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WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1875. 1 ^ CONTENTS. Page. i of the Commissioner of Education 5 List of school-officials in Alabama 7 Arizona Territory 9 ArVan^as 10 CiLii.Tzls U C:z~r ::::-- IS Colorado Territory 13 Dakota Terri: :ry 14 Florida 15 Georgia 13 Iiah: Terri: :ry IS Illinois 19 Indiana _. 21 Indian Territory 23 Iowa 24 Kansas 26 Kentucky 27 Maryland 29 M35;=.:1-£t-:; 1 Minnesota 32 3Ii=5ii-i; ~ ': 33 Missouri 34 M:-:=^i Terr :::— 35 Nebraska 36 Xev&da 37 New Hampshire 33 New Jersey 35 New Mrs: : : T err:: : ™ 40 New York 41 Ohio 43 Oregon 45 Pennsylvania 46 Eh : ie :;:=.- i « South Carolina , 49 Tetire;;ee :'. Utah Territory SB Vermont 53 Virginia 54 Washington Territory 56 "West Virginia 57 ■Wisconsin 58 "Wyoming Territory 60 List of city-superintendents 61 LETTER. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C, May 1, 1875. Iii response to numerous and repeated requests, the accompanying lists of public-school-officials in the United States have been prepared by the kind co-operation of State-superintendents. Any corrections will be thankfully received. Great care has been taken to make the lists' correct and complete to May 1, 1875. JOHN EATON, Commissioner. LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN ALABAMA. Hon. JOHN M. McKLEROY, superintendent of public instruction, Montgomery. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Montgomery Mobile, first Wilcox, first Crenshaw, second Dale, second Lee, third Tallapoosa, third Hale, fourth Shelby, fourth... St. Clair, fifth... Calhoun, fifth ... Limestone, sixth., Walker, sixth . . . Hon. John M. McKleroy, superintendent of public instruction and ex officio president. D.C. Rugg W. B. H. Howard John A. Padgett G. M.T.Gibson O.D.Smith J. P. Oliver r John T.Foster N. B. Mardis L. F. Box J. H.Francis J.N. Martin.... A. H. McClung Montgomery. Mobile. Camden. Rutledge. Ozark. Auburn. Dadeville. Greensboro'. Columbiana. Ashville. Jacksonville. Mooresville. Jasper. CITY-SUPERINTENDENTS. City. Superintendent. Post-office. H. M. Bush Montgomery. W.C.Ward Birmingham. M. B. Wellborn T. J. Mahew COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Autauga Baldwin Barbour Bibb Blount Bullock Butler Calhoun Chambers .. Cherokee ... Chilton Choctaw ... Clarke Clay Cleburne ... Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington . . Crenshaw . . Dale Dallas De Kalb Elmore Escambia .. Etowah Fayette .... Franklin ... Geneva Greene Hale Henry Jackson Jefferson . . . Lauderdale Lawrence .. Thomas L. Saddler.. J. D. Driesbach , S. H. Dent N. C. LaGrone F. A. Hanna H.C.Tompkins J. M. Thigpen J. C. McAuley T.W.Greer John T. McDaniel.. L. W. Frazier S. S.Mellen M.S. Ezell A. S. Stockdale N. G. Mulloy Alfred McGee , Joseph Shackleford C. A. Newton John E. Harmon E.Mancill I.H. Parks W. H. Stuckey P. D. Barker P.B. Frazier W. P. Hannon...'... J. T. B. Foard R. J. C. Hail B. F. Peters T.J.Rogers J.W.Hall W. G. McCracken . . John A. Jones J. W. Foster J. S. Collins J. R. Rockett J. M. Weems D.C. White Prattville. Tensas P.-O. Eufaula. Centreville. Bangor. Union Springs. Greenville. Jacksonville. Waverly. Centre. Clanton. Mt. Sterling. Grove Hill. Ashland. Chulafinnee. Elba. Tuscumbia. Belleville. Rockfbrd. Andalusia. Rutledge. Ozark. Selma. Portersville. Wetumpka. Pollard. Gadsden. Fayette C.-H. Pleasant Site. Geneva. Eutaw. Carthage. Abbeville. Scottsboro'. Ely ton. Florence. Moulton. List of school-officials in Alabama — Concluded. County. Lee Limestone... Lowndes . . . Macon Madison Marengo .... Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery- Morgan Perry Pickens . Pike , Randolph ... Russell St. Clair Sanford Shelby Sumter Talladega ... Tallapoosa . . Tuscaloosa. . Walker Washington . Wilcox Winston Superintendent. J. F. Yarbrough . . James G. Dement M. D. Robinson... H. C. Armstrong.. W. P. Newman... R. B. Crawford... Elisha Vickery... A. J. McDonald .. E. R. Dickson T.J. Emmons L. A. Shaver W.M.Wood J. W. Morton James Somerville W. C. Menifee J. M. K. Guinn . . . J. M. Brannon Robert F. Newton J.M.I. Guy ton... D.W.Caldwell .. M. C. Kinnard W. L. Lewis S.C.Oliver R.S.Cox J.C.Scott G. M. Mott C. C. Sellers James Hilton Post-office. Loachapoka. Athens. Benton. Notasulga. Huntsville. Demopolis. Pikeville. Guntersville. Mobile. Monroeville. Montgomery. Hartsell Station. Perryville. Bridgeville. Troy. Wedowee. Ashville. Vernon. Columbiana. Livingston. Talladega. Dadeville. Tuscaloosa. Jasper. Bladen Springs. Camden. Houston. LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN ARIZONA TERRITORY. Hon. A. P. K. Safford, governor and ez-officio supcrintendint of public instruction, Tucson. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Maricopa Mohave .. Pima Pinal Yavapai.. Yuma J. T. Alsop A. C. Haskell.... W, J. Osborn John D. Walker. H. H. Cartter.... H. N. Alexander. Flioenix. Mineral Park. Tucson. Sanford. Prescott. Yuma. 10 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN ARKANSAS. Hon. B. B. BEAVERS, secretary/ of state and superintendent of public instruction, Little Rock. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Arkansas Ashley Baxter Benton Boone Bradley Calhoun Carroll Chicot Clark Clayton Columbia Conway Craighead Crawford Critttenden . . . Cross Dallas Desha Dorsey Drew Faulkner Franklin ..... Fulton Garland Grant Greene Hempstead Hot Spring ... Howard Independence Izard Jackson Jefferson Johnson La Fayette Lawrence Lee Lincoln Little River... Lonoke Madison , Marion Mississippi ... Monroe Montgomery.. Nevada Newton Ouachita Perry Phillips Pike Poinsett Polk Pope Prairie Pulaski Randolph St. Francis Saline , Sarber Scott Searcy Sebastian Sevier Sharp Stone Union Van Buren... Washington . White Woodruff Yell Superintendent. John McLaughlin W.G. Rolfo M. N. Dyer W. H. Price James P. Hicks M. S. Kennard Willis Robertson...., William R. Belding... J. B. Tallman R. D.Heard Giles Bowers John H. Garrett Alex. Nations John D.Hillis Burkley Neal Rees Davis Briton Roleson L. D. Cooper Jacob S. Ross Malcolm Currie A.J. McQuiston J. M. Ferguson W.H. Martin Stephen F. Dykes Henry P. Smith John M. Langston James R. Snodgrass .. Virgil A. Woods R. M. Trasher W. P. McDonald W. H. Bayne Thomas Evans W. A. Monroe Robert W.Trimble... John C. Littlepage ... Alex. Byrne J.N. Hillhouse J.S.Bradford E.S.Ellis Charles B. Wells John S. Spinks O. S. Ragland James R. Dow i Leon Roussau W. J. Blackwell Z. L. Cotton G. W. Thomason R. W. Harman , H.O.Stanley Hardy Fowler , W.D. McCoy Moses Hyde John W. Levesque ... Samuel D. Kelley Robert W. Moses R. T.Sanders J. R. Rightsell , William A. Downing S. W.Liddell B.S.Medlock F. M. Moore J.H. Palmer , H.N.Davis , H. H. Penninger H. Goodwin , Samuel Davidson ... H. C. Simmons E. R. Brown Nathaniel Geer George Welch Z.T.Barrett E. W. Goodwin John Piper Post-office. De Witt. Hamburg. Mountain Home. Bentonville. Lead Hill. Warren. Hampton. Carrolton. Lake Village-. Arkadelphia. Corning. Magnolia. Lewisburg. Jonesboro''. Van Buren. Marion. Wittsburg. Princeton. Laconia. Toledo. Monticello. Conway Station.. Ozark. Salem. Hot Springs. Sandy Springs. Gainesville. Washington. Rockport. CeDter Point. Batesville. Mt. Olive. Jacksonport. Piue Bluff. Clarksville. Lewisville. Powhatan. Marianna. Star City. Rocky Comfort. Lonoke. Huntsville. Yellville. Osceola. Clarendon. Mt. Ida. Rosston. Jasper. Camden. Perryville. Helena. Murfreesboro'. Harrisburg. Dallas. Russellville. Devall's Bluff: Little Rock. Pocahontas. Forest City. Benton. Ellsworth. Waldron. Marshall. Ft. Smith. Locksburg. Evening Shades. Riggsville. El Dorado. Quitman. Fayetteville. Judsonia. Augusta. Dardanelle. 11 LIST OF SCHOOL- OFFICIALS IN CALIFORNIA. Hon. H. N. BOLANDER, State- superintendent of public instruction, Sacramento. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Post-office. His excellency Romoaldo Pacheco, governor, president Hon. Henry N. Bolander, State-superintendent of public instruction, secretary . A. C. McMeans, superintendent of Sonoma County common schools T. O. Crawford, superintendent of San Joaquin County common schools W. F. B. Lynch, superintendent of Alameda County common schools J. G. Kennedy, superintendent of Santa Clara County common schools G. R. Kelley, superintendent of Sacramento County common schools James Denman, superintendent of San Francisco County common schools Charles H. Allen, principal of the State Normal School Sacramento. Sacramento. Santa Rosa. Stockton. East Oakland. San Jos6. Sacramento. San Francisco. San Jot6. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Humboldt Inyo Kern Klamath Lake Lassen Los Angeles Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Placer Plumas Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino. San Diego San Francisco . . San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara.. Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba Superintendent. W. F. B. Lynch A. C. Pratt S. G. Briggs H. T. Batchelder J. B. Garvey J. E. Putnam A. Thurber Max Lippowitz John Munson T.O.Ellis, sr E. C. Cummings J. W. Symmes , L. A. Beardsley A. Hartz Louis Wallace Z.N. Spalding George H. Peck Samuel Saunders David Egenhoff J. H. Seawell B. F. Fowler H.G. Hill E. R. Miner R. C. McCroskey .... G.W. Ford Frank Power John T. Kinkade W. S. Church G. R. Kelley H. Z. Morris Henry Goodcell, jr J. H. S. Jamison James Denman T. O. Crawford. James M. Felts C. G. Warren J. C. Hamer J. G. Kennedy W. H. Hobbs G.W.Welch A. M. Phalin William Duenkel C.W. Childs A. C. McMeans James Burney M. C. Clark Charles D. Woodman Hiram H. Bragdon . . R. P. Merrill John Murnan F. S. S. Buckman ... G. N. Freman Th.H. Steel Post-office. East Oakland. Monitor. Jackson. Chico. San Andreas. Colusa. Pacheco. Crescent City. Placerville. King's River. Rohnerville. Independence. Bakersfield. Sawyer's Bar. Lakeport. Susan ville. El Monte. San Rafael. Mariposa. Ukiah City. Merced. Dorrisville. Benton. Salinas City. Napa. Nevada City. Auburn. Taylorsville. Sacramento. Dorrisville. San Bernardino. North San Diego. San Francisco. Stockton. San Luis Obispo. Redwood City. Santa Barbara. San Jos6. Soquel. Shasta. Port Wine. Yreka. Suisun City. Santa Rosa. Modesto. Yuba City. Tehama. Weaverville. Porterville. Sonora. San Buenaventura. Woodland. Marysville. 12 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN CONNECTICUT. Hon. B. G. NORTHROP, secretary of State-hoard of education, New Haven. