I i • • I % ♦.V^tql » « fe • M « « « Ik • * • » 1 1 ».» • ft V » ft ft k « • • • ft fclrV^i '•^^^^^^ »1 *l rc^^'tfl •-::.:::# »M4 * *i 1^1 WW PRLSCILLA Crochet Book Edgings £.Insertjons l/AJ ■:-';• ■•1 Published by ThePnscillaPublishing Co. Boston, Nass. ^-!« An. %j •* t ft I %%%• kftt«ft«»«%%%ftft«**«ii«),«k«»*|| -•Hai-«i *H^'''"'^?5f''" ^^R^'" i^^P"'-' '05|''« t>'? ci««kB«M.*«\«««<«»««««««..^%\'^^'««4^ «.&.«-«'« Now Ready Bound Volumes of the Priscilla Fancy Work Instruction Books Hundreds of thousands of Needleworkers have purchased the paper-covered Priscilla Instruction Books, and have been thoroughly delighted with their clear, simple instructions for various kinds of Fancy Work. However, there has long been a demand for these books in a more substantial form so that they could be added to home libraries and withstand the hard usage given books of reference. In response to this demand, we now offer you the entire set of Priscilla Instruction Books, handsomely and durably bound in red Law Buckram, with titles stamped in gold. Price, $1.35 per Volume, Postpaid Each volume contains four Instruction Books as follows : VOLUME I Irish Crochet No. 1 Irish Crochet No. 2 Filet Crochet Edgings and Insertions VOLUME III VOLUME IV Bead Work Punched Work Embroidery Basketry^ French and Eyelet Embroidery Macrame Colored Cross Stitch No. 1 Bobbin Lace Colored Cross Stitch No. 2 VOLUME II Tatting Hardanger Wool Knitting Wool Crochet VOLUME V Filet Crochet No. 2 Crochet Bedspreads Netting Drawn Work Every book in the Priscilla Library is a genuine teacher. All the different stitches are fully described and explained, then in addition there are a multitude of illustrations showing stitches, details, motifs and finished pieces, all of which makes the work just as clear and simple for the beginner as for the expert needleworker. Send your order for the volumes you wish at once as the first edition is limited. Priscilla Publishing Co., 85 Broad St., Boston, Mass. / A ^risicilla Crocftet poofe CbgingsJ anb Sngertiong NO. 2 A COLLECTION OF BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL PATTERNS WITH Birectiong for OTorking EDITED BY BELLE ROBINSON PRICE. 25 CENTS PUBLISHED BY tKtje ^riSciUa ^ublisil)ing Companp 85 BROAD STREET. BOSTON. MASS. Copyright. 1916, by The Priscilla Publishing Company Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Patent Office AH rights reserved Copyrigltt in Great Britain and the Colonies '1^6 6 Img. I. LiNKN Scarf with I.\,,ihtion and Edging. See directions 1/ '" ©CI.A4:J7547 SEP -5 1916 s un page 25 n^ 1 • EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS No. 2 Explanation of Stitches ^ Chain (ch). With a slip knot on the honk, .haw tlire;i'l throiiRh this loop ; aj;aiii draw thrca^i throiij;h tliis sucorul Ux>\i and continue until the chain i;; of the required length. Slip Stitch (si). Having a st on the hook, put hook through work : draw thread tlirough work and loop on the hook at the same time. Double (d). Having a st on the hook, put hook through work, draw thread through work (making two U)ops on the liook) ; thread over again and through hoth Iooms. (This stiteh has bei'ii, especially in wool crochet, calleil "single crochet." But it simplifies crocheting to call it "double crochet." after the custom of workers in Irish crochet; and that eliminates entirely the name "single crochet.") Half Treble (ht). Having a st on the hook, thread over hook, hook through work, thread over and through work (having three sts on the hook), thread over and tlirough all three sts at once. litKBLH (t). Ilnving a st on the hook, threail over hook, hook through work, thread over ami through worlc (having three sts on the hook), thread over and through two loops, thread over and again through two loops. Doi'BLE Trrblh (dt). Having a st on the hook, thread over twic\ hook through work, thread over and through work (having four sts on the hook), thread over and through two, over and through two, over and through two. Long Treble (It) or Triple Treble (tt). Like donhle treble, but thread over three times, and after thread through work, crocheting off by twos. t^rADRUPLE Treblb (qt). Thread over four times, and crochet off by twos. Sometimes "long treble" is used for anything longer than dt, and the number of loops given. PicoT (ji). A p is formed on a ch by joining the last four sH (or any given number) in a ring by working a &1, or a d, in the fourth st from the hook. In the following 5 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t, I sp, 10 t, 2 sp. 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp. 4 t 9 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 37th row— 4 t, I sp, 4 t, II sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 10 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, ID t, 6 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t. 38111 row — Increase — Ch 10. i t in 8tli st from hook, 12 more t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp. 4 t. 5 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 1 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 7 t, II sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 3()th ro'w — ID t, I sp, 4 t, 8 sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 7 t, S sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 13 t. 4otli row — In- crease — Ch 8, I t in 6th st from hook, 12 more t. 12 sp, 19 t, I sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 7 sp. 4 t. I sp, 7 t (40th to 50th rows, inclusive, arc the same length). 41st row — 4 t, 1 sp, 4 t, 6 sp. 19 t, 6 sp, 4 t. 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 16 t, 13 sp, 10 t. 42d roiv — Ch 5, 10 t, 12 sp, 13 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t. 5 sp, 25 t. 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 43d row — 10 t, I sp. 4 t, 2 sp, 7 t. I sp, 4 t. 2 sp. 4 t. I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 13 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 12 sp, 10 t. 44th row — Ch 5, 10 t, 12 sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 45th row — 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 7 t. I sp, 13 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 16 t, 2 sp, 10 t, II sp, ID t. 46th row — Ch 5, 10 t, 11 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t. 7 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 47th row — ID t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 22 t, 8 sp, 13 t. 1 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 10 t, II sp, ID t. 48th row — Ch 5. ID t. II sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 25 t, 7 sp, 22 t, 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. For the Corner. — The corner is arranged to fol- low next after 45 rows of the pattern which has been described. For the first part, make 45 rows of "Border before the Corner." 46th row — Ch 5, lO t, 11 sp, 10 t, 2 sp. 4 t. I sp, 4 t, 7 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, miss I sp and 4 t. 4/th row — 4 t, 1 sp. 4 t, 3 sp, 22 t, 8 sp, 13 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 11 sp, ID t. 4Sth row — Ch 5, 10 t, 11 sp, lo t, 2 sp, 25 t, 7 sp, 22 t, 4 sp, miss I sp, and 4 t. 4Qth roit.' — 4 sp (ch S for first sp), 4 t, i sp, 7 t, i sp, 7 t, 7 sp, 10 t, I sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 11 sp, 10 t. iotli row — Ch 5, 13 t, 10 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, ID t, 2 sp, 7 t, 9 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, miss 2 sp. 51st row — 4 sp (ch S for first sp), 7 t, 10 sp, 4 t. 4 sp. 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 2 sp. 10 t, 4 sp, 13 t, miss 3 t. ^2d row — Ch 4, miss 3 t, 1 t in next, 12 more t, 2 sp, 4 t. 3 sp, 4 t, i sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 7 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 7 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp. miss 2 sp. j3d row — 9 sp (ch 5 for first sp), 4 t, 2 sp. 4 t, II sp, 10 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t, miss 3 t. S4th row — Ch 4, miss 3 t. 1 t in next. 9 more t, 5 sp, 4 t, i sp, 10 t, 11 sp, 4 t, 3 sp. 4 t. 4 sp. 4 t. 1 sp, miss 2 sp. ^^th row — i sp (cli 5 for sp), 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 5 sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 22 t, miss 3 t. 56t/i row — Ch 4, iniss 3 t, 1 t in next, IS t, 4 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, miss 4 t and I sp. syth row — 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 4 t, i sp, 7 t, 4 sp. 13 t, 5 sp, 10 t. 5iS'//i roii: — Increase — Ch 10, I t in 8tli st from hook, 15 more t, 6 sp, 13 t, S sp, 4 t, 6 sp, 4 t, I sp, miss I sp and 4 t. jy/Zi roiif — 10 t, 6 sp, 25 t, 6 sp, 22 t. (>otli row — Increase — Ch 10, I t in 8th st from hook, 9 more t, 5 sp, 4 t, 7 sp, 16 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, miss 7 t. 6lsl rotv — 4 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 13 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t. 63d row — In- crease — Ch 10, I t, in 8th st from hook, 12 more t, J sp, 4 t, 3 sp. 4 t, 12 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, miss i sp and 4 t. 6sd row — 10 t, 16 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 13 t. 64th row — Ch 8, I t in 6th st from hook, 12 more t, 24 sp, 4 t, miss 7 t. 6}th row — 4 t, 25 sp, lo t. 66th row — Ch 5, 10 t, 20 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, miss I sp and 4 t. 67^/1 roii' — 10 t, I sp, 4 t, 19 sp, 10 t. 6Sth rozv — Ch 5, 10 t, 21 sp, 4 t, miss 7 t. 69//1 row — 4 t, 21 sp, ID t. 70//1 row — Ch 5, ID t, 18 sp, 4 t, I sp, miss i sp and 4 t. 71st row — 7 t, s sp, 10 t, 10 sp, 10 t. /3d row — Ch 5, ID t, 9 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, miss 7 t. 7sd row — 4 sp (ch 5 for first sp), 4 t, i sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 9 sp, 10 t. 77//1 row — Ch 5, 13 t, 8 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, I sp, miss 2 sp. 75tli row—i sp (ch 5 for sp), 7 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 8 sp, 13 t, miss 3 t. 76//1 row — Ch 4, miss 3 t. I t in next, !2 more t, 10 sp. 4 t, miss 4 t and i sp. 771/1 row — 7 t, 8 sp, 13 t. miss 3 t. 7S//1 row — Ch 4, miss 3 t, I t in next, ^^ more t, miss 7 t. 7gth row — 31 t, miss 3 t. Sntli rotv — Ch 4, miss 3 t, I t in ne.xt, 6 more t, turn, make i dt in top of 4th t just made, 7 t. turn, make I dt in top of 3d t just made, 7 t, turn, make I dt in top of 3d t just made. This completes the first part of corner. For the 2d P.\rt of Corner. — ist row — Increase — Ch 3, turn, make I dt in 1st st from work, ch 6, turn and make I dt in 3d st, ch 6, turn, l dt in 3d st, making a founda- tion chain of 21 sts with 3 loops of dt on lower side of ch. 3d row — Increase — Ch 10, i t in 8th st from hook, 20 more t on foundation ch, 3 t over end of upright row, join with si to 4 t of next upright row. jrf ro'w — SI to corner of upright row, 27 t. 4tli rote — Increase — Ch 10, i t in 8th st from hook, 36 t, join with si to 4th t in upright row. Sth row — Si to corner of upright row, 3 t, 8 sp, 13 t. 6th row — Increase — Ch 10, I t in 8th st from hook, 12 more t, 10 sp, 7 t, join with si to 4th t in upright row. 7th row — SI to corner of upright row, 6 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 8 sp, 13 t. Sth rote— Increase — Ch 8, I t in Cth st from hook. 12 more t, 8 sp, 4 t, i sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, I sp, join with i t to corner of sp in up- right row. gth row — Ch 2, join with i t to corner of upright row, 2 sp, 4 t, i sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 9 sp, 10 t. loth rcw — Ch 5, 10 t, 9 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 3 t, join with si to 4th t in upright row. nth roii' — SI to corner of 7th t in upright row, 3 t, S sp, 10 t, 10 sp, ID t. i3th row — Ch 5, 10 t, 18 sp, 4 t, i sp, 3 t, join with si to corner of sp in upriglit row. ijth row — SI to corner of upright row, 21 sp, 10 t. 14th row — Ch 5, 10 t, 21 sp, 4 t, I sp, join with sl to 4th t in uprifjht row. /j//i row — SI to corner of upright row, 6 t, I sp, 4 t, 19 sp, 10 t. i6th roiv — 111 5. 10 t, JO sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 3 t, join with sl to corner of sp in upright row. 17th row — Sl to cor- ner of upright row, 25 sp, 10 t. 18th row — Ch 5, 13 t, 24 sp, 6 t, join with sl to 4th t in up- right row. i(^th row — Sl to corner of upright row, 6 t, 16 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 13 t, miss 3 t. 30lh row — Ch 4, miss 3 t, I t in next, 12 more t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, ij sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 3 t, join with sl to corner iif sp in upright row. 3ist row — Sl to corner of upright row, 5 sp, 4 t, 13 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 ti 3 sp, 10 t, miss 3 t. 33d row — Ch 4, miss 3 t, I t in next, 9 more t, 5 sp, 4 t, 7 sp, 16 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, join with sl to 4th t of upright row. 3sd row — Sl to corner of upright row, 6 t, 6 sp, 25 t, 6 sp, 22 t, miss 3 t. 34th roiu — Ch 4, miss 3 t, i t in next, 15 more t, 6 sp, 13 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 6 sp, 4 t, i sp, 3 t, join with sl to corner of sp in upright row. ^5^/l roxa — Sl to comer of upright row, 3 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 4 sp, 13 t, S sp, ID t. 36th row — In- crease — Ch 10, I t in Sth st from hook, 15 more t, 4 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 3 t, join with sl to 4th t of upright row. 37th row — SI to corner of upriglit row, 3 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t. 3 u;. 3. To Reverse the Scroll Design. See Fig. 2 and page 7 sp, 10 t, 5 sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 22 t. 3Slh row — Increase — Ch 10, I t in 8th st from hook, 9 more t, 5 sp, 4 t, I sp, 10 t, II sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, join with I t to corner of sp in upright row. 39th row — Ch 2, join with i t to corner of upright row, 7 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, II sp, 10 t, I sp. 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t. soth rov,' — Increase — Ch 10, i t in 8th st from hook, 12 more t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, i sp, lO t, 2 sp, 7 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 7 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, join with I t to corner of sp in upright row. 31st row — Ch 2, join with i t to corner of upright row, 2 sp, 7 t, 10 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 13 t. 33d row — Increase — Ch 8, i t in 6th st from hook, 12 more t, 10 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 7 t, 9 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, join with I t to corner of sp in upright row. 33d row — Ch 2, join with I t to corner of upright row, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, I sp, 7 t, 7 sp, 10 t, I sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 10 t, II sp, 10 t. 34th row — Ch S, 10 t, n sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 25 t, 7 sp, 22 t, 4 sp, 3 t, join with sl to corner of sp in upright row. 35th row — Sl to corner of upright row, i sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 22 t, 8 sp, 13 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 10 t, II sp, 10 t. 36th row — Ch s, 10 t, II sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 7 sp, 7 t, 2 sp. 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 3 t, join with sl to corner of sp in upright row. 37th rozi' — SI to corner of upright row which is the 45th row of the pattern of the "Border before the Corner," 1 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 7 t, I sp, 13 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 16 t, 2 sp, 10 t, II sp, 10 t. This completes the directions for the Corner. For Border After the Corner. — ist row — Ch 5, 10 t, 12 sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t. I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 4 t. I sp, 7 t. ^d row — 10 t, i sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 7 t, i sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 13 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 12 sp, ID t. sd row — Ch 5, 10 t, 12 sp, 13 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t, S sp, 25 t, 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 4fh row — 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 6 sp, 19 t, 6 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 16 t, 13 sp, 10 t. 5th row— Ch. S, 13 t, 12 sp, 19 t, I sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 7 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 6ih roii} —10 t, I sp, 4 t, 8 sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 7 t, 5 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 13 t, miss 3 t. 7th row — Ch 4, miss. 3 t, i t in next, 12 more t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 10 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 7 t, II sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 8th row — 4 t, i sp, 4 t, II sp, ID t, 2 sp, 10 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 1 sp, 10 t, 6 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t, miss 3 t. gih row — Ch 4, miss 3 t, i t in next, 9 more t, 5 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t, I sp, ID t, 2 sp. 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 9 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. lOth row— 10 t, I sp, 4 t, 13 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 22 t, miss 3 t. li.th row — Ch 4, miss 3 t, I t in next, IS more t, 4 sp, 4 t, 6 sp, TO t, 2 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 10 t, I sp, 13 t, 5 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. J2th row— 4 t, I sp, 4 t, S sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 7 t, I sp, 7 t, I sp, 10 t, I sp, 7 t, I sp, 7 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 6 sp, 10 t, miss 3 t. I^th row — Increase — Ch 10, i t in 8th st from hook, 15 more t, 6 sp, 13 t, I sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 10 t, sp, ID t, 6 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. I4tli row — 10 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 14 sp, 22 t. Ijtil roiu — Increase — Ch ID, I t in 8th st from hook, 9 more t, S sp, 4 t, 8 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, _' sp, 4 t, 2 sp. 10 t, I sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t, 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. i6th row — 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 8 sp, 10 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 9 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t. 17th row — Increase — Ch 10, i t in 8th st from hook, 12 more t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 10 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 10 t, 2 sp, ID t, 6 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. i8th row — 10 t, I sp, 4 t, 4 sp. 7 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 9 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 13 t. ii)th row — In- crease — Ch 8, I t in 6th st from needle, 12 more t, 15 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, 19 t, 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 20th row — 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 16 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 6 sp, 19 t, 14 sp, 10 t. 2ist row — Ch 5, 10 t, 13 sp, 25 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 13 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 22d row — 10 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 12 sp, 10 t. 2jd row — Ch 5, 10 t, 12 sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 24th rozv — 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 16 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 13 t, I sp, 7 t, 12 sp, 10 t. 23th row — Ch 5, 10 t, 12 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t, 7 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 26th rois.' — ID t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 13 t, 8 sp, 22 t, 13 sp, 10 t. 27th row — Ch 5, 10 t, 13 sp, 22 t, 7 sp, 25 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t. I sp, 7 t. 28th row — 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, ID t, 2 sp, 13 t. 1 sp, ID t, 7 sp, 7 t, I sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 13 sp, 10 t. 29tli rozv — Ch S, 13 t, 13 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 9 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t. I sp, 7 t. 30th row — 10 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, JO t, 3 sp. 7 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 10 sp, 7 t, 6 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 13 t, miss 3 t. sist row — Ch 4, miss 3 t, I t in next, 12 more t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, ID sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 32d row — 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 27 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t, miss 3. 33d row — Ch 4, miss 3 t, I t in next, 9 more t, 5 sp, 4 t, 7 sp, 16 t, IS sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 34th row — 10 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 13 t, 5 sp, 10 t, S sp, 25 t, 6 sp, 22 t, miss 3 t. 3Sth row — Ch 4, miss 3 t, I t in next, 15 more t, 6 sp, 13 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t 4 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 36th row — 4 t, I sp, 4 t. 4 sp, 13 t, 4 sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 4 sp, '3 t. 5 sp, 10 t, miss 3 t. 37th row — Increase — Ch 10, I t in 8th st from hook, 15 more t, 4 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 13 t, S sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 3Sth row — 10 t, I sp, 4 t, s sp, 2S t, S sp, 10 t, 5 sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 22 t. 39th row — Increase — Ch 10, I t in 8th st from hook, 9 more t, S sp, 4 t, i sp, 10 t, IS sp, 16 t, 8 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 40th rozv — 4 t Fig. 4. Insertion iok Tea Cloth, Scroll Design. See page 7 1 sp, 4 t, 29 sp, 10 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t. ^ist row — ^Increase — Ch 10, i t in 8th st from hook, 12 more t, 2 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 7 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 10 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 4Jd row — 10 t, I sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 7 t, 10 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 10 t, 2 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 13 t. 4Sj.