V '* \i - ry y ^nj-o- -s v> ^ ^ \°e. v A V V * 8 I y <■ x° o* ^ v ■\ XX ? at * '■ ^ \ x > ■> .A A / "V £. ■ ■ X-i A i- v > *^> c* "^ ^ . ■\ •4 -*• a*' •5? -.v> \ \ i g ^ i i ft <**'. . \ <\ V ^ -^ ^ ^ * S *C- V FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. INSCRIPTIONS Tombstones and Monuments BURYING GROUNDS The First Presbyterian Church St. Johns Church ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY. 1664-1892. 67 ifX \ a, H Entered, according to Act of Congress in the year 1892 by Wm, Ogden Wheeler and Edmund D. Halsey. in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PRESS OF TUTTLE. MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, NEW HAVEN, CONN PREFACE. The settlement of Elizabethtown was the first within the bounds of New Jersey made by New England people. The Purchase of the land from the Indians was made by John Baily, Daniel Denton and Luke Watson of Jamaica, L. I., October 28, 1664, and the Patent granted by Gov. Nicolls to Capt. John Baker, John Ogden, John Baily, Luke Watson "and their associates," confirming the Indian deed, bears date December 1, 1664. John Ogden of Northampton had bought out Denton's interest, and Capt. John Baker of New York was probably allowed an interest in consideration of his services as interpreter. Gov. Nicolls when he signed this patent was no doubt ignorant of the deed from the Duke of York to Berkley and Carteret made on the 24th day of June previous. Dr. Hatfield in his history of Elizabeth, thinks it probable that a formal occupation was made upon the land between October and December 1664, and that occupation by actual settlers soon followed. Mr. William A. Whitehead, in his last edition of East Jersey under the Proprietors, gives proof that when Gov. Philip Carteret arrived in 1665, but four English-speaking families were to be found in New Jersey, pioneers of the Jamaica Colony. The patent granted by Governor Nicolls and the Indian purchase were relied upon in after years by the citizens as giving them a good title independent of that of Berkley and Carteret, but the latter grant was prior to the Nicolls patent and a vast amount of litigation was caused by these conflicting grants, lasting until the Revolutionary war put an end to it. The first meeting house was of wood and of a very humble style of archi- tecture. It was replaced by a new church in 1724, fifty-eight feet in length and forty-two feet in width. An addition in the rear of sixteen feet was made in 1766. On the night of January 25, 1780, a party of British troops and refu- gees, numbering nearly four hundred, crossed on the ice from Staten Island to Trembly's Point and were led by three Elizabethtown tories by the nearest and most retired route to the town. Here the)' secured a few prisoners, plundered many of the inhabitants, burned the Court House and Meeting House, and retreated with haste byway of De Hart's Point without loss. Washington spoke of this event a day or two after as " the late misfortune and disgrace of Elizabeth Town." The erection of a new church was com- menced in 1784, and completed in 1789. It forms a part of the present edi- fice, and was exfended and improved many times before it reached Us present dimensions. Dr. Kempshall in his historical discourse, delivered January 25. 1880, in celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the burning of the church says: "The lot on which the house was built included the present burying- ground, and extended on the west to the river (so called), and contained about eight acres. When the church property was surveyed in 1766, the Trustees affirmed 'that the first purchasers and associates did give the aforesaid tract 4 PREFACE. of land for the use of the Presbyterian Church, the record of which, on or about the year 1719, was either lost or destroyed.' This statement was admit- ted by the Town Committee, and has constituted the only title of record to the present church property for over a century and a half. The meeting-house occupied part of the site of the present church, but, as it was much smaller, it did not cover much, if any, more than the front half, the other half contain- ing the graves of most of the first settlers. Graves were sometimes dug under the floor of the church, a custom familiar to the early settlers and made dear by association with the habits of their ancestors in England, so that nearly the whole area of this church in which we are now gathered, is probably occupied with the dust which awaits the archangel's trump, of the first two or three generations of the people of the town." Some of the headstones, removed to give room for the additions to the church, were set in the walls, where they can still be seen. Among them are two old headstones bearing the date 1687, erected to the memory of two sons of the widow of Captain Lawrence, who married, as her second husband, Governor Philip Carteret. Dr. Kempshall says of the lands on which the church is built — " It is probable that for a long time the church and adjoining burial-ground was not enclosed, or if at all, only in a rude way. In 1762, immediately after the settlement of Rev. Mr. Caldwell, it was voted by the Trustees that 'the burial-ground be enclosed with a close, cedar-board fence; also agreed that a neat pale-fence be built to enclose a court-yard in the front and south end of the church.' " In this old churchyard lie the forefathers of Elizabeth, and of many whose names are known throughout the State. Here are buried Rev. Jonathan Dickinson, Dr. John McDowell, Rev. James Caldwell, Hon. Elias Boudinot, Robert Ogden, 1st, Gen. Matthias Ogden, Gov. Aaron Ogden, Dr. Nicholas Murray, Shepard Kollock and many others prominent in the history of the country. Many of the headstones are crumbling with age and their lettering will soon become illegible. It was with a view to preserve, as well as to place in a form more convenient to the historian and genealogist, these inscriptions, that the authors of this work caused copies to be carefully made and this book to be printed. The order of location, rather than that of the alphabet has been observed, believing that the "directions to the Sexton," made in 1766, that he is "carefully to observe in the burial of the Dead, to keep the Bodies of the Respective particular Families of the Congregation together as much as possibly can be done," has been generally observed and that relationship may in many cases be indicated by situation. St. John's Church is nearly as ancient as the First Presbyterian. The cor- ner stone of the first building was laid on St. John the Baptist's day, 1706, on ground given by Col. Richard Townley. This building was enlarged and re-consecrated in 1841, and in 1857 the corner stone of the present handsome structure was laid. In this church yard are buried many of the earliest inhab- itants of the town, and copies of the inscriptions on the headstonesand monu- ments were necessary to complete the work proposed by the authors. Morristown, N. J., 1892. w. o. w. E. D. H. IP ' > * ■ o ;W INSCRIPTIONS Note.— The italic letters following the full face number at head of inscriptions indicate material, viz: £" granite ; m marble ; r red sandstone ; a; wood. 1 r A. P. In Memory of Abigail wife of Elihu Price who died Jany 2"' 1 1S17 In the 39" 1 year of her age. Happy soul we now resign thee Called by the great I am Left thy troubles all behind thee Gone to Glorify the Lamb O my mourning friends below Did you half his glory know Daily would you stretch the wing Here to fly with me to sing MARY ANN PRICE Born Dec 18 th 1795 Died July 22 d 1870 " O : death : where is thy sting O : grave : where is thy victory Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory " 3r E P In memory of Elizabeth widow of Ralph Price who died Sepf 14 th 1817 in the 63 d year of her age Her months of affliction are o'er The days and nights of distress, We see her in anguish no more She's gain'd her happy release. No sickness or sorrow or pain Shall ever disquiet her now, For death to her spirit was gain Since Christ was her life when below, 4 r R P In memory of Ralph Price, who died Dec r 2 nd 1815, in the 67 th year of his age. By long experience have I known Thy sov'reign power to save ; At thy command I venture down Securely to the grave. When I lie buried deep in dust, My flesh shall be thy care ; These wither'd limbs with thee I trust To raise them strong and fair. INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN R P In memory of Robert Price, who died July 20 th 1843 Aged 61 Years At rest in Jesus' faithful arms, At rest as in a peaceful bead, Secure from all the dreadful storms, Which round this sinful world are spread. Thrice happy souls who'regonebefore, To that inheritance divine, Thej' labor, sorrow, sigh no more, But bright in endlsss glory shine. 6 r R P. PP. R P. H R P. PP. In memory of Five children of Ralph & Elizabeth Price, viz Puah, their daughter died Feb>' I st 1780: aged 8 mo s & 7 days. Ralph, their son died Feb>' 8 th 1787, aged 10 mo s & 23 days Hedges Ralph, their son died Aug st 25 th 1793 ; aged 1 year 6 mo s & 22 days Phebe, their daugh r died May 3' 1 1798 aged 10 years 6 mo 1 & 8 days, Ralph, their son died July 21 st 1799 aged 1 year 1 mo s & 1 day Reader by these victims you may know Death strikes early oft, & sudden too, Therefore, ask thyself, "Am I Prepared, should I be call'd to die." Tr P P In memory of PAMELA, daughter of Ralph & Elizabeth Price : who died Dec r 30 th 1823 ; in the 34"' year of her age. Farewell ! no more I tread your ground, No more I need the gospel sound ; My feet have reach'd theheavenlyshore, I know no imperfection more. Let friends no more my sufFrings mourn, Nor view my relics with concern ; O cease to drop the pitying tear, I've passed beyond the reach of fear 8r M M - In Memory of Mariah wife of Henry Meeker died March 9 th 1806. In the 20 th Year of her age. 9r H. M. In Memory of Henry Meeker died Au 9t 11 th 1807. In the 26 th Year of his Age, 9j4 m In memory of George W. Son of John & Abigail P. Davidson CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. who died March 30 th 1840, aged 1 year and 4 days. Farewell my dearest parents, No more on earth I stay ; For angels in their glory, Have beckon'd me away. Weep not for you shall meet me In that bright heaven above, Where sorrow never enters ; And all is joy and peace. 10 m Our Father CORNELIUS CLARK, Died January, 5 th , 1832, Aged 48 years. Our Mother, Nancy Clark, Died April, 3 d , 1847, Aged 62 years. 11 m WM. M. KOLLOCK. born Aug. g 1839 died Feb. 15 1S40. SUSAN KOLLOCK, born June 6 1S43, died July 18 1844, Children of Rev. Shepard K. & Sarah Kollock. Elizabeth H. Kollock, born Jan 3 d : 1841 died March 3 : 1848. I2r M. M. D. In memory of Matthew Mc DOWELL, of Kentucky, who died Nov r I st , 1821 ; Aged 31 years. 13/// [This a Horizontal Stone] IN MEMORY OK SHEPARD KOLLOCK ESQ/ an Officer of the Revolution, who, after having aided in the establishment of the liberty of his country, and for many years filled with usefulness various civil stations, died in the full assurance of a glorious resurrection, & a blessed immortality; July 28 th 1839; Aged 88 years. ALSO IN MEMORY OF SUSAN, Wife of Shepard Kollock Esq who died April 13 th 1846: Aged 90 Years and 6 months. 14/ [Horizontal Stone] Sacred to the memory of Isaac Arnett Who departed this Life Nov r 19 th A D 1S01, in the 76 th year of his age. Dear partner of my Life And children who I love Remember dying strife Which you have got to prove. Come learn the heavenly art To improve the hours you have Come act the wiser part And live beyond the grave. 13 Owner and Editor 1779 of " New Jersey Journal," at Chatham, N. J,, 1783 " N. Y. Gazetteer and County Journal," etc. His wife was a daughter of Isaac and Hannah Arnett. Hatfield's Elizabeth, j-jy. INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ALSO In Memory of Hannah Arnett, his wife who departed this life January 10 th 1823 ; Aged 90 years Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord. 15 r HERE lies the Bodies of three chil- dren of Isaac & Hannah Arnett, Elisabeth Ann, died April y e 6 ,h , A. D. 175S. Aged 3 Months, Abigail, died December y e i r A. D. 1766. Aged n Months. John was Born & died Sep r 6 th A. D. 1770. I6r [Broken | S S Sarah daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Stockton who di ed Decem r 3 d 179 aged 9 Years. 17 r W A Here lies the body of William Arnett, who died Sept r 20 th 1S21 : Aged 47 years, I know that my Redeemer liveth In my flesh shall I see God." 1§ m My Brother. Aged 22 years. 19 m IN Memory of SARAH H KOLLOCK wile of The Rev Dr. S. K. Kollock born at Norfolk Virg" on the 15 th of Sept, 1S04, died at Greenwich N. J. on the 21 st of Nov. 1859. She was an affectionate wife, faithful mother, sincere friend, and eminent christian : ' Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." 20 m Sacred To the Memory of Shepard K. Kollock, D.D. Born in this place June 25 th 1795 Died in Philadelphia April 7 th , 1865 Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 21 m D. O. Brown Co. K. 73 rd N. Y. I N F. 21# [Nothing but a stone cross] 14 Her maiden name Hannah White. It is said of her, that when she heard her husband and several other dispirited patriots discussing the question of giving up the effort for national independence, she burst into the room and upbraided them with want of courage and said to her husband, " What greater cause could there be than that of country. I married a good man and true, a faithful friend and loyal Christian gentleman, but it needs no divorce to sever me from a traitor and a coward. If you take the infamous British protection which a treacherous enemy of your country offers, you — you lose your wife and I — I lose my husband and my home." Dr. Tattle's Revolutionary Forefathers of Morris County. I HURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 22 m JULIA ELYEA Wife of WILLIAM H. PRICE DlKI) October 5, 1872, Aged 57 Years. "Safe within the vail." 2.'{ m IN Memory of JOSEPH G. Son of Wm. H. and Julia Price, who was drowned July 22 1 1847. Aged 10 Years and 9 Months. Seek unto God betimes and make thy supplica tion to the Almighty Job 8. 26; E D In memory of Eunice, wife of Luther Dean, & her two infant babes who died April r' 1796, in the 23 d year of her age. Crop't like a flower she wither'd in her bloom, Though flattering life had promis'd years to come. 21 r IN Memory of John Elyea, who died June 15 th 1841, Aged 80 years. Waken, O Lord, our drowsy sense, To walk this dang'rous road : And if our souls are hurry'd hence May they be found with God. 25 r In Memory of Sarah y e wife of Joseph Jelf who departed this life July 5 ,h 1738 Aged 37 years. 27 r Here lies y e Body of Mary, Wife of John Meeker who deceas'd Nov 7 A. D. 1773. In the 20 tb Year of her Age. 2* r In memory of Catharine, wife of Benjamin Haines, who departed this Life Sepf 9 th 1777 : in the 48 year of her age. 29 r Here lies the Body of Benjamin Hainds, who departed this Life Dece r the 12 th A. D. 1774, In y 53 1 Year his Age. 30 r R. H. In memory of Rebekah, wife of Benjamin Haines who died May 30, 1798, in the 27 th year of her age. IO INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 31 r Sacred to the memory of BENJAMIN HAINES, who died Nov' 17° 1808 in the 40 th year of his Age. His days are number/ 1 and his spirit fled He's gone the Husband Father, Friend, is dead ; Nor weeping friend, nor healing art could save His body from the cold and silent grave. In Memory of Jean Ogden wife of Thomas Ogden, Died Dec' 8 1760 In y e 66 year of her Age 33 m IN Memory of susan, wife of Tenrub Price, WHO DIED Feb 15, 1839 In her 75, year 34 m IN Memory of TENRUB PRICE, WHO DIED Oct 11 1810 in his 77 year. In Memory of Thomas Price, who died January 2i 6t A. D. 1802 in the 79 th year of his Age. 35 r [Both on one stone] In Memory of Abigail, widow of Thomas Price, who died January the 30 th A. D. 1802, in the 77 th year of her Age. Here lies y e Body of Dinah, Wife of Mr Thomas Ogden, Died April y e 20 1731 aged 45 ye 8 36 r Here lies y e Body of Thomas son of Mr Thomas Ogden Died April y e 20 1731 aged 19 ye" Here lies y e Body of Abraham, Son of Mr Thomas Ogden, Died August y e 29 1732 Aged 2 years. 37 m EDWARD CORNWELL, DIED April 24 th 1840, Aged 37. JANE S CORNWELL, Died January i st 1850, Aged 46 3§r Here lyes y e Body of Mary wife, of Mickel Meeker & Dau r of John & Mary Ogden, who Died Oct r y e 10 th 1757 In y e 30 th year of her Age. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. II 39 r Here lyes y e Body of Mary wife of John Ogden who Died April y e 15 1758 in y e 53 year of her Age. Remember me laid Here in Dust the Grave Shall Rott off all my Rust Till y" last Trump Shall Rend y e Skeys when Christ Shall Say y e Dead arise. 40 r J. O. In Memory of Joanna Widow of John Ogden who died Sept 23 d 1797 in the 54 th Year of her Age 41 r HERE lies y e Body of Ezekiel Ogden. who died Janu r the 5 l1 A D 1766 In the 25 th Year of his Age. 42 r Here lies y e Body of Elizabeth wife of John Ogden Jun r who Died Oct r 6 th 1763 in y e 30 th Year of her age. 43 r Here lies y c Body of John Ogden who de parted this Life Feb>' y e 5 th A. D. 1777 In y e 45 th Year of his Age. 44 r P. P. In memory of Prudence daughter of Elihu & Rebekah Pierson who died April 26 th 1797 aged 2 years & 3 mon s . 45 r Here lies y a Body of John Peirson Who departed this Life Feb rv io ,h 1774 in y e 55 Year of His age. 46 r Here lies what was Mortal of Abigail Pierson the Wife of John Pierson who Departed this life March 18 th A. D. 1782. In the 54 Year of her Age. 47 r HERE lies interred The Body of Mr. John Ogden, who died Nov r y 15 th Anno Domini 1780 In the LXXX' h Year of his Age 4§ r In Memory of' Mr Jonathan Ogden who died March y e 24 th A. D. 1790 In the XXXV Year of his Age. 49 r A. O. In memory of Abraham Ogden son of Ezekiel and Abigail Ogden died July 8 th 1812, aged 24 years 6 months & 9 days. Here lies a lovely pleasant flower, Cut down in early time ; Death doth our fairest hopes devour, And nips our joys in prime. •11 and 43 g ns of John, No. 47 and Mary, No. 39, Ogden. 12 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 50 r In memory of Martha, relict of William Ramsden who died Jan?" S th 1810, Aged 48 years. Dear friends who live to mourn & weep, Behold the grave in which I sleep ; Prepare for death for you must die, And be entomb'd as well as I. 51 r In MEMORY OF WILLIAM RAMSDEN who departed this life Jan 15 th 1807 aged 57 years. [Note. This stone is scaled off so that only a faint trace of the inscription is discernible. 1 52; In memory of William Ramsden son of William and Martha Ramsden rBrokenl l8or in the L off J f his Age. Sleep on dear Babe And take your rest We hope in Heaven To see you Blesse'd. 53 r Israel Ludlow, Son of William & Martha Ramsden, deceas'd Aug y e 11 A. D. 1782, In the 2 nd Year of his Age. P. R. In Memory of Phebe wife of Boynton Ramsden who died Oct 9 th 1802 in the 77 th year of her Age. 5-1 r B. R. In memory of Boynton Ramsden who died Oct 9"' 1S04 in the 84 th year of his Age. 55 r In Memory of - Ann daughter of Stephen & Rhode Cumstick died Sepf iS ,h 180S aged 1 year 4 months & 20 days. Our first born child is gone to rest God called her home he thought it best. 56 w IN MEMORY OF Annie E. Huey Died Sept 3 rd 1854 In The 7" 1 Y r of her Age. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 13 Charlotte E. Huey Died July 14 1873 Aged 6 Mth's & 14 Dys Dear children Thou Art Asleep In Jesus. 57 r THIS Stone is Erected to the memory of Patty Lyon Todd, who departed this life Oct 24 th 1816, in the 34 th year of her age. The victory now is obtain'd She's gone her dear Saviour to see Her wishes she fully has gained — She's now where she longed to be. 60 r B. T. In Memory of Baker Thorp who died June 27 th 1809, Aged 57 years. My friends prepare to follow me, Both old & young must die you see; There's no discharge there's no delay. When death demands we must obey, 61,- MOSES HATFIELD Died June 3 1872 58 r • T. B. In memory of John Burnet who died Aug st 14 th 1813 in the 27 th year of his age. A pale consumption gave the fatal blow ; The stroke was certain but the effect was slow, With wasting pain death found me long oppress'd Pityed my sighs & kindly brought me rest. 59 r B. H. In memory of Betsy wife of Stephen Harland ; who died Dec 28 th 1829: in the 45 th year of her age. 62 m BENJAMIN H. WINANS Died January 15 th 1869, Aged 43 years. 63 m HARRIET C HATFIELD Widow of Benjamin H Winans Died April 3 1885, Aged 59 Years. There shall be no more pain. 64 »i JOB H HATFIELD Died 30 th Jany, 1850 Aged 63 Years. In life he was an humble and devoted follower of Jesus, and died in the triumphs of faith. In God is my trust. 14 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 65 m CHARLOTTE T WIDOW OF Job H Hatfield Died Dec 18 th 1856, Aged 63 Years, For we which have believed do enter into rest. 66 r IN Memory of Lewis & Charity Son & Daughter of Lewis & Phebe Mulford She died Nov y e i6 ,a 1771 aged 1 mo He died March y e 5 ,h 1779 ag ed 2 YS 67 r HERE lies interr'd the Body of Phebe Wife of Lewis Mulford who died May y e 4 ,h A D 1779 In the 28 th Year of her Age. 68 r Michael Son of Lewis & Phebe Mulford died June the 12 1794. in the 21 year of his age. 69 r In Memory of M rs Hannah Clark Who departed this life on the 27 th of May 1817 in the 43 d year of her age. She's pass'd the waves of trouble here, We trust beyond the reach of fear; She hears no more the Gospel sound, But lies here mouldering under ground. Her dust and ruins that remain, The Saviour will unite again ; Before the universe his power display, At the great rising, glorious day. All you who read this monument, Behold here seal'd your last account ; For 'tis decreed: to dust you must return, And all your works (unless in Christ) shall burn. 70 m In memory of PHEBE M CLARK Daughter of HANNAH CLARK Died January 10 1875 In the 76 year of her age. 71 m IN Memory of JAMES WILCOX, WHO DIED July i st 1852 In the 68 th Year of his age. Husband thou art gone to rest, Thy toils and cares are o'er ; And sorrow pain and suffering, Shall ne'er distress thee more. 72 r M. J. E. M. J. In memory of Aaron Jewell who departed this life May II th 1824 Aged 26 years & 4 months CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 15 Also of Euhu M, son of Aaron & Mary Jewell who died Dec r 11 th 1823 Aged 5 months & 15 days. Here in this narrow silent bed, The father and his babe are laid, How short their stay ; their conflict's o'er And have they reached fair Canaan's shore Bless'd thought ! and may we all prepare, To leave this world, and meet them there 73 r In Memory of Capt Joseph Lyon of Lyons farms who Departed this life August 26 th A. D. 1772 In the 61 st Year of his Age The liberal diviseth liberal things & by liberal things shall he stand Isiah xxxii d 8 th Verse 74 r J. L. In memory of Joseph Lyons A. B. who departed this life May 14 th A. D. 1821; in the 8i 8t year of his age. For thirty five years he was an Elder in this church, and exhibited in an eminent degree, a pattern of the most unaffected piety and of the christian virtues meekness and charity. Mark the perfect man & behold the upright. 75 r E. T. In Memory of Elias Thompson who died Oct r 28 th 1828 ; in the 56 th year of his age There remaineth a rest to the people of God " 76; F. T. In Memory of Fanny widow of Elias Thompson who died Jan'y I st 1830 ; - in the 56 th year of her age Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, 77 r V T. In memory of Vashti daugh r OF Elias & Fanny Thompson who DIED May 12 th 1826 in the 10 th year of her age. 78 r A. T. In memory of Abel son of Elias & Fanny Thompson who DIED Jan 22 d 1825 in the 18 th year of his age. i6 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 79w In Memory of Ann T. Marsh wife of Caleb Price who departed this life April 15 th 1817 in the 29 th year of her age. Farewell friends parents children dear No more I need your tender care : My feet have reached the heavenly shore, I know no imperfection more. Charles Tooker son of Caleb & Ann Price died June I st 1814 Aged 2 years 5 months, & 14 days. HENRY M. BRITTIN Born February 22 1802, Died October 19 1877, Aged 75 Years. Asleep in Jesus. ELIZA A. WIFE of HENRY M. BRITTIN, Died Oct 26 1S80, Aged 73 Years. Though they sleep in the dust, they shall rise to life Everlasting." SI m IN Memory of Hugh Mc Bride Brittin, Son of Henry M. & Eliza Ann Brittin who died May 6 th 1827 Aged 1 Year 7 Months and 6 days. Beneath this stone an Infant lies, To earth its ashes lent, Who shall again more glorious rise, But not more Innocent. When the Archangels trump shall sound And souls to bodies join, Thousands on earth shall wish their lives Had been as short as thine. Catharine F. Brittin died November 27 th 1838 aged 7 years. §2 m In Memory of four children of Elihu and Mary A. Brittin. Julia Ann died Sept 18 th 1801 Aged 9 months. Henrietta died Oct 1 ' 2i 9t 1803 Aged 7 months. Maria died Jan- V 6 th 1808 Aged 3 months. Emaline died Oct r 16 th 1810 Aged 7 months. §3;- Here lies y e Body of Mary Dau r of William & Mary Britton. She dy'd March 31 st 1773 in y e 6 tU Year of her age. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 17 §4 m IN Memory of Capt William Brittin who died July 22 1783, Aged 45 Years Also MARY widow of Capt William Brittin, who died April 5 1797, Aged 53 Years. §5 m At Rest Maria B. Silvers Daughter of Col. Elihu Brittin Born Nov. 10, 1808 Died Sept 2. 1882. 86 m IN Memory of Col. ELIHU BRITTIN who died Nov 9 th 1849, Aged 71 Years. Col. Elihu Brittin who died Jan 23 1843 Aged 62 Years. §8 m SACRED to the Memory of ELIHU PIERSON, Son of John and Phebe Pierson, who departed this life February 23 rd 1832, in the 27 th year of his age. With him died the fondest earthly hopes of his Mother, the dearest expectation of his Brother, and Sisters, and much pleas- ing anticipations of the Church of Christ. §6j^ m LUNA P. DAUGHTER of Col. Elihu and Albina R. Brittin, who died Sept 12 1851. aged 3 years and 1 month. [This stone is at foot of 86] 87 m IN Memory of MARY A. wife of 89 r E. M. In memory of Eliza wife of Wm. M. Moore. who died June I st 1834, Aged 33 Years. Thro' duty and thro' trials too, I'll go at his command ; Hinder me not for I am bound To my Immanuels land 90^ In Memory of Rhoda, the wife of John Pierson who died October the 20 th 1 791, in y e 44 th Year of her age. To God's unerring will be eve'y wish resigned. i8 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 91 r J. P. In Memory of John Pierson who died Aug st II th 1811 in the 66 th year of his age Go home dear friends and shed no tears, I must lie here ! till Christ appears ; And at his coming hope to have, A joyful rising from the grave. 92 m TO the Memory of PHEBE, Widow of John Pierson ; who departed this life April 7 th A D 1834, aged 74 years. ' Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord 93r C P In memory of Charlotte daughter of Oliver & Prudence Pierson who departed this life Aug 8 ' 19 th 1814, in the 20 th year of her age Jesus my love to glory's gone Him will I go and see ; And you my breathern here below, Will soon come after me. 94 m IN Memory of JONATHAN PIERSON, WHO DIED March 13 1864 IN THE 73 d YEAR OF HIS AGE 95 r In Memory of Jonathan Pierson, who died January the 11 th 1790, in the 39 th year of his age. 96 r Sacred to the Memory of Mary Chandler daughter of Oliver & Eliza Pierson who died March 8 th 1826 aged 2 years & 6 months Tis done and lovely Mary yields her breath But dies in peace to triumph over death That choicest flower of Heaven's im- mortal love Just buds on earth to bloom in worlds ' above. 97 m MARY O HORTON Died Sept 12 th 1872 Aged 78 Years " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord " CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 19 9§ r O. P. In memory of Oliver Pierson who died Sept the 17" 1 1800 in the 31 st Year of his age. 99 r A W In Memory of Abigail widow of Michael Woodruff who died Sept 9 th 1828 Aged 76 years. 100 r M. W. In memory of Michael Woodruff who died March 17 th 1823 Aged 76 years. IOI r M. W. In Memory of Morris Woodruff who died Feb? the 23 d 1807 ; in the 33 d year of his Age. Farewell my friends & loving wife Since God has called me from this life; Go home and dry up all your tears, I must lie here till Christ appears. 102 r In memory of Abner Woodruff who died may the 28 th 1792, in the 69 th year of his age 103 r HERE lies the Body of Rachel Wife of Abner Woodruff who departed this Life Nov the 30 th Anno Domini 1774 in the 49 th Year of her Age. 104 r In Memory of Rachel Wife of El- -ly Woodruff who di- -ed Sept r y e 24 th 17- -63 aged 2S Year & 6 Days. 105 m In Memory of ELIAS GEORGE son of Abner & Harriot Woodruff, from Savannah who died 29 th July 1809. aged 1 year 10 months and 18 days. also an infant son 5 days old died 15 th October 1S08 106; HERE LIETH the Remains of Mr Daniel Meeker, who, deceased Oct 1 y e i 9t A. D. 1757 In y e 77 th Year of his Age. 10T r HERE LIETH the Body of Rachel Wife of Mr. Daniel Meeker who died June y e 22 A. D 1760. In y e 77 th Year of her Age. 20 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 10§r Here lies the Body of Phebe Wife of Benjamin Meeker Dec d Nov" y e II : 1755 in the 75 Year of her age. 109 r HERE lies the Body of Samuel Meeker who departed this — Life Dece r y e 11 th Ann Domini 1757 in y e 41 st Year of his Age. 110; HERE Lieth the Remains of Mrs. [or Miss] Charity Meeker who departed this Life Janua> the 16 th Anno- Domini 1776 in the 22 d Year of her Age 111 r Charlotte, Daughter of Nathaniel & Sarah Meeker, died Aug* y e 27 th A. D. 1771 aged 5 M s & 2 D s 112 r Here lyes y e Body of Mickel Meeker who Died June y e 23 th 1755 In y e 35 th year of his Age 113 r Cumfort Wife of Moses Price who died Nove r the 20 th A. D. 1766 In the 34 th Year of her Age. call As Loud as Thunder is the Solemn all Prepare for Death Prepare survivors 114 m OUR HENRY, SON OF James H. and Harriet A. Thorp, died July 13 th 1856 ; Aged 6 Years & 11 Months. Dear Son we miss thee But hope to meet thee. 115 r D. E. In Memory of Capt David Edwards, who died Feb* 8 th 1806 ; in the 45 th year of his age. Also Mary daughter of David & Phebe Edwards who died Ocf 8" 1 1821 : in the 18 th year of her age. 116r C. W. In Memory of Charity daughter of James & Elizabeth Willcock who departed this life Dec r 19 th 1 83 1, in the 39 th year of her age. 117 r E W In memory.of Elizabeth Willcock who departed this life;Aug st 18 th 1803 in the*i9 th year of her age. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. T. 21 118 m IN Memory of ELIZABETH, Wife of JAMES WILCOX, who died Dec r 17 th 1836, Aged 78 years. " For this corruptible, must put on incorruption ; and this mortal, must put on immortality " 119 m IN Memory of Eld- JAMES WILCOX who died Oct 15 th 1843, Aged 80 years. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God, Also LYDIA ROSS, Daughter of Elihu & Ann Eliza WILCOX who died Feb v 19 th 1S46 Aged 1 year 12© r S. W. In memory of Samuel Willcock who departed this life Jan v -I2 th , 1817 ; in the 21 st year of his age. 121 r Elener, Daughter of Stephen & Martha Willcock, died June y e 6 th 1761. In the 3 d Year of her Age. 122 r HERE lies the Body of Stephen Willcock who departed this Life March y e 12 th An°- Domini 1770 In y e 36 th Year of his Age. 123 m This Stone is erected as a Memorial of GEORGE M. JEWEL WHO DIED May 14 1824 : in his 59 th Year. 'The Lord is righteous in all his wa3's." 124 m IN MEMORY OF MARY JEWEL WIFE OF George M. Jewel Dec'd, Who died Sept 22 1842 IN HER 74 th YEAR. Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord." 125 m IN Memory of SARAH WILBUR, wife of JOSEPH WILBUR, who departed this life May 28 th 1817 ; IN HER 48 th YEAR. The memory of the just is blessed,, 22 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Also two sons of Joseph & Sarah Wilbur, JOSEPH LYON Died May 30 th 1798 : Aged i year 1 mo & 4 days ERASTUS, Died July i8 tk 1817: Aged 3 years 9 mo & 21 DAYS. 126 m J. W. In memory of Joseph Wilbur a ruling Elder of this Church, who departed this life Feb>- I5 ,b 1830, in the 75 th year of his age. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth : yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them." 128 m The Lord is my Shepherd. SARAH Widow of Daniel Cooper, died April 14 th 1864 .In the 86 th Year of her age. 127 m J. L. W. In memory of Joseph L. Wilbur, who departed this life November 23 d 1826 Aged 24 years. Weep not for me, altho' the grave My Mortal part contains, My soul redeem'd by Jesus blood With God forever reigns. Also in Memory ol Mary Wilbur, daughter of J. H. & R, W. Lambdin who died Jan>' 17 th 1827 Aged 3 yrs & 5 months. 129 m SACRED to the memory of SUSAN M. PRICE wife of JOSEPH D. PRICE who departed this life May I st 1838 Aged 30 years Also WILLIAM DAYTON Son of Joseph D & Susan M Price who died Dec 11 th 1841 Aged 5 Years 9 Months & 29 days. 130 m SACRED To the memory of ABBY W PRICE wife of Joseph D Price who departed this life August 17"' 1830 in the 27 th year of her age. 131 m SACRED To the memory of ELIZABETH W PRICE wife of JOSEPH D PRICE who departed this life May 13" 1 1824 in the 22 d year of her age. Also on the 15 th Ins' her infant Child aged 2 days CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 23 132 m SACRED to the memory of RACHEL PRICE wife of Thomas Price who departed this life Jany 17 th 1839 Aged 79 years. 133 m SACRED to the memory of THOMAS PRICE who departed this life Sept 18 th 1827 Aged 77 years. 134 m S. F. E. In memory of Susan F. wife of James Earl who died June 25th 1826 Aged 26 years 7 months & 9 days. Also of Jonathan their son who died Aug st 14* 1826 Aged 2 months & 14 days. "To me to live was Christ, and to die is gain." 135 m IN Memory of two Children of James and Susan F Earl : MARY LOUISA. died April 4 th 1822 : aged 2 months & 14 days. SARAH JERUSHA died Nov 17 th 1828 aged 5 years 6 months and 21 days. There is beyond the sky, A heaven of joy and love ; And holy children when they die Go to that world above. 136; T. H. O. In memory of Theodore H. Ogden who died Jan> 26 th 1837, in the 31 st year of his age. " He shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more." 137 r M. J. M. O. In memory of Mary Jane Magie wife of Theodore H. Ogden who died Sept r 6 th 1834 in the 24 th year of her age. " There shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain." 13* r R. O. In memory of RHODA wife of Ichabod Ogden, who departed this life Nov r 13 th 1819 Aged 25 years. The victory now is obtain'd ; She's gone her dear Saviour to see ; Her wishes she fully has gain'd— She's now where she longed to be. The coffin, the shroud, and the grave To her were no objects of dread, On him who is mighty to save Her soul was with confidence stay'd. 24 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 139 r H. O. In memory of Hatfield, son of Ezekiel & Abigail Ogden, who died Oct r 7 th 1817: in the 20 th year of his age. Our brother nipt in early bloom, Has left this scene of idle care, Has reached his father's house in peace We mourn but there's no mourning there. 14© r A. O. In memory of Abigail wife of Ezekiel Ogden. who died May 14 th 1820 ; in the 55 th year of her age. Blessed are they and only they, Who in the Lord the Saviour die ; Their bodies wait redemption day And sleep in peace where'er they lie. 141 r E. O. In memory of Ezekiel Ogden who died Dec r 10 th 1822 ; in the 5S" 1 year of his age. Scarce had ceased the falling tear Shed for a mother kind and dear, E'er yet we feel still heavier woe, And tears of deeper anguish flow : The father's gone ! our only hope, Our counsellor and earthly prop. Oh may the prayers which here he made Descend in blessings on our head 142 r HERE LIETH Interred -the Remains of Doc r Ichabod Burnet, who departed this Life March the twelfth Annoque Domini 1756 In the twenty-fourth Year of his Age. 143 SP- HERE lies the Body of Mrs. Hannah. Wife of Docf Ichabod Burnet who departed this Life Feby the 19 th Anno- Domini 1758 In the 57 in Year of her Age. 144 r HERE lies the Body of Ichabod B. Barnet obi' 1 Sepl r the 10 th Anno Domini 1783 M tatis Sua XXXII. Lean not on Earth, it will pierce thee to the Heart. 145; In Memory of Docf William Barnet who departed this Life December the I st 1790 In y e 63 d Year of his Age. 146 r In Memory of Mr Joseph Barnet who deceas'd Sept r y e 25 th 1784 In the 88 th year of his age. Ther's no Age nor Charact' r but must Repay to Earth its borrow'd Dust In silent Slumbers there to lay Till the last solemn Judgment Day. 140 Born Oct. 3, 1765, dau. of Matthias Ogden and Margaret Megie. v ,; ^^iffes V ."\4^'->^! ; .: r ~-- ':°^ ?: '■'--' i L ~^'. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 25 147 r In Memory of Stephen Harrison who died Dec br 22 li 1793 In the 51 st Year of his Age. 14§ r HERE lies y e Body of M ra Hannah Relict of Deacon Matthias Hetfield who died June 13 th A. D. 1783 In the 84 th Year of her Age. 149; HERE lies the Body of Deacon Matthias Hetfield who died Dece r y e io ,u A D. 1779 In the LXXXI Year of his Age. His loss was great To Church & State. 150; J c In memory of Jacob Crane. who died June 23 1799 in the 37 year of his age. 151 ; In Memory of Benjamin Crane Sen r who Departed this life July 13 A. D. 1777 In the 72 Year of his Age. 152 g [Mc Dow ell Monument (Granite Shaft) North South & West faces blank] [On East face] TO THE MEMORY OF THE REV JOHN Mc DOWELL D.D. The beloved and honored pastor of the first Presbyterian church of Elizabethtown From 1S04 to 1833 " The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance." Mc DOWELL 153 ; Mary daughter of Joseph & Eunice Bond died Sept r the 4 th 1792 in the 2' 1 year of her age. 154; Nathanael son of Jo- seph & Eunice Bond died Sept'' y 7 1792 in y 6 th year of his age To Gods unerring will be ev'ry wish resign'd 155 ; J. B. M. B. In memory of two children of Joseph & Eunice Bond Joseph died May 24 1789. aged 3 days. Maria died NoV 2' 1 1804 aged 2 years & 2 days. Our dear children Christ took & blest We'll cease to mourn for there at rest. 26 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 156 r A. B. In memory of Aaron : son of Elihu & Sarah Bond who died Sepf 29 th 1820 aged 5 years & 21 days. 157 m IN Memory of SARAH Wife of ELIHU BOND WHO DIED AUG. 26, 1857. Aged 69 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. 15§r S. B. J. B. In memory of two children of Elihu & Phebe Bond Sarah died Dec r II th 1790 aged 5 m° & 7 days Jonathan died Sept 7 i8 lh 1798 aged 5 m° & 18 days. Sleep sweet babes & take your rest God call, d you home he saw it best. 159 r In Memory of Robert son of Elihu & Phebe Bond died Aug il I s ' 1794 aged 15 years 6 m" & 23 days. 160/ In Memory of Robert Bond who departed this life Septembe' the 10 th 1776 in the 23 1 year of his Age 161 r A. S. In memory of Abigail wife of Joseph Stackhouse who died July 7 th 1781 aged 36 years II months & 3 days Joseph Stackhouse died Sep r i6 ,h 1805 in the 72 d year of his age. 162 r W. B. In memory of William Brown who departed this life July 3 d 1803 in the 46 th year of his age. 163 m PHEBE BROWN DIED June 6 fl 1850 In the 92 d Year of her age. 164 r M. B. In memory of Mary daughter of William and Phebe Brown who departed this life March 26 th 1793 Aged 14 years and 14 days. CHURCH YARD, ELIZAl'.ETH, N. J. 27 165 r [This is a Horizontal Slab] ROBERT SMITH ROBERTSON Born Nov 4 ,h 1779 DIED April 20 th 1S66 "Jesus is THERE." 166 m The Sepulchre of MARIA CALDWELL WIFE OF Robert S Robertson and daughter of Rev James Caldwell who fell asleep april 5 1852 in the 73 j year of her age HELEN MARIA BLAKEMAN Grand daughter of MARIA ROBERTSON died Oct 6. 1837 Aged i year and 5 months. 1 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints" 167 m ISAAC WATTS BLAKEMAN Son of Dr W m N. and Hellen R Blakeman died Jan>' 31 st 1S61 aged 10 years 10 months and 17 days ' Suffer little Children to come unto me," 168 m MARY LOUISA ROBERTSON WIFE OF RUFUS PARK AND GRAND DAUGHTER OF REV JAMES CALDWELL Born Dec 8. 1819 Died Nov 12. 1845 169 m IN MEMORY OF HELEN RODGERS WIFE OF DR WILLIAM N. BLAKEMAN Daughter of ROBERT S. AND MARIA ROBERTSON BORN DEC 2o' h 1S11 DIED MAY 11 th 1870 " I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness,, 17© m In memory of ELIZABETH BOYD Daughter of William N. and Helen R. BLAKEMAN Born in N. V. Dec 27 th 1838 Died in N. Y. Mch 11 th 1873 I'll sing with rapture and surprise His loving kindness in the skies,, 171 m MOTHER HENRIETTA P THOMPSON Died Jan 29 1882 Aged 63 Y'rs & 4 Mo's CHARLES S THOMPSON Died Feb 25 1864 Aged 2S Yr's & 7 Mo's 172 m IN Memory of Sarah Lindsley who DIED May 23' 1 1853 In the 73 d Year of her age " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord,, 28 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 173 m [Horizontal Slab] Here lie the Remains of Jane Daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Peach of Westbury Wiltshire old England and Wife of the Rev d John Giles of Elizabeth Town New Jersey who departed this Life on the 5 th day of August 1799 Aged 36 Years She lived deservedly beloved and died sincerely lamented 174 m The Twin Sisters PHEBE AGNES died June 13 th 1848 aged 3 years & 2 months. Also MARTHA ALICE died Sepf I st 1849 aged 4 years 4 months & 16 days Children of Thomas H. & Elizabeth Price. 175 r M P In Memory of Martha wife of John Price who died Dec r 3 d 1831 Aged 43 years. Hallowed be this spot A Mother sleepeth here Disturb not her repose For angels hover near Her spirit upward bourn In heaven now's at rest With God and saints above With Jesus and the blest. 176 r J.S. In memory of Jacamiah Smith who died Feb>' 16 1799 aged 66 years. 177 r In Memory of Doct r John Clark who died April the 27"' 1794 in the 37 th year of his age. 17§ r HERE liesy e Body of John Clark who de- parted this life March the 24 th A. D. 1771 in the 43 1 Year of his Age. 179; Here Lyeth y e Body Of Henry Clarke i" r Dec rt Feb> e io" 1 1732 In y e 25 th Year of his Age As you are now so once was i In health &. life now here I lay As I am now so you must be Prepare for death & follow me l§Or MARY the Wife of William Clark who deceas'd Nov r the 18 th A. D. 1762 In y" 21 st Year of her Age Here Lyeth Interrd y Bo4y[^ pof joiin ThompfonM plEfq r who Died g MAprily^>?34f, CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 2 9 1§1 m IN Memory of MARY WIDOW OF David Earl WHO DIED May 5 ,k 1845 In the 87 th Year of her age. All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come. Job 14. 14 1§4 m IN Memory of JULIA A MATTISON WHO DIED JULY 13, I880 IN THE 73 d YEAR OF Her Agk. At Rest 182 m IN Memory of ABBEY widow of ISAAC MATTISON who died April 20 th 1862 Aged 78 years 7 mos. & 6 DAYS " Therefore be ye also ready : for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." Also their daughter ELIZA JOHNSON who died Dec 23 d 1805 IN HER 3 d YEAR Sleep on dear child and take thy rest God called thee home he saw ii best. I §5 m IN Memory of THURSTON WHITEHEAD who died Jan 27 1S43 in the 29 Year of his age Stop ! parsing stranger ! drop one tear A Husband, Father, Friend lies here. 186 r Here lyeth y e body Of Benjamin piers " Decesed A" 1731 in the 77 year of his Age. 183 m IN Memory of MARY O MATTISON WHO DIED NOV 3 d 1862 Aged 57 years 5 mo & 21 DAYS "Behold I have refined thee, but not with silver ; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." 187 r In memory of Mrs Esther Baxter who died June the 18 th 1789 Aged 24 years. 188 r Here Lyeth Interr'd y e Body of John Thompson Esq r who Died April y" 25"' 1734 Aged 61 years. 3o INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN I §9 m IN Memory of Jonathan M Whitehead who died Sept II th 1832 aged 32 years. Let friends no more my sufferings mourn Nor view my relicks with concern O cease to drop the pitying tear I've passed beyond the reach of fear. ALSO ABBY, Daughter of Jonathan M & Margaret Whitehead who died Aug 20 th 1832 aged 7 months God hath bereav'd me of my Child, No more she visits me ; My soul will mount to her at last And I her face shall see. 191 m OUR MOTHER SARAH WIDOW OF JOHN WHITEHEAD who died Jan> 25 th 1858 Aged 82 Years 7 Months and 3 Days "There remaineth therefore a rest, to the people of God,, 192 m OUR MOTHER ELIZABETH WIDOW OF David Whitehead died Nov 7 th 1856 Aged 72 Years 7 Months and S Days Now in that land where christians rest She bids her children seek lor her And meet her there among the blest Before the throne a worshipper 190 m In Memory of JOHN WHITEHEAD who died August 25 th 1828 Aged 55 Years, 7 Months and 16 Days. Go home dear friends, dry up your tears I must lie here, till Christ appears. 193 m IN Memory of DAVID WHITEHEAD who was afflicted with a cancer in his face 25 years of which he died Sept 15 th 1S44. Aged 66 Years 9 Months and 20 days His years of affliction are o'er The days and the nights of distress We see him in anguish no more He has gained his happy release. 194 m Erected to the Memory of 6 Children of David & Elizabeth Whitehead MARGARET ELIZA Died Died Sept I st 1802 Oct 27 th 1810, Aged 10 Months & 17 days. Aged 20 days Also DAVID H Died March 2 nd 1815 Aged 6 Months & 18 days Also ELIZABETH W Died Feb 4 th 1822 Aged 3 Years 3 Months & 17 days CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. Likewise CALVIN L Died June 4 ,h :S25 Aged 4 Months & 24 days Likewise DAVID Died Aug 14 th 1825 Aged 3 Years 6 Months and 19 days Sleep on dear babes and take thy rest For in Christ thou art forever blest. 195 r In Memory of Dea- -con David Whitehead who deceas'd Sept r the io' h 1777 In the 77 th Year of his age Ee'n now the christians race is run A glorious prize he now has won And with angelic host's he's fix't With joys celistial and unmixt 196; In Memory of Margaret Wife of David Whitehead Jun r she died Sepf the 26 th 1790 In the 55 th Year of her Age The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when they sleep in dust. WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE March i 8 ' 1S57 In the 85 th YEAR OF HER AGE " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord,, 199 m MARTHA 197 m IN Memory of DANIEL PRICE WHO Departed this life April io ,h 1824 In the 56 th year of his Age Watch — Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping." MARTHA TAYLOR daughter of William W & Elizabeth PRICE died Sept 12 th 1858 Aged 22 years & S MONTHS 200 r In Memory of Matilda daughter of George and Betsey Ball who died Jan I st 1801 aged 8 years. May you rest in peace. Sweet babe. 198 m IN Memory of PHEBE Widow of Daniel Price 201 r SACRED to the memory of SAMUEL O SMITH who departed this life Sept 16 th 1821 in the 43 year of his age ALSO CALEB H SMITH who departed this life Sept 3 1821 aged 4 years & 18 days. 32 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 202 r A. S. Here lies entom'd Abigail wife of Samuel Owen Smith who departed this life Oct r ig rt 1814 Aged 36 years. The spider's most attenuated thread Is cord, is cable, to man's tender tie On earthly bliss ; it breaks at every breeze Also of their daughter ANNE HALSTED. who died Aug 5 th 1814 Aged 11 months. Insatiate Archer ! would not one suf- fice ! Thy shaft slew thrice & thrice my peace was slain 203 r In Memory of JOANNA daughter of Samuel Owen & Abigail Smith who died Nov' 29 th 1813 in the 5 th year of her age. 204 m IN memory of JANE S WADE who died Dec 2 d 1848 Aged 62 Years Also W'" R SMITH died April 29 th 1846. Aged 76 Years 205 ; [Horizontal Slab] S. S. In Memory of Sarah daugh r of Caleb & Rebecca Hal- -sted & wife of Samuel Smith, who de- -ceas'd Nov r 29 th 1803 in the 54 th year of her age Also of her daughters Betsy died May 3 d 1777 aged 11 mon s & 25 days. Abigail deceas'd Sepf 3 d 1778 aged 10 mon s & 22 days Also of her son Caleb H who died March 26 th 1785 aged 3 years 9 months & 18 days Also of Julia who deceas'd Sept 2 d 1788 aged 10 months & 22 days Also of Caleb H who deceas'd Sept 2 d 1794 aged 3 years & S mon s And of Fanny who deceas'd March 9"' 1793 aged 10 mon 6 Also Sarah H. daugh r of Owen Smith died June 29 111 1805 aged 3 years & 7 mon's CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 33 206 r S. S. In memory of Sarah widow of Henry Smith who died Feb>' the 10 th 17S6 in the o.2 d Year of her age Great God is this our certain doom And are we still secure? Still walking downward to our tomb And yet prepare no more? 207 r HERE lies the Body of Henry Smith who departed this Life March the 28"' Anno Domini 1759. In the 60 th Year of his Age. 20§ r HERE lies y e Body of Henry Smith Jun r who died April y e 4 th Anno Domini 1777 In the 52 Year of his Age. Beneath this Stone, death's pris'ner lies The Stone shall move, the pris'ner rise When Jesus with Almighty word Call's his dead Saints to meet y r Lord 209 r Here lies y e Body of William Smith who departed this Life Nov r y e 17 th Anno Domini 1750. In the 24 th Year of his Age. 210 r Jeffery Son of Henry & Sarah Smith Aged About 21 years. Dec d April y e 23 d 1 7 4 3 ill Hannah Daugh r of Samuel & Margery Smith, died Octo r y e 28 th 1769. In the 2 d Year of her Age 212 r HERE lies the Body of Margery, Wife of Samuel Smith who departed this Life April y e 25 th Anno Domini 1773. In the 32 d Year of her Age Here from all worldly joys I'm fled To the dark Mansions of the dead Prepare Spectator, for you must Like me be turned into dust 213 r S. S. SACRED To the memory of SAMUEL SMITH who died July 2 nd 1821 in the 86 th year of his age And of his daughter MRS JANE WADE, who died Sepf 6 th 1822 in the 59 th year of her age Also of FRANCIS WADE son of Mrs Jane Wade who departed this life on the same 6 th day of Sepf 1822 aged 37 years. 214 m [No. 214 lies flat on grave No. 213] Sacred to the memory of Margery Ross Dill Boom Sept 17 th 1792 Died April 5 th 1880 34 INSCRIPTIONS' IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 215 r M. S. In memory of Moses Smith who deceas'd [ 2 d fig. dug out] J U ne 2- th 1778 aged 50 years Likewise Phebe his wife died Feb> 17 th 1799 aged 66 years 216 r Here lies y e Bod)' of Hannah wife of Isaac Meeker who Departed this Life Sepf 18 1764 In the 41 Year of her age My Flesh shall slumber in the Ground Till the last Trumpets Joyful Sound Then burst the chains in sweet sur- prise To meet my Saviour in the skies 217 m IN Memory of JACOB SON OF Pierce and Catharine Ogden who died Nov r 2 d 1853 aged 5 years 8 months and 17 days When blooming youth is snatched away By death's resistless hand Our hearts the mournful tribute pay Which pity must demand. 21§ r Here lies the Body of Job Son of James & Martha Hains Dec d , June y e 26 th 1754 in the 20 th year of his Age. 219 r Here lieth the Remains of Est- -her Hindes wife of Stephen Hindes who died M rch y e 31 st Anno Domini 1750 and in the 40 th y r of her Age. 220 r The Remains of Phebe & Mary Daugh- Ters of Stephen & Esther Hindes. phebe aged 9 months Died Sept y e 2 1741 Mary died May y e s ih 1747 aged 7 months 221 r Here Lyes y e Body of Mary Wife of Stephen Hindes Aged 24 years Dec d Dec r y e II th 1727 Stephen son of Stephen Hindes 4 months Dec d March y e 25 1728 222 r Here lies the Body of Stephen Hanes who departed this life April 14" 1 A D 1770 In the 66"' Year of his Age. 223 r In memory of y e three sons of Stephen and Jo- -anna Haines Daniel died Nov y e 24 th 1764 aged 2 months Stephen died Oct r ye io tb 1788 in y e 29"' year of his age David died Oct y e 31 st 1791 in y e 19 th year of his age I KJ 4\ CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 35 224 r J. H. Sacred To the memory of Joanna Haines daughter of Stephen & Joanna Haines who was born Jan>' I4 IU 1763 and died Sepf 29 th 1828 Aged 65 years 8 months & 15 days. 225 r J. H. In memory of Joanna wife of Stephen Haines who died March 2i 3t 1802 in the 66 th year of her age 226 r S. H. In Memory of Stephen Haines who died July I st 1810 in the 78 th year of his Age 227 m [Haines Monument— On the North side] Sacred to the memory of elias Haines who died October ii 1824 in the 58 th year of his age a native of this place — a merchant of new york Benevolence, energy, and enterprize, characterized his life After various fluctuations of fortune He found of a truth " Nothing can we call our own but death „ [On East end] MARY HAINES she judged him faithful who had promised Hebrews XL n. Rejoicing in hope ; Patient in tribulation : continuing instant in prayer. Romans XII. 15 [On South side] Sacred to the memory of MARY HAINES Relict of ELIAS HAINES. Daughter of ROBERT OGDEN Born July 3 1778— Died May 5, 1852 With conscious unworthiness With gratitude for redemption- She reposed upon her Saviour With filial love she rested, in a Covenant God. She renounced herself With the tenderest charity She was the helper of others By the renewing of the spirit she was rendered meet for the [inheritance of the saints in light 36 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN [On West end] ELIAS HAINS " whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might j For there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave whither thou goest,," eccles 9 chap io ver. [Lying on the ground close against the monument on the north side is a head stone with the following inscription] 228 r [See No. 227] Sacred To the memory of Elias Haines who died Oct 11 th 1S24 in the 58 th year of his age He was the kind Husband affectionate Father and sincere Friend 229; In memory of Margaret W. wife of Job Haines who departed this life Sept*the 13 th 1792 in the 24 th year of her age To Gods unerring will be ev'ry wish resigned 230 m Sacred to the memory of Capt Job Haines who departed this life on the 28 th of May 1807 in the 51 st year of his Age. 231 m SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ROBERT OGDEN HAINES YOUNGEST SON OF ELIAS AND MARY HAINES BORN OCTOBER 16, 1809 DIED AUGUST 16, 1841 Reposing on thy Saviours breast Thy sufferings o'er — rest, Brother rest. " There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there beany more pain; for the (ormer things have passed away. Rev. XXI 4 Ver. 232 m SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF HENRIETTA B HAINES Youngest child ELIAS AND MARY HAINES BORN JUNE 24, 1816 DIED MAY 7 1879 " In my hand no price I bring Simply To Thy cross I cling." [All in Haines Plot enclosed with iron fence and red stone posts] [Since copying this inscription there has been in'.erred in this plot] Camille Died 25 th May if CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 37 233 m SACRED To the memory of MARTHA ANN Wife of Henry Meeker and Daughter of Jediah J & Abby Baldwin who died Feb>" 14 th 1840 Aged 27 years & 6 months. " Father I will that they also whom those hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me,, 234 m IN Memory of STEPHEN son of Obadiah & Jerusha Meeker who died November 2 nd 1810 Aged 11 months. Alas how changed that lovely flower That bloomed & cheered my heart Fair fleeting comfort of an hour How soon we're called to part. 235 r D. M. David son of Obadiah & Comfort Meeker who died Jan the 26 th 1796 aged 19 years 9 months & 12 days. Farewell this body here Both friends and parents dear For god has called him home To his eternal doom God is a sovereign still He orders all things best O that we all may be prepared For his eternal rest 236 m SACRED To the Memory of Comfort wife of Capt. Obadiah Meeker who departed this life April 14 th 1812 Aged 71 Years and 6 months How happy are the souls above. From sin and sorrow free; With Jesus they are now at rest, And all his glory see. With wondering joy they recollect, Their sins and danger past; And bless the wisdom power & love That brought them safe at last 237 m SACRED to the memory of Capt Obediah Meeker who departed this life April 5 th 1829 Aged 90 years & 11 months An affectionate Husband, a kind Father, a zealous friend to his Country during her Revolutionary struggle for liberty, and a liberal suppor- ter of the Gospel. 238 m E. P. S. ELIZABETH P SAYRE Born Feb'y 23 1787 Died March 1, 1875 Aged 88 years " Blessed are the dead who die In the Lord,, 38 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 239 m SACRED To the memory of THEODORE J SAYRE who died at New Orleans Aug 5t 8 th 1854 Aged 39 Years. No relative near in his last hours but he had many kind friends in the land of strangers. 240 m SACRED To the memory of JAMES C SAYRE formerly of this place who died at Louisville Oct r 5 th 1847 In the 66 th Year of his age. Thv will be done 241 m SACRED To the memory of SIDNEY W SAYRE WHO DIED Feb 5 th 1846 In the 28 th Year of his age He was accidentally killed while in discharge of his duty as first Engineer on board of the steamer Alexander Scott upon her downward trip from Louisville to New Orleans Alike kind, generous, and unfortunate. 242 ; This Stone is erected in memory of two beloved Children of James C & Elizabeth P. Sayre. formerly of this Town, who died at Louisville Kentucky in the year of 1834 Thomas M Sayre died Feb>' 4 th aged 5 years and 4 months Elizabeth P Sayre died March 5 th aged 25 years and 6 months Almighty God thy will be done To take them early to thy home Thy chastening rod we humbly kiss Nor would deprive them of such bliss. 243; T. J. S. In memory of Theodore James son of James C & Elizabeth P Sayre who died Feb? 3 d 1814 aged 3 years & 2 months Dear parents do, with reverence bow Before your great Creators throne His wisdom has ordain'd the blow And call'd me to my peaceful home 244 r E. P. In memory of ELIZABETH relict of Joseph Periam who died April 5 th 1808 Aged 61 years Hear what the voice from Heaven proclaims For all the pious dead Sweet is the Saviour of their names And soft their sleeping bed CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 39 245 r Here lies interr'd what was Mortal of Mr Joseph Periam %vho died Oct' y 8 th Anno Domini 1781 In y e 39 th Year of his Age VALE! LONGUM VALE! 246 r Here lies the Body of Uzal Woodruff who departed this life March y e 16 th Anno Domini 1774 In y e 29 th year of his Age. 24T^ Here lies the Body of Elias Son of Uzal & Elizabeth Woodruff, who died November i8 ,h A.D. 1772, In the 2 d year of his Age 249 m IN Memory of JANE S HATFIELD WIFE OF the late Elis Noe; Born Sept 9 1793 Died June 1. 1841 250 r Beneath this Monumental stone is Intered the Remains of Sarah daughter of Oliver & Jane Hatfield who died Nov 17 th 1810; aged 1 year 8 months & 4 days 24§ m J.C. SACRED To the Memory of JABEZ CRANE Esq who departed this life Feb> 17 th 1S1S in the 27 th year of his age. When every pain and every joy is o'er When fortune age, disease can wound no more Virtues like his, with radient lustre glow And breathe refulgent through the clouds of wo Could tenderest friendship or purest love, disarm the King of terrors he had not died. 251 m LAURA D. HATFIELD FIFTH DAUGHTER OF OLIVER S and JANE HATFIELD Born in Elizabeth January 6 th 1826 Died at Monroe N. Y. July 30 th 1881 Patient, long-suffering, kind — she departed in the full assurance of a blessed immortality. Her memory is dearly cherished by her friends. 252 m EMILY A HATFIELD First daughter of Oliver S. and Jane Hatfield born in Elizabeth March 21 1805 died at Bayonne N. J. August 19 1874 Also Cenotaph of SARAH HATFIELD their third daughter 40 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN born in Elizabeth Jan>' 4 1811 died at New York May 21 st 1836 Her remains were interred in a vault of the Seventh Presbyterian Church of that City. Sweet is the memory of the beloved. 253 m OLIVER S. HATFIELD SON OF Aaron Hatfield and Decendent of Matthias one of the Founders of Elizabeth born in this town Oct 16 th 1782 died at Hoboken N. J. April 25 th i860 Jane Hatfield wife of Oliver Spencer Hatfield and daughter of Thomas Mann born in this town Feb* 10 th 1787 died at Hoboken N. J May 6 th 1858 They rest in Peace. 254 r D H In memory of DAMARIS relict of Isaac Hatfield Who died Nov r 3 d 1808, in the 73 d year of her age glorious hour! O blest abode! 1 shall be near, and like my God; And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul 255 r I. H. In memory of Isaac Hetfield who died FebruJ' 3 d 1807 in the 77 th year of his age My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet sur- price And in my saviours image rise 256; Oliver Spencer, Son of Isaac & Damaris Hetfield, died Oct r the 8 ,h A.D. 17S0 In the 4 th Year of his 257 r H. n. H. Harriot Novee Daughter of Aaron & Sarah Hatfield, died Jan r 4 th 1796 aged XI month's & 26 days Farewell sweet child. Thy day is come; At Gsds right hand, You'll find a home. 258 r IN Memory of SARAH BARNET WIFE OF Aaron Hatfield Born April 17 1759 Died July 29 1824 259; IN Memory of AARON HATFIELD Born July 30. 1757 Died May 15 1839 CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 41 260 >■ S. H. In memory of Sarah Widow of Silas Halsey who died May iS ,h 1833 in the 76 th year of her age Her soul has now taken flight To mansions of glory above To mingle with angels of light And dwell in the kingdom of love 261 r S. H. In memory of Silas Halsey who died Oct r 22 1819: in the 79 th year of his age. 262 r In memory of Phebe wife of Silas Halsey who died Aug 1 9 th 1794 in the 44 th year of her age Also their son Jeremiah died Sept' 30 th 1794 in the 3 d year of his age 265 r D L In memory of DAVID LYON WHO DIED May 21 st 1845 In the 85 th year of his age The Memory of the just is blessed. Prov 10-7 263 r Betsy daughter of Silas and Phebe Halsey died Ocf ye 21 st j^g 2 i n the 5 th year of her age 264 r M. H. In memory of Mary Halsey who died March 14" 1 1806 in the 33' 1 year of her age 266 r M. L In Memory of Mary wife of David Lyon who died Oct 25 th 1833 Aged 74 years 267 r S. T L In memory of Sarah Treat the Wife of Docf Matthias Clark Lyon She died April 10 1802 Aged 30 Years. 268 r M L In Memory of Capt Matthias Lyon died Nov r II th 1797 Aged 59 Years. 269 ; S. C. M. In memory of Sarah C Wife of William Murphy who departed this life April 25 th 1821 in the 32 year of her age 4 2 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 270; In Memory of Rachel Lyon who died Feb> 28 th 1802 Aged 19 Years 271 r BENEATH this stone is deposited the remains of PHEBE LYON Widow of BENJAMIN LYON (of Lyons farms) who died 3' 1 May 18 15 in the 56 th year of her age The raptures, Oh! beyond our thought That her enamor'd soul hath got Which by no tongue can be explained The splendid gloryies she's obtained Around the dazzling throne of God Rejoiceing in redeeming blood With all the bright seraphic band In shineing seats at God's right hand 272; Beneath This Stone is deposited the Remains ot Benjamin Lyon Seignior of Lyons Farms who died Dec r 8 th 1803 Aged 49 Years. The unremitting path I have trod That leads to hapiness and God In Christ alone I hope and trust To rise in judgement with the just 273 r Here lyes the Body of Benjamin Lyon who Died July y e 31 st 1758 in the 39 th year of his Age 274 r Here lies y e Body of Mary wife of James Carpntr who Died Jan r > 27 1763 In y e 31 year of her Age 275 r AARON Son of Sa- -muel iSc Phebe Lyon who died Oct r y e 31 st A + D. 176S In the 3 d Year of his Age 276 r Here lies y e Body of Phebe Widow of Samuel Lyon who died Ma' y e 14 A. D. 17S1 In y e LP 1 Year of her Age 277 r Here lies the Body of Mr Samuel Ly- -on who departed this Life Feb>* y e 9 th Anno Domini 17E0 In the LI st Year of his Age. 278 r In memory of Joanna Lyon who died Novem' the 11 th 1 79 1, in the 22 d year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 43 279 r Moses Son of Moses & Mary Lyon who died May y e 5 1763 aged 2 years 5 Months & 22 D s 280;- M. L. In memory of Mary wife of Moses Lyon who died June 12 th 1809 in the 77 th year of her Age. 281 r M.L. In memory of Moses Lyon who died March 27 th 1813 in the S2 d year of his age. 282 r Abe Hendrex daugh r of Richard & Sally Lyon, died Feb 3 d 1798 aged 5 years 5 mon s & 29 days. Our lovely child christ took and blest We'll cease to mourn for she's at rest 283 r S L In memory of Sarah wife of Richard Lyon who died June i 8t 1810 in the 36 th year of her age. Adieu vain world, my dearest friends farewell Prepare with me in this dark house to dwell Till the last trump my ruin'd frame repair At Christ descent to meet him in the air Unsmoothe'd was thy pillow of death By a fond parting and tender adieu From home and from kindred bereft In an instent from the world she withdrew 284 r S. L. Sacred to the Memory of Susan the much love'd wife of Samuel Lyon who departed this life Aug st 17 th 1809 aged 30 years 1 month & 24 days A partner kind & mother dear A friend most constant & sincere 285 r E O In memory of Elizabeth wife of Elihu Ogden who died Dec r 8 1797 in the 44 th year of her Age. 286 r In memory of Hetfield Son of Matthias and Margaret Ogden. He died Sepf y e 26 th 1793 in the 13"' year of his age. 44 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 287 r Here lies y e Body of Mrs Hannah Relict of Mr Samuel Ogden who died Janua>' y e 26 th An Domini 1782. In the 59 th Year of her Age 288 r HERE lies the Body of Samuel Ogden, who departed this Life Febr> the 20 th Anno Domini 1775. aged LXI Years. 