JJoh ( x.:u\>-.*f o, ,{> REGISTER THE INDIANA COMMANDERY MILITARY OR The Loyal Legion DECEMBER 19, 1888, JUNE 15, 1900. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF OFFICERS. INDIANAPOLIS. MHTINIL PRINTINQ OO- INDIANAPOLIS OFFICERS. Oomniandors— Major-Genera! Lew ^^'allace 1!S)S8— 1S!»8 Kear Admiral George Browu 18!>8 — Senior Vioe-Conunanders— Brevet Major-Geueral Robert S. Foster 1888—1800 Erigadier-General George F. Mf(;iunis 1^9l)— 18i)l Brevet Colonel Oran Perry 18U1— 1802 Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Starr 18!>2— 189a ( "aptaiii James 11. Carnahan 1893—1894 Captain Charles T. Doxey 1894—1895 Major George L. Bradbury 1895—1896 Lieutenant Willianj H. Armstrong 1S9G— 1897 Brevet Lientenant-Colonel Will Cumback 18:t7— 1898 Major William J. Richards 1898—1809 Assistant Surgeon-General W. H. Kemper 1899— 190U Captain i^ugustus C. Ford 1900—1901 Junior Viee-Commanrters— Brevet Captain Robert S. Robertson 1888—1889 Brevet Major James S. Ostrander 1889-1891 Colonel John G. Clark 1891—189-^ Lieutenant Henry C. Adams 1892— 1S9H Surgeon Stephen J. Young 1893-1894 Lieutenant David F. Allen 1894—1895 Captain David N. Foster 1895—1890 Lieutenant Thomas J. Charlton 1896—1897 Brevet Colonel Cyrus E. Briant 1897-1898 Lieutenant Isaac H. C. Royse 1898—1899 Lieutenant Samuel L. Ensminger 1899— 190f) Captain William R. Myers 189.)— 1900 Recorders — lieutenant and Adjutant Benjamin B. Peck 1888-1895 Captain AV. W. Daugherty (six months) 1895 — Brevet Coionel Z. A. Smith September, 1895— Registrars — Assistant Surgeon-General W. 11. Kemper .1888- 1890 Lieutenant Henry C. Adams 1890—1892 Lieutenant John E. Vough 1892—1895 Lieutenant M. L. Brown 189.5— 189G Captain John E. Clelaud 1896—1900 Captain Joseph I'.alsley 1900— Z OFFICERS. Treasiirors— Lieutenant St.'inton J. Peelle 1888— isyo Lieutenant William D. Ewint? 181J0— i5i»l Captain William D. Wiles 18!J1— IS'Ja Captain Horace McKay 1892— Ciiancellors— JNLa.ior Charles L. Wilson 1888—1889 l?i-evet 'Major Wilbur F. Hitt iss'j— IS'JI Lieutenant William H. Armstrong: 18!il— 1S92 Brevet Tiieuteuant-Colonel James U. Koss 18UL'— lSi)4 Captain James H. Mauzy 18!I4— 1895 Brevet Major Sanlord Fortner 1893— 1597 Captain Elder Cooper 1897—1899 Colonel Adam G. Cavins 1899—1900 Captain John C. Nelson 1900—1901 Chaplains — Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel AVill Cumhack 1888—1890 Rev. Matthias L. Haines 1800- 1.>92 Chaplain Daniel K. Lucas 1892—1895 Rev. Matthias L. Haines 1895- 1897 Rt. Rev. William Corby 1897-1898 Rev. Thomas S. Guthrie 1898—1899 Rev. James A. Maxwell 1899—1900 Rt. Rev. John Hazeu White 1900— Members of Council- Brevet Colonel Eli Lilly 1888—1890 Bi-evet Colonel Eli Lilly 1891—1892 Major Jacob R. Weist 18SS— 1889 Major Jacob R. Weist 1897-1898 Brevet Colonel Oran I'erry 1888- 1889 Bre' et Colonel Oran Perry 1890-1891 Major William H. Calkins 1888—1889 Major Si;trourney "\Vales 1888—1889 Captain James R. Carnahau 1889-1892 Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac C. Elston 1889—1892 Captain William H. Rexford 1889—1890 Captain Aujiustus C. Ford 188!>— 1890 Lieutenant William H. Armstrong 1890—1891 Lieutenant William H. Armstrong i897— 189S Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Dresser 1890—1891 Major Clifton Comly 1891-1892 Captain Horace McKay 1891-1892 Major Scephen J. Young 1892—1893 Colonel (Uiarles A. Zollinger 189:!— 1894 Companion Roscoo O. Hawkins 1892—1893 Captain John E. Cleland 1892-1893 Captain John E. Cleland 1895—1896 Companion Daniel A. Thompson 1892—1893 ■7 APR 1 mi OFFICERS. 6 Brevet Major Wilbur F. Hitt 1893—1804 Lieutenant Jolin A. Whitset 1893— 1S94 Captain William P. Herron 1893-1894 Lieutenant Charles Kahlo 1893-1894 Lieutenant Charles Kahlo 1895—1896 Captain Junius E. Cravens 1893—1894 Lieutenant-Coione! R. L. Leeson 1893—1894 Lieutenant 1'lionias J. Charlton 1894—1895 Captain Alexander Kuapp 1894—1895 Lieutenant Henry C. Adams 1894 — 1895 Lieutenant Henry C. Adams 1897-1898 Lieutenant Henry Campbell 1894—1895 Colonel John G. Clark 1894—1895 Lieutenant-Colonel James R. Ross 1895 — 1896 Lieutenant L. S. Ensminger 1895—1896 Captain D. K. Beem 1895-1896 Captain John P. Pence 1896—1897 Captain Elder Cooper 1896—1897 Lieutenant Isaac H. C. Royse 1896—1897 Companion Samuel M. Compton 1896—1897 Companion Fred R. Ross 1896—1897 Major William Nelson 1897—1898 Surgeon John R. Weist 1897-1898 Colonel John H. Wallingford 1897—1898 Captain O. F. Jacobi 1898-1899 Lieutenant Henry C. Adams 1898—1899 Captain R. S. Robertson 1898—1899 Lieutenant-Colonel James li. Ross 1898—1899 Companion Harold Megrew 1898 — 1899 Captain William R. Myers 1899—1900 Lieutenant-Colonel James R. Ross 1899—1900 Captain Welcome Rice 1899—1900 Brevet Major Sanford Fortner 1899—1900 Mr. Carroll B. Carr 1899—1900 Major Hervey Bates 1900—1901 Sergeant Charles A. Williard 1900—1901 I-ieutenant-Commauder Simeon P. Glllett 1900—1901 Captain Charles L. Holstein 1900—1901 Companion Charles D. Pearson 1900—1901 COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA. The following are the names of all the Companions who have been connected with the Indiana Commandery of the Loyal Legion from the date of its organization until June 1, 1900. The military records of the original first-class members have been condensed from their applications. FIRST CLASS— ORIGINAL. ADAMS, HENRY C— Second Lieutenant; Twenty-sixth Indiana In- fantry. Private Twenty-sixtli Indiana Infantry, .luly 25, 18C1: Corporal, March, 18G2; Sergeant, September, 1862; veteranized January 1, 1864: Second Lieutenant. .lanuary, 1865; commissioned First Lieutenant; mustered out January, 1866. Elected December 10, 1888; Insignia No. 657G; member of t;ommandery-in-Chief. In- dianapolis. AIXSWOKTH, FRANCIS B.— Lieutenant Sixth New York Heavy Artil- lery. Private Sixth New York Heavy Artillery, December 23, 1863; Second Lieutenant, February 18, 1865; discharged, Septem- ber 5, 1865. Elected December 14, 1897; Insignia No. 12095. In- dianapolis. ALEXANDER, JOHN D.— Cai)tain Ninety-seventh Indiana Infantry. Pi-ivate Ninety-seventh Indiana Infantry, September 20, 1862; First Sergeant, June, 1863; Second Lieutenant, March, 1864; Cap- tain, December 15, 1864; mustered out June 9, 1865; wounded. Elected May 8, 1S96; Insignia No. 11.514. Bedford. ALLEN, DAVID F.— Secoiul Lieutenant Tenth Indiana Infantry. Pri- vate Tenth Indiana Infantry. April 23, 1861; re-enlisted, February 1, 1862; Second Lieutenant, September 28, 1862; twice wounded; mustered out September 19, 1864. Elected April 18, 1889; Insignia No. 70.38; member of Comraandery-iu-Chief ; Captain One Hundi-ed and Fifty eighth Indiana Volunteers; Captain U. S. V. 1899 in the I'hilippines. Frankfort. ALLEN, HORACE R.- Surgeon One Hundred Twenty-third Illinois Infantry. Commissioned Surgeon One Hundred Twenty-third Illi- nois Infantry, October, 1862; wounded; resigned on Surgeon's certiticate of disability. June, 1863. Elected December 19, 18S8; Insignia No. 6577. DI.hI February 13, 1900. b MEMBERSHIP. ALLEN, WILLIAM J. -First Lieutonaut Twentieth Indiana Battery. First Lieutenant Fifty-fonrtli Indiana Infantry. May '20, 1S62; re- enlisted, September 19, 18G2; Sergeant Twentietli Indiana Battery, September 19, 18fi2; Second Lieutenant, December 2:5. 1862; First Lieutenant, July 24, 18G4; mustered out June 28, 18(i5. Fleeted December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6578. Bloomington. ANDREW, ABKAM P.— Captain Twenty-first Indiana Battery. Pri- vate, August 12, 1862; Second Lieutenant, September 15, 1802; First Lieutenant, January 13, 1864; Captain, October 28, 1SG4; mustered out June 26, 1865. Elected October 23, 1895; Insignia No. 11182. LaPone. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM H.— Second Lieutenant Eighth V. S. Heavy Artillery, C. T. Private Eichty-third Illinois Infantry, December 19, 1863; Second Lieutenant Eighth ITnited States Heavy Artillery, C. T., July 17, 1864; mustered out March 10. 1866. Elected April 18, 1889; Insignia No. 7039: member of Commandery-in-Chief. In- dianapolis. ASHLEY, ALBERT B.— Second Lieuleuaut U. S. Infantry, C. T. Sea man, U. S. Steamer "Mississippi," May 1, 1861; discharged June 23, 1862; Private Third Mas.sachusetts Militia, August, 1862; Ser- geant, Fourth Massacliusetts Cavalry, August 20. 1863; Second Lieutenant Twenty-first United States Infantry, C T., March 13, 1865; mustered out April 21, 1860. Elected December 19, 1890; In- signia No. 8.391. Spring Lake, Mich. B.4ILEY, CLARENCE M. -Colonel U. S. Infantry, retired. Second Lieutenant Sixth V. S. Infantry, August 5, 1801; First Lieutenant, July 14, 1863; Captain, July 28. 1866, assigned to Eighth U. S. In- fantry, December 15, 1870; Major Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, 1891; Lieutenant-Colonel, April 25, 1895; Colonel, November 1, 1898. Retired. Elected through the Commandery of California. Febru- ary 18, 1895. Transferred to the Commandery of Illinois, January 1. 1898, and to this Commandery. January 1, 1900. Insignia No. 3548. Care of A. G. 0., Washington, D. C. BALSLEY, JOSEPH.-Captain Twenty-seventh Indiana Infantry. IMl- vate Twenty-seventh Indiana Infantry, September 12. 1861; Ser- geant. Deceinber, 1861; First Sergeant, January, 1862; Second Lieutenant. J\!ne 2. 1862; Captain, December 11, 1863; mustered out Novouber 4, 1864; twice wounded. Pilected December 11. 1896; Insignia No. 11802. Indianapolis. BARRETT, ADDISON.— Captain U. S. A. Sergeant General Service, August 16. 1862; Captain and C. S., December 21, 1864; Brevet Major, U. S. V., September 14, 1865; mustered out, volunteer serv ice, December 8, 1S66: Captain Quartermaster's Department, U. S. A., July 28, 1866. Elected October 8, 1S99; Insignia No. 7260. Died September 22, 1896. BATES, HERVEY.— Major One Hundred Thirty-second Indiana In- fantry. Major One Hundred Thirty-second Indiana Infantry. May 20, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, September 5, 1864. Elected Febi-uary 23, 1891; Insignia No. 8.580. Indianapolis. MEMBERSHIP, 7 BEASLEY. GEORGE F.— Actiui? A^isistaiit Surj;foii U. S. N. Com- jiiissioiK'il Acting Assistajit Surgeon, United States Navy, March 4. 1S(j4: discharge«l September 15. 186.3. Elected May IG, 18S0; In- signia No. 7155. Lafayette. BEEM. DAVID E.— Captain Pourteentli Indiana Infantry. I'rivate State Troops. May, 1S61; transferred to Fourteeutli Indiana In- fantry, June 7, 1801; First Sergeant, .Tune 7, 1861; First Lieuten- ant, September 15, 1861; Captain, May 1,", 1862; mustered out June 20, 1S64; \A0,inded. Elected Ui\y 11, 1894; Insignia No. 10.57.3. Spencer. BEHM, ADAM ORTH— Captain One Hundred Fiftieth Indiana Infan- try. I'rivaie Tenth Indiana Infantry, April 18, 1861; Sergeant, April 2;>, 1861; discharged August 6, 1862; First Lieutenant One Hundred Fiftieth Indiana Infantry; Captain, February 15, 1865; mustered out August 5, 1S65. lOlected No\eniber 14, 1800; Insignia No. 8281. Lafayette. BIDDLE. WILLIAM RTHiKE— Brevet :Major, U. S. V. First Lieuten- ant Eighty-seventh Indiana Infantry. September 12, 1862; Cap- tain, January 27, 1864; Brevet Major i:. S. V., May 13, 1865; mus- tered out June 10, 1865; wounded at Chickamauga. Elected Feb- ruary 21, 1000; Insignia No. 12860. Lal'orte. BLACK, JAMES B.-Major Eighteenth Indiana Infantry. Sergeant Fourteenth Indiana Infantry, May, 18G1; Second Lieutenant, June 11, 1861; First Lieutenant Eighteenth Indiana Infantry, July .S, 1861; Captain, A))ril 13, 1863; Major, January 1, 1864; mustereil out December 18, 1864. Elected April 18, 1889; Insignia No. T040. Indianapolis. BOGKIUS, CHARLES J.— First Lieutenant Twenty-second Michigan Infantry. Private Twenty-second Michigan Infantry, August 22, 1862; Q. M. Sergeant, December 17, 1862; Second Lieutenant, June 17, 1863; First Lieutenant and R. Q. M., April 19, 1864; mustered out June 26, 1865. Elected October 12. 1894; Insignia No. 10669. Marion. BOLTZ, FERDINAND F.— Captain Eighty-eighth Indiana Infantry. Private Twelfth Indiana Infantry, April 22, 1861; First Sergeant, May 11, 1861; Sergeant Major, August, 1861; mustered out May 19, 1862; Sergeant Major Twelfth Indiana Infantry, re-organized; Second Lieutenant Eighty-eighth Indiana Infantry, August 16, 1862; First Lieutenant, January 26. 1863; Captain, February, 1SG4; ■wounded; mustered out June 7, 1865. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6579. Bluitton. BORDEN, GEORGE P.— Major Fifth U. S. Infantry. Private One Hundred First New York Infantry, July 25, 1862; discharged Oc- tober 12, 1863; Second Lieutenant I'ifth U. S. Infantry, October 1, 1866; First Lieutenant, September 4, 1878; Captain, February 20, 1891. Elected through Comniaudery of California November 19, 1884; transferred to Indiana Commandery December 19, 1892; In- signia No. 3455. In the U. S. Army. 8 MEMBERSHIP. BRADBURY, GEORGE L— Captain Fifth Massachusetts Cavalr.,-. Private First Massachusetts Cavalry, October 26, 1861; ('orporal. April 10, 1862; Sergeant Major, July 1. 1864; Second Lieutenant, October 7, 1804; First Lieutenant, December 17, 1864; Captain, May 29, 186."; Captain Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry. September 11. 1865: mustered out October 31, 1865; wounded. Elected May 16. 1889; Insignia No. 7155; member of Commandery-in-Chief. Trans- ferred to Commandery of Illinois. BRADE.X, JAMES D.— Major Ninth Indiana Infantry. Private Ninth Indiana Infantry, April, 1861, three ujonths' service; re-enlisted, September. 1861; First Lieutenant, September, 1861; (japtain. March, 1863; Ma.ior, February IS. 1865; mustered out September 18. 1805; wounded. Elected October 9, 1891; Insignia No. 9007. Elkhart. BRADSHAW. JAMES M.— Captain U. S. Volunteers. Assistant Quar- termaster United Stat(^s Volunteers, rank of Captain, June, 1861; mustered out, Jul.v. 1865. Elected October 8, 1889; Insignia No. 7261. Died at Indianai)olis. July 19. 1890. niJAG(;. JAMES— Captain Fortieth Indiana Infantry. I'rivate Fortl eth Indiana \'olunteers, October 7, 1861; Second Lieutenant, No- vember 18. 1861; First Lieutenant. April 1, 1862; Captain, March 1, 1864; mustered out Itccember 21. 1805; wounded. Elected De- cember 19. 1894; Insignia No 10793. fjebanon. P.UANHAM. GEORGE F.— Captain Tenth Indiana Cavalry. IMlvate Third Indiana Cavalry, August 22, 1861; First Lieiitenant Tenth Indiana ("avalr.v, January lit, 1864; Captain, December 14, 1804; mustered out August 31, 1865. Elected December 19, 1888; In- signia No. 6580. Died May 8, 18'J6. P,RIANT. CYRUS E.— Brevet (Nilonei Eighty-eighth Indiana Infantry. I'rivate Eighty-eighth Indiana Infantry: Captain. September, 1802; Lieutenant Colonel, December. 1862; Brevet Colonel, Octo- ber 18, 1803; mustered out, 1865. Elected December 19. 18S8; In- signia No. 6581; member Commandery-in-Chief. Huntington. BUONSON, HENRY M.— Second Lieutenant One Hundred Forty-fifth Ohio Infantry. Second Lieutenant One Hundred Forty-tifth Oblo Infantry, May 15, 1864: mustered out September 15, 1804. Elected May 8, 1896; Insignia No. 11515. Indianapolis. BROWN. GEORGE— Roar Admiral V. S. Navy. Midshipman United States Navy, February 5, 1849; Passed IMidshipiiian, June 12, 1855; Master, September 16, 1855; Lieutenant, June 2, 1850; Lieutenant- Commander, Jul,v 10, 1802; Commander, Jul.v 25, 1800; Captain, April 25, 1877; Commodore, September 4, 1,887; Rear Admiral, January 25, 1890; retired June 19, .1897; wounded. Elected tlirougli California Commandery, April 14, 1890; transferred to Indiana Connnandery. March :}0, 1893; Insignia No. 7847; member of Com- niandery-in-Chief. Indianapolis. BROWN. GEORGE R.— Captain Ninth Indiana Battery. Private Ninth Indiana Battery, DeciMuber 5, 1861; First Lieutenant. January 1. 3862; Captain, July 1, 1S03; mustered out March 6, 1865; wounded. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6582. Crawfordsville. MEMBERSHIP. 9 BROWN, MARCUS L.— Seooiul Lieutonant One Hniidrefl Forty-eighth Inrtiauii Infantry. Private Second Ohio Infantry, August 14. 