s PS 3523 .E37 J3 1909 Copy 1 I n^^ '^ "JANE E Y R E." ^V- \\ A Play in Four AcbS<, An adap-ai-ipn of Charlotte Brcnce's celebrated novel» ^^^'---^rri'J -^ aHARACTERS. Jane Eyre,—-.— -' —— -An orphan- j:£rs« Reecl," -^- — i-^Her Aunt by marriage^ Gsorriana,- ■■ — -Mrs« Reed's daughter. Adele,"^ — — • • -i...,— ..A yoimg French girlo Bessie,-- «-".— — -A maia.. (Double v/ith Adele) The Maniac,—— — • • —- — Lord Rochester,- -"A cyniCo Ernest Rivers,— "-'•' -' —A young physiciana Revt Brocklehurst,-'-^ ^— A hypnotical clergymana John Reed,--"— --=--— --e.«-o^ libertine, Marshall,— ——-— ---—--.«. Butler for dieReeds« C&p-^, Theodore Greyj-^—- —..---► A young soldi er. (Double mi-h Marshall) Richard Mason,-— .From the West Indies. James,--.™ — -. ^ ^A servant „ SyNCPSlS. Act 1„ Gateshead Hall. The home of the Reedso Act II„ Thornfield Reception Hallo Lord Rochester's Manor House, Act lllo The same. Act iVa Scene I, Chspel in Thornfield, Scene2, Park and Tov^er of Thornf ield* ■Act Va A cottage on the Rochester estate. ^Ojul 2 tgesl |^>iVo. If' 36' ^ft 2^ J909 COPYRIGHT 1909 - BY ALEX. BYEP' a^p ;ene:> ACT Gatesheaa Ha U the home of the Reeds. A reception room. Sc^ne is a Avell airnishea interior wi ch four ope ran gs. Set as:. Interior Backing. 2 ^!- J' 1 -^-'1 7 ^ \ n (1) Arch8i»» 12) Platform. (3) Steps leading to p laif or^, (•i) Fireplace. ■ (5) Couch. (6) Table and chairs. 17) Arm chair/ (8) Screen. (9) Doors. The arch R.U„£* is curtained, also arch L,U^£^ Seeps and platform abou ■- two feet high run off R,U.E, Arch L^U.E^s supposed to open into breakfast room. Door in L« boxing obliqued open, used for general entrancese Door R, has practical lock and keyo A fireplace aowi L, Fire burring, coal scuctle, 'congs, shovel, pokeretc. Lo-w English fire screen. Couch aown Re Large table C, 'vi^-h chairs surrounding i «., nev/spapers, bottles, glasses, playing cards, etc., on table. Arm chair befo re fire, with f cot stool. Book shelves et back, oil paLnving orpororait of middle aged gen-. leman ab9ve book case, Al. rlsej- Music,. "The Jolly Roast Beef of Cld England^" Bessie a trim English parlormaid is busy pu voing the apartment i n order. She pi cks up the playing cards #11 ch are scattered aroiind t he f loo r by cable, restores chairs which have been upse^. CO nornfil position, Marshall a typical butler of the &mirk i-ype, middle aged, dress suit, socks and pumps, enoers while Bess ie is engaged ac above, Marshall I Say Bessie, did you know as how young Masier John came 'ome lawst ni ght. Bessie Cawn't I see it, 'aven*c I he^fes? Look at. this letter and rub- bi sh. Mar shall Yes, he came from London "squiffy", v/i ch an 'orse trainer. They sat at chat table aid drank and arank, like two boiled owlsa I i ad to pull Master John out fron under the table and carry 'im io b ede Bess ie ^Vha'i. 5id you do with che 'orse trainer? I always 'ad gfancy for *orse trainers. Bessie Marshall ( ^Sneers) Oh, you 'ad, 'ad you? Well, I look him by the am and Showed 'im xhe way v;o che "pub<." I'm taking this soda and branay now to Master John, but oh 'es seedy thLsmorring, ^The mi sus 'ao seno for Dr. Rivers ..o take a look at im« She s real cuu up ^out iii, Bess ie ¥eIL if 1 was 'er, if 'e 'cut" hup any more I'd cut too« I'd cue off 'is allomnce as io is= She only cuts on t te ser- vants, Marsl^ll You ought to have 'eard what Master John said vhm I r.old 'im Jane Eyre was back 'ere^ ^at did 'e say? Marshall "What, that little 'ell cat?" That's what 'e called ^er^ an *ell cat. "Say Marshall, 'ow does she ISok, as hugly as hever?" And 1 sez, sez I, 1 sez, no Master John, she's vastly improved, in. fact corny taste she might be called 'andsomSj and 'e saySj sez ^e, 'e sez, I'll take a squint at 'er to-morrowg ^d if she suits me I'll put her in my cdlectiono Then 'e laughedo The 'orse trainer 'e laighed, and Because they was so f^iliar 1 for- got thav I 'was a digmfiea butler and I laughed^ In fact we hall of us laaghe^ aid then they took another drink » Bessie I 'eard Sie was serA to the Charityx schoolo They 'ated one another, Marshall Thqr did. Cne day *e 'it *er with an 'ammera She carries the scar now, but she got at *im and whipped 'im good. 'E was f cur« «een ',hen and she was Only tei^ that's ei^t years agOo Bessie ^'relL, I dcn't think that a man a has any right to beat a woman u nless she loves *im. John ( CutBide)(Cff R. dcor) i^rshall^ Marshall. Marshall 'Eere si rj John Hurry with tthat brandy and soda, you damned sniaL, my head is splittings Marshall Yes sir, k yes sirj (Shanbles oiT R, door exit) (Bessie has gathered up eapty bo files and glasses, cigar stunps on tray., aboui "£0 exit L, door in boxing, runs into Brosklehurst who enters) Br 00 klehur st • Ahem ahemi (Pompously clearing his throat) Young woman, look uv , look out where you are going. Bessie Ch hexcuse me, sir« Broc kleh\irst 1 will excuse you just this once, but dox't let it ever occur again. Bess ie ( Dropping a courtesy) 1 shai't sir. / p ** " * Brocklehurst rmat' (Looking at Bessie's hair) Do my eyes dece ive me. V/hy, your^ha^r i s curled. {Holds up hi s hands and groans m horror).. a^ vaS.y. mcKea vanity „ Thi s i s no. mor^ i^ xcatxon of the y^^ts of the flesh. A maid servant ^.o. th her hair curled. Bess ie '" Timidly) It. curRs naturally, sir^ , j-mxa-iy; Brocklehurst ^ Traps, iencly) I have nothing to do mth nature, V/here nature is" extravagance, vain gloriousness and temptation from the paths fi. righteousness, nature should be cij-tailedo You are m dangl- er, girl, in danger. Bessie I ' op es no c , sir a Brocklehurst, Ch, bui you are, 1 shall speak to your Mi stress Mrs. Reed- In your inferioura and servile position in life, beware the hissing V!h± ^er of .he serpent in your ear*. Bessie (Gecrgianna enter R„RaU„E,) (Bess le trying to edge offj I will sir J 1 mil, Brocklehurst Remember -what this honied venom did to Eve, then think how Mam suffered. If Eve had not listened to che serpent j, there would have b een no need of milliners or dresaoaakerSj no f lorbelowsj no frills, no hsi.raresserSo Girl if you hope for grace^, straighten oui. your hair, wear it plainly « modestlye Bessie But if 1 cannot make it straight,, sir, Brocklehurst Then cuv i c off, Becter be bald headed than a brand fit for the btirringo Go] (Bessie exits) Good morringa Ahi (Turning and seeing Georgiana)' My dear Miss Georgiana^ If 1 may make so bold as to say, you are looking po si tively charming. That rose in your hair i s so beconing to your si:yle of beauty ~ your - Georgiana Now Brociiy - Brocky - doi *t be a bore « 1 heard everything you are trying to say tome a score of times at the ball last night, o Brocklehurst Ah, the Garrison Ball,, My wife and daughter were ^here^ Georg iana I believe so. I literally dancedmy slippers off my feet» Then Captain Grey asked me oo sit ouc, and he said the loveliest lilings tome in the c on servat ory p and then Lord Punkhead doweled by, Brockhurst Lord Punkhead" yes - (enr^tuxBd) I do s o love aLord,, and what did Loi-d Punkhead say? Georg iana He never says much, excepting (mimic in g) "Really" aid "what a bawhJ Bu o he looked ■» and «> iBrcc klehurst Ho w di d h e lo^ok , Ge org iana He lo^oked like a calf -siio had chanced upon a quar^ of champagne and f ini ^ed i c. Brocklehurst Ch \ihaiu a simile for a British peer, Ge org iana Yes, he olid cry to tell a little sc cr y, a little French SLory, rather risque^ but he dried up before he reached the point so I Ja f inislsd it. for him". (rather risque in quality, you might say equivocal) Br ocklehi;r St (Smiling and point in g hi s finger at h er paternally) Ch fie Miss Georgianas fie. Ge org iana ( Not. heeaing interruption) I ttelL i t v er y -■^/el 1 . 1 heard it •first frca your elder daughter, {Br coklehu rst c cu ^s ) V/hen I TCt thrai^ Lorn Puhkhea d laughed "Ha, hav;, say you're a deuced ripping girl„ Haw, hav/, '' (Marshall re-enters, (iic ks and dodges a book'^-which is hurled after him, the boot hits Brocklehurst in cYe b ac ko He turns and picks it up) Brocklehurst ( To l^ilarshall) ^''hta is the moiring of this? Marshall That's 'is booko Look hout 5, look hout , sir, 'e may throw the t her one, (Closes the door) Brocklehurst He, whOo Marshall Young i&ster John, siro (Takes boot) TSiho . Ge org iana (To Brocklehurst, flocks up inquiringly) Yes, my prodigal brother tired of Londcn, and the husks thereof have returnad^v Brocklehurst Ah„ che dear boy« WeHj boys will be boys. We must be charit« able toward Hi e errors and escapades of the youth belonging to our good old substantial families^ So Young Mr* John is back sgainj. and your esteemed mother will kill the fatted calf for ham eh^ Georg iana Patted calf, W^ell, v,he best John can expect from her chis time is cold veal and very little of that*. (Mrso Reed enters L^ Rivers folloving) Mrs o Reed Giod mJjrning Mr. Br osklehurst^ You're ear][y, BrocklSiurst I was eager my dear madame^ to obey your honored note.^ (to Rivers stiffly) Your servant, docv^or/ (Rivers bows to him coldly^ Rivers ( To Georgiana) Mi is Georgiaia, (Georg iana bows to him and Smile 3„ ) Mrs« Reed I s your yoiing giaster awake MarshaJ-lo Marshall Ch yes ma'am, he's awake, ma'am. (Mrs* Reed goes over zo door R., l It is your des^ tiny to tccLl an.d earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, and not indijlge in Vanity, idle (3ay dreams^ and such golden rules as paintirjg, drawing, music and the like = J ana I mil not argue the ethics of the case Mr.. Bro3klehurst you will soon pt£;s out of my life., 1 do no t deplore the eight years of my girJhood spent in the semi charity institution over vhich yoti presideo The physical discanforts of cdd an d hunger are now but memorieSg the petty tyrannies, the cant, the hypocricy, are warning beacons of sins we should avoido The beautiful nature of my cMld friendj Helen Burns , and the example of Miss Temple, the noble womar^ your lata head teacher, both helped to mould my character's Donst fear Aunt Reed, 1 an no longer a misunderstood and cortured little savagej, I'm realJ.y a disciplined and Subdued beings Mrso Reed X hope so'., Jane I knov/ soo My old phase of life is abou g closing;, annthar v-Tsi_-a Is opening to me, a new servitude^ and it is welcomej so welcomeo I thank you Mrs, Reed for the shelter you have given me this week, and Uncle Reed in Heaven t/ho loved me ^«e H appro/es of what you have dotie* I am grateful"., Ivlrs, Reed Is thi s some of your sarcasm - because 1 had you eat with the servaitSj, and because you have drudged at si sewing for the house- hold while here? Jane T y.^r^ reasea being a pauper for three years MrA Brocklehurst, .,n" I ea?'.ea my !iv .'g at, a sraall ..ipend a. .r.der teacher .n vSSr CchDon, What money my Aunt has experdsd on me , should... T^ Tll'ie refuna.e.d to the last farthing. 