHERH N"BW 5 ORE This regiment, Colonel Thomas A. Davie-, was accepted by the State and received its numerical designation May 6th, 1861; organized at Albany and there mustered in the ser- vice of the United States for two years Maj L5th, 1861. In May, L868, the three years' men of the regiment were assigned to the 121st N . JT. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Ogdensburg; />' and /-'at Potsdam; ami /-.'at Plattsburg; D a1 Gouverneur; at De Peyster; //at Stockholm; /at Malone, and A" at Wesl < 'hazy and M 'fs. The regimenl left the State June 27th, 1861; served at Washington, D C, From June 29th, 1861; in the 2d Brigade, 5th Division, Army N. E. Va., from July, 1861; in Beintzel- Brigade, I >i \ i -- i < • i » of the Potomac, from August 4th, 1861; in Blocum's B Franklin's Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from Mar. 18th, 1862; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps, \. P . ti May, 1862; and. commanded bj Col ■! Joel J. Beaver, it was hon- orably discharged and mustered oul al Albany, Maj 32d, L868. During its service the regimenl losl by 'hath, killed in action, I officer, 88 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, I officers, '.'I enlisted men. of disease and other causes, I len; total, 6 officers, 190 enlisted men: aggregate, L96; of whom 2 enlisted nun died in the hand- of the enemy; audit took part in the following engage* etc.; VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 387 Fairfax C. ir., Va Hull Run. Va Pohick Church, Va... Pobluk Church, Va w.-i Point, Va V i Mi-cliaiiicsvillc, Va ■i ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 v . Va Seven Days' Battle, Va... Qainea Mills Garnett's and Gold- Ing's l'.u in- KflJ Wuui led. |DI'd |R ■«'= ; = ' t 8 I \ '= : 3 I B Sept. 21 Oct. i M I 22 June 1 June 2? .lulv 2 June 27 le : DTd Keco Bide d e - W ; a: r Glendale Fune :■■" n Mil! Iu!v 1 l'raiu|.'. ■ r \1 \ mi. tam, Md i: Frederli I Franklii. kpiil 29 I May :» - I. in Church, Va ' Total loss., Seventeenth Regiment op 1m lntry. WESTCHE8TER CHASSIS B8. This regiment, Col. Henry S. Lansing, was accepted by the State and numerically desig- nated May 14th, 1861; it was organized in New Fork city and there mustered in the United States Bervice for two years May 28th, 1861. The 18th Stat.- Militia furnished men for one company of this regiment. March Kith, L862, Company G was consolidated with Companies A, B, C and P, and replaced by Company A. 58d X. V. Vols., first organization, transferred to the regiment. May LSth, L863, the three years' men "f th»i regiment were detached from it and assigned to the Battalion of New Fork Volunteers, but June 23d, 1863, transferred to the 146th N. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Fonkers; //at Portchester; (7a1 Morrisa- nia; l> and W at N"ew York city; /-'at. Sing Sing; Q Nyack Volunteers — at Nyack; 7/ at Norwich; /at Newark, Arcadia and Sodus; S at Warsaw; and the second Com- pany at New Fork city. The regimenl left the State June 21st, L861; served at and near Washington, D. C, from June 23d, 1861; at Fort Ellsworth, D. C, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Butterfield's Brigade, Porter's Division, A. I'.. fr Oct. LSth, 1862; in same brigade and division, 3d Corps, A. I'., from March L3th, L862; in the 3d Brigade, Isl Division, 5th Corps, A. P., from May. 1862, and was bonorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Lansing, June 2d, 1868, at New V.»rk city. During its service the regiment losl bj death, killed iu action, 3 officers, 26 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, II enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 8 officers, 45 enlisted men; total, 8 officers; 82 enlisted men; aggregate, 90; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: K 1 1 Wounded. Mi... 1 < Puck. Date. Kil Place. le 1 - l. - B D ;- E a - i:. L 1 iv the transfer to it of the men enlisted f<>r 9th and :< s th N. Y. Vols., second organizations, and the Union 8harpshoot&r8, an organisation not completed n, "l recruited under Col. Achilh M B. de Villarcean under authority dated Julj 10th, 1863. The men were recruited principally in New ^ < > r t - city; a few at Albany, Brooklyn, Buf- falo, New Dorp, Norwich, Jamaica and Poughkeepsie, and the men originally enlisted for the 11th N. Y. Vols., formed Companies Dand E; those enlisted for the 9th Veteran Volunteers Companies II and t; those for the 88th Veteran Volunteers Company K; while the Union Sharpshooters formed part- of the other companies. The regiment left the Stat,- Oct. 18th, 1863; served at Louisville, Ky.. from Oct., 1863; .',: Eastport, Tenn., from Nov. 7th, l s f>:'.: at Union city ami vicinity, Ky.. in 6th Division, iiiili Corps, fn.m 1>.',-. 12th, L863; al Vicksburg, Miss., in 4th Division, 16th Corps, from Jan. 27th, 1864; on Gen. Sherman's Meridian Expedition, in 2d Brigade, 4th Division, L6th Corp-; at Decatur. Ala., in 3d Brigade, 4th Division, Kith Corps, from April 9th, 1864; in th,- 16th Corps from Aug. 8th, 1864; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 14th Corps, from Aug. 21st, 1864; in the 1st Brigade, 22d Corps, from June 9th, 1865; and. commanded by Col. James Lake it was honorably discharged and mustered out July Kith. 1865, at Alexandria, Va, During its service the regiment lost by death, killed inaction, 1 officer, 38 enlisted men; of WOUnds received in aetion, 1 officer, Hi enlisted men: of disease and Other CaUSeS, 65 ell- listed men; total. 'J officers, 1 19 enlisted men: aggregate, 121 : of whom "J enlisted men died in tin hands of the enemy, and it. or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, K H \\ ounded Mlss- I < 1 i 17 I"?. Place. Hate. RMI- \N nun. .-1 Mlss- Place. Date. le i B z l. i c I) i £ R i E - in. B E c "l 12 67 1 i i s p 1 B 11 le = z d. 1 D e i 1 B c "t i 16 | 6 i ... 1 c 19 9 "l 111 1 | 1 1 d i ■2 l .: ■u i < .. city i i - • t ; or- icii lalrj v - \ 9e( V.,13 186 1. 16 1864. Feb. II 19 May 2 26 i l March to the Sea 1864. Nov. 15- Dec. in NOV. 25 26 Dec. 11- 26 1865 Apr. -•■ Men - n 16 24 April lo- 26 '" z i i Chunky Creek, Miss Campaign of the Caro- i i urtland, 2 3 - "3 ttockinghani, N. C Payettevllle, N. C - 26 29 Bept. 2 Lag - Bept. l Sept. 2 Dec. 21 Beiitonvlll.., N. C ii n. lin ... ■ mi. n! ..i Atlanta Bennett Housi , N I - n. iii i ampaJgn, Qa.... Eighteenth Regiment of [npantrt. NKW JT0RB BTATE RIFLES: RIFLEMEN. This regiment, Col. William A. Jackson, was accepted by the State and received its mi- mericai designation Maj 18th, l ^ ', ; ; organized at Albany, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years Maj 17th. 1861. May 11th, L868, thi three years' men • if the regiment were transferred tothi 121st N. Y. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 and E at Schenectady ; />', /■'. //ami /at Albany and immediate vicinity; Cat Plshkill; l> WaUcitt Quardt — at Middletown and in Sullivan county: Q at Canandaigua, and A at Ogdensburgh. Th< regiment left the State June L9th, 1861; served at Washington, D C, from June }J • 1861; In 2d Brigade, 5th Division, Armj V B.Va., from July 18th, 1861; InFranklin's Brigade, Division of Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Newton's Brigade, Franklin's Divis- \ I', from Oct 15th, 1861; In 8d Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from March 18th, 1862; in the 8d Brigade, 1st Division. 6th Corps, A P., from May, 1862, and com manded by Coi. George R. Myers, was honorably discharged and mustered out at Albany Maj 88th, 181 During its service the regiment lost i>y death, killed in action, 8 officers, '-' s enlisted men; VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 389 of wounds received in action, 1 officer, t enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 35 enlisted men: total, 5 officers, To enlisted men; aggregate, 75; of whom H enlisted men died in the bauds of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc : Date. Kil- \\ ounded MS- • I < 1 '. 1 26 Pla<«. Date. \s ol ed 1'I.ACK. ted. £ d 1 e -.1 B f E e K-. O CO B a> E d H \ :>s 2 & E 5 l a E 42 led = d r H IU .; '- B i: t "i CO. g E d SB 4 :■ i i E ; i 'K- d g 1 a I c to lftfil. July 16 17 18 21 AUK'. '■» Nov. 16 Dec. i 1862. Men. 12 Maj : June 25- July 2 luu.' 27 28 ', 1 3 Qlendale M in Mill Burke's 8 Crampton Pass, Md .Inn.- 30 July 1 17 Dei 11 1 M > Kaj i «i "i in Fairfax Station, Va. Hull Run, Va 2 IT i 1 •- Minion's Mill, Vu Sprin^'llcM Station, Va... fnion Mills, Va Franklin's Crossing, Va . m - Heights and 8a- Gaines Mills GartR'tt'siiii'l (ioMin^'s Farms Losi on picket Nov. <. i :t 1 - 7 _dj ... ... • 1 Nineteenth Regiment of Infantry, cayuga county regiment; seward infantki. This regiment was accepted by the State and organized as a regiment of infantry for two years' service; it served as infantry until Dec. lltli, 1861, when it was converted into a regiment of artillery and designated the 3d Regiment Light Artillery, under which title its record and service are given. Twentieth Regiment of Infantry, united turner bieles. This regiment, Col. Max Weber, was accepted by the State for a service of two years, May 11th, 1861; organized at New York city, and there mustered in the United States ser- vice May 6th, 8th and 9th, 1861, the Seld and Btaff and Companies A. B, < '. I> and K for three months, the remaining companies for two years. At the request of the General Gov- ernment, the Governor of the State, August 2d, 1861, ordered the portion of the regiment mustered in for three months only, into the service of the United States for the unexpired portion of the regiment's term of State service. The three year--' men of the regiment were, May 7th, 1863, transferred to the 3d N. Y. Vol. Battery, and Battery F, Stb Regiment U. S. Artillery. The companies were recruited principally; .1 in Newark, X. .1 ., and vicinity; />'. ' '. /.' and Fin New York city; D in New York city. Albany. Poughkeepste, and a few men in New Jersey; Q in New Yurie city, Poughkeepsie, Rochester, Syracuse, and In Newark, N. J, . ffin New York city, Brooklyn, Hudson. Morrisania. Saugerties and Union Hill; 7 in Brook lyn, Williamsburgh and College Point; and K in New York city, Brooklyn, and in New Jersey. The regiment left the State June 13th, 1861; served at and near Fort Monroe, Va.. from June 15th, 1861; at Fort Hatteras, N. ('., from 28th, 1861; at Fort Monroe, Va., from Sept. 13th, 1861; at and near Norfolk, Va., in 7th Corps, from May 10th, L862; in the Sd Brigade, 2d Division, 6th Corps, A. P., from June 9th, 1862: and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, commanded by Col. Ernest Van Vegesack, June 1st, 1868, al New York city. A reorganization of the regiment was attempted but failed, and the men enlisted were transferred to the 16th X. Y. Vol. Cavalry, Oct. Hth. 1863. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 42 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 3 officers, 12 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 offi- cer, 58 enlisted men; total, 9 officers, 112 enlisted men; aggregate, 121; and it, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, etc. : 390 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Date. Kil- \\ ounde i MlaS- S f "i 64 Place. Date. Kil- \\ ounded ls 1 - D_ f Beco. e S i g "i "6 1 111 l.lK t i led. i d !" "a DIM .- E G = ... 3 :; 12 Beco u = c 5 « 1 • 1 - •• 1 32 = - : - 4 | ■x . Va 1861. Lug. 7 Vov. 11 Jan, 22 May II July 2 June 27 ... ii ... |0fi 3 170 Whit. Oak SwaliipH'i;.- ii - Landing, Va... i Market Bridge, - 1' i--. M i it 17 Dec. 11- 1.1 Tranter's Cret-k ami N»r- Heights and Sa- ... ■ :••. Va. 3 i .'ildin^'a Twenty-first Regiment of Infantry. f-'IKST HrFI'ALO liF.GIMKNT. This regiment, Col. W. F. Rogers, was accepted by the State for a service of two years, and numerically designated May loth, 1861; organized at Elinira, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three months, May 20th, 1861. Members of the 65th and 74th Militia, four companies of the latter, formed the nucleus of the regiment. At the request <>f the General Government, the Governor of the State, Aug. 2d, 1861. ordered the regiment in the service of the United Stales for the unexpired portion of its term of State service. The men were recruited principally in the county of Erie; a few coming from the coun- ties of Allegany, Chautauqua, Niagara, Orleans, Oswego and Wyoming. The regimen! left the State dune 18th, 1861: served al Fori Ealorama, I>. «'., from dune lilt}.. 1861; al Fort Runyon, I>. C„ from Aug. -1th, 1861; in Wadsworth's Brigade, Mc Dowell's Division, A. P.. from Oct . loth, L861; in Patrick's Brigade, King's Division, 1st Corps, A. I'., from March 13th, 1862; in 2d Brigade, Bang's Division, Dept, Rappahannock, from May, 1863; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Corps, a. Va., from dune 86th, 1862; in same brigade and division, 1st Corps, A. P., from Sept. 12th, 1862; in Patrick's Provosl Guard Brigade, A. P., from Jan., 1868; at Aipi'm Creek. Va., from April, 1803; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out under Col. Rogers, May 18th, l s *'»d, al Buffalo. Col. diaries \v. Sternberg received, May 21st, 1868, authority to reorganize the regi- ment for a service of three years, but this authority was withdrawn Sept. 30th, lst;:;. before any progress in the reorganization had been made. During its service the regiment Losl by death, killed in action, l' officers, 60 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 28 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 40 enlisted men. total, 1 officers, 1 Id enlisted men; aggregate, 117; and it. or portions of i. part in the following engagements, etc. ! mi. wound. led.|DI'd|Rei , ir iW - B 8 Bb'b - * z Oen, Poi I Sulphu - I n M South Mountain, Md., \ lit i.l Mil I . M'l Snlcker'e G | „.| Wounded. M ,„ I Ing. led. DIM . i s ii ii i w i Ohun i \ On detached service (gunboat irrlce), and ruin : YolJNTKKKS OF THE STATE. 39i Twenty-second Regiment of Infantry, second northern new york regiment; second tboy regiment: seo- o\ D No III'll KFiX 'II BE REG] M ENT. This regiment, Col. Walter Phelps, Jr., was accepted by the State and numerically designated May 14th, 1861; organized al Troy and there mustered in the Bervice of the United Stales, for two years, June 6th, 1881. The three years' men of the regiment, but a few. were in June, 1863, transferred to the 76th and 93d V "i Vols. The c panics were organized: .1 at Waterford and Cohoes; //and /"at Port Edward; G&i Keeseville; Dm Cam- bridge; A' and /-'at liiens Kali-.; Aboriginally tin Whitehall Light Guards, at Whitehall; II at Sandy Hill; and A" at Port Henry. The men were recruited principally in the counties of Albany, Clinton, Essex, Saratoga, Warren and Washington. The regimenl left the State June •. > sth, 1861; passing through Baltimore, Md.. it had 1 man killed by a mob; it served at and near Washington, I). C, from Julj 1st, 1861; in Keyes' Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in same brigade, McDowell's Divis- ion, A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in Augur's Brigade, from Jan., 1862; in '2d Brigade, Sd Division. 1st Corps, A. P.. from March 13th, 1863; in 1st Brigade, King's Division, Depart- ment Rappahannock, from May, L863; in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Corps, A. Va.. from June 36th, 18C>2: in same brigade and division, 1st Corps, A. P., from Sept. i'Jt'n, lsi;2.and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Phelps, June 19th, 1863, at Albany. During its service the regiment Lost by death, killed in action, ', officers, i- enlisted men; of wounds received in action. I officers, 1 'J enlisted men; id' disease ami other CJ officer, 37 enlisted men; total, 12 officers, 88 enlisted men: aggregate, 100; of whom 1 en- listed man died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Mii-isnpuMjix, Va Gen. Pope's i amp'n, Va. Kil .|Wuumteu lcd.iDIMlKeco. 1862. April 17 18 Auk. 6 Aug. 16 Sept. 2 Aug. 21 26 Springs (iaiiifsvillr ZH Groveton :*i Hull Hun 30 I.ittU- River Tiuiipik.-Srpt. 1 2 I i 27 S' .01 li Mom, lain, Ml . Antietam, Md Fredei ii k- Pollock'fl Mill Creek, Vi Chancellorsville, Va Total loss | K ii. W..uniled. ; Ml ... led. lU.I | Reco. | Ing. Date. g! = t £ tie t e = sic e Dec. Il- ls v E 3 E|l £ d 6 Id Twenty-third Regiment of Infantry. BOTJTHERN TIER REGIMENT J SOUTHERN TIER RIFLES. This regiment, Col. Henry 0. Boffman, was accepted and numbered by the State May 16th, 1861, organized at Elmira, and there mustered in the United States service for two years July 3d, 1861. The three years' men of the regiment, a tew in Company B, were transferred to the 80th X. Y. Vols. May 39th, 186& The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Hath: /.* at ('una; ''at Oswego; D at Corning; E at Waverly; /-'and A' at Eimira; at Sornellsville; K at Cortland; and /at Watkins; the men being from the counties of Allegany, Chemung, Cortiand, Oswego, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga and Tompkins. The regiment left the State July 5th, L861; Berved at and near Washington, D. C, from July 7th, 1861; in Hunter's, then Sedgwick's, then Keyes', Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. 4th, l861;inWadsworth's Brigade, McDowell's Division, A. P., from Oct. 15th, I86l;in 3d, Patrick's, Brigade, 3d, King's, Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from March 18th, 1862; in 3d Brigade, King's Division. Department Rappahannock, from May. 1862; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division. 3d Corps, A. 7a., from June 36th, L863; in the same brigade and division. 1st Corps, A. P., from Sept. ivltb, 180-2, in Patrick's Provost Guard Brigade, A. P., from Jan., 392 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. l s i;:'>: al Aquia Creek, Va., from A pri 1 89th, 1868, and was honorably discharged and mas- tered oat, under Col. BofEman, May 22d, 1863, al Klmira. Daring its service the regiment losl bj death, killed in action, 10 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 7 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 58 en- listed men; total, 2 officers, 70 enlisted nun; aggregate, 7J; of whom 5 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engagements, etc.: Kll Wounded Ml- "i 4 Place. Date. Ml. « minded. Mr*. I»«te. ted els DI'dlBi |e|S U .- 5 .- e c e - * r ICO i S H "a i Ins. if! Ill led. Pl'd = - Reco. e S T B 'ng. r' f ; = c =' - fl | I 1-1. ,- ::: 1863. 28 2>.i 30 31 Sept. !i 17 Dec. ii IS "i ! 2 16 ■ 29 M 23 ' . Mnn-n's Hill. Va 31 Hall's Cr. ■-- K . :-. \ i Sept. II Gainesville ■l i Hull Kun Bowline (;;•■ n Road.Va May 18 II . Va Inly 26 \ . Vug. 16- Sept.2 Rappahannock River.. Aug. 21 S..111I1 Mountain, Md Ann. tain, Md Fredericksburg, Va ... = a 2 M 2 12 18 TwENTY-FOl'RTn REGIMENT OF INFANTKY. OSWEGO COUNTY REGIMENT. This regiment, Col. Timothy Sullivan, was accepted by the State May 17th. 1861, organ- ized at Klmira, and there mustered in the service of the United States, for two years, July 3d, 1861, to date from May 17th. 1861. Its three years' men were, in May, 1863, transferred to the 76th N. Y. Vols. The companies wen- recruited principally: .1, />'. C, 2c* and /at Oswego; D at Parish; E and li at Fuiton; Q at Sand Creek; and A' at Belleville; the men were from Oswego county, except those <>t' Company K. who were from Jefferson county. The regiment left the State July 2d, 1861, served at and near Washington, D. (',, from .lnl\ 3d, 1861; in Keyes' Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in same brigade, McDowell's Division, A. P., from Oct. 16th, 1861; in Augur's Brigade, same division, from Jan., 1862; in 1st Brigade, 3d, BZing's, Division, 1st < orps, A. I\. from March. 1862; in Bame brigade and division, Department Rappahannock, Va.. from May, 1862; in 1st Brigade. 1st Division, 3d Corps, A. Va., from June 26th, 1862; in the 1st Brigade. 1st Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from Sept. 12th, lstj-j; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under <'ol. Samuel R. Beardsley, May 29th, lsO']. at Klmira. Col. SVm. C. Rauiston received authority, 26th, 1 sc»:{. to reorganize the regiment for three years' service, Sept. 25th, 1863, the authority was modified to reorganize it as the 24th Regt. V Y. Vol. Cavalry. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 68 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 22 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 80 ' olisb d men; total, 7 officers, 1 16 enlisted men; aggregate 122; of whom 2 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: i K.ilni-iiitli. Va , • - . unpa n, v ■> ihannot k River.. ^iiipinir Sprint K||. wouij <■• I M ,„ - i\i\Si ■ s 1861 i I A| ill 17 18 I \ KilJWounded.| Ml88 . led. IH'dllteco. tug | g i ill e c s Hull Kiln Aug. an Little River Turnpike. Sept. i South Mountain, Md i< Aiitlrtaiu. Md 17 Fredericksburg, Va D P Mill Creek, Va Ohancelloraville, Va IS 1863. \|.r. 29 M M VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 393 Twenty-fifth Regiment of Infantry. UNION RANGERS; KERRIGAN BANGERS. This regiment, Col. James B. Kerrigan, was accepted by the State May 1 1th, 1861; organ- ized at Staten Island, and there mustered in the service >>f the United States fur two rears June 26th, 1861 The companies were recruited in New York city; Company A was also known as t hi' Tenth Ward Rangers, and Company D as the Eighth Ward Rangers. June 19th, 1863, the three years' men of th< regimenl were assigned to the New York Battalion of Volunteers, hut, June 23d, 1868, they were transferred to the 44th N. Y. Vols The regiment left the State July 3d, 1861; Berved at and near Washington, 1>. <'.. from July 5th, 1861; in McCunu's Brig., Army X. E. Ya.. f, ( , m July 21st, 1861 ; In Hunter's Brig., Div. Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Butterfield's Brig., Porter's 1 >i\ . . A. IV. from Oct. 15th, 1861; in Martiudale's Brig., same division, A. 1'., from Jan., 1862; in same brigade and division, 3d Corps, A. P., from March, 1863; in 1st Brig., 1st Div., 5th Corps, \. P. from May, 1862, and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Charles A. Johnson, June 26th, 1863, at New York city. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action. 6 officers, 85 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 1* enlisted men: of disease and other causes, :'. officers, 25 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 78 enlisted men; aggregate 89; of whom i officer and 2 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following en- gagements, etc. : led in 1 1 :.-c:o.i inc. ' ;§•- = " = ==== ='= - Malor Null's Farm. V;i.. Hall'- Cross Komi. Va .... Hall's Cross Koail, Va. ... Siege of Yorktown, Va.. Warwick and Yorkto'i Road Hanover c. II Sever. Hays' Battle, Va.. MiilianU'svllle . liaines Mills Malvern Cliff.... Malvern Hill .... 1 Date. Kil- » IK CI Mlss- ls = z i. a 1 ■2 D i i z s sa i: = CO B i i i = - C J 1861. Auk. 27 Sept. n Dec. 1- 1862. April :>- May 1 April 5 May 27 •lime 25- .luly 2 June 26 27 30 July 1 "i I 24 "i "i ... "s 5 1 ... ": 2 "i 2 30 i 6 si "i "i ... (it'll. I'"]> V Hull Run LH(f. 30 Sept. i: .11. Va Nov Dec. i 11-18 30 II 1883. M.e Richards' Pord, Va Cliant'.'ll.»rsvillf, Va Loss "ii picket and other minor affairs I I 1)7 320 Twenty-sixth Regiment ov Ixf.vntky. second oneida regiment; central new stoeb battalion] dtioa bbgi- MENT. This regiment, Col. William II. Christian, was accepted by the State May l?th. 1861, for a service of two years; organised at Kin lira, and there mastered in theservi f the United States for three months May 81st, 1861. At the request of the General Government, the Governor of the State, Aug. 2d, 1861, ordered it in the service of the United States tor the unexpired portion of its term of State service. In May. isc>:s, its three years' men were transferred to the flTth N. Y. Vols. The companies w. re recruited: .1 , //.''and /-.'at Ctica; /> at Hamilton; /-'at Whitestown; (r and 11 — originally intended forthe I8tk Regiment — at Rochester; ratOriskany; and A' at Candor; the men came principally from the counties of Madison, Monroe. Oneida and Tioga; a few from the counties of Chenango, Herkimer and Seneca. The regiment left the State June L9th, 1861; served at and near Washington, D. •'., from June 20th, 1861; in McCunu's Brig., from July 91st, 1861; in Heintzelman's Brig., Division Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Siocum's Brig., Franklin's Division, A. P., from Oct. loth, 1861; in Wadsworth's command, at Fori Lyons, Va.,from Nov.. 1861; in 1st Brig., 2d Div.. Dept. Rappahannock, from May, 1862; in 2d Brig., 2d Div.. 3d Corps, A. va., from Jane 26th, 1862; in 2d Brig., 2d Div., 1st Corps, A. P., from Sept. 10th. 1862, and was honora- 50 394 PART III. SKETCHES OF <>!!<; AN 1Z AT IONS. blj discharged and mustered out, under CoL Eticliard H. Richardson, .May 28th, 1863, at Dtica. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 4 officers, 62 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 11 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 42 enlisted men; total, •"» officers, 145 enlisted men; aggregate 150; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the bands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engagements, etc.: K 1, rt ..I 110 .. Mi-s- 169 Place. Date. Bil- Wounded. Mlm- led. DI'd|l{eco. led. DIM Rei o, c Plaoi Hate. " ~ " £§« j 3 •J.' Z H ill g a 1 S S S z - -. u. E Pohick Churcb, Va i Mountali \ ■ pe's camp'n.Va . in i: ibaonock statu. Tborougbfan i 1861. Bept. 2 23 2S ' a1 Lyons, of members of the 54th State Militia. C, /'ami /-'at Binghamton; A' at Rochester; O al Lima; //"at Mount Morris; /at Angelica; and l\ at Albion: the men were principally from the counties of Allegany, Broome, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans and Wayne. The regiment left the State July 10th, 1861; served at Washington, D. C, from July 12th. 1861; in 1st Brig., 2d Div., Army X. E. 7a., from July Kith, 1861; in Heintzelman's Brig., Div. Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Slocum's Brig., Franklin's Div.. A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in 2d, the same, Brigade, 1st Div., 1st Corps, A. P., from March 13th, 1862; in 2d Brig., l-t Div., 6th Corps, A. P., from May, 1862; and was honorably discharged and mustered out, commanded bj Col. Alexander 1>. Adams, May 81st, isn:l. at Elmira, Daring its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action. 1 officer, i>1 enliBted men; of wounds received in action. 1 officer, II enlisted men; of disease and other causes. 2 offi- cers, 72 enlisted men; total, 1 officers, 144 enlisted men; aggregate, 146; of whom 7 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemj ; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: led. IPI'd l Beco. Ii ■ Hull 1' .Tub 21 1 _■:. I M it hanli ivllle, \ i \. ii \|. i, in . »\ ill.-. \ .i June i J.,h HI luno llll^'v ... 1 '. I i>i i;- . U z-2 z -2 Qlendale June 3D Malvern Hill Inlj i ' ■ . 1 1 . . i ■ i ■ . 1 1 r e- Sepl . 1 1 Ami. 'nun. Md 17 Fredericksburg, \ .1 1»'. 11-18 ... Franklin's Crossing, Va. April 29 M Mai Hi • and Ba- \ tfay 3-1 i-iin bur Total loss. e Ls e : - : - T\\ i:n 1 \ in. 11 1 11 RbG! m 1 n r OF I N 1 \ \n:i N 1 \<. \ 1: \ Kl 111 - : 1.1 1 1 GUARD. This regiment, Col. Dudley Connolly, was accepted by the State May 18th, 1861; organ< ..•■ -I at Albany, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years Sfaj VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 395 22d, 1861. Its three years' nun were, in May, L863, transferred to the 60th N. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1. B, <7and K al Lockport; Dai Medina; B al Canandaigua; Fai Batavia; Q al Albion; //at Monticello, and / al Niagara Falls. The regiment left the State June 25th, 1861; Berved al Washington, l>. <'., from June 28th, 1861; in Butterfieid's Brigade Keim's Division, Patterson's Army, District of Penn- sylvania, from July 8th, 1861; in Stile's Brigade, Banks' Division, A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in 1st Brigade, 1st, Williams', Division, 5tb Corps, A. P., from March loth. 1862; in same brigade and division, Dept. Shenandoah, from May. 1862; in Lsl Brigade, Lsl Division, 2d Corps, A. \"a.. from June 26th, 1862; in the Lsl Brigade, lsl Division, 12th Coi P., from Sept. L2th, 1862; and was honorably discharged and mustered oul undei Col. Edwin F. Brown, June 2d, 1863, at Albany. During its Bervice, the regiment lust by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 51 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 15 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 47 enlisted men; total, 2 officers, LIS enlisted men; aggregate, L15; of whom 2 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.; Date. Kil- \\ oiimli'il Hist I •< R Wounded. Place. 1. i o i. = 1 6 - D = .1 c a i; CO C 1 L 1 Vi. z I I'll > Ilatr. led. I) i : E i I = -: 18 1 in. d - : I 1 1 iV, i ... ii B a e - 7 1 16 M < 1861. Near MarMnaburg.W.Va July n In Virginia, opposite 1 i 2 64 \\ Incheater 1863. U 28 June 30 July 28 Aug. 16 Sept. 2 - J "i l 17 2 1 j| Winchester, Va Hontevedio, Va N.-ar Columbia I'limao-, « 1 Near Harrisonbu Operations in the Shen- andoah Valley, \ a.., 1862. M.I,. 23 23 April 13 24 May 23- 28 M 24 \ a, . pe's i amp'n, \ a Rappahani k Station Sulphur spm Ami. ■tain. Bad cii. up ■I'llorsvllli-, Va Additional tosses :i 1 7 12 16 T\\ knty-ntnth Regiment of Infantry. L8TOB RIFLES: FIRST GERMAN [NFANTRY. This regiment. Col. Adolpb Von Steinwehr, was accepted by the State May 21st, L861; it was organized in New Fork city, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years June 4th and 6th, 1861. It was composed of Germans, recruited principally in New York city, but Company K contained e number of men enrolled al Philadelphia, Pa 11 th.- battle of Hull Run, Va., July 21st, L861, the guns of the former Varian'a Batter} were Berved by a detachment principally from this regiment, and mostly of Company 11; these men were later, when the 2d N. ST.Vol. Batter] was organised, transferred to the same. In Juno, 1863. the three years' men of tin regiment were formed into a company, which was known as tin' Independent Company, 28th N. V. Vols., and performed provost guard duty at the headquarter-. ,>f the 1 Ith Corps, until April l!»th. ISii}, when it was discontinued and the men transferred to the 68th X. V. Vols. The regimen; left the State June 21st, 1861; served al and near Washington, D. «'.. from June 23d, 1861; in the 1st Brigade, 5th Biv., Army n. i:. 7a., from. July 16th, 1861, in Bank- er's Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. Ith. 1861; in Steinwehr's Brigade, same di- vision, A. P., from Oct. loth, 1861; in 2d Brigade, Mime division, Mountain Department, from April, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 1st Corp-. Army of Va., from June Join. lsi»-2; iii 1st Brigade, 2d Division, llth Corp-. ,\. P., from Sept. 12th, L862; and was honor- ably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Louis Ilartman. June 20th, l^ii:!. at New- York city. Col. John Gitterman received, July 25th, 1868, authority to reorganize the regiment for aserviceof three years; this authority was transferred, Sept. 10th. 1*fi:!. to Col. Peter De- give; the reorganization met with little success and was discontinued Oct. 14th, 1863, when the men enlisted were transferred to the 13th X. Y. Vol. Artillery. 396 PART TTI. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. During its service, the regiment loel by death, killed in action, 1 officer, '2~ enlisted men; of wounds received in aetien, 1 officer, 1 1 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 32 enlisted men; total, :; officers, OS enlisted men; aggregate, ■ Near Pori Republic, Va Racoon Ford, Va July Qen. Pope's camp'n, \ a lug. 16 - Sulphur Springs \\ M. rloo Bridge.. i Irovetoc Hull Hun Chancellorsvllte, Gettysburg, Pa.... Lo i ph kc-i 1863 May i : July l Kit. led. DI'dlReco. Ing. : B iU 9 8 1 = = - W C H THIRT1 II J J 1 B EQ] M E N'T OF INFANTRY. This regiment, Col. Edward Frisbie, was accepted by the State May 32d, 1861; organized at Troy, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years June 1st. 1861; Dec. 7th, 1862, a aew company joined the regiment, becoming Company P, in place of the one consolidated with the other companies. The three years" men of the regimenl were transferred to the 76th X. V. Vols. May 24th, 1863. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Lansingburgh; B and.TatTroy; Cat Schenectady; />, /-'and Cat Saratoga Springs; E ai Poughkeepsie; Jf at Hoosick Falls ami Eagle Bridge, and reorganized at Troy, and K at Banderhook. The regiment left the State. I une^Nth, 1861; served at and near Washington, 1>. ('., from .Tune 29th, 1861, in Keyes' Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in 1st, same, Brigade, McDowell's Division, A. P., from Oct . , 1861; in :3d, augur's , Brigade, same division, from Jan., 1862; in 1st Brigade, 8d, King's, Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from March 18th, 1862; in Isl Brigade, King's Division, Department Rappahan :k, from May, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Corps, A. Va., from June 26th, L862; in same brigade and division. 1st Corps, A. P., from Sept. L2th, 1862; and was honorably discharged and mustered oat under Col. Wm. M. Searing, June L8th, 1868, ai Albany. June 23d, 1863, < "I. Morgan II. ( Ihrysler received authority to reorganize this regiment for mounted and three years' service as the Empire Lighl Cavalry; Later, the designation was changed to 2d Veteran Cavalry, and under that name the reorganization was perfected. limine its service, the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 4 officers, 62 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, L3 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 81 enlisted men; total, 8 "Hirer-. L06 enlisted men; aggregate, 114; of whom 8 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engage- ments, etc, ; In Wounded. Miss- | i S < Puoi. Ki let Date, l 8 e : - ■ w »< n< ed M -_ Dati . 1861. \|.n: 15 le 5 1 D \ g B ! c s - i 71 1 I s i d H ■ i . IMMllfc I'M. = E d 1 e E o IR i M M Farm \ i Pain Hi, V.i 1852. Aim. 30 9 i Sept. i ... . i ... . ii 17 Dec. n lo.. \ „ * ... i "i ii i i "i r.ltll.- liiiir Tin nj.ik-- Hall's lliii and fall's 1 i How In..: Orei Va ■ 1 - Ikle Jnne 2t ... SmiiIIi M ■ x l 1 \ Fredericksburg, V» Pollock's Mm Or 1 i Ifl Total loss 1 ii i 103 m 1 | VOLUxVTEERS OF THE STATE. 397 ThIKTY-FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. MONTEZ L'MA RE( 3 I M B N T BAXTER LIGHT GUARD8J VOLUNTEERS. PIR8T NEW YORK UNION This regiment, Col. Calvin K. Pratt, was accepted by the State Maj 31st, 1881; organised and recruited in New York city, ezcepl Company I. recruited al WilliamBbnrgh; and mue tered in the United States service for two years, field and staff and Company A May 14th, Companies B, C, D, E, P, G, II and 1 May 37th, and Company K Jane 18th, 1881, at Net* York city. Nov. 27th, 1861, Company K was discontinued, ai d the men transferred to tin- other companies of the regiment, and in May, 1st;:}, the three years' men of the regiment were transferred to the 121 >t N. Y. Vols. The regiment left the State June 34th, 1861; served at and near Washington, l>. C, from June 36th, 1861; in 2d Brigade, 5th Division, Army X. E. Va., fromJuly 18th, 1861; In Frank- lin's Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. 1th, 1861; in Newton's Brigade, Franklin's Division. A. P., from Oct. loth, 1861; in 3d Brigade, Lai Division, lsl Corps, A. P., from March 13th, 1862; m 3d Brigade, 1st Division. 6th Corps. A. P., from May, 1863; in Lighl Brigade, 6th Corps, during the Chancellorsvillc campaign in May, 1N03; and was mustered out and honorably discharged, under Col. Frank .(ones, Jane 1th, 1868, at New York city. A reorganization of the regiment, under Col. done-,, was authorized dune 8d, 1868, '"it not effected, and Company A and the men enlisted, bul not yet formed into a company, were, Oct. 14th, 1863, assigned to the 5tb Veteran N. V. Vols. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 6 officers, 52 enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 13 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 oilier. 2? enlisted men; total, 7 officers, 92 enlisted men; aggregate, 99; of whom :! enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc. : Date. K D f mm. ii'.l Hiss- | "i 83 131 Place. Date. KM Wounded. Mlss- Placb. le e r. 2 _\1 § 2 i: | CO § 2 i 28 78 t i Z ifi 1 B a K :■: 26 Ii B i. 2 1) e i 5 i:. £ CO. B d - ": ; 9 37 199 Ins. ■ a ■-' < 1861. July it 20 21 Sept. 28 1862. May : lune :?■>- .Iul> 2 lu in- 27 28 30 ... July i v ■ Sep) ii 17 Dei . ii 1863. April 29- Mav 3-1 • 6 -1 1 i ItlarklmrnN Ford, Va Sialinn, Va Crampton Pans, Md tntletam, Md Fredericksburg, \ a Franklin's Crossing, Va. Marye's Heights and Salem Ohurcn, Va Total loss "i Mini '» Hill, Va Springfield Station, Va... i 19 20 3 5 i a Wert Point, Va Seven Days' Battle, Va . G tinea Mi'.i Garnett'sand Holding's Parm Olendale 1 -'■ " - in " 10 141 3H Thirty-second Regiment of Infantry. FIRST C \ l.l l ■'<>!: \ I A \ OLUNTEBRS. This regiment. Col. Roderick Bfatheson, was accepted by the State May 22d, 1861; organ- ized at New York city, and mustered in the service of the United States for two years May 81st, 1861, at New Dorp, Btaten Island. The Hatpin City Regiment and the Cerro Gordo Legion, incomplete organizations, wen- merged into it. May *2~>t li , 1803, the three years' men of the regiment were transferred to the L21s1 X. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 and I— Ithaca Volunteers — at Ithaca; B at Canajoharie; Cat Johnstown; l> al Amsterdam; E al New York city and in Tompkins county; /'and Q in New York city; //in Tarrytown, and K — ('apt. W. H. Elobinson's Com- pany of the Ehnpin City Regiment or Guard — at New York city. The regiment left the State .lune 39th, 1861; served at Washington, 1>. C. from duly 1st, 1861; near Alexandria. Va., from duly 8th, 1861; in 3d Brigade, 5th Division, Army N. E. Va., from July 13th, 1861; in Franklin's Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. Ith. 1861; in Newton's Brigade, Franklin's Division, A. P., from Oct. loth. 1861: in 8d Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from March 13th, 1862; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps, A. P., from May, 1862; in the Light Brigade, 6th Corps, during the Chaucellorsville cam- 398 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. paign in May. L868; and was honorably discharged and mastered oat, ander Col. Francis R Pinto, Jane 9th, 1868, at New York city. Durin the regiment losl by death, killed in action, I officers, 21 enlisted men; ..I' wounds received in action, 1 officers, 16 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 53 enlisted men; total, '.> officers, i" 1 enlisted nun: aggregate, 99; of whom 5 en- listed men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engagements, etc. : Fairfax C. n Va.... Blackburn's Ford, V. Hull Hun ' Munson's Hill. \ a... Minis., n's Mill. Va Annandali Gaines Mills idOol ling's Kami- 1861 July 17 21 I - Dec. 186 M June 25 July 2 Kjl.lWoun gllsibls lie Glendale , M ■Ml Mill i ( Irampt m Pass M ... Anliilaiu. Md Fredericksburg. \ a Franklin's Cross il June 80 July : Apr. 29- M ij z i : " § - l 2 126 in 1 111 -• I i 16 1 1 -■1 i Til HIT , -THIRD REGIW l N l l.N I ANTIiY ONTARIO REGIMENT. This regiment, Col. Robert F. Taylor, was accepted !>y the State May 22d, 1861; organ* ized at Elmira; and there mustered in the United States service fortwo years JulySd, istu, tn date from May 22d, 186] . in ( >ct., 1862, Company I> was disbanded, and a new company formed in its place of recruits joined at thai time. May 14th, 1868, th< three years' men of the regiment were attached to the 4!ith N. Y. Vols., and Oct. 1st. 1868, transferred to the companies of the same. The companies were recruited principally: .land A'm Seneca Palls; /.'at Palmyra: (' — Waterloo Wright GuwdS — at Waterloo; It at Canandai^na; A'at (Jencseo; /'at Nmida; i, Richmond Ghuards — at Bnffalo; ET at Geneva, and i Keuka Rifles- atPennYan. The regimeni lefl the State July 8th, 1861; Berved al and near Washington, 1». C, from July9th, 1861; in W. P. Smith's Brigade, Armj N. E. Va., from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Ste- vens' Brigade, Smith's Division, A. P., from Sept. 25th, 1861; in Davidson's,. 3d, Brigade, Smith's Division, 4th Corps, \ P., from March L8th, 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 6thCorps, A. P., from May, 1862; and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Taylor, June 2d, 1863, al Geneva. Daring its Bervice the regimeni lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 29 enlisted men; ..f wounds received in action, 2 officers, i-> enlisted men: of disease and other cat enlisted men; total, Sofficers, L49 enlisted men; aggregate, 152; of whom I enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy; and it toofc part in the following engagements, etc.: \\ nundei Near (line I 1 ouug'a Mills, '■ Jforktowu, v. I Mills I I M '■ Willi, i. \ • \ Holding i I D Battle, Va. ii i Gold I II MIS Unto. 1861. , J I 1-1. M ■• f - 3 = - B I a - - P] ■ i Slalimi \\ hitc Oak S » a in p \1 i II ii i anding, v P M Crumpton P Anli, -Ian, M Fredericks! Date. led. Urd t Keco i J 1 M 1 1 \ Gettysbtu Pu i Anil, linn anl Marsh Wllllamsport, Md Total loss July Sept lug. i VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 300 Thibty-foubtb Regiment 01 Enfantby. HBBKIMEB BEG] KENT. TLis regiment, Colonel Wm. La Due, was accepted by the State Maj 84th, 1861; organ- ized in Albany, and there mustered in the service of the United E . its Jun< 15tb, 1801, Part of the 38th Militia entered this regiment. June 8th, 1868, its three years' men were transferred to the 82d N. Y. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: A a1 WeBl Troy; B a1 Little Palls; C7al Grays villc and Norway; I> at Champlain; E at Addison; V and al Berkimer; //at Crown Point; Jat Haramondsport and /fat Salisbury. Tbe regiment left the Stat.' July 3d, 1861; served at and near Washington, l>. I July 5th, 1861; in Stone's Brigade, Division Potomac, from August Itli, 1861; in 2d, Gor- man's, Brigade, Stone's Division, A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in same brigade, Sedgwick's Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from Mar., 18th, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from May, 1862; and was I irably discharged and mustered out, under i Byron Laflin, June 30th, 1863, at Albany. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, <'>•"> enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 26 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 67 enlisted men; total, I officers, 158 enlisted men; aggregate, 162; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Si nei a Mills, m.i Seneca Mills, M-i Drains illr. M.I Goose Creek, Va., near Kdwards Fen v Siege of Vorktown, V May i 1 use, Va May 24 fair Oaks, Va May SI June i White House, Va June 16 Kil- »■"""'■•''• Mis Z K - * z - 1 1-.. J. s.-s en j> .in,,, 25 July : Orchard I Station 29 . \\ bite Oak Swan p B Glendale Malvern Hill Julv I IntleUm. M.i Sept. 17 Fredericksburg, Va Decll-15 Man. \ Ihi-ht- aii'l Sa- lem Church, Va M i 1 1 1 i IS 9 18 l-i 1 1 Thibty-fifth Regiment of Infantby. jeffebson count! beg] if] n t. This regiment, Colonel William C. Brown, was accepted by the State May 26t1 organized al Elmira, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years June Uth, 1861. May isth, 1868, the three years' n of the regiment were transferred to the 80th N. Y. Vols. " The companies were recruited principally: .1 and A'at Watertown; B — Tefferton Oroya — at Copenhagen; Cat Theresa; I> at New York city, Buffalo and Elmira; /-'at Corning ami Bammondsport; Q al Adams, // a t Cazenovia; I at Red* 1, and A'at Brownsville. The regimenl left the State. Inly 9th, 1861; Berved at and near Washington, I>. C, from July 18th, 1861; in A. Porter's Brigade, Armj N. E. Va., from Julj 27th, 1861; in Bunter's Brigade, Division Potomac, from August Itli, L861; in Wadsworth's Brigade, McDowell's Division, A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in 2d, Patrick's, Brigade, 8d, hang's, Division, i - A. P., from Mar. 13th, 1862; in 2d Brigade, King's Division, Department Rappahannock, from May, L862; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Corp-. A. Va., from June 26tl same brigade and division, 1st Corps, A. P., fr Sept. 12th, 1862; in the Provi Brigade, a. P., from Jan., 1868; at Aquia Creek,' Va., from April, 1868; and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel John . <'.. fr Aug., 1861, to March, 1862; and the regimenl was honorably discharged and mustered out, under the command of Col. B. B. Hayman, June 22d, 1863, at New Fork city. Col. William DeLacej received authority, June 26th, 1868, to reorganize the regimenl for a service of three years; the reorganization was discontinued Oct. L4th, 1868, and the men enlisted transferred to tin- 5th Veteran Regt. N. Y. Vols. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action :: officers, 62 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, v' officers, "J I enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 offi- cer, 37 enlisted men; total, 6 officers, 113 enlisted men ; aggregate, ill'; of whom 2 enlisted tnen died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc-.; Near Falls Cliurrli. Va... Miinsciii's Hill. \ i Blackburn's Ford, Va. Bailey's 1'russ I! ■ 1861. July Lug. -•- 1862. Mason's Meek, Va Tan. 7 l,ee s ll..U-.e. \ a Mas. ui's Neck, Va ' Siege "i Vorktown, Va... Apr. 23- May Williamsburg, Va May Fair Oaks, Va Fair Oaks. Va 30 Pair Oaks,Va May 31 June 1 «i«i»is Li? Battle, \ a., oak Grove Glendali Malver,, Mill den. Pope's camp i Groveton Hull Knn Chantllly burg, \ a.... Ihani elloreville, Va Total lOSS .Ill lie 25 2 June 25 July i Sept, 2 \ Sept. | IS e ' A e \A k I A Igl £ ...3184 Thibty-eighth Regiment or Infantry. SECOND SCOTT S LIFE QD \ RD, This regiment, Col. J. II. Hohari Ward, was accepted by the State May 26th, 1861; or- ganized at New York city and mustered in the United States service al Easl New York for two years. June 3d and 8th (Company [), 1861. The 18th Militia furnished men for one com- pany. In Sept., 1861, 97 men of the 4th Maine Vols, were assigned to the regiment, Dec. '.2Nt. 1862, the regimenl was consolidated into six companies, ,\. B, C, I'. E and P. Dec 23d, L862, the 55th X. V. Vols., consolidated into four companies, joined by transfer, form- ing new Companies u. II, I and K of the regiment. June 3d, 1868, the three year-' men of the regiment, all in the four Companies Gr, B, I and K, were transferred to the lothN. ^. Vols . and became Companies A. !■'. and II of the latter. The original companies were recruited principally, .1. /•'. C, D and /•'. in New York city: Bin Westchester county; in Westchester and Dutchess counties; //at Genevaand in the county of Ontario, /at Ihu-eheads; and A' at Kli/.ahethtown. The regimenl left the State June 19th, 1861; served at Washington, D. C, from .1 21st, 18(51; in 2d Brigade, 3d Division, Army N. E Va., from .Inly 18th, 1861; in Howard- Brig- ade, Division Potomac, from Aug. 4th, 1861; in Sedgwick's Brigade, Heintzelman's Division, A. P.. from Oct. 15th, 1861; in 2d, Birney's, Brigade, 8d, Hamilton'-, Division, 3d Corps, A. P., from March 3d, 1862; in 2d Brigade, 1-t Division, 8d Corps, A. P.. from .July, 1862; and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. .lame- c. Strong, J 1863, at New York city. 51 402 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. gustos Funic received authority, Jane 28d, ISO:!, to reorganize the regiment for three years' Bervice; this was, however, qoI effected, and Oct. 14th, 18<>:!, the men enlisted were assigned to the 17th Veteran N. V. Vols., then organizing. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 3 officers, 07 enlisted men, of wounds received in action, 15 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, '■'< officers, 43 en- Hsted men; total, 6 officers, 115 enlisted men; aggregate, 121; of whom 2 officers and 4 en- listed men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, July 17 Fairfax <\ H., V« Hull Knn. Va Near Munson's Hill, Va. Aug. 18.. - I . \ I \|.ril .'.-' Williamsburg, Va M June i ... .i 1 1,.- jr. .Inly -J I Jourdan's Ford fune 29 i 1 I On. l'.i|n ■'> i-aniii'ii, \ a. Centreville oi Hull Run Chanlilly Fredericksburg, Va . I 1 362. June 30 July s. pt.2 29 Chancclloreville, Va. led. \><. I 1 Thirty-ninth Regiment of Infantry (Veteran). oaribald] guard; italian legion; netherland legion; polish le- gion; hungarian regiment; first foreign rifles. This regiment, raised by the Union Defense Committee of New Fork city, under special authority from the War Department, was accepted by the State May 27th, 1861; organized and recruited a1 New Fork city under Col, George D'Ctassy, and mustered in the service of the United States for three years at Washington, D. C. , June 6th, 1861, to date from May 28th, 1861. Three companies consisted of Germans, three of [Hungarians, one of Swiss, one of Italian-, oneof Frenchmen, and one of Spaniards and Portuguese. Maj 31st, 1863, the regimenl was consolidated into four companies: A, B, C and D; new companies were organ- bed in the field from recruits: B Dec. 8th; F Dec. Nth: G Dec. l'.ith; II Dec 30th, 1868; 1 and K in Jan.. 1864. Companies A. B, C and I) were mustered ou1 iu New Fork city June 25th, 1864, those nol entitled to l>e discharged having been previously transferred to the other companies; and the regiment, six companies, E, F, G, II, I and K. retained in Bervice. In Oct., L864, a new Company l>. enlisted principally al Malone for one year, joined the regiment; June 2d, 1865, the members of the regimenl nol to be mustered oul with it were transferred to the L85th N. F. Vols. The regimenl lefl the State Maj 28th, 1861; Berved al and near Washington, D. C, from June 1st, 1861; in the 1st Brig., 5th Div., Armj N. E. Va., from July 18th, L861; in Blenk- ., Div. Potomac, from Aug. Ith, 1861; in Btahel's Brig., Blenker's Div., L P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in 1st Brig., same div., Mountain Dept., from April, 1862; in White's I Va., at Winchester, Va., from July, 1862; at Barper's Ferry, W. Va., from Sept., 'amp Douglass, Chicago, III., from Sept. 27th, 1862; near Washington, D. C, 1st. >i v., Defenses of Washington, from Dec, 1862; in Jan.. 1 si;::, in :t. I Brig., Casey's, later Abercrombie's, Di\ , 22d Corps; in 8d Brig., 8d Div., 2d Corps, A. P., from June 25th, 1868; In the 8d, and for a time in the Consolidated, Brig., I si Div., 2d Corps, A. I'.. from March. 1864; and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Augustas Funk, July 1st, 1885, al Alexandria, Va. During its service the regiment losl i>y death, killed in action, 5 officers, 62 enlisted men; of wounds received in actum. :: officers, 49 enlisted men; of disease and other causes l offl- c r. 158 enlisted men: total, !) officer! 269 enlisted men; aggregate, 378; of whom 1 offices and 99 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took purl in the following iMl- etc: VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 403 Bull Hun, Va Near Strasburg. Va Straslmrt,' ami w Va dear Woodstock, Edln burg and Mi. Jackson, \. mi 1 1 ;nii>. .nlmri_', Va. Cross Krvs, Va Mi. I. II. •town, Va Siege an. I surrender ol Harper's Ferry, w, Va 80I01 's Gap Man land Heights Gettysburg, Pa Auburn, va Bristoe, Va Mine Run camp Robertson's Tavern . .. m m's Ford, Va \\ Ilderne8s. Va ;-!">! -\ l\ ania C. II., Va.. Po River Jul 1862. June l. ....... Ujj. \\ onndi d led. PI M l Keep gLsl £ S..]il2-1.'. Oct. 11 11 v Dec. 2 27 1864. May '■ 7 - 21 = ==== U) ISM. \| Landron House If North Anna. \ a Totopotorao \ .I'm- I 12 • 1 line 19 Assault of Petersburg, road,"Va!."