Fsrc -^3 COPYRIGHT igi7 \V K r.VVK'KK ANO J M. CAUGHEY M rights i*i*jv*d Art 3!C IW FOREWORD By The Late ELBERT HUBBARD Written shortly after his visit to New Orleans ■^'S^>e^tf^^^ |HIS book contains kindly drawings, by the Asso- ciated Cartoonists of people with phosphorus plus. .^5*i..rf^ JOHN H. FULTON President Commercial National Bank of New Orleans Vice-President National City Bank of New York 10 Ngi-$3t&.-;>X:Si^ COMMODORE ERNEST LEE JAHNCKE President and General Manager Jahncke Navigation Co. President New Orleans Association of Commerce 11 ^/£>//MC-. J. B. SIMMONS President Woodward Wight and Company, Ltd. 12 R. M. WALMSLEY President New Orleans Clearing House 13 fjuoce. K r. L . -»5.-^C=?S!«iCEaS^ HONORABLE JOSEPH E. RANSDELL United States Senator from Louisiana 14 So-S^^ite^-i WILLIAM B. THOMPSON President W. B. Thompson and Company President of the Dock Board 15 *^^Si3Cv.<-.<*- CHARLES A. FARWELL Milliken & Farwell, Commission Merchants 16 -^»-«S?Ss»vje3s^ JOHN J. GANNON President Hibernia Bank and Trust Company 17 J. H. R. PARSONS Vice-President and General Manager Louisiana Lines, Southern Pacific Company 18 N3t55«&»«j!S^f''*-^ EDW. F. KEARNEY President Wabash Railroad 19 -««.a>*fcfcML«Lt«lt».ctc.ct«LCCf,«.ttCCRtifAt:fxr.r.r.cf.rjc.r-r-f.r.c.crf.ctrf.<.e.ce-r ^iMfmm^^~^wsw(iw. *^''^NSi>:!i.N^ JUDGE JOS. A. BREAUX 22 DOCTOR RUDOLPH MATAS Physician and Surgeon Professor of Surgery at Tulane University 23 C. B. FOX President C. B. Fox Company, Inc., Grain Exporters 24 vi^Tt3&A>jIi?t- FRANK B. WILLIAMS Lumber 25 R. H. DOWNMAN Lumber President National Lumber Manufacturers' Association 26 ->arSC?l&vx>.^*fe^ GEORGE J. GLOVER General Contractor 27 SAMUEL A. TRUFANT Stocks and Bonds Investment Securities 28 A. B. WHEELER President United States Safe Deposit and Savings Bank 29 ^^■^sSisX'.A::!^ HUNTER C. LEAKE Lawyer 30 EDWIN T. MERRICK Lawyer 31 ^ (S) ^ ( WILLIAM E. FARRIS Vice-President and General Manager New Orleans and Great Northern Railroad 32 JUDGE THOMAS J. FREEMA N President International and Great Northern R ailway Company General Counsel Texas and Pacific R ailway 33 H€ /S PJSf5JP€ffT 7ou/io 5fi/iKezP€A /?£■ TOaf^O FUrfO BOA^O o I »ec TO « Soc/er f ^//p r/f£ Tf re € GVA^^^TT^^ 0» Z./t. 5.P.C.C. cVt-le-CT^o^' .^-"x xV^4^/ />4,^. ^fi.i BifOUOH/ T06£JttEIS m HIS LIBKA/fy lO.OOO BOOKS ,tn''^f/- v^-S"^.^ THOMAS PAYNE THOMPSON Associate General Agent Equitable Life Assurance Society 34 ^;R-SC=?a^ COLONEL HUGUES J. DE LA VERGNE Attorney and Counselor At Law 35 MeMBER OF: L0UI5MNA BARASS'N 'NATIONAlGEO&liAfHiCStKY ISUNJVSWKEtlTERARr " JACK^ONHifiHWMAiVM LA.mSIOMCAlSKinV ISOUTMEKHVACHTCLUB BOSTON CLUB COUNTRY CLUe - FOft VCARS HE HAS BEEN ALEAOINGi SPIRIT BEHIND - OUR nOVEMENTS FOR OOOJ) ROACS PURNELL M. MILNER Lawyer 36 L. M. POOLE Vice-President Hibernia Bank and Trust Company 37 •A.'Sva&ACtrift. NEAL M. LEACH Traffic-Manager Texas and Pacific Railroad 38 — MOTORIM& IS ONE OF HIS RECREATIONS — CHARLES WEINBERGER Manager Fruit Dispatch Company 39 ALVIN P. HOWARD Hayward, Howard and Company, Cotton Brokers 40 J. BLANC MONROE Lawyer 41 /^£ ^f^ ( ') H£ ^OTr/f^i-y '^ "^ coo 3' a CLUB -«af$5%&*^J&K;2v'^7 ROBERT B. TRABUE Special Agent The Mutual Life Insurance Company, New York 42 tfCSS fyOC^ '**iO -r-S/^rf'S F. W. SALMEN President-Secretary Salmen Brick and Lumber Company, Ltd. 43 SENATOR E. M. STAFFORD Lawyer 44 MARCUS WALKER Managing Director Federal Reserve Branch Bank 45 ERNEST M. LOEB President Haubtman & Loeb Company, Ltd. 46 -sa>S53i5s>.<>J?i5i^*rf#7///.2^^^- SIGMUND ODENHEIMER President and General Manager Lane Cotton Mills Company 47 -Ai?3»v GEORGE G. EARL General Superintendent Sewerage and Water Board 48 N&^WS&s^Ni;^:— A. G. RICKS Commissioner of Finance President A. G. Ricks and Company, Inc. 49 -^"V^ a^ ^ sO*t^^>J i^^'i^g' COLONEL C. E. BRAY Manager Orpheum Theater 50 f^secHff'^rp.fo/'FeE co. Msi'^ees Soaho of &o i H/6 i p56-i?EEt> EL L.L.D ) annuo £MLT£0 hj.OLOPdE-B.POt l-'7 (/frt;C<-7i*v BuiiDiNO COMMITTEE I^O -~^^J?