639 4 H4 py 1 HARVARD UNIVERSITY A ROLL OF HONOR OF HARVARD MEN WHO HAVE GIVEN THEIR LIVES FOR LIBERTY AND DEMOCRACY IN THE WAR AGAINST GERMANY Manus haec inimica Tyrannis PRINTED FOR THE HARVARD MEMORIAL SOCIETY CAMBRIDGE HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1919 1> THIS list, based on the chronological record of the Honor Roll com- piled for the Harvard Memorial Society and standing in the entrance hall of the Widener Library, is intended to include the names of all Harvard men who have died in the military and naval ser\'ice of the United States and of the Allies, and in the several relief organizations operating abroad, such as the Ambulance Service, the Y. M. C. A., and the Red Cross. An examination of the list will show that, of the 331 men recorded here 45 died serving in the armies of France or England, and 28 before the United States entered the War; and it should be remembered that many of those who died in the American service had previously been enrolled under other flags in the Ambulance Corps, the Foreign Legion, the Lafayette Squadron and elsewhere. The present list doubtless contains errors, which it is hoped those who notice them will kindly correct by sending word to WILLLy^I C. LANE, President Hanard Memorial Society. Habvabd College Libraht, May 30, 1919. Gift University uA 12 (920 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL ARRANGED BY CLASSES AND DEPARTMENTS " But the high soul burns on to light men s feet. Where death for noble ends makes dying sweet. HARVARD COLLEGE Faculty Member James Andrew Shannon (West Point, '03), Commandant, Harvard R. O. T. C. 1917; Lieut.-Col. General Staff, U. S. A. (commanding 112th Infantry); wounded in action at Chatel-Chehery, in the Ar- gonne, died at Chateau Salvange, Oct. 8, 1918. D. S. C. Classes before igoo Robert Bayard Cutting, A.B. 1897, Y. M. C. A. Secretary; at Chau- mont, France, Apr. 1, 1918. Clarence Fahnestock, 1898, Major, 301st Infantry (Headquarters Staff); of pneumonia, at Base Hospital No. 15, near Chaumont, Oct. 5, 1918. Augustus Peabody Gardner, A.B. 1886, Major, 121st Infantry; at Camp WTieeler, Macon, Ga., Jan. 14, 1918. Marshall Sumner Holbrook, A.B. 1899, LL.B. 1901, Major, 55th Artillery; of tuberculosis due to gassing, at Debarkation Hospital No. 2, Staten Isl., N. Y., Nov. 28, 1918. Howard Bigelow Jackson, A.B. 1897, M.D. 1901, Captain, Medical Corps; at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Oct. 13, 1918. Charles Francis Maurice Malley, A.B., 1894, LL.B. 1895, Private, 20th Reserves, Canadian Expeditionary Force; of wounds and in- fluenza, at 26th General Hospital, Etaples, France, Nov. 17, 1918. Guy Norman, A.B. 1890, Lieut. U. S. Naval Reserve Force; in Boston, June 3, 1918. 4 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL Richard Norton, A.B., 1892, Director, American Red Cross Ambulances in France (Norton-Harjes Sections); in Paris, Aug. 2, 1918. C. de G., L. d'H. Thoimas Rodman Pliimmer, A.B. 1884, 1st Lieut. American Red Cross; at Moyenmoutier, in the Vosges, Nov. 24, 1918. HowLAND Shaw Russell, 1896, Quartermaster's Corps, Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Florida; in Boston, Aug. 15, 1918. Edgar Thomson Scott, 1893, Major, U. S. A. (Inspector General); of pneumonia, at Chaumont, Oct. 20, 1918. Edwin McINIaster Stanton, 1897, 1st Sergeant, Co. I, 61st Infantry; in action, at Madeleine Farm, near Cunel, in the Meuse Valley, Oct. 14, 1918. Evert Jansen Wendell, A.B. 1882, representing Aero Club of America; in American Hospital at Neuilly, Aug. 23, 1917. Crosby Church Whitman, A.B. 1886, Physician to the American Hospital at Neuilly; in Paris, Mar. 28, 1916. Class of I goo Ratnal Cawthorne Rolling, A.B., Colonel, Signal Corps; killed at Estr^es, Mar. 25, 1918. George Plummer Howe, A.B., M.D. 1904, Lieut. Medical Reserve Corps, serving with 10th Battalion Royal Fusileers, British Army; in action, at Tower Hamlets, Sept. 28, 1917. Class of I 90 I Henry Corliss Shaw, A.B., Y. M. C. A. Secretary; near Montrichard, May 28, 1918. Class of 1902 Andre Cheronnet-Champollion, A.B., 168th Regiment of the Line, French Army; at Bois-le-Pretre, Mar. 23, 1915. C. de G. Edward Ball Cole, Major, U. S. Marine Corps (6th Machine Gun Bat- talion); wounded in action, June 10, in Belleau Wood, died June 18, 1918. Class of 1903 Charles Robert Cross, A.B., American Distributing Service; injured in a motor accident, died at Dinard, Oct. 8, 1915. Phillips Brooks Robinson, A.B., Captain, Marine Corps (Headquarters Staff) ; in automobile accident, in Washington, D. C, Nov. 2, 1918. THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL 6 Class of 1904 Robert Gorham Fuller, S.B., Pli.D. 1915, Captain, Ordnance Corps (Inspection Div.); at St. Petersburg, Fla., Feb. 11, 1919. WiLLL\M Hague, A.B., 1st Lieut. 