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The writer assures anyone who will investigate the simple instructions given in this book, that they will be amply repaid for their efforts. Is it not reasonable to believe that the Moon would have an influence upon vegetation, when it is an admitted scientific fact, that it does heave and pull the tides around the girdle of the Earth. There are people living in certain parts of the country, who would not think of doing anything without first consulting the Signs on the Almanac. Trusting that this little book will prove of real value and interest, I am, Astrologically yours, Prof. A. F. Seward. 10th January, Chicago, Illinois 1920. (3) PLANTING AND HARVESTING According to The Phase of The Moon and Its Position in The Zodiac Millions of people have had an unsatisfied curiosity to know the significance of the "Man" on the Almanac. He is easily accounted for by the student of Astrology. He is called the "Grand Man." He stands there as a composite picture of the human race. He is not some man, or any man, but simply man, the archtype if you please. The creatures around him (all are creatures of some kind except the scales) represent the twelve groups of stars in the order in which they appear in the belt in the sky called the zodiac. These twelve constellations, corresponding to the twelve months of the year are the background of Astrol- ogy. Each of the twelve constellations points in the picture to a vital or prominent part of the "Grand Man" because each one of these constella- tions or Signs rules over its respective part. In the tracing of ancient records we find that the Etruscans, the first agriculturists, planted their seeds at certain phases of the moon, as well as trimmed and transplanted their trees to preserve specimens for roots and branches, which idea has been handed down even to the present day. In fact, our grandfathers had implicit confidence in the (5) J 6 How and When to Plant signs of the Zodiac not only for planting, but for weaning the children, taking medicine and per- forming surgical operations. According to Astrological laws, all vegetation that brings forth its yield above the earth should be planted in the light of the Moon (from the time of the New Moon to full Moon) the tendency of which is to produce a heavy growth above the surface of the soil — in other words to go to "Stalk" or "Top," which of course would be appropriate for planting Corn, Wheat, Peas, Beans, etc. Whereas, potatoes, turnips, radishes, carrots, beets, etc., should be planted in the dark of the Moon, that is when the Moon is on the decrease, in which the tendency would be to throw the main part of the growth down, rather than upward. When these laws have been violated, and potatoes and all other vegetables of the tuberous variety have been planted when the moon is on the increase, they are sure to grow on the top of the ground and become green and sun-scorched, therefore plant all things that bring forth their yield below the surface of the earth when the moon is on the decrease (going down) and they will not only grow deeper in the soil, but the heavier growth will be below the surface — large potatoes and small tops, which is also true of carrots, turnips, etc. If you must till the soil, why not learn to work in harmony with nature — learn to go with nature, instead of against it, for the Creator has a time and a place for everything. A time to be born and a time to die. Be like the planets, they never die, a minute of time never drops from their orbits ; — How and When to Plant 7 the seasons come and go on the mark, night and morning always observes the nick of time, and this sublime procession leads the earth after a circuit of five hundred million miles back to the solstice at the appointed moment without the loss of one single second, not even a millionth part of a second, for ages which it has traveled this celestial road. "Solomon Said There Was a Time For Everything Under the Sun." Solomon, the wise man, has said that there is "a time for everything under the Sun," therefore, the writer will proceed to give a few brief astro- logical laws on the subject. To obtain the best results the Agriculturist should have a knowledge of the effects of the Moon upon the earth. The most favorable time to plant, transplant, trim trees or shrubbery is when the moon is transiting a favorable sign, which is when the earth is ready and is indicated by the Signs in the Heavens. The influence of the Sun, Moon and Planets over the Earth, Human, Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms is very marked. A simple and convenient way to determine the Planets' influences is to plant some seed when the Moon is in the Zodiacal Sign of Cancer, the most Fruitful sign of the Zodiac, and a day or two later when the Moon is in the Sign of Leo, the most Barren of the Zodiac, plant more of the same seed, the result will clearly show the difference gained by working co-operative with nature. The proper time to S How and When to Plant plant is when the Earth is ready, which is indi- cated by the Signs in the Heaven. "And the Signs shall be for the days and for the seasons." The Barren Signs are for destroying noxious growths and killing things. Weeds cut in the Fruitful Signs will come up more abundant than ever before, but if they are cut when the Moon is in a Barren Sign they will not again appear. This same rule applies to grafting, pruning, transplant- ing, taking medicine and surgical operations. The enormous powers of the Sun and Moon in their influence upon earthly things are well known. We know that they have wonderful effects upon the seasons, upon the growth of vegetation, upon the tides, and upon man himself, as shown by the various types that have been developed in the widely separated parts of the globe. The moon being the nearest to the earth of all the heavenly bodies, she dispenses a great in- fluence, and all things animate and inanimate, sympathize and vary with her. By her changes rivers swell, the tide rises and falls, plants expand and other phenomena take place. The planets like- wise in performing their revolutions, produce many changes on the earth, causing heat, wind, storms, tempests and gales, and the mutual aspects of all the heavenly bodies. It has been proven in thousands of instances that everything in the vegetable kingdom are the fullest of sap at the time of new and full moon. Sugar cane, nuts, castor beans, etc., contain more sap or oil at this time than at any other, hence are gathered by the natives at such periods. When How and When to Plant 9 the Moon is on the wane the sap and oil decreases and when the moon is on the increase, the sap or substance also increases, or in other words, it is the time when nature renews itself. WHAT TO PLANT AND WHEN TO PLANT IT Every man that tills the soil is at work in God's laboratory. He is to bring together all of the op- portunities, the seed, the proper state of the soil and at the opportune moment place them for the Creator's law to begin the operation. The chemist will produce ice in a red hot crucible and place it before you, but ignorance cannot do this or a thou- sand other scientific things. The common ignorant laborer can make mortar but much of it is ruined in the process. Then first let us learn when to put the seed in the ground and having prepared the ground let us know that Cancer is the very best sign for nearly everything grown. And here we may as well learn of Cancer. It is the sign governed