^Svi.O COLONEL JOHN P. SULLIVAN Attorney At Law 51 ^S&^^5^)&»N.^i^ ^£:r^mix> HONORABLE ROBERT F. BROUSSARD United States Senator from Louisiana 52 E. T. GEORGE Vice-President Seaboard Refining Company 53 HONORABLE JOHN T. MICHEL Railroad Commissioner President Sixth District Building and Loan Association 54 -«St^53te».>.VJ HONORABLE WILLIAM W. HEARD Registrar of Voters 55 & /^ t B ^L-r CO. -s5arS^a>s-vJ BEVERLY B. MYLES President Myles Salt Company, Ltd. 56 ^s5.-^^5te^>.^SSiOi^^ J. D. LACEY President J. D. Lacey and Company 57 ^^S3s.iJas«. J. LEWIS DANTZLER President Standard Export Lumber Company, Ltd. 58 .*^.«.^^'^'^^ C. S. MATHEWS Proprietor Georgia Plantation, Mathews, La. President Catherine Planting and Manufacturing Company 59 E. L. CHAPPUIS Real Estate 60 CHARLES H. HAMILTON Secretary -Treasurer Merchants Coffee Company of New Orleans, Ltd. 61 JAMES V. DUNBAR President Dunbar-Dukate Company 62 »*>?Ca4s<^^fr^ EDGAR B. STERN Lehman, Stern and Company, Cotton 63 W. O. HUDSON President Marine Oil Company, Ltd. 64 LEON C. SIMON Vice-President Kohn, Weil and Company, Inc. 65 >>A:^SbdLN£ii&i_ GENERAL J. B. LEVERT Sugar-Planter 66 becoMO v/c£fiees. 4*oas^*.>^:'' vSkS^^OSC^.^ CHARLES JANVIER Postmaster New Orleans President Janvier and Company, Ltd., General Insurance 67 MAJOR WILLIAM MC L. FAYSSOUX Lawyer President New Orleans Levee Board 68 *.Ss.*3»J&ci J. ZACH SPEARING Lawyer 69 FREDERICK W. BOTT Manager Mergenthaler Linotype Company 70 •s3>,-$33S.<>-^ ROBERT C. PERKINS General Freight Agent I. C. R. R. Co., and Y. & M. V. R. R. 71 DOCTOR CHARLES F. GELBKE Physician-Surgeon Mayor of Gretna, Louisiana 72 ^mioEn DOCTOR B. A. LEDBETTER Physician 73 CHARLES H. BEHRE President Pelican Ice Company President Pelican Cold Storage and Warehouse Company 74 vs-SCSSciv-Cift^ CHARLES E. WERMUTH Certified Public Accountant 75 If CI.] i 1 ; it «»<», ^<&St^«s^ ROBERT E. O'CONNOR Attorney At Law 76 «^JKa5Ss.-iSs^»-^x,^£^ '• LARZ A. JONES President Alabama and Vicksburg Railway President Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railway 77 ^3VS>3Se<5.>-^ FRANK J. MANGHAM Secretary-Manager Federal Fruit and Cold Storage Company 78 •*i*C«li^>.i JAMES L. WRIGHT President Bankers' Loan and Securities Company 79 M. J. HARTSON General Insurance President New Orleans Insurance Exchange 80 WILLIAM KERNAN DART Lawyer Dart, Kernan & Dart 81 viJ:?C!?!i.ar^3afis*vjS BENJAMIN C. BROWN President New Orleans Ice Cream Company 86 "^i^SiSv.i.v /I CHARLES A. STAIR General Manager Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company 87 / P. SEFTON SCHNEIDAU Land Expert and Investments 88 W. HORACE WILLIAMS Secretary -Treasurer Doullut & Williams, Inc. Secretary-Treasurer Southern Lighterage and Wrecking Company, Inc. Secretary-Treasurer Shell Beach Land and Improvement Company 89 WILLIAM M. CAMPBELL Fire Marshal State of Louisiana 90 EFFICIENCY, OR HOW IT 19 DONE inMEUJ GRLEAIir?... /I MOT/ON PKTU»e in -» /eeeir Fe/^Tcm/ffa s^uJ.nfiFFOPo.M.o. »«^« I .,1. , ' ... r^ I MIME A.M. I NINE THIRTY /*.M.| «jk-^K3t&.-<>]!»;^ DOCTOR STEPHEN W. STAFFORD Physician Superintendent Charity Hospital 91 no ^CA/^ MAJOR FRANK M. KERR Chief State Engineer 92 r' \ wn>ttwt.MrA ^ flf )^ ^*sf;5i»s.- ROBERT N. SIMS State Examiner of State Banks 93 ^-^^^^^^^f^^/r^y.OfA T. SEMMES WALMSLEY Attorney At Law 94 FOKfisK. p/eEs/ee/TT (Mow) nssw. Of: commeixe Ct/A^fie/f .,r COlJ*i^ WILSON WILLIAMS General Agent New England Mutual Life Insurance Company 97 WAYLAND S. BICKFORD President Crescent City Carbonate Company 98 DOCTOR T. J. DIMITRY Oculist 99 •sa.-5Cj?Ss^>.