116th Engineers; of pneumonia, in Paris, Jan. 1, 1918. Howard De Hart Hughes, A.B., Captain, 3Glst Infantry; in action, at Wortegem, Belgium, Nov. 2, 1918. Robert Edouard Pellissier, S.B., Ph.D. 1913, Sergeant, Chasseurs Alpins, French Army; in action, at Clery, near Peronne, Aug. 29, 1916. C. de G., M. M. Ralph Sanger, A.B., Captain, U. S. Air Service; aeroplane accident, Flying Field at Orly, France, Aug. 29, 1918. Allen Melancthon Sumner, Captain, Marine Corps (6th Machine Gun Battalion); in action, at Vierzy, near Soissons, July 19, 1918. Class of 1905 Oric Bates, A.B., Candidate, F. A. Central OflScers' Training School, Camp Zacharj' Taylor, Ky . ; of pneumonia, at Camp Taylor, Oct. 8, 1918. William Morton Bunting, A.B., Captain, U. S. A. (Personnel StaflF Officer, Camp Devens); of pneumonia, at Camp Devens, Mass., Sept. 28, 1918. Alvah Crocker, Jr., A.B., 2d Lieut. Engineer Reserve Corps; at Brest, France, June 25, 1918. Ezra Charles Fitch, Jr., Fifth Royal Highlanders, Canadian Militia, affiliated with the Black Watch; on recruiting service, at Hartford, Conn., Oct. 13, 1917. Philip Overton Mills, A.B., Captain, 308th Infantry; by accident in grenade practice, near Baccarat, July 25, 1918. Harrison Briggs Webster, A.B., M.D. 1909, Major, Medical Corps (regimental surgeon, 47th Infantry); in action, in the Bois de Sept- sarges near Cuisy, on the Meuse, Oct. 13, 1918. George Williamson, A.B., Lieut. Duke of Wellington's Regiment, British Army; wounded in action, Nov. 8, near Ypres, died at Poperinghe, Nov. 12, 1914. Class of 1906 Edward Leslie Grant, A.B., LL.B. 1909, Captain, 307th Infantry; in action, in the Argonne, Oct. 9, 1918. Robert Horner Hogg, Sergeant, 101st Engineers; in action, near Ostel (Chemin des Dames sector). Mar. 18, 1918. C. de G. 6 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL John Vincent Kelly, S.B., Captain, Engineer Corps; at San Antonio, Texas, Aug. 3, 1918. Edwin Field Sajvipson, S.B., M.D. 1909, 1st Lieut. Medical Corps; at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., Apr. 22, 1919. Nicholas Lechmere Tilney, A.B., Captain, American Red Cross; of pneumonia, at Bazoilles, France, Sept. 17, 1918. Alexander Watson Williams, A.B., Major, Medical Corps; at Nogent- en-Bassigny, Oct. 5, 1918. Class of 1907 Arthur Briggs Church, A.B., LL.B. 1909, Corporal, Company A, 107th Infantry; in action, near Rousse5% on the Cambrai-St. Quentin line, Sept. 28, 1918. Albert Lincoln Crocker, A.B., 1st Lieut. Ordnance Corps (Inspector at Picatinny Arsenal) ; of pneumonia, at Dover, N. J., Oct. 23, 1918. Archibald Hamilton Raimsay, 2d Lieut. Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry; in action, at the Hohenzollern redoubt, in Flanders, Oct. 13, 1915. James Alfred Roosevelt, A.B., Major, Infantry (commanding 302d Ammunition Train) ; at sea. Mar. 26, 1919. Joseph Louis Swarts, A.B., 1st Lieut. Medical Corps; of pneumonia, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Dec. 24, 1918. Class of 1908 Carlton Thayer Brodrick, A.B., Belgian Relief Commission; on the " Lusitania," May 7, 1915. Philip Washburn Davis, A.B., Lieut. 94th Aero Squadron; in action, between St. Mihiel and Pont a Mousson, June 2, 1918. Edwin Channing Larned, A.B., American Red Cross; of pneumonia, at Bordeaux, Oct. 11, 1918. Norman Prince, A.B., 2d Lieut. Lafayette Squadron, French Flying Corps; at Gerardmer, from wounds received in action, Oct. 15, 1916. C. de G., M.M., L. (TH. Dillwyn Parrish Starr, Lieut. Coldstream Guards, British Army; in action, at Ginchy, Sept. 15, 1916. Edward Mandell Stone, A.B., Foreign Legion of the French Army; from wounds received at Craonne, Feb. 27, 1915. George Stetson Taixor, A.B., Administrator of the Anglo-American Auxiliary Hospital at Yvetot, France; London, Oct. 19, 1915. THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL 7 Rae Wygant Whidden, A.B., Captain, Medical Corps; wounded at Base Hospital No. 5, Sept. 4, 1917, died of pneumonia, in Boston, Sept. 25, 1918. Marshall Shoemaker Winpenny, A.B., LL.B. 1911, 1st Lieut. American Red Cross (Legal Dept.) ; of pneumonia, at the American Red Cross Hospital, at Neuilly, Oct. 21, 1918. Class of 1909 Braxton Bigelow, Captain, 170th Field Company, Royal Engineers, British Army; in action, near Lens, July 23, 1917. Hugh Charles Blanchard, A.B., 1st. Lieut. 104th Infantry; in action, in Belleau Wood, July 18, 1918. Thaddeus Coffin Defriez, 2d, A.B., 1st Lieut. U. S. A. (General Staff, Washington); of influenza, at Camp Pike, Ark., Oct. 8, 1918. Arthur Mason Jones, A.B., 1st Lieut. U. S. Artillery; in Washington, D. C, Dec. 6, 1917. Charles Castner Lilly, A.B., 39th Infantry; in action, near Chateau- Thierry, July 19, 1918. James Augustin McKenna, Jr., Major, 165th Infantry; in action, at Villers-sur-Fere, on the Ourcq, July 28, 1918. D. S. C. Charles Prevost McMichael, 1st Lieut. Ambulance Corps; in New York City, Jan. 23, 1918. Phillips Ward Page, A.B., Ensign, U. S. Naval Reserve Flying Corps; seaplane accident, Felixstowe, Eng., Dec. 17, 1917. Edward Hale Perry, A.B., 1st Lieut. 6th Engineers; at Warfus^e-Aban- court, defending the Bois des Tailloux, Mar. 30, 1918. Nathaniel Stone Simpkins, Jr., Captain, U. S. A. (Aide-de-Camp, 26th Division Headquarters) ; of pneumonia, at Vouilly, Oct. 22, 1918. Raymond Weir Smyth, A.B., Chief Machinist's Mate, U. S. Naval Re- serve Force (Inspector of Ordnance) ; of pneumonia, in Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 27, 1918. James Throckmorton Vought, A.B., Corporal, Company K, 107th In- fantry; wounded near Le Catelet, Sept. 29, died at Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1919. Goodwin Warner, A.B., Lieut. Quartermasters' Reserve Corps; at Camp Hospital No. 4, in France, June 29, 1918. Class of 1910 Samuel Walter Arnheim, A.B., Lieut. Royal Flying Corps; at Camp Hicks, Fort Worth, Texas, Mar. 21, 1918. 8 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL Henry Stone Bryant, A.B., 2d Lieut. U. S. Air Service (Asst. to Dept. Aeronautical Officer, N. E. Dept.); of pneumonia, in Cambridge, Sept. 23, 1918. Henry Warren Cleary, A.B., 2d Lieut. U. S. A.; of pneumonia, at Camp Dix, N. J., Oct. 20, 1918. Henry Augustus Coit, Princess Patricia's Regiment, Canadian Light Infantry; at Poperinghe, from wounds, Aug. 7, 1916. Frederick Allen Forster, A.B., 2d Lieut. Infantry Reserve Corps; near Camp Upton, L. I., Oct. 6, 1917. Saxton Conant Foss, A.B., Company F, 9th Infantry; wounded in action, Oct. 8, at Blanc Mont Ridge, died at Mobile Hospital No. 7, Oct. 9, 1918. Henry Brewster Palmer, A.B., Lafayette Squadron, French Flying Corps; of pneumonia, at Pau, Nov. 12, 1917. C. de G. Albert Zane Pyles, A.B., LL.B., 1917, Captain, 118th Infantry; in action, at Bohain, Oct. 14, 1918. George Buchanan Redwood, A.B., 1st Lieut. 