by the Moon and rejoices therein; as the Moon gov- erns the tides it has certainly great power over the water, and as water is the element that carries nearly everything in solution, it is the great factor in nearly all the chemical changes that take place on Earth. You will begin to see that moisture then takes up in solution the elements you require in every straw, stalk or stem you raise, but it does not move without help. There must be energy 10 How and When to Plant behind it, and this is provided in electricity. This sign above all others produces a much slighter vine or stem, a more lovely green, yet tender and as effeminate as a maiden. It is like the delicate, pale mothers that bear an abundance of children; so it is a fruitful sign, the strength going to seed, grain or fruit. Its great effect is to reproduce — hence it loads itself with fruit at the expense of the stalk. It is movable, the germs are active on the slightest opportunity and grow up with the greatest energy. Potatoes, beets, radishes and all Garden Vege- tables should be planted when the Moon is in the Signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Taurus. For lettuce, beans, corn, wheat, rye and barley plant when the Moon is in the Signs of Cancer and Libra. For full pulp or foliage growth such as corn, fodder, alfalfa, millet, cabbage, celery and peas plant when the Moon is in the Sign of Libra, or Capricorn, but it should be remembered that Cancer and Scorpio are good for everything. Celery should always be planted when the Moon is in Libra as it will "then grow quickly. The next best sign in the order given is Scorpio, which is governed by Mars and must not be called effeminate, as Mars is one of the principal factors in the wars, and pertains to Are and iron, surgery, cutlery, etc. It produces quick germination, rapid growth, and an abundant fruitage, grain or seed. Pisces is next in order of quantity, because it falls always in the old of the Moon in the northern hemisphere, yet in some respects it is a better sign than Scorpio, and might rank second instead of third. Pisces is governed by Jupiter, which is of How and When to Plant 11 great influence. It is the greatest factor of all the planets in its electric manipulations, being fruitful and watery, producing fruit, enduring the drought next to Cancer, being an abundant producer, and like Scorpio produces less stalk and more grain. The next best sign is Libra, which is governed by Venus, and this planet pertains to women. Seed sown when the moon is in this sign germinates quickly, grows rapidly and strong and tenaciously; will have a strong, deep, rich, green color, and will grow more to stalk than grain, yet will yield a fair crop of grain, but is better for such fodder as may be desired to grow quickly, large and succulent, and is especially good for roots, particularly all roots that produce their seed the second year or bien- nially. The tendency of this sign is to pulp growth, and meadows produce hay and follow with fine pasture, and endure the trampling of cattle without apparent injury. Rye pastures will finally recover and produce a crop of grain. Venus is a moist planet, and when in combination with the Moon produces clouds or rain, and bestows her loving care to all plants placed under her control. Libra is not considered Fruitful but is used for seeding hay, grain, fodder, etc. Many use it for Lettuce, Cabbage, and vegetables of quick growth, leaves and foliage above the ground but it is not as good as Taurus for this purpose. Next in the list of productive signs is Capri- corn, which is a cool, moist and movable sign, pro- ducing quick germination and rapid growth. Like Venus it produces strong, vigorous plant growths, and is best for fodder pasture, all roots and pulp 12 How and When to Plant growth and a fair crop of grain. Aries is con- sidered a good sign, as it is a movable sign. It is governed by Mars, but always during the planting season is in the old of the Moon and is not much used. In latitudes south, when early spring makes it possible to use Aries in February or March, it should be considered like Libra or Capricorn. Taurus is an earthly sign governed by Venus, and is considered to be a good sign, as it can be used in early spring. We describe it. It is good for potatoes and most crops having the good office of Venus' kindly care. Yet it is so little used, its real standing among the signs is not well under- stood, except that it is good ; yet there are so many arguments pro and con on such early tests that we place it fairly before the reader for his test. The early market gardeners And it a good sign. All of the above signs described are of that prolific quality that produce an abundance of chloro- phyl, constant in abundance, keeping in advance of the organizing effect of the light and rays of the Sun upon the green in the leaves, which reduce the inorganic matter raised by electric energy in the fluid state, thus producing an abundance of the fat, plump desired condition of the crop so earnestly sought after in every crop that is raised. The sign Leo is governed by the Sun. Under this sign the reproductive qualities are wanting, and the quality of the Sun being to organize the liquids brought up and placed in the form of chloro- phyl into organic matter, hence that process goes on so rapid that the little that it does acquire is readily hardened into solids to the hindrance of How and When to Plant 13 other like supplies being sent up. There is appar- ently but very little growth, and that of such a hard and woody substance, it is of little or no value; in fact, there is but little supply, and in most cases they are subject to the attack of in- sects and never make more than a slight effort, and soon give up the effort. Gemini is the poorest sign for the production of grain or almost any of the crops usually pro- duced. It is a barren sign like Leo. It is governed by Mercury which pertains to the brain. Coun- tries ruled by this sign are quick, active people, mentally and physically, and as a rule crops under this sign will produce more straw or stalks, but it will be very light in grain, and like Leo it is the best for destroying noxious growths, especially in those days when occupied by the Moon. Virgo comes third in rank as a barren sign. It is also governed by Mercury, but has a redeem- ing quality of being an earthy sign and with a favorable season and a favorable ingress will some- times produce a fair crop, but more often it pro- duces disappointment and failure. Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter. The first half of the sign is productive, the last half is not so — rather an indifferent sign. Aquarius is governed by Uranus and is rather an indifferent sign, better for destroying noxious growths. In connection with all this it becomes as neces- sary to know why and for what purpose you culti- vate the crop, and as we work and read to do our work just right, and to love the work because we 14 How and When to Plant do know it, brings us pleasure. We cultivate first to give free circulation of moisture; second a free circulation of air, but above all as electricity loves moisture and the air, it is to give free exchange to the negatives of the Earth and the positive elec- tricity of the air, as it is electricity that does the work, and the moisture of earth and the air are the mediums through which electricity can act upon the plants. The few inches of the surface of the earth is the field in which, like the bees of the hive, the great industry of moisture goes on. Air and electricity are tumbling over each other in that fond embrace never dreamed of by mortal man. The slight crust formed on the surface of a culti- vated field by the fresh breeze will in a few hours after a shower cut off almost entirely this free intercharge of the electric currents, which at this very time above all others is or should be doing its finest work and should be courted with the greatest zeal. Here then is your great fertilizer, awaits your call, stands at your door begging you to be taken in, then you will see the necessity of stirring the ground as soon after a smart shower as the ground will remain loose ; and stir it often to bring new earth in contact or in touch with your loving friend who is ready to do so much for you. To kill the weeds is a small part of the object, but incidentally see that they do not take the attention of your friend from the labors he is performing for you. We have seen in wheat, where it has grown rapidly, then slackened, and the organization of the chlorophyl which has been brought well up by How and When to Plant 15 the Sun, so that the stalk is a well developed or- ganic substance, that a new Moon, a good rain, air full of vapor, warm and sultry, sends up such an abundance of inorganic matter through stalk so organized as to nearly shut off the flow of the fluid ; it bursts the straw and the result is a waste of the material that should have gone to the grain, re- suiting in shrunken grain and corroded stalk, called rust This rust is the mineral or chemical sub- stance held in solution by the water, which evap- orates, leaving the inorganic substance in its native state, which again is oxidized by the same kindly agent, taken up again in solution to be lifted to the next plant or deposited in the earth by drouth, and again taken up and carried on, to be caught by some industrious toiling son of man. Cancer is the best sign for nearly all crops except those specially noticed as best under other signs; as it is a fruitful, movable and watery sign under which its plants endure successfully severe drouth. It is especially good for all grain, clover or timothy and red top for seed, beans, peas, all vines, like cucumbers, squash, melons, etc., lettuce, cabbage and all fruits. Scorpio and Pisces are next in value and good for the same purposes, also potatoes. Libra and Capricorn are good for all roots, carrots, parsnips, beets, turnips, rutabagas, radishes and the like; all pulp growth, clover and grass for hay or pasture. Taurus is probably next in value and all the crops do reasonably well under this sign, especially potatoes. Aries is like Libra and Capricorn but not as favorably situated to be of much use in the 16 How and When to Plant northern hemisphere; but in the southern hemi- sphere it is of more use. Leo, Gemini and Virgo are the best in the order given for destroying nox- ious growths, when occupied by the Moon. So is Sagittarius and Aquarius and the old of the moon as they readily are destroyed at these times. Let constant cultivation be the rule before noxious plants can get a footing; and the old of the moon and Moon in Leo is the time to kill Canada thistles, willows and all the tenacious shrubs. Taurus being an earthly Sign is the best Sign for planting many crops, such as potatoes, turnips, radishes and peanuts and all crops that grow quickly. In all our writing upon this subject we cannot help thinking that, as we are prepared in the knowl- edge of the Creator's law, and as we prepare and bring together the opportunity for this law to operate, it will do our work under the most adverse circumstances. If we do our part the All-Wise Ruler will do his. If we plant at the proper time, although the season promises but little, and see to it that all the opportunities are provided in a well enlivened soil, so that the electricity and moisture of the air and the dews of the night may be freely absorbed, we are assured, and by abundant tests have proven, that very much can be confidently expected under the most adverse circumstances. We know this to be true, for we have seen the most remarkable crops under the most adverse cir- cumstances. We are but the instruments, and but one of the many, which God in his infinite wisdom has provided to do his will, and he has so consti- How and When to Plant 17 tuted us that our wants shall urge us on. Then let us see it in its proper light and be a cheerful agent and a zealous worker for his glory and our own prosperity. Fertilizer There are all sorts of opinions about fertilizers. Perhaps there always will be. But an intelligent use of them will make a wonderful difference in opinion from what it is now. To begin with, there is no such thing as wearing out the soil. In China, where for 6,000 years they have raised crops, they keep right on raising crops. So let us see if we can find a better understanding about fertilizers. One man says "I put in coarse manure, and it dried up my crop and completely destroyed it. How is that, when all market gardeners prefer coarse, unfermented manure." Another says: "I manured that field, and it all went to straw," and so many arguments. Two men use phosphate. In the one field one-half the field was fertilized; no difference could be seen. In the other field the difference was very plain; where the drill did not feed it showed plainly. If the fertilizer is used with the Moon in a good sign, all you have done for the crop will show. If you put in a coarse manure and plant With the Moon in Leo it will dry up ; so it would without any fertilizer, or with any kind of fertilizer; and the man who had all straw no doubt planted with the Moon in Libra or Capricorn, a movable sign which promises just such results, and would have done so without the fertilizer, only not to so great an extent. Here then 18 How and When to Plant is a sufficient hint to clear up many theories that never work twice alike. One man says a certain kind of wheat did not do well for him, the straw was weak and all crinkled down. His neighbor says "It did well for me," Now, if the first man had sown with the Moon in a fruitful watery sign, as near the Moon as may be, he would have had good straw; but in the old of the Moon and the Moon in an indifferent or poor sign, his "by guess" proved a poor invest- ment. Before leaving this subject I wish to impress upon the minds of all with sufficient emphasis to have it remembered, that the very best time to plant is when the Moon is in a good sign and the Moon and that sign are rising. The first part of that time is better than the latter part, and the first day the Moon is in a good sign is better than the second day, and the second better than the third. If you knew the importance of this as I know it, you would leave no stone unturned in being ready to put in your seed at the selected time. Harvesting As we approach the harvest we are lead to inquire, is there a time to harvest? There certainly is, and it has been understood several thousand years, and has long been in as standard a work as the Bible, which says: "There is a time to plant, a time to sow, a time to reap, a time to mow ; a time for all things," etc. If there is a time to mow, then it should be when the crop would be How and When to Plant 19 the best, and that is at just that time when the chlorophyl is about all up and organized, not a day more, as it would go past its best quality; if cut too early when full of chlorophyl, unorganized, it operates as a