>j;^l>j^j^.i^j:^>;.:J>j.U-:J>J.U-cUU;-:-l>J;- Fig. 5. To Reverse Scroll Design of Insertion. See F'ig. 4 filet crochet square, which is absolutely essential. While a great number of workers have no difficulty in copying from a block pattern, yet there are other numbers who plead for detailed directions ; and it is with the purpose of pleasing the latter that the direc- tions for this lace are written out in full. Since tliis piece is included in a collection of crochet embracing many varieties, special emphasis has not been put upon principles underlying filet crochet ; the directions have been given in the simplest method possible in terms common to all the popular forms of crochet. The work of filet crochet is among the most popu- lar forms of crocheting, yet it is capable of more abuses than most other varieties. Most writers give an approximate scale of meshes to an inch with the different numbers of cotton. Without any doubt the same number of rows to an inch are required if the work approaches being square. In a circular piece and ill making a mitre at corners one comes to grief if anything other than square work is produced. I'ilet crochet is at its best when the work is firmly drawn, even and very fine. The pieces here described are about 10 meshes and 10 rows to an inch. Figure 6. Butterfly Edging with Corner. Matekiai.s. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. The detail of work, Fig. 7, shows the corner as it should look when one-half is fin- ished, ready for the rows of the next half to be joined. While this is a good example of Filet Crochet, yet the long space (long sp) is introduced in the wings of the butterfly. A space (sp) is (ch 2, miss 2, I t), a long sp is (ch 5, miss 5, I t). The models, Fig. 6 and Fig. 8 of Insertion are made as models containing the design, but when making a repeated border, the first row of work (at A) should be exactly like the sec- ond row, and the last row of Fig. 6 should be like the preceding row ; the detailed directions are given with this point in view. Commencing at A, chain 89, turn, ist rozv — T in 5th st from hook, 5 t in next S sts, 3 sp, 7 t, 21 sp, I t, ch 3, turn, ^d row — T over t, 21 sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 7 t, ch 9, turn, sd row — T in 5th St from hook, S t, 4 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 10 t, 5 sp, 7 t, 5 sp, I t, ch 3, turn. 4th row — One t, 6 sp, 19 t, i long sp, i sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 8 sp, 7 t, ch 9, turn. 5th row—T in 5th st from hook, 5 t, II sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 3 long sp, 4 t, 6 sp, I t, ch 3, turn. 6tli row — One t, 2 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 2 long sp, I sp, 7 t, I sp. COR.NER OF BUTTEHFLV FdGINU. page 8 See Fig. 6 and 4 t, 2 sp, 16 t, 6 sp, 7 t, ch 9, turn, ^th row — T in sth st from hook, 5 t, 7 sp, 4 t, 2 long sp, i sp, 4 t, i sp, 4 t, I sp, 3 long sp, 4 t, 3 sp, ID t, 2 sp, I t, ch 3, turn. Sth row — One t, 3 sp, 4 t, i sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 3 long sp, 7 t, I sp, I long sp, 4 t, I sp, i long sp, 7 t, 5 sp, 7 t, ch 9. 9th row — T in 5th st from hook, 5 t, 5 sp, 10 t, I long sp, I sp, 7 t, I sp, I long sp. Fig. 6. Butterfly Edging. See I'ig. 7 and page 8 8 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 long ^1). 4 t, 3 sp. 4 t, i long sp, 4 t, 3 sp, I t, ch 3. lotli row — One t, 3 sp, 4 t, i sp. i long sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I long sp, 4 t. i sp, 4 t, 6 long sp, 13 t, I sp, 7 t, ch 9. nth nrw — T in 5th St from hook, 5 t, 5 sp, 4 t, i long sp, I sp, 4 t. 5 long sp, 4 t, I sp, 13 t, 1 sp, 4 t. -2 long sp, 4 t, 3 sp, I t, ch 3. lith row — One t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 2 long sp, 13 t, I sp, 4 t, I long sp, 7 t, 3 long sp, 7 t, I long sp, 4 t, 6 sp, 7 t, ch 9. i_^th roic — T in 5th st from needle, 5 t, 9 sp, 4 t, 3 long sp, I sp, 34 t, 3 long sp, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, I t, ch 3. I^th row — One t, 2 sp, 4 t, i sp, 7 t, i sp, i long sp, i sp, 4 t, I sp, 13 t, I sp, S long sp, 4 t, 10 sp, 7 t, ch 9. 15th row — T in 5th st from hook, 5 t, 13 sp, 49 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, I long sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, I t, ch 3. 16th row — One t, 3 sp, 4 t, i sp, i long sp, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 13 t, 3 sp, 16 t, 16 sp, 7 t, ch 9. lyth row — T in Sth st from hook, S t, 24 sp, 7 t, i sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 13 t, 4 sp, I t, ch 3. iSth row — One t, 7 sp, 7 t, i long sp. 7 t, i sp, 4 t, i sp, 10 t, 8 sp, 4 t. 14 sp, 7 t, ch I. j^lli row — SI over 7 t, ch 3, 6 t, ii sp. 4 t, 7 sp, 4 t, i sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp. 7 t, I sp, I long sp, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 1 t, ch 3. 2otli row — One t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 1 sp, 2 long sp, I sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 6 sp, 4 t, II sp, 7 t, ch I. 21 st row — SI over 7 t, ch 3, 6 t, 10 sp. 4 t, 3 sp, 7 t, 3 sp. 4 t, 2 sp, 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 3 long sp. 4 t, 2 sp. 4 t, 2 sp, I t, ch 3. 22d row — One t, I sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 2 long sp, i sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 10 t, 1 1 sp, 7 t, ch I. ^sd row — SI over 7 t, ch 3, 6 t, 15 sp, 4 t. 4 sp, 7 t, 2 long sp, I sp, 4 t, I long sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, I sp, I t, ch 3. 2^th row — One t, 2 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, i sp, 3 long sp. I sp, 7 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 15 sp, 7 t, ch I. j^tli row — SI over 7 t, ch 3, 6 t, 12 sp. 4 t, 6 sp, 4 t. 3 long sp, I sp, 4 t, 6 sp, I t. ch 3. ibth row^One t, 7 sp, 4 t, I sp, I long sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 6 sp, 4 t, 12 sp, 7 t, ch I. 27th row — SI over 7 t, ch 3, 6 t, 10 sp. 4 t, 6 sp, 4 t, I long sp. 7 t. I sp, 7 t, 7 sp, I t, ch 3. jSth rou< — One t, 8 sp, 4 t, 2 long sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t. n sp, 7 t, ch I. 2gtlt row — SI over 7 t, ch 3, 6 t, 10 sp, 7 t, 5 sp. 4 t, I long sp, i sp, 4 t. 8 sp, I t, ch 3. soil' row — One t, 9 sp, 4 t, I sp, 4 t, 18 sp, 7 t, ch I. 31st row — SI over ^ 7 t, ch 3, 6 t, 16 sp, 7 t, ID sp, I t, ch 3. 32d row — One t, II sp, 4 t, 16 sp, 7 t, ch I. At the heading of the 32d row is the right angle of the mitred corner (B in Fig. 6) ; the next two rows (33d and 34th) are finished at the inside with but one treble (see B in Fig. 7), the rows that finish the last half of corner are crocheted across these two meshes. JSd row — SI over 7 t, ch 3, 6 t, 14 sp, £r]gings und Iiist>rtiuii^< No. 4 t. 1 1 sp. ch 5, i4th row — 21 sp. 7 t, 3 sp. 7 t, ch 9. ■;/;/// row — Like 3d row. omitting last 3 sp, turn with ch 5. j6tli ro'a' — I'"oIlov/ the design of 4th row. ,,'7//i roic — Like 5th row. omitting last 2 sp. Follow the design to and including 50th row ; turn with ch 3 when a solid block is in the diagonal, turn with ch 5 when a sp is in the diagonal. In the 51st row omit I sp and 7 t; omit 2 sp thereafter. 6[st row — SI over 7 t, ch 3, 6 t, ch 3. 62d row — 6 t, ch i. djd row — SI over 7 t. Second Half of Cornkr. — Chain 9. jst row — T in 5th st from hook, 5 t. l sp. t into t on first half of corner. 2d roiv — Ch 2, t into middle of 5 ch, turn, 1 sp, 7 t, ch 9. jd row — T in 5th st, 5 t, 5 sp. i t into first half. 4th row — Ch 2, t into middle of 5 ch. turn. 5 sp and block of 7, ch 9. 5th rozc — Block of 7, spaces, join as in 3d row. 6th row — Like 4th row with added sp. /'th and Stii roii'S — Like 5th and 6th rows, with added sp. In gth roiv begin working groups of treble for "Butterfly" following illustra- tion, loth and nth rows — Follow design: at end of nth row, turn work half way around and make 4 t over 4 t, ch 2, turn. I2th and ijtli ro'ws — Follow de- sign, at the end of 13th row make 3 t over the t that lies below, si into point, si across this t and next t to inside corner of point, si across next sp and in next t, turn. J4th row — 7 t over si sts, follow de- sign. ISth row — F'oIIow design, and at the end, 2 sp, ch 2 for another sp, si in corner of next point and across t and to 3d st on next point (as in 13th row), turn. i6th row — 40 t, spaces, and block at the edge as before. lytli row — Follow design, 7 t over last 7 t, si across end of point and to 3d t of next point as before, turn. iSth row — 6 t over 6 si sts, 22 t, follow design to edge ,,,^ ^ Corner of igth row— Aher last 4 t, si Butterfly Inser- across end of point, across sp tion. See Fi"'. 8 and in 1st t of next point, turn, ^oth rozv — Trebles over si sts, over trebles and over next sp, follow design, ^ist row— After last 4 t of design, miss last 2 t of last row, ch 2, si in next 3 sts only, which brings thread half way on side of point, ch 2, t on t between 2 sp of next point, ch 2, turn. 22d row — 4 t over sp, follow design and turn. 2jd row — After last 4 t, ch 2, si in point and across sp, ch 2, t on t between 2 sp of next point, ch 2, turn. 34th row — 4 t over sp, finish as before, turn. 2Stli row — At the end join and turn as in 23d row. ^6th row — Follow design, turn, ^'/(/i row — At the end after 19 t, i sp, ch 2, si across next sp, ch 2, t between sps of next point, ch 2, turn. 3Sth roiv — Follow design, turn, ^gth row — At the end after the t over last t of 28th row, t on t between next 2 sp of next point, ch 2, t in 3d of 5-ch at point, ch 2, turn, jotli roiv — Follow design to edge. This row finishes the corner, notice the block of 4 t that commences the wing of the next butterfly. J 1st /-ozt;— Make the last 2 sp across the ends of 33d and 34th rows of first half of corner, and make 2 t at the heading just after the corner. The .^oth row is the first of 32 rows required for the ne.xt but- terfly and pointed scallop, and corresponds with the EuuiNG. See page 10 33d row of directions for first butterfly ; and the order of rows must be reversed from that to the second row. For the last butterfly, commence with 2d row of directions and follow as for the first butterfly. The butterflies are turned toward the corners from the middle of each side; and if a longer border is made the number turned in each direction must be deter- mined by the length of the border. Figure 8. Butterfly Insertion. — The corner of Insertion is turned as in the edging, with a slight dif- ference at the outer edge, which is shown at Fig. 9. This shows the outer point as it should be when ready for the second half of the corner. After it is worked as far as shown in the detail, ch 2, d in t between the 2 sp, ch 2, d at corner of 2d sp, ch 3, t at corner of same sp, * ch 2, t between next 2 sp; repeat from * twice more, t on t between next 2 sp, ch 2, t in next point, ch 2, turn. Work back to the edge with spaces, making 2 t at edge, ch 3, turn and work back and forth as in edging. Figure 10. Edging. — No. 70 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. Chain 13, join with si to form a ring. In this ring make 5 d, picot of 4 joined by d through 2 upper loops of last d, I d, ch 4 (not joining for p), i d, picot, 5 d. * Chain 13, si through top loop of first st, 5 d, p. I d, leaving remainder of ring unfinished *. **Chain 9, take hook out of work, insert through ch between picots on preceding ring, catch 9th st and draw through, 5 d, p, I d, ch 4, I d, p, 5 d **, (ch 2, in unfinished ring make i d, p, 5 d). Repeat from * to *, *** Chain 9, take hook out of work and draw 9th ch st through 2-ch between picots in preceding ring, 5 d, p, i d ***. Repeat from ** to **, then repeat directions in parenthesis in each of the next unfinished rings. Repeat from * to *, then from *** to *** twice, from ** to **, then directions in parenthesis 3 times. Repeat the directions beginning with "from * to *" in the order in which they are given until there is a triangle of 9 rings. The gth ring, which forms the point of the triangle, is finished with 3 picots. The only rings having 4-ch between picots are the outside rings. The next row will have but 7 rings, the next 8, the next 9, and repeat to the required length ; do not break thread, but work along the top for heading. There should be S ch sts showing at the top of each ring. Heading. — Chain 5, t in first ch st, * ch i, miss I, t in next st, ch i, t between rings * ; repeat from * to * the whole length. Figure 11. Edging. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. Centre Motif. — Make a chain of 8 sts, I dt in the first st made. * in the same st make (ch 3, i long t, over 3 times, ch 3, i long t, over 4 times, ch 5, I long t, t>ver 4 times, ch 3, i long t, over 3 times, ch 3, i dt, ch 7, i d). * (ch IS, I d t in 8th st from hook; repeat from * to *) twice, ch 7, join with si in first st of first leaf. 1st roiiiid — In the first space of leaf make * (5 d, picot of 5 joined by d through two upper loops of last d, 3 d) ; in each of next two sp make (2 d, p, 2 d) ; in centre sp make (4 d, p, 4 d) ; in each of ne.xt two make (2 d, p, 2 d) ; in last sp make (3 d, p, 5 d) ; 6 d in sp at base of leaf *; repeat from * to * in each leaf, connecting with previous leaf after the 5th d in first sp of leaf as follows: Ch i, take hook out of work, insert down through opposite p on preceding leaf, catch dropped st and draw through, ch 2, and finish p with I d through 2 upper loops of last d. The joining of the third leaf to the first leaf must be done in the same way at the last p on third leaf. .A.fter making the 6th d over last base line si in first st of first leaf, break thread, ^d row — Ch 7, take hook out of work, insert down through centre p of a leaf, draw st through, ch 6, si in ist st of 7 ch, * ch I, working to the left make i si in each of next 6 sts to p, taking I loop of st only, draw 6th st through p, si in each of next 6 sts, si through top st, ch 18, (do not twist ch), draw i8th st through next p to the left, ch 6, si in 7th st from p *; repeat from * to * around at each p, except I p before and after the joined p; after working the last loop, ch 11, join with si in centre of first loop, sd row — One d in each st around, using top loop only, making 2 sts in each corner st over the centre of the loops. There should be 44 or 45 sts on each side. 4th round — Turn work wrong side 10 up, I d ill each si nround (taking hack loop), J d in each corner, join last st to first one with si. ,5//i round — Turn work right side up, make .? d in each corner, i d in each st around, taking back loop only. join with si. 6tli round — SI to centre corner st, ch 7. d in same st, ch 4, miss 2 d. i d in next st (back loop only), ch 4, miss 3d,* (t, ch 4, t) in next st, (this is a shell or sh), ch 4, miss 3, d in next, ch 4, miss 3 *, repeat from * to * around two sides of the triangle; after making the sh in the corner st, work the top row as follows : ch 4, miss 2, I d in next, ch 4, miss 3, i sh in next, (ch 2, miss 3, sh in next) 8 times, ch 4, miss 3, r d in next st, ch 4, si in third st of 7 ch, break thread and fasten. There should be about 48 sts from point to point in the last row of d on triangle; if there are more or less, arrange before reaching the corner so that there will be but 2 sts between the last d and the st at each corner where the sh is placed. Make a row of these scallops or triangles as long as required, joining each one as it is made to the preceding one at the corner shell and the shell be- low the corner, in working the second side, as fol- lows : After making the first t of the shell before the cor- ner one, ch 2, take hook out of work, insert in correspond- ing sh at the left side of pre- ceding scallop, draw s t through, ch 3. and finish sh, ch 4, miss 3, d in next, ch 4, miss 2, t in next, ch 2, and join to corner sh opposite like the other, then fin- ish top row of scallop. Heading. — Fasten thread with i d in first 4 ch be- yond corner sh, ch 5, i long t (3 loops) in next 4 ch, * (ch II, miss i sh. d in next) 4 times, ch 11, 1 long t in first 4 ch after sh, retaining last 2 loops on hook, thread over 3 times, insert hook in next 4 ch, working off all loops by twos, ch 5, 2 long t in next two 4 ch, like last 2 in first scallop; re- peat from * to end of edge and break thread. 2d row — Beginning again at right end, make i t in top of 2 long t, * (ch 2, miss 2, 1 t in next st) 3 times, ch 2, t in next d * ; repeat from * to * across top of scallop to long t, ch 2, i t in 3d st of 5 ch, ch 2, t in long t ; repeat to end of edging. Edge. — Fasten thread on the last scallop in the second d below the corner, ch 7, I d in next sh, * (ch 4, shell in next d, ch 4, d in next sh) 8 times, ch 4, t in next d, working off 3 loops, retaining 2 on hook, thread over, insert in opposite d and work off all loops by twos (a cross treble), ch 4, i d in next sh * ; repeat from * to *. 2d row — Be- gin again at right-hand end with i d in first d in scallop after 7 ch beginning last row, ch 7, i d in next sh, * (ch 4,' sh in next d, ch 4, d in next sh) 7 times, ch 4, cross treble, one-half in next d, the other half in opposite d, ch 4, i d in next sh ; re- peat from * to end. jd row — One d in first d after 7 ch at beginning of last row, ch 3, ** 2 dt in next sh, * ch 5, put hook through 2 loops of last dt, draw a loop through to m^ikc a p, but do not finish it, keep the 2 loops on the hook, thread over twice and make a dt, working off 2 loops twice and the last 3 all together, make another dt like first one; repeat from * to * twice, then make one more dt like first one, (there should be 3 p and eginning at the right, make 2 d in centre sp, 3 d in next, 4 d in next, 3 d in each of next 2 sps. 4 d in next, which is the first sp of top row of cup: repeat from * to *, d in each of 7 sts of stem to the junction of first stem, si across into first stem, d in each st to cup, 2 d in centre sp, 3 d in next, 2 d in next, now join to second cup by taking book out of work, insert in third st of second sp from centre sp, draw dropped st through, 2 d in same sp, 3 d in each of next 2 sp, si in next d. 11 Break thread, leaving an end long enough to fasten off securely on the back of cup with a needle. Repeat directions from begin- ning for each two cups and acorns, with tliis exception, — Ch 2;i for stem (instead of 12, which was for the first or end stem only), and make i d in second st from hook, d in each of next 13 sts, then repeat from ** to end, joining the end of the long stem to the centre of the cups of the preceding 2 acorns where they are joined together. It is easier to join them with a needle and thread at the back of the work than to try to join them in making. Make a row of acorns as long as required, and at the end make a short stem of 12 ch and join in the centre of cups. Filling. Jst row — Begin at right hand, holding work right side up, the acorns pointing toward the left, ch 25, picot of 4 (joined with d), ch 3, d in 15th st from p, make a picot loop (p 1) as follows, — (ch 2, picot, ch 4, picot, ch 3), d in 9th st from last d. a half p loop as follows, — * (ch 2, p, ch 3>, then pick up the work and make i d in the end st of short stem, half p loop, d in 3th d from stem on cup, turn, half p loop, d in centre of ne.xt p loop, i p loop, d in third st beyond p in end loop, turn ; cli TO, p, ch 3, d in centre of first loop, half p loop, d in last d in tliird sp from centre, turn ; p loop, d in third st beyond p in end loop, turn, ch 10, p, ch 3, d be- tween 6th and 7th t from bot- tom of acorn, turn ; i p loop, d in third st be- yond p in end loop, turn : ch 10, p, ch ,?, d in centre of ne.\t loop, I p loop, d between 6th and 7th t from bot- tom of acorn on opposite side * ; repeat from * to *. placing the first half p loop in repeating, in the third st of long stem below the junction. At end of row, place the half p loop in the last d on short stem. H E A D I N G. — Fasten thread in Fig. I iiiuNc. See page 11 Acorn Insertion. page 12 centre st of first loop at the right, ch 4, miss I, t in next st, * ch i, miss i, t in next st ; repeat to end. Figure 13. Acorn Insertion. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. Repeat entire directions for Acorn Edging, Figure 12, making a double row of acorns the length required. Repeat directions for "Filling" on both sides of insertion, working first a side having the acorns pointing to the left. On the second side, turn the work wrong side up when work- ing the "I'illing," then turn work right side up and work the "Heading" on both edges. Figure 14. Edging. — No. 150 crochet cotton and No. 14 hncik. ist /nu' — Chain 9, join in a ring with si, ch 3, 2 t in ring, ch 5 for picot, insert hook down through top of last t, bringing it out at the side under 2 loops of the t and make a si, (3 t, picot made in the same manner) twice, 3 t, * ch 21, join with si in 9th st from hook, ch 3, drop st, take it up througli 3d st of ch from joining, t in ring, (the chains and t correspond with the first 3 t), picot, (3 t, picot) tivice, 3 t *; repeat from * to * for required length. At the end of the edging, fill out last ring with, — picot, (3 t, picot) 3 times, 3 t, making 7 picots altogether in the ring, join the last t to third st of ch with si; ** si in each st of ch to next ring, si in top of the last t made in ring, (3 t, picot) 3 times, 3 t, si in third st of ch ** ; repeat from ** to ** to the end and make a picot in last t, joining with si to first 3-ch made. Lower Edge. — Fasten thread with i d in picot at right-hand end, ch 5, d in next p, ch S, dt in next p, ch 7, dt in same p, ch 5, d in next p. ch 5, d in middle st of bar between rings, * ch 5, d in first picot on next ring, ch 5, dt in centre p, ch 7, dt in same p, ch 5, d in next p, ch 5, d in middle st of bar ; repeat from * to * throughout, ^d row — Begin again at the same end, make 3 d over first 5-ch, picot of 4 joined with d, 3d, (3 d, p, 3 d) over next ch. (3 d, p, 3 d, p, 3 d, p, 3 d) over centre ch, (3 d, p, 3 d) over next sp, (3 d, p, 3 d) over next ch : repeat from beginning of row to the end. He.