28th Infantry; in action, at Cantigny, May 28, 1918. C. de G. D. S. C. Charles de Rhajvi, Jr., A.B., 1st Lieut. 305th Infantry; wounded, Sept. 28, in the Argonne, died at Fleury, Oct. 9, 1918. Edward Blake Robins, Jr., A.B., Reserve Officers' Training Camp at Plattsburg; in Boston, June 27, 1917. George William Ryley, A.B., 1st Lieut. 102d Infantry; in action, near Chateau-Thierry, July 20, 1918. Alan Seeger, A.B., Foreign Legion of the French Army; in action, at Belloy-en-Santerre, on the Somme, July 4, 1916. Henry Montgomery Suckley, A.B., Lieut. American Ambulance Field Service; killed by a bomb, Salonika, Mar. 19, 1917. C. de G., L. d'H. Class of iQii Heiman Caro, A.B., M.D. 1914, Captain, Medical Corps, Division of Nervous and Mental Diseases; of pneumonia, at Nevers, France, Jan. 22, 1919. Oliver Moulton Chadwick, A.B., Corporal, Lafayette Squadron, French Flying Corps; in action, over the Forest of Housthulst, near Bischoote, Aug. 14, 1917. Peter Edward Costello, A.B., LL.B. 1914, Infantry Central Officers' Training School, Camp Grant, 111.; of pneumonia, at Camp Grant, Oct. 11, 1918. THE HARVABD HONOR ROLL 9 Carl Abell Dudley, 2d Lieut. 306tli Machine Gun Battalion; in action, near Blanzy-les-Fismes, Sept. 15, 1918. William Baillie Fraser-Campbell, A.B., 2d Lieut. Argjdl and Suther- land Highlanders, British Expeditionary Force; in action, at Berumetz, Mar. 23, 1918. Thoimas Addis Emmet Harris, A.B., 1st Lieut. 306th Machine Gun Bat- talion; wounded in action, Sept. 4, at Fismes, on the Vesle River, died Sept. 6, 1918. Ralph Sherman Hopkins, A.B., Captain, 313th Infantry; at Baltimore, Mar. 21, 1918. Harold Marion-Crawford, 2d Lieut. Irish Guards, British Army; at Givenchy, France, Apr. 16, 1915. William Sarsfield Morriss, A.B., M.D. 1915, 1st Lieut. Medical Corps, Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla.; of pneumonia, at Fall River, Mass., Oct. 11, 1918. Richard Mortimer, Jr., A.B., 1st Lieut. Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps; aeroplane accident, near Hesdin Wood, France, Maj' 22, 1918. William Joseph O'Connell, A.B., Private, Quartermaster's Corps, A. E. F.; of pneumonia, at Tours, Feb. 2, 1919. Archibald Lavender Smith, A.B., 2d Lieut. Motor Transport Corps; in hospital, at Tours, Aug. 21, 1918. Edward Carter Sortwell, American Ambulance Field Service; from a motor accident, at Salonika, Nov. 12, 1916. Hervey Edward Wetzel, A.B., Lieut. American Red Cross; of pneu- monia, at American Red Cross Hospital, at Neuilly, Oct. 17, 1918. John Whitall, Lieut. U. S. Air Service; of pneumonia, at Chicago, Oct. 17, 1918. Robert Williams, A.B., 1st Lieut. Cavalry Reserve Corps, Adjutant and Supply Officer, 302d Machine Gun Battalion; at Scituate, Mass., Sept. 30, 1917. Class of 1912 Richard Montgomery Dwyer, 1st Lieut. 305th Infantry; in action, on the Vesle River, near Bazoches, Sept. 7, 1918. Henry Weston Farnsworth, A.B., Foreign Legion of the French Army; before the Fortin de Navarin, Battle of Champagne, Sept. 28, 1915. Robert Freeal-vn Goldschmidt, A.B., M.C.E. 1914, Candidate, F. A. Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky . ; of pneu- monia, at Camp Taylor, Oct. 15, 1918. 10 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL Carl Bibb Hudson, A.B., M.D. 1917, 1st Lieut. Medical Corps; of pneumonia, in Brest, Oct. 2, 1918. Gordon Kaemmerling, A.B., 1st Lieut. 23d Infantry; in action, near Chateau-Thierry, June 6, 1918. Harold Chandler Kimball, 24th Canadian Battalion; in action, at Vimy Ridge, Apr. 9, 1917. Harold Nixon Matthews, A.B., Lieut. Coast Artillery Corps (Gunnery Instructor); of pneumonia, at Fort Monroe, Va., Dec. 22, 1919. Class of 1913 Livingston Low Baker, A.B., 1st Lieut. U. S, Air Service; aeroplane accident, at Foggia, Italy, June 1, 1918. WiLLiTUM Vernon Booth, Jr., A.B., Lieut. Lafayette Squadron, French Flying Corps; woimded in action, June 25, died at Scotch Women's Hospital, Asnieres-sur-Oise, July 10, 1918. C. de G., M. M. Carleton Burr, A.B., 2d Lieut. 6th Marines; in action, near Soissons, July 19, 1918. Harry Gustav Byng, 2d Lieut. 2d Border Regiment, British Army; in action, near Festubert, May 16, 1915. Victor Emmanuel Chapman, A.B., Lafayette Squadron, French Flying Corps; in action, near Verdun, June 23, 1916. C. de G. Donald Earl Dunbar, A.B., 1st Lieut. 101st Infantry; in action, at Vaux, near Chateau-Thierry, July 20, 1918. Robert Lewis Forbush, Master Engineer (senior grade), 101st Engineers; of pneumonia, at Le Mans, Mar. 14, 1919. Charles Fry, Ensign, U. S. N. (in command of patrol boats off the Jersey coast); of pneumonia, at Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 1918. QuiNCY Shaw Greene, A.B., Captain, Third Battahon, Coldstream Guards, British Army; in action, near Arras, Mar. 28, 1918. Eric Adrian Alfred Lingard, A.B., Ensign, U. S. Naval Aviation Ser- vice; of pneumonia, at Chatham, Mass., Oct. 28, 1918. Joseph Gardner MacDonough, A.B., 2d Lieut. 