! Deep Bottom, v , Strawberry r Ream's st^n Run, Va . Appomattox 1 ampalgn White On Fall ••! Petersburg.. D Farmvllle Appomattox C. II .. An II I- D \l ti April;' ' April 2 T.Hal Fortieth Regiment 01? [nfantri (Veteran). MOZART REGIMENT; UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION GUARD. This regiment, Col, Edward J. Riley, was organized at Yonkers, under the auspices of the Union Defense < lommittee of New York city, and under special authority from the War Department. Originally i1 was known as the United States Constitution Guard, recruited in New Fork city by Col. John S. t locks, of which the <9< cond Zouaves, an incomplete organ- ization, formed part; al the solicitation of the Mozart Hall Committee, it accepted the di s- ignation Mozart Regiment. No more men being accepted from this State, except through the St at 1 • authorities, the regiment was completed by taking four companies from Massachu- setts, one— B — from Newbury port ;on< — G— from Milford; one -H— from Wes1 Cambridge; and one — K — from Lawrence; and two companies from Pennsylvania. It was mustered In' the United States for three years al Jonkers, the field and staff J uly 1st; Companies A and Q June 21st; B, C, l>, B and P June 14th; II and K June 27th; and I June 26th, 1861. in Aug., L861, the State accepted the regiment and numbered it as above. Sept. 6th, 1862, the regiment received by consolidation the enlisted men of the 87th N. V. Vols., who wen' assigned principally to Companies E3 and F. May 25th, 1863, it was consolidated into five companies, B, C, l>, F and c. and May 80th, L868, it received by transfer the three years' men of the 38th X. V. Vols., as Companies A, Band II, and those of the 37th X. V. Vols., as Companies I and K. Company II originally came from the 66th, and Companies I and K from the 101st, X. Y. Vols. At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment retained in service, but, July 7th, 1864, consolidated into six companies, A, B, < '. I>. Band F, Company F becoming Company A; E Company B; A Company C; C Company l>; D Company E; I Company F; and Companies B, G, Band K being transferred to the new companies. July 27th, 1864, the members of the 74th N. T. Vols., not mustered out with their regiment, were assigned to this, forming Companies Q and II. The regiment left the Stat.- July 4th, 1861; served al and near Washington, D. C, from .TulyCth, L861; near Alexandria, Va., fromJuly 17th, 1861; in Howard's Brig., D mac, from Aug. 4th, L861; in Sedgwick's Brig., Beintzelman's Div., A. P., from <>, under special authority from the War Department; organized a1 Xbrkville, and there mustered in the Bervice of the United States for three years June 6th and 9th, 1861. The regiment was composed of Germans recruited in New York city, except Com- panies G and II. which were recruited in Philadelphia, l'a., and Newark, X. .1., respect- ively; Company F was armed as artillery, and Nov. 7th, 1861, l ame the 9th X. Y. Vol, Battery, and a new company, formed of recruits, took its place Nov. 30th, 1868. At the expiration of it- term of Bervice, the men entitled thereto were mustered out June 9th, 1864, at Hilton Head, B. <'.. and the regimenl consolidated into sis companies, B, E, F, .«'.. in 1st Brigade, Hardin's Division, 22d Corps, from Aug., 1864; in the 2d Brigade, 1st. Kitchings', Provisional Di- vision, and Army of the Shenandoah from Sept. 27th, 1864; In the 1st Brigade, Ferrero's Division, Army of the Jai Bermuda Hundred, Va. ,from Dec., 1864; and it «;h honorably discharged ami mustered out. under Capt. Alfred Theinhardt, Dec 9th, 1865, at City Point. \ a. During Its service, the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 52 enlisted wounds received in action, is enlisted iiMM ; of disease and other causes, I officers 69 enlisted men: total, 6 officers, 189 enlisted men; aggregate, 145; of whom 8 enliBted men died in the hands of the enemy, and it took part in the following engagements, etc: VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 405 Kil Wounded. Mi,-,- I \\ oum ed Place. Date. lc = z 1. D d e - E 1 i:. : CO. a 1 Inc 8 E 1 fed. Placb. I'I ■! L r . : 3 ~ E Z - \ E z I'D P R £ - i 1.17 tng. M "i 1 i B 6 11 ... "1 : i i 2 22 II ::: i'i ii 27 - 103 7', 1 1663. Operations In < 1 ton Ii. bor,8.< Bombardment Sumti r. 8. C Seabrook and John's [s- 1804 - ■ ii John's I -in., i. 8. C July 9 Before Petersbui - \ i Dei Kail of Pi V Loss on pi. I..-I. and other minor 1 . 1 i- a "a :i 83 }, Va Rappahannock Sta'n.Va. An-. - Freeman's Kurd. Va 15 G'-n- I'upr's cainpa'u.Va. Amu. 1" • Rappahannock Stati.ui \u-. 2 Sulphur Springs, Va... •_':! -J I Waterloo Bridge 24-2J Qroveton , 29 Hull Run 30 Chanr.-llorsville. \ a Mav 1 ' ■ i.-ttvs'.ur:.'. I'a lulv 1 -:: N, -ar Ihu-r-tuvn. M,| ... 12 i:i"- 1-1 ,,i i. .- '■ ViU'. 2 Batten Wagner, 8. C Aug. 9- Sept. t Bombardment of Kurt Sumter I M 6 1 loss Forty-second Regiment ob [nfantry. t\m\ia\y regiment; jacks029 guabds. This regiment, Col. William D. Kennedy, was organized at Great Neck, L. I., under the auspices of the Tammany Society and the Union Defense Committee of New fork city, under special authority from the War Department; and mustered in the service of the United States for three years at Great Neck June 33d and 38th .11 and K), 1861. The companies were recruited at New Fork city. June 38th, 1864, the men who were nol to be discharged with the regiment, veterans and recruits, were transferred to the 83d N. V. Vols. The regimenl left the State July 1st h, L861; served at and near Washington, D. <'.. and Poolville, Mil., from July 30th, 1861; in Stone's Brigade, Division Potomac, from Aug. 1th. 1861; in Gorman's Brigade, Stone's Division, A. P., from Oct. 16th, 1861; in Burns' Brigade, same division, A. P., from Jan., 1863; in Dana's, 3d, Brigade, Sedgwick's, 2d, Di- vision, 2d t'orps. a. P., from March, 1863; in 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, \. P., from March. 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out. under Col. Wm. A. Lynch. .Inly Kith. 1864, at New Fork city. During its service, the regiment lust by death, killed in action, 11 officers, 108 enlisted men; of wounds receivedin action, 88 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 105 enlisted men; total, 12 officers, 346 enlisted men; aggregate, 358; of whom 36 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Kil Wounded Miss- led. in'-: R 8 E 8 S ! E 1861. Hall's Bluff, Va Oct. 21 :■■ :i 1862. 5 orktown, Va. . Apr. 16 Wesl Point Va May 7 Fair Oaks, Va Mav ::i June i Tunstal Station. Va lunc II Seven Days' Battle, Va.. June25- July 2 IVach Orchanl I 8 ivage Station \\ tiite Oak Swamp Bridge Qlendale Malvern Hill i i i i's Hill Antietam, M.I Chariestown, \\ . v*i . Fredericksburg, Va .Inly I •■ Sept. 17 Oct. 16- 17 Dec. ll- IS 3 22 Haymaricet, Va Fune24- - il Ion, \ a Mine Kim campg'n, \ a K Robertson's Tavern.., N Willi, -n \ Spotsylvania C. II.. Va. Laurel Hill The Sain nt Landron 1 1 North Anna. \ a | . \ a \ -.Hilt rsbunt, Va. Assault ol Petersb'rg.Va Weldon Hal i in detached Ben Ii •■ 1864 10 June . : "" Mi — led. DPdj Rec. ing. '- | 406 PART HI. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Forty-third Regiment of Infantry (Veteran). al.r.any am» yates* rifles; vinton rifles. This regiment, Col. Frauds L. Viutou, received its State designation Sept. 18th, 1861; uuzed at Albany and there mustered in the service of the United States for three peare in Aug. and Sept., i s »'>i. The Votes 1 Rifles, recruited by Col. L. Ayer, four incomplete companies, A, B, C and 1>. were consolidated into two companies, and Sept. lSth, 1861, assigned t<> this regiment. A company of the Manhattan Rifles, Col. J. M. Freeman, and of . . / . s. Vanguard, Col. Wm. Nbrthedge, wen- also attached to the regiment, and its organization completed. The two companies of the Yates' Rifles joined the regiment on its through New York city. July 18th, 1862, the regiment was consolidated into five companies, A. I'.. I '. I) and E, the men of Company K going to Company A: those of F to B; of anies A and 1>; B of H and II; C of C and F; D of G and K. and E of E and I. The companies were recruited principally: .1, Band D at Albany; Cat Albany and One- onta; E at Canajoharie ; F at Sandy Hill; Q — Manhattan Rifles — at Schenectady; H and / _ Totes' Rifles — al New Fork city; and A' — XT. 8. Vanguard — at Cooperstowu. The companies joining in Oct., 1862, were recruited at Albany. The regiment left the State Sept. 21st, 1861; served at and near Washington, D- C. from Sept. 23d, 1861; in Hancock's Brigade, Smith's Division, A. P., from Oct. 15th', 1861; in 1st Brigade, Smith's Division, 4th Corps, A. P., from March 13th, 1862; in 1st Brigade. 2d Di- vision, (itli Corps, A. P., from May, 1802; in the Light Brigade, 6th Corps, during the Chan- cellorsville campaign; after that in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 6th Corps, A. P., and it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 27th, 1865, under Col. Charles A. Milliken, at Washington, D. C. The regiment b>st during its'service by death, killed in action, '.) oilier-. 71 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, I officers, 80 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 126 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 230 enlisted men; aggregate, 244; of whom 32 enlisted men died in the hand- of the enemy; aud it took part in the following engage- etc: Kil- ""■""''•''• Miss. 1862. ■ I Kluii Illll.Va Feb. 22 \pril 5 I M \| June 23 July i' . June jt - ipH'W 3" . July i M - plU II II . IT \ Dei II IS. Mi i l>.-. |. Run P i Pa M : 10 ' ... k ,-i ii. Vn N D iii-i -ii. J7 Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania r. II.. Va. I'm. i Branch Church. Landron's Farm The Salient North Anna, \ a Totopotomo] . \ -i Cold riarbor. v ;1 x — . .- » i « ; r t Petersburg, Va : llroad, \ a Fori Stevi ns, l> < ... vn, W. \ a i ipequon Creel \ k.i |mm i;, , ., Date, eja 1864. 8-21 I £ •: B G s z W Cedar Creek, \ • . Appomattox campalRii, \ ■ Fall ol i- apponiattox C. M A'l.llllnlllll 1.J--OS ■ .Pi,, l 12 I luur 18 I' June l- i I I • M Total lOM 9 74 4J30 23 309 9 VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 407 FORTY-FOL'KTH REGIMENT OB Is I W'TKY. ELLSWORTIf AVI Si, BBS; PEOPLE'S ELLSWORTH REGIMENT. This regiment, C<>1. Stephen W. Stryker, was recruited under the auspices of the Ells* worth Association of the State of New STork. The original plan was to obtain from every ward ami town of the State one man; this plan was qoI adhered to, bat later more than one enlistment was allowed to each, and the counties of Albany and Erie Funished each two companies, and Herkimer connty one company. The men reported individually al Albany, where the regiment was organized under orders from the State date] Oct. L5tb, L861. The companies were mustered in the service ot the CTnited States for three years, A, H, < ', I) and E Aug. 80th; F and (i Sept. 6th; 11 and I Sept. loth, and 5 Sept. 84th, 1861. Sept. 2oth, lNi;2, Companies C and K were merged into the others, and replaced by new compa- nies, recruited at Albany, Oct. 21st, 1862. New Company E was also known as the Normal School Company. In Jane, 1868, the three years' men of the L 4th and 25th N. V. Vols. joined the regiment by transfer. Sept. 28d, 1864, the men not entitled to be mustered out with the regiment were formed into a battalion, and Oct. llth, 1864, this battalion was transferred to the 140th X. V. Vols. (266 enlisted mem, and the I Kith X. V. Vols. (188 e,,iiMed men). The regiment left the State Oct. 21st, 1861; Berved in the 8d Brigade, 1st Division, A. P., from Oct. 26th. 1861; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division. 3d Corps, A. I'.. from March, 1862; ■in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, A. P., from May, 1862, and it was honorably dis- charged and muBtered out, under Col. freeman Conner, Oct. llth. 1864, at Albany. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 8 officers, L22 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, <>'3 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 145 enlisted men; total, 6 officers, 329 enlisted men: aggregate, 385; of whom 15 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Siege of Yorktown.Ya... April 5 \| I BanoverC- H., Va M Seven Days' Battle, Va. June 25 July 2 Gaines Mill June 27 Malvern Cliff Malvern Mill hily I Gen. Pope's canip\'ii, \ a Auk. 27- Sept.2 Near Manassas June- tlon Aug. 29 Hull Run Antietam, Md - Near .ShephiTilstuwn, Va Kreilt-rickMrnri;, Va Richards' Kurd, Va.. Chancellorsville, Va Middleburg, Va Gettysburg, Pa .lours' fro-- Kmm.UA .1 .. Hristue Station, Va... May i t June .1 12 Oct. Rappahannock Station, Mine Run camp'gn.Va. Spotsylvania C. Plney Branch Cold II 1883. \ id u 10., June I Bethesda Church , Petersburg, 2-3 ... June a". Oct. n ... IPeti • ,V« June 16 19 Railroad, Va... \ Poplar Spring Ch*( h,V« - Total loss Mi — Ing. FoKTY-i'iriii Regiment ob [nfantby (Vbtbban). FIFTH GEBMA29 REGIMENT OB ftlFLES: BOWE'8 RIFLES. This regiment, Col. George Van Amsberg was organized in New 'i ork city, where it was recruited almost wholly of Germans, and mustered in the service Of the CTnited State- for three years Sept. 9th, 1861; it received its numerical designation from tin- State Sept. llth, 18U1. Part of the Hbnved Regiment, Col. Count Edward Wratialaw, was consolidated into this regiment. At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were dis- charged, principally Oct. 8th, 18G4, and the regiment retained in service. The regiment left the State Oct, 9th, 1861; served in Stahei's Brigade, Bienker's Division, A. P., from Oct. 12th, 1861; in 1st Brigade, same division, Mountain Dept., from April, 408 PART 111. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. is-;-:; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Isl Corps, A. 7a., from Jane 86th, 1868; in the same ad division, llth Cup-. A. P., from Sept. L8th, L863; in the 1st Brigade, 3d Divis- ion, llth Corps, A. 1'.. from June, 1863; in the 8d Brigade, lsi Division, 80th < Sorps, from April, 1864; at Nashville, Tenn., Dept. Cumberland, from July 6th, 1864; and it was con- solidated, under Col. Adolphus Dobke, company to corresponding company, with the 58th fl. 1 Vo - June 80th, 1865, al Nashville, Tenn. During its service the regiment lost bydeath, killed in action. 8 officers, ".•-' enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 1 officer, IT enlisted men; of disease and ether causes, 2 offi- cers, I08enlisted men; total, 6 officers, 155 enlisted men; aggregate, 161; of whom 8 officers, 19 enlisted men, died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, i Placb. Hate. B ii. i. w 1 "a H n "i oi ■[ 5 ii' i: z 3 co. a E "a 18 27 M t i l it B E W 12 s 1 Place. |KiI- Date. J ~ u D i 7 § B Ki i 1 ■! E =' Miss- ttiK. j B 3 bo 1861. D Jane i 3 ro, lid mil Waii- .T.'im Chattanooga an \ 111.- cain|.ai:_'ii, Ti'iin... 1863. Julj 8 N S 1 4 1 ... ... Missionary Ridge I 25 1864. 1 is Keys. 'a - 9 19 • ;■■!!. I'l'l"' - i .1 1 1 1 [>:t II. \ i \ - - 6 36 164 17 Atlanta campaign, Qa. .. Ri saca Kenesaw Mountain — Ma \i 3 D II ... 29 30 i 7 Cnancelloraville, \ Gettysburg, Pa Fuly 1-3 ... Forty-sixtb Regiment of Ixfantry (Veteran). Fremont Rifle Regiment. Colonel Rudolph Rosa received authority from the War Department, July 88d, 1861, to recruit a regiment of infantry. The regimenl was recruited and organized in New Fork city, composed mostly of Germans, and accepted by the State and numbered Sept. 14th, 1861. The companies were mustered in the service of the United States for three years; A July89th; B, C, I>. E and K Augusl 5th, 14th, 88d, 87th and 30th, respectively; Q Sept. :; |; ii Sept, 6th; I and K Sept. L6th, 1861. On the expiration of its term of service the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regimenl retained in service. While the latter was on it-- vet i •ran furlough, May, 1864, the \ eterans were attached to the 86th Mass. Vols. The regimenl left the State Sept. l tth, 1861; served in Viele's, 1st, Brigade, T. W. Sher- man's Expeditionary Corps, at and near Washington, 1>. ('., from Sept. 19th, 1861; in the Department of the South from Nov.. 1861; in the 8d Brigade, 3d Division, Dept. South, from Dec, 1861; in the 2d Brigade, Is) Division, 9th Corps, from July. 1868; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, from Sept., 1868; in the 8d Brigade, lsi Division, '. » 1 1 1 968; in the 3d Brigade, 8d Division, 9th Corps, from June, 1868; in 2d Brigade, 1-t Division, 9th Corps, from August, 1863; in Lock wood's Division, 5th Corps, from Maj 86th, 1864; In the 3d Brigade, 4th Division, 5th Corps. A. P., from Bfaj 80th, 1864; in the9d Brigade, 8d Division. !ith Corps, from June llth, 1864; in the 2d B lsi Division, '.»ili Corps, from Sepl . 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out under Lt. Colonel Adolpb Becker, July 88th, 1865, al the Delancj House, !>. C. During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 6 officers, 70 enlisted nun; ol wounds received in action, '■'< officers, 81 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 8 officers, 81 enlisted men; total, in officers, 188 enlisted men; aggregate, 198; of whom 15 enlisted men died in the ham]- of the enemy; and it, or portions of it, took pari in the fol- lowing engagement VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 409 Tybee bland, Ga Wilmington and White Marsb bland, Ga Full Pulaski, lia ■ lam.-s 1 -!;i 1 1 i . - Si i-. — .ion \-ill.-, S. (' Gen. Pope's camp'n, Vh Sulphur Spring ton Ir.-vill,- April 10 Am;. 21 Sept. 2 . 31 Sept. i South Mountain, M.I. Antletam, Md Ki-.' Va Dec. 11- 1863. J Sir-.' ..I \ n ■k~l.iir!.'. Mi" .1 tin*- 17 July i Jackson, Mi- r uly9-16 Blue Sprints, Tenn Oct. i" C.IUH.1..1I Station, lYiin. Nov. 1'. Siege "i Knoxville, Tenn Nov. io Dec. i Ferry,! enn Jan. 2 M I .nil C. II.. \ Kil- Wounded. M ,^. led.|Dt'd | Beco. l led. DI'd|B ('..Li Barboi June I 1 ■ rsbui \ a I Assault ..f Petersburg, Va June 16 i" i Mint- Explosion, Va July 30 Weldon Road, Va lug. i- II Poplar Spring Chu'ch.Va 9 U 1863. I - Ilium, Va M Fall of Pet. \ M i i other minor affairs, on picket, etc Total loss ,.., Forty-seventh If i:< op Im \nti;y (Veteran). WASHINGTON iiKAVS. Colonel Henry Moore received authority from the War Department, July 94th, 1861, to recruil a regiment of infantry; it was recruited principally in N.-u ^ ork city and Brooklyn, and a Few men came from Dutchess county; the Imperial Zouaves, Colonel Wesley Merritt, an incomplete organization, recruited under authority from War Department, of July 27th, 1861, formed its nucleus. Sept. 14th, 1861, the State authorities gave it its numerical desig- nation, and it was, on the same day, mustered in the service of the I cited States for three years, al Easl New York. Jan. 80th, L864, a portion of the Enfant* Perduavrere transferred to the regiment. At the expiration of its term .>f service, the men entitled thereto were dis- charged and the regimenl retained. July 17th, 1865, il received 801 officers and enlisted men of the 115th N. Y. Vols., nol mustered out with their regiment The regiment left the State Sept. 9th, 1861; served in Vlele's, 1st, Brigade, T. \Y. Sher- man's Expeditionary Corps, from Sept. 19th, 1861, at and near Washington, l>. •'.. in the Department of the South, from Nov., 1861 ; on Edisto island, Dept. South, from Mar . 1862; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. Smith, from June, 1862; at Hilton Head, S. C, from July, 1862; in Terry's Brigade, 10th Corps, from Jan., 1868; unassigned, 10th Corps, from Feb., L863; at Ossawba island, Ga., 10th Corps, from April, 1868; on Folly island, S. C, from July. lSti:?; at Hilton II. ail. s. C, from Nov.. 1868; in Barton's Brigade, Seymour's Division, 10th Corps, in Districl of Florida, from Dec, 1868; in "-'.I Brigade, 2d Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James, from April. 1864; in 1st Brigade, 3d Division, l*th Corps, from .May 30th, 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 10th Corps, from June loth. L864; in sain.- brigade and division, 24th Corps, from Dec, 1864; in Provisional ( orps, from Mar., 1866; in '2d Brigade, 2d Division, Huh Corps, from April 2d, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel Christopher R. MacDonald, August 80th, 1865, al Ral- eigh, N. C. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 7 officers, -"'7 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 29 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 157 enlisted men; total. 7 officers, 248 enlisted men; aggregate, 250; of whom 55 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engageim-nt- 52 410 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Kil- .i uuuded MlM- a 313 61 Plai >.. Dat< . Kil- Wounded. Mi — PLACI Dat*. le E z i ... l. - l .: 2 n E : 'd - 13 1 i: £ 1 - (CO. 1 180 i 1 r jg. c i - jo led. / - 8 1 E = : - DIM - z = B : - ... 7 :! i .. 29 K. e 1 - i "i ■j. 12 i ... = i c H 27 - 7 fi 119 Ins- '.'.'. "i ~:.m t 1 1863. Jan. i - ' M. b. :• - i June ii Cold Harbor, Va 1 Before Petersl .In. 1 12 1 .Inn.- 15- Dec. -i .1 e 15-19 July 3< \ii.ll 18 Oct. 1 1 Dei 1865. Jan. 1! F'y 11-12 16 Mch. 1- M.-li. ■.'.'- 24 April 26 i i 2 6 - 1 " 1 III - July •» July 19- - - Assault ol Petersburg, A a Strawberry Pla 17 III 17 46 irdmenl of Fori - nter ■ Harbor, 8. < Bombardment "(" F'..rt Samter, S. C id, Va. ... Fori Fisher, N. C Fort Fisher, N. C Cape Fear Entrench- ments, N. (' 11 1 9 1 i Feb. 20 Operations against Pet- ersburgA Richmond, \ i ' Porl Walthall 1 : Proctor 's Creek 12 Drewry'a itiuit 14-16 1 ■ \ ., .. ■ ... \ . Near w ilmington, N. C. Campaign ol Hie Caro- :.: Bridge Bennett HOOSI ::: v.- Forty-eighth Regiment oe Infantry (Veteran). CONTINENTAL GUARD, TEKRY'S SAINTS. Colonel James II. Perry received authority from the War Department, July 24th, 1861, to Meruit a regimenl of infantry at Brooklyn, This regiment was recognized and num- bered by tli«' State authorities Sept. 14th, 1861, It was mustered in the service <>f the United States fur three years, between Aug, 16th and Sept. H!th. 1861. The regiment received by transfer, Jan. 30th, 1864, a portion of the Enfants Perdue. At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were senl to NeM York city, Sept. 17th, 1864, and there discharged Sept. 30th, 1864, and the regiment continued in service, June 8th, 1865, the enlisted men of the 117th -V V. Vols., not mustered <>ut with their regiment, this by transfer. The companies were recruited principally: .1. C, and I at Brooklyn; />' at Brooklyn and Peekskill; D — Jersey Company and ZHe-no-moree — in New Jersey; E&i Brooklyn and H. Y. city, and in New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut; /-'at Brooklyn and New Fork city; //at Brooklyn, and in Monmouth county, N. J.; A' at Brooklyn and Galesville. The regimenl Left the Btate Sept. L7th, 1861; Berved in Viele's, 1st, Brigade, T. W, Bher- man's Expeditionary turn-, from Sept., 1861; in Dept. South, South Carolina, from Nov. 7th, 1861; in Georgia, Fori Pulaski, principally, from Feb., 1863; at Hilton Bead, B. <'.. from June, 1868; in Strong's Brigade, 10th Corps, Morris Island, S. C, excepl Companies G ami I, which remained some time longer in Georgia, from June, L868; al St. Augustine, Fla., from .Inly, 1868; al Beaufort, S. C, from Oct., 1868; al Biltot Bead, S. C.from Nov., 1868; in gade, Seymour's Division, 10th Corps, in Florida, from Dec, 1868, in the District of Florida; in '.''I Brigade, 2d Division, Kith Corps. Army uf the James, from April. 1864; in IbI Brigade, 8d Division, 18th Corps, from May 80th, 1864; in 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 10th Corps, from June 16th, 1864; in same brigade and division, 24th Corps, from Dec, 1864; in Provisional Corps, from March, 1865; in the 10th Corps again, from April 3d, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel Win B. Coan, i jt, 1865, al Raleigh, N. C. During Its service the regimenl losl by death, killed Inaction, 14 officers, 160 enlisted men . of wounds received in action, 1 officers, 65 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 131 enlisted men; total, 20 officers, 846 enlisted men; aggregate, 868; of whom 1 officer, •"):'. enlisted men, died in the bands <>( the enemy; and it, or portions of it, took pari in the following ' I • tO, ! VOLUXTKKRS OF TIIK STATE. 411 Date. R i i w IK ed s m g < 3 1 "i r> 242 J!:. 115 I'l 11 I Kill- Hounded. Mi — Place. le = r "i "a "i d. i =. I) z i ■2 i: t i 1 e I IR 1 e & 1 - 1 li 1 'J £ - : - ... 2 " - „ 2 1 llIK- ... 11 3 116 < 1 362 Jan. l 3 "\ i'v 87 143 79 22 Pro* toi 's < !■ • k 1864. 11 1. ,iu'.- 1-1. Jane 19 June IS i" An. 11 18 - 1'. F'yll l: 21 -'. Mch. 1 April 26 " "s 1 61 1 "i "i 18 io i "4 1 Flotilla, B. C 2A Hcnnnda 11 In-d Fort Pulaski, 6a Apr. 10 li Fir-i Assault Petersburg and Skull Cr.'i-k, S. C Klmttoii and Crowell's lUon. S. C Elba Island, S. I' Kirk's I'.lutT. s. r Bluffton, 8. (' - 30 Oct. 1 is is. i3. June i July 10 11 18 1 36 1 . Feb. 12 20 Mar. 17 21 29 31 Assaull Mine Explosloi P] , \ Chaffln'g Kami. \ a. 23 17 1 5 Morris Island, s. C Morris Maud. S. (' Battery Wagner, S. C Sanderson, Flu < duster-, Flu v u Pilatka, Fla Fori 1-isii.r. N. (' Cape Pe n 1 n 1 renc n- in-ill -. N.C ... Siuitiiiirid. X. c Fori Anderson, N 1 V ,, \\ llinlnni,,!,. N. C. Campaign 01 the Caro- 17 is Near Pilatka, Fla Operations against Pe tersburg and Rich- Bennetl Houa N 1 On picket, Feb. 24, 1- 1 "1 « Forty-ninth Regiment of Infantry (Yetekan). second buffalo regiment. Col. I*. D. Bidwell received authority from the War Department Aug. 1st, 1861, to re- cruit a regiment of infantry. Sept. istli, 1861, the State authorities gave this regiment, organized at Buffalo, its numerical designation, and completed its organization by attaching to it the Fremont Rifles, and merging into it another incomplete company. Many members of the 65th State Militia joined this regiment, which was mustered in the service of the United States for three years, Sept, 18th, 1861. A detachment of three years' men of the 83d N. Y. Vols, was attached to the regimenl May llth. L 863, and transferred to the com- panies of the regiment Oct. 1st, 1868. Sept. 17th. 1864, the men nut entitled to be dis- charged were formed into a battalion of five companies, A, B, C, D and ES, and retained in the service; those of Companies A and G forming Company A; of Band D Company B; of E, F and some of [Company C; "f K and some of I Company l>: and those of C and II Company E; the men entitled to be discharged by reason of expiration of their term of service, wen- sent to Buffalo ami there, uiuler command of Maj. A W. Brazee, honorably discharged Oct. 18th, 1864. The companies were recruited principally: .1, Q, I and A* in Chautauqua county; />'. I>. A'aml /''in Erie county; C — Fremont "Rifles — in Westchester county; and //in the county lit' Niagara. The regiment left the State Sept 80th, 1861; served at and near Washington, l>. <'.. from Sept., 1861; in 3d, Stevens', Brigade, Smith's Division, A P., from Oct. 15th. 1861; in 3d, Davidson's, Brigade, same division, 4th Corps, A. P., from March 18th, 1862; in 8d Brigade, 2d Division, 6th Corps, A. P., from May. lsi;-.'; and it was honorably discharged and mus- tered nut. under Col. George II. Selkirk, June 27th, ist>5. at Washington, D. < '. During its service, the regiment lust by death, killed in action, 10 officers, 84 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 5 officers, 42 enlisted men- of disease and other causes, 5 officers, 175 enlisted men; total 80 officers, 301 enlisted men; aggregate, 821; of whom 28 enlisted men died in the bauds id' the enemy; ami it took part iu the following engage- ments, etc.: 412 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. M UU Date. Kil- \\ iiUIIi>ylvania ('. II .. \ ..... Piney Branch Church. 1863. Nov. 7 Di C 1864. M - .:: ... 1 25 1 6 7 7 2 1 3 i t \ orkton n, \a... April 1 i April 5- April 5 SB Ml 12 3 ! June 1 ... June 18- July9; May :. ... 24 ... June "'... 18 "i William-burs. Va 'r,,i..|Miiuiii.,y, Va \ Petersburg, Va .. Assault of Petersburg, Ya Qurley House, Weldon Railroad, Va Fori Stevens, D.C Charlestown, W. \ a .... Opequon Creek, Va ()|ii'i|iiiiii, Va ImnIht's Ilill.Va Cedar Creek, Va Petersburg Works, Va... Appomattox camp'n, Va. 1 11 July 2 June 27 28 30 2 li 3 .' l 1. 1 Apr.2 is,,; J'e 1- It July 12 13 Aug. -1 Sept. ; 19 22 Oct. IS Mch. 25 Mch. 28 Apr. y Ait. J : 1 (iiinn-tt's aii«J (.ioliliiiK's St:ii itin White Oak Swamp ... , ... 3 3 1 "i "a "i ... 1 "l •J 3 ':' 1 1 I "2 1 'a Landing:, Va. Crampton Pass, Ml Antletam, M>1 Antietam, M.I \ a - I. in Church, Va K.-.-I. Kii i «-r.. — inii. Va . Sept. ii 18 Dec. ii June ■' July 2 1 : .. i i "5 1 9 "a 38 5 iiap. Pa Antletam and Marsh Ban, M.I ... i ittOX ('. 11 1 9 11 « 11 Willlamsport.Md Fiftieth Regiment of Infantry, stuart's regiment. This regiment, ortrani/.nl ami am-ph-d l>_v tin- Statr as a regimenl of infantry, was con- verted by the War Department, Oct, 22d, L861, into an engineer regiment, and known thereafter as the Fiftieth New i'ork Volunteer Engineers, under which title its record is Fifty-first Regiment of Imwtky (Veteran). shepard rifles. This regimenl was organized in New York city on. llth, 1861, by the consolidation <>f and tin- Union Rifles with the Shepard Rifles. The New York Rifles, Col. Chas. Le Gendre, had already been consolidated with the Shepard Rifles, Col. Ferrero, and part nt the Empin Zouaves with the Union Rifles, Col. Martin Lichtercost. Other incomplete organizations were added, HenryZ. Drew's Company of Mechanic Rifles becoming part of Company C; Company A, I'. 8. Voltigeurs <>r Rangers, Col. A. t'. Ramsay, Company D; and a portion of Col. I.. Ayer's Totes Rifles pari of other companies of the regiment The 9es were recruited by Col. W, I.'. McDonald, under authority from the War Depart- ted July 22d, 1861. Col. Edward Ferrero was pla 1 in command of the regi- ment, which, recruited in New Fork <-ity. was mustered in the Bervice of the United States forthree years between July 27th and Oct. 23d, 1861. A.1 the expiration of its term of Bervice, the men entitled thereto were mustered out and the regimenl retained in service. June 8d, 1865, the enlisted men ol the L09th V ,. Vols., not discharged with their ■ in. were transferred to it. The regimenl left the State Oct. 29th, 1861; Berved In the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, Department N. *'.. frnm Nov., l*ui ; in the same brigade and division, 9th < lorps, from June, 1862; in the 1st Division, rom Bept., L868; in the Districl , I'., F and 0 enlisted men; of disease and other can enlisted men; total, 14 officers. :\M enlisted men; aggregate, 851; of whom 1 officer, in? enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc.: 414 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATION'S. KorktowD, V.i .. Jane .Inn.- 27 - Mills ... - Swamp ile n iiiii iniv 1 Suii. i. mi Creek, Md - 16 i, Md 17 u . \ , ■ Gap, v.i \ Falmouth, Va it \ a Dec, II Clmncellorsville. V.i "> Hank- Ford.Va Gettysburg. Pa lulv Wllliamsport, Md ■ \ i Mitchell's Ford, \ i Min>- Run campaign, Va led. Dl'd l Hec . lug. q'8 Tavern.. ii n ... n.. i N I),-,-. 2 \., Spot>vlvaula ('. II Ql Landron Hoi ■ North Anr Totopotomi 1 I P rsbnrg.Va Weldon Railroad, Vi Deep Bottom, \ a .. Strawberry Plains, \ a... Ream's Btatl Va.. Run, Va.. Its, Va... Appomattox campn, Va Ki |. Wounded. leiL DIM Id gee : - : - 21 '.'-in 12 I-. 27 31 J'nel 12 June 16- Aprll 2, June 15- 19 July 27- Aug. 14- Dec. - 9 1865. M . Ma .26 Vpr. 9 White Oak Ridge, Va Mar. 29 :;i April 2 6 9 Kail of Petersburg, ille Road Appomal Loss at minor an. in a i :..,.. a H Ing, s a I'ii TV -third Regiment or Infantry. First organization: D'Epineuil Zouaves. Col. Lionel J. D'Epineuil received, Aug. 2d, 1861, authority from the War Department to recruil a regimenl of infantry. This regiment received its numerical designation from the State, and was organized in New Fork city, Oct. 12th, 1861. It was recruited in thai city, bul received many men from other part- of its members were mostly Frenchmen, bul one company was formed of Indians it i the Tuscarora Reservation. It was mustered in the United States service for three between Aug. 27th and Nov. 15th, 1861, at New York city. The regimenl lefl the State Nov. 18th, 1861; seised at and near Washington, D. C, and Annapolis, Md., from Nov. 30th, 1861; in Burnside's Expeditionary Corps, from Jan. 3d, 1862; at Fori Monroe, Va., Annapolis, Md.. Suffolk, Va., and finally Washington, D. <'., from Jan. 26th, L862; Company A was transferred to the 17th N. V. Vols, as Company G, 3th, 1862; and the regiment honorably discharged and mustered out March 21st, w ashington, I'. C. Vignier de Monteil and a few enlisted men served with the 9th N. Y. Vols, in the action at Roanoke island, N. •'., Feb. 8th, 1862; and the regimenl lest, killed in action, l officer; of wounds received in action, on detached service. 2 enlisted men; nf disease and other causes, 7 enlistedmen; total, I officer, 9 enlisted men; aggregate 10; of whom :'> en- listed men died in the hands of the enemy. )urgh CJiasseurs; Fifth "Regiment, EagU Brigade. The organiza- tion ofa Becond regiment, bearing the same number, with Maj. A. Buckingham, 71s1 V ^ . S. Militia, as Colonel, was authorized by the State, Aug. 18th, 1862. It was discontinued Sept. 10th, 1862, and the men enlisted for Companies A, B, C, E, F, G, II and I. 260, transferred to the 182d, and those for Companies I> and K to the L62d, N. V. Vols., then in procese of organization. FlFTY-FOUBTB REGIMENT OF [NFANTBI V l.TKUA \ ). IIM; \ M BABNE1 RIFLES J BABNE1 BLACE RIFLES J 8CHWAEZE lAEGBB. Col. Eugene A. Kozlay received authority from the War Department, Aug. 80th, 1801, to to recruit a regi nt of infantry. This regimenl received its numerical designation <> i I - _ 11 i 1: T 4 B H - isburg, Va 1862. .IllIK' 1 8 16- 8ept.2 \ .. 24-25 29 V Maj i I I "i i 7 "i 9 3 l i 3 - "3 112 1- 11 "4 17 11 18C3. Feb. 9-11 1 6 1-..;.. Feb. 10 27 '!' U, V;l. n, in]. Hi ol Fori and - 1 . .till— U land. 8. C .lain. - 1 -land, .-' . (' je, Vu Chancellors^ ill.-. Va mrg. Pa James 1 [aland, 8. 8. C Bantee River, 8. 1 9 7 Total loss Fifty-fifth Regiment of [nfantry. FIFTY-FIFTH MILITIA: GARDE DE LAFAYETTE; REGIMENT. LAFAYETTE GUARD: FRENCH Col. Baron Regis deTrobriand was authorized by the War Department, July 25th, 1861, to recruit a regiment of infantry. The 55th State Militia formed the oucleus of this regiment, which was recruited mainly in New York city, and consisted principally of Frenchmen. The regimenl was organized in camp near New Dorp, Staten Island, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years 28th, 1861, except Company B, which was not then organized and which joined the regimenl in the Held in April. 1862. The State recognized the regimenl and gave it its numerical designation Dec. 7th. 1861. Sept. 29th, 18ti"2, the regiment was consolidated into four companies, a, B, D and F; Company A being formed of a new company, jusl joined; B of B and K, old; DofCand D, old; F of A and F, old; the men of the other companies being distributed among the new ones. The regimenl left the State 81st, 1861; served at Fori Gaines, Md., in Sept in Peck's Brig., Buel's, later Keyes', Div., A P., from Oct., 1861; in same brig., Couch's Div., 4th Corps, A. P., later 1st Brig., Lsl Div., 4th Corps, from March 18th, L862; in 8d Brig., 1st Div., 3d Corps, from Sept., 1862; in the 2d Brig., 1st Div., 3d Corps, A. P., from Nov., 18(52; and the battalion, Companies A. B, l> and 1". was transferred. Dec. 21st, 1862, to the 88th N. Y. Vols., as Companies G, II, land K, respectively. During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 16 enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 20 enlisted men; of disease and other causes. 29 enlisted men; total, 65; of whom 5 died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc.: •nt; PART III. SKETCHES <>F < HICAMZATK ).\S. \ orktown. :xf April :. M - l: ..... \.i... Fa May SI June 1 ... 13 i July 2 June -> July 1 K.iir o.ik> Malvern Hill... ksburg, Yu Dec. II IS Additional Total loss., Kj|. Wllllll'llMl. e i * I § i M ... tog. I B 1 =' Pifty-sixtb Regiment of Infantky. tenth legion; obange \\l> sul livan regiment. This regiment, Col. Charles II. van Wyck, originally recruited by Col. Wood, received it- numerical designation and was organized <>n. 15th, 1861, at Newburgh, and there mus- tered in the service of the United States for three years Oct, 28th, 1861. It consisted of eleven companies, and with it wen' also recruited two Lighl batteries and two troops of cavalry, the whole being known as the Tenth Legion. The light batteries became the Seventh and Eight [ndependenl Batteries, and the two troops of cavalry were assigned to Mounted Rifles. The eleventh company, L, of the regiment was also known as the Fifth Company, New York Sharpshooters, and Tenth Legion Sharpshooters. On the expira- tion of the term of it- service, the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment retained in service. The* panieswere recruited principally:^., /.'. C, /'and /-.'at Newburgh; /-'at Liberty; at BUenville: //and /. at < 'allicnon Depot: /and A' at Montirello; and the men came from the counties of Orange, Sullivan and Ulster. The regiment left the Stat.' Nov. 7th, 1861; served in the Lsl Brig., Casey'sDiv., A. P., from Nov.. L861; in Naglee's, 1st. Brig., Bame, 2d, Div.,4th Corps, A. P., from March Kith, L862; same brig., Peck's Div., same corps, from June, 1862; at Forktown, Ya.. from, 1862; in Naglee's Brig., L8th Corps, from Dec, L862; in 2d, Bowell's, Brig., 3d, Ferry's, Div., 18th Corps, in South Carolina, from Jan. llth, 1863; in the 1st Brig., same div. and corps, from March, 1863; at Folly Island. S. ('.. from July, 1868; at Beaufort, S. C, from, l^t'.-: transferred to the loth Corps in Oct., 1863; in Sazton's Div. of thai corps, from Jan., 1864; in the District of Beaufort, Department of the Gulf, from June, 1864; at Morris Island, S. ('., in Sept., 1N(>4; in the 1st, Potter's, Brig., Coast Div., Batch, Dept. of the South, from Nov., 1864; at Charleston, S. ('., from March, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under <'ol. Van Wyck, Oct. 17th, Charleston, S. C. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 40 enlisted men: of wound- received in action, 28 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 218 enlisted men; total, I officers, 276 enlisted men; aggregate, 280; of whom 2 enlisted men died in the hand- of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc. : Ik i ======== S \ \ i H June ill-. \ .i - . ii I i . - • ' Orlmball's Landing, 8. C July 16 July 18 - | V Operations In Charles- ii - i . Sept James! nd.B. i July i 3 - I i \ . - i Deo. P m. B. c l».-vran - , ■ ■ k, s. c. .. le, s. c .... April - ... •.' ... = = S 5| « M 17 , VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 417 FiFTY-SEVBNTB REGIMENT OP INFANTRY. NATIONAL GUARD UIFLES; CLINTON RIFLES; UNITED 81 LTEfl 70LTIGBUBS; ZOOK'8 voltigeubs. This regiment received its numerical designation Oct. 19th, 1861; was organized and mas- tered in theservice of the Ohited States al New Fork city for three years between Aug. 1 - 1 1 1 and Nov. 19th, 1861. It was formed by the consolidation of Beveral organizations re- cruited under special authority from the War Department. The National Guard Rifles >>r Zook'a Voltigeura, Col. Samuel K. Zook, formed Companies a. H, C, Dand E; the Clinton Rifles, Col. .1. A. Page, became Companies F, G and H (A and E F and G; D, F and G • II); the United States Voltigeuraox Volunteers (Companies B and C), Col. Albert C. Ramsey, formed Companies I and K: and Samuel K. Zoo]; was appointed Colonel of the regiment Before this consolidation the Washington Zouaves, Col. James II. Romain, had been merged into the Voltigeurs, and the Manhattan Rifles, Col. George W. Vanderbilt, in the National Guard Rifles. During the summer of isc.i the companies, being small in numbers, were, for tactical purposes, consolidated, the company organization on paper remaining intact. Company C was mustered out July 14th, L864; Companies P, I and D Aug. llth, 13th and 14th, 1864, respectively; Companies K. A and B Sept. 8d, 10th and 33d, respectively, and Company H Oct. 15th, ISfil; the men nol entitled to be discharged were transferred to Com- panies E and ('<-. the last regimental i inlander was Captain Orlando K. Middleton; honor- ably discharged Sept. 24th. 1864. The companies were recruited principally: .1, D, /■'. /'ami Q in .New Fork city; Bin tJtica; C in Kings county; and 7/. /and K in Dutchess county. The regiment left the State Nov. 19th, 1861; served in French's Brigade, Sumner's Divis- ion, A. P., from Nov., 1861; in the same, 3d, Brigade, 1st. Richardson's, Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from March 18th, 1862; commanded by Zook. Caldwell and Bancock respectively, at Gettysburg; it was part of the Consolidated Brigade, same division and corps, from July to Nov., 1864; and the two companies remaining in the field, E and G, were, Dec, 6th, 1864, transferred to the 61s1 N . Y. Vols. During its service the regiment lostby death, killed in action, '> officers, 60 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 3 officers, 35 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, I officer, '.in enlisted men; total, U officers, 185 enlisted men; aggregate 194; of whom 88 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engage- ments, etc. : Manassas Juncti Va Ce.lar Run. Va i forktown, Va. s,-. Days' little. Va. Gaines Mills Peai ii i irchar I White Oak Swamp . Glen lale Malvern Hill Bnarpsbure. Md Aiifi.-rain. M.I Halltown.Va Snicker's Gap, Va Falmouth, \ Fredericksburg, \ a . . r° nnded - Mis, rdlReco. Ine, flar. 13 n April 16- Ma: i M IJ 31 June i Julj 2 :".' 29 30 ■"•" ! • i I . is ,. Oct.l6-J7 Nov. 2, Dec ii 15 5,« 5 « Cnancellorsvllle, \ a ... M o i "■ (i.-tlv-lmrn. I'ii Inly 1-.'. Wilhamsport. m.i n Brandy Btation, Va Auk. :ii Auburn. Va ItrNt.i,. Station. Va Ii Mine Ki. D Robertsonts Tavern .. Mo Wilderness, Vt ii \ , '••rslnir«. Va ... June l.'»- D ■ Petersburg.Va J'e 13-19 ... Weldon Railroad, Va.... 21 :•< ... Deep Bottom \ i J ,sira« P.Trv I'lalns, Va ... A'r HI- . Ream's Station, Vs Total I"-- . Fifty-eighth Regiment of Infantry (Veteban). morgan" rifles; united states rifles; polish legion; gallatin rifles. Col, Waldimir Kryzanowski received authority from the War Department An 1861, to recruit a regiment of infantrv, which he named the United State* h'ir' 53 418 PART TIL SKETCH KS OF < >UO AMZATIONS. Julian All. -!i had received authority, July 22d. 1861, alao from the War Department, to re- cruit a regiment, which was known as the Polish Legion; under War Department authority of July 85th, 1861, Col, Theodore Lichtenstein recruited the GaUatin Rifles; Col. Frederick Qellman the Morgan Rifles, and Col. A.ndrew Lutz, under authority from the same source, dated July 31st, 1861, the Humboldt Yaegers. The latter, the Polish Legion and the Gallatin Hides, were merged into the Morgan Rifles under Col. Lutz. Oct. 19th, 18G1. the 58th • was organized in New Fork city by the State authorities by the consolidation of the incomplete Morgan and the United States Rifles. < !ompanies A. B, C and 1> were formed of the corresponding upanies, E of Companies E and G, and F of Companies F and H of the Morgan Rifles, and <;. II. I and K of Companies A. B, ''and I> of the United States Rifles, and Wladimir ELryzanowski was appointed Colonel of tin- regiment. The companies were mustered in the service of the I'niied States for three years in Nov., 1 so 1 , aud, com- posed of Danes, Frenchmen, Germans, Italians. Poles and Russians, were recruited prin- cipally in New York city. At the expiration of its term, the men entitled thereto were discharged and the regimenl retained in the service. June :50th, isc>.">, the 45th X. Y. Yols. were transferred toit. company to corresponding company. The regimenl left the State Nov. 7th, L861; served in the ;;,i Brigade, Blenker's Division, A. I'.. from Nov., 1861; in same brigade and division, Mountain Dept., from April, 1862; ill 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 1st Corps, A. Va., from June 26th, 1862; in same brigade and divis- ion, llth c.rp-, A. P., from Sept. 12th. 1862; on veteran furlough from Jan., 1864; at Bridge- port, Ala., in 4th Division, 20th Corps, from March, 1864; in 3d Brigade, Defensesof X. and C. 1;. i;.. Dept. Cumberland, from June, 1864; at Nashville. Tenn., Dept. Cumberland, from Sept., 1865; where it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. ELryzanowski, Oct. 1. 1865. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action. 2 officers, 22 enlisted men ; of wounds received in action, 2 ollicers, (3 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, ;i offi- cers, 60 enlisted men; total. 7 officers, 88 enlisted men; aggregate, 95; of whom 10 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc: 1862 \ Qen.Popr'- i-niiJi>aiKn.Va Auk. I'"'- Bept. 2 I ITord galpbur Spring! Waterloo Itri.iKe Hull Run. Va ."." ObanceUorsvtlle, \'u ... ted. DiMig limit! e c e c e b e = lirttvsl.liru'. 1'a lulv 1 3 Gettysburg, Pa Hoonsboro, M'l Funkstown, Bid II 13 u.mii.H, hie, Tenn villecaiiipaiKii, 'I'.-nn \ 27 Mlssionarj EUdge.Tenn 23 Total lOSS ». Inc. c S g 1 s 1 = I = s FlETY-NINTB REGIMENT OF I \ 1 A N Tin ( V ETE B \ \ ). 1 \ io\ OTJ LBD8. The Stat.' authorities organized this regimenl Oct. 19th, 1861, al Bast New York, by the consolidation of organizations being recruited originally under authority from the War De- partment, namely: the I S. Vanguard, recruited by Colonel Win. 1.. Tidball, under authority dated Jul) 24th, 1861; the President's Liu Guard, by Colonel R.D.Goodwin, Ihi / 8. Volunteers, by Colonel Wm, Nbrthedge, the Union Guard, bj Col. P. L. Joachim- Bon, under authorities dated July 22d, 25th and 26th, 1861, respectively; New YorKs or '■' Own, Col. Ale\. Ming; Cameron Highlanders and Kossuth Guards, and Cameron Legion or Rifles or 8arsfield Rifles, by Col. C. A. Dunham; all incomplete. The Union Guard and r. s. Vanguard united firsl and formed Companies B, C, 1>. E, P, <■' and II; The P Life Quard formed Company A; New Fork's Own and the Cam- eron Highlanders Company I, and the Sarsfleld Rifles Company K. William L. Tidball was appointed Colonel of the new organization, and the latter was mastered in the service of Yol.rXTKKKS OF THE STATE. 419 the United States for three years between 2d and Oct. 80th, 1861. Jane 25th, 1868, it was consolidated into a battalion of four companies, \. H. C and I>. the men of Companies G and K being transferred to Company A; those of E and II forming Companj B; those of Band D being transferred to Company C; and those of P and I forming Company I>. July 4th, 18G4, the enlisted men of the B2d V ^ . Vols., no i mustered onl with their regiment, were transferred to this, forming Companies E, !•',<■. II and I, and about the same time Com- pany K was reformed of recruits. At the expiration of its term of Bervice, those entitled thereto were discharged and the regimenl retained in service. The companies were recruited principally: .1. C, />. /•.'. /'and A' in New Fork city; Bin New Fork city, Lewis, Jefferson and Kings counties; Q in New Fork city and Lewis county; //in Ohio, and /in New Fork citj and Ohio; a few of the men were recruited in ili.' counties of Putnam and Westchester. Tie' regiment left the State Nov. 28d, 1861; it served in General Wadsworth's command at and near Washington, D. C, from Nov., 1861; in 2d Brigade, Casey's Division, 4th Corps, A. P., from Jan., 1862; al Fori Pennsylvania, Mil. Distrid of Washington, 1>. «'.. from Mar. 18th, 1862; in Sturgis' Brigade, Mil. District of Washington, from Mas. 1862; in 4th Brigade, Sigel's Division, Dept. Shenandoah, from May, 1862; in 8d Brig Division. 2d Corps, A. P., from July, 1862; in Isi Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from Mar., 18G4; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Win. A. Olmstead, June 30th, 18oV>, at Munson's Bill, Va. During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 7° enlisted men; of wounds received in action.!) officers, 48 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 180 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 257 enlisted men; aggregate, 271; of whom (il enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: gii.l Wounded M len\DIM R = - = : 5 a E eg a 1862. Malvern Bill, Va 1 Ami. i.. in. M.I Sept. 17 Balltown, Va 0ctl6 17 i \ i • 1863, Mavyc's 1 1 . • t l^I i t ~; an. I S:i- • liiri h. Va Haymarket, Va Gettysburg, Pa.. \U1.IIIII, \ .1 I« Station. Va lila.kl.iini's Konl, Va.... Mia-' Kun camp Robertson's Tavern Wil.lernrss, Va Spotsylvania ( '. II . \.i Laurel Hill Salient Lan.lron House North Anna. Va >moj . Va ' ' llarln.l. Va Second Assault.. May 3 i June -i Oct. n 14 IS Dec. -' NOV. 27 1864 8-21 10 12 1 June i 12 Assault of Petersburg, Va \\ i-Woii Hailroa.l, \ a .... I ittom, Va Strawberry Plains, Va.... Ream's Station, Va.. Boydtou B Petersburg w oi fcs, Va Appomattox camp'n, Vi White Oak I Pi tersburg. dge Parmville Appomattox 0. ll. June 15 June 19 19 July 27 29 Aug. it 18 M April 2 Sixtieth Regiment op [nfantri (Veteran). i'irst st. lawrence regiment; ogden8hurgh regiment. Coionel Charles R. Brundage, 33d Stat.. Militia, received authority, July 5th, 1881, to organize a regiment of infantry, of which his regimenl of militia should and did form the nucleus. The regimenl was organized at Ogdensburgh Oct 26th, 1861; it received its numerical designation; and, Oct. 80th, 1861, Colonol Win. B. Wayward having BUCCeeded Col. Brundage, it was mustered in the Bervice of the United State- for three years. At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged and the regiment retained in service. In June, 13G.J, the enlisted men of the 107th. 136th and 150th X. V. Vols., not mustered out with their Kgimenta, joined this by transfer. 420 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATION'S. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Canton, Hermon, Potsdam, IUissell, Madrid, Colton, Parishville and Gouverneur; /! at Gouverneur, Macomb and De Peyster; C al Hammond, Morristown, Oswegatchie, Edwards, Rossie, Russell and Fowler; I> at Rus- sell. Edwards, Pierpont and Canton; I', at Malone, Bangor and Brandon; /-'at Ogdens- burgh and Beuvelton; at Madrid. Waddington, Louisville, Massenaand Norfolk; 7/ at Cbamplain, Mooers, Ellenburgh, Altona, Chazy, Baranac and Lisbon; 7 at Lawrence, Stock holm and Brasher; and A' at Stockholm and Richville. The regimenl lefl t 1 1 . - State Nov. 4th, 1861; served between Baltimore, Md.. and Wash- ington, I>. ('.. from Nov.. 1861; under Genera] Dix in the so-called Railroad Brigade, at Baltimore and Relay House, Md.. from -Mar.. 1862; in 2d Brigade, Bigel's Division, Dept. Shenandoah, from June, 1862; in3d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, A. Va., Prom June 36th, 1862; in same brigade and division, L2th Corps, A. P.. from Sept. 12th, 1862; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, a. p.. from <>ct.. 1862; in ;!d Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, A. I'.. from April. lS(i:i; on veteran furlough in Dee., 1863, and Jan.. 1864; in 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corps, from April, 1864; in 3d Brigade, Bartlett's Division, 22d Corps, from June, 1865; and, commanded by Colonel Lester S. was honorably discharged and mustered out July 17th, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. I > u r i 1 1 ir it^ service the regiment lost by death, killed in action. 2 officers, 81 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 1 officer, 27 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 6 officers, 96 enlisted men; total, 8 officers, lf>0 enlisted men; aggregate, 108; of whom 3 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc. ; . \\ . Va.. Pope'e in paign.Va \ lllllsboro, Va.. Chancellorsvllle, Va. Gettysbut Wauhatchle, Tenn... iga and Ross- vine campaign, Tenii Mountain.. '■'■ i • Bldee Binggold ■ Atlanta cninpai Mm Creek Gap Mountain.. Kil- Wounded. Miss- ,, -lo-ji 1 B6ft. .Ian. 2fi- Apr. 26 K'y 11-11 Mch. 16 19 20 April 26 Total loss 237 1 27 16 174 Sixty-firsi Regiment of [nfantry (Veteran). CLINTON GUARDS; A8TOH REGIMENT OR RIFLES. July 26th, 1861, Col, Bpencer W. Cone received authority from the War Department to recruit a regimenl of Infantry. This regiment received its numerical designation and was organized by the State authorities Oct. 25th, L861,at New York the consolidation of the : gimentox Rifles, Col. Charles Rosefield, with the Clinton Guards, Col. Cone; the first eight companies of ' | tent were formed Of the Clinton Guards, Companies I and Kof the Astor Regiment; Companies C and K of the latter were disbanded. The regiment was Ice of the United State-, tor three yeais in Sept., Oct. and Nov., 1881, Deer W. ('one appointed its olonel. iii Sept., ia62, ■■*. new company joined, taking the plat f Company I. consolidated with K, in July, L862. ai the expiration <>f its term • the men entitled thereto were discharged and the regimenl retained in service. VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 421 Dec. 4th, 1864, Companies <; and K were consolidated with tin- other companies, and Dec 20th, 1864, the enlisted men of the 57th N. V. Vols., ool mustered nut with their regiment, were transferred to this, forming new Companies Q and K. Company was almost entirely c posed of students from Madison University, Hamilton, the other companies were recruited principally in New Fork city; the second Company J was recruited at Albany and vicinity. The regiment lefl the BtateNov. 