\ding. 1st roic — Holding work right side towards you, fasten thread with i d in first free picot at right, ch 5, d in next picot, * ch 4, I ht in next p, ch 4, long t (over 4 times) in middle st on bar, crochet off by twos, ch 4, I ht in next p, ch 4, d in next p *; repeat from * to * tliroughout. turn. 3d roiv — Ch 3, t in each st. turn, sd roic — Ch 4, thread over twice, miss 2 t, insert hook in next t and make a dt, ch 6, thread over twice, insert hook under the 2 top loops of the dt, draw a loop through, (thread over and draw through 2 loops) 12 3 times, * ch 2, thread over 4 times, miss 2 t. insert hook in next t, draw a loop through, (threa. #"». i-ji. i.\(.. .^ef page IJ • No. 50 crocliet cotton bee page 13 second leaf on spray at the right, ch 6, * t in third t on third leaf (counting 3 ch as i t), ch 5, d in first st for picot, miss I t on leaf, t in next t, picot, miss I t, t in next t, picot, t in next t, picot, t in same t, picot, t in next t, picot, miss i t on leaf, t in next t, picot, miss I t, t in ne.xt t, (take one loop of sts only in this row), ch 3, t in third t in end of next leaf, ch 3: re- peat from *. Figure 16. Wide Edging. ■ and No. 10 hook. The medallions are made separately, and the second is joined to the first with si when the 8th and the nth picots are made, ist round — (includes the four rings and connecting ch), ch 15, join with si, 24 d in ring. * ch 3S, si into 15th st from hook, bring the working thread down under and back of the ch between rings, S d in ring, join to first ring (in 8th st from top), by dropping st from hook, insert hook in 8th st, catch 3 d, p, 3 d, p. 5 d) ; repeat around and join with si, break thread. Make as many squares as are necessary for length, joining each one as it is made to preceding square at corresponding picots directly above the corner. Flower. — Chain 8, join wilh si to form a ring, ist round — Ch i, 18 d in ring, join with si. 2d round — Ch 4, 3 dt in next st, ch 4, si in same st, (ch i, miss i d in ring, si in next d, ch 4, 3 dt in same st, ch 4, si in same st) repeat until there are 8 petals, ch i, miss I d, d in next st, ch 25 for stem and leaf, * d in 3d st of ch (taking but one loop), i ht, 2 t, 6 dt, 2 t, I ht, (1 in next 13 sts of ch, si across the end of leaf into next ch st, ch i, d in each of next 4 sts (taking but one loop), picot of 3, 4 d in next 4 sts, p, 4 d, p, 3 d in next 3 sts, d under 2-ch at top, picot, 4 d in next 4 sts, p, 4 d, p, 4 d, p, 3 d, d across end of leaf into the ch on next side, * ch 17 for stem, turn, d in 3d st of ch, d in each st to leaf; ch 18 for 2d leaf; repeat from * to * for 2d leaf, d into st made across ist leaf, d into each st of ch to flower, d on last d in ring. Break thread, leaving an end long enough to sew flower on square as indicated in cut. Leaves Between Scallops. — Chain 18, repeat direc- tions for leaf as far as 2d picot, then ch 2, dt in middle p of 2d loop from corner loop on the 2d square at the right, ch 2, d in last d on leaf to finish p, 4 d in next 4 d, p, 3 d in next 3 d, d under 2-ch at top of leaf, ch I, ** take hook out of work, insert it down through the middle picot of next lower loop, draw dropped st through, ch 2, and finish picot, ** (from ** to ** will be called "joining" hereafter), 4 d in next 4 d, p, 4 d, ch 2, dt in middle p on next loop, ch 2, finish picot, 4 d, p, 3 d to end of leaf, i d across leaf into ch st opposite, ch 25, repeat directions for leaf to 1st picot, ch 2, dt in same p with last dt, ch 2, finish p, 4 d, p, 4 d, ch 2, join as from ** to **, 3 d in next 3 d, I d under 2 ch at top of leaf, ch 2, make a cross dt into picots before and after joining of squares, ch 2, finish p, 4 d in 4 d, ch 2, join in middle picot of next loop. Finish leaf joining as before, ch 25 for 3d leaf and make leaf and join in the places cor- responding with the 1st leaf, break thread and fasten. Repeat the three leaves between scallops to end, then See page 14 make 2 leaves at beginning and end of edging. Heading. — Chain 8 for the half scallop at the right- hand end of lace, d in ist d of end leaf, * ch 13, d in 2d p of leaf, ch 15, d in middle p of next loop, ch 9, d in middle p of top loop, ch 9, d in middle p of next loop, ch 15, d in same p with dt, ch 13. d in end St of next leaf, ch 13, d in end st of next leaf; re- peat from * to end of edging, id niw — Begin again at right hand, fasten thread with si in 1st st of 8 ch, 9 d over ch, * 21 d over 1st loop, 23 d over next, 12 d over each of next 2 loops, 2;^ d over next, 21 d over next, 19 d over next ; repeat from * to end. jd row — D in 1st d of lialf loop at right hand, * (ch 12, d in 13th d of next loop) twice, ch 14, d in d over p, ch 14, d in gth d of next loop, ch 12, d in middle st of next loop; repeat from * to end. 4th rozc — Make dt in each st across row. Now make a ch as long as the last row, turn, dt in 5th st of ch, dt in each st to end, ch 4, d in first st at beginning to bring thread in position at lower edge of dt sts, (ch 9, d between 7th and 8th dt) repeat to end, break thread and begin again at right hand. Fasten thread with d at first of row, * 4 d, p of 3, 3 d, ch 2, take hook out of work, pick up the edge and holding the left end of it towards you, insert hook in top of 4th dt, catch dropped st and draw through, ch 2. finish p, 3 d, p, 4 d over same loop * ; repeat in each loop from * to * the whole length, connecting each loop at middle p, between the 7th and 8th dt on edge, the p of 1st loop being joined at the 4th dt because it is at the end. Figure 20. Edging. — Xo. 70 crochet cotton and No. 13 hook. Top Motif. — Chain 17, join with si, cover loop with 29 d, si across the end into 1st d, * ch 17, join as at first, 29 d in loop, si across the end ; repeat from * twice more, break thread and fasten. Lower Motif. — Chain 17, turn, ist rozv — T in 8th st from hook, * ch 2, miss 2, t in next; repeat frorn. * to end, turn. 2d row — Ch 5, t on next t, * ch .2, , t on next t; repeat from * to end of row. s;d and 4th rows — Like 2d row. Without turning ch i and work along the next side of square, making 3 d in each sp to corner; * ch 74, join in ist st by a si through under outside loop of st, 23 d in loop; si across end into first d in loop, then insert hook down through top of 3d d in last sp and out at side of st, and make a tight double (all picots are fastened in this way except in the triple p, the 3d p is fastened in the same way but finished with a si), * ch 14 and make another loop like the last, 3 d in each sp to next corner, make but one loop on this corner, repeating directions from * to *, 3 d in each sp to next corner and make two loops, 3 d in each sp to last corner and make but one loop, join with si, break thread and fasten. Centre Motif. — Chain 20, join with si, ch 9, si in same st where ch was joined, putting hook right down through the st, si in each of the next 5 sts, * ch 9, si in centre of last st, si in each of next S sts ; repeat from * until the Ist 9-ch is reached, si up 2 sts of the 9-ch, ch 5, miss 2 sts of 9-ch, in the next make (t, ch 5, t), ch 2, miss 2, t in ne.xt st, ch S, ** t in second st of next 9-ch, ch 2, miss 2, (t, ch 5, {) in ne.xt st, ch 2, miss 2, t in next St. ch 5 ** ; repeat from ** to ** around, joining last 5-ch to the 3d st of 1st 5-ch. 1st round — Ch I, d in same st with join- ing, d in each st around, taking back loop onl)', and making 3 d in each corner, join with si. id round — Turn, like ist round. .?(/ round — Turn, ch l, d in same st with joining, ch 5, dt in the corner st, picot of 5 (joined under 2 threads in top of dt with d), ch 2, pick up Top Motif, * take hook out of work, insert hook down through the 15th st of left-hand loop, draw dropped st through *, (from * to * will be called "joining" hereafter), ch 3, finish p, a third picot fastened in the same place with si, (ch 4, dt in same st with last dt, 3 p in top of dt) twice, ch 5, d in each of the 7 d in middle of side of square, ch 5, dt in corner st, 3 p in top of dt, (ch 4, dt in same st, 3 p in top of dt) twice, ch 5. 7 d in 7 middle sts of square, ch 5, (dt in corner st, 3 p on dt, ch 4) twice, dt in same corner st, p, ch 2, take up the Lower Motif, joining as before in the 12th st of one of the single loops at the side, ch 3, finish p, make a 3d p and fasten in the same place with si, cli 5, 7 d in middle 7 sts of square, ch $, dt in corner st, p, ch 2, join in middle d of next loop on lower motif, ch 3, finish p, make one more p in same st, ch 4, dt in same corner st, 3 p on dt, ch 4, dt in same st, p, ch 2, join in second loop of top motif, ch 3, finish p, one more p in same st, ch 5, 6 d in 6 d in middle of side of square, si in next d, break thread and fasten. Make another top and lower motif, then the cen- tre square; after completing the 2d round of doubles, ch I and turn, *** ch 5, dt in corner st, p, ch 2, pick up the top motif and join to the middle st of loop at the left as before, finish p, make one more p in same st. Work on the 3d round as before, 3 triple p at each corner, joining in the following .places, — 3d triple p to right loop of ist top motif. :-^at next corner of the ist triple p to free loop of top motif, — next triple p to corresponding p of 1st square, — 3d triple p to next free loop of lower mo- tif — 1st triple p of next corner to single loop of lower motif, — 3d triple p to single loop of second lower motif — at last corner, ist triple p to one of two loops on second lower motif; 3d triple p to 16 second loop of upper motif; repeat from *** to *** to join all motifs. Heading. — Make i d in top p at right hand, * ch 9, t in 4th d from p on ne.xt loop, ch 12, cross dt in end sts of the 2 top loops of upper motifs, ch 12, t in 4th d from p on ne.xt loop, ch 9, d in centre p ; repeat from *. 2d roiv — Begin again at the right, make i dt in 1st st, * ch i, miss i, dt in next; repeat from *. Lower Edge. — ist rozv — One d in middle p at point of square at right, * ch 7, 3 dt in 7th d on side of loop, (making a Cluny group), ch 9, d in middle d of next loop, ch 8, make a Cluny group of 3 in 6th St from the last d, a Cluny group on next loop, ch 8, d in middle st of same loop, ch 9, Cluny group in 7th d in side of next loop, ch 7, d in centre p; repeat from * and hreak thread. 2d row — Begin again at the right, d in 1st d, * over ch make (d, 3 t, 3 p in top of last t, fastening 2 p with d, the 3d p with si, 3 t, d), si in centre of group; over next ch make ( I d, 3 t, 3 p, 3 t, d, 3 t, 3 p) ; over next ch make (3 t, i d, 3 t, 3 p, 3 t. d), si in centre of group; over next ch (d, 3 t, 3 p, 3 t, d, 3 t, 3 p) ; over next ch (3 t, d, 3 t, 3 p, 3 t, d), si in centre of group; over next ch make (d, 3 t, 3 p, 3 t, d) ; repeat from * to end. Figure 21. Edging. — Xo. 70 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. Leaves. — * Chain 13, si in 5th st from hook, si in each of next 4 sts, si across to opposite side of ch, ch 2, t in si taken across, t in each of next 5 sts, 5 t in Httle ring at top, 5 t down next side, ch 2. si in next st, si in each of next 4 sts *. This completes one of the larger leaves ; without breaking thread repeat from * to *, which makes the lower leaf: ** again without breaking thread, ch 10, si in 5th st from hook, si in each of 3 sts, si to opposite side of ch, ch 2, t in si taken across, t in each of next 3 sts, S t in ring, t in each of next 4 sts, ch 2, si in same st with last t, si in each of next 2 sts, ** si across stem to opposite side ; repeat from ** to **, fasten with si in centre of stems and break thread. 1st round — Make a cross dt between the small side leaf at the right side and the larger top leaf as in each d all around (taking back loop of st), join to 1st d with si. 4II1 round — Ch 9, d in 5th st from hook for picot, ch i, miss 3 d, dt in next d, (ch 5, d in 5th st from hook, ch I, miss 3 d, dt in next d) twice, * ch 5, d in sih st, ch I, dt in 4th d, (ch 4, d in 2 upper loops of last dt, dt in same st) 4 times, (ch 5, d in sth st, ch i, miss 3 d, dt in next d) 6 times *; repeat from * to * around, joining to 4th st of ne.xt sp with si, break thread and fasten. Make as many diamonds as required for length, joining each one as it is made, to preceding one at the second and third picots of the cluster at side. Heading. — Having a loop on the hook, put thread over 12 times, insert in the 4th p of cluster at right side, thread over and draw loop through, (thread over and through 2 loops) 6 times, leaving 7 loops on hook, * thread over 6 times, miss I p, insert in next p, draw loop through, (thread over and through 2 loops) 6 times, * miss i p and repeat from * to * once, thread over and through 3 loops, (thread over and through 2 loops) 7 times, ch 2, thread over 5 times, insert in the loop over the top of the three loops (formed by the thread drawn through the 1st 2 loops of top bar), draw loop through, (thread over and through 2 loops) 6 times, ch 2, thread over 6 times, and make last bar in same loop, (drawing thread through 2 loops) 7 times, ** ch 5, miss 2 picots, t in next p, ch 5, miss I p, d in next, ch 3, d in next, ch 5, miss i p, t in next, ch 5, miss 2 p, thread over 12 times, insert in next p, draw loop through, (thread over and through 2 loops) 6 times, leaving 7 loops on hook, * thread over 6 times, miss i p, insert in next p, draw loop through, (thread over and through 2 loops) 6 times *; repeat from * to * 4 times, making the 4th bar in the 1st p on next diamond, thread over and draw a loop follows, — Having a loop on the hook, put thread over twice, insert hook in 3d t from bottom of side leaf (counting last 2 ch as I t), thread over and draw loop through, (thread over and draw through 2 loops) twice, retaining 2 loops on hook, thread over twice, insert hook in 3d t from bottom of top leaf, thread over and draw a loop through, thread over and draw through all loops by twos, * (ch 3, miss i t, dt in next) twice, ch 3, 2 dt in centre st at top of leaf with 5 ch between, (ch 3, miss I t, dt in next) twice, ch 3, miss I t, I cross dt between leaves, ch 3, miss i t, dt in next, ch 3, 2 dt with 5 ch between in centre st at top of leaf, ch 3, miss I t, dt in next, ch 3, * miss i t, cross dt between leaves ; repeat from * to * around and join to top st of 1st cross dt with si. Jd round — 4 d over each sp to corner, 7 d over each corner sp. .,'lk, 3 sp, blk, ch 4, over dt, ch S, blk, 4 sp, blk, 4 sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si over dt, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, ch S, 3 si over dt, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, 4 sp, ch 5, turn. 5//; ro'W — S sp, blk, ch 6, S si, ch 6, blk, ch 6, 5 si, ch 6, blk, 2 sp, 3 blk, 2 sp, blk, ch 6, 5 si, ch 6, blk, ch 10. 6th rozu — Blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch S, blk, sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, ch S, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, 4 sp, ch s. yth roiv — 3 sp, blk, ch 4, dt over 2-ch, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt in middle of 3 si, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt over 2-ch, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt over middle of 3 si, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt over 2-ch, ch 4, blk, 3 sp, blk, ch 4, dt over 2-ch, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt over middle of 3 si, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt over 2-ch, ch 4, blk, ch 10. Sth row — Blk, ch 5, 3 si over dt, ch 5, blk, sp over dt, blk, ch 5, 3 si over dt, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si over dt, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si over dt, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si over dt, ch 5, blk, 2 sp, ch 5. Qth row ^Sp, blk, (ch 6, 5 si, ch 6), blk over sp, (ch 6, S si, ch 6), blk, (ch 6, s si, ch 6), blk, (ch 6, 5 si, ch 6), blk, (ch 6, 5 si, ch 6), blk in loop, ch 5. loth row — Miss I blk, blk over ch, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, ch s, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch S, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch S, blk, sp, blk, ch S, 3 si, ch 5, blk, 2 sp, ch 5. nth row — 3 sp, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt over 2-ch, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt over 2-ch, cli dt, ch 4, blk, ch 10. 24tli roiv — Blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch S, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, sp, blk, ch $, 3 si, ch 5, blk, 2 sp, ch 5. Jith row — Sp, blk, ch 6, 5 si, ch 6, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, ch 6, S si, ch 6, blk, ch 6, 5 si, ch 6, blk, ch 5. 26th row — Miss I blk, blk over ch, ch 5, 3 si, ch S, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, 4 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 4 sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, 2 sp, ch 5. 27th row — 3 sp, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, 6 sp, 3 blk, 3 sp. blk, 6 sp, blk. ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk. ch 4, dt, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, ch 5. 2Sth row — Miss i blk, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch S, blk, sp, blk, 21 sp, blk, sp, blk, 4 sp, ch 5. 2gth roiv — 5 sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, ch 6, S si, ch 6, blk, ch 5. jo;/i row — Blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch S, blk, 4 sp, blk, 4 sp, 7 blk, 3 sp, blk, 5 sp, blk, 4 sp, ch 5. J/J? row — 3 sp, blk, 5 sp, 3 blk, sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, 2 blk, 4 sp, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, ch 5. S2d row — Blk, sp, blk, 4 sp, blk, sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, 6 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 2 sp, ch 5. ssd row — Sp, blk, 3 sp, 13 l>lk, 7 sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, 4 sp, blk, ch 10. S4tli roiv — Blk, sp, blk, 4 sp, blk, sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, 6 sp, blk, 3 sp. blk, 3 sp, blk, 2 sp, ch 5. j^th row — 3 sp, blk, S sp. 4, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, 3 sp, blk, ch 4, 3 blk, sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, 2 blk, 4 sp, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, ch 4. dt over 2-ch, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si. blk, ch 5. i2th row — Blk over 4-ch, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, 4 sp, ch 5. i^lli row — 5 sp. blk, ch 4, dt, ch 4, blk, ch 10. s^th row — Blk, ch S, 3 si, ch 5, blk, 4 sp, blk, 4 sp, 7 blk, 3 sp, blk, S sp, blk, 4 sp, ch 5. .?7*/i row — 5 sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, ch 6, S si, ch 6, blk, ch 10. ,?5//i row — Blk, sp. blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, 21 sp, blk. 20 sp, l)Ik, 4 sp, cli 5. S9II' ''"'4' — 3 sp, blk, ch 4, dt, ch 4, blk, 5 sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, 5 sp, blk, ch 4, dt, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si, eh 4, blk, ch 4, dt, ch 4, blk, ch 10. ./olli rozv — Blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5. blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, 5 sp, 7 blk, 5 sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch s, blk, 2 sp, ch 5. 41st rozv — Sp, blk, ch 6, 5 si, ch 6, blk, 3 sp, blk, 7 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, ch 6, 5 si, eh 6, blk, ch 6, 5 si, ch 6, blk, ch 5. ^Jj roztt —Blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, eh 5, blk, sp, blk, 13 sp, blk, sp, blk, eh s, 3 si, ch 5, blk, 2 sp, ch 5. 4^d row — 3 sp, blk, eh 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt, ch 4, blk, 11 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si. ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt, ch 4, blk, ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, ch 5. 44th roiu — Blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, eh 5, blk, sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, 9 sp, blk, ch S, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, 4 sp. ch 5. 45th row — 5 sp, blk, ch 6, 5 si, ch 6, blk, 7 sp, blk, 2 sp, 3 blk, 2 sp, blk, eh 6, 5 si, ch 6, blk, ch 5. 46th row — Blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, 4 sp, blk, 4 sp, blk, 5 sp, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk, sp, blk, 4 sp, ch 5. 4yth roit.' — 3 sp, blk, eh 4, dt. ch 4, blk. ch 4, dt in middle si, ch 4, blk, eh 4. dt, ch 4, blk, 3 sp, blk, 5 sp, blk, 5 sp, blk, eh 4. dt in mid- dle si, ch 4. blk, ch 5. 4Stli row — Blk, sp, blk. 2 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 3 sp, blk, 2 sp, blk, sp, blk, ch 5, 3 si, ch 5, blk. sp. blk, ch 5. 3 si. eh 5, blk, 2 sp, ch 5. 4t)th row — Sp, blk, ch 6, 5 si, ch 6, blk, eh 6, 5 si. ch 6, blk, 2 sp, S blk. sp, 5 blk, 2 sp, blk, ch 10. The pattern is completed in 48 rows, and the 49th row corresponds with the 1st row, the 50th row with the 2d row, etc. When the lace is finished the re- quired length, make the picot edge as follows : SI in first lo-eh loop, ch 5, si in same loop, ch 5, sl in same loop, * ch 5, sl in next loop, eh 5, sl in same, ch 5, sl in same ; repeat from *. Figure 25. Insertion. — No. 50 crochet cot- inn and Xo. 9 hook. Chain 128, turn, isl rozv — T in 4th st from hook, t in each ch st across. 