289 r M. O. In memory of Matthias Ogden who died March 7 ,h 1818; in the 76 th year of his age. Our age to sev'nty years is set How short the time ! how frail the state! And if to eighty we arrive, We rather sigh and groan than live. 290 r M. O. In memory of Margaret wife of Matthias Ogden who died March 18 th 1820 in the 75 th year of her age The coffin the shroud and the grave To her were no objects of dread On him who is mighty to save Her soul was with Confidence stayed 291 r L. O. In memory of Lewis Ogden who died May 15 th 1818 in the 43 rd year of his age. 292 r M. O. In memory of Matthias Ogden who died April 18" 1 1821 in the 37 th year of his age Farewell thou world with all thy toys For thou hast been to me A world of transitory joys, Of sin and vanity. 293 m IN Memory of CHARITY widow of Benjamin Ogden who died July 8 th 1852 Aged 80 years 294 m IN memory of BENJAMIN OGDEN who died May 19 th 1844 In the 75; year of his age behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high. Job 16, C 19 V. ' 2S1 Daughter of Isaac Hatfield. 289 Son of 288 Samuel. 290 Daughter of Joseph Megie. 291 Son of Matthias Ogden 289. 293 Daughter of Matthias Ogden 289. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 45 295 m IN memory of RHODA widow of Moses Ogden who died Jany, i6 ,h 1861 Aged 83 years " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors ; and their works do follow them. „ 296 m IN Memory of MOSES OGDEN WHO DIED June 9 th 1847 Aged 73 Years Farewell ye friends whose tender care Has long engaged my love Your fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above. 297 m IN Memory of MOSES H OGDEN who died in New York Jany, 29 th 1861 Aged 45 Years 5 Mos. & iS Days 29§ m IN MEMORY OF two children of John (X Joanna Ogden Sarah Ross died Aug 3 ' 25 th 1826 aged 11 months & 23 days Moses Condit died Oci r 6 th 1834 aged 5 years 3 months & 16 days "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord,, 299 m [East face, other three blank] Ici Repose Le Corps de JOSEPH F COLLET ne a St Germain de-la Coudre, t Departem de-la Sarthe en France le 25 Fev. 1770 Mort a Elizabeth Town le 12 Dec 1841 Priez Dieu pour-le repos de son ame. 300 m WILLIAM CARGILL Born June 19 1767 Died December 10 1842 GEORGE HARRIMAN KIMBALL Born at NEW YORK. N. Y. March 20, 1846, Died at RAVENSWOOD L, August 8. 1846 I. 301 m ABIGAIL CARGILL Born February 29 1781 Died January 13. 1848 KATE NELSON KIMBALL Born at RAVENSWOOD L. I. June 19. 1850 Died at NEW YORK N. Y. September 1. 1852 46 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 302 r In memory of Mary Seely who died Ocf 8 th 1807 aged 43 years & 3 months Sleep, balmy sleep has clos'd her eyes, And put an end to all her sighs; Through great distress & wrecking pain She's gone to learn that death is gain 303 r D L H In memory of David L. Humes who died Sepf 4 tb 1822; Aged 22 Years & 23 Days Also Mary Elizabeth Dow daughter of David L & Catharine Humes; who died June 22 1821; Aged 10 Months & 20 Days Sweet babe! by deaths cold hand in earliest bloom Torn from thy mothers bosom to the tomb You in your Saviours arms are blest So sleep dear babe and take your rest 304 m IN Memory of LAURENT JOUSSERANDOT A Native of Paris FRANCE Born Dec r 3 d 1796 Died June 2i Bt 1S54 Thy place on earth no more shall know thee But t'will long remembered be; In the hearts where grateful memory, Oft will breath, it's sigh for thee. But amidst our earthly sorrow, The hope that thou art free from pain, Shines to guide us to yon Heaven Where we yet shall meet again LOUISE JOUSSERANDOT Died July 8 th 1886 In the 80 th Year of her life 305 r Sacred to the Memory of Damaris the beloved Wife of Luther Halsey who departed this Life Sept y e 11 th A. D. 1790. In the 22 d Year of her Age Farewell my dearest Heart Since you and I must part We hope in Heaven to meet again Where Love & Joy & Peace shall reign 306; Sacred to the Memory of Sarah, the beloved Wife of Luther Halsey who departed this Life Aug 1 the 2 d A x D. 1787, In the XXVIII Year of her Age And Luther their son, died y e 8 th of Sepf in y e 2 d Year of his Age The Wife most kind A Parent dear The Christians friend And one Sincere 307 r In memory of Jeremiah, son of Luther & Sarah Halsey. He died July 17 th 1792 in y e 9 th year of his age. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 47 30§ r Here lies y e Body of Joseph Son of Joseph & Elisabeth Wheaton. Dec 1 Augs 1 ye 20 1736 Aged 4 years & 4 months 309 r Here lies the Body of Margaret Wife of Samuel Lee who died Aug* y e 8 th Anno Domini 1732 In the 35 th Year of her Age 310; S. L. In Memory of Samuel Lee who died May 12" 1 1812 in the 68 th year of his age 311 r Here lieth y e Body ot Nathaniel Bonnel who Died Sept y e 4 1736 in y e 67 year of his Age 312; HERE LI'S interr'd the Body of Mrs Phebe, Wife of Capt" John Joline who died Dece r y e 6 th A. D. 1763 Et 3 Suae 49- In Memory of Matthias Joline who died Decem r y e 17" 1 1782 aged 37 Years. 313 r In Memory of Anthony Joline who died S e ptem r y e 11 th 1783 aged 30 years 314 m [Stone broken off just below inscription and top part gone] 315 m ABBY G widow of DAVID JOHNSON Died December 6 tL 1886 Aged 83 Years 9 Mo's and 17 Days 316 m Catharine C Lyon Died April 5 th 1878 Aged 81 Years and 13 Days 317 m STEPHEN M LYON Died June 25"' 1864 Aged 72 Years 8 Mo's & 22 Days 318 m SARAH WIDOW OF Obadiah Lyon died March 1st 1852 Aged 87 Years 4 8 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 319 m OBADIAH LYON Died Sepf 6 lh 1847 Aged 82 Years 32© r M. P. In memory of Mary wife of Abner Passels who died Jany 15 th 1822 in the 51 st year of her age. 321 r S. A. P. In Memory of Sarah Ann daughter of Edward & Rosetta Price, who died Oct 12" 1 1812 aged 15 months. Her charms began to take effect And draw her parents' hearts from God. he thought it best to take her home & wean their hearts from earth again. 322 m Our Mother " Rest Spirit Rest " CELESTIA Wife of ROBERT G PRICE Died July 24 1875 Aged 65 yrs [Broken] 323 r EX uied 17 th 1827 in the 50 th year of his age. [No doubt this is Samuel Ogden. Close beside it is Esther wife of Samuel Ogden] 324 r E. O. In Memory of Esther wife of Samuel Ogden who died Aug 8 ' 17 th 1832 in the 51 st year of her age. 325 r C. A. O. In memory of Charity Ann daughter of Samuel & Esther Ogden. who died Jan? I4 l h 1819 Aged 7 Years 9 months & 27 days The months of affliction are o'er The days and the nights of distress We see her in anguish no more She's gained her happy release 326 m W. O. In memory of William Ogden who died August i6 ,h 1832 in the 24 th year of his age Ye fleeting charms of earth farewell Your springs of joy are dry My soul now seeks another home A brighter world on high 32? m MARY OGDEN Died April 11 th 1865 In the 51 st YEAR of her Age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 49 32§ m JOHN P CREE DIED Aug 28"' 1869 Aged 55 yrs 10 mos & 7 days 329 m JANE E CREE Wife of John P Cree Died May II th 1869 Aged 54 yrs 8 mos & 10 days 330 m FRANCES F. CREE daughter of John P & Jane E Cree Died Jan 4 ,lL 1862 Aged 18 yrs. 10 mos & 2i days. Pause youthful stranger view my doom. Think not that youth can shun the tomb 331 m Memory of CAP 1 WILLIAM MELVIN Died Sept. 12 th 1870 Aged 92 years He is ever near us Though not seen. 332 m IN Memory of ABIGAIL OGDEN WIFE OF William Milven who died Sept 5 1855 Aged 76 Years and 10 Months. There is rest in Heaven 333 m IN Memory of ELIZA WIDOW OF Oliver Smith daughter of -William and Abigail Milven who died Aug. 29 th 1849 Aged 43 Years The Lords time has come 334 m IN Memory of HARR1ETE Daughter of William & Abigail Milven who died June i8 ,h 1846 Aged 24 Years In the midst of life we are in death " 335 m In Memory of JAMES MELVIN Died Oct 26 th 1865 Aged 61 years He Served 32 years in the U. S. Navy. 336 r Here Lyeth y e Body of Phebe Morehous Daughter of David Morehous, Deceased December y e 16 th 1729 aged 5 months. 50 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 337 r Here Lyeth y e Body of Rebecca Morehous Wife of mr David Morehous. Departed April y e 27' h 1728 in y e 52 d Year of her Age. 33§ m J. G. O. In memory of Joseph G. Ogden who died March 23 d 1817 in the 37 th year of his age He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down, he fleeth alway as a shadow and continueth not 11 In the midst of life we are in death' 341 r M C In memory of MARY Relict of James Chapman who died Sept 24 th 1845 in the 80 th year of her age. 339 r W. O. In memory of William Ogden who deceas'd March II th 1799 in the 33 d Year of his age Farewel my friends I'me going to dust God sent the summons and its just Prepare for death and weep no more O hasten to this friendly shore Sally & Wil m daugh ,r & son of Wil m & Nancy Ogden. Sally died April 3 d I79 8 aged 1 year & 9 mon 8 .Wil m died decern"" 11 th 1798 aged 7 mon 8 340 r J. C. In memory of James Chapman who died March 31, 1822 Aged 87 years [Halsey plot inclosed with granite posts and iron pipe railing, and contains the next 8 graves] 342 m M H In memory of Mary wife of Meline W Halsey and Daughter of James & Mary Chapman : who died Dec r 23 d 1831 Aged 28 years. 343 m The Graves of two children of Meline W & .Henrietta P Halsey CATHARINE PRICE died March 26 th 1841 Aged 2 years 1 month and 7 days. ISAAC CRANE died July 3 rd 1844 Aged 7 months " Of such is the Kingdom of heaven.' M 344 m HENRIETTA CRANE DAUGHTER OF W. AND H. P. HALSEY DIED FEB, 17, 1854 AGED 2 YEARS AND n MONTHS " It is well with her,, CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 51 345 m NOAH CRANE Son of M. W. and H. P. Halsey Died April 21 st 1856 Aged 20 years and 11 Months Death loves a shining mark. 346 m MARY CHAPMAN Daughter of M. W. and H. P. Halsey Died April 9 th 1859 Aged 21 years and 5 MONTHS " For her to die was gain „ 347 m MELINE W HALSEY Born August 27 th 1800 Died March 6 ,h 1873 "My times are in thy hands,, 34§ m HENRIETTA PERLEE Widow of MELINE W HALSEY Born July 16 th 1S10 Died Oct. 25. 1883 It is the evening time with me : 349 m SARAH W WIFE of JAMES C OGDEN AND DAUGHTER OF M. W. & H. P. HALSEY Died Aug' 15' 1878 Aged 36 years her infant daughter Sarah Halsey Died Oct' 14' 1878 Aged 2 mon's. Asleep in Jesus 350 r In memory of John Amory son of Samuel & Julia Gamage who died Sept 3 d 1815 Aged 1 year 7 months & 5 days. I take these little lambs said he And lay them in my breast Protection they shall find in me In me be ever blest 351 r Maria daughter of Nehemiah & Patience Tunis died Aug 4 the 18 th 1792. in y e 4 th year of her age Sleep lov'ly babe And take thy rest God call'd the home He thought it best 3558 r Bernadus G Son of Nehemiah & Patience Tunis, died May the 11 th 1794 in the 3' 1 year of his age Sleep lovly babe Till we doe meet Within the wals Of zions street 353 r David W. son of Nehemiah & Patience Tunis, died April 23 d 1800 aged (g° ne ) years 7 months & 15 days 52 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Why do we mourn, departed babe, Or shake at deaths alarms Tis but the messenger he sends To take him to his arms 354 m In Memory of Nehemiah Tunis who departed this life June 8 th 1817 Aged 64 years Here lies a dutiful son An affectionate husband a kind Father As you are now so once was I In health and strength tho here I lie As I am now so you must be Prepare for death and follow me 355 m Sacred to the Memory of PATIENCE Relict of Nehemiah Tunis who departed this life June 21 1831 Aged 72 years To those who knew her, all eulogium, is needless. To those who enjoyed not the privilege of her aquaintance no words can delineate the excellence of her virtues The victory now is obtained She's gone her dear Saviour to see Her wishes she fully has gained She's now where she longed to be. Also in memory of Susan Landis daughter of John & Hannah Trumbull who died May 9 th 1821 Aged 1 month & 20 days 35<> m In Memory of Susan B. wife of Henry P. Landis and daughter of Nehe- -miah & Patience Tunis who departed this life October 17 th 1820 Aged 26 years & 9 months 357 m Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Hannah W Trumbull wife of John M. Trumbull who died August 2i 8t 1823 aged 23 Years. 35§ m LOUISA METTIA Died March io tk 1874 Aged 6 years 3 mos, AND 23 DAYS. ADA ESTELLE Died April I st 1874 Aged i year i mo AND l6 DAYS Children of Meeker & Susan Wood They have left us and gone With the angels of light To thier parents on earth A few short years they were given Now they'r sleeping in death But thier spirits so bright Finds a home far more dear With their Savior in heaven CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 53 359 m The grave of JOHN HARBECK son of Meeker and Susan Wood died Dec 5 th 1866 aged 1 year 1 month and 13 days We loved him, yes, no tongue can tell How much we loved him or how well God loved him too and he thought best To take him home to be at rest 360 m The grave of Marietta daughter of Meeker and Susan Wood who died Aug 3 1863 aged 7 months Rest here sweet babe 361 m The grave of Clara Lincoln daughter of Meeker and Susan Wood who died July 27 1861 aged 5 months and 8 days She blooms in heaven 362 m JANE GIBSON Died June 29 th 1850 Aged 3g years. Return unto thy rest O my soul. For the Lord hath dealt bountifully with me. [The above and the next are in plot enclosed with iron fence] [Marble shaft with 4 inscriptions] [On east side] 363 SACRED to the Memory of ALEXANDER OGILVIE deceased April 12 1857 Aged go years. " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." [On west side] SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JANE J. OGILVIE DECEASED JAN 29 1870 AGED 81 YEARS " My Flesh and my heart faileth, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." [On north side] AGNES OGILVIE DAUGHTER OF ALEX R & J J OGILVIE DLED August 15" 1 1848 L\ HER 22 nd YEAR " I am the ressurection and the life ,, [On south side] JANE M. OGILVIE DAUGHTER OF ALEX R & J J OGILVIE Died July i, 1842 IN HER 24 th YEAR " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord „ 54 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 364 r In memory of Abigail Chandler who died Sepf i B1 1833 In the 70 th year of her age " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord ,, 365 r I. C. In memory of Ichabod Chandler who died April 7 th 1829 in the 67 th Year of his age Be ye also ready 366 r P. C. In memory of Prudence wife of Ichabod Chandler who died Dec r g ,h 1831 Aged 66 years Prepare to follow me. 367 m Our Mother PRUDENCE CHANDLER Died March 9 th 1863 Aged 68 years 7 mo's & 8 DAYS Asleep in Jesus 36§ m In Memory of HENRY W. CHANDLER WHO DIED April 11 th 1836 Aged 42 Years & 5 Months Also His infant son aged 1 day Thus much and this is all we know Saints are completely blest Have done with sin and care and wo And with their saviour rest 369 r In Memory of Elizabeth wife of William Price who died with the Cholera Sepf 5 th 1832 in the 41 st year of her age " Watch therefore „ 370 m MATTHEW W.WOODWARD Died February 7 th 1883 Aged 76 years, 3 mos. & 25 days. In thee O Lord, do I put my trust. 371 m HARRIET VREDENBURGH WIFE of Dr. M. W. Woodward Died July 21 st 1876 Aged 68 years ii mos & 7 Days "The Lord is my Shepherd " CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 55 372 m BROTHER, DAVID LYON Aged 47 Years 373 m . AARON LYON DIED S EPT r gth jS 54 In the 85th YEAR OF HIS AGE. 374 m JOANNA WIFE OF Aaron Lyon WHO DIED OCT' 30 th 1845 Aged 75 years None knew her but to love her 375 m In Memory OF WILLIAM HENRY Son of George & Joanna B Bryan who died July 25, 1843 Aged 2 Years 5 Months he "I take these little lambs said And lay them in my breast Protection they shall find in me In me be ever blest. 376 r I. W. In Memory of Isaac Woodruff who decease'd July 2 d 1804 in the 6i 8t year of his Age Weep not for me my friends For why my race is run It tis the will of God So let his will be done 377 r In Memory of Dr Aaron Woodruff who departed this Life Janua^ y e 12 th Anno Domini 1784 In the 25 th Year of his Age Here lyeth Samuel Son of mr Samuel & Elisabeth Woodruff Born march the I5 ,h 1746. Dec J Nov r ye 12 th 1747 Aged 7. months & 28 days 37S Here lyeth Abigail Daughter of Mr Samuel & Elisabeth Woodruff, born Sep r the 14" 1 1736 Decs'' Sep r y e 27 th 1736 aged 13 days Sleep lovely Babe's Since God has Call'd thee hence Let us Submit to his wise Providence. 56 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 379; HERE lieth the Body of Ann Wife of Joseph Woodruff Jun r ob* June y e 2S" 1 Anno Domini 1757 In y e 23 d Year of her Age Remember me as you Pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Therefore prepare to Follow me 380 r HERE lies the Body of Jane Wife of Nathan Woodruff who deceas'd June y e i8 ,h A D 1758 In the 20" 1 Year of her Age As you are now so once was I In Health & Strength; tho here I lie As I am now so you must be Prepare for Death & follow me 381 m IN Memory of Nathan Woodruff who departed this life March 20' 11 AD 1801. Aged 71 Years 382 m T. P. Sacred To the Memory of Thomas Price Jun r who died June 14 1824 in the 52 d year of his age 383 r M P In Memory of Mary Price who died Aug 3 ' 15 th 1820 in the 54 th year of her age 384 r J. P. In Memory of John Price died Nov r 6th 1806 In the 44 th Year of his Age Precious time is ever sliding Brightest hours have no abiding Life and time are worth improving Seize the moments as they fly 385 r J. P. In Memory of John Price He died Sep er 25 th 1790 in the 52 th Year of his age 386; Here lies the Body of John Drewe who Deceas'd Aug* y e 6* 1771 in y e 8o l11 Year of his Age 387 r In Memory of Elizabeth, widow of David Pierson who died Januar>' y e 8 th 1793 in y c 58 th year of her age 388 r Mary daughter of Lewis and Abigail Pierson died Aug* y e 27 1793 aged 2 years and 3 months CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 57 3§9 r In Memory of David Pierson who departed this life Apr 1 the 2' 1 1788 in the 52 d Year of his age 390 r [But little of the inscription left] 1800 of his may dep her is no m o more prov s at Jesus sid 393 r E. O. In Memory of Elizabeth daughter of Jacob & Elizabeth Ogden who died May 17 th 1812 in the 31 st year of her age In faith she live'd ! in dust she lies ! But faith for'sees that dust shall rise. When Jesus calls while hope assumes: And boasts her joys among the tombs 391 m In » Memory of LOUISA ANGELINE DAUGHTER OF John J & Ann Decker who died May 7" 1 1844 Aged 1 year 1 month and 11 days Death may the bands of life unloose But cant dissolve my love Millions of infant souls compose The family above 392 r E. O. In memory of Elizabeth wife of George Ogden who died July 4 th , 18 17 Aged 27 years & 24 days How long shall we be lingering here While saints around us take their flight Smiling they quit this dusky sphere And mount the hills of heav'nly light 394 r [Lies flat on 393] Here Lieth the Body of David Morehouse of Elisabeth Town born the i6 ,h Day of July in the year 1710, Who depar ted this life the 29 Day of June Anno Domini 1715 395 r E. O. In memory of Elizabeth wife of Jacob Ogden who died May 8 th 1812 in the 63 1 year of her age When I walke'd thro' the shadow of death Thy presence was my stay One word of thy supporting breath Drove all my fears away 58 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 396 r JO In memory of Jacob Ogden who died Ocf 10 th 1818 in the 76 th year of his age Lord I commit my soul to thee Accept the sacred trust Receive this nobler part of me And watch my sleeping dust 397 r Here Lieth y e Body of Rebekah Og- den of Elizabeth Town born in November In the year 1648 who Departed this Life y e ii: Day Septemb" Anno Domini 1723 398 r Here Lyeth y e Body of Mr Jonathan Ogden Dec. Jan r y e 3' 1 1732 in ye 86 th year of his Age My Life was Chrt my Death is gain This bed giues ease 10 all my pain My Dust is safe my Soul's at home To meet with Joy when Christ shall come 400 r Here lies Interr'd the Body of Mrs Elizabeth, Relict of Mr Patrick Charlton who Dec d Jan r 17 1778 In the 76 Year of her Age My panting sould ascends on high To praise my God eternelly Also their Son John who died in the Year 1752 Aged 19 Years And their Daughter Elizabeth who died in the Year 1759 Aged 24 Years In Christ alone we hope and trust To rise in judgement witn the just. 399 r Here Lieth the Body of Captain Benjamin Ogden of Elizabeth Town. Who Departed this life the 20 ,h Day of Novem ber, in the Year of our Lord 1722. Being in the 69 th Year of his Age 401 r Here lies y e Body of M r Isaac Whitehead Who Died July y' 1 1724 Aged 71 years 402 r Here Lyeth The Body Of Benjamin Ogden Deceased Novem br y e 4" 1 Anno 1729 Aged 49 Years 403 r Here lies the Body of Hannah Wife of Jonathan Gillet who departed this Life July y e 9 th Anno Dom— 1784 In y e 22 d Year- of her Age 404 r HERE lies the Body of Susanna, Wife of Joseph Crane who departed this Life Oct r y e 22 d A D 1 78 1 In the 32 d Year of her Age ■**-^e Sine? o M Kf§?3 t^-SiiflJIflN c 2L - 3 rt> fiu' igl iJP: . n> to s$???8gh n^ to. Err SP ■ --/J =: n> 402 CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 59 405 > w. c. In Memory of William Crane Esq who died June 4"' 1830 In the 53 d year of his Age 406 r S. C. In memory of Sarah wife of esq William Crane who died Aug 31 18"' 1S32 In the 57" 1 year of her age 407 m IN memory of DAVID ROSS CRANE who died Jan. 13 th 1848 Aged 42 Years O life what is thy breath ? A vapour lost in death. 408 r Here lyes y e Body of Jane Cahune wife of Walter Cahune, Dec d June y e 14 1753 in y e 6i 8t year of her Age 409 r Here Lyeth y e Body of James sayre deceased The 16 th of April A 1731 in the 55" 1 Year of his Age 409 >£ r Here lies Interr'd y e Body of John Ross Esq' who Departed this Life Dec br the 21 A. D. 1772 IE. XXXVIII My Consort dear and Lovely babes Remember me in these Cold Shades In God alone do you Confide The Widows Stay the Orphans guide 410 r Here Lies the Mortal Part of M rs Sarah ROSS Relict of JOHN ROSS E'i' Dec d April 19: 1759 Aged 54 Years A more pious Christian A more Faithful Wif" A more Tender Mother A Sincerer Friend Or A kinder Neighbour She has not left Behind her READER Consider That as the Possession of the Highest Virtues Cannot ward off the Dart of DEATH Wee ought before the uncertain STROKE comes to Make our PEACE with GOD 411 r Here lies the Body of JOHN ROSS Esq who departed this life August 21 1754 Aged 56 Years Few in these Days his Equal none Superior Of Temper just, benevolent and human Given to Hospitality with Piety sincere Reader pray stop, reflect, on this a While And let no Worldly Care, Your Soul beguile, An upright Man lies here, Consider where When death shall lay thee low thou wilt appear 6o INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 412 r Elizabeth, Daughter of Thomas and Sarah Ross deceas'd Janua> y" 22 d A. D. 1759. ln tr,e 31 st Year of her Age Behold y e Place where I do lie As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for Death and follow me 413 r Here Lyes y e Body of Samuel Ward Dec d • Jan r y y e 27 th 1731 In y e 38 th year of His Age 414 m JOHN W SON OF John W & Catharine M BOYLSTON died Aug. 13 th 1852 AGED 5 YEARS II MO & 6 DAYS Fare thee well sweet bud of beauty Stainless spirit fare thee-vvell Thou wert to pure and lovely In a world like this to dwell 416 r In Memory of Susanna W wife of Cornelius Hoagland who departed this life Oct 24 th 1809: in the 24 th year of her age Death calls the aged and the young From earthly cares from eve'y rong His summons seizes on the best And God the righteous soul hath blest My glass' is run my days is spent My life is gon. it was but lent And as I am so must you be O then prepare to follow me (Rest) 415 m In Memory of ISAAC WHEELER son of John W & Catharine M Boylston who died May 10 1841 Aged 9 months & 15 days Eer sin could blight or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care The opening bud to heaven convey'd And bade it blossom there 417 r Here lies y c Body of Jane Dau tr of Nath 11 and Joanna Bonnel Dec d Aug 8 ' y e 2 1735 Aged 9 years & 10 month 8 418 r Here Lyes yf Body of Catharin Donaldson Wife of W m Donaldson Marchant In Elizabeth town. Who Departed this Life At y e Pleasor of y e Almighty God July y e 30 th 1733 In y e 4l year of her Age. Mementomori 419 m IN Memory of HANNAH widow of Samuel Chandler who died Sept 22 d 1S49 In the 72 d Year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 6l 420 m IN Memory of SAMUEL CHANDLER WHO DIED April 7 th 1821 In the 51 st Year of his age 421 r M. C. In memory of Mary Chandler who died aug' the 13 1800 in the 68 year of her age 422 r In Memory of Stephen Chandler who departed this life Oct r 25" 1 1800 in the 56 th year of his Age 423 r SACRED to the Memory of Benjamin Chandler Son of Abner & Phebe Chandler who died 3 d Nov. 1815 in the 27 th year of his age. This sad memento, humble stone, Recalls a brother, only son ; The hope of age, solace of grief, The enfeebled sisters kind relief. Reader has thou a Benjamin In whom thy eyes with joy have seen, All thy desire, and all thy hope? Prepare thy heart to give him up. With him, died the fondest earthly hopes of his parents The dearest expectations of his sisters And much pleasing anticipation of the church of God. 124 r S. C. In Memory of Samuel Chandler who died Feb 12 th 1804. In the 69 th Year of his Age When this you see Remember me. 425 r E. C. In memory of Elizabeth widow of Samuel Chandler who died March 30 th 1813 in the 79 th year of her age Whether we will or not, we must. Take the succeeding world on trust 426; SACRED To the Memory of ABNER CHANDLER who died 18 th of June AD. 1817. Aged 57 Years 5 Months and 11 Days The tear of sorrow scarcely dry, Shed for a brother, only son, Before is felt a heavier sigh And tears of deeper sorrow run. Ah ! why is our last pillar broke ! Says a lone family, in grief— Tis God inflicts the painful stroke ; Begone ye clouds of unbelief. The Lord is good ; we bless his name For mercies left ; and the fond hope That we shall quickly meet again. Where the dear comp'ny ne'er breaks up. 62 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 42T r IN memory of Phebe Chandler widow of Abner Chandler who died Nov 27 th 1831 Aged 68 years Pass'd from the trials of this world, She's found a bless'd abode Of happiness ; replete with joy. The dwelling of her God 428 r In memory of Mary Chandler Daughter of Abner & Phebe Chandler who died Dec r 17 th 1819 aged 23 years & 5 months Time, what an empty vapour tis. And days how swift the}' are. 429 r In Memory of Abby Chandler Daughter of Abner & Phebe Chandler who died Sept 10 th 1830 Aged 47 years To God our Sister now hath gone Her pains and tears are o'er ; Safe near her heavenly Father's throne She tastes of death no more 43© r Susanna Daughter of John & Joanna Hardy, died Jan> y e 31 st 1771 In y e 8 th Year of her Age. Blessed are the Dead That die in the Lord. Here lyeth y e Body Of cap' Ebenezer Lyon who departe' 1 this life march y 31' Anno Domini 1739. and in y e 69 th . Year of his Age 431 r [On one stone.] Here lyeth y e Body Of Elizabeth Lyon Who departed this life July the I* Anno Domini 1739 and in y e 71' Year of her Age [Caldwell Plot with iron fence around.] 432 m REUBEN VAN PELT Born June 20 1803 Died Dec. 19 1879 A kind and loving Husband and Father ; a useful Citizen ; a devout and exemplary Christian " First the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear." Mark IV. 28. CHURCH VARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 63 433 n HELEN W Daughter of Reuben & Catharine V Van Pi-j.i died April 23 d 1857 aged 3 years & 3 months She's gone to that Happy Land Of which she so sweetly sang. 434 m IN MEMORY OF MARGARET S. WIFE OF Reuben Van Pelt WHO DIED Jan 1 4 th 1849 Aged 46 years She died in the faith and hope of the Gospel " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord ,, 435 r [Lying flat on south side of Caldwell monument] John Dickinson Son of the Rev 1 James Caldwell & Hannah Ogden Was Born Jun" 29 1765 Fell aSleep May 11 1766 on y e Morn of y Lords Day Aged 10 Months and 10 Days & said But Jesus called them unto him me Suffer little Children to come unto And forbid them not for of such is y" Kingdom of God Luke 18. 16 64 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 436 m [Caldwell Monument, North side] "The memory of the Just is blessed „ Be of good courage and let us behave ourselves valiently for our people, and for the cities of our God and let the Lord do that which is good in his sight " The glory of children are their fathers " [Front or East side Caldwell Monument] (Caldwell) THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED TO THE MEMORY OF THE REV: JAMES CALDWELL: The pious and fervent christian ; The zealous and faithful minister ; The eloquent Preacher ; and A prominent leader among the worthies who secured the Independence of his Country His name will be cherished in the church and in the state so long as virtue is esteemed or patriotism honored [Near the top of shaft on this side is the word (Caldwell) enclosed by a wreath. See above] [South side of Caldwell Monument] JAMES CALDWELL Born in Charlotte C° Virginia April 1734 Graduated at Princeton College 1759 Ordained Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethtown 1762 After serving as Chaplain in the army of the revolution and acting as commissary to the troops in new-jersey He was killed by a shot from a sentinel at elizabethtown-point Nov : 24 th 1781 [Caldwell Monument, West side] HANNAH WIFE OF THE REV JAMES CALDWELL AND DAUGHTER OF THE CALDWELL MONUMENT. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 65 JOHN OGDEN OF NEWARK was killed at connecticut farms by a shot from a British soldier June 25 1780 Cruelly Sacrificed by the enemies of her husband and her Country 437 m SACRED To THE memory OF MARGARET MAGRUDER CALDWELL Consort of T Robinson Rodgers Daughter of Josiah F Caldwell of Washington City D. C. who died August i6 lh A D 1855 438 r In memory of William son of John & Mary Mills died Oct r io ,h 1794 aged I year 9 mon s & 9 days 439 r M. M. In Memory of Mary widow of the Rev d William Mills who died Apr 1 4 th 1794 in the 57 th year of her 440 m M. K. Sacred To the memory of Merritt son of James & Martha Kellogg of Litchfield Connecticut who departed this life April 5 th 1827 in the 19 th year of his age Pause youthful stranger view my doom Think not that you can shun the tomb 441 m M. K. SACRED To the memory of MARTHA WIFE OF James Kellogg of Litchfield Connecticut who departed this life Nov r 27 th 1844 Aged 80 Years 442 m IN Memory of PHEBE T WIDOW OF Aaron Woodruff who died Nov 17 th 1857 In the 60 th Year of her age For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain ,, 66 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 443 m IN Memory ol AARON WOODRUFF WHO DIED April 29 th 1848 In the 66 th Year of his age No more the weary Pilgrim mourns No more affliction wrings his heart The unfettered soul to God returns Forever he and anguish part Receive O earth his faded form In thy cold bosom let it He Safe let it rest from every storm Soon must it rise no more to die My Time is come Next may be thine Prepare for it Whilst thou hast Time 444 m IN Memory of HANNAH O WIDOW OF John High who died Jan>' 12 th 1846 In the 66 th Year of her age Thus much and this is all we know, Saints are completely blessed ; Have done with sin and care below, And with their Saviour rest. 445 r L. W. In memory of Luther son of Ezekiel and Sarah Woodruff, died Oct r 14 th 1806 in the 14 th Year of his Age 446 r HERE lies y e Body of Elizabeth, Wife of Ezekiel Woodruff who died Sept r y e 9 th Anno Domini 1779 In the XXXV Year of her Age 447 r E W In memory of Ezekiel Woodruff who deceas'd Jan> 14 th 1802 in the 58 th Year of his Age Press'd by the hand of sore disease In pain I wander'd on love Till God my Saviour arm'd with In mercy call'd me home 448 r S. W. In memory of SARAH widow of Ezekiel Woodruff who died April 8 th 1822 Aged 73 years Wait on the Lord ye trembling saints And keep your courage up : He'll raise your spirit when it faints And far exceed your hope. 449 r A. H. W. In Memory of Archibald H Woodruff who departed this life November io tb 1817 In the 22 nd Year of his age Read on this stone ye passers by That are sinners born to die I once had prospects most compleat u But now i am trod beneath yor feet I'd health and friends most near & dear But dont let fall for me a tear u Mourn for yor sin then mount on high a Tis sweet on Jesus brest to die CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 6 7 450 r S. W. In memory of Silas Woodruff who died July 9 th 1S19 in the 50 th year of his age Farewell ye friends whose tender care Has long engag'd my love Your fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above. 451 m IN Memory of MARY WIDOW OF Silas Woodruff who died Nov 16 th 1853 In the 82 d Year of her age Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." 452 r E. W. In memory of Ezekiel Woodruff who departed this life Sepf 3 d 1823 in the 46 th year of his age Wife and children may deplore , The husband father is no more : His frugal hands no more provide. We trust he rests at Jesus side . 453 m IN Memory of ELIZABETH WIDOW OF Ezekiel Woodruff Born Dec r 20 th 1780 Died Nov 17 th 1871 " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord ,, 454 r E. W. In memory of Elizabeth daughter of Ezekiel & Elizabeth Woodruff who departed this life March q ,h 1840 Aged 22 years & r month Now let each furrow'd cheek be dry And the redeemer's grace adore Soon shall you mount with me on high To sing and praise, and part, no more 455 m IN Memory of ELIZA ANN wife of Elias Woodruff who departed this life Feb 23 rd 1846 Aged 34 Years 2 Months & 17 days No sickness or sorrow or pain Shall ever disquiet her now For death to her spirit was gain Since Christ was her life when below 456 m In memory of two Children of Elias & Eliza A Woodruff EMMA F died Aug 6 1834 Aged 6 mo & 26 d's EZEKIEL D died Oct 6 1838 aged 3 years 4 mo & 25 d's Alas how chang'd these lovely flowers Which bloom'd and cheer'd our hearts Fair fleeting comfort of an hour How soon we're call'd to part INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 457 r IN Memory of Col. Ephriam L Whitlock who died Sep. 22 1825 Aged 70 Also of Ann his wife who died Sep. 21 1826 Aged 64. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Also of their daughters Peggy who died Aug 29 1799 A 5 ys And Sarah who died Ap 1 1801 A 10 ys 45 § m AARON RICHARDS Born February 19 ; 1793 Died September 28 1876 Aged 83 Yrs. 7 Mos. & 9 Days 459 m My Brothers Grave JOHN C RICHARDS Died Feb 18 th 1851 Aged 28 Years 1 Months and 16 Days As a Christian, Friend, and only Brother his loss is deeply felt. How sweet were the accents that rose on his breath When passing the valley and shadow of death When to God, his Redeemer his hope and his stay His glorified spirit passed swiftly away 460 m [Small marble block with cross on top] Simply to thy cross I cling. WILLIAM DE HART OGDEN ONLY CHILD OF ALICE & THE LATE E B Dayton Ogden Born June 4 th 1863 Died Jan i2 ,b 1878 461 r [Ogden Monument] [West side] SACRED TO THE Memory of B DAYTON OGDEN Born MAY 22 1800 Died FEB 24 1865 [On East side] Her Hope And her glory [Ogden Monument, South side] SACRED to the memory OF SUSAN DAYTON Daughter of the Reverend FREDERICK BEASLEY D. D. grand daughter of JONATHAN DAYTON & WIFE OF E B DAYTON OGDEN GOV. AARON OGDEN MONUMENT. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 69 SHE WAS BORN ON THE 13 th OF JUNE 1805 AND DIED on the 7 th of April 1848 In the faith and patience of the Gospel she was A true Daughter OF THE CHURCH AND in the language of the Bishop of the Diocese who knew her from her youth AND was with her almost to the last " the model of a Christian Lady and a christian mother " ' Right dear in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints ,, [North side blank] 462 r [Col. Aaron Ogden Monument] [On West side] Col Aaron Ogden L. L. D. ob April XIX, MDCCCXXXIX an. set. LXXXIII And his Consort Elisabeth Chetwood ob Sept. XXVII MDCCCXXVI an. set. LX. OGDEN [On North side] I am The Resurection and The Life saith The Lord [Ogden Monument] [South side] Their Children E B Dayton ob Aug VIII MDCCXCIX an. ?et. II Aaron ob Oct V MDCCCOIII aet VI months John Robert ob. Jan XXII, MDCCCXLV an. set LI. [On East side] Matthias ob July XVII, MDCCCLX ; an aet LXVIII Mary C. Wife of G C Barber ob Mar. XXIII MDCCCLXIII an set LXXIV. Phebe Ann ob Nov XXX MDCCCLXV an get LXXV. [Horizontal slab] 463 r Sacred to the Memory of SARAH PLATT Daughter of Zopher & Rebekah Piatt Wife of Robert Ogden Junior Esquire Serjeant at Law She died in Childbed January 21 st 1782 In the 31 st Year of her Age In the Bloom of Life Adorned with every outward Grace Enriched with every Christian Virtue She bid adieu to Earth and went to Heaven Twas the Survivor died ! Grief worn traveller ! Go learn Submission to the Will of God Permanent Felicity is not For Man on Earth 70 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 464 r [Horizontal] This Tablet is inscribed in memory of Mary Barber Wife of Francis Barber and Daughter Of Robert and Phebe Ogden Who died October 7 th 1773 in y e 21 st Year Of her age She adorned every character she sustained In life and augmented the felicity of All around her In her you saw a Pattern of Fillial Duty Fidelity to her Friends, Love to her Husband And unfeigned Piety to her God By him she had been divinely taught That One Thing was Needful So that The intruding cares of Connubial Life Interrupted not her Homage to the Great Parent of All Reader ! E'er yet thou pass this Earthly scene Revere her name & be what she has been ! 465 r Here lies interred the Body of phebe Ogden Dec'd Ocf y e 14 1735 In y e 17 th year of her Age is this y" fate that all must die will Death no Ages spair then let us All to Jesus flie and seek for refuge there 466/ Here Lyeth The Body of Mrs Hannah Ogden, Wife of Robert Ogden who Slept in Jesus October 30 th 1726 yEtatis Suae 36 467 r Here ly the Remains of Robert Ogden Esq r O b i j t Nov r 20 th A. D. 1733 ^Etat 46 One dear to God to Man most dear A Pillar in both Church & State Was he whose precious Dust lies here Whose Soul doth with bright Seraphs mate His Name immortal shall remain Till this cold Clay revive again 46§r [Horizontal] To the Memory of M rs Hannah Ogden Daughter of Gen 1 Elias Dayton & Relict of Gen 1 Matthias Ogden who died 11 th Dec r 1802 Aged 44 Years Jane Chandler Ogden her daughter died 9 th Sep r 1789 Aged 10 months 466 Daughter of Jasper Crane. 461 Son of Jonathan and Rebecca Ogden. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. J I 469 r [Horizontal] Sacred to the memory of General Matthias Ogden who died on the 31 st day of March 1791 Agsd XXXVI years In him were united those various virtues of the Soldier the Patriot and the Friend which endear men to society. Distress failed not to find relief in his bounty. Unfortunate merit a refuge in his generosity. If manly sense and dignity of mind If social virtues lib'ral and refin'd Nipp'd in their bloom deserve compassion's tears Then reader Weep, for Ogden's dust lies here Weed his grave clean ye men of genius for he was your kinsman Tread lightly on his ashes ye men of feeling for he was your brother 470 r [Horizontal] Here lies entombed In expectation of the resurrection of the Saints The Body of Mary Stockton relict of Job Stockton Esq r of Princeton She lived A generous Benefactor to the poor, A tender Parent of the orphan In her friendship open and candid Inculcating and practising virtue She set an example of undesembled Piety She died In the hope of the Gospel of Jesus on the 29 th Day of January A. D. 1795 Aged 65 Years & 7 Months 410 Daughter of Robert and Phebe Ogden. 72 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 471 m Rev. Thomas A. Ogden Died Dec. 8. 1878. In the 77 th Year of his age Also his Nurse Mary Drake Died Jan. 17. 1826. In the 83 d Year of her age. The sweet remembrance of the just, Shall nourish when they sleep in dust. 472 r Sacred to the Memory of Stephen Crane Esq r who departed this life July y e I st A. D. 1780. In the 71 st Year of his Age. Having been Elected for a series of Years to y e chief Magistracy of y e Place and to a Seat in the Grand Council of y e State He discharged the Duties of those important Stations, with strict Integrity and general Approbation. 473r HERE lies interr'd the Remains of Mrs. Phebe. the wife of Stephen Crane Esq r who departed this Life Aug 1 y e 28 th Ano Dom 1776 In y e 62 d Year of her Age Here Lieth y e Body of Daniel Craine Deceased February y e 24 A 172^ In y e 51 Year of his Age. 474 r Here Lieth y e Body of Daniel Crane Jun r Deceased y e 25 of February A 172^ In y e 20 Year of his Age. 475 r HERE lies y e Body of Phebe Wife of Stephen Crane Esq who departed this Life March y e io ,h A. D. 1786 In Y 38 th Year of her Age. She was the Mother of 11 Children. 476 r In memory of Stephen Crane who died Feb. the nth 1796 in the 59 th year of his age 477 in [Horizontal] SACRED To the Memory of General WILLIAM CRANE who died July 30 18 14 Aged 67 years One of the firmest patriots of our revolution ; in the darkest period of his country's oppression & danger, he volunteered in her cause & was wounded in her defence. Probity, benevolence and patriotism characterized his life. He lived beloved & died lamented Son of Elias and Mary Anderson Ogden. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 73 His sons have caused this monument a faint tribute of gratitude & affection to be erected over his grave Also of Abigail Crane wife of Gen 1 William Crane, who died July 22 1 ' 1825, Aged 62 years 47§ m IN Memory of JOANNA M WIFE OF John O. Mage, and Daughter of William, and Abigail Crane : who died J any 30 th 1820 . In the 22 nd Year of her age " Oh Mother ! who is left to love as thou hast lov'd ; For the cold grave did veil thee early from my sight But I will strive as best such frail one may, To follow thee to Heaven." A tribute of a Daughter's affection 480 r J.C In memory of Jane widow of Stephen Crane Esq r who died Jany 29"' 1822 Aged 61 years Why was unbelieving I Trembling so afraid to die Now my feet in safety stand Here within the promis'd land 479 r P. M. C. SACRED To the Memory of Phebe M. daughter of William & Abigail Crane : who died February 28 th 1820 ; in the 25 th year of her age Also, three children of William & Abigail Crane ; Maria, died Aug st 3 ra 1785 Aged 7 months. Sarah died Aug 8t 7 th 1786 Aged 3 months Charles died Aug 8 ' 9 th 1789 Aged 3 months 481 m IN Memory of MARY Daughter of Stephen and Jane Crane who died May 2 d 1826 : In the 38 th Year of her age " For this corruptible must put on in- corruption and this mortal must put on immortality." There is a world we have not seen That wasting time can ne'er destroy Where mortal footsteps hath not been ; Nor ear hath caught its sounds of joy. 482 r W. M. In memory of William Miller who died July 15 th 1817 ; in the 51 st year of his age. Also two children of William ct Sarah Miller Moses died Jan>' 31 st 1800 aged 7 months & 3 days Esther C. died Oct r 19 th 1807 aged 5 years n months & 3 days 74 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4§3r In memory of Ann wife of William Miller who departed this life July the 18 th 1795 in the 28 th Year of her age Susanna Daughter of William & Anne Miller died Nov r the 4 th 1793 aged 16 months 4 §4 m JOANNA WIFE OF Charles Miller died Dec e 3 d 1859 ; Aged 46 Years and 6 Months Farewell my Partner and my Friends, Our sufferings here soon have an end Farewell dear Children my life is past My love to you while life did last Then after me no sorrow take But love each other for my sake 4§5w IN MEMORY Of STEPHEN O. MARSH who died Aug. 2:, 1841. Aged 29 Years and 11 Months Stop passing stranger drop one tear, A Husband Father Friend lies here Oh what is life ! tis like a flower That blossoms & is gone Death comes and like a wintry day It cuts the lovely flower away. 4§7r HERE lies y e Body of Mrs. Elizabeth wife of Mr. Sam 1 Miller who deceas'd Nov m the 13 th A D. 1747, In y e 73 d Year of her Age 4§§r Here Lyeth y e Body Of Sam 11 Miller Jun r Dec M = March y e 29 th 1732 in y e 27 th year Of his Age. 4§9 r HERE liesy e Body of Mr. Samuel Miller, who deceas'd March the 14 th A. D. 1759, In the 85 ,h Year of his Age 4§6 m IN Memory of JOHN MORSE SON OF Stephen O. & Joanna Marsh who died July 30 th 1843 ; Aged 8 years 7 months and 22 days 490 m EMELINE Daughter of Samuel Miller Died November 27 th 1864, Aged 39 years & 8 MONTHS My Master calls me I must go My friends weep not for me Gladly I leave you here below Hoping each one in heaven to see 491 m MARGARET WIFE OF Samuel Miller Died Jany 27 th , 1862, Aged 81 years & 2 months I know that my Redeemer liveth, CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 75 492 m SAMUEL MILLER Died Jany. 30TH, i860 Aged 82 years & 3 MONTHS He sleepeth. I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.,, 493 r D. C. In memory of David son of Finley & Jemima Chandler who died Feb v 15 th 1812 aged 18 years 7 months & 15 days. My dear youth when you pass me by Remember you must be laid as low as I. 496 r HERE lies the Body of Benjamin Chandler who departed this Life June the 14 th A. D. 1767 In y 8 28 th Year of his Age 497 r In memory of Sarah Chandler who died Jan> the 9"' 1794, in the 47 th year of her age. 494 r HERE lies the Body of Abigail Chandler who died Sept 1 ' the 9 th A. D. 1763. In y e 26 th Year of her Age — 495 r HERE lies y 8 Remains of Mary Wife of Samuel Chandler who died Nov r the 4 th A. D. 1763, In y e 58 th Year of her Age. Tho' in the Dust I lay my Head, Yet gracious God, thou wilt not leave My Soul forever with the Dead, Nor lose thy Children in the Grave. 498 r S. C. In memory of SARAH, widow of Deac. David Chandler. who died March 31 st 1830. In the 83 1 year of her age. When christians part they have this joy They soon shall meet again above Where distance shall no more annoy Nor sin obstruct their warmest love. 499; In memory of Deac" David Chandler who died Janu^ the 3 d 1786, in the 44 th year of his age When this you see, rememb r me : 500 r Here lies the Body of Moses Winans who died June y e 26 1788 In y e 43 d Year of his Age Weep not for me my frien d For why ! my Race is run It is the Will of God And let his Will be done 7 6 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 501 r Here Lyeth y e Body of Zeruiah Winance Wife of Samuel winance Who Departed this Life September y e 13 th Anno Dom. 1737 in y° 53 d year of her Age. 502 ; Here Lyeth y e body of phebe Daf lr of Sam' 11 & Zeruiah Winance who dec ed octob r y e 3o ,h 1735 in y' io tb year of her age. 50:5 > HERE lies interr'd what was Mortal of Mr. Samuel Winans who departed this Life Sepf y e 27 th A. D. 1747. In the LXXVII Year of his Age I'll take a turn among the Tombs, And see whereto all Glory comes: There the vile Foot of every Clown, Tramples the Sons of Honor down. 504 r HERE lies y* Body of Samuel Son of Samuel & Hannah Winans who died Oct r y e Q th 1774, In the 19 th Year of his Age 505 01 IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM W WOODRUFF WHO DIED June 17 th 1850 Aged 32 Years 4 Months and 2S Days 506 r [Horizontal Slab] HERE lies the Body of Mrs Hannah Winans the much esteemed widow of Mr Samuel Winans who departed this life March v 14"' A. D. 1783, In the LXIX Year of her Age. A virtuous Woman is a Crown to her Husband. Their Daughters Miss Frances Winans deceas'd June the 20 ,h An Domini 1746 in y e 15 th Year of her Age Phebe died Octo r iS ,h A. D. 1745 in the 8 ,h Year ot her Age Zeruiah died June 15 th A. D. 1746, in the 5 th Year of her Age Hannah died Aug* 6 th A. D. 1754. in the 6 th Year of her Age Eight lovely Flow Are here interr'd a HERE lies the Body of Mr. Samuel Winans the Honour'd Husband of Mrs. Hannah Ogden who departed this life Decem r 22 d A. D. 1772. in the LXI1I Year of his Age. An honest man the noblest work of God, Their Sons Mr. Jonathan Winans, died of the Small Pox, Feb> y e 22 d 1771, in y e 24 th Year of his Age Samuel, died Sept r 28 th A. D. 1740, in the 6 th Year of his Age 2' 1 Samuel died June 19 th A. D. 1746, in the 4 th Year of his Age John, died Septem r 14th A. D. 1746, in the 2 d Year of his Age. rs cropt off in early Bloom, round this mournful Tomb. 506 Daughter of Robert and Hannah Crane Ogden. HERE lies intend j jwhat was Mof Caf off I Mr, Samuel Wina?is \ who departed diis Life j jSept :f %jt AD. \jty : I In the lxxvii Year of j TH take a' turn among tlie Tomox, If j And feeAvWeto alltjlofy comes j / rKere the vile Foot of every Clown | Tramples the Sons of Honor dovc/n. Ecc^i 503 IN MEMOBY OF MifsCacharine. Daughter of the Rev a Dan! Thane ' 25 th 1800 Aged 2 Months. CORNELIA, died June, 1808 ; Aged 20 Years 525 >■ Here lies the Remains of M r MATTHIAS BALD- -WIN, who died July y e i 8t 1759, aged XL Years He was a good Neighbour A generous Friend An earnest promoter of the PUBLIC GOOD A kind Father, a tender Husband In short he was A CHRISTIAN PASSENGER Imitate him & be forever HAPPY. 526 r Here lies y e Body of Joanna Dau r of Matthias & Mary Baldwin Dec d y e 9 th of Dec er 1753, aged 1 year 8 M° & 12 Days 527 m FANNY C BALDWIN Died November 23rd. 1842 Aged 57 years 528 m ELIZABETH ALBEY Died January 26 th 1872 Aged 65 years 529 m ELIZABETH BALDWIN, WIFE OF David Albey, Died January 17 th , 1807, Aged 27 years Their daughter PHEBE E. ALBEY Aged 3 years 8o INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 530 in ELIZABETH THOMPSON WIFE OF John Baldwin Died December 6 ,h , 1S42 Aged 88 years 531 m PETER BALDWIN Died September 3RD, 1826 Aged 50 years 532 m To the Memory of JANE PRICE WIFE OF Richard Campbell, who died March 13, 185S : Aged 57 Years. 533 r M. P. In memory of MARY wife of William Price who died Dec r 3 d 1809 in the 22 d year of her Age 534 r In memory of Nathaniel Price who died Sepf 7 th 1807. Aged 25 years Also Abigail his wife who died Sept' 17 th 1807 Aged 25 years Likewise their only child W m Erastus died Sepf 22 d 1807, Aged 8 mon 9 O pencive mourner stay thy footsteps here, And on these graves pour forth a grateful tear Such as fond memory, on these be- stow, Who whilst they lived could feel for others woe ; If sympathy at sorrows shrine can bow A threefold cause demands that trib- ute now, For o beneath this monumental stone, Lies a fond husband wife & only son. 535 r ory of ,g- T. Price c ° ed April 22 d ^ 06 in the <5? 47 th year of his age 536 m S. C. M. In memory of SARAH C. daughter of William T. Price and wife of John R. Marsh of the City of New York who died April 19 th 1831 Aged 32 years 11 months and 20 days Go home my friends and dry your tears I must lie here till Christ appears, A few more days and you must lie In the cold grave as well as I. 537;- ANNA, Youngest Daughter of Mary Chetwood & George Clinton BARBER Born, Feb. 22 nd 1829, Died Aug. 8 ,h - 1861. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 538 m IN MEMORY OF GEORGE C. BARBER an Elder of this Church who died Oct r 29 th 1828 Aged 49 Years. A good and faithful servant he has entered into the joys of his Lord,, Children of George C. and Mary C. Barber George C. Barber Lieut. U. S. Army died of yellow fever Ocf 11 th 1853, in Indianola Texas, where his remains now rest, aged 26 years George Clinton died July 31, 1826 aged 4 years Phebe Ann Ogden died Feb. 20, 1816 aged 21 days 539 r IN MEMORY OF Moses Ogden who was killed at Connecticut Farms June y e 7 th A. D. 1780 In the 20 th Year of his Age This lovely Youth Adorned with Truth A brave commander shone His Soul emerging from its Dust With his Progenetors we trust Shall shine in Realms unknown 540 m IN Memory of M r3 Ann Barber who died July 17 th 1825, Aged 67 years Relict of Lt. Col. Francis Barber who died February n" 1 1783, in the 33 d year ol his age 541 r HERE LIETH the Remains of M r Moses Ogden who departed this Life Oct r y e 14 th Anno Domini 1768 In the 46 th Year of his Age 542 r D. O. Here lieth in hope of a joyful resurection. the body of David Ogden who was born Oct 26, °- s> 1726, and who died in the triumphs of faith Nov. 28, N. S. 1801, for 57 years he adorned the Christian profession by a holy & exemplary life ; & for 15 years discharged the duties of a Deacon to the first Pres- beterian Church in this Town with prudence fidelity & acceptance, Softly his fainting head he lay Upon his saviours breast His saviour kiss'd his soul away And laid his flesh to rest, 543 r In memory of Hannah wife of David Ogden. She died May the 17 th 1793, in the 74 th year of her age. 540 Dau. of Moses Ogden, No. 541, and Mary Cozzens. m Son of Robert Ogden ; married Hannah Woodruff, No. 543. 82 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 544; HERE LIETH interr'd y e Body of M r Joseph Ogden who deceas'd April the 29 th A. D. 1761. In the fifty third Year of his Age. 545 ; Here lies y e Body of Sam 11 Scott dec d October y e 29. 1723 Aged 30 years. 546 r Here lieth y e Body of Martha Thompson. Wife of M r John Thompson, who departed this life July the 16 th A 1728 Aged in her 50 Years. 547 m IN Memory of JOB CRANE, WHO DIED Dec f 17 th 1848, IN THE 62 d YEAR of his Age 548 m IN Memory of MARY B. CRANE Wife of Job Crane who died August 15 th 1873 IN THE 86 th YEAR OF HER AGE 549 m IN memory of three daughters of Job & Mary Crane Eliza died Dec r 16 th 1S32 Aged 4 years & 8 months Sarah W. died Jany 8 th 1836 Aged 13 years & 10 months Julia Ann died Feb? 7 th 1838 Aged 4 Yeas & 8 months. 550 m IN MEMORY OF JOHN WOOD WHO DIED Nov. 26. 1727, Aged 24 years & 2 mo. 550^ r [Is right against 550] Jeremy Wood Disceased May the 21 A 1729 Aged 2 Years 7 Months & 21 Days 551 m SACRED To The Memory Of JOHN WOOD WHO died April 25 th 1846 Aged 85 years i month and 3 DAYS 552 m SACRED To The Memory of SARAH WOOD wife of John Wood who died July 17, 1841 Aged 76 years 8 mo. & 23 DAYS CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 83 553 m In memory of Nathan Morse son of Job and Amy C. Winans ; who died Feby 9 th 1835, Aged 1 year 3 months and 18 days Life is like a flower That blossoms & is gone We see it flourish for an hour With all its beauty on But death comes like a wintry day And cuts the pretty flower away. 554 m JOB WINANS Died Aug. 26 th 1872, Aged 67 yrs. 6 mo. & 20 days. 557 m IN Memory of SUSAN LEE Daughter of John & Phebe K. Force WHO DIED Sepf 14 th 1843 : Aged 2 Years 11 Months and 25 Days •Sweet blossom evermore adieu : A Seraph bright calls thee away Thou'll bloom again with brighter hue In realms of bliss and endless day. 555 m AMY C WINANS Died April 21 st 1880 Aged 70 yrs. 8 mo & 10 days 556 m IN Memory of JOB WINANS SON OF John & Phebe K. Force who died Aug at 19 th 1848 Aged 5 Years and 8 months. He had no mother's tender care To soothe his dying cries, but he Who heard her dying prayer Has taken him to the skies. 558 m IN Memory of PHEBE KING WIFE OF John Force who died Nov r 8 th 1844 Aged 23 Years 1 Month and 13 Days Dear friend thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel : But 'tis God that hath bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. 558^ m [This stone is set close against the back of 558 & 559] In memory of Abby Wood daughter of Joseph & Polly Morse who died May 15 th 1827, Aged 3 years & 5 days Alas how changed that lovely flow" Which bloom'd and cheer'd my heart Fair fleeting comfort of an hour How soon we're call'd to part. 8 4 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 559 m IN Memory of POLLY WIFE OF JOSEPH MORSE WHO DIED Sepf 25 tn 1847 Aged 57 Years. She has past the waves of trouble here She has gone beyond the reach of fear No more she hears the gospel sound But lies here mouldering under ground 560 m JOSEPH D MORSE Died April 11 th 1852. 03 Aged 70 years. 2 m & 7 days. 561 r IN memory of Esther widow of Cooper Woodruff who died Jan>' 15 th 1802 in the 63 d year of her Age Dear Father if thy lifted rod Resolve to scourge us here below Still we must lean upon our God ugh Thine arm shall bear us safely thro 562 r In memory of Cooper Woodruff who died Apr 1 the 2 d 1792 in y e LXXX th year of his age. 563 r M. W. In Memory of Mary Wife of Cooper Woodruff & Daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Mitchel died June 7 th 1766 In the 41 st Year of her Age Death is a debt to mortals due I've paid that debt and so must you. 564 r S. W. SACRED To THE MEMORY OF Sarah Woodruff who died Oct r 7 th 1824 in the 67 th year of her age 565 m John S Miller Died August 26 th 1871. Aged 56 Years For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth, 566 m RACHAL ANN wife of John S Miller and daughter of Warren & Mary C. Brown Died Feb. 12 th 1865 Aged 35 years 6 mo. & 2 DAYS Oh ! Death where is thy sting Oh ! Grave where is thy Victory. 1 Cor. XV. 55. Thanks be unto God who hath given us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor XV. 57- CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 85 567 r Here lyes y e Body of David Olliver Dec d Nov r y e I2 ,h 1747. in y e 55 year of his Age. 568 r Here lyeth y e Body of Samuel Oliver Who Departed this Life May y e 15 th 1744. In the 58 th year of His age. 569 r Here lies y e Bod}' of Sarah wife of M r Samuel Oliver who Died April y e 9 1735 Aged 47 years 570 r Here lies y e Body of Hannah wife of David Oliver Dec' 1 FebJ" y e 29 ] 735-6 Aged 43 years 571 r Here lies y e Body of Jonathan Oliver who died Decern' y e 28 1733 Aged 34 years 572 r Here lyes y e Body of Mary Wife of Samuel Oliver Aged 62 years & 6 m° Dec d Jan rv y* 23' 1 1729 573 r S. O. In memory of Sarah widow of John N. Oliver who died June 22 d 1835 Aged 73 years 574 r J. N. O. In Memory of John N. Oliver who died Nov 11 th 1813 in the 61 st year of his age 575 r J. O. In Memory of James Oliver who died Dec' 22 d 1809 in the 30 th year of his Age 576 r J.O. In memory of James son of James & Elizabeth Oliver, died Jan>' 2 d 1809 aged 3 months 577 r Rhoda daughter of John N. & Sarah Oliver died Aug' y e 2 d 1782 aged 4 months 86 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 578 r John Nicholas son of John N & Sarah Oliver died March the 23 1793 in y e 4 th year of his age 579 tn L W Sacred To the memory of Lewis Woodruff who departed this life February i 9t 1827 in the 32 d year of his age Ah ! could affection, admiration save So dear an object from the untimely grave This transcript faint had not essay'd to tell The loss of one beloved, revered so well 582 r S. W. In memory of Sarah widow of Baker Woodruff who died Dec 1 ' 21 st 1 816 in the 54 th year of her age Insatiate archer ! could not one suf- fice ? Thy shaft slew thrice and thrice our peace was slain 580; W. W. In memory of Whitehead son of Baker & Mary Woodruff, died Sept v 28 th 1806 in the 29th year of his age Therefore be ye also ready Matthew 24 & 44. 581 r S. H. W. In memory of Sarah Henry daughter of Baker & Sarah Woodruff, who died Jan? 29 th 1816 aged n years 4 months & 8 days And is the lovely shadow fled The blooming wonder of her years So soon enshrin'd among the dead She justly claims our pious tears 583 r B. W. In memory of Baker Woodruff who died Dec 1 " 12 th 1813 in the 63 d year of his age Wife and children may deplore The husband, father, is no more His frugal hands no more provide We trust he rests at Jesus side 584 r Sacred to the Me- -mory of Mary Wife of Baker Wood- ruff, who died Dec r ye ^th i^go. In the XXXIX Year of her Age Return unto thy Rest, O my Soul, for the Lord hath dealt Bountifully with Thee. Psal. CXVI. 7 th 585 r J. W. Jabez Son of Baker & Mary Woodruff, died Nov r IV 1799. In the XII Year of his Age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 87 5§6r Whitehead, Son of Baker and Mary Woodruff, died Sep* the 29 th 1776, aged 1 Year & 4 Months. 5§7 m To the Memory of Mary Ann wife of John J Bryant who died Feb>- 14 th 1838 JE 40 5 §8 m To the Memory of Jane V wife of John J Bryant and daughter of Baker & Sarah Woodruff who died April 5 th 1829 ^E 30 There remaineth therefore a Rest to the people of God Heb. IV. 9. 5 §9 m JOHN JAY BRYANT DIED June 29 th 1859 Aged 60 years SARAH JANE WIFE of John Jay Bryant died Dec' 26 th 1865 [The last n are in Woodruff plot] 590/ Jane Daughter of Nathaniel & Mar>' Woodruff, who died March the 26 th A D. 1758 Age' 1 7 Months 591 r [Face of stone all scaled off and gone] 592 r In Memory of Aaron Woodruff who died Aug* y e 29 th 1780 In the 22 1 Year of his Age. 593; Mary Ann Daughter of Nathaniel & Mary Woodruff, died March the 28 th 1771 In y e t8 th Year of her Age 594 r Mary Wife of Nathaniel Woodruff died June y e 14 th A. D. 1770. In y e 48 th Year of her Age 595 r Here lies the Body of Nathan' Woodruff who died Jan v y e 17 th A. D. 1777. In the 59 th Year of his Age 596 r Here lyeth Seth son of Timothy & Elizabeth Woodruff, who died Nov' y e 12 th Anno Domini 1740 aged 3 months & 23 days 88 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 597 m In memory of CHARITY DAUGHTER OF Enos and Charity Woodruff who died April 12 th 1845 In the 53 Year of her age 59§> m In Memory OF CHARITY WIDOW OF Enos Woodruff who died Sepf 5 th 1828 In the 76 th Year of her age 599 m In memory of ENOS WOODRUFF WHO DIED Dec r 5 th 1821 In the 72' 1 Year of his age 600; T. W. H. W. P. W. In memory of three Children, ol Enos and Charity Woodruff Timothy died Sept 3 U 1776, aged III Years X months and XXV days Hannah died Sept 18 th 1776 aged 2 Years 2 months and 28 days Phebe died Sept 30 th 1792 aged 1 Year 10 months and 25 days 601 r E. W. In memory of Elizabeth wife of Timothy Woodruff who died Sep r 16 th 1776 In the LXIY"' year of her age 602 r T W In memory of Timothy Woodruff who died April 26 1798 in the S3' 1 year of his age Cut by Stewart & Ross E Town 603 m IN Memory of MARY wife of Timothy Woodruff who died March 16 th 181 8 Aged 39 Years Also MARY daughter of Timothy & Mary Woodruff who died Aug. 3 rcl 1823 Aged 15 Years " The Lord reigneth,. 604 r A. M. C. In memory of Ann M. wife of William Christy Jun who died March 25 th 1822 Aged 25 years Also John Wesley their son who died March 15 th 1821 Aged 15 months Around the azure throne of God The soul now takes its high abode To dwell in heavenly peace ; Among the saints & angels blest. It shall partake of endless rest In joys that ne'er decrease CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 8 9 605 r Elias R. son of Elias and Jane Sayre died June the 2S ,h 1793 aged 6 months 606 r HERE lies the Body of Anna, Wife of Daniel Sayre who deceas'd April y e 2 d A. D. 1773. in the 26 th Year of her Age 60? m IN Memory of JANE widow of Matthew Decker, who died March 21 st 1S39 Aged 3S Years 4 Months and 17 days I leave this world without a tear, Save for the friends that linger here, To heal their Sorrows Lord decend And to the friendless prove a friend 609 r In Memory of Hepzibah wife of John Potter Who Departed this Life March 23 1779 Aged 30 Years 610; H. P. In Memory of Hannah Price, died Mar XII 1799 m tne 29 Year of her age Behold in y 3 cold Ground my Body lies As you do pass along Remember & prepare to dy Before the Summons come. 611 r HERE lies the Body of • Miss Mary Alleson, who departed this Life April the 7 th AD. 1772 In the XXXII Year of her Age My Flesh shall Slumber in the Ground Till the last Trumpets joyful Sound Then burst y e Chains in sweet surprise And in my Saviour's Image rise 608 m THOMAS O SAYRE Died Oct 20" 1 1S64 Aged 63 years. For ten years a faithful elder in this church " For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain " 612; J. P. In memory of Jonathan son of Jonathan & Polly Price died March I st 1809 aged 3 m" & 1 day Our dear child Christ took & blest We'll cease to mourn for he's at rest 9 o INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 613 r M. H.C. M. H. P. In Memory of Mary H wife of Daniel D Conditt and Daughter of Ephriam & Chloe Price who died April 25 th 1822 in the 22 d year of her age Also of Mary H daughter of Thompson & Elizabeth Price who died April 10 th 1825 in the 10 th year of her age When Blooming youth are snatch'd away By death's resistless hand Our hearts the mournful tribute pay Which pity must demand 614 r D. W. P. In memory of David W Price son of Ephriam & Chloe Price who on a Journey in the Republic of Mexico was asassinated in the night by his servant Oct 1825 Aged 34 years 615 Marian Daughter of Ephriam & Chloe Price died Sept 17, 1709 in the 2 1 year of her age Also her sister Phebe died Aug* 7 th 1799 aged 5 weeks & 1 day 616 r Jane Smith daughter of Ephraim & Chloe Price, died May I st 1796. aged 15 months. 