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Post-office. Ex officio. His excellency Charles R. Ingersoll His honor George G. Sill By appointment of the general assembly Elisha Carpenter William H. Potter George M. Woodruff Thomas A. Thacher New Haven. Hartford. Hartford. Mystic River. Litchfield. New Haven. crrr- and town-superintendents. City or town. Superintendent. Bridgeport Danbury Derby Enfield Greenwich Groton Hartford Killingly Meriden Middletown City Middletown City . New Britain New Haven New London Norwalk' Norwich City Norwich City. ... Stamford Stonington Vernon "Waterbury City . "Waterbury City . "Windham A. H. Abernethy, acting visitor E. F. Hendrick, acting visitor L. B. Baldwin, acting visitor E. F. Parsons, acting visitor Myron L. Mason, acting visitor Samuel S. Lamb, acting visitor E. K. Hunt, acting visitor Anthony Ames, acting visitor C. H. S. Davis, acting visitor Henry E. Sawyer, superintendent. George W. Atkins, acting visitor.. Charles Northend, acting visitor Ariel Parish, superintendent Ralph Wheeler, acting visitor H. N. Denniu g, acting visitor , Charles D. Hine, superintendent . . John W. Crary, acting visitor.. ... John Day Ferguson, acting visitor B. F. Williams, acting visitor Gelon W. Wert, acting visitor M. S. Crosby, superintendent J.R.Roberts, acting visitor F. Rogers, acting visitor Bridgeport. Danbury. Derby. Thompsonville. Greenwich. Mystic. Hartford. West Killingly. Meriden. Middletown. Middletown. New Britain. New Haven. New London. South Norwalk. Norwich. Norwich. Stamford. Mystic Bridge. Rockville. Waterbury. Waterbury. Willimantic. 13 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN COLORADO TERRITORY. Hon. HORACE M. Hale, superintendent of public instruction, Denver. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. Countv. Arapahoe ... Bent Boulder Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Douglas Elbert El Paso Fremont Gilpin Grand , Hinsdale — Huerfano Jefferson Lake La Plata .... Larimer Las Animas Park Pueblo Rio Grande . Saguache ... Summit Weld Superintendent. Frank Church Robinson M.Moore. Charles E. Sherman C. F. Bridges Juan F. Chavez .... Juan Y. Jacques Frank B. Edmond . . Frank G. "Willard . . F. C. Millington JohnD.Bell , Silas B. Hahn H.H.Wilcox Willis M.Allen M. C. Kirby Galatia Sprague J. M. Hanks R. W. Bosworth Joab M. Bernard William E. Musgrove. Joseph S. Thompson . D. E. Newcomb J. Ross Pennisten George W. Wilson . . . Alvin J. Wilber Post-office. Denver. Las Animas. Boulder. Georgetown. Conejos. San Luis. Castle Rock. Running Creek. Colorado Springs. Canyon City. Central City. San Juan City. Walsenburg. Golden City. Granite. Howardsville. Fort Collins. Trinidad. Fair Play. Pueblo. West Del Norte. Bismarck. Breckinridge. Greeley. 14 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN DAKOTA TERRITORY. Hon. J. J. McIntire, superintendent of public instruction, Finlay. COUNTT-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Brule City. S. E. Stebbina E. H. Hurlbutt J. S. Law V. B. Conklin E. W. Sherman Sioux Falls. H. R. Vaughn Sully Fort Sully. Elk Point. 15 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN FLORIDA. Hon. WILLIAM Watkin HICKS, superintendent of public instruction, Tallahassee. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Hon. William Watkin Hicks, superintendent of public instruction, president Hon. Samuel B.McLiu, secretary of state Hon. William Archer Cocke, attorney -general Tallahassee. Tallahassee. Tallahassee. COUNTT-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Alachua Baker Bradford.... Brevard Calhoun .... Clay Columbia ... Dade Duval Escambia ... Franklin Gadsden .... Hamilton ... Hernando .. Hillsboro Holmes Jackson..... Jefferson ... La Fayette . . Leon Levy Liberty Madison .... Manatee..... Marion Monroe Nassau Orange Polk Putnam ..... St. John's ... Santa Rosa.. Sumter Suwanee ... Taylor Volusia Wakulla.... Walton Washington . L. ft. Dennis J.W.Howell J. M. Johns W. H. Sharpe Alexander Hawkins. J. W. Applegate A. A. Hoyte E. T. Sturtevant J.P.Rollins George Lindsay John Howe Samuel Hamblin J.H.Roberts T. S. Coogler W.F.White J. A. Vaughn C.E.Harvey Robert Meacham J. C. Ramsay J. P. Apthorp F. B. Faitoute M.J. Solomon B.F.Tidwell J.F. Bartholf W.I.Tucker J.W.Locke C. M. Lewis W.C. Roper W. B. Varn R. Chadwick O. Bronson D.H. Colson A. P. Roberts George R. Thralls... J. S. Sappington C. G. Selleck G. Jaineche J. L. McKinnon Thomas Hannah Gainesville. Sanderson. Starke. Fort Pierce. Iola. Green Cove Springs Lake City. Biscayne. Jacksonville. Pensacola. Apalachicola. Quincy. Jasper. Brooksville. Tampa. Cerro Gordo. Marianna. Monticello. New Troy. Tallahassee. Bronson. Coe's Mills. Madison. Pine Level. Ocala. Key West. Fernandina. Apopka. Bartow. Pilatka. St. Augustine. Milton. Leesburg. Live Oak. Shady Grove. Port Orange. Crawfordviile. Ucheeanna. Vernon. 16 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN GEOKGIA. Hon. G-USTAVUS J. ORR, State-school-commissioner, Atlanta. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. . Name. Post-office. COUNTY-SCHOOL-COMMISSIONERS. County. Commissioner. Post-office. Appling Baker Baldwin Banks Bartow , Berrien Bibb Brooks Bryan , Bullock Burke Butts Calhoun Camden Campbell , Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham .. Chattahoochee. Chattooga Cherokee , Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb Coffee Columbia , Colquitt Coweta Crawford , Dade , Dawson DecaturJ DeKalb Dodge Dooly , Dougherty Douglas Early Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth Franklin Fulton Gilmer Glascock Glynn Gordon Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock Lewis Thomas Thomas W. Fleming . . John Hammond T. C. Chandler T. E. Smith James F. Goodman B. M. Zettler* Charles D. Campbell .. A.G. Smith Stephen H. Kennedy t. A. II. A. Bell E. E. Pound J.J. Beck F.F. Adams J.W.Beck Samuel A. Brown D. W. Williams James W. Leigh W. H. Baker* C. N.Howard W. T. Irvine James W. Hudson Emory F. Anderson... R. E. Kennon Robert Logan H. D. O'Quin William F. Groves James M. Wilcox Jerry T. Smith B. E. Watkins R. E. Pitman John W. Ellis James C. Taylor D.E.Smith E. A. Davis James Bishop , O. P. Swearingen L.E. Welch , John C. Bowden Joel W.Perry , J. P. Prescott , Samuel S. Pittman .... Augustus Bailey Josephus Camp J. F. Adams Samuel T. W. Minor .. M. A. Nevin Isaac S. Clement Lemuel N. Tribble Jethro W. Manning E. W. Watkins Seaborn Kitchens Stephen C. De Bruhlt H. C. Hunt James A. Thornton ... J. L. King Thomas J. Hughes, sr H.S.Bradley W.H. Bass , Holmesville. Newton. Milledgeville. Homer. Cartersville. Nashville. Macon. Quitman. Eden. Statesboro'. Waynesboro'. Indian Springs. Morgan. St. Mary's. Fairburn. Bowden. Ringgold. Centre Village. Savannah. Cusseta. Summerville. Canton. Watkinsville. Fort Gaines. Jonesboro'. Lawton. Marietta. Douglas. Appling. Moultrie. Sharpsburg. Knoxville. Trenton. Dawsonville. Decatur. Eastman. Vienna. Albany. Salt Springs. Blakely. Statenville. Springfield. Elberton. Swainsboro'. Morganton. Fayetteville. Rome. Cumming. Carnesville. Atlanta. Ellijay. Gibson. Brunswick. Calhoun. Union Point. Lawrenceville. Clarkesville. Gainesville. Sparta. * Superintendent of schools for. city and county. t Has been elected, but has not, as yet, been commissioned. J Vacancy caused by resignation of Hon. D. McGrill is at present unfilled. 17 List of school-officials in Georgia — Concluded. County. Haralson . Harris Hart Heard Henry ... Houston.. Irwin Jackson .. Jasper . .. .Jefferson . Johnson . . Jones Laurens . Lee Liberty . Lincoln -. Lowndes Lumpkin Macon Madison Marion McDuffie Mcintosh* Meriwether Miller Milton Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oglethorpe Paulding Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Scriven Spalding Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tatnall Taylor Telfair Terrell Thomas Towns Troup Twiggg Union Upson "Walker Walton Ware i Warren Washington Wayne Webster White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth City of Atlanta. .. City of Columbus . Commissioner. Post-office. Thomas Philpot. .. Joel T. Johnson . . . C. A. Webb John J. Bledsoe ... Q.R.Nolan D. M. Brown James Fletcher, jr. G-. J. N. Wilson.... W. R. Berner David G. Phillips.. James Hicks Davis W. Lester .. W. S. Ramsay William H Baldy John B. Mallard. C. R. Stother A. J. Bessent B. F. Sitton B.A.Hudson ... John M. Skinner W. A. Singleton . R. H. Pearce Alonzo H. Freeman P.C. Wilkin Thomas L. Lewis James H. Powell Andrew Dunn John L. Matthews W. H. Cocroft S.H. Henry N. G. Oattis , H.T.Shaw Thomas H. Dozier L.J. Spinks A. P. Mullinax A. M. Moore A. P. Turner T. L. Pittman G. R. McCall J. B. Reese JoelE. Smith F. A. Bleckley Thomas A. Coleman A. H. McLaws J. C. Barton ... John N. Hudson W. L. Matthews H. E. Morrow W. H. Harrison William A. Wilson W. G. Warthen Henry D. Smith. John Hughey Julius Gardner Alexander McDuffie L. M. Lennard 0,D. Scott W. R. McConnell John B.Toole A. E . Nash Thomas J. Butt J. C. McMichael D. C. Sutton G. A. Nunnally Burrell Sweat A. S. Morgan Horatio N. Hollifield A. Clark John T. Stapleton J.J. Methoin W. C. Richardson John A. Tomberlin F. T. Simpson Franklin Chambers J. M. C. Holamon Bernard Mallon, superintendent of city-schools. . George M. Dews, superintendent of city-schools . Buchanan. Hamilton. Hartwell. Franklin. McDonough. Perry. Irvinville. Jefferson. Monticello. Louisville. Wrightsville. Haddock, M. and A R. R. Dublin. Sharkville. Walthourville, No. 4 A. and G. R. R. Lincoln ton. Valdosta. Dahlonega. Oglethorpe. Danielsville. Buena Vista. Thomson. Greenville. Colquitt. Alpharetta. Camilla. Forsyth. Mt. Vernon. Madison. Spring Place. Columbus. Oxford. Winterville. Dallas. Jasper. Blackshear. Milner. Cedartown. Hawkinsville. Eatonton. Hatcher's Station. Clayton. Cuthbert. Augusta. Cony erg. Eliaville. Ogeechee. Griffin. Lumpkin. Americus. Talbotton. Crawfordville. Reidsville. Butler. McRae. Dawson. Thomasville. Hiwassee. La Grange. Griswoldville. Blairsville. Thomaston. La Fayette. Monroe. Way Cross. Warrenton. Sandersville. Jessup. Preston. Cleveland. Dalton. Abbeville. Washington. Jrwinton. Isabella. Atlanta. Columbus. r Vacancy caused by death of S. W. Wilson is at present unfilled. 18 LIST OP SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN IDAHO TERRITORY. Hon. JOSEPH Perrault, superintendent of public instruction, Boite City, COUNTY-SUPERINTENnENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Ada Alturas Bois6 Idaho Lemhi Nez Percys Oneida Owyhee... Shoshone.. N. M. Hawthorn . . . S.B.Dilley Henry McGuinness B. F.Morris John Hogan W.P.Hunt B.F.White James Lyman D. M. Fraser BoisS City. Rocky Bar. Idaho City. Washington. Salmon City. Lewiston. MaladCity. Silver City. Pierce City. 19 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN ILLINOIS. Hon. S. M. Etter, State-superintendent of public instruction, Springfield. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Adams Alexander. . Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign. Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook John H. Black Mrs. Phoebe A. Tavlor Samuel G. Duif..". Mrs. Mary E. Crary ... James P. Amouett Jacob Miller Israel J. Varner James E. Millard John Gove S. L.Wilson Robert W. On- Perry A. McKain. Quincy. Cairo. Pleasant Mound. Belvidere. Mt. Sterling. Princeton. Hamburg. Lanark. Ashland. Champaign. Taylorville. Marshall. George W. Smith ; Louisville. Crawford Cumberland . . DeKalb De Witt Douglas Du Page Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin , Greene Grundy Hamilton . Hancock ..... Hardin Henderson ... Henry Iroquois Jackson , Jasper ...... Jefferson .... Jersey Jo DavieBS . . Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox ....... Lake La Salle Lawrence ... Lee Livingston .. Logan Macon Macoupin ... Madison .. Marion Marshall Mason Massac McDonough . McHenry McLean Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Phillipp Bottler Allen Hill George D. Plant . Preslv G. Bradberry Thomas C. Killie Horace P. Hall Miss Mary S. Welch Samuel T. Callaway Charles W. Richmond Rufus S.Cusick Levinus Harris Owen Scott Benjamin F. Shipley R. X. Gorsuch George C. Ross Vincent M. Grewell Thomas J. Cooper Mrs. Catherine L. Hopkins. John.Higby John P. Stelle William Griffin Marshall Rose James Me Arthur Benjamin F. Barge David Kerr L.H.Redd Calvin S. James John D. Williams William H. Lynn Robert Brand Thomas G. Farris Charles E. Mann Miss Nettie M. Sinclair John R. Marshall Miss Mary A. West John P. Manchester Rinaldo Williams F. W.Fox Daniel Carey M. Tombaugh James G. Chalfant Simon P. Nickey John S. Kenyon A. A. Suppiger 1 James W. Primmer Charles S. Edwards, jr Solomon M. Badger Henry Armstrong John M. Dunsworth William Nickle John Hull Kenyon B. Davts Miss Amanda E. Frazier ... William H. Hilyard Francis Springer Henry Higgins James K. P. Rose Edward L. Wells Miss Mary W. Whiteside. .. John B.Ward C.J.Pitkin , Trenton. Hutton. 173 East Randolph street, Chicago. Robinson. Greenup. Sycamore. Clinton. Tuscola. Naperville. Paris. Albion. Effingham. Vandalia. Paxton. Benton. Ipava. Shawneetown. Carrollton. Gardner. McLeansboro'. Carthage. Elizabethtown. Olena. Geneseo. Gilman. De Soto. Newton. Mt. Vernon. Jerseyville. Galena. Vienna. St. Charles. Kankakee. Yorkville. Galesburg, Waukegan. Farm Ridge, Bridgeport. Rochelle. Odell. Lincoln. Oakley. Carlinville. Highland. Sandoval. Sparland. Mason City. Metropolis. Colchester. Ringwood. Bloomington. Petersburg. Viola. Chalfin Bridge. Hillsboro'. Jacksonville. Sullivan. Oregon. Peoria. Du Quoin. Monticello. 20 List of school-officials in Illinois — Concluded. County. Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam.... Randolph .. Richland ... Rock Island Saline Sangamon. . Schuyler ... Scott Shelby Stark St. Clair.... Stephenson. Tazewell Union Vermillion.. Wabash "Warren Washington Wayne White Whitesides . Will Williamson. Winnebago. Woodford .. Superintendent. James W. Johnson James A. Rose William M. Hathaway . James H. Seaton Peter N. Holm John J. Coons Mansfield M. Sturgeon. Barnett L. Hall Patrick J. Rourke William A.Clark Rufus Funk John Stapleton Alonzo B. Abbott John B. G-willim Johnson Potter Michael E. Pomfret Joseph H. Samson Charles V.Guy James Leeds James B. Donnell Samuel C. Page Francis M. Woolard ... Ahart S. Harsha Orrin M. Crarey Mrs. Sarah C. Mcintosh Augustus N. Lodge Mrs. Mary L. Carpenter William H. Gardner . . . Post-office. Pittsfield. Golconda. Caledonia. Hennepin. Evansville. Olney. Rock Island. Springfield. Huntsville. Exeter. Oconee. Bradford. Belleville. Davis. Hopedale. Jonesboro'. Danville. Friendsville. Monmouth. Nashville. Fairfield. Carmi. Lyndon. Joliet. Marion. Rockford. Panola. 21 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN INDIANA. Hon. James H. Smart, State- superintendent of public instruction, Indianapolis. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Post-office. His excellency Thomas A. Hendricks, governor I Indianapolis. Hon . James H. Smart, State-superintendent of public instruction < Indianapolis. Cyrus Nutt, president of the State University i Bloomington. "William A. Jones, president of the State Norma! School I Terre Haute. George P. Brown, superintendent of Indianapolis public schools I Indianapolis. Alexander M. Gow, superintendent of Evansville public schools Evansville. COUNTY- SUPERINTENDENTS. Adams Allen Bartholomew Benton Blackford ... Boone Brown Carroll Cass Clarke Clay Clinton Crawford Daviess ..... Dearborn Decatur De Kalb Delaware Dubois Elkhart Fayette Floyd Fountain Franklin Fulton Gibson Grant .-. Greene Hamilton Hancock Harrison Hendricks ... Henry Howard Huntington-. Jackson Jasper Jay Jefferson Jennings .... Johnson ..... Knox Kosciusko . . . Lagrange Lake Laporte Lawrence Madison Marion Marshall Martin Miami Monroe Montgomery . Morgan Newton Noble Ohio Orange W. H. Walters Jeremiah Hillegass . - John M. Wallace Frank C. Cassel Lewis Willman , Thomas J. Shulse JohnM. Me Gee L. E. McReynolds Harry G. Wilson A. C. Goodwin , W.H.Atkins J. N. Armantrout J. W. C. Springston Edward Wise George C. Columbia W. H. Powner j Greensburg James A. Barnes Waterloo. Decatur. Ft. Wayne. Columbus. Oxford. Hartford City. Lebanon. Nashville. Delphi. Logansport. Charlestown. Bowling Green. Frankfort. Leavenworth. Washington. Aurora. O. M. Todd E. R. Brundick D. Moury Jason L. Rippetoe . Jacob K. Walts - . . James A. Young . . C.R.Cory William H. Green . W. T. Stilwell Thomas D. Tharp. R. C. Hilburn J. S. Losey JohnH. Binford... Muncie. Huntingburg. Goshen. Connersville. New Albany. Hillsboro'. Brookville. Rochester. Ft. Branch. Marion. Newberry. Noblesville. Greenfield. Daniel F. Lemmon i Corvdon. James A. C. Dobson . Enos Adamson A. J. Youngblood F. M.Huff Wilson S. Swengel.. J. H. Snoddy Simeon K.Bell George C. Monroe . . . John Carney B. P. Kennedy E.B.Milam William L.Mathews. S.D.Crane T. S. Fancher James O'Brien W. B. Chrisler Jos. Franklin Walter S. Smith Thomas McDonald .. Thomas M. Clark . . . W.Steele Ewing M. M. Campbell Marion E. Clodfelter. H.N. Short John Merchant Thomas M. Eells John H. Pate Joseph P. Throop ... Brownsburg. Middletown. Kokomo. Huntington. Brownstown. Remington. New Mt. Pleasant. Saluda. Vernon. Trafalgar. Vincennes. Warsaw. Wolcottville. Crown Point. Laporte. Bedford. Anderson. Indianapolis. Plymouth. Shoals. Peru. Bloomington. Crawfordsville. Martinsville. Brook. Albion. Rising Sun. Paoli. 22 List of school-officials in Indiana — Concluded, County. Superintendent. Post-office. Owen Parke Perry Pike Porter Posey Pulaski .... Putnam Randolph .. Ripley Rush St. Joseph.. Scott Shelby Spencer.... Starke Steuben ... Sullivan — Switzerland Tippecanoe. Tipton Union , Vanderburg Vermillion.. Vigo Wabash "Warren .... Warrick Washington Wayne Wells White Whitley ... William B.Wilson... E. C. Siler Theo. Courcier .., Thomas C. Milburn.. Timothy Keene James B. Campbell. . S. Weyand J. R. Gordon Charles W. Paris Hezekiah Shook William T. Moffett . . A.J. Foster A. H. Whitsett Richard Norris John Wyttenbach A. H. Henderson John W. Cowen . George W. Register. W. R.Taylor W. H. Caulkins J.M. Clark H.K.W. Smith P.P. Conn William L. Little John Royse Irwin Stratton Charles M. Parks C. W. Armstrong A. A. Cravens — .... T. C. Smith John H. Ormsby George Bowman Alex. J. Douglass . - - Spencer. Bloomingdale. ' Rono. Winslow. Valparaiso. Mt. Vernon. Winamac. Greencastle. Farmland. Versailles. Rashville. South Bend. Deputy Station. Shelbyville. Rockport. Knox. Angola. Paxton. Moorefield. Lafayette. Tipton. Liberty. Evansville. Newport. Terre Haute. Wabash. Williamsport. Booneville. Salem. Hagerstown. Zanesville. Monticello. Columbia City. 23 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN INDIAN TERRITORY. Hon. W. P. BOUDINOT chairman of the board of education of the CJierokee Nation, Fort Gibson. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Educational districts. Name. Post-office. Vinita. Tahlequah. Ft. Gibson. Third Hon. T. J. Bond, superintendent of public schools in the Choctaio Nation, Atoka. Educational districts. Push-ma-ta-ha Moo-shu-la-tubbu Appuck-shun-nubbu . Name. A trustee for each district, but names not given Post-office. Hon. David Yargee, superintendent of instruction in the Creek Nation, Ockmulkee, Educational districts. Post-office. Superintendent of instruction among the Seminoles. Educational districts. Name. Post-office. 24 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN IOWA. Hon. ALONZO ABERNETHY, State-superintendent of public instruction, Des Moines. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Adair Adams Allamakee Appanoose Audubon Benton Black Hawk... Boone Bremer Buchanan Buena Vista... Butler Calhoun Carroll Cass Cedar Cerro Gordo . . , Cherokee Chickasaw — Clarke Clay Clayton Clinton Crawford. Dallas Davis Decatur Delaware.. .. Des Moines... Dickinson Dubuque Emmett Fayette Floyd Franklin Fremont Greene .. Grundy Guthrie Hamilton Hancock Hardin Harrison Henry Howard Humboldt Ida Iowa Jackson Jasper Jefferson Johnson Jones Keokuk Kossuth Lee Linn Lucas Lyon Madison Mahaska Marion Marshall Mills Mitchell Monona Monroe Montgomery.. Muscatine O'Brien Osceola Page Palo Alto Plymouth Pocahontas . . . Miss Mary Childs W.W.Roberts J. W. Hinchon G.W.Taylor H. G. Smith S. T. Shortess A. F. Townsend T. P. Coin H. H. Burrington A. Ro we J. Davis J. W.Stewart Mrs. C. E. O'Donaghue W. F. Steigerwalt E. D. Hawes C. W. Rollins Mrs. J. B. Dakin W. F. Harriman 0. A. Truman A. P. Jenks J. E. Chase J. F. Thompson Miss Lucy Curtis N. F. Smith '. J. M. Crocker 1. F. Jenkins J. C. Roberts William H. Merten T. B. Snyder A. W. Osborne N. W. Boyes E.H.Ballard W.W. Quivy Mrs. R. Duncan G. G. Clemmer C.W.Gould J. W. Huntington G. R. Stoddard G. C.Miller C. W.Howd Eugene Marshall Frank A. Moore Lemuel Gale Miss AnnaE. Packer 0. N. Hoyt Julius Stevens A. L. Houser H.H.Sheldon N.C.White C. D. Hipsley T. A. Robb Amos Hiatt G. O. Johnson Henry D. Todd Asahel A. Bronson Wesley C. Hobbs Eli Johnson J.J.Allen W.S. Peiler Butler Bird Jasper Hull 1. Mershon Miss Abbie Gifford Ed. L.Kelley I. F. Winnek Miss Sarah Fulton A. J. Cassady R. W. P. Pattison Thomas W. Brown J. A. Smith J. M. Jenkins Hugh Hoten Albert L. Day James A. Harroun Oscar 1. Strong Arbor Hill. Mount Etna. Lansing. Dennis. Extra. Vinton. Waterloo. Boonesboro'. Waverlj. Jessup. Newell. Shell Rock. Twin Lakes. Carroll. Atlantic. Tipton. Mason City. Cherokee. Bradford. Osceola. Annieville. Elkader. Wheatland. Denison. De Soto. • Bloomfield. Leon. Colesburg. Burlington. Spirit Lake. Dyersville. Estherville. West Union* Charles City. Hampton. Hamburg. Scranton. Alice. Stuart. Webster City.. Crystal Lake. Elaora. Magnolia. Salem. Cresco. Humboldt. Ida. Marengo. Maquoketa. Newton. Batavia. Iowa City. Anamosa. Sigourney. Lott's Creek. Fort Madison. Mount Vernon ^ Chariton. Rock Rapids. Winterset. O skaloosa. Knoxville. Marshalltown. Glenwood. Osage. Onawa. Albia. Red Oak. Muscatine. Pringhar. Sibley. Page City. Emmittsburg. Le Mars. Rolfe. 