3d raze — Ch 3, 2 t in next 2 t, * ch 3, miss 2. d in 3d ch st, eh 3, t in 3d ch st (from * is one festoon), make 4 more festoons (fest), 13 t (including the last t of fest), 6 fest, 13 t, S fest, 3 t (including last t of fest). sd rozv — Ch 3, 2 t, * ch 5, t over t (from * is one bar), 4 more bars, 13 t, 6 bars, 13 t, 5 bars, 3 t. 4II1 row — Like 2d row. j//i row — Like 3d row. 6th rozv — Ch 3, 2 t, 4 fest, 7 t, (ch i, miss I, t in next) 6 times, 6 t, 4 fest, 7 t, (ch I, miss I, t in next) 6 times, 6 t, 4 fest, 3 t. 7 fit row — Ch 3, 2 t, 4 bars, 7 t, (ch i, miss I, I t) 6 times, 6 t, 4 bars, 7 t, (ch I, miss I, I t) 6 times, 6 t, 4 bars, 3 t. 8th ri>7c—Ch 3, 2 t, 3 fest, 7 t, (ch i, miss I, i t) 12 times, 6 t, 2 fest, 7 t, (ch i, miss 1, i t) 12 times, 6 t, 3 fest, 3 t. 9//1 row— Ch 3, 2 t, 3 bars, 7 t, (eh I, miss I, I t) 12 times, 6 t, 2 bars, 7 t, (ch i, miss I, I t) 12 times, 6 t, 3 bars, 3 t. rnth row — Ch 3, 2 t. fest, IS t, (eh l, miss l, l t) 7 times, ch 3, miss I t, t in next t, eh 3, (i t. i eh) 7 times, 15 t, (ch I, miss I, I t) 7 times, eh 3, miss i t, t in next, ch 3, (i t. ch 1) 7 times, 15 t. i fest, 3 t. nth rov.< — Ch 3, 2 t, I bar, 15 t, (ch i, miss i, i t) 7 times, eh 3, d in t, ch 2. d in same t, ch 3, (i t, ch i) 7 times, 15 t, (eh i. miss i, i t) 7 times, ch 3, d in t, eh 2, d in same t, ch 3, ( i t, ch i ) 7 times, 15 t, I bar, 3 t. utli row — Ch 3, 2 t, i fest, 15 t, (ch I, miss I, i t) 7 times, ch 3, d in d. 5 t over 2-ch, d in d, eh 3, (l t, ch l) 7 times, 15 t, (ch I, miss I, I t) 7 times, ch 3, d in d, 5 t over 2-ch, d in d, ch 3, (i t, eh i) 7 times, 15 t, I fest, 3 t. isth row — Ch 3, 2 t, i bar, 15 t, (ch 1, miss I, I t) 7 times, eh 3, d in centre of 5 t, fh 3, (l t, ch 1) 7 times, 15 t, (ch i, miss i, i t) 7 times, ch 3, 'd in centre of 5 t, ch 3, (l t, ch i) 7 times, 15 t, I bar, 3 t. 14th row — Ch 3, 2 t. 3 fest, 7 t, (eh I, miss i, I t) 12 times, 6 t, 2 fest, 7 t, (ch I, miss i, i t) 12 times, 7 t, 3 fest, 3 t. 15th row — Ch 3, 2 t, 3 bars, 7 t, (ch i, miss i, I t) 12 times, 6 t, 2 bars, 7 t, (ch I, miss i, i t) 12 times, 6 t, 3 bars, 3 t. l6tli row — Ch 3, 2 t, 4 fest, 7 t, (ch I, miss I, I t) 6 times, 6 t, 4 fest, 7 t, (ch I. miss I, I t) 6 times, 6 t, 4 fest, 3 t. 17th row — Ch 3, 2 t, 4 bars, 7 t, (ch i, miss I, I t) 6 times, 6 t, 4 bars, 7 t, (ch i, miss i, I t) 6 times, 6 t, 4 bars, 3 t. Repeat from 2d row. Figure 26. Leaf and Shell Lace. — Xo. 150 cro- chet cotton and .\'o. 14 Ik ink. Chain 42 sts, turn, ist row — One si in the loth st from hook, ch 3, miss 2, i t in next st (ch 3, miss 2, I sl in next st, ch 3, miss 2, i t in next st, — a festoon) 4 times, i t in next st, eh 2, miss 2. i t in next st, turn. 3d row' — Ch 5, i t in each of 2 t, (ch 5, I t in next t, — a space) 4 times, eh 5, i t in the 3d of lO-eh loop, ch 6, i t in 8th st of same loop, turn, sd row — * A shell, which is always made thus : Twelve d on 6-ch, turn, 12 d on 12 d, turn, ( i d in each of 3 sts, ch 4, i d in same st with last d) 3 times, I d in each of 3 remaining sts of shell *, 5 festoons (fest), i t on next t, ch 2. t in 3d of 5-ch, turn. 4th row — Ch 5, i t in each of 2 t, 6 spaces (sp), putting last t between first 2 p on shell, ch 6, t between next 2 p on shell, turn, j//; row — A shell like 3d row from * to *, 2 fest, i t in each of next 6 sts, 3 fest, t on t. oh 2, t in 3d of 5-ch, turn. 6lh Jii'm'.^""^^-. ^^« "iiiiim"" - SS V iii'^^5>^v<*^'V^ '■fi^S, ♦ir.^^- 'fi*. '"^i^A ^W#^ViV^^i-5VW« :v Fig. 27. Diamond Lace. See page 22 22 in the 2(1 d on cluster, cli 3, 7 t in the 6th of ii-ch; repeat from * across. Repeat from 2d row mitil as wide as desired. Then work the edge as follows : One d in the 2d t of cluster, * (ch S, miss i, i d in next t of cluster) twice, ch 5, (2 t, ch 3, 2 t) in the 4th t of next cluster, ch 5, i d in the 2d t on next cluster; repeat from * across, ending row with 2d d on shell, turn. 3d row — Ch 5, i d in 5-ch loop, * ch S, 9 dt with 1 ch between each in the 3-ch loop, ch 5, I d in S-ch loop, ch 5, i d in next 5-ch loop; repeat from * across, turn. _,'(/ cok'— SI to centre of 5-ch Fig. 28. Snowfl.\ke L.\ce. See page 22 loop. * ch 2. I t on 5-ch, ( ch i, i t on next i-ch be- tween dt) 8 times, ch l. i t on 5-ch, ch 2, i d in 5-ch loop : repeat from * across, turn. 4th row — Ch 3, i t on 2-ch, * (ch 5, I d in first of 5-ch to form a p, 2 t in next space), 9 times, p of 5 ch, i t on 2-ch, i t on next 2-ch ; repeat from * across, and fasten off. He.vding. — One t in first st, (ch i, miss I, i t in next st) ; repeat across. Figure 29. Rose Medallion Lace. — No. 70 cro- chet cotton and No. 12 hook. Rose. — Wind the working thread 20 times around the top of the crochet-hook, slip off and work 16 d in the ring, si in ist d to join. Chain 8, miss i, i t in next st, (ch 5, miss i, i t in next st) 6 times, ch 5, si in the 3d of first 8-ch, * 7 d on 5-ch, ch 6, I d in top of last d ; repeat from * around, making 8 loops in all, si to the fourth of 7 d, ** 11 t in the 6-ch loop, si in the 4th of next 7 d ; repeat from ** around. SI to the 6th of 11 t, ch 14, l t in centre of next petal, ch 9, i dt in centre of next petal, ch 9. I dt in same place with last dt, ch 9, I t in centre of next petal, ch 9, i d in the centre of next petal. ch 9, I dt in same place with last dt, ch 9, i d in next petal, ch 9, I dt in next petal, ch 9, i dt in same place with last dt, ch 9, 1 t in next petal, ch 9, 1 dt in centre of next petal, ch 9, si in 5th of first 14 ch, fasten off. In working the second and fol- lowing flowers they must be joined to the 5lh of the 9 ch between the dt of the preceding one with a si. after working 4 of the 9 ch between 2 dt. Make as many roses as rcipiired for length ; join the thread to the first ch st after the 2 dt at end of strip, ch 3, miss i, i t in the next st, (ch i, miss i, I t in the next st) 2}, times, * i t in the first ch after the dt on next rose, (ch i, miss I, i t in next st ) 24 times ; repeat from * across, to pass end, ch 9, i d in the 5th of 9 ch on rose, ch 9, i t in the first ch after dt: repeat from * along other side of lace. Heading. — ^Chain 8, i t in 3d space, ch 2, miss 2 sp, I dt in next sp, ch 13, * miss 3 sp, 2 d in each of next 6 sp, ch 13, l dt in 3d sp, ch 2, miss 2 sp, I t in next sp, i dt between patterns, ** I t in 4th sp, ch 2, I dt in 3d sp, ch 3, i si in the 4th st of 13 ch, ch 10; repeat from * across, ending at **, turn, ch 6, I si in the 4th st of 13 ch, now work I d in each st across top of lace, fasten off. Lower Euge. — Chain i, i long t (over 3 times) in top of 1st t, * miss 3 sp, i dt in next sp, miss 2 sp, I long t in next sp, ch 5, i long t in saime sp, ch 7. I long t in same sp, ch 5, l long t in same sp, miss 4 sp, I long t in next sp, ch 5, l long t in same sp. ch 7, I long t in next sp, ch 5, i long t in same sp. miss 4 sp, I long t in next sp, ch 5, I long t in same sp. ch 7, I long t in same sp, ch 5, i long t in same sp. miss 2 sp, I dt in next sp, 1 long t between pat- terns ; repeat from * and fasten off. 2d row — 9 d on each 5-ch and 11 d on each 7-ch on edge of lace. Figure 30. Edging. — No. 100 crochet cotton and No. 14 hook. Chain 52. jst round — Do not join the ch with a si: instead, make 3 d in ist st, working over end of thread and taking up 2 threads of st, (12 d in next 12 sts, 3 d in next st) 3 times, 12 d in next 12 sts, join to Ist d with si. sd round — SI in each of next 2 d, ch 3 for t, 4 more t in same st where 3 ch began, (14 t in next 14 d, 5 t in next st) 3 times, 14 t in next 14 d, join with si in top st of the 3-ch. ^d round — -Ch 2 for ist d, d in each of next 2 t, (picot of 6 joined with d) twice, * ch 13, put hook down through 2d st from last picot and make a sl across to bring thread on the right side of ring, make I d, i ht, 19 t, I ht, I d in ring, ch i, (picot of 6, joined by d) twice, * d in same st with last d on corner of square. 5 d in next 5 sts; repeat from * to * twice more on the side, missing i t between the p bars, and making 6 t in next 6 t. At the corners repeat from * to *, making i d in same st with last d ; on the sides miss I t between each pair of picot bars, and 6 d in next 6 t ; repeat on each side, making 3 d after last picot bar on last side, joining to 2d ch st with si, and Fig. 29. Rose Medallion Lace. See page 23 break thread. 4th round — Having a st on the hook, put thread over and make * i t in 7th st of first circle at corner, (ch i, picot of 6 joined by d, ch i, miss i t, t in next) 5 times, ch I ♦; repeat from * to * in each circle around the square, join to ist t with sl, and break thread. 23 Fill in the centre of squares with double net stitches. Make as many squares as required for length, joining each square to preceding one in the 4th round as follows: After the ist sp on the cir- cle at third corner, ch 4, take hook out of work and insert in second picot of corresponding circle of pre- ceding square, catch dropped st, and draw through picot, ch 3, I d in 2d st, ch i, miss I t, t in next t; repeat in next picot ; this leaves 2 free picots above the joining and this side must be placed towards the top of the lace. Heading. 1st row — Begin at right hand of top edge, having a st on hook, * thread over twice, in- sert hook in last picot on corner circle and draw a loop through, thread over and through 2 loops, in- sert hook in first picot on next circle, draw loop through, (thread over and through 2 loops) 3 times, * (ch 9, miss I p. 3 t in next, ch 9, repeat from * to *) 5 times, ** ch 3; repeat from * to * in the two opposite picots, ch 5, take hook out of work, insert in 5th st of 9 ch, ch 4, miss 1 p, 3 t in next, ch 9; EiiGiNG. See page 23 repeat from * to *, then repeat directions in last parenthesis 4 times ♦*, then repeat from ** to ** to end and break thread. 2d row — Begin again at right corner, 3 t in 5th st of second 9-ch, * (ch 9, 3 t in Sth st of next 9-ch) twice, ch 5, si in 5th st of next 9-ch, pull out loop and slip ball through to fasten and carry thread loosely along top to the 5th st of next 9-ch, si in that st, ch 5, 3 t in 5th st of next 9-ch, (ch 9, 3 t in 5th st of next 9-ch) twice, ch 3, 3 t in 5th st of opposite 9-ch * ; repeat from * to * to the end. sd row — 3 t in 5th st of first 9-ch, ch 5, si in 5th st of next 9-ch, slip ball through loop and carry the thread along to 5th st of first 9-ch beyond 3 t at centre, and si in that st, letting the thread lie quite loosely along the top edge, ch 5, 3 t in 5th st of last 9-ch on first scallop, ch 3 ; repeat from beginning of row to end and break thread. 4th row — One d in each of 3 t, 6 d in next sp, 6 d in next sp, making first one in same st with si, 3 d in next 3 t, 6 d in next sp, i d in si, 5 d in sp, 3 d in 3 t, 5 d in sp, i d in si, 6 d in sp, 3 d in 3 t, 5 d in sp, I d in si, 6 d in sp, 3 d in 3 t, 3 d in 3-ch sp; repeat from beginning of row. 5//1 rozv — One t in 1st d, * ch 2, miss 2, t in next; repeat from * to end. Figure 31. Rose and Leaf Edge. — No. 70 cro- chet cotton and No. 14 hook. Leaf. — Chain 12, turn, miss i st, 11 d in 11 sts, ch 2, d in same st with last d, 9 d in 9 sts down the other side, * ch i, turn, 10 d in 10 d (into back loop only), d under 2-di, ch 2, d in same place, g d in next d on the other side *; repeat from * to * 4 times, ch i, turn, 10 d in 10 d, d under 2-ch, ch 4, miss i st of 4-ch, 3 d in next 3 sts, d under 2-ch, i si through last st, break thread and fasten securely at the back. Make another leaf but omit the stem ; at the end after making "10 d in 10 d, d under 2-ch," make i si in tlie 2d cli and fasten off. Make a third leaf like tirst one. but make only 3 ch st at the end instead of 4, pick up the leaf with no steim, holding it right side up, take hook out of work and insert it down tlirough the top of last d (made under the 2-ch), and out at the side, catch the 3d st that was dropped and draw it through the d, ch i to fasten, then pick up leaf with stem, take hook out of work and insert in end of stem, pull st through, i d in each of next 2 sts (of stem), i d under 2 ch, 1 si in next d and fasten off at back. Beginning at the top of last leaf made and joined to the iitliers, join thread in the outer st of last rib, * (ch I, picot of 5 joined with d, ch 2, d in end of ne.xt rib) twice, make another picot loop the same way, placing the d after it in the end of the centre of leaf, ch 5, i d in same place, make 3 more p loops on the same leaf, * ch i, picot, ch i, d in end of ifirst rib on next leaf ** ; repeat from first * to ** once, then from * to * and break thread. Rose. — Chain 7. t in 1st st of ch, (ch 4, t in same st) 3 times, (in making the last t, catch the loose end of thread and work it in with the t, then cut off remainder of it), ch 4, i si in 2d st of ch. 2fl! round — (D, 5 t, d) over each sp around, take hook out of work, insert through t at end of petal and draw last st through to the back, jrf round — * Ch 5, insert hook between the doubles at end of petal, at the back, and make i d under the ch over which the last row was worked ; repeat around. ^th round — (D, 6 t, d) over each 5 ch around, draw last st through to the back. 5th round — Ch 7, and fasten between douliles as in 3d round ; repeat around. 6lh round — (D, 10 t, d) over each of 3 sp, in the 4th sp after making the 5th t, take hook out of work, insert between 5th and 6th d (counting from stem) on last made leaf, draw st through, then finish petal the same as the others. In the next petal after making the 5th t take liook out and draw st through between the 5th and 6th d on next leaf (without stem) then finish petal, i si in ist d, fasten off. Make three more leaves and join. In working the row of p loops around leaves, join to the rose as follows: .'\fter making 3 p loops on the leaf at the top, ch 2, take hook out, and draw through second free petal between 4th and 5th t, counting from the 24 Ijottoni upwards, ch 2, d in top section of leaf in the same st with last d, the next picot loop will be free (not joined to tlie rose), but with I d in end of next rib, ch 4, take hook out, draw st through between 4th and 5th t on next petal (counting down- wards), ch 2, I d in 2d st of ch, ch 2, i d in end of next rib, make one more p loop on same leaf, and one between leaves, then join next 3 p loops on sec- ond leaf the same as the last loop on rose was joined, tinish the same as on first three leaves. Repeat leaves and roses to the length required, joining as indi- cated in directions. Heauixc. 1st n.ic — Join thread between 4th and 5th t on second petal from joining at right hand, ch ID, d between 4th and 5th t on next petal, * ch 10, d in 1st p on leaf, (ch 4, d in next p) twice. ch 7, t in ne.xt petal between 3d and 4th t from joining of p, ch 8, d on next petal between 4th and 5th t; repeat from * to end of row. ^d ron' — Begin again at right hand, join thread in 2d st of ID ch, ch 2, I ht in next st, 1 ht in each st to end of row, taking i loop of st only, l>reak thread, jd roiv — h'asten thread in 2d ch st at right, ch 3, miss I, t in next, * cli i, miss i, t in next; repeat from * to end. Figure 32. Edging. — No. 70 crocliet cotton and No. 12 hook. Chain 17, turn. 1st nm' — T in 8th st from hook, di 3, t in same st, cli 2, miss i, in next 6 sts of ch make I d, i ht, i t, I dt, 2 long t (3 loops), turn. ^d row — Ch 8, (i t, ch 3, i t) over 3 ch between 2 t at end of pyramid, ch 6, d over loop at end of 1st row, turn, jjd row — Ch i, 2 d over 6 ch, ch 4, make a picot by inserting hook down through top and out at the side of last d, and make i d, 2 d, p, 2 d, p, 2 d over same ch-loop. ch 2, ( t t, cli 3, I t) over 3 ch lietween next 2 t, ch 2, miss i st on 8-ch, in next 6 sts of ch make i d, i ht, I t, i dt, 2 long t (3 loops), turn. 4th rozv — Ch 8, (i t, ch 3, I t ) over 3 ch, ch 6, i d over 2-ch, i si in 1st d over 6-ch, turn; repeat from 3d row. Heahini;. 1st rozi.' — .\fter making last pyramid of row, ch 8, t lietween ne.xt 2 pyramids, (ch 5, t be- tween next two ) repeat to end and break thread. 2d row — h'asten thread in 3d st of 8 ch, 5 d over ch, I d over t, (5 d over next 5-ch, I d over t) repeat to the end. Figure 33. Curtain Trimming. — Cable or Brus- sels net, or scrim and No. 50 crocliet cotton and No. 10 hook. No. 30 or No. 20 cotton may be used if preferred. Back Eik;e of Curtai.v. — * Six d into material, picot of 4, 6 d, p ; repeat along outer edge of curtain. For Insertion and Edging, see Fig. i, I-"rontispiecc, and directions for Fig. i (page 25). Figure i. Scarf. ( See I'Vontispiece.) — No. 50 crochet cotton and .\o. ro hook and linen, 19 .x 30 inches. The Insertion and Edging used in this Scarf are like the Curtain Trimming of Fig. a, Medallio.n. — Chain 8, join with si. 1st round — Ch 5, (t into ring, cli 2 1 7 times, join with si in 3d of 5-ch, making 8 spaces. 2d round — Ch 7, (t into t of 1st row, eh 4) 7 times, si in 3d of 7-ch. jd round — Ch 12, dt into each t of previous round, 8 ch between, si in 4th st of 12-ch. ./(/« round — Ch I, cover each 8-ch with 11 d, join with si in ist ch ; ee page J4 cut and fasten thread. Repeat medallion and when, in the last round, all but the last 2 loops are covered with d, make S d, si onto middle of scallop of first medallion, 5 d over same loop, $ d over next loop, si into middle of next scallop of 1st medallion, 5 d over same loop, join with si, cut and fasten thread. In joining be careful to keep right side of work up. At the corner join to make a right angle instead of straight line. 1st row of outer edge — Ch 4, t into middle of 1st scallop of medallion, ch 4, t down between scallops, ch 4, t into middle of next scallop, ch 4, * thread over 4 times, making 5 loops on hook, insert hook be- tween next scallops, thread over and draw through, thread over and draw through 2 loops twice, (now there are 4 loops left on hook), thread over twice (making 6 loops), insert hook between next scallops of next medallion, thread over and draw through, (over and through 2 loops) 6 times, ch 4, t in middle of cross treble just made, ch 4, t into middle of next scallop, ch 4, t between scallops, ch 4, t in middle of next scallop, ch 4; repeat from *. In turning outer I'lG. 3, Sec page corner after making t in middle of last scallop, ch 6, thread over 4 times, insert hook between scallops. thread over and draw through, (over and draw through 2) s times, ch 6, t into middle of next scallop, ch 4, and repeat as before. In turning inside corner, after making t in middle of last scallop, ch 4. thread over 4 times, insert hook between scallops, thread over and through, (over and through 2) twice, (tliis leaves 4 loops on hook), thread over twice, with 6 loops on hook, insert hook between scallops in the corner medallion, thread over and through, (over and through 2) twice, leaving 5 loops on hook, thread over twice, insert hook between scallops on next medallion, thread over and through, (over and through 2) twice, over and through 3, (over and through 2) 3 times, ch 4. t into middle of next scallop, continue as before. 2d row of outer edge — * Ch 2, t into t of 1st row, ch 2, t down between t ; repeat from *. jd row — T into Fig. 3$. Curtains of Nkt with Crocheted Edging A^ Insertion. See Fig. i and page 25 each t of 2d row, with 2-ch between. In 2d and 3d rows ch 5 in turning corner. Edging. — Make ch required length, turn, t into 9th St from hook, (ch 2, miss 2, t into next) 3 times, hav- ing 4 open meshes, * (ch 7, drop st and pick it up through top of 2d t back) twice, cover 7-ch with Ti d, over next ch make 5 d, ch 7, drop st and pick it up through middle of completed scallop, cover this 7-ch with 1 1 d, make s d over untinished scallop, si at base of scallop, (ch 2, miss 2, t in next) 4 times; repeat from * to end of ch. Figure 34. Edge and Insertion. — No. 100 cro- chet cotton and No. 13 hook. Edging. — -Ch 6, t in ist st of ch, (ch 6, t in last space) twice, ch g, turn. 2d row — One d irt ist loop, (ch 6, d in next loop) twice, ch 9, turn. ,?rf row — One d in first loop, 5 t in loop of row directly be- neath next d, d in next loop, ch 6, d in next loop, ch 9, turn. 4th row — D in 1st loop, ch 6, d in centre of shell, ch 6, d in next loop, ch 9, turn. 5//1, 6tli, 7th and 8th roivs — D in ist loop, (ch 6, d in next loop) twice, ch 9, turn. Repeat from 3d row for length required. On narrow side of net work (ch 5, i d in next loop); repeat across: this brings the shell in the centre of the net. On the other side of net work the edge as follows: One d in ist loop, * ch ID, d in next loop, ch 3, d in next loop ; repeat from *. 2d rozv — * (2 d, ch 4) 5 times, 2 d, all over lo-ch ; 4 d over 3-ch ; repeat from *. The Insertion is worked like the Edging, omitting the lower edge. Figure 35. Block Insertion. — Crochet cotton No, 30 and No. 9 hook. Chain 55, turn. 1st roiv — T in 9th st from hook, 7 t over 7 ch sts, ch 6, miss 4 ch, 8 t (block) over next 8 ch, ch 6, miss 4, 8 t over next 8 ch, ch 6, miss 4, 8 t over next 8 ch, ch 2, t over last ch, ch 5, turn. 2d rozv—(* 3 t over ist 3 t, ch 2, miss 2, 3 t over next 3 t, * ch s) 3 times; repeat from * to *, ch 2, t in 3d of S-ch, ch 5, turn. 2d row— (* 2 t over 1st 2 t, ch 2, 2 t over ch, ch 2, 2 t over last 2 t in block, * cTi 5) 3 times; repeat from * to *, ch 2, t in 3d ch, ch S, turn. 4th row — (* 3 t over 2 t and ist ch, ch 2, 3 t over ch and last 2 t, * ch 3, catch together the three bars made in previous rows with a d and draw up tight, ch 3) 3 times ; repeat from * to *, ch 2, t in 3d ch, ch 5, turn. .5//! row — (* 8 t over last block made, * ch 6) 3 times; repeat from * to *, ch 2, t over 3d ch, ch S, turn. 6th row — One t over 1st t, (ch 6, I t over last t of block, 6 t over ch, i t over 1st t of next block, making a block of 8) 3 times, ch 6, t over last t of block, ch 2, t over 3d ch, ch S, turn. 7th row—T over t, (ch S, 3 t over 3 t, ch 2, 3 t over 3 t) 3 times, ch S, t over t, ch 2, t over 3d ch, ch 5, turn. Sth row — T over t, (ch 5, 2 t over 2 t, ch 2, 2 t over ch, ch 2, 2 t over last 2 t in block) 3 times, ch 5, t over t, ch 2, t river 3d ch, ch 5, turn. p//i row — T over t, (* ch 3, catch 3 bars with d, ch 3 *, 3 t, ch 2, 3 t) 3 times; repeat from * to *, t over t, ch 2, t over 3d ch, ch 5, turn. loth row—T over t, (ch 6, 8 t) 3 times, ch 6, t over t, ch 2, t over 3d ch, ch 5. " turn, nth rote— (Block of 8 t over ist t and ch and 1st t of block below, ch 6) 3 times, block of 8 t, ch 2, t over 3d ch, ch 3. turn. /_=■//; row — Like 2d row. istli roK'— Like 3d row, etc. The In- sertion is three and one-half inches wide. Figure 36. Edging. — No. 70 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. Make a ch of 35 sts, turn. ist roK'— Miss i. 26 c. 34. Edging and Insertiux. Sli.' page 26 I d in each of 34 sts, turn. 3d roiv — Ch 5, miss I, 1 dt in next st, (ch l, miss I, dt in next st) 16 times, turn, jd row — Ch I, d in each dt and each ch st of last row, turn. 4th rotv — Ch 5, starting in the 3d d work i t in each of 3 sts, (ch 3, miss 3, 3 t over next 3 sts) 5 times, turn. 5//1 row — Ch 9, 3 t in the 1st 3-ch space of last row, (ch 3, 3 t in next 3-ch space) 5 times, turn. 6th row — Ch S. 3 t in 1st space, (ch 3, 3 t in next space) 5 times, (ch 2, I dt) 8 times in the p-ch loop where last 3 t are worked, ch 2, i d in. the end of 2d row of d, turn. 7//1 roi<: — (3 d over 2-ch, picot of 5 joined with d) 8 times, 3 d over each space and i d over each t of last row. This 7th row corresponds with the 1st row; repeat from 2d row for required length. He.