1S61; nmstered out, October, 1804: Private One Hundred Forty-eighth Indiana Infantry, February. 1805: Second Lieutenant, July 1, 1S65: luustered out October, ISG."}. Elected February 11, 1890; Insignia No. 7G1'2. Indianapolis. BIJNDY. MARTIN L.— Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. V. Paymaster United States Army, with ranl^ of Major, August 31, 1861: Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 1865; mustered out, 1866. Elected February 14, 1889: Insignia No. 6821. New Castle. BURGET, LAURENCE— Second Lieutenant Eighty-fifth Indiana In- fantry. Corporal Eleventh Indiana Infantry (three months), April 16, 1861; Sergeant Company C, Eighty-fifth Indiana Infantry, Au- gust 14, 1862; Second Lieutenant, April 1. 1863; mustered out June 12. 1865; wounded at Kenesaw Mountain. Elected May 15, 1900; Insignia No. . Terre Haute. BURKE, JOHN— First Lieutenant Seventy third Ohio Infantry. Pri- vate First Ohio Reserve Infantry. July 26, 1861; mustered out October 3, 1861; I'rivate Seventy -third Ohio Infantry, October 11, ISGl; Sergeant, June, 1S62: First Sergeant, September. 1863; First Lieutenant, February 10, 1865; musiered out, July 25. 181)5. Elect- ed Febi-uary 11, 1890; Insignia No. 7691. Died September, 1S9S. BUTLER, GEORGE— Major Eleventh Indiana Infantry. First Lieu- tenant Eleventh Indiana Infantry, April 17, 1861; mustered out, three months' service; Captain Eleventh Indiana Infantry, Au- gust 24, 1861; Major, March 10, 1863; mustered out July 26, 1865: Captain Ninth United States Veteran Volunteers, July 28, 1865; mustered out, June 30, 1866. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6583. BUTTERFIELD, CHARLES H.— Lieutenant-Colonel Ninety-first Inai- ana Infantry. Private Ninety-tirst Indiana Infantry, June, 1862; .Alajor, August, 1862: Lieutenant-Colonel, Noxeniber 1, 1863; mus- tered out June 26, 1865. Elected December 19, 1895; Insignia No. 11313. Died at Evansville, Janu:ary 13, 1897. •CALKINS, AVILLIAM H.— Major Twelfth Indiana Cavalry. Private (uuassigned) Io\\ a Volunteers, May, 1861; First Lieutenant Four- teenth Iowa Infantry, November 6, 1861; First Lieutenant One Hundred Twenty-eighth ludian.i Infantry, December 8, 1863; Major Twelfth Indiana Cavalry, March 26, 1864; mustered out November 10, 1865. Elected through Commandery District of Co- lumbia, March 7, 1SS;{; transferred as charter member Indiana Commandery, October 17, 1888; Insignia No. 2978; transferred State of Washington Commandery, December 26, 1890. •CAMPBELL. HENRY— First Lieutenant One Hundred First U. S. In- fantry. C. T. Private Eighteenth Indiana Battery, July 12, 1862; Second Lieutenant One Hundred First United States Infantry, C. T., November 18, 1864; First Lieutenant, September 11, 1865; mus- tered out January 24, 1866. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6584. Crawfordsville. 10 MEMBERSHIP. CARMODY, JAMES D.— St'coiid LienteiiiUit Xiueteenth AVisconsin In fautry. I'rivato Tenth Illinois Infantry. April 'M, 1801: Sergeant Major, April 29, 1801; Private Nineteenth Wisconsin Infantry, De- cember 21, 1801; Sergeant Major, May 16, 1862; Second Lienten- ant, January .5, 1863; mustered out for disability, September 24, 1863. Elected February 12. 1894; Insignia No. 104.j6. Evansviilc C-4RXAHAN, JAMES II.- Captain Eiglity-sixth Indiana Infantry. I'rl vate Eleventh Indiana Infantry, April 18, 1861; First Sergeant. Eighty-sixth Indiana Infantry, August 2.j, 1862; Second Lieuten- ant, December 22, 1862; Captain, September 4, 1863; mustered out June 6, 1S03. Elected through Connnaudery of Ohio, December O, 1883; transferred to Indiana Commandery, (October 17, 1888; In- signia No. 3004; member of Commandery-in-Chlef. Indianapolis. CAVIX.S, ADEN C— Colonel Ninety-seventh Indiana Infantry. Can- tain L'ifty-seventh Indiana Infantry, December 26, 1861; Major Ninety-seventh Indiana Infantry, October 10, 1862; Lieutenant- Colonel of same, November 19, 1862; Colonel of same, June 7, ISKi; mustered out at close of war. Elected Fel)ruary 14, 1898; Insignia No. 12281. Uloomtield. CIIAAIBERLAIN, OllVILLE T.— Captain Seventy-fourfch Indiana In- fantry. I'rivate Seventy-fourth Indiana Infantry, August 6, 1802; First Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, April 1.5, 1803; Fii-st Lieuten- ant, May 10, 1S64; Captain, November 6, 1864; mustered out June 9, 1865; medal of honor. Elected October 9, 1891; Insignia No. 90ii8. Elkhart. CHAMBERLAIN, ROBERT S.— Captain Sixty-fourth Ohio Infantry. Private Sixty-fourth Ohio Infantry, October 26, 1861; Sergeant Major, March 1, 1863; First Lieutenant, April 1, 1863; Captain, August 5, 1803; discharged on account of disability, September 2:!, 1864; wounded. Elected October 9, 1891; Insignia No. 9009. Elk- hart. CHAMBERS. DAVID W.-Captain Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry. Pri- vate Eighth Indiana Infantry, April 18, 1861; First Lieutenant Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry, August 26, 1801; Captain. Novem- ber lo, 1862; mustered out September 10, 1804; twice wounded. Elected March 14, 1889; Insignia No. 6897. New Castle. CHAPMAN, JUSTIN H.— Captain Fifth Connecticut Infantry. I'ri- vate, April 17, 1861; First Lieutenant First Connecticut Infantry, April 19, 1861; Captain, Fifth Connecticut Infantry, June 21, 1801; Captain Veteran Reserve Corps, September, 1863; wounded; mus- tered out January 1, 1868. Elected through Commandery of Ohio, November 5, 1884; transferred to Indiana Commandery, Decem- ber 19, 1892; Insignia No. 3387. (iovernor Soldiers' Home, Marlon. CHARLTON, 1HOMAS J.- Second Lieutenant Twenty-second Indiana Infantry. Private Twenty-second Indiana Infantry, December 23, 1863; Second Lieutenant, May 1, 186.">; wounded and left on field for dead at Bentonville; Cadet at West Point. Elected October 8, 1889; Insignia No. 7262; member of Commandery-in-Chlef. I'laintield. MEMBERSHIP. 11 CJHASE, DUDLEY H.— Captain U. S. A. (^U'tain Ninth Indiana In- fantry, April 124. 1801; Captain Seventoenth United States In- fantry, Aagust 14. 1861; resigned Febi'uary 14, 1S04, on account of disabling Monnds, Elected through Commandery of Ohio, November 7, ISSii; Insignia No. 3974: transferred to Indiana Com- mandery, October 17, 18SS. Logaubport. CHITTENDEN, GEOJtGE F.— Surgeon Sixteenth Indiana Infantry; Assistant Surgeon Sixteenth Indiana Infantry. May 27, 1861; Surgeon Sixteenth Indiana Infantry. August 30, 1862; Medical Director at Camp Morton; Acting Medical Director Thirteenth Army Corps at Yicksburg: Medical Director General Lee's Di- vision of Cavalry. Kesigued on account of disability. February 22, 1862. Elected February 22, 1807. Insignia No. 12.j".iH. CLARK, JOHN G.— Colonel Twenty-sixth Indiana Infantry. Major Twenty-sixth Indiana Infantry. August 31, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel, July 1, 1862; Colonel. September 28, 1862; mustered out September 28. 1865. I^^lected February 14. 1880; Insignia No. 6822; member Comma ndery-in-Chief. Franlcfort. CLELAND, JOHN E. -Captain Forty-fourth U. S. Infantry C. T. Private Seventieth Indiana Infantry, July, 1862; First Sergeant; Firsr Lieutenant and Adjutant, l-orty-tourth United States In- fantry, Colored Troops, April 1, 1864; Captain, June 17, 186.^; pris- oner of war, October 1.3, 1864; honorable mention for gallant con- duct in the battle of Nashville, December, 1864; mustered out, 1866. Elected October S, 1880; Insigni.i No. 7263. Indianapolis. COBB, THOMAS H.— Captain Tenth Indiana Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant Tenth Indiana Volunteers, September 1, 1861; Captain November 18, 1862; mustered out at expiration of term of service, September 19, 1864; "was never absent from his command." Elected February -22, 1899; Insignia No. 12,»5., Lebanon. COCKRUM. WILLIAM M.— Lieutenant Colonel Forty-second Indiana Infantry. Second Lieutenant Forty-second Indiana Infantry, Oc- tober 7, 1861; Fir.st Lieutenant. March. 1862; Captain, October, 1862; Lieutcnant-Coionel, June 8, I86.1; t^ice wounded; mustered out July 21, 1865. Elected L>ecember 10, 1805; Insignia No. 11313. Oakland City. COLE. IJLYSSUS D.— Captain One Hundred Seventy-fourth Ohio In- fantry. Corporal Eighty-sixth Ohio Infantry, June 3, 1862; First Lieutenant Eighty-sixth Ohio Infantry, June 19, 1863; Captain One Hundred Seventy-fourth Ohio Infaiiti-y, September 4, 1864; discharged June 28, 1S65. Fleeted October 5, 1807; Insignia No. 12096. Rv.shville. COLEMAN, ASA— Assistant Surgeon Forty-sixth Indiana Infantry. Assistant Surgeon Forty-sixth Indiana Infantry, May 14, 1862; resigned on account of permanent disability, December 29. 1862. Elected November 12, 1889; insignia No. 7407. Logansport. 12 MEMBERSHIP. COMLY, CLIFTON— Ma.ior of Ordnance I'. S. A. U. S. CJadet, July 1, 18j8; Second Lieutenant. June 17; 1802; Adjutant, July IS). 1862; First liieutenant, July 27. lSi>2; Captain of Ordnance, December 15, 186.3; iMajor, August 2, 1870. Fleeted throusli (.'onunandery of New York, April 2, 1S84; transferred to Coramandery of Ohio, March 6, 1888; transferred to Commandery of Indiana, October 17, 1.888; trausferi-ed to Conunandery of New York, December 11), 1892; Insignia No. 3126. Deceased. COMPTON, JOHN W.— Assistant Surgeon Seventeenth Kentucky In- fantry, November 8, 1862; resigned March 23, 1868, to accept po- sition of Surgeon on Board of Fnrollment where he served until the close of the war. Elected Decemln'r 10, 180."i; resigned, Febru- ary 1, 1000. OOMSTOCK, DANIEL W.— ('aptain Ninth Indiana Cavali-y. Private Ninth Indiana Cavalry, December 19, 1863; Sergeant Major, February, 1864; First Lieutenant, July 31, 1864; Captain. April 0, 1865; mustered out August 11, 1865. Elected through Cuni- mandery of Ohio, October 7, 18S5; Insignia No. 4201; transferred to Comniandery of Indiana, March 5. 1880. Uichmond. CONN, CHARLES G.— Captain First Michi.iran Sharpshooters. Musi- cian Fifteenth Indiana Infantry June 14, 1861; mustered out by General Order, September 10, 1862; Private First Michigan Sharp- shooters, November, 1862; Second Lieutenant,. August 8, ISG.S; Captain. April 11, 1865; mustered out, July 28, 1865. Elected March 14, 1889; Insignia No. 6808; transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia, 1896. COOK, THOMAS J.— First Lieutenant One Hundred Forty-seventh In- diana Infanti'y, March 7, 1865. Mustered out August 4, 1865. Ke- .iected October,^ 1861, for the 1 hirty-sixtb Indiana, as being too small, but joined himself to one of the companies, serving in the regiment for two years without ofhcial record. Elected May 15, 1900; Insignia No. ■ . Indianapolis. COONS, JOHN W.— First Lieutenant Eleventh Indiana Infantry, i'ri- vate Eleventh Indiana Infantry, Au.gust 81. 1861; Sergeant aiajor, January 13, 1862; Second Lieutenant, October, 1862; First Lieu- tenant and Regimental Quartermaster, June 14. 1863; mustered out December 10, 18G2. Elecce87. Indianapolis. DENBY, CHARLES— Colonel Eishtleth Indiana Infantry. Lieutenant Colonel Forty-second Indiana Infantry, September, 1861; Colonel Eightietb Indiana Infantry, October, 1862: ■wounded; resigned on Snri*eon's certificate of disability, I'ebruary, 1863. Elected October 12, 1804; Insignia No. 10670. Twelve years U. S. iSIinister to China. JNIember of the Philippine Commission, 1899. Evaas- ville. DOUGALL, ALLEN H. -Captain Eiglity-ei-hth Indiana Infantry. Private Eighty-eighth Indiana Infantry, August 2, 1862; Corporal, August 11, 1862; (iuarterniaster-Sergeant. Au.L'USt 29, 1862; First Lieutenant, February 15, 1864; Adjutant, July 1, 1864; Captain, May 1, 1805; mustered out June 7. ISti-i; three times wounded; medal of honor. Elected December 19, 1S9:3; Insignia No. lo;;65. Ft. Wayne. DOWDEN, FRANCIS M.— Second Lieutenant Fifty-second Indiana In- fantry. Private Fifty-second Infantry, .June 1, 1861; Corporal, Octobei'. 1861; Sergeant, Februar.v. 1862; Quartermaster Sergeant, July, 1862; Sergeajit Major. Septen.iOer, 1S63: Second Lieutenant, 1864; mustered out September 10, 1865. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6588. Died March 25, 1897. DOXEY, CHARLES T.— Captain Sixteenth Indiana Infantry. Private Nineteenth Indiana Infantry. July 5, 1861; First Sergeant; Ser- geant Major. December, 1S61; Second Lieutenant. January, 1862; Captain Sixteentii Iniliana Infantry, 1862; mustered out on ac- count of disabilit.v, September, ISGI; twice \\ounded. Elected De- cejuber 19, 1890; Insignia N^o. .S392; member of Commandery-in- Chief. Died April 28, 1898. DRESSER, JASPER M.— Lieutenant ('olonel Eighty-sixth Indiana In- fantr.v. Private Tnird Battalion, District of Columbia Volunteers, April 15, 18G1; mustered out July 15, 1861; Captain Dresser's Bat- tery. Illinois Artil'ery, August, 1861; First Sergeant Sevent.v- sixth Indiana Infantry, July. 1862; Major Eighty-sixth Indiana Infantry, September, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, January, ISG.T; resigned on account of disability, June, 18(53; thrice wounded. Elected February 14, 1S89; Insignia No. (>S23. Died Sej)tember 25, 1893. EASTMAN, JOSEI'il— Assistant Surgeon V. S. C. T. Corporal Seventy- seventh New York Infantry; Hospital Steward, U. S. Army, August 14, 1863; Assistant Surgeon Fifth I'. S. C. T. July 22, 1865: mustered out September 20, 1865; Assistant Surgeon Forty- fourth U. S. C. T. December 21, 1865; mustered out April 30, 1866. Elected May 9, 1890; Insignia No. 7927. Indianapolis. EDWINS, STANIiEY W.— Assistant Surgeon One Hundred Twenty- fourth Infantry. Entei'ed service as Assistant Surgeon One Hun- dred Twenty-fourth Indiana Infantr.v July, 1864; mustered out September, 1865. Elected October 14. 1892; Insignia No. 9723. Elwood. MEMBERSHIP. 15 ELLIOT'!'. BYUOX K.— Caiitiiin Om- IlniKU'ed Tliirty-setoiid Iiuliaua Infantry. Captiiin One Hundred Tliirty-second Indiana Infantry, Mar lo". 1864; mufitered out September 7, lS(i4. Elected December 19, 1804; Insignia So. 10794. Indianapolis. KLSTON, ISAAC C.-Liontenant Colonel F. K. V. Second Lieutenant Eleventl) Indiana Infantry. April, 1861; Captain, April. 1861; Captain Eleventh Indiana Infantry. July, IW.l; Three years' ser- vice- Major. 1861; Lieutenant-Colonel and A. D. C, June 12, 1862; resigned June, 1S6.S. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia Xo. 6589. Cl•a■^^fordsville. KNSLEY, XICHOLAS-Se'-ond Lieutenant Forty-fourth Indiana In- fantry. Private Forty-fourth Indiana Infantry, Xovember 11, 18G1;" Corporal, spring of' 1868; First Sergeant, September 25, 1863; Quartermaster Sergeant summer of 1864; Second Lieuten- ant, June 24, I860; mustered out September 24, 186.-.. Elected May 9, 1890; Insignia No. 7928. Indianapolis. ENSMIXGEK, SAMUEL L.-First Lientenant Eleventh Indiana In- fantry Private Eleventh Indiana Infantry. March 21, 1862; Cor- poval" fall of 1868; Sergeant, spring of 1864; First Lieutenant, March 21, 186.i: mustered out July 27. 186.5; wounded. Elected October 8, 1889; Insignia No. 7265. Member of the Commandery- iu-Chief. Crawfordsville. EWING, FRANCIS M. -Major Fifty-tirst V. S. C. T. Private Twelfth Illinois Infantry, May 2, 1861; re-enlisted, August 2, 1861; Captain, Fifty-fifth United States Colored Troops, May 21, 1868; Major, October 12, 1865; mustered out December 31. 1865: wounded. Elected December 19, 1895; Insignia No. 11315. Evansville. EWING, WILLIAM D.— First Lieutenant I'ennsylvania Volunteers. Musician Fortieth Pennsylvania Infantry, October 1, 1861; dis- charged by General Orders; Private Second Pennsylvania In- fantry, July 1, 18f.3: Sergeant First Battalion I'ennsylvania Volun- teers! July 9, 1861; First Lieutenant, Anderson's Independent Company Mounted Volunteers. November 4, 1864; mustered out August 4, 1865. Elected March 15, 1890; Insignia No. 7744; trans- ferred to Illinois Commandery, December 25, 1895. FAIRBANKS, CRAWFORD— First Lieutenant One Hundred Twenty- ninth Indiana Infantry. First Lieutenant One Hundred Twenty- ninth Indiana Infantry, April 11, 1864; resigned December 2C, 1864. on account of physical disability. Elected Decemher 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6,590. Terre Haute. FAIRBANKS, WILLIAM H.