47th Infantry; wounded in action, at Sergy, July 28, died in Paris, Aug. 5, 1918. Hyde Buxton Merrick, A.B., Sergeant, 1st Class, 34th Aero Squadron; in action, near Tours, Aug. 14, 1918. William Fenimore Merrill, A.B., Corporal, Central Records Office Bureau, Army Service Corps; of pneumonia, at Coblenz, Feb. 3, 1919. Shepley Nichols, A.B., Quartermaster, 1st Class, U. S. Naval Reserve Force; lost overboard at sea, from a submarine chaser, Aug. 21, 1918. THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL 11 Class of 1914 Jean Sanchez Abreu, A.B., Military Aviation Pilot, French Flying Corps; in automobile accident, May 24, 1917. Addison Leech Bliss, American Ambulance Field Service; in Paris, Feb. 22, 1917. William Cheney Brown, Jr., A.B., 1st Lieut. Quartermaster's Corps (Admiralty Section, Embarkation Office); of pneumonia, in Wash- ington, Jan. 19, 1919. William Barry Corbett, A.B., 2d Lieut. 102 Infantry; in action, in Ormont Wood, Oct. 25, 1918. Eugene Dodd, A.B., M. Arch. 1917, 1st Lieut. 4th Field Artillery; of pneumonia, at Cambridge, Dec. 17, 1918. Everit Albert Herter, A.B., Sergeant, Co. A, 40th Engineers (Camou- flage Section); from wounds, at Vittel, France, June 13, 1918. William Noel Hewitt, A.B., 1st Lieut. Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps; aeroplane accident, at Issoudun, France, May 18, 1918. Stephen Tullock Hopkins, A.B., 2d Lieut. 96th Aero Squadron; in action, near St. Mihiel, Sept. 12, 1918. Franklin Temple Ingraham, A.B., 2d Lieut. Coast Artillery Corps; at Wellesley, Apr. 11, 1918. HoBART Adams Lawton, A.B., 2d Lieut. 124th Field Artillery; in action, in the Argonne, Oct. 7, 1918. Clyde Fairbanks Maxwell, A.B., 2d Lieut. 9th Essex Infantry, British Army; in action, at La Boiselle, July 3, 1916. Charles Warner Plummer, A.B., 2d Lieut. 101st Field Artillery (with 88th Aero Squadron as observer) ; in action, near Fismes, Aug. 11, 1918. D. S. C. C. de G. Willard Smith, A.B., Captain, 9th Infantry; in action, in the St. Mihiel salient, Sept. 12, 1918. Philip Comfort Starr, Lieut. Royal Engineers, British Army; in action, near Ypres, Feb. 20, 1918. Earle Thompson West, A.B., Co. I, 305th Infantry; in action, in the Argonne, Sept. 30, 1918. Class of 1915 Henry Morrell Atkinson, Jr., A.B,, Captain, 71st Artillery, C. A. C; of pneumonia, at Angers, Nov. 2, 1918. David Morse Barry, S.B., 1st Lieut. 59th Infantry; in action, near Chateau-Thierry, July 20, 1918. 12 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL Alexander Bern Bruce, A.B., 1st Lieut. 94th Aero Squadron; in action, near Les Cruaux, in the Marne sector, Aug. 17, 1918. Lionel de Jersey Harvard, A.B., Lieut. First BattaHon, Grenadier Guards, British Army; in action, near Arras, Mar. 30, 1918. Brayton Nichols, A.B., 2d Lieut. 166th Aero Squadron; in aeroplane accident, at Witthch, Germany, Apr. 2, 1919. Walter Flint Noyes, A.B., F. A. Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.; from accidental injuries, at Camp Taylor, Sept. 26, 1918. Samuel Wiggins Skinner, A.B., Lafayette Squadron, French Flying Corps; at Plessis-Belleville, Oct. 15, 1917. Morris Iphriam Stern, A.B., Cadet, Officer Material School, Pelham Bay, N. Y.; at Pelham Bay, Sept. 29, 1918. Stanley Conklin Swift, A.B., Co. D, 59th Infantry; of wounds, near Brieulle-sur-Meuse, Oct. 4, 1918. Arthur Broadfield Warren, A.B., 2d Lieut. 167th Infantry; in Mili- tary Hospital at Baccarat, Apr. 15, 1918. Arthur Harold Webber, A.B., 2d Lieut. Royal Flying Corps; in aero- plane accident, Forth Worth, Texas, Apr. 10, 1918. ToLMAN Douglas Wheeler, A.B. 1st Lieut. 2d Cavalry (with 127th In- fantry); wounded in action, near Soissons, Aug. 31, died at Paris, Sept. 5, 1918. Philip Winsor, A.B., U. S. A. Ambulance Corps; of pneumonia, at Bussang, Oct. 24, 1918. C. de G. Class of 191 6 Arthur Joseph Brickley, U. S. Army Ambulance Corps, S. S. U. 644; of pneumonia, at Chateau d'Estay, Aprilly, Dec. 9, 1918. C. de G. Howard Rogers Clapp, A.B., 1st Lieut. 22d Aero Squadron; in action, over Yoncq, Nov. 3, 1918. Henry Ware Clarke, S.B. 2d Lieut. 16th Infantry (Machine Gun Co.); in action, at Cantigny, May 28, 1918. Frederic Percival Clement, Jr., A.B., 1st Lieut. U. S. Air Service (Taliaferro Field) ; in aeroplane accident, at Camp Dick, Texas, July 4, 1918. John Andrew Doherty, A.B., 1st. Lieut. 18th Infantry; in action, near Soissons, about July 18, 1918. William Key Bond Emerson, Jr., 2d Lieut. Field Artillery R. C. (with 12th Aero Squadron); in action, in the Toul sector. May 14, 1918. C. de G. THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL 13 John Dwight Filley, Jr., A.B., 1st Lieut. 23d Infantry; wounded in action, June 6, near Chiiteau-Thierry; died at Juilly, June 8, 1918. Kenneth Eliot Fuller, A.B., 2d Lieut. 23d Infantry; in action, near Longpont and Vierzy, near Soissons, July 18, 1918. George Guest Haydock, A.B., 1st. Lieut. Infantry R. C. (attached to 28th Infantry); in action, at Cantigny, May 28, 1918. Leon Beck Hook, A.B., U. S. Naval Aviation Detachment, Univ. of Washington; of pneumonia, at Seattle, Oct. 14, 1918. Howard Brainakd Hull, A.li., 2d Lieut. U. S. Air Service; aeroplane accident, Selfridge Field, Michigan, Sept. 9, 1918. Homer Atherton Hunt, Co. E, 165th Infantry; in action, at St. Hilaire le Petit, July 15, 1918. Roland Jackson, A.B., 2d Lieut. 30th Infantry; in action, near Chateau- Thierry, June 6, 1918. Richard Mather Jopling, A.B., U. S. Army Ambulance Corps, S. S. U. 623; in London, England, Mar. 16, 1919. C. de G. Frederick x\rthur Keep, 2d Lieut. Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps; aeroplane accident, Taliaferro Field, Hicks, Texas, May 6, 1918. Edward Kemp, Jr., Armored Motor Battery, N. Y. S. G.; in New York City, Mar. 7, 1917. Paul Borda Kurtz, A.B., 1st Lieut. 