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Governor Charles Henry Wakken ex-oiRcio The Socic<<7 JUL i6 181, /AS Contents An Historical Note Constitution Memoranda Officers, — Past and Present Committees Mayflower Passengers from whom descent has been proved Alphabetical List of Members with their Pilgrim Ancestry Lineal List of Members with their Addresses / Historical Note THE Society of Mayflower Descendants came into existence in the month of December, 1894, when an organization was formed in New York. Societies were formed in Connecticut and Massachusetts in March, 1896, and in Pennsylvania the following July. The General Society was organized at Plymouth, Massachusetts, January 12, 1897, at a meeting of delegates representing the four state societies. The general Board of Assistants chartered the Society in Illinois, June, 1897 ; those of the District of Columbia and Ohio, March, 1898; and New Jersey in August, 1900. On February 8, 1 901, the Board took favor- able action upon a petition for a charter for Rhode Island, members of five of the eight state societies joining in this petition. Of the twenty-one signatures, thirteen were mem- bers of the Massachusetts Society, four of the Ohio, two of the Connecticut, and one each of those of New York and Pennsylvania. The state societies of Wisconsin and Michi- gan were chartered at the same time. The organization of this Society was effected at a meet- ing of the "charter members" held at the cabinet of the Rhode Island Historical Society, February 15, 1901, April 2d being selected for the annual meeting, upon which date John Carver was elected Governor of Plymouth Colon5\ The Committee on By-Laws appointed at this meeting reported May 9th, when a constitution was adopted. State Societies have since been chartered in Maine, Colorado and California. 5 Preamble Whereas, Our Ancestors, passengers on the " May- flower," landed in December, 1620, on Pl3^mouth Rock, Massachusetts. Therefore, This Society is formed by us, their de- scendants, to honor their memory and to preserve their records and their history for ourselves and for posterity. Constitution Article I Name The name of this Society shall be the "Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations." Article II Membership Section i. — Every direct descendant over eighteen years of age, of any passenger on the "Mayflower" on the voyage which ended at Plymouth, on December 26, 1620, shall be eligible to membership in this Society. Sec. 2. — Every candidate for membership shall be nominated and seconded by members of the Society. All nominations shall be sent to, and investigated by, the Committee on Membership and when approved by the Committee, shall be reported at a meeting of the Board of Assistants, but action on the application shall be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Board, at which meet- ing the candidate proposed shall be voted for and the election shall be subject to proper compliance with the following Section. If elected, as above, pedigree blanks shall be at once sent by the Secre- tary to every member so elected. The Board of Assistants may, at its discretion, extend the time for voting upon any application. Sec. 3. — Every application shall give in detail the proofs of eligibility with complete references to authorities quoted, and shall be accompanied by the entrance fee and dues for the current year. All the pedigree papers shall be examined by the Historian, and on his report to the Board of Assistants that he has found the pedigree papers of any applicant to be correct and that the Historian-General has approved the same, the Board of Assistants shall declare such applicant elected a member of the Society. If the pedigree papers of an applicant are not filed with the Secretary within six months from the date of the election of a member, such election shall be void. But the time may be extended at the discretion of the Board of Assistants. Sec. 4. — The name of any member whose annual dues shall remain unpaid for one year may, after due notice, be dropped from the roll of membership, at the discretion of the Board of Assistants. Sec. 5. — Any member for cause or conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Society may be suspended or expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Assistants. Sec. 6. — The Board of Assistants shall have power to make rules governing the admission of members by transfer from an affiliated Society of Mayflower Descendants in another State, and may in their discretion remit the entrance fees of such applicants for membership. Sec. 7. — A member who has resigned from the Society — being at the time of such resignation in good standing — may apply for reinstatement at any time, such application to be acted upon by the Board of Assistants at a regular meeting. If accepted the applicant will resume membership on payment of annual dues, as per Article III, no entrance fee being required. 8 Article III Entrance Fee and Dues The entrance fee shall be ten dollars. The annual dues shall be three dollars, payable on or before the second day of April in each year. The payment of dues by a member elected during the three months preceding the annual meeting shall continue his membership until the end of the next succeeding fiscal year. Article IV Officers Section i. — The Officers of this Society shall be a Governor, a Deputy Governor, an Elder, a Captain, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Historian and a Surgeon ; these with seven other members elected for that purpose shall constitute the Board of Assistants. Sec. 2. — The Board shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting, a plurality of votes determining the choice. Their term of office shall be for one year, or until their successors have been elected and have accepted office. Sec. 3. — The Governor, Deputy Governor and Captain shall not hold office for more than three consecutive years, but shall be eligible for the office after the lapse of one year. Of the seven members of the Board not officers of the Society, there shall be elected at the annual meeting upon alternate years, four mem- bers and three members, respectively, each to serve for two years, and they shall be ineligible for re-election for one year thereafter. At the first election after the adoption of this change three shall be elected for one year and four for two years. Sec. 4. — The Governor, or in his absence the Deputy Governor, or a chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and the Board of Assistants. The Governor shall be, ex- officio, a member of all committees. Sec. 5. — It shall be the duty of the Elder to officiate when called upon at any meeting of the Society. He shall have been ordained as an elder, bishop, minister or deacon of a Christian Church. Sec. 6. — The Captain shall carry out all orders of the Governor and act as Marshal at parades and on occasions of ceremony. Sec. 7. — The Secretary shall keep the minutes and have charge of the seal and such records as are not herein given specially in charge to other officers ; shall with the presiding officer certify all acts and orders of the Society : shall give notice of all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Assistants ; shall conduct the personal correspondence of the Society, notify candidates of their election, receive all payments from members to be paid over to the Treasurer, and have the custody of all application blanks. Sec. 8. — The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds and moneys of the Society and shall pay out only such sums as the Society or Board of Assistants shall direct ; shall keep a true account of his receipts and disbursements and at each annual meeting make a full report to the Society. His books shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Governor and Board of Assistants. Sec. 9. — The Historian shall examine and report upon all pedigree papers of applicants. He shall keep a detailed record of all celebrations of the Society, and file all documents, papers and speeches. He shall keep a record of all certificates signed by him and make a report in writing at each annual meeting. Sec. 10. — The Surgeon shall have been duly admitted to the practice of medicine. He shall be under the orders of the Board of Assistants. Sec. II. — The Secretary, the Treasurer and the Historian shall 10 be exempt from the payment of annual dues. All expenses actually incurred by the Historian in connection with the duties of the office and the examination of pedigree papers, shall be paid by the Society. Article V Board of Assistants and Standing Committees The Board of Assistants shall have general charge and direction of the affairs of the Society. Five members shall constitute a quorum. They shall fill vacancies among the officers for the balance of the term. They shall appoint Standing Committees as follows : Membership, Publication, Finance, Entertainment, and such others as may be from time to time established by a vote of the Society. They shall fill all vacancies occurring in committees. Each Standing Committee shall consist of three or five members, with one of the Assistants as Chairman. Each committee shall report through its Chairman at each regular meeting of the Board of Assistants. Article VI Meetings Section i. — The Annual meeting shall be held in the city of Providence on the 2d of April, the anniversary of the election of the first Governor of the Plymouth Colony. When this date falls on a Sunday, the meeting shall be held on the following day. There shall be a business meeting each year, to be held on the second Tuesday in October. Compact Day and Forefathers' Day shall be observed annually in such manner as may be determined upon by the Board of Assistants. At all meetings of the Society ten mem- bers shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 2. — Special meetings of the Society shall be held at the request of ten members, or by vote of the Board of Assistants. Sec. 3. — The Board of Assistants shall meet in each month in 11 the year, except July and August, at a time and place designated by the Chairman. Special meetings of the Board shall be held at the written request of three of its members, or at the call of the Governor. Sec. 4. — Notices of all meetings of the Society shall be mailed to each member at least seven days before the meeting. Notices of all meetings of the Board of Assistants shall be mailed at least three days before the meeting. Sec. 5. — The following shall be the order of business at all meetings of the Society: — 1st — Reading of the records. 2d — Communications and action thereon, 3d — Reports of officers. 4th — Reports of committees. 5th — Unfinished business. 6th — New business. Article VII Seal The seal of the Society shall contain a representation of a sailing vessel of the seventeenth century, and around it the name of the Society and the words "Plymouth, 1620," and "Rhode Island, 1901." Article VIII Alterations and Amendments This Constitution may be altered or amended at any annual or special meeting by a vote of two-thirds of those present and voting, a quorum being present, but no alteration or amendment shall be adopted unless such alteration or amendment shall have been read at a previous annual or special meeting, and shall have been stated in full in the call for the meeting. 12 Memoranda EVERY step in the pedigree must be proved by complete references to published genealogies, town histories or other published works recognized by the Society as authoritative, giving in each instance the volume and page quoted ; or by filing certified copies of town or church records, or other satisfactory evidence. No descent will be accepted based, in any detail, upon mere family or local tradition. Any person who is eligible to membership in this Society, as detailed in Article II, Section i, of the Constitution, can obtain the blank form for a "Preliminary Application" from any member of the Board of Assistants. This form when properly filled out should be sent to the Chairman of the Membership Committee that action upon the application may be taken by the Board of Assistants. Pedigree papers should be completed quickly, but if it is found impossible to file them within the six months specified in Article II, Section 3, the time may be extended if request is made to the Board of Assistants. Supplemental lines of descent should be filed by all members who can trace back to more than one Mayflower ancestor. Blank forms for this purpose will be furnished by the Secretary, and no charge will be made by the Society for the supplementary filing. The entrance fee and the first annual dues are payable when the application is made for the "Pedigree papers" (the "Preliminary Application" having been approved by the Board of Assistants), 13 If the "Pedigree papers" are not approved by the Historians the money paid will be returned to the applicant. An engraved Certificate of Membership in the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, of which Society each person joining a State Society becomes, ipso facto, a member, may be obtained by applying to the Secretary of this Society. The Insignia of the Society — a gold badge suspended by a pink and white ribbon from a gold pin — may also be obtained through the Secretary. All expenses incurred in securing Certificates or Insignia must be paid by the members. Rosettes, in the form of buttons, and lace pins may be purchased at any time, from the Treasurer, by the members of the Society. Searchers of records should remember that the Rhode Island towns of Bristol, Warren, Tiverton, Little Compton and Cumber- land were, by Royal Decree, transferred from Massachusetts to Rhode Island, 1746-47. Until the transfer Cumberland was known as Attleboro Gore. A part of Tiverton, Rhode Island, was ceded to Massachusetts in 1862 and is now a part of Fall River, Massa- chusetts. East Providence, annexed to Rhode Island in 1862, was at first a part of Rehoboth, Massachusetts. Pawtucket, originally a part of Seekonk, Massachusetts, was annexed to Rhode Island in 1862. Changes have also been made in the boundaries of many of the other Rhode Island towns. 14 Officers of the Society Since its Organization Governors Wilfred Harold Munro, 1901-1905 Asa Clinton Crowell, 1905-1907 Charles Henry Warren, 1907-1911 Addison Pierce Munroe, 1911 Deputy-Governors Asa Clinton Crowell, 1901-1905 Charles Henry Warren, 1905-1907 George Corlis Nightingale, 1907-1910 Addison Pierce Munroe, 1910-19] 1 Nathan Whitman Littlefield, 1911 Elders Daniel Goodwin, D. D., 1902 Captains Hunter Carson White, Jr., 1901-1907 George Morgan Snow, 1907-1908 Charles Sabin Bush, 1908-1910 Nathan Whitman Littlefield, 1910-1911 Richard Martin Bowen, 1911 Secretaries George Corlis Nightingale, 1901-1903 Harry Austin Slocomb, 1903-1907 Fletcher Stone Mason, 1907-1909 Mrs. Ellery Irving Wilcox, 1909 15 Treasurers George Corlis Nightingale, 1901-1907 Addison Pierce Munroe, 1907-1910 Herbert Sheldon Tillinghast, 1910 Historians George Thomas Hart, 1901-1907 AIiss Edith May Ttlley, 1907-1909 Miss Locise Southwick Kendall, 1909-1910 Charles Wetter Bowen^ 1910 Surgeons Walter Lee Munro, M. D., 1901-1907, 1911 Eugene Kingman, M. D., 1907-1911 Board of Assistants Mrs. Charles Warren Lippitt, 1901-1904, 1906-1907 Miss Grace Woods Slocum, 1901-1911 Miss Edith May Tilley, 1901-1903 Mrs. Jonathan Russell Bullock, 1901-1902 William Howard Doane, 1901-1902 Mrs. Henry Washington Wilkinson, 1902 * Mrs. Walter Howland Manchester, 1902-1905 Charles Henry Warren, 1902-1905 Fletcher Stone Mason, 1902-1907 Mrs. John Alexander Cross, 1903-1907 Addison Pierce Munroe, 1904-1907 Wilfred Harold Munro, 1905-1911 Richard ■Martin Bowen, 1907-1911 Mrs. Henry Richmond Chace, 1907-1911 Harry Austin Slocomb, 1907-1908, 1911 f Mrs. Roscoe Stetson Washburn, 1907) 1 Mrs. Edward Carrington, 1907 I George Thomas Hart, 1908-1910 Miss Irene Turner Seabury, 1910-1911 Mrs. Charles Warren Bubier, 1911 Miss Grace Belle Davis, 1911 Mrs. Edward Lewis Johnson, 1911 William Lloyd Slade^ 1911 * Deceased. 16 officers for 1 9 1 1 Governor Addison Pierce Munroe Providence, R. I Deputy Governor. . Nathan Whitman Littlefield Pawtucket, R. I Elder Rev. Daniel Goodv^^in, D. D East Greenwich, R. I Captain Richard Martin Bowen Providence, R. I Secretary Mrs. Ellery Irving Wilcox Providence, R. I Treasurer Herbert Sheldon Tillinghast Natick, R. I Historian Charles Wetter Bowen Providence, R. I Surgeon Walter Lee Munro, M. D Providence, R. I Board of Assistants For one year Mrs. Henry W. Wilkinson Mrs. Edward Carrington Harry Austin Slocomb For tzi'o years Mrs. Charles W. Busier Mrs. Edward L. Johnson Miss Grace B. Davis William Lloyd Slade Committees Membership Miss Grace B. Davis Mrs. Henry B. Rose Miss Grace W. Slocum Mrs. Byron J. Lillibridge Harry A. Slocomb Publication Richard M. Bowen Prof. Wilfred H. Munro George T. Hart Finance Herbert S. Tillinghast Mrs. Henry R. Chace Mrs. Charles W. Bubier .- Benja:siin Seabury Prof. Asa C. Crowell Entertainment Mrs. Henry W. Wilkinson Fletcher S. Mason Mrs. Edward Carrington Mrs. Edward L. Johnson Miss Irene T. Seabury Genealogical Charles W. Bowen Miss Louise S. Kendall Charlls H. Warren Public Scltool Essay William L. Slade Mrs. Arthur W. Howe 17 The Mayflower Passengers from whom descent has been proved John Alden * Isaac Allerton t John Billington t William Bradford William Brewster t Peter Brown James Chilton t Francis Cooke t Edward Doty Francis Eaton t Edward Fuller t Dr. Samuel Fuller t Stephen Hopkins t John Rowland t Degory Priest Thomas Rogers t Henry Samson George Soule Myles Standish Richard Warren William White t Edward Winslow * Includes descent from William and Alice Mullins and their daughter Priscilla. t Includes descent from wife or child on the Mayflower. t Includes descent from John Tilley and his daughter Elizabeth. 18 Alphabetical List of Members with their Pilgrim Ancestry No. 50 Gen. No. 2127 JOHN FRANCIS ADAMS 351 Broadway, Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland Tenth from John Tilley and wife John Howland d. Plymouth, Mass. Desire Howland b. Plymouth James Gorham b. Marshfield, Mass. John Gorham b. Barnstable Rose Gorham b. Yarmouth John Crowell b. Yarmouth Henry Crowell b. Yarmouth Nathan Crowell b. Yarmouth Sally M. Crowell b. Yarmouth m. Plymouth Plymouth Barnstable Mass. Barnstable Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. John Gorham d. Swansea Hannah Huckins b. Barnstable Ann Brown b. W. Yarmouth, Mass. Ephraim Crowell b. Yarmouth Hannah White b. Yarmouth Mercy Homer b. Yarmouth Anna Mathews b. Yarmouth John A. Adams Central Falls b. No. Kingstown, R. I. R. I. John Francis Adams 21 No. 63 Gen. No. 2146 MRS. SAMUEL AMES 109 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I, Ninth from James Chilton and wife Eighth from Mary Chilton (Winslow) James Chilton m. d. Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton d. Boston, Mass. Plymouth Susannah Winslow b. Plymouth Plymouth Joseph Latham John Winslow b. Droitwich, Eng. Robert Latham Phebe Fenner Robert Latham d. Smithfield, R. L William Latham d. Johnston, R. L Lydia Latham b. Johnston Stephen Harris b. Johnston Cyrus Harris b. Warwick Warwick Elizabeth Cyrus Harris b. Johnston Eliza Greene b. Warwick, R. L Abby Spalding b. Warwick Warwick Abby Greene Harris (Ames) 22 No. 40 Gen. No. 1987 MRS. ARTHUR H. ARNOLD 92 Elmwood Avenue, Providence, R. I. Seventh from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Eighth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland d. Plymouth m. Elizabeth Tilley Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Hannah Howland b. Plymouth Swansea Jonathan Bosworth Jonathan Bosworth Sarah Rounds b. Swansea Swansea Ichabod Bosworth b. Swansea Bethiah Wood Warren, R. I. b. Swansea Peleg Bosworth b. Rehoboth, Mass. Mary Smith Rehoboth Smith Bosworth b. Rehoboth Rehoboth Sarah Tripp b. Swansea Susan Johnson Bosworth John OIney Waterman b. Providence, R. I. Providence b. Canton, Mass. Caroline Frances Waterman (Arnold) 23 No. 80 Gen. No. 2612 CHARLES WETTER BOWEN 54 Halsey Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Ninth from WilHam and AHce Mullins John Alden d. Duxbur}-, Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Elizabeth Rogers b. Duxbury Peleg Richmond b. Little Compton Mary Richmond b. Barrington Eliza Bullock b. Seekonk, Mass. Charles Wetter Bowen b. Providence, R. L m. Plymouth Mass. Duxbury Duxbury Barrington Seekonk Providence Charles Wetter Bowen 24 Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton John Rogers d. Barrington, Mass. Sylvester Richmond b. Little Compton Mary (Pierce) Viall Jabez Bullock b. Barrington Lsaac Bowen b. Providence, R. L Louisa Sampson Martin b. Providence, R. L No. 80 Gen. No. 2612 CHARLES WETTER BOWEN 54 Halsey Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers d. Plymouth, Mass. m. John Rogers d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth John Rogers d. Barrington, Mass. Duxbury Elizabeth Rogers b. Duxbury Peleg Richmond b. Little Compton Mary Richmond b. Barrington Eliza Bullock b. Seekonk, Mass. Charles Wetter Bowen b. Providence Barrington Seekonk Providence Charles Wetter Bowen 25 Ann Churchman Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Sylvester Richmond b. Little Compton Mary (Pierce) Viall Jabez Bullock b. Barrington Lsaac Bowen b. Providence, R. L Louisa Sampson Martin b. Providence No. 80 Gen. No. 2612 CHARLES WETTER BOWEN 54 Halsey Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John Tilley and wife Seventh from John and EHzabeth (Tilley) Rowland John Rowland d. Plymouth, Mass. Hannah Rowland m. Plymouth Swansea Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Jonathan Bosworth Jabez Bosworth b. Swansea Susannah d. Rehoboth, Mass. Patience Bosworth b. Rehoboth Barrington Mass. John Bullock d. Barrington Jabez Bullock b. Barrington Rehoboth Mary Richmond b. Barrington Eliza Bullock b. Seekonk, Mass. Seekonk Isaac Bowen b. Providence, R. L Charles Wetter Bowen b. Providence Providence Louisa Sampson Martin b. Providence Charles Wetter Bowen 26 No. 79 Gen. No. 261 1 RICHARD MARTIN BOWEN Buttonwoods, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Ninth from WilHam and Alice Mullins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton Elizabeth Pabodie John Rogers b. Duxbury Duxbury d. Barrington, Mass. Elizabeth Rogers Sylvester Richmond b. Duxbury b. Little Compton Peleg Richmond Mary (Pierce) Viall b. Little Compton Barrington Mary Richmond Jabez Bullock b. Barrington b. Barrington Eliza Bullock Isaac Bowen b. Seekonk, Mass. Seekonk b. Providence, R. I. Charles Wetter Bowe: n Louisa Sampson Martin b. Providence Providence b. Providence Richard Martin Bowen 27 No. 79 Gen. No. 261 1 RICHARD MARTIN BOWEN Buttonwoods, R. I. Eiffhth from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers d. Plymouth, Mass. m. John Rogers d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth John Rogers d. Barrington, Mass. Duxbury Elizabeth Rogers b. Duxbury Peleg Richmond b. Little Compton Mary Richmond b. Barrington Eliza Bullock b. Seekonk, Mass. Barrington Seekonk Charles Wetter Bowen b. Providence Providence Ann Churchman Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Sylvester Richmond b. Little Compton Mary (Pierce) Viall Jabez Bullock b. Barrington Isaac Bowen b. Providence, R. I. Louisa Sampson Martin b. Providence Richard Martin Bowen 28 No. 79 Gen. No. 261 1 RICHARD MARTIN BOWEN Buttonwoods, R. I. Eighth from John Tilley and wife Seventh from John and EHzabeth (Tilley) Howland John Howland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Hannah Howland Jonathan Bosworth Swansea Jabez Bosworth b. Swansea Susannah d. Rehoboth, Mass. Patience Bosworth b. Rehoboth Jabez Bullock b. Barrington Barrington Mass. Rehoboth John Bullock d. Barrington Mary Richmond b. Barrington Eliza Bullock b. Seekonk, Mass. Charles Wetter Bowen b. Providence Isaac Bowen Seekonk b. Providence, R. I. Louisa Sampson Martin Providence b. Providence Richard Martin Bowen 29 No. II, C. M., Mass. No. 369 Gen. No. 1088 MRS. CHARLES RAY BRAYTON Crown Hotel, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Ninth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden m. Pri?ci]la Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton, Mass. Martha Pabodie b. Duxbury Duxbury Samuel Seabury b. Boston, Mass. Joseph Seabury b. Duxbury Little Compton Phebe Fobes Smith d. Little Compton Sion Seabury b. Tiverton, Mass. Anna Butts Dorcas Seabury b. Tiverton Abner Soule b. Tiverton, R. I. Anna Soule William Cook Manchester b. Tiverton b. Little Compton Antoinette Percival Manchester b. Little Compton Stanton Belden No. Providence b. Sandisfield, Mass. R. L Antoinette Percival Belden (Bray ton) 30 No. II, C. M., Mass. No. 369 Gen. No. 1088 MRS. CHARLES RAY BRAYTON Crown Hotel, Providence, R. I. Seventh from George Soule George Soule m. d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. George Soule Mary d. Duxbury Deborah Nathan Soule Mercy Gifford d. Dartmouth, Mass. Dartmouth Cornelius Soule Sarah Dennis Abner Soule b. Tiverton, R. I. Tiverton Dorcas Seabury b. Tiverton Anna Soule b. Tiverton William Cook Manchester Antoinette Percival Manchester Stanton Belden b. Little Compton, R. L No. Providence b. Sandisfield, Mass. R. L Antoinette Percival Belden (Bray ton) 31 No. II, C. M., Mass. No. 369 Gen. No. 108S MRS. CHARLES RAY BRAYTON Crown Hotel, Providence, R. I. Eiphth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymonth. Mass. Elizabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Benjamin Church b. Plymouth Thomas Church b. Duxbury m. Duxbury Mass. Hingham Sarah Church b. Little Compton Little Compton Sarali Bailey b. Little Compton Little Compton Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Alice Southworth b. Duxbury Sarah Horswell b. Hingham Samuel Bailey b. Little Compton John Manchester William Cook Manchester b. Little Compton, R. I. Antoinette Percival Manchester b. Little Compton Anna Soule b. Tiverton, R. L Stanton Belden No. Providence b. Sandisfield, Mass. R. L Antoinette Percival Belden (Bray ton) 32 No. 89 Gen. No. 2987 ROBERT PERKINS BROWN 13 Charles Field Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from William Bradford William Bradford d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Alice Carpenter Southworth d. Plymouth William Bradford b. Plymouth Alice Richards Alice Bradford d. Canterbury, Conn William Adams b. Ipswich, Mass. Elizabeth Adams b. Dedham, Mass, Norwich Conn. Samuel Whiting b. Hartford, Conn. Mary Whiting b. Windham, Conn. Windham Thomas Clap b. Scituate, Mass. Temperance Clap b. Windham New Haven Conn. Timothy Pitkin d. Farmington, Conn. Katharine Pitkin b. Farmington Farmington Nathan Perkins b. Lisbon, Conn. Edward Perkins b. West Hartford, Conn. Hampton Conn. Clarissa Fitch b. Windham Maria Perkins b. West Hartford Providence R. I. William Whipple Brown ; b. Providence Robert Perkins Brown 33 No. 89 Gen. No. 2987 ROBERT PERKINS BROWN 13 Charles Field Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from John Tilley and wife Ninth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland John Rowland d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Desire Rowland b. Plymouth Plymouth John Gorham d. Swansea John Gorham b. :\Iarshfield, Mass. Barnstable Mass. Mary Otis b. Hingham, Mass. Temperance Gorham b. Barnstable Stephen Clap b. Scituate, Mass. Thomas Clap Mary Whiting b. Scituate Windham Conn. b. Windham Temperance Clap b. Windham New Raven Conn. Timothy Pitkin d. Farmington, Conn. Katharine Pitkin Nathan Perkins b. Farmington Farmington b. Lisbon, Conn. Edward Perkins b. West Flartford, Conn. Clarissa Fitch Rampton b. Windham Conn. Maria Perkins b. West Rartford Providence R.I. William Whipple Brown b. Providence Robert Perkins Brown 34 No. 90 Gen. No. 2988 MRS. CHARLES WARREN BUBIER 26 South Angell Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Anna Warren Plymouth Samuel Little b. Plymouth or Marshfield Sarah Little b. Marshfield Mary Billings b. Little Compton Little Compton Little Compton Hannah Troop (Throop) b. Bristol Bristol. R. L WilliamThroop Waldron b. Bristol I'.ristol Rebecca Ann Waldron b. Bristol Bristol William Henry Mason b. Fall River, Mass. Providence R. L Fletcher Stone Mason b. Providence Providence Llope Waldron Mason (Bubier) 35 Elizabeth d. Plymouth Thomas Little d. Marshfield, Mass. Sarah Gray b. Plymouth Richard Billings b. Dorchester, Mass. Thomas Troop (Throop) b. Bristol, Mass. Nathaniel Waldron b. Bristol, Mass. Jemima Oxx b. Bristol Perez Mason Seekonk. Mass. Sarah Ann Tanner b. Coventry, R. L Ella Louise Knapp b. Providence No. 32 Gen. No. 1979 MRS. GEORGE ALLEN BUFFUM Palo Alto, Calif. Ninth from William and Mary Brewster William Brewster d. Plymouth, Mass. Jonathan Brewster b. Scrooby, Eng. Hannah Brewster Thomas Starr Rachel Starr b. New London Phebe Denison Ebenezer Avery, 3d b. Groton Lucy Avery b. Groton John Alden Mitchell b. Groton m. Mary d. Plymouth Lucretia Oldham New London Conn. New London New London Groton, Conn. Groton Samuel Starr Mary Morgan Daniel Denison d. New London Ebenezer Avery, 2d d. Fort Griswold massacre Hannah Morgan b. Groton David Mitchell Harriet Maria Paine Providence b. Providence, R. L Harriet Mitchell BuffunV 36 No. 2, C. M., Mass. No. 92 Gen. No. 391 MRS. JONATHAN RUSSELL BULLOCK Bristol, R. L Eighth from Peter Brown Peter Brown m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth Mary Brown b. Plymouth Martha Ford d. Plymouth Ephraim Tinkham Plymouth Ebenezer Tinkham Elizabeth Liscom d. Middleboro, Mass. d. Middleboro Joanna Tinkham Thomas Macomber b. Middleboro Middleboro d. Middleboro Sarah Macomber Josiah Barker b. Marshfield, Mass. Ebenezer Barker Priscilla Loring b. Pembroke, Mass. Pembroke b. Plympton John Barker Ruth Barker Smith b. Freetown, Mass. Pembroke b. Pembroke Mary Smith Barker Stephen Tillinghast Westcott b. Salem, Mass. Foxboro Mass. b. Providence, R. L Emma Westcott (Bullock) 37 No. 2, C. M., Mass. No. 92 Gen. No. 391 MRS. JONATHAN RUSSELL BULLOCK Bristol, R. L Eighth from Edward Fuller and wife Edward Fuller m. Ann d. Plymouth England d. Plymouth Mathew Fuller Frances d. Barnstable, Mass. England d. Plymouth Samuel Fuller Mary d. Rehoboth. Mass. England d. Barnstable Ann Fuller Joseph Smith b. Barnstable Barnstable b. Barnstable Thomas Smith Judith Miller b. Yarmouth Yarmouth b. Yarmouth Josiah Smith Mary Barker b. Yarmouth Pembroke b. Pembroke, Mass. Ruth Farker Smith John Barker b. Pembroke Pembroke b. Freetown, Mass. Mary Smith Barker Stephen Tillinghast Westcott b. Salem. Mass. Foxboro Mass. b. Providence, R. L Emma Westcott ( Bullock) 38 No. 41 Gen. No. 1988 MRS. GEORGE SAUNDERS BULLOCK Warren, R. L Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. EHzabeth Warren d. Iliiigham, Mass. Benjamin Church b. Plymouth Duxbury Charles Church b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Sarah Church b. Bristol Nathaniel Jarvis d. Boston Boston Susan Barrett Jarvis b. Boston Providence Edward Jarvis Gushing b. Providence Brookline Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Alice Southworth b. Duxbury Hannah Paine b. Bristol Leonard Jarvis b. Boston, Mass. Susannah Barrett b. Boston Daniel Cooke Gushing b. Providence, R. L Mary Heath Wild b. Brookline, Mass. Mary Wild Gushing (Bullock) 39 No. 72 Gen. No. 2443 CHARLES SABIN BUSH 24 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from WilHam Bradford William Bradford d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Alice (Carpenter) Southworth d. Plymouth William Bradford b. Plymouth Plymouth Alice Richards d. Plymouth Samuel Bradford b. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. Hannah Rogers b. Duxbury Perez Bradford b. Duxbury Dedham Mass. Abigail Belcher b. Dedham Hannah Bradford Attleboro Mass. Jabez Gay b. Dedham Lucy Gay b. Attleboro Attleboro Joel Metcalf b. Attleboro Jesse Metcalf b. Providence. R. L Providence Eunice Dench Houghton b. Framingham, Mass. Ellen Metcalf b. Providence Providence Edward Arnold Bush b. Nevi'port, R. L Charles Sabin . Bush 40 No. 72 Gen, No. 2443 CHARLES SABIN BUSH 24 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Tenth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton, Mass. Elizabeth Pabodie John Rogers b. Duxbury Duxbury d. Barrington, Mass. Hannah Rogers Samuel Bradford b. Duxbury Duxbury b. Plymouth Perez Bradford Abigail Belcher b. Duxbury Dedham Mass. b. Dedham Hannah Bradford Jabez Gay Attleboro b. Dedham Mass. Lucy Gay Joel Metcalf b. Attleboro Attleboro b. Attleboro Jesse Metcalf Eunice Dench Houghton b. Providence, R. L Providence b. Framingham, Mass. Ellen Metcalf Edwin Arnold Bush b. Providence Providence b. Newport, R. L Charles Sabin Bush 41 No. 72 Gen. No. 2443 CHARLES SABIN BUSH 24 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers m. d. Plymouth, Mass. John Rogers Ann Churchman d. Diixbury, Mass. Plymouth John Rogers Elizabeth Pabodie d. Barrington, Mass. Duxbury b. Duxbury Hannah Rogers Samuel Bradford b. Duxbury Duxbury b. Plymouth Perez Bradford Abigail Belcher b. Plymouth Dedham Mass. b. Dedham Hannah Bradford Jabez Gay Attleboro b. Dedham Mass. Lucy Gay Joel Metcalf b. Attleboro Attleboro b. Attleboro Jesse Metcalf Eunice Dench Houghton b. Providence, R. L Providence b. Framingham, Mass. Ellen Metcalf Edwin Arnold Bush b. Providence Providence b. Newport, R. L Charles Sabin Bush 42 No. 52 Gen. No. 2129 MRS. EDWARD CARRINGTON 66 Williams Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Ninth from John Tilley and wife John Howland m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth Hope Howland b. Plymouth Desire Chipman b. Barnstable, Mass. Sandwich Mass. Bathsheba Bourne b. Sandwich Sarah Newcomb William Fessenden b. Sandwich Benjamin Fessenden b. Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Pawtucket Mary Wilkinson Fessenden b. Pawtucket Valley Falls R.I. Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. John Chipman d. Sandwich, Mass. Melatiah Bourne b. Sandwich William Newcomb b. Sandwich Benjamin Fessenden b. Sandwich Martha Freeman b. Sandwich Mary Wilkinson b. Pawtucket, Mass. William Francis Sayles b. Pawtucket Mary Fessenden (Sayles) (Washburn) Carrington 43 No. 87 Gen. No. 2929 MISS MARTHA WARREN CASE 53 Grove Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Ehzabeth (Tilley) Rowland Tenth from John Tilley and wife John Howland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Hannah Howland Jonathan Bosworth b. Plymouth Swansea Jonathan Bosworth Sarah Rounds b. Swansea Swansea Ichabod Bosworth Mary Bowen b. Swansea Rehoboth Mass. b. Rehoboth Ichabod Bosworth Hannah Horton b. Rehoboth Rehoboth b. Rehoboth David Bosworth Elizabeth Luther b. Rehoboth Swansea Hannah Bosworth George Kelton d. Providence, R. I. Rehoboth b. Rehoboth Mercy Ann Kelton Isaac Case b. Rehoboth Swansea Mass. b. Rehoboth John Warren Case Louise Marea White b. Rehoboth Providence R.I. b. Cranston, R. I. Martha Warren Case 44 No. 88 Gen. No. 2930 NORMAN STANLEY CASE 53 Grove Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland Tenth from John Tilley and wife John Howland d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Hannah Howland b. Plymouth Swansea Jonathan Bosworth Jonathan Bosworth b. Swansea Swansea Sarah Rounds Ichabod Bosworth b. Swansea Ichabod Bosworth b. Rehoboth Rehoboth Mass. Rehoboth Mary Bowen b. Rehoboth Hannah Horton b. Rehoboth David Bosworth b. Rehoboth Swansea Elizabeth Luther Hannah Bosworth d. Providence, R. I. Rehoboth George Kelton b. Rehoboth Mercy Ann Kelton b. Rehoboth Swansea Isaac Case b. Rehoboth John Warren Case b. Rehoboth Providence R.I. Louise Marea White b. Cranston, R. I. Norman Stanley Case 45 No. -ji Gen. No. 2403 MRS. HENRY RICHMOND CHACE 133 Brown Street, Providence, R. I, Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Elizabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Benjamin Church b. Plymouth Thomas Church b. Duxbury Duxbury Mass. Alice Southworth b. Duxbury Edith Woodman b. Little Compton Hannah Church b. Little Compton Allen Cary b. Swansea, Mass. Abigail Cary b. Bristol Mass. Bristol John Field bap. Providence, R. I John Field b. N. Providence, R. I. Providence Hannah Gladding b. Newport, R. L John Albert Field b. Providence Providence Deborah Ann Burr b. Providence Charlotte Burr Field b. Providence Providence Albert Dailey b. Providence Maude Dailey (Chace) 46 No. yi Gen. No. 2403 MRS. HENRY RICHMOND CHACE 133 Brown Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Peter Brown Peter Brown d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Martha Ford d. Plymouth Rebecca Brown William Snow Joseph Snow b. Bridgewater, Mass. Hopestill AWvw Joseph Snow b. Bridgewater Elizabeth Field b. Bridgewater Elizabeth Snow b. Bridgewater Providence R.I. John Field b. Providence John Field bap. Providence Providence Abigail Cary b. Bristol John Field b. N. Providence, R. I. Providence Hannah Gladding b. Newport, R. I. John Albert Field b. Providence Providence Deborah Ann Burr Providence Charlotte Burr Field b. Providence Providence Albert Dailey b. Providence Maude Dailey (Chace) 47 No. 95 Gen. No. 3049 MRS. JAMES HERVEY CHACE (Providence, R. I.) Died November 19, 1910 Seventh from Francis Cooke Francis Cooke d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Leyden Holland Hester Mahieu Hester Cooke Richard Wright Adam Wright b. Plymouth Sarah Soule Mary Wright Jeremiah Gifford d. Dartmouth, Mass, Adam Gififord b. Dartmouth Ann Fish William Gifford b. Dartmouth Dartmouth Freelove Potter b. Dartmouth William Gifford b. Dartmouth Dartmouth Rhoda Tucker b. Dartmouth Lucretia Russell Gifford (Chace) 48 No. 95 Gen. No. 3049 MRS. JAMES HERVEY CHACE (Providence, R. I.) Died November 19, 1910 Seventh from George Soule George Soule d. Duxbury, Mass. m. Plymouth Mass. Mary d. Duxbury John Soule d. Duxbury Rebecca Simmons Sarah Soule Adam Wright b. Plymouth Mary Wright Jeremiah Gifford d. Dartmouth, Mass, Adam Gifford b. Dartmouth Ann Fish William Giiford b. Dartmouth Dartmouth Freelove Potter b. Dartmouth William Gifford b. Dartmouth Dartmouth Rhoda Tucker b. Dartmouth Lucretia Russell Gifford (Chace) 49 No. 105 Gen. No. 3270 LOUIS HALL COMSTOCK 47 Parkis Avenue, Providence, R. L Eighth from John Tilley and wife Seventh from John and EHzabeth (Tilley) Howland John Howland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Hannah Howland Jonathan Bosworth b. Plymouth Swansea Hannah Bosworth Nathaniel Jenckes b. Swansea Swansea b. Providence, R. L Hannah Jenckes Banfield Capron, Jr. d. Cumberland, R. I. Elizabeth (Capron )Sp ear Cumberland Seth Hall b. Bellingham, Mass. Benjamin Hall b. Bellingham Cumberland Sarah Bates b. Bellingham Mary Dexter Hall b. Bellingham Mendon Mass. Jonathan Famum Comstock b. Mendon Louis Hall Comstock 50 No. 51 Gen. No. 2128 MRS. JOHN ALEXANDER CROSS 36 Stimson Avenue, Providence, R. L Tenth from WilHam Brewster and wife WilHam Brewster d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Mary d. Plymouth Jonathan Brewster b. Scrooby, Eng. Lucretia Oldham Mary Brewster b. Plymouth Plymouth John Turner d. Scituate, Mass. Mary Turner b. Scituate, Mass. Hull Isaac Prince bap. Hull, Mass. Honor Prince b. Hull Weymouth Francis Loud b. Ipswich, Mass. Jacob Loud b. Weymouth, Mass. Weymouth Mary Smith d. Weymouth Esau Loud b. Weymouth Samuel Loud b. Weymouth Hanover Mass. Braintree Huldah Palmer d. Weymouth Sally Hollis b. Braintree, Mass, Huldah Barker Loud d. E. Abington, Mas.' ^. Abington Amos Shaw Reed b. Abington, Mass. Amos Newton Reed b. Abington S. Weymouth Grace Lillian Reed (Cross) 51 Sarah Elizabeth Boynton b. Boston, Mass. No. 15, C. M., Mass. No. 461 Gen. No. 1318 PROF. ASA CLINTON CROWELL 345 Hope Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Tenth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Desire Rowland John Gorham b. Plymouth Plymouth d. Swansea James Gorham Rannah Huckins b. Marshfield, Mass. Barnstable Mass. b. Barnstable John Gorham Ann Brown b. Barnstable Barnstable b. W. Yarmouth, Mass, Rose Gorham Ephraim Crowell b. Yarmouth, Mass. Yarmouth b. Yarmouth John Crowell Rannah White b. Yarmouth Yarmouth b. Yarmouth Renry Crowell Mercy Romer b. Yarmouth Yarmouth b. Yarmouth Nathan Crowell Anna Mathews b. Yarmouth Yarmouth b. Yarmouth Asa Crowell Eliza Ann Runtress b. Yarmouth Pawtucket R.I. b. Seekonk, Mass. Asa Clinton Ci ■owell 52 No. 7, C. M., Mass. No. 252 Gen. No. 813 MISS ANNE COOKE GUSHING 58 Olive Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Elizabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Benjamin Church b. Plymouth Duxbury Charles Church d. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Sarah Church b. Bristol Nathaniel Jarvis d. Boston Boston Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Alice Southworth b. Duxbury, Mass. Hannah Paine b. Bristol Leonard Jarvis b. Boston, Mass. Susanna Barrett b. Boston Susan Barrett Jarvis b. Boston Providence George William Gushing b. Providence Providence Daniel Cooke Gushing b. Providence, R. I. Sarah Shepard Cooke b. Rhinebeck, N. Y. Anne Cooke Gushing 53 No. 103 Gen. No. 3149 HOWARD CHALMER DAILEY 150 Newman Avenue, Rumford, R. I. Tenth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. EHzabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Benjamin Church b. Plymouth Thomas Church b. Duxbury Hannah Church b. Little Compton Abigail Cary b. Bristol, Mass. John Field b. N. Providence, R. John Albert Field b. Providence Charlotte Burr Field b. Providence Albert Dailey, Jr. b. Providence m. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. Bristol, R. I. , I. Providence Providence Providence Providence Howard Chalmer Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Alice Southworth b. Duxbury Edith Woodman b. Little Compton, Mass. Allen Cary b. Swansea, Mass. John Field bap. Providence, R. I, Hannah Gladding b. Newport, R. I. Deborah Ann Burr b. Providence Albert Dailey b. Providence Elizabeth Fletcher b. Providence Dailey 54 No. 6i Gen. No. 2144 MISS GRACE BELLE DAVIS 71 Mitchell Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from Franc is Cooke Ninth from John Cooke Francis Cooke d. Plymouth, Mass John Cooke b. Holland m. Leyden Holland Plymouth Hester Mahieu Sarah Warren Sarah Cooke Plymouth Arthur Hathaway Hannah Hathaway George Cadman Elizabeth Cadman William White Christopher White Noah White b. Little Compton Nicholas White b. Newport Julia Ann White b. Newport Julia Amanda Sherman b. Newport Elizabeth Thurston Little Compton b. Little Compton, Mass. Rhoda Shaw Little Compton d. Newport, R. I. Sarah South wick b. Newport Elijah Sherman Newport b. Newport James McKenzie Davis Fall River b. Newport Mass, Grace Belle Davis 55 No. 5, C. M., Ohio No. 29 Gen. No. 648 MISS IDA FRANCES DOANE 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio Tenth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Eleventh from John Tilley and wife John Rowland d. Plymouth m. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Desire Rowland b. Plymouth Plymouth John Gorham d. Swansea Mercy Gorham b. Barnstable, Mass. George Denison d. Westerly, R. I. Joseph Denison b. Westerly Stonington Prudence Miner bap. Stonington, Conn. Joanna Denison b. Stonington Stonington Renry Ruit (Rewitt) bap. Stonington Joanna Hewitt b. Stonington Canterbury Uriah Cady, Jr. b. Canterbury, Conn. Eunice Cady b. Canterbury Jonah Witter b. Brooklyn, Conn. Amos Witter b. Preston, Conn. Preston Fannie Mott Frances Witter b. Plainfield, Conn. Plainfield James Stanton Treat b. Preston Frances Mary Treat b. Preston Norwich Conn. William Roward Doane b. Preston Ida Frances Doane 56 No. 5, C. M., Ohio No. 29 Gen. No. 648 MISS IDA FRANCES DOANE 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio Tenth from Stephen Hopkins Ninth from Constance Hopkins (Snow) Stephen Hopkins d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Constance Hopkins d. Eastham, Mass. Plymouth Nicholas Snow d. Eastham Stephen Snow b. Plymouth Eastham Susanna (Deane) Rogers b. Plymouth Hannah Snow b. Eastham Eastham William Cole b. Eastham Hannah Cole b. Eastham Truro, Mass. Elisha Doane d. Wellfleet, Mass. Joseph Doane b. Eastham Weimeet Dorcas Eldredge b. Eastham Joseph Doane b. Chatham, Mass. Chatham Abigail Gould b. Harwich, Mass. John Doane b. Chatham Chatham Eunice Howes b. Chatham Joseph Howes Doane b. Chatham Preston Frances Treat b. Preston, Conn. William Howard Doane b. Preston Norwich Conn Frances Mary Treat b. Preston Ida Frances Doane 57 No. 5, C. M., Ohio No. 29 Gen. No. 648 MISS IDA FRANCES DOANE 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio Tenth from WilHam and Mary Brewster William Brewster m. Mary d. Plymouth, Mass. d. Plymouth Patience Brewster Thomas Prence Plymouth d. Plymouth Hannah Prence Nathaniel Mayo d. Eastham, Mass. Eastham d. Eastham Thomas Mayo Barbara Knowles b. Eastham Eastham d. Eastham Mercy Mayo Jonathan Godfrey b. Eastham Eastham b. Eastham Ruth Godfrey John Gould d. Chatham, Mass. Eastham b. Harwich, Mass. Abigail Gould Joseph Doane b. Harwich Chatham b. Chatham John Doane Eunice Howes b. Chatham Chatham b. Chatham Joseph Howes Doane Frances Treat b. Chatham Preston b. Preston, Conn. William Howard Doane Frances Mary Treat b. Preston Norwich Conn. b. Preston Ida Frances Doane 58 No. 3, C. M., Mass. No. 318, Ohio No. 30 Gen. No. 635 MISS MARGUERITE TREAT DOANE 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Cincinnati, Ohio Tenth from Stephen Hopkins Ninth from Constance Hopkins (Snow) Stephen Hopkins d. Plymouth, Mass. Constance Hopkins d. Eastham, Mass. Stephen Snow b. Plymouth Hannah Snow b. Eastham Hannah Cole b. Eastham Joseph Doane b. Eastham Joseph Doane b. Chatham, Mass. John Doane b. Chatham Joseph Howes Doane b. Chatham m. Plymouth Eastham Eastham Truro, Mass. VVellfleet Chatham Chatham Preston William Howard Doane b. Preston Norwich Conn. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Nicholas Snow d. Eastham Susanna (Deane) Rogers b. Plymouth William Cole b. Eastham Elisha Doane d. Wellfleet, Mass. Dorcas Eldredge b. Eastham Abigail Gould b. Harwich, Mass. Eunice Howes b. Chatham Frances Treat b. Preston, Conn. Frances Mary Treat b. Preston Marguerite Treat Doane 59 No. 3, C. M., Mass. No. 318, Ohio No. 30 Gen. No. 635 MISS MARGUERITE TREAT DOANE 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio Tenth from John Howland Eleventh from John Tilley and wife John Howland d. Plymouth m. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Desire Howland b. Plymouth Plymouth John Gorham d. Swansea Mercy Gorham b. Barnstable, Mass. George Denison d. Westerly, R. I. Joseph Denison b. Westerly Stonington Prudence Miner bap. Stonington, Conn. Joanna Denison b. Stonington Stonington Henry Huit (Hewitt) bap. Stonington Joanna Hewitt b. Stonington Canterbury Uriel Cady, Jr. b. Canterbury Eunice Cady b. Canterbury, Conn Jonah Witter b. Brooklyn, Conn. Amos Witter b. Preston, Conn. Preston Fannie Mott Frances Witter b. Plainfield, Conn. Plainfield James Stanton Treat b. Preston Frances Mary Treat b. Preston Norwich Conn. William Howard Doane b. Preston Marguerite Treat Doane 60 No. 3. C. M., New York, No. 318, Ohio No. 30 Gen. No. 635 MISS MARGUERITE TREAT DOANE 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio Tenth from WilHam and Mary Brewster WilHam Brewster m. Mary d. Plymouth, Mass. d. Plymouth Patience Brewster Thomas Prence Plymouth d. Plymouth Hannah Prence Nathaniel Mayo d. Eastham, Mass. Eastham d. Eastham Thomas Mayo Barbara Knowles b. Eastham Eastham d. Eastham Mercy Mayo Jonathan Godfrey b. Eastham Eastham b. Eastham Ruth Godfrey John Gould d. Chatham, Mass. Eastham b. Harwich, Mass. x\bigail Gould Joseph Doane b. Harwich Chatham b. Chatham John Doane Eunice Howes b. Chatham Chatham b. Chatham Joseph Howes Doane Frances Treat b. Chatham Preston b. Preston, Conn. William Howard Doane Frances Mary Treat b. Preston Norwich Conn. b. Preston Marguerite Treat Doane 61 No. 4, C. M., Ohio No. 27 Gen. No. 647 WILLIAM HOWARD DOANE 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio Ninth from Stephen Hopkins Eighth from Constance Hopkins (Snow) Stephen Hopkins d. Plymouth, Mass. Constance Hopkins d. Eastham, Mass. Stephen Snow b. Plymouth Hannah Snow b. Eastham Hannah Cole b. Eastham Joseph Doane b. Eastham Joseph Doane b. Chatham, Mass. John Doane b. Chatham Joseph Howes Doane b. Chatham m. Plymouth Eastham Eastham Truro, Mass. Wellfleet Chatham Chatham Preston William Howard Doane Elizabeth d. Plymouth Nicholas Snow d. Eastham Susanna (Deane) Rogers b. Plymouth William Cole b. Eastham Elisha Doane d. Wellfleet. Mass. Dorcas Eldredge b. Eastham Abigail Gould b. Harwich, Mass. Eunice Howes b. Chatham Frances Treat b. Preston, Conn. 62 No. 4, C. M., Ohio No. 27 Gen. No. 647 WILLIAM HOWARD DOANE 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio Ninth from WilHam and Marv Brewster William Brewster d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Mary d. Plymouth Patience Brewster Plymouth Thomas Prence d. Plymouth Hannah Prence d. Eastham, Mass. Eastham Nathaniel Mayo d. Eastham Thomas Mayo b. Eastham Eastham Barbara Knowles d. Eastham Mercy Mayo b. Eastham Eastham Jonathan Godfrey b. Eastham Ruth Godfrey d. Chatham, Mass. Eastham John Gould b. Harwich, Mass, Abigail Gould b. Harwich Chatham Joseph Doane b. Chatham John Doane b. Chatham Chatham Eunice Howes b. Chatham Joseph Howes Doane b. Chatham Preston Frances Treat b. Preston, Conn. William Howard Doane 63 No. 6, CM., Ohio No. 28 Gen. No. 717 MRS. WILLIAM HOWARD DOANE 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio Ninth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Tenth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Desire Rowland John Gorham b. Plymouth Plymouth d. Swansea Mercy Gorham George Denison b. Barnstable, Mass. d. Westerly, R. I. Joseph Denison Prudence Miner b. Westerly Stonington bap. Stonington, Conn. Joanna Denison Henry Fluit (Hewitt) b. Stonington Stonington bap. Stonington Joanna Hewitt Uriel Cady, Jr. b. Stonington Canterbury b. Canterbury, Conn. Eunice Cady Jonah Witter b. Canterbury b. Brooklyn, Conn. Amos Witter Fannie Mott b. Preston, Conn. Preston Frances Witter James Stanton Treat b. Plainfield, Conn. Plainfield b. Preston Frances Mary Treat (Doane) 64 No. 53 Gen. No. 2130 COURTLAND COOK EARLE Anthony, R. I. Tenth from Richard Warren Ninth from John Cooke Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Sarah Warren Elizabeth Cooke d. Tiverton, Mass. Mary Wilcox d. Tiverton Benjamin Earle b. Tiverton William Earle b. Warv^ick William Earle b. Providence William Earle b. Providence George Brown Earle b. Cumberland, R. I. Charles Rhodes Earle b. Providence m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth John Cooke Plymouth b. Holland Daniel Wilcox Plymouth d. Tiverton John Earle d. Tiverton Rebecca Westgate Warwick d. Warwick, R. I. Mary Brown d. Providence, R. I. Tillinghast Abby Green Dexter Providence b. Smithfield, R. I. Cornelia Arnold Rhodes b. Pawtuxet, R. I. Susan Frances Cook Providence b. Greenwich, N. Y. Courtland Cook Earle 65 No. 53 Gen. No. 2130 COURTLAND COOK EARLE Anthony, R. I. Tenth from Francis Cooke Ninth from John Cooke Francis Cooke d. Plymouth. Mass. John Cooke b. Holland m. Leyden Holland Plymouth Hester Mahieu Sarah Warren Elizabeth Cooke d. Tiverton Plymouth Daniel Wilcox b. Portsmouth, R. I. Mary Wilcox d. Tiverton John Earle d. Tiverton Benjamin Earle b. Tiverton Warwick Rebecca Westgate d. Warwick, R. I. William Earle b. Warwick Mary Brown d. Providence, R. I. William Earle b. Providence l^ « 1 1 « *i /TC Vi r» (- •*- William Earle b. Providence Providence Abby Greene Dexter b. Smithfield, R. I. George Brown Earle b. Cumberland, R. I. Cornelia Arnold Rhodes b. Pawtuxet. R. I. Charles Rhodes Earle b. Providence Providence Susan Frances Cook b. Greenwich, N. Y. Courtland Cook Earle 66 No. loo Gen. No. 3099 ARIEL BALLOU EDWARDS Woonsocket, R. I. Ninth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Tenth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Rope Rowland John Chipman b. Plymouth d. Sandwich, Mass. Samuel Chipman Sarah Cobb b. Barnstable, Mass. Barnstable b. Barnstable Samuel Chipman Abiah Rinckley b. Barnstable Barnstable b. Barnstable Mary Chipman Samuel Jenkins b. Barnstable Barnstable b. Barnstable Deborah Jenkins Gershom Ramblen b. Barnstable Gorham Maine b. Barnstable Elizabeth Hamblen Daniel Mann b. Gorham b. Wrentham, Mass. Catherine Mann Azariah Edwards b. Portland, Maine Rowland Maine b. Manchester, Mass, Daniel Mann Edwards Laura Ballou b. Lincoln, Maine Woonsocket R. L b. Woonsocket Ariel Ballou Edwards 67 No. 102 Gen. No. 3150 DANIEL MANN EDWARDS, JR. Woonsocket, R. I. Ninth from John and EHzabeth (Tilley) Howland Tenth from John Tilley and wife John Howland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Hope Howland John Chipman b. Plymouth d. Sandwich, Mass. Samuel Chipman Sarah Cobb b. Barnstable, Mass. Barnstable b. Barnstable Samuel Chipman Abiah Hinckley b. Barnstable Barnstable b. Barnstable Mary Chipman Samuel Jenkins b. Barnstable Barnstable b. Barnstable Deborah Jenkins Gershom Hamblen b. Barnstable Gorham Maine b. Barnstable Elizabeth Hamblen Daniel Mann b. Gorham b. Wrentham, Mass. Catharine Mann Azariah Edwards b. Portland. Maine Howland Maine b. Manchester, Mass, Daniel Mann Edwards Laura Ballou b. Lincoln, Maine Woonsocket R. L b. Woonsocket Daniel Mann Edwards, Jr. 68 No. 83 Gen. No. 2735 MISS EDITH EDWARDS Woonsocket, R. I. Ninth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Tenth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Hope Rowland b. Plymouth John Chipman d. Sandwich, Mass. Samuel Chipman b. Barnstable, Mass. Barnstable Sarah Cobb b. Barnstable Samuel Chipman b. Barnstable Barnstable Abiah Rinckley b. Barnstable Mary Chipman b. Barnstable Barnstable Samuel Jenkins b. Barnstable Deborah Jenkins b. Barnstable Elizabeth Ramblen b. Gorham Gorham Maine Gershom Hamblen b. Barnstable Daniel Mann b. Wrentham, Mass. Catherine Mann b. Portland, Maine Daniel Mann Edwards b. Lincoln, Maine Rowland Maine Woonsocket Azariah Edwards b. Manchester, Mass, Laura Ballou b. Woonsocket, R. I. Edith Edwards 69 No. 49 Gen. No. 2087 GERTRUDE GOODING, M. D. Bristol, R. I. EiHith from William Bradford William Bradford m. Alice (Carpenter) Southworth d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth Mass. d. Plymouth William Bradford Alice Richards b. Plymouth John Bradford Mercy Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth b. Plymouth Samuel Bradford Sarah Gray b. Plymouth Plympton Mass. b. Tiverton, Mass. William Bradford Mary LeBaron b. Plympton Plymouth b. Plymouth John Bradford Jemima Wardwell b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol bap. Bristol Mary LeBaron Bradford Josiah Howland b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Mary Eleanor Howland Josephus Gooding b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol. Gertrude Gooding 70 No. 49 Gen. No. 2087 GERTRUDE GOODING, M. D. Bristol, R. I. Eighth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Ninth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Jabez Rowland Bethiah Thatcher b. Plymouth b. Yarmouth, Mass. Samuel Rowland Abigail Gary b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol b. Bristol John Rowland Martha Wardwell b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol John Rowland Elizabeth LeFavour b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol John Rowland Rebecca Munro b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol b. Bristol Josiah Plowland Mary LeBaron Bradford b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Mary Eleanor Rowland Josephus Gooding b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Gertrude Gooding 71 No. 49 Gen. No. 2087 GERTRUDE GOODING, M. D. Bristol, R. I. Seventh from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Eighth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Jabez Rowland Bethiah Thatcher b. Plymouth b. Yarmouth, Mass. Samuel Rowland Abigail Gary b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol b. Bristol Phebe Rowland John Wardwell b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Phebe Wardwell James Smith b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol b. Bristol, Mass. Ann Smith Josiah Gooding b. Dighton, Mass. Dighton b. Dighton Josephus Gooding Mary Eleanor Rowland b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Gertrude Gooding 72 No. 49 Gen. No. 2087 GERTRUDE GOODING, M. D. Bristol, R. I. Eighth from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers d. Plymouth, Mass. John Rogers d. Duxbury, Mass. Abigail Rogers b. Duxbury Joseph Richmond b. Taunton Abigail Richmond b. Middleboro, Mass. Joseph Gooding b. Dighton Josiah Gooding b. Dighton Josephus Gooding b. Bristol, R. I. m. Plymouth Taunton Middleboro Taunton Dighton Bristol Ann Churchman John Richmond d. Taunton, Mass. Mary Andrews b. Taunton Matthew Gooding b. Dighton, Mass. Rebecca Macomber b. Taunton Ann Smith b. Dighton Mary Eleanor Howland b. Bristol Gertrude Gooding 73 No. 49 Gen. No. 2087 GERTRUDE GOODING, M. D. Bristol, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Joseph Warren b. Plymouth Priscilla Faunce b. Plymouth Mercy Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth John Bradford b. Plymouth Samuel Bradford b. Plymouth Plympton Mass. Sarah Gray b. Tiverton. Mass, William Bradford b. Plympton Plymouth Mary LeBaron b. Plymouth John Bradford b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol Jemima Wardwell bap. Bristol Mary LeBaron Bradford b. Bristol Bristol Josiah Rowland b. Bristol Mary Eleanor Rowland b. Bristol Bristol Josephus Gooding b. Bristol Gertrude Gooding 74 No. 49 Gen. No. 2087 GERTRUDE GOODING, M. D. Bristol, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass, Mary Warren d. Plymouth Joseph Bartlett b. Plymouth Joseph Bartlett b. Plymouth Lydia Bartlett b. Plymouth Mary LeBaron b. Plymouth John Bradford b. Bristol, R. I. m. Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Bristol Mary LeBaron Bradford b. Bristol Bristol Mary Eleanor Rowland b. Bristol Bristol Elizabeth d. Plymouth Robert Bartlett d. Plymouth Hannah Pope b. Plymouth Lydia Griswold b. Norwich, Ct. Lazarus LeBaron b. Plymouth William Bradford b. Plympton, Mass. Jemima Wardwell bap. Bristol Josiah Rowland b. Bristol Josephus Gooding b. Bristol Gertrude Gooding 75 No. 48 Gen. No. 2086 MRS. JOSEPHUS GOODING (Bristol, R. I.) Died March 11, 1903 Seventh from WilHam Bradford WilHam Bradford m. b. Austerfield, Eng. Plymouth Mass. Alice (Carpenter) Southworth d. Plymouth William Bradford b. Plymouth Alice Richards John Bradford b. Plymouth Plymouth Mercy Warren b. Plymouth Samuel Bradford b. Plymouth Plympton Mass. Sarah Gray b. Tiverton, Mass William Bradford b. Plympton Plymouth Mary LeBaron b. Plymouth John Bradford b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol Jemima Wardwell bap. Bristol Mary LeBaron Bradford b. Bristol Bristol Josiah Rowland b. Bristol Mary Eleanor Howland (Gooding) 76 No. 48 Gen. No. 2086 MRS. JOSEPHUS GOODING (Bristol, R. I.) Died March 11. 1903 Seventh from John and EHzabeth (Tilley) Howland Eighth from John Tilley and wife John Howland m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth Jabez Howland b. Plymouth Samuel Howland b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol John Howland b. Bristol Bristol Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Bethiah Thatcher b. Yarmouth, Mass. Abigail Gary b. Bristol Martha Wardwell b. Bristol John Howland b. Bristol Bristol Elizabeth LeFavour b. Bristol John Howland b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol Josiah Howland b. Bristol Bristol Rebecca Munro b. Bristol Mary LeBaron Bradford b. Bristol Mary Eleanor Howland (Gooding) 77 No. 48 Gen. No. 2086 MRS. JOSEPHUS GOODING (Bristol, R. I.) Died March 11, 1903 Eisfhth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Mary Warren d. Plymouth Plymouth Joseph Bartlett b. Plymouth Joseph Bartlett b. Plymouth Lydia Bartlett b. Plymouth Plymouth Mary LeBaron b. Plymouth Plymouth John Bradford b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol Mary LeBaron Bradford b. Bristol Bristol Elizabeth d. Plymouth Robert Bartlett d. Plymouth Hannah Pope b. Plymouth Lydia Griswold b. Norwich, Ct. Lazarus LeBaron b. Plymouth William Bradford b. Plympton, Mass. Jemima Wardwell bap. Bristol Josiah Rowland b. Bristol Mary Eleanor Howland (Gooding) 78 No. 48 Gen. No. 2086 MRS. JOSEPHUS GOODING (Bristol, R. I.) Died March 11, 1903 Seventh from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Joseph Warren b. Plymouth Mercy Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Samuel Bradford b. Plymouth Plympton William Bradford b. Plympton, Mass. Plymouth John Bradford b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol Mary LeBaron Bradford b. Bristol Bristol Elizabeth d. Plymouth Priscilla Faunce b. Plymouth John Bradford b. Plymouth Sarah Gray b. Tiverton, Mass. Mary LeBaron b. Plymouth Jemima Wardwell bap. Bristol Josiah Howland b. Bristol Mary Eleanor Howland (Gooding) 79 No. 23 Gen. No. 1798 REV. DANIEL GOODWIN, D. D. East Greenwich, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymonth, Mass. Mary Warren d. Plymouth Plymouth Joseph Bartlett b. Plymouth Plymouth Joseph Bartlett b. Plymouth Lydia Bartlett b. Plymouth • Plymouth Hannah LeBaron b. Plymouth Plymouth Daniel Goodwin b. Boston, Mass. Norton Daniel LeBaron Goodwin b. Easton, Mass. Providence Elizabeth d. Plymouth Robert Bartlett d. Plymouth Hannah Pope b. Plymouth Lydia Griswold b. Norwich, Conn. Lazarus LeBaron b. Plymouth Benjamin Goodwin b. Plymouth Polly Briggs b. Norton, Mass. Rebecca Wilkinson b. Providence, R. I. Daniel Goodwin 80 No. 37 Gen. No. 1984 MRS. WILLIAM SMITH GRANGER 42 Olive Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Ninth from WilHam and AHce MuIIins John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. m. Plymouth Priscilla Mullins EHzabeth Alden d. Little Compton Duxbury William Pabodie d. Little Compton Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Duxbury John Rogers d. Barrington, Mass, Elizabeth Rogers d. Little Compton Sylvester Richmond b. Little Compton William Richmond b. Little Compton Sylvester Richmond Anna Gray Little Compton b. Little Compton Susanna Cook Whitmarsh b. Little Compton Dighton Mass. William Richmond Clarissa Andrews b. Dighton Dighton b. Dighton Caroline Richmond John Talbot Pitman b. Providence, R. I. Providence b. Salem, Mass. Caroline Richmond Pitman (Granger) 81 No. 62 Gen. No. 2145 MRS. THOMAS J. GRIFFIN, JR. 156 West Clifford Street, Providence, R. I. Eleventh from Francis Cooke Tenth from John Cooke Francis Cooke m. Hester Mahieu d. Plymouth, Mass. Leyden Holland John Cooke Sarah Warren b. Holland Plymouth Sarah Cooke Plymouth Arthur Hathaway Hannah Hathaway George Cadman Elizabeth Cadman William White Christopher White Elizabeth Thurston Little Compton b. Little Compton Noah White Rhoda Shaw b. Little Compton Little Compton d. Newport, R. I. Nicholas White Sarah Southwick b. Newport b. Newport Julia Ann White Elijah Sherman b. Newport Newport b. Newport Julia Amanda Sherman 1 James McKenzie Davis b. Newport Fall River Mass. b. Newport Ida Amanda Davis Walter Howard Manchester b. Newport Newport b. Providence, R. I. Edith Howland Manchester (Griffin) 82 No. 38 Gen. No. 1985 MISS GEORGIANA GUILD 34 Pratt Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Myles Standi sh Myles Standish m. d. Diixbury, Mass. Plymouth Barbara Alexander Standish Sarah Alden Lydia Standish b. Duxbury Duxbury Isaac Sampson b. Duxbury Isaac Sampson