— Colonel One Hundred Forty-ninth In- diana Infantry. Private Eleventh Indiana Infantry, three months' service, .A-pril, 1861; First Lieutenant Tliirty-first Indiana In- fantry, September 5, 1861; Promoted Captain, Major and com- missioned Lieutenant Colonel, but declined muster to accept com- mission as Colonel of One Hundred Forty-ninth Indiana Infantry; mustered out at close of war. Elected October 5, 1897; Insignia No. 12097. 'rerre Haule. 16 MEMBERSHIP. FARLEY, EDWIN— First Lioutenant Third I'. S. Cavalry C. T. Pri- vate Eifflitli Wis<>unsin int'antry, September, 1861; Corporal; trans- ferred as First Sergeaut, to Fort Mississippi Cavalry, October 25. 1863; Second I-icutenant Tliird T'nited States C'avalry, ColoreC Troops, March 18. 18tU: First Lieutenant, January 2.3, ISe.j; mus- tered out .January 26, 1806; wounded. Fleeted February 22, 1SE«; Insignia No. lOO.'io. Paducah, Ky. FARRINGTON, GEORGE E.— Fir.st Lieutenant Eighty-fifth Indiana Infantry. Private Eighty-lifth Indiana Infantry, August 20. 1862; First Lieutenant and Regimental Quarterjuaster, October 22, 180.3; mustered out June, 186"). Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. enid. Terre H.-iute. FERRIS, EUGENE W.— Caiitain Thirtieth Massachusetts Infantry. Private Thirtieth Massachusetts Infantry. January 1, 1862; Sec- ond Lieutenant, August 19, 1862; First Lieutenant, November 2C, 1863; Captain, October 24, 1864; mustered out July 5, 1866; wound- ed. Elected October 20. 1893; Insignia No. 10287. Albany. FESLER. JOHN R.— I>ieutenant (Colonel Twenty-.seventh Indiana In- fantr.v. Captain Twent.v-seventh Indiana Infantry, September 30, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel, June 12, 1863; "was with his command continuall.v during his tei-m of service." Elected February 21, 1900. Insignia No. 12861. Indianapolis. FLETCHER, STEI'HEN K.— Adjutant One Hundred Fifteenth Indiana Infantry, i'rivate I'hirty-third Indiana Infantry, September, 1861; Sergeant, April, 1862; First Lieutenant and Adjutant One Hundred Fifteenth Indiana Infantry, July 23, 1863; mustered out I'ebruary 2.5, 1864. Elected February 14, 1889; Insignia No. 6824. Died July 7, 1897. FOOTE. LUCIEN A.— Major Fourteenth Indiana Infantry. Captain Fourteenth Indiana Infantry, June 7, 1861; Major, March 7, i resigned on account of disability, April 24, 1862; First Sergeant Seventy-eighth Indiana Infantry, August, 1862; First Sergeant One Hundred Thirty-third Indiana Infantry, May, 1864; Major, .May 19, 1864; mustered out at expiration of term of service; wounded. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6.592. Craw- fordsville. FORD, AUGUSTUS, C— Captain Thirty-tlrst Indiana Infantry. Private Thirty-tirst Indiana Infantry; September 5, 1861; First Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, April 1, 1862; First Lieutenant, April 20, 1862; Captain, No\ ember 1, 1864; resigned January 1, 186.5. P^lected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6593. member of Commandery-in-Cbief. Terre Haute. FORTNER. SANFORD— Brevet .Major U. S. V. Second Lieutenant, One Hundred First Indiana Infantry, August 18, 1862: First Lieutenant, January 26, 1863; Captain, May 8, 1864; Brevet Major U. S. V. March 13, 1865; mastered out July, 1865. Elected De- cember 19, 1893; Insignia No. 10366. Indianapolis. MEMBERSHIP. 17 FOSTER, DAVID N.— Captain Pvinhty-thinl New York Infantry. I'rivate Eiglity-third New Yoi-k Infantry, May 27. 1861; Corporal, July, 1863: Sergeai.t, May, 1S(!2; Second IJeuti-nant, December 10, 1S62; Captain, October 7, 1SG;J; mustered out on account of dis- ability, December 23, 1863; t\\ice wounded. Elected April 18, 1889; Insignia No. 7041; member of Commaudery-in-Chief. Fort Wayne. FOSTER, ROBERT S.— Brevet Malor Oeneral V. S. V. I'rivate Indiana Volunteers, April 1.5, 18G1: Captain Ele\entli Indiana Infantry, April 22, 1861; Ma.ior Tliirteentli Indiana Infantry. June 1!), 1861; Lieutenant Colonel October 2.", 1861; Colonel, April 30, 1862; Brigadier General, .lune 15. 1863; Brevet Ma.ior General, March .31, 1865; mustered out September 2.'.. 1865. Elected through Com- mandery of District of Columbia, June 6, 188-:'>; transferred to Ohio Commandery, October 17, 1885; transferred to Indiana Com- mandery, October 17, 1888; Insignia No. 2843; member of Com- mandery-in-Chief. Indianapolis. FRINK, CHARLES S.— Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. V. Assistant Surgeon U. S. V., October 6, 1862; Surgeon, April 30, 1864; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. V. August 15, 1865; mustered out at close of war. Elected December 10, 1888; Insignia No. 6,594. Died July 8, 1893. GARRIGUS, MIUiTON— Capt.iin One Hundred Forty-second Indiana Infantry. Private Thirty-niuth Indiana \olunteers, afterward moiinted Infantry, and Eii^hth Indiana Cavalry; Second Lieuten- ant, May 12, 1864; First Lieutenanr, May 23, 1864; Adjutant One Hundred Thirty-seventh Indi-ina Infantry, May 25, 1864; Captain, November 4, 1864; mustered out July 14, 1865. Elected December 19, 1893; Insignia No. 10367. Kokomo. (ilLCHRIST, ALEXANDER— Captain One Hundred Forty-eighth New lork Infantry. First Lieutenant One Hundred Forty-eighth, September 17, 1862; Captain in same. November IV, 1863; mustered out July 5, 1S65. Elected October, 1808: Insignia No. 12334. Evansville. GILI,ETT, SIMEON P.— Lieutenant Commander United States Navy. Entered U. S. Naval Academy, Sei)tember 20, 1856; graduated June 15, ISGO; Midshipman, June 15, I860: Master, August 31, 1861; Lieutenant, February 21, 1863: Lieutenant Commander, May 23, 1866; resigned I^ecember 30, 1871. Elected through Com- mandery of Ohio, October 3, 1888; transferred to Indiana Com- mandery, November 25, 1890; Insignia No. WSfi. Evansville. GODDAIlD, JOSEPH A.— Captain Fourth Ohio Cavalry. Private Fourth Ohio Cavalry, .August 3l), 1862; Sergeant; Second Lieuten- ant, March 9, 1863; First LieVitenant. September 8. 1864: Captain, June 24, 1865; mustered out June 27. 1865. Elected May 1.3, ISil"; Insignia No. 11896. Mnncie. GOULD, WILLIAM P.— Major and Paymaster U. S. A. Major and Ad- ditional I'aymastcn- U. S. V., June, 1801; Brevet Lieutenant Col- onel, March 13, 1865; Major and Paymaster V. S. A., October 18, 1867; retired in 1885. Elected May 16, 1889; Insignia No. 71.56. Vincennes. 18 MEMBERSHIP. OIIAHAM. THOMAS— Major Eighth Iiitlinna Cavalry. First Lieuten- ant Sixth Infantry, April 20, ISOt. (three iiiontlis); Captain Thirty- ninth Indiana Volunteers, September 2. 18(51; Major of saino, March 6, 1804; mustered out January 1, 180.".. Elected October 13, 1898; Insignia No. 126S0. Madison. GRAY. SAMUEL F.— Lieutenant Colonel Forty-ninth Oliio Infantry. First Lieutenant Forty-ninth Ohio Infantry. AuRust 6, 1861: Cap- tain. .Tanuary 9, 1SG2: Major, Janimry 1, 1863: Lieutenant Colonel, October 4. 1862; mustered out October 4. 180-1. Elected Decen.ber 19, 1894; Insignia Iso. 10795. Indianapolis. GREGORY, AUGUSTUS C— Second Lieutenant Thirty-second Wis- consin Infantry. I'rivate, May 2."). 18(52; Sergeant Thirty-second Wiscon.sin Infantry, August 14, 18(>2; First Sergeant, December 1, 1802; Second Lieutenant. March 1. 18(;o; Resigned May 1, 1504 on surgeon's certiticate of disability. Elected December 15, 1890. Insignia Xo. 12759. Decatur. GRiaiES, SILAS— Major Ninety-first Indiana Infantry. First Lieuten- ant Thirty-flrst Indiana Infantry, September 5, 1861; Captain, October 2. 18(>2: Majoi', November 22. 18R2; Commissioned I^Ieu- tenant Colonel but not mustered: \vonnded in the battles of Shiloh and Stone River. Elected October, 1898; Insignia No. 12.335. Sniithville. GUTHRIE. THOJLVS S.— Chaplain One Hundred Fifty-second Ohio Infantry. Private One Hundred Fifty-second Ohio Infantry, May 2, 1804; Chaplain, May 9, 1864; mustered out September 2, 1SG4. Elected October 13. 1890; Insignia No. 8139. Wabash. HADLEY, JOHN V.— First Lieutenant Seventh Indiana Infantry. Private Se\-entli Indiana Infantry, August 20. 1801; Corporal, April 10, 1802; First Lieutenant, October 11. 18152; twice wounded; discharged January 21, 1805. Elected May 8. 1890; Insignia No. 11517. Indianapolis. HAMMOND. EDWIN P.--Brevet Colonel T'. S. V. Second lieutenant Ninth Indiana Infantry (three mouths). April 16, 1801; First Lleu- tenaTit. July, 1801; Captain Eighty-seventh Indiana Infantry, August 31, 1862; Major of same, April 24, 18(53; Lieutenant Col- onel. No\ember 21. 1863; Breveted Colonel of U. S. V., JIarch 13, 1.S05; mustered out June lu, 1805. Elected October, 1898; Insignia No. ]2.3;;6. La Fayette. HARDY, ALEXANDER- Captain Twenty -fourth Indiana i5attery. Second I.,ieutenant Twenty-fourth Indiana Battery, 1862; Captain, March. 1864; mustered out August .3, 1865. Elected November 14, 1890; Insignia No. 8282. Logansport. HARDY, JAMES G. W.— Second Lieutenant Elev»'nth Indiana Cavalry. Private Sixty-third Indiana Infantry, August 11, 1862; Second Lieutenant Eleventh Indiana Cavalry, Deceml>er 20, 1803; muster- ed o\it February 3, 1865. Elected February 12, 189(5; Insignia No. 7266. Insignia revoked. Dropped for non-payment of dues and violation of obligation, October, 1898. MEMBERSHIP. 19 HARRIS, JAMES 'W.— First Lieutenant Forty-tir.st Indiana Cavalry. Corporal Set-onrt Indiana Cavalry, ^ovember 1. IStJl; Sergeant; First Lieutenant, May, 180:?; mustered out ;Marcli 111, 1865. Elect- ed April 19, 181J0; Insisnia No. 7819. Died June 11. ISitl. HARRISON, BENJAMIN— Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. V. Cap- tain Seventieth Indiana Infantry, July 22, 1862; Colonel, August 7, 1802; Brevet Brigadier tJeneral U. S. V., for ability, manifest energy and gallantry in command of biigade; musrered out June 8, 1865. Elected through the Commandery of District of Columbia, April 5, 1882; transferred to Ohio Commandery, September 20, 1887; transferred to Indiana Commandery, November 27, 1894; Insignia No. 2454; Commander of Ohio Commandery 1893-94; member of Commandery-in-Chief. I'resident of United States, 1889 93. Indianapolis. HARRISON, Ja:MES B.— jMajor Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. Private Seventeenth Kentucky Infantry, September, 1861; Second Lieu- tenant, September, 1861; resigned on Surgeon's certihcate of dis- ability, January 1, 1862; re-entered service in Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry, December, 1862; Major, November 17, 1863; mustered out August 23. 18(5.'>. Elected December 19. 1890; Insignia No. 8393. Died June, 1898. HARRISON. ROBERT W.— Captain One Hundred Sixteenth Indiana Infantry. First Lieutenant One Hundred Sixteenth Indiana In- fantry, August 17, 1863; Captain, September 20, 1863; mustered out March 1, 1864. Elected February 12, 1896; Insignia No. 11405. Lebanon. HAVENS, BENJAMIN F.— First Lieutenant Eight.v-uinth Indiana In- fantry. First Lieutenant Eighty-ninth Indiana Infantry, June, 1862; resigned because of injuries received in action, September, 1862. Elected October 9, 1891; Insignia No. 9010. Terre Haute. HAYES, JOB J.— Brevet Major Li. S. \. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. V.. Sejitember 4. 1863; Brevet Major, July 14, 1865; mustered out July 15, 1865. Elected December 10, 1889; Insignia No. 750.'?. Louisville. Ky. HAYNES, MOSES H.— Surgeon One Hundred Sixty-seventh Ohio In- fantry. .4ssistant Surgeon Sixty-third Ohio Infantry, September 3, 1861; transferred to Sixty-ninth Ohio Infantry; Surgeon One Hundred Sixty-seventh Ohio Infantry. INIay, 1864; mustered out September 6, 1864. Elected May 13, 1897; Insignia No. 11895. Richmond. HAYWAKD, WILLIAM E.— Captain Second I'. S. V. Junior Lieu- tenant Battery T, Second Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery, February 3, 1862. Senior Second I,ieutenant, April 7, 1862; re- signed February 2. 1863; (Captain Company F, Second U. S. V., ilarch 24, 1865; mustered out November 7, 1865. Elected May 15, 1900; luhjignia No . Indianapolis. HEADINGTON, JOHN W.— Lieutenant Colonel One Hundredth In- diana Infantry; Private U. S. Y., August, 1862; Captain One Hun- dredth Indiana Infantry, September 11, 1862; Major, June 1, 1864; Lieutenant Colonel, May 21, 1865; mustered out June 14, 1865. Elected December 11. 1896; Insignia No. 11803. Portland. 20 MEMBERSHIP, HENLEY, WILLIAM M— Caiitaiii Forty-seventh Iiuliaiia Infantry; Corporal Eitrlith Imliana Infantr.\, April 2.S, 1861; First l^ieutenant I'orty-seventh Infantry, Oetoljer 10, IWl . Captain. April 1. 1862; ninstered out December 2!l, 1S(!4. Elected December 11, IS'JO; In- signia No. 11(544. Wabash. HE;NRY, JAMES R.— Second Lieutenant Twenty-first Indiana Infantry. Private Twenty-rtrst Indiana Infantry. .Tuly (!, ISCl ; Second Lieu- tenant. November 28. 18(54; mustered out January 10, 180(5. Elect- ed December I'.l. 1804: Insifrnia No. loT'.Mi. Indianapolis. HERKIOTT, GEOR(iE F.— .Ma.ior Tenth Indiana (^avalry. Private Seventli Indiana Infantry, April 25. ISC.l; First Lieutenant Thi Indiana Cavalry, Septen)ber 20, 18(51: (aiitain, .May :i(>, ISHZ; Major Tenth Indi.mu Cavalry, July 1, 18(54: mustered out January 30, 18(55; wounded. J^ilected December Itt, 1888; Insignia No. ijoyo. Transferred to Missouri Commandery, March 2:-!, 1891. HEKRON, W^ILLIAM P.— Captain Seventy-second Indiana Infantry. Private Seventy-second Indiana Infantry, .luly 20, 18(52; Second Lieutenant, October IS), 18(i2; First Lieutenant, February 2, lSf53; Captain, February 14, 1863; mustered out July 24, 186.5; twice wounded. FJlected December 10, 1888; Inslscnia No. 6.506. Craw- fordsville. HESS, ALEXANDER-Captain Second Indiana Cavalry. Private Eighth Indiana Infantry, April 23, 1861 (three months); Private Second Indiana Cavalry, September 2, 1861; First Sergeant; First Lieutenant, November 16, 1802; Captain, March 8. 1863; mustered out Ocetober :», 18(54. Elected February 12, 1806; Insignia No. 11406. Wabash. HIATT, HENRY H.— First Lieutenant Twenty-fi>urth Indiana In- fantry, July 31. 1861; Second Lieutenant, August 1, 1861; First Lieutenant, December 1, 1864; Ad.iutant: mustered out July 20, • 186.5. Elected October 8, 1880: Insignia No. 72(57. Resigned January, 1,898. HILDRETH, JAMF^S M.— Lieutenant-Colonel Si.\teenth Indiana In- fantry. Captain Sixteenth Indiana Infantry, August 1(5, 1862; Major, January 1, 18(5.5; Lieutenant-Colonel, Februar.v 20, 1865; wounded; mustered out June 30, 1865. Elected March 14, 1880; Insignia No. 680!t. Rushville. HITT, WILKFR F.— Bre\et Major U. S. V. First Sergeant Eighty- third Indiana Infantry, August 13. 1,862; First Lieutenant and Adjutant One Hundred Twenty-third Indiana Infantry. January 6, 1864; P>i-evet-Captain and Hrevet-Major, March 1:>, 18(55; muster- ed out August 25, 18(55. Elected December 10, 18.88; Insignia No. 6.5!)7. Indianapolis. HOLSTEIN, CHARLES L.— Captain and Assistant Adjutant (ieneral. Private Sixth Indiana Regiment (three months); promoted Ser- geant Major; Adjutant Twenty-second Indiana Infantry; com- missioned ilajor of same but declined; appointed Captain and Assistant Adjutant General by the President, October, 18(52. Re- signed. Twice honorably mentioned in general officer's reports. Elected December 16, l,s!)8. Insigina No. 12454. Indianapolis. MEMBERSHIP. 21 HOMAN, JOSEPH I?.— Captain Ninety-niutb Indiana Infantry, i'rivate Se\'ontli Indiana Infantry (three niontlis), April, 1861: First Ijlen- tenant Tliirteentli Iowa Infantry. October, ISCil; Captain Ninety- ninth Indiana Infantry, September 18. 1862; mustered out De- eember 26, 1864; twiee wounded. F^leoted May 8, 1896; Insignia No. 11519. Danville. HORNBROOK, SAUNDERS R.— Captain Si.xty-tifth Indiana Infantry. Second Lieutenant Sixty-ttfth Indiana Infantry, July 24, 1862; Captain, August 18, 1862; declined commission of Ma.ior in .spring of 18(i."; mustered out June 22, 186."). Elected December 19, 189,'j; Insignia No. 11316. Kvansville. HITNTER, MORTON C.— Brevet Brigadier General U. S. V. Colonel Eight.v-second Indiana Infantry, August 27, 1862; Brevet Brigadier General, April 9. 