617 r Anne, daughter of Ephraim & Chloe Price, died Ocf y e I st 1792 in y e 3 d year of her age 618 r HERE lies interr'd what was Mortal of Mr Nathanael Price Life who departed this NoV the 7 th Anno Domini 1776 In the LXXVI Year of his Age 619 r HERE lies ye Body of Tane. Wife of James Smith who departed this Life May y e 30" 1 Anno Dom. 1779 I" tne XXIV Year of her Age 620 r In Memory of Mary wife of Nathaniel Price who died May the 24 th 1797 in the 62 d Year of her age 621 N. P. In memory of Nathaniel Price who died Jan> T 10 th 1809 in the 76 th Year of his Age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 91 622 r E. P. In Memory of Ephraim Price who died Sepf 14 th 1824 in the 58" 1 year of his age 625 m TO The memory of RACHEL ELIZABETH Daughter of John and Eunice Hindes Born Nov 11 th 1818 Died Sept II th 1851 Farewell ye friends whose tender care Why should we mourn for those who Has long engag'd my love die Your fond embrace I now exchange Who rise to glory's sphere For better friends above The tenants of that cloudless sky Need not our mortal tear 623 r C. P. In Memory of Chloe wife of Ephraim Price who died May 9 th 1829 Aged 64 years Hallowed be this spot A Mother sleepeth here Disturb not her repose For angels hover near Her spirit upward bourn In heaven now's at rest With God and saints above With Jesus and the blest. 624 m TO The memory of MARGARET ANN Daughter of John and Eunice Hindes Born June 14 th 1824 Died Jan>' 20 th 1852 O, ye mourners cease to languish O'er the grave of her you love Far removed from pain and anguish She is chanting hymns above 626 m IN Memory of SARAH A. D. Daughter of John and Eunice Hindes who died Ocf 27 th 1850 Aged 28 Years Her work on earth soon done She passeth hence A friend from loving friends A Sister from her Sisters 627 m IN Memory of JOHN HINDES WHO DIED Sepf 14 th 1843 Aged 51 Years Friends our span of life is fleeting Hark ! the harps of angles swell Think Of that eternal meeting Where no voice shall say farewell 62§ m IN Memory of EUNICE wife of John Hindes 9 2 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN and daughter of Henry and Rachel Freeman who departed this life Jan 6 tll iS4i In the 47" 1 year of her age Also their Children William Josiah aged 3 years & 2 months Henry Josiah aged I year & 27 days Louisa Holdridge aged 9 months & 7 days 629 m Our Brother JOHN J HINDES Died March 27 th 1861 Aged 33 Years 1 Month and 8 Days 630 r Here Lieth y e Body of James Hindes Deceased October » 7th a° 1731 In y" 51 st Year of his Age 631 r Here lies y e Body of Irene Wife of James Hindes Tun r Dec d Feb 1 ' y e 19 1733 Aged 26 years 632 r H. H. In memory of Henry Hindes who died May 21 st 1836 in the 35 th Year of his age 633; C. H. In memory OF Charlotte wife of William Hindes who died May i6 tb 1814, in the 53 d year of her age 634; W. H. In Memory OF William Hindes who died Sepf 2Sth 1820 in the 60 th year of his age 635 r HERE lies intomb'd y Mortal part of Jerusha Daughter of Oliver & Anna Spencer, who died Ocf y e q th 1787 aged 22 Years I bid adieu to Earth. For all things here are vain. 636 m SACRED To the MEMORY of M" ANN TRUMBULL WIFE OF JOHN M TRUMBULL WHO DIED JUNE I s ' 1817 Aged 27 years ALSO OF Her infant Son JOSEPH Aged 3 months CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 93 637 m IN memory of Charles Lathrop son of Noah and Sarah Ann Norris who died August 2 a 1836 aged 1 year 6 months and 17 days This lovely bud so young and fair Call'd hence by early doom er Just came to show how sweet a flow In paradise would bloom 638 r Simeon son of Jonathan & Sarah Acken died Aug* 24 th 1793 aged 1 month & 3 weeks 639 m SACRED To the memory of two Children of John D & Elizabeth T Norris CERINTHA died July 26 th 1826 Aged 2 months LAURA ANGELINE died Dec 27 th 1828 Aged 4 months Alas! how changed these lovely flowers, Which bloom'd and cheer'd our hearts ; Fair fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon we're call'd to part ! 640 m SACRED To The memory of CATHARINE MARIA DAUGHTER OF John D & Elizabeth T Norris : who died Sept* 2 d 1831 Aged 10 Months and 17 Days I take these little lambs said he " And lay them in my breast Protection they shall find in me " In me be ever blest. 641 m The Grave of CHARLOTTE widow of Elias Norris WHO DIED March 26 th 1878 In the 85 th YEAR OF HER AGE. 642 m The Grave of ELIAS NORRIS WHO DIED Nov 27 th 1853, IN THE 60 lh YEAR OF HIS AGE 643 m SACRED To the memory of Noah Norris, who departed this life August 29''' 182S ; in the 6o tb year of his age The time is short the season near, When death will us remove To leave our friends however dear And all we fondly love. 94 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 644 m SACRED To the memory of REBECCA WIDOW OF Noah Norris who departed this life Oct r 22 nd 1854 In the 81 st Year of her age. Her months of affliction are o'er, The days and the nights of distress, We see her in anguish no more, She has gained her happy release. 645 r M. S. Of paternal Affection and universal Benevolence this Monument is erected by filial Affection to testify to after ages that here lies the Body of Elias Boudinot, who died July y e 4 th A D 1770 aged LXIIl Years This modest Stone, what few vain Marbels can May truly say, " Here lies an honest Man 646; M. S. Of Catharine y e Wife of Elias Boudinot who departed this Life November y e i 8t 1765 aged 51 Years In Testimony of whose Maternal Affection & pious Care this Monument is erect ed by her gratefull Children 647 r HERE lies the Body of Richard Stockton Son of Abner & Mary Hetfield, who died — FebrJ" y e 4 th 1767 In y e 3 d Year of his Age Sleep lovely Babe & take your peaceful rest, God call'd you home because he thought it best. 64§ r J. P. In memory of Jonathan Price who died sepf 12 1799. In the 72 d Year of his Age 649 m P. P. In memory of PERIAM PRICE Died October 2, 1880 Aged 87 Years 4 Months Them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 650 in In memory of PHEBE ANNA Daughter of Jessie D & Harriet Eliza Price who died in the City of New York Jan. 24, 1844 : Aged 10 mo. & 7 DAYS The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. iJJltir D'atefnaf AfFe y^T f ^r> univefTal Benevolence) <£ j "> this Monument ^^|fe j is efefted by filial AfFe&on, hfto fceftify to aftef actes, ^rj [(that We lies the Body of ) pfe ; - Elias Boudiiiot* KfO' Jwho died July jf ^^Dj^Vq 1 djlea LxitiTeafs. < b ^ % K* 645 CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 95 651 m J. D. P. In Memory of the Rev Jonathan D Price M. D. son of David & Rachel Price who died at Ava in Burmah Feb. 14 th 1S28 after 7 years missionary labour in that empire Aged 32 years In Burmah's sand from kindred dust afar On thy cold stone looks down the Eastern Star 652 r A. O. P. In memory of Aaron Ogden son of David & Rachel Price died Oct r 31 st 1805 in the 20 th year of his age What he was once forbear to say, Twill best appear on that great day, When you and I & every one Must give account for what we've done 653 r J. P. Joseph Peream Son of David & Rachel Price, died July 26 1792. Aged I Year & III Mon a 654 r D P Daniel Son of David & Rachel Price, died Feb* X 1785 Aged 4 Mon 9 & 6 days 655 r D. P. Daniel Son of David & Rachel Price died Nov r XIII 1783, aged IV Months & 14 days 656 r R. P. In memory of Rachel daughter of David & Rachel Price died March 8 th 1809 aged 18 months & 9 days 657 m Our Mother PHEBE WIFE OF Enos Price Died Sep 1 12 th 1861 Aged 76 Years There is rest for the weary There is sweet rest in Heaven 658 m OUR FATHER ENOS PRICE Died July I st 1872 Aged 90 Yrs &6 Months Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like a shock of corn cometh in his season." 659 r In memory of Jonathan Son of Enos & Phebe Price, who died March 9 th 1831 ye INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN aged 2 years & 6 months Liv'd to wake each tender passion Our delightful hopes inspire Died to try our resignation And direct our wishes higher, 660; In Memory of Mary daughter of Enos & Phebe Price who died Feb>- iS tb 1S27 hs Aged 1 year 4 mont & 9 days 661 m IN MEMORY OF THE REV JOHN HARRIMAN The first Pastor of THE First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethtown He was born in New Haven Graduated in Cambridge college in 1067 : Was installed in Elizabethtown in 1687 ; And after faithfully serving the church, and in the state, he died in 1704, "The memory of the just is blessed 662 in IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM HARRIMAN WHO was born April 28, 1718 ; Died March 9, 1S11 Also of SUSANNA His wife who died March 2, 1791. Death like a narrow sea divides That heavenly land from ours. 663 m In Memory of JOANNA E. LYONS Grand daughter of CAP T SAMUEL HARRIMAN Died April 20 ,h 1879 in the 80 th year of her age Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. 664 m In Memory of JOHANNA daughter of Capt Samuel Harriman Born Jan. 18 th 1773. Died Aug. g ,h 1852. A bright example of filial and sisterly affection — her record is on high. 665 m In memory of CAPT SAMUEL HARRIMAN who was born Jan. 18. 1752, and died Aug. 21. 1824. Aged 72 years. He was one of the noble band of worthies contributed by Elizabethtown to the war of the Revolution, among whom he obtained a distinguished name by his fearless courage Also of SUSANNA HIS wife who was born Nov. 8. 1752 And after a blameless and useful life through 46 years of which she was a member of the church died Nov. 2, 1830 aged 78 years CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 97 006 m In memory ok four children of Samuel & Susanna Harriman. Eaton was born May 7 th 1778, died July 5 th 1779 Susan was born Sep. 21 st 1786 died Aug. 8 th 1839 Margaret was born June 8 th 1780 died Sep. 29 th 1844 Maria was born Sep 3 d 1774 died Sep. 31 st 1844. 067 r P W SACRED to the Memory of PHEBE WIFE of Jonathan Winans who died Nov. 3. 1823 aged 25 years 6 months & 18 days h No chilling winds nor pois'nous breat Can reach that healthful shore: Sickness and sorrow pain and death. Are felt and fear'd no more. 008 m IN Memory of MARY WIFE OF Jonathan Winans WHO DIED Ocf 29 th 1844 In the 49 th Year of her age Ye pleasing scenes, adieu, Which I so long have known My friends, a long farewell to you For I must pass alone. 009 m [This stone faces the west] Sarah Ann Meeker HINDS. the adopted Daughter of Samuel & Christiana Meeker of Philadelphia Mary wife of Abner Hinds died March I st 1835 : Aged 61 Years Here lays an affectionate Mother and an only Sister 070; E. B. In memory of Ezekiel Baker who died May 15 th 1810 aged 62 years 8 months & 15 days Ye pleasing scenes adieu Which I so long have known, My friends a long farewell to you For I must pass alone. 071 in SACRED To the memory of PHEBE widow of Ezekiel Baker ; who died March 21 st 1840, Aged 77 years, 4 months, & 18 days. The time is short! the season near, When death will us remove To leave our friends however deai And all we fondly love. 9 8 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Here lies the Body of James Ross, who departed this Life Janu? the 27 th Anno Domini 1752. In the 29 th Year of his Age 672 r [One stone] Here lies the Body of James Son of Jame 8 & Rebekah Ross, who died Dece r y e 3 d A. D. 1769. In the 19 th Year of his Age 673 r Here lies y e Body of Jehiel Son of Andrew Hampton. Died Feb : 26 1734 in y e 6 yea r of his Age 674 m IN memory of William Schenck who died March 5 th 1841, in the 21 st year of his age 675 m In memory of Ephraim Son of Elias & Catherine Hatfield : who died Dec r 28 th 1836. aged 1 year 5 months and 26 days This lovely bud, so young and fair Call'd hence by early doom ; ei Just came to show how sweet a flow In paradise would bloom. who departed this life May 29 th 1817 ; in the 26 th year of her age. Ye fleeting charms of earth farewell ! Your spring of joys are dry ; My soul now seek another home A brighter world on high 677 m In Memory of Cap' David Lyon, who departed this Life on the 30 th March 1802, Aged 57 Years 678 r S. P. W. Stephen P. son of Person and Mary Woodruff, died Feb? 9 th 1809 aged 6 years. Lord it was thy will to take my son, Teach me to say thy will be done. 676 m In Memory of Maria, wife of Cornelius Storm 679 r P. W. In Memory of Parsons Whoodruff who departed this life the 1st day of Nov br 1803. In the 40 th Year of his Age. As you pass by Remember me, For as you are now, so once was I. For as I am now, so you must be. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 99 6*»© m Our Mother who was born July 20 th 1769, And who sweetly fell asleep Oct. 23 d 1853, « " I shall be satisfied, when I awake in thy likeness." " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. MARY WOODRUFF Aged 85 Years 6§1 r I N Memory of Seth Woodruff who departed this life Oct. 7 th 1814, in the 73 d year of his age. How sudden was the stroke of death, That did me from my friends remove; I in an instant lost my breath, And wingd my flight to worlds above. Farewell no more I tread yourground, No more I need the gospel sound, My feet have reached the heavenly shore, I know no imperfection more. 6§2? In Memory of Phebe, wife of Seth Woodruff: who departed this life Sepf 8 th 1823; in the 82 d year of her age. Great God I own the sentence just And nature must decay, I yield my body to the dust To dwell with fellow clay. 683 m [Horizontal Slab] THE GRAVE OF STEPHEN H WOODRUFF who died April 27 th 1850 Aged 80 Years " I know that my Redeemer liveth." In Memory Of JANE L WOODRUFF wife of Stephen H Woodruff who died April 17 th 1831 ; Aged 58 years The grave is mine house, my bed is in the darkness My flesh shall rest in hope." " My Saviour shall my life restore, And raise me from my dark abode, My flesh and soul shall part no more, But dwell forever near my God." Died July 10 th 1838. an infant Son of S H Woodruff, aged 9 days. IOO INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 6 §4 m [Horizontal Slab] A. M. ABBY MEEKER WIFE OF Stephen H Woodruff. Born Sept. 14, 1798, Died April 13, 1887. 685 m IN Memory of ELIZABETH, WIDOW of Ogden Woodruff who died May 12 th 1848 ; Aged 66 Years. Thou art gone to thy rest, but no longer we mourn thee, Though deep in our hearts we had shrined thee in love For death and the grave with new bloom shall return thee, To meet us again in the mansions above, 686 ;// IN Memory of OGDEN WOODRUFF, who died Nov. 21 st 1833 ; Aged 56 Years. Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. 687 m IN Memory of PHEBE WOODRUFF, Daughter of Ogden Woodruff, who died April 23 rd 1829 : Aged 24 Years Also Emeline, Daughter of Qgden & Elizabeth Woodruff, who died Sept. 23 rd 1824 ; Aged 15 Months. To faint is language to express The moral worth of this lov'd friend : Her life was one of usefulness Tranquil submission marked her end. 688 m IN Memory of BENJAMIN WOODRUFF Son of Ogden Woodruff, Dec" 1 , who died June 5 th 1846, Aged 21 Years, Press'd by the hand of sore desease, In pain I linger'd on, Till God my Saviour arm'd with love In mercy call'd me home, CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. IOI 6§9 m IN Memory of Joann B WIFE OF Jacob Thompson who died May i8 tb 1848 Aged 27 Years An affectionate Wife and tender Mother Also SAMUEL, their son, died Jan>' 12 th 1849, aged S months He had no Mother's tender care To soothe his dying cries But he who heard her dying prayer Has taken him to the skies. 690 m IN Memory of STEPHEN T, SON OF David & Martha Osmun who died Aug st 15 th 1833; Aged 24 Years 691 m IN Memory of MARTHA, WIFE OF David Osmun ; who died Nov r 24 th 1846 ; In the 63 d Year of her age. Mother thy name I still revere No earthly name to me so dear, My first, my best, my long tried friend, My love for thee will never end. 7 692 m To the Memory of CAPT. JOHN FOSTER, WHO DIED in New York City ; Dec 16" 1 1841, In the 68 ,h Year of his age Also SARAH HIS WIDOW died in Elizabeth City; Nov 25 th 1848 In the 69 th Year of her age 693 m EDMUND Son of Alfred & Elizabeth LOACH; Died Feb. 29, 1856, aged i year & 7 mo, ALSO HARRY SON OF Alfred & Elizabeth LOACH ; Died April 26, 1S57, AGED 8 MONTHS The only and loved ones. 694 tn IN memory of SARAH WIDOW OF John P Wells who died Oct 1 ' 1 7 th 1845 Aged 65 Years 102 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 695 m WILLIAM HENRY WILLIS Died April 10. 1852 in the 23 d year of his age In the midst of life we are in death SARAH LOUISA WILLIS Died August 4. 1848, in the 13 year of her age. Earth has a mortal less Heaven an Angel more 696 r IN memory of JOHN JAMES son of James & Sarah B Willis who died Aug 3t 21 st 1831 ; Aged 7 months 697 m JOHN O JARVIS Died July 27 th 1841, Aged 33 Years Return unto thy rest, O my soul ; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee 116 Ps 7.V. 698 m IN Memory of BENJAMIN J JARVIS Born March 17 th 1775 Died Ocf 8 th 1862 699 r P.J. In memory of Phebe wife of Benjamin J Jarvis who died Feb> 26" 1 1830; in the 6i st year of her age Farewell ye friends whose tender care Has long engag'd my love Your fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above, 700; R. P. In memory of Rachel widow of Ebenezer Price who died March 17th 1806 aged 79 years To all surviving friends Hears 3 loud call. Prepare to meet your God, I speak to all. The old the middle aged, And the youth. Must all submit to death, This awfull truth. 701 m SIMEON PRICE 52 years, a devoted and consistent member of the M. E. church in N. Y. city Died Dec. 13 th 1848, in the 75th year of his age. SARAH, wife of Simeon Price Died in full hope of a blissful immortality Dec. 14 th 1845, aged 48 yrs. 7 mos & 16 days. ' Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 103 702 r IN MEMORY OF M r Ebenezer Price, who departed this Life De- cember the 23 d 1788, In the LX ,h Year of his Age " Seek ye' the Lord while he may be found." Wife and children may deplore The Husband Father is no more His frugal hands no more provide We trust he rests at Jesus side 70* m IN MEMORY OF AARON WOODRUFF WHO DIED Sept r 17 th 1851 : Aged 73 Years and 12 Days 704 m In memory of Anzonnette Price WHO DIED March 18 th 1842 ; AGED 3 YEARS 6 MO. ig DAYS. Also Louisa Woodruff who died Jan. 11 th 1844 Aged 5 mo. 17 days. Daughters of Pulaski & Mary S. Jacks. 705 m There is rest in Heaven Filial Affection Has erected this stone To the memory of MARY, WIFE of Aaron Woodruff who departed this life in the City of New York Feb. 28 th 1842 : Aged 61 years & 6 MONTHS Weep not for me but weep for Yourselves and your Children 706 m In memory of LOUISA, Daughter of Aaron & Mary WOODRUFF, who died in the City of New York ; July 24. 1845; Aged 29 years 9 mo. & 6 DAYS Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, from henceforth ; Yea, saith the spirit that they may rest from their la- bours and their works do follow them. 707 vi IN Memory of MARTHA WOODRUFF WIFE OF Isaac Hindes who died Nov. 15 th 1843 Aged 43 Years 6. Months and 7 Days Also SARAH JANE their Daughter died March io ,h 1845. Aged 6 Years 5. Months and 12 Days 70§ m IN Memory of ISAAC HINDES, WHO DIED August 18 th 1848. Aged 54 Years, 4, Months and 5 Days. 104 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 709 r M. W. H. In memory of Moses W Hindes, who died Aug 8t 15 th 1831, in the 42 d year of his age. Also two children of Moses W & Betsey Hindes : Ann Elizabeth, died Aug 9t 30 th 1824, aged 2 years, & 6 months, Betsey Ann died Aug st 13 th 1826, Aged 2 years, 2 months, & 22 days. 710 m IN Memory of JOSEPH B. HINDES, who died Feb>' 19 th 1849 > aged 29 years 1. month and 15 days. Also His twin brother BENJAMIN W HINDES died at Trenton N. C. Dec. 11. 1846 aged 26 years 11 months and 7 days Our youthful friends as you pass by: stop a moment and think, that you too may shortly die. 711 m MARGARET H. Daughter of Jacob J & Janet Van Doren Died Feb. 9 th 1852. Aged i year 10 mo. & 9 Days 712 m ROBERT H Son of Jacob J. & Janet Van Doren, Died July 5 th 1849, Aged i year 6 mo & 10 DAYS 713 > HERE lies the Body of M r Isaac Scudder of Eliz h Town who died y e 7 th of April 1783 In y e 48 th Year of his Age Thou givest me the lot of those that fear thy name If endless life be there reward I shall possess the same. Eanock Son of Benjamin & Elizabeth Scudder, died Nov 12 1794 Aged 4 weeks. 714 Chariot Daug r of Benjamin & Elizabeth Scudder. died Aug 7 1799 aged 1 year & 9 months CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 105 715 m TO The memory of ELIZA STACKHOUSE, WHO DIED March 22 J A. D. 1853 : Aged 48 years This Tablet is most affectionately inscribed, by the Teachers and Children of the Sunday School of St, Johns Episcopal Church, of which she svas at her death and for many years previous there- to, the faithful Superintendent, 716 m In MEMORY of ABBY M. MUNSON, WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE March 20 th 1846, Aged 48 years 5 months 3 days Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord " 719 m ELIZA CRANE Died Aug, 19, 1878, Aged 76 Y'rs, 3 Mo, 22 D's, "Asleep in Jesus" 717 m IN Memory Of HALLSEY MUNSON, Born OCT r 22' 1 1787, Died Jan? 9 th 1S65. 71§ m IN Memory of ELIHU J CRANE WHO DIED Jan* 8 th 1853, IN THE 56 th YEAR OF HIS AGE 720 in IN Memory of SARAH ELIZABETH Daughter of Elihu J. and Eliza Crane, who died June 4 th 1850, Aged 20 years 3 Months and 12 Days, " Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watch- ing " Also WILLIAM EDWIN their infant son died March 18 th 1S39, Aged 19 days 721 in [Little Monument in Genung Plot] [On East side] WILLIAM MILLER ONLY SON OF Charles H & Anna Genung died Aug. 24. 1850 in his 3d year [On South side] Willie He shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them in his bosom [North & West side blank] io6 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 722 m THE GRAVE OF HORATIO E ROBERTS who died May 19, 1852 ; aged 34 years 6 months AND 12 DAYS 723 m THE GRAVE OF LUCY M. ROBERTS Consort of JESSE ROBERTS who died Jan. 2i, 1853 ; AGED 6l YEARS 2 MONTHS AND IS DAYS May Angels twine a wreath for thee A wreath of Immortality 724 m THE GRAVE OF JESSE ROBERTS, who departed this life May 4 th , 1829; aged 43 years He was a kind and affectionate hus- band a dear and beloved father Come follow to that happy place, Our master's joy to see, For O ! in one short moment's space Ye all shall rest with me. 725 r A. E. W. Abert Eaton son of Morris & Susan Woodruff died June 8 1805 aged 3 years & 2 months 726 r M. E. Maria B. daughter of Thomas & Sarah Eaton died May 30 th 1789 aged 3 years 4 months. 727 r S. E. Sarah the 2' 1 daughter of Thomas & Sarah Eaton died March 16 th 17S5 aged 2 mo. 728 r S. VV. E. Samuel VVonton son of Thomas & Sarah Eaton, died Oct 10 1795 aged 1 year 729 r Sar <£ o Thoma "% Eaton dieti "o 26 th 1783 ageo. % 13 months ' 730 r [Stone broken off] ow of Joseph Eaton died Oct 9 th 1779 aged 59 years 731 r S. E. In memory of Susanah wife of Thomas Eaton died NoV 12 th 1774 aged 17 years ~' 2i Sarah dau. of Thomas Eaton, died Aug. 26. i3o "Mother of Thomas Eaton," buried Oct. II, 1779. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. 107 732 r In Memory of Abigail Wife of Lewis Miller Died Aug 1 g 1762 In y e 22 d year of her Age 733 r In Memory of Flauiel Rossiter Miller. Died Nov' 6 lh 1761 Aged 1 year & 5 months 734; W. W. In memory of William Woodruff who died Feb*' 23'' 181 1 in the 69 th year of his age Farewell ye friends whose tender care Has long engaged my love Your fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above Eliza daughter of W m and Mary Woodruff, died Oct r 20 th 1793 in the 4 th year of her age His will and mind was well adorn with fruit But deaths destroying worm, at at the root. Farewell dear friend. — we trust thy mouldering clay Will rise triumphant in the last great day. 737 r J. W. In memory of Joanna, wife of David Woodruff: who died June 20"' 1830: Aged S3 years. Blessed are they and only they Who in the Lord the Saviour die Thier bodies wait redemption's day And sleep in peace where'er they lie 735 r M. VV. In memory of Mary widow of William Woodruff who died December 8 th 1836. Aged 88 years 736; D. W. In memory of David Woodruff, who died July 29 th 1804 Aged 58 years. 738 m BELCHER WOODRUFF Died February 10' 1851, Aged 70 Years & 6 Months 739 m JANE WOODRUFF Widow of Belcher Woodruff, Died May 3' 1876, Aged 89 Years & 3 Months And there shall be no night there. io8 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 740 r Here lies the Body of Anne Wife of Abraham Woodruff who died July y e I4" 1 Anno Domini 1784 In the 35 th Year of her Age 741 r D. W. In memory of Daniel Woodruff who died April 15 th 1812, in the 70 th year of his age 742 r W. B. In memory of William Brown who died Sepf i5 lh , 1817, in the 79 th year of his age. 743 r L. G. In memory of Lydia widow of Alexander Gale, who died April 2 d , 1817, in the 64 th year of her age. 744 r Here Ijeth y e Body of Hannah Wife of Elnathan Smith Dec d July y e 16 th 1749 in y e 26 th year of her Age 745 r Here lyeth the Body of Dauid Morehouse who Departed this life Decem r The 12 th Anno Domini 1739 and in the 51' year of his Age : 746 m In memory of MARTHA HINDS Died December 10, 1885. Aged 88 Yr's & 5 Mo's Also Abner Hinds Her Father. 747 r In Memory of M r8 Sarah Widow of M r Joseph Hines who departed this Life March the 11 th 1791, aged 81 Years 748 r HERE lies the Body of Mr Joseph Hinds who departed this Life February y e 25 Ul Anno Domini 1774 In the 70 th Year of his Age 749 r HERE lies the Body of David Hinds, who departed this Life Sepf y e 5 th An". Domini 1778 In y e 37" Year of his Age CHURCH YARD, ELIZAHETH, N. J. 109 750r Benjamin Son of Joseph and Anna Haines, departed this Life June y e 8 th A. D. 1763, In y e 20 th Year of his Age 751 r A. H. In memory of Abigail widow of David Hinds who died March 29 th 1805 in the 64 th year of her age Weep not for me my friends For why my race is run It is the will of God So let his will be done. 752 m JOHN CROZIER Departed this life May 4 th , 1859, Aged 75 years 753 r D. M. In memory of David Mulford who deceas'd May 24 th 1798 : in the 22 d year of his Age 754 r Here lies the Body of Moses, Son of Joseph & Mary Cory who deceas'd June the i 3t A. D. 1750 In the 13 th Year of his Age 755 r M. H. In memory of Mary Wife of Benjamin Hinds who deceas'd May 24 th 1801, in the 22 d year of her Age 756; IN Memory of Phebe Daugh 1 of Benja". & Hannah Cory, who died July y e 6 th 1778 In the 3 d Year of her Age 757 r Abigail Daught 1 '. of Benjamin & Hannah Cory died March the 31 st A. D. 1786. In the 16 th Year of her Age 75§ r Jonathan, Son of Benjamin & Hannah Cory — died Janu v . the 17" 1 AD 1787. In the 14"' Year of his Age HERE lies interr'd The Body of Mrs Mary, Wife of Joseph Cory who deceas'd June y e 4 th Anno Domini 1778 In the LXVII Year of her Age 759 r HERE lies interr'd the Remains of Mr Joseph Cory who departed this Life March y" 8"' Anno Domini 1782 In the LXXIV Year of his Age no INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 760 r Daniel Son of Benja". & Hannah Cory died Jan? the 28 th AD. 1768 aged 1 Month & 8 Days 761 r A K In memory of Anna wife of Daniel Keyt who died July the 15 th 1806 in the 19 th year of her age Farewell my dear husband said she Now from your kind bosom I leap With Jesus my bridegroom to be My flesh in the tomb for to sleep Why do we mourn departing friends Or shake at deaths alarms Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms Also Benjamin C son of Daniel and Anna Keyt died days March 31 st 1807 aged 8 m° & 28 Our lovely child Christ took & blest We'll cease to mourn for he's at rest 762 r M C In Memory of Mulford Cory who died Jan? 14 th 1813 in the 48" 1 year of his age As you are now, so once was I As I am now, so you must be. 763 m B. C. In memory of Benjamin Cory Esq who died Oct 8 th 182 1 : Aged 80: For 35 years a faithful ruling elder & deacon of this church 'Well done good and faithful servant enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." 764 m H. C. In Memory of M rs Hannah Cory wife of Deac. Benjamin Cory who died November 8 th 1826 Aged 80 years Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." 765 m MARIA CORY Wife of MULFORD CORY Died Dec S' h TS68 In the 82' 1 year of her age 766 m A. C. C. Here repose the ashes of Aaron C son of Mulford & Maria Cory who died Sept 1 st 1829 : Aged 19 years Dear Mother, Brothers, do not weep, Since in Jesus I sweetly sleep: My days their dreary course have run. And I my heaven, my all have won. Oh ! stranger, lightly, lightly tread As you draw near my grass grown bed View the spot with a thoughtful eye Where I calmly, solemnly lie. A tribute of brotherly affection CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. I I I 767 m IN Memory of Drake Crane who died Sept S th 1833 Aged 52 years 768 m IN MEMORY OF DRAKE CRANE, WHO DIED Sept 8 th 1833 : Aged 52 Years. Also of ELIZABETH, HIS WIDOW who died Jan> 11 th 1858 Aged 74 Years and 5 Months 769 [Small Marble Monument] [East side] IN MEMORY OF MARY C WOOD Daughter of Jonas & Charity WOOD Aged 21 years Died August 13. 1839 Mourn not for me when I am gone Nor shed one tear Around my bier But meet me, meet me, round the Throne [South side] DIED At New Albany Indianna Joseph P Wood son of Jonas & Charity WOOD Aged 26 years And 6 months March 1 1836 Boast not thyself of to morrow ; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Prov XXVII [North and West side blank] 770 m MY MOTHER CHARITY WIFE OF JONAS WOOD, Born Feb. 6 th 1789, Died April 8 th 1867, In the 79 th year of her age Patient and enduring, she Died with faith in Jesus 771 m JONAS WOOD Died May 18 th 1852 Aged 64 years. 772 r In Memory of Mehetable daughter of Elias & Rebecca Whaley who died March 24 th 1825 : in the 8 th year of her age 773 m GEORGIANA V. WILLIS Wife of Thomas Berry, Died Feb. 22 1881 in the 40 th year of her age. " Thy will be done," 112 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 774 m JAMES WILLIS Died August 16 th 1877 Aged 72 Years Hark the glad refrain Home at last, Wandering toil and pain All are past SARAH B. JARVIS, Wife of JAMES WILLIS, Died May 13 1884, IN THE 79 th YEAR OF Her Age At Rest 775 m HANNAH O JARVIS Daughter of Benjamin J Jarvis Died May 10 th , 1876, Aged 72 years. No sin, no grief, no pain ; Safe in my happy home ; My fears all fled, my doubts all slain, My hour of triumph come. MARGARET M. WILLIS, Daughter of Benjamin J Jarvis Died Nov, io lb 1865. Aged 54 Years Affliction sore long time she bore, Physicians art in vain, Till God it pleased to give her ease, And take her from her pain. 777 m The Grave of ELIAS BONNELL WHO DIED Feb. 13. 1852. In his 22 d year Not lost, blest thought, but gone be- fore. 778;- P. M. In memory of Phebe Morehouse who died Sept r 27 th 1824 ; in the 69th year of her age 776 m The Grave of JAMES WARREN son of ELIAS & ADALINE C. BONNELL died Oct. 8, 1851 aged 8 months 779 r S. M. In memory of Samuel Morehouse who died Dec r 10 th 1790. in the 51 st year of his age Like a frail leaf before the storm I fly to worlds unknown I have fulnl'd my weeks below And leave my friends to mourn 780 r S. M. In memory of Susannah, widow of Samuel Morehouse, who died Feb? 3 d 1819 in the 73 d year of her age Though in the dust I lay my head, Yet gracious God thou will not leave My flesh forever with the dead, Nor lose thy children in the grave CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 113 7§1 m AARON MOREHOUSE Born July 5" 1 1785 Died May 13"' 1849 Jesus can make a dying bed, Feel soft as downy pillows are, While on his breast I lay my head. And breathe my life out sweetly there. 782 m EMELINE WINANS Wife of WILLIAM G WARD & daughter of Benjamin Frazee Died Dec. 6 th 1853 in her 31 st year Soon she followed her dear mother Whom tenderly she loved We trust they rest with Christ together In paradise above. Also their Daughter HENRIETTA MARIA Died Dec. 22 d , 1853 in her 5 th Year The flowers you loved so well mother And want placed o'er our grave Will blossom in the spring mother Where heavenly flowers are safe 783 m In Memory of Sarah Maria daughter of Benj" & Susan Frazee : born August 16 th 1830 died Nov 9 th 1831 Liv'd to wake each tender passi " And delightful hopes inspire Died to try our resignation And direct our wishes higher bers Rest sweet babe in gentle slum Till the resurrection morn Then arise to join the numbers That its triumph shall adorn 784 m In memory of SUSAN OGDEN wife of BENJAMIN FRAZEE Born May 14 1790 died Dec. 15 1852. You are gone though we will not, Cannot forget you Our tears of affection fall far from your grave You are gone but we hope once more we shall meet you When time blends its streams with eternity's wave. The months of affliction are o'er, The days and the nights of distress; We see her in anguish no more, She has gained her happy release : This languishing head is at rest, Its thinking and aching are o'er: This quiet immovable breast, Is heaved by affliction no more. 785 m IN Memory of ESTHER HUNT WIDOW OF Josiah Hunt who departed this life March i 9t 1S62 ; Aged 76 Years 10 Months and 16 Days Our Mother Dear as thou wert and justly dear, We would not weep for thee: One thought would check the falling tear It is that thou art free. U4 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 786 m IN Memory of JOSIAH HUNT who departed this life Ma}' 22' 1 1841 ; Aged 81 Years 2 Months and 5 Days He was in the armies of Washington through the Revolutionary War Survived many severe wounds and died as he lived a Christian and a Patriot I'll praise my Maker with my breath And when my voice is lost in death Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs My days of praise shall ne'er be past While life and thought and being last Or immortality endures 787 r In memory of SARAH wife of Josiah Hunt: who departed this life October the 6 th 1806 : Aged 33 years 789 r D H in Memory of Mr Davis Hunt who died May 15 th 1801 in the 82 d Year of his Age 788 r In Memory of three only sons of Josiah & Sarah Hunt, John D Hunt died May 13 th 1802 Aged 15 Months. Jonathan D Hunt, died Oct r II th 1802. Aged 6 Years. Josiah Hunt died Feb>" 6 th 1803 Aged 4 days, 790 m Sacred TO THE MEMORY OF MARGARET HAMILTON WIDOW OF JAMES B CLARK WHO DIED January 9 th 1862. Aged 62 years " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints " Dearest Mother thou hast left us Here thy loss we deeply feel Yet tis God that hath bereft us He can still our sorrows heal. But again we hope to meet you On that bright celestial shore There with rapturous joy to greet you There we meet to part no more 791 »i Sacred TO THE Memory of JAMES B CLARK WHO DIED DEC r 21 st 1844 In the 47 th year of his age Also of MARGARET BISHOP Daughter of James B & Margaret H CLARK who died Dec r 11 th 1841 ; Aged 2 Years & 4 Months CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 115 792 m ELIZA VOY daughter of ROBERT & CHRISTIAN YOUNG Died Dec 13 1856 In her 55 th Year Asleep in Jesus 793 m Sacred lb the memory of Christian wife of Robert Young who departed this life on the 20 th of Aug 9 ' 1815 in the 4i 3t year of her age Also to the memory of Jennet Voy daughter of Robert and Christian Young, who departed this life on the 30 th of May 1796 aged 1 year & 8 months 794 m R. Y. SACRED To the memory of Robert Young who departed this life August 3' 1 1832 ; in the 6i 8t year of his age The memory of the just is blessed." 795 m In Memory of JAMES YOUNG who departed this life December 20 th . 1851. Aged 33 years 4 Months & 14 days 796 m ELIZA Y. WIFE of Seaman P Richards Died Jan, 29, 1867 ; Aged 27 years. 797; In Memory of William Haviland Who died the 20" 1 of April Anno Domini 1788 In the 43 d Year of his Age In Memory of Isaack Son of William and Jane Haviland he Departed this Life Sept r 15 1774 Aged 2 Yars and 7 Months 798 r In Memory of Sarah Daug r of William and Jane Haviland She Departed this Life Oct 10" 1 1774 Aged 5 Years 799 r A. H. In memory of Abigail daught r of John & Sarah Havi land who died Nov 17 th 1797 in the 33 d year of her age Why do ye mourn departing friends Or shake at deaths alarm Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call us to his arms. u6 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN §00 r Luke Heaviland Son of John and Sarah Heaviland was Born Jan r >' 26 : 1770 and Died Octr 16 1777 Sleep Lovely Child and take your Rest God Call'd you home He thought it Best §01 m IN MEMORY OF THOMAS HAVILAND Died Dec. 25 111 1825 In the 51 st YEAR OF HIS AGE §04 r Luke son of John & Sarah Haviland died May the 19 th 1789. in the 8 th year of his age To God's unerring will Be ev'ry wish resigned §02 r R. H. In Memory of Rhode wife of Tho- mas Haviland who died Oct r 5" 1 1797 in the 20 th year of her age The brightest things below the sky Give but a flattering light We should expect some danger nigh When we possess delight §05 r J. H. In Memory of Jacob son of Benjamin & Sarah Haviland died Dec r 5 th 1806 in the 11 th year of his age Let all that's hear behold and see This child, and wonder why That wer'e alive while he is gone Into Eternity §03 r S. H. In Memory ol Sarah widow of John Haviland who died June 26 th 1812 in the 74 th year of her age Let heav'nly love prepare my soul And call her to the skies Where years of long salvation roll And glory never dies. [Stone broken off] §06;- B. H. In memory of Mr Benjamin Haviland who deceas'd March 27" 1 1S03 in the 50 th year of his Age Wife and children dont deplore A loving husband & kind father is no more No more for us will he provide We hope he'll rest at Jesus side §0? r S. H. In memory of Sarah widow of Benjamin Haviland who died March 7 th 1826 in the 65 th year of her age So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God Romans XIV. 12 th CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 117 §0§r J H In memory of Jane wife of Jotham Hand who died May 27 th 1817 ; in the 32 a year of her age Also Jane Haviland, their daughter died June 6 th 1817 Aged 13 days §09 m Sacred To the memory of Capt Thomas Crowell who died in London Dec r 14 1799 in the 74 th year of his age Christian his wife departed this life June 4 th 1790 in the 6i at year of her age Also Agness daughter of Capt Thomas Crowell Jm* and Esther his wife who departed this life July 10 th 1794 Aged 10 years 7 months and 13 days What in others is usually the effect of Education and Habit seemed born with her. from a very Babe the utmost regularity was observable in all her actions, what ever she did was well done, and with an apparent reflection far beyond her years. §10; F. W. In memory of Fanny daughter of David & Joanna Woodruff who died Oct/ 17 th 1824 ; Aged 52 years. Precious time is ever sliding, Brightest hours have no delay Life and time are worth improveing, Seize the moments as they fly §11 m IN Memory of HARRIET E. Daughter of Benjamin & Mary Ann Brown who died Aug 8 ' 25 th 1838 : Aged 28 Years 2 Months and 19 Days Also BENJAMIN, their son died Aug 8 ' 25 th 1815 Aged 9 mos. and 25 d's n8 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 812r M. A. B. In memory of Mary Ann wife of Benjamin Brown ; who died Dec r 11 th 1832, in the 6o ,h year of her age Ye fleeting charms of earth farewell Your springs of joy are dry ; My soul now seeks another home A brighter world on high. SI 3 tn IN Memory of BENJAMIN BROWN WHO DIED June 14 th 1852, Aged 83 Years 1 Month <& 23 Days Stop passengers and O be wise Hope not for bliss below the skies, Here in this dark and silent bed The mother and her babes are laid ; Sweet babes, and mother short was thy sta> A soul prepar'd, needs no delay. 814 r L. B. In memory of Lydia. Brown who died Oct' II th 1826 ; in the 47 th year of her age. The voice of this alarming scene May ev'ry heart obey Nor be the heav'nly warning vain Which calls to watch and pray 816 r M. C. In memory of Moses Connet, who died June 19 th 1785, in the 40 th year of his age. Betsy, daughter of Moses & Phebe Connet died Aug' 15 th 1777, in the 4 th year of her age. 815 r E. M. In memory of Elizabeth, wife of Henry Martin & daughter of Moses & Phebe Connet, who died Aug st 25 th 1811, in the 27 th year of her age. 817 r P. C. In Memory of Phebe, widow of Moses Connet, who died May 2 d i8i'3, in the 63 d year of his age Go home my friends dry up your tears I must lie here till Christ appears, Repent in time while time you have There's no repentance in the grave. 818 m IN Memory of MARY WIDOW OF Thomas Gorman who died Nov r 24 th i860: In the 85 th Year of her age Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord ,, CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. II 9 §19 m IN Memory of RHODA WIDOW OF Major Denman who died April 5 th 1862 : Aged 80 Years and 9 Months Father I will that they also whome thou hast given me be with me where I am." §20 m IN Memory of MAJOR DENMAN WHO DIED March 22 d 1851 : Aged 75 Years So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. ,. §21 m IN Memory of Capt WILLIAM H DENMAN who died June 2 d 1847 Aged 44 Years "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." §22 r S. M. In memory of Sophia daughter of Aaron & Sarah Meeker who died April 29 th 18T4 Aged 17 years 8 months & 21 days Here lies a lovely pleasant flow'r Cut down in early time Death doth our fairest hopes destroy And nips our joys in prime §23/- Zeuiah Daugh r of David & Sarah Meeker deceas'd April y e 18 th 1787 In the 19 th Year of her Age §24 r Here lyes y e Body of Rebekah wife of Jon ! \ Meeker Juni r Dec' d Jan rv y e 12 1745-6 in y e 25 th year of her Age §25 r I. M. In Memory of Jonathan Meeker died June io lh 1805 In the 62' 1 Year of his Age Be still and know that I am God Psalms XLVI, 10. In Memory of Abigail C Meeker Dau r . of Jonathan & Martha Meeker, died March 16 th 1806. Aged 2 Months & 1 Day. §26 r HERE lies the Body of Mary Wife of Jonathan Meeker who departed this Life May y e 30 th An Domini 1773 In y e 30 th Year of her Age §27;- In Memory of Rachel Dau r of Jonathan & Rachel Meeker, died Aug st 15 th 1804. Aged 11 Years 1 Month & 20 D 3 . A lovely Child & active two Is gone & bid this whorld adieu 120 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN §28 r In Memory of Polly Dau r of Jonathan & Rachel Meeker died April 7 th 1805. In the 19 th Year of her Age. She lived deserv'd belov'd And died sincerely lamente" 1 , 829;- In Memory of Elly Son of Jonathan & Rachel Meeker died June 7 th 1797 Aged 11 Years 10 Months & 9 Days To Gods unerring will Be every wish resin'd 830 m In Memory of JOB SAYER WHO DIED MAY 22 1843 IN THE 53. YEAR OF HIS AGE More quickly and shorter I breath — The dew is o'er spreading my cheek I feel the approaches of death My heartstrings beginning to break A struggle or two and tis done From earth and its anguish I fly The Palm of the conquer'or won I live by submitting to die. Farewell Dear Children my life is past, My love to you while life did last : Then after me no sorrow take But love each other for my sake 832 m In memory of Mary Crane wife of John Crane who departed this life March 5 th 1837 in the 74 th year of her age A virtuous woman, prudent and sin- cere, A tender wife and mother slumbers here : With Martha's care she still had Mary's part, The world employ'd her hands but heav'n her heart. 831 m In Memory of Mrs PHEBE MULFORD WHO DIED June 30 th 1857 IN THE 63 d YEAR OF HER AGE 833 m In memory of John Crane who departed this life April 7 th 1840 in the 8o ,h year of his age The year rolls round and steals away The breath that first it gave What e'er we do, where e'er we be We're trave'ling to the grave 834 m [Stone broken] In Memory of ABBY W. WIDOW OF David O Harrison WHO DIED March 30 th 1844 In the 29 th Year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 121 also DAVID, O. their son who died March 3 1842 Aged 2 Yeas & 7 months §35 m [Stone broken] In Memory of ELIHU CRANE WHO. DIED Dec 23 nl 1845 Aged 41 Years " In the midst of life we are in death Death is a debt to mortals due I've paid that debt and so must you." §36 m IN Memory of JOANNA daughter of John & Hannah Winans WHO DIED Dec 5 th 1842 Aged 20 Years & 6 Months The victory now is obtain'd She's gone her dear Saviour to see Her wishes she fully has gain'd She's now where she longed to be Then let us forbear to complain That she has now gone from our sight We soon shall behold her again With new and redoubled delight. §37 m S. A. W. In memory of Sarah Ann daughter of John & Hannah Winans who died Dec r 11 th 1824 Aged 14 years & 3 months Farewell no more I tread your ground No more I need the gospel sound My feet have reached the heav'nly shore I know no imperfections more. §3§ m IN memory of Aaron Littell who died Dec' 15 th 1831 Aged 65 years §39 m IN memory of Sarah wife of Aaron Littell who died Dec r io ,h 1831 Aged 60 years §40 r W.J. B.J. M.J. In memory of three children of Herbert and Elizabeth Jewells William died June 16 th 1803 aged 1 year 10 months & 3 days. Betsy L. died Oct r 25 th 1806 aged 1 year 2 m°. & 6 days Matthew H. died Aug 9 ' 21 1807 aged 16 days 122 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 841 r P. B. S J. M. S In memory of Phebe B wife of William W Smith who died Oct r 22 nd 1820 in the 33 rd year of her age The months of affliciion are o'er The days and the nights of distress We see her in anguish no more She's gained her happy release Also of James M their son who died Aug st io tb 1814 Aged 10 months & 5 days 844 r In memory of Sarah, Susanna, and Elizabeth daughters of William and Susanna Smith Sarah died Aug 1 20 th 1773 aged 5 days Susanna died Ocf 4 th 1778 aged 1 month Elizabeth died Dec 1 ' 3 d 1778 in the 8 th year of her age My parents dear weep not for me When in this yard my grave you see My time was short but blest is he That call'd me to eternity, 842 r S. S. In Memory of Susan widow of William Smith who departed this life February 25 th 1813 Aged 67 years My friends prepare to follow me Both young and old must die you see There's no discharge, there's no delay When death demands we must obey 843; w s J s In Memory of William Smith who departed this Life August the 6 th 1788 in the 46 th Year of his Age Also In Memory of James Smith who departed this life July the 15 th 1790 in the 14 th Year of his Age 845 r In memory of AddSline daughter of Oliver and Susanna Smith who departed this life April 24 th 1808 aged 1 year 9 months and 24 days May she rest in peace 846 r In memory OF Oliver Smith who died Dec r 24 th 1823 in the 47 th year of his age Also Thaddeus M Son of Oliver & Susan Smith who died at Nashville Tennessee Sept r 16 th 1836 in the 22 d year of his age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 123 847 m THE GRAVE OF MARIA HINCHMAN WIDOW OF James A Hinchman who died at Brooklyn N. Y. Feb>' 4" 1 1857 : Aged 56 Years §48 m THE GRAVE OF ANN LYON Daughter of Levi and Martha Lyon who died at Osage Illinois Feb- V 15 th 1857 Aged 47 Years 849 m IN Memory of James Stuart son of James & Harriet H Rollo Born July 11 th 1844 Died April 3' 1 1845 Aged 8 months & 23 days 850 r W. O. H. In memory of William Oliver son of \V m H. & Eliza Hinchman who died June 21 st 1822 Aged 10 Months & 13 Days Vain world, how transient is its joys Its pleasures soon will end in pain But where I'm gone there's no alloy Who would not die this Bliss to gain. 851 m The Grave OF ANN ELIZA Daughter of William H. and Eliza Hinchman who died Dec r 18"' 1847 ; Aged 24 Years 7 Months and 25 Days 852 m The GRAVE OF William H. Hinchman who departed this life in the City of New York July 13 th 1825: In the 31 s1 year of his age 853 m The GRAVE OF ELIZA DOANE WHO died at Osage Illinois JanM"' 1857 Aged 58 Years 854 m The GRAVE OF AUSTIN PLATT who departed this life in the City of New York November 30 th 1830 In the 32 year of his age 124 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN §55 m The Grave of HENRY DOANE who departed this life Aug 81 3 d 1849 In the 59 th Year of his age 856 m JAMES ROLLO Born Jan. 15 th 1816 Died July 20 th 1870 857 m THE GRAVE OF THOMAS ROLLO WHO DIED May 15 th 1852: Aged 32 Years 858 m IN Memory of Mrs DOLLY VAIL from Orange County N. Y. who departed this life at Elizabeth Port N. J. April 25 ' 2 nd . 1834. AMELIA KELLOGG, Born March 10 th 1810. Died Nov. 24 th 1849 ANNA D. HUNT, Born Jan'> 29 th , 1806, Died Aug. 12 th 1854 [South side blank] Died July 25 th . 1843, Aged 89 years & 9 mos. REBECCA BALLARD His wife Died Sept'. 23 rtl . 1854, Aged 74 years & 6 mos. Our labors done, securely laid in this our last retreat unheeded, o'er our silent dust, the storms of life shall beat. These ashes too, this little dust, Our father's care shall keep, Till the last angel rise, and break The long and dreary sleep ELIZABETH BALLARD Died Sept*, n lh 1858. Aged 68 years. " Because I live Ye shall live also." 866 m J.T. In memory of Joanna wife of Thomas R Thompson who died Nov' 24"' 1826, in the 36 th year of her age Farewell ye friends whose tender care Has long engag'd my love Your fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above. §65 in [In plot enclosed by iron fence] ARCHIBALD MCCULLUM §67 m SACRED to the Memory of ZURVIAH OGDEN WHO DIED April II th 1836 ; Aged 62 Years ' Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." 126 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 868 /// SACRED to the Memory of ELIZABETH QUIGLEY WHO DIED May 7 th 1827 ; Aged 61 Years. In such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." 869 r J.Q- In memory of John Quigley who died Sepf. 22 d 1796 in the 28 th year of his Age also John son of John & Elizabeth Quigley died Aug st 13 th 1797 aged 9 mon 9 . 870;- HERE lies the Bodies of two Sons of Robert & Jane Quigley Viz Daniel who died Thomas who died March the 25 th March the 7 th A. D. 1785 aged A. D. 1787 aged 7 Weeks. 8 Weeks 871 m IN MEMORY OF SARAH C. WIDOW OF Samuel K. Miller, who died May 5 ,L . 1862 ; In the 82 d Year of her age 872 m IN MEMOBY OF SAMUEL K MILLER, WHO DIED Dec r . 27 th 1850 ; In the 75 th Year of his age 873 m IN Memory of HANNAH MILLER Born March 22, 1804. Died August 9, 1881 874 r Here lies Intarr'd the Body of Benjamin Hunt who was Born In Rehoboth In New England May 4 th 1715 and Departed this Life Jan?. 17 th A D 1763 In y e 48 th . Year of his age 875 r E. M. In memory of Eliza J daughter of Isaac & Abigail Matteson, died DeC. 25 th . 1803 ; in the 3 year of her age. Sleep on dear child & take your rest God call'd the home, he saw it best. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 127 §76 r [Lies flat on the ground in front of 874 and 875] Here lyeth y e Body of Mr Thomas Johnson who Departed this Life Aprill The I st 1732 in y e 67 year of his Age How vain this World in all its pompous Show How soon will this vain Scene quite dissappear When towering Expectations highest grow The pale fac'd Conqueror is often near Grim Death with ghastly Mein serves his Arres' The proudest Monarch prostrates in y e Dust Nor Wealth, nor Power, nor humblest Reques* Bribes, awes, or softens him submit we must Since it is so prepare for this dark Home By making Christ your true and lasting Friend That you may rise with joy when he shall come And join in Hallelujah 8 without End. Here lies y e Body of Mrs Elizabeth Balm late Relict of Mr Thomas Johnson Dec d . Sep r . 22 1735 Aged 58 years 877 r HERE lies the Body of Mrs Abigail, wid° of Mr Joseph Hallcy who departed this Life January y e i8 ,h Anno Domini 1777 In the LXXII Year of her Aa:e 878 r Here lies y e Body of Mr Joseph Hallcy who departed this Life Dece r y e 16 th An" Domini 1 771. In y e 76 th Year of his Age Is this y e Fate, that all must die Will Death no age's Spare? Then let us all to Jesus fly And seek for Refuge there 879 m John Chandler Born Apr 25 1756, Died May 17, 1824 yE6S 88O m MARY Wife of John Chandler, Born June 3, 1757, Died May 15, 1829 JE 72 881 r M. C. In memory of Mary widow of Mr John Chandler died May 10 th 1801, in the 70 th year of her age 882 r J. C. In memory of John Chandler ug [Date gone] 1800 in the 68 th Year of his age 128 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN §83 r HERE lies y e Remains of Mr Joseph Chandler who died June the i 8t Anno Domini 1755 In the 87 th Year of his Age 884 r Here Lyeth y e Body of Joseph Chandler Who Departed This life August y e 5 Anno Domini 1738 in y e 29 th year of his Age §§5 r HERE LIETH interr'd the Body of Mr John Chandler who died March y e 24 th A. D. 1758 In y e 58 th Year of his Age §§6>- Jemima Daugh tT of Jame 3 & Jemima Chandl' r died Sepf y e 4 th A. D. 1746 In y e 3 d Year of her Age 887?- In memory of James Chandler Jun r . who died Jan* 7" 1 1808 aged 55 years The year rolls round and steals away The breath that first it gave What e'er we do where'er we be We're trav'lling to the grave. In memory of James Chandler who departed this life April 30 th 1791 in the 74 year of his Age 888 r In memory of Jemmia 8 . I Chandler wife of James Chandler who departed this life August 19 th 1807 in the 88 th year of her Age 889 m IN Memory of JONATHAN CHANDLER WHO DIED Feb'y. 9 th 1836 Aged 73 years The time is short the season near When death will us remove To leave our friends however dear And all we fondly love. 890 m IN Memory of MARY WIDOW OF Jonathan Chandler who died Oct r 20 th 1851 aged 83 years Mother thy name I still revere No earthly name to me so dear My first, my best, my long tried friend My love for thee will never end. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 129 §91 r In memory of Samuel Locker who died Sept 7 1831 aged 41 years 1 month and 7 days Also Two children of Samuel & Maria C. Locker David Chandler died Aug 8t 24 th 1826 aged 1 month and 22 days Samuel Merrit died Fet»' 24 th 1836 aged 3 years 11 months and 21 days §92 »i In Memory of PAMELA P. daughter of Jonathan & Mary Chandler who died Feb. 10. 1844 In the 33, Year of her age Happy soul, thy days are ended All thy mourning days below Go, by angel guards attended To the sight of Jesus go. §93 m JANE SOUIER WIDOW OF Jacob G. Crane, Born Jan? 14 th 1809, Died May 10 th 1869, " Aslkep in Jesus " §94 m JACOB G CRANE Born Auc st 13 th 1806 Died Dec f . 3 d 1864, In the midst of life we are in DEATH " §95 r Abigail Daughter of Matthias & Susanna Crane died Aug Bt . 11 th Anno Domini 1774 in the 17 th Year of her Age §96 m HANNAH Wife of Andrew Crane Died Feb. 28 th 1852 AGED 45 YEARS Stop my friend ! O take another view ! The dust that moulders here Was once belov'd like you ! No longer then on future time rely Improve the present — And prepare to die.! §97 m IN Memory of GEORGE CRANE WHO DIED Feb? 24 8t 1848 Aged 51 Years also 5 Children of George and Susas Crane SEAREN died Nov r . 16 th 1821 aged 9 days FANNY died Oct 25 1825 aged 1 yr & 11 mo ROBERT Born & died Jan. 5 1825 FANNY died April 5 1828 aged 11 months MARY died Oct 6 1838 aged 8 y'rs 10 mo's & 23 d's 130 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 898/- D B C David B son of Matthias and Phebe Crane died Marcli 19 th 1797 in the 12 th year of his Age 899; PC In memory of Phebe widow of Matthias Crane who died Ocf 26 th 1825 in the 86 tb year of her age Great God I own thy sentence just, And nature must decay ! I yield my body to the dust. To dwell with fellow clay. Dear as thou wert and justly dear We will not weep for thee One thought shall check the starting tear It is that thou art free 902 m In Memory of PRUDENCE Wife of Matthias Crane who departed this Life December 23 rd 1804 In the 21 st Year of her age 90© r HERE lies y e Body ol Mr George Williams, who died May y e 26 th Anno Domini 1774 In y e 51 st Year of his Age 901 m IN Memory of JOHN C CRANE WHO DIED Sept 13 th 1840 Aged 26 Years 5 months and 3 days Also EDWIN B. Son of John C & Catharine Crane who died Dec 25 th 1840 Aged 1 Year & 10 Months 903 m M. C. In Memory of Maj. Matthias Crane who died July 3 d 1825 in the 45 th year of his age An affectionate husband, a ten- -der father, a kind brother, a good neighbour, a useful citizen, and an humble diciple of Christ The memory of the just is blessed. 904 m OUR DEAR MOTHER SARAH LUM Widow of Maj. M Crane Deceased iep. 5 th , A. D. 186 IN HER 87 th YEAR. Our only sister Jane Eliz. Crane, Died Sep. 24 th A. D. 1864 In her 44 th YEAR CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 131 905 m IN Memory of ELIZABETH S. daughter of Jacob & Sarah Crane Who died Dec. 8 th 1837 Aged 36 Years Also Elizabeth S. daughter of William A & Ann F Crane who died Dec. 16 th 1844 Aged 15 Months & 13 days Benevolence with grace combin'd Were characteristic of her mind She's gone to dwell in Heaven above Where all is joy and peace and love Except ye become as little children ye shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven " 906 m SACRED to the Memory of JACOB CRANE who died July 4 th 1847 IN THE 73RD YEAR OF HIS AGE A devoted Husband, an affectionate Parent, and a faithful Friend. His integrity ; his honor and his love of Justice made him uni- -versally esteemed and beloved by all the friends of good order, and his death brought sorrow to many loving hearts. Father thou art gone ! but the remembrance of your kind and generous heart will live in our memory while we sojourn here on earth 907 m IN Memory of SARAH SAYRE Wife of Jacob Crane who died Dec. 6 th 1863 Aged 84 Years n Mo's & 22 Days A beloved wife, A kind and faithful Mother, whose prayers are answered in the conversion of all her children to God 132 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 908 r HERE lies y e Body of Esther Wife of John Donington, who died June y e 8 th 1785 in the 25 th Year of her Age In the bloom of life She bid farewell To Parents Friends and all And willingly resigned her breath At Jesus sovereign call Jane wife of John Donington died Aug 20 1803, in the 23 d year of her age 909 r John Donington Died Aug 28 1803 in the 48 th year of his age 910 m In Memory of JOB SAYER son of Elias B & Maria Crane who died April 5 lh 1847 aged 2 years 8 months & 11 days We miss him O how sadly He whom we loved so well But we know that he is happy For he is gone with God to dwell. 911 m JACOB D. E. Son of Col James W, & Martha A, Woodruff Died May 29 th 1875, Aged 33 Yrs & 9 Months He responded to his Countrys Call, and fell asleep in the arms of his Saviour 912 m LIZZIE B. Willis Daughter of Col James W. & Martha A. Woodruff, Died May 16 th 1875, Aged 25 Yrs & 11 Days There is sweet music in Heaven. 913 m [Marble monument, stone coping and wood picket fence around it] [South Side] Col JACOB D EDWARDS, Died at Boston Mass June 24 th 1847, Aged 47 years. " In the midst of life we are in death,, " i have finish'd my work upon earth, "And there's rest for me in Heaven" CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 133 [East Side] MARTHA W1FK OF J. D. EDWARDS Died March 26" 1 1845 Aged 40 years Husband, Children, Friends, mourn not for me mourn for yourselves " For death can bring to me no sting, The grave no desolation tls gain to die with jesus nigh The rock of our Salvation." [North Side] Mary Alice Woodruff Born Aug 5 1843 Died Nov 6 1878 Col. James W. Woodruff Born Nov. 16 1814 Died July 8 1077 MARTHA A. WIFE OF James W Woodruff Died Sept 27" 1 1853, Aged 28 years & 27 days Loved ones meet me in h eaven [West Side] JACOB Died March 4" 1 1825 Aged 18 Months Hannah Elizabeth Dif.d April 28 th 1832 Aged 4 Years 9 134 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 914 r Here lies the Body of Phebe Wife of Jesse Woodruff who departed this Life Oct y e io ,h Anno Domini 1776 and in the 27" 1 Year of her 915 m FRANCIS PIERSON Born August 18th 1818, Died March 22nd 1883 916 m Albert A Pierson Died July 13 th 1848 Aged 44 years 917 m CATHARINE A Wife of William Pierson Died April 6 tb 1866 In the 88 th year of her age 918 m WILLIAM PIERSON Died May 22 d 1 87 1 Aged 93 yrs 10 mo's & 11 days 919 m W ROCKWELL Son of John H & Harriet Rolston Born Dec 23 d 1852 Died May 7 th 1853 920 m DOLLY M GALE Wife of Gilbert B Gale Born at Goshen Orange Co. N. Y. Oct I st 1798 Died at Elizabethport N. J. March 27 th 1868. 921 m MATILDA WOODHULL Daughter of James G & Matilda G, NUTTMAN, Died February 21 st 1875 Aged 30 years My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour 922 m IN Memory of JAMES GARDINER SON of James G & Matilda G NUTTMAN WHO DIED May 12 th 1858, Aged 16 years Be still and know that I am God " »» Son of Elishabe Wood by her first husband. She was sister of Clement Wood and was b. 1738. Md., 1st, Pierson, 2d, Moses Johnson and d. Sept. 23, 1831. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 135 923 m IN Memory of OLIVER CRAIG SON OF James G & Matilda G NUTTMAN who died July 3 d 1855, Aged 15 years & 9 months " Peaceful in death Asleep in Jesus." 924 r J B D This stone is Erected to the memory of Jonathan B Dayton who died May T5 ,h 1832. Aged 48 years As a Friend, he was firm & sincere As a Husband, kind & affectionate. 925 m To the Memory of MARY DAYTON WIFE OF SMITH HALSEY, Died March 20 th , 1866 In her 71 st year 926 m The grave of My Mother. ELIZABETH DOW. died Jan, 3. 1858, aged 82 years & 6 mo's 927 r S D Samuel Son of Samuel & Elizabeth Dow, died June y e 28 1799. aged 4 months and 17 days 92§ r S. D. In memory of Samuel, son of Samuel & Eliza 1 ' Dow. died Oct r 15 th 1806 aged 1 year 9 months & 16 days 929 ; Martha, daughter of Daniel & Desire Ross died July y c 13 th 1793. aged 2 days 930 r David Osborn Aged 9 m I73i 931 r W. B. H. In memory of William Brown, Son of Isaac and Hannah Higgins, died Oct r 30 th 1802 in the 3 d }'ear of his Age 932 r D. H. In memory of Deborah Halsted daughter of Isaac & Hannah Higgins, died Feb> 11 th 1807 ; aged 8 years 11 months & 1 day i3 6 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 933 r [Stone broken] iggin who died Mar h the 2' 1 1808 in the 41 st year of his age A husband dear a father kind A social faithful friend Has gone to that world above where joys shall never end 934 r , H. H. In memory of Hannah widow of Isaac Higgins who died April I7 tb 1S11 aged 36 years Pressed by the hand of sore disease In pain I wandered on : Till God my Saviour arm'd with love In Mercy call'd me home 935 m Erected For my Husband Richard Kettlewell, who departed this life March 2"' 1 1848 : Aged 62 Years and it Months Asleep in Jesus ! far from thee, Thy kindred and thier graves^may be. But sweet the thought ; th'e grave can't sever ; Earths broken ties will in Heaven unite forever. 937 m [Monument] [East Side] EVERT MARSH Born Feby 28 th 1783 Died Oct 1 11 th 1843 MARY D CHANDLER WIFE OF Evert Marsh Born May 8 th 1786 Died Feb>' 24 th 1838 [North Side] EVERT MARSH SON OF Evert & Mary Marsh Born Dec 1 ' 1 5" 1 1824 Died Aug 3 ' 15 th 1827 [South Side] CHESTER E MARSH SON OF Evert & Mary Marsh Born Oct 1 - 8 ,h 1826, Died July 17 th 1849. [West Side blank] 936 m THEODORE A, SON OF Charles A & Abby C Kiggins died Sept, 16 th 1850, In the 3' 1 Year of his age 93§ m IN ' memory of ELIZABETH KILBORN WIFE OF Isaac Chandler, Born August 8th 1790, Fell asleep May 25 th 1875. Her children arise up and call her blessed." Also of COMFORT WIDOW OF MOSES CHANDLER, Jan, 4. 1835, Aged 69. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 137 939 in IN Memory of ISAAC CHANDLER, WHO DIED Nov, 10, 1865, Aged 75 years. Also of MOSES CHANDLER a Ruling Elder of the First Church for Thirty years, WHO DIED Jan, 25, 1834, Aged 68 years. ELIZABETH P WILSON Died Sept, 6, 1866 Aged 8, months. 940; Mary Daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Crane. who died March y e 6 th AD. 1769 Ag d 3 Years & 11 Months 941 m IN memory of ABBY CLARK. daughter of Robert & Anna Clark. who died March 4" 1 1845. Aged 24 Years 11 Months & 18 days, The months of affliction are o'er The days and the nights of distress We'll see her in anguish no more She's gain'd her happy release. 943 r IN memory of ROBERT CLARK who died Nov r I2 ,h 1835, in the 48" 1 year of his age The year rolls round and steals away The breath that first it gave ; What e'er we do, where e'er we be, We're trav'ling to the grave. 