9th, 1861; served at Washington, !>.<'.. from Nov. 10th, 1861; in Howard's Brig., Sumner a Div., A. P., from Nbi 27th, L 861; in Howard's, 1st, Brig., Richardson's, 1st. Div., 2d Corps, A. P., from March L8th, 1862; in8d Brig., Is1 Div., 2d Corps, from July. 1862; in 1st Brig., 1st Div., 2d Corps, from Sept., 1862; in 2d Brig., l-t Div., 2d Corps, from Oct. , 1862; in 1st Brig., 1st Div., 2d Corps, from Nov., 1862; and, commanded by Col. Geo. W. Scott, it was mustered out and honorably discharged July 14th, i s , at Alexandria, Va. During its service the regiment lost l>y death, killed in action, 11 officers, 118 enlisted men; of wounds received inaction, 5 officers, 67 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 134 enlisted men; total, 18 officers, 31 1 enlisted nun; aggregate, 382; of whom 16 enlisted men died in the hands of theenemy; and it took part in the following < ments, etc.: Date. Kil- Wounded, S £ 5 ■< ... 110 117 Jl 2 36 27 62 3 38 Placb, Dab . Kil- \\ l Placb. ls i 5 l 1. = "i 5 # z 3 § V, i:. E S o l 6 ■j CO. c 6 c w 56 71 ^7 1 = C jg. c J 11 "i ■.. i 1 i } i i ii • i_ 1 - 3 ii ■: i 2 1 in D i z 1 I 9 5 ■ S 3 -• 2 1 2 2 2 K. Z "i i i CO. - 9 33 11 1- 23 6 11 17 36 1 2 d - 7 28 2 49 1961. N 1862. Ml h. 28 29 April 16 May i May 31- June i June J.">- July 2 June 29 29 30 30 July t Sept. i: " >. I.1..-17 s 11... 11 15 May i 3 July i 3 ii Oct. n it 31 De. ! Nov. :■: 1864. 8 May 9-11 12 J'nel 12 Apr.2. 186S June 15- 21-23 JUlj -7 29 Aug. 14- 18 25 Dec. 8-9 1 865. Mch. 23 M, h.L'- 28 7 y Hi-:ilti>ii ami Itappahan- T I's Tavern Slege ..i forktown, Va... I, an. Iron Hi. use North Anna, Va Totopotomo] , Va Seven Days' Battle, Va. !'■■ l..i . I'.-i. s -Mir.-, Va. Assault .if Petersburg, \ , .:.. Whit.' Oak,'.' Weldon Railroad, \ a Strawberry Plains, Va. Ream's Station, Va Batcher's Run, Va Petersburg Works, Va... Appomattox canip'n,\ a White Oak Ridge Fall "i !'■ '■ rsburg Deatonsvllle Road Fredericksburg, Va Cham-ellorsvllle, Va li'-n. -Mir-, l'a 1 6 i ] 1 "t l 5 22 16 43 Auburn. Va Bristoe, Va l. »'., from Aug., 1861; in Peck's Brig., Buell's, later BZeyes', Div., A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in same, 1st, Brig., Couch's, 1st, Div., 4th Corps. A. P., from .March 18th, 1862; in 2d Brig., 1st 1'iv., 4th Corps, 4-n PART III. SKKTCIIKS OF ORGANIZATIONS. A. P., from Sept., 1863; in 3d Brig., 8d Div., 6th Corps, A. P., from Sept. 36th, 1863; in 8d Brig., 3d l>iv.. 6th Corps, A. P., from Oct., L863; in the lsl Brig., 2d Div., 6th Corps, from March, 1864; al Fort Schuyler, New York harbor, from July, 1st;.-.; and it was honor- ably discharged and mustered out, commanded by Col. Theodore B. Bamilton, Aug. 80th, Fori Schuyler, New V<>rk harbor. Daring it- Bervice the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, :» otlicers, •"><'> enlisted men; of wounds received in action, ::*.» enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 82 en- listed men; total •"> officers, 177 enlisted men; aggregate, 182; of whom !i enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. K le 1- l. = u D - nded. C s 5 w M ll 5 2 ... g. B - 29 1 51 g M -< 45 ■-. 120 12 7'.' 12 l Plaoi . Date. K O I 1- 1. i»i | mnd d|R< = ; - 5 ;;; "2 1 ■■I. § = Miss- 1 = = =' j \ orktown, \ a... 2 2 ll ll 2 l i .'. 1 r B i .•■ i i i -• 9 1 7 1 • bor, \;i 1864. J'n.' 12 - 1... 3 in "*2 10 H..U.HN - I: \ tie, Va... tfa .Mill. n \ - 2U \1 June i July 2 July l M LJ 1 111 1 ' D 1-1. 1. \l - 21 - 1- i : : Julj '.': Dei ■ 186! Assault nf IVtcrslnn-i;,V«.r.- 17 l'.i W. i !■■■. II.i. i.l. \ . . w isl iton, !>. C I'v 12 13 '■■ Charlesl nui, \\ . Va... 2 - 11 17 7 H 1. 22 II 38 r. 1 Funkstown, >H 1 . .■;,. \ a Petersburg Works, Va, ... Appomattox campa'n.Va 1865. M. h. 2ft... Apr. 9 - a 1:. i H., Va Piney Branch Church. ' Sailm-'s Cri'ik f Appomattox (J. ll 9 " 1 Sixty-third Regiment of [nfantri (Veteran). THIRD REGIMENT, [RISE BRIGADE; THIRD [RISH REGIMENT; INDEPENDENT [RISE BRIGADE. This regiment, Col. I.'. C. Bnright, was organized al New York city, for Meagher's, the Irish, Brigade, and received its State numerical designation Nov. 2d, 1861, It was mustered in the service of the United States for three years in Sept.. Oct. and Nov., 1861. June 13th, lsr,:;. the regimenl was consolidated Into a battalion of two companies, A and B. In Oct., 1868, the men enlisted for the Kings County Volunteers, a regimenl Col. Michael Murphy received authority to recruit, Jnne 2d, I s ''.:;. were assigned to the battalion as Company C; ipany was mustered in Sept. 31st, 1868, In April. 1864, new Companies D and I". and in June, 1864, ne\* Company F, joined the battalion. Ai the expiration of its term of ■ the men entitled thereto were discharged and the battalion retained in Bervice. Tl riginal companies of the regimenl wen- recruited in New York city, portions of Companies I and E, however, came from Boston, Mass., and Company K Faugh a-BaUagh — from Albany; new Companj C was recruited principally at Brooklyn, the other new companies mostly in New York city. The regimenl lefl the State Nov. 38th, l s 'H: Berved in the Irish, Meagher's, Brig., Sum- Div., \. P., from Nov. 80th, 1861; in same, 2d, Brig., Richardson's, 1st. Div., 3d Corps, L P., from March 18th, 1862, and, commanded by Col. James D. Brady, it was hon- orably discharged and mustered out June 80th, 1866, a1 Uexandria, Va. Daring its Bervice the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, '•• officers, 70enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 8 officers, 72 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 offl« ulisted men: total, L6 officers, 386 enlisted men; aggregate 358; of w horn 81 enlisted men died in the bands o! the enemy; and it took pari in the following engagements, etc. VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 423 g«-| Woun led. Ul'd l Reco. Ing. | - I'm .-i Mills. Va Siege ofYorktown, Va .., Burnt Chimney, Va hair Oaks, Vii Seven Days' Battle, Va... Fair Oaks Oain-s Mills .. -lalioii (ll-ndale M J ■ m Hill ... Antietam, Md .. led. Dl'd L Mar. 12 April If, M M June i Jnne 19 24 . .In in- 23 July 2 Jane 26 27 29 30 July i Sept. ir N-ar CharVstown, \V.\ '; Hartwood I Iburch, Va ... Nov. Fr-d. •ri-ksl.iirg, Va D'c.ll- 1863. Ctaancellorsvllle, Va May i \\ illiamsport, Md A.ilnm,. Va Oct. 11 Bristoe Station. Va n Mine Kim catnpaign.Va. Nov. 26 . 2 Robertson's Tavern... Nov.27 Salient Landi Not Hi Anna, Va.. Totopotomo c.i.i Harbor, Va in.- i i Second Assault Before Petersburg, Va.. Assault of Petereburg.A . fellow Tavern, Va I p Bottom, Va Plains, Va .. \ B in. \ a Petei Sburg Works. Va Api attox campa'n,! a June 19 1865 An. III- 1865. \l ii Mar. J- Apr. ■■ M White Oak Bldge Kail oflVtfrsl.n,-. \a. April id I'arnr. ill- Appomattox C. II Total lo-s.. 31 Sixty-fourth Regiment: of In'iantky (Veteran), first cattabaugus regiment. This regiment, Col. Thomas J. Parker, was organized by the Stair Nov. 18th, 1861, at Elmira, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years, in Dec., 1861. The 64th State Militia formed the nucleus of the regiment. At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged in Sept. and Oct., L864, and the regimenl retained in service, bat al the same time consolidated into a battalion of six companies, A, B, D, E, G and II. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Gowanda; B al Randolph; Cat Otto; l> at Kushford; E at Ithaca; /•' al Little Valley; Q al Wellsville; // at Owego; fat Olean, and A" at Leon. The regiment left, the State Dec. 10th, 1861; served in the Provisional Brigade, Casey's Division, A. P. , from Jan., 18I! - ,': in Howard's, 1st. Brigade, Richardson's, 1st, Division, 3d Corps, A. P., from March 18th, 1862; in 3d Brigade. 1st Division. 2d Corps, A. P., from June, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, from Sept., 1862; in the »th Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from Feb., 1868; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. William Glenny, July 14th, 1865, near Washington, D. C During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, io officers, 109 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 3 officers, 50 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 5 officers, 124 enlisted men; total, 18 officers, 288 enlisted men: aggregate, 801; of whom 1 officer and 31 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the fol- lowing engagements, etc. : Siege of Yorktown.Va Fair 0aks,Va Seven Days' Battle, Va GainesMills Peacb Orchard Station \\ hit -Oak Swamp B'ge Olendale Malvern Hill Centreville. Va Sept Antietam. Md Charleston-!), W. Va Oct. Kj|. Wounded. led. Did L •: = Apr. 16 M June i I Jnne 29 July 2 June' 27 I July Ki l, Wonnd-d. MU s.i led. Dl'dlUVio. Inc. ^ £*£ 1862. M Gap, 1 N Fredericksburg, Va Dec 11-15 ... irsvllle, Va U Cbancellorsvllle, Va ' I Gettysburg, Pa inly i 3 i \\ illiamsport. Md H ... Va 22 ... Auburn. Va Oct. n I jtatli ii. v ■ Min- Kim campaign Roberts.. Wilderness, Va S nig. -m PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. led. DI'dlReco. log 1864. . I: Salienl Landron House.. Totopotomoy, \ a ■ bor, Va .. 12 18. M Fune 12 Tune ■■■ Issauli Jane 15- J'e 15 i" \V, 1.1. hi K.iilr..., : \ ■ it torn, Va I'y 2*-29 I ■ ■ \ Aii-ll-l" t s i 1864. Ream's Statii I : in, \ u Dec. - ■' L8R5. Petersburg Works, Va. Mi h. 2 Appomattox cam'n, Va Mel Apr. '.' Ridge Mch.29 31 F.iii of Petersburg April 2 sville Road.... 6 Farmville 7 Appomatto .i-ii. in. detached Bervice (gunboat service > Total loss sixn-iiiTii Regiment of Infantry (Veteran). I M I F.D STATES CHASSEURS: FIRST GRENADIER REGIMENT. This regiment was raised by Col. John Cochran, under authority from the War Depart- ment, dated Jane llth, 1861; organized at Camp Tompkins, Willett's Point, L, 1.. and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years in July and August, 1861. At the expiration of it- term of service, the regiment was retained in Bervice, but, Sept. 1st, 1864, consolidated into a battalion of four companies, C, I-'. <; and II: the men entitled thereto were honorably discharged Sept. 12th, 1864, in New Forkcity. Sept. 1st. 1864, the members of the 67th X. Y. Vols., not mustered out with their regiment, were transferred to this as Companies A, B, D and E. In March, 1865, Companies I and K were reformed of recruits. June 34th, 1865, the men of the 121st N. ^ . Vols, not discharged with their regi- ment, were transferred to this. The companies were recruited principally: .1. 0, G and HnNew Fork city; B in Maine, Rhode Island and the Hudson river counties; l> in New York city and Troy; E in New York <-itv. Connecticut and Rhode Island: /-'and // in New Fork city and Rhode Island, and K in New Fork city and Ohio. The regiment left the State Aug. - J7tli, 1861; served in tin' 3d Provisional, Baker's, Brigade, from Sept., 1861; in Graham's Brigade, Hindi's, later Keyes', Division, A. P., from Sept. I9th, 1861; in Graham's, 2d, Brigade, Couch's, 1st. Div., 4th Corps, A. I'.. from March i:;th. 1862; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division. 4th Corps, A. P., from Sept., 1862; in 3d Brigade, 8d Division, 6th Corps, A. P., from Bept. 26th, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps, A.l'., from !>'•'•.. 1862; on Johnson's Island. Lake Erie, Ohio, from Jan., L864; in Itli Brig- ade, 1-t Division, 6th Corps, A P., from March, 1864; in 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps, from July 6th, L864; and it was h< 'ably discharged and mustered out, commanded liv- ed Henry C. Fiak, July L7th, 1865, at Washington, D. C. During its Bervice the regimenl losl bj death, killed in action, '■'< officers, 81 enlisted men; ot wounds received inaction, 1 officer, 86 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 68 enlisted men; total. 6 officers, 205 enlisted men: aggregate, 211; of whom 25 enlisted men died in the bands of the enemy; audit took part in the following engage- ments, etc. : 1861. Bept. i Va Iprll i I Va... Ma l: \ ..Ma : June i tone - Seven Daya' Battle, \ .i July 2 Julj i n Hill ... inn.... Anttetam, Md Sept. 18 WilliatnBport, Md Kp-'I. i i. k. ~ i .i i t ^ . \ .i .. . Dei IB tli Ighta and S i i. ki Cnun b, Va I M Ing. E VOLrXTKKKs OF THE STATE. 425 Plaok. Date. K i. € Z i. D = / He Si m li. 5 .-1. in. 5 M i E 88- jg. 20 28 ■ I 1 57 97 vj _•■' I'LV'K. Date. € = : - tet ed 10. = d 1 2 g ■-0 -. Tl,,|. linn I'r, i:. V.i June i:.-tt _-. I'.i Inlv 1-3 B M K Funl jtown. m.i i K.i|.|i:il,..nii."-k Mat'n.Vn Nov. 7 Mine linn campaign, Va Nov. 2fi ' i ':: "5 1 13 27 1 1 itrarg, \ .1 Weldou 1; \\ ashington, D.C Charlestown, W. Va 1864. June 17 19 July 12- in N.... 11 .. 1 1 1 1 • Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania ('. 11.. \ . 1861. May S : 1 3 1, 3 I Kish.-r's Hill. Va Cedar Creek, Va Cedar Creek, \ a "1 1 1 11 "2 i2i.: May 31- June i ... .... 2 r..t..|..itoni..v . Va Colli Harbor, Va -■ 4 her's Ban, \ 1 1 Petersburg \\ 01 Its. Vs Mch \pponi.itt..\ . 1 1 1 1 1 • - 1 1 _ \ a Mar 28 Aprils Petersburg \pni . Sailor's ('..•.-k Appomattox C. II V B 1 Petersburg, \ a. ... June 17- .1 111 V.i. Dec. April.'. i 1 Sixty-sixth Regiment of Infantry (Veteran), governor's guard; mechanu; old sixth militia. This regimenl was organized by the Stan- Oct. 139th, L861, al New fork «'iiy, by the con- solidation of the Mechanic Rifles, Col. James II. Bull, with the Governor's Guard, Col. Joseph C. Pinckney, of the 6th Militia, with the latter as Col il. The Putnam Rifles, the LesUi Guard and part of the Empire Zouaves had previously been merged into the Gover- nor's Guard, of which the 6th State Militia formed the nucleus. The regimenl was re- cruitedat New York city fa few men were from New Jersey), and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Nov. 4th, 1861. At the expiration of it- term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regimenl retained in It left the State Nov. 16th, 1861; in Graham's Brigade, Buell's, later Keyes', l>i- vision, A. I'., from Nov., 1861; In French's Brigade, Sumner's Division, A. P., from Jan., 1862; in same, 8d, Brigade, Richardson's, 1st, Division. 2d Corps, A. P., from March, 1862; in Lsl Brigade, Isi Division, 2d Corps, from Aug., 1862; in 3d Brigade, l>t Division, 2d Corps, from Sept.. 1862; in 4th Brigade, lsl Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from March, 1864; al Fort. Richmond, N. Y. harbor, from May. 1865; and, commanded by Col. John S. Sam- mell, it was honorably discharged and mustered oul 80th, 1865, at New York city. During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 9 officers, 60 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, oT enlisted men; of disease and other causes, t officers, 120 enlisted men; total, 14 officers, 217 enlisted men; aggregate, 281; of whom 2 officers, 54 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the follow- ing engagements, etc.: Dl'dlH 18R2. M April 16 Fair Oaks, Va M June i ... Va... .linn- 2:> June 27 29 29 Gaines Mills ... IVacli Orchard S,n i-.. Station White Oak Swamp B'kc Qlendale Malvern Hill Antietain. M.| Xi-ar Charlestown. W.Va Snicker's Cap, Va Fredericksburg, Va .Inlv I Sept. 17 Oc. 16-17 N Dec 11-15 !.! ' 2L jvllle, \ i Oi-nysluirK. I'a Willlatnspiirl.Mil Auburn. \ ■ Mm., linn . \.i. Robertson's Tavern :• I Kit- ! S = = =>.M'C Wilderness. Va Sp.itsvlvanla C. II., Vu. I'o liiv.-r ' Landron House Xnrth Anna. Va Totopol.itnoy. Va Cold Harbor, Va i Assault 1863. July It Oct. n it \ Id . 27-31 . ,i nei-12 . B ! 5 s E Ls 54 426 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. led. PI'd l Reco. 1864. - . \ .1 June IS- A|'I\ _'. J'e IS 19 \ ttom. Va rv27 - P - \ i \ . i \ : B : = : = - E = =' = - = = = B :H'oa o « OIK Api'oiuuiKiN campa'n.Va M A|.r. 9 White Oak Ridge Ml Fall ..i IVtlmrK \pril 2 Deatonsvllle Road 6 Farmvllle 7 Appomattox CM 9 On detached sen Ice, gunboal ser- vn e Total loss SlXTY-8EVENTB R El . I \1 K N I OF I N I' A XTKY. FIB8T LONG [SLAND REGIMENT; LONG [SLAND 70LTTNTEER8 J BROOKLYN PHALANX. This regiment, Col. Julius W. Adams, was organized in Brooklyn, under special authority from tin- War Department ; was mustered in the service of the I inited States for three years Jane 30th and 34th, 1861, and received its State numerical designation Aug. 19th, 1861. At the expiration of its term of service those entitled to be discharged were ordered to Brook- lyn June 20th, 1864, and were there, under Col. Nelson I !ross, mustered oul July 4th, 1864; those nol entitled to be discharged were formed into a battalion of five companies, A. B, « '. Dand E. The companies were recruited principally: A, l>. E—Beecher'i Pit* — /•'. Q, /and K al Brooklyn; Cat Scio, Allegany county; D at Clyde, Wayne county; and 7/ at Rochester. The regiment left the State Aug. 21st, 1861; served in Graham's Brigade, Buell's, later Keyes', Division, A. P., from Aug., 1861; in same, 2d, Brigade, 1st, Couch's, Division, 4th Corps, A. !'., from March, 1862; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 4th Corps, A. 1'.. from Sept., 1862; in 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps, A. P., from Sept. 26th, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps, A. P., from Dec. 1862; <>n Johnson's Island. Lake Erie, Ohio, from Jan., 1864; in tth Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps, A. P., from April 16th, 1864, and the battalion of five companies, commanded by Capt. Henry C. Fisk, 65th X. Y. Vols., was, S.-pt. 1st. isiil. i-ciisolidat.'d with the 65th V V. Vols., forming Companies A, U. 1> and K of the latter. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in anion, 5 officers, 68 enlisted nun; of wounds received in action. 2 officers, ::T enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 75 enlisted men; total, 9 officers, 180 enlisted men; aggregate, 189; of whom 9 en- listed men died in tin- hand- of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, Ilsil \\ ounded, M. - 170 I -' "i Place. Date. Kil- \\ i>llTKll-.l 1 led, D Place. Date. ; 2 c H 112 i 1 12 1 i |8 B B K • 2 II "l Ip ! - ... 1. B 1 D^ £ r B i r i i i i;. ! i i : - - i : - ig. a 1 - 11 Id t: 3 < 1 M ■ i June i i June - 9 1 l Rappahannoi t. - Mini Rui ■ it Wilderm \ ■' S|...I>xH:iiiii f. II.. Va. N N 1864. M 27 31 M June i. June I June it Julj 1 June 17 II Julj i ■ i Aug. 21 2 \ 12.. i 18 i \\ hit* Oak ii M 1 1 \ \ M July I ... 3 Sept. i- D M 1 J , Totopotomoj Va i !old Qai boi . \ a | LUll 1 1, Va I • Chart eatown, \\ \ i, i 1 : 20 6 'I I hi VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. ■ir t Sixty-eighth Regiment on Im lntr-j (Veteran). CAMERON RIFLES; SECOND GERMAK RIFLE REGIMENT. Col. Robert J. Betge received authority from the War Department, -inly 22d, 1861, to re- oruit a regiment of infantry. The regimenl was organized in New fork city and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years, between Aug. 1st ami 80th, 1861. The men were mostly recruited in New Fork city, a i.w in New Jersey, Maryland and Pennsylvania. It was recognized by the State and numerically designated Aug. 19th, 1861. The three years' men of the 8th and 29th N. Y. Vols., two independent companies, were, in April, 1*(>4. transferred to the regiment, which, al the expiration of its term of service, was retained in the service, the men entitled thereto having been dischai The regiment left the State Aug. 24th, 1861; Berved in Blenker's Brigade, Division Poto- mac, from Aug., 1861; in Steinwehr'a Brigade, Blenker's Division, a. P., from Oct., 1861; in the Mountain Department, same brigade and division, from April. 1862; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division. 1st Corps, A. Va., from June 26th, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 3d Division, llth Corps. A. P., from Sept. 12th, 1862; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, llth Corps, A. I'., from April. 1st;:;: in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, llth Corps, A. I'.. from July, 1863; in 2d Brigade, 8d Division, llth Corps, from March, 1864; in the 4th Division, 20th Corp-, from April. 1864; in the District of Nashville, Department of Cumberland, 3d Brigade, Defenses N. & c K. K., from May, 1804; in the Districl of Allatoona, Ga., from .Inly, 1865; in the District of Savannah, Ga., from Nov.. 1N(m: and it was honorably discharged ami mustered out. com- manded by Col. Prince Felix Salm Salm, Nov. 80th, 1865, at Fort Pulaski. Ga. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed inaction. I officers, 23 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 1 officer, is enlisted men; of disease ami other causes, 1 officer, 74 enlisted men; total. 6 officers, 116 enlisted men. aggregate, 122; of wh< listed men died in the hands of the enemj ; ami it took pan in tin' following engagements, etc.: L862. W. III. 'lit. .11 -1 II lie ., \.l .. \|, h '- Cross Ki'\ s, Va lune White ll-m-e Ford, Va... July 22 Gen. Pope's camp'n, Va Aug. 16 Sept. 2 Waterloo Uri.l-c Groveton 29 Hull Run 30 ^ 8 E o ■2 = -2 = 11 11. M.I I v 12 1 I Wnuhau-liic, 1. 1111 (). I Cbatta iga and Ross- n villi- . aiii|uign, T.'iin Misslonarj Ridge \ I,.., however, principally at Chicago, III . Com pany F partly at Brooklyn, and K partly at Buffalo. June 12th, 1m;::. the regiment was consolidated into a battalion of two companies. A and B. In Feb., 1864, this battalion re- turned from its veteran furlough with six companies, A. B, C, F, Q and K; H and F being the former Companies Band A; the other-, being newly organized. At the expiration of its term of service, those entitled thereto wen- mustered out and the regiment retained in service. 428 PART III. BKETOHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. The regiment left the State Nov. 18th, 1861; Bervedal Fort Corcoran, 1>. C, from Nov., 1861; in the Irish Brigade, Sumner's Division. A. P., from Dec, 1861; in the same 2d, Brigade, BJohardson's, 1st, Division, 2d Corps, a. P., from March, 1862; and it was honor- ably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Nugent, June 80th, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 8 officers, 154 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 5 officers, 94 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, L50 enlisted men: total, 1 I officers, 898 enlisted men; aggregate, 412; of whom <;;j enlisted men died in the hand- of the enemy; and it took part in the following ■ ments, i : - : - Fair Oaks, Va M June t ... 2 llnrnt t'liii v. Va rune IU ... ■ i July 2 ... 1 Gaines Mills tune 27 hard Station Qlendale Malvern Hill fuly i I -" im. M.I Sept. 17 i i" Near Charlestowu, W \ i Oct. 16- 17 Bnii k< v.i; ii \ i v ll.uiw I Church \ ■ sburg, Va Dec. n 13 1863. Obancellorsvllle, \ a May i luly 1-3 isport, Mi ii I let. 1 I Va....... II Mine Run camp i i S Dec. J Robertson's Tavern ... Nov. 27 1 96 1 . I \ • , > U., Va... - 21 Po River Salient Landra North Ann. i. \ .i Totopotomoj , \ a . Cold Hai Jed. Di'd'Rei-o. ing. i i- i 27 31 ... June i 12 ... s. cond Assault i:.-t".ir<- i*<-ti.r>tjurjf, Va June 15 (Principally Oct. 30) Apr. 2. 1865. Assault >■■ I' i \ June 15- 191 Weldon Railroad, Va... Deep Bottom, Va lulv 27- Strawberry Plains, Va Aug. n K. am's Station, V., Batcher - Run, Va Skinner's Farm, Va .... Appomattox camp'ign, i; i Fall of Petersburg, Va IVatunsville Kuad Farmvllle I Appomattox C. II .... • i her minor affairs i- .. 25 . Mch. 25 Mar. 28 April" Ml.-"' 31 April 2 21 .! Seventieth Regiment ob Iniantkv. PIBST REGIMENT BXCEL8IOB BRIGADE; FIRST REGIMENT 8ICKLES BRIGADE. General Daniel !•'.. Sickles, as temporary Colonel, recruited this regiment under special authority from tin- War Department; ii was organized al < 'amp Scott. Staten island, and there : in the United States service for three years June 20th 22d, 1861; excepl Company <;, whirl, was mustered in at Washington, D. C, ' tat. 8th, 1861. Pursuant to the orders of the Secretary of War, dated Dec. 5th, 1861, it received, Dec. Nth. 1861, its State numeri- cal designation. The three years' men ofthe2d N. ST. Vols, joined it May 19th, 1868. The men not entitled to be mustered out with the regiment were, June 22d, 1864, transferred to the 86th N. 1 . Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 In part, /.'. D and In New York city; at Pan Paw, Mich.; E Friend's Rifles al Pittsburgh, Pa.; FeA Port Jervis, Orange county; 11 a- BO ton, EOS .1 in part, and /at I'atrison, N..l.,and A' at Newark, N.J. The regiment, except < lorapanj G, left the State July 28d, 1861 ; served at and near Wash- ington, D. C, fn luly. 1861; in Sickles' Brigade, Booker's Division, A. P., fromOct. 15th, 1861; in same, 2d, Brigade, and 2d Division, 8d Corps, A. I'., from March, 1862; in 2d Brigade, 1th Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from April, 1864; in ith Brigade, 8d Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from May L8th, 1864; and it was honorablj discharged and mustered out, under Lieut.-Col. Thog, Holt, Jul) fth 1864, to date Julj 1st, 1864, al New Fork city. During its service the regiment lost uj death, killed In action, !i officers, 187 enlisted men; of wounds received In action, i officer, 85 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 69 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 241 enlisted men. aggregate, 252; of whom 9 enlisted men died In the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc;: VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 429 Date. hu- Wounded. 3 S -«! "i 2 130 1- 9 11 "i i w nded. UlBS- ing. .. 17 Pucz. ll I : i. = D_ e .in; CO. 1 c w I E : III d 1 •: 5 II i 1862. N. mi liutiifrci--i, Va Mill. ]7 Station! ('. II.. Vu \ piil 6 Iforktowu, Va... April 10 M..v 1 "l 112 IS 6 IS :: 97 1 11 Cham elloi n Hie, \ i .. Gettysburg, Pa. \\ ii|i|ni.. Mi \ Kelly's 1 Mia.- Bun cam] Locus! i \ Wilderness. \ Spotsj h snl .'ii \ i i Ballenl \nn.i. \.i itomoj . \ i Cold Hai 1 Assault N M , II 1 • I! 117 i in... \\ I'll imsburg, Va \l i 7 ■ ■ "i i 1 1 "i 12 1 : l Fair Oaks, Va 8e\ i-ii Days' Battle, \ a... Oak Grove Glendale m 1 era inn Malvern Hill, Va Glen. Pope - camp'n, Va. Kettle Run Groveton Bull Run „ June 1 ... June 12 ... Jane 29 July 2 July ) ... Aug. ... Sept. 2 ... :;i ... i 1 • i 17 ::: i 1 6 ... 1- in in 8 27 13 in Decll i Seventy-first 1,'Ki.I M I . s I op Ini.wiky. SECOND REGIMENT EXCELSIOR, OR SICKLES', BRIGADE] JAOKBOS LIGH1 REGI- MENT. Recruiting for this regiment, originally the Jackson Light Infantry, was commenced by Col. George B. Hall and Lieut. -Col. II. L. Potter as early as April 36th, L861. tn May, 1861, the organization joined the Excelsior Brigade, raised by Gen. Sickles under special author- ity from the War Department, as its second regiment. It was organized al Camp Scott, St :it i in Island, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years between June 20th and July 18th, 1861. Dec. 11th. 1861, it received its State numerical designation in accordance with the orders of the Secretary of War, dated I ) ' , i-. 5th, 1861. The men of the regiment not entitled to be discharged with it were transferred, July 7th. 1864, to the 120th X. Y. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 and />at Newark, N.J.; />', Cand /-'at New York city; E at Orange, N..I.: Q al Philadelphia, Pa. ; fiat Olean and New York city; /at Great Valley and Colchester; and A' at Kingston. Tbe regiment left the State Jul] 28d, 1861; served al and sear Washington, I ». <'., from July, 1861; in Sickles' Brigade, Hooker's Division, A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1881; in same, 3d, Brigade and 2d Division, 3d Corps, A. 1'.. from March, L862; in 2d Brigade, 4th Divis- ion, 2d Corps, A. P., from April, 1864; in tth Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, from Ma] 13th, 1864, and, commanded by Lieut. -Col. Thomas Rafferty, Col. II. I.. Potter being absenl on detached service on account of wounds, it was honorably discharged and mustered out July 30th, 1864, at New Fork city. During its service the regimenl Inst by death, killed in action, •'> officers, 60 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 27 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, To enlisted men; total, 8 officers, 160 enlisted men; aggregate, 168; of whom 1<> enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following niriits, etc.: Fair Oaks, Va., April 6 April 10- Maj 31 June i ... Fair Oaks, Va lune 12 ... Seven Days' liattle, Va. .1 July 2 ... Oak Grove Tune 25... (ilftulalw 30... Malvern Hill Tuly 1 ... I^li_ w ounded. D M o I H 75118 I Carter's ¥ I ill Gen. Pope's cam | Kettle Run m Hull Kim Fredericksburg, Vi 5 = E Chancellorsville, Va Gettysburg, Pa - w apping Heights, Va. July 2 ... \ Sept. -' ... 29 ... - D'c.11-15 Hi I 430 PART III. SKETOHE8 OF ORGANIZATIONS. K , : . Wounded, ed. h_ Beco, Date. B S B N Mine Kim campa I N Qrove \ 1864. \\ Ilderness, \ a M ■ • II ,\ , Landrail's Farm in ... a i = - = = = = HO H Miss- ing. North Anna, Va Totopotor Cold Mar' i sburg, \ i 1861. M 27-31 .In.- I 12 June 15 July : As-anlt id IVt.-rolmrK.Va .IV I.". I'' Welrton Road, Va 21-22 ■ in detai bed Ben ice on picket in 1862 Total loss , Kit- W£H! led. i Dt'dlBeco. Si;\ KN I Y-SECOND REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THIRD REGIMENT, EXCELSIOB, OR SICKLEs', BBIGADE. This regiment, raised under special authority from the War Department, granted to Gen. D. I'.. Sickles, was organized, under Col. Nelson Taylor, at Camp Scott, Staten [eland, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years in June, July, August and October, 1861. One company of the 68th Militia (Dunkirk) formed part of this regi- ment. Pursuanl to the order of the Secretary of War, dated Dec. 5th, 1861, it received its State numerical designation Dec. 11th, 1861. Company 1. was transferred to Companies A, I and K Feb. 35th, 1862. The men not entitled to he mustered out with the regiment were formed into a detachment which, from June 30th, 1864, served with the 120th X. Y. Vols., to whirh the remaining men were, in Nov. 1864, finally transferred. The companies were recruited principally: .! and A'in New York city; //at Jamestown; C in Vermont; l> and E at Dunkirk; /-'at Newark. N. J.; Q at Westfield; //at Dunkirk and New York city, and /at Delhi. Company I. was recruited principally in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Delhi, Sinclairsville and Plattsburgh. The regiment, except Companies II and L, whirh joined Oct. 25th, 1861, left the State July 34th, 1861; served at and near Washington, D. <'.. fromJuly, L861; in Sickles' Brig- ade, Eooker's Division, A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in same, 3d, Brigade, 2d Division, 3d Corps, A. P., from Mar., 1862; in 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 2d Corps. A. P., from April, 1864; in Ith Brigade, 3d Division, 3d Corps, A. P., from May i:',th. 1864; the companies remaining attached to the 130th N. \. Vols., in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 3d Corps, a. P., from July, 1864 Companies A, B, D, E, 1". 1 and K. under command of Lt.-Col. John Leonard, were honorably discharged and mustered out Jane 19th and 30th, 1864, before Peteraburgh, Ya. . Companies G, C and II, remaining, were mustered out duly 3d and 30th, and Oct. 31st, 1864, respectively. During its Bervice the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 9 officers, ill enlisted men; of wounds received in action, '■'< officers, 51 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 95 enlisted men; total, 13 officers, 357 enlisted men; aggregate, 370; of whom 10 enlisted men died iii the liands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage* ments, etc. : 1 orktown, \ i \ M .Inn. I Pair Oak I .1 12. J J ... II Inlv 1 1 I.", . nri; .i !, \ I \ - Kettle Una \ I on Hull Kim i Dei 11-18 Chanccllorsville, v.i. . Maj i (M-ltV-lHIl l-.l \Vii|.|.in: M \ ... N Mine Knn • amp n. \ ■>.... N D Qrove N led. Pt'd l Beco. = e = =' 5 h o'h VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 431 Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania C. II. ,Ya.... Lan. lion's Farm Balienl North Anna. Va Tol i >y. Va Cold Harbor, Va Before Petersburg, Va Ajbs'U of Petersburg, Va.. gj|. WolllKleil I-, I Ma> 8-21 10 1_> 27- '.I June i 12 June I- Oi i Si J Kil • I. . Wounded. M w.i.i..,, Railroad, Va „ June 21 SI raw I- • 1- Boydton I'hmk Road,\ , ••: June 21, 1862 Di I i; - :-: - Seventy-third Regiment of [nfantry (Veteran). FIRE liRIGADK SECOND FIRE ZOUAVES J FOURTH EXCELSIOR REGIMEN!] FOURTH REGIMENT, SICKLES* BRIGADE. This regiment was organized under the special authority granted by the War Depart- menttoQen. Daniel E. Sickles, and July 25th, L861 to Colonel W. R. Brewster, al Camp Decker, Staten Island, under Colonel James Fairman (who also bad an authority from the War Department, dated Aug, l'.ith. 1861, to recruit a regiment), by the consolidation of the men recruited by the latter, for the Fourth Excelsior Regiment, and the men recruited for the Second Fire Zouaves, by Colonel John Baulch, succeeded by Colonel Brewster. It received its State numerical designation Dec. 11th, 1861, in accordance with the orders of the Secretary of War of Dec. 5th, 1861. The regimenl was recruited principally in New Fork city of members of the fire department, and it was mustered in the service of the Dhited States for three years at Camp Decker, between July 8th and Oct. 8th, L861. In the fall of 1862, a new company joined the regimenl and took the letter C; Jan. 20th, 1868, Company Q was transferred to E, and the members of the I68d N. V. Vols., sis < ipanies, 875 men, received by consolidation as follows: the men of Company < '. L68d Regt., wenl to Companies A and B, Tod Regt., those of D to A. F and [; of F to C, l> and l\ : of A to I> and G; of H to G; of E to F and I. At the expiration of its term of service the men enti- tled thereto were discharged, and the remainder consolidated into seven companies, A. B, E, F, <;, II and I, and retained in service, .lime 1st. 1865, it received by transfer the enlisted men of the 120th X. V. Vols., not mustered oul with their regiment. The regimenl left the State Oct. 8th, 1861; served in Sickles' Brigade, Hooker's Division, A. P., from Oct., 1861; in same, 2d, Brigade, 2d Division, 3d Corps, A. P., from Mar.. L862; in 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 2d Corps, a. 1'., from April. 1864; in 4th Brigade, 3d Division. 2d Corps, A. P., from May 18th, 18<>4; in 1st Brigade, 8d Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from July, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel Michael Burns, June 29th, L865, near Washington, I), c. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action. 12 officers, 107 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 5 officers, 29 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 71 enlisted men; total, L9 officers, 260 enlisted men: aggregate, 229; of whom 15 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pan in the following • meius, etc.: Puck. Date. Kil- led. - ■- b 5 = - : - p_ e ..I II. = Z ed. = M 1 i z ss- m. i. - Stafford C. II.. Va VpHi 6 Siege of Yorktown, Va... April 10- \i Williamsburg, Va M Fair daks, Va May M- Juue l "i i 1 "i 61 10 is 104 11 Fair Oaks, Va 15 i 16 Seven Days' Battle, Va J 1 oak Grove rune 25 Peach Orchard Qlendale :w Mill Iu!y 1 Malvern Hill, Va lecT DIM K : - - 4.V2 PART in. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. KM- "»■"""-"• Mlss- |||;f|li|li gji Run I Orovetou 28 Bnn :"' ~iair,', \ .1 Dec. 11 Chancellorsvllle, \ M .* i Gettysburg. Pa ' Wapping Heights, \ .. \ 16 \ h - V • !. \ I N"V \|. • U'iij . urn. i \ \ D -' Grove N Wilderness. Va ' I \ : Landron'g Farm n> • 12 North Anna, Va Toi tomny, Va ( i I'n.'i 12 . : - : - Before Petersburg, Va. road, Va. Dei p Bottom, \ .i Strawberry Plains, \ i Poplar Sprir Roydton Plank Boad.Va Uicksford Bald, Va Run, \ a Petersburg Works, Va. ft.pi attOX r;ilii].'n.\ a White Oak Ridge Deatonsv llle Road Farmville Appomattox C. 11. 1861 June 15- lune IS I! July 27 Aug. M 18 ■ 27 Dei .6 li Feb. 5 : Mi li Mch. a Apr. 9 Mch SI April \\ on n ded Dl'd Reco. ! - I Seventy-fourth Regiment of Iniaxtkv. Finn EXCELSIOB regiment; fifth regiment, sickles brigade. This regiment was recruited under the special authority of the War Department, issued to Gen. D. E. Sickles; organized under Colonel Charles K. Graham at Camp Scott, L. I.. and mustered in the service of the United States for three years between June 80th and Oct. 6th, 1861. Pursuant to the orders of the Secretary of War of Dec. 5th, 1861, il received Its State numerical designation Dec. llth, 1861. August 3d, 1864, the remaining men, not entitled ti> be discharged with their respective companies, were assigned to the 40th N. V. Vols., forming new Companies G and II of the latter. The companies were recruited principally: .1. and B — XT. 8. Zouam Cadets — in part, al Pittsburg, I'a.: B, in part, at New York city; C7on Long fsland; D at Cambridgeport, Mass.; /.. '■. //. / and K al New Fork city; and F al Tidioute, Pa.; a number of the men bad been members of the 15th Militia. The regiment left the State A.ugust 20th, L861; served in Sickles' Brigade, Booker's Division, A. P., from Sept., 1861; in Bame, 2d, Brigade, 2d Division, 3d Corps, A. P., from Mar.. 1862; in 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from April, 1864; in 4th Brigade, 8d Division, 2d Corps, A. P., from May L8th, 1864; in 1st Brigade, 3d Division, %\ Corps, A. P., from July, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Lt.-Colonel Wm. Lounsberry, by companies, before Petersburg, Va.; Company D, June 19th, 1864; A. June 21st; B, June 26th; G, June 28th; < '. July 6th; and E, V. II. I and K, August 8d, 1864. I > i » ii 1 1 ^r its Bervice the regiment lost by death, 7 officers, 83 enlisted men; of wounds re- ceived in action, 2 officers, 83 enlisted nun; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 68 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 188 enlisted men; aggregate, 194; of whom L0 enlisted men dii-.l in the hands of the enemy; and it took part In the following engagements, etc.: \ M ■ il \ , \ V i .i 1 1 ID June l hi d Rei E h D Battle, Va. lune 29 July : Qlendale M il ■ rn Mill luh- 1 Gen. Pope's i amp'n, Va \ 8ept.2 . Kan Aug. "" Groveton Hull Kan M 1- I D II = - | s 1 2 i IK. a 1 "i :::■ 1 'i I 32 LB ":i ... i •■ S3 12 VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. Fredericksburg, Va Chancellors* llle, Va ("J.-tty-lmrif. I'a » \V;i|>|.ini: ll.'iuhls. \ u... Kelly's Pord, \ Mine Run campaign, \ a Locnsl Grove Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania C. II., \ a I. mii. iron's Farm §1 Decll 13 1863 M : Jl Nov Nov Di N \l , J in KilJWouni = •: =. | [ - - Pi tersbnrn.l \\ eldon I: ' Deep bottom, Va Loss si iiiiiiui affairs . E'c g e S = : us 5 a = a .iniii- 1 Seventy-fifth Regiment of Enfantri (Veteran) ai'i'.ikn regiment; cayuga county regiment. This regiment, Col. John A. Dodge, was organized al Auburn, received it- numerical designation Nov. 14th, 1861; and was mastered in the Bervice of the United States (nine companies), at Auburn, for three years, Nov. 36th, 1861. The men were recruited princi- pally in the counties of Cayuga and Seneca. Company K joined the regiment Jam 24th, 1862, having left theState June 13th, 1862. In April, 1864, a new Company K was again organized to take the place of the one consolidated with the other companies April 10th, 1864. The men entitled to l" 1 discharged al the expiration of the term of service were, Nov, 19th, 1864, ordered to Auburn, and then' li rably discharged Dec. ?th, 1864; the regiment was continued in service, but consolidated, Nov. llith, 1864, intoa battalii t" five companies A. B, C, D and E; the men of Company II being transferred to Companj A, those of I to Company B; of K to Company C; of G to Company D; and those of F to Company E, In April, 1865, the 81st independent' Infantry joined the battalion as its Com- pany F. The regiment (nine companies) left the State Dec. 6th, 1861 ; Berved at Santa Rosa island and Port Pickens, Fla., from Dec, 1861; a1 Pensacola, Fhv, from May, L862; at New Or- Leans, La., Dept. of the Gulf, from Sept., 1862; in Weitzel's Reserve Brigade, Dept. of the Gulf, from Oct.. 1862; in 2d Brigade, 1st Division, L9th Corps, from Jan., ls,;:1; '"' Boaetrve Brigade, 1st Division. 19th Corps, from Aug., L868; in :'.'l Brigade, 1st Division, p.ith Corps, from Sept., isi;:',: was mounted and joined the 3d Cavalrj Brigade i •'.. l s,, c. on vet- eran furlough in .lan. and Feb., 1864, the non-veterans, about 90 men, Berving with Com- panies K and U 14th N. V. Vol. Cavalry, and rejoining the regiment June 88th, 1864; the veteran regiment left for Washington, D. <'.. 23d Corps, a- infantry. April 2d, L864; for Dept. of the Gulf, .May 20th, 1864; Berved in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 19th Corps, from Jane 4th, 1864; with the \rmy of the James, from 21s1 to 81st July, 1864; in the Shenandoah Vallej from Aug., 1864; left for Savannah, Ga., Jan. 11th, 1866; served in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 10th Corps, from Feb., 1865; in the 8d Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of Ga., from March, 1865: and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Robert P. York, Aug. 23d, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed In action, 1 officer, 50 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 8 officers, 12 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 109 enlist. id men; total, L officers. 201 enlisted men; aggregate, 306; of whom 10 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it, or portions of it, took part in the following en- gagements, etc. : 55 434 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Kil- H ounded. \| ... ba ■' "2 i: 107 S3 Placb. Date. Kil- Wounded. M ... Piaci Date. le £ i. c W D i | i:. j l'o. 1 6 i- ii 57 "4 1 ! 1 "i c H "l 71 led. Dl'dlReco. -: = -: = c = E s = c = =' : - : - : - 1 i z 1 s E < i Tin . 1 F'>rt Pickens and Pensa- M . i ;. . I., .... i. inding, La 27 1 i Ian. 13 1 . i ... 14 OpiTutiuns against I'url II La Marll-i: ill > ill.-. La \l>ril 11 Fori Bisland, La 12-13 L 1 1 1 IBM. 1 "2 "1 - I IT "1 :• 1 Hill ' .:: ::: ::. ::: i "a "i 2 T 2 "i i "i 2 - JI "i 2 :•;;; It. Mils - - 20 Jl 22 U 13-1 1 Ah.iv.- ('|.-iil.-r>villi-.... Below Cloutersvllle rsvllle and Ln- ille At". v.- Alt -xain Ilia Below Alexandria v Bayou " 1 "! "3 1 Franklin, La Porl Hudson.La. \| 15 16 24 J'y 21-31 V_ 24 Sept. 1 in 22 Oct. ID ... ... Mansii! a M.,-_-a.i/.t. I.a \ isanll 1 A-sault i iFourcne, La .... IS Camp Lewis, La Bed Blver campaign, La July 13 Sept. • Nov. 19 Di ■ 1864. U Mar. ji ... Halll un. Va Op...|ii..ii. Va KMi.-r's Hill. Va Mi Jackson, Va Cedar Creek, Va •_ ' i'.t 1 :* "i "1 : Henderson's Hill Seventy-sixtb Regiment of [nfantry. cortland regiment; cheer's \ regiment; otsego county me nt: cromwellian regiment. Col, Nelson W. Green of Cortland, received authority to recruit a regiment of infantry in Cortland county, and commenced recruiting Sept 2d, 1861, receiving some men from the counties of Allegany and Fates. About the same time Hon. George E. Danfortb received authority tt> recruit a regiment in the counties of Otsego and Schoharie, with headquarters at Cherry Valley, to which regiment the 89th Militia furnished a large number of men. These regiments were moved to Albany, and being below the minimum number, consoli- dated int le, the 76tb Regi at, Col. N. W. Green, Jan. llili. 1862. Companies A, B, C, D, I'.. P and - iiii detached nervice on gunboats Queen ul tin- \\ est ami Mound CltJ I 13 24 27 24 27 Seventy-seventh Regimeni (Vetebam SARATOGA REGIMENT; BEMIS HEIGHTS REGIMENT. This regiment, Col. James B. BfcKean, was organized al Saratoga Springs, and there, Nov. 23d. 1861, mustered in the service of the United States for three years, Oct. 80th, 1862, a new company was forwarded to the regiment, becoming Company K, the original company having be< n consolidated with Company I-'. At the expiration of the term of ser- vice of the regiment its members entitled to be discharged were forwarded to Saratoga, and then-, under Col. Winser B. French, mustered oul Dec. 18th, 1864; th< men1 was continued in the service, but, Nov. 19th, 1864, consolidated into five companies, A. B, C, D and E. The companies were recruited principally: .1 al Westport; B at Ballston; C, /'. /-'and G&t Saratoga; I> at Wilton; 11 al Charlton; / al Keeseville; K at Gloversville ; and second Company K al Saratoga. The regiment lefl the Stat.' Nov. 38th, 1861; Berved in the 3d Brigade, Casey's Division, A. P., from Dec, 1861; in 3d, Davidson's, Brigade, W. P. Smith's Division, 4th Corps, A 1'.. from March, 1862; in the 8d Brigade, 2d Division, 6th Corps, A. P., from May. L862; and the battalion left in the field was honorably discharged and mustered out, ander CoL David J. Case, June 27th, 1865, al Washington, I>. < '. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, s officers, 58 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 3 officers, 41 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 175 enlisted men; total, 12 officers, 274 enlisted men: aggregate, 286; of whom 16 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc. : - H ~ May Near Lee's Mills Lpril 5 I. ■■■ - Mills 16 Before Yorktown 1.-- Mills L's. Williamsburg Va M , Mivhanicsville. Va Holding's farm, Va June 5. Mccb.anicsvilli', Va -i Rei o Battle, V.i. Qarnett'a Farm Garnett's and Gold Ing's Kami - White oak Bwamp Malvern Hill .. Harrison's Landing, Va. i June 25- July J . June 27 436 l'AKT III. SKETCHES OF (>K< , A \ IXATh »\> g«.| Wounded. M , ss . Ee'EeG = = = PL*! I Date. M 81 pt. It ... \ M 1 1T ■■• \ .. D \ M Deep Run I (iettvsburs P K.iirii.-M. l'.i Antietain and Run, Mi iwn. M sburg, Va. ; 36 1 . M - Max 31 June 12 Ji 17 .lnh 9 Di April .'. 1869 Assault "i Peter&b'rg,^ a. June 17- 19 21 2J July 12 13 Sept. l Cedar Creek, \: Petersburg Works, \ a . Appomattox camp n, \ Fall ni' Petersburg.. ■ reek Appomattox C. II... i Mch.2S- AprU9 . April 'J Miss- ing. - ... 5 Seventy-eighth Regiment of Infantry, seventy-eightb highland ees; cameroh highlanders; pikst regiment, EAGLE BRIG \ DE. This regiment was organized in New Xork city April 26th, 1862, by the consolidation of the men enlisted by Col. Samuel McK. Elliott for the Lochiel Cameron HigJdandera, the original 78th Regiment, and of those enlisted bj Gen. r part of the, Aili Regiment, Eoglt Brigade, with the men enlisted 1>\ Col. Daniel Oilman for the 1«/ Regi- ment, /•.''','/ / < Brigade, with the latter us Colonel. It was mustered in the service of the United States for three years between Oct. 1st, L861, and April 12th, 1862 Phe companies were recruited principally: .1, /> and Cin New York city; Din [Jtica; /•.'in Buffalo; Pat Bath; at China: // at Rochester; / at Suspension Bridge, and A" in Michigan. The regimenl lefl the State April 29th, 1862; served at Washington, D. C; at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., from May 25th, 1862; in 2d Brigade, Sigel's l>i\i>ii>n, Dept. Shenandoah, from June Kith. 1862; in 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, A. Va.. from June 26th, 1862; in same brigade and division, 12th Corps, from Sept. 12th, 1862; in si ■ brigade and division, 20th Corps, Army of the Cumberland, from April 20th, 1864 and it was trans- ferred, under Col. Herbert Hammerstein, July 12th, 1864, to the I02d N. .. Vols. During its service the regiment lost bj death, killed in action. 2 officers, 1 1 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 14 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 7."> enlisted n; total, 8 officers, 130 enlisted men; aggregate, 188; of whom 1 enlisted men died in the bands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Date. M IT • July i N N u = 1' .,1 .1 H 1 ii' i;. i i . a d i d - 19 17 in i- i 1 =' - 1 •■ 1 - 1 ♦ I l -• l»l 11 1 Da^e. K W i 1- 1. i w 1> \ 1 • 1 B in i;. ■ ... a B = M 1 I - B i B I V. \ \ . m ntaii Vi p [■• • . ampa'nA » Siil|ll 1 M lonar] Ridge imp >>-<■■ <..i.. N 1864 M M '..'. 1 1 i i Hi 8 Ma June i iA Mountain June 9 2 i 1 1 i i 7 \ i . 16 Pine Mountain 16 17 10 1 • HI) Villi ... • Lost mm detai hed tei > li • . and I VOLUNTKi:i;> OF THE STATE. 437 Seventy-ninth Regiment Imwtky (Veteran). seventy-ninth militia; ii h ■ iii. \ n l>i;i;s; cameron rifle highlanders; highland guard; bannockburn battalion. The 79th Regimenl ol State Militia, failing to be ordered to the front t'- .r three months, organized, under authority from the War Department, as volunteers al Sew Fork city, where, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Samuel McKenzie Elliott, ii was mustered in tin- service ol Hi-- United States for three years May 29th, 1861. The men were recruited principally in New York city; the regimenl was turned over to the State in Sept., 1861, and received its numerical designation Dec. llth,1861. In Jan., 1864, members of the 51sl V V v'ols., 45th, 50th and loOili Pa. Vols., were attached to the regiment, serving with it about two months. May 4th, 1864, Col. Samuel McK. Elliott received authority to recruit a regiment, the Cameron Highlanders; this authority was modified to recruit for this regiment. Maj 18th, 1864, the men not entitled to be mustered out were formed into two companies, A and B; those entitled to be mustered out at the expiration of the term of servii t I ment proceeded to New v ork city and were there discharged, under Lieut.-Col. John More, May 31st, 1864. In Nov., 1864, the men enlisted by Col. Elliotl joined the companies in the field as Companies C and I>; in Jan., 1865, another company, E, joined, and in March, 1865, Company 1*' was organized in the field from recruits received. The regiment left the State June 2d, 1861 : served at ami near Washington, I ». ( '., where Col. J. Cameron joined it, from June, 1861; in 3d Brigade, 1-t Division, Army .\. K Va., from .inly, 1861; in Stevens' Brigade, Smith's Division, A. 1'.. from Oct., 1861; in 3d Unm- ade, 'l'. \V. Sherman's Expeditionary Corps, from Oct. 21st, 1861; in 2d Brigade, 2d Divis- ion, Kept. South, from June, l^ii-J; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, from July, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corp-, from Sept., 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps from June, 1863; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, '.ith Corps, from July, 1868; in 2d Brigade, 8d Division, 9th Corps, from March, 1864; Companies A and B with 18th Corps, Army of the James, from .May, 1864; in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, A. 1' , from Sept. 10th, 1864; a- Provost Guard, 9th Corps, from <>ct. 7th. 1864; am! it was honor- ably discharged and mustered out, commanded by Lieut -Col. Henrj <;. Beffron, .inly i ith, 1863, near Alexandria, Va. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, % officers, s "> enlisted men; of wounds received in action, l officer, 30 enlisted men; of disease ami other causes, 1 officer, 82 enlisted men; total. 4 officers, 195 enlisted men; aggregate 199; of whom 1 1 enlisted men died iii the hands of the enemy; and it, or portion- of it. took part in the following i nients, etc.: r.I;irkl. urn's Font, Va.... Hull Hun. Va Near Lewtnsville.Va Lewinsville, \ .i V ii I..-U ins\ ill,'. \ ll.ivl.' s i , .,.. |; It. ix Point, 8. C Eti .lames Island, S. ('... .lames 1-lan.l. S. (' S.T.-ssionv ill.-. - Gen. Pope's campaign. V.i led. D ' L I L i 1861. July is 21 Sept. in II Oct. v May June Kelly's Ford Sulphur Springs.... Gn» etoo Ball Run Centreville Chantilly 'I mntain, M.I Anli, 'lain, M,l Fredericksburg. Va Dec \ Aug. 21 Sepl led. PH l;. Vlcksburg, Miss rune IT July Green I;. J ily i .. M • KnoxvlUe, Tenn Nov. !•• Strawberry Plains, Tenn Jan. ji \ i Ferry, ^ \\ ilderni - \ N i Spotsylvania C. II \ \ R ver I and Richmond, Va 1 B \ Fori Stedman, Va 1 . \ I April 2.. Total Ion "' r 438 I'AKT III. SK ETC] IKS OF ORCJAXIZATIOXS. Eightieth Regiment of Infantry (Veteran). I w l.N I I Kill Ni:\\- YORK STATE MILITIA ! CTL8TEK GUABD. on tltf return of the 20th Militia from it- throe months' service, Col. George W. Pratt received authority to reorganize it at Kingston as a regiment of volunteers, ami it was mus- tered in the Bervice of the United States for three years between Sept. 20th and Oct. 20th, 1861. De< . 