94th Aero Squadron; in action, near Toul, May 22, 1918. C. de G. William Dennison Lyon, Ensign, U. S. Naval Reserve; at New London, Conn., May 21, 1918. George Alexander McKinlock, Jr., A.B., 2d Lieut. Cavalry (Intelli- gence Officer, 2d Infantry Brigade); in action, at Berzy-le-Sec, near Soissons, July 21, 1918. D. S. C. Edward McClure Peters, Jr., S.B., 1st Lieut. IGth Infantry (Acting Captain, Co. D, 2d Machine Gun Battalion) ; in action, at Seicheprey, Mar. 11, 1918. John Shaw Pfaffmann, 2d Lieut. U. S. Air Service; aeroplane accident, at Voves, France, July 22, 1918. Alexander Rodgers, Jr., A.B., 1st Lieut. 319th Infantry; of pneumonia, after severe gassing, at Brizeaux, Oct. 24, 1918. Robert Hewins Stiles, A.B., 1st Lieut. 13th Aero Squadron (Flight Com- mander); in action, near Metz, Sept. 16, 1918. William Wallace Thayer, 2d Lieut. 301st Infantry; at Somerville, Apr. 19, 1918. Richmond Young, A.B., 1st Lieut. 38th Infantry; wounded in action, Oct. 9, at Romagne, died at Fleury-sur-Aire, Oct. 10, 1918. 14 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL Class of 1917 Briggs Kilburn Adams, A.B., 2d Lieut. Royal Flying Corps, British Army; from wounds received in action, near St. Omer, Mar. 14, 1918. Oliver Ames, Jr., A.B., 2d Lieut. 165th Infantry; in action, at Meurcy Farm, near ViUiers-sur-Fere, July 29, 1918. D. S. C. Adair Pleasants Archer, A.B., Sergeant, Camp Grant, 111.; of pneu- monia, at Camp Grant, Oct. 6, 1918. Paul Cody Bentley, A.B., American Ambulance Field Service in France; at St. Gilles, from wounds at the Chemin des Dames, Sept. 16, 1917. C. de G. Randolph Randall Brown, S.B., Captain, 9th Infantry; in action, at Tuillerie Ferme, near Beaumont on the Meuse, Nov. 3, 1918. Alan Campbell Clark, 2d Lieut. 26th Infantry (Machine Gun Co.); wounded near Chateau-Thierry, July 20, died in Paris, July 31, 1918. Kenneth Pickens Culbert, A.B., 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Marines (with 1st Aero Squadron); in action, in the Toul sector. May 23, 1918. C. de G. Harold Nicholas Donovan, 2d Lieut. 304th Infantry; of wounds, in Base Hospital at Neuilly, Nov. 10, 1918. Andrew Kershner Dunn, A.B., 2d Lieut. 359th Infantry; in action, at Bois-le-Pretre, Sept. 12, 1918. William Smith Ely, A.B., 1st Lieut. Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps; aeroplane accident, near Oxford, England, Jan. 2, 1918. Claudius Ralph Farnsworth, A.B., Corporal, Battery A, 101st Field Artillery; in action, at Montreuil-aux-Lions, near Chateau-Thierry, July 12, 1918. Eugene Galligan, A.B., 2d Lieut. 308th Infantry; in action, near Revillon, on the Vesle River, Sept. 9, 1918. Benjamin Joseph Ginsburg, S.B., 2d Lieut. Coast Artillery Corps (with 54th Artillery) ; of pneumonia, in France, Sept. 30, 1918. William Joseph Hever, A.B., 1st Lieut. 305th Infantry; wounded in the Argonne, Oct. 3, died Oct. 5, 1918. David Hoffman, A.B., Ensign, U. S. Naval Reserve Force; lost in sinking of U. S. S. " Tampa " in Bristol Channel, Sept. 26, 1918. Samuel Joseph Arthur Kelley, 1st Lieut. 22d Infantry; at Post Hospi- tal. Governor's Island, New York, Feb. 13, 1919. Roderick Kennedy, S.B., 1st Lieut. Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps; in aeroplane accident, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Sept. 11, 1917. Alton Howe Kimball, Jr., A.B., Lieut. U. S. Air Service; in aeroplane accident, at Issoudun, France, Nov. 12, 1918. THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL 15 GusTAv Hermann Kissel, A.B., 1st Lieut. Aviation Section, Signal R. Corps (Squadron 43, Royal Air Force); in action, near Merville, Apr. 12, 1918. George Francis McGillen, 2d Lieut. 9th Machine Gun Battalion; in action, at Chateau-Thierry, July 15, 1918. William Henry Meeker, A.B., Corporal, Lafayette Squadron, French Flying Corps; at Pau, Sept. 11, 1917. Harry Hubbard Metcalf, Lieut. U. S. Air Service; of pneumonia, at Park Field, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1918. James Kennedy Moorhead, A.B., 1st Lieut. 16th Infantry; in action, in the Argonne, Oct. 5, 1918. Lloyd Geary Evans Reilly, A.B., 1st Lieut. 99th Aero Squadron; in action, over Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, in the Argonne, Oct. 31, 1918. William St. Agnan Stearns, A.B., 1st Lieut. U. S. Air Service (7th Avia- tion Instruction Centre); aeroplane accident, at Clermont-Ferrand, May 25, 1918. Gardiner Thompson, 2d Lieut. 104th Infantry; in action, in Haumont Wood, in the Meuse Valley, Oct. 16, 1918. Class of 1918 Frederick Mitchell Atwood, 2d Lieut. 58th Infantry; in action, near Fismes, on the Vesle River, Aug. 5, 1918. Walker Blaine Beale, 1st Lieut. 310th Infantry; in action, at Beney, in the St. Mihiel salient, Sept. 18, 1918. Malcolm Cotton Brown, 1st Lieut. Royal Flying Corps, British Army; in aeroplane accident, at Brockworth, England, July 23, 1918. Elliot Adams Chapin, 1st Lieut. 99th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps, British Army; in action, near Metz, June 27, 1918. Philip Cunningham, 101st Field Artillery; in action, near Chateau- Thierry, July 19, 1918. Stephen Whitney Dickey, 2d Lieut. 110th Infantry; in action, in the Argonne, Sept. 27, 1918. Roger Sherman Dix, Jr., 2d Lieut. Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps; aeroplane accident, French School of Military Aviation, at Le Crotoy, May 15, 1918. Charles Edward Balch Folsom, U. S. Naval Reserve; at Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 9, 1917. Alfred Wild Gardner, 1st Lieut. 305th Infantry; in action, in the Argonne, Oct. 3, 1918. D. S. C. 16 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL Clifford West Henry, 2d Lieut. 102d Infantry; wounded, Sept. 14 at St. Mihiel, died at Base Hospital No. 25, Oct. 16, 1918. C. de G. George Merrick Hollister, 2d Lieut. 