943^ r [This Stone is set close against back of No. 943] Here lies y e Body of Phebe Stanbro who Departed this Life Sep r y e 22 1736 in y e 59 year of her Age 942 m IN MEMORY of ANNA L. widow of Robert Clark, who died December 4 th 1851: Aged 58 years 3 mo & 15 Days 944 r IN memory of MARY ANN daughter of Robert & Anna Clark who died Aug st 23 d 1835, aged 17 years and 5 months. Stop my friend, O take another view The dust that moulders here, Was once belov'd like you ; No longer then on future time rely. Improve the present And prepare to die ! 945 r James y e Son of Sovereign & Joanna Sybrandt. who deceas'd Decem r y e 28"' 1762. In y e 2 d year of his Age 138 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 946 r In memory of Joanna & Mary, wives of James Carmichael. Joanna was Daughter of Matt" Hetfield Esq r & died Sept r 27 th A x D. 1756. in the 25 th Year of her Age Mary Daughter of George Badgley died July the 3o' h A x D. 1759. in the 21st Year of her Age 947 r [This Stone lies flat in front of Nos. 945 and 946] Beneath this Stone Rests Phebe, once Miss Chandler and the late amiable consort of Cap' Sam 1 Hendry With her infant Daughter Ob nt 22 d June 13 th Aug* 1781 Ann yEtat 20 & Mense 4. Quando ullam invenies parem Guiltl.ess alike chaste spirits wheresoe'er Ye bask irradiate in the beams of love Oh bid one ray of comfort gild dispair Till blest reunion shall the cloud remove 94§ m In memory of SARAH WIFE OF Nehemiah Crane who died Sepf 2S ,h 1828. In the 36 th Year of her age Almost the last I heard her say. Come kind Jesus take me away 949 m In memory of Nehemiah Crane who died Dec, 31 st 1833 ; Aged 48 years Survey me well, ye youthful, and believe The grave may terrify but can't deceive On beauty's fragile base no more de- pend, Here youth and pleasure, age and sorrow end. 950 m MARTHA CRANE Relict of Noah Crane Died March 31 st 1862, in her 85 th YEAR My flesh and my heart faileth : but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. Psalms LXXIII, 26, 951 m To the memory of Noah Crane who died suddenly Feby 25 th 1831 Aged 57 years He maintained through life the character of an honest man and for some years a consis- tent christian CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. '39 Death like an overflowing stream Sweeps us away our life's a dream An empty tale: a morning flower Cut down and withered in an hour Reader ! Boast not thyself of to morrow for thou knowest not what a day mav bring forth. 952 m JONATHAN SQUIER SON OF Jacob G and Jane S. Crane, Died Oct. 4 th 1859, Aged 7 years 11 months and 13 DAYS " It is well " 953 m NOAH SON OF Jacob G. and Jane S Crane Born Nov r is lh 1836- Died April iS th 1861 Thy brother shall rise again' 954 m The grave of ABRAHAM W CRANE SON OF Noah & Martha Crane, who DIED June 27 th 1847, In the 27 th year of his age "What is your life? it is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away." 955 m [Horizontal Tomb, 2 feet high | THE GRAVE OF JONATHAN CRANE who died in the City of Mobile October 12 th 1837 Aged 37 years. " Death loves a shining mark." Here also sleep two children of Jonathan & Henrietta M Crane George Lewis died Jan- 29"' 1836 Aged 5 years and 2 months Henrietta Middlebrook died June 20 th 1839 Aged 2 years and 5 months " of Such is the Kingdom of heaven. 956 m The grave of ISAAC CRANE SON OF Noah & Martha Crane who died in Mobile OcT r I st 1843 : Aged 26 years, Dearest son thou hast left me Here thy loss I deeply feel But tis God who has bereaved me He can all my sorrows heal 957 m PHEBE DAUGHTER OF NOAH AND MARTHA CRANE WIFE OF John J Van Derveer, Born Feb. 17 th 1798 Died Jan. 29 th 1874. She hath gone to her rest 140 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 95§r A. C. In memory of ANNA wife of Ezekiel Crane, who died Dec r 2 d 1816 in the 44 th year of her age. 959 m In memory of THOMAS CRANE Born August 7 th 1778, Died August 22 nd 1855 960 r In memory of Thomas Boylston who died January i 8t 1834 In the 6o ttt year of his age All thy tears are wip'd away, Sighs no more shall heave thy breast Night is lost in endless day, Sorrow in eternal rest. Happy spirit, Now with Jesus thou art blest. 961 m IN memory of Mrs LYDIA ROSETTE WHO DIED in the city of New York Dece r 23 rd 1842 In the 83 rd Year of her age Tis done the debt of nature now is paid On memory's urn be my last offering laid My Mother! here with solemn step I tread To trace thy name amongst the silent dead Up to yon Heaven where parting is unknown Thy spirit seeks eternal bliss before my Father's throne Bliss bought by the blood of his beloved son. A sweet remembrance of the just Will flourish when they sleep in dust. Susan Rosette daughter of LYDIA ROSETTE Died Sep. 23 d 1866 Aged 66 yrs Her bosom was the hallowed shrine Of justice charity truth And piety with ray divine. Serenely shone in age and youth CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 141 962 r In Memory of Abraham Rosette who died April 8 th 1815 in the 35 th year of his age Also two children of Abraham & Susan Rosette Francis Peter died Aug st 27 th 1812 Aged 1 year & 6 months Louisa died Ocf 17 th 1813 Aged 7 months 963; J. B. In memory of JEMIMA widow of Caleb Boylston who departed this life August 27 th 1817 Aged 79 years & 10 months There is a calm for those who weep A rest for weary pilgrims found They softly lie and sweetly sleep Low in the ground 964 r C. B. In memory of CALEB BOYLSTON who departed this life April 14"' 1810 aged 80 years & 14 days Joyful I lay this body down And leave the lifeless clay Without a sigh, without a groan And stretch & soar away. J. W. B. In memory of John Wood son of Nathaniel & Abbey Boylston who died Dec r 28 1804 aged one month & twenty eight days 965 S. W. B. In memory of Susan Wheeler daughter of Nathaniei & Abbey Boylston who died April 26 th 1812, aged three years nine months & sixteen days Sleep on sweet babes and take your rest In Jesus arms I hope you'r bless'd 966 r C. W. B. In memory of Caleb Wheeler son of Nathaniel i Abby Boylston who died Oct 11 th 1814 Aged 3 months & 29 days 142 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 967 r IN Memory of Isaac Ball son of Nathaniel & Abbey Boylston who died Sepf 25 th 1828 Aged 3 years 11 months & 2 days Happy Infant, early bless'd, Rest in peaceful slumber rest, Early rescu'd from the cares Which increase with growing years 96§ m NATHANIEL BOYLSTON Died OcT r 15 th i860 IN HIS 82D YEAR Come to Jesus 969 m ABBY WOOD WIFE OF Nathaniel Boylston, Died Sept. I st 1855 in her 71 st year " Be ye also ready " 970 r Magdalene daughter of Moses & Ruth Winans died Feb r 10 th 1796 aged 8 years 11 months & 2 days Psal 90 th 12. So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom 971 m IN Memory of RUTH WINANS wife of Moses Winans WHO DIED Jan 26 th 1817 Aged 58 Years 5 Months & 20 Days 972 m IN Memory of MOSES WINANS WHO DIED Jan? 28 th 1822: Aged 69 Years 2 Months 6 29 Days 973 m IN Memory of DEBORAH DAUGHTER OF M.oses & Ruth Winans who died April 29 th 1817 : In the 34 th Year of her age 974 m IN Memory of MOSES SON OF Moses and Ruth WlNANS who died April 30 th 1823 In the 35 th Year of his age 975 m IN Memory of MARGARET WIFE OF John Wood WHO DIED Feb. 3 d 1826 : Aged 75 Years 1 Month & 6 Days CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. H3 976 m [Broken stone] IN Memory of Elizabeth Winans who DIED Jan. 8"' 1840 : Aged 80 Years 5 Months 6 5 Days 977 m IN Memory of ISAAC WINANS WHO DIED May 20 th 1846 Aged 66 Years 4 Months & 14 Days My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpets joyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet sur- prise And in my Saviours image rise 978 m IN Memory of SUSANNA WINANS WHO DIED Nov 27 th 1846 : Aged 89 Years The victory now is obtained She's gone her dear Saviour to see Her wishes she fully has gain'd She's now where she longed to be 979 m IN Memory of MALINE son of Jonas W. & Sarah Winans who died Jan>' 12. 1845. Aged 11 Years 10 Months & 28 Days The dead are like the stars by day Withdrawn from mortal eye But not extinct they point the way In glory through the sky. 980; [Inscription all gone] 981 r J. R. In memory of John Richards, who died Ocf 1 1799 in the XXII Year of his age 982 r HERE lies the Body of Joseph Conkling who departed this Life Febr>' y e 24 th An Domini 1779. In the fiftieth Year of his Age The Grave in Silence teach More than Divine can preach 983; M. C. In memory of Mary widow of Joseph Conklin who died Feby the 7 th 1805. in the 72'' year of her age Death is the debt to mortals due I have paid that debt & so must you. 984 r [Broken off and inscription gone] 144 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 985 m MOTHER In memori' of ANN. B. wife of STEPHEN PIERSON Died September 6 th 1876. In the 78 Year of her age Trust in Christ 986 m FATHER In memory of STEPHEN PIERSON for 40 years sexton of the First Presbyterian Church DIED June 18 th 1S76, In the 75 Year of his age " Let God's will be done." 98? m STEPHEN EDWIN Son of Stephen & Ann B Pierson, DIED Apr. 7 th 1867 In the 37 year of his age 988 r IN Memory of Susan Whitewr- -ight, daughter of Stephen & Ann B Pierson born August 15 th 1828 died February 8 th 1831 989 r IN memory of Albert Riley son of Stephen & Ann B Pierson born August i6 ,h 1826 died August 9" 1 1827 990; W. R. J. In memory of William R Jones who departed this life Dec r 27" 1 1825 ; in the 56 th year of his age 991 r P. J. In memory of PHEBE wife of William R Jones : who departed this life Nov' 30 th 1834 Aged 63 years 992 m S. W. In memory of Susannah wife of William Whitewright who depaned this life on the 14 th Aug 9t 1828 in the 36 th year of her age Also of their two infant Children James died Oct r 1816 agel 10 weeks John died Aug st 1828 aged 7 weeks CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. H5 993 m IN Memory of JAMES F MEEKER WHO DIED OCT r I2 ,h 1854 Aged 62 years He was for 31 years an elder of this church, and prominent in advancing her welfare. "and the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them . that make peace." 994 m REBECCA C MEEKER WIDOW OF James F. Meeker Died August 15 th , 1872 Aged 76 Years 995 m S. E. M. SACRED To the memory of SARAH E daughter of James F. & Rebecca C. Meeker ; who died on the eve of her birth day July 14 th 1827 Aged 7 years "Jesus said suffer little children to come unto me." Beloved child, to Jesus go Yet o'er thy Tomb our tears shall flow We would love Jesus too and trust That when our frames return to dust On wings of love our souls may rise And meet thy spirit in the skies 996 m JOHN T HALSEY SON OF James R Meeker and Anna H. his wife, died April 22"' 1851 ; Aged 3 Years & 10 Days The One in Heaven 997 m ANNA HALSEY WIFE OF James R Meeker died March 30 th 1863, Aged 40 Years There is rest for the weary 998 m JAMES R MEEKER Died January io ,h 1865 Aged 47 Years " It is well " 999 m MATILDA GRISWOLD widow of James G Nuttman Died DEC. 7 ,h 1885 Aged 72 years In thy presence is fullness of joy. 1000 m JAMES G. NUTTMAN For 17 years an Elder of this church Died MAY 27" 1 1869, Aged 58 years There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God 1001 m Lavinia Matilda Children of J. G. & M. G. Nuttman Lavinia Matilda died Feb io ,h 1848 died Sept 23' 1 1841 aged 2 years & 3 months aged 6 months & 3 days 146 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1002 m IN Memory of OLIVER NUTTMAN, a Ruling Elder of this Church, and a Magistrate of this County ; WHO DIED January 27 th 1833, Aged 44 years ' Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord 1003 m IN Memory of A W NUTTMAN WIDOW OF OLIVER NUTTMAN WHO DIED Feb I st 185S, IN THE 68 lh YEAR OF HER AGE ' Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Selah S and Cornelia WOODHULL who died September 5 th 1840 Aged 22 Years " The less of this cold world, the more of heaven The briefer life, the earlier immortal- ity." 1004 m IN memory of OLIVER CRAIG SON OF Oliver & A W Nuttman who was drowned July 2o * 7 th 1851 ; Aged 39 years 5 months and 3 days 1066 r IN Memory of Lydia Morrell daughter of Benjamin W. & Elizabeth Tucker who died Oct r 11 1824 Aged 11 months & 24 days 1067 r J. T. H. In memory of Jason T. son of Mars & Mary Hart died July 14 1811 aged 2 months All Heaven received him With immortal love And sung he's welcome To the courts above 1068 r In Memory of John Potter who Departed this Life Sep r 12 : 17S0 In the 75 Year of his Age 1069 r B. W. 1791 1070 r IN Memory of Mrs CATHARINE Chapman Daughter of Mrs Lydia Rosette who died in New York Jan> 27" 1 1843. in the 56 th year of her age No pain nor grief invade thy bounds O Grave. No mortal woes Can reach ihe peaceful Sleeper here While Angels watch the soft repose There is Rest for thee in Heaven my Sister S. Rosette 1071 tn Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God IN memory of FURMAN ROSETTE of Delaware Ohio who died in New York of Consumption May 29 th 1849 In ihe 24 th Year of his age Of modest Deportment, stainless pur- -ity of Life, and Character, refined manners, and Cultivated Intellect, He lived without reproach, and died lamented when best known. 1072 m C. J. C. SACRED To the memory of CALEB J CONKLIN who departed this life June 3 rd 1826 ; Aged 37 years 3 months and 8 days Hark from the tombs a doleful sound My ears attend the cry, Ye living men come view the ground Where you must shortly lie 1 5 6 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1073 m IN Memory of JOHN CONKLIN who departed this life Ocf 20 th 1843 in the 85 th year of his age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." 1074 m IN memory of JERUSHA wife of John Conklin who departed this life Nov' I2* 11 1824 in the 62 1 year of her age Farewell, no more I tread yourground No more I need the Gospels sound My feet have reached the heaven'ly shore I know no imperfection more. who departed this life Nov 2 d 1849 Aged 21 Years 8 Months and 22 Days She said her trust was in the Saviour 1075 m IN Memory of JOHN CONKLIN Jun who departed this life Nov r 2 nd 1838 Aged 49 Years. Let friends no more my sufferings mourn Nor view my relicks with concern O cease to drop the pitying tear I've passed beyond the reach of fear 1077 m IN Memory of ABIGAIL WIDOW OF John Conklin JuN r who departed this life March 20 th 1854 Aged 52 Years 9 Months and 22 Days Thou'rt gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee Though sorrows and darkness encom- pass the tomb The Saviour has passed through the portal before thee And the lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom 107§ m IN Memory of HANNAH DAUGHTER OF John and Jerusha Conklin who died Aug st 5 th 1855 Aged 57 Years O death where is thy sting. O grave where is thy victory." 1076 m IN Memory of CATHARINE H daughter of John Jun r & Abigail Conklin 1079 m CATHARINE CONKLIN BORN MAY 3r 1791 DIED MAY 16 1872 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all Ps 34-19 CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 157 1080 m J. C. SACRED to the memory of JAMES CONKLIN who departed this life October 21 st 1833 ; aged 41 years 7 months. and 15 days When my Saviour call's me home Still this my cry shall be ; Hinder me not come welcome death I'll gladly go with thee. 10§1 1 M. J. In memory of MARY wife of Moses Johnson who departed this life Oct 14 th 1815 in the 49 th year of her age 1082 m [Horizontal, 2 feet high] SACRED to the memory of CHARLOTTE HALSEY wife of Isaac T Ludlam of the City of New York who died 29 th Jan 1825 aged 20 years 7 months & 19 days ALSO of her Infant son STEPHEN who died 24 th Jan 1825 aged 2 months & 16 days departed this life DeC 2i 8t 1823 in the 59 th year of her age But do not weep or grieve for me You know I must go home : I was upon a visit here, And now I must return. 1084 r In Memory of ELIZABETH Wife of W m Clark who departed this life January 11 th 1813 in the 70 th Year of her age 1085 r HERE lies the Body of Mr Abraham Tucker who departed this life Ocf the 30 th 1792 in the 61 st Year of his Age My friends that live to mourn & weep To see the grave wherein I sleep Remember well that you must die And be en'tombed as well as I. 1083 m M. H. In memory of MARY wife of Isaac Halsey who 1086 r C. T. Charles son of Lewis & Elizabeth Tooker died April 9 th 1793 in the 4 th year of his age 1087 r J. W. T. In memory of Jonathan Wade Son of Lewis & Eliza beth Tuker, who died July 7 th 1805 aged 14 days i 5 8 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1088 r L. T. Lewis 2 d son of Lewis & Elizabeth Tooker, died Sepf 16 1803 aged 6 months & 16 days 1089 ; L. T. Lewis son of Lewis & Elizabeth Tooker died Aug st 24 th 1800 in the 2 d year of his age 1090 r S. B Susannah Brant daughter of Lewis & Elizabeth Tooker died aug 17 th 1800 in the 5 year of her age 1091 r C. T. Charles 3' 1 son of Lewis & Elizabeth Tooker, died aug' : [date gone] 1798 aged 28 days 1092 r C. T. Charles 2' 1 son of Lewis & Elizabeth Tooker. died dec 1- 21 1795 aged 2 months & 20 days 1093 r P. C. Phebe Clark daugh'r of Lewis & Elizabeth Tooker. died oct r 6 1788 aged 10 days 1094 r In memory of Charles Tucker who departed this life Sep r the 27 th 1791 in y e 61 st year of his age 1095 r In memory of Phebe wife of Charles Tuck er who departed this life Aug s t y s 26 th 1791 in the 59 th year of her age 1096r S. T. In memory of Sarah widow of Wessel Tucker, who died Aug st 30 1808 in the 6i 8t year of her age Prest by the hand of sore disease In pain I wandered on Till God my Saviour armed with love In mercy call'd me home 1097 r W. T. In memory of Wessel Tucker who died Jan>' 30 th 1803 in the 64 th year of his age My glass is run my days are spent My life is gone it was but lent And as I am so must you be Therefore prepare to follow me CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 159 109§ m In memory of ABBY. C. WIDOW OF LUKE TUCKER WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE Aug 8 ' 31 st 1S73 IN THE 82 nd YEAR OF HER AGE " Return unto thy rest O my soul." 1099 m IN MEMORY OF LUKE TUCKER WHO departed this life March 20 th 1865 ; in the 80 th year of his age. " Mark the perfect man and behold the upright ; for the end of that man is peace." 110© r A. T. In memory of ABBY wife of Luke Tucker who died Dec r 26 th 1824 in the 40 th year of her age Also of their children HENRY P died Ocf 20 th 1815 Aged 1 year & 2 months MARGARET died Sept 27 th 1S19 Aged 7 months JAMES H died Aug 9t 15 th 1826 Aged 3 years Kindred and friends farewell I am no more with you on earth In sorrows or in joys to share But faith looks up 10 view The land of promise o'er Where all in Christ will meet to part no more 1 101 m In Memory of JANE daughter of Luke & Abby Tucker who died Sept 21 1838 Aged 21 Years Farewell dear parents you will grieve Brothers and Sisters you I leave And you must follow me O look to Christ and seek relief He reigns Eternally Here lies y e Body of Mrs Elizabeth Widow of Charles Tooker who died Dec r y e 16 th 1770 in the 65 th year of her Age 1 102 r Here lies y e Body of Mr. Charles Tooker who de parted this life Aug st y e 14 111 1769 in the 65 th year of his Age i6o INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1103 m IN Memory of ELLEN S. who died Aug. 13, 1834 Aged 11 Months and 20 days Also JACOB M. who died Sept, 12, 1841, Aged 6 Years 4 Months and 2 days Two-Children of Abram & Eliza Tooker 1101 MARY ELIZABETH WIFE OF George Parmalie died April 28^ i860. Aged 27 Years GEORGE W. Their son died Feb>' 2' 1 1861 aged 11 months t\: j 5 days 1105 m IN Memory of ABRAM TOOKER WHO DIED Nov. 16. 1834 In the 73. Year of his age Also MARY widow of Abram Tooker WHO DIED Feb 18, 1836, In the 73, Year of her age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." 1106m F. D. In memory of FOSTER DAY WHO WAS BORN March 6 th 17S1 : AND DIED June 26" 1 1845 : In the 65 th Year of his age 1107 m S. R. D. In memory of SUSAN R. WIDOW OF Foster Day who was born April 21 st 1781 AND DIED Jan? 10 th 1854 In the 73 d Year of her age 11 OS m N. B. D. In memory of NANCY B. Daughter of Foster & Susan Day; who died June 18 th 1833 Aged 18 years Reader o'er this ground I've often trod But now I lie beneath its sod : In youthful bloom I'm called away 'Gainst death, youth's no security Dear friend are you afraid of death ? To lie you down? yield up your breath ? Sin is its sting from it be free, Believe in Christ, and follow me. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 161 1109 m IN Memory of Peter S son of Foster and Susan Day, who died April 14 1812, aged n months and 11 days Sleep on sweet babe & take your rest You in your Makers arms are blest And now to you we bid adieu God fit us all to follow you 1110;;/ C. J. D. In memory of CAROLINE J. Daughter of Foster & Susan Day, who departed this life April 15 th , 1S22 : Aged 17 Years 2 Months & 26 Days In early bloom death me invade Translate my body to the shade Both young and old by this may see That they must quickly follow me 1111 m E. B. D. In memory of ELIZA B. daughter of Foster & Susan Day who died Feby 26 th 1831, Aged 24 years "Weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children." My Father calls me to his arms And willingly I go With cheerfulness I bid farewell To every thing below. 1112 m In Memory of Frederick Julian son of Isaac C. & Lavinia E. DAY died Aug 3 ' 2i 9t 1S49, aged 10 mo & 5 days Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven 1113; Here lies y e Body of Eliz tk Radley Shute, Dau r of Barnaby & Mary Ann Shute who Departed this Life Sep' 16 th 1763 Aged 1 year & 11 m° 1114 r Here lies y e Body of Deborah Wife of Robert Spencer who departed this Life Sepf y e 20 th Anno Dom 1785 in y e 27 th Year of her Age Here lyeth y e Bod Of Isaac Winans Obij' Mar 6 th 1730 JE tat 25 1115 r Here lyeth y e Bo Dy of Hannah wife Of Isaac Winans Dec D April y e 10 th 1731 In y" 26 yer of h er Age Here lyeth y e Bo Dy of Remember Winans Obijt Feb 10 1722 ^E tat 42 1 62 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1116 r HERE LYES Interr'd y e Body of John Winans who Departed this Life Nov' y e 5 th 1734 in y e 62 year of his Age 1117 ; HERE LYETH interred the Body of Benjamin Trotter who departed this Life July the sixteenth Annoq e Domini 1754 In the fifiiseventh Year of his Age lll§r S. W. In memory of Sarah Ward relict of Abner Ward who died Oct r the 3 d 1801 in the g2 d year of her age 1119 r Here lieth the Body of Charles Allen who departed this life the 10 th Day of August Anno Domini 1717 1120 r Here lyeth The Body of Mrs Mary Allen Wife Of Jonathan Allen Dec D April y e 25 th s 1732 Aged 31 Year 1121 r Here Lies the Remains of John Radly Esqr who Departed this Life February y e 22 1760 Aged 52 years 2 Months & 12 D 8 1122 r HERE LIETH Interred the Remains of M r Jonathan Allen, who departed this Life Feb>' the 11 th Annoque Domini 1758. And in the 61 st Year of his Age 1123 m JOHN PEASON Died July 11 th i860, In the 67 th Year of HIS AGE The memory of the just is BLESSED." 1124 m EDMUND HARVEY son of Joseph T. & Susan C Higgins Died Oct. 26 th 1854 Aged 8 years & 22 days See the kind shepperd Jesus stands With all engaging charms Hark how he calls the tender lambs And folds them in his arms 1125 m JOSEPH T HIGGINS Died March 19 th 1858 Aged 40 years And 4 months CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 163 ' Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, yea saith the spirit that thej' may rest from their labors and their works do follow them." 1126 m [Monument with iron fence around plot and 4 head stones] [South side] JACOB DONINGTON died May 11 th , 1810 : Aged 45 years ELIZABETH WIDOW OF Jacob Donington died August 10 th 1819 Aged 50 years [East side] ANN A. DONINGTON, died July 19 th 1817, Aged 23 years. SARAH DONINGTON died June 28 th 1832 Aged 34 years [North side] HENRY DONINGTON, died Sept. 10, 1862. Aged 54 years MARY A BADGLEY, WIDOW of Henry Donington, died Nov, 2, 1887 Aged 77 years, [West side] WILLIAM DONINGTON died January 16 th 1796 Aged 4 years ELIZABETH DONINGTON died October 6 th 1810 Aged 7 years 1127 m [Headstone at foot of grave] In memory of two children of Henry & Mary Ann Donington SILAS HAYS died Nov' 15 th 1835 aged 1 year & 5 months SARAH E. died Feb>' i 3t 1840 These lovely buds so young and fair Call'd hence by early doom Just came to show how such flowers In paradise would bloom 1128 w MARY ELIZABETH DAUGHTER OF Henry and Mary Ann Donington died April 14 th 1850: Aged 8 years & 10 days She faded, not like sunlight gone, From out the west at even ; Her smile was yet the smile of morn, 'Twas quenched in morning's heaven. Soft shadows wooed her youthful bloom And folded it to rest ; But left the dwelling dark with gloom Which late her presence blessed. 1129 m JOHN S DONINGTON Died Oct. i 8t . 1862. In the 25 th YEAR of his age CARRIE K DONINGTON Died June 12 th 1863. In the 15 th YEAR OF HER AGE 164 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 113© w SAMUEL BRADBURY A native of England DIED March 31 st 1861 Aged 65 Years I am the resurrection and the life saith the Lord ; he that believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live ; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die MARY A DONINGTON WIDOW OF SAMUEL BRADBURY, Died October 21, 1885. Aged 89 Years 1131 r In memory of Doc h Jonathan Dayton who died October the 17 th 1794 in the LI 3t year of his age Of Margaret his wife who died December the 2 d 1789 in the 41 st year of her age 1132; Here lyes y e Body of Martha Wife of Nathaniel Pard'w Aged 42 years Dec D J anJ 11 1742 1133 m ELIZABETH WIFE OF Thomas O Crane. Died Dec. 1837, aged 30 years Alonzo De La Vergne son of Thomas O & Elizabeth Crane Died Oct. 22 1854, aged 22 years THOMAS son of Thomas O & Bethia Crane Died Oct. 5 1848 1134 r I. C. A. C. In memory of ISAAC CRANE, an Elder of this church who died Feb. 5. 1831 : Aged 65 years. Also of ABIGAIL his wife who died May 4, 1832: Aged 65 years By glimm'ring hopes and gloomy fears They trac'd the sacred road Through dismal deeps and dang'rous snares They made their way to God. There on a green and flow'ry mount, Their weary souls now sit, And with transporting joys recount The labours of their feet. Also MARY ELIZABETH daughter of Thomas O & Elizabeth Crane who died March 27 1832 Aged 18 months 1135 m IN Memory of JEREMIAH B CRANE who died August 8 th 1829, Aged 37 Years " Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple." CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. I6 5 1136 m IN memory of MARY B. D. daughter of Isaac and Abigail Crane who died Oct. 24. 1824 Aged 24 years She proved the truth of the religion she professed, by her humble walk with God, her earnest endeavours to do good her resignation under suffer- ings and her peaceful end Also in memory of their infant children CALEB who died Dec 31 1796 Aged 3 m & 16 d. and THOMAS O who died Aug. 18 1803 Aged 1 m. & 14 d. 1137 m JONATHAN E CRANE Died Oct. 4 th 1828, Aged 34 years 2 mo. & 12 DAYS MARY P CRANE Died Oct 5 th 1834 Aged 37 years ii mo & 6 DAYS 113§ m IN Memory of MARY WIDOW OF Samuel Crane who died Oct r 28 th 1850 In the 79 th Year of her age Farewell ye friends whose tender care Has long engaged my love Your fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above 1 1 1139^ In memory of James Wilson Son of Mr James Wilson in Ire land who died Sep r y e 28 th 1781 In y e 31 st Year of his Age He lived beloved, he died lam ented. 1140 r IN Memory of JOANNA widow of Waters Burrows who died March 30 th 1S33 in the 73 rd year of her age Mourning friends weep not for me prepare for death & eternity 1141 m SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ELIZABETH WIFE OF ANDREW PARCELL. WHO DIED Oct. 7" 1 1823 In the 46 th YEAR OF HER AGE Cheerful I leave this vale of tears Where pains and sorrows grow Welcome the day that ends my toil And every scene of woe 1142 m SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ANDREW PARCELL WHO DIED July 7 th 1854 IN THE 69 th YEAR OF HIS AGE Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth Job vii. i, 1 66 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1143 tn SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ELIZABETH WIFE OF ANDREW PARCELL WHO DIED December 7, 1844, In the 47 th year OF HER AGE Jesus, O, when shall that blest day That joyful hour appear When I shall leave this house of clay To dwell amongst them there. 1111/ HANNAH SPINNING WIDOW OF Abraham Spinning Born Nov. 20 th 1784, Died Oct. 31 st 1874 Aged 89 years ii mo & 10 DAYS The law of the Lord was her delight 1145 m Our Mother HESTER MARSAY widow of John Spinning Died Au" 29 th 1855 In the 72 d Year of her age ABRAHAM FRANCIS Their son Died at New Orleans Dec r 15 th 1856: In the 34 th Year of his age 1146 m IN Memory of JOHN SPINNING WHO DIED Jany 5 th 1841 In the 65 th Year of his age Also THEADORE SARON SON OF John and Hester Spinning died Feb>' 15 th 1826 aged 5 months and 7 days 1147 m IN Memory of SARAH WIDOW OF DANIEL WINANS who died Feb>' 22 d 1853 In the 76 th Year of her age 1148 r [Top broken off] Farewell terrestrial joys I in the Grave must lie Adieu to glittering toys Death will not pass me by 1149 r In Memory of Benjamin Spinning who died March 11 1802. In the 56 th Year of his Age Also Abigail wife of Benjamin Spinning who died Oct br 3 d 1803. In the 51 st Year of her Age Also Polly & Abby Daughters of Benjamin & Abigail Spinning 1150 r IN Memory of JOHN SPINNAGE who died 15 th of Sep' 1817. in the 67 th year of his age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 167 Also of Isaac Spinnage who died Nov r 25 th 1803 aged 17 years & 22 days Also of Mary Spinnage who died March 6 th 1785 1151 r IN Memory of MARY widow of John Spinnage who died March 24 th 1824 in the 77 th year of her age 1152 r J. R. W. In Memory of Job R Winans Son of Daniel & Sarah Winans who died Ocf 6 th 1811 Aged 13 Years 6 Months & 9 Days 1154 r B. VV. In memory of BETSEY widow of Elijah Woodruff who died Aug 3t 31 st 1821 in the 47 th year of her age She's passed the waves of trouble here We trust beyond the reach of fear She hears no more the gospel sound But lies here mouldering under 1153 m A. W. T. SACRED To the memory of Abby W. wife of Benjamin W Tucker Jun r who died April 6 th 1827 Aged 26 years 7 months & 29 days Also of AMELIA H. their daughter who died March 11 th 1827 Aged 2 months & 10 days The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when they sleep in dust 1155 m SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF MRS SARAH WINANS WHO DIED DEC. 15 th 1848, AGED 67 YEARS She lived the life and died the death of a christian. 1156 r J. W. In memory of Job Winans who died Jan? the 22 d 1808 in the 26 th year of his age. My friends that left to mourn & weep Do see the grave where in I sleep. Remember all that you must die, And be entombed as well as I. 1157 r H. W. In memory of Hannah widow of John Winans who died Oct r 17 th 1830 in the 77 th year of her age. The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when they sleep in dust. i68 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1158 r J. W. In memory of John Winans who died Feb T the 2 d 1802 in the 52 d year of his age Death is a debt to mortals due I have paid that debt & so must you 1159 r B. W. In memory of Jun Benjamin Winans who died Sepf 20, 1805 in the 42' 1 year of his age The midnight snares lay thick around Unthought of and unseen Death seiz'd the moment gave the wound Which closed this mortal scene My friends bedew with tears my fate Remembering you must die And e'er alas it be too late To God for mercy cry. 1160 r In memory of Hester widow of Jun Benjamin Winans who died Sepf 2 d 1821 Aged 56 years Deep was the wound, O death and vastly wide When she resign'd her useful breath and dy'd, Ye sacred ones with pious sorrow mourn, And drop a tear at your great Parents urn, Conceal'd a moment from our longing eyes, Beneath this stone her mortal body lies, Happy the spirit lives and will we trust, In bliss associate with her pious dust. 1161 r In memory of Susanna daughter of Joshua and Mary Winans. She died Nov' y e 4 th 1788 in y° 18 th year of her age 1162 in SACRED to the Memory of Abby W wife of Robert Rindell and daughter of Benj n Winans who died April 14 th 1825 in the 25 th year of her age Farewell farewell my partner dear My parents and my friends This call of God to you is near Oh ! hear the voice it sends 1163 r Son, and Daughter, of John and Hannah Winans Benjamin died Oct r the 28 th 1773 aged 14 days Hannah died Aug 9t y e 12 th 1791 in y e 2 d year of her age Farewell our dearest hearts Since we with you must part We hope in heaven to meet again Where love, joy, and peace shall reign CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 169 1164 r A. W. In memory of ABBY wife of Jobe Winans who died Aug st 20 th 1803 in the 37 th year of her age Also Jobe, son of Elias and Abby Winans died June 24 th 1815 in the 5" 1 year of his age 1165 r J. W. In memory of Job Winans who died Febru? 8 th 1803 in the 40 th year of her age 1166 r J. W. In memory of Jacob Winans who died Dece r 23 d 1799 in the 58 th year of his age 1167 r In memory of Betty wife of Jacob Winans who depart ed this life Feb>' the 6 th 1791, in y e 46 th year of her age Tho' I walk thro the gloomy vale, Where death and all its terrors are ; My heart and hope shall never fail For God my shepherd's with me there. 116§ r MARY Daughter of Jacob and Betty Winans died Janua> the 30 th A X D. 1775 aged 6 Years n Mont 8 and 22 days. 1169 m IN Memory of JACOB WINANS 1170 m IN Memory of SUSAN WOODRUFF WIFE OF Jacob Winans who died Dec r 20 th 1817 Aged 35 years & 7 months Also two of their children MARY PERINE died Feby 11 th 1819 Aged 9 years 4 months & 24 days ANN MARIA died Sepf 18 th 1815 Aged 8 months & 24 days Life how short 1171 m IN memory of John Winans who died June 18 th 1842 Aged 58 years ALSO two children of John & Catherine Winans JULIA died Nov 5 th 1821 Aged 5 years & 7 months UJENIA died Nov r 11 th 1829 Aged 2 years & 10 months 170 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1172 r In memory of Mr. Benjamin Winans who departed this life March the 24 th 1793 in the LXXI year of his age. Wife and children may deplore The husband father is no more [Cross on stone] His frugal hands no more provide We trust he rests at Jesus side 1173; In Memory of Jane wife of Ben jamin Winans who de parted this Life Sept r y e 6 th 1776 In y e 55 th Year of her Age A loving Wife A Mother dear And faithful friend Lies buried here 1174 m In Memory of HENRIETTA daughter of John and Catherine Winans who died Feb* 28 th 18 18 Aged 4 years 1 month and 29 days No more the pleasant child is seen Her parents joys to crown ; The tender plant so fresh and green, All withered is and gone. Until the last loud trumpet's sound, And christ appears again ; And calls the dead from underground, We'll surely see her then. 1175 m Our Mother DAMARIS N. WIDOW OF Lewis Woodruff: died Aug st 26 th 1870 In the 81st Year of her age 1 The weary are at rest. 1176 m IN Memory of AARON WINANS WHO DIED May 13 th 1 810 ; In the 57 th Year of his age Wife and children ma}' deplore The husband father is no more His frugal hands no more provide We trust he rests at Jesus side ALSO the birth and death of a daughter April 23 d 1806. 1177 m IN Memory of PRUDENCE WIDOW OF Aaron Winans who died May 19 th 185 1 In the 90 th Year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 171 " For I know that my Redeemer liveth And though after my skin worms dest roy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God." Also PRUDENCE their daughter died Nov. 16, 1802 aged 4 weeks. 1178 m JANE TUCKER Died June 23 rd 1S56. Aged 72 years 7 months AND 14 DAYS Her faith and patience, love and zeal Still make her memory dear: — And Lord ! do thou the prayer fulfill, She offered for us here. 1179 r J. W. Sacred to the memory of M rs Jane Winans wife of Capt. Benjamin Winans who departed this life May 30 th 1812, in the 63 d year of her age What e'er the wife and friend should be, In this imperfect state was she, What e'er the christian's promised prize, She now possesses in the skies. This prize eternity alone, To kindred spirits can make known, Reader aspire, earth's not thy home. Seek here by faith a heaven to come. 1181 m Phebe T Woodruff DIED Dec. 23 d 1869 in the Sx st year of her age This stone erected by her Brother, lob Woodruff. 1182 m SACRED to the Memory of Job Woodruff who departed this life Jan>' 17 th 1794: in the 41 st year of his age Also of ELIZABETH his wife, who was called from her scene of troubles Nov r 21 st 1S24 in the 6i 8t year of her age 1180 m CAPT BENJAMIN WINANS 1183 m Louis T. Woodruff Born May 13, 1813. DIED March io, 1864 He giveth his beloved sleep. 172 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 11S4 m JACOB GEIGER DIED JANUARY 3 rd 1870 IN THE 82nd YEAR OF HIS AGE 11 §5 m ABIGAIL T. WIFE OF JACOB GEIGER DIED Nov 3 d i860 IN THE 70 th YEAR OF HER AGE 1186 m IN Memory of SOPHIA CRITTENTON Infant daughter of Jacob and Abigail T. GEIGER who departed this life April 2 nd 1831 Aged 7 months & 13 days Suffer little children to come unto me. 1187 m IN Memory of JAMES WOODRUFF Infant son of Doct James and Elizabeth T. Bryan of Philadelphia who departed this life July 2 nd 1843 Aged 7 Months & 13 days Of such is the kingdom of heaven. 1188 m IN Memory of Aaron J. Woodruff who departed this life Nov 20 th 1827, in the 43 rd year of his age Also Mary Lyon daughter of Aaron J. & Abigail T. Woodruff died Ocf 20 th 1820 aged 1 year 7 months and 14 days. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." 1189 r L. T. In memory of Lewis Tooker who departed this life June I st 1830 Aged 63 years Also Nehemiah W. Tooker Son of Lewis & Elizabeth Tooker who departed this life Sept I st 1825 Aged 30 years 1190 r E. T. In memory of Elizabeth wife of Lewis Tooker who departed this life March 27 th 1824, in the 54 th year of her age No sickness or sorrow or pain Shall ever disquiet her now For death to her spirit was gain Since Christ was her life when below CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 173 1191 m IN memory of My Sister SUSAN M TOOKER WHO DIED Feb>- 24 th 1835, In the 19 th Year of her age None knew her but to love her None named her but to praise 1192 m SACRED To the memory of Uselna Leonard Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Olliver who departed this life January 30 th 1846 Aged 1 year We lay thee in the silent tomb Sweet blossom of a day We just began to view thy bloom And thou was't called away 1193 m JACOB G. OLIVER Died Nov 29 th 1856, Aged 19 years And 4 months 1194 m MARGIE W. GRIER WIFE OF Dr. Phillip H. Grier Died July ii, 1868, In the 28th year Of Her Age 1195 m [On North side. Other three sides blank.] MARGARET M. wife of Matthias B. Crane Died July 19 th 1867 Aged 55 years John W. their son Died Aug 9 ' 26 th 1850 Aged 2 years 9 MONTHS & I DAY. 1196 m In Memory of HANNAH daughter of Thompson & Susan Bell who died August 3 rd 1825 ; aged 29 Days O murmur not my struggling breath Twas call'd as soon as given There's nothing terrible in death To those that go to Heav'n. 1197 m In Memory of JULIA ANN D. daughter of Thompson and Susan Bell who died July 7 1825 aged 2 Years 6 Months & 20 Days Alas how chang'd that lovely flow'r Which bloom'd & cheer'd my heart Fair fleeting comfort of an hour How soon we're call'd to part. 174 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 119S m In memory of SMITH son of Thompson and Susan Bell who was drowned August 29 th 1824 aged 3 Years 9 Months & 22 Days Like the fair flower that's cropt in early spring Hush'd is thy heart and dim'd thy beauty's bloom But mem'ry still around thy dust shall cling Affection haunt thee e'en beyond the tomb. 1199 m In memory of THOMPSON son of Thompson & Susan Bell who died Jan^ 28 th 1829 : Aged 1 year & 29 days Transient and vain is every hope A rising race can give In endless honour and delight My children all shall live. 1200 m IN memory of Hannah Mount daughter of Matthias & Matilda Mount and Neice of Thompson Bell who died Feb>' 23 d 1832 : in the 25 th year of her age Cheerful I leave this vale of tears Where pains and sorrows grow, Welcome the day that ends my toil And every scene of woe 1201 r Here Lyeth y e Body Of Richard Miller th Jun r Dec D Jan r >- y« 5 1732 In y e 29 th year Of his Age 1202 r Here lyeth y e Body Of Mr. Jonathan Miller Dec D August y e 29 th 1727. In y e 46 year of his age. 1203 m [Horizontal 2 ft. high and stands on graves Nos. 1201 and 1202] Beneath this Marble Lie interred the remains of MRS SARAH WILLIAMS Widow of the late Rev. Thomas F Williams Of Georgia WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE SEPT r II th 1824 Aged 45 years ALSO The REMAINS OF her daughter Hannah P Williams who died Sept 1 " 3 d 1824 Aged 8 years CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 175 Thy way is in the sea and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known. The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice Our flesh shall rest in hope. It is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory This corruptible must put on Incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortality Then shall be brought to pass the saying. Death is swallowed up in victory. 1204 r Benjamin Son of Benj" and Hannah Miller deceas'd June y e 22' 1 AD 1770, In the 10 th Year of his Age Sleep lovely child & take your Rest God call'd you Home he tho* it best. 1205 m [Horizontal 2 ft. high] Ici Repose SUSANNE LENORE VINCENT epouse de Messire Augustin Tessier Decedee le 9 e 8 bre 1 801 AGEE DE 36 ANS. 1206 r E. S. In memory of Ephriam Say re who deceas'd July 22 d 1804 : in the 66 th year of his Age Unshaken as the sacred hill, n And firm as mountains stad. Firm as a rock the soul shall rest, That trust th' almighty hand. 1207 r M. S. In memory of Ma- ry wife of Ephriam Sayre who deceas'd Aug 7 Ul 1797 in the 58 th year of her age Here I dismiss my carnal hope My fond desires recall I give my mortal interest up And make my God my all 120§ n Here lies y e Body of Ezekiel, the Son of Ephriam & Mary Sayre who died Ocf 12th 1773 in y e 5 th Year of his Age 1209 r H. S. Hannah daugh r of Ephriam & Mary Sayre died Feb? 25 th 1771 in the 7 th year of her age Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God 176 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1210 vi IN Memory of My Mother MARY SAYRE WHO DIED Sept 6 th 1846; Aged 82 Years 9 months & 13 Days There is rest in Heaven. 1211 m HANNAH A. Wife of FRANCIS BARBER and daughter of Stephen & Phebe Barton Died Dec. 2, 1886 Aged 62 Years O how love I thy law ! it is my meditation all the day. ' She hath done what she could.' 1214 vi STEPHEN BARTON Born Sept. 17 th 1773 Died June 27 th 1863, 1215 r In memory of Barnaby Shute who died March 25 th 1797 in the 70 th year of his age 1212 m MARIA M. BARTON Died Feb>' n' h 1861. In the 57 th Year of her age "Not the death we die But the life we live." The way of the Lord is perfect. 1216 r [Broken off] M. P. In mem Margery. Price, died D in the 54 th y also Jacob & Margery Price 26 th 1803 aged 12 year My friends one hour in health The next in the simtoms of death This was my lot reader prepare The same call, you may sudanly hear 1213 m MOTHER [on top of stone] To my precious Mother Mrs. PHEBE W. BARTON Who slept in Jesus Apr. 26. 1865, Aged 82 Yrs. Erected by her loving daughter Mrs. William T. Nichols. 1217 m E. M. In memory of ELIZABETH MAGIE, daughter of DAVID MAGIE who departed this life April 26, 1880, in the 80" 1 Year of her age 121 § vi D. M. In memory of DAVID MAGIE for 52 years an Elder of this Church who departed this life CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 177 Nov 6 th 1854. In the 90 th Year of his age "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." 1219 m P. M. In memory oi PHEBE wife of David Magie who died April 26 th 1842 Aged 73 years Tis finished ! the conflict is past The heaven born spirit is fled Her wish is accomplished at last And now she's entombed with the dead 1220 r Here lies the Body of Rachel Wife of Benjamin Magie who died March 20 th A.D, 1783. In the 40 th Year of her Age 1221 r In memory of Benjamin Megie who died Oct r th 27 th 1807 in the 72 nd Year of his Age Most sudden was his call to Death, By a raging beast resign'd his breath, Yet high above among the blest, Tis hop'd his soul doth sweetly rest. 1222 r M. M. In memory of MARY wife of Jonathan Magie : who departed this life Oct r 2 nd 1819 ; in the 24 th year of her age. Also their children hs MARY died Dec r 8 th 1817, aged 7 mont ELIZABETH died Sepf 16 th 1819; aged 2 months : Tis God that lifts our comforts high Or sinks them in the grave, He gives and blessed be his name He takes but what he gave. 1223 HERE lies y e Body of Mrs Margaret Wid° of Mr Joseph Magie who died July y e 10 th Anno Domini 1783 I y e 72 nd Year of her age 1224 r HERE lies y e Body of Mr Joseph Ma gie who departed this life March y e 9 th Anno Dom : 1783 In the LXXVIII Year of his age 178 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1225 r Here lies y e Bod}' of Anna Megie Dec' d June 3 1735 Aged 61 years Here lies y e Body of John Megie Dec d Feb 1 3 1735 Aged 76 years Since it so plainly doth Appear We ware not made for to stay here But that we all must goe this way Let us prepare without Delay. 1226 r Here lyeth y e Body of phebe Daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Marsh Dec et June y e 17 th Anno Domini 1736 in y e 10 th year her Age 1227 r Here lyeth the body of John Megie who died 2 January y e 5 th AD 1741 and in y e 42' year of his age 1228 r Here lies y e Body of Jonathan Megie, Son of Joseph & Margare' Megie who Died July 14* In y e 23 d of his Age » th 1763 year 1229; HERE LIES the remains of Phebe widow of John Magie who died July the 10 th 1798. In the 64 th year of her age 1230 r HERE LIES the Remains of Mr. Jonn Magie, who departed this Life September y e 26 th 1 781 In y e 49 th Year of his Age 1231 r HERE liesy e Body of John Magie Jun r who died April y e 28 th Anno Dom 1782 In the 28 th Year of his Age 1232 m IN Memory of JOHN O. MAGIE WHO DIED Dec br 26" 1 1825 ; In the 30 th Year of his age " And so ye say he died But all the glorious company of Heaven Do say, he lives, for he was a good man." A tribute of a Daughter's affection 1229 Daughter of John Ogden. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 179 1233 m IN Memory of SOPHIA MAGIE widow of Ezekiel Magie WHO DIED Jan? 23 1844 ; in the 7S th year of her age Without a sigh A change of feature, or a shaded smile She gave her hand to the stern mes- senger. And as a glad child seeks its Father's house Went home. Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am 1234 m IN Memory of EZEKIEL MAGIE WHO DIED Dec r 3 d 1826 ; in the 68 th year of his age If he hath entered first what then? be still And let the few brief sands of time roll on And keep vour armour bright and d waiting stan For his warm welcome to a realm of bliss. 1235 r M. M. In memory of MARY relict of Michael Magie who died Sepf 20 th 1829 ; aged 57 years 1236 r M. M. In memory of Michael Megie who died Jan>' 6" 1 1810 aged 53 years Wife and children may deplore The Husband Father is no more His frugal hand no more provide We trust he rests at Jesus side 1237 r In memory of Cathe- rine wife of Michael Megie. She died Janu? y e 25 th 1793 in the 35 th year of her age Their sons Michael, died Aug st y e 5 th s 1782 aged 1 year and 7 mon Hainds, died Sepf y e 18 th s 1 791 aged 11 mon & 8 days 123§ r P. M. In memory of Phebe daughter of Michael and Katharine Megie died Sepf the 5 th 1807 in the 20 th year of her Age Though young and blooming as we are Prepare for death, its always near Both young and old by this may see That they must quickly follow me. m >, m4 , 1236 Sons of John Magie No. 1230. i8o INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1239 r In Memory of Jane Wife of David C. Brown and Dau r of Michael Megie. died Sep r 29 th 1807 in the 24 th Year of her Age Also Michael their son died Oc r 22 d 1807 Aged 1 Year. Stop passenger and O be wise Hope not for bliss b e low the skies Here in this dark and silent bed The Mother and her babe are laid Sweet babe and Mother short was thy stay A soul prepared needs no delay May 8. 1853, Aged i Year 9 Months & 20 Days Sleep on sweet babe And take your rest God called you home He thought it best 1240 m In Memory of MOSES M. CRANE WHO DIED Nov' 27 th , A, D. 1874. Aged 74 Years 11 Months and 11 Days " He doeth all things well." 1241 m In Memory of PHEBE T CRANE WIFE OF MOSES M CRANE WHO DIED Feby 5 th A. D. 1868, Aged 68 Years and 24 Days ' Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." 1242 m [Little square shaft] Anna Irena Daughter of Abraham C & Anna W. Miller Died 1243 m IN Memory of ANNA W. wife of Abraham C. MILLER & eldest Daughter of Moses M. & Phebe S. Crane who died Oct. 12 th 1854 Aged 26 years 5 mo & 27 Days Adieu my friends a long adieu I leave the joys of earth with you : I seek a heavenly prize : May you in Jesus yet be found And when the trump of God shall sound In his blest image rise. 1244 m In memory of two Sons of Moses M. & Phebe S Crane : ELIAS SPENCER died Feby 16 th 1840, Aged 14 years and 19 days. CHARLES HENRY died Feby 13 th 1840 Aged 2 years 1 month and 13 days Not in cruelly, not in wrath, The reaper came that day Twas an angel visited the earth And took the flowers away. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 181 1245 m In memory of AARON Son of Nathan M & Mar}' Ann Winans who died Sept 1 ' 30 th 1841 aged 1 year 10 months and 27 days This lovely bud so young and fair, Call'd hence by early doom : Just came to show how sweet a flower In paradise would bloom 1246 m HANNAH C WINANS Daughter of Benjamin & Anabel WINANS Born May 28, 1807, Died March 24, 1885, Aged 77 Y'rs 9 Mo's & 27 Days I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness." Psa. 17-15. 1247 r B W In memory of Benjamin Winans who died March 12 th 1852 in the 56 th year of his age "The night cometh when no man can work." 1248 r A. W. In memory of ANNABLE WIDOW OF Benjamin Winans who died aug, 30, 1S54 In the 72 d year of her age Verily verily I say unto you if a man keep my sayings he shall never see death. 1219 m IN MEMORY OF My Mm 1 mi I- MARY WIFE OF Jacob B. Angus AND DAUGHTER OF Job & Abby Winans ; who died Nov r 27 th 1824 In the 41 st Year of her age Dearest Mother, thou hast lift us Here tlvy loss we deeply feel But tis God who hath bereft us He can all our sorrows heal 1250 m The grave OF JACOB ANGUS son of Henry K. & Abby W. Woodruff who died Dec r 21 st 1847 aged 6 years 2 months >N: 15 days Could'st thou his gentle voice now hear Sweetly he'd whisper in thine ear Fond Mother weep no more for me I'm now from every suffering free 1251 m IN MEMORY OF AMELIA A. wife of Theadore W Winans Born Nov, 19, 1829 Died Sept, 15, 1880 Dearest Mother thou hast left us And thy loss we deeply feel Tis our God who hast bereft us He can all our sorrows heal Also David R Winans, Died Sept io, 1851 W m O Winans, Died Nov'r 3, 1854 182 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1252 m IN Memory of OLIVER W. WINANS son of Benjamin and Fanny Winans who died March 24 th 1839 : Aged 20 Years & 10 Months Brothers, Sisters, Farewell, I pass to immortality In Jesus breast to dwell And spend a blest eternity 1253 r F. W. In Memory of FANNY Wife of Benjamin Winans Jun r who died Feb>' 22 d -1832 Aged 40 years Press'd by the hand of sore disease In pain I wandered on Till God my Saviour arm'd with love In mercy call'd me home Also their Son Aaron T Winans Died Sept 29"" 1815 Aged 1 year 1 month and 27 days Farewell dear friends I leave this world Of sorrow sin and pain If I am washed in Jesus blood I shall a crown obtain 1255 r E. D. In memory of Elias Darby who died July 27 1798 in the 26 year of his Age 1256 S D In memory of SALLY widow of Elias Darby ; who died June 26 th 1839 in the 63 rd year of her age ' The just shall live by faith. 1254 r B. W. In memory of BENJAMIN WINANS Jun r who died June i 8t 1832 Aged 45 years Affliction sore long time I bore Physicians art was vain Till God alone did hear me mourn And free'd me from my pain 1257; [Horizontal slab] In memory of ' George Ross Esq who died on the 22 rt day of February 1794 in the 54th year of his age He was an affectionate husband, a tender parent, a kind neighbour, a faithful friend and much esteemed by all who knew him : in his death the public have lost a worthy citizen and useful member of society 1258 m IN Memory of LEWIS RIVERS who died Aug. 11, 1828 Aged 64 Years 9 Months and 10 days CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 133 1259 m IN Memory of RACHEL RIVERS who died July 14, 1843. Aged 54 Years 7 Months and 7 days 1260 m IN Memory of JANE ELIZA daughter of Lewis & Rachel Rivers who died Sept. 16. 1827, Aged 13 Years 8 Months and 16 davs 1261 r HERE lies the Body of Jane the Wife of William Bonner Jelf who departed this Life March y e 20 th Anno Domini 1773 In the 19 th Year of her Age 1262 r In memory of Mrs Jane, widow of William Ross She died Aug* the 25 th 1772 aged LIX years 1263 r Here lies interred y e Body of William Ross who departed this Life Feby the 15 th Anno Domini 1764 aged 54 Years & 4 Months 1261 m LEWIS T WOODRUFF Son of Job and Sarah Woodruff DIED May 17 th 1867, Aged 22 Years and 10 Months 1265 m IN Memory of JOB WOODRUFF, JR. WHO DIED Nov 1 ' 30 th 1859 Aged 38 Years and 10 Months Also FRANCIS WADE son of Job and Sarah Woodruff died Sepf 28 th 1848 ; aged 20 months 1266 m IN Memory of three Children of James F and Catherine N Stansbery JAMES F died Ocf 31 st 1S43 aged 2 years 1 month and 13 days HARRIET A died Feb>' 17 th 1850 aged 2 days WILLIAM A died July 16 1852 aged 1 year 5 months and 8 days 1 84 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1267 m IN Memory of HENRY STAGG WHO DIED August i8 ,h 1822 Aged 38 Years Also PHEBE WIDOW OF Henry Stagg who died Oct 1 ' 25 th 1843 Aged 56 Years and 9 Months Dearest Parents thou hast left us Here thy loss we deeply feel But tis God who has bereav'd us He can all our sorrows heal 126§ r In Memory of Mary the wife of Abr m Stagg who departed this life August 29 th 1808 in the 23 d year of her age 1269 m SARAH H. WIFE OF AARON WINANS Died Nov. 23 d , i860 Aged 49 years Life's duty done, as sinks the clay, Light from their load the spirits fly. While heaven and earth combine to say. How blest the righteous when they die. Edward & Phebe Clark who died Oct r 13 1801 aged 9 months & 6 days 1271 r D. W. David son of Nehemiah & Phebe Wade died Ocf 22 d 1813, aged 6 years 1 month and 5 days Our life is ever on the wing And death is ever nigh The moment when our lives begin We all begin to die. 1272 r J. H. W. In memory of Jonas H. Wade Son of Elias & Elizabeth Wade died Ap r XII 1797 in the 2 d year of his Age Also of Jonas H. Wade their second son who was drowned in a ciste- -rn Nov. 15 th 1805: aged 4 years 9 months & 6 days 1270; T. C. In memory of Susan daughter of 1273 m IN memory of Henry Kollock Wade son of Elias & Eliz th Wade who died Nov 29 th 1828 Aged 17 y. 4 m. & 18 d. He was universally beloved & died deeply lamented. " He being dead yet speaketh." A tribute of brotherly affection CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. I8 5 1274 m IN Memory of ELIAS WADE who died April 27, 1S44, In the 78, Year of his age 1275 m Lieut E. W. Brant Co. B 30 th N. J. INF, 1276 r H H SACRED To the memory of HANNAH widow of William Hunt who died April 24 th 1826; Aged 70 years 1277 r H. M. In memory of HANNAH widow of Benjamin Miller who died Ocf 28 th 1819 in the 84 th year of her age Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord 127§ r In memory of Benjamin Miller who died March the 12 th 1795 in the 65" 1 year of his age 1279 m [Monument. N cS: W side blank] [East side] STILMAN E ARMS M. D. Died July 10, 1877, In his 74th year At Rest [South side] HENRY MARTYN son of DR. S. E. & R ARMS Died Sept 3, 1850 M. 12 yrs 12§4> m IN MEMORY OF EDWARD SANDERSON who departed this life April 25 th 1852 ; Aged 60 Years 1 Month and 13 Days Go thou thy way till the end.be for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days." 12§1 m HANNAH Relict of EDWARD SANDERSON Born Nov. 20" 1 1796 Died at Newark N. J. April 5 th 1867 Aged 70 years 4 months and 15 days I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness." 1 86 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1282 m IN MEMORY OF MARY CHAPMAN daughter of Edward & Hannah Sanderson WHO DIED July I st 1847 Aged 25 years Thanks be to God whe giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1283 m IN Memory of EDWARD Son of Edward & Hannah Sanderson who departed this life Dec 7" 1 1827 Aged 3 years 9 months & 10 days The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord. Job i. 1286 r In Memory of three children of Lewis & Charlotte Mulford JANE HENDERSON died May 21 st 1822. Aged 1 year 5 months and 25 days MARY MILLER died Sept i2 ,h 1823 Aged 4 years & 10 months MOSES WILLIAMS died July 8 th 1824 Aged 1 year 1 month & 5 days I take these little lambs said he And lay them in my breast Protection they shall find in me In me be ever blest, 1284 m IN Memory of SARAH BLISS daughter of Edward & Hannah Sanderson who died Feb. 4 th 1S32: Aged 1 year and 15 days " Is it well wiih the child It is well." 1285 m IN Memory of ANNA MULFORD WHO DIED Sepf 2i 8t 1870, In the 76 th Year of her age 1287 m IN Memory of SARAH W. Daughter of Lewis & Charlotte MULFORD who died June 23 rd 1843 in the 15 th Year of her age ALSO MARY E. who died Oct. 20 th 1831 Aged 5 months & 5 days 1288 m IN Memory of EMELINE Daughter of Lewis & Charlotte MULFORD who died Oct 15 th 1846 Aged 13 Years *?*v-y >_£ *> i« ^ ■ Vn co r £ B 1 5- ^< © (3U, 5 £ *- I* CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. I8 7 12*9 w IN Memory of PATIENCE WIFE OF Benjamin Mulford who DIED Dec r 28" 1 1827 In the 67 th Year of her age 1290 m IN Memory of BENJAMIN MULFORD a Patriot of the Revolution WHO DIED July 27 th 1840 In the 89 th Year of his age 1291 r Here lies y" Body of Elijah Davis Died n°ve r y» 26 1733 in y e 49 year of his Age sound Hark from y e Tombs a Doleful Mine Ears attend y e Cry y e Living men Come view y e ground Where you must shortly ly Great God is this our Certain Doom and are we still secure still walking Downward to our Tomb and yet prepare no more? 129:$ m MY FATHER ELIIIU PRICE JR Died May io lh 1863 Aged 55 years 1294 m IN Memory of MARY W. DAUGHTER OF David and Phebe Price who died April 23 d 1851 Aged 44 Years 11 Months and 27 Days 1295 m IN Memory of NOAH MEEKER who died April 14 th 1807 In the 34 th year of his age Children come view my bed of clay And pillow of the ground Where your fair bodies soon must lay And clods must wrap you round 1292 r Here Lyeth y e Body of Mary Wife of Jacob Hatfield who Departed this Life January y 6 5" 1 Ann Domini 1738 in the 32 1 year of Her Age 1296 m IN Memory of NEHEMIAH SON OF Stephen & Charity Meeker WHO DIED Sept 2 d 1845 In the 52' 1 Year of his age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN E. M. Esther daughter of Stephen & Charity Meeker died Sept 30 th 1798 Aged 10 days 1297 r E. M. Esther daughter of Stephen & Charity Meeker died Sept 3 d 1803 Aged 3 years and 32 days Our time is come, near may be thine Prepare for it while thou hath time. 129§r C. M. In memory of CHARITY WIFE OF STEPHEN MEEKER WHO DIED Aug 23d, 1S25 ; in the 55th year of her age My dearest friends they dwell above Them will I go to see And all my friends in Christ below Will soon come after me. WHO DIED Sepf 30 th 1827, in the 54 th year of her age Ye pleasing scenes adieu which I so long have known My friends a long farewell to you For I must pass alone 1299 m IN Memory of STEPHEN MEEKER WHO DIED July 17 th T857 Aged 89 years 3 months and 13 DAYS Our age to seventy years is set How short the term how frail the state And if to eighty we arrive We rather sigh and groan than live 1309 r M. M. In memory of MARY wife of Stephen Meeker 1301 m IN Memory of ESTHER WIDOW of NOAH SAYRE who died Sept 5 th 1858 Aged 81 Years S Months and 26 Days "All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come. 1302 m IN memory of NOAH SAYRE WHO DIED Ocf 11 th 1848 Aged 77 Years 1 Month and 21 Days Affliction sore long time I bore Physicians art were vain Till God alone did hear my moan And ease me from my pain CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 189 1303 g John Winans Born Dec. 7, 1S13 Died July 20, 1S44 Susan Boyleston Wood Wife of John Winans Born April. 9, 1S21 Susan Boylston their daughter Born Mar. 20. 1840 Died Apr. i. 1840 WINANS. 1304 r In memory of Stephen Passel who died March the 29 th 1796 in the 22 d year of his age. In Memory of Phebe Widow of Stephen Passel who died Sepf the 26 th A D 1787 In the LVI Year of her Age 1305 r In Memory of Mr. Stephen Pas- -sel, who deceas'd April the S tk An- no Domini 1786 In the LX th Year of his Age 1306 Price, son of Abner and Elizabeth Passel died June 18 th 1795 in the 3 d year of his age 1307 m In memory of SARAH widow of Hampton Woodruff who died May 12 th 1833 In the 55 th year of her age " Prepare to meet thy God." 130§r M. T. Mary Mitchel Daughter of Job and Sarah Smith died Jan- V 24 th 1779 in the 5 th year of her age 1 300 r SACRED To the Memory of SARAH widow of Job Smith who died May 11 th 1827 in the 76 th year of her age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord 1310; In memory of Job Smith who died Aug 1 the 6 th 1776 in the 31 st year of his age 1311 >■ J. S. Job son of John J. & Phebe Smith died Jan v 10 th 1800 in the 2 d year of his age Sleep on dear child and take thy rest God called the home he thought it best 190 INSCRIPTIONS* IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1312 r J. J. S. In memory OF John J Smith who departed this life July 9 th 1 8 14 Aged 42 years 1313 r P. S. In memory of PHEBE widow of John J. Smith, who departed this life Nov. 23 d 1835 Aged 61 years A kind parent, an affectionate mother OGDEN SMITH WHO DIED Feb 8 th 1851 In the 48 th Year of his age Be ye not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises." By grace are ye saved 1314 m IN MEMORY OF 1315 r HERE lies the Body of Elizabeth Wife of John Berry, who departed this Life Jan^ y e is" 1 A. D. 1773 In the 18 th Year of his Age 1316 Phebe Daughter of David & Elizabeth Thompson, died July y« I st 1772. In the 5 th Year of her Age. 1317 m IN MEMORY OF NATHANIEL MILLER WHO DIED April 9 th 1825 Aged 34 Years Also NATHANIEL son of Nathaniel & Lydia Miller who died July 10 th 1842 In the 2i 8t Year of his age IF A MAN DIE, SHALL HE LIVE AGAIN? Behold I shew you a mystery, we shall not ALL SLEEP, BUT WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED. IN A MOMENT, IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE AT THE LAST TRUMP : FOR THE TRUMPET SHALL SOUND AND THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCOR- RUPTIBLE AND WE SHALL BE CHANGED A son & Brothers tribute CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. I 9 I 1318? Come unto me In Memory of Nehemiah Wade Esq. who died Ocf y e 19 th AD 1776 In the 40" 1 Year of his Age And Abigail his Wife who died March y e I st A.D 1783 In the 43 a Year of her Age 1319 m J. D. W. Jonathan Dayton Wade son of Jonathan & Phebe Wade died 20 th February 1806 aged 10 years 1320 r Benjamin Son of 1 Nehemiah & Abigai Wade died Dece r y e io ,h 1765 In the 2 d Year of his Age 1321 r In memory of Jonathan Wade who died Sept the 10 th 1796 in the 35 th year of his age And of his widow Phebe Woodruff Wade who died August I st 1798 aged 22 years 1322 m WILLIAM WHITEFIELD DIED Nov r 5 th 1839 In the 4S th Year of his age Also ABIGAIL T. WIDOW OF William Whitefield died July 22' 1 1853. In the 54" 1 Year of her age Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord," FRANK SON OF William H. & Sarah Whitefield died Nov r 30 1 ' 1 1S55. aged 2 years 6 months and 25 days 1323 m [On front side] ANNIE [On back side] ANNIE LOUISE daughter of William H. and Sarah Whitefield died Dec r 5 th 1859 aged 1 year 1 month and 23 days 1324 m ADDIE DAUGHTER OF George & Mary T. WHITEFIELD Died OcT r 22' 1 1877, Aged 22 Years I love you all 1325 r In memory of PHEBE Relict of Cop' Jonathan Townley who died Jan>' 25 th 1837 in the 70 th Year of her age 192 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN The victory now is obtained, She's gone her dear Saviour to see Her wishes she fully has gained, She's now where she longed to be, Then let us forbear to complain That she has now gone from our sight We soon shall behold her again, With new and redoubled delight. 