laxative, is brittle and light. Then a little experience tells you, after cutting and feed- ing, closely observing the results obtained. When the chlorophyl is organized as shown by the clover blossoms beginning to fade, or when timothy seed is about filled, if allowed to stand will soon become a woody substance so thoroughly organized as to be better fuel than fodder. There are some expert buyers of hay, not many. Nearly &11 grain tells plainly the harvest time, and it is always as easy as most people believe. There are, however, some crops that need a keen observer with patient ob- servation to determine just when to harvest for best results, and sometimes the seasons are against the most expert, but the seasons are less important now that cold storage has become a factor in the case. Apples should be picked as soon as ripe, and if possible in about three or four days after full Moon and during old Moon to keep. If allowed to remain too long on the trees they become too ripe (especially if warm weather) to keep well; in fact, early apples, if picked as soon as ripe (not mellow) and if possible in old of Moon, will keep much longer. All fruits picked for shipping require expert treatment in handling. There perhaps is no vegetable so shamefully abused as the Irish potato, and in consequence of this, the best varieties soon run out; the great majority are unwholesome. There are markets that place loose or sack potatoes 20 How and When to Plant at a discount, but no one will take pains with po- tatoes until a discriminating public requires it of them. Potatoes should be dug during the third quar- ter of the Moon, or while the Moon is in Leo. At that time they have organized all the inorganic matter that has been supplied them. All the chloro- phyl has been organized and nature has sunk to its lowest recesses of rest. Such potatoes will be rich in starch, dry, mealy and of fine flavor, long keepers, and less liable to sprout. For shipment they should be packed in barrels as carefully as apples. They are as susceptible to bruises and damages as apples. Such potatoes should bring a third or half more than sack or bulk potatoes. "Large fields that can not all be harvested in two or three days should be dug during the last half of the moon, and your fancy crop when Moon is in Leo. If potatoes are gathered during new to full Moon, when growing and full of unorganized substance, and this supply goes on after the vines have been killed by frost and therefore deprived of the action of the Sun upon the leaves by which this process is completed, they are watery, poor in flavor and quality, wilt and shrivel, insipid and un wholesome.' ' We have said this much about po- tatoes, as they are an article of daily food of the great mass of people. There is none of the tuber family of vegetables that is so susceptible of care- ful treatment and discriminating care as the sweet potato, and to show that there are some men that do learn and know at least one thing well, I can do no better than to give what Mr. George Garbutt, How and When to Plant 21- of Midville, Ga., writes me. He says: "If sweet potatoes are dug before full Moon, they will keep but a short time, but if dug in the third quarter of the Moon they will keep a long time in good condition and are of fine flavor," and many of his neighbors have been benefited by this information. Here are a few hints on harvesting the reader will apply to many other things. We read of a man in Maryland that set many acres to peach trees. When they came into bearing he was not well versed in harvesting or marketing his crop and became so disgusted that he cut them up root and branch, when if he had put his soul and energy in his busi- ness and learned one thing well while the trees were growing, he might have found great pleasure in well learning and doing. We have seen on the Chicago market dry, worthless almost mealy oranges, and the best specimen of sole-leather peaches on earth; and this same fruit could have been harvested so as to have been at its very best. If it is picked to ship long distances it must be taken at the point at which its color shows it has just organized its material ready to begin the proc- ess of returning to its former elements; its change of color denotes this, then gather and with proper care place it in the hand of the consumer. A nice discriminating judgment here comes into play, and it is usually the live, active middleman, when it should be the producer, who gets this lesson well. Whoever it may be he is apt to become the shrewd gatherer of the toil of others. A little study on these matters and they will become very clear to any one. 22 How and When to Plant Everyone who is interested along these lines should test out these astrological laws. They have been known for thousands of years and surely could not have lived through all this vast stretch of time without foundation or principle. This subject is entirely too vast to be fully treated in all its details for the want of space. THE ASTROLOGICAL TIME FOR SURGICAL OPERATIONS There are millions of people upon the earth, who would not think of doing anything of im- portance without first consulting the Almanac to find out whether or not the "Signs" were right, which applies to Planting, Harvesting, and all things agricultural, a.s well as Surgical Operations upon both Man and Beast. It is generally claimed by those having a knowl- edge of Astrology, that the best time to perform an operation on any of the vital parts of the body, with the least degree of danger is when the Moon is on the wane or decrease and transiting in the Signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn or Aquarius, as these are the non-vital parts of the body and there is no direct planetary influence brought to bear on the various parts of the body in which the Moon is transiting, from the fact that the Moon remains in each of the Signs about two and one- half or three days out of each Luna Month of How and When to Plant 23 twenty-eight and a fraction days, or in other words the Moon passes from the Ram at the head of the "Man" to the fishes at the feet in twenty-eight or twenty-nine days. To illustrate, we will presume that a person wants to select the most favorable time for an operation of any nature upon the head, (no matter when the person was born) by referring to our (1920) Moon Table for February, the Moon is shown on the 11th and 12th in Saggittarius, 13th, 14th and 15th in Capricorn, 16th and 17th in Aqua- rius. These being the non-vital signs representing the legs of the "Grand Man," the planets would not be so antagonistic at this time, and therefore the danger less. Now by referring to any Almanac for 1920, you will readily see under the Capitation of Febru- ary 1920, that the last day of Full Moon is shown as Tuesday the 10th, therefore any time thereafter up until the twenty-fifth would be the most favor- able time for the operation, because of the fact that the Moon was decreasing. An operation per- formed on the decrease of the Moon is not apt to leave as great a scar. Whereas, if performed when the Moon was on the increase, the results would be just the reverse. Another illustration, we will presume that you are going to have an operation Goitre or upon the Tonsils, you couldn't select a more hazardous time, according to Astrology, than from January 1st to 4th, 1920, (only) from the fact that the Moon Table for that year shows the Moon transiting on the 1st and 2nd in Taurus, 3rd and 4th in 24 How and When