1865; mustered out at close of war. Elected October 23, 1895; Insignia No. 11197. Died at Bloomington, October, 1896. HURD, ORRIN D.— Lieutenant (\>lonel Thirtieth Indiana Infantry. Major Thirtieth Indiana Infantry, October 4, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel. jMa.v 2, 1862; mustered out Septemlier 29, 1864; wounded. Elected March 11, 1892; Insignia No. 9461. Died December, 1899. INGLE, JOHN— First Lieutenant Tentii Indiana Cavalr.v. I'rivate Sixty-tifth Indiana Infantry. August, 1862; I'Mi'^iit Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, April, 18(54; mustered out September, 1865. Elected October 13. 1890; Insignia No. 8142. EvansvUle. JACKSON, JOSEI'H R.— Captain Sixty-ninth Indiana Infantry. Private Eighth Indiana Infantry, April 20, 1861; First Lieutenant Sixt.v-ninth Indiana Infantry, August 19, 18(i2; Captain, March 24, 1863; nuistered out Jul.y 5. 1865. Elected through the (Jhlo Com- mander.v February 10, 1886; transferred to the Indiana Com- maudery, October 17, 1888; Insignia No. 4.542. Died July, 1898. JACOBI, OTTO F.— Captain Tenth Tennessee Infantry. I'rivate First U. S. Infantr.v, June 13, 1855: dischai'ged to accept commission as Second Lieutenant Tenth Tennessee Infantry, November 28, 1863; First Lieutenant, January 15, 1864: Captain, June 23, 1864; mustered out June 24, 1865: woxiuded. Elected February 22, 1893; Insignia No. 10t)36. Evansville. JESSUP, ROBERT P..- Surgeon Twenty-fourth Indiana Infantry. Surgeon Twenty-fourth Indiana Infantry, July 14, 1861; Senior Surgeon in Division; mustered out close of term of enlistment. Elected October 8, 1889; Insignia No. 7268. Died November 9, 1893. JOHNSON, LEWIS— Brevet Brigadier (Jeneral U. S. V. Private Tenth Indiana Infantry. April 18, ]8(il; First Lieutenant Tentli Indiana Infantry, September 18, 1861; Captain, August 29, 1862; Colonel Forty-fourth U. S. C. T., September 16, 1864; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. V., March 13. 1865; First Lieutenant Forty-first U. S. Infantry, July 28, 1.866; Captain, December 12, 1867; transferred to Twenty-fourth Infantry, November 11, 1869; received several brevets in U. S. A. for meritorous service. Elected througli Kansas Commandery June 24, 1886; transferred to Indiana Commandery, April 19, 1890; Insignia No. 4811. Jalapa, \er., Mexico. 22 MEMBERSHIP. JOHNSON, RUEL M.— Colonel One Hniulredth Indiana Infantry. Captain One Hnndredth Indiana Infantry. August U2, 1802; Major, August 18, 1863; Lieutenant Colonel, January 9, 18t>4; Colonel, May 2, 18G4; wounded; mustered out June tl, 1865. Elected through Ohio Commander}', February 10, 1886; transferred to Indian.a Commandery December 8, 18!)4; Insignia No. 51'J2. Klk- hart. JOHNSON, WILLIAM P.— Surgeou Eighteenth Ohio Infantry. Brigade aiid Division Surgeon Eighteenth C>hio Infantry, September, 1801; mustered out November 9, 1804. Elected December 19, 1888; In- signia No. 6598. Died at Indianapolis October 20, 1889. JONES, THOMAS— First Lieutenant Twenty-second Indiana Infantry. I'rivate Twenty-second Indiana Infantry, July 10. 1801; Sergeant, 1863; re-enlisted February 4, 1864; First Ijieutenant, November 20, 1864; mustered out July 20, 1804; wounded at ilission Kidge and at Bentouville. Elected May 0, 1898; Insignia No. 12282. Sey- mour. JORDAN, JOHN W.— Brevet Lieutenant Colonel I;. S. V. Major Fifty- seventh Indiana Infantry. October 3(!, 1861; resigned on account of disability, No''.cmber 23, 1802; Captain Veteran Ueserre Corps, • January 20. 1864; Brevet Major IJ. iS. V., Febi-uary 20, 1S6.j: Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1806. Elected October 12, 1894; Insignia No. 10071. Louisville, Ky. KAEMMERLING, GUSTAV— Colonel Ninth Ohio Infantry. Captain Ninth Ohio Infantry, May 27, 1801; Major, November 1. 1^01; Lieutenant-Colonel, IMarch 8, 1862; Colonel, August 6, 18(>2; pro- moted to Brigadier-Oenei'al, but declined on account of ill health; mustered out June 7, 1864. Elected May 13, 1897; Insignia No. 11897. Tell City. XAHLO, CHARLES— First Lieutenant One Hundred Sixty-third Ohio Infantry. I'rivate Fourteenth Ohio Infantry, April, 1861; Second Lieutenant: I'irst Lieutenant One Hundred Sixty-third Ohio In- fantry, May 8, 1804; mustered out October, 1864. Elected De- cember 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6599. Indianapolis. KELSEY, I'ERCIVAL G.— Captain Twenty-sixth Indiana Infantry. First liieutenant Twenty-sixth Indiana Infantry, August, 1861; Captain, February 10, 1862; resigned June 30, 1862; First Ijieuten- ant and Adjutant One Hundred. Forty-second Indiana Infantry, September 9, 1864; mustered out July 17, 1865. Elected October 9, 1891; Insignia No. 9011. Evansville. KEMLER, GENERAL W. H.— Assistant Surgeon Seventeenth Indiana Infantry^ I'rivate Seventh' Indiana Infantry, April 24, 1861 (three months); Hospital Steward Seventeenth Indiana Infantry, Sep- tember 25, 1801; Assistant Surgeon, February 20, 1863; mustered out July 27, 1864. Elected through Commandery of Ohio, April 7, 1880; transferred to Indiana Commandery October 17, 1888; In- signia No. 4648. Member of (^oiumandery-in-Chief. Muncie. n MEMBERSHIP. 23 KERX. LOriS— First Lieutenrint Sixth Indiana P.attery. Sea-geant Elevenili Indiana Infantry. A)iril 21i, 1861; t^eeond Lieutenant Sixtli Indiana Battery. September 7, ISGl; Fii-st Lieutenant, May 17, 1862; resigned on aoeonnt of disability, December 22, 1SG4. Elected December 1!), 1S!)4; Insignia No. 107'J7. Died August 14, 18'JS. KETCHAM, JOHN L.— First Lieutenant Seventietli Indiana Infantry. Private iSeventietb Indiana Infantry, July 15. 18G2; Sergeant Ma.1or, spring of 1SG4; First Lieutenant, March 27, 1863; mustered out June 8, 1863. Elected May 15, 1900. Insignia No. . In- dianapolis. KETCHAM, WILLIAM A.— (Captain Thirteenth Indiana Infantry. Pri- vate Tliirteenth Indiana Infantry, February 24. 1864; Second ]..leu- tenant, November 19, 1864; Captain Thirteenth Indiana Infantry, May 13, 1863; mustered out September 5, 1865. Elected December 11, 1896; Insig!iia No. 1164.5. Indianapolis. KIMBALL, ABNER D.— Assistant Surgeon Forty-eighth Indiana In- fantry. Private Ninety-ninth Indiana Infantry, October 22, 1864; Assistant Surgeon Forty-eighth Indiana Infantry, July 1, 1865; mustered out July 15, 1865. Elected October 14, 1892; Insignia No. 9726. National Military Home, Indiana. KIRBY, THOMAS H.— First Lieutenant Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry. Cori)oral Eighth Indiana Infantry, April 18, 1861 (three months); First Lieutenant Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry, August 21, 1861; resigned on account of ill health, February 1, 1862. Elected through Ohio Commandery December 7, 1887; transferred to In- diana Comraandery October 17, 1888; Insignia No. 5936. Muucie. KNAPP, ALEXANDER A.— Captain Fortieth Ohio Infantry. Private (three months' service), .\pril 28, 1861; First Sergeant; Second Lieutenant Fortieth Ohio Infantry. October 24. 1861; Captain, November. 1861; mustered out March, 1864, on account of dis- ability; wounded. Elected through the Commandery of Ohio January 2, 1884; transferred to Indiana Commandery January 1, 1889; Insignia No. 3064. Union City. KNBFLER. FRED- Brevet Brigadier General U. S. V. Private Eleventh Indiana Infantry, April 16. 1861; First Lieutenant, April 22, 1861; Captain. June 1, 1801; Captain and Assistant Ad.iutant General U. S. V., December 5, 1861; Colonel Seventy-ninth In- ■ diana Infantry, September 28, 1862; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. v., March 13, 1865; mustered out June 't, 1865. Electe2; Sergeant. October 7, 1862; First Ser- jeant, May 4, 1863; Captain Two Hundred Secona Pennsylvania Infantry, September 4, 1864; mustered out August 3. 186.j; As- sistant Surgeon United States Army. June 5, 1875; resigned July 10, 1878; wounded. Elected May 9. 1890; Insignia Xo. 7930. Died at Fort AVayne March 6. 1802. LAYMAN, JAMES T.— Captain Fifty-titlh Indiana Infantry. Captain Fifty-fifth Indiana Infantry. July 21. 1S62; mustered out October 25, 1862; First Lieutenant One Hundred Fifteenth Indiana In- fantry, August 14. 1863; mustered out Marcli 1, 1864. Elected I»e(einl)er 19, 1888; Insignia Xo. 66iMi. Indianapolis. LEE, JESSE M.— Major Ninth I'uited States Infantry. Private Fifty- ninth Indiana Infantry, Xo\ember 15, 1861; Second Lieutenant, Octobei- 13, 1862; I'irst lieutenant, February. 1863; Captain, May 1, 1863; Captain Thirty-eighth U. S. C. T.. July 18. 1865; Second Lieutenant Twenty-ninth U. S. Infantry, July 28, 18G6; First Lieutenant, January 7. 1867: Captain Ninth Infantry U. S. A.. May 1, 1879. Elected February 12. 1896; Insignia No. 11407. Manila. I'. I. LEESON, RICHARD L.- Brevet Colonel U. S. V. First Lieutenant Sixty-eighth Indiana Infantry, August 19, 1862, Captain. De- cember 27, 1862; was commissioned as Brevet Major, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Colonel and mustered ous at t3ap- tain. June 20, 1865; wounded. Elected December 10. 1SS9; In- signia So. 7504. Eiwood. LEIGHTY. JACOB D— First Lieutenant Eleventh Indiana Infantry. Private Eleventh Indiana Infantry, July 11, 1861; Sergeant; Sec- 0!k1 Lieutenant, January 24, 1862; First Lieutenant, December 1, 1862; resigned January 19. 1864; wounded. Klected March 14, 1S89; Insignia No. 6900. Indianapolis. LEVERIXc;. JOHX— Brevet Colonel U. S. V. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, Angnsv 3, 1861; Major and As- sistant Adjutant-General, M.-iy 7. 1863; Brevet Colonel, March 2, 1865; mustered out January 4. 1S66. Elected through Illinois Com- mandery December 13. 1888; transferred to Indiana Commandery December 19. 1889; Insignia Xo. 6654. Lafayette, MEMBERSHIP. 25 LEWIS, EDWIN R.— C:ipt:iiii Tweuty-tirst Massaoliusetts Infantry. First LifUTPiiant and Aule-fle-Cami) to Brisradifr-dcnt-ral Lew Wallace, September 7, 1801; resiguort December 15, IfSUl; I'rivate Twenty-firyt Massachusetts Infantry. August, 1802; Sm-geant Major, December, 1802: First Lieutenant and Adjutant, April 20, 1863: Captain, June 18, 1864; mustered out August 30, 1804; twice wounded. Elected through Ohio Commaudcry November 7, 1888; transferred to Indiana Commandery December 3, 1888; transferred to Commandery of r>istrict of Columbia December 30, 18'J7; In- signia No. 0.j13. LILLY, ELI— Colonel Ninth Indiana Cavalry. Second Lieutenant Twenty-first Indiana Infantry, July 24, 1861; Captain Eighteenth Indiana Battery, August 21). 1802; Major Ninth Indiana Cavalry, April 4, 1804; Lie!itenant-('olonel, December 28, 1804; Colonel (not mustered). June 4. 1805; mustered out August 25, 1805. Elected through Commandery of District of Columbia June 0, 1883; trans- ferred to Indiana ("ommandery October 17, lf-88; Insignia No. 2844. Died July, 1S9S. LILLY, JaMES E.— First Lieutenant Forty-third Indiana Infantry. I'rivate Fifty-fifth Indiana Infantry. June 16. 1802; Sergeant: mustered out with regiment September 18, 18C.2; private Forty- third Indiana Infantry, October, 1802; Corporal, January 1, 18G3; Second Lieutenant, October 22, 1804; First Eieutenant, January 11, 1865; musteri'd out with regiment; wounded. Elected Decem- ber lo, 1889; Insignia No. 7505. Indianapolis. I-INDLEY, JOHN IL— Captain Eleventh Indiana Cavalry. Private Eleventh Cavalry. October 17. 1863; Sergeant; First i..ieutenant, December "XS, 1804; Captain, April 1, 1865: mustered out Septem- ber 19, 1865. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 0001. Died at Indianapolis December 20, 1891. LON(J, HENRY C— First Lieutenant One Hundred Twenty-eighth In- diana Infantry. Private Fifty-tirst Indiana Infantry, October, 1861; Commissary Sergeant: First Lieutenant and Quartermaster of One Hundred Twenty-lifth Indiana Infantry, March, 1804; First Lieutenant and R. Q. M. One Hundred Twenty-eighth Indiana In- fantry; mustered out April, 1860. Elected May 30, 1892; Insignia No. 9631. Indianapolis. LOSTUTTER, DAVID, JR.— Captain Seventh Indiana Infantry. Sec- ond Lieutenant Seventh Indiana Infantry, April 22, 1801; First Lieutenant ami Adjutant. May 26, 1802; Captain, June 12. 1802; resigned February 10, 1803. Elected through Ohio Commandery February 0, 1SS4; transferred to Indiana Commandery October 17, 1888; Insignia No. 3149. Died December 27, 1899. LUCAS, DANIEL R.— Chaplain Ninety-ninth Indiana Infantry. Second Lieutenant Ninety-uinth Indiana Infantry, August 18, 1802; Chap- lain. January 24, 1864; Deputy Provost-Marshal; resigned on ac- count of ill health. Elected December 10, 1S89; Insignia No. 7.500. Roekford, 111. 26 MEMBERSHIP. M'CAIN', THOMAS H. B.— First Lientenant Eighty-sixth Indiana In- fantry. Private Eighty-sixth Indiana Infantry, September 4, 1802; Sergeant Major, September 129, 1803; Fii'st Lieutenant, September 5, 1864; mustered out June 6, ISGo. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia Xo. 6603. Died May 1, 1898. M'CLASKEY, EBENEZEll P.— Captnin One Hundred Twentieth In- diana Infantry. Private, October 25, 1863: First Lieutenant, De- cember 30. 1863; Captain, Sei)tcmber 30, 1864; mustered out Sep- temljer, 186."). Elected April 9, 1891: Insignia No. 8726. Darling- ton. M'CUTCHAN. ANDREW J —Captain Forty-second Indiana Infantry. Private Forty-second Indiana Infantry, October 8. 1861; First Sergeant; First Lieutenant, March 31, 18G5; Captain, June 2, 186.j; mustered out July 31, 1S6.5. Elected December 19, 1895; Insignia No. 11318. Evans-, ille. M'FFELY. AARON— Captain Sixteenth Indiana Infantry. I'rivate Sixth Indiana Infantry, April, 18f>l; Second Lieutenant Sixteenth Indiana Intautry, August. 1862; Captain, February, 1863; mustered out June :;<). 1865; wounded. Elected Deceml^or 19, 1893; Insignia No. 10368. Indianapolis. M'GANNON. PLEASANT C- Captain Sixth Indiana Infantry. Ser- geant Sixth Indiana Infantry, September 3, 1861; First Sergeant, March. 1862; Second Lieutenant, May 17. 1862; First Lieutenant, March, 1863; Caplain. June, 1804; mustered out September 22, 1864: wounded. IClected October 8, 1.889; Insignia No. 7269. North ' Vernon. M'GINNIS, GEORGE F.— Brigadier-Genera! T^ S. V. First Lieutenant and Captain Second Ohio in Mexican war; Private Eleventh Indi- ana Infantry, April lo, 1861; Captain, April 16, 1861; Lieutenant- Colonel, April 25, 1861; Lieutenanr-Colonel Eleventh Indiana In- fantry (three years). August 31, 1861: Colonel, September 3, 1861; Brigadier-Generai. May 2, 1863: mastered out August 24, 18C5. Elected through Commandery of District of Columbia June 6, 1883; transferred to Ohio Commandery October 17, 1885; trans- ferred to Indian.i Commandery (>ctober 17, 1888; Insignia No. 2845; member of Commaudery-in-Chit f. Indianapolis. M'KAY, HORACE— Captain U. K. C. T. Private Seventy-ninth Ohio Infantry, August. 1862; Corporal, September, 1862; Sergeant, De- cember. 1803; Second Lieutenant Fifteenth United States Colored Troops; First Lieutenant, March, 1864; Captain, June 28, 1864; resigned July 11, 1865, on account of disability. Elected Decem- ber 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6604. Indianapolis. M'LEAN, WILLIAM E.— Lieutenant-Colonel Forty-third Indiana In- fantry, September 27, 1861; Colonel, January 16, 1862; honorably nmstered out May 17, 1.865. Elected through the Commandery ol the District of Columbia November 4, 1885; transferred to the Commandery of the Slate of Indiana May 1, 1899; Insignia No. 4328. Terre Haute. MEMBERSHIP. 27 M'MAHAN, WILLIAM R.— First Lieutenant Fifty-eiglitli Indiana In- fantry. PriA-ate Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry, October i:^, ISGl; Second Lieutenant, August 2, 18t!3; First Lieutenant, April 1, 1865; mustered out July 25. 18G5. Elected December 1!), 1894; In- signia No. 10798. Huntingburg. MANSOX, MAHLOX D.— Brigadier-General U. S. V. Captain Fifth Indiana Infantry, :Mexican war; Major Tenth Indiana Infantry, April 18, 1861; Colonel, May, 1801; Brigadier-General U. S. V., March, 1862; resigned on account of disability, December 21, lSO-1; wounded. Elected April 19, 1890; Insignia Xo. 781.J. Died at Crawfordsville, February -i, 189.?. MAPES, SMITH H.