\ding. 7.J/ roii.' — 4 d over each t along the top of lace. Jd row — One dt in the 1st st, (ch i, miss I, I dt in the next st) repeat throughout. Figure 37. Border for Tea Cloth. — Crochet cotton No. 150, and No. 14 hook. Work trebles into back loop, only, of trebles of preceding row; this gives the work a ribbed appearance. The rows forming one complete pattern of tlie design are numbered from i to 50. But if the worker wishes to begin at the middle of one side of a square (at point marked A in Fig. 38), four rows, — -A, B, C, and D, must be made before beginning row No. I. Worked in this way the joining of first and last rows of work will be in the middle of a side of a finished square. Chain 118. plus 3 as i t, turn. Row A (worked toward inner edge) — Beginning in the 4th st from hook, iniake 6 t in next 6 ch, 35 sp, 7 t, ch 3. This 3 ch when beginning another row is always counted as i t, and here- after, when a given number of trebles is indicated at beginning of a row, it is understood that a ch of 3 is included as i t ; thus. — 7 t, when beginning a row means, ch 3, 6 more t. Turn at the end of every row. Row B — 7 t, 35 sp, 7 t. Row C — 7 t, 21 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 4 t. 8 sp, 7 t. Row D — 7 t, 8 sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t, 6 sp. 4 t, 13 sp, 7 t. Begin with row No. i and continue working the pattern as shown at Fig. 37. When lin- ishing the first of the two leaves at middle of next side after corner, work the last 4 rows of the leaf from design shown at I'ig. 38, then a row of spaces, and begin again at Row A. 1st row— 7 t, 9 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 13 t, 3 sp, 10 t, I sp. 4 t, 9 sp, 7 t. Jd row — 7 t, 9 sp, 4 t, I sp, 10 t. I sp, 28 t. II sp, 7 t. sd ''ow — SI over 7 t, ch 3, 6 t (7 t in all), 10 sp, 40 t, 10 sp, 7 t. 4th row — 7 t, 10 sp, 4 t, I sp, 28 t, 12 sp, 7 t. 5th roic— SI over 7 t as in 3d row, 7 t, 9 sp, 34 t, 2 sp, 7 t, 7 sp, 7 t. 6th row' — 7 t, 6 sp, iq t. i sp, 25 t, 10 sp, 7 t. yth row — SI over 7 t, 7 t, 12 sp, 10 t, i sp, 4 t, I sp, 19 t, S sp, 7 t. tith row — 7 t, 7 sp, 13 t, I sp, 4 t, 4 sp. 4 t, II sp, 7 t. Qth row—S\ over 7 t, 7 t, 6 sp, 10 t, 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, 13 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 7 t. wth rozi- — 7 t, 4 sp, 4 t, I sp, 19 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 19 t, 5 sp, 7 t. nth row — Ch 8, t in 4th st from hook, 4 t in next 4 ch, i t in last t of preceding row (block of 7 t), 4 sp, 31 t, 2 sp, 22 t, I sp, 4 t, 4 sj), 7 t. I2th row — 7 t, 3 sp. 4 t, I sp, 25 t, I sp, 31 t. 5 sp, 7 t. t,ith j-oii' — Ch 8, 6 t as at begin- ning of nth row, 9 sp, 25 t, I sp, 16 t, 4 sp, 4 t, 3 sp, 7 t. 14th row — 7 t, 3 sp. 4 t, 4 sp, 16 t, I sp, 31 t, 7 sp, 7 t. J 5th row — Ch 8, 6 t as in nth row, 8 sp, 34 t, 1 sp, 4 t, I sp, 13 t, 3 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t. 16th row — 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t, 3 sp, 13 t, 3 sp. 28 t, ID sp, 7 t. /,-//( rozv — Ch 8, 6 t as before, 11 sp, 31 t, 4 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t. i8th row —7 t, I sp, 4 t, 1 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 7 t, 5 sp, 31 t, 10 sp, 7 t. igth Fig. 35. Block Ixslktion. See page 26 row — 7 t, 9 sp, 22 t, I sp, 10 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 4 t, I sp 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 20th roiv — 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, II sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 7 t, I sp, 16 t, 8 sp, 7 t. 2ist row— 7 t, 8 sp, 10 t, 3 sp, 4 t, IS sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, I sp, 7 t. 23d row— 7 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 9 sp, 4 t, 12 sp. 4 t. 7 sp, 7 t. 2sd row — 7 t, 21 sp, 10 t, 6 sp. 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t. I sp, 7 t. 24tli ro-tV — 7 t, i sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 7 t, 4 sp, 19 t, 19 sp, 7 t. ^5//i row — Ch 2, t in next point (middle of 5 ch), 3 t, 13 sp, 13 t, I sp, 4 t, 2 sp, 4 t, 7 sp, 7 t. 31st row — 7 t, 8 sp, 13 t, 4 sp, 7 t, II sp, 4 t, 6 sp, t in t after 1st sp of upright row (42d row of 1st half of cor- ner). 32d row — Ch 2, t in t after next sp of up- right row, 7 sp, 4 t, 9 sp, 4 t, 6 sp, 7 t, 10 sp, 7 t. SSd row — 7 t, 9 sp, 4 t, 9 sp, 4 t, 8 sp, 4 t, 7 sp, ch 2, sl st to corner of 7 t of upright row. 34th ron" — Ch 2, sl st in 4th of 7 t, turn, 6 t, 5 sp, 4 t, 8 sp, 4 t, 20 sp, 7 t. ij//i row — 7 t, 21 sp, 4 t, 7 sp, 4 t, 5 sp, 7 t, sl st in next corner of 7 t. The next row corresponds with the 42d row of pattern at the be- ginning of the corner. Tlie pattern is now reversed l)y working this 42d row, then tlie 41st, the 40th and so on until the pattern i> complete. The same design for Insertion (Fig. 4iK') is worked same as in edging, being carried out for i sp lieyond design and finished with a block of 7 t on outer edge. The corner of design is mitred in same way, but to avoid confusing the worker, directions are given for a few rows at point of corner. Work from directions for corner of edging (fin- ishing outer edge as shown in Fig. 41^), to 71st row. yist row — 7 t, 2 sp, 4 t. /sd row — SI over 4 t, 4 t. 1 sp, 7 t. /3d row — 7 t, turn and si across the 7 t. This completes half of corner; for second half. — 1st row — 8 ch, 6 t in 6 sts of 8 ch, join with sl st to 4th of 7 t of upright row. 3d row — Ch 2, si st in top corner of 7 t, turn and counting the 2 ch as i t, make 6 more t. 3d row — 7 t, ch 2, join with si st to lower corner of next 4 t. 4lh row — Sl across the 4 t to next corner, ch 2, turn, 7 t. 3th row — 7 t, I sp, ch 2, si st in lower corner of ne.xt 4 t. 6II1 row — Sl across side of t to inside corner, ch 2, turn, 3 t, 2 sp, 7 t. This row corresponds with the Sth row after corner of edging. Continue from 9th row. PiccT Edge. — Beginning at lower edge at left hand of Fig. 37, fasten thread, ch 3, I t between 2 blocks of 7 t, make 3 picots of 5 ch each, join all three with sl at top of t, ch 3, sl in outer corner of next block, * (ch 3, dt at intersection of blocks, 3 picots joined with si at top of dt, ch 3, si in outer corner of next block) 3 times, ch 6, sl in corner of first block on next scallop, (ch 3, dt at intersection of blocks, 3 picots joined with sl at top of dt, ch 3, sl in outer corner of next block ) 3 times ; over the ends of II rows of blocks make (ch 3, t, 3 picots. ch 3, si) 4 times, spacing the trebles and si as even- ly as possible ; repeat from * around the border. Figure 41. Insertion. — Cliain 99 (for a meshes) plus 3 (as I t), turn, ist ron' — 7 t, 3 sp, 4 t, 4 sp, 13 t, 3 sp, 10 t, I sp, 4 t, 9 sp, 7 t, turn with 3 ch. 2d roiv — 7 t, 9 sp, 4 t, I sp, 10 t, I sp, 28 t, 5 sp, (with the S sp the Insertion differs from the Border) 7 t. 3d row — 7 t, 6 sp, etc., following the pattern of Border, but keeping the outer edge of insertion straight and in line with these first three rows. The Corner of Inser- tion can be made from Corner of the Border ; the outer block of the leaf in the corner is ,»571^ within one space (below Si"i»ii»^i»1' .5 kii^^ 2nd at one side) of the .»»*■»!»' I^'^'IS^IIT^ solid edge of Inser- Fig. 39. To Mitre the Corner of Figure 37 This detail of corner shows the first half ami ten rows of the second half 29 Figure 40. Edging in Reti- cella Crochet. — No. 70 crochet cotton and No. 13 hook. Foun- dation row — Chain 6. I d in the first St of ch, * turn, ch 6, i t in the last 6-ch space : repeat from * for length required, jst ro'ci' — Ch 10, si in the 9th st from hook, ch i, 2 d, p, 6 d, p, 6 d, p, 2 d, all in ring, join first and last d ; 3 d in each of next 3 spaces of foun- dation row, ch 7, I t between picots on side of ring, ch 7, i dt in next p, turn ; 9 d on each 7-ch, * 3 d in each of 6 spaces of foundation row, ch 10, si in the 9th st from hook, ch i, 2 d, p, 6 d, p, 6 d, p, 2 d, all in ring, join first and last d, 3 d in each of next 3 spaces of foundation row, ch 7, i t between picots on side of ring, ch 15, I t be- FiG. 41. Middle ijk One Side of Insertion. See Fig. 4i}/< tween next 2 picots, ch 7, fasten over the 3d t from ring, turn, and make 9 d on 7-ch, 19 d on 15-ch, 9 d on 7 ch ; repeat from * to end. 2d row — Beginning on the end of half point, ch 4, t at ist of ch, (ch i, t in same place) twice, ch i, t in next st, ch i, miss I, (t in ne.xt st, ch i, miss i) 8 times, 3 si over 3 d on 1st row; around the whole scallop, * (ch i, miss i, t in next st) 9 times, ch l, t in next, (ch l, t in same place) twice, ch i, t in next, ch i, miss I, (t in next, ch I, miss 1)8 times, 3 si over 3 d; repeat from *. ^d row — Three d in each of 2 spaces on end of point, * 2 d in each space down side, i d on foundation row, 2 d in each of 5 spaces on ne.xt point, i d in next space, ch 7, fasten into the corresponding d on first point, turn and work 6 d on ch, ch 18, turn, miss I, i d in each of 13 sts of ch, miss 2, si in next st, turn. Fig. 40. FiK.iXd in Kk iRi;i,i,.\ Ckuiiikt. .Sex- page 30 ch I, I d in each d of last row, ch 8, si in first st of ch to form a ring, ch I, 12 d in ring, join, ch I, I d in each d on ch, 3 si sts on ch, finish filling 7-ch with 6 d, I d in same space with last d on point, 2 d in each 3 spaces, I d in next space, ch 9, fasten with si to side of bar, ch 3, pass back of bar and fasten again, ch 9, fasten opposite loth space on point (counting from base), turn, and make 7 d, p, 6 d on g-ch, catch in side of bar, ch 3 to pass bar, 7 d, p, 6 d on next 9-ch, i d in same space with next d on point, 3 d in each of 2 spaces at tip of point ; repeat from * for length required, work- ing a half point at end to correspond with first one. ///; yo'tK.' — Three d in each space across top of lace. Narrow Ring Lace. (Not illustrated.) — No. 30 crochet cotton and No. 10 hook. Lay the hook on a lead pencil and wind the thread 10 times over it, slip off with the hook and fasten with a si, fill the ring half full of d (perhaps 12 d), wind a ring again as close as possible to last d, * fill ring one- third full of d, ch 5 for scallop and fasten back over a third of the first ring, turn and fill the ch with (2 d, picot of 3-cIi. d. p, d, p, d, p, 2 d), fin- ish filling half the ring with d, wind another ring and repeat from * to the required, length. Fill around the last end with d and fill the upper half of rings with d. Heading — *Two d in upper half of 1st ring witli 2-ch between ch 5 ; repeat from *. 3d roit> — One d in each st of row whether ch or d. "Bleeding Heart" Design. 30 Figure 42. Narrow Insertion. — Material for tlic following seven narrow Edges and Insertions. — No. 150 croclict cotton and No. 14 hook. Chain 8, turn, miss I st, 2 d in next 2 sts, picot of 5 joined with si in last d made, 2 d in next 2 cli, ch 9, d in 1st ch st made, turn, 9 d over 9-ch, picot, 3 d over 9-ch, ch 9, d in ist d made, turn, * 9 d over 9 ch, picot, 3 d over 9-ch, ch 9, d in 4tli d beyond picot, turn ; repeat from *. Insertion. See page 31 Figure 43. Narrow Edge. — Chain 10, d in ist ch st made, making a ring, ch 7, d under lo-ch, turn, ch 7, d under 1st 7-ch, ch 8, d under lo-ch, turn, * 3 d over 8-ch, picot of 5 joined with si in last d, 6 d over 8-ch, picot, 3 d over 8-ch, ch 7, d under last 7- ch, turn, ch 7, d under last 7-ch, ch 8, d in last scallop midway between picots, turn and repeat from *. Fig. 43. Edging. See page 31 Figure 44. Insertion. — Chain 23, turn, t in 4th st from hook, ch 3, d in 3d ch from last t, ch 3, t in 3d ch from last d, ch s, t in 5th ch from t, ch 3, d in 3d ch from last t, ch 3, t in 3d ch from d, ch I, t in end of ist ch made, ch 4, turn, * t in next t, ch 5, t over next t, ch 3, d under 5-ch, ch 3, t over next t, ch 5, t over next t. ch i, t under 4-ch, ch 4, turn, t over next t, ch 3, d under 5-ch, ch 3, t over next t, ch 5, t over next t, ch 3, d under 5-ch, ch 3, t over ne.xt t. ch i, t under 4-oh, turn and repeat from *. b'lG. 44. Insertion. See page 31 Figure 45. Edging. — The heading in this pat- tern is worked last. Chain 10, join with d in 1st ch, ch 7, d under 10 ch, ch 7. turn, d under loop of 7-ch, ch 4, d under loop of lo-ch, ch i, turn, * 3 d under 4 ch (working over both chains that lie together), ch 5 for picot, 4 d over both chains, ch 7, d under last loop of 7-ch, ch 7, turn, d under last loop of 7-ch, ch 4, si in last <1 of last scallop, ch i, turn and repeat from * for required length. For the heading make I d over end loop of 7-ch, ch 4, t over d be- FlG. 45. EliGING page tween loops, * ch i, t under next loop, ch i, t over d : repeat from * to the end. Figure 46. Edging. — Chain 6, join in ist ch with d, ch 4, * t in loop, ch 2; repeat from * until there are 4 t in loop, turn, ** ch 3, t over 2d 2-ch, ch 2, repeat until there are 4 t in tlie same loop, making a jd shell, ch i, dt (thread over twice) under 4-ch of 1st shell, turn, ch 3, t over 2d 2-ch in the last shell, repeat until there are 4 t over the same ch, ch 7, d under 3-ch of previous shell, turn, 10 d over 7-ch ; repeat from **. EiG. 46. Edging. See page 3: Figure 47. Edging. — Make the heading first as follows: With double thread make a chain the required length, then drop one thread and make the remainder with one thread only, ch 5, t in 2d of double ch, ch 2, t in 2d ch from t, continue the whole length of the double ch, turn, make 2 d under the 1st 2 ch, I d over t, ch 8, dt (thread over twice) in 7th st from hook, ch 8, si across ch next to head- ing, 10 d over Ist 8-ch, 10 d over 2d 8-ch, forming a ring with a bar across it, ** 2 d over i-ch next to heading, * 2 d over next 2-ch of heading, i d over t ; repeat from * twice more. Make another ring as fol- lows : Chain 8, i dt in 7th st from hook, ch 8, si across ch next to heading, 5 d over 8-ch, turn and make I t in the centre of nearest side of previous ring, turn back and make 4 d over 8-ch, turn, ch 7, make I d in top of previous ring, turn, $ d over 7-ch, 5 ch for picot, 5 d over 7-ch, i d in 1st half of 2d ring, 10 d over next 8-ch, completing the 2d ring; repeat from **. Fig. 47. Edging. See page 31 Figure 48. Armenian Edge for Handkerchiefs. — Chain 4, * turn, miss i st, d in ne.xt, t in next, dt in next (taking up two threads each time), ch 3; Fig. 48. .-KUMENIAN EdGK for H.\NI)KKRCHIEFS. 31 repeat from * taking the dt in the corner of last point. This edge is pretty in a dehcate shade of pink, blue, or lavender. Figure 49. Reticella Insertion. — No. 70 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. The squares forming this insertion are made around square, with 3 d in the st at eacli corner. SyUARE WITH Pyramids. — First 4 rounds are made like 1st 4 rounds of Square with Diamond Centre. ^ih row — Ch 14, i dt above t of 3d round (ch 10, i dt above next t) ; repeat around, join last lo-ch to tlie 4th of 14-ch. 6//1 row — * Work a pyramid in afghan-stitch on the lo-ch, pick up a loop througli each St of lo-ch, which will make 11 sts on the hook, Fig. 49. Reticella Insertion. See page ^2 separately, and overcast together with a needle and thread. Square with Diamond Centre. — Chain 4, join to form a ring, 8 d in ring, join ist and last d. ^d row — Ch I, 2 d in each of 8 d, join. 3d row — Ch 8, miss I, I t in next st, (ch S, miss i, i t in next st) 6 times, ch 5, si in 3d of 8-ch. 4th row — 4 d, picot, 3 d in each space of last round. 5th roiu — Ch IS, I t over next t, (ch 10, a long t (over 3 times) above next t, ch 10, a t over next t) repeat around, join last lo-ch to Sth st of 15-ch. 6th roiv — Ch 2, miss I, I ht in next st ; repeat around. ^th roll: — Ch 2, i ht in next st ; repeat around, widen- ing at the corners by working 2 ht with 2-ch be- tween in each space above the long trebles. Sth row — Two d in eacli space, making 2 picots on each side of square at equal distance from the corners, gth row — '" Ch 30, turn, and work a long t in the nth st from hook, ch 4, a si in the 6th st from long t, turn and work 3 d, p, 3 d on 4-ch, a dt in side of square opposite treble, i d in long t of corner, 3 d, p, 3 d in next space, cli 13, a d in corner of diamond; repeat from * around. lotli yow — One d in each st lliread over, and work off all by twos, miss I st in each row until you have narrowed to I st. In order to make the pyramid a good shape the sts must be missed at the lieginning and end of rows alternately. Make a picot of 4-ch at the beginning of the 6th row; when the pyramid is complete, si down the side and make a picot to correspond with the one already made, d in top of dt; repeat from * around, /th row — Ch 17, I d in point of pyramid, holding wrong side of work next you, * ch 23, a long t in the nth st from hook, ch 4, a si in the 6th st from long t, turn and work 3 d, p, 3 d in 1st sp, a long t between pyramids, a d in long t of corner, 3 d, p, 3 d in next sp, ch 5, d i next pyramid, ch 8, a long t (over 4 times) be- tween next 2 pyramids, ch 8, d in point of next pyra- mid ; repeat from * around. Sth row' — One d in each st around square, with 3 d at the corner. Tlie two squares are joined alternately for length required; then a row of ch i, miss I, I t in next st, is worked along both sides of insertion. Figure 50. Reticella Insertion. — No. 70 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. Fig. 50. Reticella Insertion. 32 See page 32 Sqlarf. a. — Chain 2, 8 <1 in the 1st st of ch. join 1st and last d. 2d rozc— Ch i, 2 d in each d of last round, join, sd row — Ch 7, miss I d, I t in next st, (ch 4, miss I, I t in next st) 6 times, ch 4, i si in the 7-ch loop ; 8 spaces altogether, ^th rov.- — Seven <1 in each space of last round, join. 5//! row — Ch 6, I t in the 4th of 7 d, * ch 3,, i t in the st above next t, ch 3, I t in the 4th of 7 d; repeat from * around, joining last 3-ch to the 3d of 1st 6-ch ; 16 spaces altogether. 6lh row — Four d in each 3-ch space of last row, join. 7//1 rozv — Ch 13, I si in the st above next t, * cli 7, a long t (over 4 times) in the st above next t, ch 7, i si in the st above next t ; repeat from * around, ending with ch 7, I si in the 13-ch loop. Stii row — Five d, p of 4-cIi, 6 d on 7-ch, * 6 d, p, 5 d on next 7-ch, 5 d, p, 6 d on next 7-ch ; repeat from * around, iitli rozv — Ch 33, * a dt in the lith st from hook, ch 4, a si in the 6th st from dt, turn and work 3 d, p, 3 d on 4-ch, dt in next joint of star, a d in the top of dt of corner, 3 d, p, 3 d in next sp. ch 13, i dt in next point of star, ch 30, and repeat from * around. loth rot^- — One d in each st around square, with 3 d in each corner st. Commencing at one corner of square, work I t in the corner st, (ch I, miss i, I t in next d) repeat to next corner and fasten otf, leaving a length of thread to be used in joining the squares. Square B. — Chain 4, join to form a ring, 8 d in ring, join. 2d row — Two d in each of 8 d, join. 3d row — Ch 10, miss i, i t in next st, (ch 5, miss i, i dt in next st, ch 5, miss i. i t in next'St) repeat around, joining last 5-ch to the 5th of 10- ch ; 8 spaces altogether. 4ih row — * Work a pyramid in afghan-stitch (same as in Fig. 49 without picots) on 2 spaces and t, starting with 12 sts on the hook and decreasing 2 sts in each row until but one is left, si down side of pyramid and work a d on dt, ch 10, a t in the 6th st from hook, ch 5, si in the same st with t, ch I, 8 d in each 5-ch sp. join 1st and last d, 3 si over ch, d in top of dt; repeat from * around. 51I1 roz<.' — SI to point of pyramid, (ch 13. d in next ring, ch 13, d in next pyramid) repeat around. 6th roiv — 8 d, p, 8 d on each 13-ch of last round. 7th row — * Ch 30, a long t in the ilth st from hook, ch 4, a si st in the 6th st from long t, ch i, 3 d, p, 3 d on 4-ch, a long t in the side of square above pyramid, a d in the long t of corner, 3 d, p, 3 d in next space, ch 13, d in corner of square above ring; repeat from * around. Finish like the 1st square, commencing at the lOth row. Overcast the squares together as shown by the illustration, and work a row of ch I, miss i, i t in next st along both sides of insertion. Figure 51. Edging. — No. 100 crochet cotton and No. 14 hook. Chain 50, turn. 1st rozv — T in 4th st from hook, (ch 5, miss 4, t in next) twice, 6 t in next 6 sts, (ch 5, miss 4, t in next) 6 times, turn. 2d row — * Ch 8, t in 4th st from hook, 4 t in next 4 sts, t on t *, make a festoon as follows: ch 3, i d in 3d st of 5-ch, ch 3, t on next t, (5 t in next 5 sts, t on t) 4 times (or 25 t), festoon in next sp, 6 t in next 6 t (taking up back loop), festoon in each of next 2 sp, t on last t, turn, sd row — Ch 3 for ist t, t on next t, ch 5, t on next t (space) twice, 6 t on next 6 t, ch 5, 25 t on 25 t, ch 5, 7 t on 7 t. 4II1 /oit — Re- peat from * to * of 2d row, 2 festoons, block of 7 t (this includes the t of the festoon), 2 festoons, block of 7 t, I festoon, block of 7 t, 2 festoons, t on last t. ,-5//j rozt' — Ch 3, t on t, 2 sp, block of 7 t. 1 sp, block of 7 t, 2 sp, block of 7 t, 2 sp, block of 7 t. 6tli row — Repeat from * to * of 2d row, fes- toon, block of 7, festoon, block of 7, festoon, 13 t in next 13 sts, festoon, block of 7, 2 festoons, t on last t. yth row — Ch 3, t on t, 2 sp, block of 7, i sp, 13 t, I sp, 7 t, sp, 7 t, sp, 7 t. Hilt row — Repeat from * to * of 2d row, festoon, 7 t, 2 festoons, 7 t, festoon, 7 t, 2 festoons, 7 t, 2 festoons, t on t. 9II1 row — Ch 3, t on t, 2 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t, sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t, sp. 7 t. loth row — Miss ist t, si in each of next 6 t, ch 3 for t, 6 t, * festoon, 7 t, festoon, 7 t, festoon, 25 t, 2 festoon, t on last t. /;/// rozc — Ch 3, t on t, 2 sp, 25 t, sp, 7 t, sp, 7 t, sp, 7 t. i2th row — Like loth row to *, 2 festoons, 7 t, 7 festoons, t on t. isti' row — Ch 3, t on t, 7 sp, 7 t, 2 sp, 7 t. I4tlt row — Like loth row to *, festoon, 37 t, 2 festoons, t on t. /if/i Fig. 51. EnciNU. See page 33 row — Ch 3, t on t, 2 sp. .''