Sarah Barlow b. Plympton, Mass. Plympton d. Plympton Sarah Sampson b. Plympton Middleboro Mass. Peter Walker b. Taunton, Mass. Eleazer Walker Rehoboth Mass. Caty Carpenter b. Attleboro, Mass. Sarah Walker Samuel Hunt b. Norton, Mass. Norton b. Norton Samuel Hunt Nancy Lincoln b. Norton Seekonk Mass. b. Norton Jane Clifford Hunt Reuben Aldridge Guild b. Providence, R. I. Providence b. W. Dedham, Mass. Georgiana Guild 83 No. 38 Gen. No. 1985 MISS GEORGIANA GUILD 34 Pratt Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MuUins) Alden Tenth from Wilham MulHns and wife John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Sarah Alden Alexander Standish Lydia Standish Isaac Sampson b. Duxbury Duxbury b. Duxbury Isaac Sampson Sarah Barlow b. Plympton, Mass. Plympton d. Plympton Sarah Sampson Peter Walker b. Plympton Middleboro Mass. b. Taunton, Mass. Eleazer Walker Caty Carpenter Rehoboth b. Attleboro, Mass. Mass. Sarah Walker Samuel Hunt b. Norton, Mass. Norton b. Norton Samuel Hunt Nancy Lincoln b. Norton Seekonk Mass. b. Norton Jane Clifford Plunt Reuben Aldridge Guild b. Providence, R. I. Providence b. W. Dedham, Mass, Georgiana Guild 84 No. 38 Gen. No. 1985 MISS GEORGIANA GUILD 34 Pratt Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Stephen Hopkins Eighth from Constance Hopkins (Snow) Stephen Hopkins m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth, Mass. d. Plymouth Constance Hopkins Nicholas Snow d. Eastham, Mass. Plymouth d. Eastham Mary Snow Thomas Paine d. Eastham d. Eastham James Paine Bethiah Thatcher b. Eastham, Mass. d. Barnstable, Mass. Experience Paine Samuel Hunt d. Norton, Mass. d. Norton Samuel Hunt Abigail Day b. Weymouth, Mass. d. Norton Samuel Hunt Sarah Walker b. Norton Norton b. Norton Samuel Hunt Nancy Lincoln b. Norton Seekonk Mass. b. Norton Jane Clifford Hunt Reuben Aldridge Guild b. Providence, R. I. Providence b. West Dedham, Mass Georgiana Guild 85 No. 38 Gen. No. 1985 MISS GEORGIANA GUILD 34 Pratt Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Isaac Allerton Seventh from Remember Allerton Isaac Allerton m. d. New Haven, Ct. Leyden Holland Remember Allerton b. Leyden Elizabeth Maverick (Grafton) bap. Salem, Mass. Abigail Skinner (Ager) Boston Annah Coney b. Stoughton, Mass. Joel Guild b. S. Dedham, Mass. Dedham Reuben Guild b. S. Dedham Dedham Reuben Aldridge Guild b. W. Dedham, Mass. Providence R. L Mary Norris d. Plymouth, Mass. Moses Maverick d. Marblehead, Mass. Thomas Skinner d. Boston, Mass. Nathaniel Coney d. Boston Aaron Guild b. Dedham, Mass. Hannah Weatherbee d. S. Dedham Olive Morse b. S. Dedham Jane Clifford Hunt b. Providence Georgiana Guild 86 No. 20, C. M., Mass. No. 631 Gen. No. 1704 GEORGE THOMAS HART 322 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Sarah Warren Mary Cooke m. Plymouth Elizabeth d. Plymouth John Cooke b. Holland Philip Taber John Taber Susannah Sarah Taber b. Tiverton, Mass. Little Compton Joseph Hart b. Little Compton Mass. Tiverton Thomas Hart b. Little Compton, R. L Newport R. I. Thomas Wilbur Hart b. Warwick, R. L Stonington Conn. Stephen Hart b. Little Compton Amey Taber Sarah Bateman b. Coventry, R. L Almira Utley Chapman b. Cranston, R. I. George Thomas Hart 87 No. 20, C. M., Mass. No. 631 Gen. No. 1704 GEORGE THOMAS HART 322 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Francis Cooke Seventh from John Cooke Francis Cooke m. Hester Mahieu d. Plymouth, Mass. Leyden Holland John Cooke Sarah Warren b. Holland Plymouth Mary Cooke Philip Taber John Taber Susannah Sarah Taber Stephen Hart b. Tiverton, Mass. Little Compton Mass. b. Little Compton Joseph Hart Amey Taber b. Little Compton Tiverton Thomas Hart Sarah Bateman b. Little Compton, R. L Newport R. L b. Coventry, R. L Thomas Wilbur Hart Almira Utley Chapn b. Warwick, R. L Stonington Conn. b. Cranston, R. L George Thomas Hart 88 No. 24 Gen. No. 1808 HIRAM HART (Providence, R. I.) Died September 24, 1901 Seventh from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Sarah Warren Mary Cooke m. Plymouth Elizabeth d. Plymouth John Cooke b. Holland Philip Taber John Taber Susannah Sarah Taber Stephen Hart b. Tiverton, Mass. Little Compton b. Little Compton Mass. Joseph Hart Amey Taber b. Little Compton, R. L Tiverton R. L Thomas Hart Sarah Bateman b. Little Compton Newport b. Coventry, R. L R.L Hiram Hart 89 No. 78 Gen. No. 2610 WILLARD TREAT HATCH Providence, R. I. Seventh from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Eighth from Wilham and AHce Mullins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Jonathan Alden Abigail Hallett d. Duxbury Duxbury d. Duxbury John Alden Hannah Briggs b. Duxbury Scituate b. Scituate, Mass. Abigail Alden Anthony Thomas b. Duxbury b. Marshfield, Mass, Briggs Thomas Abigail Thomas b. Marshfield Marshfield b. Marshfield Abiah Winslow Thomas Israel Hatch b. Marshfield Marshfield b. N. Marshfield Israel Hatch Abigail Ford Ames b. N. Marshfield Marshfield b. Hanover, Mass. Willard Treat Hatch 90 No. 82 Gen. No. 2667 MRS. CHARLES HERBERT HATHAWAY 71 Mitchell Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from Francis Cooke Ninth from John Cooke Francis Cooke m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Leyden Holland John Cooke b. Holland Sarah Cooke Hannah Hathaway Elizabeth Cadman Plymouth Plymouth Hester Mahieu Sarah Warren Arthur Hathaway George Cadman William White Christopher White Little Compton Noah White b. Little Compton Little Compton Nicholas White b. Newport Julia Ann White b. Newport Newport Julia Amanda Sherman b. Newport Fall River Elizabeth Thurston b. Little Compton, Mass. Rhoda Shaw d. Newport, R. L Sarah Southwick b. Newport EHjah Sherman b. Newport James McKenzie Davis b. Newport Mass. Julia Sherman Davis (Hathaway) 91 No. 36 Gen. No. 1983 MRS. SAMUEL TWITCHELL HOBBS 216 Park Avenue, Worcester, Mass. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Nathaniel Warren b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth Henry Warren b. Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth m. Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Barnstable Plymouth Plymouth Charles Henry Warren b. New York, N. Y. Providence Elizabeth d. Plymouth Sarah Walker d. Plymouth Sarah Doty b. Plymouth Penelope Winslow b. Plymouth Mercy Otis b. Barnstable, Mass. Mary Winslow b. Plymouth Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Annie Rogers Nightingale b. Providence, R. I. Anna Nightingale Warren (Plobbs) 92 No. 75 Gen. No. 2477 MRS. ARTHUR WARREN HOWE 211 Atlantic Avenue, Providence, R. I. Seventh from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Eighth from John Tilley and wife John Howland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Jabez Howland Bethiah Thacher b. Plymouth b. Yarmouth, Mass. Samuel Howland Abigail Gary b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol b. Bristol Phebe Howland John Wardwell b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Phebe Wardwell James Smith b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol b. Bristol, Mass. Fanny Smith b. Dighton, Mass. Dighton John Gharles Jencks b. On Rhode Island John Jay Jencks b. Providence, R. I. Providence Harriet Elizabeth Sheldon b. Providence Fannie Sheldon Jencks (Howe) No. 74 Gen. No. 2448 MRS. RICHARD GREENE HOWLAND Hope, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Sarah Warren John Cook b. Holland Sarah Cook Duxbury Mass. Arthur Hathaway Lydia Hathaway James Sisson d. Dartmouth, Mass. Richard Sisson b. Dartmouth Mehitabel Richard Sisson b. Dartmouth Dartmouth Alice Soule b. Dartmouth Joseph Sisson b. Dartmouth Portsmouth Ruth Sherman b. Portsmouth, R. I. Asa Sisson b. Middletown, R. I. Portsmouth Mercy Dennis b. Portsmouth Joseph Sisson b. Newport, R. I. Warwick R.I. Sarah Weeden Hall b. No. Kingstown, R. I, Alice Maria Sisson (Howland) 94 No. 94 Gen. No. 3035 MRS. WILLIAM HENRY JENKS 123 Mulberry Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Tenth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Sarah Rogers b. Duxbury Nathaniel Searle b. Little Compton Nathaniel Searle b. Little Compton Deborah Searle d. Pawtucket, R. I. Betsey Cook Richmond b. Little Compton m. Plymouth Mass. Duxbury Duxbury Little Compton Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton, Mass. John Rogers d. Barrington, R. L Nathaniel Searle b. Dorchester, Mass. Elizabeth Kinnicutt d. Little Compton Lucy Ellis d. Little Compton William Richmond Little Compton b. Little Compton Rufus Alexander Pawtucket b. Attleboro, Mass. Nathaniel Searle Alexander b. Pawtucket Pawtucket Sophia Malvina Hooper b. Newport, R. I. Ruth Augusta Alexander (Jenks) 95 No. 94 Gen. No. 3035 MRS. WILLIAM HENRY JENKS 123 Mulberry Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MnlHns) Alden Tenth from WilUam and AHce MulHns John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Elizabeth Rogers b. Duxbury William Richmond b. Little Compton m. Plymouth Mass. Duxbury Duxbury Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton John Rogers d. Barrington Sylvester Richmond b. Little Compton, R. L Anna Gray Little Compton b. Little Compton Ephraim Richmond b. Little Compton William Richmond b. Little Compton Elizabeth Cook Little Compton Deborah Searle Little Compton d. Pawtucket, R. I. Betsey Cook Richmond Rufus Alexander b. Little Compton Pawtucket b. Attleboro, Mass. Nathaniel Searle Alexander Sophia Malvina Hooper b. Pawtucket Pawtucket b. Newport, R. I. Ruth Augusta Alexander (Jenks) 96 No. 94 Gen. No. 3035 MRS. WILLIAM HENRY JENKS 123 Mulberry Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers m. d. Plymouth, Mass. John Rogers d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth John Rogers d. Harrington, Mass. Duxbury Sarah Rogers b. Duxbury Nathaniel Searle b. Little Compton Nathaniel Searle b. Little Compton Deborah Searle d. Pawtucket. R. I. Betsey Cook Richmond b. Little Compton Little Compton Pawtucket Ann Churchman Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Nathaniel Searle b. Dorchester, Mass. Elizabeth Kinnicutt d. Little Compton Lucy Ellis d. Little Compton William Richmond b. Little Compton Rufus Alexander b. Attleboro, Mass. Nathaniel Searle Alexander Sophia Malvina Hooper b. Pawtucket Pawtucket b. Newport, R. I. Ruth Augusta Alexander (Jenks) 97 No. 94 Gen. No. 3035 MRS. WILLIAM HENRY JENKS 123 Mulberry Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers m. d. Plymouth, Mass. John Rogers d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth John Rogers d. Barrington, Mass. Duxbury Elizabeth Rogers b. Duxbury William Richmond Ann Churchman Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Sylvester Richmond d. Dartmouth, Mass. Anna Gray b. Little Compton, Mass. Little Compton b. Little Compton Ephraim Richmond b. Little Compton Elizabeth Cook William Richmond Deborah Searle b. Little Compton, R. LLittle Compton d. Pawtucket, R. I. Rufus Alexander b. Attleboro, Mass. Betsey Cook Richmond b. Little Compton Pawtucket Nathaniel Searle Alexander Sophia Malvina Hooper b. Pawtucket Pawtucket b. Newport, R. I. Ruth Augusta Alexander (Jenks) 98 No. 94 Gen. No. 3035 MRS. WILLIAM HENRY JENKS 123 Mulberry Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Anna Warren b. England Ephraim Little b. Plymouth Ann Little d. Little Compton, Mass. Boston Mass. Little Compton Anna Gray b. Little Compton Ephraim Richmond b. Little Compton William Richmond b. Little Compton, R. I. Little Compton d. Pawtucket, R. I. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Thomas Little Mary Sturtevant b. Plymouth Thomas Gray (1. Little Compton William Richmond b. Little Compton Elizabeth Cook Deborah. Searle Betsey Cook Richmond b. Little Compton Pawtucket Rufus Alexander b. Attleboro, Mass. Nathaniel Searle Alexander Sophia Malvina Hooper b. Pawtucket Pawtucket b. Newport, R. I. Ruth Augusta Alexander (Jenks) 99 No. 13, C. M., Mass. No. 441 Gen. No. 1284 MRS. EDWARD LEWIS JOHNSON 91 Prospect Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Eleventh from John Tilley and wife John Rowland d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley (1. Swansea, Mass. Desire Rowland John Gorham b. Plymouth Plymouth d. Swansea James Gorham Hannah Huckins b. Marshfield, Mass. John Gorham Barnstable Mass. b. Barnstable Ann Brown b. Barnstable Barnstable b. W. Yarmouth, Mass, Rose Gorham Ephraim Crowell b. Yarmouth, Mass. Yarmouth b. Yarmouth John Crowell Hannah White b. Yarmouth Yarmouth b. Yarmouth Henry Crowell b. Yarmouth Yarmouth Mercy Homer b. Yarmouth Nathan Crowell Anna Matthews b. Yarmouth Yarmouth b. Yarmouth Sally Matthews Crowell John Aylesworth Adams b. Yarmouth Albert Ezra Adams Central Falls R.I. b. N. Kingstown, R. I. Julia Amanda Brayman b. Central Falls Providence R.I. b. Pawtucket, Mass. Alice Medora Adams (Johnson) 100 No. 45 Gen. No. 2049 MISS LOUISE SOUTHWICK KENDALL 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Tenth from Wilham and AHce MulHns John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Joseph Alden b. Plymouth m. Plymouth Mass. Priscilla Mullins Mary Simmons d. Bridgewater, Mass, Joseph Alden b. Bridgewater Hannah Dunham d. Bridgewater Mary Alden b. Bridgewater Bridgewater Timothy Edson b. Bridgewater Timothy Ed son b. Bridgewater Lydia Joy b. Hingham, Mass. Calvin Edson b. Stafford, Conn. Stafford Charity Thompson b. Stafford Eleanor Edson b. Stafford Stafford John Taylor Greene b. Stafford Eleanor Greene b. Stafford Stafford Cordial Orcutt b. Stafford Jane Eliza Orcutt b. Stafford Woonsocket R.I. Henry Clay Kendall h. Smithfield, R. I. Louise Southwick Kendall 101 No. 45 Gen. No. 2049 MISS LOUISE SOUTHWICK KENDALL 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from James Chilton Eighth from Mary Chilton James Chilton d. Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton d. Boston, Mass. Edward Winslow d. Boston Ann Winslow b. Boston Elizabeth Taylor b. Jamaica. W. I. John Greene Paramaribo, S. A. John Taylor Greene Eleanor Greene b. Stafford Jane Eliza Orcutt b. Stafford m. Plymouth Boston Boston Worcester Mass. Stafford Conn. Stafford Woon socket R.L John Winslow b. Droitwitch, Eng. Elizabeth Hutchinson John Taylor b. Boston Nathaniel Greene b. Boston Azubah Ward b. Worcester Eleanor Edson b. Stafford Cordial Orcutt b. Stafford Henry Clay Kendall b. Smithfield, R. I. Louise Southwick Kendall 102 No. 45 Gen. No. 2049 MISS LOUISE SOUTHWICK KENDALL 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Eleventh from James Chilton Tenth from Mary Chilton James Chilton d. Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton d. Boston, Mass. Susannah Winslow b. Plymouth Mercy Latham b. Plymouth Mary Harris b. Bridgewater Susannah Packard b. Bridgewater Daniel Orcutt b. Bridgewater Stephen Orcutt b. Stafford, Conn. James Orcutt b. Stafford Cordial Orcutt b. Stafford Jane Eliza Orcutt b. Stafford m. Plymouth Plymouth Bridgewater Bridgewater Stafford Stafford Stafford Woonsocket R.L John Winslow b. Droitwich, Eng. Robert Latham Isaac Harris d. Bridgewater, Mass. Daniel Packard David Orcutt Lydia Cushman Mollie Washburn b. Stafford Polly Hitchcock b. Stafford Eleanor Greene b. Stafford Henry Clay Kendall b. Smithfield, R. I. Louise Southwick Kendall 103 No. 45 Gen. No. 2049 MISS L.OUISE SOUTHWICK KENDALL 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. L Eleventh from Francis Cooke Francis Cooke d. Plymouth, Mass. Jane Cooke m. Leyden Holland Plymouth Hester Mahieu Experience Mitchell d. Bridgewater, Mass, Elizabeth Mitchell Plymouth John Washburn, Jr. d. Bridgewater Samuel Washburn Deborah Packard d. Bridgewater Samuel Washburn, Jr. b. Bridgewater Solomon Washburn b. Bridgewater Bridgewater Bridgewater Abigail Martha Orcutt b. Bridgewater Solomon Washburn, Jr b. Bridgewater Mollie Washburn b. Stafford Stafford Conn. Stafford Mary Warner d. Stafford Stephen Orcutt b. Stafford James Orcutt b. Stafford Stafford Polly Hitchcock b. Stafford Cordial Orcutt b. Stafford Stafford Eleanor Greene b. Stafford Jane Eliza Orcutt b. Stafford Woonsocket R.L Henry Clay Kendall b. Smithfield, R. L Louise Southwick Kendall 104 No. 45 Gen. No. 2049 MISS LOUISE SOUTHWICK KENDALL 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from Francis Cooke Francis Cooke d. Plymouth, Mass. Jane Cooke m. Leyden Holland Plymouth Hester Mahieu Experience Mitchell d. Bridgewater, Mass, Elizabeth Mitchell Plymouth John Washburn, Jr. d. Bridgewater Jane Washburn William Orcutt, Jr. d. Bridgewater Martha Orcutt b. Bridgewater Bridgewater Solomon Washburn b. Bridgewater Solomon Washburn, Jr b. Bridgewater Mollie Washburn b. Stafford Stafford Conn. Stafford Mary Warner d. Stafford Stephen Orcutt b. Stafford James Orcutt b. Stafford Stafford Polly Hitchcock b. Stafford Cordial Orcutt b. Stafford Stafford Eleanor Greene b. Stafford Jane Eliza Orcutt b. Stafford Woonsocket R. L Henry Clay Kendall b. Smithfield, R. I. Louise Southwick Kendall 105 No. 96 Gen. No. 3052 MRS. ARTHUR FRANCIS KENYON 163 Waterman Street, Providence, R. I. Seventh from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Eighth from Wilham and AUce MulHns John Alden m. Priscilla MulHns d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. Joseph Alden Mary Simmons b. Plymouth (1. Bridgewater, Mass. John Alden Ham]ah White d. Middleboro, Mass. h. Weymouth, Mass. John Alden Lydia Lazell b. Middleboro d. Middleboro John Alden Lois Southworth b. Middleboro b. Rochester, Mass. Seth Alden Thankful Bennett d. Taunton, Mass. d. Fairhaven, Mass. Seth Alden Keziah Loring Dexter b. Fairhaven Fairhaven b. Rochester (Marion), Clara Bennett Alden (Kenyon) 106 No. 91 Gen. No. 2989 GEORGE FARQUHAR JONES KING (Providence, R. I.) Died April 12, 1910 Eleventh from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Twelfth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden m. Plymouth Mass. Priscilla Mullins Elizabeth Alden William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton, Mass, Elizabeth Pabodie John Rogers b. Duxbury Duxbury d. Barrington, Mass. Hannah Rogers Samuel Bradford b. Duxbury Duxbury b. Plymouth Perez Bradford Abigail Belcher b. Duxbury Dedham Mass. b. Dedham Abigail Bradford Samuel Lee b. Dedham Swansea Mass. b. Swansea Charles Lee Amey Harris d. Providence, R. L Johnston R. L b. Johnston Abigail Lee Samuel Bourse Bowler d. Providence Providence b. Newport, R. L Amy Harris Bowler Henry Hoppin b. Providence Providence b. Providence Lorania Carrington Hoppin b. Providence Providence Frances Ellen Jones b. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia George Farquhar Jones King George Farquhar Jones b. Providence Charles Goodrich King b. Providence 107 No. 91 Gen. No. 2989 GEORGE FARQUHAR JONES KING (Providence, R. I.) Died April 12, 1910 Tenth from William Bradford William Bradford m. Alice (Carpenter) Southworth d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Plymouth William Bradford Alice Richards b. Plymouth Samuel Bradford Hannah Rogers b. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. b. Duxbury Perez Bradford Abigail Belcher b. Plymouth Dedham Mass. b. Dedham Abigail Bradford Samuel Lee b. Dedham Swansea Mass. b. Swansea Charles Lee Amey Harris d. Providence, R. I. d. Providence Abigail Lee Samuel Bourse Bowler d. Providence Providence b. Newport. R. I. Amy Harris Bowler Henry Hoppin b. Providence Providence b. Providence Lorania Carrington Hoppin b. Providence Providence Frances Ellen Jones b. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia George Farquhar Jones King 108 George Farquhar Jones b. Providence Charles Goodrich King b. Providence No. 91 Gen. No. 2989 GEORGE FARQUHAR JONES KING (Providence, R. I.) Died April 12, 1910 Eighth from Francis Cooke Francis Cooke m. Hester Mahieu d. Plymouth, Mass. Leyden Holland Jacob Cooke Damaris Hopkins Caleb Cooke Jane b. Plymouth James Cooke b. Plymouth Taunton Mass. Abigail Hodges b. Norton, Mass. Maria Cooke b. Kingston, Mass. Dighton Mass. Elijah King b. Dighton Elijah King b. Dighton Milford Mass. Nancy Jones b. Milford William Jones King Lydia Coit Gilbert b. Milford Lebanon Conn, b. Coventry, Conn. Charles Goodrich King Frances Ellen Jones b. Providence, R. I. Philadelphia Penn. b. Philadelphia Geo rge Farquhar 109 Jones King No. 91 Gen. No. 2989 GEORGE FARQUHAR JONES KING (Providence, R. I.) Died April 12, 1910 Ninth from Edward Fuller Edward Fuller d. Plymouth, Mass. m. England Ann d. Plymouth Samuel Fuller d. Barnstable, Mass. John Fuller d. E. Haddam, Conn. Scituate Mass. Jane Lothrop Mehitabel Rowley Elizabeth Fuller Samuel Rowley Abigail Rowley b. Hebron, Conn. Hebron Samuel Gilbert b. Colchester, Conn. John Gilbert b. Hebron Millicent Goodrich b. Wethersfield, Conn Solomon Gilbert b. Hebron Lydia Morgan Lydia Coit Gilbert d. Providence, R. I. Lebanon Conn. Charles Goodrich King b. Providence Philadelphia Pa. William Jones King b. Milford, Mass. Frances Ellen Jones b. Philadelphia George Farquhar Jones King 110 No. 91 Gen. No. 2989 GEORGE FARQUHAR JONES KING (Providence, R. I.) Died April 12, 1910 Eighth from Stephen Hopkins Stephen Hopkins d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Damaris Hopkins Jacob Cooke b. Leyden. Hollanc Caleb Cooke Jane b. Plymouth James Cooke b. Plymouth Taunton Mass. Abigail Hodges Norton, Mass. Maria Cooke Elijah King b. Kingston, Mass. Dighton Mass. b. Dighton Elijah King b. Dighton Milford Mass. Nancy Jones b. Milford William Jones King Lydia Coit Gilbert b. Milford Lebanon Conn. b. Coventry, Conn Charles Goodrich King Frances Ellen Jones b. Providence, R. I. Philadelphia Penn. b. Philadelphia George Farquhar J( 3nes King Ill No. 91 Gen. No. 2989 GEORGE FARQUHAR JONES KING (Providence, R. I.) Died April 12, 1910 Eleventh from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers m. d. Plymouth, Mass. John Rogers Ann Churchman d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth John Rogers Elizabeth Pabodie d. Harrington, Mass. Duxbury b. Duxbury Hannah Rogers Samuel Bradford b. Duxbury b. Plymouth Perez Bradford Abigail Belcher b. Plymouth Dedham Mass. b. Dedham Abigail Bradford Samuel Lee b. Dedham Swansea Mass. b. Swansea Charles Lee Amey Harris d. Providence, R. I. Johnston R. L b. Johnston Abigail Lee Samuel Bourse Bowler d. Providence Providence b. Newport, R. L Amy Harris Bowler Henry Hoppin b. Providence Providence b. Providence Lorania Carrington Hoppin George Farquhar Jones b. Providence Providence b. Providence Frances Ellen Jones Charles Goodrich King b. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia b. Providence Ge( 3rge Farquhar J( Dnes King 112 No. 'jy Gen. No. 2530 EUGENE KINGMAN, M. D. (Providence, R. I.) Died February 26, 191 1 Eighth from Isaac Allerton and wife Seventh from Mary Allerton (Cushman) Isaac Allerton d. New Haven, Conn. Mary Allerton b. Leyden m. Leyden Holland Plymouth Mary Norris d. Plymouth, Mass. Thomas Cushman d. Plymouth Elkanah Cushman b. Plymouth Plymouth Martha Cooke b. Plymouth Josiah Cushman b. Plymouth Susanna Shurtleff b. Plymouth Martha Cushman b. Plympton, Mass. Robert Waterman b. Plympton Rebecca Waterman b. Halifax, Mass. Halifax Ephraim Briggs b. Mansfield, Mass. Rebecca Briggs b. Halifax Halifax Charles Holmes ^ b. Kingston, Mass. Lucia Holmes b. Kingston Kingston Lucius Kingman b. N. Bridgewater,Mass, Eugene Kingman 113 No. jy Gen. No. 2530 EUGENE KINGMAN, M. D. ( Providence, R. I.) Died February 26, 191 1 Eighth from Isaac Allerton and wife Seventh from Mary Allerton (Cushman) Isaac Allerton d. New Haven, Conn. m. Leyden Holland Mary Norris d. Plymouth, Mass. Mary Allerton b. Leyden Plymouth Thomas Cushman d. Plymouth Isaac Cushman b. Plymouth Rebecca Rickard d. Plympton, Mass. Mary Cushman b. Plymouth Robert Waterman b. Marshfield, Mass. Rebecca Waterman b. Plympton Plympton Joseph Holmes b. Kingston, Mass. Rebecca Holmes b. Kingston Kingston Jonathan Holmes b. Kingston Charles Holmes b. Kingston Lucia Holmes b. Kingston Halifax Mass. Kingston Rebecca Briggs b. Halifax Lucius Kingman b. N. Bridgewater,Mass Eugene Kingman 114 No. yy Gen. No. 2530 EUGENE KINGMAN, M. D. (Providence, R. I.) Died February 26, 191 1 Eighth from Isaac Allerton and wife Seventh from Mary Allerton (Cushman) Isaac Allerton m. Mary Norris d. New Haven, Conn. Leyden Holland d. Plymouth, Mass. Mary Allerton Thomas Cushman b. Leyden Plymouth d. Plymouth Isaac Cushman Rebecca Rickard b. Plymouth d. Plympton, Mass. Mary Cushman b. Plymouth Robert Waterman b. Marshfield, Mass. Mary Waterman b. Plympton Jonathan Holmes b. Kingston, Mass. Jonathan Holmes b. Kingston Kingston Rebecca Holmes b. Kingston Charles Holmes Rebecca Briggs b. Kingston Halifax Mass. b. Halifax Lucia Holmes Lucius Kingman b. Kingston Kingston b. N. Bridgewater,Mass, Eugene Kingman 115 No. 'j'j Gen. No. 2530 EUGENE KINGMAN, M. D. (Providence, R. I.) Died February 26, 191 1 Eighth from Isaac Allerton and wife Seventh from Mary Allerton (Cushman) Isaac Allerton d. New Haven, Conn. Mary Allerton b. Leyden Isaac Cushman b. Plymouth Mary Cushman b. Plymouth Robert Waterman b. Plympton Rebecca Waterman b. Halifax, Mass. Rebecca Briggs b. Halifax Lucia Holmes b. Kingston m. Mary Norris Leyden d. Plymouth, Mass. Holland Thomas Cushman Plymouth d. Plymouth Rebecca Rickard d. Plympton, Mass. Halifax Halifax Robert Waterman b. Marshfield, Mass. Martha Cushman b. Plympton Ephraim Briggs b. Mansfield, Mass. Charles Holmes b. Kingston, Mass. Kingston Eugene Kingman Lucius Kingman b. N. Bridgewater,Mass. 116 No. yj Gen. No. 2530 EUGENE KINGMAN. M. D. (Providence, R. I.) Died February 26, 191 1 Eighth from William Brewster and wife Seventh from Love Brewster William Brewster d. Plymouth, Mass. Love Brewster d. Duxbury, Mass. Wrestling Brewster d. Duxbury Mary Brewster b. Kingston Joseph Holmes b. Kingston Rebecca Holmes b. Kingston Charles Holmes b. Kingston Lucia Holmes b. Kingston Plymouth Plympton Mass. Kingston Halifax Mass. Mary d. Plymouth, Mass. Sarah Collier d. Plymouth Mary d. Kingston, Mass. Joseph Holmes b. Duxbury Rebecca Waterman b. Plympton Jonathan Holmes b. Kingston Rebecca Briggs b. Halifax Kingston Eugene Kingman 117 Lucius Kingman b. N. Bridgewater,Mass. No. 'jj Gen. No. 2530 EUGENE KINGMAN, M. D. (Providence, R. I.) Died February 26, 191 1 Eiglith from William Brewster and wife Seventh from Love Brewster William Brewster m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Love Brewster d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Wrestling Brewster d. Duxbury Mary Brewster b. Kingston Jonathan Holmes b. Kingston Jonathan Holmes b. Kingston Kingston Charles Holmes b. Kingston Halifax Lucia Holmes b. Kingston Kingston Mary d. Plymouth, Mass. Sarah Collier d. Plymouth Mary d. Kingston, Mass. Joseph Holmes b. Duxbury Mary Waterman d. Halifax, Mass. Rebecca Holmes b. Kingston Rebecca Briggs b. Halifax Lucius Kingman b. N. Bridgewater, Mass. Eugene Kingman 118 No. yy Gen. No. 2530 EUGENE KINGMAN, M. D. (Providence, R. I.) Died February 26, 191 1 Eighth from Francis Cooke Francis Cooke d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Leyden Holland Hester Mahieu Jacob Cooke b. Leyden Damaris Hopkins Martha Cooke b. Plymouth Plymouth Elkanah Cushman b. Plymouth Josiah Cushman b. Plymouth Susanna Shurtleff b. Plymouth Martha Cushman b. Plympton, Mass. Robert Waterman b. Plympton Rebecca Waterman b. Halifax, Mass. Halifax Ephraim Briggs b. Mansfield, Mass. Rebecca Briggs b. Halifax Halifax Charles Holmes b. Kingston, Mass. Lucia Holmes b. Kingston Kingston Lucius Kingman b. N. Bridgewater,Mass Eugene Kingman 119 No. y-j Gen. No. 2530 EUGENE KINGMAN, M. D. (Providence, R. I.) Died February 26, 191 1 Seventh from Samuel Fuller Samuel Fuller m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Leyden Holland Samuel Fuller b. Plymouth Isaac Fuller d. Middleboro, Mass. Isaac Fuller b. Plympton Reliance Fuller b. Bridgewater Zilpah Edson b. Bridgewater Bridgewater Bridgewater Lucius Kingman b. N. Bridgewater, Mass. Kingston Mass. Bridget Lee Elizabeth d. Plympton, Mass. Mary Pratt Sarah Packard b. Bridgewater, Mass. Josiah Edson b. Bridgewater Eliphalet Kingman b. Bridgewater Lucia Holmes b. Kingston. Mass. Eugene Kingman 120 No. yj Gen. No. 2530 EUGENE KINGMAN, M. D. (Providence, R. I.) Died February 26. 191 1 Eighth from Stephen Hopkins Stephen Hopkins d. Plymouth, Mass. Damaris Hopkins Martha Cooke b. Plymouth Josiah Cushman b. Plvniouth Martha Cushman b. Plympton, Mass. Rebecca Waterman b. Halifax, Mass. Rebecca Briggs b. Halifax Lucia Holmes b. Kingston m. Plymouth Halifax Halifax Kingston Elizabeth d. Plymouth Jacob Cooke b. Leyden, Holland Elkanah Cushman b. Plymouth Susanna Shurtleff b. Plymouth Robert Waterman b. Plympton Ephraim Briggs b. Mansfield, Mass. Charles Holmes b. Kingston, Mass. Lucius Kingman b. N. Bridgewater,Mass. Eugene Kingman 121 No. I, C. M., N. Y. No. 68 Gen. No. 6 MRS. THOMAS A. LAWTON 207 Broadway, Newport, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Ninth from Wilham and AHce MulHns John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Ruth Alden d. Braintree, Mass. m. Plymouth Mass. Duxbury Priscilla Mullins John Bass b. Roxbury, Mass. Hannah Bass b. Braintree Joseph Adams b. Braintree Joseph Adams b. Braintree Newington Elizabeth (Knight) Janvrin d. Newington, N. H, Benjamin Adams b. Newington Newington Abigail Pickering d. Newington Abigail Adams b. Newington George Nutter b. Newington Martha Nutter b. Portsmouth, N. H. Caroline Augusta Bailey b. Portsmouth Portsmouth Thomas Darling Bailey b. Greenland, N. H. Charles Leonard Frost b. Portsmouth Ida May Frost (Robinson) (Lawton) 122 No. 69 Gen. No. 2295 MRS. BYRON JESSE LILLIBRIDGE 46 Doyle Avenue, Providence, R. I. Eighth from William Bradford William Bradford m. Alice (Carpenter) Southworth d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth Mass. d. Plymouth William Bradford Alice Richards b. Plymouth Plymouth Sarah Bradford Kenelm Baker b. Marshfield, Mass. Samuel Baker Hannah Ford b. Marshfield Charles Baker Deborah Williamson b. Duxbury, Mass. Marshfield Abigail Baker Asa Walker b. Marshfield Marshfield b. Marshfield Welthea Walker Horatio Gates Reed b. Marshfield Marshfield b. Marshfield Maria Welthea Reed Henry Lucius Vinal b. Scituate, Mass. Scituate b. Scituate Gertrude Vinal (Lillibridge) 123 Xo. 12. C. M.. Penn. Xo. 87 Gen. Xo. in,2 MRS. CHARLES WARREX LIPPITT 7 Young Orchard Avenue, Providence, R. I. Xinth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Ph-mouth, Mass. Elizabeth \\'arren d. Hingham, Mass. Benjamin Church b. Ph-mouth Thomas Church b. Duxbun.- Hannah Church b. Little Compton Susanna Can.- b. Bristol Masb. Allen Gladding Susan Car}- Gladding b. Providence m. Duxbur}- Mass. Bristol R. L Providence Providence Charlotte Barbara Ormsbee b. Providence Providence Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Alice Southworth b. Duxbur}- Edith ^^'oodman b. Little Compton. !Mass. Allen Cary b. Swansea. Mass. Jonathan Gladding b. Bristol, Mass. Charlotte Carpenter b. Providence, R. L John Holden Ormsbee b. Providence Alexander Farnum b. Waterford. Mass. Margaret Barbara Farnum (Lippitt) 124 No. 104 Gen. No. 3195 NATHAN WHITMAN LITTLEFIELD 29 Cottage Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Ninth from Wilham and Alice MulHns John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Joseph Alden b. Plymouth Isaac Alden b. Bridgewater Jemima Alden b. Bridgewater Nathan Whitman b. Bridgewater Nathan Whitman b. Bridgewater Nathan Whitman b. E. Bridgewater m. Plymouth Mass. Bridgewater Bridgewater Bridgewater Priscilla Mullins Mary Simmons d. Bridgewater, Mass, Mehitable Allen b. Bridgewater Thomas Whitman b. Bridgewater Betty Allen b. Bridgewater Mercy Byram E. Bridgewater b. E. Bridgewater Mass. .Semantha Keith E. Britlgewater b. E. Bridgewater Abigail Russell Whitman Rufus Ames Littlefield b. Boston, Mass. E. Bridgewater b. Grantham, N. H. Nathan Whitman Littlefield 126 No. 104 Gen. No. 3195 NATHAN WHITMAN LITTLEFIELD 29 Cottage Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Tenth from James Chilton Ninth from Mary Chilton James Chilton d. Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton d. Boston, Mass. Susanna Winslow b. Plymouth Mercy Latham b. Plymouth Isaac Harris Anne Harris b. Bridgewater Sarah Holman b. Bridgewater William Keith b. Bridgewater Semantha Keith b. Bridgewater Abigail Russell Whitman m. Plymouth Plymouth Scituate Mass. John Winslow b. Droitwich, Eng. Robert Latham Isaac Harris d. Bridgewater, Mass. Jane Cooke b. Plymouth b. Boston, Mass. John Holman Bridgewater d. Bridgewater James Keith Bridgewater b. Bridgewater Abigail Russell Bridgewater d. E. Bridgewater Nathan Whitman E. Bridgewater b. Bridgewater Rufus Ames Littlefield E. Bridgewater b. Grantham, N. H. Nathan Whitman Littlefield 126 No. 104 Gen. No. 3195 NATHAN WHITMAN LITTLEFIELD 29 Cottage Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from Stephen Hopkins Stephen Hopkins d. Plymouth, Mass. m. EHzabeth d. Plymouth Damaris Hopkins Jacob Cooke b. Leyden, Holland Caleb Cooke Jane b. Plymouth Jane Cooke Isaac Harris b. Plymouth Scituate Mass. Anne Harris John Holman b. Bridgewater, Mass. Bridgewater d. Bridgewater Sarah Holman James Keith b. Bridgewater Bridgewater b. Bridgewater William Keith Abigail Russell b. Bridgewater Bridgewater d. E. Bridgewater Semantha Keith Nathan Whitman b. Bridgewater E. Bridgewater b. Bridgewater Abigail Russell Whitman b. Boston, Mass. E. Bridgewater Rufus Ames Littlefield b. Grantham, N. H. Nathan Whitman Littlefield 127 No. 104 Gen. No. 3195 NATHAN WHITMAN LITTLEFIELD 29 Cottage Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Eiffhth from Francis Eaton Francis Eaton d. Plymouth, Mass. Benjamin Eaton m. Sarah d. Plymouth Sarah Hoskins Rebecca Eaton d. Plympton, Mass. Rebecca Rickard b. Plympton Betty Allen b. Bridgewater Nathan Whitman b. Bridgewater Nathan Whitman b. Bridgewater Plympton Bridgewater Bridgewater Josiah Rickard d. Plympton Seth Allen b. Bridgewater, Mass. Nathan Whitman b. Bridgewater IMercy Byram b. Bridgewater Semantha Keith E. Bridgewater b. Bridgewater Abigail Russell Whitman Rufus Ames Littlefield b. Boston, Mass. E. Bridgewater b. Grantham, N. H. Nathan Whitman Littlefield 128 No. 64 Gen. No. 2147 WALTER ROWLAND MANCHESTER 132 Irving Avenue, Providence, R. L Seventh from Francis Cooke Francis Cooke m. Hester Mahieu d. Plymouth, Mass. Leyden Holland Mary Cooke John Thompson b. Plymouth Mary Thompson Thomas Taber Abigail Taber Ebenezer Taber Jacob Taber Susanna Dennis b. Tiverton, Mass. Tiverton R. L Alice Taber Isaac Manchester b. Tiverton, R. L Tiverton b. Tiverton Jacob Manchester b. Tiverton Providence R. L Thankful Stevens d. Providence Walter Howland Manchester 129 No. 29 Gen. No. 1889 MRS. WALTER ROWLAND MANCHESTER (Providence, R. L) Died Sept. 8, 1905 Tenth from Francis Cooke Ninth from John Cooke Francis Cooke m. Hester Mahieu d. Plymouth, Mass. Leyden Holland John Cooke Sarah Warren b. Holland Plymouth Sarah Cooke Plymouth Arthur Hathaway Hannah Hathaway George Cadman Elizabeth Cadman William White Christopher White Noah White b. Little Compton Nicholas White b. Newport Julia Ann White b. Newport Julia Amanda Sherman b. Newport Elizabeth Thurston Little Compton b. Little Compton Rhoda Shaw Little Compton d. Newport, R. L Sarah Southwick b. Newport Elijah Sherman, Jr. Newport b. Newport James McKenzie Davis Fall River b. Newport Mass. Ida xA.manda Davis (Manchester) 130 No. 28 Gen. No. 1833 FLETCHER STONE MASON 60 South Angell Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Anna Warren b. England Samuel Little b. Plymouth or Marshfield, Mass. Sarah Little b. Marshfield Mary Billings b. Little Compton m. Plymouth Little Compton Little Compton Hannah Troop (Throop) b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol, R. I. William Throop Waldron b. Bristol Rebecca Ann Waldron b. Bristol William Henry Mason b. Fall River, Mass. Bristol Bristol Providence R. L Elizabeth d. Plymouth Thomas Little Sarah Gray b. Plymouth Richard Billings b. Dorchester, Mass. Thomas Troop (Throop) b. Bristol, Mass. Nathaniel Waldron b. Bristol, Mass. Jemima Oxx b. Bristol Perez Mason b. Seekonk, Mass. Sarah Ann Tanner b. Coventry, R. I. Fletcher Stone Mason 131 No. 39 Gen. No. 1986 MRS. FRANK MASON MATHEWSON Grosvenor Hotel, 37 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Eighth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Ninth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Elizabeth Alden William Peabody d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton, Mass, William Pabodie Judith b. Duxbury Little Compton John Pabodie Rebecca Gray b. Little Compton Little Compton Abigail Pabodie Isaac Southworth b. Little Compton Little Compton b. Little Compton, Mass. R. L Ephraim Southworth b. Little Compton, R. L Dighton Elizabeth Southworth b. Dighton Providence Ephraim Southworth Jackson b. Providence Providence Rebecca Simmons b. Dighton, Mass. John Lufts Jackson b. Providence, R. L Rachel Graham b. Charlestown, Mass. Rachel Graham Jackson (Mathewson) 132 No. 35 Gen. No. 1982 MRS. JOHN FREDERICK MULLER 324 West 103rd Street, New York Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass, Nathaniel Warren b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth Henry Warren b. Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth m. Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Barnstable Mass. Plymouth Plymouth Charles Henry Warren b. New York, N. Y. Providence R.I. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Sarah Walker d. Plymouth Sarah Doty b. Plymouth Penelope Winslow b. Plymouth Mercy Otis b. Barnstable Mary Winslow b. Plymouth Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Annie Rogers Nightingale b. Providence Elizabeth (Warren Miiller) 133 No. 67 Gen. No. 2293 PROF. DANA CARLETON MUNRO Madison, Wisconsin Tenth from James Chilton and wife Ninth from Mary Chilton (Winslow) James Chilton m. Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton John Winslow d. Boston, Mass. Plymouth b. Droitwich, Eng. Mary Winslow Edward Gray b. Plymouth Plymouth d. Plymouth Sarah Gray Samuel Little b. Plymouth b. Plymouth or Marshfield Sarah Little Richard Billings d. Little Compton, Little Compton b. Dorchester, Mass. Mass. Mary Billings Thomas Troop (Throop) b. Little Compton Little Compton b. Bristol, Mass. Hannah Troop (Throop) Nathaniel Waldron b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol R. L b. Bristol, Mass. Thomas Waldron Lucretia Gladding b. Bristol, R. L Bristol b. Bristol Hannah Waldron James Batt b. Bristol Bristol b. Wimbourne, Eng. Abby Howland Batt John Bennett Munro b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Dana Carleton Munro 134 No. 21, C. M., Mass. No. 634 Gen, No. 1709 WALTER LEE MUNRO, M. D. 62 North Main Street, Providence, R. L Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Anna Warren b. England Plymouth Samuel Little b. Plymouth or Marshfield Sarah Little (1. Little Compton, Mass. Mary Billings b. Little Compton Hannah Troop (Throop) Elizabeth Thomas Little Sarah Gray b. Plymouth Richard Billinsfs Little Compton b. Dorchester, Mass. Thomas Troop (Throop) Little Compton b. Bristol, Mass. b. Bristol, Mass. Thomas Waldron b. Bristol, R. I. Hannah Waldron b. Bristol Abby Howland Batt b. Bristol Bristol R. L Bristol Bristol Nathaniel Waldron b. Bristol, Mass. Lucretia Gladding b. Bristol James Batt b. Wimbourne, Eng. Bristol Walter Lee Munro 136 John Bennett Munro b. Bristol No. 21, C. M., Mass. No. 634 Gen. No. 1709 WALTER LEE MUNRO, M. D. 62 North Main Street, Providence, R. L Tenth from James Chilton and wife Ninth from Mary (Chilton) Winslow James Chilton Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton d. Boston, Mass. Mary Winslow b. Plymouth Sarah Gray b. Plymouth m. Plymouth Plymouth John Winslow b. Droitwich, Eng. Edward Gray d. Plymouth Samuel Little b. Plymouth or Marshfield Sarah Little d. Little Compton, Mass Mary Billings b. Little Compton Little Compton Hannah Troop (Throop) b. Bristol, Mass. Thomas Waldron b. Bristol, R. L Hannah Waldron b. Bristol Abby Howland Batt b. Bristol Bristol R. L Bristol Bristol Richard Billings Little Compton b. Dorchester, Mass. Thomas Troop (Throop) b. Bristol, Mass. Nathaniel Waldron b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Walter Lee Munro Lucretia Gladding b. Bristol James Batt b. Wimbourne, Eng. John Bennett Munro b. Bristol 136 No. i6, C. M., Mass. No. 520 Gen. No. 1450 PROF. WILFRED HAROLD MUNRO 115 Butler Avenue, Providence, R. I. Tenth from James Chilton and wife Ninth from Mary Chilton (Winslow) James Chilton Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton d. Boston, Mass. Mary Winslow b. Plymouth Sarah Gray b. Plymouth Sarah Little m. Plymouth Plymouth John Winslow b. Droitwich, Eng. Edward Gray d. Plymouth Samuel Little b. Plymouth or Marshfield Richard Billings d. Little Compton, Mass. Little Compton b. Dorchester, Mass. Mary Billings b. Little Compton Little Compton Hannah Troop (Throop) Thomas Troop (Throop) b. Bristol, Mass. Nathaniel Waldron b. Bristol Mass. Thomas Waldron b. Bristol, R. L Bristol RL Bristol b. Bristol, Mass. Lucretia Gladding b. Bristol Hannah Waldron b. Bristol Bristol James Batt b. Wimbourne, Eng. Abby Howland Batt b. Bristol Bristol John Bennett Munro b. Bristol Wilfred Harold Munro 137 No. 1 6, C. M., Mass. No. 520 Gen. No. 1450 PROF. WILFRED HAROLD MUNRO 115 Butler Avenue. Providence, R. L Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Anna Warren b. England Plymouth Samuel Little b. Plymouth or Marshfield Sarah Little Elizabeth Thomas Little Sarah Gray b. Plymouth Richard Billings d. Little Compton, Mass. Little Compton b. Dorchester. ^Mass. Mary Billings b. Little Compton Thomas Troop (Throop) Little Compton b. Bristol. Mass. Hannah Troop (Throop) b. Bristol Mass. Bristol R. L Bristol Thomas Waldron b. Bristol, R. L Hannah Waldron b. Bristol Abby Howland Batt b. Bristol Bristol Bristol Wilfred Harold Munro 138 Nathaniel Waldron b. Bristol, IMass. Lucretia Gladding b. Bristol James Batt b. Wimbourne. Eng. John Bennett Munro b. Bristol No. 22 Gen. No. 1797 MRS. WILFRED HAROLD MUNRO 115 Butler Avenue, Providence, R. L Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Mary Warren d. Plymouth Plymouth Joseph Bartlett b. Plymouth Plymouth Joseph Bartlett b. Plymouth Lydia Bartlett b. Plymouth Plymouth Hannah LeBaron b. Plymouth Plymouth Daniel Goodwin b. Boston, Mass. Norton Daniel LeBaron Goodwin b. Easton, Mass. Providence Elizabeth d. Plymouth Robert Bartlett d. Plymouth Hannah Pope b. Plymouth Lydia Griswold b. Norwich, Ct. Lazarus LeBaron b. Plymouth Benjamin Goodwin b. Plymouth Polly Briggs b. Norton, Mass. Rebecca Wilkinson b. Providence, R. L Susan Wilkinson Goodwin (Munro) 139 No. 55 Gen. No. 2132 ADDISON PIERCE MUNROE 66 Paterson Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth, Mass. (1. Plymouth EHzabeth Warren Richard Church d. Hingham, Mass. d. Dedham, Mass. Benjamin Church Alice Southworth b. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. b. Duxbury Elizabeth Church d. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Joseph Rosbotham Hannah Rosbotham John Munro b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Stephen Munro Merebah Shaw b. Bristol Bristol R.I. Burden Munroe Lydia Baker b. Swansea, Mass. Swansea b. Rehoboth, Mass Philip Allen Munroe Delana Pierce b. Swansea Thompson Ct. b. Rehoboth Addison Pierce Munroe 140 No. 19, C. M., Mass. No. 587 Gen. No. 1602 GEORGE CORLIS NIGHTINGALE 54 North Main Street, Providence, R. 1. Eighth from John and EHzabeth (Tilley) Rowland Ninth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Desire Howland John Gorham b. Plymouth d. Swansea Jabez Gorham Hannah Sturgis b. Barnstable, Mass. Isaac Gorham Mary b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Isaac Gorham Jemima Potter b. Bristol Bristol Isaac Gorham Warren R.I. Sarah Thomas Mary Gorham John Prentis Kewly Henshaw b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol b. Middletown, Ct. Mary Gorham Henshaw b. Baltimore, Md. Providence George Corlis Nightingale b. Providence, R. I. George Corlis Nightingale 141 No. 19, C. M., Mass. No. 587 Gen. No. 1602 GEORGE CORLIS NIGHTINGALE 54 North Main Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from WilHam and Mary Brewster WilHam Brewster m d. Plymouth, Mass. Mary d. Plymouth Jonathan Brewster b. Scrooby, Eng. Lucretia Oldham EHzabeth Brewster b. Dnxbury, Mass. Peter Bradley Lucretia Bradley b. New London, Ct. Richard Christophers b. England Christopher Christophers b. New London Sarah Proute b. New Haven, Ct. Sarah Christophers John Prentis d. London, Eng, John Prentis Esther Richards Sallie Esther Prentis Daniel Henshaw Joh'i Prentis Kewly Henshaw Mary Gorham b. Middletown, Ct. Bristol, R. I. b. Bristol Mary Gorham Henshaw b. Baltimore, Md. Providence George Corlis Nightingale b. Providence, R. L George Corlis Nightingale 142 No. 19, C. M., Mass. No. 587 Gen. No. 1602 GEORGE CORLIS NIGHTINGALE 54 North Main Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Ninth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Ruth Alden John Bass Duxbury b. Roxbury, Mass. Joseph Bass Mary Belcher d. Boston, Mass. Elizabeth Bass Daniel Henshaw d. Leicester, Mass. b. Boston Benjamin Henshaw Huldah (Stillman) Sumner b. Boston d. Middlebury, Vt. Daniel Henshaw Sallie Esther Prentis John Prentis Kewly Henshaw Mary Gorham b. Middletown, Ct. Bristol, R. I. b. Bristol Mary Gorham Henshaw George Corlis Nightingale b. Baltimore, Md. Providence b. Providence, R. I. George Corlis Nightingale 143 No. 97 Gen. No. 2212 MRS. HAROLD WEBSTER OSTBY 213 Angell Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from William Bradford William Bradford m. Alice (Carpenter) Southworth d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Plymouth William Bradford Alice Richards b. Plymouth Alice Bradford William Adams d. Canterbury, Ct. b. Ipswich, Mass. Abial Adams Joseph Metcalf b. Dedham, Mass. b. Dedham Delight Metcalf Thomas Warner Mansfield d. Ashford, Ct. Conn. Alice Warner Peter Cross b. Mansfield Reuben Cross Marilla Hanks b. Mansfield Mansfield Jefferson Cross Elizabeth Lefiingwell Cooke b. Broom Co., N. Y. Hartford Conn. b. Plartford George Cross Julia Ann Lewis b. Manlius. N. Y. Morrisville N. Y. b. Morrisville Elizabeth Adelia Cross Ashbel Parmelee Fitch b. Morrisville Morrisville b. Moers, N. Y. Elizabeth Cooke Fitch (Ostby) 144 No. 26 Gen. No. 1810 MRS. HENRY PEARCE, JR. 168 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Tenth from Wilham and AHce Mullins John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. m. Plymouth Priscilla Mullins Ruth Alden Duxbury John Bass b. Roxbury, Mass. Joseph Bass d. Boston, Mass. Mary Belcher Elizabeth Bass d. Leicester, Mass. Daniel Henshaw b. Boston Benjamin Henshaw b. Boston Huldah (Stillman) Sumner d. Middlebury, Vt. Daniel Henshaw Sallie Esther Prentis John Prentis Kewley Henshaw b. Middletown, Ct. Bristol, R. L Mary Gorham Henshaw b. Baltimore, Md. Providence George Corlis Nightingale b. Providence Louisville Alary Gorham b. Bristol George Corlis Nightingale b. Providence, R. L Mary Davis b. Louisville, Ky. Mary Greene Nightingale (Pearce) 145 No. 47 Gen. No. 2051 MRS. FOREST J. PERKINS 8 Brighton Street, Providence, R. I. Eleventh from Francis Cooke Tenth from John Cooke Francis Cooke m. Hester Mahieu d. Plymouth, Mass. Leyden Holland John Cooke Sarah Warren b. Holland Plymouth Sarah Cooke Arthur Hathaway Plymouth Hannah Hathaway George Cadman Elizabeth Cadman William White Christopher White Elizabeth Thurston Little Compton b. Little Compton, Mass. Noah White Rhoda Shaw b. Little Compton Little Comptc Dn d. Newport, R. I. Nicholas White Sarah Southwick b. Newport b. Newport Julia Ann White Elijah Sherman, Jr. b. Newport Newport b. Newport Julia Amanda Sherman James McKenzie Davis b. Newport Fall River Mass. b. Newport Ida Amanda Davis Walter Hovvland Manchester b. Newport Newport b. Providence, R. I. Bertha Simmons Manchester (Perkins) 146 No. 84 Gen. No. 2824 MINER HAMLIN PADDOCK Providence, R. I. Ninth from William Brewster and wife William Brewster d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Mary d. Plymouth Patience Brewster Plymouth Thomas Prence d. Plymouth Mercy Prence d. Eastham, Mass. Eastham John Freeman d. Eastham John Freeman b. Eastham Eastham Sarah Merrick d. Harwich, Mass. Mercy Freeman b. Eastham Chillingsworth Foster b. Marshfield, Mass. Mary Foster b. Harwich Harwich David Paddock b. Yarmouth, Mass. David Paddock b. Harwich Wilton, Ct. Miriam Belden Nathan Paddock b. Southeast, N. Y. Manlius N. Y. Stephen Eaton Paddock b. Manlius, N. Y. Westmoreland Mahitable Eaton b. Ashford, Ct. Caroline Jane Miner b. Westmoreland, N. Y. Miner Hamlin Paddock 147 No. 43 Gen. No. 2013 GENERAL JOHN PITMAN, U. S. A., (Retired) 167 Berkeley Avenue, Orange, N. J. Eighth from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Ninth from WilHam and AHce MulHns John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Elizabeth Alden William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton, Mass Elizabeth Pabodie John Rogers b. Duxbury, Mass. Duxbury d. Barrington, Mass. Elizabeth Rogers Sylvester Richmond d. Little Compton b. Little Compton William Richmond b. Little Compton Sylvester Richmond b. Little Compton William Richmond b. Dighton Caroline Richmond b. Providence, R. L Anna Gray Little Compton b. Little Compton Dighton Mass. Dighton Providence Susanna Cook Whitmarsh Clarissa Andrews b. Dighton John Talbot Pitman b. Salem, Mass. John Pitman 148 No. 42 Gen. No. 2012 MRS. EDWARD HARRIS RATHBUN Woonsocket, R. I. Ninth from William Bradford William Bradford m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth Mass. William Bradford b. Plymouth Alice (Bradford) Adams b. Plymouth Norwich Conn. Ebenezer Fitch b. Saybrook Elijah Fitch b. Windsor, Ct. Mary Fitch b. E. Windsor, Ct. Elijah Fitch Reed b. E. Windsor Julius Alexander Reed b. E. Windsor, Ct. Canterbury Ct. Windsor E. Windsor No. Bolton Jacksonville 111. Anna Reed b. Warsaw (Wyeth), Grinnell 111. Iowa Alice (Carpenter) Southworth d. Plymouth Alice Richards James Fitch b. Saybrook, Ct. Bridget Brown b. Chelmsford, Mass. Mary Loomis b. Windsor Ebenezer Reed b. E. Windsor Hannah MacLean b. N. Bolton, Vernon, Ct. Caroline Blood b. Concord, Mass. Henry Washington Wilkinson b. No. Smithfield, R. I. Anna Reed Wilkinson (Rathbun) 149 No. 70 Gen. No. 2324 MRS. RICHARD AUSTIN ROBERTSON 50 Stimson Avenue, Providence, R. I. Seventh from John and EHzabeth (Tilley) Rowland Eighth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass John Rowland b. Plymouth Barnstable Mass. Mary Lee John Rowland b. Barnstable Barnstable Mary Crocker b. Barnstable Job Rowland b. Barnstable Barnstable Rannah Jenkins b. Barnstable Timothy Rowland b. Barnstable Lydia Putnam d. Barre, Mass. Josiah Putnam Rowland Martha Alger Rervey b. Barre New Braintree b. New Braintree, Mass. Martha Ann Rowland b. Barre Barre Albert Lawton Calder b. Providence, R. I. Mary Calder (Robertson) 150 No. 8i Gen. No. 2613 CHARLES LEONARD FROST ROBINSON Newport, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (Mulhns) Alden Tenth from WilHam and AHce MuIHns m. Plymouth Mass. Duxbury John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Ruth Alden d. Braintree, Mass. Hannah Bass b. Braintree Joseph Adams b. Braintree Benjamin Adams b. Newington Abigail Adams b. Newington Martha Nutter b. Portsmouth, N. H. Caroline Augusta Bailey b. Portsmouth Portsmouth Newington Newington Ida May Frost b. Portsmouth New York Charles Leonard Frost Robinson 151 Priscilla Mullins John Bass b. Roxbury, Mass. Joseph Adams b. Braintree Elizabeth (Knight) Janvrin d. Newington, N. H. Abigail Pickering d. Newington George Nutter b. Newington Thomas Darling Bailey b. Greenland, N. H. Charles Leonard Frost b. Portsmouth Frank Tracy Robinson b. Brooklyn, N. Y. No. 33 Gen. No. 1980 MRS. CHARLES BRISTED ROCKWELL Bristol, R. L Ninth from Myles Standish Myles Standish d. Duxbury, Mass. Alexander Standish m. Plymouth Mass. Barbara Sarah Alden Ebenezer Standish b. Duxbury Moses Standish Hannah Sturtevant Rachel Cobb Zerviah Standish b. Halifax, Mass. Zebadiah Thompson d. Halifax Zebadiah Thompson Martha Briggs Thompson b. Halifax Martha Briggs Atwood b. Halifax, Mass. Plymouth Zebadiah Thompson Phoebe Waterman Curtis Martha Briggs b. HaHfax John B. Atwood d. Plymouth Amory Thompson Skerry b. Oakham, Mass. Martha Briggs Skerry (Rockwell) 152 No. 59 Gen. No. 2142 MRS. HENRY BRAYTON ROSE 76 Comstock Avenue, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Elizabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Benjamin Church b. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. Alice Southworth b. Duxbury Elizabeth Church d. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Joseph Rosbotham Hannah Rosbotham b. Bristol Bristol John Munro b. Bristol Benjamin Munro b. Bristol Ruhamah Luther d. Rehoboth, Mass. Jacob Munro b. Rehoboth N. Providence R. I. Hannah Thompson b. Marblehead, Mass, Hannah Thompson Munro b. Providence, R. I. Providence Obadiah Slade b. Swansea, Mass, Florence E. Slade (Rose) 153 No. 85 Gen. No. 2840 MRS. FRANK ARTHUR SAYLES Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MuUins) Alden Tenth from WilHam and Ahce MulHns John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton m. Plymouth Mass. Duxbury Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Duxbury John Rogers d. Barrington, Mass, Elizabeth Rogers b. Duxbury Sylvester Richmond b. Little Compton Peleg Richmond b. Little Compton Barrington Mary (Pierce) Viall Mary Richmond b. Barrington Jabez Bullock b. Barrington Richmond Bullock d. Providence, R. L Providence Rhoda Peckham d. Providence William Peckham Bullock d. Providence Newport R. L Mary Townsend Bullock b. Providence Providence Phila Feke Townsend b. Newport Sullivan Dorr Ames b. Providence Mary Dorr Ames (Sayles) 154 No. 85 Gen. No. 2840 MRS. FRANK ARTHUR SAYLES 541 East Avenue, Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers m. d. Plymouth, Mass. John Rogers d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth John Rogers d. Barrington, Mass. Duxbury Elizabeth Rogers b. Duxbury Peleg Richmond b. Little Compton Mary Richmond b. Barrington Richmond Bullock d. Providence, R. I. Barrington Providence William Peckham Bullock d. Providence Newport R. I. Mary Townsend Bullock b. Providence Ann Churchman Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Sylvester Richmond b. Little Compton, Mass. Mary (Pierce) Viall Jabez Bullock b. Barrington Rhoda Peckham d. Providence Phila Feke Townsend b. Newport Sullivan Dorr Ames b. Providence Mary Dorr Ames (Sayles) 155 No. 85 Gen. No. 2840 MRS. FRANK ARTHUR SAYLES 541 East Avenue, Pawtucket, R. I. Ninth from John Tilley and wife Eighth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland John Howland m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Hannah Howland Swansea Jonathan Bosworth bur. Rehoboth, Mass Jabez Bosworth b. Swansea Susannah d. Rehoboth Patience Bosworth b. Rehoboth Jabez Bullock b. Harrington Barrington Mass. Rehoboth John Bullock d. Barrington Mary Richmond b. Barrington Richmond Bullock d. Providence, R. I. Providence Rhoda Peckham d. Providence William Peckham Bullock d. Providence Newport R. I. Mary Townsend Bullock b. Providence Providence Phila Feke Townsend b. Newport Sullivan Dorr Ames b. Providence Mary Dorr Ames (Sayles) 156 No. 92 Gen. No. 3014 BENJAMIN SEABURY 72 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. EHzabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Benjamin Church b. Plymouth Thomas Church b. Duxbury Sarah Church m. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. Hinsfham Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Alice South worth b. Duxbury Sarah Horswell b. Hingham Samuel Bailey b. Little Compton, Mass. Little Compton b. Little ComDton John Manchester Sarah Bailey b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester b. Tiverton, R. L Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury Little Compton b. Little Compton Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury 157 No. 92 Gen. No. 3014 BENJAMIN SEABURY 72 Keenc Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (MuUins) Alden Ninth from William and AHce MulHns John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. m. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton, Mass. Duxbury Martha (Pabodie) Seabury b. Duxbury Mary Fobes d. Little Compton Rebecca Southworth b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton W^illiam Fobes d. Little Compton Edward Southworth Little Compton b. Duxbury Scituate Mass. Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton, R. L Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury 158 No. 92 Gen. No. 3014 BENJAMIN SEABURY 72 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Tenth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden d. Duxbnry, Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton, Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Sarah Rogers b. Duxbury Deborah Searle b. Dorchester Nathaniel Pearce d. Little Compton Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. m. Plymouth Mass. Mass. Duxbury Duxbury Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton John Rogers, Jr. d. Barrington, Mass. Nathaniel Searle b. Dorchester, Mass. George Pearce, Jr. Little Compton b. Little Compton Sarah Rouse Little Compton b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton, R. 1. Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury 159 No. 92 Gen. No. 3014 BENJAMIN SEABURY ^2 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Ninth from WilUam and AHce MuUins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden AVilliam Pabodie d. Little Compton, Mass. Duxbury tl. Little Compton Rebecca Pabodie William Southworth b. Duxbury b. Duxbury Edward Southworth Mary Fobes b. Duxbury Little Compton b. Little Compton Rebecca Southworth Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Scituate Mass. b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass, Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton, R. L Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury 160 No. 92 Gen. No. 3014 BENJAMIN SEABURY 72 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Seventh from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Eighth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden m. d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton, Mass. Duxbury Sarah Pabodie b. Duxbury Sarah Coe d. Little Compton Joseph Tompkins b. Little Compton Gideon Tompkins Duxbury Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton John Coe d. Little Compton Samuel Tompkins Little Compton b. Little Compton Martha Pearce Little Compton b. Little Compton Cynthia Brownell b. Little Compton, R. L Little Compton b. Little Compton Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury, Jr. b. Westport, Mass. Benjamin Seabury 161 No. 92 Gen. No. 3014 BENJAMIN SEABURY ^2 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Ninth from WilHam and AHce Mullins John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. EHzabeth Alden d. Little Compton Martha Pabodie b. Duxbury Joseph Seabury b. Duxbury Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury b. Little Compton I Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. m. Plymouth Mass. Duxbury Duxbury Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton Samuel Seabury b. Boston, Mass. Phebe (Fobes) Smith Little Compton d. Little Compton Scituate Mass. Rebecca Southworth b. Little Compton Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton, R. L Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury 162 No. 92 Gen. No. 3014 BENJAMIN SEABURY 72 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Thomas Rosters Thomas Rogers d. Plymouth, Mass. John Rogers d. Duxbury, Mass. John Rogers d. Barrington Sarah Rogers b. Duxbury Deborah Searle b. Dorchester Nathaniel Pearce b. Little Compton Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Tiverton, R. L Benjamin Seabury b, Westport, Mass. m. Plymouth Duxbury Ann Churchman Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Nathaniel Searle b. Dorchester, Mass. George Pearce, Jr. Little Compton b. Little Compton Sarah Rouse Little Compton b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury 163 No. 93 Gen. No. 3015 MISS IRENE TURNER SEABURY ']2 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth, Mass. d. Plymouth Ehzabeth Warren Richard Church d. Hingham, Mass. Plymouth d. Dedham, Mass. Benjamin Church Alice Southworth b. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. b. Duxbury Thomas Church Sarah Horswell b. Duxbury Hingham b. Hingham Sarali Church Samuel Bailey b. Little Compton Little Compton b. Little Compton Sarah Bailey John Manchester b. Little Compton Little Compton Ruth Manchester Benjamin Seabury b. Tiverton, R. I. Little Compton b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Providence R. L Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Sarah Alzada Batchelder b. Smithfield, R. I. Irene Turner Seabury 164 No. 93 Gen. No. 3015 MISS IRENE TURNER SEABURY 72 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Tenth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton Martha (Pabodie) Seabury William Fobes b. Duxbury d. Little Compton Mary Fobes b. Little Compton Rebecca Southworth b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Edward Southworth Little Compton b. Duxbury Scituate Mass. Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton, R. I. Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Providence R.L Sarah Alzada Batchelder Smithfield, R. I. Irene Turner Seabury 165 No. 93 Gen. No. 3015 MISS IRENE TURNER SEABURY 72 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Eleventh from WilHam and Ahce MulHns John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Elizabeth Alden (1. Little Compton Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Sarah Rogers b. Duxbury Deborah Searle b. Dorchester Nathaniel Pearce b. Little Compton Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton m. Plymouth Mass. Duxbury Duxbury Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton John Rogers, Jr. d. Barrington Nathaniel Searle b. Dorchester, Mass. George Pearce, Jr. Little Compton b. Little Compton Sarah Rouse Little Compton b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton, R. I. Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Providence R. L Sarah Alzada Batchelder b. Smithfield, R. I. Irene Turner Seabury 166 No. 93 Gen. No. 3015 MISS IRENE TURNER SEABURY ^^2 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MuIHns) Alden Tenth from WilHam and Ahce Mulhns John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Diixbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton Rebecca Pabodie William Southworth b. Duxbury b. Duxbury Edward Southworth Mary Fobes b. Duxbury Little Compton b. Little Compton Rebecca Southworth Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Scituate Mass. b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton, R. I. Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Providence R.I. Sarah Alzada Batchelder b. Smithfield, R. I. Irene Turner Seabury 167 No. 93 Gen. No. 3015 MISS IRENE TURNER SEABURY 72 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from John and Priscilla (MuIHns) Alden Ninth from WilHani and Alice Mullins John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton Sarah Pabodie b. Duxbury Sarah Coe d. Little Compton Joseph Tompkins b. Little Compton Gideon Tompkins m. Plymouth Mass. Duxbury Duxbury Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton John Coe d. Little Compton Samuel Tompkins Little Compton b. Little Compton Martha Pearce Little Compton b. Little Compton Cvnthia Brownell b. Little Compton, R. I. Little Compton b. Little Compton Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Providence R. L Benjamin Seabury, Jr. b. Westport. Mass. Sarah Alzada Batchelder b. Smithfield, R. I. Irene Turner Seabury 168 No. 93 Gen. No. 3015 MISS IRENE TURNER SEABURY 72 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Tenth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton Martha Pabodie Samuel Seabury b. Duxbury Duxbury b. Boston, Mass. Joseph Seabury Phebe (Fobes) Smif b. Duxbury Little Compton d. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury Rebecca Southworth b. Little Compton Scituate Mass. b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabur)'^ b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton, R. I. Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins b. Little Compton Providence R. L Sarah Alzada Batchelder b. Smithfield, R. i. Irene Turner Seabury 169 No. 93 Gen. No. 3015 MISS IRENE TURNER SEABURY "^2 Keene Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers d. Plymouth, Mass. John Rogers d. Duxbury, Mass. John Rogers d. Barrington Sarah Rogers b. Duxbury Deborah Searle b. Dorchester Nathaniel Pearce b. Little Compton Betsey Pearce b. Little Compton Benjamin Seabury b. Tiverton, R. I. Benjamin Seabury b. Westport, Mass. Benjamin Seabury b. Little Compton m. Plymouth Duxbury Ann Churchman Elizabeth Pabodie b. Duxbury Nathaniel Searle b. Dorchester, Mass. George Pearce, Jr. Little Compton b. Little Compton Sarah Rouse Little Compton b. Little Compton Gideon Seabury b. Little Compton Ruth Manchester Little Compton b. Tiverton Elizabeth Brownell Tompkins Westport b. Little Compton Sarah Alzada Balchelder Providence b. Smithfield, R. 1. R.I. rene Turner Seabury 170 No. 58 Gen. No. 2141 WILLIAM LLOYD SLADE 256 Waterman Street. Providence, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth EHzabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Benjamin Church b. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. Alice Southworth b. Duxbury Elizabeth Church d. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Joseph Rosbotham Hannah Rosbotham b. Bristol Bristol John Munro b. Bristol Benjamin Munro b. Bristol Ruhamah Luther d. Rehoboth, Mass. Jacob Munro b. Rehoboth N. Providence R.L Hannah Thompson b. Marblehead, Mass. Hannah Thompson Munro b. Providence, R. I. Providence Obadiah Slade b. Swansea, Mass. William Lloyd Slade 171 No. 46 Gen. No. 2050 HARRY AUSTIN SLOCOMB 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MuUins) Alden Tenth from WilHam and AHce Mullins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Joseph Alden b. Plymouth Plymouth Mass. Mary Simmons d. Bridgewater, Mass, Joseph Alden b. Bridgewater Hannah Dunham d. Bridgewater Mary Alden b. Bridgewater Bridgewater Timothy Edson b. Bridgewater Timothy Edson b. Bridgewater Lydia Joy b. Hingham, Mass. Calvin Edson b. Stafford, Conn. Stafford Charity Thompson b. Stafford Eleanor Edson John Taylor Greene b. Stafford Stafford b. Stafford Eleanor Greene Cordial Orcutt b. Stafford Stafford b. Stafford Ruth Ann Orcutt Silas Austin Slocomb b. Worcester, Mass. Whitinsville Mass. b. Sutton, Mass. Harry Austin Slocomb 172 No. 46 Gen. No. 2050 HARRY AUSTIN SLOCOMB 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from James Chilton Eighth from Mary Chilton James Chilton d. Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton d. Boston, Mass. Edward Winslow d. Boston Ann Winslow b. Boston Elizabeth Taylor b. Jamaica, W. I. John Greene Paramaribo, S. A. John Taylor Greene Eleanor Greene b. Stafford Ruth Ann Orcutt b. Worcester, Mass. m. Plymouth Boston Boston Worcester Mass. Stafford Stafford Whitinsville Mass. John Winslow b. Droit witch, Eng. Elizabeth Hutchinson John Taylor b. Boston Nathaniel Greene b. Boston Azubah Ward b. Worcester Eleanor Edson b. Stafford Cordial Orcutt b. Stafford Silas Austin Slocomb b. Sutton, Mass. Harry Austin Slocomb 173 No. 46 Gen. No. 2050 HARRY AUSTIN SLOCOMB 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Eleventh from James Chilton Tenth from Mary Chilton James Chilton d. Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton d. Boston, Mass. Susannah Winslow b. Plymouth Mercy Latham b. Plymouth Mary Harris b. Bridgewater Susannah Packard b. Bridgewater Daniel Orcutt b. Bridgewater Stephen Orcutt b. Stafford, Conn. James Orcutt b. Stafford Cordial Orcutt b. Stafford Ruth Ann Orcutt b. Worcester, Mass. m. Plymouth Plymouth Bridgewater Bridgewater Stafford Stafford Stafford Whitinsville Mass. John Winslow b. Droitwich, Eng. Robert Latham Isaac Harris d. Bridgewater, Mass. Daniel Packard David Orcutt Lydia Cushman MoUie Washburn b. Stafford Polly Hitchcock b. Stafford Eleanor Greene b. Stafford Silas Austin Slocomb b. Sutton, Mass. Harrv Austin Slocomb 174 No. 46 Gen. No. 2050 HARRY AUSTIN SLOCOMB 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from Francis Cooke Francis Cooke d. Plymouth, Mass. Jane Cooke m. Leyden Holland Plymouth Hester Mahieu Experience Mitchell d. Bridgewater, Mass, Elizabeth Mitchell Plymouth John Washburn, Jr. d. Bridgewater Jane Washburn William Orcutt, Jr. d. Bridgewater Martha Orcutt b. Bridgewater Bridgewater Solomon Washburn b. Bridgewater Solomon Washburn b. Bridgewater Mollie Washburn b. Stafford Stafford Conn. Stafford Mary Warner d. Stafford Stephen Orcutt b. Stafford James Orcutt b. Stafford Stafford Polly Hitchcock b. Stafford Cordial Orcutt b. Stafford Stafford Eleanor Greene b. Stafford Ruth Ann Orcutt b. Worcester, Mass. Whitinsville Mass. Silas Austin Slocomb b. Sutton, Mass. Harry Austin Slocomb 175 No. 46 Gen. No. 2050 HARRY AUSTIN SLOCOMB 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Eleventh from Francis Cooke Francis Cooke m. Hester Mahieu d. Plymouth, Mass. Jane Cooke Leyden Holland Experience Mitchell Plymouth d. Bridgewater, Mass, Elizabeth Mitchell John Washburn, Jr. Plymouth d. Bridgewater Samuel Washburn Deborah Packard d. Bridgewater .Samuel Washburn Abigail b. Bridgewater Bridgewater Solomon Washburn Martha Orcutt b. Bridgewater Bridgewater b. Bridgewater Solomon Washburn Mary Warner b. Bridgewater Mollie Washburn Stafford Conn. d. Stafford Stephen Orcutt b. Stafford Stafford b. Stafford James Orcutt Polly Hitchcock b. Stafford Stafford b. Stafford Cordial Orcutt Eleanor Greene b. Stafford Stafford b. Stafford Ruth Ann Orcutt Silas Austin Slocomb b. Worcester, Mass. Whitinsville Mass. b. Sutton, Mass. Harry Austin Slocomb 176 No. 14, C. M., Mass. No. 442 Gen. No. 1289 MISS GRACE WOODS SLOCUM 252 Williams Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Francis Cooke Eighth from John Cooke Francis Cooke m. Hester Mahieu d. Plymouth, Mass Leyden Holland John Cooke Sarah Warren b. Holland Plymouth Elizabeth Cooke Daniel Wilcox d. Tiverton, Mass. Plymouth b. Portsmouth, R. I Daniel Wilcox Hannah Cook Daniel Wilcox Sarah Catherine Wilcox b. Dartmouth, Mass. Dartmouth Rhobea Briggs John Slocum b. Nashawena Island, Mass. Ezra Chase Slocum b. Dartmouth New Bedford Mass. Oliver Briggs b. Little Compton John Slocum b. Dartmouth Sarah Potter Sherman Mary Anne Woods b. Glasgow, Scotland Grace Woods Slocum 177 No. 14, C. M., Mass. No. 442 Gen. No. 1289 MISS GRACE WOODS SLOCUM 252 Williams Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Sarah Warren Elizabeth Cooke b. Tiverton, Mass. Daniel Wilcox m. Plymouth Plymouth Elizabeth d. Plymouth John Cooke b. Holland Daniel Wilcox b. Portsmouth, R. I. Hannah Cook Daniel Wilcox Sarah Catharine Wilcox b. Dartmouth, Mass. Dartmouth Rhoeba Briggs John Slocum b. Nashawena Island, Mass. Ezra Chase Slocum b. Dartmouth New Bedford Mass. Oliver Briggs b. Little Compton John Slocum b. Dartmouth Sarah Potter Shermars Mary Anne Woods b. Glasgow, Scotland Grace Woods Slocum 178 No. loi Gen. No. 31 ii CHARLES WILLIAM SMITH 389 Angell Street, Providence, R. I. Sixth from John and EHzabeth (Tilley) Howland Seventh from John Tilley and wife John Howland d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Jabez Howland b. Plymouth Bethiah Thatcher b. Yarmouth, Mass, Samuel Howland b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Abigail Cary b. Bristol Phebe Howland b. Bristol Bristol John Wardwell b. Bristol Phebe Wardwell b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol James Smith b. Bristol, Mass. Daniel Smith b. Dighton, Mass. Somerset Mass. Martha Robinson b. Somerset Charles William Smith 179 No. 31 Gen. No. 1978 MISS ELMA ELIZABETH SMITH 5 Brighton Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden Tenth from William and Alice Mullins John Alden d. Duxbury, Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton Sarah Pabodie b. Duxbury Samuel Coe b. Little Compton Elizabeth Coe b. Little Compton Priscilla Bacon d. Providence Mercy Jenckes b. Providence m. Plymouth Duxbury Duxbury Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton John Coe d. Little Compton Mary Chadwick Little Compton b. Woburn, Mass. Providence R.I. Providence Rehoboth Mass. Mercy Remington Armington b. Seekonk Smithfield Ferdinand Smith b. Smithfield Providence Elma Elizabeth Smith 180 Elijah Bacon d. Providence Jeremiah Jenckes d. Providence Walter Armington b. Rehoboth Daniel Angell Smith b. Smithfield, R. I. Adeline Wall Arnold b. Poland, N. Y. No. 73 Gen. No. 2444 GEORGE MORGAN SNOW 24 Alumni Avenue, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Stephen Hopkins Seventh from Constance Hopkins (Snow) Stephen Hopkins d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Constance Hopkins d. Eastham, Mass. Plymouth Nicholas Snow d. Eastham Stephen Snow b. Plymouth Eastham Susanna (Deane) Rogers b. Plymouth Micajah Snow b. Eastham Eastham Mary Young b. Eastham Stephen Snow b. Eastham Eastham Mary Cole b. Eastham Heman Snow b. Eastham Eastham Jedidah Smith Robert Snow b. Eastham Joseph Snow b. Brewster Brewster Mass. Charlestown Rebecca Bangs b. Brewster Mary Francis Morgan b. Charlestown, Mass. George Morgan Snow 181 No. 57 Gen. No. 2134 MISS ANNIE WILLIAMS TAYLOR 184 Meeting Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Elizabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Joseph Church b. Plymouth Deborah Church b. Hingham Samuel Gray b. Little Compton Deborah Gray b. Little Compton Josiah Taylor b. Little Compton George Allen Taylor b. Providence, R. I. m. Hinffham Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Mary Tucker bap. Hingham Samuel Gray Little Compton d. Little Compton Hannah Kent b. Barrington, Mass. William Taylor Little Compton b. Little Compton Hannah Lew in Providence Charles Frederic Taylor b. Providence Worcester Mass. Eliza Ann Dean b. Dighton. Mass. Mary Lucinda Jewett b. Hadley, Mass. Annie Williams Taylor 182 No. 56 Gen. No, 2133 CHARLES FREDERIC TAYLOR (Providence, R. L) Died March 27, 1906 Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. EHzabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Joseph Church b. Plymouth Deborah Church b. Hingham, Mass. Samuel Gray b. Little Compton Deborah Gray b. Little Compton Josiah Taylor b. Little Compton George Allen Taylor b. Providence, R. L Hingham Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Mary Tucker bap. Hingham, Mass. Samuel Gray Little Compton d. Little Compton Hannah Kent b. Harrington, Mass. William Taylor Little Compton b. Little Compton Hannah Lewin Providence Eliza Ann Dean b. Dighton, Mass. Charles Frederic Taylor 183 No. 66 Gen. No. 2176 CAPTAIN GEORGE ALLEN TAYLOR, U. S. A. Fort Logan, Col. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Elizabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Joseph Church b. Plymouth Deborah Church b. Hingham Samuel Gray b. Little Compton Deborah Gray b. Little Compton Josiah Taylor b. Little Compton George Allen Taylor b. Providence, R. L m. Hingham Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Mary Tucker bap. Hingham, Mass. Samuel Gray Little Compton d. Little Compton Hannah Kent b. Barrington, Mass. William Taylor Little Compton b. Little Compton Hannah Levvin Providence Charles Frederic Taylor b. Providence Worcester Mass. Eliza Ann Dean b. Dighton, Mass. Mary Lucinda Jewett b. Hadley, Mass. George Allen Taylor 184 No. 9, C. M., Mass. No. 355 Gen. No. 1068 MRS. PHILANDER JENCKES THOMAS Wickford, R. I. Eig^hth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Elizabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Joseph Church b. Plymouth John Church d. Little Compton Mary Church b. Little Compton Rebecca Tisdale b. Assonet Henry Porter b. Assonet Robert Porter b. Assonet m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Mary Tucker bap. Hingham, Mass. Rebecca b. Little Compton Samuel Tisdale Little Compton b. Assonet, Freetown, Mass. Benjamin Porter Assonet b. Randolph, Mass. Elizabeth Tisdale Assonet b. St. John, N. Brunswick Lucy Hathaway Durfee Assonet b. Tiverton, R. L Ann Eliza Porter (Thomas) 185 No, 60 Gen. No. 2143 MRS. CLARENCE EUGENE THOMAS Wakefield, R. I. Ninth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Rowland Tenth from John Tilley and wife John Rowland d. Plymouth Desire Rowland b. Plymouth Mercy Gorham b. Barnstable, Mass. Elizabeth Denison Christopher Champlin b. Westerly Ruhamah Champlin b. Westerly Rannah Robinson m. Plymouth Plymouth Westerly R. I. Westerly Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. John Gorham d. Swansea, Mass. George Denison Christopher Champlin Rannah Rill Christopher Robinson John Perry John Robinson Perry b. S. Kingstown, R. I, John Gould Perry b. S. Kingstown Sally Gould b. S. Kingstown Rarriet Theresa Razard S. Kingstown b. S. Kingstown Rarriet Elizabeth Perry (Thomas) 186 No. 17, C. M., Mass. No. 521 Gen. No. 1451 MISS EDITH MAY TILLEY Rhode Island Avenue, Newport, R. I. Tenth from John and Priscilla (Mulhns) Alden Eleventh from William and Alice Mullins John Alden d. Duxbiiry, Mass. Elizabeth Alden d. Little Compton Mercy Pabodie b. Little Compton m. Plymouth Duxbury Priscilla Mullins William Pabodie d. Little Compton John Simmons b. Duxbury William Simmons b. Little Compton William Simmons b. Little Compton Abigail Church Little Compton b. Little Compton Mary Pearce Little Compton b. Little Compton Mary (Simmons) Dring David Stoddard b. Little Compton Little Compton b. Little Compton David Nason Providence Abigail Stoddard b. Little Compton Joseph Nason d. Newport, R. I. Susan Nason b. Newport Susan Jouvet Barlow b. Newport R. L Newport Newport b. Berwick, Me. Susan (Albro) Barker b. Newport Frederic Barlow b. Newport Newport Edith May Tilley 187 Risbrough Hammett Tilley b. Newport No. 98 Gen. No. 3097 HERBERT SHELDON TILLINGHAST Natick, R. I. Ninth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Tenth from WiUiam and AHce Mulhns John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury. Mass. Plymouth Mass. Elizabeth Alden William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton Martha (Pabodie) Seabury William Forbes b. Duxbury d. Little Compton Elizabeth Forbes William Briggs Little Comptoi 1 Katharine Briggs Barnett Sisson b. Little Compton Portsmouth R. L b. Portsmouth Sarah Sisson Joseph James b. Richmond, R. L Daniel James Mary Barber Exeter, R. L b. Richmond Rodman James Martha Whitman Place b. Exeter Coventry R. L b. Exeter Mary Elizabeth James Sheldon Hawkins Tilling b. Richmond Warwick R. L b. East Greenwich, R Herbert Sheldon Tillinghast 188 No. 99 Gen. No. 3098 MISS MARION TILLINGHAST Natick, R. I. Tenth from John and Priscilla (MulHns) Alden Eleventh from WilHam and AHce Mullins John Alden m. Priscilla Mullins d. Duxbury, Mass. Elizabeth Alden Plymouth Mass. William Pabodie d. Little Compton Duxbury d. Little Compton Martha (Pabodie) Seabury b. Duxbury William Forbes d. Little Compton Elizabeth Forbes William Briggs Little Compton Katharine Briggs Barnett Sisson b. Little Compton Sarah Sisson Portsmouth R.L b. Portsmouth Joseph James b. Richmond, R. I. Daniel James Exeter, R. I. Mary Barber b. Richmond Rodman James Martha Whitman Place b. Exeter Mary Elizabeth James b. Richmond Coventry R.I. Warwick b. Exeter Sheldon Hawkins Tilling b. East Greenwich, R, R.I. Herbert Sheldon Tillinghast b. Natick, R. I. Natick Marion Tillinghast Ardelisa Rice Remington b. Warwick, R. I. 189 No. 68 Gen. No. 2294 MISS SOPHIA LINDSAY WARDWELL Bristol, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Elizabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Joseph Church b. Plymouth Hingham Joseph Church bap. Hingham Caleb Church b. Little Compton Thomas Church b. Little Compton Bristol Deborah Church b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol Thomas Lindsay b. Bristol Bristol Sarah Luther Lindsay b. Bristol Elizabeth d. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Mary Tucker bap. Hingham Grace Shaw Little Compton b. Little Compton Deborah Woodworth Little Compton b. Little Compton Elizabeth Bosworth b. Bristol, Mass. Joseph Lindsay b. Bristol Rhoda Luther b. Swansea, Mass. Henry Wardwell b. Bristol Bristol Sophia Lindsay Wardwell 190 No. 2^ Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Seventh from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. EHzabeth d. Plymouth Nathaniel Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Sarah Walker d. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Sarah Doty b. Plymouth Penelope Winslow b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth Barnstable Mercy Otis b. Barnstable, Mass. Henry Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Mary Winslow b. Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 191 No. 27 Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Mary Warren d. Plymouth Plymouth Robert Bartlett d. Plymouth Benjamin Bartlett b. Plymouth Plymouth Sarah Brewster Rebecca Bartlett b. Plymouth William Bradford b. Plymouth Alice Bradford b. Plymouth Plymouth William Barnes b. Plymouth Mercy Barnes b. Plymouth Plymouth Barnabas Hedge Barnabas Hedge b. Plymouth Barnabas Hedge b. Plymouth Yarmouth Mass. Hannah Hedge b. Yarmouth Eunice Dennie Burr b. Fairfield, Ct. Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 192 No. 27 Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from WilHam Bradford WiUiam Bradford d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Mass. Alice (Carpenter) Sou d. Plymouth William Bradford b. Plymouth Alice Richards William Bradford Rebecca Bartlett b. Plymouth Alice Bradford Plymouth William Barnes b. Plymouth Mercy Barnes b. Plymouth Plymouth Barnabas Hedge Barnabas Hedge b. Plymouth Yarmouth Mass. Hannah Hedge b. Yarmouth Barnabas Hedge b. Plymouth Eunice Dennie Burr b. Fairfield, Ct. Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 193 No. 27 Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Seventh from John and Ehzabeth (Tilley) Howland Eighth from John Tilley and wife John Howland d. Plymouth, Mass. Joseph Howland b. Plymouth Thomas Howland m. Plymouth Elizabeth Tilley d. Swansea, Mass. Elizabeth Southworth Joanna Cole Joanna Howland b. Plymouth Joanna White b. Plymouth Mary Winslow b. Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Gideon White b. Marshfield, Mass. Pelham Winslow b. Marshfield Henry Warren b. Plymouth Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 194 No. 27 Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Eightli from William and Susannah (Fuller) White Seventh from Peregrine White William White m. Anna (Susannah) Fu d. Plymouth Leyden Peregrine White Sarah Bassett b. Provincetown Harbor d. Marshfield, Mass Daniel White Hannah Hunt Cornelius White Hannah Randall b. Marshfield Gideon White Joanna Howland b. Marshfield b. Plymouth Joanna White Pelham Winslow b. Plymouth b. Marshfield Mary Winslow Henry Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth b. Plymouth George Warren Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Plymouth b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 195 No. 27 Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Seventh from Edward Doty Edward Doty d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Faith Clark bur. Marshfield Edward Doty Sarah Faunce Mary Doty b. Plymouth Plymouth Joseph Allyn b. Barnstable, Mass, Mary Allyn b. Barnstable James Otis b. Barnstable Mercy Otis b. Barnstable Barnstable James Warren b. Plymouth Henry Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Mary Winslow b. Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 196 No. 27 Gen. No, 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Seventh from Edward Doty Edward Doty d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Plymouth Faith Clark bur. Marshfield, Mass, Edward Doty Sarah Faunce Sarah Doty b. Plymouth Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Penelope Winslow b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth Barnstable Mass. Mercy Otis b. Barnstable Henry Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Mary Winslow b. Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Charles Plenry Warren 197 No. 27 Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Seventh from Edward and Susannah (Fuller) (White) Winslow Edward Winslow b. Droitwich, Eng. m. Plymouth Mass. Susannah (Fuller) W Josiah Winslow b. Plymouth Plymouth Penelope Pelham d. Marshfield, Mass, Isaac Winslow b. Marshfield Marshfield Sarah Wensley Penelope Winslow b. Marshfield Marshfield James Warren b. Plymouth James Warren b. Plymouth Barnstable Mass. Mercy Otis b. Barnstable Henry Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Mary Winslow b. Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 198 No. 2y Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Seventh from Edward and Susannah (Fuller) (White) Winslow Edward Winslow b. Droitwich, Eng. m^ Plymouth Mass. Susannah (Fuller) W Josiah Winslow b. Plymouth Plymouth Penelope Pelham d. Marshfield, Mass, Isaac Winslow b. Marshfield Marshfield Sarah Wensley John Winslow b. Marshfield Mary Little b. Marshfield Pelham Winslow b. Marshfield Joanna White Mary Winslow b. Plymouth Plymouth Henry Warren b. Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 199 No. 27 Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from William Brew^ster and wife Eighth from Love Brewster William Brewster d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Mary d. Plymouth Love Brewster Sarah Collier d. Duxbnry, Mass. Plymouth d. Plymouth Sarah Brewster Benjamin Bartlett Rebecca Bartlett William Bradford b. Plymouth Alice Bradford Plymouth William Barnes Mercy Barnes b. Plymouth Plymouth Barnabas Hedge Barnabas Hedge b. Plymouth Barnabas Hedge b. Plymouth Yarmouth Mass. Hannah Hedge Yarmouth Eunice Dennie Burr b. Fairfield, Ct. Elizabeth Hedge George Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 200 No. 27 Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. Anna Warren b. England Isaac Little d. Marshfield, Mass. Isaac Little b. Marshfield Mary Little b. Marshfield Pelham Winslow b. Marshfield Mary Winslow b. Plymouth George Warren b. Plymouth m. Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Charles Henry Warren Elizabeth d. Plymouth Thomas Little Bethiah Thomas d. Marshfield Mary Otis b. Hingham. Mass. John Winslow b. Marshfield Joanna White Henry Warren b. Plymouth Elizabeth Hedge b. Plymouth 201 No. 27 Gen. No. 1832 CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from John Tilley and wife Eighth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland John Howland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Desire Howland John Gorham b. Plymouth Plymouth d. Swansea James Gorham Hannah Huckins b. Marshfield, Mass. Barnstable Mass. b. Barnstable James Gorham Mary Joyce b. Barnstable Barnstable b. Yarmouth. Mass Mary Gorham Thomas Hedge b. Barnstable Hannah Hedge Barnabas Hedge Barnabas Hedge Eunice Dennie Burr b. Plymouth b. Fairfield, Conn. Elizabeth Hedge George Warren b. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth b. Plymouth Charles Henry Warren 202 No. 86 Gen. No. 2879 MRS. CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Thomas Rogers Thomas Rogers m. d. Plymouth John Rogers Ann Churchman d. Duxbury, Mass. Plymouth Anna Rogers John Tisdale Taunton d. Taunton, Mass. Anna Tisdale George Leonard b. Taunton Taunton b. Taunton George Leonard Rachel Clap b. Taunton Norton, Mass. b. Scituate, Mass. Rachel Leonard David Barnes d. Scituate Norton b. Marlborough, Mass. David Leonard Barnes Joanna ( Jenckes) Russell b. Scituate Providence R.L b. Limerock, R. L Ann Eliza Barnes Peter Pratt b. Providence Providence b. Foxboro, Mass. Anna Elizabeth Pratt b. Providence Providence Annie Rogers Nightingale (Warren) 203 Horatio Rogers Nightingale b. Providence No. 86 Gen. No. 2879 MRS. CHARLES HENRY WARREN 168 Governor Street, Providence, R. I, Tenth from John Tilley and wife Ninth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland John Howland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass. Desire Howland John Gorham b. Plymouth Plymouth d. Swansea John Gorham Mary Otis b. Marshfield, Mass. Barnstable Mass. b. Hingham, Mass. Temperance Gorham Stephen Clap b. Barnstable b. Scituate, Mass. Rachel Clap George Leonard b. Scituate Norton Mass. b. Taunton, Mass. Rachel Leonard David Barnes d. Scituate Norton b. Marlborough, Mass. David Leonard Barnes Joanna (Jenckes) Russell b. Scituate Providence R.L b. Limerock, R. L Ann Eliza Barnes Peter Pratt b. Providence Providence b. Foxboro, Mass. Anna Elizabeth Pratt Horatio Rogers Nightingale b. Providence Providence b. Providence Annie Rogers Nightingale (Warren) 204 No. 8, C. M., Conn. No. 158 Gen. No. 919 MRS. HUNTER CARSON WHITE Harrisville, R. I. Eighth from John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland Ninth from John Tilley and wife John Howland m. Elizabeth Tilley d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Swansea, Mass, Hannah Howland Jonathan Bosworth b. Plymouth Jabez Bosworth Sarah b. Swansea Ichabod Bosworth Mary Bowen b. Rehoboth, Mass. Rehoboth b. Rehoboth Ichabod Bosworth Hannah Horton b. Rehoboth Rehoboth b. Rehoboth David Bosworth Elizabeth Luther b. Rehoboth Swansea b. Swansea Hannah Bosworth George Kelton d. Providence, R. I. Rehoboth b. Rehoboth Nahum Kelton Lydia Hicks b. Rehoboth Rehoboth b. Rehoboth Car: rie Hicks Kelton (White) 205 No. 8, C. M., Conn. No. 158 Gen. No. 919 MRS. HUNTER CARSON WHITE Harrisville, R. I. Ninth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Anna Warren b. England Plymouth Thomas Little Mercy Little d. Marshfield, Mass. John Sawyer Mary Sawyer b. Marshfield Marshfield Anthony Eames Jerusha Eames Thomas Sawyer Mercy Sawyer Mercy Bullock d. Rehoboth Rehoboth Mass. Rehoboth Daniel Bullock b. Rehoboth Aaron Thresher b. Rehoboth Sarah Thresher b. Rehoboth Rehoboth Nathan Hicks b. Rehoboth Lydia Hicks b. Rehoboth Rehoboth Nahum Kelton b. Rehoboth Carrie Hicks Kelton (White) 206 No. i8, C. M., Conn. No. 210 Gen. No. 1542 HUNTER CARSON WHITE, JR. Harrisville, R. I. Tenth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Anna Warren b. England Plymouth Thomas Little Mercy Little d. Marshfield, Mass. John Sawyer Mary Sawyer b. Marshfield Marshfield Anthony Eames Jerusha Eames Thomas Sawyer Mercy Sawyer Mercy Bullock (1. Rehoboth Rehoboth Mass. Rehoboth Daniel Bullock b. Rehoboth Aaron Thresher b. Rehoboth Sarah Thresher b. Rehoboth Rehoboth Nathan Hicks b. Rehoboth Lydia Hicks b. Rehoboth Rehoboth Nahum Kelton b. Rehoboth Carrie Hicks Kelton b. Providence, R. I. Providence Hunter Carson White b. Zanesville, O. Hunter Carson White 207 No. 54 Gen. No. 2131 MRS. ELLERY IRVING WILCOX 127 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Anna Warren b. England Plymouth Samuel Little b. Plymouth or Marshfield Sarah Little d. Little Compton Mary Billings b. Little Compton Little Compton Hannah Troop (Throop) b. Bristol Mass. Ambrose Waldron b. Bristol Leonard Waldron b. Bristol Lydia Waldron b. Bristol John Nelson West b. Bristol Bristol, R. I. Bristol Hartland, Vt. Bristol New Bedford Mass. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Thomas Little Sarah Gray b. Plymouth Richard Billings b. Dorchester, Mass. Thomas Troop (Throop) b. Bristol, Mass. Nathaniel Waldron b. Bristol, Mass. Hannah Gladding b. Bristol Elizabeth Waldron b. Hartland, Vt. William Henry West b. Bristol Lydia Newman Peck b. Rehoboth, Mass. Leonora Frances West (Wilcox) 208 No. lo, C. M., Mass. No. 363 Gen. No. 1076 MRS HENRY WASHINGTON WILKINSON 168 Bowen Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from William Bradford William Bradford m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth Mass. William Bradford b. Plymouth Alice (Bradford) Adams b. Plymouth Norwich Conn. Ebenezer Fitch b. Saybrook Elijah Fitch b. Windsor, Conn. Canterbury Conn. Windsor Mary Fitch b. E. Windsor, Conn. E. Windsor Elijah Fitch Reed b. E. Windsor N. Bolton Julius Alexander Reed b. E. Windsor Jacksonville 111. Alice (Carpenter) South worth d. Plymouth Alice Richards James Fitch b. Saybrook, Conn. Bridget Brown b. Chelmsford, Mass. Mary Loomis b. Windsor Ebenezer Reed b. E. Windsor Hannah McLean b. N. Bolton, Vernon, Ct. Caroline Blood b. Concord, Mass. Anna Reed (Wilkinson) 209 No. 30 Gen. No. 1977 MRS. WILLIAM FREDERICK WILLIAMS Bristol, R. I. Tenth from James Chilton and wife Ninth from Mary Chilton (Winslow) James Chilton m, d. Cape Cod Harbor Mary Chilton d. Boston, Mass. Plymouth Mary Winslow b. Plymouth Plymouth Sarah Gray b. Plymouth Sarah Little b. Little Compton Little Compton Mary Billings b. Little Compton Little Compton Hannah Troop (Throop) b. Bristol, Mass. Bristol, R. I. William Throop Waldron b. Bristol, R. I. Bristol Harriet Jones Waldron b. Bristol Bristol Abby Louisa Miller b. Bristol Bristol Mildred Lewis Williams (Williams) John Winslow b. Droitwich, Eng. Edward Gray (1. Plymouth Samuel Little b. Plymouth or Marsh- field, Mass. Richard Billings b. Dorchester, Mass. Thomas Troop (Throop) b. Bristol, Mass. Nathaniel Waldron b. Bristol, Mass. Jemima Oxx b. Bristol, R. I. Augustus Nelson Miller b. Bristol Fielding Lewis Williams b. Lynchburg, Va. 210 No. 76 Gen. No. 2529 JOHN CARTER BROWN WOODS 62 Prospect Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from Isaac Allerton and wife Eighth from Mary Allerton (Cushman) Isaac Allerton d. New Haven, Ct. Mary Allerton b. Leyden m. Leyden Holland Plymouth Mary Norris d. Plymouth, Mass, Thomas Cushman d. Plymouth Isaac Cushman b. Plymouth Rebecca d. Plympton, Mass. Mary Cushman b. Plymouth Robert Waterman d. Plympton Thomas Waterman b. Plympton Plympton Mercy Freeman b. Harwich, Mass. Freeman Waterman b. Plympton Joanna Thompson Priscilla Waterman b. Halifax, Mass. Almira Marshall b. Boston Boston Mass. Boston Josiah Marshall b. Billerica, Mass. Alva Woods b. Shoreham, Vt. Marshall Woods b. Boston Warwick R.L Ann Brown Francis b. Warwick John Carter Brown Woods 211 No. 76 Gen. No. 2529 JOHN CARTER BROWN WOODS 62 Prospect Street, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Francis Cooke Francis Cooke m. d. Plymouth, Mass. Leyden Holland Mary Cooke d. Middleboro, Mass. Plymouth Jacob Thompson d. Middleboro John Thompson b. Middleboro Joanna Thompson Priscilla Waterman b. Halifax, Mass. Almira Marshall b. Boston Marshall Woods b. Boston Boston Mass. Boston Warwick R.I. Hester Mahieu John Thompson d. Middleboro Abigail Wadsworth d. Middleboro Joanna Adams Freeman Waterman b. Plympton, Mass. Josiah Marshall b. Billerica, Mass. Alva Woods b. Shoreham, Vt. Ann Brown Francis b. Warwick John Carter Brown Woods 212 No. 76 Gen. No, 2529 JOHN CARTER BROWN WOODS 62 Prospect Street, Providence, R. I. Tenth from William Brewster and wife William Brewster m. Mary d. Plymouth, Mass. d. Plymouth Patience Brewster Thomas Prence Plymouth d. Plymouth Mercy Prence John Freeman b. Plymouth Eastham Mass. d. Eastham Thomas Freeman Rebecca Sparrow b. Eastham Eastham b. Eastham Jonathan Freeman Mercy Bradford d. Harwich, Mass. b. Plymouth Mercy Freeman Thomas Waterman b. Harwich, Mass. Plympton Mass. b. Plympton Freeman Waterman Joanna Thompson b. Plympton Priscilla Waterman Josiah Marshall b. Halifax, Mass. Boston Mass. b. Billerica, Mass. Almira Marshall Alva Woods b. Boston Boston b. Shoreham, Vt. Marshall Woods Ann Brown Francis b. Boston Warwick R.I. b. Warwick 1 I'ohn Carter Browr 1 Woods 213 No. 76 Gen. No. 2529 JOHN CARTER BROWN WOODS 62 Prospect Street, Providence, R. L Ninth from Ricliard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Joseph Warren b. Plymoiith Priscilla Faunce d. Plymouth Mercy Warren b. Plymouth Plymouth John Bradford b. Plymouth Mercy Bradford b. Plymouth Jonathan Freeman d. Harwich, Mass Mercy Freeman b. Harwich Freeman Waterman b. Plympton Plympton Mass. Thomas Waterman b. Plympton Joanna Thompson Priscilla Waterman b. Halifax. Mass. Almira Marshall b. Boston Boston Mass. Boston Josiah Marshall b. Billerica, Mass. Alva Woods b. Shoreham, Vt. Marshall Woods b. Boston Warwick R.I. Ann Brown Francis b. Warwick John Carter Brown Woods 214 No. 76 Gen. No. 2529 JOHN CARTER BROWN WOODS 62 Prospect Street, Providence, R. I. Ninth from William Bradford William Bradford m. Alice (Carpenter) Southworth d. Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth d. Plymouth William Bradford Alice Richards b. Plymouth d. Plymouth John Bradford b. Plymouth Plymouth Mercy Warren b. Plymouth Mercy Bradford b. Plymouth Jonathan Freeman d. Harwich, Mass. Mercy Freeman b. Harwich Freeman Waterman Plympton Mass. Thomas Waterman b. Plympton Joanna Thompson b. Plympton Priscilla Waterman Josiah Marshall b. Halifax. Mass. Almira Marshall Boston Mass. b. Billerica, Mass. Alva Woods b. Boston Boston b. Shoreham, Vt. Marshall Woods Ann Brown Francis b. Boston Warwick R.I. b. Warwick John Carter Brown Woods 215 No. 44 Gen. No. 2048 MRS. WILLIAM WOODWARD, JR. II West 51st Street, New York, N. Y. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren d. Plymouth, Mass. m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth Elizabeth Warren d. Hingham, Mass. Plymouth Richard Church d. Dedham, Mass. Joseph Church b. Plymouth Hingham Mass. Mary Tucker bap. Hingham Deborah Church b. Hingham Little Compton Samuel Gray d. Little Compton Lydia Gray b. Little Compton Little Compton Joseph Ladd b. Little Compton Elizabeth Ladd b. Little Compton Little Compton Benedict Oatley b. S. Kingstown, R. I. Abigail Oatley b. S. Kingstown S. Kingstown Benjamin Taylor Peckham b. S. Kingstown Mary Peckham b. S. Kingstown S. Kingstown Samuel Rodman b. S. Kingstown Sarah Abigail Rodman (Woodward) 216 Addenda PHILIP ALLEN MUNROE 49 Taber Avenue, Providence, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth, Mass. d. Plymouth Elizabeth Warren Richard Church d. Hingham, Mass. d. Dedham, Mass. Benjamin Church Alice Southworth b. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. b. Duxbury Elizabeth Church Joseph Rosbotham d. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Hannah Rosbotham John Munro b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Stephen Munro Merebah Shaw b. Bristol Bristol R.I. Burden Munroe Lydia Baker b. Swansea, Mass. Swansea b. Rehoboth, Mass, Philip Allen Munroe Delana Pierce b. Swansea Thompson Ct. b. Rehoboth Philip Allen Munroe 219 MRS CLARENCE ALLEN BROUWER 260 Brow Street, East Providence, R. I. Eighth from Richard Warren Richard Warren m. Elizabeth d. Plymouth, Mass. d. Plymouth Elizabeth Warren Richard Church d. Hingham, Mass. d. Dedham, Mass. Benjamin Church Alice Southworth b. Plymouth Duxbury Mass. b. Duxbury Elizabeth Church Joseph Rosbotham d. Bristol, Mass. Bristol Hannah Rosbotham John Munro b. Bristol Bristol b. Bristol Stephen Munro Merebah Shaw b. Bristol Bristol R.L Burden Munroe Lydia Baker b. Swansea, Mass. Swansea b. Rehoboth, Mass Philip Allen Munroe Delana Pierce b. Swansea Thompson Ct. b. Rehoboth Nellie Frances Munroe (Brouwer) 220 Membership Membership May I, 1911 State Gen. No. No. 1 68 Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton 207 Broadway, Newport, R. I. 2 391 Mrs. Jonathan Russell Bullock Bristol, R. I. 3 635 Miss Marguerite Treat Doane, 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. 4 647 William Howard Doane . . . 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. 5 648 Miss Ida Frances Doane . . . 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. 6 717 Mrs. Wm. Howard Doane . . 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. 7 813 Miss Anne Cooke Cushing .... 353 Thayer Street, Providence. 8 919 Mrs. Hunter Carson White Box 1112, Providence. 9 1068 Mrs. Philander Jenks Thomas Wickford, R. I. 10 1076 Mrs. Henry Washington Wilkinson, 16S Bowen Street, Providence. 11 108S Mrs. Charles Ray Brayton Crown Hotel, Providence. 12 1 132 Mrs. Chas. Warren Lippitt, 7 Young Orchard Avenue, Providence. 13 1284 Mrs. Edward Lewis Johnson ... 91 Prospect Street, Providence. 14 1289 Miss Grace Woods Slocum . . . 252 Williams Street, Providence. 15 1318 Prof. Asa Clinton Crowell 345 Hope Street, Providence. 16 1450 Prof. Wilfred Harold Munro . . .115 Butler Avenue, Providence. 17 145 1 Miss Edith May Tilley . . Rhode Island Avenue, Newport, R. I. 18 1542 Hunter Carson White, Jr .- . Harrisville, R. I. 19 1602 George Corlis Nightingale . . 54 North Main Street, Providence. 20 1704 George Thomas Hart 322 Broadway, Providence. 21 1709 Walter Lee Munro, M. D . . .62 North Main Street, Providence. 22 1797 Mrs. Wilfred Harold Munro . . .115 Butler Avenue, Providence. 223 State Gen. No. No. 23 1798 Rev. Daniel Goodwin, D. D East Greenwich, R. I. 26 i8io Mrs. Henry Pearce, Jr 168 Lloyd Avenue, Providence. 27 1832 Charles Henry Warren . . 1030 Pleasant Street, Worcester, Mass. 28 1833 Fletcher Stone Mason .... 60 South Angell Street Providence. 30 1977 Mrs. William Fred Williams Bristol, R. I. 31 1978 Miss Elma Elizabeth Smith ... 5 Brighton Street, Providence. 32 1979 Mrs. George Allen Buffum Palo Alto, Cal. 33 1980 Mrs. Charles Bristed Rockwell Bristol, R. I. 35 1982 Mrs. John Frederick Miiller . . 324 West 103d Street, New York. 36 1983 Mrs. Samuel Twitchell Hobbs, 216 Park Avenue, Worcester, Mass. 37 1984 Mrs. William Smith Granger .... 42 Olive Street, Providence. 38 1985 Miss Georgiana Guild 34 Pratt Street, Providence. 39 1986 Mrs. Frank Mason Mathewson, The" Grosvenor," 37 Fifth Avenue, New York. 40 1987 Mrs. Arthur H. Arnold .... 572 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. 41 1988 Mrs. George Saunders Bullock Warren, R. 1. 42 2012 Mrs. Edward Harris Rathbun Woonsocket, R. I. 43 2013 Gen. John Pitman, U. S. A. . 167 Berkeley Avenue, Orange, N. J. 44 2048 Mrs. William Woodward, Jr. . . 11 West 51st Street, New York. 45 2049 Miss Louise Southwick Kendall . . 48 Benefit Street, Providence. 46 2050 Harry Austin Slocomb 48 Benefit Street, Providence. 47 2051 Mrs. Forrest J. Perkins 8 Brighton Street, Providence. 49 2132 Gertrude Gooding, M. D 399 Hope Street, Bristol, R. 1. 50 2133 John Francis Adams 351 Broadway, Pawtucket, R. L 51 2134 Mrs. John Alexander Cross ... 36 Stimson Avenue, Providence. 52 2135 Mrs. Edward Carrington .... 66 Williams Street, Providence. 224 State Gen. No. No. 53 2136 Courtiand Cook Earle 62 Alumni Avenue, Providence. 54 2137 Mrs. Ellery Irving Wilcox . . . . 127 Benefit Street, Providence. 55 2138 Addison Pierce Munroe 66 Paterson Street, Providence. 57 2140 Miss Annie Williams Taylor ... 184 Meeting Street, Providence. 58 2141 William Lloyd Slade 93 University Avenue, Providence. 59 2142 Mrs. Henry Brayton Rose ... 76 Comstock Avenue, Providence. 60 2143 Mrs. Clarence Eugene Thomas Wakefield, R. I. 61 2144 Miss Grace Belle Davis 71 Mitchell Street, Providence. 62 2145 Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Griffin, Jr., 156 West Clifford Street, Provi- dence. 63 2146 Mrs. Samuel Ames 109 Benefit Street, Providence. 64 2147 Walter Howland Manchester . .132 Irving Avenue, Providence. 66 2176 Capt. George Allen Taylor, U. S. A Fort Logan, Col. 67 2293 Prof. Dana Carleton Munro Madison, Wisconsin. 68 2294 Miss Sophia Lindsay Wardwell . . 509 Hope Street, Bristol, R. I. 69 2295 Mrs. Byron Jesse Lillibridge .... 46 Doyle Avenue, Providence. 70 2324 Mrs. Richard Austin Robertson . 50 Stimson Avenue, Providence. 71 2403 Mrs. Henry Richmond Chace . . . 133 Brown Street, Providence. 72 2443 Charles Sabin Bush 24 Keene Street, Providence. 73 2444 George Morgan Snow 24 Alumni Avenue, Providence. 74 2448 Mrs. Richard Greene Howland Hope, R. I. 75 2477 Mrs. Arthur Warren Howe . . . 211 Atlantic Avenue, Providence. 76 2529 John Carter Brown Woods . . . . 62 Prospect Street, Providence. 78 2610 Willard Treat Hatch 416 Brook Street, Providence. 79 2611 Richard Martin Bowen Buttonwoods, R. L 80 2612 Charles Wetter Bowen 54 Halsey Street, Providence. 225 State Gen. No. No. 8i 2613 Charles Leonard Frost Robinson Newport, R. I. 82 2667 Mrs. Julia Sherman Hathaway . . 71 Mitchell Street, Providence. 83 2735 Miss Edith Edwards Woonsocket, R. I. 84 2824 Miner Hamlin Paddock ... 56 Wesleyan Avenue, Providence. 85 2840 Mrs. Frank Arthur Sayles Pawtucket, R. I. 86 2879 Mrs. Charles Henry Warren, 1030 Pleasant Street, Worcester, Mass. 87 2929 Miss Martha Warren Case .... 53 Grove Street, Providence. 88 2930 Norman Stanley Case 53 Grove Street, Providence. 89 2987 Robert Perkins Brown ... 13 Charles Field Street, Providence. 90 2988 Mrs. Charles Warren Bubier, 168 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence. 92 3014 Benjamin Seabury 72 Keene Street, Providence. 93 3015 Miss Irene Turner Seabury .... 72 Keene Street, Providence. 94 3°35 Mrs. William Henry Jenks, 123 Mulberry Street, Pawtucket R. I. 96 3052 Mrs. Arthur Francis Kenyon . 163 Waterman Street, Providence. 97 2212 Mrs. Harold Webster Ostby . . . 213 Angell Street, Providence. 98 3097 Herbert Sheldon Tillinghast Natick, R. I. 99 3098 Miss Marion Tillinghast Natick, R. I. 100 3099 Ariel Ballou Edwards Woonsocket, R. I. 101 31 1 1 Charles William Smith 389 Angell Street, Providence. 102 3150 Daniel Mann Edwards, Jr Woonsocket, R. I. 103 3149 Howard Chalmer Dailey . 150 Newman Avenue, Rumford, R. I. 104 3195 Nathan Whitman Littlefield . 29 Cottage Street, Pawtucket, R. I. 105 3270 Louis Hall Comstock .... 199 Canal Street, Providence, R. L Philip Allen Munroe .... 49 Taber Avenue, Providence, R. L Mrs. Clarence Allen Brouwer . . 260 Brow Street, E. Prov., R. L 226 u' vA^sg vr*V > '^ o V JSRVK^ ♦ aV *>^ • 0^ ♦ )Si^^ ^9^ .»•. "^ <,> *'TV «Ho^ °o '^ov^' ^^-n^ "**^' \^^/ *>V»u\ 'et. A^ •^^Siifei*. ^<«. c^* • • • ' .^0 • •• 5^ *^ »^. ^ <^-^- ■ ••^^V* V'^^-\'^* %'-^-y V-^-\'^' V y.^J^S^ .A»X oo*,:i^,V ./Vj .40*. ^ •'' *'!r «5^^ tt5>'^'V HECKMAN JINDERY INC. JUL 89 N. MANCHESTER, bss£^ INDIANA 46962 iP«7\,