>s! JAMES W. BILLINGSLEY Consulting Engineer 100 \«0T TO-rflOMll rSoNOTOTMEl jf"?et ^s?;S5so LOUIS B. REUTER Chris. Reuter, Seeds 101 >5^3^o^> CHARLES S. GERTH General Manager Gerth's Realty Experts, Inc. 102 ROBT. D. REEVES Vice-President and General Manager W. G. Coyle & Company, Inc. 103 COLONEL JOSEPH H. DE GRANGE Secretary New Orleans Railway and Light Company 104 ^^a'st^SSsicsSss o^r^/WS' HONORABLE PAUL CAPEVIELLE Auditor State of Louisiana 105 C». sr^re /neo.;ar/err feu o IV Of rue' /iMe/Pic«M f/>Pf*> HCPUA PHt- aerti -k^pp/^ DOCTOR P. JORDA KAHLE Physician and Surgeon 106 ^it -ONB HOBBY^ WILLIAM C. MC LEOD Attorney at Law 107 HONORABLE LOUIS H. MARRERO, SR. Sheriff of Jefferson Parish 108 '^^^i?iS?tei.N»:» > J^tfMM*!^^- SENATOR J. J. DRAWE Supervisor of Shipments Cotton Seed Products 109 JOHN X. WEGMANN President Lafayette Fire Insurance Company 110 •^'SCfew.v.^ifejai^ JOSEPH J. IRWIN 111 HARRY D. WILSON Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration, State of Louisiana 112 yt /s ^ 1 SHRinen Ano 1 /)V fi^tA^ «»-' i /9£.5(9 „£/nB£K. Of PKe'S 4, r»cHT ct-ue^ 1 Ano \ /?55V af com^eaA >*^*^s^v5:^ EDWARD O. WILD Publisher, Gulf States Farmer 113 H. M. FEILD Contracting Engineer 114 ^Si553&*>j:« **^'^N»t^ MORRIS MICHAELIS 119 ^«.-^i:?r&oi HARRY P. SNEED Assistant Attorney-General, State of Louisiana 120 BURT W. HENRY Attorney at Law 121 DOCTOR MERRICK W. SWORDS Physician 122 -^S^iS-»v<^^ THOMAS H. TAYLOR Assistant to the Vice-President Standard Oil Company of Louisiana 123 DOCTOR VALENTINE K. IRION President Municipal Improvement League 124 -^^i^S^^S*. GEORGE W. NOTT Secretary and General Manager the Morris Plan Company, Inc. 125 BERNARD M. ISAACS President Marks Isaacs Company 126 ALBERT ASCHAFFENBURG President Lafayette Hotel Company 127 LOUIS R. HOOVER Attorney at Law 128 ->».-^C?Sii .^r^^orz/cee. — - JAMES W. SMITHER State Manager Union Central Life Insurance Company of Cincinnati, Ohio 129 FRANK A. GODCHAUX President Louisiana State Rice Milling Company 130 HONORABLE CHARLES A. BYRNE Attorney at Law 131 ARMAND ROMAIN Attorney at Law 132 OF rne- OChOOl- E. A. WILLIAMS Secretary School Board 133 .^'^^^f'WZ»F/? GEORGE G. KRONENBERGER Attorney at Law 138 .-=^:. SIMON SEGARI President S. Segari and Company, Commission Merchants 139 #. pmO- M ■Mli' PAUL DOULLUT Doullut and Williams, General Contractors 140 •^^^^ FELIX J. DREYFOUS Attorney at Law 141 W. D. JENKINS General Railway Supplies 142 ^^^^s^^X^^^^^^^^j^s:::^^ EDWARD R. FERRY General Agent I. C. R. R. Co., and Y. & M. V. R. R. Co. 143 LEON C. WEISS Architect 144 OH Mf J. G. RAINWATER President J. G. Rainwater Lumber Company President San Ramon Steamship Company 145 "^S?CSas^>i5S^'. — ^^oOfrnPEi ROYDAN R. DOUGLAS President Douglas Electric Construction Company, Ltd. 146 DOCTOR CLARENCE A. BURGHEIM Consul-General Nicaragua 147 ^-^.-SCSKaso-v-X^S—iaite- THOMAS DOUGLAS Pradat and Douglas, Weighers 148 GEORGE M. LEAHY Mantels, Grates and Tiles President Security Building and Loan Association Vice-President City Bank and Trust Company 149 JOHN B. HONOR President Arthur H. Page Company, Ltd. Secretary and Manager J. B. Honor Company, Ltd. 150 'r//^if/e-v«iv5,s5;S&»>i;»i^ ALEXANDER DUSSEL President Alex. Dussel Iron Works Company 151 ■^'VO £c///we*^--r A. F. BULTMAN, JR. Mortician 152 KARL A. BUGBEE Manager Southern Metro Picture Corporation 153 L. A. DOWNS General Superintendent Illinois Central Railroad 154 I_i) \lh±]^El3 l l'-^-'^' - '"" "' SAMUEL W. WEIS Julius Weis and Company, Cotton Factors 155 p. W. TURNER Proprietor Tumerised Roofing Company 156 Pofui./t/e f//rs ///CK /9 ccosf secovo NICHOLAS J. CLESI Real Estate 157 LYLE SAXON Lawyer 158 "^"^hx^^^^^^' '■/t/ilXi LOUIS N. LANG Craven and Lang, Contractors 159 WILLIAM E. GOSSELIN Treasurer and Manager F. H. Koretke Brass and Manufacturing Company 160 -«5^5SJ WILLIAM B. LANCASTER Real Estate (Mandeville Realty) 161 DOCTOR H. V. SIMS Physician 162 WILLIAM E. ATKINSON Consulting Highway and Drainage Engineer 163 HENRY B. DABOVAL General Manager Crescent City Stock Yards 164 JEFF LIVINGSTON Proprietor The T. A. Snider Preserving Company 165 wo o/j£ /--v fvier/coi/te. OFFIce OP ^ fl^JD CO- Carrots O^eo -pROVOCT^. ' >s»^^5=i5si.'0s;5;^j2a'SC?