1326 r J.T. In memory of Capt. JONATHAN TOWNLEY who died Sept 1 ' 29 th 1827 in the 61 s1 year of his age Determined are the days that fly, Successive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the wing, That lays thee with the dead. 1327 r R. T. In memory of RHODA widow of Richard Townley who died July 21 st 1823 ; in the So th year of her age Let friends no more my sufferings mourn Nor view my relics with concern ; O cease to drop the pitying tear, I've past beyond the reach of fear. 132§ r R. T. In memory of Capt n Richard Townley, died Aug' 4 th 1801 In the LXV year of his age Rest gentle corpes beneath y a Clay Now time has swept your cares away ; For surely now all trouble cease While in the Grave you rest in peace. 1329 r IN memory three children of Samuel & Mary C. Pierson Rebekah Townley died Aug 8t 16 th 1825 : aged 1 year 11 months & 24 days AMZI, died Oct' I st 1821 ; aged 17 days PHEBE MAGIE died Dec' 5 th 1831 aged 3 years & 9 days 1330 m Our Father DAVID JAQUES Born March 5 th 1783 Died February 7 th 1862 He is not dead but sleepeth. 1331 m Our Mother MINDWELL MULFORD wife of David Jaques, born November 27 th 1790, Died March 28 th 1869. He giveth his beloved sleep. 1332 m IN Memory of EDWARD F. Son of David and Mindwell Jaques who died August 6 tk 1823 in the 2 nd year of his age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 193 1 333 m IN Memory of CHARLOTTE ANN daughter of David and Mindwell Jaques Died July 13 th 1833 aged 8 years and 8 months My friends forbear to mourn and weep My change is for the best ; For on this earth I ne'er was well, But now I am at rest, 1 337 m IN Memory of SARAH WIDOW OF John Mulford who died Nov r 29 th 1837 Aged 76 Years "Take ye heed, watch and pray for ye know not when the time is. 1334 r W. M. In memory of William Marsh, who died March 16 th 1799 in the XXII year of his age 1335 r In memory of what re- -mains of 2 children of Lewis & Mary Mulford Frankey died Feb. 16 th 1795 in the 7 th year of her age Fanne died June 14 th 1796 aged 11 months 1338 w IN Memory of JOHN MULFORD WHO DIED Aug 9 ' 16 th 18 15 Aged 58 Years I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." 1339 r [Broken] arth as care old employ'd ha 1336 r L. M. In memory of Lewis son of Lewis & Mary Mulford, who died Oct r 5 th 1810 in the 18 th year of his age Farewell O much beloved shade. The Fathers hope the Mother's prop ; The God who first our comforts gave, Demands them & we give them up. Our loss is great ; we feel the stroke, And sorely ever}' member moans ; Sweet consolation in that hope. That looks beyond these worldly groans 1340 r In memory of Lewis Mulford who died March the 18 th 1790 in the 73 year of his age 1341 r L. M. In memory of Lewis Mulford who died Feb. 1 7 th 1830 in the S6 ,h year of his age With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation Psalm xci, 16 th 194 INSCRIPTIONS* IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1342 r M. M. In memory of MARY, wife of Lewis Mulford who died May io ,h 1826 ; in the 75 th year of her age 1343 r In memory of Hannah daughter of Thomas & Rebekah Williams, who died July the 30 th 1776 in the 23 d year of her age. 1341 m IN Memory of JANE WIFE OF Abraham M Mulford who DIED May 1 3" 1 1S50 Aged 62 Years 1347 m IN Memory of HANNAH WIFE OF Townley Mulford who died Feb. 17 th 1842 Aged 57 Years 4 Months and 7 Days 1348 m IN MEMORY of ELIZABETH P. daughter of Townley & Hannah MULF'ORD who died July 24, 1838 Aged 24 Years & 3 days 1345 m IN Memory of Abraham M. Mulford Born May 8 th 1784 Died March o ,h 1S63 ' I shall be satisfied when I arise in thy likeness." 1349 r In Memory of two children of William & Hannah Mulford Sarah Axx, died June 17 th 1S18 Aged 6 years 8 months & 28 days SARAH ANN died April 17 th 1819 Aged I year & 6 days Alas how changed these lovely flowers That bloomed and cheer'd our hearts. 1316 m IN Memory of TOWNLEY MULFORD who died Jan 3 d 1S57 Aged 73 Years IO Months and 10 Days 1350 , E. M. In memory of Ezekiel Meeker who died March 10 th 1813 Aged 47 years Dear friends who live to mourn weep Behold the grave in which I sleep Prepare for death for you must die And be entomb'd as well as I. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 195 1351 > P. M. In memory of Phebe wife of Ezekiel Meeker died July 17 th 1808: Aged 40 years 3 months & 11 days also Phebe Spinning, daughter of Ezekiel and Phebe Meeker died Oct r 20 th 1786 aged 7 months and 4 days 1S27 1776 1 352 m [Horizontal 2 ft. high] SACRED To the Memory of Moses Austen who departed this life July 17 th in the 76th year of his age Also of Sarah Austen Wife of Moses Austen who departed this life Dec r 7 th in the 26 th year of her age Also of Hannah Austen Widow of Moses Austen who departed this life March 28 th 1846 in the S6 ,h year of her age Also of AARON Son of Moses & Hannah Austen' who departed this life April 15 th 1823 in the 22nd year of his age Also of SUSANNAH Daughter of Moses & Sarah Austen who departed this life April 10 th 1777 in the 2"' 1 year of her age And also of SARAH Daughter of Moses & Hannah Austen who departed this life Nov r 6 l h 1783 aged 7 months 1353 m In Memory of Oliver son of Oliver and Mary Pierce who died August 25 111 1817 Aged xo months and 7 days 1354 r S. H. In memory of Samuel son of Samuel and Mary Halsey died April 23 d 1805 in the 10 th year of his age Sleep dear child and take thy rest You in your maker's arms are blest A lovely child and active too Have gone and bid this world adieu 1355 r P. H. T. Phebe, daughter of Lewis & Abbe Terril died septem r 5 th 1801 Aged 12 mo- nths & 25 days Rest my dear beneath the ground. Till the last trumpet's joyful sound 1356 r In memory of Samuel Halsey who died Feb. the 3'' 1797 in the 34 1 ' 1 year of his age Lord I confess thy sentence just That all mankind sho'ld turn to dust 196 INSCRIPTION? IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1357 r IN memory of Phebe dau- -ghter of Daniel & Mary Halsey died April 5 th 1797 aged 6 years 4 months & 10 days Sleep lovely babe and take thy rest God call'd thee home he thought it best. who departed this Life Nov 16 th 1801. In the LXII year of his Age Now to the world I bid adieu Connections dear & all of you Remember when you pass me by That you as well as I must die. 1358 r IN memory of Anne daugh- ter of Daniel & Mary Halsey died Aug 1 23 d 1795 aged 1 year 6 months & 2 days Sleep lovely babe till we do meet within the gate of Zion sweet 1359 M. H. In memory of Mary Halsey who died July 28 th 1833 Aged 73 years 1362 r HERE lies interred what was Mortal — of Sarah the Wife of David Spencer, who departed this Life Jan> the 22 d Anno Domini 178S In y e 34 th Year of her Age Her soul has now taken its flight To mansions of glory above To mingle with angels of light And dwell in the kingdom of love 1360 r HERE lies interred the Body of Abigail Wife of Daniel Hallcy, who depart- ed this Life Decern 1, the 17 th A D 1782 In the 40 th Year of her Age 1361 r D. H. In Memory of Mr DANIEL HALSEY 1363 r S. O. H. In memory of , SARAH O. daughter of John L, & Sarah Halsey, who died Dec r 5 th 1830; Aged 12 years And when our dearest comforts fall Before his Sovereign will ; He never takes away our all, Himself — he gives us still. 1 364 m J. L. H. In memory of JOHN L. HALSEY who departed this life November 25 th 1833 at Yorkville South Carolina in the 39 th year of his age Into thy hands, my Saviour God, Did I my soul resign ; In firm dependence on that truth, Which made salvation mine. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 197 1365 m IN MEMORY OF CALEB HALSEY WHO DIED Sept r 9 th 185 1 In the 8o tb Year of his age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. They do rest from their labors and their works do follow them." 1366 m IN Memory of SOPHIA WIFE of Caleb Halsey who died March 16 th 1852 In the 79 th Year of her age There is rest in Heaven were her last words August 28 th 1827 ; Aged 40 years 7 months AND 20 DAYS ALBERT SON of JOSEPH and HANNAH OGDEN Died October 3. 1820 Aged i Year i Month And 19 Days 1369 m In memory of HANNAH INSLEY WIFE of Joseph Ogden who died September 13 th 1822 Aged 34 years 6 months And 27 Days ALBERT son of Mark the Perfect and behold the JOSEPH and HANNAH OGDEN upright Died November I st 1822 For their end is peace." Aged i year and 10 months HANNAH Daughter of JOSEPH and HANNAH OGDEN Died September 12 th 1822 Aged 18 Days 1367 r IN memory of PHEBE \V. wife of Robert Lackey who departed this life September the 24 th 1798 aged 19 Years & 9 months Also their Son WILLIAM PIERSON who died the same day aged 1 Year & 10 months. 1 36§ m In memory of JOSEPH OGDEN who died 1370 m IN MEMORY OF HANNAH OGDEN Wife of Stephen Meeker Born April 30 th 1779 Died January 10 1863. " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." 1368 and 1310 Son and daughter of Matthias and Margaret Magie Ogden. 13 198 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1371 r H. I. In memory of Henry Insley who died Dec r 20 th 1797. in the 51 st year of his age 1372 m In memory of HANNAH DeHART WIFE OF Henry Insley who DIED October 24 th 1853, Aged 95 years 3 months and 22 Days 1373 m IN MEMORY OF HENRY PARSELL WHO DIED NOV IO ,h 1826 Aged 53 years Also his Wife ABIGAIL INSLEY Died June 12th i860 Aged 84 years 1374 r IN Memory of MARY, Daughter of David & Ann Burrows who died Aug' 31 st 1806, Aged 10 Months & 19 Days Also in Memory of James Caldwell Mulford Son of David & Ann Burrows who died Sept 19 th 1807 Aged 10 Months & 9 Days 1375 m In Memory of LEWIS WATERS son of David and Ann Burrows who departed this life August 31 st 1813 aged 1 year 1 month & 26 days 1376 r Imemory of Fanny wife of Waters Burrows She died Dec 1 ' 24 th 1793 in the 44 th year of her age 1377 r Our Mother ANNA M. widow of DAVID BURROWS Died Nov. I4 ,b i860 Aged 74 years & 3 Mo's Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. 1378 m In Memory of HENRY O. Son of Oliver C. & Hannah Washburn who died Sept 24 th 1845 Aged 9 Months & 4 days (flower Alas how changed that lovely Which bloomed and cheer'd my heart Fair fleeting comfort of an hour How soon we're call'd to part. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 199 1379 m IN Memory of URIAH SON OF Uriah & Jane Washburn who died March i 8t 1847 Aged 22 Years 1 Month and 16 Days Survey me well ye youthful and believe The grave may terrify but cant deceive On beauty's fragile base no more de- pend Here youth and pleasure age and sorrow end 1380 m MARY S. Born Nov, 10, 1843 Died Oct, 1, 1846 JOSEPHINE Y. Born July 21 1847 Died Sept. 3, 1S49 JONAS W. Born Jan 12 1852 Died Oct. 23, 1862 Children of Abner W. & Charlotte S. Parkhurst 13§1 m JOHN S. Son of Abner W. & Charlotte S. Parkhurst Born Dec. 9. 1840 Died Oct 8, 1864. At Newbern N. C. A Member of Co. K 9. Reg* N. J. Volunteers 1382 m FATHER ABNER W. PARKHURST, Born Aug. 25, 1806, Died May 22, 1852, MOTHER CHARLOTTE S. PARKHURST Born Dec. 3, 1812 Died Oct, 22. 1854 1383 m In memory of ELIAKIM, son of Eliakim & Susan Marsh who died Aug 9t 9 th 1852 Aged 1 year & 24 days Now that my journey's just begun, My road so little trod ; I'll come before I further run, And give myself to God. 1384 m Harry Stewart, only SON of Mark D. & Hester A. Wilson Died Dec 13, 1870 Aged 6 yrs 5 mo & 21 Days Not dead but sleeping 1385 m IN memory of Harriet Elizabeth Daughter of Mark D. & Helen H. Wilson Who died Nov. 14 ; 1856, Aged 7 years 9 mos, & 11 days On the opposite side of this stone is LIBBIE We lov'd that tender little one, And would have wish'd her longer stay But let our Father's will be done She reigns in endles day 200 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1386 m Helen H. WIFE OF Mark D Wilson Died June g ,h i860 Aged 30 years 2 mo. & 17 Days Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. 1386£ m ELECTA ANN daughter of Albert A. and Joanna B. Bonnell ; died April 15 th 1855. aged 2 years 7 months and 15 days Why should I vex my heart or fast No more she'll visit me My soul will mount to her at last And there my child I'll see 1387 m ANN M. widow of HARVEY THOMPSON Died November 19 th 1865 Aged 75 years "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." 1388 m IN Memory of HARVEY THOMPSON who died July 27 th 1S40, Aged 53 years & 2 months Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh." 1389 m Our Sister MARY ANN Daughter of Benjamin & Phebe GARTHWAIT Died Aug. 29" 1 1S70 Aged 43 years " I was dumb, I opened not my mouth: because Thou didst it." 1390 m Our Father & Mother BENJAMIN GARTHWAIT Died Feb. 26th. 1876 In his 88 ,h year with long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation PHEBE CRANE HIS WIFE Died July 3 vd 1864 Aged 73 years Earth hath no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal 1391 r E. G. In memory of ESTHER wife of Benjamin Garthwait who died Sepf 15"' 1824 Aged 30 years 6 months & 15 days The time is short ye saints rejoice, The Lord will quickly come ; voice Soon shall you hear the bridegrooms, To call you to your home. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABEfH, N J. 201 1392 r A. G. In memory of ANN, widow of Anthony Garthwait who died May 9 ,h 1826; Aged 64 years Farewell ye friends whose tender care, Has long engaged my love ; Your fond embrace I now exchange, For better friends above. 1393 r A. G. In memory of Anthony Garthwait who died May io Ul 1806 in the 48 year of his Age My glass is run my days are spent, My life is gone it was but lent ; And as I am so must you be, Therelore prepare to follow me. 1 394 m IN MEMORY OF JONAS T. MULFORD WHO DIED June 7 11 ' 1S51 ; In the 30 th Year of his age Wife Children and friends farewell for a while That tear on thy cheek should give place to a smile, If ye be found faithful the time will soon come ; When Jesus will call you to meet me at home. 1395 m C. T. M. SACRED To the memory of Catharine T. daughter of Abraham Marsh and wife of Benjamin W. Mulford who died Oct 1 ' 12"' 1823 Aged 22 years 5 months & 5 days Dear friends who live to mourn and weep Behold the grave in which I sleep Prepare for death for you must die And be entombed as well as I 1396 m IN Memory of CATHARINE WIDOW OF Jonathan Mulford who died Sept 4 18 th 1861. IN THE 84TH YEAR OF HER AGE Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." 1397 m IN MEMORY OF JONATHAN MULFORD WHO DIED Oct. 29 th 1852 In the 8o tb YEAR OF HIS AGE Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 1398 ; J. C. M. In memory of James Caldwell son of Thomas & Phebe Mulford died June 28 1S06 in the 22 d year of his age Relentless death with indiscriminate rage Will neither spare condition sex nor age The old, the young the middle aged — all Will soon or late unto him victims fall 2o2 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1399 r T. M. In memory of Trembly W. Son of Jonathan & Catharine Mulford died Sepf 27 th 1804 Aged 9 months & 27 days The sweetest babe lies buried here, The youngest of his Parents care ; His brothers dear their loss dont know, To young to feel their parents woe. 1400 r ANN Daughter of Thomas & Phebe April Mulford died y e 25' A.D. 1784 In y e 4 th Year of her Age 1401 m IN memory of Capt. THOMAS MULFORD died December 31"' 1S30 in the 8i 8t year of his age "There remaineth a rest to the people of God." 1402 m IN Memory of PHEBE wife of Capt Thomas Mulford died September 18 th 1802, in the 50 th year of her age '"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." 1403r HERE lies y e Body of Joanna Wife of Jonathan Williams who departed this Life Feby the 12 th A. D. 1768. In y e 39" Year of her Age 1404 r HERE lies y e Body o; Ebenezer Williams who departed this Life March y e 31 st A.D. 1760 In the 36 th Year of his Age 1405 m THE GRAVE OF Joseph Bloomfield Son of Maj Charles W. Hunter who departed this life August 31 st 1831 Aged 15 years "And the child Samuel grew on and was in favour both with the Lord and also with men." 1406 m THE GRAVE OF MRS ANN WEBSTER Relict of the late Capt Rezin Webster who departed this life March 20 th 1833 Aged 76 years " For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the last day upon the earth." CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 203 1407; Here lies the Body of Benjamin Williams who Departed this.life the 5 th Day of December 1750 I" y e 33 d year of his age 140§r In Memory of Thomas Williams — who departed this — Life July the 21 st 1776 In the 52 d Year of his Age 1409 r In Memory of Rebekah Wife of Thomas Williams who departed this Life Ocf the 5 th 1785 In the 57 th Year of her Age 141© r Caleb son of Thomas & Rebekah Williams died Sept y e 23 d 1776 in the 15 th year of his age 1411 r Sarah Daughter of Aaron and Sarah Lane departed this Life April y c 3 d A.D. 1777 aged 4 Years 1 Month & 10 Days Sleep dear Child, till we do meet Within the Gates of Sions street 1412 m In memory of HANNAH WIDOW OF Ichabod Williams Born May i3 Ul 1766 Died Dec. 31 st 1852 Aged 86 Years 6 Months and 13 Days 141 It m In memory of ICHABOD WILLIAMS WHO WAS BORN May io ,h 1768: AND DIED Sepf 23' 1 1837 ; Aged 68 Years 4 Months and 13 Days "An honest man is the noblest work of God." 1414 m ELIZABETH W. Daughter of Ichabod & Hannah Williams and widow of Jacob D. HOWELL. Died March 15 th 1880 In her 90 th Year 1415 r Nancy Daugh r of Benjamin & Eliza 1 ' Williams died Au* 19 th 1793 aged 9 Mos & 3 Days 1416 r Charles son of Benjamin & Eliza- -beth Williams di- -ed Sept y u 4 th 1791 aged 3 years & 6 months 204 INSCRIPTIONS *IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1417 m IN MEMORY OF FANNY WIFE OF Charles H Hughes, who died Jul)' 23d, 1823, aged 47 years 11 months & 11 days CHARLES H. HUGHES WHO DIED August 3 d 1855 aged 90 years 7 months & 12 days " And I heard a voice from Heaven saying, write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." "Precious in the sight of the Lord is 1419 r the death of his saints." M. M. In memory of Also Moses Meeker PHEBE who died Daughter of Oct'' 12 th 1824 ; Charles H. & Fanny Hughes in the 72 d year WHO DIED of his age Nov 15 th 1S07 aged 1 year & 11 months Dear friends who live to mourn & weep 1418 m Behold the grave in which I sleep IN Prepare for death for you must die MEMORY OF And be entomb'd as well as I. 1420 ; In Memory of Ab- igail Wife of Moses Meeker who decea,' Januay the 30 th 1787 In the 31 st Year of her Age A pale Consumption gave ye fatal Blow slow The Stroke was certain but y e Effect was prest With wasting pain Death found me long op Pity'd my Sighs and kindly brought me Rest. 1421 r J. M. Jonathan son of William & Hannah Meek r died sepi r 5 th 1801 aged 8 months & 19 days Here lies the child that we did love. In Jesus arm's we hope above 1422 m IN Memory of SUSAN daughter of William & Hannah Meeker who died April 21 st 1853 In the 33 d year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 205 1423 m IN Memory of ABBY daughter of Williams and Hannah Meeker who died Ma}' 26 1852 In the 42 d Year of her age 1424 m IN Memory of MARY daughter of William & Hannah Meeker who died Sept. 20, 1830 Aged 30 Years Also of MOSES their son who died Aug. 20, 1825 Aged 13 Years 1425 m IN Memory of ANN daughter of William & Hannah Meeker who died Dec r 22 d 1844 Aged 26 Years 1426 m IN Memory of HANNAH WIFE OF William Meeker who died Oci r 13 th 1846 Aged 65 Years 1427 m IN Memory of WILLIAM MEEKER who DIED Sept r 12 th 1851 : In the 75 th Year of his age 1428 r S. A. M. In memory of Sally Ann wife of Robert Meeker who died March 30 th 1838 in the 35 th year of her age Also their son MATTHIAS P. died April 13 th 1842 aged 12 years 4 months & 11 days 1429 r E. W. In memory ot ELIZABETH wife of David Williams, who died March 16 th 1822 in the 59 th year of her age Also OLIVER son of David and Elizabeth Williams, who died April 8 th 1791. Aged 2 years & 9 months. 1430 r In Memory of ELECTA L. daughter of Samuel & Nancy Williams who died Nov' 12 th 1820 Aged 1 year 1 month & 4 days 206 INSCRIPTION? IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1431 m SACRED TO The memory of MOSES WILLIAMS who died April 21 st 1856, in the 84 th year of his age 'Jesus saith, I am the resurrection and the life." 1432 m SACRED TO The Memory of SARAH WIFE OF MOSES WILLIAMS who died Sept 22nd 1838 ; In the 65 th Year of her age Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. Rev. xiv. 13 1434 r J. W. In memory of JOEL son of Moses & Sarah Williams who died Nov 1 ' 6 th 1815, Aged 15 years, 6 months, & 8 days Short was thy life, few were thy days, But they were spent in wisdoms ways ; O may thy death a warning be, And all prepare to follow thee. 1433 m SACRED TO The Memory of BETSEY daughter of Moses & Sarah Williams who died June 13"' 1825 : Aged 19 Years and 2 Months See here a Youth in all her flow'r and prime Snatched from fond life and all the joys of time Young friends. & strangers let this instance show That there is naught to cleave to here below Religion only, makes our sorrows blest Fits us for death and gives us Heav- enly rest. 1435 m IN Memory of Jemima D Williams who died Nov. 2 nd 1842, In the 34. Year of her age Daughter of Moses & Sarah Williams 1436 r J. B. W. In memory of John B Williams who died Aug 8 ' 25 lh 1837 in the 69 th year of his age Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb Receive this sacred dust The great the wise they all must come When death makes his request. 1437 r M. W. In memory of MARY widow of CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 207 John B. Williams who died July 3 d 1842 Aged 66 years A constant wife, a mother dear, A faithful friend lies buried here Till God shall bid the dead arise, To meet the Saviour in the skies May she in triumph soar away, To realms of everlasting day. 1438 r In Memory of Benjamin Williams who died Oct r 25 th A. D. 1785 in y e 28 th Year of his Age 1439 m IN MEMORY OF ELEANOR WILLIAMS WHO DIED December 19 th 1877 In the 84 th Year of her age Here's where all sorrow ends, No more to weep. Until the angel calls them forth from sleep. 1440 m IN Memory of William Badgley who departed this life November 11 th 1825 in the 59 th Year of his Age My glass is run, my days are spent, My life is gone it was but lent ; As I am now so must you be, Oh then prepare to follow me. 1441 r C. H. B. In memory of CATHARINE H. daughter of William & Rebekah Badgley who departed this life June 7 th 1817, in the 21 st year of her age. Alas how changed that lovely flow'r Which bloom'd and cheer'd my heart Fair fleeting comfort of an hour How soon we're call'd to part Also ABIGAIL their daughter who died Feb^ 12 th 1795. Aged 2 months & 2 days 1442 r In memory of Cornelius Badgley who departed this life June 10 th 1794, in the 66 th year of his age Also Elsey, widow of Cornelius Badgley, who departed this life July 25 th 1809, in the 77 th year of her age Their days are number'd, and their spirits fled Their gone, the husband and the wife are dead Nor weeping friends nor healing art could save Their bodys from the cold and silent grave. 1443 m R. C. B. In memory of RACHEL C. wife of Cornelius Badgley who departed this life November 28 th 1835. in the 25 th year of her age 208 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Husband and children I must leave. O. do not mourn, O do not grieve But strive to gain the happy shore Where we ma)' meet to part no more To this sad shrine the relics we com- mend Of once the tender Mother wife and friend, Too soon alas ! those tender ties were broke Friends, husband ; child, all felt the fatal stroke. 1444 m H. M. D. B. In memory of HENRIETTA McD. wife of Cornelius Badgley who departed this life May 15 th 1S40, in the 22 d year of her age Thus early in the dawn of day Thy spirit's call'd to rest Thy body mould'ring in the clay Shall be reviv'd and blest And when the angel's trump shall blow That souls to bodies join What crow'd? shall wish their lives below Had been as short as thine 1445 r Sacred To the Memory of ELIZA BADGLEY wife of ISAAC BADGLEY: who departed this life March the 5 th 1S11. Aged 31. Years and 4 Months When God's decree did call me home My husband dear was left to moan My children, — All I left to God, Then humbly bow'd and kiss'd the rod Also in memory of Alice Badgley, who departed this life August the 6 tb 1811 Aged 9 Months 1446 r HERE lies y e Body of Rachel, the Wife of John Doobs, who departed this Life Nov' y e 10 th AD 1762 In the 29 th Year of her Age 1447 m ABNER BADGLEY Died May 2 d 1797, Aged 38 Years SARAH HIS WIFE died Dec. 19 th 1863 Aged 94 Years and 6 Months 144§ m JANE BADGLEY wile of Capt GILBERT FOWLER Died Sept S th 1865 Aged 71 Years 7 Mos & 21 Days 1449 m In memory of CORNELIUS BADGLEY Born May 3RD, 1802. Died January 29" 1 1869. 1450 r HERE lies the Remains of Joanna the beloved Wife of John Blanchard, who departed this Life Sepf the 17 th An Domini 1786 And in the 52 d Year of her Age Sacred to the memory of JOHN BLANCHARD, who died March 25 th 1811 : Aged 81 years. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 209 1451 r A. V. To the memory of Abigail Vergerau, who departed this life Aug s t 30 th 1S21 : in the 77 th year of her age The sweet remembrance of the just Shall nourish whilst they sleep in dust 1452 r John Son of John & Joanna Blanch -ard died Aug 1 19 th A. D. 1776. In y e n' Year of his Age. 1453 r James, son of John & Joanna Blanchard, who died Oct' y e 3 d A. D. 1775. aged 5 Months & 11 Days 1454 r JOHN, son of John & Joanna Blanchard, who died Aug' y e 24 th . D. 1764. In y" 6 th Year of his Age 1455 r Sacred to the Memory of ABIGAIL Wife of Cornelius Hetfield Esq. and Daughter of Benjamin Price Esq r who died April y° 27 th 1781. ^Etat 70. This excellent Person was an exemplary Pattern of Sincere Piety, Charitv, and all other Christian Virtues. 1456 r In memory of Cornelius Hetfield Esq. who died March the 20 th 1795 in the 86 th year of his age 1457 r In Memory of MARIA, The wife of Docf PAUL MICHEAN, who departed this life August 15 th 1793, Aged twenty years nine months and eighteen days. Clos'd are those eyes in endless night No more to beam with fond delight, Or with affection roll. Eternal silence seals that tongue Where sence and soft persuasion hung To captivate the soul that Oh, she was all thought can paint The mortal rising to the saint 2IO INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN In every deed of life At once the fatal arrows end the The fondest child kindest Friend And most endearing Wife Fair as the break of opening day Calm as the summers evening ray Truth, virtue, was her guide When Sister Spirits call'd her hence Obedience bow'd at life's expence She sigh'd, she sunk, she dy'd Immortal saint supremely bright Look down through skies of purest Light And bid afflictions cease Oh, smooth thy Husbands lonely bed In visions hover round his head And hush his mind to peace 1458 r 1460 r In memory of In memory of Caleb Hetfield Jennet wife of Caleb Hetfield who died who died May 17 th 1794 February the 13 th 1795 in the 47 th year aged XLVII years of her age 1461 m IN 1459 r Memory of HERE lies interr'd y e HANNAH R. HETFIELD Remains of Margaret. Daughter of Wife of Caleb Hetfield Caleb & Jennet Hetfield who departed this Life WHO DIED Febru>' y e 12 th Anno July 15 th 1845 Domini 1769. In y e 2i 8t In the 6t 9t Year Year of her Age of her age 1462 m [small monument] [North] [West] [South] Sara Ella She Angelic Daughter WENT HOME Birth of Sept 5 th AT I YEAR Rev. Geo. W. & 1862 & 4 MONTHS S. F. Clark OF EARTH [East Side] Dearest we shall meet again CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 21 I [East side] Died June i, 1828 NATHANIEL MITCHELL IN HIS 55. YEAR This Monument of marble contains all that is dear And room left for another That soon must follow here. Died April 28 1847 MARY R. widow of Nathaniel Mitchell In her 72 YEAR Death is a debt to mortals due I've paid that debt and so must you [North side] Died Sept 6 1837 ALBERT R. 1463 m [Monument] SON OF Nathaniel & Mary R. Mitchell IN HIS 34. YEAR [West side] Died Oct 7 1824 ELIZABETH WIDOW OF Ephraim Marsh Dec'd IN HER 72. YEAR [South side] Died Aug. 17 1836 CAROLINE M. WIFE OF William Donington DAUGHTER OF Nathaniel & Mary R. Mitchell IN HER 31. YEAR. 1464 m CAROLINE M. WIFE OF Noah Stoddard Departed this life October 26, 1857. Aged 58 Years 4 Mo & 4 Days In the hope of a joyful resurrection Thou art gone dearest sister To the mansions above, The palace of angels The Eden of love. 1465 m In MEMORY of ANN W. WIFE OF THOMAS B. MABEE & daughter of Edwd & Ann Wells WHO DIED April 9, 1827, in the 24 year of HER AGE When from the dust of earth I rise To take my mansions in the skies Even there shall this be all my plea Jesus hath lived, hath died for me. 1466 »i IN Memory of ANN WIFE OF Edward Wells who died Oct r 4 th 1849 ; Aged 70 Years & 9 Months We hope dear Mother for to meet, When we with life are done ; In climes above where friendship blooms, When parting is no more. 212 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1467 m IN Memory of PHEBE MUNN WIFE OF DANIEL WOODRUFF Died Jan. 19, 1887 Aged 80 Years 5 Mo's & 17 Days. 1468 m IN Memory of DANIEL WOODRUFF Died June 8 th 1S64, Aged 59 Years 5 Mos. & 2 Days 1469 m IN memory of ROMYNE ADOLPHUS son of Daniel and Phebe WOODRUFF WHO DIED July 31 st 1854 Aged 16 Years 11 Months and 8 Days. 1470 m IN MEMORY OF LAURA ANN Daughter of Daniel & Phebe WOODRUFF April 2i 5t 1845 Aged 14 Years 11 Months and 17 Days. 1471 m THOMAS MULFORD Died in the City of New York July 26 th 1835 : In the 38 th Year of his age Also LOCKEY B. widow of Thomas Mulford and Daughter of Thomas and Hannah Force died Feb? 23' 1 3842 ; In the 44" 1 Year of her age 1472 r Here Lyeth Interr'd the Body of JOHN ALLING who Departed this life April y e 25 th A D 1734 in y e 65 th year of his age 1473 r Mary Haris Daugh 1 Of Georg e and Elen — Harris Dec D Oct 1 " y e 9 ,h 172S Aged 1 year And 3 Months. Sleep on sweet Babe Lay still & take thy res' Thy maker call'd y e ho me Therefore it is Best. 1474 r E. S. In memory of Elizabeth widow of Daniel Sale who died Dec r 25 th 1805 aged 73 years In faith she lived in dust she lies* But faith foresees that dust shall rise: When Jesus calls while hope assumes, And boasts her joy among the tombs, CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 213 1475 r IN MEMORY of Mr. Daniel Sale who departed this Life June the XXI s1 179S. In the LXXIII Year of his Age As you are now. So once was I, In Health & Strength, tho here I lie ; As I am now. So you must be. Prepare for Death & follow me, 1476 r In Memory of Phebe Wife of Edward Sale who departed this Life Febr>" the 11 th An e Domini 1757. aged LX Years Watch & Pray for you know not the Hour. 1477 r Here lies y e Body of Elizabeth wife of Edward Sale who Died Feb r y e 17 i?3i in ye 33 year of her Age 147§ t C. D. Cornelius son of Isreal & Elizabeth Disoway died decern 1 " 3 d 1800 aged 4 weeks Happy infant early blest, Rest in peaceful slumbers rest- Early rescued from the cares, Which increase with growing years. 1480 r S. S. In memory of Sarah wife of Edward Sale who died Jan> 20 th 1808 in the 35 th year of her age also Edward son of Edward & Sarah Sale_died Jan> io" 1 1808 aged 3 months My glass is run my days are spent My life is gone it was but lent And as I am so must you be Therefore prepare to follow me. 1481 r E. S. In memory of Edward Sale who died March 26 th i8iq ; in the 51 st year of his age Also his son EDWARD T. died March 7 th 1819; Aged 5 months, & 13 days 1479 r Daniel son of Edward & Sarah Sale died Aug 1 the 18 th 1796 aged 10 mon' Sleep lovely babe and take thy rest God call'd thee home he thought it best 14 1482 r IN MEMORY of Benjamin Williams who died March the 23 d 1789 In the XLVI ,h Year of his Age 1483 r E. W. In memory of Elias son of Enoch & Joanna Williams ; died Sepf 20 th 1796 in the 17 th year of his age 214 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 14§4 r C M W In memory of Charles M. son of Archibald B. and Abigail Williams who died June 26 th 1809 aged 1 year & 2 months 1 485 r H. \V. In memory of HANNAH wife of Jonathan Williams who died April 12 th 1810 in the 59 th year of her age But Oh ! ye mourners cease to weep, Receive with joysome cordial charms ; And view her in the world of bliss, Encircled in her Saviours arms. 1486 m IN Memory of ELIZABETH C. Daughter of David and Elizabeth Williams who died August 20 th 1857 In the 54 th Year of her age While weeping friends bend O'er the silent tomb Recount her virtues and her loss de- plore Faiths piercing eye darts through the dreary gloom And hails her blest where tears shall flow no more 1487 m IN Memory of ELIZABETH F WIDOW OF David Williams who departed this life April 28 th 1848 In the 86"' Year of her age Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." 1488 m In Memory of DAVID WILLIAMS A Soldier of the Revolution who departed this life Aug i 8t 1841 In the 84 th Year of his age. Surely I know that it shall be well with them that (ear God. 1489 m The Grave of JANE WINANS Wife of RICHARD WILLIAMS who departed this life the 30 th day of March 1837: Aged 43 years 1490 r C. W. Sacred to the memory of CORNELIUS son of David & Elizabeth Williams who died Feb? 24' 11 18 1 1 in the 26 th year of his age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 215 The unremitting paths he trod That leads to happiness and God Has run their short and rapid race E're he was call'd to heavens embrace The joyful spirit left the clay Until the everlasting day And here the precious treasure lyes Till God shall call it to the skyes 1491 m Sacred TO THE Memory OF WM W MONROE who died Oct. 6. 1842 Aged 35 Years 6 Months and 3 days 1492 m Sacred To the Memory of JEMIMA wife of Jeremiah Monroe who died Nov 16, 1840. In the 58. Year of her age Also EDWARD J. son of Jeremiah & Jemima Monroe who died Sept 17. 1817 Aged 1 Year 6 Months and 4 days Likewise ELIZABETH W. their Daughter who died Oct 13. 1S19 Aged 1 Year 10 months and 10 days 1493 m IN Memory of LETTE widow op- Aaron Lyon who died July 29 th 1846 In the 75 th Year of her age Farewell ye friends whose tender care Has long engaged my love Your fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above. 1494 r In memory of RACHEL widow of Henry Norris who died Nov 1 ' 16 th 1824 ; in the 60 th year of her age Great God I own thy sentence just And nature must decay I yield my body to the dust To dwell with fellow clay. 1495 r H. N. In memory of Henry Norris who died May 30, 1818 in the 58 th year of his age Attend my friends as you pass by, As you are now so once was I ; As I am now so you must be, Therefore prepare to follow me. 2l6 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1496 r P. N. In memory of Phebe Norris who died Sepf 5 th 1837 in the 74 th year of her age Happy soul thy days are ended, All thy mourning days below; Go by angel guards attended, To the sight of Jesus go 1 500 r Here lieth the Body of Samuel Norris who departed this Life Aug 1 y e 15 th Annoq e Domini 1752 In the 34 th Year of his Age 1497 r M. N. In memory of Marv widow of Nathanael Norris who died Feb? 26 th 1810 aged 75 years When I walked thro the shades of h deat. Thy presence was my stay; a One word of thy supporting breth. Drove all mv fears away. 1501 m IN MEMORY OF ANN S. WILLIAMS Daughter of John & Mary Williams who DIED February 12 th 1853 Aged 55 years Watch therefore for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man Com- eth. 1498 r N. N. In memory of Nathanael Norris who died July the 3' 1 1798 : , in the 67 th year of his age. The Lord takes pleasure in the just Whom sinners treat with scorn : The meek that lie disposed in dust, Salvation shall obtain. 1502 r S. W. In memory of Mr. Samuel Williams who died October 20 th 1801 In the 78 th year of his Age My friends prepare to follow me. Both young and old must die you see ; There's no discharge, theres no delay, When death demands we must obey. 1499 r Here lieth the Remains of Henry Norris who died Sep r y e 8"' Anno Domini I7?2 And in the 29 th Year of his Age 1503 r Here lies y e Body of Elenor Wife of Samuel Williams who departed this Life Ocf y e 22 d An Dom 1777. In y e 44* Year of her Age. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 217 1504 r J. W. In memory of Jane widow of Samuel Williams died Feb> 20 th 1S07 in the 73 d year of her age Return unto thy rest O my soul for the Lord hath delt bountifully with the psalm cxvi. vii. 1505 r J. H. VV. In memory of Jane H daughter of Nathaniel & Ann Williams, who died May 27 th 1820 Aged 17 years 1 month & 12 days Died with consumption Adieu vain world with all your trifling toys, The soul aspires to far superior joys ; My hope it rest with Gods eternal love The great event the judgement day will prove. 1506 r R. W. In memory of REZIN son of Nathaniel & Ann Williams who departed this life July 2 nd 1828 : aged 23 years and 6 months I know that my Redeemer liveth Job 19" 1 25 th My flesh and my heart faileth but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever Psalm 73 rd 26 ,h Such is the faith of those That trust and fear the Lord They live upon his promises And rest upon his word. 1507 r J. L. W. In memory of John L. Son of Nathaniel & Ann Williams, who died Nov r 13 rd 1820, Aged 18 years & 9 months Died with consumption Farewell my relatives so dear, Improve this solemn call : Wipe off the precious falling tear, And make your God your all. Fear not it will be well he said, Prepare to follow me ; And when I'm mingled with the dead, You here my change may see. 150* r B. B. W. In memory of BENJAMIN B. son of Nathaniel & Ann Williams, who departed this life August 4 th 1826 aged 27 years He's gone ! the spirit's fled Where sin can ne'er annoy, His sacred joy, Nor grief, nor pain, nor anxious care (here Can reach the peaceful sleeper While angels watch his soft repose 21! INSCRIPTIONS fN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1509 t D. S. Sacred to the memory of DANIEL SPINNING who died Nov 1 ' 3 d 181 1 aged 62 years 6 months & 12 days Go home dear friends and shed no tears I must lie here till Christ appears And at his coming hope to have A joyful rising from the grave. 1510 r M. S. Mar) 7 wife of Daniel Spinning died March 9 th 1S02 aged 47 years 3 months & 13 days ; Weep not for me my friends For why my race is run It is the will of God So let his will be done 1511 r M. S. •Mindwell wife of Daniel Spinning died Sept 26. 1783 aged 33 years Weep not for me my friends, For why my race is run : It is the will of God, So let his will be done. 1512 r S. S. of Sarah daughter Daniel & Mindwell Spinning, died Feb r i8 tb 1775 aged 2 months & 29 days Sleep on dear child and take thy rest Early you'r call'd God thought it best Your griefs are done our tears be dry By the we learn that all must die 1513 r P. S. In memory of Phebe Spinning who died Oct r 16 th 1823 ; in the 31 st year of her age 1514 m M. S. In memory of MARY SPINNING WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE October 19 th 1823 In the 36 th YEAR OF HER AGE Religion is the chief concern Of mortals here below May I its great importance learn Its sovereign virtue know. Religion should our thoughts engage Amidst our youthful bloom. 'Twill fit us for declining age And for the awful tomb. 1515 r J. S. John Spinning died March 10 th 1778 aged 77 years & 4 months Pray look upon my grave, All you that passeth by ; When one lives to such age, Thousands do younger die. 1516 r C. S. Constant wife of John Spinning 8e ". died Sept 9 th 1757 aged 51 years Pray look upon my grave, All you that passeth by : Where one lives to such age Thousands do younger die. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 219 1517 r W. S. In memory of William Stiles who died Jan 24"' 1781 Aged 47 years & 4 months Go home dear friends and shed no tears, I must lie here till Christ appears ; And at his coming hope to have, A joyful rising from the grave. 1518 w IN Memory of PHEBE widow of William Stiles who departed this life Nov 22 nd 1822 In the 86 th Year of her age. Swiftly pass a few fleeting years, And all that now in bodies live ; Shall quit like me this vale of tears. Their righteous sentence to receive. 1519 m In memory of Frances wife of Joseph Watkins and Daughter of John Spinning who Departed This life on the fifth day of July 1787 aged fifty seven years two months and twenty days A fabric once on Earth I was And nothing Else but dust I'm gone to join the Heavenly tribe And with my God to Rest. 1521 r D. S. In memory of Daniel Stiles who died Nov' 28 th 1S10 aged 37 years & 10 months Also Abraham his son died May 6 th 1802 aged 4 months and 22 days 1522 m SUSAN M. Daughter of John & Phebe Stiles and wife of Linus Littell, Died April 11 th 1832 Aged 24 years While weeping friends bend o'er the silent tomb, Recount her virtues and her loss de- plore ; Faith's piercing eye darts through the dreary gloom, And hails her blest where tears shall flow no more 1523 111 JOHN STILES Died Dec. 24, 1857, In the 91 st Year of his Age 1520 m My Mother PHEBE WOODRUFF WIDOW OF Daniel Stiles Died Dec. 12th, 1844, Aged 72 Years She sleeps in Jesus, and is blest ; Calm are her slumbers, sweet her rest. 152 1 m IN Memory of PHEBE wife of John Stiles who departed this life April 9 th 1823 ; Aged 52 Years 220 INSCRIPTIONS^IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Ma) r her dear friends from tears re- frain Their loss has proved her greatest gain She dwells with Christ in Heaven above Where all is harmony and love. 1525^ Luke H Higgins Born Nov 28 th 1809 Died Dec 13 th 1884 Harriet S Higgins Born July 14"' 1810 Died May 28 th 1848 1528 m IN Memory of Our Parents NEHEMIAH MEEKER died Sepf 12"' 1849 Aged 77 Years HANNAH his wife died July 23 d 1827 Aged 55 Years Also CATHARINE their daughter died Aug. 4 1849 Aged 52 Years DAVID T their son died Oct 23. 1847 Aged 33 Years 1526 m Phebe C. Daughter of Luke H. and Harriet Higgins Died April 21 st 1859, In the 20 th Year of her age And now hath thy dust returned to the earth Thy spirit to god who gave it. Yet affection shall fondly cherish thy worth And memory deeply engrave it. Not here on this tablet of mouldering stone But on our fond bosoms where best it is known 1527 m IN memory of HANNAH daughter of the Rev'd E Van Derlip and Wife of Morris Stiles who died Oct. 5"' 1828 Aged 30 years 1529 m IN memory of WILLIAM M WILLIS WHO DIED Dec. 17 th 1837 : In the 64. year of his age " And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me write. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henc- -eforth ; yea saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them." 1530 m THE GRAVE OF JOSHUA O HORTON who was accidentally drowned on his passage to Albany, Dec. 10 1846 Aged 32 years 4 mos. & 14 DAYS " Boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 221 1531 r IN memory of MARY P. Wife of Henry Simmons Died Oct. 14 th 1832 ; Aged 23 years 1 month & 3 days Also her Brother John M Horton Died May 4"' 1S35 ; Aged 30 years 6 months & 4 days A tribute of respect by their Affectionate brother J. O. Horton. 1532 r W. H. In memory of William Horton who died Sepf 26 th 1 83 1 ; in the 58 th year of his age. 1533 m IN Memory of DORCAS OLIVER wife of WILLIAM HORTON WHO died June 9 th 1856, IN THE 83RD YEAR OF HER AGE 1534 r In Memory of Isaac son of William & Dorcas Horton who died July 27 th 1819 in the 4 th year of his age 1535 »i Sacred To the memory of Mary Earl Wife of Captain Samuel D Ellis Born January 28, 1840 Died March n. 1858 Mary thou was mild and lovely Gentle as the summer breeze Pleasant as the air of evening When it floats among the trees Peaceful be thy silent slumber Peaceful in thy grave so low Thou no more will join our number Thou no more our songs shall know Yet again we hope to meet thee When the day of life is fled Then in heaven with joy to greet thee When no farewell tear is shed 1536 m SOPHIA G. GENUNG Died Aug 18 th 185S. Aged 27 years Dear Sophia thou hast left us. [the stone has been cut off here and set in base.] 1537 m In Memory of PHEBE CORY daughter of Eleazar B. & Nancy Genung who died May 12. 1842 Aged 21 Years & 6 Months, Sleep love, and lov'd one sleep Beneath the quiet sod And yet with many a tear We gave you up to God 222 INSCRIPTION? IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 153§ m In Memory of Clifford Austin Son of Eleazer & Electa Genung who died Jan 22 1835 Aged 7 Months & 25 days This lovely bud so young and fair Call'd hence by early doom Just came to show how sweet a flower In paradise may bloom 1539 r J F In memory of Jacob Foster who died March 11 th 1814 in the 71 st year of his age My friends prepare to follow me Both young and old must die you see There's no discharge there's no delay When death demands we must obey 1540 r E. T. In memory of Elizabeth Todd who died Aug 3t 24 1 8 10 in the 64 th year of her age Go home my friends dry up your tears I must lie here till Christ appears Repent in time, while time you have Fortheres no repentance in the grave 1541 r Here ly y e Remains of Mrs Hannah Hendr- -icks Wife of Mr John Hendricks Obijt Mar y e 15, 1732. ^Etat 39 and David Hend ricks Son of Mr John Hendricks Obijt May 29 1732 ^Etat 9. Adieu vain World our dearest Friends farewell Prepare with us in this dark House to dwell Till y e last Trump our our ruined Frame repair c At Christ's Desent to meet him in y e air 1542 r In memory of two children of Isaac L & Catharine Davis John Jacob died Jan>' 26 th 1S23 aged 1 year 9 months & 13 days James Oliver died Nov r 22 d 1S24 aged 1 year 3 months & 17 days But nature feels — but ah! they're gone For them our tears have flow'd It is the Lord, his hand we own He doth what seems him good. 1543 m In memory of Charlotte Farrand daughter of Isaac and Margaret Davis who died August 2" 1813 aged 1 year 6 months & 2 days Vain world how transient is its joys, Its pleasures soon will end in pain ; But where I'm gone theres no alloy, Who would not die this bliss to gain. Then cease ' indulge th falling tear, I now with Jesus ever dwell ; If you my praises did but hear, You d surely say that all is well CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 223 154 1 in In Memory of Margaret* Wife of Isaac L Davis who departed this life May 21 1817 Aged 26 years 7 months & 29 Days She dropt a tear and grasp'd my hand, And fain she would have spoke ; But well my heart could understand, The language of her look. She rais'd and gently wav'd her hand, And fill'd me with a joy ; To which the wealth of sea and land, Compared, were but a toy. 1545 m IN memory of ISAAC L DAVIS WHO DIED April 11 th 1845 ; In the 58" 1 Year of his age : Boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Friend after friend departs, Who hath not lost a friend, There is no union here of hearts That hath not here an end. 1546 m OUR MOTHER SARAH C. PRICE WIFE OF D. O. PRICE Died Sep't 23, 1823, Aged 31 Years Softly her fainting head she lay Upon her makers breast ; Her saviour lifted her soul away And laid her flesh to rest. 1 547 m To THE MEMORY OI RICHARD PERRIN, WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE April 19 th 1813 Aged 45 years Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come B. 154$ m IN MEMORY OF MRS LUCRETIA PERRIN who died January 17, 1S50, Aged 77 Years Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord 1549 m In memory of Solomon Slater who died Dec 3 d 1865. in the 40" 1 year of his age James D Slater Died March 3 d 1864 Aged 10 Months and 3 Days Edward B Slater Died May 11 th 1865 in the 4" 1 Year of his age 224 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1550 r S. W. In memory of Sally wife of Ezekiel Williams who died Jan I5 ,h 1828 in the 41. year of her age Dear partner of my life And children whom I love Remember dying strife Which you have got to prove. 1551 r E. W. In memory of Ezekiel Williams who died Aug. 17 th 1830 in the 46 th year of his age Children come view my bed of clay, This pillow of the ground ; Here your fair bodies soon must lay, Till the last trump shall sound. 1552 in Brother EUGENE A. FAVOR Born August 8. 1856 Died June 4, 1888. 1553 m OUR MOTHER MARY A. DAUGHTER OF Stephen A. Meeker And widow of John J. Favor Born August 7, 1837 Died June 29, 1886 1554 m IN Memor3 r of ALLETTA WIFE OF Stephen A. Meeker who died Sept 5 th 1853. In the 51 st Year of her age A friend has gone a mother dear, Whose last remains are resting here ; Jesus' love whilst here below, Oft did light her careworn brow. She oft did speak and feel the words so true, Which is to all and reader you ; We must enjoy the love divine, That we may all in glory shine. 1555 m IN memory of STEPHEN A MEEKER WHO DIED Aug st 22 d 1854 In the 55 th Year of his age He who lies beneath this sod Whilst here on earth he sought his God The Pearl of greatest price he found He was filled with joy and peace of mind An interest in Salvation's plan he e'er did show Whilst passing through this world of woe. 1556 m The grave of ANN WIFE OF Nathaniel Williams who died Sept ig ih 1847 Aged 82 Years Hers was the life and the death of a christian [The rest of verse too dim to read.] CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 225 1557 r J. L. In memory of MR JOHN LIGHTON, died Dec 14 th 1804 in the 43 rd year of his age Death in all his dire array Has laid the mortal part in dust : The embodied spirit has wing'd its way To God the Saviour God the just. He will his Sovereign power display, On the great rewarding day. relict of Henry Freeman who departed this life March 8 th 1835 In the 61 st year of her age Faith in thy love shall sweeten death And smooth the rugged way Smile on me dearest Lord and then I shall not wish to stay. 155§ r E. L. K. In memory of MRS ELIZABETH L. KEYT daughter of Henry & Hannah Weaver : died March 24 th , 1810, in the 22 nd year of her age A faithful wife a mother dear, A child belov'd a friend sincere ; Consign'd beneath this clod to lay, Untill the resurrection da}': O then may she in triumph rise, To join the saints above the skies. 1559 r W. C. B. In memory of two children of Samue 1 & Elizabeth Baker, William died Dec 1 ' 28 th 1808 aged 10 months & 20 days Catharine died Oct 1 ' 7 th 1810 aged 1 year 2 months & 21 days 1560 m Sacred to the Memory of MRS ELIZABETH 1561 m IN MEMORY OF MARY WIFE OF Melanthon Freeman and daughter of Wm & JANE WEIR who died July 28 1849, Aged 52 years 4 mo. & n Days Yesterday she clasped my hand To day she is in the grave 1562 m MELANTHON FREEMAN Sen. Died April 9 th 1858. IN HIS 75 th YEAR 1563 r E. F. In memory of Elizabeth wife of Melanthon Freeman who died Jan>' 25 1835 aged 52 years 2 months & 28 days Also of their four children Matthew aged 6 months & 18 days Caroline aged 11 days Anson aged 5 days Josiah aged 8 months & 5 days. 226 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1564 r In Memory of three children of Melanthan & Elizabeth Freeman Abigail died April 14 th 1810 aged 11 months & 20 days Rachel died Feb>' 16 th 1812 aged 1 year & 5 days Henry died Aug 9 * 29 th 1813 aged 8 months & 13 days 1 565 r A. H. In memory of Anna wife of John C. Hotto and daughter of Melanthon & Elizabeth Freeman : who died May 20 th 1834; aged 28 years 5 months 6 8 days Abigail his wife died April 20 th 1802 aged 11 mon 8 & 27 days blow When the archangels trump shall And souls to bodies join Millions will wish their time below Had been as short as thine. 1566 m ELIZABETH JANE WIFE OF MELANTHON FREEMAN Jun. Died Nov. 24 th 1851 in her 28 ,b year 1567 m In Memory, of ABIGAIL wife of Jonah Rowland who departed this life November 22 nd 1806, In the 46 th Year of her age Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and your children 1568 r J. R. Jane F. daugh r of Jonah Rowland & 1569 r IN memory of three children of Michael & Rebecca Bedell Wm Henry died Aug* 17 th 1 822 '. Aged 15 months & 7 da 6 : Wm Henry died Aug* 27 th 1829 ; Aged 17 months & 9 da 9 : Caroline Amanda died NoV n 1 ' 1 1830 Aged 8 months & 11 da 6 : 1570 m IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL BEDELL WHO DIED April 11 th 1855 Aged 55 Years & 6 Months. I know that my Redeemer liveth. 1571 m In memory of REBECCA WIFE OF Michael Bedell who DIED May 18 th 1868 Aged 71 Years She sleeps in peace yes sweetly sleeps, Her sorrows all are oer. With her the Storms of Life are past She's gained the Heavenly Shore. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 227 1572 m IN Memory of SARAH E. WIFE OF George L. Bedell, who died Dec r 6 th 1857 ; Aged 20 Years and 1 Day How still and peaceful is the grave Where life's vain tumults past The appointed house by heavens de- cree Receives us all at last. 1573^ David S. Mitchell Died May 29 th 1886 Aged 67 Years MITCHELL 1574 £ STEPHEN MAGIE Born March 12. 1807, Died Nov 24. 1874. MARY S. MAGIE Born Nov. 24, 1799 Died March 30, 1881 : MAGIE 1575 m IN Memory of two children of Aaron and Ann Pierson LILLIS died Nov 21 st 1842 aged 4 yearS 4 months & 28 days A LSt> MARY LOUISA died Jan>' 3 11 1848 aged 2 years 5 months & 16 days 1570 m AARON PIERSON Died Jan 11, 1850 , Aged 42 years & 6 mos, And now hath thy dust returned to the earth The spirit to God who gave it. Yet affection shall fondly cherish thy worth ; And mem'ry deeply engrave it. Not here on this tablet of mouldering stone. But in our fond bosoms where best it is known. 1577 tn IN MEMORY OF ABIGAIL WIDOW OF Henry D. Woodruff who died Aug 8t 31 st 1850 In the 83 d Year of her age. 1578 m IN memory of HENRY D. WOODRUFF WHO DIED Sepf 18 th 1849. In the 81 st Year of his age 1579 r In memory of Mary wife of Henry D. Woodruff who died Aug' 23. 1819 ; in the 45 th year of her age 228 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 158© r V. W. In memory of Vil ette wife of Henry D. Woodruff who died Dec the 22 d 1797 in the 24 th year of her age. 1581 r HERE lies interr'd what was Mortal of Mr Joseph Woodruff who died Aug* y e 20 th Anno Domini 177S. In the 76 th Year of his Age 1582 r Here lies the Body of Martha Wife of Joseph Woodruff Dec' 1 Oc t r 13 1757 in the 57 Year of her age Remember me as you pass by as you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Therefore prepare to follow me. 158* r P. W. In memory of Puah Widow of Joseph Woodruff who died Jul)" 29 th 1803 in the 83 d year of her age 1584 r Here lies y e Body of Henry Dusenbar? Son of Henry & Elizabeth Woodruff Dec d Sep r 29 th 1762 aged 18 Months 1585 r In memory of Henry Woodruff who departed this Life Sepf the 19 th 1790 In y e 58 th Year of his Age 1586 r E. W. In memory of Elizabeth Widow of Henry Woodruff who died June the 27 th 1804 in the 70 th year of her Age 1587 r J. W. In memory of John son of Joseph & Elizabith Woodruff who died April 20 th 1817 in the 24 th year of his age A pale consumption gave the fatal blow The stroke was certain but the effect was slow With wasting pain I long have been oppress'd But in the morn of life I've gone to rest. 1588 r J. W. In memory of Joseph Wood- ruff the third who died March 6th. 1820. in the 58th year of his age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 229 15 §9 m IN Memory of ELIZABETH widow of Joseph Woodruff who died Nov 17 th 1843 In the 8i 8t Year of her age Our age to seventy years is set How short the term how frail the state And if to eighty we arive We rather sigh and groan than live 1590 r R. W. In memory of Rhoda wife of James Woodruff who departed this life May 15 th 1826 Aged 31 years Also of Elizabeth their daughter who departed this life Aug st 25 th 1824 Aged 2 years Jan v 20 th 1850 In the 20"' YEAR OF HIS AGE Boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." 1591 m IN memory of WILLIAM BAKER who died April 2 d 1853 aged 9 years 3 months & 22 days MARY WHITEHEAD died Oct 22 d 1852 aged 1 year 8 months & 16 days ANNA died Oct 13 th 1841 : aged 9 months Children of James and Jane W Woodruff 1592 m ISREAL M MILLER DIED 1593 m IN MEMORY OF RICHARD PERRIN who died March 30 th 1844 Aged 43 Years Also SARAH WIFE OF Richard Perrin died Feb v 9 th 1841 Aged 41 Years Also Ann daughter of Richard & Sarah Perrin died May 29 th 1845 In the 16 th Year of her age 1594 r M. F. In memory of Matilda wife of Jeheil Force who departed this life Jan> 15 th 1818 In the 36 th year of her age 1595 m IN Memory of MARIA W. DAUGHTER OF Estes & Frances C. CUMMINGS who died Oct r 30 th 1 84 1 Aged 2 Months 15 230 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1596 m HENRIETTA L. WIFE OF Benjamin J. Vreland daughter of Isaac and Evaline SPINNING died Jan? 28 th 1862 In the 33 d Year of her age GEORGE S. son of Isaac and Susan P Spinning died Feb>' 4 xh 1862 aged 4 years & 3 months 1597 m ELVINA Wife of Isaac Spinning and Daughter of Samuel Clark Died 30 th July 1854 Aged 47 Years Why should our tears in sorrow flow When God recalls his own And bids them leave a world of woe For an immortal crown. 1599 m IN memory of three children of Asa & Mary Eliza Vandergrist Hannah Ann died March 2i 8t 1831 aged 5 years, 7 months & 19 days Hannah Ann died Feb 8 24 th 1832. aged 5 months & 15 days May Elizabeth died Feb 12 th 1834 aged 1 year & 5 days Sleep on sweet babes and take your rest You in your Makers arms are blest And now to you we bid adieu God fit us all to follow vou 159* m IN MEMORY OF PHEBE ANN WIFE OF JOHN DUNHAM who died DEC 20™ 1831, AGED 23 YEARS 2 MONTHS & 20 DAYS Farewell ! husband and children dear Affliction sore long time I bore Physicians were in vain Till God did please to give me ease And free me from my pain 1600 m IN memor}' of Melsup Heming who died Jan 21 st 1832 aged 54 years Also of Rebecca his wife who died Ocf 27 th 1831 aged 56 years Prepare to meet thy God. 1601 r S. T. In Memory of Susannah wife of Ichabod Terrill who died Feb>' 6 th 1817 in the 50 th year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. >3« All we can do is view her tomb And sorrow o'er her breathless clay And thus regret the heavy gloom On us inpends since she's away 1602 m ADELBERT SON OF William A. and Rachel E. FULTON who died Sept. 29. 1856. aged 2 months & 22 days Our darling babe has gone and left us And his loss we deeply feel But it's God who hath bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. 1603 m In Memory of William James Montgomery who died March 23 1834 ; Aged 35 years Also AMELIA Dau r of WILLIAM & MARY MONTGOMERY who died May 29 1838 Aged 4 years Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1605 m In Memory of JOHN JOSEPH Son of Johnson & Eliza Sorrell who died April 27. 1837 aged 1 Year ir Months and 10 days 1601 m IN Memory of ELIZA daughter of Benjamin & Sarah ELWOOD who died July 30, 1S43 In the 2. Year of her age Here by my infant home, The church my childhood blest My buried sister's sacred dust Fain would I take my rest. 1606 r ERECTED to the Memory of PETER VAN HORN who died October 19th 1840 in the 47 th year of his age Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden & I will give you rest." 1607 r IN memory of Co , >d LAFAYETTE BOYLESTON died March 29. 1849 aged 24 years & 6 months 160§ R. C. Bryant's Family Vault 1845 1609 Peter Massie's Family Vault 1840 1610 Elias Dayton's Family Vault 1806 232 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1611 Family Vault of THE Heirs of Col Gould Phinny 1612 C. O. Halsted's Family Vault 1838 1613 WILLIAM SHUTE'S FAMILY VAULT 1611 M. M. Woodruff's Family Vault 1841 1615 m IN Memory of Our Parents, JOEL BONNEL, Born Ap'r. 27, 1791. Died Feb 19, 1880 ARABELLA HALSEY Born Feb. 23, 1795 Died Dec 2, 1879 There is rest for the weary, 1616 m IN MEMORY OF MARY ELISABETH WIFE OF JOHN JACOB BAUER Who departed this life March 31 st 1856 Aged 61 Years & 6 Months So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom — Ps: 90. Vs: 12. 1617 m In Memory of E V A— D A Wife of PHILLIP KNOEDLER Who departed this life Oct 29 1852 Aged 35 Years & 1 Month Also of HENRIETTE C— . Daughter of the above Who died Nov: 7 th 1852 Aged 1 Year & 2 Months For here have We no continuing City but We seek one to come James 13 : 14. 161S m IN Memory of JOHN G. son of Jacob and Mary E. Bauer : who died July 13 th 1850 Aged 21 years & 5 Months 'The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places yea I have a goodly heritage." 1619 m IN Memory of ANNA ROSINA daughter of Jacob & Mary E Bauer who died Nov r 20 th 1843 : Aged 21 Years & 10 Days " I know that my Redeemer liveth and he shall at the latter day awake me from the earth." THE MURRAY MONUMENT. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 233 10-20 m Emily C Kxoedler Born March 19 th 1S37 Died Sept: 29 th 1S59 My home is in heaven 10*21 m A. A. F. In memory of Abigail A Fay, who was born in Westborough Mass. Feb- V 1 3"' 18 1 S and who died in the city of New York May 17 1836 1022 m Frederick Merriam only child of Joseph C & Anne C. Laughton died Sept r 12 th 1S36, aged 10 months and 6 days Of such is the kingdom of heaven." 1023 r R. P. In memory of Rhoda Wife of John Peet, departed this life Oct r 8 th 1S03 in the 42' 1 year of her Age In faith she liv'd ; in dust she lies : But faith foresees ; that dust shall rise ; When Jesus calls while hope assumes; And boasts her joy among the tombs. aged 44 years 2 months and 13 days As you are now so I was once As I am now so you must be Prepare for Death and lollow me. 1025 r S. G. In memory of Sarah wife of Joseph Gorman who died Aug' 3' 1 1807 in the 56 th year of her age Lie still' my dear and take thy rest God call'd the home he thought it best 1020 r M. G. Sacred to the memory of Martha wife of John Gal- -braith a Native of Strabane Ireland, died June 27 th 1812, Aged 29 years Lovely in life, serene she welcom'd death Attending seraphs mark'd her latest breath Thou on bright smiles on wings of boundless love Bear her pure spirit to the joys above 1027^ [On West side] MY WORK IS DONE 1024 r In memory of Richard O Jeffery who died Oct r 28 tb 1833, NICHOLAS MURRAY Born in Ireland Dec 25 1802 Pastor of the i st Presb. Church Elizabeth N. J. From July 23 1833 until his death Feb 4 th 1S61 Remember the words that I spake unto you while I WAS YET WITH YOU 234 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN [North side] This monument is erected by the congregation to the memory of a faithful, and beloyed Pastor. A man of God, Thoroughly furnished unto all good works. [East side] ELIZA J RHEES WIFE OF Rev. Nicholas Murray Born Nov. 30, 1804. Died March 7, 1871. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of god." Thomas Chalmers Murray Feb. 1850 March 1879 [South side] OUR CHILDREN John Morrison William Wilberforce Anna Rhees Margaret Breckenridge Catharine Loxley "Of such is the kingdom of HEAVEN." Elizabeth Clarke Born Nov. 1830 Died June. 1858 " I am the resurrection and the life 162* IN Memory of Thomas B. Cahow who departed this life Sepf 15 th 1810 in the 43' 1 year of his age IN Memor}' of Jane his widow who departed this life March 17 th 1825 in the 58 th year of her age 1629 r E. O. In memory of Enos Osborn who died April 18 th 1800 in the 75 th year of his age A husband dear a parent kind A social generous friend He's gone to dwell above the skies Where sorrows ever end This stone was erected by Tho s B Cahow his son in law as a token of his regard 1630 r In Memory of Elizabeth wife of Aaron Ball, who died Jan>' 18 th 1817 in the 25 th year of her age Farewell, no more I tread your ground No more I need the gospel sound My feet have reach'd the heav'nly shore I know no imperfections more. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 235 Let friends no more my suff'ring mourn Nor view my sorrow's with concern O cease to drop the pit'ing tear I've past beyond the reach of fear. Also of three children of Aaron & Elizabeth Ball James T. died May 15"' 1815 aged 3 years & 1 day Abraham S. died Dec 11 1815, aged 1 year & 1 month David H. died Dec r 13 th 1816 aged 2 months & 4 days 1631 r J. H. F. James Harris son of Richard R & Mary Ann Frazee died Dec r 18 th iSar aged 10 months 'The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." 