7th, 1861, it received it- State numerical designation, ami May 24th, 1863, the ars' men of the 35th X. Y. Vols. At the expiration of its term of service the men entitled thereto were mustered out and the regiment retained in service. Nov. 6th, 18C4, a new company joined the regiment, taking the letter I. The companies were recruited principally in Ulster county; quite a number of men from the neighboring counties joined tin- regiment, however, and tin- men enlisted tor James A. Raney's Battery became part of it. The regiment left the State <>et. 26th, 1861; served in Wads worth's Bngade from Oct., 1861; in McDowell's Division, A. I'., from Nov., 1861; in 2d Brigade, McDowell's Division A. I'.. from -Ian.. 1862; in Patrick's. 1st. Brigade, King's, 3d, Division, 1st Corps, A. 1'.. from March, 1862; in 2d Brigade, same division, Dept. Rappahannock, from May, 1862; in 8d Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Corps, A. Va., from June, 1862; in same brigade and division, 1st Corps, A. P., from Sept. ijih, 1862; in Patrick's Provost Guard Brigade, A. P.. from Jan. 7th 1863; in 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from June, 1863; iii Provost Guard Brigade, A. P., from July liiih, 1863; in the Independent Brigade, 9th Corps, A. P.. from March. 1865; on provost duty at City Point. Va., from April 7th. 1865; at Richmond, Va . from April 22d, 1865; at Norfolk. Va., from Nov. 27th, 1865, where it was h raldy discharged ami mustered out. under Col. Jacob B. Hardenberg, Jan. 29th, 1866. During its Bervice the regiment lost by death, killed in action. 5 officers, si enlisted lion; of wounds received in action, :i officers, 39 enlisted men; of disease ami other causes, 156 enlisted men. total, 8 officers, 276 enlisted men; aggregate, 284; of w bom 22 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; by the explosion of ammunition at City Point. Va., Aug. 9th, 1864, the regimenl losl by death, 6 enlisted men; ami it took part in the following en- tente, etc.: Date. Kil- Wounded. Miss- | M 17 19 170 Plaok. Date. Wounded. Mlss- I'l.V t U E z "i t. B s a a 10 i £ d Ri f ■ <■. a s S £ 1 18 si i z "i I K ::■ IS 23 m EL = z i - - i;, i S z <-n. a B £ ii 1; i B •i Bow lin - in innock River. . 1862. Mo 11 '.'ii 28 Funkstown, Md \ n 1'" in l.i . ■■! it 1..11 \ , Mine Run J'y n i: Oct, i: N Di 1 36 1 . M 27 11 .in,' i LS June 19 1 .:: -i n Hi ■; S|...lsy|vania ('. II.. Va.. •I 1 ■ ■ Ti.t i>t uinov. Va 3 1 Srpt. 1 ,-..•■• M . M : 11 17 \ Decll-IS i 7 "i • "i i Kail ..1 1' \ 13 EIGHTY-PIB85 REGIMENT 01 I\i\vii;<. (Vktkka n). 3ECOND 08WEO0 REGIMENT; SfOHAWB RANGERS. This regiment was organized at Albany Feb. 18th, 1862, by the consolidation of the \fo- irds of Liberty and Union, Col. 0, B. Pierce, of which the "Remington Guards formed part, with the Oswego Regiment, Co]. Edwin Rose. Au^. 2.">th, ism, au- thority was granted for the organization of the Oswego Regiment; Oct. 11th, L861, it con- sisted of ten companies of minimum strength; in December Company 1 was consolidated with the other companies, and a Dumber of men discharged for various reason-; In Jan., 1862, it was ordered to Albany, and Feb. 8th, the men of Company C "ere transferred to VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 439 Companies D, G and K, and those of Company E to Companies A, Land II, leaving bat seven companies. The Mohawk Rangers were organized al Rome; ordered to Albany In Feb., 1862, and on the 17th, consolidated with the Oswego Regiment, forming its three vacant companies, 0, E and I. The new organization received the numerical designation given to the Oswego Regiment Dec. 10th, 1861, and Edwin Rose was appointed ita Colonel. At the expiration of its term of service, the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment continued in service. The men were recruited principally in the counties of Oswego and Oneida, and mustered in the service of the United States for three years, between Dec. 20th, 1861 and Feb 80th, 1868. The regiment left the State March 5th, 1862; served al Kalorama Beights, D. C, from March 7th, 1862; in Palmer's, 3d, Brig., Casey's, 1st, Div., 4th Corps, A. P., from March L8th, 1862; in 1st Brig., 2d Div., same corps, from June, 1862; al Forktown, Va.. from Aug., 1862; in 1st, Naglee's, Brig., Peck's Div., 4th Corps, in North Carolina, from Dec, 1862; in 1st. Eeckman's, Brig., 2d, Kaglee's, Div., 18th Corps, in South Carolina, from Jan. 11th, 1868; in the District of Beaufort, \. «'.. 18th Corps, from May, 1868; al Newport News, Va., from Oct., 1863; a1 Portsmouth, Va., from Dec, 1868; in the District of Currituck, 7a., from Feb., 1864; in the Isl Brig., 1st Div., 18th Corps, Army of the James, from April 18th, 1864; in Now Fork harbor in Nov.. 1864; in the Isl Brig., 3d Div., 24th Corps, from Dec, 1864: and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, nndex Lieut.-Col. Lucius V. S. Mattison, Aug. 31st, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Va. During its service the regiment lost, by death, killed in action. '.) officers, Vvi enlisted men, of wounds received inaction, 3 officers, 44 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 2 offi« cers, '.»? enlisted men; total, 14 officers, 229 enlisted men: aggregate, 243; of whom Ben- listed men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following ■ ments, etc.: Siego of Xbrktown, Va... Williamsburg, Va Bottom's Bridge. Va tNivau'i' Stutinii, Va I " o.iks, Va Fair Oaks, Va lay l .. May 5 .. 21-22 .. 24 .. White Oak Swamp I- -■ Malvorn Hill Carter's Hill Railroad Crossing of Core Creek, N. C !■"'•■■ i:. i-i • . \ <' William.!..,,. N. (' Chowan. N. (' ■. -, l.:,„.|,i,.-, Va. l'iMn.,1 S» „,,,.. Va N ,'ihv. . |.. ; ,: 1,,:;,. \ : May 31 June) ! June 2i ... June 25- July 2 June an ... I 2.. 1863. April 18... July 6... 27 ... 7 ... 1 1- 10 .. .. Op.-, jti.iiis against IVt ersburg and Rich- mond. Va S-Mll CV.-k Proctor's < Ireek Drewry'a Itum Bermuda lliindmi Cold Harbor. Va First Assault Cold Harbor Second Assault Before Petersburg and Richmond, Va Ii d hi <1 R slisiii i = •: = 1 = S 9-10 12 13 li 16 .1 in 1 12 June 15- A<»autt ..I l',-l. ■,- Chamn'8 farm, \ a - , i. i Fair Oaks. J.l. Va Oct27 -"' Pall of Richmond, Va April 2 - "' ElGHTY-SEOOND REGIMENT OP Imaniim, SECOND MILIT1 A ; s K< < > \ I ■ KF.i.l MINI \. (il' \ [IDS. Y. S. LIGHT INIANIKi: STATE The Second Regiment of State .Militia failing to be ordered to the front under the first call, organized in New York city as 8 regiment of volunteers. Col, •■'. W, B. Tompkins, under special authority from the War Department; and was mustered iii the service of the United States for three years al Washington, I>. <'.. between May 20th and June 17th, 1861. Com- pany A was mustered out and consolidated into the other companies Julj 15th, 1861 : a new- Company A joiued in Sept.. 1861; Company D, the howitzer company of the regiment, served mostly detached from it, until it was finally converted into the 3d X. V. Vol. Battery of Light Artillery, and, in Sept., 18<51, was replaced by a new company. The regiment was 140 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. recruited principally in New York city, turned over to th< Stan- in Sept., 1861, and received its numerical volunteer designation Dec 7th, 1861. The men nor entitled to be mustered out with the regiment were. Ma\ 22d, 1864, formed into a battalion of five companies, A. B, C,D and E.; June 28th, 1864, the men of the Wtb N. Y. Vols., nol mustered out with their regiment, were transferred to this battalion, which was finally, July 10th, 1864, transferred to the 59th X. V. Vols. The regiment left tin' State May 18th, 1861; served at and near Washington, 1>. <'., from Max 30th, 1861; in 2d Brig., 1st Div., Armj Depl N. E. va., from -inly. 1861; in St >'s Brig, IHvUion Potomac, from Aug. 1st 1861; in Gorman's Brig., Stone's Div., A. P., from <>.t. 15th, 1861; in same. 1st, Brig., 2d Div., 2d Corps, A. !'.. from March, 1862; and com- manded by Maj. Thomas W. Baird, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 25th, 1864, at New York city. During it- service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 8 officers, 129 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, '■'< officers, 88 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 5 offi- cers, 84 enlisted men; total, 16 officers, 251 enlisted men; aggregate, 267; of whom 24 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.-. Date. / - / K -il. W»un.lfl. MUs . I a 1861. ii Va Fuly IT ... Hull Bun, \ i v "■ \ orktown, \ a... Apr. 16- % ay l ... May 7 ... \i .Inn.' i I June 23 July 2... ; - Kami June JT ... I ■ hard 29 i -i.itii.ii White n.ik s w a m |. M ■ ■ in Hill II \.i • II \.. in, Ml July M I i Haymarket, Va. July 1- Qettysburg, Pa • I '!(i-> l!n:iils. Va 2!' Auburn, Va Oi Brlstoe, \ .i n Mine Bi \ \ ■ Dei Itiilii-rlvnii's Tavern... No\ . :•- 1864 \\ ilderness, Va M S|.o|s\ Iv.'llli.l C II l.allivl Mill Salient i House North In Va 27 3] .I'll.- 1-12 ii. t..i. r .inn.- is July 10 t June 19 Bailroad, \ a .... Dol .1 1086 nded. MiM . led. Di'dlReco ing. mm ElGHTY-THIED REG! U in i m I \ I a WT&1 . NI NTH militia ; ci n Gl \ RD. The 9th State Militia not having 1 o ordered into service under the first call, organized in New Jforh city as a regimenl of volunteers, under special authority from the War De- partment; and was mustered in the service of the United States for three years at Washing- ton, D. C, June 8th, 1861. C pany A", recruited al Rahway, N". J., and armed as artillery, joined the regiment July 7th, 1861, but served mostly detached from it and became, finally, the 6th Independent \ . v. Vol. Battery. Companies /and /., recruited in New York city, joined the regiment Aug. 25th and Sept. 24th, L861, respectively. In Sept., 1861, the regiment was turned over to the State, and, Dec. 7th, L861,it received its volunteer numer- ical designation. May 2eth, 1868, the three years' men of the 26th N. Y. Vols, were trans- ferred to it. June 7th, 1864, the men not entitled to '»• mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the 97th V ^ v. .is. The regiment, then eight companies only, recruited in New York city, Col. John W. Stiles, left the State Maj 27th, 1861 servedal Washington, D C, from May, 1861; in Col. ommand, from June 10th, 1861; in bis brigade, Patterson's command, from Julj 7th, 1861; in Bamllton'a Brigade, Banks' command, from Aug. 17th, 1861; in Stiles' Brigade, Stone's Division, A. I'.. from o.-t. i".th. 1861; in 2d, Abercrombie's, Brigade, 1st, Williams', Division, 6th Corps, from March, 1862 in 8d Brigadi a, Department Kappahan- YOUWTKKKS OF TI1K STATE. 441 nock, from May, 1862; in same brigade and division, 8d Corps, A. 7a., from June 86th, 1862; in same brigade and division. 1st Corps. A. I'., from Sept. 12th, 1862; in 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 1st Corps, A. 1'.. from May, 1868; in 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 5th Corps, A. IV. from March, 1804; in 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 5th Corps, A. I'., from Maj 9th, L864; in 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps, A. 1'.. from Maj 30th to June 7th, 1864; and it was hon- orably discharged and muBtered out, under Lt.-Col. William Chalmers al New fork city, June 33d, 1SI>4. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 7 officers, 104 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, I officer, 52 enlisted men; of disease and other i officers, 89 enlisted men; total, 10 officers, 345 enlisted men; aggregate, 355; of whom It! enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engagements, etc. : Ki rt lmI. i> Harp, r's Firry, W. \ a, Near Warmiton junc- tion, Va N'i-.ii- W.irri'in. 16 . i;i|.|Mii.iim.ick ltt' Va.... Kappali 1 1 1 1 ■••«.- U I:i\.m.\ .i M.i\ Cedar Mountain, Va Li (mil I'.ipr's c ainpa'n.Va. An-. |i'. Sept. 2 Rappahannock River, ■ liappiitiiiuii.M-k Station Tlmriiimlilaiv Cap Hull liun Little Riv.r Turnpike. Sept. t Soul li Mountain. M.I 1 I m, M.t Fi.-.i.nrksliur-, Va I>.-cll- 15 k 1. i : il-|W«" - H M 1 E i: : i B ■1 - 2 "i "i "2 21 37 -- "i 1 "1 7 "■J III 126 "i it "i ji 1 li I M Chancelloravilte, \ 1 M Gettysburg, Pa li 11. M'l N 1 Iberty, \a Nov. 21 \| Ki.i \ 1 D 1864. Wilderness, Va Maj 5-7 i :i nla > 11 \ i 8-21 i inch Chun li Laurel Mill Spots) \\ i I Totopotomoy, Va \ i Total loss . 7 1... I t ions Eighty-fourth Regiment of I\hmi;\. FOURTEENTH MILITIA BROOKLi N PHALANX J CHASSEURS \ PIED. BROOKLS N I HA88EURS : The 14th State Militia, failing to i> -dared to the trout under the firsl call for troops, organized, under Col. Alfred M. Wood, and special authority from the War Department, as a regiment of volunteers; it was recruited in Brooklyn, mustered in the service of the United States for three years between May and Aug., 1861, turned over to the State in Sept., 1861, and received its numerical volunteer designation Dec. fth, 1861. Its engineer com- pany was mustered ou1 Aug. 21st, 1861. The men not entitled to !>'• discharged with the regiment served from May 21st, 1864, with the 12th Battalion, .V V. Vols., and were, June 2d, 1864, transferred to the 5th Veteran N. V. Vols. The regiment left the State May 18th, 1861, except Companies ] and K, which joined it in July, 1861; served at and near Washington, D. C, from Maj 19th, 1861; in Andrew Por- ter's Brigade, Army X. E. Va., from June, 1861; in Keyes' Brigade, Division Potonu Aug. 4th, 1861; in Bame, 1st, Brigade, McDowell's Division. A. P., from Oct. 15th, 1861; in 8d Brigade, McDowell's Division. A. I'., from Feb., 1 s<;-* : in Augur's, 1st, Brigade, King's Division, 1st Corps, a. P., from March, 1862; in same brigade and division, Department Rappahannock, from May. 1862; in 1st Brigade, Isl Division, 3d Corps, a. Va., from June 26th, 1862; in Isl Brigade, 1st Division. 1st Corps, A. 1'.. from Sept. 12th, 1862; in 2d Brigade, 1st Division. 1st Corps, A. 1'.. from June, 1868; in 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 5th Corps, from March, 1864, and. May 31st, 1864, it was ordered to New York city, and there, under Col. Edward B. Fowler, nonorably discharged and mustered out June 1 1th, to date June 6th, 1864. During its service the regiment lost bydeath, killed in action. 5 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. :! officers, 61 enlisted men; of disease and other can-, listed men; total, 8 officers, 318 enlisted men; aggregate, 226; of whom 17 enlisted men died iu the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc: 442 ►ART HI. SKETCHES OP ORGANIZATIONS. A'lvancc ii Bull Bun, Va - Roads, Upton's II \ i I . Va \ .,-. i- \\.r. IT I- I mo< k Biver... Kxtg. 21 Station Palmoul . \ < irmel Church \ . 1 ■ ip ii, \ .i 1861. May -i July 27 r Z r = r Z r E BBtiifaSlii " South M.iniii.iiii, MM .... Jdd H. MM .-lull -, \ -I Chancelloreville, \ a _•. I'.i M Kun i ompaign, \ a ■ Spots) Ivania C. II.. \ i nch Church Laurel Hill ElGHTY-FIFTB REGIMENT OP ImaNTRI (VeTEBAN). This regiment, Col. Uriah I.. Davis, was organized al Elmira Nov. 7th, 1861; and there mustered in the service ol the United States for three years between Aug. and Dec, 1861. April 20th, 1864, the regimenl was surrendered al Plymouth, N. C; about the Bame time a numberof the men of the L6th N. Y. Vol. Cavalry were transferred to the remnant of the regiment, which, at the expiration of Lis term, was continued in service. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Olean; B at Canandaigua, Cai Friend- ship; D at Little Genesee; Sat Granger; Fat Black Creek and Friendship; G at Geneva; //at Wellsville; /at Kichburgh, and R at Binsdale. The regimenl left the State Dec. 3d, 1861; Berved in the3d Brigade, Casey's Division, A. P., from Dec., L861; in Palmer's, 3d, Brigade, Casey's; 2d, Division, 4th Corps, A. P., from March 1.3th, L862; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 4th Corps, A. I'.. from June, L862; at New- port News, Va.. from Aug., 1862; in Wessell's Brigade, al Suffolk, Va., from Nov. 1st, 1862; in l>t, Hunt's, Brigade, 1st, Wessell's, Division, at New Berne, Department N.C.,from \><<\, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 4th Division, L8th Corps, from Jan., L868; in the Department of South, from March, 1863; in the District of Albemarle, Department N. «'.. from May, 1863; at Plymouth, N. < '.. in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, L8th Corps, from Jan., 1864; the re- mainder of regiment at Roanoke Island, Districi of N. C.from April 20th, 1864; in Carter's Division, Provisional Corps, from March, 1865; with 23d Corps, from April 2d, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, commanded by Col. W. W. Clark. June 27th, L865, at New Berne, N. C. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 20 enlisted men; of wounds received inaction, L5 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 340 enlisted men; total, :'. officers, 376 enlisted men; aggregate, 878; of whom 2 15 enlisti d men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Plai k Date. K i " - Id d z M Ii ■- Plai >. I »iit <•. K I.- i. D hi M H ni It. f *2 - h w M li % r 22 J. = - .-.I a - i ■ uiiii \|nil IT \ J July 2 July i 1 III 21 2 ... 79 2 Whitehall Bridge Ooldsboro i-'.'. 27 M.h. 11 1 1 i i i ii a 1 v u Berne, N.C Mm. nli. ii. N. C Blount's Creek, \ <\... 1 llll.- W \ ' 1 | i i 1 1 1 i | \ . William 1 N 1 th, V C \ \i , ki > Road, \ i \ D Battle, \ a, i Camp'gn of the Carollnaa M. b. i u i \ . Mi ii.- I ■i New IIitii. to Ooldsboro, a i.-.i VOLUNTEERS OF TIIK STATE. 443 Eighty-sixth Beg i m in i oi [nfantri (Veteran). STEUBEK RANGERS, This regiment, < !ol. Benajah P. Bailej . was organized al Elmira Nov. 28d, 1861, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three yean N d, 1861. Jane 21st, 1864, the men <>f the 70th N . V. Vols., aol mastered oul with their regiment, were transferred to this. At the expiration of its service the men entitled thereto were dis charged and the regiment retained in service. The companies were recrnited principally: .1 al Syracuse; /»' al Lddison; and /-'at Corning; D at Hornellsville; Eat Elmira; ffal Canisteo; II at Tronpsbnrg; Z" in Steuben county; and 2" at Woodhull. The regiment left the State Nov. 28d, 1861; Berved in 3d Brig., Casey's Div., A. P., from Dec, 1861; in 3d Brig., Smiths Div., A. P., from Jan. L6th, 1862; in 2d Brig., Casey's Div., A. P., Feb., 1862; in General Wadsworth's Military Districl of Washington, D. C.,from March, 1862; in Piatt's Brig., Reserve Corps, A. 7a., from Aug., L862; in Bame brigade, Whipple's Div., 12th Corps, A. P., from Oct., 1863; in Lai Brig., 8d Div., 8d Corps, A. P., from Nov., 1862; in 2d Brig., 1st Div., 8d Corps, A. P., from June, 1868; in 1st Brig., 3d Div., 2d Corps, A. P., from April, 1864; and il was honorably discharged and mustered ont, » i mandrel by Col. Nathan II. Vincent, Jane 27th, 1865, Dear Washington, 1>. C. During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, <> officers, 92 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, i officers, 6"J enlisted men; of disease and other oaua cers, lol enlisted men; total, 1"> officers, :il<> enlisted men; aggregate, 825; of whom it en* listed men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari In the following engagements, etc.: Pope's campa'n.Va Boll Run Manassas Gap, \ i , Manassas Gap. Va .. Fredericksburg, Va.. 1 862. Aim. L6 Sept. 2 ,Oct. IS I >. i 1 1 IS riKinrelli.rsvill.-, Va M.n 1 Brandy Station. \ a Fune 9 ti.'ttvslmri;. I';i Inly 1 3 U'appin- ll.i.-ln-. \ , ... !•:; Annum. Va I Kelly's Ford, Va N Mine Kun campaign. \ ' \ rx Locust Grove, Va Nov. :■: .. 1864 Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania ('. II \ l'» Elver Laurel Mill •i 10 1 12... 27 31 .. Kil-|«2!U ; M : = : = 1864. .In.- I 12 June IS Assault oi tune 15 19 Deep Bottom, Va I' Strawberrj Plains, \ i I i - I J . . . . Itoy.lton Plank Ko.„l, \ .,. Ilicksford Ral \ i. Di c.6-111.. ... Hatcher's Run. Va Petersburg Works, Va Ma AppOmattOH ' amp. i li. \ a M I m Kail of Petersbura \pnl 2 Deatonsvillo Road Parmvllle Appomattox C. H Total loss II ': 3 i : Kh.HT , -SI \ IVI'll l.'l '.I MINT oi [NFANTRY. THIRTEENTH BROOKLYN; THIRTEENTH Mil. IMA: WASHINGTON ZOUAVES! (7A8H- im.Ton RIFLES; CONNAUGHT RANGERS. This regiment, Col. Stephen A Dodge, was organised al Brooklyn NTov. 14th, 1861, by the consolidation of several incomplete organizations with the Brooklyn Rifles; which, or- ganized by Col. Dodge, consisted of eight companies, forming A, B, I>. F, O, II, 1 and K of the new organization; the Second Continental Guards, Col. Perry, of three companies, A, (i and II, forming Company C; and Company E of the McCleUan Infantry, Col. Simon Levy, which formed Company E and completed the regiment. The Washing Romain, were merged into the regiment, and the nucleus of the Brooklyn Rifles were mem- bers of the 13th State Militia. The regiment was mustered in the service of the United States for three years between Oct. and Dec., 1861. Capt. Dobb's company, then newly recruited and joined, was, Sept. 11th. 1862, assigned to the L78d X. Y. Vols. PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. The companies were recruited principally: .1 al Dresden, Whitehall and New York city; BandCal Brooklyn and Williamsburg; I> al Brooklyn and New York city; A' at New York city; /-'at Brooklyn and PoughkeepBie; al Brooklyn, New York city and Pough- keepsie; //at Brooklyn; /and A'at Williamsburg and New Fork city. The regiment left the State I tec. 2d, 1861 ; Berved in the 3d Brig.,< lasey's 1 >i v. . A. P., from ■ ;. in 1st, Jamison's, Brig., 3d, Hamilton's, Div., 3d Corps, A. I 1 .. from March, 1862; and. commanded l>y Col. Dodge, it was transferred to and consolidated with the 40th \ 1 . Vols., Sept. 6th, 1862. During its Bervice tin' regimenl lost by death, killed in action. 1 officer, 19 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, '.i enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 26 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, ~>1 enlisted men ' ; >: of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the follow [ng engagements, etc. : ii. V.i .. "■ Miss- April II , rktown. Williamsburg, Va \i , ..Ma June D June 25- Ji June 3U Malvern Hill G< n. Pop< 'scamp'gn,Va Kettle Run < ii"\ eton Bull Run K,l MN led. Hi'.ijltoco. Ilng^ : = : B e e e c e = e = : W z W z H - ~ 1 962. June 30 July i An-. 26 Sept. 2 Aw.-. 27 29 Eighty-eighth Regiment of Ima.nti^ (Veteran), fifth regiment [rise brigade; mrs. meagher's own. This regiment, Col. Benry M. Baker, originally the Fourth Regiment, Irish Brigade, was recruited under the authority of the War Department, dated Aug. 30th, 1861, by Col., later a., Meagher; organized i>y the State Dec. llth, 1861, al Fori Schuyler, by the con- solidation oi the men enlisted For the Second and Fourth Regiments of tin Irish Brigade; , in the Bervice of the United States for three years between Sept., 1861, and Jan., L862, and recruited principally: Companies .1. /.'. 0, /■■'. F, /'/and A' in New Fork city; /> and I in New fork city and Brooklyn, and O in New York city and Jersey City. In .Inn". 1868, the regimenl was formed into a battalion of two companies, A being formed of Companies A. B, C, l>. E and l\ and B of < 'otnnanies < i, II, I and K : and in April, 186 I. new < 'oiiipan'.s E joined the battalion. At the expiration of its term of Bervice, the men entitled were discharged and the regiment continued in Bervice. The regimenl left the State Dec. 16th, 1861; served in Meagher's Irish Brig., Sumner's !>iv., A. P., from Dec, 1861; in same, 2d, Brig., and Richardson's, 1st, Div.,2d Corps, A. I'., from March, 1862; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Dennis I". Burke, June 80th, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. During its service the regimenl losl bj death, killed in action, 16 officers, 95 enlisted men; of wound- received in action, 40 enlisted men; of diseaseand other causes, :'. officers, 68 en- listed men; total, 18 officers, 208 enlisted nun; aggregate, 221; of whom is enlisted men died in the hand- of the enemy; and the regimenl took part in the following I ments, ■ June la \ 19 I Kit WiiHiiili'il. 1) l;. .. M Inc. • i I ":!' miss- Beven I>.iv-' Battle, Va ' July 2 <■. 'a Miii rune 27 Station 29 II . 1 tntletan H Sept. 1 Neai Cba W.ValOi t.16-17 VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 445 Hartwood Church, Va.. IcabUTg Va Chancellorsville, Va nrg, I'.i \\ llliamspoi t, Bid Auburn, \ a liris , Va Mine Run campaign, Va. Robertson's Tavern ... Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania ('. II. Va.. I'o River Salient Landron House North \nna, Va Totopotonio\ , Va Cold Harbor, Va d Assault 1862. Decll-15 1863 led. Di'd l Reco Oct. Nov Dec So 1864 M - 21 9-10 121... is... 22-26 ... 27-31 ... J'ne i 12... 3 i i; !• K j,_ \\ uuniled. Min- ing. ur , i WeMol I. Deep Botti ■ Strawberry Plaint I II. i. iier - Run, \ I I M Apponiaiiox camp'n, \ ■ m Apr. 9 White Oak Ridge VI 31 \pril 2 Deatons\ Hie Road Parmville I EL J Eighty-nth in Regiment 0] [nfantbi (Vetebajj). DU KI2STSOH QUARD. The Tlon. J. S. Dickinson received authority , 29th, 1881, to recrait a regimenl oi Infantry; and this regiment was organized, under Col. Harrison B. r^airchild and Lieut. - Col. J. C. Bobie, at Elmira Nov. 26th, L861, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Dec. lih. 5th and 6th, 1861. At the expiration of Its term of enlist- ment those entitled thereto were mustered out, and the regimenl retained In service. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Havana: Band //"at Bingham ton; Cal Mt. Morris; D at Rochester; A' at NorwicL and Oxford; /-'at Whitney's Point; a1 Windsor; fat Delhi, and A" at Corbettsville The regiment left the State Dec. 6th, 1861; served in the Provisional Brigade, Casey's Di- vision, A. P., from Dec, 1861; with Qen. Burnside's Expeditionary Corps in North Carolina from Jan., 1862; in 4th Brigade, at Roanoke X. C. from May, 1862; in Isl Brigade, 3d Di- vision, 9th Corps, from July, L862; in Suffolk, Dept. Va.. iron, April. 1868; in Alford'a Brig- ade, Getty's Division, 7th Corps, Dept.,Va., from May, 1868; in same brigade, 2d Division, 18th Corps, in North Carolina from July, 1868; in Bame brigade, Vbgdes' Division, l<>th Corps, on Follyand Little Folly Islands. S. ( '., from <>ct.. 1868; in Isl Brigade, 2d Division. 10th Corps, Army of the James, from April, 1864; in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 18th Corps, from Maj 30th, 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, I8tb Corps, from June 24th, 1864; in the tth Brigade, Isl Division, 24th Corps, from Dec., 1864; in the 8d Brigade, Isl Division, 24th Corps, from May 1865; in the 2d Brigade, isl Division, 24tb Cor] June, 186."); and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, 8d, 1865, commanded hy ('apt. Henry II. Eppes at Richmond, Va. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action. 1 officers, ii» enlisted men; Of wounds received in action. J officers, 52 enlisted men; of disease amf other cau» enlisted men, total, 6 officers, 260 enlisted men; aggregate, 266; of whom 18 enlisted men died iu the hands of tlte enemy; and it took part in the following engagement! Kil- 5L2HJ \i i. Pi R 1862 South Mills. N. C Vpril 19 Jefferson City, vm Sept. i South Mountain, Md 14 . Antietatn. M>l IT . K.iTetieville. Va -■ Fredericksburg, \ a Decll-19 Siege of Suffolk, Va Vpnl 11- Battery linger Lprll 19*1 l Providence Church R'd May 8|...l... = 'e els b e 1 ! kii-": ,! '' xi Crump's Cro Roa Va July 2 Siegeof Batters Wagner, I - Iloinhar.linent of Fort Sumter Operation* in Charleston Ba 9. I ... Sept. - HoiuParlineiit of Fori I ' Sumter, B. C I Nov. B 446 PAET III. SKETCHES OF OR! :.\N IZATIOXS. i-.i. ■ ,-t |',t- - .V Km IiiihiihI. \ i M Swift Creek IT. i. I'n - ( iv. -k 12 Drewry's liimi 14-16 Bermuda Bundred.. Cold Harbor, \ .i Pne l 12 _ and Richmond, Va I \ i- ■:. VaJ'e 1&-19 Kil- led. Dl'd ndeU. i: M ... j 1 : 1 1 J - g = - 1 I = ! - - a 6 ; " • ■-• 13 20 "i . l( li l ? l • "i 94 led. DI'.l 'K S B 8 E e = f .=: = ^ § = r^r^r^c'-^ < Chaffln's Farm, Va Sept. 29- Oct. l Fair Oaks, 2d, Va Appomattox camp'n, Va, \| Apr. 9 .. i .ill ..i I". tersburg \pril 2 1 Rice's Station 6 ... ISinki-'s Station 7 ... Ap] lattox C. II Total loss 4 19 ... . Ninetieth Regiment of Infantry (Veteran). HAXi DCK (.l'AIU>; M' ' l.l'.l.l.A N I ' 1 1 A S3 E I lis : M i I I. K 1. 1 . \ N RIFLES. The Hancock Guards, recruited by Col. Louis W. Tinelli, under authority from the War Department, dated Aug. 19th, 1861, were consolidated with the WcClellan Rifles, recruited by Col. J. s. DeAgreda, with L. W. Tinelli, as Colonel. Company C of the McClellan Rifles, was formed of the British Volunteers, recruited by Col. 1!. K. A. Sampson. The Secretary of War granted authority to Lieut.-Col. Robert Clark, 13th Militia, to recruit a regiment; this authority was later transferred to Col. Joseph S. Morgan, who under il re- cruited the McClellan Chasseurs. The State authorities organized the 90th Regiment at New York city Nov. 20th, 1861, by the consolidation of these two incomplete organizations, with J. S. Morgan as Colonel, L. Tinelli as Lieut. -Colonel, and •'. S. DeAgreda as Major. The McClellan Rifles formed Companies A to E, and the McClellan Chasseurs Pto K. The regimenl was mustered in the service of the United States for three years betwen Sept. and Dec, 1861. April 6th, 1863, Companies II and I, and in fall, isiit. Company B, were consolidated with the other companies. At the expiration of its term of enlistment the men entitled thereto were discharged, Dec. IQth, L5th and 17th, 1864, at New fork city, and the regiment, which had returned from its veteran furlough in Sept., 1864, with new Companies 15. II and [.mustered in for one year, was retained in service, but, N 1864, consolidated into a battali f six companies, \. B, C, D, E and P. June 3d, received, by transfer, the men of the 114th, 116th and 133d X. V. Vols, not mustered oul with their respective regiments. The companies were recruited principally: .1, B and Cat New Fork city; l> at Clyde; /•; at Dnadilla, Ninevafa and Otego; /•', /and BTat Brooklyn, Bast New York and Long [sland; i, at Brooklyn and New Fork city; //at Brooklyn, Dunkirk and New Fork city; the sec I Companies /.' at Norwich; // in Chautauaua enmity: and / at Medina. Ridgway and Shelby. The regiment left the State Jan. 5th, L862; served at Key West, Pla., and in the Dept. of the South, and unassigned in 10th Corps, from dan., L862; in 19th Corps, from April, L863; in 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 19th Corps, from .May, 1868; in 2d Brigade 2d Division, 19th Corps, from Feb., 1864; in the 1st Brigade, Isl Division, I9tb Corps, from March, 1864; the non veterans, while the regiment was on veteran furlough, with the L60th N. \. Vols, in Aug. and Sept.. 1864; the regimenl in the Army of the Shenandoah from Irigade, Dwight's Division, Washington, !>.<'., from April, L86S in Bame brigade and division, Department South, at Savannah. Qa., from June, 1865; in 8d Brigade, 1st Div., Dept. (la., at HawkinBville, Ga., from July, 1865; and at Savannah, Qa., in Jan., L866; where it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Nelson Shaur- i 9th, L866. During it- Bervice the regiment lost by death, killed inaction, 2 officers, '■'■'■'> enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 25 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, ~> officers, L83 enlisted men; total, 9 officers, .' 1 1 enlisted men: aggregate, 250; of whom II enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 447 Franklin. La M Porl Hudson, La m , July i June ii July 13 M ... m . Opequon. \ Kish.-r'h Hill, V« Cedar Creel Vi Ocl 19 2 ■■ Cedar Creek \ \ ... n u .. Total Ion .. I. : I NlNETY-FIBST RegIMBNT OF I.Nlwrn (VeTERAH). ALBANY REGIMENT; COLUMBIA RBOIMBNT. Thisregiment was organized al Albany Dec. L6th, 1861, by the consolidation of the regi- ment recruited by Col. David .1. Cowles, with the men recruited for the Fredenh merit, and the appointment of Jacob Van Zand! as its Colonel. It was mustered in the service of the United States for three years between Sept. and Dec., 1861. Whi] i Its veteran furlough, in Sept., 1864, it receive. l a large number of recruit-, enlisted and mus- tered in for one year's service. At the expiration of its term of enlistment, the men en. titled thereto were discharged and the regimenl retained In Bervice. June 5th, 1865, II received the mm of the ! 17th N. V. Vols, not mustered oul with their regiment. The companies were recruited principally: .1. /.'. D, F and A' at Albany; al Bedford and Albany; E at Hudson and Albany; at Schenectady; // at Albanj and Hillsdale; and / at Albany, Chatham, Castleton and Hudson. 'The regiment left the State Jan. 9th, 1862; it Berved at and near Washington, D. C, from Jan., 1862; at Kej West, Port Pickens and Pensacola, Pla., from later in Jan., 1862; al Baton Rouge, La., from Dec. 19th, 1862; in 3d Brigade, Grover's Division, Dept. Gulf, from Jan 1 2th, lsP):;-, in 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 19th Corps, from March, 1868; al Fort Jackson, La., as heavy artillery, from July, 1868; al Baltimore, Md., in 2d Separate Brigade, 8th Corps, from Oct., 1864; in 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 5th Corps, except Company E, which remained at Baltimore, from .March. 1865; in 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 5th < !or] s, from June, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Jonathan Tarbell, July 3d, 1865, near Washington, D. C. During its service the regimenl lost by death, trilled in action, ',' officers, 62 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, a officers, I s enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 187 enlisted men; total, 5 officers, 'J u 7 enlisted nun: aggregal whom 2 enlisted men died iii the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following • meats, etc. : I'l.VCK. v i Porl Hudson, La I'urti'i '> .up I Mr- William*' Plantation-, Irish IV. nl. La Bayou Vermillion, La.... Uoundvllle, La Siege of Poi I ii | Ki ,_|Woui R; .... ing. b 8 8 B 8 S 8 B - \ Men. ii April i !' July 9 \i June ii , La ; |:.i\ on I. iKiain !,. . |..i . . July 13 Mill. 1 \ Appomattox camp'n, V ■ Apr. 9 White o a Five Forks Kill of Petersburg. Appomattc I . n. Kit- " "»■■■''•■' Ml — ■ii' i: • : = : = : B PART III. SKKTCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. i NlNETY-SECOND REGIMENT OB CnFANTBY. SEi OND 5T. LAWBENCE COUNTS BEGIMENT J NEW rOBE BXCBLSIOB RIFLB LEGION: BXCELsinii Kiri.i: i;lii>; I'otsoam i;i:<;jmi:nt. The organisation of this regiment was authorized Sept. L8th, 1861; it was organized at Potsdam, under Col. Jonah Sandford, Dec. 12th, 1861, and there mustered in the Bervice ol the United States for three years Jan. 1st. 1862. The companies were recruited principally in the counties of Franklin and St. Lawrence. Dec. 1st, 1864, the men not entitled to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the 96tb N. Y. Vols. The regiment left the State March 5th, 1862; served in Palmer's, 3d, Brigade, Casey's, 8d, Division, 4th Corps, A. P., from March, 1862; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 4th Corps, A. i\, from June, 1862; at Camp Hamilton, Va., in 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 4th Corps, from Aug., 1862; in Wesson's Brigade, Ufa Corps, at Suffolk, Va.., from Nov., L862; in Hunt's, 1st, Brigade, Wesson's, 1st. Division, Dept. N. ('., from Dec, 1862; inlsl Brigade, 1th Division, 18th Corps, from Jan., 1863; in Lee's independent Brigade, Palmer's Division, 18th Corps, from May. 1863; at Port Anderson, \. C, 18th Corps, in July, 1863; in Defenses of New li.-rin-. Va., in Aug., Mi:'.; in Palmer's Brigade, Peck's Division, 18th Corps, from Jan., 1864; in 3d Brigade, 1st Div., 18th Corps, ArmyoftheJa s, from April, 1864; in2d Brig- ade, isi Division, l s th <'"ip-. from Oct., 1864; in New Fork harbor, in Nnv. . 1864; back again Nov. 1 7th, 1864, and, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Truman Adams Merriman, it was hon- orably discharged and mustered out Jan. 7th, 1865, at Albany, N. Y. During its Bervice the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 46 enlisted men; i>f wounds received in action, 23 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, i ; '><» enlisted men; total, 3 officers, 199 enlisted turn; aggregate, 202; of whom 11 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: I n, Va.. Kil .|Wouil led. DI'.l l Roco. tiiK Mi m . April 17- \\ llllamsburg, Va M Br id Va 30).. \t i June t .. June - .. D Battle, Va .fills Malvern Hill lul ii Franklin, Va " 1 \ K\|>. ■Iiiimii (roi D : Fori And «, \ I Fori Anderson, N , I tersburg and Rich mond, va Port Walthall and Chesti t Station.. Swifl Creek Drewry'a Blufl Bermuda Hundred nilt Sei ond Assault.... Before Peterabui \ burg.Va ■ •:, Wounded. E c = c E = E ,. Chaffln's Farm, \ a.. Fall Oaks, 2d, Va Mch. ii 18M. Maj B-31 14-16 i- 26 Je. 1-12 June 15- D June r. 19 Sept. 29- Oct. I I.". 7 ... 11 I 10 Ninety-third Regiment op [nfantbi (Veteban). washington 0ounti begiment j uobgan bifles j kobthebs bhabf 3H001 BB8: NKU 'i OBB Kill. I Ml n. This regiment, Col. John 8. Crocker, was organized at Albany Feb, 1st, 1882, by adding to the companies recruited by him those recruited by Major B. C. Butler for a battalion of Bharpsl ten, a. B, C and i>. and one company, E, originally recruited for the Tt'.tli N. ^ . • I Butler bad received authority from 1 1 1 « - War Department, Aug. 1 ith, 1861, t.. recruil four battalions of sharpshooters. The regiment "a;- mustered in the United States Bervice for three yeara between Oct., 1861, and Jan., L862, tnJune, L868, some of tin- three • I. "i the '-".''1 -V ^ . Vols, were transferred to this. At the expiration of Its term VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 449 of enlistment the men entitled thereto wen dia barged and th< regiment continued in bst- vice, but consolidated in Nov. and Dec, 1864, into seven companii - \ I l>. I.. I", 11 and I. June 2d t 1863, the men of the 124th N. V. Vols., not mustered out with their regiment, were transferred to this The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Chester; B — Sobarfa Company, 2d United States Sharpshooters — at Albany ; ''at Minerva; Dal North Hamden; ff at Cortland village; Fat Fort Edward '.'at Cambridge; //at Boston; /at argyle, and A' at Troy. The regiment left the State March 7th. 1882; Berved in Palmer's Brigade, I asey'a Divis- ion, 4th Corps, A. P., from March, 1862; CompaniesB C D, E G and I at the White House, Va. the other companies as Provost Guard, A.. I* , from May 19th, 1862; the regimenl us such, from .luly. 1862; in 2d Brigade, 8d Division, 2d Corps, \. P., from March, L864, and it was honorably discharged and mustered out cinder Col Haviland Gifford, Fune29th 1865 near Washington, D. During its service the regim< at losi by death, killed In action, 6 officers 78 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officei 43 enlisted men; of disease and othei ran-.-. 9 officers, 111 enlisted men; total 9 officers, 262 enlisted men-, aggregate, 271 of whom 1 officer, 22 enlisted men, died in the bands of tin enemy; and it took part in the following • inents, etc.: Date. In . Wounded Miss- s t Kil- w IUI ded. Plaob. 1. : I D E 1 \ - - 7 = z CO c = - I Puck. Date. led. |D tl; S a '. - : '■ii i - 1 Blege of York town, Va... 1 s Mills Williamsburg, Va Seven Daj s' Battle, \ a, . 1862. Apr. IT May I Apr. 28 M ,: rune 29 July - Sept. 17 DeclI-15 1863 \| i lnlv 1-3 v Dec. 2 1864 May 5-7 8-21 9-ln in 12 10 I'll.- 1-12 1 : 4 II " j 'i 3 1 ... i 1 • _• IT.". 31 22 i 2 ■1 . 260 45 Before Petersburg, Va ... \\ eldon Railroad, \ a 1864. Jill,.- IV l- "i ".'; .. 1 21 ■ li . II li . 3 1 1 1- 1 91 1 36 Malvern Hill Antletam, Sid, Strawberry Plai Think Road,Va. Uicksford Raid I Tl Cbancellorsville, Va ... p. 2. 1 Mine Run campaign,^ a. Wilderness, Va Bpotsytvania C. EL, Va... i - Run, Va iurg Works. Va.. it i..\ campn, Va. i •1 Id A in . -.... | Pall of Petersburg Deatonsville Road 31 April i . -1 Po River , i North \ in. .. Va Loss at mi affairs Ninety-fourth Regimes 1 ! oi Lnfantet ( n ». BELL RIFLES; BEL! JEFFEESOH BIELESJ sm'KITtV rJARBOB REGIME] Recruiting for this regimenl commenced in Oct., 1861; it was organised at Backett'e Har- bor Jan. 6th, 1862, and there mustered in the service of the I'nited States I'm- three years, March 10th, 1862, wits Henrj K. Viele as Colonel. March L7th, L868, the regiment was consolidated into five companies, A, B, C, D and E, and received the 106th N J itsCompanies F, G, H, I and K. Aug. 10th, 1864, about 100 men of the 97th N. Y. Vols, were transferred to it. At the expiration of its term i.t" enlistment the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment retained in Bervice. The companies were recruited in refferaon county, and the regimenl left the State March 18th, 1862; it served in Gen. Wadsworth's command, Military District of Washington, inmi March, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 3d Division Dept. Rappahannock, from May, 1862; In same brigade and division, 8d Corps, A Va , from June 26th, 1862; in same brigade and division, 1st Corps, a. I' . from Sept. 12th, 1862; in 1st Brigade, same division and corps, from Dec . 1862; as Provost Guard, A. P . from May, 1868; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 1st Corps, L P. again from June, 1863: in the District of Annapolis, Md.. 8th Corps, from Dec., 1868; in the 3d Brigade, 4th Division 5th Corps. A. P. from May 26th, 1864: in the 1st Brigade, 2d 57 450 PART J 1 1. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Division, 5th Corps, from May 30th, 1864; in the ls1 Brigade, 3d Division, 5th Corps, from Jane, 1864; in the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 5th Corps, from June 11th. 1864; in the 3d Brigade, same division and corps, from Nov., L864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, commanded by Col. Adrian I!. Root, July L8th, 1865, near Washington, 1>. C. During it- Bervice the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 1 officers, 72 enlisted men; of wounds n ived in action, 1 officer, :'>'.» enlisted nun; of disease and ntlnr causes, 138 en- listed men; total, 5 officers, 249 enlisted men; aggregate, 354; of whom 87 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy, and it took pari in the following engagement.-, etc. : i -''.j. i i's campa'n.Va s'i't.--' [ Rappahannock Rivet Rappahannock Station 23 Thora Itull Rim Ki\.r Tunipik.- S.-|.t. I M 11 M 17 ort,Md ksburg, V Dec. n IS Pollock's Mill Creek, Va May 2 Chancellorsville, Va Gettysburg, Pa luly I ' N M ■ ■ -• iwn, Ml ... 12 l ■ . > 1 1 1 1 ■ ; i i •_- r i . \ .i N Dec. 2 III I Totopotomo] . \ ;i Cold Harbor, Va , White Oak Swamp-Va. Before Petersburg, Va . Rlcksford Bald, Va Hatcher's Run, Va Appomattox camp'n, \ n White Oak Ridge Five Forks Fall ol Petersburg Appomattox CM Total loss Junel-12 June 16- \ J'e 16 19 ■J I Dec. 6-11 led. Dl Rei o l-Vi, 5-7 I Mch. 28- Aprll 9 M 31 ... April l Mi-. tag. 1 r § I f B z ^ Xi.vr.Tv-Fiini Regiment of Ixfantuy i Vi:ti:uax). WARREN RIFLES; THIBD REGIMENT, EAGLE BRIGADE. This regiment, Colonel George II. Biddle, was organized at New York city March 6th, 1862, by forming eight companies of tbe men enlisted, under Col. Biddle, I'm- the Warren Rifles, and two companies, I and K, of those enlisted under Col. .1. P. Jenkins, for the 3(2 Regiment, EagU Brigade (K, D and E t; B, C and H— K). The men were mustered in the servb I' the United States for three years between Nov., 1861, and Mar., 1862. Company F was mustered oul Nov. 6th, 1864. At the expiration of its term of enlistment, about Mar. 25th, 1865, the men entitled thereto were mustered out and theregiment retained in service, but consolidated into five companies, A. D, E, II and 1, Companies r>. C, . '-'and //in New Jfork eity; /•; \n and New York city; F&\ Haverstraw; /at Bing Sing; and K at Carmel, Peeks- kill, Sing Sing and White Plains. The regiment left the State Mar. 18th, 1862; served in General Wadsworth's command, Mil. District of Washington, from Mar.. 1862; in the Department of the Rappahannock at Aqoia Creek, Va.. from April, 1862; in Doubleday's Brigade, same dept., from May, 1862; in 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 8d Corps, A Va., from Mar. 26th, 1862; in same brigade and division, 1st Corps, A P., from Bept. 12th, I s ''.'.'. in 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 5th Corps, A. P., from Mar., 1864; in 8d Brigade, 2d Division, 5tb Corps, from August, 1864; in8d Brigade, 8d Division, 5tb Corps, from Sept., 1864; and it was bonorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel James Creney July L6th, 1865, at Washington, !>.('. During its service the regiment tost bj death, killed in action, 2 officers, 59 enlisted men; nt' wounds received in action, 2 officers, 56 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, L86 enlisted men; total, 1 officers, 251 enlisted men; aggregate, 255; of whom BO enlisted nun died in the hand- of the enemj , and it took pari in the I Mowing engagements, etc.: VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 401 1 Date. '£ 1 at Wounded. ^ ng. - - uii. I Wounded. Dl d teco. Plaos. 1 i - Place. k I = 8 t B's'j i ... - S g - 7 11 1 BO 28 : 8 > 1862. NearAquia Creek, Va... May 16 lien. Pope's euMip'ii, \ it. Aug. 16 Sept. 2 i I : ■-ip - i . 2 2. 2. . 81 1 i i i o a ii . 12 1 "i i : 2 i i'a 2 SpoUylvania C. fl V* r I , I'liurcli. i el inn II Jane 16- 21 Dec.fl ii i Mch. 28- M April 1 2 ■ 1 . Rappahannock River. Sulphur Sprii Aug. 21 28 29 Sept. II Totopol y. \ i Cold H v \\ bite < lak S« amp, \ ■ Usallll ■ Weldon B Poplar Boring Ohur'h.A a 1 12 ... S.uili Mountain, M :.-: 216 l II Ninety-sixth Regiment of Cnfantbi (Veteran), MACOMB'S REGIMENT; PLATTSBUBG REGIMENT. This regiment, Colonel James Fairchild, was organized at Plattsbarg; and there inns- teretl in the service of the United States for three years Feb. 80th to Mar. fth, 1803. [fl Nov., 1862, Company D was merged into Company B. And in August, 1868, Company ii into C. Dec. 1st, 1864, the men of the 92d N. Jf. v*bls., no1 mastered oul with their regi- ment, were assigned to this, and reformed Companies D and . II and A' at Plattsbarg and vicinity; A' at Fori Edward; FeA Chazy and Mooers; GtA Ticondei at Warrensburgh. The regiment left the State Mar.], 1 1 1 1 . . 1862; Berved in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 1th Corps, A. P., from March, 1862; in 2d Brigade, sai livision and corps, from Jane, 1862; at Camp Hamilton, Ya., from Aug., 1862; in Wesson's Brigade, Itb Corps, at Suffolk, Ya., from Nov., 1800; in Hunt's, 1st. Brigade, WesselPs, 1st, Division, Dept. X. C, from Dec., 1862; in 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 18th Corps, from Jan., I s '''-. in the Distrid of Albemarle, Dept. N. C. from May, 1863; in the Distrid of Currituck, Va., from Dec., 1868; in the 1st Brigade, lsl Division, 18th Corps, Army of the .lames, from April. 1864; in the 2d Mrigade, same division and Corp--, from July 25th, 1864; in New York harbor in Nov., 1864; in 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 21th Corps, Army of the James, from Dee., 1864; in the 1-t Brigade, 3d Division, 24th Corps, from June, 1865; in the Dept. of Va., from August, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel Stephen MofBt, Feb. 6th, 1866 at City Point. Va. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed In action, 1 offlo re, 11 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 00 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 158 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 319 enlisted men; aggregate, 230; of whom 86 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following • ments, etc.: 4o2 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. ■vn, Va., I ■ ••■Mi. Va S'Vli IV \ I April 17- M u I M ■ J 1-22 J I . ■ 1 Bridge I White Oak Swamp j 30 a Hill luiv i - Hill '■ Expeditl hi tr '.in New Berne to Qoldsboro, V C u White Hull Bridge .... 16 TO 17 Mch. n N.I . April 9 Qardinier'a Bridge, N. C. July 6 K W M ss- z i. s - D L -■ li i i = - 7'.' ... - -1 7 "i \ ... 1 ... 7 1 .: ::: i 4 i Kit. 1 Wounded. lod. DI'd l Reco. 1863. Operations against Pet- ersburg and KMi- lii I. Va M Suili Creek 9-11) ■ i l-'-i Drewry's Bluff 14-16 I ■"■ .. Bermuda Hundred Cold Harbor, Yu Yu>- 1 U \ isaull June i Cold Harbor \ ->uull Petersburg and Richmond, Va i . I uiie 15- 19. Chaffln'S Farm, Va - Oct. 1 ... 13 . Fair Oaks, 2d, Va Oct.27-29 ... 5 .. 1865. Fall of Petersburg, Va .. \ .'.7 ... 7 H - Ninety-seventh Regiment oe Imaxtky (Vkteuan). third oneida; boonville regiment; conklin eiples. This regiment, Colonel Charles Wheelock, was organized at Boonville, and there mus- tered in the service of the United States for three years Feh. 18th, 1862. In May, 1868, it received by transfer the three years' men of the 26th N. V. Vols.; June 7th, 1864, the men of the 83d \. V. Vols., not mustered, out with their regiment, and August 10th, 1864, 103 men of the 94th X. V. Vols. At the expiration of its term of enlistment, themen entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment retained in service. The companies were recruited principally: A and C/at Boonville; />' in Lewis county; I) and /-'at Salisbury; /vat Prospecl and vicinity; in Eerkimer county; // at Dtica and Lowville; /at Little Falls; and A" at Rome. The regiment left the State Mar. L2th, L862; served in General Wadsworth's command, Mil. district of Washington, from Mar., 1862; in 'l>\ Brigade, 2d Division, Dept. Rappa- hannock, from May, 1862; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 3d Corps, A. Ya.. from June 26th, L862; in Lsl Brigade, 2d Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from Sept. 12th, 1862; in 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from Dec, 1862; in !2d Brigade, same division and corps, from May, I ss*'.:; : in same brigade and division. 5th Corps, A. P., from March, 1864; in 2d Brigade, 8d Division, 5th <'<>rps. from May 9th, 1864; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps, from th, 1864; in 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 5th Corps, from June 6th, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel John P. Spofford, July 18th, 1865, near Washington, l>. C. During its Bervice the regiment lust by death, killed in action, ? officers, 97 enlisted men; \\, L864; in the 1st Brigade, 8d Division, 24th Corps, from Dec., 1864; in the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 24th <'"i-|>s, from June, 1865; and it was h irablj discharged and mustered out, under Col. William Kreutzer, Aug. 81st, 1865, at Richmond, Va During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, ill enlisted nun. 1. William A. Harriett in New York city, under authority from the War Department, dated May 23d, 1861, recruiting having been commenced as early as April, 18(31. The brigade was to be provided with gunboats and to cruise along the Atlantic coast. May 14th, 1861, six companies were mustered in the State service, and the regiment left the State May 28th, 1861. <>n reporting to Ma j.- tieti. Butler, at Fort Monroe, Va., for duty and muster in the United States service, it was pted by thai officer. Col. Bartlett meeting with a serious accident, the command lost strength, and finally was organized as a regimenl of infantry with David W. Wardmp as Colonel, in accordance with War Department orders, dated Aug. 21st, 18(11. Bight com- nrere mustered in the service of the United States, for three years, June 1 4th, Aug. 2d and 81st, Oct. 30th and 31st, 1861. Company I was organized Sept. 80th, 1861, and K March 7th. 1862. The regiment was tarned over to the State in Sept., 1861, and received its numerical designation in .Ian.. 1862. June 14th, 1864, the men entitled to in- discharged by reason of the expiration of their term of enlistment, were mustered out, and the regi- ment retained in service, but consolidated into four companies, A. B, ('and I). These were consolidated into three companies, A, B and (', Sept. 15th. 1864, and these into two com- panies, A ami B. in Feb., 1865. June 15th. 1865, the mm of the I32d X. Y. Vols., not mustered out with their regiment, were assigned to these two companies. The regimenl served at and near Fort Monroe, Va., from May. 1861 ; Company B with Gen. Burnside's forces on the steamers Southfield and Hunchback, from Aug.. 1861; Company D on the I". S. frigate Congress, in March, 1862; the regiment in Robinson's Brigade. Depart- ment Va.. from May, L862; at Fort Monroe, Norfolk, Fort Wool, Sewell's Point, Va.. in detachments, from Aug.. 1862; at Norfolk. Va., except Company 1, from Oct., L862; Com- pany I, in detachments, on the army gunboats West End and Smith Briggs, from Aug.. 1862; the regimenl at Suffolk, Va., in Terry's Brigade, Peck's Division, 7th Corps, from March, l^i:!; in the Reserve Brigade, same division and corps, from April. isii:'; in Wistar's Brig- ade, Department Va., at the White House, Va., in June, 1863; at Yorktown, Va., in July, 1863; hi Gloucester, Va., in Aug.. 1 x»;:l; at and near New Berne. X. C. 18th Corps, from Oct., 1-''.