=!to.-i>a«t^^'a^^' HARVEY W. SMITH Secretary Central America Commercial Company 167 / f=o/! rooei . /ino hill eUflOll^ O-r w^., ''^^J^r/^/iff£R^ FRED PERKINS President Capital City Auto Company, Inc. Louisiana Distributor Studebaker Motor Cars 168 DOCTOR AMEDEE GRANGER Physician and Surgeon 169 ■Ni!i.'^>»\x\£^ ^^i>0^¥MPS^Z^ GASTON CABIRO President G. Cabiro, Inc. 170 JAMES J. A. FORTIER Attorney at Law 171 LOUIS H. BURNS Attorney at Law 172 3. J -♦•cr, sj^'^e'- /w*^ "tj.'^^ s,aoTyf ne IN C^l /^^^^.^ -v3K^C?3i!^v3iS?Si_ J. TEMPLE DOSWELL General Insurance 173 N5.-i^CS&i.>j6S;.-»Sis8>»ss> WILLIAM J. HARRISON President W. J. Harrison Company, Ltd. 174 -^J^=^^««^3ik^'^#^'^' HAMPTON REYNOLDS Civil Engineer and General Contractor 175 BENJAMIN CLASSEN, JR. President Cahaba Red Ash Coal Company, Inc. 176 •^•*3S!ci SAMUEL V. EDMISTON Secretary-Treasurer Gerson Realty Company Secretary-Treasurer St. Mary Co-Operative Farm and Orchard Association 177 LESTER F. ALEXANDER Contractor 178 GUS D. LEVY Special Agent New York Life Insurance Company ,b^ 179 Wmt% DOCTOR C. GRENES COLE Physician and Surgeon 180 / rss •*ei Met tc its n COLONEL W. L. STEVENS Architect 181 >s53Caki>.' ALBERT WEIBLEN President Albert Weiblen Marble and Granite Company, Inc. 182 /f/S HO00l£^ -^St3^^-»v5 SOL WEISS Attorney at Law and Notary Public 183 M *o Of^e OP tmb- ^^iW^^^Svr^vA:^ CLIFFORD W. SHERMAN District Manager Aetna Explosives 184 JOHN F. GLYNN, JR. General Agent Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company 185 ^&^s3Stci> DAVID FREEMAN Freeman & Freeman, Real Estate and Auctioneers 186 -*^.=?iti4:^^''>^^'^'' CHARLES A. THIEL, JR. President United Warehouse Company, Ltd. 192 CHARLES F. SANFORD Superintendent Public Grain Elevator Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans 193 •NSiSC:«lt)^A\C^^'»■v^^/*a^»RC EDWARD R. MUSSO General Manager Louisiana Motor Car Company 194 HAROLD A. MOISE Attorney at Law 195 o^sfjpvtf cio&eiY*. ttMOor PO£tf- JAS. F. TURNBULL Real-ty Developer 196 , • TrtS DOC rV'f^l '^'^ HONORABLE WILLIAM H. BYRNES, JR. Lawyer 197 DANIEL D. COLCOCK Secretary Louisiana Sugar and Rice Exchange 198 SK BUCS op- TffE- 3.^ %,.-0 •^SSiSJSi^NiiSS!.^ WILLIAM L. RICHESON Weighmaster Board of Trade 199 CVflL ALEXANDER LICHTENTAG Principal Paragon Shorthand Institute 200 H. JORDAN MAC KENZIE Architect 201 ^\\\M ^<5>.^iS&iN.k^\':^ ^'^o^rmOB ALBERT DE L. TYLER Special Agent Travelers Insurance Company 203 >>3S^CS^^ ARTHUR P. BOH General Contractor and Builder 204 SOL BLOODWORTH Secretary Louisiana Fire Prevention Bureau 205 ,4*5:*"-i3*sJ?&- HENRY S. BUCKNER Commercial Agent C. C. C. & St. L. R. R. 206 "^^^C=3^_ SAMUEL H. BELL Secretary and Treasurer Metairie Cemetery Association 209 A. T. H. BRADFORD Manager Bradford's Furniture Store 210 7 ^ y-zsi ^^ —^^sYc/m^'^~^ M. J. ROONEY Chief Clerk to Mayor Behrman 211 0P '17 Sl^^O^ -~«&5Sas.<^'£^ JOHN D. NIX, JR. Lawyer 212 ■>«.^1C=4>v^ S. BROOK DICKSON President and Manager Brook Tarpaulin Company, Inc. 213 CHARLES F. LABARRE With Craven and Lang, Contractors 214 -— £ LH — . S OJPUtOet pONK aon" -^■SS?5s*CJs;i£:;^^ GEORGE J. ABRY House Raising and Moving Contractors 215 LIONEL M. RICAU Real Estate and Auctioneer 216 >a:?C2^^-i^*s=s^ ^^^ /y^^/^ 'pM/ioa HENRY R. PEDARRE President and Manager New Orleans Tent and Awning Company 217 «A-iC3bJKX^» HARRY C. DANAHER Coffee and Tea Broker 218 -va.-^::a&i-.**s— '•*• "O^*^^^ G. ALBERT ZIMMERMANN Jacob A. Zimmermann and Son, Inc., Contractors 219 FURMAN B. PEARCE Vice-President and General Manager South Atlantic Steamship Line 220 ^.aS^.;^^K».->-x:^:-.ifi2?^?/«<'/^i?