61st Infantry; in action, in Bois de Foret, near Cunel, Oct. 12, 1918. C. de G. Martin Luther Hope, A.B., 1st Marine Aviation Corps; in aeroplane accident, Curtis Field, Fla., Oct. 22, 1918. Ronald Wood Hoskier, Sergeant, Lafayette Squadron, French Flying Corps; in action, near St. Quentin, Apr. 23, 1917. C. de G. John Lester Hubbard, 1st Lieut. 10th Aero Squadron; aeroplane acci- dent, at Issoudun, Aug. 18, 1918. Orville Parker Johnson, 2d Lieut. 103d Machine Gun Battalion; in action, at Torcy, near Chateau-Thierry, July 18, 1918. Robert Morss Lovett, Jr., 2d Lieut. 103d Infantry; in action, near Chateau-Thierry, July 18, 1918. James Palache, 2d Lieut. 18th Infantry; in action, at Cantigny, May 15, 1918. Charles Parker Reynolds, Captain (Operations Officer, 51st Brigade), Field Artillery; at Montigny, Jan. 10, 1919. Philip Newbold Rhinelander, 1st Lieut. 20th Aero Squadron (1st Bom- bardment Group) ; in action, near Longuyon, Sept. 26, 1918. Henry Richard Deighton Simpson, 1st Lieut. Royal Flying Corps, British Army; aeroplane accident, at Joyce Green, England, Dec. 20, 1916. Hector William Treble, A.B., Naval Aviation Detachment at Mass. Inst, of Tech.; of pneumonia, in Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 30, 1918. Aaron Davis Weld, 1st Lieut. 7th Infantry; in action, in Cunel Wood, on the Meuse, Oct. 11, 1918. Bertram Williams, 1st Lieut. 96th Aero Squadron; in action, near Charey, Sept. 12, 1918. Class of 1919 Henry White Broughton, Jr., Corporal, 101st Field Artillery; wounded Sept. 26 in the Argonne, died in Base Hospital No. 47, at Beaune, Oct. 8, 1918. Frederick Herrick Casey, Private, Camp Syracuse, N. Y.; of pneu- monia, at Camp Syracuse, Sept. 29, 1918. Harmon Bushnell Craig, American Ambulance Field Service; in action, at Dombasle, near Verdun, July 16, 1917. C. de G. Hamilton Coolidge, Captain, 94th Aero Squadron; in action, near Grand Pre, Oct. 27, 1918. D. S. C. THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL 17 Ralph Jeffeksox Feigl, Lieut. 7th Field Artillery (Liaison Officer); in action, at Beaumont, in the Toul sector, INlar. '■U, 1918. Chakles Henky Flske, 3d, 2d Lieut. 111th Infantry; wounded on duty, Aug. 12, near Fisnies, died in Paris, Aug. 24, 1918. Edward Hooper Gardiner, 1st Lieut. 102d Field Artillery (with 50th Aero Squadron); shot down in action, at Lixingen, Germany, Sept. 12, 1918. Theodore Rickey Hostetter, 2d Lieut. Squadron No. 3, Royal Air Force; in action, at Masnieres, near Cambrai, Sept. 27, 1918. Leonard Jackson, 2d Lieut. 110th Infantry; in action, near Fismes, on the Vesle River, Aug. 25, 1918. Howard Lilienthal, Jr., Co. E, 107th Infantry; wounded in action, Sept. 29, near St. Quentin, died Sept. 30, 1918. John Dudley Love, Sergeant, (Jth Marines; wounded Oct. 6, 1918, at Blanc Mont Ridge. Samuel Pierce Mandell, 2d, 1st Lieut. 20th Aero Squadron; in action. at Martincourt, Nov. 5, 1918. Wainwright Merrill, Gunner, 6th Canadian Siege Battery; in action, at Ypres, Nov. 6, 1917. Eugene Dorr Morse, 2d Lieut. U. S. Air Service; in aeroplane accident, at Clermont Ferrand, Nov. 6, 1918. Bradstreet Parker, Naval Aviation Detachment at Mass. Inst, of Tech. ; of pneumonia, at Brookline, Mass., Sept. 21, 1918. Milton Avery Rogers, Officers' Training School, Camp Lee; of pneu- monia, at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 21, 1918. Quentin Roosevelt, 1st Lieut. 95th Aero Squadron; in action, near Chambray, France, July 14, 1918. OsRic Mills Watkins, 2d Lieut. 94th Aero Squadron ; of pneumonia, at Bar-le-Duc, Oct. 23, 1918. Ralph O'Neal West, 6th Marines; in action, in the St. Mihiel salient, Sept. 15, 1918. Class of 1920 Albert Edgar Angier, 1st Lieut. 308th Infantry; wounded Sept. 14, near Revillon, died at Fismes, Sept. 15, 1918. Augustus Aspinwall, 2d Lieut. 110th Infantry; in action, at Villette, on the Vesle River, Aug. 25, 1918. Francis Reed Austin, 1st Lieut. Headquarters Co., 28th Division; of wounds, near Heudicourt, Nov. 11, 1918. D. S. C. William Halsall Cheney, 1st Lieut. Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps; at Foggia, Italy, Jan. 20, 1918. 18 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL Robert Fitzgerald Clark, Ensign, Naval Reserve Flying Corps; sea- plane accident, Brest, France, Aug. 21, 1918. James Renville Clements, Ensign, U. S. Naval Reserve Flying Corps; of pneumonia, in Paris, Oct. 8, 1918. Ralph Henry Lasser, Co. E, 101st Engineers; in action, at Beaumont, June 16, 1918. Alexander Farnum Lippitt, 1st Lieut. 166th Infantry; wounded at Fere-en-Tardennois, Aug. 1, died at Military Hospital, Cape May, N. J., Oct. 6, 1918. "William MacMillan Maslen, Sergeant, Harvard Unit, S. A. T. C; at Stillman Infirmary, Cambridge, Nov. 25, 1918. David Endicott Putnam, 1st Lieut. 139th Aero Squadron; in action, at Limy, near Toul, Sept. 12, 1918. C. de G., M. M. HoLYOKE Lewis Whitney, 2d Lieut. 109th Infantry; by accident, at BuxeruUes, near St. Mihiel, Nov. 25, 1918. John Boyd Wolverton, Officers' Material School, 1st Naval Dist.; of influenza, at Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Sept. 22, 1918. Class of I 92 I Richard Cutts Fairfield, Wynne Bevan Ambulance Corps; killed by an enemy bomb, at Mestre, Italy, Jan. 26, 1918. Allen Hollis, Jr., Corporal, Harvard Unit, S. A. T. C. ; of pneumonia, at Stillman Infirmary, Cambridge, Dec. 18, 1918. Ernest Ralph Sumner, Cadet Pilot, Royal Air Force; of pneumonia, at Military Base Hospital, Toronto, Canada, Nov. 7, 1918. Class of 1922 Herbert Fullerton Dickson, Candidate, Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ; of pneumonia, at Camp Taylor, Dec. 7, 1918. Unclassified Students Edward Seguin Couch, 1916-17, 2d Lieut. 