1 ^'sce ivea a le..er -chL. morning ofTerlngme a position of govornass in Milccfcte xn this same Shire » Br. Rivers helped me to p roou.lre i to I leave to=.aayo \nztt>v.% your Aimt's permission, your Mnf,, vho is your legal guard i an o Mrs» Reed Let her depart, I ^ell b a g .l£id - glado Come, let us go in to br e air fast Mr o E r o cklshuTS t o ( Ex it in t o L « U „ E . ) Bro ckl elTix rst {Watches ha- off) (Steals over to Jane) Don't rep es.t any tales abou-c me. T)on't for if you d o^ I'll ^ I'3J. ™ Jane (.Ga3mly) v-ou.'ll vhat? Bro ck Is hurst I ai denDunce them as falsehoods. (Seeing Ri\^.rs who r&^ent&rB :^. and all liars mil have their po rt ion in the lafce burning with fire and b rimstonsa Jane What an awful fortune you are laying up for yourself^ (Broclcle- hijirst speechless wi uh in dignat ion;, exits LaU<.E-) Rivers How rep ell ait is ihla man, his hypocricy disgusts ms -= Jane And his assumption of piety is so transplant and so •=;;hallow, a child might see through him « A strar^e compound of ignorance., pomposity and fawning ominingo If he were not so loat.hesome, he mi ghx b e 1 aughable'o Ri'vers It. .i. smenofhis cla«S -who are the worst erji ernes a true religion can encounuero ThehaJf forned soul groping for the truth seeing a grewsome spect re like Brccklehurst in i-c's path will turn aside and drift into in fidelity o He hates bo th you and me? „ J ana.. X alwayy feel lilse kicking hlm.s, Jane It is not violenoe tlrafc best overcomes hate, no r ve rgeaiice that, Biost certainly heals inju iy« Rivers M^ you say that Jane^ but 1 can see a latent gleam in your eyes ■Ti9l:iich belies your entire tru2?t in what you sayo Jane Perh^s I an still wetchedly ctefect ive^ I fear 1 m -^ Rivers Nb^ 3.i tt le woman, you are as g cod as gQ3.d., Bu c te H. me.-, you r^lly haire the place as go-yerness at Thornfield* ■ ' Jane Yes, my dear friencl,. through your kind rec ODme^iOat ion I am going there this morning. Be li eve me, I am gratefulc Rivers Don't speak of itj Jane, Jany Oh but I must. Rivers Do you remember #ien ^ first met Jane? Jane ji it were yesteraay. When the ^raale of fog breft pestilence with .te" quickening spring breathed typhus ^'^'^S^^^l^fJ^tltl?^"" 11 at you orvB tiineo i^eauii wao ci xiVH^^*'- "-- _ - - -- toiling and battling to flr ive out t;he flreaded sc curge. and one day 1 spoke to you half fearing a rebuff- You looked so grave, haggard, ^a ch strenuous days and toiling nights, but you smiled, aids aids "^at is it little woman." Rivers Yes Jane, you have always been "little wtoan" vith me. (Pause, Jane Silent) ^^ell, you said "please sir, Mr„ Doctor, I want vo help you« I want to be of. some u se." Then I said m my base pro.= f 6 s s i ona 1 ma nne r^ s On et. hi n g li k e B r oo kleteu, rsEt »> ■ Jane HorrorSp no ching like hi gin You said simply j, "Little woman, go and pi By in -^hs woods like a gypsy fr ac, morning till night, then yov. won't get ths fsver«" Rive rs And th ^ you said "Please '^irs, I wan'C uo ,i~.ui-se Helen Bums, she's been awful gODd t o m e« She hasn't the fever ,, sir,, but consimp" jr,iCi-u YoLi h&'^e so mi;ch ^o do with saving T.he OT:hers sir, te-ll Eie what Zo do and let me burse her^. " And I consented-, Jane you were a faithful little nurse to the end<- I'll never forget how Hi 3s Temple and I fcund you the dawn of one morning, lying in a li'i^tle crib by the sick girl's bea. ^ your face against- Helen Burn's' Sioulder, your arms around her neck^ you were asleep, and Helen was ■= dead.. (Pauye) (Marsha:^,^! enters L^ carrying a de^ carjger and bowl of ice, goes R,)(Ri-v«rs stops him) Wait a mOmen" dwn't take that in there,, Yozm young mas'cer is my pacient now,-. Take Ghi s away., (Pointing to (^canter) Bring a bottle of plain coda in steady You ro. ay leave ohs iceo Marshall Yes sir^ (Leaves bow 1 on table) (Exits with decanoer) Rivers Be is dr-unk nowg no need of making matters vvorse, Jane • I hope to gs away befi) re he sees me„ Rivers You can't get overyour childhood repug ranee ^ Jane Sincerely g, 1 can't ^ thatSs ftij 1 am hastening to get to Thorn" fieldc John Reed has always been an ogre to my fancy,: Ri "vers I hope you v/cn't think the same thing of Lord Rochester, Jane, Jane Lord Rochester I Rivers Your new Master did not know -who you were going to W0«yk for, Jane A Mi ss Fairfax, Rivers She is the house-ieeper, a worthy wonan, and your pupil is a young French girl nearly as old as you rse If „ She's a charming child " you will like her„ Jane ^ma\- sor-c of a man is Lo m Rochester, Rivers An enigma co che to rid, general3:y,, a few aamirers, a ho sv of enemies, sane friends, no intimates,, a scholar, a cynic, bu-. 1 believe always a gentleman. 1 an anxious to learn how you will get a long oogethero Jane He will probably be unconscious of ray very existence. Rivers Have you ordered a fly to take you to the station? Jane (And ou ^.side) Yes, my box is corded and 1 aa ready to go no Y>r. Rivers I '11 go and see if che conveyance is waiting while you mlee your- self adieuxo (Exit Lo door on side) Jane C ught 1 no 1. b.e gratefti 1' Heaven has be no me these clianges. My long years of suffering are all forgotten now in chLs one glad moment of sn t ic ip at ion c The rocky barriers whi ch hemmed me in are rent, and the ivorld, the bright the glorious woria., it's doors are opened to me at last. It seems as if 1 were entering a dreams a beautiful dream« (To back, looks at picture) Uncle, dear Uncle Reed, my mOt her, my brother, may your blessings from Heaven fall on the orphan whom you so cherished and guide her /.hrough the great unknown into which she is drift irig« (V^ipes her eyes) Georg iana (Re-ea^-ers) (Picks up Jane's bonnet which she has left on chair, examines it contemptibly with a side glance at Jane9a crosses stage c o RoUa) Jane S am going away this morning Georgianas and p rctoisly may never see you again'. _ . Ge org iana No „ ( 1 nd iff 6 . o n- ]y , y awnin g) Jane I thought I wculd like to say good-bye., (Holding ouu her hand) Georgiana ( Ignoring her proffered hand) AJJ. right. (Plipp an -.ly and turns away) John MarshaJJi (Encer Ro door) Marshall you damaed old sneak, what have you done with my other boot« (John is canpletely dressed in riding cosfum^ .lacking the one boot^Hat on^ riding crop and all. He i s red faced and slightly drunk) Hello Georgie» (Limps to her) v;i"iere's my booto Come kiss your brcLher. Georgiana Not lo You reek of the stable. Keep away from me, (Pushes him off ) John Well, -vhere 's that damned Marshall. He didn'o b ring me the brandy and he's got my Other boot,, Damn him* Gsorg iana Keep your oath for your chosen circle of racint touts, stable- men and swell mobsmen<. John My fri-eoas are just as good as yours, sticl my language is just as re^tnea- I krcw a3.1 abouc your set v/ivh your cigarettes m pub lie and cocktails in tea cups, your dwager cats, your spmstef cabbies, and your debutante purries. You all belong to the whole aamn cat family. stab 1 es , ehi ^at do you say to that* Georgiana Say. I say you'd better go to bed and sleep it off, or better stiil- here's your boot - (picks i t up and throv/s it at hxs head) go mounc your horse and ride to the dev al, and rid mother and lae of a nuisanceo John Thanks, oh thanks, dear sister, I'll ride out to the "pub" and see a friend of mine frcm Londono (Pulling on boot, sits on couch) Ge OiTg lana I hope you'll break your neck before you get tlfcreo (Exit 'R>VI,,E, (Marshall enters) John Oh here you are* Where's that brandy? (Goes to table C« rapping ^on i c with riding 3Bte crop) Marshal Please si r^ Dr", Rivers said as how you were to 'ave this hin^ stead o (Places soda bottle on table) John (Grabbing the bou'cle and aiming * blow at Marshal who dsdges him) ■ V^^aL the clevil hs ^t\ Rivers got t o do T-vith what I eat or drirtko (Sees Jane who has retired down L^) Hello, whB,t's that? Marshall ■Why, she's her, sir^ John Ch,, She's her, is she? And who may her be? Marshall Jane Eyre^ sir'<, John. Jaae E^re? What ^ the imp that -went to the charity school? Say (coarse Ty) Turn aromdhere and let's see how you size up? (Jane 7,urns and looks him square ]y in the eye) Vi/hy you haven't turned •crat such a b ed looking ii lly after alio Do you know who I am? Jane I mo"p John Then T. don't have to be introduced, do 1? Jane John ( To Marshall) Say Marshall, get out^ you're m the way o (Mar«p' §ha3.1 grins, ©cits LcU.E J (To Jane who is about to fo1J.ow) St. op where are you going? Jane To bid your mo ther good-bye, John Are you goijig away? Where? Jane To a place a fewmiles ftway from hereo John To do Tf^iat? am. ^3jg?5S^- -12-P „ Jane To Tiforko John. To work? I know lots of girls no heU.&r looking vhan you ^^ho acn 't ha/e to work,. Jane They are for^-unate perhapSo John No'J (Leering) The world :? calls -chem iinf orfcinate, ha, ha, ha- i 'aiighs coarse;Ly) Say^ cone over here and sit beside me, Jane No„ John Bu c 1 wan'L t o talk t o you<, J ane I h are n't tineo John Then make -tine, Ch no I am no "c going to let you gO uncil I've had my say„ {Hvns after her , grabs her arm, brings her down the stage«) Jane John Reed^ lee go of my anno (Shakes him off) John. ao„ ^.'hat a high spi rited, nettlesome little filly it is, jusi. my s?. ylsc Say,., aren't you afraid of me? Jane (Looks at him) Not the least litt.le bit., (Pause) John 1 want to cQne to an, understanding m. r-h you,. Mocher's brought me down here to leaM. a sim.ple li fe^ and it's going to be awful dull. Now I >«/ant. sQjD. ebody to Snuse me.. The farmer girls around here don't appeal to my city taste at all« You see; how you and 1 can b e p rett J- goo d fr ienfls.-; Chj don't 3.ook so innocent 5 you know what I meanj, and ■^len. 1 can get some more money OLit of the Moter, you and I can go up to Londai., 'P/tiat do yoLi say? J ane 'This,, John Reed» I hated you v/nai you 7/ere a boy. I despise you. K.ow that you are ca3-lsd a man.= The smiling,; cowardly bulLly ha-s grow5i into the sjeJi'ish besothsa libertine,, a disgrace to r.he K.aixi.e which your good father bore »^* a living reproach to your in^- dulgenx mo cherj> a libel on '-he naae of man-, Joi-jxi ■'I^liy, Tsrou mi serable li ttle p axp er ^ do you dare -=-■ Jane Yes J I dare'o You can't frighten m. e now., John Reed^ as you did when you were a great husking lad arjd I a 3.i ttle child 5 That time is past;, I am a pauper as far as xhe world's goods go., hut i av^ rich in l^onest purpose and purity '-Jf hearty, '.'h.i'ch yoLi h have never known and wi3..1 ne\rer know, Joh.a y. Ve me"b your kind b efo re , and I Ve broken j-hem in^ Do you want me to make you the talk of the household before you leave, and scorn o f th e whole village? J an e I def y you.;, ri Johji ¥e *11 see, (Seizes her. trying t kiss hs") ■ Jane Let me ^o you arv^:~lzen bea?.t. (They struggle over by the table, She breaks a^ay. she grabs i^P h-u,iir,ins crop v.h.i. ch li es on the cable strikes him o ^;er the head with i r, , beating him into in^ senkbilit y. saying) Y-xx b east » you beast . Uoh^ falls down H)(Cmtxes' enter, Mrs c Reecl an d B r oc Id eha rst irom L.U..,E., IZarshaLl &c3aa behind dcor with Bessie, Ri^^ers fr oi. left side, Gfcorgiana aoTOi iV an R^U.E.) (Mumurs of astonishment; Mrs .