.y t, sp, 7 t. i6tli row — Miss 1st t, si in each of next 6 t, ch 4, i d in 3d st of 5-ch, ch 3, t on t, 5 festoons, 7 t, 2 festoons, t on t. i/th row — Like ist row, placing the last t in 1st of 4-ch below. iStIt rozi- — Like 2d row. Repeat for the required length. Outer Edge. 1st rozv — One d in last t of outer edge, * ch 4, dt at end of block, between 2 rows, crochet off twice, dt into middle of next block of t, crochet off twice, thread through remaining 3 loops at once, ch 4, l d in end st of next row of t *; repeat from * to * twice more, ch 6. i d in end of ist st of next row; repeat from * to * 3 times on 2d side of scallop, placing ist dt between 4th and 5th t, and the 2d dt in centre of next 2 rows, ch 4, 2 dt be- tween scallops, ch 4, I d in end of row on next scallop; repeat from 1st *. 2d raw — Begin again at right hand, over each 4-ch loop make ( 2 d, picot of 3 joined by d, 2 d) ; over 6-ch at point make (3 d, p, I d, p, I d. p. 3 d) ; in the 2 loops between scallops make 2 d in 1st loop, picot of 3, 2 d in next loop. Figure 52. Edging. — Material for this and fol- lowing four Figures. — No. 70 crochet cotton and 33 Fig. 5J. Euging. Sec page 33 No. 14 hook; or carpet warp and No. 5 or 7 hook. Chain any length required, turn, 8 d in 8 ch sts, * 21 ch, turn hook back and fasten with si and I ch in third ch st from foundation. This leaves 18 ch in loop, on right-hand side of loop make 8 d. 10 ch, fasten back with si in 3d ch (of 21 ch), 4 d over 10 ch, ch 2, si in 3d d in foundation, 2 d over 2-ch, 4 d over lo-ch, ch 3 and si in side of last d for picot, 4 d in rest of lO-ch, i d over i8-ch, picot, S d, p, 5 d, p, 9 d, si in same 3d ch st (of 21- ch), 10 ch, si in 8th d back from hook, 4 d over lo-ch, p, 8 d, si in same 3d ch st, 2 d over 3-ch, 5 d on foundation, 2 ch, si in 4th d on last loop, 2 d over 2-ch, S d on foundation, ch 6, turn back and si in same st the ch starts from, 8 d over 6-ch, fasten with si, 9 d in foundation and repeat from *. After each si make i ch st before making a d. Fig. 53. Edging. See page 34 Figure 53. Edging. — Chain any required length, turn, 8 d in 8 ch sts, ch 10, si in 1st d, ch i, 10 d over lo-ch, si in 3d st of lo-ch, ch 9, si in 3d d (from 1st), 13 d over 9-ch, si in 3d st of lo-ch, ch 9, si in 6th d of 13 d, 13 d over 9-ch, si in 3d st of lo-ch, ch 9, si in "th d of 13 d, 12 d over 9-ch. si in 3d st of lo-ch, 2 d over lo-ch loop, 16 d into 16 ch sts, * ch 10, si in gth d from 1st figure. 10 d over lo-ch, si in 3d st of lo-ch, ch 9, si in 3d d of 1st loop, 3 d over 9 ch, ch 2, si in 6th d on last loop of 1st figure, 3 d over 2-ch, 10 d over 9-ch, si in 3d st of lo-ch, ch 9, si in 3d d from ch which joins the 1st figure, 13 d over 9-ch, si in 3d st of lo-ch, ch 9, si in 7th d of 13 d, 12 d over 9-ch, si in 3d st of 10- ch, 2 d over 2-ch, 16 d in 16 ch sts; repeat from *. After each si make i ch before making a d. > ^^ imiif ^i Fig. 54. Insertion. See page 34 Figure 54. Insertion. — Chain 6, turn, miss i ch st, 5 d in 5 ch sts, ch 10, fasten in 1st d with si and ch i, 14 d over lO-ch, fasten with si, ch i, turn, si over 5 d, (using i thread of st only), * ch 10, si in 1st si, ch i, turn, 14 d over lo-ch, fasten with si, cli I, turn, si over 5 d; repeat from * the required length. Heahing. 1st row — Fasten thread at beginning of work, ch 7, si in top of loop along tlie edge, ch i, turn, 3 d over ch, * ch 7, si in top (if next loop, ch i, turn, 3 d over ch, ch 3, si in same st, ch I, turn, 3 d over 3-ch ; repeat from *. 3d row — Cover chains with d, 2 d between bars and 6 d over 7-ch. Fig. 55. IN.SERT10N. See page 34 Figure 55. Insertion. — * Ch 21, fasten back with si in 14th st from hook, ch I, 20 d over 14 ch ; repeat from * for required length. This makes a line of oval loops connected by 7 ch sts. When cover- ing the last loop with d, make but 10 d, turn and with the work wrong side up ch 7, i d in top of previous loop, * ch 7, I d in top of next loop ; repeat from * the whole length, turn, * i d in top of loop, 11 d over ch 7 ; repeat the whole length, finish the last loop by making 10 d over last half. Work on around covering the 7-ch spaces with 11 d and making i d at end of each oval loop, turn, ch 6, 3 si in middle 3 sts of II d, * ch S, 3 si in middle of next II d; repeat from * the whole length, turn (with i-ch) and cover with d, * 5 d over 5 ch, 3 d over 3 Fig. 56. Edging. See page 34 si ; repeat from *. Make the last 2 rows on the other edge of Insertion. Figure 56. Edging. — Chain 7, turn, miss i ch, 6 d in 6 ch sts, turn, * ch 10, fasten with si in 1st d, ch I, turn, 14 d over lo-ch, fasten, turn, 7 si in 7 d (using half of st only), turn; repeat from * for the required length. Hk.vdi.ng. 1st row — Fasten thread at middle of scallop, * ch 7, si in middle of next scallop; repeat from * throughout, turn. 2d row — * S d over 7-ch. ch 6, fasten with si where ch starts (to form a ring). Fig. .A.PPLIQUE OR Insertion. See page 35 34 make ii d over ring, fasten where ch starts, 4 d over the remainder of 7 ch ; repeat from * throughout, turn, jrf row— SI in top of ring, * ch 7, si in top of next ring; repeat from * throughout, turn. 4II1 row — One d in each ch st. Figure 57. Applique or Insertion. — Xo. 40 cm- chel cotton and No. 10 hook. Chain 14, miss I ch, 13 d in 13 ch, turn, ch 10, si in centre of 13 d, ch 10, si in 1st d, (always make a si st and ch i before filling in with d), 14 d over 10- rOiV — Like 3d row. row — One t, * ch i, SIk roii" — Like 2d row. 9//1 I t ; repeat from * throughout. V^m « 1 » I (•"««««♦••»<»•• • •_■• •.«-•* ^^ tt;^ Fig. 58. Insertion. See page 35 ch, si in centre, 14 d over ne.xt lo-ch, fasten, turn, si over 7 d (using half of st only), ch 6, fasten to 7th st of ne.xt loop, ch 10. fasten to 1st d of 1st loop, turn, 14 d over 10 ch, fasten, ch 10, fasten to 7th d of loop below, 14 d over lO-ch, fasten, ch 9, fasten to 7th d below, 13 d over 9-ch, fasten (in making each fastening be careful not to shorten the 6-ch connecting loops), 6 d over 6 ch, ch 10, fasten back to base, 14 d over lo-ch, ch 10, si in 7th d of loop below, 14 d over lo-ch, ch 9, si in 7th d of loop below, 13 d over 9-ch, fasten. This completes 2 figures. SI over 7 d up the side of last 13 d, * ch 5, fasten to 7th d of opposite loop, turn, 6 d over 5-ch, ch 15, si in ist d on 6-ch, 6 d over 15-ch with 7th st si in ch, ch 10, si in 1st of 7 d just made, 14 d over lo-ch, ch 10, si in 7th st below, 14 d over lo-ch, ch 9, si in 7th d below, 13 d over 9-ch, 6 d over 15-ch, fasten with 7th st in ch, ch 2 for corner, 6 d under last of 15-eh, fasten, turn, si over 7 d, ch 10, si in 1st d, 14 d over lo-ch, ch 10, si in 7th d below, 14 d over lo-ch, ch 9, si in 7th d below, 13 d over 9-ch * ; repeat from * to * as long as required. Figure 59. Insertion. — Xo. 70 crochet cotton and No. 13 hook. This lace is worked lengthwise from right to left, the thread being broken at the end of each row, be- ginning again at the right-hand end. Stitches are taken into (not over) chain-stitches, and under 2 loops in top of trebles. Make a chain the length required. 1st row — One d in the 3d st from hook, i d in each st to end. id row — One t in 1st d, * ch i, miss I, t in next st ; repeat from *. 3d row — Ch 5, miss 2, * 3 t in next 3 sts, ch 4. miss 4, 4 t in next 4 sts, ch 4, miss 4. 3 t in next 3 sts, ch 8, miss 8, 2 t in next 2 sts, ch 8, miss 8, 3 t in next 3 sts, ch 4, miss 4, 4 t in next 4 sts, ch 4, miss 4, 3 t in next 3 sts, ch 10, miss 10, t in next st, ch 10, miss 10; repeat from *. It will be seen that where a number of ch is men- tioned, the same number of sts (in the previous row) is missed. Each row contains the same num- ber of sts, so from this point on, only the number of ch and t will be given. 4th rozi' — Fasten thread in 3d st of 1st S-ch of previous row, ch 7, miss 4, * 3 t, ch 3, 2 t, ch 3, 3 t, ch 9, 4 t, ch 9, 3 t, ch 3, 2 t, ch 3, 3 t. ch n, 3 t, ch II; repeat from *. 5th row — Ch 11 (the ist 3 sts as I t), miss 8, * 2 t, ch 4, 2 t, ch 10, 8 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 4, 2 t, ch 7, 3 t, ch 3, 5 f, ch 3, 3 t, ch 7; re- peat from *. 6th row — Fasten thread in 3d st of previous row, ch 13, miss 10, * I t, ch 2, i t, ch 6, 3 t, ch 4, 6 ty ch 4, 3 t, ch 6, i t, ch 2, i t, ch 8, 5 t, ch 3. 3 t, ch 3, 5 t, ch 7 ; repeat from *. yth row — Ch 7, miss 4, 3 t, ch 4, * 2 t, ch 7, 6 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 7. 2 t, ch 4, 3 t, ch 3, 17 t, ch 3, 3 t, ch 4; repeat from *. 8th row—C\\ 7, miss 4, 4 t, ch 7, * 3 t, ch 3, 18 t, ch 3, 3 t, ch 7, 4 t, ch 4, 6 t, ch 3, 6 t, ch 4, 4 t. ch 7 ; repeat f rdm *. ()th row — Ch 6, miss 3, 4 t, ch 8, * 6 t, ch 3, 12 t, ch 3, 6 t, ch 8, 9 t, ch 5, i t. Figure 58. Insertion. — Xo. 50 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. This insertion is worked lengtliwise, each row beginning at the right and the thread fastened after each row. Where a number of ch is given, as ch 3, miss the same number of sts, whether ch or t. Make chain the required length, let it be a multiple of 20 and I additional st, turn. (After the last repeat at the last end of rows, make the lace correspond with the 1st end in order to have a straight line at the beginning and the 1st row — Ch 4, t in 7th st of ch in next st; repeat from *. 2d row — T over ist t, * ch 3, 4 t, ch 5. 4 t, ch 3, I t ; repeat from *. .?(/ row — T over ist t, ch i, * 4 t, ch 3, i t. ch i, I t, ch 3, 4 t, ch 3 ; repeat from *. 4th row — 4 t over 1st 4 sts, ♦ ch 3. i t, ch i. i t, ch i, i t, ch I, I t, ch 3, 7 t; repeat from *. 5//1 ro'W — 2 t over 1st 2 sts, * ch 3. (i t. ch i) 5 times, r t. ch 3, 3 t; repeat from *. 6//1 row — Like 4th row. ^th ending.) ch I, miss I, t Fig. 59. Lnsektion. See page 35 ch 5, 9 t, ch 8; repeat from *. roth row — Ch 6, miss 3, 2 t, ch 4, I t. ch 7, * 12 t, ch 2, 12 t. ch 7, l t, ch 4, St, (ch s, 5 t) twice, ch 4, i t, ch 7; repeat from *. irth row— Ch 6, miss 3, 6 t, ch 4, * 4 t, ch 3, 6 t, ch 2. 4 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 3, 4 t, ch 4, 8 t. ch 3, 2 t, ch 2, 3 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 3. 8 t. ch 4 ; repeat from *. i^th row — Like lOth row. The nth row is the middle; from this reverse the order of rows until the 21st row is like the first row. Figs. 58 to 62 (inclusive) are foreign models of very old laces. 35 Figure 60. Insertion. — Xo. 70 crocliet cotton and No. 13 hook. In working this lace tlie thread is liroken at the end of each row, beginning again at the riglit-Itand end. The stitches are taken into ch sts and under 2 loops in top of trebles. Make a chain the required length, is'l row — Make 1 t in 8th st from hook, i t in next st, * ch 2, miss 2, 2 t in ne.\t 2 ; repeat from * to end of ch. -?rf rozv — 12 t in 1st 12 sts, ch 15, miss 15 sts, 2 t in next 2 sts, * ch Fig. 60. Insertion. See page 36 4, miss 4, 2 t in next 2, ch 7, miss 7, 11 t in next It, ch 15, miss 15, 2 t in next 2 sts; repeat from *. (Here- after the number of ch will be given, and the same number of sts are to be missed; and any given number of t will cover the same number of stitches.) ^d row — 3 t, (ch I, I t) 3 times, * ch i, 4 t. ch 13, 6 t, ch 4, 7 t, (ch I, I t) 3 times; repeat from *. .fth row — ID t, * ch I, I t, ch I, 2 t, ch 13, 11 t, (ch I, I t) 3 times, ch I, 6 t; repeat from *. 5//; row — 4 t, * ch 5, 2 t, ch i, i t, ch i, 2 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 6, S t, (ch I, I t) 3 times, ch i, 5 t; repeat from *. 6th row — 3 t, * ch 7, 2 t, ch i, 3 t, ch 3, 3 t, ch i, I t, ch 8, 2 t, (ch I, I t) 3 times, ch I, 5 t; repeat from *. 7th row — i t, * ch 3, 3 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch I, 2 t, ch 3, 2 t, cli I, II t, (ch I, I t) 3 times, ch i, 3 t. ch I, 2 t ; repeat from *. Stii row — 2 t, * ch 3. 3 t, ch 2, 5 t, ch 5, 8 t, (ch I, I t) 5 times, ch I, 3 t, ch 3, I t; repeat from *. Qth roiv — 2 t, ch 4, * 7 t, cli 12, 2 t, (ch I, I t) 4 times, ch I, 3 t, ch I, 2 t, ch 7; repeat from *. lotit rozv — 2 t, ch 7, 3 t, * ch II, 4 t, (ch I, I t) 4 times, ch I, s t, ch I, 2 t. ch 8. 3 t; repeat from *. ////( ro'w — 2 t, * ch 2, 2 t, ch 5, 4 t, ch 7, 3 t, (ch I, I t) 4 times, (ch i, 3 t) twice, ch i, 2 t; repeat from *. I2tli rotv — 6 t, ch 5, * 7 t, ch 3, 3 t, (ch i. I t) twice, ch I, 6 t, ch 4, 3 t, ch i. 5 t, ch 6; repeat from *. /.?f/i roii} — 5 t, ch 7, * 6 t, without making any ch st, miss I st, 4 t, ch i, i t. ch I, 4 t, ch 2, 5 t. ch 3, into the back loop of trebles, giving a pretty effect. Make a chain the required length, ist row — One t in 6th st from hook, * ch i, miss i, t in next; repeat from * to end of ch. 2d row — 3 t in ist 3 sts, * ch 5, miss 5, t in next st ; repeat from *. (Since the number of sts missed and the number of ch are the same, the directions will give only the number of ch and number of t. There are the same number of sts in each row and each t covers i st.") _? t • I > «»ii« t^M VI « ».».M*K1*»>»^1A'> \»»»*» t ' *»« » i»v>»n.»k%»M*»»»M*^»*M;i H ^^ »*M«*«v»*u t j.*«iji«ji:!>.jH'> t>v\^ 1 1 1 \ t \\t v\ tn 1 1 1 1 « I n 1 1 « TviTT » \» <7ii 3 t, ch I, 3 t, ch 8; repeat fr I4tli roiv — 3 t. * ch II, II t. ch I. I t, ch 5. 3 t, ch 6, 4 t ; repeat from *. 15th row — -Like ist row. Figure 61. Insertion. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. In working this lace, the thread is to be broken at the end of each row and all rows are worked in the same direction. The stitch is taken into the ch and Fig. 61. Insertion. See page 36 over, and under two loops in top of trebles. Make a chain a little longer than the length required, and after the first row is finished, decide upon the ex- act length, having 2 t at the last end. Repeat the pat- tern according to the directions, and in the_ last repeat of each row, work to the last 2 t, arid finish with 2 t in each row; this will insure a straight line at the last end, as the directions insure a straight line at the first. A indicates the beginning of directions. 1st roiv— 2 t in ist 2 ch, * ch 2, miss 2, 2 t in next 2 sts; repeat from *. 2d row— 2 t in first 2 t, * ch 12, 2 t in 2 ch between 4th and Sth groups of t, ** ch 10, 2 t in 2 ch after 3fl group of t; repeat from 36 ** ,i times more, ch 12, miss 12, S t in next S sts. cli 2, miss 2, 18 t in next 18 sts, ch 6, miss 6, 18 t, ch 2, 8 t; repeat from *. (It will be noted that where a number of cli is mentioned, the same number of sts in the previous row is missed. Each row contains the same number of stitches, so from this point on only the number of ch and t will be given.) Stl rozi' — 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, * ch 6, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t ; re- peat from * 4 times more, cli 6. 2 t, ch 2, 14 t, ch 10, 6 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 10, 14 t, ch 2, 2 t; repeat from first *. -Jtli row — 8 t, ch 6, 2 t, * ch 10, 2 t; repeat from * 3 times more, ch 6, 16 t, ch 4, 10 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 2, 10 t, ch 4. 16 t, ch 6, 2 t ; repeat from first *. 3th roiv — 8 t, ch 12, 2 t, * ch 10, 2 t ; repeat from * twice more, ch 12, 12 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 4, 12 t, ch 2. 12 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 4, 12 t, ch 12, 2 t; repeat from first *. 6//» rozv—8 t, ch 4, 6 t, * ch 4, 2 t, ** ch 6, 2 t, oh 2, 2 t ; repeat once from **, ch 6, 2 t, ch 4, 6 t, ch 4, 6 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 10, 6 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 10, 4 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 4, 6 t ; repeat from *. 7//1 row- — 8 t, ch 2, 10 t, * ch 12, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 12, 10 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 6, 4 t, ch 4, 2 t, ch 4, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 4, 2 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 6, 4 t, ch 4, 6 t, ch 2, lot; repeat from *. 8th row — 6 t, ch 4, 12 t, * ch 4, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 4, 12 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 2, 16 t, ch 8, 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 8, 16 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 4, 12 t; repeat from *. p//i row — 6 t, ch 2, 14 t, * ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, cli 4, 4 t, ch 4. 6 t, * ch S, 2 t, ch R, 6 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 4, 4 t, ** ch 6, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t; repeat from ** twice more, ch 6, 4 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 4, 4 t, cli 4, 4 t, ch 4, 6 t ; repeat from *. lylli row —8 t, ch _', 4 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 2, 6 t, * ch 18, 6 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 2, 8 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 8, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch lo, 2 t, ch 8, 2 t, ch 6, 8 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 2, 6 t ; repeat from *. i.S7/i row — 14 t, ch 2, 14 t, * ch 4. 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 4, 14 t, ch 2, 14 t, ** ch 10, 2 t; repeat from ** 3 times more, ch 10, 14 t, ch 2, 14 t; repeat from *. J(;lh roiv — ^4 t, ch 8, 4 t, ch 2, 14 t, * ch 14, 14 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 8, 8 t, ch 4, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ** ch 6, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t; repeat from ** twice more, ch 4, 8 t, ch 8, 4 t, ch 2, 14 t ; repeat from *. ^olli row — 14 t, ch 8, 14 t, * ch 6, 14 t, ch 8, 20 t, ch 4, 2 t, ** ch 10, 2 t; repeat from ** twice more, ch 4, 20 t, ch 8, 14 t; repeat from *. 2ist row — 20 t, ch 6, * 26 t, ch 6, 26 t, ** ch 10, 2 t; repeat from ** twice more, ch 10, 26 t, ch 6 ; repeat from *. 22d row — 4 t, ch 2, 20 t, ch 10, * 6 t, ch ID, 20 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 4, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 4, 2 t, ch 6, 6 t, ch 2, 20 t, ch 10; repeat from *. 2^d row — 2 t, ch 4, 10 t, ch 10, 10 t, * ch 6, 10 t, ch 10, 10 t, ch 12, 2 t, ch 8, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 8, 2 t, ch 12, 10 t, ch 10, 10 t; repeat from *. 24th row — 4 t, * ch 2, 2 t ; repeat from *. Figure 63. Insertion. — Crochet cotton No. 50, I'"lG. 02. I.NSEKTKlN. ScC pagC 36 t, ch 6, 2 t, cli 2, 2 t, ch 2, 14 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 2, 14 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 6, 14 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 2, 14 t; repeat from *. lOth row — 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 12 t, * ch 6, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 6, 12 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 6, ID t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 6, 10 t, ch 6, 4 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 12 t; repeat from *. ulh row — ' 2 t, ch 4, 2 t, ch 2, 12 t, * ch 10, 2 t, ch ID, 2 t, ch 10, 12 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 6, 20 t, ch 8, 2 t, ch 8, 20 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 2, 12 t; repeat from *. i2tJi row—^ t, ch 2, 8 t, ch 2, 6 t,- * ch 8, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t. ch 8, 6 t, cIi 2, 8 t, ch 2, 10 t, ch 4, 10 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 2, ID t, ch 4, 10 t, ch 2, 8 t, ch 2, 6 t ; repeat from *. 13th row— 6 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 2, 6 t, * ch 10, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 10, 6 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 2, 14 t, ch 12, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 12, 14 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 2, 6 t ; repeat from *. 14th row—% t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 6, 2 t, * ch 8, 2 t, ch 8, 2 t, ch 6, 6 t. ch 2, 4 t, ch 2, 18 t, ch 12, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch 12, 18 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 2, 6 t, ch 6, 2 t ; re- peat from *. 13th row — 2 t, ch 4, 4 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 6, 6 t, * ch 4, 2 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 4, 6 t, ch 6, 4 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 6, 10 t, ch 6, 2 t, ch 10, 2 t, ch ID, 2 t, ch 6, TO t, ch 6, 4 t, ch 2, 2 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 6, 6 t ; repeat from *. i6lh row — 4 t, ch 4, 4 Xo. 12 hook, novelty braid No. 4; actual size of braid at Figure 64. Fasten thread in end of braid, ch 7, * 3 t in 3d and 4th picots (used as one p), ch 7, 3 t over bar of braid, ch 7, * repeat to end of length required. 3d row — * Ch 6, 2 t over 7-ch, 3 t over 3 t of pre- vious row, 2 t over 7-ch, ch 6, t over 2d t over bar *, repeat, jrf row — * Ch 5, 2 t over 6-cli, 7 t over 7 t cf previous row, 2 t over 6-ch *, repeat. 4th row — 2 t over 5-ch, * 11 t over 11 t, 4 t over 5-ch *, re- peat. $tlt roiv — T in every other st, with 3 ch between. Corner of Insertion. 