/ W. E. HUGER Vice-President and Manager River Front Farms, Inc. 221 FERNAND F. TEISSIER Attorney at Law 222 DOCTOR JOHN OVERTON PRATT Manager Crescent Warehouse 223 ->^^^^S^^nj3 HENRY THARP President Tharp-Sontheimer-Tharp, Inc. 224 ^3S*>S&i.JiiVNf^'^®*--« FRANK J. MATTHEW Painting Contractor 225 CHARLES S. THOMAS Superintendent National Life and Accident Insurance Company 226 STANLEY S. ABLER Manufacturers' Agent 227 ->a^j?3Ss*^Sia SAM'L WOLF Attorney at Law 228 •vSSiS?5^JtJ5*Si^£f/'^ RICHARD MC CARTHY, JR. General Contractor 229 ANTHONY APRILL President Carrollton Feed Company, Ltd. Secretary-Treasurer Frerichs Lumber Company, Ltd. Manager Joseph Schwartz Company, Ltd. 230 , — 1 ' « JAMES D. RYAN Manager Audubon and Metropolitan Bank Buildings 231 CAPTAIN BERNARD C. MICHELL President Associated Branch Pilots 232 WALTER S. JORDY Manager Jordy Bros. Slate Company 233 ADAM LORCH, JR. Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager The Parcel Transfer Company 234 J. ASHLAND WHERRY Manager Underwood Typewriter Company 235 ^&/>/3 /fjvo /^/f/v/' or//£e B/ffffti cowv i97-///o E. A. MC ILHENNY President The Mcllhenny Company Avery Island, Louisiana 248 -a~SC?i&^-^^ CHARLES S. FAY Manager Southern Pacific Lines in Louisiana 249 *<^^?t:sjg5 J. W. GARDNER Oil Producer Lake Charles, Louisiana 250 SENATOR JOHN C. DAVEY Attorney at Law 251 f<^^^^^S^<»i^j:^'s^..£i^^Miwea. — LOUIS C. HOWARD President Union Hat Manufacturing Company 252 7t> T/fSS£ -s5.-^CSSSsSi-- DOCTOR JOSEPH A. O'HARA Physician and City Coroner 253 DOCTOR J. W. NEWMAN Physician 254 M. L. RHODES President Delta Lumber Company 255 WILLIAM P. BURKE Vice-President Nicholas Burke Company, Ltd. 256 ~^^c:i2&*.- HERMAN H. THOMAS President The G. H. A. Thomas Company Lumber 257 HENRI GUEYDAN President Nutro Rice Mill, Inc., and Proprietor Gulf Coast Warehouse Gueydan, Louisiana 258 J. A. PHARR President J. N. Pharr & Sons, Ltd. 259 STANDS FOR T. Bf^erorv B^IRD- -s&^:?;;s?;&^^-^ T. BARTON BAIRD District Manager Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company New Orleans, Louisiana 260 ^^^^5J*S^ GENERAL T. MARSHALL MILLER Attorney at Law 261 GEORGE S. KAUSLER President George S. Kausler, Ltd. General Insurance 262 CAPTAIN MAURICE PICHELOUP Superintendent House of Detention 263 WARREN V. MILLER Attorney at Law 264 T. HOFMAN OLSEN Lumber, and Consul of Denmark 265 L. H. GOSSERAND Attorney at Law 266 L. K. WILLIAMS Secretary and Treasurer F. B. Williams Cypress Company 267 g^oDucrs- ^^^5^^«:«j- ALLEN TUPPER Building Material 268 GEORGE B. JURGENS Treasurer Finance and Realty Company of Louisiana 269 DOCTOR DANIEL S. BROSNAN Physician and Surgeon Doctor Brosnan's Hospital for the Injured 270 FREDERICK W. SINCLAIR Manager Travelers Insurance Company for New Orleans and State of Louisiana 271 •-^S?C5l^t^v;3^:- W. H. COWLEY Agent Compania Navegacion Sureste and Kerr Steamship Line 272 M. C. SINS President M. C. Sins & Co., Inc., Export Freight and Forwarding Agents 273 e/icK 'f/ y,^^iSf^S^^-s5,^^i5c; LOUIS KNOP Civil Sheriff Parish of Orleans 274 A. D. GEOGHEGAN Manager Southport Mill, Ltd. 275 ALVIN C. CARPENTER Manager Gulf Bag Company 276 NEWTON E. SHIRER Proprietor Shirer Casket Company 277 M. B. TREZEVANT Special Agent New England Mutual Life Insurance Company 278 FREDERICK A. EARHART Druggist 279 nPMl ur ^^£f ^^^^ *^S?C=^S5%1?^>S^^^i«;fe*s!I^^^ Vmp^* R. A. KENT President Kentwood Bank and Roseland Bank President Roseland Veneer and Packing Company, Fluker, Louisiana 295 ^^':?C=?a^w>sS D. D. MOORE Editor and Manager Times-Picayune 296 OF PICE- OP ^OODv^ORKIhlOr CO -plREcrOR. /»NO "WfireoN. ■^S^?S?fcj.>.o* EDW. H. WATSON Stocks, Bonds and Securities President Gulf Woodworking Company 297 " L\GHT Co. >^^?^i^xvS5?^ NELSON H. BROWN Manager Railway Department New Orleans Railway and Light Company 298 /am'^'^^ff^^^^^^^^^ JOHN KLORER Civil Engineer 299 He '9 J. L. RHODES President Interstate Land Company 300 '9 ^r/rcMfO RAYMOND J. MARTINEZ Manager The Hamilton Rubber Manufacturing Company New Orleans, Louisiana 301 ^>?3*ss;.