-. Reed Whd* has happened! ^'Jhat does this mean? (Crosses down t o C. to John) Jane Mrs. Reed, it means that your son has in sul ced me. He proposed, u nder his mother's roof that 1, che orphan dependent^ should be- cQne his mi stress , and 1 have puni shed him as he deserved. Mrs , Reed She has murdered my poor boy^ send for ,,he Policed Rivers Take my advice and do nothing of r.he kin a, unless you wibh to see your son in jail, Jane Eyre is not altogether frisid].ess here, for I 'ii stand by her to the ende Come Jane, ;he driver awaits io take you' to your new home,, (Gathers up portfolio and Jane's gloves, etc a) Mrs, Reed Jaxie Eyre, you shall suffer yet for all the worry you have caused me. (Music plain cive) Jane Its. Reed, ^-^hatever tr cable I've cause ^d, I repent^ and in your last, hour ishen che bi aer tears of repentance flow fi-om your eyes for Uie cruelties you have practiced on che orphan girl^ yiheti the dead sea fruit you have so carefully garnered^ turns «o ashes, my prayers shall join with yours to Heaven's high seat. that God will grant your unhappy soul forgiveness-, (Music swells) (St arts for door L^) (Picture) C U R T^ A I N; If 11 It ti It It ti A C T II, Seen e: •- One year later o Recept- ion Hall St, Tho rnf ield To\v8r, 1 «2 3 4 4_ •4: '— i \ 4 9 6'lZ3 7r~!-lC /8> a \/ (1) Palace drcp for backings (2) Platform in front of saraes about four feet hi ght> (3) Steps dom fr cm. sauie, C. (4) Pal- ace arches in front of platform with masking pieces. (5) Arch .in L. DoorRo (6) Sofa Ro of C^ (8) Arm cteir, Ctt Quanc { 7) Earge table and chairs C. (9) Meda3.1ion, (IC) Candol- abra m th candles lighted on table C„ No-ce:"" Arch Lc ourtainea.-^ All the bric-.^-'a^-brac and decorative pieces obtainable to richly furnish the scene,. At rise:- Enter Jane and Rivers fron L^. arch) Rivers Thr-'n your life no-'.Vs, J'anSj is a happy one? Jane Yes J oheh^piest I have kno-wnj since ear Jfer childlioodg since my Uncle dieda Adele^ my chargSj, has made reasonable p regress, I have oceans of time to indulge in my own weird fancies and. fadSj, and although the restlessness of my nature makes m.e cvr iouSf. soicifc-.'^ timeSj, to behold the wonders of i;he world of whshh I am xgnorant ^ still, %^ I then seek refvge in ro.y books. Lord Rochester's library is well stockedj and 1 am ccn/cent again,? Rivers And Lord Rochester, Jane He cones and goes „ 1 was five months here bef ere I ever saw him.„ and then our meeting was a most pecTJliar one,-; Rivers How was that? Jane We met in Hay Lane. He claims that the sight of my figure clad in gray aid seated on the stile, frightened his horse and gave him a bad fall. Since then he calls me hi- "Little Elf" - in- sists I an a witch, etc. Ri vers He is a peculiar mai as I told yoiio Jane Very dDruptj yet kinci. " sardcnic yet axhibi tring at -cimess, a general courtesy vhich wins one to adJii rat ion= He sends for me nearly every evening ■when he is homeo Ri^«=jrs Have you heard he i s 3.1 teely t o b e ro.arr led soon? Jane (Pauses) VeSo Male p rattles in hsr way and tells me if I will listea, 7iiat gossip fiie hears frca her French attendent Sophie, vho in turn devours a3.1 the gossip of the Servani-'s hallo Rj.vers You might be surprised to learn that i.he lady he will, marry is your ccusin Georgiana^. She and her mo-cher Mrs„ Reed are among the guests who o cm e here t o='day. I tell you this to put you on your guard e Jane I shall not; have to meet theiiu. (Musing) Georgiaiai He marry Geo.rgisiaV 3Ssx Mele (En'cers L/; Ah, Made noise He. dis lent aire - read' Read:- "Mr* Gadeanj pour Madamoi selle Jeannette«" Ee% is xjd. your room.- Alleza AllezI Ah^ Monsieur Ri vi ere I Jane A present forme., (Takes no xe ,. reads) "And farthermore , 1 warn; M ss EyrSs Her Elf ship to b e p resentable*- I have sent her r.he new dress by bearer'o Sig.-xed Rochester^ ^ Be presentable! 1 shall not be p resent ^ and hi s gift shall be wasted* Adele Ah, Madamoi selle.;, Monsieur Edward de Fairfax Rochester will be "angubre" eef you do not cbar^e your toilette^ Jane You born Par. isienne you think too much of v,Qilette, Go into zhe conservatory and take some of the roses and c oaplete yoiir own, and take the doctor with youo Mele ui, ouio Come dcctaire* {Riinning off RoU^.E^) Rivers Cne moment, Jane^ you spoke this evenins of chis myooerious voni?.n Grace Pooleo Jane Yes 5 1 canno'c make her ou c« She seems to possess scene scs't of power arcund the J'lOUFSholda There is a strange laugh that comes from her room at times. She coiies and g (Bs as she 3,ikeB, snubs Che other servants, and- Rivers Pay no attention to her Jane, She is samply a "favored" ser™ vants I cannot say more^ as- Adele ( Galls off) Doci-airBe Jane Go to her « (Exit Rivers) (Solus) 'So the Keeds are cOEiing into my life again ,, I thought I had lost i;hem forever, Ro Chester (Enters L) \10iat the devili Nobody to be faixid., (Sees Jane) Ah, good evening Mi ^ SyrBo Jans Good evening, my Lord « Rochester Are you about to ni:a av/ay f r on me again? Jane I t aia.n'':i occur tome that 1 was running av/ay., my Lo ra« Rochester Very we 31 then, renHino I wanted to say n ccaexYing to you« I tove almost forgotten you of 3.ate. (Suaaenly) %y haven't you put On your new dress? Jane Because I cannot forget my posioion= I am. sarsibl. e of your Idndness 5 but without imposing on i c j, I caild find means to make myse If p resentableo Rochester Ah, 'Chen you read my no te to Ade le? Jane Yes, iii.y Lordo at her request o Roc iBSter You aie annoyed because I an not pleased with your plain attire? Jane NOp no"G at alJ.a Rochester (Muff 3.y) Don't contradi ct me<. You are - you know you are„ la r.his old g3.0Qny place the eye finds relief by looking on bright li. -vely colors, but yoUj you are too proud and independent to accepz p re se nts , Jane l£y ho rd, 1 r^ " Ro Chester Oh,, 1 understand your character » Little c Givers at ion as 1 have had Ydth you^ with all your meetoiess and simplicity, you have your own ideas of things o You dislike my mainer . you think me too dictatorialj too abri^pt:, X suppose I a^io (Jane smiles) Ihat is the meaning of that smile? Jane I -was thinkings my Lo rd, that very few masters would care wiether or not they pleased their paid subordinates-^ Ro chaster Paid subordln^es? Ch yeSn, I had forgotten che salary, HumphI Well, on thsSi mercenary graand,, will you consent in the future to dispense with a great many conventional forms and phrases TK.dthout thinking me insolent? Jane I am sure s sir^ I could never mistake infoimality for insolence- the one I rather like, the other -= nothing free-bom would sub=^ mi t tOy even for a salaryc Rochester HvaibVLgi Most things free born wiJLl c en sent to any ching for a salary. If you are different from o uhers ., it is no fault of yours Nature cast you in a diffe-rent mou3. d, but to .retiirn - you are, Adele's governess « What relation do you think exists between her a nd m e? Jane I think whateg-er the relation is, it doesn't concern me ^ Ro Chester It does concern you. You have a right t o know v/hose child you are educating. You think Adele i s my clild= She is not„ She is an unfortuna-ce orpi^an, but I find it my amy t o p rovide lor her care aid e ducat ion - Jane Your i<:inia.iif3Ss t o one who is not. yo7.ir child jjh.ouldbo ex'co]J.ea« Rochester Bah.'- No matter about that now„ Aae3e "9?as not. born ou- of wed- lock^ No matter vhat the v/orld think s, her mo-^her was a French C pera dancer, towards vhom 1 once cherished a "grande Passion„" Her husband and she had separated years before^ Celine Vareus -jras a fickle little butterf Jly an.d ran away f r cm me when she termed "Anglais horrible" as she had from m,ost others in her variegated career, but the last "Ami precieuy" avenged a3.1 the others « He ran away from CeJine leaving her destitute, to die in poverty anddespairo She bequeathed Ade le to m,e three years ago, Adele was helpless and alone? tha.t's alio Why^ you are ery« i ng« yes you are^ don't deny i &« O'an.e I don't deny i to Poor orphaied Adele'j, I toOj my Lord, am fath- erless;, motherless and alon e-j I have learned to love her al=- ready, and your cQifiofence to me regard in g hsr ccndition makes a new bond b etwee n uso Rochester You are a nobla girl. Miss -Eyre., an.d 1 want you t o p romi se me to remain here until 1 send you awayo Jane Mo St wil]j.ng3y<. Rochester And now as a further proof of your love for Adele^, and as a favor, a particular and este-imed favor tome,, oblige me by putt- ing on the new dress* (Cracking of whips heard and hoofs and noise Of carri^e) Quick, my gijests are coaingc Si.and not to ques- tion, "buc settle your fine joints Against Thursday next„ 6tc« to. go to your rcom and do as 1 say or I will cirag you on a hurdle Chi there" Jane I mil look like an ape in a harlequin's j.he Rev« Mr. Brco klehurst, your Liordship« He brings me news from London^ from my sono Rochester- Show the gent Jeman in« (James exits L){A11 look expectan cly) ( Pause) (Brocklehurst enters solemnly) Br ocklehurst You r Lo rds hi p .' Ladi es J G e nt 1 ane n J ( B o ws a H- b axa d) Thecdore Hello Brosky, old chapo Br CG kl ehu rst (Gives him withering look) (To Mrso Reed) Mrso ReedJ Mrsc Reed My clear friendj you have news of my poo r dar.ling John? Br GO kl diurst I have. Providence made me the humble instrunsnt to try and bring him b ac5c t o you end the right path; your pet laoib who has wandereot far f r on the folds Mrs, Reed Did you succeed? Br ockj.churst 1' did no'Ca I reascned with him - he replied with worldLy j est« I tola him that after youj I was hi s b est friendo He said he 'a make me prove ita Geoi^i;ana And did he m^e qdb you p rcve i t? BrockJ.elTui-^t Yes.. He borrowed five pounds* Then f in. dmg p rayers were wasted., 1 threatened him',, Georgi arj.a You thre at e ned? Wh a h app e ne d t h en? BrocMehurst My clerical and personal dignity rece jb/ed a v iolent shocko Cmnes How? Br cc kl elxi rsi .He ki oked me dowx scairs. (Groans) Mrs, Reed, 1 have suffered lauch iraaixixxx bu c humility is xhs first of virtues and 1 am liumbl e» ( Gr oan s) Mrs « Reed I c&uno c understand i c, John has always had such an angelic dxsposicionj but 1 have fell aU day ^hat 1 sh^ul d have a dis- agreeable shocks (Jane enters f r cm Ro cones dc/fa C) Ro Chester {S'seing her) Ah, Miss Jane Eyre, Ade le ' s governess arid com- panion, lay friends a Ge orgi ana Ah; Mrs . Reed & Broc klehu rst Jane Eyrei Mrs. Reed Jane Eyre 'J I knew it.' Rodiester Miss Eyre has been at Thornfield a year now« Mrs* Reed ( Trying \, o control herself) Indeed, and -"vhat does Miss - Miss - -each h sr pupil? Rochester Ah e modern languages; music, ever y\,hing necessary to complete a Jaberal educat lono Thi s young lady pain cs u co^ aol becter than ^any drav/irxg masters „ Ge org 1 ana is ix poss-ible? "Praise fron Sir Hubert is praise iniased." Mrs. Reed Miss - Mi bs - oh dear, 1 never coild remeab 3" names* Where dad yo yo u ac q ui re you r m any sec Onpli shne nt s? Jare At Lowod school, madam* Mrs . Reed I was no ^ aware :.hat the ornamenL.al branches iwere taught in an orphan asylum^ Jane I assure you - I£rs - Mrs - oh dear, 1 nev^ coild rsnem ber names. Your Lomship - ^Inquiringly t o Rochester) Rochester Mrs. Reed, Jane« Jane ^haA you, I assiu~e you Mrs, Reed, 1 learned ihat lifcle I know ai.. LowQ®d School, and I diall be forever grateful to chose who placed the chance wichin my reach, They bestowed a blessing w i c hou t i n i'.e nci. in g i t o Mrso Reed ( In rage) The little vanpirsa Rochester where i s your po rr. folio, Jane, 1 would like to sho -^ v he ladies •.:;om6 of your work? Bane '■■:■ is in your study ~ my Lord,, Rochester Go and fetch it o IZrs . ReecL Paraon your Lordship, buc the journey has so fais ig\;ea, if you don'i- mind Georgiari& and 1 mil re 'u ire t.o our room Go Rochester ■That. aren'"i. you going r,o h a/e san.e supper? The cloth is laid in Che dining rcomo Mrs o Reed IIo, che news of my poor boy has sounnerved mej 1 ccul(3n't eat . Rochester Your maids will attend you<, Mrs, Fai rf ac t hs housekeeper will show you your rooms o Goodnight, 1 (.rust you will rest v/ell in ^;his old house and you will be awakened by no gltJstn Mr So Reed Good night « Your Lordship and gentlemen-' Mr. Br ccklehursty I shall see you in the mo r ring. Come Georgianao (Exits L, ) Ro chesuer (To Georgiana) Beauciful Juno, good nighi. Pleasant be thy dre&ms» (Georgiana laughs, holds ou c her hand» Rocl^ster kisses it ) (She kisses her finger cips 'co Theodore and exits L„ ) Jane Ecur Lordship may I retire? Roc hester Yes-, Take Male wit h you, but, stay, cell me before you go what think you of the fair Georgiana? Jane yihou do 1 chixik? Ro Chester Does she please youK Jane '^Th ac wculd you have me say? Rochester She's a m^ni ficem, looking creature, is she no c? I wanx. ..o get her opinion of your drawings to^morrowo Good nighG« Jane Geo d nighCj my Lord., good night Doctor, g ood" m ght, sir <, (Theodore bo^*s) Come Adele^ (Exits R^U E„) Adele Bon buit. Monsieuri (To Rochester) (To che o'chers) Messieursi (Exits R,U,E.) Rochester ■^^ell doctor, any ne,v aeve lopmencs? Rivers None« Ro Chester Condition uncharged? Rivei's AbsoLiicely, I will be over next Ts.'sek, (Aside) Say award to Grace Pooleo She's taking too much gin andv/ater lately^ Noth-^ ing can match r,he vicious and murderous cunning of a disordered mi.ado Have a care* (Aloud) I will bid your Lordship ^ good rj. ght. Goodnight Gap caino (Eo Br cc kl ehi rst ) Mr,. Brocklehurst^ I'll give you a li it in my gig over to town, if you are going sks thar'e tO-. night. Br oc kl ehu rst Tharik youj Doctor, 1 have sonething to say u o hi s Lordship f irst,, ^:I&ix. for me below, (Rivers bo-ws and exits) Your Lo rushipj I visited you tctnighc as inell as Mrs <. Reed? Rochester Arxd CO TAhat am i indebted for the honor of chi s visit, my v;orthy I ri end? Br G kl eha rst Mr. y-o-arhono red Lo rdship, ou cs ids o f my sad mi ss ion '^ o Mrs, Reed, 1 had a two fold obj ect in wishing to see you-, Rochester Tv/ofold-^' "^hau Bttinds ominous. Very suggestive of a double s.tib scrip G ion for your charity scmol.-. Br 00 kl el'iu rst Double! Ah., your Lordship, your ordinary subscription mil suf- fice '..lu s 'time r, Ro Chester 'S- an glad of that = ^'ou mi ghf. be disappom ced if you expected to get. moreo Br oclslehurst The generosJ.ty of your Lordship is a proverb Y/ith the board of w&r. ag^y-'s of Low oad s bu c t o \.he ^ly occasiono It is my duty co warn you., The girl^ wonje than the heathen wlx) .kneels to Brjahja and says prayers under Juggern aa.Cj is a liar, Rochester '-'All men are lists'" says 'c he prophets VJhy not a few girls? Br oc KL ela rst X 1 ear red this frGo. the pious and charitable ladyv/ho adopted her in her orphan &tate ^ and reared her as he:' ovr. daughcer^ Th eodore I say "Brocliy" what an infernally feixned old hypocrite you ars.^, Brocklehurst Sirj, 1 am not address in. g my i^emarks 'co you = •^h eodcre ■ No J. but ^- 'm addressing ia,i£ .cs mine t o youo Ro Chester C;$>tains remeaber this ^vo rr, hy n an ' 3 cloth, Br ck3. ehu rst Yes 5 remeafo Q" my cloth, Ro Chester And lei us see ho-'.v he fini shes.r Theodore I would like to see his finish^ Br ockLcfiurst Ch; irreverent ribaldi (Groans) Your Lo rdshipi I shSL oom^ plete the information I am giving you, in private^ Ro Chester Yes J I think you'd bettero Br ocklelrurst I shall Chen mehr. ion the wcina.a's natrie,, Rochester Theriam.e of the "orphan" sne&.e,-! Never o 1 dai't want to hear i t, I refuse ab5CiLutely„ Cur interview i s at sx end^ for the presents (Thunder) There is a storm coming up « Br oc kL ehu rst J. shall visit your Lordship to-morrcy and receive the check.^ Th eodore Haven't you had "check" enough to -ni gT-rt? Br ocklebirst And then, perl-iaps you may .11 sten, 'ffs ma:/ n.o z be interrtjpted by rude ribaldry and ruf f ian3.y rem£u"k s, Th eo d ore Pooh,, pooh, for you-, Broc ley,., (Br ocklehurst with exclamacJ.ons of rage,, stalks off L„ exitSc) Th socio JB V/ell. of all the ~ whom does he mean? Rochester I shre-waiy su^eot 1 know, but you wculdha/e no interest in her identity'^ m -12-P, Theoa ore iThy it's enoughforme, chat he's calking abou c awonra. 1 'i ^lad uh&t young blacl^uard Reed kicked him in London. He ought *io be kicked all over ihe Uni oed Kingdon. I'd like asling at the old "rorter" myselfo Ro Chester Thaik God he is an exception to his cloth. Well Gray, do you feel^like vhat? I do„ (Rings b el3J We ha^e anearjy rise if we're going after the birds « (To James who enters L) Show Cap cain Grey hi s rooms. Good night old fellow. (Thunder and li ghtning) Theodore Goodnight. (Yawns, follows Janes off L„) Rochester (Solus) Dr„ RiA;ers' vjords alarmmea little, Grace Poole must take better care of her cherge, I shall speak to her in the morn- ing* Must Thornf ield Hall always seoo an abhorred spot with me? It musi- while thai, fury is confined up ""St ai rs „ and yet the mystery on the occasion of my horse Mess cur's accident whm that - that quiet li ctle figure Jane gave me helpj when I first saw her and placing my hand on her frail shoulder limped to the horsej soaie- tMng new, a fresh sap and sense stole in ;o my frame^ 1 want to be hear her now^ Is she to be the arbitness of mj^ future for good or evil? Ah, nose sabe «- sabe ■" dios<. God knows« God knowSo (Bus) (i.7hile he i s speaking foregoing ^eechj, he puts out candle after candle m the candelabra. Exits R»2oEo leaving but One lighi-ed) (Noi se of s't-onn ccn cinues) (Patise) Jane {Enters cautiously) Thank Heave n no one saw me o I cannot sleep till I hare rescued my porcf cQ.io« It i s in hijs the study<= 1 will ask him fo r it if he is there - shall take it myself if he has retired- Her eyes shall not rest on my treasures- Her lips shall not curl mth disdain at che products of my lone).y hours at Lo-700d« (Crazy woman laughs outside) Whyj lA^iat is that? The dononiac laigh, 1 have heard before so maiy times* (Turns bloTAs out the candle, giving afldierr;e impress ion that the draft has ext iri'gui ^ed it) There, miy candle has gene ou i* 1 will re'» light it, (A bout to do so, crazy Avomia laugl« again) That v/oman's laugh again* It muss, be Grace Poole v/hD always inspires me with terror, I dare no c meet her^ the thought makes my blood run cold. (Laugh heard again nearer) She is caaing this way^ iBlows out remaining candle) I will hide myself here„ (Goes off Lo) (Stage almost darkp only lighted now and then by lighte- ning flashes) (Music hurry P) (Laugh heard again) (Crazy v/omi£ enters R^U,Ea ^.^Ith candle, melodramatic business, then exits R^U^E,) { Thtinder and lighi-ning k ept up louder) (Music forte) (Pause) (Crazy woman re-enters, laughs, business, exits) (Pause) Jane (Enters) \Vhat mystery is this? 1 coildill distinguish rhe f igure, it seemed not like hers, but that was Grace Poole 's laug h, Nov/ t get the po rtf olio and ret urn t o my r com^ It 's all still now. 1 can find my way in the darko IVhy, v;hat is -Ms - smDke, and screams^ I can see the red glare of fire thrcughLord Ro chest or 's dcx) r<, My Lord, awake i Awake,' Lord Rochester. Lo.rd Rochester^ (Ex its R.2,E) (.JVIusic) Rochester ( Red fire lighted) ( After paise, outside) What the devil are you -13=P . cryW to ad? YOU m tch - you sorceress! Burn me to aeath and dra/amel Stop aosing me wioh that water. Damn ii- , stQ)o inters ^parencly drer^hed, effect can be produced by varnishzng an old coat) Jane (Follo^dng him) The fire is out, Rochester Is it? tiet a match from that stand there. Jane Yes » Rochester And lei 's have a lifcle light on this affair, Jane {Lights candle in car^elabra) There has been a P lot u o burn you°in your bea. I enp tied the water pi ^.clsr on you, Rochester I can feel you did« Ugh, (Shivers) How your Elf ship, elucidate I thro';^ my self on my ccuch without undressing and was dozing over a French novel, I suppose the wind blew the cirtain ag ai ns t t he c an die o Jane . ^ 'To, Che candle stood at the head of the bed, che obtains at the fcDt were in flameso Some criminal tried to destroy youo Rochsster Non se nse I Jane I s aw h s- i Rochester You " saw - her? Jan& Ctily imperfect]^ » the light was bad. Rochester {¥i th a sigh of re IL ef ) Ah Jane , my guests must not know a v/ord of this. I must go t the upper sv cry, Jane You will no '^r trust this Grace Poole any more? Rochester Grace Poo lei Jane Yes 3 she who tried t o murder you, I cculd not see her face, bui: K heard her laugh, Rochester Her latghi Well, I shall attend to her case to-morrav. Good - ni ^ t J ai eo Jane Bocd night my Lords Ro Chester Aren't you g cing to give me your hand after having saved my life? (Jane does so) Stay, coknow that you are safe, Jane, I jim going ;o see you t o your room arid hear you lock the door. (About to put his arra arourci. her) Come, we'll gotcgeuher, my child, you're liOt afraid of me, are you? Jane Not at all, but 1 cannot forget that you are Lora Rochester, the master -1 am Mi ss Eyre, the governess. Our stations are far apart 9 The laws of society demand that I respect you. The laws oi conscience demand 1 respect myself. My Lord, I'll go alone. Good- nigh;., (Music as she goes up stage) Q U R T A 1 N. anjjas^ o ACT 111. ^''^''IsIrD.e as Act lU Reception Kail s& Thomfield, a year later< At risa:^ Jedoss enters ., u shsr .in g on Brao Kiehurst » T ^.