1634 r Mary Wife of Gavin Scott from Alnwick Northumberland England Died May i 8t 1801 Aged 67 Years Eight years her mortal eyes were blind Not so her faculties of mind By faith she view'd her Saviour's love Much long'd to sing his praise above 1635 r M. S. In memory of Mather Scott son of Gavin and Mary Scott from Alnwick Norlhum- -berland England who died June 7" 1 1S10 aged 40 years 1632 r [Scaled off] Dai n & Sa d may I st 1801 a nonth's and 21 d 1633 r G. S. In memory of Gavin Scott from Alnwick, Northumberland England who departed this life June 27 th 1815 Aged 77 years Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his." Numb, chap 23 d ver 10 1636 r T. M. In Memory of Thomas Mather A native of Northum- -berland, England, Who departed this life May 4 th 1815, in the 84 th year of his age. Within the compass of this narrow span Lies God's noblest work an honest man. 1637 r HERE lies y° Remains of Mr. Benjamin Thomp- -son, who died March the 25 ,h A. D. 1760. In the 62 d Year of his Age My Soul, my Body, I will trust With him who numbers every Dust My Saviour faithfully will keep His own for Death is but a Sleep. 236 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 163§ m SACRED to the memory of ANNE MATILDA daughter of Thomas and Phebe E Gilbert who departed this life March 9 th 1839 aged 3 years 6 months and 18 days " Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of Heaven " 1639 m In memory of Four Children of Burnet D & Ann Hamilton SAMUEL F. M. aged 3 years 3 months & 18 days LOUISA S. aged 1 year & 29 days GEORGE W. aged 6 years 2 months & 27 days WILLIAM M. aged 2 days How happy thus to sink to rest So early numbered with the blest 1640 m IN MEMORY OF FRANCIS P HAMILTON who died March 18" 1 1864, Aged 31 Years 9 Mos. & 15 Days 1611 m IN MEMORY OF BURNETT D. HAMILTON WHO DIED Feb- V 22 nd 1875, Aged 63 Years n Months and 8 Days 1612 m IN MEMORY OF ANN BRYAN WIFE OF Burnet D Hamilton Died August 13 1887 Aged 76 Years 5 Months and 17 Days. 1613 m THOMAS PATTERSON Died Oct r 26 th 1S52 In the 26 th Year of his age We meet in Heaven. 1611 m In Memory OF UZAL REEVE who died Jan 23, 1840, In the 51 Year of his age Also JAMES H Son of Uzal & Lucetta Reeve who died Jan 12 1842 In the 4. Year of his age How still and peaceful is the grave. No pain, no grief, no anxious fear, Invade thy bounds, no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 237 This lovely bud so young and fair Call'd hence by early doom Just came to show how sweet a flower In paradise would bloom 1645 m • In Memory OF LUCETTA widow of Uzal Reeve who died June 6 th 1847 In the 50 th Year of her age If a man die shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come Job 14. 14. My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpets joyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet sur- prise And in my Saviours image rise. 1646 m In Memory OF Frances H Reeve who died April 29 th 1845 In the 30 th Year of her age Sister thou art gone bfore us And thy saintly soul is flown Where tears are wip'd from ev'ry eye And sorrow is unknown 1647 m MARY MOUNT Died Nov K 26 th 1884 Aged 63 Years 1648 m [On west side] Ida [On east side] Only and beloved Child of Thomas T. W. and Isabel T. Nicholl died Feb>' 21 st i860 aged 9 years and 1 month 1649 r Here lyeth y e Bo s s And Josep h William dy of Isaac William Died Oct' y e Dec' 1 Sep 1 22, 1733 4 th 1728 Aged Aged 3 days IO days Children of Joseph Williams Jun r 1650 r In memory of Ann Eliza Daughter of Joseph and BETSY WILLIAMS who departed this life Sepf 2 nd 1803 Aged 11 months Sleep on sweet Babe And take your peaceful! rest God call'd you hence Because he saw it best 2 3 8 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1651 > Hannah Daughter of William & Johannah Williams died Sept r y e 5 th 1777 In y e 2 d year of her age 1652 H. W. In memory of Hannah daughter of William and Johanna Williams who died Sept r 28 th 1807 in the 20 th year of her age My parents dear weep not for me When in this yard my grave you see My time was short but blest is he That call'd me to eternity. 1653 r W. W. In memory of William Williams who died April 4 th 1816 in the 69 th year of his age 1654 ; [Inscription all gone] WIDOW OF Daniel Williams who died Oct r 18 th 1853 Aged 70 years 1657 m IN Memory of THOMAS S. son of Daniel and Deborah Williams who died July 19 th 1847 Aged 26 Years 1658 m JACOB WILLIAMS JR Died Dec. 2i 8t 1836 in the 32nd year of his age 1655 m In Memory of DANIEL WILLIAMS Born June 18 th 1783 Died July 24 th 1825 Aged 42 Years 1 month & 6 days 1659 r J. W. John H. son of Jacob & Mary Williams died June 14 th 1802 aged 1 year 7 mon B & 26 days. Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." 1656 m IN Memory of DEBORAH 1660 ; M. W. Mary Ann daughf of Jacob & Mary Williams, died June 3 d 1802 aged 4 years 3 mon s & 12 days " suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God." CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 2 39 1661 r In memory of ELIHU son of Jacob and Mary Williams who departed this life I st of Sepf 1809 in the 14 th year of his age Being dead yet speaketh My glass is run my days are spent My life is gone it was but lent And as I am so must you be O then prepare to follow me. 1662 m JACOB WILLIAMS senr died Nov. 30th 1815 in the 45 th year of his age Also MARY his widow died Aug. 27 th 1851 in the Ss ,h year of his age " My flesh shall rest in hope.' 1663 r N. M. In memory of Nathaniel son of Philip and Sarah Morgan who died June 21 st 1813 in the 17" 1 year of his age 1661 m Geo. Forsyth Co K 9™ N.J. Inf. I <»<»-"> in In memory of JAMES DELEREE son of William & Sophia E Van Voorhis who died July 13 184S aged 1 year 5 months & 13 days And Jesus said suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven. 1666 r In Memory of three children of Edward & Elizabeth Smith DAVID died Nov 5 th 1813 aged 1 year & 8 months JOHN W. died Aug 8 ' 31 st 1821 aged 4 months & 9 days WILLIAM died Oct. 8 th 1822 aged 1 month & 5 days 1667 m The grave of FRANCIS KING who died in this Town July 16 th 1837 in the 55 th year of his age He was born in Vernon Tolland co. Connecticut where he spent the principal portion of his life He was a scholar and a christian "The memory of the just is bless'd. 1 66* m OUR MOTHER RACHEL GRIFFITH Born April 18 th 1790. Died Feb. 24 th 1S69. 240 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1669 m JOHN GRIFFITH Born in New Castle England and died in this Town Also CHARLES W. MOSES born in Cincinnati and died in the City of New York Infant son of Montogue and Margaret Moses 1670 r In memory of Josephine daughter of John & Rachel Griffith who died May 10 1821. Aged 5 months & 23 days She was lovely, she was fair And for a while was given And angel came, and claimed his own And bore her home to heaven 1674 m IN Memory of JOHN H DUNN WHO DIED Sepf 14 th 1853: Aged 29 Years Unto thee, O Lord do I lift up my soul " Weep not my Friends Farewell 1671 m Capt. FREEMAN DEGROOT Died Nov 10 th 1856 IN THE 50 th YEAR of his Age 167*2 m Our Little Hattie Of such is the kingdom of heaven. 1673 m ERECTED IN MEMORY OF MARGARET JANE Daughter of Robert And Elizabeth WALKER Died July 17 th 1850. Aged 4 years 6. mo & 17 Days 1675 m JOHN F. PAULEY • died Aug 2 1854 ag'd 2 y'rs 2 m's and 17 d's 1676 m HENRY MARTIN son of John & Jane Van Name died June 5 1841 aged 4 years 11 months and 14 days Also Two infant brothers of such is the Kingdom of heaven. 1677 m TANE MATILDA daughter of John & Jane Van Name died Jan 21 1853 aged 5 years 3 months and 14 days Dearest Sister thou hath left us Here thy loss we deeply feel But tis God that hath bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 241 167§ m Our Beloved Sisters FRANCIS WESTERVELT Born July 15 th 1825 Died Jan>' 19 th T869 ANNA VAN NAME Bom Nov 20 th 1S39 Died April 11 th 1868. 1679 m Our Beloved Parents JOHN VAN NAME, Born October 23 d 1800 Died August 30 th 1874 JANE TOWNLEY His wife Born February I st 1803 Died January 9 th 1878 They sleep in Jesus I68O m [Monument. West side] ELIAS MARSH Born May 21 1795 Died Dec. 28, i860 MYRA BUSS his Wife Bom Oct 14 1790 Died Sept 20 1S76 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." MARSH [South side] MARY H MARSH Born July 12 1820 Died May 8 1839 MARTHA E MARSH Born Nov. 4. 1821 Died Sept. 8. 1839 [North side] SOPHRONIA B MARSH • Born Aug. 24. 1823 Died Sept, 25, 1854 MYRA A MARSH Born March 5, 1834, Died March 24, 1853, [East side blank] 1681 m [Monument. North side] OUR KATIE Daughter of Geo S. and Sarah M BADGER Died May 19 th 1858 Aged 19 years 1682 ;« LIDA C. Daughter of J. W. & Mary C. Williams Died May 24 th 1875 AGED 9 YEARS 1683 m IN Memory of Daniel Henry SON OF William & Lydia Williams who DIED Feb 24 th 1845 Aged 7 Years 7 Months and 5 days spirit has gon Our lovely boy, sleepeth here but his are unknown To a climate where sorrow and pain frame is at rest His spirit is strengthened his in the land of the blest There is health, there is peace 242 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1684 m In Memory of CAROLINE daughter of Charles & Elizabeth Debo who died Aug. 7 th 1843 Aged 6 Years 2 months and 13 days 16§5 m In Memory of HENRY Son of Samuel and Catharine Clawson who died July 14 th 1829 in the 3 rd year of his age This lovely bud so young and fair Call'd hence by early doom lust came to show how sweet a flower In paradise could bloom 1687 r C R In Memory of Catherine widow of Abraham Roll who died Aug st 9 1814 in the 55 th year of her age Affliction sore long time I bore Physician's arts' were vain Till God did please to give me ease And free me from my pain 1686 r S. R. In memory of Samuel Rawl who died May 27 th aged 19 years 4 months & 12 days 13 This stone is placed in token of the respect justly due the departed by his fond Mother While on the earth I did remain Was fill'd with sorrow grief & pain Farewell my friends & foes likewise My journey is beyond the skies. 1688 m JAMES G. SON OF Maggie & Tho's Forsyth Died Dec. 22. 1884 Aged 19 Years & 9 Months 1689 m ROBERT J FORSYTH Died May I st 1SS1 Aged 35 Years 1690 m IN MEMORY OF MARY SWIFT wife of PETER AUSTIN WHO DIED May 3D 1855 Aged 53 Years Prepare to meet thy God. 1691 m MARY daughter of T & E STREMPEL Born Aug. 27, 1S54 Died Nov. 3. 1855. A little bud unfolded here But blossoming now in heaven CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 243 1692 m ANDREW FORSYTH Sergeant of Co K 3 Reg N. J. V. Born May 12 th 1S31 Died May 3' 1 1863 at the fight on Marye's Heights GEORGE FORSYTH Co A I st Reg't N. J. V. Born July 14 1838 Died April 12th 186S. 1693 m IN MEMORY OF ELIZABETH FORSYTH Died Aug. 7 th i860 Aged 50 Years 2 Mo. & 25 Days SAMUEL FORSYTHE Died Dec. 5 th 1873 Aged 75 Years 169-1 m [Stone broken in three places] IN MEMORY OF ISABELLA Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth FORSYTH Died March 5 ,b 1863 Aged 20 Years 11 Mo. & 18 Days 1695 m In memory of MARY ANN WIDOW of Henry Hamilton who died February 27 th 1850 Aged 68 Years Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord." 1696 m GEORGE son of George D & Christian RANDELL died Nov 21 1848 aged 6 months Our beloved and only son 1697 THE GRAVE OF WILLIAM MITCHELL who died March 20" 1 1S47 Aged 30 Years A Native of Ireland 1698 r IN Memory of Robert McKee who died Sept r iS ,h 1823 Aged 50 years Also Elizabeth his daughter who died Nov' 20 th 1S35 Aged 20 years 2 months and 22 days 244 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1699 m SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ALEXANDER PORTER who departed this life June 23 d 1851 Aged 37 Years 1 700 m The Last Of Her Family CATHARINE FALCONER Died Dec 4 th 1856 aged 34 years The victory now is obtained She's gone her Redeemer to see Her wishes she fully has gained She's now where she panted to be. 1701 m In Memory of HANNAH wife of John I Kopp who died April 3 rd 1842, Aged 24 Years 9 Months and 26 days No sickness, or sorrow, or pain Shall ever disquiet her now For death to her spirit was gain Since Christ was her life when below 1702 m IN Memory of LAVENIA WIFE OF Jonathan Shepherd who died Jan 14 th 1853 : In the 51st Year of her age 1703 m IN memory of ANN MARIA WIFE OF William J Harris who died Dec. 30 th 1852 In the 21 st Year of her age 1704 m IN Memory of CAROLINE POWELL daughter of Jonathan & Lavina Shepherd who died Aug. 17 th 1865. Aged 29 years & 4 months 1705 m SACRED to the memory of Elias Van Name who departed this life March 15 th 1835 aged 23 years and 10 months Pass a few swift and fleeting years And all who now in bodies live Shall quit like. me this vale of tears Their righteous sentence to receive 1706 m ANNIE 1707 m MARY JANE Daughter of Justus and Mary S. Morris died Feb i8 lh 1851 aged 4 years 1 month and 19 days CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 245 This lovely flower e'er it began to bloom was called a tenant for the silent tomb She lived but to enhance a parents heart And then in sorrow were they doomed to part 17©§ m WILLIAM RITTER Born August 28th 1839 Died March 6th 1842 AMELIA RITTER Born March 28 th 1841 Died Feb. 28th, 1842. LOUIS RITTER Born Jan 17 th 1843 Died July 5 th 1843 Children of J. Peter & Amelia Ritter 1 709 m CHARLES RITTER Born & Died July 10 th , 1853. WILHELMINA RITTER Born Sept. 23rd, 1854. Died June 9 th 1857. GEORGE RITTER Born June 13 th 1857. Died August 13th 1857. Children of J Peter & Amelia Ritter. 1710 in WILLIAM P. Born June 29 th 1848, Died Dec. 4 th 1863. Aged 15 Years, 5 mos. & 5 Days None knew thee but to love None named thee but to bless 16 FRANKLIN Died Oct. 14 th 1858. Aged 3 Mos. MARY B. Died Aug 15 th 1861 Aged 1 1 Mos. Children of J. P. & Amelia Ritter 1711 m AMELIA R. WIFE of CAPT J. PETER RITTER Died Sept. 17. 1SS7 Aged 69 Years 11 Mo's and 8 Days At Rest. 1712 m Capt. J. Peter Ritter Born July 16 th 1816 Died Oct. 27 th 1872. 1713 m HANNAH WIDOW OF JOSIAH MILLER Died March 26 th , 1887. Aged 87 years 6 months And 22 Days 1714 m JOSIAH MILLER Died February 9 th 1S66 ; Aged 82 Years 2 Months And 14 Days 246 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1715 m ELIZABETH WIFE OF JOSIAH MILLER Died September i Bt 1823 : Aged 39 Years 3 Months And 22 Days 1716 m Our Dear Little CHARLEY Not lost but gone before. 1717 r In memory of two children of Obadiah & Mary Murdoch James, died Aug* 8 th 1819 ; Aged 1 year & 23 days Alexander, died Sept r 8 th 1828 ; Aged 7 years 2 months & 11 days 1718 m Our Mother CATHARINE TAIT Died JULY 8 th 1S51 AGED 75 YEARS She is not dead but sleepeth 1719 m Our Father WILLIAM TAIT DIED APRIL 27 1848, Aged 67 years Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord 1720 m In Memory of Henry William son of Erdmann and Augusta Graef died Sept 12 th 1852 aged 1 month 1721 r In Memory of Margaret M. daughter of Henry & Sarah Forguson who died Oct r 10 th 1828 : Aged 7 years 11 months & 5 days From Ballyhast Ireland 1722 r M. J. In memory of Mary wife of George Janes, born near Clare Ireland and died Oct 1 1823 in the 74 th year of her age There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 247 1723 In Memory of David son of Joshua & Sarah Wells who died June 5 lh 1818 Aged 4 years and 7 months In memory of Louisa A Daughter of Joshua & Sarah Wells, who died Jan? 3 rd 1819. Aged 3 years and 4 months Tis God that lifts our comforts high Or sinks them in the grave He gives and blessed be his name He takes but what he gave. 1724 m IN MEMORY OF ESTHER WIFE OF ROBERT Dickerson WHO DIED Sept r 16 th 1S23 In the 45 th Year of her age. 1725 m IN MEMORY OF ROBERT DICKERSON WHO DIED Jan* 1830 In the 53 d Year of his age 1726 m IN Memory of HERMAN DORNBUSH a native of Brickhafen Kingdom of Hanover Germany WHO died Jan r 15 th 1845 Aged 28 Years Hark from the tombs a doleful sound Mine ears attend the cry Ye living men come view the ground Where you must shortly lie 1727 m IN Memory of MGDALENA Wife of John Geyer who died March 26 th 1849 aged 57 years [The two next are unmarked graves. Got record of sexton] 172§ Dr George Summers Born May 25 1837 Died July 5 1878 Charles Summers Born March 29 1811 died May 1 1879 ] 729 m JOHN M. OGDEN Died April 2 d 1834 Aged 50 years NANCY WIDOW OF John M Ogden Died Jan I st 1855 Aged 66 Years JOANNA T their daughter Died Sept 7 1827 Aged 8 months 248 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1730 m MARY E BEAUMONT Born Feb. 20, 1861 Died Nov. 7. 1861. 1731 m IN Memory of MARGARETTA B. WIFE OF Andrew Hoerning who died Oct r 9 th 1853 ; Aged 3S Years Farewell my friends my partner dear No more I need your tender care ; My groans no more awake your ears My midnight sigh to rouse your fears 1732 m L. S. In memory of Lorenzo Stearns who was born in Billerica. Mass. May 13 th 1813 : and died May 13 th 1836; Aged 23 years 1733 m IN Memory of WILLIAM McKAIN Sen? WHO DIED Sept r 17 th 1849 Aged 90 Years and 3 Months Also of WILLIAM McKAIN Jun. WHO DIED Oct"" 24 th 1853, Aged 52 Years Cheerful I leave this vale of tears, Where pain and sorrow groan ; Welcome the day that ends my toil, And every scene of woe. 1734 m The grave OF NOAH BONNELL WHO DIED April 3 rd 1856 In the 86' 11 Year of his age Also His Father ISAAC BONNELL died March 12 th 1833 In the 90 th Year of his age 1735 Ballard Vault 1736 Morrell Vault 1737 m N Martin Crane Died June 26 th 1870, Aged 34 Years 10 Mo. & 7 Days " I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountains of the water of life freely." CRANE. 1738 m IN MEMORY OF ELIZA widow of the late George Bloom who died March 21, 1842 Aged 58 Years CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 249 1739 m WILLIAM GIBSON Died Sept. 4, 1853, Aged 82 Years 1 74© m MARY DULONG Born Aug 8 ' 26 th 1839 Died Sepf 11 th 1853 1741 m CATHARINE WIFE OF STEPHEN DULONG died Dec r i6 ,b 1854 Aged 62 Years 1 742 m CATHARINE WIFE OF Jacob Bohnenberger Died Dec r 9 th 1856; Aged 30 Years GEORGE their son died Jan? 23 d 1857 : aged 4 months 1743 m IN Memory of WILLIAM H. son of John F. and Ann Maria Jakle who died June 12 th 1S49 Aged 14 Years 1744 m IN Memory of EDWARD CARPENTER WHO DIED Sept. 17. 1863, M. 28 Y'rs. & 5 mo. 1715 m IN memory of ELLEN CARPENTER WIFE OF CHARLES F. DAUCEY who died Sept. 21. 1856 JE. 32 Y'rs & 9 Mo. 1746 m Charlotte Buss 27 y'rs 4 m's 1854 1 747 m [Winans monument in Winans plot] [East side] Sacred To the memory of ELIAS WINANS WHO DIED Oct. i st 1853. Aged 64 Years And for 23 Years A Ruling Elder in the Church " He was a good man" l [West side] SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ABBY WIDOW OF Elias Winans who DIED Nov. 5 th 1853. Aged 66 Years " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." [North side] JACOB C WINANS Died Nov 12, 1878. Aged 66 Years " Well done good and faithful Servant." 250 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN SARAH M. WIFE OF JACOB C WINANS Died May 11 th 1885 Age 74 Yrs, 2 Months, & 11 Days [South side] ELIAS Died Feb. i, 1849. MARY E. Died Nov. 22, 1872. Aged 23 Years Safe within the fold Children of Jacob C & Sarah M Winans 1748 m ELIAS only son of Jacob C & Sarah M. Winans died Feb? i 8t 1849. aged 2 years 1749 m In Memory of JAMES W. ANGUS who died Dec. 23RD 1862. Aged 51 Years, 9 mos, & 13 DAYS. The months of affliction are o'er, The days and the nights of distress We'll see him in anguish no more, He has gained a hnppy release. 1750 m Of such is the kingdom of Heaven JACOB B. Third son of James W. & Wealthy Ann Angus was born in the city of Mexico May 17, 1844 & Died in this town June 8 1850 Aged 6 years & 21 days We loved, yes no tongue can tell How much we loved him and how well God loved him too, and He thought best To take him home to be at rest. [The last 4 in Winans plot] 1751 Rest in Heaven Sacred to the memory of GEORGE EDWARD, only son of Matrean R. & Phebe Ann Livingston who departed this life September 5" 1 1849 aged 1 year & 8 months Sweet child tho'rt soon released from earth From sorrow greif and pain Why should we greive from thee to part Our loss is but thy gain We trust in God though sad in heart That we shall meet again CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 251 1752 m IN memory of MAGDALENA WIFE OF Henry Zulanf who died Feb>' 7 th 1849 aged 27 years & 2 months Also MAGDALENA their daughter died JanJ' 2 d 1850 aged 1 year & 13 days 1153 m IN memory of ANDREW POST WHO DIED Sepf i6 ,h 1853 Aged 16 Years This flower cut down in early bloom Now sleeps within the narrow tomb. 1754 m IN Memory of PHILLIP LUITIG WHO DIED Sept 25 th 1853 Aged 60 years Here is the place where you must come Dear reader when your race is run Not here to dwell but once to rise And take your flight beyond the skies 1755 m [Two copies. See 1774] [West side] JOSEY Died Sept 22 1864 Aged 18 months & 12 Days "Our little lamb is safe within the fold of God." [East side] JOSEPH W. Son of J Wilbur & Hannah C. PRICE 1756 m LILLY ADA 1886 ELIZA, and her infant MARY. ADA and her infant Frederic, is it well with thee ? Is it well with the child ? She answered it is well " 1757 m ABIGAIL Wife of Archibald T Woodruff Born Oct. 23 1806. Died Aug. 24. 1873 1758 m ARCHIBALD S WOODRUFF Born November 4. 1811, Died June 13, 1878 1759 m THE GRAVE OF Andrew McCullum A Native of Ireland who died June 24 th 1849 Aged 45 Years 252 INSCRIPTIONS TN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1 760 m IN memory of JOHN A HAUCK WHO DIED May 29 th 1856 In the 56 th Year of his age Dear Brother thou hast left us And thy loss we deeply feel But tis God that has bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. 1761 m IN Memory of MARGARET WIFE OF Adam Hauck who died Aug st 13 th 1862 In the 42 d Year of her age Our Mother Dear as thou wert and justly dear We would not weep for thee One thought would check the fall- ing tear It is that thou art free. 1762; A.J. IN memory of Alexan- der Jenkins born near Clare parish of Ballymore & county of Armagh Ireland who departed this life July 3 d 1811 in the 50 th year of his age * 1763 JULIUS C SON OF John G and Catharine Hofmann died Dec r 24 th 1853 aged 2 y'rs 8 m'ths & 22 days 1764 m CAPT HENRY V DeHART OF THE Fifth Regt U. S. Artillery Born July 14 th 1835. WOUNDED IN THE BATTLE OF Gain's' Mills June 27 th 1862. Died July 13 th 1862 1765 m DAVID MEEKER Died Nov R 5 th 1828, Aged 39 Years Isaac Blackford, son of Thomas Meeker Died Sept 4 th 1851 Aged 4 Years 1766 m FRANCES NESBITT WIDOW OF David Meeker Died Nov r 17, 1861, Aged 73 Years 1767 m CLARISSA D SPALDING Died Sep t 19 th i860 In the 55 th Year of her Age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 253 1768 r Sacred to the memory of John Henry Williams Born Oct. 27 1830 Died Jan. 2, 1863 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. 1769 m IN Memory of Charlotte Baldwin Infant daughter of Aaron G. & Ann Aletta Crane who died in New York Dec. 17 th 1841 Aged 14 Days 1770 m In memory OF HENRIETTA Daughter of Aaron G. & Ann Aletta CRANE Born Dec. i6 ,h 1842. Died April 15 th 1871. 1771 m In Memory of MARGARET WALDRON Widow of E BALDWIN NUTTMAN Born Oct. 16 th 1792 Died May 12 th 1871, 1772 g ANN ALETTA WIFE OF A. G. CRANE Born Dec. 22'"' 1817 Died Dec 9 th 1S79 1773 m CHARLOTTE WALDRON CRANE WIFE OF JUDAH L. TAINTOR BORN APRIL 24, 1848, DIED MARCH 29, 1886, " Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." 1774 m [Two copies. See 1755] [On West side] JOSEY Died Sept 22nd 1S64 Aged 18 Months & 12 Days "Our little lamb is safe within the fold of God." [On East side] JOSEPH W. Son of J. Wilbur & Hannah C. PRICE 1775 m In memory of JOANNA youngest daughter of John & Mertina Cox who died Oct 4th 1843 In the 18. Y"ear of her age 254 INSCRIPTIONS* IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1776 m. CHARLOTTE daughter of Lewis & Julia Snider died April 14 th 1856 ag'd 1 y'r & 14 d's Rest in God. 1777 m William A. Boyd M. D. SON OF Mary H. & W m Boyd Born June 3. 1820 Died Sept. 27, 1S60. 177§ r AARON OGDEN BARBER Born January 8. 1820 Died June 17, 1872 Ralph H. Pierson Died April 3. 1871 Aged 63 Years 1779^ Sarah A. Pierson His wife Died March ii, 1864 Aged 52 Years "The memory of the just is blessed." 1780 m In memory of CATHARINE J. E. daughter of Al r & Cecilia Smith died Jan>' 15 1850 aged 1 year & 7 months 17§1 m Mary H. Robert. widow of William Boyd M. D. Born March 16, 1792. Died March 4, 1866. 1782 r + In hope of eternal life 4- Lucille Dusansay Ogden Born August 30. 1819. Entered into rest Oct. 29. 1881 1783 r In memory of Lucille Relict of Matthias Ogden who fell asleep in JESUS 18 Nov A. D. 1861 Aet 67 Them which sleep in JESUS will GOD bring with Him. 1784 r Mary Henrietta daughter of Matthias and Lucille Ogden Born April 6 th 1826. fell asleep in Christ April 14 th 1871. " They shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away." CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 255 1785 r Ralph Clinton Barber Born 3. July 1883 Died 29. March 1886 There are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. 1786 r In Memory of Margaretta Chetwood Barber Born March 20 1878 Died July 17 1879 without fault before the throne of God 1787 r SALLY JELF Daughter of JOSEPH JELF AND Susannah Hampton his wife Born March 29 th 1766 Died April 23 rd 1870 1788 r CHARLES HOWARD EDWARDS Born at Madeira Aug 30 1 813, Died at Elizabeth Feb 16 1866 1789 r In memory of Fanny E Edwards Born Jan 15, 1880 Died Sept 19. 1881 Blessed forever 1790 r In memory of FRANCES EDWARDS Born July 4 th 1846. Died November 12. 1878, " Until the day dawns." 1791 m IN Memory of MARY daughter of Peter & Hannah Walker WHO DIED June 30 th 1839 Aged 7 Years I bid thee farewell With Jesus I dwell 1792 r Here lyeth y e Body of Robeart Morss Jun r Dec d Nov y° 2 d 1749 in y e 63 d year of his Age Here lett him Sleep in Undisturbed dust Until y e Resurrecton of y e Just. 1793 r Mary Elizabeth Martin Aged 5 years Martin Aged 18 & 37 Days Dec'd Days Dec'd Aug* Sep r y e 16 1736 y e 14 1735 y e Children of James & Ann Martin Sleep Lovely Babes & take thy Peacefull Rest e God Cal'd y e hence Becaus he thought it best. 256 INSCRIPTIONS' IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1794 r Here Lyes y e Body of Ann Martin Aged 11 years & 33 Days Dec d Sep* y e 9 th 1736 Dau r of James & Ann Martin here lyes A blooming youth. She lived in love & Died in Truth 1795 r Here lyes y e Body of Mehetabel Littell wife of Robart Littell who Departed this life June y e 22 d 1753 in y e 58 year of his Age 1796 wood Jane Davis Died Feb 24 th 1881 1 797 tn In memory of ALPHONSO son of Henry H & Celia M Fredenburg died March 24, 1850 aged 5 y'rs 11 mo & 1 day, 1798 m IN MEMORY of JAMES ROSS Who departed this life April 18 th 1870 in the 65 th year of his age 1799 m The grave of DELINDA HOPKINS WIFE of Jeremiah Ross who died May 10 th 1855 IN THE 32 d YEAR of her age Having a desire to depart And to be with Christ." 1§00 m Jeremiah Ross Born March 10 1818 Died March 27 1882 1801 m Here rests the body of REBECCA WIFE of James Ross who died Nov r 21 1848 Aged 74 Years Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." 1802 m Here rests the body of JAMES ROSS For many years a Ruling Elder in this Church who died Sept'' 20 th 1846 In the 80 th Year of his age " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 257 1803 r M. R. In memory of Mary Ross daughter of Andrew Lougheed near Ballemote in Ireland, who departed this life on the 9 th of Sep r 1810 aged 68 years. Also her sister Martha Atchison who died on the 7 th June 1797 They lived like Christians and died in faith 1804 m WILLIAM ROSS Died June 6 tb 1871 In the 72' 1 year of his age It is well 1805 m Sacred to the Memory of ELIZA CRANE Beloved Wife of WILLIAM ROSS Born March 8, 1809 Died Feb 26, 1881 Asleep in Jesus 1806 m Here rests the body of ELIZA daughter of William & Eliza Ross who died on Christmas eve 1833 Aged 3 years 1 month and 16 days Born in a world where flow'rs of fair- est hue First fade away. Herself a rose she liv'd as roses do But for a day. 1807 m The mortal remains OF ALICE Daughter of William and Eliza Ross Rest here She died in Lambert Ville Oct r 18 th 1852 Aged 11 Years 5 Months and 15 Days Weep not my Parents weep not I am blest But must leave Heaven if I come to thee For I am where the weary are at rest The wicked cease from troubling Come to me 1808 m ELIZA CRANE WIDOW OF Caleb Crane Died March 16 th 1865, In the 89 th Year of her age 1809 m [On west side] WILLIE [On east side] W 5[ HARRISON Son of W M F & MARIA H GALE died Nov. 10 1867 Aged 2 weeks 258 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1810 m [On west side] FREDERICK MANVEL Son of W m F & Maria H. GALE, Died Sept, 19 th 1866 aged 7 months & 26 days Our Little FREDDIE For us the Cross For thee, the Crown 1811 m JOHN GUEST DIED March 15, 1864, Aged 35 Years Dear husband thou hast left me. And my loss I deeply feel. JOHN HENRY son of John & Kate Guest died Feb. 29, 1864, Aged 8 months. Sleep in Jesus. 1812 m GEORGE W. REID, Died Feb, 13, 1888, Aged 72 Years 1813 m CORNELIA A. wife of George W. Reid Died Oct, 15, 1878, Aged 57 Years ■ 1814™ JENNIE REID Daughter of George W & Cornelia A Reid Died Dec. 26 th 1872, Aged 18 Years 1815 m EMMA REID Daughter of George W & Cornelia A Reid Died Dec. 12 th 1872, Aged 27 Years 1816 m MARY Daughter of George W. and Cornelia A Reid died Oct. 27, 1856, aged 1 year & 2 months It is well. 1817 m IN memory of JOHN BROOKES who died Jan>* 11 th 1836 Aged 46 years Also of ANN, his wife who died May 5 th 1824 aged 35 years Also five children ELIJAH died Aug Bt i 8t 1825 THOMAS died Sept r 10 th 1826 ELIZABETH died Aug 8t 26 th 1828 WESLEY died Aug st 2g tb 1830 EZRA C. died Jan 31 st 1835 ; CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 259 1818 m [Monument. North side] BROWN [East side] Mrs Lucy M. Harrison Wife of Rev Abraham Brown Died Feb. 11 1843, JE 42, To die is gain [West side] Rev. Abraham Brown Died Oct, 15, 1840. M. 45- His record is on high [North side blank] 1819 m IN MEMORY of EMILY F. WIDOW OF James W. Harrison Born at Litchfield Con. Dec r 10 th 1803 Died at Elizabeth N. J. Nov' 15 th 1862 1820 m IN MEMORY OF JAMES W. HARRISON Born at Litchfield Con. Feby 4 th 1803 Died at Elizabeth Port. May 30 th 1849 1821 m IN Memory of FREDERICK PHELPS Born in Torringford Conn. Dec 15 th 1815. Died at Elizabeth Port Aug 8t 22 nd 1854 Aged 39 years. 1822 m IN Memory of HENRIETTA Daughter of William & Avic Inman : who died Dec r 7 th i84t Aged 17 Years 9 Months and 12 Days Also SUSAN EMMA Daughter of Lewis & Dorothy W Smith who died March 12 th 1836 ; Aged 1 Year 1 Month and 3 Days Dearest daughter thou hast left us Here thy loss we deeply feel But tis God who has berav'd us He can all our sorrows heal. 1823 m GEORGE PETER son of Martin and Elizabeth Keller died March 5 th 1853 aged 2 years 4 months and 3 days 1824 m IN memory of ELIZABETH WIFE OF Martin Keller who died May 2 nd 1853 Aged 40 Years 9 Months and 27 Days Dearest Mother thou hast left us Here thy loss we deeply feel But 'tis God who hath bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. 260 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1825 m LUCRETIA VANDERVOORT Daughter of John & Mary V Carpenter Born Oct 27 1865 Died Dec 26 1865 Our transplanted Bud 1 826 m IDA RAYMOND Daughter of John & Mary V Carpenter Died Aug 22 1S64 Aged 9 mo- and 17 days Our transplanted flower 1827 m Erected to the Memory of William Sayre Died Nov 25 th 1S50 Aged 44 yrs & 25 days 1828 m [Monument. East side] JOHN SAYRE died Jan i 8t 1847 IN HIS 77 th YEAR [East side] MARY WIDOW OF John Sayre died June 18 th 1851 in her 79 th year [West side] SAMUEL SAYRE Died Jan 16 th 1S84 Aged 34 years [North side] Margaret Jane SAYRE died Sept 21 st 1847 in her 31 st year Mary Ann SAYRE died Jan i8 th 1852 IN HER 41 st YEAR [South side] ABIGAIL SAYRE Born June 20 th 1804 died Aug 2i et 1805 HARRIET SAYRE Born Oct 10 th 1815 died Oct 10 th 1816 1 829 m [Small monument. East side] MARTHA L. DAUGHTER of Walter F. & Rachel Sayre died March 5 th 1852 aged I YEAR 3 MO. i 17 DAYS [West side] LITTLE MARTHA 1830 m WALTER F SAYRE Died Nov 16 th 1858, in the 50 th Year of his age Dearest one thou hast left us And thy loss we deeply feel But 'tis God that hath bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 26l 1§3I vi IN Memory of WALTER C. son of David & Mar)' Noe ; who died June 28 th 1844 Aged 1 Year Rest here sweet babe 1832 m IN Memory of LOUIS F. RANDOLPH Born July ii 1796, Died Dec 27, 1858, Also FRANCES LOUISA DAUGHTER OF Louis F & Mary F Randolph Born Sept. 4 1840 Died Jan. 30. 1S41. 1833 g MARY A. CAMPBELL Died July 24 1885 1834 w Children of Charles C and Mary Alice Moore Alice Died Sept 28 1887 Aged 6 mo's Genie Died July 20, 1875 Aged 8 mo's 17 1835 m J. s. In memory of John Sutlif who departed this life October 6 lh 1826 : Aged 70 Years Jesus to thy dear faithful hand My naked soul I trust And my flesh waits for thy command To drop into my dust. 1836 r W. S. Here lies the body of William Sutlif of the City of New York who departed this life Sepf 24 th 1827 : Aged 39 years & 4 months Before I was of age years twenty one I was call'd to believe in God 8 dear son Now here with dust my body lies Till my dear saviour shall bid it rise 1837 m In memory of ISABELLA HAMILL Died Octo 17, 1877 Aged 59 Years 1838 m JOANNA NELSON Born October 28, 1798, Died March 31, 1886 Mother, at Rest, 262 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1839 m SACRED TO THE Memory of JARED NELSON Died May 18 th 1842 Aged 54 Years Happy soul thy days are ended All thy mourning days below 184© m OLIVIA A. Daughter of Jared & Joanna Nelson Born March 3rd 1839 Died June 7 th 1863 How sweet the hope to mortals given Of dwelling in the christians heaven. 1844 m In memory of Abbie E. Wife of ROBERT E BARTON Died Dec. 24 th 1870 Aged 30 yrs 10 mos & 2 days 1845 m HENRY J BAUER Died June io tk 1863 Aged 28 years, 3 mo's, & 2 DAYS 1841 m In Memory of WILLIAM O TOOKER Died July 14 th 1872, Aged 65 yrs. 9 Mos & 26 days. 1846 m ANN ELIZABETH TOOKER Died May 31 st 1861, Aged 24 years 1842 m In memory of MATILDA Wife of WILLIAM O TOOKER Died Sept 7 th 1871, Aged 64 yrs, 4 mos & 17 days 1843 m James C. Tooker Died Dec 15 1863 Aged 20 yrs, & 9 months 1847 m IN memory of WILLIAM O TOOKER Jr who died Nov 14 th 1856 ; Aged 24 Years and 9 Months DANIEL W TOOKER died Sepf 2 d 1832 ; aged 3 years & 3 days Sons of William O. and Matilda Tooker 1848 m IN memory of Augustus Tucker Son of Benjamin W. & Susan Tucker who died May 9 th 1833 : aged 3 years 7 months and 15 days CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 263 1§49 m IN memory of MARY wife of Benjamin Whitehead who died April 27, 1835 aged 73 years 1850 m IN memory of Benjamin Whitehead who died May 3 1S35, aged 75 years 1851 r S. L. M. In memory of Squier L. son of Squier & Phebe Maurow died Dec r 14 th 1S10 Aged 3 months & 5 days Sleep dear babe and take thy rest God call'd thee home he thought it best. ABNER S. TUCKER died April u' 1 ' 1840 In the 31 91 Year of his age Daniel Tucker died Dec. 12 th 1830 In the 27"' Year of his age 1854 m IN memory of MICHAEL WOODRUFF who died Nov r 28 th 1852 ; In the 71 st Year of his age 1852 r M. H. In memory of Mary widow of John Hull who died July 20 th 1811 in the 84 th year of her age Peace be to her dust & choirs of Angels sing her to her rest. 1853 m IN Memory of GIDEON B. TUCKER who died Aug 9t 18 th 1849 In the 35 th Year of his age 1855 m IN Memory of ESTHER R. Daughter of John Zeluf and wife of Michael Woodruff who died Jan? 28 th 1854 In the 62 d Year of her age 1856 r A. W. In memory of Amelia Daughter of John Zeluff & wife of Sam 1 R. Winans who died Feb 4 th 1829 in the 27 th year of her age Husband and children dear farewell Kindred and friends adieu Oft think of me where'er you dwell Until we meet anew 264 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1857 r J. Z. In memory of John Zeluff who departed this life April 17 th , 1818 in the 52* year of his age Hark O my soul, he speaks to thee As he is now so you must be He sleeps in dust but soon shall rise Prepare to meet him in the skies 1858 r HANNAH ZELUFF Widow of JOHN ZELUFF Died June 23' 1841, Aged 69 yrs 4 Mos and 14 days 1859 r D. W. To the Memory of David Woodruff who died Dec r 16 th 1795 in the 75 th Year of his Age John W Zeluff died Nov r the 16 th 1795 aged 1 Year and 4 Months. 1860 r Here lyes y e Body of Sarah wife of David Woodruff Dec'd Jan'? y e 25th 1749-50 in y e 29 th year of her Age 1861 m IN Memory of PHEBE CRANE widow of John Johnson who died May 9 th 1855 aged 88 years 4 months and 20 Days 1862 r In Memory of Mary, wife of Jesse Toms who died Sept r 2 d 1820 Aged 35 years 1863 r Here lyeth y e Body of Elizabeth Lalour who died Decem r y e 17 th 1742 in y 68 th year of her age 1864 r Hear Lyeth y e Bod y. of Isaac Bonn el who Dep d this Life Feby y e 15 th Anno Dom : 1736 in ye 38 th year of his age 1865 t Here lyes y e Body of * Cornelius Hetfield who died May y e 22 A. D. 1718 in y e 52 year of his age Joanna Daugh r of Cornelius & Sarah Hetfield, died April y e 13 th A.D. 1723 Aged 8 years & 5 Months My weary'd flesh lies here at Rest My Soul tryumphs beyond y e Skies Both shall with highest joys be Blest When Christ shall say you Dead Arise. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 265 1866 tn IN Memory of MARY B. McGILLIVRAY daughter of George & Margaret McGillivray who died July 3 rd 1869 aged 2 Years & 5 Months Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven 1867 m ELIZABETH B. McGILLVRAY Born April 22 d 1868 DIED August 7 1S74 Aged 6 yrs & 3 mos. God called the home he thought it best 1868 m JENNIE McGILLVRAY Born Jan 20' 1870 Died August 13 1874 Aged 4 yrs & 6 Mos Sleep on dear Chil- -dren and take thy rest 1869 r J. G. W. In memory of JONATHAN G. Son of Michael & Charlotte Winans: who died Sept r I st 1840 Aged 17 years & 4 months This stone is erected as a tribute of a mothers affection. INTO m AARON CRANE Died June 27 1854 Aged 62 years SARAH WIDOW OK Aaron Crane Died Aug, 20, 1869 Aged 74 years 1871 r M. C. Sacred To the memory of Malvina daughter of William I. & Mary Craig: who departed this life April 5 th 1823 Aged 14 years 1872 m IN MEMORY of THOMAS \V. son of William I and Phebe C. Craig who died July 12 th 1841. Aged 13 Years, 3 Months and 2 Days There was but a step between him and Death 1873 r M. C. Sacred To the Memory of MARY, wife of William I. Craig : who departed this life Jan? 2i 9t 1822 ; Aged 35 years 266 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Also of JULIET their infant daughter who departed this life Aug 8t 5 th 1820 ; Aged 4 months & n days 1874 m IN MEMORY OF W. I. CRAIG WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE Sept 4 th 1858 Aged 73 years 1875 m IN memory of SARAH MURDOCK who died Dec. 4, 1845 : Aged 75 years They who by their steady course Has happiness insured When earthes foundation shakes, shall stand By providence secured 1876 m IN MEMORY of GEORGE W. Son of EZRA & MARY DARBY who died March i Bt A. D. 1843 Aged 5 years 3 months and 10 days How short his little feet have trod Upon the dusty paths of life His soul has passed away to God Far, far, from mortal care and strife 1877 m In memory of EZRA DARBY WHO DIED FEB Y 4 th 1851 In the 34 th YEAR OF HIS AGE By dint of great perseverance he had surmounted many difficulties and was rapidly rising to a position as a Lawyer and a citizen when struck down by death I leave the world without a tear Save for the friends I hold so dear To heal their sorrows Lord decend And to the friendless prove a friend. 1878 m IN memory of ANNA WIFE OF Jacob Courson WHO DIED May 8 th 1846 In the 76 th year of her age Tis finish'd the conflict is past The heaven born spirit is fled Her wish is accomplished at last And now she's entombed with the dead. 1879 m IN memory of JACOB COURSIN WHO DIED Jany 28 th 1349. Aged 81 Years Receive O Earth his faded form In thy cold bosom let it lie Safe let it rest from every storm Soon must it rise no more to die. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 267 1880 r JACOB the Son of Abra m & Margaret Marsh, died Sept r the 30 th 1758, aged 2 Months 1881 m IN Memory of ALFRED BOARD WHO DIED Jan? 24 th 1854. Aged 46 Years 'Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. William Butler who departed this life Feb>- 5 th 1821 in the 32' 1 ' 1 year of his age 1882 m ELIZABETH SEABAR Died Aug st 31 st 1853. In the 2i 8t year of her age 1883 m IN Memory of MARY WIFE OF John Bender who died Sept 13 1854 Aged 22 years Also CATHARINE their daughter died Sept I2 tk 1854 aged 1 year and 1 month 1885 in IN Memory of PHEBE H. CRANE who died Oct 14" 1 1862 aged 69 years & 21 days She was first married to Francis C. F. Randolph who died July 11 th 1828 and after that, to George R. King who died Dec 31st 1S52 1884 m W. B. SACRED To the memory of of 1886 in SACRED to the Memory of FRANCIS C. F. RANDOLPH Esq r Counsellor at law, and late surrogate of essex county who departed this life July 11 th 1828 IN THE 35 th YEAR OF HIS AGE Stop ! passing stranger ! drop one tear A Husband, Father Friend lies here 1887 m To the memory of FRANCIS son of Francis C. F. Ran- dolph Esq r and Phebe H his wife who died Sept r 23 1821 : Aged 1 year 9 months & 25 days 268 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1888 m IN Memory of Robert Randolph who died sepf 25 th 1S24 aged 1 year 1 month and 2 days Also of Maria H Randolph who died Octr i st 1626 aged 11 months Children of Francis C. F. and Phebe H Randolph 1889 r A W In memory of Abner Winans who died March 28 th 1812 in the 45 th year of his age 1890 r In Memory of Gilbert H Son of Peter & Hannah Winans who died July 16 1813 Aged 2 months & 29 days rest Sleep on dear babe & take your You in your makers arms are blest And now to you we bid adieu God fit us all to follow you. 1891 m ERECTED By the children of PETER WINANS WHO DIED in the City of New York May 10 th 1842 Aged 52 years If ever truth in epetaph was told Reader for truth this character behold To act uprightly was through life his plan He lives beloved and dide an honest man 1892 r J. W. Sacred to the memory of Isaac Woodruff Esq Who deceas'd Oct r the 17 th 1803 in the 82 d Year of his Age A man celebrated for mildness of man- ners for integrity in his dealings, for faithfulness in public office & for af- fectionate care for his own Offsprings & for the Church of God 1893 r Sacred to the Memory of Sarah Woodruff, Wife of Isaac Woodruff Esq r who died the V th day of September 1799 in the seventy seventh Year of her Age 1894 r Here is interred what Was mortal of Mr Joseph Woodruff who Died Septem r y e 25 th 1746 in y e 72 d Year of his age Under these clouds in dust and ruin iy. Remains of meekness kindness piety to be revived when Christ in glory come to raise his Sleeping Saints and call em home CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 269 1§95 r Here lyeth y e Body of Mary wife of Josep 1 ' Woodruff who Died April the 9 th 1743 and in the 66 lh year of her age 1896 r Here lyes y e Body of Jacob Winans Aged 40 years Dec' 1 Jan rv y e 4" 1722 1897 r Here lies y e Body of Mary Daugh r of Jacob & Mary Winans Died Dec mr 16 1722 Aged 13 yrs 1898 r [This is a tablet inserted in the rear wall of the church] [See also 436] SACRED TO THE MEMORY Of the Rev d James Caldwell & Hannah his Wife who fell Victims, to their Country's cause in the Years 1780 & 1781 He was the zealous & faithful Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this Town where, by his evangelical Labours in the Gospel Vineyard & his early attachment to the civil Liberties of his Country He has left in the Hearts of his People a better Monument than Brass or Marble Stop Passenger Here also lies the remains of a Woman who exhibited to the World a brigh Constellation of the female Virtues On that memorable Day, never to be forgotten when a british Foe invaded this fair Village and fired even the Temple of the Deity This peaceful Daughter of Heaven retired to her hallowed apartment imploring Heaven for y e pardon of her Enemies In that Sacred Moment She was by the bloody Hand of a british Ruffian despatch'd, like her divine Redeemer through a Path of Blood. to her long wish'd for native Skies 1899 r Here lies y e Body of Mr Henry Baker who Died Feb y e 4: 1734 Aged 76 years 1900 r In Memory of Magdalene wife of Isaac Winans who died Sept the 12 th 1775 in the 58 th year of her age 2 JO INSCRIPTIONS *[N FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1901 r IN MEMORY OF Elias Winans who died Feb y e 12 th 1789 In the XLVIII Year of his Age A Loving Husband a father dear a faithful friend lies bury' d here 1902 r E. W. In Memory of Esther Winans Late Wife of Benjamin Watkins who departed this life Feb rv 20 th 1807 In the 63 d Year of her Age A loving wife a mother dear A faithful friend lies buried here 1903 t H. W. Hannah daughter of Elias & Sarah Winans who died April the 22 d 1796 in the 30 th year of her age 1904 ; IN memory of Mary wife of W m Dawes died Jan>' 28 th 1806 in the 52 d year of her Age 1905 r IN memory of William Dawes who died Aug st 28 th 1811 in the 65 th year of his Age 1906 m S R In memory of SARAH wife of Gilbert Rindell who departed this life April 23 d 1833 in the 29 th year of her age Hosannah to Jesus on high Another has enter'd his rest Another has 'scaped to the sky And lodge'd in Immanuel's breast The soul of our sister is gone To heighten the triumph above Exalted to Jesus's throne And clasp'd in the arms of his love 1907 m A N In memory of ALEXANDER NICOLL who was born in the Parish of Fordoun Kincardenshire Scotland and died Sept 17th 1834 In the 67 th year of his age Deeply deplored by his be- reaved family & the Church of which he was a ruling Elder, The benevolent and religious operations of the day, have lost in him a devoted friend and supporter No more his prayers shall rise to bless us Nor his soul yearn for a closer union With his God ; Twas not meet That he should'st longer tarry from that bliss Which God reserveth for the pure in heart CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 271 1908 m MARY NICOLL widow of Alexander Nicoll Born in Elizabeth December 2 nd 1777 Died August 6 th 1867 Asleep in Jesus 1909 m AUGUSTUS Son of Diego & Hannah I. McVOY died Aug st 7 th 1844 Aged 7 Years 8 Months & 13 Days The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away : blessed be the name of the Lord [These stones have been removed since May, 1890, to Evergreen Cemetery] 191 Ow John Thomas Son of George & Mary E Seaton died Aug st 25 th 1849 Aged 1 year 11 months and 17 days Sleep on dear babe and take your rest Since young and old must die 1911 M In Memory of John Thomas son of George and Mary E Seaton who died Jan^ 9 th 1852 aged 2 years 2 months and 3 days God call'd you home he thought it best Sleep on dear babe and take your rest To reign with him on high God called you home he thought it best 1912 m [Body removed to Evergreen Cemetery] IN Memory of MARY E. WIFE OF GEORGE SEATON Daughter of Thomas and Mary McCullor who died April 27 th 1852 Aged 24 years & 9 Months Friends nor physicians could not save Her mortal body from the grave Nor can the grave confine it here When Christ shall call her to appear [This stone has been taken up and lies on the ground Feb. 17, 1891] 1913 m MAGGIE Wife of THOMAS FORSYTH Died July 28 th 1875 Aged 34 yrs and 10 Months Her children arise up and call her blessed : her Husband also, and He praiseth her 1911 m RICHARD Son of Richard and Sarah Gale died Dec. 22 1845 aged 22 Days Sleep on dear child And take your rest God called thee home He thought it best 272 INSCRIPTIONS TN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1915 m WILLIAM EDWARD Infant Son of James and Catharine A. GALE Died Aug, 17 1852 Aged 3 Months Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care The op'ning bud to heaven conveyed And bid it blossom their 1916 m SARAH MURDOCK WIFE of DR. RICHARD GALE Born April 17 1807 Died August 24 1S67 " My work is done, I have left nothing undone" 1917 m RICHARD GALE M.D. U.S.N. DIED Octr 4 th 1848 Aged 45 Years and 11 Months An honest man is the noblest work of God 191S m SARAH H GALE Born November 2, 1837 Died November 3, 1880 Faithful unto Death 1919 m IN Memory of HENRY REILLY WHO DIED May 8 th 1856 Aged 26 Years and 10 Months Gently I laid my treasure down In faith and holy trust And sweetly in the green graveyard Doth sleep his precious dust. 1920 m In Memory of HANNAH PHINNEY Late Widow of capt. LEWIS WOODRUFF and Daughter of The Rev. AZARIAH HORTON who died July 24 th 1844 Aged 87 Years She was a liberal donor of, and to, this Church ; and one of its most zealous Members . for nearly 60 Years " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." [This is a marble tablet inserted in North wall of church] 1921 r SACRED to the memory of Elizabeth O. Barnet who departed this life October 15 th 1839 Aged 47 years The memory of the just is blessed She's gone the friend and sister dear We trust where angels ever sing To mansions in the skies 1922 r Sacred to the memory of Miss Rachel Daugh- ter of Joseph & Cath- erine Barnet, who died July the 29 th 1791 Aged 16 years 11 Months and 29 Days Death call the aged and the young From earthly cares from every wrong His summons seizes on the best And God the righteous soul hath blest mm llii T r "*-n ii ^ - idi jt£ jam *i ■ — ^ T,f i " ' v ~ — ^—- ^wr- .Eirfe 'WFEMfeSIII 1C) In pncni til i/SwJ .... \,h'"° ' , I I'"" f~'| MR ■HKBR THE LAWRANCE STONE SET IN CHURCH WALL. IB CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 273 1923 r M. B. In memory of MARY widow of ' Joseph Barnet, who departed this life April 16 th 1S27 Aged 6g years Affliction sore long time she bore Physicians skill was vain Till God in mercy called her home And eased her of her pain 1924 r HERE LYETH THE BODY OF THOMAS LAWRANCE AIGED 19 YEARS WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 26 OF OCTOBER 1687 1925 r J. B. In memory of JOSEPH BARNET who departed this life Dec' 12 th 1816 Aged 70 years Fear not the terrors of the grave Or death's tremendous sting He will from endless wrath pr'serve To endless glory bring 1926 r Here lies the body of Mrs Catharine Wife of Joseph Barnett who departed this life may [Stone defaced] 1927 r Dedicated to the memory of Dr. William R. Barnet died Feb 23"' 1S23 aged 35 years And lately a Cap' in the U. S. Ser- vice : who served his country faithfully through her last bloody Struggles, then retired, crowned with laurels of his country and friends Text, Blessed are the dead &c Rev. 14 th 13 Torn from his friends by deaths bold stroke [Stone defaced] 1928 m IN Memory of EUNICE WOODRUFF who died Jan 22, 1845 In the 64 th year of her age " Let me die the death of the rightous and let my last-end be like hers" 1929 ; D. W. In memory of David Woodruff who died Sept r 7 th 1822 Aged 72 years As you are now, so once was I In health and strength though here I lie As I am now so you must be Therefore prepare to follow me. 1930 r E. W. In memory of ELIZABETH, wife of David Woodruff who died Dec r 28 th 1823 Aged 71 years The year rolls round, and steals away The breath that first it gave Whate'er we do where'er we be We're traveling to the grave 274 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1931 r IN memory of (widow) ABIGAIL RICH who died May i 8t 1831 aged 52 years Mourn not for me my children dear, Afflictions long I've borne Prepare— that you may meet me here In Heavens eternal home 1932 r Here are interr'd y e Rem- ains of Mrs Hannah Wife of Mr David Morehows Dec'd Janu^ y e 7 tu a.D. 1733 in }' e 35 th year of her Age (fled Here from all worldly Joys I'm To y e dark Mansion 3 of y e Dead Prepare Spectato rs for you must Like me be quick 1 * turned to Dust 1933 m The Graves of Three children of Robert P. & Mary V. Archer WILLIAM G. died Aug st o ,b 1844 Aged 6 years MARY A, died March 15 th 1845. Aged 3 Years MARY E. died April 13 th 1846 Aged 1 Year Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. 1934 tn IN Memory of JOANNA wife of DANIEL PIERSON and daughter of Samuel & Mary Say re who died April 6 th 1819 Aged 26 Years & 15 days write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Rev 14c 13V 1935 m IN Memory of SAMUEL SAYRE WHO DIED Oct. 30 th 1838 In the 72 nd Year of his age How long beneath the law I lay In bondage and distress I toil'd, the precept to obey But toil'd without success 1936 m IN Memory of MARY wife of Samuel Sayre WHO DIED Sept 7 th 1828 In the 58 th Year of her age The victory now is obtain'd She's gone her dear Savior to see Her wishes she fulley has gain'd She's now whare she longed to be 1937 r Mr. Toseph Sayre departed this Life Feby y e 6 th A D. 1757 In the 38 th year of his Age Weep not for me my Friends For why? my Race is run It is the will of God And let his will be done CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 275 1938 r SACRED to the memory of ELIZA wife of Abraham Craig who departed this life June 2 nd 1832 aged 40 years Tis finish'd now the great deciding part The world subdu'd and Heaven has, all, my, heart She in a sacred calm resign'd her breath . And as her eyelids clos'd she smil'd in death 1939 r S. R. In memory of SOPHIA daughter of Gilbert & Sarah Rindell who died July 28 th 1823 in the 20 th year of her age when blooming youth is snatch'd away Our hearts the mournful tribute pay 1940 r J R In memory of JOHN son of Gilbert & Sarah Rindell who died May 28 th 1S11 in the 19 th year of his age In death lamented, as in life beloved Also Mary W. daughter of Gilbert & Sarah Rindell, died Jan>' 18 th 1804 aged 9 years We'll cease to mourn for they're at rest 1941 m G. R. SACRED To the memory of GILBERT RINDELL who departed this life February 28 th 1832 in the 72 d year of his age Let friends no more my suff'rings mourn Nor view my relics with concern O cease to drop the pitying tear I've past beyond the reach of fear 1942 r HERE lies the Body of Timothy Woodruff who departed this Life Novem r the 15 th Anno Domini 1766 In the 84 Year of his Age 1943 m IN Memory of THOMAS WOODRUFF who departed this life April 23 rd AD. 1805 Aged 71 Years 1944 m M. W. In memory of MARY WOODRUFF widow of Thomas Woodruff who departed this life July 14 th 1838 in the 93 d year of her age Serene she passed the crumbling verge Of this terrestrial scene Breathed soft ; in childlike trust And gave to heaven its own 276 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1945 r Here Lyeth y e Body of Mrs Sarah Woodruff Wife of John Woodruff. Who departed this Life the 3 of June 1727 in the 62 year of her age 1916 r Here lies y e Body of Hannah Widow of Thomas Woodruff who deceas'd y e I st of May Anno Domini 1757 In }' e 66 th year of her Age 1947 r Here lyes y e Body of Thomas Woodruf Dec'd March y e 25 1752 In y e 63 d year of his Age Here Lyeth y e Body of Matthias Woodrowfe dec d May y e 22 A° 1733 in y e 17 year of his Age 191S r Here Lyeth y e Body of Thomas Thomas Woodrowfe Jun r Dec d Feb y e 23 1732 in y e 20 year of his Age 1949 m IN Memory of ANN ELIZABETH WIFE OF Thomas C. Cox and daughter of James & Hannah B. Cree who died Aug st 12 th 1849 Aged 24 Years and 5 Months Also CHARLES WILLIAM their infant son 1950 m IN Memory of Robert Porter who died Aug 8t 9 th 1859 In the 40 th Year of his age 1951 m IN Memory of WILLIAM PORTER JR, who died March 2 d 1856 Aged 41 Years 1952 m in Memory of ELIZABETH WIFE OF William Porter who died Dec r 25 th 1843 In the 61 st year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 277 1953 m In memory of MARGARET PORTER who died Aug 9t s lh 1853 Aged 31 Years We loved her yes no tongue can tell How much we loved her and how well God loved her too, and he thought it best To take her home and be at rest 1954 r Here lyeth the body of phebe wife of Ephraim Terrill & daughter of s William & hannah Winan who departed this life March y e 31 st Annoque Domini 1739 & in y e 19 th year of her age 1955 r Here Lyes Interr'd the Corps of Experience Winans the Wife of Josiah Winans Who Resigned her breath May y e 23 d Anno Domini 1759. In y e 37 th year of her Age All Humane Bodies yield to Deaths decree The Soul survives to all Eternity 1956 r Margaret Daughf of James & Jane Winans, who deceas'd July y° 22 d A. D. 1786. In y e 3' 1 Year of her Age 1957 r Here lyes y e Body of Patience wife of Jonathan Dayton Dec d Jan'}' y e 14 1744 In y e 34 th year of her Age 1958 r AS THE TREE FALLS SO IT LIES SACRED to the Memory of Mr Jonathan Dayton who departed this Life October y e 4 th 1776 in the LXXVI Year of his Age 1 959 r Here lyes y e Body of Mary wife of Jonathan Dayton Dec d March y e 18 1734 In y e 33 d year of her Age 1960 r HERE LYETH THE BODY OF SAMUEL L LAWRENCE AIGED 15 YEARS WHO DEPAR TED THIS LIFE THE 9 OF AVGVST 1687 1961 r J D In memory of Joseph Dayton who died Sepf 22 d 1802 in the 24 th year of his age Son of Daniel & Hannah Dayton 18 278 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN trod The path which young Josiah walked, he And early learned to love, & serve his God His days of pilgrimage on earth were few, Swift as a chaft, his anxious spirit flew. 1962 r D. D. In memory of Daniel Son of Daniel & Hannah Dayton, who deceas'd Sepf 14 th 1804 in the 24 th year of his Age Once more we weep, Once more erect a stone The last sad office to another son His bud and blossom promised early fruit But deaths destroying worm fell at the root [There's more of this verse but cannot be made out] 1963 r H. D. In memory of Howell son of Daniel & Hannah Dayton died Sep r 27 th 1806 in the 32 d year of his age O much beloved — much lamented youth Thy gentle manners — tenderness & truth Thy filial virtues and thy rising worth Tho late the bright inhabitants of earth Are now no more — deaths winged ar- row flies And slays our hopes to raise thee to the skies Submit our souls to heavens afflictive rod And yield the sainted spirit to its God 1964 r HERE LIES y e Body of Elizabeth wife of Jonathan Daeyton Dec d Oct r 17 1766 In the 70 Year of her Age 1965 r Here Lyes y e Body of John Winans Aged 25 years. Dec d may y e 22 d 1733. Jacob Winans Aged 3 years 1966 r H. D. Filial respect has erected this stone In memory of one of the best of Mothers HANNAH DAYTON relict of Daniel Dayton She died March 24 th 1816 aged 66 years Her various virtues as a wife a mother & a christian i Are not recorded on this temporary monument But in the hearts of her children & friends As well as in the book of her Saviour and Judge CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 279 1967 r D. D. In memory of Daniel Dayton who died Feb? 19 th 1808 : Aged 67 years Also 4 children of Daniel & Hannah Dayton Daniel died Sept r 17 th 1776 in the 5 th year of his Age Abigail died Oct r i 9t 1776 in the 9 th year of her Age Daniel died Aug st 30 th 1778 Aged 9 m° & 11 days Robert W. died July i 3 < 1792 in the 6 th year of his Age 196§ m IN Memory of DAVID PRICE who died Feb? 20 th 1851 In the 40 th Year of his age Farewell dear friends I must begone I have no home nor stay with you I'll take my staff and travel on Till I a better world do view 1969 m HENRIETTA J. died May 25, 1849, ag'd 10 Mo. & 9 days EZRA E. died Nov. 15. 1852 ; ag'd 2 Y'rs & 5 Mo Children of Edward W. & Olivia Price Dear Children thou hast left us To the cold and silent tomb Thy bodies laid beneath the sod Thy spirits gone away to God. 1970 r M. P. Mary daughter of Henry & Sarah Post died May i6 (h 1813 aged 3 years & 6 mo. 1971 r In Memory of Mary daughter of John & Mary Price who died Nov r 4 th 1816 Aged 3 months & 23 days 1972 m IN Memory of JOHN PRICE who died Jan? 14 th 1821 In the 39 th Year of his age Weep not my friends Weep not for me Whilst here beneath the clods I lay I calmly wait the judgement day. 1973 m IN Memory of MARY P. WIDOW OF John Price who died Nov, 30 1866 In the 78 th Year of her age My dear friends weep not for me me My troubles are o'er, prepare to follow 28o INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1974 m IN memory of ANN the 2 nd wife of Daniel Willis who died August 13 th 1S24 In the 54 th Year of her age Thou art gone to the grave we no longer behold thee Nor tread the rough paths of the world by thy side But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee And sinners may hope since the Sav- iour hath died 1975 m IN Memory of DANIEL WILLIS who died Dec 27 th 1845 In the 81 st Year of his age thee Thou art gone to the grave but we will not deplore Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb The Saviour hath passed through its portals before thee And the lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom 1976 m Here lies the Body of Joshua Marsh who departed this Life September y e 21 st Anno Domini 1744 In the 54 th Year of his Age 1977 r I. M. In memory of Mr Isaac Marsh who died Jan^ 30 th 1801 in the 48 th year of his age Children & friends Behold my tomb This is my home yet there is room Prepare to die and at a word To meet your Saviour & your God. 1978 m Mary Cushing Allen Died May 14 th 1855 Aged 7 years 1979 m ELIZABETH TREVETTE ALLEN Died April 10 th 1864 Aged x8 Years 1980 r William son of William & Marga- ret Ramson, died aug' 17 1800. In the 2 d year of his age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 28l 1981 m SACRED to the memory of three sons of Oliver S Halsted & Marj' his wife CALEB died Ocf 12 th 1827 in the 12 th year of his age ISAAC WILLIAMSON, died Nov r 24 th 182S in the 2 a year of his age WILLIS POPE died at Chilicothe Aug 9 * 3i 8t 1823 in his 10 th month Alas they're gone three lovely flow'rs Which bloomed and cheered our hearts Fair fleeting comforts of an hour How soon we're call'd to part. And shall our bleeding hearts arraign That God whose ways are love Or vainly cherish anxious pain For them who rest above? No ! let us rather humbly pay Obedience to his will And with our inmost spirits say "The Lord is righteous still." 1982 m To THE MEMORY OF CANDACE WIDOW OF Thomas Steele Jr Of Lenox Mass — AND DAUGHTER OF ELNATHAN BOARDMAN Born at Rocky Hill Ct February 3 d 1769 Died December i 8t 1S57 19§3r IN MEMORY OF Mr Caleb Halsted who departed this Life June y e 4 th Anno Domini 1784 and in the 64 th year of his Age Underthese Clouds in Dust & Ruins lie The Remains of Meekness Kindness Piety To be reviewed when Christ in glory comes To wake his sleeping Saints & C?M 'em home 19§4r R. H. In memory of the widow Rebeccah relict of Caleb Halsted who died March 31 st 1806 aged 76 years 9 months & 14 days The unremitting paths she trod That leads to happiness and God Her seventy years had run their race Ere she was called to heavens embrace The joyful spirit left the clay Until the resurrection day And here the precious treasure lies Till God shall call it to the skies. 19§5 r JACOB, Son of Caleb & Rebekah Halsted, deceas'd May y e 27 th 1772 In the 6 th Year of his Age 19§6r In Memory of William Halsted Esq who died Nov r 22 d 1794 in the 47"' year of his age Firm as the earth thy gospel stands My lord, my hope my trust If I am found in Jesus hand, My soul can ne'er be lost. 282 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1987 r Elihu O. the Son of Elihu and Unice Halsted who died Ocf y e 23' 1 t 786 th In the 4 th Year of his Age 19§§ r Jane Pierson daugh r of Elihu and Eunice Halsted died April the 7 th 1793, aged 9 Months 19S9 1 R. H. Robert Halsted son of W m & Phebe Halsted died Nov r 19 th 1801' aged 20 years 4 months & 26 days Weep not for me my friends For now my race is run It is the will of God So let his will be done 1990; S. H. Samuel, Son of W U1 & Phebe Halsted died Jan>' 27 1805. in the 31 st year of his age Farewell terrestrial joys I in the grave must lie Adieu to glittering toys Death will not pass me by 1991 m OLIVER SPENCER HALSTED Chancellor of New Jersey A.D. 1845-52 Natus. Elizabeth N. J. 1793 Obiit Lyons Farms N. J. 1877, aetat 85. MARY HETFIELD HALSTED N. Elizabeth 1795 O. Newark N.J. 1866 ae l 74 Buried in Hetfield Vault St. Johns E. Church O. S. HALSTED JUNIOR, (PET) N. Elizabeth 1818, O. Newark 1871 aet. 53. " Sleeps near." ROBERT MORRIS HALSTED N. Elizabeth 1824 Buried at Sea 1853 aet. 29. ABEL HETFIELD HALSTED N. Elizabeth 1825. O. Lyons Farms 1873 aet. 48 " Sleeps near." FRANCIS WILLIAM HALSTED Natus Newark 1833 Masters Mate Seaman U S Navy Ot.llU.Ul f A • IT • \ l86l-65 Acting Ensign J Obiit Minnesota 1876 aetat 43 Sacred to the Memory of Father Mother & Brothers u }. G. B. H. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 283 1992 m C. H. In memory of CALEB HALSTED born April 24 th 1770. died July 25 th 1830 A devoted wife thus testifies her affectionate remembrance "Lean not on earth, 'twill pierce thee to the heart." 