-i A. E. ALLEN Sales Manager Sherwin-Williams Company 302 ^^^?;5?j5isai^^^/«f/iaf-> I. B. RENNYSON President and Manager Rennyson Company, Inc., Real Estate 308 >g^5"?c:s«t PAUL U. THALMANN Cotton Buyer 309 6 r"f>P« s >*?£? 1 ^7-: ^^'S;.'3«»Nii«t_ FRANK L. NAIRNE President Louisiana-California Mining Company 310 7 sefo^ Of^^nre /^wmcs. , HY. N. PHARR President American Cane Growers Association Vice-President J. N. Pharr and Sons, Ltd. 311 EDWIN I. MAHONEY Lawyer 312 ^.^?S«SxV.<^ C. G. ROBINSON Certified Public Accountant 313 -v5.-^;?2*<5t-sJE3**i£i^'^'«^4- — W. D. WATLINGTON Sales Manager The Proctor «& Gamble Distributing Company 314 Co. JM. T(^rtoR ~<5iV^^S?5b^v J. M. TAYLOR Manager H. W. Johns-Manville Company 315 i^l6H'N PAUL H. MALONEY President Office Toilet Supply Company, Ltd. Secretary and Treasurer The Crescent Transfer and Shipping Company, Inc. 316 LAWRENCE F. HEASLIP President The Crescent Transfer and Shipping Company 317 ->a.~5;r34sc!.^J: ^ piMt>eM~-^=^ EMIL CHRIST Cotton Buyer for E. Bornemann & Co. 318 4 \f^j=~ ^^^jr t*/ *^>.^$3Sto M^w DOCTOR WALLACE J. DUREL Physician 319 ALPHONSE MARX President Marx Art Store, Ltd. 320 7/>f£ cur/t/^Ei- '=^<->/r CO. '•^'■^^^'& ERNEST SCHULTZ Secretary and Treasurer Cuyamel Fruit Company 321 >ci-sSici-.^3fcjl:WvifL CAPT. HARRY C. WHITEMAN CAPT. ALBERT W. WHITEMAN Whiteman Bros., Sea, River and Harbor Towing, Wrecking, and Harbor Lighters 322 DOCTOR GEORGE H. TICHENOR, SR. Major-General Commanding Louisiana Division U. C. V. The Originator and Manufacturer of Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic 323 M. ZILBERMANN General Sales Agent Locomobile, for Louisiana and Mississippi 324 ff/i Srea/veRs -^■sj::=ii!s.-iv^«*Ji;a^\ss^ CAPTAIN M. F. BRADFORD President The Bradford Transportation Company 325 •v3i-5?^TS.'t>-'5^ ROBSON DUNWODY President and General Manager Gulf Naval Stores Supply Company 326 FREDERICK W. STEVENS Manager Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, New Orleans District 327 -<55^*s^<3**..^ DAVID SESSLER Attorney at Law 328 'Nft'^iSaahai-J&ffS MAJOR A. D. STEWART Appraiser Federal Farm Loan Bank 329 JUSJSJf SCHOOlfC. -^<§:3s*:a^S^^ F. A. MIDDLETON Judge of the 28th District Court, Gretna, Louisiana 330 HONORABLE L. ROBERT RIVARDE District Attorney, Parish of Jefferson 331 •^5^*SC«.«!?V^ LEO A. MARRERO Real Estate, Gretna, Louisiana 332 /tSSoc/Ar/oA/ vSri^^^sKSfi^ HONORABLE JOHN EHRET Vice-President Gretna Exchange and Savings Bank Agent New Orleans Brewing Company, Gretna, Louisiana 333 TOUR PERGONAL FRIE^7D MAY BE MY ESTEEMED AGEHT-ASK HIM" "<«is»^S3fe>at.N.>39 FRANK B. CLARKE Fire Insurance 334 "^bs^^^^^ J. J. ZIEGLER President and Manager J. J. Ziegler Company, Ltd., Electrical Contractors 335 '5^ ; ^S, E. VICTOR PASSMAN August J. Claverie & Company, Meat Packers 336 DENNIS McREDMOND TAYLOR ROWLAND Rowland and McRedmond, General Insurance 337 --*-*.S»«.^ii^ JAMES E. O'DONNELL, SR. Stationery Manager O'Donnell Brothers 341 '.'i^^ HAROLD D. COTHRAN Cotton Broker 342 N5J^^i!s.-«->.«i DUNCAN BUIE State Highway Engineer 343 •.^ JOHN T. WENTZ President Crescent City Linotyping Company, Ltd. Aide to Commandant Eighth Naval District 356 /f/o/^/? OF /V/S Affo me f>i»sss ctc/a CLARENCE C. OLNEY Manager Manhattan Rubber Manufacturing Company 357 ?^>4-»jfew P. V. LACOSTE Furs and Hides 358 ^^j?c=i&^ DOCTOR E. F. KARSTENDIEK Veterinarian 359 ^5S!^^<^?^ JOHN J. BABIN President and Manager The United Fur Company 360 -^^s?^:si&^ -4^2^'^'f'' W. A. SHULER Automobile Accessories and Supplies 361 \BtLt- CAr MAC/ltMS \ AOE'Jcr. rcuiL- IT sui?e I WMMK ■^^^f^^^-t^^^K^ DAN S. LEHON Prin. and General Manager The Dan S. Lehon Detective Agency, Inc. 363 RSi R5X ROSTER Abry, George J. . . . 216 Burke, William P. 256 Adler, Stanley S. 227 Burns, Louis H. 172 Alexander, Lester F. . 