^iix tell Mrs. Reed you are hare, sxro (Exit Lo) Br oclflehu.rst I waidsr i -^ t.hsy will ask me t o stay to a inner? I am very Hungry and "che dinners are good ax. Tho rnf ield« I m sli I coul^ discover theicfentity of the mysterious person \tio is c oif ined upstairs^- {Thecfiare and Adele ccugh outs ide R) There ^s thac in- sufferable Captain and the French g irlc They seem t o be enjoying themselveso I hate to see p eqol© enjoy theose^es. They're going to dae rosrri^o They are two f rivi)lous childreri of diedevil:, and th^ wiZil. b e we 31 mstchsd* Mrs,, Reed (Enters L= ) MTo Br ocklehursti ^/hafc news of John.s my boy, ar^ is it good nsjfs'? Br ooKIerarr^t That dspm'cfe. upon the point of view., my dear Madajn, MrSo Heed W. d y ou see him? Brocld.ehurst N05 they -woaldn't Isi. me this time- MriS .-, Reed Theyi Where i s he? Bro ck2,Qiu rst In j all'c: Arrestee on the suit of "Patrick Opp ^-uTheimer '' for twelve him dred p ounds o Mrs „ Reed Ah,. (Sinldng on SOfe R) My cip of bi ct ernes s is fulli What is to b e dene? ^ab 's to be done? Brocklehurst You must hasten tha oiarr iage of his Loidship v/ith GeorgjBna<> VThy i s i t de layo d s long? Mrs. Reed Saro,e ulterior infiience which I am unable t o fathom.5 Br ocklshujst X cano Mrs,-, Heed You.? Bi'O cif.lshurst Jane Eyre 'i That girlmu^ be £-01; ri d of o Mrs a Reed Bu c hOY/? Broc klehurst Yorta must teHl her about her' Uncle in the West In dies =, Mrs., Rssd ^Vhat «* ccnfess t her -what I have done? Br oc kl ehi rst There i s no alternativee By the way 5, could you get me an in- vitation to dJnnsr' here? I ai very hung rye Mrs = Reed I suppose I cane Come let us seek Georgianao Ch f or some way out •of this tar^lsc (Exit L.. f oIlOYyed by Br cc kleha rst ) f Pause) {Enter '^^ R,u;£„ followed by Rivers) Rivers So Jane, this is the only easwer you can give me- Jane What other ai swer can I gi-\«o X ?Jial.X nevQ:* marry^ Why no t? You h sr e a won aa ' S h eart „ Jane Yeso I have a -woman's heart, but- not -wiiers you ars concerneds for you 1 heye only a cOnrade-'s cais-cancej a f9l2-ow soldier's frankness s, fiaelicy^ fraternity ^ if you -willo You have been alwaj^ my friena^ my dear good friend. I can ne/'/er' repay you sufficiently in gratitu.de the bi debt I owe yoUj. but 1 cai.ld a3.ot give you my hand and wrong you by pretense of lavSg the counter* fait of ^ntiments 1 despise. Rivers ( S-cruggling with himself) Tel.l me, Jarxe, is there someone else/. J ane What do you mean? Hi -vers Someoie else v^o has kindled tho eparko of affection in. your breast? J ai.'i8 Yoii have no rig?it to ask me tliat..- Rivers I haT-e " I i5*er you honorable ma.rr iage.-n J a.n.e I h £S/ e told you aDj'eady 1 shall .never marry,, (Pause) Ar-e you answer ed ? Are y o u s at 1^ f is d ? Rivers I am answered™ X an no t s at i af i ed« (Rochester entering R-C:. stops and li stens) (Rivers in srpp resaed passion) Listen Jane, X 'have loved you thes© two years <,. My Love i s no t a se .If ish one„ X liave nevQ" breathed a word of it. till no Wc. but you ku.ikt, have guessed my feelings* You have refused me-o Well and good. I ac^ cept the cQigSjibut 51 shall still watch ov^^::- you.,., J. feel you are in danger 3 and 1 CTBar to you,, 1 will nor. see you drift on the shOi-Bs of a»struction.r. I mil a.ave you in fipiT,e of yourself,-, Jane You speak in ridaleSo \5Mchyour wanan*s heext can solve o RoG]r.tester Pard :n me^ I dQj't want to be a.i:i aaves<==dr (5)psr •-=> I have heard., bui: littles, but it appears "chs.t yo^i two friends are in some trouble,, Can I offer my services as mtidlator,, .Bl-:;e.r?3 I fear no tg Lo m Rochester „ You coald scarce .7y bean, impa^-.ial on Co Theodore (Enners hurriedJ^^) Oh Doc-cor„ you are here - cftne qiii. -okly^ Your professional ^rvices are needed urge ntJy.. .My fiance' Aciele has met mth an accident' 0.n:tn es Acci &nto '''h eodore No t serious though.. She was* sir; wing me a dance her ra.^ii.-.a used to do and shs fell ana sprained her "accenv." ■-. I mean her anjae. Come quiclclyi (Drag(5 Ri^«rs off R) (MrSoHoed. Brocklehurst, axid Georgia?- a enter L„) Krr.o ?:e8d Ah here i s Mi sr- Ejre now. Your Lo rcUr; h;.p (, 7. havo soixething of importance to Say to this young p ers ct^.. '^'ho cUubr.DoSB has al- ready informed yoij. if» a conn er.t, jon o f 153,7 f&:>^±XY<, Roc hest-eir No J, she never has -^ you amaze .mo - she i is t.-, Mrr?. o Roed My niece i Rochester A ni 836 of yourso Bless me^ I never should h^-o suspected it, T7ells "wellc, -wfjllj, X am called away^ bu r, -^iH jjssyou al3. at dinjiie Pardon me, (Exits Lo) Brocld.Ojriu,rst. Dinner i (Smiles in anticipat. io n) Now Miss Geoi'giana, we had b ett 9- leave yourmanma alone;, and! wn.ll ce D. you about poor Johni Just think in jailo Gs orgi.s.7a I hop e they'll keep him there thi. s tJane for the rest of his un« natural life'^ {Exits f 0U.0 vBd by B r 00 kl eha rr.t ) Jane ^ell Aunt Ree^a Why this interview? Why not have let (.hings go as t hsy were? Mrs c. Reed Ch s doi 't mi sunder St and m Co I ^m no e here to hold out the olive branch of peace to youo We neither of us hs/e z±s.e t b e hypo™ criticalg we neitha" ha/e need to practice (3sceptiono Jane No. MrSo Reed \^e hare - do stilly and a.lways shall hate one another to the end Jane You hate me and will always h^e me.^ but you are v/rong in sup-' posing 2^ squally ijnplacableo I have chaigedo Mrs a Reed No, you are unchanged* You are still the same silent, determinec. creature you werso You can stand cainly and gaze at me «. you liave m^e a just and upright woman a cr iminalo Jane I made you a criminal? MrSo Read Yes 5 it is you, and you alonSo ^e you not rejoiced to hear that the rich Mrs. Reed i spoor- a3nost penniless? Jane No J so far froa rejoicing at yotir mis'f ortune-s - I pity you^ MrSo Reeti I couLd not see my dear boy want ^ and ic is expenf;iye living in Londcrin I ^ ent on him them oney whioh your Urxcls left in my charge tobts expended on youo Jane He left money then! Mrs e Rsed Yes, not acco iding to forms of lawj but directed on his death bee that I should use it for you o A sacred trusty Jane Well 5 i s that. alL? Mrso ReecL Bo, there ismore"* Do you know t, hat you are rloht Jane Rmch? MrSo Roea You have a wealthy Uncle in the West IndiSB t*iO T«nts to make you liis heiress. He i s your father's b rot ha*. He has sent letter after letter beting you to cone t o himo Jane -^ And you heDd these letters b ac k? Mrs o Reed Yes, I cculd not endure che thought of seeing you in affluence while my fort Line was fast disapp ear 3ng= I wrote to your Uncle that you were dead^ had died of the fever wh3.1e at Lowood SchDoio Now Ge orgi aia i s about to marr y Lon3. Rochester o I shall li -^ here ^ so you had better take steps to seek out your Uncle in the Indies as you realize^ it will be impossible for you and 1 to b iBathe under the saoxe r(X)fo James (Enters Lo) Please,, MissEyrSj, the^e^s an old gypsy -womm who insig:s on seeing yoiio She wants to tell your forfune. She's just telling Miss Reed's and she spoke of youo Telling Ge oigi ana 's fortune? ■(Exit hurriedly L,) Tell her , Janes, I hare no She swears she wcn't leave What is ^e like? James Shea's a shocking ugly old creature, Mi ss« Jane Wellj "Cell her I can't see her'e James Very welL, Mi33«, (Ejd. t LJ Jane And so dear Thornfield 1 must prepare to leave you« I must enter on a rosa of which I know nothing* No affect ion must be alio -wed •when that unhappy flay cones, not a glance is to be cast back, not even one forward. Not a thought must be given to the past or the future, the first a page so heave h).y sweet g yet so deadly sad, the iast an awftil blank, lllEe the world when the deiige has gene by* (ex it R) Rochester (Enters s di^iised as Gypsy hag=> James allows sniclering) Not herej Go find her, (Goes to arm chair L,, seats him. ?e If ) ' Jacries exi ts R) (Pause) (Jane re-enters with James who p oin cs at Rochester) (James exits L) So you not want your fcfctTone told? Jane I d)n't care about it, mocher^ You can please yourself, but I warn you 1 have no faith. Mrs* Reed ? I'll have her put in the stocks Jane faith. James TvithDut seeing you. o Jan.e Rochester I know thav. I heara it in your steps as you cro Gsed the thresh- hoi do J ane Di d yous' You've a quioli ear Ro chaster I hst/e, and a quick eye an,-! a quickbrain« J arie You nead tham a3J. in your trsdeo Ro Chester Yss„ ^.*ien I've cusfc cmers like you to deal with„ V/hy don'v you ii~emble? Jane I'm not coldo Rochester Why don''t you turn pale? Jane 1 ''m no t sick-, Rochester 7ihy don't you consult my art? Jane I 'm no t 51 lly a ' Rochester (Laughs^ produces pipe^ lights it, begins to smoke) You are cold; are you sick? You are silly « Jane Pr eye i ■&. Rochester I v/ill'. In a few words^ jov. are cold because you are alone o No cchtact strikes froa. you the fire that i s in yo\i - you are sick because th e b est of feeHngs., -fche highest, the swsetest given to man keeps far awBy f r an you« Yo!.t ^e silly - basause suffer as you rD.ay3 you mil no t b ec kon i t to ^p roach^ nor m]J. you stir on.s step to aa^ja moat it^ Tsh. ere it waits yoiT,, Let me see your paJju- Jane Mh thi s i s folly J but ..^ (holds oiit- her hai. d,, Rochester looks at 1% --• &j.s) iHe does not taich it . only looks) Ro chaster I can make uotlung of sm ch a hand as this, a]..n3.c sr. wi-chout a &ine Lestlny i s not written there's J an.e X b el i eve that» Rochester Bat ciBst iny is •written in the eye, the forehead., mouthy the ex" press ion of the face« Kneel and lift up your head-, Jane Fow we are caalng to reality.-, (Kneels) I shall begin to put seme fait h in you p rese nz Jyo Ro ohevStsr ?£ -wcnSsr ^ns& thoughts are busy in your heart -^Ahen you are among all the f ine p eople here m this old house. No sympathy be-&weetx jou. =. they pass before you J.ike Eihado?/s » and you--' you are sad, then. *.? Jane No bored ofteng sleepily s onet Jiri. es , ne/ er sad" Roohgster Then you have some secret "Uo buoy yiJu up and please you with -*hi spers of the future,^ Jane None'.. Rochester One fi g-ars yoti folio w wl r.h cvrj.os.ir.y^ maybe two - Che beautiful Mi s.