to Plant Gemini, now by turning to the illustration of the ''Grand Man," you will readily see that Taurus and Gemini rules this region of the body and the Moon transiting these signs would have a tendency at this time to aggravate the condition. Final illustration, we will presume that you are going to have an operation upon the abdomen, and you wanted to select a proper time. By re- ferring to the Moon Table, you would see that the Moon on April 1st was in the Sign of Virgo, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in Libra, 5th and 6th in Scorpio. Now by again referring to the "Grand Man," you would see that Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio rules over the Stomach, Bowels, Back and Privates. An operation performed upon any of these organs at that time would cause a great deal of annoyance, and would perhaps terminate seriously, whereas the Table shows that the Moon on the 7th, 8th and 9th transits Sagittarius, 10th and 11th Capricorn, 12th, 13th and 14th Aquarius, therefore these are the most appropriate times for a surgical operation on these parts. It should be remembered that all operations should be performed on the decrease of the Moon, so by referring to any Almanac for 1920, you will find the Moon on the decrease from the 11th to the 24th of April of this particular year. A little study on this important matter will make this subject entirely clear to you, no other instructions can be given. We also wish to state that an operation should never be performed on any part of the body when the Moon is transiting either of the signs, Aries, Leo, which rule the Head and Heart, if the Moon is in Aries, the anesthetic How and When to Plant 25 will not be as effective, and often the patient be- comes delirious, whereas, if the Moon was transit- ing Leo, the Sign of the Heart, the patient in all probability would not come out from under the anesthetic or at least not so well. From the writer's observation, it has been found that more people die on the operating table at this time than at any other. We might also add, that the best time to trim corns, remove moles or warts from any part of the body, is when the Moon is on the decrease. The best time to trim hair is when the Moon is on the increase, and in the Signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces for at such times, it is claimed that the ends of the hair becomes sealed, which has a tendency to strengthen it and increase its growth. It is the custom of many mothers, especially those of the older generation to clip off the ends of their chil- dren's hair at the beginning of the New Moon, and we never knew of a single instance where this was done that it did not prove effective. This applies as well to adults, and if you wish to strengthen and increase the growth of your hair, remember to trim it at the beginning and time of the New Moon, and when the Moon is in the above mentioned Signs. The best time to wean children is in the dark of the Moon, and when the Moon is transiting the signs that rule the legs of the "Grand Man," which are Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Note : — This little book having 'been revised and re-written in 1920, therefore, we have repeat- edly referred to the 1920 Almanac. Of course, our Headers will understand that if they have an oper- 26 How a'nd When to Plant ation performed in 1921, 1925 or 1940, they must secure an Almanac for that particular year, as the Moon's position is not always in the same Sign of the Zodiac. Also remember that if you want the best re- sults, do not trust the Moon Table given in the common Almanacs, as most of them show the Moon in the Constellations, which is alright for Astro- nomical purposes, but not for Astrological purposes, and for this reason, we have for many years issued a "Moon Table," at the beginning of each year, and will continue to do so. BEST TIMES TO PRUNE, GRAFT AND SPRAY Trees and Vines should be pruned or grafted in the New of the Moon. Grain for seed, or future use should be harvested in the third quarter of the Moon. Weeds, brush and all noxious growths should be cut in the Dark of the Moon, when it is in a Barren Sign such as Leo, or Aquarius. Timber cut in the Old of the Moon will not become worm eaten or snap when burning. Set fence posts in the Old of the Moon and they will not "Heave" out. Set eggs so that the chickens will hatch out in the New of the Moon and in a Fruitful Sign. Chickens' eggs take twenty-one days to hatch; ducks and turkeys twenty-eight days, geese eggs thirty days and ostrich eggs five weeks to hatch. For grafting cut your grafts of good bearing trees. Keep grafts in a cool dark place not too How and When to Plant 27 dry or too damp until ready to use them. Be careful not to take the grafts from poor bearing trees. Do your grafting just before the sap starts to flow and while the Moon is from New to Full and while it is passing through or from the Fruit- ful, movable Signs of Cancer or the Fruitful, watery Sign of Scorpio, Pisces or lastly, Capricorn. The foregoing refers of course to the proper Seasons for the things mentioned. In these periods the Moon shows the best days. If you prune vines just before the full of the Moon in Taurus, Cancer or Scorpio, neither birds nor worms will infest the grapes. Do not graft trees when the Moon is waning. Timber should be cut during December and in the new of the Moon or last quarter if wanted for durable purposes as it will last much longer. The best time to plant or transplant is when the Moon is in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Plow when the Moon is in the sign of Gemini. Weed when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo. Dig or cut out all noxious growths when the Moon is in the sign of Leo. Notice — There is a discrepancy in the various common almanacs. Some of them show the Moon in the "constellation" while others give it in the "Moon Signs" and again others show it in the Sign of the Zodiac which is its true place, as the con- stellations are correct in the Nautical Almanac, published by the United States Government, how- ever, this fact, not being generally known, is the cause of a great deal of criticism and skepticism regarding the Moon's influence. 28 How and When to Plant For all astrological purposes the true place for the Moon is in the Signs of the Zodiac, and for that reason the author of this book published a scientific and easily comprehended Moon Table at the begin- ning of each year, which covers these matters thoroughly, a copy of which will be mailed to any address upon receipt of twenty-five cents. Don't hesitate to write us at any time, whether one year from now or twenty. Astrology is my life's work. Prof. A. F. Seward. NOTICE — .If the purchaser of this book will write in and mention number of this book, 9102, we will mail him a copy of Moon Table free. A. F. SEWARD & CO. 3741 N. Wilton Ave., Chicago, 111. PROF. t\.F. SEWARD -MERIQAS FOREMOST -ASTROLOGER "G >pl p!ji§ i ASTROLOGICAL FORECASTS AND HOROSCOPES Prepared According to Scientific Laws. Would you like to know what the future holds in store for you according to the science of Astrology? Are you thinking of making any changes in your affairs in the near future? And your marriage — how about that? You cannot afford to remain in ignorance on such vital questions. Of course, you want to make the most of every opportunity, to secure enlightenment as you pass on your journey through life. What we have to say, here and now is worthy of your