178 Byrne, Charles A. 131 Alexander, Mark Leigh 20 Byrnes, William H., Jr. 197 Allen, A. E 302 Amer, Alfred S. . . . 293 Cabiro, Gaston 170 Aprill, Anthony 230 Campbell, Thomas C. 134 Argote, Juan 137 Campbell, William M. 90 Arthur, Stanley C. 202 Capevielle, Paul . 105 AschafFenburg, Albert 127 Carlisle, T. Ff. . 303 Atkinson, William E. . 163 Carpenter, Alvin C. Chalona, Joseph 276 365 Babin, John J. . . . 360 Chappuis, E. L. . 60 Babst, Emile M. . 238 Christ, Emil 318 Baird, T. Barton 260 Clarke, Frank B. 334 Behre, Charles H. 74 Classen, Benjamin, Jr. 176 Behrman, Martin 8 Clesi, Nicholas J. 157 Bell, Samuel H. . . . 209 Colcock, Daniel D. 198 Bernhardt, Rud D. 207 Cole, C. Grenes 180 Bickford, Wayland S. 98 Cothran, Harold D. 342 Billingsley, James W. 100 Cowley, W.H. . . . 272 Blood worth, Sol 205 Curran, D. D. 9 Boh, Arthur P. . 204 Booth, A. B. 353 Daboval, Henry B. 164 Booth, Andrew Bradford, J r. 352 Danaher, Harry C. 218 Bott, Frederick W. 70 Dantzler, J. Lewis 58 Bradford, A. T. H. . 210 Dart, William Kernan 81 Bradford, M. F. . 325 Davey, John C. . 251 Bradford, W. E. 189 DeBuys, A. E. . 339 Bray, C. E. . . 50 DeGrange, Joseph H. . 104 Breaux, Jos. A. 22 DeLaVergne, Hugues J. 35 Brent, Theo . 117 Denechaud, Justin F. 187 Brosnan, Daniel S. 270 Dickson, S. Brook 213 Broussard, Robert F. . 52 Dillon, John A. . 84 Brown, Benjamin C. . 86 Dilzell, Walter A. 237 Brown, Nelson H. 298 Dimitry, T. J. 99 Buckner, Henry S. 206 Doswell, J. Temple 173 Bugbee, Karl A. . 153 Douglas, Roydan R. . 146 Buie, Duncan 343 Douglas, Thomas 148 Bultman, A. F., Jr. . 152 Doullut, Milton P. 304 Burdeau, Charles K. . . 239 Doullut, Paul 140 Burgheim, Clarence A. 147 Downman, R. H. 26 Burke, P. E. . 338 Downs, L. A. 154 Burke, Porteus R. 247 Drawe, J. J. 109 Dreyfous, Felix J. 141 Dugan, John V. . . . 284 Dunbar, James V. 62 Dunwody, Robson 326 Dupuy, Homer 83 Durel, Wallace J. 319 Dussel, Alexander 151 Dyett, James H. . 340 Earhart, Frederick A. 279 Earl, George G. . • • 48 Edmiston, Samuel V. . 177 Ehret, John . 333 Farris, William E. . . 32 Farwell, Charles A. 16 Fassman, E. Victor. . 336 Fay, Charles S. . 249 Fayssoux, William McL. 68 Feild, H. M. . . 114 Ferry, Edward R. 143 Fortier, James J. A. 171 Foster, Murphy J. 292 Fox, C. B. . 24 Freeman, David 186 Freeman, Thomas J. 33 Friedrichs. George G. 118 Fulton, John H. . 10 Gannon, John J. 17 Gardner, J. W. . 250 Garlick, Junius 287 Gelbke. Charles F. 72 Geoghegan, A. D. 275 George, E. T. 53 Gerth, Charles S. 102 Glover, George J. 27 Glynn, John F., Jr. 185 Godchaux, Frank A. 130 Goldman, Sam 243 Goreau, Thomas W. 208 Gosselin, William E. 160 Gosserand, L. H. 266 Granger, Amedee 169 Grunewald, Benedict M. 96 Gueydan, Henri . . 258 Hamilton, Charles H. 61 Harris, E. R. . 236 Harrison, William J. . 174 Hartson, M. J. 80 Hatch, Edward S. 82 Heard, William W. 55 Heaslip, Lawrence F. . 317 Henriques, J. C. . 283 Henry, Burt W. . 121 HiU, Edward S. . 354 Hirsch, William R. 246 Holmes, William S 115 Honor, John B 150 Hoover, Louis R. .... 128 Hotard, Theo 280 Howard, Alvin P 40 Howard, Louis C 252 Hudson, W.0 64 Huey, Edwin K 289 Huger, W. E 221 Irion, Valentine K 124 Irwin, Joseph J. . ... Ill Isaacs, Bernard M. . . • 126 Jacobs, S.L 245 Jahncke, Ernest Lee . . . • H Janvier, Charles 67 Jenkins, W.D 142 Jones, Larz A '77 Jordy, Walter S. .... Jurgens, George B Kahle, P. Jorda 106 Karstendiek, E. F 359 Kausler, George S. . . • • 262 Kearney, Edw. F 19 Kent, R. A 295 Kerr, Frank M 92 Klorer, John 299 Knop, Louis 274 Kronenberger, George G. . . . 138 Labarre, Charles F 214 Lacey, J. D. 57 Lacoste, P. V 358 Lancaster, William B. ... 161 Lange, Louis N. .... 159 Leach, Neal M 38 Leahy, George M 149 Leake, Hunter C. .... 30 Ledbetter, B. A 73 Lehon, DanS 362 Levert, J. B 66 Levy, Gus D 1'79 Lichtentag, Alexander . . • 200 Livingston, Jeff 165 Loeb, Ernest M 46 Lorch, Adam, Jr. .... 