^ Gecrgiana.. perhaps yoiir ugly ir.:&so8ro •Jane 1 came here to listen t o my own i"uGar'3 «• not. i-hs fate of others-. Rochester Haven't you pictured them h a:?pily merried'? J ane Noc Your lAltch'S skill is at fault saner. imes= Tell me my futu.re, Ro chesi.er Your future i s y et doubtfulo ^-t depends on yourself to reach out your hand and take i t up o (Loioks at her) The eye shines like dewj soft aid full of feeling., it aniles ta my jargon "> where it ceases >o aiiile it is sadj ohe eye i s favorablSy ^lie mouth Shou.3.d cpeakmLidi and smile ofcen - irhat t co i s p rqpi tious^ The brow - thebra-,v speaks only con-yciencec '-■■ ■>Aillno'c sell my soul to buy bliss,. We J2 said-. (in natural voice) Heave n knows 1 orJ.y wish to foster ., nor. to blight - to earn gratitude j, no-: \q wring tears of bloc d» My harvest must be in soil es j, in endear mentSo Oh I rave in exquisite de li ilruii,. Ri s , Mi as -Syre ,, the game's played oii t., {Bus^ strips off di;rguis3) Off ye sendings « J ane can you f o rg i\e m e? Jane If 1 haven't been too absurd. I shall try to forgive^ you- but it -vvasn't right, Ro Chester B'ama,, -wly did you. never -cell m. e Mrs <, Reed was your Mn'c, Jane I dQ.1 "t regard her as nsy koxCc , she only married my mocher 's b r other',., Ro Chester Umc Ch, I see-j but Gsorgiaia is you.j' ca3S3.n^ Jane X never fhinkof that "=■ no one wcul d eve" know or suspect i.he facjfcj^ and I «?: Roc hester But blood is tl'ji ckQ" thaa "i^ater,; Jane I ''ve heard soo Ro chest Br You ana she ought tobegocd friencte^: She's a level/ oreaturs'- she ought- toin. site ms a good "wife,, Jane, a strapper - a real strajper, Jane^ a Jui-iO of a war..an-. My m. en will be working at Thorivfield soocij;, , Jane .t. 'Whar- with the GaptaJn arj.d Adele mar-. ri oa and - with me and - Jane I wan^ced to speak to you about r.hat ., you r Jjora.ship « i shall hoAre CO get another situation,, Ro Chester I ^all get one fo r youg Jane^, Xn a month 1 hope oo be a happy Ir^ri degroomo J a ne I shal3. culvert ise i]r.medicit£ly . I suppose in :;hs in re r ion X .jay » I coold find son-ieplace in the v 113 age to- (nearly breal^ing dov^n) Ro c hest e.r You must have in sane degree become atr,ached zo this jolc*. place, Janeo Rochester Jane Ro Chester Jane Inaeed T. jm a1:*ache<3. to ito Roc heater When Adele is mstrriea. « it may p rcr^/s very &aX2. here, Jane ( Sighs) Aho Ro Chester Ihy 'chsfc slgh^ JaneJN Xs it in s \rear y anticipation of 'che aull= ness of Tho rnf ieia "■ shoul ft you remain? •3' a.D.e CAs'tom s?hea] Should gD?ffi(. r remain? Rochester YeSs you sseem horr ifitTa. at the prospects Jane No, only amazea^ And why? But you sre tobemarriea'- Ye s ., and v er y s to rt ly t oo „ JsjR.e. •7ell,, ny Lonij, tlii s will b e no place forme when you are married. Rochester Perhaps you are righc, but do you think of going to your Uncle in zhe West Indies? I understand you h^as an Uncle there. That will be a long journey, Jane^ Jane Yes, i t i s a long way off „ Roch&ster The broad ocean will then b e b etween you and your native land., J ari.e True'^ (Moved) Rochester A.nd b etween us alsOo J an e Aye , and b etwes n us o Ro Chester We shaJl know»= nothing more of one another,, Jl ns No ., no t hj.n g o Ro Chester And sha3.1nev9r- see one another againc Jane- No J ns^er ~ never^ (Sobbing) I grieve to leave Tho rnf ieldc I love Thornfield„ I love it because here I have led a fuU. and deia ^tfi.il li fe 5 mom ai tar tly at least, I've no r. b een tramped lap On, I ha?-e no t b een burled with infer io r minds . I doi 't wan-:- to - -co- go avay f r dn » you, I can see the necessity of de- parture »= but i c is like looking on the necessity of deatho Rochester Then why go at all .» why not stay? Jane (Passionately] 1 cell you 1 must g oi Do you think I can stay to become no thing to you. Do you chink because 1 an obscure., plain and little, I am soulless and heart less? You thinik wr onpi :c have as much sofJI. as you and ful.1 as muoh heart i And if God had gj.ft,sd me wir-h beauty and wealthy I -wculdhava made it as hard for you to leave m8„ as it. if' zxov forme to .leave yau« Let me tell you Lord Rochester 5 it is my spirit that adaresses jour s^.ritl JuPt as if ^ hsl both passed thraigh the grave and we sn oDd at God's fsetj i5iB,u.alj, fei3 v/a aro' Ro chaster As we are.» {Embrs-cing hsr and M ss Jng her) So " Jane« Jan© Yes «-• ??ir « and yet not so^ for you aro a married miBgap or as good as -M merrlodp and wad t attie infer ior to you <- to onQ m Lh whom you hERre no «>srApatlny, one -whom i do not b aJLiove you trvO-y love- for X h sva cssen and heard you Knser at hsr'o I wuld ssorn such a union,.; thsrefo r© I am b ett or T,han youo Iiet me g cv? Roc heater Y/here'? Jane? Jane Anywhere'o (Struggling) Rochester Jane^ be stilly dOiH, Struggle s 0^ liks a wild frantic bird v.hat. i 5! bur. shedding its plumage in i "ss wild striggJe for freedom'o Jane X a-n no bird and no net ensnares a\e« 1 sai a free humra being wi^>h an intependent will which 1 now exjact to leave you, (Breaks away) Rochester Bui-. Jane., I \^nt you for my wife« You are "ihe onebelag in ihis v/hf.)le -Aorldtomeo Jane,, won't you marr y m. eS* (Pause) Do you diOab & me Jane? Jane En t i re 3.y ,' Yoa have no fair.h in me? Ro Chester J a ne Ho T. 3 v/hl to Rochester Ai, I a liar in your eyes? ^■fh^, lo-vs hs/e I for this woiua? None, and that you know, What love has she forme? None « I tested thato I ccntrived that a report shDuld reach her diadi my boasted wealth v/ as .myth J. &hat J. was on the b rink of ruin ana ihe re&ult Y/a??. f r^pp ed frigidity frcm her ana. outrighi: insolent condescen- si on fr cm that sweet old lady, her mothero Jane. I want you. Say y es ^ please « quickly^^ Jane Lord Rochester, (Pause) Let me look in you r f acCo Ro Chester Why? •Jane Because I wano to read your ccunte nance ^ Rochester You'm find i t mo re legible th an a crtmp led page, Jane, don't torture me,. Jane How, can! do that if your offer be realo My only feelings must be fcrat itude and dev oliouo Ro Chester Gratitiiaeo Oh Jane acospt me quickly „ Jane Do you sin. csraly wish me t o b ecGn. e your -wJ-fe? Ro cher.tei' I SA.year i "ic J ane Then I v/ill b e yo-iir wl.fs.. Ro Chester Come tome then, dssir little v/crn en.. Come tome entirely no^ » make my happir.iess, X will make yoi.i... (They embrace) (Ri -^rs and Theociore enter) Ri^'ers Pard Qi for intemip SJng s o in teres te^-ng a tetec-^^a^t ete ,^ we will wi thciraw^ ( Ade 1 a e n ters ^ limp In g) Rochester KOy re main o X esteem this the happiest moment of my li fe „ (Mrs, Reeg, Georgisna^ and Brocklehurst enter,) Attention a]J. -> I present to you. ray raff iancea, wife, Mrso Reed., Georgiana & Brcckle hurst Jane Eyra'J Th effiore My cQigrat ulat ions to you bo th- Ade 1 e Ch Mademoiselle. 1 am so happy.. (Embraces Jane vftD has business v/ith her and Theodore) Ri ver s (Suppressed} Loi'd Rochester., wh.gt dcey thi s mean? Ro Chester It means that 1 h svs her and will hold her.^ Ri vers (Lo w s"i.:pp iBSsed) Y'ou and I bo th k.n.ow thi s m arr iage is impossib.le, Ro Chester (Rapid]^) Maru meddle .not with me, I f can d her friendless, cold, c On fort less 'o 1*3.1 charish her., X''3_l guard her '■■■■ I laiov/ my Maker saictions what 1 do^ format's opinion '^ I def y i tr. Sen/ ant (Enters) Dimier is servedc Roc hester (Turns to Jane) Come Jane= (Offers his arm., she takes it) (They go up and off„ follo-Viedby Ade le and Theodore) Mrs ,..v Reed (Imp ai^i ently) Well, Mr,,, E rocklehu.rgt ,, give me your arm uo dinner, BrOckleharst My dear m, alams X really h^m no appetite, (Sits on arm chair) To r.hink of i c., Jane Eyre, Jane Ey re o (MrSo Reed and Georgiana go off together... ind%nant Jly g, .leaviiig Brc-.:;kl.ehurst all broken up in chair) CURT _A T. N, U II fl II W II ii ACT iv; See ne ^st. Passage leading f r on vestry to charoh inter ior.-,^ Any a.g.rk Gothic interior ar cp wouia ao^ . Drop hung aboul; 1 3y'2.„ Dsrlc mngs slighcly obliqtiea to carry off» The only f arnl tv.re h savy o-ushion- ea bench little R« of C^ At rise:- Mrso Reeci. and Ge org i ana aifio ov^ refit. Mrsc R=S3(5. ¥e are here to mtness her- aiscomf iture- Ge o rg i ana I shall Gake more pleas tire to watching hi r. ragec. It will be grand- His eyes will blaze and he'll look IJJz^ a Leventine pirats or Blade Bo thwe 11'.. I ccald a.'imo ti^ lo"!;e him v/h^'n hsgets that way:, Mrs o Reed Ge org i ana o Ge orgi aaa Oh I have no use for a m an unl ess he has a .spice of the aevil in himo Brocidsbu rst (Enters L\ rtibbing hi s h ands) ¥i ct cry., victory.- Mr,. Mason is arrived.. He has handed o\ier the attestation to Dro Rivers^ Ah., to=-day "Che necks of the wicked and the vain gJorious shall be bow- ed and the righteous shall prevail- (.To Rivers and Mas on who enter L,) Ah ge ni lemen^ this is a hsppy day.. Doctor, that -was a luclQr thought of mine, wasa 't it, v/asn't it? Rivers (Annoys) Mr. B rookie hi.irst 5 tW. s mtater doesn't cciicernyou in the least,. This ge rit le.cna.n. is here for che protect ion of his sis- ter,. I sm here for the p rotect ion f Mi ss Eyre^ Meither interest you_, so kindly go atte nd t o your own Bffa.irs- Mr., Mason, if you are nervDUS., g on into the clxirch, 1 inaJJ. caJl you if you are needed^ (Mason as its) (Rumble f carriage -wheel shear a off L., ) Ge orgiraa Ah, 'chey are here* Now for the fun.- (Pause) (Loh gngr in miarch pi i^ed) (Enter frouRo Theodore, frock ccat^ ^'.edding mBch, etc) Br Gckl.ehurst Locok . ^ that poppinj ay.^ (As Theodore crosses L,} (Pause) (Theodore meets Ro Chester „ Jane and Adele as b ridesmaJ.dja) Theodore l?elcome., The arrangements are conplefcSc The vicar lad the clerk- are already at the connnnion railSo Ro chaster Goodc Come Jane, lean on me, frcru this hoiir dates our bli. ssful iinion* (Bus„ ss they advance Ri -^ers .aavancfi^'S jtsd checks the.iji.) Rivers Stop, Lord Rochester ■= thismgrriage will not take place,. Roc host er- st an d a si (3e, Rivers I will no ta An insi5)erabls impsdJia a-ir. to thi K liiarr iage exi:;-:fcr,- you have a wife now living-; Ro Chester \7hat i s her name, her parentagej place of abodCc; Ri vei-s I will read you this dccunent., (Reads) '"1 >?jf iici and car;, pro've r.hat on the 2et h of October ., A^D, 185 3,, fiawsra Fairfac Ro chest erj^ Of Thomfieia Hall in Devon ^i re, England, was rnisr led to my sis- -cei\ Bertha Antoinetta Mason, aaughter of Jones Mason, merchant ^ ana Ancoinetta Mascsi., his x^ife ^ a creols, aft San Mastasius Ghuruh, Spaiish towx-L^ Jamaica, \'/ast IndLes,. The record of the marriage will be fcand on the register of that chnrch, a cqjy of which is now in nay possessions Signedj Richard M^isono" Ro Chester This may be a trick of yours',, '^^'here is the writer of that doc« t3ment'? Ri vers I will p rodtice him'n (Goes R) Mr,-, Mason s-cep here^ (Pause) (Mason enters) Re Chester You hound., «p awn of a lun eli c mo ther and degenerate father, Ch don '^t fear., I'll put my finger on you., I wculd as leave strike a womaiic Enough, 1^11 teH all, it shall cone out like a bullet from, a barrel. Bigamy's an ugly v/ord,. I meant however to be a bigamist p but Fate has' out manoeuvred me. It's time the woman I married stiD.l lives ^ She is the my ster ious lunatic up in Thorn^^ Held Tower,. Bertha Mason is a mal v/oi^^an; and she cones from a mad family of idiots and maniacs through three generations,, Her mothO" the creo3.es, was but a mad wcman and a drunk3aa.o I found that ou"c after I h ad wed the dai^hter, for they were si.lent on fanlly secrets beforeo All of you. go now and take a good look at her puiple face and bloated, featur-es ^ see her grwel on all fours J laugh like a hyena and jud ge whether she i s human or beas Go y e carrion crows., and gloat over the spectacle. Look at the red eye baJls of che dennon andconpare them with t he dear gaze of my b rdcie who "Vvss to bej thi s girl standing by my side^ and then judge me". Off with you.. Go take your peep into the pit of hell„ leave me alonej a.lon e v/ith her who knew notHng. suspected noth- ing '^ m.y innoceiit Jane, end let me make my pea^e with her <, (Goes up placiiig Jane who has half fainted on cmch == characters all withdraw save Br ocM.ehurst who finally is kicked out by Theodore, . v»5-iD allies after him) Ro Chester XYeXL Jane^, no woitl of rspro&c?i, (Pause) (Jane does noi: answer) I never meaiis to wouiid you. s 0= If the man who had bur, one littlt ewe lamb chat was dear to him as adaugrit-er, and had by seme mis-- itake sla"ughcersd i t in the b3.ood shanbles., he could not have i''uea i t mo re than l/ V/hy don't -you tellm. e, I am asc cundrelo J ane I cannoals I am tired and sick.