25 List of school-officials in Iowa — Concluded. County. Superintendent. Polk Pottawattamie Poweshiek Ringgold Sac Scott Shelby Sioux Story Tama Taylor Union Van Buren . . . "Wapello Warren Washington .. Wayne Webster Winnebago. .. Winneshiek .. Woodbury . . . Worth Wright D. G. Perkins G. L. Jocobs J.R. Duffield R. F. Askren John Dobson P. S.Morton Aaron N. Buckman. E. O. Plumb J.H. Franks A. H. Sterrett John B. Owens ..... J. M. Milligan Archie McDonald Clay Wood H. A.Huff Miss Clara Harris . . William Datts Frank Farrell W. W.Olmsted G. N. Holway A. R. Wright G. W. Whitcomb Thomas Garth Des Moines. Council Bluffs. Brooklyn. Mt. Ayr. Sac City. Davenport. Harlan. Orange City. Nevada. Toledo. Bedford. Afton. Vernon. Ashland. Indianola. Washington. Corydon. Ft. Dodge. Forest City. Decorah. Sioux City. Plymouth. Clarion. 26 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN KANSAS. Hon. John Frazer, superintendent of public instruction, Topelca. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS, for two years from second Monday in January, 1875. County. Allen Anderson Atchison Barbour Barton Bourbon . Brown Butler Chase Cherokee Clay Cloud Coffey Cowley Crawford Davis Dickinson .... Doniphan .... Douglas Edwards Ellis Ellsworth .... Ford Franklin Greenwood — Harvey Howard Jackson Jefferson Jewell ... Johnson Labette Leavenworth. Lincoln ...... Linn Lyon McPherson. .. Marion Marshall Miami Mitchell Montgomery.. Morris Nemaha Neosho Norton Osborne Ottawa Pawnee Phillips Pottawatomie Reno . Republic ..... Rice Riley Rooks Russell Saline Sedgwick .... Shawnee..... Smith Sumner "Wabaunsee... Wallace Washington.. Wilson "Woodson Wyandotte Superintendent. J.E.Bryan L. H. Osborn J. E . Remsburg S. B. Douglas H. A. Brundige Joseph H. Lawhead . . . R.C.Chase John Blevins F.B. Hunt H.W.Sandusky J. S. Dodson Samuel Doran Miss M.P.Wright Thomas A. Wilkinson A. J. Georgia J. A. Truex A.M. Crary D.D.Rose D. Shuck W.C. Knight De Witt C.Smith John Connor Thomas L. McCarty... A. C. Peck H.T. Johns F.L.Faatz J. N. Young T. W. Rarney Charles Smith T. J. Patterson Andrew Renwick Mary A. Higbey William H. Bradshaw J. P. Harmon R.B.Bryan A.D.Chambers Philip Wickersham... Mrs. M. J. Sharon Alvinza JefferB B. D.Russel Cyrus Gaston B. P. Cunningham . J. E. Minney Abijah Wells T.P.Leach M. J. Fitzpatrick E.C.Newton William L. Bear J.H.Elder Emma Johnson C. J. Van Alien J. J. Hostutter J. P. Cassedy David C. Gamble R. D. Stephenson J.F.Billings A. S. Avery Ira S. Fleck D. Q. Miner John Y. Zimmerman . Miss Una Hebron Henry C.Ellis S.B.Fleming F. W. Kroenke Thomas Smith G. J. Main W. B. Shirley A. F. Palmer W. W. Dickinson Post-office. Humboldt. Garnett. Atchison. Sun City. Great Bend. Ft. Scott. Hiawatha. El Dorado. Cottonwood Falls. Sherman City. Clay Centre. Concordia. Burlington. Winfleld. Girard. Junction City. Abilene. Troy. Lecompton, Kinsley. Hays City. Ellsworth. Dodge City. Ottawa. Eureka. Newton. Paw Paw. Holton. Perry. Jewell Centre. Olathe. Oswego. Leavenworth. Vesper. Mound City. Emporia. McPherson. Marion Centre. Irving. Fontana. Cawker City. Independence. Council Grove. Seneca. Thayer. Almena. Osage City. Osborne City. Minneapolis. Ft. Larned. Kirwin. Louisville. Hutchinson. Seapo. Brookdale. Manhattan. Rooks Centre. Bunker Hill. Honek. Wichita. North Topeka. Gaylord. Wellington. Alma. Wallace. Washington. Fredonia. Defiance. Wyandotte. 27 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN KENTUCKY. Hon. H. A. M. HENDERSON, State-superintendent of public instruction, Frankfort. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Hon. H. A. M. Henderson, superintendent of public instruction and ex officio presi dent. Hon. George \V. Craddock, secretary of state Hon. John Rodman, attorney -general R. W. McRery W. H. Bartholomew Post-office. Frankfort. Frankfort. Frankfort. Shelbyville. Louisville. COUNTY-COMMISSIONERS. County. Adair Allen Anderson Ballard Barren Bath Bell Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle Bracken .... Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell.... Calloway ... Campbell ... Carroll Carter Casey Christian ... Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden .. Cumberland Daviess Edmonson... Elliott Estill Fayette Fleming Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard Grant Graves Grayson Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart Henderson .. Henry Hickman ... Hopkins . Jackson Jefferson ... Jessamine... Johnson Kenton Knox Larue Commissioner. M. H. Rohrer Charles F. Alexander.. A. M. Portwood I. K. Swain R P.Collins W. H. Dougherty William M. Bingham .. H.J. Foster W. H. Lockhart Jacob Rice R. H. Caldwell A. C. Armstrong Nathan B.Day Milton Board R. J. Meyler William Wand William C. C. Jones ... Robert Boggs Leo Tibbatts J. A. Donaldson Z.Tyree D. W. Coleman G. A. Champlin Leeland Hathaway John E. White Thomas V. Stephenson Isaac McMurry William Cheek David F. Todd Frederick Merideth W. W. Johnson R.W.Smith J.H.Carter William M. Harrison . . William J. Martin U.V.Williams R.T. Tyler Samuel Turley John K. West H. D. Stratton J.M.Cosby N. C. Tilford Joseph Perry S. H. Wolcott C. T. Duncan James A. Gaither D.H.Smith Joseph F. Lebus Julius R. Curie H. H. Farmer Samuel Jones Willis White. George W. Murphey... A.P. Settle James F. Hobbs Moreau Brown W. B. Lemasters George W. Carlisle Levi J. Westerfield Thomas A. Robertson . Post-office. Columbia. Scottsville. Lawrenceburg. Blandville. Glasgow. Owingsville. Pineville. Burlington. Paris. Catlettsburg. Parksville. Augusta. Jackson. Hardinsburg. Shepherdsville, Morgan town. Princeton. Murray. Tibbatt's Cross-Road*. Carrollton. Olive Hill. Middleburg. Hopkinsville. Winchester. Manchester. Cumberland City. Marion. Burksville. Owensboro'. Brownsville. Sandy Hook. Irvine. Lexington. Flemingsburg. Prestonburg. Frankfort. Hickman. Napoleon. Lancaster. Williamstown. Mayfield. Litchfield. Greensburg. Greenup. Hawesville. Elizabethtown. Harlan Court-House, Cynthiana. Munfordsville. Henderson. Newcastle. Clinton. Madisonville. McKee. Long Run Station. Nicholasville. Paiutsville. Independence. Barbourville. Hodgenville. 28 List of school-officials in Kentucky — Concluded. County. Commissioner. Post-office. Laurel Lawrence . . . Lee Letcher Lewis Lincoln Livingston .. Logan Louisville ... Lyon Madison Magoffin Marion Marshall Martin Mason McCracken .. McLean Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe Monroe Montgomery. Morgan Muhlenburg . Nelson Nicholas .... Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley Pendleton . . . Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Robertson... Rockcastle .. Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson . Spencer Taylor Todd Trigg Trimble Union "Warren Washington. Wayne Webster . Whitley Wolfe Woodford . . . John T. Brown James R. Dean John S. Mahan James E. Sarver .... Joseph A. Sparks ... John M. Phillips, jr.. J. J. Dupries James H. Bowden... Oliver Lucas A. H. Champion C. A. Partello Abner B. Salyer Ben. F. Bowman Elias Barry T.W.Newberry D. J. Rees William R. Reid J. W. Bickers William G. Beall, sr . John Armitage James H. Lapsley .., Samuel H. Marrs John J. C. Eubank .. E.E.Garrett Thomas J. Henry . . Thomas C. Withers.. J. W. Muir Isaac M. Chism J. Ellis Hay nes W. H. Slater John C. Strother .... H.C.Hogg Gideon M. Colvin. . . Thomas P. Johnson . Thomas O. Marrs... J. S. Vivion William H. Isaacs.. C. N. Buckler...... J. J. Brown — , R. G.Scott James M. Lester ... H. S. Rhoton , C. J. Hinkle G.W.Roark Jos. L. Davis D.G.Mitchell W.E. Mobley J.H.Wilkinson V.H.Abbott J.W.Marshall , T.J.Smith Thomas R. Browne., R. Burnett R. K. Thornberry .. Mark White M. D. Spencer , James W. Smith ... London. Louisa. Beattyville. Whitesburg. Vanceburg. Stanford. Smithland. Russellville. Louisville. Eddyville. Richmond. Salyersville. Lebanon. Benton. Inez. Sardis. Paducah. Calhoun. Brandenburg, Prenchburg. McAfee. Edmonton. Tompkinsville. Mt. Sterling. West Liberty. Greenville. Bardstown. Carlisle. Hartford. Beard's Station. Owenton. Boone ville. Morgan Station. Grapevine. Piketon. West Bend. Somerset. Mt. Olivet. Mt. Vernon. Farmers. Jamestown. Georgetown. Shelbyville. Franklin. Taylorsville, Campbellsville. Elkton. Cadiz. Bedford. Morganfield. Bowling Green. Springfield. Monticello. Poole's Mills. Whitley Court-Houae. Campton. Versailles. 29 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN MARYLAND. Hon. M. A. Newell, State-superintendent of public instruction, Baltimore. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. His excellency James Black Groome, governor, president Hon.M. A. Newell, secretary and ex officio State-superintendent of public instruction Samuel Kepler ., P. A. Witmer George M. Lloyd - J.P. R. Gillis Post-office. Annapolis. Baltimore. Towsontown. Hagerstown. Port Tobacco. Whaleyville. COUNTY-EXAMINERS. County. Alleghany , Anne Arundel. Baltimore Calvert Caroline Carroll Cecil Charles Dorchester Frederick G&i'rett Harford Howard Kent Montgomery... Prince George's Queen Anne St. Mary's Somerset ...... Talbot "Washington... Wicomico Worcester George G. McKay W. H. Perveil Samuel Kepler S. Cornelius George F. Beaven J. M. Newson John Squier George M. Lloyd. James L. Bryan.., John W. Page Asa Matthews Robert Henry.... W.H. Hardey E. P. Perkins James Anderson . M. J. Stone J. W. Thompson . Benjamin Tippett William E. Jones . Alex. Chaplain... P. A. Witmer G. W. M. Cooper . George M. Upshur Post-office. Cumberland. Annapolis. Towsontown. Prince Frederick. Hillsboro'. Westminster. Port Deposit. Port Tobacco. Cambridge. Frederick. Grantsville. Abingdon. Clarkesville. Chestertown. Rockville. Aquasco. Centreville. Leonardtown. Princess Anne. Easton. Hagerstown. Salisbury. Snow Hill. 30 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN MASSACHUSETTS. Hon. JOSEPH White, secretary of State-hoard of education, Boston. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Post-office. His excellency William Gaston, governor, ex officio His honor H. G. Knight, ex officio Phillips Brooks Henry Chapin Alonzo A. Miner - Gardiner G. Hubbard William W. Rice C. C.Esty Edward B. Gillett C. C. Hussey Boston. Boston. Boston. Worcester. Boston. Cambridge. Worcester. Framingham. Westfleld. CITY-SUPERINTENDENTS. City. Superintendent. Boston Charlestown. Cambridge . . Chelsea Fall River... Fitchburg . . . Gloucester . . . Holyoke .... Lawrence ... Lowell New Bedford Newton Salem Somerville .. Springfield . . Taunton Worcester Vacancy B.F. Tweed Francis Cogswell Jonathan Kimball . . . AVilliam Connell, jr.. E.A.Hubbard John W. Allard Louis H. Marvel Gilbert E. Hood Charles Morrill Henry F. Harrington H. M. Willard Augustus D. Small . . Joshua H. DaviB A. P. Stone W. W. Waterman . . . Albert P. Marble Boston. Charlestown. Cambridge. Chelsea. Fall River. Fitchburg. Gloucester. Holyoke. Lawrence. Lowell. New Bedford. Newton. Salem. Somerville. Springfield. Taunton. Worcester. TOWN-SUPERINTENDENTS. Town and county. BARNSTABLE. Chatham Dennis Orleans Provincetown Sandwich BERKSHIRE. ns Peru Pittsfield BRISTOL. Mansfield Somerset Swansea ESSEX. Essex Georgetown West Newbury Superintendent. D.H. Crowell ... Levi Howes Vacant B. F. Hutchinson Vacant Principals of high schools in North and South Adams. George L. Thomson John M. Brewster Vacant F. A. Shurtleff Job Gardner, jr Washington Burnham R.G.Farley Vacant Post-office. Chatham. Dennis. Orleans. Provincetown. Sandwich. Peru. Pittsfield. Mansfield. Somerset. Swansea. Essex. Georgetown. West Newbwy. 