234 McCarthy, Richard, Jr. ... 229 McGiU, P. A 281 McGraw, John 294 McBhenny, E. A 248 MacKenzie, H. Jordan . . 201 McLeod, WiUiam C. . . • • 107 McRedmond, Dennis .... 337 Mahoney, Edwin 1 312 Maloney, Paul H 316 Mangham, Frank J. . 78 Pool, L. M. . . 37 Marrero, Leo A. 332 Porteous, William 241 Marrero, Louis H., Sr. 108 Pratt, John Overton 223 Martinez, Raymond J. 301 Marx, Alphonse . 320 Rainwater, J. G. . 145 Matas, Rudolph . 23 Ransdell, Joseph E. 14 Mathews, C. S. . 59 Reeves, Robt. D. 103 Matthew, Frank J. 225 Rennyson, I. B. . 308 Merrick, Edwin T. 31 Renter, Louis B. . 101 Metz, A. L. 291 Reuther, Jos. 244 Michaelis, Morris 119 Reynold, Hampton 175 Michel, John T. . 54 Rhodes, J. E. 347 Michell, Bernard C. 232 Rhodes, J. L. 300 Middleton, F. A. 330 Rhodes, M. L. 255 Miller, T. Marshall 261 Ricau, Lionel M. . 216 Miller, Warren V. 264 Richards, E. V., Jr. 345 Milner, Purnell M. 36 Richeson, William L. 199 Moise, Harold A. 195 Richey, Harry G. 190 Monroe, J. Blanc 41 Ricks, A. G. 49 Montgomery, C. D. 286 Ridgely, J. Kemp 116 Moore, C. Bennette 240 Rivarde, L. Robert 331 Moore, D. D. 296 Robinson, C. G. 313 Musso, Edward R. 194 Romain, Armand 132 Myles, Beverly B. 56 Rooney, M. J. Ross, James B. 211 355 Nairne, Frank L. 310 Rowland, Taylor 337 Newman, Harold W. 21 Russel, Jos. B. 338 Newman, J. W. . 254 Ryan, James D. 231 Nix, John D., Jr. 212 Nott, George W. 125 Salmen, F. W. . 43 Nungesser, Christopher 135 Sanford, Charles F. Saux, Gaston 193 136 O'Connor, Robert E. 76 Saxon, Lyle 158 Odenheimer, Sigmimd 47 Schneidau, P. Sefton 88 O'Donnell, James E., Sr. 341 Schultz, Ernest 321 O'Hara, Joseph A. 253 Segari, Simon 139 Olney, Clarence C. 357 Sessler, David 328 Olsen, T. Hofman 265 Shelby, Edwin . 85 O'Reilly, John D. 305 Sherman, Clifford W. Shilstone, Herbert M. . 184 . 306 Parker, Walter 349 Shirer, Newton E. . 277 Parsons, Edward A. 288 Shuler, W. A. . 361 Parsons, J. H. R. 18 Simmons, J. B. 12 Patrick, W. K. . 6 Simon, Leon C. 65 Pearce, Frederick W. 350 Simon, S. K. . 242 Pearce, Furman B. 220 Sims, H. V. 162 Pearce, J. Eugene . 350 Sims, Robert N. 93 Pearce, Josiah . 351 Sinclair, Frederick W. 271 Pedarre, Henry R. . 217 Sins, M. C. . 273 Pender, John T. . . 188 Smith, E. W. 307 Penick, Harry 0. . 290 Smith, Harvey W. 167 Perkins, Fred . 168 Smither, James W. 129 Perkins, Robert C. 71 Sneed, Harry P. 120 Pharr, Eug. A, . 348 Spearing, J. Zach 69 Pharr, Hy. N. . . 311 Stafford, E. M. . 44 Pharr, J. A. . 259 Stafford, Stephen W. 91 Picheloup, Maurice . 263 Stair, Charles A. . 87 Steinhardt, Adolph 166 Walker, Marcus . 45 Stern, Edgar B. . . . . . 63 Walmsley, R. M. 13 Stevens, Frederick W. . 327 Walmsley, T. Semmes 94 Stevens, W. L. . 181 Watlington, W. D. 314 Stewart, A. D. . . 329 Watson, Edw. H. 297 Stumpf , Louis J. . . 282 Wegmann, John X. 110 Sullivan, John P. 51 Weiblen, Albert . 182 Swords, Merrick W. . 122 Weinberger, Charles Weis, Samuel W. 39 155 Taylor, J. M. ... 315 Weiss, Leon C. 144 Taylor, Thomas H. . 123 Weiss, Sol . . . 183 Teissier, Fernand F. . . 222 Wentz, John T. . 356 Tete, Henry 344 Werlein, Philip 95 Thalmann, Paul U. 309 Wermuth, Charles E. 75 Tharp, Henry . 224 Wheeler, A. B. . 29 Thiel, Charles A., Jr. 192 Wherry, J. Ashland 235 Thomas, Charles S. 226 Whiteman, Albert W. 322 Thomas, Herman H. . 257 Whiteman, Harry C. . 322 Thompson, Thomas Payne 34 Wild, Edward 0. 113 Thompson, William B. 15 Williams, E. A. . 133 Tichenor, George H., Sr. 323 Williams, Frank B. . 25 Trabue, Robert B. 42 WilHams, L. K. . . 267 Trezevant, M. B. 278 Williams, W. Horace 89 Trufant, Samuel A. 28 Williams, Wilson 97 Tupper, Allen 268 Wilson, Harry D. 112 TurnbuU, Jas. F. 196 Wilson, Solon G. . 191 Turner, P. W. 156 Wolf, Sam'l 228 Tyler, Albert DeL. 203 Wright, James L. 79 Unsworth, C. V. . . . 285 Ziegler, J. J. . . Zilberraann, M. . 335 324 Von Phul, Gilbert D. . 346 Zimmermann, G. Albert 219 ^ OCT -1 1345