very thoughtful consideration. Each year we prepare a series of Readings known as "Astrological Forecasts", one covering each sign of the Zodiac. These predictions are based upon the transits of the Sun, Moon and all the Planets of the Solar System as they affect the position of your birthday sun in the Zodiac (29) 30 Astrological Forecasts throughout the year as compiled from the Geocentric Ephemerides or annual tables of Planets' places issued by Raphael, of London, England, giving enlightenment and forewarning as to the good and evil periods in your every- day life. Have you not often wondered why you felt so fine on certain days, and so "out of sorts" mentally and physically on others? Astrology explains the matter. When the Planets ruling your particular Birth Sign are in favorable aspects you just can't help feeling fine, and when their aspect is unfavorable you are bound to feel "below par". It's a natural law, just as natural and just as sure as the Law of Gravitation. No thinking person questions Newton's Law of Gravita- tion, neither do they doubt that the rise and fall of the Tides is caused by the attraction of the Sun and Moon. Then in the light of present-day information, how unreasonable it is to deny that the Planets have a powerful effect on the human body which is composed of the selfsame elements as the earth itself. When the Planets are favorable it is an easy matter to secure or hold a position and when they are unfavorable everything seems to go "wrong". You then say that you are having "bad luck". As Astrologers it is our duty to point out these Periods of rest and unrest in order that you may know best when to push your affairs, — that is when the Planets are in a favorable aspect. Today the teachings of Astrology are so clear, — its value so well established and so often proved that it should be consulted on every important matter in life. Those who contemplate travel, marriage, engaging in business, choosing a profession, undertaking new enterprises or assuming responsibilities of any character, should have an Astrological Reading, which will foretell with remarkable accuracy many coming events which are beyond the power of the average mind to foresee, as well as give you a more correct knowl- edge of your character, talents and ability. Why then, plunge into a new line or business or make any important changes until you learn what the Planets have in store for you? Astrological Forecasts 31 Many a man has struggled along and failed repeatedly in lines of work to which he was not adapted and even then, in later years by chance stumbled into his true vocation and met with phenomenal success. So a little forethought on your part may become the means of saving you years of misery through financial loss, or perhaps through an unhappy marriage. There are times when the Planets are in an unfavorable aspect and should you be called upon to act at such times you in all probability would use poor judgment, causing you to make mistakes that you see later whereas an Astrological reading would enable you to recognize the opportunities which present themselves every day of the year. What a vast army of young men and women are crowded into our Offices, Shops and Factories to learn trades or pro- fessions to which their talents are not adapted, hence could never hope to obtain any great degree of success. They are only "Misfits" drifting on and on in an endless Sea of Uncertainty. With some wealth and happiness comes early in life, with others not until later years and so often too, a change of business or locality will bring success. If you are follow- ing the wrong vocation you will soon become dissatisfied and if you continue to drift upon this aimless tide of life, you surely will come to poverty and want when old age creeps upon you. Nothing is more important than to correctly de- termine a pursuit to be followed through life — a misstep here often means a mistake of a lifetime. The great majority of the people fail in life because they do not know their life's work. If you are unhappy, dissatisfied or perhaps been un- successful in your marriage, or your financial interests have gone wrong, you should not despair, for God's ways are often strange and mysterious and that which seems a hindrance and so often hard to bear frequently proves the best in the end. oJ Astrological Forecasts LOVE, COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE. T.he divorce courts are the recording places of human ignorance; true love between husband and wife can only be obtained through true affinity which the Planets alone can reveal. Love is the goal of all that makes life worth while and its perversion is the cause of much unhappiness in the world. The man and woman who are in perfect harmony have a peace and contentment that is unknown to less fortu- nate creatures; even their thoughts and wishes are often alike. When separated they look forward to the time when they shall meet again with the most eager expectations and the mere touch of the hand gives a most exquisite pleasure to those whose natures harmonize. They can no more help loving one another than water can be prevented from running down hill ; one may be able to check it for a time, but it will surely burst its bounds. When men and women marry without a knowledge of Planetary influence they will in all probabilities either obtain a divorce, break the laws of the land or remain miserable and die a premature death. Many a flower blooms, fades and dies after wasting its fragrance upon the desert air. Many bright eyes grow dim, many soft cheeks grow pale, many lovely forms fade away into the tomb after the desire of their hearts have failed them, for then the great charm of existence has come to an end. Woman's nature is more conjugal love than sexual de- sire ; she wants some one to love and caress. There are thousands of people in the land who have ruined their lives and who might have been happy, loved and honored had they known their true affinity. A disorderly man and an orderly woman can never get along together, neither can a saving woman and a wasteful man. These matters are of great importance and it is on the plea of a duty that everyone owes to themselves that we ask a consideration of an Astrological Forecast. No marriage should take place until after the planets have been consulted. Astrological Forecasts 33 Perhaps the coming year may be the most important period in your life, so why hesitate to secure a fuller knowl- edge of your own character, talents and ability. No matter how obscure or lonely your path may be, the stars will always help you light the way. We know that there is a great mass of human beings whose lives are but tragedies and many of them think that their lives can be nothing but a burden. They reason that the wisest thing to do is "grin and bear it". You can take this view of it, many people do, but the Astrologer will show you that it is not God's way and that there is a better way. Surely, the talents that you have smothered all these years still cry within you for the beginning of better things. Are you not willing to assume the truth of this ancient science or will you follow an unknown road through life with your eyes bandaged. Armed with greater self-knowledge you can enter the race of life anew, taking fresh courage and with calm judgment obey nature's laws and select the time for your enterprises when the stars smile upon you. The time is fast approaching when schools of medicine and universities will find