22d Infantry; at Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., Feb. 5, 1918. Herbert Alphonse Janzlik, 1917-18, Harvard Unit, S. A. T. C; of pneumonia, at Stillman Infirmary, Cambridge, Nov. 30, 1918. Oakley Day Overton, 1914-15 (Univ. of Wyoming '14), Private, Medical Replacement Unit 41; of pneumonia, at Brest, Oct. 11, 1918. THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL 19 Donald Oilman Trow, 1917-18, 2cl Lieut. U. S. A. (Instructor S. A. T. C, Univ. of Pittsburgli) ; of pneumonia, at Magee Hospital, Pittsburgh, Oct. 23, 1918. Engineering Courses (In conjunction with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Walter Francis Buck, M. I. T. 1915-16, 2d Lieut. TI. S. Air Service; aeroplane accident, Kelly Field, Sept. 7, 1918. John Cowperthwaite Tyler, S.B. (Mech. Eng.) 1917 (Williams '15), 1st Lieut. 11th Aero Squadron (Flight Leader); in action, near Con- flans, Sept. 18, 1918. C. de G. Leon Hubert Webuer, S.M. 1915 (M. I. T. '14), Lieut, (junior grade). Naval Reserve Force (Naval Inspector of Ordnance) ; at Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 13, 1919. THE PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS (The names of students and graduates of Harvard College are not included in the following list, but will be found in the preceding class lists) The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Barron Brainerd, 1916-17 (Williams '15), Chief Boatswain's Mate, Naval Reserve Force; at Brookline, May 15, 1919. Calvin Wellington Day, 1912-14 (Queen's, Ont. '11), Lieut. 14th Infan- try, Canadian Militia; in action, near St. Julien, Second Battle of Ypres, Apr. 23, 1915. Herbert Frederick Engelbrecht, A.M. 1918 (Carnegie Inst, of Tech. '12), 2d Lieut. Chemical Warfare Service (American University Experi- ment Station, Washington); of pneumonia, at Washington, D. C, Dec. 3, 1918. Roger Fulton Goss, A.M. 1917 (Univ. of California '16), Captain, 1st Casual Camp, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C; of pneumonia, at Camp Greene, N. C, Oct. 23, 1918. Charles Augustus Guerne, A.M. 1917 (Univ. of Oregon '12), Candidate, Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky; of pneumonia, at Camp Taylor, Oct. 16, 1918. Alexander Dale Muir, 1912-15 (McGill '12), Manitoba, 2d Lieut. Black Watch, British Army; at Perth, Scotland, Apr. 12, 1917. 20 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL Maxwell O. Parry, 1911-12 (Yale '09), 2d Lieut. 147th Aero Squadron; in action, near Vauduille, July 8, 1918. C. de G. D. S. C. Wesley Everett Rich, Ph.D. 1917 (Wesleyan '11), Corporal, Intelli- gence Office, Headquarters Department, Camp Devens; of pneumonia, at Camp Devens, Mass., Sept. 25, 1918. Warren Eastman Robinson, A.M. 1914 (Bowdoin '10), 1st Lieut. 102d Machine Gun Battalion (Liaison Officer for 102d Infantry) ; wounded Nov. 5, in the drive toward Sedan and Metz, died Nov. 6, 1918. John Lawrence Teare, 1917-18 (Monmouth '16), candidate for Officer Material School; of pneumonia, at Bumkin Island, Sept. 11, 1918. Ernest Edward Weibel, Ph.D. 1916 (Kansas '11), Captain, 29th En- gineers (at British Sound Ranging Camp) ; from gassing, Apr. 12, 1918. Carl Henry Wilson, 1914-15, 1916-18 (Ohio Univ. '14), Sergeant, U. S. A.; at Fort Banks, Mass., Jan. 10, 1919. The Graduate School of Business Administration Victor Raleigh Craigie, 1913-14, 2d Lieut. Royal Flying Coips, British Army; Langmere Camp, near Chichester, England, Apr. 7, 1918. Harold Francis Flynn, 1916-17 (Holy Cross Coll. '16), 1st Lieut. 314th Infantry; in action, near Crepion, in the Meuse Valley, Nov. 9, 1918. Lloyd Andrews Hamilton, 1916-17 (Syracuse '16), 1st Lieut. 17th Aero Squadron (Flight Commander); in action, at Langecourt, west of Cambrai, Aug. 24, 1918. D. F. C. D. S. C. The Divinity School Merrill Stanton Gaunt, Andover 1914-16 (Amherst '14), Norton- Harjes Ambulance Corps; in hospital at Bar-le-Duc, France, Mar. 3, 1916. C. de G. William Henry James Willby, Divinity School 1913-14 (Drury Coll. '13), Chaplain, U. S. A.; of inffiienza, at sea, Oct. 4, 1918. The Law School Henry Gorell Barnes, Baron Gorell, 1903-04 (Oxford '03), Major, 19th Battery Royal Artillery, B. E. F.; wounded in action, at Laukhoff Farm, near Ypres, and died at Poperinghe, Jan. 16, 1917. D. S. 0. Lester Clement Barton, 1908-10 (Yale '06), 2d Lieut. 101st Field Artil- lery; in action, in Belleau Wood, July 18, 1918. Francis Bergen, 1914-17 (Yale '14), candidate for Reserve Officers' Training Camp at Plattsburg; en route to Plattsburg, May 12, 1917. THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL 21 Edward Rankin Brainerd, Jr., 1914-15 (Univ. of California '14), Lieut. U. S. A. (in charge of Military Hospital at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.); at Camp Taylor, Feb. IG, 1919. William Francis Cahill, LL.B. 1916 (Fordham Univ. '13), 1st Lieut. 307th Infantry; in action, on the Vesle River, Aug. 28, 1918. Chester Thomas Calder, 1911-12 (Brown '11), U. S. A. Ambulance Service; at Camp Crane, Allentown, Pa., Feb. 4, 1918. Thomas Carroll Carver, 1909-11 (Holy Cross Coll. '09), 2d Lieut. Quartermaster's Corps; of pneumonia, at Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla., Oct. 16, 1918. Robert Henry Coleman, 1915-17 (Yale '15), 2d Lieut. U. S. Air Service; of pneumonia, at Brest, Oct. 9, 1918. James Fenimore Cooper, Jr., 1914-16 (Yale '13), Captain, 308th Field Artillery; at Camp Dix, N. J., Feb. 17, 1918. Robert Allan French, LL.B. 1908 (Dartmouth '05), Captain, U. S. A. (Executive Div. Military Intelligence Branch of the War Dept.); of pneumonia, in Washington, D. C, Dec. 17, 1918. Earl Russell Fretz, 1916-17 (Brown '16), 1st Lieut. 