1st row — Same as inser- tion to 3 t in top of braid, where turn is to be made, ch 6. (3 t, ch 2, 3 t) over bar, 6 ch, 3 t in top of braid and proceed. (In making turn, if braid is given a half twist, it will lie more evenly.) M row —7 t in top of braid, ch 7, t over 2d t, ch 6, t over 5th t, ch 7, and proceed with 7 t. ^d row — 11 t, ch 4, I dt (thread over twice, working off 2 sts each lime) over t, ch 5, dt in middle of 6-ch, ch 5, dt over t, ch 4 and proceed with 11 t. 4th row — u\fter II t, 5 t over ch, t over dt, 5 t over ch, 3 dt over dt, 5 t over ch. t over dt, 5 t, 11 t, etc. jth row — 37 Same as for straight edge, making 2 t, with 3 ch between, in corner st. i^^ ■ ■^ .-'/ft ii-iVi! ■'jii Fig. 63. LxsHRTioN. Sec page 37 Inside of Corner, u; ro'a' — After 3 t over bar, ch 8. t in 5th picot of each of corner braids (using 2 p as one st), ch 8, 3 t over bar, etc. £d row — After 7 t, ch 6, t over 2d t, ch 6, 2 t over 8-ch, t over t, 2 t over next 8-ch, ch 6, t over 2d of 3 t, etc. jrf row — After 11 t, ch 5, t over 6-ch, t over next 6-ch, ch S, 11 t, etc. 4lh row — After 11 t over 11 t, 4 t over ch, 4 t over ch on other side, 11 t over 11 t, etc. Sth row — T in every other st, ch 2 between, miss last 2 sts on each side at Figure 65. Edging. — The heading or upper part of this Edging is made like Insertion, Figure 63. Lower Part of Edging, ist row — Like 1st row of Insertion, jd row — Like Insertion until corner is reached, 7 t in top of braid, ch 5, 2 t over 6-ch, 3 t over 3 t, 2 t over 2-ch, 3 t over 3 t, 2 t over 6-ch, ch S, etc. jd row — Like Insertion as far as corner, after II t, ch 2, 16 t, ch 2, II t, etc. 4th row — Like Inser- tion, making 4 t over 2-ch at corner, 16 t over 16 t, 4 t over 2-ch, 11 t, etc. 5//^ row — From beginning of row, ch 4 between groups of 11 t; after 11 t at corner, ch 3, t over 2d of 4 t, ch 3, 16 t across corner, ch 3, t, ch 3, II t, etc. 6tli rozv — 7 t in top of diamond, ch 4, turn, make 3 t drawn together as one st at top, ch 4, catch in 1st st of 7 t in previous row, ch 6, turn, t in point of diamond, ch 6, catch in other end of 7 t, ch 4, I d over 4-ch, ch 4, 7 t, repeat. At corner, after 7 t, ch 5, d over t, ch S, 12 t, ch 4, turn, 8 t, ch 4, turn, 3 t drawn together in point, ch 4, catch in end of 8 t, and cut thread. Join thread at beginning of 12 t, ch 4, catch at corner of row above, ch 6, t in point, ch 6, catch at corner below, ch 5, d over t, ch s, 7 t, etc. 7th row — 7 t over 6-ch, 3 dt in t at top, 7 t over 6-ch, 4 t over 4-ch, 4 t over next 4-ch, 7 t over 6-ch, etc. Sth rozi' — Ch 4, d in every other st, at top ch 4, t in point, ch 4, etc. Figure 66. Reticella Insertion. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. Figure A, with small block in centre. Chain 4, turn, miss I st, 3 d in next 3 sts, ch I, turn. 2d row — 3 d in 3 d of last row (under two threads of the st). sd row — Like 2d row. Chain 9, t in next cor- ner, (ch 6, t in next corner) twice, ch 6, si in 3d st of 9-ch, * 5 d under next loop, picot, 3 d, ch 13, ^yyy/f W^j*:i ?*>A*I drop st, insert hook through 4th d back of p, catch dropped st and draw through, over 13-ch make 2 si in 2 ch, ch 4, (3 si in 3 ch, ch 4) 3 times, 2 si in last 2 ch, 2 d over ch below, I d over next t; repeat from * 3 times more, join row and fasten. Figure B.^Chain 10, dt in ist st, (ch 6, dt in same st) twice, ch 6, si in 4th of lo-ch, 9 J under next loop, * ch 7, drop st and pick it up through 4th d back, ch 7, drop st and pick it up through 4th st back from last loop, si in each of the last 7 ch sts and in 4 sts in next loop, ch 7, drop st and pick it up through middle of the 7 si sts on last loop, 7 si in 7 sts of last ch, si in st from which this ch started and in next 3 sts of first 7-ch, I d in top of next dt, g d under next ch ; repeat from * 3 times more. When making the outer loop on last scallop after first 4 si in this loop, ch 3, drop st and pick it up through the middle of a point on Figure A, si back over the 3 ch sts and finish scallop as before. This joins the two figures, fasten thread. .Alternate the two figures, (joining by 3-ch with 3 sl sts in ch), until the strip is as long as required. For Outer Rows. — Join thread to middle of the upper point of figure at left end of strip, * ch 24, turn, drop st and pick it up through a d between this point and next one on figure, 12 sl sts on 12 sts of ch (under one thread only), ch 12, drop st, pick it up through middle of the 3 sl sts joining figures, sl back across 12 ch, ch 12, drop st, pick up through a d between next 2 points of next figure, sl back across 12 ch, sl at end of first 12 sl sts, ch 6, drop st and pick it up through 3d st down from top of last 12 sl sts, ch 3, drop and pick up through 3d st down on second 12 sl sts. ch 3, and pick up on 1st row of 12 sl sts, ch 3, pick up through 3d st back on the 12 ch above. These chs are founda- tion for the 4 little scal- lops. Under each 3-ch make (i d, 3 t, i d), and after working 2d scal- lop, fasten it with a s Fig. 64. Actual Size OF Braid Used IN Figs. 63 AND 65 Fig. 65. Edging. See page 38 38 to a St in the stem just back of it; this keeps the little ligure in place. The 4th scallop is made under half of the 6-ch, leaving the remainder of ch to form part of the edge. After 4th scallop, ch 12, drop st and pick up through middle of top point of next figure, si back on 2 of the ch sts ; repeat from *, ch ::4, etc. He.miing. — * ch I, miss I from * the along the opposite side. ch 7, 12 t with I ch between, 1 t m lasl st. l^th row — ^Ch 4, II t with I ch between, cli 7, si in loop, (ch S, si in 1st dt, ch 5, si after 5th dt) twice, ch 7, 7 t T in first st of ch, t in next st ; repeat whole length and Figure 67. Insertion. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 9 hook. Chain 67, turn, miss I. ist rozv — D in every st across row. 3d row — Ch 4, miss i d, t in next, in next), repeat until there are 9 at beginning) with i ch between t, in 4th d, ch 4, miss 3 d, S dt in next 5 d, ch 4, 3 d, si in next, ch 4, imiss 3 d, 5 dt, ch 4, miss si in next, ch 7, miss 3, 9 t with l ch t in last St. sd row — Ch 4, t after 2d t, next sp, until there are 8 t (ch I, miss t (including ch 7, iTiiss 3 I, t 4-cli d, si miss 3 d, between, i ch I, t in (always including 4-ch), Fk;. 66. Reticella Insertion. See page 38. with I ch between, 1 t in last st. Repeat from 2d row. ch 7, si in centre of loop, (ch 5, si in ist d t, ch 5, si after 5th dt) twice, ch S, 10 t with I ch between (the first 2 t in loop), i t in last st. 41/1 row — Ch 4, 12 t with I ch between, 7 ch, (si in loop, ch 4, 5 dt in loop, ch 4) twice, si in loop, ch 7, 6 t with I ch between, i t in last st. 5//1 row — ^Ch 4, 5 t with 1 ch between, ch 7, si in loop, (ch 5, si in 1st dt, ch 5, si after 5th d) twice, ch 7, 13 t with i ch be- tween, I t in last St. 6th row — Ch 4, 15 t with i ch between, ch 7, (si in loop, ch 4, 5 dt, ch 4) twice, si in loop, ch 7, 3 t with l ch between, i t in last St. /til rozv — Ch 4, 5 t with i ch between, ch 7, (si in 1st dt, ch 5, sl after 5th dt, ch 5) twice, si in loop, ch 7, 13 t with I ch between, i t in last st. ^V//^ rozo — Ch 4, 12 t with l ch between, ch 7, (sl in loop, ch 4, 5 dt, ch 4) twice, sl in loop, eh 7, 6 t with I ch between, i t in last St. Qlh row — Ch 4, 8 t with I ch between, ch 7. (sl in ist dt, ch 5, sl after 5th dt, ch s) twice, sl in loop, ch 7, 10 t with i ch between, i t in last St. loth row — Ch 4, 9 t with i ch between, ch 7, (sl in loop, ch 4, 5 dt, ch 4) twice, sl in loop, ch 7, 9 t with i ch between, i t in last st. jitli row — Ch 4, II t with i ch between, ch 7, (sl in 1st dt, ch 5, sl after Sth dt, ch 5) twice, sl in loop, ch 7, 7 t with I ch Ijetween, i t in last st. I3th row — Ch 4, 6 t with I eh between, ch 7, (sl in loop, ch 4, S dt, ch 4) twice, sl in loop, ch 7, 12 t with I ch between, i t in last st. ijlh row — Ch 4, 14 t with I ch between, ch 7, (sl in 1st dt, ch 5, sl after 5th dt, ch s) twice, sl in loop, ch 7, 4 t with I ch be- tween, I t in last St. J4tli row — Ch 4, 3 t with I ch between, ch 7, (sl in loop, ch 4. 5 dt, ch 4) twice, sl in loop, ch 7, 15 t with I ch between, i t in last st. i_^th row — Ch 4, 14 t with i ch between, ch 7, ,sl in loop, (ch 5, sl in ist dt, ch 5, sl after 5th dt) twice, ch 7, 4 t with I ch between, i t in last st. i6lh row — Ch 4, 6 t with I ch between, ch 7, (sl in loop, ch 4, 5 dt, ch 4) twice, sl in loop, Figure 68. Edging for Handkerchief. — Xo. 150 crochet cotton and No. 14 hook. Prepare the edge of a square of handkerchief linen by drawing three threads, ]4 of an inch from the edge; roll the hem tightly up to the drawn threads and * double crochet 3 sts over the hem, ch 6 for a picot, and join at base of ch; repeat from * around the handkerchief. 2d row — Ch 12 very tightly, sl in 4th ch st from work but do not finish the sl, keep 2 sts on the hook, draw a loop under the ch, (thread over hook, loop under the ch) 4 times, then draw a loop through the II sts on the hook, ch 2 tightly, dt be- tween the picots of 1st row, * ch 9, sl in top of dt. keeping both sts on the hook, loop under dt, (thread over hook, loop under dt) 4 times, loop through 11 sts on hook, ch 2, dt between next 2 picots ; repeat from * around. Crowd the work at the corners so that it will round nicely. Crochet the chs very tightly and when it is completed, round out the picots with the crochet-hook or stiletto. Turn the work face down on a bath-towel, cover with a damp cloth and press, remove the cloth and finish pressing but do not iron the edge with the last pressing. Figure 69. Edging for Handkerchief. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 13 hook. Double crochet over a very narrow flat or rolled hem. If the hem is turned to the right side and two or three threads drawn as for hemstitching, the cro- cheting will be very easy. After the row of doubles, Fig. 67. Insertion. See page 39 39 Fig. iiS. KiiGiNci fok Handkerchief. See page 39 the work is in two rows, both worked in the same direction, both beginning at the right and without turning the work. When a corner is to be turned put 3 d in the same place at the corner. 1st row — 2 si in first 2 ,d, ch 2, picot of 5 joined by d, (all the picots are of 5 ch, joined by d unless otherwise noted), ch 2, miss 3 d on hem, 2 si in next 2 d, * ch 4, picot, ch 6, picot, ch i, t in 4th ch st from last si, ch 3, miss 4 d on hem, 2 si in next 2 d, ch 2, picot, ch 2, miss 3 d on hem, 2 si in next 2 d; repeat from *. At the corner, finish one of the larger figures with i si in the st next to the corner, omit the smaller figure or loop, commence again at * and make the larger figure, fin- ish with I si in the corner st without missing any d, commence again at *. Jd row — Fasten thread at the 1st st of 6-ch loop. * 5 d over 6-ch, ch 4 for picot, without joining, make S more d over same 6-ch, ch I, picot, ch I ; repeat from *. If the row of douljles is not crowded too closely, the picot loop of 2d row (between scallops) may be made "ch 2, p, ch 2" instead of "ch i, p, ch i." And upon the spacing of doubles will depend the num- ber to be missed between pairs of si sts. Figure 70. Edging with Coronation Braid. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 10 hook, and braid of the size shown in the illustration. 1st row — Work 3 d over cord between first two sections of braid, * give a downward twist with the next two sections, bringing the cord after second section up underneath, d over the crossed cords, 2 d over single cord beyond crossing, twist another loop like first one, d over the crossed cords, 3 d over cord beyond crossing, ch 3, t in ne.xt section close to the first end, ch i, picot of 5 joined with a d, ch i, t close to first t in same section, (ch i, picot, ch I, dt close to last t) twice, ch i, picot, ch i, t close to last dt, ch I, picot, ch i, t close to last t, ch 3, 3 d over single cord at end of section; repeat from * the length required. Heading, ist roic — 3 d over cord at top of first loop, 3 d over next loop, ch 13, d in middle of sec- tion at the side of second loop, ch 5. t in middle of next section at the bottom, ch 5, d in middle of sec- tion at the side of next loop, ch 5, take Iiook out of st, insert in 5th st of 13 ch (counting up from the bottom), catch the st and draw through, ch g; repeat from begiiming of row. 2d row — Beginning again at right-hand end, work * 6 d in 6 d, 3 d over 13-ch, ch 8, 3 d over next ch loop; repeat from *. jd rozv — T in ist d at right, * ch 2, miss 2, t in next st ; repeat from *. Figure 71. Insertion. — No. 100 crochet cotton and No. 14 hook. Chain 14, join in a ring with si. 1st round — 24 d in ring, join last d to the first one with si. Jd round Fig. bij. Eik.ing fuk Handkerchief. See page 39 Fig. 70. Edging with Coronation Braid. See page 40 — CIi 5, thread over hook 3 times, insert in same st where 5-ch began, draw a loop tlirough, (thread over and draw through 2 loops) 4 times, ch 5, d in next d, * I d in ne.xt d, ch 5, thread over 3 times, insert hook in next d, draw a loop through, (thread over and drawl through 2 loops) 3 times, retaining 2 loops on hook, thread over 3 times, insert hook in same d with last st, draw a loop through, (thread over and draw through 2 loops) 3 times, tliread over and draw through remaining 3 loops on hook, ch 5, d in next d * ; repeat from * to * until there are 8 clusters ; after the end of the 8th cluster, make I d in next d, ch S, si in top of first cluster to finish it. Break thread and fasten securely. Make as many stars as are necessary for the length, joining each as it is made to preceding star at the centre point. Headi-NG. Ist row — Having a loop on the hook, insert hook in top of first cluster at the right and make si to fasten thread, * (ch 7, d in 5th st from needle to form picot, ch 3, d in centre of next clus- ter) twice, ch 2, picot of 5, ch 3, d in first cluster on next star ; repeat from * to end and break thread. ^d row — Begin again at right hand, fasten thread be- fore the picot in first loop with si, ch 3, t in same place, * ch S, 2 t before picot in next loop, ch 4, thread over twice, insert hook before picot in loop between 40 stars and work off loops by twos, leaving 2 loops on hook, thread over twice, insert hook in same loop after the picot and work off loops by twos, working the last 3 loops off at once, ch S, 2 t before picot in first loop on next star; repeat from * to end :ind break thread, jd roiv — SI in first loop at right, ch i, thread over twice, insert hook under same loop, work off loops by twos, leaving 2 on hook, tliread over twice, make another st in same place, working off by twos and the last 3 loops together, * ch 3, thread over twice, make another Cluny st in same loop, retaining 2 loops on hook, thread over twice, insert hook in next loop, work off two loops twice, then the last 3 together, ch 3, thread over twice, make a cluster of 3 sts in same loop ; repeat from * to end. Repeat the 3 rows of heading for second side of Insertion. Figure 72. Edging. — No. 100 crochet cotton and .\o. 14 hook. Make a row of stars the required length, repeat- ing the 3 rows of Heading at the top. Lower Edge, ist row — Like first row of Heading for Insertion, Figure 71. 2d rou' — One d before picot in first loop at right hand, * ch g, thread over twice, Fig. 71. Insertio.v. See page 40 in.sert hook after picot in same loop, work off by twos, retaining 2 on hook, thread over twice, insert hook before picot in next loop and finish st, work- ing last 3 loops off together, ch 9, i d after p in same loop, ch 3, make 2 cross t in loop between stars, placing one st before and one st after the picot, ch 3, I d in first loop on next star before the picot ; repeat f rorn * to end. ,?— 4 d over first 4 d, * (ch 4, t over next t) 4 times, ch 4, miss I d, 8 d over 8 d ; repeat from *. 4th row — 3 d over first 3d,* (ch 5, t over next t) 4 times, ch 5, miss I d, 6 d over 6 d ; repeat from *. jth row — 2 d over first 2d,* (ch 6, t over next t) 4 times, ch 6, miss i d, 4 d over 4 d ; repeat from *. 6th row — One d over ist d, * (ch 7, t over t) 4 times, ch 7, miss I d, 2 d over 2 d ; repeat from *. 7th row — * One d over ist ch loop, (ch 3, d over same loop) 3 times over first space; over each of second, third, and fourth spaces make I d, (ch 3, I d) 4 times; over fifth space make i d, (ch 3, I d) 3 times; repeat from *. Figure 75. Edging. — No. 30 crochet cotton and No. 9 hook. Make a foundation chain the length required, turn, t in 7th st from hook, * miss 3, t in next st, ch 3, t in same st ; repeat these shells from * the whole length, break thread and fasten between first 2 shells. Or the foundation ch and shells may be turned, without breaking thread, and si back over first shell, * ch 25, turn, si into lOth st from hook and si into the following 3 sts, ch 4, miss 4 ch st, dt into next ch st, ch 2, miss 2, long t (3 loops) into next ch st, ch 2, miss 2, long t (4 loops) into Figure 74. No. 13 hook. Edging. — No. 70 crochet cotton and Edging for Handkerchief. See page 41 41 See page 41 next ch st, ch i, miss 2 shells, si between 2d and 3d shell, ch I, turn, 2 d over first ch (3 d over next ch) twice, 5 d over next ch, 4 si over next 4 sts, (5 ch, d in ring) 4 times, 5 ch, 4 si over next 4 sts, S d over ch, (3 d over next ch) twice, 2 d over next ch, si over 2 sts of shell, turn, miss 2 si, 5 d over first S d, picot of 5 joined with si, (3 d over next ch, picot) twice, 2 A over same ch, 4 si over 4 si, over each s-ch make (l d, 3 t, picot, 3 t, i d), 4 si over 4 si, 2 d over ch, picot, 3 d over same ch, picot, 3 d over next ch, picot, 3 d over next ch, 2 d over next ch, join with si in middle of shell, si to point between shells and repeat from *. Fig. 75. EixiiNG, See page 41 When making the first and second picots of the second rosette, join each one to the corresponding picot on the first rosette; this may be done in the following manner : After making S-ch for picot drop the stitch from the hook and draw it up through the picot of first rosette, finish the picot as before and complete the petal. Figure 76 A. Cluny Insertion. — No. 70 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. The row of medallions through the centre is made first and three rows of work crocheted along each side. Chain 12, turn, miss i st, 6 d in next 6 sts, turn, (ch 5, I d in 1st st) 6 times, i d in the end of work, 6 d on opposite side of ch, turn, (ch 5, i d in 1st st) 6 times, i d in the end of work. This completes the centre or heart of the medallion. Make as many medallions as required for the length. 1st row — Join the thread at the first loop or picot at the right, ch 4, make 2 Cluny sts (of dt, crocheting two ofif twice) and with the 3 sts on hook crochet ofif two and two. ch 5, miss I picot, in the next picot make a group of 3 Cluny sts (3 dt, crochet off each by twos, twice, leav- ing 4 sts on the hook), crochet off 2, crochet off 3 together, ch S, Cluny group of 3 dt in next picot, ch 5, miss I picot, Cluny group of 3 dt in last picot, without ch, * make Cluny group of 3 dt in first picot of next medallion, ch 5, group in 3d picot, ch S, group in 4th picot, ch 5, group in 6th picot ; repeat from * to the end, turn, ch 3. 2d row — D in first S-ch, * ch 5, d in next S-ch; repeat from * to the end, turn, ch 4. jd roiK' — Ch 4, t in first loop, * ch 4, t in next loop ; repeat from *. Make these three rows on the opposite side of medallions. Figure 76 B. Cluny Edging. — No. 70 crochet cottiiM anil Xo. 12 hook. Make a chain the required length. 1st row — T in the gth st from hook, * ch 2, miss 2, t in next st ; repeat from *, turn. 2d row — Ch 4, * miss i space. Cluny group of 3 dt in next space, ch S, Cluny group in same space; repeat from * and break thread. Sd roif— Begin at the first end of last row, * 4 ht over S-ch, picot of 5 without joining, 4 ht over same 5-ch, i d in top of Cluny group; repeat from * to the end. Figure 77. Insertion of Cluny Crochet. — No. 70 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. This lace can be rapidly made in carpet warp or heavier crochet cotton for curtains or towels. Chain 12, si in 1st st to form a ring, cover half the ring with 4 d, picot of 4 joined with si, 4 d, p, 4 d, make a Cluny group (gr) as follows: * Chain 6, tliread over twice, join in first of 6-ch, crochet off two, and two, thread over twice, join in same st, (crochet off two) 4 times; repeat from * 3 times more; repeat from the beginning for the re- quired length. This alternates a ring and 4 Cluny gr of three, and should end with a ring. To make the other side, work nn around the end and fill the last half of last ring with 4 d, p, 4 d, p, 4 d, * make 2 Cluny gr, i d between 2d and 3d groups, 2 Cluny gr, fill half of next ring; repeat from * the whole length. Without breaking thread, after last ring is finished, * ch 9, d between 2 p of ring, ch 0, d between 1st and 2d Cluny gr, ch 9, d between 3d and 4th Cluny gr ; repeat from *. Make tliis first row on both edges. 2d row — Ch 5, I"iG, 77. Insertion of Cluny Crochtt. See page 42 miss 2, t in next st, * ch 2, miss 2, t in next St; repeat from * the whole length on both edges. Figure 78. Edging of Cluny Crochet. — Follow directions for Insertion, Figure 77, until tlie last ring is completely filled. Make i Cluny gr. ch 12, si back into the ring (between 2 p), cover the ch with 4 d, p, 4 d, p, 4 d, p, 4 d, * I Cluny gr, d between 2d and .^d gr of first half, Cluny gr, ch 12, si between ist and 2d gr, cover 12 ch as before, Cluny gr, fill one-fourth of the ring with (4 d, p, 2 d), ch 12, si between last 2 gr, cover 12 ch as before, complete the ring with 2 d, p, 4 d, Cluny gr, 12 ch, si in ring (between p). partly cover 12-ch with (4 d, p, 2 d), ch 12, si back in last loop between 2d and 3d p, cover 12 ch as before, finish covering loop with 2 d, p, 4 d, p, 4 d; repeat from *. Heading. — Fasten thread between p of ring and fol- low directions for Heading of Insertion, Figure 77. In making this lace with heavier thread it is well to make the 12-ch ring rather loose, or to make 16 close tight ch ; in coarser cotton the 12-d fill the half ring too tightly unless this point is noted. Figure 79. Edging. — No. 30 crochet cotton and No. 10 hook. Chain 24, turn, ist rozt.' — T in 5th st from hook, t in next st, (ch 5, miss 3 sts on foundation ch, d in next st) 3 times, ch 10, d in last st of ch, ch i, turn. ■^d row — 5 d over 10 ch, ch 5, t over same ch, ch I, t over same ch, (ch 5, d over next 5-ch) 3 times, ch 3, 3 t on 3 t, (the 3-ch at the end of row represent 1 t). ,^d row — Ch 3, 2 t over 2 t, (ch 5, d over 5-ch) twice, ch 5, t over next 5-ch, ch i, t over same ch, ch I, t over l-ch between 2 t, ch l, t over ne.xt ch-loop. ch I, t over same loop, ch 10, d between first 2 d, ch I, turn. 4II1 row — 8 d over 10 ch, ch 5, t over same ch-loop, ch i, t over same loop, (ch i, t over l-ch between ne.xt 2 t) 4 times, ch i, t over next loop, ch I, t over same loop, (ch 5, d over next loop) twice, ch 3, 3 t over 3 t, turn. 5//1 roic — Ch 3, 2 t over 2 t, ch S, d over next 5-ch loop, ch 5, 2 t over next loop with i-ch between t, (ch i, miss i t, t over ne.