'I ijftr** rv / OPT v/ke 'A ^ Pippins & Peaches A cknowledgment 1 he author thanks The Chicago Record Herald for permission to reprint in this book some of the epigrams which originally appeared in that paper. PIPPINS & PEACHES 5^7^ 'Pippins by \£»^j^\y \^ MADAME QUI VIVE 'Peaches by PENRHYN STANLAWS CHICAGO THE REILLY & BRITTON CO. I 9 9 .3*3 LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two CouiesxKecelved MAR 19 1009 CLASS X XXc, No Z3*tl>7f COPY B. Copyright 1909 by The %eilly & gritton Co. Chicago Jill rights reserved Printed at 3Tf>e