-. in rainier- Brigade, Feck's Division. 18th Corps, from Jan.. 1864; in the Dis- trid Of X. <'., from April, lsiil; in Carter'.- Division, Provisional Corps, from March, 1865; in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 23d Corps, from April 2d, 1865; and it was honorably dis- charged and mastered out. under Capt. Ervin A. Jones, July 15th, 1865, at Salisbury, X. C During its service the regiment Lost by death, killed in action, '2 officers, 27 enlisted men. «.f wounds received in .action, id enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 161 enlisted men; total, 5 officers, 198 enlisted men; aggregate, 203; of whom 71 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took [.art in the following engagement-, etc. ; w ■' - 7 19 7 71 Place. Date. Kit- \\ ounded. M ... PlACl S : 1 i w :: 1 D e z 1 5 =' "i 5f i 2 "i CO. B 5 - 1 i - "- 10 1.- E i. a W Dl i d|R CO. § - i j 1 1 g. "i 2 i:i < July 19 P \ . i 1 . '■ 1 Smith Quay Road South Quay Bridge Iter'* Cross Roa \ 1868. \|.ul 17 11 July -t 1864. K.I.. II 1 July -'■• 3 11 •' ! N 1 South Anna ISii'lk-'\ Vh.. '■ 1 ... i 27 ... lei 1 1 t.i.. 8 II Mar. M.( , II M I Near Wl \ July i K< m Bi rni s - I Bachellor'a i h ■ 54 Campa'nofthe< ■ 1 N ■ Bennetl Houti . N • 3 \ i '46 « VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 455 OSE BUNDREDTH REGIMENT OB [HPAKTBl , V 1. 1 Ki; \ \ >. SECOND REGIMENT, EAGLE BRIGADE; THIRD BUFFALO REGIMENT. Under the supervision of Gen. G. A. Scroggs, recruiting I'nr this regiment, us one of his brigade, was commenced Sept. 2d, 1861. It was organized al Buffalo, and there mastered in the service of the United States for three years, between Sept., L861, and Jan., 1862, with James M. Brown as Col 1. It received its numerical volunteer designation Feb. 5th, 1862. At the expiration of its term of enlistment, the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment retained in Bervice. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Buffalo, Frank! in ville, Springville and Ogdensburgh; B al Attica, Batavia, Bergen, Caledonia, East Pembroke, Greenwood, Grelgs- ville, Jamestown, Le Roy, l.odi, North Sector, Pearl Creek, Persia, Pavilion and at Buffalo, Brighton, Pembroke, Rochester and White's Corners; Dal Buffalo, Grand Island. La Salle, Tonawanda and Wheatfield; A' at Buffalo, Brocton, Cattaraugus, Dunkirk, Mayville, Portland and Westfield; F, originally intended for the Astor Regiment, and at Buffalo; If at Buffalo, Arkwright, Cherry Creek, Ellington, Eanover, Irving, Silver Creek, Smith's Mills and Villanova; and /and A' at Buffalo. The regiment left tin- Stat" March LOth, L862; served in Naglee's Brigade, Casey's Divis ion, ith Corps, A. P., from March. 1862; in the 1m Brigade, 2d Division, Itb Corps, \ 1' from May, 1862; at Gloucester Point and forktown, Va., from Aug., 1862; in Naglee's Brigade, 1st Division, Department N. C, from Ih'r., 1862; in Davis', 2d, Brigade, Naglee's, 2d. Division, 18th Corps, in South Carolina, from Jan . L888; at St. Selena, S. «'.. from Feb. 12th, ISM; on Colo's Maud, B.C., I8tb Corps, from March 24th, 186 [aland, S. C, 10th Corps, from April 3d, 1863; on Morris Island, S. C., from .Inly 10th. 1868; in Terry's Division. 10th Corp-, from Oct., 1868; in Stevenson's Division, loth Corps, from Jan on Morris Island, s. C, from I'd... 1864; in 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James, from April, 1864; in 8d Brigade, 1st Division, 10th <'orps, from May. 1864; In same brigade and division, 24th Corps, from Dec, 1864; in 2d Brigade, 1st Division, '-'Ith Corps, from May, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out. under Col George !•'. Dandy, Aug. 'JSth. 1865, at Richmond, Va. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 8 officers, 1 15 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 4 officers, * > T enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 offi- cer, 002 enlisted men: total. 18 officers, 384 enlisted men; aggregate, 897; of whom •_> officers, 79 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following < nients, etc.: Mi I. IT.' Ri §ti i e i Vorktown. Va. 1862. Lee'a Mills Williamsburg, Va M"- Station, Va Seven Pines, Va 29 Fair Oaks, Va 3ii Fair Oaks, Va June l Daya' Battle, Va July 2 Railroad and Bottom's Bridge White Oak Swamp B'gi Malvrm Hill Inly 1 Carter's Hill W 1's Cro-- i;»i K \ I I) Cole's Island. S C M Foiiv bland, s. C \pi il I" Folly island, S C 11 ■•■ . Morris Island. S. C lulv m ... 2 Hat;. tv Ua.-ii.T, S c I- :l |. Siege ol Batter; \\ agner, S. C 'ah' 19- Vincent's Creek lug. t Bombardment of Fort Sumter lu.17-23 Operations in Charleston Harbor, S. C S Bombardment I Sumter, S. i" N I rraburg and Bii b- mond, Va m . ] i'ort Walthall ami t'h r Station 6 7 '.' I" 12 Drewry'a Himi 14-16 . Hundred ... 18 26 I and Richmond June J'e lft-19 Bottom, Va I |> Holt. .to. \ Chaffln's Karm.\ liarl.ytow | Darbytow I tersbure.V* Appomati 456 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. One Hundred am> First Regiment of [nfantry. I NloN BRIG \ hi:: ONOH DAG \ REG] M I NTT. This regiment, Col. Enrico Fardella, was organized at Hancock, Jan. 8d, 1863, by consoli- dating with the regi nt being raised at Ham k. one, also incomplete, authorized to be recruited al Syracuse. It was mastered in the service of 1 1 1 « - United States foT three years between Sept. 2d, 1861, and Feb. 28th, 1862. The companies were recruited principally: .•■ Fork city; />'. //. /ami A' at Syracuse; C at Oanastota; 1>. /-'and at Hancock, and B at (Ttica. The regiment left the State March 9th, 1 S ''>'J: Berved in Gen. Wadsworth's command, Mili- tary District of Washington, from March, 1862; in Whipple's Brigade, .Military District of Washington, from May. 1862; in 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 3d Corps, A. P., from June 9th, 1862; in 2d Brigade. 1st Division, 3d for].-, A. P., from July. L862; in 3d Brigade, lstDivis- Lon, 3d Corps, A. P., from Nov. 1 1th. 1862, and Dec. 24th, 1862, under Col. George F. Ches- ter, it was transferred to tbe 37th N. 5 . Vols, ami discontinued. During its service the re-iuieiit lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 13 enlisted men; ..I' wounds received inaction, 12 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 18 en- listed men: total, "J officers, '•'■'< enlisted men; a^trregate, 75; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy: and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Battle, \. Oak Orovi - Kurd Qlendale Malvern mil Kil- \\ M ss- led. eJ Date. ~ iW = ■- g r - - - - It r - e r ~ --- W Z - -. 1862. .Inn.- 25- July ■ .111!!.' _. 2y 5 : I! 22 II 31 July 1 1 Place. Date. Gen. Pope's cam; 1862. - Sept. l Decll i: . -I'UI'L.-. V;l 1 .. O.Ni; HrXMJKIi AND SkcoND K'Kt.lMKXT OF INFANTRY (VETERAN). v a \ BUREN LIGHT 1 N l \ HTR1 This regiment, <'<>1. Thomas B. Van Buren, was organized, Jan. 27th, 1862, by the consoli- dation of the Von Beck Rifles, Col. \i. II. Shannon, and pan of the McGleUan Infantry, Col. s. Levy, with the Van Buren Light Infantry, Col. Van Buren, and its organisation was completed, March 5tb and April 3d, 1862, by the assignment of three additional companies; two being from the 7%th Cameron Highlanders, and the third, Capt. Avery's Company A, lia. The regiment was mustered in the service of the United States for three years between Nov., L861, and April, L862. Julj 12th, 1864, the officers and enlisted men of the ? s th X. V. Vols, were transferred to it, company to corresponding company. At the expira- tion of its term of enlistment the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment continued in service. June 1st, 1885, it received bj transfer the men of the L 19th and 154th, J me 3d those of the I37tb and 1 I'.ith. and June 5th, 1865, those of the 134th and 184th, V ^ Vols., not mustered out with their respective regiments. Tin- companies were recruited principally: 4, originally Co. .1. 12th Militia, Avery Rifles, Independent Quard, in New Fork city; /.'. Von Beck liijl>s. al Rondout; C at Cold Spring Harbor and New fork city; l> at Lima. Avocaand New York city; I'.. Calcium Light Sharp- shooters, at New York city; /•'. MeCleUan Light Infantry, at Brooklyn and New York city; 0, Von Beck Rifles, sA Rondout; //. Von Beck Rifles, at New Jfork city; /. 78th Cameron .. at Sharon Bprings, ami h\ Cameron Rifle Highlanders, at New York city, »urgb and Jersey City. The regiment, eight companies, left the State March 10th, L862; Companies I and S left April 7th. L862 it Berved at and near Washington, D. C, in Doubleday's Brigade, Wads- VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 45*3 ■worth's Division, 1st Corps, A. P., from March, iper's, Brigade •::.. . Division, Dept. Shenandoah, from May, 1863; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, A. Va., from .linn' 26th, 1862; in Bame brigade and division, 13th Corps, A. I'.. from Sept. 18th, 1862; in 3d Brigade, same division and corps, from Oct. 87tb, 1863; in Bame brigade and division, 30th Corps, Army of the Camberland, from April, 1864; in 1m Brigade, Bartlett's Division, 33d Corps, from June, 1865; and it was honorably discharged ami mustered out, under Col. Barvey S. Chatfield, Julj 2l8t, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. During its service the regiment losl bj death, killed in action, »'« officers, 15 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. I officer, '.''J enlisted men; of disease ami other Listed men; total, ? officers, 1 I'.' enlisted men; aggregate, 156; of whom I enlisted men died in tin- hands of tin- enemy; and it tooK part in the following engagements, ■ Place. Date. K le 1- l. 11 - R. 1 ;:,■ c i d - M ti 4 E 1 z - i'l - -. •-I "i : 2 II ii Pi ii i I i E II d. W 1 f = z ,1111, 1 1 ... 1 - - H 1 i 1 M lr E : "i i 5 - 1862. Mch. an 29 M . - ■ ::: i n "i "i 7'•'•. 7th, 1865, al City Point, Va. During its Bervice the regiment losl by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 18 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, '•'< officers, L8 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 offi- cers, 100 enlisted men; total, 7 officers, 161 enlisted men; aggregate, 168; of whom 5 enlisted iii.-ii «li«-.l in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engagements, etc.; i i \| N I Gillett'a Farm, n I H..U-I.' ■ M - N ' - i City, M South Mountain, Mil.., im. M.I I I i. ksburg, Va - i i Suffolk, Va 1862 April 7 12 26 '^i-Mlss-l Reco. InR. I is el £ 1 s M I I I - - c B irdment of Fori iter Decll-15 \pi ii li- \ii_- 14- - Au. 17-23 - m cii. , tl • - 1 • >n Harbor, S. C Sept. i» Bombardmenl ol Sumter .Jilllll'.s l-l.lll'l, S. (' .I.IIIlr- Islaml, S. (' .laiiifs Island. S. (' I: ),■:, l'.-i, i -i Uj|. WijIIIhIimI, ed, hi ll Beco i ), i . 27 Nov. < i- i. May - June i I Julj l l .. D Kali of Petersburg \prii 2 Total loss ONE Hi ffDEED \\!> FOTJETH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY ( V BTEB i N ). WADSWOETH GTJAEDS: I.I VI BTGS ton < '(iCNTI REGIMENT. This regiment, Col. John Rohrbach, was organized at Albany March 4th, 1862, by the consolidation of the Morgan Guards, Col. John J. Viele, with the Oeneseo Regiment, Col. Rohrbach; the ten companies of the Latter forming seven, and the five companies of the former, three, II. I and K, of the new organization. The regiment was mustered In tin' servii f the United State's for three years between Sept., 1861, and March, 1868. Al the expiration of its term of enlistment, the men entitled thereto were discharged and the regi- ment retained in service. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Nunda; B at Springwater; (7 at Centre- villi-, Eagle and Pike; />at Qeneseo; /-.'at Groveland, Cohoctonand Burns; /- T at Rochester; iwlerville, Alabama ami < rainsvil le; //ami /at Tmy: ami A' at I'rov ami Cohoes. The regiment Left the State March 22d, L862; served in General Wadsworth's command, Mil. District of Washington, from March, 1862; in 2d Brig., 2d Div., Dept. Rappahannock, . L862; in 1st Brig., 2d Div., 8d Corps, A. Va., from June 26th, 1862;in 1st Brig., 2d I>iv.. l-t Corps, A. P., from Sept. 12th, 1862; in Bame brigade and division, 5th Corps, \ P., from April, 1864; in 8d Brig., 1th Div., 5th Corps, from May 9th, 1864; in 1st Brig., 2.1 Div., 5th Corps, from Maj 80th, 1864; in Lsl Brig., 3d Div., 5th Corps, from June 6th, Provost Guard. 5th Corps, from Aug., 1864; in 2d Brig., :'«1 Div., 5th Corps, from May, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. John l«. Strang, July 17th, 1865, at Washington, l>. C. During it- Bervice the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 51 enlisted men; .ii wounds received in action, :: office i d men; of disease and other causes, 9 l US enlisted men; total, 7 officers, 280 enlisted men; aggregate, 287; of whom 1 offl cer and *'>l enlisted men died In the hand- of the enemy; and it took pan in the following engagements, etc, i VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. L59 ui Rappahan k Station Rappahannock River... m k Rlvei l.illlf Uivf-r Tn in 1 11 k.-. South Mountain, MU .... Antietam, Ud Fredericksburg, Vu Pollock's Mill Creek, Va. Cbancelloreville, Va < : »- 1 1 \ Bburg, Pa Mine Run campaign, Va. 1862. I - \ 22 Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania C. II.. Va Decll-15 1863. April 29- M I July i I N Dec. 2 1861. - 21 inch Church Laurel Hill SpoUylvanin . \ i .. June i'- (Veldon R . > \ Hiclwford Raid, \ i Hatcli.-r's Run, \ Appomattox camp \ i N i Appomattox OXE EUNDRED \ M I I'lllli REGIMENT OP Im'WTKY. LE EOT REGIMENT; ROCHESTEB REGIMENT; [RI8B REGIMENT. This regiment, Col. James M. Fuller, was organized March 15th, L862, by the consolida- tion of the regimenl being recruited al Rochester, under Col. Howard < larroll, with the one being recruited at LeRoy under Col, Full it. the nine companies of the latter forminj and the six of the former, three, < <. II and I, of the new organization. The men were mus- tered in the service of the United States for three years between Nov., L861, and March, 1862. The companies were recruited principally: .1 al Wyoming; B al Lockport; CatHolley; I> at LeRoy, A' at Batavia; Pal Brockport; Q, Huad.1— Irish Brigade; West* ment — at Rochester; and A' at y/orkshire, Farmersville and LeRoy. The regiment left the State A pril 4th, 1862; aerved al Washington, D. C, from April. 1862; in 2d Brig., 3d Div., Dept. Rappahannock, from May, 1862; in l-t Brig., 2d Div., 8d Corps, A. Va., from June 26th, 1862; in same brigade and division, l-t Corps, A. P., from Sept. 12th, 1862; and, under Col. John W. Shedd, it was consolidated into Bv mpanies and transferred to the 94th N. Y. Vols., March 17th, 1868, as Companies F, ". II. I and K of the latter. During it- service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 88 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 15 enlisted men; of disease and other causi - listed men; total, 2 officers, 98 enlisted men: aggregate, '.»■"»: of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy; and it toofi pari in the following engagements, i Cedar Mountai ■■'.- lanip'n. V i \ Rappahannock Station \ Rappahannock River.. 21 . Rappahannock River Il;l|i|l:lll;mnork Sl.ilinn Thoroughfare Cap ' S js South Mountain M Kil Wi.iiii'li'l M ! - : - : - < ■itiU PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. One Hundred and Sixth Regiment of [nfantry. BT. LAWRENCE COUNTS REGIMENT. June 30th, 1862, Gen. Schuyler !•' Judd received authority to recruit this regiment; it was organized under Col. Judd and his successor, Col. Edward C. Jam.'-, at Ogdensburgh, and there mastered in the Bervice i I the United States for three years Aug. 37th, 1863. June 2d, i s ii'>, the men not to be mustered out with the regiment were ordered to be trans- ferred to the 49th N. Y. Vols.; the order was, however, revoked. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Oswegatchie; B at Morristown; Cat Oswegatchie, DePeystei and Mac, ml.; D al Ogdensbargh; E at Potsdam; Fai Massena, Brasher and Louisville; at .Madrid and Stockholm; //at Malone and Lawrence; 1 at Ma lone and Ogdensburgh: and A' at Canton, Colton and Edwards The regiment left the State Aug. 38th, 1862; served in the Railroad Div., 8th Corps, Mid die Dept., from Aug., 1863; in Wesl Virginia, Dept. of the Ohio, in Sept., 180',': in Rail- road Div., Districl of W. Va., from Oct., 1863; in Isl Brig., Railroad Div., 8th Corps, De- fenses of the Upper Potomac, Middle Dept., from Jan., 1863; in 3d Brig., 1st Div., 8th Corps, from Man-h, L863; in 3d Brig., 3d Div., 3d Corps, A. P., from July 10th, 1863; in 1st Brig., 3d I>iv. 6th Corps, from April, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out. under Maj. Edward M. Paine, June 33d, 1865, al Washington, D. C; the men ordered t . be transferred to the 49th N. V. Vols., were, under Lieut. -Col. Alvah \Y. BriggS, mus- tered out and honorably discharged June 37th, 1865. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 8 officers, 77 enlisted men; of wounds received iii action, 2 officers, 49 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officers, If,:: enlisted men; total 14 officers, 389 enlisted men; aggregate, 303; of whom 52 enlisted men di.-d in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc. ; Evansviile. W. Va Fair t, Va Near Fairmont, Va V ,i M.i.iii.-l.n -■ W \ llelfthl Va l H.,Va l: ■ ■ . K< - I Va Ml ■ Run campaign. Va. ■ Grove led. Di'd Reco Wildei i Bpotsylvai il M Va . Hill - i i.-nl I H Va II July 23 \i i i • \ i June i June 1864. Before Petersburg, Va Fune 17- Julj 5 i April 2. I 1863 Ass i ol Petersburg, Va... June it Weldon Railroad, Va Monocai | . M.I July 9 2 W \ a Lug. 21 ... I town, \ Opequon, Va.. Mill. Va. Cedar Creek, \ ... Sept. 19 . 22L Oct, 19. Nov. 1 ... 1 865. Petersburg Work* Va M Appomattox camp'n,\ a M. h. 28- Kall "I I'.'t.T-.l.iiik' April 2 Appomattox C. II Loss on picket March 1st, 1863, and t, 1863 Total loss 877 . ■■■ h 10 (»m Hundred ^.nd Seventh Regiment of [nfantry. c \Mrr.i:i.i. GUARDS. July 18th, 1863, the Hon. Robert B. Van Valkenburg was authorized as Colonel, tore- emit this regimenl in the counties of Chemung, Schuyler and Bteuben; it was organized at Elmira, and there mustered In the servi f the United States for three years Auj 1863. Dec. 9th, 1868, Companies B, C, I and K of the L46th N. V Vols, were transferred to the regiment The men not entitled to I..- mustered out with the regiment were, June 6th, 1865, transferred to the 60th N I Volfl lh. companies were recruited principally: .1. />'. <'. D and W at Elmira; /-'at Addison, VOLUNTEERS <>F THE STATE. 4G1 Cameron and Campbell; ffal Elmira, Bath and Eammondaport; //at Bavana and Elmira; J at Corning, Wayland and Weal Onion; and K at Bornellsville, Boward, Elmira and Canisteo. The regiment left the State Aug. L8th, 1862; Berved in Whipple's Division, Defi Washington, D. C, from Aug. L862; In 3d Brigade, Isl Division, 12th Corps, A. P., from Bept. 12th, 1862; in 2d Brigade, Bame division and corps, from Aug., 1868; in sam< and division, 20th Corps, Armj of the Cumberland, from April, 1864; andit was honorablj discharged and mustered out, under Col. Nirom M. Crane, June 5th, L865, uea ington, l>. < '. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 60 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, :'.''« enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 181 enlisted men; total, 4 officers, 217 enlisted men; aggregate, 221; of whom S enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it toot part in the following engagements, etc.; Place. Date. K Ie i i- i. H 7 ! 1 ■:< i i w D i i s ■ 1 l: : i 1 -' 12 ■ a Antietam, Md 1862. Bept. 17 M 1 .1 1 11-12 II May 3 Sept. - May n 19 21 M i June i June 9 July 2 J'e 16 17 19-21 22 Peachtree Oreek 1864. .Inly 20 Nov. 19 Dec. 21 S Dec. 10 in 20 Man Ii - . 3 1 l'.l lorsvtlle, Va Gen. Sherman nan Marco to lh( - iiii Bwamp man l/./.ir.l'- Mill Campaign of the Can • I .1 M - i i.-- Ki>. tits, Mil. . Near Willlarnsport, Md.. Atlanta campaigD, Ga.. : '2 : 1 "i i; Near Foyi . .. S i Bentonville, s 1 Raleigh \ i Bennetl n 1 1 Dallas Kenesaw Mountain .... 2 Nn-rn Crrik Total loss 98 166 One Hi ndred \m» Eighth Regiment of 1m intby. ROl HESTEB REGIMES l. Mr. John Williams was authorized July 10th, 1862, as Colonel, to recruit this regiment in Monroe county; Col. Oliver II. Palmer succeeded him Julj 28th, 1862; the regimenl was recruited and organized at Rochester, where it was mustered in the service of th" United States for three years Aug. 16th L8th, L862. Themen not to be discharged with the regi ment were, in May, 1865, transferred to the 59th N. V Vols. The regiment left the State Aug. 19th, 1862; Berved in Whipple's Division, Defenses of Washington, D. C, from Aug., 1862; in 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, A. I'., from Bept. 6th, 1862; intheSd Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from March, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Charles J. Powers, May 28th, 1865, at Bailey's Cross Roads, Va During its service the regiment Inst by death, killed in action, 7 officers, 64 enlisted men of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 12 enlisted nun; of disease and other 90 enlisted men; total, !) officers, 196 enlisted men; aggregate, 205; Of whom I s enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it Look part in the following engagement Anti. -lain, Md Sept. 17 Fredericksburg, Va Dec. 11 1863 Chancellorsvilre, Va Mav l-3-:.„ Gettysburg, Pa My 1-3 3 13 Auburn. Va Oct. 14 , Bristoe Station, Va It ' Wounded. x ,,„. lug. ; u i ! 1 • l r t Z S z W z - - z w 210 :■■ .ii D \| I; . I in i ivern Morton's Font, Va • Wilderness, Va. M Spotsylvunla C. H., Va... 8-21 . Laurel Hill z s a 1 40^ PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. 1864 Mas 12 Landron llmis.- North Am Totnpotoinoy, va I i Fune 12 \ Bsauli Petersburg, Va. April 2. Assault of Petersl \ Weldou Railroad, Va~ AugU- Ream's Station Boydton Plank Road, • Ran, \ n i Petersburg Works \ i Appomattox camp'gn.Va Men. 28- April 9 White Oai R Fall of ivtersburg IliKli llridgi Farmvllle Appomattox C. II April ONE Hi KTDRED AND NlNTH REGIMENT OF InFANTBT. BINGHAMTON BEGIMENTJ RAILWAY I'.RKiADE. Julv 22d, 1862, Col. Benj. F. Tracy received authority to recruit this regiment in the counties of Broome, Tioga and Tompkins; it was organized at Binghamton, and there mus- tered in the service of the United States for three years Aug. 27th, 1862. The men not to be discharged with the regiment were, June :'>t Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, A. P., from Aug., 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Major Zelotus G. Gordon, June Ith, 1865, at the Delaney Eouse, l>. C. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 4 officers, 109 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 51 enlisted men; "f disease and other causes, 164 enlisted men, total, 5 officers, 82 1 enlisted men; aggregate, 829; of whom 42 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements,etC : Wilder™ nia ell Kl .[ Wounded m led. I'.'.l Heco. inn. ._• b lei e I- I • v. Va. rold Map June 16 Assault of P Mini- Kxpl"-i<'ii. \ a .in W. !■!• ■!. U..1I-I. V;l \ I'.ipliir Spring I'll.. Va... - Run, Va dman, Va M i ■ but Va kpril Kl " ,: ' Uise Di'djRei Total loss " One Hundred ind Tenth Regiment of Ini \ntkv ii-w I (30 COUNTY REG! M I N i. The Hon. Cheney Ames received, Ma) 28d, 1862, authority to recruit this regimenl in the county of Oswego; be was succeeded, July 29th, 1892, by Col, DeWitl C. Littlejohn; it was VOLUNTEERS OF TEE STATE. 463 organized at Oswego and there mustered in the service of the United States for tin Aug. 25th, 1862. The companies were recruited principally: A at Volney; Bat Richland Albion and Wil- liamstown; Cat Orwell, Sandy Creek, Boylston and Redfield; Dal Bastings and Schroep- pel; A'at Mexico, New Haven and Palermo; FvA Hannibal a< Oswego, Scriba, Amboy and West Monroe; H at Oswego; rat Oswego, Schroeppel ami Volney; K at Constantia, Parish, West Monroe and Amboy. The regimenl left the Stair Aug 39th, 1862; served in tin- Middle Departmi Corps, Isl Brigade, 1st Division, at Baltimore, Md., from Aug. 80th, 1862; in Sherman's Division in Louisiana, from \hr., 1862; in the 8d Brigade 1st, Emory's, Division, Depart- ment Gulf, from Jan., 1868; in the 1st Brigade, 8d Division, LOtb Corps, from Fel at Fort Jefferson, Fla.. from Feb. 9th, 1864; and i: was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Charles Hamilton, Aug. 38th, \^>~>. at Albany During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 5 enlisted men; died of wounds received in action, 1 officer, enlisted men; of disease and other ct officers, 192 enlisted men; total, ."> officers, 206 enlisted men; aggregate, 211; 'd whom l enlisted man died in the bands of the enemy; and it took ]>art in the following i mcnts. etc.: Place. Date. l\ le I z ,,. Wou 1. DIM w z 2 R. E 5 f i M i ;. ~ i i Plaoi Rl « led. l> Bee innded. M : : - - Operations against Port Mar. 11- r LprI2 i May 21 25 '." '.". "i ■i ii' - Julj - A --.i u 1 1 Jane i • Vermillion Bayou, La.... .v.\ . 1 1 1 J... 5~ Z i'2 ■ Franklin. La Total Ion ' One Hundukd and Eleventh Regiment op [nfantbt. July 19th, 1862, General Jesse Segoine, as Colonel, r ived authority to recruil th mint in the counties of Caynga and Wayne; it was organized at Auburn and there mus- tered in the service of the United States lor three year- Augusl 30th, 1862. The men aot to be mustered out with the regimenl were transferred, June 4th, 1865, to the 4th N. V. Vol. Art. The companies were recruited principally. .1 at Marion. Palmyra, Ontario and Walworth ; />' at Clyde and Savannah, at Auhurn. Palmyra, Rose Valley, Victory, Montezuma, Summer Hill and Sterling; Dal Lyons, Sodus, Galen and Williamson: /-."at Newark and Auburn; /''at Port Byron, Auburn and Weedsport; '/at Auburn and Genoa; //at Auburn, Cato, Ira, Conquest and Sterling; / at Moravia, Venice, I ke, Ledyard Sempronios and Scipio; and A'at Union Springs, Springport, Genoa, Aurora. Moravia. Scipio and Ledyard. The regiment left the State Augusl 21st, 1862; served in the Middle Departmi Corps, from Ant;- 34th, 1862; at Harper's Ferry, W Va., where it was surrendered, it S 1862; at Cami> Douglas, Chicago, 01., from Sept. 38th, 1862; In the Defenses of Washing- ton, in the 3d Brigade, Casey's Division, 32d Corps, from Dec, 1862; In the 8d Brigade, 8d Division. 2d Corps, A. P., from June, 1868; in the 8d, and for a time in the Consolidated, Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Corps, A. P., from Mar. 1864; and 11 was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel Lewis W. Husk, June 8d, 1885 tear Alexandria. Va. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 8 officers, 160 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 3 officers, 65 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 17? enlisted men: total, 19 officers, 892 enlisted men; aggregate, 404; of whom 2 officers and 74 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the fol- lowing engagements, etc.: 464 PAKT i: SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. - Ferrj lutl Heights.... p I |ll,\ ill.-. \ .1 Aulmni. \ a \a Mine Run i ampaign,^ a Wilderness. Va inla ( II. . Va PoH • : - 1 1 Noi Hi Anna. Va Totopotomoy, Va I'oM Harbor, \ a led. DI'd i; - = ■ Sep 12-13 I Oct, I ... H H | 15-16 ... '. . Dec. 1864. 9 10.. i- J'ne 1-12 I 29 Kit . | Wounded mi?! i-.. i. June IS Apr 2, i Petersburg, J'e is i" Kuilrosd, Va. ittoni, \ a 1'y 27 29 . Sti awberry Plai d -. kugH-18 hVain's Slati.m, Va... L'a Hatcher's Kim, Va.... Di 1865. Petersburg Works, '■ A p i> o in attos cam palgn, Va White Oak Ridge.... tersburg... Deatonsville Roan.. Farniville >niai tox Court 6 : Lppon Sou Total loss g isq One !Ii ndkkf) a\i> Twki.itk I.'f.i.i m i:nt of Infantry. CHAUTAUQUA REGIMENT. July 21st, L862, Colonel A. I". Allen, succeeded, Sept. 3d, 1862, by Colonel Jeremiah C. Drake, received authority to recruit this regiment in the counties of Chautauqua and Cat- taraugus; it was organized al Jamestown and there mustered in the service of the United Dr three years Sept. I lth, 1862. The men not to be mustered out with the regiment ami some of it- officers wen- transferred to the 3d X. Y. Vols. June 13th, 1865. The companies were recruited principally: A at Ellicott, Carroll, Poland and (Jerry: />' hi Pomf ret, Stockton, Charlotte and Gerry; G at Hanover, Villanova, cherry Creek and Art wright; I) at Harmony, Mina, French Creek, Clymer, Busti and Bliantone; E at West- held, Ripley, Chautauqua, Sherman and Ellery; W al Ellicott, Harmony and Qerry; at Dunkirk, Portland and Sheridan; II at Chautauqua; /at Pomfret and Stockton; and K at Hanover, v*illanova and Cherry ('reek. The regiment lefl the State Sept. 12th, L862; served at Suffolk, Va.. Dept. Va., from Sept. 17th, 1862; in Poster's Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. Va.. from Nov., 1862; in the Pro- visional Brigade, Ith Corps, from Jan., 1868; at Suffolk, Va., in Foster's Brigade, from Feb., 1888; in Poster's Brigade, Getty's Division, Dept. Va., from Mar.. 1888; in same brig- ade, Corcoran's Division, ?tb Corps, from April. 1868; on the Peninsula, Va.. in Poster's rth Corps, in June and July, L863; in Poster's Brigade, 18th Corps, I >«■ pt . Soutb, on Folly Island, S. c. from August, 1863; before Fort Wagner, and on Black Island, S. C, from Sept., 1868; on Folly Island, S. C, in loth Corps, from Oct., 1868; al Jacksonville, I'la.. Kith Corps, from Feb., L864; In 2d Brigade, 8d Division, loth Corps. Army of the James, from April, L864; In 2d Brigade, 8d Division, 18th Corps, from May 80th, 1864; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, Kith Corps, from June 15th, 1864; in Lai Brigade, 2d Division, 24th Corps, from Dec, 1864; in Provisional Corps, from March, 1866; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, lOtfa Corps, from April 2d, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out. under Colonel Bphraim A. Ludwick, June i;;th, 1865, a1 Raleigh, N. C. During it -^ service the regiment h>-t by death, killed in action, i officers, 76 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 5 officers, -II enlisted men; of disease and other canses, 8 offi- or-. I'm; enlisted men; total, 12 officers, 815 enlisted men; aggregate, 827; of whom 22 enlisted men died in the hand- of the enemy: and it took part In the Following engage- ments etc.: YOLUNTEKi;> OF THE STATE. 465 WoundeU. KIM BecO Franklin, Va Zuni, Va Deserted House, Va Siege of Suffolk, Va Somerton Hoa Fort Planer, N. c fan. IB. hm'ts, N l F'j ii-i- Fort An Campa'noftheCarolinas Mar. i Cox's i: rl N I VI \ ■ April I Bennett Houai . N I Total loss <7.-i One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment oi Cnpantet. albany counts regime* l. This regiment, organized in August, 1862, as a regiment of Infantry, was converted Into a regiment of artillery, and designated the 7th Regiment N. V. Vol. Art. Dec. 19th, 1863; its record will be fouud under that heading. One Hundbed and Poubtbbnth Begiment of Inianiky. July 21st, 1862, Mr. Elisha B. Smith of Chenango was appointed Colonel and authorised to recruit this regiment in the counties of Chenango, Cortland and Madison, with bead- quarters at Norwich, where the regiment was organized, and, Sept. 8d, L862, mustered in the service of the United States for three years. The men uot to be mustered oul with the regiment were transferred June 3d, 1865, to the 90th N. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: A and //at Oxford; /.'and Cal Norwich; /> at Eaton and Lebanon; A'at Greene; /'at Sherburne and New Berlin; '/at Samilton and Brookfield; / at Otselic; and A' at Cazenovia; and a few men were enlisted in Cortland county. The regiment left the State Sept. 8th, 1869; it Berved at and near Baltimore, Md., in 8th Corps, from Sept. 9th, 1862; at Newport New-, Norfolk and Fort Monroe, Va.. t r 1 1 Corps, from Nov. 9th, 1862; sailed in Hanks' Louisiana forces from Dec. 4th, 1862; served in 2d Brigade, 1st Division, l'.lth Corps, from Jan., 1868, Lut mostly detached from it at Brasliicr City, New Iberia, Opelousas and Berwick City, La.; before Port Hudson, La., with its brig* ade from May 81st, 1868; in the Reserve Brigade, 1st I>i v.. 19th Corps, from An in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 19th c () rp-. from Sept., 1 s«;:*, ; in 1st Brigade, same division and corps, from Feb., 1864; audit was honorably discharged and mustered out, andei I Samuel It. Per Lee, June 8th, 1865, near Bladensburgh, Md. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action. I officers, 64 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 5 officers, 50 enlisted men: of disease and otht 2 officers, 168 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 282 enlisted men; aggrt I whom 8 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc.: 59 466 PART III. SKKTCIIKS OF ORGANIZATIONS. Date. K il- \\ i.iiii'l.-il MlRR- 5 u e ii 73 2 H Kil- Wounded. % Iss- Place. ls ! 'i i. = 1> e .: Reco. = - B = = = - : - 12 I E c g. - ■- ■: i ... PLACE. Date. led. - E :- Di a z • 1 Reco- iii e - i Z ^ Z 3 Port 1863. Hudson. La Men. n- 3 y . Cane River Crossing ... 1864 May If. July 12 13 - 19 22 : i . ": ; i ":' 1 13 K..rt Blsland, Ui Franklin, La Port Hudson, La April 11 12-1 ■ July 8 ISM. Mar. 10- Washington, D. C irlestown.W.Va Opequon, Va i 23 "i it "a 188 "i 2C "3 i.i City, La Cedar Creek, Va Ninevah, Va Oct. iy 119 Bed River Campaign, La ... 3 i 1 3 6 1 12 Lussat other minor affairs, guer- Crow Roads April i a (»m Hi ndkki) \\i> Fifteenth Ukiume.vt of Infantry. THE IRON HEARTED REGIMENT Col. Simeon Summons received authority, July 19th, 1862, to recruit this regiment in the counties of Pulton, Hamilton, Montgomery and Saratoga, with headquarters at Fonda, where it was organized, and. Aug. 2Gth, 1802, mustered in the service of the United States for three years. The men not to he mustered out with the regiment (301) and a few officers were transferred to the 47th N. Y. Vols. June l?th, 1805. The companies were recruited principally: A at Fonda, Mohawk, Glen, Palatine, Root and Canajoharii ; Z?a1 St. Johnsville, Minden, Canajoharie, Fonda, Amsterdam and Florida, GeA Milton, Galway, Edinburgh, Clifton Park, Northumberland, Day, Greenfield, Malta and Balls- tun; l> at Amsterdam, Charleston, Florida and Mohawk; E at Johnstown, Mayfield. Ninth Hampton, Oppenheim, Ephratah and Stratford; /-'at Saratoga, Corinth, Greenfield, Wilton, Moreau, Northumberland and Hadlej ; al Saratoga, Moreau, Greenfield, Corinth, Amster- dam, Charlton, Fonda and Hadley; // at Halfmoon, Clifton Park, Stillwater, Minden, Waterford and Amsterdam; /at Canajoharie, Fonda, Charlton, Malta, Ballston, Milton, St Johnsville and Providence; A' at Caroga, Broadalbin, Wells, Johnstown, Mohawk, Amster- dam, Ephratah, Glenand Palatine. The regimenl lefl the State Aug. 80th, 1862; Berved at and near Sandy Hook, Md.,in8th Corps, from Sepl 1st, 1862; at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., where it was surrendered, from Sept. pi,, 1862; at Can,]) Douglas, Chicago, III., from Sept. 28th, 1862; in Casey's Div. Defenses of Washington, D. C, from Nov. 24th, 1862; at Hunter's Creek, Va., from Dec. 12th, 1862; al Forktown and Gloucester, Va., in Busteed's Brig., 4th Corps, from Dec. 28th, 1862; .-it Port Royal and Hilton Head, 8. C, Dept. South. Terry's Brig., 10th Corps, from Jan. 26th, 1868; al Beaufort, B. «'.. in Saxton's Brig., Kith Corps, from June, L868; at Mil too Head. S. C, from Dec, 1868; in Barton's Brig., Seymour's Div., 10th Corps, Districl of Florida, fro,,, Jan., 1864; In Districl of Florida, from Feb., 1864; in 2d Brig., ^<\ Div., 10th Corps, Army of the James, from April, l*oI; in 1st Brig., 8d Div.. ISth Corps, from May 80th, 1864; in 2d Brig., 2d Div., 10th Corps, from June 15th, 1864; in 8d Brig., Bame divis- ion and corps, from July 26th, 1864; in same brigade and division, 24th Corps, from Dec, 1864; in Provisional Corps, from March, 1865; In 8d Brig., ^<\ Div., loth Corps, from April 2d, I s '')"). and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, commanded by Col. Nathan .1 Johnson, June 17th, 1865, al Raleigh, N C, During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, .", officers, 77 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 55 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, l'.'l enlisted men; total, 7 officers, 828 enlisted a; aggregate, 880; of whom 54 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; by the explosion of the magazine al Fort Fisher, N > . ft, Jan. 16th, L865, L0 enlisted men were killed. The regimenl took part in the following engage- ments. • VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 4CT K Mlm- i u. - K. led. 6 •'■ Place. Date. le z 1. 11 8 1 •- 1 D E "i M 1 | j - 1 6 2 • eco. = i 185 1 7- 1 ■ li > "i z a - 80 l>i'd Ki 3 - = •< Sieg.- of Harper's Fern . W. Va 1862. Sept. 12- 15 u-r. 1863. Jan. .1 i Feb. 7 - 241 Mar. in 21 April 1 May 5 31 Slaj 6 ; 12 14-16 IS X June i- 12 ! 1 "2 Before Petersburg and 1 " inns IS i'. .Inn" IB- ID If 3 - 1 : 4 "3 ■ 2 21 21 u 14 - < - Assault oi 1 s: Pamunkey River, Va. Bluffton, s. c Mine Bxpli Btrawbern Plains, Va. Chaffln'a Farm. Vu Darbytowi \ . Kurt Pisher, N 1 I m 1 «-n. li- ments, v «' Port andi Near Wilmington. N.C Campaign of the Caro lintt-. Bennett 1 ia Camp b'innigan, Fla ■ ria f 11.11 1- 69 Operations against Pe tereburtt and Rich- 12 Mch. 1 April 2t Port Walthall and Chester Station Weir Bottom Church... lieriuuila Hundred.... Cold Harbor, Va 1679 One Hundred and Sixteenth Regiment oi Im.vniky. July 14th. lsti-j. Col. Edward P. Chapio received authority to recruit this regiment in Erie county; it was organized at Buffalo and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years from Aug. 20th to Sept 5th, 1862, The men not to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred, June 3d, 1st;."), to the 90trj N. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Angola, Brant, Evans, Hamburgh and Buffalo; B at Newstead Aurora, Lancaster, Clarence, Elma and Alden; fjal Buffalo, Am- herst, Aldcn and Sardinia, D at Buffalo, Aurora, Colden, Eden and West Bene* Buffalo and Amherst; /'at Concord, Collins, Boston, Sardinia and Ash ford; G at Buffalo; II at Aurora. Buffalo, Clarence, Hamburgh, Eden, Amherst and West Seneca; /at Buffalo, Holland, Elma, Lancaster, Marilla, Sardinia and Wales; and A' at Hamburgh, Brant, Eden, Evans and Marilla. Niue companies left the State Sept. 5th, 1862; Company K joined later in September; the regimenl Berved in the 8th Corps. Middle Dept., at Baltimore. .\M., from Sept. 7th, 1862; arrived at Ship Island, La., Dec. 4th, 1862; served in 8d Brig., 8d I >i v. . Dept. Gulf, from Jan., 1863; in 1st Brig., 3d Div., 19th Corps, from Feb., L863; in 1st Brig., 1st Div., 19th Corps, from April, 1863; in 3d Brig., 1st Div., L9th Corps, from Feb., 1864; in 1st Brig., same division and corps, from March, 1864; in 8d Brig., Bame division and corps, from May 8th, lNii4; in 1st Brig., same division and corps, from June, 1864; with the Army of the Shenandoah, from < »it., 1864; in the Defenses of Washington, 1>. C, from April, 181 it washonorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Geo. M. Love, June 8th, 1865, at Washington, D. C. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action. :\ officers, 58 enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 36 enlisted men; <>f disease and other c officers, 124 enlisted men; total, 7 officers, 218 enlisted men; aggregate, 225; of whom 4 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc. : 1. W eSi iil] 01 11 .. Oppos'te I*i .rf Hudson. 1. a Plain Btore, I. a May Siejje of Port Hudson. I.a Mav July First Assault May 27 I I- 1 I" Second Assault lime 14 1 3... 2 Bayou La Fonrche, La ... July i Sal'ine Pa*-. I i-\a- Si-pt. > Centreville. I.a Vermillion Bayou, La... Oct Carrion Crow Bayou. I.a 1864. Red Rlv.r campaign, Lt - ■ Hill Hirer Iris " W tip.-., ii..n. Va - II \ New M \ 24 19 I Loss at minor 1 468 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. One Hundred and Seventeenth Regiment of Infantry. fourth oneida regiment, ■ \ I: Pease received authority, July 19th, 1862, to recruit this regiment in Oneida county; i1 was organized at Hmur, and there mustered in the service of the I'nited States for three years Aug. 8th to 16th, 1802. The men not to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred, June 8th, 1865, to the 48th N. V Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Rome, Utica and Vernon; SatUtica, Camden, Verona and Vienna; G al Qtica, Westmoreland, Koine and Bridge water; J> at Whitostown, Sangerfield, Qtica, Vienna and New Hartford; A' at Rome; Fat Oriskany, Trenton, Qtica, Floyd. Rome, Steuben and Deerfield; at Home, Clayville, Paris and Qtica; //at Qtica, Vienna, Verona, Rome and Camden; Tat Rome, Boonville, Ava, Qtica, Western and Clayville; and /fat Clinton, Kemsen, Augusta, Boonville, Deansville, Marshall and Vernon. The regiment left the State Aug 22d, 1862; served in 2d and 3d Brig., a battalion in each, Defenses of Washington, D. C, north of Potomac, from Aug. 25th, 1862; in the De- fensesof Washington, 3d Brig., Easkins 1 Div., 22d Corps, from Jan., 1863; in the 1st Brig. 3d Div., 9th Corps, from Feb., 1868;inthe 1st Brig., Getty's Div., 7th Corps, Dept. Va., from April. 1863; in Alford's Brig . 18th Corps, I>ept. of the South, from July, 186:!; inVogdes's Div.. 10th Corps, at Folly Island and Little Folly Island, S. C, from Oct., 186:1; in 1st Brig., 2d Dh . LOth Corps, Army of the James, from April. 1864; in 3d Brig., 3d Div., 18th Corps, from May 30th, 1864; in 1st Brig., 2d Div., lOth Corps, from June 15th, 1864; in same brig- ade and division of the 24th Corps, from Dec, 1864; in the same of the Provisional Corps. from March, 1866; and of the Kith Corps, from April 2d. 1865; and it was honorably dis- charged and mustered out, under Col. Rufus Daggett, June 8th, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. During its Bervice the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 75 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, I officers, 54 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 136 enlisted men; total, '•• officers, 265 enlisted men; aggregate, 274; of whom 21 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ment- - Kit- Woun.l-l. MlM . i.-.i. PiM i:.-. ,,. i MK . i\i\i\i\i i t i B B I = ■: E : = = s = 1- Ai.r. 20 tfaj - n. .Ik, Va., Hills Point \. .' Ih! • ■ l. \ a ■ ird ni ..I" F'.n Sumter \ Operatloua in Charleston • of K'.irl iter . mi. I John's Is- - I burg a Rli ii - Itinii da 1 1 ii 1 1 • t r«-. I i- i. Feb.9 it 14-16 i Ifi S a bC c.i.i Elarbor. Va It.'l'.irv'K anil Rii hmond, Va Assaull Mill.' K\|.l"-i .ii. \ i Chaffln's Farm, Va r I l - - - - c = --- n ii Road, \ a.... ' C Fort Fisher, N. Cape Fear entrench- ments, N.C i rl Indi rson, N I N, ii \\ nun: i S • Campaign ..i the Garoll- Bennett Bouse, N. C. .Iirno 15- Dec. July 3U - Oct i I Dei 1869, F'j H-12 22 Mir. I- I Total loss ■:.: OtfE BUNDRED \\n EIGHTEENTH liK<; I M ENT ()1 KlAXTKY. \ in RON l » A i K i;i QIMENT. Col. Samuel T. Richards received, July l?th. 1862, authority to recruit this regiment in the counties of Clinton, Bssex and Warren; it was organised at Plattsburg and there mus- tered in the Bervice of the i cited States fur three years Aug. L8tfa to 20th, L862. The mem bers of the regimenl not to be discharged with it, were transferred to the 96th N. V Vols. Juno 18th, 1- VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATK. 469 The companies wen- recruited principally: .1 at Queensbury and Plattsburg; /.'at Chasy, Ellenburgh and Saranac; 0atSt. Annan. I. Jay, Eeene, North Elba and Wilmington; Dat Horicon, Chester, Johnsburgh and Luzerne; E at Crown Point, Moriah, New ,,1.. North Hudson, Schroon and Ticonderoga; Pal Essex, Elizabethtown, aforiak and Westporl Luzerne, Bolton, Caldwell, Johnsburgh, Stony Creek and Warrensburgh; //at Plattsburg; /at Chauiplaiu, Chazy, Dannemora and M rs, and A' at An Sable, Black and Peru. The regiment left the State Sept. 8d, 1868; served In the Middle Department, 8th Corps, from Sept. 4th, 1803; in the Defenses and Department ol Washington, later in Provisional Brigade, Ahercrombie's Division, 33d Corps, Prom Oct. 34th, 1883; in the District of Wash- ington, from Feb., 1863; at Suffolk, 7a., in Reserve Brigade, 7th Corps, Department 7a., from April 23d, 1868; in 1-t Brigade, (Jetty's Division, 7th Corps, from May, L868 in Wis- tar's Brigade, 4th Corps, from .inn.-, 1868; in Provisional Brigade, 7th Corps, from July, 1868; at Ybrktown, 7a., from Aug., 1868; at Norfolk an.! Portsmouth, Department 7a., from Oct., 18(i3: at Norfolk, 7a., from Nov., 1868; a' \. wport News, 7a., from Dec., 1868; in Wistar's Division, 18tb *'.>rps, from .Ian., 1864; in Heckman's Division, 18th Corps, from Feb., 18(54; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Corps, Army of the .lam.-. fr..m April, 1864; in the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 34th <'.>ri.s. from Dec., 1864, ami it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under ('..1. George V. Nichols, June I8tb, 1865, al Rich- mond, 7a. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in anion, 6 officers, 55 ■ men; of wounds received in action, 43 enlisted men; ..i .lis.-;.-,, and other .-an-.-. 188 en« listed men; total, (i officers, 386 enlisted men 393; of whom 1". enlisted m.-n died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in tin- following engagements, etc.: Siege of Suffolk, Va AntioCD Church and Ha k.-rs Cross Roads. V.i Franklin, Va s.uuh Anna Bridge, Va.. Gloucester C. H Ballyhack, Va Sniithlleld, Va Operations agalnat I' teraburR and Rich tuoti.l. Va Port Walthall & Ches ter Station Swift Creek Proctor's Creek Drewry's Riutf 1863. April 20- Bffay i M rune 16 .Inly l 29 1 96 1 . Mar. i' i A]. til II le.i. PiMi Keco. Ing- ::: i :. . i. in i = ? = = = ; = s = s Bermuda Hundred M II I Inn.- 1 U.. r'n-t Assault 1 1 - I'. tiTstiurK and .1 Richmond, Va Vpni u, 19 Chaffln's Farm, Va - iburg, V \,-.ii 2 Total loss OisE HUNDBED AND NINETEENTH REGIMENT 01 EnFANTBI Col. Elias Peissner received authority, .Tun.' 36th, \^>2. u> recruit this regiment; it was organized in New York city; and there mustered in the service of the United Bta three years Sept. 4th and 5th, 1863. The companies were recruited principally I Qua/rd — B,G, I> — Sigel Lift Chtard, Sigel Shwrpshootert — /•.'. /•'. 0, /and A' in N.-u York city, and //at Hempstead. The men not mustered «>nt with the regiment were transferred to the 103d N. V. 7ols. June 7th. 1865. The regiment left the State Sept. 6th, 1868; served In the Defenses of Washington, from Bept., 1863; in the 3d Brigade, :'.ga and Ross- N i in j. liuii, Trim L'7 i:v Ki'lue Atlanta campaign, Qa. . Sept, 2 Rock) 1' I May 8-10 u i". Dallas ~ M June i v mountain I July 2 Pine Mountain Fune 13 Uolgothu „.. 16-17 One Hundbed and Twentieth Regiment of Infantry. [JLSTEB REQIMENTJ WASHINGTON GUARDS, Col. George II. Bharpe received authority, July 14th, 1862, to recruit this regiment in the counties of Greene and Ulster; it was organized at Kingston, and there mastered in the Bervice of the United States for three years Aug. 22d, 1862. The men of the 71st and 72d N \. Vols., not mustered out with their regiments, joined this by transfer in July, Aug. and Oct., 1864. The men of this regiment not to be mustered out with it, were transferred to the 73d X. V. Vols. .June 1st, 1865. The companies were recruited principally: A at Kingston, Hurley, olive, Wawarsing and Marlborough; Bat Kingston and Shandaken; at Kingston, Marbletown, Rochester, Rosendale and Gardiner; I) at Coxsackie, Ashland, Prattsville, New Baltimore and Kings- ton; E at Ellenville, Denning, Wawarsing and Kingston; F at Catskill, Jewett, Lexing- ton, Hunter, Bhandaken and Kingston; Q at Saugerties, Lloyd and Kingston; //at Rondout; /at Kingston; and A" at Cairo, Ashland, Durham, Greenville and Windham. The regiment left the State Aug. 34th, 1862; served in Whipple's Brigade, Defenses of Washington, from Aug., 1862; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 3d Corps, A. P., from Bept. 6th, 1862; in2d Brigade, 4th Division, 2d Corps. A P., from March, L864; in 4th Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, from Maj L8th, 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, from July, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Lt. -Col. Abraham L. Lockwood, June 3d, 1865, near Washington, D. C. During its service the regiment Inst by death, killed in action, 10 officers, 87 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 54 enlisted men; of disease and other causes. ;! offi- cers, l s l enlisted men; total, 1 I officers, 322 enlisted men, aggregate, 886; of whom 69 en- listed men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc: tmrg.Va... ' r :•■ I 18 •■ I \ I I I II \ •|. .-..,„, i, ,,,,., . \ , Cold Harboi \ i J Jane II DIM E g = cl = ■ \ £ \ = A e = M , assault ui Petersburg.Ve JV IS 19 Weldon Railroad, Va Deep Bottom, Va V Strawberry Plains, \ a... i> 1'iiplar SpriiiKdni \ K.iv.llon l Halifax rimik Road.Va ' i li m.| Va i Hatcher's Kun. Va Peb. r. : Petersburg Worl I M i. Appomattox camp'nA s Mcti \\liitoo:.k Ridge M 8 B 8 B SB SB ' 'fig I : I Appomattox Total loss . . A|.nl 31 ,:., 9 li 58 7 16 \<>U XTKKKS OF THE STATE. 471 One Hundred and Twenty-fibst Regiment of [nfantby. OTSEfio \ NO EEBEIMEB REGIMENT. Col. Richard Franc-hot received authority, July I'.ttli, 1862, to recruit this regimenl in the counties of Herkimer ami Otsego. It was organized at Herkimer, and there mastered in the service of the United Stat.'- for three years \ ig. 13th, 1862. The three years' men of the 18th N. V. Vols, were transferred to it May km,, those of the 27th, 81st, 1 6th and B2d N. Y. Vols. May 25th, 26th, 80th and 25th, 1888, respectively. The men doI to be discharged with the regimenl were, June 25th, 1865, transferred to the 65th N. ^ . Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Manheim, Little Falls, Salisbury and Danube; B at Winfield, Plainfield, Litchfield, German Flats, Columbia and Stark: at Fairfield, Russia, Herkimer and Newport; /> at Frankfurt. Warren, Manheim, Schuyler, Columbia and Salisbury; E at Middlefield, Milford, Cherry Valley, Hart wick, Springfield, Otego and Roseboom; F at Bdmeston, Exeter, Hnadilla, Otego and Maryland; & at Cherry Valley, Roseboom, Decatur, Middlefield, Westford, Worcester and Herkimer; //sit Little Falls, Richfield, Salisbury and Otego; / at Milford, Laurens, Morris, Worcester, Pittafield, Hartwick and German Flats; and A" at Laurens, New Lisbon, Oneonta, Burlington Butternuts, Pittsfield and Plainfield. The regiment left the State Sept. 2d, 1862; it served in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Corps, from Sept. 9th, 18»'-2, and it was mustered oul and honorably discharged, under Col. Egbert Olcott, June 25th, l s t'>">. at Hall's Hill, Va. ; having, daring its service, hist by death, killed in action, 10 officers, 171 enlisted nun: of wounds received in action, 4 officers, 18 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officers, ill enlisted men; total, 18 officers, 828 enlisted men; aggregate, 34G; of whom 20 enlisted men died in the bands of the enemy; and having taken part iu the following engagement Crampton Oap. Md Fredericksburg, Va Franklin's Crossing, Vs Marye's Heights and Salem Church, Va. •• Maj 1862. 8ept. it I 15 Apr. 29- May 2 3 i (letlvsliurs;, I'a . Fairfield, Pa .I.iiu-.'^ Itiia.K. M ! Kunkstown, Mil Willlamsport, Md Rappahannock a Mine Run camp'gn, \ a. Wilderness, Va Spotsylvania C. II . Va, Landron Kami Salii'nt Qayle's House North Anna, Va Tiitopntoniov, Va t'olil Harbor, Va. . i. .I'- ll 12-13 n Nov. 1 N 1864 M in 12 14 22 -26 . 27 30 . M ■ i .= I ,= § sburg, Va . June it 1 Apr. 2. Petersburg Assault, Va.lJ'e 17-19 Weldon Railroad \Vasliim:i.'ii. I> • « \ 1 Opeouon Creek, I Opequon, Va 19 KM,.'.- Mill. Va M. .lint Jackson 24 . Va N I860. Hatcher's Ri n. Va I Petersburg Wot Appomattox camp n,\ .. M I P burg April 2 Creek..... Appomattox C. II • 1" 171 t B C S 1 1 19 9 ■ One Hundred and Twenty-second Regiment oi Enpantbi 0N0NDAGA8. Col. Silas Titus received authority, July 22d, 1862, to raise tins regiment in the county of Onondaga; it was organized at Syracuse, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Aug 28th, 1802. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Baldwinsville; />' tit Syrac etteville and Parmersville; D at Syracuse, Onondaga, Spafford and Amber; A' at Syracuse; F at Marcellus and Syracuse; Oat El bridge; // at Camillas and Syracuse; 7a: >■ and iTat Syracuse, Tally, Skaueateles and Cicero. 472 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. The regiment left tin- Stat.- Aug. 31st. 1862: it served in the 3d Brigade. 1st Division, 4th Corps, from Sept. 6th, 1862: in the 8d Brigade, 3d Division, 8th Corps, from Sept., L862; in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps, from Dee., 1802: on Johnson's Island. Lake Erie, Ohio, from Jan., 1864; in the 4th Brigade, Isl Division, 6th Corps, from March. 1864; in the 3d Brigade 2d Division, 6th Corps, from July 6th, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, commanded bj Col. Horace II. Walpole, June 23d, 1865, near Washington, D. C. During its Bervice the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 56 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 30 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 85 enlisted men; total. 9 otlicers. 171 enlisted men; aggregate, 180; of whom IS enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc. : Date. Kn- Wounded. M ... m. ed. W ^1 11 M. Place. it \ J. 1 DIM i;. r CO. B ii L g z § < Place. _ Date. 1 - •- Dl'dlBeco. 1 = 1 a 5u|8|i tag. 5 w < Ami. -tain. Ml Willlamsport, Md 1862. Sept. 18 Nov. fi "i : 29 "7 5- 21 00 3 1 '2 31 3 "5 7 u 13 119 24 67 Before Petersburg, Vn 1864. June it July 9; . 1 ,} . .'. 1 s 1 4 1 2 1 2 t 2 1 "i "2 in 2 21 4 21 9 a 1 7 1 ::: April 2. I86S Assault of Petersliurp.Va June 17- WeMon Kailroail, Va .... 21-23 Washington, D. C rivij-i.'. . Charlestown, \V. Va Aug. 2) . Opequon, Va Sept. 19 Kisli.-r-s Hill, Va Cedar Creek, Va Oct. 19 1 \86!>. Petersburg Works, Va.... Blai Appomattox camp'n.Va Mar. 28 Apr. 9 Fall of Petersburg April 2 Sailor's Cr.'ck 6 Appomattox C. H 1 9 Marye - Hels - "5 2 6 "2 • 12 g, Va. irg, Pa Boonsboro, Md Funkntown, Md in nock Sta'n.Va. feline Run cam] Wilden ania C. 11.. Va. June 5 .luly 2-3 10 11-13 Nov. 7 Dec. 2 I "i in "3 " IS ] 3 27 5 « 12 32 16 22-2A ■ moy, Va 27-30 i i Harbor, Va \ June i: S EM 1 5 17 One Hi'NDitEit and Twenty-third Regiment of Infantry. WASHINGTON COUNTY REGIMENT. Col. Archibald L. McDougall received authority, July 23d, 1862, to recruit this regiment; 11 was organized at Salem, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three pi 4th, 1863. Dec. 38d 1868, pari of the 1 45th N. \. Vols, was transferred to it. June sth, 1866, the men not to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the 60th N. Y Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Greenwich; B at Kingsbury; C7at White- hall, 1> at Fori Ann, Putnam and Dresden; A" at Hartford and Hebron; /'at Argyle and Greenwich; at White Creek, Jackson. Greenwich and Salem; // at Salem, Bhushan, Greenwich, Hartford and Hebron; /at Baston, Cambridge, Hartford and Hebron; and A" at Granville and Haiu|iton. The regiment left the State Sept. 5th, 1863; it served in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 13th Corps, from Sept, 1863; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 13th Corps, from May, 1868; in the St Brigade, Lai Division, 80th Corps, from April, L864; and. commanded by Col. James , it was honorably discharged and mustered out June sth. 1866, near Washington, During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 8 officers, •!<> enlisted men oi wounds received in action,;! officers, 38 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 96 enlisted men; total, 6 officers, L68 enlisted men; aggregate, 169; of whom 1 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy, and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 473 Cbancellorsvine, Va. Gettysburg, Pa Gettysburg, I'a Fair i'i:iv,:M,| Williamsport. Ud Robertson's Ford, Va. Estsee Sprint;. Tenn ... Atlanta campaign, .•.> Reeaca Near Uassvllle Dallas K'-M.-sau mountain . Golgotha Nose's Creek Culp's Kami Peach Tree Creek i-i u Kil-^1' Atlanta July L'l I Gen. Bhi : nabcainpala N - Dei 10 mi B« imp D 10 21 iia^ i Chesterfield, B. M ir. 10 Bentonvtlle, N. C 19 20 Alken'M •.. ... \.' Smlthneld, N. 10 n N I Bennett II ,u- s i l»n picket, Jan. Utll, 1864 One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment op Infantry. AMERH'.VX GUARD: ORANGE BLOSSOMS. Col. A. Van Horn Ellis received authority, July 11th, 1882, to recruit this regiment; it was organized at Goshen, and then- mastered in the service of the United States fur three years Sept. 5th, 1862. Part of the 71st Regimen! of the National Guard of the State formed its nucleus. Sept. 1st, 1864, Mr. Charles Gale, of M< rs, Clinton county, received authority to recruit a company, the Mboera Company, which later was assigned to this reg- iment and became part of its Company E, June 2d, 1865, the men not to be mustered out with the regiment, were transferred to the 93d .V ■ . Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Newburgh, Cornwall, Chester and Qoehen; B — Goshen Company — at Goshen, Warwick, Florida and Newburgh; C Corntoa puny — at Goshen, Cornwall, Newburgh, .Monroe and New Windsor; Dal Warwick and Goshen; E at Goshen, Crawford, Otisville, Wallkill, Newburgh, Bullville, New Windsor, Mt. Hope and Port .lervis; /'at Port Jervis and Deer Park; '/at Washingtonville, Bloom- ing Grove, New Windsor, Monroe, Newburgh, Craigsville and Chester; // at Montgomery, Walden and Goshen; /at Newburgh and Windsor; and A" at Wallkill, Goshen, Middle- town and Newburgh. The regiment left the State Sept. 6th, 1862; it served in Piatt's Brigade, Whipple's Di- vision, from Sept., 1862; in 1st Brigade, 8d Division, :'. v death, killed in action, 10 officers, 98 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 4. r > enlisted men; of disease and other o officer, 94 enlisted men; total, 12 officers, 'J:!'-' enlisted men; aggregate, 844; of whom 11 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc. : l'l. \' K. Date. K le : 1- 1. 6 ■2 Won DIM L | : - : E = = u g. g e - i 204 M 90 Kil E = Dl d e.l. a S = M •J \ - Manassas Cap. Va Near \\ aterlOO, \ a Fredericksburg, Va Hartwood Churcb. Va ... t'lianeellorsville, Va Krandv Station. Va Gettysburg, Pa 1882. IS PeCl I-I"' Maj 1 . June v July 1-3 1 "4 sis 2 ■■ "... "5 \ 11 19 July 12 Wappi- - Auburn. Va ■ \ Mine Hun caini Locust Grove N 1 If. lit 1 i;i PART III. SKKTCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. -i 9 I".. .. i" Salient 12. 13 North Anna I Totopotonioy, \ a II or, Va Pne 1-12 . \ .i ... June 15- Apr.2, I • IS-19 I I I 21 23 .. Deep Bottom. Va J'y 27-29 Straw berry Plains, Va ... An. i i-i* .. .. 1 Mlss- - E S't 1 t .*.; | K ,i.| Wounded. | M... Total loss One Etjndbed \\r> Twektv-i urn Regiment of Infantry. Col. John A. Griswold was aatlioTized, July 28th, 1862, to raise this regimenl in Rensse- laer county; on his resignation, Col. George I.. Willard succeeded him Aug. 15th, 1862; the regimenl was organized at Troy and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Aug. 27th 29th, 1862. The men no1 entitled to be mustered oul with the regimenl were, June 5th, 1865, transferred to the Itli N. , i . Vol. Artillery. The companies were recruited principally: .1 al Hoosick Palls; />'. Dand ffal Troy; Cat Lansingburgh, Troy, Sandlake, Pittstown and Schaghticoke; E at Sandlake, Stephentown, < orner; Pal Troy and Poestenkill; Q and / al Troy and New Fork < • i t y ; and A' at Schaghticoke and Troy. The regimenl left the State Aug. :!lst, ISCi-J; it served in the 2d Brigade, from Sept., 1862, al Harper's Ferry, W. Va., where it was surrendered; at Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111., from Sept. 27th, 1862; in the Defenses of Washington, in 1st Brigade, Casey's Di- vision, ami later 22d Corps, from Dec, 1862; in the 3d Brigade of the same, from Jan., 1st;:;, in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, from June, 1868; in the 3d, for a time in the Consolidated, Brigade. 1st Division, 2d Corps, from April, 1864; and, commanded by Col. Joseph Hyde, it was bonorably discharged and mustered <>ut June 5th, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. During its Bervice the regiment Inst by death, killed in action. ] officers, 70 enlisted men: ol wound- received in action, 8 officers, 12 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 115 enlisted men; total, 16 officers, 227 enlisted men; aggregate, 248; of whom 3 officers, HI enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; ami it took part in the following engagements, etc, : Kl i.| Wounded. | MlM led. DI'dlReco. Ing. - !!■§:! hi. Oct. M ■ -■ Aiilmrii I I \ Mine Km D •] \ i M . II I in... I N.irlli Ani Totonol v. \ it : 9 8 2 d S la Before Petersburg, Va.. le-l. DIMii:- June liS Apr. 2, IV,-, IVI \ \\..| i: Deep Bottom, \ a i Strawben ■ Plains, Va... Aug. 1 1 IS Ream's Station, \ a Hatcher's Run, A ,i Dec. 8-10 Petersburg Works, Va... Mi u. 25 Appomattox camp \ N; A|,i . White Oa R ; U \ prll 2 1 ,i : ... i lie 7 ... Appomattox ('. II .... TTii - ; I K) VOLUNTKKK< 01 THE STATE. 4;:. One Hundred axi> Twkn 1 Y--1V111 Regimbot 0] Imanti;.. Col. EliakimSherrill received authority, July 15th, 1868, to raise this regiment in tl ties of Ontario, Washington and fates; it was organized al Geneva, and there mastered in the service of the United States for three years Aug. 22d, 1864 Dec 85th, 1864, ii was con- solidated into a battalion of five companies, At,, 1:, and June 2d, 1865, the men not to be mastered out with the regimenl were transferred to the 1 ; !■ X. Y Vol. Artillery The companies were recruited principally: .1 and />' in fates county; Cand / li county; IK ffand A' in Ontario county; E al Geneva and Knshville; /•' in the counties of Ontario and Seneca; and in Ontario, Seneca and Fates counties. The regimenl left the State Aug. 36th, 1862; it served in the Middle Department from Aug., 18(52: at Harper's Perry, W Va., where 11 was surrendered, from Sep! . 1862 al Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111., from Sept, 27th, 1882; In the Defenses of Washington, In the 1st Brigade, Casey's Division, later 22d Corps, from Dec., 1862; in the 8d Brigade of the same, from Jan., ist;:; : in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d < orps, from June 26th, 1868; in tlir 3d, for a time in the Consolidated, Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, from March, W>4; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, auder Col. J. Smith Brown, Jane 8d, 1865, at Washington, D. C. During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed In action, 12 offlct rs, 95 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, I officers, !•'> enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 121 enlisted men: total, 17 officers, 259 enlisted men: aggregate, 276; of whom :'.<> enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following ments, etc. : Maryland Heights. Bolivar 11 Gettysburg, Pa Auburn. Va Bristoe, \ a Mitchell's Pot I Mine Ban campaign, Vi Robertson's Tavern .. Spotsylvania I'. II.. Va Po Biver Balieni Landron House N,,nii Anna, \ a imoj . \ a Cold Harbor, Va MWIWOM 1R1 co. In-'. isiisiiliii SgBgSgS = £ = £ p'G p - o » c ^ ; w 1862. 15 12-13... - L5 1 13 .1 Oct. 11 11 Dec Nov 1864. M 9 10 18 22-26 ... 27-31 .. •tun,' I 1 18 1-1 \ a. June 15- Aaaaull of Petersburg, \ 1 lune IB 19 Weldon B Deep Bottom Va .. J Strawberry I 1 Beam'a Statloi \ M Appomattox camp'n, A a m Apr. 9 . WhlU>0ak Bl Pall ,,t Petersburg... \ Deatonsvllle R i High Bridge Parmville. - re Appomati led. DIM 1: I = 1 = - = - = Total lOM . OXE HtJNDBED \Nl» Tu INTV-I \ KM 11 l.'i QIHBS 1 01 tlTFANTBY, NATION \l \ "i 1 NTEBB8; MOOT EOB8. Colonel William Gurney receive, l authority. July Kith, 1862, to raise this regimenl In New Fork city; it was organized on Staten Island, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. 8th, 1862. June 80th, 1865, the men nol to be mus- tered out with the regimenl were transferred to the 54th N. Y. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1. />'. Cand Pin New Fork city; Din New York city, Brooklyn. Huntington, Southampton and Greenport; E In Huntington, Amity- ville and Babylon: in New Fork city. Riverhead, Sag Harbor and Greenport; // In Greenport, Southold, Mattituck and orient, / In Brooklyn and Huntington; and K In Greenport, Sag Harbor, Riverhead, Southampton and Bridgehampton. The regiment left the State Sepl LOth, L862; it served in thi of Washington 476 PART III. SKKTCHKS OF ORGANIZATIONS. and in the 3d Brigade, Ahercrombie's Division, 83d Corps, from Sept.. 1862; in 3d, Hugh. Bton's, Brigade, Guxney's Division, Dept. Va.,from April, 1803; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 4th Corps, from May, l*ti:!; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 11th Corps, from July 14th, 1868; in the 1st Brig., Gordon's Div., 10th Corps, from Aug., 1863; « >n Folly and Morris Islands, S. C, and in the District of Beaufort, from Oct., 1864; iii the 1st. Potter's, Brigade, Coasl Division, Dept. South, from Nov., 1864; at Charleston, B. «'.. from Mar.. 1865; and. commanded by Colonel Gurney, it was honorably discharged and mustered oul June 80th, • Charleston, S. C. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 21 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 14 enlisted men; of disease and other causes. 1 officer, 04 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 128 enlisted men: aggregate, 180; of whom 7 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy, and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: PUkCI. Date. - ed. w D B i - ni E r i". H 1 M i E z jg. - 1 Placi. Date. Kil- led. = ~- W Dlllll Dl'dlB .- c .- = = = : - : ::"2 "j ... 4 4 ... M 9 ed. CO. c i a M i'; :> ... Miss- log. i b 'i Siege of Suffolk, Va \ i Nine Mile Ordinary, Va. June n . it . \ui;. 9 Sept. 7 - Bee, 11 N Bull's Island, 8. C K.TI .IdIiiishii. S. (' Honey Hill, 8. C 1S64. < July 2 Nov. 3 Dec. i 6-7 9 19 29 1865. Feb. 11 "i "i u 71 ... " ";i ~8 Ma. ■ki-y'.s Point, S. (' Oiai'li'stnii A Savannah Railroad, 8. C Charleston \ Savannali 24 Ml Bombardment <.t i-'^v tlii-r.iu.>ii~ in rharl.-ioii - c Bombardmei 1 S.tlkaliatehie, S. C 1 < » x i . Eundeed lkd Twenty-eighth Regiment of Infantry. Colonel David S. Cowles received authority, July 10th, 1862, to raise this regiment iii the counties of Colombia and Dutchess; it was organized al Hudson and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. 4th, 1862. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Hudson, Ghent, Chatham, Austerlits, New Lebanon, Canaan, Germantown and Claverack; />' al Washington, Aunenia, Dover. Pawling, North I'.ast. Stanford and Tine Plains; Cat Rhinebeck, Milan, lied Hook. Clinton, Stanford and Hyde Park; /> at Poughkeepsie, Hyde Park, Heekman. Fishkill, Pine Plains, Pleasant Valley, Clinton, Livingston, Greenport and LaGrange; A' at Banderhook, < 'hat ham, Valatie, Hillsdale ami A.usteriitz; /-'at Fishkill, Pawling, Pine Plains. North East. Wash- ington, Amenia and Hudson; at Btuyvesant, Hudson, ancram, Clermont, Taghkanick, Gallatin, Claverack, New Lebanon, Stockport. Ghenl and Hillsdale; //at Fishkill, Pough- keepsie, Hyde Pari and Beekman; /at Poughkeepsie; and A' at Chatham. Hudson, Clav- erack, Greenport, Hyde Park, Clinton, Germantown, Red Hook and Copake. The regimenl left the Btate Sept Bth, 1862; it served in the Middle Department, 8th Corps, ai and mar Baltimore, Md., from Bept., 1862; al New Orleans. La., from Dec., 1862; in the 1st Brigade, Sherman's Division, Dept. Gulf, from Jan., 1863; in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, loth Corps, from Mar., 1868; in the 8d Brigade, 3d Division, loth Corps, from June, 1868; In 2d Brigade, 1st Division, loth Corps, from July, 1868; in 8d Brigade, 1st Division, I9tb Corps from Nov.. 1868; in 8d Brigade, 2d Division, p.ith Corps, from Feb., 3d Brigade, 1st Division, lOth Corps, from A pri 1 2d, 1865; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Captain Thou, as n. Davis, July 12th, 1865, nt Savannah, < la. During its service the regiment losl by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 41 enlisted men; of wounds received inaction, 20 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 8 officers, 208 enlisted men. total, 5 officers, 264 enlisted men; aggregate, 269; of whom 41 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. Date. Woiiiiilf.l. led. Dim i:.-,,, Plack. | 2 £ : - = - : § d - DaU . - I = 5 = 1 - 1863. April 18 M M .Inly H May 27 Jnne n \i . \| April J May 2 ":■ - ■J 1 '«' < - I 10 i II I 1 Vi Opequon, \ n Hill. Va ■ Campaign of U lins Benni t( Bon Total loss - ■ it' Port Hudson, rrlrsl Assault "1 Assault Red i:i\ er oampaign, La Cane River Crossing.... radria Mar,), II 12 Onk Hundred and Tu i;n ;i v-m n i ii I;i:i.i \i in i 0] lNFANTBY. This regiment, organized in August, 1862, was converted Into a regimenl of artillery, and, December 19th, 1862, designated the 8tk Regimenl New fork Volunteer Artillery, under which title its r pd will be found. (>NK EUNDRED \nh ThIETIETB REGIMENT '" INFANTRY, This regiment, organized in Augusl and Sept., L862, was converted int<> :i regiment of cavalry, and, August 11th. 1868, designated the 19th Regimenl of Cavalry; later this desig- nation was changed to Lsl New Fork Volunteer Dragoons, and its record will be found under that heading. O.N I III NDKKD AND Th I H 1 Y-KIBBT REGIMENT OB [NFANTBT. FIRST REQUIEM I . \i BTROPOL1 I \ N GUARD. Colonel Charles S. Turubull received, July 12th, 1862, authority t-> raise this regiment in N.-w y/ork city as one of the Metropolitan Brigade; it was organised in New \- ork city, and there mustered in the Bervice of the United States for three years Sept. 8th, 1862 The companies were recruited under the auspices of the metropolitan Police, In New York city; but a portion of Company K came from Smithtown. The regiment left the State Sept. 14th, 1862; it served in the Middle Department, 8th Corps, at Annapolis, Md.. from Sept. 80th, L862; at New Orleans and Baton Rom from Nov., 1862; in the 1st Brigade, Graver's Division, Dept. Gulf, from Dec., 1862; in 1>t Brigade, 4th Division, I9tb Corps, from Mai-. L868; in the 2d Brigade, 2d I>ivi-i..n. 18th Corps, from Mar.. 1864; in the Defenses of New Orleans, from May, 1864; in the 8d Brigade, 2d Division, 19th Corps, from June, l*f>l: with the 10th Corps. Army of the James, from July 81st-81st, 1864; with the Army of the Shenandoah, from on.. 1864; in the ::,i Brigade, 1st Div., 10th Corps, from April 2d, 1865; and, commanded by Colonel Nicholas \' it was honorably discharged ami mustered out Julj 26th, 1865, at Savannah. Oa. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, !'•• enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 88 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, :t officers. 107 enlisted men; total. 5 officers, l s '.» enlisted men; aggregate, DM. of whom *■< enlisted men died in the hands of th.- enemy; ami it took part iii the following • ments, etc. : Wounded, [M|gg. Kil- w "" n II IH.PI Date. Xear Baton Roin!i', La ... Dec. IT Near Port Hudson. I. a ... Mar. II Madame Porter's Planta- tion, La April 13 Irish It. nil. La 1 1 Bayou Vermillli Siege ol Port Hudson, La M i July 8 First Assault M Second Assault lune II Plaqnemlne, La iune 18 Brashier City. La : I an. hi l.i -luly I : V.-riiiillion He i Carrion! u Opeqnon, Va - FKIi.t's Hill. Va Cedar Creek, Va By guerillas 478 l'AKT III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. One Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment of Infantry. SECOND REGIMENT, EMPIRE, 81'INOLA S, BRIGADE J I WTKY IIILLHOUSE LIGHT IN- July 23d. 1802. Col. Peter J. Claassen received authority to raise this regiment, which was finally organized at Bast New Fori by consolidating with it the Thwrlow Weed Guards, Col. William B. 01ms tead, recruiting, as pari of the Spinola Brigade, and nearly all the men recruited for the 53d X. Y. Vols.. Bee 1 organization; it was mustered in the service ..f the United States for three years Oct. 4th. lsc-,:. :it Washington, I>. G. June 15th, 1865, the men not to he mustered oul with tin' regimenl were transferred to tin' 99th N. Y. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: A at New Fork city, Brooklyn ami Newtown; /.', /'. /and A' at .New York city, Brooklyn and Staten Island; and E at New York city; Z)a1 Brooklyn. Buffalo, Lewiston and the reservations of the Allegany, Cattaraugus and Tuscarora Indians: Q at Suspension Bridge. Buffalo. New York city and Brooklyn; and il at New York city. Harlem. Buffalo and Kingston. Tin- regiment hit the State Sept. 27th, 1862; it served at and near Washington from Sept., 1862; at Norfolk, then Suffolk, 7a. , from Oct. , 1862; in the 1st, Spinola, Brigade. 5th Division, 18th Corps, from Dec, 1S(>2; in the 2d Brigade, 5th Division. 18th Corps, from March, 1863; unattached, on outpost duty, near New Berne. N. ('., from May, 1863; in Pal- mer's Brigade, Peck's Division, 18th Corps, from Jan., 1864; in Department of Va. and N. •'.. from April, 1864; in the Provisional Corps, N". C, from March 1st, ISG.j; in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 23d Corps. f r ,, m April 2d, 1865; at Salisbury, N. c, from May, 1865; and, commanded by Col. Claassen, it was honorably discharged and mustered out, June 29th, L865 . at Salisbury, N. c. During it- service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 6 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 7 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 159 en- listed men: total. 2 officers, 1 T2 enlisted men; aggregate, 174; of whom 71 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy, ami 28 through the accidental explosion of torpe. Loes at Batchellor's Creek, N. C, May 26th, 1804; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.; Date. In Woumletl. M '..I 3 Place. Date. Kil M IU ■.i U fifl- I.-.I. t;. . ... lug. I...1. Hi'.i Reco. inn. ■■ 1 =' 2 - "t 1 E £ i i i £ =' E B - 1 i £ l 2 £ z 5 1 1 = l ■2 'i 7 £ z : i 5 ! a i.' 22 i t E r H t 32 5 < s c Trenton, V «'. ■ 1 - Mills. N. C Gardinii r's Bri 1864. June -.' Dec. ' i , li N 1 \|Tll '.' Ifi at t-.i. i Sonthwesl Creek Dam, Butler'n BrW \. C .... i lampa'n of the Oarollnaa Wise's Fork, N. C Snow mil, \. c Bennett House, v 11-12 .. 1865. Mch. i Mar.7 loL. 1 24 "l 1 l ... m <)\ i. Hi SJDRED \\i> Thihtv-tiii i;n Rkuiment of Infantry. -i !( ON D U BTBOPOLITi \ Ql LED. Col. Leonard D. II. Carrie r lived authority to raise this regimenl as one of the Metro- politan Brigade; it was organized On Staten Island and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sepl 21th. L862. Mm 81st, i s ''>~>. the men nol to be mus. \< red "ut with the regimenl wen- transferred to the 90th N. Y. Vols. impaniet were recruited under the auspices of the Metropolitan Police of New York city, principallj I. 0, D and Bin New York city; />'. /■'. //and A' in New Fork city and Brooklyn, and and / at Brooklyn. The regimenl left the State Oct. 8th, ad at and near Washington from Oct., VOU'NTKKWS <>F THK STATK. 179 1862; at New Orleans ami Baton Rouge, La., from Dec., 1882; in 3d Brigade, 8d Division, Department Gulf, from Jan. ,1868; in 2d Brigade,8d Division, 19th Corps, from March, 1863; in the Defenses of New Orleans, from Oct., 1868; in the 8d Brigade, 8d Division, I9tfa Corps, from Feb., 1861: in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 19th Corps, from April, 1864; In the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, I'.ith Corps, fromJune, 1864; in the 8d Brigade, Isl Division, army Shenandoah, from March, 1865; in the Defenses of Washington, rrom April, L865, and, under Col. Carrie, i1 was honorably discharged and mastered out, Jane6tb, 1865, at Wash- ington, D. C. During its service the regiment losl by death, killed in action, I officer, 86 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, IT enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 78 enlisted men; total, 8 officers, 121 enlisted men; aggregate, 124; of whom I enlisted man died in tin- hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following enga Han-. Kil- Wounded. M m 5 ■i - l'H. K. Date. K,l : - M ll Place. [e s - a Dl & © oil; It -I ll g. = B a DI'd B i - v n Porl Hudson, La ... Mill. 11 April 12- i •ji Maj \i Julys M June It Oct. 9 i a 7 1! I 3 2 : 17 ■ 71 2 25 113 Vermll Red Kiv.r rani; Oct. ii Nov. n Mi h. l" Jv 12 13 Siege of Port Hudson, La [ton, D. (' Second Assault Vermillion Bayou, La ... in One IIundkkd and Tin un -i-'ouktii [ii:<;imi:vt m I\i LNTRY. The Eon. George E. Danforth r lived authority, July 19th, 1862, to recruit this regiment in the counties of Delaware, Schenectady and Schoharie; it was organized at Schoharie and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. 22d and 23d, 1862. June 5th, 1865, the men nol to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the 103d N. Y. Vols. The companies were recruited principally : .1, Band Pat Schenectady; C and BTat Scho- harie ; I) at Middleburgh, Fulton and Broome; E at Blenheim, Gilboa, Broome, Jeffer- son, Conesville and Summit, al Cobleskill, Richmondville, Sharon, Seward and Gilboa; // ai Schenectady and Duanesburgh; /at Schenectady, Pulton, Conesville, Wright, Broome, Dnanesburgh, Gilboa, Middleburgb and Glen. The regiment left the State, under th mmand of Lt.-Col. J. S. DeAgreda, St 1862; it served in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, llth turps, from Oct., 1862; in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, llth Corps, from May, l s ''>:'.: on detached Bervice at Alexandria, 7a., in Lug., isc.:',: in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corps, from April, 1864, and, commanded l, v Coi, Allan 11. Jackson, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 10th, 1865, at Bladensburgh, Md. During its Bervice the regiment losl by death, killed in action, 4 officers, 59 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 25 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, :* offi- cers, 91 enlisted men; total, 8 officers, 175 enlisted men; aggregate, 188; of whom 19 en- listed men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc. ; Chancellorsville, Va. Gettysburg, Pa llau.'VMown, M.I .. \\ auhatchie, Tenn ... Chattanooga and Ross- vili.' campaign, Tenn Missionary Kiiige '-_± Miss- led. DI'dlReco. Ing. 1863. May i 3 July i 3 Oct 28-' 29. 27 - 3 ISfl "2 B II 17 1 1 - 1 aced Ridge ' ' Jnne 1 Keneaa M . 480 PART III. SK1.TCIIKS OF < >R< i AMZATIONS. Kil- """"'"•"• Mlss-J .< ■ = / 1 / i / i s 5: lis e S = ,5 § IS § ' rg If J 2 r ^ r ^ M mntain nine 15 16-17 Oulp'a K.inn The Assault H luly Chattahootctaie Kiver. I I - Qg 19 tree Creek Atlanta luly 21- \ I' Nov. 15- Banderaville Nov. 29 Near Greensboro 29 I c =. z = i = z 5 5«ojajo|w o'w 1864. th Swamp i ih Dec l" Campaign of the Caro- Jan. 21 Apr. 26 RobertAVille. S. C Ian. 29 Lexington Cross R'ds, Feb. S. ( ...... M H.'iii.nivill.-. N. (' 19 20 Suilthfield, N. c Ipril 10 Raleich. N. C 23 Bennett House, N. C .. One EUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT or EnFANTRY. ANTHONY WAYNE GUARD. This regiment was organized in Aug., 1862: it was converted into a regiment of artillery Oct. 8d, 1862, and designated the 6th Regiment of N. V. Vol. Artillery, under which title its record will !>•■ found. One E un deed and Thirty-sixth Regiment of Infantry. IRONCLADS. .iiiu-s Wood, Jr., received authority, Aug. 8th, 1862, to recruit this regiment; it was organized at Portage, and there mastered in the service of the United States for three years Bept. 36th and 36th, 1863. June 12th, 186."). the men not to he mustered out with the regi- menl were transferred to the 60th N. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Portage Station; Bat North Danville, Burns, Ossian and Springwater; Cat Livonia, Geneseo, Groveland, Leicester and Spring- water; Dal Warsaw, Castile, Eagle, Gainesville, Genesee Palls, Orangeville and Pike; A' at Lima, Allen, Covington, Middleburgh and Warsaw; Fat Mount Morris; at Geneseo, Avon and York, //at Portage, Bennington, China, Java, Perry, Orangeville, Sheldon and Wethersfield; /at Conesus, Sparta, Springwater, Nunda, North Dansville and Portage; and A* at Cuba, Friendship, West, Clarksville, Bolivar and New Hudson. The regiment left the State Oct. Bd, 1862; it Berved in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division llth Corps, fro,,, Oct. L862; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division. 20th Corps, from .April, 1864; and. commanded by Col. Wood, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 18th, 1865, near Washington, I ». C. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 10 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 3 officers, 84 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 91 enlisted men; total, '■'> officers, 166 enlisted men; aggregate, 16*: of whom :', enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part In the following engagements, etc.: i i ======== i ------- - M , I 14-19 ' .--Mile ii:: ... G Dallas Keneaavi ' Pine Mountain i Atlanta Gen. Sherniai naii campaign, Qa ... Kit- "'"■■""■"■ led. DIM I ltfco. 1804. M , June i June 9 June n 16 i: July 21 • = VOLUNTEERS OF THE BTATE 481 PlAI l • Date. K 6 : = D L j - i.ii'.i. l; r E 1 1 9 < 1 10 - March to tbe Sea U mntain Savannah. Qa Campa'n of theCarolinas NearFayettevIlle.N.C 1864. N D Nov. 17 \ Mch. ii M . : |tenton\ S ■ \ Bei ii II. .M... s . By guerillas, Tui 1 ToUl '■ ONK HUNDRED and THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT oi [nfANTRY. Col. David Ireland received authority, Aug. 81st, L862, to recruit this regiment; it «ras or- ganized at Binghamton, and there mustered in the Bervice -it' the United States for three years Sept. 25th and 26th, 1862. In Dec, 1864, a company oi recruits, mustered in for one year, joined the regimenl at Savannali, Qa., and became Company I.. June 8th, 1865, the men nol to be mustered oul with the regimenl were transferred to the 102d X. ^ . V.,|s. Tbe companies were recruited principally: .1 at Binghamton and Sanford; /.'at Bing- hamton, Chenango, Conklin, Kirkwood, Richford, Union and Windsor; Cal Oswego; Dal Ithaca; /-.'at Binghamton, Chenango, Lisle, Maim-, Triangle, Union and Whitney's Point; /-'at Binghamton, Colesville, Chenango, Conklin, ECirkwood, Port Crane, Sanford and Wind- sor; (7 at Berkshire, Richford, Newark Valley, Caroline, Groton and Candor; //at Spencer, Candor, Barton and Oswego; / at Ulysses, Newfield and Ithaca: fiT at Groton, Danby and Caroline; and /. at Elmira. The regiment left the Stat.' Sept. 27th, 1862; it Berved in the 8d Brigade, 2d Division, I2th Corps, from Sept. 30th, 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corps, from April, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Koert S. Van Voorhis, June 9th, 1865, near Bladensburgh, Md. During its Bervice the regiment lost l>y death, killed in action, i; officers, ?:'. enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 48 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, l officers, 165 enlisted men: total. 10 officers, 281 enlisted men; aggregate, 291; of whom 8 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc; NearRlpon.Va < Sharlestown, W. \ a Dumfreea, \ a Cnancellorsville, Va Gettysburg, Pa \\ Mlamsport, M.I .... Atlanta campaign, Qa led. |DI'd |R Nov. D •j: i Minion:, I ] ip, (la.. M - Rocky Faced Ridge Mao 5-M i; Dallas May 25- June i KeneE rw Mountain lune 9 Pin.' Mountain lune - 1« I Inn.- 21 Culp's-Farm Creek Peai li Tree Creek l*i> .. Atlanta Inlv :-| Gen. Sherman's - nail raiii|.:ii_. ■ S in I' Campa'n of the Carolina: .•' Lexlngtoi I n - >' I ■ n. IS I n C Mch. 16 \ . Kal.-I.l.. \ ■ M One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Regiment oi Infantry. SECOND AUBURN REGIMENT; SECOND CAYUGA IND WAYNE COl NT! REGIMENT. This regiment was organized in Aug. and Sept., 1862; it was tverted int" a regiment of artillery, and. Dec. 19th, 1869, designated the 'Jtli Regt V \ . Vol. Artillery, under which head its record will be found Gl 482 PART III. SKETCHES OE < >R< i A\ I/.ATIONS. 'li M)i;i.i' ami Thibty-ninth Kegiment OE Infantry. Anthony Conk received authority, July 28th, 1862, to recruit this regiment; it was organized at Brooklyn, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Bept. 9th, 1882. June 19th, L865, the men not to be mustered out with the regiment wore transferred to the 98th N. Y. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Brooklyn, Brookhaven, Flatbush.Hemp- Btead and Jamaica; />'. ' '. />, /■/. /•'. and K at Brooklyn; H at Brooklyn and Sniithtown; and /at Brooklyn, Flatbush, Eempstead, [slip and Jamaica, The regiment left the Stan- Sept, llth. 1862; it served at Camp Hamilton, Dept. Va.,from Sept. 20th, 1862; in West's Brigade, 1st Division, 4th Corps, at Yorktown, "Va., from April, 1st;:;; in Wistar's Brigade, Dept. Ya.. from July, 1863; in Wistar's Division, 18th Corps, from Jan., 1864; in the District of Currituck, Va.., from Feb., 1864; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Corps, from March, 1884; in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 24th Corps, from Dec., l s iii; ami, commanded by Lieut. -Col. Thomas Mulcahy, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June lllth, lSoo, at Richmond, Ya. During its Bervice the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 48 enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 2',? enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 78 enlisted men; total, 7 officers, 148 enlisted men; aggregate, 155; of whom 8 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: Fori Magruder, Va \prii n Cm tup .luh kahoiuiny. Ya.'Dec. II I B B -• - v .i 12 1864. - . ■ I' tersburg and Rich- mond, Va '■ ■ reek 12-13 Drewry's niuit n ifi Bermuda Hundred 18 26 Col-I llarl».r, Va Cue 1-11.* Kil- led. i = E E z W i 5 ■2 i;. = z I'd. CO. 6 B c a M 1 i 1 I -< i - i 'V S 11 19 i ' V^aiill Before Cold Harbor Si'i-iiiid Assault Bt'l'ori' I'i'tiM-sliiii'K and Richmond, Va -.-d. Va Pall of Petersburg, Va... Total loss , led. DIM Reco Li June 15- april 2, 1865 J'e 15-19 Sept. 29 Oct. I 1865. April 2 •J 21 i'o 5 :: li ... 6 1 3 1 22 2 1 8 18 -• 26 157 1 One Hundred and Eortietii Regiment of Infantry MONROE CO I NT V I; !■:■; I M ENT ; Km HESTER RACE HORSES. Aug. 8th, 1862, Mr. Hiram Smith received authority to recruit this regiment; it was or- ganized at Rochester with Patrick II . < I'Rorke as < Lionel, and there mustered in the Bervice of the United States for three years Sept. 13th, 1862. J one 26 th, 1868, the three years' men of the i.itli \. Y. Vols., and. Oct. 6th, 1864, the members of the llth X. Y. Vols., not mus- tered out with their regiments, were transferred to it. June 3d, 1865, the men not to be mustered out with it were transferred to the 5th Vet. N. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Brockport; /.'. 0, /.'. /'and A* at Roch- ester; I> at Rochester, Brighton, Gates, Penfield and W.Wehster; at Rochester and Church ville; //at Rochester, Brockport and Fairport ; and / a1 Chili, Greece, Penfield, Roch- ester, Ogden, Henrietta and Parma. The regiment left the State Sept, 19th, 1862; it served in the Provisional Brigade, Casey's Division, Defenses of Washington, from Sept., 1862; in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, from Oct., 1862; in the 8d Brigade, 2d Division. 5th Corps, from Nov.. 1862; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5tb Corps, from March, 1864; in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps, from June 6th, 1864; and, nnder Col. W. 8 Grantsyne, H was honorably discharged and mustered <>ut June 8d, 1865, near Alexandria. Va. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 1 officers, s »'. enlisted men; of wounds received in action, -1 officers, 16 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 9 officers, 169 enlisted men; total, 10 officers, 801 enlisted men; aggregate, 811; of whom I VOLUNTEERS OF THE 8TATE. 183 officer, 78 enlisted men, died in the hands engagements, etc.: of the enemy; and it took part in the Following Freiir*j:, Va ChancfMlorsville, Va Gettysburg, Pa Briatoe Station, Va... Rapp ih innoi '. - Miti Run campaign, \ a Decll 15 Maj i I \ N D 1864. ill Qaj |< 'g House North \mi... Va T»i..|..>tMin,,v. Va Cold Harbor. Va Betheada Church Whit.- I i.ik Swam).. Va Hi 12 n K :\ Junel-12 2 13 - : - :-:-:-:- - June 16- Mi-Muii i; ..... \ Poplai Bpi 0i i. II it. bi . i: 1 i Appomattox i anip'n, \ u \ White Oa Ap| • ' One Eundred and Forty-first Reqimbni oi [nfantry. Col. Samuel G. Hathaway received authority, Aug. llth. 1883, to recruit this regiment in the thru 27th senatorial district of the State; it was organized al Elmira, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. llth, 1862. June 1st, 1865, the men not to be mustered oul with the regiment, were transferred to the 80th N. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at < Grange, Havana, Piermont, 1 lector, Cayuta, Reading, Dix and Catharine; B at Havana, Tyrone, Wayne, Orange, Catharine I Hornby, Dix, Bradford and Hector; C at Elmira, Chemung and 7an Etten; D at Corning; E at Hath, Coming, Erwin, Thurston, Avoca, Campbell and Wheeler; .'-'at Hornellsville, Fremonl and Dansville; at Rathbone, Addison, Tuscarora, Woodhull and Elmira; // al Canisteo, Howard, Greenwood, Wesl Union and Bath; and /'and A' at Elmira. The regiment left the State Sept, 15th, 1862; it Berved at Laurel Hill, Middle Department, 8th Corps, from Sept. 16th, 1862; in the Defenses of Washington, in Casey's Division, from Oct., 1862; in 2d Brigade, Abercrombie's Division, from Dec., 1862; in the Bame, 22d Corps, from Feb., 18(53; in 8d, Potter'-, Brigade, Gurney's Division, Dept. Va., al Suffolk, Va., from April, 1868; in 2d Brigade, Gordon's Division, 7th Corps, from May, 1868; in 2d Brig, ade, 2d Division, 4th Corps, from June, 1868; in 2d Brigade, Sd Division, llth Corps, from July, 1868; in 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 20th Corps, from April, 1864; and, commanded by Col. Andrew .1. McNett, it was honorably discharged and mustered oul June 8th, 1865, near Washington, D. C. During its service the regiment lust by death, :; officers, 88 enlisted men; of wounds re- ceived in action. 1 officer, :'>:; enlisted men: of disease ami oih.r causes, 2 officers, 178 enlisted men; total. 6 officers, 243 enlisted men; aggregate, 249; Of whom 10 enlisted men died iu the hands of the enemy: and it took part in the following engagements, eta : Siege of Suffolk. Va... Kil- "■■■■"■'■-'■ Mlsv lo.i. m_2 !:•■>•'. in'-. lav I Dlascund Bridge, V . 3 Crump's Cross RoadsA a July 2 ■■ Waunatcnie. Tenn Chattanooga and Rose vllle campaign, Tenn ! 27 Missionary Ridge 25 London. Tenn Dec. 5 , I • ipalgn, i;.i„ ! : Dallas Dab . led. = - Won in = £ i-i. M M .111 lie 1 .Tun.- ! July - i ■ i In I 3 11 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. I reek I'.inn I l Atlanta Gen. Sherman's Save naii campaign, Ga Honteltb Swamp.. slc'e i July •-•<> 2| I Nov. 15- Dec. 21 N..v. IS Dec. I" 10-21 . X = t = : = : = t 1865. Ait. J... Chesterfield. S.C. C 16. Bentonville, N. (' 19-201. \ i ...- \|.r. 10. Smithfli M. V c lit-n . N ■ 13. Bennett House, N I ..:..., - II- ... 10 215 One Hundred lnd Forty-second Regiment oi [nfantry, ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY REGIMENT. Col. Roscius W. Judson received authority to recruit this regiment in the, then, 17th senatorial district of this State; it was organized at Ogdenshurgh, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. 29th, L862. June 27th, 1865, the men ao1 to be mustered oat with the regiment were transferred in the 169th N. Y. Vols Col. X. Martin Curtis of this regiment, commanding brigade, led the assault on Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15th, 1865; having obtained possession of part of the works and while in the ad of directing approaching reinforcements, he was what was thoughl to be mor- tally wounded; in recognition of his services on this occasion the Secretary of War issued then and there a commission to him as a Brigadier-General of Q. S. Vols., and later he received the thanks of the people of the State in a concurrent resolution of the Legis- lature. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Macomb, DeKalb, Oswegatchie, Gouver- neiir, Bermon, Canton, Colton and Fine; Bat Etossie, Gouverneur, Morristown, Eammond, Mae. hi ili and Fowler; Cat Waddington, Ogdenshurgh, Lisbon, Louisville and Madrid; I> at Mar,, mil, Bangor, Franklin, West ville, Constable, Burke and Bellmont; E at Oswegatchie, DePeyster, Lisbon and Hammond; F'at Dickinson, Bangor, Moira, Brandon and Lawrence; regatchie, Fort Covington, Bombay, Canton, Lisbon and Westville; // at Macomb, Burke, Bellmont, Constable and Brandon; /at Massena, Waddington, Potsdam, Pierre- ]i(int. Hammond, Madrid and Louisville; and A* at Russell, Canton, I'ierrepnnt . Ogdens- burgh and Lisbon. The regiment left the State Oct. 6th, L862; it served in the Defenses of Washington from $62; in the 8d Brigade, Ahercrombie's Division, 22d Corps, from Feb., 1868; in the 8d, Hughston'i Brigade, Gurney's Division, Dept. of Va., al Suffolk, Va., from April, 1868; in tin- IbI Brigade, Gordon's Division, 7th Corps, from May. 1868; in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 4th Corps, from June, 1868; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 11th Corps, from July, 1868; in the 1st Brigade, Gordon's Division, 10th Corps, al Hilton Head, Folly and John's Islands, S. <'.. from Auu-.. l s 'i:;; in Schimmel pfenning's Division, 10th Corps, from Jan.. 1864; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 10th Corps, from April. 1864; in 8d Brigade, 3d Division, l v th Corps, from Maj 80th, 1864; in lsl Brigade, 2d Division, l"th Corps, from June 15th, 1864; in same brigade and division of 24th Corps, from Dec, 1864; of the Pro Corps, from March, 1865; of the 10th Corps, from April 2d, 1865; and. commanded by Col. Allien M Barney, il was honorably discharged and mustered out June 17th, 1865, \ C. During it> service the regiment hist by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 88 enlisted men; of wounds received inaction, 1 officer, 60 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 160 enlisted men; total, 5 officers, 288 enlisted men; aggregate, 298; of whom 14 enlisted men died In the hand- of the enemy; and it t . .. .U part in the following engage ments, eta: VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. rii.iWou led. Date. |z Siege ol Suffolk, v,i. ... Apr 16 Siege ol Batters w - C \ ' >mi it inns in Cti.iil. Harbor, s. c Seabrook and John's 1864. Island, Va Peb.9-11 ... Opi-ratimis ;ii;uiri-l I' teraburg and Rich- mond, Va M Swm Creek 9-10 ... Dnwrv's Hluil H-lfi ... Bermuda Hundred 18 20 ... 3 Richm D Jul) - ii \ . |.. Port FUI N ' r Intreni ii menta, \. i ■ • S. ( Campaign «>t thi I IfotU . Ill I,. 1 Rennet i One Hundred and Fobty-third Regimbot 0] Imamuv. SULLIVAN (Ol \ IV REG] \1KN I, Aug. 14th, 18G2, Mr. John < '. Holley received authority to recruit this regiment in Sulli- van count % it was organized al Monticello, with David P. De Witt as Colonel, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years < »ot. 8th, 1862. The companies were recruited principally: .! al Monticello, Fremont, Bethel, Rockland, Forestburgh, Liberty and Beaver Kill; //at Beth il, Thompson, Fallsburgh, Forestburgh and Stormsville; ( 'al Fallsburgh, Rockland, Graham ville and Neversink; Pat [thacaand Lansing; /•.'at Wurtsborough, Bridgeville, Monticello and Phillipsport; Pat Fremont, Callicoon, Jeffer- sonville, Rockland and Monticello; at Fremont, Bloomingburgh, Neversink, Monticello, Thompson, Cochecton and Tusten; AT at Liberty, Monticello and Rockland; J at Dryden and Cochecton; A'at Cochecton, Monticello, Tusten, Callicoon, Highland and Thompson, The regiment left the State Oct. 14th, 1862; it served in the Defenses of Washington in the 3d Brig., Abercrombie's Div., from Oct. 16th, 1862: in the 22d Corps, from Feb., 1868; in 3d, Hughston's, Brig., Gurney's Div., Dept. Va., at Suffolk, Va., from April, 1868; in the 1st Brig., Gordon's Div., of rth Corps, from May, 1868; of Ith Corps !" June, IE the 1st Brig., 3d Div., llth Corps, from July 14th, 1868; in the 8d Brig., 1st D Corps, from April, 1864; in the 2d Brig., Bartlett's Div., 22d Corps, from June 80th, 186S; and, nnder Col. Horace Boughton, it was lionorably discharged and mustered out duly 20th, 1865, at Washington, D. C. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, :: officers, 18 enlisted men ; of woumls received in action. 2 officers, 35 enlisted men; of dineane and other causes, I offl- cer, L77 enlisted men; total, "" "■■■'■ Mi M i ' Missionary Ridge N U Dallas M Ai kwortn iune i .. H 4>'i I'AKT III. SKKTC1IKS (»F ORGANIZATIONS. ... Wouiuled.| Mlss .| led. I'i'.li Reco. ing. ^ : I % .- = .- = :- = -= E E s & e £ b E e 3 - -.- - -.- — -.- — *.. .*- I gjj. \Vrli HI... Bennett House, N. C... on detai hed Ben Ice, Man h 6, 1865 1 Total loss . 5 2 < ON I UlNhU ID AND FOKTY-FOURTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Aug. 27th, 1862, Col. Robert S. Hmrhston received authority to recruit this regiment in Delaware county; il was organized at Delhi, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. 27th, 1862. En Oct., 1864, it received a large number of re- cruits, i>t' whom the surplus, 159 men, were transferred to the 1st N. Y. Vol. Engs. The companies were recruited principally: A at Tompkins; />' at Walton and Mason- ville; Cat Delhi, Stamford, Meredith, Eamden, Kortright and Harperefield; Dal Frank- lin, Masonville, OtegO and Sidney; /*,' at Andes and Bovina; /-'at Hancock; (/at Middle- town; //at Roxbury, Stamford and Harpersfield; /at Sidney, Kortright, Davenport, Mere- dith and Delhi; K at Colchester, Franklin, Hamden, Middletown, Tompkins, Masonville, Delhi and Harpersfield. The regiment left the State Oct. 11th, 1862: it served in the Defenses of Washington from Oct. Kith. 1862; and inthe3d Brig., Abercrombie's Div., 22d Corps, from Feb., 1868; in the 3d, Bughston's, Brig. , Qurney's Div., Dept. of Va.. at Suffolk, Va., from April, 1868; in 1st Brig., Gordon's Div., of 7th Corps, from May. 1863; of 4th Corps from June, 1863; in the 2d Brig., 1st Div., 11th Corps, from July, 1S63; in the 2d Brig., Gordon's Div., Kit li Corps, on Folly Island, S.C., from Aug. I5th,1863; in Shimmelpfenning's Div., 10th Corps, fromJan., 1864; in 1st Brig., Ames' Div., 10th Corps, from Feb., 1864; in the District of Florida, I»«'|>t. of the South, from April, 1864; at Bead, S. O, from June, 1864; in the 1st, Potter's, Brig., Coast I >iv. , I ).]>t. Gulf, fromNov., 1864; in the 3d Separate Brig., District of Hilt. hi Bead, Dept, Smith, from Jan., 1865; and, commanded by Col. James Lewis, it w:iN honorably discharged and mustered out at Bilton Bead, S. < '.. June 25th, 1st;."). During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 20 enlisted men: of wounds received in action, 1 officer, is enlisted men; of disease and other causes, I offl" i enlisted men; total, 6 officers, 212 enlisted men; aggregate, 218; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands .•!' the enemy; and it took pari In the following engagements, etc.: - iflblk, Va. M ■ ■■ Ch n rr li M - l,S§!fi '■L± Hiss- lot. DIMlK £ e = sum - c i June .i.iiiir- i. - • i II..H.-V Hill. s. c Nov. 30 i n i Dcveaux Neck, 8. ( D Ne< ' , B. I860 Vuguatlne, Ki.i. Jan. Ifi , $ . |. i, 10 M..nk- Coi - ' Total loss i 20 i i- • IBS ■ VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 487 One Hundkkd and Forty-fifth Regiment of Im \niky. STANTON LEGION. Col. William A. Allen received authority to recruit this regiment; it was organised al Staten island, and there mustered in the servh f the United States tor three yeai B 11th, 1862. The companies were recruited principally: .1. B ' D, E /■'. // :in>l / at New York city; al Patchogue, Staten Island and Ne^i Fork dty; and K at Hempstead, Oyster Bay, Staten island and New Fork city. The regiment Left the State Sept. 87th, 1862; it served in the 2d Brig., 2d Div. ,12th Corps, A. P., from Sept. 80th, 1862; in the 2d Brig., 1st Div., 12th Corps, from \yv\\. 1868; in the 1st Brig., 1st Div., 12th c<»i-|»s. from May, 1868; and, !>•■.•. »th, 1868, the enlisted men were transferred to the 107th, 128d and 150th X. Y. Vols., and the regiment, under Lient.-Col. R. L. Van Wagonon, discontinued. During its service theregimenl lostbj death, killed in action. 1 officer, ''> enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 8 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 86 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 49 enlisted men: aggregate, 50; of whom 1 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements Kil- led. \\ oundeil. Di',1 K.-.-ii. M MIL'. - e i < Dab M Tlace. S e % l = ■A E z 1 - : 1 i E - Near Ripon, Va Cbarlestown, \v. Va Chancellorsvllle, Va Gettysburg, Pa 1862. Nov. a .. .. Ore. 2 1863. May i 1 i ' Jnlj i 3 i s 1 SI to - - 2 Robert! i Total lost One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiment of [nfantry. HALLECK INFANTRY: BTFTB ONEIDA; GARRARD'S TIGERS. Mr. EenryS. Armstrong received authority, Aug. 25th, 1862, to recruit this regiment In Oneida county; it was organized al Borne, with Kenner Garrard as Colonel; and there mus- tered in the service of the United States for three years Oct. 10th, 1862 It received by transfer the three years' men of the 5th and 17th N T. Vols. May 4th and June 25th, 1868, respectively: a lew men, who had originally been members of the 2d, 9th, 16th, 18th, 80th, 84th and 87th N. JT. Vols., in January and April, 1864; and some of the men of the 44th N. Y. Vols, not mustered out with their regiment, Oct. ilth, 1864. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Ctica; Bat Vernon, Borne and Annsville; Cat CTticaand Home; Dal Boonville, Bawkinsville, Borne and Whitestown; E at Camden, Augusta, Rome, Utica and Marshall; /'at Dtica, Lee, Rome, Florence, Annsvi Marcy and Whitestown; at Clinton, Kirkland, Bridgewater and Plainfield; //at Ctlca, Rome and Sangerfield; T al Trenton, Remsen, Western, Westmoreland, Steuben. Lowell, Rome, Vernon and Verona; and K al Paris, Clayville, Dtica, Marcy, Clinton, Deansville, Marshall and Whitesboro. The regiment left the State Oct. Ilth, 1862; it served in Casey's Division, Deft Washington, from Oct., 1862; in the 8d Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps, from Nov. 6th, 1862; in the 1st Brigade, 5th Division, 5th Corps, from March, 1864; in the 1st Brij Division, 5th Corps, from June 6th, 1864; and. commanded by Col. -lame. Grindlay, it was honorably discharged and mustered out July 16th, 1865, near Washington, D C. During its service the regiment losl by death, killed in action, 8 officers, 81 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officers, 46 enlisted men: of disease and other i officers, is: enlisted men: total, 9 officers, 814 enlisted men: aggregi whom 1 officer, s: enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy: and it took pari in the following engagements, etc.: 188 PART III. SKKTCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Kil- \\ ounded. \1,„. E - i i „ in 59 !'] 11 1. Date. Kil- Wounded. Miss- led. I »r.i Reco. l.-.l. Di'd Beco. I'l >.. i . : - : - = - : f c 17 l-i 46 .. ... ... i 5 1 Jl - "i i a ■- -' c - 5 § - • 4 3 167 1 E w 21 < 2 i 1 1 ■ - i i 1 M 1 1 I 1 2 " 13 19 1 ■ Pi tersburg, Va rsbunc.Vu 1, Va Poplar Spring Chur'h.Va 1864. Fune 16- Apr. 2, 1869 ,I'e 16-19 Lug. 18- 21 - Oct. j • Dec. 6-11 1 369. 1 Mch. 28- Apr. 9 i i .. 2... II -'. ill' . \ .1 ' 12 17 - Rappahannock S Ka|i|> s n campaign, Va. Wilderness. Va ilaC II . \ i Piney Branch Church. Laurel Hill i.i. n 21 \ Di &-21 - 10 3 16 Hicksford Raid.Va Hatcher's Hun, Va Appomattox camp'n, \ a White Oak Ridge North Anna. Va 27 11 April 1 ... :■• 1 I'm 11 i. Appomattox C. II loss ( " ■ ib Swamp, \ a.. 2 13 3 16 13 • i»m; Hi n I > 1 ; I : I > ASH FOBTY-SEVENTB REGIMENT OF EnFANTBY. OSWEGO REGIMENT. Cnl. Amlri'w S. Warner received authority, Aug. 35th, 1862, to recruit a regimenl in the, then, 21st senatorial district of the State; it was organized at Oswego, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. 22d and 23d, 1862. Jan. 25th, 1865, it received by transfer the veterans and recruits of the 76th N. Y. Vols, not mustered out with their regiment. June 5th, 1865, the men not to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the 91s1 N. ■ . Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1. Sand /at Oswego; ''at Richland, Albion and Williamstown; I> at Fulton, Qranbj and Volney; A'at Sandy Creek, Redfield, Boyles- ton and Orwell; /*'at Mexico, Palermo and New Haven; G at Oswego and Scriba; ffatCon- stantia, Parish, Amboy and West Monroe; and K at Oswego, Scriba and Fulton. The regimenl lefl the State Sept. 25th, L862; it served in the 2d Brigade, Defenses of Washington, north of the Potomac, from Sept., 1862; in the Provisional Brigade, Provost Guard, A. P., from l>i<-.. 1863; in the 3d Brigade, Lst Division, 1st Corps, from Jan., 1863; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, lsl Corps, from March, 1868; in the 2d Brigade, 4th Divis- ion, 5th Corps, from March. 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 5th ( 'ni'i'-. from Aug., 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 5th Corps, from Sept., 1864; and. under Col. Francis C. Miller, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 7th. L865, mar Washington, D l . During it- servi ■<■ the regimenl lust by death , killed in action, 5 officers, in? enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officers, G2 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 177 enlisted men; total, II officers, 336 enlisted men; aggregate, 847; of whom 71 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc. : : n \ i m i: \ il \ , Church. ii '• M I Jane i e e'e d II, fo i\i Hi .IK.' Petersburg, \ a. June 16 !. Ili.ksl..! D il. ii. her'a Run \ Appomattox cami \ i]M h Whit.. Oak Ridgv M i Korka \ Petersburg Appomattox «'. II YOUWTEKRS OF TIIK STATE. 489 One Hundbed and Fobty-eightb Regimbnt of [wfantby. Col. William Johnson received authority, Aug. 20th, 1882, to recruit this regiment In the, then, 26th senatorial district of the State; it was organized at Geneva, and there mastered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. I UK. 1868 June 22d, 18 men not to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the 100th N. ^ . Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .4 at Seneca Falls, Payette, Geneva and • /.'at Dundee, Starkey, Barrington and Milo; Cal Phelps, Hopewell and Geneva; D neva, Fayette and Varick; Sat Ovid, Lodi, Romulus and Covert eva, Rushville, Gorham, Potter Centre, Penn Fan and Middlesex; G at Geneva, Canandaigua and Naples; ffat Waterloo, Seneca Falls and Tyre; /;it Benton, Milo, Jerusalem, Toi - Branch- port and Geneva; and A';.t Manchester, Bristol, Bast and West Bloomneld and Hopewell. The regiment left the State Sept. 22d, isii'j- it served al Suffolk, Dept. Va., froi 1 862; at Norfolk, Va.,7th Corps, from Oct., 1862; at ^ orktown, Va . from Oct., \^<--: in '■' Division, 18th Corps, from Jan., 1864; in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 18th Corps, from April, 1884; in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, L8th Corps, from Sept., 1864; temporarily with 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 18th Corps, in Oct., L864; in the 4th Brigade, i-t Division, 24th Corps, from Dec, 1804: in the 3d Brigade, lsl Division, 24th Corps, from March, L86S, and, com- manded by Col. Jiiliu I?. Murray, it was honorably discharged and mustered oul .1 1865, at Richmond, Va. During its service the regiment losl by deatli. killed in action, 2 officers, •;:'. enlisted men; of wounds received in action. -.' officers, l- enlisted men; ol disease and other o officers, 156 enlisted men. total, 6 officers, 261 enlisted men; aggregate, 267; of whom 24 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it tcmk part in the following • ments, etc.: Qwynn's tsland, \ i Operations against Pi tersburs and Rich' mond, \ :i swin Creek I'rn.-tiir's Cri'ck- Drewry's Bluff. Ben la Hundred u I Kil u led Dl 1863. Nov. i 1864. M , ' 9 I" 14-16... 31 .. J'ii.' I U ... rg and June 15 A]. Fobty-nintb Regiment oi [nfantby. ; I 1 1 ONONDAGA. Coloutd Henry A. Barnum received authority, August 28th, 1862, t" recruit this regiment in the, then, 22d senatorial district of tin' State; it was organised at Syracuse and there mustered in the Dnited States Bervice for three years Sept. 17th : s th, 1882. June 10th, L865, the men nol to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the I02d N. V. Vols. The companies wen- recruited principally: .1. /.'. Cand D at Syracuse; /.'at Syracuse, Pompey, Onondaga and Geddes; fat Manilas, DeWitt and Pabius; al Syracuse, & steles, Van Buren, Lysander, Elbridge and Manlius; //at Syracuse, Brewerton, Cicero and Centreville; /at Syracuse, Otisco and Pabius; and ST at Syracuse, Baldwinsville and Tally. The regiment lefl the State Sept. 28d, 1862; it served in Casey's Division, Defi Washington from Sept. 26th, L862; in the 8d Brigade, 2d Division, 12th Corps, from Sept. 80th, 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corps, r roin April, 1864; and, co mm a n d e d by Colonel Nicholas Grumback, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 12th, 1865. near Bladensburgh, Md. 63 490 PART III. SKFTCIIFS OF ORGANIZATIONS. Daring its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 4 officers, 78 enlisted men: <>f wounds received in action. 47 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, V.> enlisted nun: total, 4 officers, 205 enlisted men; aggregate, 309; of whom 7 enlisted men died in the bands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: K ,,.|Woui led.|DI'd ft I'l'lSiSiJ : ■m. V.i ilOWU, \\ Chancellorevtlle, V United States t OettysburR, Pa I Waubatchle, Tenn N Dec. U i ... Lookout Mountain Rlnggol • mpaign, Ga 27 1864. M LJ I;... Icj I 1 Ml las Kenesaw M May 25- .lllllr I ... June 9- July 2 P Mountain ... Lost Mountain ... Golgotha Culp's Farm i in i I'eacli Tree Creek Peach Tree Creek... Atlanta Gen. Sherman's Bavan led. DIM Beco L I I Z I '- - c =. I = I e.cSicE b E H0 , M|0 w c Savannah -n i if tlie Caro- Averasboro N I Bentonville, N. C Bennett Ho N i 1864. .Iuii.' II 13 16 17 22 27 July 19... 20 i July 21 Aug. 26 ... Nov. 15- I' S Dei 10 . DeclO-21 ... 1865. aprll26 i M.ii. 16 ; 19 l'i. April 26 I - Oni Hundred \ni« Fiftieth Regiment op Infantry. iu'Tciikss < -or n't i ki:<;i Mi.Ni : dutiiikss lkuion. Colonel John A. Ketcbam received authority, August 27th, 1862, to recruil this regiment in the, then, lltli senatorial districl of the State; it was organized at Poughkeepsie, and there mustered in the service of tin- United States for three years Oct. lOtb and lltli, lsCt*. Dec. 9th, 1863, it received bj transfers portion of the members of the I45tb N. Y. Vols. June Bth, 1865, the nun not to l»- mustered oul with the regiment, were transferred to the BOth N. Y. Vols. TIh- companies were recruited principally: .1 at Poughkeepsie, Amenia, Washington and Pleasanl Valley; />' at Poughkeepsie; C at Clinton, Stanford, Pleasant Valley, Poughkeepsie an I Washington; Dai Hyde Park, Pine Plains, North Bast, Poughkeepsie and Rhinebeck; /•.' at Dover, Pawling and Poughkeepsie; /•' a< Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, tied Hook and Milan: O al Poughkeepsie, Beekman, Qnion Vale and Fishkill; //at Poughkeepsie, Hyde Park and Clinton; /at Washington, Poughkeepsie, Stanford, LaGrange, Amenia and Union Vale; and A' at Rbinebeck, Poughkeepsie and Fishkill. The regimenl left the State Oct. lltli. L863; it Berved in the Middle Department, 8th Corps, al Baltimore, Md., from Oct., 1862; in the 8d Bep. Brigade, 8th Corps, from Feb., 1868; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 12th Corps, from July 2d, L868; in the 2d Brigade, lsl Division, 20th Corps, from April, L864; and commanded by Colonel Alfred B. Smith, it was bonorablj di-.-liari.o-d and mustered out June 8th, 1865, near Washington, D. C. I >i i i-i ii ir its service the regimenl losl bj death, killed in action. 2 officers, 28 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, ".'1 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, '■> officers, 78 enlisted men; total, 5 officers, 127 enlisted men; aggregate, L82; of whom •"> enlisted men died in the bands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.; \\ . .iiii.i. -.i. P Jul) 2-3 M i Mountain. P Mountain ha N I o-.-k VOLUNTEERS u| THE STATE. 491 • 'nip's Kami Peach Tree Greek., Atlanta 1864. June 2 jiiu a Jul? 21 Aug. 26 . Gen. Sherman's Savan- nah caiiip.iiu'ii, ti.i \ I. March to the Sea Noi . i i D SamliTSvilli- \ Muiitit'tli Swamp !>•■, Savannah, Ga lit 21 Rebel Steamer [.I.. K ! i- i. a i l l> & 3 1 1 1. 1 \ Z M i M Ing. ... _ I a < !■•!. I > I M K( ' 'ting Bentonvil \ I i guerillas Feb. II, i- i Total low One Hundred \m» Fifty-first Rbgimeot of [nfantri August 20th, 186',\ Colonel Franklin Bpaolding, succeeded, Bept, 8d, 1862, bj Colonel William Emersonj received authority to recruil this regimenl In the, then, 29th Benatoria] districl of the State; it was organized al Lockport, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Oct. 22d, 1882. The men recruited for Colonel Franklin SAdwa ,fs Buffalo Regiment, under authority dated Sept. 7th, 1862, were merged into this regiment, completing its organization. Dec. 21st, L864, il was consolidated Into a battalion of five companies, A to E, the men of Company F being transferred to Companies A. C and E; those of (i to Companies A and B; those of II to Company E; of 1 to 1»: and of K to A and B. The companies were recruited principally: .1 Independent Biflei at Medina; 11 at Niagara Falls; at Batavia; 1> at Albion; /-.'at Boehester; /'ami / m Lockport; in the counties of Niagara and Orleans; //in th untyof Niagara; and ST at Somerset, New Fane, Olcott, Buffalo, Eden, North Collins and Lockport. The regiment left the State Oct. 28d, 1862; il served in the Middle Department, 8th Corps, at and near Baltimore, Md., from Oct., 1862; in Wesl Virginia, in the 3d Separate Brigade, 8th Corps, from Feb., 1863; at South Mountain, Md., in June, 1868; in8d Brigade, 3d Division, 3d Corps, from July 10th, 1868; in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 8d Corps, from August, 1803; in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps, from April, 1864; and, under Lt. -Colonel Charles Bogardus, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 26th, 1865, near Washington, 1). C. During its service the regimenl losl l>\ death, killed in action, 5 officers, To enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 26 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 99 enlisted men; total, 6 officers, 200 enlisted men; aggregate, 206; of whom 28 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: E : SIc'S : - : .July . Oct. IS K.Ih', I-',,, . \ \ Mine Kun ca ai-n. \a \ D Locust Grove N iv. i. Wilderness, Va May s : Spotsylvania C II. .Va .. - 21 N.irlh \nna, \ a Totopotomoy, Va Col.l llarlM.r. Va June l First Assault rune S.Tiui'l \-s aull Before Petersl urg, \ i. June 17 July .'•: April 2. P tersbnrg \\ eldon Railroad, \ ■ M x ; inly 28- Smlthneld, \ Opequon.Va.. . Fisher', lllll. Va '■' NearStrasbn k, \ a Petersburg Works, \ i Mch Appomattox eami I Pall of Petersl . \ Appomattox C. u Dal • "" I 492 PAIJT III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. OXE IIlNDKi;]) AND PlFTT-SECOND REGIMENT OF Ima.NTKY. Col. Leonard Boyer received authority, Aug. 23d, 1862, to recruit this regiment in the, h senatorial district of the State; it was organized at Mohawk, and there mus- tered in the service of the United States for three years Oct. 1 Ith and loth, 1862. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Herkimer, Little Falls and Manheim; Ii at Warren, Ohio, Richfield, Norway, Newport, Russia and Wilmart; Cat Mohawk and Monis; 7) at Stark, Springfield, Warren, Otsego and Richfield; E at Litchfield, Winfieldj Danube, Schuyler, Columbia and Springfield; F at Little Falls, Fairfield, Manheim, War- ren, Newport and Danube; ffatOtego, Butternuts, Oneonta, Otsego and Exeter; // at Hart- wick, Laurens, New Lisbon, Pittsfield, Milford and Maryland; T at Roseboom, Otsego, Wor- cester, Laurens, Burlington, Springfield, Richfield, Bartwick, New Lisbon and Stark: and l\ at Frankfort, Warren, Rosel m, German Flats, Little Falls, Worcester, Richfield, Columbia and Herkimer. The regiment left the State Oct. 25th, 1862; it served in the Provisional Brigade, Aber- crombie's Division, Defenses of Washington, from Oct., 1862; in the District of Washing- ton, 22d Corps, from Feb., 1863; in the 1st, Terry's, Brigade, 1st, Corcoran's, Division, 7th Corps, Department of Va., at Suffolk, from April 22d, 1*6:3: in Terry's Division, -1th Corps, from June, 1868; in 1-t Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, in July, 1863; in New Fork city, Department of the East, from July 16th, 1863; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from Oct. 18th, 1863; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from March, 1864; in 4th Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, fr June 21st, 1864; in 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from July, 1864; and. commanded by Col. Charles E. Curtis, it was honorably discharged and mus. tered out June 13th, 1865, mar Washington, D. C. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 3 officers, 48 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 22 enlisted men: of disease and other causes , 1 officer, :il enlisted men: total 5 officers, 161 enlisted men; aggregate, 166; of whom 28 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it look part in the following engagements, etc. : - :ilblk, Va.. Carnvilli Windsor, Va Mine Run rain > iV.TII .... Wilderness. V« Spotsylvania C. II.. Va I Hill Totopotomoy, \ Colli II i 1 I \ May I 16 21 D 1864 M 1" i ID ■• J'ne ii: I Kil- "■"»"'■■''■ Mi- ll-. 1. PIMIK.TO. Iiik. imrg.Va I : . i i 1 1< ■ : i * l . Ya De< p Bottom, \ Strawberry Plains, Va.. Ream's Station, Va Boydton Plank Road.Va Hatcher's Run, \ i Petersburg Worke Va Appomattox camp n, Va. White oak Ridge. I'. .ii of Petersburg. High Bridge Parmvillc Appomattox •'. II. led. I'i d 1 96 1 J'e 15 l" 21-23 jy 27-29.. Aug. ii 18 Oct.27-28 i 1865. M M 31 One Hundred a\d Fifty-third Regiment of [nfantby. i ol. William F. Miller, succeeded, Sept. 5th, l s ''>2, by Col. Duncan McMartin, received authority. Aug 28d, L862, to recruit this regiment In the, then, 15th senatorial district of the State; it was organized at Fonda, and there mustered in the serviced the United States for three yean Oct. 17th and 18th, 1862 The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Johnstown; />' at Mohawk. Palatine and Root; CatOlen, Florida, Boot and Charleston; D at Johnstown and May field; ffatMinden VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 493 and St. Johnsville; Fat Ephratah, Canajoharie, Oppenheim, Clift m Park and Lassellsville; at Mooers, Altona, Bases and Plattsburgh; //at Greenfield, Milton, Galway, Clifton Park, Ballsjon Spa, Moreau, Rool and Wilson; /at Champlain, Chesterfield, Plattaburgh and An Sable; and ffat Queensbury, Ellenburgh, AJtona and M The regiment left the Stat.' Oct. 18th, 1862; it served in the Defenses of Washington, in Abercrombie'8 Division, from Oct. 25th, 1862; in Casey's Division, 22d Cor] 1863; in the Department of the Gulf and Isl Brigade, 1st Division, 19tfa Corps, from Feb., 186-1; in the 1st Brigade, isl Division, Army Shenandoah, from March, 1865; in the 2d Brigade, Dwighfa Division, at Washington, l>. C, from April, 1865; in the Departmenl of Ga .. from July, 1865, and, commanded by Lt.-Col. George 11. McLaughlin, it »n> honorably discharged and mustered oul Oct. 2d 1865, al Savannah, Ga. During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, ••.'<» enlisted men; of wounds received in action, i officer, 20 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, I 160 enlisted men: total, 2 officers, 200 enlisted men; aggregate, 202; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: W.I. Kcl Klver campaign, La. Mill. In May 22 Pleasant Hill U>rll Munaura Siaj Washlnston, l>. C I'l l- 13 Opeqnon, Va Sept. K.I- Vy ° unded ■ d Di d R ===== = Fisher'* llin. v., Cedar Cn i By guerilla i- i. - : One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Regiment m Ixiamkv. Col. Addison G. Rice, Bucceeded, Sept. 25th, 1862, by Col. Patrick H. J is, received, Aug. 19th, 1862, authority to recruit this regimenl in the, then, 82d senatorial district <>t" the State. It was organized al Jamestown, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Sept. 24th, 25th and 26th, 1862. June 9th, 1 s »'>o. the men not to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the 102d N. ^ , Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 al Bllicottsville, Carlton, Cold Spring, Humphrey. Randolph, Great Valley, Carrolton, Little Valley, Conewango, Sooth Valley, Salamanca and Napoli; 7? at New Albion, Otto, Day ton, Perrysburgh, Leon, Mansfield and Persia; C at Portville, Hinsdale, Ischua, Allegany, Humphrey and Olean; J> at Machias, rorkshire, Freedom, Franklinville, Ashford and Lyndon; B at Portland, Weetfield, Ripley and Chautauqua; Fat Charlotte, Arkwright, Gerry, French Creek and Freedom; Q at Ash- ford, Bllicottsville, Easl Otto, Allegany, Mansfield, (Mean. Jamestown and Hillsdale; // at Randolph, Napoli, Salamanca, Little Valley, Great Valley, Jamestown, Carroltoi - Valley. Cold Spring and Farmington; / at Olean, Hinsdale, Salamanca. Allegan; Valley, Humphrey, New Albion, Portville, Machias and Yorkshire; and K at Conewango, Perrysburgh, Dayton, Persia, Leon and New All. ion. The regiment left the State Sept. 80th, 1862; it served in the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, ll th Corps, from Oct., 1862; in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Corp-, from April, 1864; and, commanded bj Col. Lewis D Warner, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 11th, 1865, mar Bladensburgh, Md. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, l officer, 5 I enlisted men. of wounds received inaction, 1 officer, SO enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 offl cers, 193 enlisted men; total, 1 officers, 277 enlisted men; aj 31; of whom 1 officer, 90 enlisted men, died in the hand- of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engage- ments, etc.; 494 I 'ART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. led. Pi'd ft co. tog. j Chancellorsville, Va M i Gettysburg, Pa Fuly 1 I Wauhatcnie, 'IVim Chattanooga and Mil.- campaign ,Teu i li i Ridge.. Atlanta campaign, Qa_ u .-.l KiiK''--- DaUaa B Mountain Pine Mountain. Golgotha Culp'a Farm i ai lasault 1664. 14-15.. Jane i June 9- July -•.. J'e U-1S . 16-17 .. Qen. Sberman'e Savan- nah campaign, Ua .... .March to I z ^ z ^ Savannah Campaign of the Caro- linas Snow Bill, 8. C Bennett House, N. C By guerillas 1864. July 20. July 21- Nov. 15 Dec.2l Nov. 19 Dec. 10 D'c 10-21 1865. Jan. 26 Mar.20 Feb. 12- 13 Wen. 27 One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment of Infantey. SECOND, FORMERLY FIFTH, REGIMENT, COECOEAN'S BEIGADE, OR IRISH LEGION Col. John E. McMahon received authority, August 8th, ls6 - 2, to recruit the 155th Regiment with head- quarters at Buffalo ; Oct. 7th, the regiment was designated to be the 3d of the Corcoran Brigade, and ordered to New Fork city. CoL Wm. W. McEvily received authority, Oct. 10th, 1862, to recruil the 5th Regiment of the Cor- inran Brigade at New York city. Nov. 17th, 1862, at re-organization of the Corcoran Brigade, the 2d Regiment was funned of the original 5th and Companies A and D of the 3d and D of the 6th, the mpanies as I, K and 11, respectively; it was designated the 155th Regiment with Win. \Y. McEvily as Colonel ; the, hulk of the 3d, original 155th, with Colonel McMahon, became the 164th Regiment The regiment was mustered in the service of the U. S. for three years Nov. 17th and 18th, \,'i\ porl New B, Va. The companies were recruited principally: A, £, ('and //at New Fork city ; /> at Brooklyn, Huntington, [slip, Hempstead, South old, Oyster Day and New Fork city ; E at Now Fork city, Oyster Bay, [slip, Hempstead, Southampton and Brooklyn; /'at New York city and Binghamton; fc?a1 New York city and Brooklyn; T at Buffalo; and K at Buffalo and New Fork city. The regiment left the State Nov. 10th, 1862; it served at Newport News, Dept Va., from No at Suffolk, Va., in Corooran's Brigade, Peck's Division, from Dec, 1862; in Corcoran' b, later Murphy's, Brigade, Peck's, later Corcoran's, Division, 7th Corps, from Jan., 1868; in 1st Brigade, livision, 22d Corps, from July 16th, 1868; in 2d Brigade, Tyler's Division, 22d Corps, from Jan., 1864 ; in 4th Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, Erom Maj 17th, 1864 ; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from June 26th, 1864; and, 1 [landed bj Colonel John Byrne, it was honorably dis- charged and mustered out June 15th, 1865, at Washington, D. C. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, :'. officers, r >i enlisted men ; of wounds :i action, 6 officers, 42 enlisted men ; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 72 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, 178 enlisted men; aggregate, 189; of whom 2 officers, ."•enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy ; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.: I • •!. .ik. Va. Edoni ■ 11 . \ 1 11 North \n1111. Vn Totopol urn \ 1 Cold lint arg.Va . illroad.Ya... Kil \\ >u M >i Dl d Id -i ". Dab . a i f i ■ = = - f P p .- - E Z w -L : M z w "■ IV^J. Jan. T ! ! B 1 i ■'• 1 .li i' ■J 1 8 1 87 IJ II 1 • 1 1 { 2T June 15- 1 1 1 1 11 is | 11 | 1- 1 ••1 ' 1 •111. Va Slr.iu 1,1-n ' I Kil- ! S = S a : = Rati hi 1 - Run, Vs D v. \ . \i Appomattox campa'11,1 ! lliL-h Bridge. . . Parmvllle Appomattox 0. II VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Rbgimeni ob Infantry. Mm \T\i\ i BGION. Col. Erastaa Cook received authority, 23d, 1863, to recruit this regiment in the, then 10th senatorial district of tin- Stat.-; it was organized at Kingston, where it was mastered in the service of the Qnited States for three years Nov. 17th, 1863. The A P unteers formed part of the regi at, and thr ampaniea of the men r«-<-rui t.-il l.v c..l. Minthora Tompkins for his regiment were, to complete its organisation, attached to it as Companies II, I and K. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Phut. -kill. New Palts, Gardiner and Shaw- angunk; /»' at Kingston, Woodstock, Lloyd, Olive and Marbletown; C at Durham, Kii Wawarsing, Esopus, Hurlej , Saugerties, < lairoand Rosendale; l> at Wawarsing, Marbletown, Kingston and Bhawangunk ; E at Plattekill, Rosendale, Bhawangunk, Gardiner, and New Paltz; /-'at Kingston, Baugerties, Bnrley, Rochester, Marbletown and Olivi Esopus, Marlborough and Kingston; H at Rochester, Southflelds, Middletowo, Newtown, Greenville, Castleton, New Xork city, Westfield, Northfield, Hillsdale and Baltimon / at Castleton, Northfield, Westfield, Hillsdale, Southfields and Greenville; and A' at Castleton, Middletown, Newtown, Northfield and Hillsdale. The regiment left the State Dec. 4th, 1883; it served in Sherman's Division, I>.|>t. Gulf, from Dec. 25th, 1863; intheSd Brigade, -id Division, Dept. Gulf, from Jan., L868; In the same, 19th Corps, From Feb., 1868; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, LOth Corps, from July, 1863; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 19th Corps, from Feb., 1864; In the Provisional Corps in N. C, from March. 1865; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 10th « '■ • ri <~, from A | >ri 1 3d, 18G5; in the Dept. of Georgia, from June, 1865; and. amended by Col. Jacob Sharpe, it was honorably discharged and mustered out Oct. 28d, 1865, at Augusta, Qa. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, l" enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 20 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, I officers, 163 enlisted men; total, 8 officers, 223 enlisted men; aggregate, 381; of whom 1? enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part In the following engage- ments, etc. : . DI'dlRi : - : - : Fori Bisland, La \|..t- 13 i Siege of Port IIud> La M I July - ... Seentld Assault luile II HrashierCitv, La 2CJ-L* I 1864. Red River campaign. La. M.-li In- M - Pleasant Hill April 9 Alexandria uaj Mansura Ifi S S'S =.£ Opequoo, Vi Sept. 1» M Fisher's llili.V.,.. Campa'nof theCs [louse. N.i i minor affairs, pii on detachi d ill One Hundred am' Fifty-sbventb Regiment. KADISOS \M» I ORTLAND REG1HBE P. Col. Philip P. Brown, Jr., received authority. 15th, 1868, to recruit this regiment in the, then, 23d senatorial district of the Stat.'. It was organised at Hamilton, and there mustered in the service of the United States forthree years Sept. 19th, 1863. J L865, the men not to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the 54th X. Y. Vols. Th unpanies were recruited prindpallj : .1 at Hamilton. Madison. Sherburne and 1 town; /.' at Oneida; at Hamilton. Cincinnati^. Marathon. Cuyler, Taylor. Willet Freetown and Pitcher; D at Scott, Preble and Homer; E at Cortland, Virgil, Harford and Cortlandville; Far Smyrna. Smithfield, Lebanon, Georgetown, Hamilton. Baton and Madi- son; Q atCanastota, Lenox, Cleekville, Wampsville, Oneida and Hamilton; 11 at Homer, 496 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Truxton and Cortlandville; / at Sullivan, Bmithfield and Hamilton: and A' at Cortland- ville, Marathon, Barford, Freetown and Virgil. The regiment left the State Sept. 26th, 1861; it served in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 11th Corps, from Od . 1862; in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, llth Corps, from July 18th, l^,;:. in the 2d Brigade, Gordon's Division, LOth Corps, on Folly and Morris Islands, s. C, from An--., l^i;:'.: in Schimmelpfenning's Division, 10th Corps, from ■lan.. 1864; in the 1st Brigade, Am.-' Division, loth Corps, from Feb., 1864; in tin- District of Florida, from Feb., 1864; at Beaufort, 8. <'.. from June 15th, 1864; on Morris island, S. <".. from Sept. 5th, 1864; at Fort Pulaski. Ga , from Oct. 22d to Nov. 28th, 1864; in th.' 1st, Potter's, Brigade, Coast Division, Dept. Gulf, from Nov.. 1864; at Georgetown, S. C, from Feb., 1865; and, commanded by Col. James C. Carmichael, it was honorably discharged ami must. Ted out July 10th, 1865, at Charleston, S. C. During its service tin- regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 50 enlisted men; of wounds received inaction, - officers, 10 enlisted men; of disease ami other causes, 2 officers, 104 enlisted men; total, !i officers, 194 enlisted men. aggregate, 208; of whom l officer, 1 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following en- gagements, etc. : Date. K 1. = l i I- d. f - 12 -■■■ 1 1 u D L "i \ 12 21 lit 5 3 - ... id. CO. S ■2 51 i 17 7 2 M i O 1 t ss- is 1,1, a t •i < 98 307 1 s 2 l'l.\, B. Date. K 1,- !: \ w l' >unded. 'dlReco. - : - M ii L E 5 -s- | 2 i 1". ■i 1 'i -i Chancellors* llle, \ 1863. \| ij 1 3 John's Island, S. C Ilon.-v Mill. S. (' Bo; d't Point, S. c I'.Misawliali-liie, S. C . Neck, S. e Tilliflnny Station. 8. C... Manningsvllle, 8. C DliiKl.-'.s Mills, S. (' N.'ii SinL'l. -Inn's 1'lanla- t ion. 8.C I:,- Kallin- Crrrk.S. O... 1864. July 9 Dec, .' y 1865. April B 9 IL> 1 - 1 : ii : 2 i :..: 1 1- !■'■ [iatt.-n W.i-ii.t, An-. ■Jii- 8ept.7 1 inlment of Fori 20- • r Sept. - Hart "'. S .' De. . 31 Bombardment • ■! tori . Id 27 SmiiT.T Nov. 9 i and John's 1864. S. c Peb.9-11 : "i - i T " 10 1. s 24 20 o\K Eundred and Fifty-eighth Regiment of Infantry. PIEST REGIMENT, EMPIRE BRIGADE. This regiment was organized in Brooklyn as one of the regiments of the Empire, Spinola, Brigade, ami,. luly lltli. 1862, James Jourdan was appointed its Colonel. It was mustered in the service of the United States for three years Nov. LOth and 1 lth, is<;-j. at Norfolk. Va. The companies were recruited principally .1. /:./>. /■'./■'. <■'. II, /and A' at Brooklyn; and ''at Brooklyn, Jamaica and New Fork city. June 30th, 1865, the men not to he mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the moth N. Y. Vols. The regiment left the State Sept. 18th, 1862; it Berved in Viele's Brig., at Norfolk. Va., from Sept., 1862; at Suffolk, Va., from Nov.. 1862; at New Berne, N. «'.. 18th Corps, from Jan., 1868; in the 2d Brig., 5th Div., 18th Corps, from Feb., 1868; in Jourdan's independ- ent Brig., Palmer's, 1st. Div., L8th Corps, from May, 1868; in the Defenses of New Berne, N. C, Jourdan's Brig., 1st Div., i s 'li Corps, from duly, 1868; at Beaufortand Morehead, N. C, from Dec., L868; in the 1st Brig.,2d Div., 18th Corps, from An-. 1864; in the 4th Brig., 1st Div., 24th Corps, from Dec, 1864; in the 8d Brig., 1st Div., 24th Corps from March, 1865; and, commanded by Col. William ll. vras honorably discharged and mustered out June 80th, 1865, at Richmond, \'a. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action. 2 officers, 29 enlisted men: of wound- received in action, 20 enlisted men; of disease ami other causes. 88 enlisted men; total, 2 officers, 182 enlisted mei te, [84; of whom 5 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; by an >■■-. plosion of torpedoes at Bachelor's I Ireek, V < !., .May 26th, 1864, I enlisted men were killed; the regimenl took part in the following engagements* etc, : VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 491 Place. Date. K l_ \\ oum = i E s IE B - 1 M ii : - - PtAI » Deep Gully, N. C i ... i i Appum ll \ Blount's Creek, v 1 K.-iilroa l('i..--i N. C s.ui.iv i:m.'.'. X. C Kiv-;.-. N.I' HitfSwilt Civ.k.X.C Bear [nlet, X. C Onslow i'..niii' s ■ \ 17 18 an July n 1 DC l . Peb. i t Newport liarracks Bogue [nlet, N. C Vouiik'd Cross Roads, X. (' Evaih' Mills. X. (' Onslow, v c M.I:. ■ April II June 20 1 \ \ 1 <>NI EUNDRED ASH I'l I I , -X I X 1 II IIli.lMlXI in I X I A X I I;, BECOND DUTCHE8S \ N I - COLUMBIA REGIMENT. A";'. 28th, 1862, Lieut. -Col. B. s. Molineux received authority to recruit thi-> regiment in the, then, first three senatorial districts of the Stut.-. Oct. 28th, 1862, the men en] the l'uih \. V. Vols., Col. Homer A. Nelson, were sent from Hudson I fork to be united with those of the 159th X. Y. Vols. Nov. 1st, 1862, Homer A. Nelson was ap- pointed ( lolonel "!' the consolidated force, and E, S. Molineux Lieut. -< !ol.; and the regiment thus formed retained the Dumber of Lieut. -Col. Molineux's regiment, which formed Com- panies B, l", II and K, the remaining companies being formed <>f the men enlisted originally for the 167th X. Y. Vols. The regiment was mustered in the service of the United State* for three years Nov. 1st, 1862, at New York city. In Feb., 1864, a new company replaced Company K, consolidated with t! tht-rs. The companies were recruited principally: .1 al Hudson, Greenport, New Lebanon, Livingston, Claverack and Ghent; /.'. // and K al Brooklyn; at Hudson, Taghkanick, Copake, Stockport, Livingston, Gallatin, Claverack, Stuyvesant and Qermantown; /> at Brooklyn, Hudson, Fishkill and Ghent; A'ai Ghent, Claverack, Hudson, Copake, Livings- ton, Hillsdale, Fishkill, Greenport, Stuyvesant and Taghkanick; Pat Brooklyn and Brook- haven; Get Hudson, Einderhook, Claverack, Stockport, Ghent, Chatham, Taghkanick, New Lebanon, Fishkill and Poughkeepsie; and /at Hudson, Poughkeepsie, Gallatin, Livingston, Pleasant Valley and Taghkanick; the second Company at Hudson. The regiment left the State Dec. 4th, 1862; it serve.) in the 8d Brig., Graver's I > i \ . . l!ith Corps, from Dec, 1862; in the Bd Brig., 4th Div., 19th Corps, from March, 1868; in the 1st Brig., 4th Div., 19th Corps, from Aug., 1868; in the 2d Brig., 2d Div., 19th Corps, from March, 1864; with the 10th Corps, Army of the James, from July 21st to 81st, 1864 n - 1 the Army of the Shenandoah, from Oct., 1864; in the 2d Brig., 1st Div., lutli Corps, from April, 1865; in the Dept. of Georgia, from June, 1865; and, commanded by Col. William was honorably discharged and mustered out Oct. 12th, l*ti"i, at Augusta, Ga. During its service the* regiment List by death, killed in action, 6 officers, 46 enlisted men; of wounds received in action 1 officers, 80 enlisted men. of disease and other causes, 1 offi- cer, 180 enlisted men; total, 11 officers, '-ii»3 enlisted men; aggregate, 'JIT. of whom 14 en- listed men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the foil • ments, etc.: K „.| Wound led. DI'dlRe. 1*13 Clinton Plank Ron. I. La.jMar. IB Madame Porter's Planta- tion. La \prii 1 Irish Bend, La n i M Bavou Vermillion. La... 17 ... 1 63 i .Inly c I Bayou 1. 1 July 13 498 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. I'l.MT.. Date. Kil led. i w l> 1 ,unded. M ,„. c £ c £ c K z W z w 9 Place. Date. Kil- u ounUed. led. Di'dlReco. £='£=£ c ; £ Z W Z x UtBB- 1 d 4 Bed River campaign, La. 1864. 1 - 1 1 IU 1864. A.u.23 24 19 22 Oct. B l< "i M 16 J'y 21 31 \ • ■. Va ii "3 ii Iria Opequon 1 Ireek, \ a i Ipeuuon, Va Before Petersburg ami i 2 1 \ .i BalltowD, va One Hundred and Sixtieth Regiment of I.nfantio. Col. Charles C. Dwight received authority, Sept. 6th, 1862, to recruit this regiment in the, then, 85th senatorial districl of the State; it was organized al Auburn and mustered in the -rrvii f the United States forthree years al New Fork city Nov. 21st, 1862. Tin mpanies were recruited principally: A at Arcadia and Auburn; B at Palmyra, BAacedon, Walworth and Owasco; Cal Auburn; Z? at Marion, Sodus and Williamson; /.'at Canandaigua, Seneca Falls, Owasco, East Bloomfield, Auburn. Geneva, Tyre and Bristol; /•'at Auburn. Moravia. Locke, Summer Bill, Sempronius, Bennett, Owasco, Victory, Ster- ling and Venice; G al Attica, Alfred, Almond, Andover and Wellsville; IT at Wellsville, Scio, Wirt, Auburn. Alma, West Almond and Independence; /at Caneadea, Allen, Inde- pendence, Rushford, Owasco, Auburn, Palmyra, Andover, Belfast and Wellsville; and K at Eden, Samhurgh, Marilla, Collins, Persia and Buffalo. The regiment left the State Dec. -1th, 1862; il served in Sherman's Div., Dept. Gulf, from Dec. 25th, 1862; in 2d Brig., Augur's Div., from Jan., 1868; in 2d Brig., 1st Div., 19th Corps, from Feb., 1863; in the Reserve Brig., 1st Div., llitb Corps, from Aug., lsii:!; in the 3d Brig., 1st Div., 19th Corps, from Sept., 1863; in 2d Brig., 1st Div., I9tb Corps, from Feb.. 1864; in the 3d Brig., 1st Div., l'tth Corps, from June. 1H64; in the 2d Bri^.. 1st l>iv., l'.ith Corps, from Aug. 13th, 1864; in the 2d Brig., 1st I >i v. , Army Shenandoah, from March, 1865; in the3d Brig, of the same, from April 6th, 1865; in the 3d Brig., Dwight's Div., at Washington, l». <'., from April 25th, 1865; in the same, Dept. South, from June, 1865; in the same, Dept. Ga., from Julj 23d, 1865; and, commanded by Col. Benry P. Underbill, it was bonorably discharged and mastered out at Savannah, Ga., Nov. 1st, 1865. During its service the regimenl lost by death-, killed in action. I officers, 4n enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 'J officers, 13 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 159 enlisted men: total. T officers, 212 enlisted men; aggregate, '-'1!'; of whom 1 officer, 7 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following en- gagements, etc.: Date. 11 Mch. 13 Apr. 11 14 M \| . July e June 11 R 1- Wounded. M a I ■1 - II Kil \\ landed. Mi- I'l >. K. le | 1. = D 11; 1 5 - •1 IF r. s - Plaob. Date. 1. 1 u I : VI f B - _ 14 L - 1". 1 ll O - -. s 3 - Rayon Tectae, La Gunboal ( lotton, 1. Berwii k ■ 1 nvllle. La . Ille, La 1 1 Hudson, La 1 1 "2 1 Red River 1 amp Roads.... 1 n Oane River Crossing ... 1864. April m 23 2 ... 1 1 "i 8 1: 27 1 11 2 Bnlckei 1 \ July 21 Opequon, \ a Sept. 19 Pisher'a Hill, \ a 25 1 Od I! "s ... 1 i'a 11 ... ::: '3 '4 1 "i 1: 1 ONI BUNDRED LND 8IXTT-FIR81 REGIMENT 01 Imwm.'Y. Col. Gabriel P Harrower was authorized, Sept. 6th, 1862, to recruit this regi n< in the, rtfa senatoria] district of the State; it was organized a1 Elmira, and there mu tered VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. In the service of the United States fop three years Oct. 87th, 1863. Commanded I Willis K. Craig, the regimenl thai is, those men whose term of service waa about to expire— was mustered oul Bept. 10th, 1865, al Fori Jefferson, Fla ; bol the men qoI then discharged were formed into a battalion of two companies, A and B; the men ol Companies A, C, E, H, K and F forming Companj A, andth 1 B, D G and I Companj B, and con tinued in Bervice. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at tJrbana, Pultney, Prattsburgh unci Wheeler; B al Elmira, Watkins, Tyrone, Reading, Hector and Dix; C al Elmira; 1> al Bath; A'at Hornellsville, Chenango, Hector, Binghamton, Catharine, Colesville, Montour and Hampton; Pal Hath ami Howard; at Corning, Watkins, Reynoldsville and Bing- hamton; //at \\ ihull. Jasper, Greenw 1 and Troupsburg; /"at Cohocton and Woca; and A'at Norwich, Columbus, Guilford, Sherborne and Caaenovia. The regimenl left the Stat.- Dec. 4th, 1888; it served in Grover's Division, Dept. Gulf, from Dec.. 1868; in 2d Brigade, Augur's Division, from Dec 81st, 1862; in the 8d Brigade, Augur's Division, l'.ith Corps, from Jan. 21st, 1868; in ::>■«•. 4th, 1864; inSd Brigade, isl Division, 13th Corps, from Feb., 1866; in the Districl ..f Florida in June, 1865; in the Dept. of Florida from July, 1865; and it was finally honorably dis- charged and mustered out Nov. 12th, 1866, al Tallahassee, Fla During its service the regiment losl by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 88 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 28 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 850 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 305 enlisted men; aggregate, 806; of whom 18 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engagement Clinton Plunk Road, La. Men. IS Plain Store, La M i Siege of Port Hudson, La \i •■ Jnne it Bayoo La Pourche, La... July Satiilit' 1'a-s. T<\ a- - Vermilliun Iiay.m. La. Carrion Crow Bayou, La 11 Vermillion llavmi, 1. i 1864. Rcl ItiviTianipak'n. I.a. Mill. Mi- ni I §1 Bablnet i Mill Can.- Rh MaiiMiia Spanlflb Kurt, Ala .i'lv. Ala Mulille. A!a April - M I One Bundred and Sixty-second Regimeni oi Infantry THIRD REG] U int. METRO POL] PAS 00 \ RD. This regiment, Col. Lewis Benedict, was authorised as one of the regiments of thi politan Brigade; it was recruited under the auspices of the Metropolitan Police al New fork city; organized al Riker's Island, N. V. harbor, and there mustered in the service of tin- United States for tlnve y.-ars: Companies 15 ami COct. 14th; \. 1>. I . < i. II, I and K < I Company F Aug. 22d, 1862, al New Fork city. To complete the organization of the regi- menl Companies D and K, 53d N. Y. Vols., second organization, were assigned to il as Com. pany F. Company B was transferred to Companj F March 1st, 1868; and in Dec., ; -■ reformed of recruits. Feb. l?th. 1864, the 171th N. Y. Vols, were consolidated with it. company to corresponding company. The regiment left the State <>;!; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 19th Corps, from .hm., 1st!}; in 3d Brigade, Dwight's Division. Armj Bhenandoah, from March. is(i."i ; in the same, 3 of Washington, D. C, from April, 1865; in the 3d Division. Dept. Sonth, from Jane, 1865; in the Dept. of Ga. from July, 1865; and, commanded byCol. Justos W. Blaucli- ard, it was honorably discharged ami mastered out on. 12th, 1865, at Savannah, z ! f i. i:. "i z I .■,i. co. = 1 ■-' 36 M L z ..... I -< ~ i "' in PLAi r. Date. Kil- « . .i. |i Ml i i:. 3 ,-,i. CO. M - Ing. nine, La line, La Clint. hi Plank Road, La. and, La : Porl Budson.La. 1862. I. Ml !,. 13 June an Vermillion Bayou, La ... Red River camp Saliine Cross Roads .... Pleasant Hill Cane River Crossing , Mansura Before Rii bmond, Va. ... Nov. n 1864. Mar. in \| April s 9 2:1 Ma? !'• J'ly21>27 ":i 2 16 I '! i i - 28 ":i • 1 .V. -- 'i III 106 ... i 1 Assault June 1 1 Springfield Landing, La. .Inly :• Vermillion Bayou, La.... Oct. Additional l.»-.^. ,i^ |n-r muster out rolls J 2 2 One Hundred and Sixty-third Regiment op [nfantri l II [RD REGIMENT, EM PIRE BRIG \ DE. Tlii- regimenl was authorized as on., of the regiments of the Empire, Spinola, Brigade: Hair Kingsley was appointed Colon. -1 of the Bame July llth, 1862, and succeeded later by i ..]-. Marion N. I'roftaml F. II. Braulick; under the latter the regiment, ten companies, consolidated int.. six companies, was organized in New York city, u*nd it was mustered in the service of the United States for three years Oct. 10th and llth, 1862, at Washington, D C. I he companies were recruited principally in New York city, Brooklyn ami Jamaica. The regimenl left the State Oct. 5th, 1862; it served in Carroll's Brigade, Whipple's Divis- ion, Defenses ol Washington, from Oct., 1862; in the 2d Brigade, :'>'! Division. :i.l Corps, from Nov., 1862; and, under Lieut. -Col. John B. Leverick, it was transferred to the 78d N. F. Vols. Jan. 20th, 1868. Daring it- service tin- regimenl losl by death, killed in action, :i officers, T enlisted men; of wounds received in action. S enlist. • at Buffalo; /•;, /-'and A' at New Y ork city and Brooklyn; and / a» New Fork city, Brooklyn and Greenbnrgh; and // al New Fork city, Brooklyn, Ctica, New Hartford and Newport The regiment left the State Nov. 6th, 1862; it served In the Department 7a., al Newpori News, Va., from Nov., 1862; al Suffolk, 7a., In Corcoran'a Brigade, Peck's Division, from Dec, 1862; in Corcoran's, later Murphy's, Brigade, Peck's, latex Corcoran's, Division. 7th Corps, from Jan., 18Go: in the 1st Brigade, King's Division, -2^<\ < !orps, from July 16th, ! s o:'.; in '3d Brigade, Tyler's Division, 22d Corps, from Jan., 1864; in 4th Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from May 17th, 1864; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from June 26th, 1864; and, commanded by Col 1 Wm. DeLacy, it was honorably discharged and mustered out July loth, 1865, near Washington, D. C. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, «'■ officers, 61 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 4 officers, 16 enlisted men: of disease and other causes, :; officers, 128 enlisted men; total L3 officers, 285 enlisted men; aggregi whom 2 officers, 84 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the follow* iiig engagements, etc.: = ==== = Ki |.| \Voilllili; Sixtt-piftb Regiment oj lm SECOXI' BATTALION, Dl RYEA'S ZOUAVES; SMITH'S ZOUAVES. Colonel II. 1>. Hull r ived authority to raise this regiment for a service of nine months, hut this term of service was Boon changed to three years; it received its numerical designs Hon Nov. 29th, 1862; only Bis companies were then recrnited. 'The men were mustered in the service of the United States for three years in August, Sept., Oct., Nov. and Di In March, 1864, Companies G, II, I and K were organised; but on joining the battalion in the field they were al once consolidated with the six original companies The companies were recruited principally: .1 0, /'and /-.'at V u Sort • York city and Jamaica; Pat New York city and Brooklyn; '•',//.! and A' a- New Y.>rk city and Long Island. The battalion. Lt. -Colonel Abel Smith, Jr., in command, left the State Dec. ->,\. served iu the 3d Brigade, Sherman's Division. Department Gulf, froi 502 1'Airr 1 1 r skktciiks of organizations. Brigade, 2d Division, 19th Corps, from Mar., 180:3; m the 1st Brigade, :>d Division, 19th Corps, from July, 1868; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 19th Corps, from Jan., 1864; in the ;)d Brigade, 1st Division, Army Shenandoah, from Mar.. 1866; in the 3d Brigade, Dwight's Division, Defenses or Washington, from April, 1865; in the 3d Division, Dept, South, from Jane, 1865; and, under Major Wnx W. Stephenson, it was honorably discharged and mas- tered '»it Sept. 1st, 1865, at Charleston, 8. C. Daring its Bervice t 1 1 » - regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 29 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 1 officer, 15 enlisted nun: of disease and other causes, 2officere, 79 enlisted men; total, 4 officers, 128 enlisted men; aggregate, 127; of whom 18 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engage- ments, etc : Ml. \\ ounded. Miss- S M •< Ml- w uI1I1i1.n1. Mi — Fua Date le E z l. 8 I 2 1 i:. z a § d - t Z 2 Place. Date. led. D § =' = d|h|c sa :■ i;. E 5 l 2 CO. 1 = s 5! 2 L'l'. 62 1863. Mar. ■ 67 2 1 ■ 106 "i Kill Eivei campaign. La Sabine Cross Kciail.s 1864. Mar. i" April 8 9 23 May 16 Sept. 3 It "] 13 i 12 "i 15... M I p Sept. - Vermillion Bayou, La... • Cane Ki\ cr Cn-iML.' .. Mansura Berryvllle, \a '..'. '.'.'. '.'.'. '.". 1 = One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Regiment ok Infantry. Sept. 6th, 1862, Colonel isaac Wood, Jr., received authority to recruit this regiment in (he, thru. 9th senatorial district of the State, with headquarters at Goshen. Sept. 18th, the headquarters were transferred to Middletown; authority was also granted to enroll men foi nine months' Bervice. Nov. 18th, 1862, the regimenl Bhowing no prospect of early comple- tion, the men enlisted were transferred to the iTHth N. Y. Vols., and the organization dis- continued. ONE Hi NhKKD AND Sl\TY-SEV KNTII REGIMENT OF I N I A NTKY. Hon. Homer .\. NcKon received authority, Sept. 8d, is(;-j. to recruit this regiment, with headquarters at Hudson. Oct. 28th, 1862, the men enlisted were transferred to East New York, and there consolidated with the 1-V.ith N . Y. Vols., forming Companies A, C, D, E, a and I of the new organization. One id m>i;k.i) ami Sixty-eighth Regiment of Infantry. \ I \ ETEEN l II Mi I I'll \ Sept. 18th, 1862, theofferof service of the Nineteenth Regimenl of the National Guard was accepted by the Governor of the State, and Colonel Wm U. Brown authorized to recruit his regiment to full numbers and for a service of nine months: it was designated the I68tfa Regimenl of Volunteers, organized at Newburgh, and there mastered in the Ber- vice of the Dnited States Jan. 28d, Company K. however not until Feb. llth, 1868 The coin), anies were recruited principally: .1 at Wallkill, Montgomery, Mount Hope, Lisle,. Coventry and New York city ; B af Newburgh, Walden and Fishkill; 0, D — Wash- ington Continentals — and /at Newburgh; /-.'at Peekskill, Newburgh and Xorktown; /•'— Neitirurgh Guard — at Newburgh, Fishkill, Poughkeepsie and New Fori city; ffal New. bo rgh, Crawford and Rondout; Hat Goshen, Bainbridge, Union, Green, Bingham ton, Lisle and Fishkill: and A' at Fishkill, Montgomery, Poaghkeepsie and New York city. The regimenl left the State Feb. 12th, 1868; it served at Yorktown, Va., Id Basteed'a 1st Division, 1th Corps, from Feb., 1868; Id B tde, 1st Division, 1th Corps, from April, 1m<;;; : in the 22d Corps, from June, 1868; in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. llth Corps, from Jaly, 1868; and, commanded by Colonel was honorably dis- charged and mastered oul Oct. 81st, 1st;;;. a t New burgh, N. \. During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 1 enlisted man, ol and other causes, 1 officer, 86 enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 87 enlisted '"' 38; and it took pari in the following engagements, •■!.-.: Date. K z li. \v ountleU. t - — — j — Place. .1. DIM =. : = i:. d M :- ■ One Eundred and Sixty-ninth Reoimbni oi I s - TROY K KM MINI. Sept. 24th, 18(32. Col. < Harence Buell received authority to raise this regimenl in ih«'. then, 12th senatorial districl of the State; il was organized at Btaten island, and mastered in the service of the United States for three years; Companies A to E at Tro S . 1888; the remaining companies at New Dorp, Staten island, Oct. 6th, 1869. Jane 7th, received by transfer the men of the 1 I'M N. X Vols, nol mustered oul with their regi- ment. The companies were recruited principally: .1 al Nassau, Troy, Schodack and Poestenkill; B, '•', //and / at Troy; at Troy, Brunswick, Hoosick, Pittstown, Baston and Poestenkill. D at Sandy Hill, Kingsbury and Fori Edward; /-.'at Fori Edward; Fat Whitehall, Lisbon and Fort Ann; and A' at Lansingburgh and Troy. Company I was also known a- the Nail Factory Company. The regiment left the State Oct. 9th, 1862; it served in the Provisional Brigade, Aber- crombie's Division, Defensesof Washington, from Oct., 1862; in the Military Districl of Washington, I>. C, 22d Corps, from March, 1868; in the 2d, Foster's, Brigade, I .-oian's. Division, 7th Corps, at Suffolk, Va,, from April 17th. 1st;::, on the Peninsula, Va,, $n June and July, 1863; In the Department of the South, 18th Corps, from Aug., 1868; on Polly Island, S. C, and in Foster's and Drake's Brigades, Vodges's Division, 10th < "n>s, from Oct., ISO:!; in the Districl of Florida, from Feb., 1864; bathe 2d Brigade, Bd Division, lmli Corps, from April, 1864; in the 2d Brigade, 8d Division. 18th Corps, from Mm 80th, 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 10th Corps, from .inn. ■ 15th, 1864; in the sanit Corps, from Dec., 1864; of the Provisional Corps, from March, 1865; of the 10th Corps, from April 2d. 1865; and, commanded by Col. Alonzo was honorably discharged and mustered oul July 19th, 1865, al Raleigh, N C During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, officers, 87 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 1 officer, 58 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, '■'> officers, 150 enlisted men; total, 10 officers, 275 enlisted men; aggregate, 285; of whom 25 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and 2 officers and 26 enlisted men were killed bytl xplosion of the magazine al Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 16th, 1865. The regimenl took part in the following engagements, etc.: Sleg Suffolk, Va. Edenton Road Si, -ml Hilt s. c I April -I v 0|>i-r:iri.>iis in Charleston Barbor, S. C ...... 8 Dei 1 1 ... ... 1 1 ; SumV N an, I John'i Peb.9 11 ■ tenbui in, .1.. i. \ i '•: - PART III. SKETCHES OE ORGANIZATIONS. s«in Creek da llwti'lri-.l bor. Va Fi r~i Assault \- 111 irg and Richmond, Va AssanHol Petersburg.Va \ ■ IP, V.! v Plains, Va... June 15- June 15- i I July 30 ill-. I 1 J i I II s 1 5 - 81 HI - : 1 ■ 1 1 Cbaffln'a Farm, Va... Port Fisher, N. (' Cape Pear [ntreni h ments, N C K.irt Anderson, V C V u in., ii..' lilKIs Bennetl lion- , V <\. led. DI'dlReco. lug. e a Is e e B IE B 3 is March \ April 28 One Eundred and Seventieth Regiment of Infantet. foubtb originally second, regiment corcoran's irish legion. July 17tli, L862, Col. Peter McDermotl received authority to recrait this regimenl as the Be id of the Corcoran Legion or Brigade; it was organized at Staten Island, and there mastered in the service of the United States for three years Oct. 7th, 1862. The compa- nies were recruited principally in New York city uu; in Cor- coran's Brigade, Fling's Division, 22d Corps, from July 16th, 1868; in 2d Brigade, Tyler's Division, 22d Corps, from Jan., 1864; in 4th Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from Maj 17th, 1864; in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from June 26th, 1864; and. commanded by Col. James P. Mclvor, it was honorably discharged and mustered out July 15th. 1865, al Munson's Hill, Va. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action. S officers, <> - J enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, "» s enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 97 enlisted men; total, L2 officers, 217 enlisted men; aggregate, 229; of whom 2 officers, 50 •■ men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the follow- ing engagements, etc. : Kil- M '"""' M led. DI'dlR 6 i ll g. R 1 ■- - ii. .Ik. Va i i. le, Vn . II .\ I \I.M1 II April IS, M 1 1 I 1 II III 10 ir a *l S s e i bnrg.Va Weldon Ballroa I \ July 27 29 l Run, Va I'. • . 1865. .. I Va Mi I Appomattox ' amp n, Va Mel Pail of Petersburg I II |)| 7 Parmvilli ... 7 Appomattox «'. II '.• - ■ • VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 505 One Hundred and Sevbnty-first Rbgimeni of [nfantry. Sept. 2d, 1863, Col. William Mayer received authority to recruit this regiment in the, then, first seven senatorial districts of the State. Nov. 19th, 1863. the men enlisted were transferred to the 175th N. i Vols., and the organization discontinued. One Hundred and Seventy-second Regimeni oi [nfantry. 5tonkeb8 regiment. Col. John P. Jenkins received, Sept. LOth, 1863, authority to recroil this regiment In the, then, 8th senatorial district of the State. The organization was ool completed, and the men enlisted were transferred, In Dee., 1863, to the 6th \. \ . Vol. Artillery, as Companies L and M, and parts of Companies B, D, [and K of the same. One Hundred am. Seventy-third Regiment oi l\i lntby. FOURTH METROPOLITA \ GUARD; FOURTB NATIONAL GUARD. Sept. 83d, 1863, Col. Charles B. Morton received authority to recroil this regiment asone of the Metropolitan Brigade; it was organized al Biker's island, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years Nov. 10th, 1863. The companies were recruited under the auspices of the Police Departments of the cities of New York and Brooklyn, principally in those cities; Company B was, liowever, origin- ally intended for the 87th N. V. Vols., which whs discontinued Sept. 6th, 1862 The regiment left the State Dee. 9th, 1863; it served in the 3d Brigade, Bmorj - Di vision, Dept. Gulf, from Dee . 