— Surgeon Sixtieth New York Infantry. Assistant Surgeon Sixtieth Xe%v York Infantry; mustered out August, 1800. Elected December 17, 1891; Insignia Xo. 9207. Indianapolis. MARKS, JACOB F.— Captain Fortieth Indiana Infantry. Enlisted a private in Fortieth Indiana Infantry, 1861; Second Lieutenant, December 10, 1861; Captain, 1862; discharged ilay 16, 1864. Elect- ed February 14, 1808; Insignia Xo. 12453. Lafayette. MARSH, ALBERT O.— Captain Fifty-ninth TI. S. Infantry Colored Troops. Private, 1861 (tliree months): Private Forty-sixth Ohio Infantry; Captain Fifty-nintli United States Colored Troops, June 26, 1863; resigned July 12, 1865. Elected December 19, 1895; In- signia No. 11317. Winchester. MARSH, FLETCHER E.— Brevet Ma.ior U. S. V. Private Nineteenth Michigan Infantry, August 6, 1862; Sergeant, September, 1862; Pergeant Major, July 1, 1863; Captain Seventeenth United States Colored Infantry; Brevet Major V. S. V., March 15, 1865; mus- tered out April 25, 1866. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia Xo. 6602. Indianapolis. MARTIX, THOMAS H.— Captain One Hundred Twenty-third Indiana Infantry. Second Lieutenant Sixty-third Indiana Infantry, Au- gust 14, 1862; Captain One Hundred Twenty-third Indiana In- fantry, March, 1864; mustered out March 8, 1865. Elected Decem- ber 10, 1889; Insignia Xo. 7.507. Lebanon. MAUZY. JAMES H.— Captain Sixty-eighth Indiana Infantry. First Lieutenant Sixty-eighth Indiana Infantry, August 12, 1862; Cap- tain, August 1, 1863; mustered out June 20, 1863. Elected May 16, 1889; Insignia Xo. 7157. Rushville. MAXWELL, JOHX A.— Lieutenant and R. C. S. First Arkansas Cav- alry. Private Twenty-sixth Indiana Infantry, August 6, 1861; First Lieutenant and R. C. S. First Arkansas Cavalry, April 7, 1865. Elected September, 1898; Insignia Xo. 12337. Kewanna. MEGREW, JOHX P.— Captain Eleventh Indi.ana Infantry. Corporal Eleventh Indiana Infantry, April 17, 1861; First Lieutenant, De- cember 13, 1861; Adjutant, April 30, 186-.>; Captain, December 15, 1862; mustered out July 20, 1866; wounded. J^lected October 14, 1896; Insignia Xo. 11575. Transferred to Commandery of District of Columbia, June 1, 1900. 28 MEMBERSHIP, MENZIES, Gl'STAV["^ V.— Lieutenjuit-Comiaaiuler U. S. Navy. Prl- Aiitp First Keutuckj Infantry, May, 1801; Cadet United States Navy, 18(51; graduated as Midshipman, September, 1804; Ensign U. S. Navy, 1804; Master, Decemt-er 1, 1800; Lieutenant, March 12, ISOS; Lientenaut-Coniniander, Jauuar.v 2o, 1870; resigned De- eeniber 28, 1871. Eleeted October 12, 1804; Insignia No. 10G72. Mt. Vernon. MERUIFIELD, CHARLES E.— Acting Assistant I'aymaster U. S. N. Private Second Indiana Cavalry, September, 1801; I'irst Sergeant Soldiers' Home, Indianajjolis, August, 1802; Paymaster's Steward, September, 1802; Clerk, 1803; Acting Assistant Paymaster, Jlarch, 1864; mustered out February 28, ISOG. Elected October 23, 1895; Insignia No. 11183. Indianapolis. MESSICK, JACOB W.— Captain Forty-second Indiana Infantry. Ser- geant Forty-second Indiana Infantr.v, September 3, 1801; Second Lieutenant, October !), 1802; Captain, Marcli 31, 1805; mustered out April 17, 1865. Elected December 19, 1895; Insignia No. 11322. Evansville. MILLARD. CHARLES S.— First Lientenimt One Hundred Seventeenth New York Infantry. First Lieutenant and Ad.1utant One Hun- dred Se^entei'utli New York Infantry. August 17, 18(52; resigned because of disabi'.ity, September 24, 1804. Elected through Illi- nois Comniandery Felirnary 7, 1883; transferred to Indiana Com- mandery October 17, 1888; Insignia No. 2421. I>ied at Indianap- olis, April 8, 1894. MILLER, HARVEY H.— Second Lieutenant Twentieth Indiana In- fantry. Private Twentieth Indif.nn Infantrj', .Tuly 2, 1801; First Sergeant, July 22, 1801; Second Lieutenant, November 15, 18G2; discharged on account of disability Jul.v 8, 1804; wounded. Elect- ed (Jctober S, 1889: Insignia No. 727o. Huntington. MILLER, WILLIAM H. II.— Se.-oud Lieutenant Eighty-fourth ohhi In- fantry. I'rivate f-Jighty-fourth Ohio Infantry; Second Lleul'-uant, June 10, 1802; mustered out Septemlier 20. 1802. Elected May 11, 1894; Insignia No. 10575. Indianapolis. MITCHELL, JAMES II.— Brevet Ma.ior, I'. S. V. I'rivate Eighty-flrst I'ennsylvauia Infantr.x-. August 0, 18(51; Corporal Sergeant; First Sergeant; Lieutenant, Septen.ber 1, 1SMAS A.-I!rigadier-(ien( ral U. S. V. Graduated from West I'oint. 1834; P.rigadier-iieneral United States Volunteers and served in West Virginia. Elected October 8, 1890; Insignia No. 7271. Iiidiauapolis. MEMBERSHIP. 29 MORTON, ALFRED— Major Seveiitli Cnlifoniia Cavalry. Sergeant Second California Cavalry, Sei)tenil)er i:'„ ISiil; First Lieutenant, January 1, 1862; Major Se\-enth California Cavalry, .N'ovenilier 23, 1864; mustered out March 17; 1S66; Se'-ond Lieutenant Ninth United States Inf-intry, March 5. 180, 1861; Hospital Stew- ard, October 15, 1861; Assistant Surgeon, February 6, 1864; mus- tered out July 22, 186.J. Elected February 11, 1890; Insignia No. 7693. Elkhart. NELSON, JOHN C— Captain Seventieth Ohio Infantry. Private Sev- entieth Ohio Infantry, October 18. INGl; Sergeant, November, 1861; Sergeant Major. November. 1861; Second Lieutenant Decem- ber 10, 1861; First Lieutenant, October 4. 1862; Captain, March 12, 1864; mustered out August 18, 186.j; wounded. Elected May 11, 1894; Insignia No. 10376. Logansport. NELSOxV, WILLIAM-Urevet Major U. S. A. Private Third Indiana Cavalry, July, 1861; transferred Thirteenth United States In- fantry, September, 1861; First Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, May 31, 1862; First Lieutenant, October 2, 1862; Brevet Captain, Janu- ary 10, 1863; Brevet Major, July 4. 1863; transferred to Twenty- second United States Infantry. September 22. 1866; Captain, July 9, 1867; assigned to Tweuty-flrst United States Infantry, Decem- ber 15, 1870; retired May 29, 1874, for disability; twice wounded. Elected October 2.3, 1895; Insignia No. 11180. Evansville. NICAR, EDWIN— Captain Fifteenth Indiana Infantry. Private Fif- teenth Indiana Infantry, April 21, 1861: First Sergeant, June 14, 1861; Second Lieutenant, September 1, 1861; First Lieutenant, February 13, 1862; Adjutant. April 29, 1862; Captain, November 26, 1863; mustered out June 2.'), 1864. Elected October 23. 1893; Insignia No. 11181. South Bend. NICHOLSON, MARMADUKE— First Lieutenant Fifty-sixth Illinois In- fantry. I'rivate Fifty-sixth Illinois Infantry, October 9, 1861; Second Lieutenant. November 15. 1861; First Lieutenant, August • 3, 1864; mustered out at close of war. Elected December 19. 1890; Insignia No. 8394; transferred to Illinois Commandery August 7, 1896. 30 MEMBERSHIP. NOBJ.E, CHARLES H.- Major Sixteoutb United States Infantry. Pri- vate and Corporal Firwt Indiana Cavalry. June 20, 1861, to June 10, 18«4: Captain Perry'.s Indiana State Troops, August '2(i, 1S64; until 1866; Second Lieutennut Sixteenth United States Infantry. Feln-uary 2H, 18GG; First Lieutenant Tliirty-fonrtU United States Infantry, February 10. ISC.T; Captain Sixteenth United States In fantry. Novenjber 26, 1874. Elected through Ohio Commandery May 4, 1887; transferred to Indiana Commandery December S, 1890; Insignia No. 5674. Indianapolis. OGDEX, JOSHUA M.— Captain Ninety-seventh Indiana Infantry. Pri- vate September 20, lho2; Second I.,ieutenant, February 5, 1863; First Lieutenant, March 20, 186."; Captain. April 24, 1865; mus- tered out with regiment at close of the war. Elected October, 1898; Insignia No. 123o8. Scotland. OLIVE, DAVID H.— First Lieutenant Eighty-sixth Indiana Infantry. Private Tenth Indiana Infantry (three months), April 19, ISOl; First Sergeant Eighty-sixth Indiana Infantry; Sergeant Major, August 11, 1862; First Lieutenant. July 18. 1863; on staff of Gen- eral Thomas during the last six months of his term of service. Elected Decemoer 15, 1899; Insignia No. 12759. Indianapolis. OLMSTED, WILLIAM A.— Brevet Brigadier-General United States \'olunteers. Private Second New York Infantry, April 17, 1861; Captain, July 27, 1861; Lieutenant-Colonel, January 26. 1S63; Colonel Fifty-4iinth Ne-^' York Veteran ^'olunteel•s, October 1, 1801; mustered out July 12, 1865, as Brigadier-General by brevet; several times bre vetted for gallant and meritorious conduct; twice wounded. Elected April 1; 1868, through the Commandery ot I'ennsylvania; transferred to Indiana ('ommandery December 20, 1897; Insignia No. 708. OSTRANDER, JAMES S.— Brevet Major, U. S. A. I'rivate three months' service, August, 1861; I'rivate Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, October, 1861; Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, February, 1862; First Lieutenant, October, 1863; Brevet Major, U. S. A., September, 1864; resigned Ser)tember 30. 1864. Elected through the Com- mandery of Ohio, August G, 1884; transferred to Indiana Com- mandery October 17, 1888; Insignia No. 3379; member of Com- mandery-iu-Chief. Richmond. OWEiS, ALFRED D. -Colonel Eightieth Indiana Infantry. Sergeant Fifteenth Indiaaa Infantry, June 14. 18()1; discharged on account of disability, October 25, 1861: First Lieutenant Sixtieth Indiana Infantry, November 18, 1861 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Eigh- tieth Indiana Infantry, September. 4, 1862: Lieutenant-Colonel, Oc- tober 14, 1863; Colonel, January 4, 1864; mustered out, June 22, 1865. Elected October 9, 1891; Insignia No. 9012. Mt. \'ernon. PACKARD, JASPER-Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. V. Private For- ty-eighth Indiana Infantry. October 24, 1861; First Lieutenant. February. 1862; Captain. October. 1862; Lieutenant One Hundred Twenty-eighth Indiana Infantry, February, 1864; Colonel, Decem- ber, 1864; bre\'etted Brig.ulior-Genera!, June, 1865; twice wound- ed; mustered out April 18. IStiO. Elected October 6, 1899. In- signia No. 12681. Commandant State Soldiers' Home, where he died December, 1899. MEMBERSHIP. 31 PALMER, JOHN J.— Brevet Major, U. S. V. Quartermaster Sixtieth Indiaiiii Infantry, February, 1862; (Japtain and Commissary oi! Subslsteuee, U. S. V., September 4, 1S6H; Brevet Major. March 3, 1864; mustered out May 10, 1806. Elected April 18, 18'JO; trans- ferred to Illinois Comniandery December 10, 1892; transferred to Indiana Ooiumandery December 30. 1S05; Inslsrnia No. 781S. Died July 21, 1896. PARKER, GEORGE W.— Lieutenant-Colonel Sevtnty-uiutb Indiana In- fantry. Private Seventy-ninth Indiana Infantry, August 2. 1802; Captain, August 22. 1862; Major, November 20, 186:}; Lieutenant- Colonel. March 13, 1864; mustered out June 11. 18G.5; twice wound- ed. Elected March 14, 1889; Insignia No. 6001. Pendleton. PARSONS. BYRON— Jfajor Ninety-fourth New York Infantry. Second Lieutenant New York Infantry, February 14, 1802; First Lieuten- ant. September 16, 1862; Captain, January 6, 1863; Major. April 26, 1863; mustered out July 18, 1865; wounded. Elected December 19, ISO.o; Insignia No. 11310. Evansville. PARVIN, JAJIES D.— Captain One Hundred Thirty seventh Indiana Infantry. PriA-ato Si.xty-fifth Indiana Infantry, September 1, 1862; discharged for disability, 186?.; Second Lieutenant One Hundred Thirty-seveuth Indiana Infantry, May 25, 1864; Captain, February 22, 1865; mustered out September 27, 18(55. Elected October 12, 1894; In.signia No. 10673. Evansville. PATTON. DAYID H.- Colonel Thirty-eighth Indiana Infantry. Pri vate Thirty-eighth Indiana Infanti-y, August 27, 1861; Corporal September 18, 1861; Sergeant, December 1, 1862; Sergeant Major, August 1, 1863; First Lieutenant, June 5, 1864; Captain, July 21 1864; Colonel, May 30, 1865; mustered out Ju!y 20, 1S65; wounded Elected April 9, 1S92; Insignia No. 9464. Woodward, Okla. PAVER. JOHN M.— First Lieutenant and R. Q. M. Fifth Ohio In- fantry. Second Lieutenant Fifth Ohio Infantry, April 19, 1861 (three months); Second Lieutenant Fifth Ohio Infantry, June 19, 1861; First Lieutenant, April, 1862; Regimental Quartermaster, June 23, 1863; mustered out July 1. 1864. Elected April 0, 1890; Insignia No. 7817. Resigned July, 1898. PEARSON, CHARLES D.— Surgeon Forty-ninth Indiana Infantry. Surgeon Forty-ninth Indiana Infantry, November 19, 1861; Med- ical Director, November 21, 1861; resigned on account of disabil- ity, February 7, 1862; Assistant Surgeon Eighty-second Indiana Infantry, August 14, 1.S62; Surgeon, No^•ember 21, 1862; resigned .Alay 14, 1863, on account of disability. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6605. Died at Indianapolis, February 14, 1890. PECK, BENJAMIN B.— First Lieutenant and Adjutant Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry. Private Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry, June 8, 1863; Quartermaster Sergeant, October, 1863; First Lieutenant, January 14. 1865; appointed Adjutant, March, 1865; mustered out June, 1865. Elected through the Ohio Com- mandery December 5, 1883; transferred to Indiana Comniandery October 17. 1888; Insignia No. 3058; member of Commandery-in- Chlef. Indianapolis. 32 MEMBERSHIP, I'EDEN, MILTOX— Colonel Oue Huiulred Forty-seveiitli lii(li:ni:i In- t.-iutry. First Lieutfiinnt Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantry, Septem- ber IG, IStJl; Captain. April, 18G2; niu.stei'^d out September 'M, 1864; Colonel (Jne Hundred Forty-seventh Indiana Infantry, Mareh 11, 1.S0.5; Tnustered out Autrust 4, 1805; wounded. Elected December 19, 1894; Insignia No. 10800. Knightstown. PEDIGO, JOSEPH O. -Captain Twenty-eighth V. S. C. T. I'rivate Seventy-ninth Indiana Infantry, August 13, IMi^; Captain Twenty- eighth United States Colored 1'roops, April "-'O, 1S()4: mustered out January S, 18GG. Fleeted October 8, 188'.); Insignia No. 7272. Lebanon. I'EELLE, STANTON J.— Seeond Lieutenant Fifty-seventh Indiana In- fantry. Corporal Eighth Indiana Infantry, September .5, 18G1; Second Lieutenant Fifty-seventh Indiana Infantry, December 11, 1862; mustered out July 30, 18G8; wounded. Elected through Com- mandery of District of Columbia May 7, 1884; transferred to Ohio Commander.v December 31, 1885; transferred to Indiana Com- mandery Octobei' 17, 1888; Insignia No. 3321; transferred to Com- mandery Itistrict of Columbia February 20, 1894. PEIUCE, HOI5EUT P.. F.— Seeond Lieutenant One Hundred Thirty- flfth Indiana Infantry. I'rivate One Hundred Thirty-tifth Indiana Infantry, :\Iay 10, 18G4; Second Lieutenant, May 18, 1864; mus- tered out September 29, 1864. Elected May 8, 1896; Insignia No. 11518. Died December, 1898. PENCE, JOHN B.— Captain Fortieth Indiana Infantry. I'rivate Forti- eth Indiana Infantry, October 16, 1861; Captain, December 31, 1861; resigned on account of disability, August 12, 1862. Elected I>ecember 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6606. Crawfordsville. I'ERKINS, CHARLES C— Acting Volunteer Lieutenant I'. S. Navy. Third Master United States Navy, November, 1861; Acting Volun- teer Lieutenant, October 1, 18(31; resigned, April 25, 1865. Elected October 9, 1891; Insignia No. 9013. Hender.son, Ky. PERRY, ORAN— Brevet Coionel U. S. V. Private Sixteenth Indiana Infantry. April 19, 1861; Sergeant ^la.ior. May 14, 1861; First Lieutenant and Ad.jutant Sixty-ninth Indiana Infantry, July 26, 1862; Lieutenant-* "olonel, March 12, 1863; commissioned Colonel but not mustered, April 1.'!, 18()3; mustered out July 5, 1865; Brevet Colonel U. S. V., March 26, 1865; wounded. Elected through Comnmndery District of Columbia June 6, 1883; trans- ferred to Ohio Conimandery March 16. 1885; transferred to In- diana Comnnuidery October 17, 1888; Insigni;i No. 28.50; member of Comniandcry-in-Cliief. Indianaiiolis. POPE, JOSEPH P.— Brevet Ma.ior U. S. V. Quartermaster Eleventh Indiana Infantry, August 13, 1861; Captain and Commissary of Subsistence I'. S. V., February 27, 1863; Brevet Major U. S. V., July 31, 1865; resigned December 15, 1865. Elected December 17, 1891; Insignia No. 9208. Indianapolis. IMTSTER, LOUIS— Captain Twenty-tirst Missouri Infantry, I'rivate TAventy-flrst Missouri Infantry, February 5, 1862; First Sergeant, February 5, 1862; Captain, March 6, 1863; mustered out April 19,. 