1993 r W. H. In memory of DR WILLIAM HALSTED who died June 19 th 1828 Aged 49 years & 4 months Beneath this stone death's prisoner lies The stone shall move the prisoner rise When Jesus with Almighty word Calls his dead saints to meet their Lord 1994 r P. W. In memory of Phebe Wife of Major John Wiley died Octr 11 th 1795, in the 38 th year of his Age 1995 m L. B. H. 199<» m IN Memory of N Vl'IIANIEL N. HALSTED who departed this life July 24 1816, Aged 25 Years 9 Months & 5 Days Happy are the dead who die in the Lord. 1997 m [Monument. West side] IN Memory of LUCRETIA B HALSTED WHO WAS BORN March 12, 1792 AND DIED June 27 i860 'Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." [South side] L. B. H. [North side] N. N. H. [East side] IN Memory of NATH L NORRIS HALSTED WHO WAS BORN Oct r 19 th 1790 AND DIED July 24 th 1816 " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." 1998 m In Memory of MATTHIAS HALSTED who departed this life 17 th December 1824 Aged 65 years 284 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN N. 1999 g [Horizontal slab] NORRIS HALSTED 1816— 1884. •'NOTHING IN MY HAND I BRING SIMPLY TO THY CROSS I CLING." 2000 r C V In memory of Cortland Vanaus- dol who departed this life June 1st 1796 aged 47 years 2001 m G. P. In memory of George Price who died Jan> 31 st 1813 aged 77 years Go home my friends and dry your tear 3 I must lie here till Christ appears A few more days and you must lie In the cold grave as well as I. 2002 r P W In memory of Phebe daugh' of George Price & widow of Sa- muel Woodruff who deceased Feb? 10 th 1797 in the 41 st year of her age Press'd by the hand of sore disease In pain I wandered on Till God my savior armed with love In murcy called me home 2003 r In Memory of Joanna the Wife of Farrington Price who died Oct ye 16 th A D 1789 In the 31 st year of her Age and also her two sons Aaron Price aged 1 year & 9 months & Benjamin M. Price aged 6 months 2004 r HERE LIES y e Body of Elisabeth Price who deceas'd Nov y e 27 th A. D. 1784 In y" 43 d year of her Age 2005 r HERE LIETH interr'd what was Mortal of Charity, the Wife of George Price who died Octr ye 4 th A. D 1776 In the 42 d Year of her Age 2006 r HERE lyes y e Body of Benjamin Price Esq r who died Nov r 27 th Anno Domini 1773 In .the 97 th Year of his Age Pray look upon my Grave, All you that passeth by, Where one doth live to such an Age Thousands do younger die. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 285 2007 r HERE LIE'S the Remains, of Mr 8 Mary Wife of Mr Ben' Price J r died May y e 12 th A D 1766 Ag d 48 Years 200§ r HERE LYETH the Body of Mr Benjamin Price Jr who deceas'd Dece 1 the I st A D 175Q aged 51 years And his Son John died 3 week after him aged 3 months 2009 r HERE lies the Body of Margaret Price who departed this Life April y e 13 th An Domini 1777 in y e 32 d year of her Age Death like an overflowing stream Sweeps us away, this Life's a dream 2010 r Here lies the Bodies of 2 Sons of Anthony & Rebekah Price William John who died y e 5 th of who died y e 2 d of June A. D. 1783 July A. D. 1782 in the 9 th year of in the 6 lh year of his age his age 2011 r A. P. Sacred to the memory of Anthony Price who died Feb II th 1807 in the 56 th year of his Age The years rolls around and steels away The breath that first it gave Whate're we do where'er we be We're travlling to the grave. 2012 r IN Memory of REBECCA WIDOW OF Anthony Price who died Febuary, 1826 Aged 73 years Here Lyes y" Body of Capt Joseph Meeker Aged 51 years Dec d Dec y e 14 th 1731 20 IS r Here lyes y" Body of Eliz"' Wife of Benj ,n Price Aged 18 years Dec d June y e 3 d 1731 Dau r of Cap* Joseph Meeker 286 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 2014 r M M In memory of Moses Miller who died Sep r 24 th 1 821 aged 80 years 6 mon 8 & 22 days His life was gentle & serene his mind His morals pure in every action just Husband dear & as a parent kind As such he lies lamented in the dust 2015 r IN Memory of MARY wife of Josiph Meeker who died Feb>- 8 th 1834 Aged 72 years My flesh shall rest in hope 201 § • In memory of Ezubah Wife of Moses Miller who departed this Life August y e 18 1784 In the 38 th year of her Age Her weary Body here shall re8t No more by sin nor grief opprest Till her dear Saviour bid her rise And come to meet him in the skies 2016 r Sacred To the Memory of Joseph Meeker who departed this life Oct 23 d 1803 In the 48 year of his Age Death calls the aged & the young From all their cares from every wrong H His summons seises on the best Their very pains & deaths are blest 2017 r J S M In memory of Joseph Steve ns Son of Joseph and Mary Meeker departed this life June 20 th 1784 in the 3 d year of his age Likewise Sarah daughter of Joseph and Mary Meeker departed this life July 21 th 1803 Aged 12 months 2019 m In memory of ABIGAIL wife of David Meeker who died May 14 th iJ aged 25 years Farewell no more, I tread your ground No more I need the gospel found My feet have reach'd the heavenly throne I know no imperfection more. $13 2020 m In memory of ELIZABETH daughter of David & Frances Meeker who departed this life Sepf 19 th 1816 Aged 2 months & 5 days Also Joseph their son who departed this life Sept r 18 th 1817 Aged 5 months & 20 days CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 287 2021 m In memory of FRANCES daughter of David & Frances Meeker who departed this life Aug 81 30 1822 Aged 4 months & 26 days 2022 r J M M MAM In memory of John M Meeker who died Jan 20 1822 in the 39 th year of of his age Also of Mary Ann daughter of John M. & Phebe Meeker who died Sept 22 1825 in the 16 year of her age 2023 r S M In memory of SUSAN daughter of John M. and Phebe Meeker who died Jan? 22 1833 In the 19 th year of her age 2024 m IN MEMORY SUSAN MILLER Daughter of William O, & Mary PRICE WHO DIED January 9 th 1852 Aged 6 years 2025 r O. P In memory of Oli- -ver Son of Farring- ton Price who de- ceas'd Oct r 3' 1 1797 aged 12 years & n months 2026 r E P In memory of Elizabeth the wife of Farrington Price Who died Nov 2 d 1800 in the 43 d year of her age 202? r F P In memory of Farrington Price who deceas'd Dec r 18 th 1802 in the 45 th year of his age Thus death you see will not relieve The bravest men in life No mortal soul hee'l not retrieve Beware of worldly strife 2028 r G. F. In memory of George Farrington son of George & Catharine Price who died June 15 th 1810 aged 1 year & 11 months The Parents wept A last adieu Upon this beauteous clod While up to Heaven the seraph flew To meet A smiling God 288 INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRS*T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD. 2029 m Sacred to the memory of GEORGE PRICE who departed this life Febuary the 27 1816 Aged 35 years Also to the memory of JOHN N. O. son of George & Catharine Price who departed this life June the 22 d 1814 Aged 6 days 2030 m In Honor of CATHARINE OLIVER Relict of GEORGE PRICE JUN R AND WIDOW OF Isaac L Davis Died June 22 AD 1854 Aged 69 years An Example worthy of all Praise Rest thou in Peace 2031 r In Memory of two children of George & Catharine Price JOHN NICHOLAS died Nov 3 1816 aged 1 year 3 months &: 15 days GEORGE FARRINGTON died July 26 1821 aged 9 years & 7 Days Let friends no more our sufferings mourn Nor view our relics with concern O cease to drop the pitting tear We've past beyond the reach of fear 2032 m [North side] JOSEPH O MEEKER Died Feb 17" 1 1879 aged 47 YRS MARY WOODRUFF WIFE OF Joseph S Meeker Died April 6 th 1853 Aged 60 years " I am the resurrection and the life" [East side] Joseph S Meeker Died Dec. 8 th 1876 Aged 85 y'rs Psa Great peace have they which love thy law [South side] MARY W MEEKER Died April 20 th 188 1 Aged 64 y'rs Isa. 40. 31. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength [West side] SARAH DAUGHTER OF Joseph S and Mary Meeker Died July I st 1842 Aged 18 years " In a moment we are cut down and withered." MATILDA F. MEEKER Died Jan. 15 1858 Aged 19 y'rs ST. JOHNS CHURCH. Inscribed over South door of [St. Johns Church in Elizabeth, N. J.] ST. JOHNS CHURCH First service Nov r 3 d 1703 ENLARGED & REPAIRED AD 1808 FURTHER ENLARGED 1840 REBUILT 1859 INSCRIPTIONS 1 m [West side] JANE D. BUTLER Born June 3 rd 1821 Died Jan. 15 th 1856 [South side] Her hope and her glory 2 m IN Memory of WILLIAM C. DeHART A Captain in the Second Regiment of U. S. Artillery who whilst on service in Mexico contracted the illness of which he died in this Town April 2i 8t 1848 Aged 48 Years 3 m SACRED to the memory of Capt. CYRUS DeHART an Officer of the Army of the Revolution Born June 17 th 1757 Died September 7 th 1831 •I tn SACRED to the memory of MARY B. CHETWOOD Consort of Captain CYRUS DeHART Born September 21 st 1761 Died March I s ' 1823 5 m In Memory of Susannah Jelf who died April 27 th 1792 in the 57 th Year of her Age 6 m J. E. C. Jane Emott Daughter of William & Mary Chetwood died Jan? 11 th 1829 in the 9 th year of her age See the lovely blooming flower Fades and withers in an hour So our transient comforts fly Pleasures only bloom to die 7 in SACRED To the memory OF Timothy Phelps Son of Francis B. & Elizabeth Chetwood who died Oct r 14 th 1836 aged 1 year 2 months and 10 days. Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. 292 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 8 m WILLIAM ASHTON CHETWOOD Born September 30 th 1809 DIED December 8 th 1835 9 m " Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." Matt. 5 c. 8 v. SACRED to the memory of CAPT ROBERT EDES who died at Sea in sight of the Island of St. Michals, Aug. 27 th , 1836 aged 47 years 5 months and 16 days His remains now lie interred in the Episcopal Burial Ground of that Island. Here sleeps all that was mortal of his Son Henry Phelps Edes who died Aug. 6 th 1836 aged 2 years 4 months and 16 days. Here also sleep another little Son Robert Henry Edes who died Dec. 15 th 1837 aged 1 year 1 month and 13 days. E're sin could blight, or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care These opening buds to Heaven conveyed And bade them blossom there. l©r D. B. In memory of Daniel Barhyt who died July I st if in the 63 d year of his age 14 11 r E. B. In memory of Elizabeth wife of Daniel Barhyt who died Jan y 18 th 1820 Aged 62 years CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 293 Mm In Memory of Mary Ann Jelf Chetwood who died May 29 th 1801 Aged 3 years & 7 months 13 m SACRED To the memory of John Chetwood M.D. who died of Cholera on the 13 th of August 1832 in the 64 th year of his age He fell a victim to that untireing benevolence which for more than 40 years marked his professional course. The meridian Sun found him ministering to the suffering poor; its next morning beams fell upon his grave " Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy." 14 m SACRED To the memory of George Jelf Son of John J. & Margaretta W Chetwood who was born July 16 th 1836 and died March 19 th 1838 As the sweet flower that scents the morn But withers in the rising day Thus lovely was this infants dawn Thus swiftly fled its life away I ."> m IN MEMORY OF Mrs. Mary Chetwood the late amiable Con- sort of John Chetwood Esquire. She departed this Life on Saturday the 25 th of February A. D. 1786. In the 46 th Year of her Age. 16 r IN MEMORY OF John Ogden who deceased September 27 th 1817 in the 94 th year of his Age 17 r IN MEMORY OF Abigail Clark. Wife of John Ogden who deceased July the 29 th 1789 In the LXIV Year of her Age 18 r D. O. In memory of Deborough wife of John Ogden who deeeas'd Oct r 6 th 1803 in the 53 d year of her age. disease Press'd by the hand of sore In pain I wander'd on lore Till god my saviour arm'd with In mercv call'd me home Son of John Ogden, who was son of Benjamin. 19 2 9 4 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 19 r In Memory of William Nixon was Born in Ireland in y e Year 1715 and Departed this Life Oct r 29 1777 Aged 62 Years 20r In memory of Robert Lee who departed this life June 19 th 1819 in the 71 st year of his age. 21 r W. L. In memory of William Lee who died Sep r 9 th 1799 in the 26 th year of his age 22 //* In memory of PHEBE WIFE OF Andrew Ogden who died Oct 28 th 1847 AGED 83 YEARS AND 2 MONTHS 23 m IN MEMORY OF ANDREW OGDEN WHO DIED October 10 th 1836 Aged 69 years 24 m IN MEMORY OF ISAAC OGDEN WHO DIED July n tU 1813 Aged 19 years 8 months And 3 days 25 r Sacred to the memory of Margaretta Stewart Bliss daughter of B. E. & E. J. Bliss who died Oct r 17 th 1824 Aged 19 years Life's little lines how short how faint How fast they fade away, It's highest hopes its brightest joys Are compassed in a day 26 r Sacred to Friendship This Stone is erected to the memory of Cap* John Rucastle who died July 16 th 1808 in the 55 th year of his age as a testimony of respect by an unknown Friend Life & the grave two different lessons give Life teaches how to die. Death how to live 27 r Sacred to the memory of M" ANN TIEBOUT who died Sepf 25 th 1795. the 53 d year of her AGE This stone was erected to her memory (as a token of Filial affection) by them who knew her worth and still lament her loss In 23 Son of John Ogden, No. 16. Son of Andrew Ogden, No. 23. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 295 2§ r Sacred to the memory of Edward Thomas Esq r who died February 27 th 1795 in the 59 th year of his age. Also of Mary Thomas his wife who died February 27 th 1824 Aged 86 years Also of Edmund D. Thomas their son who died October 15 th 1816 Aged 56 years Also of Phebe Ruscastle their daughter who died April 2 d 1817 Aged 53 years. Also of SARAH THOMAS their daughter 29 m GEORGE C. THOMAS died July 29 th 186 Aged Si Years ANNA R. THOMAS HIS wife died Nov r 17 th 1850 Aged 63 Years SACRED To the memory of Methetabel relict' of Capt. Ralph Hylton who died Oct r 15 th 1810 Aged 92 years ALSO Their daughter Mary Hylton who died Oct 2 d 1831 in the S-j'h year of her age Henrietta Grandaughter of Capt Ralph & Methetabel Hylton and wife of James T Johnston who died Jan>" 31 1824 in the 24 th year of her age 31 m HERE REST The remains of M" Rachel Johnson Hylton Widow of the late William Hylton Jun r Both of the Island of Jamaica She was born July 17 th 1783 And departed this life Nov 19 th 1837 " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord even so saith the spirit, for they rest from their labours." This stone is placed here by her children in memory of their Mother 296 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 32 m C. P. SACRED To the memory of Catharine Provoost who departed this life Dec' 15 th 1835 Aged 72 years 33 m H. L. B. SACRED To the memory of Harriet Louisa Bowne who departed this life December 8 th 1825 Aged 31 years 2 months & 10 days 34 r In Memory of M" BELINDA HUNTT Deceased Sepf 16 th 1796 Aged 88 Years 35 r F. T. In memory of Frances Daugh r of of Joseph & Abigail Tooker who died Sep 11 1823 in the 4th year of her age Also of their son Charles H. who died Nov 5 1828 Aged 1 year & 6 D. 36; Here lies interr'd the Body of Joseph Tooker who depart ed this Life Apr 1 y e 13 th 1788 In the 69 th Year of his Age 37 r Here lies interr'd the Body of Ann Wife of Joseph Tooker who dece 8d Dec r y e 20 th 1787 In y° 65 th Year of her Age 38 r In Memory of Ann Daughter of Charles and Mary Tooker & Wife of Benj in Marsh who died April the 8 th 1789 In y e 19th Year of her age 39 r In memory of Charles Tooker who died Jan? 15 th 1810 in the 66 th year of his age Go home dear friends & drop no tears I must lie here 'till Christ appears And at his coming hope to have A joyful rising from the grave 40 r M. T. In Memory of Mary * widow of Charles Tooker who died Octr 14 th 1814 Aged 63 years In faith she liv'd ! in dust she lies! But faith forsees that dust shall rise When Jesus calls, while hope assumes And boasts her joys among the tombs CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 297 41 m PETER KEAN Public spirited as a Citizen Faithful, affectionate & devoted as a Son Husband & Father Sincere & firm in his faith as a Christian Sound & enlightened in his principles as a Churchman An exemplary & valuable member of this Congregation With talents & zeal that fitted him for extensive Usefulness He died deeply & universally lamented Oct r 2' 1 1828 Aged 40 years Sarah Louisa Jay Kean Amiable, engaging & affectionate of a spirit too gentle for this world She was called to a region of love & peace Oct r 6 th 1828 Aged 10 years Cornelia Livingston Kean died April 15 th 1829 Aged 5 days I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth : And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Parental affection has consecrated this stone To the memory of Jacob Morris Kean who died Dec r 23 rd 1817 aged 2 years & S months And of Susan Mary Kean who died April 2i 9t 1824 aged 2 years & 8 months And of Helen Rutherford Kean who died April 3 d 1824 aged 1 year & 5 months Children of Peter & Sarah S Kean SUSAN M. NIEMCEWICZ Obit May 14 th 1833 Aged 74 years The path of the just is as the shining light which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. 42 m IN Memory of Christopher Robert who died Feb. 27 th 1827 in the 79 th year of his age 43 m IN Memory OF Joseph Robert who died June 2 d 1837 in the 38 th year of his age. His remains were placed under the Church at the south side of the tower in 1859 when it was rebuilding. 298 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 44 m IN memory of Mary R daughter of Charles W & Mary H Rogers, who died March 4 th 1831 Aged 4 years 2 months & 3 days From adverse blasts & low'ring stor m9 Her favor'd soul he bore And with yon bright angelic forms She lives, to die no more. 45 m IN memory of Emily Mary daughter of Charles W and Mary H Rogers who died Jan>' 7 th 1832 Aged 2 years 9 months & 16 days Sure when these op'ning blossoms die And fade in beauty to the eye None should deplore For in a clime secure and bright Sustained by deathless air and light They pine no more. Also of CORNELIA widow of W m Townley who departed this life April 14 th 1840 Aged 55 Years Sweet is the memory of the just 'Twill flourish when they sleep in dust 46 m W. T. Sacred To the momory of William Townley who departed this life February 18 th 1835 Aged 51 years 5 months and 27 days 47 r G. B. In memory of Gabriel Barton who died Dec r 4 th 1809 aged 77 years and 11 months 4§r A, B, In memory of Ann widow of Gabriel Barton who died March 3 d 1S10 aged 68 years and 6 months 49 m WILLIAM SCUDDER DIED July 22 d 1849 Aged 38 years. Sacred is Memory ARCHIE 50 m IN MEMORY of MARGARET WIFE OF Smith Scudder WHO DIED Nov 27 th 1842 Aged 60 years How lov'd, how valu'd once avails thee not." CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 2 99 51 m IN MEMORY OF SMITH SCUDDER Born Nov r 6 th 1775 Died Sept 1- 26 tU 1846 Aged 70 years io months and 20 DAYS. 52 m ISAAC W SCUDDER Died Sep 10 1881 Aged 63 years "And he said, let me go " for the day breaketh 53; In Memory of James H son of Stephen & Phebe Barton, who died July 29 th 1825 Aged 5 years & 10 months Alas how chang'd that lovely flower Which bloom'd and cheer'd my heart Fair fleeting comfort of an hour How soon we're call'd to part 55 r E. B. In memory of Elizabeth daughter of John & Catharine Brown who died Feb 26 th 181 1 aged 24 years I will both lay me down in peace and sleep, for thou Lord onlymakest, me dwell in safety 56 r C. B. In memory of Catharine widow of John Brown who died Feb 28 th 1826 in the 76 th year of her age Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, yea saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them. 54 r In Memory of William S Son of Stephen & Phebe Barton who died June 7 th 1807 Aged 1 year & 10 months God has bereft me of my child His hand in this I view. 57 r J. B. In memory of John Brown who died March 17 th 1810 In the 60 th year of his age Whatsoever the hand findeth to do, do it with thy might, for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave whither thou goest. 30o INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 58 r Phebe daughter of John & Catharine Brown died July the 2i 8t 1792 in y e 11 th year of her age She liv'd belov'd & dy'd lamented 59 m IN MEMORY OF MY MOTHER OcT r 23d" 1 1848 60r IN Memory of Sarah widow of Thomas Tobin who died Sepf i Bt 1819; in the 82 d year of her age Also of Ann Salnave who died April 22 1828 in the 84 th year of her age 61 m In memory of BENJAMIN SMITH ESQ' of Elizabethtown who departed this life October 23 d 1824 in the 79 th year of his age. Lord I have loved the habitations of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. 62 r In Memory of John Peter Salnave who died Aug'st the 12 th 1743 aged XLII Years 63 r J.T. In memory of Jane Tobin who died Oct r 17 th 1831 in the 51 st year of her age I leave it all with God above To do his will and show his love, And when he calls we must obey To dwell with him in endless day 64 m SACRED to the memory of GEORGE TOBIN who departed this life Nov 15 th 1837 Aged 31 years Be still my soul the Lord hath call'd him home And thy beloved is entered into his rest. And of Elizabeth F. daughter of George & Nancy K Tobin who departed this life Sept 1 ' 20 th 1837 Aged 1 month & 23 days A tender plant too frail for Earths cold clime Transplanted to a Heavenly soil, in beauty there to shine 65 ;« TO MY MOTHER AND SISTER 66 m Louis died May 8 th 1853 Aged 1 yr & 1 mo CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 301 Louisa died Aug I st 1853 ag'd 1 yr & 4 mo Children of Philip and Catherine Cron "Verily I say unto you whos over shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein. 67 ^ John son of Joseph & Sarah Mann died Aug't the 17 th 1792 in the 4 th year of his age 68 m Near this stone lies that which was mortal of John Blackledge who departed this lfe July 19 th A. D. 1799 Aged 37 Years Also his Wife Phebe Blackledge who departed this life September 19 th A. D. 1827 Aged 66 Years. How still and peaceful is the grave When life's vain tumults past The appointed house by Heaven's decree Receives us all at last 69 r IN memory of George W. Son of Joseph & Mary Whipple who died Dec r 11 th 1834 aged 2 years 10 months and 21 days This lovely child so early call'd And hasten'd to the tomb Just came to show how sweet a flower In paradise could bloom Just tasting of life's bitter cup And now refused to drink it up. 70 r Elizabeth Damaris Dau tr of John Too ker Dec d July y e 27 1736 aged 1 year 1 month & o ds HERE Lyeth y e body of Abigail wife of Timothy Hal, stead, who died May y e 19 th A. D. 1732 and in the 68 th year of Her Age 71 r HERE Lyeth y e body of Timothy Hal, stead who dec d February y e 27 th Anno Domini 1734-5 and in y" 77 th year of His Age 302 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 72;- Here lyes y e Body of Philip Blacklieg Dec d Aug* y e 31 1753 in y e 66 th year of his Age 73 m In memory of William L Son of William L & Margaret R Rezeau who died April 14 th 1846 Aged 2 yr's 2 mo and 14 days Com' 74 m IN Memory of SALLY F WIFE OF J. D. Williamson who did Aug 9t 25 th 1843 Also of Com' J D WILLIAMSON who died at Guines Island of Cuba April 10 th 1844 75 m ERECTED to mark the spot where lie the mortal remains of ALFRED PARTON who died Dec 10 th 1840 in the 2i 9t year of his age Summoned hence in the vigor of youth in the very dawn of manhood, he was resigned to the decree of an all wise providence, and departed this life in the assurance of a blessed immortality "Let me die the death of the right- ous and let my last end be like his." 76 r Beneath this stone are deposited the Remains of Margaretta wife of William Dayton and Daughter of Matthias & Susannah Williamson who died on the 18 th day of April 1794 Aged 28 years Reader if e'er by tender sorrow led You trace these silent mansions of the dead Here solemn pause! the tearful trib- ute pay To one alas ! too early snatched away. Dear sainted spirit of our much love'd friend If from the blest abode thou may'st descend O ! come and teach us nature to subdue To practice all we saw and loved in you. 77 m MATTHEW WILLIAMSON 7§ r Sacred to the memory of M rs Susannah Williamson wife of Matthias Williamson Sen. [Inscription partly scaled off] The angel her flight to Heaven July 11 th 1793 7 year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 303 Her clay cold cor lies here interred Remem reader that this woman possessed all the amiable virtues of her sex without their foibles And has no doubt, received from her Redeemer that well known welcome "Well done thou good and faithful servant enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord." 79 r The family vault of T. SALTER 1838 80 m J. A. LACHAISE'S FAMILY VAULT 1849 81 r HERE lies the Body of Mary Widow of Boltus De Hart wno departed this Life Sepf y e 2i Bt A. D. 1779 In the LXIII Year of her Age. 82 r In memory of Henrietta William H born April 13 th born March 11 th 1823 1825 died Sept 16 th died Sept 12 th 1824 1826 William F Conklin born July 1^ 1821 died Sept I st 1823 Children of Daniel & Sarah S Conklin Bold infidelity turn pale and Die Beneath this stone three Infants ashes lie : Say are they lost or sav'd ? If deaths by sin, they sinned, for they are here If heaven's by works, In heaven they cant appear Reason ah how Deprav'd Revere the Bible's Sacred page; the knot's untied. They died for Adams sin'd, they liv'd for Jesus died. Sleep lovely babes and take thy rest God call'd thee home he thought it best Like as the grass is mown, God has cut our infants down 304 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS S3 / James son of Jeremiah & Vashti Garthwait died June y e 12 th 1792 aged 3 years and 8 months 84 m In Memory of ELIZABETH daughter of Martin & Elizabeth Keller who died Sept 19 1841 Aged 1 Year 1 Month & 24 days " Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God " §5 m In memory of SARAH MARGARET daughter of George & Mary Eyre who died March 24 th 1849 Aged 4 Years and 2 Months As the sweet flower that scents the morn But withers in the rising day Thus lovely was this infants dawn Thus swiftly fled its life away 86 m In Memory of MARY JANE daughter of Charles & Eleanor Donaghy who died March 16 1842 Aged 11 Months & 5 days Also Eleanor Donaghy who died Aug 1 1843 Aged 12 days Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God. 87 MORRIS HETFIELD FAMILY VAULT In memory of GEORGE BLIGHT who died on the 28 th November 1803 88 M HAMPTON WILLIAMSON'S Family vault. 89 r HERE LYES Interr'd y e Body of John Dennis who Departed this Life the 18 th Day of July Annoque Domini 1739 In the 44 th Year of his Age AND Mrs Mary Dennis who died Nov y" 26 th Anno Domini 1777 In the 76 th Year of her Age 90 The family vault of EDWARD C MAYO 1850 Hear my prayer O Lord, and with thine ears consider my calling ; Hold not thy peace at my tears. 91 Filial love Dedicates this Tablet To the memory of ISAAC H. WILLIAMSON who did July 10 th 1844 In the 76 th Yea r of his age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 305 93 [Vault] James & Sarah Ricketts 93 O. H. SPENCUS Family vault 1824 94 r In memory of Elizabeth widow of Jeremiah Garthwait who died March 26 1817 in the 71 st year of her age Within thy circling power I stand On every side I find thy hand Awake, asleep, at home, abroad I am surrounded still with God 95 r In Memory of George S Son of Henry & Ann Geiger who Died Aug 8t 8 th 1832 aged 4 years 2 months and 18 days This lovely bud so young so fair Call'd hence by early doom Just come to show how sweet a flower In paradise would bloom. 96 r S. G. In memory of Susanna wife of George Geiger who died April 20 th 1823 in the 66th year of her age This spirit shall return to him That heav'nly spark it gave Yet think not man it shall bedim When thou art in the grave. 97 r G. G. In memory of George Geiger who was born in Wirtenberg Germany and who died May 6 th 1824 in the 67 th year of his age. My time is run, my days are spent My life is gone it was but lent As I am now so must you be O then prepare to follow me. 98 m IN MEMORY OF HENRY BUTTLE WHO DIED on the 27 th day of December 1846 Aged 52 Years Lamented by all who knew his Worth, Kindness & Integrity 99 r E. B. In memory of Elizabeth Buttle who died Oct r 26 th 1823 Aged 67 years Also of MARY ANN daughter of Henry & Hannah Buttle who died Dec r 24 th 1828 Aged 3 years & 10 months This lovely bud so young and fair Call'd home by early doom Just came to show how sweet a flower In Paradise would bloom 306 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 100 r J. S. In memory of John Son of John & Ann Slater who died June 16 th 1837 Aged 27 years Weep not for me my friends For now my race is run It is the will of God So let his will be done. 101 m IN memory of John Slater who departed this life May 19 th 1838 in the 61 st year of his age. Children come view my bed of clay And pillow of the ground Where your fair bodies soon must lay And clods will wrap us round 103 r IN Memory of Thomas Slater who died at " Newark " November 3rd A. D. 1839 aged 31 years 9 months & 27 days " He shall return no more to his house neither shall his place know him anymore" Job VII. 10 102 m ANN SLATER Wife of John Slater died May i 8t 1841 aged 75 years GEORGE HOAGLAND son of Cornelius & Esther Hoagland died June 18 1843 aged n months & 17 days WILLIAM SLATER HOAGLAND son of Cornelius & Esther Hoagland died June 26 1843 aged 2 years and 10 months 104 m In memory of RHODA ANN WIFE OF Josiah Beavers & Daughter of William and Lucy Ogden who died Dec r 14 th 1843 In the 21 st Year of her age Tread softly oe'r this hallow'd ground A kind lamented friend lies here Ye who have felt misfortune's frown Come pause, and drop a tear. 105 m IN Memory of LUCY WIFE OF William Ogden who died Dec'' 17 th 1845 Aged 37 Years 106 m IN Memory of WILLIAM OGDEN WHO DIED Dec r 18 1845 Aged 43 Years 104 Dau. of Wm. Ogden, No. 106. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 307 107 r Ci-git Dame Anne Renee desverger de Manpertuis Veuve de Marc Antoine Nicolas Gabriel Baron de Clugny ancien Gouverneur des isles Guadeloupe et dependances decedee a Elizabethtown dans le Jersey le 26 th Juillet 1793 dans la Cinquante troisieme annee de son age Dieu veuille avoir pitie de son ame ! (translation) Here lie the remains of Lady Ann Renie desverger de Manpertuis the widow of Mark Antoine Nicolas Gabriel Baron de Clugny late Governor of the Island of Gaudaloupe and its dependences she died at Elizabethtown in New Jersey the 26 th of July 1793 in the fifty third year of her age The Lord have mercy on her soul. IO§r CI-GIT Demoiselle Julie Du Buc de Marcucy nee a la Martinsque le 21 Mai 1750 et Morte a Elizabeth Town dans l'etat de New Jersey le 11 Juillet 1799 Son frere Abraham Du Buc de Marentile recommande le respect et le soin de cette Tombe aux Hospitaliers habitans de cette Ville (translation) Demoiselle Julie Du Buc de Marcucy born in the Island of Martinique on the 21 st of May 1750 and Deceased at Elizabe The town in the state of New Jersey on the 11 th of July 1789 Her brother Abraham Du Buc de Morentille recommends the respect and the care of this Tomb to the hos- pitable inhabitants of this Town. 3o8 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 109 r Sacred to the Memory of Co" Jacob Dehart who died Septr the 2i 8t 1777 In the 78 th Year of his Age Of Abigail Crane his Wife who died June the 10 th 1770 in the 67 th Year of her Age Of Do c,r Matthias De Hart their eldest son who died April the 29 th 1766 in the 43 d Year of his Age Of Cap' Jacob Dehart their sec ond Son who died at Porto Prince in 1758 In the 31 st Year of his Age Of Joanna Dehart their Daugh ter who died Oct r the 2 d 1735 In y* n ,h Year of her Age 11© r In memory of John De Hart Esquire Counsellor at Law and mayor of this Borough ; who departed this life June I st 1795 aged LXVI years His worth in private life was truly great nor will his public virtues be forgotten his name being recorded on that list of Chosen Patriots who composed the memoirable congress of 1775 111 r HERE Also lieth the body of Mrs. Sarah Gildeme ester Relict of Peter Son mans Esq. She was Afterwards married to Christopher Gildeme ester Esq Deceas'd. She Departed this life the i at Day of December A. D. 1735 in the 36 th year of her age True Emblem of a hapyy marry'd life A Tender husband and a loving wife Lie here interr'd. Reader, behold, and see How great the difference betwixt them & thee Yet to this station thou must come at last When the false pleasures of this life are past Altho to merit, death hath no Regard Virtue like theirs will meet its own Reward HERE Lieth the body of Peter Sonmans Esq. one of y e Proprietors of this province. who departed this Life the 26 l h day of march Annoque Domini 1734 in the 67 th year of his age 112 r Here lyeth interr'd the Body of Capt n Peter Margat who departed this [stone Novembe r > e 19 th scaled off l 1735 in y 50 year of his Age. Here also lyeth y e 1 Body of M rs Judeth King Relict of Capt" Margat, was afterwards Married to Robert King Esq r Dec d , She Departed this Life June the 8 th A D 1748 in the 6i 8t year of her Age CHURCH YARD ELIZABETH, N. J. 309 113 r J.G. In memory of Jeremiah Garthwait who died March io'h 1812 in the 72 d year of his age His quivering lips hang feebly down His pulse is faint and few Then speechless with a pleasant groan He bids the world adieu But oh the soul that never dies At once it leaves the clay Ye thoughts pursue it where it flies and track its wondrous way. 114 r In memory of Jane widow of Henry Garthwait who died Feb? 8 th 181 5 in the 49 th year of her age Ah ! what is human life ? Day after day slides from us unper- ceived Too subtle is the movement to be seen Yet soon the hour is up — and we are gone ^^^^^^^ 115 r H.G. In memory of Henry Garthwait who died July 20 th 1813 in the 5 th year of his Age 117 r I. G. In memory of Isaac Garthwait Son of Jerem b & Eliz' 1 Garth- wait who died Sepf 22 d 1808 aged 41 years & 16 days Death cannot make our souls afraid If God be with us there t We may walk through the darkes shade And never yield to fear J.G. In memory of J Ames son of Henry & Jane Garthwait who died Dec r 22 d 1815 in the i8 tb year of his age 118 r M. G. In memory of Mary daug r of Jeremiah & Eliza- beth Garthwait who deceas'd Nov. 3 d 17S8 in the 19 th year of her age she was a dutiful daughter she lived beloved and died lamented by all her acquaintances 119r HERE lies y e Body of Henry GARTH- WAIT who depart- ed this Life Sept r the 8 th A. D 1774 In the LXXI Year of his Age 120 r Here Lyeth y e Body of Lydia Garthwait Wife of William Garthwait Deceased January v e 27 tu Anno 1729-30 3io INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 121 r To the memory of FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ SON OF FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ Merchant in Havana born in the City of Havana and died at Elizabeth Town on the 16 th Ocf 1812 aged 9 years 122 r IN MEMORY OF JONATHAN HAMPTON ESQ R who died Novem br y e i 9t A D 1777 In the LXVI Year of his Age MARY ANN his first Wife who died July y e 20 th 1746 aged XXXI Years HANNAH his Daughter who died March y e 30 th 1768 aged XVI Years ANN FRANCES his second Wife departed this Life Februa? the 24 th 1791. In the 77 th Year of her Age 123 r HERE LIETH interr'd the Body of M r Charles Townley SON OF COL L RICHARD TOWNLEY ESQ* who departed this Life Sep tember y e 2 d Anno Domini 1756. In the 70 th Year of his Age Likewise The Body of Abigail his Widow who deceas'd Decern 1 the 31 st A. D. 1759 aged 66 Years Remember us laid here in Dust The Grave shall rot off all our Rust Till y e last Trump shall rend y e Skies And Christ shall say Ye Dead arise 124 r Here Lye the Remains of John, Edwards, & John Emott y e Sons of John & Mary Emott of this Town Who Depated this Life Viz* y e Eldest Ocf 22 d Aged 7 years y e Second Nov' 30 th 4 years y e youngest Nov r 9 th 3 Weeks & 5 D 8 Anno Domi 1 1735 CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 3" Stay and Behold y° mighty force of De ith Breath Where Three are lay'd who scarce had drawn their If Innocents could not escape y° Shock How should grown Sinners stand Awaiting Look For y° same Fate its Natures Law they must E're long be gone & tumble into dust Let each Observer as he goes a long Prepare his mind for y e Triumphant Song of Hallelugahs to y e Lord of Love With these Blest Angels in y e Quire above So shall you all be happy in your End Like them with God through Christ your Life & Friend 125 r J.B. Here lies the body of John Butler who departed this life March 15 th 1824 in the 78 th year of his age Weep not for me I'm gone to rest Prepare to meet your God I trust in heav'n to meet you there Through Christ's atoning blood. 126 r D B IN memory of Daniel Butler who departed this life August 2i Bt 1824 aged 57 years Why should this earth delight us so Why should we fix our eyes On these low grounds where sorrows grow And every pleasure dies 127 r In memory of Mr Nicholas Schweighauser Merchant at New York Who departed this Life on the 2 d day of September 1799 in the 33 year of his age He was a native of Nantes in France Asa Husband, he was affectionate and endearing ; As a friend, sincere and liberal As a man, honest and respectable He died regretted by all who knew him Peace be to his remains. 12§/« IN Memory of MARGARET ELIZABETH daughter of Nekolaus & Elizabeth HATTRCH who died Feb. 27 th 1844 Aged 2 Years 3 Months and 17 days 312 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 129 m IN Memory of GEORGE H DEXTER WHO DIED March 3 d 1854 Aged 13 Years and 4 Months Dear Mother once more Good Night I go and wait your comeing 130 m D S S Sacred To the memory of Deborah S wife of John Stiles and daughter of John & Mary Hendricks who departed this life Sepf 21 st 1825 Aged 39 Years The months of affliction are o'er The days and the nights of distress We see her in anguish no more She's gained her happy release 131 m S. H. H. Sacred To the memory of Susan H daughter of John & Mary Hendricks who departed this life June 20 th 1820; Aged 36 years Adieu thou false deluding world adieu To realms I fly which sorrow never knew Where Jesus reigns, where all is joy and peace And cares and troubles shall forever cease 132; John Son of John & Mary Hendricks died Januay the 19 th 1792 aged 1 year 10 months 2 weeks and 3 days Tis God that lifts our comforts high Or sinks them in the grave He gives and (blessed be his name) He takes but what he gave 133 r W. G. In memory of Wil m Garthwait Esq r who deceas' d Sepf 3 d 1807 in the 76 th year of his age He was a faithful servent to the word of God and we have reason to believe he departed this life a true christian How joyful will the christian rise And rub the dust from of his eyes My soul my body I will trust With him that numbers every dust My saviour he will faithful keep His own for death is but a sleep. 134 m In memory of ELIZABETH Widow of Joseph Stevens WHO DIED May 28 th 1845 in the 80 th year of her age Also ELIZABETH widow of Caleb Ball who DIED Aug 7 th 1852 in the 63 rd year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 313 135 r V. G. In memory of Vashti wife of JEREMIAH C. GARTHWAIT; who died Aug Bt 3 th 1832 in the 63 d year of her age I had my part of worldly care When I was living as you are But God from it hath set me free There fore prepare to follow me 136 r J. C. G In memory of JEREMIAH C GARTHWAIT who died July 29 th 1822 in the 58 th year of his age He only liv'd on earth to prove The fulness of a Husband's love If in thy bosom dwells the sign Of charity and love divine Give to this grave a duteous tear Thy friend, thy Father slumbers here 137 r Here Lyeth y e Body of William Garthwait Jun r Dec' 1 April y e 17 th An 1730 in y e 23 d year of his Age 138 r HERE LYETH the body of William Garth- wait who departed this life December the 11 th Annoqu Domini 1738 and in the Sixty-first year of his Age 139 r james Son of W m & Cordilia Garthwait Aged 10 months Dec d Feb'? y e 12 1717-18 140; Alis Daug r of William Gathwight Dec d Oct r 27 1710 in 2 year of her Age & Mary Dau r of Henry Gathwight Dec' 1 May 21 1736 Aged 3 years & 3 day 8 141 r Mary Dau r To Henry & Rebecca Garthwait Aged 1 year & 10 Mo Dec d Sept 5 1730 142 r P. G. In memory of Prudence wife of WILLIAM GARTHWAIT who deceas'd Ocf 3 d 1802 in the 66 th year of her age 143 m IN Memory of MARY Relict of William Brien who died Aug 81 18 th 1856 Aged 88 years and 3 days 314 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 144 m MARY AUSTEN PEIRCE WIFE OF W M M WHITEHEAD M. D. Died Dec 12 th 1854 Aged 34 Years 5 months AND 5 DAYS " Perfect through suffering" Here also sleep Their infant children TOMMY AND WILLIE Of such is the Kingdom of heaven' I 45 m A TRIBUTE of affection TO THE MEMORY OF JANE DE HART WHO DIED Feb 21 st 1847 Aged 84 years She is not dead but Sleepeth 140 m HERE lies the Body of Mr James Harris, who departed this Life April y e 6 th A - x D 1763 In the 63 d Year ol his Age And Nathan Poply his Son, and Elisabeth his Daughter 147 r Mattyas D'Hart of New York aged 84 Years died Oct r ye 27th Anno Dom 1751 148 r Here lies the Body of Samuel the Son of Joseph & Susan Bird who deceas"d Sepf the io tU A. D. 1763 In the 6 th Year of His age 149^ Here Lyes y e Body of Sarah spining Wife of Benjamin Spining Dec d Sept y e g 1730 in y e 37 year of her Age 15©; HERE LIES the Body of Susannah Daugh r of Joseph & Susannah Bird who deceas' d March y e 14 th 1772 In the 10 th Year of her Age 151 r HERE LYES Intarr'd the Body of John Hunt who Departed this life April 5 In the 61 Year of his Age 1762 152 m IN MEMORY OF HENRY ECKEL WHO DIED July 3 l9t l8 45 In the 36 th Year of his age Affliction sore long time I bore Physician's art was vain Tili God did please to give me ease And free me of my pain 153 m IN Memory of Nicholas Hatterick who died March 13 th 1846 In the 36 th year of his age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 315 A span is all that we can boast An inch or two of time Man is but vanity and dust In all his flower and prime 154 m ERECTED to the raeraorj' of ELIZABETH daughter of William & Jane Evans Died December 11 1845 aged 1 year 8 months and 16 days The bud of nature scarce had bloomed Ere time with ruthless speed Has laid its beauties in the tomb But Christ shall claim its spirit freed 155 ni ERECTED to the memory of MARGARET CUMBERSON daughter of William & Jane EVANS died May 18 1843 aged 3 Years 3 months and 12 days Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care The opening bud to heaven conveyed And bade it blossom there 156 m In Memory of John Hendricks who died July 6 th 1810 in the 58 year of his Age Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee, thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass. Job xiv. 5 To the memory of Mary the wife of John Hendricks who died Sept r 26 th 181 7 in the 52 nd year of her age Relentless death with indiscriminate rage Will neither spare conditions sex nor age Ah ! what is human life ; Day after day slides from us unpreceived, Too subtle is the movements to be seen ; Yet soon the hour is up and we are gone. There's no discharge there's no delay, When death demands; we must obey. 3i6 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 157 r HERE lies the Body of William Andarson who departed this life april the 13 th A * D 1771 In y e 42 d Year of his Age Death's Steps is swift But yet no noise it makes It's Hands unseen Yet all most surely takes 15Sr H. M. In memory of Hannah Crane wife of George Mitchel died April 4 th 1804 in the 60 th year of her age 159 r G M In memory of George Mitchel who died Dec r 11 th 1820 in the 88 th year of his age 160 r HERE lies y e Body of Elizabeth Widow of Docf Briggs, who departed this Life Septr the 28 th Anno Domini 1766 aged 63 Years 161 A T In memory of Abner Tooker who died Jan. 31 1806 in the 45 th Year of his age Jesus to thy dear faithful hand My naked Soul I trust And my flesh waits for thy command To drop into my dust 162 m Sacred to the memory of SUSAN wife of John Stiles who died June 5 th 1799 aged 59 years Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH Relict of Alderman John Bogert of New York who died Sepf 29 th 1796 aged 85 years 163 r In memory of SARAH wife of Jeremiah Price who departed this life Sep r 2 nd 1806 in the 22 nd year of her age Weep now for me my friends For now my race is run It is the will of God So let his will be done 164 r HERE LIETH the body of M r William Mitchel who departed this Life Nov r y e 18 th Annoq e Domini 1757 In the 8i 8t Year of his Age 165 r Mary Daughter of Philip & Abigail Davis died Dec r y e 21 8 A. D 1770 In the 11 th year of her Age. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 317 166 m IN Memory of ANN WIFE OF Charles Biffen who died May 27 th 1853 In the 38 th Year of her age 167; E. W In memory of Elizabeth wife of James Williams who died Jan r ? 14 th 1835 Aged 38 years Husband and children dear farewell Kindred and friends adieu Oft think of me where'er you dwell Until we meet anew Also of Elizabeth there daughter who died at Enmore England Sepf 16 th 1836 Aged 16 years Pause youthful stranger view doom Think not that youth can shun the tomb my 168 m IN MEMORY of ELIHU MITCHEL WHO DIED July 8 th 1849 In the 79 th Year of his age "The just man walketh in his integrity." 169 r In Memory of Mary the Wife of George Williams who died Feb r > y e 18' A D 1773 in the 53 d Year of her Age 170 r HERE LIETH the Body of Elizabeth Widow of M r William Mitchell who died Feby y e last 1760 aged just 77 Years 171 r Here Lieth y e Body of Jaco b Mitchell Deceased December the 2 d A 1730 In the 57 th Year of his Age 172 r Here Lyeth y e Body of Mary Mitchell who departed this Life August y e 23 An 1725 173 r Elizabeth Daughter of Ichabod and Mary Ogden died Nov y e 16 th 1789 in the 3d Year of her Age 174 r IN MEMORY of Mary the Wife of Ichabod Ogden who died Feb. 4th 1789. In the 22 d Year of her Age 3i» INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 175 r IN MEMORY of Ichabod Og- den, who depart- ed this Life Feb, the 11 th A D 1789 In y e 24 th Year of his Age 176 r JPG John Peter Gouet son of Peter Louis & Elizabeth Gouet died March 27 th 1799 in the 2 d Year of his Age 177 r IN Memory of Caroline daughter of Ceaser & Mary Alexander ; who died June 12 th 1823 Aged 7 years & 7 months 17§r E. P. Sacred To the memory of Elizabeth widow of Austin Penny who departed this life Nov 7 th 1825 Aged 92 years & 17 days Our life is ever on the wing And death is ever nigh ; The moment when our lives begin We all begin to die 179 r Here Lyeth y e Body Of Job Brookfield who Dep ed this life August y e 3 rd A. D. 1733 in the 49 th year Of his Age. 180 r Here Lieth >" e Body of David Joline Deceased March ye gth Anno 1730 in y e 32 d Year of his Age 1§1 r In memory of Daniel Terrill who died Dec r the 16 th 1793 aged 86 years 6 Mon 9 and 6 days 182 m There is rest in Heaven. IN MEMORY OF Catharine Eleanor Eldest daughter of James & Catharine M. Moore who died Aug 8t 16 th 1846 ; aged 10 years n months & 13 days. 183 m Caroline Matilda Moore Born October 6 1847 Died April 18 1850 184 r Here lies > e Body of Mary Wife of Ephraim Terrill died May y e 3 1733 > n y e 49 year of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 319 185 r Here lies y e Body off Josiah Terrill Son of Ephraim Terrill Junr Who departed this life The 5 day of Octo- ber 1766 in the 16 th year of his age 186 r Here lies the Body of ephraim terrill Who departed this liefe the 18 day of June 1761 in 72 yerai of his age 187 r HERE lies interr'd what was Mortal of Ephraim Terrill Esq who departed this Life Aug 1 y e 13 th An Domini 1786 and in the LXXIII Year of his Age 188 r In memory of M r John Harriman who died Sepf the 9 th 1791 in y e 68 th year of his age Also of Sarah his wife She died January y e 28 th 1777 in the 68 year of her age 189r HERE lies interr'd The Remains of Abel Hetfield, who de- parted this Life January y e 22d Ann Domini 1782 In y e 31 st Year of his Age. 19© r Here lyeth y e body of Mary wife of Joseph Tooker who Dep' d this Life August the 22 d A. D. 1740 and in y a 21 st year of her age 191 r H.J. In memory of Henry, son of Henry & Jemime Jeffrys died Feb? 10 th 1807 aged 7 years 1 m° & 5 days Let all that's hear beh°ld and see This child and wonder why That were alive while he is gone Into Eternity 192 r HERE lies the Body of Martha Wife of Joshua Jefferys who departed this Life Novem' y e 5 th A. D. 1769 In the 39 th Year of her Age 193 r HERE lies interr'd the Body of Joshua Jeffrys, who died Jana v y e 25 th Anno Dom 1 78 1 In ye 50 th Year of his Age 194 r Joshua the Son of Henry & Jamima Jeffrys died July the 15 th A. D. 1784 In the 3 d Year of her Age 320 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 195 r Herelyeth y e Body of Jonathan Son of Caleb Jef- ferys Born april 16 1715 Dec d Nov r 24 1733 In early Bloom Death me invade 8 es Translate my Body to thes e shad Both young & old by thi 8 many see That they must quickly follow me 196; Here lies y e Body of Elizabeth wife of William Richardson Dec d March 9 th 1723 aged 34 Years 197 r Here Lieth y e Body of Jacob Ogden Deceased July y e 31 st Ao 1730 Born Feb r y e 5 th 1722 198 m GEORGE RHESA SON OF Frederick W and Vashii H Foot ; died March i 8t 1852 aged 1 year & 3 months 199 r E G H Sacred To the memory of Elizabeth G. •wife of J. M. Howell and only daughter of William Brown of New York who died April 23 rd 1815 Aged 18 Years Her aching head and fluttering heart With all their pains and sorrows part And now we hope her soul doth rest Upon her dear Redeemer's breast 200 r IN MEMORY OF Martha Haviland who died October the 19 th 1789 In y e XLVI Year of her She now in pleasant valies does set down and for her toil reseiv's a glorious crown. •201 r In Memory of Sarah Widow of Mr Luke Haviland who deceas'd Janua>' y e 30 th Anno Domini 1786 In y e 75 th Year of her Age She was a patern of her deceased Husband a kind Wife a tender & dear Parent 202 r Here lies Interr'd the Body of Luke Haviland who departed this Life Jan r y n" 1 1782 In the 69 Year of his Age He was a loving & tender Husband A Kind Father to his Children He lived Beloved and died Lamented by his Family When Death Calls we must Submit 191 Brother of John, No. 16. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 321 203 r HERE LIETH the Body of Hannah widow of Jere h Crane who died Jan^ y e 27 th A D 1760 In the 73 d year of her Age 204 r Jonathan Son of Matthias & Susanna Allen died May y e 1" A. D. 1786 In the 2 d Year of his Age To Gods unerring Will Be ev'ry Wish resigned 205 r In memory of Abraham A. Brasher of New York, He died Januay the i 8t 1793 in the XLIX year of his age 206 r F P B In memory of F P Son of F., P. & H : Le Breton died y e 8 th of aug* 1801 aged 3 months 207r Here lies ye Body of Joseph Smith Son of Joseph a,nd Lucenday Smith Dec d May 25 th 1734 In y 22 year of his Age 20§ r Deborah Daughter of Henry & Sarah Baker died Nov r 4 th A. D. 1774 Aged 4 Yrs 4 M°» & 25 D 8> 209 r Here lyes y e Body of William Ramsden Dec d Dec r y e 20 th 1758 in y e 28 th year of his Age. 210 r Here lies the Remains of MRS ELIZABETH JONES WIFE OF JOHN JONES SCHOOLMASTER DECESSIT NOV R 19 M D C C LX ANN AETATIS SUA'E XXXI She all those Qualities possest That render Matrimony Blest And constantly did them exert In Mothers Wifes and Neighbours part 211 r In Memory of Mr David Lewis Jun r of Stratford in Connecticut Who died of y e Small Pox in this place March >' e 11 th A D 1760 yEtatis 24 Whose Memory Will be ever dear to His Family and to all who knew Him Having given singular promising Expectations of a Life of Comfort to His Friends of Usefulness to Society. And of Reputation to Himself Had Heaven permitted that Life a longer Date 322 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 212 Christopher Son of W m & Kathern Gardner Dec'd JanJ' 12 1732 In y" 2i 8t year of his Age Kathern Gardner Wife of William Gardner Dec d Dec r 30 th 1732-3 In y e 49 th year of her Age Behold the Place Where we do Lie As you be Now So Once was we As we be Now So must you be Prepare for Death & Follow me 213 r WILIAM Son of W m & Katherine Gardner Aged 6 Days Dec d Feb rv 14 1717 Henry Son of W m & Katherine Gardner Aged 18 Months Dec d July 15 1725 Sleep Lovley babes & Take Thy Peacefull Rest God Call'd y e Heanc Because he Thought it Best 214 r Kathern dau r of W m & Kathern Gardner Dec d Jan r y y e 8 th 1732-3 In y e 19 th year of her Age 215 r HERE lies the Body of Mary Jones who deceas'd Febu? y e 24 th A. D. 1769 In the 72 d Year of her Age 216 r HERE lies interr'd the Body of Margaret Wife of John Doobs who departed this Life July y e 25 th 1761 In the 32 d year of her Age 217 r HERE lies the Body of CHRISTOPHER NUT- TALL Esq r from the Island of Jamaica who departed this Life on Jan. 14 th A. D. 1772 In the XXXIV Years of his Age 218 7 S P In memory of M r8 Sarah Price who deceas'd Jan? 29 th AD 1808 agftd 90 Years CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 323 219 r Here Lyeth y e Body Of James Hampton Deceased January Y e 13 th 1732 in y e 40 th year of his Age 220 ; Here lyes y e Body of Sarah wife of John Burrowes Junr Dec d Nov r 22 d 1751 in >' e 41 Year of her Age 221 r In Memory of Mary Wife of John Burrowes Aged 37 years Who died Feb r >" y° n lh 1762 O Ses She Death is Com Prepar and Follow me 222 r HERE is interr'd the body of Mr John Burrowes who died October the 10 th A D 1785 In the LXXV Year of his Age Rest gentle Corpes beneath y e Clay Now time has swept y e Cares away For surely now, all Troubles cease While in the Grave You rest in peace H G 1725 223 r W. G 1717 224 r SM In memory ot Sarah daughter of Isaac and Abigail Mann ; who died Jan>' 20 th 1837 in the 59 th year of her Age 225 r A M In memory of Abigail wife of Isaac Mann who died March 29 th 1833 Aged 76 years 226 r I M In memory of Isaac Mann who died Feby 15 th 1837 in the S6 th year of his age 227 r Here lyes y e Body of Sarah Wife of David Man Who died May 12 1760 In y e 34 year of her Age 324 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 228 r M. W. M. In memory of Martha Willcox daughter of Abra ham and Martha Mann who died Aug st 8 th 1804 in the 15 th year year of her age 229 r HERE Lies y e Body of M r Samuel Man who Departed this Life Febur'y y e 23 d A. D. 1753 In the 35 Year of his Age 230 m Sacred to the Memory of Elias Mann who died at Elizabeth Town, September 3 rd 1826 Aged 45 years Also Elias Son of Elias & Rebecca Mann who died November 20 tb 1817 aged 1 year 231 m SACRED I H S To the memory of Abigail Mann The fond and affectionate Mother of Jacob M. Hetfield who departed this life in N. York on the 13 th Oct 1823 Aged 69 years The Seraphe's trump shall wake this sleeping clay And bid it rise to everlasting day. 232 z» Sacred to the Memory of MARY the belov'd consort of Jacob M Hetfield who departed this life in N. York on March 17 th 1812 in the 25 th Y r of her Age Also ALTAMONT MARIUS Son of J. M. & Mary Hetfield who died Aug' I st 1812 Aged 4 Months and 23 days Thus to the tomb, in blooming youth consign'd A Wife most chaste, most faithful & most kind — With her fair form the infant Marius ; lies His Spirits soar'd to her's in yonder Skies 233 r Thomas Man Son of Joseph & Elizabeth Man Aged 5 years & 5 Months Dec d June y e 25 th 1736 CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 325 234 r S. H. I memory of Sarah wife of Wil m Higgins who died April, 6 th 1806 in the 66 year of her age Here lies quite free from life's distr acting care A tender mother, a friend cincere Whome death cut down in aged years we see Stop our greif we soon shall equa 1 be And when the Lord sees fit to end our time With thy beloved dust Tie mingle mine. CAPT. 235 in SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ARMSTRONG Late of the British Army who departed this life July 9 th 1851 Aged 47 Years ",His end was peace." 236 m IN Memory of FANNY daughter of Rev Richard Channing and Julia Moore who died June 4 1852 aged 10 months & 24 days 237 m IN Memory of JULIA GRANT eldest child of Rev. Richard Channing and Julia Moore who died March 27 th 1847 In the 12 th Year of her age 23* r J.O. In memory of John Odling butcher, a native of England who died Ocf 18 th 1836 in the 63 d year of his age " Take ye heed, watch and pray for ye know not when the time is" 239 ; C. O. In memory of Charles Odling who died June 22 d 1839 in the 36 year of his age A loving husband and a tender father dear Likewise a sincere friend lies buried here Great is the loss to them that's left behind But he no doubt eternal bliss will find. 240 m Sacred to the Memory of George son of George W & Louisa Halsted who died Dc r I st 1825 Aged 2 Years & 3 months Also of Margaret their daughter who died Dec 29 th 1825 Aged 3 months & 19 days 326 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 241 r HERE lies the Body of John Craige who died Aug* y e 22 d A.D. 1758 In the 63 d Year of his Age. Weep not for me my Friends For why? my Race is run It is the Will of God ; And let his Will be done. Here lyeth y e body of Andrew Craig Who departed thi 3 Life October y e 6 th Annoque Domini 1739 and in the 77 th Year of his Age 242 r Here lyeth y e body of Susanna wife of Androw Craig who Departed this life April y e 6 th Annoque Domini 1727 & in y e 59 th Year of her Age 243; In Memory of Capt n Isaac Lawrence who died April the 2 d A D 1781 aged LII Years 2 14 r In memory of JAMES son of Elihu and Abigail Mitchel who departed this life August 25" 1 1797 aged 8 months and 11 days 245 r HERE lies the Body of Mrs Hannah Wife of Mr John Donington who departed this life March y e 4 th A. D. 1772 In the 44 th Year of her Age I sleep, I rest, with them thats holy I liv'd I died prepare to follow 246 r HERE lies ye Body of Phebe Widow of James Craig who departed this Life Nov r y e 25 th Anno : Dominni 1763 In y 6 27 th Year of her Age 247 r Israel Bedell Aged 80 years 248 r E. S. In memory of Elizabeth Seaman who died July 13 th 1S33 Aged 78 Years 249 r M. S. In memory of Maria Seaman who died Sepi r 12 th 1832 Aged 46 years CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, \. J. 327 250 r Sacred to the Memory of Cornelius Blanchard who died December the 29" 1801 Aged 48 Years Also Sarah his wife who died October the 30 th 1805 Aged 41 Years 251 r IN Memory of ELIZABETH BEDELL who died Sepi r io ,h 1S47 In the 72 ,ul Year of her age 252 r B R S In memory of BENJAMIN R. SEAMAN who died May 26 tb 1S44 In the 69 th year of his age 253 r C. J. S. In memory of CATHARINE J SEAMAN who died Aug 81 13"' 1S48 In the 66"' year of her age 254 E. S. In memory of ELIZA SEAMAN who died July 22, 1856 In the 79 th year of her age. 255 ; In memory of Char lotte Daughter of Thomas & Charlotte Chapman, who died June the 10 th 1796 in the 6 th year of her age 256 r C. P. S. CATHERINE PROVOOST SEAMAN daughter of Geo. C. T. and Caroline H SEAMAN died July 31 st 1852 aged 4 months and 12 days 257 r M. L. To the memory of Margaret Landry wife of Francis Chambon Ducland who died on the 7 th of Nov 1 1812 in the 64 th year of her age 3 28 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. TOHNS 25 § m Sacred to THE MEMORY OF ELINOR MARY infant daughter of Augustus and Catharine Yockney who died May 16 1854 aged 1 year and 7 months. HERE lies Interred the Remains of Mrs, Phebe, Wife of Mr Baker Hendricks who died January the g ih Anno Domini 1775 In y e 44 th Year of her Age As the Tree falls so it lies 259 r HERE lies interr'd the Body of Capt Baker Hendricks wh° died Jan r y e 29 th 1789 In the 33 d Year of his Age Here lies beneath this Stone repos'd Patriot Merit, straitly hous'd His Country call'd he lent an Ear, Their Battles faught and rested here 260 r HERE lies Interr'd the Remains of Mr. Baker Hendricks who departed this Life January the 9" 1 Anno Domini 1776 In y e 56 th Year of his Age 261 m THE GRAVE OF JOHN PETER D'ANTERROCHES, WHO DIED Dec r 24 th 1854 Aged 74 Years In memory of HIS WIFE ABIGAIL MARSH WHO DIED in New York City April 14 th 1S25 Age 46 Years 262 m The Grave of MARY who died July 31 st 1844 Aged 86 Years WIDOW OF Joseph Louis Count D'Anterroches who died in France Jan>' 17 th 1814 (while on a visit to his parents) Aged 60 Years Also two of their children Adrianne died Oct r 12 th 1800 Aged 11 Years Joseph Louis died in New Orleans, Sept r i8 tU 1819 Aged 20 Years 263 m The Grave of JOHN DeHART WHO DIED Jan y 26 th 1846 Aged 88 Years and 6 months Tho' lost to sight to memory dear. And of his wife JANE F D'ANTERROCHES WHO DIED June 18 th 1862 IN THE 80 th YEAR of her age CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 329 26 I m [Horizontal Slab] SACRED To the memory of Mariah Prise Campbell Relict of Mr Prise Campbell She was born in Switzerland and was for many Years a Respectable Member of St Johns Church at Eliz th Town where she died Nov r 29 th 1831 ; Asred So years 265 m SACRED To the Memory of JONATHAN H LAWRENCE WHO DIED June 4 th 1844 In the S2'" 1 Year of his age Also of JOANNA WIFE OF Jonathan H Lawrence who died March 4 th 1834 In the 6S tb Year of her age 266 m [Monument. East side] SACRED To the Memory of John Gray who departed this life April 25 tb 1777 Aged 54 years [South side] SACRED To the memory of AMY widow of John Gray who departed this life April i6 tb 1786 Aged 65 years [West side] SACRED To the Memory of Richardson Gray Esq who departed this life June 21 st 1818 in the 65 th year of his age The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when they sleep in dust [North side] SACRED to the Memory of Elizabeth widow of Richardson Gray Esq who departed this life Jan y e 9 th 1831 in the 77th year of her age While pity prompts the rising sigh May this dread truth " I too must die " 267 m SACRED TO TO THE MEMORY OF AMY WALTON who departed this Life May 20 th 1826 Aged 74 years 9 months AND 26 DAYS She is made a happy saint above Who was once a mourner here And sweetly tastes unmingled love And joy without a tear Kind angels watch this sleeping dust Till Jesus comes to raise the just Then may she awake with sweet surprise And in her Saviours image rise 330 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 26§ m To the memory of Richard Tuite Hartman Of the Island of St Croix Born Febuaiy 7 th 1827 Died April I st 1828 269 m To the memory of Isaac Hartman Of the Island of St Croix Born July 13 th 1S23 Died January is 1 182S 27© m In memory OF Louise Aimee AND Fortunee Charlotte Aimee both daughters of L. A. B. Terrier de Laistre & Martha E Deboisville who departed this life the 1st on 2O t0 Feb r >' 1802 Aged 1 Month the 2 d on 16 th Aug 1 1804 Aged 17 Months 271 m SACRED to the memory of HOPKIN JONES A native of Glamorganshire South Wales who departed this life Sept 19 th 1831 aged 28 years ALSO his daughter JANUP JONES who departed this life June 15 th 1831 aged 5 days 272 m In Memory of JEAN MARIE GABRIEL FONTANEILLES who died February 3 d 1806 aged 22 Months 273 m Little sufferer rest in peace May we meet the thron'd above 271 m IN Memory of HANNAH PAUL WIDOW OF Charles Kiggins who died April 5 th 1855 In the 72 d Year of her age Hear what the voice from heaven declares To those in Christ who die Released from all their earthly cares They'll reign with me on high 275 ,11 IN Memory of CHARLES KIGGINS WHO DIED March 23 d 1845 In the 75 th Year of his age There shall I bathe my weary soul In seas of heav'nly rest And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 331 '276 m IN Memory of CAROLINE E. only daughter of Ogden and Ann C Brown who died June 15" 1 1852 Aged 17 Years 6 Months and 23 Days How short the race our friend has run Cut down in all her bloom The course but yesterday begun Now finish'd in the Tomb 277 m In memory of Rose Desiree Francoise Kora daughter of M. A. Terrier Delaistre & M. F. P. Deboisville who departed this life September 6 th 1808 aged 18 months 278 m In Memory of ELIZABETH wile of Eliphalet Price and Daughter of John & Sarah Paul who departed this life Dec 10 th 1S08 in the 23' 1 Year of her age Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, 2*0 m S P In memory of Sarah wife of John Paul who died Nov r 12 th 1819 in the 68t u year of her age Go home dear friends and shed no tears I must lie here till Christ appears And at his coming hope to have A joyful rising from the grave 281 r J P In memory of John Paul who died July 31 st 1819 in the 66 th year of his age Attend dear friends, as you pass by As you are now, so once was I As I am now, so you must be Therefore prepare, to follow me 279 m A. P. In memory of Andrew Paul Son of John and Sarah Paul who died August 2' 1 1808 in the 2-/ ,]t year of his age Press'd by the hand of sore disease In pain I linger'd on Till God my Saviour armed with love In mercy call'd me home 282 r S. T. In memory of Sarah daugh r of Richard Town- ley who deceas'd March 29 th 1797 in the 40 th year of her age 283 m Sacred to the Memory of John Dumont who died the 22' 1 day of May 1813 in the 29 Year of his Age 332 INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS 284 m IN memory of Mrs Margaret Decker who departed this life Dec r 6 th 1853 Aged 63 Years 285 r R. T. In memory of Rhoda Wife of Effingham Townly ; who died Oct r 26 th 1823 in the 5S" 1 year of her age The months of affliction are o'er The days and the nights of distress We see her in anguish no more She's gained her happy release Jonas Son of David & Abigail Smith died May 8 th 1827 Aged 4 years 10 months & 23 days Aug 1 13 th 1827 in the 35 th year of his age Farewell farewell my partner dear My children and my friends This call of God to you is near O hear the voice it sends 288 r William, son of Effingham & Rhoda Townley died Oct the 26 th 1791 aged 1 year & 3 days 286 r E. T. In memory of Effingham Townly who died May 2 d 1828 in the 69 th year of his age Farewell ye friends whose tender care Has long engag'd my love ; Your fond embrace I now exchange For better friends above 287 r W. T. In memory of William Townly who died 289 r M. T. In memory of Mary wife of Edward Townley who deceas'd Oct r 25 th 1794 in the 49 th year of her age Press'd by the hand of sore disease In pain I wander'd on Till God my saviour armed with love In mercy call'd me home 290 r A. T. In memory of Abigail wife of Edward Townley who died Sept r 2t iW 1823 in the 45 th year of her age 291 ; E. T. In memory of Edward Townley who died March 3 d 1823 in the 84 th year of his age. CHURCH YARD, ELIZABETH, N. J. 333 292 r W. T. In memory of William son of Edward & Abigail Townly who died Sepf Q th 1833 in the 22' 1 year of his age 2«>:6 m IN Memory of tus Oliver Ami son of Henry L. & Eliza Montandon who died Aug 8t 27 th 183 1 Aged 5 years 5 months & 26 days. INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD. Acken Simeon Albey Elizabeth 528 Albev Elizabeth B 529 Albey Fhebe E 529 Allen Charles mg Allen Elizabeth Trevette. 