it necessary to include Astrology in their list of studies. Many progressive physicians are utilizing their knowledge of Astrology in connection with their professional work with very gratifying results to both themselves and their patients. Some of the ablest scientific minds have and are devoting much attention to the study of Nature's laws through this source and the time is close at hand when the people will be calling for a knowledge of the results of these investigations. The influence of the Sun and Moon are accepted facts. The Sun is recognized as influencing light, heat and life; the Moon's influence (Cycle of 28 days) -is seen and known to affect the tides, the crops, the propagation of human and animal life, and the mental and physical condition in man's organism. These stupendous facts are rapidly and constantly turning the at- tention of investigating minds to a more careful analysis. What a great comfort it would be for you to have a lengthy, detailed Astrological Reading close at hand, one 34 Astrological Forecasts that you could turn to for advice on so many of the affairs of life — one that you could consult today and prepare for what is coming tomorrow. When you have important mat- ters to decide,* and are at a loss to know what is best to be done you need only to consult your Astrological Reading and forecast which will prove a valuable Counsel and Ad- visor revealing many opportunities which would otherwise likely, escape your notice. In your Astrological Forecast we will give you the exact days and dates, when the Planets are in a most favor- able position for making changes in your business and social affairs, such as signing papers, making contracts, seeking employment, dealing with the opposite sex and much other valuable information. These Forecasts cover from 7 to 8 pages, the price of which is only $1.00. The reason for this extremely low price is due to the fact that we have thousands of clients in all parts of the world who purchase these readings annually. In ordering a reading of this character it is necessary to send the exact date of Birth. When persons are born on. the "Cusp" or dividing line of two signs we then require not only the date and month, but as well the year and town or part of the country in which you were born in order to determine your proper sign. Make out your order NOW while the thought is fresh in your mind. Just enclose a $1.00 bill with your letter — you will find it perfectly safe. If you prefer you may send check, P. O. or Express Money Order payable to A. F, SEWARD & CO., 3741 N. Wilton Ave., Chicago, 111. Astrological Forecasts 35 INDIVIDUAL HOROSCOPES. We also have a department where Individual Horoscopes are especially prepared, based upon a Star-Map, calculated and mathematically drawn up on the actual year, month, day, hour and locality in which the person was born, in order that we may get the correct time, as well as the longitude and latitude. These Individual Readings take into consideration not only the position of all the Planets as they were situated in the Heavens on the exact day of your birth, but also the Rising Sign (the Sign rising on the Eastern Ascendant). The fees for this work are $3.75 and $5.00. The first- named price includes a Star Map and Reading for one year into the future, with the privilege of asking one question. The $5.00 Readings are of greater length and contain Pre- dictions for five years, with the privilege of asking any reasonable number of questions, concerning such matters as business adaptability, location, marriage, friends, enemies, health, finances, legacies, love affairs, domestic life, partner- ships, mental traits, etc. The Star Maps upon which these Individual Readings are based are good for all years, and can be returned at any time in the future when you may desire other information, for which there is a small fee. Remittance may be made by check, P. O or Express Money Order, or, if more convenient, currency may be en- closed, which will be found perfectly safe. On account of re-organizing the entire business on Sept. 30th, 1916, it is necessary to address all communications to the new organization. A. F. SEWARD & CO., 3741 N. Wilton Ave., Chicago, 111. P. S. The $1.00 Astrological Forecasts as mentioned on the foregoing pages usually cover one's life's affairs very thoroughly We do not answer questions with the $1.00 readings as they are wonderful values within themselves. Under What Sign Were You Born? Read the characteristics of yourself and friends in these brief delineations which were taken from Prof. Seward's book "The Zodiac and Its Mysteries" — see book catalogue in back of book. ARIES — MARCH 21ST TO APRIL 19TH — THE RAM. These people, like the ram, are born leaders, cannot be driven, are quick to anger, headstrong and impetuous of re- straint or criticism. They lay out their own work; insist upon doing it in their own way, hence cannot work well under others ; in brief, they are original, ambitious; energetic, reliable, audacious and highly capable of rising to a great height in the world. They are fluent talkers, have excellent memories, ever busy thinking out new plans and ideas, there- fore are apt to overtax the nerve and brain. Much of their trouble comes through the opposite sex. They often marry twice and are attracted to those of Leo and Sagittarius. Space here only permits a few words. TAURUS — APRIL 19TH TO MAY 20TH — THE BULL. These people, like the bull, have great strength and will power; can be coaxed but never driven; once their minds are made up, persuasion and arguments are useless. They do not get angry quickly, yet they become very furious when they do. They keep their affairs to themselves and are seldom talkative. They display wonderful skill in developing and bringing to completion the ideas of others, and, having such winning manners and being so warm hearted and passionate, U - they often become strongly attached to the opposite sex. The women are so clinging and lavish with their love and affection that many of them are led astray; are usually more successful in money matters than in love affairs. Their first marriage usually takes place early in life and is often a hasty or secret one. GEMINI — MAY 20TH TO JUNE 21ST — THE TWINS. These people, like the Twins, have a double or dual nature which makes them restless, changeable and fond of travel; they are always busy, yet never content, often leaving their work in an unfinished state, and at times wavering and un- certain in their "love affairs," they are shrewd and clever in many ways, and as promoters and schemers they are at their best, as they have the faculty of Mentally estimating every one. They can discuss many subjects with which they seem perfectly familiar; are sure to grasp new ideas quickly; often engage in too many different things; they delight in driving a shrewd bargain; can always make money, yet they seldom save it in early life; are quick tempered, suspicious, skeptical. The women are very affectionate, yet they often grow cold quickly on account of their changeful nature. CANCER — JUNE 21ST TO JULY 22ND — THE CRAB. These people are of a roaming nature, are ever in search of new scenes and experiences. Wealth comes to them quickly and unexpectedly, often through inventions, specula- tions or travel. They are geniuses in many ways, with execu- tive and mechanical ability strongly marked. They make ex- cellent superintendents and instructors, as they have a de- sire to be looked up to and consulted on