18G6: wounded. Elected December 19, 1895; Insignia No. 11320. Evansville MEMBERSHIP. 33 REEVE, JOHN B.— Ciiptiiiii Thirty-seventh Indiana Infantry. Secona Lieutenant Thirty-seventh Indiana Infantry, September 18, 1861; First Lieutenant, January 1, 18G3: Captain, October 29, 1863; mus- tered out October 28, 18G4. Elected May 1(5, 1889: Insignia Xo. 7157. Rushville. REEVES, JAMES F.— Assistant Pay master U. S. Navy. Acting Assist- ant I'ayniaster United States Navy, liecember, 1864; discharged September, 1865. Elected Octolier !l, i8!»l; Insignia No. 9014. Kichmo7id. REXFORD, WILLIAM H.— (Captain Twenty-fourth Michigan Infantry. First Lieutenant Twenty-fourth Michigau Infantry, August 13, 1862; Captain, December 2U, 1862; mustered out on account of dis- ability November 21, 1863; wounded. Elected December 19, 1888; transferred to New York Commandery December 11, 1891; In- signia No. 6607. RICE. ALEXANDER A.— Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. V. Captain Fifteenth Indiana Infantry, April 27, 1861; re- signed December 31, 1861; First Lieutenant and Adjutant Seventy- second Indiana Infantry, July 23, 1862; Captain and Assistant Adjutant General. March 13, 1863; resigned March 18, 1864. Elected March 15, 1890; Insignia No. 7745. Lafayette. RICE. WELCOME— Captain Forty-eighth Indiana Infantry. Private Ninth Indiana Infantry, three months' service; First Lieutenant Forty-eighth Indiana Infantry. November 25, 1861; Captain, July 10, 1862; commissioned Major, July 13, 1863, but not mustered; resigned August 12, 1864. Elected March 10, 1895; Insignia No. 11055. Died January 3, 1900. RICHARDS, WILLIAM J.— Major Eighty-Hrst Indiana Infantry. Pri- vate Thirty-eighth Indiana Infantry, August, 1861; Second Lieu- tenant Eight.v-tirst Indiana Infantry, December 12, 1862; First Lieutenant, January 18, 186;^; Captain, February. 1863; Major, October 12, 1863; resigned on account of disability August, 1864; wounded. Elected April 18, 1889; Insignia No. 7042. Indianapolis. RORHINS, IRVIN— Major One Hundred Twenty-third Indiana In- fantry. Private Se\enlh Indiana Infantry, three months, April 24, 1S61; Adjutant Seventy-sixth Indiana Infantry, thirty days, July 21, 1862; Captain One Hundred Fourth, minute men, July, 1863; Cai)tain One Hundred Twenty-third Infantry, November 18, 1863; ilajor, July 1, 1864; mustered out August 26, 1865. Elected April IS, 1889; Insignia No. 7043. Indianapolis. ROBERTSON, ROBERT S.-Brevet Captain U. S. V. Private Ninety- third New York Infantry, October 22, 1861; First Sergeant, July 24, 1862; Second Lieutenant, April 15, 1862; First Lieutenant, Feb- ruary 23, 1863; Brevet Captain U. S. V., March 13, 1865; dis- charged for disability September 3, 1864; Brevet Colonel of New York Vol., March 23, 1865; thrice wounded. Elected through Ohio Commandery February 6, 1884; transferred to Indiana Command- ery October 17, 18S8; Insignia No. 311.59; member of Commandery- in-Chief. Fort Wayne. 34 MEMBERSHIP. KOBIXSON, AUGUSTUS G.— Colonel and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. A. Brevet Second Lieutenant Fourtli U. S. Artillery, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, February 19, 1863; Colonel and As- sistant Quartermaster U. S. A. Elected througli Massachusetts Conimandery; transferred to Indiana Comm;uidery November, 1895; transferred to Massachusetts Commandery December, 1S97. ROMEYN, ITENRY— Brevet Major U. S. A. I'rivate One Hundred Fifth Illinois Infantry, August lo, 1802; Corporal; Sergeant; Cap- tain Fourteenth I'. S. Colored Troops, March 15, 1863; mustered out March 26, 1866; First Lieutenant Thirty-seventh Infantry U. S. A., January 22, 1867; Brevet Major, March 13, 1805; Brevet Captain, March 2, 1867; wounded. Elected through Commandery District of Columbia July 1. 18S5; transferred to Indiana Com- mandery March 9. 1889; Insignia No. 4231; transferred to Com- mandery of Washington, D. C, July, ISflf). ROSS, FRED A.— Captain One Hundred Thirty-third Indiana Infantry. Private One Hundred Thirty-third Indiana Infantry, May 4, 1864; Captain, May 7, 1864; mustered out September 7, 1864. Elected February 12, 1897; Insignia No. 11804. Died April, 1898. ROSS, JAMES R.— Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. V. Sergeant Elev- enth Indiana Infantry (three luonths), April 17, 1861; First Lieu- tenant, same regiment (three years' service), August 31, 1861; Cap- tain, October 28, 1863; Major and A. D. C, April 21, 1864; Brevet Lieutenaut-Colonel, July 10, 1865; mustered out August 10. 1865. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6608. Indianapolis. ROSS, JOHN W.— Lieutenant Twenty-third Indiana Battery. Private Twenty-tliird Indiana Battery, July 29, 1861;' Second Lieutenant, December 24, 1862; Assistant Chief of Artillery and Chief of Ord- nance, Department of the Oliio; mustered out January 23, 1865. Elected February 22, 1890; Insignia No. 12536. Counersville. ROYSE. ISAAC H. C. -Second Lieutenant (Ine Hundred Fifteenth Illinois Infantry. Private One Hundred Fifteenth Illinois In- fantry, August 11, 1862; Sergeant. April 17. 1863: Second Lieuten- ant. June 11, 1863: mustered out June 27. 1805. Elected December 19, 1888: Insignia No. 6609; member of the Commandery-in-Chief. Terre Haute. RUCKLE, NICHOLAS R.— Colonel One Hundred Forty-eighth Indiana Infantry. Sergeant and Second Lieutenant Eleventh Indiana In- fantry, three months' service, April, 1861; Captain Eleventh In- diana Infantry, three years, December 4, 1861; Colonel One Hun- dred Forty-eighth Indiana Infantry, March 3, 1865; mustered out September 5, 1805. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6010. Died May 5, 1900. RUNYAN. JOHN N.— First Lieutenant Seventy-fourth Indiana In- fantry. Private Twelfth Indiana Infantry, October 23, 1861; Ser- geant Seventy-fourth Indiana Infantry, July 17, 1862: Second Lieu- tenant, March 25, 1863; First Lieutenant. December 17, 1863; mus- tered out on account of disability November 1, 1864; wounded. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6611. AVarsaw. MEMBERSHIP. 35 RYAN, JOHN W.— First Lieuteuiint Thiity-fourtli ludiaua Infantry. Private Seventeenth Indiana Infantry, May 13. 1861; Sergeant, August. 1801; Second Lieutenant, January 10, 1862; First Lieuten- ant and Adjutant Tliirty-fourtli Indiana Infantry, Marcli 10, 1863; resigned June 12, 1863. Elected December 19, 1888; Insignia No. 6612. Muncie. SAFFOIID, JAMES B.— First Lieutenant Tentli Indiana Cavalry. Pri- vate Fifty-fourth Indiana Infantry, three months; Commissary Sergeant, May 29, 1862; Private Tenth Indiana Cavalry, Decem- ber 25, 1863; Sergeant, August 1, 1864; Sergeant Major, June 15, 1865; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, July 11, 1865; mustered out August 31, 1865. Elected March 14, 1889; Insignia No. 6903. Crafton, I'a. SAMI'SON. WILLLIAM A.— Captain Sixty-sixtli Ohio Infantry. Sec- ond Lieutenant Sixty-sixth Ohio Infantry, October 1, 1861; First Lieutenant, May 20, 1862; Captain, January 27, 1863; mustered out on account of disability January 15, 1805. Elected December 11, 1896; Insignia No. 11646. Muncie. SAYLEK, HENKi' P..— Major One Hundred Eighteenth Indiana In- fantry. First Lieutenant One Hundred Eighteenth Indiana In- fantry, July 13, 1863; Captain, July 20, 1803; Major, September 3, 1863; mustered out March 10, 1864. Elected February 11, 1890; Insignia No. 7694. Huntington. SCOTT, ALEXANDER M.— First Lieutenant Forty-third Indiana In- fantry. Private Forty-third Indiana Infantry, September 10, 1861; Sergeant, First Lieutenant, :May 13, 1862; resigned by reason of disability April 1, 1864. Elected October 13, 1890; Insignia No. 8144. Ladoga. SCRIBNER, BENJAMIN F.— Brevet Brigadier General U. S. V. Pri- vate, Corporal, Sergeant Second Indiana Infantry Mexican war; Colonel Thirty-eighth Indiana Infantry, August 17, 1861; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. V., March, 1864: resigned on account of health, 1864. Elected December 19, 1890; Insignia No. 8395. New Albany. SEVERENCB, LA GRANGE— Second Lieutenant Twelfth Maine In- fantry. Private Twelfth Maine Infantry, November 15, 1S61; Sergeant, First Sergeant, March, 1863; Second Lieutenant, April, 1863; Regimental Adjutant, February, 1864: mustered out De- cember 7, 1864; twice wounded. Elected P'ebruary 11, 1890; In- signia No. 7695. Died at Huntington, Ind.. January 26, 1893. SEXTON, MARSHALL— Surgeon Fifty-second Indiana Infantry. Sur- geon Fifty-second Indiana Infantry, October 21, 1861; resigned on account of ill health April 30, 1862. P^lected May 9, 1890; In- signia No. 7931. Died at Rushville, Ind., January 9, 1892. SHELLEY, WILLIAM F.— Captain One Hundred Forty-seventh In- diana Infantry. Private in Fi-emont's Body Guard, October 4, 1861; discharged June 8, 1862; Private Nineteenth Indiana In- fantry, February 20. 1862; discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability May. 1863; First Lieutenant One Hundred Thirty- ninth Indiana Infantry, April 15, 1864; Captain One Hundred Forty-seventh Indiana Infantry, March 11, 1865; mustered out August 4, 1865. Elected October 8, 1889; Insignia No. 7273. New Castle. 36 MEMBERSHIP. ;^HEIl^VO()D, ISAAC R.— Brevet Brigadier General U. S. V. ITivate Fourteenth Ohio Infantry. Aiiril 15. ISGl; Lieutenant and Adju- tant One Hundred Eleventh Ohio Infantry, September G, 1862; Major, February o, 180.3; Lieutenant Colonel, June 1, 1804; Col- onel, September S. 18G-1: mustered out June 27, 1865; assigned to One Hundred Eighty-third Ohio Infantry and to the command of State of Florida; mustered out October 8, 1865: Brevet Brigadier General 11. S. V., February 27, 1865. Elected through Ohio Com- mandery October 1, 1800; Transferred to Indiana Comniaudery January 6, 1896. Insignia No. 8175. Transferred to Ohio Comniand- ery December, 1898. SLOAN, GEORGE W.— Fir'it Lieutenant One Hundred Thirty-second Indiana Infantry. First Lieutenant One Hundred Thirty-second Indiana Infantry, May 20, 1864; discharged September 5, 1864. Elected May 12, 1803; Insignia No. 10205. Indianapolis. SMITH, BEN L. — Captain Sixty-seventh Indiana Infantry. Second Lieutenant Sixty-seventh Indiana Infantry, August 10. 1862; I'irst Lieutenant, September 6, 1862; Captain, July 1, 1864; mustered out December 20, 18{J4. Elected March 14, 1880; Insignia No. 6002. Rushville. >eceniber 10, 1802; Insignia No. 421.5. SMITH. ZEMU(» A.— Bre\et Colonel V. S. V. Captain Eighteenth Tilaine Infantry, afterward First Maine Heavy Artillery, August 21, 1862; Major, September 17. 1864; liieutenant Colonel, January 16, 1865; Brevet Colonel Inited States Volunteers, March 20. 1865; mustered out at close of war; wounded. PJIected through Com- mandery of Massachusetts January 2, 18S4; transferred to Kansas Commandery .Vovember 2, 1887; transferred to Missouri Com- mandery October 1, 1880; transferred to Indiana Commandery De- f-ember 26, 1880; Insignia No. 3(i55; member of Commandery-In- Chief. Indianapolis. MEMBERSHIP. 37 SNIDER, WILLIAISI H.— Major Ninoty-fonrth Ohio liifantrj-. Privixte Xinety-fourlh Dliio Infantry. July 'I'l. ISfj'J; First Lieutenant, July 2G, 1862; Captain, January 2:5. 1N63: Major, January 24, ISfi.j; mustered out at close of war. Elected October 13, 1890: Insignia No. 8145. Logansport. SPAIN, DAVID F.— Captain Forty-eighth Indiana Infantry. Private Forty-eighth Indiana Infantry, October 10, 18(!1: First Lieutenant, November 2ri. 1861; Captain, July 5, 1802; resigned because of injuries received in battle December 3, 1862; subsequently (Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps; resigned July 2(!, 1864. Elected October 5, 1897; Insignia No. 11H04. South I'.end. SPURRIER. JOHN H.— Surgeon One Hundred Twent.v-thlrd Indiana Infantry. Assistant Surgeon Sixteenth Indiana Infantry, August 19, 1862; resigned on account of disability; Stirgeon One Hundred Twenty-third Indiana Infantry, March 1, 1864; Chief Surgeon, March 9, 1864; mustered out August 25, 1865. Elected October 13, 1890; Insignia No. 8146. Rushville. STANFIELD, EDWARD P.— First Lieutenant and Adjutant Forty- eighth Indiana Infantry. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Forty- eighth IiuPana Infantry, November 18. 1861; mustered out De- cember 20. 1864. Elected October 14, 1896; Insignia No. 11570. South Bend. STANHOPE, PIIILII' .M.— Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. A. Captain Twelfth U. S. Infantry, March 14, 1861; Major, December 10, 1S73; Bre\et Lieutenant Colonel. October 2, 1864; retired May 27, 1879; wounded. Elected through the Comniandery of Illinois June 15, 1893; transferred to Indiana Commandery May 2, 1895; Insignia No. 10220. Died at Indianapolis June 24, 1895. STARR. AVILLIAM C— Lieutenant Colonel Ninth Virginia Infantry. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, November 1, 1861; mustered out at expiration of term of service. October 31, 1864. Elected through Commatidery of Ohio November 2, 1887; transferred to Indiana Commandery December 12, 1888; Insignia No. 5815; mem- ber of Couiinandery-iu-Chief. Died at Richmond May 17, 1897. STEELE, GEORGE W.— Major One Hundred First Indiana Infantry. Private Eighth Indiana Infantry, April 22, 1861; First Lieutenant Twelfth Indiana Infantry, July 20, 1861; mustered out May 19. 1862; First Lieuteuaut One Hundred First Indiana Infantry, September 6, 1862; Captain, September 6, 1862; Major. January 27. 1863; Lieutenant Colonel, not mustered, June 1, 1863; mustered out June 24; 1865; First Lieutenant I'ourteenth U. S. Infantry, February 23, 1866; resigned February 1, 1876. Elected through Commander.y of District of Columbia June 7, 1882; transferred to Indiana Commandery January l(i, 189(); Insignia No. 2629. Marion. STITT, WILLIAM S.— First Lieutenant Seventy-fifth Indiana Infantry. Private Seventy-fifth Indiana Infantry. August 20, 1862; Second Lieutenant, February 9, 1864; First Lieutenant, April 26, 1864; mustered out June 8, 1865; wounded. Elected May 20, 1892; In- signia No. 9632. Wabash. 38 MEMBERSHIP. STORY, JOSEl'H M.— Captain Twenty-sixth Indiana Infantry. Pri- vate Twenty-sixth Indiana Infantry, August 31, ISGl; First Ser- geant, .Tuiy 27, 1SG2; First Lieutenant, Fehruary 28, 18G3; Captain, July 20, 1865; mustered out .lanuary 15, 186G. Elected October 8, 1889; lusi^'uia No. 7274. Franklin. TALLEY, J. SMITH— Second Lieutenant First Delaware Battery. Frivate First Delaware Battery, Light Artillery, October 5, 18C2; Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, February 1, 18G5; mustered out July 5, 1S65. Elected October l>, 1891; Insignia No. 9015. Terre Haute. TARKINGTON, JOHN S.— Captain One Hundred Thirty-second In- diana Infantry. JOutered service at Captain One Himdred Thirty- second Indiana Infantry, Mary IS. 18G4; mustered out September 7, 1864. Entered May 11, 1894; Insignia No. 10577. Indianapoiis. TAYLOR. GAMALIEL S.— First Lieutenant and Adjutant Third In- diana- Cavalry. Private in Company D, Tliird Indiana Cavalry, July 18, ISGl; Sergean.t, I'irst JJeutenant and Adjutant, Deceml)er 27, 18G2; Acting Assistant Adjutant General of his brigade dur- ing the last three months of his service; mustered out at expira- tion of term of service, September 8, 18G4; wounded. Elected October 6, 1899. Insignia No. 12682. Madison. TAYLOR, JAMES E.— Captain Fifth Ohio Cavalry. Private Fifth Ohio Cavalry, October IG, 1861; First Sergeant; First Lieutenant, July 29, 1864; Captain, April 21, 1865; mustered out October 30, 1.S05. Elected October 9, 1891; Insignia No. 9016. Itichmond. THOMAS. CHARLES L.— Surgeon Twenty-flfth Indiana Infantry. As- sistant Surgeon Tv^enty-tifth Indiana Infantry, July 9, 1862; Sur- geon, October 20, 1862; mustered out July 17, 1865. Elected April 18, 1889; Insignia No. 7044. Crawfordsville. THOMPSON, JAMES li.— Surgeon Second Tennessee Heavy Artillery. Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, June 8, 18G3, and Sixteenth A. C, October 24. 