\t l-ch) 7 times, ch i, 2 t over next loop with i-ch between, ch 10, d between first 2 d, ch i, turn. 6th row — 8 d over 10 ch, ch 5, 2 t over same loop with I-ch between, (ch i, t over i-ch) 10 times, ch I, 2 t over next loop with i-ch between t, ch 5, d over next loop, ch 3, 3 t over 3 t, turn, /th row — Ch 3, 2 t over 2 t, ch 5, 2 t over next loop with I-ch between, (ch i, t over i-ch) 13 times, ch i, 2 t over next loop with I ch between, ch 10, d be- tween first 2 d, ch I, turn. Stii row — 12 d over lo-ch, ch 4, miss 2 t, t over next i-ch, (ch i, t over next I-ch) 13 times, ch S, d over 5-ch, ch 3, 3 t over 3 t, turn. 9//1 row — Ch 3, 2 t over 2 t, ch 5, d over S-ch, ch 5, miss 2 t, t over i-ch, (ch i, t over next i-ch) 10 times, ch 10, d between lirst 2 d, ch l, turn. loth row — 8 d over lo-ch, ch 5, miss 2 t, t over next I-ch, (ch I, t over next i-ch) 7 times, (ch 5, d over next S-ch) twice, ch 3, 3 t over 3 t, turn. utli row — Ch 3, 2 t over 2 t, (ch 5, d over next 5-ch) twice, ch 5, miss 2 t, t over l-ch, (ch i, t over next i-ch) 4 times, ch 10, d between first 2 d, ch I, turn. 1 21 It row — 8 d over lo-ch, ch 5, miss 2 t, t over i-eh, ch i, t over next i-ch, (ch 5, d over next S-ch) 3 times, ch 3, 3 t over 3 t, turn, isth row — Ch 3, 2 t over 2 t, (ch 5, d over next S-ch) 3 times, ch 10, d between first 2 d, ch i, turn. Re- peat from 2d row for length required. Figure 80. Insertion and Edging. — No. 50 cro- chet cotton and No. 10 hook. Insertion. — Chain 17, turn, * i d in 3d st from hook, I t in next st, 3 dt in next 3 sts, t in next, d in next, * ch 9, turn, work from * to * for a second petal, ** ch 17, turn, make from * to * for a petal, ch 9, turn, make from * to * for a second petal ** : repeat from ** to ** for the required length. At the end make three more petals (on p-ch each), these will be the one at the end and two on the other side. Over the chain between petals make one petal as be- fore of (i d, I t. 3 dt, I t, I d), (ch 9, turn, work from * to * ) twice, make from * to * over chain between petals. Complete the second side and make the heading on each side as follows. He.^ding. — ^Fasten thread at tip of first petal, * ch 7, si in tip of next petal, ch l, si in tip of ne.xt petal; repeat from *. ^d row — T in ist st of ch, * ch 2, miss 2, t in next st ; repeat from * the whole length. Edging. — Chain 23, * turn, i d in 3d st from hook, t in next st, 3 dt in next 3 sts, t in next st, d in next st, * (ch 9, repeat the work from * to *) 3 times, 3 d in 3 sts of ch above flower, ch 13, turn. Fig. 78. Edging of Cluny Crochet. See page 43 si in point of ist petal, (ch 7, si in point of next petal) 3 times, ch 4, si in 2d ch st from beginning, (in succeeding scallops, si in 2d st from last scallop), si in next st, turn, 6 d over 4-ch (in succeeding scal- lops make 3 d, join to previous scallop, 3 d over same ch), over each 7-ch make (i d, i t, i dt, ch 2, 2 d, I t, I dt. ch 2, 2 d, I t, I dt, ch 2, i d), over 13-ch make 6 d. Begin next scallop with ch 23. and repeat See page 43 43 Fir,. 80. Insertion and EnciNG. See page 43 to the required length ; keep the petals even in size. Heading. — Over the chain along the top make 1 t, * ch 3, miss 2, t in next st; repeat from * the whole length. Figure 81. Edging. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 10 hook. Chain 10, turn. 1st row — Miss i ch, d in each of 9 ch, turn. 2d rait' — Ch i, d in each d, taking up back loop of st to make a ridge. Repeat 2d row until there are 6 ridges (or 12 rows), always making i ch at the turn and being careful not to lose any sts. Turn, ch 9, si between 3d and 4th ridges on the side, ch 9, si at end of ist row. Turn, 12 d over 9-ch, 6 d over next 9-ch, turn, ch 9, si in 7th from hook to form a loop, ch 4, dt in loop, * ch 3. dt in loop ; repeat -. „ lifr k.* » » » fin f f •% » ^ f * »i » : '. ■' !■■ r •: ;■ ; ; - ; v ::- '■'■ '■ '■" % *•' Ki I'lG. 81. EuGiNu. See page 44 from * 4 times more, si to middle of 12 d, turn, (i d, 3 t, I d) over each 3-ch, 2 d over 2 ch of loop, 6 d over last half of 9-ch loop. Repeat from begin- ning, joining centre of first petal of flower to centre of last petal on flower just made. Heading. — One t and 2 ch in every other row (or in every ridge) along length of edging. Figure 82. Edging. — Xo. 30 crochet cotton and No. 9 hook. Make a chain the required length, isi rozv — One dt in I2th st from hook, (ch 3, miss 3, dt in next st) repeat to end of ch, turn. Jd row — Ch 7, dt in 2d dt. (ch 3, dt in next dt) repeat to end of row, turn. Sd rozi.' — Ch 4, 5 dt over 3-ch, * ch i, miss i sp. 6 dt over next 3 ch; repeat from * to end of row, turn. 4th roiv — Ch 10, si in ch st between dt; repeat from beginning of row to end of edging, turn, ^th row — * Make 18 d over ist lo-ch, 18 d over 2d 10- ch, 9 d over 3d lo-ch (half across), ch 10, si back in middle of 2d 18 d, ch 10, si back in middle of 1st 18 d, make 18 d over 10 ch, 9 d over next lo-ch (half across), ch 12, si back in middle of 18 d, 22 d over 12 ch, 9 d over ne.xt ch, 9 d over next ch; re- peat from * to end of row. Figure 83. Narrow Edging. — No. 70 crochet cotton and No. 13 hook. Chain 5 and join in a ring. 1st row — Ch S, in ring make ( i t, ch i, i t, ch 3, i t, ch I, I t), ch 5, turn. id row — Over 3-ch of ist row (make (i t, ch i, i t, ch 3, I t, ch I, I t). turn, ch 5. Repeat 2d row for length required. Heading. — Fasten thread in first point, * ch 5. fasten with si in next point ; repeat from * the whole length. Outer Edge. — Fasten thread in ist 5 ch, * ch 6, d in next point ; repeat from * to end and turn. 2d row — Over ist loop of 6-ch make (3 d, picot of 4, 4 d, p, 3 d), over 2d 6-ch make (3 d, p, 2 d), ch 6, Edging. See page 44 turn, d between 2 p of ist loop, turn, over loop make (3 d, p, 2 d, p, 2 d, p, 3 d), over remainder of 2d loop make (2 d, p, 3 d) ; repeat from beginning of row. Figure 84. Insertion. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 10 hook. Chain 19, turn. 1st row — One t in 8th st of ch. (ch 3, I t in same st) 3 times, (forming shell of 3 meshes), ch 3, i t in 4th st, ch 2, i t in 3d st, ch 2, shell in 4th st, ch 5, turn, id row — Shell in shell, cli 3, I dt in t of previous row, 2 dt over ch, l dt in next t (making a block of 4 dt), ch 3, shell in shell. ch 5, turn, jd row — Shell in shell, ch 3, I t in 1st dt. ch 2, I t in last dt, ch 3, shell in shell, ch s, turn. Repeat the 2d and 3d rows for the required length, and finish each side with ch of 7 st, and d (or si) in middle of 5-ch made in the turn of each row. Figure 85. Edging. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 10 hook. Chain 16, turn. 1st rozu — One t in 6th st, (ch 3, t in same st) twice (making 3 meshes), ch 3, i t in 3d st, ch 2, I t in 3d st, ch 2, I t in 3d st, ch 6, turn. 2d row — i dt over 1st t, 2 dt over ch, i dt over next t (making block of 4 dt), ch 3, shell page 44 l""lu. S4. IssiKiinx, St-r |i:i:-;r 44 Sec page 44 in shell, ch 5, turn, jd row — Shell in shell, ch 3, 1 in 1st dt, ch 2, t in last dt, ch 2, t in 3d of 6-cli, ch 5, turn. 4tli rozv — Same as 2d row until shell is tniishcd, then ch 2, 12 t in 5-ch of last row, d into tirst mesh of ist row, ch 4, turn, miss i st, d in next, (ch 4, miss I, d in next) 5 times. 5th rin^.' — Ch 3, shell in shell, ch 3, t in ist dt, ch 2, t in last dt, ch 2, t in 3d st, ch 6, turn. Repeat from jd row to 5th row inclusive for the required length. Figure 86. Narrow Edging. — Xo. 150 crochet cotton and No. 14 hook. Chain 6. turn, make a t in 4th st from hook. * Chain 9, turn, make a t in the 4th st from hook *; repeat from * to * until it is a little longer than the required length, ending with ch 3, turn. Jd rozi' — ■* 9 t over one-lialf of the ring made by ch and t, si in middle st of ch between rings ; repeat from *, working on around the tirst end and opposite side of ch. sd rati' — When the second end is reached, witli- out breaking thread work around the end, * ch 5. d in Sth of 9 t, 3 picots of 5-ch in same st, ch 5, d between rings ; repeat from * along one side. Heading. — ^Chain 8, d in 5th of 9 t, ch 4, dt between rings, * ch 4, d in jth of 9 t, ch 4, dt between rings; repeat from *. Figure 87. Filet Insertion. — No. 70 crochet cotton and Xo. 13 Iiook. Chain S'J, turn, rst rom — T in Sth st from hook, (this makes the first space), 5 more sp, 10 t, ch 5, miss 2, d in next, ch 5, miss 2, 10 t, ch 5, miss j. d in next st, ch 5, miss 2, 10 t, 6 sp, turn always with ch 5. 2d row — 7 sp, 10 t (the last 3 t on 3 ch sts), ch 2, 16 t (3 on ch. 10 on 10 t, 3 on ch), ch 2, 10 t (3 on ch, 7 on 7 t;, 7 sp. jd rovj — 8 sp, 16 t, ch 5, miss 2 t, 16 t, 8 sp. 4tli ron' — 9 sp, 10 t, ch 5, d in middle of S-ch, ch 5, miss 3 t, 10 t, 9 sp. 5th row — 8 sp, 16 t, ch 2, 16 t, 8 sp. 6th row — 7 sp, 10 t, ch 5, miss 2 t, 16 t, ch 5, miss 2 t, 10 t, 7 sp. 7//1 r«3i' — 6 sp, 10 t, * ch 5, d under 5-ch, ch 4, d in same place * (this will be known as "from * to *"). ch 5, miss 3 t, 10 t, ch S, d under 5-ch, ch 4, d in same place, ch 5, miss 3 t, 10 t, 6 sp. Sth row — ' 5 sp, 10 t, make from * to * twice, ch 5, miss 3 t, 4 t, make from * to * twice, ch 5, miss 3 t, 10 t, 5 sp. p./Zi rozi' — 4 sp, 10 t, make from * to * 6 times, ch 5, miss 3 t, 10 t, 4 sp. lotit row — 3 sp, 10 t, make from * to * 7 times, ch S, miss 3 t, 10 t, 3 sp. iltli rozi} — -2 sp, 10 t, make from * to * 8 times, ch 5, miss 3 t, 10 t, 2 sp. I3th row — One sp, lO t, make from * to * 9 times, ch 5, miss 3 t, 10 t, i sp. JSth row — 2 sp, 10 t (7 t on 7 t, 3 t on 3 ch st), make from * to * 8 times, ch 5, 10 t (3 on last 3 ch, 7 on 7 t), 2 sp. 14th roiv — 3 sp, 10 t, make from * to * 7 times, ch 5, 10 t, 3 sp. ijth roic — ^4 sp, 10 t, make from * to * 6 times, ch 5, 10 t, 4 sp. J6th row — 5 sp, 10 t, make from * to * twice, ch 5, 4 t under next 5 ch, make from * to * twice, ch 5, 10 t, 5 sp. l/th row — 6 sp, 10 t, from * to * once, ch 5, ID t (3 t on last 3 ch, 4 t on 4 t, 3 on next 3 ch), from * to * once, ch 5, 10 t, 6 sp. iSth row — 7 sp, 10 t, ch 2, 16 t (3 on last 3 ch, 10 t on 10 t. Fig. 86. liuaiNi;. .See page 45 I'lG. 87. Filet Insertio.>< with Picots. See page 45 3 on next 3 ch), ch 2, 10 t, 7 sp. igth row — Like 3d row. 20tli roif — Like 4th row. 21st row — Like 5th row. 22d row — Like 6th row. 23d roic — Like Tst row. Repeat from 2<1 row for length. Figure 88. Ring Edging. — Xo. 30 crochet cot- Inn and X'o. 9 hook. Chain 30, join in ring, ist nntitd — Ch 3, t in st of joining, 10 t in 10 sts, * 2 t in i st, t in i st, 2 t in I St. t in I st, * 2 t in I st, 10 t in 10 sts ; repeat from * to *, join with si. 2d round — Ch 3, 2 t in I, 10 t in 10 t, (working throughout under two loops in top of t), * 2 t in i, 1 t in 1. 2 t in 1. 2 t in 2 t, 2 t in I, * I t in i, 2 t in i, 10 t in 10 t: repeat from * to *, join with si, break thread and fasten. Make a second ring like the first, when joining the ch of ring interlace it in the first com- pleted ring. Do not connect them in any other way except interlacing the chain. Make as many rings as necessary for the recpiired length. When linishing Fig. 88. Ri.\g Edging. See page 45 the last one do not cut the thread hut si over 2 t. Heading. — Chain 3, * 10 t in 10 t, i t joined in 2d t of 2d round of previous ring and through nth t of last ring, 10 t on previous ring; repeat from * the whole length, without breaking thread, cli 3, si around the end of the last ring and make the same heading for ist row of the outer edge, turn. 2d row — Ch 5, miss i t, t in next t, * ch 2, miss i, t in next; repeat from * throughout, turn, sd row — Ch 5, miss I mesh, t in next mesh, ch 2, t in same mesh, * ch 2, miss I mesh, t in next mesh, ch 2, t in same mesh ; repeat from * the whole length, turn. 4th row— Ch. S, (2 t, ch I, 2 t) over 2-ch between t that are joined in the same mesh, * miss i mesh, (2 t, ch I, 2 t) over next mesh; repeat from * to end, turn. 5th row — Ch i, * 5 t over i-ch, d between shell ; repeat from * to the end, turn. 6th row — * Ch 2, d in 2d t, ch 2, d in next t, ch 2, d in next t, d in d between scallops; repeat from *. Figure 8g. Edging for Handkerchief. — No. 150 crochet cotton ami No. 14 hook. This Edging may be made directly into the hem- stitched hem of handkerchief, or it may be crocheted over a rolled hem in tliis way. Draw 3 threads Y^ of an inch from the edge of linen, roll hem or turn up to the right side and work over the hem. * One d, I ht, I t, I dt, I tt (triple t, thread over 3 times), picot of 4 joined with si in top of last tt, i tt, i dt, I t, I ht ; repeat from *. Around the corner make 2 d, p, 2 d. Figure 90. Insertion and Edging. — No. 50 cro- chet cotton and No. 10 liook. Insertion. — Chain 17, turn. 1st row — T in 5th St from hook, ch 4, 3 dt across the t, miss 3 ch, t in next St, ch 4, 3 dt across the t, miss 3 ch, t in next St, ch 4, 3 dt across the t, miss 3 ch, I dt in last st of foundation ch, ch 5, turn. 2d roiv — One t in point of last group made, ch 4, 3 dt across t, (t in point of next group, 3 dt across t) twice, i dt into the end of last 5-ch, ch 5, turn, sd row — Like 2d row. Repeat the 2d row to the required length. Edging. — -Make the Edging like the Insertion to the end of the 2d row, where the last dt is omitted, ch 5, turn. The dt is necessary to form the line for the heading, but is omitted at the lower edge. Make 4 rows and after the last block of the 4th row make 8 dt over the 5-ch, with I ch between dt, join with d at corner of first block on lower edge, turn, (ch 3, 3 d over i-ch) 7 times, ch 3, si across block, ch 7, dt in 5th st from hook, 2 dt over next 2 sts, t in point of next group, ch 4, 3 dt across t. This row corresponds with the 1st row. The 4 rows are to be repeated for the edging. Figure 91, A and B. Rickrack Edgings. — No. 50 crochet cotton. No. 10 hook, and rickrack braid of the size shown in the illustration. Fig. 8g. Edgi\' Sec page 46 b'lG. ijo. IxsEKTiox -\.XD EiiGi.NG. See page 46 A.— Two t in point of braid, picot of 5 ch joined witli d, 2 t in same place, ch i, (2 t, p, 2 t) in next point. He.\ding.— SI in point of braid, * cli 6, si in next point: repeat from *. B. 1st row — One t in point of braid, ch 3, 1 t in same place, ch 3, i t in side of braid, i t in opposite side, ch 3, * i t in next point, ch 3, i t in same place, ch 3, I t in side of braid, i t in opposite side, ch 3; repeat from *. 2d row — Shell of (2 t, cli 2, 2 t) in single shell of 1st row, ch i, shell in next single shell; repeat from 1st. 3d row — T m 1st st, * ch I. miss I, t in next st ; repeat from *. Figure 92. Edging. — Coronation cord of the size shown in cut, No. 70 crochet cotton and No. 12 Iiook. The rows of work are all commenced at the same end. Heading. 1st row — On a second section of the braid, make i t Vi inch from the first end, make another t Yt. inch from the 1st st in the same sec- tion; * ch 7, d in cord at end; make a loop of 2 sections of braid, twisting them downward to the right, bringing the cord up under the cord at end 46 y\G. 91. RicKRACK AND Crochet Eogings. See page 4() of second section, d over the crossed cords, d over the cord beyond the loop; make another loop of the next two sections like the first one, d over crossed ci rds, d over cord beyond; ch 7, 3 t in next section like those made at first; repeat from * the required mesh), 22 more open meshes or sp, y t. t sp Cell 2, miss 2), 4 t, 3 sp, ch 5, turn. j>rf roii' — Follow ])attern down, etc. ■With the 54th row the repetition of the word "Love" begins, and is to be repeated as many limes as necessary for the required length ; 2 rows be- tween letters, and 2 rows between words, as well as 2 rows between the trefoil along each edge. Figure 94. Edge for Round Lunch Cloth. — Xo. 20 crocliet coltnn and Nn. S lio.ik, and I'.atlenberg Iiraid (J< inch wide), sufficient to go around the table top. Chain 12, join to form a ring. 1st. round — Ch 4 (for 1st dt), fill ring with 32 dt ; join, ^d round— Ch 12, * miss 1st st of ch, d in next st, ht in next st, 2 t in next 2 sts, 2 dt in next 2 sts, 2 long t (.5 loops) in next 2 sts, i t in 4th st in ring, ch 9 * ; repeat from * to * until there are 8 spokes, si in 3d st of first l2-ch to join, jd round — Cli 14, d in top of first spoke, * ch 7, make a long t (4 loops) be- length. 2d rotw— D between 2 t at right-hand end, 2 t^,een spokes, ch 7, d in top of spoke *; repeat from d under ch, * ch 5, thread over hook twice, insert hook in same loop, draw a loop through, (thread over hook and through 2 loops) twice, thread over twice, insert hook in next loop, draw a loop through, (thread over and through 2 loops) 4 times, ch 5, 2 d under loop, d between 2 t, 2 d under next loop; repeat from * to end of row. jrf rots; — T in 1st d at right, * ch 2, miss 2, t in next st ; repeat from *. Lower Edge, ist row — Holding the work right side toward you, with heading below, pick up braid at end and bring a section down by the side of the first loop and make 2 d over tlie cord at the end of it and into the loop, * ch 9, twist the second section (from hook) into a ring, twisting it over to the right, bringing the cord underneath, make I d over the crossed cords from the back, ch g, 2 d in each of the next 2 loops and over the cord at the end of the next section ; repeat from *. 2d row — One t under g-ch at right, * ch 5, d over cord in ring close to section, ch II, d over cord on the other side of ring, ch 5, a cross-treble as in 2d row of heading ; repeat from *. jd roza — Fasten thread with si in 1st t at right, (2 d, 3 ht, 2 d) over 5-ch, si in d at side of ring, ch I (very tight), (2 d, 3 ht, 2 d) over ii-ch, d into mid- dle of ring section, ch 5, d in the d just made to form a p, (2 d, 3 ht, 2d) over remain- der of ii-cli, si in d in side of ring, ch i, (2 d, 3 ht, 2 d) over next 5-ch, si in top of cross t, ch I ; repeat from beginning of row. Figure 93. Insertion. • — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 12 hook. This is a very old pattern and has been used as an allover de- sign for a bedspread. Chain g6, turn, t in 9th st from hook (first open to and join to 7th st of 1st ch. 4tli round — 8 d Fig. 92. Edging of Crochet and Coronation Braid See page 46 over each 7-ch all around, join, jf/t round — * Ch 9, dt over spoke of 3d row, ch g, d over long t; repeat from * and join. 6th round — 8 d over 9-ch, picot of 5 joined with si, 5 d over same 9-ch, 5 d over next 9-ch, ch 9, take out hook and insert back in d next to picot, pick up st and si st to form loop, cover loop with (4 d, p, 4 d, p, 4 d), finish lower loop with p and 8 d. (Notice that the first outer scallop hangs at the lowest tip of lace and is different from the other seven scal- lops). * Over next 9-ch make (8 d, p, 5 d), over next 9-ch make (S d, p, 8 d) ; repeat from * around and fasten off. Second Medallion. — Repeat directions for first medallion until six outer scallops are finished, ^th scallot'. — (This is joined to 1st medallion), 8 d over 9-ch, ch 2, d in 2d picot of 3d scallop of first medal- lion, ch 2, finish picot with si, S d over same 9-ch, 5 d over next 9-ch, ch 2, t in next p of 1st medallion, ch 2, finish picot with si, 8 d to finish scallop, com- plete 8th (last) scallop and fasten. Overcast the lace braid around the circular piece of linen. To join edging to braid. — D in braid, * ch 4, d in 1st picot of top scallop, ch 4, d in space after 6th small mesh of braid (each joining to braid is in space after 6th mesh), ch 4, d in next Fig. 94. EnClNC FOR RouN 95 and picot, ch 4, d in braid, ch 4, long t (3 loops) be- tween scallops, ch 4, d in braid, ch 4, dt in next p, ch 4, d in braid, ch 18, si in 7th st to form a ring, 6 d in ring, ch 2, d in nearest p of medallion, ch 2, finish p with si, 6 d on ring, ch 2, long t (3 loops) in place where p of scallops were joined, ch 2, fin- ish picot with si, 6 d over ring, ch 2, d in 1st p next to joining of next medallion, ch 2, finish picot with si, 6 d over ring, insert hook in top of 1st (1 of ring, draw through loop, ch 6, d in braid, ch 4, dt in next p, ch 4, d in braid, ch 4, long t (3 loops) between scallops, ch 4, d in braid; repeat from * around. Care should be taken to thoroughly shrink the linen before cutting the circular piece ; and the braid needs shrinking before applying to the linen. In crocheting of this character (with much open work ) it is not necessary to shrink the crocheting, but good judgment should be used in attaching the crochet to the braid. The spacing of doubles in the braid inay need to be changed from that of tlie directions. D Lunch Cloth. page 47 See Fig. Fig. 95. Round Lunch Cloth Tkimmkd uith Fig. 94 48 A Book for EVERY Kind of Fancy- Work Priscilla Books are genuine Fancy-work teachers. Each book has a wealth of descriptive text, also scores of sharp, clear pictures which show just how to make the stitches and motifs and how the finished pieces should look. It is easy to do Fancy-work with the aid of Priscilla Books. Price, 25 Cents Each, Postpaid The Priscilla Color- ed Cross Stitch Book No. 1. Thirty-five differ- '' ent Cross Stitch designs in actual colors of the work. Also complete alphabet. WJ P JM. i . ' . i .M, ' - '' . iPRISClIXA Crochet Book &,liT|i;«a<.IkJip Priscilla Irish Crochet Book No. 1. This book has all the stitches and fillings for Irish Crochet, together with a large assortment of floral motifs. Full directions for working are given. Priscilla Irish Crochet Book No. 2. 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