-. Rochester We wlllgo avay fr cm th e stone hell of Tho rnf ield wi th it's insane fiend.v You are t o b e Mrs .^ Rochester both virtually and nomina].ly- I shall koep only to you so long as you and I li ve , We ^lall go to a place I have in the South of Era nce^, a/ilD-a on the shores of the Msdi terraneano There you shaJl live diappy g-xTSV^Kja guarded and most innocent life., Don't fear thatt I will c/?i sh to make jou my mi stress « Jane If I went V(dth you as you say., what v/oij.1 d 1 be- Your mfe is liv- ing ■" (\7i ch sudden burst of rears) God help me.^ God help me i Ro Chester Listen tome Janeg as qm et ]^r .md cajmly as you Gan« I was the sec end sGi of my father -who smghr. ho p rov jde for my future by a wealthy marriage". When X left cQ]..lege 1 waB paokea off to the West Indies to espousQ ta bride already cairUed formeo She is that gibbering, lo athes aD.e manJ.®c c cn.fin.aA in that st cne room in Thorn field Toi^ero Her miither died in ^.^i a. lunatic syliim.^ her bro- ther is now a dumb i diot'„ Insanity r-uns riot in che family, AJ.1 th©e facts i learned after the marriage ^ For f cur ??■ ears I Lived with this Bertha Mason and dragged thraig h all. the hideous and de-^ grading agQiies which must attend a man bound to a wife at once in oe operate snd uncliaste,, My elder brother died and my father also« I was Lord RoclTester„ rich,, but. tifcKi by law and society to this woman,, and unable to free myse].f by l^galmeanSj, f or the doctors discovered that my wife was mad.o Her viceS3 her excess^ eSj had developed the germ of insianity.r That i s our boasted EngJi sh law„ Jane What did you do i,^en you f cund out that she was mad? Rochester I tried suicide but I failedo Then hope came tome, I chartered a vessel and coive yed her to England ard. secret ly brought her to Tho rnf ield lo^mr .j where she has no v/ been for ten years^, She has made her room a wild bea,sts den^ a gob3.in''s cell >» Rivers the Surgeon^ and Grace Poole are the only two I have ever admitted t^i' my cQ-i f i(^ ncer, Jarn-e Then what did you do? Ro Chester Like the will o' the wisp flitted all over the worlds f in al-ly came back to Thorrifield and m el; you,. Oh I tried dissipation until I found you« I recogjrd. zed your hon est y^ yoiir trul'.h -^ I said, here is cjy good ange J^ I loveft her, ^he Is the one womai in all this world tOmSo It i s b €cause I kn e.v and felt this that I resolved to marry you. To tell me that I had already a wife is empty mock" ery, you know now that 1 had but a hi de ous iSsmono But 1 fihould have heM nothing basko Cur love woildha/e been one of -she hol^. iest in the sight of Goda His S)iiil e weald have blessed our union.^ forbLcfdenby the laws of mai-j "C should hise asked to accept my pledge and have you g i"^"® meyouiSa Jane^ giv?? it to me now, (Pause) Why sre you silent, Jane? (Long Pause) (Bu sin ess) (Jane stands tremblingly irres dl.u ce , show.uig the struggle raging within'. Rochester attempts to take hei~ hands., she gently evades him) Jane J you understand what I want of you., just thi s p romi s e ., I will be yours Edwards (Long pause) (Gentry) Do you mean to go One way in the world and let me go another? Jane I do', Ro chest er (imbrac ing her) Do you m. ean i t nowo Jane I do', Rochester (Softly) (Kissing her foiBhead) And nowc Jane ( Freeing herse If rapidly) T ao. Ro Chester Ch Jane, this is biT,tero It v/c?u.ia not b e wickea. to love me'o J an e I t woal a b e 1 ob ey y ou'o Ro Chester In mercy, dm 't don't <^ whta mm. I to do? J ane Do as I do. (Leaning on bench for aipport) Trust in God and your se3.fo Let us hope that we may meet in Heaven j. Ro Chester Oh you condexin me to .live wretched and die m&s. accursedo Jane I advise that we both shall li \e sinT.e3-s,, Ro ch est er (In agOny) Jane, you tear lo\?e and innocence f r on me„ You fling me back on lu et for a passion„ vice for an occipat ion, J ane I no more assign xhi s fate to you than grasp at it for myself o Ro Chester X s it better to transgress a mere human, law or to drive your fellow creature, whom you love ^ t o mi ser y^, to despair « you are alone in' this world, no ki thp no kin to offend, no frj.ends only ycu rse If 1 Jane CPause) I care fiirmyse-lf^ I will respect my se 3f „ Do you think my body and soul don^t rise up in meeting 8.gainst; the religion, of that law made by God^ sanctioned by man--^ t hat i s b ecause I am mad my veins are rx&ming fire, my heart b eat jjig fastern than I can count its throb Sj, but I hawe been sane-^-^'t hen I received the lav/o That" law was m ado for moments of tenptationSj moments like this, that law i s all I have at thi s hour t o stand by =-■ there 1 plant my foot* (PausB 5 bus) (Rochester goes to her^ seizes her wrist, clasps her waists He i s trembling v/ith passion? she raises her ey- es to him, sigliB exhausted-ly, he holds h er- a moment) Rochester (Releases ha") (Sobs? } Come Jane, c one^ (Pause) (Bus) (Jane falter in gly moves away) You are going Jajie, you are leavingme„ Jane Yes, Ro ch est er (Turns away) Jane = my hope .■=■ my 3.ove ■--' my 3,ifeS^ (Tries t o con^o trol his convulsive sobs of a strong man in ag cny) Jane {\?ho has almost reached the entrance^ ^-valks back, kneels to him) (Kisses hishaid) God bless you my dear master, God keep you frcana tisrm and wroig, direct you^ solace you, and reward you for your past kindness to me% Roch^ter Jane's love would have b ee n my j^ b ffst reward withxir. it my heart is birds en= (Fall s on b ench^ she rises j stands by him,., anoothes Ms hairj kisses his cheek) (He rises, holds out his arms, but She evades his embrace and exits L, ) (Pause) (Rochester has business of aroising suddenly as out of a trance) , \Vhy - vAiy do I let her go? 1^11 fo3.1owher and yet the resolute, v/ild, free soul look" ing out of her eyest defies me«. with mo re 'chan courage, v/iiJh stern triumpho Ah, it is your spirit, wi'ch will and energy and virtue." purity s. that I want aid not your b ritt le fraxng: „ «>c i your- self you ccraia come, and ^th soft plight nestle against my heart if you ivouia- seized against your will you will elide the grasp Jj.lc'e an essence, vanish ere 1 irihala your essencce (Hurry music] {Murmuns ou ts icfe ) ( A^lar m b ell h eara soun (Sing) Theodor-e (Encersl Lord Rochester , The rrf ield Tower i s in fOsmes* Ro Chester In flanesi Let it burn t, 1 efc it buni„ Th e od ore Manj, are you mad? Wake fr cm your trance^ That degp er ate maniac eluding the vigilance of her keeper j Grace Poole, has fired the North To -wer,, There she stands on the batt tements v^ith f iendish screams, fighting with tooth and nails all vho attempt to save herV VJhafc-s to b e dene? Roc h^t er Let her p erish., It i s fitting/ The devil mil have his owno Theodoic! Lord Rochester « this frcm youl Then be it your task to call off for their own sakes her would b e rescuers before it is too late^. Rochet er (Rea3azing) Li\es p er i3.ed - aid for her? No^ nOj, thank you Theodore ■=. youVe recalled me tomyself« 2± Is My duty is before rxsgo I wi3,l save har- if 1 can-, I am Lord Ro chest er„ No man shall risk his life but the master. CHANGE CP SCENE, Scene 2ndo Full stage represents the fire in Thornfield Tower o Lgijadscape drop for backing 3i:^d Story 2nd Story To give idea of height and distance across the stage about 1 l/2 runs a stone set piece five feet high supposed to represent 2nd story of castle^ Behind this about 3 another set piece about 12 feet high with tower on R» platform behind this. Wood wings to mask on both sides. These set pieces painted old stone with ivy, old fashioned windDws throtig h whi ch flames are seen, plenty of smoke and all the usual fire effect^ try to get roar of flames etc, etc. Wind machine. Wood crash^ Shouts outside, bell ringing.^ "Don't gomy master, Lo rd Rochester" etc^, etco As the scene charges Ivlaniac woman seen on top of Tower R, at back waging her arns, screaming and 1 aug hing-, Rochester is seen toil- ing along fran Lo he is c©atless. He fight; s his way through -the sno k e an. cl f Isjaa s ^ ce.li ir.. g - « ) Rochester Be-^-ha- Br'-ri In'l ( Th p. ruiai si;- sees him, a ere am. s la a jumps from tower oif'^R;"coauterw6ighfc3a of coarse) (Rochester reaches thetop)^ G Gonei GoneJ Crr^hsa asad. aeacl on the st one s b elow« «.Move flames., et.o. Noi le c= vol ces ^ etc J .0. i ^ I -4 L N . A C T VV Three months lat-ere FerndearLs, a cottage on the Bo Chester ©state*, ^ ^ ^ ,,.„„,, I-i§M-iK'J!S.^;^.M'£i?ijGS.».,.. - - — ^ ^ IJeagfi Heo^e _JLQ5L4e^JiO£S.. ji 2 O '^^} O Lanoiscap 6 b aa'kingo Hefige' r©Tf/j op amng R.^ of Go (1) Set house 8a p/ceps S:', (2') Tree with seat svirrcana-irxg it LoC's (3) Doo i' of housBe {4) Table si(2: two chairso Woo ^sd WingSo Baize grsKsJ maks s^ ■^mall table -vd-th pitcher and glasses RcO, Chaire,, Tin:iG;^' Late after rioon,. At rift:) .:;---= Theodora enters Avith Rivers frcHihouse.p Theodore Poor old chap ^ i t hurts my ccn. sr.ience to look at him. Rivers Why? Theodo re If it had not bean forme he would nes/er ha^/e imperiled his life so usslesff ly^, so vaim.y as i t p rcved, on. mat unfortunate days Tsrhe.a the -ft-eddteg waB interrupted and Jane left him,, he was dazed-, X mc&j.53d hira to hi i dtifcy as I sav;- it,, to the in^-. mcts of our race SD.d blood m we Sngli shne,ri f es 1 i t,, and the result is. Lord Rochester theprcwdj,. t-he strong y tls stalwai^t is now blind and orlpp led'« His athlat io stre.r;gthis quelled and hi s vigorous prime b31 ghtedo Doctorj yoii acted for the b est ,. but old fellow, I wisli you had arrived au hour later than jou did for hi s sake and for Jan8^=>'. Ri vers I h ad my duty also to pjsrf orr&c Theodore Yas J we both did \\hat yb ttought wa.s rigl^^ Do you think there is any hope thaii he wijJ. recover his sight';? Rivers Yaii J of on 5 of his ayeSj, but; the tenjpest raging wi 'Shin delays rec o\e r y'c The (d ere X can see i.u lii s countenance a desperate and brooding look,, like sojoe W3.1d b east or bird fettered and held captive o The caged e-agle wl:£) se gold riaged eyes crislty has extinguished might 3.ook as-:? dqes that sightlesB Sgm son.,- Rj. vers There is but one being in this world who can S}peed his reccnrery",. Theoaore Ja:ie,]c only ^'ane >-« I know it. Rivers She h ?