1979 Allen Jonathan ii2.> Allen Mary _.. 1120 Allen Marv Gushing 1978 Alleson Mary 611 Ailing John _ 1472 Annie 1706 Angus Jacob B 1750 Angus James W 1749 Angus Mary 1249 Archer Mary A 1933 Archer Mary E 1933 Archer Wm. G 1933 Arms Henry Martyn 1279 Arms Stilman E 1279 Armstrong Catherine 512 Armstrong Joseph 511 Arnett Abigail.. 15 Arnett _ Agar 521 Arnett .. David, Jr 521 Arnett Elizabeth Ann ... . 15 Arnett.. Hannah 14 Arnett Isaac 14 Arnett John.. 15 Arnett William 17 Atchison. Martha 1803 Austen Aaron 1352 Austen Hannah _ 1352 Austen Moses 1352 Austen Sarah 1352 Austen Sarah T352 Austen Susannah. 1352 Austin Mary Swift 1690 Badger Katie 1681 Badgley Abigail 1441 Badgley Abner 1447 Badgley Alice 1445 Badgley Catherine H 1441 Badgley Cornelius 1442 Badgley. Cornelius 1449 Badgley Eliza 1445 Badgley Elsey 1442 Badgley Henrietta McD. ... 1444 Badgley Rachel 1443 Badgley Sarah 1447 Badgley William 1440 Baker Catherine... 1559' Baker EzeUiel 670! Baker Henry 1899 I Baker Phebe 671 Baker William 1559 Baldwin Cornelia 524 Baldwin Elizabeth Thompson 530 Baldwin Fanny C 527 Baldwin Joanna 526 Baldwin Matthias 525 Baldwin Peter 5311 Baldwin... Phebe 5^4 Baldwin William 524: Ball Abraham S 1630 Ball David H 1630 Ball Elizabeth 1630 Ball James T 1630 Ball Matilda 200 Ballard Elizabeth 865 Ballard Family Vault 1735 Ballard Jeremiah. 1030 Ballard Mary 1030 Ballard Rebecca 865 Barber Aaron Ogden 1778 Barber Ann 540 Barber Anna 537 Barber George C 538 Barber... George C 538 Barber George Clinton 538 Barber Hannah A 1211 Barber Margaretta C 1786 Barber Mary .._._ 464 Barber Mary C. Ogden 462 Barber Phebe A. Ogden .. 538 Barber Ralph Clinton 1785 Barnet Catherine 1926 Barnet Elizabeth 1921 Barnet Ichabod B. ._ 144 Barnet Joseph 146 Barnet Joseph 1925 Barnet Mary 1923 Barnet Rachel 1922 Barnet William R., Dr 1927 Barnet William, Dr 145 Barton Abbie E 1844 Barton Maria M 1212 Barton Phebe W 1213 Barton Stepheu 1214 Bauer Anna R 1619 Bauer Henry J - 1845 Bauer John G 1618 Bauer Mary E 1616 Baxter Esther 187 Beaumont Mary E 1730 Bedell Caroline A 1569 Bedell Michael 1570 Bedell Rebecca 1571 Bedell... Sarah E 1572 Bedell Wm. Henry 1569 Bedell Wm. Henry 1569 Berry. Elizabeth 1315 Berry Georgianna V. W.. 773 Bell Hannah 1196 Bell Julia Ann D 1197 Bell Smith 1198 Bell Thompson 1199 Bender Catharine 1883 Bender Mary.. 1883 Blakeman Elizabeth B 170 Blakeman Helen Maria 166 Blakeman.. Helen R 169 Blakeman Isaac Watts 167 ^ Blanchard James 1453" Blanchard Joanna 1450 Blanchard John 1450 Blanchard John 1454 Blanchard John '452, Bloom Eliza 1738 Board Alfred.. 1881 Bohnenberger George 1742 Bolmenberger Catherine 1742 Bond Aaron 156 Bond Jonathan 158 Bond Joseph 155 Bond Maria 155 Bond Mary 153 Bond... Nathaniel 154 Bond Robert 160 Bond Robert 159 Bond Sarah 158 Bond Sarah 157 Bonn Isaac 1864 Bonnel Arabella Halsey... 1615 136 INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS 1777 069 967 Ronnell Electa Ann 1386% Bonnel Elias 777 Bonnell ._ Isaac 1734 Bonnel James W 776 Bonnel _ Jane.. 417 Bonnel _. Joel 161 5 Bonnell Nathaniel 311 Bonnell Noah 1734 Boudinot Catharine. 646 Boudinot Elias 645 Boyd. Mary H. Robert... 1781 Boyd William A., M.D Boylston Abby W Boylston Caleb Boylston Caleb W., Boylston Isaac B Boylston Isaac W _ 415 Boylston Jemima 963 Boylston _ John W 414 Boylston John W. 965 Boylston __. Lafayette (col'd)... 1607 Boylston .__ Nathaniel 968 Boylston Susan W 965 Boylston Thomas _ 960 Bradbury.. Mary A. Donington 1130 Bradbury. ._ Samuel 1130 Brant _ E. W. (Lieut.) 1275 Brittin Catharine F. 81 Brittin Elihu (col.) 86 Hrittin... Eliza A. 80 Brittin Four Children 82 Brittin Henrv M. 80 Brittin. Hugh McBride 81 Brittin... Luna P. 86% Brittin Maria B. Silvers 85 Brittin Mary 83 Brittin Mary 84 Brittin Mary A 87 Brittin.. William 84 Brookes Ann 1S17 Brookes Elijah 1S17 Brookes — ... Elizabeth 1817 Brookes Ezra C 1817 Brookes John 1817 Brookes Thomas 1817 Brookes Wesley.. 1817 Brown Abraham, Rev 1818 Brown Benjamin 813 Brown Benjamin .. 811 Brown D. O 21 Brown _ Harriot E. 811 Brown lane Magie 1239 Brown... Lucy M.. 1818 Brown Lydia... 814 Brown Mary 164 Brown Mary Ann 812 Brown Michael 1239 Brown Phebe 163 Brown William 742 Brown William 162 Bryan James W.. 11S7 Bryan William H 375 Bryant Jane V 588 Bryant John Jay 589 Bryant Mary Ann. 587 Bryant... R. C. 1608 Bryant - Sarah Jane 589 Burnet Mrs. Hannah 143 Burnett Ichabod, Or 142 Burnet John 58 Burrows Anna M 1377 Burrows Fanny 1376 Burrows James Caldwell M. 1374 Burrows Joanna 1140 Burrows Lewis Waters 1375 Burrows Mary 1374 Buss Charlotte 1746 Butler William 1884 Cahow Jane 1628 Cahow Thomas B 1628 Cahune Jane Caldwell Hannah Caldwell James, Rev Caldwell Rev. James and wife Caldwell John Dickenson ... Campbell... Jane Price Campbell "Mary A Cargill Abigail Cargill William Carmichael Joanna Hetfield ... Carmichael Mary Badgley Carpenter. Edward Carpenter Ida R Carpenter Lucretia V Carpntr Mary Chandler Abby Chandler Abigail Chandler Abigail Chandler Abner Chandler Benjamin... Chandler Benjamin Chandler _ Comfort Chandler David ._ Chandler David, Dea Chandler Elizabeth Chandler Elizabeth K Chandler Hannah Chandler Henry W Chandler Ichabod Chandler Isaac . Chandler _. lames Chandler James, Jr. Chandler Jemima Chandler Jemima I Chandler John Chandler John Chandler John Chandler Jonathan Chandler Joseph . (handler Joseph Chandler Mary Chandler _ Mary Chandler Mary Chandler Mary Chandler Mary ( handler Mary Chandler Moses Chandler Pamelia P. Chandler Phebe (handler Prudence Chandler Prudence.. Chandler Samuel Chandler Samuel (handler S3 rah ("handler Sarah Chandler Stephen Chapman Catharine. Chapman-. James Chapman Mary Charlton Elizabeth Charlton Elizabeth Charlton John Charlie Christy Ann M Christy John W Clark Abby (dark.- Abigail.... Clark Amos Clark Anna L Clark Cornelius Clark Elizabeth Clark Hannah Clark James B Clark John, Doct Clark John _ Clark Margaret B Clark Margaret H Clark Mary Clark... Mary Ann Clark Nancy 408 43 6 436 1898 435 532 1833 301 300 946 946 1744 1826 1825 274 429 364 494 426 496 423 938 493 499 425 938 419 368 365 939 ^ 888 887 882 879 889 8go 421 881 880 428 495 939 V 892 427 367 366 420 424 498 „ 497 422 1070 34° 34« 400 400 400 1716 604 604 941 1049 1050 942 69 79' 177 178 791 790 180 944 IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD. 337 Clark PhebeM... 70 Clark Robert 943 Clark Sara Ella 1462 Clark Susan... 1270 Clarke Elizabeth 1627 Clarke Henry 179 Clavvson Henry 1685 Collet Joseph F 299 Conditt Mary H 6:3 Conklin Abigail 1077 Conklin Caleb J 1072 Conklin Catharine H 1076 Conklin Catharine 1079 Conklin Hannah... 1078 Conklin James ... 1080 Conklin ... Jerusha 1074 Conklin John 1073 Conklin John Jr 1075 Conklin Mary 9S3 Conkling Joseph 982 Connet Retsey 816 Connet Moses 816 Connet Phebe 817 Cooper Sarah 128 Cory Aaron C 766 Cory Abigail 757 Cory Benjamin, Esq 763 Cory Daniel 760 Cory Hannah 764 Cory Jonathan 758 Cory Joseph 759 Cory Maria 765 Cory Mary 759 Cory Moses 754 Cory Mulford 762 Cory Phebe 756 Courson Anna 1878 Coursin Jacob 1879 Cornwell Edward 37 Cornwell Jane S.._ 37 Cox Ann Elizabeth 1949 Cox ... Charles \V 1949 Cox Joanna 1775 Craig Eliza 1938 Craig Juliet 1873 Craig Malvina _ 1871 Craig Mary..... 1873 Craig Thomas W Craig W. 1 _ 1874 Crane Aaron ._ 1870 Crane.. Abigail 895 Crane Abigail 477 Crane Abigail... 1134 Crane Abraham W 954 Crane . Ann 1061 Crane Anna 958 Crane Ann Aletta.. 1772 Crane Alonzo DeLa V. .. 1133 Crane Benjamin 151 Crane Caleb, jun 1 047 Crane Caleb 1136 Crane . Caleb 1046 Crane Charles 479 Crane Charles Henry 1244 Crane. Carlotte B, .. 1769 Crane Damaris 1042 Crane Daniel 474 Crane Daniel, Jr . 474 Crane David B 898 Crane David Ross 407 Crane Drake 767 Crane Drake , 768 Crane Edwin B 901 Crane Elias S 1244 Crane Elihu J 718 Crane Elihu 835 Crane Elihu 1041 Crane Elizabeth 1045 Crane Elizabeth 768 Crane Elizabeth 1133 9°5 905 549 1808 719 897 897 897 955 896 1770 955 1031 "34 95" 248 Crane Elizabeth S. .. Crane Elizabeth S. . . Crane Eliza Crane Eliza Crane Eli/.a Crane Fanny Crane Fanny Crane George Crane George Lewis Crane Hannah Crane Henrietta Crane Henrietta M. . Crane Henry Crane Isaac Crane Isaac Crane Jabez. Esq Ciane Jacob 1039 Crane Jacob 150 Crane Jacob 906 Crane Jacob, 3d 1036 Crane Jacob G 894 Crane James.. 1054 Crane James 1052 Crane Jane 480 Crane Jane E 904 Crane Jane Squier 893 Crane Jennet 1037 Crane Jeremiah... 1059 Crane Jeremiah B 1135 Crane Jeremiah G... 1062 Crane job 547 Crane Job Sayer gio Crane John 833 Crane JohnC 901 Crane John W 1195 Crane Jonathan 055 Crane Jonathan E _ 1137 Crane Jonathans 1,52 Crane Julia Ann 549 Crane Margaret 1060 Crane Margaret M 1195 Crane Maria _ 479 Crane Martha 950 Crane Mary 1041 Crane.. Mary.. 481 Crane _ Mary 1138 Crane Mary.. 1044 Crane Mary 897 Crane Mary ._ 832 Crane Mary 940 Crane Marv B 548 Crane Marv B. D 1136 Crane Mary E.. 1134 Crane... Marv P 1137 Crane Matthias, Ma j. 903 Crane Moses M 1240 Crane Moses P 1034 Crane Mother 1055 Crane N. Martin.. 1737 Crane Nathaniel 1043 Crane Nathaniel 1031 Crane Nehemiah 1048 Crane Nehemiah 949 Crane Noah 953 Crane.. Noah 951 Crane Obediah 1038 Crane Obediah 1038 Crane Obediah 1038 Crane Obediah M. 1033 Crane Phebe Crane Phebe Crane Phebe Crane Phebe Crane Phebe Crane Phebe Crane . Phebe II. 1 Crane PhebeM 479 Crane Phebe T 1241 Crane Prudence 902 Crane Rachel 1056 957 475 1040 1057 473 899 338 INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS Crane Robert 897 Crane Robert M 1062 Crane Sarah _. 479 Crane - Sarah 406 Crane Sarah 1055 Crane SarahSayre 907 Crane Sarah 948 Crane Sarah 1053 Crane Sarah 1032 Crane Sarah 1870 720 ^°4 549 897 476 1058 472 404 959 328 809 809 809 752 55 Crane _ Sarah E Crane Sarah Lum ... Crane Sarah W Crane Searen ... Crane Stephen Crane Stephen Crane Stephen, Esq. Crane Susanna Crane Thomas Crane. Thomas.. 1133 Crane Thomas O... 1136 Crane William 405 Crane William, Gen'I 477 Crane.. Wm. Edwin 720 Cree Frances F _. 330 Cree Jane E 329 Cree John P Crowell Agness Crowell Christian Crowell Thomas, Capt Crozier John Cumstick Ann Cummings Maria W 1595 Daeyton ._ Elizabeth 1964 Darby Elias 1255 Darby Ezra 1877 Darby George W. 1876 Darby Sally 1256 Daucey Ellen Carpenter ... 1745 Davidson George W. 9^2 Davis Catharine Oliver Davis Charlotte F Davis Elijah._ Davis John J Davis Isaac L. 1545 Davis. James O 1542 Davis Jane _ 1796 Davis Margaret 1544 Dawes Mary 1904 Dawes William.. 1905 Day Caroline J 1110 Day _ Eliza B im Day Foster 1106 Day Frederick J 1112 Day Nancy B 1108 Day.. Peter S 1109 Day Susan R 1107 Dayton Abigail 1967 Dayton Daniel 1967 Dayton Daniel 1962 Dayton Daniel 1967 Dayton Daniel 1967 Dayton Elias 1610 Dayton Hannah 1966 Dayton Howell 1963 Dayton Jonathan 1958 Dayton Jonathan, Dr. 1131 Dayton Jonathan B. 924 Dayton Joseph 1961 Dayton Margaret 1131 Dayton Mary 1959 Dayton Patience 1957 Dayton Robert W 1967 030 543 291 1542 Dean Eunice. Debo Caroline .. Decker Jane Decker Louisa A Decker Mary A Decker Mary Ann Degroot Freeman, Capt. . . 26 1684 607 39i 5 2 3 523 1671 DeHart Henry V., Capt Den man Major Denman Rhoda Denman Wm. H.,Capt Dickerson Esther Dickerson Robert Dickinson Joanna Dickinson Joanna Dickinson Jonathan, Rev Dill Margery Ross Disoway Cornelius Doane Eliza Doane Henry Donaldson Catharine Donington Ann A Donington Caroline wife Wm. Donington Carrie K Donington Elizabeth Donington Elizabeth Donington Esther Donington Henry Donington Jacob Donnington Jane Donington John S Donington John Donington Mary A. Badgley.. Donington Mary E Donington Sarah Donington Sarah E Donington Silas Hays.. Donington William Doobs Rachel Dornbush Herman Dow Elizabeth Dow Samuel Dow Samuel Drake Mary Drevve John Dunham Phebe Ann Dulong Catharine Dulong _ Mary Dunn.._ John H. Earl Jonathan r .. Earl Mary Earl Mary Louisa Earl Sarah Jerusha Earl Susan F Eaton Widow Eaton Albert Eaton Maria B. Eaton Sarah Eaton Samuel W Eaton _ .. Susannah Eaton Thomas Edwards Charles H. Edwards ._ David, Capt.. Edwards . ._ Frances Edwards Fanny E Edwards Hannah Elizabeth. Edwards Jacob Edwards Jacob D., Col. Edwards Martha Edwards Mary Ellis Mary Earl Elwood __ Eliza Elyea John Erwin Elizabeth Falconer Catharine Favor Eugene A. Favor Mary A Fay Abigail A Force Job W P'orce Matilda Force Phebe King Force _ . Susan Lee Forguson Margaret M Forsyth Andrew Forsyth Elizabeth _ Forsyth George Forsyth George 1764 820 819 821 1724 1725 5°7 508 5°9 214 1478 853 855 418 1 1 26 1463 1129 1126 1126 908 1 1 26 1126 goo 1 1 29 9°9 1126 1128 1126 1127 1127 1126 1446 1726 926 927 928 47i 386 1598 1741 1740 1674 1.34 181 135 i35 134 73° 725 726 727 728 731 729 1788 "5 1790 1789 9'3 913 913 913 "5 1535 1604 24 1065 1700 1552 I5S3 1621 556 1594 558 557 1721 1692 1693 1664 1692 IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CIIUKCII VAKH 339 Forsyth Isabella 1694 Forsyth James G 1688 Forsyth Maggie 1913 Forsyth Robert J i68g Forsyth Samuel _ 1693 Foster Jacob 1539 Foster John, Capt 692 Foster. Sarah 692 Fowler Jane Badgley 1148 Frazee James H. 16^1 Frazee Sarah Maria 783 Frazee Susan Ogden 784 Fredenberg Alphonso 1747 Freeman Abigail 1564 Freeman Anna. 1565 Freeman Anson 1563 Freeman Caroline 1563 Freeman Elizabeth 1560 Freeman Elizabeth 1563 Freeman Elizabeth J 1566 Freeman Henry 1564 Freeman.. Josiah 1563 Freeman Mary... 1561 Freeman Matthew 1563 Freeman Melanthon 1562 Freeman Rachel 1564 Fulton Adelbert 1602 Galbraith Martha 1626 Gale Charles H 859 Gale Dolly M 920 Gale Frederick M _. 1810 Gale Gilbert B 860 Gale Lydia 743 Gale Richard _ 1914 Gale Richard, M.D. U.S.A. 1917 Gale.. SarahH 1918 Gale Sarah M 1016 Gale William Edward... 1915 Gale. William Harrison.. 1809 Gamage John A 350 Garthwait Ann 1392 Garthwait Anthony. 1393 Garthwait Benjamin... 1390 Garthwait Esther 1391 Garthwait Mary Ann 1389 Garthwait Phebe Crane 1390 Garthwait Rebekah _ 1051 Geiger Abigail T 1185 Geiger Jacob 1184 Geiger Sophia C 1186 Genung Clifford A 1538 Genung Phebe Corey 1537 Genung Sophie G. 1536 Genung William Miller 721 Geyer Magdalena 1727 Gibbons Ann.. ion Gibbons William H... 1011 Gibson Jane 362 Gibson William 1739 Gilbert Anne Matilda 1638 Giles Jane 173 Gillet Hannah 403 Gorman Mary 818 Gorman Sarah 1625 Graef Henry W 1770 Grier . Margie W 1194 Griffith.. John 1669 Griffith Josephine 1670 Griffith.... Rachel 1668 Grommon Bethiah... 520 -Grumman Ichabod 519 Guest John 1811 Guest John Henry 1811 Hainds Benjamin 29 Haines Catherine 28 Haines Benjamin 750 Haines Benjamin . 31 Haines... Daniel 223 Haines David 223 Haines Elias _ 228 Haines Klias 227 Haines Henrietta B 232 Haines Joanna 224 Haines Joanna 225 Haines Job, Capt 230 Haines Margaret W 229 Haines Mary 227 Haines Rebekah 30 Haines Robert Ogden 231 Haines Stephen 226 Haines Stephen 223 Hams Job. 218 Hanes Stephen 222 Hallcy Abigail 1360 Hallcy Abigail 877 Hallcy Joseph 878 Halsey Anne 1358 Halsey Betsey 263 Halsey Caleb 1365 Halsey Catherine Price 343 Halsey Darnaris 305 Halsey Daniel 1361 Halsey Henrietta Crane... 344 Halsey Henrietta Perlee... 348 Halsey Isaac Crane 343 Halsey Jeremiah 307 Halsey Jeremiah 262 Halsey John L 1364 Halsey Luther 306 Halsey Mary 264 Halsey Mary 1359 Halsey Mary 1083 Halsey. Mary Chapman 346 Halsey Mary 342 Halsey Mary Dayton 925 Halsey Meline W 347 Halsey Noah Crane 345 Halsey Phebe 262 Halsey Phebe. 1357 Halsey Samuel 1354 Halsey Samuel 1356 Halsey Sarah 306 Halsey Sarah 260 Halsey Sarah 1363 Halsey Silas 261 Halsey... Sophia 1366 Halsted Abel Hetfield 1991 Halsted Caleb 1983 Halsted Caleb 1992 Halsted Caleb 1981 Halsted C. O 1612 Halsted Elihu O 1987 Halsted Francis William... 1991 Halsted Isaac Williamson.. 1981 Halsted Jacob 1985 Halsted Jane Pierson 1988 Halsted Lucretia B 1997 I H L. B. 1995 Halsted Mary Hetfield 1991 Halsted Matthias 1998 Halsted Nathaniel Norris .. 1997 Halsted Nathaniel N 1996 Halsted N. Norris 1999 Halsted Oliver Spencer 1901 Halsted O. S. Jun. (Pet) 1991 Halsted.. Rebeccah 1984 Halsted Robert 1989 Halsted Robert Morris [991 HaKted Samuel 1990 Halsted William, Esq 1986 Halsted William (Dr.) 1993 Halsted Willis Pope 1981 Hamill Isabella 1837 Hamilton Ann Bryan. 1642 Hamilton Burnett D 1641 Hamilton Francis P 1640 Hamilton George W. 1639 Hamilton Louisa S 1639 Hamilton Mary Ann 1695 Hamilton Samuel F. M 1639 340 INDEX *)F INSCRIPTIONS Hamilton... William M 1639 Hampton. Jeheil 673 Hand _ Jane 808 Hand Jane 808 Hardy Susanna.. 430 Harriman. Eaton 666 Harriman Joanna 664 Harriman John, Rev 661 Harriman Margaret 666 Harriman Maria.. 666 Harriman Samuel, Capt. 665 Harriman Susan 666 Harriman Susanna. 665 Harriman Susanna 662 Harriman William 662 Harland Betsey 59 Harris Ann Maria 1703 Harris Mary 1473 Harrison Abby W 834 Harrison David 834 Harrison Emily F. 1819 Harrison James W _ 1S20 Harrison Stephen 147 Hart _ Jason T._ _. 1067 Hatfield Aaron 259 Hatfield Charlotte T 65 Hatfield Damaris 254 Hatfield Emily A 252 Hatfield Ephriam 675 Hatfield Harriot N 257 Hatfield Harriet C 63 Hatfield Jane 253 Hatfield Job H._._ 64 Hatfield Laura D 251 Hatfield Mary 1292 Hatfield _ Moses 61 Hatfield Oliver Spencer 253 Hatfield Sarah.. 252 Hatfield Sarah 250 Hatfield Sarah Rarnet 258 Hattie.. 1672 Hauck. John A. 1760 Hauck Margaret 17^1 Haviland Abigail Havlland Benjamin Haviland Isaack Haviland Jacob Haviland Luke Haviland Luke Haviland.. Rhode Haviland Sarah Haviland Sarah Haviland Sarah Haviland Thomas Haviland William Heming Melsup.. Heming Rebecca Hendricks David i__ Hendricks Hannah 1541 Hendry Phebe (handler ... 947 Hetfield Abigail (Price) 1455 Hetfield Caleb 1458 Hetfield Cornelius 1865 Hetfield Cornelius 1456 Hetfield HannahR 1461 Hetfield Hannah 14S Hetfield Isaac 255 Hetfield Jennet 1460 Hetfield Joanna 1865 Hetfield Margaret... 1459 Hetfield . Matthias, Dea 149 Hetfield Oliver S 256 Hetfield Richard S 647 High Hannah 444 lliggins Deborah Halsted Higgir.s Edmund H. 1124 Higgins Elizabeth 1012 Higgins Fanny 1013 Higgins Gershom 1010 Higgins Hannah 934 799 806 798 805 804 800 802 807 797 600 1600 Higgins Harriets 1525 Higgins ..:.. 933 Higgins John 1017 Higgins... Joseph T 1125 Higgins Luke H 1014 Higgins Luke H 1525 Higgins Luke T 1015 lliggins Nathaniel 1014 Higgins. Nathaniel 1010 Higgins Phebe C 1526 Higgins... Sarah B 1016 Higgings Susan Hatfield 10T7 Higgins William B 931 Higgins William B 1009 Hines Sarah 747 Hinds Abigail 751 Hinds Abner 746 Hinds David 749 Hinds Joseph 748 Hinds. Martha 746 Hinds. Mary 669 Hinds Mary 755 Hinds. Sarah A. Meeker.. 669 Hindes Ann Elizabeth 709 /Hindes Benjamin W 710 Hindes Betsey Ann 709 Hindes Charlotte 633 Hindes Esther.. 219 Hindes.. Eunice 528 Hindes Henry 632 Hindes... Henry J 628 Hindes Isaac _. 708 Hindes Irene _ _. 631 Hindes James _ 630 Hindes.. John.. 627 Hindes John J _ 629 Hindes Joseph B 710 Hindes Louisa H 628 Hindes Margaret A 624 Hindes Martha W 707 Hindes Mary 220 Hindes. Mary 221 Hindes Moses W 709 Hindes Phebe.. _. 220 Hindes r Rachel E 625 Hindes. Sarah A. D 626 Hindes Sarah Jane 707 Hindes Stephen 221 Hindes William... 634 Hindes.. \\*illiam J 628 Hinchman.... Ann Eliza _ 851 Hinchman Maria 847 Hinchman William H _. 852 Hinchman William 850 Hoagland Susanna W 416 Hoerning Margaretta B. 1731 Hofmann Julius C 1763 Horton Dorcas Oliver T533 Horton Hannah P 1920 Horton.. Isaac isn Horton John M 1=531 Horton Joshua 1530 Horton Mary 97 Horton William 1532 Hotto Anna 1565 Howell Elizabeth. 1414 Huey Annie E 56 lluev. Charlotte E 56 Hughs CharlesH.. 1418 Hughs Fanny 1417 Hughs. Phebe 1417 Hull Mary 1852 Humes David L 303 Humes Mary E. D 303 Hunt Anna D 864 Hunt Benjamin 874 Hunt Davis 789 Hunt... Esther 785 Hunt Hannah 1276 Hunt John D. 788 IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD. 341 Hunt Jonathan D 788 Hunt Josiah 7 88 Hunt Josiah 786 Hunt Sarah 787 Hunter Joseph Hloomtield . 1405 Inman Henrietta 1822 Inscription gone q8o Insley _ Hannah DeHart ... 1372 Insley Henry 1371 Jacks Anzonette P 704 Jacks Louisa W 704 Jakle William H 1743 Janes Mary 1722 Jarvis Benjamin J 698 Jarvis Hannah 775 Jarvis John O 697 Jarvis Margaret M. W 775 Jarvis Phebe 699 Jaques Charlotte Ann 1333 Jaques David 1330 Jaques Edward F 1332 Jaques Mindwell Mulford. 1331 Jeffery Richard 1624 Jelf Jane 1261 Jelf Sallv 1787 Jelf _ Sarah 25 Jenkins Alexander 1762 Jewell Aaron 72 Jewell Betsv L 840 Jewell EtihuM.. 72 Jewell George M 123 Jewell Mary. 124 Jewell Matthew H 840 Jewell William 840 Johnson Abby G 315 Johnson Elizabeth B 876 Johnson Mary 1081 Johnson Pebe Crane 1861 Johnson Thomas 876 Joline Anthony 313 Joline Matthias 313 Joline Phebe 312 Jones Phebe 991 Jones William R 990 Jousserandot Louise 304 Jousserandot Laurent 304 Keller Elizabeth 1824 Keller George Peter 1823 Kellogg Amelia 864 Kellogg Martha 44 c Kellogg Merritt 440 Kettlevvell George S 1018 Kettlewell Sarah W 10 Kettlevvell Richard 935 Keyt Anna 761 Keyt Benjamin C 761 Keyt Elizabeth L 1558 Kiggins Theodore A 936 Kimball George Harriman . 300 Kimball Kate Nelson 301 King Francis.. 1667 King Phebe H. Crane... 1885 Knoedler Emily C 1620 Knoedler Eva da 1617 Knoedler Henrietta*" 1617 Kollock Elizabeth H 11 Kollock Sarah H 19 Kollock Shepard, Esq 13 Kollock Shepard K., D.D... 20 Kollock... ..- Susan 13 Kollock Susan 11 Kollock Wm. M n Kopp Hannah 1701 Lackey Phebe W 1367 Lackey William Pierson... 1367 Lambdin Mary Wilbur 127 Landis Susan B 356 Lane Sarah 1411 Lalour Elizabeth 1863 Latham Isaac M 1020 22 Latham Joseph 1019 Latham Mary Jaquis 1028 Latham Thomas 1020 Laughton Frederick M 1622 Lawrence Samuel i960 Lawrence Thomas 1924 Lee Margaret 309 Lee Samuel 310 Lighton John 1557 Lilly and Ada 1756 Lindsley Sarah 172 Littell Aaron Littell Mehetable 1 838 795 839 693 693 Littell Sarah Littell Susan M. 1522 Livingston George Edward... 1751 Loach Edmund. Loach Harry... Locker David C. Locker Samuel 891 Locker Samuel M 891 Lougheed Mary Ross 1803 Ludlam _. Charlott Halsey ... 1082 Ludlam Stephen 1082 Luitig Phillip I754 Lyon. Aaron 373 Lyon Aaron 275 Lyon Abe Hendrix 282 Lyon _. Ann.. 848 Lyon _ Benjamin 273 Lyon Benjamin 272 Lyon Catherine C 316 Lyon David 265 Lyon David 372 Lyon David, Capt 677 Lyon Ebenezer, Capt. ... 431 Lyon Elizabeth 431 Lyon _ Joanna 374 Lyon Joanna 278 Lyon Joanna E 663 Lyon Joseph, Capt 73 Lyon Joseph, A. B 74 Lyon Lette 1493 Lyon Mary 2 8o Lyon Marv 266 Lyon Matthias, Capt 268 Lyon Moses 27 g Lyon Moses 281 Lyon Obadiah . Lyon Phebe. Lyon Phebe. Lyon Rachel S Lyon Samuel 2 319 271 276 270 77 283 Lyon Sarah Lyon Sarah 31 Lyon Sarah Treat. 267 Lyon Stephen M ... ^17 Lyon Susan 284 Mabee Ann W 1465 Magie Benjamin 1221 Magie David 1218 Magie Elizabeth 1217 Magie Elizabeth 1222 Magie Ezekiel 1234 Magie Joanna M 478 Magie John 1230 Magie John O 12^2 Magie John, Jr 1231 Magie Joseph 1224 Magie Margaret 1223 Magie Mary 1222 Magie Mary 1222 Magie Mary 1235 Magie Mary S 1574 Magie Phebe 1219 Magie Phebe 1229 Magie Rachel 1220 Magie Sophia 1233 Magie Stephen 1574 Marsh Elizabeth 1463 342 INDEX OT INSCRIPTIONS Marsh Chester E 937 Marsh Eliakim _ 1383 Marsh Elias 1680 Marsh Evart 937 Marsh Evart 937 Mar-h Isaac 1977 Marsh Jacob 1880 Marsh •_ John Morse 486 Marsh Joshua 1976 Marsh Martha E 1680 Marsh. Mary D. C 937 Marsh. Mary H 1680 Marsh Myra A 1680 Marsh Myra Buss 1680 Marsh Nathan S 1025 Marsh Phebe 1226 Marsh Sarah C 536 Marsh _ Sophronia B 1680 Marsh.. Stephen O 4815 Marsh _ William 1334 Martin Ann 1794 Martin Elizabeth 1793 Martin Elizabeth 815 Martin Mary 1793 Massies Peter 1609 Matteson.. Eliza J 875 Mather Thomas 1636 Mattison Abbey 182 Mattison _ Eliza Johnson 182 Mattison Julia A 184 Mattison Mary O.. 183 Maurow Squier L 1851 McCullum.-- \ndrew 1759 McCullum Archibald 865 McCullum Rebecca Ballard... 865 McDowell John, D.D. 152 McDowell Matthew 12 McGillivray Elizabeth 1867 McGillivray Jennie. 1868 McGillivray Mary B 1866 McKain William, Jr.. 1733 McKain William, Sr. .. ... 17 . , McKee Elizabeth 1698 McKee Robert 1698 McVoy Augustus 1909 Meeker Abby 1423 Meeker Abigail... 1420 Meeker.. _ Abigail C 825 Meeker Abigail _ 2019 Meeker... Ann 1425 Meeker Anna Halsey . 997 Meeker.. Alletta... 1554 Meeker Catherine 1528 Meeker Charity 1298 Meeker. _ Charlotte m Meeker. Charity no Meeker.. Comfort 236 Meeker ._ Daniel 106 Meeker David .1 1765 Meeker.. David.. 235 Meeker David T 152S Meeker... Elizabeth 2013 Meeker Elizabeth 2020 Meeeer Elly.. 829 Meeker Esther 1297 Meeker Esther. 1207 Meeker Ezekiel 1350 Meeker Frances.. 2021 Meeker Frances N '. 1766 Meeker Hannah.. 1426 Meeker Hannah 216 Meeker Hannah 1528 Meeker Hannah Ogden 1370 Meeker Henry 9 Meeker Isaac B 1765 Meeker James F 993 Meeker James R 998 Meeker John M 2022 Meeker John T. Halsey 996 Meeker Jonathan 825 Meeker _ Jonathan 1421 Meeker Joseph, Capt 2013 Meeker Joseph 2020 Meeker Joseph 2016 Meeker Joseph 2032 Meeker Josephs 2032 Meeker Josephs. 2017 Meeker Mariah 8 Meeker Martha Ann 233 Meeker Mary 826 Meeker Mary 27 Meeker Mary 2015 Meeker Mary 1300 Meeker Mary 1424 Meeker Mary A 1553 Meeker __ Mary Ann.. 2022 Meeker Mary W 2032 Meeker Mary W 2032 Meeker Mary (Ogden) 38 Meeker... Matilda F 2032 Meeker Matthias P 1428 Meeker Mickel 112 Meeker.. Moses 1419 Meeker Moses 1424 Meeker Nehemiah 1296 Meeker Nehemiah 1528 Meeker Noah 1295 Meeker Obediah, Capt 237 Meeker Phebe 108 Meeker Phebe 1351 Meeker Phebe Spinning ... 1351 Meeker Polly 828 Meeker Rachel 107 Meeker Rachel 827 Meeker Rebecca C - 994 Meeker Rebekah 824 Meeker Sally Ann 1428 Meeker _ Samuel 109 Meeker Sarah. 2017 Meeker. Sarah... 2032 Meeker Sarah Ann 669 Meeker Sarah E 995 Meeker Sophia .' 822 Meeker Susan 2023 Meeker Susan 1422 Meeker Stephen 1299 Meeker Stephen 234 Meeker Stephen A. 1555 Meeker William 1427 Meeker Zeruiah 823 Megie Anna 1225 Megie Benjamin 1221 Megie Catharine 1237 Megie Hainds 1237 Megie John. 1227 Megie John 1225 Megie Jonathan 1228 Megie Michael 1236 Megie. Michael 1237 Megie Phebe 1238 Melvin Abigal Ogden 332 Melvin Harriet 334 Melvin James 335 Melvin William", Capt 331 Michean Maria 1457 Miller Abigail _ 73 2 Miller Ann... 483 Miller Anna W 1243 Miller Anna Irene 1242 Miller Benjamin 1204 Miller Benjamin 1278 Miller Elizabeth 1715 Miller Elizabeth 487 Miller Elizabeth 510 Miller Emeline 490 Miller Esther C 482 Miller Ezubah 2018 Miller F. Rossiter... 733 Miller Hannah 873 Miller Hannah 1277 IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD. 343 Miller Hannalr i 7 i 3 Miller Isreal M 1592 Miller Joanna 484 Miller John S 565 Miller Jonathan 1202 Miller Josiah 1714 Miller _ Margaret 491 Miller Moses 2014 Miller Moses 482 Miller Nathaniel 1317 Miller. _ Nathaniel 1317 Miller Rachel Ann 566 Miller Richard, Junr 1201 Miller Samuel 489 Miller. Samuel 492 Miller Samuel, Jr 488 Miller Samuel K 872 Miller... Sarah C 871 Miller Susanna 483 Miller William 482 Mills Mary 459 Mills _ William 438 Mitchell Albert R 1463 Mitchell Caroline M 1463 Mitchell. DavidS 1573 Mitchell Mary R.. 1463 Mitchell Nathaniel 1463 Mitchell William 1697 Monroe... Edward J 1492 Monroe Elizabeth W 1492 .Monroe Jemima 1492 Monroe William W 1491 Montgomery Amelia.^ 1603 Montgomery "William James 1603 Moore Alice 1834 Moore Catharine 516 Moore David 518 Moore Eliza ._ _. 89 Moore Genie 1834 Moore Moses 514 Moore Sarah 517 Moore _ Sarah E 515 Morehous Phebe 336 Morehous Rebecca 337 Morehouse Aaron 781 Morehouse. David 39.1 Morehouse David 745 Morehouse Phebe 778 Morehouse Samuel.. 779 Morehouse Susannah 780 Morehows Hannah 1932 Morgan. Nathaniel 1663 Morrell Family Vault 1736 Morris Mary Jane 1707 Morse _ Abby XV 558J- Morse Amy 1028 Morse Elizabeth 1026 Morse ■.... Isaac, Dr 1028 Morse Joanna Brown 1021 Morse Joseph D 560 Morse Polly 559 Morss Robeart, Jr 1792 Morton Amelia 864 Morton Elihu 864 Morton Elvira 864 Morton Lewis M 864 Moses Charles W 1669 Mount. __ Hannah 1200 Mount Mary 1647 Munson Abby M 716 Munson Hallsey 717 Mulford Abraham M '345 Mulford _ Ann 1400 Mulford Anna 1285! Mulford Benjamin. 1290! Mulford Catharine T 1395 Mulford Catharine 1396 Mulford Charity 66 ! Mulford David 753 Mulford Elizabeth P 1348 1 Mulford Emeline 1288 Mulford Kanne 1335 Mulford Frankey i 335 Mulford Hannah i 347 Mulford JamesCaldvvell 1398 Mulford.. Jane 1344 Mulford... Jane H 1286 Mulford John 133& Mulford Jonas T 1394 Mulford Jonathan 1397 Mulford Lewis i 33 6 Mulford Lewis 66 Mulford Lewis 1341 Mulford Lewis. 1340 Mulford Locky B 1471 Mulford Mary 1342 Mulford Mary E 1287 Mulford Mary M 12S6 Mulford Michael. 68 Mulford Moses VV 1286 Mulford Patience 1289 Mulford Phebe 831 Mulford Phebe _ 67 Mulford Phebe 1402 Mulford Sarah 1337 Mulford Sarah Ann 1349, Mulford. Sarah Ann 1349 Mulford Sarah W i2b7 Mulford Thomas... 1471 Mulford Thomas, Capt 1401 Mulford Townley 1346 Mulford Trembly XV 1399 Murdoch Alexander 1717 Murdoch James ^17 Murdock Sarah 1875 Murphy Sarah Clarke 269 Murray Anna Rhees 1627 Murray __ Catharine L 1627 Murray Eliza J. Rhees 1627 Murray Elizabeth C . 1627 Murray John M 1627 Murray Margaret B 1627 Murray Nicholas 1627 Murray Thomas Chalmers . 1627 Murray William W 1627 My Brother 18 Nelson Jared 1839 Nelson Joanna 1838 Nelson Olivia A 1840 Nicoll Alexander 1907 Nicholl Ida 164& Nicoll Mary 1908 No Inscription 591 Noe Jane S. Hatfield 249 Noe Walter C. 1831 Norris Catharine M 640 Norris Cerintha 639 Norris Charles L 637 Norris Charlotte 641 Norris Elias 642 Norris Henry 1499 Norris Henry 1495 Norris Laura A 639 Norris Mary i 4 g 7 Norris Nathaniel 1498 Norris Noah 643 Norris Phebe 1496 Norris Rachel 1494 Norris Rebecca 644 Norris Samuel 1500 Nuttman A. W 1003 Nuttman Elizabeth 1007 Nuttman James G 922 Nuttman James G 1000 Nuttman John McD 1004 Nuttman Lavinia 1001 Nuttman Margaret W 1771 Nuttman. Matilda 1001 Nuttman Matihia G 999 Nuttman Matilda W 921 344 INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS Nuttman Oliver.. 1002 Nuttman Oliver C 923 Nuttman Oliver C 1004 Nuttman Sarah 1008 Ogden Aaron, Col 462 Ogden Aaron 462 Ogden -- Abigail 140 Ogden Abraham 36 Ogden Abraham 49 Ogden - Albert 1368 Ogden Albert 1369 Ogden Benjamin 294 Ogden Benjamin 402 Ogden Benjamin, Capt 399 Ogden.. _ Charity 293 Ogden.. Charity Ann 325 Ogden. _ David 542 Ogden Dinah _ 36 Ogden E.B.Dayton 461 Ogden E.B.Dayton 462 Ogden _ Elizabeth Chetwood 462 Ogden.. Elizabeth 395 Ogden Elizabeth 42 Ogden _ Elizabeth 285 Ogden .- Elizabeth 393 Ogden _ Elizabeth 392 Ogden_ Esther. 324 Ogden Ezekiel 141 Ogden Ezekiel 4 1 Ogden Hannah 466 Ogden Hannah 1369 Ogden Hannah 287 Ogden Hannah 543 Ogden Hannah._ 468 Ogden Hannah Insley 1369 Ogden... Hatheld 139 Ogden Hetfield.. 286 Ogden Jacob 396 Ogden Jacob 217 Ogden Jane Chandler 468 Ogden Jean __ 32 Ogden JoannaT _ 1729 Ogden Joanna 40 Ogden John 47 Ogden John 43 Ogden John M 1729 Ogden John Robert 462 Ogden Jonathan 48 Ogden. Mr. Jonathan 398 Ogden Joseph 544 Ogden Joseph 1368 Ogden. Joseph G 338 Ogden Lewis 291 Ogden Lucille 1783 Ogden Lucille D. _ 1782 Ogden Margaret 290 Ogden Mary 327 Ogden Mary _ 39 Ogden Mary Barber 464 Ogden Mary C. Barber ... 462 Ogden Mary Henrietta ... 1784 Ogden Mary J. Magie 137 Ogden Matthias, Gen'l 469 Ogden Matthias 462 Ogden Matthias 292 Ogden... Matthias 289 Ogden Moses 539 Ogden Moses 296 Ogden Moses 541 Ogden MosesCondit 298 Ogden Moses H 297 Ogden Nancy 1729! Ogden Phebe 465 Ogden Phebe Ann 462 Ogden Rebekah 397 Ogden Rhoda 295 Ogden Rhoda 138 Ogden Robert, Esq 467 Ogden Sally 339 Ogden Samuel 288 ' Ogden Samuel 323 Ogden Sarah W 349 Ogden Sarah Halsey 349 Ogden Sarah Piatt 463 Ogden Sarah Ross 298 Ogden Sarah Frazee 784 Ogden Susan Dayton 461 Ogden Theodore H 136 Ogden Thomas 36 Ogden Thomas A 471 Ogden William 339 Ogden William 339 Ogden William 326 Ogden _ Wm. DeHart 460 Ogden Zurviah 867 Ogilvie Agnes 363 Ogilvie Alexander 363 Ogilvie Jane J 363 Ogilvie Jane M 363 Oliver David 567 Oliver Hannah 570 Oliver Jacob G 1193 Oliver ..'. James 576 Oliver James 575 Oliver John N 574 Oliver John Nicholas 578 Oliver Jonathan 571 Oliver Mary 572 Oliver Rhoda . 577 Oliver Samuel 568 Oliver Sarah 569 Oliver Sarah 573 Olliver Uselna L 1192 Osborn Enos 1629 Osborn David. 930 Osmun Martha 691 Osmun Stephen T 690 Pard'w Martha 1132 Parcell Andrew 1142 Parcell Elizabeth 1143 Parcell Elizabeth 1141 Park Mary Louisa R. ... 168 Parkhurst Abner W 1382 Parkhurst Charlotte S. 1382 Parkhurst John S 1381 Parkhurst Jonas W 1380 Parkhurst Josephine Y 1380 Parkhurst Mary S. 1380 Parmalie George W 1104 Parmalie Mary E 1104 Farselt Abigail Insley 1373 Parsell Henry 1373 Passels Mary 320 Passel _ Phebe 1305 Passel Price 1306 Passel Stephen 1305 Passel Stephen 1304 Patterson Thomas 1643 Pauley John F 1675 Peach Jane 173 Reason John 1123 Peet Rhoda 1623 Perriam Elizabeth 244 Perriam Joseph 245 Perrin Ann 1593 Perrin Lucretia B 1548 Perrin Richard 1547 Perrin Richard 1593 Perrin Sarah 1593 Phelps Frederick 1821 Phinny Gould, Col 1611 Pierce Oliver 1353 Pierson Aaron 1576 Pierson Abigail 46 Pierson Albert R 989 Pierson Albert A 916 Pierson Amzi _ 1329 Pierson Ann B 985 Pierson Benjamin 186 Pierson Catharine A 917 IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD. 345 Pierson Charlotte. Pierson David Pierson Elihu Pierson Elizabeth Pierson Francis .. Pierson Joanna... Pierson John Pierson John Pierson Jonathan . Pierson Jonathan . Pierson Lillis Pierson Mary Pierson Mary Chandler Pierson Mary Louisa Pierson Oliver Pierson Phebe Pierson Phebe Magie Pierson Prudence... Pierson Ralph H Pierson Rebekah Tovvnley. Pierson Rhoda. Pierson Sarah A Pierson Stephen Pierson Stephen E Pierson Susan W Pierson William Piatt .. Austin Porter Alexander Porter Elizabeth Porter Margaret Porter Robert Porter William, Jr Post Andrew Post Mary Potter Hephzibah Potter John Price Aaron Price Aaron Ogden.. Price Abby W Price Abigail Price Abigail Price Abigail Price Abigail Price Ann T. (Marsh) Price Anne Price Antnony Price Benjamin, Esq Price Benjamin Jr Price ... Benjamin M Price Catharine O Price Celestia Price Charles Tooker ... Price Charity Price Children, 5 Price Chloe Price Cumfort Price Daniel Price Daniel Price Daniel Price David Price David W Price Ebenezer Price Elihu Price Elizabeth Price .- Elizabeth Price Elizabeth Price Elizabeth Price Elizabeth Price Elizabeth W Price Enos Price Ephriam Price Ezra E Price Farrington Price George Price George Price George F Price George F. Price Hannah Price Hedges Ralph 93 389 88 387 9>5 1934 45 9i 94 95 '575 388 390 96 1575 98 92 1320 44 1779 1329 90 1779 986 987 988 918 854 1699 I95 2 1953 195° 1951 >753 1970 609 1068 2003 652 130 534 35 1 1453 79 617 2011 20c6 20O8 2003 2O3O 322 79 2005 6 623 "3 '97 655 654 1-,';.-: 614 702 1293 3 369 2004 2026 2013 131 658 622 1969 2027 2029 2001 2031 2028 ce Henrietta J 1969 ce Jacob 1216 ce Jane S 616 ce Joanna 2003 ce John 1972 ce John 2008 ce John 2010 ce John 385 ce John 384 ce John Nicholas 2031 ce JohnN.O. 2029 ce Jonathan 612 ce Jonathan 659 ce Jonathan 648 ce Jonathan D 651 ce Joseph G 23 ce Joseph Perriam 653 ce Joseph W ce Julia Elyea .. ce Margaret ce Margery Marian 615 ce Martha 175 ce Martha Alice 174 ce Martha Taylor 199 1774 2009 1216 Mary 660 Mary 2007 Mary 620 Mary 383 Mary 1971 Mary 533 ce Mary Ann 2 ce Mary H 613 ce Mary P 1973 ce Mary W 1294 ce Nathaniel _ 618 ce Nathaniel 621 ce Nathaniel 534 ce Oliver 2025 ce Pamelia 7 ce Perriam 649 ce Phebe 6 ce Phebe 2002 ce Phebe 615 ce Phebe 657 ce Phebe 198 ce Phebe Anna 650 ce Phebe Agnes 174 ce Puah 6 ce Rachel 700 Rachel 656 ce Rachel 132 Ralph 4 Ralph 6 ce Ralph 6 Rebecca. 2012 ce Robert 5 ce Sarah 701 ce Sarah Ann 321 Sarah C 1 546 Simeon 701 Susan 33 Susan Miller 2024 ce Susan M 129 Tenrub 34 Thomas 35 Thomas 133 ce .. . Thomas, Jr 382 ce William 2010 ce Wm. Erastus 534 :e William Dayton... 129 :e T 535 gley Daniel 870 gley Elizabeth 868 Igley John 869 ley John 869 ley Thomas 870 Radly John 1121 Ramsden Boynton 54 Ramsden Israel Ludlow 53 346 INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS Ramsden Martha 50 Ramsden Phebe .. 54 Ramsden William 52 Ramsden _ William 51 Ramson William 1980 Randell George Randolph Francis Randolph Francis C. F Randolph Frances Louisa 1832 Randolph Louis F Randolph _ Maria H _ 1888 Randolph Phebe H Randolph Robert Rawl Samuel Red stone cross ... _ Reeve Frances H Reeve James H 1644 Reeve Lucetta 1645 Reeve Uzal Reid Cornelia A 1813 Reid Emma 1815 Reid George W Reid Jennie Reid. Mary 1816 Reilly Henry 1919 Rich Abigail (wid) 1931 Richards Aaron 458 Richards Eliza Y 796 Richards John 981 Richards JohnC 459 Rindell Abby W..__ 1162 Rindell Gilbert 1941 Rindell John 1940 Rindell Marv W._ 1940 Rindell. Sarah _ 1906 Rindell Sophia _ 1939 Ritter Amelia 1708 Ritter Amelia R 1711 Ritter Charles 1709 Ritter Franklin 1710 Ritter George 1709 Ritter J. Peter(Capt.) 1712 Ritter Louis 1708 Ritter Mary B 1710 Ritter Wilhelmina 1709 Ritter William 1708 Ritter William P 1710 Rivers Jane Eliza _ 1260 Rivers Lewis 1258 Rivers Rachel 1259 Roberts Horatio E 722 Roberts Jesse 724 Roberts Lucy M... 723 Robertson Maria Caldwell 166 Robertson Robert Smith 165 Rodgers Margaret M 437 Roll Catherine 1687 Rollo James 856 Rollo James S 849 Rollo Thomas 857 Rolston William R 919 Rosette... Abraham 962 Rosette Francis Peter 962 Rosette Furman 1071 Rosette. Louisa 962 Rosette Lydia 961 Rosette - Susan 961 Ross Alice 1807 Ross Delinda Hopkins.. 1799 Ross Eliza 1806 Ross Eliza Crane 1805 Ross.. Elizabeth 412 Ross George, Esq 1257 Ross James 672 Ross James 672 Ross James 1798 Ross James 1802 Ross Jane 1262 Ross Jeremiah 1800 Ross John, Esq 411 Ross John, Esq. 409^ Ross Martha 929 Ross Mary 1803 Ross _ Rebecca 1801 Ross -. Sarah 410 Ross William 1804 Ross.. William 1263 Rowland Abigail 1567 Rowland Jane F 1568 Sale Daniel 1475 Sale Daniel 1479 Sale EdwardT 1481 Sale Edward 1480 Sale Edward 1481 Sale Elizabeth 1477 Sale Elizabeth 1474 Sale Phebe 1476 Sale Sarah 1480 Sanderson. Edward 1280 Sanderson.. Edward 1283 Sanderson Hannah 1281 Sanderson.. Mary Chapman... 1282 Sanderson Sarah Bliss 1284 Sayre Abigail 1828 Sayre Anna 606 Sayre Elias R 605 Savre Elizabeth P 238 Sayre Elizabeth P 242 Sayre Ephriam 1206 Sayre Esther 1301 Sayre Ezekiel 1208 Sayre Hannah 1209 Sayre Harriet 1828 Sayre James 409 Sayre James C 240 Savre Joanna 1934 Sayre Job 830 Sayre John 1828 Sayre... Joseph 1937 Sayre. Margaret Jane 1828 Sayre Martha L 1829 Sayre Mary 1207 Sayre Mary 1210 Sayre Mary 1828 Sayre Mary 1936 Sayre Mary Ann 1828 Sayre Noah 1302 Sayre Samuel 1935 Sayre Samuel 1828 Sayre Sidney W 241 Sayre Theodore J 239 Sayre Theodore James 243 Sayre Thomas M 242 Sayre Thomas 608 Sayre Walter F 1830 Sayre _ William 1827 Schenck William 674 Scott Gavin 1633 Scott Mather 163s Scott Mary _ 1634 Scott Samuel 545 Scudder Chariot 714 Scudder Eanock 7H Scudder Isaac 7'3 Seabar Elizabeth 1882 Seaton JohnT 1911 Seaton JohnT 1910 Seaton Mary E 1912 Seely Mary 302 Shepherd Caroline Powell... 1704 Shepherd Lavenia 1702 Shute Barnaby 1215 Shute Elizabeth R 1113 Shute William 1613 Simmons Mary P 153 1 Silvers. Maria B 85 Slater Edward B 1549 Slater. James D 1549 Slater. Solomon 1549 Smith Abigail 202 IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH VAKD. 347 Smith Abigail 205 Smith Adeline 845 Smith Anne Halsted 203 Smith Betsy 205 Smith Caleb H 205 Smith Caleb H 201 Smith Caleb H 205 Smith Catharine J. E 1780 Smith. David 1666 Smith Eliza. Melvin .. . Smith Elizabeth 84, Smith Canny 205 Smith Hannah 744 Smith Hannah 211 Smith Henry 207 Smith Henry, Jr 208 Smith Jacamiah 176 Smith James 843 Smith James M 841 Smith Jane 619 Smith Jeffery 210 Smith Joanna 203 Smith Job 1311 Smith Job 1310 Smith John J 1312 Smith John W 1666 Smith Julia 205 Smith _ Margery 212 Smith... Marv M 1308 Smith Moses 215 Smith Ogden 1314 Smith Oliver 846 Smith Phebe 215 Smith Phebe 1313 Smith Phebe B 841 Smith Samuel 213 Smith Samuel 201 Smith Sarah 205 Smith Sarah 206 Smith Sarah 1309 Smith Sarah 8a Smith Sarah H Smith Susan Smith Susan Emma 1822 Smith Susanna 844 Smith Thaddeus M 846 Smith _. William 209 Smith _. William 1666 Smith William 843 Smith William R 204 Snider Charlotte 1776 Sorrell John Joseph 1605 Spalding Clarissa D 1767 Spencer. Deborah 1114 Spencer Jerusha 635 Spencer Sarah 1362 Spinnage Isaac... 1150 Spinnage John 1150 Spinnage Mary 1150 Spinnage Mary 1151 Spinning Abigail 1149 Spinning Abraham F 1145 Spinning Benjamin 1149 Spinning Constant 1516 Spinning Daniel.. 1500 Spinning Elvina Clark 1597 Spinning George S 1596 Spinning Hannah 1144 Spinning Hester M 1145 Spinning John 1146 Spinning John 1515 Spinning Mary 1514 Spinning Mary 1510 Spinning Mindwell 1511 Spinning... Phebe 1513 Spinning Polly and Abby ... 1149 Spinning Sarah 1512 Spinning Theodore S 1146 Stackhouse Abigail 161 Stackhouse Eliza 715 205 Stackhouse Joseph 161 Stagg Henrv 1267 s t ; »!iH - Marv 1268 Stagg. Phebe Stanbro I'hebe 943^ Stansbery Harriet A 1266 Stansbery _ James F 1266 Stansbery William A 1266 Stearns Lorenzo 1732 Steele Candace 1982 Stiles _ Abraham 1521 Stiles _ Daniel 1521 Stiles Hannah 1527 Stiles John 1523 Stiles Phebe 1518 Stiles Phebe 1524 Stiles Phebe Woodruff .. 1520 Stiies Susan M 1522 Stiles William 1517 Stockton Mary 470 Stockton Sarah 16 Stoddard Caroline M. 1464 StoneCross.. 2iJ4 Stone defaied 1632 Stone broken off 1148 Stone broken off 984 Storm Maria 676 Strempel Mary 1691 Summers Charles 1728 Summers George (Dr.) 1728 Sutlif John 1835 Sutlif William 1836 Sybrandt James 945 Taintor Charlotte W. C. ... 1773 Tait Catharine 1718 Tait... William 1719 Taylor Jennet 1063 Taylor Rachel 1064 Terrill Phebe 1954 Terril Phebe 1027 Terril Phebe H 1355 Terril _ Susanna 1601 Tessier Susanne 1205 Thane Catharine 513 Thompson Abel 78 Thompson Ann M 1387 Thompson Mr. Benjamin 1637 Thompson Charles S 171 Thompson Elias 75 Thompson Fanny 76 Thompson Harvey 1888 Thompson Henrietta P 171 Thompson Joanna 866 Thompson JoannB 689 Thompson John 188 Thompson Martha 546 Thompson Phebe 1316 Thompson Samuel 689 Thompson Vasliti 77 Thorp Baker 60 Thorp Henrv 114 Todd Elizabeth 1540 Todd Patty Lyon 57 Toms. Mary 1862 Tooker Abram 1105 Tooker Ann Elizabeth 1846 Tooker Charles 1092 Tuoker Charles 1086 Tooker Charles 1091 Tooker Charles 1102 Tooker Daniel W 1847 Tooker Elizabeth 1190 Tooker Elizabeth 1102 Tooker Ellen S 1103 Tooker Jacob M 1103 Tooker James C 1843 Tooker Lewis 1189 Tooker Lewis 1089 Tooker Lewis 1088 Tooker Mary 1105 34« INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS Tooker Matilda 1842 Tooker Nehemiah W 1189 Tooker Phebe C. 1093 Tooker Susan M 1191 Tooker Susanna B 1090 Tooker Win. 1841 Tooker William O., Jr 1847 Townley Jonathan, Capt 1326 Tovvnley Phebe 1325 Townley Rhoda 1327 Townley Richard, Capt 1328 Trotter __ Benjamin .. 1117 Trumbull Ann 636 Trumbull Hannah W 357 Trumbull Joseph 636 Trumbull Susan Landis 356 Tucker Abby.. 1100 Tucker Abby C 1098 Tucker Abby W 1153 Tucker AbnerS 1853 Tucker Abraham 1085 Tucker... Amelia H 1153 Tucker Augustus 1848 Tucker Charles 1094 Tucker Daniel 1853 Tucker Gideon B 1853 Tucker Henry P 1100 Tucker James H.. 1100 Tucker Jane not Tucker Jane 1178 Tucker Luke 1099 Tucker Lvdia Morrell 1066 Tucker Margaret 1100 Tucker Phebe 1095 Tucker Sarah 1096 Tucker Wessel 1097 Tuker _ Jonathan Wade 1087 Tunis Bernadus G 352 Tunis David W 353 Tunis Maria 351 Tunis Nehemiah 354 Tunis Patience 355 Vail Dolly 858 Van Ausdol Cortland 2000 Vandergrist Hannah A 1599 Vandergtist Hannah A 1599 Vandergrist May Elizabeth 1599 Van Derlip Hannah 1527 Van Derveer Phebe Crane 957 Van Doren Margaret H 711 Van Doren Robert H 712 Van Horn Peter 1606 Van Name Anna 1678 Van Name Elias 1705 Van Name Henry Martin 1676 Van Name Jane Matilda 1677 Van Name Jane Townley 1679 Van Name John 1679 Van Pelt Helen W 433 Van Pelt MargaretS 434 Van Pelt Reuben 432 Van Voorhis James D 1665 Vergerau Abigail 1451 Vincent Susanne L. ._ 1205 Vreland Henrietta L 1596 W B 1069 Wade Abigail j 1318 Wade Benjamin 1320 Wade David 1271 Wade Elias 1274 Wade Francis 213 Wade Henry Kollock 1273 Wade James 1023 Wade Jane 213 Wade Jane S 204 Wade Jonas H 1272 Wade Jonas H 1272 Wade Jonathan 1321 Wade Jonathan D 1319 Wade Joseph M 1024 Wade Nancy 1023 Wade Nehemiah 1318 Wade Phebe Woodruff... 1321 Walker Margaret J 1673 Walker Mary 1791 Ward Elizabeth C 863 Ward Emeline W 782 Ward Henrietta M 782 Ward Phebe 861 Ward Samuel 413 Ward.. Sarah 1118 Ward Silas 862 Washburn Henry 1378 Washburn Uriah 1379 Watkins Esther 1902 Watkins Frances Spinning.. 1519 Watson Elizabeth 1029 Webster Ann 1406 Wells Ann 1466 Wells David 1723 Wells Louisa A 1723 Wells Sarah 694 Westervelt _. Frances 1678 Whaley Mehetable 772 Wheaton Joseph 308 Whitefield AbigailT 1322 Whitefield Addie 1324 Whitefield Annie Louise 1323 Whitefield Edward M 1022 Whitefield Frank 1322 Whitefield William 1322 Whitehead Abby 189 Whitehead.. Benjamin 1850 Whitehead Children of 194 Whitehead David, Dea 195 Whitehead David 19J Whitehead Elizabeth. 192 Whitehead. Isaac 401 Whitehead John 190 Whitehead Jonathan M 189 Whitehead Margaret 196 Whitehead Mary 1849 Whitehead Sarah 191 Whitehead Thurston 185 Whitlock Ann... 457 Whitlock Ephriam L... 457 Whitlock Peggy... 457 Whitlock Sarah 457 Whitewright James 992 Whitewright John 992 Whitewright Susannah 992 Wilbur Erastus 125 Wilbur JoseDh 126 Wilbur Joseph L 127 Wilbur Joseph Lyon 125 Wilbur Sarah 125 Willcock Charity ... 116 Willcock Elener 121 Willcock Elizabeth 117 Willcock Samuel 120 Willcock Stephen 122 Wilcox Elizabeth 118 Wilcox James 71 Wilcox James, Eld... 119 Wilcox Lydia Ross 119 Wiley Phebe 1994 Willis _. Ann 1974 Willis Daniel 1975 Willis James 774 Willis John J._. 696 Willis Sarah B. Jarvis 774 Willis Sarah Louisa 695 Willis William H 695 Willis William M 1529 Wilson Elizabeth P.. 939 Wilson Harriet Elizabeth.. 1385 Wilson Harry Stewart 1384 Wilson Helen H 1386 Wilson James 1139- Williams Ann 1556 IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD. 349 Williams Ann Eliza 1650 Williams Ann S 1501 Williams Benjamin 1482 Williams Benjamin 1407 Wiliams Benjamin 1438 Williams Benjamin B 1508 Williams Betsey 1433 Williams Caleb 14 10 Williams Charles 1416 Williams Charles M 1484 Williams Cornelius 1490 Williams Daniel 1655 Williams Daniel H 1683 Williams David 1488 Williams Deborah 1656 Williams Ebenezer 1404 Williams Elenor 1503 Williams Eleanor 1439 Williams Electa L 1430 Williams Elias 1483 Williams Elihu 1661 Williams Elizabeth 1429 Williams Elizabeth C T486 Williams Elizabeth F._ 1487 Williams Elizabeth W 1414 Williams Ezekiel 1551 Williams George goo Williams Hannah 1485 Williams Hannah 1652 Williams Hannah 1412 Williams Hannah P 1203 Williams Hannah 1651 Williams Hannah 1343 Williams Ichabod 14M Williams Isaac 1649 Williams Jacob, Senr 1662 Williams Jacob, Jr 1658 Williams Jane 1504 Williams Jane H 1505 Williams Jane Winans 1489 Williams. Jemima D 1435 Williams Joanna 1403 Williams Joel 1434 Williams John B 1436 Williams JohnH 1659 Williams John Henry 1768 Williams John L 1507 Williams Joseph 1649 Williams Lida C 1682 Williams Mary 1437 Williams Mary 1662 Williams Mary Ann 1660 Williams Moses 1431 Williams Nancy 1415 Williams Oliver 1249 Williams Rebekah 1409 Williams Rezin 1506 Williams Sally 1550 Williams Samuel 1502 Williams Sarah 1432 Williams Sarah 1203 Williams Thomas 1408 Williams Thomas S 1657 Williams William 1653 Winance Phebe 502 Winance Zeruiah 501 Winans Aaron 1245 Winans: Aaron 1176 Winans Aaron T 1253 Winans Abby 1747 Winans :. Abby 1164 Winans Abner 1889 Winans Amelia 1856 Winans Amelia A 1251 Winans Amy C 555 Winans Ann Maria 1170 Winans Amiable 1248 Winans Benjamin 1247 Winans Benjamin, Jun 1159 Winans Benjamin, Capt 1180 Winans Benjamin, Jr Winans Benjamin Winans Benjamin, Jun Winans Benjamin H Winans Betty Winans David R Winans Deborah Winans Elias Winans Elias Winans Elias Winans Elias Winans Elizabeth Winans Experience Winans Fanny Winans Frances Winans Gilbert H Winans Hannah Winans Hannah Winans Hannah Winans Hannah C Winans Hannah Winans Hannah Winans Hannah Winans Harriet C. Hatfield. Winans Henrietta W inans Hester Winans Isaac Winans Isaac Winans Jacob... . _ Winans Jacob Winans Jacob Winans Jacob Winans Jacob C. Winans Jane Winans Jane. Winans Joanna Winans . Job Winans Job Winans Job W'inans Job R Winans Jobe Winans John Winans John Winans John Winans... John Winans John Winans John Winans Jonathan Winans Jonathan G Winans Julia Winans Magdalene Winans Magdalene Winans Maline Winans Margaret Winans Mary Winans Mary Winans Mary Winans Mary E Winans Mary P Winans Moses Winans Moses Winans Moses Winans Nathan M. Winans Oliver W Winans Peter Winans Phebe Winans Phebe Winans Phebe Winans Prudence Winans Prudence Winans ... Remember Winans Ruth Winans Samuel Winans Samuel Winans Samuel Winans Samuel Winans Samuel Winans Sarah Winans Sarah.. Winans Sarah Ann 1254 1 163 1172 62 1167 1251 973 "747 1747 1748 1901 976 1955 «253 506 1890 506 506 i"5 1246 "57 1163 1903 63 1174 1 1 60 i"5 977 1169 1965 1747 "73 1179 836 354 1 1 56 1165 1152 1164 1303 1171 1965 506 1158 1116 506 1869 1171 1900 970 979 1956 1897 1747 1170 500 972 974 553 1252 1891 667 506 1954 "77 "77 i"5 971 506 504 506 506 5°3 "47 "55 837 350 INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS Winans Sarah H 1269 Winans Sarah M 1747 Winans Susan B 1303 Winans Susan B. Wood 1303 Winans Susan W 1170 Winans Susanna 978 Winans Susanna 1161 Winans UjeDia 1171 Winans Wm. 1251 Winans Zeruiah 506 Wood Ada E 358 Wood Charity '770 Wood Clara L 361 Wood Jeremy 55°}4 Wood John 551 Wood... John 550 Wood John H 359 Wood Jonas 771 Wood Joseph P 769 Wood __ Louisa M 358 Wood Margaret 975 Wood Marietta 360 Wood Mary C _.. 769 Wood Sarah 552 Woodhull Cornelia 1006 Woodhull Jane Green 1005 Woodrowfe Matthias 1948 Woodrowfe Thomas, Jun._ 1948 Woodruff Aaron 443 Woodruff Aaron 703 Woodruff Aaron 592 Woodruff Aaron, Dr 377 Woodruff Aaron J 1188 Woodruff Abigail 1757 Woodruff Abigail 99 Woodruff Abigail 378 Woodruff Abigail 1577 Woodruff Abner 102 Woodruff Abby Meeker 684 Woodruff Albert Eaton 725 Woodruff Ann 379 Woodruff Anna 1 Woodruff _. Anne Woodruff Archibalds. 1758 Woodruff Archibald H 449 W T oodruff Baker 585 Woodruff Belcher 738 Woodruff Benjamin 688 Woodruff Betsey 1154 Woodruff.. Charity 597 Woodruff Charity 598 Woodruff Cooper _ 562 Woodsuff Damaris N 1175 Woodruff Daniel 741 Woodruff Daniel 1468 Woodruff... David. 1859 Woodruff " David. 1929 W T oodruff David 736 Woodruff Elias 247 Woodruff Elias George 105 Woodruff... Eliza 734 Woodruff Eliza Ann 455 Woodruff Elizabeth 1930 Woodruff Elizabeth 1589 Woodruff Elizabeth 454 Woodruff Elizabeth 446 Woodruff Elizabeth 1586 Woodruff Elizabeth 685 Woodruff Elizabeth 601 Woodruff Elizabeth 453 Woodruff Elizabeth. 1590 Woodruff Elizabeth 1182 Woodruff Emeline Woodruff Emma F Woodruff Enos Woodruff Esthsr Woodruff Esther R 1855 Woodruff Eunice 1928 Woodruff Ezekiel 452 Woodruff Ezekiel 447 o£ 7 456 599 Woodruff Ezekiel D Woodruff Fanny Woodruff Francis W Woodruff Hannah Woodruff Hannah Phinney .. Woodruff Hannah Woodruff Hannah E Woodruff Henry Woodruff Henry D Woodruff HenryD Woodruff Isaac Woodruff Isaac, Esq Woodruff Jabez Woodruff Jacob Woodruff Jacob Angus Woodruff Jacob D. E Woodruff James W., Col. ... Woodruff Jane Woodruff Jane Woodruff Jane Woodruff Jane L Woodruff Joanna Woodruff Job, Jr Woodruff Job Woodruff John _ Woodruff Joseph '. Woodruff Joseph 3d Woodruff Joseph Woodruff Laura Ann Woodruff Lewis Woodruff Lewis T Woodruff Lizzie B. W Woodruff Louisa Woodruff Louis T Woodruff Luther Woodruff M. M Woodruff Margaret Woodruff Martha A Woodruff Martha Woodruff Mary Woodruff Mary Woodruff Mary Woodiuff Mary Woodruff Mary Woodruff Mary Woodruff Mary Woodruff Mary Woodruff Mary Woodruff Mary Woodruff Mary Woodruff Mary .. Woodruff Mary Alice Woodruff Mary Ann Woodruff Mary Lyon Woodruff _.:_ Mary W Woodruff Michael Woodruff Michael Woodruff Morris Woodruff Nathan Woodruff Nathaniel Woodruff __. Ogden Woodruff Parsons W 7 oodruff Phebe Woodruff Phebe Woodruff Phebe Woodruff Phebe Woodruff Phebewid.of Sam'l. Woodruff Phebe Munn Woodruff Phebe T..._ W'oodruff Phebe T Woodruff Puah ■.. W r oodruff Rachel Woodruff Rachel Woodruff Rhoda Woodruff Romyne A Woodruff Samuel Woodruff Sarah Woodruff Sarah Woodruff Sarah Woodruff Sarah 456 810 1265 1946 1920 600 913 1585 1584 1578 376 1892 585 913 1250 911 913 59° 380 739 683 737 1265 1182 1587 1581 1470 579 1264 912 706 1.83 44S 1614 522 9'3 1582 189s 603 1579 735 45i 584 603 680 563 1944 7°5 594 913 593 1188 1591 1854 100 10 1 381 595 686 679 6.0 914 682 687 2002 1467 1181 442 T583 !°3 104 I.590 1469 378 564 1307 i860 448 IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD. 351 Woodruff Sarah 582; "Woodruff Sarah 1893 "Woodruff Sarah 1045 "Woodruff Sarah H 581 "Woodruff Seth 596 Woodruff Seth 681 Woodruff Silas 450 Woodruff Stephen H 683 Woodruff Stephen P... 678 Woodruff Thomas 1943 Woodruff Thomas 1947 Woodruff Timothy 602 Woodruff Timothy 600 Woodruff Timothy 1042 Woodruff Uzal 246 Woodruff Vilette 1580 Woodruff Whitehead 580 Woodruff Whitehead 586 Woodruff William 734 Woodruff William B 1591 Woodruff William W 505 Woodward Harriet V 371 Woodward Matthew W 370 Young Christian, 713 Young Eliza Voy 792 Young James 795 Voting Jennet Voy 793 Young Robert 794 Zeluf Amelia 1856 Zeluf Esther R 1855 Zeluff. Hannah 1858 Zeluff John 1857 Zeluff John W 1859 Zulanf Magdalena 1752 Zulanf Magdalena 1752 INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS IN ST. JOHNS CHURCH YARD. Allen Jonathan Alexander Caroline Andarson William Armstrong Capl Baker Deborah Ball Elizabeth Barhyt Daniel Barhyt Elizabeth Barton Ann Barton Gabriel Barton James H Barton William S Beavers Rhoda Ann Ogden. Bedell Elizabeth Bedell Israel Biffen Ann Bird Samuel Bird Susannah Blackledge John Blackledge Phebe Blacklieg. Philip Blanchard Cornelius Blanchard Sarah Blight George Bliss Margaretta S Bogart Elizabeth Bowne Harriet Louisa Brasher Abraham A Briggs Elizabeth Brien Mary Brookfield.. Job.. Brown Caroline E Brown Catherine Brown Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown _. John Brown Phebe Burrowes John... Burrowes Marv Burrowes Sarah Butler Daniel. Butler Jane D Butler John Buttle Elizabeth Buttle Henry Buttle,. Mary Ann Campbell Marian Prise Channing Fanny Channing Julia Grant Chambon Margaret Landry .. Chapman Charlotte Chetwood George Jelf Chetwood Jane Emott Chetwood John, M.D Chetwood Mary Chetwood Mary Ann Jelf Chetwood Mary B... Chetwood Timothy Phelps... Chetwood William Ashton... Conklin Henrietta Conklin William H Conklin William F Craig Androw Craig Phebe Craig Susanna Craige _ John Crane Agigail Crane Hannah Crane Hannah Cron Louis 204 '77 157 235 2. ■;.-; 134 53 54 104 251 247 166 68 72 250 250 87 25 162 33 205 160 '43 179 276 56 55 199 57 58 222 221 220 126 1 125 99 98 99 264 236 237 257 255 14 6 !3 '5 12 4 7 Si S2 '-* 4 •' 246 242 241 IO 1 . 58 203 66 Cron D'Anterroches D'Anterroches D'Anterroches D'Anterroches D'Anterroches D'Anterroches Davis Dayton Deboisville Deboisville Deboisville Decker DeHart HeHart DeHart DeHart DeHart DeHart DeHart DeHart DeHart DeHart D'Hart DeHart DeHart DeHart Dennis Dennis Dexter Donaghy Donaghy Donington Doobs D11 Hue de Marcucy Dumont Eckel Edes Edes Edes Emott Emott Emott Evans Evans Evre Fontaneilles Foot G G._. Gabriel Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gathwight Garthwait Garthwait Garthwait I Garthwait Garthwait I Garthwa t Garthwait _. Garthwait Garthwait Garthwait Garthwait Garthwait ' Garthwait Louisa 66 Abigail Marsh . ... 261 Adnanne 262 Jane 263 John Peter 261 Joseph Louis 262 Mary 262 Mary.. 165 Margaretta v 76 Charlotte 270 Louise 270 Rose, D. F. K 277 Margaret 284 Abigail Crane 109 Cyrus 3 Jacob, Capt 109 Jacob, Col 109 Jane 145 Jane F 263 Joanna IO g John 263 John, Esq tio Matthias, Dr 109 Mattvas 147 Mary 81 Mary B. Chetwood 4 William C 2 John 89 Mary 89 George H 129 Eleanor __ 86 Mary Jane 86 Hannah 245 Margaret 216 Julie 108 John 283 Henry 152 Henry Phelps 9 Robert Henry 9 Robert, Capt 9 Edward 124 John 124 John 124 Elizabeth 154 Margaret C 155 Sarah Margaret 85 Jean Marie 272 George R 198 H 223 W 223 Lady Ann Renie... 107 Christopher 212 Henry 213 Kathern 212 Kathern 214 William 213 Alis 140 Elizabeth 94 Henry 115 Henry 119 Isaac .. 117 James 139 James 83 James 116 Jane 114 Jeremiah 113 Jeremiah C 136 Lydia 120 Mary 141 Mary 140 354 INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS Garthwait Mary Garthwait Prudence' Garthwait Vashti Garthwait William _ Garthwait William, Esq Garthwait William, Jr Geiger George. Geiger George S Geiger Susannah Gildermeester Sarah.. Gouet John Peter Gray Amy Gray Elizabeth Gray John Gray Richardson, Esq... Halstead Abigail Halstead Timothy Halsted George Halsted Margaret __ Hampton..- Ann Frances Hampton Hannah Hampton James Hampton Jonathan, Esq Hampton. Mary Ann Harriman John H arriman Sarah Harris _ Elizabeth Harris James Harris Nathan Poply Hartman Isaac Hartman Richard Tuite Hattrch Margaret E Hatterick Nicholas Haviland Luke Haviland Martha Haviland Sarah Hendricks Kaker .. Hendricks Baker, Capt Hendricks Deborah S Hendricks John Hendricks John Hendricks Mary Hendricks Phebe Hendricks Susan H Hermandez Francisco Hetfield Abel Hetrield Abigail Hetfield Altamont M Hetfield Mary Hetfield Morris Higgins Sarah. Hoagland George Hoagland William S Howell Elizabeth Huntt Belinda Hunt John Hylton Mary. Hylton Mehetable . Hylton _ ... Rachel Johnson ... Jeffrys Henry Jeffrys Jonathan Jeffrys Joshua Jeffrys Joshua.. Jeffreys Martha Jelf Susanna Johnston Henrietta Jones Elizabeth Jones Hopkin.. Jones Janup Jones Mary Joline David Kean Cornelia L Kean Helen Rutherford. Kean Jacob Morris Kean.. Peter Kean Sarah Louisa Jay.. Kean Susan Mary Keller Elizabeth Kiggins Charles Kiggins Hannah P 118 142 135 138 *33 137 97 OS 96 in 176 266 266 266 266 71 71 240 240 122 122 219 i 2 2 122 146 1 -1' ■ 146 269 2 68 128 153 20 2 20O 201 260 259 130 '3 2 156 156 260 1 (i 121 232 2.34 H 2 I02 1 19 34 151 3° 3° 3' 191 I9S 194. 193 in.' 5 30 210 271 271 2 1 S 180 41 41 .4i 84 -75 274 King Judeth Lachaise J. A Lawrence Isaac, Capt I Lawrence Joanna Lawrence Jonathan H Lebreton F. P Lee Robert Lee William Lewis David Man Samuel Man Sarah Man Thomas Mann '. Abigail Mann Abigail Mann Elias Mann Elias Mann Isaac Mann John Mann Martha Wilcox Mann Sarah Margat Judeth King Margat Peter, Capt Marsh Abigail Marsh Ann Maupertuis Ann Renee Mayo Edward C Mitchel Elihu Mitchel George Mitchel Hannah Crane Mitchel James Mitchel William Mitchel Elizabeth Mitchell __ Jacob Mitchell Mary.. Montandon Oliver Augustus... Moore. Caroline Matilda .. Moore Catherine Eleanor . Mother and Sister Mother My... Niemcewicz ._ Susan M Nixon. William Nuttall Christopher Odling Charles Odling John Ogden. Abigail Clark Ogden Andrew Ogden Deborough Ogden Elizabeth Ogden Ichabod Ogden Isaac Ogden Jacob __ Ogden John Ogden Lucy Ogden Mary Ogden Phebe Ogden Rhoda Ann... Ogden William Parton Alfred Paul Andrew Paul Elizabeth. Paul John Paul Sarah Penny Elizabeth Price Elizabeth Price Sarah Price Sarah Provoost Catherine Ramsden _ W'illiam Rezeau William L Richardson Elizabeth Ricketts James and Sarah... Robert Christopher Robert Joseph Rogers Emily Mary Rogers Mary R Rucastle John, Capt Rucastle Phebe Salnave Ann _. Salnave John Peter Salter T II2> 80 243 265 265 206 20 21 211 229 227 233 231 225 230 230 226 67 228 224 112 112 26l 38 107 QO 168 159 158 244 164 I70 171 172 293 183 182 65 59 41 19 217 239 238 17 23 18 '73 175 24 J 97 16 i°5 174 75 279 278 281 280 178 278 163 209 73 196 92 42 43 45 44 26 28 60 62 79 IN ST. TOHNS CHURCH YARD. 155 Scudder Isaac W Scudder Margaret Scudder Smith Scudder William Schweighauser Nicholas Seaman Benjamin R Seaman Catherine J Seaman Catherine P Seaman Eliza Seaman Elizabeth Seaman Maria Slater Ann Slater Slater John Slater John Slater Thomas Smith Benjamin, Esq.. Smith Jonas Smith Joseph Sonmans Peter, Esq Sonmans Sarah Spencer O H Spining Sarah Stephens Elizabeth Stiles _. DeborahS Stiles _ Susan Sufferer Little . Terrill Daniel Terrill Ephriam Terrill Ephriam, Esq... Terrill Josiah Terrill Mary... Thomas Anna R Thomas Edmund D Thomas Edward, Esq Thomas George C Thomas Mary Thomas Phebe Rucastle. Thonias Sarah Tiebout Ann Tobin Elizabeth F Tobin George 52 5° 5' 49 127 252 2S3 256 254 248 249 102 101 100 103 61 285 207 in III 93 149 x 34 130 162 273 187 18s Tobin Jane Tobin Sarah Tooker Abner Tooker Ann Tooker Ann Tooker Charles Tooker.. Charles H Tooker Elizabeth D Tooker Frances Tooker Joseph Tooker Mary Tooker Mary Tovvnley Abigail Town ley Abigail Townley Charles Townley Cornelia Townley Edward Townley _ Effingham Townlev Mary Townley Rhoda Townley Sarah Townlev William Townley William _ Townley _ William Townley William Walton Amy Whipple George W Whitehead _ Mary Austen Peirce Whitehead Tommy Whitehead "Willie Williams Elizabeth Williams Elizabeth Williams Mary Williamson Isaac H Williamson J. D Williamson Margaretta Williamson Matthias Williamson M. Hampton Williamson Sally F Williamson Susannah Yockney Elinor Mary 63 60 161 37 38 39 35 70 35 36 190 40 290 123 123 46 291 286 289 285 282 288 287 292 46 267 69 144 144 144 167 167 169 9 1 74 76 77 258 ERRATA. Page 106 — No. 725, for Abert read Albert. " 273 — No. 1926, for Barnett read Barnet. " 286 — No. 2015, for Josiph read Joseph. 302 — No. 77, for Matthew read Matthias. " 305 — No. 93, for Spencus read Spencer. \ m h *$ k^ « ( *9 \fc * / c »««« •- P 'N 1 OC0CN.9 „ . mW , PHIKNEV ««jW» '"J, 11 " BrtYAtfr H««K D B" Mil * SS33 gSS 8 III! I I" ! % % 35335 111 Ml «!! II ISH 5 illli i! B! ■ - is? l^iiEiii ill J IliilSiiil IHNBRsl glSiHifl J I s 7 ■:■-■■.:■; h^rM b Si e" im mil s II? I / iili I IIUSI - is iaui!!§ll !§3!sS§!!tiiSi!ll*H ^ ?51 ! ^ sS ! 1 S 8 2 !?! sa i as S|ifII-i = dlj::?!:;;: illiii lllllii II 1 5 %.._-_, -,, \"iVmHiiiii!H!!KBa .. FIRST .PRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH. ELIZAHE' PHTOWW, N. J. Built 1784-86 Aepsirei) luid Ealnr;rd 1851 On idli ; ."u' site stood the OrigituU Fits'. Church of Ehaa- i35§151 £ Sga m'D^rj^||i * ||s355ssK|||s|i|||i|||iss38sSls!li21#llI ililllllliill III |llilIIIII!8IIIII llil 11 """ ~" ' 7~~"" m>V* ^""wiM ~ S3SSS3S3S2SEESEEEEEE IH KiK SHiM ] illiSslSEEllS * EliliiilSlili I II 8SISS3 sllS iSSS S3 i2 | ■■» I 1 " ' ggggggg = rg/' " g fSligl I iifl If SSSi SSSISII 88 liiSSSISSS 51 85 SSI i::>»t>»»ii>i «»•£ iss^as ss s =: 2E " 51 E SSS88 S isisl IS 8 i SI Si, li|v';V' ifSl 3SiaSssa : ;s 13333 51=32=.:* bsj^sssksb^Is^^^ sis iSs ssi 5? *3s I WOODRUFF. , - ... , „ -■-•? w Bssa s e ISSS5S$ s 3s33SS83S§3£33 I £! ISSSSSISiiSlSSI 55S1I33S 55 I SSS8SS3H355SS3| 5 = 15, „ 515 S3S55SS5SSSSS33 33 55 5 j5 SaSSlSsgSS - =r ?ss ifi Ss3s3 „tUUU*> , S S S i L 1 I LJ gg Sll *»' SS [PIHlHHSlS~nS3S5S 55ISs=5;l£S?3 as 3 aaSSSSalas ss?l«! ^SssRSg^S^siZjinil"; 4 ~E~ E£SliS«J2s SS S?s*s?S SS*1 Is Mi slalSSsHSJss *S BS3SSS izzi 5S?S?5 m 252 2 S S 5ss aS5 - SS »s £ |s ass»8SiS*ss8a««M 8 1 ssssssssigsaa : ;Sb£;8 aass as s [Enlarged & Repaired ) | A. D.J 808.) » "< cvo's^fijste/^^tfjc t-^ : 6»22 *& gssi ~~ 1 PKTEB _iS_J GKORGE C. TBOMA& [Fur ther Enlarge d. ["1840.1 iKebuilt 1859.' 2S8SSS331 w ■ r^u5 w w L ?$ ««««C(C>W«3«W IP ^ "^iS^sil'c?-''" £ IH ?8 ss 1st JOHNS EPISC OPAL CHURCHVan p BROADSt. ELIZABETH. nTj] b o J .A A V .c «*. '' V > xP°««. © x ^. v % I , V v \. \> (