31 ■List of school-officials in Massachusetts — Concluded. Town and county. HAMPSHIRE. Huntington Northampton Pelham MIDDLESEX. Acton Boxboro' Carlisle Concord Frarningham Holliston Littleton Medford Stow Wakefield Woburn NORFOLK. Bellingham Brookline Canton Cohasset Dover. Weymouth PLYMOUTH. Bro ckton HaUfax Hingham Kingston Marion Plymouth Rochester Scituate WeBt Bridgewater WORCESTER. Athol Douglas Hardwick Holden Mendon Paxton Westboro' Superintendent. J. H. Goddard H. L. Edwards Vacant F.P.Wood Joel F. Hay ward Vacant G. Reynolds James W. Brown . .. R. G. Johnson H. E. Cooley James A. Hervey Edwin Whitney A. M. Pay son E.H.Davis Vacant Vacant Frederic Endicott Joseph Osgood Vacant Arthur G.Lewis C.W.Wood George W. Hay ward A. G. Jennings W.R.Ellis Silas B.Allen Charles Burton Vacant Charles S. Nutter Cyrus Leonard Vacant N. W. Preston Vacant J.T.Rood George F. Clark Levi Smith T. D. Biscoe Post-office. Huntington, Northampton. Pelham. Acton. Boxboro'. Carlisle. Concord. FramiDgham. Holliston. Littleton. Medford. Stow. Wakefield. Woburn. Bellingham. Brookline. Canton. Cohasset. Dover. Weymouth. Brockton. Halifax. Hingham. Kingston. Marion. Plymouth. Rochester. Scituate. West Bridgewater. Athol. Douglas. Hardwick. Holden. Mendon. Paxton. Westboro'. 32 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN MINNESOTA. Hon. D. BUKT, superintendent of public instruction, St. Paul. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Aitkin Anoka Becker Beltrami Benton Big Stone . Blue Earth... Brown Carlton Carver Cass Chippewa Chisago Clay Cottonwood .. Crow Wing .. Dakota Dodge Douglas Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Grant Hennepin Houston Isanti Jackson Kanabec Kandiyohi Lac qui Parle . Lake . Le Sueur Lincoln Lyon , McLeod Martin Meeker Mille Lacs Morrison Mower .... Murray Nicollet Nobles Olmsted Otter Tail Pine Pope Redwood Renville Rice Rock. St. Louis Scott Sherburne Sibley Stearns Steele Stevens Swift Todd Wabasha Wadena Waseca Washington ..... Watonwan Wilkin Winona Wright Yellow Medicine. Superintendent. W. H. Williams . Moses Goodrich Walter Drew .. .Sherman Hall David Kirk Ed. J.Collins.... L. W. Greene William Benson. J. S. Pound V.D.Eddy J. F. Burnham William Prentiss E.S.Williams Philip Crowley A.M. Church William H. Sanders . . . R. W. Richards D.L.Kiehle Henry Thurston J. W. Hancock Coll. McClellan James S. Rankin J. B. LeBlond Charles Booth E. L. Brownell S. E. Tallman J.H.Gates L. R. Davis Christian Wieland Francis Cadwell ... M.L.Wood George M. Durst W. W. Pendergast John W. Tanner L.Y.Bailey A. P. Barker A. Gernon E. F. Morgan - . . N. F. By ram Elias S. Pettijohn T.C.Bell Sanford Niles Lorenzo Preston James Cochran Robert Hoover Benjamin Welles William B. Herriott . . . George H. Megquier. .. R. A. Mott J. Hart Loomis J.L.A.Fish Patrick O'Flynn P. A. Sinclair S.W.Bennett P. Edward Kaiser George C. Tanner .•. CM. Bartlett A.M. Utter J. H. Sheets Aaron G. Hudson .. A. R. Wiswell H. G. Mosher A.D.Roe Miss H. Adelle Sargent Loren Listoe D. Burt Josiah F. Lewis , S. A. Hall Post-office. Aitkin. Anoka. Audubon. Sauk Rapids. Mankato. New Ulm. Thompson. Carver. Granite Falls. Taylor's Falls. Glyndon. Windom. Brainerd. West St. Paul. Kasson. Alexandria. Blue Earth City. Preston. Shell Rock City. Red Wing. Evansville. Minneapolis. Brownsville. Springvale. Jackson. BrunBwick. Harrison. Lac qui Parle. Beaver City. Le Sueur. Marshfield. Marshall. Hutchinson. Fairmount. Litchfield. Princeton. Little Falls. Le Roy. Ben Franklin. St, Peter. Worthington. Rochester. St. Oloff. Minneapolis. Glenwood. White Bear Lake. Redwood Palls. Beaver Falls. Faribault. Luverne. Du Luth. Liberty. Elk River. Henderson. ■ St. Cloud. Owatonna. Hancock. Benson. Long Prairie. Lake City. Wadena. Waseca. Afton. St, James. Breckinridge. Winona. Monticello. Yellow Medicine City. 33 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN MISSISSIPPI. Hon. T. W. Cardozo, State-superintendent of public education, Jackson. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Post-office. Hon. James Hill, secretary of state Hon. George E. Harris, attorney-general Hon. T. W. Cardozo, State-superintendent of public education Jackson. Jackson. Jackson. 34 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN MISSOURI. Hon. R. D. SHANNON, superintendent of public schools, Jefferson City. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Post-office. Jefferson City. Jefferson City. Jefferson City. 35 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN MONTANA TERRITORY. Hon. CORNELIUS HEDGES, superintenden of public instruction, Helena. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Bannaek City. Deer Lodge City, Bozeman City. Jefferson City. Charles S. Kelley Diamond City. Missoula City. J. B. Burker 36 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN NEBRASKA. Han. J. M. MCKENZIE, State-superintendent of public instruction, Lincoln. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Adams Antelope Boone Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Dakota Dawson , Dixon Douglas Fillmore Franklin Furnas Gage Gosper Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hitchcock ... Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Knox Lancaster Lincoln Madison Merrick Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Pierce Phelps Platte Polk Red Willow . Richardson . . Saline Sarpy Saunders Seward Sherman Staunton Thayer Valley Washington . Wayne Webster York A. H. Brown Robert Wilson R. R. Chess J. J. W. Place W. T. Berry W. J. Evans U. W.Wise L. M. Howard L. Jenkins - D. W. Garver J. A. Grimison . Robert Robb J. T. Spencer W. H. Lengel W.S. Bates John Cay ton John Rush John A. Dempster... C. B. Childs Thadeus K. Clark . . . J.R. Little Erastus Misner Loving Goffy J. D.Hays J.T.Price H. M. Luce Daniel Murphy Hanford N. Smith . . . E. J. Fulford Wilson Wightman .. R.P. Stein E. N. Searle Billings Davis A. G.Scott A. F. Feay F. A. Cogswell Charles E. Mead D. W. Pierson J. B. Nesbit H. K. Raymond John M. Osborn C. H. Frady Frank Hazen Charles A. Speice James Bell George B. Nettleton . F. M. Williams James McCreedy — D. W. McFarland... CM. Whitney George B. France . . J.W.Eddy F.A.Frost W. H. Barger A. Terry Charles Cross Moses H. Sherk H.S.Kaleg T. A. Parkinson.... Juniata. Oakdale. Albion. Gibbon. Tekamah. Savannah. Plattsmouth. Green Island. Sidney. Fairfield. Schuyler. West Point. Dakota City. Plum Creek. Ionia. Pebble. Elkhorn Station Ohiowa. Riverton. Arapahoe. Beatrice, Arapahoe. Lamartine. Grand Island. Lincoln Valley. Republican City. Culbertson.. St. Paul. Fairbury. Tecumseh. Lowell. Ogalalla. Creighton. Lincoln. North Platte. Madison. Lone Tree. Brownville. Nelson. Nebraska City. Pawnee City. Pierce. Williamsburg. Columbus. Bellville. Valley Grange. Salem. Pleasant Hill. Papillion. Cedar Bluff*. Milford. Loup City. Staunton. Hebron. North Loup. Herman. La Porte. Red Cloud. York. 37 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN NEVADA. Hon. S. P. KELLY, State-superintendent of public instruction, Carson City. STATE-BOARD OK EDUCATION. Name. Post-office. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Churchill... Douglas Elko Esmeralda . Eureka Humboldt.. Lander Lincoln Lyon Nye Ormsby Storey Washoe White Pine. John E. Johns E. S. Yeates D.H.Fletcher.... A. W. Kaye C. Chenowith J. R. Williamson D.W.Hill J. G. Cromwell... F. C. Granger — L. S. Greenlaw.. J.N.Flint Orvis Ring H. S. Herrick .... Genoa. Elko. Aurora. Eureka. Winnemucca. Austin. Bullionville. Silver City. Belmont. Carson City. Gold Hill. Reno. Hamilton. 38 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. Hon. J. W. SlMONDS, superintendent of public instruction, Concord. CITY-SCHOOL-OFFICIALS. City. Name. Post-office. City-superintendents. Manchester. Nashua. Clerks of boards of education. Dover. 39 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN NEW JERSEY. .Hon. Ellis A. Apgar, State-superintendent of public instruction, Trenton. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Post-office. His excellency Governor Joseph D. Bedle, president Hon. William A. Whitehead, vice-president Hon. Ellis A. Apgar, State-superintendent and ex officio secretary Executive committee. John Maclean, D. D., LL. D William A. Whitehead Charles E. Elmer Henry C. Kelsey A. L. Runyon Committee on grounds and buildings. Elias Cook Henry C. Kelsey Trustees of the school-fund. His excellency Joseph D. Bedle, governor Hon. Robert Gilchrist, attorney-general Hon. A. L Runyon, State-comptroller Hon. Henry C. Kelsey, secretary of state Hon. John W. Taylor, president of the senate 1 Hon. George O. Vanderbilt, speaker of the assembly Trustees of the State Normal School. Charles E. Elmer Richard M. Acton John Maclean, D. D.,LL. D Benjamin Williamson Robert Allen, jr » Thomag Laurence Rynier H. Veghte John M. Howe, M. D Rodman M. Price William A. Whitehead William H. Steelo, L\ D Bennington F. Randolph Elias Cook, treasurer of the State Normal School.. , Jersey City. Jersey City. New Brunswick. Trenton. Newark. Princeton. Bridgeton. Princeton. Elizabeth. Red Bank. Hamburg. Somerville. Passaic. Ramsey's. Newark. Newark. Jersey City. Trenton. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. E. E. Vreeland Mount Holly. P. R. Brace R.L.Howell Millville Woodbury. Jersey City. C. S. Conkling William J. Gibby Ralph Willis Spotswood. William H. Reed Elias W. Rarick E. A. Stiles N. W.Pease Warren 40 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN NEW MEXICO TERRITOEY. Hon. \V. G. RlTCH, secretary of the Territory and ex officio superintendent of public instruction, Santa Fe. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Bernalillo . . Colfax Dona Ana. Grant Lincoln Mora Rio Arriba Santa Ana Santa F6.. San Miguel Socorro .... Taos Valencia .. Mariano S. Otero.. E. F. Mezeck Pablo Melendres . . John A. Ketcham.. L. G. Murphy Dolores Romero... Juan Garcia Andres C. de Baca G. Ortiz y Alarid.. Lorenzo Lopez Matias Contreras . . Aniceto Valdez Manuel A. Otero . . Albuquerque. Cimarron. Mesilla. Silver City. Lincoln. Mora. Plaza Alcalde. Pefia Blanca. Santa F6. Las Vegas. Socorro. Fernandez de Taos. Tome. 41 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IX NEW YORK. Hon. NEIL GlLMOUR, State-superintendent of public instruction, Albany ; Hod. JONATHAN TENKKT, deputy, Albany. SCHOOL-COMMISSIONERS. County and district. Commissioner. Post-office. Albany 1 Allegany I 2 Broome 1 2 Cattaraugus 1 2 Cayuga 1 2 3 Chautauqua 1 2 Chemung Chenango 1 2 Clinton 1 2 Columbia I 2 Cortland 1 2 Delaware 1 2 Dutchess 1 2 Erie 1 o 3 Essex 1 2 Franklin 1 2 Fulton Genesee Greene 1 2 Hamilton Herkimer 1 2 Jefferson 1 2 3 Kings 1 Lewis 1 2 Livingston 1 2 Madison 1 2 Monroe 1 2 Montgomery New York Niagara 1 2 Oneida 1 2 John F. Shafer Zebediah A. Dyer - Thomas Helme John O. Cole, city-superintendent -. Murray Hubbard, president of board of education- Frank" S. Smith AValter D. Renwick Hiram Barnum Stephen D. Wilbur George L. Farnham, secretary of board of educa- tion Newton C. McKoon Henrv M. Seymour Hdlbert Daratt Charles H. Greenfield Lauren M. Townsend Benjamin B. Snow, secretary of board of educa- tion Henry Q. Ames Lucius M. Robertson Jonas Sayre Van Duzer Edward B. Yeoumans, secretary of board of edu- cation Matthew B. Ludington David G.Barber William B.Dodge Robert S. McCullongh John Strever Hiram Winslow Harvey R. Schermerhorn, city-superintendent George W. Miller Rufus T. Peck George D. Ostroui Amasa J. Shaver Derrick Brown Edgar A. Briggs Richard Brittain, clerk of board of education Charles A. Young George Abbott Russel J. Yaughan William S. Rice, city-superintendent William H. McLenathen Thomas G. Shaw Sidney P. Bates William Gillis John M. Dougall Richard L. Selden Samuel S. Mulford Richard Halstead Isaac H. Brownell John D. Champion William W. Bass Willard C.Porter Henry Purcell George H. Strough Daniel G. Griffin, city -superintendent C. Warren Hamilton Thomas W. Field, city-superintendent William D. Lewis Charles A. Chickering John W. Byam Robert W. Green Joseph E. Morgan Paul S. Maine Edwin A. McMath George W. Sime Sylvenus A. Ellis, city-superintendent George F. Cox Henry Kiddle, city-superintendent William Gritman Esek Aldrich James Ferguson, city-superintendent John R. Pugh Charles T. B urnley Cedar Hill. East Berne. McKownville. Albany. Cohoes. Angelica. Friendship. Osborne Hollow. Binghamton. Binghamton. Ellicottville. West Salamanca. Cato. Niles. Moravia. Auburn. Sherman. Frewsburg. Horseheaas. Elmira. North Norwich. Oxford. Schuyler Falls. Chazy. Clermont. Green River. Hudson. Marathon. Solon. Walton. Meredith. Poughkeepsie. Poughkeepsie. Poughkeepsie. Clarence. Hamburg. Springville. Buffalo. Jay. Olmsteadville. Malone. Fort Covington. Johnstown. Le Roy. Tannergville. Greenville. Northville. Little Falls. Jordanville. Adams Centre. Watertown. La Fargeville. Watertown. New Lots. Brooklyn. Constableville. Copenhagen. Livonia Station. Dansville. Earlville. Perryville. Rochester. Brockport. Rochester. Amsterdam. New York. Lockport. Johnson's Creek Lockport. Utica. Clinton. 42 List of school-officials in New York — Concluded. County and district. Commissioner. Post-office. Oneida, (Continued) Onondaga Ontario. Orange . Orleans. Oswego. Otsego .. Putnam Queens. Rensselaer Richmond Rockland St. Lawrence. Saratoga Schenectady. Schoharie ... Schuyler Seneca . . Steuben . Suffolk.. Sullivan. Tioga Tompkins Ulster Warren Washington Wayne Westchester Wyoming Yates Henry S. Ninde Horace O. Farley Andrew McMillan, city-superintendent J. Warren Lawrence , James W. Hooper Parker S. Carr :... Edward Smith, city-superintendent Hyland C. Kirk Robert B. Simmons George K. Smith Asa Morehouse Robert V. K. Montfort, city-superintendent William W. Phipps Isaac W. Marsh William B. Howard JohnW. Ladd Virgil C.Douglass, city-superintendent NahumT. Brown Warren L. Baker John H. Spencer Eugene M. Lincoln Garret J. Garretson Edward F. McGee, city-superintendent Amos H. Allen George W. Hidley David Beattie, city-superintendent James Brownlee Spencer Wood Daniel F. Griffin Albert L.Cole Barney Whitney Robert B. Lowry, city-superintendent Henry L. Grose Oscar F. S tiles David Elder Samuel B. Howe, city-superintendent John S. Mayhan John Van Schaick Charles T. Andrews Henry V. L. Jones Zenas L. Parker Reuben H. Williams William P.Todd Horace H. Benjamin S. Orlando Lee Charles Barn urn Isaac Jelliff Lemuel D. Vose Orville S. Ensign Robert G. H. Speed Cornelius Van Santwood Ralph Le Fe vre Harrison R. Winter Daniel B. Ketchum Ezra H. Snyder Edward C. Whittemore Joseph H. L. Roe Felix J. Griffen Joseph H. Palmer Casper G. Brower Joseph Barrett Edwin S. Smith Edson J. Quigley Bradford S. Wixom Rome. Prospect. Utica. Plank Road. Geddes. Fayetteville. Syracuse. Geneva. Allen's Hill. Monroe. Middletown. Newburg. Albion. Bowen's Corners. Fulton. Mexico. Sehenevus. Portlandville. Farmer's Mills. Glen Cove. Newtown. Long Island City. Petersburg. Wynantskill. Troy. Port Richmond. Clarkstown. Heuvelton. Hermon. Lawrenceville. Ogdensburg. Ballston Spa. Saratoga Springs. Pattersonville. Schenectady. Gilboa. Cobleskill. Watkins. Ovid. Bath. Woodhull. Canisteo. Riverhead. Huntington. Monticello. Liberty. Ithaca. Speedsville. Kingston. New Paltz. Phoenicia. Glen's Falls. Argyle. Middle Granville. Wolcott. Marion. Yonkers. Tarrytown. Katonah. Dale. Gainesville. Italy Hollow. For term ending January 1, 1878. 43 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN OHIO. Hon. CHARLES S. Smart, State-commissioner of common schools, Columbus. STATE-BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Name. Alston Ellis . J. B. Peaslee . H. B. Furness Hamilton. Cincinnati. Tiffin. CLERKS OF BOARDS OF EXAMINERS. Adams Allen Ashland Ashtabula .. Athens Auglaize ... Belmont ... Brown Butler Carroll Champaign. Clarke Clermont... Clinton Columbiana ■Coshocton .. Crawford .. Cuyahoga . . Darke Defiance Delaware .. Erie Fairfield ... Fayette Franklin . . . Fulton Gallia •Geauga Greene Guernsey .. Hamilton... Hancock ... Hardin Harrison . . . Henry Highland Hocking ... Holmes Huron Jackson Jefferson ... Knox Lake Lawrence .. Licking Logan Lorain Lucas , Madison Mahoning .. Marion Medina Meigs Mercer Miami Monroe Montgomery Morgan . Morrow Muskingum . Noble Luther Thompson .. John A. Foye T.J.Barton L. H. Means J. M. Goodspeed C.W.Williamson ... J. J. Beevus C.C.Blair Alston Ellis W. H. Buchanan S.B. Price John Eowe W. B. Applegate J.H. Grove J. M. Dickinson J. M. Finley A. Wickham Lewis W. Ford J.K. Riffle B. W. Slagle J. S. Campbell W.H. Rayl George W. Welsh . . . Charles F. Dean L.L. Pegg W. A. Williams Walter Mitchell W. S.Hayden George S. Orcnsby... John McBurney A.B.Johnson John A. Pittsford Miss Beck Bain W.H. McCoy C. E. Reynolds H. S. Doggett G. W. Brehm E. J.Duer S. F. Newman J. W. Longbow J. Buchanan John M. Ewalt John W.Tyler N. K. Moxloy John David Jones P. Dow H. M. Parker A. A. McDonald .... George E. Ross H.J. Clark W. S. Eversole S.B. Woodward H. B. Scott James G. Loughridge N. H. Albaugh A.J.Pearson William Smith P. Henry A.K. Dunn H. A. Axline Joseph Stottler West Union. Lima. Ashland. Jefferson. Athens. Wapakoneta. St. Clairsville. Georgetown. Hamilton. Carrollton. TJrbana. Springfield. Batavia. Wilmington. New Lisbon. Coshocton. Bucyrus. Cleveland. Greenville. Defiance. Delaware. Sandusky City. Lancaster. Washington Court- House. Columbus. Ottokee. Gallipolis. Chardon. Xenia. Cambridge. Cincinnati. Findlay. Kenton. Cadiz. Napoleon. Hillsboro'. Logan. Millersburg. Norwalk. Jackson. Steubenville. Mt. Vernon. Painesville. Ironton. Newark. Bellefontaine. Elyria. Toledo. London. Canfield. Marion. Medina. Pomeroy. Celina. Troy. Woodsfield. Dayton. McConnellsville, Mt. Gilead. Zanesville. Caldwell. 44 List of school-officials in Ohio — Concluded. Ottawa Paulding . . . Perry Pickaway . . Pike Portage Preble Putnam Richland . . . Ross Sandusky .. Scioto Seneca Shelby Stark Summit Trumbull . . Tuscarawas Union Van Wert.. Vinton Warren Washington Wayne Williams Wood Wyandot... T. L. Magers A. Dinsey , A. F. Stinchcomb S. W. Courtwright . . George W. Pennisten I. N. Wilcox Thomas A. Pollock. . A. T. Thomas Manuel May J.H.Poe A. B. Putman H. W. Farnham B. F. Myers A.B. Cole Daniel Worley S. Findlay George P. Hunter . . . J. G. Tahner R. S. Woodburn M. H. Tuttle L. O. Perdue J. Morrow John D.Phillips Samuel J. Kirkwood W. V. Thomas Robert Dunn D. D. Hare Port Clinton. Paulding. New Lexington.. Circleville. Waverly. Ravenna. Eaton. Ottawa. Mansfield. Cbillicothe. Fremont. Portsmouth. Tiffin. Sidney. Canton. Akron. Warren. New Philadelphia. Marysville. Van Wert. McArthur. Lebanon. Marietta. Wooster. Bryan. Bowling Green. Upper Sanduskj'. 45 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN OREGON. Hon. L. L. Rowland, State-superintendent of public instruction,. Salem. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Post-office. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Baker Benton Clackamas - Clatsop Columbia ... Coos Curry Douglas Grant Jackson Josephine .. Lake Lane Linn Marion Multnomah. Polk Tillamook . Umatilla ... Union Wasco Washington Yamhill.... W. F.Payton E. A. Milner W. W. Moreland . J. W. Gearhart . . . J. E. Galbreath... J. H. Schroeder . . J. G. Merriman H. P. Watkins ... W.H. Kelly H. C. Fleming B. F. Sloan W. R. Jones , R. G. Callison.... J. K. Weatherford H.P. Crooke T. L. Eliot J. C. Grubbs J. S.Tripp L.H. Lee S. S. Mitchell .... John Darrah D. M. C. Gault ... J. H. Carse , Baker City. Corvallis. Oregon City. Astoria. St. Helen. Empire City. Ellensburg. Roseburg. Canyon City. Jacksonville. Kirby. Linkville. Eugene City. Albany. Salem. Portland. DallaB. Tillamook. Pendleton. Union. Dalles City. Hillsboro'. Lafayette. 46 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN PENNSYLVANIA. Hon. J. P. WlCKERSHAM, State-superintendent of public instruction, Harrisburg ; Hon. Henry Houk, deputy Slate- superintendent of public instruction, Harrisburg ; Hon. Robert CURRY, second deputy State-super- intendent of public instruction, Hairisburg. CITY-SUPERINTENDENTS. City. Superintendent. Post-office. Allegheny. R. K. Buehrle D. S.Keith W. W. Cottingham Harrisburg^ J. T. Nitrauer A. N. Raub S. P. Bates Pittsburg. Reading. M. N. Horton Williamsport. York. York William H. Shelley COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Adams Allegheny... Armstrong .. Beaver Bedford Berks Blair Bradford Bucks Butler Cambria .... Cameron Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Clearfield ... Clinton Columbia ... Crawford ... Cumberland Dauphin Delaware ... Elk Erie Fayette Forest Franklin Fulton Greene Huntingdon . Indiana Jefferson Juniata Lancaster . . . Lawrence ... Lebanon Lehigh Luzerne Lycoming McKean Mercer Aaron Sheely A. T. Douthett A.D. Glenn Martin L. Knight Henry W. Fisher David B. Brunner John B. Holland Austin A. Keeney Hugh B. Eastburn. .. R. H.Young Thomas J. Chapman. Joseph B. Johnson . . R.F.Hofford R. M. Magee Hiram F. Pierce J.E.Wood ... J. A. Gregory Martin W. Herr William H. Snyder . . James C.Graham ... D.E.Kast S. D.Ingram James W. Baker Rufus Lucore C.C.Taylor Joshua V. Gibbons S.F.Rohrer Jacob S. Smith H. H.Woodal Thomas J. Teal R. M. McNeal Samuel Wolf James A . Lowry D. E. Robison ... B.F.Shaub William N. Aiken William G. Lehman . . James O. KnausB William A. Campbell . Thomas F. Gahan . W.H.Curtis N.W.Porter Gettysburg. Pittsburg. Kittanning. Beaver. Bedford. Reading. Newry. Towanda. New Hope. Coultersville. Ebensburg. Emporium. Lehighton. Bellefonte. West Chester. Clarion. Clearfield. Salona. Orangeville. Meadville. Mechaniceburg.. Harrisburg. Media. Early. Waterford. Brownsville. Marionville. Brown's Mill. McConnelsburg.. Rice's Landing. Hubelsville. Indiana. Punxsatawny. Port Royal. Lancaster. Newcastle. Lebanon. Allentown. Shickshinny. Monturesville. Smethport. Mercer. 