^. been a devoted nurse ^ moving like a dumb servi tor about the place.,., cireless,, watchful. I- rejoiced on her absolute sil- ence X) r fear the knowledge of her presence might ^sc ite him, but the tjme has ccme for her to spaak t o him. Theodore But Jane now is rich, the death of her Unde has left her a wBa.lthy woman ■= she is young 3 bright^ clever - her wealth v/i]JL Iiavs a score of suitors for her hand. Rivers She will refuse than all. You do r.ot know her as I do. Her heart is cencered there^ (Poijni ts to cotlUage) I ^ all break the seal of si3. ence I have imposed on hei^ s '^ e^dayj I shall see her now", CBusinesSj, he pauses as if strtggJing with him se If , thai exits into cot;. age) Adele (Cutsife) nJ will have nozzing to say to you^ detestable allez, B.Jlez'o CrO away flfQii. me« You shalD. not see MadamoiseUe Jeanie, ^he shall not be "boysaired" wiz you=, (Enters excite dJy R.U,E.) Mil Ths<-xiore. Theodorep oh Theodore^ drive away zat scelerat .« ^'Pr oflJ. gat e) Zat villian. now^ (Rushes in t Theodore 's arms) Th eod ore Ga.lm yourself ma petite Adele... ( B r oc kl ehu rst enters very much d.lsheveled --= his net fcrdsai in;, clotlies dust y^ looking very dis- zep-a t abl s) Ohy it*s. you i s i t? Rr.lnking again? I always suspect. ed itc Now I knew i ta B r oc KL ehu rst Cap i a in 5,, you Bee before you the bearer of bad news a Th eodore I bel'. ©76 it., I always associated yourpreserce JBfth sooaething urpleaBanto Br ockle jria rst But my p xBsenaa to-day has riO^-hing to do with you<. T h e od cr e Then whgrfc the (tevi'I are you bo thsr ?ng me for^ and fr igl^tening my wife, Br ockJ.e hurst Con^t lose your ten|5er Gapta.ii'i. .-. Remeniber you kicked me once, but I did not deserve ito Theodore But if I kick you again you wi.ll desejrve ito Ade le lii ok him aga^ja^ Now Theodore^ oh kick him g^ain « just once for me'c Th eodore CGrtain.ly m.y darHngo (Chases Br ocM-ehurgt who runs from him. arou);j, d 'f: he tree 5 Ade le N0W3 nowj spare him Theodore,, he is a cowards Br ocldeharst She-s rightj 1 ''m only brave moraHyj that is all« Your mfe with her imperfect kno w_ledge and her bad English mi sunderstood me Th e od ore Do you he^r Adele, he says your English is bad. Mele Ml., perhaps hebezzer be "keekal" after alio Br ock3,elm rs'c No J no pardon memaaame; I meant - 1 only asked her to help me to an i n te rv i ew wx th Mi s s Ryrs ,, Theodora And what can yda v/an'c, with Miss Eyrof Br iTcW. 3l-nrst \':iiat can X ^«ant with Mi a^. Eyre? Miy C«pt-o Grey, I am the men- tar of her youth- the valued guide of lat-sr yearso I would now- fain be her trusted cainsellor and adviser as to the disposition (S the wealth I understood she has Istel!?;- asquirsde Theodore That's very kind of you, but really ^ I dcn't think she wants to see youo Brocld.ehur?.t She wi3-l v/elcQne me m th open armSo i bring her the T«orst of news' Theodore You have a strarge idea of what will make you virelcome, B rocky, Br CO k].e hurst Her its cousin John has ccmmiT.ted smci!3.So Th e od ore ' She knows thatc Br cck3..eliirBt Knows i t? How- Theodore I told h err» Br CG klehu rst Yo-u«» Theodore Yes. don't ^hink that you are the only o3.d womaa in Devox^ire. I'm a bit of a gossip myseJ-fj eh,, Adele? Ade la ■ , An an5el<> (Emb racing him) Theodore Since I have been a married man,, vexj? talk of everything over our c\^ of tea 3, dcn*t w© Adele? Adele Al 1, mo n -Emp er o ro ( Bu s as b ef o re ) Brocklehurst Do js she know her Aunt Reed died of grief? Thecd ore Yes 5 she knows that too v. You see BrockJ:, you are decidedly super- flaouso B rocklehu rst (Desperately) Does she know that 1 want to borrow aome money of her"« Theodcre Ahj surprised «= now I. ixnderstand -^lat you mean by bad newso No, I don't think that she knows thato Brocklehurst There's a warrant out f or my arrest o Theodore That 's good news.. Br cc kLelxirst Officers are out on my track ^, Theodcr© Be ct er ancL b e it er , Brccl'leyurst They haT-e n't ca^ight me y et « Theoclo re- Worse end worse, Melej go into thehougeo BrockLe hurst And ce 31 Mi ss Ey re » Theodore Brocky., I must insist tint you do no c address lirs , Captain Grey T/i L-hcut my permissiono Adele^ not a iword of what you have heard, Adele (No cfe assent) Au revoir, "monhoro" (Exits into house) Th eodore Ifc w Bro cklehirst , by all that i s holy, tell me, what claim have you on Miss Eyre^ She whom you abused and plotted fr on child- hood to wQnarihood «- c one out vd. th i t man, display your logic* Br ocklehurst The scrip turES teaches u s we shDuld forgive our g-iemies. Th 6 od ore None of your hypocritical cant-. Now I h-\aen't patience -vath it. 1 nstance me one friendly act of yours toward Jane Eyre, Br ocklehirst It was thrcugh my disco -very that the cerenony was broken off. Theodore Oh i c was 1 Brocklehurst Yes.. 1 l^rned- of the name of Lord Rochester -s mysterious visi- tor ^ I Smelt a rat «=• bribed the coachnai who coiveyed him to Mi.lcoctej> "^ en Jane Eyre's engagement was announced I traced Mr, Mason to LondQij t oLd him of the news, learned that Lord Roches- cer was married t o his sister, Theodore AjTxd played the devil generally, and your motive was for Jane Ey re \s b enef it '» Br OG Ide Ik rst '^.'hy scanmotivsSp results are ifiiat I am after,, Theodore Wl at i s you r p rese nt cr Jme'c Er cc kL ehirst I an accused of the ccn vers ion of find belonging to the insti- cui^ion of LowDOdo 1 loaned Mrs <. Reed the greater portion of the moneys hoping to realize onehujidred per cent when Georgiana mar- ried Lo ig. Rochester* I think ttat Jane Eyre ought to fix this matter up» (Detective enters j stands watching L^U.E, BrcckLehuri a mom. entj cones davn) Because if she don't,^ and I'm arrested, I m3J. b e in » (Detective snaps handcuffs on him) a most hum"" iliating po sitiono (Detective takes him. by collar and wa.lk5 him off ) (Bro ckleha rst ccntinues talking as they ex it) That's all right, sir, 1 an a peaceful man, I'll give you no trcuble^ If 1 could see Miss Eyre, etc., etc. (His vol oe dies av/ay in the dista nee) (Theodore goes up C<, watching them) (Pause) (Enter from •vhe hou ^, Jane and Rivers) Jane The a you think i t will b e b est « Rivers Yes., the scimd of you.r v trice,;, the. r-eiise o f your p re seme mil do more good than a ttousana doct ors', Me le j. s leading him out here then you take her place:. God blei^s yoxi Jane audb ring you all your h eg.rt ^s desi re ^ J' ans God bless you Erne.st <, my more than. br(i;her.. (Holds out her haid)(Muaic "You niay b reak you mja sht^er'- et.c) (Ri-vers stirred Y/ith eno tion-, b enfls over her haid mu'ce3y , kisses itj returns to dcxDr of hou.se ;, 1 aye finger on lips in warring gest ire) (Music) • (Enter Rochester b3,indj led by Adele^ he is hatless ^ he carries one arm in breast of coat , it is supposed to be mutilated) CReds on lights) Ade ].e Gome Mon sieiir,, I mil place you under the tree,, The sun is a3jiiost sets it mil soon be night, (Ri'vers exits into house) Rochester It is always night nowj, and will be f onime ever morBo Mele^ give me son 6 water, (Adele does so) (He drinks) \Tnere is that du.mb nurse, Ade].e I will find her., (Goes up to Theodore) (Bus) (They sxuent ) (Fause) Ja.ne \Till you have a li xt le more water ^ your Lo rdship o Rochester Alij, who is i tV liiftiat is it? Who speaks? Wliat delusion has come o ver men What sweet m^jiess has seized xa.e f. Jane No (feJusiouo No ET, a3.no5,s « Your min d i s too strong for delusion.,. Roc hest. e.v- (Reaching out) Wj:i<3r@ is the speak:erV Is tt only a voice? 1 cannot see, but 1 must feel o r my heart will stop and my brain burst 'o (Jane takes hi s h and in bor, hof hers) Her v&'j fingers , ter small sDight fingers., if go^ there must b e mo rs of her "^ (He gropes arOLnds taich3.ng her nect'; 3tau3. derSg waist, finally draws her to him) Is it Jane? This is her d-ze^ Je ii3 An (3 tlTi. s,^ hsr voia3£= She's aLl here^, her heart tco",, God bles^ you;, I '^m glad I am here'o Ro Chester Jane Ey re.« In truth;,, my living JanCc" Jane You holdm. e fast eisaghc; I'm not cold like a corpse nor vacant 3.1 ke air a m 12 Rochester lAy living dar3ing5 but X cannot b e blessed after all my misery,, you are sure you are not a dream cone to smock me? I feared you migh'G b e p ming outcast am.ong strargers« Jane No 5 I'm an independent rich won an no w^ My UndLe in the West Indies 3. ^t me his entire fortune^ Rochester Yoii vBre always in(?ependeiit Jane, but I an sorry to hear that you are x-, rich'o J ane Are you incfeed - and \tiy? ^ • Rochester Because if you r^re poor, Jane, you might make up yoxr mind to s?T;^oindme and be my kind little nurse, but then as you are young and rich, and as 1 ought v. o look after your interests, I suppose 1 Should e«tert,ain none but fath^-ly feelings, f cr you« H0T,v I feel it my duty to advise you to « co » Jane To \h ^« Rochester To go and marry sone handscme younj mano Jane I don't care about being marriedo Rochester You shouJLdcare Jane'^Hf IwS^ewhat I once ires, I*d mlee you care but a sightless block- I suppose 1 an v ery hideou s Janeo Jane Very sir,, You always -ware you kncwo Rochester Youhayen'c lost your wickedness Jane wherever you have been- Ah ny sacred vi sicng my crippled strargth^ (Jane ki sses him) I am no better than the old oak ±sj® struck by lightning that night you saved my li fe j, Jane ^ and "sih^* right wau,ld that ruin have to bid abuca.iag 7/ood'^blne to co^;3r it, 's decay with freshness- Jane You are no ruin, sir, no li ghtnj.ng struck oak. You are green anO. ^ vigorous* You'll nQver want for frieniSo Ro ch est er Friends 5, JanSj I want a wifeo Jane Do you? Roc hester Yes , i s i t news t o you? Jane Of ccurse - you said nothing of it bef cre'o Ro c hest er Is i t unwelcome newsc Jane That depends on cirouta stances « on your choice » Rochet er Mate it form 65 Jane, I wiLl abide your decision, Jane Choose chen^ sir- who loves you the best a Rochester I vail at least chao se her I love b «t . Jane, will you marry meSL Jane Yes , EdwardV Ro Chester A poo r blind man whom you will have to lead around by the hand^, [ Jane Yes« Rochester Truly; Jane Trulyc To b e your wife i s for me to be as happy as I can b e on e art ho Rochester (Kisses her) I thank my Maker that in the midst of juagment He has remenbered mercy. PICTURE. C U R 1 A I_ N . "iT "w" IT u n n ii LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lliliiilliillllillllllllliliilil 015 873 578 7 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hollinger Corp. pH8.5