1863: Surgeon Second Tennessee Heavy Artil- lery, February 5, 1864; mustered out on Surgeon's certificate of disability October 1, 18G5. Elected February 14, 1889; Insignia No. 6826. Indianapolis. THOMSON, CHESTER G.— Lieutenant Colonel Seventy-second Indiana Infantry. Private Seventy-second Indiana Infantry, July .30, 18G2; First Lieutenant. August 2, 1862; (Captain, December 19, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel, .September 27, 1861. Elected March 11. 1892; Insignia No. 9462. LaFayette. THORNBURGH. JOHN— First Lieutenant and Q. M. Fourth Indiana Cavalry, September 18, 1862; resigned on surgeon's certiflcat.> of disability while acting Brigade Q. M., August 1, 1863. Elected through the Commandery of the State of Minnesota, March 10, 1891; transferred to this commandery April 20, 1900. Insignia No. 8612. New Oastlc VAN NATTA, JOB H.— IJcutenaut Colonel Tenth Indiana Infantry. Private Tenth Indiana Infantry, September 6, 18G1; mustered in September 19, 1861; commissioned First Lieutenant, September 20, 1861; Captain, March 20, 1862: Major, Noveraljer 18. 1S62; Lieutenant Colonel. September '20, 1863; mustered out September 20, 18GJ; wounded. Elected February, 1895; Insignia No. 110.54. LaFayette. MEMBERSHIP, 39 VANPELT, CORWIX B.— First Lieutenant Eighty-first Ohio Infantry. Private Eigiity-first Ohio Infantry, August 14, 1S62; commissary Sergeant, July 12, 1864; Q. M. Sergeant, April 1, 186.'); Second Lieutenant, May IS, 18(!5. First Lieutenant, July 5, 1865; muster- ed out July 13, 18G5. Elected May 15, 1900. Insignia No. South Bend. VARNEY, ALMON L.— :Major Ordnance U. S. A. First Lieutenant Thirteenth Maine Infantry, December It, ISGl; Captain, August 14, 1802; mustered out January 6, 1865; Second Lieutenant Ord. L'. S. A., February, 1863; First Lieutenant, June, 1874; Captain, Oc- tober, 1874; Major, November "0. 1891. Elected through Com- raandery of Massachusetts March 5, 1890; transferred to Indiana Commandery December l!i, 1892; Insignia No. 7774. San Antonio, Texas. VOORHEES, JACOB E.— Captain Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry. Sec- ond Lieutenant Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry, October 13, 1861; First faeutenant. May 31. 1862; Captain, June 2, 1863; mustered out November 11, 1864. Elected December 11, 1896; Insignia No. 11805. VORIS, ARCHIBALD C.-Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. V. Captain and C. S. United States Volunteers, July 16, 1862; Brevet Major. October 14, 1865: Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865; resigned May 11, 1865. Elected Octol)er 20. 1893: Insignia No. 10288. Bed- ford. VOUGHT, JOHN E.— First Lieutenant One Hundred Third Ohio In- fantry. Private One Hundred Third Ohio Infantry, August 21, 1862; First Sergeant, March 5, 1863; First lieutenant. May IS, 1865; mustered out June 12, 1865. Elected December 19, 1888; In- signia No. 6615. Indianapolis. WAGNER, JOHN B. -Captain One Hundred Thirty-tifth Indiana In- fantry. Private Eighth Illinois Infantry, May, 1861; mustered out September, 1801; Captain One Hundred Thirty-fifth Indiana In- fantry, April 26, 1864; discharged September 21, 1864. Elected October 13, 1890; Insignia No. 8141. LaFayette. WALES, SIGOURNEY— Major Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, C. T. Private Fourth Battalion Rifles, TJ. S. V., May, 1861; Sergeant, May 11, 1861; Sergeant Thirteeutli Massachusetts Infantry, July 17, 1861; Second Lieutenant, February 3. 1863; tlaptain Fifty-flftli Massachusetts Infantry C. T., May 13, 1863; Major, December 1. 1863; resigned November 18. 1864. Elected through Commandery of Massachusetts January 2, 1884; transferred to Indiana Com- mandery October 17, 1888; insignia No. 3120. Died September, 1895. WALKER, IVAN N.— Colonel Seventy-third Indiana Infantry. Second Lieutenant Seventy-third Indiana Infantry, July 1.5, 1862; Cap- tain, August 5, 1862; Major, February 14, 1863; Lieutenant Col- ■ onel, March 30, 1863; Colonel May 20, 1864 (not mustered); re- signed on account of disability July 4, 1864. Elected August 30, 1893, Insignia No. 10245. Indianapolis. 40 MEMBERSHIP. WALLACE, LEW— ^L^1ol• >ieneral U. S. V. Second Licuteoaut First lU'^inient Indiana Volunteers Mexican War: Colonel Eleventli Indiana Infantry, April. 18()1; three months; re-org:anized regiment and mustered in as C'olonel, August, 1861; Brigadier General, Februar,v, 18C2; Ma.ior General, March 21, 1862. Elected through Cominandery of Ohio March ?,, 18SG; transferred to Indiana Com- niauder.v October 17, 1S8S; Insignia No. .5194; member of Com- mander.v-in -Chief. Crawfordsville. WALLACE, WILSON DEWITT— Cant.iin Fortieth Indiana Infantr.v. Private Fortieth Indiana Infantry, 1861; Second Lieutenant, December 1C>. 1861; Captain, .Inne 9, 1862; resigned on account of wounds April 21. ISc;-;. Elected May 8, 1801; Insignia No. 8771. LaFayette. WALLINGFOIil*, JOHN N.— Lieutenant Colonel Thirty-ninth Ken- tuck> Militia. Private Tenth Kentucky Cavalrj', August 8, 1862; Second Lieutenani. August 22, 1862; First Lieutenant and Ad- jutant. .Tune 2U, 186;^,; mustered out September 17, 186.3; Ijieu- tenant (.'olonel Thirty-nintli Kentii'-ky iMilitia, January 6, 180-1: mustered out at I'lose of war Elected October i;!, 18!)^; Insignia No. 8147. Greensburg WAPPENHANS, CHAULES F. U.— Acting Master United States Navy. .Master's Mate LT. S. Navy. December 22, 1862; Ensign, January 8, 1868; Acting Master, May S. 1865; discharged October 8, ISCS. Elected April 0, 1801; Insignia No. 8727. Indianapolis. WARD, WILLIAM D.— Lieutenant Colonel Thirty-seventh Indiana In- fantry, ('aptain Thirty-seventh Indiana Infantry, September 18, 1801; Major, April 26, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel August 14, 1802; mustered out October 27. 1864; wounded. Elected October 13. ISitO; Insignia No. 8148. Died December, 1808. W ATE KM AN. LUTHER D.— Surgeon Eighth Indiana Cavalry. August, 1861; Medical Director of the di^-ision in which he served; muster- ed out October 11. 1S64, at the expiration of term of service. Elected October 6, 1S".»!». Insii^nia No. 12683. Indianapolis. WEBSTF;n, JOHN C— Second Lieutenant Fortieth Indiana Infantry. Private Fortieth Indiana Infantry. October 16, 1861; Second Ser- geant, December 10. 1861; Second Lieutenant. May 1, 186.3; mustered out October 14. 1864; wounded. Elected March 16. 1890; Insignia No. 7743. I. Elected through the Commandery of Ohio August 0, 1884; transferred to Indiana Commandery October 17, 1888; In- signia No. 3390. Died May 12, 1900. WHITE. JAMES E.— Caiitain Twelttli Indiana Battery. Private Twelfth Indiana Battery. De<-ember 19. LSOl; Quartermast'n- Ser- geant; Captain. April 30. 1862; mustered out Janu.ary .1, ISO.". Elected November 13. 1891: Insignia No. '.)0'J3. Richmond. MEMBERSHIP. 41 "WHITE, JOHX I.— First Lieutenant One Hundred Fifth New York Infantry. Private One Hundred Fiftti New Yorlc Infantry, De- cember 14, 1861; Second Lieutenant, Marcli 11, ISti'i; First Lien- tenant, Octol)er 0, 186i!; mustered out March 19, 1863; wounded. Elected October 8, 1880; Insignia No. 7277. Died December, isnt). WHITSrr, COUKTLAXI) E.— Captain Twenty-sixth Indiana Infantry. Priv.ite Twenty-sixtli Indiana Infantry. July 28, 1861; Captain, August 30, 1861; resigned February 2, 1864. Elected Deceainer 18, 1888; Insignia No. 6616. Died at Indianapolis July 26, 1881). WHITSET, JOHN A.— First Lieutenant Twent.y-sixth Indiana In- fantry. l*ri\ate Twenty-sixrh Indiana Infantry, July 28, 1861; Second Lieutenant, August UO. 1861: First Lieutenant, June 30, 1864; ("aptain (not mu.ster?d), June 1. 1865: mustered out January 15, 1866. Elected May 10, 1889; Insignia No. 7150. Died October 27, 1803. WILDMAN, JOHN F.— Major One Hundred Fifty-third Indiana In- fantry. Private Third Indiana ('a\'alry. May, 1861; Adjutant One Hundred Thirtieth Indiana Infantry, May 5, 1863; .Major One Hundred Fift.v-third Indiana Infantrj-. March '.). 1865; mustered out at close of war. Elected December 11, 1806; Insignia No. 11647. .Muncie. WILES, WILLI.^M D.— Captain Thirty-sixth Lidinua Infantry. Cap- tain Thirty-sixth Indiana Infantr.-s. August 24, 1861; discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability January, 18(J2. Elected De- cember 10, 1888; Insignia No. 6617. Died at Indianapolis January 26, 1895. WILKINSON, THOMAS B.— First Lieutenant Third Indiana Cavalry. Private Third Indiana Cavalry, September 5, 1861; First Sergeant, September 10, 1861; First Lieutenant, February 2, 1862; A. A. Q. M. of a Cavalry Brigade; mustered out at expiration of term of service. Elected October, 1808: Insignia No. 12330. Knlghts- town. WILLIAMS, HENLY M.— First Lieutenant Eleventh Indiana Battery. Second Lieutenant Eleventh Indiana Battery Light Artillery. February 17. 1862; First Lieutenant, August 10, 1863; mustered out November. 1863; wounded. Elected through Commandery of Ohio; transferred to Indiana Commandery May 1, 1805; Insignia No. 5814. Ft. Wayne. WILLIAMS, JOHN S.— Colonel Sixty-third Indiana Infantry. Adjutant same regiment, December 31, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel, February 21. 1862; Colonel. August 28. 1802; resigned June 17, 1863. Elected through the Commandery of the District of ("olumliia February 3, 18S6: tr.'insferred to this Commandery December 30, 1800; Insignia No. 4473. LaFayette. WILLOrOHliY. AURELIUS M.— First Lieutenant Eighth Indiana Cavalry. I'rivate Thirt.v-ninth Indiana Infantry, August 2S, 1861: Quaitermaster Sergeant, June 18, 1863: First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster Eighth Indiana Cavalry, November 1, 1864: mustered out August 10, 1865. Elected May 17, 1803; In- .signia No. 10206. Vincennes. 42 MEMBERSHIP. AVILSOX. CTIABLES L.— Surgeon One HuiKlred Forty-first Ohio In- fantry. Assistant Surgeon Seveutj-nintli Oliio Infantry, Septenw ber, 18t)] ; Assistant Surgeon Seventy-liftb Ohio Infantry; Sur- geon. :May 1.5, 1863; resigned on Surgeon's certificate of disability, Octoijer 2, 1863; Surgeon One Hundred I'orty-first Ohio Infantry, May. 1864; mustered out September 3, 1864. Elected through Commandery of Ohio December 2, 188o: transfcn-red to Indiana Commandery October 17, ISSS; Insignia No. 4352. Indianapolis. WILSON, DAVID— C.'iptain Eleventh Indiana Infantry. Private Eleventh Indiana Infantry. July 23, 1861; Corporal, Sergeant, August o, 1861; Second Lieutenant, 1861; First Lieutenant, August 1, 1862; Captain, INIay 13, 1865; mustered out August 30, 186r;. Elected March 14, 1889; Insignia No. 6904. Died August 8, 1896. WILSON, WTI,LIAM C— Colonel One Hundred Thirty-fifth Indiana In fantry. Captain 'lenth Indiana Infanti'y, April 19, 1861; Major. May 10. 1861; Colonel Fortieth Indiana Infantry, September 23, 1861; resigned March 27, 1862; Colonel One Hundred Eighth In- diana Infantry; Colonel One Hundred Thirty-fifth Indiana In- fantry, May 24, 1864; mustered out September 29, 1864; wounded. Elected through Ohio Commandery January 2. 1884; transferred to Indiana Commandery December 7, 1888; Insignia No. 3080. Died at LaFayette, Ind., September 25, 1891. WOOD, ANDREW (I.— First Lieutenant One Hundred Twenty-third Indiana Infantry. First Lieutenant One Hundred Twenty third Indiana Infantry, February 10, 1864; mustered out October 2S, 1865. Elected December 17. 1892; Insignia No. 9909. Insignia re- voked and dropped to.r non-payment of dues and violation of obli- gation. WOOD, THO.MAS B.— First Lieutenant Eleventh Indiana Infantry. Private Eleventh Indiana Infantry, April 13, 1861; re-en'Isted Sergeant; Second Lieutenant; First Lieutenant, August, 18G2; mustered out January 27, 1865, because of Mounds. Elected De- cember 19, 1SS8, Insignia No. 12110. Franklin. WOOLLEN, (JREEN V.— Assistant Surgeon Twenty-seventh In. liana Infantry. Resident Physician in Camp Morton, April, ISO] ; As- sistant Surgeon Twenty-seventh Indiana Jnfantry, September 7, 1801; mustered out Septeml)er, 1864. Elected October 8, 18S9; Insignia No. 7275. Indianapolis. YAI:YAN, J(JHN L.— First I-ieiitenant Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry. Private Nineteenth Indiana Infantry, .Ma.v, 1861; First l..ieii- tenaut, ."!uly, 1861; First Ijieutenant and Adjutant Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry. January. 1862: resigned March. 1864. Elected February 14, 1889; insignia No. 6827. Ined at Richmond, In.d., April 2, 1897. VOUNG, STEPHEN J.— Surgeon Seventy-ninth Illinois Infantry. As- sistant Surgeon U. S. V., October 19, 1861; First Assistant Sur- geon Forty-eighth Illinois Infantry, November, 1861; Surgeon ■ Seventy-ninth Illinois Infantry, January 1," 1863; mustered out February 19, 1865. i:iected October 8, 1889; Insignia No. 7270; member of Commandery-in-Chief. Torre Haute. MEMBERSHIP. 43 ZOLLINGER, ClIARLKS A.— Colonel Oiip Hiimlroil Tweiity-iiiiith Iii- cliana Infautry. Private Ninth Indiana Infantry, April ]<;, 18G1; First Lieutenant Thirtieth lurtiana Infantry, September :.'4, ISOl; resigned on account of disability February 1, IStjo: Captain One Hundred Twenty-ninth Indiana Infantry, January 2o, ISiM; Lieu- tenant Colonel, March 21, 18r,4; Colonel, June 15, 1804; mustered out August 2!J, 1860. Elected Deienioer 1!), 188S; Insignia No. 6619. Died December 27, 1893. FIRST CLASS BY INHERITANCE. Members of the tirst class by inheritance are eldest sons or next of kin of deceased Companions and other officers. ANKENY, CHARLES H.— Eligibility derived from his brother, FranK- lin C. Ankeny, Lieutenant, Company ('. Sixtieth Ohio Volunteers. He was a private in the Sixtieth Ohio Volunteers. Elected Feb- ruary, 1894, througli Ohio Conimandery; transferred to Indiana Commandery, December 8, 1897; Insignia No. 10464. LaFayette. BALDAVIN, MERCHANT H.— Eldest son of Lieutenant Colonel El- bert David Baldwin, Twelfth Indiana Infantry, who died De- cember 20, 1878. Second Lieutenant U. S. V. Signal Corps, Span- ish War. Elected May 15, 19')0. Insignia No. . Fort Wayne. BOICE, PARKER J.— IJldest direct made lineal descendant of Wil- liam P. Johnson, Surgeoji, Eighteenth Ohio Infantry; deceased Elected Companion tirst class by inheritance, December 19, 1890; Insignia No. 11324. Indianapolis. BRADSHAW, WALTER J.— Eldest .son of James M. Bradshaw, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster V. S. Volunteers. Elected second class, February 11, 1S9U; Insignia No. 7696. First class In succession. Helena, Mont. BRANHAM, GEORGE E.— Eldest son of Companion Captain George F. Branham, wlio died May 9, 1890. Elected tirst class in succession May 6, 1808. Insignia No. 12283. Indianapolis. CARR, CARROLL B.— Eldest son of Companion, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph H. Carr, who died January 10, 1898. Lieutenant One Hun- dred Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry, Spanish War. Elected first class in succession, October, 1898. Insignia No. 124.53. Indianap- olis. COMPTON, S.4MUEL M.— Only living male decendant of Samuel S Mickle, Major Forty-seveuth Indiana Infantry; Private First In- diana Heavj' Artillery, November. 1862; mustered out January 10, 1866, Elected first class by inheritftnoe, October 2-3, 1895. Quar- termaster General of Indiana, 1893-97. Quartermaster One Hun- dred Fifty-ninth Indiana Volunteers in Spanish war; Insignia No. 11184. Indianapolis. 44 MEMBERSHIP. COXKLIX, ROSCOE— Eldest sou of Aiithonj- M. Coiiklin, First Lieu- tenant Sevent.v-fifth Indiana Infantry. Elected October 14, 1896. Private Eighteeutli U. S. Infantry in the Ihilippiues; Insignia No. 31577. CRTFT, JOHN "W.— Eldest brother and lineal descendant of Brigadier General Charles Crnft, who died at Tcrre Haute. March 2.3. 1883. Elected first class hy inlieritance JNIay lo, 1!)00. Insignia No. — . Terre Haute. DOWDE.X, SAMFEL H.— Eldest son of Companion. Lieutenant Francis M. Dowden, v\ho died March 25, 1S97. Elected lirst class in suc- cesjiion, Maj' 1890; Insignia No. 1260G. Greensburg. EVANS, HENRY L.