47 List of school-officials in Pennsylvania — Concluded. County. Mifflin Monroe Montgomery — Montour Northampton ... Northumberland Perry Pike Potter Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Sullivan Susquehanna ... Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington Wayne Westmoreland. . Wyoming York Superintendent. John M.Bell Jeremiah Fruttchey Abel Rambo William Henry Ben. F. Raesly Saul Shipman Silas Wright John Lay ton J.W.Allen Jesse Newlin William Noetling... Daniel W.Will John W. Martin William C. Tilden . . Elias Horton, jr A. S. Burrows W. J. McClure Byron Sutherland. . William G. Fee D.G.Allen Henry M. Jones Thompson Bodle ... William H. Kain ... Post-office. Kishacoquillas. Stroudsburg. Trappe. Pottsgrove. Mt. Bethel. Sunbury. Millerstown. Dingman's Ferry. Coudersport. Port Carbon. Selin's Grove. Glade. Dushore. Forest Lake Centre. Knoxville. Mifflinburg. Petroleum Centre. Warren. Canonsburg. Prompton. Salem Cross-Roads. Tunkhannock. York. 48 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN KHODE ISLAND. Hon. Thomas B. Stockwell, commissioner of public schools, Providence. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. Post-office. His excellency Henry Howard, governor, ex officio, president Hon. C. C. Van Zandt, lieutenant-governor, ex officio Hon. Thomas B. Stockwell, commissioner of public schools, secretary Daniel Leach Ezra K. Parker S amuel H.Cross Thomas H. Clarke Charles H. Fisher Oeorge L. Locke Providence. Newport. Providence. Providence. Summit. Westerly. Newport. North Scituate. Bristol. TOWN-SUPERINTENDENTS. Superintendent. Barriugton Bristol Burrillville Charlestown Coventry Cranston Cumberland East Greenwich . . East Providence.. Exeter Foster Gloucester Hopkinton Jamestown Johnston Lincoln Little Compton... Middletown Newport New Shoreham North Kingston... North Providence . North Smithfleld . Pawtucket Portsmouth Providence ........ Kichmond Scituate South Kingston - . Smithfleld Tiverton "Warren Warwick Westerly West Greenwich.. Woonsocket . . . . *. Isaac F. Cady Robert S. Andrews. William Fitz ... William F. Tucker . E. K. Parker Francis S. Weeks Peleg G. Kenyon Fv.H. Paine Willet H. Arnold George S. Tillinghast ... John M. Purkis S. S. Griswold Elijah Anthony William A.Phillips James H. Lyon Benjamin F. Wilbor, jr John Gould Thomas H. Clarke Giles H. Peabody A. B. Chadsey Marcus M. Cowing Stephen Phillips Andrew Jencks George Manchester Daniel Leach G. Tillinghast J. M. Brewster N. C. Peckham, jr Samuel W. Farnum — John F. Chase S.K. Dexter John F. Brown H. M. Eaton Charles F. Carpenter .. C.J.White Barrington Centre. Bristol. Burrellville. Shannock Mills. Summit. Cranston Print- Works. Woonsocket. East Greenwich. Watchemoket. Exeter. Foster Centre. Chepachet. Hopkinton. Jamestown. Olneyville. Central Falls. Little Compton. Newport. Newport. New Shoreham. Wickford. Providence. Woonsocket. Pawtucket. Newport. Providence. Wyoming. North Scituate. Wakefield. Georgieville. Fall River, Mass. Warren. Natick. Westerly. Summit. Woonsocket. 49 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN SOUTH CAROLINA. Hon. J. K. Jit.lson, superintendent of education, Columbia. COUNTY-SCHOOL-COMMISSIONERS. County. Abbeville Aiken Anderson Barnwell Beaufort Charleston ... Chester Chesterfield .. Clarendon ... Colleton Darlington ... Edgefield Fairfield Georgetown.. Greenville Horry Kershaw Lancaster ... Laurens Lexington — Marion Marlboro' Newberry Oconee Orangeburg . Pickens Richland Spartanburg Sumter Union Williamsburg York Commissioner. J.F. C.Du Pi-6 William H. Lawson . Thomas P. Benson .. B. W. Middleton S.D.Gilbert P. P. Hedges Prank P. Loyd Charles A. Malloy . . L. A. Benbow John W. Burbridge. Joshua E. Wilson... A. W. Simkins William J. Crawford S. B. Gipson James H. Taylor ... John J. Best James Edwards Joseph Clark Pratt S. Suber David Counts M. K. Holloway Prank S. Hazle Henry B. Scott Isaac Wickliffe Thomas Phillips Robert A. Bowen C.J.Carroll W. H. Richardson . . Timothy J. Tuomey D. A. Townsend Henry H. Mouzon .. C. A. King Post-office. Abbeville Court-House. Aiken. Anderson Court-House. Blackville. Beaufort. Charleston. Chester Court-House. Cheraw. Wright's Bluff. Walterboro'. Florence. ■Edgefield Court-House. Winnsboro'. Georgetown Court- House. Greenville. Conwayboro'. Camden. Lancaster Court-House. Laurens Court-House. Lexington Court-House. Marion Court-House. Bennettsville. Newberry Court-House. Walhalla. Orangeburg Court- House. Pickens Court-House. Columbia. Spartanburg Court- House. Sumter Court-House. Union Court-House. Kingstree. Yorkville. 50 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN TENNESSEE. Hon. Leon. Trousdale, State-superintendent of public instruction, Nashville. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Anderson Bedford.. Benton ... Bledsoe . . Blount Bradley Campbell Cannon Carroll Carter Cheatham ... Claiborne ... Clay* Cocke Coffee Crockett Cumberland . Davidson Decatur De Kalb Dickson Dyer.. Fayette Fentress Franklin Gibson Giles Grainger Greene Grundy Hamblen Hamilton Hancock Hardeman Hardin Hawkins Haywood Henderson*.. Henry Hickman Houston Humphreys . Jackson James Jefferson Johnson* Knox Lake Lauderdale . . Lawrence Lewis Lincoln Loudon Macon Madison Marion Marshall Maury McMinn McNairy Meigs Monroe Montgomery Moore Morgan Obion Overton Perry Polk Putnam Rhea Roane Robertson ... Superintendent. R.N.Baker John R. Dean J.M.Castile Thomas O. Brown. W.H.Henry W.L. Cate Frank Richardson. A. G. Brandon A.F.Estes H.C. Boyd George F. Murff . . . J. A. Irwin W. H. Sheffey Madison Parker J. P. Parker Thomas C. Center . . . R. W. Weakley James M. Porterfleld J. T. Trapp L. L. Leach H. Harrison R. W. Pitman Stephen H. Pile H. G. Hampton W. C. Oliver R. P. Yancey Ben R. Legg J. C. Park John Scruggs H. M. Sherwood W. M. Beene A.J. Seal S.J. Cox James M. Walker . . . Ellis Cocke W. T. Byars W. B. Van Cleave . J. A. Cunningham. J. M. Parchment .. J. C. Tulloss R. H. Washburn . . R. K. Watkins Samuel Anderson . T. C. Karns L. Donaldson H. T. Hanks William C. Davis. O. T. Plummer... W. A. Gill, jr .... J. A.Mitchell J. S. Wootten J. D. Mason C.H. Vann W.W.Walker ... James H. Wilkes . Joseph Janewav- T. F. Sanders..*.. V. C. Allen J. R. Stradley N. L. Whitfield... W. A. Cole R. O. Taylor W. F. Shropshire. J. M. D. Mitchell . John W. Lewis .. Jacob Milburn H. S. Boyd John E. Pyott OR. Love James L. Watts . . Post-office. Clinton. Shelbyville. Camden. Robertson's Cross- Roads. Maryville. Chatata. Fincastle. Readyville. Huntingdon. Carter's Depot. Ashland City. Tazewell. Newport. Beech Grove. Bell's Depot. Crossville. Nashville. Decaturville. Smithville. Charlotte. Dyersburg. ' Somerville. Pall Mall. Cowan. Rutherford Station. Pulaski. Tate Springs. Greenville. Tracy City. Whitesburg. Sale Creek. Sneedville. Saulsbury. Savannah. Rogersville. Brownsville. Paris. Centerville. Cumberland City. Waverly. Gainesboro'. Ooltewah. Dandridge. Knoxville. Tiptonville. Ripley. Lawrenceburg. Newburg. Fayetteville. Loudon. La Fayette. Jackson. Jasper. Lewisburg. Columbia. Mouse Creek. Purdy. Decatur. Hiwassee College. Clarksville. Lynchburg. Wartburg. Troy Station. Livingston. Farmers Valley. Benton. Cookville. Sulphur Springs. Kingston. Springfield. No report of election in 1875. 51 List of school-officials in Tennessee — Concluded. County. Superintendent. Rutherford . Scott *. Sequatchie . Sevier Shelby Smith Stewart Sullivan Sumner Tipton Trousdale ... Union Van Buren . . Warren Washington . Wayne Weakley White Williamson . Wilson A. D. Stewart D.G. Emert John Somervell W. T. Taylor J. R. Laurence VV. H. Giesler H.H.Marshall William Page J. L. Carson A.L. Miller G. B. Johnson R. R. Womack H. Presnell Charles M. Thompson B. J. Roberts W. S.Findlay J.N. McDonald , T. H. Freeman , Readyville. Dunlap. Sevierville. Memphis. Carthage. Indian Mound. Union Depot. Goodlettsville. Covington. Enon College. Sharp's Chapel. Rocky River. McMinnville. Jonesboro'. Martin's Mills. Ralston Station. Sparta. Franklin. Mt. Juliet. ' No renort of election in 1 875. 52 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN UTAH TERRITORY. Hon. O. H. RlGGS, territorial superintendent of common schools, Salt Lake City. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. John P. Lee A. Christenseu Samuel Roskelley . Jacob Miller W. C. McGregor . . T.B.Lewis Martin Slack Beaver ... Box Elder Cacbe Davis Iron Juab Kane Millard [ E.M.Webb Morgan J. R. Porter Piute * I Rich Salt Lake , San Pete . . Sevier Summit . . . Tooele Utah Wasatch . . Washington , W. P. Nebeker O. H. Riggs William T. Reid... Hans P. Miller C. T. Mills A. Galloway W. H. Dusenberry Thomas H. Giles ... J. E. Johnson Weber W. W. Burton. Post-office. Beaver. Brigham City. Smithfield. Farmington. Parowan. Nephi. Toquerville. Fillmore. Porterville. Laketown. Salt Lake City. Manti City. Richfield. Coalville. Tooele. Provo. Heber City. St. George. Ogden. • County abandoned in consequence of Indian hostilities. Settlers returning. 53 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN VERMONT. Hon. Edward Con'ant, Stale-superintendent of education, Pandolph. Name. Post-office. First ... Second Third.. First-.. Second Third. Judah Dana, normal-sehool-examiner H. T. Fuller, normal-school-examiner M. H. Buckham, normal-school-examiner. Edward J. Hyde, normal-school-principal. A. E. Leavenworth, normal-school-principal , Rutland. St. Johnsbury. Burlington. Castleton. Randolph. William C. Crippen, normal-school-principal | Johnson. 54 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN VIRGINIA. HorK W. H. Ruffner, State-superintendent of -public instruction, Richmond. STATE-BOARD OF EDUCATION. Name. His excellency James L. Kemper, governor, president Hon. R. T. Daniel, attorney-general Hon. W. H. Ruffner, State-superintendent of public instruction Post-office. Richmond. Richmond. Richmond. SUPERINTENDENTS OF COUNTIES AND CITIES. County or city. Superintendent. Post-office. Accomac Albemarle Alexandria, (county and citj).. Alleghany and Craig Amelia Amherst Appomattox Augusta Bath and Highland Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Campbell Caroline Carroll Charles City and New Keut Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Culpeper Cumberland Dinwiddie Elizabeth City and Warwick.. Essex Fairfax Fauquier Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester , Goochland Grayson , Greene and Madison Greenville and Sussex Halifax , Hanover , Henrico Henry Isle of Wight James City and York , King and ijueen and Middlesex. King George King William Lancaster and Northumberland. Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Lynchburg Matthews Mecklenburg Montgomery Nansemond James C. Weaver D. P. Powers Richard L. Carne Paris V. Jones M.F. T. Evans C. B. Christian Chapman H. Chilton .. Ro. S. Hamilton J. Kenney C ampbell Sidney L. Dunton William Hicks G.Gray B.B.Wilkes Jacob Baldwin William Merry Perkins R. T. Lemmon Thomas R. Dew D. B. Brown Sam. P. Christian William W. Read B. A. Hancock William N. Nelson R obert E. Utterback . . . Richard P. Walton Roger P. Atkinson George M. Peek Henry Gresham D. McChichister L. L. Lomax C. M. Stigleman P.J.Winn W. A. Griffith W.H.Gold George W. Hines William E. Wiatt O. W. Kean Fielding R. Cornett William A. Hill... W. H. Briggs Henry E. Coleman J. B. Brown Daniel E. Gardner G.T.Griggs E. M. Morrison James H. Allen J. Mason Evans William E.Baker John Lewis Meriwether Lewis William A. Orr John W. Wildman L. J. Haley Robert M. Williams .... A. F. Biggers Thomas B. Lane Edward L. Baptist .... George G. Junkin R. L. Brewer Onancock. Scottsville. Alexandria. Newcastle. Paineville. Riverville. Spout Spring. Staunton. Spruce Hill. Liberty. Bland Court-House. Fin castle. Charlie Hope. Grundy. Buckingham Com' t- House. Castle Craig. Rappahannock Acad- emy. Hillsville. Providence Forge. Charlotte Court-House. Black Heath. Millwood. Jeffersonton. Cartersville. Dinwiddie Court-House. Hampton. Tappahannock. Fairfax Court-House. Warrenton. Floyd Court-House. Fork Union. Rocky Mount. Winchester. Newport. GloucesterCourt-House. Northside. Elk Creek. Rapidan Station. Hicksford. South Boston. Goodall's. Richmond. Martinsville. Smithfield. Burnt Ordinary. Church View. Shiloh. King William Court- House. Litwalton. Jonesville. Leesburg. Harris. Lunenburg Court- House. Lynchburg. Matthews Court-House. Boydton. Christiansburg. Belleville. 55 List of school-officials in Virginia — Concluded. County or city. Superintendent. Post-office. Nelson Patrick H. Cabell | Variety Mills. Norfolk County John T. West j Lake Drutnmond. Norfolk City R.L.Page Norfolk. Northampton John S. Parker East ville. Nottoway T. W. Snydor i Blacks and "Whites. Orange i Jaq. P. Taliaferro I Orange Court-House. Page E. J. Armstrong I Luray. Patrick James A. Taylor I Patrick Court-House. Petersburg F. P. Leavenworth | Petersburg. Pittsylvania G. W. Dame ! Danville. Portsmouth James P. Crocker ■ Portsmouth. Powhatan P. S. Dance Powhatan Court-House. Prince Edward B. M. Smith j Hampden Sidney. Prince George and Surry W. H. Harrison Gareysville. Princess Anne Edgar B. Macon London Bridge. Prince William Vf.W. Thornton ! Brentsville. Pulaski W. W. Wysor : Newbern. Rappahannock Henry Turner j Woodville. Richmond and Westmoreland. . | Thomas Brown Hague. Richmond City James H. Binford Richmond. Roanoke W. W. Ballard Salem. Rockbridge J. L. Campbell Lexington. Rockingham Joseph S. Loose ! Harrisonburg. Russell E. D. Miller ' New Garden. Scott Robert E. Wolfe j Rye Cove. Shenandoah John H. Grabill \ Woodstock. Smyth D.C.Miller Marion. Southampton ..., James F. Bryant j Franklin Depot. Spotsylvania John Howison Fredericksburg. Stafford R. L. Cooper Stafford's Store. Stannton City J. J. Ladd Staunton. Tazewell Jonathan Lyons Tazewell Court-House. Warren M. P. Marshall | Front Royal. Washington A. L. Hogshead Osceola. Wise Joseph Phipps ' Osborn's Gap. Wythe James D. Thomas Wytheville. 56 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Hon. J. P. JUDSON, superintendent of common schools, Olympia. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDEN'TS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Chehalis Clallam Clarke Cowlitz King Kitsap Klikitat Island , Jefferson Lewis Mason Pacific Pierce Skamania Snohomish ... Stevens Thurston Walla Walla . Waukiakum . . Whatcom Whitman San Juan Sherman Estus. G. B. Hotchkiss . A. S. Nicholson. George P. Whitnorth. J. S. Burgen Eason B. Ebey P.E.Hyland C.P.Irvis John Campbell M. S. Griswold John V.Meeker John W. Bra zee William H. Reeves . Moses Drepreig D. R. Biglow A. W. Sweeney .... F. P. Lane Jackson Eads William Bell.. 57 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN WEST VIRGINIA. Hon. B. W. Byrne, superintendent of free scJiools, Charleston. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Post-office. Barbour Berkeley Boone Braxton Brooke Cabell Calhoun Clay Doddridge Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Hampshire ... Hancock Hardy Harrison Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan McDowell Marion Marshall Mason Mercer Mineral Monongalia. .. Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas . . . Preston . Putnam Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Summers Taylor Tucker Tyler Upshur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyoming Wheeling City Wesley W. Carder Elias M. Walker Cary Toney T. J.Berry John W. Hough William Algeo P. W. Bruffey Strother B. Grose F. J. Ashburn O. W. Hughart Levi Johnson Edward P. Vossler J. M. McWhorter , Armistead M. Alverson H. C. Shepherd George T. Williams James R. Adams George B. Crow Alex. Tinsley* Maitin Hill John S.Hall George J. Kayser C.S. Stone , John F. Gamble John A. Bock Samuel R. Hanen D.P.Guthrie A. B. Phippst John W. Vandiver Henry L. Cox M. H. Bittinger George Buck H. C. Tinsley Brooks Hedges J. Edward Penybacker. A. W.Gorrell M. D. Dunlap John H. Feather Mahlon S. Kirtley James F. Webb Jacob J.Hill Presley W. Morris C. L. Broadus Charles L. Ellison Perry Gawthrop Philetus Lipscomb J. Edgar Boyers James F. HodgesJ Alderson Workman Charles W. Benedum... William A. Newman .. Milton Wells§ S. T. Stapleton|| Theodore F. Bailey F.S.Williams Philippi. Martiusburg, Madison. Braxton Court-House. Wellsburg. Ousley's Gap. Grantsville. Clay Court-House. West Union. Hopewell. Glenville. Grant Court-House. Lewisburg. Capon Bridge. New Cumberland. Moorefield. Clarksburg. Jackson Court-House. Shepherdstown. Charleston. Jacksonville. Hamlin. Chapmansville. Perrysville. Farmington. Moundsville. Clifton. Princeton. Burlington. Morgantown. Indian Creek. Berkeley Springs. Fowler's Knob. West Liberty. Franklin. Hebron. Academy. Valley Point. Hurricane Station. Coal River Marshes. Huttonsville. Harrisville. Roxalana. Rollinsburg. Pruntytown. St. George. Middlebourne. Buckhannon. Falls of Twelve Pole. Webster Court-House. Knob Fork. Wirt Court-House. Parkersburg. Baileysville. Wheeling. * Appointed to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of William L. Wilson, October 2, 1874. t Appointed January 9, 1875, in place of William R. Reynolds, elected to the house of delegates. I Appointed September 1, 1874, to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of H. D. Clark. § Appointed December 7, 1874, to fill vacaucy caused by the resignation of William E. Hall. || Appointed April 8, 1874, to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of George Loouais. 58 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN WISCONSIN. Hon. Edward Searing, superintendent of public instruction, Madison. COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County. Superintendent. Adams Ashland Barron Bayfield Brown Buffalo Burnett Calumet Chippewa Clark Columbia Crawford Dane, (first) Dane , (second) Dodge, (first) Dodge, (second) Door Douglas Dunn Eau Claire Fond du Lac, (first) Fond du Lac, (second). Grant Green Green Lake Iowa Jackson Jefferson Juneau Kenosha Kewaunee La Crosse La Fayette Manitowoc Marathon Marquette Milwaukee, (first) Milwaukee, (second)... Monroe Oconto Outagamie Ozaukee Pepin , Pierce , Polk Portage Racine Richland Rock, (first) Rock, (second) St. Croix Sauk Shawano Sheboygan Trempealeau Vernon Walworth "Washington Waukesha Waupaca Waushara Winnebago Wood J. M. Higbee John W. Bell W.Bird John McCloud M.H. Lynch L. Kessinger John G. Fleming W. B. Minagnan J. A. Bate R. J. Sawyer Kennedy Scott Thomas L. Redlon W. H. Chandler M. S. Fawley John T. Flavin A. K. Delaney Chris Daniels Thomas Clark George Shafer Joseph F. Ellis W. L. O'Conner James J. Kelley G. M. Guernsey D. H. Morgan A. A. Spencer Albert Watkias T.P.Marsh S.A.Craig G. P. Kenyon James P. Briggs John M. Read S.W.Leete Thomas J. Van Meter. Michael Kirwan Thomas Greene Henry M. Older Thomas O. Herrin James L. Foley A. E. Howard A. T. Stearns Patrick Flanagan E. H. Janssen M.B. Axtell R.L.Reed Charles E. Mears James O. Morrison Thomas Malone W. J. Waggoner E. A.Burdick J.B.Tracy F. B. Chapman James T. Lunn C. R. Klebesadel M. D. L. Fuller J. B. Thompson O.B. Wyman S.P.Ballard Fred. Regenfusg , Isaac N. Stewart Justus Burnham , T. S. Chipman F. A. Morgan C.L. Powers Post-office. Painville. La Pointe. Shetek. Bayfield. De Pere. Alma. Grantsburg. Chilton. Chippewa Falls. Neillsville. Cambria. Wheatville. Sun Prairie. Black Earth. Watertown. Hustisford. Sturgeon Bay. Superior. Menomonee. Eau Claire. Rosendale. Osceola. Platteville. Monroe. Berlin. Mineral Point. Pole Grove. Ft. Atkinson. New Lisbon. Kenosha. Kewaunee. West Salem. Fayette. Manitowoc. Wausau. Packwaukee. Oak Creek, Butler. Sparta. Oconto. Appleton. Cedarburg. Pepin. Prescott. Osceola Mills. Plover. Rochester. Richland Center. Janesville. Milton. New Richmond. Ironton. Shawano. Plymouth. Osseo. Viroqua. Sharon. West Bend. Waukesha. Waupaca. Berlin. Winneconne. Grand Rapids. 59 List of school-officials in Wisconsin — Concluded. CITY-SCrERIXTE.N'DF.NTS. City Appleton Beaver Dam Beloit Berlin Columbus .., Fond du Lae Ft. Howard. Grand Rapid Green Bay . Hudson Janesville .. Kenosha A. H. Corkey. James S. Dick. Fayette Royce. K. M. Dodson. S. O. Burrington. C. A. Hutehins. R. Chappell. Henrv Hayden. A. H.*Ellsworth. H. W. Slack. W. D. Parker. H. M. Simmons. City. Superintendent. La Crosse J. W. "Weston. Madison Samuel Shaw, Menasha Elbridge Smith. Milwaukee j J. McAlister. Mineral Point . Thomas Priestly. Oconto D. P. Moriarty. Oshkosh H. B. Dale. Portage G. J. Cox. Racine A. C. Fish. Sheboygan John H. Plath. Watertown 'William Bieber. Wausau B. W. James. 60 LIST OF SCHOOL-OFFICIALS IN WYOMING TERRITORY. Hon. JOHN SLAUGHTER, superintendent of public instruction, Cheyenne City* COUNTY-SUPERINTENDENTS. County Albany Carbon Laramie ' Sweetwater Uintah Superintendent N. L. Andrews R. S. Kinney F.W.Hiliard Charles Washington S. R. Temple Post-office. Laramie City. Ft. Steele. Cheyenne. Atlantic, City. Evanston. 61 LIST OF CITY-SUPERINTENDENTS, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY STATES AND CITIES. State and city. ALABAMA. Mobile E. R. Dickson. CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles .. Oakland San Francisco Stockton Atlanta... Macon Savannah ILLINOIS. Alton Aurora Belleville Chicago Decatur Galesbnrg Jacksonville Peoria cc <2 <^(c;0;cc|c CcccC C c< C (! c CC C ; CC C" c C _ r ^»5^^ v^ • ' C C'C CZ C |Ci" ^-I c ' C/ f c