matters of im- portance, although they are sensitive and their feelings are easily wounded through slights or criticism, often causing them to abandon their undertakings. The women have a charming personality, are very gay, emotional, talkative, bril- liant and witty; many are gifted with music and dramatic talent. Cancer people are difficult to understand, hence mar- riage often proves unhappy. LEO — JULY 22ND TO AUGUST 22ND — THE LION. These people are fearless, courageous, impulsive; they often do things on impulse which they later regret; are of a happy, jovial disposition, light-hearted, care-free; seldom worry about tomorrow; are extremely affectionate and are "born lovers" of all the signs ; are fine entertainers, have great personality and make friends quickly; they are fond of travel and have talent for money making to a large de- gree, but are not careful in saving it; much of their earnings are lost through making impulsive changes, in buying and selling. The strong attraction to the opposite sex often causes them much sorrow; their marriage is seldom a happy one and often have many secret love affairs. VIRGO — AUG. 22ND TO SEPT. 23RD — THE VIRGIN. These people, like the Virgin, are pure in mind, refined, modest, courteous and abhor anything vulgar. They are ex- 37 ceptionally neat as well as careful with their wearing apparel, in fact, often "fussy." Being critical and not aggressive, often lose many "golden opportunities" to advance their business interests and also in marriage by "looking too long before they leap"; yet they are proud, discriminating and dogmatic in their opinions. They admire dignity and intellect and seldom regard anyone as being their superior. They have fine reasoning ability, are wide-awake, vivacious and of a jovial disposition. They are often loved and admired for their wit and charming manners, yet they find it difficult to place their affection on account of their discriminating natures; they are prone to see the defects in everybody rather than their virtues. LIBRA — SEPT. 23RD TO OCT. 23 — THE SCALES. These people are always balancing and comparing. They are extremely charitable, warm-hearted and amiable; are also original, ambitious, progressive and honorable in their dealings ; their ideas are too far advanced to remain in any subordinate position any great leagth of time. They repre- sent progress, fully know their ability and demand that others shall recognize it. They have scientific and inquisitive minds and are quick to learn, especially along mechanical and com- mercial lines. Being guided by intuition, they seldom if ever make a mistake when acting on first impression. They see and think so quickly, which causes them to become very im- patient with the delays and slow methods of others, often becoming sarcastic and cutting in their speech, and can never bear to be criticised. SCORPIO — OCT. 23RD TO NOV. 22ND — THE SCORPION. These people are silent, dignified and reserved both in manner and speech. They impress others as being more highly educated than they really are; being naturally polite and courteous, together with their witty, tactful and mag- netic personality, they at once inspire confidence and ad- miration, which becomes a great factor in helping them^to obtain employment or get favors. Sometimes these people are^ selfish, jealous, dogmatic, critical and often sarcastic in their speech, and hard to understand even by their closest friends. They are aggressive, judicial, alert, energetic, per- suasive and have great will power and determination. They have remarkable intellect and are ever busy with new ideas. Much of their trouble comes through secret love affairs. SAGITTARIUS — NOV. 22ND to DEC. 21ST — ARCHER. These people seldom miss their mark when acting upon first impression, yet are most sure to meet with disappoint- ment and losses when following the advice of others instead of acting upon their own judgment. They have great power of concentration, do their work well and never undertake but one thing at a time. Others often marvel at the extent of their energy. While they are quick-tempered, blunt and outspoken, yet they are never meddlesome; they grasp the essential details of every proposition. Their minds travel like lightning to the logical conclusion, often completing a task while others are pondering over it. Being open and honest themselves, they cannot bear secrecy, trickery or de- ception in others. These people are odd and hard to under- stand, especially by the opposite sex. Marriage often proves unhappy. CAPRICORN — DEC. 21ST TO JAN. 20TH — THE GOAT. These people are often very stubborn and obstinate; like the goat they place their main dependence upon their heads. They are invincible to arguments. They are well fitted for the management of large enterprises, being quick to grasp an opportunity and never fail to see the money-making side of any scheme or purpose, although they are apt to engage in too many different things. These people are practical, in- dustrious and saving. Their executive ability alone is quite sufficient to carry them to great height in the business world, although when engaged in business of their own they lack self-confidence, and unless they are given much encourage- ment they are apt to become gloomy and despondent. AQUARIUS — JAN. 20TH TO FEB. 19TH — THE WATERMAN. These people can achieve the highest and greatest things or be utter failures — it lies within themselves to prove to what extreme they will go. Have excellent reasoning facul- ties and impress one as having more than ordinary intelli- gence. They readily and tactfully adapt themselves to any emergency. In brief, they are agreeable, courteous and rarely if ever quick-tempered. Their minds are quick, their judg- ment good and therefore make excellent salespeople, as they have the natural ability and clairvoyant power to read human nature. They know how to drive a shrewd bargain and are always thinking out new schemes and ideas, yet they often lay their plans so big that they are unable to carry them out. They are not always prompt in keeping their promises and appointments. They delight in asking questions and delv- ing into all things mysterious. PISCES — FEB. 19TH TO MARCH 21ST — THE FISHES. These people are often "Walking Encyclopedias," yet with all their knowledge they hesitate to go before the world and present their views of a subject, owing to their woeful lack of self-confidence. They seem to fear that the world would expect more of them than what they can give. They should also learn to overcome their restless desire for change and travel and stop worrying; not concern themselves so much about the future — stop^ crossing bridges which they never reach. Cannot stand criticism ; are never talkative or boast- ful; the most skilled workmen come out of this sign. They are naturally neat and exacting in all things ; are inclined to- ward religion, art, music, scientific and literary pursuits; have ennobling instincts; modest; clean-minded. Copyrighted 1916 By PROF. A. F. SEWARD. All Rights Reserved See Book Catalogue on Next Page. 3 7 ¥ I /f* yf*/ffiH Av r . /f t>/&/ C/r f / ■■ j J~~>~ £& Cf (J ft 4&mJ^ *f PC ft . ^\yv „ o x ^ ,4 H>: ,0 V ^ **>lll>/ * 1 °- A ■A V <^ 4 o c J \ ., * * * o„ *^> .\ ^ s • • , Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process ^ +\\% "^$W\ Pres ervationTechnologies ^V ^ » ^% X A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-21 1 1 TV ST. AUGUSTINE A ^ ^ /FS LIBRARY OF CONGRESS •> 013 540 961 3 I 5flB I