1863; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 19th Corps, from April. 1803; in the 1st Brigade, 8d Division. 19th Corps, from July, 1868; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division. 19th Corps, from Feb., 1864; in the 8d Brigade, 1st Division, 10th Corp March, 1804; in the Army of the Shenandoah, from March, 1865; In the Defenses of Wash- ington, from April, 1865; in the Department of the South and of Georgia, from June and July, 1805, respectively; and, commanded bj Col. Louis M. Peek, it was honorably dis- charged and mustered nut Oct. 18th, 1865, at Savannah. Ga, During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 2 <>tlicers, %\ enlisted men; of wounds received inaction, 1 officers, .1 enlisted men; "i disease and ether cans,-, 2offl- eers, 126 enlisted men; total, 8 officers, 171 enlisted men: aggregate, 179; of whonl 81 enlisted men died in the hands. if the enemy: and it tOOK part in the following engagements, etc : Place. Date. K le / E 5 l-l* 1. li || if hi ] c w ii i: L 1 id. - M li L E : = - 1 < : t l\ i. I) f i iu M - - ii. 11. . .. 1 - - Fori Bisland, La Lpr. 12- 13 Breaux Bridge, La 17 "2 •• i "i 2 7 i 1 1 Red lie Sabini !.. July - First Assault i Assault rune 1 1 i.i '.. One Hundred and Seventy-fourth Regiment of Eni lntry. fifth regiment, metropolitan guabdj i m iii national guard. Oct. 3d, 1802, Col. Theodore Parmelee received authority to recruit this regimenl for the Metropolitan Brigade; it was recruited under the auspices of the Metropolitan Police of New York city, principally in that city; organized at Biker Island, and there mustered in the service of the United States f..r three years Nov. 18th, 1863. 64 506 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. The regiment left the Stat.- Dec. 7th, 1862; il served in the 2d Brig., Emory's Div., Dept. Gulf, from Dee., 1h;-_> : in the 8d Brig., 1st Div., l'.ith Corps, from .March. 1868; in the 1st Brig., 1st Div., l'.tlh Corps, from Aug.. 1S and l". were recruited mainly at Rochester Schenectady, Plattsburgh, Lodi, Hornby, Har- ford, llctor, Virgil and Lapeer, and mustered In the service of the United States at Hart's Island and Elmira for one year Sept. 24th and Oct. Nth, 18f whom 8 office] ted men died In the bands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 507 Fort Bialand, La. Franklin. La Siege oi Port Budson La K<-'1 River campaign. La Alexandria . M i r . ~i j i a.... Atchafalaya .. \\ oundeil. L Apr. 12 May 25 " July B ., June ii 1864. Mch. Id Mav 22 li. L'l . Campaif ■ \ N • I. II N • At minor aflwin ' One Hundred and Seventy-sixth Rbi [mbni op [nfantri Ironsides. Bept. 4th. 1862, Col. Charles Gould received authority to recruit the Ironsides in the, then, first seven Benatoiial districts of the Btate for a service of three yean; be was suc- ceeded by Col. Mark Hoyt. The 52d Regimenl <>t" the National Guard of the State I W. Cole, was accepted for a service of cine months Oct. llth, 1862. Nov. 88th, 1862, Col. Hoyt received. authority to accepl men fora service of nine iths; and his regimi nt was finally organized about Dec. L5th, 1862, at Brooklyn, l>y transferring to it the men en- listed for ( Sol. ( Sole's regimenl . and the 166tb X. V. Vols., I »« » 1 1 » of these organizations Indi- cating no prospect of speedy completion. Dec. 22d, 1862, Col. Hoyt's regiment, completed as above, received the designation 176th N. , i . Vols., and was mustered in the service of the LTnited States on the same daj a1 New Fork city, except Company K. which was not mus- tered in until .Tan. 10th, 1863. The nine months' men of the regimenl were discharged Nov. 16th. 186:5; the regiment was later reSnfor 1 with drafted men. substitutes and volunteers, enlisted for three years. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Hamilton, Madison, Brookfield, Canas- tota, for nine months; />' at New York city, Brooklyn, Sherburne, for nine months and thre.' years; Cat New York city, Warwick, Blooming Grove, Oyster Bay, Wallkill, Milan and Buffalo for nine months; /> at New York city, Brooklyn, < >yster Bay, Sim,' Sing, Monroe and Chester for nine months and three years; /.'at New York city, Wallkill, Whitehall, White Creek and Milton for nine months and three years; Pat Eaton, Nelson, Georgetown and Stockbridge for nine months; at New York city, < ttsego, Pelham, Southampton, Wallkill. New Lisbon, Buffalo and Cooperstown, lor nine months and for three years; //at Syracuse and Buff alo for nine months; /and A'.iof the52d National Guard,) al Brooklyn for nine months. The regiment left the State Jan. llth, 1868; it Berved in the Defenses of New Orleans, La., fn.m Feb., 1863; in the 2d Brig., 1st Div., I9tb Corps, from March, 1868; in the 1st Brig.. 1st Div., 19th Corps, from April, 1868; in the Defenses of New Orleans, La., from May, 1863; in the Provisional Brig., 2d Div., 19th Corps, from Jan., 1864; in the Isl Brig., 2d Div.. 19th Corps, from March, 1864; inthe8d Brig., 2d Div., 19th Corps, fromJun in the 3d Brig, Isl Div., 10th Corps, from April, l*<',:> : in the Dept. of the South and Geor gia, from June and July, 1865, respectively; and, commanded by Col. Charles Lewis, it was honorably discharged and mustered out April 27th, 1866, al Savanna During its Bervice the regimenl lost by death, killed in action. 2 officers, 19 enlisted men: of wounds received in action, iv! enlisted men: of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 146 enlisted men; total, lofflcers.177 enlisted n; aggregate, 181; ofwhom 1 officer, IT en- listed men died in the hand- of the .■nemy, and it took part in the following I merits, etc.; 508 PART III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. -. n '.-. 1. 1 Thibodeaux, La Fori Buchanan. La ttoenff, La Brasbier City, La Mi sura One Bundbed and Seventy-seventh Regiment of Infantry. TENTH REGIMENT, NATIONAL (il'AKD. Sept. 16th, 1862, the lOtfc Regimenl of the National Guard of the State, Col. Ira "NY. Ains- worth, was accepted by the State as volunteers for a service of nine months, and authority granted to recruit it to full numbers; it was organized at Albany, and there mustered in the Bervice of the United States Nov. 21st, 1862. The companies were recruited principally at Albany, Coeymans, Lansinghurgii, New Scotland, Kaston, Rensselaerville, Watervliet, W.s. terlo and Schenectady. The regimenl lefl the State Dec. 16th, 1862; it served in the 3d Brigade, Sherman's Divis- ion. Dept. Gulf, from Jan., 1863; in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 19th Corps, from March, 1868; in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, I'.ith Corps, from July, 1863; and, under Col. Ains- worth, it was honorably discharged and mustered oul Sept. 24th, 1863, al Albany, N. Y. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 3 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 3 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 offi- 9 enlisted men; total, 5 officers, 155 enlisted men: aggregate, 160; and it tools pari in the following engagements, etc.: PlACE. Dab . M'j 10-11 K le i i- t. B H w II i z »um r e - : -.1. 6 S w M ii I B8- ■-■ B = B w bj < "i Plack. Date. Kil- £ B E ounded.lMiso. = '- H : = -' a S < ;;.; "i Siege of Port Hudson, La M July 8 Ma) 27 l l 2 9 "i t ! 1 Clvlques Ferry, La River, La IT - 23 Oni Bundred and Seventy-eighth Regiment of Inpantby. L862 Col. Julius W. Adams received authority to recruit a regiment, the 2d HawkinS Zouaves, in the Brsl Beven senatorial districts of the State for a service of nine months; Feb. 28d, 1868, the term of Bervice was changed to three years. Oct. 28d, . Ethan Allen received authority to recruit a regiment, the Ethan Allen Regiment, M >. ■ uf Brigade, in the same territory, for nine months' service. Nov. 19th, 1862, Col. Harrj E. Gotleb was authorized to recruil a regiment, the FecU ral Guard, in the same dis- tricts; this authority waa revoked Jan. 24th, 1868, and the men enlisted transferred to Col. Allen's regiment; May 12th, 1868, the term of Bervice of the men enlisted in the Merchants' for nine months was changed to three years. April 21st, 1868, the 2d Hawkins Zouaves and the 8d Merchants' Brigade were consolidated, with Col. Adams in command, and designated the Blair Rifles. Authority was granted Dec. 8d, 1862, to Col. M. G. Bell to recruit the Pratt Guards; Dec. 4th, 1862, to Col. Henry p. Liebenan to recruil the Sey- mour Light Infantry; Jan. 10th, i s ».:;. toCoh Edward Wehler to recruit the Burneidt Rifles; Feb. 6th, 1868, to Col James P. Quirk to recruil the Westchester Light Infantry; Feb. 11th CoL Francis ll. Braulick to recruit the Defender*. June 20th, 1868, the 178th VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE. 509 Regiment was organized by the consolidation of the Blair Rifles, the Pratt Guards, the Sey. mour Lighl Infantry, the Bornside Rifles, the Westchester Llgbl Infantry and the Defenders into one regiment, under Col. Edward Wehler, and Its organization was completed Oct. 14th, 1st;:;, by the assignment to it of the men enlisted al the time for the I Vols., reorganizing, under CoL Geo. Van Schaak; of the men enlisted for tl ■ Vols., reorganizing, under Col. Salm Salm, and of those for the 814 I I \ I I reorganizing, ander Col. Frank Jones. Feb. 1st, 1865, the regimenl was consolld a battalion of five companies a1 Eastport, Miss.; Company \ receiving men from Compa- niesEand F; B men from Companies G and II: C men from G, II. [and K : D men from F, G, II. I and K : and Company E from Companies B, F and K. The companies were recruited principally: .I al Rochester, Buffalo ad King- ston; the other companies al New Fori city; and thej were mustered In the service of the United States for three years: \ June L8th, L868; B and C, of the Bornside Rifli 18th, 1868; Dand E June L9th, 1868; F Aug. 22d, 1868; Q Companj A, rtfc Vel Au-. 81st, L868; II Companj A. 8th Vet. Vols. | i ompai Vet. Vols. — Sept. 3d, 1868, and K Oct. 17th, 1868 Companies A. B, C, Dand E, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Charles F. Smith, left the State June :21st, 1863; Company F joined Sept. 1st, 1868, and the remaining compai 24th. 1868, with Col. Wehler; the regimenl served in !>.• Russej - Division, 22d < 'orps, from June, 1868; as Provosl Guard in the city of Washington, l>. »'.. from July 9th, 1868; it left Washington Oct. 81st, 1863, and served al Eastport, Miss., from Soy . n'.th. 1868; In 2d Brig ade, 3d Division, Kith Corps, from Dec, 1868; in 3d Brigade, :: : ii it M Place. i. 1 z 1. = B = D L = - i: L 1 a a d ^: e E : 1 p - : - - - Little River Turnpike ... I-::. June 28 Feb. i Man ii i Mel,. 10- M Mch. ii a.pril 9 21 23 20 10 16 l" June l i July 9 : 1 ii i 2 7 1 U - Id 1 i 1 1 •l.i.k -■ oi. Miss Red River campaign, La Near oi.i i,,« Burrloane M:\iniy-\i\iii 1,'n.iMiNi oi Infantry. This regiment, Col. Wm. M.Gregg, was organised al Elmira, and the oompanii mustered in the service of the United Btates for three years, A. B, »'. D, B, F and «i April 5th, 18th, 28d, May Llth, 16th, 25th, and July 90th, 1864, respectively; for one and three years, Company B Sept. 18th, 1864; and for one year, Companies I and rl Sept L8th and 15th, 1864. Company G, originally Company A, I80tb N. Y. \'ols.. did oof join t ; ment until Feh. 21st, 1865. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Bhnira, I kporl and Buffalo /.' at Elmira; Cat Italy. Hornellsville, Tyrone, Reading, I>i\. Cohocton, Niagara, Royalton, But- ternuts, Andoverand Batavia; D at Ellicottsville, Portville, Dunkirk. Freedom, Carrolton, Buffalo, Couewango, Clymer, Einsdale and Onondaga; /.'at Buffalo, Eopewell and Phelps> 510 TWKT in. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. Fat Buffalo, Benton, Middlesex, Potter, Milo. Southport, Hornellsville, Jerusalem and Warsaw; G- at Elmira and Buffalo; //at Klmira. Eorseheads, Niagara, Hornellsville, Elli- cottsville, Amity, Chemung, Dansville, Big Flats and Bradford; /at Ithaca, Newfield, Danby and Caroline; and ST at Banford, Tioga, Candor. Vestal, Onion and Port Crane. The regiment left the Stat.- in detachments, and Berved in the 23d Corps from May, 1864» in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, A. P., from June llth, 1864; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, from .Tunc 18th, 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, from -ill; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 9th Corps, from Sept., 1864; and, com- manded by Col. Gregg, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 8th, 1865, near A lexandria, Va. During it- aervice the regiment lost by death, killed in action, -1 officers, 86 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 8 officers, 80 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, lis enlisted men; total, 7 officers, 184 enlisted men; aggregate, 191; of whom 25 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements, etc.:> Petersburg, Va i Petersburg, Va Mine Bxi \ i-'.i. June 11 12 June 16- April J. June 16 I! July 9 21 Poplar Spring Ch'ch.Va. Ha r's Kuu.Va Fori Stedman, Va Appomattox camp'n, Va Fall of Petersburg , Total loss led. [PI ki:i> am» Eightt-fibst Regiment of Infantry. Col. John IF. Coster received authority, March 24th, 1864, to recruit this regiment; no men were recruited, and the authority was revoked, One Eundbed and Eighty-second Regiment oi [nfantby. BIXTY-NTNTH REGIMENT NATIONAL GUABD LBTILLEBYj l OBCOBAN llMSH LEGION. PIBST REGIMENT, Thisregiment, Col. .Matthew Murphy, was organized as the first regiment of the Cor- coran Brigade, in New Fork city, in, 1862, largely of members of the 69th Regiment of the National Guard of the State, returning from their three months' serviceas Buch, Nov. 17th, 1862, the organization of the regiment -Sixty ninth National Guard Artillery- was completed at Newport News, Va . bj adding to it the men enlisted for the sixth regi- ment of tin ■< 'on-,, ran Brigadt except those of Company l>. The reorganised regiment was mustered In the service of the United states for three years Nov. iTth. 1862, at New- port News, Va., ami tin- ( tpanies were recruited principally In New Fork city, .March 64 the War Department gave the regimenl the designation, I82d Regiment N. V. Vols. The regiment left the State Nov. imh. 1862; It servedal Newport News. Va., from Nov., 1862; Id i le, Peck's Division, Dept. Va., at Suffolk, from Dec, 1862; In VOLUNTEERS OF TIIK STATK. 511 Murphy's Brigade, Corcoran'a Division, 7th Corps, from March, 1688; In 1st Brigadi Division, 22.1 Corps, Defensesof Washington, from Jul j L6l ! I Brigade, 8d, Tyler's Division, 22d Corps, fronx Dec, 1868; in 2d Brigade, Tyler's Division, 22d Corps from Jan., 1864; in the- 4th Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from Maj 17th, 1884; In ; ; ..- 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Corps, from June 26th, 1884; and h wa mustered out and honorably dis charged, under Col. John Coonan, July 15th, 1865, near Washington, l>. C. During its service the regimenl Lost by death, killed inaction, S officere, 55 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 8 officers, .'I enlisted men; of disease and other ca enlisted men; total, 8 officers, 182 enlisted men; aggregate, no-, of whom l"» enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagement Desei ted Bouse, \ a ran, Buffblk, Va Lpr. n Carrevllle, Va M i ISM i M'yl6-2I 18 taylvania C. II.. Va imlrun House tii anna, Va Cold Harbor, Va Second Assault Before Petersburg, V< Jane i"- Apr. 2 1865 Jn.lS 21-23 DIM Re E I L Deep Hon v.i i i I hi PI I ll.o. her - Run, Va i Hun. 1 i Petersburg vt ori \ Appomatl ■ . Ridge... p tersburg. Ilik-li Bridge Parmvilli Appomattox 0. H. Total loss One Hundred and Eighty-third Regiment ob [nfantry. July 24th, 1864, Col. George A. Buckingham received authority to recruit this regiment; Aug. 3d, 1864, this authority was revoked, and the nun enlisted by Capt. James M (Urtis in the counties of Cattaraugus and Chautauqua, proposed Company C, one hundred, were transferred to the 188th X. V. Vols, us Company A. One Hundred and Eights -fourtb Regimbct oi [nfantry. This regiment, Col. Wardwell G. Robinson, was organized at Oswego, and mustered In the service of the United Stairs for one year, at Elmira, Sept. L2th, I5tb and 16th, 1884. The few men, three years' men, who were not to be mustered out with i i i • - regiment, were transferred, June 27th, 1865, tothe96th X. V. Vols The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Volney, Granby and Granj wego, Scriba, Georgetown, De Ruyterand New Haven; (7al Hannibal, Granby and' 1 D at Oswego, Lebanon. Eaton, De Ruyter, Fennerand Mexico; /.' at Volney, Granby, Clarks- ville and Hannibal; F*at Oswego; at Bandy Creek, Richland, Boylston and Scriba; // at Hastings, Parish and West Monroe; / at Palermo, New Haven, Mexico, Hannibal and Constantia; and K at Schroeppel, Parish, Wesl Monroe, Fennerand Richland. Companies A, 1?. Dand V. Maj. W. D. Ferguson, left the State Sept. 12th, 18 served in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps, in the Army of the Shenandoah, from Sept., isi',4: the other companies, Col. Robinson, left the State Sept. 16th, 1864, and served at Bermuda Hundred, Army of the James; the regiment serve.) in the Separate B Army of the James, at Harrison's Landing, Company I. at Fort Pocahontas, Va., from Dec, 1864; and, commanded by Col. Robinson, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 29th, 1865, at City Point, Va. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed In action, 1 officer, 9 enlisted men; of wounds received in action. 8 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, '2? enlisted men: total, 1 officer, 87 enlisted men; aggregate, 88; of whom 8 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy; and it took part in the following engagements 512 PART III. SKETCHES OF OIK - AMZATIONS. led. Di'ii Ri = ! £ =" 1 5 c je e S Kil.l Woun.l.Ml. Mlss . led.|DI'd |R els i i\i ? e B I B I = I S ■: B K.i'i ol Petersburg, Va . Total loss April One Etjndeed am> Eighty-fifth Regiment of Infantby. sixth onondaga col vn regiment; onondaga and cortland regiment; otsego regiment. This regiment, Col. Edward S. Jenny, was organized understate orders, dated Aug. 26th, 1864, at Syracuse, and there mustered in the service of the United States for one year; Companies A, B,C, I>. E, ft, B and 1 Sept. 19th, 1864; Company F Sept. 35th, 1864; and K Sept. 21st, 1864. The few three years' men in the regiment were. May 30th, 1865, trans- ferred to the 5th Vet. N. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Lysanderand Syracuse; B at Syracuse and Salina; 'at Syracuse; I> at Syracuse. Salina, Otisco, Clay and Geddes; A' at Homer. Cort- land ville, Syracuse, Truxton and Taylor; /-'at Cortland, Syracuse, Virgil and Taylor; QaA Marathon. Freetown, Willet and Cincinnatus; // at Syracuse. SpaiTord and Baldwinsville; /at Fabius, Syracuse and Baldwinsville; and A' at Skaneatelo and Syracuse. The regiment left the State Sept. 27th, 1864; it reived in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, and, commanded l.y Col. < i ustavus Sni |>er, it was honorably discharged and mus- tered out May 30th, 1865, near Washington. D. C. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, 36 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 officer, 2o enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 Officers, 38 enlisted men; total, 6 officers, 92 enlisted men; aggregate, 98; audit took pari in the following engagements, etc.; rsburg, Va . i inn, Va.. B D ■ - Run, Va I W.Kkit Kil- Wounded. led. DI'rilKeco. i • - - ei E e i Z H c^c^c^r* Appomattox camp'n, Va Quaker i:<>.i'i Oraverlj Kim ii orks April l ... 1 ,ii ..i ivt.TsiinrK 2 ... LttOXC.II " I According to regimental history,— total loss 2 One Hundred \ni> Eighty-sixth Regiment of [nfantey, Thifl regiment, Col. Bradlej Winslow, was organized al Sackett's Harbor; the companies wen- mustered in the Bervlce of the United States al thai place for one year; a and H Se]>t. 5th; c and DS.-pt. 7th; E and F Sept. 8th; 11 Sept. 10th; 1 Sept. 21st; and K Sept. 29th; Company G was mustered in for one and three years Sept. 28th, 1864, al Hart's Island. The few three jrears 1 men in the regiineul were, June 2d, 1865, transferred to the 79th X. V. Vols. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Wilna, Harrisluirg. ClOghan and Champion; Bal Sackett's Harbor; (7a1 Adams, Lorraine, Worth and in Richmond county. D at Clayton, Philadelphia, Pinkney, Rutland, Theresa and in Richmond county: ff at Cape Vincent, Alexandria and Orleans; FtA Leyden, New Bremen, Weal Turin, Pinkney, Crog- i Denmark; at Albany, Watertown, Tarry town. Platteburgh, New Fork city, Brooklyn, Herkimer and Graysville; //at champion. Watertown, Sackett's Harbor, Wilna, VOLUNTEERS OF THE STATE Houusfiekl, Brownville and Montague; TaA Sackett's Harbor, Pamelia, Brownville, Adams, Hounsfield, Worth, Watertown, Lorraine and Richmond county; and town. The regiment left the State Sept. 28th, L864; 11 served in the 3d Brig. ■.'•1 D Corps, and, commanded »y Lieut.-Col. E. Jay Marsh, it was honorably discharged and mus- tered out June 2d, l s 'i">. near Alexandria, Va. During its service the regiment Inst by death, killed in action, 88 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1"> enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 oilier, ".'.i enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 87 enlisted nun; aggregate, >**; and it took part in the following engag< - ments, etc. : K il- \\ uuuueU. M -,. - Place. Hat.-. le 1. B 1 1 - ;■ Before Petersburg, Va... 1864, on. l \ 1 April :J Fort Stedman, Va 1865. Mar. -•■ One Hundred wo Eighty-seventh Regiment 0] [nfantri Bept. 1st, 1864, Col. WilliamF. Berens received authority to recruit this regiment, with headquarters at Buffalo; it was organized at Buffalo; only nine companies were recruited, and Companies A., C, I>, E, G and I were mustered in the service of the United Bt one year Oct. 8th to 13th, 1864; Company B joined the regiment Feb. 14th, 1885; Pin May. 1865; II Nov. 24th, 1st;;. The 65th Regimenl of the National Guard of the Stat >ntrib- uted quite a number of men to the regiment. The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Buffalo, Tonawanda, Ashfoi Valley. Franklinville, East Hamburg and Dunkirk; ''at Ellicottsville, Ash ford, I ■ and Hinsdale; D at (in at Valley, Aid en, Ellicottsville, Groveland and I kport; /.' Valley, Hanover, Hillsdale, Alexander and Harmony; Q at Bennington, Sheldon, Lock port, Ellicottsville, .lava. Wilson, Royalton and Syracuse; //at Buffalo, Mansfield, Groveland, Royalton, Elmira, Pomfret ami Great Valley; /at Dunkirk and New Albion; /;, /-'and IF in the same localities as the othei companies. The regiment, then sis companies only, Lieut.-Col. Daniel Myers, left the State Oct. loth, 1864; it served in the 2d Brig., 1-t Div., 5th Corps, and, under <'<>!. Myers, was mustered out and honorably discharged Jul) 1st, 1865, near Washington, !>.«'. During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 8 enlisted men; of (rounds received in action, ? enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 82 enlisted men; total, 47; and it took part in tin- following engagements, etc.: 1 36 1 . \ Apr 2 Hatcher's Run, Va 28 Hlctatord Raid, Va D Kit- """ ■'■ •H; = - .11 I . . I 1 1 One Hundred axd Eighty-eighth Regiment Of [npantry, Col. James li. Chamberlain, succeeded by Col. John E. McMahon, received author 20th. 1864, to recruit this regiment, with headquarters at Rochester, where it and mustered in the service of the United States for one year Oct. 4th, 5th, ^th, 10th, and G5 514 PAKT III. SKETCIIKS OF ()K(i AN1ZATK »\S. 23d, 1864; except Company A, originally Company C, 183d X. Y. Vols., which was mustered in at Elmira Sept. 24th, 1864. 'I'll.- companies were recruited principally: A al Villanova, Allegany, Madison, York- shire, Freedom and Mansfield; /.'at Rochester, Avon, Phelps, Victor, Italy. PennYan, Naples and Geneseo; Cat Italy. Jerusalem, Rochester, Mil". Avon. Middlesex and Spring water; //at Spriagwater, York, Sparta, Avon, Potter, Portage, North Dansville, Geneseo, Leices- ter and Mt. Morris; /-.'at Livonia, Potter, Portage, Richmond, Avon, Farmington, Jerusalem, Springwater, Seneca, York and Leicester; /-'at Rochester, Corning, Canandaigua, Elornby ami Tascarora; at Springwater, Avon, Gorham, Mt. Morris, Canandaigua, S]iarta, Middle- Bex, Leicester, Italy and Barrington; // at Rochester, Sparta, Avon, Dansville and Spring- water; /at Avon, Nunda, Rochester, Dansville, Livonia, Groveland, Conesus, Mt. Morris, Phelpsand York; and A at Rochester, North Dansville, Conesus, Groveland, Tony, Milo, Avon and Middlesex 'I'll.- regiment, Maj. ChristopherC Davis, left the State Oct. 18th, l864;Company K joined in Nov., 1864; ami the regiment served in the 2d Brig., 1st Div., ."ith Corps, and was mus- tered out and honorably discharged undei Col. John E. McMahon, July 1st, 1865, near Wash- ington, I». I ' During its service the regimenl lost by death, killed in action, 28 enlisted men . of wounds received inaction. 1 officer, 13 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, '>'■'< enlisted men; total, 1 officer, 89 enlisted men; aggregate, 90; of whom 1 enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy; and it took pari in the following engagements, etc.: Hatcber'e B \ i Blcksford Raid Va BUD, Va . Dec. I'- ll Feb. 5 : led. Dl'dlReco _ = = - : - Appomattox camp'n,Va 1865 M Apr. 9 White Oak Ridge Mch. 29 (ir:i\cllv Kim Five Forks \pril 1 Kail of Pi'tcrstMirg Appomattox ('. II Total !ms< :5;E G o B ' = o Is p m o\i Eundeed \m» Eighty-ninth Regiment of Enfantey. Sept. 26th, 1864, Col, \Vm. A. Olmstead, succeeded by Col. William W. Ilayt, received authority to recruit this regiment; it was organized al Elmira, and to complete its organi- zation four companies, A, C, G and II, originally recruited lor the I75tb N. V. Vols., were assigned to it: it was mustered in the service of the United States lor one year in Aug. and Sept.. 1864. Company K, on arriving in the field, was transferred to the 15th X. Y. Vol. Engineers, 1 >u t was replaced bj a new company Dec. 16th, L864. The companies were recruited principally: .1 al Hath; />' at Bolivar, Wirt, Clarksville, Friendship, New Hudson, Caneadea and Alma; a1 Wheeler, Bath, Avoca, Canoga and Urbana; /> at Brookfield, Hamilton and Oswego; A'in Oswego county; F at Constantia; Q at Cohocton, Avoca and Wayland; // a1 Bath; / in Allegany county; and A' at Camden, Annsville, Lee, Paris, Westmoreland, Verona, Vernon and Vienna; and second Company A' a1 Florence, Camden, Boonville, Avon, Westmoreland. Verona, Lome and CTtica. Companies D, E, G and K left the State Sept. 18th the remaining companies <>et. 28d, 1864; the regimenl served in the 2d Brigade, Isl Division, 5tb Corps; and, commanded by Col. Allen L. Burr, was honorably discharged and mustered oul June 1st. 1866, near Washington, D C During its service the regimenl losl by death, killed in action, 1 officer, 6 enlisted men; of wounds received inaction. ;: enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 70 enlisted men; total, 2 officers, 7* enlisted men, . 30; and it took pari in the following engagements, etc. VOLUNTEERS OF 'I HE STATE. Date. Kit- • i i • >\ Place. le £ 1. 1) : - E - l;. CO, d § e = M . April 1 - - Before Petersburg, Va. ... Hlcksford Raid, Va 1864. N Apr.2,'65 l Dei .6 ii .. 1 Mch. 28 Apr. 1 2 1 i- wini. Oa R i i 1 I Api ittox < ii Appomattox camp'n.Va. One IIuxdued ami Ninetieth Reg i\i EN r OF I ni \ \ n;v .Ian. 13th, L865, Col. Paul Frank received authority t<> recruit tliis regiment In the county of New York. But one company, A, Capt. Christian S. Peterson, was organised, and mus- tered in the service of the United States for one and three years April 7th, 1885, at Harts Island, where it, and part of a proposed second company, were mustered out and honorably discharged May 3d and 4th, L865, respectively, having Lost by death of disease, 1 enlisted One Hundred and X in bt3 -fibs'] Regiment of I m lntby. Jan. 12th, 1865, Col. Leopold Von Gilsa received authority to recruit this regiment in the county of Now York. Two companies, A. Capt. Henry Arens, and B, Capt Julius B. Brose, were recruited at New 5Tork city, Tarrytown, Conkers, Flushing, and in Richmond county, and mustered in the service of the United States al Hart - bland for one, two and three years -March 80th and April 88th, 1865, and there mustered out and honorably dis- charged May 3d, 1865. ONE Hi n l iKED and Ni \ i:n -SECOND REGIMENT OP [NFANTBT. Jan. 14th, 1865, Col. Nathan G. Axtell received authority to recruit this regimenl for one, two and three years' service; it was organized at Albany, and there mustered in the service of the United States; Companies A, B, C and D March 18th; E, I-', G and II March 28th; I April 3d; and K April 8th, 1865. The companies were recruited principally: .1 and />' at Albany and Utica; ''at Troy, Albany and Utica; /> at Schenectady, Kingston and Poughkeepsie : /■' at Plattsburg, Poughkeepsie, Troy, Utica and Schenectady; V at Plattsburg, Kin.. B nectady, Poughkeepsie, Troy and Jamaica: at Schenectady, Albany, Troy, Goshen and K ■ M at Schenectady, Plattsburg, Poughkeepsie, Troy and Albany; / at Schenectady, Platts- burg, Poughkeepsie, Kingston. Troy, Albany and New Fork city; and R at Tarrytown, Jamaica, Kingston. Troy and Albany. The regiment left the State in detachments in March and April. 1865; served in the 8d Brigade, 3d Division, Army of the Shenandoah, from March, 1865, and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Lieut.-Col. Barent Van Buren, Aug. 88th, 1865, at Cumberland, Md.: having lost by death of disease and other causes, 86 enlisted men. One Hundred and Ninety-third Regiment oi [nfantrt. Jan. 21st, 1865, Col. John V. Van Petten received authority to recruit this regiment; it was organized at Albany, and the companies were mustered in the service of the United States for three years, A and K March 6th and 88th, respectively; for one, two and three years K April 7t"h: for one and three y< . ' ii and I March 14th, 88th, A] 3d and 9th, respectively; for one year Hand F March 16th and 88th, 18< The companies were recruited principally: .1 at Utica, Auburn, Oswego and S at Hermon, Malone. Pierrepont, Hammond, Louisville, Potsdam. Brasher, Macomb and Waddington; Cat Auburn, Bgchester and Syracuse; Dat Oswego, Volney, Granby, 516 PART III. SKETCH B8 01 ORGANIZATIONS. Constantia and Amboy; K at Syracuse, Oswego and Auburn; Fat Fowler, Brasher, Li>l>;m, Hopkinton, Burke, Lawrence and Louisville; at Bellmont, Lisbon, Stockholm, Cape Vin- <- > - 1 1 1 . Fowler, Rossie, Lawrence, Russell, Waddington, Savanuah, Pierrepont, Macomb ami Mi lira ; 11 at Watertowu and Auburn; /at Oswego; ami A' at Norwich, Syracuse and Auburn. Tlir regiment 1 ** 1 1 the State by detachments in Marcb ami April, 1866; it Berved in the :; t l Brigade, 3d Division, Army of tin- Shenandoah, from Marcb 18th, 1365; in tin- District ol Wesl Virginia, Middle Department, from .inly. 1865; and, Jan. 18th, 1866, it was honora- bly discharged ami mustered out, under Col. Van Petten, at Harper's Feny,W. Va.; having lost by death of disease and other causes, 25 enlisted men. Oxk Etjndred and Ninety-fourth Regiment "i I ma.ytky. •i in. 27th, 1865, Col. Joseph W. Corning received authority to recruit this regiment; it was organized at Elmira, ami Companies A ami B were there mustered in tin- service of the United Stairs for one and three years March 29th; Companies C, 1». E ami F April 7th, 10th, 23d ami 26th, respectively; at Hart's Island, Company G April "27th. 1865; Company I was nut mustered in a- a company, ami K was nut organized. A number of the independ- ent companies, then in process '>f organization, were incorporated in this regiment. The companies were recruited principally: J at Horseheads, Elmira, Southport, Che- mung, Veteran, Orange, Big Flats and Baldwin; J! at Southport, Tioga, Elmira, I)i\. Can- dor, Triangle, Horseheads, Maine, Reading and Union; Cat Holland, Baldwin, Elmira, Hume, Catlin, Veteran, New Hudson, Rochester and Canandaigua; I), Ninth Independent Company, at Victor, Milo, Jerusalem, Benton, Potter, Italy. Seneca, Barrington and Naples; /:' at Jerusalem, Elmira, Caneadea, Potter, Angelica, Southport, Rochester; /■'. Txoenty-firsi Independent Company, at Ischua, Allegany, I. run. Mansfield, Westfield, Randolph, Elli- cottsville, Persia and Cold Spring; '■'. Forty-ninth Independent Company, at Lockporl ami Buffalo; //. Twelfth Independent Company, in part, at Syracuse, Rochester, Virgil, Marion, Walworth, Conquest, Macedon, Niles, Palmyra, Auburn and Van Buren; f. Seventeenth Independent Company, in part, at Rochester, Buffalo, Auburn, Elmira, Canandaigua, • . Clay, Niles, Mendon ami [rondequoit. The companies were mustered out ami honorably discharged where they were mustered in May 3d and 10th, 1865; having Inst by death of disease, 7 enlisted men. Independent Corps Light Infantry. ENFANTS PERDUS; LOST CHILDREN; GERMAN LEGION. This regiment, Lieut.-Col. Felix Confort, was organized in New Fork city, where it was recruited under authority from tin- State, dated Nov. 22d, 1861 ; and where. April L8th, 1862, six companies, A to <;, were mustered in the service of the United States fur three years. Company C was originally Company A of the Stt vem' SharpehooU ra, an organization which failed of completion. In Aug., 1862, one company, and in March, 1868, two companies, joined those in the Geld. The regiment, -i\ companies only at the time, left the State April 18th, L862; it served in tie- Ith Corps, A. I'., at Gloucester and JTorktown from May, L862; in the l^t Brig., lVrk's Div., 4th Corps, in North Carolina, from Dec, 1862; in Naglee's Brig., 1st Div., 18th Corps, from Dec, 1862; in the 2d, Davis - . Brig., 2d, Naglee's, Div., 18th Corps, in Smith Carolina, from Jan. llth, \^^\ at Beaufort, S.C., from April, 1863; with 10th Corps, at St. Helena, B. <'.. from May, 1868 on Folly island, S. »'., rrom July, 1868; on Morris Island, S. C. from Aug . 1868; pan of the tin), Corps, from Oct., L863; and, Jan. 80th, 1864, com- manded by Lieut.-Col. Simon Levy, the enlisted men were transferred to the I-' \ F. ■ i'i, ami 18th N. \. Vol. infantry, and the regiment discontinued; having lost during it^ service by death, killed in action, 7 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, L' enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 52 enlisted men; total, 61; of whom 1 died iu the hands "f the enemy; ami taken part in the following engagements: UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. 51? \\ randed. Date. Sepi 1863. July in 1 Sept. 7 ||| ; - Place. L> \ E A s A ■i i 4 Boml Sututi In minor ifl d 1 Morris [stand, s. c D t - Siege of Batters u Bombardment <>f Fort J i " .: i [independent Companies oi [nfantby. In the spring of 1865, a number of Independenl companies were authorised tobeorgsn> izedand recruited with a view ti> the formation of new regiments, and completing those in the field reduced in numbers. These companies were numbered, and <>f those not assigned to regiments, bul one was completed, the 85th; of tl ther, not - pleted, independenl companies, the L5th, 22d, 25th, 26th, 30th, 81st, 83d, I8d, 1 It I. and men enlisted were on the cessation of recruiting mustered out al Mart's bland. The independenl com- panies losl by deatb of disease, '■'< enlisted men. Thirty-fiftb Independenl Company; organized al Lockport, nnder Capt. Eenry Richard* .sou; mustered out and honorably discharged .May :jd, lsiij, at Hart's Isluud. UnASSIGNED Ml n. At the time recruiting ceased there was a large number of men nt the various recruiting depots and recruiting stations; there were also at all times Bo-called permanent p the depots and unassigned men at the stations; many men deserted at the depots before being assigned; of these men, and men i n rout< to join, before being assigned to, regiments in the field, there died of wounds received in action, 1 enlisted man; of disease and other causes, 77 enlisted nun; total, 78. Those remaining at depots and stations were honorably discharged iu May, 1865. UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. First Kegiment United States Sharpshooters. r.i;i;|..\\V BE LRPSHOOTBR8. Col. Hiram Berdan received authority from the War Department, Jane 15th, 1861, to re- emit a regiment of sharpshooters; this State furnished for the same four companies, a. B, D aud II, and later on recruits. Company A, Capt Caspar Trepp, was recruited and organised al New Fork city, and mustered in the service of the United States forthree years Bept 8d, 6th, and Nov. 89th, 1861. Company B, Capt. Stephen Martin, was recruited principally al Albany, Ni city and Penn Van; it was organized at Albany, and there mastered In the service <>f the United States for three years Nov. 89th, 1861 Companj C I Q 3.1 was recruited al New Berlin. Cherry Valley, Roseboom, Richfield Springs, afilfon field, Norway aud Mexico, and mustered in the service of the Uniti 8 , 29th, 1861, for three years. Company //. I apt. George »i. Hastings, was n » V<.rk city, aud mustered in the service of the United States forthree v. an, al Washington, D. C. Nov. 29th, 1861. 018 PABT III. SKETCHES OF ORGANIZATIONS. The regimeni Berved with the Army of the Potomac, in detachments, and as one organiza- tion, in the 3d, 8d, and principally in the 5th Corps; Company A was mustered out Aug. 364, before Petersburg; Companj DAug. 28th, 1864; the men remaining in service Nov. 22d, 1864, of Company 1>. were transferred al thai date to Companies I and K; those oi Company II remaining in service Bept. L6th, 1S(J4, were on thai day transferred to Com- pany 1>: the regimeni was consolidated, Dec. 81st, 1864, with the 2d United States Sharp Bhooters, bul the men from this State were, Feb. 88th, Inu.";, retransf erred and assigned to the 124th N. Y. Vols. Of the New York companies, and the officers commissioned by the Governor of this State, there were killed in action, 1 officer, U'> enlisted men; died of wounds received in action, 2 offi- cers, 17 enlisted men; died of disease and other causes, 30 enlisted men; total, 3 officers, 63 enlisted men; aggregate, GG; of whom 2 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. United States Colored Troops. twentieth regiment of infantry. This regiment, Col. Nelson B. Bartram, was organized at Hiker's Island, New York har- bor, Feb. 9th, 1864, to serve three years; it served in the Department of the East to March, 1864; in the District of New Orleans, Dept. Gulf, to Jan., 1866; and in the Southern Divis- ion of Louisiana, Dept. Gulf, until it was honorably discharged and mustered out Oct. 7th, 1866. During its service it lost by death, of wounds received in action, 1 enlisted man; of dis- ease, 1 officer, 268 enlisted men; drowned, 1 enlisted man; of suicide, 1 officer, 3 enlisted nun; of sunstroke, 1 enlisted man ; of causes not stated, 14 enlisted men; total, 2 officers, 288 enlisted men; aggregate, 285. TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. This regiment, Col. William Silliman, was organized at Hiker's Island, New York harbor, Feb. 27th, L864, to serve three years; it served in the Dept. of the Eas1 to .March, 1864; in the District of Beaufort, Dept. of the South, to April, 1865; al Port Royal, S. C, until it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. William B. Guernsey, Aug. 29th, 1885. During its service the regimeni lost by death, killed in action, 21 enlisted men: of wounds received in action, '-' officers, "> enlisted men; of disease, 2 officers, 102 enlisted men: drowned. i officer, 1 enlisted men: murdered, l enlisted man; of sunstroke. 2 enlisted men; of causes nol stated, 8 enlisted men; total, 5 officers, 140 enlisted men; aggregate, 145. THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT OE INFANTRY. The organization of this regimeni was commenced under Col. Henry C. Ward.. -it Hart's [s- land, New York harbor, April 29th, L864, and completed in the field in Virginia Nov. l ith. 1864; it "a- mustered in the United States service for three years; the Thirtieth Connect- icut Colored Volunteers, while in process of organization, were merged into this regiment M;,\ 18th, 1864 The regimeni served in the Middle Dept. until April. 1864; in the 1st Brig., Ith Div., 9th Corps, to Nov., 1864; In the 1st Brig., 1st Div.. 25th Corps, to April, 1865; inthe 1st Brig., 8d Div.'. 10th Corps, to Aug., 1865; and In the District of New Berne, N. C, until it was honorably discharged and mustered oul Nov. 7th, 1865 During its service the regimeni lost by death, killed in action, 2 officers, '■'•'> enlisted men; of wounds received in action, l officer, 19 enlisted men; of disease, 1 officer, 100 enlisted men. by accidents, 8 enlisted men; drowned, 8 enlisted men;murdered, l enlisted man; of sun-Moke, i enlisted man. of causes ool stated, 15 enlisted men; total, 4 officers men; aggregate, 181; oi whom :• enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. APPENDIX 1. Statistical exhibit of deaths in the United States Army during the war, etc 2. Comparative statemenl of the number of men furnished and of the deaths in the United States Army, etc. 3. Statement of number of men called for by the President of the United States, and number of men Furnished by each State, etc. STATISTICAL EXHIBIT OF DEATHS IX THE I'NITED STATES ARMY DURING THE LATE UAi;. COMPILED I Ni'Ki: TH* DIR1I riOH Of BRIG.-GEX. RICHARD C. DRUM, ADJUTANT-GENERAL U, B ABUT, II V JOSEPH W. BURKLEY. ap.m i w i i.i \i i: \T- Office, i w \-niN..h.\. \fay -J-.'./. Brig. -Gen. Ri< eabtj •'. Drum, Adjutant-General United States Army: Sir: I have tbe honor to report the completion of tin- statistical statemenl of "I'-nth- in tin- United States Army during the late war. compiled In obedience t" your order of June 2d, 1884. In tli«' prosecution of the work all records of tin- office affording Information upon the subject have been carefully and thoroughly examined. The table beren ith submitted exhibits the result. The aggregate mortality within the Union lines i- the nearest approximation to the rial loss attainable, ami may l»' regarded as conclusive. With the deaths occurring among prisoners «>t" war tin- result i- not -" satisfactory. Un- fortunately, the records of Southern prisons in possession of the Department an- very incomplete. In fan. the death registers of some >. I Approved, and will be printed. It. C. DRUM, Adjutant-Oi iu ral. STATISTICAL EXHIBIT OF I'KATIK ■•!':.-.. ir.1 V §s ■ 3 o •"•Mv I* § hi RS 8 l - I Sag "■•IV CI •8J93UJ0 1 ii§l "••K : ; | i "SiMfflO 1 ""■•iv ! : : j ' •SJ33UJ0 | : : | : Executed by U. 8. military authori- ties. "•'IV hi: Ml: "UV waaUJO | : : | : "'i\ | : : | : •Si33«o | : • | . •"•'iv | : : | : ■sj i mm,, | : : | o ■nam ■siaaujo l = M Iffl •"•'■v ^-- r - ■saaonjo "II" ■5 . o 1 « - 5 "••IV P 1 1 •waonjo 8 5 K S N •SJ33UJ0 || to S s •waoHJO : -A as < i - 6- < . S : < : J E ^ a "C ® r- 93 E < . I N X -. . |~ N IS E il .v a gi g 's £ : as £ - - : : I : N ; 55 52 1 AIM'KMHX. 8 s S 3 - I'-'K H S \U ■-J-' -till > o ■ s - •uok 8~ g •sjsdujo | : . | : : ■"■•K _ - •SJ30UIO | uH u M : 1*" •sa.'.>mo ; : : I : '"" K ! • : 1 : •sjaaujo | : : I : Bxei uted military .■lit i i ■ • i i- ties. •U9H = 82 : - - •napj rt : : ill •" 'iv ! : : i : gl CO • ■"■>K CO -uk>B0 I : : 1 : 7 a g •U3 K CO CO 'uaomo "•r ~ - ; o •U3K l- ; t~ ■8J090O i-h - i n p 3 '8193(00 © ■ o _-- = -a»H S : 1 -i' 'UJd - s a . h £ s ■-J.. Mill! ao - ao B 1 - - < "It H ! q| i c c Sz - s - _r - 1 M 1 15 s |i O ■ |0» 83 IS « • | » *™ : 1 — ' * ' 1 ^ ci • 1 « 00 • 00 z^ I iO ■ft SOI |M I J- ':• CO ; eo r ■c E — 0» 1 CO " I s OJ IO .- : : 1 : : : 1 : Ml! : : 1 : !-|- : . I : : . I : % i V ei Cl o • CO • ao -«i : a ; - ' ' el - t : E U5 ■ ■ft J2 1-1 CJ ©J ■' .' 1 1 : : I : •:|- : : 1 III- : : 1 : hi: iili ■ :| • ill! Ml! !!M : : 1 : Ml ! ; co ■ CO ;i|! a a: : £ s •-- 8- S S II !« | S . |° <- S" | §:IS ■ft • ift a » 1 p S 8 as I a"" is" 8-1 Mlg — ei I CO S : ' " .. | et ft" |S ." 1 IH OO ■ 1 00 O 1 o r- | »H :"* 1 "* co | co §3 . IS " : I " 00 • | CO C. 1 =■- II H CC I oc gSJt MIS o» | e<» ■ft S 8j 1 c^: S < < it B ■ e ■ - t STATISTICAL EXHIBIT OF DBATHa as s ei i co 111 "s/i 3*|S I" s*ll 3° § / — n • I «■ 2 . m N h -. — o gee — :~ - 3 X | • : '-" **: : : : 1 : ;« " : : 1 : - M • |I5 00 I X S-IB IS ST s *5 S -5- z Y:'-- 00 1 » S!|S 1 - — c :i >- s c 2 M »j»- _2 5 I ;;l ; s-- a - CI CI '— "■ ri ■ ti -< N s ' "I" ' — s 5. '■2* B |i 91 | | S li § i — — s s s I M . t-i -r M — a - ~ K 1 - - s aS - : 524 s ; CO 3 ■nan O PC go.2 O 00 to ■ to -suaoujo | : : 1 : z - - •"•'K •sjooujo | : : I : Hd '"' K | : • | : •sjsdujo | : : | : Zijl ■"■•K : : 1 : •siaDujo | : : | : i military autnori- •najg sfl ■"•'K •waa\BO Killed after capture- "■'K = z uan rt : | M SJ3DUJ0 | H ■siaamo ". - - - -nan •BJ90HJ0 i 5 •"■•K S . IS •-1..-MIH) -- n CO -i oxoo = . If 5" •nan •■ < t - a ; s — - J. "rt APPENDIX. £ rii - - TO TO 2*° TO TO 1^ 11 5" 1- - 1" i- r - i i- 1! - 1" n §* — ? to : s 8 i 5 : : 1 : : | : Ml i . : 1 : • • 1 : . : 1 : • : 1 : ill! III! III! iih iih !=|: = !l! : : | : = M: i=M * : 8 N ; ei 4 : a ■ ■ < ■ > '■ - L ■ - > V II ce 1 : s £& ^ : : 1 : eo«9 00 : : 1 : -. CO ;;l i : : 1 : »- • ** : " "■■ ■ ::| 1 Ml : "* . " e*i ~ : :\\\ S : S3 " . " 13 i. p. TO 5 1; 1 3 : 3 -i 8"= IS Ha *| ! I ■c * 2 c= P 1:1 II g:|£ II eg : 1 55 i Iff! •"'IV eS : s •" w ?l j M ~ _ g -^ m — i - 8- 3 If "■'IV S o - - as o i > '- '-- T> 83 3 : ill : : 1 . Ul i : : 1 : I'M : : 1 : MM : : 1 : ; . ^T ^" : : 1 : ;h i « • N • N : : - ■- B : t > CO | CO 2 N IS S3 .'- : : 1 : i~ i s S : £ hi : 3 i 3 !:|! is |S ' ■* r" 8 : IS II SpS « I* : : I : 9 I fc l - 3 v. SE - M |g STATISTICAL EXHIBIT OF DEATHS. i < O a 1_ OS'S r 3 iff ^ S : 5 § : § • : 1 : m - - j ■=" ^— — t£- ■"* . 1-1 : 1-1 : : 1 : to • 1 !C ' = h oo !;M *5 : l ~ W ; :- i 1F- S* ss § «- ; 00 • GO : : 1 ci 11 : : 1 ■M ; : : 1 : \A ■ : : 1 " '. 1-1 \:\ -■ : : 1 '. «n • lO 3« W ; s s m • »c £ : a e> • e> ■ ■ J : I I : . : -: . 5 e : 03 • a> ; Is 1 ■sg ►.a - - 1" 8 : :| : :| "* : -r -^ — 9 £ s ta :.- ■: s .-. 8" 8 « • I py >i' HUl> III! "■'IV S j IS •sjaoujo | rt : | *"' 7 1 •s : n S : iS ■sjaaajo "* : | "* !««§ <--=•- "•'IV § : 2 ■saoonjo 5 l ao t- 1 l'-- § Sj£ gs e ■--!■' 'UHI s w s Killed in action. •n 1 s •; : , i i a i S : S3 "Eg -5 a ' :t s & 1 s - 3! p CO cSS ■ 03 :?•- 3 ?! 1 :8 .-* •* 3 : £ i 03 • 8 8 : § :8 8 :fl 2 g I & g | s" 5 r CO S CO § w 2 gat 03 N 8 cti -- s Su-cs Q C J « Soft 2 ^2 S£~ 1 = 2 g S it "-'i -<=* g g CO ; F ' ! « 03-H Sflrf c o« ■O a, o p.S" = rt = sa 2 a> .- — js.o i a> Hi SS-S - - s .2 . i ~ £■£ - = a"ga -~ sg APPENDIX. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE NUMBER OF MEN FUBNISHBD A M> OB 'UN. DBATH8 IN Till DHIT1D STATED AHMY DDKING I III: LATE u \ i;. M' n In | i '- STATES. TERRITORIES, BTO. 2 is 1 6 1 i - Alabama Arkansas California LtMi Dakota Delaware District of Columbia 11,912 Florida Georgia 18 Illinois 265,06" I 311 Didiana 1,078 1 low a ■ i M0 13,001 Kansas 2.080 20,149 Kentucky ..ii ■ in.:;* Louisiana 5,284 • - 945 Maine 5,080 Int 70,107 Maryland. 8,925 B.718 .Massachusetts Michigan 86 i?' I -■. Minnesota 28,918 104 24,020 :. i ", Missouri 100,610 161 li".'. Ill Nebraska. Nevada New Hampshire 126 New Jersey . . 67,500 1,186 New Mexico 6,561 (09,561 85,164 t I .'. North Carolina 8,156 . ... Ohio 304,814 .. . . 1,810 1,810 Pennsylvania... 816,017 1,878 Tennesee 81,093 81.002 I DOS 141 Vermont 619 Virginia 4-' 964 mi 81,872 4.017 Wisconsin 91,029 lL'..*ll Indian Nations 1,680 Colored Troops Veteran Reserve Corps I . s. \ eteran \ olunteers i Hancock s Corps i IT. S. Volunteer Engineers and Sharpshooters U. 8. Volunteer Infantry General ami general stair officers, I . S. Volunteers Miscellaneous fj.8.\ olunteers (brigade band.-, etc) a. '.'.is Grand aggregate 178.975 359.528 • Number iioi credited iiiioii the quotas of an] - t Includes losses in all colored organisations excepting three regiments t- • -m m i:\ri.w \ i.h;y NOT] B With the exception of three Massachusetts region wIid-m' iMMialtiis are include.! with those of the white fro../,-,- from thai Si • |iaruii-iy. irrespec tivi- of any credits allowed upon the 'ii" •' •■-■ of the States. Thi inents>'. I .'.71. In all other cases tin' lltftires in the column of deaths r.-| . • .n relative to the numticr of deaths in In ' Savy Thi-Ci.ioreii sohti.Ts organized under the direct authority ol the General Govern d were recruited as follows : In Alabama, 1,989; Arkansas, S.526; Colorado. M: Florida, I. ■ i n ..rtli Carolina. \nV>; South Carolina. :.. KV> : Tetini •fliere ». -ro soldiers enlisted at lars Of the numiier of eoioii',1 troops credited to the SI ned, under the p lion 9, act of Coiiki''-s apiinive,l . 1 1 1 1 \ I. l-'.l. irmn the States that had - The number of otllcors and in.-n ol my among whoi at 67,000; the nui t in the Veteran Reserve Corps n as 80.S0H : an I In II The other organisations ol white volunteers organised dlrei tly bj the I'. B. authorities, numbered si mil U.m. At'ji \ Approved, and will be printed us a supplement to the statistical exhibit of deaths In th<- 0. S. Army ... B G DRUM, AdjuUintOtneraX. 530 APPENDIX. - - - i « - - fc fc : - : = - " - K - S II /- - 3 9e C-l E- E- /. g P E 00 - _ - - - «: Ell Z . : :g • :g S3 BB . : • : : ; : : 1 i i ".** ■~- r ~ ;«»eo ; ; ' ; • 8:::i i :::::: i :::::: : P j : [ : J ; i i ? \ \ \ \ \ \ : : : : \ 1 » ill -11 (3 ■|..H|-;|II -Jiij it. >Jg i-V-f'c:;,.-'-;^- : : . . 1 1 ; ! ! I ; ; j 1 ; ; I : j j ; j £ : I ! 1 1 1 M = !h!;l *- ~ / z i t - — :■:»- <" ~ /. j-. t t — -— ~ - i * * t c i - • oo afoVgwVggjg-Hco* gsjg-* -Jtfggjgrf :!':: : :::::::::: i :: l| | !Mi: ! : I!:|!:M|:!| 2g8S3S38SSSBS8388S8S8S8 :::::: : | J:::::::.: || •i:t""ft :.i;tj;u-;oc-it s: — \t — — -: = ^ — — .:::.. : ::;:::::;:: 1 a b.2 o fa 2 |vj ~ E a 1 o «> ;;:;;: :S9® :.: : I •2 -<2 o s 2 = -. — > £2 ~ « ~ c •p-l'M. mm^nmmm \ ;•: ■•■• s : 1 8 s S88SB888S888883B38E8SBS ::'::: j ::':: i :. : ?:: : ■ • § ;: i : ; i i i i : :s : : : ; ; i : i : ; -. \ ■. w i \\ ■ > i'i ; • • ; • ; : ; : • ■ ■3 ? I::::::::::: ill • : :§ :§Ci : : : : : : : 5 :::.::!:: : « , . «a ■ • • ' "» 8888888888888 : : . : : : : :|B — £ = = = - 6 ■ ['"I-"' K9 os o«eo CO C -»":•-«• -t" o • ! r. i : i ::::: i ::::•• i — ' rococo c:'?t o •«■'•* — — i c E - S :*:;:;• : : : . : : . : . .3 . . . : : : : : S : l-iliiillJ Jl i i : ill : - --- — — :— c : : : : .'a : : ; . fc ; : :^ : - - ~ - -si 3^ 02 s S s* S"o sJ a S 2 - •» * £X : 75 ~ ^ ■'■ - - - '- - - c - - 5 : APPENDIX. s - "s rf gM8«S' r.t .$£2 ; | ; -■■--■ "- ggVg M -;,:-: r.t -; !" : ' ! - = i := 'i;Z : J r :V'>^. i .;i;i :-">■?.■=■/; I' ■a : , 5-SS! o C e- is I|i ~- — . . — i - t - « — : ■ . - . ;| :§ : :§S£ ] :g| 8 § :§:§ :^ : :^ • . :8gg ■wjonO S£8S8S58J •>'l"ti?) i-ii—i-.-..-. _'c-. v j - c^ — — — .__•: i- a "' — £- ?> n - " ~~ — ~ ■" r : 3222 :?igg 2 : - — K3 ~. -o-f— :: : ■ pi BO (D «_^ COOgofgjV* «[>»•* 7j JS /, ',-£■" — _r - : ■ r ■ - - • >-~ - * £ a 3 js £ !.e = = — — - r •- i = ■- u - - - 5- AITKXIHX. s 01 paonp SSIESfi3SSS8l8S8Sif^?1inig5IISii!IH : '8 :■-■: : E^-3|:J;l!HIiSS881E8iS88S iigiifgssig ■ / . - I — : -' S £ - — ■-. z :- -'. - :• — .- — r ?• — .- - /-. — -., ,- - 7.' -■ S r. .-« ~ co ■* B ri — ic &W/f.- §88888888 - " - 5BS8888 £888883888 ■ X ki-. 1 - z .-. '-'■ Z • - - ■ - = - -i ~ 't — - '■'■ '- M- — l-C:i-=3 ■ S ?1 — — 71 1 ti"— IT ■" £ ► -;?;.i? >~~« — S; - - ■ --v -* . r-l « -»■ -J X — t ! — zi rtCOeSti -* c-ititi — —'..-: |3SSS« fc -g8 — — r. c i^-r^ -■>--- :553 r -- r: ': ; ,. a §- - ■ >~ r - = - ■- v 5 9-S-S.c St: SSC I 1 1 --- 5 - 5 > S 3! O SB ^. = - _ -. - : MEDALS OF BONOB A\\ audi. n SINCE [S8TJB 01 ri us i inn [OBT. Allen, .Tamos, private Co. F. 18th Infantry, fur capture of flag of 161 at South Mountain. Md., Sept. 1-lth. 1862. Caruana, Orlando Iv. private Co K. 5ls1 [nfantry, for distinguished services In action at New Heine, N. <'.. Mar. 1 Itli. 1862, and al Smith Mountain, .M.I . Sept. Nth. 1862. Fallon, Thomas T., private Co. K. 87th [nfantry, for bravery in action at Williamsburg, 7a., May 5th, 1862. Mottitt. John, Corporal Co. C, L6th [nfantry, for special gallantry at the battle ol I Mills, V*a., June 37th, 1862. Nealir. Zachariah C, private Co. K. 1 I'M [nfantry, fur having volunteered t" cut down the palisading at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan 15th, 1865. O'Beirne, .lames R., Captain 87th [nfantry, for gallant (•.induct in the battle of Pair Oaks, Va.. May 81st-June 1st, 1862. Quinlan, James, Major 88th Infantry, for gallanl Berviot 28th. 1862. c* - 1