— Elected first class hy inheritance through the Penus.vlTania Coniniandery, October 19, 1887; transferred to In- diana Conunandery, December 3, 1888; Insignia No. 574.3. New York FIXCH. .TOHN A.— Eldest brother and heir of H. B. Finch, First Lieu- tenant Thirty-third Indiana Inf.iutry; died October, 1867. John A. Finch served as private in (>ne Hundred Thirty second In- diana Infantry. Elected first class by inheritance. May 8, 1896; Insignia No 11520. Died May 30, 1900. FLETCHER, ROBERT M.— Eldest son of Stephen K. Fletcher, First Lieutenant One Hundred and Fifteenth Indiana Infantry. Elected first class by inheiitance, October 5, 1897, through Indiana Com- maudery; I'ri^'ate One Hundred SiNtieth Indiana X'olanteers. In- signia No. 11965. Indianapolis. GALL, ALBERT— Eldest son of Alois D. (Jail, Surgeon Thirteenth In- diana Infaniry; died February 11, 18(i7. Elected member of first class V)y inheritance, May Iti, 1889: Insignia No. 71('>1. Indian- apolis. GANTER, LEO S. -Eldest son of Chaidain Richard L. Ganter, Fif- teenth Ohio Infantr.v. Elected December 10, 1898. Insignia No. 12537. Muncie. GARBER, GUILFORD S.— Eldest son of Michael C. Garber, who waived in favor of his eldest son. Succession comes through Colonel Michael C. Garber. Deputy Q. M. G. I". S. V., Captain One Huuilred Fifty-ninth Indiana Infantry in Spanish war, and C'ap- tain U. S. V. of 1899 in tlse I'hilippiues. I'llected INlay 0, 1898. Insignia No. 12340. Madison. GAVITT. WILLIAM— Eldest ,son of John Smith Gavitt, Major First Indiana Cavalry, who was killed b,\ Jeff Thonifson's command at Frederlckstown, Missouri, October 21, 1S61. IWected December 14, 1S97; Insignia No. 120i>8. Evansville. GRESHAM, OTTO— Eldest son of Walter Q. Gresham; inheritance. Elected Decensber 19, 188S; Insignia No. 6622; transferred to Commandery of Illinois. HAINES, MATTHIAS L.— Eldest son of Abram B. Haines, Surgeon Nineteenth and One Hundred Forty-si.Kth Indiana Infantry. Elected member of first class by descenl, October 8, 1889; Insignia Xo. 727S; .elected Chaplain .May 9, 1890; re-elected May 8, ISPl. Indianaiiolis. MEMBERSHIP. 45 HAWKINS, ROSCOE O.— Ekk'St son of rraylorfl R. Hawkins, Chaplain Second Ohio Cavali'.v, who died in the service at Fort Scott, Kan- sas, September 2, 1862. Elected member lirst class by descent, December 19, 188S; Insignia No. 6620. Indianapolis. HENDRICKS, ALLAN W.— Eldest son of Abrani W. Hendricks, Major and Paymaster U. S. V., who died November 25, 1887. Elected member of first ciass by descent, October 8, 188U; Insignia No. 7279. Resigned. HUDNUT, BENJAMIN G.— Eldest son of First Lientenant and Quar- termaster, Theodore Hndnut. Nineteenth Indiana Infantry, who died of disease, May 12, lS!t2, at Mt. Vernon, Ind. Elected Feb- rnary 21, 1900. Insignia No. 11^864. Terre Haute. HUDSON, MORTON S.-EIdest son of Robert N. Hudson, Colonel One Plundred Thirty-third Indiana Infantry; died August 30, 1889. Elected member first class by inheritance, December 17, 1892; Insignia No. 9910. Holliday, Archer Co., Texa.s. JESSUP, ROBERT B. JR.-Eldest son of Robert B. .Jessup, Surgeon Twenty-fourth Indiana Infantry; died November 9, 1893. Elected Companion of first class by inheritance February 12, 1894; In- signia No. 10457. Vincennes. LANDIS, WALTER K.— Eldest son of Abraham H. Landis, Assistant Surgeon Thirty-fifth Ohio Infantry. P^lected February 23, 1891; Insignia No. 8583. First class by inheritance on death of father. Porto Rico. LILLY, JOSIAH K.— Eldest son of Eli Lilly, Colonel Ninth Indiana Cavalry, deceased. First class by succession. Elected December 10, 1S89; Insignia No. 7508. Indianapolis. M'GREGOR, JAMES C— Only son of the elde.st brother of Charles Mc- Gregor, Connuander United States Navy. Elected February 22, 1893; first class by inheritance; Insignia No. 10038; transferred to New York Commandery, January 1, 1895. MARTIN, WILLIAM H.— Eldest son of Roger ]Martin, Colonel Sixty- sixth Indiana Infantry, who died January 17, 1893. Elected first class by inheritance, May S, 1896; Insignia No. 11521. Bedford. MAY, ISAAC ELMER— Eldest son of Ma.ior Isaac >[. May, Nineteenth Indiana Volunteers, who died in Gains ville, Va., September 4, 1862 ,of wounds received in the second battle of Bull Run, August 28, 1862. Elected first class by inheritance, February 21, 1900. Insignia No. 12865. Anderson. MEGREW, HAROLD C— Son of Willis U. Megrew, Captain Fifty- eighth U. S Infantry C. T.; died at Richmond, Virginia, Septem- ber 6. 1866. Elected member of first class by inheritance, May 10, 1895; Insignia No. 11056. Indianapolis. MILLARD, CHARLES S.— Only son of Charles S. Millard, First Lieu- tenant and Adjutant One Hundred Seventeenth New York In- fantry ; died April 8, 1894. Elected Companion first class in succes- sion, February 12, 1895; Insignia No. 10910. Indianapolis. 46 MEMBERSHIP. MILLER, DAVID H.— Eldest aiul only son of Scott JMiller, Captalii Companj' I, Seventh Indiana Infantry, who died at Paris, Texas, August, IST'J; Private Company I, Seventh Indiana Infantry, Sep- tember 13. 18G1; discliarg-ed January 17, 1S(>3, on account of dis- ability. Elected December 14, 18'J7; Insignia No. 120'J9. Franklin. NICHOLSON, MEREDITH— Eldest son of Edward W. Nicholson, Cap- tain Tv>enty-seventh Indiana Battery; deceased. Elected October 13, 1890; Insignia No. 184!t. First class in succession, August, 1S04. Denver, Colorado. OGLF', ALL'RED, M.— Eldest nephew of Samuel N. Yeomivn, Colonel Ninetieth Ohio Infantry, and Companion of Ohio Commandery, who died July 18. 1890. Elected Companion of first class by suc- cession, February 22, 1893; Insignia No. 10037. Indianapolis. PALMER, H.lRRY B.— Eldest son of John J. Palmer, Brevet Major U. S. v.; died July 21, 1896. Elected Companion of llrst class In succession, October 14, 1896; Insignia No. ll.f«78. Helena, Mont. PEARSON, CHARLES D.— Eldest son of Charles D. Pearson, Major and Surgeon Forty-ninth Indiana Infantry; died July 14, 1890. Elected Companion first class in succession December 19, 1890; Insignia No. 8396. Indianapolis. PENCE, WILLIAM P.-First Lieutenant i;. S. A. First class by In- heritance from Captain Samuel H. Shortle, Tenth Indiana In- fantry, who died of ■nounds received in battle. Graduated from U. S. Military Academy 1894. Elected December, 1895; In- signia No. 11325. POLAND, WILLIAM B.— Eldest son of John S. Poland, Colonel U. S. A., deceased. Elected October 14, 1890; Insignia No. 11580; mem- ber of the first class in succession on the death of his father, In August, 1898. Washington, Indiana. RICE, HERI'.ERT H.— Eldest son of Captain Welcome Rice, M'ho died January 1900. Elected first class in succession, February 21, 1900. Insignia No. 12S03. Indianapolis. UILEY, J.'^MES WniTCOMB— Second son of Captain Reuben A. Klley, Fifth Indiana Cavalry, deceased; right by waiver of John A. Riley, elder brother. Elected first class by inheritance May 5, 1899; Insignia No. 12607. Indianapolis. SIVEIi, EMETi' L.— Eldest son of Harvey Siver, Second Lieutenant One Hundred Forty-ninth New York Infantry; died August 9, 1867. Elected Companion first class by inheritance, December 17, 1892; Insignia No. 9911. Ft. Wayne. SLACK, JAMES R.— Eldest son of James R. Slack, Brigadier General U. S. Y., died July 28, 18S1. Elected Companion of first class by inheritance, May 9, 1809; Insignia No. 7932. Huntington." STEWART. ALEXANDER M.— Eldest son of Robert R. Stewart, Colonel Eleventh Indiana Cavalry, deceased. Elected Companion of first class by inheritance, February 23, 1891; Insignia No. 8582. Indianapolis. MEMBERSHIP. 47 STILLWELL, THOMAS N.— Eldest son of Thoiiuis N. StiUwoll. Q. M., Thirty-founh Jiullnnii Volunteers. Elected tirst chiss by inberit- ance, December 13, 189'J. Insignia No. . Anderson. TANNER, GEORGE G. -Eldest son of Major Gordon Tanner, who died September 30, 186T. of wounds received in battle. Elected first class by inheritance, December 10, l.SHS. Insignia No. 12450. Indianapolis;. TAYLOR, BUSHROD \V.— Only son of l-tuslirod B. Taylor, Captain United States Navy; died April 14, ISSo. Elected Companion of first class, by inheritance, May 10, 1889; Insignia No. 7160. Louis- ville, Ky. TERRELL, EDWIN H.-Brother of Thomas C. Terrell, Lieutenant U. S. Navy, who died while on duty as an ofticer of the naA'y at Pensacola, Florida. Elected Companion of first class by inherit- ance, through the Commandery of Nebraska, December 4, 18S9; transferred to Indiana Commandery, August 1, 1894; Insignia No. 7551. San Antonio, Texas. THOMPSON, CHARLES B.— Brother of Brevet Major Lewis Thomp- son, died on Yellov/ Stone river, Montana, July 19, 1876. Elected Companion of first class by inheritance, through the Commandery of California, February 16, 1887; transferred to Indiana Command- ery, October 25, 1890; transferred to Kansas Commandery March 24, 1891; Insignia No. 5331. WALKER, GEORGE B.— Son of John T. Walker, Major Twenty-lifth Indiana Infantry, who died at Evansville, Indiana, February 8, 1865. Elected Companion of first class by inheritance, tlirough the Commandery of California, November 11, 1885; transferred to Indiana Commandery, December 31, 1890; Insignia No. 4101. Major U. S. A. WEIST, HARRY IL— Eldest son Jacob R. Weist, Surgeon First U. S. C. T. Elected May 8, 1891; Insignia No. S772. Member of the first class in succession on the death of his father, May 12, 1900. Richmond. WHITE, JOHN HAZRN— Eldest living son of Major .Moses Hazen White, U. S. V. Elected fiirst class by inheritance October, 1898. Insignia No. 12.341. Bishop of Indiana. Michigan City. WILEY, FREDERICK H.— Eldest son of Captain AVilliam Y. Wiley, who died July 29, 1873. Elected a member of the first class by inheritance. May, 1899. Insignia No. 1260S. Indianapolis. WILKINSON, ALI-EN A.— Eldest son of Joseph Wilkinson, Second Lieutenant One Hundred Twentieth New York Infantry; died March 31, 1892. Elected first class by inheritance, December 17, 1892; Insignia No. 9912. Indianapolis. WILLARD, CHARLES A.— Brother of George A. Willard, Lieutenant Ihirty-sixth Indiana Infantry; killed at siege of Atlanta, August 8, 1864. Charles A. Willard, Sergeant One Hundred Thirty- seventh Ohio Infantry; May 1, 1864: mustered out .August, 1804. Elected March 11, 1892; Insignia No. 94G3. Miincie. 48 MEMBERSHIP. -.VIXAXS, HEXJiY M.— Eldest son of Henry C. Winans, Surgeon Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry; died October 10, 1; Insignia No. 11579. United States Navy. Elected October 14, 1896; Insignia No. 11579; As- sistant Paymaster U. 8. N. Indianapolis. CHARLTON, FREDERICK R.— Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant Thomas J. Charlton, Surgeon-Ma.ior One Hundred Fifty-eightti Infantry in Spanish war. £;iected October, 189S. Insignia No. 12342. Indianapolis. CLARK, .-ADDISON BR.ADEX— Eldest son of ComiMnion Colonel John G. Clark. Elected February 22, ISSHt ; Insignia No. 12538; Legislature 1899. Frankfort. COBB, GEORGE M.— Eldest son of Companion Captain Thomas A. Cobb. Elected October 6. 1899. Insignia No. 12t)84. Muncie. COCKRUM, .;OHN B. -Eldest son of William M. Cockrum, Lieutenant Colonel Forty-second Indiana Infantry. Elected December 11, 1896; Insignia Xo. 11821. Indianapolis. COMSTOCK, I'AUL— Eldest son Danier AV. Conistock, Captain Ninth Indiana Cavalry. Elected May 13. 1897; Insignia No. 1189S. Rich- mond. COOPER, WILLIAM V.— Eldest son of Companion Captain Elder Cooper. Elected February 9, 1900. Insignia Xo. 12866. Evans- ville. ELSTON, ISAAC C., .JR.— Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant Col- onel Isaac C. Elstou. Elected October, lSi)8; Insignia No. 12343. Ottumwa, Iowa. MEMBERSHIP. 49 ENSLEY, OLIVER TEKKY— Eldest son of Nioliolas Enslcy, Second Lieutenant Forty-fourth Indiana Infantry. Elected October 5, 1897, thiough tlio Coinraandery of Indiana; Insignia No. 11966. Indianapolis. FOSTER, clarence; M.— Eldest son of Robert S. I'oster, Major General U. S. V. Elected December ID, 1888; Insignia No. 6G21. Chicago. HARRISON. RUSSELL B.— Eldest son of Benjamin Harrison, Brevet Brigadier General U. S. V. Elected December 19, 1888; Assistant Inspector General U. S. V. Insignia No. m'S.i. HENLEY, CLARENCE L.— Eldest son of AMlli.un M. Henley. Captain Forty-seventh Indiana Infantry. Elected February 1, 18'.)7; In- signia No. 11644. Wabasli. HERRON, CHARLES D.— Eldest son of Conii)anion Captain AVilllam P. Herron. Elected September, 1898. Insignia No. 1U844. Lieu- tenant Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, Manila, P. I. HOMAN. EUSTACE W.— Eldest son of Companion Captain Joseph B. Homan. Elected May 6, 1898. Insignia No. 12281. Danville. KAEMMBRLING. GUSTAV— Eldest son of (Justav Kaemmerling, Colonel Ninth Ohio Infantry; Insignia No. 11897. Elected October .5, ISSi"; Insignia No. 11W57. Engineer U. S. Navy. KAHLO, GEORGE— Eldest son of Companion Captain Ciiarles Kahlo. Elected iSiay 5, 1899; Insignia No. 12610. Indianapolis. KETCHA:\I, JOHN L., JR.— Eldest son of Companion John L. Ketch- am, Sergeant One Hundred Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry in Span- ish war, Captain Forty-fourth U. S. V. in Philippines. Elected May 15, 1900. Insignia No. . Indianapolis. LEVERING, FREDERICK R.— Eldest son of Companion Colonel John Levering. Elected February 9, 19(M>; Insignia No. 12867. La- Fayette. LONG, HENRY' W.— Eldest son of Companion LietTtenant Henry C. Long. Elected October 6, 1899. Insignia No. 1268.5. Indianapolis. MARTIN. FRANK— Eldest son of Thomas IL Martin, Captain One Hundred and Twenty-third Indiana Infantry. Elected October 5, 1897; Insignia No. 11908. Indianapolis. MENZIPJS, WINSTON— Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant Com- mander G. V. Menzies. Captain One Hundred Sixty-flrst In- diana Infantry in Spanish war. Elected September, 1898; In- signia No. 1234.J. Mount VerTion. MILLER. C. WHEELOCK— Eldest son of Harvey H. Miller, First Lieutenant Twentieth Indiana Infantry. Elected May 9. IS90; Insignia No. 7933. Resigned. MILLER, SA.MUBL D.— Eldest son of Con'panion Lieutenant W. H. PI. Miller; transferred from the Commandery of New York, De cember, 1899; Insignia No. 1].^47. Indianapolis. 50 MEMBERSHIP. PECK, N01i;\lAN— Eldest son of <'ouip;inioii Uenjaniin B. I'eck. Elected May 6, 183r>; Insignin 1-2()11. Indianaiiolis. ROSS, FUED T.— Eldest son of James K. Ross, I'-revet l^ioutenant Colonel U. S. V. Elected October 23, 18i)5; Insignia No. 11185. Indianapolis. SAYLER, SAMUEL M.— Eldest son of Henry B. Sayler. Major One Hundred Eighteenth Indiana Infantry. Elected March 15, ISltO; Insignia No. 7746. Huntington. SMITH. ALBERT P— Eldest son of Charles W. Smith, First Lieuten- ant One Hundred Ninth United States Colored Troops. Elected February 12, 1896; Insignia No. 11408. Indianapolis. SMITH, DONALD L.— iCldest son of Ben L. Smith, Captain Sixty- seventh Indiana Infantry. Elected iNIarch 1-5, 18i»7; Insignia No. 6002. Rushville. STITT, THOMAS L —Eldest son of William S. Stitt, First Lieutenant Seventy-first Indiana Infantry. Elected December 19, 1893; In- signia No. 10369. Wabash. THOMPSON, DANIEL A.— Eldest son of J. L. Thompson, Surgeon Second Tennessee Heavy ArtiHery. Elected April 18, 1889; In- signia No. (iOOf). Indianapolis. VORIS, JOSEPH R.— Eldest son of Archibald C. Voris, Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel U. S. V. Elected May 8, 1896: Insignia No. 10288. Bedford. W^ALLACE, HENRY L -Eldest son of Lew Wallace, Major General U. S. V. Elected August 30, 1892; Insignia No. 10246. Indian- apolis. WILSON, CHARLES A.— Eldest son of Charles L. Wilson. Surgeon One Hundred Forty-tirst Ohio Infantry. Elected December 19, 1888: Insignia No. 6621. IiKlhinnpolis. MEMBERS OF THE THIRD CLASS. Members of the Third Class are men who rendered the Union cause valuable service as civilians. None have been admitted since 1890. MKEEN, WILLIAM R.— Elected as a tribute to his conspicuous serv- ice to the country as one of the able and patriotic assistants of Governor Oliver P. Morton. Elected April 18, 1889; Insignia No. 6906. Terre Haute LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 012 196 346 2 jp