12th Machine Gun BattaUon; of wounds, at Base Hospital No. 115, Vichy, France, Nov. 7, 1918. Almin Minor Froom, 1916-18 (McMaster Univ. '15), Flight Lieut. Royal Air Force; aeroplane accident, at Beamsville, Ont., Sept. 23, 1918. Arthur Russell Gaylord, 1915-17 (Univ. of Minnesota '15), 1st Lieut. 18th Infantry; in action, at Villiers-Tournelle, Apr. 28, 1918. Robert Swift Gillett, 1916-17 (Amherst '16), 1st Lieut. 191st Aero Squadron (Ream Field, Houston, Tex.) ; in aeroplane accident, Kings- ville, Tex., Sept. 17, 1918. Proctor Calvin Gilson, 1915-17 (St. Lawrence '15), 1st Lieut. 9th In- fantry; in action, near Longpont, July 18, 1918. George Waite Goodwin, 1916-17 (Yale '16), 2d Lieut. U. S. Air Service; aeroplane accident, at Chateauroux, July 15, 1918. Clifford Barker Grayson, 1916-17 (Cornell '16), 1st Lieut. 9th In- fantry; wounded in action, July 18, at Vierzy, died at Hospital 47, July 19, 1918. Walcott Brown Hastings, 1915-17 (Cornell '15), 1st Lieut. 127th In- fantry; in Bantheville Wood, near Cunel, Oct. 16, 1918. Harry Woodford Hayward, LL.B. 1900 (Trinity '97), Captain, 107th Infantry; in action, before St. Quentin, Sept. 29, 1918. Arne Hoisholt, LL.B. 1915 (Univ. of California '12), 2d Lieut. 50th Aero Squadron; aeroplane accident, at St. Mihiel, Sept. 7, 1918. 22 THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL Jason Solon Hunt, 1915-17 (Univ. of Vermont '15), Lieut. 27th Aero Squadron; in action, near Fere-en-Tardenois, about Aug. 1, 1918. Richard Jocelyn Hunter, 1905-06, Captain, British Army; in action, Aug. 25, 1918. Reuben Brent Hutchcraft, Jr., LL.B. 1911 (Kentucky Univ. '07), Captain, 166th Infantry; in action, near Sedan, Nov. 7, 1918. D. S. C. Branton Halstein Kellogg, LL.B. 1915 (WiUiams '12), Captain, 7th Infantry; in action, near Nantillois, in the Meuse Valley, Oct. 4, 1918. IsiDOR David Levy, LL.B. 1915 (Amherst '11), Private, Camp Upton, N. Y.; of influenza, at Camp Upton, Sept. 27, 1918. Howard Burchard Lines, LL.B. 1915 (Dartmouth '12), American Ambu- lance Field Service; in the Argonne, Dec. 23, 1916. C. de G. Francis Robbins McCook, LL.B. 1917 (Williams '14), Captain, 134th Machine Gun Battalion; wounded Sept. 29, near Montfaucon, died in hospital, Oct. 7, 1918. Percy Albert Mills, 1916-17 (Univ. of California '16), 1st Lieut. 103d Infantry; of pneumonia, at Base Hospital No. 3, Mont Dore, Nov. 26, 1918. Ona Jefferson Myers, 1912-13 (Chicago '13), 2d Lieut. U. S. Air Service; aeroplane accident, between Chateauroux and Ardentes, France, June 1, 1918. Ira Charles Ogden, 1910-11 (Univ. of Texas '10), Captain, 141st In- fantry; in action, near St. Etienne, Oct. 10, 1918. John Case Phelps, 1906-07 (Yale '06), Captain, 309th Infantry; in action, in the Bois des Loges, Argonne, Oct. 18, 1918. James Jackson Porter, LL.B. 1914 (Princeton '11), 2d Lieut. 10th Ma- chine Gun Battalion; in action, in the Argonne, Oct. 5, 1918. Donald Fairfax Ray, LL.B. 1912 (Univ. of North CaroUna '09), Captain, Field Artillery (Stafl' 156th F. A. Brigade) ; at Fort Sill, Okla., July 6, 1918. John Scranton Shaw, LL.B. 1916 (Colorado Coll. '13), 1st Lieut. 305th Infantry; in action, at Autrecourt, Nov. 7, 1918. Walton Kimball Smith, 1914-15 (Amherst '14), Flight Cadet, Royal Air Force; aeroplane accident, at New Romney, England, July 16, 1918. Albert Dillon Sturtevant, 1916-17 (Yale '16), Ensign, Naval Reserve Flying Corps (with British Navy); in battle, over the North Sea, Feb. 15, 1918. Leslie Orlando Tooze, 1916-17 (Univ. of Oregon '16), 1st Lieut. 364th Infantry; in action, in the Argonne, Sept. 28, 1918. THE HARVARD HONOR ROLL 23 John Brodhead Van Schaick, 1888-89 (Jesus Coll., Cambridge, Eng.), Y. M. C. A. Secretary; of influenza, at Treves, Germany, Dec. 9, 1918. Alfred Frazier White, 1916-18 (Lincoln Univ. '15), Private, Camp Humphreys, Va.; of influenza, at Camp Humphreys, Oct. 8, 1918. Ralph Guye White, 1913-16 (Grove City Coll. '10), 2d Lieut. 23d In- fantry; wounded in action, July 19, near Soissons, died at Field Hospi- tal No. 1, July 21, 1918. The Medical School Howard W^alter Beal, M.D. 1898, Major, Medical Reserve Corps (with 64th Field Artillery) ; wounded July 18, by bomb from an aeroplane, near Roye; died July 20, 1918. William Henry Buffum, M.D. 1902 (Brown '98), Lieut, (senior grade). Naval Reserve Force; of influenza, at Liverpool, Oct. 13, 1918. Allen Mackenzie Cleghorn, Assistant in Medical School 1898-1901 (M.D. Toronto '92), Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps; in hospital at Bramshott, England, Mar. 20, 1916. Clark Richardson Lincoln, 1899-1901, 1st Lieut. 102d Machine Gun Battalion; from wounds received in action, near Chateau-Thierry, July 24, 1918. William Wright Walcott, M.D. 1905 (Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology '01), Captain, Medical Corps (Regimental Surgeon, 101st En- gineers); at Le Mans, Mar. 16, 1919. The Dental School Elmer Reinhold Bolinder, 1915-18, Sergeant, Hospital Unit 24, Ameri- can Expeditionary Force; of pneumonia, in France, Feb. 17, 1919. Harold Watson Estey, D.M.D. 1897, Major, 101st Engineers (Regulat- ing Ofiicer, General Staff) ; of pneumonia, at Dunkerque, Oct. 28, 1918. Roland Ezra Fletcher, D.M.D. 1917, Lieut. Dental Corps; of pneu- monia, at Camp Greenleaf, Ga., Dec. 21, 1918. William Stocks Lacey, D.M.D. 1913, Lieut. Royal Army Medical Corps; from wounds received in action, at 36th Casualty Clearing Station, Mericourt, Oct. 11, 1916. Will Carleton Niles, D.M.D. 1914, Lieut. Dental Corps (Training Camp at the Newton Technical High School) ; of influenza, at Newton, Oct. 4, 1918. Lester Ashton Stone, D.M.D. 1905, 1st Lieut. Dental Corps (attached to 103d Infantry); in action at Bras, near Verdun, Oct. 17, 1918. LlbKHKT Ul- l.\JIKt&;> e 020 914 373 2 ^